Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/threesongs01jame n SB- •fpv’-jk. Q, 2 * “5 \ To Mme Buckhout 3 « TS'V.^ v !j J lit f v.'\. § I Words by ROBERT BURNS Dearie Medium Voice ( Original ) 0 it Jit d - * f _ 11 IT ffflTT . _ _ r> % tf Pg z 11 Music by PHILIP JAMES Voice Piano C.C. 18686 - 3 Copyright MCMXV by Carl Fischer , New York International Copyright secured TW 5439 %b.- 3eb._ 18686 - 3 5 18686-3 t ►♦♦♦< :cS) b (3 Cm ♦ j# ■ Biyy %'h * 5VA\if Mi rOT =Va v C?!i-- V..? A gg^gj j THREE SONGS . 13 r s BY PHILI p jame: s c 13 0 D \' 1 if \ V ✓ S DEARIE WORDS BY ROBERT BURNS ' MEDIUM VOICE IN F$ LOW VOICE IN Et> 5 0 % < N A HUSH SONG words by lillian c. pitcher HIGH VOICE IN A LOW VOICE IN F 35 % I? \ £ N ■V: g k *1 / < TRANSIT words by anna McClure sholl HIGH ''OICE IN Em LOW VOICE IN Cm .35 y *\ •N k 13 CARL FISCHEK gSS NEW YORK r^ ® BOS 1 ON, 380-382 BOYLSTON ST. 335-339 SOUTH WABASH AVE., CHICAGO Y U " 1 Jf El | n,.. t&zrril iwo cm. ' V /'"S W r'z ai rvr >ss- , .;iihi |, ':r ^'fe ff 1 ! r*T^ r/ W ■ r*Wr-, C$!%y Wm g ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< •> To Miss Kitty Cheatham A Hush Song L ow Voice 0 . 1 35 — Words by LILLIAN C. PITCHER Music by PHILIP JAMES Voice Piano . rit. a tempo 1 5==5 dim.e rail. * a tempo m # *7" through the night’s jour - ney, Haste thee, my dar-ling, to ba-byfe dreamland . a tempo fcfel 1,J II 1-J j "••/ = i p r rit. 'a tempo » h- 4 - - 4 — ^ 1 i, I -J — . — | — -± Yyl. . \ lo Fa. 2.0 \T rf 4 ■4 iSlVJ) v.fc TY\ 18689 -S A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR SINGERS TAKEN FROM THE CARL FISCHER CATALOGUE ( /»* *ji . tiM V ** i Jr# t n I NtlJr^atJ O Think of Me (Gedenke mein) tllerlohMohn) Richard Cferwonky Voice Piano Very quietly ~ iv~ ~ i - O think of me, when through the Ge-dtn'- be mein : ar enn in des p » H i ;ci/h threat expression — e ■ ■ . ~ twi - light stray- ing Sweet strains of mu - sic to yourspi-rit A - bends Schxeigen dunk Sai - ten klang der Frie . de dich call. The weeping wil - low boughs are gent- ly sway - ing, taut die Tra-nen ?rei - den ih - - re Zxei-ge beu . gen Copyright MCMX by Car) Fischer, N.Y Internation.il Copyright secured Price, 50c. 2 High Edition in 0 flat. Words by FRED O. BOWLES. Low Edition in B flat Only You, Little Girl. Music by LOUIS VIOTOR SAAR. Op 69. I. Piano To her world a bove me Heark en not the fall - ing ra in, ^ ' J * S'. Continue el Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer, N Y Internationa) Copyright secured. Price, 50c. Love in Autumn. Words and Music by A SELWYN GARBETT Andante con espressione Voice Piano Continued Copyright MCMX by Carl Fischer, N.Y International Copyright secured Price, 50c. Summer. Words by Lillian W. Havens. Music by J. Louis von der Mehden, Jrt Op.16. Voice. Piano. pp, 1,3 s '!r 5 r 'it* & + ito con moto. I=e=? 1 f ^ m The ?N | jgl =*= ]boco a Poco rif — — ** *i-u 'is sits 'T' rs rr r r-r-4 f ¥r— gwcoso ap - pie trees in giocoso som, The per - Continued Copyright MCM X by Carl Fischer, N.Y. International Copyright secured. Price, 50c. T\ \T 1 rpi \T 1 \\T 110 It gives you the most comprehensive and complete news of everything worth 0 I OH |\ 03 (1 I flO V 0C3l W 01*10 * knowing in the vocal line; contains splendid articles on the voice, voice culture, • etc., and is only one of the many interesting departments contained in the ‘MUSICAL OBSERVER,” America’s fastest growing musical monthly. Each issue of this interesting magazine is virtually an education in itself, while the music supplement consisting of piano solo and vocal music, is worth many times the subscription price of $1.00 a year. Single copy mailed for 10c. i'M /•fi =%="'- S'/A!* THREE SONGS BY PHILIP JAMES DEARIE WORDS BY ROBERT BURNS 5 0 MEDIUM VOICE IN F$ LOW VOICE IN Et> A HUSH SONG words by lillian c. pitcher 3 5 HIGH VOICE ' IN A LOW VOICE IN F TRANSIT words by anna McClure sholl 3 5 HIGH VOICE IN Em LOW VOICE IN Cm CARL FISCHEK Square NEW YORK BOS 1 ON, 380U82 BOYLSTON ST 335039 SOUTH WABASH AVE., CHICAGO S3 . .up 1 'MliJU" jin, 5 htA 7im\ VJI K/ CWL' Sl4\ff 2 To Miss Anna Case Transit Low Voice m ¥ Words by ANNA M? CLURE SHOLL * Music by PHILIP JAMES C.C. 186 91 -2 Copyright MCMXV by Carl Fischer, New York International Copyright secured invt O 0° o a! Ll_ ^9 Arm. knew the creep of the dark, of the win- ter s cold, far off sounds in an emp - n ty house when the day was mp PP g m m tre corde-rall . TR|: r -OP rr *7 18691 ~ 2 ‘J&k 77 J >» J