A MILITARY HISTORY of THE WORLD WAR BY COLONEL C. R. HOWLAND INFANTRY, U. S. ARMY Volume [I----Map eArlas CopyricHtT APPLIED For IN NAME OF C, R. HOWLAND All Rights. Reseroed THE GENERAL SERVICE SCHOOLS PRESS FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS 1923 List of Maps to Military History of the World War BY Cotone. C. R. Howranp, INFANTRY, U. S. ARMY Description . The World. . Main Theater of Operations. . Balkan Theater of Operations. . Italian Front. Western Theater of Operations (Large Scale). . Western Theater of Operations (Reduced Scale). . German Plan of Operations Against France, 1914. . German and Allied Plans, 1914. . Defeat of Belgium. 10. Battle of the French Frontier. 11. Allied Defeat at Second Line. 12. Allied Retreat to the Marne. 18. Battle of the Marne. 14. Situation September 5 in Front of Paris. 15. Situation September 9 in Front of Paris. 16. Concentrations on Russian Front. 17. Railroad net of Northern Europe. 18. Russian Offensive Against Germany, 1914. 19. Battle of Tannenberg. 20. Battle of Masurian Lakes. 21. Battle of the Jadar. 22. Battle of the Drina. 23. Battle of Mt. Roudnik. 24. Battle of Lemberg. 25. Battle of the Aisne. 26. Battle of Picardy. 27. Battle of Artois. 28. Central Powers’ 1914 Offensive Against Russia. 29. Central Powers’ Second Offensive Against Russia, 1914. 80. Battle of Flanders, 1914. 81. Turkish Concentration, 1914. 82. Operations in Turkey, 1914. 83. Winter Operations on Russian Front, 1914-15. 34. Winter Battle in Masuria, 1914-15. 85. Western Front Before Italy Joined the Allies, 1915. 86. Italian Front, 1915. 87. Railroads in Italian Theater. 88. Central Powers’ Offensive Against Russia, 1915. 89. Order of Battle July 1, 1915. Western Front. 40. Operations, Western Front, Fall 1915. 41. Defeat of Serbia, 1915. 42. Situation, January 1, 1916. 48. Caucasus Operations, 1916. 44. The Verdun Salient. 45. Battle of Verdun, 1916. 46. Battle of the Somme, 1916. 47. Russian Offensive, 1916. 47-A. Turkish Capture of Kut, 1916. 48. Defense of Suez Canal, 1916. 49. Italian Front, 1916. 50. Second Battle of Verdun, 1916. 51. Balkan Railroads. 52. Balkan 1916 Concentration. 58. Defeat of Roumania, 1916. 54. Capture of German East Africa, 1917. 55. Recapture of Kut-el-Amara, 1917. CWMNABRAPRwWMEH S . First Battle of Gaza, 1917. . Situation, January 1, 1917. . Plans for 1917 Spring Offensive, Western Front. . Nivelle’s Offensive, 1917. . Pan-German Plan of 1911. . American Front in Lorraine. . American Service of Supply. . Location of French Industries. . A. E. F. Lines of Communication on Map of U. S. . Italian Offensive, 1917. . Capture of Messines Ridge, 1917. . British Offensive Against Ostend and Zebrugge, 1917. . Russian Galician Disaster, 1917. . German Capture of Riga, 1917. . Third Battle of Verdun, 1917. . Capture of Malmaison, 1917. . Battle of Caporetto, 1917. . Battle of Cambrai, 1917. . Capture of Jerusalem, 1917. . Situation, January 1, 1918. . Building the A. E. F., March 20, 1918. . Order of Battle, Western Front, March 20, 1918. . Railroad Map, Western Front, 1918. . Von Hindenburg’s Plan, 1918, First Phase. . Von Hindenburg’s Plan, 1918, Second Phase. . German Offensive of March 21, 1918. . German Offensive of April 8, on the Lys, 1918. . Building the A, E. F., May 27, 1918. . Battle Line Near Cantigny. . lst Division Captures Cantigny, 1918. . Artillery Barrage Chart, Cantigny. . Theater of Operations in Asia Minor. . Eastern Theater of Operations. . Von Hindenburg’s Plan for May 27 Offensive, 1918. . Order of Battle, Western Front, May 25, 1918. . German May 27 Offensive, 1918. . Building the A. E. F., June 8, 1918. . 8d Division Prevents German Crossing of the Marne May 31-June 3, 1918. . 2d Division Stops German Advance on Paris, June 1-June 3, 1918. . 2d Division Captures Vaux, July 1, 1918. . German Offensive Against Compiegne, June 9, 1918. . The Second Battle of the Marne, 1918. . German Plan for Second Battle of the Marne. . The Railroad Situation in the Marne Salient. . 8d Division Infantry Dispositions, July 15, 1918. . 8d Division Machine Gun Dispositions, July 15, 1918. . 3d Division Artillery Dispositions, July 15, 1918. . German Plan of Attack on 3d Division Front. . A. E. F. Situation, July 15, 1918. . Italian Front: Plans for 1918 Operations. . Austrian Offensive Against Italy, 1918. . Surrender of Turkish Mesopotamian Army, 1918. . Syrian Situation, 1918. . General Allenby’s Decisive Victory in Syria, 1918. . Balkan Situation, 1918. . General d’Esperey’s Decisive Balkan Victory, 1918. . Allies Threaten Central Powers from the Balkans, 1918. . Italian Decisive Operation Against Austria, 1918. . Post War European States. . Russian Railroad to Kola. . Trans-Siberian Railroad. . Ist Division’s Attack, July 18, 1918. . 2d Division’s Attack, July 18, 1918. . Americans at Second Battle of the Marne, 1918. . Allied Plans After Second Battle of the Marne, 1918. . Allied Plan for Reduction Amiens Salient, 1918. . Reduction of Amiens Salient, 1918. F a foe for Exploitation of Success in Reducing Amiens Salient, 575900 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 148. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. Exploitation of Success in Reducing Amiens Salient to August 29, 1918. Allied Offensive to September 8, 1918. Situation, September 8, 1918. Germans Forced Back to Siegfried Line. German Defenses at St. Mihiel. Order of Battle at St. Mihiel. American First Army Reduces St. Mihiel Salient, 1918. Territory Recaptured by Marshal Foch’s Offensive (First Period), 1918, Order of Battle, Western Front, September 25, 1918. German Lines of Defense, 1918. Marshal Foch’s Plan for General Offensive, 1918. American Order of Battle September 26, 1918, October 1, October 138, and November 4, 1918. German Order of Battle, American Front, on September 25, October 11, October 31, and November 6, 1918. German Positions, American Front. Relation Between American Army and French Fourth Army. General Pershing’s Plan for Attack West of the Meuse, September 26, 1918. General Offensive from September 26 to October 138, 1918. 2d Division Captures Blane Mont, 1918. 36th Division Pursues After Blanc Mont Operation, 1918. II American Corps Penetrates German First Line of Defense, 1918. General Offensive From October 18 to 20. General Offensive From October 20 to November 4. General! Pershing’s Plan for November 1 Attack. Order of Battle November 11 on American First Army Front. General Offensive from November 4 to 11, 1918. Allied and American Bridgeheads on the Rhine. Similarity of Offensives of Exhaustion in World War and in American Civil War. 211i—G. S. Schs., Fort Leavenworth—9-5-28—2M puojmor 49 -42M PIOM ayy so Fucysiy Fry CEG6/ “SOY YjlOMUAADAT JIOY ‘SJOOYICS BIIAIBE /O1BUaDH 2Y44O pa Inposdagy feo ala ONVIVAZMIN a) y/ LL NVIIDO I/SIIVG ~ ’ S ) Core , ; 5 a s ral > A — las F Way \ es ‘\ Seigl WIND ga yy BX! DLNVILVY \\ NVd a ; hive! FYOQU | aes Z La ‘ fa. IWdS*~f) | 40d SLES FF in Vi y Mm PY Svonnt eee Gi 7 = K| ee : M4 A : i Vas ‘ mi913@ ( =) it RR) wrore . Ne it cL MEF an 7 SNYW1V@ 3HL weLEAy DN Ce C p24 y \ }-—~S3I1S | SS J \“WK anne aA Y , ‘ * \ ae \ (Oy. Galwid Sw APT Vissnu aaern 7 UY d (Zen eS GT bs Kaerron ir. \ a (Y Aa NIG ee Sf \\ T° SS] aaMs 7 yy WK ¢ } he sé _ : 5 WY Lf Gs Mh As 7 ONVTIIYES = SAX LS « atts™ typ SS Qnww =) SS SSS MON i ONVTIN 33S GS} SST Oy a NC A \ Si) — WN , : SS F ¥ a why) oes, ‘TON dVWw GQIYOM AHL AO dVvVw 8 8 wees ete mvebts—<9F * % ' ; ree a + * . VUATI AG, yt al) m, » hue “ . a, om ? - hy ~~ S> on, » . b * > * ty in * 4 i ,! ‘ee ° ‘ ‘ 7 ‘ " - ‘ \ - awe "1 bi, ¥ \ 5 NG F . : i= 4 a oy ? La % REE R Gad Et: ' i“ ee a ed “ ~~ or Reproduced of the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military History of the Werld War — C. R. Howland. RE OF OPERATIONS MAP No 2 (—— Zl O Hg’ ( Vad /4 pees FO Y =f CCAR > li of VAY “\ l ~~. y v , oe a— \ (( A 4 ew J S> ( te BE IEG eae Sy Wee } a} “Ves WES) es 3 AA 1 py ¥& 5 \ SS —— if | ! NY HITE ® ’ \ SEAS WS XE) > SS \PERSIA ? 2 ye PERSIAN GULF y)) aps is “yh THE LIBRARY: OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IMUNOIS . a 2 v + ech oenees’y tect ac a. te = Ke, 2 selpe a9 nif a: Sad e : om cath) ee ris i Fo a Fe so a , F r gO} erste f ‘ ” Ri EF. r * - . é vv 7 sb ike od J 34: BALKAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS MAP No3. «= a =* a* = BEL Sige ve: if oe x : e °Now- Bazar She tten -r : Vesuees MONTENEGRO [ef % ww” Diakov 4’ Kaichanik te eeeet 5 o / +Frizrena , 0 s Foal : Phil Tippopoli Maritza — “A Dem. ! at. > fj Kanthi Cumarci/ Bs Elbassgn ° | Berat allona Reproduced af the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth,Kas. 1923 Military History of the World War -C.R Howlond : a ‘e ; ro was ee A 0 vate at Ne eae Sicuenpr ope reerst eran ie 7 1 iA by LY ol ; } i AN atl h Sp eee yo OM dy pate ia 4 fe ITALIAN FRONT MAP _ No.4. WIT rE i TYROL | ix U S a Z ER-<. os ye Te BS t, (8 2A my Kx Se ees “Ge “4 Peas SN IG WH, ALPS See eee es. 2 4 eS SQee Aisa A a Wee ey, Villac Sf N Nat ay? oe V4 os an nme s “aw 2 Sora Mika ap ss big ‘Bor Ae 8 Ss 1, ht WOOL L ere ae Se ay Mean, we ‘he oe <7 9 "3 sasncle re Ge A eS OO”, 4a WWE bi. WR iS . , Om. +, “ute Z 3 f where SOU A ANS , oa] hy DvMirve! lel 4, oy Oi al 7 ne x A ' ‘ 4 x TSW! any Pa DE OPERAS es ar MN ff : al . Th re , . ‘a af 2 4 ft : a % he y Ae: eee led dved + a. 5 es —— eee —— — 7 empl alma? a ~— we ©; ~/ YY) = Purnese Peroise 4 nik “i se Dixmude Rermondg b oReulers @ Aloste se Audenarde »} St Omer y? ety : (MA nana ° ee i\ At AR Bou f | Lie Ok Ath FBines 0 ba ated | Montreuil Bethune oO MONS J vi oe Qoouai e Sem, alenciennes \ OArras i mS : Cambrai , fi 7, Avesn eS ; ON Doullens es 5 Abbeville Qo a | = s bPeronne Sedans te ae AMIENS St Chentin Vervins MI Neufchatel F di Montdidier @LAON ies? j Ve BEAUVAIS 1% \ROUEN pa San Zz Clermont Soissons | } © les Andelys 1 ig Louviers SQ 3 o ley. fi | Chateau Thierr Yuu ae ave Rete ‘ail < \\S IS . 2 ais no be Vitry-les Dreu AO ; oan at MELUN Proyins ne R Arci x “re e Sen § ela a ; agent ~\ CO Etampes pontain ntainebleat oNogent TROYES oSens Pithiviers . Bel Chateaudun oMontargis Loigny oTonn > Auxerre & & Ry ° { Avallon Chateau-Chi a Reproduced af the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. /923 Military History of the World Wer-C.R.Howkand MAP No. 5 © AMSTERDAM / MAP OF ca EOS ~) . WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS ; ° ~~ party on, Sf 50 ° 50 100 125 Kilom vag Pri Le py Sree 0 mad m : imwege y ch amo: , : leve G a? ° Ge : & Bois-le-Duc Xan gia BiSda VEE 08 ORSSEN ef Ney e ‘e a v FEA jneqeay Soupaina eR ihe refeld? TihbuPo « Ferd §ODUSSELDORF 4, Pog Neuron dy abe Nets, neth A orialans Grevenbroidhy ay Malines A, ligsS Be neim QCOLOGNE Mgestricht, "4 C © ! oDuren \ “ Tonsres ] "OA ACHEN BonPNes _ r eremme : é i a4 a re) BY LIEGE-@ \g upen Rheinba 1eSsen /elles > ust-© *Montyoie © Schleiderf/thrWeller spNeuwied hr? i A NAMURa fs & mp 4 Ch&rleroi es ° almedy A Aerkel ° COBLENTZ uin a 4 ‘ FRANKT R s 5D eee b, ie ze Priim pote S5t-Goar . WIESBADEN ty a lj ill M a bHigit vP eas ,. . Wit tlich_( Zell! MAINZ Aa f ° S % \Bitburgo Simmer 3 Bastogne® vy © f a rs . g Berncastel Vi ghltyy Roeroi P ) Neufchateau’, 2. STRIER IER ES : ss cre ol 6 Birkénfeld Worms ° arburg Mannheim afignan\ 5 Luxembou rg * o, * ° St Wendel Kaiserslautern cette < eile (= & es: iy Neustadt Vouziers % NThionville @ySarrelouis 7 ki Brieyé, Serrebruck q N Z irmasens © n °e vt {J it Menehould AY METZ SS Saargemuind LONS-sur- Marne Ge! Si é Ox afespis) Sayerne BSAMihiel AW, ~~ Sarrebours Wo NANCY ““w,. \ a WON 2 STRASSBOURG oSt Dizier Res Rae tinig is oGongrecourt \\ °COLMAR 7, Die v2) bah chlestadt ( Schlestad 4 3 CHAUMONT $ ° Freiburg DanuPe e hatillon Langres re) Vesoul ° ymur 0) 6g" DIJON e Besdncon st’ Dole on 5? Ny Mae ee ‘ 2VOHTARAIO * 10 Sarat a se * hs. ™ x Waraa roe 2! en | Ls © eiatgh ; a 4 fe resins wictpee ” 9h cot \d ‘ . wiisy tent oh iA get Sy a OD 4% BTIVAAT ra he is 246 SARK ii eee Oo he ; &. ay ave Hep it {TGR ‘eho tegh va alee No grrsiec ‘ \ P es SP iN b ieoayid By. A, vA eB osiarinte I eich chi es { 7 ———— PS LLL LOLLOL LALO VOL 5 *. a eZ. - ab ydichiot ib wraihy olen ger” jabra 12 Fa; ee j ' vay the CAM Ki 7m : up Py gt te ‘ Sey gae vif : ( oh ‘2 we i Yh *; wr pte lord’ Tr , K Pre torn ‘ H be nd at. wind t ugh ved 4 ange at, ust a FOR, SHUPTIAAM © \ eee Mac of 8 ON 2 Pause 15 Wo \ tee “7h : 9 | ideabio\* ' % Ae ee Yo a PRADT EY Te \ ON a fal i “shod “ " ‘gern . en) ae) sana ght 3 Oe riganiltiast ar ra lan ag eet LOLA IN LLL EOE ALE LAT LL LAD OL ' Vr rm. ch sihy3eu Carman ie Ue | i f \ 7 , eee y/ a ‘i : / { OW at 1 i y, thetaalan2 eit a \ ay \ ny _ ee pp etree 8 / +? | wu De y x er ay. : : Lan a4 4 ’ | " . NG) af , na (\ red *ly . } Aes ‘ a puro aa- 40m prom yt Jo hsozoyy Aagyiyy ONY aZ.LIMS EZEI SOY “fp-somuann2 7 1107 “sj00y2G sonsee /ps2UAH BY} Jo parmpo.sdoy Way eee te DS7A4 2 N yoos1ag yn \ qoudd: NV n2023-ap \ : ° L 2D2 pan 7QYI{NANT ear 22, $d SRLS Reo gal: Np % ; . sbuom ry *-._\ \ | et x eopy \X \ oa FUG ArdLiu07 22U72TR * wWiaySsaUts7x) TINTAVIN e S 2 ZNITLOI®& ee HHHOHhSe wa a rs z + s 2),2d 0) 07-XIVo ¥ FAINOTOD & 9°ON dVW SNOILVYYSdO JO AYLVSBHL NYISLSSAIM aay (iKotH ye - 5 Ee need rn. at ‘heat iy j J ‘a a AS a Naw © v =) Age nie nu: i rae ‘i - 224 = he? 5 en pe Ww : 7 _ rs 68 octets sew eh cas “& i 7 ee ee ae abide i Pere fren Penh NECN La ean el empl ey, Fae Ay ‘ THE GERMAN PLAN 19/4 WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No.7. on WE ANVERS * N SS SS Ss "nine oem ose oe aoe a \. BRIMEITES IEG ’ LILLE ® ve Se SNS gaa Ba ‘ KS “e Valencytnnt Bay KQQwAMoR @ ~% Neihea AD of + + * A x L * - * * = te Lojzyille * h X\ Noe . Ve é QS SW \ TOR \ Chay" D ‘% Et q Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military History of the World Wor-C.R. Howland RQINANCY +, o~ . K ifeaux WS ae RNA rc > \\ \ Y S Serrebous FEN \y ) Whe v4 ~Y Lys os. BY%Aix-la Chapette Germersheim Ngee NOSS Sixth — prastaat STRASBOURG NN" x SWITZERLAND hoe, One OO. ne wept af 4 & eng ae ed oe: a cap Scie wanna - * GERMAN AND ALLIED PLANS , WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No & bh COLONGE es Val éntitnnes Aaa MAYENCE Germersheim oMmpilegne ee \ WY US NY \S . SS \ ve) A [Rastadt ‘~ 8, af seit | Neutfchklteag °Fontaineblegu \ LEGEND fortitied Camp “Allies ED eee Germans 2) Reproduced of the General Service Schools , fort Leavenworth, Kas.1923 Military History of the World Wear-C.R. Howland : “a Ay ale ' ay he a ‘4 P ‘ be ere ta! *. ctf \ , : ey We " AA , 2 ne" Ne . ty a “eh " wy vi Y v= 5 + an ee Ta Ae eels ; ved - adepgnipiocerrioe renee aan vata pan sau Sor iNet 799 a remit hy ate 2 ‘f | Nol 5 ey; he Pri n ic erenltiat, OA ya malls eT ” 2 ; DEFEAT OF BELGIUM WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No 9 << 8 A2 bp COLONGE von \Kluck (4) hapet, é ts i NS S a gest Bulow cosrenz Valenciennes : ra i ~vor Emmi Be ss ({ NG; 2. : 2 : ny MAYENCE Germergheim Lys a AE 95 ee a. ‘v ; S > ei \3 * x .f POA * 4," LILLE © Be ; pt Commpi 2QTLE Av XX \ Meaux Mar, = meses Neufchateau 9 O \ Mirecourg Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas 1923 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World War ~ C.R Howland ) . t 7.3 rE ee oa ott nis sae ng hire “A wi a rats WA > Eh i ' . La + A can Sa nigel vn sieale > ey Ai y “ > story 49 AuIsw: a vuait HL > pares ee aes es. H Set vp Y, 7 D9 BATTLE OF THE FRENCH FRONTIER WESTERN T NS MAP No 10 4) COLOGNE x gyi’ Chapetle EGE EN! . Ws > COBLENZ:. NF Te to =) 3 a +4444 4% & MAYENCE Germersheim Rastadt “ PA RLS YY é . ‘ A. OURG Way An vers elun seiX Neufchkteau 9 Yas (iw °Fontainebleay \ LEGEND Iwan ao Sarrebrtick 1 IMeaux NS SERS \ \ S 4 TF \ STRAS * Ss Mirecour AORN Savvy ~\ OS ay) ‘S LI <3 “Ne : dt o, Fortitied Carnp \ Allies CE, Germans Ee, Reproduced of the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas.1923 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World War -C.R. Howland ees, rs a . Ke 2 {40 ALISHBAIRA 9, es - ao S : : 5 a j = sad J Sate . a we ¥ S : : = Tie, ee ees gor eeeer: a Tet te = a sa al | AED LEBM LHEVLHE Ob ObEBWLIOU2 - WVD MOIO PY LIFE OL LHE LBEVCH LBOVLIES | aan 7 ALLIED DEFEAT ON 2° LINE WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP Noll. SS KS : 3 \, COLONGE . Pye e @ ‘ fide la Chapel é BRUXELLES LIEGES SS LILLE © . ‘ ) COBLENZ a ‘ - Ay © MAYENCE * * + + + + ‘ t ] Sy.) Germersheim aa ™ as ICE ASS tonville 0/29 Prer 2 - Iw o Rheims oo. ain; N aNy sth, aN ere WNGss ISS °Fontainebleau LEGEND Fortitied Carp @ Allies: hy) G ermans CD, Reproctced aft the General Service Schools, tart Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military History of the World War —C.R. Howland SWITZERLAND oy a LOA AE GUN INES ae tls. ae * oll ‘a : ur i * P - rel Pn] = : + : AS TSS S48 8p 7 MS ) $ r : : o ; = ~ gk kev - 3 | | 4 iicinnimisciianitnini fidioancsiimonicclati Ly, Spee Si EEA OA, Mn EO | . pean Sy rae . MECLEBMM LHEVLHE OL ObEBVLIONS WV¥b WON = eee 3 3 WITIED DELEV.L OU So fIME Vit Feet ALLIED RETREAT TO THE MARNE WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No.12. \\ “ANVERS A + + s * ® x : 4, COL ONGE % bs sf L IS RY “ * : oars ® RNa me Aix-la Chapetie Tee BRUXELLES reg N “ be 6 Ah gems KS L: = Au | > : S COBLENZ Val or eS ad WALT “I oo \ = INS Malrhed fe S LY. ubeugrys Dinar Hy J $x ~ s MAYENCE x Luxembour ta ya te “a ae t = * (Leng Wye: Vo Germergheim aa ™ WO ; ; : NY Rionville \ [Rastadt STR. AS OURG SY \ eul Brisach LECEND ‘CC Conneau “¢: Allied Line August 30--------------- BETS 4. EM LTT \) YE AR en ie amen es GVstein Allied Ultimate Line (not occupied)--t—J Bufo, gs Reproduced at the General Service Schools. fort Leavenworth Kas, 1923 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World War — C.R.Howland Pah ded eet Bi 75 Sb ae ASUS : x a ae - ? - f ‘see | 6.58 ssn Pre, sa fs 7 : Tt Ase # x f = » SCOUT She CEES pr os f ESA . , — = a eager AXE — = - nail : | MESLERBY Wine Ob ObEBVLIONS? yivh Me IS WiTIED SELBEVL LO LHE WYBVE Bes Son ee a ¥ BATTLE OF THE MARNE WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No.13 \RANVERS $ ” ail LG ? COLONGE SM9y he E + “+ a x lcd * : ‘ * % * a ¥ x ‘a 3 ve ee eee 4...°Aix-la Chapa eee * &) BRUXELLES LIEGES ON x : S KS ‘ Pie Oy SS : Be Ae . WN re : 7 COBLENZ. inbox Val encrenies gob? E47 Gk to \ vd ' : on Se Malrpedy ee Se ee lT&éubeu SOS. 9 Dinant , = Chim ay Wf cS & S, See eet ela i % No MAYENCE Yj es, “te, oe : Pky, _ aid fon , : ezieres . GHQ: z hs "™.. Luxembourg 3 7 ase Cae Germersheim fRastadt PARI rs s eS : AYO \S AWA RNS WW AW Neufchgteau 9 ° Mirecou “Kontainebleay Chatillon 54 r Seine LEGEND fortified Camp G Mace Allied Front Sept5 ez | German Front Sep. t> OOOy ste Reproduced ot the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 SWITZERLAND Allied Front Sep/9 a cy es ‘4 * Sept // me—me=m Military history of the Werld Wer-C.R. Howland * « Sept/2 +——+ =r General Headquarlers © ead = sacss Ag = ‘Te » e- ~ Ni sete Oe my UISSTE RA > . \ s mn ee wey — Cage ay : Adwisan 24s, Ss 2 a4 s=* Io : J a cs if : er eyretsiiise =, 1 Pee ¢ MS ae BS : O COBT RAS e. s Rae i ; si +3 e S - 3 ty 7 ‘ oe a BMMARETT Ee bie my Cf mt cad “1 a ¥ ~ % an tS GS S ‘ ee “A oy ey SORTS CS hess e 2A & “4 ‘ ~~ ee 2 y % ~A Jae" ™ ; = ; x ; : “aS 4 ; 4 ; : : Bess z x \ é COrvncs —— = =< i “ie * — oe ; Ss Ly SR 4 : ESLER LHEVLME OL ObELWIIOW2 WYb WO = é EVLITE OL LHE WVYBUE . ' { he i? ptm the as Samy ay THE END OF THE RETREAT AND BEGINNING OF THE BATTLE OF THE OURCQ. _ MAP No. 14 SITUATION 5S SEPT 1914 Verberie British eas French mcum Germans = La Ferte Sous Jovorre HQ & <7 ARIS’ * ~~: 5 \ mr IMARMY ORebais Montmirdil—7 AY ri * eos «\F * * * Brie ean 4 EF I Rozoy ce. Se Robert Conneau'’s Cav Cores 2 GHO. QR MELUN Miles 10 Sn _ Reproduced at the General Service Schools. fort Leavenworth Kas, 1/923 Military History of the World War -— CR.Howland vecrti “ aha N ° oF Germans em »+2+?> ASRS. gf Re ae S7 KEARIS * = OLAGNY 4S RON + e ~Matt ‘aoe weet as) + i Forest of .Crecy:, td ¥ ‘Téurnon : : oe ‘ ye eg oa Ome, + sauee! Lumigny oa ine ° Beton™ ° © Montceaux Brie comte™ Rozoy Bazoches Courtacon Roberi oProvins Miles 10 5 eS eee seind _ Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1/923 Military History of the World War — CR. Howland oe se Coiwas. or ee > < CONTA BONG, « vee eeee> LRGUCYS om + ah pin oem e of” aay ao me, he weak, gee Be ty ATUGEL CHASES Byiyep xs ciene tasee Hon ty *Peemacecace® ee teus® : a : AS LEGErs Ara, & Say : =i are SLLNVUOV 8 OCbL 13s 7 | fiE EMD OL LHL BVLLITL OL LHE ONBCO Wvb nea — | | HE CBO22IUC OL LHE WVYBUE YuD | , -—- . 4 7 iv y 4 “ et P ‘ g i] 4 % ft - § . ., : a Sea ee ee i n.. EEAPNo if pad a SP vets ---- ‘ hs ee, paar 1, qezy LY «- ll Lia i. fie \ 1a \ 4 \ ‘ : i ‘ i ‘ : ~». bs ~~} vie he . A 3 Ae 4 gs * \Pinsk é P 1 Wi NOR 4 | Bre ist a fitowshy at “Sway ee ‘ ¢ } ; . f : ; sie4 : aa \ ; ; : ~ ‘ - i ny ; Yee: 3 Fe St) 7 ~ wae ra a a me tt ea: Mah _ emmnttingee RUMANIA BUCHAR est 5 eg op, SORE ea ks oa nowroro LEA Sooke winee era eorenremed A Mua Orie: WAL). Cee § a Sy eee ey im -_ a he Pe ee r\ €) OD SA > CONCENTRA 7 preteen Ww \ ANZIG ¢ N N ¢ ay | e 0 ; Nefze R rE aa N eles rie I, sy Wht, My sundae Hy, 5 ip > a silinizoie®™ ayy Me, Sob As, 8% < if y, Si 4 %S Ak | Wes Z WS N Miz “ RUSS, ie eye | Wes. Zi SD mM “Wie FOS i {Ws U ays Hy Af NS A} i LNG VIENNA BUD? c Legend : Frontier —_«_ => 9 oe = ome Allies Central Powers CD 100 ) 100 200 300 Reproduced ot the General Service Schoo/s, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military His tory of the World War -—C.R. Howland ION ON EASTERN FRONT MAP No 16 Y y m LAR ga | LR II Mitlau a riedrichstadt Ky | | IP Libau (i yo \\ DWINSK \ i oChavii | i} ey \ bad te W Dy ~ Tent 2 oVilkomir p Mose? @ aed kana p 0 SMOLENSK } (lig % Koni erg é @ oe ge Vara h hy med PPA) Ina yz o Fri nd q “GF Eylau @uvalki Y by, MINSK 4 Q | Pitt iene Ausustoyé ER = 4, . ' ise! Why. aa Wy Sane Maly Nine E fay; ae “ — iis | DZ Ak on FE mee AIS SS | ; PESTH © sek we 7 Q “Baye 2 “4 ; ve De \ Z i peg; in £ | 4 ay} RY == iZy INS \ SU . ea os ae i Ha Riess | K SYA ast 7 a RAVAN Mp 2p ER Wa AC om Cae an aos BANS NS, SH INN NS << t RUMANIA ® BUCHAREST (ERATIONS A roves ee : 0" x 400 500 KILOM x ol oA TAM eee oe +* A ee > rmgeret tr mm s Nn My OUIORD ¢ # oes | 4 a Nee = isivoezO- me. | js ¥ Hot *, St . MV b wos a 318 « 1. Po tee © : , ~abb Pa il = 4 ’ 484 or a Fo ene awotits tzid % J Bowe layone bi 3vO ia frilduto Se a E as AA Se Pmt Nay es ~ : Ng é | : " x AIMAM ua" an pip a ASTIN yu ‘A a i i. brberagee eae’, ‘neta OEE en d Reproduced of the General Service Schools , fort Leavenworth, Kas.1923 Miiitary History of the World War-C.R. Howlond IS TAG 2 At F aA G - j £ 3 & UY iT SO 4 4 AS co i iGOSU oe | a a - ol "Ph gH Ss ae ee oe - . ; ! : | oe a = rE oe barn v Ae? & Re BERLIN © 10a W, Led ba pilié oie Ny Lys. awe Mi, ys wii XN we" ht, oi O aw" ‘ "4 | Ma : aw 45 2 iB 4 Ws Hh DS yea WS GNea <& ‘Me (Za Y; iy, eS a Wy Ex Ny) Wala Hy, RS eo» ry Woe ane AS ba Nf -) : Me Fe ONS. Aye [Ww . @& VIENNA BUDAZPESTH & 9 J S & , Legend a 4 Frontier — sa tap ame eon & Russians Aug /2 u Septl5 iZ, Germans Aug 29 C) ” Dent siae s ay : 100 ° 100 200 300 400 _ . 5 Reproduced atthe Genera/ Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 Military History of the Werld War-C.R Howland FFENSIVE 1914: MAPNo 18 ay YW 6 Riga » Mitlauo riedrichstadt e foLibau A) DWINSK ! oChavili “4 2yng } \ a sae as oVilkomir , Mose 6 Vilia R ! Be SMOLENSK Davee Ahi Vin : ; Q a ea y MINSK xy perish, late Rusustoy ee GRODN > Kiet "* ax a Posswiat he . Narew 2 Pripe eorgiewsk Dinsk == SS = = = RNG Say Soy ee [a Brest ;Litows ae eS Se f wivangorod = Bom oLublin 6Kovel a Cholm : Lotitsk © Rowno ao Gy Dilbho LEMBERG \ p 2 Yasate Wye Wy,. Me Licey PRZEMYSL | } WZ, Voz, A CTARNOPOL \ We CANA VAN, Ge ms o> \ ae : xy 4S Hy, = ade N aa NS al Ly tS vole Wis SY Wi, HT] A Wi S “ oe ate Se a pm i Ze CN ASS) en . : Fu ‘itis ) BU CHAREST x ON S f ube + 0? x KiLOM x x, oh Fg sOF THE det “WRIVERSITY. OF ILLINOIS ¥ eae ¥ ie ° RN 4 i TERRIER peeps | ‘ i oi @ . i ere ae eee ewe ewe - PVs silat deanery pele alee igen * Sepcwitys tution, Nod. os hs “th het Peatearyy oF thom Hite tat Weep cae agi ey, = baba oe Le i ee ae! 7 go “ees WS P V2 DISPOSITION OF THE GERMAN AND RUSSIAN FORCES AT THE BATTLE OF TANNENBERG MAP No. 19. DORAOOOOR. fd e647 ‘ ie 7 bos Se >. < *. - + Qasr | Aug 27, 1914 Russians ROO Penis re sew el Gerrmar?s Aug 23 1914 auemem Lussians Evening Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leaven worth, Kas, /923 Military History of the World War ~ C.R Howland \ 4 ~~) om settled i 1 are &9090% waAleeuG | aMA wAMagO aur TO MOITIE Si.of JAM ORFEWGMMAT IO BITTAS BHT TA _ EROrT so atyoresS. REISE bye) LS ee { 2OGOCNSD Se grieve ; exyengausR seem mh Cem RA NS ys on{ ES®\ .cah Ahowetsyaed Wo) choot east \evwnen sah ae }DOnmaiwolt WD - “SW SIMON act Ao back THE BATTLE AT DHE MAZURIAN. LAKES ,1914.~ - __MAP No 20 nigsberg KONIGSBERG P X Deutsch Eylau ay =e q Legend —=— > German advance eam German attack Direction of German mom) cavalry advance m— Russian positions > Russian rallying points t so _ Kilom —— LYOwo Geo) giewsh pew en ~~ Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth ,Kas, 1923 Military History of the World War — C. R.Howland Es 5, =e aa OS fat <> + - rates. vies | 0921 A@aey - % “7 Neca * f So a Be F keaiitel . i oe - ee eee RANG Ae em eR te a Ae ere aren ss me —- ee er mee tee etedliiaaetiel 8 ee ~ ee tk | LHE BY.LICE VLLHE WIVSABIVA PYRO lle phe so eee Heep as: BATTLE OF JADAR August 16,1914 BALKAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS 2 SSgig a ed 3 ye et Durazzoje Trranat 9 aes LEGEND: Serbions cma Austrians Ga Reproduced atthe General Service Schools, Fort L eaverworth,Kas. 1923 Military Mi story of the World War -—C R Howland sag aed ZACITA ASA A SAGAL YO SUTTAS == 0 40 ASTASHT MA Fe en te = mr ma nmin $i! om ¢ = - r { a ie is ¢ wei 7% a 4 x fa @ i . ‘ MJ \ ; a J ‘\, " he <" Mi ae AmGa & A negate. MA iar AY far i a eh ‘ | Toes vo w iN Na , lm Peal a NE YD : ‘ Tas Ate haades eo nee Ay t ; . ) i vt { e yr. Ay aar + Ae hy fa ‘ yy * Pe: if : f hae ee ie) ee Vee a ar we BATTLE OF THE DRINA BALKAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS _ MAP No22. ¥ “« DA-FP. BSF Latte a Ca Co *. i an ae at ee LA SN N G A R Y os wih t ; Ps ; b H ot t : ly Szegedin

3 : i os UM > © BUCAREST, ae cere che tes \ Nego ie Giorgevg aes ee: ° ; Vicks 2 Roustchouk Ce ores 0 \ ; in en fy N *\ Zaitchag*s, orn Falayka oli = fe N R R 7 ia *s, . a tstova ao A Pirptt Flava a Fae °Nouw-Bazar \ Mich yn Taeribrog : che pitrosts Leskovai ? é SOFIA BULGARIA aot t 5 {MONTENEGRO Ip& % \Grisovitch)} } / whee SS * ~* Diakovg hit hark rania NF Af, a x aes ° 7] ss Sastendil — 9 fel lippopoli x ) = AAS % tfrizrena SHumahove afarateen aS z ee: *eeeet ( \ ta Kateen’ Be u THRACE oni SS S) of ; a 4 : NDRINOPLE —S SO M6 " - DS Rainy PHiteeve 3 eat . (CONSTANTINOPLE LEGEND: Duraz20' Trana¥ ¥ ss 7: a ka Serbian i! Position <——= she 3} = 7 2? 39 cos ( ghee » 3¢, ”9 == \ fe +, ” 4% ” ezzzz77mM Vallone - 2 i Austriatss --------- oO N ? GREEC \ e Reproduced of the General Service Schools, fort l eavernworth, Kas.1923 Military History of the World War - C.R. Howland aHT AG SITTAa CMOITAHSIO IO ASTASHT YVAAIAS AMIGA S5ARHT : OF MT. ROUDNIK | pete apes OF peaseea te MAP No.23. O™.. SASSY= ttt *F an geet OP um © BUCAREST. BOSNIA = tstova ; Plevna i ajeugiz *, iS : SS ~ rs vp. NS \ °Nou-Bazar \ Vick . ibrog YY ees en , Batik -G@ ACRoOLA 4 : Ln re oe e tr ONTENEGRO Ipe® * \Grisovrich}} ¢ “Bac *Diakovg} Ben. : an, 8 wo Pee : Phillizppopoli tFrizrena S ° ns C ” +47 ‘Mast apha-la cha + * Vooet LEGEND: Serbians Dec.2.19/4 ca Austrians --—-—----- Reproduced af the Gerera/ Service ‘Schools, Fort Leaverrworth, Kas.1923 Military tistory of the World War — C.R.Howland saat, § pee fore fs A caer a EE ck = . @ xsieuchy =o = Need 2 ASRS eASe . is . > f P ZROyoayes fees yyeeeyiom |} 3 , , ; “f, , — na 2 S fe ys % ore te fe F le eyewear ee * be HaNS ee 4 e% “a ~ b ad J ’ * ’ . * * BADV-SEsk 4} 3." Cie of ‘ * at BVikWH IHEVLEY Ob OE WLIO“ | Wb VOSS? BYLLTE Ob WL BONDMIK = Ye) ee an tar Vs “we t ; - ‘ le Hip starch yee: PME . wh * ES PE OR) WACAS Bete alins , eat k ili es to, : : wht = Ae f \ : t 1b yivem & ' A Cyae bee 2 re LA NM we AUSTRIAN RS & war Sie Ny) — Preise: nt ee 12. Pa aN Q) —G ©) | ‘1 >) BERLIN © » suit % RY fl wy, Re wine Mis apy ™ sy er Sa AM a ia “age we ee fr % “. Bs *G. ae VIENNA BUDA2PE e Py < i} g Legend: RUSS/IGIIS Aug LT = 2)! | epic Ommtaaas Austrians piece C3 EASTERN THEATER OF OPE 300 40 100 fe) 100 200 Reproduced otthe General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth,Kas./923 Military History of the World War —-C.R Howland OFFENSIVE. 1914: MAP No2A 6 Riga > 4 lif . Mitlaus riedrichstadt is is bLibau yo DWINSK oChavli O Y oR oVilkomir 5st u Vilia R To SMOLENSK Be sore a0 at 1 Vina g a o Friedland , pau uivalkigst | MINSK y aera AMsIos 4! ° q 9g AUD? — YGRODNOFEN 3 ant + en a i Ossovietz “ oBielostok s ee’: _Pripet _ eorsgiewsk Din ak bpiset Fs) Sah Dey ee pest Litows SS SEN rik SS Swamp sfica ® wlva oy >) SS Radom oLyoRy\ SH kovel SS Lysa Gora | ar ; : Opatov © “Sandomir ; ~ ‘ hom " RN oF ay ny 2) eS Me rnow ee | ey ZN ae pepraneng ix Tr ie AS ae ON Vy Nee: 42 Stanislad wa oI Ts at sddiclome o e vie 2CZB pow eS 2 YX rH at “iS Sy wy %G We ZN, SES % LY Zefa Mise 7 ea 3 Re Se Ss oes ae, WE i \\y) SS oa AN oe INS a se) “ ; me <¥ a Kt NCH NS | FRU MESA. ® BUCHAREST ATI ON S a | nuee Theiss R z ue AUSTIN NAS Zp hk 7, iS es 4 Wes “4 F 0? % 500 KILOM x x " / ae |b ; f orn sep . _ m4 ~ ¢ . ae = a Lan, le eu; hid ae eet nt Bh tenths padi: or mara “We i i AEVIIOME Pe A Escsesige 7 , <~er> pe a ie i + Pagers art Pe poannn pontran = Somat on (Wh pee ; _eahory Mivhaeg ev ected, Be enter: ty" - Pm } {EY WN \ GERMAN RETREAT AND BATTLE OF THE AISNE WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No 25 WREANVERS XS , COLONGE la Chappe? e BRUXELLES irc +. AWS y COBLENZ ndciénnes got WAR ~ san ei ‘d$Dinant PS MAYENCE Germersheim Rastadt | 7 *y \ fo A : NANCY», NJ + NY WS ‘ ‘ ~~ 0 x. Cha SB Rs Meaux t RS “v \\ — 'S Dw < 2 me | WY © | % : OURG Neutchateau 9 aed = Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Frenne" 728 1923 : SWITZERLAND Military History of the World Wear -C.R. Howland AUSIA SHY TO TITTAG GUA TASATSAA VAMSI0 Je ae SRTASHT UF 490 eVviOlTARIIO BOViO 25 CS of TAM ioe sree ie 4 i J ce : 2 ¥ i ‘ hs ae ri Ae od j an / J : ie vy r ¢ } we ae 5 i 7 Ps + 1M pu ‘ one h 5 tA ig a Pa ‘ig i ( "ye a - ey My ; P ers n es ad a. BATTLE OF PICHARDY SEPT 20-30, 1914 WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No26 \ Neo VERS \ WY 5S , COLOGNE NX SS S : +06 °Aix-la Chapelle BRUXELLES rpghKQ\ * Pp NK « Valenciennes 0 Cantar Ma Ny ++oe44 20% Q COBLENZ °o + , \ y ubeugese Bc ee es re e \e . - et MAYENCE \) t Cav Cin : tHe, © Luxemboursg ; © oh , a WG, pe! et WS : : YY hionville Se \ REVES Ztteyes Germersheim WO» GY * < WE Meaux \\ Y me mS) . N fe. aod ee © "@ 02 27 \N 3\ \Axtente tt t++04 S “yy Ge * ‘Rastadt } SRS TOULSRAN . AS. AS: 7 — Neutch nbeawu 9 ° : °Fontaineblecu —— sane -—_ - ose Mir eCOURRSN 7) | 5 OO aN . NS steim * aS * : R : efary J ee nd Heproduced af the Gerreral Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. /923 Military History of the World Wer-C.R.Howland SWITZERLAND Sp 2 ee Lig q Mii P 3 YTD, x vi Lig ai - e. PRA ee ‘3 oy } - PT Te , af 7 od, ET a Pax > ysl B= Sieh a MAYENCE maya af Pee ee GH ee Sdreres ’ oe naeet ernbourg : > REVES Germersheim ‘Rastadt \& RN x os AS ys B : v STRERBOURG Fontainebleau Weuf Brisach \ XN Mies” Ey \ ie QNotein British: Br ; Belgian: B | Beyorye n=" Reproduced of the Genera/ Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 sw IT ZERLAND Military History of the Werld War-C.R Howland Yssyey Syeon : 3 cs *. — ts LED AS eat Xe, fs G ee a er aed H+ L-§S CySbaste CE . PME, “i “ ted, ed COT QCWE - tel aks Ag Baty, RES : * a : Ee Lo. = pay ‘MESLEBM LHEVLHE OL ObEHVIIOMS AVBUSSE BYLITE OL Y6.LOI2 OCL I-I2 lol¥ By: a= dey 135 a= oe io 3 Oy es pews Sat ¥ Py a ane Ty - Yo {tg nee epee ki ae hd i SiN 4 4 NaS “4 eo vey - es ee . a eS eee ey al! SMOLINSK | | A ye tm. A UE lh: et GERMAN | jj & ee, | SSN gi eee DANZIG ¢ S Fx ‘ : t RY eo - ae N Ne ein | RY 4 Tes) Wir } SWBFw ANAM», 4 Rr ee Wag x/, 2U Re ae ME Wy, WF se AE 2 SHS Yuu ype = fi WME PNA <= 7, As ay 7) a . m Lb AN iY My “My 4 SF oe aun Ne t ff ‘Ny Wi at > (rods iveeys! Wile Fans SH Ss FAs 7 i A e) VIENNA Buy { | Legend: ; FORT Cf. - oi aoe —<— om ( Russian 18+ Position--cz=zg 9 OG gg eee Gerimans-- 3) ae ---C_») ' EASTERN THEATER OF O} 100 fr) 100 200 300 Reproduced of the Genera/ Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 Military History of The Werld War-C.R Howland aa OF PEN SIVE, 1914. RRDNE 25, Riga h ll Mitlau 9 riedrichstadt is ( i DLibau fs \\ Dwi NSK \i oChavli O \y 2yng )y Xe oVilkomir : 5c : Cc KOVNO Mo le \ “ Vilia R : To SMOLENSK Dy / Liber KEnigsberg preiereal py Vina @ GY o Frigg larg | . t GY Eylau j dee 1Ve ¥ ) | MINSK § : Mazuriah Ru DSTOVe | @ q be pays / GGRODNO Kn Allensteine ra eS et + ; xe — Beene ai ees o Bielostok rasnySZO Ostrolenka | | Pultusk “Warew >> pies | . RC sie Pink 2= === pio ay ® SS hw Brest ¢Litows = —— eo RYengorod eee ee oe oLublin 6 Kovel = SS Cholm Lotitsk © Rowno mle Dobe we’ NS LEMBERG NOE 1: & a jy) ri Wiss me Ke ONer a iT We = em woe ak Kj TARNOPOL eS on pe iP try; BN | IL yy sre _Stanislad a yy wy =e GIN ¥- CZERNOWITS a PESTH a ES Oy, “f ie Sw, De UZ es ‘L, ce = v se TW ome 7 ih oth ce i & on, “2 we gy oi — oe c° KR SN Ny i) is oa | NY Ye Tans nC a EN RUMAN ~ ® BUCHAREST ERATIONS / oe | Z ie) 500 Kitom * — R dine | . rg ; yet Oye ee ee | t = has r : De + P; v ‘ Ries : Ee ah a 4 Teed oN Spd % ¢ " + wher >. a 4 is ae in . ‘ al i = | | ; 7 ‘¢g 7 . q : AZUAIOMES pen rm fossa M31, f 209) i 1s, = Me x 5 er TPRNOPOL ys Wi. 4h. ee p . SG ‘ ; ah ag e was — ad ’ = ss . le) 8 \ ft = 5 ~ A yf on ah os pod § LV / Ae va Oa BERLIN © iar, : Y) wT ay a ©) f "ney 7) s hy, | ae ‘: anil iy gon wd} it ia) | aes “Whoa ‘3 . A | 45 Mi, ~~ Ke ine Lesend: Frontier—-— - — --------=» ==: Russian Nov (4=-—- — == | Russian Right refused.-C=3 | Russian Dec.6----- ---@ZZzZg Gerrmans-------- mae FASTERN THEATER OF OPEI 100 200 300 401 100 Reproduced atthe General Service Schools, Fort L eavenworth,Kas./923 Military History of the World War —-C.R Howland OFFENSIVE, 191+. MAP No. 29. YY 6 Riga ? ‘ ‘ 4 1H i Mitlau o riedrichstadt fs I YLIOau : K DWINSK \ / oChavli Pye : }} / ; ' Ww v y AS KOVNG cry a 052 ee a = ilia p roxy Konigsber iempal q . perkinigsbers Pees! ie Bylau val ki MINSK > ; Ausustové q aA pGRODNOY stein? -¢@ "oul *Ossovieta— bof o Bielostok SNYSZO AO 'strolenka KR “A ‘Itusk 1? Lal ® -< f ayer A Novo Georgiewsk ‘ : py ee SRSHA Brest ¢Litows x , aAngorod oLublin 6Kovel Chol m 1 ell is ny i | : Fi (0 HW hy | | <| ft | ke | | | iT | ; | | | ! "ll 3 13 | | | Mt | é| | , b Aa R FY Radom § a Gora ORA OV © Pandomir. Le ‘*.! Lotitsk © Rowno * ‘) yan Fe aD Dubno KX mee te LEMBERG \4 = Moe mice sy * PRZEMYSL Os | | Vf ESD: “Stryj NE yout Stanislad ( a - es Z ee me a y wo Boy ok an ie oo We ioe a Wie fe ae oi ne i \\ sa INS ; "RU MANIA BU CHAREST ATI ONS r ger és | e: 500 KiLOM x 1 Sai x iS = > la* ae Theiss R z SE = me IW 2S of TAM AZUAIOME ys stsive * doteolsie THE LIBRARY) = og : OF THE a UNIVERSITY cape aa . Pe, * a he aoe ; he / 108 oy is et Te es % ma fs Fj ety?! i : \ iM Hi i 4 f it LISI er man AMAMUAS vos bt: a; Tesdanoua “e8u5 ees > cs «-; 0 powd. - Lis cal re Raproducad athg ‘nangrer Service Serecds, Fost ie) — ( Mf titery het of ni World Wag =f THE BATTLE OF FLANDERS YSER:-~YPRES MAP No 30 a a MILES 0 GArstelles LAA Legend @S@Lombartzide Ramscape//e Pers zs ‘ 7 N\ Perolse ba Fs ee Be > > o ° \ \ ! ® DIXMUDE v | { | ae erckem ..°. 3 ° Houthulst [vai on Sea a Si school¢ PAS ° 139A Q a Br al Ct IA ro POPERINGHEO eee. ¢ OCASSEL “Ss le Kemmel 0 HAZEBROUCK SROULERS ongemarck » ee lashendaele 8 § Zopnebecque 8 Jd » Baece/are SOGhe/luvelt 'e Genwor e ° auumees ¢ 0 a Zo MENIN ( 4rrmentieres Reproduced of the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. /923 Military History of the World Wer -C.R. Howland CHHQUAT AO SITTAd SAT | A A St tI ctl “ANT Y- DIeY o4 TAM 23104 zrs\iaterAo 0 7, ssisioarns - a\ViaqnrermoA oe bnsbs J ed a, eee mn Nae. ale aN: rll gern } : ‘ } ' Ler Oa COnew Lr Pas tt ‘ a, ye wt : oo ds ea Lo Me / ‘ Zhe Kf » om ae 6 Go £ a ora) 12 ren 9 PMY i, . oe a Wl uF TN th i ve . 14 Seg , 8 ¢- ae TURNS Yo. ¢; SIONITH SO/ALISUSAINO si 8 iL 40 fe ’ 5 =f ° AQVESi1. FHL ~— an. ? “eae Hoe {58 —— Al . i é AQUMAICE ae ea ‘ep a Rh. ae age 4 ; \ -. ae ‘het vA AA = Ni ) ‘ y ALT ~~ — a a LA be i 7 TANS gN meres ce Reproduced af the General Service Schoo!s, fort L eavenworth, Kas./923 Military History of the World Waear-C.R. Howland IN OF CAMPAIGN TIONS IN ASIA MINOR yap no 31 SS IN yy, ,, loos t Se gts C Muy, — °oArdahan : Olty o Kars Ic “SME hamish © ERIWAN o*, ER? Keupri- Kent, Mem Ararat rod : p ® oe + Lrzingan Mimgachhilun rae AIS TF i ARMENIA __Melazquerd ‘ we et SD) 3 — Moosh o 7 ¥ : ji Lake Urmia s * Sire A rm onic obi Bitlis ° Taures Te Ho Ur “itis SEATS mn e Usa b Diarbekr Sadly. ae “MI: ak : \ ae LX Nehris, Baranduz | ~——. N25, apt Mia ian Sens z ‘ | ee eee ~ p + ‘ ststak ; oFrbhi, OF °0 Bidia Pp ag Pa iy Sulehmonyeh oKerkut 1; * Drala a al o 7awk obi Fri Kermansha Se n Tekrit as Merind Hara Tepebs Shanikirn Samara His i1- Rabat Bagdadije b Bakuba Hit & ey SAGDAD., ° Ramadijeh tesiphon *. . teiaiyep ¢ Samayat Kuleel Amara | Kerbela YRIAN DESERT AS Nasrijeh ds fern Sook e/ Sidmyoor 5. Kueit \\\ PERSIAN )\ S\, GOLF \ 190 100 2g0 298 = eae Pe 3 oie LG ars’ AY Se ont > yas: 4 } ; ulit's® anit cit iy i CAST @ ay Gitta AS « z cone mAs LF | Laisa) oop. ae pete a: oi pe ean Pia Sear ’ 7 ai) ao a | y won e Adisnon! eis’ ‘ Ow. Nees F x. “4 MSBep .* vymapn Fon “o1A Ft 4s bem an as S14 . #3 ZS = e s 19 . nar AS Sy Hg Pg Pe, ’ = $ iif +” ~@eee® ay ‘ ita “ y - . -. iif . it : Ait a « anh? aimsU \gae Pp Aig Sw > ’ . — * wt Oo ~ eS, &3 V4.5 SS i “AS Fi, s YY cod FD a . pee |? a a * > Di Traits pu ‘ Eg ‘Ss re ni ane’ = - Rect i¥ pte swipnoaved ghnds ae ‘* * Z * aS a % + LAADL @¢ bs] *s r 35> ett CT Li ns = he Al? G4 a ~ SAY OSs ; th Pw Aisi So et L f Fame : mete As ynomnsgyae ; sd Neer” ath lle AG OF THE: » ~ | gg OF ES ; Troe if ~} we Lan oc ‘S$ Lo 4 ; ‘sy Be eet aS) GN? ach NEON? Byeereaty/ pune a3 a sduins 4 (, eee oe ee ee od ~ = - * ‘ 24 : , “3 @ \ # ¥ ‘Oo wa i. < vm Pa ¢ y am 4 SA oe ‘ J” - { ©) ? Ay . ; ; CAGSAG va ann Gal T/, ; ‘ OAQIES Tag f Loy bias = Ja Tig i, Ione > i. Jat tia Lee , <2 eee ee ee -_ ki iy 2 &, - j ; ' < grad * ee ad wer 4 fo RP eee Nor f eo eae ber e nee: ‘a! , tere wad sf Kiatara a # im! . jf datrrati } ' ‘ i x . ark 7 Va len . s e > De epg @CA/RO ) Sinai Desert’ YY i Sud ers: * —29tiM ope A EN DEEL CT IIE ll ~~ © te Oa ~~ ee a | sareded om tye Geral Sern Shy fet i Bee? Palen ators | Mader sh ® CRIWAN abe | _ S72 oP é <> un - s ; hor ees -Aené, Ed Mt Arare ae Tt 3 ie oe a big a + of ia “sf 8 lon, SON A we Ye tee y ; . ? ‘ = go -~ : : G : yo Br &: firs Pd x oe ina Ta Gupris« oe Pe ris 2 Radven OO ane : ‘ot. \y a rhs y Stier See Lae. Fase EES ~e % S35) . (CG Sy 4 ~ nae) REG SSS Sag ; SUG | i mate ¢ 98 C5 Ban a SS “ REY SS/ . rMrie2S t a ee Coe wonwolt Ce WS). ; a eatin + +7 pn rows sible me ne enn DSHS oo THEATER OF OPER. TURKISH’? Da laecus DITA S 2) al ee a (Cc SMYRNA |e Al N » Q==- ~%e ~~ NS 7 SYA (A >) \ Rod \WEy TIE) (if BEIRUT / |p i / Ag 4 Kl ip Lake Tiberias ‘ cae Derat S oSichen Sil ohn Jaths oe ==> pe pie ette c => GRES Soy, Said ri 2929 Dead Sea SALEXANDRYf Ke So SULA > Ber Soba S ] Romans, Ber el Mazar De/ K8ntara . Ismatli®? ‘ Ma'an \ iv > , \ by CAIRO n Sinai Desert’. FE. Coe Pp Bh dene |S zh f/] *e/ AKaba wy Reproduced of the General Service Schoo/s, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military Hi's tory of the World War -C.R. Howland’ ATIONS IN ASIA MINOR IPERATION 1914 MAP No. 32 WN'7 he,, S: \ YX. Mi), ene NSS 7] ff] apie A U INN SQ Zeng Cy SX. \ Miyy S \ /| "A yyy, YM, \ : \\ : Ay Mjittmtea.y) Need BATUMS ®TIFLIS Mig ies SAS) | C ? MW => e/zonneF We eArdahan 7 GEORGIA Wary Fy at *\\S ‘ 7 Cw L bignin e's | a go tfomish @ FRIWAN atts ERz 7X eupry- Keni, Mut. Ararat We : zingan Ma aun oe, AIX See Pig x | werd * *« Seta kee 4 v, ARMENIA ia A 7 | Geka im Lake Urmia | mgs ?Men; ity a » °Taures | Oo Remins Ta ertedhoae si | Diarbekr Redvan rmrniwe a ) KN | NS pete Baranduz | ) | aes “ TEHERAN : pe ee wy + . Bae Fah + 0 Sakk x + | ofrb: MOSUL ig © Bidia PERSIA MESOPOTAMIA Sulehmanyeh . oKerkut *« Gerala FHAMADAN —s o Tawk @ S23 o Ma 4.3 faite de ¢ Qe \Tekrit ;* BEng °Bissuton Hara Tepebs “Shanikir Samara °his//-Rabat ISPA Bagdadijehr AC , Bakuba pat NON Cyp46020.. PERSE AT eas: Legend yy re @ aritish \\ in RUSSIQ/? oN \\ Turkish © \\P ERSIAN | S\ GOLF \\\ 190 0 {00 200 390 400 590 Miles Megey * + y Sane?) A . %\ ry io . DAuMoMIss be A Age barnes hoes AVneat, ‘ ivat- Asan AVAe ay pened, Lf aS 2.\ aduin&. _ GAGA motaazsi3 ch ayo) s Seg C4 SSyssit.ts 99%, ett Re ni: SD) a f a i ; LC ek a Henao on sg. —. Nema ert. whe Mr. Sina? % esliM op Bee | poee ies 3 : “f a EE Ty ak’ a noms » 2 ‘Salat = pa Wise Faw oe, wa ef Sse General Servier Schauls, Kv llaqvenwart Nea 1923 a ae, hitters Pisto y of fhe Works Wor +C 2 Hovdand ‘ans Ste 8 eee (pe it o, , i a ee oe. a Ont ite mt ees. " ifA re MANIA DS ons S a= é ocn19 8 v Oba ~ ee ae? —— ac <2. sa Ara a WINTER OPERATIONS 01 BERLIN © \ RV a: SAE if pny 7 KM "Rn Wiz DS ais 5 WE OZ, oy Russian retreat <> Russian positions ? so 100 Kilom d_./VQwo eorgiews heproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth.Kas 1923 Military History of the World War — C.R.Howland. A a, i tO EL RMN TR ee 4 a MIALEB BY.LITE A WVANBIY © lolt-12 - ee, fy 4 i Heyer i lee 2 Or o — HEA on Ss LOCAL ATTACKS = ASLO WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS WRENS BRUXELLES MAP No 35 +) COLONGE ix gy 4" "2 Chape @ EG. IN g™ . lens ae % Ne S Valen ennes go NW AMOR LT&ub U *x « +444 a4* 30 Malrpedy ene a < *, = A = Fa, « « = aa ™ Po is’ ie ec BOURG \SS LX % Donon. °Fontainebleau ' Reprockiced at fhe General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas.1923 Military History of the World Wer — C.R. Howland eX QWs ter Bears, Poa SWITZERLAND we x Ce Lae Jb > 2 wy. weak ss: > = -é Se ae - a aa a} ¢) ea eo Lol § 1) thee i Wi U f rie ‘ | a ih “4 f Aer , as ai ? i on on a] | oe) : q Wes (4 ay : “45 By “on Yaak ae 7 : ie “a oe A! i: a : reba ve Peas ; . fi an er Phas ours," Debs, |b, } en san! J “vnaT caw J - i 3H = ALLER AG Kem es ore AR des 4, RABN yy \ a aa Pa C7 = rm £2mh a be | TA pa ADAT T?# QO 34n A ce | x Pin, ee o 78 1 Py a *. Cie) ‘PMOIFARAIO wT. wee AS s 26 of TAM 9 * Dies OP ak se S tf ul ss > f i i . ¥ ul A é : o A os ee yd) Me a wae WNT ee @ ming pa Dring we 1 a . , J i) i) p' \ i hey! * Ueto 2 aay ; C f “ 4 d ‘e eee ; C began hg ON ae 4 [5 rh ee ffi bhi ait “ALY ida i - Ptr We | Vhs a 2 pe 1 eee ITALIAN OFFENSIVE 1915 eee FRONT Gani ee Legend Allies ZZ Central Powers C_) ys Y% i “on “ Lc Zt \ SLi ng Ts fu? lol imino Boroevic's == 5 “am >a ee Arm a AS < ee, DCORIZ/A sy h \ ’ San ar ling Yoberdo G 4p aS APR / $e Ue VERONA LLL, hel Reproduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas.1923 Military tistory of the World War — C.R.Howland ‘ ce f oe as er et sina ee Wile “}. Sy ING NT Se ; aed _ sa 7 ae * JAT] a : a4 tf IO a ° : i Fi . or, 4 J “= ro OF ' 31 A ea I iG@f AV} + ’ oe PE! He NIE es c Ade — coats aoa) ae - Sit Aisi Kx a a ak. — eal ews Yerins) 4 SS © aC of GAM baud’ > ate wre Ny aie ¢. vi) bale a oe nal , , } Ce Pe : wv p ¢ m3 i gre le a sf) 1 f, PAP ee tee Re, lr; a ivy uy “4 ap hae ny pate DRAPE ‘ a ee ee i? eer 9 RAILROAD SITUATION, ITALIAN FRONT | MAP No.37 2 I = Kult Z 7 : + NR ow o8, is SW Eger § YRO P 2S ye R, v z. > Welt ? ane tS 2 Ret Franzens teste ym 2c sab == > SAR SS YP "x — te Croe Ree = ¢ =. yt, Mon C A R NI Cc - 6 AY pee hea Dhar ree > z x % Taoblac yr yae (ome Lm 5, 2 Seep I i feu, S Thala at —-~ ¢ re f é oe 3p owe js. ‘ a ee : LP Ve & WENN BSS A¢@ g cto” *% + ern: x ENG, AMENOE Atte sie’ { wba . Wr * Hous ~ 4 wt eee Pri Cu te ‘em 4 an<007, 5 Lu \ \ a a ax SAG TS Sn ott a" Arent a we os, Nee ative 4 ‘ Va vel 8 oe \ 7214 aS vvly Fo ts tg 445° TONEY EL Ss => FS. 2 Pp) / . eres . e meee AU ; e) RUBS ANY INN Hing a Aripez 204 ny % “ 7uee 5 = ¢ . , Lay fed 4 rt Ld OY AG § zunu¥ cs = Bas “ete % 2? =) S7/b aad ZERSS 5) A AV” - oy Oy it v He WIN . y 8) at ay et ye /Zbes aN Led CPS “ t ‘erly esa 4p, Bes TE ak = ~ Ss 199%o = spe Sh, ; Tonal NO See. elds, Ft Se TRIS * a oS els Sa Sic Ss 4! “ as ‘ee + > um So ele, “SS » RS, alae a Ih + “7S =, 3* ~ eh rte oh pate ay Aa > RAN Seert ce ae Ais wins SiS bab hoe A _ ~ Nir ve be! Se SS os BOS 2% TRENT Sere \ % Borg, rz . A ann =iyh StS NS ot » as! (7 “one - ot - ae WV EON =\ Mater Y ite even a) MW ww Ne eae meee sor gash. ays te ee - = & Dp: ‘7 <* : Soe A e-4 ‘ 7 <7, o35' as Ye > Grad i'sca ° OLpan Martino =} “x ven Commuses oS = a -s x © Doberdo a * ° Bass aro ; yy t aN a s Gass Yonrkaleone Ci4 R TRIES TEN ~ o> a V3 Y VENICE Fah DED Said Fy nd Pea Reproduced ot the Genero/ Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 Military History of the Werld Wear-C.R Howlond VDBIVLIC S, NEACE, \ArES? Ap weey wre eee = Dp QASLANIG Qeoerss se ‘SBE \ >* od — *, a @ 22 ’ ¥: - — >" a ‘2 4, a : e: , * ¥ 2 : om ve a ‘ / = * Sax, ae \ > i ) ¥ PS sate , ~ 7-2 ¢ _". i “ag tt a ae a a ial se Nee ONG coy oe a ybes -~ ton “Tw * Fr nS RUNDE 2 NO Sil=« on *.- 2 at #0 ab Ae EP nitty er . ee. ae fy wh 2, te ‘4 * © « c a Kr sak = : eh bw : ot rR : AIX a * TRS tad WERT NR x ine entty : . ees a - : 4 § * , ~ \ ; > s : : “ om - wy OTL -<« 2 WN 4 eee 3 AbOor « fe S P . > ~~’ «4 Sess 7% i A a m4 i aa a co te ET ee St eR nr hms BVIFBOVD ALMVIIOM LIVTIVA KBOUL Wb Wok at gee —s) . IATRMSIIA 1915 le cipahlicahtinhatinhinh . . - —_ Oe stride - Sm eT ee —_ eos —— a TS ee Cel Reg Ee ae oy hei iv ——, 4 aA YN) V2 CENTRAL POWER O sf BUDAZPES" O VIENNA Legend: VN: ‘Fort May |----- ay Jure Dz - ccoesevebesevetess 37 Sut / —— — - Gu 00 a oe a 33 Sule 3O-- - ame 0 cme: oe 23 AUGUST [5- -- me te eonamens cite oA Au C757. SO sek ent oan ae oe _ Sep. fo Dec.- FROPH CT 6 Fe noone cet ee ole ates he Ol wage are ee ae , EASTERN THEATER OF OPER Danube R 100 r) 100 200 300 400 | itp tia § Reproduced of the Generda/ Service Schoo/s, fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 Military +istory of the Werld War-C.R Howland ° AP No.38 NSIVE AGAINST RUSSIA 195 Oy’. To SMOLENSK a Dryepr ey POR7Z M r Bo nO “ils hs ae aS ty, Kel @ fenis AUN { 2 { BP | Wa ner Bie ii [ <=" x “iy os Wy WS ie * ~ Ze CM N ott 6 Al IN? Je WS IN NG = SIM ae INV W ue wht wa ra) 2 Be Slit ws RUMAN IA ® BUCHAREST Ve” Theiss R te os —— .\TIONS i 5 x 500 KiLOM *, ON ACV AIOME ELC LO ICEL LOADED LIE LODE LENGE LLIN LILA OTE AL LEDGE LOE AI a a ee Ee ee 2 ne ee ee Qe Bee . Ay i 4 Aone 10 si} 7 wd Labdvibe (prhheh Sadho teint ameter cetepinte ORDER OF BATTLE 7-1 -1915 WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS \ VERS : 4 VEE WR if? VN“ \ of § COLOGNE ® MAP No39 Aa a ta # BRUXELLES ipod Serf -Alx-la Chapev e \ X\ \N WN = +4444 24% MWe) Q COBLENZ = eo, VAR 56 ‘ - : Malrhred Le S.. 9 Dinant . : J es > ag F ny a RD» Fae MAYENCE + 3 : vy 5 3 NES fleres Puy + * * Germersheim SRO >) Rastadt 3 RGirange 7 7ebou IR STR ~S OURG * EN ANCY™. an ENN ara S NS Ss es Falke > a SS \ eul Brisach LEGEND fortitied Carnp Allies i, \ Germans Reproduced atthe General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. /923 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World Wear —C. 2 Howland AI SFOMATYS reewusdyeras | ny LS LL LASS . VASREMCE 4 " Ne SAT Syn £245, to : COBrEMKS 7 & ; - hae % 4 ewe e*s OITK-TS ee: . 4 é ? COT OCME wie te ee Wb US oe AED ILEUM “LHEWLEE OL OLE WLIO? OKDESB OL BVLLTE A-1 -{oie OPERATIONS FRENCH FRONT FALL 1915 WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP.No40 \ QRAYLERS Sp Se S INS : Ne XS iifex COL ONGE © “4 ++. °Aix-la Chape? e BRUXELLES LIEG LON ‘ peer f SKS Qa b> Q COBLENTZ « + +4444 44" > , 2) a x ns y+ = e “i 3 alencitnnes 4b WINYVALTOR 4 Maire, BE Malrhed co , ubeuge yy. ? Dinant ate ye e : Chimay Pay! 2 ~ O ¢ Ry Sex eRe 5% MAYENCE @) GAG ee 7 Alezieres »’ bea ar « s ‘ * pis Germersheim [Rastadt Cuz Grzebour OURG » SY \ eul Brisach Ailfiese. £.-. FANNY] CentralPowers C> Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth Kas, 1923 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World War-C R. Howland ; : Hess ech by = : oO CAST EALA Seer; : BSQKEeryrse “ * "FoR Cysbesle a Z LY COPOKcs . PIES NY | | , MESLEBM LHEVLBE OL OLEBWLION2 WYb HOVO | ObEBV.LIOV'2 LBEVCH EBOUL EVIT Tale . ; tf i , a > eh DEFEAT OF SERBIA,1915. BALKAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS MAP No.4I lo Szegedin » 92gbadkea (Maria Theresigpet } o Tem esvar , Phill, ippopols ——f5 x ~ Maritza Pi p, sere Ste ( Qo" uslapha-fa cha * oO) X THRACE \ PANDRINOPLE SS pay: W. : 8 {pring Lesend ae Og tae 4 R go" Xayata J Albes 22-5: oa IR hs Central Powers — 3 Front Nov Ih, SAR. SES 3? 99 1OFD mapunten 97 29 20 fT am tin oe 99 99 3Of) aaa Reproduced of the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Miltary ‘story of the World Wer-C.R.Howlond’ : \ HA | ; 9 BOGE i <_< 2UTOWCS ws PLY eesti A ls Nea \ here Sanne Ses ee “ PYTRWM LHEVLEX Ob ObEE WLIOK TAF oe ea | __DELEVL OF 2EBRTY lala oe , a ma > A+ MAD No 42 Oe wee po * RDN Ura wie pic. es sere MAIN THe SITUATION January 1,191 Ales 2 -----@ Central Be wer -CD Reproduced af the Genera/ Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas.1923 Military Mistory of the Werld War-C.R Howland OF OPERATIONS MAP No.42. ae Lim AS RRR» Oy 0 ‘4 [LI YZ e/a. 3!) ‘$ ‘ re * RS. wh Siena se AOTSH ae Pr A a RTE ee LS ee a a (HE URRARY | OF THE —UAIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ; os = eh TENE AO NIA CT A I IN CDs SO ETE OC tl ah tana in se ran ee ee ee = QS Hal2A34 wa ae = ee 4 45 a age Oy, ASD. rue. i ray mA a RIWAN } ah, j te cle ua yao Lik. WA Seg 8’. Me ur Bires. . | Ke bt. Aracat ." _ ed + ~ age pry ‘ - x ASYM 2 Oe pie 's Witty: ae orarid uz % ChArie, ' fe : Cid FD Ay : Gy j : ; wh | } : ? ; 7 ap es et i at > oe ee we ee i < ‘ 7. . +f HAN er he nat ty AG 8 A oS yeh me fern : vi k<* “ad >, (ae: : - pe : ae ay nace ne we — ig ‘@ ae 4 - —- Oy, > T.. a , ‘ yess, Ys x98 @ akyymod 7.) o - ' \ avn ABA \ 4 " et } oh vy Fy hi “ T o\\n : Sh eee £ O35 XX Sy " | ay PE r SIA™ N | x GOLF ‘ : 14 ’ " Nt a | WW me. NS ete i gt NNT te A il Es A NN 7 Age > } rm 7 ine an dds 4] ay Hoe ae Sao idiles _— - / el, in ~ pn Ly wears grain onreycinioen SiR ao \ camakonee ws ws y, , ' aie: iw? vs LT = eee —_ 4 7 are Siohiceaashdhadtints A Mit PRA NIE A, CSS | at SW Re ae , Stan ee hee ti ¥ 7 % if \ iJ a] yy! L-? *y WAS 7 ‘eke dak | vi oe aT ihe. 5) ies erat ii | | Npyhwoll &: so) ; Te, uN" all : i) A ¥ 1 SW’ ‘ ‘beri a, te <5 ; we ; Le Ae ww ier hak C Vic n . Aen RUSSIAN 19 f ny THEATER OF OPERA ihe / [1 SOPHIA J) BLACK \)\ So, D Me ADRI re SS { Galli go/1 Mc Ps 7) Tripol f sideehe / i: y , / II O) DAMASCUS Akré fp Lake Tiberias Haifa Derat S Y} i ab! ane Apia aie, ae af Falk ———~ ila ; Jf @ A JERUSALEM So AVS ZBS—Damiette Gaza = A gee 1a-55 ea. H S EXON DR} Ne RLS + ° Ber Seba S ] Romant. 4 Ber el Mazar De/ K&ntara * Ismaili® i CAIRO} Sinai Desert * Sus €zg\ . I . f \ ° *e/ AKaba Reproduced of the Genero/ Service Schoo/s, fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military History of the World Wer-C.R Howland 6 OFFENSIVE TIONS IN ASIA MINOR MAP No 43 S Wop C4y SY (ty Ae Maiyyge A fie) \ VB G OW IFL mea Mi, \ \\ / et NW i Uy), \ ASS) \\ MNS p=) Ws 1B/ (4 gay GEORGIA Vig \ Ss ©) «Olly lof ars | ‘We 6 of Er amish C ERIWAN 7. | ER reload HKeupgrs- Keni, NY), teh aret ae 5 gs" Jamachatun EF SAIN Pah x 6. 4 ‘ aaNet a (-26 8° e rmia l nwo. “as ¢ = ie 8. \Tauris. i . sg eS D Sr bekr erin “ined “mis” 2 a \ tS ee Neh Thty ro hed tak taal | : SN. te TEHERAN | + : © toes ZN nie - Sak ‘ | ? Mosut® / oErbi ve | Bidia PERS TA MESOPOTAMIA Sulehmanieh, ee | = ° eHerkut * QDialagy oa gADAN | o7awk wv. — | Ss sae Jon a { oMashan * oMtfri St Bearer ‘( “igh p PW Bissuton | alle ° mee 3 amara iis bat /SPAHAN | Bagdad ter (aaihoa * . = bate a ~ a lp Ph . M4 “ =~ ree i, a ae) dsiow CAM - \ eee nh 2G a a ik Lisop UY woled cov ‘ a) aed ay i | atiasud* 7M 4 BVMoAEY® i SVWecocwe fon RS stiwlled nov \ S23 a ee aaa msl o Ws AE : Venemdnad - exe\\N GHE re eae ik thks | ps Bal ; | REZ Mi Kg | ae iris ee orm A WA nsswited o5.iM : | WS rey 7” | isa, Ml SSAqet ys 33 Ssoy esd bas of ESe\ ush Anownsyvesd say 2loode gatwis@ tmisasd ok tp S21 ‘emokwoll AD - VON ‘BNW ark Yo pote ‘ we et: vo tr b + a f r A* om ™ Pad a % ¥ i ‘ fa Kiig 7 4 ” “a a y = 4 “pe i 7-5 aes an. ‘ : iv ew " : ¥ eee 4 : Gi torert Swe per: mi et a dts ele et i ell BRUSSILOFF’S OFFENSIVE 1916 MAP No 47 Y ££ Legend a V Front onJune 4 ummm | PP ue © Ys /o* ¢ J My 30% pila rs tino ee i 7 / | oRafalowha f Ss \ / = f O HOVE. é y | ; GZ a SSN ee ‘x Ge 3 i Mo Fe LE Viadimir-Volhysh © Stole Olsphex LZ “9 Rowna Do Zs ALL BRUSSILOFFS| Mette GROUP po et Ee Fi npit e | , s <3 Sede Soot ie omer ee eee os ame ac psn ee ti es tte ee te : ; E Qo° 50 7007 P., - PB a ed sate - , \ 4 SCE 53S ele aia Se Reoroduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth , Kas, 1/923 Military History of the World War- C.R. Howland Me ote) er re a4 Vi) i, i “, ar baa s i - ee Me r ee i J . % * 2 - « r 4 i » pute bi Qs = “J e 7 a , } “a - a be € Li 5 alle ; y wa." ‘ . 5 « + . | = ee ome 3 ae Or ahaa! fork Yorveort A ia HY a: de EY XY ia = Negi, : +t. a ESP 2B A, Maoweweoes ‘nol AWO x Y& ov, TAM IAFOME gS | | | | TURKISH CAPTURE (OF KUT 1916 MAP No 47A — V4, — _Me Me = ts, —— us, = Arya ) uweiki las —— Man oe a ie ag 2). +Me-- Me ~ Marsh S253 : Se Me. secaks +. & Go - we. Bas rites f al Defences = = on or. é Reproduced atthe General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. /923 Military History of the World War —C.R. Howland Defence. ieee << Bet-Alessa I June... a Zl ~ Me i Weeks “Ne. aie ate doubt ee en ag j wath apg qe MESS Allies wmes Central Fowers 0mm ALA ENS Scale of Miles jeer eae DEFENSE OF SUEZ CANAL 1916 MAP No 48 MEDITERRANEAN (/ | | / « J Bir el Mazar z cope, ape SS Bir Lahfan L ae Fties Bir. 4 Central Powers CO _ Habeita aw 5 jlo § 10 20 30 Pailes - = - iy a nao We ho a nem, eS - rt b =i eee a ca i ON Ss! MR ee eden oe na Sonar Ge eee oS eS CE ee ee oe ae oe ol 5 oA re Mat ely ae Eee ty are) a PS eae = Lee eee RTC) Sea Th ARR ny LD one's 7 dig», Se - A a7 . a Mes A ee a Rye \ | | fe ee ee 8 seu: J allie a ; a ——= = ’ a a -_ Awe ony a 7 ? yes * ~ e ® SE APS cepa a ak Bit Bog See S{ INSSSL ——— ‘ bn en) —_, ‘* Smee —s, - et are ney at =v DET OAVZIAW a BYA S8& LLUEW ee eee ae ae Ss = Wid eal te SO YEN WE DLLEB BY UEV EK 2 Y | Nia ee ee 4 pee ce ta ee Se acon ee eh eee SF ON Sr 8 OI et Oa een ce DELEV2E OL 20EN GVAVT Iale ‘ hes ITALIAN FRONT 1916 MAD No 49 TYROL \ Rohrs Arm 4 \ ' yall MIL x? Yano’. ayy. ie BY) le: wa YY Py. SY fy a Meagy “we S2Fae 2% % ch Du Pes A LS s Le prema a 4 7S 32 Franzenstestep-AR rc ue > ye S23 i eS = te Grae fae = Bs 5 ee. Toblac ~ 3g)! “Aye Loe Mon & A R 2 C =e tye - aS Sas : ALPS Wisse + =!" ae K ‘ Oa et 4 ) re ’ MAN > - ST ie BRE MRE orlina A Ap C2ZLOy, = nEKRKS es SZ Wee P 4 Ist GANS = Zins S/d ee XZ ee - = wn 710 ' " yy % Fei ey % Mi 4 \ ? gee ad Win V 1s \" BY ‘Sat ae * PIN 4 RNS er de ile \ YP FORILIA YAaisca EIS Gn Martino ¢ DB berdo C4 OH Falcone G ONS ~ aes Fronf May 1/5 * wm front June 30 mcameme Austrian extreme advance June 20-. ===a= Front Aug. 21 —*=—+= Reproduced ofthe General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. !923 Military History of the World War —C PR Howland ee i er | Vv ”. _— ele: THODT MAIIATI sna a a a! spe ten tart ceaseless f ePeZ ENE dana eee eran ‘wench AD rae, WAN aie wth o a i 7 2 ¢ 2 ¥ s 9 Ki +t et ; ae ae - : e vf atu, y ae ‘ae #4 bs f, ‘ i +23 ae ‘ ba Ae oe P Aes nag 7 } — ak dered | pd aad ra . y a” i, os AY or ok ua kg ~ My n a oo tas Bets: i : Le * _ 4! = BALKAN RAILROADS BALKAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS MAP No 51 ®. One SASSYe ete Te hed 2 J ae BELGRADE {PQ - . s * Semendria °Noywi-Bazar Mech" Tsayilewe *@, Mit tz Leskovat e Seoteal Lente J WLI, BULGARIA NEGRO IpeR 1 Erisevteah a { oRad, ‘ee weigher Bh radeanik Mange ROM pPhistaphe Rebtin * \ANDRINOPLE WSF oe, L.Corfos ( ~) Reproduced af the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military History of the World War —C.R Howland ry . ¥)) QVIRWM LHEWLEL Ob ObEUVLIOM2 Wi¥b HO'OS BYVIKVU Iele COUCENIBVLION . He Ady DEFEAT OF ROUMANIA 1916 BALKAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS MAP No.53 Bb BUDA-PEST Austrian 4 Baja lo Szegedin Ns » 9zabadka (Moria Theresigh¥) ~ Temes SQ) = | 7 x BOSNIA * et Seer ++* ¢Mastapha Racha Legend: 7 Allied Front Centra/ Powers ES) = Greeks 7 Reproduced of the Genera/ Service Schoo/s, fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 Military History of the World Woar-C.R Howlond ‘) ¢_ e5 ft * J ty soe peer ee igo ULEUECHO wer Fg ‘ o - : ‘ = goayo Mr phd ia - Se gacdoqs Ved gee OPN TAH), . ‘ ed i El ge BAD T-SESS AYMAMSS pn es ——SUPRNM IHEVLER Ob ObBNWLIOW2 ~ Wb AO R2 DELEVL Ob SONWVUIV Ile | ey yh ain reves , fim 47 ee Aa aw ; ‘ ed ‘ poi f ad Dy, = ‘ co 3 +)-J1-a-3 4 * ° ANY Hi by, 7 ODN 09-V-A- tee Wits ny, , Ea nud IB IE nae o , oe - rr, nb fal ae | v i : . ey _ r igs "% i n 1%," "i hy, 4 ry M a a Laon at f = vig } Jyny\ J ae, " © pa n? a ud C2 j ye” *“Liwsie Mi iki odo of | a6 “4 ae — + ants = fae 2 Daa loins " RS y} | . | Za lA, . ee _ Spaiwotl Q.D- AGN hah sal Ao otal yoptiliny tow _— + eee 6 ee ey eee ee UGANDA,, | ve 1A mL )} vieror . ET \\\0 Bukobaof) 2 > = = A iL. KIVU wih UR +, aS i = : “A Sree eae os Kigale g* > = b ; ) 2 = NS Ae: = = Biaramulo o © iw = \ Zz Gitega Bujombe? % Usumbura Mariahilf : wiont = | = St.Michae O = Mbuh z Kahamay\ WWE = ‘Se Pe: S = #,,Tindo SS Ufi ; z Hills = z. a Ssingida Tabora = Mgori~ a — ‘WE luluZ = ula parué Ba veg | ‘S % Hills C Cajun ; NSS Lajas q. in a ; : Wein SOsSikong far 7 9 Sa | Kilimatinde , Dodoma’ a Nagy ff yf mt OUNOOD NVIDIA G AA Za \ 7, z = ZS Z Z WO wir .Bismarckburg wottyy New Utengule Mer By e Muy “"Benp,, Central Powers O—°=—-=— Allies Reproduced af the General Service Schoo/s, Fort Le avenwor th, Kas. 1923 Military His tory of the World Wor -C.R. Howland CAPTURE OF GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1917 apo 54 ~ a0” yar Ke — = > = = 5 AWS dae gee. ° , Mbuyu i 4 \¢ yan F ala pa uu Se Massai a Msta 3 Kondoa ‘ iE lrangi alamom@. ig) Yet j + f 7 | 9 Oy ~p i Vf 7 o Aneti Al enio agdeni Ke : oTissakwa Meda 7 N 4 Mtbmbe. Veasztoan i ra ae Bagam

A) 2, Kissaki Kissangire oKis we a \Kidodi : Sie \ Hae ro) bu eLikinindas Conn . Ruf a ae WZ Ee Neumbi I Mins if Lukulin pNegara 4 \ = ro} rer \\ a adaba — | = Mpotora qu x A of SLiwale A n SAR) Wr ws ere a) wMajyem ssongea ewa Tunduru .©) ‘ORTUGUESE EAST AFRICA a’ Gh as ero ~~ wee” a edn “th ad ’ e ‘ U 1 Vi ogame merry cane ie mestedt 297i “h iL %. hth d a ogane Hr ype ANA f so : rah a ig ih in Sires ida of iif sugng a nites artihJ all ye (GS adabott . Vay bee ; ‘, oe : ay 2 ” iy f “ ; { J * ta es HCLYK | ‘iN B ‘% 4 ; ih te ee Re rahitanedl aed oh! Phe aihyamienney” Oe ovat hab ply Nae Ge) toy rare se yy Aya hd A tien Pa tber'y: Datong sat he HR oe eens iy Ge) acai RECAPTURE OF KUT-EL-AMARA , 1917 MAP No 55 Evacuated atter attack on Jan 18” Y Points of % \Dujailah = £3 wae > Ser. tie Crossing feb 24*° = * SiS Tate SE. ne ee = \Redoubr Me ee ! a 5 ee SSS FSS ! a ee Dr. eS Bigs ae eee a in attack \ “486 a ge ae on Jan 25*%h A on eS a a - 28 Ae ealicep aw aac ipa en ae os Legend Zz TANASE NN Whey ae: > : mie “TAN EONST wb piggy IEE OOS Allies ee ~ \ 2 8] \ Turks rae 6 ree ‘ Scale of Miles i | g 7 f Reproduced of the Genero/ Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 Military History of the World War-C.R Howland shine bi hay! ee aa ahs hs = = hhh —S - Tel . ew 4 d a ) re ‘Cs ih j . ie eS [ u i é ele i walt * . FKL 10 ig 4 i} 4 | ——% fa = ee ee ee = ~s os - — = = i ae SR eS — Lee Ze ae = =o <> _ FAMS\VINS _ ABLe)P FL. eS pee (= Ene =e Sa ee SeD ee TE ee ee ee BECVDLNBE OL KOL-kT-VWVBV WIVD yo ve a } Paty aes | Vier” # r wet FO CS HSA m ao 100 pr hans 0 60 mies 9 daca oe \ Legend if af 5 MS Zo - ‘ . ye H t 4 Allies ew moO 4 x psaida “/ ~~~ § NX pamascus Turks ~memmems / i ees et SG O | a) Ae i , Ye , if E,/' ¥ f x) . Ip vod ay y ] x ead : Wn y2 3 » / aes Z © / ty, %, 4 We . D Acre Lake of fk e Py) be Gennesareth 4¥ A YU RA NZ Mt. Carmel Haifa% B a 5 1) ee % ef PO areata We f & | a Nazareth (i) ; v | 4, N “4 * ti 3 P ig Ny r x bile M\ opBusrah ‘ * {3 © = Nablus + S ® bs e z( SN z S35 £ c) a © of/X >) X s &( 2 JERUSALEM Ze S eae Pa = A= 2°" TS , Ze El Khulil = O(Hebron = . rr = Zz ~ ws Z SPart Said ¥ a SPN\ ee : z 2 ‘ee ZG ‘ Beersheba = J ees om ee ams o ; E1-Arish \ Z £- = 7 | = = U Katia As Bi = = ae Audja vy a fy e Z 2 = \s Z 2 Be NI : ry Oe ake . i) a SJ [r~- ‘ YFrs 3B MM iy \ \e: ss * = : %, A % ie Nel Magharat 2 ee or 2 Wes yy oa oBir Hassana \c =x TAN AO ae) + SS oPetra = Desert of Et-Tih - a Se = 4 e % —— An : 4 = — yw \ % < @ Maan: / b S \ Z S N of 2 8 arb-el- Hy, ;. \ Ee Penden eal = \ => S itn — \ 3 ¥ @. ~s.. Kalaat-en-Nakl = = . ‘ “ y a Ps "O-."Route of th RNS Zz 4 = - “seed Pe % BS ioe WY, é; Sim, y Zo. x = rahe x » Sine ” % 2 —— \\" Mt, \ aa eho We e 4, 4, “if \ : = 7p Akaba GN Gian zo e | ; a “n Se Z i Z wy, S® = YG Zz, Sed BS \“% Yi = ee Z ied (= 4 > = = = 4 + = = ‘> - z% = ~ nn a 4 = SINAI Ss \Z& z ny, = > ¢ Fang Z E Zz > ‘ = e— on Ly > r; — = Up, yi ‘= ZY, : Yj Zz ‘5 Cy, & Y. . S Vy Z, z ni =~ \ Y = Mh WU. yw d : %, Z My, So _ Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, /923 Military History of the World War - C.R.Howlend —a s 2 be cages tet “St a aaed easly ** a 5 » aa a 1 ee # d ae Gs, 0 amen FAG, Serine Why gl $2 ff Z =x £UI2A a a rs } Be. igh OS ee A RR RR Re TNT TIE GLA EE OE ce 9 ey A ren eer te pt tiT-12 Yo nexed o tay attgsM 2] c ~~ Po ae 4 ie M tre isela ve 21807" al sts &* saannal i895 % e 8 IAULE ne Le IRE Re me a a ay a Oe rt OHNO AD — WAN inc ott Fo ESR) aA Ahownees 9 5 fen hl the >< whe oe el News ty f kan! tf MAP NoS7' | | | BY! ‘ _ + ; ss >) : oy : CF - - “+ \% Fone -," : 7 5 4 ‘ 7 . A wr di ; Fi % ‘ i ait ig) 4 i PE, ia Lhe ‘ bo sf NAL PER SiaN a , = eaemnenmmetineeninans aT TR “are we. Pye VEEN EP mocmeee A “evans: ~ aN WHEW oA Ae pote ost AD = bas > ». 1 SB MAIN TH SITUATION January lj Central Powers 2 oO) Pe Reproduced af the General Service Schools fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 Military History of the World Wer-C.R. Howland -ATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No.57 — Ip =O /* § NY a — \PERSIA e wis NV SH ) ( gs oS) J SU) See” Wi 1 ~_— PP) , VS — 2RANEAN SEA i 7 “T@ oA GAM THE fern bs OF THE ol UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS “2% f ‘ ; 49/ 4 A ea 4 4 f | Ales ; ery > ms a ost sh gece f Vil, Ve pet ae ee ny eM! eee Nev eterte ihe? Leet Neither y Phir, DE ay. Wiley seh” Vile a GR io we), i P A ? .. Nat ee ; ; al Le iad i te 4 Le ‘a ©) A 2 2) — c A 5 ' : —_ A ; - | ‘4 + Vi PLANS FOR 1917 SPRING OFFENSIVE FRENCH FRONT WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No.58 Aix-la Chapet e ae) alrmpedy fe) German Crown Sf. FIA Ce KF Si x x By DUc* WAZ heim R/ Aionville woo’ WURTE/M ‘aig DAA : BY, o; Estadt XS « 3. LQ oO; range Y ek Tebow STRASBOURG OSET VC WeEVCY™s, : oy = oue 7 Ce Veutchateau 9 VA}! Fontaine €7/7. A S} MirecourS “ Pinal \ ritainebleau AN S WS : Cr OU) "Ga. e NY eul Brisach > & ; =< Ne Bory Reproduced of the General Service Sat ad ee on: 1923 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World Wer—-C.R. Howland | le wa »% 4] rips a he ae ee ? ee od 4 + i PUNASTTER + TEC 7 ° yRieecs ~ PSagex-—s Cyaherts TT.) Me J —— COrOURE | a | MECLEBM LHEVLIBNE OL ObEKYVIIONS AVb WiC 2B Se. a ra DrWwHe LOS fell @bBIMC OLLEM@iAE LSEMCH LSBSOML Hod & es ae ee ; £ OF ee oe nd H8B4 mM Dl . NIVELLE’S OFFENSIVE 1917. MAP No.59. 3 \ bnifcorner Serre R. Crecy-sur-Serre | 0) Plrerrepont nO Mmmm to Sm gc 0g sed Fron . ~ proP? a X94, oe an Bucy /es Prerrepont BON : Pinon A ~ Lf ane Vauxas//o ° V4 f G R Voudesse r “. a és ma i eS S40, cS p iforate ,/uvincourt (Mor BAvlemant VA Epine 2 x “a, Courtencon Gory of/e % : oe FOR sage Asse Neufchate/ () *% Laffau A algal SS — wt —lloag : We au Bors ages Vesle R-. LEGEND @EREEE Brent oe April aaa . e2ee008 - ° ‘ 4 i 4 5 Mues Reproduced of the Genera/ Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth,Kas. 1923 Militari hi'stors of the Warl-l UfAar-~-CD Hauslanc/ Ay SET See i ae ae ee i | oie id ~~, + Fe ha me 1, Oe are StS = rk ee ee a amas ae rary eat RT i. Rare , a ¥ iy r? + i. ar » , wt =| on ne ¢? ae Lae ¥ ' a y % \ he 8 y a oy. a Ng ACT By) / ‘ cre at hl seman S Eh ONO an cmt eriene men Mri tS) ae > WE WAROg, hk aa | . | | b a peti ni Pr alae ty rae tekarba a 6, ri ‘ donee “haa Oe et ae ee 88a aN Sh Poonsk nei wren oth Nees So sae Wine Avo vsoka PB asi ibs | sek 7, AEM A vee me i i ) sr ah ’ j Mw “ak és va j bined wi BO de ee * island & apathy vigil: anhes ee iy ta ‘7? J \ : iy) ee fs Qs : i A c yl ae Pi OF iad ‘ 4 } A i j Ae r) fou i PAN GERMAN PLAN OF 1911 MAP No.60. Bae (feo A Seo ae ths — LA} } caeen SO ; -STATES (/ French Kongo Angola French Island, Tahiti T. @ * Marguezas Is. German East Africa Z Madagascar as Southwest BOLIVIA Saye ae Gambier Is. ; : BRAZIL Africa Ps ‘Ne ae Of Oceania an’ PARAGUAY B URUGUAY | , ‘ARGENTINA RSS} Germans in the United States | a a German Territories or Protec- torates accord. to Pian of 193i <3) teal bang & & UZ Mohammedans aoe ies ~ Reproduced of the General Service Schools, Fort Leavernworth,Kas. 1923 ne Miltary tistory of fhe World Wer-—C.R. Howland om ver 5 eqceacigh yey Px i Le.) 2 $02 ete 43 gontycet Dan: he a “ J 2 ara Pees ee 7 3S } m7 J . yutoys . “a eee! btewep oUto a, oa so ee | a ; . hen 2 +4. % Sa a? ot = Eon NULLEDS Kote dae A . ‘ nwa 7 icyR , 7 bvy CEBLDIVE br VA. OL Idl} | AYD Yo'e0 t 1|S4m > ri a? =, AMERICAN FRONT IN LORRAINE MAP No.61. ®Amsterdam ! HOLLAND“ <3 ” v © }s-sur Tille 0 Marseilles>——— TEER, Ee. Fi ihe, ies FL | es Se ee el ee oe ———————Toulen ieee wan Battle Line : . MEDITERRANEAN British Supply Section French Supply Section a eee =——- American Supply Lines : Scale of Miles 20 40 80 1 Ybarcelons Reproduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas 1923 Military History of the Werld War - CR.Howland AMIATAOAL MI TKEO 10.04 WAM obrotestA® GQuAIIO“N ae / ass ~ A ~~ | ont” ; , with oeeund © oMUIOIRa a ¢ agoi.l ni s » = A. me oy . nN Rt a ee ln te ee A 15: o, YY, Rotadotuell Plo apse A, Praisill 32. nollited eTTsxu ee olliT aue-al + ¢ os por 3 te * 7 SS TR TOT ARIE Pot sae ita + de ey, Seah anoy.l @ FLVrA t ~ EE aE A é s 8 ae te ph | AMER A AS TG ee te ce te eno, | et a Oe: OS ETE RAN IE AT : 2 mm eRe LEA Ahownevesl tA vleodst soins? tenened edt te . es : . AWW AD = VAN bheW set to grote wisi © ee ity Be a . 4 § . ™ 2 Mi =e /, b — 1 Yo> ; NN Ne / NAAM TN < . .y / 4 / 4) . : on 4 NW LAAs sur hile & = Be AP SN SS OR Aco K enh OURS. 1.0 RYT NEOs Ll Dijon! Mi Je1]!0 MY Le “ae Neon ry HAA Wee WH) 4 yy sables gone \ ROR \N . ON NIE ateauree CY RY AE oto ellen PArgrekeustte VAN ER NS: Rocher’ : n “é A Y: FEARS mm x Base Section iG Intermediate Sec: . - Advance Schon : Note: i Large numbers and /etfers indicate designation of Sections . PRINCIPAL FRENCH PORTS AND RAILROADS USED BY AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES @® Generd Hqs @hq Service of supply @Principles Ports ® Secondary Ports Ol mportant towns ams (1417 lines. w9 Second Lines ealThird lines +Other lines Reproduced otthe General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, kas. /923 Military History of the World War —C.R Howland -¥S9W2 FO : Hap) ie SSN LES WS SS IWS « < BKHEN SS IAQ eee * 4 SK ETOAC * y ‘ N yay were? RCIA spstodolus “BR tO ee | , : Hots ; a9 Or ex! : froU sd, XR Caeat ts Seeg SS i “oO of BP 2 ” 2 fereitg SEEPS & 1p r i, Pees y ‘omy? in Ot *. VY teat nh wo) Pl pow” . ; 4 Yi oon 25 GA Uses shi fy SRSA, Y PES », ? BANS typ / ~ - FS One ae ae a Ae ae . yi Vary te . ? . ~s" -_ » = ¥ + 35S ort a i Ss ~ AN NY WS . SN ON * SS Ss “ah. ~s SS —— ERA SSAA RCE vod m =~ me?” me ere aN ®: f CQO. Ms NY on " \ 4 . — VRS RRQ? nokse Sone Bla oy ated S Ob Wo BW ) ; > > : 4 taal dectiabiciadesiest eile tectmbeed th AS Sy __ Sateen cisdun sewed 2AOMaez, Lo moves shosind ath eR A Nahe emer CCADSLIIAT GHA 27909 HOMATT JAIIDMING 299071 YSAMOITIGAIXA MAUIAMA Ya dacu 2h2OA yiionosst, 6 drch zdlgarrA®G Yraourro sawez si@ uv gh on ie LOT ~wAkSres meet lowe Teme eeewd Sorteset, Sa, cori et meat Boot Seeks — ESR\ roA Amowneros Lind’ gleotot. shed \owedd site ‘ ” = NEWS. D-AEW ha edt te protelh praih ro Ve 7 9 se 4 zy a a" es ‘ / oe), & ~ Pais, = * ‘sf ee “a an as * "is Pe ie i" 9. GE ae iy er tee rk : “AN Ata = A va Par x 7) 2 ” | 9 ari et hy 2 by £9 7m 7 wis Cm 1) "> agit elen a pra 4 7 (hi ae ae das het _ mig = re. “ x a a Thee Re a) : pmie 49 = ~-F - An ti a > Dee | 2 —— Sao Ade ate x ag FAA D H &4m Vv, 2A INDUSTRIES MM Coal lron } Industria) y| centers Regional J . \ &% industries dq “in see? Waterways of the ae gznals_ first importance Militarg History of the World War — CR. Howland ro.oK HAM _ecisrr ea nara YOrTA if anke | SS ? lcinteudnt EIS) eretned 3 é lenoipent Kee ; oe \ gentzubni 4 r~~ attic eyewisisW Seat sonetoqm tet a pel EEC\ 20 rae reece ‘asi cleodo’ sarrtet \ensase oA ASD — . bewkwork AD — wWA bi adt3o poole y | re . 4 Pa i, a ; - om Ss ; oy » ares . tn ‘4 a 2 ‘iy os i pS WE ) Ps fee > ad ' > v4 . ; a ni ‘ bs * Yh Ls —~ ~~ PT eA 7 MAL OP FRANCE SUPE Pim pos ed on thé ere * 4 4 ¢ » ‘ “y* os a < “es A . a ¢ PAe UNITED STATES - ; y oe ! ‘ ‘ . al : f a. SHOWING relative GIiSances thew %,4 —y 4 * es e e T> ‘* X ro t Sa" ine Seni OF NANroad Ouse ye ; ¢ "Ss SS 2 Uaee Oy ReeegiN EXPEDITIONARY FORLES ) Leserich United Sfated Crfiey franch Por aed Cres Mair Rabhoad Lire og ‘a hallroad Lines Spit Ratvtroad Lines i ay" wo a) ye | S Reproduced atthe Genera! Service Schools, Fort L eavenworth, Kas. /923 Military History of the World War —-C. R Howland MAP No 64 =< tnd COMMUNICATION > sipeabaatadaaiail ~~ Charleston eT AN THe OCEAN MAP OF FRANCE Superimposed on that oF VAC GNETEBSSTATELS showing relative distances and the extent of Railroad Systems used by THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES S\ Legend \\\ OKnoxville United Stales Cities 1} BLYON — French Ports and Cities aoe = Q/f Railroad Lines era Second Railroad Lines Third Ratlroad Lines Othér Railroad Lines Bas) et aoe &y" T | us 7, DITUAITA UAADO Fo ladt no bscodgmitsque CITATC GATIMU AHT esoneteib svitalst pniworde mete baciliah lo insixs set 5 yd bee oath 2050 Vaanorr i039 AQIRISIA oy ; sees yf hy estid wait SVS Palin 2ST The Goch devant’) 7 ii ram ORGANS ev) | peemcame Lats BOorlisA Broget + ram) woorlinr WAT, / pescsrmca {GS ro Ad, WMATA ASO sap Aces Se A ywrevsiaiee gai ing Channel Sorwcte Strate, For ween ee 8H Mittorsy evi a4 hey Of tie Work Weer wo Pree teneet ; . HOUASS AO GAM ITALIAN OFFENSIVE 1917 ITALIAN FRONT MAP No.65 site 8 end: Allies Ez ro Ne ofa Be S Centra/ ss © - ‘y (Tie wy = MICS pee YSIS S g my , fined tees es . x . TP = “= 710 as ¢ ~ “g * uy Kite te 7) re . A < 'e AY ‘a ent <¥ 4 aN ae 5 4 =, Al ROP, a 125 Monte Nero a \ Sal 0/1271770 a Pe gane bagas® =+¢ “ Rov Sa Ox 4 - { ~ even Commuges brepla 7, a ENICE Adige AL DOT Fe reese SEA 2 Reproduced at the General Service a fort ~! worth, Kas, /923 Military History of the World War ~ C.R.Howland. Ss UeS aps ~*~ al iv rr ~ t) Mel AVieMNSsIo WMAIJIATI @d.0K GAM ee ee at Reeves “ Beis , J . ae. wis : s ae p 7 “4 <6 ct ge. * , Ae 4 5 y a —s =* & = \ = eee By % y aes, 25N\A SS oe > exw \onins?) £0 . Ss g Son ceo > S n yy b+) e ale Re he ay a if 1 H6B4 ry Uv, 2 ~ 11S G/e/uve/t gover 7 @ Hamlet #= @ Ms “ « ' aly \ Ae S KS Warneton amuumummes front 7 June omen {Ont after 7/ure Off. 5 MILES CED Ca eevee &é Front asvler 3/ Suly ” se ss. eS eee epespeawen ~” ie 20 Sept ” Reproduced at the General Service Schooks,, fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1923 Mi'tary History of the World War — CR. Howland eee hou, Yap i ceccimaall ‘pou \ ee i Aeeevuse JAINA ed CU 2 a wave e. nee id SF e,8 ay Ss oN NPcpasys NES IPD. Sit +h SIONITH 40 ALsu34 ee 7 ; y . rf : , al e d a IL igh be - A : =x a Sh Nae “af PRR a er HeBS S ome aly : ” 4 Oc? ‘a enaaancee ‘ ot “i r & &> . f 26-30 Oct 2 ©000 00000 i " 6 Nav oan oe * '. A Houthulst x Nords choote Cover Kortexer | FR. = a_—_ au» == fauler® to /n, ern ee eVele Doeck cod P~@, lehivel? bog 4 ae : Scale en, I B : sia ° I 2 3 MILES jes ® peu Reproduced of the General Service Schools, For? Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military His tory of the World War -C.R. Howland ESP alt Atsowrvrer lhe, eho a2 severe herent? weiter Yoarkwoktt GS D— ad ‘shvON oct Ao mes i - A Sar v¥ u tics Pedy vi oy 1) } 4 4 ay Th » | .; i , wp ii i i Ae is ¥ i Wad fh feet ae bay Ag se My ae an aah co ie yun PDS | Gate j i 4 by i, \ qe ty ae ‘ } , ih, Mi Pie Pak , : o ay re » ure it , Te? ¢ 4 x res eee Tee Lk he a ile ary avr » eas w\ - ae “Tel 3OOUREAAS CHA, crete” ‘ .Ta OU TAM “Saeed | ans. LC Acot\ sae vy ey WH sea. ate ATO eeunmeeenes ON IG ie AERC. =? gree ah A a aisle ema: - Last OD “ a Wb wee ae wee | Sh NH mesa ™ ” g * “ be Lee MLSs * ” oe > > & ‘ : > w * ? . ~ NM 800000000 | s ee See oo ub . ans wg nd ¥ hehe. RAE, 1S SF Stier, | a | | | | 2 ery an Aa iA = s 4 ‘i «fs ‘ pagan if. tag a . . 4 . a. 4 i etim 1a: zn US eee ee ; i | § Ft Net ff ee \2A wm. V4 RUSSIAN GAL Ss 4; Pe ie ws WZ gs Syn. " qu swiarn WT cay. uf (Shits, Pome Maye Wi, eons” kW, RSA 55, SoG Nes US 5s sy $5 Wi; Wie: aa we a0 ie @ VIENNA | BUDAZPEST & | ey 2 | y | c Q ie EASTERN THEATER OF OPER 100 ° 100 200 300 © 400 Reproduced at fhe Gerrera/ Service Schools, tort Leavernworth, Kas./923 Military tistory of the World War —C.R.Howland CIAN Pine ee 1 i eee id riedrichstadt /¢ )} a> wae uropatkin \ WINSK \ Y) 952 O j 5 To SMOLENSK © Friedland geibes 0° $ “4 tyleu Suvalki MINSK S | Mazurianh Lak Rousustons y a 108 f? ee < bGRODNO/ 0 | oO -€ | ee ey, sovietz ™' i+ oBielostok INYSZO © J Narew > tusk ee Ov Sk z, Pra epevanserod Radom ‘ysa Gora ee Theiss R f are ry SS) St We SS OG ‘i ~~ S | a a ge IK ~ ae Lig Ms a II NSANS . RU ay © BUCHAREST \TIONS a | | A x K 500 1LOM x, by _ = \d J \ we & 4 4 = i : a) : f ;s t F J MiP = »- i Las | fa Té Ke } Par) / : y of” f - De 7, ¢ . ° Ay TA ih & . > a 1 & i " ¥ F 1 , , y * ti 4 = oO Ne ra Sr: +. ee eon Ki M stsi os aes ee 2. doteolsida be J mont FS “ * obit ia wy ; ao eae onwaSt tie Bo ye ondad . e &Y 4, the ’ a F » " in i A Marr Ape ine. ae Ase peace it iti Genibcent Sermon Jcheoty Serb or Mittary History. oF thie. Weibel Vilog = j e aT oe he eat vat OM ye Neh)". | » ’ Pee Ce mR ee grat A) ee ee Oe ad H ay mM GERMAN CAPTURE OF RIGA 1917. MAP No.69 0 10 20 30 40 s0NIleS [ee a a < RIGA La \. Ca Uxhall © \ \ Dura’ \ aap Jacobstadt® Fw | Dwiris® Zone of Assernb/ Vil Arm of Massed Mareiver (von Hutt iér) (SDI + Legend: wm /rornt Sept /st OS RN ace 79 39 6th HOWNG, =e cam § 99 Li 27st Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1923 Military History of the Werld War = C.R.Howh ’ g'sg- > : Pn : A ~ oad ie mal “y ; ‘- t ; : v~ oa oi ee ie a ah ee ~— ee Pie SE ea ese ; ‘ " oa : d Ha ; i - ; : - . . - 2 - = " a & wo: — a f i = 2 a on . 2 . : : ft] . _ i es i et a rit in .- - : .) ' ¢ 2 i s = * 5 =, i as s : ' ~ 7 "9 | es t= of ; ae at i . , 1 ¢ = be a oe ert: y as a P= el a aa SS oes Seer ry . en 34 D ate i = aad ae os Saar, ‘; ae 7 oi, - > his - ZonAIIS | ¥v xe + PES 4 S xt Behe ASCPELSTAL \Sg : It | | Ks ly es Sag e Rai a Shere of SHINES Towne: mn a Ss pesd Wee | : *- e ANCOMLY i are yedyoticont ay NS, = gswrucony — ¥ | ae ponanwous an eo oer Pett h H+ LX\LGIIG Seaiess SGASOCS VWs Se LAXe ae wee ee ee ” ere Si \o ae bs LPs [Mwe — ee wa . SAGAS mW WS 5 © 9 emo e ew ~ SAGWILA aL nd rc ie Gum YL LOUL WOLWUWA aL YMA gg 7 Z28 regsugq Se sy cengeenpeeep ay wiree THIBD BVLIFE Ob AESDAM IoIs abe bis rn ee H84m VU. Bw CAPTURE OF MALMAISON 1917) 9 r leet 4 F Mies Legend Front morning Oct 23 a8) ae evenin Oct 24 Oct 25 Ss as Nov 2 @ Anizy:/e.Chaleau > 2 = em ae sy Aas Mes E ANS <« Zilli a> Fi Ns “| MP Royer »\\\t By es Fwd * UM Loot SHINS OW \ A Nanteuile DYN =@ Ks ANAS iN hel= Mts la Fosse i. WSancy WN (zy Ve ilk K == was R Ss aw od rad 2 SJ <3 = ae) ANN Ip © Z 14°AC / 21"AC | 11°" Ac | 3% “yw “39"AC Reproduced at the General SoA see Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, /923 Military History of the World War-C. R. Howland el ba ee — | ed rs oe ~ Bmineve = + SRS wasiedd shysink @ 5 am engin asi AA BED AEM alt’ @ 2 c. Wiglé tits RN hea SD. iy ea bd ryt. er nt 2 fy Bye, yr ? gd im We i f N “DAY OE F ' ES ual Ainow neveed 5 Hen: Dooread sounet \oraned oct 4 t ocolwerk .A 5 "WN sino ont Ao emacs bt py’ * - at ’ ve wire d ¢ e 4 ' % ; 4 & y * a hy ~ <0) aA fi ; i“. | x y ( tema BATTLE OF CAPORETTO 1917 ITALIAN FRONT MAP No 72 za Allies GD Central Powers Uy sone Phin, SOS “20 Fyne 3 ee = , : ’ sy “i oy SV 4 v= ~~ . tS Ue Sead y x * OS, IRAN a = a a Fae is "% Wea try, as Aa ’ Re vo0® Si : ; J call Wis AY sees = 8 é ip A ‘ » 3 \ f o//5 4, WG 4 Marie ‘4s 5 e est wt fix aw even Commuzes - \ f % . = F; > , 5 \ ae SS ”/ 4 y I 40 1 / / ahs f a SS) AEs e weeecoe - Dec I O° QETSED © © GREEEED © + * Nov 5 2 SELIM © CUED @ Gese P- Z 8 PEPEHHHE IO : Br British Fr : French. Reproduced ot the General Service Schools, Fort Leovenworth, Kas. 1923 Miltary History Of the Werld Wer-C.R. Howland A DER RA TLC \ SEA, . 4 (a aay ee a | ae gen dpnih ao oc, 30 Pe on ee a : “ £3 : SEARED EEOeL OCF SA Ss oo : i ; : x1 b. > A : . . 3 - fit bd te pts: ee es “? — ee. ©: - } A ae z Ss; ~ > oer ad \ = eo a - a S, ‘ ‘ s * “4. +" : - - oa ~ a hat | - 7 e “ i sf LLSUISO2 ALE S Cok Rat LPM? cy WS er a am tt ane cia sliliieeienentiienmemeen one 2 | I LVPIV EbOUL - WD HO AS “s BYLLTE O& CVBOBELLO ial\ OE i nen epee © BATTLE OF CAMBRAI Nov 20-Dec 6, 1917. MAP No.73. Lesend: (41D) que front morning Noy. 20 CAMBRAI |——— _—_»; evening 1 9 yer Li Pee Eigz F423 Moeuvresns (BEST: rfp ES Ve Ha VrINCOULE: % Forest 7 ie a » LPL THIRD ARMY ve at Dare SER Geena 99 30 Coe Dec 6 - ‘aing cam Allies Sgute, es Cen?rra/ Powers > et 7 7 JTennecourt le Catelet Reproduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1/923 Military History of the World War —- C.R.Howland > % ‘la puting 2 : ~ re +, : Ct, LoD ee Ce way at a ae ey 8 eee are eg A . T.- oyre ig ty Daieoee SS sme ih > ha. SRG Porgrse | Phen “ag LES cougay pomee | . CSG Wnsz ree * PS, GET “YySc 9 7 7 a oe. . EME, «5 MRE 4%. 39 alg Ver Sy ames 33 GAS | | EE LOL DIOLUMIA YOR 5H é wes nt rsécuq: BVLLTE Ok CYWBBV] MOA SO-DSS OC’ JOINV Wb Ae 32° Hoy ~~ ates 940.9|> H84m V-2, CAPTURE OF JERUSALEM MAP No. 74 “ =) S ny gaia 3 fo Zs aon 2, mn = 8 aire sp ae G Rt ry a udd 2540 FT = Jerichog : He Barn. PMS Na hogs Neb. Sairiwal dp " \ = Bpturetel/fnebs MEDITERRANE gy ~e t] y Ras Poses @ j a Cultivated er pt Benes oo lain ~. { -6Bir Aslug =e @ EL MRattse. Movement of British Forces =-=> TT. Turkish Defences SINAT DESERT BB. British Lines 2 Tuweil-abu Jerwal Ridge 3 EL Ruweika Defences &y Turkish Line at battle of El Kubab SCALE 0 8 (O MILES Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1923 Military History of the World War — C.R.Howland a . , ; im _ . A >V.0oM TAM M3JAGUASL 40 AAUTS, | | fs a = Pee ww J fer, ose, WORE ag ~ wit alfa Maig wht a et << ge s BIG a: ee orlginsL >. \ NS ~ a N\ z ‘ ; “ = ae ad Flt “vot ee Sy are aa comm UII Aeaisird We Ingmiavolh ’ | esoagisl detinl ard | | aan) deiting A TAAZIG eyo lowish udoliewl $- esansisd onion 1a € | “0 sind I said Rett - Soduh V3 SIAI2 BANE, cy : 5 - eBRI [ak Arowcovnel AG, “Sutck sae-ailiencu alee PETTWONAD — “ah ste ea MAD. ANAL Ark Simm Gut cass: No. 78. ——e “ “a : : ain ‘ Sah Ne ete es ee ee ve rie 6. ty Mn j re “es 7a on oma 0 . # Ay, * ; ca : imi f 7) J ; a ets ie % Aiea aah ak; e ee + ‘ee ; ac “4 : s¥ ; AW ne wad’ atk to ' eet ' eS be Gels ia eras tere. hia yy, eee | al , . d aes tas im ie 4) = ‘ ¢ : P + —& © < a — — | oor MAIN THE SITUATION January 1,. Ug as Ks omc ie ) . foals SPAIN TH N S Reproduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leaverrworth, Kas./923 Military History of the Werld War — C.R.Howland PRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No. 75. IY. a>) Ka) if | 4 eh INS (~-. _~ UP | 4 oe haat _XQUSTRIA \= HUNGARY — — ~~ We bx 7 , ae | — i : pa , - ‘ * + = : * I~ eA | hi Sia BE ‘ | Bs ae Gib ee ane ato TAM A I A i le ee . 7 THE LIBRARY OF THE URITEnEIY GF LLINGIS sz 7, it SS ee Nr Ay A RU a ct Nm wt iE | Prpatison? tot oe pata grap Benin Histo: nits ed ) f Pi Nie ive | : ! ' J De a) Ba 4 Ds iG ; The m 4 _ i cotth be old 4 ee! aed i: Se a hi wy att er he mee PPA, mh Bi MAH No 516 > ” — fet a : ie 7 $8en F : ' Bite e+ Ute eee, 9 : * = “ , “ x ; i : “440 P x. / : a . ‘ . i] ‘ye ; 4 ty | Z Tall Uae 1 ‘ i tush SF". es Hy sdericmotm (il it poe wie visuoGP, Wi Nee. ate Paw’ io : ‘ . A : ’ =F ‘ : ww Om, <2 f An ihe by MeIGIviuO! a ane a ay ete ; xNSIva we neeroaee | 54 cite i 2 ds } ‘ o) | RA ; ‘ 1 , } Sarees | : 40) a a a : \ Fe le — ae wiVeed a a Pai sy? “ . J Ae } A ' : ; c ' ze > IDA. ps Cade - é 7 Pa ; fe: ye BY 4 Ke : ae. ‘ : ibs fi 7 . ake Sy ae Cras sia oh ra ae : : pws J Wes TUL i * as ak . i ‘A f Be Fc . ’ ran i ‘ , v4 - i > Y, a - \ J # Le) é ; ' i \ ‘ ‘ ath Tenandy i = gel OIG 4 le “Us HE4aMm Vi as BUILDING \ NK 3 GF AEN LAS TE A a “tpn e OstendeA pucest ~ + Nico poeta! x4 nail O° Zalurne Pe roise _—_ Dunkirk MY ixmude fal Rete ; lata EL. oReulers @ Alost BE LG! 8 Courtrai ire StOmer 5 rs Hazebro \ Boulogne 4 Journey, ee © TELE FO. ( Bethune Oo MONS %,,, qoouai \. : ; I C ORPS i | im EF ) Ss L irs ——_— — ——, fe Soo— — Sv es => ee yy, Ye We , Parrbeville : oy, wo »Peronhe Hivson Br. AMIENS ston WOH S . ! sifehatel p Montdidi on ier ©LAON Xie \ BEAUY i) AARouEN ag : Ue Ake e S Pres °P Louviers MY! Leanne & 5st Se Lar RENCH RHEIM. rn Pontoise A Chateau Thierry ~—-Werne a WY Evreux , : WN’ nis rp? Mantes XX AW eaux S NS ° . je VERSAI ANY Coulommiers Vitry-! Dreu SER » Rambouiillet MeLun Proyins ne R Ar Ree O e! —?P CHARTRES xe - Nogent ae Etampes Se Fontainebleati oNodent TROYES® . oSens Pithiviers B Chateaudun oMontargis oloigny ORLEANS ON eTon vies! Ain, Waa Auxerre enacome ~ ( aoe, ) > o ie Cc. ~~ WittLich 0 Zell MAINZ » : S, ° vee Bitburgo Simmern > Bastogne® " Barricectel ° DARMSTADT or. ) Kreuznach Rocroi So ‘ Neufchateau ie) STRIER . P ° Op. AHBRi S 5 ZIERES RScaee, Sur oy O Birkenfeld Worms gna ine Ac pear burs Mannheim afignan\ e (Luxembourg x Rethel & Mofttmedy ° an J St Wendel Nadia, ir a lh sk A S SPEY Vouziers x B ar hignvalie x ¢ ri \ 2 ; 4 g se rat ! in ni hateau Salins @G) ©) sv * Arriving - goa. ro S \W | ay es hn R. Ls AN 1B, Og"? DIJON a Besancon . Bn, Zoo x Dole 7 esitthy ecrade y | ZZ ote RD bai Pacem Ati.” 5, A ay of GAM | Sle! OS dois h 70. “af Be * 2UOITASIIO 30 ISTASHE MATER \, mol Gt On) p ee | GF aitiox i os : © trom" ry eng Ht ne See: ¥ : CAN herotl rs “e al WiIeeUde oo, a! 92 er sofa ce | : | ; Re LAs cae aly bet a anne | | | pede VASA “\. & ; " ANQABSM i eee secre a ~~ 4 \ Q 4 s ‘ ny ‘ul 4 f [ox SVIAM ae | ; c : aw ts . eae ‘ } yam 1A uf ‘Ou aig / J paki *) \ scant g = -" i oe gt ea " } AGW - in ie “a fog a | ee Me os A™ Orariciryvenm a » uf , a ia -¢ i a bi f Rah ~ Rens Fae Eta i Ee CR aS Ris J .Prsclepish evstbainiedion labmaw 42 a ‘oO .. th sate Lov! / J 8 V ane ] 4 if Hh thy i ay i 3 i mt pees he aes | ‘# jabrie.] b Aouiderin2 \ lense 7) i an LAZIGAN o . = , f Mit Spa, xe ae Sgt “beigieane. nt — YOU? DIV MA i » 7 HalenRo \ > ne 3 4 Ye “ci ' GG o “s rs _— be ; a e / 4 2 32 a! ' - CORR, ig Se a tn ~ | ieee “hur ofuse e. ig ornareea tie 7 \poupat : os a Peilary #6 ei i of a bag atv “Ce | | Rewrenivce! of Ihe Gerwval Service Sehorts Foe! Tia rey mM 4) Yi ORDER OF BATTLE FRENCH FRONT March 20.1918 WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS | MAP No.77. DX ANVERS \S QO COLONGE toot Pe la Chapel, e © * cS ‘ SE Ge eee a: German SO 2 . Pas ae (sh Sa Bay Re oO 1V 5 9 Dinant GOB Genny ) Rese 2G ae MP a i {COR os inne pe lhvibe CE ie Ler boars ; WLREV ES, tan 7 TL ! Beats oLon wine 7h) , a! Li? fh GS Germersheim x A KS tonville Ge on R Sorangs a Say en KOS = 4 KOSS s att, be TR LZ Ew 7 SRastadt a j) [oP re > elon a & Neutchattaud 4 Shes ‘DAB > OF ontainebleau Mirecou Renal s Y me | LEGEND Fr. 99 Div \ Am ws f Q cut Bride 9. Re@S (36 AC a/ ; ; fortified Camp \) He Dunkirk) 4 Div ON Altres 172 Div, 6/ Res. 2 Res a SS stein = a* Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fis Leaver worth, Kasay 1923 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World War — CR. Howland > - > ox s E\adiyent . ee VINAZACE. ; Se SISTER a ues f eZ aa 8S SSN 3 LSE — * a Y COT QNnGE * ooo eel MEeL ge shee ot ObERVLIOU NAVYb WOAL n> ‘OBDEB Om VL EBEMCH ESOHL WSELCP $0 iol? } Het eae. yi 4% A. % .\* * ae Sa / Ts FP — we ~ TSS > ' ; a . , ae y ‘ * — 4% a ee . ”. > 2 > ta °*2 ¥ ‘ ' * *, a ne, OF" del ee a x Y \) ey + Fi . a Military History of the Werld War-C.R Howland RAILROAD MAP o FZ Lombarzidé <= Purne@Perotse 2 ) ° aD ixmiude . wre] ermonde } ® okKeulers = Passchendaele B yA, a , ord i f£Y Louvier. ° Evreux “We: o VERSAILL ANKY CoulSmmiers ° Dreu AV, | oo Rambouillet Nn Prey R | Ctampes fontainek eau : f oNodgent TROY ‘1 oSens Pithiviers Er Chateaudun oMontargis oigny ORLEANS 6 ee oTore o> Auxerre & v ws Clamecye Auallor, ‘ ®Cosne . Chateau- Ci rN Reproduced of the Genera/ Service Schoo/s, fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 FRENCH FRONT, 1918 , MAP No78 | ® ] AMSTERDAM ; MAP OF Leyden Rana ©) : WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS IAGUE ® ~~ | 7 so ° 50 100 125 Kilom ; GQ Xanten\ & \geiger \ 6 Morso 4 ESSEN r Q yD ISBURG RY —_— per . 2 oO Kreuznach i Bapicparecu®, 2 .\2. ePTRIER . y oe a On. Arlon 2) rol 6 EZIERZS eda ox ° Lae Birkenfeld Worms Kz Pignan\ xembourg ect, Mannheim aS Rethel 3 On nell ° . - St Wendel _ Kaiserslautern Dy : ( & Xa Neustadt ) Vouziers \ NThionville 2 PYSarrelouis WANN Brey ® y » Sarrebru Pager Vandats = ° ~~ , ey A Zz SS Saargemiind _— . \Y ee : tr [Ne WS Khatget eae Ce -le YEN ag rrebourg ° : REY NA Hy a : SW, Q@LONS-sur-Marn A Be y francois oa Ns ade STRASSBO Reutlingen : c AWS Ss Offen burg | Xa Vassy % | 2 2 ae al COLMAR i R —— Freiburg Banu . LAS: WAY) | vii F an of 3 MS) t Asp ZURICH PASE ZL DENS Baume ad >) W I a : 4 a D if a ;non cer #Dole whe of Neuse 7 BERNE a mmente)” aninaaeanaee immanent BaR sat Ser — | St oK TAM Bie! ; rHO | c TA FO GAM | | fn eUOlTASAGO TO ATASHT sare w) on E97 oor : s me 7 Aon eg pg / far yseeao uo “e PATEIIR nS ie my) ~~ ; bisten —Y + Cant ed a TAYINMART So ans ene aw A, | tie “an re : fa OF THE. fe Canepa at t) ~ f “QATZMBAQ« o — Re roens wate Bi } Remo ce, . . se “g rrisAnineM . ny . rs re . * Pena, of pradisbisn R 2 mistuelaveci ah isbpaw'te tc : ix Pi ax £2. Abate tush 6 . m, he. “Fates eo “ ta a 5 aes +: cranes ad ¢ yi eeniens naar’, , EERE ee a a J snusizisaro \ sem nae Ka oe oe cen itn siwraus Cie } Fai io TFOADTTUTS eer Cust 2 ‘ + , f 34 es eae oe 2 ie ailtusd a Fie: ! a ; a ie ee ke 138 i w <4 . 3) oa wen A snsand = | Olas AG ORALE: et enero etiba ITER ithe pe sf the Wich a # # ee VON HINDENBURG'S PLAN 1918, 1S™ PHASE WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS ANVERS LA : : ‘ 4 COLONGE S tte BRUXELLES, Gb SN ‘ Val encrennes : ible lT&ubeu AY U * > Envy F By Ay e = ; 2 51 tx eZgieres " ; aca Luxembour¢ : tS We Ot pees yet Germergheim fo) x Longuy,« «= Pad WD ; NY Rionville peeN \. . oN \S \ > ERDUNA a os ethel y >. Z Qe. YW f\ WY ¢ + + + + 3 LYE ‘Rastadt LY \ Meaux Ae, oe a | FB r ) WY’ STR ay. OURG g \\ : en rab TO ASS RRQY x NY \ LEGEND Neutchealteau § \ SY , °Fontaineblecu eul Brisach GN f NS stein / & are Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, /923 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World War- C.R. Howland a © ‘’ i. ees ee, fy ae ran? @ vv F f or Wm . HeAHI os ov GAM OUU HT 3 & ATA < f 3 4 ae qs .8iel } evOlrTAASTO. 4¢ SRA RE Sir 7 +4 ta Oe. . tA oa, walt 3 ary ‘Boy D40,9 (3 HEAM UD aig GERMAN OFFENSIVE OF MARCH 21, 1918. Béthune re] I ola Bassee Vimy ° oa_m—m oom oo ARRAS © Br Bec. Tit ° bAbbeville &,. ines ‘ (, Ak ij rorsj/les > lceuvre Cin MAP No.81 0 CAMBRAY Il i \ el a, Vacqueri Alber tlh i 2 Se ie AMIENS Vi CEE: Oo gq CEE: ~R 9's f , | ontdaidrer 2 ON \ “Se ‘ res Llessisde Chaunyg 4 ae Re Q 7 oe SAK e Plem Reproduced of the General Service Schools, for! Leavenworth, Kas, 1923 Miltary History of the World War-C.R. Howland bVi//ers. Ghislain ao oo” & oa andeutl oon / A LAFERE” ‘ - ) So/ssons 6Army ; an ’ 5 + fat i ‘ a - A RAVOeRIO yrIAd eae eceicniabetiaiall a ee eummuamann iiieemninds EXPY cdi dhvoecawons We) Maatea® WN en ite Yorkin bet ai «a WAG. at Yo coe * + f é * » | ‘ j ase : a | 7 eel ee ' ‘ ‘ oy y eh ‘ a4 Pa oe ' Pr Lier ‘ 7 ied wy, vf ‘if Phi ‘ & J a 4 } / Ti 940.913 HEB4m UZ BUILDING THE LYS SALIENT MAP No 82 Lombeizidge” Dunkirk Bierce oy se} U GAND n ZA . ® Dixmud Termonde Va aE E ixmude 3 Pi Calais ELG Ds 5h Rp oReulers * Aloste 7 Not eee. purtrai eAudenard © P un. 6 DS, S ai “> e e€ ) 7 as AM tf ° mi ey BRUS D 9 osmbsvd: | 5% : ve Qe Sgignes © O MONS Md Seay alenciennes i : / x ° Pp 5 Bipah Cambrai : 5 oS vesnes lj FAlbert+p %\ZS II ie Zax we bPeronneS, O Hirson = yey grt ie Vervins MB } re Pb DLa Fere " Noyon” -~ 4 aN @LAON ise = NY ; EAU, EMV /ZABUY : Uyapourn ine | Compiegne a ith | a_e SOISsONns > les Andelys i © Louvier§ %E& 7 y RHEIMS os f Chateau Thi LEVI viene Legend WN ; Epernay C q@mmme Front 9 April, morning 2 NWe ae ° Coulommiers Vitry-le- Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth. Kas. 1923 Military History of the World War - Ck.Howland steal ee Nae git $i IC iol ausa See ae Se Vor Sohue at 9 nteean™ vd nd ZaNnsionsis eat ” | iTS A ae esneevA be [IYERS Pend | noes rae alk a) anivisv Z2YVi0M © , esi Lig jl = eee ot ee ae — fF as 4 x lt emt 5 y . % NAS, SNPS | A Ant a enoz2ioe NTS OH a Se @ Lc al Pe (Gi 2MIANS eyloba\ col OD eee * my y. \ z ¥g a - poe “~yrisitt wasiad> —— 2 yaad s ica biseet ep. ive, prvonem Wah ® tnott ee | THs BMAevNe , * 2 wo , + Sia _ shat tina’ ieee ms e ,' ‘ a|\ " ou in } ie 4 , ESP. wh Arownaumal SA rlooded aaivist WriensD | er he » Xentery f © &SSEN Morse ; . POULSBURG © Kempen’ Crefeid SP OUS SCL Ds ca iC). ry. - ~ \ Aig te eat SS Sligedaas Sc: ee Naess SOS nha ‘e o ~ Rh eas te 2 5 ae 3310) —* | ‘$i ip ak Ops ( a x ER vere emi SEN eos 7 sia * Re BS aA ll As 240,29] tEAM Vi ag BUILDING THE MPeroise ih ne Z SNE) x mude ermond MS) eA of). Spain * Aloste BE 3G 4 ourtrai AAudenarde ue LO Gp a OY. SN \ se yA Journeys ©. e Ei wD = B. E x o2 yy la jv Abbeville Sa Se | LI-6 »Peronne Hisar léppe PP AMIENS St ientin Vervins M ° Neufchatel Fr ; M nid idlere | ‘ C) @LAON s06 BEAUVAIS fs) a oO Wy } OUEN : Compieane Ce : Clermont (SG : ) RP Ne les Andelys 6 LouvierS ZG ag . Oy Ye! z puter jag G.HQ. FR. RHEIM A Chateau Thierry -—yferne Epernay 1 ° Evreux nis REN pet UL eaux Catterane : oulommiers Vitry-le Dreu -MELUN Proyins .4¢ R Arci e Metin aN & x aon Sc O Etampes Forstannsbieaa oNogent TROYES | oSens pilhiviers Ba Chateaudun oMontargis o-Lloigny i ct ORLEANS ier oTonn " ; rs « > Auxerre A 1S ©. ay Tas Ps ¢ BLOIS A Q 40 - Sf, é) DEPOT Clamecy ae™ °*Cosne oRomerantin Vendome ° Avallon ° Sancerre Cher R o Loches BOW RGES Chateau-Ch Reproduced af the General Service Schools, Fort Leavernworth, Kas./923 Military History of the World Wer - C..Howland A.EF May 27, 1918. ® AMSTERDAM MAP No 83 ip MAP OF “ WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS Fa 50 ° 50 100 125 Kilom GQ S \ seer Br a ° “4 ORSSEN og CS LSBURG Ror" OQ ois ! ad ie. | . f refeldd Tu Shout ° ( WO DUSSELDORF L TWERP’ x. Nguhrmond : Gladbagh Neus neth? PA frinlans Grevenbror a x “¥ ae Juliess Bergheim QCOLOGNE ~ Mgestricht, ty g (e oDuren 4 Tongres Nom YOAACHEN Bone aremme ° \s On | LIEGE-G suelee Rheinbagp = ® Giessen °M : hrwWeiler\ ¢ Pie Ouse Hay £ onfjoie © Schleider/* Wes Netiwied vont ps Chéfleroi) 7 a on Adénau @COBLENTZ juin PRANKFUR | ° : | a Daun St Goar WIESBADEN ot lippeville O * | Wit tlich_(? Ze! MAINZ a Simmern A DARMSTADT . ° — , Berncastel Kreuznach Rocroi | : TRIER ERES Birkénfeld Worm as Mannheim Rethel St Wendel _ Kaiserslautern Neustadt, » ° | Vouziers “a OX Brie Sia Pin sadans Landau \ VE 2? | aargemun are BE ee 9 o. d ‘Menehould \LONS-sur-Matne AS p ee BS are: Chateau Salins , fe) Saverne Sarrebours, ° STRASSBOURG oGondrecourt 7V0om remy 2 Schlestadt ©oCOLMAR es! eufchateau PH Mirecourt t Besancon | cor x Dole ai > } a , » tr eee a: fa as ~€8 of GAM \ p ] Ha . re 40 qm BUOITARIIO 10" arate “uAaTee sw te cage 2H om of is | + habe . > \ . 24% We a fe a <). a rae LYS ; Be: s Ra H ik ted hor a. id. ee ee a rN Som Sel rasa : iP ee Las , rea, 4 = NOSE Ft r v A . = . o/ e Cardon, 7a C4 ATEN . , te bet Sea VY | 7 Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, /923 | Military History of the World War ~ CR. Howland ja een) oan n itakcl ae A ” nN a] on » Rae ¥ ai tak ? He abi, ia ¥ Mee. fe ee | ~ me Oe Ne SNe | ) a ; ; EE aa an hanes : TAS ; ry i yak Z eee _* a > Hi SNe ws WPS why, | ; r re > teh 3 Sa ASSEN Vi A ae ee ; au JK BR, 7 | WAS Re EMM OSS A See | 4 yey SZ ONS ou ts <4 a i See os. | BVLLTE TIME UEVE CVVYLIGUA Wb Wo8¥ . ; . 3 Pre " ae | ES wT PN: = F ‘ ey sie 7 A SES ARMOR S/! OS. I , ef 4 tt LEN SSN ENF) ined & STOTT aAyralqog PYOMOW 4D — 40M plsom 2y4 yo Asopsiy Asapyi €26/ soy “Yf4OMUBADIT FAOY *O0YIE 271A IBS /219U2 244 Jo poonposdayy : . ANOILNVO LSNIVOV NOILVaUGdO AGALNVANI JO NV'Id -——— Satupdiuse) uz39Nyag fIWIT + — + “Sug U2emjag {iarT id gig. ae | ¥YOVIVEL CYALICHMA YD VOU? a ‘en ae | | bI'VM Ob IMEVMLGA ObTEYUOM ~ ee dee | ee ae HEWIm A . FIXED AND ROLLING ARTILLERY BARRAGE SY No66 Wate Tae ra mex ANTRAL SETS WY Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923. Military History of the World War - CR. Howland z is > = ie = ae hag m= SY LE SA ‘TS Dip yu ag ry ~> Ne * = nigun wd nixe? eR; Tl ? tie oN aren emai + WK | RY mo ae ~ i ~~ 5S a a \ a, 4 eae et rie ’ . ; OR emt 8 cee ee rene mee te ’ se ie “ . ; F anaes nee : CSO. Wh Aivgerraves) AWA Basdo® ANTE. tonnes BAAS DANN nao A = Va GON oft Vo golly * a ave af “ mer ~ 4 * bork i i ' ‘ 7 S * } ’ 4: ’ a i . j . P. ~ m4 § Biter 3 ‘ poe a ny ° <= { * bed . : P ; ¥- 7 < tty cohHuzrs yes e* Jarinamis/ @ LRIWAN % 4 a atl age eee Ararat o nechatie AR aya Na T * a * : gal ake Urrrrvax 0 PAs , . ee ‘4 Me * Le UPus A Shas etd iy ¢ a ee, @ a at, fermeansha Vfl iad Mead POD rs sishors jpBatete . “Se. BAGDAD. cfesiphon ‘ Sade Cixtped J artayet \ e., ~ t Mest hd 7 (Wag F aN "ae \ ‘ ” S % in bg - 4 ~ v “ é - LE RO AEN A A EB ret \\ eee SogK ef, KSsod stisiong a= Bs a S A \ ~ Li ( * ic oa Joly JERUSALEM a oe miette ee by Z fe: akEY é Dead Sea FP VAS is ° Hj pVuddayne ° Ber Seba ¢ ( Romani, Ber el Mazar ° a e/ K8ntar | Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Miltary History of the World Wor -C.R. Howland IONS IN ASIA MINOR IW Ny oe XK WN Wij), en Ne SSQU UMN, A Y NN Ss Ay” Cg Zz \ Mma 5 U5 ~BAG \ Mi gt, \ i y ta) / \ : BATUMe EE TIFLIS Mgr Ht SAS) \ Nw pa ZONDYAA °©Ardahan G i O RG LA I [BA KU \ a = | : Olly © Kars )) T | Sarihamish ®@ LRIWAN nears \\ CAD PLAN OS EA \\ ERZERUM © ame a Met. Ararat a 2 YY, I) $92 Mamachatun i SINS A “i \\ \ | a eae A \\ IMENIA eA \ \ Moosh — ee ak a ¥ | LW awe AUT Us nc ri \ SS © Redvan MI HWS . NESS oa ors Baranduz : Ks TEHERAN 10} Bab Caeser Rol A | --~__ N& : | Sas + 0 Sakki | oFrbi; | MESOPOTAMIA Sulehmanijeh , oKerkut * Geala HAMADAN <5 o Tawk e <2 oMashan ~ Kifri Re Menten Snane ing (24 Bissuters Hara Tepeb “Shanikir | Samara °Hisil-Rabat ISPAHAN Bagdadt)ehr 0 Bakuba @ fies © BAGDAD Ramadijeh° \Cresiphon “*., hz idijepms Samayat | rarheia Kut el Amara : | ; ox gp Amara A N D ES E RT ‘ Se = é | Nasrijeh, forna Sook e/ Siouyoor <2 BASRA S\ ISAZAN : ReFad Yoel NSN . What \ SS ) \\ << \\ =\ WS Kuel ~ ve W\ PERSIAN \\ \ \N \\\ GOLF = Ail \ \\ ea 190 Q 100 200 390 400 590 Miles WAI © dcienakieweal rie "., TovarAdM cea ™ os o a smi sda e THE LIBRARY OF Th URVERS! LUNGIS: Sing : sii We oe ae etn oy : . eo ae = He aegis ods ~ Weaapanst | Brees * \ 4 ae SAenosh ee ae wavy Eee eS nett << ; i TVS rl 2oKhX » motu 28k bee ‘wan? wy = gee “2 stwind « nae Ag g nodajest2A poe BS Ve wh VA AS 2\ . x PYS hae a ey f Ravy ae w® Fes a Mearvear tel An tere > ) fi) | em Sinei Desert * Hie 41009 A ficter Sf * sli Og j ea) - } ? : | = We ; , a & # s AA ~~ ¢ -. oon yas & ea ca OOF . 7 tye OR en ee ar ” > attenuate iehtentineatereiaien eae an ‘, , ek Re a A en , f aes ss a ee. ee ee i ae he ae a a ee ee ee _- A RO il AR 4 Me len 7 . Ps = . . aes a, v= ¢ ; bd outa? a Ihe ertercl a } Savy ce Schaal, ‘orl idowerneor fh hoes {928 Mistery Mistory of the Viorid War~ C2. Howtornd iu hoes 3 ‘ ‘ : - shy a , ‘* : Lv RG as a ; , Pe =ts. 7 “ ' i _ by Y me 4 7 J , we “ ¥* . e rt MAERS mK on € he as € ae é th ae 5 N a RNOPC _ ‘ = Oly SS ee ee ~~ * ~ ' 7" ta," e ee el a x 4, e ‘ ; Catan > G BERLIN © RNY 35h ne Yn, 04 5 | ying Msi “Wzgp Whe Hee see AN A My x ae’ TAS A. > 2s . N\A 4 ae oe Gil ? = Hi JA ae on Oy oe : AHN Ai Wes. a) is, Z ee KZA We Hi t Y “As Ks Wi : > Oo | VIENNA BUDAZPE] & § R g Q EASTERN THEATER OF OPE 100 te) 100 200 300 400 Reproduced af the Gerreral Service Schools, Fort Leaverrworth, Kas./923 Military History of the World Wear —-C.R.Howland MAP No. 88 YY 6 Riga > lif Mitlaue riedrichstadt s | IP bLibau a \\\ 3 DWINSK \! oChavli - NN a \ x yy a koyno °vlkomir rs Ag Villa p ! ~ Konigsbe rg fMariem NO : _ 7 oFriedland +# yuna Eylau dSuval ki MINSK | o © | aS sone ot a p foe i Seed A | all ue, aa oBielosto jasnySZo agroena oo altusk ori Meas! ovo Georgiewsk Dinsk ipa a y : beet aa SS ee WARSHAW _ Brest ¢Litows SS . == Su SDwamp= \ is wivangorod =e eLublin 6Kovel SST pe ie, Cholm Opatov o Lotitsk © Rowno “Sandomir ¥ey % #4 t* Sokol** besne a am x. Wd yy Kote Nes orlice: yj PRZEMYSL \o # pili fee Viz sm DOLE > ae Theiss R z a mc. Te Zi Sx jt Re Ne F Fi Cie ; Sys wee ‘ Af is ae Wore ~ & beter ‘CZERNOWIT, . < é oe, AL, f "H “a HESS SY } ER Ne ee GSS WEIS <= it OS, aN Aa Wy LAs a WY VS pS U > KG SY S/T FENCES ay, “an |\ oe = DY) a i WAY a 44 A Ke NS NN ) 7 RU M A N © BUCHAREST ENS CLE) SS BS = Sy Bs 3 Gi}, iS t WZ We IATION S Oe | ube 500 KILOM x fae Ree AZUAIOME 5 (es en oC er. a oe { he | siecle Se we “i, i, oi thee oN ” —OSA6MS1 x JEVMAS99? 3 AAT or oN fOr Ss y) *, fe nies Wet Se Sleinst2, Oe . me WS : Age @ TESAAHIUE — ae” se > See ? ae hd ¥ eee a rs 1s pIVE: IHG. MAD Nose yO ew ‘2 ws ' }, tad a8 : 7 ng ee ae Poor PRE OF OPERATIONS sS Pc 4. one ar are oe ee a Olay a - _— ee “a - - \ / ) * m | ¢ . 2 ’ *. -" 7 4 s 4 ak TAs bs -. a nA , ¥y o& r 4 Z, - 7 wf i 4 aes ‘ . 4 7 : / ‘ ” = ¢ < # ‘ P es - A . a2 1°@ . . # ae EYSIvIG e PA : - : , f , daha -@ eA é » ‘ao a se ' - wd t pre ns oll eg tp f ad : i ‘ ; a ~ “ P +4 >; * - ' , Fou \ : ' : F 4 ‘ nd i Saew \ pte Be, te a DERNE a tag ‘ ieee af EAC DAN palo yroteith, ynetiis DH, al 84 vv, Ze \ | LRH Se ou, i 4 icolas? Clog ° ND : fe %S Termonde — b Alaska o | Ur trad orate 5 ude € BRU: ¢ “ re 4 ourna Curran de A ignes | | Douai sacs cr ° Nase, (ge alenciennes | Cambrai ie 7 Wwesnes 5 on Ot bPeronne ~ bi tcae| St Quentin . Vervin 4 D \c ia Dreu BEY ae Rambouillet MELUN Pesies S Etafnpes eo bors oNogent Fontainebleau Pitbiviers mse oMontargis o-loigny ie aw oTonir fy: ee Vendome Je Pr ¥ ene y Ao Gie fi anes os Clonee Avalon . ; ®Cosne oRomerantin Sancerre Cher R © Loches BOURGES Chale. Ga © \ ; a Reproduced otthe General Service Schools, Fort Leovenworth, kas. /923 Military History of the Wor!d War —-C.R Howland N FOR May 27, OFFENSIVE 1918. MAP No 89 h © - AMSTERDAM J MAP OF eyden eee aie ) c WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS a ® ~~ Dh vem Sf 50 ° 50 100 125 Kilom Poti 2 = _ — Cw a Nimwegen tm, Bois-le-Duc \c sghcgaa Ve elder \ ‘ a ice , OESSEN a Ng —) peg ‘yD ISBURG RY —— refeld ( A, TurShout RO ODUSSELDORF ANTWERP "ig "NQubrmong Piya NeSSS Awan 4: noth? am Erkelenz Grevenbroic R ey, aMalines _ Juliers fe) COLOGNE ; et HasseltO-- Me Lic een ¢ & , pLouvain oDuiren 4 ee re fe) bo ritier Diet cas ® Giessen hrWeiler‘ -¢ | We he *Morttoi e © Schleider/\hWeile wa, Neuwied ont a5 & FRANKFUR huin } a SDi eR vo Daun $ stcoar\ — WIESBADEN a iibevileg z x on f © G wit tic? CO Zel! MAINZ 3 ° Girsinera or ts on Bastogne® Rotroi @ Berncastel Kreuznach pi Neufcheteau APTRIER ZIERES Ute S 2 Birkenfeld Worms Saarburg Pisnen fRefhhel ss St Wendel _ Kaiserslautern eae ~~ NeuStadt bs ) ae. . ouziers ride = oe Cuter i FAN B Mo me » Sarrebru Landat : aQirmasens ee NG : KAR Menehowla Ad ae anc oh Seantemind 22 me, J OKARLSRUNE ALONS -Sur- Marne es BS 7 c hatillon Vas Ge ter SIR s “(ae ZURICH ° emur 6g" e Besancon DIJON g 10N so ’ . . a re Te eee gt ch OIC Ne LLIN eee cere A NMA ae = BI oe: a J - aah “io QAM Se ee * > jo Bae Ph aeghseciog, os ye) i ower’ we! i ( PSreo2g ss a i * : 2 4 4 * © ~ ; \ sf { : Ate, borwwol paid % STHIIGO2 Dr X ¢ SU ae F 2. hed } ‘aa + 4 ona! “4 . sie ; 4 ig? ' ti tr } sIFR Pp Pious a i . ee She + >, i a < \ “Gas ber Peps, Hh | VAIL E SW re ZF i les SulAM bs i. pap , At me? rammed | a Senne PMAAG . f. “PQATEMAAS of en “sont We Pos Se ens. iz oe sha ~ ser © ; i we ae fiero bigiclay pe ere ss . phate } ™ Kay? as Penson H * 7s ons H a Ponae i of a SG G ae 2a ; ; f - ; f i? F nish roms sill ‘ & wed \ webrie! ¢ saat ) J, bb mgt) os ST: HUGZISAN o Petey»? % Pie bey oh hg x Ben mt y': en: gt a ata Y 13% y sine Sisitetae YWGLL 4 oie ) “7 hiss : : in @ 4 he ep J =e Einiak + 4 > tinteeNa i" ay 4 . ‘ ’ he ‘ oe are LO i TOSADTTUTS , ~ Pa spn a3 way } € } \ { ’ / eee = 4 ad va‘ } ‘ Kw? ‘ 4a Hou ef ms woe : ee is aS Taw, eal , HRA iV la ORDER OF BATTLE FRENCH FRONT MAY 25 1918 WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No 90 Number of Divis lons <—S5—> in line Z R10 tn reserve on eigt ° Aix-la OF: 2 Total | nfantry Divisjons General - | Nation Tota! | in tine |inres c keene; [Fr [tos] 67 | 38 [20 < Sunaitcounting|_ BY ciatGe Ass Tala 4 35 Inf Divs. oF Be lazer | 2 Ops ~ a : Anes 7 ete ES oo | cet Sh 1 : Reeves? | Wal 2. 1] fotar Aves [184] 117 | 67 fia] 83 4 Nor ' . SRS fRastadt SS M§!eas ice j AN £3 KS OURG cL Neutlch tects 3 8 = : Mirecourg Rina few °Fontainebleau i: EGE, ND Weuf Brisach fortified Camp \ Allies ey Central Fowers C +) Reproduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth Kas. /923 | SWITZERLAND Military History of the World War —C. PR. Howland stein = gt -—) .—. ee Neste . es eo tf rx. Ae rF, Tes ; 4 i ees +4728 . SS hn we salah ene Wtwed yer og. QEWeE DAD OL NALS COMES gL “AD HiAL219V2 “Srene2- LS opp EGA, ie w_IOl {62 |-e3 | oe] Bike HGwuwe | wee ; messy i. . a . wae PS 4 ee z ae : “ “ ' Bo | SSL PSSA Hatove ae z = “Si i- > oy : ; ‘ *. ) wid «OLY NSTC i Pa ji ASS \\ ss , Sey : ATE OGL TAL TIONS eee 74 ene ee eer ane, Tes SS SS ac —— =a Ok ObERWLION“S WVb rE BLBEVICH LBOWE WVAS? lol 4 a e ; ¥ £ = Pr F MAP No 91 Legend Cv Arm) qumme May 27 emem June3 4 se = 1p Miles ONOYON o0: lg a peer Pontoise : ANS o m 0.42; e mBlerancourt @Coucy Jf ee a ; C ledilly Cy \ Vaucle 3 ik Pa Ny Tan Gy ny : » Ti neue y y 8 hens} SINS Lab kL Rk St 30 29 28 27 yy ¢ Ay Uy aBerry au Bac ly tet o Crouy <5 Yen ES J Fonténoy ¥. GY Mf, 4 ‘ \ {SQISSONS . / ty { enizel\% ‘$60 ; 3 A 9 Brimont Hy ~~, ham, @ b'Chaudu “i is! . 4 4 G lar c Mont s-¢ Otre] pore a pes bes RHEIMS an ria tae 7 Faverolles g Oulch Che re . Te d. e Pe Vinge Cohen Z ere -en-lardennots x < : oh 13 ea rs oH ox “3 £ O Mareui!l * Ourcg ¢, 0 = y TF Pr. Heights of Rheims | % ; Will he pei af aiid ‘ AN © : ~~ Dorman Uti Ne fy oe 7 J awe ey 1 CAVALRY CORPS]: ATEAU- THIERR PERNAY oLizy sur Ourcg | | | aml | fae iil 2 ’ a Ferte ’Jowarre Reproduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth,Kas. 1923 Miltary tistory of the World Waer-C.R. Howland BE Loy ® =“. ~ a Oye VAS . ma ‘ » ‘ se re ee . | he AS SSS ie Seas YOR o\ SP am Ars > | = | Wy¥b 49 ot me. en ce BNIPDIVC LHE WYBVE 2vTIEAL | — <> i wy me q _ es oe en rt i) t ‘4 hie cies elie pS 24 ee Mey SS Nee SS aot (i ehataundios fa wa e oF. June. 1918. seen ee ee i ae ge 7 MAP OF a a Ai € ine - i » ¥ ~ a 7 <1 ! < 4 is Hh - 5 ‘ . a re rs te “4 & eeu i . ct S54 epi tt protet “yes MILATRE OF OPEN ATIONS : a COPS AL ° MAD 0. Be: " ‘ , » raer oe eens POEL ALG A OEE A AO Nt i Ce A a Naga re a A a cd be va. {? “ < A DP ij is B= L& ( CEA iMiddelb SN 3 ur —= QS " S 7 \ iN - ] SS _— S\U— ~ me, eed = —= Canterbury fy ‘ oe "Z 4 Lombarzid& Ee PurnésaPeroise ree g GAN a Sree 160 © WD ixmude ae | i> fee : Passchenda Be o oReulers % Alost \ ( 4) af see trai Audenarde | 4 qoouai + BACT ee ORPS Arras 1) A.E.F ‘ Doullens } bPeronne Hirs st dentin Vervins | @LAON BE ya's \; Deak Clermont . Soissons Louvier$ ‘ oO). SHEL (WA ¥ Ux Ly eE \) 377 , ‘ wes ‘N , 4 (\s “$ N H . VERSA NSS Vite G.HO pagel! E MEL Oe a UN Len, ; Etampes ° Fontainebleau oNogent \\ TROVES oSens Dithiviers A Chareaidun oMontardis . Ra Ae 7 otc OAuxerre “| v & Mallon Chateau | CN Reproduced otthe General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, kas. 1923 Military History of the World War —-—C. R Howland eee. June 35,1918. MAP No.92 ion 3 if AMSTERDAM ys MAP OF Preysen cnt. OS Ps WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS HAGUE ° ~~ ° aaa | ° 50 100 125 Kilom stterdam 55H Seay Se id edam imwedet ects ~ Soret : e sagleve é re; .. qr, Bois-le-Duc \c pals V2 £ elder : isl 1 ORSSEN ee Ng Hic tea ee e ereteid ) x A, SO DUSSELDORF uprmond \e ciadbath Ness M\ ° G y Pe ohalens Grevenbroi R 7 Julies , 9) = &) COLOGNE © Bergh Maestricht; ee O oDuren \Q 4. S"YEAACHEN —_ Bon NS e cok re) \gtupen Rheinbagp \ x Giessen e . , iler\ = 6 Montjoie © SchleiderAhrmeiler SeNeuwied .onr ¢ As 6 afleroi Fe itt Adenau @COBLENTZ $Thuin ¢ a . PRANKTUR SDinanf Mesche \ ta Daun StGoar\ WIESBADEN 4 | ey, > Pd O “ay if & tL - { Wittlich POZel! MAINZ “) nt : “ ° 0 Simmern rk 6.4 a ; Berncastel Kreuznach pie dt , — Rocroi | AEZIERES 3 & a w o R Rethel St Wendel Kaiserslautern ® Mont medy Neustadt SP , ° Vouziers ( hateau Salins & 6 ~~ Saverne Sarre ura 9 = ANN X\ ANY vy Ae : SRN \is 7 ° warn, ourt | Oe alee StD Neu fchateau 2 ne pee AW ° Schlestadt z . anes : CoR DS ASS °oCOLMAR Se) ) ABE \ | A Z ee CORPS AEF. _™ jerre illon Langres eae Leo ° EF 6) © AS Vesdul ME AASEL ; 2) NAY MSY ® x 7. a \ i" fim «| OG WILZERLAND 0g" 6 ; © DIJON . Besancon VA @ y ” g Dole ron) 60° pte APSE ° Semur Seo QAM 10 GAM 2VvOITAEIAIO WO tate mohé BS? oni bo Tictonehprstistinneshaeanenttsiees Ne A LO OCR: AION oO. ¢ =f maz2ai @ 4 . L Ait. si Wish ¢ STHILAQSY a 4 hi =7iAAg* Pet aha So Buds Made AeA oo fe be ah fe “Sui o— io =f a ra tv ze +o aa Pg a Le we 8 at f? ronAsuse a - a Jeemow : bit Oe aoe J~ OD miarinnaM a se Pai en Sy : 5 . of. 2S maciepish p metualzwsio’. isbasw 8 . jbatcuen ar ” Xv an ud ‘Cibbopces of ? ° , . ay hg) : 4921S NO a ee "RE hiney ail bn ~ Poa uszor Way | 2 ) Nateate TGADTT! i] r nebad Te K i Mebat jued eS ake | ey ‘ $i prvdnsttO\ { \ o ( thetesiie siete oy $ Ky aaniooe real —— 2 2 Third American Division prevents German Crossing of the Marne ° Montdidier SCALE in MILES 5 10 15 \G Beauvais o Chaumont- en-Vexin ° fresnes ° Chars ° Marines St Germain, Versailles Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1/923 ° Newly ofcouen oGonesse FN <8 Denis Poy, UUs ( pPp OI: J (v . 0 -- 4 Aisn= River Villers Cotterefso oCrepy ° Nanteuwil ole Plessis - Believille ( May -June 1918) MAP No.93 Chemin Vaiily 2 | Aisne RVG » Braisne veslé River © Fere-en-Tardenois Ville-e: Jardeno W 4 © Montmrira:! Ta Ne SE, Military History of the World War - C.R.Howland Sp Rte) gt ey eR ed ee ee a ne ee ae G easel: gues — vy tae tig Pea a Sa ais ~~ ' ie th ae aR a e a me: ee > sw k . "BEE Cae < oe ee | ire in eb) a EE Is oh ‘ 4 5 - * nts 5 ap i JRAI2 2SiimM om einevarg noileivid neansmA brid I “~~ ) sb M 10 Pnizzow nsans at > sere EC .of TAM (8t@! saul-yveM ) ; nie ee Bo paren rath ~ Ty ; le a aes v | gi of OM Ay Re G4 2 A MNO ANNE TE MN tO NT ag Ok 7 rs UE Led Bee ea oe ee ee ee " \ as i : ae $3 he P i ha gat i ; uP " ¢ : ; 4 Par ui : ‘ Oe ¥ Ap * “ i - pee ee ri 4 me 7 ' - : ? he yw / f f “ ; a tj 4) ‘5 ne + i Pa } + i; bats mire wetesice " li ay eh bee ‘g ven i. eee - endings am eeineted e« rie ra great Toes tia | >, dth Brigade Haadquarters, 7a: va ante a } Rolling lei token, 2 SECOND DIVISION ST‘ * fa uteve es ae B - Veuill la-P Tria phn alan The battlefield at Chateau-Thierr’ A: Temporary Division Headquarters. _ B. Permanent E. 23d Infantry Headquarters. F. 9th Infantry Headqua Reproduced af the General Service Schools, Fort Leovenworth,Kas. 1/923 Military /istory of the World Wor-C.R. Howland YP GERMAN ADVANCE ON PARIS -* fh ™ - be Oe ee i se bo Ss o* , EE Raney p Le Noe: ; ce a baux-(Hex2~~, 2 at \y a ee ne Ae a ee ~*~ Ue ae Bezu- . Pps ey St;: Germar = , ; le Thiolet o* Pron 2h, “oh a > \ a Milsers- sur-Maree ‘ where the 2nd Division turned back the great Geran drive. ivision Headquarters. C. 3rd Brigade Headquarters. D. 4th Brigade Headquarters. rs. G. 5th Marines Headquarters. H..6th Marines Headquarters. K. Rolling kitchens. , BS AS © Re bee ce ei ges ae a r st ‘ « 5 . eterrenpbesH sbheyisll dob ae waototial euaneed J PTRTIRU DD % LO ov TAM iv = = vo % Con “eure P t4~ > Set aS K = i BRARY a, OFTHE ». Lal Ciena OF FU as i: Ry “ee ote Me OS MEITO A P AO we “Oeren = - Le EA RAEN te eee! nt : - . \ aie . LD TOE as TTR ee Ey he re a a Fa tv 7 Pe | EO pe ST By LR eR er oe ae Sr Sig gry ree ;? cy r} 5} ae Th : eS & ' - . ." ae ot eee errr, tert EA ry pO Pe eS 4 , oO) Z e * me, « 7 oe 3 ‘ id @ A i” _< i ’ Fe a Se. SS ae ie a Le £ “A ; * ; . ae |, . PAIR? a t ng Q | * “ae ‘ "eh Taft per Aa te ts Pp. 2 ey ; i ig i> 4 oe : a ue , FT as | : nf oe. eh, ? ey | Bel fy ee a : - . , ad ‘ rs a> : : e . * ¥ re . ~ Oo te »” ) A ~ * ' q f . j y a ig ; F j ; ia hi / ras ; ay if fa 7 ft * i ‘ +e Sia? £ ' 4 Li “ > oi 4 “ AG apt weaegrn San 0 2 eS SO owe. BIOS 0 i, “ 4 4 | aR } Cae : he tre x, Lat ae Vag: s = Si a of a 9 “wah don | ore, o 4 7 yen re whet y Piet i ) | dal “ he Ay tr wth si aE : y . \s : 4 7 / xy Ar ys re : hn te f iy f F ¥ - te y ’ ‘2 ‘5 te . yu oi * - 7”, Gi Ma ! + i “LTYIeS iy a tiie iS abats ave yar rt ee ae , a a a a H 84 p V, pa Ife ee "cS $ Cs ies cine ¢ yay Oe $2 > a Owe PLES SZ ph ister Tle, Oe Dm is t wh. . e ep 2 is 3 le ST VE Fee f Shae (4 ves : = é * id vit ue A é aN woe Sc ae OPERATION ON VAUX DAY J. HOURH. HEADQUARTERS 2” FA.BRIGADE OPERATIONS SECTION 29 JUNE, 1918. Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. 19, Military History of the World Wor-C.R. Howland ; | : * eo 3 nw ; ay By < ARG Tee ae 58 ee est VI SOIT ce) Vet Tae PP Oe (et CER ESNE -¢ & in | | | N te » * “4 & he a AN a rascenys i ns a> 17 JIN & TiT UII Tn 571711 RN HA lies : Song RCTS TN : | a tie A) A ) “G- Ba ~~ C: ~LEGEND EX woods £2 Scrub & Scattered trees $ SECOND DIVISION == Good road 29, JUNE, 18. , Map enlarged. From. 720,000- Meter Scale plan director: | Wood lines Contour Intervals 10 Meters ncomplete) revised from photos CMstod e468. June “ P ' sae GAM &! Ol | - pall! “5, separ dling mca mai emma ate oh quqeal- OPE RATIO! court bovettootudarin2e fa thoowBS . PAY »), ehgot Loo® sax aty HEADOVUART eredoM Of slev otal twotadd 2. rf S00 SG hen ; i pence wah: af ‘9 rytery: ey ne fie - Were is StAy vs Milidewy AYy ores of * jt yt “4 ' yee eos ke ‘ ; : eat Shy) i ar wes * ad 2088 a A eae @¢ f aytd + AT Le wake MAP No 96 OFFENSIVES ON-COMPIEGNE. AND VILLERS —COTTERETS Mesni S$? George OMONTDIDIER oAssenvi/lers & ees ae June 1918 mo, 1 Novon “mmm Front morning June 9 td ery +t¢b66 - evening « .- 0 ey 6 ewe wah © ae > June 10 amuamme -~— after CounterAttack Junell Sth» ™ Attack June 12-15 Geta tT Chaussee : 45, wep Tracy:le-Val es ade faltoulin s/Touvent SS: iene Autreches Estrees 5'Denis n Vic/Arsne . Fe t, : zt " Aitre hy ontenoy en’ ee 9 A p} RB es Amblény § @ ne] SOJISSONS 5 ARMY . \29" a" he - ° 3 ok : aa * Compliegne -. are PE ees eS eet] Se | er! oe 2 Laoversiné ¢ Up Dierré (‘Argle S K”) 4 ~ ° A oo Sd Ped pe Sey res tS a averolles Hoa“ Villers -Cotteret er Ghee Ce ee oe ? 5 10 20 Mile. Reprociced ot the General Service Schools, For! Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military His tory of the World War -—C.R. Howland Snr } AN Ea E — Z z t} NS; patina / 4 aS = cae 6 4 S FAAS ewe f 2 ; ; ees re ioe SAW TOGgF EOMISHOR ae 2 7 ER NTULSC YS? | Sa Zz 2 ony WYSHNSL A, ‘ es ; > Sec. SAS y ee es SF LAS eK ARs 1S -12 «Seige \ ee “er eneaem oS Ser eee ; aS ae Ri ge > 4 ene 2 aes 9 a0 ASBVs {HO Saree Xe Soe eoe ~ GNEBIUG = as ERS LOU, WOW VNUS 95 INS 191g Ba: WUD AUTEB? ~-COLLEBEI2 OLLEV2IAE2 OW COWDIEGHE ARSE WEALASS Ts oe 2 2 — at VIVBAL\LSL2 ,Cemderg : 5 WOM SOE a re nena soe a A em : eS "WV Yo ae SECOND BATTLE OF THE MARNE MAP No 97 ‘ IX ---/ soot | | Craonne | .Fonteno ry Bix Perthes o ~ [ Hurlus °y wv ee -au- Bac SOISSONS’* Braisnes® Raewenaes Tug 0 Arcy 5S’ Restitue “| VR Rey Oulchy le Cr merges Coulonge aN & ; FERE-~_& : Yicie en. % arizy'S *Marie b Pourky: yyy ‘ er?- ardenors yw’ °Meurlly- St rong S WN Heights of Rheims kee LL > St Hilaire “yy a 5 ulppes ‘ TM \ i\\ atti’ TA +e .) w etter aFARMY, RY = S Y Oewilly ~— aw G EPERNAY SMARMY Cer Ye CHALONS LEGEND qummmmmm front 15 July. morning SP 0 ¢ ose Oo meme ” ” - evening = = ae aw am as 1 7: *$—$—- 4-H “ 29 4s om © o> 6 mae oD = 4 August 9 $ 19 15 20M. Reproduced otthe General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military History of the World War —C.R Howland 03, 7% | oa ~ So G “ a) “ ewiyices # a fe Vn SRaAGSe) ee a 7 Re TN [08 - ws. GERMAN PLAN FOR } SECOND BATTLE OF THE MARNE No98 OPeronne StQuenti ni a sere | ‘oe ould Vitry-4-/rangors Comme ihie. Nubee 9 ¢, Bar-/e-Duc KF oO B Proposed March ‘ on Paris' Reproduced at the General Service Schools. fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1923 Military History of the World War — C.R.Howland — “4« es i) es s ee a " a es. ay} % il 2. ©} Of Gay | ey 0) o” ogh Sig oi yi sil ee iy ee ES2) coh rede MON, Aoor\st. waa. \cronad ath Sa a ah orelwoltt Hide ~ so eV at\ Wo. co dy | *Y Alay - a ; ° oe tf 5 : ‘* a ae J Pin mi ee ae ; 1 ty ye: i A ie pnd Lo . eat y , ina fe in hd cunt ee Bh ] ae fo cy) la ie) { 19 ea dah BN coho Ss datys pet | Pate 4 " Zc THIRD DIVISION MACHINE GUN DISPOSITIONS f Courboi oo” DEN, Ve / de PS + he a 7 “9% MG 2 3 Reproduced af lhe General Service Schools, for! Leavenworth, Kas. 1923. Military History of the World Wor-C.R. Howlond MAP No.1f04 ae sae j ; ve IY v pr ' Awe a fi i Ae ane, bs. iP hg . i i : ny : ¢ 7 7 7 > ‘ a, : Le ; nhs cs : i q D ey MH y a . Mee : Lé ag ee aE RE eepeoee ell - : ESE\.20i Ahrowmavosd Nel Moodat wiwa® \onainath att ws Torekwold h.D-Adt AON ote gol ¥ f 4 ' é i j , ‘ oh . ve x may ie ayia ; ¥a : | Awe pees wee ay d eae id iad ¥5 - 770,791 H§ Frm 320 DIVISION ARTILLERY BARRAGE eae

mottos - 23g ee ate) Asis loging | ot BHT 10 SVRMTTO 3 KAIT OMIWOHE CAM MAMASD QS s0utA Wo wot era @: aii YIUL DHIMMIOGE SUSAN SBT HO i af ileerit edt Yo Moom eft to tase Bet ne att movt emal ort fo aned ¢ 2s Saag cee a sonatas nso, 6 eines Se ae’ agnohiT: a a ee ne aa el tol .dvatia ont fo yeh terit ot no ot i ESO\ LOR .derercveraed Ft dootat asrnet \enacied at te eau NSIT. .A. = van SiN ait Ao wrrotedh as *, ~ “Pom Mer greg Lar ——— a Ae 9 MAP Ol ANTRE CF MAP. NO i} os a ln 4 ‘a, 24 Mons ’ . 5 ave) OF me at - r y 8 - Oe Lombarzidé v4 ot: “S Dunkirk Mens e fi AND Ps A Dixmude Termond Ove = 2 oe a Soissons Sie \, = Lege: 5 SQ De ry j —arrg ( Evreux ie 28), eG) em Epernay | ee D ead JED @ mor Couldm rs Vitr le Dreux G fice Ea Ng 1 cB | Ram ouillet . R Le oC crgarers Nogent Etampes t ~~» =a FRENCH SNosent Fon aine TROYES® ens Pi Bviers Be Chateaudun o Montargis Lolgny : ORLEANS ow eTonh| OAuxerre & v ue DEPOT Clamecyg Avallon i °Cosne oRomerantin Chateau-Ch a Reprocticed of the Genera/ Service Schoo/s, for? Leavenworth, Kas ./923 Military History of the Werld War-C. PR Howland ATION July 15, 1918. MAP No 104 y, © AMSTERDAM jp MAP OF Leyden ees ) ees WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS © AGUE ~ SArnhem 7 50 °) 50 100 125 Kilom terdam Tiel ° : PT gL hee dam ~) em Nimwegen Pa, oeNG op *aleve ~ S Q ) Bois-le-Duc ‘ = xy Ss Gel Breda \ Bere ee ESSEN ee Ng : PDUISBURG RY men “us JL Ke pen ie a cp i . Petid | a A, Turnhout ° WO DUSSELDORE > ANTWERP Ngurrmond lo suao, Nets e Sealene Groerbrbi my Mgestricht, oes Bersheim BoC. eae f oDuren ngres poe SAACHEN Bon Ss. c L sp earak Rheinbagp \ > Giessen ° hrwWeiler\ ¢@ Monfyjoie © Schleider/ NE Neuned ont ae M ) pChatlerai oe Anenae OCOBLENTZ ‘huin a FRANKFUR Dinant Marche \’e ., ¢ Gait, StGoar\ WIESBADEN an alippeville > a ee e eae > Zell ts) y =f | Wittlich a MAINZ D e Simmern 7 Bastogne® ° DARMSTADT Pe! 3 r Berncastel Kreuznach Neufchateau “ ®,. Arlon eda “St o\ CaPignan Rethel ‘ s ~ Ww is) Worms Mannheim St Wendel Kaiserslautern Neustadt, ° Montmedy o) Vouziers SThionville 2 PaSarrelouis >.) SAY dea g 4 z \ >» Sarrebru Landau S ee 0) $ ‘ ° ° “2 , a ff "0 —AETZ S Saargemiind ee ’ ay LONS -sur- Marne & Germersheim ° ie o KARLSRUHE LUDWIGSBURG . Oo hateau Sains ( i STUTTGART Bar-le-Duc Sarrebourg © ©St Dizier Yes ANC ~~. \5STRASSBOU a oe RS Reutlingen Luneville . a . oGondrecourt O Of fenburg 4 Domrem ° , er ias st : Mirecourt {\\\ S re Schlestadt A oCOLMAR \ \ — Bande (Exes. lh ° 7 Ks Ys re * > ie] \ elaize Ry A, (62) Vesoul Mawtbelard WERASEL 3 2 a i KEN uss Liestal na ee : ARS r) R Baume PswlilTZERLAND n nae. ° (0) DIJON e Besancon yb , . : pg Dole i in <° ye: Yy Bi BERNE VE z 7 ie alll hw. : k ) | o J ae Jo | seathuot Rb | 2 ; i AOI oK GAM - 50 GAM | kK) i BUOITASAIO 10 AATAGHT wats wy eT ae eran F a2i0M Sih 3 Pan 3 ; oe 4. ie = “ om gogo Bi ge ee Y \ bisien 3 09 ag) a Mult a : - Pui es . % : : Dae re ; re ee : aa ew, vy : ee P24 ee Pastas. mk made ose bs : ied, wr pt ¥ ge a } : ; e ’ . ee : a 1 CG ~ are 8 ; ‘ : a wes 7 pF 4 - “ eee te ; > _) 4 Wo 8 "eas , + a : i f 7 0 b Mp wha) Ne rf t r i. wae : 3. 4 es A . rim gees 16 by y : 2 Saae 7 w f “7 " 7 ” ™. > Ly er ¢ eas ns . URVERSITY OFr [Lt ae me bo a aus" ; (Srv Ww pistanande! Y : Sw F Sp ae ry mishnriam a 7 priadiabisit & rel us ome sbcigW te } 7.7% eo 8 i ari 7 Ly Set al Me WAC wa r riwe ws uh ; a 5 ~ ~ { + UntsaGg\? wD ‘ Xg Be ages eS i? Acdt rire : < 12 neabad J wate - sry Ke X y AM ae aS a , SAS pid ffl ai as 4 item | 38 | aA | } ¢ : ca vdNsiG both ‘ spit: F By / ih ae ; Spt Ry a me § ) " HIIAUT wa om ; fs Se Pesce. . : anAdsas Aiwa Ss Ertatowe ie Pa Ue a Sar Rachie Atilihar y Hhiteng af ibe ets PLANS FOR 1918 OPERATIONS ITALIAN FRONT _ REN Aner Legend ZZ Allies CG Central Fowers monte wm Front July (5 ; Noy, iy ome Italian Defensive System yet) CEXRYD /nundation ~ veh! MAY, “se , WW We cS ey pile een - SeeBoOUEre ; ~ ema YO, \N\A Vo TO csh yes) LHgie Ss NS redsug | | JLYOIVU EBOUL WYb KO 102 vs -BIVU2 LOB ISIG ObLbV.LIOWe ee a AUSTRIAN OFFENSIVE AGAINST ITALY 1918, ITALIAN FRONT MAP No 106 Legend: gum — ‘front /5 June Austrian extreme ddvar7ce eer, Ma Tablac — I We ise 0 ei ae eee te 6 S/S TANT CER) ALPS t LEDS SQ I Loy, VillaOr Be : ‘4 IBID, Se ae ta ge, \ WePi te sae AC 26 Ain Does LY “Mas a=. On 2) Sleds % ¢ Monte CARMINE yield s ee. SS : Aa ¥ ey ge Ve Q's Cortina AAR DEZ 204), B® ey OY “* AG oe She ws: SW aie ‘ ae BING ; , oe y ——> AAS es YS» - iw ve a S SOIT INE Bis ) ? x © DE Vw HS CF in - == + ay 5] SS ; +s cas CUE a YS fs Mhivgessrh 3 y vi care Monte Nero S 62° ay ~~ eee Le, * 3 /o/mino VA 4 ody 2 SL OCORIZIA radisca D ofSan Martino Cc Doberdeo *» < Ot foléstie é tax Q MANTUA be SS fs Po E \ eS Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth Kas, /923 Military History of the World War ~ C.R Howland : a4 &' THC .BICl YIATI TevIADA do! ov GAM ' ” | t ot, itt ‘ We yi 4 3 ale, ea ye ® ‘ viz eA ; : . 4D. Maryns yr, yen 4 ey « Mas ihe ‘j 4 Feat te Uy, suk 4 vrs SV 20ves¢ A re eA ispst srl c\ Yao = ‘brs SaItees seastixs solo i‘ i 1 Jp at Ye + i “, a + ia ; ‘lene’ f x yu) ~) - yt Le { Sw -, f ow Pa ay fees f “x@ G4 & \ Fae Some € = ee a aie I”, > gee ei sl $ i 7 ss : pe ' +8 bo titra 5 4" fat ® ay | i Oot AY i. rhe a ‘ee! ha heat ee Ns Oe Las bi US Te ih hat? Re ict a Aa eae! Ain Py mi ae ue VES aa ’ AA ammati! (1) Sa yaa ane Aa ayee » , cay € | bs i" P oy i he ae, TRL hanks (4) rue he Th ee 2) “4 bik y Ae ia | ‘Le ‘ Ave aT | vue "yers T JF I +, oo ye). ¥ ~ ke , ’ F ’ : Ca ? ¥ he ; ah 3 " ‘ ee ee: Many Vea . oF = Ian ‘ ek Fie An's St 4 SOO CGIA 2 IT Eth > A Sats sensed SHON ae ~ ae . “— “se we MS —— = ae : i PAROS” SQ GrnsPA we > SURRENDER OF TURKISH MESOPOTAMIAN ARMY 30, 1918. MAP No.107 @) Movement of the 1?” Cavalry Brigade . @) March of Nightingales _ Column, 7 Cavalery Brig, Rugged Hill & 53% Brigade. Country 8) March of the 17” Division. Scale Oo 10 zo MILES Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1923 . Military History of the Werld War - C.R. Howland nd Pe * eh, ee Ss i ak : e 7 an ; | j ( . 2016 | rh | ‘ } mi6e | f Conmupa fz) (ROARS OF S \A, DENA’ | \ =. TTA * - * \ ES ipeedeq HN} E220, HUidaas . } \ 3 oui 1OL.G | wes COM Ay + te A gud : ) 4 \ S) ASL oO. WiGpuuaays2 ; + O% 23 ; wh j | Py © WONLISLY Of HIS May COAG | OCfopsGE 30° laI¢ | W¥b MOIS 2a @NBBEVDES OL LOBERI2H NEZObOLVWIVA VWEWA ia a Si ion 5 i ae ie rie 7 7) Pe ae 2 # j i ” ry Se é ® ae th ‘ z “ ran ne i Ata 7 ie / ies é premirss i. if yee i Pg ; ey p rt ed ah BA va Pe an ae oan OEY Ae = HEP eto Be aad® bat cms a“ ‘s - Vv ~*~ ~ ht x a "vise eet. elt oh oa “A \ i a \ Mer Oeil l tis » Thee 7 ary ¥ ‘yy : YAR - J 4 ” 7 \ ; ; Ri We Mair *, We hi \ * | "pat a F an ae me Se 82-109 non sake 5 Neh esti * sae ie WATS ( sar, ’ we ee - =e ro /) J Ts . Woo eh ot — SYRIAN SITU | THEATER OF OPERA SOPHIA meres ONS TAND vd all ioe ff / a DAMASCUS Are i 4! e Tiberias Maite ay. Derat oO, bah mman DUSALEM } fi Deadg Sea y Ber Qeba SHA Reproduced at the General Service Schools, For! Leavenworth, kas. 1923 Miltary History of the World Wor-C.R. Howland TION 1916 IONS IN ASIA MINOR MAP No.108_ XX \ > AS Men ntigg sr le ep Ww eArdahan GEORGIA i Olty o Kars * Sarihamish ® LRIWAN a hg : . or | ERZERUM © Seat Bibs ebgn Mgnt Aro ate > S20" Mamachalun 7 i

BASRA & IN WILZWN Rate NY >») \\\ CK \N Aueit \\ \S \\ PERSIAN WW \ \\ wi \\, GOLF \\ \ 9) Legend: Turkish Positions [| Allied Advanc€ mm ee} 100 200 390 490 5qg0 Miles é. 13 | eal a i nag tw z ly Pa i. ee dw ow A sBrRG, = = he te, a ~%, J rae ~ zor o os 1 - MATL ® Avisnpntrat,” ys \ “ torerA. Ms a, “ Sei F BaF £ pal: viet ns aoe >: ! ¥ **S ‘ ee SG: PY ' Sve +e WB Oe gael aly acaapnrne ret J a eae mn cos Saale sant Heys: | ASAT | Mice sf, THE Lana bs | OF THE» i Ales ~, tw . SAOrG © fall oF (LUNG . BPO a cent? ha | hedew o wv df \ Sa i phe, a wnt nat VAR AS 2A Ande: ach % =f P ‘aM . Fas sais abun é 7 os) Susie ASL de Qn erred a Aish | ask Ne VAL2ZAAT if == ee she | f wioog GY? tps Mi ; z : 4 h : | aati oot a “On A Ma rf y Snma, sae * bat i a heer arent een SLRs aM) a sa Ve) Paarblachal el Noe v haninpad Servaw Satay os, fa cone! ER: ( ; ag tS : + CENERAL ALLENBYS DECISIVE VICTORY IN SYRIA 1918 MAP No 109 | a \Lake Tiberias / / \)}] { wae HQ \ ] NAZARETH 4 apll e A. Fi Fuleh (ZZ 2! a iD o Cc > N JERUSALEM gat ey 5 0 5 10 MILES ie, Dead Sea Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth ,Kas, 1923 Military History of the World War ~ C.R. Howland SAV SA ayy OA mi hy ee) . JAMTATO Ai éYa 40 z &. = a VIZIO GiCi AlsiYe Ul YSIOTOIV 20! of TAM sue P82 ee, e2eesvens = 3 e at wa at a ety tA Po “bie i rhe A iy, os v f =e ® a ne ‘ i BALKAN SITUATION 19186 BALKAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS MAP No 110 : O™. be SY* HUN GA R > Ba ; ze \ Pt ; ps : ; ei ‘. : K Szegedin ahh Ss a : , Szabadka (Maria Theresiopet } ; * o lemesvar . < 2** ~ ~ “+” . * ) Semendria Ne eg otiyt é oY Vidin * Ss Pg - ON Me PY Ss ~«\ Zaitchag*s, = ~ 2 a i R RB "i \ ‘ajeuglz 3 ze 4 N trott Fa ie 2s _7* an °Noui-Bazar = « Hi =< Mitrowitza, + ‘ee ia et kat SN P wo Di ak 994s Kick «x t +** " Maslapha-Pa cha a SA VDRINOPLE Legend : EQ Allies Ge) Central Powers C or \ L.Corfoa ng . AY Ww ‘\ Reproduced of the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military tistory of the World Wer-C R.Howland 7, AS ae s | | : os . 3 ie a eat Wee =e paw ag bts es | aad % : + paoeneniag rey ma WwW e SUMNNESL zy prowden © a Y wv 6 ce ee ee 3 nat c PWFRWA LHEWLEM Ob ObERWLIOMNS Wi¥b HO Tio BYTKVM 2LLAVLION ale SER eae ee eo ia = GENERAL D’ESPEREY’S DECISIVE BALKAN VICTORY 1918 BALKAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS MAP No 111 BUDA-P. ‘ST = 47 rd ©™, wee. SASSY- HEV NAG De a : BY 3 3} ; ajP + ; oi} e + & Szegedin 4s ans 2 : zabadka (Haria Theresiopel } : = = ~*~ a* a oa eee °Nowi-Bazar Nich "\ Toribreg = « » > t *44 Mitrowiiz Leskovay + BULGARIA t *teeseee, “4 © SOFIA NTENEGRO [pe® * \\Grisovich } $ | Pop De: S w* Diakov¢ a a ran G a - ° S = bs fat ees ” D astendil = mney Me ippopelt He - 9 at x; zre ov aE; A cia et Bee et Mariiza*~eS ee 2 ‘ £97 175, * i ) 1 ul ‘ . islapha Racha \ , SANDRINOPLE SS —<——— rs Za Allies O Central Povers Reproduced af the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas 1923 Militoru Historu of the Werld War-C.R Howland ee -~« - a e } >séoonys Qarnc jy eestidas } ‘ ee . * - > = ad, ¢ } gasses vy, a atte oe hh ne = PACS > Gens % « - inn ‘ . F \ : smeeteneiar seunnemmamaatannenerammmneeene ane caeecer ge TS SS ee ee ee ee Se ee te een PYITEWH IHEVLEN Ob OLENWLIOI? CEVEBVE D, K@DEBEA 2 DECT@IAR BYTKVV AICLOBA aie ‘3 re | | Ss seth? 5) | le ALLIES THREATEN CENTRAL POWERS FROM THE BALKANS 1918 BALKAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS _ MAP No 112 ¥ BUDA-PE ST Se ‘ ‘g O. es EA zy a “138 SASSY ie NS wes out eR: "2. 5 - J, Szegedin So ~ sph Le \, 3zabadka (Maria Th crete Of November S258 ie A. S ry TTT TH tr ame ttt tesco “> Sy re Giorgevg © Roustchouk PP xd Saas °Noxi-Baza q ‘ "053 MiFrowttz Leskovgl Ca ga 0 Tpe * erisovilch, Se atchanik o es Phi llizpopoli Maritza x x ~ et" Meeth —— xg Maslapha- Lacha ; YANDRIN OPL Legend eames Front Sept 15 Durazzofo bra ‘ é mA ; = — (« « 29 sep Allies ellen ———> Central Powers mei" G Reproduced at the General Service Schools, for! Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Shh Mibehine of the World War -C.R. Howland Goes. we Fe “tes meee Cay a *. SS be rm ot ; gPSt NYS a 2 . * . + 3 ONBUIPSE. : : ; , FRoRyS QR ease 2 ahi ‘ ‘ a - “Ie Cc packers i> a : = | : , ry F . | : Lop \ wA “Sy bi } r ney cW ee. al : 2 “ \ H i a MEE cy ; *, @. a be . ¥ yaoe-Lten. sao 2 Ewes ce a a 2 SL Mr, Nr eg tn : otis ee ann nae ene a PYIRNM LHEW.LEY Ob OLE YVLIOie WYh vous he VITiE2 LHBEVLEY. CEALBVP bBOMEB? LBOW LHE BvIKWHe2 foie esortt He ¢m a ITALIAN DECISIVE OPERATION AGAINST AUSTRIA 1918 ITALIAN FRONT MAP No.113 aa BP Allies TYROL weg — Central Powers (4 | monte" CARNIC ONE Me JU, ALPS ay oY Wie stile AN AANT) by 7 MOAN: avw* Ses Tae rr a htt of GAM ee oe RS OD te teen RR ee er ee er en eee ee “que Ami2ZAae JAVA > veered VME Co) Ot Tee, ee rene ~: ~~ 1 th. y ad i's : BMOITASI3IO Bie \ - : THE et Me f OF THE Memes A 7 Ait 7 untvensiry oF es ‘\ i - A 4 he Meee aS ee Pre ete re tes Pana od wt Gairaray Steve Seon shear rns ha | Military Kisfory. of tre Work ie C0 te | RUSSIAN RAILROAD KOLA AP No 115 > ovo. Alexandrovsk e New Port a wr ° = / \ £ Rovéniemi C = Oy oer Ts z= 0 ° = \ OLS Petrograd Scale of Miles CO cen | <= -——=— Sied and Motor Route. @oecsevecoeeeeSied Route to Archangel. ++-+-+-+-+-+-+ Railroads completed. 50 =: 100 200 CENERAt DRAFTING CO. INC. A. _ Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1/923 Military History of the World War - CR. Howlond ns anon GAM AION oT’ ~GROSIASE paieeus ata, Sal ene pia pee rrr: - | fogandont cemnipniannanaapesateteegeanttaeth wn an nme ee - . : fz xo Bea er eenare qa ete ee 4 Q PY me cay e 232 eA OT (3) 1 2aliM Yo olas2 an : Sa Se RD pana! 3 lognerow Of S1U0R Bal2 eerecvonnge yess {UR 20° 42 vasreano saninae | betgiqnag 2beorfigh a--+-rrteme i ¥. = 2 o are vis 4 ES2\ 28h -Ainow asves4 ANGI .clooda® aaivisd lmiansed oak te ¥ : WAGGA AS = aN ho otk as) oem Se Seay wilt thee Ape et Par THE TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILWAY. ___ MAPNo 116 oKieff Odessa f | a i J + : ee > ee = 7 Cot =" - = 4 Oy ie = +" Caen -- > 3 * pet 4 ¥ x <7, Je fh. eee “in wae: : wre ¥ é : oe ee > a x yl ~~ —_ ' re. ‘ 4 i a Rate, yk a eo : - —? : » ; 7 =o a s . : 8 +i = ee a ar A = ' — oA Le <= ad + ’ = + >. * ~ ; + rey ' é 4 _)s “. + i ae a * : ‘ a” SS UN s ~ | ys QSEsg\ SNS “QCPOs(2 LO). [SOAs ANOLE YEA?" \as3 WYSE YARRA OY AWS NSUA NEL- Cw Wh avkes i Faw que ) Vi penne Red ws ei y, hae Cae iit Neat ba '¢ = ae * : = Be 4 J RIK . t tres Sars Bah Aisqiaoze aa = rot eng ae LHE LEVUG2IBEKIVU KVITMVE' FuUCyaude? WY b Vie Te e a) ae Ss a rN iy yi Re 4 » Pray Fy, genta, iy, , YT tai rai Fy _ WABA GB t HIG 7, =). , ry 3 Ms iz me % . te) Af Sia ef ; ater? = tee - Ye ; - | ate a ei" “nt a * a a = = = 3 « , - - ' Ay x 1? av ’ J m } ~ » hee 4 _ — i fl ; ¢ on i Daa yr: an ¥ ‘ aa. . aS f L See. : rts . ae i je A, i pc A ea | i ye fl i WR j ee 7s iy \ re i ‘ i] eh r a a yy t a 7 a} iy | ) ae bd) i S 7 ‘ ¢ ‘ ; f, y ib ; US ; : 2 af vn i“ - in ; #2115) nl 4 > Leama JAMIDINO % iy *» . a oA > = Ae eee e3VITosw ~e Pip; q WSS bye hia hind E ~ oe a aE : oy ‘ ea 4 rie yy Pe ae ie ae a ¥ : mm by “eg f 2 — — ~ : f* b a a bEKING =; ji Oe =i ba . 2 were: <— > = PUN a AO2 a EM : fil | att a > SIONITH 40 ALiguaqiwn y | nedoAGentere the Pogo Gea yee (i a a f SIS LE aca Pinaceae ck Begs. Py ates WVb “vo Tye ne ee ee eet ee A rt em a Ue es LHE LYSVUeeIBEBIVU KVITMYV SB’ PLAN. OF ADVANCE 157 DIV_A.E F. see HR a AAOONS Qin Tht \ NS xt eB e agility Seen Zw i= Ass \iF : E1532 D.I. (Later reinforced by = {Regt @9™D.L) —tln® SNS zl / Su i = TAN "hi Y, ~ WS TKN m ei Sy yi ‘N LBs = : 6 SME NA \ < : Ab 4 Se we Ze I => s : \ aoe Ss EZ ’ SS FINAL OBJECTIVE=4 = W/ Ni sy S tts iT IO July, \ Charantigny Reproduced of the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas.1923 Military History of the World Wear — C.R.Howland a ‘ | Pa ani V° 7U™ OW deed ta ; -. H ae , 4 - ypu (Matin * 4 4 F > i Sy Ln . 3 oy a ‘> S < . a ee we M eo Ay Mi ; i per ‘ P fe te - ape wT? iF ‘ : 7 me a x a me ra i att a emer EEN I aE mee) ahaa : Bae > . Ae th ay be Wy ” ‘. sper ao i eee . ; 4 Par é te re ‘ 4 : a ll ’ t ; mae’: 4 ra Hoty Wy ‘ ; a - . oy, ¥ x, % ‘ o”¥ ; ¥ . fhe. ‘ ae as ch wm . it viN p 5 : 2 if ! f F P - on rey ni ' PHARM CIA OG Cy Tay 4 . ‘ ; 4 ree i *y hot n | ee ae ee ay at) ay ~ é : ; y ) % Pa ‘ 4 : Ff j h ‘ : ( finecmutn ff | 4. ; ; oF sine i : f ra ‘ pre ( \ J , ve ti , 4 n ‘ : . a We 4 - x j in ; ne Wy t pen “ é 7 » Poe i) : : ‘ ; “ y i # { we ; ~~ Meee + ee Re Tee eee ae PLAN OF ADVANCE 2°? DIV A.E.F MAP No. Il& Xe a= 1°’ MOROCCAN DIV. por. a a A a SS & x = hay ILN/ Sree 2x a ae y La] ¥ SETA — is ceo 4 > Beaurepaire Fe ry x O : — S\ Le a ee b | x * TALL5 5 JO ait f o* 7x havigny Fme YL Sf, QOS 30™ CORPS Reproduced ot the Genero/ Service Schools, ort Leavenworth, Kas./923 1000 Military History of the Werld War-C.R Howland 1000 2000 3000 4000 Yards [SS ee —— a fe TIGNY U / Gill AGA VId™“S GOUAVGA AO VAG LIED LL AEC L T CEEGI COT eT I A I NT AO EEE a NR A A (CR a I a Siok GAM ea EDT Ae , ’ t/ Ne oy to AN eth past ? i N\ ANY an > es OWN Cet Roum FS ABAnnS % SHE IO Aaa de ex bi AMERICANS AT SECOND BATTLE OF THE MARNE, 1916. 32™Div Kp COMPIEGNE © \ _ ui 18 7 BERZY-LE-SEC am £70; Zs Jul18 VILLERS- correneys.._ OW CREPY i | ? s q OULCHY-LE-CHATEAU FERE-EN-TARDENOIS c f_. * wlg 22 - SA 26 Div extended front ch, eS 704 Jul t8 —VUUIC"E Riv wae 4a Suly 19 NANTEUIL & A T Mone FF 111 th Regt Inf 28Div in tine with 2 3S biv July (5 July 20 — SJ SCALE IN KILOMETRES 5 1o Ss 20 ° 25 Reproduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth Kas, 1923 Military Mrstory of the World War- C.R.Howland, om: RLM Ew a ATT EM? COLLEGE LI eset =, | | “Pech as ee pe 7S \a oe | > Si 2eOrR ie P 4 ae . Koreir CUE te ed : ON EE < GAVITTA | * s ea 3 ingiGee | Oo ya : Wea ec re “ae oa Sus a ee ter em rR 8S NR A em ete en RE I eR a RR ee EE Vb Hon VWEBICVH2 VL SEC BHD BYLITE O& LHE WVEUE ISI = ALLIED PLANS AFTER SECOND BATTLE OF THE MARNE 1918 WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No.|20 KA REANV VERS : KS apes 4 COLONGE e I BRUXELLES IEG WSS Valen fen es 5 BE Wers70R to . 2 Malrhedy Ex e) WS : qs RAYS ?Dinant pipay wf s * +4 °Aix-la Chapel, ée WH **s Mg & Q COBLENZ - 3 $4444 22% @ MAYENCE . Ae f wy STREVES nu VHteeee* Germersheim RL Ationville \ RG72 ‘Rastadt % ek “ XA, belwa CY. TOUR VS N 0 “a> Cha. es %e Neutchateau 9 ‘ \ Mirecour. °Fontainebleou LEGEND fortitied Carnp ~ $WIT ZERLAND Reproduced ot the General Service Schools, for! Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military His tory of the Werld War —C.R. Howland - eee —— ee — a - _ or _ re ae 5S - sa - ae ; fae = Abe ee x a P15 4 es co ) ; cys 3G ie ied elas shee tele ot | AG Sh cats ae WSS reset * prraepons.g Ths, 4 Yun o 5 £y 4 ie o CSET EAS Ye oe oee ee SR oWiX{S Crshsr ts f - ¥ COT OnE = i MESLEBM LHEVLHE OL OKEBWLIONO Wb “eo iso VITIED DrVWe VYELEB QECOUD BYLLTE O& LHE WYSUB Told ALLIED PLAN FOR REDUCTION AMIENS SALIENT 1918 | WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No /2l WN AN VERS : s ES ay pe COLONGE $ = ae / © “435.4 °Aix-la Chapel, e an tte NY y BRUXELLES LEG Aw ‘ 3 > x x INILE GO « SN SC : mee GS ee : b COBLENZ Valendcitnnes so Wwe"4 to 3 cy “2s, Malrhed fe . M&ab ugeys 9 Dinant Tie } 3 Ss Chimay > 4 4 “ - : 4 ° x 4 Paa.* t iy ‘ \ MAYENCE = Tey a a Germersheim Pia fesonon yy AN AN iMeaux Rastadt \\y \\ Reproduced af the General Setvie Schock katt Lecve marth ban. (223 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World Wor -C.R. Howland in a : - a i ae i ng 9 courers d LON gS cysbexfe | eae , : MESLERM 1 HEVLME Ob ere eri 3 WYWb 4olsi SS oa VITIED brVUA EOS BEDNCLIOU VWIEH2 GVMEUL Tale Tins demoed lineal H5 $m “i 2 REDUCTION OF AMIENS SALIENT AUGUST 8-15, 1918 MAP No 122 {IL © BAPAUME Ree, XVI “=e, = —. || —_ eI ETSANTD ene — COALBERT | V Dernancourth \ Morlancodrify \ Erte ; O Smrorbicg RAN Seed A gee BIES| ~~: 4 \ Ye, Morcoutres) . S ofa ‘ Villers Brefonneux Br cS to 15 Avs! Lihors si S/ mt © ozlere’s \ fs r - Moreut "ex yey fi 9 _ 2 : R O VrOY °o SF angesy } NESLES Braches le Quesnoit VSs Andechg of L 2 ; oROY, : Grivesneso 1 KS ( XVII gy pe MON TDIDIER \ re Ve 38NF me! stARMY KA) 7 red Et uer: pvd 4 a CNY = _— r OYON Mource/l/es a“ 7 : Bassons SN a Tee yy Ribecouct ~ IX S RY hevincourt N 3'°ARMY D COMPIEGNE Scale of Miles ly 10° ARMY ° S /O 20 Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth fas, 1923 Military History of the World War ~ CR.Howland Bier, Zi- -B T2UOUA “THALIAe eva 10. Ss} of GAM AWUAAAS O ROMs cs ; Se AMORA S * Lb snweoes VA Hes Ae Ne is Vannes ts AY FOI TE ABA . TAA Apa el ey = Se MF cot Pe VERS OF LD er : : ° Loh S Zaszan Cet SN on S r Srormnu 3\: = ¥ enh ae VOD Uagsbak - j . | mvx 1S 4 whe nant SteAzeviND | f ABINGTON 4 ee ae ae 29\\orsve\ ahs *. 7 OYNENAG> oa qd f es > Se eas WARE, 1,7 :, stark \ we [ex —\oxow | | . Bin a ~~ - Le\\ooso wise et ip eG er We es | on | Xl y fag | ANG ara, | | Alte. Jer XSI AND 3 Ts, eae Oy YMIAME © eZ BAO NOD S _ | ee i as ae —YMGA MOL : zoe shes a pave | os oa a CS9\ 225A Noownevess sack pears Cevak: enereaawe ae WOO —. ermieth AD - - 39n Win bad pat wetedts, ie fi eae] ‘ es D> phil APL ee Re foe ea Py 2 erie, wt. ALLIED PLAN FOR EXPLOITATION OF SUCCESS IN REDUCING AMIENS SALIENT, 1918. WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No.1I23. Q COBLENZ = sy J MAYENCE Ss vey x Luxembour ap Nt if Germersheim a " \ ‘Rastadt \ \ hed ON Meaux | XS é Ri@irange \\ W : ‘ a Sarrebou is y. l l d ‘ \/ ASS “te , WRARVA LILES RRADAV CY. PAR \\S RA a @) | ; “so Seen Neutchkte eo. pe °Fontainebleay . \ wy. PTT ECON Rira R \ LEGEND WW eul Brisach Fortified Camp \) Reproduced of the General Service Schools , fort Leavenworth, Kas./ 923 SWITZERLAND Military History of the World War -C.R Howland , ae Z ® : "s : : y - ¢ LZ; s | ‘ Lge z — é a = = =. Gr ' : i EEF 5 oe = = Wy We es Mf Le tty Fs CQ — JI/@ Yi essx LE SS LGN \STOMIASES ; Se a . QS viwetysrs (s YP COUTENS. wsiveqt —- 2%e, o ot eo epee * GIK- 49 CFS h & 4 Y COT OUGE ¥ | PAE SLIEBM LHEWLBE OL ObEBWLION2 Wb HO Sy Se WFTIED BrWH LOS EXDIOLLYVLIOU Ob OACCE2?2 IN BEDNCIVG YWIELD 2vriEVL lal x % € be ' ; : . . e im @ € 46-5 yi Qe EXPLOITATION OF SUCCESS IN REDUCING AMIENS SALIENT August 16-29, 1923 MAP No.124 wn ="THE BATTLE OF PICARDY = .29 1918 Honke 7 I Freux, Aug.18 Aug.29, 6 Fontaine les Croisilles ° mmm 9 rc rorsilles 4 . « 3 BIS ee iN ° ° 4 S «, arnpce y . v4 9 Orsairrs . / ouviorny Vin 4 ° g e rye | OUR FPommier Scale of Miles - Fonten ~ © ioe ore SOISSON.S & Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military History of the World War -C.R. Howland - TVSILIAZ, ena Si.o4 TAM | ESI , 2S-dal ‘Feiss edna YOSADIG- JO SITTAG SHT Stet OS guA-Br.guad _ alison oak : hie = a 2oilyaron D5 ) eG awww 4 so AL RS pei fe o/755-B1 Rul Ves os eenaeeess ‘g ER EA RT NETO I AT TG RN SR A SEE I NE ATE CEST AOR AO SR A BEER NEG OGLE LS OO RE I RT et TRS NE I RT EC . « 4 {emcee i oe A Ae El Ab ¢m VY: Q_- ) ALLIED OFFENSIVE TO SEPTEMBER 8 MAP No 12 me 0Ar/eux iar 8 Fontaine les V Croisiiies 4 Marauion Queant : | je poy DE XVII } SBeugnatre & 5B BAPAUME y Re cers ee \ fpTrescout oats _— y < g - 2 Ge ouzeaucourk ad ates Seda —Gomoies\4 Aug 3p to, | I Sept ee OF | \e PERONNE o } \ ay) Br eal N eae AAM AS’ Simon F r \ | Jussy® ~ : | ‘ | “ | ee) Teranier 4 TERE _ ( ae | coe JS jee \ ty ae , I NoyYoNn® Pe 7s oe IX i> LX iiss \ CAN récy ~ a ‘auxaillon \ oJuvigny Mattos D Chevigny \ f Pommirers Scale of Miles ~~ , vier ath LOR SE ee TL, SOISSONS * pe ~~ he we WY , ons % aN rs iAP Of a EATRE OF OPERATIONS” (| 50 . a0 7 eet a ee 7 * ’ a Lue 84 ei i Frov if Sua he os wt Gi « t r. ;} My Ce SESS ok eke oad 48) 6 ypoURS o 7 ' Ee : 4 i ; 4 } - aD Re ; se w : . * eet ‘ 4 r Ai ' ae | ‘4 i. 4 ty * te : - - an 7 * ¥ ee j : SASL « A - mA RA olin Wy 4 - Foon} are - - : * litany: lf \ a mm - 4 ne - : ; a ia 8 . 4 7 > é . * oe vf | : . ae + oes) i . econ 74 x gout & -- : ' wy tg * © Luk \ a a ri a? r 4 e , a a i ie he re s ~ ‘ “tl, OE OR a te memes — vers i ve =e 7 e@- 1 cnet neeheeeealllndiedinn oe tele ae ee ¥ : TA Y SF fomoal H& Y/ Sa 2. fe SITUA \)! HH} StOmer 5 Boulogne , [ ; Montreuil St Bol S righ Douflens Abbeville a B y) "om J J 24 Hirs Dieppe AMIENS vins ay 2 oe >. Neufchatel ~* in ¢ Montdidier . woe ‘ b WN; cayaspp, Ce ly ROUEN ms ComBiegne . a Clermont SoisSOns ~ les Andelys & 5 tie LouvierS Ze a , 0", Senilis oe \> eee ta ee Chateau Thierry eo i be Ey ict BY , A Wrer ce Epernay A BON eaux (Ce £%, .’ 4) Ny as RYRIS ©, ~ \) ay + oC VERSAILL RN Coulomtgieia Vitry- Dreux Say Va Rambouillet R Ar SPELUN Proyins 1¢ £25. g —P CHARTRES 3 Rees oe : Nogent Q Etampes Fontainebleau Shea | TROYES oSens Pi thiviers : Chateaudun oMontarsdis loigny ORLEANS.o . : mee oTon td, J, A Se) Auxerre endome hs ne “ & Ae Gien v ed, 3 Clamegya —avalion °Cosne oRomerantin err Sancerre ; wer R : | 2? Lochs BOURGES Chota Heproduced af the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. /923 Military tistory of the World Wer-C.R. Howland TION September 8, 1918. MAP No. 126. © AMSTERDAM MAP OF Us WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS Fd 50 9 50 100 125 Kilom re Legend Front Aug 30 o OE ee ow meee a Bee ” Bois-le-Duc \c 4 in ra Sept 8 elder ‘ Breda Hl Morse ™ OESSEN eg Ng SDUISBURG RY _—— i : ‘\ ) kergpeg ¢ ’ : refeld? TurShout . h ( SO DUSSELDORF a, ANTWERP’ a NN Qu pees PGladbeth Nets noth? A Erkelenz Grevenbroih x , F pean Juliers Bergheitn f) COLOGNE ¢ assel'O— Meestricht, é ¢ ¢ PLouvain © oDiiren \ 4. 3 Tongres ] 5" gO AACHEN | ; Wwaremme ° : re} \ < Bra \gtupen Rheinbach?: Giessen n ‘Olit es aye ten livelles SOK, ®& *Montjoie © SchleiderAn Weller KR NeuWied nt ¢ oe MUN almedy 6 Z Grlero#) %~ 5 ae Adenau FO COBLENTZ Hhuin i 4 : PRANKFUR $Dinanf Marche ¢ Prim | pgun Jy StGoar\ — WIESBADEN an vilippevillé vy 7 Hey Be © 64n" Baume ie 3 W : T t N D DIJON ¢ BesAncon vA wn @ ‘ ; non co ae A Neuchatel, BERNE (|S ~2@ST.o4 GAM | lel,8 isdoisige¢ } 40 cAM & weiX eVUOITATIIO TO tia ee WATERY ; 5 molt 2S} oo! 8 tose, | . ) i 4 a ; 2 gt ,' oF " .~ r m" ahata. ae eSiion Lccacner A WR) Gg” Tanti, oO ers H THE LIBR no8 6. ce anoAnsl ert ; OF T feeraem ” " f3q Th ee a4 nein aan Line. oe ee a _. URIVERS 0 : LINOIS © ame sioane in \ iss ee | ere ve a pi, e loc) 42 A ™ WSN eh 2 ens mienieeg c f o. q ~ f TOATEMBAC i é wal * A anus: gis cerned . és by FP te ia: ais a QA on s , \ ; ea saith . bist Fal BI otter mistanaM | aK pe LiTAMAGA va ot vIgAaesiw | e bron ‘= ; J bins. aw « a SO” pyeacl ie 4 : ‘aa : ~ J Breas bish 1 mtu slérse ina om 12 oy “ie # ae ae “Pd ae” nie V4 ed | b MBs : aa + Pests wi 4 , ” ? i. 4 mistiosmse) . aitiv ay . : ee : - <2 vite i valet | ace . ae é ae rd pe a « Pee a | a: TU GeISAN o é * Ay batted’ ® a 7 tou , Ponuazoiwau | YY HateaSio \ rr AAODTTUTS % ~ . ANNE RO HLT Tee Oe OU Ee tae ee we AREA NE ee ER BR a CE tee TE a: oH em ; coaiiatatiel * Ee ae Ss eete. PEND te EY ae ’ - ‘ ae - “a 14 Q Mepri!the> ws ~~ é ne a — = Q ‘ U qos" Aine as 8 o ; ise Ca ie lusea) ; pane | Sh, ei %&: ‘ig b ie Rs: anA © Sh: dee pec re seers mn “ei © . vase . ais tS 1:9 MASA Sk ) af Agprechcwny, a He ke orp Fae hana aneg Militery Fistary ef Phe lari: Vite“ CS seers Y Et py his GERMANS FORCED BACK TO SIEGFRIED LINE BY SEPTEMBER 25,1918 MAP No 127 XVI O CAMBRAY Ill ol Marcaing A sho i Varo —_- / pCourdou court Briar cicalr eh: \ | Ul Neer Se Miter Villeret ° : et 8 2 \ : -_ Pontru 5 Zp Nie pie i aera | Villevegue % a Holnon fee XVII re) ame Da/lon °o Contes Loum Essigny le Gr * Simon X Nee HAM —_— * xX “ . Vendeui| 4 —_ Sussy 3 : Zs Neg Tergnier \— = FERE % AS ervas's © S* Gobaiin Orse | . | ey / IX < P Aulers Coueyl Ch 2 N xX i Vauxaillon o Laffaux °o Chauny a aN °o bs Celles Yhisne ¢ La Malmaison \ “aris han 20 O . Chavonne ; | SOISSONS nemeat ee >. NE Reproduced of the General Service Schools , fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 Military History of the World War -C.2. Howland AULI Gasol OF SOAR rst of TAM CGT, cs S138 | VAARMAD DO Priooe : : THE UBRARFS\ o> OF THE / uM SITY OF LLINGIS -f AIG, ¥ G allay ? Anucp ret ae eae af d Sek Seles sent e csbenal nIVX asap ~ achiaS ‘2 | he “aD » EPA ate 4 ~~ Vausiaresy of’ Binns sage { Beet ARAL rene Gs Mveadowd *%.0 XI & east am AS e § Sagat a xX NA LEE AE A AO Ee A ET Re Te TL TTT A I A IF A RRL CGT OE ET ON MN A oS Oe A OI RE I A LRA NF a LT aN ORE II LEME AIELLO LLL LAA ELOY OE i SETI GERMAN DEFENSES AT ST. MIHIEL _ mapnotzs 0 DunNn- sur-Meuse : Bantheville ; Grand Pre - ° e andres oe i ee, omagne Ovivry oChaumont o Pf Fleville ie Si Sales Beaumont - forgeso ° Malancourt ° 0 Varennes Avocourt Vauguois re] ce] asl: : 0 Conflans % VERDU & 8 2 x | Grave/lotte OMETZ > © Clermont 0 8/ercourt : ° o Rampont O. St. Menehould a O Wille -sur- @usances - \— Rarecourt : > ny wu 4 % ° ° Souilly =e g Ye a“ a a ra) ° |. ; Saizerats © Meni/-/a-Tour ° Bouc COMMERCY ° 4 Meproduced ot the Gereral Service Schools, Fort Leaverrworth, kas. 1923 Military History of the World War —C.R.Howland ° Rory OD PASO. roe S COU? AECOMAS, Pre 70 ° oe cA ouRerens © gaarsauy, | ws | aa © eypernuow ; 9 Cowssuc HALA = ‘ ¢ < {Svar Feo scans 2 -Joyscarny, DMis- ani wens eautsnnvbvtingvanvapeteanuanremsennmninpetttan: aeegeieemanninsbansiiaianiinsiainegnatadiniinees NG RE RE RE DS ENE copieracerannisinamaratyamaitiaden [2 }—sSGRSWIA DELEV2r2 VL 21° WIHIEP Ave rae. >» Z ry BSS atronville Cots) é ORDER OF BATTLE AT ST MIHIEL MAP No 129 yA .- / Me 2. K) BNE ‘METZ Nes ¥ S Py 5 ae So 2 3 tz A AS Set > oFL3. ’my abc 8 SHE Movi Dez SB > SSHO7G0 ach ®> _— aT Q Gy Ne = Sa fe) Zp nt % = o = enera] pions 3 2 tBedoit- env & o9< Benoit ce TS Ps OXammes se & Sabot oe” B le Prete cig ® Wag a J0 /D lori OLF LAME Gee sv Amer. Corpses Reprociced etlhe General Service Schools, For? Le avenwor th, Kas. 1923 Military His tory of the World War -—C.R. Howland Xe - a bs 4 ; or 24 A ee U9 LN pe ' a ca ery \ . ’ 7 N82) ov} 6b fy) 2 oS = Oo ae [mri bie 2, — 4 me 5 oe 2 278~ Wo 2 ox a aw —~ &Q ere Rar i Ce ly A Kin ro ee ~” (Wor it cy #%, a w {LOUAIIC as a 2 MGC “Akt ee OBDES Ok BVLLITE VL 2L WIHIED LO eS AE ee Vivb We isa ahh AIO FT 13 rer HES) é) é Ome AMERICAN FIRST ARMY REDUCES Sr. MIHIEL SALIENT, 1918. MAP No. 130. _ front 12 Sept Morning * ” 12 Sept E vering s 79 13 Sep? im) *e, 15 Sept hd 4 e, x + + & xy OBRIEY / Ox »ETALN ow e CONFLANS ao x wm FRESNES + Se \ ~e, x Cormbres Ne Chaussee tis % MoeO® Xx \ NE ee e VIGNEUZLES em orca % 9 / pe \ 4 noe y LAD on Fer yeA-MOUSN Chiron oO trie] a: ag Ally, Apremon x se a se ; ‘ e: APs | “Co |——- + P%, | Ys f ag » .COITMERCY o ry Reproduced at the Gone Service Schools, fort Leover»worth, kas.1923 Military History of the World Wear — C.R. Howland y wath) y XONTSs , | pS oa hi aD. THe Lh ) ntvensiy OF nanos |, BAM ay | 4, i “ints * Mwy yak _ ieee Shr h eit = oY ED eS + NOON Ae haypok a Sat se GU | Br i " 7 SY TERRITORY RECAPTURED BY MARSHAL FOCHS OFFENSIVE (FIRST PERIOD) 1918 WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS MAP No 131 ANVERS 4 NX KS + t + + * 6 COLONGE eat a; & ry f° Aix-la Chapel e « SS tre SQ @) + +onae 22% fn Ne WES -QCOBLENZ Valen rénnes gos BF WY to \ es Wx rd A Malrhr ed 4 @ S.. Mibiabeug SS & » Dinant Mee 3 3 mg H fimay yf. ; Be . 8) Me ho fre ay & bg ne MAYENCE + Vn + - °° Hn % £5! ttn f CZleres * iad 2 hae *e Germersheim ‘TRastadt i POW be «' aS OURG Neutfchkteau 9 \ ° LMirecourg SY N eul Brisach GN ; NS stein Reproduced of the General Sérvice Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 | SWITZERLAND Military History of the World Wor -C.R. Howland | ai - 3 eo, 3 Fe be WNLEACE 3 7 Dr {3 ost ei t tpbtae - . . % ho . | COREA ae < AX ‘S Cy SSG 3 COP OUGE Pe aioe Sa yeaa aoe See oe : g | MEOQLE RM LHEWIBE OF OLER WLION? : WV b 4° fot LEBSLLOKA BECVELABED BA WYK2@HVT LOCH? OLLEVGIAK CIBeL DEBIOD) fol? : m . , Rie “gS 90. ee ae es one ‘ te : : Ae ee oe ee : veo ; * es, 4, rn e ‘y iv - a > Ww a ~& aN Dy a "i-Mic ai vi ef ify etait re 4 se . = if ey =) > 7) . 7 ae 7 saxte , ; » ’ 0o™% - 7 s RUBIV Dy - ITTGAS } a ~~ : ae oe : "9 ad Bin ~~ < oar — & ™ a ‘ . ~_ : os : 4 ; > ti eS fs % - ey Anal R 7 € i 33 2 } ars : y 4 te, « , * _ % wt 3 7er Pragyy 5 hom = i “4 ond? t r 7 ’ - I pb” venus? > Eee s rem “ 2A sdinonmam cd deokat, wiervid \eranWd ih bo beatuevesh | : es ODD ~ GN AON oct Lo yietzith yroltih P g * iy : > + | be -f a et *) en ff HE 4m q i a ORDER OF BATTLE FI 1) Canterbury iy Dovery, Dr y ay as Bo" LEA Sf s° BER As mPeroise ° m@Dixmude e azéDranckes wi Dieppe AMIENQ Senin Vervins h Neufchatel p 7 AVI : Mont idier @LAON Ve BLAUY Fr \F"5 \ wy, ROUEN |nchyctiere NI ° pis Clermont a Y Soisse les Andel Redery | u ic Louviers | : as ro P pe ! XY ~ Bens i Evreux Bat S. * Ree ox Spari VERSAILLE AWN Ny B\Y Dreux y ~ Rambouillet ELUN Provins. R Ar at pos O ATS a Oo NO Etampes Pe fF r Fontainebleau oNogent TROYES? oSens Bitters B Chateaudun 9 Montargis oloigny ORLEANS Oo shi oTon = ba 6AUuxerre Vendome WAP ~~ = 0 Gien e BLOISS io de Clamecy@ oO = : °Cosne oRomerantin ° Avallon °o Sancerre Cher R 0 Loches BOURGES ie Reproduced af the Genero! Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. /923 Military History of the World Wer-C.R. Howland IENCH FRONT SEPTEMBER 25 1918 MAP No 132 © | AMSTERDAM y MAP OF Vs “ WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS UTRECHT ~~ onc em 7 50 9 50 100 125 Kilom ‘ea PrTie : | ——~_ >» OO. ney” SS Nimwegen aglow L Y G 3s Bois-le-Duc- + Xantent ys & ° \ceiger \ Breda . °Morso § OnSsEN ef Nw yD LSBURG —_—_— y Oa a ) Kergpen 6 ° efeld) A, Turnh RODUSS D a. *gunrmond Go sues Neos "\ Bei | nethd ef, E nee Gres ants Ph) ain pemineae q Bergheim QCOLOGNE re ren ndres Gy Sy ieeernshe ENBUP p ee O nce LEG IND Rheinba ® Giessen Me gestricht Vivelles Morstioie © hrWeiler ¢ wasn ter Ray Resa Ves oo Bivisio WSN? seh yacher eroi) OCOBLENTZ i oen ant M ar vehe Ge Ze Prfim Dain St Goar . WIESBADEN 4 #4 ilipr 0 > AC Me ¢ g G Wittlich_( Zel! MAINZ gs -Ger man % ABitburge ° ~ ie e rn Simmern A Bifice 3 Bereasie! DARMSTADT N Rocroifghe rown Oo Kreuznach <7 er. Neuthatens . re G wep R y Fo,_ Arl ois: \ZIERE RS eta te Sf O Birkenfeld Worms me! fe ©) Paarbure 5 [ Tl = afignan Lu embour¢ Mannheim Retbel i) Mostmedy | = f St Wendel Kaiserslautern aug, , Se Neusta | : SPEY ouziers ie V i f Bri (net o PQarrelouis rie \ 7; i) Vé \ BH nfasens Landau oY <) Saa Semi d it Menehould S/METZ rgemygn Ap Caveman ta oRastatt AY 4 Chateau Salins japon STUTTG ABT &rre ate ° ay een NANCY \STRASSBOURK ie of : NS eee Reutlin ° gen ES V7 le Wu rtem : Gon ea Offenburg At ide s) eae Re TON. : Tia x ~ SS : oCOLMAR CHAUMONT s ren ee ( Easte n Remir vs :\ Freiburg nopee Groug€ Chatillon Langres Vesoul ° emur © 6g" DIJON t Besancon x” Dole Jnon 60 101 as sre ae poerern errs eer ne OP ie EN eee ee ene Palo z + JO GAM 2UOITARIGO 10 IATASHT-VIATE . ‘waa ery ay + ‘ 4 A 8 | ‘ ove hae f ae ; Giordnoan sis: on are es cays avr . : rs i etivoqond = nas He ae / ny : ees . Ae ' ais odd “ LStterahttt 45 i eae me cc nszesiv MPa | ee ine ’ SAM, bows eq STUAIAODE Ss T 4 ; rn Je raw 4 bistnSand ar y Ben veinoeM | * pieertelien gud ee ate pediBond metasitiecia® tsbasw +c, : On jookewe | : - la SRY, Sy ; : ey euolsne A Mmianhesans: . “BO webrnad Sod ag ran AHLICZ GAY a ‘nm * e ; > a Ye iil Pony 4 ON nen. 7 Pasuezoiwau 4 s 4 Ab ihee sees i, wae) Sage Se a eS ee pe ee Si Siete alana « pore cement meno ye mp whe peacea hee aca haneannae arsiarpoeeab Sil — Paprockocet el te Geereral Secr: Ly Jeneoh. Fahl costo ee ‘ {tilehas ¢ oe of ieee: VWlorkd faagagacioniiry 1 3 MAP NoAiS3” > > POE DO LOL ODN OLE ee ag ) MAY OF f : : A . eS Ff 2 tS 4 ‘ ATRE OF OPERATIONS : % 7) oo 5 tort Se a — - ~—- 4 f ef it 5 OF ele 4.34 : Switch Ling a “ > s Liltc wen: ‘~ 4 ¢ ie 5 2 A es : (fowe i ae? ara: Pe, ye £45 - > “yf P + ATs* Ww , fh + v , > ase e/ "% “ M7 Pf *s 44% ¥ 4? by r -— a i R NE ee es ia. - 7 - , a i 11 Neg netgear garrion n S at tee —-—4 770.74 Ostend. Lombearzide¥ <== Pur Ms oPeroise eT fee S : NkirkZ ©WAADixmude Passrhe p ‘. rut res _ @e Sy a% 9 Hazebrd rc Aves RIED — ir ’ Acer Pace 1 - @p gm piesne ervins ! -HUNDIN aA sive Soissons LouvierS SP ys Sefilis fs pac , . ise_&f Chateau Thierry~ were vw OK ? Evreux ON Za” Wy, iy ee Epernay | LN, WY LUSMeaux RRS od So x - j oretly | VERSAILL WNS Coulommiers Vitry-le reu iy is ae Rambouillet ,MELUN Proy MS ine . NE ? CHARTRES | 9 | nae Pe ee Se Ctampes Fontaineblez : oNogent ; TROYES oSens pithiviers Be Chateaudun oMontargis ooigny oTonn} >Auxerre & v oe Clamecya alice: } © Loches Chateau-Cr ne = t ‘ Reproduced of the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 ‘ Military History of the Werld Wor-C.R. Howland MAP No.133 INE OF DEFENSE, 1918. 1) AMSTERDAM MAP OF es WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS UTRECHT © 50 , ° 50 100 125 Kilom Lesend: Lines of Defense: G 1st Line Tema 2? Line = m0 ume A - Switch Line \ CITE ING BRM Sparen Bie) OP SSEND se ee CEO os 37 Line moun ons pen S 4th Line * J refeld bs | oor TurShout « RO DUSSELDORF 4, ANTWERP R “NQuhrmond Gladbath Neu “"\ . neth? Af Friuslera Grevenetc: PR u my: s es ' ; ei a Mal ne Ei, em Julies 2 9° ~@COLOGNE ) per" Hasselfd nextel 3s s nee yy ’ e SbLouvain % ; oDuren XQ “D 3 ; Bonrt es a NI upen Rheinba o Giessen . . hrWeiler\ ¢ iC} ontjoie ° Schleider/* Ro Netwied ont I 8 Map| * ) % E a FRANKFUR LE. Priim Daun BE Cn WIESBADEN an LID Ro Zell S : AX Wittlicyh(O “en 6 MAINZ x hy ° Simmern DARMSTADT 1Z A Berncastel Kreuznach TT RIER iva Birkenfeld Worms earours Mannheim fy LDE~ - St Wendel Kaiserslautern Ss A Neustadt _o -p ° PUdarrelouis 1G hei Pe ey, , eer ermersheim . em —Birnfasens as \S , mm / KARLSRUHE PWenehoul Ae \ METZ yy LUDWIGSBURG pee aRastatt LONS -sur re \ N, URG if ce) = ° STUTTGART Bar-le-Duc Ay, Baden ancis if ier « ~ ite St Dizier ROQRY) re AS oth WR Lunevill® oGondrecourt 5 Domremy sé Neufchateau © Mirecourt \ NY ‘ 4) uv o om — ‘ Die ° e { RHINE ° Freiburg pees (aN Sa 38 us > ¥ CHAUMONT x IAN’ * hatillon ANN Langres \\ A! SS = NN Ay Be KOK Ne SELON aS Reset: 46 ® ZURICH PEt OS RaW Es >= 2mur Besancon t} x Dole A, CGS * 681.0 TAM | Sy oier act 10 ae - ZUOITASIIO IO SITASHT Sasresh Ns ‘sersisG io eens) oe geome. RES emi 1 92 eet ood dotwe wo cmeous StS Of RMN ori #4 Nemes Fe) * ; "=e, y ’ e 92233 a § Va q Foie; STH. 340% as he a pon PALMAR | THE. LIBRARY ¢ 7 / L e Rages Ld "aon > aa fi pF hua. 4 one ‘i FN UHIVERSITY: is LIS a rcagee EE ae ; F \atinored Area ( istenoni YerioW ; bist aut ; xo “ _7ee nafnneM { 1 iacemcie. rishi aseis’ lebasw te PY re) Jdefeu sv 2 By / FAY 392 eo theg rit iarle rit - Hotere 4 ; vabried a ei ipunor SL aaa . i | t eerie ve | ? SHUSTIDAMO an lahcage ee Ls t : ; ee: faude SOIWOUL ; 3 : ww a g 2 ¢ i 7 os tone Wy . 3 4 4 i) on erburs ea | Petey . 2 Dp nl Pt)*> ~~ pit, to oye 7m : a hha. iB strioM » Faster we - ee LRM AG A a I EE 0 0 0 ms a oe katy ete Sho ote tet MAD Na id4 5s ‘ae 3 4 f “hd MARSHAL FOCH'S P’ f 5 Y) P) # ) Y) / 1// j4 TA eters ony AS S\N COA VERSAILL N x \ oulommiers res : RAY) FOCH idlet = Si Ram 4 e : ALUN Proyins 46 R | esc R)) ASgent \O ° ro ; Efampes ont inebleau= oNogent alee T. tpoves oSens Pithiviers B Chateaudun - > Montargis >Joigny ORLEANS Ow oTon , ake | >Auxe Vendome {0 ae oe \s j & - 0 ‘ Gien v ad ry . Clamecyé Avellon | ; ®Cosne Fe oRomerantin : Sancerre a Cher R © Loches BOURGES Chateju-C Reproduced of the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas.1923 Military History of the World War-C.R. Howland AN FOR GENERAL OFFENSIVE,1918. MAP No.134. ® AMSTERDAM ik MAP OF UiTRtcHT ra WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS ~~ ° 3 50 re} 50 100 125 Kilom righ & ey OESSEN gg \ & YDOUISBURG “RY — J Kergreg € refeld ¢ Ms §O DUSSELDORF A, _~ DD-~— *Nguhrmone ladbeth Neu av IAL trielenz Grevenbroid a ~® Juliers Bess oe aor ey, yw aestri (e I el Z f > eed ® 1iessen ; Duren \ ° AACHEN BonPNes 4 (ep Rheinbach | S G ontyoie © SchleiderfhrWeiler’ - f ; ~oNeuwied ane A. SCOBLENTZ PRANK? : Daun St Goar \ WIESBADEN e ; 5 “~ wittyigh (Zell MAINZ © Simmern ; AA Berncastel Niece Big STRIER » Birkénfeld Worm aarburg St Wendel _ Kaiserslautern “h Neustadt, ok ey * 'e PUSarrelouis » Sarrebru ° =! Bens ent Landau . | I GN me / KARLSRUHE Ss 4 a L \ Ny : oRastatt a ° iT Ww 4 OG aa, | STUTTGART ranwis °V—U. S A\ \ YON 3 : } a we We DENS NY Reutlinaen c St Dizier WES ge ‘er OgONTdrecou 7Vomrem & BNeufchateau ‘re ° remur © DIJON e se’ Dole Besancon non 60 - ~~ ; iat bei es uo 4 TSADTTUTE \ ° 2 = nebod 3m. » Be AiG}, AVES TAO 10 GAM A 2UOITARIIO TO SaTASHT ving rex) REL. o¥ TAM a ret kee r | Lar : “Yiscea0 eg? SA : falas Tay hy a ee 7 1 Ss a AOR secliagg eu Ps owe cae a > kai eae” a“ ; cs S Ss : Lied ; avgoiong J Tae Bae. ty Pe ; € aan “es Ia ae Eau rcn ~~ F my - ie) — ngeesiOnns, . bsiwwel. rv JEOS 6 Wet TRUaAvAn : ch) + hae frre | MscAazeews / ned! fe \ 2 i WP set Bn, EN, ce Vw Ls aga 2 i SIAM Hol ot. i= o } re ee s. d 7 ~ ete 1 a ‘a » aioe ~ f TOATED AG of ? i, rT pings’ aie ng v f doers 5" — | pent 2 \ iio. : ¢ . ie i ; See AIS J tari bietribaid Sr, POE es Mf La Fea Bw Sp Se al a , USNS ‘ 7% x3 —" Fe) | oe " _ frocishieh he matualbvenis’ lena 42 x aay a fret war PO a ere a] ee |. yy o al tinier PY i ‘3 erunireabiane 7. } : > iF i wags . 2 wu” \ i enscees % on , AHURZIGANS ae p ser Me ~, wis wee or ote ; jae i : WOW 3 4 — pment mcmitetee asa etacnt stalent tesceniteth ale minal ali Ai aA LEE LANA ALE LADLE LLL LL LLL AL ALLL _- ~ a =e] neg Hus Reames ve we ae ARI Aa? Nomad yy, fem {eae | kita anes a ee ee eee ee ee ee ~ = Moniaras fo HUSUS OO oe yr Se A anAsAASs Nes et ig “, ee oe ee re ons wi aaek tale "ah eR eS ea. ~y a +m a ak “ = e re) Sof : * ee en ree ‘ he h On RR RG AR > — eae el a a era Ea ey en aot an en Shige a a OP ALS I A a Oe AMERICAN ORD} ee. SEPTEMBER 26 1918 © Raucourt of MONTMEDY Stenay © Marville BuzanapP 0 Sarricourt © DuNn- sur-Meuse , Bantheville Grand Pre LanGres a ~ * ° ; 0 Spincourl ssiine mah oChaumont ° saa eo ppt fo Beaumont Malanceutaen ; IBD o Briey °, ) VERDUN i Res Watronville- ie ee Lac} , Gravelotte OME) t 0 Blercourt 9 \Clermon Rat abe 15 DiC. 9 ‘resnes @ Q. S+ Menehould & avi leat” @usances Ri Rordegut Les Lparges o © Doncourt D z $62 t St Remy ° ° Chambley is cleans ork pe y BS ocrousiee Te % “s cite Soe 32 %, ‘eal ghee) &) ~Y % S . : 39D Ani gc ode rs) © Spada 798 Haye > u CAC poner © Lime. 69 FR oO Fi ey ST.MIHIEL on irey Seicheprey Apremont i) . VI PRCA, CE AER ATS Me Ea te Kilom IV Sica ; %& Menil:/a-Tour ° COMMERCY 9Fouxg | Se, OCTOBER 1 1918 7 “es Q © Raucourt of MONTMEDY Beaumonto Stenay © Marville BuzanepP 0 Sarricourt © Dun: sur-Meuse : Bantheville Grond Pre LanYres 2 0 Spincourl o Briey 0 Ltain 0 Damloup 0 Conflans e Watronville _ 9 Gravglotte ome} > he 3 ky 29 o &) ermont 8/ercourt eines A 92 o Ramport ° hy I Vigvi . © + Meneho Ville sur: Gousances « Rorecourt Les Lparges o 0 Doncourt d va o Chambley oe : ne g Vigheulles Thiaucourt oi ces fey en Haye : ° Ponta Mousso, A ie gd . 0 Limey © ST.MIHIEL ° Flirey Seicheprey Apremont ° . . Saizerais © Menil /a-Tour 9 f0ue"g Reproduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, kas.1923 Military His tory of the World War —-C.R.Howland R OF BATTLE MAP No 135 O SEDAN Son, OCTOBER 13 1918 © Raucourt of MONTMEDY Beaumonto o Le Chesne © Marville near oP o Sarricourt © DuNn- sur-Meuse } Bantheville Grand Pre ° ° ova landres Og 9 Spincourl —— Zo. ne o Sivr es aw oCchaumont i~ RIBB feviie G@rnay 42 “3 Ee) i) SEOs PRs OF | Forges Soham 8 9 i] Malances, S o Briey 5 Cav 2 Varennes | 54 26 Di 0 Frain 0 Q * ° Damloup ° wenne , aI * VERDUN & Mi ~ % Watronville S 80 m5 26 : 1 EP cong Blercourt ampont | O.S+ Menehould D2. sur Cousances & ~ P Rareécourt Les Lparges 6 © Doncourt & 9 Sy © Conflans Gravelotte OMETZ e A Fresnes As 5 oO hambley Q IUS Ast J Se ecrousee “4 wr Soully ww Ls 135 esi ~ ° nA “ | o Vigheulles ° Thiaucourt rr) cama Fey -en-Haye ‘ ° OPont.a: Mousson Montsec /] ° er OLimey © ST.MIHIEL io trey Seicheprey ° Apremont / 4 2 4 49 Kilom Chee Saizerais © Menil-/a-Tour ° | COMMERCY Osan ¥ ip NOVEMBER 4 : of MONTMEDY 2% NY © Marville 9 DuN- sur-Meuse / [1226 99 0 Spincourl a1 i ete. se : ‘ x 2 1E kus \ o Briey @} 37 Fa NY oftain N/ © aefrloup As “A AB “56 Oo Conrians 3. 5 , Watronville MET 17 Ry 18 uy Gravelotte OMeTZ © 8/ercourt Fresnes @ o Romport ° 0 Ville sur: @usances Rarecourt OQ. S+.Menehould les Lparges o o Doncourt Chambks ; ° ° ley iT B lachaussee o Souwilly Vigheulles “ose > Ay “ 4 ee at D _o Thiaucourt ares Fey-en-Haye . ° Ponta: Mousson Montsec es, ° Limey © ST.MIHIEL Jn acey Seicheprey ° Apremont ° : Saizerais © Menil./a Tour ° Bouc COMMERCY peed OO a RN RA ce i: ? “& . $ © Guten 8 Tk on ene 90 nN monte e i4 Bose Af = 9 i re Pe - d . or. . a a : oo a hs * Tt: > Tecan 246 erin @ 2 ; il CAC e333 as, s 2s s ARS ,, . ¢ onbaaunt, x "eho —_ omnia 8 6 Seged wath é ‘eet , o ; . herp). 4 ; 5 5 —_ ] ay > SBastaey > A A ne in ee > > a + y ‘ Persie “iy ' mred Fhe poe we oP - \ Pas *y ~, Fy, ~ : ? mt 3 Wize. ry, pr Bat oe ec } : “304 Toe a ; ' en iad 5 a A : | 5 gre ve , : rt oe y is if he ' my tae en nc OAR BO eb ery 4 - . stim e \ ey ° Wayyendy Ss ey Bo. & 4 ; * 4, \. 02 G3 ot Marae ystdcwads © ; ‘owed, id) oe / Cee ae eee ine ane News - VRE Pa in lee elas wy | 8 a8 Aid } Ag 2 ita — 2 - = — _——- — —— eR ay . = ; | -_ See = Se ~ te 4 ; Wea » hte Re ¥ Ls GHASI Boat el or acm an garg, ¥en teen . a ra € ee ? maui T are i es ie ate are S ca : ‘ eae pee a. Srv senda a GERMAN ORDER OF BATTI MIDNIGHT SEPTEMBER 25-26 1918 © Raucourt of INTMEDY Beaumonto =x o Le Chesne 3 223:D(nearMezieres) ~ © Marville = a 9 BmPreouet BuzancP 53 RD ; Bantheville Grand ae landres c ochaumont wy AUSTRIAN EN ARMY HQ 6 LwD Ss Sisye Pe Sriey p fleville xe} 4 32D... me BIO lol D 0 Ltain 1 9 2 D 4 Tronville Pike © Conflans 37.36 Hoge A % 6 % 9 Clermont 0 8/ercourt Q o Rempont a. $+. Menehould © Ville-sur- @usances P Rarécourt > ny t 3, ° Sowilly _ bi z. * ro) Montsec Fn © Flirey 9 Limey 25 ST.MiHiEL ee ee iT we sal Apremont ' ° Sarah leo Fae i ie el iP ah a Ae Lt Ailem & > © Menil-la-Tour ° COMMERCY 9Foucg Lon, > MIDNIGHT OCTOBER 11-12 1918 of MONTMEDY ORPS © Marville 15 AHD @a27D a \ a" 32D wr Chaumont C apannts @i5D .& 3D * o Briey @'92 sin ED ARMY 'C ‘ i Vee RD © Conflans > VERDUN veprxiie e ¥Z5 LwD Gravglotte oMerz © Blercourt ae gg? , >! 35 AHD ‘a 0 Ville sue: @usancas ; 5 bbb Rerécour? les Cparges ay wt singh © ean Hi sareal: J t a | Lw Brig Vigheulles x Gy 84 Lw Brig Thiaucourt ah fey oF Ha a En Geen ,. thal: Mousse on nsec @ aw 0 oe ors pi ie R Bah = Apremont ° . . Sa/zerais © Menil/aTour 9 Foucg Reproduced of the Genera/ Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas./923 Military History of the Werld Woar-C.R Howland £ ON AMERICAN FRONT MAP No 136 © SEDAN Ler, Py MIDNIGHT OCTOBER31- NOVEMBER 1 1918 © Raucourt bY MONTMEDY rin ASP al V ARMY o Le Chesne % 20 . Reis © Marville | 4 2 % cA Op DUN: Sur-Meuse | 1228 D | : 192 Dy Lw D 115 D eg feel D Of 7175",,™ | a “2 poti> 27 pwn? Pee | Age 28RD Eee .' | (Of fain oe me 1 & B 0 Conflans > VERDUN 3BD | ° 4 v2 . ies D Gravglotte OMETZ ; ys fresnes | Les Lparges 6 4 0 Chambley alachaussee 7 St. eg ° ° Sowilly ‘ Vii ° LY ‘igneulles - } Thiaucourt O Spada \ Fey-en-Ha 7 jo rere ta-Mousson ntsec ; oo . pad Limey O ST.MIHIeL Pf o i] eo em een ews & SEICHEPTEY Apremont J oS Sa es TS, Els a aed © Menil:/a-Tour ° COMMERCY gare MIDNIGHT NOVEMBER 6-7 1918 of MONTMEDY © Marville Bentheville AMEE IOO : © Romagne SET o Briey iY © Conflans VERDUN "@ D ° METZ 13 Lw D Gravglotte ° Clermont 0 S8/ercourt ' {9 Rempont th 0 Ville sur: @usances r FY récourh Les Lparges 6 © Ooncour only & ° Jt Remy : ot prone ¥d g ° Sowilly Vigheulles P Thiaucourt © Spada “6n° oy % ety OPont a: Mousson Montsec ; ol © ST.MIHIeL ¥ . rirey = : Seich@prey Apremont a ( ad 2 Ud a 2p ad Kilem Saizerais © Menil:/a-Tour ° Boue COMMERCY e ¥ . “49 ! ov AY a Sas 5 b4 § \ J \ ‘ a ; eS it ed sare i Me ; saaileeee i | i } BCH 1 yd ' Oe hes AN : 22% -f cree Ae evee? . ere q aE ‘ Percmeig? ’ 9 a 4 i i oe “ pt ee Nicene elie OO od ; ee Poe ; : “yak, o ‘ “aus aa > yet f : * pha es cose : o. sho, Sa = + +” ¥ ¢ ea ; ¢ STIMG snap Sod ay w ; a THE Ligrapy. %) en HE | ell DF ILLINOIS | Ns ae aes 5 clini teacdie 7m i CAE ae has : yyoored ae oe ae, Parg ‘ So oaenaint - i Fa atl we at & © SERGI Re Sane Pre bf ; : ; las 4 re | Bees > e+ ny ane Joe Pas fv as 8 a ee me mart = ae — Sins | axe al te ert, Bor a 3 Zz Pe--sabeae of tte om int Series $64 rh ‘i 4 | 75 11 “ “GERMAN POSITIONS ON AMERICAN FRONT | MAP No 137, 0 Raucourt of MONTMEDY Beaumonto o Barricourt BuzancyP Four; Position 0 Dun - sur-Meus Bantheville Se. Grand Pre . Posittor o Sivry D Fleville $! position Cornay 5 econd Montfay Be bono hee ‘7m ¢ Forges ost Dy i vs rib} —— P>yVERDUN “6, o%eg > Clermont 0 8/ercourt oe, Oo Rampont O Ville -sur- Cousances D Rarecourt O. S+.Menehould re) Souwilly 2 3 40 Kilom Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth , Kas, 1923 Military History Of The World War - C.k. Howland VON AADISIMA UO e YE! 04 GAM deedben os | ses = oroorunel 5 ; pe: (2 THE UpRaRY Ey eee Yons Aasie ¢ ao OF THE Ae ?. ae lve, OF tumors. highs wT Fae ! i x. ou Shwe “VaR AV Wo ‘TuesS qo | inoniws De Songer O “ yaarawad sui SKA, O aaah © b . } J Seto ene HE or Hn mana enc enagectind Soe nie eccrine AE sana A Na TOE AE LDA LE LPL ILLIDAN LEE IO aC ee . LAE F hm > RELATION BETWEEN AMERICAN ARMY AND FRENCH FOURTH ARMY MAP No 138 0 SEDAN c Lice “4. a Oo Rauggurt = 7 7 of MONTMEDY || Beaumonto =, o Le Chesne Se La SQ Stenay \ ® © Marvil/e Barricourt ; Buzanc ° oVouziers | of? ODuN- sur-Meuse Bantheville Grand Pre ° ° 5) landres ° Romagne oO Sivry D Fleville | Montfaucon o Chaumont 3 Beaumont | Wy urt VALU GUOIS IV French! %, French Clermont 0 8/ercourt e oO. S+ Menehould o Raempont O Wille sur-Cusances D Rarecourt Les Eparges o ° Souilly Pais a“ & D /0 20 Reproduced at the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1923 Military History of the Werld War - C.R. Howland COMMERC RONTECE OCs | ante rele Annie ONS | diac bs Saaeiaae } | OF THE . ie | a uae TY OF LLINDIS = ee ee ee ee ee re ee Pi a .* " P nae si a aiwadien’é = om & +" : as Bems LIviLe Snpomoh 3 Anomnedd, arate wheter | " ewe} Ait SOR s oe ied en ee oe ero a ws ae, nn A iy \“Z a Hwonsi6 o inorrield ’ Anoamekh © e tasnemudt-as,- siW biuersanaM 42 ~ © teeeas uss Avorn © eee ee © PrHsr AQ, WiiweL © Ns) Dok o FA Oe SRE = Om ne he tae A BN OASMMOD 7 | CSQL eh strvcn % THeAm : GENERAL PERSHING'S PLAN FOR ATTACK WEST OF THE MEUSE.SEPTEMBER 26 1918 MAP No 139 ) ee Romagne & Cunel \4% Montfauc6n ~~. : \ Forge . ae forges Brook. ps8 “a oF SOAIY QUSIY hk. ‘if el S w Y $ S| é 3 fe se Oo Fatiéer 37 ARG bas wi i z % ™ sy ae” 2 eg : = ~ ww Maro | 30 57 CORPS 3°” CORPS —-—-——— § howing the double Penetration ordered to reduce the Center before final Penetration. 3S 12™CORPS Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth , Kas, /923 Military History of the World War - C.R.Howland hersinic Aovimtecned slducb scl griwod? = ee en ee ovate ash lank are ~stanesd ant suber ve aes Lok Arowesuee. hg outst onek Vonnct aac e yal ‘onebectt OD - vA bike St Fo. veh ‘ _zreon be | ESe\ / 8 nthe ae IN, ayeseints dens pee . a) 7 i i) ler 3¢ da F - s OT Re ts =] i y a ‘- ie ae ca Saxined om aR By Bere a 4 - Cae alii > - jae ‘ > "TT a sar ‘ pM. ee 7 soy ABE. er MAP OP s 4; RT. OF OPERATIONS Rel sale phe Mid Ser a "Ey wm Front iine + 30 ; é ; r= * Pe a, Bod es. oh e : enypen | ed’ "EO A ; M4 +f " ‘Sos: 9 et | - ; ant . » foe ji Per-intty - 5 nape Lee fi} * PMs Oia: ee © xe 7. 1 5, é — ' 7 2 ¢ ‘ ob 4 : 77 :, *= ' Or } oe a > > A. ar 4 o ' oA 8 esivid a 9 | 7 | ey vA Oo be F | han 4 . . Penna * ‘ regs, . e oa ot a = + _ 2 o Seis eS ennred : er Sona ee te AO: ela ee i ay gf fad vl _ ~ Ete : A , ve : - a a ; i d cad) Goes “f ug , > 7 7 = } 7 - : = : -—? « 5 : J : GENERAL OFFENSIVE Ft “ie WA, Os — =~ = N —— y) Canterbury Sap Dover oo! 4 Newifchafel re Las: Montdidier ee BEAUVAIS yall Was Wyrpouen ° Kare AS Bp Clermont A BSOISSONS Upp les Ande ee Louviers QS ‘Sp ae ‘Sealis Fi rT. : Chateau Thierr : “! e€AUXx ‘ | SRE “Aaener al. o\ _ VERSAILLES Coulommjers © “Vitry-i orl “ey ‘Petar’ —_ SS SF > ° Evreux we ) Mantes S . . Rambouillet SMELUN PrN , S| SP CHARTRES 6 Rie: - M i Nogent Oo OMPES pontainebleal oNogent Ls : oSens Pithiviers } By Chateaudun oMontargis Loigny oTont. O>Auxerre & & as Clamecy . Aealion Chateau-Ch, a Reproduced of the Genera/ Service Schoo/s, fort Leavenworth, kas./923 Military *istory of the Werld Wer-C. PR Howlond OM September 26 to Octember Wyola eso i] AMSTERDAM s MAP OF Leyden 5, | robe UTRECHT Q c WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS HAGUE > ©Arnhem 7 ee ye. 50 100 125 Kilom | PT Pee Legend: aes. mE ogee a Q mums Front Line Sep 26 , - : a Front Line: » 30 Bois-le-Duc > rent A \geiger . OESSEN ie , v A OcTaG “3 « Morso 4 , od —\ Kerppen « yD {SBURG + tee 2 4 7 13 fe refeld ) _Tustroute. “Ngunrmong RO DUSSELDORF Ti ERP’ Gladbe@h Neuss at noth? k i Gober tore A) : »Malines 3 ef hegas \ “y Bere 1 "'S> Be ergheim QCOLOGNE asseltO— MeeStricht$ C oDuren \ ae pLouvain : 8 LS Sinton &) OCS ae s (e) y Li EGE We aon Rheinba Giessen Nivelle *mM ° hrWeiler\ ¢ ps sey? LE, £ ontjoie © Schleiden* ay Neuwied ont fe . ae ° hAsnan) O COBLENTZ Thuin rRANKF 5 ee . WIESBADEN a -» @ f Ze) S hilippeville > é A Ree & ately MAINZ : ds 2 PEIG aie DARMSTADT es A =} Noto: y ® Berncastel Ree ach, e Kn,, ‘ZIERES LR BirkSafelde Worm$ Mannheim St Wendel _ Kaiserslautern Neustadt, p Sarrebruck o enclats e irmasens “_—V Saargemtind — SpMenehould} TALONS -sur- Marne averne d Sarrebourg ° ¢ Baden \STRASSBO ondgrecou AS ; Domremy YE eine. 1s irecourt A 3 CHAUMONT \ \ Ee Chatillon ° emur ®@ DIJON 10Nn = aa ¢ I 7 4 » "| SF eee t . * 4 = “Py 4 i “ Vrasre : A. ae. 3" 3 ; a OF! of GAM Sle! Cl 50 GAM | 2VUOITASAGO IO meg Ih 2 nsaTeaW as : opi on : bn J QS ast srid inoti a ~s, o£ vv seul isord wat aon 7 & 0 ve ee -* EY te te hag hae? 4 i ? ‘ . risezsiw ~~ : %, a TOE AD SO eC ET OOS LOCO ony ( Ne ‘ er". By 4 \ STHILMOD 3 ag, ; STABLSIW ; ) 9 Oe a to s iv, wt) aS TEM Hs Gla a . coon 5 gall é SIIAT Cow mig | | bist eberil o ve a erate. Se Ee 4 ls ene i a ae a7 miginoeM | x ate bredisbioh neta bsbooW Ye = J qa jos’ ust sabes f Saya ‘ ans a) . 4 : rinelgrwee wy : MUSK" « ; ty ; SiN Ye 4 wit 1B eS #. sauseisate \ ya aye So ee et oe q " se PRG OIWOLL ; PateaSo \? Pre TAAG clit CHLUY he ee Op { S ‘| ; + y x Pu ‘ ‘ sve a - mx A ‘ r nba! ‘4 4S ,. Se ug fe * pis Ps 1 pis nd Pip. ? a K/ Bae a. tab ; ‘ Ln 4 rapnittued “* yy, By iv Ks ers vd ai ; ate p< tude BO) Mies sn arte a wy Or Bi OTe hanks os oe ‘> be te os | Ys Nyy ucla AS ‘ " Aer 3. GAMO Y, Lg | r Puidiett . Re ey gor a RE OR EERE MS NET 5 a —~ o Morlardis +e “4 Senso a a REC ent Tm haa DpAeeES ee a PUubDIMOLY ‘aD — 20M PI4OM ayy yo hsogysyy huey CZ6/ “SOY 'Y{JIOMUAADBT {404 ' SJOOYPO BPIAIIE jAtauay ay4 4O Parnposid2yf \\ ig . \ iy AS RO / ne TE NHL \\ KY “fy ‘ Zhd5;0u) WOG Wo & ~ 7 $t 1g sti ic 4 A z; : SUND aUIWIOW Gi suguosiid Goz Sal /PNSD2 oN 4S PO Aid, 2 Aq uayD4 usod buos1j¢ Ausauz at JUOW 2UR|¢ Willis “4sry otf ] sli, vii a) Davy NOL 4) lvl ON dWW SI6l LNOWONV IE SAANALdVD NOISIAIG NVOIAHWV GNOOUS a ) UW f7 8/4 eee epee: at Hines } erin 3 Eat ie oes Sa cS. iZZ ae 2: carer 2Os end Soto’ Sf | Ere Ret, ee Sear | ee “Se eee ESR uh Weownawess el choorn?. oopewt. lenered a4 Ye Hecndaons? DSaolwoks RO — won! Sina! act Ao Wri Wty, A 9G Beh AYO, 4/ = WH &Y¥rn eye 36'» DIVISION PURSUES AFTER BLANC MONT OPFRATION 1918 ) MAP No 14,2 Bignicourt CZ Se 10 3 % ct a ¥ Oct 9 ; in 0 APA SS—= French Li os t EtierTne Wah S rench Line oct 6 ch a” S A, S* Blanc Mont \\\ j \\ ANAS M0 [ r] 9 10 Kilom Reproduced of the Gerneroa/ Norene Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas. /923 Military History of the World Wer-C.R.Howland ¥ Se Vi i \ “~ a » i oF Te sk CA | "eae a | ie \ scan ene AMD. DN 2. i er | SP 2th _iteanenaset ne’ eet. vineet herbed WANG. GI=aGN WHEN edt to AAS A A A TR A aE NN A Re A - TE . \ Sms rd i w? * s ! . Hien # Jee P ie af { vO} 4 eo ae : nf ae , - iA: =F ry MAP NO 43 PAIS ALLOA El mamta a ne Pp ie CATEAU Pera SM HOA 5 TS8E ¢3 /§ Se “ESEL. CON Atrowervors wh whos wauret lowed ae) bn oa alocrayS | Manswotlh 9.2 -s6VV EHOW st to rotten oii a ia oT. . weore < | Pe Oo ae z y Villers Outreaux L@ [= o AIC qq dO. aN “n= p OdNd NAGNIHO} Reproduced of the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth, Kas.1923 Military History of the World War -C.R. Howland x“ ¥ 2 ERICAN CORPS MAP No 143 Ce 7) } E CATEAU / | / Wassigny. x7 O ee ee ee ee & f “A sa al =~ i ae de u i 7, Fo Zs ed ¥ ES of TAM | A> Pas el ees : . ~ , «+ : Sey RE al trols Ot ee ee eee Sem ete Ae ee mil ime Somme f veo er Ae Conrd& Serves SAight Piatt covert dh Fes TGS | hs $ y r<) : . a Mittery initiry of the Warkt Ware GR. Mevelend + a ks : ap . vitae § ee an pf 227 Ss ? a ee TL g ® Le 2 - ' ".- 7 - >. ¢ y an. ls MBO October 131020. ” aN. ‘ hi Ap Nea, ee pas ee Sk , A TE ee ein calli MAP OF WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS a. a = aerummnmnints : . 7 . a Feces 4 : Ln ¥ =< - 4 / .? i< 7 i y é * ; Sécored Ger msary Liv fe - Pie. y : morn -fatgln © eer Ne oe) Se: Linn Venn Py» — : ; TE a Ma , Piety, ene ; : ’ Morse — rw ~~ f 4 ey: 4,9 oa ' iJ Ker ntl Ee, . Poy : i Crefeid ? . : Giadbary News Dr e ; . *. 0 Gy ere. ? 4 - oS, iainwd of g Cag el . ie - Xs, > uf r s - \ / 1 » pv dl 4 * ‘. “i o ¥ f * img, KUSTVI j oy; ; 5 VOOLET ee ) x 2 ae Mid / va ie eT ( 74 i? eX PNP) © ty ; | Oe rye bee ot Rt, SR Be 3 if Cvaate int : A ' Sar or s/ A. NV BPS SSN ‘ Ao ign J WS Rhys = inapolo Wwe Aka ‘ ye a “ r ‘Vavs “Ake “> + RY hin ’ a. TR ; * . eyeivirit ¥ ss » a - al : : im 4 . ; . »- — ce) \ $ “ ix . > 4 2 a %, 4 é * es £'y Bad \. an \ i™ ;h 3 ia a 7 f ~~ _* iS a 3 — . > een marae | a eR aia ye) & $ pe ), ff» && GENERAL OFF ose LAA 2 Be mbarzidg CLP ; ° | << furn b = oigne: Y MON fi a alenciennes : = Dieppe Neuifchatel Montdidie 4 BEAUVAIS U} FAROUEN o J ° Za Clermont @ ap les Andel oe Louviers SE. Sie cnt 2 wes %. C Chateau er Zh | Evreux 2 at a WN — re, Mantes oS We NOS SS | a —- VERSAILL ww” coulis Vitry: eu an E Rambouillet (MELUN Preys R A, CHARTRES 6 Peet a r ogent OQ N t EMPES Fontaineblec oNogen eas TROYES P; oSens Pithiviers mer : s Chateaudun oMontargis e-loigny ORLEANS ow . oTor: 6 Auxerre & © oP . Avallon | Chateau-C oO Meproduced af the General Service Schools, Fort Leovenworth, kas./923 Military History of the World War — CR.Howlognd NSIVE FROM October 13 to20. MAP No. 144 usr AMSTERDAM if MAP OF te a WwW eyden ae ESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS IAGUE oe ~S ©Arnhem Sf 50 ° 50 100 125 Kilom terdam PT vend Tf : ; pore Wusimwegdh a e Legend: drecht Say” 3 sag leve mmm) ie Oct. 13 = NO ° Xanten \ < | Fee | Secor CGermoar line oO ) Bois-le-Duc ~ Gelder ; cree muses Line Reached Oct 20 r) Morso Ye * LSBU en ok. ) Kergpeg le refeld } od A, | QODUSSELDORF “N@uhrmond Gc abath Nef, af, ° bes é Erkelenz Grevenbroi 4 yy, -“, Juliers Bergheim > eine ‘2 oDuren Ne 4 Tongres ) ==> DSAACHEN Bone? eS , . e \ a * re) \gtupen Rheinba c* Giessen *Montjoie © Schleiderhrweiler’ ¢ £ J SeNeuwied | anf 4A almedy Adenau OCOBLENTZ ; FRANKTUR pe Priim Daun St Goar \ Maer ae % : 5 > ne wit tice Zell . MAINZ 2 iTourge S Simmern DARMSTADT Berncastel Kreuznach ig ag TRIER Birkénfeld arburg Bina Luxembour a> uC e 3 Montmed HS 4 e Thig St Wendel Kaiserslautern Neustadt SPEY Ye Ls ANY B er Serrebrugk 9 | Landau | Ma fay ede >, e N y,- st eu i ) LONS-sur-¥ yy NG tay Rapis-Duc WES ( hatgau Salins & hs Aw Sarre ue vi ag den ce) a AS, SOGRRTONANC tealy : 9 bStDizie Ws ba pT RASS BOURS Bacitinaen : EAS LuneVille ° ° oGondrecourt Of fenburg palates St Di ~— & bNeufchateaui \\ Die LARS an \\\ae Ey, oN \\ oCOLMAR \\ E> | BAL.o GAM -OS of al ae 10 GAM 2UOITAGAIO IO SaTASHT Haare he 7 vy > wes) Soi of ‘rises. t EX AoO ost; Sea onl nennsD omesst salt da) OS ho ‘werlsvsS ocud ger act i eyteto ay me — why ant +) r ao r ‘3 erie hea ie: | MOP St Pte? Ot Pun MAGS | 4 AIGASESIW. ; mn - pea sh AURWERSHT , SHAN ia ia ° ; / OLAT? 2. NG Smee smimic $ tn IWAN CM aw Ss v roarisg 3 qalezoms6 . tn% A ' now Me es ~Y misrinnem i Ne” c . Be “y 2 - ~ poo ee RRR em RBA LOAN I COO AE OEG LLALE ISS LLL D LE LALLA AIO en ee . a. Af sisdishis " erat uaa! Bipei ioX lend {2 ages @ thaltustt ; i ~ sav = ta ots eiemmede | aS “sipolenad : \ Stee ae | HW. O) mais Site, ; 4 wate. ccoedr . “¢ : ? | ¥ : mg Shit SREB © ns Pte gi s $ a 1. fk eee le @ brie Sis | HquAZTiWOU, oi 7 A tae ." “~ a , a \ 7 ; ; , © ; | ? > HelesDo \? | P; *F, ae ae “As Paes Le, TSADTTUTS | 3 \3 | ereyee 4 ; nana % 2 had aie X a \padSaceaore??) Sprit wen . nas An % Raw 7% LS taudristIOl | —, i ~ f We Or & ¢ ie ibelesirio’. sé a a new - rs nF; = a SAS JODe Pea * B23 prdiott eee rns om ae LAN CLOSELY LALO ENOL Le oe * e 4 - ey A. 5 be WAY Kd oc fee MIADie Nov.4. MAD Gl . LATRE OF OPERATIONS ee ee oe _ i LO GeTrycs oe FOr > f Mey < 4 o > ‘ aye hee Foadetentas ‘Ne 4 r rhe ane P i. 4 >be + ® tis vores, & @30THAHD , 3) SRS . - x ‘rego é * A + i ." ¢ . de f ms get A, f x — = “<<. a i w ‘ 4 ors ‘ a ; > a edn: 2 / : . F \ sh £4 ry’ ind m4 : F- A E ans . cal les Andelys sf Louvier SE. 0 \ O,.- Senlis Ke = Pontoise CK Chateau Thierr e ony Evreux xe 7 ANN A } iy ° £ S aX \ eau \Rraris “4 Petatn o\ VERSAILLES SN Coulommiers Vitr Dreux ' > Rambouillet Sane Be Sahar ° Etampes pontainebleati oNogent Pithviers Chateaudun oMontardis ORLEANS Dea 2 fe Vendome A (e MN \ 2, (9 Gien oo “a — °Cosne oRomerantin ol Sancerre Cher R © Loches BOURGES Chateau Reproduced ot the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Miltary ‘istory of the Werld Wor—-C.R. Howland’ JE FROM Oct.20 to Nov.4. y yj © “if AMSTERDAM MAP No. IA5 , S MAP OF hee, a Q c WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS WAGUE @ ~~ rs ‘30 ° 50 100 125 Kilom Mt tam Armhem Aa WEL) Pri ot a Legend: FAG” sagleve . @ Q mum - Front Line Oc? 20 NY | Om mm Front Line Nov. 4 Yy Bois:ie-Duc NG x | reda ido Set ESSEN a7" Ny B 1) X ergpen p) ey refeld? Tu Shout . SO DUSSELDORF A; ANTWERP ladbath Neus a nebh af Erkefenz Grevenbr oid my. oMalthe : . SS, JUSS nei QCOLOGNE / & 2) ef Louvain oDuren S a ae S LS Waremme Bon ei | , ° of LIEGExe Rheinbagp \ Giessen N velleés ey | dt «3 Stoie © SchleiderhrWeiler Reel iad uae Le BE. N z , ef, ee < NG \ y2 @rleroi Adenau QO COBLENTZ Whu FRANKTUR WIESBADEN St Goar o aon ° Daun ¢ ny Wit tlic xr Zell ‘ MAINZ ° Simmern Berncastel SS \, PATRIER } b Birkéenfeld Worms ehetphet Mannheim St Wendel Kaiserslautern . Neustadt s ° Kreuznach . eS 2° POSarrelouis ~ + Sarrebruck o hd Ph he Landau ee. Saargemtind 5 e St Menehoulde ZHALONS -sur- Chateau Salins =o ayerne , Sarrebours, francis Ae ONANCY \ 4 a A) ONG ~. STRASSBOURS Reutlingen NW Lunevill® v ° 1s Or fenburg ° ngrecourt Pérshing : (aD Fesuuican Schlestadt 2 irecourt vo) Ni °COLMAR CHAUMONT & R = Freiburg Danae? | ed Chatillon Langres lhous sd y RY Altkirch NSN BASEL MORRS ard ‘ S LEky Ss ZURICH Semur ; : oS | Pics tener) AGN © 64nor Baume ‘ 5 W D DIJON ¢ Besancon te ms : a ; (” gp Dole S i t | 00 o~fA linon 5 a Neue BERNE =n Sea REY Sock Een eh RE A OO A OO CET ACT NE A i a gs" ae eS eee ie aA ‘sf ¥ ' i ee ZAl.o GAM wh. von of OS: 40 TAM - “fic ih 2VOITASAGO JO SATASHT WATTAAW LPL ake BSt om of YP PT, ‘bris2s eta OE 450 sui inovi- pan Evo esid tnoyh wae, CS | tp tty Newt ah is 4 SRY nas x O's MBEztSivw = a \s | LIBRARY OF THE ee ioe fF {AVIARY ae ~ VIG ASCH ral i Sin Jha fo Ta * fot: we "gta x ae o . J TGATSEMGAS s | i a ar 4 A MO : bistiaa 19, ay ust ~_ NA 2 eA Ns wv Susdnnel ge 4 i | pisatst a4 ; east laut isbn) i2 eo Lo Abafeuoll Boss se a¥Ase. .-- Ph m4 4 f mhisdersrnsD : ee ae ae . / WADARS coh +t Lf, SHUREIGAG Net angnih o t Posie STB Wal at 2 Hateadol* TAADTTUTe ae osbed Vos eR a ee ee a ys sa° . wt ‘ ’ , piderersret ye » Y YAAYS Gh wie ° \ “se Tarai, Ty WA For DudnsiO ted : d ; : y ; o> oar thaiestdac 3f7 e ) Gememeaces \ } yr i cap ¥ $, —_ 8 tote o ye a ar ire G Gerinpes Peeve Joma ft - : ! eat : Mitherg bistary 2 ihe Worle Wear = O& fy oie ata i be - ay . ie 7 4) ee itn : 27 ee 4A YO.¢/S HE 4b oe GENERAL PERSHINGS PLAN FOR. NOVEMBER 187 ATTACK MAP No 146 > Wa ae gS ©) he 3) J® a eCar) 3 a } bisrcones 5 "CORPS 3*° CORPS Reproduced at the General Service Schools, fort Leavenworth Kas, /923 Military History of the World War - CR.Howland Oa Zhe Zhe Ai GO% VAIG 2ovilH | ADATTA Mts 58 onl of GAM BES2\ we Ahowcevess ni 2loodnt sawist \erseese oct ae naan Peper | DANEH.AD - wt bind ot id he, ~ » Ab “rs ve 4 a 4, , .. % 4 ’ ¥ 4 Me Rell i. * iat op ¥ Kwan, ~-* é‘ re \ ~ 4 P ae i) Nir iat J ; ae se a 14-5 & 7, ‘ 2 b a te Poo aa a, is . ‘a ny = ‘4 J 1 tal % i tf 7 iw Bweuyy it 6b owe ORDER OF BATTLE NOVEMBER 11 ON AMERICAN FIRST ARMY seen : MAP No!l4 * of MONTMEDY °Marville S257 Os Offain : RDUN 5 G 4) B Pogre ; Watronville F Clermont o Preat > 13 Lw e o Rempont ; 0 Ville -sur-@usences ° Souslly “ee. 426) w . 49 Kilom °o f. sp =. BarleDuc & 3 .) A= Reproduced a: the General Service Schools. Fort Leavenworth, Kas, 1923 Military History of the World War — CR.Howland aR pti ATEMAVOW HITTAG WO SAasoO EE EE NE AI ER EE TVOSH YMSIA Tesit KADIIIMA 1 TALoM a N P a a ns +” . " + ay »{; \p IN a "2 B ~ pogmrars ‘ a. game ee RLAD OF . PAL RE OF OPPRATIONS ~~ J ~ of)! a A a mm A at, mt \ eee LAPT — t-- . Front Line Nov 4 ro Y ' wen {1 PrOr ine i7ov & f i en ort Greeente cs aie 5 > iar : ; & ms *, ai eyishnA ze &. » ~~, £22 _* Re %. wp 4 arioindt Bane / o aol Li ® 4 SeineMiss gf *) x. a B Pine i. " “ 7 , pe |. eterna Be P mst: des. A «2 on en » es is oa 2 ‘ AN * < Megiodigt igi *Sarhet 5 1 eae kah iinet ae al por bing Pepeto | i. ‘ » a re be ci, iq ‘ ~, . 2 ¥ . arsivety A ; / Ceri eras) } “4 KY : ris Orn in v i . a a + : ‘ / . se ce ‘ ; - > , ‘ * ‘ _ »*»* / ne fa ers... ie - a : ih a ai ae oe \ > i , * a ~ “ ’ { f a wv. t * ale wh, , ; : ye > Seg yt ee U f Ot ri ees GF ~ ee ee y 5 LS Aas V4 § 5 tye oe Fhe GENERAL OFFER (- 0 gS. alai 2) (Aims Uo, ps Xe | | si Dieppe AMIENS ie Newfchatel | i, Montdidien aN BEAUVAIS Users o. les Andelys | LouviersS ee sat Pi | XG ~ Pian Evreux x : us es ap) | i PAN Vitr| Dreux ; om Rambouillet ,MELUN reyes Bea Nogent C ° Etampes Soiitaineeleatt oNodent ' TROYE ? oSens Pithiviers Chafeaudun oMontargis o-loigny ORLEANS Om se i on J ; Ie “ou . QAuxerre Vendome War SQ a ¢ (9 Gien ’ 2 Clamecyg Avalon Nal °Cosne o Romerantin ol , . Sancerre | o Loches BOURGES ey Reproduced of the General Service Schools, for! Leavenworth, Kas. /923 Military tistory of the World Wer-C PR. Howland BIVE FROM November 4 to Il. MAP No.148. \// AMSTERDAM i MAP OF eyden . WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS | UTRECHT AGUE ® ~~ 7 50 ° 50 100 125 Kilom pterdam iel A Legend: . Q@, GC wm Front Line Nov 4 Summ Front Line Nov 1! \peger\ » ORSSEN ’& } POUISBURG Ry ure ppen, ¢ crefeld M RODUSSELDORF A, 7» ladbagh Neus \ Fy Erkelénz gies w SHS Juliers Bergheim @COLOGNE ( 7 Maestri ae | oDuiren \e 4. mie —s Be AACHEN Boner 2; om 3 is pen wera \ o Giessen hrWeiler’ ¢@ re onttjoie © Sciileidert ieuwied on ape iu ’ mo ety Adenau S COBLENTZ PRANKE R Prtim | Daun StGoar\ WIESBADEN oie e) Tas wittyigyht 0 Zell MAINZ a See Bericaciel ee Sie DARMSTADT | YOTRIER hs Birkenfeld Worms Ror. "8 Mannheim St Wendel Kaiserslautern Neustadt ws) es ar b ; ° Germersheim r Fr ey a irmasens Landau nn cette o KARLSRUHE Saargemund ‘Uboteau Salins es Sayerne SN ” Sarre bours . Sy ‘ Pas Franwis 0, a STRASSBOUR( Reutlingen | Luneville ¢ Orfe b {is 8... oe aaa \ on Vass Domremy Lom, “| Pers In & 6Neufchateau re : ® Schlestadt a chlesta Mirecourt if \ AGS is \ erre Chatillon « . Ber se ua gee he “81.04 TAM ’ a mannan ‘ 40 GAM | 2UOITARIIO IO IATASIHT nsiaT2aw | ers een | ~ _ 2 oastin $1 oni Trop | m4 é fam | » voW smu inots —— ee | Wve soit Imovh ae | tony 9 Pasian | SS | Car ‘acon ié I dd Badal we Nl EE AN EO NEN A OL © ‘ud : he j v ~ 4 3 pd. & ma2esio _ 4 % tae ree : : ¢ 4 ~ Y \Aa nstie vi ok ony { Na - hyo Aw is f Law Wise wr, Wy THS44 OR, Pega, teh piercer 9 ae S > aS vs ne vy y ooo i < i : ; Se. ’ 3 i a d , PRAOTTUTS | ® > 4 ‘a oe. Sitnaes ie ~) aya robpe Xo eo ae” soungaet \ \ Udaee et Te! “gs neprl tis i ° pugs " = a se penne enenenes Damen \ f f wae \ a ey a4 pe ie HOSP g Sore Ie! Pe, 9 ‘pay ny pre LAS ae ie O. Latter ‘ _Repeorcecnct ob thee aria pth re vith awe aie Ps, Vi 2 ace 7 Pa. Mogi | - eivhgnd.z. a a i vr. . | ; ; WAZ SY ARAER Fase. RIAN I 4E RHINE. bikie o: saat a - Pd indies “sah es Mao - MAP OF RALATRE OF OPERATIONS - a as ood Cust lhe al Rete a tes ss ‘4 me on, “ HES Ser : - "| N : - , ou * - moos ah Tee - - Pan o 2 er r| Tt ie we ut” te ha oa ue ’ rs OS ad we wr r A ter pewes ; - yee ; < o Law be Pt os ‘ ‘ 3. - he “OPER pn OE gs ‘> . be A ~~ " ~" a J ~*~ * e ee : ry Pf - Te rer { y i 7 A : ; As & ase 7 : : J J © 7 ‘ J by of wat = an ALLIED AND AMER Q Canterbury ( fae y Lombarzid NS; ji 4 soe nk ri Brutnese av any toll” (Ec Aes EE a irk Dixmude ae ee ° eheules ey StOmer , : Hazeb | Boulngne x ia Montreuil St Pol OArras Sy Doullens > <— a P S sPeronne Hirs AMIENS St Rie Vervins Newfchatel p Montdidi ontdidier ®LAON BEAUVAIS 4 lle Rouen o n Clermont Soissons @ les Andels. vious . LouvierS (By! Y Oy Senlis se | X. © Pontoise Chateau Thi oe ony aoe Evreux S ean ore tr Mantes Ss A VERSAILL ini MP Vitr Dreu ee Rambouillet ,MELUN Preyinis a y cA oe Caries i ogent ¢ ; Etampes - Nese Fontaineblea . TROYES oSens Pithiviers © Chateaudun oMontargis o-Loigny ORLEANS On of Vendome | ae . ie ve Va c BLI5f ” sf Clamecya Avelloa ; *Cosne oRomerantin ol Sancerre BOURGES Chateau. © a Reproduced of the General Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kas. 1923 Military History of the World War -C.R. Howland CANS BRIDGEHEADS ON THE RHINE. sap o.149 l/ MAP OF ) © AMSTERDAM J .” WESTERN THEATRE OF OPERATIONS cape UTRECHT AGUE ® ~~ A Pent Gar / 50 ° 50 100 125 Kilom terdam Pri i ne he . : _ or yf | iedam N imwegen ° % : Q rdrechtdahi od tapleve “SH > \3o7 fe) Xt x 5 & I") Bois-le-Duc . sen a oe \Gelger S Nea ‘ OESSEN & —_—_— Bre la | Ma -~ Ain Belgians gi< Bp) ‘ 7 (4 Crefeld gZ ” A, ] Ti a SO ANTWEI Pe Naunrmondl, eh Neg 2 ‘ Erkelenz Gr enbroic ay, ° ° 3S “isd Gogh ee eroi Thuin { St Goar Zell ot “4 ern ° Kreuznach Wit tlic ° . Berncastel e \EZIERES —, hel © LK. t+) Vouziers |X et St Wendel KaiserSlautern Bileldeibers Neustadt _o “eo SPEYER PySarrelouis Sa rrebruck ° : irmasens ty, Sid 15 St Menehould y HALON S -sur- Marne Bee a Dic Wy, NUK St Dizier ROSY NANCY * hateau Salins > geeeve Sarreboura . NSTRASSBOURG \\ WIRY Luneville oO 5 oGondrecourt G) BeHrs 1 Domremy &sS Neufchateau A a : 5 y CHAUMONT ¥ S\ ere atition Lan¢res Mh intus ie ih ABER | SQ ZURICH Semur ‘ a alandy | @ 6qn°" 7 Baume fg Sh vas 4 DIJON t Besancon v¢ @ : va iB, Zoo" x Dole ef 7 Neuse BERNE. i] . oe I ORR ET Cf1.0. "GAM . SMIHS JHT NOx adA 410 GAM. | 2HOITASIGO 10 AATASHT nsiteaw fe: . : in A mex BS oD of Ou q | hesoll ; \ : H : s. 4 Y me ; . : e a, : : : ai pe Te a ne 7. SP feaaie) a | ones OF Fi. ) wf. , Are - : a P set im bys Pras salPraion Ps Oy i : f ae | Me aoe? | anus : fox it LL, 5 lerriayad,_ . tied 7 , cs po ee sauceeease’ j + Pep: iJR5 Pe 4 ae Sea. i t ' yt 7 . Hoe ; sf } ' { on, \ : 3 2 Z Pas 4 he Ao le ee bg Chan i gnc . pees BY “Ut hae a | aussie, ee Be adi 3: | Rs arlanhocs at fhe ahi a Ser wise poem er a Withory pees af fixe eae locas ee ee eee a P ot s - . 2 he me - ¥ i tmee o9 ot NS RI ee TS OO ERE Re ea sentra ne “2 SIMILARITY OF OFFENSIVES OF EXHAUSTION IN WORLD WAR AND IN AMERICAN CIVIL WAR GENERAL GRANTS OFFENSIVE OF EXHAUSTION MARSHAL FOCH'S OFFENSIVE OF EXHAUSTION MAP No150 — — Sj ou wo tp 5 iN — yi, haw) or” Shed 1 PER \\ ff ZAG fy rs Vee (kg? ee y iC, BE » eH, i i y 4 7 A =——, . lif 7 ! SWHITE@ (7 \ ISEA ve see 44 i Mek Ss Sf ¥ Wg ~ jf G He it~ : at = NORWAY? {i |] EO : : « Aa. YF (i “SWEDEN, Zs « Ae 2» Fe \ AAW Z Zl (SG WZ NM A a / Sa CG =) v GAA iG) AG ii NN KZ ih SS) DEN; yy ; 4 y/ Y : 2 I; MARKS GALS / H EE (2 SALT! Ci}h g Ree SEAT BS a FR HF} OS eS Or ees Ape ARG SE IS Y Y/ 7 OCEAN pe ) fas SPAIN we eee a. \PERSIA \\ ~~ I ip YSZ 2 Jf SSA = ( \ \ a ~ ry RY / LL) ate pay ~ (s ® a W) iB q Die Jj a 7 Legend | 7 Legend xe TE RRANE jiederals way Allies Cy = ln anes Ces Ea OTe MEXICO f!/ \ hi SS —— <#Sé es Lvl Confederates Central Powers = eae i : SSS OW Lys FS Reproduced otthe General Service Schools, Fort L eavenworth,Has./923 Military History of the World War —C R Howland 0 eae ee RA tags 1A eT Ni hed ed oh ee ' i i’. ¥ % ait Nae od same Rivive. ‘tentna?, > ier!