.■*.';.' fleJtT:'-'?, •^riz2— - '\ :k:: ^rci^^ii^K » . ^5 .; THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 13875 ^^^>^ Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois L ibrary \m io m ni-'O i I -l IDAP^IEIB^ Entire Repeal OF ®ftt JSaulv Mtstiiction %tt^ AND Stiggested for obviating them. By J O H N \V R a Y, Esq. SOLD BY F. C. AND J. RIVINCTON, ST. TAUL'S CHURCH-VARD; AND HATCHARD, PICCADILLY. ALSO BY BURGESS AND HUNT, RAMSGATE, Price \s. Qd. Printed by Burgess, rJunt, ij- Cai ter, Quten-Street, Kwmsgate. OF AN Entire Repeal OF THE Uanfe Mt&txktion ^tt ■ HE establishment of an efiicient paper- currency maintaining an unimpaired value, during a period of more than twenty years, exhibits to the political economist the import- ant fact, not previously supposed to be pos- sible, that the intervention of a metallic cur- rency for the circulation of every species of exchangeable commodities, may be safely and conveniently dispensed with. A paper currency, guarded in its issue by the very principles on which the Bank of England is conducted, cannot be exposed to depreciation, because that issue is governed by A 2 4 the demand, beyond which it has, in no one instance, been carried. Bank paper represents and is a true sign of property — hence, it has ever commanded the public confidence, and for all objects of traffic within the realm, it has been found to possess the powers of bullion. In several of the continental states, in which the government has sought relief from financial difficulties, by the issue of paper, that paper did not command the public confidence, and therefore fell to a discount. It represented nothing, and its encrease produced the uniform effect of a proportionate depreciation. Such paper is obviously of a nature, bearing no simi- larity to bank paper. They possess no one fa- culty in common, and cannot therefore in their operation be productive of similar consequen- ces. The cause assigned, sufficiently accounts for the fatal mischiefs, which have attended the arbitrary and uncontroled issue of the one — but that cause, cannot be applicable to the other. The one is a baseless fabric the other rests on the substantial foundation of the property which it represents. The public opinion on this subject is steady and has been strongly pronounced, on each and every occasion, when the recurrence to cash payments has been conte.mplated. Bank paper has the decided preference — no inconvenience is felt — whilst even a remote prospect of a repeal of the Bank Restriction Act, already fills the commercial world with alarm. The effects of a diminished circulating me- dium are anticipated, though obscurely seen — for no one can estimate the magnitude of the evil, on its nearer approach. That it will be tremendous, many sound politicians think, and are prepared to demonstrate. But, were it otherwise, and their opinion, not founded as it seems to be, in the nature of things, the very circumstance of its almost universal prevalence, would generate infinite calamity — afTect pub- lic credit, and derange the relative value of exchangeable commodities. ~ In the ruder ages of society, various and successive were the conventional emblems of property, 'till the precious metals received that distinction by the general assent of the civilized world, and thence were vulgarly considered, as constituting the riches of the state. Experi- ence hovyever and reflection, have gradually \e(\. to a very different opinion, and have finally detected the gross, yet venial error, by estab- lishing the distinction, between property and 6 its sign. In the infancy of society, shells or other emblems have performed the office, which we now assign to the precious metals. Their functions at the respective periods were similar — and their intrinsic value — equal. For each answered the intended purpose — that of facili- tating the interchange of commodities. It may be proper to call to our recollec- tion, that the supply of gold within the last thirty years at least has proved inconsiderable, whilst the money value of property, in every part of Europe, and in the United Kingdom in particu- lar, has risen in a ratio infinitely beyond the proportion, which that supply bears to the pre- viously existing amount. When it was asserted by an eminent writer at an early period, that one hundred millions of public debt, would cause a na- tional bankruptcy, he might be correct — at the then estimated money value of all the property in the kingdom, the pressure of such a debt might be intolerable, and the interest be equal to, or perhaps exceed the utmost extent to which taxation could be carried — the utmost amount, which the country could be compe- tent to bear. But the money value of all pro- perty having advanced with the progress of tax- ation and of wealth, the crisis anticipate d has pas- sc(] without convulsion J and a debt greatly ex- ceeding six times the amount in question not only exists and is borne without affecting the na- tional prosperity, but a sinking fund is also pro- vided for, which encreases the weight of taxa- tion nearly 50 per cent, on the produce requi- red for the payment of the interest. So that in effect, the same pressure is experienced, the same burthen supported, as if the capital debt v\rere50percent. greater than its actual amount, and the whole sum now applied to the payment of the interest and of the sinking fund, were re- quired exclusively for the payment of interest alone. Hence the conclusion, that the United Kingdom, in its present state of property, and the present money value of that property, is competent to bear a permanent debt, one half beyond its present amount. The revenue ne- cessary to provide for it is actually levied — the difference consists in the application — in the pressure there is no difference. — Suppose a country burthened v^^ith tax- es, bearing any given proportion to the aggre- gate amount of the money value of its whole produce of land, labour, mines, fisheries, colo- nies, &c. — that proportion will be clearly af- fected by any degree of further taxation: nor 8 is it less obvious to reflecting men, thatadimi-* nution in the money value of the whole pro- duce, leads to the same inevitable consequen- ces, although no addition be made to the taxes. The truth is, either process destroys the previously existing proportion. ^The same powers to bear an additional burthen, or diminished powers to bear the same burthen, present the same result. The equilibrium is deranged, and the scale kicks the beam. The weight of taxes will be found in either case, oppressive if not intolerable. But if on the other hand, taxation re- main unchanged, and the money value of produce be not deteriorated — that equilibrium, so indispensible to the prosperity of the state will be preserved. To preserve it therefore, and to protect the money value of produce from deterioration is clearly the duty of the statesman. Let us examine, whether that duty will be performed by a repeal of the Bank Restric- tion Act and by a recurrence to cash payments. And first, as to the practicability of ob- taining an adequate amount of gold; we must then consider the means of effectually apply- ing it, if obtained, to the intended purpose — to 9 the maintenance of a metallic circulation. With this view, we will assume — that previously to the war, there existed in circulation and in the coffers of the bank, an amount sufficient, together with a moderate addition of bank notes and of country bank notes, for the purpose of carrvinoj on the internal commerce of the coun- try, and of making adequate provision against a run. The amount of this compound circulat- ing medium, it will doubtless be admitted, bore a certain, necessary, though unascertaina- ble proportion to the aggregate money value of every description of property. It will also be admitted, that since that period, the progress of taxation and other cau- ses, have operated upon such money value, and that the same extent of property, and the same, or a similar quantity of exchangeable commodi- ties then supposed to exist, bear at this mo- ment and have borne for some time past, a largely encreased money value. Now, as there did exist, a certain, ne* cessary, though unascertainable proportion be^- tween the aggregate of the circulating medium and of the money value of property, — it follows B 10 that, that proportion must be maintained- and the circulating medium be increased up to the level of that indefinite proportion, which is si- lently determined and regulated by the de- mand — that is, by the amount or money value of commodities requiring to be exchanged, and by the degree of activity which in commercial transactions, may happen to prevail Hence a diminished circulating medium tends to check public prosperity — to embarrass the operations of commerce, — and most materially to affect the revenue of the state. Vast additions have also been made to this mass of property, and for some years past the demand for bank paper has required and main- tained, a circulation of about 27 millions, in ad- dition to 18 or 20 millions of country bank notes; — an amount immensely beyond the circulation which existed previous to the war. If then the Restriction Act be suffered to expire in July next, the bank and the coun- try bankers must be provided with a stock of gold, not such as they thought sufficient for their former limited scale of circulation, — but such a stock as shall beconsidered adequate to the present extended circulation, and to the pre- 11 cautions, which a paper medium payable on de-. mand in cash, shall dictate to the prudence and discretion both of the bank directors and of country bankers. Whence is this stock of gold to be ob- tained? The continential states requiring gold for their own circulation, cannot afford any large amount to be withdrawn, and the poverty of the South American mines precludes the ex- pectation of supply, — whilst occasional remit- tances of bullion from other quarters are too insignificant to claim attention. It should seem, if these views be correct, that a supply of gold sufficient to support a circulating medium of the present indispensi- ble extent, is wholly impracticable. To the effect of a diminished or inadequate circulation the country will therefore be exposed, by any attempt to withdraw from the bank the protec- tion of the Restriction Act. Let us however, assume for a moment, the practicability of collecting the mass of gold required, — we have then to consider the mean^ B 2 12 of securing hs permanent application to the in- tended purpose. The perfect confidence of the public in bank paper is certainly calculated to relieve the directors in ordinary cases, from the apprehen- sion of a run ; but it is against extraordinary cases, that prudence and duty require them to beVt all times prepared. Such may occur, and notes pour in to be exchanged for gold, altho' that confidence shall not have abated an unfavorable state of the exchanges may induce the export of gold — bullion will then rise above the mint price, and cannot therefore be pur- chased so cheaply as coined gold j which is, by conversion of bank notes, obtainable from the bank, at the rate of ^.3 1? 10|- per oz. — the mint price. — The bank is therefore the cheap- er market, and to that every dealer will have recourse; for it cannot be imagined, that any one will go to the open bullion market and pay an advanced price, so long as a supply can be be obtained from the bank. Such was the demand for exportation, arising from the depressed course of exchange, that we have recently seen bullion 15 to 20 per cent, above the mint price. — 13 At this moment the course is considerably under par, and still admits of the advantageous export of gold. And had the recent harvest been as unproductive in wheat, as it has pro- ved in other species of grain, it is more than probable, that the importation would have caused by its extent, a further and very serious depression. In such case, the large profit on exportation would inevitably induce demands on the bank to an incalculable amount. Other similar instances might be noticed, which in the very nature of commerce must frequently occur. It is ever fluctuating, and the balance of trade will occasionally change sides. In these or similar circumstances, it is manifest, that the bank would be exposed to a run of indefinite extent, and the coin of the realm be speedily found more current in Paris and Amsterdam, than in London. This anticipation of the future, is borne out by the experience of the past — and the re- cent cash payments of the bank, have had the effect of partially supplying the French, rather than the British capital, with a metallic cur- rency ! — 14 Against the temptation of enormous pro- fits, the penalties of law have ever proved a feeble barrier: and whilst at the risk of confis- cation, the hardy adventurer will export coin in its own shape—the more timid will previ- ously disguise it by the operation of the cruci- ble. By either process, the law is violated. — Both are therefore criminal, — but the one be- ing completed by *' Swearing off," frequently involves the deeper guilt of wilful perjury. By these means, gold coin rapidly dis- appears, and the object of giving to the United Kingdom, a, permanent metalWc currency, is de- feated. It may be said and truly said, that with a change in commercial relations, gold will again return. No doubt — reverse the circum- stances assumed — and a course of exchange un- favorable to Paris or Amsterdam, will induce the remittance of bullion io London, as a course unfavorable io London, had previously induced its remittance to Paris or Amsterdam. A new supply of gold is thus obtained; but since the part of it converted into bullion furnishes only the material for coinage, the labours of 15 the mint are again in requisition, and the good citizens are once more gratified with a proba- bly transient, though somewhat costly ghmpse of St. George and the Dragon. *' Urnasque frustra Danaides plenas ferunt." And surely the wisdom of that policy may be considered questionable, which prefers the certainty of an immediate evil, and of the greater magnitude, to the chance of one that is remote : to a contingency which cannot be- come formidable, or take us by surprise. — Its approach, \{ ever realized, will be gradual, and its progress easily checked. But at this mo- ment, when the circulation appears in a healthy state, why apply to the doctor? Is it not more rational to decline his interference, until at least, some slight symptoms of disease, shall have required and have furnished data for the exercise of his skill ? Why not wait until we shall discover that there is something to be cu- red, — something of a really morbid character existing, ere we tamper with the body politic, or expose it to hazard, by a measure of imagi- nary precaution? Delay will not diminish the efficacy of the projected nostrum, and to it r 16 recourse may be had at any time, if nothing better can be found. Since then, in the ever fluctuating rela- tions of commerce between this and other coun- tries, dangers and difficulties may attend the repeal of the Bank Restriction Act — let us con- sider the practicability of establishing a curren- cy of such a nature and so effectually guarded, tiiat it shall not be liable to depreciation. Those who contend for the necessity of subjecting the bank to take up its notes in gold on demand, conceive that regulation to be the only test of value, and the only means of preventing an excessive issue of paper. This opinion carries with it an air of truth, and if internal circulation were the sole object, it might be really true. Gold might then be received as an immutable standard, and a pound note be held as immutably to represent such portion of an ounce of gold, as twenty shillings bear to £3 17 lOf, the mint price. But our foreign commerce, and connec- tions with foreign states, materially alter the case — since both affect the value of gold and subject it to fluctuation. Thence, the irre- sistible inference, that it cannot in such circum- stances, constitute an immutable standard. y 17 Yet, in denying this faculty to gold, it is not intended to deny also the existence of any power to adjust or regulate a paper medi- um. On the contrary, it is considered, under certain modifications, to be susceptible of that application. Whenever bullion is at the mint price, the bank may safely engage to pay in gold all the demands which shall be made in exchange for its notes. One hundred sovereigns, weigh- ing about 25oz. .682, would be given for one hundred pound-notes: but if the market price / of bullion, instead of ^3. 17- IOt, be £k-. per ^ y y / oz. — IS it reasonable to subject the bank to y y - the payment of an equal weight at the ad vane- ^*^>^**"^ v / x ed, as at the standard price? The bank '^^^'*^'^ y ^r would certainly refuse in such case, to sell hid- ^j^-^-"^' . . lion at less than ^^4.— Why then should it be -^-^^^^'^" ^■^ compelled to accept a^3. 17. 10| for coin of the ^.c^^^^^ ^' ^^*<*y same standard ? ^^'>*^ ^^ -^^^^^^ The price of gold is affected, in com- y . mon with every other article of merchandize, - by supply and demand. When the demand ^^' ^>5. J^^r~ jS^ ^ >5i> t ^^ exceeds the supply, less gold will be given in exchange, — and if that demand should hav« A Z^^^^^^* raised the price to s§*4. per oz. the bank in de- '^^^^^'^ livering twenty-five ounces of gold, for one '/r^^ V ^^. 18 hundred pound-notes, will have given their va- lue, or money's worth, as it will give no morCi when the price is £3. 17- lOi per oz. in deliv- erinjr the greater weisrht of 25oz, .682, for the same amount of notes. An agio table, calculated for each inter- mediate price of gold, from £3, 17- 10^ per oz. to £5. or upwards, instantly shewing the agio for anv given sum, would facilitate the des- patch of business. It is indeed in transactions of a certain magnitude only, that such reference could be necessary, minor demands being pay- able in silver, at the option of the bank.* Were silver as abundant as bank paper, and to be made the standard currency, — gold would still fluctuate in price, and would com- mand a greater than the fixed proportionate value, whenever wanted for exportation. Com- prising a greater value in a smaller weight and compass, the carriage is less expensive than * Should this arrangement be objected to, as hold- ing out to the bank a new source of profit — it may, if it so prove, furnish a proi)er subject for discussion on the re- newal of the charter ; or admit of some other modifications advantageous to the public. It must however be observed, that (he eiicrease of the dead capital must operate against the cliance of any material ullimate gain. 19 that of an equal value in silver. Gold will tiien be at a premium in exchange for silver, as it will also in exchange for paper, whenever pre- ferable as a medium of foreign payment. On the ordinary retail transactions of trade, these fluctuations would have no influ- ence, and a sovereign be invariably exchanged for twenty shillings or for a pound-note, until the demand for exportation should have raised gold so considerably above the mint price, as to offer an inducement for collecting coin at a premium.* Were the bank, authorized by the 1 gislature to regulate its cash payments on the principle suggested, the speculators in ex-y ^^^'^ ^ changes and dealers in bullion, being prevent-yr'-*^^ ''''^*'^^*V* ^ ed from drawing specie from its coffers at an 4 '"'''=' -^^■^ under value, or at less than the price current in .U ;&«r.Tr»— ^**< y^*y the market, could have no motive for exclusive-^ ^^^-ir^^^ y^^p. )// *y/ :^^-^^ '^^-^ >< '^<'-i * In Hamburgh, various gold coins, such as Louis d'ors, Dutch and Danish Ducats, as well as the Ducats of the city, are current. Their prices fluctuate, without pro- ducing inconvenience ; as in the ordinary course of retail transactions, they generally pass at the nominal value of silver, respectively affixed to them. It is when they assume the character of merchandize, and are purchased with a view to payments at a distant fair, that they bear an agio againsf silver. C 2 20 \y purchasing at the bank, what they might ob- tain elsewhere, on equal terms. Hence, the danger of a run would be mainly obviated, — for the bank, possessing the confidence of the public, cannot have cause to /a^^Avt ^-t/^^^ "^^'^'"apprehend any extraordinary demand for gold, 'v^ v^^-*^-^*^ '^'*ftH' purposes of domestic circulation. An ■^-*^£^ ^■«^''>- ■^^^^^•''''^iextraordinary demand can only be caused by ■■ v/ //'^ t^< r**t-^t.>' a fall in the exchange and the profits of expor- /^/^v >.>»-*^'>^i'»«^/tation, and that demand would be checked by {-\j^/^^ — an advance of the price. The bank would however, be enabled from time to time, to replenish its coffers at or about the mint price, and be prepared for every exigency, whilst the occasional profit on the sale, would probably yield reasonable com- pensation for the loss attendant on an extra amount of dead capital. The demand could not, certainly, under any imaginable circumstances, be so great as may be supposed to be possible, in the event of an unqualified repeal of the Bank Restriction Act; and the bank may thus collect an amount of treasure adequate to its security, — and maintain at the same time, a circulation suf- ficient for the purposes of commerce and the 21 public convenience. AVhereas, to attain the like security, under the unquaHfied liability to pay in cash, would require an unattainable amount of.treasure, or compel the directors to seek that security by withdrawing a large por- tion of their notes. The effect of that mea- sure would, as already stated, be pregnant with infinite mischief. The exportation of gold, in an unfavorable state of the exchange, tends to correct that state, and to restore the equilibri- um, — in the mean time the exporter pays his foreign creditors at a cheaper rate than by bills. — Gold by this application of it becomes really valuable, by being rendered really useful. The export of coin, if permitted by law, would effect with equal or greater facility than bullion, the payment of a foreign claim, and afterwards return to circulate again at home. — The expense of a new coinage would thus less frequently occur. In case of any sudden emergency, de- manding an immediate payment abroad, go- vernment M^ould also be enabled by the aid of the bank, to transmit coin or bullion, and thus avert the consequence of a ruinous exchange. — This consideration mmII appear important to those, who know that the loss by exchange e\\- 22 hanced the expense of the late contest, to the amount of many milHons. Thence, in the event of war, the policy of again recurring to an unquahfied Bank Res- triction Act, is obvious. After an experiment which has proved incalculably beneficial, not only to this country but to Europe — a different course w^ere to prefer danger to security, by deviating from that path, which has conduct- ed us to honor and prosperity. These suggestions are submitted to the pubfic, with the anxious wish that they may lead to the means of conciliating, by a middle course, the conflicting opinions of those, who insist on the necessity of a metallic currency, or of a metallic test of paper currency, by an nnqualified repeal of the Bank Restriction Act : and of those on the other hand, who advocate the safe efficiency of a paper currency without such test. Many persons of sound judgment do not hesitate to pronounce the dangers attributed to the latter to be wholly visionary, and it must be confessed, with much appearance of reason; since that opinion is countenanced by the experience of more than twenty j^ears, during which period, agriculture and commerce have 23 prospered beyond all former example. As these facts however, are not received as conclusive, in the estimation of many others, whose senti- ments, from their rank,, their talents, and their influence, claim the utmost deference and con- sideration, every one will feel a just anxiety to allay their apprehensions, and hail with satis- faction, any safe and practicable system, which shall obtain the concurrence and support of both parties. To that object do these pages owe their origin, and not to any apparent necessity for a change of system. It is hoped, that the principles which they promulgate, may remove the objections of the scrupulous theorist — and prepare him te admit, that they make effectual provision for a metallic test of paper currency a test, which averts the risk of deterioration — which presents no obstacle to the issue of bank paper sufficient for the fair demands of commerce, and yet provides the means of checking its re- dundancy. They appear therefore calculated to guard against those convulsive fluctuations in the money value of property', which any material variation in the currency is certain to produce. 24 and to prevent that chasm in the circulating medium, which would be the fatal and inevita- ble consequence of an unqualified Repeal of the Bank Restriction Act. Note. — It is a fact of notoriety, that many high. ]y respectable country bankers, contemplate an immediate reduction of their paper currency, so soon as the Bank Restriction shall be removed. They say prudently, that they will not incur the risk and expense attendant upon the carriage of gold from the Metropolis, in case of any unu- sual demand upon them. The mischief consequent upon such diminished circulation, can hardly be calculated. — As for instance — the corn buyer and grazier pay the farmer in bills upon London — the latter requires small notes for his ordinary expenses — the banker refuses to discount, because he may instantly be called upon to pay his notes in cash. — In any event, whether the Restriction be continued or not, a tender of Bank of England notes in payment, ought still to be, as it now is, a protection against personal arrest. FINIS. Errata. For such portion read, such a proportion, — Page 16, line 20, Prirlcd by Burgess, Hunt and Carter, Queen-Street, Ilams-ute.