TIIES A URES DEFONICO-CA RB ON LEER US. - • • . • . * , T H E FLORA AND FAUNA OF THE DEVONIAN AND CARBONIFEROUS PERIODS. THE GENERA AND SPECIES ARRANGED IN TABULAR FORM, SHOWING THEIR HORIZONS, RECURRENCES, LOCALITIES, AND OTHER FACTS. WITH LARGE ADDENDA (FROM RECENT ACQUISITIONS). BY JOHN J. BIGSBY, M.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., FORMERLY BRITISH SECRETARY CANADIAN BOUNDARY COMMISSION (TREATY OF GHENT) : MKMR. AMF.R. PHILOS. SOC. PHILAD. ; CORRESPONDING MEMB. ACADEMIES OF NAT. SCI. PH I LAD. ANI) ST. LOUIS ; OF THE LYCEUM OF NEW YORK. HONOR. MEMBER ROYAL BOHEM. MUSEUM, PBAGUE. IE ‘THESAURUS SILURICUS.’ AUTI " Le*> p trifications son t le grand moyen dont la nature B’est scrvie pour conserve! - a jamais les empreintes des elres perissables.” — Bukpon, Epoques de la Nature. CPOLOGt LONDON: PUBLISHED BY JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW MDCCCLXXVIII. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/florafaunaofdevoOObigs THESAURUS DEVONICO-CARBONIFERUS. THE FLORA AND FAUNA T HE D E V O N I A N AND GARB O N I F E R O U S PE R I O I) S. THE GENERA AND SPECIES ARRANGED IN TABULAR FORM, SHOWING THEIR HORIZONS, RECURRENCES, LOCALITIES, AND OTHER FACTS. . WITH LARGE ADDENDA (FROM RECENT ACQUISITIONS). BY JOHN J. BIGSBY, M.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., FORMERLY BRITISH SECRETARY CANADIAN BOUNDARY COMMISSION (TREATY OF GHENT) ; MEMB. AMUR. PHILOS. SOC. PHILAD. ; CORRESPONDING MEMB. ACADEMIES OF NAT. SCI. PHILAD. ANI) ST. LOUIS ; OF THE LYCEUM OF NEW YORK. HONOR. MEMBER ROYAL BOHEM. MUSEUM, PRAGUE. AUTHOR OF THE ‘THESAURUS SILURICUS.’ •• Les purifications sont le grand moyen dont la nature s’est servie pour conserver a jamais les empreintes des etres perissables.” — Buffon, Epoques de la Nature. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY JOHN VAN VOORST, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLXXVIII. The Author begs to return his sincere and cordial thanks to the Royal Society for a grant of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds in aid of the publication of this work. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. ^ u 0 BAfc * 1 &u> >* » H. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p. 841. Bakerian Lect., 1870, Roy. Soc., Daws. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 549. Bakerian Lect., 1870, Roy. Soc., Daws. Pakeont. Veg. Sckimp. iii. 473. Bakerian Lect., 1870, Roy. Soc., Daws. Foss. Flor. &c. Gcipp. p. 113. II. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p. 878. „ „ p. 826 or 878. Bakerian Lecture, 1870, Roy. Soc. Siluria, 4th ed. p. 241. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. 146. Pakeont. Yeg. Schimp. i. 475-478. Schultz, Geol. of Oviedo, p. 44. Bakerian Lecture, 1870, Roy. Soc. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 322. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 552. Pakeont. Veg. Schimp. iii. 493. Acadian Geol. p. 554. Pakeont. Veg. Schimp. iii. 496. „ „ 495. thought LLS. by Schimper. Pebiastron.] 5 Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Periastron, TJnger. reticulatum, Unger. Pinnularia, Lindley, 1833. dispalans, Dawson, elongata, „ nodosa, „ Pinorria, Lesquereux? spec, indet., Lesq. Plumalia. A land plant, spec, indet., Billings. Prototaxites, Dawson. Logani, Dawson. Psaronius, Cotta, 1832 Erianus, Dawson, textilis, spec, indet., Hall. Psilophyton, Dawson, 1859. elegans, Dawson, glabrum, „ princeps, „ robustius, „ Pterodictyon, Unger. annulatum, Unger and Richt, Rhachiopteris, Dawson, 18 cyclopteroides, Dawson, gigantea, „ palmata, „ pinnata, „ punctata, „ striata, „ tenuistriata, „ Sagenaria, Brongniart and Chemungensis. Veltheimiana. truneata, Gopp. Schizoxylon, Unger. Con toeniatum, Unger. Selaginites, Brongniart, 182 formosus, Dawson, spec, indet., Peach. Sigillaria, Brongniart, 1828. annularis. Hausmannianus, Hausman. palpebra, Dawson, simplicitas, Vanux. Vanuxemi, Giipp. spec, indet., T. M. Hall. „ J. Hall? Sparganum, Unger, 1856. aueimioides, Unger, giganteum, „ maximum, Unger and Richt. minus, Unger. Sphaerococcites, Sternberg, lichenoides, Gopp. Sphenophyllum, Brongnia antiquum, Dawson. Sphenopteris, Brongniart, anthriscifolia, Gopp. curtiloba, Dawson. Devonica, Unger, dissecta, Brongn. grypophylla. Hal liana, Gopp. Hartii, Dawson. Hitchcockiana, „ Hceninghausen, Brongn. laxa, Hall, imbricata, Gopp. Cyprid. Sch.,U. U. .M. .M. Saalfeld, Thuringia New Brunswick Pennsylvania Chem U. New York Shales U Gaspe M. ... M. ... Fine clayey Sa., L. Shales M. ... New York New Brunswick Schoharie Co., New York . St. John’s, Gaspe Ham. & Chem., L., M„ U. Shaly San., U Filices, Cyprid. Sch.,U 62 . Rhachiopteri Catskill-base, U M M Marcell. Shale, M. . . . Port., Chem., Catsk.,U. Ham. & Chem., M.,U. Marc. &Geness.Sl.,M. Brest, 1822. U U Perry (Maine), Fullenliam, Schoharie &c. (New York). Gaspe Rachiopteridea. Saalfeld das. New York Thuringia, Gaspe, St. John’s, New York Akron, Richfield (Ohio) New York Lepidodendron. Kettle Point (Ipplewash), L. Huron. . . Gunzendorf . . Cyprid. Sch., U. ' L... Saalfeld Sigillarieae, Unger. Cyprid. Sch., U L Aren. Sh M Ham.Gr p ...M Chem U U Ham.Gr p ...M Filices, Cyprid. Sch., U Gaspe Sandstone (OriskanySand.,pars) Harland (Wick, Scotland). Saalfeld Idra Sarna (Norway, near Sweden).. St. John’s (New Brunswick) Buffalo (New York) ■Oswego ( „ ) Top Orchard Quarry, N. Devonshire Otsego (New York) Rhachiopterideae . Saalfeld Foss. Flor. &c. Gopp. p. 56. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 312. Bakerian Lecture, 1870, Roy. Soc. H. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p. 841. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 382. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 299. Baker. Lect. 1870, Roy. Soc. (Dawson). Geol. Mag. ix. 463. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 543. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 326. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 394. Foss. Flor. &c. Gopp. p. 57. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 323. Bakerian Lecture, 1870, Roy. Soc. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 323. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 338. Foss. Flor. &c. Gopp. p. 103. „ „ p. 109. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 403. Foss. Flor. &c. Gopp. p. 122. p. 119. Quart Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 307. „ „ 308. „ ., 307. ,, xxiii. 380. marginata, petiolata, Dawson. Gopp. 1833. A Silurian and Oolitic genus (Spb. Scharyanus). Cyprid. Sch., U Steinsberg (Diez), Rammelsberg rt, 1828. Rotularia, Sternberg. Sandstones, M Fern Ledges, Lancaster and Carleton 1822. (St. John’s). Cyprid. Sch., U Saalfeld (Thuringia) M St. John’s (New Brunswick) Cyprid. Sch., U Pfaffensberg Clymen. Limest., U. Ebersdorf (Silesia) Daehscliiefer, U Elberfeld (Prussia), Mohredorf Chem U Western New York M Fern Ledges, Bed No. 2, Lane. (N.Br.) M Perry (Maine), St. John’s M Plant-bed No. 2, Fern Ledges Chem U New York ? Cyprid. Sch., Jiingste Saalfeld, Af'orina (Altai) G.W., U„ &c. | M |Fern Ledges, Beds Nos. 2, 5, 7, Lan- caster (New Brunswick). Cyprid. Sch., Jiingste Monchesberg, llerborn G.W., U., &c. Foss. Flor. &c. Giipp. p. 55. ,, ,, p. 54. „ „ p. 55. Sandberger, Verst. Nass. p. 424. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 540. Foss. Flor. &c. Gopp. p. 64. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 321. Balmont. Thuring. p. 77. Balmont. D. & Von M. xix. 153. Balmont. Veg. Schimp. i. 407. Lethma Geogn. Bronn, i. 108. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 518. Sixth Report, Maine, 1861, p. 248. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 518. Dana, Man. of Geol. p. 289. Foss. Flor. &c. Gopp. p. 64. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 518. Foss. Flor. &c. Giipp. p. 61. c 6 [Sphenopteris. Genus, Species, and Author. Sphenopteris ( continued ) pilosa, Dawson, refracta, Gopp. splendens, Dawson sp. indet., Etheridge Sporangites, Dawson, 1868. acuminata, Dawson Chimtilaria acuminata. glabra, Dawson, papillata, „ Spirophyton, Hall, 1863 = oauda-galli, Vanux. typum, Hall, velum, Vanux. spec, indet., Hall. Stephania, Unger , 1856. duplicata, Unger, gracilis, „ Stephanopteris, Brongniar Land-plants, Billings. Sternbergia, Artis, 1825. spec, indet., T. M. Hall. Stigmaria, Brongniart, 1828. anabathra, Gopp. annularis, Unger, areolata, Dawson, exigua, minuta, minutissima, Syncardia, Unger. pusilla, Syringodendron, gracile Lesq. Dawson. ? Dawson. Sternber Dawson. Subdivision. M. Cvprid. Sch., U. M. U. Locality. St. John’s Beds (New Brunswick) Saalf., Falkenb., Rothwaltersdorf, C.L. New Brunswick Sloly Quarry, Devonshire M New Brunswick . M M Fucoides cauda- U.H.G P &H.G P ,L.,M. M„ U U.H.G P &H.G P ,L.,M. M„ U„ &e. Stephanida, Ung< Cyprid. Sch., U galli, Vanuxem. |New York, Ohio, Indiana New York Cayuga, Seneka, &c. Counties Madison & Otsego Cos., Cuyahoga Falls r, 1856 ( Filices , Brachiopteridae ) Saalfeld t, 1828. Chem U. ... (Angiospermous Dico Sandstone, U Selagines, Devon. & Carb., U. ? Cyprid. Sch., U M Chem U Catskill G p , U M Syringoxylon , Dawson, 186 mirabile, Dawson. Trichomanites, Gdppert, 18 36. g, 1820. Sigillaria. Ham. and Chem.Gr Ps , 2. [M„ U. Ham. Gr p , M. ... spec, indet., Dawson. Trigonocarpum, Brongniar perant.iquum, Dawson, racemosum, ,, Triphyllopteris, Schimper, elegans, Unger, furcillata, Ludwig. Uphantaenia, Vanuxem, 18 chemungensis, Vanux. Shaly Limest., M. .. t, 1828. M Shaly San., M 1 869 = Cy clopteris Cypr.Sc. (orLCM),U. Clay Slate, U. 43? Chem U Cheilanthites, Gdppert. New York, Canada tyledon) Casts of pith : Dadoxylon, Sloly Quarry, Marwood, Lerwick Stigmariae. Pennsylv., Glatzich, Falkenberg, U.S Saalfeld Gaspe Elmira (marine) Near Pottsville Gaspe New York, Akron 18-mile Creek, Lake Erie, New York Fern Ledges, Bed 2, Lancast. (N. Br.) New Brunswick. Fern Ledges, Bed 2, Lancast. (N. Br.) (auctorum). Saalfeld Sinn (Valley of Dill, Herborn) Steuben Co. (New York), Ohio. Reference. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 552. Foss. Flor. &c. Gopp. p. 60. Bakerian Lecture, 1870*, Roy. Soc. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 616. Bakerian Lecture, 1870, Roy. Soc. Report Fossil Plants Canada, 1873. XVI. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 79. „ p- 80. „ p. 81. Foss. Flor. &c. Gopp. p. 56. Geol. Can. 1863, p. 382. &c., Dawson, MS. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 380. H. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p. 841. Unger and Richt. Pal. Thuring. p. 83, Bakerian Lecture, 1870, Roy. Soc. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 308. H. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p. 881. Bakerian Lecture, 1870, Roy. Soc. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 308. XVI. Report Regents New York, 99. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 518. „ „ p. 555. Palaeont. Veg. Schimp. i. 480. „ „ iii. 486. Van. Geol. N. Y. 3rd District, p. 181. * See Canadian Brochure. ANIMALIA. AM0RPH0Z0A. PROTOZOA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Alcyonium, Pallas, 1766. echinatum, Ad. Rom. Amorphospongia, D' Orbig granulifera, Ad. Rom. Coscinopora, Goldfuss , 1830 Receptaculit.es, De France, Neptuni, De France. rhombifera, Ad. Rom. spec, indet,., Keyser. Scyphia, Goldfuss, 1830. constricta, Sndbrgr. turbinata, Goldf. Iberger Kalk, U ny. Stringoceph., M = Stromatopora. 1827 - Ischadites, U„ M. ... Iberger Kalk, U Eifel Stages 4, 5, M... String. Limest., M M Grund (Harz) Clausthal (Harz) Murchison. Eifel, Oberkunzendorf (Dr. Dames), Givet, Chimay. Grund. (An Spheerosp. tessell., Phill.?) Eifel Villmar Torquay, Plymouth Palajont. D. & Von M. xiii. 228. „ „ 226, 228. Silur. 4th ed. p. 399 ; Bull. n. s. xviii. 27 & 338. Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 30, xiii. 228. Zeitsch, Deutseh. &c. 1871, p.373. Verstein. Nassau, p. 420. Trans. G. S. L. v. tab. 58, n. s. Sphj.rospongia.] 1 | Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Sphaerospongia, ?? 1 tessellata, Phill. Steganodictyum, M-Coy, 1 Carteri, M‘Coy. Comubicum, „ ;Stellispongia. 1 opegrapha, Stromatopora, Gold fuss, 18 ciespitosa, Winch, capitata, D. D. Owen, concentrica, Goldf. erratica, Hall & Whitf. monticulifera, Winch, nux, ,, patella, Ad. Rom. placenta, Lonsd. polymorpha, Goldf. var. y, stellifera, „ pustulifera, Winch. ramosa, verticillata, M‘Coy. spec, nova, D. D. Owen. Limestone, M 851. Dark Schist, L. or M. Blackish Schist „ Stringoceph. Sch., M. 30. Ham. Gr p , M UHL L Corn. L., Stringo. L., Iberg. L., M., U. UHL L Ham. Gr p , M Iberger Limest., U.. . . M., U. ... iberger Kalk and four others, M., U. Iberger Kalk, U Ham. Gr p , M Limestone, L., M., U. Limestone, M Ham. Gr p 1 Torquay, Newton Bushell Lantivit Bay, Polperro (Fowey) „ and Lantic Bays (Fowey) ... Clausthal (Harz) Little Traverse Bay (Michigan) Davenport, Iowa river, Maguagon, &c. Vilmar, Harz, Saxony, Rheu. Prussia, England, Michigan, Ac. Waterloo, Iowa Little Traverse Beds (Michigan) Grund (Harz) Grund, Malagoziz, Torquay, Ply- mouth. Harz, Altai, Russia, England, Belgium, Kentucky, &e. Riibeland (Harz) Stromatophora Beds, Little Traverse Bay (Michigan). Looe, Liskeard, Padstow, Torquay ... Torquay, Teignmouth Winnebago Reserve (Illinois) Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 135. Ann. & Mag. N. H. 2nd ser. vol. viii. Palieont. D. & Von M. xiii. 226. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 91 . D. D. Owen, Report Minn. p. 624. Sandberger, Verst. Nass. p. 380 &c. Descript. New Foss. Albany 1872, p. 7. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 90. „ ,, p. 91.1 Palieont, D. & Von M. iii. 86. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 18. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii., For. Mem. p. 16. Palieont. D. & Von M. v. 27, xiii. 228. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866. M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 67. M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 67. D. D. Owen, Report Minn. &c., p. 624. Stjbkijtgdom CQBLENTEEATA (Frey and Leuckart). Class ACTINOZOA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Acervularia, Schweigger, 18 20. basaltiformis, Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., L T .... Battersbyi, M.-Edw. Limestone, M coronata, „ | „ „ Davidsoni, Goldfussi, granulosa, helianthoides, hexagona, impressa, intercelhdosa, irregularis, Koninckii, macrommata, Davidsoni. marginata, parallela, pentagona, Pradoana, profunda, Romeri, M. & W. Onon.L.,Ham.,L.,M De Vern. Limestone, L.?,M.,U I Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U.... M Ham M Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U.. . . Phill. Limestone, M Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U.... Goldf. Haime. Hall. M.-Edw. rugosa, De Vern. Troscheli, M.-Edw. & H. tubulosa, Ad. Rom. spec, indet., De Vern Alveolites, Lamarck, 1801. scqualis, Gosselet ? Battersbyi, M.-Edw. & H. Billingsii, Nicholson. Givet Limest., L., M. L Ham. Gr p , M Iberger Limest., U.. . L U Iberger Limest., U... (large species), L. .. Family Favositid.k Calc, nodules, U. .. Limestone, M Cornif. Limest., L... Palieont. 1). & Von M. v. 31, xiii. 228. Arch. d'Hist. Nat. v. 419. 410. Worthen, Hall, Winchell, Rep. &c. Grund, Riibeland Newton Quarry, Torquay Barton, Torquay Ferques, Illinois, Kentucky, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, &e. Sabero, Aix-la-Chapelle, Namur, Tor- quay, Westphalia. Grund (Harz) Ilfracombe, Plymouth Vinton (Iowa) Hall & Whitf. Geol. Iowa, p. 263. Grund (Harz) Palasont. D. & Von M. v. 39. Torquay Arch. d’Hist. Nat. v. 417. Bull, de France, n. s. vii. 161. Palccont. D. & Von M. v. 30. ? Riibeland, Ferques . Grund, Couvin Rijbeland, Ferques . „ Plauen, Newton Bushell Californ.,Belg., France, Engl., Limburg Chillon, Sierra Morena (Spain) Independence Town (Iowa) Grund, Pola de Gordon, Torquay Kartal (Asia Minor) Namur, Sotenick, Grund . Grund (Harz) Chillon (Spain, Almaden). Cerfontaine &c. (Belgium) Torquay, Dartington Port Colborne, Wainfleet (Canada W. ) Palieont. D. & Von M. v. 33. 31. 33. 32, xiii. 228. i Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 5. Arch. d’Hist. Nat. v. 418. Bull. S. G. France, n. s. xii. 190, 1011. Hall & Whitf. Report Iowa, p. 477. I Palieont. D. A Von M. v. 32; Bull. S. G. France, n. s. vii. 162. Tehihatcheff, Travels, Append, p. 13. ! Arch. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. v. 416. Palieont. D. & Von M. xiii. 228. Bull. S. G. France, n. s. xii. 190. Bull. S. Geol. Lille, 1871, p.297. Arch. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. v. 257. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. 56. 8 [Alveolites. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Alveolites (continued). compressa, M.-Edw. Limestone, M conferta. .Nicholson. Cornif. Limest., L.... cryptodens, Bill. ,, ,, ... denticulata, De Vern. Limestone, M distans, Nicholson Cornif. Limest., L Fischeri, Bill. Ham. Shale, M frondosa, Nicholson. ,, ,, Goldfussi, Bill. Ham. Shales, M labiosa, Cornif. Limest., L.... megastoma, Winch. Ham M ramosa, Ad. Rcim. iberger Limest., U.... ramulosa, Nicholson. Cornif. Limest., L.... Rockfordensis ?, Hall. Chem U Romeri, Bill Ham M Selwvnii, Nicholson. Cornif. Limest., L.... spongites, var. tuberosa, M.?,L.... Goldf. squamosa, Bill. Cornif. Limest., L.... strigillita, Winch. Ham M i sub.ro ua,lis. M.-Edw. & H. L..M..U. suborbicularis, String. Limest. &c., L„ M„ U. tuberosa, D'Orb. U vallorum, Meek. Ham M variabilis, F. Rom. Iberger Limest., U ! vermieularis, M‘Coy. Chem U spec, indet.. Winch. Ham M Amplexus, Sowerby, 1814. Cyathopsis, U Or ' amiulatus, L breviradiatus, Ludwig. Tentac. Limest., L T .... coralloides ?, Ad. Rom. Limestone, M var. aeuleatus, String. Limest., M inflexus, Ludwig. Cyprid. Sch. . U infundibularis, Ad. Rom. String. Limest., M. . . . lineatus. Quenstedt. Iberger Limest,., U.... i pauciradiatus, Ludwig. Cyprid. Sch., U pulcher, ,, Cramenzels, U stigmatophorus, Sndbrgr. String M t.ortuosus, Phill. String., Iberger, M.,U. vannifer, Sndbrgr. Clay-slate, L., M. ... Yandelli, M.-Edw. & 11. Cornif. Limest., L.... | spec, indet., Meek. Ham M Anisophyllum, Mihie-Edw ards and S. Haime, 1 U Anthophyllum, Schweigger , 1820. bicostatum. Givet Gr p , M Arthrophyllum, Beyrich, 1 862. L., M. ... Asterocyclus, Vanuxem, 18 42. confluens, Vanuxem. Onond. Limest., L.... Aulacophyllum, Milne-Ed wards an l Haime , 18 Richardsoni, Meek. Ham M Aulopora, Goldfuss , 1826. Syringopora. alternans, Ad. Rom. String M aperta, Winch. Ham M conferta, Goldf., „ „ „ spicata. conglomerata, Goldf. M cornuta, Bill. Cornif. Limest., L.... cucullina, Michelin. L . M. ... cvclopora, Winch. Ham M flliformis, Bill Onond. Limest., L.... Iowensis, Hall & Whitf. Chem U. ? repens, M.-Edw. & II. M serpens, Goldf. String. &c., L., M., U. serpuloides, Winch. Ham M Goldf. L„ M. ... umbellifera, Bill. Cornif. Limest., L.... Baxyphyllum, Milnc-Edwa rds, 1851. prajcox, F. Rom. Crinoid Sch., M Verneuillanum, ” U Locality. Reference. Torquay Port Colborne, Ridgeway (Can. W.).. Rama’s Farm, P. Colb., Cayuga Tship. Bensberg (Cologne) Port Colborne (Canada West) Bosanquet Township Bartlett’s Mills, Arkona (Canada W.) Bosanquet (Canada West) Lake Erie (S.E. end) Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) Grund, Wainfleet Port Colborne (Canada West) Rockford and Hackberry (Iowa) Bosanquet (Canada West) Port Colborne Bensberg (Rhenish Prussia) Cayuga Township (Canada West) .. Little Traverse Bay (Michigan) Feke, Ferques, Nehou Kartal, Vilmar, Grund, Ohio, Ten nessee, Missouri. Vise Ramparts, river Mackenzie, Arctic America above Fort Hope. Grund Miss., Bedruthen Steps (Engl.), Torq. Little Traverse Bay, Michigan Bay . . . b. Fam. Cyathophyllida. Sabero, Ferrones, Vire, Eifel Cramenzels, Dillenburg Buckenburg (Harz) Asholt, Withycombe, Newton Bushell Butzbach (Nassau) Ohio Falls, Woodstock (Canada W.) " lackenzie, 40 milei [below Fort Hope. Perry County Ellipsocyathus, D' Orb Givet, Heisterstein (Eifel) Kahleberge, Bockweise .... Ramparts, river Mackenzie (Arctic [America, N.N.W.) Acervularia Beds, Little Traverse Bay [(Lake Michigan.) Bensberg, Eifel, Ferques Wainfleet (Canada West) Wainfleet, Rama’s Farm, PortColborne Mon. Brit. Corals Pal. Soc. p. 221. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. 56. Can. Journ. n. s. iv. 115. Arch. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. v. 258. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. 54. Can. Journ. n. s. v. 256. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. 15. Can. Journ. n. s. v. 255. „ „ 366. Geol. Rep. Mich. Appen. 1866, p. 89. Palseont. D. & Von M. v. 27. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. 55. Hall & Whitf. Descript. 1872, p. 10. Geol. Can. 1863, p. 385. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. 15. Goldfuss, Petrefacta, pi. 28. Can. Journ. v. 258. Geol. Rep. Mich. Appen. 1866, p. 89. TchihatchefF, Asia Minor, App. p. 13. Horion, Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xvii. 60. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 73, 86. Paheont. D. & Von M. v. 28. Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 69. Geol. Report Michigan. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 161, 784, 788. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiv. 158. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 4. Palseont. D. & Von M. v. 21, xiii. 226.1 „ „ xiv. 149. „ „ v. 20. „ ,, v. 30, xiii. 228. ,> „ xiv. 149. „ „ xiv. 150. Verstein. Nassau, p. 413. Mon. M.-Edw. 1853, p. 222. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiv. 148. Can. Journ. n. s. iv. 123. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 86 ? Arch. Mus. v. 351. Explicat. Carte Geol. France. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 75. Vanux. Rep. 3rd District, p. 136. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 81. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 22. Geol. Rep. Mich. Appen. 1866, p. 91. Slupia, &c. Kentucky, Tennessee, rones, Nassau, &c. &c. Archiv. Mus. v. 313. Can. Journ. March 1859, p. 22. Cherbourg Mem. Soc. N. S. x. 201. Geol. Rep. Mich. Appen. 1866, p. 92. Can. Joum. n. s. iv. 119. Descript. New Foss. 1872. Lethsea Geogn. i. 188 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 250. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. ii. 458, vii. 162. Geol. Rep. Mich. Appen. 1866, p. 91. Conipt. Rend. lxiv. 1218; Arch. Mus. v. 313. Can. Journ. u. s. iv. 119. Battersbya.] 9 Genus, Species, and Author. Battersbya, Milne-Edwards, gemmans, Duncan, grandis, „ insequalis, M.-Edw. Beaumontia,3/^7ne- Edwards antiqua, Ad. Rom. Guerangeri, M.-Edw. Blothrophyllum, Billings , I decorticatum, Billings. Buccula, Eichwald, 1860 pertusa, Eichwald. Calceola, Lamarck , 1801. Sandalina, Lamarck Callopora, Hall, 1852. incrassata, Nicholson, punctillata, Winch. Subdivision. 1851. Fam. Millep orid.e. Locality. spec, indet., Foster & Wh. Campophylluxn,dL7we-£<7«; Asiaticum, Verneuil flexuosum, Goldf. Murchisoni, M.-Edw Caryophyllia, Lamarck, 18 fasciculate, rugosa, Hall? Chaetetes, Fischer, 1887. Barrandi, Nicholson, fibrosus, Goldf. Goldfussi, M.-Edw. Ceriopora. Hamiltonensis, Winch. | microscopicus, „ I moniliformis, Nichols. I subfibrosus, D.D.Owen. ! Torrubias, Haime. Trigeri, M.-Edw. tumiduB, Phill. spec, indet., M.-Edw. & H. Chonophyllum, Milne-Edw magnificum, Bill, perfoliatum, M.-Edw. & H. Chonostegites, Milne-Edwa Clappi, M.-Edw. & H. Cladocora, Hemprich if Ehr antiqua, Bronn. Goldfussi, Geinitz. spec, indet., Linger & R. Clisiophyllum, Dana , 1846. Omaliusi, Haime. Oneidaense, Bill. Columnaria, Goldf ass. Be Comb ophy Hum, Miln e- Edw Leonense, Haime & Vern. Marianum, Haime. multiradiatum, Meek. Criserpia, Milne- Edwards, 1 Michelini, M.-Edw. Cy athaxoni a, Michel in, 1 846 acuta, Ludwig ? Dalmanni, M.-Edw. Hercynica, Ad. Rom. Richteri, Ludw. Cyathophyllum, Goldfust, aequiseptatum, M.-Edw. & Haime. Americanum, Meek. Limestone, M M Stringoc. Cypr. Sell. M., U. . Columnaria, G L L 1859. Comif. Limest., L.. O. R. Sandst. .. Incertae sedis. Lower M. UHL A Ham., L., M. Ham M Argill. Limest., L. ... ards > Stringoc. Limest., M. humile, Ad. Romer. Iberg Limest., U. ... hypocrateriforme, Goldf. Upper Calceola, M... lamellosum, ,, „ M... Lesueuri, Bin.? Corni.&On. Limes., L. lineatuin, Quenstedt. Stringoc. Limest., L. lituoides, Munster. Clymen. Limest., U. marginatum, Goldf. „ M Marmini, M.-Edw. & II. Limest. ...L., M., U. Michelini, Vern. Mid-Eifel Limest., M. obtortum, M.-Edw. & II. Limestone, M panicum, Winch. Ham M parasiticum, Ad. Rom. Stringoc. . . .M partitum, Winch. Ham M priscum, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. . proliferum, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... quadrigeminum, Goldf. Eifel. stage 6, L., M. radicans, ” Limestone, M rectum. M.-Edw. Ham M Romeri, Limestone, M , rugosum, J. Hall. Onond. Limest., L.... Sedgwickii, M.-Edw. Iberg Limest., M., U. simplex ?, Winch. Ham M Steiningeri, M.-Edw. & PI. Upper Calceol., M.... Vanuxemi, Hall. Ham M vermiculare, Goldf. Cornif. Limest., &c., Strombodes. [L., M., U. vesieulosum, Limestone, L., M. ... Zenkeri, Bill. Cornif. L Rouault. L „ (several). Onond. Limest., L.... .. Ung ;r & Richter Clymen. Limest., U. . Swan. L „ Tietze. Clymen. Limest., U. . Locality. Reference. Bensberg, Le Cotentin, Ferques New Quay (Cornwall) Feke, Gratz, Konkolodes, Kielce, Altai, Torquay. Le Cotentin Iowa, Torquay, Bad Nauheim, Vilmar, Grund, &e. [Ilfracombe. >rquay, Bensberg, Eifel, Ferques, Ferques (France) Grund, Cbimay, Eifel, Bensb., Ferques Givet, Ferques, Vis6,N. York, AsiaMinor Moscow (N. Y.), 18-mile Creek (N. Y.) Bensberg, Gratz Ferques, Carverah( Armenia), &c. Iowa?, New York Givet, Iou6,Vire, Plymouth, Tkuring., Grund, Plauen, Iowa, Michigan. Nowa Slupia (Poland) Givet, Cbimay, Montignies, Lohren, Bensberg, Torquay. Grund (Harz) Bensberg, Eifel Gerolstein Geiser Bensberg (Cologne) Kouzuetzk (Passage-bed), Feke, North America, Ferques, Torquay, acourt, Blainghen, Ferques(France), Ferrones (Spain). [Hagginton. )rquay, Dartington, Ilfracombe, Stromatopora Beds, Little Traverse Bay, Michigan. Hartenburg (Harz) Little Traverse Bay (L. Michigan) ... Schubelhammer Grund, Elbingerode Givet, Malmedy, Bensberg, Ilfracombe, Kartal, &c. Kouznetzk, Altai, Eifel, Yailadji, valleys Tomsk and Zinief. Moscow (N. Y.), Seneka Lake (N. Y.) Torquay, Bensberg, Eifel, Belgium . . . Missouri river, Ohio Falls, Sandusky, Michigan, New York. Grund, Riibeland, Torquay Little Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan . Bensberg, Eifel New York Etrasungt, Bensberg, Eifel Cyathopora, Michelin, 1843. ' Iowensis, D. D. Owen. Cyathopsis, D' Orbigny, 1850. Cystiphyllum, Lonsdale, 18 aggregatum. Americanum, cylindricum. var. arcticum, fruticosum, grande, lamellosum, Ohioense, placentiforme, Bill. Hall. Meek. Nicholson. Bill. Goldf. Nicholson. D’Orb. Ham M Petraia. 39. Ham M „ M „ ? M Cornif. Limest., L... „ L... Stages 3, 4, 5, Eifel, M Cornif. Limest., L... M Isle Andirovitho (Bosphorus), Couvin. Rama’s Farm (Lake Erie, Canada W.) Gahard &c. (France) Michilimackinac Isle (Lake Huron) Thuringerwald Arnaout-koi (the Bosphorus) Ebersdorf (Silesia) Rockingham (Iowa) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 250. M.-Edw. Monogr. Brit. Corals, p. 226. Bull. Soc.Geol.Fr.n.s. xvii. 408 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiv. 59. Mem. Soc. Sc. Nat. x. 200. M.-Edw. Monogr. Brit. Corals, p. 224. M.-Edw. Monogr. Cor.p. 225, 1853, &c. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 389. „ „ „ 365. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xvii. 60 ; Tchichatcheff, Bull. n. s. i. 684. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 372. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiv. 212. Mem. Ac. Imp. Petersb. viii. 438. Geol. New York, 3rd Dist. p. 133, &c. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. i. 684, vii. 784 ; Monogr. Corals, 227. Zeuschner, Zeitsch. &c. xxi. 269. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. i. 684, xvii. 60, &c. Pakeont. D. & Von M. v. 28. „ „ „ xiv. 209. PrecisGeol.p.56,D’Om .D'Halloy , 1868. Canada Journ. n.s. v. 264. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiv. 206. Beitrage, &c. Heft iii. 1 14. Paheont. D. & Von M. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 306 ; Bull. Soc. G6ol. xi. 406. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 161 ; ix. 402, xii. 1185. Monogr. Brit. Foss. Cor. p. 225. Geol. Rep. Michig. 1866, Append, p. 90. Palsont. D. & Von M. v. 22. Geol. Rep. Michig.1866, Append, p. 90. Beitrage, &c. iii. 114. Pakeont. D. & Von M. v. 29, xiii. 228. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vi., vii., ix. ; Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 383. Tchihatchetf, Asia Min. Append, p. 13 ; Voyage, &c. p. 244; Quart. Journ. G.S. L. ix. 251. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 372. Monogr. Brit. Foss. Cor. p. 224. Swall. Rep. i. 107 ; Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 387. Monogr. Brit. Foss. Cor. p. 231. Geol. Rep. Michig. 1866. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 378. Contrib. Geol. N. Y. 1857, &c. p. 89. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 363. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiv. 59. Canada Journ. n. s. v. 262. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 323. Fost. & Wh. Rep. L. Superior (S. side). Leonhard &Bronn, Neues Jakrb. 1856, p. 626. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xx. 114, xxiv. 57. Palaeont. D. & Z. xix. 152. Owen, Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 624, &c. Simcoe Township (Canada W.) .. Bosanquet (South Lake Huron). N. York Onion river (N.N.W. Arctic America) YVainfleet, Walpole (Canada W.) . . . ,, Burford,Townsend(Can.W.) Eifel, Refrath (Riven. Pruss.) Columbus (Ohio) Bensberg, Couvin (Belgium) Canada Journ. n. s. iv. 137. Geol. Can. 1863, 382; XVI. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 26. Trans. Ac. Sc. Chicag. i. 80. Geol. Mag. 2nd ser. i. 32. Canada Journ. n. s. iv. 138. M.-Edw. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 463. Geol. Mag. 2nd ser. i. 31. Goldf. Petrefacta, pi. 18. Ctstiphyllum.] 11 Genus, Species, and Author. Cystiphyllum ( continued ). plicatum, D. D. Owen, secundum, Senekaense, squamosum, sulcatum, ! superbum, j vesiculare, J vesiculosum, D'Orb. Bill. Nichols. Lonsd. Nichols. Goldf. Phill. Ham M. M. Cornif. Limest., Dendropora.il/ic^eZ/w i, 1 845, explicita, Michelini Diphyphyllum, Lonsdale , Archiaei, Bill, arundinaceum, „ minus. Ad. Rom. 8tramineum, Bill Discophyllum, Hall, 1847. I helianthoides, D’Orb. I Leonense, llaime. spec, indet. Meek. Emmonsia, Milne-Edwards \ cjlindrica ?, Michelin. i hemisphaerica, „ Endophyllum, Milne-Edw I abditum, M.-Edw. & H. | Bowerbankii, „ Eridophyllum, Milne-Edw Simcoense, Bill, strictum, M.-Edw. Verneuillanum, „ Favosites, Lamarck, 1818 Alpenensis, Winch, alveolaris, Blainville. basaltica, Goldf. Gothlandica. cervicornis, Blainville, &c. var. ramoso-divaricata, cormgei a, divergens, dumosa, dubia, fibrosa, D’Orb. N. &. W. Winch. Blainv. Goldf. var. ramosa, ,, filiformis, F. Rom. Forbesi, M.-Edw. & Haime. Goldf ussi, D’Orb. gracilis, dubia. bemispha?rica, Sndbrgr. D’Orb. infundibuliformis.D’Archiac? mammi’.laris, Castelnau maxima, minor, nitella, ramosa, reticulata, spongites, striata ? Tchi hatched!, turbinata, spec, indet. Troost. Ad. Rom. Winch. Lonsdale. Blainville. Lonsdale. Abich. Haime. Bill. Swallow. Dawson. Subdivision. L.. „ L.... Orisk. Sand. &c., L... . Ham M Stages 3,4, 5, Eifel.M. L„ M. ... Rockingham (Iowa) Bensberg (Rhen. Prussia), Eifel ... Seneka, Cayuga, Oneida (N. Y.), Wal- pole, Wainfieet (Canada W.) Columbus (Ohio) Rama’s Farm, Cayuga andWalpole Co, Arkona (Bosanquet, Canada W.) Eifel (Prussia) Bochweise, Millar (Spain), Vilmar, Torquay, Ohio Falls, &c. M. or U. ... 1845. Ham. Shale, M Cornif. Limest.. L.... Iberg Limest., U. ... Cornif. Limest., L... Palaeocyclus, Mil Limestone, M. ... L Ham M and Haime, 1850. Onond. Limest., L.... ,, L.... ards and Haime, 1851. Limestone, M „ M ards and Haime, 1850, Cornif. Limest., L.... „ L.... „ L.... Calamopora, Gold Ham M Stringoc M Cornif. Limest., L... (In 10sedim.).L., M. U. L„ M., U. ... Bosanquet Township Rama’sFarm, Walpole, Wainfl., Oneida Grund Simcoe Towns., Wainfieet, Owl’s Head ne-Edwards and Haime. Couvin Pena de la Venera (Leon) River Anderson, W.N.W. Arctic Am er. [Delaware. Caledonia(N.Y.). Tennessee, Ohio Falls. Torquay, Aviles (Spain), Williamsville, [Ohio Falls, &c. &c. TeignmouthBeaeh, Asholt, Stowey,&c. Torquay, Barton L., M. U Ham M Eifelian staged, L.,M L., M Calceola Sch., M. ... Limestone Cornif. Limest., L,... „ CalceolaLimes., L., M. (In 5 sedim.), L., M. [Limest., L. Orisk. Sands. &Cornif. .L., U. ... Locality. Ferques Reference. Rep. Minnes. &c. p. 624. Goldf. Petrefacta, pi. 18. Geol. Canad. 1863, p. 369. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. p. 31. Canad. Naturalist, iii. 431. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. 32. Zeitschrift, &c. 1871, p. 372(Kayser). Palaeont. D. &Von M. iii. 72 ; Verstein. Nassau,p.418 ; Owen,Minnes.p.624. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 304. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 383. Canada Journ. n. s. iv. 134. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 29, xiii. 228, Geol. Canada, 1863, 383; Dana, Ma- nual, p. 270. Precis, &c. p. 576, D’Om. d’Halloy. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 161. Chicago Trans, vol. i. 1869. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 248. 2-17. Etheridge, Devon. Cat. Arch. v. 394. Rama’sFarm. SimcoeTowns. (Can.W.) Woodstock(Can.W.)OhioFalls(Kent.) Rama's Farm, Woodstock, river Sau- geen, &c. (Canada W.). fuss, 1829. Astrocerium, Billmgs. Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) Canada Journ. n. s. iv. 132; Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 363. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 424. Fam. Favositid*. Geol. Rep. Mich. 1866, p. 88. Westphalia, Eifel, Bochweise, Ferques Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 234. Couvin(Belgium), Owl’sHead (Canada Canada Journ. n. s. iv. 110; Dana, E.), Missouri, &c. &c. Manual, p. 270. Ferrones, Kartal, Magwitz, Grund, Ball. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1011 Brest, Ferques. | Verstein. Nassau, p. 409. Kielce, Bensberg, Chimay, Torquay, M.-Edw. Monogr. Corals, p. 216. Canada, Missouri, &c, Coralline bed, L.. Iberg Limest., U. Ham M. .. L Scbaalstein. Stringoc Limes., L.. M. M UHL L .L. Orisk. Sandst., UIIL. Ham., L.M. Onond L Oriskanv Sandst. . . . Ohio Falls, Sabero, Vire, Eifel, Kartal, Praffrath. Iowa (N. America) Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) Feke, Loue, Eifel, Ilfracombe, &c., Ohio Falls (United States America). Thuringia, Bensberg, Vire, Eifel, Tor- quay, Spain, Columbus, Ohio. Pyrenees (French), Boulonnais Siewierz (Upper Silesia) PortColborne, Wainfieet (Canada W.) Barton, Couvin, Nehou, Leon (Spain), Ohio, Indiana, &c. Vilmar, Kerpen, Yir6, Torquay, Mag- witz, Kentucky, Indiana. Aviles (Spain), Kentucky, Malden, &e. (Canada W.) Valleys Zinieff and Tomsk (Altai) ... Columbus (Ohio), Beargrass (Ken- tucky), Illinois, Tennessee. Jefferson Co. (Kentucky), Ohio Falls Grund (Harz) Little Traverse beds (Lake Michigan) Kartal, Feke (Asia Minor) Yailadja, Pelapaya, Torquay, Vilmar, Brest, Altai. Eifel, Ferques, S. Devonshire Carverah Convent, Bargarraoh, Mac- kinac Isle, Lake Huron. Feke (Asia Minor) Rama’s Farm, Walpole, Ilaldimand (Canada W,). Missouri Nictau (Nova Scotia) Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 162, 389, &c. ; Geol. Kentucky. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. viii. 306. Geol. Rep. Michig. Append, p. 89. Tchihach. Asia Minor ; M.-Edw. Monogr. p. 216. Bull. S. G. Fr. n.s. xi. 241 , xii. 72. Rom. Geol. von Oberschlesien, 1870. Geol. Mag. x. 569. Mem. Soc. N. H. Cherb. x. 201 ; M.- Edw. Monogr. &c. p. 214. Verstein. Nassau, p. 409. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 162 ; Canada Journ. n. s. iv. 105. Tchihateheff, Bull. n. s. i. 684. M.-Edw. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 240. Geol. Rep. Kentucky, ii. 100. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 28, xiii. 228. Geol. Rep. Michig. Append, p. 89. D’Archiae, Pnheont. Asia Minor. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. i. p. 684, Tchihatch. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 250. Mem. Ac. Petersb. ser. 6, xii. ; Foster, Rep. L. Superior (S. side). D’Archiac, Palseont. Asia Minor, p. 55. Canada Journ. n. s. iv. 109, v. 258. Geol. Rep. Missouri, ii. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 499. 12 [F/stulipora. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Fistulipora, M'Coy, 1849. acervulosa, Rominger. Ham. Sh., M Canadensis, Bill. UHL L crassa, Rominger. Low. Ham., M eribrosa, Goldf. elegans. Rominger. Low 7 . Ham., M ■ Eriensis, ,, Ham. Shale, M t'alcata, M Helios, Cornif. Limest., L.... labiosa, Winch. Ham M lunata, Rominger. UHL L minuta, 11am. Shale, M porosa. Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... j Saffordii, Winch. Ham M spinulifera, Rominger. Ham. Shales, M stellifera, M sulcata, M utriculus. Bill. ? Upper Ham., M Hadrophyllum, Milne-Edw ards and Haime, 1850. Orbignyi, M.-Edw. & H. UHL L pauciradiatum, ,, Upper Calceola, M. . Haimeophyllum, Billings, 1859. ordinatum, Bill. Cornif. Limest., L.... Hallia, Milne- Edwards, 1850. Fam. insignis ?, M.-Edw. Schoharie Sandst., L. Pengellvi, ,, Limestone, M., U. ? . Halysites, Fischer, 1806. cat enu lata, D’Orb. M Heliolites, Dana, 1846. Porites, Lonsdale. M.-Edw. L megastoma ?, M'Coy. L porosus. Goldf. L., M., U. Heliophyllum, Hall. Strephodes, M- Coy Canadense, Bill. Cornif. Limest., L.... Cayugense, „ L.... colligatum, „ L.... Eriense, L.... exiguum, ,, Orisk.Sand..UHL.,L. gracilis, M‘Coy. M Hallii, M.-Edw. & Haime. Ham M proliferum. Nicholson. Cornif. Limest., L.... subc;espitosum. Nicholson. Ham M | tenuiseptatum, Bill. „ M 1 Helicpora, Blainville, 1830; Dana, 1846. See Liodendrocyathus , Ludwig • 1 tubseformis, Ludwig. Cyprid. Sch.. U Lithostrotion, Lhwyd, 1699; Fleming, 1828. ananas, D’Orb. Iberg Limest., U. ... antiquum ?, M.-Edw. M basalt.iforme, Ad. R-om. Iberg Limest., U. ... ecespitosum, Goldf. Stringoc. &c., M. .. Hennahi, Lonsd. Iberg Limest., U. ... impressum, Ludwig. Stringoc. Limest., M. profundum, D’Orb. U Lophophyllum Milne- Ed wards and Haime., 18 bicostatum, M.-Edw. M Anthophyllum, Goldf. Lunatipora, Winchell, 1866. Michiganensis, Winch. Ham M Medusaephyllum, Ad. Homer, 1857. Ibergense, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... IVIetriophyllum,.V/0)e-/'.'a!w ards and Haime, 1850. Battersbyi, M.-Edw. M Bouchard i, M Michelinia, DeKdninck, 1842 . DictyophyUia, ant.iqua, M'Coy. 1 convexa, D’Orb. Onond. & Cornif., L. Locality. Partridge Point (south-west L. Huron) Hamburg (Lake Erie) (Lake Michigan). (Lake Michigan). [(Ohio). Reference. Slupia (Poland). nessee, Kentucky. 1848. Walpole cow (New York), &c. verse Bay (Lake Michigan). Lonsdaleia. Lahnstein, Plauen, &c. Proc. Acad. Nat.Sci.Philad. 1866, p. 120. Canadian Nat. & Geol. iii. 420. Proc. Acad.Nat.Sci.Philad.l866.p. 119. Petrefacta German, t. 1. fig. 10. Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci. Philad.l866.p.l21. ” 120 . Geol. Rep. Midi. 1866, Append. Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philad. 1866, p.119, „ „ „ 120 , Pala?ont. D. & Von M. v. 28, xiii. 228. Geol. Rep. Mich. 1866, Append, p. 88. Proc. Acad. Nat.Sci.Philad. 1 866, p. 116. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 347. Zeitschrift &c. p. 372, 1871. Canada Journ. ser. 2, iv. p. 1 40. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 353. Zeitschrift&c. xxxi.; M.-Edw. Monogr. p. 269. Goldfuss, Petrefacta Germ. p. 75. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 215. „ „ 216. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 583. Canada Journ. n. s. iv. 125. „ ,, 124. „ ., 126. „ „ 124. „ „ 126. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. 59. „ „ 58. Canada Journ. n. s. iv. 126 ; Geol, Rep. Mich. Append, p. 85. Stylastraea. Stylaxis. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s. xvii. 60 ; Rom. Verstein. Harz, p. 5. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 439. Rom. Verstein. Harz, p. 5. Verst. Harz, p.4; Dames, Zeitsch.rx.492. Languenau-Baeh (Dilleuburg) . Ferques (Boulonnais) 50. Heisterstein (Rhenish borders). Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) Grand. Ferques? Fam. St a fit in .t:. Torquay Ferques, Magey, Chenciny, Poland, M'Coy. [Kielce. Baggy Point?, Pilton ?, Brushford ... Preston Co. (Virgin.), Michigan, Mal- den, &c. &c. (Canada W.). ,, 5; Trans. G.S.L.n.s.v. 58. Palrcont. D. & Von M. xiv. 237. D'Orb. Prodrome, i. 106. Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 350. Geol. Rep. Mich. 1866, Append, p. 89. Pakcont. D. & Von M. v. 33, xiii. 228. M.-Edw. Monogr. 1855, p. 222. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s. xxiv. 127 : Ann. des Mines, ser. 6, xii. 153. Carb. Foss. Irel.t.20.f.l0.Miebel. leones. Canad. Nat. &c. iii. 427 ; Can. Journ. n.s. iv. 112. Michelinia.] 13 Michelinia (continued). favosoidea, Bill, geometrica, M.-Edw. intermittens, Bill. Chonostegites Clapp i. Tchichatcheffi, Haime. Pachyphyllum, Milne-Edw Bouchardi, M.-Edw. & H. Devoniense, ,, VaXs&ocycVas, Milne- Edward Kirbyi, Meek. Petraia, Munster , 1839. bina ?, Lonsdale. Genus, Species, and Author. Upp. Held. L’st., L. ards and Haime, 1850. U M and Haime 1849. Ham M Turbinolopsis, Ph L., M., U... celtica, decussata, elongata, fungites, Kochii, pleuriradialis, Miinst. Lonsd. Fleming. Miinst. Phill. punctato-crenulata,Ad.Rbm. radiata, Miinst. regulus, regulosa, semistriata, 16-plicata, tenuicostata, turbinata, spec, ind., Richter. Ad. Rom. Munst. Ad. Rom. Miinst. Ad. Rom. Ether. Phillipsastraea, Milne-Edw affinis, Bill Cantabrica, Haime. gigas, Bill. parallela, D’Orb. Torreana, Haime Yerneuilli, M.-Edw. & H. Plasmopora, Milne-Edwards micropora, M.-Edw. & H. Pleurodictyum, Goldfuss, 1 Constantinopolitum,A.Rom. problematicum, Goldf. Ptilodictya. Stictopora. Gilberti, Meek. Ptychophyllum, Milne-Ed expansum, M.-Edw. Romeria, Milne-Edwards an infundibulifera,M.-Edw.&H Smithia, Milne-Edwards and Boloniensis, M.-Edw. & H. Bowerbankii, „ Hennahi, Lonsd. mierommata, Ad. Rom. Pengellyi, M.-Edw. & H. Verrilli, Meek. Spongophyllum, Milne-Ed Sedgwiekii, Streptastraea, Sandberger— longe-radiata, Sndbrgr. recta, Hall. Striatopora, Hall, 1852. formosa, Bill. Linnaeana, rugosa, Hall. Strombodes, Schweigger, 182 distortus, Hall ? pentagonus, Goldf. plicatus, spec, ind., Sow. Grewingk Subdiyision. .L., M., U... Clymen. Limest., U. . Calceol. Sch., M. ... Clymen. Limest., U. . Calcar. Sch., L., TJ.... Wissenbach Sch., M.. Clymen. Limest., U. . Drift U Wissenbach Sch., M.. Clymen. Limest., U. . Wissenbach Sell., M.. Clymen. Limest., U. Spirif. Sandst., L. . . M ards and Haime, 185 (Pass.-bed) L’st. No. 8 Limestone, M. Cornif. Limest., L.... M. Limestone, L... Corn.L. &Ham. L., M. and Haime, 1849. M. .. 826. L .L., M. ... Cornif. Limest., L.... wards, 1850. L d Haime, 1850. M. ... Haime, 1850. Differs Limestone, M. ... .M., U. ... Limestone, U. ... „ M. ... Ham M. ... wards and Haime, 18 Limestone, M. ... Smithia, Milne-Ed String. & Sch’st.C., M. Ham M. ... Cornif. Limest., L.... Ham. Sh....M. .. Ham. Shaly L’st., M. 0. Acervularia. Ham M UHL L Iberger Limest., U.. Locality. Rama’s Farm (Canada W.) Vire, Loue (France) Haldimand, Woodstock, &c. (Can.W.) Kartal, Pendik, Arnaut-Koi, Kanlydji Ferques (Boulonnais) Torquay, Ilfracombe Fungid.e. Porcupine Riv., Alasca, N.N.W. Amer. ill. Streptalasma, Hall. Elbingerode ( Harz), Combe (Dr. Holl), Brushford, &c. V alley sZinieff &Tomsk, Looe, Petherw. , &c., Festenberg, Faon (Brittany). Elbersreuth (Franconia) Rammelsberg, Huttenrode, Birken- thal, &c. Elbersreuth, Schubelhammer Looe, Linton Brushford, Olpe, Hohen- Kehle. Festenburg (Harz) Elbersreuth, Schubelhammer, Ebers- dorf. Tlniringerwald Tbllthales (Central Germany) .. Elbersreuth, Schubelhammer ... Festenburg (Harz) Elbersreuth. Schalke (Harz) Adscombe, Stowey, Asholt Indian Cove (Gaspe). Leon (Spain), Torquay Ohio, Haldimand, Walpole, &c. (C.W.) Torquay, Grund, Puerto de las Volcas. (Leon) Sabero Rock-Island Co. (Illinois), Rainham, Haldimand. Eifel ? (in the Bonn Museum) . . Canad. Naturalist, iii. 428. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 784. Canad. Natur. iii. 428 ; Canad. Journ. iv. n. s. 113. D’Areh. Pala-ont. Asia Minor, p. 62 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xi. 414. Arcliiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 397. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 85. Cyathopsis, U Orbigny. Br. Pal. Foss. p. 40 ; M‘Coy, Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 4; Phillips. Archiv.Mus.Hist.Nat.v.373 ; Palseont. D. & Yon M. iii. 9. Beitrage &c. Miinst. i. 64. Palceont. D. & Von M. iii. 8. Beitrage &c. i. 65. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 9, 77, xiii. 222, Beitrage &c. i. 64. Kanlydja, Kartal (Asia Minor) ... Cramberg, Weilburg, Caub, Gahard, Perques, Sierra Morena, Kanlydja, Indiana, Ohio, &c. Sylvania(LucyCo.), Marblehead (Ohio) Heliophyllum, Strephodes, M‘ Nehou (France) Eifel (Bensberg) from Phillipsastrcea by having a sty 1 i Ferques Torquay Grund, Riibeland, Barton, Teignmouth, California. Ferques (France) Torquay, Plymouth, Ilfracombe ... River Anderson, N.W. Arctic America 51. Torquay, Ilfracombe wards and Haime. Lohnberger-Weg, Lohren, Torquay... New York Woodstock (Lake Erie, Canada West) Bosanquet Township (Canada West).. New Buffalo (Iowa) New York Falls of river Ohio (Kentucky), Drum- mond Island?, South Lake Huron, Eifel, South Devonshire, Ferques. Grund (Harz); North America .... Upper Duna valley (Livonia) Reference. iii. 77. Richter, Palieont. Thuring. p. 27. Palieont. D. & Von M. iii. 77. Beitrage &c. i. 65. Palieont. D. & Von M. iii. 77. Palieont. D. & Von M. v. 10. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 583-591 Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 162. Geol. Can. 1863, p. 369. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 162. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 447. „ „ v. 223. D’Arch. Palieont. Asia Minor, p. 68. Verstein. Nassau, p. 405; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 72, 190, 1011, xii. 785 &c. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1872, part i Coy. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 408. form columella ( Milne-Edwards ). Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 423. M.-Edw. Mon. 1855, p. 241. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 618; Palieont. D. & Von M. v. 33. Letha-a Geognost. 3rd ed. i. 197. M.-Edw. Mon. 1855, p. 240. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 85. M.-Edw. Mon. Pal. Soc. p. 242. Verstein. Nassau, p. 416. XIV. Rep. Regents New York, p. 26. Can. Journ. n. s. v. 254. „ „ 253. Hall & Wh. Report Iowa, p. 479. XIV. Rep. Regents New York, p. 26. Troost, 6th Report, Tennessee, 1841, p. 24; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 250. Rom. Verst. Harz, p. 4 ; Can. Nat. iii. 479. Grewingk, Geol. of Livonia, p. 39. x 14 [Sybingophylltth. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Syringophyllum, Milne-E Cantabricum, DeVern Torreanum, DeVer.&Haime spec, ind., Syringopora, Goldfuss, 182 abdita, De Vern alectiformis, Winch Bouchardi, Michelini Cleviana, M.-Edw. & H dwards, 1850. Limestone, M. L.? Limestone, M 6. Harmodites, L Ham. crassata, elegans, fenestrata, Hisingeri, lasata, Maclurei, nobilis, tabulata, Winch Bill Winch Bill Goldf. .M. U. .L... Ham.(Magnes. b.),M, Cornif. Limest., L. . . Ham M Onond. L’st. & Chem L’st., U. Cornif. Limest., L.... „ L.... „ L.... UHL L tubiporoides, Yandell & Sh. Verneuilli, M.-Edw. & H. Yandelli, „ Thecostegites, Milne-Edwa auloporoides, M.-Edw. & H, Bouchardi, „ parvula, DeVern Trachypora, Milne-Edward Davidsoni, M.-Edw. & H. elegantula, Bill. Trochophyllum, Milne-Ed Verneuillianum, M.-Ed.&H. Turbinolopsis. See Zaphrentis, Rafincsque and rds and Haime, 1849. L Limestone, M. L... ampla, aspera, caudata, cingulosa, cornicula, coronata, corticata, Ludw. s and Haime, 1850. Limestone, M., U. ... Ham M wards and Haime, 18 ? Petraia. Clifford, 1820. Ferrug. Sands., M.,U.? Spirit. Sand. &c., L. . . . Sarcinula, Dana, 1846. Valcos (Spain), Torquay, Teignmouth Sabero (Spain) Withycombe by Dunster (West Engl.) Fischer , 1828. Nehou (France) Acerv.Beds, Little Trav. Bay (L.Mich.) Ferques Carrolton, Dayton (Kentucky, Ohio) Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan). Woodstock (Lake Erie, Canada West) Acerv. bed, Little Trav. Bay (L.Mich.) Malden, river Saugeen (Lake Huron), &c., Owl’s Head (Vermont). Woodstock (Canada West) Haldimand & Norfolk Cos. (Can. W.) Woodstock, Walpole (Canada West).. Ohio river Falls, Delaware (Ohio), Scott Co. (Indiana). Canada W., Ohio, Kentucky, N. York, passim. [lumbus, Ohio. Carrolton (Kentucky), Dayton, Co- Ohio Falls, Beargrass Creek (Ken- tucky), Caledonia (New York). Ferrones (Asturias) Ferques (Boulogne) Ferrones (Asturias) Ferques Bosanquet (Canada West) . 50. Seven miles from Louisville . Bill. M.-Edw. & H. Ludw. Bill. cyathophylloides, M.-E.&H. cystica, Desori, elliptica, exigua, fragilis, gigantea, Halli, incondita, Kochi, Macfarlanei, Winch. M.-Edw. & H White. Bill. Ludw. Lesueur. M.-Edw. & H. Bill. Ludw Meek Passage-beds Onond. Limest., L.. Spirif. Sand., L. ... Oriskany Sand., L. Limestone, M. ... Ham M. ... M. ... U. ... Cornif. Limest., L. Spirif. Sand., L. Michelini, M.-Edw. & H. Noeggerathii, „ numismalis, Ludw. profunde-incisa, , prolifica, punctatum, Rafinesqueii, recta, rostrata, simplex, spatiosa, sulcata, tenuistellata, Traversensis, spec, ind., BiH. Beadle, D’Orb. M.-Edw. & H. Meek. Ludw Hall. Bill. Beadle, D’Orb. Ludw. Winch. Ludw. Dawson. Etheridge? Cornif. Limest., L. . . . Ham M Passage-bed No. 7, L Dachschiefer, U Ham M Limestone, M Upp. Calc., M Cyprid. Seh., U Spirif. San. & Slate, L Cornif. Limest., L. . . . Cornif. Limest., L. Ham M. ... M Ham M Onon.&C'orn. L’st.,L. L Spirif. Sand., L Ham M Spirif. Sand., L Oriskany Sand., L. . . Limestone, M Caninia, Michelini , 1847. Waldgermes (Nassau) Oppershofen (Westphalia), Gachen- bach (Nassau). Zeigenberg (Taunus Mounts., Nassau) Gaspe (limestone), Indian Cove Callaway and Rail's Counties, Indian Cove. Zeigenberg (Hai - z) Split Rock, Perce (Bay of Chaleurs).. Ferques (Boulonnais) Acerv.Beds, Little Trav. Bay (L.Mich.) Perry Co. (Tennessee) Iowa, Missouri Haldimand and Norfolk Comities Oppershofen, Zeigenberg, Montabaur (Nassau). Owl’sHead(Vermt.), Cayuga and Norf. Cos.,OhioFalls, riv. Delaware, Ohio. Lake Skeneateles (New York) .. Gaspie Limestones Dillenberg, Wissenbach Ramparts, river Mackenzie, river Por- cupine, N.N.W. Amer. Eifel, Westphalia „ Krapivna, Bogoraditza, &c. . . . Thuringia Oppershofen, Krausberg, Usingen Zeigenberg (Harz). Rama’s Farm, Bosanquet, rivers Mait- land and Saugeen (Canada West). Falls of river Ohio ? Ohio Falls (Kent.), Columbus (Ohio) Ramparts, riv. Mackenzie, N.N.W.Am. Pelm (Eifel) New York State Rama's Farm (Canada West) .. Falls of Ohio (Kentucky) Oppershofen, Zeigenberg, Kransbg.,&e. Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) Wissenbach (Nassau) Nictau (Nova Scotia) Plymouth Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 451. „ „ 412. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 593. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 295. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 90. Iconogr. Zoophyt. p. 185. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 295. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 90. Can. Journ. n. s. p. 118. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866. Can. Nat. iii. 426 ; Dana, Man. p. 270. Can. Journ. n. s. iv. 118. „ v. 258. „ iv. 118. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 288. Can. Nat, iii. 424 ; Can. Journ. n. s. iv. 115; Yandell, Contributions. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 289. 296. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 162. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 251. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 298. „ „ 305. Can. Journ. v. 254. M.-Edw. Mon. Pal. Soc. p. lxvii. Pakeont. D. & Von M. xiv. 165. „ „ 170. Geol. Surv. Can. Pal. Foss. ii. pt.i. p.10. Arch. Mus. H. Nat. v. 327 ; Swall. Rep. Miss. i. 107 ; Can. Journ. n. s. v. 264. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiv. 169. Can. Pal. Foss. ii. 10. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 335. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append! 1866, p. 90. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 333. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. viii. 306. Geol. Can. 1863, p. 369. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiv. 167. Dana, Man. lsted.p. 270; Arch.M. H. N. v. 340 ; Owen, Geol. Kent. ii. 100. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 341. Pal. Foss. ii. part i. p. 7. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiv. 164. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 83. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. 330. Explan. Carte Russ. Helmers. p. 16 ? Zeitschrift &c. xxi. 388. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiv. 168. Can. Nat. iii. 429 ; Can. Journ. n. s, iv. 121. D’Orb. Prodromus, i. 105. Dana, Man. p.273; Arch.M.H.N.v.329. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 73, 82. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiv. 166. XIV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 210. Can. Nat. iii. 430. D'Orb. Prodromus, i. 105. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiv. 170. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 90. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiv. 171. Acad. Geol. 2nd ed. p. 499. Museum-List, Jermyn Street. Acanthocrinus.] 15 Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Province ANNULOIDA. Class ECHINODERMATA. Orders CRINOIDEA, BLASTOIDEA, and ASTERIDEA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Acanthocrinus, Ecemer, 186 2 ? Subgenus of gracilis, longispinus, Hall. F. Rom Ham. Shale, M. M. Rhodocrinus. Ontario Co. (New York) Pelm, Gerolstein nodulosus, ,, spinosus, Hall. Achradocrinus, L.Schultze. ventrosus, L. Schultze. Actinocrinus, Miller , 1821. Ontario Co. (New York) abnormis, Lyon. M. Ham. Shale, M. Limestone, M. All the species plac ed here belong elsewhere, except A. P Gerolstein (Eifel). Calypso, Hall. Cassedayi, Lyon. Cauliculus, Hall, cingulatus, Goldf. Melocrinus. Coreyi, Lyon and Cass, comigerus, „ cyathiformis, Sndbrgr. Eucharis, Hall. Gilbertsonii, Miller, granulatus, Goldf. Indianensis, Lyon and Cass Kentuckyensis, Levis, Miller, Goldf. Limest. under black Shale, U. Ham M. Crinoid Bed, U Ham M. Limestone, M. Silver Creek (Indiana), Rock Island, Beargrass Creek (Kentucky). Western New York Beargrass Creek (under black shale)... Western New York Eifel, Nowa Slupia latus, Meekii, moniliferus, multieomis, muricatus, nodulosus, Nyssa, pauxillum, pocillum ? pentaspinus, pistilliformis, polydactylus, precursor, Prumiensis, Slium. Lyon. Goldf. Lyon. Goldf. Hall. U. ... Under Black Shale, U. Stringoc. Limest., M. Ham. Shales. M MSS M.? M U UHG L M Ham M 70 feet below black Slate, M„ U. Limestone, M. ... Indiana Beargrass Creek, Rock Island (Illin.). Yilmar (Nassau) Western New York Eifel, Bolland (Carb.) Eifel &c Indiana Falls of the Ohio (Kentucky) Eifel, Nowa Slupia, Ratingen (Carb.) New Buffalo (Iowa) Jefferson Co. (Kentucky) Eifel, Nowa Slupia (Poland) Nucleocrin. bed, M. ? Stringoc. Limest., M. Stringoc. &c., L., M. Ham. Shale, M Ohio Falls Eifel, Elbingerode, Nowa Slupia (Pol.) , „ Kahleberges .. Western New York Lyon. M. & W. Miller. Hall. Wirtg. & Zeil pyriformis, Rom., non Phill. striatus, Munst. Nucleocrin. bed, M. .. U U Ham. Shale, M L U Marble breccia, U. . . L.,M.,U. tenuistriatus, Phill. tesseratus, Goldf. triacontadactylus ? Coomhola, M., U. Adelocrinus, Phillips, 1841. Platycrinus, Mi hystrix, Phill U. Agelacrinus, Vanuxem, 184 2. Hamiltoniensis, Ham. Shale, M. Ancyrocrinus, Hall, 1862. bulbosus, Hall. Ham. Shale, M. spinosus, „ UHL L.. Anomalocystites, Hall, 185 9. disparilis, Hall. Oriskany Sandst., L.. Archaeocidaris, M l Coy, 184 4. Echinocrinus, Drydenensis, Vanux. Chem U. Aspidosoma, Adolph Edmer , 1863. Arnoldi, Goldf. M. Tishbeinianum, Ad. Rom. Dachschief. U. Asterias, Linnaus, 1748. asperula, Ad. Rom, constellata, Thorent, Rhenana, Wirtg. & Zeil spinosissima, Ad. Rom. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 127. Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. &C.1856, p. 255. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 126. „ „ p. 127. rumtensis, Ferd. Romer, Breslau. Dale Owen, Report Kentucky, iii. 479. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 132. Proc. Acad. N. H. Phil. 1861, p. 410. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 132. Leth. Ross. p. 604 ; Zeuchner, Zeitsch xxi. 268. Amer. Journ. Sci. n. s. xxix. 75. „ „ xxviii. 228. Verstein. Nassau, p.394. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 130. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 403. Museum Teyler, p. 34. Amer. Journ. Sci. n. s. xxix. 78. 2nd Report Missouri, part ii. p. 194. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 403. Hall and Whitney, Rep. Iowa, p. 480. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1861, p. 411. Falls, River Ohio (Kentucky) Illinois Braunton (Devonshire) Falls of the Ohio (Kentucky) Prum &c. (rare) Thuringerwald Geiser near Hoff. Thuringia, L T pper Franconia. Linton, Torquay, Pilton, Top Orchard Torquay, Newton Bushell ller, 1821. Pilton, Pilland, Braunton, Brushford, [Top Orchard Hamilton Village (New York) South Shore, Lake Erie River Ohio Falls Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Agassiz, 1841 Dryden (New York) Pehn, Gerolstein (Eifel) Bundenbach (Harz) Zeitsch. &c. xxi. 261 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2. vi. 403. Trans. Am. Ph.Soc. Pliilad. n.s. xii. 455. Verst. Harz, 1843, p. 9 ; Zeits. xxi. 268. Palieont. D. & Von M. iii. p. 104. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 219. „ „ P- 134. Trans. Am. Ph. Soc. Philad. n. s. xii. 453. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1861. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 379. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 131. Leon.&Bron.NeuesJahrb. 1856, p.253. „ „ p.626. Beitr. &c. iii. 113; Zeits. &c. xxi. 388. Pal. Foss. Devon. &c. p. 31. Petref. i. 213 (pars) ; Schloth. i. 339. Pal. Foss. Devon. &c. p. 31. „ ,, p. 30 ; Quart.! [Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 379. XX. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 299. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 1 18. „ „ p- 119. Palmont. N. York Vanux. iii. 145. Bronn’s Index, p. 184. Geol. Rep. N. York, 3rd Distr. p. 184. [p. 233. Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856, Palteont. D. & Von M. ix. 144-146. 146. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. i. 208. Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. Mondrepius L., M. ...|Pelm, Coblentz, Gerolstein Dachschief. U Bundenbach jPalseont. D. & Von M. ix. 147. Asterocrinus, Munster, 184j3. Murchisoni, Munst. Orthoc. Limest., U.... Elbersreuth (Franconia) Beitriige &c. i. 33, iii. 112. 1856.; 16 [Ataxiacbinus. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. ? Ataxiacrinus, Sydney S. caponiformis, Syd. S. Lyon. Bursacrinus, Meek and Wor Meekianus, Meek & Worth Cacabocrinus, Troost, 1850. glyptus, Hall. var. intermedius, „ lamellosus, „ liratus, „ var. multilira, ,, speciosu8, ,, Troostii, „ Ceramocrinus, Miiller. Eifelensis, Mull. Cheirocrinus, Hall, 1859. clarus, Hall, chrysalis, „ Cidaris, Lamarck, 1816. (E laevispina, Sndbrgr. scrobiculata, „ a fragment, De Kon. Codaster, M‘Coy, 1855. alternatus, Lyon. Americanus, Shum. pyramidatus, ,, Codiacrinus, Ludwig Schult granulatus, Ludw. Schult Coelaster, Agassiz. Asteriad constellata, Tliorent. latiscutatus, Sndbrgr. Ctenocrinus, Broun, 1840. decadactylus, Goldf. ,, Ad. Rom. typus, Bronn Lyon, 1869. L., U. then, 1861. U. .. Dolatocrinus, L Ham. Shale, M. Dayton (Ohio) UHL L Ham., Chem., M., U. Ham. ...M. UHL L Ham., Chem., M., U. L„ M. Ham. Shale, M. chinidea.) String M. sp. ind., De Vern. & Barr, „ De Vern. Culicocrinus, Muller, 1854. nodosus, Muller. Cupressocrinus, Miller, 182 abbreviatus, brachydactylus, crassus, dubius, elongatus, Goldf. Ad. Rom Goldf. Ad. Rom. Goldf. gracilis, „ hieroglyphicus, L. Schultze. inflatus, „ Sndbrgr. nodosus, scaber, teres, tesseratus, tetragon us, Urogalli, spec, indet. ,, (spec. 2) Cyathocrinus *, Miller, 1821 brachydactylus, bulbosus, Hall, decadactylus, Lyon & Cassid. Ad. Rom. Munster. Phi 11. M Codonaster, 1849. M., U. ... M„ U. ... UHL L„ U. ... ze, 1866. L Illinois yon, 1857. Pavilion Co., Genesseo (Genessee Co.), Moscow (New York). Pavilion Co., Livingston Co., N. York W estern N ew Y ork Genesseo (W. New York), Ohio, foot of Falls. Genesseo &c. (W. New York), foot of Ohio Falls. Schoharie &c. Counties (New York).. Western N. York, foot of Ohio Falls Pelrn, Gerolstein Ontario Co., New York New York Vilmar (Nassau). ii ii Chimay. 2nd Order. Blastoidea. Beargrass Creek (Kentucky) Trans. Am. Ph.Soc.Philad. n. b. xiii. 464, Swall. Report Missouri, ii. 188. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 140. „ p. 141. a a a Trans. Am. Ph.Soc.Philad. n. s. xiii. 443 Amer. Journ. Sci. n. s. xii. 121. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 138. Tr. Am. Ph. Soc. Phil. n. s. xiii. 443 Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856 [p. 233 XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 116. XIII. Gedinian ...L Spirit. Sandst., L. Spirit. Sandst., L. Orthoc. Sck., L. ... L A subgenus of L., M. ... 1. Halocrinus. Eifel, stages 3 and 5, L„ M. Spirit. Sandst Limestone, M Spir.Sa., GreySch., L. Limestone, L., M. Eifelian, stageS, L..M. Limestone, L., M. L„ M. Stringoc. Limest., M. L. Schultze. Limestone, L., M. Ad. Romer. Schist L Goldf, M. L. Schultze) M. Ad. Rdm. Calceol. Sch., M decaphyllus, dubius, ellipticus, geometricus, '? Gosae, gracilior, Goldf. Ad. Rom. Limestone, M. ... Belgium Vasocrinus, Ly Spirit. Sandst,., L. .. UHL L U L Limestone Drift U M. Calceol. Sch., M. Dachschief., U. Prum (Eifel) Columbus, [Ohio. Mondrepius, Montagne Noire (Lang.) Kemmenau (Nassau), Unkel (Bonn)... Kemmenau,Eschelbach,Houffalize, &c. Pelm, Gerolstein Houffalize, Ems, Hausling, Daun, Sie- gen, &c. Almaden (Spain) Guadalperal (Spain) Platycrinus, De Koninck. Pelm, Gerolstein Vilmar, Pelm, Gerolstein Rammelsbirge (Goslar) Torqr, Newton Bush., Pelm, Gerolstein Schalke (Harz) Kartal (Asia Minor), Schalke, Couvin, Pelm, Gerolstein. Prum, Pelm, Gerolstein Kerpen, Pelm „ „ Prum Vilmar, Weilburg (Flinty Ironstone), Nowa Slupia. Pelm, Kerpen, rare (Eifel) Rammelsberg Eifel , Perry Co. (De Vera, Tennessee) Auerhahne and Bigge (Westphalia), Clausthal (Harz). Plymouth, Collumpton (Devonsh.) ... ? on. Isocrinus. Taxocrinus, Phill, Rammelsberg Livingstone Co. (New York Indiana Thiiringerwald, Kahleberg (Sandst.).. ,, Schubelham.,Gattendorf Pilton, Top Orchard, Petherwin, Braunton. Newton (Devonsh.) Rammelsberg, N.E. flank Bundenbaeh (Harz) D. D. Owen, Geol. Kentucky, iii. 493. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 239. „ „ 238. Denkschr. Akad. Wissens. xxvi. 144. Thor. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s. xii. 1185. Verstein. Nassau, p. 381. , „ p. 396. [p. 233. Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856, Naumann, Lehrb. p. 382 ; Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856, p. 233. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1017. Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856, [p. 501. ,, ,, p. 233. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2. vi. 403. Paheont. D. & Von M. xiii. 205. Bronn, Lethsea Geogn. 3rd ed. i. 232. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 8. ,, „ p- 8 ; Voyage Tchihatcheff, Append, p. 61. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 403. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xxvi. 137. Verstein. Nassau, p. 401 ; Zeitschrift G. G. Berlin, xxi. 268. Denkschr. Akad.Wiss. Wien, xxvi. 137. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 8. Trans. G. S. L. 2nd ser. vi. 403. Denkschr. Akad.Wiss. Wien, xxvi. 137. Palmont. D. &VonM. iii. 9, xiii. 222. Trans. G. S. L. 2nd ser. v. 708. ? Cladocrinus, Austin. Pahront. D. & Von M. xiii. 205. XV. Rep. Regents, N. Y. p. 123. Amer. Journ. Sci. n. s. xxix. 73. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 8. Trans. G. S. L. n.s. vi. 1813. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 379 ; Palseont. Foss. Devon, p. 32. Phill. Palseoz. Foss. p. 135. Palajont. D. & Von M. xiii. 207. , „ ix. 149. An indeterminable genus, — not to be called a genus, according to the two Austins and Prof. Romer of Breslau. Cvathocrinus ( continued ).] 17 [Echxnodekmata. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. laeviculus,' Lyon. Crinoid bed, U macrodactylus, Phill. M., U. ... megastylus, „ L., M. ... nodolosus, M., U. ... ornatissimus,' Hall. Chemung, U pentagonus, Goldf. pinnatus, >> In 4 Sed., L„ M., U. Rhenanus, F. Rom. Grauwacke, L sculptus,' Lyon. Between Black Slate & Hydraul. Cement, U. subtuberculatus, Lyon. Stringoc M tenuibrachiatus/ ? teres, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., L T . tricarinatus, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... tuberculatus, Stringoc. Limest., M. valens,' 11 Limest. over Hydrau- lic Limestone, U. Wortheni,' 11 Grewingk. Under black Slate, U. spec, indet., Beargrass Quarries (Kentucky) Brushford, Pilton, Baggy Point, Ilfra- combe. [Bay. Looe, Meadsfoot, Padstow.Whitesand Torquay, Ogwell, NewtonBush., Pilton Portland, West New York (passim).. . Montagne Noire (Languedoc) Meadsfoot, Pilton, Pilland, Saalfeld, Daun, Valdai, &c. Coblenz Ohio Falls, Jefferson Co. (Kentucky) Clausthal (Harz) Kentucky, Indiana (passim) . Schiibelkammer , Grund (Harz) Kebrzu (Harz) Beargrass Creek (Kentucky). Richter & Unger Dimerocrinus, Phillips, 18 aptilus, Kutorga. oligoptilus, Pacbt. Dolatocrinus, Lyon, 1857 = lacus,' Lyon. ornatus,' Meek. Marsbii,' Lyon. Echinocystites, Hall, 1864 nodosus,' Hall. Edriocrinus, Hall, 1859. pyriformis,' Hall, saeculus,' „ Eleacrinus, F.Romer, 1852; angularis,' Lyon. Verneuilli/ F.Rom.&Troost. Pentremites. Eleutherocrinus, Yandell Cassedayi,' Yandell. Wbitfieldi,' Hall. Eocidaris, Desor. Drydenensis, 1 Vanux. Epactocrinus, Muller, 1855. virgularis, Wirtgen & Zeiler. Eucalyptocrinus = Hyp Eugaster, Hall, 1867. Logani,' Hall. Eugeniocrinus, Miller, 1821 sessilis, Mibist. Gasterocoma, Gold/., 1838. antiqua, Goldf. gibbosa, L. Schultze. Mulleri, „ Gilbertsocrinus, Phillips, spinigerus,' Hall. Hadrocrinus, Sydney S. Ly angularis,' S. S. Lyon. .U. 39. Upper Limest., M MarlyO. R. Sands. ,M. Cacabocrinus, Tr Limestone next above Hydraulic beds, U. Comif. Limest., L.. Nucleocrin.-bed, U. ? Cystidea. Chem U (Silurian genus.) UHL L Orisk. Sandst., U. Brogn. 1860. Between Black Slate ndHydraul.Cem . * Below (?) Hydraulic bed, L., U. ,, Quarries (Kentucky) ... Upper Welikaja valley, Dorpat, &c... Tbiiringerwald Aratowistclier (Russia) Pleskau, Iborsk, river Schelon (Go vernment of Novgorod). oost. Beargrass andSilverCreeks(Kentucky) discus/ „ pentagonus,' „ plenissimus,' „ Halocrinites, Steininger, 18 pyramidalis, Bronn. Haplocrinus, Steininger, 18 Clio,' Hall, mespiliformis, F. Rom, Columbus (Ohio) OhioFalls(Kent.),ClarkeCo.(Indiana) Racine (Wisconsin) and Shumard, 1857. Pass.-b.,Enc.L’st., U. Ham M Lower Chem., U. ... L„ M. ... anthocrinus. Asteridea. Ham M Utica (New York) Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Olivenites, Troost, 1850. Silver and BeargrassCreeks, OliioFalls OhioFalls, PineCreek(Iowa), Silver and 14-mile Creeks (Indiana), Columbus (Ohio). Fam. Blastoidea. Beargrass Creek (and Carbonif.) ... Western New York Dryden (New York) Pelm, Gerolstein ... Fenner (New York) Clymen. Limest., U. Ceramocrinus and Limestone, M „ L „ L 1836. Goniastero Ham M on, 1869. Nucleocr. bed (lower Crinoid.), U. „ U „ U „ U 30. (A Silurian L 34. (A Silurian Marcell. Shale, M. . . . Crinoid. Shale, M. ... Schiibelhammer (Franconia) Epactocrinus, Muller, 1855. Eifel Pehn , Gerolstein idocrinus, Meek, 1865. Subgen. of Ontario Co. (New York) Ohio Falls (Clarke Co., Indiana, near Jefferson). genus.) Ems (Nassau) genus. ) Onondago Co. (New York). Gerolstein Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861, p. 409. Pal®ont. Foss. Devon, p. 29; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 379. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 32. Geol!’ Rep. 4th Distr.’N. Y. p” 247. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. i. 786. Palseont. Foss. Dev. p. 31 ; Palseont. Thuring. p. 4, &c. Lethaea Geogn. 3rd ed. i. 236. Geol. Rep. Kentucky, iii. 486. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiii. 227. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. Philad. n. s. xiii. 466. Beitrage &c. Heft iii. 113. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiii. 228 ; Ver- stein. Harz, p. 8. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 23. D. D. Owen Geol. Kentucky, iii. 485. Proc. Acad. N. Sci. Philad. 1861, p.410. Geol. of Livonia &c. 1861. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. &c. 1856, p. 626. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. x. 189. Leth. Ross. i. 597 ; Grewingk, Livonia, p. 35. Owen, Geol. Kentucky, iii. 482. Proc.Acad. Nat. Sci.Philad.l871,p. 57. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. s. xiii. 461. XVIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 12 (abstract). XV. „ „ p. 116. Palseont. New York, iii. 138. Nucleocrinus, Conrad, 1843. Owen, Rep. Kentucky, iii. 492. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 247, 288. „ „ „ 620. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 131 ? XX. „ „ 298. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. &c. 1856, p. 233. XX. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 290. Beitrage, &c. iii. 111. Abhandl. Ak.Wiss. Berlin, 1856, p.257. Denkschriften &c. xxvi. 210. Trans. G. S. L. 2nd ser. p. 403? Rhodocrinus, Agass. 1835. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 128. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. n. s. xii. pi. 26. „ „ „ p- 448. „ „ 450. „ „ „ 445. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. p. 404. Lethsea Geognost. 3rd ed. i. 261. * in a bed 1-12 inches thick, called the Olivenite bed. Haplocrinus (continued).'] 18 [EcHINODERMATA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. stellaris, F. Rom. Stringoc. Limest., M. Aplvcrinus, Steininger. spec, mdet., Richter&linger. U Helianthaster Ad. Bomer, 1862-64. filiciformis, II. Woodw. Slate U Rhenanus, Ad. Rom. Dachschiefer, U Heterocrinus, Hall. pachydactylus, Sndbrg. Spirif. Sand., L Hexacrinus, Austin , 1850. anaglypticus. Goldf. Eifelian stage 5, M. bacca, L. Schultze. Limestone, M brevis, Goldf Stringoc. Limest., M. Buchii, Ad. Rom. >> >» eallosus, L. Schultze. Limestone, M decagonus, Goldf. M decoratus, Ad. Rom. Stringoc. ...M depressus, Austin. M Eboraceus,' Hall. Ham M elongatus, Goldf. Stage 5, Eifel, M. ... Eriensis,' Hall. Ham M exculpatus, ? fritillus, Midler. Crinoid. Schist, M.... granulatus ?, L granuliferus, Ad. Rom. Stringoceph., L., M. hieroglyphicus, Goldf. M limbatus, L. Schultze M lobatus, Muller Limestone, L macrotatus, Austin. „ M melo, M nodifer, L. Schultze. pateraiformis, M pyriformis, ,, Limestone, M spinosus, Muller. L„ M. ... stellaris, F. Riim. M triradialis, L. Schultze. M ventricosus, Goldf. Limestone, M spec, indet., Etheridge. M ' Hall. Ham M Homocrinus, Hall, 1852. proboseidialis/ Hah. OriskanySandst., L... Hypanthocrinus, Phillips. Eucalyptocrinus, rosaceu.8,' Goldf. Crinoid. Schist, M.... Lepidocentrus, Muller, 1856. Eit’elanus, L. Schultze. M Miilleri, „ M Lophocrinus. See Megistocrinus, D. D. Owen abnormis,' depressus,' Knappi,' latus,' Ontario,’ rugosus,' spinulosus,' Lyon. Hall. Lyon & Cass. Hall. Lyon & Cass Lyon Melocrinus, Goldfuss, 182fi. fornicatus, Goldf. gibbosus, „ : hieroglyphicus, „ ! laevis, „ ' nodosus, pyramidalis, Goldf. rotundatus, L. Schulze, stellaris, Ad. Rom. verrucosus, ,, Mycocrinus, L. Schultze , boletus, L. Schultze. Myrtillocrinus, Sandberge.r , Americanus,’ Hall, elongatus, Sndbrgr. Nanocrinus, Muller, 1850. paradoxus, Muller. Locality. Enkesberg (Calc. Red Ironst.), Weil- burg. Tbiiringerwald Harbertonford (Totness) Bundenbach (Harz), Birkenfeld Stein by Hackenburg Gerolstein, Kerpen (Eifel) Pelm Vilmar, Gerolstein &c. (Eifel) Hartenberg Pelm Gerolstein, Eifel Tonnichener Manor, Elbingerode ... Plymouth, Newton Bushell, Torquay York, Livingstone Co. (New York)... Pelm, Gerolstein, Kerpen Hamburg, Erie and Livingstone Counties. Dreimiillen, Pelm, &c . Vir6, Loue (France) Vilmar, Pelm, Lahnstein (flinty Iron- stone). . Eifel Kerpen (Eifel) Prum (Eifel) . Torquay, Newton Bushell, Plymouth . Newton Bushell, Plymouth Kerpen (Eifel) .Pelm (Eifel) ? Kerpen, Prum Gerolstein (very rare) Iowa . Attendorn Poteriocrinus. and. B. Shumard, 18 Black Slate, U Ham M Upper Ham., M Ham. Shale, M „ M L UHG Melocrinites, Of Limestone, M Eifelian stage 5, M... Limest. or Schist, U. M Eifel, Rommersheim near Prum Rommersheim UHG Limestone, M. Calceol. Sch., M. Limestone, M. 1867. M. ... 1850-56. UHL L Stringocephal., M. Limestone, M. 48. Subgenus of Actinocrinus. Beargrass Creek (Kentucky) Western New York Clarke Co. (Indiana) New Buffalo (Iowa) Western New York Ohio Fulls and Clarke Co. (Indiana) >> 1826. Astrocrinites, Conrad, 1840. Eifel , Gerolstein, Hillesheim , Aachen (Pruss.),Valcour,Couvin. Schlangenberg Smein. (Altai ),Wilden- fels, Grunau, &c. Wisconsin (U.S.A.) Eifel, Muhlenberg (by Gerolstein) . . Kerpen (rare) „ ,, Ludensoheid ,, Gerolstein Nallebaeh near Kerpen . Caledonia (New York) . Vilmar Gerolstein, Kerpen (Eifel) Reference. Lethsea Geognost. 3rd ed. i. 261. Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856, p. 626. Geol. Mag. ser. 2, i. 5. Palmont. D. & Von M. ix. 147. Verstein. Nassau, p. 402. Denkschr. Akad. Wissensch. xxvi. 184. „ „ „ 186. Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 398. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 9. Denkschrift. Akad. Wissen. xxvi. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 403. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 22. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 619. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 119. Denksohriften Akad. Wiss. xxvi. 186. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 119. Denksohriften Akad. Wiss. xxvi. 189. Leonh. & Br.Neues Jahrb. 1856, p.233. Bull. Soc. G6ol. France, n. s. vii. 783. Verstein. Nassau, p. 397. Abhandl. Ak.Wiss. Berlin, 1856, p.248. „ „ „ p.248. Phill. Palaeont. Foss. Dev. Austins, Sen. & Jun., Monogr. 1856. Abhandl. Ak. Wiss. Berl. 1856, p. 248. Denkschr. Akad. Wissens. xxvi. 184? Abhandl. Ak.Wiss. Berlin, 1856, p. 247. ? Denkschrift. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, xxvi. 198. Abhandl. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1856, p. 247. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 640. Rep. Geol. Iowa, p. 624. Palaeont. N. Y. 4th district. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 403. Abhandl. Ak.Wiss. Berlin, 1856, p.258. Denkschr. Akad. Wissens. xxvi. 124. D. D. Owen, Surv. Kentucky, iv. 479. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 134. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad. p. 412. H. & Wh. Geol. Iowa, i. 480. XVI. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 136. Amer. Journ. Science, n. s. xxviii. 243. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1861,p.413. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 403. Denksohriften Akad. Wiss. xxvii. 176.1 Bronn, Lethaea Geogn. i. 351. Geinitz, Verstein. Grauwacke in Sach-i sen &c. ii. 89. *? Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 403. Denksohriften Akad. Wiss. xxvi. 17. „ 177. Denkschriften Akad. Wiss. xxvi. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. Append. 142. Verstein. Nassau, p. 389. Abhandl. Ak. Wiss. Berl. 1856, p. 249. Nttcleocrines.] 19 [Echinodermata. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Nucleocr inus, Conrad, 1 843. angularis,' Lyon. Conradi,’ Hall ? elegans,' Conrad lucina,' Hall. „ var.,' , Verneuili,' Troost & Rom. Ophiocrinus, Salter, 1852. I Stangeri, Salter. Palaeaster, Hall, 1842. eucharis,’ Hall. spec, indet.,' T. M. Hall. Palaechinus, Beyrich. Rhenanus, Beyrich. Pentacrinus, Miller, 1821. | ? priscus, Goldf. ? rugosus, Fournet. ? spec, indet., Rouault. Pentatrematites, Sndbrgr., planus, Pentremites, Say, 1820. acutangulatus, L. Schultze. calyce,' Hall, clavatus, L. Schultze. Eifelensis, F. Romer. Leda,' Hall Lycorias,' „ macrodactylus, Phill, Taxocrinus. Eleacrinus, /Power. Shale L„ U. ... L Ham. Shales, M. ... „ M. ... „ M. ... Cornif. Limest., L. ... In dark-col'dSand.,L, Ham M U Maii,' ovalis, Pailletti, Reinwardti,' Romeri,' Hall. Goldf. Vern. Troost. Shumard. Schultzii, D’Arch. AVern striatus,' Hall, subtruncatus,' ,, Verneuili,' D'Orb. & Beadle. Whitei, 1 „ „ Phimocrinus, L. Schultze, la; vis, L. Schultze. quinquangularis, „ Platycrinus, Miller, 1821. Leai,' Sydney S. Lyon, nodosus, Wirtgen & Zeiler ornatus, Goldf. pentangularis, Miller, rosaceus, Ad. Rom. Coccocrinus. subgranulosus, ,, tabulatus, Goldf. trifidus, L. Schultze. tuberculatus, Miller. Poteriocrinus, Miller, 1821. angulosus, L. Schultze. curtus, Wirtgen & Zeiler. cylindricus,' Lyon, diffusus,' Hall, dilatatus, L. Schultze. fusiformis, F. Rom. geometricus, Muller, var. a. typus, L. Schultze. b. retieulatus, „ c. ornatus, „ d. concentricus, „ hemisphaericus, Muller. geometricus 1 imprc8sus, Richter & Unger, indentus,’ Hall. Meekianus,’ Shum. mespiliformis, Richt. & Ung. nanus, Ad. Rom. ?GJyptocrinus. Spirif.Sand., Stringoc L., M. U L 1850-56. Stringoc. Limest., M. Isocrinus, Phillips. Limestone, M Ham. Shale, M Limestone, M Crinoid. Sch., L., M. Ham. Shale, M „ M U Locality. 1851. Olivenites, Troost, 1849. Ohio Falls, Beargrass Creek Stafford (New York) Moscow (New York) Livingstone Co. &c. (New York) .... Stafford (New Y'ork), Ohio Falls. Cape of Good Hope Hamilton Village and Cooper’s Town summit, New Y'ork, Weilburg. Braunton, North Devonshire Wipperfiirth ? (Eifel) Menzenberg, Nowa Slupia, Vilrnar, Weilburg. Montagne Noire (France) Gahard (France) Ham. Sch., M. U... L... U... Chem U.. . Cornif. Limest., L... Ham. Shales, M M.? 1866. Limestone, M „ M ? Amblacrinus, I) UpperCrin. Limes., U. L.? M.? Limestone, M Stringoc. Limest., M Limestone, M „ M „ M Cyathocrinidaj. Limestone, M L Nucleocrin. bed, U... Ham M M Stage 5 &c., M., U.... In 5 Eifel stages, M. M M M.? M L Cyprid. Sch., U. Ham. Shale, M. . Ham. Gr p , M. Cyprid. Sch., U.. Dachschiefer, U.. Vilmar Cladocrinus, Austin. Pelm (very rare) Western New York Nollenbach by Kerpen Prum, plentiful, less so at Gerolstein Western New York Pilton (Devonshire) Moscow in Western New York Pilton (Devonshire), Brushford ... Ferrones, Sabero, Spain (north) ... Beargrass Creek (Kentucky) Bosanquet (Canada W.), Providence and Boon Counties (Missouri). Ferrones, Sabero (North Spain) ... New York New Buffalo (Iowa) Falls of the Ohio (Kentucky) Western New Y'ork Between Pelm and Kerpen „ and Gerolstein Orb. [(Kentucky) Beargrass Quarries, Jefferson Co. Pelm, Gerolstein Eifel Torquay, Newton Bushell Coblenz, Eifel Reference. Owen, Geol. of Kentucky, iii. 149. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 149. „ 148. „ „ „ 149. j Trans. G. S. L. n.s. vii. 205. XX. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 7, foot-! note, and p. 289. Quart, Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 379. Abhandl.Ak.Wiss.Berlin, 1856, p. 265. Verhandl. Vers. xiv. ; Verst. Nassau, p. 402. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, n. s. i. 786. „ „ „ iv. 323. Verstein. Nassau, p. 403. Denkscliriften &c. xxvi. 225. XY T . Rep. Regents N.Y'. p. 150. Denkscbriften &c. xxvi. 225. „ „ 224. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y’. p. 149. „ „ „ 151. Palosoz. Fossil. Devon., p. 29. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y'. p. 150. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 619. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s. ii. 479, vii. 479 Shum. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii.385 Geol. Canad. 1863, p. 283 ; Shum Swallow Rep. ii. 186. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ii. 479, vii. 161 Hall & Whit. Geol. Iowa, p. 485. Prodomus, i. 102. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 150. Denkschrift. Ak. Wiss. Wien, xxvi. Kehrzu (Harz) Eifel Pelm (very rare) Torquay, Newton Bushell . Kerpen (rare) Schonecken, Prum Falls of the Ohio (Clarke’s Co.) .. Ontario Co., New York Eifel Pilton, Kerpen, Gerolstein, Borendorf, Eifel. Eifel, passim Prum (Eifel) Thiiringerwald Ontario Co. (New York) Mount Vernon (Missouri) ... Thiiringerwald Grund ?, Bundenbach (Harz) Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. n. s. xiii. 459. Leonh. &Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, p.233. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 403. Phill. Palseoz. Foss. Devon, p. 135. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, p.233. Paheont. D. & Y'on M. xiii. 227. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 403. Denkscbriften Akad. Wiss. xxvi. 182. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 403. Denkscbriften Ak. Wiss. xxvi. 162. Abhandl. Ak. Wiss.Berlin,1856, p. 233. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. s. xiii. 258. XV. Rep. Regents N.Y. p. 121. Verb. Nat.Vereins f. Rheinland, xii.80. Bronn, Lethcea Geognost. i. 239. Abhandl. Ak. Wissen. 1856, p. 250. Denkschr. Kaiser.Ak. Wissen. xxvi. 164. Monatsbcricht &c. 1856, p. 250. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, p. 626. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 122. Swall. Geol. Rep. part 2, p. 188. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, p.626. Paheont. D. & Von M. ix. 150. PoTFiRTOCRrNus ( continued ).] 20 [Echinodermata. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Nassa,' Nereus,' Nyctaeus/ pachydactylus, patulus, Rhenanus, verticillus,' Zeaformis, spec, indet., Hall. Mull. Wirtg. & Zeil Hall. L. Schultze T. M. Hall Pradocrinus, De Vemev.il. American us,' Lyon Bay lei, Pyxidocrinus. Protaster, Edward Forbes, spec, indet., Etheridge Proto-euryale, F. Rimer. confluentina, F. Rom Ptilonaster, Hall, 186(5-67. princeps, 1 Hall Pruraiensis, Muller. L Rhodocrinus, Miller and Austin, 1821. Gilb canaliculatus, Goldf. crenatus, „ Stage 5 gonatodes, Wirtgen. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Halli,' S. S. Lyon. Crinoid. bed, U quinquelobus, spinosus/ L. Schultze. M Hall. Ham. Shale, M tortuosus, Ad. Rom. Sandstone, L verus, Goldf. Marly Limest., M., U. spec, indet., T. M. Hall. U Rouault. L ,, Wirtg. & Zeiler, Scyphocrinus, Zenker, 1833, I elegans, Zenker. Sphaeronites, E. Forbes. tessellatus, De Vern. Synbathocrinus, D. D. Ow matutinus,' Hall, tabulatus, Wirtg. & Zeiler. var. depressus, Miill. Taxocrinus, Phillips, 1843. H. Mull. Seliultze. M. & W. Hall. Schultze. H. Mull. L„ M. nonScyphocrinus, Orthoc. Limest., U. Echinosphaeronit Limestone, M. ... affinis, Briarius, gracilis,' interscapularis,' juglandiformis, limbat.us, lobatus, Rhenanus, spinosus. Ad. Rom. H. Miill. ventricosus, „ Technocrinus, Hall, 1859. Andrewsi,’ Hall, sculptus,’ „ spinulosus,’ „ striatus,' „ Tiaracrinus, L. Schultze, 18 quadrifrons, L. Seliultze. Trematocrinus, Hall, 1860 spinigerus/ Hall, Triacrinus, Muller, 1839 (fr altus, Mull, depressus, „ granulatus, Miinst. polyodonta, Ad. Rom. pyriformis, Miinst. quadrifrons, L. Schultze. Vasocrinus, Lyon. See Zeacrinus, Troost, 1849. excavatus, L. Schultze. Ham. Shale, M. ... „ M. ... „ M. ... ? Limestone, L L., M. Ham. Shale, M. . . . L Canandaigua (New York). Ontario Co. (New York) . Germany. . 17 . .L.. 1849. .U.. Pelm, Gerolstein Ontario Co. (New York) Caub (Rhenish Prussia) Pilton,Braunton,Frankmarsh,Groyde Falls of the river Ohio, Kentucky ... Le Cotentin, LaManche, Colle (Prov, Leon). Pilton Pelm, Gerolstein Chem U Actinocrinus. Courtlandville (New York) en, Phil/., 1836. Ham. Calc. Shale, M. L„ M. Limestone, M. .. Subgenus of Rhodoc M M Ham M Ham. Sh M M L.? L Spirif. Sandst., L. ... M Prum (Eifel) ertsocrinus, Phill. ? Eifel Langenschied, Eppenrod, Pelm, Nie- derlahnstein. Beargrass Creek (Kentucky) Kerpen Ontario Co. (New YYirk) Rammelsberg (Harz) VolkhofT, Grund (Harz), Nowa Slupia (Poland). Braunton (N. Devonshire) Gahard, France Pelm, Gerolstein Hall, 1847. Schizocrinus, Hall. Elbersreuth (Franconia) es, Wahlenb., 1821. (Cystidea.) River Jolva (Altai), Newton Bushell, Plymouth. Styiocrinus, Sandberger. New Buffalo (Iowa) Coblenz, Lahnstein, Kerpen, Gerolstein Gerolstein rinus, = Isocrinus, Phill. , non Meyer, Kerpen and Gerolstein (Eifel) Gerolstein New Buffalo (Iowa) Gerolstein Haigerseelbach, Laubachthal, Nieder- lahnstein, &c. Gerolstein XV. Rep. Regents N. Y T . p. 120. Monatsbericht Akad. Berlin, 1858. .. „ „ p. 192. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, p.233 XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 122. Denkschriften Akad. Wissen. xxvi. ? Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 379. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. n. s. xiii. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. vii. n. s. 184. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 619. Leonh. & Br. Jahrb. 1856, p. 233. XX. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 11. Abhandl. Ak.Wiss. Berlin, 1856, p.253 Bronn, Lethasa Geogn. i. 242. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 391. Proc. Acad.Nat.Sci.Philad.l861,p.412. Denkschriften Akad. Wiss. xxvi. 169. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 127. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 9. Eichwald, Lethasa Ross. i. 599. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 379. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 323. Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856, p. 233. Munst. Beitrage &c. iii. 112. Morris, Cat. 79 ; Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 381. Hall & Whit. Geol. Iowa, i. 482. Abhandl. Ak. Wiss. 1856, p. 257. .. „ ? = Cladocrinus, Austin. [354 Monatsb. Ak.Wiss. Berl. 1856, pp.353 Hall & Whit. Geol. Rep. Iowa, i. 142. ,, „ 482. Monat. Ak. Wis. Berl. 1 856, pp.353,354. ft ft ft Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 393. Monatsb. Ak.Wiss. Berl. ] 856, pp. 353, 354. L Subgenus of Oriskany Sandst. .. 67. Limestone, M. ... = ? Goniasteroido Ham. Shale, M om Bronn) = Trich Eifelian stage 5, M „ „ M.... Clymen. Limest., U... Wissenb. Seh., L. ... Clymen. Limest., U. Limestone, M Cyathocrinus. Prum (Eifel) Mariacrinus, Hall, 1859. Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Nollenbach by Kerpen (Eifel) crinus, Meek, 1865. Ontario Co. (New Y’ork) ocrinus, Miill. Pisocrinus, Koni Kerpen „ near Hillesheim Schiibelhammer (Franconia) Bocksweise (Harz) (Iron pyrites), Ler- [bach (Ilarz). Nollenbach (Kerpen).- M. . Kerpen, rare Hall, Palaeont. New York, iii. 141. ,, „ 143. .. „ 140. „ „ 142. Monatsb. Ak. Wiss. Berl. 1856. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 128. nclc, 1858. Denkschr. &c. Wien, xxvi. 221. „ 220 . Beitrage &c. i. 33, iii. 111. PaliEont. D. & Von M. v. 18, xiii. 224. Monatsb. Ak. Wiss. Berl. 1856. Denkschr. Ak. Sc. Wien, xxvi. 154. CoRNULITES.] 21 f Annelida. Sttbkingdom ANNULOSA. Province ANNULATA. Class ANNELIDA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Cornulites, Schlotheim, 182 flexuosus, Dawson. 9. Oriskany Sandst., L. Nictau (Nova Scotia) Canad. Nat. & Geol. v. 140. spec, indet., T. M. Hall. U Top Orchard Quarry Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 379. Ditrupa, Berkeley. Devonica, Ryckh. Drift Prum (Eifel) M61ang. Pal. Ac. Roy. xxiv. 125. Ortonia. intermedia,’ Nichols. Ham M Bartlett’s Mills, Arkona (Canada W. ) Geol. Mag. ser. 2, i. 199. Serpula, Linnceus, 1750. advena, Salter. M [brokesliire). Sandtap Bay and West Angle (Pem- Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 496. Ammonia, corniculum, Devonica, Goldf. Sndbrgr. Helmers. M„ U. ... Stringoc. ...M (blue Clav), M Couvin (Belgium) Vilmar Konkolodes (river Don), Korti-Scliitze D’Halloy, Precis Geol. 1868, p. 576. Verstein. Nassau, p. 38. Helm. Beitriige &c. 1858, p. 107. epithonia, lirata, Goldf. Sndbrgr. M Stringoc. Limest., M. Bensberg, Paffratk Vilmar, Nowa Slupia, Poland Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 402. Zeit. &c. Berl. xxi. 267. omphalodes, Goldf L„ M. ... Kipet, Marnia, Ilmen, Pskoff Fer- Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 161. Ham M rones, Ferques, &c. Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) Winch. Rep. Mich. 1866, p. 97. semiplicata, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. ...M Vilmar Verstein. Nassau, p. 38. sica, Salter. Dark Sch., L Warm Bokkeweld (Cape of G. Hope) Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. undulata, Sndbrgr. Holl. Orthoc. Sch., U Wissenbach Verstein. Nassau, p. 39. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiv. 451. new species, L Looe (Cornwall) spec, indet., „ „ Sndbrgr. Serpularia. Adolph, and F. U Stringoc M Homer , 1843, H. Mill Petkerwin (East Cornwall) Lahnstein (Nassau) ler. „ „ 417. Verstein. Nassau, p. 39. bicrenata, Miinst. Orthoc. Limest., U Elbersreuth (Franconia) Beitrage &c. 1843, iii. 115. centrifuga, Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U. . . . Grund Pala;ont. D. & Von M. xiii. 231. circinalis, crenata, D’Orb. M. . Eifel Miinst. Orthoc. Limest., L T . ... Elbersreuth Beitrage &c. iii. 115. L Le Cotent in (France) Cherb. Soc. Nat. Hist. Mem. x. -00. Spirorbis, Lamarck , 1818. Ammon/ Winch. Ham M Acervularia Beds, Little Traverse Bay Geol. Rep. Michig. Append. 1866, p.97. Ammonia, Desli. Stringoc. ...M Vilmar, Gerolstein,Welikaja and Duna Verstein. Nassau, p. 36 ; Grewingk, angulatus,’ Hall. Ham. Sh....M Valleys. Darien, Ontario Co. (New York) Geol. Livonia, p. 34. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 112. M 9 9 Arkonensis/ Nichols. Ham M Bartlett’s Mills, Arkona (Canada W.) Geol. Mag. ser. 2, i. 199. gracilis, obesa,' Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. Vilmar Verstein. Nassau, p. 36. Winch. Acervul. bed, M Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) Geol. Rep. Michigan, p. 188. Siluriensis, tenuis/ Eickw. Schohar. Grit, L. ... Bourighi,G ov.Novgorod(onBracbiop. ) Wisconsin? Lethsea Rossica, i. 668. Fost.&Wh. Rep. on South L. Superior spec, indet./ Styliola, Lcsucur. bicaniculata, Dawson. Ludw. Plant-beds, M Cramenzel, U Gaspe (Canada East) [Oberscheldt. Pauschenberger, Mill, Mandersbach, Canad. Nat. & Geol. v. 13. Palacont. D. & Von M. xi. 320. crenato-striata, ,, ,, in Clay- Beidenkopf (Hesse-Cass.), Burg-Solms „ „ xi. 320. slate, U. (Nassau), Herzenheim. „ „ xi. 320. intermissa, lubrica, „ 'it ,, „ xii. 520. ,", U Calc. Sch....LT Beidenkopf, Mandersbach ,, „ xii. 319. Rickteri, ,, Hatzfeld, Sixfeldt, Ober- „ ,. xi. 321. tenuicinctum, Ad. Rom. „ U Scheldt, &c. Beidenkopf, Hatzfeld, Weilburg, Ust- „ „ xi. 320. Tentaculites, Schlotheim , 1 820, = Ptercpoda, Uchta. according to Profs. Sandberger and Tietze. Incert;c sedis, Bronn. acicularis, Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U Bockweise (Harz) Palseont. D. &Von M. v. 37, xiii. 230. V u. Saalfeldt (Thuringia) Leonb. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1851. alternans, Ad. Rom. Spirit’. Sandst., L. ... Schalke (Ilarz) Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 36. anglica, annulatus, 9 Trans. G. S. I,. ser. 2, vii. Schlot. Cyprid. Sch., Stringoc. Cedar Mount ains, S. Africa, Bunteboch, I’alatont. D. & Von M. xiii. 225 ; Quart .1 1 cancellatus, Richt. Limest., L., M., U. Cramenzel, L T Torq., Petkerwin, Kehrzu, Schalke, Kielce, Bosphorus, &c. Hesse and Nassau Journ. G. S. L. ix. 1, For. Mem. Pala'ont. D. & Von M. xi. 315, 318. conicus, Ad. Rom. Wissenb. Sch., L. ... Festenburg (Harz) ,, „ iv. 80, xiii. 225. crotalinus, durus, Salter. Warm Bokkeveld (Cape of G. Hope). Usa-Thale (Bad Nauheim), Hesse ... Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 205. Ludw. Orthoc. Sell., L Palseont. D. & Von M. xi. 318. fissurellus/ Geinitzianus, gracillimus, lajvigatus, ? Marcell. Sh., M.. XIV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 26. Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1854. Sndbrgr. Ad. Rom. Stringoc. . . .M Verstein. Nassau, p. 250. Wissenb. Sch., Cypr., Ronneburg, Lautenthal, Kehrzu Murch. Silur. ed. 4, p. 385. Stringoc., L., M.,U. o Tentaculites (continued).] 22 [Annelida. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. minimus, Ad. Riim. Wissenb. Limest., L. Zorge ? Paloeont. D. & VonM. iii. 21, xiii. 211. multiformis, Sndbrgr. Cypr. Se.,Cramen.,U. Braunsfels, Weilminster, Wetzlar, Lambuschbach. Verstein. Nassau, 249, xix. 139. ornatus, annulatus. pressurella, pupa, Sow. L 9 9 Kartal, Scutari, Vi re, Nehou, Daun, South Africa. ? ? D’Arch. Pal. Asia Minor &c. p. 97. Leonh. & Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1854. scalaris, Schloth. Spirif. Sandst. &c.,L., M. Ilfracombe, Kemmenau, Enspil, Kah- leberg, Cedarberg, S. Africa, Prum, Menzenberg (Dr. Krantz). Quart. Journ.G. S. L. xxiii.619; Verst. Nassau, p. 248. striatus. Richt. Styliola Richteri. Cramenzel, U Saalfeld Palasont. D. & Von M. xi. 321. subcochleatus, Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Sch., L Wissenbach, Cramberg (Nassau) Verst. Nass. p. 259 ; Pal. D. & Von M. xi. 315. subconicus, Geinitz. L Ronneburg, Plauen (Saxony) Murch. Silur. ed. 4, p. 385. subtilis,' Winch. Ham M Bryozoa bed.LittleTrav.Bay ( L.Mich.) Geol. Rep. Michig. Append. 1866, p. 92. sulcatus, Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Manderbach, Schalke, Wissenbach, &e. Verst. Harz, p. 37 ; Pal. D. & Von M. xiii. 331. tenuicinctus, Styliola. ” String., Clymen. Sch., M., U. Oberscheld, Weilburg (Harz) Palceont. D. & Von M. iii. 28, xiii. 230. tenuis, Sow. Wissenb., Cypr. Sch., L., U. Lautenthal, Plauen, Voroneje (Russ.), Zeulenrode (Saxony?). Geol. Russ. MKV. ii. 382; Geinitz, Grauwacke Sachsen, p. 72. tuba, Richt. Cramenz., Cypr. S.,U. Saalfeld (Thuringia) Palseont. D. & Von M. xi. 314. spec, indet., L..’.’ La Manche, La Sarthe D’Archiac, Palaeont. de Fr. pp. 45, 46. Report on Minnesota &o. p. 624. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. iv. D. D. Owen. ? Ham M Rockingham (Iowa) Gahard (France) -- Kayser. Cultijugata-Stufe, M. L Eifel W oodabay , Lee, Vail, of Rocks ( Devon . ) Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 368. Quart Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 397. ” Meek. Ham. Gr p , M Liard river-mouth (river Mackenzie), N.N.W. America. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 69. Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Pkovince ARTICULATA. Class CRUSTACEA. Ordeb TRILOBITA. Genus, Species, and Author. Acidaspis, Murchison , 1839. elliptiea, Burm. horrida, Ad. Rom. sp. indet., Sndbrgr. Arges, Gold fuss, 1839. armatus, Asaphus, Brongniart, 1822. ? acantholeurus,' Conrad, brevis, Miinst. Cawdori, „ 1 ? denticulatus, „ I Hausmanni, Brongn Odontopleura, M Wissenb. Sell., L. ... „ L. ... ? lasviceps, Dalm, pusillus, Miinst. ! Zinkeri, Ad. Rom. spec, indet., Pliill. Bronteus, Burmeister, 1843. alternans*, Ad. Rom. Barrandei, Hebert, Brongniarti, Barr, canaliculatus, Goldf. costatus, Miinst. I flabellifer, Goldf. Gervillei ?, glabratus, Barr Ad. Rom Subdivision. Emmerich, 1843. Bifel Festenburg (Ilsenburg), Klosterholz... Isotelus ( Dekay ), UHL L Clymen. Limest., U.. „ „ U... UHL L L Red Limest., ? U. „ U.... L L Brontes. Clymen. L’st., M., U. L Limestone, M U Stringo. , FamenneSc., Tereb.-cuboides bed, lberg.L’st.,L..M.,U, Dark Limest., L. ... Locality. Basilicus, &c. Schoharie Co. (east New York) ... Sckiibelkammer, Pressek „ Elbersreuth Schoharie Co Kemmeuau, Kalstein (Bohemia), Lake Erie (New York). Thuringia Sehiibelhammer, Pressek Scheerenstieges in Selkthal Hope’s Nose (Torquay) Buckenberg, near Elbingerode, &c. ... Rocquigny (France) Sable (France), Bohemia (Verneuil)... Eifel, Winterberg (Grund) Elbersreuth &c Bogoslofsk, Sandomir, Elbersreuth, Torquay, &c. Eifel Scheerenstiege (Selkthales) Reference. Burmeist. Organ, der Trilob. p. 73. Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 81, xiii. 207. Verstein. Nassau, p. 24. Dana, Manual, 1875, p. 285. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 113. Beitrage &c. iii. 39. „ 38. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 113. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 381. Richter, Beitr. Pal. Thuring. p. 22. Miinst. Beitr. &c. iii. 39. Verstein. Harz, p. 38. Palaeozoic Foss. Devon, p. 130. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 24, xiii. 228. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xii. 1184. , „ vii. 778, xii. 1184. Leonh.&Br. Neues Jahrb. 1843, p.558. Beitrage &c. Heft iii. 41. Pliill. Pal. Foss. Dev. p.131; Ad. Rom. Verst. Harz, p. 47 &c. Pictet, Palseont. ii. 52(5. Ad. Riim. Verst. Harz, p. 37. Also Stringoc. Limest., Cyprid. Sch., Iberger Limest. Bbonteus ( continued ).] 23 T Crustacea. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. grandis, Miinst U Elbersreuth Beitrage Petref. iii. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. granuliferus, Phill M Ogwell (G. -Austen) ? granulosus, Goldf. ? Stringoc. ...M Harz Palceont. D. & Von M. iii. 109. insignatus, Beyr. Limestone, M Eifel, Hope, Newton „ „ 111. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb.1843, p.544. intermedius, Goldf. intumescens, Ad. Rom. M. Black Limestone . . . Riesbach, Mid-Schulenberg (Harz)... Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 75, xiii. 232. laciniatus, Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Sch., L„ M... Steinberg, Cramberg, Wissenbach, &c. Verstein. Nassau, p. 482. macrocephalus, Ad. Rom. M Harz. minor, „ Wissenb. Sch., M. ... Zeigenberg-Teiche, Hutthales, Zorge, &c. Schiibelhammer, Elbersreuth Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 19, xiii. 209. Neptuni, Miinst. Clymen. black, U. ... Beitrage Petref. iii. 41. radiatus, „ Orthoc. Limest,, U. .. Elbersreuth (only) „ „ 40. scaber, Goldf. M Eifel Pictet, Palaeont. ii. 526. signatus, Phill. „ Goldf. Dachschiefer, IT Buntenboch (Eifel?) *.. . ,, ii. 526. Clymen. Limest., U... Schiibelhammer Ad. Rom. Verstein. Harz, 1843. subradiatus, Miinst. Limestone, U Elbersreuth (only) Beitrage Petref. iii. 41. Bumastus, Murchison , 1839. Bumastes, Burm eister, 1843. Franconicus, Miinst. IT Elbersreuth only (Upper Franconia).. „ „ 42. ? planus, „ U 43. Calymene ?, Brongniart, 18 22. No Calymene ex ists in Europe (Ferd. Rom. MSS. Bre slau). articulata, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. Elbersreuth Beitrage Petref. iii. 38. Cbrystii, Hall. ? concinna, Dalm. U Eifel, Herborn (Nassau), Hausdorf (Carb.). Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 381. hydrocephala, Ad. Rom. Hark Limestone Scheerenstiege (Selkthal) Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 38. intermedia, Miinst. platys,' Green. Orthoc. Limest Elbersreuth Beitrage Petref. iii. 35. Schoharie Gr p , L. ... Schoharie Co. (Helderberg Mounts.).. XIII. Rep. Regents New York, p. 82. propinqua, Miinst. rugosa/ Worth.? U Elbersreuth (Upper Franconia) Beitrage Petref. iii. 38. L Clear Creek, Bailey’s Landing (Miss.) Geol. Illinois, i. 128. subvariolaris, Bock. L Elbersreuth, Barton (Devonshire) ... 833. Subgenus Crotalocephalus, Beitrage Petref. iii. 34. Sailer, 1853. Cheirurus, Begrich, 1845. Ceraurus, Green, 1 articulatus, Miinst. M Torquay, Newton B. Barton, Ogwell.. Salter, Mem. Geol. Surv. Dec. vii. 10. gibbus, Beyr. Stringoceph., M Heilburg, Elbingerode, Barton Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 19. myops, Ad. Rom. M Buckenberg (Harz) Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 65, v. 24. spec, indet., De Vern. L Pera (the Bosphorus) Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ix. 496. Stringoc. Limest., M. Buckenberg (Harz) Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 85. Cryphaeus, Green, 1837. U Barnstaple (Devonshire) Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 725. Peltura. Pleur acanthus. Abdullahi, D’Arch. &c. Asiaticus, ,, Clav-slate, L Nekou, Bosphorus Compte3 Rendus, lxiv. 1218. D’Arch. Pal. Asia Minor, Append, p.3. ....* ...L.? Guenk-soi valley pectinatus, Jb*. Rom. L.. Kartal „ ,, „ p.22. punctatus, Stein. Calceol. Sch., M Eifel, Courtoisieres, Chassegrain, &c. (France). Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218. laciniatus, Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Kahleberg, Waxweiler, Daleiden, Tchoubuklu (Bosphorus). Zeitsehrift &c. 1871, p. 365. sublaciniatus. L Vire, Nehou, June, Iz6, La Cormerie, &c. (Ludlowville), Otsego Lake (N. York) ? spec, indet.,’ Vanux. Ham M 1 Vanux. Geol. N. York, pp. 156, 157. Cylindraspis, Sandherger, 1 853. Proetus. Phillipsia, Portlock. latispinosus, Sndbrgr. Erdbach, Arnsberg, Clausthal, Golden- hausen. Verstein. Nassau, p. 33. macrophthalmus, „ Cyphaspis, Burmeister, 184 3. Dillenberg (Nassau) Museum Teylerianum, p. 110. ceratophthalma, Goldf. Stringoc. Ironst., M. Weilberg, Gerolstein, Selkthale Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 23. Gualtieri, Rouault. L St. Aubin du Cormier, Gahard, D’lze Scheirenstieges (Harz) hydrocephala, Ad. Rom. U.? Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 7. longe-cornuta, „ Wissenb. Sch., L. ?... Harz „ „ iii. 82. spinulosa, „ „ M. ... Festenburg, Lerbach (Harz) ,, „ iii. 82. truncata, ,, spec, indet., Sndbrgr. Stringoc. ...M Buchenberg (Harz) ,, ,, v. 24, xiii. 228. Orthoc. Sch., L Cramberg (Nassau) Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 482. Dalmania, Emmerich, 1843. Cryphaeus, Green. Phacops, Emmerich. Acaste, Goldfuss, 1843. adspectans,' Hall. UHL L Schoharie Co. (Helderberg Mounts.).. XIII. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 88. TEgeria/ „ „ L Williarasville,ClarenceHoUow,Chitte- nango. „ „ p. 85. Anchiops,’ Green. „ L Schoharie Co. (Helderberg Mounts.), North Cayuga (Canada West). „ „ p. 83. var. armata, 1 Hall. „ L Schoharie Co. (Helderberg Mounts.).. „ ,, p. 84. bifida,' „ Boothia,’ ,, L Ham M Stafford (New York), Virginia? „ „ p. 91. calliteles,' Green. „ Tully L’st., M. N. York, Can. W., Grand Tower (Miss.), Aviles &c. (Spain), Vir6 (France). Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. x. 127: Dana, Man. p. 286 ; D’Arch. Pal. France, p. 45. Calypso/ UHL L Ohio Falls (Kentucky) XIII. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 89. corona ta/ ,, 1 ... ,, ,, p. 86. M. & W. Geol. Illinois, i. 127. Dana,' M. & W. Clear Creek L’st., L... Thebes (Alexander Co., Illinois) Erina/ Green. UHL L Williamsvillo (New York) XIII. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 90. Helena/ „ „ L Columbus (Ohio) „ ,, p. 89. Dalmania ( continued ).'] 24 [Crustacea. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Eeference. laciniata, De Yern. L.,M.,U. Chimay (Belg.), Chillon, Guadalperal (Spain), the Bhine. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 999. macrops,' myrmecophorus/ Hall. UHL L L Schoharie Co. (New York) XIII. Bep. Begents N. York, p. 87. „ „ p. 88. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1871, p. 91. Ohioensis,' Meek. Cornif. Limest., L.... Marblehead (Ohio) Pleionia/ Hall. UHL L Biver-Ohio Falls XIII. Bep. Begents N. York, p. 90. punctata, selenurus,' Boulders . . U Thiiringerwald Conrad. Cornif. Limest., L Louisville (Kentucky), Schoharie and Auburn Counties (New Y’ork). XIII. Bep. Beg. N. Y. p. 84 ; Yandel & Sh. Contrib. Kentucky, p. 33. stellifer, Burm. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Guadalperal, La Sarthe Department, Eifel. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1000. sublaciniata, De Yern. L La Manclie, La Sarthe, Cotentin (Fr.), Almaden &c. (Spain). „ „ 999. tridentifera,' Worth. ? Clear Creek fat., L... Bailey’s Landing (Missouri) M. & W. Geol. Illinois, i. 128. spec, indet. (2).' Cornif. Limest., L Canada West Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 361. Boniss. Green Sandst., L. ... Perques (La Manche) Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherb. x. 177. Ellipsocephalus, Sndbrgr. Zenker, 1 Orthoc. Sell., L 833. Crainberg (Wissenbach) 7 Verstein. Nassau, p. 482. Hoffii, var. pygmams. Gerastos, Goldfuss, 1843. U Beraun (Bohemia), Schiibelhammer... Miinst. Beitriige Petref. v. 114. levigatus, Goldf. Harpes, Goldfuss, 1841. M., U. ... Couvin (Belgium) D'Halloy, Prec. de Geol. 1868, p. 576. gibbosus, Miinst. U Schubeihaminer (Franconia) Beitriige Petref. iii. 47. gracilis. Sndbrgr. Cyprid. Sell. &c., U... Eibach and Laubuseckbach (Nassau).. Verstein. Nassau, p. 28. niacroeephalus, Goldf. Clymen. L’st,, M., U. Oberscheld, Elbersreuth, Ogwell, Ply- mouth, Ac. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 278. reflexus. Ilceningh. M Eifel (adhering to a Cyath ophyllum).. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb.1849, p.370. speciosus, spec, inclet., Miinst. U Beitriige Petref. iii. 43. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 61? Tietze. Goniatit. Limest., U. Klosterholz (Ilsenburg) ? Homolanotus, Kbniq, 1825. Burmeisteria, S alter. Dipleura, 1833. Trimerus, Green &c. 1833. Abrendi, Ad. Bom. Spirit'. Sandst., L. ... Adensburg (Harz), Coblentz &c., river Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 39 ; Siluria, armatus, Burm. » „ and Clay-slate, L., M. Bhine. Houffalize (Ardennes), Daun, Harz... ed. 4, p. 395. Yerstein. Harz, 1843, p. 398. Barrandei, Ad. Born. Spirit'. Sandst., L. ... Bammelsberg & Sophienhutte (Harz). Brongniarti, Bucbii, crassicauda, Rouault. L Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Cherb. x. 200. L Sndbrgr. Spirif. Sand., L Aubrive, Gladenbach, Coblenz. Lahn- stein, &c. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xiv. 371 ; Verstein. Nassau, p. 27. Dekayi,' Hall. Ham. Chem., M., U. Sherburne, Cherry valley, Cazenovia (New York), &c. Vanux. Geol. NewY'ork. pp. 151-156. elongatus, Salter. Sandst L Meadsfoot (S. Devon), Bozendale (Cape Good Hope). Monogr. Palseont, Soc. 1864, p. 122. Forbesii, Bouault. L St. Sauveur la Vicomte, Pontaux- Boucliiers, Ac. Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Cherb. x. 186 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. Gervillei, Yern. L Le Cotentin, St. Cenere, La Cormerie, Vire, Ize, Nehou, Kanlydji, Ac. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 778; Tchihatcheff, Asia Minor, Append, p. 17 ; D’Arehiac, As. Min. p. 1. g'gas, Ad. Bom. Spirif. Sand., L., M. Bammelsberg ?, Kahleberg (Harz) . . . Verstein. Harz, p. 39 ; Palseont. D. & Von M. xiii. 222. Hausmanni, Asaphus. Bouault. L Ize, La Sarthe, La Manche, Gydow Pass, &c. (S. Africa). Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 379 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. For. Mem. Ilerscbellii, Phill. Sandst L Meadsfoot (S. Devon) Phill. Paloeont. Foss. Dev. p. 253. Knightii, Kbnig. L., M. ... Nehou, Torquay, Daun, Altenahr, Braubach. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 381. latifrons, Ad. Bom. Kahleberg Palseont. D. & Von M. v. 15. Legraverendi, longicaudatus, L Gahard, Iz6, St. Sauveur, LeVieompte Kanlydji (Bosphorus) Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 381. Vern. L D Archiac, Palseont. Asia Minor, p. 2. minor, Ad. Bom. Spirif. Sand., L Schalke, Bammelsberg (Harz) Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 70, xiii. 922 i obtusus, Naumcinni. Snbrgr. ,, Orthoc. Sch., L. Wissenbach, Waxweiler, Daleiden, &c. Verstein. Nassau, pp. 26, 484. planus, Spirif. Sand., L Caub (St. Goarliauscn. Bhen. Prussia) Siluria, 4th ed. p. 395. Pradoanus, Vern L Vallengrillo, Colle, Sabero, Alcocei (Andalusia). Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 159, xii. 190, 1000. punctatus, Ad. Bom Spirif. Sand., &c. L„ M„ U. Caub (Schists), St. Goarliauscn, Iberg Bammelsberg. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 39. Salteri, Sandbergerii, L Kartal Tehihatch. Asia Minor, Append, p. 10. Prof. Gosselet, MS. ? Spirif. Sand., L Vireux (river Meuse, Belgium) Schusteri, Vern L Kahlenberg, St. Andreasberg \ Harz). Palseont. D. & Von M. v. 14. L Waxweiler, Daleiden Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. '? spec, indet., Kayser L Stadfeldt, Daun (Eifel) Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 365. Illaenus, Dalman, 1827. Bumastus. Nilae ns, Dalm. 182(5. Entomostracites Wahlenberg, 1821. j articulata, Miinst Clym. Limest., U. .. Elbersreuth Beitrage, &c. iii. 38. ? concinna, Dalm „ U. .. Eifel ! crassicauda, Shumard „ (grey), U. .. Pressek (Bavaria) Miinst. Beitrage Ac. iii. 39. j spec, indet./ Orisk. Sand., L Saline Creek (Missouri) Trans. Ac. Sc. St. Louis, i. 409. IoNOTUS.] 25 [Crust.vce i . Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Ionotus, H. von Meyer, 1851. reflexus, II. von Mever. Grauwacke Lichas, Dolman, 1826. PI atynotus, Conrad armatus,' Hall. UHL L crassirhacbis, Ad. R6m. M grandis,' Hall. Schohar. Grit, L granulosa, Ad. Rom. Stringoceph., M spec, indet.,' Skum. Oriskanv Sand., L.... Otarion, Zenker, 1833. Griffithides, Portl elegans, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. pygmreum, „ „ „ u. spec, indet., Limest. boulder, U. Phacops, Emmerich, 1839. Trimeroc ephalus Africanus, Salter. L Anchiops, 1 Green. UHL L bombifrons, 1 Hall. L brevicauda, Sndbrgr. Spirif.Sand.,Wissenb. L. bufo,' Green. UHL., Tullv Limest., inacromphalus, M. cacapona,' Hall. crassimarginata/ D.D.Owen. Ham M cristata,' Hall. Schohar. Grit, L. ... cry ptophthal mu s, Emmer. L., M„ U. ... granulatus, Miinst. Wissenb. & Clym. Limest., L., M., U. incisus, Ad. Rom. Iberg. Limest., U. ... trimerocepha Ins. Kaffir, Salter. SoftMicac. bed, L.... laciniatus, Ad. Rom. Orth. Sck., Spirif.San., Calceol. Sell. laevis, Miinst. Iberg. Limest., U. ... latifrons, Broun. 6 sediments, L.,M.,U. var. a> Bronn ? limbatus, Richter. U longe-caudatus ?, Murch. .. L. macropkthalmus,' D.D.Ow. Ham M Richter. Cyprid. Sell., U mastophthalmus, „ „ „ Michelini, Rouault. L micromma, Ad. Rom. Wissenb. ...L nupera/ Hall. Chem U occidens,' .. 11am M Pentlandii,' Salter ? U ran a, Green. Ham M Romeri, Geinitz. Cyprid. Sch., U stellifer, Burmeister. Spirif. Sand., L subornatus, Ad. Rom. Calceola. Sch., M. ... spec, indet., Tietze. Clymen. Limest., U. (2) .. Sandst L Proetus, Steininger, 1831. Forbesia, M'Coy. angustifrons,' Hall. Schoharie Grit, L. . . . auriculatus,' Ad. Rom. Chem. Shale, U Barrandii, Spirif. Sandst., Wis- senb. Sch., L., U. caniculatus,' Hall. UIIL L clarus,' ,, U., L Conradi, 1 Schohar. Grit, L. ... Locality. . Metopias, Eichwald. Nuttiana, Williamsville (New York), Schoharie Co. Buchenberg (Harz) Schoharie Co. (N. York) Buchenberg ( Elbingerode) . , Saline Creek (Missouri) ock. Phillipsia, Vortlock. Schubelhammer (Franconia) Thiiringerwald , M'Coy , 1849. Dalmania, &c. Cedar Berg, Gydow Bass, Hottentot’s Kloof (S. Africa). New York (passim), Isle Mackinac (Lake Huron). Albany Co., Helderb. Mountains... Wissenbach, Hauseberg, Lerbach... Eifel, GrandTower(Missouri), Helderb. Mountains, Rock Island, &c. (111.); Kentucky, Ohio, N. York, Virginia, Isle Mackinac. Capon-River mouth (Virginia) New Buffalo, Parkhurst (Iowa), Louis- ville (Kentucky) Schoharie Co. (N. York) Torquay, Petherwin,Gattendorf,Weil- burg, Runkel, Pressek, Sandomir, Lohnberg, &c. Zorge, Pressek, Schubelhammer, Meads- foot, Chagney, Malagoziz (Poland). Riibeland (Harz) Gydow pass, Leo Hook (S. Africa) Haiger, Kemmenau (Nassau), Looe (Cornw.), Dill (Nassau), Boppart, Torquay, Petherwin, &c. Sehiilenberg, Torquay, Ilfracombe, Magey. Moscow, Buffalo (N. Y. ?), Daleiden, Etrseungt, Sanda bay, Pilton, Gerol- stein, Gahard, Zmeef, Condros, Al- maden (Spain), Skaly (Poland), &c. Eifel Thuringerwald Kanlydji (Asia Minor) New Buffalo, Red Cedar river, Rock- ingham (Iowa), river-Ohio Falls, Louisville, Ize, Eifel, Zmeef, &c. Thuringia Reference. Gahard, Iz6 (Fr.) Upper Lerbach New York New Buffalo (Iowa) Aygatchi (Bolivia, S. Amer.) Seneca, Ontario Co. (New York) ... Grobsdorf (Saxony or S. W. Germany) St. Andreasburg (Harz) Gydow Pass, Leo Hook (S. Africa)... (N.Y.). Pakeont. D. & Von M. i. 182. Vortlock. XV. Reg. Regents N. Y. p. 109. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. G4, xiii 228. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 110. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 85, v. 24. Trans. Ac. Sc. St. Louis, i. 409. Beitrage &c. v. 115. Leonhard ABronn, Neues Jakrb. 1 850 [p. 625. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 205. Fost.&Wh. L.Superior (S. side), p. ‘-24 XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 96. Verstein. Nassau, p. 14. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 93 ; Geol. Pennsyl. p. 829; Winch. Rep. Mi- ckig. p. 65. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 96. Owen, Minnes. &e. p. 599. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 95. Richter, Verstein. Nassau, p. 15; Pa- lseont. Thuring, p. 20; Tietze, Pa- lseont. D. & Von M. xix. 126. Siluria, 4th ed. p. 386 ; Salter, Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 484; Pi ill. Foss. Dev. p. 128. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiii. 212. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. Ether. Quart. Journ. G. S. L.xxiii.020 Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 63. Palseont. D. & Von M. v. 38 ; Ether. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 620. Palseont. D. &Von M. iii. 38, 61, xi.312 : Verstein. Nassau, p. 16; Siluria 4th ed. 385, &c. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 381. Palaeont. Thuring. 1848, 1856, p. 21. Tchihatcheff, Asia Min. p. 495. Trans. Ac. Sc. St. Louis, i. 620 ; Shu- mard, Contrib. p. 33. Zeitschrift &c. xxi. 391. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. viii. 352. Psdseont. D. & Von M. iii. 81. Contrib. Palseont. N. Y. 1857, p. 91. ? Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. 64. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 93. Verstein. Grauwacke Sax. p. 85. Pala'ont. D. & Von M. iii. 62. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 38. Palseont. D. & Zeiler, xix. 126. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 205. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 98. 107. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 20. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 101. 99. 97. u J’roetus ( continued ).] 26 [Crustacea. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. cornutus, crassimargo, Goldf. Ad. Rom. Stringoc. . . .M M Lahnstein (Nassau) Elbingerode (Harz) Verstein. Nassau, p. 31. Palceont. D. & Von M. iii. 65, xiii. 223. Cuvieri, Steining. Calceol. Limes., L.,M. Le Cotentin, La Sarthe (Bonissent) . Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Cherb. x. 200. elegans, Munst. Clymen. Limest., U. Thuringia Zeitschrift &c. Berlin, xxi. 391. furcatus, granulosus, Haldiinanni,' Steining. Hall. Cyprid. Sch M Ham M Gerolstein Pennsyl., Cherry valley and Manlius Pictet, Paheont.. ii. 496. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 102. Hesioni,' Schohar. Grit, L. ... (N.Y.). Schoharie Co., Helderberg Mountains „ „ 98. Huhayi, levigatus, Kouault. L Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 383. Goldf. Stringoc. ...M Vilmar, Daleidep, Bigge, Waldbrol... Verstein. Nassau, p. 30. longicaudus,' Hall. Ham M N.E. of Desmoines (Iowa) XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 108. inacrocephalus,’ ,, „ M Moscow, Genessee,PavilionCo.,Canan- „ „ 105. var. a,' Shale & Limest.. M. daig and Skeneat. Lakes (N. Y.). Moscow, Bloom field, 18-m. Creek N.Y.) „ „ 107. margin alis,' Hall. Tully Limest., M. ... Ovid, Seneca Co. (N. Y.) „ „ 104. Miinsteri, occidens, 1 Richter. Cyprid. Sch.. U Ham. Sch. & L’st, M. Thuringia New Buffalo (Iowa) Zeitschrift &c. Berlin, xxi. 391. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 108. orbicularis, Ad. Rom. Spirit'. Sandst., L. ... Zeigenberger Teiche Palaeont. D. & Von M. ni. 20. Phocion,' Bill. Limest. no. 8. L. ... (Ga9ne) Indian Cove Paheont. Foss. ii. pt. 1, 1874, p. 63. planimargi natus, ' Proutii,' Meek. UHL L Sylvania, Lucas Co. (Ohio) Proe.Acad.Nat.Sci. Philad. 1871, p.90. Shum. Ham. &c M Davenport(lowa), Tapper Mississ. river Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii. 150. Rowi,’ Hall. „ Shale, M. ... Schoharie and Otsego Counties, and XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 103. tenellus, Richter. Clymen. Limest., U. . Fly Creek (N. Y.). Thuringia Zeitschrift &c. Berlin, xxi. 391. Verneuilli/ Hall. UHL. L. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. 101. Palseont. D. & Z. xix. 127. spec, indet. (2),' „ „ (U, 1 Tietze. Clymen. Limest., U. Ebersdorf (Glatz, Silesia) Winch. ? ... Monguagon (Wayne Co.) Geol. Rep. Michigan. 1854. ,, ,,' Foster&Whitn. UHL L Mackinac Island (Lake Huron) Report L. Superior (S. side), p. 224. Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Prov. ARTICULATA [MEROSTOMATA (Dana)]. Class CRUSTACEA. Orders 1. PHYLLOPODA. 2. OSTRACODA. [Crustacea. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Amphipeltis, Salter, 1862. paradoxus,' Salter. 2nd Fern beds, M.... Archaeocaris, M l Coi/. 1842. vermiformis, 1 Meek. Waverl. Sand. base, U. Archaeonectes. portusus, M Bairdia, M- Coy, 1844. curta, M'Coy. O. R. Sandst., L Beyrichia, AT Coy, 1846. aurita, Richter. M„ U dorsalis, Cyprid. Sch., U Hardouiniana, Rouault. L nitidula. Richter. Cyprid. Sch., U punctulifera,' Hall. Ham. Shale, M spec, indet., F. Rom. L Campecaris, Page, 1864. Forfarensis, Page. L Ceratiocaris, M'Coy, 1850. armata,' Hall. Ham. Shales, M. ... Bradleyi,' Meek. Base Waverl. Sand., U. ( Colpocaris.) elytroides,' „ u. longecaud us,' Hall. Upper Geness. SI., M. macrophthalma, Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Sell., L punctata,' Hall. Ham M strigata,' Meek. (Base) Waverl. Sand., M. Cypridina , Milne- Edwards, 1838 ; l)e Koninck, buprestis, Rolle. Cyprid. Sell., U digitalis, Richter. U elliptica, Vd. Rom. Stringoc. Limest., M. Locality. Lancaster Plant-bed, St. John’s (New Brunswick). Danville (Kentucky) (Eifel), Gerolstein , Borowitchi (Kalouza), Sloboda (Nov- gorod), &c. Thuringia Reference. Ize (La Sarthe) Thuringia Ontario Co., New York . The Bosphorus Balruddery Den (Forfar.), Canterland Den (Kincard.). Ontario Co., New York Danville (Kentucky) Quart. Journ. G. S. L.xviii. 347,xix.76. Proe.Acad.Nat.Sci. Philad. 1871, p.335. Pahront. D. & Yon M. vii. 12. Letluea Rossica, ii. 1338. Zeitschrift deutscli.g. Ges.1869, p.775 : Zeitsclir. &c. Berl. xxi. 391. Bull. Soe. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 377. Zeitschrift &c. Berl. xxi. 391. XV. Rep. Regents N.Y. p. 111. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. 1863,p.513. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xx. 415. XVI. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 73. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1871, p.332, Ontario Co., New York XVI. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 73. Mandersbach,Dillenburg,Wissenb.,&c. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 33. Cayuga Lake, New York (one fragment! XVI. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 74. only). Danville (Kentucky) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc.Philad. 1871, p.332. 1841. Entomis. New York State Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. 1851, p.G6G. Thuringia Zeitschrift &o. Berlin, xxi. 391. Buchenberg (Harz) Paheont. D. & Von M. v. 25, xiii. 238. Cypridina { continued ).'] 27 [Crustacea . Genus, Species, and Author. fragilis, Ad. Rom. globulus, Richter & Unger, nitida, Ad. Rom oculata, „ serrastriata, Sndbrgr subfusiformis, „ taeniata, Richter & Unger, tenella, Richter, villosa, „ spec, indet., „ „ Sndbrgr. Cythere, Muller , 1785. ? costata, Richter dorsalis, ,, nitidula, „ ? striatula, „ Tulensis, Sem. & Moll. Cytherina, Lamarck , 1818. costata, Richter, hemisphasrica, ,, striatula, „ spec, indet., Vern. Dithyocaris, Scnuler, 1835. Belli,' H. Woodw. breviaculeata, Ludw. Kochi, „ Neptuni,' Hall, striata,' H. Woodw. Entomis, R. Jones, 1860. Estheria, R iippell, 1838. membranacea, Pacht. Eurypterus, DeKay, 1826. abbreviatus, Salt, acuminatus, „ ? Belli,' H. Woodw. Brewsteri, Powrie. MSS. Brodiei, H. Woodw. Murchisoniana, R. Jones, pulicaris,' Salter, pvgmams, „ Scouleri, Hibbert. spec, indet.,' F. Rom. Gitocrangon, Richter. granulatum, Richt. Leperditia, Rouault, 1851. Britannica, Rouault. Cayuga,' Hall. Friburgensis, Dumas, marginata,' R. Jones, punctilifera,’ Hall. Senecaensis,' „ spinulifera,' „ spec, indet., Tietze. Parka, Fleming decipiens, Page. Praearcturus, Henry Wood gigas, H. Woodw. Proricaris, W. H. Rally. M'Henrici, W. H. Baily. Pterygotus, Agassiz, 1839. Anglicus, Agassiz. Ludensis, Salter, minor, H. Woodw. problematicus, Salter. Subdivision. Wissenb. Shale, L. ? Cyprid. Sch., U Cyprid. Sch., U Stringoc. L’st., M. ... Clymen. Cyprid Locality. Iberg. Schists . Stringoc. ...M. . Cyprid. Sch., U.. „ U.. u.. Clymen. L., U „ & Limest. U. Clymen. Limest., U. L., U Marl, dolom., U. ... Cythereis. ? Clymen. Limest., U. U M A Carboniferous genu M. ... Spirif. Sandst., L. Goniat. Limest., U Upper Lerbach (Harz) Thiiringerwald Altenau (Harz) Bucheuberg Hahnstatten, Allendorf, Burg, Pether- win, &c. Belgium. Saasfeld, Budesheim, Oos, Karlsberg, Setters, Diez. Lahnstein,Paffrath,Vilmar,Bensb.,&c. Thuringia, Nassau, Harz, Hoff, Gera Pala'ont. D. & Yon M. iii. 19, xiii. 226. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb.1856, p.626. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 28. ,, „ ., v. 25, xiii. 228. „ „ „ iii. 42, xi. 312. Verstein. Nassau, p. 4. [ironstone) „ ,, 5 (in flinty red Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb.1856, p.626. France(in theGedinianof Mondrepuis) Cramberg, Wissenbach, Lerbach Hoff, Thuringia L., M. .. Cypridina. Asmusia. L., M. .. Eidothea, Scouler. Sandst L L DistrictsToula,Bogoroditsa,&c.(Russ.) Cytherella. ? Thiiringerwald (drift) Weilburg (Harz) Ulabue, Kipet (river Oka, Russia) . . . s in Europe {Hall), appearing earlier Gaspe (E. Canada) Butbach (Nassau) Burger-Eisenkiitte, Dillthal (Nassau) New York (in sandy shale) Gaspe (E. Canada) Reference. Zeitschrift &c. Berlin, xxi. 390. ? ...M. ...L... M. . Sandst. base, L. . O. R. Sandst., U. Kokenhausen, Caithness, Orkney Isle (In passage-beds.) Downton, Kington (Heref. Co.) Ludlow Railway-cutting Gaspe (E. Canada) Kelly Den near Arbroath (N.E. Scotl.) Purton (Stoke Edith, Herefordshire) ? Bed2,FernLed.,St.John’s(N.Brunsw.) Downton, Kington, Ludl.Ludford Lane Kiltorkan (Kilkenny, Ireland) N. America, Prof. Emmons’s Cabinet .U Thiiringerwald Ham M • „ M „ M Clymen. Limest. ?, U, Taurinus, „ Richteria, T. Rupert, Jones, ava, Richter. Barrandei, ,, calcarata, „ costata, „ gyrata, „ labyrinthica, „ Cornif. Limest., L.. Limest. breccia .... L L., U. ward, 1870. O. R. Sandst., L. Passage-bed, U. . . Western New Y T ork (passim) Ontario Co., New York Western New York Ebersdorf (Silesia) Egg Packets of Pterygotus ? Tealing(Dundee),Cannylie(Montrose) LaManche, Ille et Velaine, Ize, Gahard Springport (Lake Cayuga) Freiburg Kowlestone, Brecknockshire . Kiltorkan, Kilkenny Co. (Ireland) ... O. R. Sandst., L. ... Laysmill, Reswallie, Tealing, Carmylie L. ... Railway-cutting (Ludlow). L. ... Carmylie, Farnell (Scotland) (in Lud- Kendal (Westmoreland), Hereford- low Group), L. shire, Ilagley Park. O. R. Sandst., L. ... Ledbury Series, Ewyas Harold, IIere- 1874. ! fordshire. Cyprid. Sch., U Thuringia U. „ U Hoff (Bavaria), Thuringia •. „ U ,, Gera, Weilburg (Harz) „ U „ ,, Thuringia „ M., U. (sporadic) Thuringia Verst. Nass. p.482 ; Zeitsch.&c.xxi.391. ! Zeitschrift deutseh.g. Ges. 1869, p.773. >. ,i „ 774. „ „ „ 775. „ „ 772. Ilelmers. Expl. Carte Geol. Russ. Pakeont. Thuring. 1856, p. 20. „ „ „ 19. Mureh.,Vern.&Keyser. Geol. Russ. p.l l.| in America. Geol. Mag. viii. 106. Palseont. D. & Von M. xi. 309. XVI. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 75. Brit. Assoc. Report, 1870, Sect. p. 90. Rupert Jones, Monogr. Foss. Estheria. [xv. 234. Geol.Mag.ix.563 ; Quart. Journ.G.S.L. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. 233. Canad. Naturalist, vi. 18. Geol. Mag. 1864, i. 200. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 521. ? Quart. Journ. G. S.L.xviii. 346, xix. 78. „ „ xv. 232. „ 235, xix. 82. Pakeont. D. & Von M. i. 189. Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, p.625. Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Cherb. x. 200. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 111. Zeitschrift &c. Berlin, xx. 504. Pal. Foss.Woodw. Mus. Camb. p. 177. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 92. XV. „ „ 111. „ „ 112 . Pakeont. D. & Z. xix. 128. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 239. „ pp. 238, 239, 251. Geol. Mag. viii. 521. , ix. 91. Monogr. Mem. Geol. Surv. p. 67. Geol. Mag. i. 1864, p. 199. Monogr. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Bril Pakeont. Soc. xxv. 75. Zcitsohr.d. Geol. Ges. Berl. 1869, xxi. 3 Richteria (continued).] 28 [Crustacea. Genus, Speoies, and Author. • Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Sandbergeri, Richter. Cyprid. Seh., U Thuringia Zeitsehr.d. Geol.Ges.Berl. 1869, xxi .391. serobieulata, U Hoff, Schleitz, Gera, Thuringia „ „ „ 390. serratostriata, toeniata, tenella, ” „ M., U. ,, Harz, Gera, Thuringia ». Shales M., U. ... ,, Ronneburg, Gera Stylonurus, Page, 1856. Eurypterus, DeK ay. ensiformis, Woodw. O. R. Sandst., L (Forfarshire) Turin-Hill Quarries ... Geol. Mag. i. 198. megalops, Salter. Base 0. R. Sand., L. Ludlow Railway-cutting Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. 233. Powrei, Page. O. R. Sandst., L Turin Hill, Pitscandly, &c.(Forfarsh.) „ „ xvii. 146. punctatus, Seoticus, „ L Britain , H. Woodw. ;, l Montroman Moor (Forfarsh. &Montr. Pike). „ „ xxi. 484. Symondsii, Typhloniscus, Sailer, 1852. Upper Cornstones . . . Rowlestone (Brecknookshire) „ „ xv. 230. Bainii, orbiculoides. Salter. Sandst. ? Gydow Pass, Leo Hook (S. Africa)... Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 205. Subkingdom MOLLTJSCA. Province MOLLUSCOIDA. Class POLYZOA. [Polyzoa. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Berenicia, Lamoureux, 1821. 1 M'Coyi, M Padstow (Cornwall) Quart. Joum. G. S. L. xxiii. 621. spec, indet., M. A. Noques. Botryllopora, Nicholson, 187 M 4. Valleys Tech and Tet (Pyrenees) Comptes Rendus, 1856, lvi. 1 123. socialis, Nichols. Ham M Bartlett’s Mills, Arkona (Canada W.) Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 160. Cellepora, Gmelin, 1789. favosa, Goldf. Eifel Goldf. Petref. Germ. pi. 64. Geol. Report Minnesota &c. p. 624. spec, nova; 2,' D. D. Owen. Ham M Rockingham (Iowa) Ceramopora, Hall. See Limaria. Ceriopora, Goldfuss, 1826. Boloniensis. U Ferques (France) Michel. Icon. Zooph. p. 189. dentiformis, Sndbrgr. Goldfussi, Michelin. Stringoc. ...M Vilmar (Nassau) Verstein. Nassau, p. 379. ° u Ferques Michel. Icon. Zooph. p. 190. gracilis, Phill. u Baggy Point, Brushford, Braunton, Pilton, &c. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 20. granulosa, Goldf. ?Hamiltonensis,' Nichols. Calceol. Sch., M Eifel Murch. Silur. Syst. pi. xv. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 167. Ham M Widder (Canada West) oculata, Goldf. M Eifel Petref. Germ. pi. 64. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 8. ? patina, Ad. Rrim. Calceol. Sch., M. ... Hohen-Kehle (Goslar, Harz) punctata, Goldf. radiatula, ,, M Eifel Petref. Germ. pi. 64. „ ph 77. Wissenb. Sch., L. ... Sulteberg by Sopbienhiitte (Harz) ... similis, Phill. Limestone, M Torquay, Bradiford, Frankmarsh ... Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 21. spec, indet., Rouault. Cladopora, Hall, 1852. dichotoma,' Hall. L Gahard (France) Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 323. Ham M New Buffalo (Iowa), Hamburg (Illin.) Hall & W lntn. Report Iowa, p. 475. magna,' ,, UHL L Waterloo (Iowa) Descript. New Foss. Iowa, 1872, p. 12. palmata,' „ „ L >> »> >» >> prolifica,' ,, L Isle of Mackinac (Lake Huron) „ „ P- 11- Fost. & Wh. Geol. Rep. S. Lake Super. p. 228. spec, indet.,' Fost. & Wh. „ L Clathropora, Hall. intertexta,' Hall. Cornif. Limest., L.... Jarvis (Walpole Township) Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 125. Coscinium, Keyserling, 1846. cribriformis,' Prout. Shell-bed, Devon ? ... Falls of the Ohio (Kentucky) Trans. Acad. Sci. St, Louis, i. 269. cyclops, 1 Keyserling. ,, ,, ,, „ „ Shumardi,' „ Dictyonema, Hall and Gop fenestrata,' Winch. pert. ” „ „ 271. UHL L Isle of Mackinac (Lake Huron) Fost. & W hitn. Geol. Rep. S. Lake Sup. p. 223. gracilis,' Hall. L Menzenberg (Prof. Krantz), America (Niagara group). Verb. Verst, xiv. Jahrb. Neue Folge, iv. 148 &c. ! splendens,' Bill. Passage-bed No. 8 Gasp6 L’stones, Grand Greve, Gasp6 Bay. Pal. Foss. Can. ii. 12 (Canad. Survey). Fenestella.] 29 [POLYZOA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. ^Reference. Fenestella, Lonsdale , 1839. aculeata, antiqua, arthritica, bifurcata, r ft Braunii, concentrica, conica, Davidsoni,' Devonica, dilata, 1 eximia,' explanata, filiformis,' filitexta,' flustriformis, fossula, Hamiltoniensis,' liexagonabs, infundibuliformis, Keyserlingii, magnifica,' marginalia , ' micropora, Milleri, nodosa, 1 oculata ?, plebeia, Sndbrgr. Goldf. Fenestrella, Lons Stringoc. Limest., M. L.,M.,U. Phill Ad. Bom Prout. Ad. Bom. Nichols Sem. & Moll. Prout Winch. Ad. Bom, Nichols. Winch. Martin. Lonsd. Prout. Ad. Bom. Goldf. D’Orb. Nichols. Limestone, M., U. ... Calceol. Sch., M. Ham M. .. Hark Limest., L. Calceol. Sch., M. „ M. Ham M. ... Yell. & wh. Marls, M. Ham M. ... , (magnesian), M. Calceol. Sch., M. UHL L Ham M. ... Cyprid. Sch., L., U... Ham M. .. Calceol. Sch., M. (Slate) L Ad. Bom. Lonsd. Prout. M‘Coy. pluma, prisca, repisteria,' retiformis, Phill, Goldf. D. D. Owen De Vern subrectangularis, Sndbrgr. trifaria, Ad. Bom. tubulipora, ,, Verneuilliana, Michelini, spec, indet., 1 Fost. & Whitn. „ ' D. D. Owen „ Kayser. Fenestrellina, Adolph Rome dichotoma, Ad. Bom Glauconome, Munster, 183 disticha, Goldf, penniretepora. bipinnata, Phill. spec, indet., Ether, Hemitrypa, Phillips, 1841. oculata, Phill. Heterodictya, H. A. Nichol gigantea,' H. A. Nichols Ichthyorachis, M‘Coy. Lichenalia, Ball, 1852. spec, indet.,' Fost. & Whitn. Limaria, Steininger, 1831. clathrata, Stein. Huronensis,' Nichols. Steiningerensis,' Ad. Bom. NuUipora, Lamarck, 1801. granulifera, Ad. Bom. opegrapha, „ Polypora, M‘Coy, 1844. Hamiltonensis,' M. & W. intermedia,' laxa, Psyche,' pulchella,' rigida,' Shumardi,' Prout. Sndbrgr. Bill. Nichols. Prout. Cornif. Limest., L... » „ L... Iberg. Limest., U. ... Calceol. Sch., M. Ham L Calceol. Sch., U Calceol. Sch., M. ... Limestone, M dale. Retepora, Lamarck, 1816. Vilmar (Nassau) Fek6, Bosphorus, Looe (Cornwall), Linton, Torquay, Givet, Ferques, Heisterstein (Eifel), Petherwin, &c. Torqr, Ilfracombe, &c.,Belg. (Up.Dev.) Halmenklee (Harz) Illinois (exact place unknown) Scheerenstieg (Harz) Festenburg (Harz) Granethales (Hahnenklee) Bartlett’s Mills, Arkona (Bosanquet).. Districts of Toula, Odoey, &c Illinois (exact locality unknown) Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan). Schalke (Harz), Eifel, Hesse, Westplial, Waynfleet Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan). Bammelsberg, Thuringia Gympsie (Smithfield, Queensland) Illinois (exact locality unknown) . . . Bigge (Brilon, Westphalia) Houffalize (Belgium) Lassicha (Altai) Port Colborne (Lake Erie, Can. W.).. M.? Stringoc — M Calceol. Sch., M. ... Calceol. Sch. &L’st.,M. U UHL L Ham M Crinoid Sch., M r. Calceol. Sch., M. ... 9. Acanthocladia, M Grund (Harz) Bigge ( Westph.), Bockingham ? (Iowa) Illinois (exact place unknown) Hope (Torquay) Petherwin, Pilton, Braunton, Irish Coomhola. Olpe (Westphalia) Torquay, Newton Bushell, Plymouth.. Iowa Valleys Zinieff and Tomsk (Altai) ... Sitka (Poland)*, Vilmar, Menzenberg (Bonn), Thuringia. Harz Bocksweise (Harz) Ferques (Boulonnais) Isle Mackinac (Lake Huron) ... Bockingham (Iowa) Eifel U. Limestone, M. M. son. Pennixetepora. Ceramopora, Hall M Ham M Calceol. Sch., M. ... A plant ? Stringoc. ...M „ M Festenburg King. Vincularia, De France. Eifel [&c. Baggy Point, Pilton, Braunton, Croyde, Ilfracombe (N. Devonshire) Newton (Devonshire), Boulonnais?... Jarvis (Walpole, Canada West) ... Ham. ...M. S.E. Lake Superior (N. America)... Coenites, Eichwald. Eifel Arkona (Bosanquet, Canada West) Olpe (Westphalia) Kehrzu (Harz) Bock Isl. Co. (Illin.), New Buff. (Iowa) (Sh.-beds), Ham., M. Falls of the Ohio (Kentucky) Stringoc. ...M Vilmar (Nassau) Pass.-bed No. 8, L’st. Indian Cove, Gaspe Bay (Canada E.). Cornif. Limest., L....Wainfleet (CanadaWest) ? Locality not given Shell-bed... M Falls, Ohio river (Kentucky) Verstein. Nassau, p. 376. Comptes Bendus, lxiv. 1218 ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. 703, vi. 407. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 24. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 8. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii. 411. Verstein. Harz, p. 7. Paloeont. D. & Von M. iii. 71. 7. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 36. Helmers. Expl. Carte Geol. Buss. p.16. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii. 411. Geol. Bep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 92. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 7. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 197. Geol. Bep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 92. Verstein. Harz, p. 7. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 332. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii. 412. Paloeont. D. & Von M. iii. 6. D’Omal. d’Halloy, Precis Geol. Cotta, Der Altai, 1871, p. 99. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 197. Pakeont. D. & Von M. v. 34. i „ iii. 7. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii. 410. Catal. Loud. Mus. Prac. Geol. p. 96. Carbon. &c. Fossils (Ireland), p. 203. Paloeont. D. & Von M. iii. 7. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 25. Geol. Bep. Minnesota &c. p. 624. Tchihatch. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. i. 684. Verb. Verst, xiv. Jahrb. &c. p. 148 &c. ; Verst. Nassau, p. 376. Pakeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 223. Iconogr. Zoophyt. p. 193. Geol. Bep. South-east Lake Superior. Geol. Bep. Minnesota &c. p. 624. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 373. Paloeont. D. & Von M. v. 16, xiii. 222. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 21. Catal. Mus. Geol. Lond. Verstein. Nassau, p. 379. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, ii. 34. Geol. Bep. on S.E. Lake Super, p. 2S8. Mem. G. S. L. No. 1, pi. xx. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, ii. 37. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 8. „ „ 23. Bep. Illin. ii. 423 ; Trans. Ac. Sci. St. Louis, ii. 412. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 272. Verstein. Nassau, p. 378. Can. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. p. 11. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 161. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii. 412. „ „ i- 271. * Zeuchner, Zeitschr. xxi. 272. Polypora (continued ). ] 30 [POLYZOA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. striatella, Sndbrgr. Nichols. tenella,' tuberculata,' Ptilodictya, Lonsdale , 1839. coseiniformis,' Nichols Gilberti,' Meek, lanceolata ?, Goldf Meeki/ Nichols, tarda,' Bill, spec, indet., Ether. Ptylopora, M'Coy, 1844. flustriformis, Phill. Retepora, Lamarck, 1816. Goldf. Ad. Rom. Stringoc. ...M Cornif. Limest., L... Ham M Stictopora, Hall. Ham M Cornif. Limest., L... Cor.L’st.,Ham.,L.,M. Pass. -bed No. 8, L’st, M antiqua Brauni, explanata, Hamiltonensis,' hexagonalis, infundibuliformis. Limestone, M Gorgonia, Goldf uss. L Prout. Ad. Rom. Ham M. .. Calceol. Sell., M. Phillipsi,' Nichols. Phillipsianus, D’Orb. ? prisca, Goldf. reteformis, Michelini. spec, indet., Kayser. Rosacilla, Adolpli Earner, 18 emersa, Ad. Rom. subtilis, ,, Semicoscinium, Prout, 186 Eriensi.' I rhomboideum,' B. Shum. tuberculatum,' Prout. Taeniopora, Nicholson, 1874. exigua,' Nichols, penniformis,' ,, Trematopora, Hall, 1852. fragilis,' Winch, vesiculosa,' ,, spec, indet.,' Hall. .L.... .L.? Eifelian stages 4, 5... 43. Calceol. Sch., M. ... „ M. ... 0 . UHL L M L.? Vilmar, Menzenberg, Altai (Cotta) ...Verst. Nass. p. 378; Verh. Verst, xiv. i Jahrb. p. 148 &c. Wainfleet (Canada West) Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 162. Bartlett’s Mills, Arkona (Bosanquetj „ „ „ [Township).! „ „ (Canada W.) „ „ ii. Sylvania, Marblehead (Ohio) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1871, p. 63. Goningen (Germany) Petref. German, pi. 37. P. Colborne,L. Arkona, Bosanq.(C.W-) Geol. Mag. dee. 2, i. 123. Grand Greve, Gaspe Bay (Canada E.) Palseoz. Foss. ii. pt. 1, p. 13. Padstow (Cornwall) Huxley & Ether. Museum Cat. p. 97. Torquay &c., Harz, Thiiringerwald ... Pal. Foss. p. 26; Leonh. & Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, p. 626. Kartal (Asia Minor) Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xi. 413. Scheerensteig (Harz) Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 7. (Harz), Sclialke, Eifel I ,, ,, Illinois Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii. 413. Near Brillon, Bigge, Rammelsberg ... Palseont. I). & Von M. iii. 6. Siberia Tchihatcheff, Voy. Altai, p. 273. Port Colborne Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 163. Mudstone Bay (Devonshire). ? ? Siberia (Altai) jTchihatcheff, Voy. Scient. p. 273. Eifel Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 373. Hohen Kehle (Goslar, Harz) Pala’ont. D. & Von M. iii. 6. Gosethale (in siliceous clay-slate) j „ „ „ Cunningham’s Island (Lake Erie) Falls of river Ohio (Kentucky) . . Ham M , M Pass. -beds „ fine yell. Sa. UHL L [(N.Y.) Arkona (Bosanq., C.W.), Canandaigua Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 579. ,, „ 443. „ „ 579. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 122. „ 123. Sciotoville (Ohio) Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. xii. 247. „ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1863, p. 3. Isle of Mackinac Foster & Whitn. Report on S.E. Lake j Superior. (NEUROPTERA.) IjVSECTxE allied to the Ephemerje (Dawson). Genus, Species, and Author. Dyscritus, Scudder. vetustus,' Scudder. Gerephemera, Scudder. simplex,' Scudder. Homothetus, Scudder. fossilis,' Scudder. Lithentomum, Scudder. Hartii,' Scudder. Platephemera, Scudder. antiqua, 1 Scudder. Xenoneura, Scudder. j antiquorum,' Scudder. Subdivision. Locality. M Fern Ledges, Bed 2 or 7 or 8, Lancaster (New Brunswick). New Brunswick M M M Fern Ledges, Bed 2 or 7 or 8, Lancaster (New Brunswick). a a a M M Reference. Geol. Mag. viii. 388. Acadian Geol. ed. 2, p. 525. Ambocelia.] 31 [Braciiiopoda. Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. Province MOLLUSCOIDA. Class BRACHIOPODA. Orders 1. ABTICULATA. 2. INARTICULATA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Ambocelia, Hall, 1858-59 praeumbona,' Hall, umbonata,' , var. gregaria,' , spec, indet.' I Amphigenia, Hall, 1867. elongata,' Hall. var. undulata,' Vanux. Anastrophia, Hull, 1867. interplicata,' Hall, reversa,' Bill. Yemeuili,' Hall. Anoplotheca, Sandberger, 1 lamellosa, Sndbrgr. lepida, Goldf. venusta, Schnur. Athyris, M‘ Coy, 1844. Angelica, 1 Hall. Bartoniensis, Davids Blackii, Rouault, Budleighensis, Davids. Campomanesii.Ver. &D’Arc. Cassidea, Dalm, Ham M Marcell. Sh., M Chem. Sandst., U. .. Chem U Marcell. Sh., M Seneca, Canandaigua, Cayuga Lakes... Avon &c. (New York, passim) Jasper, Chem., Elvira, Olean, &c. (N.Y.) Binghamtown (New York) Schoh. Gr" & UHL., UHL L Pentamerus. ? ? ? 854. Spirif. Sandst., L. M. .. L Chem U. Limestone, M. Schoh. Co., Vienna, Otsego, Williamsv., Clarence Hollow, &c., and Can. \V. Mackinac Isle (L. Huron) & Michigan New York Canada West Paheont. New York, iv. 262. „ „ 259. „ „ 261. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y’ork, p. 82. XX. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 164 ; Pal. N.Y. iv. 383 ; Swal. Rep. Miss. p. 104. Hall, Paheont. New York, iv. 384. Paheont. New York, iv. 369, 374. [heim, &c. Haiger-Seelbach, Condethal, Hont- Eifel (passim) , Daun, Waxweiler .L .M„ U. clara,' ? Clusia,' concentrica,' Bill. Yon Buch. UHL L. L. hlspida. atrypa. var. *, Eifelensis, „ „ (3, globosa, „ » -y> »i „ 6 , Cora,' Hall, erratica, Davids. Ezquerra, D’Arch. & Vern. (in 6 sed.), L., M., U M M L’st. nodules &c., M. „ M. „ M. ? ! l.. ..!!!" Ferronensis, gracilis, Sndbrgr. .L.. .M. Helmerseni, Von Buch. Hispanica, D’Arch. & Vern. (ferr. Limest.), M. . L incerta, indentata, ? lacryma, Maia,' mucronata, Newtoniensis, oblonga, Davids. Sow. Bill. De Vern Davids. Sow. pectinata, Sem. & Moll, Pelapayensis, De Vern. Peruviana,' phalsena, polita,’ prunulum, Puschiana, rostrata,' scitula,' spiriferoides,' squammigera, D’Orb. Phill Hall, Schnur. De Vern. Hall. Stein U M, U. . Cornif. Limest., L.. (Terebrat. ?). M.. U. . L.. (Phyllad.), L.. Sandstone, L., L.. Pliillipsburg (Alleghany Co.) &c.. Torquay, Barton (S. Devon.) .... Ize, Le Cotentin Pelapaya, Ferrones (Spain) Eifel, Grund, Devons., N.Ural,Touraya (Russia). Goderich, Malden, &c. (Can.W. passim) Cayuga, Haldimand (both Can. W.). . Prum, Wellin,Couvin, Grund, Refrath Croyde, Ufrac., Torq., Armen. (Sp.), Ottrada, the Bosphorus, Iowa, N.Y’., Can. W., Indiana, Kentucky, &c. Schonecken, Gerolstein (rare) Eifel Chem U Grauw. L’st., M., L. . Marl & Dolomite, M. Ham. Sh....M Cornif. Limest., L.... Cornif. & Ham., L., M, Sch. & Limest., L. ... Waxweiler (Eifel) Delphi (New York) Budieigh-Salterton (Devon.) .. Sabero, Arnao, Ferrones, Vire, Nehou, &c. Pelapaya, Daun, Arnao, Ferrones, Puerto de Cubillas. Couvin (Belgium) [S. Livonia. Ieletz, Piatina (riv. Don), Lake Ilmen, Ferrones, Sabero, Vire, Nehou (Le Cotentin). Budieigh-Salterton Petherwin, Barnstaple (N. Devon.) ... Torquay, Ilfracombe, theRhine, France St. Mary's, river Maitland, Blanchard Township. Sabero (N. Spain) Nehou, NewtonAbb., Torq., Woodboro’. Pilton, Braunton (T. M. Hall), Barn- staple, Coomhola (Ireland). Toula,Bogorodit.sa,&c.Districts(Russ.) Pelapaya, Ferrones, Houffalize, Sere- brianka. Bolivian Andes (S. America) ... IIope’sNose, Forrones, Nehou (France) Jasper, Steuben Co., Randolph, Albion. Gerolstein, Schonecken, Daleidon, &c. Toula,Bogorodit8a,&c.Districts(Rus8.) Bosanquet (Canada West) Haldimand, Cayuga (Canada West)... Sandusky (Ohio) Couvin (Belgium), Houffalize? Verstein. Nassau, p. 351. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 369. Kayser, Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p.366. XIV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 99. Mono. Brach. Dev. Pal. Soc. p. 19. Mem. Soc. N. II. Cherbourg, x. 200. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. ii. 465, vii. 160. Leth. Ross. i. 734; Verst. Harz, p. 19. Logan, Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 370. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. xiv. xvii. xviii. xx. ; Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 191 ; Rom. Verst. Harz, 1843; Davids. Mono. Brach. Dev. Pal. Soc. p. 19. Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 193. „ 192. „ 192. „ 193. Paheont. New York, iv. 291. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 80. Mem. Soc. Clierb. x. 200; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ii. 467, vii. 160. Schnur, Pal. D. & Von M. iii. ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 160. D'Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 576 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ii. 466. March. ,Vern.& Keys. Geol. Russ. ii. 58. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherb. x. 200 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 160, 780. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 80. Davids. Mono. Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p. 1 7. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. Geol. Can. 1863, p. 372 ; Can. Journ. n. s. v. 376. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s. vii. 171. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 8. „ „ p. 17. ITelmorsen, Explic. Carte Russ. p. 16. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. ii. 464, vii. 160. D’Orb. Voyages S. Amer. iii. 227. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 71. Paheont. New York, iv. 293. Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 190. Helinorsen, Explic. Carte Ross, p, 16. Can. Journ. 1861, p. 32. „ n. s. v. 278. Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1873, i. 144. D’Om. d’Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 575. Athykis {continued).'] 32 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Eeference. subconcentrica,D’Arc.&Vern. ? subundata, Miinst. toreno, D’Arcb. & DeVern. ? tumida, Dalm. undata, De France. unisulcata,' Conrad, ventrosa, var. concentrica, Schnur. vittata,' Hall, spec, indet., Davids. Atrypa, Dalman, 1827 Clymen. Limest., U. . L Sabero, Ferrones, Pordetras de la Pena Schubelhammer (Franconia) Ferrones, Cerro de los Palacios .. affinis, Alinensis, amsodonta, Antisiensis,' Arimaspis, armigera,' aspera,’ reticularis, spinosa, var. occideutalis,' Schloth. De Vern D’Orb. De Vern. D’Orb. Schloth. Linn Hall. Boloniensis, cornis,' desquamata, dumosa, Duboisii, elongata fallax, fibrosissima, fimbriata, 1 flabellata, hispida, hystrix,' impleta, impressa, 1 inornata, lens, lepida, var. a, micans, multidens, Oliviani, Orbigaiana, D’Orb D. D. Owen. Sow. Phill. ? De Yern Conrad. Phill Tietze. Goldf. Schloth. Hall. Schloth. Hall. D’Orb. Phill. Goldf. Red Sandstone, U.... M. .. Shales L„ M, U. Calcar. Sh., M. ....... ......U. ... Corn if. Limest., L. Limestone, L., M., U. Cornif. Limest., L.... M Corn.L’s.,Ham.,L.,M. L Spirigerina, I)' Orb Sell. & Limest., M.... M. .. M. .. „ M L.,M. .. Oriskany Sandst., L. Slate & Limestone, U Clymen. Limest., U. . Ham M Limestone, M U Chem U Limestone, M Schoh. Gr p , L L M CalceoL Sch., L., M. Yallenegrillo, Levanza, &c., Brulon, Tchuboukla. Haldimand Eifel (passim in Greywacke) .. [Charlston Landing. New Buffalo, Iowa Co., Ohio Falls, Looe (Cornwall) igny. Couvin Aliana (Gov. Voroneje) Eifel, Barton (Devonsh.) Cochabamba (S. America) Bogoslowsk, Tomsk, river Inja.. Cochabamba (S. America) N.York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, riv. Mackenzie (N.N. YV. Amer.), Alaska, Petschora, Russ n Pol d , Rhine, Spain, France, Britain, Harz, Belgium, &c NewBuffalo, Davenport, Independence Rock, Isle Co. Ferques (France) River des Moines, Louisville (Ohio)... Looe, Plym., Newton Abbot, Petherw., &c., Poland. Newton Bushell (Devonsh.) Petschora -Land (passim) Springfield (New York), Ize (France) Petherwin, Barnstaple Ebersdorf (Saxony) (or pass.-bed) East Bethany (New York) Torquay, Woolbro,Belg.,Rhen.Prussia Petherwin (Cornwall) Bath (N. Y.), Newton Bush. (Devons.) De Yern. Von Buch. D’Orb, De Vern. Schnur. ovalis, Terebr. di vidua. palmata, Morr. & Sharpe, peculiaris,' Conrad. Peruviana,' D’Orb. prisca, Schloth var. explanata, De Vern. ? ,, ,, ' D. D. Owen. ? polita,' Hall, proboscidalis, D’Orb. pseudomargiualis,' ?pugnus, Sow. l'eticularis, Linn. affinis. var. aspera, Selilot. ,, ? desquamata, Kayser, „ explanata, Selilot, ,, flabellata, Gold!'. „ latelinguis, Schnur. „ occidentalis?,' Hall, plana, Kavser fine striae), L Old Red Sandst., M.. M (Gosselet, MS.), L.... L.? Spirif. Sandst., L. Oriskany Sandst., L.. L (in 5 horiz.), L.,M.,U U Ham M U M UHL L M L,M.,U Stringoc. ...M L.,M.,U. M Calceol. Sell., M Upp.Calc. Sell., L., M Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 160. Beitrage &c. iii. 76. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. ii. 469, vii. 160. Can. Journ. vi. 142. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 160, xviii. 30 Tchibat. Asia Minor, Append, p. 38 Can. Journ. n. s. v. 279. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 193. Palseont. New York, iv. 289. Davids. Mono. Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p. 19, D’Om. d’Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 576. Murch.,Vern. & Keys.Geol.Russ. ii. 95, D’Orb. Prodr. i. 92. „ i. 95. Lethaea Rossica, i. 743. D’Orb. Prodr. i. 95. Davids. Mono. Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p. 53 : Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 73, 96. Plymouth (Devonsh.) Schoh., Knox, Clarksv., Coeymans, &c. Nehou (France) Torquay, Hope’s Nose (Devonsh.) ... Schalke, Prum, Pendik, Mont Geant, Kouroutchesme, Sable, Joue, Barton. &c. Bosphorus (passim) River Volkboff, Boureghi, river Inya. Barton (Devonsh.) Hierges (France), Vireux, Ferrones... Almaden, Sierro Moreno, Asturias ? (Spain). Kahleberg Falkland Islands (S. America) . ? New York Ham M. Crinoid Sch., M. Cochabamba (S. America) Cilicia, Nicomedia, Schalke, Givet, Eifel, Huy, Couvin, Blacourt.Prussino, &c. Basins Zinieff and Tomsk Jefferson Co. (Kent.), riv. Des Moines. Jasper, Steuben Co. (N. York), &e. ... Torquay (S. Devonsh.) Owen, Report Minnesota &e. p. 624. D’Orb. Prodr. i. 92. Troost, 5th Ann. Report, Tennessee. Davids. Mono. Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p.58, Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 492. Ilelmersen, Explic. Carte Russ. p. 17. Vanux. Geol. N.York, 3rd Distr. p.123. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. pi. 4. Pabeont. D. & Z. xix. 148. Amer. Journ. Sci. n. s. xli. 121. Davids. Mono. Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p.58. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 393. Palseont. N. Y. iv. 326 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 492. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 393. Palseont. New York, iv. 315. Prodrome, i. 92. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 396. Davids. Mono. Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p.52; Palseont. D. <&VonM. iii. 180; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 322. Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218. Lethsea Rossica, i. 745. Prodr. i. 33. Schultze, Geol. Oviedo, p. 40 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. ii. pi. xiv. Murch. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 418. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiii. 220. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ii. 276. Annual Report, 1841. Prodr. i. 95. Tchihat. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. i. 684, vii. 389, ix. 402 ; Rom. Ver. Harz, p. 18. Tchihat. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. i. 684, vii. Report Minnesota &c. p. 624. Palseont. New York, iv. 293. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, pi. 34. Schoharie Co. (New York) Palseont. New York, iv. 32 Barton (Devonsh.), Bensberg (Rhine) Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 87. See Appendix. (Almost universal in Davids. Mono.Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p.53; Devonian, Hall.) Bronn, M‘Coy, &c. Eifel, Ulbiusk (Altai), Geinitz Hall, Palseont. N. York, iv. 322. (See above.) Refrath, Paffrath (Rhenish Prussia)... Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 391. Belg., Rhen.Pruss., Torquay, Woolboro Davids. Mono. Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p. 58. Petschora, Erquelines, Couvin, Gerolst. 'Gosselet, MS.; Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 183; Helmers.Expl.CarteRus.p.17. New Buffalo, Davenport, Virginia, Hall &Whitn. Geol. Rep. Iowa, p. 515. Maryland, New York. Eifel Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 369. Atrypa (continued).] 33 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Schnurii, spinosa,' D’Orb. M Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 1G9 &c. Hall. L.,M,U. With A. reticularis generally, Hall ... Palaeont. New York, iv. 322. squamifera, Scbnur. M Eifel (passim), Bensberg, Menzenberg Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 181. reticularis. striatula, Schnur. U Fowey, Petherwin, Barnstaple Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. 704, vi. 393. subdentata, Kayser. Clymen. Limest., U. . Petherwin, Sclnibelkammer „ „ pi. 54 ; Miinst. Beitrage &c. p. 78. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ, ii. 96. Beitrage &c. iii. 76, Munster. sublepida, subundata, De Vern. D’Orb. M Clymen. Limest., U. . River Sosva (Ural), Yoroneje (Russia) Schubelhammer (Franconia) tenuilineata,' Hall. u Petherwin (New York) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 492. unguiculus, unguiformis,' M., U. ... Barton, Petherwin, Barnstaple, Pilton Oriskany Falls (N. Y.), Pennsylvania, Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 393. L... Canadian Nat. v. 140; Rogers, Geol. venusta, Scbnur. Grauwacke, L Nictau (Nova Scotia). Ilontheim, Daun, Bensberg Pennsylv. p. 826. Palreont. D. & Von M. iii. 180. anoplotkeca. vetusta, zonata, L Daleiden, Irrhausen (Fifel) „ „ „ 240. Owen. Limest. & Sch., M.... Oberkuuzend.,Sch6necken,Weinsheim „ „ „ 182. new spec. (2),' Shell-beds, M New Buffalo, Rockingham (Iowa) . . . Geol. Rept. Minnesot. &c. p. 624. spec, indet., Salter ? L Hottentot’s Kloof, CetlarBerg, S. Africa Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. Aulosteges, Helmersen, 1847. Subgenus of Prod uctus, Davidson. Camarophoria, King, 1844. Subgenus of Terebratula (pars), Rhynchon ella (pars), If Orbigny. Eucharis,' Hall. Cornif. Limest., L.... Canada West Palreont. N. York, iv. 368. formosa, Schnur. Sch. & Limest., M., U. Virelles (Belg.) D’Omal. d’Halloy, Precis, &c. p. 577. microrhyncha, ? Polonica, Stein ing. Ferd. Rom. M„ U. ... Couvin (Belg.), Eifel (Dr. Kayser) ... Kielce (Upper Silesia) „ „ p. 576. Geol. Upper Silesia, p. 37. protracta, Sow. Calceol. Limest., M. Eifel. rhomboidea, Schlotheimi ?, suhreniformis. Phi 11 M„ U. ... Grund (Harz), Petherwin, Barton, &c. (Devonsh.) (Carbonif. in Engl. &c.) Eifel, Nassau. Belgium Palreont. Foss. Devon, p. 88. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 374. Palaeont. N. York, iv. 401. Hall. Schnur. Goniat. Sch., U Centronella, Billings, 1849. alveata,' Hall. Onond. Limest., L.... New York Billingsii,' Glansfagea,' 9 Orisk.Sand.,UHL.,L. Albany and Schohar. Counties (N.Y.), Canadian Nat. iv. 131 ; Canada Journ.! Glaucia,' „ Ham M Rama’s Farm (Canad. W T est). Schohar. Co n. s. iv. 271. Palaeont. N. York, iv. 403. Hecate,' Bill. Orisk.Sand.,UHL.,L. Union Co. (Illin., Worthen), Cayuga „ „ 420. impressa,' Hall. Ham M (Canada West). Beilona, York, Pavilion, Hamburg 402. ovata,' UHL L (N. Y.). Cayuga (Canad. West) Haldimand, Rama’s Farm (Can. West) 419. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 374.. tumida,' Bill. Orisk.Sands.&Cornif. CharioneUa, Billings, 1859. rostrata,' Billings. Limest., L. Cornif.Limes.&Ham., L., M. Bosanquet (Canada West) „ „ 253. spec, indet.,' Chonetes, Fisch. South-east shore of Lake Huron „ „ 374. tr de Waldh eim, 1837. acutiradiata,' Hall. Cornif. Limest., L.... Williamsville, Clarence Hollow, Staf- Palaeont, N. York, iv. 120. Antiopa,' arcuata,’ Bill. L ford(N.Y.), Ohio Falls (Kentucky). Canad. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 19. Hall. Cornif. Limest., L.... Williamsville, Clarence Hollow Palaeont. N. York, iv. 119. armata,' Bouchard. Sch.&Famenne,M.,U. Rhisne, Bas Boulonnais, Amblain, Gosselet MS. ; Koninck, Reeherches, Boblayei, »> L Virelles, &c., Franchimont (France), Devil’s Back-bone (Illinois). Brulon, Vire, Kartal, Guenk-sou (Bos- p. 216 ; Journ.Acad.Nat.Sc.Philad. iii. 28. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 783, xi. ; Boulangeri, Bretzii, Canadensis,’ comoides, Rouault. L L., M. . . phorus). Gahard, D’lze, Vitre (Le Cotentin)... Gerolstein, Rommersheim (Eifel) ... Roche Perce, Baiedes Chaleurs, Gaspe Vise (Belgium) (usually Carbonif.) ... Tchihatcheff, AsiaMiu. Append. p. 12. Bull. Soc.Geol. Fr. n.s. iv. 323 ; Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Cherbourg, x. 201. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 243. Bill. L.. Canad. Surv. Palceont. Foss. ii. 17. Sow. Givet Limest., M. ... Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xx. 767. complanata,' Hall. Orisk. Sandst., L. ... Schoharie and Albany Counties Hall, Pabeont. New York, iii. 418. coronata,' Conrad. UHL., Ham., L„ M. Cayuga, Canandaig. & Seneca Lakes &c. (N. Y.). .Tonesboro’ fTllinois) _ Palaeont. New York, iv. 133. var. Konincki ' Nor.&Pr. M „ „ 136. var. Littoni,' Ham. & Famenne, M. Rock Island, Bake-oven (Illinois) ... Geol. Rep. Illinois, i. 122. var. Maciurei, 1 M Bake-oven (Illinois) Palaeont. Now York, iv. 136. n » it Koninck, Recherch. 1847, p. 228 ; Pa- var. Martini,' var. Tuomeyi, crenulata, t Ferd. Rom. M M Stringoc. ...M Keldernick, Chimay, Blankenheim,&c. Dawsoni,' Billings. laeont. D. & Von M. iii. 226. Canada Surv. Palaeont. Foss. ii. 19. k Chonetes ( continued ).'] 34 [Brachiopoda. I Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. deflecta,' Hall. UHL., Ham., L., M. gibbosa. dilatata, Ferd. Rom. (4 sediments), L., M. Emmetensis,' Winchell. Ham M Falklandica,' Morr.& Sharpe. L Galatea/ Billings. Limest. no. 8, pass.-b. Hardrensis,' Phill. (5 sedim.), L., M., U. sarcinulata. sordida. Leptana semiradiata. hemisphajrica,' Hall. Orisk.Sand.,UHL.,L. Iowensis,' D. D. Owen. Ham M Laquessiana ?,' laticosta,' „ „ M Hall. Limest. no. 8, L. ... lepida, 1 ft 4 sedim. ...L., M.,U. lineata,' Vanuxem. Cornif. Limest., L.... glabra. Logani,' Norw. & Pr. UHL.,Ham.,L.,M.,U. var. aurora,' Hall. Chemung. Tully Limest., M. . . . melonica/ Billings. Passage-bed, Limest. minuta,’ Goldf., VonBuch. Black Limest., Cal- mucronata,’ Hall. ceola Sell. ,Stringoc. Limest., M. Cornif. Limest., Mar- laticosta. cellus Shale, Ham. Group, L., M. muricata,’ ,, Chern. Calc. Sand., U. nana/ De Vern. UHL., Cornif. Limes., obtusangula, Ad. Rom. Ham. Group, Green- stoneTuff, L.,M.,U. Wissenb.Sch., L papilionaceus, Phill. Limestone, U Pechoti, Rouault. M pectinata, plicata, Sow. pusilla,' Ad. Rom. Wissenb. Sell., L. ... Hall. Ham M scitula,' UHL., Ham. Chem., setigera,' L., M„ U. (4 horizons), M., U. Shumardiana,' Koninck. Portage Group, U.... simplex, Ad. Rom. Calceol. Sck., M subquadrata,’ ,, Spirif. Sand., L Yaudellana,’ Hall. Cornif.L’st.,&c.,L.,M. spec, indet.,’ Meek. Ham. ?, Bituminous Worthen. Limest., M. M » ,(2)/ Salter ? Sandstone. L D. D. Owen. Ham M (2),’ Billings. Sandstone Coelospira, Hall, 1863. Camilla?,' Hall. UHL.,Cornif.L’st., L. concava,' Cornif. Limest., L. ... Crania, Retzius, 1781. Orbicula. Pseu anomala,' Winchell. Ham M aurora/ Hall. Shoharie Grit, L. ... bella/ Billings. Passage-bed no. 5 ... crenistriata,' Hall. Ham M gregaria/ „ ,, Shale, M Hamiltoni/ >f „ M Leoni/ Goldf. Chem U obsoleta, L., M Locality. Cayuga and Canandaigua Lakes, York, Moscow, &c. (N.Y.). Masbourg, Pesch, Magey, Avesnes, Weilburg, Hierges, Houffalize, Diez, Coblenz, &c. Little Traverse Bay (Michigan) Falkland Isles (S.S.E. Amer.) Indian Cove (Gaspe Bay) Looe, Meadfoot, Linton, Baggy, Braunton, Bosphorus, Kanlidjii, Ural, Spain, Nassau, Singofen, St. Goar, Prum, &c., Indian Cove (Gaspe). Helderberg Mountains (Schohar.), Haldimand (Canada West). Iowa river Three miles below Rockingham (Iowa) Little Gaspe, Grand Greve, Indian Cove, Darien, Ogden, Conewango. Lake-Cayuga Ferry, Crooked Lake, Hamburg, Darien, Ludlowville, &c. Oneida Falls, Manlius, Cherry valley, Mareellus, Jamesville (N.Y.), &e. Tully, De Ruyter (N.Y.), Licking and Medina Counties(Ohio),DesMoines, Burlington. Quincy(Iowa), Michigan. Tully, DeRuyter, Medina, &c.Counties. Little Gaspe (Canada East) Hierges, Vilmar, Schonecken, Bigge, 01pe,Riesbache,Mommignies,Dailly, Nowa Slupia, Saxony, Les Cour- toisieres(Fi\). Torquay, Hope’s Nose. Manchester, Williamsville, Clarence Hollow, Buffalo, Avon, Pratt’s Falls (N.Y.), &c., Illinois. Ellington (N.Y.), Meadville (Pennysl.) Missouri, Rockingham, Ohio Palls, Charleston Landing, Thuringia, Schiibelhamm., Magwitz,Feke,Ural, Lassiche (Altai). Festenburg (Harz) Ferques Gahard, Ize Festenburg Reference. Palseont. New York, pp. 14, 126. Gosselet,MS.,1870 ; Bull.Soc.G6ol.Fr. n.s.xiv.,xxiv. ; Kon.Recherch.p.196 ; Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 227. Geol. Rep. Mich. 1866, Append, p. 92. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ii. 274. Geol. Surv. Canad. Pal. Foss. ii. 21. Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1018; Verst. Nassau, p. 367 ; Siluria, 4th ed. p. 398 ; Murch., Vern., & Keyser. Geol. Russ. ii. 242 ; Phill. Palseoz. Foss. Devon, p. 138. Palseont. New York, iv. 118. Rep. Minnes. &c. p. 624. Geol. Surv. Canad. Pal. Foss. ii. 20. Palseont. New York, iv. 132. ,, ,, 123. Winchell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1865, p. 116. Hall, Palseont. New York, iv. 139. Canad. Surv. Pal. Foss. 1874, ii. 16. Gosselet, MS. ; Pal. D. &Von M. iii. 9, 227 ; Verst. Nassau, p. 367 ; David- son, Mon. Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p. 96 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 783. Pakeont. New York, iv. p. 124. XX. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 148. Owen, Re]). Minnesota &c.p.624 ; Swal- low, Rep. Miss.i.107 ; Bull. Soc.G6ol. Fr. n. s. iv. 705, xi. 409 ; Tchihach. Asia Minor, Append, p. 12. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 78. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 235. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. iv. 323, viii.392. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 78, xii. 224. Bake-oven, Rock-Island Co. (Illin.), Fort Resolution, N.N.W. Amer. Seneca, Canand., Cayuga Lakes, Mos- cow, Hamburg, Ithaca, Chatauque Co., Meadville, &c. (N.Y., Pennslv.) Union Branch Co., Caledonia, Avon, Crooked Lake. Union Branch Co Rammelsberg (Harz) Kahleberg (Harz) Ohio Falls, Jeffersonville Fort Resolution (N.W. Arctic Amer.) Rock Island (Kentucky) Warm Bokkeweld, S. Africa. Iowa river Gaspe (E. Canada) Worthen, Rep. Illinois, i. 122. XX. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 148 ; Palseont. New York, iv. 129. Palseont. New York, iv. 129, 142. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1862, p. 411. Pakeont, D. & Von M. xiii. 306. „ „ iii. 2. Palseont. New York, iv. 123. Trans. Ac. Sc. Chicago, i. 68. Geol. Rep. Illinois, i. 121. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. Rep. Minnesota &c. 624. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 398. ? Caledonia&c.,WesternN. York, Can. W. docrania, M-Coy, 1851. (Acervularia beds),GrandTraverseBay Knox, Albany Co. (N. Y.) Cape Bon Ami (Canada East) Ontario,Geness.Co s ,18-m.Creek(N.Y.) Bristol, Ontari o andGen ess. Co s ,N . York Maryland, Virginia, W. New York (passim). Leon, Cattaraughus Co. (N.Y.) Gees, Ferques, Nekou, &c., Kwang-si, China. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 159. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iv. 329. Geol. Rep. Michigan, 1866. Palseont. New York, iv. 27. Canad. Surv. Pal. Foss. 1874, ii. 15. Palseont. New York, iv. 28. „ „ 29. „ „ 27. „ „ 30. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 229. Crania ( continued ).] 35 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. prisca, Goldf. proavia, ,, radicans/ Winch. reposita,' C. A. White. Sheldoni,' Davids. ? transversa, spec, indet., Sharpe. Cryptonella, Hall, 1859. Eudora, 1 Hall. Iphis,' lens, 11 ? Linklacna,’ planirostra,' 11 rectirostra, 11 Cyrtina, Davidson, 1858. affinis/ Bill. ? amblygona, Phill. Billingsii,' Meek. biplicata.' Hall. crassa/ C. A. White. curvilineata, 1 de Marlii, Bouchard. Spirifera subconica. Hamiltoniensis,' Hall. var. recta,' 11 heteroclyta,' Defrance. var. multiplicata, Davids. var. Missouriensis,' Shum. Murchisonia, Gosselet. occidentalis,' Swallow. . Panda,' F. B. Meek. rostrata,' Hall. triquetra, 1 „ umbonata,' „ undosa, Schnur. < spec, nova, Grewingk. i Winchell. Davidsonia, Bouchard-Chai Bouchardiana, Vern. Vemeuilli, Bouchard. Woodwardiana ?, Koninck. Delthyris, Dalman. Spiri: Discina, Lamarck, 1819. acuticosta, Sndbrgr. Alleghania,' Hall. ampla,’ „ Doria,’ „ ? Edgellii,' Davids. Elmira, 1 „ grandis,' Vanuxem. humilis,' Hall. incerta,' Davids. Lodensis,' Hall. marginata, Sndbrgr. media,' Hall. minuta,' „ neglecta,' nitida, Phill. Randalli,' Hall. Cornif. Liraest., L... Ham M M M ia (pars), Daln Limestone No. 8, L. Limestone, M Ham. ? M Schohar. Grit &c., L. Subdivision. Limestone, M. . „ M. . Ham M. . M.?. Ham M. . ? .... U. . Ithaca, Chemung Narrows (N. Y.), Licking Co. (Ohio). Cayuga Canada West) Ham. ,M. .M. Limest., Ham. Sh., Chemung Group, L., M.,U. ornif. Limest., Cal- ceol. Sch., Frasne Schist and Limest., Stringoc. Limest., Ham. G p , Famenne G p , Iberg Limest., L., M., U. M. risk.Sandst.,C Limest., L. !am M. „ M. ,M. .M. [am M. M. !hem. Shales, 1 [am M. Iarcell.Sh.jIIa M. .U.. Locality. Couvin (Belgium) Gees by Gerolstein (in Stages 3 & 5) (Acervulariabeds) Little Traverse Bay Iowa (only 3 valves known) New Buffalo, Iowa city B udleigh-Salterton Pebble-beds, Devon Ferques (Boulonnais) Hamilton, Delphi Falls, Kellogsville Genessee, Pavilion, Seneca, Canandai- gua Lakes (N. Y.). Bellona, York, Moscow, &c. W. N.Y. an. Grand Greve, Gasp6 (Canad. E.) Torquay, Lummaton, &c. (Devonsh.) Clearwater-rivermouth(ArcticAm.W.) Schohar. and Albany Counties Vienna (New York) Iowa City Ferques, Torquay, Woolboro’, &c. Fort Resolution, River-M'Kenzie ram- parts, rivers Anderson and Porcu- pine, N.N.W. Amer., New York and Canad. W. passim, Ohio, Michigan. Phillipsburg (New York) Barton, Ilfracombe, Newton, Sabero, Ferrones, Vilmar, Blankenheim. Kerpen, Auerhahn, Grund, Chimay, Iz6, Kanlidja, Arpatchcai (Armen.), Ural, New York, Iowa, Kentucky. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 230. „ „ „ 238. Geol. Rep. Mich. 1866, Append, p. 92, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. ix. 30. „ „ „ 29. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 75. ,, „ ix. 253. Palaeont. New York, iv. 398. „ „ 396. „ „ 397. „ „ 395. „ 394. Torquay, Barton, Lummaton Callaway Co. (Missouri) Sains, Firon, Neuville, Comblenay, &c Callaway Co. (Missouri) Onion river(ArcticAmer.long.W. 125°) Albany and Cuinberl. Co a , Blanchard and North Cayuga (Canada West). Rock Island (Illinois) New Buffalo (Iowa) Eifel Welikaja valley (Livonia) Little Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan. Schonecken, Chimay, Vilmar, &c. ... Rivers Lenne, Agger, Vohne, Torquay, Newton Abbott, &c. Chimay (Belgium) Vilmar (Nassau) Hobbieville (New York) New York Hamilton, SenecaLake, and Canada W. Pebble-beds Budleigh-Salterton Elmira(N.York),Wellsboro’(Pennsyl.) Cazenovia, Pratt’s Falls, Moscow Canandaigua Lake, Bridgewater Pebble-bedsBudleigh-Saltert.(Devon.) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 77. Lodi, Bigstream Point, Bear Creek ^Canada West). Wissenbach, Cramberg (Nassau) Ovid, Seneca and Canandaig. Lakes Troupsburg. Avon (New York), Pennsylvania Ithaca (New York) Muddiford.Sloly quarr.&c.(N.Devon.) Schoharie Co. (New York) Reference. Canad. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 49. Davidson, Mon. Br. Dev.Pal.Soc. p.51. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 64, 90. XX. Rep. Regents N.Y. p. 151. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 267. , „ 270. Davidson, Mono. Brach. Devon. Pa- laeontogr. Soc. p. 58. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicag. i. 75, 100; Canad. Nat. & Geol. n. s. vi. ; Geol Rep. Michig. Append, p. 86. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 270. M'Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 377 ; Bull Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 709, vii. 781, xii. 190, xvii. 59 ; Davidson, Mon Br. Dev. Pal. Soc. p. 48 ; Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218 ; Siluria, ed. 4 p. 399. Davidson, Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 49. ? Trans. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, i. 647. Gosselet, MS. 1870. Trans. Ac. Sc. St. Louis, i. 648. Trans. Ac. Sc. Chicago, i. 100. Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 428, iv. 263 ; Geol, Canada, 1863, 361. Worthen, Geol. Rep. 111. i. 121. Kayser, Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 370. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia &c. p. 32. 1st Biennial Rep. Michigan, p. 55. Verstein. Nassau, p. 358 ; Palaeont D. & Von M. iii. 220. Siluria, 4th ed.p.396 ; Davidson, Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 74. Mem. Soc. Royale de Liege. Verstein. Nassau, p. 373. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 25. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 78. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 24. 17. 16. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 22. Verstein. Nassau, pp. 372, 482. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 20. 16. 24. Davidson, Mono, citat. Pal. Soc.p.104 Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 18. Djscina (continued). ] 36 [Bkachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Seneca,' truncata, 1 tullia,' Vicaryii,' spec, indet.,' Eatonia, Hall, 1856. peculiaris,’ Hall. Davids Eeyser. Hall. Hall. Ham. Upper, M. .. Genessee Slate, M. . . Stages 2, 3, 4, 5, M.. Oriskany Sandst., L. pumila,' , sinuata,' , Whitfieldi,' , Gypidia, Balman. Penta Gypidula, Hall, 1867. leviuscula,' Hall, occidentalis,' Pentam. occidentalis. Hoplotheca, Schnur. venusta, Schnur. Ithyris, B’Orbigny. See Leiorhynchus, Hall, 1860. dubius,' Hall, globuliformis,' Vanux. Huronensis,' Nichols. Kelloggi,' Hall, limitaris,’ Vanuxem. Seneca Lake (eastern shore) Lodi, Bigstream Point Ovid (New York) Budleigh-Salterton Pebble-beds . . Eifel Bridgewater (Oneida Co., New York) Albany, Schohar., Green Counties, &c. Limestone No.8,Gaspe&c.(Can.East) Albany Co. (N.Y.) ....: Cumberland Co. (Maryland) mesocostalis/ Hall. merits, Sowerby. UHL L Ham M. .. Phyllade ...L Rliynchonella. Marcell. Sh., M Chem U Ham. Shale, M Ham M Marcell. Sh.,Goniatit, Limest., M., U. Chem U Waterloo (Iowa) Independence Town (Iowa), Little Traverse Bay. Houffalize (Belgium) multicosta,' , Rhynch. Laura. mysia,' , Newberryi,' , I quadricostata,' , Atrypa mesocostalis. j sesquiplieatus,' Winch. sinuatus,' Hall. Leptaena, Balman, 1827-28. anaglypha,' arcuata, Bielensis, bifida, Bohemica, Bouci, Calliaudi, caudata, clathrata, clausa, colombaria, concentrica, crinita, Davousti, deltoidea, euglypha, Eischeri, Keyser. Vern. Ad. Rom. Barrande. Rouault. Schnur. Rouault. Verneuil. Pacht. Ad. Rom. Yern. Winkler, Vern, [ gigas(Strophomena), M'Coy. ! Gualteri, Rouault, insequistriata,' D’Orb. inflata(Strophom.),Ad.Rom. interrupta, Sow. interstrialis,' Phill. irregularis, F. Rom. Stropkom. lata, Vern., Sow. Ham. Shale, M Goniatite Limest., U, Genessee SI., M Ham M Chemung ...U Stages 4, 5, M. Marls, flags Famenne Sch.,Frasne Sch., Iberg Limest., M„ U. Calceol. Sch., M. L New York State Otsego Co. and South-east New York) Widder (West Canada) Northern Ohio, New York State Schohar., Marcellus, Avon, Alden, Leroy, &c. Morgan &c. (Ohio), Steuben Co. &c. (Mill. New York). New York State (passim), Widder, Enniskillen, &c. (Canada West). Schoharie, New York Ashtabula (Ohio). Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, Ogden’s Ferry, &c. Bryozoa beds, Little Traverse Bay Michigan. Ithaca, Chemung Narrows &e., South New York. Eifel River Ulabue (Russ.), Tula, Linchvin, Hope’s Nose? (England). Bielshohle, Harz, Lampret, Barvaux, (Belg.), Firon (France). M. LimestQne, M. M. M. U... White Calc. Sch. Calceol. Sch., M. L .? Limestone, M L.,M.,U. Shale L., U. M. .. UHL., Ham., L... Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Limestone, M Calceol. Sch., Eifel stages 1, 2,3, 4, Che- mung, L., M., U. Stages 3, 4, M. . Grey Sandst., L.. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 20. „ „ 23. 22 Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 77. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, pp. 368-370. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 21. Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 436. „ „ 437. ,, „ 438. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 381. ,, „ 380 ; Winch. Rep. Michigan. D’Omal.D’Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 515. XX. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 161. Geol. Mag. n. s. i. 120. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 361. „ „ 356. „ „ 362. „ ,, 358 ; Winch. Rep. on Grand Trav. Reg. Mich. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 357. Festenburg (Harz) Vire (France), Bohemia La Manche, Le Cotentin (Fr.).. Gahard (St. Aubin) Blankenheim,Emmersheim,Gerolstein Gahard, d’lze , „ Vire Touwa (Elbourz Mountain, Armenia) Ussinsky Kurgan (Russ.) Bockwiese (Clausthal) Les Courtoisieres (Fr.) Nowa Slupia (Poland). Eifel River Don (Voroneje), Ferques, Ga- hard, Ize (Fr.). Looe, Polruan (Cornwall) Ize, Gahard, &c Parkhurst,NewBuffalo(Iowa), Charles- ton landing (Indiana), Ohio Falls Moscow (New York). Schalke, Kahleberge (Harz) Plymouth Priim, Biikenh., Daleiden, &c.,Glageon (NorthFr.), Couvin, Dailly.Honney, Oberkunzendorf (Dr. Dames), Tor- quay, Bradley, Ogwell,&c., Chemung Nairows, Ithaca, Homer, &c. Gees, Blankenheim, Gerolstein, &c. ... [of Good Hope. Valleys of Zinieff and Tomsk, Cape Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 1, For. Mem. ; Geol. Rep. Mich. 1866, Append, p. 86. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 362. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 1371. Murch., Vern. & Kevser. Geol. Russ, ii. 59. Palaeont. D.& Von M. iii. 34 ; Gosselet, MS. 1870. Palaeont. D. &VonM. v. 17. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 411. D’Arch. Palaeont. France, p. 45. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 323. Palaeont. D. & Von M. viii. 224. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 393. D’Archiac, Palaeont. de Fr. p. 46. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 501. Pacht, Untersuchung, p. 180. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 73. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 782. Museum Teyler, p. 42. Murch., Vern. & Keyser. Geol. Russ, ii. 233 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 323, viii. 377. Brit. Palaeont. Foss. 1855, p. 386. Bull.Soc.G6ol. Fr. n.s. iv. 323, viii. 393. D. D. Owen, Rep. Minnes. &c. p. 599, Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 69. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 397. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 12, 222 ; Pa- lseoz. Fossil. Devon. &c. p. 61 ; Van- uxem, Geol. Rep. N. Y. 3rd Distr p. 175. Palaeont. D. & V on M. iii. 224. [Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. i. 684. Leptjena (continued).] 37 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. laticosta,' Conrad. Tropidoleptus. Ham. ..L., M. latissima, Leblancii, lepis, Lonsdalei, Bouchard, Rouault, Bronn, Rouault, M L Stages2,3,4,L.,M.,U. ..L.. Llwydi, „ Maestrana, Yern, minor(Strophom.), Ad.Rom. Murchisoni, D’Arch. &Vern M. .., L Wissenb. Sch., L. L., M. var. Naranjuana, var. plana, nobilis, nodulosa, pectinata, Phillipsii, plicata, polytricha, productoides, Vern. Schnur. M‘Coy. Phill. Goldf. Barrande. Sow. Ad. Rom Murchison. ? reticulata, Hannah rugosa, Dalm Sedgwickii, D’Arch. &DeVer. :....L Calceol. Sch., L., M. Grauwacke, L Limestone, M M M Sandst. & Psammite, L„ M. Spirit. Sand., L Goniat. Limest., U... Rough Red Limes., M. M Spir. Sand., Calc. Sch. Calceol. Sch., L., M... semiradiata, Sow, sericea, , signifera, Schnur. squamula, Keyserl subarachnoidea, V er. &D’ Arc subplana, De Vern. ? subtetragona, Ferd. Rom. subtransversa, Schnur. Tchihatcheffi.D’Arch.&Vern Limestone, L.. Schist M. L.. M Stringoc. Limest., M Crinoid Sch., M. ... L taeniolata, Sndbrgr. Thisbd, D’Orb spec, indet. (2), Ad. Rom, .. ( 2 ), „ D’Arch.&DeVern. Leptocelia, Hall, 1856. Phyllade ...L M. .. M.?.. Wissenb. Sch., L. L acutiplicata,' concava,' Caelospira. dichotoma,' Caelospira. fimbriata,' flabelhtes,' Conrad. Hall. Conrad. Worth. UHL L. imbricata,' propria,' Lingula, Bruguiere, 1789. Oriskany Sandst., L... „ L... „ Cornif. Limest., L. Clear Creek L’st., L.. Oriskany Sandst., L.. alveata,' Amayana, Artemis, 1 bicarinata, circularis, ceryx,' concentrica,' cornea, Hall. Rycklioldt. Billings. Kutorga. Ham. Shale, M U Pass.-bed, L’st. 5, L.. MarlyO.R.Sandst.,M. T. M. Hall. Cucvllcea- bed, U. Hall. Schoh. GrP, L. .. Vanux. Genessee Sh., M. . . SowJ M„ U. Looe,Meadsfoot, Gahard, Daun, Nowa Slupia, Hamilton Co. (N. Y.), Re- lender (Bosph.), Cedarberg. Ferques (Boulonnais) Izd, Gahard Priim, Schonecken, &c., D’Avesnes, Bas-Boulonnais. Rennes, St. Aubin du Cormier &c. St. Aubin, Vitre (France) Sabero (Leon) Zeigenberger Teiche (Harz) Argentre, Chassegrain, Sabero, Rhen. Borders, Cerro del Hierzo, Siegen Daleiden, Prum, Bas-Boulonnais, Montigny-sur-Meuse. Loue, Vire, &c., Sierra Morena ... Eifel (passim), Ferrones, Sabero (N orth Spain). Gerolstein, Priim, Schonecken (Eifel) Barton, Newton Abbot, Teignmouth Newton Bishop, Hope Eifel Loue, Gahard, Bouillon, Eifel, Guadal- peral, Bohemia, &c. Coblenz, Caub Harz Pskoff,L.Hmen,riverVolkhoff,Prussino Plymouth Anor, Brulon, Ize, Priim, Daleiden, Houffalize,Birkenthal,Guadalperal, Vallenegrillo (Spain). Meadfoot, Fowey, Hierges (Ardennes), Daun, Priim. Braubach, Priim, New-York State Gerolstein (only one valve known) River Tsilina (Voroneje Government) Eifel (stages 1,2) Nehou (Le Cotentin) (N. York, U. S. A., Silur.). Buchenberg (Harz) Gerolstein (Eifel) Kartal, Arnaout-koi, Kanlydja Houffalize (Belgium) Nehou (France) Bockweise (Harz) Ziegenberg, Teiche, Festenburg Both sides of the Bosphorus Waterville, Cassville, Drylots, East Victor, &c. Haldimand (Canada W.), Whitehead (Gaspe). Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Pored (Gaspd), Albany, Schoh., Green & Ulster Cos. (N. York), Virginia. Missouri, Bailey’s Landing Cumberland Co. (Maryl.), New York, Canada. Ludlowville, Fulton Green (N. York) Amay (Liege), Namur (Belgium) ... (Gaspd) Cap Bon Ami Krassnaja, Govt. St. Petersb. (passim), Fellin, Dorpat, &c. (Livonia). Sloly Quarries (pass.-beds into Carb.) Clarkesville, Albany Co. (N. York) ... Louisville, Ogden’s Ferry, CayugaLake Verlevo (Govt. St. Petersb.), Dorpat, Elbersreuth, Wenlock, &c. Davidson, Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 87 ; Bull.Soc.Gdol.Fr.n.s. iv. 705,xi.413 ; Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 220. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 253. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 393. Palaeont. D. &Von M.iii.223 ; D’Areli. Palaeont. de Fr. p. 46. D’Arch. Palaeont. de Fr. p. 46 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 394. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, n. s. viii. 393. 183 Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 12. Bull. Soc.Geol.Fr. n. s. ii. 477, vii. 161, 782, x. 127, xii. 190, xix. 503, xxi. 306 ; Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 201. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, n. s. vii. 782. „ 182. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 223. Brit. Palwont. Foss. p. 386 Palaeont. Foss. Devon. &c. p. 56. Musee Teyler, Haarlem. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. vii. 782, xviii. 30 ; Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 204. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 395. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 26, xiii. 229. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ, ii. 44. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. 704. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 105. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 782, xii. 1017: Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 72, 221. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 409. „ „ 397. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 242. Dr. Kayser, Petschora Reise, p. 218. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 371. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 704. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 22. „ iii. 223. Tchihatch. Voy. Asia Minor, Append, p. 56. D’Om. d’Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 575. Prodrome, i. 89. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 72. „ 78. Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218. Palaeont. New York, iv. 365. Can. Geol. &c. n. s. vi. 353; Geol. Can. 1863, p. 439. Palaeont. New York, iii. 452. „ 450. Hall, Palaeont, New York, iii. 449 ; Can. Journ. n. s. vi. 351. Geol. Illinois, i. 128. Hall, Descript. New Foss. 1857. p. 68. Palaeont. New York, iv. 12. iMdlang. Pal. pt. 2, p. 169 ; Mdm. Acad. Belg. xxiv. Geol. Surv. Can. Pal. Foss. 1874, ii. 14. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. x. 189 ; Grewingk. Geol. Livonia &c. p. 22. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 377. Palaeont. New York, iv. 6. Vanux. Geol. N. York, p. 168 ; Yand. & Shum. Contrib. Kentucky, p. 33. Lethaea Ross. i. 921 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. 424. Lingula ( continued ).'] 38 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Delia,' . Hall. Ham. Sh....M densa,' „ M desiderata,’ Cornif. Limest., L.... exilis, 1 Marcell. Sh., M Koninckii, Schnur. Grauw. with L’st., L., Goniatite Sell., U. Leana,' Hall. Ham. Shale, M Ligea,' Bill. Port&Che.Gr Ps ,M.,U. var./ Hall. Ham M Lucretia,' Bill. Pass. -bed, Limest.5,L. Maida,' Hah. Moscow Sli., M Manni,' Vanux. UHL L Marcellensis,' Marcell. Sh., M Melia,' Hall. Chem U minima, Ad. Rom. Grey Marl, M minuta,' F. B. Meek. Genessee SI., M M nuda,' Hall. Ham. Sli....M palreaformis,' „ M punctata,' „ ,, M Salteri, Davids. M,U. ... spatula, Schnur. Grauwacke, L spatulata,' Worth. BlackSlate,topDevon. bed, U. squamiformis, Phill. C?, L„ M. ... Aurelia,' Bill. Pass.-bed Limest. 8. . . aspera, ? M„ U. ... basalis, Baylei, Dalrn. L Rouault. M De Vern. L., M. . canalicula, Schnur. Crinoid Sch., M„ U... carinata,' Hall. Portage & Chem., U.. circularis, Sow. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Cleobis,’ Hall. Onond. Limest., L.... concentrica, Miinst. Orthoc. Limest., U. .. concinna, Morr. & Sharpe. ? congrua ?, Eichw. Black Limest. of 1‘cn- tamerus. costata, crenistria ?,' Miinst. Bright Clym. L’st, U. Phill. Huron Gr p , U Cumberlandiae,’ Hall. Oriskany Sandst., L.. cuneata,' Owen ? Ham M cyclas,' Hall. Ham. Sh....M Devonica, crenistria, var D’Orb. L„ M. .. , Keyserl. dilatata, Dumontiana, T, , M De Vern. Sch. of Famenne, Tere- hrat.-cuhoides beds,U. Dutertrii, Murch. Limestone, M Eifelensis, De Vern. Calceol. Sch. , stages 3, 4, 5, M., U. elegans, U Crinoid Sch., M. M„ Schohar. Gr p , Cornif. Limest., Ham., L., M. Upp. Calc.Limest.,M. M bicula, Orbiculoi Eifel? , M. L... M. Sandstone, L... Albany, Schoharie and Ontario Cos. Williamsville, Apulia, Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, Genessee, &c. (N.Y.) Falls r.Ohio(Kent.),Fairport(Ohio). Eifel Budleigh-Salterton pebble-bed dea, !>' Orb., 1847. Ungula, Pander, Zeitschr. &c. Berl. 1871, p. 370. Palseont. N.York, iv. 279 ; D. D.Owen, Geol. Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 024. Gahard (France) Daleiden, Eifel Gahard Cedarberg, Gvdow Pass, Hottentot Kloof. Luxembourg Chimay (Belgium) Daleiden Cape of Good Hope (Africa) Elbersreuth Louisville (Kentucky) Schiibelhammer Elbersreuth Gahard, Ize, &c Les Courtoisieres (France) La Manche (France) Elbersreuth Clarkville, Knox, and Schoharie Co. .. Chimay, Couvin (Belgium) D’Avesnes, Bas-Boulonnais, Ogwell, Newton Bushell. Looe, Foreland, W. Lee, Linton, Wood abay ,Torq., Ply m . ,N ewton Bush . ,&c. Indian Cove (Gaspe Slates), Can. East Givet, Condros, Famenne, Elricungt, &c. Kartal, Gulf of Nicomedia Gahard (La Manche) Sabero, Aviles, Almaden, Ize, Nehou, Perques,Chassegraine,Eifel(passim) Kanlydjii. Sctuenecken, Daun, Waxweiler, Priim, Flohiinont, Couvin (Belgium). Painted Post (New York) Coblenz, Caub, Fowey, Daun, Menzen- berg, near Bonn. Clarence Hollow, Williamsville (N.Y.) Elbersreuth (Upper Franconia) Falkland Isles (South America) Bogoslovsk (Ural) Geiser near Hof, Pressek (Bavaria).. Point aux Barques (Lake Huron) Voroneje, Petschora. Cumberland Co. (Maryland) New Buffalo (Iowa) York, Pavilion, Bellona, Canandaig. L Siberia, Touwa, D’Elbourg Mountain Kanlydjii, Kartal, Mt. Geant, Vene- ros, Arnao, &c., Ferques, Iz6. Waxweiler, Daun, Daleiden, Coblenz. Trelon, Barvaux, Verlaine, Famenne. Chillon, Castillejo, Ferques, Fiennes, Nowa Slupia, Great Voroneje. 'eneros (Spain), Eifel, Condros, LeCo- tentin, Et rasungt, Dailly, D’Avesnes. Ferques (Bas-Boulonnais). Zeitschr. &c. Berl. p. 369. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 70. Aulonotreta,1848. Schizotreta, [Kutorga. D’Arcliiac, Palseont. de France, p. 45. Pahvont. D. & Von M. iii. 229. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 398. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. Melang. Palseont. Mem. Cour. xxiv. 92. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 236. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 204 ? „ „ vi. 391. Yand. & Shum. Contr.Kent. 1847, p. 33. Beitriige &c. iii. 80. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. „ ,, vii. 783. D’Archiac, Palseont. de France, p. 45. Palseont. D & Von M. i. 131. Palseont. New York, iv. 36. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 395. D’Archiac, Palseont. de France, p. 45 Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon. &c. p. 64 &c. Can. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 35. Gosselet, MS. 1870 ; Explic. Carte de Fr. p. 732. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. p. 389 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. 387. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 322. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 215 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 180, 781, xii. 190, 1016; Mem. Soc. Cherb. x. 180. Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 213. Palseont. New York, iv. 58. Siluria, ed.4, p. 395 ; Pal. D. & Von M, iii. 218 ; Krantz, Verb. Verst, xiv, Jahrb. &c. Palseont. New York, iv. 41. Beitriige &e. iii. 79. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ii. 275. Lethsea Rossica, i. 845. Beitriige &c. iii. 79. Leth. Ross. p. 847 ; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862, p. 410. Palseont. New York, iii. 481. Owen, Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 640. Palseont. New York, iv. 52. Tchihat. l’al. Asia Min. Append, p. 55 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 161, xii. 1016. Das rhein. Ueberg. p. 74. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 181 ; D’Arch. Geol. & Pal. 1866, p. 456. Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond. ser. 2, vi. 395 ; Beaum. Explic. Carte do Fr. p. 782. Schulz, Geol. Oviedo, p. 45; Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 213; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 161, xii. 1184; Mem. Soc. Cherb. x. 201. Gosselet, MS. 1870. Orthis (continued).'] 40 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Eryna,' Ida. f'ascicularis, flabellulum, HaU. Cornif. Limest., L.... WiUiamsville (New York) Palaeont. New York, iv. 42. D’Orb. L Femmes (Asturias) D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 90. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 257. ? L Siegen, Unkel (Rhenish Prussia) Geryillii, Barr. L., M. ... Bohemia, Sabero, Aleje, Vi re, Nehou, Ferques, Arnoutkoi, Yenikoi, Mont Geant, &c. BuU. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 161, 781 ; Pal. Asia Min. Append. 1866, p. 12. var. , Boniss. ? L La Sarthe (France) Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist. Cherb. x. 201. gigantea, Ad. Rom. Calceol. Limest., L.. . . Falkenburg (Silesia ?) Pakeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 206. grandis, ? U Fiennes, Ferques (Bas-Boulonnais) ... De Beaum. Expl. Carte de Fr. p. 782. granulata, Munst. Clymen. Limest., U... Schubelhammer (Franconia) Meadfoot, Hope’sNose, Linton, Wood- abay, Petkerwin. Beitrage &c. iii. 79. granulosa, Phill. L.,M.,U. Phill. Pal. Foss. Dev. p. 65. Ilians*, Von Buck. Stringoc. Limest., M. Givet,Couvin(Belg.),Serebrianka?,&c. Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 232 ; J. Schnur. ITamoni, Rouault. L„ M. ... Gahard, New York (De Vemeuil) ... BuU. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. spec. 323. hipparionyx/ hybrida ?,' Sckn., Vanux. Oriskany Sandstone, Spirit. Sandst., L. M Albany, Schoh., Herkimer, and Oneido Cos. (N.Y.), Cumberland Co. (Mary- land), CastiUejOjGuadalperal, Priim, Weiusheim, Menzenb., La Manche, Looe, Meadfoot, Arnout-koi, Kartal, Orta-koi, &c. Chimay, Couvin. Hall, Pal. N. Y. iii. 407 ; Davids. Mon. cit. Pal. Soc. p. 90 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. xii. 72 & 1016 ; Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 217; Mem. Soc. H. N. Cherb. x. 201 ; Krantz, Verb. Verst, xiv. Jahrg. idonea,' HaU. Ham M 18-mile Creek, Moscow (New Yorkl... Palasont. New York, iv. 52. impressa/ ” Port. & Ckem., U. . . . Ithaca, CayutaCreek, Elmira, Philips- berg, &c. „ „ 60. Inca, insequalis,' D’Orb. East Slopes of Bolivian Andes Voy. Amer. du Sud, iii. 227. Palasont. Iowa, p. 490. Hall. '..U Burlington (Iowa) interlineata, Sow. Slate &c., Clym. L’st., Chem., M., U. Petherwin, Launceston, Morebath, Pilton, Thuringia, Ebersdorf, New York. Davids. Mon. cit. Pal. Soc. p. 91 ; XIV. Rep. Reg. N. Y. p. 36 ; Leonk. & Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, pp. 490 & 626. Iowensis,' F. B. Meek. Cornif. Limest., Ham. Gr p , Chem. Gr p , L., M., U. Riv.Saugeen,Pt.auxBarques(L.IIur.), Rocklsl., Moline, LimeCreek (Iowa), Red riv., Liard riv. (riv. Mackenzie, N.N.W. America), Clearwater river Geol. IUin. i. 121 ; Geol. Can. 1863, p. 372 ; Hinde, Exped. Rupert’s L. p. 187 ; Hall & Whitn. Rep. Iowa, pp. 87, 263 ; Trans. Ac. Sc. Chicago, Keokuki,' Streptorhi/nc. crenistria. ? (Athabaska, N.N.W. Amer.), Inde- pend., New Buff., SheUburg (Iowa). i. 63. Kielciencis, Ad. Rom. Brown Sandst., L. ?. . . Kielce, Russian Poland Quart. Joum. G. S. L. xxiii.,For. Mem. Amphitoma , Von Bucli. (p ars). p. 16. laticosta, Productus o D’Orb. Bolivian Andes Voy. Amer. du Sud, iii. 227. rbicularis. lenticularis,' lentiformis. Leonensis,' HaU. Cornif. Limest., L.... Leroy, Caledonia, Vienna, Sliortsville (New York). Pakeont. New York, iv. 36. ,, Port. &Cbem.GrP s ,U. Leon, Conewango, Randoif (N. York) „ „ 62. lepida,' » Ham. Sk....M Ontario Co. (New York) XIII. Rep. Regents New York, p. 78 ; XV. „ „ p. 183. lepis, Bronn. Strophomena. Calceol. Shale, M. ... Eifel, Couvin, Chimay, Ferrones (Sp.) Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 372 ; Leth. Geogn. i. 365. lepis, De Vern. „ M. ... Russia Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. pi. 36. Leucosia, 1 Hall. Ham. Sk....M Ontario Co. (New York) Pakeont. New York, iv. 63. Lewisii, Davids. Limestone, M. ? Gerolstein (Eifel) Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 217. Livia,' Billings. Cornif. Limest., Pass.- bed, L. Gaspe (Limest. No. 8), West N. York, Walpole (Canada West). Can. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 32 ; Palaeont. New York, ii. 38. Lucia,' lunaris, F. Rom. Indian Cove (Gaspe) Can. JSurv. Pal. Foss. ii. 35. Scb. & Limest., M.... Bodzentin (Poland) Beobaclit. Zeitschr. 1866. lunata, Sow. L River Sosva (Russia), Daun, Ems, Griineswald. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ, ii. 190, 387. M c Farlani,' Meek. Ham M Mackenzie river below fort Good Hope, and on rivers Lockhart & Anderson (N.N.W. America). Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 89. macroptera, F. Rom. M Refrath (Rhenish Prussia) ? micans, Von Buch. M Tschudovo, river Volkkoff (Russia)... Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 396. mitis,' HaU. Schoharie Gr p , L. ... Albany and Schoharie Cos. (N. York) Pakeont. New York, iv. 37. ..L. Pont D’Aizy (La Manche) Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 201. Murchisoni, Leptcena. musculosa,' De Vern. Grauwacke, L Siegen and Menzenberg (Rk. Pruss.).. Geol. Russia, ii. 396 ; Krantz, Verb. Verst, xiv. Jahrg. &c. HaU. Oriskauv Sandst., L... North Cayuga Co. (Can.W.), Schoharie & Albany Cos. (New York). Pakeont. New York, iii. 409. nucleus,’ Sow. Marcell. Sh., M New-York State XIV. Rep. Regents JN. York, p. 26. obovata, Spirit. Sandst., L. . . . Daun, Ilaiger-Seebacb, Menzenberg... Pakeont. D. &Von M. iii. 218; Krantz, Verb. Verst, xiv. Jahrg. &c. opercularis, De Vern. Calceol. Sch., String Limest., L., M. Volkkoff, Nowa Slupia, Borszezow (Silesia), Kartal, Sabero, Weilburg Waldbrol, Vire. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 187; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 161 : Verstein. Nassau, p. 353; Letkaea Geogn. i. 359. A young Stringocephalus Burtini, De France. Oethis ( continued ).'] 41 [Bhachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. orbicularis, var., ovalis, palmata, papilio, partita ?, pectinata,' peloris,' Penelope,' D’Arch. & De Yern. Murch. Ad. Rom. Morr. & Sharpe. Krantz. Sow. D'Orb. Hall. Subdivision. Iberger Limest. &e. L., M, U. U Sandstone, L Ferruginous rock, L. plano-convexa, prisca, propinqua,' pulvinata, (Strophomena) rugosa,' Von Buch. Worth. ? Schnur. Hall. Salter sacculus, Eifelensis. Semele/ Serrurieri, similis, solitaria,' spathulata, striatula, Sndbrgr Hall. Rouault, Schloth HaU. Ad. Rom Schloth. strigosa, D’Arch. ADeVern. stringorhyncha, subcordiformis, subumbona,' testudinaria, tetragona, Tioga/ interlineata. transversalis, non Leptana. Trigeri, urrjbonata,' undifera, Vanuxemi,' Kayser. Hall. Sow. Schnur. Hall. De Yern. Conrad. Schnur. Hall. Ad. Rom. Schnur. Ad. Rom. Sow. Rouault. Schloth. Koninek ventricosa, ventroplana, venusta, vetusta. virgulata, voisini, vulvaria, Witryana, spec, indet.' (2), „ ' Hall. „ Tietze. Orthisina, D'Orbigny, 1847. umbraculum, Von Buch Pentagonia, Cozzem, 1846. Peers! 1 Cozzens Atryp. unisulcata, Conrad Spirit. Sandst., L. U. ... Sandstone, L. ... Schohar. Gr p , L. Ham. Sh....M. Clear Creek L’st., L, Limestone, M UHL L Pebble-beds Tully Limest., M. . Stringoc. Limest., M. Onond. Limest., L.... M Limestone, U Ham. Sh....M Grey Limestone Spirif.Sandst., Sandst. of Anor., Calc. Sell., Givet L’st., Psamm. Condros, Famenne Sell., Iberg. Lime- stone, L., M., U. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Cuboides Sell., U. CultrijugatusStufe.M. Calceol. Sch., M. ... „ & Iberg Limest., M., U. Calc. Sch.(4stages),M. Port. & Chem., U. ... Locality. Pelapaya, Alejo, Castillejos, Brulon Vire, Ferques, Gahard, Grund Touwa, Pendek, Kartal. Ferques Kahleberg (Harz) Cold and warm Bokkeveld, Cedarberg, Kokman and Hottentot's Kloofs, the Knysna river (S. Africa). Menzenberg, Siegen, Unkel, Hessen stein. Petherwin, Pilton, Haiger-Seelbach, near Dissenburg. Bolivian Andes ClarksviUe and Knox (New York) . 18-mile Creek, Hamburg, Erie Co., Alexander, York, Moscow, Pavilion, Seneca, &c. Lakes. Bailey’s Landing (Missouri) Couvin (Belgium) Ohio, New York Budleigh-Salterton (Devonsh.) Pennsylv., Tully, Tinker’s Falls, Ovid &c., New York, Sotenich, Venders Hubnerkopfes, Siegen, Unkel, Ply- mouth, Newton (Devonsh.). Weilburg (flinty ironst.), Gerolstein, Oberkunzendorf (Dr. Dames), Vene- ros (Spain). Clarence Hollow, Erie Co. (N. York) Gahard (France) Fiennes (Bas-Boulonnaisl York (Livingstone Co., New York) ... Wolfsburg (Harz) Newton Abbot, Barton, Ilfracombe, Pilton, Ize, Ferques, Verviers, Huy, Namur, &c., Almaden, Arnao, Val d’Ossau, Ac., Ems, Braubach, Dalei- den, Grund, Uchta, Volkhoff, Prus- sino, &c., Kielce (Poland), Livonia. Bosphorus, &c. naiger-Seelbach, Menzenberg Reference. Palacont. D. &Von M. iii. 29, 30 ; Bull Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ii 478, vii. 161 501, 788. Murch. ,Vorn.&Keys.Geol. Russ, ii.396. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 10. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 204. Yerh. d. n.Verst xiv. Jahrg. neue Folge, iv. 156. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon. ; Trs. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 409. Voy. Amer. du Sud, iii. pi. ii. Hall, Palasont. New York, iv. 34. XIII. Rep. Regents New York, p. 79 ; XVI. „ „ p. 184. Geol. Illinois, i. 128. J. J. d’Halloy, Prec. G6ol. 1868, p. 576. Paheont. New York. iv. 43. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xx. 294. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 396 ; Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 10. Verstein. Nassau, pp. 6, 354. Ham. Sh....M Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Cornif. Limest., Ham. Sh„ Chem. Gr p , L., M., U. Wissenb. Sell., M. ... Eifel. stages 2, 3, 4,M. Crinoid Sell., L., M... Blackish Limest. ... L M. Phyllade . . . L. . . U.., ITam. Group, M.... Cornif. Limest., L. Passage-bed, U Spirif. Sand., L. ... Subgenus of Merist UIIL., Ham., L., M. Budeslieim (Eifel) Eifel Seneca Lake (New York) Mondrepuis, Schonecken, Grund, &c.. Schonecken, Fourmies, Couvin, D’ Ailly Jefferson (Ohio), Factoryville, Elmira, Phillipsburg, Leon (New York). France [&c. Kanlydja, Kartal, Nehou, Joue, Brulon, Moscow, Darien, Aurora, &c., river- Ohio Falls, Gahard (France). Menzenberg, Blankenheim, &c Rock Isl. (Illin.), Davenport (Iowa), Point aux Barques (Mich.), Canand. Lake (New York), Bosanquet &c. (Can. W.), Scutari, Kartal, &c. Festenberg Teiche (Harz) ? Schonecken, Gerolstein Hilkenschwende (Harz) Ilaiger-Seelbach Ize, Gahard Ilouffalize (Belg.), Waxweiler, Prum. Chimay, Couvin (Belg.) New Buffalo (Iowa) Western New York Ebersdorf (Saxony) Kahleberg (Ad. Rom.), Harz ella. Falls of Ohio (Kentucky, Canada W.), Albany and Schoharie Counties. Paheont. New York, iv. 40. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 323. Elie deBeaum.Expl.CarteFr.&c. p.782. Paheont. New York, iv. 45. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 11. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 87 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. iv. 322, vii. 160, 778, viii. 395, x. 126, xi. 454, xii. 1016, xxi. 306; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 355; Mem. Soc. H. N. Cherb. x. 201, &c. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 408 ; Verh. d. n. Verst, xiv. Jahrg. &c. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p.374. „ p. 370. Descript. New Spec. 1857. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 10. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 214. Palasont. New York, iv. 59. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xi. 241. Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218. Hall, New Foss. 1857, p. 127; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 322-325. Krantz, Verh. Verst, xiv. &c. Paheont. N.York, iv. 40, 47, 49 ; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1862, p. 409 ; Comptes Rend. lxiv. 1218; Worth. Rep. Illinois, i. 121. Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 78, xiii. 224. „ „ iii. 212. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 11. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 396. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. iv. 323, viii. 377. D'Omal. D’Halloy, Precis Geol. p.575. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 396. D. D. Owen, Rep. Minnesot. &c. p. 640. Palasont. N. Y. iv. 39. Paheont. D. & Zeiler, xix. 149. Palasont. D. & Von M. xiii. 220 Annals N. Y. Lyceum, 1846, iii. 158. M Pentaherella.] 42 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Pentamerella, Hall, 1867. arata,' Hall. Pentamerus aratus, Conrad, Atrypa octocostata, „ dubia/ Hall Spirifera. micula,' „ obsolescens,' „ papilioneusis,' „ Pentamerus, Sowerby, 1813, acutolobatus, formosus. biplicatus, borealis, 1 brevirostris, cassideus, Atrypa. galeatus,' multiplicatus, var., var., intralineata/ Knightii, Sndbrgr, Schnur, F. B Meek, Phill. Dalm. F. Rom. Ad. Rom. ? Winch. Sow. „ M UHG P L Ham M Gypidia, Dolman, Stringoc. ...M Limestone, L., M. .. Ham M Stringoceph., L., M. Calceola. Sch., Strin- goceph. Limst. and Sch.,Iberg.Limest., L,, M., U. Crinoid Sch., M oblonga,' Yand. & Shum. occidentals, 1 Hall, optatus, Barrande. orientalis ?, Eichw. St. Hilarii, Rouault, new spec. (2)/ Swallow. ,, ' D. D. Owen. ,, Gosselet. Pholidops, Hall, 1859. areolata,' Hall, Hamiltonii,' „ terminalis, 1 ProducteHa, Hall, 1867. arctirostrata, Procluctus. bialveata,' Boydii/ Productus. costulata, 1 var. strigata,' dumosa/ Productus. Eriensis/ Hall. Nicols, Hall exanthemata,' Productus. liirsuta,' „ Strophom. membranacea. var. rectispina/ Hall, hystricula,' ,, lacrymosa,' Conrad Strophomena. var. lima/ Conrad Subdivision. Schohar. Grit, Cornif. Limest., L. Ham. Schist, M.. ,M. Waterloo (Iowa) Seneca & CanandaiguaLakes, Pavilion, &c. (N. Y.). Vilmar, Gerolstein, Konieprus(Bohem. Upper Silurian), Macoa near Chi may, French frontiers, north. Couvin, Priim, Gerolstein, Fourmies (France), Dartington, Torquay, Lummaton, &c. Anderson river, N.N.W.ArcticAmerica Yilmar,Weilburg(SilieeousIronstone), Priim, Weinheim, Gerolstein, Re- frath, Grund, Magwitz (Saxony), Wallers, Chimay, Agimont, &.C., Feron, Trelon (France), West Og- well, Padstow, Chircombe Bridge, Ilfracombe, &c., Sabero &c. (Spain). Newton (S. Devonshire) M. ... Couvin Schist, M. Ham M. ... L„ M. Silurian and Devon.? Ham M Limestone, L Black Limest., M. ... M Onond. Limest., L... . Cornif. Limest., L.... Schistes Noires, L. ... Pseudocrania, J/‘ Schohar. Grit, L. ... Ham. Shales, M Oriskany Sand., L.... subgenus. The Chem. (Calc. Sands.). U. Chem. Sands., U „ U „ U Chem. Arenac., U. . . . UHL. Ham., L., M Cornif. Limest., L.... Ham. Shale, L. ?, M. Green Sh., Chem., U. Shaly Sandst., U.. Chem. Sandy, U... „ U... U. Locality. Schoharie andAlbanyCounties, Water ville, Lima, Babcock’s Hill, Caledo- nia, Leroy, Stafford, Clarence Hol- low, river-Ohio Falls, North Cayuga Co., Haldimand (Canada West). Iowa City (Iowa) Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 375 ; Geol. Canada, 1863, pp. 69, 361. Pabeont. N. Y. iv. 379. Splice Creek, Moniteau Co. (Missouri), Oberkunzendorf (Siles.), Rottberg (Morav.), Vilmar, Schonecken,Weins- heim, Stolberg, Kerpen, Priim, &c. Kielce, Chimay, Honnay, Glageon, D’Ailly, Sabero, Ustkataf (Bogos- lofsk), Le Cotentin (France). Buchenb., Vire, St.Cinere, Nehou(Fr.) Olley, Jemelle, Treigne (Luxembourg) Little Traverse Bay (Bryozoa beds).. Couvin(Belg-) ,&c.(see Uncites g typhus) Kentucky , Iowa Weinsheim, Hoh6 by Priim Ustkataf (Ural) and river Karatschou- mysch (Altai). Gahard Missouri Davenport (Iowa) Le Ham, Anor (France) Coy {Hall). Clarkesville, Knox, Albany Co. . . . Darien (Erie Co.), Moscow (Living- ston Co.), New York. Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Strophaloid Prodi'Chd.® of the Devo Cadiz (N. York), Jasper, Steuben Co. (N. York). Keadville (Pennsylvania) Phillipsburg, Elmira (N. York) ... 378. 379. , „ 377. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. u. s. xiv. 368 : Bull. Soc. Geol. Lille, 1871, p. 294 Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 345: Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 72. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 75. De Koninck, Zeuschner, Notices, &c. ; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 344 ; Gosselet, MS. 1870 ; Pakeorit. D. & Von M. iii. 29, 30; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 160, 781 ; D’Archiac, Palaeont. de France, p. 46 ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 391. Phill. Palaeoz. Foss. Devon &c. p. 148. Meek, Swallow, Rep. Missouri, p. 104 Palaeont. D. & Yon M. xiii. 227. Chemung Narrows, Randolphs (2), Napoli, Conewango, NewAlbion,&c. Cadiz (New York) Tinker’s Falls, Bellona, Moscow, Ha- milton, &c. Port Colborne (CanadaWest), Hagers- ville ( Canada West). Seneca Lake, Tinker's Falls (N. York) Phillipsb., Rockville, Covington(N.Y.), Corning&BlossburgRailw.(Pennsl.) Troup’s Creek nearPennslv. North Line Forestville, Conewango, Randolphs(2) Factory ville, ChemungNarrows, Paint- ed Post. Bath , Cone wan go, Rand olph , Ellington. [lington. South Valley (N. Y.), Randolph, El- Reference. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 160, 778 F. Rom. Beobacht. polnisch. ; Mem. Soc. Hist, Nat. Cherb. x. 201. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 23. Gosselet, MS. 1870. Geol. Rep. Mich. 1866, Append, p. 94. Rom. Verstein. Harz, p. 19. Contrib. Geol. Kentucky, pp. 33, 147 Palaeont. Iowa, p. 514. Schnur, Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 196, Lethaea Rossica, i. 786. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 322. Geol. Rep. Missouri, ii. 219. Geol. Rep. Minnesot. &c. p. 640. Gosselet, MS. 1870. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 31. „ „ 32. „ iii. 490. nian Period. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 182. „ ,, 183. „ „ 169. „ 180. „ „ 181. „ „ 162. Geol. Mag. 2nd ser. i. 119. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 163. „ „ 166. 168. „ 178. „ 172. 174. Productella (continued).'] 43 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. lacrymosa y. stigmata,' Conr. navicella,' Hall. Productus. onusta,' i rarispina,' , Productus. Shumardiana,' , speciosa,' Productus. spinulicosta,' Productus. striatula, 1 Productus. subaculeata, 1 subalata,' Productus. truneata, 1 Productus &c. Tullia,’ Productus, Sowerby, 1814. Marcell. Shale &c., M. Chem. (Calc, bands), U. Cornif.Limest.,Ham., L„ M„ U. UHL., Ham., L., M. Ham., Marcell. Shale, M. Ham., Tully L’st., M. auritus, Callawayensis,’ caperatus, convolutus, Sharpe ? Swallow. Sow. Phill U UHL L Calceol. flags, M. Slate U Cora, D’Orb. ? dissimilis,’ Meek. Ham M Koninck. „ M fallax, Pander. Dolomite... U hirsutus,' H. D. Rogers. Genessee Slate, M. ... longispinus, Martini, Davids. Sow. Yellow Sands., U. ... membranaceus, Phill., Vern. Low.Clymen. Limest., Strophmnena. microgemma, Murchisonianus,' Rvckholt. Chemung G p , U. M. Koninck. Limest., Bluish-black • navicella,' Hall. Limest., Greenst. Tuff, L., M., U. Cornif. Limest., Ham. Newberryi,' It Auerbach. Shale, L., M. Chemung... U Panderi, Marly Dolom., M., U. pr&longus, Sow. Sandst U Product. Christiani. productoides, Murch. M., U.... pustulosus,’ Hall. Marcell. Shale, M. . . . pyxidatus,' „ Ham. &C....M., U. ... rarispinus/ Sandy Chem., U. ... 8cabriculus,' Sow. Condros Psammite,U. sericeus, Von Bucb. Cubnides Schist, U... Shumardianus,’ Hall. Ham. Chem., M., U. spinulacostatus,' „? Cornif. Limest., L.... spinulosus, Sow. M sublsevis ?, Koninck. Hauptkalk, U Subdivision. Chem. paleSandst.,U. Cornif.Limest.,Ham., L„ M. Chemung... U „ Shales, U... Cornif. Limest., Mar- cell. Shale, Ham. Tully Limest., Che- mung Group, L„ M„ U. Chem. U Conewango, Napoli, New Albion ... Phillipsburg, New York, Corning and Blossburg Railway. Lake Erie (north-east end), Pratt’s Falls, Moscow, Williamsville, Ohio, Hamburg (Illin.), Louisiana Town (Missouri), Burlington (Iowa) in Carboniferous bed. 20-mileCreek, Leon, New Albion, Olean, Burlington (Iowa). Lakes Erie, Cayuga, Seneca, &c CherryCreek, New Albion, Conewango, &c. „ Jeffersonville, Charleston Landing (Indiana). Rock Island (Illinois), Iowa (passim) Schoharie, Manlius, Tully, Buffalo (New York). Tully, Delphi Falls Ferques (Boulounais) Callaway Co. (Missouri) Rivers Don and Devitze (Russia) Croyde Bay(Devons.), Thuringia, Eifel NewCaledonia Reef, Gympsie( Queens- land). Lime Creek, river-Clearwater Mouth (Rupert’s Land). Chimav (Belgium) Locality. Olean, Conewango, Napoli, New Albion Schoharie Co., Moscow, Pavilion... Pennsylvania BaggyPoint,TopOrchard,&c.(Devons.) Ferques (enters Carboniferous in Iowa) Pilton, Petherwin, Ebersdorf, New York. Guadalperal, Chillon, Etrceungt, Fer- ques, Chimay, Couvin, Gerolstein, Hof.Magwitz, Ebersdorf.Thuringia, Vitepsk (Livonia), Valdaillills, Lake Ilmen, rivers Wol and Ouchta, &c., Lassicha (Altai), Armenia (Abich), Hanlydji, Feke (AsiaMinor), Devil’s Backbone(Illinois),Lamine, Cooper’s Co. (Missouri) (Carb. also). Schoharie Co., Moscow (New York)... Medina Co. (Ohio) Krapivna, Volkhoff, Orel (Russia) .. Croyde Bay, Pilton (Slate), Marwood &c. (Devonsh.). Volkhoff (Baltic), Government Voro- neje, Boureghi, Zadonsk, Labedian, rivers Duna, Welikaja, Ferques, Tasmania (D’Orb.). New York (not of European authors) Illinois, Iowa . _ Phillipsburg (New York), Blossburg Palacont. N. Y. iv. 170. Railway (Pennsylv.). Ferques, Etrseungt, Brushford, Barn- staple, Top Orchard (Devonsh.). Eifel (Dr. Kayser), Kunzendorf .. Reference. Palajont. N. Y. iv. 184. „ „ 156. 184. „ „ 170. „ 157. „ „ 176. „ 160. » 177. „ „ 154. Palaeont. N.Y. iv.165 ; H. &Wh. Geol. Iowa, p. 500. XX. Rep. Regents N. Y. 1868, p. 149. Palasont. N. Y. iv. 165. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 231 & 235. Trans. Ac. Sc. St. Louis, i. 640. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. 704. Phill. Paloeoz. Fosb. Devon, p. 57. Etheridge, Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 328. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 63, 91. Koninck, Mono. Productus, 255. Helmers. Expl. Carte Geol. Russ. p.16. II. D. Rogers, Geol. Pennsyl. p. 526. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 1 03. Sow. Mineral Conchol. iv. 285 ; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1863, p. 4. Murch., Vern.&Keyserl. Geol. Russ, ii 388 ; XIV. Rep.RegentsN.Y. p. 36. Melang. Palseoz. part ii. 171. Bull.Soc.G6ol. Fr. n. s. iv. 709, xi. 408. xii. 1185, xiv. 365; Koninck, Re- cherches, p. 141 ; Compt. Rendus, lxiv. 1218 ; Mem. Ac. Sc. St.Petersb. ser. 6, vii. 438 ; Helmers. Explic. Carte Russ. p. 16 ; Swallow, Ref), Missouri, i. 102. Palacont. N. Y. iv. 156. Descript, new Foss. 1857, p. 140. Helmers. Explic. Carte Russ. p. 16. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 102. Murch. .Vern.&Keys.Geol.Russ.ii. 283; Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, pp. 33-4U. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 26. Hall & Wliitn. Rep. Iowa, p. 498. Clarkesville (Missouri), Burlington ( Iowa), Devil’s Backbone (Illinois), Lewis Creek (Indiana). Sylvania(Ohio)(alsoCarbonif. in Ohio) Prussino, river Volkhoff (Russia) Ebersdorf (Silesia) Sow. Miner. Conch. ; D’Archiac, Pal. Fr. ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 397. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 374; Zeitsch. &c. Berlin, xx. 500. Ilall, Geol. Iowa, 1858, i. 500 ; N. & Pratt, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. iii. ser. 2, 1858. Newberry, Geol. Ohio, i. 577. Miner. Conch.; Lethaca Rossica, i. 884. Paheont. D. & Zeiler, xix. 149. Producths ( continued ). 44 [Bbachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. T warn ley i, Rouault. M undatus, Defrance. Limestone, U spec, indet., Vern. L „ ' F. B. Meek. Ham. Group, M >» Bituminous L’st., M. De Koninck. ? 1 Hall. Renssellaria, Hall, 1858. Subgenus of Rhyn Gondoni,' M'Chesnoy. Orisk. Sand., L Cumberlandii,’ ’Hall. L I intermedia,' „ L ? Johanni,’ M'Chesney. UHL L • lfevis,' Meek. Ham M Marylandica,' Hall. Orisk. Sand., L ovalis/ Billings & ,, „ L i ovoides,' L 1 Atrypa elongata. stringieeps, Ferd. Rom. Avicula Sch., Spirif. Sand., L., M. var., D’Arch. & Vern. L ,, Davidsoni, M Suessana,’ Hall. Orisk. Sand., L spec, indet.,' Meek. Ham. (bitum.), M.... Retzia, King, 1849. Spiri gera. If Orbiqnq ; Adriani, Vern. M Bouchardi, Davids. M Chloe,' Billings. Ham. Shale, M dividua, Schnur. Limestone, M Atrypa lens, Davids. Eugenia ?,' ferita, var. a, var. b, Schl. Von Buch. Verneuil. longirostris, Kayser. novemplicata, Sndbrgr. Oliviani,' D’Arch. & Vern. Pelmensis, polypleura/ prominula, subferita, Tulensis, Kayser. Winch. Ferd. Rom. De Verneuil. Pander. Rhynchonella, Fischer. 18 acuminata, Martin. acutidens ?, mquiconvexa, Alinensis, Eichw. Ad. Rom. Vern. Cornif. Limest., L.... Calceol. Limes., Strin- goc. Limest., M. .M. .L... Upp. Calceol. Sch., M. Orthoc. Sch., L Clayey Limest., Bur- notPuddingst.,Cob- lenzian strata, L.,M. Locality. Gahard (France) Ferques (Boulonnais) Chillon, Guadalperal (Spain) River Lockhart, N.N.W. Arctic Amer. Fort Resolution (Great Slave Lake, N.N.W. America). Tasmania (fide M. Leguillon) Bellona (New York) chonella. 5 miles N.W. from Jonesboro’ (Illin.) Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Waterloo (N. Y.) M'Kenzie river below Fort Hope, Lock- hart and Onion rivers, N.W. Arctic America. Cumberland Co. (Maryland) North Cayuga (Canada W.), Salem, Albany and Schoharie Counties. North Cayuga (Can. W.) and in Can. E., Indian Cove, Gaspe, Albany, Ulster, Schoharie, Cayuga, Green, and Herkimer Counties, Pennsyl- vania, Maryland, Virginia, 40 miles below Fort Hope, river M‘Kenzie, N.N.W. Arctic America. Gahard, Nehoa ( Fr.) &c., Priim, Daun Singhofen, Siegen, Bergebersbach, Niederlahnstein, Coblenz, &c. Kanlvdii, Tchauchbaclii, Scutari &c. (Bosph.). Torquay, Hfracombe, Hagginton, Combe-Martin. N.N.W. Arctic America. (Eifel). Walpole, near Point Douglas, S.E. Lake Huron (Canada West). Vilmar, Weilburg (Siliceous Ironst.), Schonecken, Goslar, Kart.al, Mont Geant, Torquay, Barton, &c. Eifel Lower Stringoc., M. Huron Group, U. ... Calceola Group, M. . Dolomite Limest., U. 09. Eatonia. Stringoc. Limestone, Schists, FrasneSch.. Famenne, L.,M.,U. Iberg. Limest., Givet Limest. Black Limest., L T . Devonsbire,Vilmar,Weilburg(Nassau) Cramberg (Diez), Wissenbach D’Avesnes, Bas-Boulonnais, Anor, French Ardennes, Aubrive (river Meuse), Villenegrille, Chillon, Fer rones, Mountains Leon, Priim. Schonecken, Weinsheim, &c Reference. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 392. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 235, 236. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1017. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicag. i. 92. „ „ 91 - Recherches, Animaux Foss. 1847,p. 25. Palasont. N. Y. iv. 165. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicag. 1867, i. 37. Palseont. N. Y. iii. 461. „ „ 463. „ „ iv. 385. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 108. Palasont. N. Y. iii. 461. „ ,, 458; Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 360. XIV. Rep. Regents N.Y. p. 20 ; Geol. Canada, 1863; p. 360 ; Palseont. N. Y. iii. 457 ; Meek, Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 74. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 200 ; D’Archiac, Pal. de France, p. 46; Schnur, Palasont. D. & V onM.iii. 183. Comptes Rendus, Ixiv. 1218. Davidson, Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 10. Hall, Palasont. N. Y. iii. 459. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 74. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ii. 471. „ „ viii. 397. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 383. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 234. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 373 ; Tchi- hatch.Voy.AsiaMinor, Append, p. 35 (Verneuil). Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 330; Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218; David- son, Mon. citat. Pal. Soc. p. 21. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 391. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 370? Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 332. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ii. 470, vii. 160,xiv.371 ; D’Archiac, Pal. Franc;. (Gosselet) ; Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 184. Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 184 ; Zeit schrift &c. 1871, 370. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1862,p.406. Lighthouse, Point aux Barques (Lake Huron). Nehou,Vire, Le Coudray, &c. (France), Gerolstein. Sabero (Asturias) Toula, Odoev, and Riazau Districts, river Don (Russia). Hemithyris, B’ Orbigny, 1847. Marienbourg, Sains, Trelon, Vilmar, Aachen(Kayser), Torquay, Plymouth, Petherwin, Kochary by Sadonsk, Cosatchi-Datchi (Russia), Sandomir, Malagoszez, Kielce (Green Coralline Limestone). Black L’st. (Pentam.) Bogolowsk (Ural) Lethasa Rossiea, p. 763. Grund, Charlemont and Wellin (Belg.) Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xvii. 25 ;| J Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 86. i Iborsk by Pskow, Alina (Sadinsk) ... Lethasa Rossiea, p. 772. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 780. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 174. Hehners. Explic. Carte Russ. p. 16. Davidson, Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. ; M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Rocks, p. 380 ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 391 ; Hel- mersen, Expl. Carte Russ. p. 16. Rhynchonella [continued).] 45 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. amblygona, Phill. angularis, „ angulosa, Schnur. var. minor, Antisiensis,' D’Orb. ? lacunosa. aptycta, Schnur. Barrandei,' Hall. bifera, Phill. bifida, Ad. Rom. Stenocisma. Billingsii,' Hall. Thalia, Bill. bijugata, Schnur. Bodana, Ad. Rom. Bolonensis, D’Orb. (only one specimen). brachyptycha, Schnur. brevirostris, Murch. earica,' Hall. Stenocisma. Carolina,' „ castanea,' Meek. Conradi, Rouault. congregate,' Hall. Stenocisma. contracta,' .. < Atrypa laticosta. contraria, Ad. Rom. J cordiformis-sulcata, ] coronata, Von Buch. Kayser. 1 ? crispata, Sow. . Stricklandii. Subdivision. Limestone, M. M. „ L... L... ? Calceol. Limest., Go- niat. Sch., M., U. •isk. Sandst., L. .. Limestone, M., U. . . Wissenb. Group, M. Cornif. Limest., L.... Limestone, M. Locality. Barton, Babbicombe (Devonsh.) ... „ Torquay, Dartington Gerolstein, Schonecken, Weinsheim... Blankenlieim Bolivian Andes Gerolstein, Budesheim, Vir6, Vise Reference. Palajoz. Foss. Devon, p. 88. » .. 89. Palteont. D. & Von M. iii. 185. it a a a Voyage Am6r. du Sud, iii. 227. Pal.Tont. D. & Von M. iii. 189 ; Bull S. G. Fr. n. s. xvii. 59. Pala-ont. N. Y. iii. 442. :one, L... L... M. ..M. ..M. Chem. Shale &c., M. cuboides, Pliill., Sow. subcuboides, D’Orb. (Silur. in Engl., Gothl., N. Amer.). var. a, crenulata, Gossolet, var. b, cuneata, Daleidensis, Verneuil? F. Rom ,, Beyrich. diluviana, Steininger. dotis' ( Stenocisma ), Hall. UpperC alceol. Sch . , M . Schoharie and Albany Counties, N.Y. Torquay, Hope’s Nose, Eifel, Famenne Palceoz. Foss. Devon, &c. p. 84. Schist (Belg.). Zorge (Harz) Western New York, Woodstock (Ca- nada West). Schonecken, Pelm, Vise, river Berwine (Belgium). Riibeland (Harz) Antitaurus Mountain by Yailadji, Ferques, Magey, D’Avesnes, Con- dros, Etrseungt (France &c.). Blankenlieim (Eifel) French Ardennes, Mondrepius. Hamilton, Madison Co., N. Y. . Sandusky, Columbus (Ohio) Lockhart river, N.N.W. Arctic Amer. Gahard, Ize(only one valve known)... Fultonham and summit (Schoharie Co.), Forks of Unadilla river, Alden, Tinker’s Falls (N. Y.). Tioga Co., Olean, Bath, Howards, Phillipsburg, &c. (N. Y.), Bradford (Pennsylv.), Licking Co. (Ohio). Grund (Harz) Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 210. Eifel Red Pentamer. Lime- stone, Iberg. Lime- stone, Famenne SI., L., M., U. .L., M. ... Vire (France), Couvin (Belgium, M. or U. Devon.). M U L Spirif. Sandst., Givet, L., M. Bogoslofsk &c., Petscliora-land, Mag- witz, Brendelar, Oberkunzendorf, Upper Velikaya (Livon.), Rommer sheim, Frasnes, Schonecken, Mead- foot, Barton, Petherwin, Ilfracombe, Barvaux, Longpret (France). Trelon, Feron (France) Marienbourg (Belgium) Ferrones (Spain) Andreasberg, Daleiden, Waxweiler, Daun, Menzenberg &c., Givet, Mon- tigny sur Meuse, Houfallize, Bouil- lon, Vireux, Davesnes, Bas-Boulon- nais, Asturias. Mourzuk, Central Africa Dryope, 1 duplicata, 1 Atrypa. elliptica, Eucharis, excellens,’ eximia, Atrypa. fissur-acuta, Fitehana,’ formosa, Camarophoria. Billings. Hall. Schnur. Barrande. Bill. Hall. Vem. Hall. Sow. Limestone, M. ... Upper Ham., M.... Passage-bed, Gaspe Limest. No. 8. Chemung, U Palajont. N. Y. iv. 336. Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 234. , „ ix. 4, xxiii. 229. D’Archiac, Palaeont. de France, p. 46 ; D’ Arcli.&V ern. Palaiont. AsiaMinor, Append. p.l2(Tchihatcheif,Voy.&c.); Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xxiv. 127. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 178. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1184. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 344. , „ 337. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 93. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 397. Pal;eont. N. Y. iv. 341. 351. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 31. Upper Calceol. Lime- stone, M. Red Pentam. Limest., L.? Gaspe Limest., No. 8, Passage-bed. Chem U Couvin (Belgium) 18-mile Creek, Genessee, York, N. Y Grand Greve, Canada East East Randolf, Conewango, Howard, Dexlerville, &c. Gees Limestone, M. GherikofT (Altai), Bogoslowsk (Ural) Cotentin, Bohemia. Indian Cove (Gaspe) Ithaca (N. Y.), Pennsylv Bjeleff (Orel), Nicolo-gastounki Orisk. Sandst., L. ... Carlisle, Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) Clay, Quartz, amlRivers Vejayo, Scotte, Poratclinaya, Limest., L. &c. Zeitschrift &e. 1871, p. 369. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 391. Eichw. Lethtea Rossica, p. 762 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xiv. xvi. 862 xvii. 59, 793; Siluria, 4th ed. pp. 399, 411 ; Palaeoz. Foss. Devon &c. p. 84 ; Ad. Rom. Verstein. Harz. 1843, p. 16. Prof. Gosselet, MS., 1870, mecum. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. i. 214. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 172 ; Franz, Verhandl. d. n. Ver. xiv. ; Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. ii. 438, xviii. 30, xxi. 305, 306. Zeitschrift d. geol. Gesell. 1852, Band iv. 156. D’Omal.D’Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 576. Pakcont. N. Y. iv. 344. Geol. Surv. Canad. Pal. Foss. ii. 37. Description of new Fossils, New York, 1857. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 174. Eichw. Lethoca Rossica, p. 754. Canada Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 36. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 348 ; Geol. Penns. p. 829, II. D. Rogers. Geol. Russ. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. ii. 98 ; Lethaja Rossica Ac. p. 774. Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 441. Helmers. Explic. Carto Russ. p. 17. N Rhynchonella { continued ).'] 46 [Bkachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. formosa, fornicata, Schnur Limest. and Goniat Schist, U. M Budesheim (as Pyrites or Ironstone) Gerolstein Palajont. D. & Von M. iii. 173. „ „ ., 175. Guarangeri, Vern L Kartal. Scutari, &c., Nehou, La Bac coniere, Cotterets, St. Cenere, Le Cotentin, &c. (France), Schonecken Daleiden, Weinsheim, &c., Cerro del Hierro. D’Arch.&Vern. Palseont. Asia Minor, p. 10 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 780 ; Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218 ; Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 200. Goldfussi, Schnur L’st.&Gr.wacke,L.,M Schonecken, Daleiden, Weinsheim .. Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 29, 188. Greenii, Rouault M Ize Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 395. Hanburi, Davids M. ? Kwang-si (China) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 357. Huronensis,' Winch Portage Group, U. . . Lighthouse, Point aux Barques (South Lake Huron). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1862, p. 409. hexatoma, Horsfordii,' Limestone, M Gees, Pelm (Eifel) Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 176. Palseont. N. Y. iv. 339. Hall Ham., Marcell. Sh.,M Genessee, Moscow, Avon, &c. (N. Y.) Hubbardi,' Winch Chemung, U Napoleon Cut, Tallmadge (Michigan’ Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1862, p. 408. Huotina, Verneuil. M.? River Don, Zadonsk ( Voroneie), Yeletz (Orel). Mureh., Vern., & Keyser. Geol. Russ, ii. 81. Huronensis/ var, precipua, Winch. Portage Group, U ? Lighthouse, Point aux Barques (Lake Huron). ? Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1862, p. 409. Pkill. Palseoz. Fossil. Devon, p. 89 ; D’Omal.d’Halloy,PrecisGeol. p.576. implexa, Atrypa. comta, Pkill. Sow. Schist, Limest., Sands. M. Torquay, Newton Abbot, Lummaton; Hope’s Nose, Mount Wise, &c. (De- von), Couvin (Belgium). inaurita,' Sndbrgr. Spirit. S’st., Stringoc. L’st., Avicula Sell., L., M. Mandebach, Wiedselters, Usinghen, Dies Singhofen, Daleiden, Magey, Nehou, Bas-Boulonnais, riv. Uchta, &c. (Petschora), Livonia, pebble-bed Budlei.-Saltert., Meadville (Penns.) Verstein. Nassau, p. 337 ; Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. xxiv. 125; Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, &c. ; H. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns. incisiva, Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest. , U. . . . Grund (Harz) Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 32, xiii. 229. Pliill. M., U. ... Torquay, Barton, Pilton, Croyde Descr. New Foss. 1857, p. 91. II. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p. 826. limitaris,’ Vanux. Cadent black Slate, U. Pennsylvania Livonica, Yon Buch. 1 Daleidensis. InGr.wacke,Cultriju- gata-Stufe, Lower & Upper Calceola, Crinoid Sck.,L.,M. Upp. Duna and Velicaja valleys, Lower Velicaja valley, Adzel, riv. Volkhoff, Louga prov., Mtzewsk, &c., Nehou (France). Grewingk, Geol. Livon. p. 35 ; Lethsea Rossica, p. 756. Lummatonensis, Davids. Limestone, M Lummaton, Torqr, Barton, Dartington Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 70. ; inacrorhyncka, Schnur. Grauwacke, L Daleiden, Waxweiier, Daun, &c., Men- zenberg. Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 194; Krantz. Verb. d. n. Ver. xiv. Mantiae, Sow. (Carb. Ireland) Plymouth, Newton Buskell, Blanken- heim. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 392 ; Koninck, Anim. foss. Carb. tab. 19. Mariana, De Vern. Yellow Sandst., L. ? Casa de la Vega, Carbadillo (Almaden, Spain). Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xii. 190, 1007. j Medea,' Bill. Cornif. Limest., L.... Rainham (Canada West) Canad. Journ. n. s. v. 271. 1 mesagona, Pliill. U Petherwin (Cornwall) Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. 704. j Meyendorfii, Keyserl. Marly Limest., M. . . . U pper V elicaja, V oLkkoff, Pskow, rivers Tsilma,Vol, Uchta; Joriew, Nossock, Konozerje, Prussino, Welsii on riv. Volsow. Lethsea Rossica, p. 751 ; Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, p. 33 ; Murch.,Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 74. | micropleura,' Winch. U Battle Creek (Michigan) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1865, p. 122. • microrhyncha, multistriata,' Ad. Rom. L., M., ... Schonecken, Gerolstein, Kerpen (Eifel) Palajont. D. & Von M. iii. 173. Hall. Oriskany Sandst., L... Heiderberg Mountains (New York). . . Palseont. New York, iii. 440. obcordata, Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U.. . . Grund Palseont. D. & Von M. ix. 4. oblata,' Hall. Oriskany Sandst., L.. Albany and Schoharie Counties Palseont. New Y'ork, iii. 439. Ogwelliensis, Omaliusi, Davids. M Limest. & Sell., U. ... Ogwell, Torquay, Ramsleigh Frasne, Senzeilles (Dr. Heer), Givet (France), Santour. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 69. orbicularis, 1 Hall. Higher Chem., U. ... Steuben and Chatauque Cos. (N. Y.), Oil Creek, Meadville (Pennsylv.). Palseont. New York, iv. 353. Orbignanus, Vern & Schnur. Calceol. Sch., Cultri- jugatus Sell., L., M. Formies, Wignetries, Mommigries, Hampleau, LaForgette, Schonecken, Gerolstein, Alejico, Mellar, Viescaz, &c., Anor, Hierges, d’Avesnes, Bas- Boulonnais. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 160, x. 126, xii. 1006, 1185; Pal. D. & Von M. iii.j 187 ; D’Arch. Pal. de France (bvl Prof. Gosselet). oralis, Davids. Silurian ?...M Budleigh-Salterton Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 82. parallelopipeda, Bronn. Stringoc., Cultriju- gata-Stufe, Calceol. L’st.orSch. , Crinoid Limest., M. Vilmar (Nassau), Weiiburg (limest.), Lahnstein(ironst. ), Bensberg ( Kbln), Pelm, Gerolstein, Chimay, Couvin, Enkebar (Bredelar), Barton, &c. Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 339; Palseont. D & Von M. xiii. 227. var. pentagona, Goldf. Cultrijugatus - Stufe, Eifel, Belgium Tietze, Zeits. d. Geol. Gesell. xxiii. 509. Pareti, Hemithyris. peculiaris,' De Vern. Spirit Sandst., L.,M. Sehou,Vir6, Joue, Gahard , &c. , Sabero, Ferrones, Asturias, Chillon, Arnout- koi (Bosphorus). Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 780, xii. 1016 ; Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 200 ; Palasont. Asia Minor. Conrad. Limestone No. 8, L... (Gaspfi), Indian Cove Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 393. Pengelliana, Davids. Oclireous Sandst., L.. hooe (Cornwall) Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 61. Hhynchonella ( continued ).] 47 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Peruviana, Pila, D'Orb. Schnur, pleiopleura, 1 Conrad pleurodon, Phill. (Carb. in Coalbrook dale.) porrecta, primipilaris, var. major, principalis,' procuboides, prolifiea,' protracta, Bonissent? Von Buch, Hall. Kayser. Phill. Sow. pugnoides, Schnur, Schmidt. pugnus, Martin, Sow. = acuminata (Irel.) Anisodonta. (Carb. at Tournai, and in Ireland.) pumilio, Ad. Rom. pustulosa,' C. A. White. Hall. quadricostata, 1 Ramsayi,' reniformis, Romeri, Royani,' Sappho,' Stenocisma. Schnurri, secale, sella, semilaevis, seminula, septa ta,' speciosa,' sphaerica, Stephani,' Stenocisma. Stricklandii, Strajeskiana,’ subacuminata, Stenocisma. subcordiformis, subreniformis, subtetragona, subwilsoni, Sow. Dames. Hall. De Vern. Eichw. Ad. Rom. Phill. Hall. 11 Sow. HaU. Sow. De Yern. Ad. Rum. Schnur. D'Orb. sulcirostris, var.??, Phill. tenuistriata, Sndbrgr. Tethys,' Bill. tetraptyx,' tetratoma, triloba, tumida, vcnustula,’ Sandstone, L Spirif. Sandst., L. Limestone No. 8 Limestones, Slates, L. M„ U. .L ,M„ U. Oriskany S’st., L., U Up.Calceol. & Crinoid Schist, M. Ham M. ... Limestone, M. ... Bolivian Andes Daleiden, Waxweiler, Frohnhausen, Montabaur, Lahnstein, Boppart, &c.. Houffalize, &c. (Belgium), Nehou, Brest, Ize. Indian Cove, Gasp6 (Canada East) ... Meadfoot (Holl), Torquay, Newton Abbot, Ilfracombe, Croyde.Tintagel Pilton, La Cedule, Serins, Avesnes, Valdai Hills, Lake Seliger (Russ.). Le Cotentin, La Manche (France) .. Forgette (Avesnes), Flohimont, Dailly Hampteau, Ferrieres, Grund, Gerol- stein, Schonecken, Torquay, Lum- maton.Dartington, Sandomir, Skaly near Nowa Slupia (Poland). Bensberg (Cologne) Carlisle, Auburn, &c. (New York), France (Up. Dev.). Eifel Yoy. Am4r. du Sud, iii. 227. Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 340 ; Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 186. Stringoc.L’s., Condros Psammite, Iberger Limest., Famenne Sell., Frasne Sell., M, U. Iberger Limest.?, U., Beds 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, U. Genessee SI., M Oriskany Sandst., L.. M„ U. ... Iberger Limest., U.... Cornif. Limest., L.... Ham. Sh....M Stringoc. Limest., M. L’st. in Old Red S’st. Stringoc. ...M Iberger Limest., U. . . . „ u.... Oriskany Sandst., L.. L.. M Chem U Gr.wacke (pyritic), L. M Stringoc. or Iberger Limest., M., U. Limestone, L., M. . . . Lowest Cyprid. Sell., M., U. Limestone, L. ? L., M. ... Fultonbam, Cooperstown (New York) Torquay, Hope’s Nose, StonehouseHill, Petherwin (Devon. & Cornw.). Pelm, Gees, Schonecken, Daleiden, Vire, Virelles, Vise (Belg. dolomite) Copchoux, Bredelar, Vilmar, Oranien- stein, Diez, Weilburg (ironstonel, Gerolstein, Grund, Noques, Rube land, Ebersdorf (Silesia), Couvin, Wellers, Bas-Boulonnais, Avesnes. Inca river (Tomsk). Bockweise, Herscher Quarry (Harz)... Burlington (Iowa) New York Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Newton Abbot, Lummaton, Barton... Oberkunzendorf (Silesia) Leroy (New York) Genessee, York, Madison Cos... Schonecken, Pelm, Gerolstein, Couvin Gastino-polskaya-pristar (r. Holkhof) ? Grund, Avesnes, Bas-Boulonnais, Ma- rienburg (Belg.), Baives, Lomput, Martenbourg, Givet. Grund, Tula, riv. Ulabue? (Russia)... Albany Co. (New York) Cumberland Co. (Maryl d ), S. Illinois.. Torquay, Plymouth? Ithaca, Phillipsburg, Courtland Co., Bedford (New York). Daun, Daleiden, Waxweiler, Priim ... River Iowa, Bogolofsk (Ural) Iberg, Elbingerode (Harz) M Stringoc. Limest., M. Cornif. Limest., L.... Winch, nam M. Schnur. Upp. Calceol. Sow. Calceol. & Crinoid Sc. M. Dalm. ?,Stringoc. ...M. Hall. I M., U. Voltzi i, De Vern. . Pelm, Gerolstein, Couvin, Menzenberg Lohnberg,Budesheim, Virelles, Pether- win, Lanlake (Cornwall). Holi6 near Priim Kartal, Val d’Ossau, Le Cotentin, Nehou, Vire, Brulon, &c., Ilierges, Daleiden. Grund Vilmar, Paffrath Stafford, Williamsville (New York), Falls river Ohio. Rockford ? (Iowa) Priim (Eifel) Eifel, Woolboro’ Quarry, Barton, Ply- mouth. Elbingerode (Harz) Tully, Tinker’s Falls, Ovid, Benton, &c. (New York). Eifel, Paffrath (Cologne) Geol. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 38. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 02 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 392 ; Prof. Gosselet, MS. 1870. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 200. Gosselet, MS. 1870 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xiv. 370 (Gosselet) ; Schnur, Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 187 ; Siluria, ed. 4, p. 399 ; Ivoninck, Notices &c. Poland, 1868. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 393. Paheont. New York, iii. 443. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p.369. Paheont. New York, iv. 343. M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 382; Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 84. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 177 ; Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. xvii. 59. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xiv. 368, xviii. 25 ; D’Arch. Pal. de France (Gosselet) ; Compt. Rend. 1856, lvi. 1123 (Gos- selet) ; Ad. Rom. Verst. Harz, p. 15 Murcb., Vern. & Iveyserl. Geol. Russ, ii. 396. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 37. Journ. Bost. Nat. Hist. Soc. vii. 226. Descript. New Foss. 1857, p. 90. Paheont. New York, iii. 446. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 88. Zeitsch. Geol. Gesch. Berlin, xx. 498. Paheont. New York, iv. 338. „ 340. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 179. Lethaea Rossica, p. 772. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 227. Verst. Harz, 1843, p. 16; Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 32, xiii. 229 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xviii. 29. D’Arch. Pal.Fr. ; Gosselet, MSS. 1870. Palaeont. New York, iii. 443. 444. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 66. Palaeont. New York, iv. 349. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 172. Murcb., Vern. & Keys. Geol. Russ. ii. 85. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 86. „ 186. Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 342 ; Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 174. „ „ 177. Mem. Soc. H.N.Cherb.x.200; Gosselet, MS. 1870 ; Tchihat. Pal. Asia Min. Append, p. 9. Ad. R6m. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 16. Verstein. Nassau, p. 341. Canad. Journ. n. s. v. 270. * Proe. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1865, p. 120, Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 368. „ ,, p. 369 ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. tab. 56. Paheont. D. & Von M. xiii. 227. Palaeont. New York, iv. 346. Khynchonella ( continued ).'] 48 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Waldenbergii, var. signata, Warrenensis,' Wilsoni,' Goldf. Scbnur. Swallow. Rouault. Famenne-bed, M., U. Iberger Limest. , U. . . . L Psammite, M., U. .. Avesnes, Bas-Boulonnais, Ize, Rube- land, Asturias. Harz Callaway Co. (Missouri) Le Cotentin, Neliou, Ize, &c., Chimai, Couvin, Khotine, Jaroslawsk, Ken- tucky, Ohio, Tennessee. Wirtgeni, Scbnur. Wurmii, Davids., Ad. Rom. Yuennamensis, De Kon. spec, indet.,' Meek. „ De Vern. „ Gosselet. Rhynchospira, Hall, 1858. lepida, 1 Hall, nobilis,' „ Trematospira ? rectarostra,' Yalpyana, Davids. Vicaryi, „ Spirifera, Sowerby, 1815. acanthoptera, 1 Conrad, acanthota/ Hall, aculeata, Schnur j acuminata/ Grewingk, Sp. prora ?, Conrad, acuminata/ Conrad cultrijugata, Winch, aequali-arata, Sndbrgr, alata, Schloth M Iberger Limest., U.. . . Ham M Famenne Sch., U. ... Subgenus Ham. Shales, M Gerolstein Grund Yuennam Province (China) River Mackenzie, below the ramparts, N.N.W. America. Amout-koi, the Bosphorus, &c. ... Condros(Psammite),ComblainleTour, Givet, &c. Waldheimia, Fischer, 1850. Bellona, Canandaigua Lake M.. Oriskany Sandst., L.. M ? Delthyris, Batman, Ham M Cbem U Condros Sch., U. ... Cbem., grey dolomite, U. Cornif. L’st., Onond. L’st., Ham., L., M, Stringoc. Limest., M Compact Sandst,., M„ Livingstone, Genessee (Erie & Harbon Counties). Maryland Budleigh-Salterton pebble-bed 1827. New York Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 17 ; D’Arch. Pal. de Fr. (Gosselet). ? Trans. Aead. Sci. St. Louis, i. 653. Mem. Soc. H. N. Cherb. x. 200 ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 392 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 389, viii. 397 ; Letli. Ross. p. 762. Palaeont. D & Von M. iii. 174. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 19. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 359. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 74. Tchihatcheff, Asia Minor, p. 495. Gosselet, MS. 1870, mecum. Trematospira, Hall, 1855. XIII. Rep. Regents New York, p. 83 ; XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 188. Palaeont. New York, iv. 412. iii. 217. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 75. 79. Vanux. Ge ol . N . Y or k , 3 rd D i s t r . p.162. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 101. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xii. 1 184 ; Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 203. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, p. 47 ; XIV. Rep. Regents New York, p. 36. Pala?ont. N.York, iv. 198, 234 ; Vanux. New York, pp. 158, 162 ; Winchell, Rep. Michig. 1861, p. 65. alta,' amara/ angusta,' Anna, 1 Anossofi, Hall. Swall. Hall. Swall. De Vern. Cbem., iron Sandst. U. Ham M , M M L., M. .. antarctica, Sharpe & Morr. Arcbiaci, Murch. Sandst. S. Africa, L. Dolom. Sch., M var. major, „ minor, arctisegmenta, 1 Arduennensis, arrecta/ aspera/ attenuata, audacula ?/ auriculafca, avirostris, Baptista, Bellouini, bidorsalis/ Hall Schnur. Conrad. Hall. Sow. ? Conrad, Sndbrgr. Ivrantz, Rouault Winch, .M. M. Onond. Limest., L... Grauwacke, M Oriskany Sandst., L. „ „ L. Ham M M., U... Ham M. Spirif. Sandst. &c., L. Crinoid Sch., M M. Schists & Sa’ stones, L Ham. (Acervularia beds), M. Estneungt, French Ardennes, Roc- quignies, &c., Gerolstein, &c. Garssen, Oknist (Livonia), West Ha- milton (New York). Albany & Schoharie Cos., Cazenovia, Madison, Williamsville, Clarence Hollow, Little Traverse Bay, San dusky, &c., Indiana. Vilmar Basins of Zinief and Tomsk (Altai) (with fish), Ramraelsberg, Sehalke, Sehierenstieg. N. York, Big Creek (Ohio), Meadville (Pennsylvania). Callaway Co. (Missouri) Covington and Livingstone Cos. (N. Y.) Callaway Co. (Missouri) Diyjatina,Ottrada,Kon-kolodes,Voro- neje Government, Jendowischtsche (river Weduga). Falkland Isles, Warm Bokkeweld (S. Africa). Timan Range, Valdai Hills, Upp. Duna and Velikaja Valleys (Livonia), Tsi- Chuen (China), Feke (Asia Minor), Almaden(Spain),Budesheim(Eifel), Famenne, &c. Pokroi, Touwa, Lower Duna valley... Lower Duna valley Shortville, Stafford (New York) Eifel (passim), Hierges (Ardennes) .. North Cayuga Co. (Can. W.), Nictau (Nova Scotia), Virginia, Pennsylv., Cumberland Co., Maryland, St. Ge- nevieve, Marion, &c. Cos., Oriskany Falls. Cumberland Co. (Maryland) .. Independence (Iowa), Rock-Island Co.jllall & Whitn. Rep. Iowa, p. 105. (Illinois). Gahard, Givet, Condros (also Carbon, i ' De Beaum . Expl. Carte de Fr. &c. p.732 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. iv. 702, xi. 240. New York Vanux. Geol. New York, p. 262. . Singhofen, Dillenburg, Weilburg, Verstein. Nassau, p. 315. Lahnstein. Menzenberg, 8 miles from Bonn Verhandl. d. n. Ver. xiv. 148. Iz§, St. Aubin, &c Bull. Soc. Gl. Fr. n. s. viii. 396. . Carteret (La Manche) ...I ,, „ xii. 1044. Grund?, Traverse Bay (Michigan) ... Geol. Rep. Michig. Append. 1866, p. 93. Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 315 Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. i. 684 ; Ad. Rom. Verst. Harz, 1843, pp. 13, 14. Palaeont. New York, iv. 248. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 642. Palaeont. New York, iv. 230. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 642. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xi. 408 ; Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 153. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ii. 276. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, pp. 33, 205 ; D'Om. d'Halloy, Precis G6ol. p.577 ; Siluria, ed. 3, p. 297; Vanux. Geol. New York, 3rd Distr. p. 297. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, p. 47. Palaeont. New York, iv. 208. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 199. Geol. Can. 1863, p. 361 ; H. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p.826; Canad. Natur. v. 140; Hall, Palaeont. N. York, iii. 422, 425 ; Tr. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 409. Hall, Palaeont. New York, iii. 422. Spieifeea ( continued ).] 49 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. bifida, Ad. Rom. Iberg. L’st., Stringoc. bimesialis,' nail. L’st. & Sch., Frasne Sch., M„ U. Cornif. Limest., Ham., biplicata,' „ L„ M. Chem U bisinus, M. II. Litton. Givet Limest., M. ... bisulcata. Sow. Psammite, U d’Archiaci. var. acuta, Ether. Boliviensis, D’Orb. ? speciosa. Boucliardii, Murch. M comprimata, F. Rom. L Cabedana, Valenciennes. Limestone, L canalifera, Grauw., Givet L’st. & capax,’ Hall. Chem. (yell. Sa’st.), U. earinata, Schnur. Grauw. (Montigny), black Schists, L. camerata,' Newberry ? 9 Cedarensi8,' D. D. Owen. Ham M Cheekiel, De Koninck. Grey Limestone Cheiropteryx, De Vern. Limestone, M Chemungensis,' Clintoni,' Conrad. Chem U Hall. Ham M compacta,' Meek. Ham M comprimata, Schloth. Limestone, L., M. ... concentriea, Schnur. Schists 2, 3, 4, lower M. connivens, Phill. (In Yorkshire and at Vise, Carbon.), M. conoideus, Ad. Rom. Iberg. Limest., U. ... consobrinus,’ D’Orb. „ M consors,' zigzag. Hall, corticosa,' Winch. Ham M nalL Calceol. Sch., M crispa. Sow. cultrangulata ?, cultrijugata,’ Lyon. Limestone, L F. Rom. Spirit’. Sa’st., Oriskany Sands., Cornif.L’st., Cumberlandia,' cuneata, cycloptera,' cyrtinaformis,' Cytherea, D’Arcbiaci,' Hall. Ad. Rom. Hall. Ilall & Wh. D'Orb. Murcb. Psammite, Frasne L’st. & Sch., Crinoid Scb., L., M. Calceol. Sch., Givet Limest., Ham., 4tb bed below Hydrau- lic Limest., L., M. Oriskany Sandst., L.. Iberger Limest. and Greenst. Tuff, U. Limestone No. 8.... Davidson i, Davousti, deflexa, Scbnur. De Vern. Chem., Marly beds, U (Psammite), L., M.,U. Crinoid Sell., M L., M. ... Ad. Rbm. Iberg. Limest., U. ... Grund, Vilmar, Trelon (Fr.), Agimont and Bailievre (Belg.), Thuringia. Maitland, Blanchard (Can. W.), Rock- Isl. Co. (111.), Independence (Iowa). Burlington, Quincy (oolitic), Scotto- ville. Cbarlemont (Belgium) Condros, Petberwin (Salter) Gympsie (Queensland) Tomina &c., Bobvian Alps Gabard, Ize, Rhisn6, Fiennes, Cbimay. Condros, Almaden, Veneros, Pela- paya, Ferrones, Moorzook (Africa), Dr. Beyrich. Ferrones, Pelapaya (Spain) ,, &c Daleiden,Bensberg,Blankenheim,Paff- ratli, Condros, Avesnes, Etramugt, W allers, Bai I ievre, Linton, Torquay, Ilfracombe, Ogwell, &c. Pine-Creek mouth (Iowa) Montigny (Belgium), Daleiden, Wax- weiler, Daun, Avesnes, Hampteau Fourmier, Amberloup, Bas-Boulon- nais, Grupont, St. Hubert, Hierges. Ohio Rockingham (Iowa) Yuennan (China) Paffrath (Rhenish Prussia) New York (Third district) Little Traverse Bay (Michigan) River Lockhart (N.N.W. Amer.) Linton, Ilfracombe, Torquay, Huy Rammelsberg. Couvin, Ferrieres, Dailly, Hampteau Skaly (Pol d ), Schonecken, England Gahard, Fiennes, F'erques, Paffrath.., Grund, Avesnes, Feron, Bas-Boulonn Moscow (New York West) Little Traverse Bay (Michigan) Darien (New York West) Sotenich(SarsPoteries),Vise&c.(Carb.) Ohio river, Louisville (Kentucky) Sabero &c. (Leon), Magee (or Mazee), Hierges, Ebray, Forgette, Fourmies, Chassegraine, &c., riv. Meuse, Houf- fallize, riv. Lenne, Vohne, & Agger, Schonecken &c., Schoharie &c. Co., W. Hamilton (N. York), Columbus (Ohio), Ohio-river Falls. Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Grund, Planchwitz, Chrieschwitz (Saxony). Split rock, Indian Cove, Grand Greve, Gaspe (Canada East). Rockford and Ilackberry (Iowa) ... Ferrones (Spain) Almaden, Veneros, Puento de Ciervo, &c., Ferques, Rbisne, Tatimont, &c. Cbimay, Condros, liudesheim, Fekfj, Antitaurus, Arpatchcai, &c. (Arme- nia), Valdai Hills, Labedian, river Don, Oionetz and Voroneje Govts. Zadousk, Volkliof, Lake Ilmen, Ot- trada, Duna and Velicaya valleys (Livonia). Schonecken, Prum, Gerolst.. Bensberg. Kartal, Kelendcr, Nehou, Vire, Brulon Le Cotentin, La Manche. Grund (Harz) Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 13; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 322; Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 29. Geol. Illinois, i. 121 ; Geol. Canada. 1863, p. 372. Hall & Wh. Rep. Iowa, p. 519 ; Amer. Philos. Soc. xii. 252. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xxvii. 493. De Beaum. & Dufr. Explic. Carte de Fr. p. 773. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 329. „ ,, xvii. 64. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. ii. 473-475, iv. 322, vii. 160 & 161, xii. 190, 1016; Zeits. deuts. geol. Ges. 1852, p. 156 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 393. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. ii. 475, vii. 160. „ „ vii. 161. De Beaum. & Dufr. Expl. Carte de Fr. p. 732 ; Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 296 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xii. 1184, xxi. 305 or 505 ; Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 26. Hall & Whitn. Rep. Iowa, p. 520. Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 202 ; D’Arch. Pal. France; Gosselet, MS. 1870; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s. xviii. 30. D. D. Owen, Rep. Ohio, p. 20. Geol. Rep. Minnesota, p. 624. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 358. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 393. Vanux. Geol. New York, p. 185. Append, to Rop. on Gt. Traverse Bay. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 103. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 645. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 210. De Beaum. Expl. Carte de Fr. p. 782 : Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 393. Verst. Harz, p. 12; D’Arch. Pal. Fr. Prodrome, i. 98. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 86. Pakeont. New York, iv. 236. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 393. Lyon, Trans. Ac. Sci. St. Louis, ii. 620. GosBelet, MS. 1870 ; Yand. & Shum. Contrib. Kentucky, p. 34 ; Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 35; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. x. 128, xviii. 20 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxi. 305 ; Scbnur, Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 200. Palseont. New York, iii. 421. Verst. Harz, p. 12; Geinitz, Verstein. Grauwacke (Saxony), p. 61. Billings, Geol. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 48. Descr.NewFoss. Dev. Iowa, 1872, p.19. Prodrome, i. 95. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 781, x. 126. xi. 8, xii. 190; Growingk, Geol. Livonia &c. p. 32 ; Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russia, ii. 387 ; Abich, Mem.j Akad. St. Petersb. ser. 6, vii. 430 ; D’Arch. Pal. de France (Gosselet). Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 206. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n.s. vii. 781 ; Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 201. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiii. 228. O Spikifera ( continued ).] 50 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. disjuncta,' Sow. Famenne Sch., O. R. Sandst., Quartz-sl. Condros, Greenst. Tuff, L., M., U. Torq., Barton, Lummaton, Chambers- Verneuilli*. D' Archiaci. distans. cuspidate, gigantea (Salter). protensa. var. Barumensis, Salter. ca/carafa, Sow. extensa. var. gigantea, „ grandaeva, Phill ,, inornata, disjuncta. ..U. u. Limestone, U. M. disparilis,' divaricata,' D’Omaliusi, D’Orbignyi, dubia, duodenaria,' duplicata?,' dutemplei, elegans, Engelmanni,' euryglossa, Hall. Rouault, Sharpe & M. Ether. Hall. Conrad. Rouault. Sclinur. Meek. Cornif. Limest., L.... UHL, Ham, L, M, M. Sandstone, L... Schnur euryteines,' Hall & Owen. var. fornacula,' filitexta,' fimbriata,' Hall. Winch, Conrad Schoh. Gr p , L, Cornif. Limest, L, Ham. Gr p , M. Ham M. ... L.? ... Sch. & Limest, M, U. Ham.? M. ... Famenne Sch, Frasne Sch. & Limest, M, U. Onond. L’st, Cornif. Limest, Ham. Sh, Hydraulic Limest, L, M. Ouond.Limest, L,M. Ham M Oriskany Sa, Schoh. Grit, Cornif. Lime- stone, Ham. Shale, L„ M. formosa,' Franklini,' Martinia. Gaspensis,' glaber, grandcBvns. heteroclyta. hirundo, Phill. var. minor, Hall Meek, Billings, Martin, Vern glans-cerasus,’ C. A. White Glinkanus, granosus, granulifera, 1 congesta,’ Hall. arata .' Vern, Hall Ham. M (Dolomite), M. Sandstone, L Limestone, Goniatite Schist, Cuboides Schist, U. Limestone, M. Ham M. L... combe, Ilfracombe, &c, Petherwin, Pilton,Braunton,Pilland,Yealmton, Namur, Baingham, Pepinster, Mons, Etrseungt, Blacourt, Ferques, Vire, Sabero, Vallenegrillo, Fuetabrada, U sathal,Mag witz, Wildenfels, E upen, Venwegen.Vilmar, Plauen, &c, Div- jatina, Ottrada, Smeef, Ilmen-see, Pskow, Kartal, Belenkoi, Arpatchcai Convent, Blossburg (Penns.), Tioga Tomkins, Chemung, Eblington, Na- poli, &c. Top Orchard, Braunton, Croyde, Pe- therwin, &c, Usathal, Paffrath, Riibeland, Namur, Cliimay, &c. Tintagel, Trevalga (Dr. IIoll) Goodleigh, Petherwin Torquay, Ilfracombe [(New York) Erie Co., Williamsvil., ClarenceHollow Schoharie Co., Stafford, Port Colborne (CanadaW.),Williamsville, Clarence Hollow (New York), Gahard, Vitre, St. Aubin (Cormier)... Falkland Islands, Warm Bokkeveld (S. Africa). Gympsie, Queensland (Australia) Little Traverse Bay (Michigan), Ohio Slate, N. York East (passim), Port Colborne (Canada West). New York St. Sauveur le Vicomte (Le Cotentin). Couvin (Belgium) Neil’s Valley, Humboldt Mountains, long. 115° 36’. Budesheim, Wellin, Citadel Charle- mont, Givet, Lompret, Gosclienee. Barvaux. Jefferson Co. (N. 1 T .), Ralls, Callaway, &c. Cos. (Missouri), Rapid and lower Iowa rivers, Wapsinonox, New Buf- falo, and Pine Creeks, Davenport, Rockingham (Iowa), Ohio Falls (Kent.), Charleston Landing (Ind.). New York, Bakeoven (Illinois) . Stromatopor.i-beds, Traverse Bay Saugerties, Knox, Cayuga, Albany, and Schoharie Counties, Cherry Valley, Onondago Hollow, York, Moscow, Darien, &c., Maryland, Virginia, Davenport (Iowa), Rock-Isle Co. (Illinois), Columbus (Ohio), Col- borae, Malden, Haldimand, &c. (Ca- nada West). New York, Bakeoven (Illinois) River M‘Kenzie(N.N.W. Amer.) below the Ramparts. Split Rock, Gaspe Bay (Canada East) Grand, Dobrowa, Nowa Slupia, Cop- choux (Looie), Budesheim, Hube- genstein, Ferques, Eifel (Dr. Kay- ser), Ilfracombe ? Paffrath (abundant) Iowa City Serebrianka (Altai) Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218; Ether. MS. Catal. ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 394, 395 ; Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 35 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 484 ; Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 205 (Sp. DeVern.), ix. 4, xi. 312; Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. iv. 701 , 709, xi. 252, 404, xii. 1016 ; Leth. Geogn. ed. 3, i. 321 ; Siluria, ed. 4, pp. 399, 411 ; Sndbrgr. Verst. Nass. p. 320; Murch.,Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ, ii. 385 ; Palaiont. N. York, iv. 243 ; XX. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 150. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 484 ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. 784 ; Broun, Lethsea Geogn. i. 321. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiv. 419. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 76. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. 703. Sandst.?, M., U.? ... Ham. Shale, M. ... Tschudova(G overnment of No vgor od ) Upper river Yelicaja (Livonia). 18-mile Creek (Pennslv.), Parkhurst New Buffalo (Iowa), Schoharie, Otsego and Madison Counties (New York), Falls river Ohio, Louisville, Little Traverse Bay (Michigan). Palseont. N. York, iv. 204. „ „ 212 ; XIII. Rep. Regents N. York; XV. Rep. Regents New York, p. 187. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 395. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 204 ; Quart Journ. G. S. L. ii. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 330. Winch. Rep. Mich. 1861, p. 65; Pal. N. York, iv. 189 ; Geol. Can. 1863, p. 369. Vanux. Geol. N.York, 3rd Distr. p.162. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1045. D’Om. d’Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 576. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1860, p.308. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xviii. 25 ; Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 209 ; Gosselet, MS. 1870. Palseont. New York, iv. 209; Swallow, Report Missouri, i. 107. Palmont. N. Y. iv. 211. Geol. Rep. Michigan, 1866, p. 86. Palseont. N.Y.iv. 211; CanadaJourn. 1861, vi. 257 ; Worthen, Rep. Illi- nois, i. 21, ii. xiv; Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 369. Palseont. N. Y. iv. 420. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 74. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 398. Etheridge MS. Cat. Devon. Foss. ; Murch., Vern. & Keyser.Geol. Russ ii. 170; Siluria, ed. 4, p. 411. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 394. Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist. Bost. ix. 24. Lethaai Ross. p. 713 ; Murch., Vern & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 170. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, ii. 148. H. D. Rogers, Geol. Pennslv. p. 828 Palseont. N. Y. iv. 223 ; Geol. Rep Michigan, 1866, Append, p. 36. * The name “Verneuilli" (Murch.) claims priority over that of disjuncta , Davidson, MS. Smrifera (continued).] 51 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Greeni, Grievi,' Rouault, Hall M. UHL L... gregaria,' Clapp. & Hall. Guyoti, Hungerfordi,' Huronensis,' hysterica, Rouault, Hall. Winch. Schloth. Onond. L’st., Cornif. Limest., L. M. .. Ham. Shale, M. . . Chem U Spirif. Sand. &c., L., M., U. imbricata lamellosa,Sndbrgr. inflata, Schnur, intermedia,' inutilis,' Iowensis,' Kennieotti/ la bell um, Hall. D. D. Owen. Meek. Vern. laevicosta,' Valenciennes. var. alata, kevigata, lsevis,' lens, F. Rom. Schloth. Hall. Schnur. lenticulum, Vern.&Kutorga. ligus,' lineatus,' linguifera, Lonsdalei, Longer,' rnaera, maeronota,' Owen? Martin. Sndbrgr. Murch. Keyserling. Hall & Meek. Hall. inacroptcra, Goldf.&D’Arch. (Leading species of Spirif. Sandstone.) Stringoceph., M. .. FrasneLimest. Schist, Givet L’st., M., U. Oriskany Sandst., L. Ham M Ize, Gahard (France) Schoharie, Clarence, Williamsville (New York), Sandusky, Columbus (Ohio). Dayton (Ohio), Ohio-river Falls (Ken tucky ), Genessee and Erie Co s , N. Y., Little Traverse Bay (Michigan). Goderich, Middleton, Saugeen river (Canada West). Gahard Lime Creek (Iowa) Point aux Barques, Lake Huron South Looe, Linton (Yellow Grit), Padstow, Woolboro’, Mont Revenu, Houffa- lizo, Magey (Mazey ?), Belgium. Vilmar, Gerolstein, Couvin (Belgium) Schonecken, Gerolstein, Vise, Lompret, Alvaux, Toula, Bogoroditsa, Ria- zan, &c. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 377. Pakeont. N. Y T . iv. 194. M. M. U... Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Independence (Iowa), Rock Island Co. (Illinois). Iowa river (Iowa) Liard river, N.N.W. America, Arctic.. Krjuto-berochka (Ural) Grauwacke, Calceola upper and lower, L., M. Limestone, U.. Prum, Daun, Weinsheim, &c. (Eifel) Chimay, Huy, &c. (Belg.), Grund Kielce, Dubrowa, Armenia, Fowey, Lee, Looe, Torquay, Ogwell, &c. (Indiana). Budesheim, Weinsheim. Famenne and Iberg Schist, M., U. Portage Group, U.... Limestone, M. ... Stringoceph. Limest., L. , M. Ham M. ... Iberg Limest., Givet Limest., Psammite, M. , U. Orthoc. Sch., L. ... Limestone, M. ? Trelon, Couvin, Vise, Grund, Corn- wall, &c. Ithaca, Courtlandville (N. Y.) Priim, Weinsheim, Couvin, &c Vilmar, river Velicaja, upper and lower Ilmen-See, Goriew, Zadonsk, Kono- zerze (Government of St. Petersb.). 2£ miles south of Rockingham Torquay, Hope, Newton Abbot, Pether- win, Pilton, &c., Grund, Givet, Con dros, Nowa Slupia, Missouri? Wissenbach.Ebersdorf (Clymen. Lime- stone), Dr. Tietze. Fiennes, Ferques ( = Givet), Chimay . nail, Palasont. N. Y. iv. 195 ; Owen, Geol. Kentucky, ii. 99 ; Winch. Rep Michigan, 1860, p.64; Geol.Canada, 1863, p. 372 ; Canada Journ. n. s, vi. 260. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 322. Hall & Wh. Rep. Iowa, p. 501 . Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc.Philad. 1863, p.405. Davidson, Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 34 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xxiv. 128. Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 319. Gosselet.MS. 1870; Ilorion, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xvii. 59 ; Pakeont. D. & VonM. iii. 211 ; Helmers. Expl. Carte Russ. Hall, Pakeont. N. Y. iii. 424. Hall&Wh.Rep.Iowa,p.505 ; Worthen, Rep. Illinois, i. 121. Owen, Rep. Minnesot. &c. p. 624. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 65. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ, ii. 143. Palseont. D. &VonM. iii. 201 ; Rom. Verstein. Harz, p.12; Siluria,4th ed. p.399 ; Mem. Acad. Imp. St.Petersb ser. 6, vii. 428; Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 28 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xiii. For. Mem. p. 16. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 201 ; Verst. Nassau, p. 496. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 16; D’Arch. (Gosselet), Pakeont. de Fr. Palfeont. N. Y. iv. 241. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 211. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 323 ; Grewingk, Livonia, pp.34 &c. ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. x. Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 624. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 45. River Inia, Tomsk (Altai). Schohar. Grit, Cornif. Limest., L. var. mucronata, macrorhyncha, macrothyris,' Manni,’ Sndbr. ? Schnur. Hall. Onond. Limest., Ham. Shale, L., M. Sandst. ofAnor, Spirif. Sandstone, Avicula Schists, Grauwacke of Montigny, L. Sandstone, L.... Stages 4, 5, M. Cornif. Limest., L... „ Onond. Lime- stone, L. Neil’s Valley, Humboldt Mountains (long. W. 115° 36’), llelderberg Mountains, Albany and Schoharie Counties, Williamsville, Erie Co. Parkhurst, New Buffalo, Aloe (Iowa), river-Ohio Falls, Darien, Moscow, Bristol, Genessee, Seneca Lake, Ham- burg, and 18-mile Creek. Vireux, Menzenberg, Montigny, Anor, Mouffalise, Hinajenos, Joue, Argen- ts, Izc, Brest Roads, Magey, Kar tal, Kelendria, Singhofen, Dillen- burg, Alt.weilnau, Idstein, Kem- menau?, Coblentz, Daleiden, Priim, Karleberg, Andre wsburg, &c., Durr- berg (Silesia) &c., Torquay, Cedar Mountains, S. Africa. Cedar Mountains, S. Africa Gerolstein, Nimes (Namur), Sitka (Zeuschnor). Williamsville, Clarence Hollow, Co- lumbus. Williamsville, Sandusky, Columbus... Verstein. Nassau, p. 313. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s. xi.251 ; Trans G. S. L. n. s. vii. 394. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ ii. 396. Palseont. N. Y. iv. 190 ; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1866, p. 309. Proc. Acad. Nat.Sc. Philad. 1860, p.221 ; Vern.Bull.Soc.Gt*ol. Fr. n.s. iv.700 : Owen, Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 599. Krantz, Verhandl. Vers. xiv. Jahr. ; Germ. &c. Annales des Mines, ser. 6, xii. 595 ; D’Omal. d’Halloy, Precis G6ol. p. 575 ; F. R6m. Zeitsch. d. Geol. Jahrg. 1865 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 3, For. Mem. ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 781, xii. 1 185, xx. 125 ; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 317. Quart. Journ. G. S. L.ix. 3, For. Mem Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 237. Pakeont. New York, iv. 202. , „ „ 211 . Spirifetu ( continued ).] 52 [Beachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Marcyi,’ Hall. Ham. Shale, M Marylandica,' »» ? Orisk. Sandst., L. ... medialis,' ” Ham. Shale, M var. Eatoni,' „ M mediotextus, Vern. LowStringoc.L’st.,M. megaloba, Phill. U meristoides,' Meek. Ham M Martinia, subgen. mesacostalis,' Hall. Chern LT mesastrialis,’ mesomalus, micropterus, D’Orb. U Phill. U Goldf. L., M. ... Minerra, minimus, D’Orb. M. or U. Sow. ? Limestone, L mucronata, 1 comprimata. Conrad. L, M., U. muralis, Kutorga, Vern. Stringoceph. Limest., cyrlia. M., U. Murchisonia, Koninck. Famenne Sch., U. ... nacra/ Hall. Cornif. Limest., L. ... Nerei, Barrande. Limestone, ? Newtonensis, „ M Orisk. Sandst., L. ... Nictavensis, ? Norwoodi, ' Meek. Upper Limest., U., L. L., M. ... oblatus, Sow. M obliterata, Orbeliana, Phill. U Abich. Green Clayev Limest. Orestes,' Hall ? Chem U Oweni,' „ Cornif. Limest., L pachyrhynchus, Vern. Cuboides Sch., L., U. Parryana/ Hall. Ham M Pailletti, Vern. L.? paradoxus, Sclilott., Quenstedt ? L Locality. Reference. macroptera, Goldf. paucicostatus, M‘Coy ? Pattersoni,' Hall. Pellico, D’Arch. & Vern. Clvmen. Limest., U. Cornif. Limest., L... Cayuga and Seneca Lakes, Dresden, Genessee. Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Otsego, Madison, Livingstone, Genes- see and Erie Counties, Cayuga, Crooked and Seneca Lakes, Point aux Barques (south Lake Huron). Seneca Lake, Livingstone, &c. (N. Y.) Eifel, Refrath, Blankenheim, Sotenich Brushford, Pilton, North Devonshire Anderson andLockhart rivers(N.N.\V. Amer., Arctic). Ithaca, Philipsburg by Angelica, Olean, Rockville, PaintedPost,Troupsburg, Randolf. Schoharie and Delaware Counties, Courtlandville, Elmira, CayutaCreek. Brushford, Pilton (North Devon) ... Fowey, Torquay, Vireux, Montigny sur Meuse, Upper Velikaja Valley, Dailly, Flohimont, Wellin (Luxem- burg), Hampteau. Ferques (Bas-Boulonnais) Blankenheim (Eifel) Schoharie, Otsego, and Madison Co s , Cherry Valley, Cayuga Lake (N.Y.), Pennsylvania, Ohio, Parkhurst,New Buffalo, Little Traverse Bay (Mi- chigan), Maryland, Virginia, Mis- souri ?, Louisville (Kentucky), Bo- saiiquet, Enniskillen, Plympton (Ca- nada West), Eifel. Rivers Tsilma, Voll and Ouchta, II- men-See,Volkhof,Tchudovo,Jori3w, Nossok, Konozerje (Russ.), Couvin, Vilmar, Upper river Velicaja. Kynosk, Tchisma, Petschoraland, Ma- rienburg,Chimnay,Kwang-si(China). Ohio Klosterholzes (Harz), Ivonieprus, Bohemia. Torquay, Newton Abbot, Dartington. Nictau (Nova Scotia) Utah, west side of Buell Valley, Hum- boldt Mountains. Plymouth, Torquay, Ilfracombe, &c., Frasne, Lompret., Givet, Gerolstein, Buchenberg, Rothe-Hutte, Avesnes, Bas-Boulonnais, Marienburg, Skaly by Nova Slupia (Sandomir). Newton, Torquay, Eifel Brushford, Pilton Armenia Marly lands, Iowa, Rockford and Hack- berry. Ohio-river Falls, Charleston Landing (Indiana). Serebrianka (Ural), Pskow (Baltic Ru9s.) ; Schelon, Budesheim (Eifel) Enniskillen andBosanquet Towns. (Ca- nada W. ), New Buffalo (Iowa), Rock- Island Co. (Illinois). Sabero (Spain) Val d'Ossau (Prance), Guadalperal Herrera del Duque, Rhisne, Priim, Daleiden, Waxweiler, &c. Ebersdorf, Derbyshire Sylvania (Ohio), Meek Paheont. New York, iv. 226. „ „ 252, 257. „ ,, ,, 227 ; Proc, Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1862, p. 406 : Hall, Descr. New Foss. 1857, p. 110. Paleeont. N. Y. iv. 229. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 394. Phill. Paheont. Foss. Devon, p. 79. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicag. i. 106. Paheont. N. Y. iv. 240. „ „ 242. Palrcoz. Foss. Devon. &c. p. 79. Siluria,4tb ed. p.277 ; Grewingk,Geol Livonia &c. 1861 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xix. 560, xxi. 306. D Orb. Prodrome, i. 95. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 394. Paheont. N. Y. iv. 216 ; H. D. Rogers, Geol. Pennsylv. p. 828 ; Owen, Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 599 ; Winch. Rep. Michigan, Append. 1861, p. 86; Geol. Canada, 1863, pp. 382, 386 ; Verneuil, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 700. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s.iv.109; Murch., Vern. & Iveyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 171 ; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 319 ; Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, 1861, p.65 ; Helmers. Explic. Carte Rus3. Murch., Vern. & heyserl. Geol. Russ, i. 387, ii. 160; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 335. Newberry, Geol. Ohio, i. 577. Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 58. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 40. Acad. Geolog. 2nd ed. p. 499. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1860, p. 308. Bureau, nierges(BlackSch. France), LaManehe, Le Cotenin, La Forgette (Fr.), Fer- ronos, Arnao, Puerto de Cabellas, Reynosa Ac., Kartal, Yailadji. Ebray (Lower Loire) Phill. Paheoz. Foss. Devon, p. 78 ; Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 208, v. 23, xiii. 227 ; D’Arcb. (Gosselet), Paheont. de France; Koninck, No- tice des Foss, de Sandomir. Paheont. Foss. Devon, 1841, p. 68. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 27, Mem. Ac.Imp.St.Petersb.ser.OjviiBSS. 1 Hall & Wh. Descr. New Foss. 1872,! p. 18. Paheont. N. V’. iv. 197. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 142, 143; Lcthaea Ross. i. 696. Canadian Nat. n. s. iv. 261 ; Hall At Wh. Rep. Iowa, p. 509; Worth.! Rep. Illinois, i. 121. Bull. Soc. G&ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 177. „ 101?, xii. 72,1016: Sehnur, Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 198. Paheont. D. & Zittel, xix. 148. Newberry, Rep. Ohio, i. 577, ii. 207 (Shumard). Tchihatcbeff, AsiaMin. Append, p. 19 ; D’Arch. & Vern. Paheont. de France, p. 45 (D’Arch.); Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ii. 472, vii. 160. Bull.Soe.Geol. Fr. u. s. vii.339,xviii.337. SmiFERA (continued).'] 53 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. pennatus,' D. D. Owen Ham M pertenuis,' Hall. Ham. Shales, M. ... pharovicina,' Winch Chem.? ...U pinnatus,' Worthen Ham M Pinonensis,' Meek. UHL L (porambonites ?), var. rotunda,' Hall. „ ? praematura,' Marcell. Sh., Chem., M., U. prolata,’ Conrad. Chem U produetoides, Ad. Rom. Calceol. Sch.&L’st.jM. pulchella, Sow. Limestone, M pyramidalis, Schnur. non Hall. (Dolomite L’st.), U. pyxidata,' Hall. Orisk. Sandst., L. ... quadriplicata, Sndbrg. Stringoc. Limest., M. Quichua, raricosta,' D’Orb. Conrad. Limest. No. 8, L. ... undulatus, Vanux. Richardsoni,' Meek. Ham M (Martinia). Rojuzi, Vern. Limestone, L rotundata, Sow. M Rousseau. Rouault. M subspeciosa, Vern. ? rudis, rugaecosta,' Pliill. L., U. ... ? Hall. Orisk. Sandst., L. ... Schultzii, Kavser. Cultrijugata-Stufe.M. sculptilis,' Hall. Ham. Shale, M segmentata,' Cornif. and Onond. Limest., L. sella, Ad. Rom. Wissenb. Sch., L. ... Seminoi, Vern. Limest. Sch.. L Sillana,' Winch. FineFerrug.Sands.,U simplex, Phill. Upper Calceol., Strin- goceph., Cuboides Sch., Iberg Limest., Goniat. Marl., Til., U. socialis, Krantz. Spirif. Sand., L solitaria, L speciosa, Schloth., Kayser. Beds 1, 2, 3, 4, Eifel, Stringoc. Sch. and Limest., Calceol. Sch., L., M., U. Locality. Reference. NewBuffalo, Independence, Iowa City, Little Traverse Bay (Michigan). Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Point aux Barques, Lake Huron, south, Rock Island and Co Pinon Station, Nevada Mountains var. alata, Von Buch. var. comprimata, Sclilot, var. intermedia, „ Terehratula. var. microptera ?, Qoldf. var. triangidaris, „ spinosus, „ squamosa, Ad. Rom. striato-sulcata. „ striata,' D. D. Owen. striatula, Sclilotli, resupinafa, Phill. Schist & Sandst., L. In Sandst., L Limestone, L M. L.. Schist U. Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, Covington &c. (N. Y.), Oil Creek, Meadville (Pennsylv.). New York Black Limestone of Riesenbach . . Plymouth Budesheim, Vise ? Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Lalmst.ein, Weilburg (Silic. Ironstone) Tomina (Bolivia) Grand Greve (Gaspe), Helderb B Moun- tains, Schoharie Co., river Maitland, Sandusky (Ohio), Haldimand, Port Colborne (Canada West), Stafford, Caledonia, Williamsville, Co- lumbus. FortGoodHope(N.N.W. ArcticAmer. ; Guadalperal, Colle, Houffalize Barton by Torquay Cierrodel Hierro, leCoten tin, Gahard &c., La Baconniere, Vire, &c. Linton (T. M. Hall), Baggy Point, Croyde Bay. Canaan Beds (Nova Scotia) Eifel Enniskillen(CanadaW.), 18-mile Creek Ludlowville ; Lake Seneca, York. Ohio Falls, Charleston Landing (Ind.) Festenburg (Harz) Feke, Nekka Valley (Caucasus) Valley Forge (Ohio) Lahnstein, Weilburg, Bredelar, Ge- rolstein, Budesheim, Bensberg, Sitka, (Poland), Grund (Harz), Houffalize, (Belg.), Plymouth, Newton Bushell, North Abbot. Menzenberg near Bonn Owen, Rep. Minn. &c. p. 624 ; Winch Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 86. Hall, Descr. Pal. Foss. 1857, p. 122. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc.Philad.l862,p.406, Report Illinois, i. 121. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1870, p. 60. Pakeont. N. Y. iv. p. 251. Vanuxem, Geol. N. Y. p. 185. Palaeont,. D. & Von M. iii. 10. Trans. G. S. L. v. pi. 27. f. 9. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 206 ; Bull Soc. Geol. Fr. u. s. xvii. 59. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 420. Verstein. Nassau, p. 323. Prodrome, i. 98. Geol. Surv. Canad. Pal. Foss. ii. 47 Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 19 ; Canad. Journ 1861, p. 258 ; Geol. Canada, 1863 p. 378. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 104. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. 178, xii. 1016 D’Omal.D’Halloy, Prec. Geol.p.575 Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 395. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s.iv.322, vii. 781 : Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 201, Palisoz. Foss. Devon &c. p. 78. Canadian Nat. v. 100. Zeitsrhrift &c. 1871, p. 370. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 221. „ „ 207. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 19, xiii. 224, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 501, xi. 7. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1865, p. 119. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 324 ; Ad. Rom. Vei’stein. Harz, 1843, p. 12 ; Phill. Palseoz.Foss. Devon &c. p. 71 . Looe, Fowey, Meadfoot, Polruan, St. Veep Sch., Torquay, Ogwell, Pad stow, Hagginton, Tintagel (Holl.), Hierges, Hampteau, Dailly, Mon- tigny, Aubrive, Couvin, Fourmiers Gerolstein, Priim, &c., Kielce, San- domir, Skaly, near Nowa Slupia (Zeuchner), Basins Tomsk and Zi- nieff, rivers Ob and Jenissey (Sibe- ria), South Africa, Asturias, Schalko, Goslar. Rammelsberg, Schalke (Harz) „ in nodules Tanne, Schalke Shaly, Sandomir (Poland) Kahleberg, Ilsenburg Etrasungt, France, north .. Calceol. Sell., low. M. Olpe ?, Hahnenklee ?, Auerhahne Iberg Limest., U. ... Grund, Riibeland Ham M Cordilleras (S. America), river Des Moines (Iowa), Moniteau Co. (Mis- souri), Ural (Philip Carpenter). Iberg. L’st. & Green- Chimav, Huy, Daun, Grund, Ferqucs, stone Tuff, U. | Magwitz, Volkhoff, Ural. Verhandl. d. n. Ver. xiv. Jahr. &c. M‘Coy, Br. Pai. Rocks, p. 376; Phill, Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 77 ; Siluria, ed. 4, p. 399 ; Tckihatcheff, Bull Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. i. 684,xviii.20, xxi, 305; Gosselet, MS. 1870; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 408 ; Sohnur. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 197 ; Hempel, Ann. des Mines, ser. 6, xii. 152 ; Koniuck, Notices &c. ; Schultz, Geol. Oviedo, 1858 ; Ad. Rom. Palaeont. D.&Von M. iii. 1, xiii. 220. Ad. Rom. Verstein. Harz, p. 14. Koninck, Notices, Foss. Devon, 1868. Rom. Verstein. Harz, p. 14. Gosselet, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xiv. 365. Palaeont. D.&VonM.iii.l0,106,xiii.223. „ „ 30, „ Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 624. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 395 ; Ad. Rom. Verst. Harz, 1843, p. 14. P Spirifera (continued).] 54 [Brachiopoda, Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. strigoplocus, Vern. Devonian ? subattenuata,' Worthen. Ham. Sch., M subcuspidata, Schnur. Givet L’st., M., Black Sch., Hierges, Cal- ceol. Sch., Cultriju- gata-Stufe, L. var. alata, Kayser. Cultrijugata-Stufe, L. sublsevis, Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sands., L sublineata,’ Meek. Bituminous L’st., M. Martinia. submucronata,’ Hall. Orisk. Sandst., L. ... subrotundata,' » Yellow Sands., U. ... subspeciosa, Vern. L subspinosa, subumbona,' Hall. Ham M Amfiocoelia. subvaricosa,' Hall & Wh. Cornif. Limest., L. . . . superba,' Billings. Limest. No. 8, L tenticulum, Vern. Red rough Lime- Cyrtia. stone, U., Famenne Schist, Stringoc. Limest., M. tenuis,' Hall. Ham. Shale, M trapezoidalis,’ Sow., Dalin. M., U. ... tribulis,' Hall. Orisk. Sandst., L. ... Trigeri, A’ern. L.,M.,U. triplicata,' Tullia,' Hall. Ham. ? M. ? » Ham. Sh.?, M umbonata,' M Martinia. undecemplicata, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... undifera, Givet Limest., Strin- goeeph Limest., L., M. var. undulata, Limestone, M undosus, Schnur. „ L.? Cornif. Limest., L.... unica/ Hall. Urii,’ Fleming. Eifel, stages 5, 6, 7, 8, (Devon., Carb.. Perm., M„ U. Davidson.) Utahensis,' Meek. varicosa/ Hall. Corn. &Onond. Lime- stone, L. var.' Cornif. Limest., L.... DOrb. L vespertilio, Sow. L vetulus, Eichw. Red Pentam. Limest., Uralo-altaicus. U. Walferdini, Whitneyi,' M . . Hall. Ham. Shale, M Wortheni,’ .. Limestone, M ziczag,' Ad. Riiin. Iberg Limest., M., U. spec, indet., Herbert. Gedinian of Mondre- puis. Locality. Reference. River Volkanka (Oural), Alexine (Go- vernment Touia). Lock-Island Co. (Illinois), Little Tra- verseBay (Michigan), Independence, New Buffalo, Rockingham (Iowa), Point aux Barques (Lake Huron). Torquay, Hope's Nose, Woolboro’, &c., Haun, Prion, Daleiden,Blankenbiem, &c., Hierges,Pontdrome, Flohimont, Ozo(Luxemb.),Masbourg(Luxemb.). Blankenheim Reisenbach Thai, Kahleburg FortResolution(N.N.\V. Arctic Amer.) Cumberland Co. (Maryland) . . Burlington and bed 4 Sciotaville (Ohio). Vallenegrello, Ferrones (Spain), Mont Geant, Tchauchbachi, Kelender, Yenikoi, Therapia, &c., Brittany, Normandy. Kelender (Bosphorus) Lake Erie (N.Y.), Tully Town, Seneca Co. Waterloo Village (Iowa) Indian Cove, Gaspe (Canada East)... Ilmen-See, rivers Don and Volkhoff Zadonsk, Upper Duna and Velicaja rivers, Chillon (Spain), Cerfontaine, Waller (Belgium), Avesnes, Bas Boulonnais, Vilmar, Nassau. Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Newton Bush., Ilmen-See, Eifel, Bear- grass Creek (Kentucky). Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Feke, Mont Geant, Ivanlydja, Kartal, &c., Avesnes, Brulon, Les Courtoi- sures, Chassegraine, &c., Famenne, Castellejo, Sabero. Weston (Utah, N.W. America) Owasko, Skeneateles Lakes ; Borodino, Tullia, &c. New York, Europe Murch., Vern. & Keyser. Geol.Russ. ii. 151. Rep. Illinois, i. 121 ; Rep. Michigan Append. 18(50, p. 86 ; Gosselet, MS. 1870. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. 1863, p.33; Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 202. Grand (Harz) Meadfoot, Torquay, rivers Lenne Vohde, Agger (Nassau), Gerolstein, Daleiden, &c. (Eifel), Vilmar, Weil- burg (Nassau), Bensberg, Erque- linnes (Belg.), Upper river Velicaja (Livon.), Avesnes, Bas-Boulonnais. Torquay, Newton Abbott, Gym psie (Queensland). Gerolstein (rare) Clarence Hollow (N. Y.) Grand, Torquay, Newton Bush., Pe- therwiu, Pilton (slate), Baggy Point, Barnstable, Eifel. (California) White-Pine District Woodstock (CanadaW.),Williamsvi lie (N. Y.), Charleston Landing (Ind.). Williamsville (N. Y.) Nehou (La Manche) Gympsie Goldfield (Queensland) Bogosloffsk Lake and Yolva river (Ural), Thuringia. Gahard, Iz6 (France) Lime Creek (Iowa) Calhoun Co. (Illinois) Moscow, York, Genessee, Darien, Se- neca and Cayuga Lakes (N. Y.),j Louisville (Kentucky), Grand Nehou, Vir6 (France) Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 373. Palreont. D. & Von M. v. 10, xiii. 220. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 103. Hall, Palrcont. N. Y. iii. 419. Hall & Wh. Rep. Iowa, p. 521. Bull. Soc. Geol . Fr. n. s. vii. 179, xii . 190. 1016; Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218 ; Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 201 : D’Arch. Palasont. France, p. 45. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xi. 413. Palxont. N. Y. iv. 234. Descr. new Devon. Foss. 1872, p. 18. Canad. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 45. Bull. Soc.Geol.Fr.n.s.xii. 1016; Murch., Vern. & Keyser. Geol. Russ. ii. 159 Grevringk, Geol. Livonia &c. p. 39 Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 323 D’Archiac, Paheont. Fr. (Gosselet). Descript. Pal. Foss. 1857, p. 122. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 370 ; Yandel &c. Contrib. p. 24. Paheont. N. Y. iv. 420. Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1018; D'Arch. Pal. France, p. 46; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 781, xi. 408, xii. 1016, xiv. 369. Strasburg. Travels to Utah. Paheont. N. Y. iv. 218. Dana, Manual Geol. p. 284. Palasont. D. & Von M. v. 34, xiii. 228. , , „ „ iii. 171, 204; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Harz, p. 314 ; Siluria, ed. 4, p. 396; Grewingk, Geol. Livon. p. 32. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. 1863, pp. 36, 37 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 330. Sclmur, Palseont. D. & VonM. iii. 214. Palasont. N. Y. iv. 202. Davidson, Mono. citat.'Pal. Soc. 1863 ; Kayser, Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 368. In Clarence King’s collection. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 205. „ „ 206. Prodrome, i. 95. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 329. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 385 ; Richter, Pal. Thuring. p. 45. D’Archiac, Palasont. Fr. p. 46 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 396. Hall & Whitn. Rep. Iowa, p. 502. Hall, Descrip. Pal. Foss. 1857, p. 116. Paheont. N. Y. iv. 222 ; Ad. Rom. Verstein. Harz, p. 14. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1185. Spirifera ( continued ).] 55 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. spec, indet., Lonsd. Spiriferina, D’Orbigny, 184 cristata, Schloth. (Irish Coomhola), Perm. Jurass. ? var. octoplicata, aculeata, Schnur. insculpta, Phill. macrorhyncha, Schnur. Spirigera, If Orbigny, 1847, ambigua, concentrica,' Sow. Von Buch & Bronn var. globosa, crassicardinal is, ' decussata, eborea,' Fultonensis,' gracilis, Helmerseni, minima,' prunulum, Puschiana, Von Buch, Swall. D’Orb. Winch. Swall, Sndbrgr, De Vern, Swall. De Vern. Eoissysi, Goss silicula, Richt. undata, Spirigerina, D'Orbigny, 184 reticularis. See Atrypa reti Streptorhynchus, King, 1 analogus, ? bifurcatus, Chemungensis,' Conrad, var. A, Pandora,' Bill „ ' Hall. „ B, arctostriatus,' „ „ C, perversus,' „ „ D, pectinaceus,' „ crenistria, Phill. Orthis compressa. „ calcarea. (In LLS. & Coomhola & C.L.) gigas, M'Coy. lepidus, Schnur & Kayser. perearmentosus, M'Coy. plicatus, Sow. semicircularis, Phill. tenuistriatus, Phill. & Sow. Subdivision. M. M. Locality. .L.,M.,U Calceol.&Stringoc.,M (Passage-bed), M., U, Calc. & Crin. Sch., M Billings. Retzia, M Cornif. L’st. & Ham. L.,M., Ham. Shale, Spirif. Sandst., L.. Calceol. Shale, M. Stringoc. L’st., M., Iberger Limest., U.. Clymcnia Limest.?, U. U u u Ham M „ M Stringoc. Limest., M. M.? Ham M Schist & Limest., M. M. U. ... Cyprid. Schist, U. L 9. cularis 850. Orthisina, (Carb.) ...M., U. .. 9 u. !!!!! Cornif. Limest., L... Ham M. ... Cornif.L’st.,L.,Ham., M. Ham., Chem. (also Carb.), U. Limestone, L., M., U. Shale L Crinoid Sell., M. Schist L.. U. .U. M. Bas-Boulonnais, Devonshire. Looe, Meadfoot, Torquay, Dartington, Ilfracombe, Baggy Point, Pilton, Kartal. Meadsfoot (Devonshire South) Belgium, Vilmar (Nassau) Torquay, Lummaton Budesheim &c. (Eifel) King. Athyris, M'Coy. Boureghi (Lake Ilmen), Valdai Hills. . . Cayuga andSenecaLakes, 1 8-mileCreek (New A’ork), Louisville (Kentucky), Charleston Landing (Ind.), Cayuga, & Bosanq. (Can.W.), Little Traverse Bay (Michigan), Touwa (Teheran Persia), Bogoslovsk (Ural), Volkhoff &Don rivers(Russ.), Pleskau, Isborsk (Livonia), Oberkunzendorf (Silesia) Thuringia, Ebersdorf, Hjagwitz, &c. (Saxony), Bensberg, Blankenheim, Elberfeldt (Rlien. Pruss.), Waldbrol ( Westph.), Eifel (passim), Ferrones &c. (Spain), Menzenberg, Chimay, Ferques, Vire.Gahard, &c., Newton, Dartington, Hope’s Nose (S. Devon.), Riibeland (Harz) Iowa Petherwin (Cornwall) (Bryozoa bed) Little Traverse Bay ... Callaway Co. (Missouri) ..• Lahnstein, Weilburg (siliceous ironst.). Gerolstein. Pleskau, Iborsk (Livonia) Callaway Co. (Missouri) Salles, Aubrive, Ferrieres, Jemelle, Hampteau (Belgium). Upper river Velicaja, Pleskau, Isborsk (Livonia). Etrjeungt (North France) Thuringia Houffalize (Luxemb.), Anor (France D’Orbigny, 1847. Torquay, Ilfracombe, Pilton, Marwood ? Chemung Narrows (New York) Knoxville, Clarksville, Utica, Clarence Hollow, Williamsville (New York), Pennsylvania, Lime Creek, and in Canada West. York, Moscow, Pavilion, Darien, Tully, &e. Williamsville, Erie Co. (New York) ; Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, Fabius, Hamilton, Moscow. Chemung, Alleghany, Cattaraugus Cos (New Vork). Looe, Watersmeet, Torquay, Black Hall, Ilfracombe, Chamberscombe Combe-Martin, Braunton, Lanlake, Baggy Point, Pilton, &c., Ferques, Etrajungt, Haumont, Senzeillcs. Looe, Pobruan, Padstow, Ogwell ? Pelm, Gerolstein? (Orthis ?) East Looe, Fowey, Pobruan Baggy Point, Pilton, Petherwin, Barn- staple, &c. Baggy Point, Schubelhainmer Plymouth, Hope, Dartington, South Devon. Reference. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. 1839, xi. 241. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. 1863, p. 47 ; Tchihat. Asia Minor, Append, p. 47. Etheridge, Catal. Museum. Kayser, Zeitschrift, 1871, p. 592. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. 1863, p. 48. Palosont. D. & Von M. iii. 237. Lethaea Rossica, p. 738. Cauad. Natur. n. s. vi. 146 ; Verstein. Nassau, p. 327 ; Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 86 ; Eichw. Leth. Ross. p. 735 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 325, vii. 162, xii. 1016 ; Palccont. D. & Von M. ix. 4 ; Krantz, Verb. d. n. Verst, xiv. &e. ; Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. 1863. Palmont. D. & Von M. ix. 4. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vii. 299. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, pi. 28. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 86. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 648. Verstein. Nassau, p. 329. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, p. 34. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 649. Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum). Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, p. 35. Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum). Zeitschrift &c. Berlin, xxi. 389. Gosselet, MS. 1871 (mecum). Hall, Pakcont. New York, iv. 317. Davids. Mon. cit. Pal. Soc. 1863, p. 107 ? Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1843, p.357 H. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p. 827. Palaont. New York, iv. 71, pi. x. „ „ 73. Hall, Pal. N. York, p. 73, pi. x. fig. 6. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. 1863, p. 125 ; Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum). Etheridge, MS. ; Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. 1863, Table to p. 123. Pal. 1). & Von M. iii. 218; Zeitschrift &c. 1871, pp. 371, 618. Davids.Mono. citat. Pal.Soc.1863, p. 84. » it p.82. n n p.76. Streptorhynchus { continued ).'] 56 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. umbraculum,' Schloth. (Carb. in Yorksh.) var. biconvexa, „ gigas, M‘Coy Calceol. Sh., L., M.,U. Sandstone Givet Limestone Stricklandia, Billings , 1859 elongata,’ Vanux. Stringocephalus, Be Franc Burtini, Be France Strophalosia, King, 1844. caperata, Sow, productoides, Murch. fragaria, Sow, Murcbisoniana, De Kon, subaculeata, Murch, Strophodonta, Hall, 1852. sequicostata,' Swall, altidorsata,' ,, alveata,' Hall arnpla,' Billings, „ arctostriata,' „ Leptana. arcuata,' „ bifurcata,' „ Boonensis,' Swall. Callawayensis,' ,, callosa,' Hall. var.' „ Cayuta,' ,, inter strialis, Phill. cincta,' Winch, cxlata,’ Hall, concava,' ,, costata,' D. B. Owen, crebristriata,' Conrad, eymbiformis,’ Swall, demissa,' Hall & Conrad Subdivision. S trickl andinia , Oriskany S'st., Cornif. Limest., L. e, 1824. (Not known Stringoc. Limest. &c. L., M., U. Subgenus Orthothr Calceol. Sc.& Stringoc. Limest., M., U. M„ U. ... upper M Limestone, M., U. . . . An American genus Ham M UHL L Schoh. Grit, L Onondag. Limest., L., Ham., M. Limestone, U. Ham M. Chem U. UHL L.... Ham M. Schoh. Grit, L.... „ L.... Chem U. erratica,’ Galatea,' hemispluerica,' Winch Bill Hall imitata,' Winch insequiradiata,' Hall Strophomena, Conrad, inaequistriata,' Conrad Ham M. .. Chem U. .. Ham. (Mosc. Sh.), M Cornif. Limest., L.... Schoh. Grit, L. .. UHL L „ Schohar. Grit, Ham. Group, M., Chem., L., M., U. (in 4 sedts.), U L’st. No. 8, Oriskany Sandst., L. Schoh. Grit, L., Cornif. Limest., L. Ham. (Aoerv. beds). M. Locality. Reference. Saline Creek, St.Genev Co. (Missouri), Warren, Ohio Falls (Kentucky), Looe, Linton, Meadsfoot. Hope’s Nose, Padstow, East Ogwell. . . Combe-Martin, Morebath, &e., Ailly, Couvin, Ferrieres (Belg.), Ferques, Fiennes, &c., Gulf of Nicomedia, Eifel (passim), Kahleberg, Schalke, Shaly, Russian Poland. Billings, 1860. Haldimand, North Cayuga (Can. W.) in America.) Plymouth, Newton Bush., Ilfracombe, &c., Torquay, Bradley, Sandebay, &e.(Bevonsh.),Kehrzu,Weinshenke, Buntebock, Hartenberg, Frienfels, Vilmar, Arfurth, Wetzlar, Brilon, Meschede, Palfrath, Aachen, Scho- necken, Pehn, Kerpen, Iserlohn, Madfield, Priim, Oos, Chimay, Ver- vieres, Trelon,&c., Almaden (Spain), Serebrianka riv. ( Ural), rivers Volk- hof and Siass, &c. yx, Geinitz, 1848. Aulosteges, Prussino, Boureghi, L.Ilmen, Labedian (Gov.Voroneje), Orel, Ottrada, Blan- kenheim, Ferques, S.W. Petherwin Pilton, Croyde, Marwood, &c. Cornwall, N. Bevon Skaly near Slupia, Sandomir (Poland) Newton Bushell, Hope, Petherwin Callaway Co. (Missouri) Clarksville, Knox, Albany Co. (N. Y.) Albany and Schohar. Cos., Helderberg Mountains, Cherry Valley, Onondag. and Clarence Hollows, Williamsv., &c. (N. York), Little Traverse Bay (Michigan). Ilobbieville, Alleghany Co. (N. York), Ohio. Lime Creek, Rockford (Iowa) Napoli, Cattaraugus Co. (N. York) . Callaway Co. (Missouri) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1865, p. 117; Siluria, ed. 4, p. 399. Bavids. Mono. cit. Pal.Soc.1863, p.125. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xiv. 365 (Gosselet) ; Gosselet, MS. 1870 ; Balmont. B. & Von M. iii. 56, 216 ; Bo Koninck, Notices Foss. Bevon. Poland, 1868. Geol. Can. 1863, p. 360; Can. Joum. 1861, p. 267. M'Coy, Brit. Paleozoic Rocks, p. 38 : Pal. B. & Von M. iii. 24, 63, 195 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. x. 126, xii. 1016, xvii. 789 ; Sndbrgr. Verst. Nassau, p. 309 ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 269, 293; Gosselet, MS. 1870; Eichw. Lethsea Ross. i. 690 ; Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 105, 383. Helmersen, 1847. Trans. G.*S. L. ser. 2, vi. 397 ; Murch. Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 61 : Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 624. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. pi. 56. Notice des Foss. Bevon. Pol. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xi. 255. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 637. Hall, Pal. New York, iv. 81. „ „ 93 ; Winch, Geol. Rep. Michig. Append. 1866 p. 85. Clarksville, Knox (New York) . Cayuta Creek near Elmira, Bath, &c, (N. Y.), Blossburg Railway (Penns.), (Bryozoa bed) Little Traverse Bay ... Elmira (New York) From L. Cayuga to L. Erie (passim). . . Bavenport (Iowa) Clarksville, Knoxville (New York) Callaway Co. (Missouri) Malden, Blanchard (Can.W.), Pine & Lime Creeks, IndependenceTownsh., &c. (Iowa), Barien, Seneca & Cayuga Lakes, Rock Island, Jackson Co (Illinois), Pennsylvania, Louisville (Kentucky), &c., Clearwater river, Fort Resolution, N.N.W. Amer. Little Traverse Bay ( Lake Michigan) Indian Cove, Gaspe Bay (Can. E.) .. Albany & Schoh. Cos., river-OhioFalls, Port Colborne (L. Erie), Can. W. Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan). Oriskany Sandst. and .Albany and Schoharie Cos., Cherry ! UHL., L. ! valley, &c. Cornif. L’st., Moscow Caledonia. Livingstone Co., Seneca and i Sh., L., M. | Cayuga Lakes, Moscow, Genessee.&c. (N.York), Louisville, Malden, Blan chard, Goderich, &c. (Can. W.). Hall, Palseont. New York. Hall & Whitney, Rep. Iowa, p. 492. XIV. Rep. Regents New York, p. 36. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 638, 11 11 11 Hall, Palseont. New Y ork, iv. 82. „ „ 83. „ „ 110 . Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 92. Hall, Palaeont. New Y'ork, iv. 11 1. „ „ 96. Geol. Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 624. Balmont. New York, iv. 86. Swall. Trans. Ac. Sci. St. Louis, i. 636. Canad. Journ. n. s. vi. 371 ; Hall & Whitn. Report Iowa, pp. 485, 4116 : Pala’ont. N. Y'ork, iv. 81, 101 ; H. B. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p.827 ; Worth. Rep. Illinois, pp. 121, 122; Meek, Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 93. Geol. Canada, 1863. Palaeont. New Y’ork, iv. 91. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p.93. Palmont. N. York, iv. 87. „ „ 93, 106; Y'and. & Shum. Contrib. Kentucky, p. 33; Can. Journ. n. s. vi. 388. Strophodonta (continued).] 57 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. inflexa,' Swall UHL L intermedia,' Hall. Oriskany Sandst., L.. Junia,' >» Cornif. Limest., Ham. Gr p , Tully Limest., textilis, Hall. L„ M. Kemperi,' Swall. UHL L Linckkeni,' Hall. Oriskany Sandst., L.. Strophomena. maguifica,' „ >> >1 Strophomena. magniventra,' „ „ L.. Strophomena. mucronata, ' Conrad ? Chem U nacrea,' Hall. Cornif. L’st., L., Ham. Shale, M. lepida. navalis,' Swall. UHL L parva,' Hah. Schoharie Grit, L. . . . Patersoni,' » Cornif.L’st.,L., Schoh. Grit, L. perplana,' Conrad. Schohar. Grit, Cornif. Limest., Ham. Gr p , Strophom. perplana. „ crenistria. „ delthyris. „ fragilis. var. nervosa, plica ta,' quadrata,' Quichua,' reversa,' subcymbiformis,' subdemissa,' Conrad. Hall. Swall. D’Orb. Hall. Swall. Hall. vascularia,' „ spec, indet., Winch. Strophomena, Bafincsque, 1 acutiradiata. See Chonet Bainei, bifurcata,' Streptorhynchus. Blainvillei,' Bouei,' Budleighensis, cauda ta, convexa,' Sharpe. Hall. Bill. Barr. Dutertrii, Edgelliana, Etheridgei, fragilis,' bemispheerica,' inatquiradiata,' irregularis, Leptcena. Irene,' interstrialis, Ithacensis,' lacrymosa,' lima,' Productella. magniventra,' minuta, nobilis, ? opercularis. Davids. Schnur. Bill. ? De Vern. Davids. Worth. Winch. Hall. Ferd. Rom. Subdivision. Chem., L., M., U. Chem U. Ham.Sh. &Limest.,M. Ham M. Sandstone, L.. Ham M UHL L Ham., Bryozoa, and Acervul. beds, M. Oriskany ...L UHL L 820, Blainville, 1825. es. Silic. Sandst., L Chem U Locality. Callaway (Missouri) Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Cayuga and Seneca Lakes, Mud Creek W., Bloomfield W., York, Moscow, Darien, Bethany, Covington (N. Y.). Callaway (Missouri) Albany and Schohar. Cos. , Cumberland Co. (Maryland). Albany &Schoh.Cos.(N.Y.),Haldimand (C. W.), Cumberland Co. (Maryl.). Chem. Narrows, Ithaca, Bath, Elmira. East Victoria, Darien, Canandaigua L., Rock Isle, riv. Maumee (Ind.), Little Trav. Bay, Bosanquet, Haldimand. Callaway Co. (Missouri) Albany and Schoh. Cos., New Buffalo (Iowa). Helderberg Mounts., Schoh. & Ontario &e. Cos., Stafford, Williamsville (New Y’ork) Bakeoven (Illinois). Cherry valley, Clarkesville, Williams ville, Knox, Cayuga and Seneca Lakes (New York), Calhoun, Pine Creek, Independence, Rock Island, New Buffalo (Iowa), Blossburg Railway (Penns.), riv. Saugeen, North Cayuga Co., Malden, Bosanquet, &c. (C. W.) Louisville (Kentucky), Indiana. Bath, Campbelltown, Steuben & Tioga Cos., Ithaca, &c. (New York). Independence, Iowa city Callaway Co. (Missouri) Bolivian Andes Lime Creek, Rockford (Iowa) Callaway Co. (Missouri) Grand Traverse Bay, Lake-Erie Shore (New York). Albany and Schoharie Cos Michigan Reference. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. G3G. Palseont. New l"ork, iii. 482. „ „ iv. 108. Oriskany Sandst., L... Warm Bokkefeld (S. Africa). New York Gasp6 (Canada East) L Mont Geant, Arnaout-koi, Kanlidja, I Port Crane, Ludlow ville, &c. ? Budleigh-Salterton pebble-beds Upp. Calceol., M. . . . (Eifel), Blankenheim, Rommersheim Bosanquet (Canada West), West New York (passim). La Manche, Chaudefontaine, Venders, Huy (Belgium). Uncertain(Davidson) Budleigh-Salterton (Devonshire) ... Ham M. Passage-beds, L., U... Bill. Ham M Rock Island (Illinois) UHL L Little Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan.. Limest. No. 8, L. ... Indian Cove, Gaspe (Canada East).. Orisk. S’st., UHL., L. Western N. York, Western Canada .. Calceol. Sch. &c., M...,Gees, Blankenheim (Eifel) Limest. No. 8, L. ... Grand Greve, Gaspe Bay (Canada E.) Phill. Calceol. Limest. &c., Vanux. Conrad. Hall. Chem U. U. u. Limest. No. 8, L. Ad. Rom. Calceol. Sch., M.... M‘Coy. Limestone, M. ... De Vern L., M. Prum, Daleiden, Festenburg, &c. Inclined plane at Ithaca (N. York) ... New York (see Productella) Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 63G. Pakeont. New York, iii. 415. „ „ ; Canad. Natur. n. s. vi. 348. Hall, Pakeont. New York, iii. 411. Palseont. New York, iv. 104. Geol. Can. 1863, p. 313 ; Geol. Rep. Micliig. Append. 1866, p. 86. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 635. Pakeont. New York, iv. 85. „ „ 89. 91, 98. „ „ 113. ,, „ 114. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 639. Voy. Amer. du Sud, iii. 227. Hall & Whitn. Rep. Iowa, p. 494. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 636. Winch. Geol. Rep. Mich. 1866; Hall, New Spec. 1857. Hall, Palseont. New York, iii. 412. Geol. Rep. Michig. 1861, p. 65. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ii. Palseont. New York, iv. 67, 73. Geol. Surv. Can. Pal. Foss. ii. 28. Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218 ; Vanux Geol. New York, pp. 155, 180. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 86. Palajont. D. & Von M. iii. 238. Geol. Can. 1863, p. 381. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 400. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. 86. „ 85. Worth. Geol. Rep. Illinois, i. 121. Geol. Rep. Mich. 1861, p. 65. Bill. Can. Geol. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 24. ? Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 237. Can. Geol. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 27. Kayser, Zeitsehr. 1871; Pakeont. & Von M. xiii. 223. Vanux. Geol. New York, p. 175. ,, „ p. 185. Can. Geol. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 22. D Indian Cove, Gaspe Bay (Can. East), < Can. West, N. York (Oriskany S’st.).| Auerhahn (Westphalia) Pakeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 223. Torquay Ann. A Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, viii. 481. Weinsheim, Schonecken, &c. (Eifel), Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 236; March., Volkhoff (Baltic Russia). | Vern. & Iveyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 387. Q Strophohena ( continued ).'] 58 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. palma, Kayser. Low. Calceol. Sch., M. piliger, Sndbrgr. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... | radiata.’ Worth. ? L t rkomboidalis,' Davids., Oriskany Sandst., L., Wilkens. Spirif. Sandst., L., Calc. Sch., Cornif. Limest., L., Ham., depressa. M., Calceol. Sch., Leptcena analoga, Phill. &c. M., Condros Psam- Silurian in GothF, West- mite, U. moreland. In Yorksh. andatTournai, Carboniferous. var. analoga, Phill. M.,U. ... subdemissa,’ Meek. Ham M subtetragona, Ad. Rom. Calceol. Sch., M Sullivani,' Sharpe. Schist k Clay-stone, L. Tidlia,’ Bill. L umbonata,' Vanux. Ham. &Chem.,M.,U. uudulata,' Cornif. Limest., L ziczac, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. Terebratula, Lhwyd, 1699. Adrieni. De Vern. A D’Arch. L sequiconvexa, Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U. .. amygdalina, Goldf. Low. Stringoc., M.... Caigua. anceps, De Kon. Limestone, M antiqua, Schnur. Grauwacke, L aptycta, ,, (4 varieties), M. ? ... Archiaei, De Vern. L ? Bainii, Sharpe. Sandstone, L Bordau, De Vern. Limestone, L. ? Buchii, Miinst. Clvmen. Limest., U... cingulata. Orthoc. Limest., U.... Atrypa. coneinna/ D. D. Owen. Shell-beds, M corculum, Eichw. BlackPentam. L’st.,L. Eifelensis, Schnur. Limestone, L Elia,' Hall. UHL., Ham., L„ M.. elongata, Schloth. Iberger Limest., U. .. Guerangeri, De Vern. M Harmon ia,' Hall. Cornif. Limest., L.... imequalis, Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sandst., L.,M. jucunda,’ Hall. Ilam M juvenis, Phill. M. . . Kielcensis. Ferd. Rom. M Amphitoma part., VonBuc h. lens,' Hall. Cornif. Limest., L.... lingularis, Miinst. Orthoc. Limest., U. .. Livonica, Von Buck. M„ U. ... ? longinqua, Beyr. Llwydii, Richt. Clymen. ...U macrorhyncha, Schnur. Grauwacke, L Le lion. M., U. ... microconcha, 9 monticulata, Schloth. L Newtonensis, Davids. M nuda, De Vern. Pentamer. Limest. . . . obcordata, Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U. .. obovata, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U... Oiiviana. De Vern.. D’Areh. plebeia ?, Dalmann. Blue Limest., U prominula, Ferd. Rom. Limestone, M. ? prunulum, Schnur. „ L Locality. ■*. Reference. Hillesheimer Mulde (Eifel) Keinmenau,Lalmstein, Laubacthal, &c. Bailey’s Landing (Missouri) Parkhurst &c. (Iowa), Saline Creek &c. (Miss.), Union Co. (111.), Charleston Landing (Ind.), river-Ohio Falls (Kentucky), New York, Malden, &c. (Canada W.), Nictau (Nova Scotia), Looe, Plymouth, Black Hall, Mar- wood (Devonshire), Ferques, Nehou (France), Chimay, Masbourg, Hon- nay, &c. (Belgium), Priim,Daun, &c. (Eifel), Aviles &c. (Spain), Scutari &c. (Bosphorus), Queensland, Mala- goziz (Poland). Woolboro’, Ilfracombe, Marwood, &c. Eifel, Nassau, Nowa Slupia (San- domir). Fort Resolution (N.N. W. Arct. Amer.) Festenburg (Harz), Belgium, Eifel .. Warm Bokkewell and Falkland Island (S. Africa). Mont Joli, Perce, Gasp6 (Can. East).. Port Crane, Broome Co. (N. York)... Louisville (Kentucky) Vilnaar (Nassau) Ferrones (Asturias), Eifel Grund (Harz), Baggy, Pilton, &c. (Devonshire). Keinmenau, Nieder-Rosbach (Nassau) Couvin (Belgium) Daleiden, Irrhausen (Eifel) .. Gerolstein Houffalize (Belgium) Warm Bokkeweld (S. Africa) Sabero, Prov. Leon (Spain) . . Elbersreuth (Franconia) Lower Iowa and Cedar rivers (Iowa).. Bogoslovsk (N. Ural) Schonecken, Gerolstein (Eifel) Waterloo (Iowa) Grund, Glucksbruch (Harz?), Couvin, Ize, Gahard, Avesnes, Ferques (France). La Baconniere, Vire, &e Falls, river Ohio (Kent.), Canada W. Festenberg,Reisenbachthal, Plymouth. Waterloo (Iowa) Torquay, Newton Bushell, Barton ... Kielce (Silesia) Clarence Hollow (New York) Elbersreuth Zadonsk ( river Don), Budevich (Russ.) Murzuk (Central Africa) Grund. Riibeland (Harz), Thuringia.. Prurn, Daleiden, Waxweiler, Daun ... Givet, Frasnes (Belgium). Bhmkenheim (Eifel) Woolboro’ (S. Devonsh.), Nehou (Fr.) River Vuia (N. and S. Ural) Grund, Riibeland Elbersreuth Asturias, Chillon, Valle-negrillo-au- brive (Belgium). Kipet near BielefF (Russia! Gerolstein, Schonecken (Eifel) „ „ Daleiden, &c. (Eifel). Zeitschr. &c. xxiii. 621. Verstein. Nassau, p. 361. Worth. Geol. Rep. Illinois, i. 128. Trans. Ac. Sci. St. Louis, i. 162; Worth. Geol. Rep. Hlin. p. 122 ; Geol. Can. 1863, pp. 360, 371 ; Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 56 ; D’Arch. Pal. de Fr. p. 45 (Gosselet) ; Pal. D. & Yon M. iii. 224 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. iv. 701, vii. 161, 783, xviii. 338, xxi. 306 ; Compt. Rend. lxiv. 1218; Tchihat. Asia Min. p. 38 ; Vern. & D’Arch. ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L- xxiii., For. Mem. p. 15. M‘Coy, Brit. Palaeozoic Rocks, p. 389 ; Zeuchner, Zeitschr. &c. xxi. 268. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. 88. Pakcont. D. & Von M. xiii. 207. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 29 ? Can. Geol. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 29. Vanuxem, Geol. New York, 3rd Distr. p. 180. Yand. & Shum. Contr.Kent. 1847, p. 33 ; Vanux. Geol. N. Y. 3rd Distr. p. 180. Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 365. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. ii. 171. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 86. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 391. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 240. „ „ 241. D’Om. d'Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 575. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 215. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 161, 172. Beitriige &c. iii. 74. „ 77. Geol. Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 78. Lethaea Rossica, i. 688. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 193. Pakeont. New York, iv. 390. Ad. Rom. Verst. Harz, p. 28 ; D’Arch. Pal. de France (Gosselet) ; Siluria, ed. 4, p. 360. Bull. Soc. Geol Fr. n. s. vii. Pakeont. New York, iv. 388. Pakeont. D. & Von M. v. 10. Palaeont. New York, iv. 390. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 8. Zeitschr. geol. ges. Jahrb. 1866. Pakeont. New York, iv. 386. Beitrage &c. iii. 74. Recherch. Russ. 1858, pp. 47, 94. Zeitschr. d. g. Gesell. Jahrg. iv. 157. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 392. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 235. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 392. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. p. 3. Mureh.jVern. &Keys. Geol. Russ. ii. 63. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 229. Beitrage &c. iii. 78. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xii. 1016, xiv. 371. Index Pal. Bronn, p. 1246. Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 184. 190. Terebratula ( continued ).] 59 [Brachiopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. pumilio, Ad. Rom. Puschiana, Vern. Romingeri,’ Hall. rotunda, Munster. ? rotundata, sacculus, Martin. scalprum, Ad. Rom. Schultzii, Vern. scitula/ Hall. Athyris. semilaevis, Ad. Rdm. £ ? silicula, Richter & Unger. . simulator,’ Hall. 1 subacuminata. Ad. Rom. ] subcordiformis, Schnur. subeurvata, Munster. ( subglobosa, Goldf. . Sulhvanti,' Hall. I Traversensis,' Winch. 1 ventrosa, Schnur. 1 venusta, „ c Volzii, ? Wahlenbergii, Goldf. I spec, indet., Ad. Rdm. C „ (2),' D.D. Owen. I „ IIommairedeHell. Atrypa Bolonensis. Trematospira, James Hall , 1 gibbosa,' Hall. I Retzia Eugenia. hirsuta,' Athyris ? Chloe. ? liniuscula,' Winch. 1 Tropidoleptus, J. Hall, 185 carinatus,' Conrad, t Leptcena laticosta ?, Hall. occidens,' Uncites, Schloth., 1828 ; Dav ic gryphus, Schloth. L Vitulina, Hall, 1859. pustulosa,' Hall. U Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Iberg Limest., U. ... Bochwiese (Harz) .U Ulabue, Kipet. .M. _ ' „ U. tringoc., Iberg, Cly- menia Limestones M., U. Iberg Limest., M., U. . York, Hamburg (N. Y), Thunder Bay ? (Lake Huron). Schiibelhammer (Thuringia), Wenlock | Edge. Schiibelhammer Grits, Marwood, Inia river (Ural), Elbingerode.IbergLimestone(Harz), Gerolstein, Nassau. Iberg Mountain (Grund), Ize, Yire (Fr.), Couvin (Belg.). .L. ? Ferrones, Sabero, Colle (Spain) Louisville (Kentucky), Haldemand Cayuga (Canada W.). Schist U Famenne (Belg.), Grund (Harz) U ;Thuringia M Widder (Canada West) L Pelm, Gerolstein ...M. Ham. ...M. Nieder-Rosbach (Nassau) Columbus, Sandusky (Ohio), Cayuga (Canada West). Little Traverse Bay L Ilontheim by Priim, Daun Paffrath (Rhenish Prussia) it., Lh ...Harz ...M. ... New Buffalo, Rockingham (Iowa) Touwa (Armenia or Persia) M. M. M. ...M. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 37. Helmers. Explic. Carte Russ. p. 16. Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 389. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. 392. Beitrage &e. iii. 75. Davids. Mono, citat. Pal. Soc. 1863, p.6; Murch., Vern. &Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 396 ; Ad. Rom. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 18 ; Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 227. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 31. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 161, 173. Yand. & Shura. Contrib. 1847, p. 33. D’Om. DTIalloy, Precis Geol. p. 577 Leonh. & Br. Jahrb. 1856, p. 626. Paheont. N. Y. iv. 391. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 86. „ 186. Beitrage &c. iii. 75. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 392. Paheont. N. Y. iv. 387. Geol. Rep. Mich. 1866, Append, p. 86. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 235. „ 180. „ „ 230. „ „ 105. „ 73. Geol. Rep. Minnesot. &c. p. 624. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 501 . Paheont. N. Y. iv. 273. Bloomfield, York, Moscow, Living' stone, Pavilion, &c., Widder (Lake Erie, Canada West). Little Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan... ...Iowa, Pennsylv., Schohar. Co., 18- j mile Creek, Seneca, Cayuga, Canan- daig. Lakes, Jackson Co. (Illinois) ... Iowa City (Iowa) iPalaeont. N. Y. iv. 408. 274. Rep. Michigan, 1866, Append, p. 86. Worthen, Rep. Illinois, i. 122; Pa- lseont. N. Y. iv. 407- lus Limestone, L., M„ U. Upper Ham., M. Altenborg, Salchendorf, Paffrath, Oberbicht, Schwelm, Hagen, Nowa- Wioske (Poland), Givet, Nisme (Couvin), Hatton. Genessee Co., Canandaigua Lake, York, Tully, Tinker’s Falls. n. s. vi. 392 ; Ferd. Rom. Geol. Oberschlesien, p. 35 ; Gosselet, MS. 1870 (inecum). Palaeont. N. Y. iv. 410. Avicula.] 60 [CONCHIFERA Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. Province LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Class CONCHIFERA. Group MONOMYARIA (PLEUROCONQUES, D’Orbigny). Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Avicula, Klein , 1753 ; Lam arck, 1801. Monot is, Bronn. 1830. Eumicrotis, F B. Meek, 1864. osquilatera,' ADsopus ?,' revis ?,' Hall M Bloomfield IN. Y.) Palseont. N. Y. Conrad Ham M New York Vanux. Geol. N. Y. 3rd dist. p. 162. Hall. Marcell. Shale, M. ... Pennsylvania H. D. Rogers, Geol. Penns, p. 827. Albertiana, Alula, Rouault. M Ize, France Bull. JSoc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 390. Eichw. M River Sjass. Nova Ladoga (Timan Lethsea Rossica, p. 950. amygdaloides, Ad. Rom. Goniat. & Iberg Lime- Range), Pskow (South Livonia). Altenau (Harz) Pakcont. D. & Von M. xiii. 230. angustirostra,' Conrad. stone, U. Ham M New York Vanux. Geol. N. Y. 3rd dist. p. 162. antiqua, Goldf. M Eifel, Boureghi (Russ.) Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 398 ; Eichw. arcana, Keyserlino-. Marly Limest,, M. . . . River Vytschegda, Upper Velicaja Lethaia Rossica, p. 984. Grewingk, Livon. p. 32 ; Eichw. Le- arenosa/ Austeni, Billings. Ad. Rom. Orisk. Sand., L Goniat. Limest., U. valley (Livonia). North Cayuga (Canada West) Pilton, Marwood, Schulenberg (Harz) tinea Rossica &c. p. 951. Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 361. Paheont. D. & Von M. v. 37; Verst. Bodana, Conrad. Cyprid. Limest., U... Bergfeldt (Harz) Nassau, p. 286. Paheont. D. & Von M. v. 76. Boydii ?,' Buchii, Chemungensis,' clathrata, I fain M. New York Vanux. Geol. N. Y. 3rd dist. p. 162. Eichw. Conrad. M Chemung;... U Boureghi, Adsel (Livonia) New York Lethwa Rossica, p. 954. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. 3rd dist. p. 185. Verstein. Nassau, p. 286; Verstein. Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. Vilmar, Lahnstein, Grund, Barton ... crinita, Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U.... Grund Harz, p. 21. Paheont. D. & Von M. xiii. 230. declivis, dispar, Eichw. Sndbrgr. Marly Limest Cyprid. Sell., U Boureghi (Lake Ilmen, Russia) Oberscheldt, Enkeberg, Nehden l.e tinea Rossica, p. 952. Verstein. Nassau, p. 284. Duclosiana, Rouault. M Gahard Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 391. duplicata,' erecta ?,’ Hall. U New York, Missouri Swallow, Rep. Missouri, ii. 218; Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad. xi. 64. Vanux. Geol. N.Y.3rd dist.pp.158,162. Conrad. Ham M West Hamilton Village (N. Y.) eximia, Vern. Marly Limest., L. ... Zadonsk, Jeletz on river Don, Borins- Letluea Rossica, p. 953. fasciculata, Goldf. Burnot Conglom., kyer-Sawoda. Almaden, Caillou-Quibic, Avesnes, Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xvii. 1005, 1185 ; flabellum,' Conrad. L T pper Eifelian, Si- licas, L., M. Ham M Bas-Boulonnais, the Rhine borders. Pennsylvania, West Hamilton, Cherry D’Arcliiac,Palaiont.deFr.(Gosselet). II. D. Rogers, Geol. Pennsyl. p. 827 ; Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162 ; Lethaea Rossica, i. 62. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 34. fragilis,' Genessee Slate, M. . . . Valley, &c (N. Y.) New York subfragilis. Gastaldiana, Gebhardii,' Rouault. M. Ize Bull. Soc. Gbol. Fr. n. s. viii. 390. Conrad. Orisk. Sand., L Albany and Schoharie Counties (N. Y.). Hall, Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 466. gibbosa, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. Pressek, Schiibelhammer (Thuringia) Beitnige &c. iii. 52. Goldfussi, Vern. M Paffratli, Refrath (Rlien. Prussia) ... Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 398. Gosie, Ad. Rbm. With Calc. Sandal., M. Rannnelsberg, N.E. flank (Goslar) ... Palaiont. D. & Von M. xiii. 206. Ibergensis, intlata, Miinst Iberg Sand., M Clvmeu. Limest. ?, U. Grund (Harz) Pressek, Schiibelhammer „ „ v.35 y xiii. 230. Beitrage &c. iii. 53. Juffleri, Ad. Rbm. Sandst. ...U Zellerfeld (Hanover) Versteiner. Harz, p. 21. Pecten granulosum, Phill.? Kahlebergensis, Ad. Rom. Kinzua,' II. D. Rogers. Levis, 1 D'Orb., Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sand., L Black Goniat.Limest., Kahleberg (Harz) Pennsylvania Casa della Vega, Chillon (Spain), Paheont. D. & Von M. xiii. 220. Geol. Pennsylvania. Paheont, D. & Von M. iii. 29, xiii. 230; Americana, D’Orb. L., M„ U„ Marcel- Kemmenau (Nassau), New York, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1002; lands,' Hall. lus Shale, M. Ham.? M Keller wasserthal (Harz). 35 miles west of Fort Resolution, XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 26. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 67. lamcllosa, Godf. & Vern. Coblentzian bed, L... Great Slave Lake, N.N.W. Amer. Anor (Rhine borders), Kemmenau, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1185. Lejeaniana, Leplayi, leptota, lineata,' Rouault. Vern. M L Weipperthal (Harz). Gahard Chillon by Almaden (Spain) „ „ viii. 391. ,, xii. 1004. Richter. Cyprid. Sck., U Thiiringerwald Leonh.&Br. NeuesJahrb. 1856, p.626. Goldf. L., M. ... Eras, Kemmenau, Chimav, Couviu... D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 84. longispina,' mucronata,' Hall. Chemung, U „ Marcell. Shale, M. ... Conrad. Chemung... U Painted Post (New York) New York Hall, Paloeont. N. Y r . 1843, fig. 4. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 26. multilineata,' Vanux. Geol. N. Y. 3rd dist. p. 185. Avictjla (continued).'] 61 [CoNCHIFERA. Genus, Species, and Author. rauricata,' Neptuni, Normannia, nuda, obrotundata, obsoleta, opercularis, orbiculata,' paillette, paralis,' pectiniformis,' pectinoides, perobliqua,' plana, planicostata, pleuroptera,' Poseidonis, princeps, 1 problematica, protexta,' quadrula,' quinquecostata, recticosta,' Ehexia, radiata. reticulata,' retroflexa?, rostrata, rudis, rugosa, Saturnii, Hall Goldf. D’Orb Miinst. Sndbrgr. Goldf. Ad. Eom. Hall. Vern. Conrad. Subdivision. Ham M Cuboides Schist, L., M.,U., Calceol. Sch. M Clymen. Limest., U. Cyprid. Sch., U Locality. Avon (river Genessee, New York) Guadalperal, Puerto del Ciervo, Eifel, Virelles (Belg.), England. .U.. Sow. Conrad. Goldf. Braun. Conrad. Ad. Ebm. Conrad. Miinst. Conrad. Miinst. Hall. D’Orb Conrad D’Arck Ilising. Eichw. Phill. Miinst. Goldf Schulzii, Vern. & Barrande, semialata, semiauriculata, semiglobosa, semistriata, socialis, speciosa/ spinigera,' spinosa, subcrinita, subelegans, subfalcata, sublamellosa, subquadrans,' subradiata, subretroflexa, Miinst. Ad. Eom. Schloth H. A. Green Conrad Phill. Vern. D’Orb. Conrad. Ad. Eom. Conrad. Sow. D’Orb. subpectiniformis, tenuistriata, Braun. Wissenb. Sch., M. Ham M. ... Sandst. & Grauwacke, L. Ham M Chemung, U U Chemung, U Ham M L U M Spirit. Sand., L U Bright Clym. L’st., U. Chem. ... ..U Ham M Clym. Limest., TJ. ... Orisk. Sandst., L. ... M Neliou (La Manche) Shiibelhammer Phillipstein,Selters,Lohnberger-Weg, Burg, Webersberg ?, Karlsberg, Feldbacher, Eibach, Waldschen, Oberscheld, Uckersdorf, Saltitz, Magwitz, Nehden. Lautenthal. Saltitz, Magwitz (Saxony), Shubel- hammer, Abenthaur. Ziegenberger Teiche 18-miles Creek (New York) Chillon (Almaden), Guadalperal (Spain). Lewis Quarry, Chenango, &c. (N. Y T .) Western New York Petherwin, Barnstaple... ] the same New York j spec. Western New Y T ork Kemmenau, Ems (Nassau) Schiibelhammer Tully Limest., M. ... L Limest. ...L „ in Sandst. ... U Clymen. Limest., U. M L Clymen. Limest., U, Bright Limest., U Grey Iberg Limest., U. Wissenb. Sch., M. M. .. M., U.... Schalke (Harz) .... Cazenovia (N. Y.) . Presseck (Bavaria). New York Schiibelhammer, Geiser (Francon.) , Ilelderberg Mountains, New York . Plymouth, Iserlohn (Westphal.) .... Chem U Green Sandst Limestone, U L.,M. .. Ham M Wissenb. Sch., M. .. Ham M Slate Sandst., Lime- stone, M., U. M Chem U Clymenia, U textilis,' var. arenosa,' Hall. Orisk. Sandst.., L. trapeziformis, trigona, trilobata,' truncata, tuberculata,’ tumida, Vesta, Worthii, Ad. Ebm. Limestone, U.. Goldf Conrad Von Buch. D’Orb. L. Chem TJ. Chem. ? ...TJ. ? .. Iberg Limest., TJ. .L., M. Vern. Marly Limest., M. ... Tully, Four Corners (N. Y.) Mondrepuis (France) Voroneje, Ilpel (Livonia) Pskow by Izborsk (South Livonia) Brushford, Pilton Schiibelhammer, Pressek Eifel Chillon (Almaden), Guadalperal . . Pressek Geiser, by Pressek (Francon.) Bergfeld, by Eiibeland (ITarz) Hutthal (Harz) Upper Velicaja valley (Livonia) .. Mount Morris (N. Y.), river Potomac (Virginia) &c. Painted Post (N. Y T .) St, Paul (Coten tin), Woodabay, Newton Herrera del Duque, Harz Gueret(Sarthe),Chimay,Vilmar, Eifel. New York Harz New York Torquay, Ogwell, Petherwin, Pilton, &c., Thuringia, NowaSlupia(Poland). Ieletz (Government Orel), Grisi (Ma- ty ra), Eussia. New York Geiser (Bavaria) Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Bergfeld (Harz) Ems, Kemmenau (Nassau) New York Eeference. Palxont. N. Y. ; D’Orb. Prodr. i. 86. Siluria, 4th ed. p. 399 ; D’Omal d’Halloy, Precis Geol. ; Pal.Fr.1866. p.456 ; Kayser.Zeitsckrift&c.l871. p. 374. D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 87. Beitrage &c. Heft v. 117. Versteiner. Nassau, p. 285. Madison Co. (N. Y.) . Falkenberg, Bergfeld . Ems, Kemmenau, Tserlohn, Petherwin. Grund, Upper Velicaja Valley, La D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 85. Palxont. D. & Von M. iii. 79. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1003. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. pp. 158, 162. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 398. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 185. , „ 162. D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 84. Miinst. Beitrage &c. v. 118. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 11. Conrad, Eep. N. Y. 1838, p. 117. Beitriige &c. iii. 53. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 185. 162. Beitrage &c. v. 1 18. Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 466. Prodrome, i. 84. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 164. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1185. Lethxa Eossica, ip. 945. 949. Phill. Palxoz. Foss. Devon, pi. xxii. Beitrage &c. iii. 53. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 398. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1005. Beitriige &c. iii. 53. , „ 51. Palaeont. D. & Von M. ix. 5, xiii. 230. , „ iii. 13. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, p. 33. Amer. Journ. Science, n. s. xii. 121. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 185. Mem. Soc. Hist, Nat. Cherb. x. 176. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1004. Prodrome, i. 85. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 106. Vanux. Palaeont. N. Y. p. 162. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 482; De Koninck, Notice Foss. Poland, 1868 Helmersen, Beitriige &c.p. 108 ; Pacht, Untersucb. 1858. D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 86. Miinst. Beitriige &c. v. 118. Palaeont. N. Y’. iii. 464. Palxont. D. & Von M. ix. 5, xiii. 250. D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 84. XIV. Eep.Eegents N.Y.p.36; Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. Dvina, Orel, Pitsensk, (river VolkholF). Conrad, Eep. 1838, p. 117. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 399 ; Palaeont. D. & Von M. ix. 5, xiii. 230. Phill. Palaeoz. Foss. Devon, pi. xxii. Lethxa Eossica, p. 953 ; Grewingk, l’russino Geol. Livon. p. 34. it Avicula ( continued ). ] 62 [Con chifera . Genus, Species, and Author. \V urmii, Ad. Rom. spec, indet., Bonissent. ,, (2),' II. D. Rogers. r Dawson. tt Grewingk. ,, Kayser. Von Buck. Aviculopecten, M‘Coy , 185 a-quilatera,’ Hall. alternatus, Phill. Altonis, Goldf. arachnoidea, Phill. convexa/ Hall. granosus, Sow. granulosus, Phill. llallianus,' D’Orb. canccllatus, Hall. Hasbachii, Vern. Ingria?, Keyserl. & Vern. longispina,' Hall. intercostalis,' Winch. multiradiata, Ether. nexilis, Sow. oceani, Goldf. orbiculata,' Hall. pectinoides, Sow. pectiniformis,' Hall. plicatus, Sow. polytrichus, Phill. var. /3, }> rugosus, ,, Sanduskyensis, Meek. signatus,' Hall. striata,' striolatus, Goldf. transversus, Sow. (Bolland, Carb.) spec, indet., T. M. Hall. - Worthen. GerviUia, Be France, 1820. inconspicua, Ad. Rom. strigosa,' C. A. White. Lima, Brugui'erc, 1797. Pla glabra,' Hall. obsoleta,' subobsoleta, D’Orb. rugaestriata,' Hall. Limoptera, Hall, 1869. eaneellata,' Hall. curvata,' }J macroptera,' Conrad. obsoleta,' ,, pauperata,' ,, Lucina, Brugui'erc, 1791. occidentalis, Billings. Ohioensis, Meek. proavia,' Goldf. rugosa/ Goldf. ? i-emistriata, Ad. Rum. sinuosa, Megambonia, Hall, 1859. bellistnata, Hall. cardiiformis,' lamellosa,' It Microdon, Conrad. Also a 1 bellistriatum,' Conrad. reservatum,' Hall. Portage & Cliem., U, Oriskany Sand. (Iron- ore), L. ? Stringoceph., M ...... ? 3. Pecten, Gualti Marcell. Sli., M Limestone, M ? U Ukem U U (CL.Yorks.&Irel.).U U Limestone, M Dolomite... M Ham. Ham. Subdivision. Iberg Limest., U. Grund . (Maury) Department La Mancke. Pennsylvania Nictau (Nova Scotia) Lower Duna valley (Livonia) . Eifel Louga, Adsel (Russia) er, 1842; Sowerby ; Phillips. New York Petherwin, Lanlake (Cornwall). Glatz (Silesia) Petherwin Painted Post (New York) Petherwin „ Lanlake (Cornwall). Phillipsburg (New York) ,M. ? .. U... M. .M. U.. M., U. . Iberg Limest., &c. M M U u M .U. Ham. ,M. Iberg Limest., U. ... Yellow Sands., U. ... giostoma, Sowerby. U U .u. UHL L Ham. (Sandst.), M. M. M UHL L Ham M. ... Cornif. Limest., L. Calceol. Sek., M Ham M Locality. Refratk (Rhen. Pruss.) Duna and Velicaja valleys, Prussino. Timan range, river Wol (Petsckora- land), 18-mile Creek. Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan) Gympsie (Queensland) Pilton, Braunton, Barnstaple Goslar (Harz), Eifel 17-mile Creek, New York Petherwin, Barnstaple New York Torquay, Newton Bush., Plymouth Coudres (Belg.), Coomhola (Irel.). Meadsfoot, Torquay, Muds toneBay.Pil ton,Goodleigh,&c.,Rubeland(Harz). Mudstone Bay, Devonsh Torquay, Babbacombe Sandusky and Delaware (Ohio) .. New York Painted Post (N. Y.), Pal (N. Y.) Eifel ,, Iserlohn (Westphal.), Pilland, Croyde (N. Devonsh.). Sloly quarries (Cucullasa-beds), N. Devonsh. Union Co. (Illinois) Grund (Harz) Burlington (Iowa) . Phillipsburg (N. Y.) Rockville, Alleghany Co. (N. Y.) Louisville (Kentucky) Sckokar., Madison, & Otsego Co s (N.Y.) Onondago, Madison, &CayugaCo s (N.Y.) Stafford, Genessee Co. (N. Y.) Orisk. Sand., L Cornif. Limest., L... „ L... Ganoid fish (Agassiz), Portage, Chem., U... U Snake Island, Lake Winnifrego-Sis, Rupert’s Land. Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio) Couvin ( Belg.), Iowa, Louisville (Ken tucky). Indiana, New York, Eifel (Verneuil) . Langenberg (Lerbach) No locality given Reference. Pakcont.D. &Von M. xiii. 230; Verst. Harz, p. 21. D’Archiac, Paloeont. France, p. 45. H. D.Rogers, Geol. Pennsyl pp.827,829. Acadian Geol. ed. 2, p. 499. Grewingk, Geol. Livon. p. 39. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 308. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 399. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 2G. Palicont. Foss. Devon &c. p. 47. Petrefact. German, pi. 160. Phill. Palseoz. Foss. Devon, p. 21. D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 86. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 624. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 46. D'Orb. Prodrome, i. 87. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 372. Grewingk, Geol. Livon. pp. 31-44. Kerserling, Reise Petschoraland. Rep. Michig. 1866, Append, p. 95. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. 1872, p. 327. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. 53. Petrefact. Germ. pi. 88. fig. 10. Pala?ont.N.Y. ; D’Orb. Prodrome, p.86, Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. 53. Description new Fossils, 1857, p. 91. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 398 ; Explic. Carte France, p. 732. Pakeoz. Foss. Devon &e. p. 46 ; Pa- keout. D. & Von M. ix. 5. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 398. Palocoz. Foss. Devon &c. p. 47. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phihid. 1 87 1 ,p. 161 Contrib. Pal. N. Y. 1857, p. 91. D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 86. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 398. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 378. Geol. Rep. Illinois, i. 129. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 21. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. ix. 31. D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 87. Albany and Schoharie Counties (N.Y.) Ohio- river Falls? Oriskany Falls, Oneida Co. (N. Y.), Oliio-river Falls. Genessee Co. (N. Y.), Pennsylvania . . . Ohio Prelim. Notices, 1871, p. 16. „ „ 18 . „ 17. „ „ 18. „ „ 16. Hinde’s Travels in Manitoba, p. 187. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Pbilad. 1871, p. 62. D'Omal. d'Halloy, Precis Geol. p.576; Owen, Rep. Minnesot. &c. p. 78. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 695. Palasont. D. & V on M. iii. 15, 79. „ „ 32. Hall, Pal aeon t, N. Y. iii 467. Yandall & Shum. Contrib. p. 12. Hall, Pabeont. N. Y. iii. 467. II D. Rogers, Geol. Pennslv. p. 827. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1865. p. 124. OsTREA.] 63 [Conch ipera. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. 1 Locality. Reference. Ostrea, Linnesus, 1758. patercula,' Winch. U Iowa. Posidonomya, Bronn, 1857. Posidonia, Bronn 1828. An Avicula without wings or ears (D'Orb.). acuta, Miinst. Marble-breccia, Li. .. Schiibelhammer Beitrage &c. iii. 48. arquata, ,, Bright Limest., U. . Geiser (Pressek), Baireuth, Gattendorl „ „ 49. Cardiola. aspera, Kutorga. Marl L Poretschii (river Louga, Government Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. x. 189. costata, Miinst. Reddish Limest., L. of St. Petersburg). Gattendorf Beitrage &c. v. 45. elegans, Ad. Rom. Bright Clym. L’st., U. „ Presseck Zeigenberger Teiche (Harz) „ iii. 50. elongata, elliptica,' Wissenb. Sch., M. ... Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 13. D'Orb. Cornif. Limest., L.... Le Rov Township, N. Y Hall ; D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 83. grandis, Miinst. Cly mem. L’st. brec.,U. Gattendorf (Bavaria) Beitrage &c. iii. 50. inversa, ft „ u. Gratz, Geiser ( Hof), (Gattendorf (Thu- „ „ 47. intercostalis, lata, Ad. Rum. Cyprid. Sch , U ringia), Plauen &c. (Saxony). Siluria, ed. 4, p. 386. Geinitz, Verst. Sax. p. 51 ; Beitrage Miinst. Clymenia Limest., U. Geiser (Hof) manipularis, Richt.&Unger. memhranacea. Pacht. Cyprid. Sch., U Thuringia Lower Duna valley (Livonia) &c. v. 117. Leonh. &Br. NeuesJahrb. 1856, p.627. Grewingk, Geol. Livon. p. 40. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 386. minuta, myacea, venusta. nobilis, Ad. Rom. U Saalfeld '. Goldf. IT Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 398. Miinst. Clvmen. Limest., U. Gattendorf, Presseck (Bavaria) Beitriige &c. iii. 50. obovata, ,, Grey List, (loose), U. Geiser (Presseck), Thuringia „ „ 49. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 170. Pargai, regularis, l)e Vern. Collada de Llama (Spain) Goldf. Marble Breccia, U.... Gattendorf, Presseck, Planitz Beitrage &c. iii. 48. scalaris, Miinst. Grey Clym. L’st., U.. Presseck (Bavaria) „ 51. semiorbicularis, „ Grey Limestone, U... „ 48. semistriata, „ u... Unter Lautenthal (Harz) „ 49. ? striato-sulcata, Cyprid. Sch., U Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 42, xiii. 229. Verstein. Grauwacke (Saxony), p. 87. Beitrage &c. iii. 48. striatissima, trigona, Geinitz. Miinst. U Bright Clym. L’st., U. Magwitz (Saxony) Ebenbusch, Presseck tuberculata, ? venusta, Sow. Miinst. Cvprid. Sch., U Clym. & Cypr. Sch.,U. Budle near Bambro Schiibelhammer, Presseck ? Beitrage &c. iii. 51 . vetusta, Sow. XT Elbersreuth, Ratigen, Vise, Yorkshire. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 399 ; Mineral var. prisca, spec, indet., Portlock. Tietze. XT Clymen. &Goniat.,XT. Derbyshire. Gattendorf Ebersdorf (Silesia) Conchol. p. 584 ? Verstein. Grauwacke (Saxony), p. 52. Pabeont. D. & Z. xix. 144. Pterinea, Goldfuss, 1834-40. aculeata, Kranz. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Menzenberg (Rhenish Prussia) Yerhand. Verst, xiv. Jahrg. iv. 150 &c. alternans, Ad. Rom. Calceol. Sch., M. ... Auerhahn (Clausthal, Harz) Palieont. D. & Von M. iii. 11. anisota, appressa,' Phill. L Meadsfoot (S. Devonshire) Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 49. Conrad. Chem XJ Norwich (New York) Conrad, Rep. Reg.N.l’ork,1838,p.l 16. bicarinata, Goldf. Younger Grauwacke Lindlar in Bergischen Ijethasa Geogn. p. 407. ? bifida, Sndbrgr. Sandst., XT. Spirit. S’st., Avicula Menzenberg, Singhofen (Eifel) Verstein. Nassau &c. p. 286. Billsteinensis, Ad. Rom. Sch., L„ M. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... ,, Billstein (Westphalia)... Kranz, Verb. Ver. xiv. &c. ; Ad. Rom. Boenigki, cancellata, Rhein-Uebergangsgebirge, p. 77. Zeitschr. d. geol. Ges. Berl. xx. 501. Pal. Foss. Devon &e. p. 49. Phill. ..IT Baggy, Pilton, Croyde, Braunton, &c. concentrica, Ad. Riiin. Spirit. Sandst. &Iberg Kableberg (nodule), Grund Pabeont. D. & Von M. iii. 3, 32. costata, Avicula, Naums ■ buch, p. 383. costulata, Damnoniensis,' Goldf Limest., L., U. L St. Hubert, Vireux, Sugny, Pontdrome, &c. (Belg.), Cowant and Amberloup ( Luxemburg), Kemmenau, Coblenz, Houffallize, Nastiitten, Menzenberg, &c. Kableberg Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum) ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xxi 306 (Gosselet) ; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p.272. Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 3. mn, Lehr- Ad. Rom. L Sow. Chem IT New l 7 ork, Portage Gr p , Pennsylvania, Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 51 ; Quart. varieties a, (3, y , Phill. U Pilton, Marwood, Croyde, &c. (De- vonshire), West Angle (Pembroke), Val Mayor, Sierra Morena (Spain). Marwood (N. Devonshire) Kableberg (Harz) Journ. G. S. L. xix. 478, xxiii. (124 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 695, xii. 1005. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 51. De Vern. ...u. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii., xix. ? declivis, Ad. Rom. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Paheont, D. & Von M. v. 11, xiii. 220. decussata,' Hall. Ham. (Bryozoa bed), M. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan).. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866. dichotoma, Kranz. Menzenberg (Rhenish Prussia) Verhand. Verst, xiv. Jahrg. Folg.iv. 1 57. 1 elegans, elongata, Goldf L„ M. ... Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Kanlydja,Nehou,Courtoisieres,Couvin Kemmenau, Ems, Menzenberg Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. vii. 779. Sandberger, Verstein. Nassau, p. 291 ;. exarata, gigantea, Phill. U South Petherwin (Cornwall) Verhand. Verst, xiv. vt supra. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 51. Krantz. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Menzenberg, Rhenish Prussia Verhand. Verst, xiv. ut supra. Pterinea ( continued ).] 64 [CONCHIFERA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. loevis,' Goldf. Spirif. Sandst., Ham. Gr p , L„ M. La Manche (France), Niederlahnstein, Winnegen, Menzenberg, North America. Verstein. Nass. p. 289 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 399 ; Krantz, Verb. Ver. xiv. ut supra ; D’Arch. Pal. de Fr. p. 45 (Bonissent). lamellosa, Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Siegen, Kemmenau, Menzenberg, Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 399 ; Verb. (Naumann, p. 383.) Ckagey, Pont Drome (France). Ver. xiv. &c. p. 157. lineata, „ „ also Ems, Kemmenau, Niederlahnstein, Bull. 8. G. Fr. n. s. xxiv. 125; Verst. 1 black Schist, L. Chirnay, Dinaut, Coblenz, Ilierges, Menzenberg. Nassau, p. 291. longe-alata, Krantz. Black Schist, L Menzenberg Krantz, Verhand. Ver. xiv. &c. p. 157. Osiasia, Rouault. M Gahard (France) (one bad specimen). Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 392. ovata, Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Kahleberg (nodules) Verstein. Harz, p. 22. plana, punctulata, Goldf. Conrad. L. ... Kemmenau, Ems, N iederlahnstein . . . Unkel (Bonn), Coblenz, Menzenberg.. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 290. Krantz, Verhand. Ver. xiv. &c. p. 159 ?| radians,' Vanux. ? Ham M New York Vanux. Geol. New York, p. 163. radiata, Goldf. Auerbahn, Newton Bushell, Plymouth, Torquay. Petref. German, tab. 1 19 ; Trs. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. 738, vi. 399. reticulata, rudis, ' Seckendorfii, Phill. L,M.,U. U Mondrepuis,Iserlohn, Bouillon, Hagen, Elberfeld, Newton Bushell, Burton. Hebert, Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xii. 1185 ; Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 51. Royon. Fine Gr.wacke, Calc. Sch., M. Seckendorf, Tanna, Huhnerkopf Verstein. Ilarz, 1843, p. 22. speeiosa/ Hall. Portage Gr p , U (N. York) Mt. Morris, Livingstone Co. Amer. Journ. Science, n. s. xli. 121. spinosa, i strigosa/ Phill. L„ M. ... Linton,Woodabay,Looe, Newton Bush. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 48. W. & W. M„ U. ... Petherwin, Les Courtoisieres, Vi re, Nehou. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. ix. 31. subfasciculat urn , De Vern. L Kanlydja, Nehou Tckihat. Asia Minor, Append, p. 32. sublamellosa, Ad. Rom. M Ziegenberg Teiche,Wissenbach (Harz) Palscont. D. & Von M. iii. 13. suborbicularis, Hall. Chem U Hobbieville, Alleghany Co. (N. York) Nat. Hist. New York, no. 54. subrad iata, Sow. M.,U. ... Ogwell, Torquay, Petherwin (slate)... Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 625, xxiv. 419. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 49. texturata, Phill. L.,M.,U. Linton, Plymouth, Barton, Torquay, &c. Silesia torulosa, Von Buch. Chem. Limest., U. . . . Miinst. Beitrage &c. iii. 54. trigona, Goldf. Grauwacke and black Schist, L. Kemmenau, Hierges, Bouillon (Belg.), Pont Drome. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 399. truncata, Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Menzenberg, Houffallize Krantz, Verb. Ver. &c. xiv. ; F. Rom. Uebergangsgebirge Rhein, p. 78. ventricosa, Goldf. Spirif. Sandst.., brown Grauwacke, black Sch., L., M„ U. ,, Kemmenau, Niederlahn- stein, Haiger-Seelbach, Brandobern- dorf, Coblenz, Unkel, Bouillon, Pont Drome, Hierges, Iserlohn, Petker- win, Lanlake. Sndbrgr. Verst. Nass. p. 289 ; Krantz, Verhand. Verst, xiv. ut supra ; Pal. Foss. Dev. &c. p. 49 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 483. Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. Province LAHELLIBRANCHIATA. Class CONCHIFERA. Group DIM YARIA (Orthoconques, D ' Orbigny ). Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Acmaea, Eschscholtz, 1833. depressa, Richt. & Unger. elliptica, D’Orb. Actinodesma, Sandberger, malleiforme, Sndbrgr. AUorisma, King, 1844. See Anadonta, Cuvier, 1798. Jukesii, Forbes. Helcyon, Mon/fort, M„ U. ... U 1850-56. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Sedgwickia. Ort U 1810. Torquay, Thiiringerwald Elbersreutk Kemmenau, Laubach honota (pars), Salter. Myooites , Bron Kilkenny Quart. Journ.G.S.L. xxiii. 419; Leonh. & Bronn, Jahrb. 1856, p. 626. Geinitz, Verst. Grauwacke (Saxony), p. 45. Verstein. Nassau, p. 283. n. Sanguinolites (pars), M’Coy. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1852, p. 43. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 203. Geol. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 55. Palscont. D. & Von M. ix. 6. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 400. Palmont. D. & Von M. ix. 6. Anadontopsis, M'Coy , 185 rudis, Sharpe, ventricosa,' Bill. Area, Linnoeus, 1758. Bodana, Ad. Rom. carinata, Goldf. Clymeniae, Ad. Rom. 2. Mierodon ?, Sandstone, L Gaspe L’st. No. 8, L. Iberg Limest., U. ... ? Iberg, Goniat. L’st., U. Conrad. Leo Hook (Cape of Good Hope) Indian Cove, Gaspe (Canada East) ... Bergfeld (Harz) Eifel Sckulenberg Arca (continued).] 65 [CoNCHIFERA. Genus, Species, and Author. concentrica, Miinst. inermis, Sndbrgr. Iniaca, De Vern. Oreliana, » prisca, Goldf. torulosa, Von Buch. Yellow Limest., M.... Astarte, Sowerby, 1817. decurtata, Rvckholdt. Devonica, ,, Neptuni, Miinst. socialis, Eicliw tremula, Ryckh Axinus, Sowerby, 1821. See Devonicus, De Vem, | trigonus, Grew. ? spec, indet., Cardinia, Agassiz, 1838 anglica, Bodana, carinata, cineta, complanata,' Devonica, Goldfussiana, in data, retrostriata, robusta, vetusta, D’Orb. Ad. Rom. D’Orb. Winch. Geinitz. De Kon. Ad. Rom. Yon Buch. De Kon. D’Orb. Cardiola, Broderip, 1839. angulata, articulata, biplicata, cancellata, concentrica, digitata, duplicata, elegans, fibrosa,' Ad. Rom Miinst. Tietze, Von Bucb. Ad. Rom. Miinst. Sow. inaequalicOstulata, Ad. Rom intermedia, interrupta, plicata, quadricostata, retrostriata, sinuosa, spurius, subdecussata, sublasvis, tegulata, tenuistriata, Bpec. indet., Goldf. Sow. Tietze. Ad. Rom. Miinst. Tietze Miinst. Tietze Cardiomorpha, De Koninctc, alata, bellatula, 1 Sndbrg Hall. Eriopia,’ flcxuosa, modiolaris,' mytiloides, suborbicularis, subtextilis,' tellinaria, Cardium, Linn wus, 1758. alternans, Miinst. angulatum, Goldf. Ad. Rom Hall Ad. Rom Sndbrgr. Hall. Goldf. Subdivision. Clymen. Limest., U... Stringoc. Limest., M. U. Crassina, Lamarck, Limestone, U „ U Bright Clym. L’st., U. M Schizodus, King. Marly Cyprid.L’st.,U. M Crystall. Dolom., M. Unio, Sowerby. U U Spirif. Sandst., L. .. U Portage Gr p , U Limestone, M., U. .. Cyprid. Sch., U Spirif. Sandst., L. .. U.? Elbersreuth Quarry Vilmar, Paffrath River Inia, Tomsk (Altai) Ottrada, Ust-Uchta, Novossilskaja (Great Orel). Glatz (Silesia) Falkenberg (Silesia) 1818. Vise?, river Meuse (Belgium) Presseck Toula, Krapvina &c. districts, riv. Don Vise? Bielef(Oka),Boureghi,Jeletz,Zadonsk, Upp. Duna valley (Livonia), Timan range. Upper Duna river (Livonia) Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Wissenb. Sch., M. ... Clymen. L’st., Cyprid. Sch., U. Clymen. L’st., U ,, red, U. L„ U. ... Kahlenberg Presseck Union, Branch Co. (Michigan) ... Saltitz, Magwitz, Bergfeld Thuringia Harz Virelles, canton of Chimay (Belgium) Kahleberg Wissenb. Sch., M. ... Cyprid. Sch., Clymen. Limest., U. U Ham M. ... Wissenb. Sch., M. U. ... Ortboc. Limest., U Clymen. Limest., U.. Wissenb. Limest., M. Cyprid. Sch., Clymen & Goniat. Limest. M„ U. Clymen. Limest., U.. Orthoc. Limest., U. . . Clymen. Limest., U.. ,, „ U.. U Goniat. Limest., U... Clymen. Limest., U... 1847. (Isocardia Stringoc. Limest., M. Ham. Shales, M M.. Stringoc. Limest., M. Chcm U Iberg Limest., U. .. Orthoc. Limest., L. ? Portage Gr p , U Cyprid. Sch., U Neither Cardium nor U. ... U. ... Locality. Anthracosia, King, 1844. Pilton (N. Devonshire) Reference. Beitrage &c. iii. 54. Versteiu. Nassau, p. 274. Murch.,Vern . &Keys.Geol.Russ. ii. 396. | „ „ 314.: D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 82. Melang. Pal. pt. 2, p. 114. „ „ p. 112. Beitrage &c. iii. 71. Helmers. Explic. Carte de Russ. Melang. Pal. pt. 2, p. 114. Mureh.,Vern. & Keyserl. Geol.Russ. ii. 310; Lethasa Rossica, p. 1000. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, p. 39. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, pi. xvii. Palasont. D. & Von M. v. 7. „ „ 13. Prodrome, i. 76. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1862, p.413. Verstein. Grauwacke Saxony, ii. 87. Leonh.&Br. Neues Jabrb. 1856, p.626. Palasont. D. & Von M. v. 13. D’Halloy, Precis G6ol. ed. 8, p. 577. Ziegenberger Teiche, Altenau, Riibe- land. Gattendorf, Sehubelhammer, Ober- scbeld, Ucbta river. Gattendorf, Hof Ebersdorf Grand, Oberscheld, Adorf, Altenau, Ishma and Uchta rivers. Ziegenberger Teiche Oberseheld( red ironstone), Gattendorf, Scblietz. Planitz, Elbersreuth New York &c Ziegenberger Teiche, Vilmar ? Elbersreuth, Baireuth, Ebersdorf ... ,, Tannenthal, W'ieda, Va- logne (France), &c. Ebersdorf (Saxony) Little Laddenkensberg (Harz) Nehou, Enkeberg, Zwickau, Scliubel- hammer, Adorf, Brilon, Matagne (Dinant), Oberscheld, &c. Sehubelhammer Elbersreuth (with “ interrupta”) Sehubelhammer Ebersdorf Elbersreuth Rivers Ischma and Uchta (Petschora- land). Ebersdorf sans dents a la charniere, D' Orb.) Vilmar (Nassau) Schoharie, Yates, Onondago, Ontario Counties. Canandaigua Lake (New York) Buchenberg (Harz) Columbia, Moscow (New York) Bergfeld (Harz) Wissenbaeh, Cramberg Portland Harbour (New York) Thuringia Cardita occurs in Devonian rocks, Fe Elbersreuth (Bavaria) Palasont. D. & Von M. v. 13. „ „ iii. 13, xiii. 230. Lethasa Rossica, p. 1029 ; Verstein. Nassau, p. 272. Beitrage &c. iii. 69. Palasont. Dunker & Zittel, xix. 146. Keyserl. Petschora-land, p. 253. Palasont.. D. & Von M. iii. 14. Verstein. Nassau, p. 271. Beitrage &c. iii. 68. Fost. & Wh. Rep. South L. Superior. Palasont. D. & Von M. iii. 14. Miinst. Beitrage &c. iii. 67. „ „ 66 . Palaeont. Dunker & Zittel, xix. 147. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 24. Lethasa Geogn. i. 425; Verstein. Nass. p.270; D’Halloy, Prec. Geol. p. 577. Beitrage &c. iii. 68. „ 67. Palasont. Dunker & Zittel, xix. 146. Beitrage &c. iii. 68. Keyserl. Reise Petsch. p. 253. Palasont. Dunker & Zittel, xix. 146. Cardiopsis, Meek and Worthen. Verstein. Nassau, p. 254. Prelim. Notices, pt. 2, p. 92. Palasont. D. & Von M. v. 23, xiii. 227. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1862, p.410. Palasont. D. & Von M. ix. 7. Verstein. Nassau, p. 255. Hall, Prelim. Notices, pt. 2, p. 93. Leonh.&Br. Neues Jabrb. 1856, p.626. rd. Homer ? Beitrage &c. iii. 60. S Cardittm (continued).'] 66 [CONCHIFF.RA . Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. anguliferum, Ad. Rom. Goniat. Limest., U Kellwasser Thai, Riibeland, Altenau. . . Palmont. D. & Von M. iii. 27. arquatum, Miinst. bicarinatum, ,, brevialatum, Sndbrgr. U U Elbersreuth Beitrage &c. iii. 61. 63. Stringoc. ...M Vilmar Verstein. Nassau, p. 258. Vilmarense, D’Arch. & De concentricum, Von Bueh. Vern. Black and Cyprid. Tannenberge by GUrenfeld, Elbersreuth, Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 400 ; Palaeont. Limest., U. St. Sauveur leVicompte, Feugerolles. D. & Von M. iii. 107. cornucopia, Goldf U Elbersreuth, Werfen (Leth.Geog. i. 423 ; Petref. Germ. ii. 216. costulatum, Miinst. Orthoc. Limest., U. . . . Ebersdorf, Gattendorf, Oberkunzen- Dames, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesell. Cardiola interrupt a. dorf, Prag. Berlin, xx. 502. decussatum, Miinst. U Elbersreuth , Werfen ( Leth Geog.i.423 ) Beitrage &c. iii. 62. deltoideum, ,, L, U. ... Petberwin, Elbersreuth, Werfen, Scliu- ,, iii. 63 &c. subdcltoideum. dichotomum, „ subdichotomum. disjunctum, „ Dunkeri, Ad. Rum. eulemene, Miinst. glabrum, „ gracile, Goldf. Ilugardi, Rouault, inaequali-costatum ?, A. Rum. U IT ( Wissenb.), M belhammer. Gieser (Bavaria) Elbersreuth Wissenbach, Buntebock „ v. 120. ,, iii. 63. Palaeont, D. & Von M. iii. 14. u u U M Wissenb. Sch., M. ... Elbersreuth Galiard &c. (France) Ziegenberger Teiche 66. „ 61. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 387. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 107, xiii. 224. incertum, Goldf. The Rhine Borders Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 401. interpunctatum, Miinst. laterale, ,, IT. Black Clym. L’st., U. Elbersreuth „ Schubelhammer Beitrage &c. iii. 65. „ 63. latum, Goldf. Orthoc. Limest., U ,, Gattendorf „ 65; Trans. G. S. L. lentiforme, Ad. Rom. Iberger Limest., U Grund (Harz) n. s. vi. 401. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 87. lineatum, Goldf. Clymen. Limest., U... Elbersreuth Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 401. loricatum,' „ Ham M New York (Verneuil), Eifel, Paffrath. „ ,, marginatum, „ Mehlissii, Ad. Rom. L Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Kemmenau (Nassau) Kahleberg Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 22. menippe, Miinst. u. Elbersreuth Beitrage &c. iii. 02. Murchisonii, „ mytiloides, ,, u. . ,, Schubelhammer „ 64. u „ 60. nudum, ,, palmatum, Goldf. u. 62. Orthoc. L’st., Clymen. Riv. Uelita, Nova Zembla, Oberscheld, Murch., Vera. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. L'st., Goniat. L'st., Gattendorf, Schubelhammer, Press- 390; Miinst. Beitrage &c. iii. 65: L., M„ U. eck, Schleitz, Adorf, Altenau, Zwic- Siluria, ed. 4, p. 399 ; Trans. G. S. L. Cardiola retrosfriata, prin- kau, Nehou, Neffiez, Frasnes, Chi- n. s. vi. 401 ; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. x. cipal shell of Clymenia may, Givet, Feron, Bailievre, Trelon, 128, xviii. 25 ; Gosselet, MS. 1870 limestone. Llama (Spain), Petherwin, &c. (mecum). vars. a & b, Goldf Goniat. Limest., U.... Oberscheld D’Arch. Geol . & Pal. de F r. I860, p. 451 ; paradoxum, Miinst. U Geiser (Bavaria) Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 401. Beitrage &c. v. 1 18. pectunculoides, D’Arch. & iberg and Goniat. Oberscheld Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 26, xiii. 230. De Vern. Picteti, Rouault. Limest., U. M Galiard &c. (Ille et Vilaine) Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 388. planicostatum, Braun. Clymen. Limest., U... Geiser Miinst. Beitrage &c. v. 119. Braunii, D’Orb. plicatum, Goldf. U. ... Elbersreuth ,, ,, iii. 01. problematicum, Miinst. Clymen. L’st., U. ... Geiser, Planitz (Saxony), Tlniringer- Geinitz, Verst. G.wacke Saxony, p. 47. var. (smooth), „ ,, (drift) Geiser Miinst. Beitrage &c. v. 119. procumbons, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M.. Vilmar Verstein. Nassau, p. 259. pseudo-costulatum, Tietze. Clymen. Limest., U... Ebersdorf Palaeont, Dunker A Zittel, xix. 145. quinquecostatum, Miinst. U Elbersreuth Beitrage &c. iii. 63. rigidum, Ad. Rom. Wissenb. Limest., M. Wieda, Harz or Nassau Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 210. semicinctum, Miinst. U Elbersreuth Beitrage &c. iii. 60. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 79. seminulum, Miinst., Ad. Rom. Wissenb. Sch., L., M. Steinberg, Goslar sexcostatum, Miinst. „ M. ... Ziegenberger Teiche, Festenberg „ „ 79. subarquatum, „ U Elbersreuth „ „ 62. subgranuhitum, Miinst., Gldf. Clymen. Limest., U... Gattendorf „ „ 65. subsimile, Miinst. U. .. . Elbersreuth „ „ 62. tenuistriatum, „ tenuisulcatum, „ texturatum, ,, U. . U. . „ ,. 65. Black Clym. L’st., U. Schiibelhammer, Ebersdorf „ 63. trapezoidalis, Ad. Rom. Wissenb. Sch., M. ... Ziegenberger Teiche, Bonteboch Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 14. triangulum, Miinst. Orthoc. Limest., U Elbersreuth Beitrage &c. iii. 59. trigonum, Miinst., Goldf Orthoc. Limest., L... „ 61. tripartitum, Ad. Rom. vetustum/ Hall. Palaeont. D. & Yon M. xiii. 210. New York Hall, Palaeont. New York. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 210. Zorgense, Ad. Roin. Wissenb. Limest., M. Zorge (Harz) Cimitaria, Hall, 1869. corrugata,’ Conrad. Ham M Summit and Fultonham, Schoharie Hall, Prelim. Notices, 2nd pt. p. 67. Co., &c. Cimitakia (continued).'] G 7 [CoNCHIFEEA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. elongata,’ Conrad. Ham., Aren. Sh., M. recurva/ ,, „ M Clidophorus, Hall, 1847. Cucullella, M l Coy. i abbreviatus, Sharpe. Sandstone. L | Africanus, L cultratus, Sndbrgr. Spirit. Sands., Orthoc. Schist, L. i Lasii ?, Ad. Rom. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... ovatus, 8ow. L„ M. ... i tenuiaratus, Sndbrgr. Spi rif. Sandst, , Orthoc. Schist, M., U. ; tumida, L Clinopistha, Meek, 1871. antiqua,’ Cornif. Limest., L.... Conocardium, Broun , 1835. Fleurorhynchus 1 aheforme,' Goldf., Ad. Rom. UIIL., Iberg Limest., non aliforme, Sow. L., M., U. aliforme, Goldf. L„ M. ... var. clathratum, D’Orb. antiqua, Sow. M„ U. ... bifarium,' Winch. Ham M bovipedale,' Winch. Chem M euneatum, Ad. Rom. Calceol. Shale, M. ... crassifrons ?,’ Conrad. Ham M Eboraeeum,' Hall. „ Shale, M Emmettense,' Winch. „ M ina'quicostatum, Miinst. Clymen. Limestone. Greenst. tuff, U. Lyellii, Verneulli. M minax, Phill. M U propinquum, Miinst. u securiforme, Ad. Rom. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Miinst. U D’Orb. L., M. . trigonale,' Hall. Oriskanv Sandst., L., M.,Onond. Limest., Ham. Group, M. trapezoidalis, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... ventrieosum,' Hall. Ham. Limest,, M. ... Vilmarense, D’Arck., Vern. M TV A roll . M Corbula, Brue/uiere, 1791. No true Corbula clathrata. Wissenb. Sch., L T . ... Hennahi, Sow. Limestone, M inflata, Sndbrgr. Cyprid. Sch., U ovata, Ad. Rom. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... parva, „ Wissenb. Sch., U. ... striatula, „ Stnngoc. Limest. (fer- ruginous), M. Crassatella, Lamarck, 1817. So-called genus ; Burtlingii, Ad. Rdm. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Ctenodonta, Salter. Nucula, Lamarck, 1801. Ahrendi, Ad. Rom. Spirit Sandst,, L. ... alta, 1 Conrad. Ham M appressa,' ” „ Shale, M Barrisii?,' Hall. bellastriata,' Conrad. Ham M bellatula,’ Hall. Ham .& Chem. , M ., U. brevirostris,' Eichw. „ U. ..., cardiiformis, M corbuliformis,' Hall. Ham. Shale, M cornuta, Sndbrgr. Spirit. Sands. &c., L. crinita, Ryckholdt. L., M. crotonis, Ad. Rdmer. Wissenb. Sch., M. ...5 Locality. Summit, Pratt’s Falls, Onondago Co. New York (passim) Cucullaea, Lamarck , 1819. Gydow Pass, Bokkeveld (S. Africa) ... „ Cedarberg (S. Africa)... Kemmenau, Singhofen, Wissenbach, Daune, Coblenz, Kahleberg. Kableberg Meadsfoot, Torquay Kemmenau, Wissenbach, Ziegenberg Teicke, Daleiden, Nowa Slupia. Kemmenau (Nassau) Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio). Ohio-river Falls, Grund, Barton (De- vonshire). Vire, Loue, Ize, Ferrones, Sabero, &c. (Spain). Plymouth, Pilton, Marwood Little Traverse Bay (Michigan), Stro- matop.-bed. Huron Group ?, Michigan, Couvin, Paifrath, Eifel. Auerhahn by Clausthal (Harz) New York Livingstone Co. (N. Y.) Little Traverse Bay (Michigan Lake) Pfarrberg, Planschwitz, Gattendorf, Schleitz, &c. Yilmar (Nassau) Bradley, Halburton (Devonshire) ... Elbersreuth Kahleberg Kentucky, Williamsville (N. Y.) .. Parkhurst (Ohio), New Buffalo, Ohio Falls (Kentucky), Charleston Land- ing (Indiana), North Cayuga, Mal- den, Lake Huron, East coast (Ca- nada West). Reference. Y.), Ithaca. Missouri. Ithaca (N. Y.). licderlahnstein, Kemmer berg. •ppershofen, Wissenbati Linton schists (Devon). Hall, Prelim. Notices, p. 69. 9 Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. Verstein. Nassau, p. 276. „ Harz, 1843. Etheridge, MS. Cat. ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 400. Verstein. Nassau, p. 276 ; Zeitschrift &c. Berlin, xxi. 267. Verstein. Nassau, p. 277. Journ. Acad. Nat.Sc. Philad.l871,p.67. 1837. Yand. & Shu. Contrib. p. 35 ; Verstein. Harz, p. 1843, 22. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Clierb. x. 200. Pliill. Pal.Toz. Foss. Devon &c. p. 35. Rep. Michigan, Append. 1866, p. 95. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1862, p.420. Paheont. D. & Von M. iii. 11. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 163. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 91. Rep. Michigan, Append. 1866, p. 95. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 401. Beitrage &c. iii. 59. Paheont. D. & Von M. v. 12, xiii. 220. Beitrage &c. iii. 59. Hall, Paheont. N. Y. Owen, Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 599 ; Geol. Canada, 1863, pp. 361, 370. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 227 ; Paheont. D. & Von M. xiii. 230. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 91. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 401. mer). Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. 704. Verstein. Nassau, p. 253. ,, Harz, 1843, p. 23. Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 36. ,, ,, „ xiii. 227. (Ferd. Rumer). Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 24. Leda, Schumackcr, 1847. Verstein. Harz, 18415, p. 23. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. Prelim. Notice, pp. 2, 169. Paheont. N. Y. iv. 196; Swallow. Rep. Missouri, ii. 218. Paheont. N. Y. v. pi. 47. Letha'a Rossica, p. 993. Paheont, New York, v. pi. 46. Verstein. Nassau, p. 278. Mclang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 154. Pala'ont. D. & Von M. iii. 13. Ctenodonta ( continued ).] 68 [CONCHIFERA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. cuneif'ormis,' Hall. Ham.? M.? Schoharie and Otsego Counties, Ful- lonham, N. Y. Palseont. N. Y. v. pi. 47. elliptica, Ad. Rdm. L„ U. ... Kahleberg, Petherwin (Holl.), Lanlake Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 23. emarginata,' Conrad. Ilam M New York Vanux. Geol. N. A’, p. 162. fornicata. Goldf. L Vire,BrestRoads,(_)lpe.Bensberg,Eifel. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xiii. 779. fusiformis, Ad. Rdm. Spirit'. Sandst., L. ... Harz Palseont. D. & Von M. xiii. 221. Gahardiana, grandaeva, hircina, inornata, Rouault. M Ize, Gahard Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 386. Trans. G. S. L. ser 2, vi 400 Goldf. L.. Ad. Rom. ? Calceol. Schist, M.... ? Bochswiese (Harz) Palseont. D. & Von M. iii. 73. Iowensis,' W. & W. Waverly Sandst., U. Granville (Ohio) Palaront. N. Y. v. pi. 45. J ugleri, Ad. Rdm. Sandstone, L Kahleberg (in nodule) Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 23. J ustinse, Ryckhoidt. M. or U. Namur (Belg.) Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 156. lamellosa ?,’ Conrad ? New York Vanux. Palseont. N. Y. p. 162. latissima, Phill. U Pilton. Baggy Point (N. Devonsh.)... Namur Phill. Pala'ont. Foss. Devon, p. 137. Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 153. leiosoma, Ryckhoidt. M. or U. lineata, lineata,' Phill. U. Baggy Point, Pilton Palasoz. Boss. J)evon &c. p. 3 ( «). Hall. Ham M New York XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 30. rars. a & j3, lineolata,' Phill. U Baff"v Point, Pilton Palaeoz. Foss. Devon, p. 39. Hall. Portage Group, U.... New York XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 34. lirata,' Conrad. Ham M Skeneateles, Cayuga, and Seneca Lakes (N. Y.), Paterson’sCreek,HardyCo., Virginia. Palseont. N. Y. v. pi. 45. multilineata,' Goldf. Ham M New York Vanux. Geol. N. A’, p. 162. Murchisonii, neda,' niotica,' Nyssa/ M. Eifel Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 400. Hall. Ham M ? Ithaca, N. Y 9 Palseont. N. Y. v. pi. 45. Marcell. Shale, M. ... ? ” ” 47. obesa, oblongata,’ Goldf. L Ems (Nassau) Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 400. Conrad. Ham M New A r ork, Virginia Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. obsoleta, opima,' plicata, polyaster, Goldf L Solingen, Abenthacur, Hundruck Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 400. Hall. Ham M New York Canadian Nat. & Geol. i. 473. Phill. M„ U.... Baggy Point, Pilton, Oberkunzendorf. D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 81. polyodonta, Ad. Rdm. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Kahleberg Palseont. D. &VonM. v. 12, xiii. 221. prselata, Ryckhoidt. M. or U. Namur Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 154. prisca, Goldf L Ems (Nassau), Bensberg D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 81. Protei, pullastrseformis, radiata,' Randalli,' Miinst. tr. Beitrage &c. iii. 54. Brit. Palseoz. Foss. p. 397. M‘Coy. Sandstone, U Marwood, Baggy Point (N. Devonsh.). Conrad. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. Hall. „ Chem., M„ U. Schoharie and Madison Counties, Sen- eca Lake, and at Ithaca. Pala;ont. N. A’, v. pi. 45. Rauliniana, Rouault. M Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 389. rectangula,' I rostellata,' M'Chesn. Dark Ham., M Batesville (Arkansas) Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, pp. 39-74. Conrad. Ham M New York Pala;ont. N. Y. v. pi. j saginata, Ryckhoidt. M. & U. Namur (Belgium) Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 155. securiforinis, Goldf Spirif Sandst., L. ... Kemmenau, Ems, Niederlalinstein, Kahleberg. Verstein. Nassau (Harz), p. 278. scbisticola, Ryckhoidt. La Vesdre, Namur Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 157. solenoides, Goldf Wissenb. Sell., L. ... Kahleberg, Caub and Cologne Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 24. Smithia, Sow. Quartzose Sandst., L. Cape of Good Hope only Trans. G. S. L. vii. n. s. 285. subelliptica, triquetra,’ truncata,' D’Orb. Conrad. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Ham M Harz New York Paheont. D. A Von M. iii. 107, xiii. 221. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 30. Hall. M tumida, Ad. Rdm. Orthoc. Sch., Spirif. Sandst., L. Kahleberg (in nodules) Paheont. D. & Von M.xiii. 221. valens, Ryckhoidt. M.? Namur (Belg.) Melanges Pal. 2nd part, p. 155. varicosa,' Hall. Ham M Cayuga Co. (N. York) Prelim. Notice and Paheont. N. Y. v. pi. 46. Vaseyana/ Winch. „ Shale, M Batesville (Arkansas) Trans. Acad. Sc. C’hieag. i. 73. unioniformis, Sndbrgr. Spirif Sandst., L. ... Singhofen (in nodules), Menzenberg Krantz, A T erhandl. Ver. xiv. Ac. ; Ver- steiner. Nassau, p. 277. j spec, indet., 1 Hall Chem U (Ohio) Waverlv Sandstones Pala;ont. N. Y. v. pi. 47. Vern. L. ? Almaden (Spain) Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1015. » M.? Voroneje Government, South Russia . Murck., Vern. & Keyseri. Geol. Russ, ii 31° Bonissent. Green Sandst., L. ... Perques, N. France Mem. Soc. Sc. Nat. Cherb. x. 176. ., a cast, Sharpe. Sandst L Gydow Pass (South Africa) Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 205. Cucullaea, Lamarck , 1817. Dolabra, M'Coy , 1 855. amygdalina, Phill. Sandst. and Limest., M„ U. Torquay, Marwood, Pilton, Sloly. Fiennes (Fr.). Pal. Foss. Devon, p.40 ; Etheridge, MS. angusta, subangusta. Sow. Sandst U Marwood, Baggy Point (Carb. in Irel.) „ 41. complanata, Phillips. U Baggy Point (Carb. in Irel.) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 624. Datnnoniensis, depressa, u. M'Coy, Br. Pal. Foss. p. 394. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 42. » „ u „ (N. Devonsh.) CucuLLiEA (continued). 69 [CoNCHIFEKA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Griffithii, Salter U Hardingii, Sow Burnot Congl., Psam- mites, U. Lasii, Ad. Romer. Spirif. Sandst., L T . ... Namona, Kyckkoldt Schist M. ? trapezium, Sow. Calcar. Sands. ,M., II. Cy pricardia , Lamarck, 1817. Cypricardites. ? acuta, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. alta,' Conrad. 11am M alveata,' M amygdalina,' Hall. „ M angustata/ Conrad. Catskill ...U articulata, ? ausavensis, Steininger. Goniat. Sch., U calceola, Ad. Rom. Calceola Sch., M. ... carinifera,' Conrad. Chem U Catskillensis,' Catskill Group, U.... Chemungensis,’ Vanux. Chem. U concentrica,' Conrad. Ham M contract;!,' D’Orb., Ilall. „ M Cordieri, Rouault. M corrugata,' Conrad. Ham M crenistria, Sndbrgr. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... cymbieformis,' Sow. Ham M dorsata, Eichw. BlackPentam. Limest. elongata, D'Orb. Stringocepli. Limest., subelongata. Iberg Limes., M.,U. elongata,' Conrad. Ilam M elegans. Goldf. Calceola Limest,, M. indenta,’ Conrad. Ham M inflata,' Helmersen. Onondag. Limest., L. irapressa, 1... U. ... lamellosa, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest. &c., ^ M. Marcellus,' Conrad. Marcellus Sh., M. . . . ] mvtiloides,' Ham M oblongata ?,' ,, „ M radiata,' „ „ M recta ?,' M rhombsea,' Hall. Catskill Group, U ! rhombea, Phill. M rugosa/ Conrad. Ham M sectifrons,' „ M solenoides,' Hall? M squamifera, Phill. Iberg Limest., M., U. 1 subtenta ?,' Conrad. Ham M Ham. Shale, M subulata,' 11 Kutorga. „ M trigonalis, ? truncata,' Conrad. Ham M undata,' Hall. „ M ventricosa,' Marcell. Shale, M. . . . ] spec, indet.,' Ham M Cypricardinia, Hall, 1869. cvlindrica.' Hall A Whitn. L., M., U. 1 distincta,' Bill. Limestone No. 8, L... ] indenta,' Conrad. Waverl. Sandst., U.... ] planulata,' „ Schoh. Grit, L 1 var. subaquivalvis,' Hall. L 1 spec, indet.,’ „ UHL L„ M. ... £ Cyprina, Lamarck, 1801. vetusta. Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... J Dolabra, M‘Co>/. See Cucullaea. Dystachtella, Hall, 1873? subnasuta,' UHL. ? 1 spec, indet/ ( Locality. Reference. Ireland. Condros, Dimont, FienneB, Pilton, Baggy, Burnot (Belg.), Caillon- Quibic (Ardennes). Kahleberg, in nodules Namur Marwood, Ferques, West Angle Bay (S. Wales). A genus not likely to be palaeozoic, Irish Surv. Explan. Sheets 192, 199, p. xxii, fig. v. Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum) ; Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 40. Yerstein. Ilarz, 1843, p. 24. Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 81. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 41 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 252, xix. 473. b ut acknowledged as such. — J. W. Salter. Yerstein. Nassau, p. 203. Vanuxem, Geol. N. Y. p. 162. „ 159. Foster&Wli. Rep. South LakeSuperior. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 186. ilmar, Gerolstein, Newton Bush. Barton. burg (in red ironstone), Gerolstein, Chimay, Grund. Zeitschrift &e. 1871, p. 374. Pakeont. D. & VonM. v. 17. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 185. 11 11 11 11 „ „ „ 181. „ ., „ 162. „ „ „ 163. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 387. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. Verstein. Nassau, p. 263. Fost. & Wh. Rep. S. Lake Superior, p. 303. Lethfca Rossica, p. 1014. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 260. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 168. D’Omal. d’Halloy, Prec. Geol. p. 576. 1 Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. „ 138. Beitriige &c. p. 107. Verstein. Nassau, p. 262. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 147. „ 162. (Russia). (N.'York), the N.-York Lakes, Rich- ford (Ohio), Burlington (Iowa), lbany and Schoharie Cos., Babcoc Hill (New York). 159. XIV. Rep. Regents N. A", p. 40. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 400. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. Foster&Wh.Rep. LakeSuperior, p.303. Pakeont. D. & Von M. iii. 33, xiii. 230. Vanux. Geol. Rep. N. Y. p. 162. Lethasa Rossica, p. 1013. Vanuxem, Geol. N. Y. p. 162. Foster & Wh. Rep. Lake Superior, p. 303. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 1 10. Pakeont. N. Y. iii. 196. Palseont. New York, v. pi. 79. Geol. Surv. Canada, ii. 56. Hall, Prelim. Notices, pt. 2, p. 82. Pakeont. New York, v. pi. 79. Verstein. Ilarz, 1843, p. 25. Palseont. New York, v. pi. 51. I Edmondia.] 70 [CoNCHIFERA. Genus, Species, and Author. Edmondia, De Koninck, 184 bicarinata. Burlingtonensis,' Hall. concentrica, Ether depressa,' Hall & Whitn., lidoides/ Winch, mactroides,' „ oboyata, Etheridge. Phillipii,' Hall & Whitn. rhombiea/ ,, undulata,' ,, spec, indet.,' Hall. Erycina, Lamarck, 1805. glabra, Miinst. Posidonomya MiXnsteri, D’ pygmaja, Munst siibpygnuea, D'Orb. striata, Miinst. Cardium substriatum, D’O Goniophorus. acutus,' Hall. carinatus, 1 Conrad. Chemungensis, 1 Vanux. glabrus,' Hall. Hamiltonensis,' „ perangulata,' Conrad rugosus,' „ truncatus,' Hall. Grammysia, De Verneuil, 1 abbreviata, Sndbrgr. alyeata,' Conrad, arcuata,' Ham M Chem U U „ u Ham M UHL L Ham M Chem U 837. See Allorism Spirif. Sandst., L. Ham. Shales, M.... M.... bisulcata,' Hall. circulus,' circularis,' „ constricta, 1 Hall & Whitn. Lcptodomus. elliptica, 1 Hall. erecta,' ,, globosa,' ,, Hamiltonensis,' He Vern. Subdivision. 4. Chem., Waverl. Sa’st. U. Chem. & Waverl., U. Ham., Magn. beds, M. „ „ M, Chem.&Waverl.Sa.,U. Conglomerate beds, U. Chem. & Waverl., U. „ „ U. (Very doubtful genus. Orthoc. Limest., U.. . Orb. „ U... rb. U.... M.. nam. & Chem., M.,U. Chem U Ham. Shale, M Chem U. ... Ham. Shales, M... „ M.... L., M. Hannibalensis,' Shumard. Lcptodomus. lirata,' Hall & Whitn. Leptodomus. magna,' Hall. Chem., Congl., U. ... UHL L Ham. Shales, M nodocostata,' M. obsoleta,' M. ovata, Sndbrgr. parallela,' Hall, pes-anseris, Zeiler & Wirtg. praBCursor, 1 Hall. Leptodomus. rhoni boidalis, ' Meek& Worth, rhomboides/ Worthen. secunda,’ Hall. Leptodomus. subarcuata,' ,, Leptodomus. ventricosa,' Meek. Hoplomytilus, Sandberger, crassus, Sndbrgr. Isocardia, Lamarck, 1819. antiqua, Goldf. bicarinata, Ad. Rom. Spir.Sa., Ham.,L.,M. Ham. Shales, M Spirif. Sa’st., Avicula Sch., L. Schohar. Grit, L. ... Ham M UHL L Chem U 1854. Stringoc. Limest., M. Very doubtful Pakeo Wissenb. Sch., M. ... Spirif. Sandst.., L. ... Locality. Pliillipsburg, Rockville, Ithaca, &c., Burlington (Iowa). Gympsie (Queensland) Little Traverse Bay (Michigan Lake). 33 33 Gympsie (Queensland) Salamanca (New York) Gt, Valley, Catteraug. Co., E. Randolph Portville, Alleghany Co. (N. York)... — Ferd. Homer, Breslau.) Elbersreuth (only there) 33 Near Mount Upton (New York) ? Hamilton village (New York) New York „ ? ? a. Singhofen (Eifel) Eastern and Middle New York West New York, Patterson’s Creek (Virginia). Schoharie, Otsego, and Madison Cos. &c. (New York). Ithaca (New York) Nicolas Township, Tioga Co. (N. Y.).. Cayuga and Canandaigua Lakes Ithaca, Pliillipsburg, Alleghany Co. (New York). Fultonham (New York) Schoharie Co. (New York) Cazenovia (New York), Mondrepuis, Nehou, Gahard, Ferques, Daleiden, &c., Chillon, Cabeza del Buey, Sing- hofen, &c. Western N. York, Summit Co. (Ohio), Burlington (Iowa). Fultonham &c., Schoharie Co., and Cayuga &c. Lakes. Cazenovia and Hamilton, Madison Co. (New York). Sherburne, Chenango Co., Hamilton Village (New York). Schohar. .Madison, and OnondagaCos., Seneca & Cayuga Lakes &c. (N. Y.). Lahnst., Haigerliutte, Singhofen, Caux Skeneateles Lake (New York) Singhofen, Welschneudorf Schoharie Co. (New York) Bakeoven (Illinois) Clarence Hollow, Erie Co. (N. York). Ithaca, Elmira, Chemung (N. York)... Vilmar zoic. — Ferd. Homer, Breslau. Wissenbach Kahleberg Reference. Palseont. New York, v. pi. 64. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 328. Palieont. New York, v. pi. 64. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 96. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 328. Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 64. 33 33 33 Beitriige Sec. iii. 72. 33 Palasont. New York, v. pi. 43. „ „ pi. 44. 33 33 33 33 33 33 „ „ pi. 43. Vanux. Geol. New York. Pakeont. New York, v. pi. 43. „ „ pi. 44. Verstein. Nassau, p. 266. Hall, Prelim. Notices, 1869, p. 55. „ „ p. 56. P-49. Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 57. „ „ pi. 58. Prelim. Notices, 1869, p. 58. „ „ p. 53. „ „ p. 52. „ „ P- 57. D’Archiac, Paheont. de France, p. 43 ; Siluria, ed. 4, p. 398. Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 61. „ „ pi. 59. Prelim. Notices, 1869, p. 50. „ „ p. 60. Verstein. Nassau, p. 266. Prelim. Notices, 1869, p. 59. Verstein. Nassau, p. 269. Prelim. Notices, 1869, p. 54. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1865, p. 248. Prelim. Notices, 1869, p. 54. „ „ P-61. Verstein. Nassau, p. 282. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 400. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 23. Isocardia (continued ). ] 71 [CoNCHIFERA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. caelata, extensa, Humboldtii, Sndbrgr Miinst Goldf . Orthoc. Sch., Spirif. Sandst., L., U.?... Clymenia Limest., U. . Wissenb. Sch., M. ... securiformis, tanais, Sndbrgr De Vern . Orthoc. Sch., U Clay-schist, M trapezoidalis, Valenciennes, vetusta, Isonema, Meek Barrisii,' depressa,' Ad. Rom Rouault Goldf Worthen, ] C. A. White Meek Wissenbach, M M Clymen. Limest., U... 865. Subgenus of Chem.? ...U Ham M fusiformis, Ad. Rom humilis,' Meek Jugleri, Ad. Rom Leda. Ctenodonta. ? brevirostris,' Hall Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Cornif. Limest., L.... Spirif. Sandst., L. ... UHL. & Ham., L., M. ? rostellata,' Conrad Ham., Arenac. Sh., M. ? tumida, ?spec. indet.,' Sndbrgr Hall. Bonissent. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Waverl. Sandst., U L Leiopteris, Hall, 1875-76. ? Leptodomus, M'Coy, 1844. Canadensis,' Bill, clavatus,' Winch, constrictus, M‘Coy. ? ovatus, Sharpe. Limoptera, Hall, 1869. can cel lata. 1 Hall. 9 Limestone No. 8, L... Portage Gr p , U Sandstone, U L UHL L curvata,' macroptera,' Conrad. Ham. Shales, M Ham M obsoleta,' Hall. ,, Shales, M pauperata,' „ triquetra,’ Conrad. Lucina, Bruguiere, 1792, = antiqua, Goldf. declivis, Ad. Rom. elliptica, Bill. UHL L Ham M Paracyclas, Meek ? Stringoc. L’st., Givet Limest., M. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Cornif. Limest., L.... Gilbert!,’ ? Griffithii, Hamiltonensis,' occidentalis, Meek. De Vern. „ L....S M. . . Winch. BiU. Ham M 1 „ M 5 Ohioensis,' Paracyclas. proa via,' Meek. UnL L ] Goldf. Cornif. L’st., Ham., 1 Givet and St ringoc. L’st., Greenst. Tuff, Psammite, L., M. var. Dufresnoyi,' DeVern. M ( pura,’ rectangularis, retusa,' Lyon ? Sndbrgr. Hall? UIIL L f Stringoc. Limest., M.. \ Portage Gr p , U 11 rugosa,’ semicireularis, semistriata, sinuosa, suborbicularis,' spec, indet.,' Goldf. Krantz. Ad. Rom. „ D’Orb. De Vern. lorn if. L’st. &c., L., f M., U. Spirit’. Sandst., L. Wissenbach, M I berg Limest., U. . . . ( Portage Gr p , U > m a Locality. Reference. Heittbal,ZeigenbergerTeiche,Daleiden Scbiibelbammer Wissenbacb, Hon, Huttbal, Zeigenberg Teiche. Wissenbacb Zadonsk (riv. Don), riv. Uchta, Upper Velicaja valley. Zeigenberger Teicbe Gahard Eifel Holopcea. Burlington (Iowa), Yellow Sandstone White Sulphur Springs, Delaware Co. (Ohio). Kahleberg (Harz) Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio) Kahleberg (Harz) Jeffersonville, Franklin, Delaware Cos. (New York). LakeSkeneateles summit, Seholiar.Co., Moravia (New York). Niederlabnstein Ohio Le Cotentin (France) Verstein. Nassau, pp. 260, 484. Beitriige &c. iii. 71. Palaeont. D. & Yon M. iii. 14. Verstein. Nassau, p. 260. Leth. Ross. p. 1026 ; Murch., Vern. & Keys. Geol. Russ. ii. 302; Helmersen Beitriige, p. 107 ; Grewingk, Geol Livonia, p. 34. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 14. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 322. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 400. Proc. Bost. Nat. Hist. Soc. viii. 298. Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1865, p.253. Palaeont. D. & Von M. v. 13. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1871, p.79. Palaeont. D. & Von M. xiii. 221. Prelim. Notices, 1869, p. 6. Indian Cove, Gaspe (Canada East) ... Union Branch Co. (Michigan) Leo Hook (S. Africa). (New York), [amilton, Madison &c. (New York). rath, &c. Land. Lake Ladoga (Russia). Land. Co. (Ind.), Ohio Falls (Kentucky) Macon, Ferrieres,Gerolstein,Couvin, Lustheide, Ebersdorf,Bensbcrg, &c., rivers Uchta and Ishma, W. Siberia. Common in the above and other loi lities.) Indiana. Verstein. Nassau, p. 279. Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 47. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherb. x. 200. Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 20. Can. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 54. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1862, p.415.| Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, viii. 483. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 205. Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 26. Prelim. Notices, 1869, p. 18. „ „ P- 17. „ „ p. 18. „ ,, p. 16. Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 31. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 375 ; D’Arch Palaeont. de France (Gosselet). Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 25. Hind’s Expedit. Rupert’s Land, p. 187. Surv. Rep. Ohio. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russia, ii. 301. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 95. Hind’s Expedit. Rupert’s Land, p. 187. Surv. Rep. Ohio, 1873, i. 200. Newberry, Report Ohio, i. 200, 446; Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecuin) ; Leth. Ross. p. 1030 ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 402 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xiv. 368. Owen, Geol. Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 78. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 620. Verstein. Nassau, p. 255. XIV. Rep. Regents New York ; D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 77. De Vern. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 695. Verhandl. d. n. Ver. xiv. &c. p. 161. Pal. D. & Von M. iii. 15, 79, xiii. 225. „ „ 32. D'Orb. Prodrome, i. 77. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. ? Lunttlacarditxm.] 72 [CoNCHIFERA Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Lunulacardium, Munster , acutirostrum,' Hall. 1840. Conocardiu Marc.Sh. &Gen.Sl..M. m, D' Orbigny. New York Paheont. New York, v. pi. 71. canaliferum, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., D... Schiibelhammer Beitrage &c. iii. 70. excrescens, „ fragile/ Hall. ,, ,, u... Marc.Sh. &Gen. SI., M. „ Paheont. New York, v. pi. 71. Crooked Lake (New York) Marcellense,' Vanux. Marcell. Shale, M. ... New York ornatum,' Hall. Ham., Portage Gr p , ft ovatum, Miinst. Chem., M., U. Clymen. Limest., U... Schiibelhammer (Franconia) Beitrage &c. iii. 70. Partschii, „ „ „ u... » » procrescens, ,, „ „ u... ft ft ff ff pyriforme, ,, „ „ H... J» » „ iii. 69. semistriatum, „ ,, „ U... Bright Clym. L’st.,U. ff ,, tetragonum, „ „ „ Geiser... ,, iii. 71. ventricosurn, Sndbrgr. Lutraria, Lamarck, 1817. Cyprid.Sch.&L’st.,U. Oberscheld Verstein. Nassau, p. 269. Very doubtful in Pal seozoic rocks. — Ferd. Homer, Breslau, 1870. prisca, Goldf. M Eifel Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 402. Lyonsia, Turton, 1822. Namona, Ryckholt. ovata,' Hall, subcompressa, D’Orb. substriatula, ,, Macrodon, Lycett. Cbemungensis,’ Hall. M.? M Namur (Belgium) New York Melanges Paleont. pt. 2, p. 48. ? L L Niederlahnstein Daleiden Ferd. Riimer, Rhineland, p. 79. Das rhein. Ueberg. p. 79. Prelim. Notices. 1869, p. 14. Chem U Phillipsburg, Rockville &c. (N.York). Hamiltonise,' ,, Megalodon, Sowerby, 1827. alutaceus, Goldf. auriculatus, ,, bipartitus, F. Rom. carinatus, Goldf. Ham M Meadville (Penns.), Virg. (Ham. G p ). Bedford (Ohio), West N. York (passim) ,, „ p. 16. Megalodus, Gold fuss. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 399. If ff Das rhein. Ueberg. p. 78. D’Halloy, Precis Geol. 1868, p. 576; :.m L Limestone, M ,, (Museum Teyler.) Unkel (Rhenish Prussia) Nimes, Couvin, Paffrath, Newton, concentrica, D’Arcb. & Vern. M Ogwell (Devonshire). Paffrath (Rhenish Prussia) Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 209. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 400. cuc-ullatus, Sow. Upp. Stringoc., M. . . . Nimes, Bensberg, Elberfeld. Sotenich, Siluria, ed. 4, p. 399; Letlnea Geogn. curvatus, Erantz. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Iserlohn, Bradley, Newton, &c. Menzenberg ed. 3, i. 417 ; Verst. Harz, 1843, p. 24. Verhandl. d. n. Ver. xiv. Jahrg. Neue. elongatus, Ad. Rom. Ferr.Stringoc.L’st.,M. Elbingerode (Harz) Palasont. D. & Von M. xiii. 227. oblongus, Goldf. Greenst. Tuff, M. ... Paffrath, Bensberg, Planschwitz, Wil- Geinitz, Verstein, Grauwacke Saxony, rliomboideus, „ subcrenatus, Geinitz. suboblongus, De Vern. Limestone, M denfels. Paffrath p. 45. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 400. Greenst. Tuff Limestone Plauen (Saxony) Zadonsk on river Don (South Russia) Verstein. Grauwacke Saxony, p. 46. Murch.,Vern.&Keys.Geol.Russ. ii. 305. suborbicularis, Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Kahleberg (Harz) Paheont. D. & Von M. v. 12. sulcatus, De Vern. & D’Arch. L Eifel, Ems, Kemmenau (Nassau) Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 400. „ „ 1 truncatus, Megalomus, Hall, 1869. Canadensis,' Hall ? Metoptoma, Phillips , 1836, Limestone, M Paffrath = Ilelcion, with its a ? nterior extremity either truncated or Paheont. New York, v. pi. 52. fig. 10 sinuous. — D' Orb. speciosa, D’Orb. Michelia, Adolphus Homer, abbreviata, Ad. Rom. cylindrica, „ 1867? Bochswiese (Harz) M » a „ ,, 73, xiii. 223J depressa, „ M ff ff „ 74. distracta, „ exaltata, ,, Microdon, Conrad, 1843. „ M M if ff ” bellostriatus/ Conrad. Ham.&Chem.,M.,U. Ontario Co., Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, Paheont. New York, v. pi. 73. complanatus,' Hall&Whitn. ,, Shales, M Elmira (New York). Jefferson, Schoharie Co. (New York). . . Prelim. Notices, 1869, pt. 2, p. 32. gregarius/ ,, ,, &Chem.,M.,U. Courtlandt, Ithaca (New York) ft ft tenuistriatus,' „ M Fultonliam, Canandaigua Lake, &c. ft ft Modiola, Lamarck, 1801. acuta, Miinst. TJ (New York). Elbersreuth (Franconia) Beitrage &c. iii. 57. amygdalina, Rbill. angusta,' Hall, bilobata, Miinst. U Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 399. Catskill Gr p , U Orthoc. Limest., U. . . . New York Elbersreuth XIV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 40. Beitrage &c. iii. 57. Mytilus. Catskillensis,' Hall. Kablebergensis, Ad. Rom. | metella, 1 Hall. Catskill Gr p , U Spirif. Sandst., L. ... New York Xahleberg XTV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 40. Paheont. D. & Von M. v. 11. Chem. Sandst., Lb ... Cattaraugus Co. (New York) Prelim. Notices, 1869, pt. 2, p. 1. prajcedens/ „ scalaris, Phill. semistriata, Mi'mst. „ „ U. ... Limestone, M Orthoc. Limest., U.... Olean, Alleghany Co. (New York) ... ft ft Berry Pomeroy (Devonshire) Elbersreuth Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 137. Beitrage &c. iii. 57. squamifera,' Phill. Calcar. S’st., M. ?, L.. Schohar. Co. (N. Y.) (Engl.), Holland ? De Vern. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. iv. 695. vetusta, Miinst Clymen. Limest., U... Schiibelhammer (Franconia), Magwitz Beitrage &c. iii. 56. Posidonomya Germanics. (Saxony). Modiola (continued).'] 73 [CONCHIFERA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. spec, indet., Chevillard. „ De Vern. „ Bonissent. Modiolopsis, Hall (subgenu L L s). Ci/pricar elites, Co Mont Revenue, Hericourt (France)... Les Courtoisieres (France) La-Manche Department (France) ... nrad. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xxiv. 127. ,, „ vii. 778. D’Arch. Paleont. de France, p. 45. ? Bainii, Catskillensis,' Sharpe. Sandstone, L UHL.,CatskiUGr p ,U. Leo Hook (Cape of Good Hope) New York Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 80. concentricus,’ perovatus,' M Hall? Ham. Sh M MarceUus (New York) ,, ,, iii. 196. sek & Worth. Ham M White Sulphur Springs (Ohio) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1865, p.246. Bpec. indet., De Yern. Modiomorpha, Hall, 1869. L Mont Geant &c. (the Bosphorus) Comptes Rendus, leriv. 1218. alata?,' Hall. UHL., Chem., L., M., U. Ham. &C....L., M.,U. Ithaca (New York) Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 41. alta,' Conrad. Madison and Onondaga Cos., Cayuga Lake (New York). Prelim. Notices, pt. 2, p. 75. amygdalina, 1 Winch. „ Chem., M., U... Ontario, Broome, and Alleghany Cos. (N. Y.), Burlington (Iowa). ii it ii i 8. Catskillensis,' complanata,' Hall. U New York Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 40. „ „ ph 34. UHL L Delaware (Ohio), Eastern and Central New York. concentrica,' 19 „ Ham., L.,M.... Cayuga, Otsego County, Ohio FaUs (Kentucky). Prelim. Notices, pt. 2, p. 73. cymbula,' » Ham. (coarse Sand), M. Chem. & Carb.,U. ... East Worcester, Otsego Co. (N.Y.)... „ „ „ 75. hyalea,' 11 Tompkins Co. (N.Y.), Medina (Ohio), Waverley. ii ii ii 79. inomata,' Billmgs. Sandstone, L York river, Gasp6 (Canada East) ... Geol. Surv. Canad. Pal. Foss, part 2, p. 52. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 76. Palaeont. N. Y. v. pi. 41. macilenta,' HaU. Ham. & Chem., M., U. Yates, Ontario, & LivingstonCo s (N. Y.), perovata,' M. & W. UHL L Clarence (N. Y.), Columbus (Ohio)... planulata,' HaU. Ham. Shale, M Schoharie & Madison Counties, Seneca Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 74. &c. Lakes (N. Y.). ponderosa,' quadrula,’ HaU & W. UHL L Clarence Hollow, N. Y Palaeont. N. Y. v. pi. 34. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 77. HaU. „ Waverlev, L., M., U. Ithaca, PhiUpsburg, Allegh. Co., N. Y. (micaceous sandst.). subulata,' Conrad. Myalina, De Koninck, 1844. Ham. Shale, Chem., M., U. Ithaca, Ontario, Onondaga, and Ge- nessee Co s , &c. (N. Y.). 11 11 11 11 Bodana, Ad. Rom. Grey IbergLimest.,U. Bergfeld (Harz) Palaeont. D. & Von M. is. 6. crassa, fimbriata, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. Vilmar Verstein. Nassau, p. 281. „ M. ,, ,, 280. ornata, Ad. Rom. Grey IbergLimest.,U. Bergfeld Palaeont. D. & Von M. ix. 6. tenuistriata, Sndbrgr. Cyprid. Schist, U. ... Oberscheld (Nassau), Ebersdorf (Sile- sia), ferruginous. Verstein. Nassau, p. 280. spec. (2) indet., Kayser. Cuboides Schist, U... Eifel Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 374. 11 Stringoc. Limest., M. „ „ 368. „ Etheridge. Hangman Grits, L... Holdstone? (N. Devon) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. rxiii. 599. Myoconcha, Sotverby, 1824. compressa, Ad. Rom. Mytilarca. Hall, 1869. Limestone, L (See Palaeont. N.Y. Spirit. Sands., L Challacombe, near Combe Martin (N. Devon). vol. v. James Hall.) Kahleberg (Harz) 11 11 11 11 Pakeont. D. & Von M. v. 11, xiii.221. arenacea,' attenuate,' HaU. Schohar. Grit, L. ... Chem U Schoharie village, Albany Co. (N. Y.). Elmira (N.Y.) Prelim. Notices, part 2, 1869, p. 20. „ „ „ 23. Canadensis,' Billings. UHL L Gasp6 Limest. no. 8, Indian Cove, Gaspe, Canada East. Canada Surv. Pal. Foss. 52. carinata,' HaU. Chem U ? Palaeont. N. Y. v. pi. 32. Chemungensis,' Conrad. Ham. & Chem., M., U. Philipsburg, RockviUe, Chemung Nar- rows (N. Y.), &c. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 23. fibristriata,' W. & W. Yellow Sands., U. . . . Burlington (Iowa) 24. Canad. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 53. nitida,' BilUngs. UnL. Limes., L. ... Limest. no. 8, Indian Cove, Gasp6 . . . occidentalis,' Yellow Sandst,., U.... Burlington (Iowa) Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 24. oviforrnis,' Conrad. Ham. Shale, M Cayuga and Canandaigua Lakes, and Central N. Y. ii » >> 21. ponderosa,' HaU. UHL L. Helderberg Mountains, Clarence Hol- low (N. Y.), Columbus (Ohio). 11 11 11 11 radiata,' Chem U New York Palaeont. N. Y. v. pi. 32. triqueter,' Conrad. Ham M Oneonta, Fultonham, Schoharie Co., Lewis’s quarry, Chenango (N. Y.). Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 22. spec, indet.,' Hall. Mytilus, Linrusm, 1758, = Schohar. Grit, L. ... Cardium. New York Palaeont. New York, v. pi. 80. antiquus, Goldf. ? Spirit. Sand., L Ems,Prussino,Isborsk riv.Menzenberg Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. ii. 390 aviculoides, Vern. Limestone, M Upper valley of Velicaya (Livonia) ... Grewingk, Geol. Livonia &c. costatus, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. Schiibclhammer Beitriige &c. iii. 55. cuspidatus, ,, „ u. Limestone, M ,, Elbersreuth Newton Bushel 11 11 Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 37. Damnoniensis, PhilL U Mytilus (continued).] 74 [Con chifera . Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Devonicus, Geinitz. Clymen. Limest., U. Gattendorf Verstein. Grauwacke Sax. 1861, p. 49. dimidiatus,' Goldf. M„ U.... Eifel, Chillon, Puerto del Cierro, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 190, Inoceramus Chemungensis, Sierra Moreiia, Chemung Narrows 1015. Conrad. Floenianus, Ryckholdt. M.? (N.Y.). ?Vise (Belgium) Mem. Couronne, 1852, xxiv. 133. Palaeont. D. & Von M. ix. 6, xiii. 230. Ibergensis, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., L. ... Grund intumeseens, „ u. ... „ ,, iii. 32, „ irregularis, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. Presseck near Hof Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 399. Le Feburianus, Ryckholdt. minimus ?, Hoeninghaus. Namurcanus, Ryckholdt. Nerei, Munster. M.? Limestone, M Vis6 (Belgium) Paffrath Melang. Pal. xx. 134. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 399. Schist U Namur Mem. Couronne, p. 86. Clymen. Limest., U. Presseck Beitriige &c. iii. 55. obliquus, „ „ u. Geiser ii ii obesianus, Ryckholdt. priscus, Goldf. Schist M., U. ... M Namur Eifel Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 86. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 399. psammites, Richter, radiatus, Miinst. Limestone, M Clymen. Limest., U. Thuringia Schiibelhammer, Gattendorf, Desert- Palaont. Thiiring. p. 39. Beitrage &c. iii. 56 ; Verstein. Grau- Rathieri, Rouault. M create (Irel.). Gahard, Ize (France) wacke Sachs, p. 48 (Geinitz). Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 389. substriatus, Miinst. Clymen. ...U Schiibelhammer Beitrage &c. iii. 56. subsulcatus, „ uncinatus, ? Eichw. Nyassa, Hall, 1869. Subge alata/ Hall. Orthoe. ...U Elbersreuth Pentam. Limest nus of Modiolopsis, Bogoslovsk (North Ural) Hall. Lethaja Rossica, p. 981. Ham M New York Palaont. N. Y. v. pi. 53. arguta,' „ ,, Shales, M. ... Schoharie, Otsego, Madison Counties, and Pratt’s Falls (N. Y.). Stafford, Genessee Co. (N. Y.), Colum- Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 28. elliptica,' „ UHL L » i> j> 30. recta/ ,, Ham. Shales, M. ... bus (Ohio). Summit, Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) 29. subalata/ ,, „ M. ... „ and Fultonham (N. Y.) Omalia, Ryckholdt. elegans, Ryckholdt. Orthonota, Conrad, 1838. U Marienburg Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 74. carinata,' Conrad. Ham. Shales, M. ... Schoharie Co., Tinker’s Falls, Onond. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 162. ensiformis,' Hall. „ M. ... Co. (N. Y.). Schoharie (N. Y.) Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 89. parvula,' „ „ M. ... Fultonham and Summit, Seneca Lake „ „ 88. siliquoidea/ „ undulata/ Conrad. „ M. ... &c. (N. Y.). Schoharie Co., south part „ „ „ 89. Marcellus Shale, M. , , Fultonham and Summit, small Lakes of N. Y. Portville, Cattaraugus Co. (N. Y.), „ 87. Palanatina, Hall, 1869. typa,' Hall. Chem. (Conglomer. „ „ 84. quadrata,' N. & P. Palaeaneilo, Hall, 1866. & Sand.), U. L.,M„ U. Nuculites (Conrad Ceres, M’Kean Co. (Pennsylv.). ? in part). Palaont. N. Y. v. pi. 79. bisulcata/ Hall & W. Chemung... U Elmira (N. Y.) Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 10. brevis, 1 Hall. ,, Calcar s Sand.,U. Franklin, Deleware Co. (N. Y.) ii ii it ii constricta,' Conrad. Ham., Chem.., M.,U. Moravia, CayugaCo., Ithaea(N.Y.),&c. H it H 7. var. flexuosa,' Conr., Hall. „ „ M.,U. New York Palaont. N. Y. v. pi. 48. emargiuata,' Conrad. „ Shales, M. ... Associated with.Pal.fecunda(N .Y .&c.). Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 7. fecunda, 1 Hall. „ „ M. ... Cayuga, Seneca, and Canand. Lakes, „ „ 8. filosa/ Conrad. Chem U Darien, Moscow, Cumberlaud(Mary- land), Hardy Co. (Virginia). Ithaca, Cortlandt village (N. Y.) » „ io. maxima/ „ Ham. Shales, M Summit, Fultonham, Schoharie Co., 9. muta,' Hall. Cayuga Lake (N. Y.). Skeneateles, Seneca, and Canandaigua » 8. ? perplana,' „ „ „ M Lakes, &c., Cumberland (Maryland). Fultonham, Summit, Cayuga, &c.Lakes „ „ 12. plana/ „ „ M (N. Y.). Otsego Co., Cayuga, Seneca, and Ca- a ft •• tenuistriata/ „ nandaigua Lakes. York, Moscow, Cayuga, Seneca, and 9. Paracyclas, Hall, 1869 ? lirata,' Hall. UHL., Ham., L., M. Canandaigua Lakes. Louisv., Kentucky, Fultonham (N. Y.). Palaeont. N. Y. v. pi. 72. elliptica/ „ L Clarence, Leroy (N. Y.) „ it ii var. occidentalis/ „ L Clarke Co. (Indiania) a a a spec, indet./ „ Pholadella, Hall, 1869. Chem U Meadville (Pennsylv.) a tt a ornata/ Hall, radiata/ „ Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 64. 63. Ham. Shales, M Schoharie Co., Fabius, Onondag. Co. | truncata/ ,, Pholadomya, Sowerby, 1826. loricata/ Goldf. ii » M (N. Y.). Delphi Falls, Onondag. Co., Cayuga „ „ 64. Ham M Lake (N. Y.). NewYork, Eifel, Paffrath (same horiz.). Cardium. Phol vdomya (continued).] 75 [CONCHIFEEA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Munsteri, D’Archiac & Vern. Anatina. radiata, Goldf. Phthonia, Hall, 1869. nodicostata,' Conrad, sectifrons,' ,, Pleurophorus, King, 1847. Camellosus, Zeiler&W i rtgen . Pleurorhynchus. See C Prothyris, Conrad, 1843? pygmasa,' Conrad, spec, indet.,' Hall. Ptychodesma, Hall, 18 . Knappiana, 1 Hall. Sanguinolaria, Lamarck, 1 cequalis, Richter & Unger, amygdalina, Ad. Rum. angustata, Goldf. calceola, Ad. Rom. carinata, Goldf. compressa, „ curvatolineata, Krantz. dorsata,' Goldf. elliptica, Ad. Rom., Phill. gibbosa, laevigata, lamellosa, lata, lirata, obovata, phaseolina, pygmaea, Roemeri, soleniformis, striata, sulcata, tellinaria, trigona, truncata, undata, Ungeri, unioniformis, spec, indet., .M. .M. Eifel, Bensberg Ham. Shales, M. ... , „ M (Eight species in Car Spirif. Sand., L onocardium. Ham M M UHL.? ...L 799 ; M‘ Coy (the gen Cyprid. Schist, U. ... Calceol. Schist, M. . . . L., M Calceol. Schist, M L M Spirif. Sand., L ,, „ Ham., L„ M. Spirif. Sand., Ham., L., U. Goldf. M., U. ... M M Krantz. Spirif. Sand., L D'Orb U Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. Goldf. M U L Goldf. Green Sandst., L. ... U Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. Goldf. Spirif. Sand., L U Goldf. M Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sand., L Snbrgr. Orthoc. Sell., L Cayuga and Canandaig. Lakes (N. Y.) Madison Co., Canandaig. Lake (N.Y.). boniferous formation.) Niederlaknstein,Magey(IIauteSa6ne). New York )J Louisville, Kentucky eric name used in Europe most often) Thuringia Rammelsberg Eifel, Peredki (Bolland. Carb.) Festenburg (Harz) Westerwald (Nassau) Eifel Menzenberg (Rhenish Prussia) Eifel, Menzenberg, New York Kahleberg, Thuringia, Laulake, Yelm Bridge. Eifel, Thuringia, Altenahr(Rhen.Prus.) Menzenberg Pilton (N. Devonsh.) Schiibelhammer Eifel (Musaeum Teyler.) Schubelhammer Kahleberg (Sandst.) Verneuil M'Coy, 18 44. .M. Generic named acutus,' Hall. Ham. Shale, M. . arcaeformis/ Conrad. M. . carinatus,' „ M. . clavulus,' Hall. Chem U. . corrugatus,' cuneatus,' Sharpe. Sandstone ...L. . Conrad. Ham. Shale, M. . glaucus,' Hamiltonensis,’ Hall. Winch. „ „ M. . „ M. . Chem U. . Ilannibalcnsis,' Ida,’ Hall. Ham. Shale, M. . pelagicus, Goldf. M. ? . perangulatus,' ? ponderosus,' rigida, 1 rugosus, Hall. White & Wh. Schohar. Grit, L. UHL L Chem U Sandusky ensis,' solenoides,' strigatus,' subtortuosu8,' sulciferus,' Tethys, 1 Conrad, Meek. Hall Winch. Ilall Winch. Billings. Ham. Shales, M. ... Comif. Limest., L.... Ham M Chem U Ham. Shale, M Yellow Sand., M., U. Limest. No. 8, L. Perques (France), Altenahr, Sieben- gebirge. Regnitzlosau (Bavaria) Petherwin, Combe, Altenahr, Schiibel hammer. Menzenberg, Eifel Elbersreuth Eifel Schubelhammer Rammelsberg quarry Singhofen (Eifel, in Avicula Schist)... Vilmar (Nassau) much used in America = to S.vnguix Canandaigua Lake and in SchoharieCo. Delphi, Onondag. Co. (N. Y.) Oneonta (N. Y.) Olean, Catteraugus Co., Porterville, Allegh. Co. (N. Y.) Leo Hook (Cape of Good Hope) Oneonta, Otsego Co., Cayuga and Ca- nandaigua Lakes, &c. Kellogsville, Lebanon (N. Y.) New York (passim) Panama (N. Y.) Genessee, Cayuga Lake (N Eifel Schoharie Village (N. Y.) . Clarence Hollow Phillipsburg, Rockville, Allegh. Co (N. Y.), Chataugueand Cattaraugus Counties, Burlington (Iowa). Schoharie Co., Cayuga and Canandaig. Lakes. Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio) SummitTown, Darien, Ludlowville, &c. PointauxBarques,IIuronCo.(Michig.). York, Livingstone Co. (N.Y.) Little Traverse Bay (Michig.), Bur- | lington (Iowa). Grand Greve, Gaspe (Canada East)... Y.) Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 402. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 71. „ „ 70. Verstein. Nassau, p. 267. Paheont. N. Y. v. pi. 76. » » 51. Leonh.&Br. NeuesJahrb. 1856, p.626. Palceont. D. & Von M. xiii. 206. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 402. Paheont. D. & Von M. xiii. 223. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 402. Verhandl. Vers. xiv. Jahr. &c., p. 162. Bull.Soc. Geol.Fr. n. s.iv. 697 (Vern.) ; Krantz, Verhandl. Ver. xiv. &c. p.150. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiii. 221 : Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 34. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 402. Krantz, Verhandl. xiv. &c. p. 150. Phill. Palaeoz. Foss. Devon, pi. 58. Beitriige &c. iii. 73. Trans. G. S. L.. n. s. vi. 402. D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 81. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ, ii. 300. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 176 : Naumann, Lehrb. p. 383. D'Orb. Prodrome, i. 76. Beitrage &c. iii. 72; Phill. Paheont. Foss. Devon, p. 34. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 402. Beitrage &c. iii. 73. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. 402. Beitrage &c. iii. 73. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 26. ,, Nassau, p. 253. Goldfuss, Foss. German, pi. 159. OLAIIIA. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 37. „ ,, „ 40. „ 13. ). „ » 45. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 37. „ „ „ 38. „ „ „ 36. Proc. Acad. Nat. Se.Philad.1865, p.128. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 43. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 375. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 35. >» >> „ „ „ 44. » n n 3/. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1871, p. 68. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 38. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1 865, p. 128. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 42. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1863, p. 14. Canada Surv. Pal. Foss, part 2, p. 50. Sangtttnolites (continued) 76 [CoNCHIFEBA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. truncatus,’ Hall. undatus,’ Ungeri, Ad. Rom. Schizodus, Kina, 1844. appressus,' Conrad. Cayuga,' Hall. Chemungensis/ Conrad. cuneus,' Hall & W. Devonicus, Vern. deltoideus, Phill. ellipticus,' Hall. gregarius,' ,, oblatus,' ? quadrangularis,' ? rhombeus,' ? trigona, Goldf. tumidus,' Hall. spec, indet., Grewingk. Solen, Linnteus, 1758,= Sole costatus, Sndbrgr. Lustheideii, D’Archiac. pelagicus, Goldf. priscus/ Winchell. vetustus, Goldf. spec, indet., Kayser. Solenella, Sowerby. anti qua, Sharpe. rudis, ,, Solenomya, Lamarck, 1819 ; Devonica, Kyckholdt. vestusta, Meek. Tellina !, Linnceus, 1758. No bicostata, Krantz. clathrata, Ad. Rom. inflata, Goldf. obliqua, ovata.' Hall. Lyonsia. Tellinopsis, Hall, 1869. subemarginata,' Conrad. Ham. Shale, M UHL L., M., U. Chem. Sandst., L. ... Axinus, Sowerby (p Ham M „ Shale, M. Chem U. Ham. Shale, M. Cyprid. Sch., U. Sandst. ...U Ham. Shale, M. . . . ? ? ? ? M. ... UHL L.. Locality. Reference. Schoharie Co. only ? (N. Y.) Elmira(N. Y.) &c.(in soft micac 5 layers) Palaeont. N. Y. \. pi. 80* Kahleberg ” ' ars). Myophoria, Griinewaldt. Pratt’s Falls, Onondag. and Madison Counties (N. Y.). Ogden’s Ferry, Cayuga Lake (N. Y.) Chemung Narrows (N. Y.) Cayuga Lake (N. Y.) Bjlef, near Boureghi (Gov. Novgorod) Baggy Point, Marwood, N. Devonsh Canandaigua Lake (N. Y.) New York (undescribed, but named) . Thetis, Sowerby, 1826. Poromya, Edw. Forbes. ? trigona, Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sandst,, L. Trigonia?, Bruguibre, 1791. No palaeozoic Trigo ! sulcata?, Goldf. L, Trochonema. ' triearinata,' Meek. Cornif. Limest., L.... Vanuxemia, Billings. Subgenus of Cyrtodonta, Spirif. Sands. & Avic. Sch., L. L M.?.. Chem U L Stringoc. Limest., M. Sandstone, M. ... Dorn if. Limest., L. true Tellina in Pa L Ham. Shale, M. Tomkinsi, 1 Billings. Venulites, Schlotheim, 1820. concentrica, Ferd. Rom. Venus, Linnaus, 1758. elevata, Krantz. prisca, Ad. Rom. subglobosa, „ Cornif. Limest., L. . . . Limestone, L., U. ... Spirif. Sandst,, L. ... „ L. ... Stringoc., M., Iberg Limest., U. Ronneberg (Rhen. Pruss.), river Duna (Livonia). Cayuga(CanadaW.), Columbus (Ohio). River Velicaya (Livonia) Singhofen (Eifel) Lustheide (Rhen. Prussia) Eifel U nionBranchCo. (Michig. ),blue shales Menzenberg, Eifel Eifel Leo Hook, Cape of Good Hope Janeia? Eifel, Paffrath (Rhen. Prussia) Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio) ... laeozoic Rocks. — Ferd. Romer. Menzenberg Langenberg (Harz) Kahleberg (in nodules) Kemmenau (Nassau) New York Fultonham, Cayuga, Skeneateles, Ca- nandaig. Lakes, Cumberland Co. (Maryland), Hardy Co. (Virginia). There is no genus Thetis. — Ferd. Kahleberg nia. — Ferd. Burner. Kemmenau by Ems (Nassau) Marblehead (Ohio) Billings, 1858. St. Mary’s, Blanchard Township (Ca- nada W.). Daleiden, Houffalise, Thiiringerwald. Menzenberg Kahleberg, in nodules Weinschenke by Buntebock, Menzen- berg. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 42. Palaeont. N. Y. v. pi. 80. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 26. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 95. if 96. Palseont. N. Y. v. pi. 75. Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ ii. 310. M‘Coy, Br. Pal. Foss. p. 396. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 96. 97. » if if it tt 96. 97. Grewingk, Livonia &c. p. 39. Prelim. Notices, part 2, p. 94. Grewingk, Livonia &c. p. 32 ? Verst. Nassau, p. 252. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 376. 375 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc.Philad. 1862, p.423. Krantz, Verb. Ver. xiv. &c. p. 423 ; Petref. German, pp. 160, 270? Zeitsehrift &c. 1871, p. 363. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 205. Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 51. Journ. Acad. Nat.Sc.Philad. 1871, p.66, Verhandl.xiv. Jahr.NeueFolge, iv.162. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 15. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 25. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 402. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 30. Prelim. Notices, 1869, part 2, p. 88. Romer. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 26. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 400. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1871, p. 82. Canada Journ. n. s. vi. 357 ; Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 375. Richter, Pal. Thiiring. p. 39 ; D’Om. d’Halloy, Precis G6ol. p. 375. Verhandl. Ver. xiv. &c. 162. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 25. Palaeont. D. & Von M. iii. 227 ; Ver- : handl. Ver. xiv. &c. 162. Bkllerophon.] [Hetero-pteropoda. * Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. NHCLEOBRANCHIATA. Group HETERO-PTEROPODA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. Bellerophon, Mont fort, 180 8. Bucania, Hall. Euphemus, M‘Coy. acutus, Mimst., Ad. Rom Iberg Limest., U. ... Elbersreuth, Grund Miinst. Beitriige, iii. 90 ; Verst. Harz, acutilira,' Hall? Ham. SI 1 ....M Hamilton (N. Y.) 1843, p. 32. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 56. alutaceus, Ad. Rom. Clymen. Limest., U... Grund (Harz) Palseont. D. & M. xiii. 230. apertus,' Sow. M Ledbury (Engl. Sil. ?), Eifel, New York Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. armatus, Tern. Marly Limest., M. ? (Vern.). Prussino, riv. Volkhof, Tchudovo ... Helmersen, Beitriige, p. 102. bilobatus, Sow. L.?,M.... Bain Lake (Brittany), Vitr6 (Ille et Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vi. 321. var. acutus, „ tumidus, Sndbrgr. L DiabaseTuff, Pterintea Vilaine). Lauback,\Vinnengen,Daun, Kahleberg, Hutthales, Niederlahnstein. Fachingen, Altenhausen, Holzappel... Ferd. Rom. Pal. D. & M. iii. 16. Verstein. Nassau, p. 177. „ typus, Sch., L. Magwitz, Planschwitz, Singhofen . . . ,, Harz, 1843, p. 32. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 107. >> »> ,, Ct, „ P. >• y. brevilineatus/ Phill.? Phill. Conrad. U Sandstone, L Limest. in Slate, L.... Baggy Point (N. Devon) Meadsfoot (S. Devon) South Petherwin (Cornwall) Ham M New York Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 163. carinatus, Fischer. L Ussinski, Kurgan (Russia) Pacht. Untersuch. 1855, p. 177. Cyrtolites. compressus. Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Limest., L Wessenberg Verstein. Nassau, p. ISO. comu-arietis, cultratus, Cyrtolites. curvilineatus,' L Kemmenau, Podolsk, Stobolinskoi ... Eifel Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 387. D’Orb. M.? Conrad. Schoh.Grit, Onondag. Schoharie Co. and Heklerberg Mounts. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 54. decussatus, Vern., Fleming.. Limest., L. Stringoc. Limest., M.. Depart. La Sarthe (France), Vilmar, Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 181. Delanoue, Rouault. M Oranienstein. Gahard, Ize (Ille et Vilaine) Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 386. dorsualis, Eichw. Marly Limest., M. . . . Boureghi, Staraja-Roussa Lethsea Rossica, ii. 1090. Edouardii, Porcellia. elegans, D’Orb. Eifel ? Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 387. Limestone, M Paffrath (Rhen. Prussia) decussatus. expansus, geniculata, Sow. U Grund Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 32. ? ? Gervillii, globatus, Goldfussi, Goslariensis, Vern. L La Manche (France) Sow. L Tchudova, Grasi, Prussino &c., Pilton, Kaldenberg, Schalke. Eifel Helmersen, Beitriige &c. 1858, p. 102 ; March., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ, ii. 392 ; Ad. Rom. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 32. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 387. Pakeont. D. & M. v. 14. D’Orb. M. . . Ad. Rom. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Kahleberg (Harz), Rammelsberg granoBiis, Hupschii, Hillings. De France. U Chimay (Belgium) Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 387. latefaseiatus, latefasciolatus, Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Sch., L Spirit Sandst., L. ... Wissenbacli (Nassau) Usa-Thal near Bad-Nauheim Verstein. Nassau, p. 178. Palasont. D. & M. xi. 312. leda,' Ilall. Ham M Hamburg, Lake Erie (N. Y.) XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 59. lineatus, Goldf. Stringoc. Limest., M. Nowa Slupia (Poland), Vilmar, Ora- Zeitschr. &c. Berlin, xxi. 207 ; Sndbrgr. lyra,' Hall. Ham. Shales, M nienstein, Paffrath, Newton Bushel, Plymouth. Fultonham (N. Y T .) Verstein. Nassau, p. 179. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 59. macromphalus, Ad. Rdra. Spirit Sandst., L. ... Kahleberg Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 32. macrostoma, „ L. ... Laubach, Unkel „ Nassau, p. 182. Murchisoni, D’Orb. Wissenb. Sch., M. ... Wissenbach Palieont. D. & M. xiii. 225. striatus. L ... Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 387. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 60. Otsegoensis,' Newberryi,' Hall. Ham. Sh....M Otsego and Schoharie Cos. (N. Y.) ... Meek. Cornif. Limest., L.... Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1871, p. 62. Cyrtolites. D’Orb. Col d’Ogassa, Catalonia (Spain) Prodrome, i. 58. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 57. patulus,' Hall. Ham. Sh.. . .M Schoharie Co. and Hamilton, New Pel ops,' Hall. Schohar. Grit, L. ... Berlin (N. Y.). Schohar. Co., Clarence Hollow (N. Y.), ,, „ p. 56. Bucania. plenus,' Billings. Limest. No. 8, L. ... Brownsville (Ohio). Indian Core, Gasp6 (Can. East) Can. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 62. x Belt.erophon (continued).] 78 [HETEBO-rTEROPODA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. Polonicus, Ferd. Rom. primordialis, Schlotb. propinquus,' Meek, quadrilobatus, Salter, radiatus, D’Orb. Porcellia retrorsa. rudis,' Hall. Ssemanni, Rouault, striatus,' D’Arch. & Vern, Black Limestone. . . . Iberg Limest, U. . Comif. Limest., L.. Sandstone, L M lineatus. subcarinatus, subdecussatus, subglobatus, Thalia,' tripartitus, tuberculatus, unisulcata,' Urii,' Ham. Sh....M M Orthoc.L’st.,Stringoc. L’st.,IbergL’st.,L., M., U. Miinst. Vern. M‘Coy. Hall. Ad. Rom. D’Orb. Conrad. Fleming, L., U. ... Ham. Sh. ...M Spirif. Sandst., L. .. Marly L’st., Greenst, Tuff, Stringoc.L’st.. Iberg Limest. Volkhofensis.D’Arch.&Vern Wenlockensis?, Fleming. Woodwardi, Phill. spec, indet., Vern. „ ' D. D. Owen. „ Winchell. ,, Vern. Spirif. S’st. &c., L., U. U. Limestone, M. M. L.. UHG. ... „ Ad. Rom. Bucania, Hall, 1846. trilobata, 1 Dawson. Cleodora, Persoon and Lessi curvata, Ludwig, longissima, striata, ventricosa, Coleoprion, Sandberger, 184 7 brevis, Ludwig, gracilis, Sndbrgr. Conularia, Miller, 1818. acuta, Ad. Rom. Africana, Sharpe. Bodana, Ad. Rom. Brongniarti, D’Arch. &Vern. Byblis,' C. A. White. deflexa-costa, Sndbrgr. elegantula,’ Meek. Gerolsteinensis, D’Arch. & Vern. Gervillei, ,, grandis,' Ferd. Rom. lata,' Hall. Marionensis,’ Swallow. Namurcana, Ryckholdt. Nobleti, Rouault, ornata, D’Arch. & Vern pinnata, Ad. Rom quadrisulcatfi,’ T. M. Hall subparallela, Gervillei. triplica ta, 1 undulata,' spec, indet., ,U. .L.. Dembnic (Silesian Poland) Grund Dublin (Ohio) Warm Bokkeveld (S. Africa) Eifel and Fichtelgebirge (Bavaria) . . . Fultonham (N. Y.) Galiard, Ize (Ille et Vilaine) Linton (Devons.), Torquay, Plymouth, Grund, Thiiringerwald, Bensberg, Vilmar, Oranienstein, Paffrath, Bel- lignies, Davenport (Iowa). Elbersreuth (Franconia) Vire, Calvados (France) Woodabav.Pilton, Marwood. Baggy Pt. York and Pratt’s Falls (N. Y.) Schalke (Harz) Rivs. Vol and Uchta, Paffrath, Goslar. Vilmar, Oranienstein, Planschwitz, Magwitz, Grund, Esneux, Ferussac, State of New York Kahleberg (in nodules), Pilton, Baggy Point (Michigan). Prussino on river Volkhof . Newton Bushel (S. Devons.) ...M. ...L.. ...L.. ...L.. ...L.. Wissenb. ...M Oriskany Sandst., L. ng, 1810. Spirif. Sandst., L. .. „ L. .. „ D. .. L. .. Cramenzel Gr p , U... Spirif. S'st., Stringoc Limest., L., M. Iberg Limest., U. Sandstone, L Iberg Limest., U. .. L Chem. Sh., U Stringoc. Limest., M. Cornif. Limest., L Limestone, M Grauwacke, L., M Ham. Clay & Sand, M, Oriskany Sandst., L. Ham. Sh — M U Schist Calceol M. ... M. ... Sch., M. L., U. Vir6 (Calvados) Rockingham (Iowa) Michigan Guadalperal, Vallenegrillo (Spain) La-Sarthe Department (France) ... Kanlydja (the Bosphorus) Ziegenberg Teiche, Festenberg (Harz) Nova Scotia Oppershofen (Wetterau) Burg-Solms on the riv. Lahn (Nassau). Oppershofen F. Rom. Geol. Upper Silesia, p. 37. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 31. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. p. 78. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 205. „ ser. 2, vi. 387. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 57. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 385. Verst. Nassau, p. 178 ; Verst. Harz, 1843, p. 32 ; Pal. Foss. Dev. p. 106 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 693. Beitrage &c. iii. 90. Bull. Soc. G($ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 778. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 387. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 60. Palseont. D. & M. xiii. 221. Lethcea Ross. ii. 1089 ; Verst. Nassau, p. 181 ; Pakeont. D. & M. iii. 33 ; Siluria, ed. 4, p. 399. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 103. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 32; Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. iv. 693 ; Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 106. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 387. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 106. „ „ p. 107. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 779. Geol. Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 624. Geol. Rep. Michig. 1861, p. 65. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1015. D’Arch. Paleont. de France. Prince Tchihatch. Travels Asia Minor, Appendix, p. 30. Palceont. D. & M. iii. 80. Canad. Natural, v. 140. Palaeont. D. & M. xi. 323. ” 322. „ 323. Mandersbach, Pauschenberg Miihle . . . Coblenz, Niederlahnstein, Kemmenau, Singbofen (Avic. Sch.), Kahleberg. Grund Cedarberg (Cape of Good Hope).. Rubeland (Harz) Nehou (La Manche) Burlington sandstone, Hickman Co. (bitumen shales). Vilmar (Nassau) Delaware (Ohio) Eifel Sndbrgr. Swallow. Hall. Sharpe. Vern. Swallow. Etheridge ? Spirif. Sandst., L. . . Ham. Sh....M ...M Sandstone, L. L. Ham. Sh M. Limestone, M. Nehou, Kemmenau, Galiard Cazenovia, West N. Y. (passim) Schoharie Co., Helderb. Mounts. (N.Y.) Hannibal &c. (Missouri) .. Namur province (Belgium) Gahard (Ille et Vilaine) .. Eifel and Refrath Harz (north-west) FrankmarshQuarry(U.), Cape of Good Hope (L.). Kemmenau, Condethal, Oppershofen Hannibal &c., Marion Co. (Missouri). Cherry valley, Solsville, Bridgewater, Cazenovia, &c. Cedarberg (Cape of Good Hope) Les Courtoisieres (La Sarthe) ... Pike Co. (Missouri) 322. Nassau, p. 247. Verstein Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 36. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. Pakeont. D. & M. xiii. 212. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 187. Boston Nat.-Hist. Soc. ix. 22 ; Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad. xii. 257. Verstein. Nassau, p. 243. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1871, p. 85, Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 387. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 786. Bronn, Lethaea Geogn. i. 436. Pakeont. N. Y. iii. 479. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 657. Melang. Pal. pt. 2, p. 201. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 386. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 387. Palajont. D. & M. iii. 75, xiii. 223. Quart. Jouru. G. S. L. ix. 1, For. Mem. xxiii. 397. Verstein. Nassau, p. 243. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 657- XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 62. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 779. Geol. Rep. Missouri, i. 178. Ilfracombe, Haggington (N. Devons.). iQuart, Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 641. Cyrtolites.] 79 [Hetero-pteropoda . Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. Cyrtolites, Conrad, 1838. Boblayei, Rouault. ? expansus,' Hall, mitellus,' „ pileolus, 1 „ Maclurites or Maclurea, Barrandei, Vern, spec, indet., „ PorceUia, Leveille, 1835. A armata, Vern. calceola, Ad. Rtirn. Hercynica, ,, ? obliqua-noda,' W. & W. parvula, Miinst. Bellerophon. retrorsa, Miinst. ? striata, Phill. ? Symondsii, „ tuberculosa, Geinitz Woodwardii, Pugiunculus, Barrande, 184 faseiculatus, Sndbrgr. ligeus,' Hall rimulosus, Sndbrgr. subsequalis, Salter, unguiformis, Sndbrgr. spec, indet.,' Meek. ,, Sndbrgr. M Oriskany Sandst., L. Ham. Sh....M M Emmons, 1843. L M flattened Pleurotoma M.? Calceola Limest., M.. Wissenb. Sch., M. ... Chem. Sandst., U. ... U L.,M. ... U M. .. 7. Theca, Sharpe Orthoc. Scb., L UHL L Orthoc. Sch., L Ferrug. Sand., L, .. Orthoc. Sell., L Dark Shale, M Spirif. Sandst., L. .. M Gahard Albany and Schoharie Cos Cazenovia, Madison Co. (N. Y.) Hamilton village, Pratt's Falls (N. Y.) Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. viii. 373. Palieont. N. Y. iii. 479. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 61. Brulon (La Sarthe) Rittberg (Upp. Silesia), Olmutz (Sow. ria, I)’ Orbigny. Tschudovo,r.Volkhof,Prussino(Russ.). Festenberg Ilsenburg, Klosterholz Burlington (Iowa).... Elbersreuth Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 779. ) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. vii. 155. Jolva near Bogoslofsk (Altai), Thu- ringia, Eifel. Meadsfoot, Torquay Pilton, Barnstaple, &c. (N. Devons.).. Tegau by Scbleiz (Saxony) Meadsf oot, Torquay, Belgium (U.Dev.) 184(5. Hyolites, Eichwald, 1840. Wissenbach (Nassau) Clarence Hollow (N. Y.) Wissenbach Warm Bokkefeld (in nodules) Wissenbach Liard-river mouth, river M'Kenzie, N.N.W. Amer. Lahnstein, Oppershofen (in nodules) . Gahard (Ille et Vilaine) MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 392. Palasont. D. & M. xiii. 205. „ 208. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. ix. 21. Beitrage &c. iii. 84. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 392. Etheridge, MS. Catal. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 628. Verst. G.wacke Form. Saxony, ii. 86. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 107. Verstein. Nassau, p. 225. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 62. Paloeont. D. & M. xi. 312. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vii. 205. Verstein. Nassau, p. 244. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 69 ? Verstein. Nassau, p. 246. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. Subkingdom HOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class GASTEROPODA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Acroculia, Phillips, 1841. Capulus, Montfort, aequilateralis,' Hall. U Ammon,' Cornif. Limest., L.... Argo, 1 ,, UHL L attenuata,' Meek. Cornif. Limest., L., Ham. Sh„ M. Braunii major, btieculenta,' Miinst. Clvmen. Limest., U. Hall. Ham. Shale, M callosa,' Orisk. Sand., L canalifera, U carinata,' Hall. UHL., Ham., L., M. cassidea,' D’Arch. & Vern. Grauwacke, L cirriformis/ concava,' ? Hall. UHL L compressa, Goldf. Iberg Limest., L., U. conica,' Hall. UIIL., Ham., L., M. conoidea,' D’Orb. M contorta,' crassa,' Ad. Rom. M.? Winchell. UHL L cymbium,' Hall. „ L Delahayi, Rouault. M dentalium,’ Hall. UHL L Locality. Reference. 1810. Pileopsis, Lamarck , 1822. Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, Canev- Fork Falls, Missouri. Darien(N.Y.),PortColborne(Can.W.). Williamsville (N. Y.) Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, Genessee ; Moscow (N. Y.), Columbus (Ohio). Schiibelhammer, Geiser York, Moscow (N. Y.) Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Schubelhammer Sylvania (Helderberg Mountains), 18- mile Creek ; Darien, Pavilion, Ca- nandaig. and Seneca Lakes (N. Y.). Kemmeuau, Houlfalize, Guadalperal &c., Nehou, Pratt’s Falls (N. Y.). New York Williamsville (N. Y.) Grund, Eifel, Guadalperal (L. Spain). Darien (N. Y.) Eifel Scheerenstieg (Harz) A lbany and Schoharie Counties ( N . Y. ). Clarence Hollow (N. Y.) Gahard (Ille et Vilaine, Fr.) Williamsville, Buffalo and West New York (passim). 71, P Platyceras, Conrad, 1843. Amer. Journ. Sci. xxxii. 174. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 37. „ „ „ 39. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 18' 71 ; Contrib. to Pal. 1861, p. Beitrage &c. v. 121. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 33. Pala'ont. N. Y. iii. 478. Beitrage &c. iii. 82. Contrib. to Pal. 1861, p. 5. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1002;' Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 390. XIV. Rep. RegentsN.Y. Append. p. 103. XV. „ „ p. 31. Pala'ont. D. &M. xiii. 230, &c. ; Verst. Harz, 1843, p. 26. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 31. Goldf. Pctref. Germ. iii. p. 8. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 26. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 36. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 385. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. Append, p.29. Acroculia ( continued ).'] 80 [Gasteropoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Dumontiana, Ryckholdt. Limestone, U dumosa, 1 Conrad. Cornif. Limest., L.... var. rarispina,' „ „ L.... echinata,' Hall. Tuily Limest., M. ... erecta,' » UHL., M....L., M.... fornicata,' L Gebliardi,' Conrad. Orisk. Sand., L gracilis, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. hectica, Ryckholdt. (Clay) U.? haliotis, D’Orb. M Hericarti, Rouault. M lineata, Goldf. ? Vern. L magnifica,' Hall. Oriskany Sandst., L. multispinosa,' nodosa,' Meek. Cornif. Limest., L.... Conrad. Oriskany Sandst., L. nonoplecta, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. ornata, Ad. Rom. Limestone, M patula,' Hall. Orisk. Sand., L prisca, Goldf. M.? procumbens. Ryckholdt. psittacina, reflexa,' Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. Hall. Orisk. Sandst., L. ... robusta ?, scalaris, Barrande. L Rouault. L.? sigmoidalis, Phill. M. ? sinuosa, Ad. Rom. lberg Limest., U. ... subnodosa/ Hall. Orisk. Sandst., L. .. subrecta, ' UHL L substriata, subplicata,' Miinst. U M. & W. ? subundat.a,' Conrad. Orthonuchia. sulcata,' Conrad. symmetrica,' Hall. UnL., Ham., L., M. Thetis,' 11 „ „ L„ M. tortuosa,' 11 Oriskany Sandst., L. trigona, Goldf. Iberg L’st. &c., M., U. triloba, Phill. M., U. ... Miinst. U ventricosa,' Conrad. Oriskany Sandst., L. vetusta,' Zinkeni, Sow. M„ U. ... Ad. Rom. Black Limest., L. ... spec, indet., Catanstoma, G M . Sandberqer , 1853. clathratum, G. Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. Chiton, Linnceus , 1758. cordiformis, Sndbrgr. M corrugatus, Stringoc. Limest., U. fasciatus, ,, „ M. levigatus, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... prisons, Sndbrg r. nonMiinst. M Sandbergensis, Rvckh. Stringoc. Limest., M. sagittalis, Sndbrgr. „ M. subgranosus, ,, M. tumidus, spec, nova, De Koninck. U Limestone, M Sandst. & Plants, M. Cirrus, Sowerby, 1818. acutus, Sow. M Locality. Reference. Helderberg Mountains, Oneida, Onon- daga (N.Y.) Moscow, Ludlowville, Ovid (N.Y.)... Villiamsville, Buffalo, Moscow, York, Darien (all in western N. Y.). Melang. Pal. p. 33. Worthen, Rep. Illinois, i. 146. ii. p.xiv. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 38. XIV. 3. Append.p.103. Illinois. (Ille et Vilaine, Fr.) and Schoharie Counties (N. Y.) Eifel. Lake (N. Y.). [oscow, York, and in Ontario and Albany Counties. outh Illinois, and Ontario and i bany Counties. Schubelhammer Cumberland (Maryland) Plymouth, Torquay, Newton Bishop, Ilfracombe, Adscombe, Croyde, Top Orchard, Pilton, Braunton, Eifel, Schubelhammer, New York, Tour- nai (Belg.), Whitwell, Yorkshire (carboniferous in both places). Scheerenstieg Gahard (France) XV. ,, • „ p. 35. Hall, Palseont. N. Y. iii. 474 ; Wor- then, Geol. Rep. Illinois, ii. p. xii. Verstein. Nassau, p. 236. Melang. Pal. 2nd part, p. 190. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 385. ,, „ „ 358. Petrefact. German, iii. 13. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 778. Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 476. Proc. Acad.Nat.Sc.Philad. 1871, p. 73. Logan, Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 361. Beitrage &c. vi. 121. Verstein. Harz, 1843. p. 27. Paheont. N. Y. iii. 477. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 160, xiv. 365 ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. ix. 390. Melanges Pal. 2nd part, p. 190. Verstein. Nassau, p. 236. Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 477. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 779. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 200. Palaeoz. Foss. Devon &c. p. 94. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 33. Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 474. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 29. Beitrage &c. iii. 82. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1866, p. 265. XIV. Rep. RegentsN. Y. Append.p. 130. XV. „ „ p. 34. Contrib. to Pal. 1861, p. 4. Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 472 ; Geol. Illi- nois, ii. p. xii. Palseont. D. & Von M. xiii. 230 ; Ver- stein. Harz, 1843, p. 26. Geol. Yorkshire, ii. tab. 14. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 390. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. iii. 475. Phill. Palaeoz. Foss. Devon, p. 93; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 390. Vilmar, Paffrath (Koln) Grund Vilmar Grund . . . Harz . . . Belgium Vilmar . . . Verst. Harz, 1843, p. 27. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 390. Verstein. Nassau, p. 207. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 32 ; Geologist 1861, p. 222. Verstein. Nassau, p. 238. Paheont. D. & Von M. xiii. 230. Geologist, 1861, p.224. Verstein. Nassau, p. 239. ? Geologist, 1861, p. 224. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Brit. Grund Plymouth (S. Devonsh.) Thuringia Zeitschrift &c. Berlin, xxi. p. 389. Vilmar, Bielef (Russia) Murch., Vern. & Keyserl. Geol. Russ. I ii. 58. Cirrus (continued). ~\ 81 [Gasteropoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Leonardi, D’ Arch. & V ern. rotundatus, var., spinosus, Goldf. spec, indet., Vern. Cyclonema, Hall, 1852. crenulata,' Meek. Hamiltonii,' Hall, lirata,' „ multilirata,' „ Delphinula, Lamarck, 1804. subarmata, Sndbrgr. Dentalium, Linn ts us, 1870. aciculatum,' Hall. M M Stringoc. Limest,., M. L.,M. ... Cornif. Limest., L.. Ham. Shale, M. „ M. M. annulatum, antiquum, Sndbrgr. Goldf. Ad. Rom. arenarmm, Ibergense, „ navicanum, Ryckholdt Saturni. Iloninghaus. striatum, „ MSS. subcanahculatum, Sndbrgr. tceniolatum, „ spec, indet., Kayser. Deshayesia, Raulin, 1844. I Rauliniana, Ryckh, Euomphalus, Sowerby, 1814. acuticostatus, Sndbrgr sequalis, annulatus, archiacus, articulatus, Belgicus, Bronni, Canadensis,' circularis, clymenoides,' concavus, Conradi,' crassitesta, cyclostoma,' De Cewi,' decussatus, delphinuloides, Eboracensis,' ellipticus ?, Phill. Goldf. DOrb. H. le Hon. Goldf. Billings. Phill. HaU. Ad. Rom. Hall. Tietze. Hall. Billings. Sndbrgr. Goldf. Hall. Schloth. ,, Miinst. Goldfussii, D’Arch. & Tern granulatus, Miinst. heliciformis, „ helicinus, „ Labadyei, D’Arch. & Vern. la; vis,' „ laxus,' Hall, Letestu, Rouault, pentangulatus, Phill., Sharpe, piano-discus,' Hall? planorbis, D’Arch. & Vern. qualterius, Schloth var., D’Arch. & Vern radiatus, Phill. Horizon. Paffrath (Rhenish Prussia) „ Bensberg,Vilmar,Gerolstein,&c. Ottrada, Tschudova (Russia) Cazenovia (N. Y.) Chenango Co. (N. Y.) Smyrna (N. Y.) Stringoc. Limest., M. Marcell. Sh., M., Go- niatite Limest. ?, U. Stringoc. Limest., M. Givet Limest., M. ... Spirif. Sand., L Iberg Limest., U. ... M.? M M. ? Stringoc. Limest., M. „ M. Crinoid Sch., M. ... Limestone, M Naticella, Gratelo M Cirrus ?, Sow., 18 Cyprid.Sch., Stringoc. Limest., L. U. IT Stringoc. Limest., M. M Givet Limest., M. Stringoc. Limest., M. M Cornif. Limest., L.... M Schohar. Grit, L. Calceol. Sch., M. ... UHL L U Ham., Calc. Shale, M. Cornif. Limest., L. . . . Stringoc. Limest., M. M Ham. Shales, M Vilmar. Manlius &c. (N. Y.) Vilmar River Berwine (Belg.), Eifel Schalke (Harz) Grund Petignies (Namur) Paffrath, Eifel Eifel Vilmar, Eifel (Dr. Kayser) Locality unknown Eifel Paffrath up, non Munster. Nisme, Namur (Belg.l 18. Straparollus, Mont fort. Greenstone Tuff . Orthoc. Limest., U... Limestone, M Clymen. Limest., U.. Limestone, U „ U Stringoc. & Clymenia Limest., M., U. Stringoc. Limest., M. Cornif. Limest., L.... M Limestone, U Goniat. Limest., U.... Iberg Limest., U. ... M M Givet Limest., M. ... retrorsus, Ad. Rom. Orthoc. and Wissenb. Sch., L. ? rota, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. Vilmar Locality. Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio) Reference. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 389. >» »> »» Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 208. MVK. Geol. Russ. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1871. p. 71. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 47. „ „ „ 48. Verstein. Nassau, p. 215. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. 107. Verstein. Nassau, p. 241. Horion & Ryckh. Bull. Soc. GSol. n. s. xvii. GO. Paheont. D. & M. v. 13. ,, „ 36, xiii. 230. Melang. Pal. part 2, p. 198. Goldf. Petref. German, p. 3. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 390. Verstein. Nassau, p. 240. „ „ 241. Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 368. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 390. Fr. Melang. Pal. part 2, p. 201. Ina chus, Hisinger. Oberscheld, Gerolstein Verstein. Nassau, p. 210. Etroeungt, Sains (Fr.) Vilmar, Eifel, Paffrath, Newton Bush. Eifel Vise (Belg.), Oberkunzendorf (D Dames). Nisme (Belg.) Eifel Haldimand Co. (Can. West) Newton Bushell Schoharie Co. (N. Y T .) Bockwiese Central and Western N. York (passim) Ebersdorf (Saxony) Pine Creek, Fairport, New Buff. (Iowa) Haldimand Co. ( C.W.),Sylvania(Ohio) Vilmar Paffrath 18-mile Creek, York, Erie, and Otsego Cos. (N.Y.). Magwit.z (Saxony), Corneli-Munster in Bergischen. Elbersreuth Paffrath, Lustheide, Eifel Schubelbammer, Gattendorf, Elbers- reuth. Elbersreuth Paffrath, Ebersdorf ,, Vilmar Scholl. Co., 18-m. Creek, Alden (N. Y.) Gahard (France) Ferques (Boulonnais) Manlius (N. Y.) Vilmar, Paffrath, Grund Chimay, Paffrath Refrath River Berwine (Belg.), Fiennes (Fr.), Hagginton, Chamberscombe, Ply-1 mouth, &e. Zeigenberg Teiche, Klosterholz Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum). Pakeoz. Foss. Devon, p. 138 ; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 211. Petrefact. Germ. iii. 82. Horion & Ryckh. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xvii. 60. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xvii. 492. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 81. Canad. Journ. vi. 359. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 94. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 54. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 74, xiii. 323. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 107. Palaeont. D. & Z. xix. 140. Hall & Whitn. Rep. Iowa, p. 516. Can. Nat. n. s. vi. 358. Verstein. Nassau, p. 210. Museum Teyler. p. 67. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 55. Geinitz, Verst. G.wacke Saxony, p. 43 Miinst. Beitrage &c. v. 122. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 389. Beitrage &c. iii. 86. „ 85. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 389. Verstein. Nassau, p. 213. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 54. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. iv. 321. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 235. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 109. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 37, xiii. 231. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 363. Horion & Ryckh. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xvii. 60. Palreont. D. & M. iii. 15, xiii. 208; Verstein. Nassau, p. 213. „ „ p. 212. y Euomphaltts ( continued ).] 82 [Gasteropoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. rotula, Goldf. Schnurei, D’Arch. & Yern, serpens, Phill. Givet Limest., M. ... Limestone, M. ... L.,M.,U. Esneux, Ayesnes, Bas-Boulonnais serpula, serpuloides, Porcellia retrorsa, spiralis, striatus, subalatus, subcarinatus, trigonalis, Verneuilii, Voronejensis, De Koninck, Richter, Miinst, Vern. Miinst. Goldf. Yern Stringoc. &Iberg L’st., M„ U. Limest. blocks, U. ... Orthoc. Limest., M. ? „ „ M.? L Paflrath, Eifel, Belgium Magwitz, Meadsfoot, Newton, Braun- ton, Goodleigb, &c. Paffratb, Yilmar, Grund Tkiiringerwald Elbersreutb D’Arcb. Paleont. de France ; Bull, de Lille, 1871, p. 293. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 390. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 94. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 214. Leonh. &Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, p.625. .U. Upp. String. L’st., M. M. ... L., U. Walilenbergii, spec, indet., Goldf. Sndbrgr. Sharpe. Abich. Helcyon, Mont fort, 1840. discoidea, D'Orb primogenia, „ spec, indet., Vern Holopea, Hall, 1842. macrostoma, ’ Hall, HolopeUa, MCoy, 1852. absoluta, Grewingk ? moniliformis, Ad. Rom. piligera, Sndbrgr. tenuicostata, ,, tenuisulcata, „ spec, indet., Tietze. „ Grewingk. Isonema, Meek and Worthen, depressum,' M. & W. humile,' „ Littorina, Ferussac, 1821. alata, Sndbrgr. Bainii,- Sharpe, lirata, Sndbrgr. macrostoma, „ Nismensis, H. le Hon. Givet Limest., M. U Green clayey L’st. ?. . Patella, Linn&us. U M L Les Courtoisieres (La Sarthe) ... Elbersreuth Paflrath, St. Petersburg (Silurian) ... Eifel Govt. Voroneje, Kirkholm, Pskow valleys of the Duna and Velicaya (Livonia). Ferrieres (Belgium) Steinlache (Weilburg) Ferques (Boulonnais) Armenia Elbersreuth Paflrath Departement La Sarthe (France). Ham M Grey Dolomite, M.... Wissenb. Sch., L. ... Stringoc. Limest., M. Cyprid. Sch., U Stringoc. ...M Clymen. Limest., U... purpura, D’Arch. & Vern. | subrugosa, Sndbrgr. Loxonema, Phill., 1841. adpressum, angulosum, antiquum, bellatulum,’ biangulatum, compressum, costatum, Cotteranum,' Delphicola,’ deperditum, funatum, fusiforme, Hamiltoni,' Hebe, Hennahianum,' humile, imbricatum, impressum, Kaupii, lceve, laevissimum, linctum, Ad. Rom. D’Orb. Hall. D’Orb. Goldf. Billings. Hall. D’Orb. Ad. Rom. Hall. D’Orb. Phill. Ad. Rom. Sow. D’Orb. Ad. Rom. D’Orb. Phill. 1865. Subgenus of Ham M Cornif. Limest., L.... Stringoc. Limest., M. Sandstone, L Stringoc. Limest., M. .. „ M. » >. M. M. „ „ M. Chemnitzia, the labru Iberg Limest., U. ... Spirif. Sandst., L. ... U UHL L U M„ U. ... Stringoc. Limest., M. Cornif. Limest., L.... Ham. Shale, M M Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Iberg Limest., U. Ham. Shales, M. ... M. ? Givet Limest. &c., L., M. Iberg Limest., U. ... „ U. ... u Pratt’s Falls, Madison Co. (N. Y.) ... Lower valleys of river Velicaja and Duna (Livonia). Hsenberg (Harz) Vilmar (Nassau) Drommershausen (red ironst.), Ober- scheld (ferruginous). Vilmar Ebersdorf Lower Duna valley (Livonia) . . . Holopea. White Sulphur Springs (Ohio) Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio) ... Vilmar Cape of Good Hope (S. Africa) Vilmar Nisme (Belgium) ,, Vilmar Vilmar m having a posterior sinus and being Grund, Macon Kahleberg Elbersreuth Ohio Regnitzlosau (Bavaria) Eifel, Elbersreuth Vilmar, Weilburg (red ironst.), Ply- mouth, Newton. Dunn, Lake Erie (N.E. shore) Delphi (N. Y.) Eifel ‘ Rammelsberg (Harz) Grund Seneca and Cayuga Lakes (N. Y.) ... Eifel Torquay, Plymouth, Givet, Fiennes, Vire, Kanlydja, Arnaout-koi, Falls river Ohio. Grund Iberg Limest., U. ... U Limestone, M Ferques (N. France) . Gehiiuse Grund Ferques Barton (S. Devonsh.) Beitrage &c. iii. 85. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 779. Beitrage &c. iii. 85. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 390. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 84. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, pp. 39, 40 ; Pacht. Untersuch. p. 103. Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum). Verstein. Nassau, p. 532. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 251. Mem. Ac. Sci. St. Petersb. ser. 6, vii. 438. Goldf. Petref Germ. iii. 4. „ „ 6 . Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 779. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 49. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, map. Palseont. D. & M. xiii. 208. Verstein. Nassau, p. 228. „ p. 227. „ p. 228. Palaeont. D. & Z. xix. 142. Geol. Livonia und Courland, p. 40. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1865, p.251. , „ 1871, p. 79. Verstein. Nassau, p. 219. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vii. 205. Verstein. Nassau, p. 220. „ p. 221. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xxvii. 492 ? Verstein. Nassau, p. 221. „ p. 220. prolonged forwards, D' Orhigny. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 30; Gosselet, MSS. 1870 (mecum). Palaeont. D. &M. iii. 3, xiii. 221. Miinst. Beitrage, iii. 88. XIV. Rep. Reg. N. Y. Append, p. 104. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 104. Miinst. Beitrage, iii. 89. Murch. Silur. Syst. pi. 3 ; Sandberger, Verst. Nassau, p. 23. Can. Journ. n. s. vi. 360. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 52. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 110. Palaeont. D. & M. v. 14. ,, iii. 35. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 53. Petref. Germ. iii. 110. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 99 ; Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. vii. 779; Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1218. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 34, xiii. 231. „ xiii. 231. Prodrome, i. 63. Goldf Petref Germ. iii. 110. Pahront. D. & M. xiii. 231. Prodrome, i. 63. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 100. Loxoneha ( continued ).] 83 [Gasteropoda. Genus, Species, and Author. lineolatum, Ad. Rom. microtrichum, ,, minutum, „ multiplicatum, „ nexile,' Phill. & Vern. oblique-arcuatum, Sndbrgr. ovatum, Ad. Rom. pennatum,' Hall, pexatum,' „ Phillipsii, Ad. Rom. Horizon. Iberg Limest., U. „ U. „ U. L.? .. Limestone, L., M., U. Spirit. Sandst., L. Iberg Limest., U. UHL L...... , L Iberg Limest., U. Grund . ponti, Turritella. prieteritum, ranelheforme, reticulatum, robustum,' rugiferum, sinuosum, sohdum,' subangulatum, subattenuatum,' subfusiforme, subobsoletum, subulatum, terebra, teres, trochleatum, tumidum, vittatum, spec, indet., D’Orb. Phill. Ad. Rom. Phill. Hall. Phill. Hall. D’Orb. Hall. Ad. Rom. ? D’Orb. Ad. Rom. Limestone, M. . . Iberg Limest., U. Stringoc. Limest., M. Sclioh. Grit, L M„ U. U. Schoh. Grit, L.. D'Orb. Phill. Ad. Rom. Boniss. Macrocheilus, Phillips, 184 aculeatus, Schloth. acutus, Sow. arculatus, Phill. .M. Schoh. Grit, L Iberg Limest., U. North-west Harz Zeigenberger Teiche, Wissenbach Ohio Falls, Snake Island, Winne- pagosis Lake, Rupert’s Land, New York, Wisconsin, Ferques, Newton, Petherwin, Schubelhainmer. Niederlahnstein Grund Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) New York and Ohio (passim) Grund, Vise, Petherwin Eifel Torquay, Chudleigh, &c. (S. Devons.) . Grund Vilmar, Gerolstein, Newton Bushel ... Schoharie Co. (N. Y T .). Boureghi, U ssinski-Kurgan , Brushford . Stringoc. Limest., M. Iberg Limest., U. U. ... U. ... Clymen. Limest., U... Iberg Limest., U. ... L 1 . Buccinum, La Limestone, M. ... „ M. ... Stringoc. Limest., M.. 4 varieties — elongatum , ca rinatum, torosum, ven- tricosum. brevis, Phill. var., D’ Arch. & Vern. Row. Phill. Hall. Sow. Hall. Sow. Hall. Bonissent. Phill. D’Orb. Ad. Roin. Charmelaise, elongatus, Hamiltoni,' harpula, hebe,’ imbricatus, macrostoma, ’ Murchisoni, neglectus, oceani, ovatum, Schlotheimia,D’Arch.&Vern, spinosus, Sow. ? subelathratus, Sndbrgr. ventricosus, Goldf. vetustus, Lamarck. Melania, Lamarck, 1801. arcuata, Miinst. limnaris, Braun. prisca, „ rugifera, Pusch. striatula ?, Miinst. Michelia, Adolf Homer, 186 abbreviata, Ad. Rom. cylindrica, „ depressa, ,, distracta, „ exaltata, „ Limestone, M M M M Sh....M M Ilam.,Goniat., M.,U Cyprid. Sch., U Ham. Limest., M. .. ..L Ham U Stringoc. Limest., M. Limestone, M M Stringoc. Limest., M Limestone, M U Locality. S. Petherwin Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) Eifel Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) Grund Friederichshall (Wirtemberg) Lehrbach, Clausthal, Oberscheld (fer- ruginous limestone). Grund Geiser (Bavaria) Elbersreuth, Marxgriiner (Saxony) ... Petherwin (Corn wall), Carb. elsewhere. Grund La Manche (France) march. Nisme, Couvin Stonehouse Hill, Carb. elsewhere Nisme(Belgium), Boussieres, Paffrath Newton (S. Devons.). Dark Clym. L’st., U. Clymen. Limest., U.. Orthoc. Limest., U. . . U Clymen. Limest., U. . Calceol. Sch., M „ M „ M „ M „ M Bradley, Newton, Plymouth Paffrath Gahard, Ize, St. Aubin (Illeet Vilaine) Newton (S. Devons.) Hamilton (N. Y.) Bradley, Plymouth Manlius (N. Y.) Bradley, Newton Pratt’s Falls, Madison Co. (N. Y.) .. La Manche (France) Brushford (N. Devonsh.) Eifel Vilmar, Grund Newton, Paffrath Plymouth Vilmar Plymouth, Gerolstein (Eifel) Chenciny, Kielce (Russian Poland).. Elbersreuth Thuringerwald, Geiser (Bav.), Schii- belhammer. Elbersreuth Boureghi, Lake Ilmen, Brushford ... Elbersreuth Rammelsberg (Harz). Bochweise „ Rammelsberg „ Reference. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 87, xiii. 231. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 31. Palseont. D. & M. iii. 36, xiii. 231 . „ „ 16 . Foster & Whitn. Report L. Superior ; Hinde’s Exped. Rupert’s L. ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n.s. iv.695; Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 99. Verstein. Nassau, p. 231. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 35, xiii. 231. XIII. Rep. Reg. N. Y. p. 105. XIV. „ Append, p. 104.: Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 30; Gosselet, MS. 1870 (rnecum). Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 103. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 100. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 15, xiii. 231. Verstein. Nassau, p. 231. Palseont. Foss. Devon, p. 101 ; Eichw. Lethaea Rossica, p. 1116. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 388. XV. Rep. Regents N. York, p. 51. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 109. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 52. Palaeont. D. & M. xiii. 231. Murcli. Silur. Syst. pi. 3. Palseont. D. & M. iii. 35, xiii. 231. Miinst. Beitrage &c. v. 122. „ „ iii. 38. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 388. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 36. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 200. D’Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 576. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 104. Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum) ; Horion & Ryckh. Bull.S.G. Fr. n. s. xvii. 60; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 287. Museum Teyler. p. 72. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 103. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 387- Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 383. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 104. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 49. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 105. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 48. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 104. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 49. Mdm. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 200. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 105. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 29. Verstein. Nassau, p. 234. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. „ „ 356. Verstein. Nassau, p. 252. M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 399. Hempel, Ann. des Mines. Beitrage &c. iii. 83. „ v.22; Leonh.&Br.Neues Jahrb. 1856, p. 625. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 390. Murch.,Vern.&Keys.Geol.Russ.ii.390. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 390. Ad. Rom. Pal. D. & M. xiii. 223. Monodonta.] 84 [Gasteropoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. Monodonta, Lamarck, 1801. purpurea, D’Arch. Murchisonia, D'Archiac and M. Vemeuil, 1841. Paffrath anglica, angulata, DOrb Phill. M., U. ... Slate, Limest., M., U. var. a, D’Arcli. & Vern. Limestone, M bigranulosa, ,, Stringoc. Limest., M. var. a , Limestone, M „ b , bilineata, ,, M Goldf. Cornif. Limest., Givet Limest., L., M. var. a , binodosa, D’Arch. & Vern. Limestone, M Ad. Rom. L bistriata, Iberg L’st., Greenst. Tuff, U. brevis, D’Orb. Stringoc. Limest., M.. contraria, U. . .. coronata, D’Arch. & Vern. M„ U. ... Petherwin, Brushford &c Torquay, rivers Lenne, Vohde, Agger (Rhenish Prussia), Belgium. Paffrath, Bradley (S. Devons.) Nisme, Couvin, Halloy, Weipper- feld, Boussois, Ize, Campbell Creek (Indiana). Nehou, Paffrath Lustheide Grund, Magwitz (or M. bistricta) turbinata. var. a, decorata, desiderata,' dispar, gemmata, grandceva, hebe,’ Hercynica, Pacht. Hall M'Coy. Phill. D’Orb. Billings. Ad. Rom. intermedia, D’Arch. & Yern. var. a, „ b, leda,' maia,' mucro,' spinosa, striatula, HaU. Winchell. Phill. Koninck ? tricarinata, Ad. Rom. tricincta, Phill. Schizostoma, Miinst. turricula,' Hall, spec, indet., Ilelmers. „ Kayser. ,, Etheridge. Murex, Linn&us, 1767. harpula, Sow. Natica, Adanson, 1757. annulata, Ad. Riim. antiqua, Goldf. M Dolomite UHL. or Cornif. L’st. L. Limestone, U „ M M No. 8 Limestone, L.. Iberg Limest., U. .. Stringoc. Limest., M. „ M. „ M. UHL L L Ham M. ... Limestone, M. ... Marly Schist, M. Iberg Limest., U. M., U. Buchenberg (Harz) Schiibelkammer (Bavaria) Paffrath. Weipperfeld, Iserlohn, Sote- nich, Hagen, Nisme (Namur), Corn- St. Henri (Hainault), Munchen- muhle, &c. Paffrath Lower Duna valley (Livonia) Ohio Falls (Kentucky) Ebersdorf Newton Bushel (S. Devonsh.) .... 'Eifel Indian Cove, Gaspe (Can. East) . Grund Paffrath, La Manche (Bonissent). Ham M. M. Upper Calceola, M Limestone, M. New York Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan). Plymouth, Bradley Ieletz (Russia) Grund Newton, Elbersreuth . Naticopsis, M'Coy. Iberg Limest., U. ... Limestone, M New York Ieletz, Kon-kolodes Eifel Hagginton (N. Devons.) .. See Macrocheilus Ampullaria, Sowerby. Iberg (Harz) Ferques, Eifel Ausavensis, Steining. Cotentina, D’Orb. discus, Ad. Ruin, efossa, excentrica, var. coronata, inflata, interstrialis, Kirkholmensis, Keyserling, margaritifera, D’Arch.&Vern. marginata, Ad. Rom. Turbo suJmarginata. meridionalis, microtricha, nexicosta, piligera, ponti, Ampullaria. Phill. Ad. Rom. Phill. Sndbrgr. D’Orb. Goniat. Sch., U. ... L Iberg U. ... M. ... Iberg Limest., U. „ U. „ u. „ U. u.? ... Limestone, M. Iberg Limest., U. Slate M., U. Iberg Limest., U. Clymen. L’st., M., U. Stringoc. Limest., M. M. ? Eifel Le Cotentin (La Manche). Grund Paffrath Grund Upper Duna valley (Livonia) Paffrath Grund Morte, Baggy Point (N. Devonsh.) . Grund Lanlake (Dr. Holl), Ebersdorf, Paff- rath, Grund, &c. Vilmar, Oranienstein Eifel Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 358. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 39. „ p. 101. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 388. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 390. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 388. Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum) ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 695; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 388. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 388. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 37; Geinitz. Verstein. Grauwacke Saxony, p. 25. Paheont. D. & M. v. 24. Miinst. Beitrage, iii. 87. Traus. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 388. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, p. 40. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 50. Paheont. D. & Z. xix. 141. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 102. Goldf. Petref. iii. 103. Can. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 56. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 29. D’Arch. Pal. de France, p. 44; Trans G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 356. XIV. Rep. Reg. N. Y. Append, p. 103 Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 96 Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 102. Helmers. Beitr. 1858, p. 100; Pacbt Untersuchung &c. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 30. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 139. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 50. Helmers. Beitr. &c. p. 101. Zeitschr. &c. 1875, p. 368. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. lxxiii. 641. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 224. Palaiont. D. & M. v. 35. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 235 ; D’Orb Prodrome, i. 64. Zeitschr. &c. 1871, p. 374. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Cherb. x. 200. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 88. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 34. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 37. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 34. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 27. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 34, xiii. 231 . Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, p. 39. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 366. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 27. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 94. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 30, xiii. 211 Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 95 ; Verstein Harz, p. 27. Verstein. Nassau, p. 235. Prodrome, i. 64. Natica ( continued ).] 85 [Gasteropoda Genus, Species, and Author.. Horizon. Locality. Reference. purpura, Ad. Rom. spirata, Pacht. ? strigosa, striolata, Ad. Rbm. subcostata, Goldf. var. globosa, subpiligera, H. le Hon. spec, indet., Pacht. >» Etheridge. Tietze. ,, D’Arch. & Vern. Horion. Naticopsis, MCoy, 1855. lequistriata, 1 Meek. Platyostoma. borealis, Eichw. Domanicensis, Keyserl. gigantea,’ Hall & Whitn. Imvis,' Meek. Otaroidea, Rvckh. pyrula ?, „ Nerita, Lvinceus, 1758. deformis, Sow. semistriata, Miinst. speciosa, Sow. spirata ?, „ venusta, Munst. Orthonema. Newberrvi,' Meek. Iberg Limest., U. „ U. M. .. Iberg Limest., U. Limestone, M. . . Grand . Limest. &Slate, M.,U Stringoc. Limest., M M.? Limestone, M Upp.Clymen. L’st.,U. L U Natica, Adanson. Cornif. Limest., L.... Pentam. Limest.... U. ... UHL L Cornif. Limest., L. U. ... U. ... Lower Duna valley (Livonia) Grand Paffratli, Almadenejos (Spain), Devon shire. Paffrath, Petherwin Nisme (Belgium) Middle Duna valley, Grasi on river Weduga (Russia). Hagginton, Holdstone Ebersdorf Ems (Nassau) Vise (Belgium) Naticodon, Be Byckholdt. Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio) Himskaya-pristan (L T ral) River Ouclita (Petschora-land) Waterloo (Iowa) Dublin (Ohio) Vis6 (Belgium) Patella, Linnaus , 1758. disciformis, elliptica, levigata, speciosa, Saturni, striatosulcata, subradiata, Munst. Miinst. Goldf. Ad. Rbm. Miinst. Phasianella, Lamarck, 1812. U U Clymen. Limest Spirif. Sandst., L. .. Wissenb. Sch., M. .. U fusiformis, neritoidea, ovata, subclathrata, ventricosa, Goldf. Ad. Rom. Goldf. Pileolus, G. Sowerby, 1823. dexter, Richter. Pitonellus, Montfort. heliciniformis, D’Orb, Platychisma, M‘Coy, 1844. applanatuin, Sndbrgr. Kirkholmense, Keyserl. Uchtense, „ Platyostoma, Conrad, 1842. affine,' Billings. arenosum, lichas,' lineatum,' strophium,' turbinatum,' ventricosum,' HaU? Conrad. Pleurotomaria, Be France, angulata, Phill. antitorquata, ,, arata,' aspera, Bachalieri, Beaumonti, Belus, nail. Sow. Rouault. D’Arch. & V. II. le non. Limestone, M Clymen. Limest., U. M M Orthoc. Limest., Lb... Plymouth, Torquay . Schubelhammer Plymouth Barton (S. Devonsli.). Elbersreuth Cornif. Limest., L. Helcyon, B' Orbign y. U. Otsego, Wood Co. (Ohio) . lh Elbersreuth Schubelhammer Menzenberg (Rhen. Prussia) Festenberg Elbersreuth M. . M. . M. . Iberg Limest., U. M. . Eifel Grand . Eifel . In drift Limest. .M. Thuringerwald Paffrath (Rhen. Prussia) Stringoc. ...M. M. Calceol. Sand... Oranienstein, Ems (Prof. Schubler)... Kirkholm (Livonia), Upper Duna valley, Petschora-land. River IJchta (Petschora-land) No. 8 Limestone, L. Orisk. Sand., L UHL L „ Ham., L., M. Cornif. Limest., L. .. UHL L Orisk. Sand., L. 1825. Stringoc. &c., M., U. Limestone, M., U. .. Schohar. Limest., L. Limestone. M., U. .. L„ M. .. Indian Cove, Gaspe (Can. East) New York Clarence Hollow, York (N.Y., passim) Western New York especially New York I lelderbergMountains, West NewYork (passim). Albany, Schoharie, Green, and Ulster Counties (N. Y.), Virginia, Mary- land, Norfolk Co., Cayuga North (Can. West). Vilmar, Paffrath, Petherwin, Brushford. Newton Bush., Petherwin, Baigor, and Martyra rivers (Russ.). Schoharie, Helderberg Mountains . . . Newton, Petherw.,Lanlake,Barnstaple Le Cotetin, Ize, Galuird (Ille et Vil.). Stringoc. Limest., M, M Vilmar (Nassau) Nisme (Couvin, Belg.) Palseont. D. & M. iii. 34, xiii. 231. >» >» J» Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, pp. 40, 186 Palseont. D. & M. iii. 33. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 390 ; Bull Soc. G4ol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1015. Phill.? Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 94. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xxvii. 492. Pacht. Untersueh. p. 102 ; Geol. Livon &c. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 641. Palmont. D. & Z. six. 143. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 390. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xvii. 59. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1871, p. 76. Lethcea Rossica, p. 1108. „ „ 1106. Descript. New Devon. Foss. Iowa, 1 872. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1871 , p. 76. Ryckh. Mem. Couronn. 1852, xxiv. 77. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 704. Beitrage, iii. 83. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. tab. 57. ? Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 390. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1871, p. 81 Pacht. Untersuclmng, p. 102 ; Beitrage iii. 81. Beitrage, iii. 81. Beitrage &c. iii. 85. Kranz, Petref. Germ. iii. 5. Verhandl. Ver. xiv. &c. Beitrage &c. iii. 81. Petref. Germ. iii. 114. „ „ 113. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 31. Petref. Germ. iii. 113. Palasont. Thuring. p. 37. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 102 Verstein. Nassau, p. 207. Reise Petschora-land, p. 264 ; Gre wingk, Geol. Livon. p. 39. Lethsea Rossica, ii. 1164. Canada Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 60. XII. Rep. Regents N. Y. XIV. „ „ p. 107. XV. „ „ 40. „ „ „ 41. XIV. „ „ Append.p.106. Palfront. N. Y. iii. 469 ; Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 369 ; Canad. Journ. n. s. vi. 294. Verstein. Nassau, p. 204. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 484 ; Pacht. Untersueh. 1853, p. 99. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 42. Trans. G. S. L. Ber. 2, v. 703. Bull. Soc. Gt‘ol. Fr. n. s. viii. 384; Mem. Soc. Hist, Nat. Cherb. x. 200. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 361. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. xxvii. 492. z Pxeueotomabia ( continued ).] 86 [Gastebopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. bicoronata, bifida, bijugata, bilineata, binodosa, Bischoffii, Bodana, calculiformis, cancellata, canaliculata, capillaria,' carinata, catenulata, cavumbilicata,' centrit’uga, Chauvini, cirriformis, coelata, comu-arietis, costa ta, Sndbrgr. Eichw. Goldf. Ad. Rdm. Horizon. .M. .M. Goldf. Ad. Rom Sndbrgr. Phill. Ferd. Rom Conrad Sow D’Arch. & V Winch Ad. Rom Rouault Sow. Goldf. Sndbrgr. DOrb eostulata-canaliculata,Sndbr. crenatostriata, „ Daleidensis, Ferd. Rom, decussata, Sndbrgr. var. 1. typus, „ Orbignyana, D’Arch. & V. var. 2. sinistrorsa, Sndbgr. var. 3. elegans, „ Beaumonti, D’Arch. & V. var. 4. evexicosta, Sndbgr. var. 5. inequiplicata, „ var. 6. tenuicanaliculata, Sndbrgr. var. 7. dimidiata, ,, var. 8. parcicosta, „ var. 9. geminata, „ De Francii, D’Arch. & V. Delphinulaformis, Sndbrgr. var. a, D’Arch Delphinuloides, dentatolimata, Delia,’ deperdita, De depressa, Doris,’ Emmetensis,’ Euryomphalus, euomphalus, euomplialoides,' & Vern. Goldf. Snbrgr. Billings. Koninck. Pacht. Hall. Winch. Sndbrgr. Hall. exaltata, expansa, exsiliens, falcifera, fasciata, Gosseleti, gracilis, Hebe,' Hickmanensis,’ Huronensis,' D’Arch. & V. Phill. Sndbrgr. H. le Hon. Phill. Hall. Winch. imbricata, Ad. Rdm. impendens, Sow. Isaaci,' Hull & Whitf. interstrialis, Phill. Dolomitic Pent. L’st. Crystalline Dolomite, Stringoc.Limes.,M. Stringoc. and Iberg Limest., M., U. M. ... Darklberg Limest . ,U. Stringoc. Limest., M, Limest. Slate, U Dolomite... M Ham M String. L’st. &c., L.,M Ham M Iberg Limest., U. ... M Limest. . . .M M Stringoc. Limest., M. M. ... Stringoc. Limest., M. Spirit. Sandst., L. Phyllade ...L Stringoc. Limest., M. „ „ M. „ „ M. „ „ M. „ „ M. „ „ M. „ „ M. „ „ M. „ „ M. „ „ M. „ „ M. „ „ M. Locality. Vilmar ,, Lahnstein (red ironst.), Sitka (Poland). Bogoslvsk, Lake Peterpaul (Altai) ... Paffrath, Sotenich, Elberfeld, Nehou, Iz6, Ezquerra del Bayou, Lower Duna and Velicaja valleys. Vilmar, Grund Bergfeldes, N.W. Harz Vilmar NewtonBush.,Petherw.,Pilton,Brushf. Vise on river Berwine ?, Belgium Cazenovia, Lake Skeneates, &c. (N.Y.). Gympsie, Queensland (Australia) Chillon (Spain), Rhen. Pruss., Vilmar. Litt.Trav. Bay (L.Mich.), Plurot.-beds. Grund Ize (Ille et Vilaine) Plymouth Eifel Vilmar Eifel Vilmar Kemmenau, Lahnstein, Langen-Schwal- bach, Fachingen, Audenschneide, Haiger-Seelbach, Singhofen (Pteri- naa schist), Daleiden,Unkel,Laubach (Rhenish Prussia). Houffalize, Daleiden (Eifel) Vilmar, Paffrath , Reference. Verstein. Nassau, p. 195. „ „ 185 ; Zeuschner Zeitsch. xxi. 271. Leth.'ca Rossica, p. 1167. Verstein. Nassau, p. 204 ; Grewingk, Geol. Livonia (on the map). Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 29. Petref. German, iii. 65. Pahcont. D. & M. xiii. 231. Verstein. Nassau, p. 193. Palaeoz. Foss. Devon, p. 96. Horion,Bull.Soc.Geol. Fr. n. s. xvii.60, XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 45. Etheridge, Quart. Journ. xxviii. 332. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1015. Rep. Michig. 1866, Append, p. 96. Verstein. Harz, p. 28. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 384. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 389. Petref. Germ. iii. 61. Verstein. Nassau, p. 185. Petref. Germ. iii. 79. Verstein. Nassau, p. 189. , „ 188. M M Cyprid. Seh., U Limest. no. 8, L. ... M M UHL L Ham M Stringoc. Limest., M, „ „ M, Ham. Shales, M carboniferous at Vise (Belg.) Paffrath, Grasi on river Ma- tyra (Russia), Lower Duna valley. (Livonia). Paffrath Nisme (Belgium) Oberscbeld (ferrug. limest.) Grand Greve, Gaspe (Canada East)... Chimay, Belgium (in MS.) Lower Duna valley (Livonia) Schoharie, Clarence Hollow (N. Y.)... Little Traverse Bay (Michig. Lake) . . . Vilmar M U Stringoc. Limest., M, Cyprid. Sch , U Stringoc. Limest., M, ,, „ M. U UHL L U Portage Group, U.... Iberger Limest., U. ... Limestone, M UHL L Slate U D’Om. d'Hal. Precis Geol. 1868, p.575. Verstein. Nassau, p. 196. „ „ 197. Hamilton, Madison, & Schoharie Co s , Fultonham (N. Y.). Refrath Baggy Point, N. Devon (carb. Bolland). Vilmar Eibach (Nassau), Enkeberg (Brilon), ironstone. Vilmar Nisme (Belg.) Brushford, Baggy Point Western New York Tennessee Lighthouse, Point aux Barques (S.W. Lake Huron). Grund, Newton Bushel Plymouth, Hope, Newton Waterloo (Iowa) Pethenvin Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 360. Verstein. Nassau, p. 188 ; Grewingk, Geol. Livonia ; Helmers. Beitrage &c. iii. 97. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 389. D’Omal. d’Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 576. Verstein. Nassau, p. 201. Geol. Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 61. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 189. Grewingk, Geol. Livon. p. 40. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 43. Rep. Michig. 1866, Append, p. 96. Verstein. Nassau, p. 199. „ „ 187. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 47. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 389. Verstein. Nassau, p. 200. „ 192. „ „ 190. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xxvii. 492. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 389. XIV. Rep.RegentsN.Y. Append. p. 105. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. xii. 257. Geol. Rep. Michigan, 1862, p. 425. [p. 398. Verst. Harz, p. 28; M’Coy, Br. Foss. Palaeoz. Foss. Devon, p. 98. Description new Fossils, 1872, p. 19. Brit. Palaioz. Foss. p. 398. Pletjrotojiaria { continued ). ] 87 [Gasteropoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Kearneyi,' Keyserlingi, be vis, lenticularis, limbata, var., lineata,' Londalei, Lucina,' Lydia,' macrostoma, marginata, Matyrensis, minima, monolifera, Hall, Paclit. Ad. Rom Goklf. Phill Hall D’Arch. & V Hall Billings, Sndbrgr, Mtinst. Helmers, Ad. Rom Phill mucro,' Winch, Murchisonii, Goldf. naticaformis, Sndbrgr Nerinaea, nodomarginata,' M'Ckesney. nodulosa, Sndbrgr. Orbignyana, D’Arck.&Vern. var. a, var. b, „ Pales, D’Orb parvispira,' Winch, planannulata, Sndbrgr. Poulsoni,' Conrad. pusilla, Eichw. quadricincta, Goldf. quadrilineata, Sndbrgr, rota,' Winch, rotalia,' Hall. ? rotunda,' Conrad, rotundata, Ad. Rom. rugulata,' Hall, scalaris, Sndbrgr. sigareta, „ squamatoplicata, „ striata, Goldf. subcarinata, Ad. Rom. subclathrata, Sndbrgr. sublams, Ad. Rom. subrectum,' Hall, subsulcata, Goldf. subtaaniata, D’Orb. subundulata, Ad. Rom. subvittata, D’Orb, Schizost. vittata. sulcomarginata,' Conrad. Ham. Shale, M. suturalis, Ferd. Rom. Stringoc.&IbergLime- stone, M., U. tseniata, Goldf. M. tenui-arata, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. tricincta, Goldf. M. trilineata, Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Schist, M. ? trilix,' Hall. Ham. Shale, M. turbinea, Schnur. Cyprid. Sch., Goniat. Marl, U. undulata, Ad. Rom. Iberg L’st. &c., M., U. unisulcata,' Conrad. UHL L Voltumna,’ Billings. Limest. no. 8, L.. Zeuneri, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. spec, indet., D. D. Owen. Ham M. . ,, Billings. M. .. „ Kayser. Goniat. and Cuboides Schist, U. „ Meek. Ham M. Horizon. UHL. and Cornif. Limest., L. M. ., Iberg Limest., U. M. .. Limestone, M. . . Ham. Shale, M. .. Stringoc. Limest., M. Cornif. Limest., L. . . Limest. no. 8, L.. . Stringoc. Limest., M, M. .. L Wissenb. Sch., M. Limestone, M. ... Ham. dolomitic, M. M.?.... Stringoc. Limest., M. Grand Traverse Bay (Michig. Lake)... Eifel Vilmar Ham. Shale, M. .. Stringoc. Limest., M. , „ M. „ „ M. „ M, M.? Ham M Stringoc. Limest., M. Onond. Limest., L.... Ferrug. Limest., M. M Stringoc. Limest., M. Red Sand. 5th bed, U Ham. Shale, M Cornif. Limest., L Iberg Limest., U. Goniat. L’st., low. M. Wissenb. Sch., M. Stringoc. Limest., M. , „ M. L Wissenb. Sch., M. Batesville (Arkansas). Vilmar Stringoc. Limest., M. Iberg Limest., U. Cornif. Limest., L.... M M Iberg Limest., U. . . . M Locality. Erie Co. (Ohio), New York Middle Duna valley Grund Vilmar Paffratk (carb. Vise, Bolland) Seneca and Cayuga Lakes (N. Y.), Louisville (Kentucky). Vilmar Helderberg Mountains, Williamsville, Clarence Hollow ; river Ohio Falls. Indian Cove, Gaspe (Canada E.) Vilmar Eifel Grasi (river Matyra), Kamenoje, river Samowetz. Steinberg Newton (S. Dev.), carb. Bolland, Vise Reference. Eifel Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michig.) Vilmar Western New York Boureghi (Russia) Vilmar Burlington (Iowa) Pratt’s Falls (N. Y. ) New York Grund Schoharie Co Zeigenberger Teiche Vilmar , Usa-thal,BadNauheim(Hesse). Ems Wissenbach, Sckulenberg (Harz) . . . Vilmar Grund New York Vilmar Eifel Grund (Harz). Eifel Seneca Lake (N. Y.) Oberscheld, Budeskeim (Eifel). Tietze. Clymenia Limest., U. Seneca Lake and inMadisonCo.(N.Y.). Lerbach, B lichen berg Vilmar. Bensberg (Rhen. Pruss.) XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 105. Grewingk, Geol. Livon. p. 39. Palseont. D. & M. iii. 37. Petref. Germ. iii. 65. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 361. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 44; Yand & Shum. Contrib. p. 33. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 359. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 42. Canada Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 62. Verstein. Nassau, p. 195. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 66. Helmersen, Beitnige &c. p. 99. Palasont. D. & M. iii. 80. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 97 ; Trans. G. S, L. ser. 2, vi. p. 389. Amer. Journ. Science, xxxiii. 354. Petref. Germ. iii. 62. Verstein. Nassau, p. 193. , „ 203. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, i. 47. Verstein. Nassau, 200. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 359. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 79. Rep. Michigan, 1866, Append, p. 96. Verstein. Nassau, p. 193. XIV. Rep. Regents N. York, Append, p. 103. Lethaea Rossica, p. 1179. Petref. German, iii. 62. Verstein. Nassau, p. 202. Proc.Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1863, p. 19. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 46. XIV. „ „ 103. Palasont. D. & M. v. 35, xiii. 231. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 108. Palasont. D. & M. iii. 15. Verstein. Nassau, p. 194. „ „ 191. Petref. German, iii. 61. Verstein. Nassau, p. 191 ; Palasont. D. & M. iii. 79, xiii. 207. Verstein. Nassau, p. 198. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 27. Palasont. N. Y. iii. 172. Petref. Germ. iii. 62. „ „ 79. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 28. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 79. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 46. Palasont. D. & M. xiii. 227. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 28. Petref. Germ. iii. 79. Verstein. Nassau, p. 194. Petref. Germ. iii. 61. Verstein. Nassau, p. 202. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 45. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 192. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 28. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y p. 43. Canada Surv. Pal. Foss. ii. 61. Wissenbach, Grund Schoharie Co. (N, Y.) Grand Greve, Gaspe (Canada East) Grund I’alaeont. D. & M. iii. 87. Rockingham Rep. Minnesota &c. p. 624. Bosanquet, Lake Erie (Canada West). Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 383. Eifel Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 374. I River Clearwater mouth, Athabasca, Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. pp.63, 110. Rupert’s Land. Ebersdorf Pakeont. D. & Z. xix. 141. I’leurotomaria ( continued ). [Gasteropoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. spec, indet., D’Arch. & Vern. Stringoc. Limest., M Paffrath Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 389. ,, Keyserling. Schist U hirer Ucbta, Petschora-land (Ural)... Reise Petschora-land, p. 264. „ Kayser. Crinoid Sch., M. .. Eifel Zeitsehr. &c. 1871, p. 367. Rotella, Lamarck , 1822. helicinaeformis, Goldf. Pen tarn. Limest., M. Paffrath, Nisrne (common) Gosselet, MS. 1870, mecum; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 390. microstoma, Eichw. M Kirckholm, river Duna(Livom), river Mouss (Russ.). Letliasa Rossica, ii. 1163. VVurmii, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. . . . Grund Verstein. Harz, 1843. Scalaria, Lamarck , 1801. | antiqua, Munster. OlderOrthoe.L’st.U. ? Elbersreutb (Fanconia) Beitriige &c. i. 61, iii. 30, 84. Schizostoma, Bronn, 1835. bistriata, Miinst. Ortlioc. Limest., U... >» Grund ,, iii. 86. carinata. Ad. Rcim. Iberg Limest., IT. ... Palasont, D. & M. iii. 38, xiii. 231. contraria, Miinst. Clyin. Limest., IT.?... Sclnibelhammer Beitriige &c. iii. 87. Puzosii, D’Arch. & Vern. M Eifel Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 365. „ „ „ 364. radiata, „ M ,, Newton (S. Devon) tricincta, Miinst. Ortboc. Limest., U. ? Elbersreuth Beitriige &c. Heft iii. 87. Scoliostoma, Max. Braun , 1838. Vermetus, Adanson, 1757. annulosa?, ? M Torquay &c Etheridge, Catalogue. conoidea, Sndbrgr. Cyprid. Limest., U... Oberscbeld (in ferrug. limest.) Verstein. Nassau, p. 226. crassilabrum, „ String. Limest., M.... Vilmar, Lahnstein (ironstone), Nowa Slupia (Poland). Zeuchn. Zeitsch. Berlin, xxi. 267. Dannebergii, Braun. „ M.... Vilmar Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 388. expansilabrum, Sndbrgr. „ M.... „ Verstein. Nassau, p. 225. gracile, ,, „ M.... „ megalostoma, ,, „ M.... ,, „ „ 224. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 628. textata, Phill. M.... 8. Euomphalus, Torquay ? Straparollus, Montjort , 180 Sow. Maclurea. Ophileta, Hall, 1847. U Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 1870, p.393. Eupmph. depressus?, Hall. ? Canadensis,' Billings. Cornif. Limest., L.... Haldimand Co., L. Erie (Canada W.). Canada Journ. n. s. vi. 359. 1 cyclostoma,' Hall. Ham M Pine Creek, New Buffalo (Iowa) Report Iowa, ii. 516. | macrompbalus,' Winch. Yellow Sands., U. ... Burlington (beds 1 & 6) (Iowa) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc.Philad. 1863, p. 20. Strophostylus, Hall, 1859. Andrewsi,' Hall. Orisk. Sand., L Cumberland Co. (Maryland) Hall, Palseont. N. Y. iii. 472. expansus,’ Conrad. „ L Albany and Schoharie Counties (N. Y.). „ 470. Matheri,' Hall. 1 Cumberland Co. (Maryland) „ „ „ 471. 1 unicus,' „ Trochus, Linnceus, 1758. „ L „ „ 470. acies, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., IT. ... Grund Palasont. D. & M. iii. 37, xiii. 231. angulosus, Hoeningh. Bouei, Steininger. ? Eifel Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 49. Limestone, M Paffrath, Newton (S. Devon), Eifel... Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 389. ? caniculatus, Ad. Rom. IT. ? Grund Palasont. D. & M. xiii. 231. Devonicus, D’Orb. M Vilmar Prodrome, i. 64. Ivanii, var., D’Arch. & V. M ,, Paffrath (Carb. Tournai) Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 359. multispira, Snbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. Ebersdorf Verstein. Nassau, p. 218. Neptuni, Miinst. Clemen. Limest., U. Schubelhammer, Gattendorf Beitriige &c. iii. 88. Nessigi, Ad. Rom. Spirit. Sandst., L. ... Rammelsberg, Kahleberg, Herzberg... Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 29. oxygonus, Herd. Rom. „ L. ... Clymen. Limest., U. lxahleberg, in nodule Beitriige &c. Heft iii. 88. Petrasos, Miinst. Schubelhammer tricinctus, Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Rammelsberg, Goslar (Harz) Palasont. D. & M. v. 14. Turbo, Linnceus, 1758. amictus, D’Orb. armatus, Goldf. Carbonaceous ? Eat in gen (Prussia) Petref. German, iii. 51. Calc. Ironst. Sch., M. Bensberg, Sotenich, Gerolstein, Devon- shire. Lethasa Geogn. i. 453. bicingulatus, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., IT. ... Grund Pala’ont. D. & M. iii. 36. bicostatus, „ „ IT. ... ,, „ „ v. 35, xiii. 231. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 30. canaliculatus, ,, „ U. ... carinatus, Sow. „ U. ... Oberscbeld Trans. G. S. L. 2nd ser. vi. 388. cirriformis, ,, M Torquay. Plymouth 703. Verstein. Grauwacke form. Sax. ii. 86 ; Zeitsohrift &c. Berlin, xxi. 339. coelatus, Goldf. Clymen. Limest., IT. Eifel, Thuringia, Magwitz, Zeigelei ... cyclostomoides, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... Grund Palasont. D. & M. iii. 37, xiii. 231. Dannenbergii, Goldf. M Vilmar Petref. iii. 91 ; Palasont. D. & M. iii. 37, xiii. 231. exsertus, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... Grund Palasont. D. & M. iii. 36. inasquilineata, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. Limest., M. Oranienstein (Nassau) Verst. Nassau, p. 217. inflatus, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. Schubelhammer, Ebersdorf Beitriige &c. iii. 90. Januarius, Verneuil. L Lcs Courtoisieres, La Sarthe Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 779. lineatus, Goldf. M Vilmar Petref. Germ. iii. 91. Minerva, D’Orb. M Bensberg Prodrome, i. 90. mutabilis, Ad. Rom. iberg Limest., U. ... Grund .?. Palasont. D. & M. iii. 36, xiii. 231. My sis, D’Orb. U Elbresreuth Miinst. Beitriige &c. iii. 85. striatus. • 1 Nerei, Miinst. 1 U » „ „ „ 89. Turbo ( continued ).] 89 [Gasteropoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. opis, semicostatus. ovatus, Pelops, Perseus, quinquecinctus, Romeri, Shumardi,' squamiferus, D’Arch. & V. subangulatus, Sow. subangulosus, Ad. Rom. subgranulatus, Sow. Ad. Rom. IbergLimes., Greenst. tuff, U. D’Orb. M. ? Miinst. u. D’Orb. Clymen. Limest., U. U M Go’ldf. U Eifel, Grund, Magwitz Stringoc. Limest., M. Limestone, M Elbersreuth Scliiibelhammer Elbersreuth Bensberg Grund Ohio Vilmar, Limburg .. Plymouth, Torquay Spirit. Sand., L. U.... granulatus, Miinst. Kahleberg (in nodules) Gattendorf, Scbubelhammer . texatus, Miinst. tricinctus, Ad. Rom. M., U. ... Wurmii, „ Iberg Limest., U. ... Zilmte, Keyserl. U.? . .. spec, indet., Yern. U „ Rouault. M ,, Billings. Orisk. Sandst., L. ... ,, Sndbrgr. Quartzose Sandst., L. Turbonilla, Risso, 1826. Loxonema, PhiU. trochleata, Miinst. U Newton Bushel, Elbersreuth (Bavaria). Zeigenberger Teiche Grund, Vise? (Belg.) River Zilma, Great river Petschora (N. Russia). Fiennes ? (Boulonnais), Eifel I spec, indet., TurnteUa, Lamarck , 1801. abbreviata, antiqua, compressa, Koninekiana, lineata, tenuicarinata, spec, indet., Sow Miinst. Goldf. Miinst. Vem. Geinitz. Vermetus, Adanson, 1757, annulosus, ? antitorquatus, Phill. Xenophora, Fischer, 1806. ( antiqua,' Meek. M. No true Turritella in M Orthoc. Limest., U.. .. „ u.. .u.. u.. Vitr6 (nie et Vil.) North Cayuga, Lake Erie (Canada W.). Cape of Good Hope, S. Africa Chemnitzia, D’Orb. Marxgriin, Elbersreuth Magwitzer Zeigelei Palaeozoic rocks. — Ferd. Romer, 1872. Plymouth, Bradley (S. Devon) Elbersreuth Nisme nearMarien (Belg.), Elbersreuth (Mus. Teyler.). Devonian of Rat.ingen ? Elbersreuth Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 30 ; Geinitz, Verst. Grauwacke Saxony. Prodrome, i. 67. Miinst. Beitrage &c. iii. 90. >» » 33 . „ „ 85. Goldf. Petref. Germ. iii. 49. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 27. Geol. Rep. Ohio, i. 149. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 358. Ether. MS. mecum ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. 703. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 29. Miinst. Beitrage &c. iii. 86. Beitrage &c. iii. 89. Palasont. D. & M. xiii. 225. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 29 ; Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. xvii. 60. Kerserl. Reise Petschoraland, p. 267. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. xi. 256 ; Elie deBeaumont,Explic.CarteFr.p. 782 Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 321. Logan, Geol. Canada, 1863, p. 161. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 1 , For. Mem Gein. Verst. Grauwacke Saxony, p. 86. Wissenb. SI., low. M. Greenst. tuff, M - Scoliostoma, M M.,U. ... Trochita ?, Meek. Cornif. Limest,, L.... Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. 703. Beitrage &c. Heft iii. 88. „ „ 89 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xxvii. 492. Mus. Teylerianum. Beitrage &c. iii. 89. Wissenbach Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 358. Magwitz (Saxony) Geinitz, Verstein. Grauwacke Saxony, Max. Braun, 1838. ! [p. 42. Torquay &c. Etheridge MS. Catal. mecum. Rhine, Torquay, Petherwin (Cornwall) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvii. 628. Monclova, Lucas Co. (Ohio) Proc. Acad. Nat.Sc.Philad. 1871, p. 82. MOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class CEPHALOPODA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. Actinoceras, Broun, 1834. Conotabularia, Troost. Gonioceras, Hall, 1847. | triangulare, D’Arch. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Granethal (Harz) Palaeont. D. & M. xiii. 222. Bactrites, Sandberger, 1847. Orthoceras. Sten oceras, I)' Orb. j angulifrons, D’Arch. & V. earinatus, Miinst. Wissenb. Si., M... . Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 384. DomanikSc.,L.,M.,U. Ust-Uchta, Wissenbach, Cramberg.Ler- Lethsea Rossica, ii. 1262 ; gracilis. Orthoc. Sch. & L’st., Cyprid. Sch. bach, Biideshiem, Elbersreuth, Klein- linden. Verstein. Nassau, p. 129. compressus. Ad. Romer. Iberg Limest., U. ... Grund Pala:ont. D. & M. v. 36, xiii. 232. | cylindricus, „ „ U. ... „ „ „ iii. 88, Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. 385. j Dannenbergii, D’Arch. & V. Wissenb. SI., L Wissenbach eubconicus, Phill. L.,M., U. „ Frasne, Dinant. Givet „ „ ,, 386; Gosselet, MS. 1870, mecum. (Couvin). subflexuo8U8, D’Arch. & V. u. Trans. G. 8. L. ser. 2, vi. 385. triangulare, „ Wisscnbachii, „ „ var., „ L.. . Wissenbach ,> „ 386. L.. L « ” L' ;; 2 A Caueroceras.] 90 [Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Ld&ility. Reference. Cameroceras, Conrad, 1843? Orthoceras. M elia, Fischer, 1830. Siphon lateral, Broderip, 1839. Oncoceras, Hall. very wide. Campulites, Des Hayes, 1832. Phragmoceras, Clymenia, Munster, 1839. Trocholites, Conra d, 1832. Endosiphonites, Ansted, 1840. acutieoatata, Braun. i: Schiibelhammer Munst. Beitrage &c. v. 126. ad versa, Richter. Clymen. Limest., U. Saalfeld Richter, Pal. Thuring. p. 29. angulosa, Munst. „ „ U. Schiibelhammer, Elbersreuth, Cratten- Guimbel, Paheont. D. & M. xi. 149 ; Nautilus, Richt. dorf, Teufelsberg. Beitrage &c. i. 40. var. semicostata, ,, „ „ U. Schiibelhammer, Elbersreuth, &c. ... Beitrage &c. i. 40. angustiaeptata, „ „ „ U. ,, ,, Presseck, Enkeberg, Saalfeld, South Petherwin. ,, „ 4, 36 ; Palseont. D. & Trocholites. M. xi. 120 ; Richter, Palaeont. Thu- ring. p. 10. annulata, ,, „ „ U. Schiibelhammer, Geigen, Planitz, Palseont. D. & M. xi. 130 ; Beitrage Trocholites. Ebersdorf, Regnitzlosau. &c. i. 42. annulosa, ,, „ „ U. Schiibelhammer D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 57. Beaumontii, ,, „ „ u. Gattendorf (Fichtelgebirge) Guimbel, Palaeont. D. & M. xi. 158. bilobata, „ U. ,, Hof, Schiibelhammer, Thiiringerwald. » „ „ 147 ; Richter, Palaeont. Thuring.pp. 10, 30. binodosa, „ ,, „ Black ,, Ebersdorf, Schiibelhammer, Beitrage &c. i. 37; Palaeont. D. & M. Marble, U. Saalfeld. xi. 134. yar. a. nodosa, ,, Dlymen. Limest., U. Fichtelgebirge Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 384. bisulcata, ,, „ „ Black Schiibelhammer, Planitz, Magwitz, Beitrage &c. iii. 93 ; M'Coy, Brit. Pal. Limest., U. Marxgriin,Geiser, Geigen, Thuringia, S. Petherwin. Foss. p. 401 . brevicostata, „ Loose Limest., U. ... Thiiringerwald Leonh. &Br. NeuesJahrb. 1856, p.625. campanulata, ,, Olymen. Limest., U. Saalfeld Richt. Palseont. Thuring. pp. 10, 29. plicata. cincta (Trocholites), complanata,' Hall. U. Elam, and Portage Shales, M„ U. Fichtelgebirge, Schiibelhammer Beitrage &c. i. 37. Mount Morris, Cashagua Creek, 18- mile Creek, &c. (N. Y.). XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 63. compressa, Miinst., Guimbel. Limestone, U Marxgriin, Saalfeld, Schiibelhammer, Richt. Pal. Thur. p. 29 ; Paheont. D. Nautilus. Geiser. & M. xi. 129. var. costata, „ „ U Fichtelgebirge Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 384. costulata, ,, striata, semistriata, plana. Orthoc. Limest., U... Gerlas, Geiser, Gattendorf, Schiibel- hammer. Beitrage &c. iii. 94. crispa, Tietze. Clymen. Limest., U. Ebersdorf Palaeont. D. & Z. xix. 135. cristata, Richter. Ober-Steinach Credner, Verhaltniss &c. p. 18 ; Richt. Pal. Thuring. p. 31. dorsocostata, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. Schiibelhammer Beitrage &c. iii. 93. dorsonodosa, Braun. Dark Shale, U Upper Franconia Miinst. Beitrage &c. v. 126. dorsorostrata, Munst. U Geiser, Gerlas, Gattendorf, Schiibelh. Geinitz Verst. Grauw.Sax.pl. 16. Dunkeri, ,, Trocholites. Limestone, U ,, Planitz, Gattendorf, Schiibel- hammer. „ „ „ p.36. Erato,' Hall. Upper Ham. M Fall Brook, Paterson's Creek, Moscow (N.Y.). XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 64. falcifera, Miinst. Pale Limest., U Geiser Beitrage &c. v. 125. fasciata, Phill. Slates &c., M Gattendorf?, Lanlake, S. Petherwin... Phill. Palaeoz. Foss. Devon, p. 125. Trocholites. flexuosa, Miinst. & Guimbel. Clymen. Limest., U. Presseck, Marxgriin, Saalfeld, Geiser, Schiibelhammer. &c., Petherwin. Palseont. D. & M. xi. 126 ; Trans. G. S. L. 2nd ser. vi. 126. Haueri, Miinst. u. Schiibelhammer, Ebersdorf Palseont. D. & M. xi. 159. inequistriata, var. el- ,, „ „ u. Fichtelgebirge Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 384. liptica, inflala, ,, „ ,. u. Schiibelhammer Beitrage &c. i. 4. Trocholites. intermedia, ,, „ „ U. Gattendorf (Fichtelgebirge), Saalfeld (Guimbel). Palseont. D. & M. xi. 158. interrupta, Braun „ „ u. Schiimbelhammer Beitrage &c. v. 126. laevigata, Munst ,, ,, and Torquay, Lanlake, Petherwin, Gatten- Phill. Palaeoz. Foss. Devon, p. 124 ; Slates, U. dorf, Schiibelhammer, Ebersdorf Bredelar, Geigen, Kostenberg Heimersreuth,Eibenbusch,Kahlleite Pahren. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 484 ; M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 402 ; Palseont. D. & M. xi. 185 ; Beitrage iii. 3, 33. var. a. cingulata, ,, Limestone, U Languenau, Schlietz, Saalfeld, War- stein, Teufelsberg by Hof, Geigen Kostenberg, Enkelberg, Heimers- reuth, Plawetzberg, &c. Palseont. D. & M. xi. 137. „ /3. semicingulata, ,, U Fichtelgebirge Beitrage &c. i. 36. „ y. semiplicata, ,, ,, 8. nana, ,, Clymen. Limest., U.. „ U.. »> ” „ e. speciosa, „ laevis, Richter " U.. Schiibelhammer, Saalfeld ;; ;; u.. Fichtelgebirge Palseont. Thuring. p. 30. lata, Miinst u.. Beitrage &c. i. 36. Miinsteri, M'Coy „ „ u.. Petherwin, Lanlake (Cornwall) Brit. Pal. Foss. tab. 2 a. parvula, Miinst „ „ _ red Limest. breccia, U Elbersreuth, near Heinersreuth Beitrage &c. i. 8. Pattisonii, M'Coy Limestone, U Petherwin Brit. Pal. Foss. tab. 2 a. Cl Y MEM a (continued).-] 91 [Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. planorbiformis, Miinst. pleuriseptata, Phill. Clymen. ...U Gattendorf Guimbel, Paheont. D. & M. xi. 161. Salter, Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 484. Limestone, U Petherwin, Lanlake (Cornwall) pseudogoniatites, Sndbrgr. quadrifera, M‘Coy. sagittalis, Phill. spinosa, Miinst. u „ u „ u Rhenish Prussia Petherwin , , Lanlake Verstein. Nassau, 1856, p. 348. Brit. Pal. Foss. tab. 2 a. Salter, Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 484. Guimbel, Paheont. D. & M. xi. 132. Clymen. Limest., U... Enkeberg (Westph.), Schiibelhammer. striata, „ „ u... Ebersdorf, Teufelsberg (Hof), Saalfeld, „ „ 144. subarmata, ' „ „ „ u... Schubelhammer, Gattendorf, Saalfeld. „ 157. subnodosa, „ Clym. L’st. breccia, U. (Fichtelgebirge) Heinersreutli Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 384. tenuistriata, ,, „ U „ „ Schii- belhammer. Saalfeld (Thuringia) Beitrage &e. i. 39. trinodosa, ,, ,. & Slate, U. Zeitschr.d.geol.Ges.Berl.l8G9.xxi.390. undulata, „ U Etroeungt, Schiibelhamm., Gattendorf, Beitrage &c. i. 5 ; Phill. Pal. Foss. linearis. Ivahlleite, Ebersdorf, Paulsdorf, Devon, p. 125 ; Guimbel, Paheont. yalida, Phill. Slates and Limest., U. Geuser, Schleiz, Kostenberg. Petherwin, Lanlake (Cornwall) D. & M. xi. 140. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 126. spec, indet., Gosselet. Cochlioceras, Eichwald, 18 vermiculare, Vern. U 60-61. Marly Limest., M Etrceungt (N. France) Likhwine, river Don near Voroneje Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum). Lethsea Rossica, ii. 1252. Cyrtoceras, Goldfuss, 1833. acuto-costatum, Sndbrgr. alternans, Tietze. Stringoc. ...M Clymen. Limest., U... (Govt. Kalouga). Vilmar Ebersdorf Verstein. Nassau, p. 144. Paheont. D. & Z. xix. 139. Ammon,' Billings. Cornif. Limest., L.... Rainham, Lake Erie (Canada W.) ... Canad. Journ. n. s. vi. 361. angusti-septatum, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U... Enkeberg, Gattendorf, Elbersreuth, Beitrage &c. iii. 105. applanatum, „ Stringoc. Limest., M. Petherwin. Vilmar Verstein. Nassau, p. 147. arcuatum, Phill. Limest. inSlate,M.,U. Eifel, Petherwin Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. armatum, „ Limestone, M Torquay, Newton Bushel, Valdai, Vi- ,, „ ; Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 118. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 117. Bdellalites, „ Red Calcar. Sh., L.,M. tegra. Torquay,Meadsfoot,MudstoneBay,&c. Belus,’ Billings. Cornif. Limest., L.... Haldimand Co. (Can. W.) Canad. Journ. n. s. vi. 361. bilineatum, Sndbrgr. Ferrug. Cypr. Sell., U. Oberscheld, Sitka (Poland), Prof. Verstein. Nassau, p. 143. breve, „ cancellatum ?, Ferd. Rom. Orthoc. Sell., L Zeuschner. : M.? Rhenish Prussia, Bredelar (West- D’Orb. Prodrome, i. 52. Gyroceras. cornucopia, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. & Clymen phalia). Vilmar, Gattendorf Verstein. Nass. p. 142 ; Geinitz, Verst. costatum, Miinst. depressum, Goldf. Limest., M., U. Iberg Limest., M., U. Gerolstein,Bensberg, Paffrath, Grund. Grauwacke Saxony, p. 35. Beitrage &c. i. 34. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 38 ; Leth. Geogn. var. carinatum, D’Arch. & Yern. dubium, Pacht. M Paffratli i. 486 ; Trans. G. 8. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. Schist M Jeletz, Tinian range, Zadonsk, &e. ... Beitr. Russ. Reiches &c. p. 90. fimbriatum, Phill. Limestone, M Torquay, Newton Bushel Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 114. M Eifel M Jeletz (Govt. Orel) Lethaea Rossica, ii. 1295. inclinatura, „ Orthoceras. M Jason,' Hall. Schoh. Grit, L Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) XY. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 71. Levis, Sow. M Eifel laevigata, Miinst. U Mus. Teyler. p. 76. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 144. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. Leonh. &Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856, p. 600 ; lamellosum, D’Arch. &Vern. Stringoc. Limest., M. Vilmar, Paffrath lineatum, Goldf. „ „ M. (Eifel), Gerolstein, Paffrath Lujani, Vern. & Barrande. L Almaden, Herrera del Duque Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. 1015. marginale, Phill. Matheri,' Conrad. Limestone, M Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 115. XIV. Rep. Reg. N. Y. Append, p. 108. i Cornif. Limest., L. ... New -York State Metula,' Hall. UHL L Clarence Hollow (N. Y.) XV. „ p. 72. morsum,' „ raultiseptatum, Ad. Riim. multistriatum, Ferd. Rbm. Iberg Limest., U. ... M it it .» » ... P- 71. Rhon. Prussia, Grund, Paffrath Pictet, l'alseont. ii. 653. nautiloideum, Phill. Limestone, M ,, Eifel, Newton Bushel.. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 116. nodosum, ,, „ M Plymouth, Newton Bushel obliquatum, „ M Torquay, „ ,, Plymouth, Combe-Martin, „ p. 115. ornatum, Goldf. Spirif. Sandst., L., M. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 349, 386 ; Ohioense,' Meek. Cornif. Limest., L.... Ilfracombe, Teignmouth, Paffrath, Elberfeld, Eifel. Dublin, Franklin Co. (Ohio) Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 115. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1871, p.86. paradoxum,' plano-excavatum, Sndbrgr. UHL L Orthoc. Sch., L New-York State Gabclstein by Cramberg XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 108. Verstein. Nassau, p. 145. quindecimale, Phill. reticulatum, „ rusticum, „ Limestone. M Torquay, Newton Bushel Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 1 14. M Newton .Bushel U Petherwin, Lanlake (Cornwall) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 484. Cyrtoceras (continued).] 92 [Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. spmosum, Hall. Sndbrgr. Eichw. Ad. Rom. M‘Coy. Ad. Rom. D’Orb subconicum, subeostatum, subdepressum, subornatum, subplicatum, subrugosum, 8ubyentricosum,D’ Arc. AVer, tentaculatum, Miinst. teres, Ad. Rom. tetragonum, D'Arch. & Yern. transversum,' Hall, tridecimale, Pbill. trivolvis,' Conrad. ventrali-sinuatum, Sndbrgr. ventricosum ?, undulatum, ungulatum, Wiedanum, spec, indet., Steininger. Ad. Rom. Conrad. Miinst. Ad. Rom. Etheridge. T. M. Hall. Bonissent, Grewingk. Scbob. Grit, L Stringoc. Limest., M. Limestone, L Iberg Limest., U. ... M Iberg Limest., U. ... L M Transit. Limest., M... Iberg Limest., U. Stringoc. ...M Goniatite Limest., M. Limestone, M Cornif. Limest., L.... Wissenb. Sell., TJ. ... „ Clay-slate, L. „ „ M. Cornif L Ortboc. Limest., U.... Wissenbach, M M U L M.? M 183 9 Beta,' Hall. Schohar. Grit, L. ... compressum, Conradi , 1 Ad. Rom. Spirif. Sandst., L. ... Hall. Goniat. Limest., M. ? Apioceras. exiinium/ ,, UHL L ficus, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... Fischeri,' Hall. Goniat. Limest., M. ? inflatum, Goldf. Givet & Cuboid. Sch., Apioceras. Naumanni, Geinitz. M., U. Clymen. Limest., U... Olla,' Ad. Rom. UHL L omicron/ Winch. Ham M oviforme,' Hall. Goniat. Limest., M... Apioceras. i^aclit. M rotundum, Helmers. Upper Dolomite, M. sacculum,' M. & W. Ham M subfusiforme, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U.. subpyriforme, » u... sulcatulum, Tanais, turbiniforme,' Vern. u Helmers. M M. & W. UHL L Apioceras. spec, indet.,' Worthen. Kayser. Cuboides Schist, U. .. Grewingk. 9 „ Gosselet. Givet Limest., M. .. G-oniatites, Be Haen. 1825. i acuto-lateralis, Sndbrgr. acutus, requabilis, Altaicus, amblylobus, Ammon, Miinst Bey rich Eichw Sndbrgr Keyserling anguliferus, Ad. Rom angusti-septatus, Munst. angustu8, „ annulatus, „ apertus, Richter. intermediusl Horizon. Aganides, Montfo Ferr. Limest., Cypr. Sch., U. Orthoc. &Clym. L’st., Domanik L’st., U. Stringoc. L’st., Cypr. Sch., M., U. U. Clymen. Limest., U... Iberg Limest . , bitumi- nous Sch., U. Iberg Limest., U. Marble breccia .. Clymen. Limest., U... Grey Limest., U. Limestone, U. . Locality. Ulster and Schoharie Cos., Helderberg Mountains. Yilmar, Paffrath, Newt. Bush., Gerolst. River Serena (Kalouga) Grund Torquay, Plymouth Grund La Manche (France), Nehou Refrath, Eifel Eifel Grund Rhenish Prussia, Eifel Manlius (N. Y.) Torquay, NewtonBush., Eifel, Belgium. Helderberg Mounts. .Schoharie, Water- ville, Cassville, Oneida, Onondago Counties. Wissenbach, Polsterholzberg, Claus- thal. Goslar Upper Lerbach Schoharie and Oneida Cos Elbersreuth (Franconia) Wieda Haggington (N. Devon.) Pilland quarry (Bradiford, N. Devon.). La Manche (France) Velicaja river (mid-course to the sea). Duna river „ „ her. Poterioceras, M'Coy. Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) Kahleberg (Harz) Manlius (N. Y.) Black rock (Buffalo, N. Y.) Grund Manlius (N. Y.) Macon (Hainault), Gerolstein (Eifel). Planitz, Oelnitz (Saxony) Columbus (Ohio) Little Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan). Manlius, Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) Jeletz, Borki, Zadonsk &c. (Russia)... Grasi on river Matyra W’hite Sulphur Springs (Ohio) Eifel, Bayreuth (Bavaria) , Fichtelgebirge, Bayreuth, Kielce, Pskof, Lake Hmen, river Don Zadonsk (river Don) Charleston Landing Reference. Jackson Co. (Illinois) Eifel Rivers Velicaja and Duna (passim).. Ferrieres (Belgium) rt , 1808. Oberscheld Nehden, Saalfeld, Tegau, Elbersreuth, Marxgrun, Livonia, river Uchta, Tschudova. Elbingerode, Oberscheld, Eibach Altai Nehden, Saalfeld River Uchta, Tinian Mountains, Arch- angel. Grund Durrewald, Gattendorf Schiibelhammer Regnitzlosau by Hof, Ebersdorf Thuringerwald, Saalfeld, Pfafftnsberg XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 69. Verstein. Nassau, p. 146. Letha?a Rossica, ii. 1294. Pakeont. D. & M. iii. 30. Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 405. Palaeont, D. & M. iii. 38, xiii. 232. Pictet, Paheont. ii. 653. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 351. Beitrage &c. i. 57. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 35. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 104. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 114. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 65 ; Vanux, Geol. N. Y. p. 143. Paloeont. D. & M. xiii. 211 ; Verstein. Nassau, p. 116. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 35. Pal.-eont. D. & M. iii. 18. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 66. Beitrage &c. i. 58, iii. 104. Paloeont. D. & M. xiii. 209. Etheridge, Catal. MSS. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 359. D’Arch. Paleont. de France, p. 45. Geol. Livonia &c. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 72. Paheont, D. & M. iii. 4, xiii. 222. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 106. XIV. „ p. 109. Paloeont. D. & M. iii. 38, xiii. 232. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 106. Zeitschr. &c. 1871, p. 373; Gosselet. MS. 1870. Verstein. Grauwacke Saxony, ii. 32. Paloeont. D. & M. iii. 163. Geol. Rep. Mich. Append. 1866, p. 97. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 105. Lethaea Rossica, ii. 1268. „ 1269. Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1865, p.258. Pictet, Paloeont. ii. 645. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 393 ; Pictet, Pal, ii. 645. Eichw. Lethaea Rossica, p. 1268. „ „ p. 1269. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1865, p.258. Geol. Rep. Illinois, i. 1864? Zeitschr. &c. 1871, p.374. Grewingk, Geol. Livon. & Courland. Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum). Verstein. Nassau, p. 98. Beitrage &c. iii. 110; Sndbrgr. Verst, Nassau, p. 105; MVK. Geol. Russ, ii. 394. Verstein. Nassau, p. 94. Lethoea Rossica, ii. 1319. Verstein. Nassau, p. 105. Paloeont. D.&M. xiii. 232; Helmersen Explic. Carte, p. 16. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 40. Beitrage &c. i. 13-35. „ 52. „ 25. Richt. Paloeont. Thuring. p. 36. Goniatites ( continued ).'] 93 [Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 1 arcuatus, Miinst, Clymen. Limest., U... auris, Quenstedt. lberg Limest., Cypr. Sch., U. Becheri, D’Arch. & Vern. Calcar, ironstone, U.. Beaumonti, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U... bicanaliculatus, Sndbrgr. Orthoc.Scb.,Stringoc. L’st.Wissenb. Sell. and L’st., L., M. bicostatus,' Hall. Portage Gr p , U retrorsus. biferus, Phill. Cyprid. Sch, Clymen. Limest, U. var. delphinus Sndbrgr. Clymen. Limest, U... biimpressus. Von Buch. U bilanceolatus, Sndbrgr. Ferrug. L’st, Clymen. L’st, Cyprid. Miinst. U bisulcatus, Kevserl. Iberg&Cypr,Goniat. & Domanik, U. Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest, U. ... Bronni, Miinst. Red Marble, Clymen. Limest, U. Buchii, D’Arch. & Vern. Goniat.Sch.&c,M,U. Bucklandi, Miinst. Clymen. Limest, U... calculiformis, Beyrich. Iberg & Goniat. L’st, canalifer, Miinst. U cancellatus, D’Arch. & Vern. M carbonarius, Sow. Passage-beds carinatus, Beyrich. Stringoc. & Cyprid, M„ U. Cheraungensis, ' Conrad ? Chem U cinctus, Miinst. & Braun. Bifum. Shale, Doma- nik, U. circumflexifer, Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Sch, M, U... clavilobus, Ironstone... U clymenia-formis, Miinst. Grey Clym. L’st, U, compressus, „ O rt hoc. Sch, W issenb. SI, L„ M. contiguus, Shale U mstatns. D’Arch. & Vern. u. costulatus, „ Goniat. Sch, M, U, Cottai, Miinst. BlackCly men.Sch, U. cucullatus, Von Buch. U Dannenbergii, Beyrich. Wissenb. ...L De Haen. U discoideus,’ Hall. Marcell. Sh„ M discus, Ad. Rom. Iberg L’st. & Culm, U. var. dorsicosta, ,, U distortus, Tietze. Clymen. Limest, U... divisus, Miinst. Dark Limestone, U., linearis &c. evexus, Von Buch. Clymen. Limest, U., excavatus, Phill. M expan su9, f Vanux. Marcell. Sh, M falcatus, Ad. Rom. Passage-bed, U falcifer, Miinst. Clymen. Limest, L T ., forcipifer, Sndbrgr. Cyprid. Sch, U gracilis, Miinst. Blk. Marbl. breccia, U. globosus, Quenstedt. U Miinst. M, U Haueri, D’Orb. . U. Hceninghausii, Bronn. Limestone, M, U Humboldtii, l’usch. U. . hybridus, Miinst. RedMarbl . breccia, U. incertus, D’Arch. & Vern. inconstans, Phill. M interm edius, Miinst, Clymen. Limest interruptus?,' II. D. Rogers. Geness. SI, M Locality. Schubelhammer Grund, Oberscheld, Budesheim Eibach (Nassau), Oberscheld Gattendorf Cramberg, Wissenbach, Seckshelden, L T p. Lerbacli, Laddekenberg( W eida), Newton Bushel. New- York State Weilburg, Enkeberg, S. Petherwiu . Ebersdorf Oberscheld, Haasenhuth, Enkeberg... Schubelhammer in nodules Petherwin, Lanlake, riv. Uchta (Pet- schora-land), Ebersdorf. Grund Gerlas, Valhalla, Marxgrun, fElsnitz Planitz, Geiser, &c. Brilon, Oberscheld Schubelhammer, Thiiringerwald Grund, Frasne (Belgium), FortConde. Sessacher. Schubelhammer Brilon iron-mines (Westphalia) Barnstaple (N. Devon.) Grund, Oberscheld New-York State Schubelhammer, Fichtelgebirge, river Uchta (Petschora-land ), Mt. Timan, Ural, Archangel. Cramberg, Wissenbach, Riesbach (Harz). Konizug by Eibach Gattendorf Elbersreuth.Adorf, Mandersbach, Wis- senbach, Zeigenberg Teiclie, Newton Bushel ? Schubelhammer Eibach (Nassau) Brilon, Altenau Schubelhammer Ebersdorf Wissenbach (Nassau) Thiiringerwald Manlius, Cazenovia, Schoharie Co. ... North-west Harz Grund Ebersdorf Gattendorf, Geigen Beitrage &c. i. 52. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 105. Lethaea Geogn. ed. 3, i. 514. Beitrage &c. i. 48. Verstein. Nassau, p. 112 ; Pal. D. & M. iii. 19, ix. 1. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 103. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 120. Verstein. Nassau, p. 71. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 382. Verstein. Nassau, p. 71. Beitrage &c. i. 24. Paheont. D. &M. iii. 27 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. p.484; MVK. Geol. Russ, ii. 394. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 39. Beitrage &c. i. 48, iii. 108. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 340-383. Beitrage &c. i. 52 ; Richter, Paheont, Thuring. p. 34. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 34. Beitrage &c. i. 51. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 382. „ „ v. 703. ,, „ vi. 382 ; Verst Nassau, p. 88. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 182. Beitrage &c. i. 55, v. 127. Pelm Torquay, Newton Bushel (Carb. also). Marcellus, Manlius, Schoharie Co. ... Lautenthal (Harz) Schubelhammer Eibach red ironstone Wissenbach, Schwarzenbach (Fichtel- gebirge). Dillenburg(Nassau),Buntebook(lIarz). Gattendorf, Newton Bushel, Torquay Fichtelgebirge Frasnes, Bensberg, Refruth, Givet .. Kielce (Poland) Hurtigwagen, Gerlas (Franconia) ... Brilon iron-mines (Westphalia) South Devonshire, near Exeter Schubelhammer Pennsylvania Reference. Pal. D. & M. iii. 80 ; Verstein. Nassau, p. 111. Verstein. Nassau, p. 67. Beitrage &c. i. 49. n Sndbrgr. Verst. Nass. p. 120; Beitrage &c. i. 25 ; Siluria, ed. 4, p. 395. Beitrage &c. i. 28, 46. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 382. Paheont. D. & M. xiii. 232. Beitrage &c. i. 50. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 382. Richt. Palatont. Thur. p. 32. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 97. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 39, 95. „ 40. D. & Z. xix. 133. Beitrage &c. i. 18, 46. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 382. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 121. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 96. Paheont. D. & M. iii. 50. ,, ,, ; Beitrage &c. iii. 106. Verstein. Nassau, p. 81. Beitrage &c. i. 26. Lethata Geogn. ed.3, p. 510. Beitrage &c. i. 16, 45. „ iii. pi. xvi. Lethaja Geogn. ed. 3, p. 515. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 394; Puseh. Pol d . Beitrage &c. i. 15, 46. [p. 151. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 383. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 123. Beitrage &c. i. 53. Geol. Penns, p. 829. 2 B Goniatites ( continued ).] 94 [^Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. intumescens, Bey rich, Jugleri, Ad. Rom Lamed, Sndbrgr yar. calculiformis, Sndbrgr., Beyr, ,, complanatus, Sndbrgr. primordialis. var. cordatus, „ „ latedorsatus, „ affinis. yar. rugosus, „ Ammon. var. tripartitus, „ bisulcatus. lamellosus, „ lateseptatus, Beyr. latestriatus, D'Arcli. &Yern, latus, lenticularis, linearis, subsulcatus. lunulicosta, Lyoni,' Mammilifer, Marcellensis,' maximus, micromphalus, mithrax,' multilobatus, multiseptatus, Munsterii, Miinst. Richter. Miinst. Sndbrgr. M. & W. Sndbrgr, Conrad ? Miinst Ad. Rom. Hall Beyrich. Yon Buch Noeggerathi, „ nummularius, Ad. Rom. obscurus, Miinst. orbicella,' Hall, orbicularis, Miinst. orbiculus, Beyrich. Hoeninghausenensis. ovatus, Miinst. Ellipsolites ovatus. Patersoni,' Hall. pauciseptata, Miinst, paucistriatus,D’Areh.&Vern pessoides, Petraeos, planidorsatus, planilobus, planus, porcellioides, Preslyii, primordialis, punctatus,' quadripartitus, retrorsus, yar. acutus, Von Buch. Miinst. Sndbrgr. Ad. Rom. Miinst. Tietze. Miinst. Von Buch. Conrad. Miinst. Von Buch. Miinst. Stringoc.L’st., Goniat L’st., Cyprid. Sell., & Iberg L’st., M.,U Wissenb. Clay-sl., L.. Cyprid. Sch., U Ironst, & Marl, M.,U Red ironstone, L T . ... „ U. ... „ U. ... „ u. ... Stringoe. Limest., M. Cyprid. Sc., ironst., U, Orthoc. Scli.,Wissen- bacli, L., M. Cyprid. Sch., LT — Grund, Oberscheld, Adorf, Eibach, Gessacher. Schulenberg Schadek by Runkel, Oberscheld Budesheim, Grund Verst. Nassau, p. 82 ; Ad. Rom. Verst. Harz, 1843, p. 33. Verstein. narz, 1843. p. 34. Nassau, p. 9(3. Usk-Uchta (Ural ?) Grund Oberscheld, Frasnes (Belgium) Tollethales (Goslar), Steinberg, Ladde- kenberg, Wissenbach, Mandersbach Eibach iron-mines Marble breccia, U. . . Limestone, U Clymen. Limest., U.. Cyprid. Schist, U. .. Cyprid. Schist, U. .. Marcell. Sh., M Marble drift, U U UHL L U L Clymen. Limest., U.. Wissenb. Sch., L. .. Iberg Limest,, U. .. Marble breccia, U. . . Ham. Sh....M Shale U M Gattendorf Thiiringerwald Petherwin, Thuringia, Geigen, Sclni belhammer. Oberscheld, Eibach iron-mines Ohio, Indiana Oberscheld Marcellus &c. (N. Y.) Schiibelhammer, Steinbruch Upper Lerbach Columbus (Ohio) Oberscheld Eifel, Wissenbach Elbersreuth, Schiibelhammer, Ebers- dorf. Wissenbach (Nassau) Grund Elbersreuth Ludlowville, Cayuga Co. (N. Y.) .... Schiibelhammer Eifel Gosselet, MS. 1870 ; Verst. Nass. p. 85. Verstein. Nassau, p. 117; Pakeont. D. & M. iii. 81, is. 1, xi. 312, xiii. 225. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 341 ; Verst. Nassau, p. 123. Beitrage &c. i. 13. Pakeont, Thuringia, p. 36. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 120 ; Beitrage &c. i. 17, 45. Verstein. Nassau, p. 70. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 1860, p. 471. Verstein. Nassau, p. 70. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. p. 146. Beitrage &c. i. 22, 54. Palieont. D. & M. iii. 19. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 98. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 383. Beitrage &c. i. 19, 47. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 385. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 35. Beitrage &c. i. 55. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 99. Beitrage &c. i. 20-48. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 383. ,U. Ham. Shale, Portage Sandst., M., U. Orthoc. Limest., U.... U u Red Clymen. L’st., U. Brown „ U. Cyprid. Sch., U Gattendorf by Hof, Fichtelgebirge ... Paterson’s Creek (N. Y.) Elbersreuth Oberscheld, Adorf (Princ^ Waldeck). . . Ebersdorf Gattendorf by Hof Nehden, Saalfeld, Schulenberg. angulatus, „ amblelobus, „ auris, Quenstedt. biarcuatus, „ circumflexus, Calceol. Sch., M. ... Clymen. Limest., U... „ U... Grey Clymen. L’st.,U. Goniat. Limest., U Ham M Grey Clymen.L’st.,U. Domanik Limest., U., Stringoe. & Goniat, L’st., M., Cyprid, Sch. Cyprid. Sch., U. ... Clymen. Limest,, U... Cyprid. Sch., U Iberg Limest., U. ... Cyprid. Sch., U Stringoe. Limest., M.. Schiibelhammer Ebersdorf Schiibelhammer Grund. Goslar, Eifel Solsville (N. Y.) Gattendorf Vilmar, Matagne, Dinant, Frasnes, Couvin, Givet, Adorf, Oberscheld, Bergesfeldt, Nehden, Budesheim, Ebersdorf, Roop, Martenburg, river Uchta, Russia, Dorpat, Tinian Moun- tains, New York. Nehden, Saalfeld, Tegau, Elbersreuth, Marxgriin, Tchudova, river Uchta, Livonia. Nehden, Warstein, Budesheim ,, Saalfeld, „ Grund, Oberscheld, „ Nehden, Saalfeld, Beitrage &c. i. 1 4-44. XIII. Rep. Reg. N. Y. p. 99, XV. 196. Beitrage &c. i. 55. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 383. Beitrage &c. i. 45. „ 47. Verst. Nassau, p. 105 ; Pal. D. & M, v. 19, xiii. 226. Leonh. A Br.Neues Jahrb. 1856, p.256, Beitrage & c. i. 23. Pakeont. D. & Z. xix. 132. Beitrage &c. i. 49. Kavser, Zeitschr. &c. 1871, p. 373. Vanux. Geol. N. Y. pp. 159, 163. Beitrage &c. i. 46. Pakeont. D. & M. ix. 7 ; Bull. Soc Geol. Fr. n. s. xvii. 59 ; Helmers. Expl. Carte Russ. p. 16 ; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, pp. 105-110. Sndbrgr. Verst. Nassau, p. 105 ; MYK. Geol. Russ. ii. 394. Verstein. Nassau, p. 105. »> »> „ „ ; Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 40. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 105. Goniatites ( continued ).] 95 [Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. var. curvispinus, Quenst. Cvprid. Sell., U ,, lingua, Von Buck. U „ oxvcantha, Sndbrgr. ? U ,, planilobus Sndbrgr. U „ saeculus, Sndbrgr. ? Stringoc. L’st., Cvpr. Sch., M.. U. ,, umbilicatus, Sndbrgr. Cyprid. Sch., U ,, undulatus, ,, Stringoc. L’st., Cvpr. Sch., M., U. Roemeri, Munst. Clvmen. Limest., U... Sagittarius, Sndbrgr. Cyprid. Sch., U Miinst. U serpentinus. Phill. Limestone, M serratus, Steininger. Cvprid. Sch., Goniat. Marl, M„ U. L.?, U.... sinuosus?,' Winch., Hall. Portage Gr p , U solaroides, Miinst. Clvmen. Limest., U... speciosus, „ U.„ sphfuricus, DeHaen, Martin. Flymen. & Domanik Limest., U. spharoules. spirorbis, Phill. Limestone, U spiruleformis, Miinst. U spurius, „ Clymen. Limest., U... strangulatus, Keyserl. Domanik ...U striatulus. Miinst. Clym. L’st., U subarmatus, „ U subbilobatus. »> „ (grey), U. subcarinatus, U subevexus, Marble breccia, U. . . . subglobosus, Clym. L’st. (grev), U. subinvolutus, U sublamellosus, Sndbrgr. Cyprid. Sch., U sublaivis, Miinst. Brown Limest., U sublinearis, U subnautihnus, 1 D’Arch. & Wissenb. Sell., Orth oc. Vern. Sch.,Stringoc.L’st., Marcell. 81., L., M. var. convolutus, Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Sch., L „ vittiger, ,, Cyprid. Sch., L T subnodosus, Munst. Marble breccia, U Clymenia. subpartitus, 5* Clym. L’st. (red), U.. subsuleatus, Smooth shale, U. ... tripartitvs. sulcatus &c. subtuberculatus, Sndbrgr. Limestone, M tenuistriatus,D’Arch.&Vern. U terebratus, Sndbrgr. Stringoc. L’st., C’ypr. Sch., M., U. tetragonus, Ad. Rum. Iberg Li-mest., U. ... Thieranus, De Koninck. Cyprid. Sch., U transitorius, Phill. Limestone, M tridens, Sndbrgr. Cyprid. Sell., U trullatus, Richt. Clymen. L’st., U. ... tuberculoso-costatus.D’Arch. „ Cypr. & Vern. Sell., U. Gon. tuberculoxus, G. costa tus. t uberculosus, D’ Arch.&Vern. U Ucbtensis, Kevserl. Domanik Limest., U. umbilicatus, Miinst. Clvmen. Limest., U... umbilicus, Ad. Rom. Iberg L’st , Posidon. Sell., Culm, U. undulosus, Miinst. U Ungeri, 9 Clymen. Limest., U. uniangularis,' Conrad. Ham. Shales, M Verneuilii, Miinst. Grey Cly mem . L’st. , U. vesica ?, Phill. 9 vinctus, Sow. Clymen. Limest., U. Wurmii, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... Zorgensis, ,, Wissenb. Limest., L.. snefi. indet.. Unerr. ? „ Richter & Unger. ? Locality. Sndbrgr. Verst ein. Nassau, p. 105. „ „ p. no. „ „ p. 105. Reference. Neliden, Budesbeim, Saalfeld .... Oberscheld, Budesheim Nebden, Oberscbeld, Saalfeld Scbulenberg Budesbeim, Oberscbeld . Schiibelbammer Oberscbeld, Eibacb iron-mines.. Ficbtelgebirge Torquay, Newton Busbel Oberscbeld, Budesheim, Grund „ Rammelsberg? Michigan, Ckatauque Co. (N. Y.) Ebersdorf Schiibelbammer, Elbersreuth Thuringia, Uehta river (Petsckora), (Also Carboniferous.) Westleigh (Devonshire) Elbersreuth „ Schiibelbammer River Uckta (Petscbora-land) Gattendorf, Geiser Schubelhammer Gattendorf, Ebersdorf, Thuringia Schiibelhammer Naila, Bavaria (Fichtelgebirge) .. Gattendorf Oberscheld (ironstone) Schleitz, Gattendorf Gattendorf Wiecla, Dillenburg, Laddekenberg, Cramberg, Gerolstein, Hausberg. New York. Wissenback, Cramberg Lerbacli(Harz),Madfeld (Westphalia). Elbersreuth Gattendorf South Petkerwin (Dr. Holl), Gatten dorf, Schubelhammer. Laddekenberg by Wieda (Harz) Brilon, Oberscheld (ferrug. limest.).., Giershagen, Vilmar, Polsterberg? ... Grund Virelle (Chimay) Newton Bushel, Torquay .. Overscheld, Konigszug (red ironst.).. Saalfeld (Thuringia) Oberscheld, Ebersdorf, Eibach (calca- reous ironstone). Brilon (Westphalia), Oberscheld River Uehta (Petschora-land) Fichtelgebirge Bockwiese Gattendorf (Bavaria) Schubelhammer Moscow, Paterson’s Creek (N. Y.) ... Gattendorf Lancashire Petherwin, Pilton, Barnstaple (pas- sage-bed). Grund Zorge (Harz) Gratz (Styria) Tkiiringerwald Pakeont. D. & M. siii. 227 ; Verstein. Nassau, p. 105. Beitrage &c. i. 52. Verstein. Nassau, p. 77. Beitriige &c. iii. 1 1 . Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 123. Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 95. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 383. Pal. N. Y. iii.? 245; Notice Miehig. 1862, p. 16. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 383. Beitrage &e. i. 21. Letli. Rossica, p. 1322 ; Richt.Zeitscbr. d. d. geol. Ges. Berl. 1869, xxi. 390. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 123. Beitrage &c. i. 55. „ 23, 51. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 394. Beitrage &c. i. 46. „ 22-51. „ 47. „ 21-51. „ 45. „ 45. „ 48. Verstein. Nassau, p. 87. Beitrage &c. i. 15. „ 17, 45. Palseont. D. & M. iii. 19, ix. 2 ; Lethosa Geogn. ed. 3, i. 50. Verstein. Nassau, p. 114. Beitrage &c. i. 25. „ 44. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiv. 447; Pal Foss. Devon, p. 123 ; Beitrage &c. i. 17, 46. Palieont. D. & M. ix. 1. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 383. Pal. D. & M. ix. 3, xiii. 227; Verstein. Nassau, p. 99. Palceont. D. & M. iii. 39, xiii. 232. D’Om. d’Halloy, Precis Geol. p. 577. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 140. Verstein. Nassau, p. 66. Rickt. Palaeont. Thuring. p. 35. Verstein. Nassau, p. 65. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 385. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 394. Beitriige &c. i. 46. Palaiont. D. & M. v. 38. Beitriige &c. i. 15, 45. ,, iii. 107. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 98. Beitriige &c. i. 44. Geol. of Yorkshire, ii. 236. Pkill. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 1 19. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 33. Palajont. D. & M. xiii. 209. Bull. Soc. G£ol. Fr. n. s. i. 155. Leonh.&Br. NeuesJahrb. 1856, p.626. Gyroceras.] 96 [Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. Gyroceras, Dc Koninck, Von aratum, Sndbrgr. binodosum, ,, costatum, Cyrtoceras. cyclops,' Hall. Meyer , 1829, I)' Orhi gny. (Frequently identified with C'yr Stringoc. Limest., M. „ „ M. „ „ M Yilmar. Bodenstein by Yilmar, Ley UHL L. Eifelense, ellipticus, Eryx,’ var. expansum, Goldfussii, inelegans,' Nautilus ? lateralis, liratum,' Apioceras. Logani,' Matheri,' Cyrtoceras. Nais,’ nereus,' nodosum, Spirula. Ohioense,' Trochoceras. ornatum, D’Archiac. Richt. Hall. Scemann. D’Orb. Meek. Schists and Calceola Limest., M. U. ... UHL L Helderberg Mountains (N. Y.), Colum- bus (Ohio). Givet, Dailly, Couvin (Belgium) Richt, Hall Meek. Conrad Hall Giebel Meek. Goldf Goniat. Limest., M... M. ... Cornif. Limest., L.... Limestone, U Ham.,Marcell.Sh.,M. Ham.? M. ... UHL L Saalfeld, Pfafienburg Milwaukie (Wisconsin State) Manlius (N. Y.)... Eifel, PafFrath ... Marion Co., Ohio Saalfeld, Pfafienberg . Schoharie (N. Y.) .... River M'Kenzie, below Fort Good Hope, N.N.W. Arctic Amer. Schoharie, and near Catskill (N. A’.). Chem U Cornif. Limest., L.... Limestone, M. ... var.Eifelensis, D’ A.&Vern. quadroclathratum, Sndbrgr tenuisquamatum, „ trivolvis,’ Conrad undulatum, 1 spec, indet., Sndbrgr. Lituites, Breynius, 1732. ellipticus, Richter, lateralis, ,, Nautilus, Breynius , 1732. complanatus,' H. A. Green, divisus, Miinst, falcifer, Ad. Rom Germanus, Phill, Cornif. Limest., L.... Stringoc. Limest., M. ,, „ &c., M. , , ,, Silic s Ironst,., M. Stringoc. Limest., M. UHL L Cornif. Limest., L.... Stringoc.Limest.,Red Silic 8 Ironst., M. = Hortulus, Montf Limestone, U „ U Trematodiscus, Portage Group, U. . . . Clymen. Limest., U. Calceola Limest., M. Limestone, M lavis, Lawsii,' linearis, megasipho, Richt. Swallow. Richter. Phill U. Ham., UHL., L, M. U. .. Limestone, M Chemung Co. (N. Y.) Auburn (N. Y.) Gerolstein, Gummersbuch, Plymouth, &c. Delaware and Marion Co s (Ohio) Newton Bushel (South Devonsh.) Yilmar (Nassau) toceras.) Verstein. Nassau, p. 137. , „ 135. , „ 136. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 68. Gosselet MS. 1870, mecum. Palaeont. Thuring. p. 28. Hall & Wh. Geol. S. Lake Superior ; XY. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 67. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 104. Prodrome, i. 52. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1871, p.87. Pakeont. Thuring. p. 27. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 104. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicag. i. 111. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 66. „ „ 68 . „ 67. Fauna der Vorwelt, iii. 195. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1871 , p.87 Phill. Pabeoz. Foss. Devon, p. 115 Kayser, Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p.367 Kayser, Zeitschrift &c. 1871, p. 367. Verstein. Nassau, p. 138. Weilberg Schoharie, Oneida,OnondagaCo s (N.Y.) Delaware Co. (Ohio) Weilburg (Harz) ort, 1808. (For Lituites read Gyroce Pfafienberg, Saafeld, Thiiringerwald . Thiiringerwald Meek and Worthen. Mount Morris, Livingstone Co. (N. Y.) Fichtelgebirge Birkenthal Newton Bushel, Torquay obesa, Richter, orbicularis, Ad. Rom. ornatus (disrates),' Hall. var. amplus,' Meek, plana, Miinst. planatus, Ad. Rom. planorbiformis?, Miinst. subtuberculatus, Sndbrg. spec, indet., Rouault. „ Tietze, Orthoceras, Breynius , 1732, aciculuin,' Hall, acuarium, Miinst. acuminatum, Eichw acus, Ad. Rom, acutissimum, Sndbrgr H5gea,' Hall alternans, Ad. Rom anceps, Miinst anguliferum, D’A. & Vern annulatum, Fournet, areuatellum, Sndbrgr, .U. Marcellus Shale, M. Ham M U String.Ferru. L’st.,M. U Cyprid. Schist, U. ... Thiiringerwald Callaway Co., Missouri Thiiringerwald South Petherwin (Dr. Holl), Lanlake Thiiringerwald Upper Schulenberg, Harz. Manlius, Schoharie Co Bake-Oven, Illinois Thiiringerwald Buchenberg, Elbingerode . Thiiringerwald Clymen. Limest., U. Chem U Cyprid. Sch. &c., U. (Also Carb.), L Wissenb. Sch., L. ... Orthoc. Sch., L Ham. Limest., M. ... Spirif. Sands., L Grauwacke, U M Limestone, U Stringoc. Limest., Cy- prid. Sch., M., U. Gahard (France) Ebersdorf XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 65. Geol. Ohio, i. 149. Verstein. Nassau, p. 139. ras. — Ferd. Rom., Breslau.) Richt. Palaeont. Thuring. p. 28. Amer. Journ. Sci. xli. 121. Beitriige &c. 1843, i. 2. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 74. Quart. Journ. G. S. Lond. xix. 484; Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 1 18. Richt. Pala?ont. Thuring. Trans. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, i. 658. Richt. Pakeont. Thuring. Quart. Journ. G. S. Lond. xix. 484; Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 119. Richt. Palamnt. Thuring. Ad. Rom. Verst. Harz, 1843, p. 33. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 103. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1865, p.260 Richt. Palieont. Thuring. Pakeont. D. & M. iii. 64, xii. 227. An Clymen ia ? Verstein. Nassau, p. 133. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 321. Palaeont. D. & Z. xix. 139. Mount Morris, Bloomfield (N. Y.) .. Elbersreuth, Gattendorf, Obersclield Tsclmdovo (Baltic Russia) Riesbach near Schulenberg Wissenbach Madison Co. (N. Y.) Kahleberg (in nodules) Gattendorf PafFrath Montagne Noire (Languedoc) Vilmar, Oberscheld, Eibach ironstone, Giershagen(Westph.)ferrug. limest. Amer. Journ. of Sci. n. s. xli. 121. Beitriige &c. iii. 82. Lethasa Rossica, p. 1215. Pakeont. D. & M. v. 19. Verstein. Nassau, p. 171. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. Append, p.80. Palaeont, D. A M. iii. 3. Beitriige &c. vi. 104. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 384. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. i. 786. Verstein. Nassau, p. 166. Ortiioceras (continued).'] 97 [Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. arenosum,' Hall. Orisk. Sand., L Schoharie Co. (N. Y r .) Palasont. N. Y. iii. 480. articulatum, Sow. L Martelange, Luxemberg, river Moselle ? attenuatum, bacillum, Verstein. Nassau, p. 171. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 253. Eichw. U Elbersreuth (Reval &c. Silur.) baculum,' Hall. Schohar. Grit, L. . . . Schoharie Co XV. Rep. Regents N. Y T . p. 74. Barquianum,' Winch. Portage Group, U Point aux Barques, L. Huron (south). . Notice Devon. Rocks Michig. 1862, p. 7 . bicingulatum, Buchii, Wissenbach, Haigrer Verstein. Nassau, p. 162. De Yern. M St. Cinere, Joue, Ize, Nehou (Bonis- sent). Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 778 ; D’Archiac, Paleont. France, p. 48. calamiteus, Miinst. Grey Clvin. Limest., L.,M.,U. Yire, Nehou, Sebiibelhammer, Chitnay, Ebersdorf, Refrath, Brilon, Ac. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 303 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. 778; Miinst Beitriige &c. i. 30. calceola, Ad. Rom. Calceol. Schist, M. ... Festenburg Palieont. D. & M. iii. 205. carinatum, cinctum, ...U. Elbersreuth, river Ouchta Beitrage Ac. iii. 100. „ ,, 09 ; Miner. Conchol. tab. 588. Sow. Clymen. Limest., U. Shiibelhammer. Ebersdorf, Torquay, Petherwin, Top-Orchard, Lanlake, &c. Yilmar clathratum, Sndbrg. Stringoc. Limest., M. Verstein. Nassau, p. 172. clinocaraeratum, Winch. Chem U Flat-Rock Point &c., Saguenay Bay, Lake Huron. Notice Devon. Foss. Michig. 1862, p. 7. cochleatum ?, cochleiferum, Yern. M River Don (Government of Voroneje). MVK. Geol. Russ. i. 60, 63 ? Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Sck.. L VVissenbach, Bunteboeh, Harz Verstein. Nassau, p. 150. ? ftommunia. Waklenbnrpr. U Saalfeld Richt. Pal. Thuring. p. 25. Verstein. Nassau, p. 158 ; Verst. Harz. 1843, p. 36. compressum, Ad. Rum. Iberg Limest., Strin- goc. Limest., M., U. Lahnstein (ironst.), Grund conoideum, Miinst. Orthoc. Limest., U... Elbersreuth Beitrage Ac. iii. 06. constrictum,' Hall. Ham. Shale, M Cazenovia, Hamilton, Cumberland Co. (Maryland). XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 77. conulus, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... Grund Palaeont. D. A M. iii. 39, xiii. 231. costulatum, Miinst. U Elbersreuth Beitrage Ac. iii. 99. crassum,' Ad. Rom. Orthoc. Sell., Spirif. Sand., L. Schalke, Festenburg, Cramberg, Ebers- dorf. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 35 ; Verstein. Nassau, p. 164; Palaeont. D. A M. iii. 110. Palieont. D. A M. iii. 110. crebrum, L. Saemann. Limestone, M Gerolstein, Chi may crotalum, Hall. Ham. Shale, M Ludlowville, Cazenovia, Seneca Lake (N.Y.). XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 78. cylindriacum, Sow. M„ U. ... Ilfracombe, JNewton Bushel, Heleboro’, Baggy Point, Barnstaple ( pass. -bed). Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. 113. cylindricum, Dannebergii, M„ U. ... Trans. G. S. L. 2nd ser. v. 703*. Palieont. D. A M. xiii. 211. D’A. &’V. Wissenb. Sh., U. ... Wissenbach, Zeigenberger Teiche decussatum, demissum, L. digitale, Miinst. i; Beitrage &c. iii. 102. Palaeont. D. & M. iii. 165. Saemann. Limestone, M. ? Ad. Rom. Wissenb.. . ,L Hutthales, Zeigenb. Teiche, Wissenb 1 '. 17. dimidiatum, Sow. Spirif. Sandst. &c., L. Thuringia (rolled), Eibensbusch, Braunsberg, Wissenbach, Fich, Plauen, Wildenfels, Elbersreuth. Miinst. Beitriige Ac. iii. 98 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 385. duplicatum, Miinst. U Elbersreuth Beitrage Ac. iii. 100. ellipsoideum, Phill. Yellow Sch. Limest., M„ U. Torquay, JNewton Bushel, Petherwin, Grasi, Matyra. Ilelmers. Beitrage Russ. Reiches Ac.. 1858, p. 89. ellipticum. Miinst. Red Clymen. Limest., U. Oberscheld, Gatteudorf, Planitz.Marx- griin, Geisen, Elbersreuth, Schiibel- hammer, Thuringia (drift). Beitrage Ac. iii. 97, Ac. excepticum, exile,' Goldf. M Bensberg Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 385. Hall. tlam. Ac., L., M. ... Cazenovia, Cumberland Co. (Maryland) XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 78. fasciculare, foliatum,' Richt. Limestone, U Palaeont. Thuring. p. 25. Hall. Schohar. Grit, U. ... Schoharie Co.. Ilelderberg Mountains. Zeigenberger Teiche XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 74. fragile, Ad. Rom. Wissenb. Sch., L. ... I’alicont. D. & M. iii. 18. giganteum, gracile, Vern. Bactrites. Sow. M Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 385. & Miinst. Wissenb. SI., L Blackhead (St. Austell), Looe, Wissen- bach, &c. Siluria, 4th ed. p. 277 ; Palaeont. I*. A M. iii. 16. gracilius,' Winch. Portage Group, U Union Branch Co. (Michigan) Rep. Michigan, 1862, p. 429. granulatum, • gregarium, M linst. U Beitriige &c. iii. 101. Murch Cyprid. Sch., U (In drift) Obersteinach, Thuringia, Schubelhammer. Palaeont. Thuring. p. 24; Richt. Beitr iii. 97. i Ifelmerseni, Pacht. Limestone, L., M. ... Jeletz, Sadonsk, Konkolodes, Lepezk, river Matyra, Orel, Jendowisohtsche. Russ. Reiches, p. 88. Ifyans, Hyas,' Ibex,' Richt. U Richt. Palaeont. Thur. p. 25. Hall. Schohar. Grit, L. .. Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 75. Sow. Ham. G p , L„ M„ U. Wisconsin?, Rhen. Pruss., Wissenbach, Petherwin. Fost. AW. Rep.S.LakeSuperior, p.303 : Trans. G. S. L. sor. 2, vi. 346. ! irabricatum, Wahlenb. Cyprid. Sell., U Mar wood, Baggy, Pi 1 ton, Top-Orchard, Obersteinach, Thiiringerwald. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. Ill ; Credner. Geol. Thuring. p. 18. inequiclathratum, Sndbrgr. „ in iron glance, U. Konigszug by Eibach Verstein. Nassau, p. 172. interruptum, Miinst. Gomphoceras, Sow. — Clymen. Limest., U. Gattondorf, Plauen, Elbersreuth Beitriige Ac. iii. 07. 2 c Orthoceras ( continued ).] 98 [Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. irregulare, Miinst. U Jovellani, D’A. & Vern. L. ?, M. Keyserlingii, carinatus. DOrb. U Lathropianum ?,' lineare, Winch. ? Munst. Wissenb. Sch., Strin- goc. Limes., Cvprid. Sch., L., M.,'U. lineolatum, littoralis, Phill. U u Lorieri, Ludense ?. D’Orb. L„ M. ... Sow. L., M., U. macromerum, Fischer. Marcellense,' Vanux. Goniat. Limest., M... typus Saetnann. maximum, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. mocktreense, Sow. In Ironst.. L. or M. . . multicinctum,' Hall. Schohar. Grit, L. ... multiseptatum, Richt. &Rom. Wissenb. Sch., Iberg Limest., L., U. nodulosum, Schloth. Limest. &. Sch., M... nuntium,’ Hall. Ham. Shale, M obliquecostatum, Sndbrgr. Braun. Goniat. Sch., M obliqueseptatum, Orthoc. Sch., L paradoxus, Pelops,' U Hall. Marcell. SI., Goniat. Limest.. M. perelegans,' ,, Ham. Shale, M Phillipsii, Salter. D’Orb. U planicanaliculatum, Sndbrg. Orthoc. Sch., L., U. ? planiseptatum, ” polygonum, ” Orthoc. Sch., Goniat. Marl L., M. profundum/ Hall. UHL L propinquum, Eickw. Marly Limest., L. ... prolapsum, Richt. Limestone, U pulckellum, Ad. Rom. Iberg Limest., U. ... punctatum, Miinst. Clymen. Limest., U. pusillum, L. Saemann. Biturn 5 Limest.), M. pustulosum,' Winch. Ham M rapaeforme, Sndbrgr. Orthoc. Sch., Wissenb. Sch., L., M. Raphanistrum, Ad. Rom. regular©, Schloth. gracile, Rom. (Carb. Vise) Silur. Reval. &c. remotum, semiplicatum, simplicissimum, simiatum, speciosum, Gattendorf, Elbersreutb Ferrones (Spain), Ize (France). River Uchta (Petschora-land) . Locality. Reference. South Michigan Dobeneck, Zeigenberg Teiche, Ebers dorf, Hutthales, Elbersreuth, Ober scheld, Lerbach, Vilmar, Elbinge rode. Crovde Bay, Pilton Petherwin Neliou (La Manche), Vire (Sarthe) .. Woodabay, Newton Bushel, Torquay. Babbacoinbe, Padstow, Marwood Baggy Point, Pilton, Elbersreuth. Orel (Russia) Manlius, Marcellus, Schoharie Wissenbaeh, Budesheim Wissenb. . . ,L Orthoc. Sch., Cyprid. Seh.,Clym. Limest., Iberg Limest., L., M„ U. Richt. Clymen. Limest., U. Munst. Black Clym. L’st., U. Sndb. Stringoc. Limest., Go- niatite Limest., M. Richt. Limestone, U. ? Munst. Clymen. Limest., Lb Stamboul, Vern. Steinhaueri, Sow. striato-punctatum, Munst. striatulum, „ striatum, Sow. Strombeckii, Ad. Rom. virgatam. Sow. subannulare, Miinst. L.. Elbersrenth, Thuringia Lerbach, Elbingerode (Harz) Schoharie Co. (N. Y.) Saalfeld Pfaffenberg, Grund, F’esten berg. Macon, Givet, Couvin, Eifel Seneca and Cayuga Lakes (N. Y.) Eifel Wissenbaeh Geiser (Bavaria) Manlius, HelderbergMountains (N.Y.) Hamilton, Madison Co. (N.Y.) .. South Petherwin (only in Britain), Dr. Holl. ,, Mandersbach, Lohren Jeletz, a. d. Sosma Limestone. U Clymen. Limest., U. U Limest. in Slate, U... Wissenb. Limest., L. Clymen. Limest., U. (Bryozoa-bed). lorki, Pskow, La Dwina, Kameneje, a. d. Matyra, Wissenbaeh, Lerbach. Little Laddekensberg (Weida, Harz) , Wissenbaeh, Mandersbach, Elbers- reuth-drift, Geiser, Ize, Gahard. Grund, Nieder-Selfers,Wieda, Clam- berg, Thuringia, Oberscheld, Scliii- belhammer, CElsnitz, Planitz, Ler- bach, Ilausberg, Hallstadt (Tyrol). Thuringia, Schubelliammer Schiibelhammer Vilmar (Nassau), Gerolstein (Eifel) . Pfaffenberg (Thuringia) Elbersreuth, Gattendorf, Sckubel- hammer, Thuringia drift. Kartal Pfaffenberg Elbersreuth Sckiibekammer Petherwin, Lanlake, Pilton Laddekensberg (Zorge), Ehrenfeld ... Elbersreuth Beitrage &c. iii. 100 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 385. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ii. 461, vii. 159. Helmersen, Explic. Carte Russ. p. 16. Amer. Journ. Sci. ser, 2, xxxiii. 357. i Pakeont. D. & M. iii. 17, xiii. 227 ; Bei- trage &c. iii. 99; Verstein. Nassau, p. 164 ; Eickw. Letksea Rossica, p. 1200. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. Ill ; Phill. Geol. Yorksh. Phill. Foss. Devon, fig. 205. Prodrome, i. 55. Pal. Foss. Devon, p. Ill; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 385. Lethaea Rossica, ii. 1219. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 106. Beitrage &c. iii. p. 96. Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 36. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 76. Palseont. D. & M. iii. 80, v. 36 ; Richt. Pal. Thur. p. 25. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 399 ; Trans. G. S. L ser. 2, vi. 2-5, 385. XIV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 79. Zeitschr. &c. 1871, p. 354. Verstein. Nassau, p. 160. Beitrage &c. v. 127. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 73. „ „ „ 80. Mem. Geol. Surv. of Great Brit. ii. 447. Verstein. Nassau, p. 161. „ „ ,, ; Pakeont. D. & M. xi. 312 ; Beitrage zui Russ. Reiches, p. 88. Verstein. Nassau, p. 162. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 76. Letha>a Rossica, p. 1216. Palseont. Thuringia, p. 27. Pakeont. D. & M. iii. 39, xiii. 231. Beitrage, &c. iii. 104. Palseont. D. & M. iii. 165. Rep. Michig. 1866, Append, p. 97. Helmers. Explic. Cart. Russie ; Ver- stein. Nassau, p. 167 ; Pakeont. D. & M. iii. 16. Palseont. D. &M. iii. 16, xiii. 210.225. „ „ ix. 2, xi. 312 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 385; Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 35 ; Sndbrgr. Ver- stein. Nassau, p. 173; Munst. Beitr. iii. 95 ; Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 321. Palmont. Thuring. p. 26. Beitrage &c. iii. 98. Verstein. Nassau, p. 172. Pakeont. Thuring. p. 26. Beitrage &c. iii. 96. Tehihatckef?,AsiaMinor,Append.p.25. Richter, Palseont. Thuring. p. 24. Beitrage &c. iii. 101. „ „ 102 . M'Cov, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 405. Palseont. D. & M. xiii. 210. Beitriige &c. iii. 99. Orthoceras ( continued ).] 99 [Cephalopoda- Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. subconicum, Ad. Rom Wissenb. Sch., L. ... subflexuosum, Keyserling Cvprid. Sc., Domanik Melia. Sc.,Goniat L’st.,U. subfusiforme, Miinst Black Clym. Lirnest., U. 3 subpyriforme, » Clymen. Lirnest., U. subregulare, Ad. Rom Iberg Lirnest., U. ... subtrochleatum, Miinst U subulatum, Hall. Marcell. Shale, M.... tenuicinctum, Ad. Rom. Wissenb. Sch., L. ... tenuilineatum, Sndbrg Orthoc. Sch., L tenuistriatum. Miinst. Black Clym. L'st., U. tentaculare, Phill. L M U tetricum,' Hall. L’st. of Schoh.Grit.L. Thoas,' Miinst. Schokar. Grit, L. ... torquatum, U. ... tracheatum. Rie.ht. L., U triangulare, D’A. & Vern. Wissenb. Schist, L., Stringoc. Lirnest., M., Clymen. Lime- stone, U. tubicinella, Sow. Stri ngoc. Lirnest. , Cly- men. Lirnest., M.,U. typus,' Ad. Rom. Marcell. Sh., M f unctum ?, undatolineolatum, M. ? I Sndbrg. L.... 1 undulatum, M., U. ...3 laterale. venustum, Miinst. U I vermiculare, White Marly L’st., L. C Cameroceras. vertebratum, Sndbrgr. < Jrthoc. Sch., L 1 virgatum, vittatum,' Sow. Hack Lirnest., L. ?. . . I Sndbrgr. ( Jyprid. Sch.(alsoCar- C Locality. Reference. senbach. 'hiiringwald, Elbersreutk.Oberscke Adort', Altenau, Gilsnitz, Ust-Uchta. huringia, Sekiibelkammer, Pskc Oberscheld, Kielce, Lake Ilmen, Upper Velicaja valley. Paffrath, Sehubelhammer, Gattendorf, Eifel, Kokenhusen, Thuringia. Grund Elbersreuth Pennsylvania. Haggington, Baggy Point, Brush- ford, &e. bach, Hausberg, Buckensberges, Nieder-lahnstein, Laubach (iron- stone), Sclnibelhammer, Vire, La Cormerie, Nehou. 'orquay, Newton Bushel, Plymouth (limestone), Chimay, Vilmar, Rud- heim, Gerolstein, Sehubelhammer. &c. Palaaont. D. & M. iii. 17. Beitriige &c. iii. 100 ; Lethaea Rossica, 1212; Verstein Nassau, p. 157. Richter, Pal. Thuring. p. 27 ; Beitrage &c. iii. 103 ; Grewingk, Livonia, p. 35. Beitrage &c. 103 ; Pal. Thuring. p. 10. Pakcont. D. & M. iii. 110, xiii. 231. Beitrage &c. iii. 101. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 77. Palasont. D. & M. xiii. 212. Verstein. Nassau, p. 168. Beitrage &c. iii. 102. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 1 12. XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 73. 75 . Beitrage &c. iii. 101. Palasont. Thuring. p. 26. Verstein. Nassau, p. 155 ; Palseont. D. & M. iii. 64, x. 312, xiii. 1.04. Phill. Pal. Foss. Devon &c. p. 112; Sndbrgr. Verstein. Nassau, p. 160. husen, Lichvin, Bielef, Ottrada. Winchellii,' Wissenbacliii, var. a, spec, indet. M. & W. D’A. & Vern. Helmersen. De Vern. Rouault. De Vern. Unger. Palaeoteuthis, Ferd. Homer, i Dunensis, Ferd. Rom. Phragmoceras, Broderip, bicarinatum, Sndbrgr. Brateri, Miinst. Campanulites. corniforme, Geinitz. Cyrtoceras. laterale, bon s ), U. Ham M. L... L.? orthogaster, pyriforme, spinosum,' subfusiforme, subpyriforme, Richter Sndbrgr. Goldf. Conrad Miinst, (Prince Tchihatchef) L L L 1856. Oldest Grauwacke, L. 839. Oncoceras, Ortkoc. Sch., U Clymen. Drift, U. ... „ Lirnest., U. der, Battle Creek (Michig. carb s ). White Sulphur Springs (Ohio) Zeigenberger Teiche, Wissenbach Wissenbach. Palseont. D. & M. iii. 165. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 647. Verstein. Nassau, p. 163; Palseont. D. & M. xi. 312. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 630 : Geol. Yorkshire, ii. tab. 21. Beitrage &c. iii. p. 98. Bull. S. G. Fr. n. s. xii. 192; MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 355 ; llelmers. Fx-j plic. Carte Russ. p. 16. Verstein. Nassau, p. 170. Ad. Rom. Verstein. ITarz, 1843, p. 30. Verstein. Nassau, p. 195 ; Winckell. Notice Michig. 1862. I’roc.Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1863, p. 22 .j Palseont. D. & M. iii. 17 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. Kammenoje, a. d. Matyra (Russia) ... llelmers. Fxplic. Carte Russie. Valleys of Zinieff and Tomsk (Altai) . " La Hunandiere (S. France), Silurian ? Brulon, Vire (France) Woodabay (North Devonsh.), Ilag- gington (N. Devonsh.). Daun (Eifel) Hall , 1847. Campulites, Des Hay Wissenbach Hof (Bavaria), Gattendorf, Thuringia. subventricosum, D’Arch. &V. Campanulites. Walshii,' spec, indet., M. & W. Richter. Gosselet. Kayser. Orthoc. Sch., L. Limestone, M UHL L Clym. L’st., M ,, &c.,M.,U Limestone, M. Ham M U Schist &, Lirnest., M.. Cuboides Schist, U Marxgriin, Gattendorf . Thiiringerwald Wissenbach, Upper Duna river Belgium New- York State Thuringia Saalfeld, Gattendorf, Grund, Marx- griin. Paffrath (Rhen. Prussia), Eifel ... Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. i. 684. „ „ iv. 321. „ „ vii. 778. „ „ i. 155; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 597, 641. Palasont. D. & M. iv. 74. es, 1832. Verstein. Nassau, p. 151. Miinst. Beitrage &c. iii. 105 ; Geinitz. Verstein. Grauwacke Saxony, p. 33. Geinitz, Verstein. Grauwacke Saxony p. 35. Leonh.&Br.Neues Jalirb. 1856,p.62.V Grewingk, Geol. Livon. p. 39; Ver- steiu. Nassau, p. 150. Murch. Siluria, edit. 4, p. 399. XI V. Rop. RegentsN.Y. Append. p.108. Zeitschr. &c. Berlin, xxi. 390. Geinitz, Verst. Gr.wacke Saxony, p. 33. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. Rock Island Co. (Illinois) Thuringia? Proc. Arad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1805, p.257. Leonh. &Br. Neues Jahrb. 1850, p.625. Couvin, Dailly (Namur, Belgium) . . . (Gosselet, MS. 1870 (mecum). Eifel Zeitschr. &c. Berlin, 1871, p. 374. Phragmostoma.] 100 [Cephalopoda. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. Phragmostoma, Hall, 1861. natator,' Hall. Ham. & Portage GrP s , M., U. Mount Morris village, Cashaqua Creek, and Genessee Co. (N. Y.). XV. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 60. Poterioceras, M'Coy, 1841. t'usiforme, Sow. Culm probably (Dr. Holl), U. South Petherwin (Cornwall) only ... Phillips, Geol. Yorksb. ii. tab. 21. Spirula, Lamarck, 1801. carinata, Goldt. costata, „ M.? M. ? Eifel (Mus. Teylerian., Winkler) Baron Dechen, Verbandl. rbein. Pruss. Yereins, vii. 536. >> >» >1 Nautilus. sulcata, Ad. Rom. Clay-slate, U Schulenberg (Harz) Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 33. Stenoceras, D' Orbigny ? An Orthoceratitewith the dorsal lobe compressed, as in the Goniatite. Verneuilii, D’Orb. Trochoceras, Hall : Barran ? de, 1848. Germany Prodrome, i. 58. Barrandei, Vern. 1. Hartal (Asia Minor) Comptes Rendus. lxiv. 1218. Clio,' Hall. Schobar. Grit, L. . . . Schobar. Co. and Helderberg Mounts. XIV. Rep. Reg. N. Y. Append, p. 108. discoideum,’ ,, „ L. ... „ ,, „ XV. ,, p. 65. Eugenium,' „ „ L. ... Wissenbach XIV. „ Append, p.108. ? serpens, Sndbrgr. Ortboc. Sell., L Verstein. Nassau, p. 175. Subkingdom VERTEBllATA. Province BBANCHIATA. Class PISCES. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. Acanthaspis, Newberry. armatus,’ Newberry. Lanoid. Cornif. Limest., L. ... Ohio Rep. Geol. Surv. Ohio, i. 268. Acanthodes, Agassiz, 1833. coriaceus, Egerton. Fam. Acanthodei. O.R.S M Thurso (Scotland) Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Britain, dec. x. 59. Mitcbellii, ,, L Powburn (Farnell Station ), Montrose, „ „ „ 61 ;j antiquus. Kincardineshire, and Scotland north Mitchell, Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. Peachii, „ M of the Grampians. Gallows Hill, Thurso, Barragill 146. Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Britain, dec.x. 57. pusillus, Agassiz. M Tynet Burn (Banff), Gordon Castle Recbercb. Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 301. Acrolepis, Agassiz, 1843. Fam. Sauroidei. (N.E. Scotland). reticulatus, Eichw. O.R.S M Orel town (Orel Government, Russia). Leth®a Rossica, ii. 1578. Actinolepis, Agassiz, 1844. luberculatus, Agassiz. M„ U. ... Findhorn river, Elgin, Krapivna, Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. 439 ; Re- Agassi chthys , Newberry, 18 Manni,’ Newberry. 57 (Ganoid). Macr Dankof. opetalichthys, I). D. Owen. Plac cherch. Poiss. &e. p. 141. othorax, Von Meyer, non Aqassiz. Cornif. Limest., L.... Columbus, Melford, Sandusky (Ohio). Newb. on Devon. Foss. Fish, 1857, p.5. rapheidolabris,' D. D. Owen. „ „ L.... Charleston Landing, Lewis Creek Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. iv. 708. Sullivanti,' Newberry. „ „ L.... (Kentucky). Columbus, Melford, Sanduskv (Ohio). Devonian Foss. Fish. spec, indet.,' „ „ „ L.... Lewis Creek, Clark Co., Falls river Apedodus, Leidy, 1856. ; priscus,' Leidy. O.R.S Ohio (Kentucky). Tioga Co. (Pennsylvania) Journ. Acad. N.Sci. Phil. ser. 2, iii. 165. Archaeonectes, Von Meyer, pertusus, Von Meyer. 1859. Dark Limest., U. ... Gerolstein (Eifel) Palseont. D. & M. vii. 12. Aspidichthys, Newberry, 18 clavatus,' Newberry. 73. Huron orChem.GLU. Delaware Co. (Ohio) Geol. Surv. Ohio, i. 323. Asterolepis, Eichw aid, 1830. Fterichthys, Ag assiz, 1841. Chelonichys, Agassiz, 1842. Asmusii, Owen. O.R.S M Riga, Dorpat, Elgin, Orkney Lethaea Rossica, ii. 1508. concatenata, Eichw. In Marly L st., M. . . . Marjina, Paulo wsk „ 1509. depressa, „ „ „ M. ... ,, river Aa (Livonia) „ 1510. granulata, Agass. „ „ M. ... Riga (Livonia) MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 407. major, ,, „ „ M. .. River Sima, Andoma, Riga, Petscbora- Lethsea Rossica, ii. 1511. Maleolmsoni, „ „ „ M.,U land, Elgin, river Findhorn (N.N.E. Scotland). Elgin Rechereh. Poiss. &c. p. 92. minor, ,, „ „ u. .. „ Riga, St. Petersburg Baltic provinces, Riga, Govt. Novo- „ „ p. 147. ornata, Eichw. M Letluea Rossica, ii. 1508. speciosa, Agass M gorod, Lakes Onega and Burlneck Paulowsk, Elgin? Govt. Voroneje (Russia) King’s Steps quarries (Nairn, bead o! MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 417. spec, indet., „ U Recbercb. Poiss. &c. p. 94. Ayr), riv. Findhorn ^N.N.E. Scotl.) Astekosteus.] 10 ] [ Pisces. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. Asterosteus, Newberry, 187 stenocephalus,' Newberry. 2 ? Ganoid. Cornif. Limest., L Ohio Geol. Surv. Ohio, i. 268. Auchenaspis, Egerton. 185 7. Fam. Cephalaspi DzE. Egertoni, Lankester. Tilestones &c., L. ... Ledbury (Auchenaspis grits) Palaeont. Soc. xxiii. 57. Salteri, Egerton. Passage-beds, L Ludlow (Shropshire) Railway Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xiii. 28(5. Aulacosteus, Eichwald, 184 0. Ptyctodus, Pan der, 1858. eochleariformis, Eichw. O.R.S M Tschoudowo (Govt. St. Petersburg)... Lethsea Rossica, ii. 1549. obliquus, ,, Grey L’ st., O.R.S., M. ,, ,, oviformis, „ „ M. Velicaja valley, Olucbowa (Livonia). .. >> ,, uncinatus, Pander. Marly Limest., L. ... Grewingk, Geol. Livonia, pp. 35, 36. Ptyctodus. Bothriolepis, Eichwald , 184 0. Glyptosteus, Agassiz, 1843. favosus, Agass. O.R.S M„ U. ... Clashbennie, Monaehthy Ilill, Tschou- dowo, Prussino, Ladoga, &c. Agass. Reeherch. Poiss. p. 100: Lelli. Geogn. i. 735; MVK. Geol. Russ.' ii. 417. ornatus, Eichw. M. U. .. Rivers Ijma and Msta, Paulowsk, Riga, Dorpat, Elgin, Harelaw quarry (Chirnside). Broun, Lethaea Geogn. i. 735 ; Geikie, Geol. East Berwick, Appendix. reticulatus, Agass. Brachiacanthus, Agassiz, Byssacanthus, Agassiz, 184 1844. See Climati 4. US. arcuatus, Agass. O.R.S L Scotland (locality unknown) Reeherch. Poiss. &c. lii. 3. crenulatus, „ „ U Rivs. Slawjankaand Ohelogne, Roussa, St. Petersburg. Letha'a Rossica, ii. 1598. dilatatus, Eichw. M River {Slawjanka, Paulowsk Its vis. Cephalaspis, Agassiz, 1835. Subgenera: — 1. Ea cephalaspis ; 2. Hemieyclaspis ; 3. Zen aspis, Powrie and Rav Lankester. Carteri, M‘Cov. I Looe (Cornwall) Geol. Mag. vii. 397. Dawsoni,' Lankester. L. Gaspe Bay, north side (Can. East) ... ? Lewisii, Agass. Lightbodei, Powrie & Lank. Lyellii, Agass. O.R.S... L Agass. Poiss. Foss. ii. 149. Ludlow (Shropshire) Pakeont. Soc. xxiii. 55. ’..L Ayrshire, Glammis, Can terland.Trimp- lev, Herefordshire. Geol. Surv. Scotl. Sheets 14, 22 ; Agass. Poiss. Foss. ii. 142. Murchisoni, Egerton. Tilestone and Auche- naspis Grits, L., M. Ludlow Paper-Mill, Ledbury Palasont. Soc. xxiii. 53 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xiii. 284. ornatus, „ „ „ L. ,, Hereford Railway Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xiii. 285. (Zenaspis) Salweyi, „ Cephalopterus, Page, Powr Cheiracanthus, Agassiz, 18 Cornstones, L., M. ... ie? 33. Acton Beauchamp, liiuston (Brom- yard). ,, „ xv. 503 ; Pa- lseont. Soc. xxiii. 52. grandispinus, M‘Coy. O.R.S M Orkney Isles (bituminous flags &c.)... Pal. Brit. Foss. p. 582. latus, Egerton. „ M TynetBurn, Lethen Bar (Scotland)... Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, x. 73. microlepidotus, Agass. „ M Lethen Bar (in nodules), Cromarty... Reeherch. Poiss. &c. p. 38. minor, M „ „ ii. 127. Murchisoni, ,, M. Gamrie (in nodules) ,, ,, ii. 126 ; Lethaca Geogn. i. 765. pulverulentus, M'Coy. „ M Orkney Islands (in flags) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvi. 122. spec, indet., ,, M „ Stromness Catal. Jermyn-Street Museum. Cheirodus, M'Coy, 1855. laterabs, Eichw. Cheirolepis, Agassiz, 1835. M Fam. Acantiiodei. Orel, rivers VolkhofT and Sjass, lake Ladoga. Lethiea Rossica, ii. 1543. Cummingii, Agass. O.R.S M Lethen Bar (Moray), Tynet Burn ( Banff). Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 45. splendens, Eichw. „ in Marly L’st., M. Black flags, M. . Marjina (Russia) Lethiea Rossica, ii. 1573. Traillii, Amss. Stromness and mainland „ Geogn. i. 767. ., Rossica, ii. 1574. unilateralis, Eichw. O.R.S., Marly L’st., M. Marjina near Paulo uragus, Agass. M River Slawjanka, Gamrie (Banff), Orkney. „ „ 1575. Velox, M‘Coy. Chelyophorus, Agassiz, 184 „ bitum. flags, M. 4. CepiialaspidjE. Orkney Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1848, p. 302. posthumus, Eichw. O.R.S M Orel on river Oka Letha'a Rossica, ii. 1529. . primigenius, „ „ M ,, „ „ 1525. Vemeuili, Agass. Ghiastolepis, Eichwald, 180 M 0. noLOPTYcnrnA',. „ Kokenhusen (river Volkhoff). „ „ 1529. clathratus, Eichw. O.R.S M Pawlowsk (river Ijora) ,, „ 1565: Helmersen, Cladcdus, Agassiz, 1840. Earn. Hyuodontidas. Expl. Carte Russie. simplex, Agass. Kriuto-barotchka (St. Petersb.), Cen- tral and North Russia. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 411. spec, indet., Dolomite ? ? „ Salter. Calcar. Shale, U. ... Skrinkle Bay, Caldy Isl. , Pombrokesh. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 477. Climatius, Agassiz, 1844. Brachyacanthus, Egerton, 1858. Fain. Acantiiodei. aculeatus, Eichw. O.R.S M. ... River Slawjanka Lethaca Rossica, ii 1602. reticulatus, Agass. L ,, Chelonge, Volkhoff, Roussa, Old Staraya, Farnell, Balruddery. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xx. 421 ; Ilel- mersen, Explic. Carte Russ. p. 16. Ci.imatius ( continued ).'] 102 [Pisces. | Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. scutiger, Egerton. O.R.S L i uneinatus. L Coccosteus, Agassiz, 1843. Placodermata. cuspidatus, Agass. O.R.S M decipiens, ” „ &.blaekiiags,M. Jlereynius, Ad. Rom. Wissenb. Sch., L. ... raaxiinus, Agass. O.R.S M Milleri, Egerton. M minor, Miller. Black flags, M oblongus, Agass. „ M Conchodus, M‘Coy, 1848. CESTRACIONTimE. ostrieiformis, M‘Coy. Conglom., O.R.S., M. Cosmacanthus, Agassiz, 18 44. Cestraciontid.*:. Malcomsoni, Agass. O.R.S M Cricodus, Agassiz , 1842. See Dendrodus. Ctenacantlius, . igassiz, 183 7. Cestraciontid.*. Agass. L. serrulatus, Marly Limestone ... spec, novas (2), Mitchell. O.R.S L Ctenodus, Agassi r, 1838. Dipterus? Cestr Keyserlingii, Agass. O.R.S M marginalis, „ „ M Murchisoni, ,, „ M parvulus, ,, „ M Worthii, ,, M Ctenoptychius, Agassiz, 18 38. Cestr ACioNTiD.E. Agass. . M prisons, M Cyathaspis, Lankcster , 18G 4. Cephalaspis, llanksii. Huxlev & Salter. . . . L | ? Carteri, M‘Coy. L cornubicus, L Stega.nolcpis. Crouchii, Salter. O.R.S M Pteraspis. - Dunensis. Ford. Rom. L. Arch(Boteuthis. Lloydii, Agass. Cornstone, L Scaphaspis. Ludensis, Salter. Low. & Upp. Ludlow Scaphaspis. (Silurian). Mitchellii. Powrie. L Pteraspis. j rectus. Lank. Cornstones, L rostrat.us, Agass. Pteraspis. ? Svmondsii. Lank. L. truncates. Huxlev Salter. L. Scaphaspis. spec, indet. (scales), Lank. Cyrtacanthus, Newberry, 1 873. Cestraciontid dentatus,' Newberry. Cornif. Limest., L... . Dendrodus, Owen. 1840. Asterolepis, Eich aeutatus, Pander. O.R.S M favosus, Agass. „ M incurvus, Agass., Duff. „ M inflex us, Eichw. „ M latus. Owen. „ M minor, Agass. M sigmoideus. Owen. M U. . striatus, U strigatus. M.,U. ... sulcatus, Agass. tenuistriatus, ,, Marly Limest., M. ... spec, nova, D’Arch. & Vern. M.?.. ” Owen. U Locality. Famell (Forfarsh.), Tcaling, Dundee. &c. Montrose Basin (East Scotland) Thurso, Cromartie, Ross-shire Easthie,Cromartie,TynetBurn,Lethen Bar, Pomona Isle, &c., Lerbach, Volkkow, Paulowsk, rivers lima, Uchta, and Aa. Lerbach Lethen Bar (Morayshire) Orkney Kirkwall, Orkney Lethen Bar, Orkneys Reference. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. 146, xx. 422. „ xx. 422; Geol. Surv. Great Britain, dec. x. Miller, Old Red Sandstone, p. 53. Lethcea Geogn. i. 747 ; M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 602 ; Eichw. Lethasa Rossica, p. 1523. Palseont. D. & M. iii. 52. Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 137. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvi. 132, 134. M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 603. Recherch. Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 28. Scat Craig (Elgin) Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 603. Elgin Worcestershire (Yemeuil) River Duna at Kokenhusen (Livonia). Forfarshire, Kincardineshire ACIONTID/E. Ontoleva (Govt. St. Petersb.), Alina. . . Orel, Town and Govern' Ontoleva (Govt. St. Petersburg) (Devonian and Carboniferous.) River Megra (Vitegra) Scotland Agass. Pteraspis, Kner. Scaphas Shropshire, Ludlow Looe-river District (East Cornwall)... St. Veep, Whitesand Bay, Polperro, Mudstone Bay, Bedruthen Steps, &c. Whitbach, Ludlow Eifel, Wassenach, Laacher See. Bewdley ( W orcestershire), Shropshire, Herefordshire. Leintwardine, Ludlow (Shropshire) . . . Cradley near Malvern, Whitbach Aightington (Worcestershire), Here- fordshire, Whitbach. Herefordshire Downton Sandstone, Kington, Ludlow Bone-bed, &c. Delaware (Ohio) w. Lamnodus, Agass., 1842. Cri Cremona near Riga (Livonia) Kokenhusen (Livonia), Pawlowsk ... Cremona, Pawlowsk, Scat Craig Marjina by Pawlowsk Findhorn, Scat Craig, Cremona River Megra near Vitegra Scat Craig (Elgin), Findhorn, St. Petersburg. Knock hill, river White Adder (South Scotland). Scat Craig, Riga, Pawlowsk Rivers Ijora and Slaw janka, Prikscha. Russia, Baltic, and Russia proper Scotland, Russia, Blossburgh (Penn- sylvania). Recherch. Foss. Devon, p.593. Silur. Syst. ed. 1, tab. 2. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 402. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. 146. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 418. Poiss. F'oss. i. 35. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 418. Recherch. i. 33. pis ,Lankester, 1864. Ckphai.asfid.e. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xii. 100. „ „ xxiv. 451. Brit. Pal. Foss. pi. 2 a ? ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiv. 433. Geol. Mag. i. 552. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. 164. Murch. Siluria, ed. 4, p. 246. Palatont, Soc. xxi. 25. „ xxiii. 33. „ xxi. 23. Poiss. Foss. ii. 1, 148. Palacont. Soc. xxi. 27. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xx. 10. Geol. Rep. 1873. i. 307. codes pars, Agass. Holoptvchidai. Lethaia Rossica, ii. 1561. Geol. of Moray, tab. 6 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 439. Agass. Recherch. Foss. Devon, p. 88. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 417. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. xvi. Lethaca Rossica, ii. 1561. „ ,, 1562. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 380. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Fr. n. s. iv. 688. DlDYMASriS.] 103 [Pisces. Genus, Species, and Author. Didymaspis, Lankester, 186 Grindrodi, Lank. Dimeracathus, Keyserling, ? concentricus, Dinichthys, Newberry, 1872. Hertzeri,' Newberry Terrelli,' „ Diplacanthus, Agassiz, 184 crassispinus, Agass. gibbus, M‘Coy. gracilis, Egerton. longispinus, Agass. perarmatus, M'Coy. striatulus, Agass. striatus, ,, spec, novae (2), Mitchell. Diploptems or -a X, Agassiz, affinis, Agass. Agassizi, Traill, macrocephal us, Agass. rugulosus, „ Dipterus, Valene. 4 Pent fan ; arenaceus, Eichw. glaber, Pander. 1 marginalia, Agass. j Murchisoni, „ I parvulus, „ I platycephalus, „ Polyphractus. 1 radiatus, Eichw. serratus, „ ! spec, indet., Powrie? Horizon. Eucephalaspis, Lanhester , Agassizi, Powrie & Lank. Asper, „ Pagei, u Powriei, ,, ;Eukeraspis, Powrie and La \ pustuliferus, Agass. Euthacanthus, Powrie, 186 | M'Nicoli, Powrie. Glyptolaemus, Huxley, 186 ] Kinnairdi, Huxley. Glyptolepis, Agassiz, 1843. elegans, Agass. leptopterus, „ microlepidotus, „ orbis, Eichw. 7. Cephalaspid.e. Above Auchenaspis Grits, L. 1846. Placoidei. O.R.S Allied to Asterolepis. Chem U Huron Sh.(Chem.),U. 2. Fain. Acanthode Black flags, M Red flags... M O.R.S L „ M Flags M O.R.S M M L 1835. Fam. Diplop M Grey flags, M Upp. Dev. bone-bed ?, U., black flags, M. M d, 1828. Catopter Marl-l’st., O.R.S., M. „ M. M M Bluish Marl, M O.R.S M Bluish Marl, M. „ M. O.R.S M. 1869. Cephalaspid Cornstones, L L quadratus, „ spec, indet., Agass. Gyroptychius, M'Coy. angustus, M'Coy. diplopteroides, „ Haplacanthus, Agassiz, 18 marginalis. Ag. tenuisulcatus, Eichw. Helodus, Agassiz , 1838. antiquissimus, Eichw. hcvissimus, Ag. Hemicyclaspis. See Cep Heterosteus, Asmuss. Ich eurynotus, Asmuss spec, indet. (many), Holaspis, Lank ester, 1873? sericeus, Lankester. Holodus, Pander. Kiprijanowi, Pander. L L nkesfer . Osteostra Downton Sandst., L.. 4. Acantiiodei. 0. R.S L 1. Fam. Glyptodii* O.R.S U Fain. Glyptodipter M O.R.S M., U. ... „ M M.,U.?.. O.R.S M „ M Fam. Glyptodipteri Bitum. Sell., O.R.S., M. O.R.S M 44. Placoidei. O.R.S M Cestraciontidj;. O.R.S U „ U halaspis. thyosaurides, Ktti Low. O.R.S., L „ L Cepiialaspid.e. Grey Cornst., L Dolomite inO.R.S.,M. Locality. Reference. Ledbury River Ijma (Petschora-land) Coccosteus, &c. Delaware, Loraine Co. (Ohio) Sheffield, ,, „ r. Stromness, Skail, Caithness Orkney Balruddery, Farnell, Tynet Burn... Lethen Bar Orkney Lethen Bar Cromarty, Orkney flags Forfarshire, Kincardineshire terini , M'Coy. Gamrie (Banff) Pomona isle, Stromness Caithness, Lethen Bar Kalapi-Polist near Schudova us, Ag. Ctenodus, Ag. Polyph River Ijora (Govt. St. Petersburg) ... „ Sjuss (Lake Ladoga) Orel (Russia) Kokenhusen (Livonia), Orel „ ,, riverVolkhoff. Marjina near Pawlovsk ,, ,, Orel Near Thurso, Reiss bay, Halkirk, Banniskirk, Button Stroma. ,E. Herefordshire, Worcestershire Perthshire, Reswallie (Forfarshire)... Reswallie Arbroath (Forfarshire) CEI. Ludlow (Shropshire) (Passage-bed)... Montrose basin TERINI. Dura Den (Fife), Elgin INI. Gainrie (Banff), Kiltorkan, county Kilkenny. Ontoleva (Russ.), Lethen Bar, Dipple, Murkle Bay, Thurso, &c. Lethen Bar River Slawjanka near Marjina, Dorpat, river Ijma, Riga. River Slawjanka near Marjina Reiss Bay, Lethen Bar, Tynet Burn. . . HI. Cremona (Riga), Orkneys Orkneys River Slawjanka, St. Petersburg Government Toula (Russia) Marjina (Russia), also Garb’’ orga. Asterolepis, Agass. Dorpat (Livonia) »» Abergavenny (Wales) Orel (Russia) Geol. Mag. iv. 152. Letluea Rossiea, ii. 1597- Geol. Surv. Ohio, i. 317. „ „ 322. Monogr. Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 43. Brit. Pal. Foss. tab. 2 b. Mem. Geol. Surv. dec. x. part 9. Monogr. Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 42. Brit. Pal. Foss. tab. 2 b. Monogr. Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 42. „ „ p.41. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. 146. Monogr. Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 55. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. xv. 90. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 41 G ; M'Coy, Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 587 ; Lethasa Rossiea, ii. 1556. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 401-405. ractus, Ag. F'am. Otenodi pterin i. Letluea Rossiea, ii. 1540. „ „ 1539. 1537. 1538. 1537. „ „ 1539. „ „ 1536. „ „ 153. Catal. Mus. School of Mines. Jermyn Street, London. Palaiont. Soc. xxiii. 46. „ 50. 49. 47. Geol. Mag. i. 550. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xx. 425. Mem. Geol. Surv. dec. x. 41, 46. Monogr. Poiss. Foss. Dev. p.65; Proc. Irish Acad. ser. 2, ii. 48. Poiss. Foss.O. R. Sandst. tab. 20; Leth. Ross. i. 740; MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 416. Monogr. Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 65. Letluea Rossiea, ii. 1568. „ „ 1569. Agass. Monogr. Poiss. Foss. p. 65. Letluea Rossiea, ii. 1564 ; Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 596. Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 597. Letluea Rossiea, ii. 1 599. 1545. 1546. 1 524. Geol. Mag. x. 241. Letluea Rossiea, ii. 1844. Holoptychips.] 104 [Pisces. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. 1 Holopty chius, Agassi z, 18 Amerieanus,' Leidy. 36. Rhizodus, 0 wen. Fam. Glyptodipterini. O.R.S U Tioga Co. (Pennsl.) Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philnd. iii. 163. Andersoni,' Agassiz. „ u Dura Den (upper beds), Moray, Clash- Quart. Journ. xv. 429, xvii. 149. giganteus, „ O.R.S M bennie, Caithness, &c., Lake Ilmen, Yoroneje, Governt. Vitegra, &c., Livonia, Courland,Blossburg (Penn- sylvania), Genessee riv. (N. Y.). Elgin, Scat Craig Monog. Poiss. Foss. Dev. p. 73. Murchisoni, „ nobili8simus,' „ „ „ , 72 M., U. ... Borowitschi, Valdai Hills, Pricksclia, Lethiea Rossica, ii. 1 572 ; Bull. Soc. Omaliusii, ,, Limes. &Sehist,M.,U. &c., England, river Whiteadder, Cockburn Mill, Berwickshire, Clash- bennie, Elgin (Scotland), Blossburg (N. Pennsl v.). nouffalize (Belgium) G<5ol. Fr. n. s. iv. 688 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. 439. D’Omal. d'Halloy, Precis Geol. p.576. Sedgwickii, M‘Coy. Taylori,' Hall. Flags M Orkney Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 596. Catskiil Group, U New York State (South and East) ... XII. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 1859. spec, indet.. Holl. „ ^ ? „ Kayser. L U Crinoid Sch., M. ... Meadsfoot (S. Devon) Baggy Point (N. Devon) Eifel Quart Journ. G. S. L. xxiv. 433. „ „ xxiii. 634. Zeitsehrift &c. Berlin, 1871, p. 367. t Homacanthus, Agassiz, 18 45. Hybodes, Ag assiz, 1837. Placoidei. arcuatus, Ag. Yellow Marls, M. ... Riv. Slawjanka, Kynosk, Roussa, riv. Lethaea Rossica &e. ii. 1600 ; MVK. gracilis, Eichw. Chelogne, Tehisma, St. Peterb. Geol. Russ. ii. 418. triangularis, Eichw. O.R.S M Riv. Slawjanka, near Marjina Letbaia Rossica, ii. 1600. Homosteus, Asmuss. Aste rolepis. Trionyx, Kutorga. latus, Asmuss. Marls L., M. ... Dorpat, Tzarskaya-Slawjanka, river „ „ 1519. Homothorax, Agassiz, 1S44. Fleniingii, Agassiz. Ischnacanthus, Powrie, 18 Cephalaspid^;. O.R.S U Chelogne, Pawlowsk, Stromness, Black Schist. Dura Den (Fife) Monog. Poiss. Foss. Dev. p. 134. 64. Diplacanthu s, Ag. 1842 ; Egerton. Fam. Acanth Parnell Railw. Station, Forfarshire . . . ODEI. gracilis, Powrie. O.R.S L Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xx. 419 ; Geol. Kallostrakon, Powrie and Lankester. Mag. i. 459. podura, Powrie & Lank. Lower Cornst., L. ... Herefordshire Pahcont. Soc. xxii. pi. 13. Lamnodus, Agassiz, 1842. Dendrodus. Hoe OPTYCIIIDzE. biporcatus, Agassiz. O.R.S L Ontoleva, St. Petersb., Cremona, Ork- Monog. Poiss. Foss. Dev. p. 85-144/ Panderi, „ „ L ney, Scat Craig. Cremona, river Ijma (Ural) MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 418; Lethaea Geogn. i. 745. Monog. ut supra, p. 162. „ L Elffin ,, „ tab. 28. Liognathus, Newberry, 1873 spatulatus,' Newberry. . Elasmobranchh. Cornif. Limest., L.... Delaware (Ohio) Geol. Surv. Ohio, 1873, i. pt. ii. p. 306 Machaeracanthus, Newber ry, 1857. Elasmobr ANCHI. major,' Newberry. Cornif. Limest., L Columbus, Metford, Delaware (Ohio). Geol. Rep. 1873, i. pt. ii. p. 304. peracutus,' ,, „ „ L.... Milford (Dr. Mann), Indiana, Ohio, „ „ „ 305. ! sulcatus (spines),' ,, Macropetalichthys, Owen spec, indet./ Norw. „ (inSands.), L. Gaspe (Billings). Milford(Dr.Mann),Gaspe(sandst.no.6) and Norwood, 1846. See Agassichthys. Ganoidei. M Lewis Creek, Jefferson Co., and Falls D. D. Owen, Geol. Rep. Minnesot. p.79. Microdon, Agassiz, 1833. I bellistriata,' Conrad? Pycnodontid.e. Ham. &c M., U. ... Ohio river (Indiana). New York State, Pennsylv Vanux. Geol. Rep. N. Y. p. 162;; I exilis, Eichw. i lepidus, ,, 0 R.S. M. 11. D. Rogers, Geol. Pennslv. p.827. Lethaea Rosica, ii. 1576. M Marjina, near Pawlowsk Narcodes, Agassiz, 1844. j pustulifer, Vern. Placoidei. M Ontoleva (St.. Petersburg) MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 409. Naulas, Agassiz, 1844. Pi , a sulcatus, Agassiz. COIDEI. O.R.S M Riv s Slawjanka, Chelogne (St.Petersb.). „ Odontacanthus, Agassiz, 1 crenatus, Agassiz, heterodon, „ Odontocephalus, Conrad. selenurus, 1 Conrad 844. Peacoidee Marls, Slates, M. ... Kiver Megra „ „ 408. M Riga (Livon.) „ » * » Geol. Rep. Illinois, p. xv. Cornif. Limest., L.... New York Onchus, Agassiz, 1837. As arcuatus, Agassiz. TRACIONTIDjE. O.R.S L... Herefordshire &c Murch. Silur. System, tab. 2. het.erogyrus, ,, Marls and Limest., U. Liman Range (Asia), St. Petersb MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 418. Murchisoni, „ O.R.S Tj RiversIjora,Slawjanka,Ludlowbone-b. Lethaea Rosica, ii. 1594. semistriatus, ,, sublxvis ?, „ L ... Ilerefordsh., Soutbstone Rock Morris, Cat. Brit. Foss. p. 334. Lethaea Rossica, ii. 1595. ,; m Tinian Range, St. Petersb., Roussa, &c. ! tenuistriatus, „ „ M R.Slawjanka(St.Petrsb.),Ludl.bone-b. »> >» >1 spec, indet.,' ,, » Gaspe (Canada East). ,, (2), Mitchell. . . L. Forfarsh. , Kineardinesh Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. 146. Onychodus, Newberry. Ga NOIDEI. Hopkinsi, Newberry. Cornif. Limest., L.... Milford (Dr. Mann, coll r ) Amer. Journ. of Sci. n. s. xxxiv. 74. sigmoides, „ „ „ L.... „ Delaware, Sandusky (Ohio). - Oracanthus.] 105 [Pisces. Genus, Species, and Author. Or acanthus. Agassiz, 1837. abbreviatus,' Newberry, fragilis,' ,, granulatus,' „ multiseriatus,' „ Orodus, Agassiz, 1838. Pla spec, indet., Salter. ,, Helmers. Osteolepis, Valenciennes and arenatus, Ag. brevis, M‘Coy. FiBcheri, Eicliw. intermedius, ,, macrolepidotus, Val.&Pentl major, microlepidotus, nanus, Eichw. spec, indet., Pa.laedaphus, Van Beneden Devoniensis, Van Beneden Palaeoniscus, Agassiz, 1833. Brainerdi,' Newberry, spec, indet., Salter. Pamphractus, Agassiz, 181 Andersoni, Agassiz Parexus, Agassiz, 1843. Fa incurvus, Agassiz Phaneropleuron, Huxley, 18 Andersoni, Huxley spec, indet., „ Phyllolepis, Agassiz, 1843. concentricus, Agassiz. Physichthys, H. von Meyer Hceningbausi, H. von Meyer. Placothorax, Agassiz, 1844. Agassizi, Von Mever paradoxus. Ag. Platygnathus, Agassiz, 18 .Tamesoni, Ag. paucidens, ,, Pleotrodus, Agassiz, 1839. spec, indet., Mitchell. Pleur acanthus, Agassiz, 18 laeiniatus, Ferd. Rom. porosus, Eichw. tuberculatus, Polyphract.us, Agassiz, 184 Pristacanthus, Agassiz, 18 | marinus, Eichw. Psammodus, Agassiz, 1838. j antiquus,' Newberry, rugosus, Agassiz, spec, indet., Salter. Psammosteus, Agassiz, 184 I arenatus, Agassiz. I meandrinus. paradoxus, „ undulatus, „ Pteraspis, Kner , 1847 = Sc Pterichthys, Agassiz, 1843. cancriformis, cornutus, hydrophilus, la tu s, macroccphalus, major, Agassiz Horizon. ElASMOBIIANCIIII. Cornif. Limest., L ... „ „ L.... „ „ L.... L.... COIDEI. Shale U Dolorn. L’st. in Schist Pentland, 1828. Pie O.R.S M. ... In Nodules & Schist, O.R.S., M. Marl, L’st., O.R.S. , M. „ „ M. Flags, O.R.S., M. ... Milford (Ohio) ,, Delaware, Sandusky (Ohio) .. SkrinkleBay(Caldy Island, Pembr.Co.). Toula, Krapniva, Odoev, &c. (Russ.) . iopterus, Agassiz. Fam. Saurodip Gamrie, Ross-sh., Cromarty, Orkney. Caithness, Orkney O.R.S. ...M. „ M Marl L' st,, O.R.S., M. O.R.S M et I)e Koninck. ? Paiaeoniscum, Bla Portage Group, TL... Shale U 4. (N.B. Is the dors O.R.S U 111. Acanthodei. O.R.S L Locality. Reference. Marjina (river Slawjanka, Russ.) „ Borowitsche ,, Kokenlmsen(Marl), Caithness, Pomona (black shalel. Lethen Bar (Nairn), Kokenkusen,S.W. Russ. Caithness, Pomona Isle Marjina (river Slawjanka) Caithness, Baligill,Scrabster(N.Scotl.). Geol. Rep. Ohio, i, pt. 2, p. 267. Amer. Journ. of Sci. xxxiv. p. 74. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 477. Helmersen, Explic. Carte Russ. TER IN I. Monog. Poiss. Foss. Dev. ii. 122. Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 587. Lethiea Rossica, ii. 1554. „ „ 1553. „ „ 1551. Monog. Poiss. Foss. Dev. p. 51 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. 439. Monog. Poiss. Foss. Dev. p. 121. Lethiea Rossica, ii. 1555. v inville, 1818. Lepidosteid.e. Brainerd (N. Ohio) Vmer. Journ. of Sci. xxxiv. 78. Skrinkle Bay (Pembrokesh.) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 477. al aspect of a Ptericiitiiys. — Sir P. M. Egerton.) Dura Den (Fife) Poiss. Foss. Dev. p. 21. Balruddery, Perth, Canterland, Far- Quart. Journ. G.S.L.xvii. 146, xx. 240 nell Station (Forfarsh.), Basin ofl Monog. Poiss. Foss. p. 120. ! Montrose. 61. Fam. Piianerop leurini. O.R.S L T Dura Den (Fife) only Mem. G. S. Great Brit. dec. x. 47. U j „ Geol. Mag. viii. 215. CCELACANTHINI. Grity Slate, L., U. ? Meadsfoot, Meaford Beach (Torquay), Monog. Poiss. Foss. Devon, p. 67 Olashbennie (Perth). (1856). Placodermi.I Marly Schist [Eifel. Placoidei. M M, 43. Glyptopomus, Scat Craig (Elgin), Russia Agassiz. Fam. Sauroidei-Dipterixi. O.R.S U Dura Den (Fife), St. Peterb. (Russ.) . M [Orkney Isles Placoidei. O.R.S U Forfarsh., Kincardinsh. 57. Diplodus, Ag \ Xenacanthus, Beyrich , 1848. Shale L Houflalize (Belgium) O.R.S M River Slawjanka (St. Petersb.) In L’st., O.R.S., M...I „ „ „ 3. Ganoid. See Dipterus. 37. Placoidei. O.R.S M River Slawjanka, near Marjina Elasmobranchii. Cornif. Limest., L. .. Milford (Ohio) Limestone, M lEifel Shale U Skrinkle Bay, Caldy Isle 5. Placosteus, Ag. Psammolepis[ Ag. 1872. Gano Greenish Marl, U. ... S.W. Russ, passim, Krinto-beretchka Dolom. Limest,, M.,U.!Asuppen (Courland), Mount Andoma I (Russia), Cremona (Riga). O.R.S M , U Governmt. St. Petersb., Kokenhusen, | Cremona, rivers Mstaand Volkhof. M River Sjass, Kokenhusen, Marjina ... aphaspis. See Cyathaspis. Pamphractus, Agassiz. Ckphalaspid.e. O.R.S M Morayshire, Orkney schists Egert, M. U. M. Agassiz. O.R.S M. Lethen Bar (Moray), Nairnshire . Dura Den ■ Lethen Bar, Orkney (M‘Coy) Yell. S’st., O.R.S., U. Farlow (Shropshire) . . King's Steps Quarries, Scat Craig, river Findhorn, Cockburn’s Mill Head of Ayr, river Andoma (Russ.). Geologist, v. 456. Palieont, D. & M. iv. 80. IJahrbuch &e. 1846, p. 596. Monog. Poiss. Foss. p. 134. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 417. Monog. Poiss. Foss. Dev. p. 78. Trygonid.e. 1 p. 575. D’Om. d’Halloy, Precis Geol. 1868, Lethiea Rossica, ii. 1607. „ „ 1606. „ „ 1605. Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1873, i. pt, 2, p. 267. Recherch. &c. P. F. tab. 19. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 477. IDEI. MVK. Geol. Russ. ii. 417. Lethiea Rossica, ii. 1516. „ „ 1517. Monog. Poiss. Foss. Devon. 17. Poiss. Foss. Vieux Gres-rouge, tab. 2. Monog. Poiss. Foss. Diivou. p. 21. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 103. Monog. Poiss. Foss. Dev. pp. 19, 135 II. Etheridge, j un. , Explan. Sh. Scot 1 xiv. 12. 2 K Pterichthys { continued ).'] 106 [Pisces. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Reference. 1 Milleri, Agassiz. O.R.S M Cromarty, Orkney Islands Monog. Poiss. Foss. Dev. p. 15. ! oblongus, „ M Gamrie (Banff), Orkney Isl. (M‘Coy). Poiss. Foss. Vieux Gres-rouge, p. 16. \ ornatus, „ M Lethen Bar Bronn, Letbiea Geogn. i. 744. 1 productus, ,, „ M ,, the Orkneys (M'Coy) ... Gamrie Poiss. Foss. Vieux Gres-rouge, p. 16. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. iv. 313. quadratus, Egert. „ M testudinarius. Agassiz. Ptychacanthus, Agassiz, 1 „ M 837. Plcoidei. Orkney Isles. dubius, Agassiz, spec, indet., „ Ptyctodus, Pander. 1858. O.R.S L See Aulocosteus. Forfarsh., Kincardinesli., Herefordsh. Poiss. Foss. Devon, iii. 176. „ „ 139. ! spec, indet., Grewingk. M Upp.Velicaja Valley, Oluchowa, Rassi- Grewingk, Geol. Livonia &c. p. 35. Rhinodus, Newberry $ Wor then, 1866. Ciiimer oi dei. [Iowa. calceolus,' Newb. & Worth. Sclerolepis, Eichwald, 1860. Ham M Holopytyciiid.e. Calhoun Co. (Illinois) Geol. Surv. Illinois, ii. 106. decoratus, Eichw. Stenacanthus, Le uly. Fam. O.R.S M Saurodipterid.e. Pawlowsk, river Slawjanka Letlnea Rossica, ii. 1570. nitidens,' Leidy. O.R.S Tioga Co. (N. York) Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. iii. 164. Tripterus, M‘Coy, 1848. Triplopterus, M‘C oy, 1855. SaurodipteriiijE. glaber. Pollexfeni. M’Cov. M Eifel Palseont. D. & M. i. O.R.S M The Orknevs Brit. Pal. Foss. p. 589. Tristichopterus, Eqerton, 1 861. Fam. Ctenodi PTERINI. alatus. Egerton. Zenaspis. See Cephalas O.R.S M pis. John o' Groat’s (Caithness) Mem. Geol. Surv. dec. x. 51. Ichthodorulite. spec, indet., L Looe (Cornwall) Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 634. Fish Remains, M Ilfracombe (N. Devon) X X X X ? „ Ad. Rumer. BlackCalceol.L'st.,M. Riesbach, Bockwiese (Harz) Palseont. D. & M. iii. 76. IXOEIOVE SEDIS. Genus, Species, and Author. Aptychus*, Von Meyer , 182 dubius, Ad. Rom. vetustus, D’Arch. & Vern. IcEvigatm. codonensis,'t ? Gervillii,' „ Humfriesianus,' „ microstoma,' „ Calceola, Lamarck, 1809. sandalina, Zoantheria rngosa. One of the Coelenterata ? Lophinus. dubius, Murch. Horizon. Locality. 1. Lepadites, Ger mar, 1826. Munsteria, Dcskmgcham ps, 183b. Trigonellites, Troost. A [Cephalopod ? Pahcont. D. & M. iii. 28. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 386. Goniat. Limest., U.... North-west Harz ? Eifel Calceola Sch . , Eifelian stages 3, 4, 5, 6, L., M„ U. Ferrug. Limest., M... Schalke, Eifel (passim), Liege, Chimay, Couvin, Aubrieve, Wallers, Givet, Brilon, Langenberg, Goslar, C’hir- combe bridge, Torquay, Nehou,Nowa Slupia, &c. Reference. Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, xliii. 365. (quoted by T. G. Green). Amer. Journ. Science, ser. 2, xliii. 365. Lindstrom, Geol. Mag. iii. 356, 408 ; Verstein. Harz, 1843, p. 12 ; Bull.] Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. viii. 20, xxi. 305 ; Davidson, Mono. Brit. Devon.Brack. p. 105 ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. 390 ; Zeuchner, Zeitschr. &c. Berl., xxi. 268. * See Pictet, Paheont. vol. ii. t From observations on lists of Tertiary Fossils by T. Conrad, and of Palseont. Fossils by Meek and Hayden. 107 THE LOCAL HORIZONS (DEVONIAN) MENTIONED IN THIS THESAURUS. AMERICA. In Alphabetical order. Abbreviations: — UHL. Upper Helderberg Limestones; L. Lower Devonian; M. Middle; U. Upper. America, N.N.W. Arctic. [Alasca, U. S. Territory (in parts), M. Anderson River, near River Mackenzie, M. j Atkabaska Lake (in parts), M. „ River, M. Clearwater River, M. Great Slave Lake (Fort Reso- lution), M. j Lockhart River, near River Mackenzie, M. Mackenzie River (in parts), M. „ at the Ram- parts, M. Mackenzie River, Fort Good Hope, M. Mackenzie River, Grand River (in parts). U. Mackenzie Riv., Liard Riv., M. Onion River, near River Mac- kenzie, M. Porcupine River (Hamilton Group), M. Red River (Manitoba), M. Snake Island (Winnepagosis Lake), M. Arkansas. | Batesville, M. ! Calhoun Co., M. Canada East (Gaspe). Cap Bon Ami, Passage-bed (L’st.) No. 5. | Cape Gaspe, L. Gaspe Bay, L., M., U. Grand Greve (Gaspe Bay), Limest. No. 8, L. Indian Cove, L. Little Gasp6. L. Mont Joli (Gaspe Bay), L. Perce or Split Rock (Gaspe, Malbay), L. Point Jaune (Gaspe), L. White Head (Gaspe Bay), L. I York River ,, L. Canada West. BearCreek L. (St.Clair), M.,LL Bertie (Horne’s Quarry), L. Blanchard Co. (Lake Erie), L. Bosanquet Co., L., M. Carrick, L’lIL. Cayuga, North, UHL. Dereham (Tilsons- bury), Comif. Limest. Douglas ?, UHL. Dunn Township (Hike Erie), Oriskany Sandst., UHL. Canada West ( continued ). Enniskillen, UHL., M. Goderich (Lake Huron East), LHL. Grand River (Lake Erie), L. Gravelly Bay (Wain- fleet), Cornif. Limest. Hagersville, L. Haldemand (N.W. L. Erie), Oriskany Sandst., UHL. Howard (N.W. Lake Erie), Cornif. Limest., L. Humberstone, Cornif. L’st., L. Ipplewash (Kettle Point, Lake Huron S.E.), U Jarvis Village, UHL. London, Cornif. Limest., L. Maitland River (Lake Huron), UHL. Malden (Riv. Detroit), UHL. Norfolk Co., Orisk. S’st., L., M. Oneida, Orisk. Sandst., UHL. Point Abino (L. Erie), UHL. „ Douglas (L. Huron), L. Port Albert, UHL. „ C’olborne (N.E. L. Erie), UHL. „ Dover (N.E. Lake Erie), UHL. „ Stanley (Lake Erie), Ham. Gr p . Rainham, Cornif. Limest., L. Rama’s Farm (PortColborne), Lake Erie, UHL. St.-Clair Lake, UHL. St. Mary, UHL. Wainfleet (L. Erie), L. Walpole „ UHL. Waterloo (Lake Erie West), Oriskany Sandst. Widder Town (L. Erie), M. Woodstock (L. Erie), UHL. Wvndham (Norfolk Co.), L„ Oriskany Sandst. Illinois, U. S. A. Alexander Co., Orisk. S’st., L. Bakeoven (Jackson Co.), M. Bald Rock (Jackson Co.), L., Oriskany S’st., M. & W. Baldknob (Union Co.), Oriskany Sandst., L. Calhoun, M. Carrolton, UHL. Clear Creek (Wort, hen), Oriskany Sandst., L. Hamburgh, M. Jonesboro’ M. Illinois ( continued ). Moline, M. Quincy, Chern., U. Rock Island and Co., M. Union Co. (Townsh p XlI.), M. Indiana. Camp Creek, Cornif. L’st. Charleston Landing, UHL. Clarke Co., UHL. Jeffersonville, UHL. Leeves Creek. UHL. Silver „ (Clarke Co.), U. Washington, U HL. Iowa. Burlington, U. Carrolton. Cedar River, M. Cedar (Red River). Davenport? L.?, M Desrnoines River, UHL. Independence Town, M. Iowa City, M. ,, River (the lower), M. New Buffalo, M. Parkhurst, M. Pine Creek, M. Rapid Creek, M. ? Rockford, M., U.? Rockingham, M. Salem, UHL. Shellsburg, M. Vinton, M. Wapsinonox Co., M. Waterloo, L T HL, Kentucky. Beargrass Creek (Jefferson Co.), U. Bullist Co., UHL. ? Calhoun, M. Carlisle, UHL. Carrolton. Danville, U. ? Louisville, M. Ohio-River Falls, L. Rock Island, M. Maine. East Pprt, U. Perry Co, U. Maryland. Cumberland Co., Orisk. S’st. Ilandcock. Michigan. Alpena (Thunder-Bay Island, Lake Huron), M. Bedford (Monro Co.), UHL. Branch Co., Huron Gr p , U. Calhoun Co. ,, U. Michigan ( continued ). Crawford Quarry (Monro Co.), UHL. Emmet’s Co., UHL. Grand Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan), U. Granville, U. ? Kalamazou, Huron Gr p , U. Lenawa Co., U. Little Traverse Bay, M. Mackinac Island (Lake Huron), UHL. Partridge Point, M. Presquisle Co., UHL. Raisiuville (Monro Co.), UIIL. Squaw Point (Great Traverse Bay), U. Sulphur Island (Great Tra verse Bay), U. Missouri. Bailey’s Landing ?, L Boone Co., U. Callaway Co., UHL., M.f Clear-Creek Island, Oriskany Sandst., L. Elk Spring (Pike Co.), U. Gabouri Co., U. Keg Creek, UHL. Lamme (Cooper Co.), U. Moniteau Co. U. Mount Vernon (Moniteau Co.), U. Pettis Co., U. Pike Co., M. Polk Co., U. Providence Co., U. St. Mary’s River, UHL. „ Town, L., Oriskany Sandst. Saline Creek (St. Gene- vieve), U. Splice Creek (Moniteau Co.), UHL. Taney Co., U. Weston, M. Willenburg (Perry Co.), M. New Brunswick. Beaver Lake, U. Black River, M. Bloomsbury Group, L. Carlton East (St. John’s), M. Courtnay Bay, M. Duck Cove, Lancaster (west of Carlton), M. Emerson’s Creek, M. I van hoe, M. America ( continued ).] 108 [Devonian. New Brunswick ( continued ). N Lancaster Township, M.j Little-River Group, M. Macomber’sBrook(Quaco),M. Manawagonish, M. Martin Head, M. Millicent Lake, Cordaites shales, M. Mispeck (St. John's), M. Pesarinco, U. Portland (Carlton), M. Red Head (Pennfield), M. St. John’s, M. Salmon River, U. ? „ „ Little, U. Shag Rocks, M. Shepody Mountain, M. Ten-Miles Creek, Cordaites Shales. M. Vaughan's Brooks (Quaco), U. West Beach, M. 1 f,w York. Addison (Steuben Co.), U. Albany Co., U. Albion, New, U.j Alden (Erie Co.), M., Marc. Shale. Alexander (Geness. Co.), M. Apulia (Onond. Co.), M. Ashland ? and Ashland Co., _ U. Auburn, Oriskany, UHL. Aurora (Lake Cayuga), M. Avon (River Genessee), M. Babcock's Hill (Oneida Co.), UHL. Bald Hill (Ithaca), LT. Bath (Steuben Co.), U. Bellona (Yates Co.), M.j Benton, U. Berlin, New (Otsego Co.), M. Bethany (Geness. Co.), M. Bigstream Point, M. Bingham Township (Broome Co.), U. Black rock (River Niagara), UHL. Bloomfield (W. Ontario), M. Borodino, M. Bridgewater Flats (Oneida Co.), M. Bristol (Ontario Co.), M.j Broome, M. Buffalo (Lake Erie), UHL. Burchards (Madison Co.), M. Cadiz (Cattaraugus Co.), U.j Caledonia (Livingstone. Co.), Onond. Limest, Canandaigua Lake, M. Capon-River Mouth. Cashaqua Creek, M. Portage Group, U. Cassville (Oneida Co.). Catskill Mountains, L T . Cattaraugus (West N. Y.), U.j Cayuga (Cayuga Co.), Portage Group, U. Cazenovia (Madison Co.), UHL., M. Chatauque, U. Chemung Narrows, U.j Chenango Co. and Canal (Mid N. Y.). ew York ( continued ). Cherry Creek (Chatauque Co.), U.j Cherry Valley (Ot- sego), UHL. & M. Clarence Hollow, Onond. Limest., L. Clarkesville, Schohar. Grit., UHL. Coemans (Albany Co.), UHL. Cold Springs (Cattaraugus Co.), U. Connewango Co., U. Cortland Co., U. Cortlandville, U.j Cooperstown, M. Covington (Genessee Co.), U. Crooked Lake, U.j Darien (Erie Co.), U.j Delphi Town and Falls, L T . Dexterville, U.j Dresden, M. Dryden, U. Eastman’s Quarry (Utica), UHL. 18-mile Creek, M., U. Elmira (Tioga Co.), U. 1 Fabius (Ouondago Co.), M. Factoryville (Tioga Co.), U. Fallbrook (Genessee Riv.), M. Fenner (Madison Co.). Franklin, U. French Creek (Chatauque Co.), U. Fulton Green (Sohoh. Co.), M. Fultonham, M. Genessee River and Co., U. „ Little. Gilboa, U. Great Valley, U. Green Co., * UHL. Hamburg (Lake Erie), M. Hamilton, M. „ West, M. Harbon Co., M. Herkimer, UHL. Hobbieville, U. Homer, M. ? Howard (Alleghany Co.), U. Howland, U. Ithaca, U., Portage, Chem. Jamesville, UHL. Jasper, U. Jefferson (Steuben Co.), U. Kellogsville, M. Knoxville (Albany Co.), UHL. &c. Lapham Mills, U. Leon (Cattaraugus Co.), U. Leroy (Genessee Co.), M. Lima (Ontario Co.), UHL. Litchfield (Herkitn Co.), Cornif. Limest. Livingstone Co., UHL. Ludlowville (Cayuga Co.), M. Madison, U. Manchester, L., M. Manlius, L., M. Montrose (Penns.?). Moscow (Livingstone Co.), M. Mount Upton (River Una- dilla), Chem. & Catskill. Mountmorris, M., U. 1 ew York (continued). Mud Creek, M. Napoli, L T . New Scotland (Albany Co.), Oriskany Sandst. Norwich. Ogden’s Ferry (L.Cayuga), M. Olean. U. Oneida Falls and Co., UHL. „ Creek, M., Marcell. Sh. Onondago Hollow, L T HL. Ontario Co., M. Oriskany Town and Falls, L. Otsego Co., M. Ovid (Seneca Co.), M. Owasco (Cayuga Co.), M. Painted Post (Steuben Co.), U. Panama (Chatauque Co.), M. Paris Hill, L., Orisk. Sandst. Patterson’sCreek(Livingstone Co.), M. Pavilion (Genessee Co.), M Phillipsburg (Allegh. Co.), U. Plainfields, M. Portland (Lake Erie), U., Portage Gr p . Pratt’s Falls (MadisonCo.),M. „ Forks „ M. Randolph (Catteraugus Co.), U. Rockville (Alleghany Co.), U. Salem, UHL. Saugerties (Ulster Co.), U. Schoharie Co., L., M Sherburn, U., Portage Gr p . Shortville, UHL Skeneateles Town, M. „ Lake, U. Smyrna (Chenango Co.), Geness. Slate, U Solsville, M. South Valley (Catteraugus Co.), , U. Springfield (Herkimer Co.), L., Cornif. Limest, Springport (Lake Cayuga), L'HL. Stafford (Genessee Co.), U. Steuben Co., U. Summit Co., U. Tinker’s Falls, Tully L’st., M. Tioga Co., U. Tompkins Co., LT. Troupsboro’ (Steuben Co.), U. „ Creek, U. Trumansburg, U. Tully (Onondago Co.), M. ,, Four Corners, U. Ulster Co., UHL Unadilla Riv. (Otsego Co.), M. „ Town „ U „ (Richmond’s Quarry), Catskill Gr p . Vandermarks Creek (Alleg- hany Co)., U. Victor East (Ontario Co.), UHL Vienna (Ontario Co.), U Warren, L., Caudi-Galli Gr p . Waterville, M., Marc. Shale, Westmoreland (Oneida Co.), UHL Williamsville (Erie Co.), L T New York (continued). Woodstock, LT. ? Wyoming (Kent Co.), U. York (Livingstone Co.), M. Nova Scotia. Bear River, LTHL. Campbell Town. Canaan Beds. L T HL. Cobequid Hills, UHL.? Moose Riv. (iron-ore), L II L. Mount Thom, UHL. ? „ Dalhousie, UHL. ? Nictau, UHL. Restigouche. Ohio. Akron, M Ashland, U. Brainerd. Chagrin Falls, U. Chillicothe. Columbus, UHL. Cuyahoga Falls, UHL. &c. Dayton, L T HL. Delaware River, UHL. „ Towm, U. „ County, Shale, U. Dublin, Cornif. Limest., L. Fairport (Ashtabula Co.), M. Granville (Licking Co.), U. Grenville. Jefferson (Ashtabula Co.), U. Lancaster (Fairfield Co.), U. Loraine Co., M. Madison Co., UHL. Marblehead, UHL. Marion, UHL. Monclovia (Lucas Co.), Cornif. Limest. Monroville, Huron Sh., U. Mount Vernon, Waverley Sandst,, U. Northfield Centre (Summit Co.). Rockville, M. 1 Sandusky, UHL. Sheffield (Loraine Co.), Shale, U.j Sylvania West, UHL. Valley Forge, U. White Sulphur Springs, M. Pennsylvania. Bedford (Bedford Co.), U. Bradford, U. Corning and Blossburg Rail- way, U. Keadville, U. Kinzua (Warren Co.). Lehigh River (pars), U. Lockhaven (Centre Co.). Meadville (Crawford Co.), U. Oil Creek, U. Pottsville? (pars), E.S.E. of Danville, U. Shafers, U Standing Creek (Huntingdon Co.), Geness. SI., M. Wellsborough (Tioga Co.), U Wirtemburg, Tennessee. Estill Springs. Hickman Co. Magnagon (Perry Co.), M. Maury Co., U. EmopE &c. 109 [Devonian. EUROPE &c. ' Africa, South (Cape of Good Hope. Bokkeveld, Cold, L. „ Warm, L. Cedarberg (Sndbrgr.), L. Gydow Pass, L. Hottentot Kloof, L. Knysna River, L. Kokman’s Kloof, L. Leo Hook, L. Kozendale, L. Altai (Asiatic Russia). Gherikolf, U. j Karetschoumishe, M. - Kousnetzker Basin, U. ? | Lassicha, ? I Sehlangenberg (Smein), M. ! Sjass River (IS ova Ladoga), M. Timan Mountains. ; Tomsk (Siberia), L., U. 1 Ulbinsk, M. Ust-Uchta (West Siberia), M. Zinieff Valley (Smeef), U. Armenia. Arpatchcai River. Bargarrack, L. Carverah Convent, L. Elbourg Mountain. Neckla Valley (Caucasus). Touwa ? (Caucasus). Baden. Berghaupten. Gummersbacb (F. Rom.), M. Bavaria. Adelsdorf. Baireuth (F. Rom.), U. Durrewaid (Geroldsgriin),U.? Fichtelgebirge, IT. Gattendorf, IT. Geigen, U. Geiser (Presseck), U. Hof, U. Hurtiwagen (Geroldsgriin),IT. Naila, U. Presseck (F. Rom.), L T . Regnitz-losau (F. Rom.), L T . Rieden (Laacher See), L. Schneeberg. • Scliwartzenbach (Hof), L. Teufelsberg (Hof), U. Valhalla (Ratisbon), IT. Belgium. Agimont, M. Alir River (on Riv. Rhine), L. Alveus (Namur), U.? Arnay (Liege), U. Amblain (Namur), M. Ambly „ M. Ath (River Dendre), U. Aubrieve (Riv. Meuse), L., M. Avesne3, U. Awant ?, M. Bailievre (Hainault), M. Baives (De Koninck), U. Bastogne (Luxemb.). Berwine River, U.? Bouillon (Dinant), M. Burnot, U. Cerfontaine (Namur), M. Charlemont Citadel, M. Chaudefontaine, U. Chimay, Cyprid. Sch., M., U. Belgium (continued). Comblain la Tour (Luxem- burg), M- Condros, U. &c. Corvant (Luxemb.), L. Couvin (Namur), M., U. CourSt. Henri (Hainault), M. Dinant (Namur), M. Erquelines, M. Esneux, U. Eupen, L. Famenne, U. Ferrieres, M. Ferussac, M. Flohimont, U. Frasnes (Marienburg), M. Givet (River Meuse), M. Goschenie (Namur), M. Godoumont, L. Golzinnes (Namur), U. Hampteau (Luxemb.), L., M. Hatton, M. Haumont, IT. Here (Namur), M. Ilonnay, M. Hornes (Hainault), Carb. ? Ilouffalise (Ardennes), L. Huy (River Meuse), L. Jemelle (N. Belgium), M. Jugny (Prof. Gosselet). Lampret, IT. ? Limburg, U. Macon (Givet), M. Magey (Namur), M. Marbaix (Namur), U. Marienburg (Namur), IT. Matagne (Dinant), U. Merlemont (Namur), M. Mommignies (Hainault), M. Montigny (River Meuse), L. Namur district, IT. Neufchateau, M. Neuville (Namur), M. Nisme (Couvin), M., U. Nimes (Namur), M. Olne (Liege). Ozo (Luxemb.), M. Pepinster (Spa), M. Pesch (Namur), L. I’etignies (Namur), M. ? Phillipville (Namur), U. Ranee (Hainault), M. Rhistne (Namur), U. St. Christophe, U. St. Hubert, L. Schlous, M. Seilles, U. Senzeilles, IT. Soignies, U. Sugny, L. Surtainville, L. Sury, M. Taisnieres, M. Tatimont, L. ? Thuin (River Sombre), L. Treigne (Luxemb.), M. Tressel „ M. Valcour, IT. Verlaine, U. Vervieres, U. Vesdre Valley (Dc Koninck), L„ M., U. Belgium (continued). Virelles, U. Vireux, L. Wallers, M. Waulin (Namur), M. Wellin (Luxemb.), Wignehies (Namur). L. Willers le Gambon (N a- mur), Bohemia. M. Beraun (Miinst. Beitr. v.), U. Karlstein, L.? Konieprus, M. Trantenau, M. Central Germany (conjectural). Cramenzels, U. Munster (F. Rom.), U. Odersbucli (Brandenburg). Pfarrberg, Clym. Lirnest., U. Philipseck, L. Philipstein, Cypr. Sch., U. Plauritzberg (Gratz), U. Sigmaringen (Hohenzol- lern), U. Sixfeld, U. Steinfeld (Oldenburg). Tollthales Wolfshagen (Bran- denberg), L. Venwagen, M. Webersberg, U. ? Wenan. Eifel. Aldhutte, M. Berendorf, M. Blankenheim, L. Budesheim (Schist, Sand- berger), U. Commern. Daleiden, L., M. Dallendorf. Daun, L., M. Ehlens, L. Frienfels (Wielburg), M. Gees (by Gerolstein), M. Gerolstein, M. ? Heisterstein, M. Hillesheim, M. Hohe (Priim), M. Iloldernich (Commern). Ilontbeim (Pruin), L. Irrhausen, L. Keldernik, M. Kerpen, M. Muhlenberg (Gerolstein), M. Nieder-Elbe. Nollebach (Kerpen), M. Oos (Gerolstein), M. Pelm, L„ M. ? Priim, L. Rommersheim (Sndbrgr.), M. Schdnecken, L. Singhofen (Sndbrgr.), L Waxweiler, L. Weidesheim, Cypr. Sch., U. Weinsheim Hollo (Priim), M. Weisserberg (Homburg). Wipperfurth?, L. England. Acton Beauchamp (Brom- yard), M. Adscombe (W. Somerset- shire), M. England (continued). Aightington (Worcester- shire), L. Ashburton, M. Asholt (Quantock Hills). Babbicombe (Torquay), M. Babbington (Frome), M. Baggy Point, IT. Barton (S. Devonsh.), M. Bedruthen Steps (Pad- stovv), L., M. ? Berry Pomeroy (Devons.), M. Berryhead, L. Bewdley (Worcestersh.), L. Bid well (Devonsh.). Blackball (Totness), L., M.! Bolland (Yoredale, York.), IT.j Bradley (Newton Bush.), M.j Bradiford (Pilland), M. 1 Braunton (N. Devonsh.), I'. Bromyard (Worcestersh.). 1 Brushford (N. Devons.), U. I Budleigh-Salterton (fossils chiefly Devonian). Challacoinbe (Combe Mar- tin), L. Chamberscombe (Devons.), M. Chircombe Bridge, IT.! Chudleigh Appleway (S. i Devonsh.), L.| Clayhanger (Tiverton), IT.! Collumpton. Combe (Ashburton), M. ? „ Martin (N. Dev.), M. Countesburv (Devonsh.), L. Cradley (Herefordshire), L. Croyde Bay (N. Devonsh.), IT.j Dartington (Totness), M. Dartmouth (Devonsh.), M.j Denbury (Devonsh.), M. Dilbury (Worcestersh.), L.' Downton Castle, L. Dulverton. Durlaston Bay (S. Devonsh.). Farington (Somersetsh.). Farlow (Shropshire), U. ? Flaxley (Gloucestersh.), L. Foreland, North (N. Dev.), L. Fowev (Cornwall), L. Frankmarsh (N. Devonsh.), U. Fremington Pits, Passage-beds, U. Freshwater (East Pembroke). Galmpton Creek (Devons.), L. Glenthorne (Devonsh.), L. Goodleigh (N. Devonsh.), U. Hadleigh Park, L. Haggington (N. Devonsh.), M. Halburton (Devonsh.), M. Hangman Grits (Devons.). Harberton (Devonsh.), M. Hedden’s Mouth ?, L. Hole-boro’ ( Ilfracombe'), M. Herefordshire (in parts), L. High Bay, Marwood S’st., U. Hillsboro’ (Devonsh.), M. Ilinston (Bromyard), L. ? Holdstone(N.Devons.),L.,M. Hope's Nose (S. Devon- shire), L.. M. Ilfracombe (N. Devonsh.), M.j Ipplepen (Devonsh.), M. Europe &c. ( continued ).] 110 [Devonian. England (continued). Kington (Herefordsh.), I Laulake (Petherwin), Lantivit. Launceston, L. ?, Leary (S. Devonsli.), Ledbury (Herefordsh.), Lee Cove (N. Devonsk.), Linton „ Liskeard (S. Devonsli.), Looe Town and Island, Luckwell, I Ludlow (Shropshire), Martinhoe „ Marwood „ Meadsfoot (S. Devonsli.), Menabilly. Milledon (St. German’s), Morebath (N.E. Devonsli.). Muddiford (Devonsli.), Mudstone Bay, L., Nettlecombe (W. Somei shire). New Quay (Cornwall), Newton Abbot (S. Dev.), „ Bushel „ Ogwell (S. Devonsli.), Overstowey (Soinersetsh.) Padstow (Cornwall), Park Quarry, Petherwin, S. and N. (Ci wall), Pilland (N. Devonsh.), Pilton (North Devon- shire), Passage-bed Plaistow Mill (N. Dev.), Plymouth, Polperro (Cornwall), L. Polruan, Ramsleigh (Mr. Pengelly), Roster Bridge, M. Rowlestone (HerefordsL St. Columb (Cornwall). St. German’s „ St. Keyne ,, St. Yeep (Fowey), Sandebay (Devonsh.). Sandtop Bay (Peinbrokesh.). Saunton (N. Devonsh.). Sloly, Smithstone Rock (Heri shire), Southstone Rock (Herf shire), Sprecombe. Stonehouse Hill (S. Dev Stowey (Cornwall), Tawstock (Devonsh.). Teignmouth (S. Devonsh.), U. Tintagel (Cornwall), U. Top Orchard (N. Devon Torquay, Totness, Towey Cliff, Trentishoe (N. Devonsl Trivalga (Cornwall), Trimpley (Woreestersh Valley of Rocks (N. Dev.), L. Warren Point, shire). Whitesand Bay (S. Dev Widmouth (Cornwall). England (continued). France (continued). Harz (continued). 1 Withycombe, M. Pont Drome, U. Ilsenberg, L.j Woodabay, L ,‘t Ramonsies (N. Fr.), M. Kahleberg, L., M.| W T oolacombe (Somersetsh.). Rennes, M. Kehrzu, M. Woolboro’ (Newton), M. Roquigny (Ardenn.), L Kellerwassersthal (Alte- Worcestershire (in parts), L. Rouvroy (Chalonn.), U. nau), U. Yealm Bridge ( Launceston ), L. Ruinsart. (N. Fr.), u. Klosterholzes (Ilsenburg), L. Yealmton (S. Devonsh.), L. St. Aubin du Cornier (111. et Laddeken-Berges, France. Vill.), M. ? (W’ieda), L., M. Aleucjon (Dep. Orne). St. Ciuere, L. Laubach, L. ■ | Ancenis (Low. Loire), L., M. St. Jean (River Mayenne), L. Lautenthal, Pass.-bed, U. Anor (Valencienn.), L. St. Paul (le Cotentin), L. Lerbach, Upper, L. Argentre (Ille et Vil.), L. St. Pierre (Riv. Mayenne), L. Mandelholz, M. d’Avesnes (Arrond.), U. St.Remy(Midbatie,N.Fr.), U. Oberschulenburg (Clausthal). Babaconnieres, la, M. Sains (N. France), U. Odensberg (Okerthal). Bain (Brittany), L. Santour (N. France), M. Okerthal (Altenau), M., U. ? Baives (N. France), L. Sars Poteriers (N . France), U . RaminelBberg (Goslar), L. Bas Boulonnais, U. Sionville (La Manche), L. Rhomkerbouche (Oker- Bellignies (Du Nord), M. Tech et Tet Valley ( Pyren- thal), M. Blacour (Dep. Calais), U. nes), L. or M. Reisbach (Schulenberg), M. Boussieres (N. Fr.), M. Trelon, M. Reisen baches (Schulen- Bouzille (Low. Loire?), M.? Val d’Ossau (Pyrennees). berg), M. Brest Roads, M. Valogne, L. Reisen bach thales, L. Brules (Ancenis), L. Villiers (St. Gertrude), L. Rothehutte, M. ? Brulon (de la Sarthe), M. Vire (La Sarthe), L. Riibeland (Iberg), U. Caillou-Quibic (Arden- Vitr£, L. St. Andrea’s-burg, L. nes), L., M. Franconia. Schalke (Zellerfeld), L. ? Carteret (La Manche), L. Elbersreuth (Up. Franc.), U. Schededeke (Runkel), U. . Cedula, la (Bas Boul.), M. Gattendorf. Scheerenstiege Teiche, L.? Chagey (Hericourt), L. Geiser (Upper Franc.), U. Schulenberg (Zellerfeld), U. Clialonnes Rouvroy (River Gerlas (Upper Franc.), U. Selkethal, M. Loire), U. Ilarhnansgriin (Upper Sophienlnitte, L. Chatelaison (St. Georges), LT. Franconia), U. Steinberg (Goslar), L. C’herz (Ardennes), L. Hartmansreuth (Upper Sulbach (Hanover), L. River de laCie(LaManche),U. Franconia), u. Sultberge (Goslar), L. Cop Choux (Low. Loire), L T . Schauenstein ( L T p. Franc.) u. Tanne (Elbingerode), U. Cormerie, la ( La Sarthe), L. Schleitz, u. Tannenberg (Ochrenfekl), L. Cotentin, le (Normandy), U. Schiibelhammer, u. Tonnechener Manor (El- . Cotterets (Pyrennees), U. Steinbruch (Munster), u. bingerode), M. Coudray, ie (La Sarthe), L. Gallicia. Unkel, ;L. Courtoisieres, les(La Landescron, L. AVeilberg, U. Sarthe), U. Rittberg, M. Weinschenke ( Bonte- . Dimont (N. Fr.), U. Harz. boch), M. ? d’lze (Ille et Vil.), Vitre, M. Adensberg (Oker), L. Wieda, M.i Ebray (Low. Loire), L. Altenau (Sndbrgr.). Zeigenberg, L.j Eeochere (Ancenis), M. „ (N.W. Harz), U. Zorge, M. ?| Etraeungt (N. hr. ), U. Bergfeld (Riibeland), U. Livonia with Courland (G re- Faon (Brittany), L. Bielshohle (Riibeland), U. wingk, Eichwald, &c.). 5 Feron, M. Birkenthal (Oker), M. Aa River, M. Ferques (Bas Boul.), U. Bockswiese (Lauten- Absenau, U. Fiennes (Bas Boul.), U. thal), M„ U. Adamshof, U. Firou (N. Fr.) = Sch. Brohlthal (Lautenthal ), L? Adsel (Esthonia). Famenne, U. Buchenbei'g( Elbingerode),M. Anrepsof, U. Forgette, la (Avesnes), U. Bundenbochi (Birkenfeld), Albebache, L. Fourmies (N. Fr.), L., M. Passage-bed, U. Arrokalla Dorfe, U. Franchimont (Ardennes), M. Chaussee-IIause, U. Borke (Repaz). Gabard (St. Aubin), U. Ecksberge (Lautenthal), U. Bumschi-Gibert, u. Glageon (N. Fr.), U. Ehrenfeld (Ilsenberg). Burfneck Lake, M. Gussignies (N. Fr.), L. Elbingerode, M. Cremona ( Riga), M.I Hestrude (N. Fr.), U. Festenburg(Zellerfeld), L. M. Dima River, M.| Hierges (Ardennes), U. Gosethal, Calceola Sell., M. Fellin, M.i Le Ham. ,, Lower (Goslar), L. F'rederikstadt (R. Duna), M.I Lisle (Tarn). Goslar. M. Garssen, M. Loue (La Sarthe), L. Granethale (Hahnenckles), M. Guildap, M.I Manche, la, U. Grund, M. Haanhof, M. Manzeuil (Ancenis). Hahnenckles, M. Hanger (Courland), M.i Mondrepuis (Aisne), L. Harleberge. 111, M. Montaigne Noir (Laugue- liartenberg ( Elbingerode), M. Ilpeh, U.l doc), L., U. Hasserode (Werninger), L. Isborsk, M. Montaneuf, L. Herzberges, L. Islitz (Courland), M.I Moutrelais, U. Ilohenkehle (Goslar), M. Jacobstadt, M. Mouzenil (Low. Loire), U. Hubhauses (Polsterberge), M. Jeffrevmore, M. ? Neffiez (l’Herault), U. Hughnorkopfes (Tannes), M. .Tungfernhoff, u.l Nehou, L. ?, M. Huhbegenstein (Claus- Keggium, u. ? Ortenville (France ?), L. thal), M. Kiddyerw, L. Paines (Bas Boulon.), U. Ilutthales, L., M. Koekull, L. Pequigny (La Somme). lluttonrode, M. Kircholme. M. Ferques (La Manche), L. Iberg Hill, U. Kohenhusen, M. Pont d’Aizy (N.E. Fr.), U. Idstein, 1 .. Lawcane (Courland), M. Euitorr; &c. {continued).] Ill [Devonian. Livonia with Courland ( con - Nassau ( continued ). Nassau {continued). Prussia (Rhenish) {continued). tinned). Dill (Dachschiefer), U. Selters. Kipperfurth (Dusseldorf). Lemiewarden, U. Dillbreeht, M. Sessachers (Oberscheld), LT. Labachtkal (Cologne). Lettin, M Dillenburg, L. Solras (River Lahn). Laubach (Sndbrgr.), L. Lindenhof, L. Drommerhausen (Weil- Sinn (Dill, valley), U. Lustheide (Coin), M. Lobenstein, M. burg), L T . Sotenich, M. ? Marienlieide (Coin), L. | Logarowitsche, M. Ehrenbreitstein (Coblenz), L. Stein (Ilackenberg). Menzenberg, L., M ? Matkowizi, M Eibach (Dillenburg', Steinfishbach (Idstein). Mettman (Dusseldorf), M. Oknest, U. (Cvprid. Sch.), U. Steinlache, M. Moresnet, U. Oluehova, M. Eras (Lahn Mouth), L. Steinsberg (Diez), U. PafTrath (Coin), M. Oppehabnhohen, M Emmorshausen, L. Taunus Mountains. Pfaffendorf (Coin). Parmo, M. Knspel, L. Spir. Sands. Unkel, L. Refrath (Coin), M. Peddetz, M. Eppenrod (Diez), L. Usengen, L. Rudesheim. Petschur, M. Erdbuk (Arate Idstein), Vilmar, M. St. Goar, L. ? Pskow (Pleskau), M. Passage-bed, U. Vohnek (on Rhine River). Salkendorf (Siegen, Coin), L. Rannakulla, L. Eschelbach (Montebaur), L. Waldgermes, M., U. Schwelm (Dusseldorf), M. Rassilowa, M. Fachingen (Diez), L. Waldschen, U. Siebengebirge (Bonn). Rennenhause, U. Frienfels (Weilburg), M. Wadschneudorf (Monta- Siegen (Coin), L.l Riga, M. Frohen hausen (Dillen- baur), L. Solingen (Coin), L. ? Ronnen (Courland), L. burgl, L. Wasterwald (River Lahn), L. Unkel, L.; Ronneberg. Gabelstein, L. Wessenberg, L. Vallendar (Sndbrgr.), L. Roop, M. Gachenbach, L. Weitselters. Waldbrol, M. | Salisburg, L. Geilnau (Diez). Weid-Miinster (Schaalstein). Wassenach. Schagory (Courland), M. Gessaclier. Weilburg, M. Weipenfeld, M.| Scbelon River (Pskow). Grebenroth, L. Wetzlar (River Lahn), M., U. Winningen (Coblenz), L. Schlock (Courland), M. Griefenstein (Dillenburg). Wirzenborn (Montabour). Reuss Principality. 1 Schrunden (Courland), M. Ilackenberg, L. Wissenbach (Wetzler), L. Kalilleite, U. ! Segewold, L. Hadaraar, Stringoceph. L„ M. Zitterfeld (Culm also), L. Languenauhohle (Otters- Slihterof, L. Hahnstatten, U. Petschora-land. dorf), U. Smordenka, M. Haiger 1 lutte(Dillenburg), L. Umar River, M. Schleitz, Cvprid. Sch., U. Snetogorskai, M. llaiger-Seelbach, L. lschma River, M. Tegau (Schleiss), U. Tchudova, L. Hasselborn, L. Oustouthta, Cvprid. L’st., U. Zeulenrode, U. | Torgel, L.? Ilolzappel (Diezi, L. Poratsclmaya River. Russia in Europe. Velicaja Valiev, M. Karlsberg (Weilburg). Sima River. Andoma Riv. (L. Omega), LI. Vitepsk. Eemmenau (Ems), L. Tchisma, U . ,, Mountains, U. Vitscliegda Valley, M. Kirsch-hofen ( Weilburg), U. Ton ban Lake. Aratowitch, M. Volkhof (River Longa), M. Konigszug (Eibach), U. LTehta River, U. Astroph (Riv. Volkhof), M. Warzau (Wurtzau), M. Korsdorf. Vejaye River. Asuppen, U. Windaushof (Courland), U. Lagenschiede (Diez), L. Vilva. Baigora R. (Tambof Govern.). Luxembourg. Lahnstein, L. Vol River, M. Bjeleff ( Govern. 01eft'),M.,LT. ? Amberloup, L. Laugenschwalbach, L. Woll River (Iselnna), M. Bogorodit.sa (Toula), U. ? | Barvaux, U. Laubachthal, Zsilma River, M. Bovinskyer-Sawoda, L T . 1 Comblain la Tour, M. (Spirif. Sands.), L. Poland (Russian). Borowitchi(Gov.Novgor.),L.? 1 Cowant, L. Laubuseckhaeh, U. Bodzentin (Ferd. Rom.), M. Boureghi v Lake Ilmen ), M. Grupont, L. Lenne River (Rhine Chenciny, M. Brastowistcker(Riv. Volkhof). Martelange, L. affluent), M. Kieler, LT. Budewicli (Central Russ.), M. Marcourt, L. Ley, M ? Malagozez, M. ? Chelogne (S.W. Russ.), M. Masbourg, L. Lohnberger Weg, M. Nova Skaly, M. C'heractale (Sterlitamac), M. Ozo, M. Lohren (Dillenburg), M. Nova Slupia (Sandomir), M. Dachwisa (River Don). Wellin, L. Mandersbacli (Herborn), U. Sandomir, M. Dewitz River, M. Moravia. Montabaur, L. Sitka, M. Divjatina CVeroneje Gov.), M. Braunaberg, U. Miinchen-Muhie (River Wilna Town, Drift, U. Dombrowa (Grodno), M. Mohredorf, u. Lake), M. ,, Government, Drift, LT. Donetz (Gov. Ecaterinos- Ritzberg (Maliren), M. Nastatten, L. Prussia (Riienisii). lof), M. Rottberg, U. Neiderlahnstein, L. Aachen (Aix-le-Chapelle), M. Dvina, La (Gov. Orel), M. Nassau. Neider-Rosbach, L. Abenthauer (Ilunsdruck), L. Endovistei (Voroneje), Agger River (Rhen. Prus.VM. Neider-Schels (Dillenburg). Alt.enahr, Cvprid. Sch., U. M., Geol. Russ. ii. 339. Altendorf, U. Neider-Selters (Idstein). Altenberg (Wetzlar), M. ? Grasi (on Riv. Wedusa), L. Altweilnau, L. Oberauroff (Idstein). Asterstein (Coblenz), L. Gastino-polscaya-pristar Arfurth, M. ( Iberbicht, M . '! Bensberg (Coin), M. (Volkhof), M. Astert, L. Obei’d omen berg (Aumenau). Berge ?, L. Ieletz (Gov. Orel), M. Audenscliweide (Weil- Oberelinemberg ( Dillen- Boppart, L. Iendowitchsche (River Wen- burg), L. burg), L. Brodenbaeh (Coblenz), L. duga), U. 1 Balduinstein < Dietzl, L. Oberniederschild (Dillen- Brohl (Sndbrgr.), L. ljora Riv. (Gov. St. Peters- 1 Bergebersbacii ( Dillen- burg), L. Buderick, M. ? burg), M bach), L. Oberscheld, U. Capellen (Sndbrgr.), L. Ilmen Lake(Gov.Novgor.), U. | Bodemteiner (Vilmar), M. Oeltersdorf, (Limest.), U. Caub (St. Goar), L. Iolva Riv. (Vcrneuil), M. Brandoberndorf, L. Offenbach. Coblenz, L. Ioriew, M. Braubaeh(LahnMouth),L.,M. Oranienstein (Dietz), U. Condethal (Winningak), L. Kaminietz (Podolia), M. Braunfels (River Lahn), U. Oppershofen, L. Corneli-Miinster (Bergi- Kaminoje (Riv. Matyra), L. Bredelar. Paff’enweisbach (Usingen). alien). Kerist Riv. (Mid. Russ.), L. Burg, U. l’auschenberger Muhle, Duren, L. Khotine (Riv. Dniester), M. ? Burg-Sohns (River Lahn), U. (Risen rotli.), U. Eihenbusch (Reuss Princi- h'ochary (Zadonsk), M. Butsbach, Low M. Rastatten. pality), L. Konkolodes (Riv. Don), M. Caub, L. Rosbach, L., low. VI. Elborfelt, M. Konozerje (Gov. St. Pet..), M. Clamberg (Cramberg), Rosenberg (Braubnch), L. Eupen. Kortischitze (Gov. Nov- Dietz, L. Ruchershousen (Wehen). Forstbnchthnl (St. Goar), L. ? go rod), M. Dicthardt (Nastatten). Runkel, U. llorhausen (Sndbrgr.), L. Krapivna (Toula), L T . Diez (River Lahn). Schedeck (Runkel), U. llundruck, L. Krasnaya (Gov. St. Petersb.). Europe &c. ( continued ).'] 112 [Devonian. Russia in Europe ( continued ). Kvnosk (R. Tsckiworaya), M Labedian (Riv. Don), M. Ladoga Lake, M. Lepeseek (Riv. Matyra), M Likkwine (Gov. Kalouga), M. Lipetz (Riv. Don), M. Marjina (Pawlowsk), M. Matyra (Gov. Tambof), L., M. Megra River (Vitegra), M Miatsckkowa (Moscow), M, Mouss Riv. (Gov. Kowno). MstaRiv.(Gov.Novg.),M.,U. : Mtsensk (Gov. Orel), M., U. ? Nieolo-gastounki, M. Nosseck, M NovaSilkskaya(Gov.Orel).M. Nova Zeinbla, M. ? Ob River (N. Russia), L. ? Octrada (Gov. Orel), U. Odoev district, [J Oka River (Gov. Orel), M., U. Old Staraja, M. ? Olonest. (Lake Ladoga), M. Onega Lake, M Ontoleva(Gov.St.Petersb.).M. Orel (Town and Gov.), M. Ottrada (Riv. Oka), M. Pawlosk(Gov.St.Petersb.), M. Peredki (Valdai Hills), L., M, Piatina (Riv. Don), M. Pinega, M. Pitsensk, M. Podmokloya (Gov. Toula). Podolsk (Moscow), M. Polist River (Mid. Russ.), L, Poretscliie (Riv. Louga), L. Poritz (Czarsko-selo), M. Prikshe (Gov. Novgorod), M. Prussino (R. Volkhof),M.?, U. Raizau district, M., L T . Ratolka(Gov. Moscow), M.,U. Ropsha (Gov. St. Petersb.). Samowitz (Mid. Russia), U. ? Seliger Lake (Valdai Hills), M. Slawjanka River (Gov. St. Petersb.), M. ? Slobolenskoi (ValdaiHills),M. Tarousa (Riv. Oka), L. Tielef (Gov. Orel), M. Torbejewo (River Voro- neje), L., M. Toula, U. Touraya, M. Tzarskaya. Valdar Hills (Gt. Oloretz), M. Verdonk (Voroneje), M. Verlevo (Gov. St. Petersb.), M. Vitegra (Lake Onega), U. Vol River, M Voroneje (Riv. Don, Gov. Orel), M. Wellsii (Riv. Volsow), M. ? Zadonsk (Riv. Don), Vern. Geol. Russ. p. 156, U. Zaraisk (Gov. Riazau), M Saxony. Chriestwitz, U. ? Dresden, L. Ebersdorf,Passage-bed(LLS). Ebinbusch, U. Elstergekange (Plauen). Grobsdorf(Ronneburg), U.,L. Helm. Magwitz, M. Marxgriin (GSlnitz), U. GUlnitz. Osckatz. Planitz (Zwickau), U, Saxony ( continued ). Plansckwitz (Ferd. Rom.) Plaunsclie (Dresden), L.?, U. ,, Greenst. Tuff. Ronneburg, L. Taltitz(Voigbtlands, Sndbr.). Wildeness, M. Wolfsburg. Wolfshagen, U. Zeigbist (Magwitz), U, Scotland. Alewater (Ayton, Berwick- sbire), L Altire (N.E. Scotl.), M. Arbroath, L. AuchenerawBum(E.Berwick- sbire), L. Ayr River Head, M. Balligill (Sutherlandsh.), M. Balruddery (Portbsb.), L. Banff, M Banniskirk (Caithness), M. Barragill, L. Billbaven (Dunbar), L. Boath, M. Brechin, M Caithness, M. Carmylie (Forfarsh.), L. Carnbye, L. Cauterland (Ivincardin.), L. Changue Burn (Ayrsh.), L. Clashbinnie, II. Clune; M. Cockburn’s Mill (Dunse), U. Craig, L. Cromartie, M. Cupar (Forfarsh.), M. Dipple (Elgin), M. Dornack, L. Dundee, L. Dura Den (Fife), L 7 . Eathie (Cromartie), L., M. Farnell Station(Forfarsh.),L. Ferry den, L. Fifeshire (Sandstones), U. Findkorn Riv. (Elgin), M. Findraska (N.E. Scotl.), M. Forfarshire, L. Furin Mill, L. Gamrie (Banff), M. Gimpsie (R. Etheridge, Jr.), Lh Glammis, L. Halkirk (Caithness), M. Harelaw Quarry (R. Ether., Jun.), U. Harland (Wick), L. Hemer (Caithness), M. Holburn Head (Thurso), M. John o’ Groat’s, M. Kilminster (Wick), L. Kincardineshire, L. KingstepsQuarry(Nairns.),U. King's Top, M. Kinnel, L. Kirkwall (Orkneys), M. Knockhill (Ether., Jun., Ber- wicksh.), U. Lanfine (Etheridge, Jun., Ayrshire), M Laysmill (Forfarsh.), L. Lerwick (Orkneys), L T . Lethenbar (Moraysh.), M. Lossiemouth (N.E. Scotl.), M. MonacktbyHill(Nairnsh.),U.? Montrose (Forfarsh.), L. Morayshire, U Murkle Bay, M. Murray Firth, ’ U. Orkney Isles, M. Scotland ( continued ). Park Hill (Fife), U. ? Penning Hill(Ether., Jun.), L. Pomona Isl. (Orkneys), M. Reiss Bay (Wick), M. Reswallie (Forfarsh.), L Ross-shire, M. (pars). Sandside (Thurso, Reay), M, Scat-Craig ( Elgin), M, Scrabster (Thurso), M. Shetland Isles, L., M. Skail (Orkneys), M, Sluie, M. South Head (Wick), M. Spynie Castle &c., M. Stratkmigle (Cupar, Fife), II. Strathpfeffer (Ross-shire), M. Stromness (Orkneys), M. Sunbridge, M Tain. Tarbet Ness, M Tealing, L. Thurso (N. Scotl.), M. Troup Head. Tvnet Burn (Banff). M Whitbaeh (Berwicksh.), L. White-adder River (Berwick shire), L. Wick (N.N.E. Scotl.), M Silesia. Billingen (Upper Silesia). Borszezow, U. ? Brietenau (Wiedselters), L. ? Durrberg (F. Rom.), L. Ebersdorf (Glatz Co.), M.,U. Falkenberg( Eulingebirge), U. Freiburg. Glatz. Kielce (F. Rom.). Kunzendorf-ober, M., U. ? Leisnitz (Upper Silesia). Logau. Paulsdorf, U. Rittburg, M. Rothwaltersdorf(GlatzCo.),U. Sckweidnitz. Siewierz (Upper Silesia). Stein-kauzendorf. Troppau, L. Spain. Alcocer (Andalusia). Aleje (Rio Esta. Leon), L. Alejeco (Rio Esta, Leon), L. Almaden (Sierra Moreno), L.? Almadenos (Sierra Mo- reno), M. '? Arnas (Asturias), L. ? Arrubiel Valley (Almaden). Asnaron, Castile de( Almaden) Astort District, L. ? Aviles (Asturias), L. ? Bellastera (Almaden). Belmes (Almaden), L. Brazatortas (Sierra Morena). Buzdongo (Leon), U. Cabeza del Buey (Guadal- ma), L. ? Cacapona. Caracollera (Valdeazogues). Celle (Sabero, Leon), L. ? Cerro del Hinojo (Leon). Cerro de los Palacios, L. Chillon (Almaden), L. Collada de Llama (Leon), L. Colle (Leon), L. Cortejos de Malay (Toledo). Cubillas Port (Asturias), L. Cuenca (Hinerejos), D’Archiac. L. Spain ( continued ). Ferrones( Asturias), F.Rom.L. Fontenosas (Sierra Mor.). Fuentabrada (Toledo Mont 8 ). Guadalmes (Almaden), L. Guadalperal (Almaden), L. Herrera del Duque (River Guadiana), L Hinerejos (Prov. Cuenca), L Iluerto del Llano(Chillon),L Las Capillas (Sabero), M. ? Leon (Province), L. &c. Levanza (Prov. Palencia), L Llama (Leon), U. ? Millar (Leon), L. Palacios, Los (Guadalma). Pelapaya (Ferrones), L. ? Pena de la Venera (Sabero), L. Pola de Gordon (Leon), L.,M.? Pordetras de la Pena, L. ? Pueblo del Alcocer (R. Guar dian), L. j PuentaAlba(Robles, Leon),U. Puenta de los Enamoradas (Almaden). Puertodel Cierva(Leon),M.,U. Reynosa (Prov. Burgos), L. ? Robles (Leon), U. Sabero (Rio Esta, Leon), F. Rom., L. San Bias, L. Val Mayor (Fuentabrada), L. Valcos (Leon), M. Valdemosillo (Almaden), L. Veneros (Leon), L. Viescay (Asturias). Vinna de Ayllon (Almaden). Villaviciosa (Asturias), Bull. Soc. de Fr. Schultz. Styria. Feldbacher, U Gratz. Ural. Alina (Sadinsk), M. ? Bogosloffsk, M. ?, U. Inja (Ijma), L. ? Isviosc River, L. Jarolowsk. L T . Jolva (Yolva, Bogosloffsk). Katusa River. Krjoutsberesckka, IT. Lola River. Marina (Serebrianka), M. Satinsk. Serebrianka River, L. Sosva River, M. Tatia River, U. ? Tchusounia River, L. Tschismas, U. Ustkataf. Vitchegda River (N. Ural). Volkanka River. ? Thuringia. Bohlen (Saalfeld), U Grafenthal (Saalfeld), U. Laaspke, U. Mecklin-hausen, U. Monksberges (Saalfeld), Cyp. Sch., U. Muhlbachthal. Obersteinach. Cyprid. Sch. U. Oettersdorf, Cyprid. Sch. U. Pfaffenberges (Saalfeld), U. Saalfeld, M., U. Schaderthal (Grafenthal), U. Schaumberg (Saalfeld). Turkey. Anderovitka (Marmora Sea), L. Europe &c. ( continued ).] 113 [Devonian. Turkey ( continued ). Antitaurus (Asia Minor), L. ? Arnaut-koi (Bosphorus), L. Belinkoi (Bosphorus), L. ' Constantinople, L. Feke (Nicomedia Gulf), L. Guenk-soi (Bosphor., Asia), L. Kanlydja, L. Kartal (Asia Minor), L. ! Kelender, L. Kilindria (Cilicia), L. Kouroutchisma (Bosphor.),L. Mont-Geant (Bosphor.), L. Orta-koi, L. Pendek (Nicomedia Gulf), L. Princes's Isles (Bosphor.), L. Scutari (Bosphor.), L. Turkey ( continued ). Tchauchbaehi (Bosphor.), L. Tchubuchlii (Bosphor. in Asia), L. Therapia (Bosphor.), L. Trachoea (Cilicia), L. Yailadji (Point Cilicia), L. Yeniko (Bosphorus), L. Westphalia. Ahausen. Altendorf. Attendorn, M. Auerhahne(Bigge, ?Ad.R6ra.) Balve, M. Bigge (Upper River Ruhr), M. Billstein, L. Bredelar, M., U. Westphalia ( continued ). Bredenbach. Brilon (70 miles E. of Coin), U. Capellen (Rhen. Pruss. ?), L. Enkeberg (Brilon), Cyprid. Sch. U. Enspel ( Westerwald), M. Giershagen, U. Hagen (Ferd. Rom.), M. Hauseberg, L. Hausling Hill (Arnsberg), L. Heissenstein (Siegen). Heilthal, L. Hessenstein, Low. M.J Hoffnung (River Ruhr). Hohen-keple (Ad. Rom), M. Westphalia (continued). Ilohensulbachkopf (Sie- gen), L. Iserlohn (Dusseldorf), M. Liidenscheide (Sndbrgr.), L Ludens. Madfield (Brilon, Sand- berger), Cypr. Sch. C. Meschede (River Ruhr), M. Nehden(Brilon), Cypr.Sch. U. Olpe (Coin), CalceolaSch. M. Oppershaufen (Wetterau), L. Schwelm (Elberfeld, Sand- berger), M. Waldbrol (Sndbrgr. ), M. Warsteiu’(Sndbrgr.), U. ABBREVIATIONS EMPLOYED IN THE FOREGOING PAGES. DEVONIAN FORMATION. NORTH AMERICA. Oriskany Sandstone Often called U.H.L., Upper Held. G p or L'st. Marcellus Shale Ludlowville „ Encrinal Limest. (impure) Moscow Shales Tully Limest Genessee (Black) Slate ... Portage Group Chemung Catskill „ Passage-beds into Carboniferous Hamil- ton G p . Uauda-Ualli lint Schoharie „ Onondago Limest. Corniferous „ From below upwards. Horiz. . . . Lower . . Oriskv. | L Caud. Gr. J L Sclio. Gr. I L Onon. L. [ L Cornif. L. ( Middle ... Marc. ! M Mosc. | M Tull. [ Upper M. Blk. SI. ...Upper ...Port. ...U Chem. ... U Cat. P. B. EUROPE &c. Tilestones, Meadsfoot, Linton, &c Wissenbach Slates Orthoceras Schist Spirifer Sandstone Calceola Schist Torquay Ilfracombe Givet &c Stringocephalus Limest Condrusian Schist Iberger Limestone Kramenzel-Stein Cypris Schist Newton Bushel (in part) Pilton, Petherwin, &c From below upwards Horiz. . . . Lower. ... L Wiss. ..L Orth. ... L Sp. Sa. Lower M. Calc. Sch. . . M Torqr. M Ilfr. . . M Giv. .. M Str. L’st. ..Upper ...Condr. ...U Ib. ... U Kraut. ..U Cypr. .. U Newt. . . U Pilt., Peth., a 114 THE DEVONIAN HORIZONS. A Note preliminary . — The study of geological horizons, of the successive levels or groups of the sedimen- tary deposits of this or any other epoch, hears excellent fruit. It not only lays bare the constitution, contents, and relative age of the horizon under consideration, but it is the key and index to a multitude of facts, natural, historical, and economical, of great importance affecting the whole area around. Of these facts this is not the place to speak. Such study points out the absence or the presence of leading forms of life, some of them typical. Each horizon is distinguished by its own species and by the composition of its communities. It contains intruders, who are wanderers from other localities and other sediments, as well as its own native born, who, again, frequently move elsewhere in time and space. Just as we are now familiar with the horizons of the Plesiosaurus, the Cephalaspis, and the Graptolite, such knowledge will gradually extend throughout the less conspicuous portions of fossil life. The same group of beds may be expected in distant parts of the earth to hold many species in common. Instances of this are everywhere numerous. On the other hand, most countries possess some forms exclu- sively (Tasmania, India, &c.). These investigations are not without liability to error, from the presence of more than one horizon in the same place, from a fossil being only recurrent, and not in its birthplace, from links lost through strati- graphical changes, and also from the mistakes of the collector. It is probable that sometimes the duration of horizons is short. "VVe are led to this belief by the occasional coarseness of the sediment, and the fewness of the species belonging to many genera. On the Horizons of the Devonian Formation in North America. The Devonian period in the United States and the Canadas has been divided into three great horizons, each with its subordinate parts, and each having its equivalents in other localities. In Middle North America, in North-east and Arctic America, the vertical succession occurs thus (except in case of a member’s absence), beginning from above : — - Upper Devonian . Middle Devonian Lower Devonian •X .... Passage-beds (from Carboniferous). r Catskill Group. Chemung Group. Portage Group. ^Genessee (black) Slate Tully Limestone Moscow Shales Encrinal Limestone, impure j Ludlowville Shales, sandy Marcellus Shales ( Corniferous Limestone Onondago Limestone ^ Schoharie Grit Cauda-Galli Grit Oriskany Sandstone. )■ Hamilton Group. -Upper Helderberg Group. 115 These horizons have been well described by M. de Verneuil, by Messrs. Hall, Meek, Shumard, Newberry. Winchell, and others, and they have been treated with especial detail in the eighteenth volume of the Quarterly Journal of the London Geological Society. Whatever may be the geographical distance between them, they observe, when present, the same order of succession ; but not altogether the same in materials, in the quantities visible, nor in their fossils. In some important respects there are always local and typical differences. The State of New York, as far as is known, together with the Canadas, including Gaspe in the extreme east, exhibit the broadest and most massive display of Devonian rocks in North America. It shows all the great horizons mentioned above, with few other signs of interference from beneath than the gentle flexures which pass through the State of New York, and which are probably exaggerated into the Cincinnati Dome on the south-west and north side of Lake Erie. In most of the Mississippi valley and the Far West, the Devonian is only represented by some form of the Hamilton Group, chiefly by its highest stratum, the Genessee or Black Shale. These beds appear in strips north-westwards through Hudson’s Bay and reappear in very broad expanses throughout North-north-west Arctic America. The subjoined Table furnishes us with the Devonian horizons of twelve great States, giving information of value and much increased by the opportunity afforded of comparing the separate parts among themselves, besides pointing out eleven great absences and other useful facts. Table A*. Missouri. Iowa. Michigan. Illinois. Yellow Sandstone = Chemung Group. Chemung. Portage = Huron Group. Bluish shales. Yellow Sandstone ? Green Shale. Black Shale = Genessee Slate. ; Hamilton Group. Hamilton Group. Hamilton Group. Hamilton Group. Comiferous Limestone. Corniferous Limestone. Corniferous Limestonet. Onondago Limestone. ! Oriskany Sandstone. Indiana. Ohio. Kentucky. Tennessee. Waverley Sandstone. Chocolate Shale. Dark Siliceous Shale ? Siliceous Shale. Black Shale. Black Shale. Black Shale. Black Shale. Hamilton Group. 1 Hamilton Group. Corniferous Limestone. Oriskany Sandstone. * Chiefly compiled from Danu’s ‘Manual,’ and Winchell in Salford’s Geol. Tennessee. t Worthen, Geol. Illinois, ii. p. viii. 116 Table A. ( continued ). Pennsylvania. Canada West. New York. Europe. Catskill. Chemung. Portage. Catskill Group. Chemung Group. Portage Group. Cypridina Schist. Black Shale. Genessee Shale. Genessee Shale. Kettle Point, South Lake Huron. Genessee Slate. Black Shale. Hamilton Shale, Sandstone, and Limestone. Hamilton Group. Tully Limestone. Sandstone. Calcareous Shale. Marcellus Shale. Givet Limestone. Calceola Schist. Corniferous Limestone. Cauda-Galli. Corniferous Limestone. Oriskany Sandstone. Corniferous Limestone. Onondago Limestone. Cauda-Galli Grit. Oriskany Sandstone. Spiriferous Sandstone. Table B describes with some minuteness the mineral constitution of seven of the States which appear in Table A. It connects the vegetable and animal life with their habitats. There is neither time nor space for more. Table B. — The Devonian Sediments of North America, their mineral composition (almost wholly from Dana’s ‘ Manual,’ 2nd edit. pp. 375-379). NEW YOEK. Feet Oriskany Sandstone. A coarse, loosely cemented, siliceous sandstone, yellow-white chert and thick. druses. Above concretionary, full of cavities from dropped fossils 2-72 Cauda-Galli and Schoharie Grits. Argillo-calcareous sandstones, fine-grained, shaly 60 Onondauo Limestone. A pure limestone, light grey, crystalline ; green shale in parts ; flints .... 1—40 Corniferous Limestone. Compact, blue, black, drab ; much hornstone in layers and nodules .... 20-71 Marcellus Shale. Lower part black, bituminous, with iron-pyrites and Septaria. Upper part is a more fissile slate, olive or slate colour 30-150 Hamilton Group. An endless mixture of shale and sandstone in three parts, the middle one being impure limestone ; Septaria 300-700 Tully Limestone. Close-grained, dark blue, often shaly ; the last Devonian bed in which lime forms an essential part 8-20 Genessee Slate. Argillaceous, fissile, black slate, always the same, very extensive ; Septaria ... . . 150 Portage Group. Argillaceous, sometimes micaceous, shales and flagstones, variable, dividing into Cashaqua and Gardeau shales and Portage sandstone 1000 Chemung Group. Dark shales and grey, thin-bedded sandstone, very variable 1500 Catskill Group. Much is Chemung ; its materials are thus arranged, from above downwards : — 1, conglomerate and coarse schists ; 2, red shales, slates, and grits ; 3, grey slaty grits ; 4, brown-red grits, with red shales (J. J. B. Mather, Beport, p. 307) 4000 PENNSYLVANIA. Oriskany Sandstone. Calcareous shales ; calcareous and argillaceous sandstone 520 Cauda-Galli Beds, U.H.L. Siliceo-calcareous shales 200-300 Corniferous Epoch, U.H.L. Massive blue limestone 80 Marcellus Shale. Lower black and ash-coloured slate, with argillaceous limestone 800 Hamilton Group. Argillaceous and calcareous shales and sandstone 1100 Genessee Slate. Upper black calcareous slate 700 117 Feet thick. Portage Group. Dark grey flaggy sandstone, with some blue shale . . . 1700 Chemung Group. Grey, red, and olive shales, with grey and red sandstone 3200 Catskill Group. Red sandstone and shale, with some conglomerate 6000 OHIO. Oriskany Sandstone. Coarse saccharoidal sandstone 3-10 Corniferous Limestone. Ruff massive limestone 15-100 Hamilton Group. Bluish marly limestone near Sandusky ; elsewhere wanting 10-20 Genessee Slate. Black, bituminous, “Huron” shale, with large calcareous concretions, partly Portage ? 250-330 Portage and Chemung Groups. “Erie” blue, green, and grey shales, with some sandstone and lime- stone ; thinning and disappearing southward 400-500 feet centrally, 1000 feet easterly. TENNESSEE. Hamilton Group, part of ? Genessee Slate. “ Black shale,” often bituminous and pyritiferous ; a layer of phosphatic nodules at top, and a grey, fine-grained, bituminous, fetid sandstone at bottom 100 feet or more. ILLINOIS. Oriskany Sandstone. Quartzose sandstone ; locally calcareous 50 Corniferous? Limestone 10-20 Hamilton Epoch. “Black shale” 30-60 IOWA. Hamilton Erocn. Shales and magnesian limestones 200 MISSOURI. Oriskany Sandstone. Light grey, nearly pure limestone Thickness not given. Corniferous. Grey, compact, earthy limestone, with chert and sandstone; in some parts a hard white oolite 75 Hamilton Epoch. Blue argillaceous shale, with thin layers of concretionary limestone ? Genessee Epoch. “Black shale” 6 MICHIGAN (Lower Peninsula). Oriskany Sandstone. Cherty, sometimes agatiferous conglomerate 3 Corniferous Epoch. Brecciated limestone (250 feet), overlaid by oolitic, arenaceous, and bitu- minous limestones 104 Hamilton (Marcellus?) Epoch. Black bituminous limestone 15 „ Epoch. Argillaceous limestones, 17 feet; crystalline limestone, with included lenticular clayey masses, 23 feet. A bed of coal on Little Traverse Bay. Genessee? Epoch. Black bituminous shale 20 Portage Group. Huron shales (Winchell) 100 2 n 118 As the sea-coast about St. John’s, New Brunswick, has been well examined, and exhibits Devonian features different from those of the western regions spoken of in the above Table, I think well to take from Principal Dawson’s remarkable work, entitled ‘Acadia,’ the following account of this locality*, i. e. the succes- sion of its strata and their mineral composition. St. John's, New Brunswick. Upper Devonian . . . . Middle Devonian . . . . >> • • • • Lower Devonian . . . . Mispeck Group Cordaites Shales Dadoxylon Sandstone . . Bloomsbury Group . . . . Red and greenish shales, flaggy sand- stone, angular conglomerate. Blackish, grey, and arenaceous shales : Westbeach. Buff and grey sandstones and flags, plants, crustaceans, Ac- Reddish conglomerate with rounded peb- bles ; trap ; red, purplish, and green sandstones and shales. Mount Prospect. Bay of Fundy. Beaver Lake. Mispeck River. From the east side of St. John’s Harbour several members of this series are believed to extend to a great distance eastwards ; but the labours of Principal Dawson and of Messrs. Bailey, Matthew, and Robb, far- ranging and meritorious as they are, still have left much to be done. According to Prof. Heer, the flora of St. John's belongs to the Ursa stage of the Carboniferous epoch, the lowest or passage-bed, and is equivalent to that of the yellow sandstone and carboniferous slate of South Ireland, to the Greywacke of the Vosges, and the Verneuil shales of Aix la Chapellef. It is now generally admitted that there is no specific identity between the fossils of the Chemung or any other division of the Devonian system in New York and the Kinderhook group of the West. We believe the latter is Carboniferous. (Geol. Survey of Illinois, A. H. Worthen, Director, 1866, vol. i. p. 44.) The Devonian formation is exposed in limited quantities in several parts of the United States not referred to ; but they have not been properly examined. On the Devonian Horizons of Europe and a few other parts of the World , as taken from the original authorities. It has been universally agreed to place the Devonian strata and their contents in a threefold order — each division called lower, middle, or upper, accordingly ; and each containing parts separable for more minute examination. Any division, or portion of it, may be absent from not having been laid down in certain localities, or may be discordant from, or concordant with, the strata contiguous. It may be seen in a small patch, or may be traced to vast distances, as in Russia and N.N.W. America. Beginning with England, we proceed successively to those parts of Europe about which there is reliable information. In England and Wales the Devonian formation is confined to their south-west districts. For every purpose the twelfth Table of Mr. Etheridge’s exhaustive paper on this part of England* will answer fully. The portion now required is subjoined in Table C. * Acadia, 2nd edit. pp. 503-505. t But, according to the section given in Dawson’s ‘Acadia,’ 2nd edition, p. 505, the Upper Devonian Mispeck Group passes unconformably beneath the carboniferous elevation called Mount Prospect, being itself conformable to the underlying Devonian strata — a crucial fact, if true. t Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. 119 Table C (being part of Table XII., by Robert Etheridgo, F.R.S.L. & E.). North Devon. South Devon. Cornwall. South Wales. Carboniferous Series.. Barnstable Beds (part) ... Carboniferous Beds Carboniferous Series, Bos- castle &c. Carboniferous, Tenby &c. Upper Devonian, or Upper Old Red Sandstone. ' . Pilton, Braunton, Croyde, Marwood, Sloly, and Baggy Beds, with Pick- well-Down Sandstones at the base (Morte-Bay series). No representative, except, probably, near Newton Bushel. Petherwin Limestones and Slates ; Tintagel and De la Bole Slates. Pembroke Section, in part, Yellow Sandstones, Ser- pula- beds, and Upper Old Red Sandstone. Middle Devonian, or Middle Old Red Sandstone. ' Mortehoe, Woolacombe, Rockham, and Lee Slates. Ilfracombe and Combe-Martin Slates, Grits, Sandstones, Lime- stones. The Hangman Grits at the base. Dartmouth Slates, Dart- ington.Ogwell, Torquay, Newton, and Plymouth Limestones, Lumma- ton, Ramsleigh, &c. Padstow, Looe Grits ( = Hangman Beds), Polperro. Old Red Sandstone (in part). Lower Devonian, or Lower Old Red Sandstone. ( Heddon's-Mouth, Wooda- bay,Lee,Valley-of-Rocks, W atersmeet, Linton ,and Lynmouth Slates, &c. The Red Grits and Sand- stones of the Foreland, Countesbury,Glenthorn, &c. &c. at the base. Meadsfoot Slates, with Pki/llolepis concentri- cus, Yealmpton-Creek and Black-Hill &c. &c. Slates, Looe Island. St.-Veep, Polruan, Pol- perro, and Fowey Grits and Slates. Lower part of Cornstones &c., Old Red Sand- stone. This Table sufficiently points out the localities of the several divisions of the Devonian in this consider- able area, while the general Table of Horizons (pp. 107 &c.) will furnish details. Sir Charles Lyell has adopted the statements of Sir Roderick Murchison and Prof. Sedgwick, as resulting from their personal inquiries into the nature and succession of the Devonian deposits of tho south-west of England (see Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond. ser. 2, v. p. 644). Sir Roderick Murchison, at p. 244 of his ‘ Siluria,’ 4th edition, has an instructive Section. It gives tho undisturbed succession of sediments from the River Wye (Monmouthshire), south-eastwards to the neighbour- hood of Swansea ; in fact to the bottom beds of the South-west Welsh coal-field. Commencing at the Trewerne Hills, it crosses the “Hay,” forms the Black Mountain in Herefordshire, and stops at tho north lip of the South- Welsh coal-field. It is as follows — (a) Upper Ludlow Rock and Tilestones. (b) Red Marls and Flagstones (O.R.S.). (c) Whitish Sandstones (O.R.S.). (d) Red and Green Marls, Sandstones, and Cornstones. ( e ) Chocolate-coloured Sandstones. (/) Conglomerate and Sandstone (O.R.S. summit). (y) Lower Limestone Shale (the carboniferous base). Nearly the same district in Wales is described by Prof. John Phillips, in p. 141 of his ‘Manual.’ As it adds some useful particulars, it is introduced here, and is as follows (it is called the Old Red series of Wales, in the course of the Wye and Severn) : — The Lower Group. Marl series, with pale greenish bands and irregular cornstone layers ; white, grey, and yellowish sandstones in the lower part of tho series. No coarse conglomerate here comparable with that of the Cumbrian or Grampian chains. Middle Group. Flagstone series, with partings of red shale and calcareous cornstones. About Milford Haven this scries is traversed by nearly vertical slaty cleavago. There is Cephalaspis here. Upper Group. Conglomerates and sandstones, red, purple, and green ; the pebbles scattered in layers of quartz. Uolopty chius nubilissimus here. 120 In the 18th volume of the Quart. Journ. G. S. L. p. 97, Prof. Morris and Mr. Roberts have given a valuable account of the Farlow and Oreton beds near Clee, with an excellent section. The principal points of interest are — 1st, the great depth of the passage-beds ; 2, their bands of Oolitic Limestone, as we see at Bristol and in the margins of the South- Wales coal-field ; 3, the comparative abundance of fish-remains, chiefly Costracionida. The late eminent palaeontologist Mr. J. W. Salter gives us the following Devonian equivalences in succession, taking South-west England as his fixed locality, from above proceeding downwards: — Marwood (N. Devon.) Psammites de Condros (Belgium), Verneuil Schist, Aix la Chapelle, with exactly the same fossils. Petherwiu Slate, Newton J Schistes de Famenne (Belgium), Cyprid. and Goniat. Schists, Flinz and Kra- Bushel (Upp. Dev. Limest.). ( menzol-Stein (Clymenia), Belgium, Germany. ^ ^Martiu^ 'Limestones ^° m ^ e j Givet (Belgium), Lenne Schist, Eifel Limestone. Chircombe (S. Devon.) Calceola Slate (Belgium). Linton and Fowey Groups . . Ardennes, Coblenz, and Wissenbach Schists, Spirifer Sandstones*. SCOTLAND. The constitution of the Devonian formation, with the order of succession of its parts, will be sufficiently seen in the three descriptive sections given below. The latest, that of Robert Etheridge, F.R.S., is given first, from vol. xxiii. of the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London ; it is as follows : — Lower Devonian, or Lower Old J Forfarshire Flagstones Ac. (Ross and the N.E. Highlands), Onchus, Cepha- Red Sandstone [ laspis , Pteraspis, &c. Central or Middle Devonian, or f Caithness Flagstones &c., Elgin and Findhorn rivers, with Asterolepis, Middle Old Red Sandstone . . ( Clieirolepis , Dipterus , Osteolepis, Pterichihys, &c. Upper Devonian, or Upper Old J Yellow and Red Sandstones, Fifeshire, Dura-Den beds, Holoptychius &c. Red Sandstone ( Lammermuir Hills. (See “ Local Horizons.”) Carboniferous series. Mr. James Powrie’s “ Classification of the Scottish Old Red Sandstone ”t is in the following words : — 1. Trappean Conglomerate. No organic remains. 2. A great pebbly Conglomerate passing into grey and red sandstones, tilestoncs, &c. In Forfarshire a band of semicalcareous shales (fossiliferous), as at Stonehaven, Bute, Benwyvis (Ross-shire), Caithness, &c. 3. Lower Old Red Sandstone. Red sandstones, pebbly, shaly ; concretionary limestone or cornstone : Howe of Mearns, Milton of Mathers (Kincardineshire), Buddon Ness ; Dubton of Strathmore (Forfarshire) ; Strathern (Perthshire). 4. Middle Old Red Sandstone. Dark grey flagstones, micaceous ; schists : Caithness, Cromartie, Morayshire, Banff. 5. Upper Old Red Sandstone. Coarse pebbly grits and sandstones: Dunse and Denholm Hill (= of the Kilkenny beds, with Adiantites Hibernicus , Anodonta Jukesii , &c.). Perhaps these rocks are rather passage-beds into the Carboniferous. The Rev. Hugh Mitchell’s account, which is now given (Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. p. 149), only differs from those inserted above in containing some further particulars of interest. * Quart. Journ. G. S. L. rix. pp. 489, 491. t Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society, i. p. 131. 121 Old Red Sandstone. Lower (10,000 feet thick in Forfar--^ shire). Conglomerate. [Canterland Den.] Grey flagstone, with intercalated sandstone. (“ Cephalasp is-beds.” ) [Canterland Den (40 feet thick here, 120 feet at Carmylie), near Farnell, &c.] Gritty, ferruginous sandstone, with occasional thin layers of purplish flagstone. [Canterland Den (120 feet here seen), Ferryden, &c.] Cephalaspis Lyellii, Ichthyodorulites, Acanthodian fishes, Pterygotus Angli- cas, Kampecaris Forfariensis, vege- table remains, Ac. Cephalaspis (in sandstone at Brechin), ripple- and rain-marks, worm- and crustacean-tracks (flags), Parka deci- piens (in the lowest grit). Middle Fish-beds of Cromartie and Caithness. Upper Holoptychius-bcds of Moray, Perth, and Fife. For further information, see the excellent sections of Messrs. Murchison and Malcolinson, Quart. Jouru. G. S. L. xv. pp. 424, 428, 429, and in the Synoptical Table at p. 436. IRELAND. This formation is only found in the central, southern, and south-west parts of Ireland, and in extensive plains, but not without lofty and rugged mountains, in the south and west. It is a thin deposit in Kilkenny and Wexford, and thickens greatly in the southern counties of Cork and Kerry. It is generally supposed that the greater part of the Devonian sediment was formed in shallow brackish or marine waters, and not a little in fresh water. If there be added to the part of Table XII., of Robert Etheridge, F.R.S., referring to Ireland, a few observations on geological equivalences, sufficient information for our present object will be obtained. Extract from Table XII., by Robert Etheridge, Esq., F.R.S., &c. South Ireland. Carboniferous series Upper Devonian, or Upper O.R.S Middle Devonian, or Middle O.R.S. . . Lower Devonian, or Lower O.R.S Carboniferous limestones and slates. Coomhola grits, yellow sandstones, &c., Upper O.R.S. (Cork), with plant-remains, Anodon, and fish, &c. The great mass of unfossiliferous grits and sandstones of Dingle (Kerry) ; base not seen. Glengariff grits, Killarney, Dingle ; no fossils. In page 281 of his 4th edition of ‘ Siluria,’ Sir R. Murchison gives the following generalized succession of Devonian rocks in the south-west of Ireland, beginning from above : — h. Carboniferous or Mountain Limestone. g. Carboniferous Slate. f. Upper Devonian or Upper Old Red Sandstone. e. Middle Devonian, i. e. the limestones of Devonshire and the Eifel &c. d. Lower Devonian, or Glengariff, Killarney, and Dingle slates, schists, and grits. c. Silurian Passage-beds. b & a. Upper Silurian, with the usual fossils. In 1863 Messrs. Jukes and Salter repeat their conviction that the yellow limestone of the south of Ireland is the upper part of the Old Red Sandstone, with the Coomhola grits between it and the carboniferous slate, with fossils, Avicula Damnoniensis (Carb.), the Cucullece &c. of good carboniferous types. In the west districts of Kerry and Cork Sir Roderick Murchison, by two visits, satisfied himself (Siluria, 4th edit. p. 175) that the Macgillycuddy and Mangerton Mountains, of the Lakes of Killarney, are of the 2 i 122 Devonian age. In masses of hard, purple, and greenish grits and slates they extend to the island of Valentia. The Dingle promontory is a marked feature in Irish Devonian, and well described by Sir Roderick. The main body of the hill is Lower Devonian, with Upper Devonian only at the ends of the section. BELGIUM. M. Gosselet, the learned and obliging Professor of Lille, has favoured me with the following Table of the Devonian succession in the north of France and in Belgium. It is ouly one of his many and valuable communications. (See a luminous and much detailed account of the Belgian Devonian Horizons, Bull. Soc. Geol. do France, xviii. p. 18.) Upper The Noirm of France and Belgium. Normal types. Limestones and schists, Corenne (Spirif. d! stems). Psammites of Condros. Schists of Famenne. „ of Fort Conde ( Cardium palmatum). Limestones and schists of Frasne ( Rhynchonellei cuboides). Limestone of Givet ( Stringocepludus Burtini). Limestone and schists of Couvin ( Oalceola semdaUna). The black schists of Hierges ( Spirif . cultrijugatus). The red schists of Vireux. The dark or black sandstone of Vireux (the Ahrian of Dumont). Grauwacke of Montigny sur Meuse (Hunsdrucken of „ ). The sandstone of Anor (Taunusian of Dumont). The variegated schists of Gedinne. The schists of Mondrepuis. The arkose of Weismes. The conglomerate of Fessin. j> The Gedinian of Dumont. The Devonian Strata of Belgium on the south side of the Condros basin compared with those of the Eifel. (Emanuel Kayser, M.D.*) Belgium. Eifel. Psammite of Condros Schist of Famenne Limestone and Marl of Frasne . . . Limestone of Givet Calceola Schist Cultrijugatus-Stufe Schist of Burnot Ahrian Coblenzian Gedinian Goniatite Schist Cuboides Limestone. . . Stringocephalus Schist. Calceola Schist Cultrijugatus-Stufe . . . Vichter Schist Ahrian Coblenzian Upper Devonian. | Middle Devonian. | Lower Devonian. FRANCE. In his Table XII. (Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii.) Mr. Etheridge, F.R.S., represents the Devonian of France as follows : — Upper Devonian (Upper O.R.S.) Psammites of Condros, Slates of Famenne, the Boulonnais beds. Central or Middle Devonian (Middle O.R.S.) . . Givet Limestone, Calccola-slates. Lower Devonian (Lower O.R.S.) Systeme Rhiinan. * Zeitscbrift d. deutacheu geol. Gesell. Jahrg. 1871, pp. 359, 3G0. 123 M. de Yerneuil divides the Devonian in the following manner (Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xii. pp. 1184, 1185) : — Upper Devonian 1. Upper bed. Quartzosc Schists of Cop Choux, Forques, Etraeungt, Condros, &c. 2. Middle bed. The Limestones of Eifel. 3. Lower bed. Schistose and quartzose. Middle Devonian (scarcely repre- Quartzose, schistose ; conglomerates and red schists without fossils, sen ted in France). Lower Devonian 1. Upper bed. Coblenzian. 2. Lower bed. Gedinian at Mondrepuis. M. Gosselet, Annales des Mines, G e serio, tom. xii. p. 595. Region Franco-Belgian. Frojot d'une description geologique du Departement du X ord (Lille, 1867). | Psammites du Condros . . i Upper Devonian . . | Schistes de Famenne . . I f Calcairo d'Etraeungt. Psammites. ' Schistes de Famenne proprement dits. Schistes a Cardium palmatum. Calcaire (de Trelon). Terebratula-cuboides beds. Middle Devonian . Lower Devonian . . Calcaire de Givet (divise en neuf bandes). ( Schistes a Spirifer speciosus. Calcaire d’Ohuin et Glageon. Schistes a Spirifer cultrijugatus. Poudingue de Burnot. Grauwacke a Leptcena Murchisoni . . Couches de Gedinne Conglomerates and Schists Schistes. Gres d’Anor. Schistes bigarres. ,, a Grammy sia. Poudingue. In his ‘ Siluria,’ 4th ed. p. 411, Sir Roderick Murchison states that the Devonian group of Brittany and the west of France is usually curtailed, like the Silurian of those superior members of this formation which are so abundant in the Rhenish Provinces. M. Cailliaud met with an interesting deposit of Lower Devonian at Erbray (Dep. Loire Infer.) and in the adjacent department of Maine-et- Loire, spreading vastly in the west of France. M. Bureau, nevertheless, has proved the existence in these countries of the Upper Devonian in Basse-Loire at a place called Cop Choux. These statements are confirmed by M. de Yerneuil and Prof. Gosselet. EIFEL. In his very able paper on the Devonian strata of the Eifel district in Rhenish Prussia, Dr. Emanuel Kayser* has placed them in the following order, successively from below (Zeitschrift d. deutschen geol. Gesell. Jahrg. 1871, p. 375) : — The Devonian Horizons of the Eifel. Coblenzian ) Ahrien Schist (Dumont) . . > Sandy Schists. Lower Devonian. Vichter Schist I Cultrij ugatus-Stufe j Calceola Schist I Marl. Middle Devonian. Stringocephalus Schist . . . . J Cuboides Limestone ) -* r , T . * tt ■ ... ,, , . , - Marly Limestone. Upper Devonian. Gomatites Schist J J 11 Formerly the favourite pupil of Ferd. Homer, of Breslau. Prof. Romer worked long in the Eifel. 124 Another arrangement by the same author*. 1 . The Lower (base) Devonian Graywacke. 2. The next above (Lower) Devonian Graywacke. 3. The Cultrijugatus-zone. 4. Lower Calceola Schist. 5. Upper Calceola Schist. 6. Crinoid Schist. 7. Stringocephalus Schist. Upper Devonian not mentioned. The late Professor F. A. Homer, of Clausthal, brings (with Aix la Chapelle and Couvin) as here subjoined. Eifel, from below upwards. 1. The older Graywacke. 2. The Crinoid Limestone. 3. Limestone with Aulopora, Phcicops, Calceola, &c. 4. Stringocephalus Limestone. 5. Limestone with Receptaculites, Productus Murchi- soni , Orthis Dumontiana, Spirifera Verneuili. 0. Limestone, Terebrat. cuboides, T. elongata , Cya- ihophyllum Ananas, Columnaria. 7. Bactrites, Goniatites amblylobus, Cardium palma- tum. together the parallel horizons of Harz and the Eifel Harz, from below upwards. 1. The older Graywacke. 2. The Calceola Schist and Limestone. 3. The Orthoceras Schist (or Wissenbach). 4. The Stringocephalus Limestone. 5. Limestone with Cardium palmatum. 6. Limestone of Brilon (Westphalia), Grand, El- bingerode. 7. Schists with Cypridina , Clymenia, Cardium pal- matum ; Goniatite Schists of Budesheim and Rehden. 8. Posidonornya Passage-beds, Carboniferous plants. HAEZ. The late Prof. F. A. Romer gives the Devonian rocks of Harz in the following succession (beginning from below) ; a few citations of localities are here made from many recorded by the Professor in ‘ Palseontographica,’ Dunker and Yon Meyer, 3. v. part 2, 1854. 1. Spirifera Sandstone, altere or Rhenish Graywacke, §c. Harz, Belgium, Ardennes, &c. Fossils: Pleurodic- tyum, Spirifera;, Bellerophon, Phacops, Nucula, &c. 2. Calceola Schist. Waldbrol, Bigge, Olpe, Couvin, Xehou, &e. Fossils : Phacops, Favosites, Spirifera;, &c. 3. Ortlioceratite or Wissenbach Schist. Fossils : Euomphalus retrorsus, Goniatites compressus, subnautilinus, Orthoceratites, Bactrites, Homalonotus, &c. 4. Stringocephalus Limestone. Clausthal, Elhingerode, Dillenburg. Fossils : Favosites, Stringocephalus Bur- tini, Spirifera, Lucina, Megalodon, Murchisonia, &c. 5. Receptaculites Schist. Corneli-Munster, Chaudfontaine, Ferques, Sabero, &c. Fossils : Receptaculites Neptuni, Orthis, Productus, Terebratula, &c. 6. Iberq Limestone. Mount Iberg (Harz), Elbingerode, Brilon, &c. Fossils : Columnaria, Astrma, Terebratula, Spirifera, Goniatites, Bactrites, &c. 7. Goniatites Schist. Black limestone of Altenau, light coloured at Nehden (ferruginous at Brilon, &c.). Fossils : Cardium, Goniatites (various), Bactrites, Phacops, Tentaculites. 8. Gxjpridina Schist. Dusseldorf (near), Saalfeld, N.W. Harz, Fichtelgebirges, &c. &c. Fossils: Cypridina serrato-striata, Phacops cryptophthalma, Posidonornya venusta, &c. 9. Amay Schist, jungere Graywacke. Amay near Huy, on River Maas. Fossils : Avicula Damnoniensis, Pecten linteatus (Carboniferous). Zeitsclirift d. deutsch. geol. Gesell. vxiii. p 510. 125 SPAIN. My materials for this country are scanty. Although Spain is rich in geological interest, its treasures, for the most part, are yet to be laid open. M. de Verneuil*, with Messrs. Collomb and Paillette, has passed some active summers here; and MM. Casiano del Prado, Guillermo Schultze, Ansted, &c. have given useful aid. The Silurian formation is seen in Spain much more largely than the Devonian. The Devonian formation only presents itself in patches and shreds, as about Almaden, at Cabeza del Buey, Herrera del Duque. As far as is known now it is only in the Province of Leon that there is continuity, and that the middle and upper divisions are occasionally visible. But the faults, foldings, and dislocations suffered during this epoch in Spain are so numerous and great, that it is often impossible to ascertain the original order of superposition. In Asturia a similar difficulty arises from the vast sheets of sand and pebbles overspreading the countryf. For the most part in Spain this formation consists of the lower division, and usually rests on Silurian strata of the age of the Llandeilo of Wales, in the several particulars agreeing with France and Bohemia, and differing from England, Sweden, and Russia. 1. Nereite Schist 2. Tentaculite Schist 3. Calamopora Schist 4. G’ypridina Schist The Fichtelgebirge (Prof. C. W. GuimbelJ). Lower Devonian . . The horizon of NereitesThuringianus and Spirif. macropterus. ( The horizon of Tentaculites sulcatus( Horner). No. 3=Plau- schwitz Diabasite, Orthoc. Limest., Atrypa Sandst. ; the horizon of Favosites cervicomis and F. gracilis. Upper Devonian . . Horizon of Cyridina serrato-striata. | a. Lower Schist and Concretionary Limestone. Stages. . < b. Clymenia Limestone. [ c. An upper plant-bearing bed. SAXONY (from below upwards). 1. Tentaculite Schist, Wissenbach Schist, Graywacke Schist, Calcareous concretionary Schist (or concretionary limestone). 2. Limestone of Windelfels, Plauen, and Schliess, Orthoceratite Limestone, Miinster? and Goniatite Limestone of Adolph Rbmer ? 3. Plauschwitz Schist (Iberg Limestone of A. Rbmer) with Griinsteiner-Stufen ; concretionary calc-schist, sometimes ferruginous. 4. Clymenia Limestone of Count Miinster, followed by jiingste Grauwacke-Schiefer (Carboniferous). Geinitz, “ Die Yersteinerungen der Grauwacke-Formation iu Sachsen, &c.,” Abtheilungen, Heft ii. p. 22. RUSSIAN POLAND. In the Annales des Mines § M. de Hempel places the Devonian formation existing in Ivielce (Sandomir) and the surrounding districts in the order exhibited below. I. Calcareous Schist. M. de Hempel found no fossils here ; but Puseli and Zeiszner have met with Lingula avatinceformis (at Lagow). II. Limestone. It only yields the hardy Atrypa reticularis. III. Limestone. It contains numerous Cceleuterata, i. e. Diphyphyllmn ccespitosum, Lonsd. (Cheneiny), Metrio- phyllum Bouchardi, M.-E. & Haime, Cyathophyllum mitratum (Kielce &e.), Alveolites spongites, Goldf. * Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. xx. p. 907. t See M. Paillette, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. ii. pp. 440-442. ♦ “ Feber C'lymenien in dem Uebergangesbilden des Fiehtelgebirges,” Palajontograpliica, Dunkel und Von Meyer, xi. p. 109. § M. de Ilempel, Annales des Mines, 6 C ser. tom. xii. Memoires, p. 148. 126 (Chenc-iny, &c. &c.), Stromatopora Blainvilli, Bronn (at Puslowice on Mont Kamionki), Lituites convol- ver, Schloth. (at Karczowka, Kielce), Atrypa recticularis (Chenciny), Spirifera speciosa, Bronn (Kielce). IV. Limestone with Crinoids. It requires further search. Terebratula Puschiana, Pander (at Promniki &c.). An Atocrinus, spec. ? (Carb.), and other Crinoids. RUSSIA IN EUROPE. Murchison and his companions, in their memorable researches through the length and breadth of this great country*, remark that the vast extent occupied by the Devonian formation (150,000 square miles) is occasioned by the slight inclination of its beds, and by their being rarely disturbed. They constitute the greater part of the Valdai Hills (S.E. from St. Petersburg) as Middle and Upper Devonian. They occupy a broad zone which extends on the north-east to the shores of the White Sea (Middle and Upper Devonian here), and on the south- west into Courland ; then, making nearly a right angle to the south-east, advance as far as the Voroneje, to form a kind of dome about the town of Orel (Government of Orel). The local changes undergone by the Devonian sediments and their contents throughout Russia in Europe are so numerous that in this place they can ouly be alluded to. Although Russia contains little or none of the Lower Devonian met with in other countries (Murchison), Professor Pander distinguishes three local stages. The lowest consists of sandstones and shales, with those Ichthyolites which abound in the north of Livonia and about Dorpat and Tellin, with the marine shell Lingula. The middle stage is principally of limestone, both dolomitic and simple, together with shales full of mollusca aud fish. The highest stage is made up of reddish sands and occasionally of green marls. It seems to be only an upward continuation of the baud below it. The sedimentary deposits of this formation here are made to vary, often and greatly, by local influences. For Prof. Kutorga’s distribution of the several parts of Russian Devonian, consult ‘ Siluria,’ 4th edit. p. 363. SOUTH AFRICA. According to our present information, the lower stage or division of the Devonian strata only has been met with at the Cape of Good Hope. The few fossils are given in the seventh volume of the Transactions of the London Geological Society. ASIA MINOR, THE BOSPHORUS AND ITS VICINITY. The Devonian rocks occupy these countries in great breadths ; and so far only the lower stage has been found, according to the late M. de Verneuil and other authorities. The manuscripts of M. de TchihatcheflTs prolonged explorations in this part of Europe having been placed in the hands of M. de Verneuil and Viscount d’Archiac, they give the following summary of the sedimentary deposits of Asia Minor and other parts of European Turkey +. They take three forms : — I. Limestone : black, dirty grey, compact, homogeneous or crystalline, fetid, passes into white marble. Antitaurus. II. Dark clay-slate, satiny, shining. Cilicia, Bithynia. III. Mica-schists, in great variety. Gulf of Nicomedia. * Russia and the Ural Mountains, 1845. t Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. n. s. vii. p. 391. For the Bosphorus, see Swan. Quart. Joum. Geol. Soc. Lond. xxiv. p. 53 (Princes Islands). 127 BOOKS QUOTED. It has been thought well to set forth in this place, more fully than in the general list of genera, species, &c., certain parts of the titles of the books quoted. For further information, see Bronn’s ‘ Index Palseontolo- gicus,’ Whitaker’s Catalogue, that of the Koyal Society, and especially Schimper's (Paleont. Veget. in.). Periodical Literature. Abhandlungen der k. Akad. der Wissenschaft. zu Berlin. 1830. Annales des Mines. Many series of volumes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Series 5. Annals of the Lyceum of New York. Archiv des Yereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Archives du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle. Baily, W. H. Characteristic British Fossils. 4 parts. Bulletin de la Soc. Geolog. de France (Bull. Soc. Geol. Lille, 1871). ,, de l’Academie Boyale de Belgique xi. (Condros), xiii. (Namur). „ de la Societe des Naturalistes de Moscou. Tom. xix. Comptes Rendus des Se'ances de l’Academie des Sciences. Paris. Decades, Palaeont. Government Survey. Fossils described. Plates. Denkscbrift. d. kais. Akad. der Wissensch. Berlin. Band xxi. Explanatory Sheets (Government Geological Survey) of England, Scotland, Ireland. L’lnstitut, Journal universel des Sciences. Paris. Journal. Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. „ Quarterly, Geological Society of London. 31 vols. ,, ,, ,, ,, Dublin. „ American, of Science. Newhaven, U.S.A. 3rd series, 1876. .Jahrbuch, Neues, fur Mineralogie (Leonhard und Bronn). „ ,, „ (Leonhard und Geinitz). 1864. Magazine, Geological. Decade 2, Yol. iii. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. 4 vols. Memoires de la Societe Geologique de France. ,, de l’Academie Roy. des Sciences de Bruxelles. Tom. xx.-xxii. „ des Savans Etrangers. Tom. vii. viii. (Griinewaldt, 1854—57). „ de la Societe Histoire Natur. Cherbourg (Bonissent). „ de l’Academie de St. Petersbourg. 6th series. Tom. xii. Monatsbericht d. k. Akad. d. Wissenschaft. zu Berlin. 1853-1856. Museum Catalogue of Devonian Fossils, London School of Mines. „ „ „ Tcylerianum (Harlem), Winkler, auctor. „ Woodwardian (Cambridge), Catalogue of Devonian Fossils, J. W. Salter, auctor. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Acad. Caes. Leopold. -Carol. Natur. -Curios. Bonn®. Vols. ix.-xix. Palseontographica, Yon Dunkel und H. von Meyer. Band xix. &c., Yon Dunkcl und Zittel. Palaeontographical Society of London. Vols. xxix. 1875. 128 Proceedings of the Geological Society of London. 4 vols. 8vo, 1848. ,, of the Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia. „ Boston Society (U. S. A.) of Natural History. „ American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. „ British Association for the Advancement of Science. „ American Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports. The Devonian fossils are few, as known at present, in the States of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, and in New Mexico. They are in their proper places in the large list just given. The following States have been ably reported on by well- trained geologists : — Illinois (Worthen and Meek). Indiana (Edward T. Cox). Iowa (Owen, Hall, and ’Whitfield). Kentucky (D. D. Owen). Michigan (Prof. A. Winchell). Minnesota (David D. Owen). Missouri (Swallow and Broadhead). New York * (Hall and Yanuxem). Ohio (Dr. Newberry). Tennessee (Troost and Safford). Transactions. American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia. „ Royal Society of London. „ Geological Society of London. Vol. xxxii. „ Manchester Geological Society. „ Pennsylvania Geological Society. 1 vol. „ Academy of Science, Chicago. 1 vol. „ The Polytechnic Society of Cornwall. „ The Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. „ Academy of Science at St. Louis. 2 vols. Verhandlung. kais. min. Gesellsch. St. Petersburg. „ der k.-k. geologischen Reichsanstalt, 1868 (Prof. Suess), 1870 (Dr. Emile Tietze). Zeitschrift d. deutsch. geolog. Gesellschaft, Berlin. Abich, Prof. H. Verzeichniss von Yersteiner. von Daghestan. 8vo. Berlin, 1851. . Beitrage zur Paliiontologie des Asiatischen Russlands. 4to. St. Petersb., 1858. . Memoires Acad. Impcr. St. Petersb. 6 e serie. 1859. Agassiz, Louis. Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. 5 vols. Neuchatel, 1833-43 (vol. ii. especially). — . Monographic des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Gres-rouge des iles Britanniques et de Russie. . Russia and the Ural Mountains, M.V.K. Yol. ii. (a letter). Anderson, Rev. J., D.D. On Dura Den and its Fossils. 1859. Archtac, Vicomte de. Trans. G. S. L. 2nd ser. vol. vi. (with M. de Verneuil). . Comptes Rendus, lxiv. Devonian Fossils of the Bosphorus. Appendix to Prince Tchihatcheff’s ‘ Voyage Scientifique dans l’Asie Mincure,’ &c. Artis. E. T. Antidiluvian Phytology. 1838. Asmuss, Prof. Das vollkommneste llautskelet. der bisher bekannten Thiercn. Auerbach, M. Productus Panderi. Orel, &c. (Russia). Helmersen, Explic. Carte Russ. p. 16. * The Devonian formation is finely developed in the State of New York. James Hall, of Albany, lias brought it before us in all its features by an exhaustive investigation of thirty years' continuance. 129 Austen, Godwin-, R. A. C. On the Geology of South-east Devonshire, 1834-40. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. pp. 443 &c. . Devonshire : between the River Exe and Berry Head. Phil. Mag. ix. , and Sharpe. On the Devonian &c. of the Boulonnais. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix., xii. Austin, Thomas, and Austin, Thomas, jun. Monograph on Recent and Fossil Crinoidea. 1846-56. 4to. . On a new Genus of Echinodermata &c. 8vo. 1860. Baily, W. H. Explanatory Sheets 189-192 (Ireland), with Palaeontological Notes. . On Fossil Fish. British Association Meeting, Bath. 1864. . On the Fossils of Kiltorkan, co. Kilkenny. (Devonian, Sir C. Lyell, Brit. Assoc. Report, 1869.) Barrande, Joachim. On the Devonian Flora of Thuringia. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. xi. , and De Yerneuil. Devonian Fossils of Almaden, Spain. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. xii. Beneden, Prof. Van. On Palceclaphus Devoniensis (with De Koninck). Beyrich, Ernst. On the Devonian Fossils of Murzuk, Africa. Zeitschrift d. d. geol. Gesell. Berlin, Band. iv. . On the Goniatites found in the Transition Formations of the Rhine. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. iii. 1839. Billings, Edw. Canadian Survey. Yols. i. & ii. 1865, 1874. . New Genera and Species of Fossils. Canad. Naturalist, vols. iv., v., vi. Blainville, Prof. De. Coelenterata, &c. Archives du Museum Hist. Nat. ; Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. i. &c. Boeck, Chr. On Calymene subvariolaris. Beitrage Petrefacta, tom. iii. Bouchard, Dr. Bas-Boulonnais &c. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France. Brongniart, Adolphe. Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles, tom. i. 1828. Buch, Baron Leopold von. Ueber Goniatiten und Clymenien in Schlcsien. 1839. Berlin. Bureau, Dr. The Devonian of the Lower Loire. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. tom. xvi., xvii., xviii. Burmeister, Prof. H. Die Organization der Trilobiten. Berlin, 1843. Chevillard, J. L. Trilobites du Devonien, Mont Revenu (Haute-Saone). Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. xxiv. Conrad, T. Abbot. Geological Report on the State of New York. 1838-40. . On new Devonian Fossils. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. viii. 1832-42. . On new Species of Pentamerus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. vii. 1854-55. Corda, A. J. C. Beitrage zur Flora der Yorwelt. Frag, 1845. . Zur Lehre von der Befruchtung der Pflanzen. Nova Acta Acad. Cses. Leopold.-Car. xvii. 1835. Cox, E. T. First and Fifth Annual Reports of the Geol. Survey of Indiana, 1869 & 1874. Cozzens, Issachar. New Fossils from the Falls of the Ohio (Kentucky). Annals of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist. New York, 1848. Credner, Prof. Upper Devonian. England, Thuringia, &c. Phill. Palaeoz. Foss, of Devons. ; Credner, Geol. Thuringia. Dames, Dr. On Pterincea from Oberkunzendorf. Zeitschr. dor geol. Gesell. Berlin, xx. Dana, James D. Manual of Geology. 2nd edition. 1875. Darwin, Charles. On the Brachiopoda of the Falkland Isles (S. America), with Prof. Morris. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ii. Davidson, T. Introduction to the Study of the Brachiopoda. 1853. . British Devonian Brachiopoda. Palaeontograph. Soc. vols. xvi. & xviii. . On Brachiopoda from China. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. . On the Brachiopoda (Devonian &c.) of the Budleigh-Salterton Pobble-bcd. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxvi. Dawson, J. W. Acadian Geology. 2nd edition. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii., xix., xx., xxvi., xxvii. . Report on the Geology &c. of Prince Edward’s Island, Montreal. 1871. . Recent Researches in Devonian Flora &c. British America. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Science, 1859. . Devonian Plants of Canada. Canadian Naturalist, v. 1860. . On the Flora of the Devonian Period in N.E. America. Amer. Journ. Science, xxxv. 1863. 2 I. 130 De Cew, John. Geology of Windham and Middleton (Canada West). Canad. Journ. vi. & vii. 1861, 1862. Defrance, — . Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, tom. xlv. &c., 1827 &c. Degenhart, Prof. On the Palaeozoic Rocks of Russian-Poland. Proc. Imp. Geol. Institute, Vienna. Delanoe, M. J. Sur le Terrain Inferieur dans le Bassin Boulonnais. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. vii. & ix. Deslongchamps, E. E. The Genus Phorus, Upper Devonian, Boulonnais. Bull. Soc. Linn, de Normandie, tom. vi. JJf WAL urE, G. On the Eifelian system in Condros. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. xi. & (about Namur) xiii. Duff, A. On Dendrodus. Geology of Morayshire. Dumont, H. A. Sur la constitution geologiquo de la Province de Liege. 1832. . Sur les Terrains Ardennais, Rhenine, Brabant, &c. Mem. Acad. Sc. Belg. xx. 1847, xxii. 1848. Duncan, Prof. Martin. On Ccelenterata ( Battersbya ). Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. 1867. Egerton, Sir Ph. M. de Grey. Catalogue of the Fish in the Cabinets of Lord Enniskillen and Sir Ph. Egerton. 4to, 1857. . Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. vii. 1841. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. iv., vi., xiii., xvi., xviii. . Geol. Survey of Great Britain. Tenth Decade. Fossil Remains. . Ichthyolites of Farnell Road. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sc. Reports, 1860. . Monogr. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain. Vol. i. Eichwald, Edw. von. Lethsea Rossica. Vols. i., ii. 1855-61. Emmerich, Prof. H. F. De Trilobitis. Berlin, 1839. Etheridge, Robert. Rocks of Devonshire and their Fossils. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. . Devonian Fossils of Queensland. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. , and T. H. Huxley. Catalogue of British Devonian Fossils. School of Mines. London. Ettinghausen, Constantine von. Flora (Dachschiefer). Denkschrift d. kais. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin, Band xxv. Ezquerra del Bayo. Observationes Geolog. Almaden, Siorra Morena. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. x. Fischer de Waldheim, — . The genus ffliychonella, 1809 ( Eatonict ). . Bibliographia systematica Palaeont. Animalium. Mosquse, 1834. . Oryctographie du Gouvernement de Moscou. 1837. Fleming, Andrew. On the Ichthyolites of Stromness. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. xxxviii. Fleming, Rev. John. History of British Animals, 1828 ( Bellerophon Urii). Vol. ii. Forbes, Edward. On the Fossils of the Yellow Sandstone South of Ireland. Brit. Assoc. Reports, 1852. Fournet, M. J. Ncffiez and the Vicinity. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. i. & xi. Geikie, Archibald. On the S.W. of Scotland, Lesmahago (Old Red Sandstone). Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvi. . Geology of W. Berwickshire. Memoirs of the Geol. Survey, chap. iv. 1864. , and H. H. Howell. The Geology of the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Mem. Geol. Survey, 1861. Geinitz, Hans Bruno. Ueber Verstein. von Altenburg und Ronneburg. Altenb. Mittheil. vi. 1842. . Grundriss der Versteinerungskunde (dritte Leiferung). 1846. . Grauwacke of Saxony and the Neighbouring Countries. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. x. 1853. . Versteinerung der Grauwacke-Formation in Sachsen, &c. (on Dachschiefer). Leonhard und Geinitz, Jahrb. fur Miner. &c. 1864. , and A. von Gutbier. Die Versteiner. vou Ober-Sachsen und der Lausitz ( Gea von Sachsen). 1843. Goppert, H. R. Ueber der Fossil Flora (Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous). . Flora of the Transition Rocks. Zeitsch. deutsch. geol. Gesell. Band iii. 1851 ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. viii. . Devonian Flora. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvi. & xvii. (Foreign Memoirs). Goldfuss, Augustus. Petrefacta Germanise. Dusseldorf, 1826-44. . Petrefactcn-Werk Germanica. Nova Acta Acad. Cses. Leopold. -Car. Nat. Curios, i. xix. Gordon, G., LL.D., and Rev. J. M. Joass. On the Ross-shire Sandstones. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. Gosselet, M. J. On the Devonian of the Ardennes and of Hainault. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. i. . Sur les principaux Fossiles dans les Environs du Departement du Nord. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. xiv. & xvi. 131 Gosselet, M. J. Sur les Terrains primaires de la Belgique, &c. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. xxi. 1863 : Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. . Fossil Deposits in Devonian of the Ardennes. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. xix. Green, J. Monograph on the Trilobites of North America. 1832. Grewingk, Dr. C. Geology of Livonia and Courland, with a List of their Devonian Fossils. 1861. Grunewaldt, Moritz von. Beitriige zur KenntnLss der Sediment-Gebirgesformation des Ural. Mem. Savans Etrangers, vii. & viii. 1854-59. Gueranger, M. Album Paleontologique du Dcpartement de la Sartlie. 1st Livraison. Guimbel, C. M. On the Clymenice of the Fichtelgebirges. Palaeont. Dunk, und Yon Meyer, xi. 1863, & xviii. Haan, Prof. de. Monographic Ammoniteorum et Goniatitoorum Specimen. Zeitschr. f. Mineral. &c. i. 1826. Haime, Jules. On Coelenterata ( Discophyllum , Favosites , Michelinia , &c.). Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. vii. , and D’Archiac. Palaeont. Asia Minor &c. ; Prince Tchihatcheff, Yoyage scientifique. Hall, James. Palaeontology of New York. Yols. iii.-v. 4to. Albany. . Annual Reports to Regents, Columbia College. Twenty-eight? (All of especial value.) . Description of new Species of Palaeozoic Fossils. Albany, 1857. . Contributions to Palaeontology. Albany, 1860. . Geological Report on Wisconsin. 1862. (In Foster and Whitney’s Report on South-east Lake Superior.) . Geological Report on Iowa. 2 vols. 1858. • and Whitfield. Description of new Fossils (Devonian), Iowa, 1872. Albany. Hall, Townsend M. On the Devonian Formation of S.W. England. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. Hallot, d’Omalius D’. Precis elementaire de Geologic. 8th edition. H.vrlet, John. On uew Cephalaspides. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. Hartt, C. F. Fern Ledges of St. John, New Brunswick. Acadian Geology, 2nd edition ; Canadian Naturalist, vii. 1862. Hauer, M. Franc, de. Die Cephalopoda, Salz-Kammersguts. Archives d. Yer. d. Freunde d. Naturgesch. Meck- lenburg. Haughton, Prof. On Cyclostigma &c. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, vol. v. Hausmann, M. On a Species of Sig illaria, Idra Sama, Norway (Swedish frontier). Gopp. Foss. Flora, &e. Hubert, Prof. Edward. Sur les Terraines Paleoz. des Ardennes et du Hainault. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. xii. Helmersen, Gen. Von Gregor. Explication de la Carte Geologique de Russie, 1865. , und R. Pacht. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Russischen Reiches und des Lander Asiens. . Untersuchungen im Mittleren Russland, 1858. Hempel, Jean de. Description geolog. de Kielce &c. (Central Poland). Annales des Mines, ser. 6, tome xii. 1867. Hennah, Rev. Robert. On the Plymouth Limestone. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. p. 703. Hibbert, Dr. S. On Eurypterus Scouleri. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. xiii. ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. & xix. Hind, H. Y. Assinniboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition, 1859. Hcening hausen, F. W. On Harpes. Leonh. u. Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1849. . On Mytilus. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. vi. Hole, Dr. II. B. On the Older Rocks of South Devon and East Cornwall. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiv. Hommaire, de Hell. On a Terehratula, Touwa (Persia). Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. vii. Horion, Charles. Natica &c. in Belgium. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. x., xvii., xx. Huxley, Thomas. On Cephalaspis and Pteraspis. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xiv. . On Stagonolepis Robertsoni. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. . On Pteraspis Dunensis (Archceoteuthis, Rom.). Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. . On Glyptolcemus Kinnairdi and Phaneropleuron Andersoni. Mom. Geol. Surv. dec. x. Joass, Rev. J. M. On Devonian Fish in Scotland (Itoss-shire). Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. & xix. Jones, T. Rupert. On the Devonian Beyrichia. Geologist, vi. 132 Jones, T. Bupert. Monograph on the fossil Esther ia. . Leperditia mcirginata. Catal. Woodw. Museum, Cambridge. Kayser, Emanuel. On the Devonian Fossils of the Eifel. Zeitschr. d. d. geol. Gesell. Jahrg. 1871. Keyserling, Count de. Beise in das Petschora-land, 1843-46. Lethaea Bossica; Sndbrgr. Yerstein. Nassau. Konig, Charles. leones fossilium sectiles. Folio. 1820. Koninck, L. G. de. Monogr. dos Genres Productus et Chonetes. Liege, 1847. . Memoires Soc. Boy. Sc. de Liege, 1849, tome iv. . Notice sur lc Genre Davidsonia. Mem. Soc. Eoy. Sc. Liege, 1853, viii. . Notice sur les Fossiles Devoniens de Sandomir &c. Eussian Poland, 1868. Verhandl. k. miner. Gesell. Band i. 1865. St. Petersburg. (Sent by Prof. Zeuchner.) Krantz, Prof. On the Devonian of Menzenberg, Siegen, and Bonn. Verhandl. d. n. Verst, xiv. Jahrg. neue Folge, iv. Kutorga, Prof. Beitrag zur Geognosie und Paliiontologie Dorpats (with adjacent countries). St. Petersb. Jahrb. 1839. . Ueber die devonischen Schichten, Gatschina (Euss.). Verhandl. d. miner. Gesell. St. Petersb. 1845-46. . On certain Species of Leptena , Spirifera, and Posidonomya. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. x. Lamarck, de. Calceola sandalina. See Bronn, Index Palaeont. 1848. Lankester, Prof. Bay. On Cephalaspiclian Fishes &c. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiv. . On Devonian Fish. Geol. Mag. iv. & x. . On Pteraspis. Brit. Assoc. Eeports, 1864. , and Powrie. On Devonian Fish. Balmont. Soc. xxii. & xxiii. Le Hon, M. Gasteropoda of Nismes (Belgium). Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, ser. 2, xxvii. Leidy, Prof. On Species of Holoptychius and Stenacanihus. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. iii. Leplay, Prof. Eecherches Geologiques dans l’Ural. Comptes Eendus, 1844, xix. Lesquereux, Leo. On Cyclopteris, Pecopteris, &c. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. ; H. D. Eogers, Geology of Pennsylv. ; Schimper, Paleont. Vegetale, tome iii. Lesueur, M. On Zaphrentis gigantea, Owl’s Head (Vermont). Dana, Manual, 2nd edit. p. 256 &c. Lindley and Hutton. Fossil Flora of Great Britain. 3 vols. 1837. Linnaeus, Charles. Atrypa reticularis. Davidson, Monogr. Brach. Palaeont. Soc. xvi. or xviii. Litton, M. H. On a Spirifer at Charlemont, Belgium. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, xxvii. Logan, Sir William E. The Geology of Canada. 1863. Lonsdale, William. On the Coelenterata. Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. ; Milne-Edw. Monog. Coral. 1853 ; Canad. Natur. iii. ; D Archiac, Palaeont. ; TchihatehefF, Voy. Asia Minor ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii. Ludwig, Eudolph. Zaphrentis fragilis Ac. Dunker und Von Meyer, Palaeont. xi. & xiv. Lyon, Sidney S., and Casseday. New Echinodermata, Actinocrinus, Hadrocrinus , &c. Owen’s Eep. Kentucky, iii. & iv. ; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 ; Amer. Journ. Sci. xxviii. & xxix. ; Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad. xii. & xiii. M c Chesney, J. H. On Conchifera in Arkansas. Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, vol. i. M‘Coy, Frederic. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, (passim); Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxiii.; Sedgwick and M‘Coy, Brit. Pakeoz. Foss. 4to, 1852. Martin, William. Petrificata Derbiensia. 1809. Mathew t , G. F. Devonian Flora of New Brunswick. Canad. Natur. 1863, viii. ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxi. Meek, F. B. Survey of Ohio (1873), N.W. Arctic America, &c. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1860, 1861, 1866, 1871 ; Trans. Acad. Sci. Chicago, i. , and M. H. Worthen. Geological and Palaeontological Beport on Hlinois. Two vols. Meglitzky, Capt. On the Ural Mountains (Devonian). Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. (For. Mem.). Mercey, De M. On the Lower Devonian of the Pyrenees (Col d’Aubisque). Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, ser. 2, xxiii. Michelini, H. Iconographia Zoophytae, 1841-43. (Jahrbuch, 1841-42.) Miller, Hugh. On the Astrolepis (Stromness). 1850. 133 Miller, John. On the Devonian Beds of Caithness. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xiv. — — , J. S. The Natural History of the Crinoidea &c. 1821. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. v. Monogr. Brit. Corals, Palaeont. Soc. 1853. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France (passim). Dunk, und Meyer, Palaeont, iii., xiii. &c. &c. Mitchell, Hugh. Fossil Fish of Forfarshire and Kincardineshire. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. Morris, John. Appendix to Strelecki’s New South Wales. On the Old Bed Sandstone of Fallow. Quart, Journ. G. S. L. xviii. (with G. E. Boberts). Muller, John. Nanocrinus and other Crinoids. Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1850 ; Monatsb. Akad. Berl. 1856 ; Deukschr. d. k. Akad. der Wiss. Wien, xxvi. ; Leonh. und Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856. Munster, Georg von Grae. Beitrage zur Petrefactenkunde, Hefte i., iii., v. 1841-46. — . Ueber die Clymenien und Goniatiten iin Uebergangskalke des Fichtelgebirges. Zeitschr. &c. Berl. xx. xxi. ; Sndbrgr. Yerstein. Nassau ; Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. ; Dunker und Yon Meyer, Palaeont. v. Murchison, Sir Boderick (M.V.K.). The Geology of Bussia and the Urals. Proc. G. S. L. i., ii., iii., iv. ; Journ. G. S. L. ix., xi., xii., xiii., xv., xix. ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. (with Adam Sedgwick) vi. &c. &c. Newberry, Dr. J. S. New Fish. Geol. Bep. Ohio, 2 vole. 1873; Geol. Bep. Biver Colorado, 1861 ; Arner. Journ. Sci. ser. 2, xxxiv. ; Geol. Surv. Illinois, ii. Noques, M. A. On Berenicia (species indeterm.). Comptes Bendus, 1856, lvi. p. 1123. Norwood and Pratten. On Chonetes. Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Philad. 1865 (Winchell). Orbigny, Alcide D\ Prodrome de Paleontologie, tome ii. Owen, D. D. On Polyzoa &c. Geol. Beport on Minnesota, Iowa, &c., 1852. On Kentucky, 3 vols. Beport on Indiana, 1839. Pacht, Baimund. On Gasteropoda and Echinodermata. Lethaea Bossica, i. & ii. ; Beitr. Buss. Beiches. Page, David. On certain Crustacea. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. & xx. Paillette, De Yerneuil, D’Archiac. Sur les Foss. Devon. Asturias. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, ser. 2, ii., iv., vi., vii. Pander, Prof. On Aulacosteus. Grewingk, Geol. Livonia. -. On Dipterus. Lethsea Bossica, ii. . On Retzia Tulensis. Helmers. Explic. Carte Buss. Pattison, S. B. Trans. Boy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, 1847, 1849, 1850 (Padstow). Peach, C. W. Fossils of Cornwall. Brit. Assoc. Beports, 1841. . Fossil Fish of Cornwall. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, vi. & vii. Pengelly, W. Devonian Fossils of Cornwall and Devonshire. Geologist, iv. & v. Phillips, John. On the Palaeozoic Fossils of Cornwall and Devonshire &c. Portlock, J. E. Beport on the Geology of Londonderry &c. 1843. Powrie, James. Devonian Fish of Scotland. Quart, Journ. G. S. L. xiv., xvii., xviii., xx. ; Geol. Mag. iv. , William. Devonian Fish of Scotland. Geologist, iii. Prado, Casiano de. Sur les Mines d’Almaden, 1846. Sur la Sierra Morena. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. xii. . On Sabero and its environs. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. vii. Prestwich, Prof. On Gamrie and its Ichthyolites. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. Prout, Dr. Hiram. The Polyzoa of Illinois &c. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, ii. Pusch, G. C. Paliiontologie dor Polen, Volhynien und don Karpathen. 1837. Bafinesque, Prof. On Strophomena. Amer. Journ. Sci. 1820, ser. 1. Bichter, Beinhard von. Beitrag zur Paliiontologie des Thiiringer Waldos. Dresden, 1848. . Thiiringische Schiefergebirge, and on Tentaculites. Zeitschr. d. d. geol. Gesell. Bande vi., xiv., xvii., xviii., xxi. . On Thuringia. Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch. Band xi. Bogers, H. D. Final Beport on tho Geology of Pennsylvania. 1858. Bomer, Adolph F. Die Versteinerungen des N.W. Harzgebirges. Hanover ; and iu Palaeont. Dunk, und Yon Meyer, iii., iv., xiii. 2 M 134 Romer, Ferdinand. On the Blast oidaea and Pentatrematites. Bonn. . On the Palceoteuihis (Cephalopod). Cassel, 1855. . On Palaeozoic Strata at Siewerz, Poland. Zeitschr. d. d. geol. Gesell. Band xviii. . On the Devonian Fossils of the Rhine. Bronn, Lethaea Geogn. i. Leonh. und Bronn, Neues Jahrh. 1856. Rominger, Carl. New Coelenterata. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1866. . On Pleurodictyum. Amer. Journ. Sci. n. s. xxxv. Rosen, M. On the Devonian of Diniethals, Dorpat (Livonia). Arch. f. d. Naturk. ser. 1, iii. Rouault, Marie. On the Devonian of Western France. BuR. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. iv., vii., viii., xii. Rtckholt, Baron De. On Productus, Astarte, Ctenodonta. M clang. Paleont. pt. ii. ; Mem. cour. Acad. Roy. Brux. 1852, xxiv. ; Geologist, 1861. Szemann, L. de. New Cephalopoda. XIII. Rep. Regents N. Y . ; Dunk, und Yon Meyer, Palaeont, iii. Salter, J. W. On a Cephalopod. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, ii. . On Devonian Fish. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xiv., xv., xvii., xix. — . On the Devonian of Ireland. Dubl. Geol. Journ. 1855, vii. . On a Cheirurus. Mem. Geol. Surv. dec. vii. . On the Rocks of North Devon. Geol. Mag. iv. Sandberger, G. and F. Yersteinerungen des Rhein. Schichten-Systems in Nassau. 1856. . On Fossils from S. Africa. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. (For. Mem.). Schimper, W. Ph. Paleontologie Vegetale, tome iii. 1874. Schlotheim, E. F. Die Petrefactenkunde : Gotha, 1820. Nachtriige zur Petref. i. 1822-23, ii. 1827. Denkschr. d. k. Akad. der Wissensch. zu Munch, fiir die Jahr. 1816-17-20. Schmidt, 0. On the Old Red Sandstone of Livonia. (An argillaceous Dolomite.) Dorpat. Schnur, J. On the Brachiopoda of the Eifel. Dunker und Yon Meyer, Palaeont. 1854, iii. Schrenk, A. G. Reise in den Norden Russlands. 2 vols. Dorpat, 1854. Schultz, Guillermo (or Schulz). Descript. Geolog. Province Oviedo, 1858. Madrid. . Resena Geognost. de las Asturias. Yista Geologica sobra Cantabria. . On the Geology of the Asturias. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, viii. Schultz, H. Monograph on the Crinoids of the Eifel Limestone. Abth. 2. Schweigger, A. F. Beobachtungen auf naturhistorischen Reisen. Berlin, 1819. Scudder, S. H. On Insects allied to the Ephemera (Dawson, Acadian Geology). Sedgwick, Adam, and Murchison. On the Slate-rocks of Devon and Cornwall. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. 1852, viii. , . Physical Structure of Devonshire &c. &c. Trans. G. S. L. ser. 2, v. & vi. (See M‘Coy.) Semionoef, R., and Y. Moller. On the Upper Devonian of Russia. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 1864, vii. . A new Athyris. Helmers. Explic. Carte Russ. Sharpe, Daniel. On the Devonian Rocks of Belgium. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. 1853, ix. . On the Boulonnais, N. France. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. 1853, ix. . On the Fossils of South Africa. Trans. G. S. L. 2nd ser. vii. -, and Morris, John. Brachiopoda of the Falkland Isles. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ii. Shumard, B. F. On Poteriocrinus &c. Swallow, 2nd Geol. Report on Missouri. - — — . On some new Crinoids. Trans. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, vol. i. . Catalogue of Palaeozoic Echinodermata (America). Yol. ii. 1865. . Contributions to the Geology of Kentucky. Sowerby, James de Carle. Murchison’s Siluria, 4th edit. ; Trans. G. S. L. n. s. v. & vi. &c. &c. Steininger, J. On the Devonian Fauna. Mem. Soc. Geol. de France, tom. i. . Geognostische Beschreibung des Landes zwischen der unter Saar und dem Rhein. 4to. Trier, 1841. . Yersteinerungen der Eifel. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. viii. & ix. Sternberg, Baron. On some Trilobites. Leonh. und Br. Neues Jahrb. 1856; Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 135 Suess, Edward. The Crinoids of the Eifel. Mon. kais. Akad. Wissensch. 1865. •. On the Devonian of Gratz. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. 1868. Swallow, Prof. Reports (First and Second) on the Geology of Missouri. . On some Brachiopoda. Trans. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, vol. i. Swan, W. R. On the Devonian of the Sea of Marmora, &c. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xx. & xxiv. Symonds, Rev. W. S. On the Passage-beds of Ledbury. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvi. & xvii. Tchihatcheff, Prince Pierre. Voyage Scientfique dans l’Asie Mineure. Append. Pakeontolog. par M. de Verneuil, 1869. Thorexte, Prof. On a new Asteria. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. i. Ttetze, Emile. The Devonian Schist of Gratz. Verhandlung. d. k.-k. geol. Reichanstalt, 1870. — . New species of Phacops, Proetus, Leperditia, Atrypa , &c. Ebersdorf (Silesia). Palaeontogr. I). & Zeiler, xix. Traill, Dr. A new Diplopttrus. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. xv. Trtger, M. On the Devonian of La Sarthe. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Er. n. s. vii. pp. 753, 762, 789. Troost, Prof. The Fifth (1840) and Sixth (1841) Reports on the Geology of Tennessee. Unger, Prof. Many new Species of Fossil Plants, Thuringia. Fossil Flora, &c. Goppert. . New Species of Cephalopoda. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, n. s. i. , and Richter. New Species of Goniatite, Thuringia. Leonh. u. Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856. , . New Species of Pterodictyon and Sparganum, Thuringia. Foss. Flora, &c. Goppert. Valenciennes, Prof. New Species of Spirifer, France, &c. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. xii. . New Genus, Osteolepis (Scotland and Russia). Lethsea Rossica, ii. Vanuxem, Lardner. New Leiorhynchus, &c. Geological Report on the Third District of New York State. Verneuil, Edouard de. On Devonian Fossils and on Pentremites Pciilletti. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. n. s. i. . On the Devonian Fossils of the Asturias. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. 2 e ser. ii. . Catalogue of the Fossils of Brittany. Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. de Fr. 2 e ser. iv. . Catalogue of the Fossils of Sabero (Spain). Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. 2 C ser. vii. . Catalogue of the Fossils of La Sarthe. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. 2 e ser. vii. . On Bosphorus and Asia Minor. Comptes Rendus, lxiv. 1867. , and Edw. Collomb. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Fr. vii., also x., xi., xxi. (on Devonian fossils). — , and Barrande, J. The Fossils from Almaden, Sierra Morena, and Toledo. Leonh. u. Bronn, Neues Jahrb. 1856. Volborth, Dr. Alexander. ? Wahlenberg, Prof. Petrefacta Telluris Suecana. Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Upsal. tom. viii. Walker, R. On Dura Den, Fifeshire. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3rd ser. xi. White, C. A. New Species of Crania , Rhynchonella, Gervillia, &c. Proc. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. vii.. viii., ix. , and R. P. Whitfield. New Devonian Dimyaria, Iowa. Hall’s Palaeont. New York, vols. iv. 6c v. ; and Prelim. Notices, part ii. Winchell, Alex. Trematopora, &c. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. Philad. vol. xii. . Geol. Report on Michigan (1861-66), with Appendix. . Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad. 1862, 1863, 1865. . Notice of Devonian Rocks (Portage Group), Michigan. 1862. . On Ctenodonta. Trans. Acad. Sc. Chicago, vol. i. CARBONIFEROUS FORMATION. 137 CARBONIFEROUS FORMATION. PRINCIPAL HORIZONS AND AUTHORS, ABBREVIATED. NORTH AMERICA. From above downwards. Uppermost Limestone (mostly in the far West) UL. Upper Coal-measures UCM. Middle „ MCM. Lower „ LCM. Conglomerate and Sandstone (Millstoue Grit) M. Grit. Subconglomerate Coal-measures Subcongl. CM. Kaskaskia (Chester) ) ;3rd Archimedian ] St. Louis 1 Limestone Warsaw, 2nd Archimedian Limestone L". Keokuk, 1st „ „ L'. Burlington (Encrinital) Yellow Sandstone (Burlington, Kinderhook) Kinder. G p . Upper Waverly „ „ Kinder. When a species is found in two horizons, or when the same locality contains several horizons, these last are placed thus : — L’, L", &c. , LCM., M., U., or MCM., U., &c. American Authors. Foster and Whitney F. & W. Hall and Whitney H. & W. Leo Lesquereux Lesq. Meek and Hayden M. & H. Meek and Worthen M. & W. Newberry and Worthen N. & W. Norwood and Pratten N. & P. Owen and Shumard O. & S. Swallow and Shumard S. & S. White and St. John W. & St. J. White and Whitfield W. & W. Yandell and Shumard Y. & S. For other Authors, see “ Books consulted.” EUROPE, &c. According to R. Etheridge, F.R.S. From above downwards. England 7. Upper Coal-measures UCM. 6. Middle „ MCM. 5. Lower „ LCM. 4. Millstone Grit M. Grit. 3. Upper L’st. Shale (Yoredale). L"\ 2. Mountain Limestone, Upper .. L 1 " or U. „ ,, Middle.. L" or M. ,, ,, Lower... L' or L. 1. Lower Limestone Shale LLS., including Posidonia Schist, Culm, Jiingste Grauwacke, Coomhola, Yellow Sandstone (Ireland) ? Coal-measures below Millstone Grit occasionally. All applicable to Europe, with local differences. European Authors. D’Archiac and De Verneuil D'Arch. &DeV. Brongniart, Adolphe Brngn. De Koninck, L De Kon. Milne-Edwards and Haime M.-Edw. & H. Romer, Adolph F Ad. Rbin. „ Ferdinand F. Rom. D’Orbigny D’Orb. Goldfuss Goldf. Gbppert Gopp. Eichwald Eichw. Sandberger Sndbrgr. For other Authors, see “Books consulted.” In the great Table of Fossils the localities are placed in the same order as their countries. In the case of Belgium and Rhenish Prussia, Liege thus precedes Saarbruck &c. &c. 2 N 138 Kingdom PLANTS. Alethopteeis.] [Caebonifeeous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. 5 o tn X < £ O MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. 6 o KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. U3 Q X c 5 £ H £ Locabty. Adiantides &c. wanting. Alethopteris, Sternberg, 1825. aquilina, Schloth. Coxiana, Lesq. crenulata, Lesq., Brngn. distans, Lesq. Pecopteris. CM * Perry Co. Union Mines, Mazon Creek. Mazon Creek. LCM * LCM * * Schuylkih Co. Mazon Creek, Morristown. LCM geminans, Lesq. gracilis, Newberry, grandifolia, „ Grandini, Brngn. grandis, Dawson, heterophylla, L. & Hall, hymenophylloides, Lesq. inflata, „ laevis, ,, lonchitica, Brngn. marginata, Gopp., Lesq. Massillonea, Lesq. macrophylla, Newberry. Mazoniana, Lesq. muricata, Brngn. nervosa, Brngn., Gopp. obscura, Lesq. ovalis, „ Oweni, Pennsylvanica, Lesq. pectinata, Brngn. pteroides, ,, rncrosa. Lesn. LCM * >> >» Ouvahoaa Falls. Kinder. G p Talmadp-e Falls. LCM * Mazon Creek. MC'M ... * Jackson Co., Bay of Chaleurs. Parsboro’. LCM LCM * Mazon Creek. LCM * LCM Shamokin. LCM Sewannie, Joggins, Sydney, &c. Tremont (red asb). „ Sydney, &c. Young’s Town. Mazon Creek. UCM LCM.. M v,_ * LCM LCM * ... MCM., U Pottsville, Joggins, Pictou. FrogBayou,MazonCreek,Pictou, &c. Pottsvibe, &c. LCM., M„ U.... * * * * * LCM X UCM Irwin. LCM * * Male and Lea Creeks, Mazon Creek. LCM Pottsville, Salem vein, Newport. Mazon Creek. MCM MCM * Bathurst. LCM Pottsville, &c. Spirlii. U * CbaleurBay,Zanesv.,Murphysboro’. Gate. vein. serrula, Lesq. Sbeal'eri, „ sobda, „ stellata, ,, UCM ... LCM ... Co. M Kean. LCM * .. . ... Mazon Creek (Morris). „ Coal No. 3. LCM .. tasniopteroides, Bunbury. uropbylla, Gopp. 1 MCM .. Unknown. LCM Pottsville. Adiantides.] Kingdom PLANT^E. [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Z < s I SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. 1 [ WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. HARZ. j MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. 1 J 5 ALTAI. Locality. Adiantides, Gopp. 1830; Brong concinnus, Gopp. ? crassus, Lindl. & Hutton, eximius, Bunbury. German, Gopp. giganteus, „ Haidingeri, Ettingsh. Kinahani, Baily. Lindsayaeensis, Bunbury. microphyllus, Gopp. nervosus, Brngn. Sphenopteris. oblongifolius, Gopp. obovatus, LindL tenuifolia, Gopp. Adiantum, Linn. 1758 ; Ettingsh antiquum, Ettingsh. Machanaki, . Stur. Alethopteris, Sternberg, 1825,= angustifida, Ettingsh. angustissima, Sternb. aquilina, Schloth. Beaiunontii, Brngn. Bucklandii, Gopp. Cistii, Brngn. crenulata, Gopp. cristata, Gein. Davreuxi, Brngn. Defrancii, ,, Doumaisii, Gopp. erosa, Gutbier. Grandini, Gopp. heterophylla, Sauveur. irregularis, Rbhl. lonchitiea, Brngn. lonchitidis. longifolia, Sternb. Mantelli, Brngn. marginata, ,, obliqua, ,, ovata, Gopp., „ asplenoides. pteroides, Gopp. Radnicensis, Sternb. Sauveuri, Brngn. Serlii, „ Serra, Bindley. Sternbergii, Brngn. urophylla, ,, vulgatior, Sternb. Anabathra, Witham, 1831. See Anachoropteris, Corda, 1845. pulchra, Corda. rotundata, „ mart, 1849. LCM * Yarrow, Newcastle. Burdie House. Stroud. Wettin. Radnitz. Swina. ? Slateford (Edinb.), Barnbrae, &c. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Unknown. Charlottenburg. ? Landschut. Altendorf, Kunzendorf, &c. The Tudetic Mountains. Manebach, Radnitz. Radnitz. Saarbruck, Wettin, Manebach. Petit Coeur, Tarentaise. Etherley. Ecaterinaburg. Saarbruck, Oberhohndorf. Oberhohndorf. Liege, Saarbruck. Saarbruck, &c. Anzin, Waklenburg, Oberhohndorf. Zwickau, &c. Saarbruck, &c. Etherley, Coalbrook Dale, Ac. ? Glengool, Campbeltown, Etherley, &c. Radnitz, &c. Etherley (Durham). &c. Alais. Oldham, Anzin (France). St.Etienne.Waldenburg, Wettin, &c. Knockalonga, St. Etienne, &e. St. Etienne, Brzas, Radnitz, &c. Liege, &c. Glengool, Kcnnox Water, Piesberg, Whitehaven, &c. [&e. Devonshire, Swina. South Wales, Piesberg, &c. ? Radnitz. CL X CM * MCM LCM. or UCM. LCM * X LCM * LCM * LCM * ... CM MCM * LCM * LLS * ausen. LLS X * LLS * Pecopteris. LCM., M X * X LCM MCM * X Lias, Alpes * LCM * MCM X LCM., M * X X X LCM MCM X * * MCM * LCM X * LCM., M„ U.... X * * X * X MCM * X CL., LCM., MU. * * L",M.G,LCM,M LCM X X * * * * LCM., M., U.... * LCM * * X X * * * MCM X * X X X LCM., M X * * X LCM * UCM * * * * M.Gt.LCM,M,U LCM * * * * * * X * * * * LCM X LCM., U * * * LCM., U * * * * Diploxylon. LCM LCM 1 A NET J1ITES.] 140 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Aneimites, Dawson. acadicus, Cyclopte Dawson, Annularia, Sternberg, 1822. Dawsonii, Schlot. equisetiformis, L. & H. fertilis, Sternb. Galioides, ? inflata, Lesq. longifolia, Brngn. van angustifolia, )> ininuta, Zenker. sphasnophylloides, Horizon. ns. LCM. LCM., M. ... MCM LCM UCM LCM LCM., M., U. ? UCM MCM., U. ... Antholites, Brongniart , 1828. priscus, Newberry. LCM. pygmreus, Dawson. MCM. rhabdocarpi spinosus, squamosus. spec, nova, MCM. MCM. UCM. MCM. Aphlebia, Presl, 1838. spec, nova, C. Hitchcock. LCM. (Rhodel.) Araucarioxylon, Kraus. Arau carites. Acadianum, annulatum, antiquum, materiarium. Dawson. Araucarites, Presl , Unger, &c., gracilis, Dawson. Walchia. LCM. UCM. 1838. UCM. Locality. Horton, Norton Creek. St. John’s. Pictou, Sydney. Mt. Hope Mine, Isle Aquidneck, &c. y Mazon Creek. „ Newport, Cork Settle- ? [ment. Gate vein. Pictou, Sydney, Grand Lake. None given. Joggins. Grand Lake. Pictou. Joggins, Sydney. Easton Beach, Isle Aquidneck. Port Hook, Joggins. Joggins. Horton. Pictou, Glace Bay, Joggins, Ac. Tatamagouche and Prince Edward's Island. Anarthrocanna.] 141 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q Z z z < w < co CO M < < < < > < ft. O X 0 w < Locality. K X s o o 3 z w 0 >-3 w pa z < X fc. z £ 5 co w £ CO H y CO S3 PS < < o w o a c * ◄ CO CO CO 0 x y < X 0 < E- 1 < Anarthrocanna, Gbppert , 1845. approximata, Gopp. deliquescens, ,, lineata, Eichw. stigmaroides, Gopp. tuberculosa, „ Ancistrophyllum, Gbppert , 184 minutum, Gopp. stigmariaformis, „ Aneimia, Ettingshausen. andiantoides, Schloth. Tchermackii, Ettingsh. Gopperti, Schl. Angiodendron, Eichw aid, 1855- orientale, , Eichw. Annularia, Sternberg, 1822. The asterophylloides, Sauveur. brevifolia, Brngn. Calamitoides, Schloth. fertilis, Sternb. longifolia, Brngn. var. angustifolia, ,, microphylla, Ad. Rom. radiata, Brngn. sphenophylloides, Zenker. Anomanites. The fruit of Cala Antholites, Brongniart, 1828. Andrasanus, Schloth. anoinalus, Carruth. The amorphous Jiingste Grauw. ca st of a L ep id od en * dr on pi an t. — W. Carruthers. Clausthal, Lautenthal. River Jenisei, Monastyr-skaya. Petrowskaja, Kharkof. ’’ 1. ” * UpperYosges, Berndau, Landschut. * Culm Nassau. J lingste Grauw. Altendorf (Moravia). Ural, Mt. Kasehkabasch, Artinsk. Mons, Charleroi. Upper Loire, Pedro da Cova (Por- Saarbruck, &c. [tugal). 61. LCM foliage of Calam UCM ite s. — w .c ar ru th er s. * MCM * UCM * * LCM., M„ U. ... * * * Glengool, Piesberg, Radnitz, &c. Lalaye &c. ? [nitz, &c. Ronchamp, Mons, Saarbruck, Rad- Lalaye (Les Vosges) &c. Saarbruck, Dudweiler. Coalbrook Dale. LCM., M., U. ... * 9 MCM., U * * * MCM mites . — W. Carr MCM ut he rs. MCM * cristatus, ? Calc. Sandst. ... Wardie, East Scotland. Schweiz. Favrei, Ileer. ? Lindleyi, Carruth. parviflorus, Schl. pauciflorus, Weiss. Pitcairnii ?, Lindl. & Hutt. ? Falkirk. UCM MCM * Saarbruck. CL.,LCM.,M.,U. ? * * Wardie, Etherley. 9 var. distans, Andrea. Aphlebia, Presl, 1838. tenuiloba, Presl. LCM Araucarioxylon, Kraus. Dad ambiguum, Kraus, antiquum, „ Pitus. Beinertianum, „ oxylon, Endlic LCM he r. * If Durham. Niederburbach (Vosges). Tweed Mill (Berwickshire). Falkenberg. Newcastle, Saarbruck, Waldenburg. Frankenberg. Falkenberg. Craig Leith, near Edinburgh. Tweed Mill (Berwickshire). Locality not known. Niederburbach (Vosges). Craig Leith, near Edinburgh. Falkenberg. Newcastle, Ebersdorf. LCM * CL Brandlingii, „ Buchianum, ,, MCM * CL carbonaceum, „ CM * medullare, „ LCM primaevum, „ Tchihatcheffi, ,, LCM * LCM.? Vosgesiacum, „ Withami, ,, LCM LCM Araucarites, Presl, 1838. Beinartianus, Gopp. carbonaceus, ,, L' L’ * Cordai, Sternb., Unger. Tchiliatcheffianus, Unger, Gopp. Archseagaricon, Hancock and A bulbosum, Hanc. & Atth. LCM. ? * Swina. Novgorod, Salair Mountains (Ba- varia). Cramlington (Newsham, Durh. Co.). tthey, 1869. LCM * dendriticum, ,, LCM * globuliferum, „ radiatum, ,, LCM * LCM * Archaeocalamites, Star. radiatus. Stur. Culm Sudetic Mountains. Archaeopteris, Dawson, = Palae opteris. Dawsoni. Stur. Culm * dissecta, Gopp. Lyra, Stur. pachyrhachis, Gopp. Tscherxnaki, Stur. " 1 2 o Artista.] 142 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Artisia, Sternberg, 1825. transversa, Sternb. Asplenites, Goppert. rubra. Lesq Asterophyllites, Brongniart, 182 aperta, Lesq crassicaulis, „ j curta, Dawson equisetiformis, Brngn. foliosa, gracilis, grandis, lanceolata, longifolia, ovalis, rigida, sublaevis, tuberculata, Lindl. & Hutt. Lesq. non Brngn. Sternb. Lesq. Bronn. Lesq. Sternb. Lesq. Brngn. Balantites, Goppert, 1 83(1. Martii, Lesq. MSS. Beinertia, Goppert, 1836. Goepperti, Dawson. Horizon. UCM. MCM., U. 8, = Bornia,&c. UCM MCM MCM LCM, U LCM.. M LCM MCM UCM LCM UCM LCM LCM., M UCM LCM. MCM., U. Locality. Gravville. Marietta, Gate vein. New Philadelphia, &c. ...I... New Philad., Gate vein, Pottsville. ...... Pictou. * . . . James’s Poteau. if * Zanesv., Joggins, Sydney, Spring II. ... ... Male’s Coal Bank. Zanesville. MazonCreek,NewPhilad.,SpringH. Gate vein (Pottsville). Mazon Creek. ,, Gate vein (Pottsville). New Philadelphia, &c. Mazon Creek. Joggins, Grand Lake. Artisia.] 143 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. G < 5 G Z < c X s' < fa y fa e w s •< fa a? fa fa s fa fa £ /- fa X fa fa 03 N < > < o < fa © e > o cc fa o fa fa fa < 03 fa fa fa fa fa < E- fa < Locality. Artisia, Presl, = Stembergia . transversa, Presl, Sternb. Aspidiaria, Presl, 1838, = Lepi Anglica, Presl. attenuata, Ad. Rom. confluens, Presl. cristata, „ quadrangularis, „ Steinbachii, Gbpp. tetragonum, Presl. Lepidodendron. undulata, „ Aspidites, Giippert, 1836, = Peco Dicksonioides, Gopp. Asplenites, Goppert, 1836 ; Elfin alethopteroides, Ettingsh. angustissimus, „ cristatus, Gutbier. elegans, Ettingsh. Eaehopteris. fastigiatus, „ Lindsaeoides, „ longifolius, „ Radnicensis, Gopp. Reussi, Ettingsh. similis, „ Sternbergii, „ Asterocarpus, Guppert. multiradiatus, Ettingsh. pteroides, ' reflexus, Gutb. Sternbergii, Ettingsh. truncatus, Unger. Asterophy Hites, Brngn. 1828, = anthracina, Heer. arcuata, Sauveur. charaeformis, Sternb Calam. tenuiformis. delicatula, „ MCM # * Waldenburg, Wranowitz. Paulton (Somerset). Clausthal, Peckthales. dodendron. UCM Jiingste Grauw. LCM., U * * * W aldenburg. Wardie, Yorkshire. Leobschut, Queensland. LCM LLS., LCM., M., [U. * UCM "... * * Oppenrode, Mannebach. Knockadive, Jarrow, Waldenburg. Charlottenbrun. [LCM. Jiingste Grauw., pteris. Jiingste Grauw. qshausen. UCM * * * Swina. UCM * LLS., LCM. ... * L’, UCM * * * * Pedro de Cova (Portugal), Walden- burg, Stradonitz, Zwickau. Wranowitz. MCM * MCM * Swina. UCM * Radnitz. UCM. . # Swina, Lubna. * UCM * Swina. * Unknown (Berlin Museum). Zwickau. M. Grit .. MCM -X- Saarbruck ?, Swina, Lubna. Wettin. Bornia. Bech UCM er a. T he fo lia ge of c al a mi tes — Carruthers. UCM. Mons, &c. Shotts. LCM., M * * UCM * * Charleroi, &c., Locquinghen (Bou- lonnais). Garrion Gill, Loch Ryan. Mons, &c., Glatz. dubia, Brngn. elegans, Sauveur. equisetiformis, Schloth. foliosus, Lindl. LCM., M * LCM.! M * * LCM.,M.,U.,&c. * * * Etherley (Permian). Knockalonga, Shotts, Etherley. Shotts. LCM.! M., U. ... * * C'alamocladus. galciodes, „ grandis, Sternb. Calamocladus. Hausmanni, Gopp. jubata, Lindl. saxifragiefolia, Sternb. subulata, Sauveur. tenellus, Ad. Rbm. LCM., M., U. ... * * LCM., M., U.... Jiingste Grauw. M.G.,LCM,M,U MCM., U * * * * * Glengool, Rutherglen, Etherley, Swina. Lohnan (Clausthal). Etherley. Radnitz. * UCM. Mons, &c. UCM * Osnaburg. tenuifolius, Sternb. LCM., U. . * tuberculata, ,, M.G.,LCM,M,U * Lesmahago, Etherley. spec, indet., Roehl. Aulacophycus. An Alga. 18 costatus, Eichw. * 56. L" River Oulba, near Tarkhansk. Baccillarites. Alga, or foliage, problematicus, Feislmantel. Becherat, Sternberg. Beckera, myriasphylloides, Brngn. grandis, Sternb. Beinertia, Gopp., 1836. gymnogaininoides, Gopp. Bergeria, Presl, 1838. Lepido acuta, Presl. * Radnitz, Mertklin Basin, Riv. Oulba. Sternberg. Fru it of c al a mi tes — c ar r. M S. MCM Swina. Lissitschinskaya. Charlottenbrun. dendron. ? ? Petrowskaya. augulata, „ undata, „ | ? ? ? (De Verneuil). 1 1 t For other species, see Sternberg, 1 Versucli der Flora der Vorwelt,’ Heft iv. 1825. Bornia.] 144 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Bornia, Sternberg , 1825. Foliage | radiata, Schlotk. Calamites, Sue/cow, 1784. approximate, bistriatus, cannffiforinis, Cistii, cruciatus, decoratus, disjunctus, dubius, gracilis, longifolius, nodosus, Nova-Scotieus, obscurus, paehyderma, ramosus, Succovi, Voltzii, Newberry, tenuifolius, undulatus, Sternb. Lesq. Scklotli. Brngn, Lesq. Artis. Lesq. Brngn. Schlotk. Dawson. Brngn. MCM M. Grit, LCM. LCM., M LCM., M., U... spec, indet., Ettingsh. Sternb. C. A. White. M. Grit, LCM... MCM Calamodendron, Brongniart, 1 approximatum, Brngn. obscurum, Dawson. Callipteris, Brongniart , 1828 ? Sullivanti, Lesq. Cannophyllites, Brongniart , 18 cordata, Newberry. Horizon. of Calamites. LCM LCM., M., U.... UCM M.Grit,LCM.,M „ LCM.,M.,U LCM., M., U.. LCM., U UCM MCM..TJ UCM M.Grit,LCM.,M 828? UCM. MCM. LCM. 28. LCM. *? Locality. St. John’s (Bear Island, Spitsberg). [chunk, &c. Male’s Coal, Mazon Creek, Man- New Philadelphia and Pottsville. Cal vary Riv.,Carbondale, Joggins, &c J oggins, Ferris Cove, G ran d La ke, &c. Male's Coal, Duquoin, Pottsville. Sharp Mountain. Pottsville. [mon Creek. Zanesville, Granger, Pottsville, Sal- ? ? MazonCreek, Cuyahoga, GrandLake. Joggins. ./Akron, Trevooton. ..Cuyahoga, Pottsville, Joggins, Syd- Pottsville, Pictou. [ney James's Poteau, Sharp M., South [Salem. Joggins, Sydney, Coal Creek. Sydney. Colchester, Skamokin. Cuyahoga Falls. Bornia.] 145 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q z c fa w 2 ; z < f- o co Z < fa O Z fa - fa « fa O z < fa < CO fa ca fa CO s fa < fa r- CO fa £ CO fa fa N fa < < o < fa O K c X, < fa o ca fa fa < CO fa < fa < < Locality. Bomia, Ad. Bom. ; Sternberg, 182 5. If CL., LCM. .. * ■if * Jiingste Grauw. * Bothrodendron, Lindl . , 1 839. U lodendroni Ca rr ut h.) L e P id o d e n d r o n. punctatum, Lindley. * Etherley, Jar row. Bowmanites 1, Binney. Fruit of Calamites ( Carr ambiguus, Binney. * Arran. LCM * Pontypool (South Wales). Calamities, Suckow, 1784. approximatus, Sehloth. LLS., L', LCM., * * * * * * * * * * * -if Glengool, Carluke, Etherley, Mons, M„ U. &c. LCM U *? UCM. * Mons, &c. * Stradonitz. Volckmanii. cannaaformis, Schloth. LLS,LCM,M,U * * * * * * * * * * ■if Cork, Campsie, Newcastle, Mons, &c. Cistii, Brngn. M.Grit, LCM..U # * * * * * * * * If Glengool, Mons, Langeac, Piesberg, communis, Ettingsh. Jiingste Grauw. * * Tchirm (Moravia). [&c. Volckm. elongata. concinnus, LCM. ? * Radnitz. Sternb. MCM. Saarbruck, &c. [Artinsk. decoratus, Brngn. MCM., U. .. * * Lowmoor, River Ruhr, Saarbruck d i lata tu s, Gopp. Jiingste Grauw. * Bemdau, Clausthal, Schonstein. Equisetites. distans, Sternb. if fi * Mons, Liege, Germany passim. dilatatus. [bruck, &c. | dubius, Brngn. M Grit MCM.,U * *? equisetiformis, Stern. MCM * * Waldenburg, Chomle, Wettin. Calamocladus. gigas. Brngn. MCM Saarbruck, Dresden (also Perm.). Gdpperti, Ad. Rom. v * Clausthal, Rosenkofen, Gangzuge. inequalis, Lindl. LCM * Carluke, Etherley. insignis. Sternb. UCM * Charleroi, &c., Ilausdorf. laticostatus, Ettingsh. * Carluke, Mohradorf, Meltsch. leioderma, Gopp. Pilsen. Lindleyi, Sternb. LLS., LCM., U. Edinburgh. nodosus, Schloth. LCM., U Etherley, Mons, Dordogne. obliquus, Gopp. CL , LCM Glatz. pachyderma, M.Grit, LCM. U. Lancashire, St. Etienne, Saarbruck. planicostus, Ad. Rom. Lautenthal. [bach. ramosus, Artis. UCM * * Leabrook, Mons, Charleroi, Manne- remotus, Presl. MCM., U Petrowskaya (also Permian). Rbmeri, Gopp. Jiingste G.w., L f * Eimelrod (Hesse), Grand. Succovi, Brngn. M. Grit, LCM., * * * * # * * * * * * Glengool, Newcastle, Mons, Caylus, undulatus. M„ U. &c. var. cannseformis. Passim. tenuifolius. Ettingsh. MCM., U. ”.... * Yosges, Wranowitz, Zwickau. tenuissimus, Gopp. Bogensdorf, Altendorf, Troppau, transitions, L', LLS Landschut,Altendorf. [Friedershof. radiatus. variolatum, * verticillatus, Lindl. MCM., U Pontefract, Etherley (LCM. also). Yolckmanni, Sternb. LLS.?, UCM.... * Stradonitz. Anthol. pauciflorus. Voltzii, Brngn. Leobschutz. undulatus. UCM * Wigan, Mons, Liege, &c. Calamodendron, Bronqniart. Tree Calamite. commune. LCM. . Lancashire. Calamostachys, Schlotheim. A Calamite . — Car ru th cr s. Binnevana. LCM. Lancashire. Calamodendron commune. Calamitis foliosi, LCM. .. * Planitz, Niedercainsdorf, &c. equisetiformis, Fr. Crepin. CM. Gelsenkirchen. major, Germar. MCM * Wettin. polystachya, Sternb. 1 UCM Waldenburg. typica, Schloth. MCM. &c ...... * # # ... Bochum, Radnitz, Stradonitz, &c. 2 p 146 [Carboniferous. Cardiocarpus.] NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. I ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. < £ C MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. Z < Q Z 6 o o p H Z W TENNESSEE. < Z < > P >* z z H P ! NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Cardiocarpus, Brongniart, 1828. affine, Lesq. anuulatum, Newberry, bicuspidatum, Sternb. bisectatum, Dawson, circulum, Heer. elongatum, Newberry, fluitans, Dawson, ingens, Lesq. latum, Newberry, marginatum, Foster, minus, Newberry, obliquum, Dawson, orbiculare, Newberry, ovalis, Dawson, plicatum, Lesq. punctatum ?, Gopp. retusum, Sternb. Samarffiforme, Newberry. Trevortoni, Lesq. Carpolithus, Sternberg, 1828. Fruits or nutle LOM bs. * Male’s Coal-mine, Frog Bayou. Young’s Town. Tallmadge. Grand Lake, Spring Hill. Arctic Archipelago. Young’s Town. Joggins. Male’s Mine, Frog Bayou. Young’s Town. LCM LCM MCM * ? LCM MCM LCM.t * LCM California. LCM Cuyahoga Falls. St. John’s. LCM. ? LCM Cuyahoga Falls. St. John’s. LCM * LCM * Trevorton. LCM. ? * Muddy Creek. Massilon, Tallmadge, &c. Cuyahoga Falls. Trevorton. LCM LCM * LCM * Fruits, various. LCM * Trevorton. bicuspidatus, ,, bifidus, Lesq. cistula, „ disjunctus, „ LCM Passim. LCM * Trevorton. LCM * Murphysboro’ (Jackson Co.). Male’s Bank, Trevorton. LCM * UCM * Graysville (White Co.). Mill Creek (Shales, Coal No. 1). Murphysboro’ (Jackson Co.). Male's Coal Bank, Lee Creek, Tre- Cuyahoga Falls. [vorton. Colchester, Mazon Creek, Morris- fragrarioides, Newberry. Jacksoniensis, Lesq. latemarginatus, ,, minutus, Newberry, multistriatus, Sternb. retusus, ,, umbonatus, „ LCM LCM * LCM LCM * LCM., M * LCM. *- Cuyahoga Falls. [town. ? 1 LCM * t Below Millstone Grit; always in Arkansas. Calamoxylon.] 147 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q 55 fa fa Q 55 < fa H O Q 55 fa o g 3 fa fa O 55 < CO CO g to s fa - < CO' < fa fa N fa fa fa >* 55 O * JSSIA, EUROP. | fa < < Locality. CO w S3 fa fa CO 5 CO fa fa < Calamoxylon, Corda, 1838. cycadeum, Corda. Calopteris, Corda, 1845. MCM Chomle. LCM it Radnitz. Cardiocarpus, Brongniart, 1828. annminfl.faim. Sternb. Fruits or nutle ? ts. ? acutiusculum, acutum, anomalum, Antholit. apiculatum, cicatrisatum, contractum, corculum, cordiforme, discus, emarginatum, Gutbieri, Kuhnsbergi, Lindleyi, macropterus, majus, microsperma, Gopp. &c. Brngn. Carruth. it ? LCM.. M., U. ... Burdie nouse, Jarrow, Etherley. Derbyshire, Coalbrook Dale. Newcastle. MCM. Gopp. &c. UCM * MCM it Charlottenbrun, &c. ? Sternb. ? it LCM. ? it Radnitz. Brngn. Corda. ? LLS., UCM. ... it Stradonitz. Gopp. & Berg. Geinitz. UCM. Autun, Charlottenbrun, Hanover, &c. Up. Loire, Hanov.,Pilsen, Oberhohn- Rakonik, Zwickau, Flohe. [dorf. Falkirk. MCM * it Gutbier. UCM it Carruth. LCM Corda. MCM it Radnitz. Brngn. Corda. ? ? MCM it Radnitz. Sternb. ? it Not known. operculatum, Pomieri, punctatum, punctulatum, Stern bergii, TJrsina. Gopp., Brngn. Brngn. Gopp. Heer. MCM Charlottenbrun. ? And in Styria. Ebendorf, Bear Island. ,, (see Table No. 1, Appen- Chomle. [dix). Bear Island (Table No. 1 , Appendix). ,, (Arctic Eur.) also. Sudetic Mountains. LLS Gopp., Brngn. Heer. Jiingste Grauw., LLS. ...[MCM. it Cardiopteris, Schimper, 1859. frondosa. Goon. Jiingste Grauw.. Hochstetteri, polymorpha, Carpolithus, Ste acuminatus, Ettingsh. Culm it Gopp. rnberg, 1828. S Sternb. it Vosges, Falkenberg. ngniart. Radnitz, Mostitz. pirangium, Sc UCM hi m }>e r. p al ae o X y it ri S, B ro alatus, annularis, bicuspidatus, bivalvis, Candollianus, cerasiformis, clavatus, Lindl. & H LCM Jarrow (Northumberland). Radnitz. Sternb. LCM it Corda, Sternb. Gopp. Heer. LCM it * Anthracite Swiss and Austrian Alps. Radnitz. Sternb. LCM LCM it clypeiformis, coniformis, conoideus, contractus, Geinitz. MCM Zwickau. Gopp. LCM. ? * it Rakonitz, Pilsen. it Sternb. LCM it Rakonitz, Radnitz. copulatus, corculus, LCM it Radnitz. LCM it cycadinus, disci fonnis, discoideus, Corda. LCM it Mosstitz. Sternb. LCM it Radnitz. LCM LCM. Wranowitz, Radnitz. Piesberg, Osnaburg. ? distichus, dubius, ellipticus, excavatus, Ad. Rom. UCM it it Geinitz. ? ? Sternb. LCM it Radnitz. LCM it ficiformis, folliculus, granularis, helicteroides, Jordania. incertus, Schlot. LCM it Oberhohndorf. Corda. LCM it Wranowitz. LCM Rakonitz, Radnitz. Morris. LCM.? Coalbrook Dale. Sternb. LCM it Radnitz. lagenarius, lenticularis, lentiformis, macropterus, marginatus, minimus, LCM # LCM * Corda. LCM. .. MCM * Chomle. Artis. LCM Leabrook (Yorksh.), Oberhohndorf. Radnitz. Sternb. LCM Note . — Also Cardiocarpum marginatum , Artis : Prilep, Bohemia, Saxony, and England. „ „ orbiculare, Ettingsh. : Lisek, &c. Cauda-Galli ?] 148 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genua, Species, and Author. Cauda-Galli 1 Seaweed. Caulopteris, Lindl. 4' Hutt. 1831. antiqua, Cvstii, Brngn gigantea, Lesq. insignis, , punctata, , Wortheni, , Chondrites, Sternberg, 1833. Colletti, Broadhead. LCM. LCM. LCM. UCM. ? Cyatheites, Goppcrt, 1836. Miltoni, Goppert. Scklotheimii, Gomez. Horizon. Stems of trees. Et he dg Locality. Coal below Millstone Grit. Wilkesbarre. Carbondale. Dunquoin. Gate vein. Pottsville. Carmi. White Co. Putnam Co. North America. Carpolithus ( continued )."} 149 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. e ■<5 X K ft 55 C E- o o Q 55 < 55 K 6 c w « H O 55 < X X RHENISII PRUSSIA.; < < E E- Xi w < cn H X t» N < < X © < w © X 5 o < 02 RUSSIA, EUROP. 1 < X < E- < Locality. Morsehellneforniis. Sternb. LCM Radnitz. placenta, Corda. LCM ,, Wranowitz. putaminifer, LCM pyriformis, LCM Wranowitz. Swina. reefularis, Sternb. LCM Radnitz. reticulatus, Corda. LCM retusus, Sternb. LCM semen-amygdala, Gutbier. LCM ” j © LCM sulcatus, Presl, Lindley. LLS„ LCM. ... * * Wardie. Brzas. sulcifer, Presl. LCM tessellatus, Sternb. LCM trilocularis, LCM., M., U.... truncatus, Sternb. LCM umbilicatus, LCM umbonatus, LCM verrucosus. LCM zamioides, Morris. LCM.? Coalbrook Dale. Cauda-Galli, L. Vanuxem, 1842. Seaweed. snec. indet.. L. Vanuxem. * Caulopteris, Lindl. §Hutt. 1831. A Tree-fern. macrodiscus. Brncn. MCM Oberhohndorf. PhilliDsii. Lindl. & Hutton. UCM * Camerton (Somersetshire). primaeva. LCM. ? * Near Bath. Cedroxylon, Kraus. Withami, Kraus. CM Hill Top. Llshaw (Durham). Peuce. Chondrites, Sternberg , 1833. Algce. Andreas, Ad. Rom. LLS Andreasburg. dissimilis, Eichw. MCM River Mjous. Donetz Mountains. Gceppertianus, Ettingsh. MCM * Roots of a land-plant. Prestvici, Morris. LCM * Coalbrook Dale. subtilis, Eichw. L' Schulenberg. River Msta. tenellus, Gopp. LLS., Jungste Altendorf. tener. [Grauw. tseniola, Eichw. L' River Msta (Governm. Novgorod). transitionis, Gopp. Jungst.Grauw.L' Leobschutz. Gratz. Troppau, &c. vermiformis, Ettingsh. Bautsch. Chorionopteris, Corda, 1845. gleichenoides. Corda. LCM.. U * Radnitz (in Sphcerosiderite). Cingularia, Weiss. 1 typica. Weiss. MCM * Saarbruck. Clathrariat, Brongniart, 1828. Cycadites ? columnaris, Brngn. LCM Radnitz. | involuta, Presl. LCM 9 Cordaites, XJnger, 1845? Flabel laria. Pycno P h yi lu m borassifolia, Unger. LCM., M., U. ... * * Lennox Water. Jarrow,&c.Swina,&c. Goldenbergiania, Weiss. MCM * Saarbruck. microstachys, Goldnbrgh. MCM * ,, Piesberg. palmasformis, Gopp. LCM., M ,, Permian also. principalis. Germar, Gein. MCM, U * * * Langeac. Lisek Basin. Coryneopteris, W. H. Baity. stellata. W. 11. Bailv. LCM * Limerick Co. Crepidopteris, Prcsl, 1838. Vide Pecopteris. Culmiana, Ad. Burner? A crass. spec, indet.. Ad. Rom. LLS Lautenthal. Cyatheites, Guppert, 1836. Pec opteris, pars. acutus, Brngn. MCM * Saarbruck. sequalis, Gopp. LCM * Radnitz. Miroschau. arborescens, LCM, U * * * St. Etienne. Lisek Basin. Chomle. var. cyathea, Brngn. LCM * argutus, LCM # # Rakonitz. Pilsen. asper, LLS, LCM, U. * * * Montrelais. Berghaupten. Berthels- Biotii, LCM * Candollianus, LCM,M(Perm.) * * * * Alais, &c. Saarbruck. Radnitz, &c. Pecopteris. deliratulus. LCM., M * * * Oldham. Mosstitz. Pecopt. plumosus. dentatus, ” MCM, U * * # # # # * * Airdrie. Langeac (Loire). Radnitz. ft t = Zamites Cordai, non Mantell (W. Carruthers, F.R.S.). 9 Cyclopteris.] 150 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Cyclopteris, Brongn. 1828. Oto Acadica, Daws. Aneimites. antiqua, Boekschiana, ,, elegans, Lesq. fimbriata, flabellata, Brngn. Germari, Gopp. & Sternb. Lesq. heterophylla, hirsuta. hispida, Daws. ingens, Lindl. & Hutt. lacerata, Heer. laciniata, Lesq. oblata, Lindl. & Hutt. obliqua, Bunbury & Brngn. Neuropteris. oblongifolia, Gopp. orbicularis, Brngn. trichomanoides, undans, Lesq. Whittleseya, Newb. spec, indet., Lesq. Horizon. M. Grit MCM. ? MCM. .. MCM. ... UCM LCM LCM., U. LCM LCM LCM ro p te n s. Locality. Horton. Norton Creek. Rivers M‘Can and Herbert. ? Shamskin. Pottsville. Pomeroy. Pottsville. Trevorton. Salem vein. Pottsville. Joggins. Gate vein. Pottsville. Sydney. „ Grand Lake, &c. Common in North Amer. (Schimp.) Schuylkill River, Ac. Sydney. „ Grand Lake. Pictou. Mauchunk, &c. Pomeroy. Gate vein. Gate vein. Middleport. Cuyahoga Falls. James’s Poteau. Cyatheites ( continued ). ] 151 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q S5 < W ** | SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. | FRANCE. < CO CO X so | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. !S3 < X | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. ALTAI. Locality. lepido-rhachis, Gbpp. microphylla, Brngn. Miltoni, Artis, mucronatus, Sternb. plumosus, Artis, punctulatus, Brngn. Schlotheimii, Gbpp. setosus, Ettingsh. Silesiacus, Gbpp. subnervosus, Ad. Rom. undulatus, Gbpp. unitus, Brngn var. major, „ „ minor, „ vilosus, „ Cyathocarpus, Weiss, 1870? Eucarpus, Weiss. Cycadites, Brongniart, 1828. Caledonicus, Salter, columnaris, Presl. involutus, „ taxodinus, Gbpp. Cycadopteris, Schimper. Cten antiqua, Stur. Cyclocarpum, Lindley, 1833. marginatum, Artis, nummularium, Gbpp. & Fiedler, tuberosum, Geinitz. Cyclocladia, Lindley , 1833. major, Lindley. omata, Goldnbrg. Cyclopteris,Brn^w.l828. Otopt Alula, Eichw. ? amplexicaulis, Gutbier. cuneata, Gbpp. cyeloidea, Sauveur. dilatata, Lindl. Nephropteris. dissecta, Gbpp. Sphenopteridium. flabellata, Brngn. frondosa, Gbpp. Kcecklini. gibbosa, Sauveur. Germari, Sternb. Hochstetteri, Ettingsh. Haidingeri, „ inequilatera, Gbpp. lacerata, Ileer. Maccoyana, Gbpp. Nana, Eichw. oblata, Lindl. obliqua, Brngn. Nephropteris. obovata, Sternb. oblongifolia, var. sessilis, Roehl. Otopteroides ?, Gbpp. orbicularis, Brngn. Nephropteris. peltata, Ad. Rom. polymorpha, Gbpp. var. rotundifolia, „ reniformis, Brngn. Nephropteris. rhomboidea, Ettingsh. semicordata, Sauveur. semiflabelliformis, Morris, tenera, Ettingsh. LCM * * * Alais, &c. Saarbruck. MiltonnearElsecar. SaltaireMoun- ? [tains. Saarbruck. Hanover. Ibbenbiiren. Mosstitz. Waldenburg. Raditz. Piesberg by Osnabruck. Radnitz. Alais. Rakonitz. Miroschau. Saarbruck. Bath. Bockwa. Berschweiler (Kirn). Berwickshire. Radnitz. Rothwaltersdorf (Silberberg). Sudetie Mountains. Baden. Saarbruck. [Goldenburg. Newcastle. Inorganic (Carruth.). Described by Duttweiter. Altenbach (Saarbr.). River Don (Voroneje). Saarbruck. Osnabruck. Mons. Liege. Wardie. Felling. Ilfeld. [Hesse. Hausdorf. Rothwaltersdorf, and in Wardie. Ilfeld. Herborn.Berghaupt. Klein. Falkenberg. Mons. Liege. Wettin. Altendorf. Rothwaltersdorf (Glatz). Savoy. Saarbruck. Kilkenny (Yellow Sands.). Kamdatsclia (Icaterinebourg). Etherley (Durham). Wardie. Coalbrook Dale. Newcastle. Ufeld. Dortmund, &c. Radnitz. [&c. Airdrie, Coalbrook Dale, Saarbruck. MCM MCM * * * * * * * LCM MCM * * * * * MCM.? * UCM * * MCM.? * UCM * LCM. * * * LCM. * MCM * * * * MCM MCM * * * MCM.? LLS * LCM * * LCM CL * opteris, Brnqn. Culm * 9 * * ? * ? CM * * MCM * ro eris. Adiantit MCM es ■ N ep h P te ri s, & c. * * * MCM., U * * UCM * * * * * CL., Culm * * LLS,LCM,M,U. L' * * * UCM * MCM * * Jvingste Grauw. MCM * * * * * LLS. ? * MCM.? * LCM., M„ U.... * * * LSS, LCM., U. UCM * * * * * UCM * # # * UCM LCM., M., U.... * * * * * * * * * * UCM * Piesberg by Osnabruok. Vosges. Friedersdorf. Kunzendorf. Wardie, Mons, Departm. Var, &c. Prilep Basin. Mons. Liege. L' # * * L’, LCM LSS., LCM. . * * * ? * UCM * LCM., M ? * Coalbrook Dale. Shropshire. Lisek Basin. * Cyclostigma.] 152 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. ? Cyclostigma, Haughton, 1860 pulchellum, Lesq. Cyperites, Lindley and Hutton, spec, indet., Dawson. „ Lesq. Dadoxylon, Endlichcr, 1840. A Acadianum, Dawson. Palceoxylon. annulatum, „ antiquius, „ Paleeoxylon , Brngn. materiarum, „ Dictyopteris, Gutbier, 1836. obliqua, Bunbury. rubella, Lesq. Horizon. LCM. 1830. MCM., U. UCM Conifer. LCM Main Coal LCM MCM., U. LCM., M. LCM Diplotegium, Corda, 1845. Brownianum, Corda. retusum, Dawson, truncatum, Lesq. Endogenites, Brongniart, 1822. Many species, Dawson. Equisetites, Sternberg, 1833. curta, Dawson, occidentals, Lesq. Eremopteris, Schimpcr, 1869? marginata, Andrews. LCM. MCM. LCM. UCM. MCM. LCM. LCM. Locality. Male’s Coal Bank (belo wMillst.G rit). Passim. Salem and Gate veins Port Hood. Dorchester. Queen’s [Co. Joggins. Passim. Joggins. Glace Bay. Malagash. [vorton, &c. St. Jaques, Poteau, Salineville, Tre- Murphysboro’. Portage summit. Joggins. Male’s Coal Bank. Pith cylinders (as in Sternberg ia). ; Sydney. Mazon Creek. Morris Town. • Rushville (Perry Co.). Cyclopteeis ( continued ).] 153 [Carboniferous. EUEOPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q Si Q Si Q Si < 3 w o < r £ 7j < j < < < >* Si [A, EUROP. Locality. _3 B£ H c o tn -3 C z w 2 W - Si 3 w 5 H H w c n N < < O as o 05 O X < cc cc D S5 < 5 < e- < tenuifolia, Gopp. Adiantides. triehomanoides, Brngn. undulata, Sauveur. * * * Landschut. Altwasser. [LCM. LLS., LCM., M. UCM * * * * Wardie, St. Etienne, Elzebach, &.c. Mons. Charleroi. * Cyclostigma, Haughton , 1840. Griffithii, Brngn. Kiltorquense, Haught. minutum, ,, Cyperites, Lindl. 6; Huff . 1830. A bicarinata, Bindley. Dactylopteris, Goppert, 1859. Sticleriana, Gopp. Dadoxylon, LW/., 1840. Arauc approximatum, Williamson. Brandlingii, Witham. Vosgesiacum, Schimper. spec, indet., Armstrong. Danaides, Schimper, 1809. Dan Asplenioides, Gopp. Dechenia, Goppert, 1859. A ro Euphorbioides, Gopp. Rdmeriana, „ Dictyodendron, Eichwald, 1855. Leuchtenbergii, Eichw. Dictyophyllum, Bindley, 1837. Darmiense ?, Haughton. Dictyopteris, Guthier, 1830. Brongniarti, Gutbier. (Tree-trunk). LLS. O.R.S.? * LLS * ,, Kiltorkan. Limerick. LLS * \ea.( oi Sigillaria. LLS., LCM. . c ar ru a. [wood. Jiingste Grauw. arioxylon, Kr LLS,LCM,M,U. MCM. ... Wernigerode. Edinburg. [castle). Wideopen near Gosforth (New- (Yosges) Niederburbach. au ss. * MCM ? eites, Goppert. MCM. Charlottenburg. ot. Lauterberg. UCM. LLS. Kilkenny. O.R.S. ? [&c. Escliweiler, Zebrack basin, Radnitz, Piesberg. Ibbenbiiren. Lougan Mines. Govt.Ecaterinoslaw. Stradonitz. Zwickau. LCM. * if LLS., UCM. * Miinsteri, Eichw. neuropteroides, Gutbier. Schulzei, Ad. Rom. spec, indet., Gruner. Didymophyllum, Goppert , 185 Darmiense, Haughton. Schottini, Gopp., „ Diplophacelus, Corda, 1840. arboreus, Corda. MCM. . ... * MCM. . * * * MCM. ? Zorge. Ilf'eld. * 9. Limerick. O.R.S. ? Jiingste Grauw. LCM * * Vosges. Landschut. Radnitz. * Diplotegium, Corda, 1846. Lep idodendrom LCM. M. * Swina. Chomle. Diploxylon, Corda , 1840. Pith anabatbra?, Witham, Brngn. cycadoideum, Binney. elegans, Corda. Drepanophycus, Goppert, 1859. Machanaki, Gopp. Endogenites, Brongniart, 1828. striata, Lindl. & Hutt. Equisetites, Sternberg, 1833. brevidens, Schloth. dubius, Brngn. giganteus, Lindl. & Hutt. Goppertii, Ettingsh. infundibiliformis, Brngn. mirabilis, Stur. of Dadoxylon ( S M. Grit, LCM. M. te rn be rg ia )• LCM. ... * Lancashire. Chomle. MCM. . * Mosstitz. Chomle. Sudetie Mountains. Cast of a stem. ? — c ar ru tli cr S. passim. Saarbruck. MCM. . . * LCM. . Wigan. •Tarrow. Waldenbure. LCM. * LLS. ... * Schirm. MCM. * * * Glengool, Saarbruck, Radnitz, &c. Sudetie Mountains. priscus, Geinitz. lirgulatus, Germar. rugosus, Schloth. i Socolowskii, Eichw. MCM * Saarbruck. Wettiu. Radnitz. CM. .. * Not given. Kowsnitz. Afornino. •Jiingste Grauw. tenuidentata, Feistmantel. zeaformis, Schloth. Eremcpteris, Schimper, 1809. artimesiafolia. Sternb. CL., UCM Newcastle, Rothwaltersdorf, &c. On pinnules of Hymenophylhm , Ac. Radnitz and Wranowitz. crithmifolia, Lindl. & Hutt. Excipulites, Goppert, 1830. Fu Neesi, Gopp. Fasciculites, Cotta, 1832. An carbonigenius, Corda. leptoxylon, „ ngorum Genus. if Alga. UCM * UCM * 2 K Flemingites.] 154 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Flemingites, Carruthers, 1865. Pedroanus, Carruth, Fucoides, Brongniart ; Harlan, 18 Alleglianiensis, Rogers ? Brongniarti, „ Horizon. Abundant. ? Goniopteris Eugoniopteris. (Eugon.) arguta, Brngn. (Desmoph.) emarginata, Gopp. UCM. Gyromyces, Goppert. \ ammonis, Gopp., M. & W. Spirorb. carbonarius, Dawson. Halonia, Bindley and Hutton, 18 pulchella, spec, nova. Lesq. D. D. Owen. Dawson Lesq. 1845. 33. Lepidode LCM. subeongl.. LCM LCM. LCM d ro n. Locality. Brazil, S. Catharina Province, &c. II. D. Rogers, Rep. Geol. Penns. Pomeroy. Pottsville. (Maryland) Frostburg. Colchester, Ac. Male's Coal Bank. Coal Creek (Grand Lake). Male's Bank ? Favularia.] 155 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. 5 PRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. WESTPHALIA. SILESIA. N as MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. j J < X ALTAI. Locality. Favularia, Sternberg , 1823. See Sigillaria, Br on n. Filicites, Brongniart, 1828. Cultranensis, Haught. LLS Cultra (Co. Down). dichotoma, ,, LLS * ,, „ (yellow sandst.). lineatus, W. H. Baily. Coomhola * County Cork. plumiforrais, CL.? * Wexford. Flab ell aria, Unger?; Sternberg, 1822. Foliage of L ep id od en dr on Borassil'olia, Unger. LCM., M * * * See Cordaites. Sternbersni, Ettingsh. LCM.(FstmntL) Swina. Flemingites, Carruthers, 1865. Fruit of Sigilla ri a. gracilis, Carruth. LCM * . 5 $. Lanarkshire. Burdie. Newcastle. sporangia of, Prof. Etheridge. * Drumgray Coal (Carluke). Fucoides, Brongniart, 1822. bipinnatus, Richt. Jiingste Grauw. Thuringia. tenellus, Ad. Rom. * Schulenberg, upper half. Gastromyces, Ludwig. Fruit or seed. farinosus. Ludw. * * Gleichenites, Gdppert. artemisiasfolius. Gopp. LCM * Mosstitz. rutaefolius, Eichw. L'" * Kaminskaya (Ecatherineburg). Glockeria, Gdppert, 1836. ... marattioides. Gopp. MCM * Charlottenbrun. Glossopteris, Brongniart, 1822. See Table I. ( su pi» le Ill en ta rv )■ s a g e n 0 pt er is, Presl, 1838. Gonioptens, Brest. Emendat. Al. Braun. Goniopteris— Desmophlebis. Desmophle bi S, B ro ng 71 . (L)esm.) brevifolia, Schiiup. MCM Saarbruck ? ,, emarginata, Gopp. Ilmenau. Wettin. ,, longifolia, Brngn. 9 Goniopteris— Eugonicpteris, Al. Braun ? (Eugon.) arguta, Ettingsh. LCM &c St. Etienne. ,, decussata, Gopp. UCM Waldenburg. „ elegans, Germar. MCM Wettin. Pecopteris. Goppertia, Brest, 1838. polypodioides, Presl. Pilsen. Graminites, Presl, 1838. A gra ss. Feistmanteli, Geinitz. MCM Radnitz. Volckmanni, ? y. Lisek basin. Gymnogramme. obtusiloba, Ettingsh. Jiingste Grauw.. * Altendorf. Gyromyces, Gdppert. ; ammonis, Gopp. MCM Wettin. Planorbis. “ Gyropteris, Cor da, 1845. crassa, Corda. LCM Radnitz in Spheerosiderife. i rotundata (erase), „ sinuosa, Gopp CL * Glatz by Falkenberg. Halonia, Lindley and Hutton, 183 3. Lepidoden d ro n (>• 00 t of V D a w es )• Beinertiana, Gopp. MCM Charlottenbrun. (Permian also.) , dichotoma, Gldnbrg. MCM Saarbruck. Frederichsthal. disticha, Morris. LCM., M., U. ... Coalbrook Dale, &c. gracilis, Bindley. LCM., M., U. ... Lowmoor (Yorkshire). Miinsteriana, Gopp. CM. (sandst.) . . . Essen. punctata, ■ Lindl. & Hutt. CM..' .'.... # Kralup and Prilep. [weile. regularis, ,, MCM Halliwell and Peel ( Vorksh. ). Dutt- 1 tetrastycha, Gopp. LCM * * Landcschut. Sudetic Mountains. tortuosa, Lindl. & Hutt. * Coalbrook Dale. Saarbr. Petrowsk. j tubereulata, Brngn. Jiin.G.w.,LCM., * * * Ebersdorf. Kharkhoff. tuberculosa, Lindl. & Hutt. LCM. . [U. Coalbrook Dale. Auerswaldflotz. Haulea, Corda, 1846. Asteroca rpus, Gopp., 1 83 6. Gerweiler. pulcherrima, Corda. CM * Beraun (in clay-slate). Hemitelites, Gdppert. Equisi tes. gigantea, M( 'M J ar ro w , Saa r br uck , \V aid en b u r g , \ c . Pecopteris. Heterangium, Corda, 1845. Le af-stem of Fern. paradoxicuin, Corda. LLS * Burntisland. Wranowitz. Hippurites, Lindley, 1833. giganteus, LCM Newcastle. /•Jquisetites. H VMEN0PHYLETTE8.] 156 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. < tr< 5 £ 5 o $ | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. 6 c | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. Hymenophyllites, Gdppcrt, 18 36. affinis, Lesq. MOM * * Gate vein. .New Philadelphia. Brngn. lcm MCM. on Congl. Lesq LCM. Clarkii, LCM * Mazon Creek. Grundy Co. Rachophyllum LCM fimbriatus, LCM flexicaulis, LCM Brngn. LCM., Congl. top * giganteus, Lesq. UCM. Hildreti, LCM * hirsutus ?, LCM., M„ U. ... * ... LCM pentadactyla, Daws. MCM Sydney. pinnatifidus. Lesq. LCM if St. John and Colchester < Coal No.3 j. Gopp. LCM Gutbier. LCM * D. D. Owen. LCM Frog’s Bayou ? Knorria, Sternberg tf- Gdppert, 18 25. Newberry. MCM Hildrethi, ... Sternb. L LCM if * Male’s Coal Bank. Chester. MCM LCM spec, indet. Lesq. Many. Leioderma, Goldenberq. Asola nus. Wood. Dawson . MCM Svdnev. Lepidodendron, Sternberg, 1821 . M.G.,LCM,M,U MTvay'sIIead. Carbondale. Sydney.’ ! Sagcnaria. MCM Lesq LCM Carbondale. MCM., U * Rock Island Co. Joggins. LCM. ... ( ’arbondale. LCM. Horton. Norton Creek. L"' .. Chester. Sternb. LCM Zanesville. SummitCo. LehighRiv. MCM ... Pietou. depressum, Gopp. LCM * Maucbunk. LCM., M * Joggins. Sydney. Lindl. & H. MCM * Goldf. LCM If ... Frog Bayou (below M. Grit). LCM Carbondale. Brngn. LCM., M., U.... * * * if * Cuyahoga Falls. Stenson. Svdnev. St. John’s Town. LCM. . 1 Carbondale. LCM. M. . ...... Ctivahoga Falls. Sydney. MCM. 1 J Sydney. LCM. ... Male’s Coal Bank. LCM. . Male’s Bank, or Frog Bayou. LCM raodul itum, Lesq. LCM * ... if Male’sBank.WashingtonCo. Carbon- Hippprites ( continued ).] 157 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Z 21 < 21 < « r. < < • > a.' c L) H Locality. w E- O O Z w a « 1 Z CA a K J Jj HARZ O c c/1 ■/. J ai.ta: lonpifolius. LCM Park End. Forest of Dean. Asterophy Hites. Hydatica, Artis, 1820. Roots of Calamites.— Carr MCM ut h. * Elsecar, near Wentworth. prostata, Hymenophyllites, C alatus, Spkenopteris. MCM * ropy., 1836. Sphenopteri MOM, U. . s. * * Gopp. 9 Pedro da Cova (Portugal). Newcastle. Waldenberg. Piesberg. Glengool,Wardie, Newcastle. Roth-! [waltersdorf. &c. L',M.Grit,UCM. * ■if fureatus, Spkenopteris. Brngn. L', MCM., U. ... J ungs te Crauw. * * * * Giipp. Ettingsh. Giipp. LCM patentissimus, Phillipsii, Quereifolius, Schimperiana, Spkenopteris. stipulates, LLS CM * Altendorf. LLS,LCM,UCM L', LCM ■if Vosges. Thann. Rothwaltersdorf. Rothwaltersdorf. Zwickau. Saarbruck (Judenschlag). L', UCM. Schimp. 37. Fruit Sternb MCM Hymenophyllu m. Huttonia, Sternberg, IS arborescens, carinata, spicata, Jordania?, 0 upper t cf Bignonioides, Gopp oblonga, ., of Calamites. — C LCM. ? . ar ru th * Gerrnar. MCM Wettin, Lobejun, Ilfeld, Ac. Radnitz. Sternb. LCM Feid/er. & Feidler. Knorria, Sternb. 1825. Bailyana, cervicomis, cylindrica, dichotoma, fusiformis, Internal ca Schimp. Ad. Rom. sts oiLepidodend LLS ro * ii- ste in s. KiltorkanHill. KilkeunyCo. O.R.S.? Lauterburg. LLS LLS LLS ... 9 Ad. Rdm. LLS Clausthal. Gibbsii, Goppertii, imbricata. 9 Ad. Rom. LLS Lauterburg:. Sternb. MCM., U * Newcastle. Artinsk. Jugleri t, mamtnillaris, Ad. Rdm. LLS Clausthal. Eichw. LCM Slaboda. Government of Toula. megastigma, polypliyllat, Sellonii, Ad. Rom. LLS Lauterburg. LLS Clausthal. Sternb. LCM * Saarbruck. Radnitz. Taxina. G. Tate. MCM, U ■if Newcastle, Styria, &e. Etherley. Coalbrook Dale. Newcastle. Mons. Swina. Liblin. Lepidodendron 1 S)‘er«i.l821. Sa aeerosumt. Lindi. genaria ,Bmqn LCM, U. ? L y * c 0 po di u m aculeatum, Presl. LLS, LCM, U. affine. Unger. Sauveur. UCM.? Waldenburg. Sagenaria. alternans, UCM Mons. Charleroi. anglicum, attenuatuin, G. Tate. Tuedian * Stanhope (Durham). Clausthal. Ad. Rom. LCM barbatum, MCM, U Osnabruck. Piesberg. Pilsen. Piesberg. Bartlingi, Bischofli, UCM Giipp. Fischer. LLS, LCM. ... Magdesprung. Lohna. Bloedei, Jiingste Grauw. Petrowskaja. Swina. Liblin. Sagenaria. brevifolium, Ettingsh. Brngn. UCM Bucklandii, LCM Etherley. Coalbrook Dale. Montrelais. carinatum, LLS Carneggianum, caudatum, Ileer. LLS. or LCM... ? Bear Island. Spitzbergen (MSS.). ( /lausthal. Presl. L' Sagenaria. clathratum, Sauveur. UCM ... Mons, &c. ,, Charleroi. coelatum. Brngn. Ad. Rom. UCM concinnum, LLS Grund. Clausthal. confluens, Sternb. LLS Liege. Bosquet. Waldenburg. IV- Mons, &e. [trowskaja. Radnitz ? Costai, Sauveur. UCM # ... crassi folium, Ettingsh. Jiingste Grauw. ... t Synonyms of Knorria imbricata. Lepidodendron (continued).'] 158 [C.V RBOMI'EROPS. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Morrisianum, obovatum, obscurum, obtusum, oculatum, personatum, Pietoense, plicatum, plumarium, politum, primsevum, quadratum ?, radiato-plicatum, radicans, rectangulatum, rimosum, rugosum, Rushvillense, selaginoides, sigillarioides, simplex, Stern bergii, dichotomum. Tijoui, tumidum, turbinatum, undulatuin, uracurn, Veltheimianum, vestitum, Wortheni, spec, indet., Lesq. 1 Sternb. Lesq.ji LCM. ... UCM. ... L m I LCM. ... „ | LCM. ... Dawson. MCM. ? „ MCM.... „ |MCM. ... MCM. .. LCM. ... LCM. .. H. D. Rogers. Lesq. H. I). Rogers. Presl. Dawson. Lesq. Wortben. Sternb. Andrews. Sternb. Lesq. Millstone Grit. MCM.? LCM., M., U. I LCM LCM MOM LCM L'" Brngn. Lesq. Bunbury. Lesq. Sternb. H. L. Wood? Sternb. Lesq. Dawson. MCM MCM L’" MCM., U. L'" ... LCM. LCM. LCM. * i * Locality. Morristown. Passim. Rock Island Co. Carrol’s Place. Carbondale. Sydney. Passim. Newcastle Riv. (Grand L.).i Sydney. Crittenden Co. Union Mine. Standing Creek, near Huntingdon. Joggins (Scbimp. ii. 37). Duquoin (Perry Co.). •Joggins. Sydney. Etna Mines. Carbondale. Rusbville (Perry Co.). River Lehigh Summit. Chester. &c. &c. (passim). St. John’s. Sydney. Kaskaskia. Joggins. Pictou. Kaskaskia. [barre. James’s Poteau. Sewannee. Wilkes- Male’s Bank ? Murphysboro’. Morton. Lepidodendkon ( continued ).] 159 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, See. Genas, Species, and Author. Horizon. a SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. ! BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. | HARZ. | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. | -i < ALTAI. Locality. crenatum, cucullatum, cuneatum, dichotomum, dilatatum, Sternb. UCM. .. * * * * Mons. Liege. Eschweiler. Swina. Bochum, Piesberg, Rakonitz, &c. [ Mons, &c. Piesberg, Hanover, Chomle, &e. Ad. Rom. MCM., U. . * * * * UCM Sternb. LCM., U. * * * * * Lindl. LCM. M U. * * * UCM * Mons, &c. Newcastle, Charleroi, &c. Glengool.Wardie. Atherlev. Nebrak. dubium, elegans, elongatum, emarginatum, erectum, Selaginites. exculptum, Sternb. UCM. ..[U. * * Brngn. M.G,LLS, LCM, UCM * * * * * * * * * CM. | LLS. * Montrelais. Konig. CM * Eichw. MCM. Petrowskaja (Kharkoff). fusi forme, geniculatnm, Goppertianum, Corda. LCM * Jungste Orauw. LLS * * Ettingsh. Wranowitz. Swina. Mons, &c. Kamenskaya, Gov. Ecaterinb. Ballingally. Coalbrook Dale, llsen- Chomle, &c. [brook. UCM Eichw. Black CL. . gracile t, Lind. Haidingeri, Harcourti, hexagonum, Iloffmannit, imbricatum, Jascheri, & Ad. Rom. Ettingsh. Lindl. LLS,LCM,M,U. LCM U * MCM. * * * GrOpp. Ad. Rom. Jungste Grauw. MCM U. * * * * Hoerde. Piesberg. Hanover. Mons, &c. Zellerfeld. Kammersberg (llsenburg). Liege, &c. Radnitz. Clausthal. Sternb. LLS MCM U. * * Ad. Rom. LLS * Sternb. UCM * * * limieformis, longibrachiatum, longifolium, Loreiri, Markii, marginatum, Mielikii, minutum, mosaicum, obovatum, gracile. var. A, Ad. Rom. L'. * Morris. LCM. Brngn. MCM., U Rothbury. CoalbrookDale. Radnitz. # Roehl. CM. * Presl. MCM. Gbpp. Sauveur. MCM.? .. * * UCM. .. Liege, Mons, &c. Desert of Sinai. Salter. CM Sternb. LCM., M„ U. ... * * * Fossil. Atherley. Borowick Gov. V * obtusum, Olivieri, oocephalum, ophiurus, Osnaburgense, Pagenstecheri, patens, patulum, plumarium, polypbyllum, posthumum, pulchellum, quadratum, Rhodianum, Sagenaria. rhorubicum, Sauveur. UCM Mons. Eichw. MCM Valino (Gov. Toula). Lindl. UCM Brngn. Ad. Rom. UCM * Newcastle. Mons. Liege. Piesberg, near Osnaburg. „ Osnaburg. Edinburgh. UCM * UCM Brngn. Bunbury. Lindl CM * LCM. M. LCM J arrow. Ad. Rom MCM. ... ? Wiess. MCM.? * Lebach (Saarbruck). (Permian ?) Alais. Mons. Liege. Saarbruck. Plass. Brngn. Presl. UCM Sternb. LCM. . Yorksh. Valenciennes. Waldenburg. Saarbruck. Plass. [trowsk.j VVardie. Mons, &c. Radnitz. Pe-| Essen and Mulheim (River Ruhr). \ Grund. Presl. MCM * rimosum, var. costatum. Sternb. Roehl. LLS., LCM. ... * ■* * # # # * * * Rdmerianum, Gbpp. Brngn. Sternb. LLS., LCM. ... # Sagen. Vole km. rugosum, UCM Mons. Liege. Felling, Etherley, Schatzlar, Ac. Paulton (Somerset). selaginoides, Serlii, seiangulare, squamosum, tetragonum. Steinbeckii, LLS., LCM., M. UCM. .. # Presl. Gbpp. MCM. .. * L' Falkenburg (Glatz Co.). Brngn. Geinitz. MCM * Sternbergii, Suckovianum, LLS..L', M.Grit, LCM.. M„ U. * * Campsie. Ardwick. Mons. Swina. Massen Mines, near Unna. f Synonyms of Korria injrrica'a. Lepidophloios.1 160 [ Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. i Genus, Species, and Author. 1 Horizon. | ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. IOWA. MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. | KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. j NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. ZJ ■f. 55 si =2 55 Locality. Lepidophloios, Brongniart, 1S2 8. Acadianus, Dawson. M. Grit, MCM... loggias. 8almon River. 1 auriculatus, Lesq . MOM St. John's. ^ crassicaulis. Brngn. LC'M * Cuyahoga Falls. irregularis, Lesq. LCM Male’s Bank ( below Millstone Grit). laricinus, Sternb. LCM * FrogBuvou. St.John's. CuyahogaF. lepidophyl!®foli ts, G Id n brc Colchester. Duquoin. LCM. .. Rushville (Perry Co.). Mathewsi. Dawson. 9 ? obcordatus, LCM Duquoin and Colchester. parvus. MCM Joggins. Sydney. prominulus. MCM platystigma, MCM Sydney. protuberans, Lesq. LCM * Morris Town. Richardsoni, Dawson. North America. rugosus. Lesq. LCM Union Mines (Crittenden Co.). tetragonus, Dawson. MCM Joggins. tumidus. B unbury. MCM.? No locale given. snec. indet.. Bailev & Matth. * Jamseg. and Central New Brunsw. Lepidcphyllum, Brongniart , 18 28. acuminatum, Lesq. CM John’s Town. affine, LCM New Philadelphia. Wilkesbarre. | auriculatum, MCM Morgan Town. St. John’s. LCM 9 Frog Bayou. Wilkesbarre. hastatum, UCM. ? ... Greensburg. intermedium. Lindl. & Hutt. MCM Svdnev. lan ceo latum t, ucm: Lee Creek. Oarbondale. Joggins. majus, Brngn. LCM.. M * 9 * Male’s Coal Bank. obtusum, Lesq. LCM.. M„ U ... * Not known. plicatum, LCM ... * Wilkesbarre. trinerve ?t, Lindl. A Hutt. UCM y Joggins. snee. indet.. UCM Pictou. Lepidostrobus, Brongniart , 182 8. A Cone. brachyphyllum, Brngn. hastifolius, Lesq. LCM * Mazon Creek. Greensburg. i lancifolius, LCM Duquoin (concretions). longifolius, Dawson. MCM . Joggins. inacrolepis. Newberry. LCM Cuyahoga Falls. oblongiformis, Lesq. LCM Mazon Creek. Morris Town. obtusus, LCM.? Massilon. ornatissimus, Brngn. LCM At Stenson. ornatus, Lindl. A Hutt. UCM * Locality not given. ovatifolius, Lesq. LCM .. Mazon Creek. Grundv Co. princeps. LCM Duquoin. Mazon Creek. rofundatus. Dawson. squamosus, MCM Grand Lake. Ae. tngouolepis, Bunburv. MCM * Joggins. Sydney. variabilis, Lindl. A Hutt. LCM., M * Pictou. spec, indet , ” Dawson. MCM. LCM * Horton. t A strobile of I.epidophtoios. Lepidodenbron ( continued ).'] 161 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. SCOTLAND. 1 ENGLAND. 1 BELGIUM. | FRANCE. < 00 ej Ch 33 S w S [ WESTPHALIA. SILESIA. n: MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. 1 SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. 1 ALTAI. Locality. tenerrimum, Eichw LLS., LCM. ... if if Government of Toula, &c. Glasgow. Anglesea. Mons. Bochum. Piesberg. Radnitz. Slateford. Bergeria. transversum, Brngn. Underwoodi, „ undulatum, Sternb. variabile, Lindl. vasculare. Biuney. UCM * LCM., U * LCM. U. . * if if LLS., LCM. . LCM if LLS., LCM. Mr if M if Magdeburg. Grund. Leobschut. Newcastle. Altendorf. var. (Knorria imbricata). spec, indet., Salter. Griiner. LCM., M * if if CL. ..’ # if Lepidophloios, Sternberg, 1823. acuminatus, Weiss, crassicaulis, Corda. intermedius, Gldnbrg. laricinus, Sternb. lepidophylhefolius, Gldnbrg. macrolepidotus, „ obovatus, ,, principalis, „ j Wunschiana?, Carruth. Lepidophyllum, Brongniart, 18 binerve, Ettingsh. dubium, Brngn. Glossopteris. horridum, Feistmntl. intermedium, Lindl. & Hutt. lanceolatum, „ lineare, Brngn. majus, ,, trinerve, Unger. Veltheimianum, Geinitz. Lepidostrobus, Brongniart, 182 ambiguus, Binney. Bailyanus, Schimp. Brongniarti, Gbpp. Brownii, Schimp. Collumbianus, ,, comosus, Bindley, &c. Dabadianus, Schimp. dubius, Binney. fastigiatus, Gbpp. Faudelii, Schimp. Geinitzii, „ giganteus, Gbpp. Goldenbergii, Schimp. Hibbertianus, Binney. Hookeri, Schimp. | hcvidensis, Binney. Lgcopodites. lanceolatum, Brngn. latus, Binney. lopidophyllaceus, Gutbier. ornatus, Brngn. parvulus, Schimp. pinaster, Lindl. & Hutt. radians, Schimp. Russellian us, Binney. Lomatophlo MCM., U. io S, c or da ? if - LCM.. M. . if if Saarbruck. Chornle. MCM LCM., U if if if if „ Alsace. Offenburg. Rad- „ [nitz. „ Duttweiler. Hirchbach. LCM.! M if if LCM., M if LCM. ? if ? Laggan Bay (Isle Arran). Swina. 28. MCM , U. . if • Newcastle. Pilsen. Lubna. LLS., LCM U.. If Wardie. Burdie House. Shropsh.i Sliotts, Montrelais, &c. Alais. LLS , LCM. U.. * if ? if MCM. if UCM. .. Camerton (Bath). Prilep Basin. Etherley. Montrelais. Bethelsdorf. Sudetie Mountains. LCM., U. if LCM. if 8. LLS., LCM Laggan Bay (Arran). Trap-ash. j Kiltorkan. Fruit of Sigilt. dicliot .) In Sphaerosiderite. [(Carr.).! Locale unknown. LLS CM. CM LLS. if Upper Vosges. Valley of Thann. Carluke. Burdie House. LLS., LCM., M. CM. .. if Upper Garonne. (Drift.) Airdrie. (Black band.) Waldenburg. Upper Vosges. Valley of Thann. passim. Branau. (Permian.) Saarbruck. Pilsen. LCM. or MCM.. MCM.? LSS if * if * CM MCM LCM Burdie House. Ferrug. nodules. LCM.? Wolverhampton. Airdrie (in black band). Locality unknown. Laggan Bay (Arran Isle). Not stated. * if CM. # LLS., LCM., M. ? Barnsley, Wolverhampton, &c. Locale unknown. [bruck. Carluke, South Shields, &e. Osna- MCM ? * if CM. . In Spharosiderite-nodulo. Airdrie (in black band). LCM.?.. 2 T Lescuropteris.] 162 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Lescuropteris, Schimper, 1869. Moorii, Lesq. Lonchopteris, Brongniart , 1828. tenuis, Dawson. UCM. MCM. annulariaefolius, Lesq. asterophyllitaefolius, „ cavifolius, crassus, Sternb. grandis, Meekii, Lesq. plumula, Dawson. Stichlerianus, Gopp. legalopteris, Dawson. Hartii, Andrews. lata, >> minima, ovata, Branches and 1 LCM LCM LCM LCM LCM LCM LLS LCM Megaphy turn, -Lfe, 1820. Stem Allani, diseretum, humile, Maclayi, magnificum, protuberans, Brngn. Newberry. Daws. Lesq. Daws. Lesq. Horizon. LCM. LCM. LCM. LCM. s of Ferns . — Les L'" LCM MCM LCM MCM L"' M Greensburg. Sydney. Locality. Mazon Creek (Coal No. 3). Coal 1 b. Mazon Creek. Top Shale of Conglomerate. Morris Town. Springville. Hawesville, Breckeuridge, &c. Rushville (Perry Co.). Carrol Mines (Pope Co.), Cuyahoga Falls. Sydney. St. John’s. Joggins. Kaskaskia. Lepidostrobus {continued).'] 163 [Carboniferous. EUEOPE, &c. Genua, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. 1 SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. 1 BELGIUM, FRANCE. RIIENISII PRUSSIA. 3 £ K K | SILESIA. N es < MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. si < s ALTAI. Locality. tenuis, Binney. variabilis (fruit of), Lindl.&Hutt. Wuenchianus, Binney. Leptoxylon, Corda, 1845. [ geminum, Corda. Lonchopteris, Brongniart, 1828. LCM * Black Band (Airdrie). Burdie. Yarrow. Osnaburg. Pilsen. Isle of Arran. (Trap-ash.) Swina. Chomle. LLS., LCM.?... * * * * LCM * LCM * Woodwardi MCM te s, G dp P- Zwickau. Baurii, Andrea. LCM * Brngn. Sauveur. LCM., M * elegans, elongata, Eschweilerian ua, neuropteroides, pectinata, UCM * Charleroi. Mons. UCM Andrea. LCM * Gopp. Sauveur. MCM.? * UCM * Mons, &c. Bewdley (Gloucestershire). Morris. ? Eoehlii, rugosa, subacuta, Lycnophorites, Andrea. LCM * Brngn. Sauveur. LCM., U * Mons. Anzim. Stradonitz. ,, Aachen, &c. Bother ham. LLS., UCM. ... * Artis, 1822. Artis. ? * Lycopodites, Brongniart , 1822. affinis. Brnim. Branches and 1 MCM ea ve s. * Wettin. Bronnii, carbonaceum, Sternb. L", MCM. ? * X Lougan (Govt. Eeaterinbourg). Schatzlar. Fstmntl. * Sternb. LCM * Durham. Yarrow. Aplerbeck. Saarbruck. denticulatua, Eichwaldi, elongatus, falciformis, Gutbieri, imbricatus, Lepidodendron leptostachys, macrophyllum, pennasforme, pennatum, phlegmaroides, piniforme, Walschia. plumarius, primsevus, selaginoidea, taxinus, tenuifolium, spec, indet., Gldnbrg. Schloth. MCM * MCM.? Lougan (Govt. Eeaterinbourg). Saarbruck. Gldnbrg. MCM * Heer. CM (Coal Schist) Clougliton (Yorksh.). Oberhokndorf. Gopp. Sternb. CM UCM Mons, Montrelais, &c. Saarbruck. Gldnbrg. MCM * MCM * * Gopp. Bronn. LLS Altwasser. Bousquet (Languedoc). Waldenburg. Wettin, &c. Eiver Don. Eeaterinbourg. Saarbruck. Brngn. MCM.? * MCM.? * Lindl. & Hutt. MCM x Gldnbrg. Sternb. MCM * * MCM. ? X X * Waldenburg, Mercklin Basin. Eako- nitz, &c. Saarbruck ? Gldnbrg. MCM. .. LLS. . Montrelais, &c. Etherley. Sardinia. Kirkby & Duff. Meninehini. LCM. CM. Lyginodendron, 1843, Gourlai ? Landsburghii, Gourlai. Macrostachya, Schimper, 1874? | infundibuliformis, Schimper. Megaphytum, Artis, 1826. U1 i Cordai. Fstmntl. LCM Shotts. Stevenston (Ayrshire). Yorksh., Lalaye( Vosges), Saarbruck.; [Eadnitz, &c. Zebrak Basin. LCM. M. * * * odendron. ? .. * i ? dubium, j foveolatum, Gopp. Eicliw. Jiingste Grauw. LLS., MCM * Landschut. * Petrowskaja (Kharkoff). Saarbruck. Eakonitz. giganteum, Goldenbergii, gracile, Ilsae, ? Kuhianuin, Gldnbrg. Weiss. MCM. * X MCM. * X ,, Pilsen. Ad. Bom. Jiingste Grauw., MCM U X Lautenthal. # Ilsenburg. Dirshell. Lautenthal. Gopp. Fstmntl. X X macrocicatrisata, X Pilsen. Miroschau. majus, Pelikani, remotissiuium, Sternb. MCM * * * Saarbruck. Waldenburg. Pilsen Fstmntl. Jiingste Grauw. X Pilsen. Miroscliau Basin. Gopp. Fstmntl. * Berndau. simplex, t.ranezoideum. M ft * Mokradorf. X Pilsen. Zebrak Basin. Musocarpum, Brongniart , 1828. contract am. Brnem. LCM Oldham (Lancashire). Etherley (Durham). spec, indet., Kirkby & Duff. LCM. . Nephropteris.] 164 [Carboniferous, NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IT. z < < 1 KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < O | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. •OHIO KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. f Nephropteris. See Cyclopter is. Neriopteris, Newberry, 1873. LCM * Youngstown, &c. Neuropteris, Bronqniart, 1828. MCM * * Wilkesbarre. Sydney. Lesq. * LCM * Lindl. &’ H. MCM * Sydney. Brngn. MCM., U * * capitata, Lesq. LCM * Murphysboro’. Yellow Creek. Cistii §, Brngn. LCM * Wilkesbarre, Port Carbon, &c. i Clarksoni Lesq. LCM * Mazon Creek. Grundy Co. LCM * conjugata, Gdpp. MCM * Sydney. LCM * var. an cmsti folia. Bnnh. UCM * Sydney. crenulata, Daws., Brngn. LCM * Pottsville. Tamaqua. cvclopteroides, Daws. MCM * Sydney. decipiens, Lesq. LCM * Mazon Creek. Grundy Co. delicatula, LCM Port Carbon. Pottsville. dentata§, LCM., M Desori §, LCM.' U * Mazon Creek. Westwood. Evenii, LCM LCM Neely ville. Mazon Creek. flmbriata, LCM.+ Jenny Lind Prairie. Mazon Creek. fissa, MCM Gate vein. Pottsville. flexuosa, Brngn. LCM., M„ U.... * * * * * * Murphysboro’, Joggins, Sydney, &e. Lesq. LCM ffisrantea. Sternb. MCM., U Zanesville. Pictou. Sydney. Grangeri Brngn. UCM.' ,, Port Carbon. heterophylla, LCM * * * * * * Rock Island Co., Pictou, Sydney, &c. hirsuta §, Lesq. LCM., M., U.... * * * * * * * J enn yLindPrairie. Murphysboro’ . cor data. [Hawes ville. inflata, LCM * Mazon Creek. lancifera, Newberry. LCM * Cuyahoga Falls. Loshii, Brngn. LCM., M„ U. ... * * Pottsville. Salmon Creek. microphylla f, LCM Wilkesbarre. minor. Lesq. LCM., U Tamaqua. Moorii, UCM Greenburgh. pachyderms. LCM * Mazon Creek. i perelegans. Daws. MCM * Sydney. plicata, Sternb. 1 LCM * * Mazon Creek. Pottsville. rarinervisS?, Bunb. LCM * „ Mauchunk. Spring Hill. Roger9i§, Lesq. UCM Gate vein. Port Carbon. rotundifolius§, Brngn. UCM * Grawille. White Co. Scheuchzeri, Hoffman. LCM Wilkesbarre. smilacifolia, Sternb. LCM Sliamokin. Soretii, Brngn. MCM Sydney. speciosa, Lesq. UCM Gate vein. Port Carbon. tenuifolia§, Brngn. LCM * Lee Creek. Grayville. Colchester. tenuinervis, Lesq. MCM., U Gate vein. undans, UCM Middleport. Gate vein. verbenaefolia, LCM * Mazon Creek. vermicularis, LCM * * * „ J amesVFork of Poteau. vermiculata, LCM * * Villiersi, Brngn LCM Murphysboro*. Jackson Co. Voltzii, MCM spec, indet,, C. A. White MCM „ Bailey & Matthew UCM r * * Salmon Creek. * The LCM. of Arkansas are below millstone grit. § Species of the subgenus Euncuroptcris. Myelopithts.] 165 [Carboniferous. 1 EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. j IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. 1 WESTPHALIA. < os W J S3 N < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. 1 SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. < B ALTAI. Locality. Myelopithys, Corda, 1845. medullosa, Corda. MyriophyHites, Sternb., 1823. dubius, Sternb. gracils, Artis. Naia dites, Dawson, for Carbonife radiata, Salter. Nephropteris. SeeCyclopter Neuropteris, Brongniart , 1828. acurninata§, Schloth. acutifoha §, Brngn. adnata, Gopp. afBnis§, Gutbier. angustifolia, Brngn. angulata, Sternb. antecedens, Stur. appendiculata, Sauveur. attenuata, Lindl. & H. auriculata, Brngn. Bohemica, Ettingsh. Brongniarti, Sternb. Cistii, Brngn. conferta, „ conformis, Eichw. cordata§, Brngn. coriacea, Ettingsh. crenulata §, . Brngn. decurrens, Sternb. densifolia, Ad. Rom. Dickeburgensis, Sternb. distans, Brngn. Escheri, Heer. flexuosa §, Sternb. var. tenuifolia, Brngn. gigantea§, Sternb. Grangeri §, Brngn. heterophylla §, ,, ingens, Lindl. & H. Leberti, Heer. lithosmunda, Lindl. Loshii§, Brngn. macrophylla§, ,, microphylla, „ Martini, Sternb. mirabilis, Rost. ovata. obovata, Sternb. plicata, ,, Regina, Ad. Rom. repanda, Lindl. & H. rotundifolia, Brngn. | rubescens§, Sternb. Scheuchzeri, Hoff in. ; Soretii§, Brngn. 1 smilacifolia, Sternb. | Bquarrosa, Ettingsh. tenuifolia §, Sternb. thymeifolia, „ Yilliersi, Brngn. * ar Miilhausen. Essen (River Ruhr). Elsecar (Yorkshire). Felling. ( Liassic. — Morris. ) Felling. Schmalkalden. Dickeberg. Bath. Zalenza. Miroschau. Wettin. Lubejiin. Zwickau. Locale not stated. In hard red clay. Zwickau. Mons. Charleroi. Chomle. (Kirby and Duff). Etherley. Sudetic Mountains. Mons, &c. Etherley. St.Etienne. Waldenburg. Rakonitz. Radnitz. Saarbruck. River Ruhr. Ottendorf. Lougan. Govern. Ecaterinoslau. Bideford, Alais, &c. Lisek Basin. Saarbruck. Deux Ponts (Bavaria). Zorge. Elzebachtbal. Ibbenbiiren. Eschweiler. Savoy ? Mons, Horde, Radnitz, Ac. La Roche Macet, &c. &c. [&c. Airdrie, Etherley, Mons, Saarbruck,! Ibbenbiiren. [AltendorfJ Kilmaurs. Bideford. Liege. ZorgeJ Etherley. Yorkshire. Jarrow. D’Erbignon (Savoy). Landscliut. [chum. Chomle.| CampbellTown. Etherley.Mons. Bo- Savoy. Liege. Waldenburg. Waldenburg. Chesterfield. Alfreton. Zorge. Ibbenbiiren. Elzebachtbal. Miroschau. Wranowitz. Aplerbeck. Miroschau. Zorge. Jarrow (Morris). Du Plessis ( Dept.Caloados). Essen. Radnitz. Plass. Mons, Charleroi, Osnabruck, Ac. Bechera. Roo lcm ts of c X * di al a mi tes x — c r. M S. LCM rous fossils (see MCM A ca an G eo i.) is. LCM., MCM., U. * * * * ? * mcm!, U * * X X * LCM. M. U. * MCM. X UCM * * * * X LCM lls X UCM. .. * UCM * * * * * * * X X LCM. M., U. . MCM * M. Grit, LCM... * LLS. . * MCM * M.G.,LCM,M,U CM -* * * * * X X LCM., M., U. ... * * CM. UCM * ? MCM * * LCM * * * M.G.,LOM,M,U MCM LLS, LCM, M,U. MCM * * * * * * * *- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * X X * * * * LLS, LCM, M,U. LCM., M., U.... * * * * * * * * LLS [&c. * * * * LLS,M.G, LCM, MCM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LCM., U LCM UCM * * * MCM.? * * * UCM * LCM * * MCM * * LCM.? * UCM V * X * * * LCM., M„ U.... * * Etherley. Tarentaise (Savoy). Felling. Schmalkalden. Dickeburg. [Ac. Montrclais, Charleroi, Horde, Lisek,! Felling Colliery. Mines of Alais. MCM * CM M. Grit, LCM. ,U. MCM. Ac * * * * * * * * * * * LCM X Species marked § belong to the subgenus Euneuropteris, Scbimper, Pal. Veget. almost wholly in New Red Sandstone. p. 432. The subgenus Neuropteridium is 2 u NfEGGERATHIA.] 166 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 1 ARKANSAS. 1 KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. 1 IOWA. MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Noeggerathia, Sternberg, 1821. Beinartiana, Gopp Cyclopteris. dispar, Daws flabellata, Lindl. & H minor, Lesq microphylla, Newb obovata, Carrutb. obtusa, Lesq. Odontopteris, Brongniart, 1828. aequalis, Lesq. alata, „ alpina, Presl. antiqua, Daws. Brardii, Brngn. crenulata, „ delicatula, Lesq. dubia, ,, gracillima, Newb. heterophylla, Lesq. intermedia, „ Neuropteroides, Newb. Schlotheimii, Brngn. squamosa, Lesq. subeuneata, Bunb. Wortbeni, Lesq. new spec., D. D. Owen? Oligocarpus, Goppert , 1841. Gutbieri, Gopp. Pachyphyllum, Lesquereux ? S affine, Lesq. fimbriatum, „ hirsutum ?, „ Rhacophyllum. laceratum, ,, lactuca, „ Schizopteris, Sternb. robusta, Newberry. Palaeopteris, Geinitz. A tree f acadica, Daws. Harttii, „ Palseoxylon. spec, indet., Cox. Cuyahoga Falls. Sydney. ?” Cuyahoga Falls. Mazon Creek. Tremont (red ash). Schuylkill (Anthracite). Hope. Mount Hope. Mauchunk. Tremont. New vein. Salem vein. Port Carbon. Locale unknown. Youngtown. Murphysboro’, & c. Jenny Lind Prairie. [town. Cuyahoga Falls. MillCreek. Young- Mazon Creek. Pictou. Sydney. Shamokin. Pottsville. Mazon Creek. Sydney. „ (Coal No. 3). ? Mazon Creek. Salem vein Pottsville. MazonCreek. GrundyCo.Gate vein. John’s Town. Gate vein. New Philadelphia. Cuyahoga Falla. Pictou. Spring Hill. Grand Lake. MCM * MCM. ... * Kinderh * * * Kinderh. ... LCM * ' UCM * * MCM. ? . . * LCM. . * * * * * UCM.? CM CM LCM. .. * LCM. ... * * LCM * * LCM * LCM., M, U.... * * * LCM * LCM., M. . * * * LCM CM * LCM * chizopteris, UCM.? au ct. * * * * * UCM.? *? LCM * LCM LCM LCM * ern. UCM * MCM * MCM * Nceggerathia.] 167 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ] IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. 1 ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. [ WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. N < | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. [ SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. ALTAI. Locality. Noeggerathia, Sternberg, 1821. abscissa, Gopp. sequalis, „ Beinertiana, ,, LLS Kittle witz. Leobschutz. LLS., LCM. ... The Salair Mountains (yellow clay).! Ilfeld. Piesberg. Lisek Basin. Piesberg. Zorge. Werden, on River Ruhr. Salair Mountains (yellow clay). UCM * * * * UCM * * * dichotoma, „ distans, „ Duckeriana, Roehl ? flabellata, Hindi. & H. foliosa, Stemb. intermedia, Fstmntl. obliqua, Gopp. ovata, ,, palmaeformis, ,, Ruckeriana, „ speeiosa, Ettingsh. sulcata, Ad. Rom. spec, indet., ,, Noeggerathia — Strobus, Feistm Bohemicus, 0. Fstmntl. Odontopteris, Brogn. 1828. (Le appendiculata, Sauveur. bifurcata, Stemb. Brardii, Brngn. Britannica, Sternb. Coemansii, Andraea. connata, Ad. Rom. crenulata, Bmgn. Hercynica, Ad. Rom. lingulata, Schimp. minor, Bmgn. Munsteri, Eichw. Dictyopteris. neuropteroides, Ad. Rom. oblata, Brngn. obliqua, „ oblongifolia, Ad. Rom. obtusa, Bmgn. obtusiloba, Swan & Naumann. Reichiana, Gutb. Schlotheimii, Brngn. Schutzii, Ferd. Rom. Sternbergii, Steinb. Stichleriana, Gopp. Winteriana, Weiss. Oligocarpus, Goppert, 1841. Gutbierii, Gopp. Otopteris, Lindley Sp H. 1833. ? dubia, Lindl. & H. Pachyphyllum. See Schizop LLS * LSS., LCM. ... MCM * LCM., M.,U. ... * * * Etherley. Yarrow. Piesberg. Beraun (schist). Rakonitz. CM . * LCM * L', LCM * Falkenberg (Glatz). Radnitz. LLS LLS., LCM. ... * * * * * Langeac, Piesberg, Mohradorf. &c. LSS.,’ LCM. ... * * * MCM. ? * MCM * * Piesberg. Osnaburg. Zorge. ? * ... ante!, 1874. LCM * Rakonitz. Radnitz. aves without mid UCM ri bs ■) * Mons. Charleroi. CM * Lubna, near Rakowitz. St. Etienne. Mons. Liege. LCM., U * * CM * * * MCM * Saarbruck. UCM ! ... * Piesberg. Osnaburg. Terrasson. Saarbruck. MCM * * MCM.? * Ilfeld. Zorge. Kilbrides. Gleben. Wettin. LCM * * * LCM.. M. ? * St. Etienne. Le Lardin. MCM * * Donitz. Lougan. Osnaburg. Piesberg. River Don. UCM MCM * * MCM * Sulback. MCM.? * Piesberg by Osnaburg. Coalbrook Dale. Terrasson. MCM * * * LLS * Camen. Pilsen. Rakonitz. LCM * * * * Zwickau. MCM., U * * * * * * Stafford, Bousquet, Mannebach, &c. Rakonitz. Zorge. Elzebachthal. Borschweiler. UCM * MCM * MCM.? * Schwalback. UCM * * Saarbruck. MCM.? * Zwickau (in white schist). Knowlsbury. CM * teris, Brngn. 1 83 0 . Palaeopteris, Geinitz. Tree fern. Bockschii, Gopp. insequilateralis, Ettingsh. Reussii, Schimp. Palaeospathe, Unger, 1845. Bud Sternbergii, Unger. Palmacites, Sternb. 1838. Noe astrocariiformis, Stemb. carbon igerus, Corda. caryotoides, Stemb. crassinervius, Sndbrgr. LLS 1 Hausdorf. Rothwaltersdorf. LCM. * Stradonitz. LCM * Rothwaltersdorf. -sheath of Palm. MCM.? * Swina. ggerathia. MCM * * Coalbrook Pale. Radnitz. LCM * Radnitz. UCM Swina (sand and shale). Baden. * Pecopteris.] 168 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. < £ O [ MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. 6 o | KENTUCKY. 1 TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. | | CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. 1 Locality. Pecopteris, Brongniart, 1828. abbreviata, Brngn. acuta, „ ] sequalis, ,, arborescens, ,, arguta, Sternb. aspera, \ Bucklandii, Brngn. ( a ) callosa, Lesq. (C) Cistii, Brngn. (C) concinna, Lesq. cyathaea, Brngn. decurrens, Lesq. alata. discrepans, Dawson. (C)distans, Lesq. dubia, ,, [ elliptica, Bunbury. gigantea, Gopp. Hallii, Lesq. heterophylla, Brngn. j incompleta, Lesq. inflata, Newberry, latirbacbis, ,, lepidorbachis, Brngn. Lesqueropteris, Scbimp. loncbitica, Brngn. longifolia, „ Diplazites. (a) Losbii, ,, Miltoni, ,, Moorei, Scbimp. Lescuriopteris. Murryana, Brngn. nervosa, „ Nesleriana, Lesq. Newberryi, ,, (C) notata, „ oreopteroides, Brngn. ovata, „ l parvifolia, Newberry. pennaefbrmis, Brngn. 1 Perleyi, Hartt. j Plucknettii, Brngn. 1 plumosa, „ j polymorpha, , , preciosa, Hartt. 1 pteroides, Brngn. (a) pusilla, Lesq. rigida, Dawson. Serlii, Brngn. (A) serrula, Lesq. Alethopteris. ! Sheaferii, „ 1 Sillimani, Brngn. 1 squamosa, Lesq. i Strongii, „ j tasniopteroides, Bunbury. | (C) velutina, Lesq. vestita?, ,, villosa, Brngn. unita? (2 varieties), „ spec, indet., C. A. White. Aspidites, Gop LCM., M.,U. ... P- A le th o P te ri S, St er ¥ nb * * * * ¥ ¥ c * yatheites, Gopp. Trevorton. Pictou. Salmon River. Dunquoin. St. John’s. „ Sydney? [nigash.! Warren. Pottsville. Pictou. Mirni- Pomeroy. Pottsville. Morris Town. Sydney. Murphysboro’. Mazon Creek. Wilkesbarre. Gate vein. Pottsville. „ Sydney. a a Muddy Creek. Pottsville. ,, „ Gate vein. Zanesville. Mazon Creek. Grundy Co. Pottsville. Cuyahoga Falls. Mazon Creek. Union Mines. Crittenden Co. Sydney (Bunbury). Salem vein. Archibald. Hopkins Co. Greensburg. Mazon Creek (oolitic in Europe). Sydney. Mazon Creek. Morris Town. Port Carbon. Pottsville. Mazon Creek, Gate vein, &c. New vein (Tremont). Cuyahoga Falls. Trevorton. Mazon Creek (in Sphierosiderite). ,, Cuyahoga Falls. Grayville, Pottsville, &c. Sydney. St. John’s. Mazon Creek. Sydney. Salem vein. Pottsville. Pictou. Wilkesbarre. Gate vein. Pottsville. M c Kean Co. Zanesville. Sydney. Mazon Creek. Colchester. „ MorrisTown schist. Sydney. John’s Town. Pictou.' ,, S. Salem vein. Pottsville, &c. MCM., U * * * MOM LCM., M., U. ... * * * * * * * * UCM LCM * MCM ¥ LCM * * LCM * * * * UCM.? MCM., U.? *? ¥ ¥ MCM LCM. ?, U * UCM LCM., U * * * LCM * MCM * UCM.? * LCM * * LCM LCM * *? CM * MCM * * * MCM * * UCM * * MCM ¥ * LCM * MCM., U * * * * LCM., M„ U.... * * * UCM LCM * LCM * LLS * LCM * * * LCM., U * * * * LCM., M., U. ... ... ... ¥ * LLS.? ....' ... LCM., M * LCM., M„ U.... * * * * * ... UCM * LCM LCM MCM * ¥ LCM ¥ * LCM MCM * * * LCM * * MCM * UCM * * MCM.? ¥ Pecopteris.] 169 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q < w d 55 < p E- O o 03 Q 2 •J O 55 « £ 2 5 H O 55 < X ◄ ■f! 03 Li X Ch CO 55 W x < < f w < CO w x 03 S3 X •< < X © < s © PQ >> 55 O X < a 3 Pm O X D W < 03 03 © X X X P ◄ E-i hP -5 Locality. Pecopteris, Brongniart, 1828. Aspidites, Gop M.Gt.,LCM., M. MOM [U. p- c * y at 5f h ei te s, * G op P- A le thopteris, Sternb. Kilmaurs.Coalbrook Dale, Anzin, &c. (a) acuta, (C) adiantoides, Line aequalis, affinis, (A) alethopteroides, MCM. U . \. * * Bathgate. Coalbrook Dale. Brngn. LCM. * * CM * Ettingsh. UCM * Swina. UCM * Mons. Liege. Mosstitz. angustifida, angustissima, arborescens, platyrhachis. (a) arguta, aspedioides, (a) aspera, (> ui D SC w a w m Oi w z z w Eh «ti sc ◄ -J Sh tfi sc sc W t- H o o GO < > o Sc sc o Eh w cs M H Ch O W o c n Z u 32 tt W z Locality. Sigillaria, Brongn. 1 828. Syr in godendron, St LCM er nb Cuyahoga Falls. Trevorton. Lindl. & H. LCM * alveolaris (ia), Brngn. LCM., M * Shamokin. Lehigh Summit. In Coal A. 1 , Kentucky. Pottsville. Coshocton. Cuyahoga Falls. Main Sewannee vein. New Philad- delphia. Sydney. Lehigh Summit. Joggins. „ Sydney. (Coal 1, Kentucky). Trevorton. Cuyahoga Falls. Lesq. Newb. ? LCM.j U * LCM. Brardii, Brngn. Daws. UCM ? * * mcm Favularia. Brochanti, Brownii, catenoides, catenulata, centralis, corrugata, cymatoides, Defrancii, dentata, dilatata, Brngn. Daws. LCM * MCM MCM. LCM * Newb. LCM * Lesq. H. T.Wood. M Grit, LCM ? * Brngn. Newb. ? LCM * Massilon. Muddy Creek. Cuyahoga Falls. Pottsville LCM * Lesq. LCM.? * M. Grit, LCM... * Lehigh Summit. Joggins, &c. Trevorton. Dournasii, Brngn. Lesq. Brngn. MCM LCM * elegans, Favularia. elongata, MCM., U Cuyahoga. NewPhilad. Carbondale. River Lehigh Summit. Sydney. Muddy Creek. New Philadelphia. Sydney. Cuyahoga Falls. Carmi (White Co.). Sydney. Sydney. New Philadelphia. Lehigh Summit. Pottsville. LCM., M * Daws. MCM * fissa, flexuosa, grandis, Lesq. Lindl. & H. LCM, U * MCM Newb. LCM Brngn. MCM Knorrii, MCM Rhytidolepis. lepidodendrifolia, Lescuroei, Schimp. Brngn. Daws. UCM * LCM.? * levigata, Lorwayana, Marineria, Menardii, MCM., U * * Gatevein. NewPhilad. Sydney, &c. Sydney. Poland (Amer.). Cuyahoga Falls. Colchester. Muddy Creek. Cuyahoga Falls. Colchester. MCM Hildreth. LCM Brngn. Newberry. Lesq. Lindl. & Hutt. MCM, U * * * Clathraria. minuta, LCM 1 monostigma, Murchisonii, LCM CM (Sir C. Lyell.) Pottsville (Coal-seam 4). Trevorton. obliqua, obovata, Brngn. Lesq. Brngn. Lindl. & Hutt. LCM LCM oculata, LCM * organum, pachyderma, Rhytidolepis. planicosta, polita, pulchra, reniformis, MCM Sydney. MCM * Dawson. MCM * Lesq. Newberry. Brngn. D. D. Owen. LCM Carbondale. LCM 1 Young’s Town. Gatevein, Pottsville, &c. (common). Male’s Coal Bank. MCM, U reticulata, LCM. (below M Grit). LCM rhomboidea, Brngn. Wilkesbarre. rugosa, Saullii, LCM MCM Joggins. Sydney. (Sir C. Lyell.) j 1 Muddy Creek. Joggins. Duquoin. New Philadelphia. Muddy Creek. Trevorton. Rhytidolepis. Schimperi, Scblotheimiana, Lesq. Dawson, Lyell. Dawson. CM MCM sculpta, scutellata. UCM * ... ... Brngn. MCM, U ... Rhytidolepis. Selenopteris.] 177 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. P Z p z < P 2 s g < c ■si fa fa < fa < J, < [A, EUROP. Locality. fa w <5 tn fa G S". fa fa fa « 5 fa fa fa H S1 fa ■jj K fa si N fa < O fa o fa G X < c 0 cc SI fa fa < fa < EH < .1 Selenopteris, Corda , 1845. involute,. Corda. LCM Radnitz (in Spheer osiderite). Radnicensis, Senftenbergia, LCM. Corda, 1845. ” Corda. CM Nachod. Sigillaiia, Brongn. 1828. Syrin fpnnabilis. (xldnbrP’. godendron, St MCM er nb Saar br uck. aftinis, alternans, alveolaris, angusta, angustata, antiqua, approximata, Arzinensis, aspera, Baeumleri, Boblayi, Brardii, Clathraria. Brochanti, Konig. Lindl. & H. UCM If Newcastle. LCM., M., U. ... * * If * Etberlej, Mods, Aplerbeck, &c. Saarbruck. Treves. Radnitz. Brngn. Roebl. MCM., U. CM. ...' If If Dortmund. Sauveur. UCM * Mons, &c. ,, Liege, &c. ? UCM * Corda. MCM., U * CM * Arzin Coal-Mines. Gldnbrg. Roebl. MCM Saarbruck. Dortmund. Essen on Ruhr. Brngn. LCM * * Anzin. Aplerbeck. Terrascon, Saarbruck, &c. Liege. Escbweiler. Piesberg. Niederwurschnitz. Saarbruck. MCM * * If MCM., U * Brongniarti, canaliculata, Candollei, carinata, Gein. MCM Brngn. MCM LCM If If If Alais. Rakonitz. Pilsen. Ad. Rom. UCM Ilfeld. Poppenberge. Jarrow. Lisek Basin. catenulata, coarctata, Lindl. & H. LCM., U * y. Gldnbrg. Sauveur. MCM Saarbruck. contigua, contracta, UCM Charleroi, &c. Merthyr Tydvil. Saarbruck. Dotmund. Riv. Ruhr. Brngn. LCM * Cortei, Sauveur. MCM If cristata, UCM Mons, &c. Lautentbal. Trogthales. St. Etienne. Culmiana, Ad. Rom. LLS cuspidata, cyclostigma, Davreuxi, Brngn. LCM MCM * If If * Dortmund, Essen on Ruhr, Miro- UCM schau, &c. Liege, &c. Essen on River Ruhr ? [brack.* MmesSt.AiLibrose(Dep.Gard). Saar- Saarbruck. Bochum. Altendorf, Decheni, Roebl. MCM. ? Defrancii, Brngn. »» Haugbton. Corda. MCM Deutchiana, MCM., U dichotoma, LLS. (O.R.S.) ... LCM If Kiltorkant. Pilton. Baggy. Marwood. VVerden on Ruhr, Radnitz, &c. diploderma, distans, Sauveur, Gein. UCM Mons, &c. Camen. Liege. Anzin. Radnitz. Wishow. Autun. Bochum. Radnitz. | Dournasii, Brngn. MCM., U elegans, elliptica, yar. oyata, LCM., M„ U.... LCM * " * If Fresnes, Saarbruck, &c. MCM If Kamenskaya. Valenciennes. yar. (a), elongata, Feistmanteli, LCM ... MCM , U If * If Somersetshire. Liege. VVerden. Piesberg. Radnitz. Pilsen. Etherley, Killingwortli, &c. Bochum. VVerden. Gein. MCM * flexuosa, Lindl. & II. LCM., M folia, Roebl. MCM * * Geinitzii, Schimp. Sauveur. LCM ... Zwickau, &c. gigantea, Goldenbergii, gracilis, Graiseri, UCM Mons. Liege. Aplerbach. Bochum. Eschweiler (Aix le Chapelle). Saarbruck. Eschweiler. Roelil. MCM * Brngn. Sauveur. MCM MCM grandis, Qrisebachii, UCM Charleroi, Mons, &c. Ad. Rom. UCM. ? * Piesberg, near Osnabruck. hexagona, bippocrepis, icbthyolepis, intermedia, Fournet. UCM Bosquet (Languedoc). Liege. Mons. Brngn. Corda. UCM If LCM.? * Radnitz, &c. (in sandst.). Mons, &c. Bousquot, Essen, &e. 1 River Okka (Govern. Kalouga). Clee Ilill. Saarbruck. VVranowitz. Brngn. MCM., U If If If interrupta, Knorrii, Eichw. MCM Brngn. LCM., M UCM If If If bcvis, Sauveur. Mons, &c. Lalayana, Lanzii-Benign®, leioderma, Schimp. Ad. Rom. CM Vale of VillA Lower Rhine. UCM If Piesberg (Osnaburg). Newcastle. Brngn. Sauveur. UCM lenticularis, UCM L Mons, &c. t Kiltorkan = LLS according to Prof. Heer. Sigillaria (continued).'] 178 [CARBONIFEROUS. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Serlii. Sillimani, ( Asolanus .) squamosa, stellata, striata. Sydneyensis, (Asolanus.) tessellata, var. /3, Yardleyi, spec, nova, Brngn. Newberry Lesq Dawson. Brown. Brngn. Lesq. D. D. Owen. C. A. White. LCM. LCM. LCM. Horizon. MCM. MOM. LCM., M„ U. LCM LCM LCM MCM Trevorton, &c. Wilkesbarre. I Cuyahoga Falls. Carbondale, &e. Joggins. Sydney. Trevorton, Pictou, Sydney, &c. | Wilkesbarre. Big Vermillion River. Pottsville. j Male’s Coal Bank. James’s Fork. Locality. Sigillaria (continued).] 179 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 1 IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. W o k « RI1ENISII PRUSSIA. ( WESTPHALIA. 1 SILESIA. S3 K < | MORAVIA. 1 | BOHEMIA. \ SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. lepidodendrifolia levigata, Lindleyana, mammillaris, var. a, b Brngn. MCM * Treuil quarry. St. Etienne. Pilsen.j Newcastle. Liege. Jarrow. Radstock. Saarbruck. Mons. Fresnes. Bochum. Radnitz. Vieux-Conde (Valenciennes). mom. u. . * * Schimp. Brngn. MCM. LCM , U. * * ... * MCM. Menardi, microstigma, minima, minuta, minutissima, Morandi, muralis, Murchisoni, MCM Saarbruck ? 11 MCM * * Montrelais. Camen. Mons. Baden. Bogendorf. Liege, &c. Piesberg. Knowlesbury Coal-field. Wisbaw. Etherley. Altendorf. Ilfeld. River Okka. Auzin. Liege. Saarbr. Essen, on Saarbruck. [Ruhr. Mons, Liege, &c. Bochum. Gelsenkirchen. Etherley. Bochum. Rakonitz. Saarbruck. Glencoole. Etherley. Dortmund. Piesberg. Radnitz. Swina. Mons, Charleroi, &e. Saarbr. Eschweiler. Gelsenkirchen. UCM * Gopp. Sauveur. LLS ... UCM UCM * * Lindl. & Hutt. r.nivr m TPM. M. # * nodulosa, notata, obliqua, oblonga, ocellata, oculata, orbicularis, organum, ornata, ovata, pachyderma, peltata, peltigera, pes-capreob, Polleriana, Preuiana, pulchella, pyriformis, regmostigma, reniformis, rhomboidea, rbytidolepis, rimosa, LCM M * * * Brngn. LCM M . ... * * MCM UCM MCM * ... Lindl., Schloth. Brngn. &c. LCM., M.,U. ... MCM. * * LCM.. M„ U. ... UCM. . * Brngn. UCM. * Brngn. LLS., LCM., M., UCM. [U. Brngn. Gldnbrg. Brngn. LCM.. M. * Alais. Saarbruck. Rakonitz. Radnitz. Saarbruck, Bochum, &c. Ilfeld UCM * * MCM. * UCM. Sauveur, &c. Brngn. Gldnbrg. Brngn. UCM. * Mons. Piesberg. Saarbruck. Rakonitz. Garrana-cole, Aidree, Mons, &c. Frierbach. Rakonitz. MCM UC. . * * MCM. * LCM., M., U. ... MCM * * * * MCM. * Gldnbrg. Brngn. MCM. U. . % Charleroi. Saarbruck. Radnitz. Bochum. Witten on Ruhr. Petrowskaja (Govt. Ecaterinbourg). Airdrie, Oldham, Dortmund, &c. MCM. * Samarskii, Saullii, Sclilotheimiana, scu tel lata, MCM. ... Brngn. MCM U. * * MCM. * ? * * * MCM., U. .. * * * * Newcastle. Anzin. Saarbr. Camen. MCM „ b, MCM. Paulton (Somerset). Gersweiler. Mons, Charleroi, &c. Altenwald (Saarbruck), &c. sexangula, UCM. .. Brngn. LCM., M. , var. /3, I spinulosa, MCM . Germar. ... * Lobejiin (Lehbach). Saarbr. Bochum. Piesberg. Pilsen. Duttweiler. Rakonitz. UCM * * * * subrotunda, 1 subsuleata, sulcata. Brngn. Ad. Rom. MCM. . . * * * MCM. U. .. * Ilfeld. * Solesine’s Mines. Brngn. LCM., CM., U... MCM * * * * * * Airdrie, Etherley, Mons, Radnitz, &c Eschweiler (Baron P’erussac). var. a , * # :: l * ,, F, transversalis, * Saarbruck. MCM., U. "‘I Liege. Eschweiler (Aix leChap.). Rakonitz. Radnitz. trigona, undulata, Sternb. UCM.'? ... * Sauv. & Gopp. MCM.? . Liege. Duttweiler. Sulbach (Dortmund).' ^])aClough( Burnley). BullionSeam. Montrelais (Lower Loire). Mons, Liege, &c. Utscbneidcri, vascularis, MCM. * Binney. Brngn. Sauveur. LCM * MCM , U * Walchii, UCM. spec, indet., Baily. Salter. :::::: LLS Hill -end (Linlithgow). 1 SoLENITES.] 180 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Solenites, Lindley and Hutton , 18 species many (unnamed). Sphenophyllum, Brongniart, 1 bifurcatum, Lesq. brevifolium, Newberry, emarginatum, Brngn. erosum, Lindl. & Hutt. filicaule, Lesq. filiculmis. var.saxifragasfolium, C.&Kickx. laciniatum, Newberry, longifolium, Germ., Gutb. oblongifolium, Unger? Genus, Species, and Author. 33. UCM. 828. LCM LCM LCM., M., U. LCM UCM MCM LCM., m!, TL microphyllum, peltatum, Schlotheimii, trifoliatum, Dawson, Newberry. Brngn. Lesq. Sphenopteris, Brongniart, 1828, abbreviate, acuta, alata, Hymenophyllites. artemisitefolia, Canadensis, coneinna, coricea, crenata, ( d , ) decipiens, delicatula, dilatata, Dubissoni, flagellaris, ( g ) flexicaulis. foliosa, glandulosa, gracilis, Gravehorstii, Gutbieriana, Hoeninghauseni, hymenophylloides, inflata, intermedia, irregularis, Kirtlandiana, latifolia, latior, linearis, Lescurii, marginata, microloba, mixta, Horizon. LCM LCM LCM., M., U. MCM Lesq. Brngn. Daws. Newb. Lesq. Brngn. D. D. Owen. Brngn. Lesq. Newb. Lesq. Brngn Germ Brngn Lesq, Newb. Brngn. Daws. Lesq. Newb, Daws, Gutbier. Schimp LCM. MCM MCM., U. LCM LCM LCM. LCM, belowM.G LCM., U. ... LCM.? LCM LCM LCM MCM LCM (UpperDevon. ?) MCM., U. ... LCM.? LCM LCM LCM LCM MCM., U LCM MCM MCM MCM LCM Locality. Joggi: Male’s Coal Bank, Frog Bayou, &e. Cuyahoga Falls. Mazon Creek, Wilkesbarre, Sydney, Cuyahoga Falls. [&c. Gate vein. Bay of Chaleurs, &c. Locale unknown. Male’s Bank, Pictou, &c. Salem vein. ? St. John’s. Cuyahoga Falls. Jenny Lind Pr., Pottsville, Duquoiu, Pottsville. [Sydney, &c. Mazon Creek, Port Carbon, &c. Marietta. Salina. Colchester. Morris. Hazelgrun. Grand Lake. Bay of Chaleurs, Sydney, &c. Cuyahoga Falls. „ Salineville. Jenny LindPrairie. Sydney. Potts- Pottsville. [ville. Male’s Coal Bank. .. Coal No. 4. Port Carbon. . . Sharpe Mountain. Pottsville. .. Male’s, White River. ... Cuyahoga Falls. . . Shamokin. * Joggins. Grand Lake. . . Gate vein. Westwood. , . . Jame’s Fork of Poteau. . . AlsoSt. George’ sBay, Newfoundland. . . Joggins. Sydney. ... Duquoin. Perry Co. . .. Crittenden (Union Mines). West- . . . Colchester. [wood. ...! Poland Co. . .. Mazon Creek. Saline vein. * Pictou, Spring Hill, &c. . .. Etna vein. . . . Sydney. CuyahogaFalls. Mauehunk. ... Sydney. „ Grand Lake. . . . Colchester. SlGILLARIOSTROBTTS.] 181 [CARBONIFEROra. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. G < W es SCOTLAND. G < C z K -2 w e j FRANCE. < GO GO CO z - < J < H CO W SILESIA. | HARZ. MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. [ SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. Sigillariostrobus, Schimper, 187 Cordai, Feistmntl. Feistmanteli, ,, gravidus, ,, Sphenophyllum, Brongniart, 1 angustifolium, Germar. asplenoides, Sternb. Brongniartianum, Roehl. cuneifolia, Sternb dentatum,' Brngn. emarginatum, „ var. Brongniartianum, Caim & erosum,' Lindl. & Hutt. var. saxifragtefolium, Sternb. fimbriatum,' Brngn. 1 furcatum, Geinitz. genuinum,' Ettingsh. longifolium,’ Germar. majus, Brngn. ' marginatum, „ microphyllum, Sternb. multifidum, Sauveur. oblongifolium, Germar. Osnaburgense, Ad. Rom. emarginatum. ovale, Phillips, pusillum, Sauveur. quadriphyllum, „ rubescens, ? saxifragmfolium, 1 Sternb. Schlotheimii, Brngn. Thonii, Mahr. truncatum, Brngn. Sphenopteridium, Schimper, 18 dissectum, Gopp. Sphenopteris, Brongniart, 1828. (rf) acuta, Brngn. acutifolia, „ (/) acutiloba, Sternb. (d) adiantoides, Lindl. & Hutt. Adant. concinnus. affinis, Lindl. & Ilutt. crithmifolia. alata, Brngn. Andrseana, Roehl. anthrisci folia, Gopp. arteinisiaefolia, Sternb. asplenioides, Brngn. ( h ) attenuata, Lindl. & Hutt. Bteumleri, Andrea. (A) Beinertii, Gopp. Beyrichiana, „ (e) bidentata, Gutbier. (A) bifida, Lindl. & H. bifurcata, Bockingiana, Weiss. (a) botryoides, Sternb. Brongniarti, „ (c) Bronnii, Gutbier. caudata, Lindl. & H. chucrophvlloides, Brngn. coarctata, Roehl. conferta, Sternb. confertafolia, Gopp. (9. Cyclopte LLS., CM ri S, op P- * * [U. LLS., LCM., M„ LLS., LCM., M., U. LCM., M * * ... * * * * * * M. Grit, LCM., M„ U. LLS., IV, LCM.. MCM * * * * * * * MCM * LLS.(Cypr.Sch.) MCM * * * * MCM.? * * MCM * MCM * LLS., LCM. ... * * MCM LLS., CL., LCM., M„ U. MCM.? * * * MCM UCM * * MCM., U # # * LCM., M., IJ. ... * * LCM * MCM * MCM * * CL * LCM * LCM.. M * UCM * * ... * The species marked thus ' are. according to Ettingshausen, varieties of Sphenophyllum Schlofheiviii , Erngn. N.H. Tlie nine families of “ Sphenopteris” aro marked alphabetically, thus: — (a) Gymnogrammides, ( b ) Notoehbcnides, (e) Cheilanthides, (d) Aneimoides, (e) Dicksonioides, (/) Davallioides, (g) llymenophyllides, (A) Trichomanides, (») Aspedides (none, in the Coal formation). Schimper, Paleont. Veg. i. 371 Ac. 3 A Sphenopteris ( continued ) .] 182 [Carboniferous. NORTII AMERICA. Genua, Species, and Author. mtinda, obtusiloba, (c) paupercula, plicata, polita, polyphylla, rigida, scaberrima, Schlotheimii, simplex, squamosa, stipulate, subspinosa, tenella, tenuis, tridactylites, trifoliata, uncmnata, spec, indet.. Daws Brngn Lesq. Lindl. & H. Brngn. Lesq, Sternb. Newb. Lesq. Gutb. Newb. Brngn. Newberry. Brngn. Newberry. C. A. White. Horizon. MCM M.G., LCM. UCM. LCM. LCM. LCM. LCM. , U LCM., U. LCM. LCM. LCM. LCM. UCM. LCM. LCM. LCM. MCM. Locality. Sydney, Grand Lake, &c. FrogBayou. M ‘Kay’sHead, Cuyahoga St. John's (Perry Co.). [Falls. New Philadelphia, &c. Colchester. Morristown. South Salem vein, &c. Coal No. 3, Mazon Creek. Morris (Grundy Co.). Poland Co. South Salem vein. Not stated. Cuyahoga Falls. Port Carbon. Gate vein. Cuyahoga Falls. Union Mines (Cruttenden Co.). Mazon Creek (Grundy Co.). Cuyahoga Falls. Sphenopteris ( continued ).] 183 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 1 IRELAND. [ SCOTLAND. £ C Z K BELGIUM. H O 25 RHENISH PRUSSIA. \ WESTPHALIA. SILESIA. N es < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. ALTAI. Locality. crassa, Lindl. & II LSS., LCM. ... * Burdie House. Calder Walter. Adantides. (c) crenata, crenulata, ( e ) cristata, crithmifolia, (a) cuneata, cuneolata, (c) debilis, (d) decipiens, ( h ) delicatula, LCM * Stonehouse. Watstone. Etherley. MOM. .. * Brngn. Lindl. & H. MCM * * Bonchamp, Saarbruck, Bochum, &c. Bensham( Jarrow). Rotbwaltersdorf. Etherley. Enowlesbury. UCM * LCM.? LCM.? Stern b. UCM * Radnitz. Schatzlar. Lesq. ? * MC'M.. U * Liege. Mons. Saarbruck, Radnitz. CampbeUT.,Baillie'sT., Etherley, &c. Liege, Montrelais, Mount J ean, Pies- berg, &c. Mons, Waldenburg, Altendori', &c. Lindl. & H. LCM., M ... * ( h ) dissecta, Rhodea. (/) distans, divaricata, Brngn. LSS., UCM.? ... * * LLS., UCM. ... * * * * * Gopp. Culm * LLS., MCM. ... * * Montrelais. Berghaupten. Wardie, Mons, Waldenb., Saarb., &c. | Campsie. West Scotland. Escbweiler (Aix-le-Chapelle). (/) elegans, Brngn. ( rosa. Linrll.&H.fnonMorrisV LLS., LCM., M. * * * * * ... * * * * (c) Essinghii, (c) ? Ettingshauseni, excelsa, MCM Stur. * Lindl. & H. LCM., U * Stonehouse, CoatCastle, Etherley, &c. 1 Falkenhaini, fascicularis, flavicans, (/) flexuosa, folialata. Stur. LLS * Ad. Rom. UCM Osnaburg. Brzas. Sternb. * Gutbier. MCM * Zwickau. Stur. Culm * Sudetic Mountains. Footneri, formosa, fragilis, furcata, Geinitzii, Marrat . * Ravenshead. Gutbier. MCM * * * If * Dortmund, Hanover, Oberhohn-j Radnitz. [dorf, &c. Newcastle. Charleroi. Zwickau Brngn. Bronn. UCM If UCM * * If Gbpp. MCM * Gelsenkirchen, &c. Landschut. (ff) Gersdorfii, Rhodea. Goldenbergii, (h) Goppertii, (/) gracilis, grandifrons, ( g ) Grandini, Hymenophyll. ( c ) Gravenhorstii, (c) grypophylla, (*) _ „ Gutbieriana, LCM * Andrea. MCM Saarbruck. Ettingsh. Brngn. LLS * Altendorf. Kunzendorf. MCM., U Newcastle. Piesberg. Mons. Charleroi. Sauveur. UCM. . * Gopp. Brngn. Gbpp. MCM Saarbruck. UCM.? * * Anglesea, Waldenburg, Rhenish Ba-j Charlottenbrunn. [varia, &c.,' Elberfeld. MCM * LLS Gein. MCM * * Zwickau. Charlottenbrunn. (c) gyrophylla, (e) Haidingeri, Haueri, MCM * * * Bochum. Charlottenbrunn. Pilsen. Ettingsh. Stur. MCM * If Stradonitz. Culm ? * Sudetic Mountains. (a) Hibberti, coriacea, Marrat. (c) Hoeninghausii, var. major, ( g ) Humboldti, imbricata, Lindl. & II. CL Hamilton. Kirton (Bath Gate). Bullingarry, Baillie, Mons, WerdenJ [&c. Waldenburg. Aforino. Brngn LCM., M. Grit... * * # * Gbpp. UCM if LCM inciea, Sternb. (/) integra, (e) intermedia, (a) irregularis, Kaulfussii, Germ. MCM Elzebachthal. Zorge. Wettin. Stradonitz (shaly sandstone). Glengool, Newcastle, Saarbruck, Bo- St. Ingbert (Saarbr.). [chum, &c. Ettingsh. Sternb. UCM MCM Gopp. Sternb. MCM Kiowitzensis, Culm * Sudetic Mountains. (/) lanceolata, (d) latifolia, Laurentii, Gutbier. M.G., L'., MCM * Mohradorf, Svtina, Zwickau, &c. Brngn. Andrea. LCM., M., U.... MCM * * If * * * Bailliestown. Etherley. Saarbruck. Escbweiler. [Wittwc. Yarrow. * laxa, Sternb. LCM (/) linearis, (c) Linkii, (h) lyratifolia, (h) Maehaneckii, (d) macilenta, (c) megaphylla, LLS. L',LCM,U. MCM # Fermanagh. Edinburg Northumber- Clmrlotteiibrunn. [land. Swina. Saarbruck. Gbpp. &c. Gbpp. Ettingsh. Lindl. & If. MCM # LCM Altendorf. MCM.? Risca (Monmouthsh.), &c. Zwickau Piesberg. Ad. Rbm. UCM * I 1 I _ Spirangium.] 184 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Spirangium, Schimper, 1872. append iculatum, Lesq. Prendeli, , Spirophyton, Dawson, 1859. cauda- Galli, Newberry, crassum, Hall. Sporangites, Dawson, 1868. acuminata?, Dawson, glabra, „ papillata, ,, StaphyUopteris, Lesquereux, nee asteroides, Lesq, stellata, D. D. Owen. Wortheni, Lesq. Steffensia, Goppert, 1836. Davallioides, Goppert & Dana. Stemmatopteris, C'orda, 1846. Cistii, Corda. gigantea, Lesq. UCM. ? UCM.? LLS. LCM., M. MCM Presl. LCM LCM LCM “ Petioles et tige LCM LCM *? Locality. MazonCk.( Grundy Co.) | Permian ? ,, „ J — Schimp. Putnam-Hill Sandstone. Cuyahoga Falls (also Devonian). Horton Bluff. Joggins. Joggins. Morris Town. Hide's Coal Bank (under M. Grit). Mazon Creek. (Manual. 2nd ed.) Wilkesbarre. Carbondale. Sphenopteris ( continued ).] 185 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. I SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. D i-3 a « FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. 1 WESTPHALIA. I SILESIA. N CS < < > < es c 110IIEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. ALTAI. Locality. (c) meifolia, Sternb. (c) microloba, Gopp. (c) microphyllum, Gutb. (A) Moravica, Ettingsh. multiiida, Lindl. & H. murieata, Brngn. (c) Naumanni, Gutb. ? nervosa, Brngn. notha, Eichw. (a) nummularia, Gutb. obliqua, Marrat. obovata, Lindl. & H. LCM„ M * Waldenburg. Radnitz. MCM. ? ? * Niedercaindorf. Zwickau. Altendorf. LCM., M * Oldham. Ravenshead (Lancash.). Coalbrook Dale. Glengool, Bideford, Radnitz, &c. Lissitz, &c. (Permian?). Osnaburg. Katnenskaja-datscha (black clay). Saarbruck, Zwickau, &c. Ravenshead. * * * * M. Grit, LCM... MCM MCM ? L' * Newcastle. [Radnitz. Coalbrook Dale. Mons. Landschut. (d) obtusiloba, Brngn. (c) Pagenstecheri, Ad. Rom. (/) palmata, Scbimp. (g) patentissima, Ettingsh. (d) pentaphylla, Ad. Rom. (a) polyphylla, Lindl. & H. pluinula, Marrat. pulchra, Baily. pusilla, Ad. Rom. ( g ) quercifolia, Gopp. (/) refracta, „ (b) repanda, Lindl. & H. (a) rigida, Brngn. rotundifolia, M.G..LCM,M,U UCM * * * * * Piesberg. Saarbruck. MCM * LCM * Altendorf. UCM Osnaburg. Piesberg. Crossford (Knowlsbury), &c. Ravenshead. LCM., M * ? * LCM UCM Piesberg. CL * Falkenberg, co. Glatz, &c. Jarrow. MCM.? * LCM.? * Mons. Dillenburg. Waldenburg. MCM (g) rutsefolia, Eichw. sarana, Weiss. LCM., M„ U.... * Bochum, Kamenskaja, &c. Schwalbach. St. Avoid. UCM (d) Schillingsi, Andrea. (g) Schimperiana, Gopp. ( e ) Schlotheimii, Sternb. ( g ) spinosa, Gopp striatula, Stur. MCM Eschweiler. Cumen. Piesberg. Thann, &c. (Alsace). Saarbruck. Werden. Waldenburg. „ [Dresden. Sudetic Mountains. LLS M * MCM * * * MCM Culm * (g) stricta, Sternb. (c) stipulata, Gutbier. subalata, Weiss. ? * Glasgow. Yawdon.Northumberland. Saarbruck. Zwickau. UCM UCM * * York si n re, &c. tenella, Brngn tenuifolia, ,, MCM LLS St. George-Chatellaison. Wranowitz. Brzas. (/) tenuissima, Sternb. (g) trichomanoides, Brngn. Rhodea. ( e ) tridactylites, „ (a) trifoliata, „ Virletii, ,, UCM.? MCM * Anzin (N. of France). [hohndorf. Montrelais. Waldenburg. Ober- Elsecar, Mons, Montrelais, Esch- LLS., MCM. ... * * LCM., M., U.... * * * LLS * weiler, &c. Montrelais. St. George-Chatellai* Waldenburg. [son (Douo). Lower Gosethal. ( g ) Zobelii, Gopp. Rhodea. Sphaerococcites, Sternberg , 183 antiquus, Spirangium, Schimper, 1870? carbonarium, Scbimp. Stauropteris, W. R. Binney, 187 Oldhamii, W. E. Binney. Steffensia, Gbppert, 183G. Davallioides, Gopp. Stemmatopteris, Corda, 184(i ? Cistii, Corda. MCM.? 3. J iingste Grauw.. Palaeoxyris, /I rn gn c ar P ul it es * Autun. Wettin (Sphierosiderite). Oldliam. Ravenshead (Lancash.). Waldenburg. Laden. Oberhohndorf. Dresden. 2' UCM * MCM peltigera, „ LCM., M * Alais. U B Stemmatopteris ( continued ).] 186 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. O MICHIGAN. I ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. insignia, Lesq. punctata, „ Wortheni. ,, Sternbergia, Artis, Dawson, 182 var. angularis, Dawson. „ approximata, „ „ distans, ,, ,, obscura, „ StigmaTia, Brongniart, 1828. costata, Lesq. Eveni, ,, ficoides, Brngn. var k. alternans, Dawson. LCM. (below M. UCM. ... [Gt.). * Duquoin. Gates vein (New Philadelphia). Carmi (White Co.). No locale given. ? * 3. A provisiona UCM i g e nu S. — D a WS on * MCM., U * UCM * UCM Pottsville. * Mazon Creek. LCM. &c MCM * * * * * * * * * Almost universal. Common. „ x. anabathra, Corda, Lesq. ,, a,b,d,f,h,i, Dawson. „ l. Knorroides, „ ,, minor, Lesq. „ y. Gopp. reticulata, „ „ e. „ sigillaroides, Dawson. „ S. „ stellata, „ „ b. „ undulata, „ flexicaulis, Lesq. irregularis, ,, latifolia, Brngn. paupercula, Lesq. radicans?, ,, rigida, „ umbonata, „ Stigmatocanna ?, Goppert, 1859. umbonata, Lesq. Syringodendron, Sternberg, 182 Americanum, Newberry, cyclostigma, Brngn. pachyderma, „ Porteri. Lesq Thuyites, Sternberg, 1823. j Parryanus, Heer Trigonocarpus, Brongniart, 182 avellanus, Dawson ] L"' &c * Pope Co. Common. MCM. &c MCM. &c * 1 L’” &c * Pope Co. L"' &c * MCM. &c Common. Jj'" &c * Pope Co. Common. MCM.? * LCM Frog Bayou (subconglomerate). Male's Bank. Gate vein (subcongl.). LCM ... * LCM Pottsville. * UCM * Gate vein. LCM - Male’s Coal Bank. 8. Lepidodendro LCM n. Cuyahoga Falls. Common. Trevorton. LCM LCM Common in Coal-measures. Tre-j CM In sandstone. [vortonj Village Point (Melville Island). Joggins. Sydney. CM 8. Nut- like fru MCM ts L a on Sternbergia.] 187 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. BELGIUM. FRANCE. RIIENISII PRUSSIA. 1 WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. si s; MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. > X O X < OQ RUSSIA, EUROP. 06 ALTAI. Locality. Sternbergia, Artis, 1826. Pith approximate, Brngn. Lomatopkloios. Volckmanni, Sauveur. Stigmaria, Brongniart, 1828. R arenaria, Ludwig, cochleata, „ conferta, Corda. ficoides, Brngn tvar. x. anabathra, Gopp. „ X. dactvlostigma, „ „ 0. elliptica, „ „ £. inequalis, „ „ t. laevis, „ „ r\. minuta, ,, ,, y. reticulata, „ „ e. sigillaroides, „ „ c. Socolowski, „ „ S. stellata, „ „ h. undulata, „ „ a. ? vulgaris, „ gigantea, Sauveur. Glinkana, Eichw. intermedia, Lindl. & Hutt. melocaetoides, Sternb. minima, Brngn. mosana, Sauveur. obovata, Eichw. pertusa, „ rimosa, Sternb. Schillings! Andrea ? tenuistriata, Brngn. Stigmariadendron, Brongniart. cribrosum, Eichw. Ledebourii, „ Stigmatocanna?, Goppert, 1859. Volckmanniana, Strephopteris, Presl, 1838. ambigua, Presl. De Francii, Brngn. lonchitidis, Sternb. longifolia, „ nervosa, Brngn. Syringodendron, Sternberg, 182 alternans, Sternb. cyclostigma, Brngn. Sigillaria tessel/ata. pachyderma, „ Sigillaria tessellata. pes capreoli, Sigillaria Brongniarti. pulchellum, Sternb. Sigillaria reniformis. Thyscpteris, Stur. schistorum, Todea ? Lipoldi, Gopp. (MSS.), Stur. Trichomanes, Ettingshausen. dissectuin, Ettingsh. Moravicum, ,, Trichomanites, Goppert. 1836. Trigonccarpus, Brongniart, 182 Actaeonelloides, Geinitz. of Dadoxylon, & MOM C. * * * Saarbruck. Petrowskaya. Rivers Vuichera and Ousva. Kiset Factory (River Ousva). Swina by Radnitz. Very common. Falkenberg, co. Glatz. Leisnitz (Leobschutz). Landschut. Haynichen. Herborn (Nassau). Waldenburg. Zalenza. Lougan. Govt.Ecaterinb. Irginsky. Wishaw (Lanark). Riv. Prikseha (Govt. Novgorod). Landschut. Mohradorf. Mons, &c. Montrelais, &c. Coalbrook Dale. Saarbruck. Anglesea. Charleroi. Charleroi, Mons, &c. Ilirschbach. Mt. Kaschkabasch (Artinsk). (In sandst.) Mt. Kaschkabasch (Ar- tinsk) Coal-mines. Landschut. Plass. | An Pecopteris, Schimp. ? Eschweiler (Aachen). Anzin (Valenciennes). Eschweiler. Waldenburg. Sudetic Mountains. „ „ (or Morav-Sile- sian Mountains). Altendorf. »> * t yp oots of arboresce 9 nt L yc od ia ce (B. * * UCM * * * LLS.,CL.,M.Gt,., LCM., M., U. LLS.,CL.,LCM. * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jiingste Grauw.. UCM * # * * * * UCM UCM MCM * * * UCM * Jiingste Grauw.. * * UCM UCM # * * LCM * LCM., M„ U.... * * * LCM., U * * UCM ? * CL * CL * * * Stigmatode LCM. ( iu L’st.).. n d ro n . E ic h W. * * LCM. ? Catamites ? LLS * MCM * * * * * * * MCM MCM MCM MCM 8. Palmacite LCM S, Sc hi ot h. LCM * LCM * LCM., M * * * * # Culm (2nd zone) ,, (3rd zone) A recent genus. Jiingste Grauw.. # * # * a or * See Sphenopt 8. Fruits of Ta ►J. : is ne ou T s ri (’ c on h if o er m s ni S d ’ff e ill s. nr ia. # t These varieties (forms) in reality do not belong cither to the same species or genus. (Schimper, Paleont. V6g6t. ii. 116.) Trigonocarpus ( continued ).'] 188 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. cn < CO NEBRASKA. I MISSOURI. < o MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. [ INDIANA. © © | KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. 1 NOVA SCOTIA. CArE BRETON. 1 NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Bertholletiformis, Foster LCM Guernsey Co. ? ellipsoides, Dawson LLS Hildrethi, Lesq. LCM * Poland Co. &c. Hookeri, Dawson. MCM * Mabou Head and River. intermedius, ,, MCM * Joggins. juglans, Lesq. LCM Murphysboro’. magnus, Newberry. CM * Coshocton (sandstone). minus, Dawson. MCM * Joggins. mult.icarinatus, Newberry. Millstone Grit. . . * Cuyahoga Falls. multistriatus, ,, LCM * Noggerathi, Brngn. LCM., U ,, Pictou. oblongus, Lindl. & H. LCM. * Trevorton. [Joggins. olivasformis, ,, LCM., M * * Millburn’s Spring. Sewannee base. ornatus, Newb. M. Grit, LCM. . * Cuyahoga Falls. rostellatus, Lesq. UCM Grayville (White Co.). rotundus, Daws. MCM Joggins. Saffordii, Lesq. MCM * Schultzianus, Gopp. & Berg. LCM * Trevorton. Sigillaria, Daws. MCM Joggins. tricuspidatus, Newb. LCM * Cuyahoga Falls. trilocularis, Hildreth. Congl., LCM * Summit (Mahoning Co.). spec, indet., UCM * Main Sewannee Coal. ,, Cox. ,, Bailey & Matthew. MCM * Danbury Co. Clones. ,, C. H. Hitchcock. LCM * Triphyllopteris, Schimp. 1862? Cyclopteris a uc t. ex P- valida, Daws. ORS. ? * Coal-measures, lower ? Ulodendron, Lindley, 1831. B hode. commutatum, Schimp. CM * Charleston. elongatum, Lesq. LCM * Morristown. humile, Daws. MCM * Sydney. Lindleyana, Sternb. LCM * Carbondale. majus, Lindl. & H. LCM * ... Salineville. minus, ,, LCM * Colchester. punctatum, ,, LCM Carbondale. Voltmannia, Sternberg, 1825. aperta, Lesq. MCM * Gate vein. MCM. .. . Bowmanites. lanceolata, Lesq. MCM * tuberculata, Brngn. MCM * Teigonocaepus ( continued ).] 189 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q 2; < - K P Z H O o w a Z < P © z p 3 p H =3 W z < U-, < a x P x z < P < P Eh CO W < X W CO NJ < O < P I c i o X CO o p < X p < p < E-< -5 < Locality. amygdalinus, areolatus, coronatus, cycadinus, cylindricus, Dawesii, dubius, ellipsoideus, elongatus, folliculus, Gloagianus, laeviusculus, Mentzelianus, Noeggerathii, oblongus, olivseformis, ovatus, mcm * Saarbruck (iron-sandstone). Gopp. & Berg Gopp MCM.? .. * UCM * lcm. Brngn. Lindl. & Hutt. LCM * Langeac (Upper Loire). Bolton. Haynichen. ? LCM., M * Brngn. CM. . . Gopp. LLS. LCM . Eimelrod: Hesse). Mohradorf. Hay- Langeac (Upp. Loire). [nicken. * LCM? Young. Gopp. & Fiedler. Gopp. & Berg. Lindl. & Lt. L'" * High Blantyre (marine shale). Saarbruck. MCM * LCM * * * Newcastle. Langeac. Rhenish Coal- mines. Floha. LCM * LCM., M. ... * * Peelstone, near Bolton. Ketley ironstone. Langeac. Leicestershire, Bochum, &c. Pilsen. Saarbruck. LCM., M., U. ... LCM * * * Parkin soni, pedicellatus, Schultzianus, sporites, sulcatus, yentricosus, Triphyllopteri Collombiana, rhomboidea, Tylodendron, speciosum, Ulodendron, Li Allani, Brngn. If * * Gopp & Fiedl. „ Berg. Weiss. MCM * MCM * * ,, Myslowitz. MCM * Sternb. LCM. . Radnitz. Gopp. & Fiedl. S, Schimp. 1809? Schimp. * Langeac (Upper Loire). Cyclopteris auct. ex p. Tkann (Vosges Sup.). Stradonitz Veiss. Stigma Weiss. todendron . . . Schizodendron. [(Saarbruck). Ottw r eiler. Otzenkausen. Ulmet MCM. ? * ndley, 1831. Le Buckl. pidodendron LLS Rothenbergia, Cotta, &c. Craigleith (Edinburgh). Upper Vosges, &c. Stapleton, near Bristol. Camen. Waldenburg. Petrowskaja. Usenberg. Kilwinning, Shotts, Jarrow, Ketley, &c. Swansea (S. Wales). Carluke. Wakefield. Bochum. * comm uta turn, Schimp. Buckl. LLS * Coneybeari, ellipticum, Ilsee, CM * Sternb. LCM., M * Ad. Rom. LLS Lindleyanum, Lucasii, Sternb. LCM., M., U.... * * * Buckl. CM * maj us, minus, Lind. & H. M.G..LCM.M.U * * * * Sternb. M.G..LCM.M.U * * * Craigleith. Collington. Yorkshire. minutum, CM * Cramlington (Northumberland), &c. Stanhope (Durham). Edinburgh. ornatissimum, Tate. LCM * ovale. Carrut h. LCM * parinatum, pumilum, Steinb. LLS., UCM. ... * * Etherley (South Durham). Yorkshire. Carruth. LCM * Eichw. LCM Petrowskaja (Kharkhoff Gov.). Jarrow. Percy. Petrowskaja (Kharkhoff Gov.). Seesberg. punctatum, Schleeelii, Lindl. & H. MCM.? * Eichw. ? Hcdonia 'punctata. Stokesii, Buckl. LCM., M * * Taylori, Carruth. LCM * Linlithgowshire. [koff). Petrowskaja, near Isjoume ( Khark- transversum, Eichw. LCM tumidum, LCM ? Vetacapsula, Mackie, 1805. 1 Oooperi, Mackie. LCM # Volkmannia, Sternbcrq, 1825. Fruit of Catamites. clavata ?, Ad. Rom. MCM 1 elongata, Presl. MCM 3-elsenkirchen. Ilsenburg, Radnitz. Terrasson. | erosa, Brngn. gracilis. Sternb. MCM Gelsenkirchen, &c. Calamostachys typica. grandis, Sauveur. CM major, Germar. MCM.? Wettin, &c. Calamostachy Morrisii, typica. Hooker. LCM * Dari uke. High Blantyre. Felling, Etherley, Waldenburg, &e. Klein-Priesen. polystachia, Kirkby & Dull. « ...' ” sessilis, Presl. CM 1 1 '6 c Walchia.] 190 [Cakbonifeeous- NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. j MISSOURI. IOWA. MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. d O | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Walchia, Sternberg, 1825. gracilis, Daws. Araucarites. robusta, » Araucarites. Whittleseya, Newberry. elegans, Newb. UCM * * * Tatamagouche, &c. It Mahoning Mine and Summit Co. (Amer. Journ. Sci. xxvi. 2nd ser. p. 112). UCM LCM., Coal 1 b. * * Walchia.] 191 [Cakbonifekotts. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. Q Z < 0 Z W | BELGIUM. B O c OS | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. « < \ MORAVIA. [ BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. Walchia, Sternberg , 1825 Lycopodites, Brngn. Prodrom. Wettin. Streitgern. Sudetic(Morav-Silesian)Mountains. Wettin. Etherley. Pilsen (also Permian). N.E. of Bewdley. Radnitz. Wranowitz. Glatz. Falkenburg. affinis, Sternb. antecedens, Stur. filiciformis, „ piniformis, Sternb. Woodwardites, Gijppert, 1850. acutilobus, Gopp. Robert si, Morris. Zamites, Brongniart, 1825. Cordai, Presl. Zippea, Corda, 1840. distieba, Corda. Zygcpteris, Corda, 1840. tubicaulis, Gopp. * * MCM * CM * * LCM * LCM LCM. ? * LCM., U CL * 1 1 Acteonina.] 200 [Carboniferous. Kingdom AMMALIA. Subkingdom PROTOZOA. Province ASTOMATA. Class AMORPHOZOA. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, ancl Author. Horizon. K < 55 5 <1 | KANSAS. j NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. j OHIO. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. Acteonina, Winchell. minuta ?, Winchell. Conopterium, Winchell. effusum, Sphenopoterium, Meek and Wo compressuna, Mk. & Worth, cuneatum, „ Kinderh Clarkesville. Kinderh •if rthen, 1800. L'" * Nauvoo. L" or L"' Spergen Hill. Clarkesville. Rockford. * * var. depressum, ,, obtusuin, „ Stromatopora, Goldfuss, 1830. alternata, Hall & Whitfield, expansa, ,, ,, incrustans, ,, „ Ccenostroma. planulata, Phill. solidula, Hall & Wh. * Salt Lick Point. Monroe Co. L" “ * Nauvoo. Kinderh Rockford. Ilaekberry. * Kingdom ANIMALIA. Subkingdom PROTOZOA. Province ASTOMATA. Class PORAMINLFERA. Acteonina.] [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. CALIFORNIA. ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. j SOUTH IOWA. MICHIGAN. | SOUTH ILLINOIS. SOUTH INDIANA. | OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. i NOVA SCOTIA. 55 O H W « w s- <5 O Locality. Acteonina, Swallow ? minuta, ? Amphistegina, D'Orbigny, 182 spec, indet., C. A. White. Calcarina, D' Orbigny. ambigua, Brady. Endothyra, Phillips , 1843. Bowmani, Phillips. Rye Creek (Adair Co.). Pottawattamie Co. •> 6. * * UCM ? UCM * Receptaculites.] 201 [Carboniferous. Kingdom ANIMALIA. Subkingdom PROTOZOA. Province A STOMATA. Class AMORPHOZOA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. I IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. 2 w a | FRANCE. | RIIENISII PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. | HARZ. | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. a < X & ALTAI. Locality. Receptaculites, Defr. 1827. Is spec, indet., Tietze. Sphenopoterium, Meek and Wo cuneatum, Mk. & Worth. Stromatopora, Gold fuss, 1830. concentrica, Goldf. polymorpha, Goldf. & Sauv. Bubtilis, M‘Coy. Tragos, Schweigger, 1820. semicirculare, M‘Coy. chadites, Mure L' hi SO n, 18 39 * Kenburn (Bristol). Malmedy. rthen, 1860. Pal CL ae a ci * s. Conglom * * CL. * * CL Kingdom AN IM ALIA. Subkingdom PROTOZOA. Province ASTOMATA. Class FORAMINIFERA. Alveolina.] [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. | FRANCE. w 1 CARINTIIIA. | RUSSIA. | CAUCASUS. | ARMENIA. CARPATHIAN MTS. NORTH ITALY. Locality. Alveolina, Bosquet and I)' Orbign prisca, Elirenb. sphieroidea, „ Amphistegina, D 1 Orbigny, 182G. minuta, Brady. Archaediscus, Brady. Karreri, Brady. Bigenerina, D' Orbigny , 1820 ? patula, Brady. Calcarina, D’ Orbigny, 1820? ambigua, Brady. Climacammina, Brady. antiqua, Brady. Endothyra, Phillips, 1843. ammonoides, Brady. Bowmani, Pliill. Botalia antiqua. y • * * Toula. Azerbcidjan. Leigh Woods (Bristol). Forami- nifera beds. Broekley. Craigenglen. North- umberland. Mt. Lothian. Fullarton. Elfhills Quarry. Zarew-Kurgan. H’Arquet (2nd lower bed). Fidler’s Bum, Edinb. Gt. Orme’s Head. Zarew-Kurgan. Braidwood, Gair, Northumberl., &c. Bundoran, Gair, Northumberland, Stafford, Weslmorelaud, Great Ormo’s Head, &c. L” * * 9 * * * L', UCM. * # LCM * L" . # L', L'” * * # # # # LCM., U L',L' ,i ,LCM.,U. * * 3 F FlISULINA.] 202 [Caeboniferous. NORTH AMERICA.' Genus, Species, and Author. Fusulina, Fischer de Waldheim, 1829. eylindrica, Fisch. de Waldh. UCM. var. ventricosa, Meek & Hayd.iUCM. Horizon. elongata, gibbosa, gracilis, hyperborea, robusta, Shumard. Meek & Hayd.iUCM. Meek & Gabb.UCM. Salter. Meek & Gabb. 9 UCM. Nodosinella, Brady , 187(5. priscilla, Brady. (Dentalina priscilla, Dawson.) CL. Passim. Manhattan. J uniata. Peoria. N. Mexico. Guadaloup Mountains. Peoria &c. Cos. Shasta Co. (Cali- fornia). Albert’s Land. Depot Point. Shasta Co. Locality. Windsor. Endothyra ( continued ).] 203 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. | Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. 1 FRANCE. 1 SPAIN. CARINTIIIA. [ RUSSIA. CAUCASUS. ARMENIA. CARPATHIAN MTS. NORTH ITALY. ' Locality. crassa, Brady, globulus, Eichw. macella, Brady, obliqua, „ ornata, „ yar. tenuis, ,, radiata, ,, subtilissima, ,, Fusulina, Fischer de Waldheim, 1 antiquior, Rouillier & Yosinsky. (Nummulina antiquior.) constricta, Ehrenb. cylindrica, Fischer. Alveolina montepara. Fusul. prisca. F. depressa. var. ventricosa, Meek & ITayd. hyperborea, Salter. Borelis constricta , Ehrenb. labyrinthiformis, Ehrenb. Fusul. sphceroidea. palseolophus, „ Borelis palceophus. Orobias equal is, Eichw. princeps, Ehrenb. Borelis princeps. robusta, Meek, sphaeroidea, Elirenb. Alveolina spkaroidea. Borelis sphceroidea. B. palceosphrerica. B. labyrinthiformis. Fusul. sphcerica, Abich. Haplophragmium, Beuss. rectum, Brady. Involutina, Terquem. conica = Valvulina palaeotro- chus, Ehrenb. lobata = Endothyra Bowmani. radiata = Endothyra radiata, Brady. spec, indet., Lagena, Walker and Jacob, 1784. Howchiniana, Brady. Labouriana, „ Parkeriana, ,, Lituola, Lamarck, 1804. Bennieana, Brady, nautiloidea, Lam. Nodosinella, Brady, 1876. concinna, Brady, digitata, ,, lingulinoides, „ Nonionina, D'Orbiyny, 1826. rotula, D’Orb. Nummulina, D’Orbiyny, 1826. pristina, Brady. Pulvinulina, Parker and Jones, Broeckiana, Brady. Rotalia, Lamarck, 1804. Rotal antiqua, Ehrenb. Saccammina, Sars, 1868. Carteri, Brady. Stacheia, Brady, 1876. acervalis, Brady. LLS., L', L ... * * * * Ridsdale. Gt. Orme’s Head. Vise. Abden. Skellygate. Fond d’Arquet, Sloboda. Castle Espie. Abden. Coquetdale. „ „ Bonshaw- burn. Ridsdale. Castle Espie. Ridsdale. „ Bonshawburn. Fal- lowlees. Gair. Abden. Fallowlees. D’Ar- quet. Poniel Water. Fond d’Arquet? Mjatsehkovo, near Moscow. Vitegra, River Dwina. Vitegra. River Dwina. Sumatra Isl. (E. I.). River Dwina. Pinegra (Archangel). Carinthian Alps, passim (Stache). Vitegra. Grassington Lead-Mines, Yorkshire.) Fourstones Quarry, Ridsdale. ,, „ Elfliills. Mt. Lothian. Flemalle. Mjatsehkovo. Ridsdale. Skellygate. Northumber- land. Cowden. Belstonburn. Fond d’Arquet (Namur). „ ? Sloboda. Fond d’Arquet. Toula. Levenseat. Durham. VisA Carlops. Gair. Northumberland. L', LCM., U. ... * * * * * * * LCM * * * * * * * * * LLS 11", LCM., U.... * * LCM., U 829. L” * * L' * L’, L", UCM. ... * * UCM L' * * * * L" L” L" * CL * * * * * 1!" lls.’”.'!.’!!!!!!. * * * LCM., U * V" * u" :. * LCM * 11" * # 186 ? 11" ina, D’Orb., 182 LCM 6. LLS., L 1 " * * # 11" * # | 1 1 Yalvulina.] 204 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Stacheia ( continued ).'] 205 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. A W K £ < CS | SPAIN. CARINTH1A. | RUSSIA. CAUCASUS. ARMENIA. CARPATHIAN MTS. NORTH ITALY. conges ta, Brady. LLS., L"' * * fu8iformis, LLS., 11" * •Jf marginulinoides, L'" * * 99 polytrematoides, LLS., 11" * 11, 11" * * Textulaxia, Defiance, 1824. LLS., L', 11" ... * * * * * cnbbnsa. TVOrb. LLS., L', L m ... * * * * * Trochammina, Parker and Jone s, 1860. anceps, Brady. LCM„ 11" * * * * centrifuga, LLS.,L"', LCM., * * U.' Schmid. 11" * L'" * * * L', L'" * * * pusilla, 11, L r " * Robert, soni. Bradv. UCM * Valvulina, D'Orbigny, 1826. bulloides, Brady. L", 11" decurrens, L',L"' * * * pabeotrochus, Ehrenb. L', L", 11" * * * * * var. compressa, Brady. L\ L'" * * * plicata, L'. L'" * * rudis, L\ L 1 ” * * ? Youngi, L\ L'" * * var. contraria, L"' * * .. Locality. N orthumberland. 'apelrig, &c. Coque umberland. 'oniel Water. Cowcl Yorkshire. iraidwood.Gair. Yoi umberland. umberland. ! raigenglen.No: shire. Vise. Sloboda (Toula). Northumberland, Zarew-Kurgan. rleniston. Burlage. Cumberlar Northumberland. Yorkshire. berland. Yorkshire. land. liields, &c. Northumber- Flemalle (Liege). umberland). eith. Barmulloch. rair. Gillfoot House, house. Lanark. Wester- „ 2nd lower bed. ! astle Espie. Fullarton. Shelly- gate. D’Arquet,. lundoran. Braidwood. Belsay. .bden, &c. Fallowlees. 'idler’s Burn. Newton-on-Moor. iair. Carlops. Fallowlees. outh Shields, Boscobie, Hurst. Swaledale, &c. 3 a Alveolites.] 206 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom CCELEXTERATA, Frey and LeucJcart. ZOOPHYTA, Linn. Class ACTIXOZOA. Subclass CORALLARIA, Milne- Edwards. ACTINOEDEA, Dana. Paljeocoryne.] 207 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom CCELENTERATA, Frey and Leuckart. ZOOPHYTA, Linn. Class ACTINOZOA. Subclass COR.ALLA11IA, Milne- Edwards. ACTINOLDEA, Dana. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. ft 55 < H O 02 \ ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. 1 RHENISII PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. N < 1 MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. -5 < £ ALTAI. Locality. Palaeocoryne, Duncan 4' Jenkins , radiata, Duncan. Scotica, „ 1869. Tubulari LLS., L', V" ... ne H * Y DR oz OA [Lanarksh. Climpsy,Roughwood,&c. Ayrshire. Robroyston. Auckenkirch. Hairmyres. Carluke. Armagh. Carluke. Kendal. Petschora. L', L'" * L\ L"' * Alveolites, Lamarck, pars, 1801. depressa, Fleming. Goldl'ussi, Michelini. irregularis, Kon. Macklon, Beyrich. palmata, M'Coy. septosa, Flem. Amplexus, Sowerby, 1814. arundiuaceus, Lons, coralloides, Sow. M.-Edw. cf H. C L', L" la ss * ii A CT IN I A CL * L’.. * 9 Timor (East Archipelago). CL. LLS , L' . * Howrat, Catcraig, &c. Exp. Sh. 22. India. Barber’s, N. S. Wales. Cappage,Broadstone,Bolland,Tour- Tournai, &c. [nai, Etrseungt, &c. Waulsort. Kalouga. Styria also. LLS., L’, L" ... L' * cornuformis, Ludwig, cornucopia, Michelini. Haimeanus, De Kon. Henslowi, M.-Edw. & H. CL * * * L' L', L'" * * South Shields, Isle of Man, Vis6, &c. Fermanagh, Staffordsh,Moscow,&o. L” * * lacrymosus, De Kon. nodulosus, ,, robust us, ,, serpuloides, „ spinosus, „ Anisophyllum, Milne-Edw. and connivenB, M.-Edw. & H. Aspidiophyllum, Thomson and elegans, Nichols. & Th. Huxleyanum, „ Koninckianum, Thomson, spec, indet., „ Astraeopora, M'Coy, 1844. Pal cyclostoma, Phill. obtusa, M. & W. Aulophyllum, M.-Edw. A H. Cy Bowerbankii, M.-Edw. & H. Edwardsii, Duncan & Thoms, fungites, var., M‘Coy. Haimeanum, Eichw. inflexum, ,, prolapsum, M.-Edw. fungites. Aulopora, Goldfuss, 1829. campanulata, M'Coy. gigas, glomerata, Ludw. hians, Eichw. repens, Dames, serpens ?, Goldf. Axophyllum, Milne-Edw. and 11 ? costatum, M'Coy. expansum, M.-Edw. & H. Haimeanum, Kon. Konineki, M.-Edw. & H. L" LLS, L’, L’" ... L\. * * * Cloncastle, Vise, &c. * LLS, L’ * L'....' * Haime , 1850. Alexin a (Govt. Toula). Nicholson, 1876. CL * CL * Lesmahago. Ayrshire. CL CL aeacis, Haime, ] LLS, L', L'" ... L’ 86 0. Clare. Northumberl.Toumai. Glatz. Hook Point, apud M. de Koninck. No locale given. clophyllum, CL D un ca n # T ho 771 SO n. CL L' * Beith. Lowick. L', L" L', L" * Alexine (Moscow). Kildare. Derbyshire. South Ireland. L"? * LLS, L"' tv...; L"? * Lithwinsk ? (Govt. Perm). Moscow. L" * CL # Oberkunzendorf. CL * aime, 1850. TV" * Vise. TV” l"' * radicatum, Kon. 11" * Buccula, Eichwald, 1859. parallela, Eich. L' | * Sloboda (Govt, Toula). 1 i Campophyllum.] 208 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Campophyllum, M.-Edw. and nanum, torquium, Swallow, spec, indet., White. Chsetetes, Fischer, 1837. capillaris, Keyserl. milleporaceus, Swall. tumidus, M.-Edw. & H. Clisiophyllum, Dana, 1846. Gabbi, Meek, tumulum, Salter, Cyathaxonia, Michelini, 1846. cornu, cynodon, profunda, prolifera, tortuosa, spec, indet., Michelini, Rafin. & Cl, De Kon Cox, Shum C. E. White Cyathophyllum, Goldfuss, ISi Billingsi, fungites, Stevens ? subcscspitosum, Meek. Horizon. Haime, 1850. L' UCM UCM UCM LCM., U. CL. UCM. L' LCM. CL. .. UCM. L" .. CL. .. 6 , UCM. ? Rockford (in marls). Appenoose Co. Locality. Barton Co., Pottawottami Co., Mt Cumberland, &e. Sierra Nevada (California). Arctic archipelago. Nebraska City (limestone). Louisville. Jefferson Co. Flint Ridge. Sullivan Co. (shelly limestone). Mouth of River Platte. Archimedes limestone. Calcareous shale. Springfield. Lincoln valley (Maryland). Campophylltjm.] 209 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. \ SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. WESTPHALIA. \ SILESIA. N ti < MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. 1 URAL. ALTAI. Locality. CampophyUum, M.-Eclw. and Haime, 1850. L’ * compressum, Ludw. Central Germany. Fischer. L" Duchateli, * Murchisoni. M.-Edw. & II. L * L' * * Bristol? Tournai. Beaumontia, M.-Edw. and Haim Egertoni, M.-Edw. & II. laxa, M'Coy. Caryophyllia, Lamarck, 1801. nffinis Fleming. e, 1851. CL * * Scarapagh (Fermanagh). Derbyshire. Staffordshire. * ... In recent and te V,L" rti * ar * 7 * ti Ill es. duplicata, fasciculata, Martin. L', L'" * * Bakewell. Kendal. Vise. L m * * Bristol. Vise. Eichw. L' sexdecimalis, Chaetetes, Fisc Phill. L', L’" * * * Burdie House. Mold. Pennyghent. Mjatschkovo (Moscow). ,, &c. her, 1837. Eichw. L" var. ftonftftntrifiua. L" depressus, dilatatus, dubius, excentricus, fastigiatus, jubatus, Koninckianus, Fleming. Fischer. * * Yorkshire, Bristol, &c. Kendal. BorowitBchi. L' * M'Coy. Fischer. L', L" * * L" Govts. Moscow, Toula, &c. Alexine (Govt. Toula). Moscow. Vitegra (Olonetz). Borowitsehi Tournai. [(Novgorod). Kendal. Bristol. Valdai Hills. Eichw. L" Fischer. L" D’Orb. L' * Fischer. L', L" * septosus, t,u mid us. Fleming. Phill. * * ,, Derbyshire. N. Wales. Gair, Bourrock, Vise, Ac. Tver. LLS., V, L"" ... * * * Chonaxis, Mi Ine- Edwards and H aime, 1850. LLS Cladochonus, ? antiquus, ? bacillaris, ? brevicollis, M'Coy, 1847. Ja M'Coy. nia, M'Coy, 184 LLS., C’L 4. * Not a Cladochonus (De Koninek). Alstonfield. Dovedale. LLS., L" CL * Derbyshire (a young Syriugoyora). Loughshinny. Derbyshire. CL * * Labecbii, Michelini, ? tenuicollis. M.-Edw. & H. CL * L' * Tournai. M'Coy. 1 , Dana, 1846. Beyr. M'Coy M.-Edw. & H. ? India or Australia. Clisiophyllun australe, bipartitum, Bowerbankii, coniseptum, Edwardsii, Haimei, Indicum, ? Timor. L' Beith (shale). Derbyshire. Derbyshire ? Langside shale. Derbys. Petschora. CL * Keyserl. M.-Edw. & H. L\ L" CL * De Eon. L'" * Etramngt (N. of France). Punjaub. Poniel Water. Derbyshire. Vise. Ballingarane. Arbigland. Beith. Vise. [Waulsort. West and Middle Scotland. ? Keyserlingii, turhinatum. M'Coy. L', L”' L', L" * Vftrneiiilliannm. De Kon. L"' * spec, indet., Columnaria, senilis, solida, Cyathaxonia, aperta, carinata, Dune. & Thoms. Toldfuss, 1826. B De Kon. eaumontia, M L'" n ne -E d w ar ds Vis6. Ludw. V" River Usuru (Govt. Perm). ? Michelini, 1846. Ludw. ? Spirit. Lirnest Kiselowski (Prov. of Perm). cincta, Michelini. ? If cornu, L' * If Brockloy shale. Derbysh. Tournai. Derbyshire. Kiselowski ? (Prov. of Perm). Tournai (rare). Famignoul. Kim Simpsk. Alcxandrowsk (Prov. Tournai. Famignoul. [Perm) Malmedy (M. Dewalque). Llanwryst. N.W. Kendal. Ylytch (Western Ural). Yelatma (Govt. Tamboff). Malmedy. Malowka (Govt. Toula). coBtata, gracilis, Koninckii, squamosa, tortuosa. M'Coy. Ludw. CL M.-Edw. & H. L' If Ludw. 9 Michelini. L', L"’ ? * Cyathophyllum, Goldfuss, 182 6. ? If Archiaci, M.-Edw. & H. L’, &c * arietinum, Keyserl. Blainv. L" If ? Boloniense, L' ? casspitosum, Goldf. ? # | 3 n Ethmophyllum.] 210 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Ethmophyllum, Meek. gracile, Meek. Whitneyi, „ Favosites, Lamarck, 1816. formosus, Phill. mancus, Winch, parasitica, Ludw. Fistulipora, M'Coy. 1849. compressa, Rominger. flabellum, „ nodulifera, Meek. occidens, peculiaris, Spergenensis, trifolia, Hall. Rominger. Horizon. Kinderh. Kinderh., L' L" L" L" *? W O ^ 1 £ ? 1 8 W Z , CO 00 ca 5 ^ < w Z > — w 1 o w - . 55 O z Locality. Silver Peak, Nevada (California). North America (De Koninck). Rochford. Buttonmonld Knobs. La Grange (Keokuk limestone). Spergen Hill (Warsaw limestone). Vernon Co. Gallatin Co. Honey Creek. Rockford. La Grange (Keokuk limestone). Spergen Hill ( Warsaw limestone). La Grange (Keokuk limestone). CrATHOPHTLLUM (continued).) 211 [Carboniferous. - EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. I SCOTLAND. 1 ENGLAND.*' I BELGIUM. I FRANCE. I RHENISH PRUSSIA. 1 WESTPHALIA. 1 SILESIA. 1 IIARZ. 1 MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. I RUSSIA, EUROP. 1 URAL. ALTAI. Locality. calamiforme, Ludw celticum, L'", CM LLS Ballea (River Owenboy). Ylytch (Western Ural). Clitheroe (Lancashire). Arnside (Westmoreland). Dusseldorf. Ratingen. Beith. Lowick. Bolland. Vise. Tomsk. Kirgese Steppe. comiculum, Keyserl crenulare, Phi 11 dianthoides, M'Coy excentricum, Goldf fungites. Fleming. Aulophyllum. helianthoides, Goldf. Koninckii, M. Edw. & II. ibicinum, Fischer, multiplex, Keyserl. Murchisoni, M.-Edw. & H. paracida, M‘Coy. petiolatum, Fischer, pseudo-vermiculare, M'Coy. quadrigeminum, Goldf. regium, Phill. Stutchburyi, M.-Edw. & H. expansum. turbinatum, Goldf. Wnghtii, M.-Edw. & H. Cyclophyllum, Duncan and Th Bowerbanki, M.-Edw. & H. fungites, Fleming. prolapsum, Dendropora, Michelini, 1845. explicita, Michelini. megastoma, M'Coy. Dibunophyllum, Thomson and M c Chesneyi, Thoms. & Nichols. Muirheadi, ,, ? 11" L' * ? * L' * * * L * L" Spitzbergen. Mjatschkovo. Frome. Kendal. Tournai. Ylytch. Lisardrea, Arnside, Clifton, &c. Bathgate. Bakewell. ? CL * * * * * L’, L" * * L', L” ... * * * Killtullagh. Arnside, &c. Malmedy (Dewalque). [well. Dysart(QueensCo.). Bathgate. Bake- Florence Court, Bolland, Durham, &c. Benburb (Tyrone). Malmedy. Frome (Somersetshire). South Shiells Farm, Dairy. Hagshaw-burn (Lanarksh.), Arbig- land, Lockridge, &c. 9 •? * L', L'" * L’, L" * L’? * * omson, 1808. L' * LLS., 11 .... * * LLS., CL * ? leones, p. 187, tab. 48. fig. 6. Derbyshire. Lesmahago. Ayrshire. River Ylytch. Bristol. Corwen. Tcbirief. River CL Nicholson, 1870. CL CL * Diphyphyllum, Lonsdale , 1845, concameratum, Keyserl. concinnum, Lonsd. = Lithostrotio n, .1/ il ne -E d w ar ds L" * fasciculatum, Keyserl. gracile, M'Coy. ibicinum, DOrb. L", L'" „ Vise. [Issetz. Lowick (Northumberland). River Soiva (River Petschora). Dos, near Engis. Tournai. Famignoul. rous). L’ L' * Duncania, De Koninck, 1871. simplex, De Kon. Emmonsia, Milne-Edwards and alternans, M.-Edw. & H. L'" Haime, 1851. L' Favosites, Lamarck , 181fi. Cal cylindrica, Michelini. dentifera, Phill. amopora, Gold fu ss ( fe w sp ec ie 8 in C ar bo ni fe L Isle of Man. Bolland. Derbysh. j Haimeana, De Kon. 11 *? incrustans, Phill. L"' Bolland. Staffordshire. inflata, De Kon. 11" Vise. infundibuliformis, D'Arch. * parasitica, Phill. reticulata ?, Blainv. L', L", 11" Roscommon. Rae’s Gill. Bolland.] L' * Chatburn. Oberkunzendorf. tenuisepta, Phill. tumida, „ 11" lit Band. CL Kulkeag. Kendal. Derbyshire. Derbyshire. Fistulipora, M'Coy, 1849. major, M'Coy. minor, CL CL Miilleri, ? Timor, by New Guinea. Vise. Gorgonia, Linnceus, 1748? dubia, Schloth. 11" Goldfussiana, Do Kon. 11" Lonsdaliana, M'Coy. retiformis, Schloth. CL L' Ifeluy. Tournai. jlranard, &e. ziczag, M'Coy. Hadrophyllum, Milne-Edwards Edwardsianum, De Kon. LLS and, Haime, 185 L' l). Heliolites, Dana, 1840. Lonsda carbonari us, Eichw. leia, Pontes, LCM P al a e o p or a. Sloboda (Govt. Toula). 1 I i Leptopora.] 212 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Leptopora, WincheU, 186:3. typa, Winch. Lithostrotion, Fleming , 1827. basaltiforme, eaespitosum, Fleming. Californense, Meek. Canadense, Castlenau. floriforme, Horizon. Kinderh. UCM. L'" .. Lonsdaleia, M-Coy, 1849. rugosa, M'Coy. Locality- Burlington (yellow sandstone). Bathurst Isle (Arctic seal. North America (De Koninck). Sierra Nevada. St. Louis. Alton. Passim in Tenness . California (Meek). Heliolites ( continued ).] 213 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. £ Q c y. w 55 OJ s$ Cm Vj 5 ◄ > A, EUROP. Locality. < s H O o Se y tu - PS w o X 00 CO ►i < E-* ir. K 5 s « £ 33 = « cc « < floriformis, Fleming, inconfertus, Lonsd. interstinctus, Linn, papillata, Fischer, porosa, Goldf. Heliophyllum, Hall. Strepho arietinum, Ludw. colosseum, ,, L’, L" 4f 3-ovts. Toula, Rjazan, Moscow, Nov- East flank, near Mjask. [gorod. Alexine (Govt. Toula). Near Kalomne (Govt. Moscow). Malmedy (Dewalque). Kiselowski (Prov. of Perm). Vladimir V" •if L" L" * des, M'Coy, 184 CL 8. ■if CL * CL * Kiselowski „ gracile, „ CL. * CL * Lithwinsk multiplex, „ Heterophyllia, M'Coy, 1 810 ; I) angulata, Duncan, grandis, M'Coy. granulata, Duncan. Lyelli, „ M'Coyii, „ mirabilis, ,, ornata, M'Coy. Sedgwickii, Duncan. Hydnophora, Fischer , 1807. cyclostoma, Phill. Koninckophyllum, Thomson an interruptum, Thoms. & Nichols. Lindstromi, „ ,, magnificum, ,, „ proliferum, „ „ radiatum. ,, ,, CL Kiselowski uncan. L r * Brockley. Derbyshire. CL CL * L\ V" * Craigenglen. Craigburn (Douglas). Craigburn. , Robroyston. Derbyshire. Brockley. Durham (G. Tate). Lesmahago. L'. L 1 " * L' ■}f CL X L’ L' d Nicholson, 187 CL 6. * CL * CL * CL * Linlithgow. Fifeshire. CL 4f Laceripora, Eickwald, 1859. ? cribrosa, Mchw. L Karowa (Govt. Kalouga). Howth, Castleton, Durham, &c. Tobercurry. Corwen. Riv.Shannon. Dairy. Bristol. Ilinsk. Maryboro’, Rutherglen, Mold, Vise, Ylytch. [&c. Florence Court. Settle. Lithodendron, Phillips , 1835. affine, Fleming, aggregation, M'Coy. irregulare, Phill. junceum, Fleming. Phillipsii, M.-Edw. sociale, Phill. Lithostrotion, Fleming , 1827 ; LI annulatum, Lonsd. aranea, ,, Lithostrotion, LLS., L' M il * ne •if -E d w ar <7s L m .' * * LLS., L', L”, L'" L' 4f J ,f * ■if * LLS., L 1 * * wyd, 1609. Sty CL la X is, M 'C oy * River Isset (Ecaterineburg). Ilinsk. Armagh. Bathgate. V * * ... basaltiforme, Coneyb. & Phill. csespitosum, De Kon. concameratum, Lonsd. L'" * * -if •if Westown, Beith, Bristol, &c. River L 1 , L'" ■if Ylytch. Arbigland, Bakewell, Vise, &c. River Derter (Govt. Toula). Arbigland sea-shore. Derbyshire. IV cylindricum ?, Jolly, deeipiens, M.-Edw. Derbiense, ,, Stylasfrea irregularis. emaciatum, Lonsd. ensifer, M.-Edw. L' * CL 4f CL CL ■if Derbysli. Tver. Valdai. Petschora. Clifton, near Bristol. L" * Flemingii, M'Coy. floriforme, Keyserl. ?inconfertum, Lonsd. L' * Derbyshire. Mold, Bolland, &c. Valdai, Pinega, Cossatchi-datchi. Minsk. [&c. River Tschou (Kirghese steppe). Martin desert, Boghead, &c. Bristol, Matlock. Oswestry. Moscow. [&c. Derbyshire. Moscow (White limestone). Ylytch (west flank Ural). „ (Keyserl.). Dysart, Arbigland, Durham. &c. Armagh. Tullyard. None stated. L" CL * intermedium, Eichw. CL ■if irregulare, Phill. M'Coyani, M.-Edw. major, M'Coy. mainmillare. Lonsd. LLS., I/ * * * * L" * 4f CL * L” * microphyllum, Keyserl. Phillipsii, M.-Edw. Portlockii, „ 8eptosum, M'Coy. Lonsdaleia, M'Coy, 1849. Hel Bronni. M.-Edw. & IT. L' ■if L’ L", L" 1 .. L’...... iolites. crassicona?, M'Coy. duplicate, Martin, rugosa, M'Coy. stylastrfeiformis, ,, L' Kendal. Derbyshire. Qlenmurshaw, &c. Derbyshire. Hagshaw Burn. Mold. Vise. Kendal. L\ L" # L', L"’ * ■if * L' * 3 i Lophophyllum.] 214 [Carboniferous. t Newberry, Report on Ohio, p. 91. Lophophyllum.] 215 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. G < s PS | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. [ BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA.) 1 WESTPHALIA. SILESIA. N PS < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. 1 SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. < G 1 ALTAI. Locality. Lophophyllum, Milne-Edwards breve, De Kon. confertum, Kunth. Dumontii, M.-Edw. & H. ? eruca, M'Coy. Koninckii, M.-Edw. & H. leontodon, Kunth. and Haime, 1850. x- Etraungt (Nord du France). Central Germany. ? L’, L" .... •X *? LLS., L' * Beith, in black limestone. Ath. L'.... * 9 Central Germany. Mjatschkovo. Tournai. L" * * tortuosum, Micheliui. Menophyllum, Milne-Edwards rosula, Eichw. tenuimarginatum, M.-Edw. & H. Michelinia ( Manon ?), De Koninc antiqua, M'Coy. concinna, Lonsd. Egertoni, M.-Edw. & H. favosa, Goldf. megastoma, Phill. Rossica, Semen & Moller. tenuisepta, Phill. Monticulipora, D' Orbigny ; Lam inflata, De Kon. interporosa, Phill. Mortiera, De Koninck, 1842. vertebralis, De Kon. Nematophyllum, M'Coy, 1851, Palaeacis, J. Haime, 1860. compressa, M. & W. var. irregularis, Ether, cyclostoma, Phill. Astreeopora. Pentaphyllum, De Koninck, 18 armatum, De Kon. caryophyllatum, „ Peripaedium, Ehrenberg, = Cyat heliops, Keyserl. Petalaxis, Milne-Edwards, 1851 . M‘Coyana, M.-Edw. Portlockii, ,, * and Haime, 1851. 1/ * Alexine (Govt. Toula). Tournai. V * * k, 1842. Dicty LLS.. L’, L m ... L” 0 * P h * y * lli * a, L in dl eg a nd H ut to n. Hook Point. Tournai (clay). Ust-Koiva (Moscow). [Vise, &c. Rathcannon, Cleekhimin, MendipJ Bolland. Ath. Malowka. *? 9 * * * L', L"' * * * * Malowka (M. de Trautsch). Masbury. Carluke. Tournai. Juigne.’ sstetes. Kendal. Vise. L’,L" * * * arck , 1816. Cy L', L"' at h o * p * 0 r a, D. D. 0 we n. c h L’ * L' * * Derbyshire. Tournai. Crevecoeur (nearTournai),Celles, &c. Gair. Bashaw. = Lithostrotio L' n. * L'” * L', L'" * * * ,, Thornton Common, Tournai, &c. Tournai. 71. L' L’ hophyllum re CL g> U m, p hi a. 9 Colonna, on River Oka. Galles. CL K Petraia, Munster, 1839. 1 Benedeniana, De Kon. La Bechei, M.-Edw. & H. L' * Tournai. L' ? recta, Ad. Rom. L' Phillipsastraea, Milne-Edwards radiata, Martin & Woodw. and Haime, = Sa CL rc in Ul X a. Derbyshire. Coswen. ? sarcinula, Lamarck, tuberosa, M'Coy. Phryganophyllum, De Koninc Duncani, Do Kon. Pleurodictvum, Goldfuss, 1826. serpentiniforme, Boniss. serpuliforme, Pictet. Pyrgia, Milne-Edwards and Haim Labechia, M.-Edw. & H. CL * Derbyshire. Tournai. k, 1871. L' UCM. ? La Manche. UCM. ? La Cotent in. e, 1851 See Cladoconus. L'"? Frome (Somersetshire). Derbyshire. Tournai. Aulopora simple and free. Rhabdopora, Milne-Edwards an megastoma, M'Coy. Rhizopora, De Koninck, 1872. tubaria, Do Kon. d Haime, 1851. CL s er ia to p or id se. L' Rhodophyllum, James Thomso argylianum, J. Thomson, ellipticum, „ Plnllipsianum, ,, n, 1874. CL * Ayrshire. Lanarkshire. CL CL * reticulatum, ,, CL simplex, ,, Stenopora, Lonsdale, 1844. See approximata, Eichw. arbuscula, „ scabra, Rafinesque. CL 4* Australia, Tab. 1 L' I. ' Sloboda (Govern. Toula). Saraninsk (with Fusulina). Clonea, Hook, &c. L"? LLS., L' # * SlOMATOPORA.] 216 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < o 1 MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Stomatopora, Hall and Whitfield alternate, Hall. Striatopora, Hall, 1852. 1 carbonaria, C. A. White. Stylastraea, Lonsdale, 1841. J inconferta, Salter. 1 Lithostrotion ? Syringopora, Goldfuss, 1826. Harveyi, C. A. White, multiattenuata, . M‘Cliesney. reticulata ?, Goldf. spec, indet., Shum. Syringothyris, Cox. | textilis, Cox. Trochophyllum, M.-Edw. cj- H. Verneuillianum, M.-Edw. Zaphrentis, Bajmesgue and Cliff acuta, C. A. White. Cannonensis. Winch. Cassedayi, M.-Edw. & H. (De Kon.). centralis, „ Cliffordiana, „ compressa, „ cylindrica, Scouler. Dalei, M.-Edw. & H. elliptica, C. E. White, exeentrica. Meek. Gians, C. E. White. Ida, Winch, rainas, Daws, prona, M.-Edw. & H. solida, Hall, spinulifera, ,, spinulosa, M.-Edw. & H. spec, indet., Shum. ? „ Safford. ' (an Devon.?). LLS * * Hackleberry. Burlington. Albert Land (Arctic Seas). Burlington. Bates Co., Springfield, &c. Iveokuk. St. Louis Co. Buttonmould Knobs. Bluff Point. Howard Co. Louisville. Clarkesville. Burlington. North America. Richland Creek. Bates Co. Dresden. Howard and Cedar Cos. „ Dresden. Keokuk. Burlington. Montana Territory. Burlington. Roehford (Goniatite beds). Sciots- Stewiake. West River. [ville. North America. Howard Co. Dover’s Hill. St.Louis. Kaskaskia. Spergen ITill. ? L' L' * LCM., U * * * L"..... * L'" . * ... Kinderb * 1850. L” * ■Jf ord , 1820. L’ * * L' * * * * L" L" L', UCM L" * L' (Lower) * L' * Kinderh. & L'... * L'', L"' * Ivinderb * * L", L'" * * * * L", L'" ? L'" * Strephodes.] 217 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. 1 Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 1 IRELAND. 1 SCOTLAND. 1 ENGLAND. I BELGIUM. | FRANCE. < x X HZ [ WESTPHALIA. X N MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. o B w < x X P < 1 ALTAI. Locality. Strephodes, M'Coy, 1848. Cya multilamellatus, M'Coy. Strombodes, M' Coy (non Schweig j conaxis, M‘Coy. thophyllum. CL * Down Co., Boyle, Frome, &c. Bakewell (Derbyshire). ger, 1820). L" * Syringopora, Goldfuss, 1820. H arborescena, Ludw. capillaceus, ,, catenata, M'Coy. conferta, Eichw. caespitosa, Goldf. distans, Fischer, genicidata, Phill. gracilis, Kevserl. laxa, Phill. ramulosa, Goldf. relaxa, reticulata, Goldf. 1 spec, indet., Tetragonophyllum, De Koninck \ problematicum, De Kon. Troohophyllum, M.-Edw. cf H. radiatum, Eichw. Turbinolia, Lamarck , pars. Zaphrentis, Rafinesque and Cl iff alveata, Ludw. Bowerbankii, M.-Edw. & H. bullata, Kon. ARMODITES ? Always Palaeozoic. Province Perm (with Fusulina). Neshni. Parogi. Clogher, Ashford, Feluy, &c. (Dist.r. Don )RiverStila. River Sop- Malouka. [Ijoussa. 1 lookhead, Feluy, RiverMoscowa.&c. Crevenish, Buxton, Tournai, Ma~ R.Belaya(R.Sopljoussa). [louka,&c. Enniskillen. Carluke. Ashfell. Clogher, Mold, Bolland, Hausdorf, [&c. &c. Hookhead, Ashfell, Sable, &c. &c. L", L'" X L"' L' L" * L', L" X X L’ * X X L 1 , L", L'" X X ... X L" L 1 , L" * * X J, * X * X , 1871. L' 1850. L' Gov. Kalouga (with Prod, gig as). Lithwinsk. ord, 1820. X L", L m * X * L' X Tournai. L'. L'" X cornucopia, ,, cyathina, ,, cylindrica, Scouler. Delanoei, M.-Edw. & H. denticulata, Eichw. Edwardsiana, Kon. Enniskilleni, M.-Edw. & H. excavata, „ gigantea, Kon. L' X .g. ,, Glasgow. Kendal. Ath. L' X LLS., L', L"' ... L', L", L m * X X X Kulkeag, Arbigland, Leffe, &c. &c. Tournai, Oneux, Waulsort, &c. Govt. Kalouga. Tournai. X L" X L r * * Lough Gill. Co. Sligo. Oneux. Tournai. Juigne. Lithwinsk. L'. V" X L" * X L', L"? * ThorntonQuarry. Lanark. Clifton. Tournai. Juigne. Mjatschkovo. Guerangeri, „ Herculina, Kon. Honiana, La, „ impressa, Ludw. intermedia, Kon. Koninckii, M.-Edw. & H. Michelini, „ nodulosa, Phill. Nceggerathia, Sem. & Muller. Nystiana, Kon. Omaliusi, M.-Edw. & Kon. patula, „ Phillipsii, „ spinulosa, „ subibicina, M'Coy. tortuosa, M.-Edw. & H. yermicularis, Kon L’, L" X * * L’ L' X L" w ? L' * X Glasgow. Kendal. Tournai. Tournai. Oneux. L', L", V" * L' Netherfield (Eifel, Devonian). Brockley (Glasgow). Malowka. V L' ... X L' X Tournai. L', L", L'" X „ A tli, Namur, Etra'ungt,&c. Ilowth, Craigenglen, Tournai, &c.&c.! Woodville. Frome. Tournai. Sable. L' * L', L’" X X L’, L"’ Brockley. Robroyston. Kendal. L' X ... T/ X Tournai. L' X spec, indet., Beyrich. Timor (the Far East). 1 "T" 1 _! J Acradocrinus.] 218 [Careoniferous. Subkingdoji ANNBLOSA. Province ANNULOIDA. Class ECHINODERMATA. Orders CRINOIDEA, CYSTIDEA, ASTEROIDEA. NORTH AMERICA. i Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ! ARKANSAS. KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. !S < O 5 o ILLINOIS. < Sz < s •OHIO I O H Z a TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Acradocrinus, Yandell, 1855. L'" * Wittenburg. Grayson Co. Pope Co. Quincy. Burlington. urnasformis, Actinocrinus, Mille oegilops, Strotocrinus. aequalis, Agassizi, Althcea, ( Calathocrinus ). amplus, ( Pradocrinus ?). HaU. L’" * * r, 1821. Halt. ■ L' * Hall. L' * ,, (Enerinite limestone). M. & W. L' * L' * Steganocrinus. asterias, M'Chesney. M. & W. L r * L ' (upper beds) L" * 9 Burlington. CedarCreek. W arrenCo. Nauvoo (Keokuk limestone). verrucosus. i biturbinatus, Batocrinus. Hall. L' * brevis, Brontes, calyculoides, Eretmocrinus. calculus, var. Hardinensis, L f (lower beds) . * L"' !.. * Warsaw. L' (upper beds) L" Burlington. Spergen Hill. Hardin Co. (St. Louis limestone). Burlington. M. & W. L'" ... Hall. L' * L", 11" Batocrinus. cbloris, tenuisculptus. , clarus, clavigerus, ■ clio, Eretmocrinus. 1 clivosus, Cloettia, Eretmocrin us. clypeatus, coelatus, i Fosteri. L’ * Burlington. L r (lower beds) . * I/ r L' : * ... Burlington. L' L' ... * L' * Shum. L' * * Marion Co. Warren Co. Lyon & Cass. Hall. L" * Protean limestone. corbubs, Batocrinus. i Coreyi, corniculus, ' cornutus, L' Burlington. Washington Co. Hardin Co. Burlington. Lvon & Cass Hall L' * L' Troost * Hall L' * 1 Burlington. Richfield (Summit Co.). Burlington. daphne, 1 decorus, debcatus, ' divergens, discoideus, * L' (upper beds) L' M. & W Hall L 1 (lower beds) V * ■ dodecadactylus, Doris, M. & W L’ Hall L' .. erodus, Strotocrinus. | Acanthocrinus.] 219 [Carboniferous. Subkingdo.u ANNCLOSA. Province ANNULOIDA. Class ECHINODERMATA. Orders CRINOIDEA, CYSTIDEA, ASTEROIDEA. | Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ! IRELAND. SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. c P 5 j FRANCE. RIIENISII PRUSSIA.! f- r w SILESIA. HARZ. MORAVIA. < W o a SAXONY. a o a P w to a < a P ALTAI. Locahty. Acanthocrinus, Ad. Rimer, = R | longispinus, Ad. Rom. Actinocrinus, Miller, 1821. aeuleatus. Austin. hodocrinus,.V L' ill er , l 82 1. * Clausthal. Bristol. amphora, armatus, Goldf. LLS., L” ... * Toney (Fermanagh). Yorkshire. Tournai (upper clay). Bolland. Kon. & Le II. L'.... * Atlas, M‘Coy. Rofe. L'" breviealyx, catafractus, CL Austin. L" * * Bristol. constrictus, M'Coy. * Manor Hamilton. costatus, costus, L' * Monaster. Clorance. Kon. & Le II. L'.. * Tournai (in thick clay). Armagh, Tyrone, &c. Hook. Wexford. Tournai. decadactylus, deornatus, Goldf. L' * Kon. & Le H. L' dorsatus, L' * Tournai (in clay). Bristol. elephantinus, Gilbert soni, Austin. L" * Miller. LLS., L 1 , L 1 " ... * Malahide. Bolland. Tournai. globosus, Phill. L", U" * * Carluke. Rae’s Gill. Bolland. granulatus, laevis, Austin. CL ■$£ Miller. IV, MCM * Mitcheldean. Tournai. laevissimus, Austin. L"? * Bristol. longispinosus, mammillatus, LLS., CL Clevendon (Somerset.). Derbysh. Famignoul. Bolland. Kon. L'....' mammillaris, Phill. L"' olla, M‘Coy. Kon. Derbyshire. Derbysh. Yorksh. (nav. Encrinite). Clorance. Mendip. Tournai. Manor Hamilton. Parkinsoni, polydactylus, pusillus, stellaris, Miller. L\ 1!" *■ M‘Coy. Kon. LLS., L" * L', L' 1 ' Bolland. Tournai. tenuis, Phill. L' Tournai (in clay). Clunea. Bolland. Frome. tessellatus, LLS., L’, L'" ... * triacontadactylus, tricuspidatus. Miller. L\ L”, L"' Ardclougb. Bolland. Tournai. Kon. L”' Vise. spec, indet., Etheridge. Derbyshire. Actinocrinus ( continued ).] 220 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 02 C /. Z < < | KANSAS. < z X /. i Z o 1 ILLINOIS. I INDIANA. o 1 KENTUCKY. w cn cc Z Z z C/2 Z z NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. O 02 Z P s s Locality. Hall Richfield. Summit Co. Burlington. Anna. Union Co. Burlington. Evansi, Owen & Slium. M k. W L 1 . ... X L' * Alloprosallocrinus. X fibula, fiscellus, formosus, Batocrinus. Fosteri, gemmiforruis, Batocrinus. glyptus, * * c D z w H CO /. w z z M H z < CO z z K 2- < O o CO < o z z o 5 K < O K o £ CO z 5 K Z Locality. pentagonus, pernodosus, perumbrosus, pistilliformis, pistillus, planobasalis, Amphoracrinus. planodiscus, proboscidalis, Hall. V * Burlington. L" . f L' * M. & W. L' X L' X L" * Nauvoo. L' * Burlington. MarionCo. Burlington. Monmouth. pyriformis, Say. L' * * X * quadrispinus, quaternarius, var. spinifer, ramulosus, reticulatus, rotundus, Ya rudis, Strotocrinus. scitulus, sculptus, Steganocrinus. L' * Burlington. Hall. L’ X L' X h " X * Burlington. Rocheport. Nauvoo. Burlington. „ CedarCreek.WarrenCo. L" * X Hall. L' * M. & W. L' * Hall. 1/ (lower beds) . * X V L' 7* sexarmatus, Sillimani, similis, Warren Co. M. & W. L' X Hall. L” X V * Burlington. Bathocrinus. spinobrachiatus, spinotentaeulus, spinulosus, steropes, subaculeatus, subsequalis, Batocrinus. subumbrosus, subventricosus, superlatus, symmetricus, tenuidiscus, tenuiradiatus, tenuisculptus, sculptus. var. elegans, Thalia, Themis, Thoas, L' * L' * L" X Nauvoo. L" * Keokuk (Mississip. Bluffs). Burlington. Monmouth. L' * M‘Chesney. Hall. L' L' * Burlington. L' * L' X V X L' X L' X M‘Cbesney. L ' * * „ Columbia (Missouri). L' X Hall. L' X Burlington. L' X Tholus, tricornis, turbinatus, var. elegans, umbrosus, Strotocrinus. uniearinatus. L' (Encrin.L’st.) L' X L' * L' (upper be s) L' X L" Nauvoo. unicornis. Owen & Shinn L' Burlington. Monmouth. unieostatus, Hall. L' unispinu9, urn a, L' * Burlington. Tennessee. Troost. L"? * urmeformis, M'Chesney. M. & W. L’ Honey Creek. Cedar Creek. Warren Co. Batocrinus. valid us, L' ventrieosus, Hall. L' (upper beds) L’ * 1 Burlington. Physetoc rimes. var. cancellatus, var. internodius, var. verrucosus, T/ V 1... 3 L Actinocrinus (continued).'] 222 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. GO < CO y < s o5 < CO y < a *< a CO cs CQ b S5 £3 O CO CO < o is < c c CO o y 3 < y Q 5S 6 5 c > * o B H Z b B B B GO CO B Z B b* < y < > y y B C- < £ c o CO < o y y o H B OS « B B < O o > CO y b S > B y Locality. Sham. L' * * * Eretmocrinus. [mouth. Hall. Kinderb. ? Summit Co. White. L' * Burlington. Hall. L' * Megistocrinus. Shum. Kinderh * Buttonmould Knob. White’s Creek. Agaricocrinus, Troost , 1850. Ferd. Rom. L' * * * * Iveokuk. ClarkeCo. Warsaw. White’s tuberosus. [Creek. Hall. L' * Burlington. Amphoracrinus. L’ * corrugatus, ,, L' (lower beds) . if >» Amphoracrinus. L' (upper beds) Amphoracrinus. i; * Quincy. M. & W. L r Burlington. Hall. L' Amphoracrinus. M. & W. L\ highest strata Hall. L’ (upper beds) ■* Amphoracrinus. pentagonus, Hall. L’ (lower beds) . * »> var. convexus, T/ X planoconvexus, „ L' * ty stellatus, L' #- ... Quincy. Wbitfieldii, L" (Keokuk) ... * Green Co. L" ' „ .' * Warsaw. Agassizocrinus, Troost, 1850. Astylocrinus, F. B 0 m. 1 85 4. carbonarius, Worthen. UCM * Chostercnsia. L’" * Chester. conifins. Owen & Shuiu. L"' * constrictus, Hall. L”' * dactyliformis, Troost. L", ir * * -X- WashingtonCo. Chester. Crittenden gibbosus, Hall. L’" * Chester. [Co. Kentucky. globosus, Worth. L'” * p-racilis. Troost. Occident, ali a. Owen & Sbum. TJ” * Chester. nentagonus. Worth. V" X tumidus, Owen & Sbum. L'" Chester. Agelacrinus, Vanuxem, 1842. Kaskaskiensis, Hall. L'" snuamosus. M. & W. L" (Keokuk) ... Crawfordville. Alloprosallocrinus, Casseday a nd Lyon, 18G0. Conocrinus, Troost, 1850. (Subgenus of Batocrinus, Cass. # Lyon.) Troost. L" Allen Co. White’s Springs. tuberculosus. 1 depressus, Cass. & Lyon. L'" Hardin Co. M. & W. L'" St. Louis Co. Troost. ? * Conocrinus. Amphoracrinus, Austin, 1848. Subgen. of Acti NO CR IN us divereens. Hall. L' * Burlington, &e. Archaeocidaris, Austin, 1844. Shumard. L"', UCM., UL. Texas. FortBelknap. Verdigris V' ale. Hall. L\EncriniteL’st. Burlington. ! biangulata, Shumard. MCM Lexington. [Mexico). i gracilis, Newberry. UCM Colorado River of the West (N. Keokuki, Hail. L" Keokuk. Hancock Co. loneispina. Newberry. L", LCM N. Mexico. megastyla, Shumard. UCM ... Verdigris Vale. CottonWoodCreek. ; mucronata, M. & W. L"' Liberty (Randolf Co.). Nerei, De Kon. UCM * Norwoodii, Hall I/" ...Chester. ornata, Newberry. UCM ... Great Canon River (Colorado). Shumardiana. Hall. L'" ... St. Louis. subturbinata, 1 M. & W. L' ...... * 1 . . . Burlington. | 1 Arch.eocidaris.] 223 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. 1 FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. IIARZ. MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. ALTAI. Locality. Archaeocidaris, anceps, clavata, M Coy, 1840. Austin. Cidaris, Philli CL V S, E C h in OC ri n U s. Eiehw. L" Yegorjefsk (Govt. Kalouga). Punjaub (East India). Park Hill, Longnor, Durham, &c. Lough Eske (Donegal). Waterland. Dunlop. Vise. Tournai. Regnitzlosau. Mjatschkowa. Tournai. Forbesiana, De Kon. L' glabrispina, JIarteiana, Phill. LLS., L’, L", L'" Calc. Grit, LLS. Daily. Munsteriana, De Kon. L' Nerei, Miinst. L' * 9 omata, Protei, Eichw. L'" D’Orb.L' * Rossi ca, De Vern.lL" Moscow. Timan Range, en.sf, flunk Deucalionix , E Sliumardiana, icliw. HallJL'? Famignoul (DeKoninck &c., Precis [Geol., D’Omal. d’Halloy). spinosa, Austin. CL Archjeocidaris ( continued ).'] 224 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. m CO 55 < 2 << < OJ a •< UJ < c n < K H W 2 as o CQ tn < O 55 < o o 00 O 55 J iJ 55 ◄ s 2 6 o 5-* O H 55 W fcsj H H CO CO W 55 55 W ◄ ◄ > 5- CO 25 2 W E-i O o CO ◄ O 55 25 O H W « M a 2- ◄ O W o ? CO 55 £ 5 a 25 Locality. triserrata, Wortheni, spec, indet. (2), Meek. UCM Yandell. L’" * St. Louis. M. & H. UCM * Shumard. UCM N. Mexico. Asterias, Troost. antiqua, Asterocrinus, Lyon, 1 capitalis, coronarius. Troost. 857. See Lyon. Pterocrinus. L"' Crittenden Co. L>" Astylocrinus, Fcrd.Romcr, 1854. laevis, Agass. dactyliformis. Barycrinus, Wcichsmuth, MSS. angulatus, M. & W. cornutus, Wachsmuth. geometricus, M. & W. Hovevi. var. Herculeus. See Agassizo L" cr in u s. Belleville. Warsaw. 1868. * L' L' * L" Crawford ville. magni ficus, mammatus, Worthen. L" * Biggsville (Henderson Co.). L' * pentagonus, spectabilis, subtumidus, Wachsmuthi. M. & W. L' L'" * Otter Creek. 9 * ? Batocrinus, Casseday , 1854. Sub Cassedavanus. M. & W. genus of Actin L' o cr in u S. * Burlington. Monmouth. Christyi, icosidactylus, irregularis, neglectus, pyriformis, quasillus, trochiscus. Shumard. L f (upper beds).. Cass. l”' “ * Spergen Hill. L" * M. & W. L' Shumard. L’ M. & W. L’ L. (upper) remibrachiatus, Belemnocrinus, C. E. typus, C. Whitei. Hall. L' White, 18 E. White. 62. L' Burlington. M. & W. L' (lower) Bursacrinus, Meek and Worthen, 4861. L' (lower) Burlington. Wachsmuthi. M. & W. L ' „ Calceocrinus, Hall , 1852. Che Bradlevi. M. & W. irocrinus. L" * Crawfordville. perplexus, Tennesseeee, Shumard. L" Buttonmould Knob. Troost. Kinderh Wachsmuthi. M. & W. L' (upper) Burlington. Catillocrinus, Troost, 1850, = C Codonaster, M‘Cog, 1848. Cod Kentuckvensis. alceocrinus. aster, MCoy. Pentremites. pyramidatus, B. F. Whitei. Shumard. L' * River Ohio Falls. Columbus. Hall. L' Burlington. Burlington. Hannibal. Burlington. Monmouth. Codonites, Meek and Worthen, 1 eracilis. M. & W. 869,=Codonas L' (lower) te r. ! stelliformis. Coeliocrinus, Meek and Worthe concavus. M. & W. n, 1863. L' concinnus, L' Burlington. dilatatus, White. L' (lower) subspinosus, Conocrinites, Troost. Lea;, l\. '. Troost. tuberosus. L" * Clark Co. Keokuk. White’s Creek. Agaricocrinus. Cyathocrinus, Miller, 1821. Ta aneulatus. M. & W. xocrinus, Cla L" d ° cr in u s, & C. Nauvoo (Hancock Co.). Keokuk. Crawfordville. arborescens, Hall. L" bullatus, L” Hancock Co. confflobatus. Troost. ... * cornutus, Owen & Shum. L' Burlington. corrugatus, 1 Troost. L' Arch.eocidaris ( continued ).'] 225 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. triserialis, urei, vetusta, M'Coy. Fleming. PhiU. spec, indet., Astrocrinus, Austin, 1843, = Zig ?Benniei, Ether., jun. tetragonns, ? Austin. Atocrinus, M‘Coy, 1844. Milleri, M'Coy. Platycrinus, De Koninck. Horizon. LLS., L' LLS.,L',L'',L' LLS., L', L'" .. V ocrinus, CL L’ Bron LLS., CL. Cidarites. Lamarck, F. Homer. Cidaris, Klein Miinsteriana, De Kon. L"' Rossica, Von Buch. Cladocrinus, Austin, =Cyatho spec, indet., Codonaster, M‘Coy, 1848. Cod aster, M'Coy. L" crinus. L'" M'Coy. acutus, trilobatus, Cribellites, Tate, 1803. carbonarius, Tate. Cromy ocrinus, Trautscholdt, 186 simplex, Trautscholdt. germinatus, „ Cupressocrinus, Gold fuss. 1832. calyx, M'Coy. L impressus, „ ’ L CL. L', CL. L’ 7. L" L", CL Halocrinus. Cyathccrinus, Miller, 1821. A bursa, Phill. calcaratus, „ conicus, „ distortus, „ ellipticus, „ foveolatus, Eichw. genus full of err L m L’", L'? L" 1 L'" LLS L" 73 4. — F. # ... * ; * * ... Locality. M'Coy ’s localities often not obtain- able. [land. Loughshinny. Rutherglen. Arbig- Ireland. Whitewell (Derbyshire). N orthumberland . Brockley. Poniel Water. Fife and Lothian Cos. Settle (Yorkshire). Vise. Mjatschkovo (Moscow). Clitheroe. Derbyshire. Bakewell. Ashford. N. of England. MjatsclikoTO (Moscow). Derbyshire. Clitheroe. Bolland. Bolland. I „ Famignoul. . (Also Devonian.) Mjatschkovo (Moscow). 3 M Cyathocrinus (continued).] 226 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 75 75 < < < 05 z < < 05 £ CQ a Z s O 05 05 -< O £ < o C 05 o z a a < z 5 a 6 o > C a Z a a a CO CO a Z z a E- 1 < z a >> CO z Z a ◄ o O < o z z a £ a < o O CO Z P a a z Locality. ? crassus, crateriformis, decadactylus, depressus, divaricatus, M & W. LCM * Ovan (Fulton Co.). Prof. Troost’s localities seldom ob- Clear Creek. [tainable. L"' ... * * Lyon & Cass. L'... * * * Hall. L' . * Burlington. M. & W. L' * Farleyi, fragilis, geometricus, globosus, gracilis, granuliferus, graphicus, hemisphsericus, hexadactylus, Iloyeyi, incipiens, inflatus, insperatus, intermedius, Iowensis, Kellogii, lamellosus, latus, Lyoni, macropleurus, magister, malvaceus, multibraehiatus, var., parvibrachiatus, pentalobus, Grapkiocrinus ? poterium, protuberans, quinquelobus, rarus, rigidus, robustus, L" * Warsaw. L' * * Goldf * * Buttonmould Knob. Troost. L’" L'... * Summit. Co. Washington Co. Summit Co. L'" # Hall ? UCM . * Lyon. Hall. L'" .. * * Hardin Co. Crawfordsville. Burlington. Hancock Co. Crawfordsville. Burlington. L" * Troost. L 1 * L" * S. S. Lyon. Hall. L" * L' * L' * C. A. White. L" * Keokuk. Burlington. L' ’’Hall. L' L" * Crawfordsville. Burlington. Keokuk Township. Burlington. Montgomery Co. L' L" * L 1 * Lyon & Cass. L" * L" * Hall. L" Keokuk. Burlington. Crawfordsville. L' * 14 -brachialis. M. & W. L" * Hall. L" * M. & W. L" * Warsaw. „ Buttonmould Knob. Burlington. S. S. Lyon. White. * * * Troost. L' * * rotundatus, Saffordi, Sangamonensis, scitulus, sculptilis, seulptus, solidus, Hall. * * Burlington. M. & W. L" . * UCM. ? . * Sugar Creek (Sangamon Co.). Burlington. L' * Hall. L' . * Troost. * Hall. L’ * Burlington. L" stellatus, subtumidus, Tennesseus, tenuidactylus, Thom®, Troost, Hall. M. & W. l" : * * ,, White's Springs Creek. White Hall (Green Co.). L” Troost. * M. & W. Burlington. (St. Louis limestone) Warsaw. Hall. L"' ., L" . ? yiminalis, Wanhamiithi. Hall. L’ * Burlington. M. & W. L' * nirViocrirms. Munster. 1 8.‘i() : M iller Pterocrinus (a subgeuus). segilops, ajqualis, angustus, Hall. L' L' * C. E. White. L’ * Burlington. Chester. M. & W L"' — Pterocrinus. constrictus, conus, L"' * Bloomington (Indiana). Warren Co. Lyon & Cass. B. Shum. L' * Coreyi, Actinocrinus. cornigerus, crassitestus, LCM. ? . * * L'" Buzzard’s Roost (Alabama). Burlington. White. L' ('i'ATHOCRiNUs (continued).] [Carboniferous. 9.9.-, EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. geonietricus, macrocheirus, mammiliaris, ornatus, pinnatus, planus, quinque-angularis, radiatus, rotundus, rugosus. Goldf. M'Cov. Phiil. Goldf. Miller. Eichw. Goldf. L'?, LLS L" L"' LLS., L m ... ...... L' (or Devonian) LLS., L” L"' L" Dichocrinus ! elegans, ! elongatus, expansus, I fusiformis, granulosus, intermedius, irregularis, radiatus, sculptus, septosus, , Munster , 1830 ; Mi tier De Kon. & Le HonJL' PhiU.lL', L 1 De Kon. & Le Hon. L' Austin. L De Kon. & Le Hon. Munster. De Kon. & Le Hon. De Kon. IT .... L' L' L’ L', L", L" L' L' Wexford. Bolland. Mendips. Vise. Mudstone Bay ? Hook Point. Coalbrookdale. Bolland. Vise. Staritza (Govt. Tver). Grunau. Schonau (Wildenfels). Zwickau. Locality. Pterocrinus (a subgenus). Tournai (in clay-slate). Wexford. Fanningtown. Bolland Tournai (in clay-slate). Yorkshire. Mendips. Tournai. Tournai (in clay-slate). Bolland, Bristol, &c. Tournai. Tournai. „ (clay). Dichocrixus ( continued ).] 228 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. crassus, Pterocrinus. M. & W. diekotonius, Hall. elegans. Cass. & Lvon. expansus, M. & W. ficus, Cass. & Lyon. lacrymosus. Hall. lsevis, „ lineatus, M. & W. liratus. Hall. ovatus, Owen & Shum. pisum, M. & W. plicatus, Hall. pocillum, ,, protuberans. ,, scitulus, ,, sculptus, Cass. & Lyon. sexlobatus, Shumard. simplex, „ striatus, Owen & Shum. symmetricus, Lyon & Cass. Dorycrinus, F. Homer. See Ac canaliculatus, M. & W. cornigerus, ,, desideratus, Hall, divarieatus, „ Mississippiensis, P. Rom. Missouriensis, Shumard. q u inquelobus, var. interm ed., Hall. Romeri, M. & W. trinodus, Hall. Echinoencrinus. See Archas f'enestrata, Troost, Nerei, Swallow, spec, indet., Shumard. Eleacrinus, Ferd. Burner. 1852 cornutus, curtus, Granatocrinus. Kirkwoodensis, ? Sayi, Eocidaris, Desor Hallianus, Nerei (Cidarife. s), Rossica, squamosa, Eretmocrinus, Ly magnificus, Erisocrinus, Meek antiquus, conoideus, Nebraskensis, tuberculatus, typus, Whitei, Eupachycrinus, Boydii, Fayettensis, 1 verrucosus, tuberculatus, Forbesiocrinus, Agasai/.i. var. giganteus, asterioeformis, communis, diversus, Giddingei, Juvenis, Shumard. Geinitz. Desor M. & W W.& St.John M. & II Koninck and Lt Hall M. & W Hall M. & W, Hall Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. o 1 MICHIGAN. 1 ILLINOIS. INDIANA. 6 o | KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. O a? 55 & « W 55 L"' * * L” L 1 " V{ . L" L"' X X X 9 ... L' * * X ■Sf L' L' L' ...: L' 1/ (upper) * * * L’ L' V" X L' * L"' X X TV', V" * X X X X L\ * v" :.. X tinocrinus. L' (lower) * L ' ' , * X L' ., * X X X X V L" ... L' * L' (upper) X X X L' L’ ocidaris. X X L"' * * * X * X U" .... L m L" L 1 " (St. Louis L.) IV * UCM * L’ * * ... UCM * * 9. See Actino L', L" cr in u s ... * X * Philocrinus, L' i 86 5. * UCM X UCM * ...i L r UCM. * * UCM * L' * then, 1855. L"' * X UCM CM * * Hon. 1854 IV X * * TV L' ... L r or Kinderh... ... * ... L' * TV' * L’ X Hardin Co. Locality. [ville. Burlington. [Sparta. Burlington, &c. Montgomery, &c. Nebraska City. Burlington ? Subgenus of Batocrinus, 1859. Keokuk l’st. Buttonmould Knob. Burlington. Springfield. Sugar Creek. Springfield. Springfield. Burlington. .! Chester. Nebraska City ? = Onychocrinus, &e 'Burlington. Summit Co. (VVaverley sandstone). Keokuk limestone. Burlington. Eugeniocrinus.] 229 Carboniferous. EUKOPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q Z K | SCOTLAND. z < z 1 BELGIUM. | FRANCE. RIIENISH PRUSSIA. [ WESTPHALIA. SILESIA. IIARZ. MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. Eugeniocrinus, Miller , 1821. hexagonus, Miinst. Euryocrinus, Phillips, 1836. concavus, Phillips. Forbesiocrinus, Dc Knninck and incurvus, Trautschold. nobilis, I)e Kon. L' * Tournai. Bolland (Yorkshire). Mjatschkovo (Moscow). Bolland. Tournai. L"' * Le Hon , 1854. L" * L', L"' * * 3 N Forbesiocrinus {continued).'] 230 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < cc z < c/£ < c/j < < eg cs W SC X / < c Z < c o c n O SC SC s 5C 6 © £ z w w X' 03 SC z K £ -C cc sc SC w Eh o O 02 <; > SC r Eh H K 6 3 03 SC > sc Locality. Kellogii, Tar. tardus, Hall. Ivinderh Richfield (Summit Co.). L'" ’ ... * * Hancock Co. Crawfordville. Hardin Co. (Kentucky). multibrachiatus, ramulosus, Saffordi, Shumardianus, spiniferus, Lyon & Cass. 11' L"' ... Hall. L'(Protean L'st.) L'"(StLouisL’st.) L . . 48 48 Burlington, &c. * * Burlington. Edwardsville. Clarke and Floyd Counties. Trematocrinus, &c. Subgenus of Gilbertsocrinus. Burlington. AT AW * * 48 O ilber tsocr inus Phillips, 1 836. Goniasteroidocrinites, Casseday Knob & L". Rhodoerinus and Lyons, 1859 L V (- — — ) obovatus, (• ) papillatu L X- * 3 , Hall L . . . * Meek A Hall. L' * Keokuk limestone. ( ^ retieiiln.tns. Hall. L' * tenuiradiatus, ( Trematocr .) tub M. & W. L' * * ereulatus, Hall. L' 48 i ( Tremadocr tvrms. Hn.ll L ..! ' * ? Burlington. Granatocrinus, , cornutus, Troost, 1850. M. & W. Pentremites of most authors V" 48 Browne Co. divers as, L (upper beds) V" 48 Burlington. glaber, granulatus, granulosus, melanoides, neglectus, Norwoodii, 48 Hardin Co. L"' 48 Allen. M. & W. u- : 48 Barton Co. L * 9 Burlington. L (lower beds) . L, 11" 45- * Hannibal. St. Louis. Burlington. Burlington. [Monmouth.! pisum, projectus, I Sayi, M. & W. L * L * L 48 M AW L 1 (lower beds) . Le Hon, 1853. 11" 48 Boone, Marion, St. Louis Co s , &c. | St, Louis. Falling Spring. Burlington. White's Creek Springs. Licking Co. Meadville. Burlington. Upper Waverley sandstone. Xauvoo. Ac. Graphiccrinus, Be KonincTc and dactylus, Hall. Ichthyocrinus, Troost ; Conrad, Burlins+onensis. Hall. * 48 1842. L * Cyathocrinus. L" . Lepadocrinus, Hall. Lepidecrinus,//aW,1861. Subgen. of Pal.eciiinus. L 48 rarispinus, Lepidocentrus, irregularis, Megistocrinus, crass us, Hiiller, 1856. M. & W L" 48 ard, 1848 Actinocrinus . L (lower beds) . 48 Burlington. Evansi, olliculus, L ' ... * *? Hall L * Actinocrinus. parvirostris, plenus, nov. spec., Melocrinus, Gol Prut t en i M. & W. L (upper beds) . 48 „ 48 dfuss, 1826. M‘Ch. n" Mfil onit.fiS. Owen S' Rhumard 1 S-4-fi = Oligoporus, subg. Crawfordville. Coreyi, multiporse, Palrechinus. Stewarti, M. & W. L" ... Owen & Shum. L'" *** St. Louis. Prairie du Rocher. Safford. L'" spec, indet,, Mespilocrinus, Koninckii, Montana Territory (Lithostrotkm-j [bed. 1 Burlington. De Koninck and Hall. Le Hon, 1854-58. L * scitulus, L Nipterocrinus, arboreus, Wachsmuth , MS Worthen. S. L Burlington. Wachsmuthi, M. & W.j L See l’roc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1865, p. 167 (Meek). Gilbertsocrinus.] 231 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Gilbertsocrinus, Phillips, 1836.! Graphiocrinus, Dr Koninck and Le Hon, 1853. encrinoides, De Kon. & Le Hon. Hydreionocrinus, De Koninck .1 globularis, De Kon. L' Scoticus, „ L’ Woodianus, ,, L'" Hydriocrinus, Trautschold] 1867. pusillus, Trautschold. L ,r Hypocrinus, Deyrich ? Schneideri, BeyrichJL 1 '' Lageniocrinus, De Koninck and\ Le Hon. seminulum, De Kon. & Le Hon. L'" (lower beds) Lophocriuus. speciosus, II. yon Meyer. Culrri Melonites. spec.indet., Prof.Julien&DeKon. Mespilocrinus, De Koninck and i Le Hon, 1854. Forbesianus, De Kon. & Le Hon. L' granifer, „ „ See Rhodocrinus, Tremato- [crinus, &c, Locality. Hook Point. Bristol. Tournai. Craigenglen. Campbelltown. Glasgow. Richmond (Yorkshire). Mjatsehkovo. Vise. Vise. Silesio-Moravian Mountains. Clermont-Ferrand (Dep. Puy-de- Dome). Yorkshire. Tournai. Tournai. OUGOPORUS.l 232 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. j KANSAS. j NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. IOWA. MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. , NOVA SCOTIA. | CAI’E BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. Oligoporus, Meekf Worthen, 1800. Danae, nobilis, M. & W. Onychaster, Meek and Worthen , Lepidisthes. L” Warsaw. L' Calhoun Co. 1869. L' exculpatus, Lyon & Cass. L" Crawford ville. UCM * Springfield. Burlington. Keokuk. Onychocrinus, Lyon and Cassed. di versus, M. & W. Monroensis, „ Norwoodi, „ Whitfieldii, Hall. Palsechinus, Scouler, 1840. Me I Burlingtonensis, M. & W. ! gracilis, „ Pentremites, Say, 1820. Blast angularis, Lvon. bipyramidalis, Hall. Burlingtonensis, M. & W. calycinus, Lyon, cervinus, Hall. 1859. L L’ L’ * L" Randolf Co. Ionites. L * Burlington. L (upper beds) oidea. M. Grit Rough Creek. Breckenridge Co. L' Kinderh., L' ... Cedar Creek. Burlington. L'", M. Grit * Kaskaskia. Grayson Co. Chester. L"’ * Cherokee-ensis, Swallow. L'" * sulcatus. conoideus, Shum. L" St.Louis. Randolph. Bloomington. Fenton. S*\ Louis. V" * Granatocrinus. decussatus, „ elegans, Lyon, elongatus, Shum. florealis, Say. Pcntatrematites. Godonii, Defrance. florealis. globosus, Troost. granulatus, F. Rum. granulosus, M. & W. Grosvenori, Shum. LLS Buttonmould Knob. Louisville. L'" Grayson Springs. Rocheport. Pike Co. St. Mary’s, St. Louis, Spergen Hill, [&c. Washington, PerryCos. , Chester, &c. L' L", L"' L”, L"' L', Keokuk * L", * White’s Creek (Tennessee). Allen Warsaw. [Co. (Kent.). Spergen Hill. Floyd’s Co. Buttonmould Knob. L", * L” Kentuckyensis, „ Codaster. Kirkwoodensis, Koninckianus, Hall, laterniformis, Owen & Shum. Kinderh L'" * St. Louis. [dolph Co. „ Spergen Hill. Alton. Ran- St.Genevieve. Greenville. Spergen Monmouth. [Hill. Warsaw. L’" ... * * L", L’” lineatus, ,, L’ (Encrin.L'st.) L" * longicostalis, Hall. Melo, Owen & Shum. var. projectus, M. & W. i Missouriensis, Swall. obesus, Lyon, obliquatus, Ferd. Rom. laterniformis. ovalis, D. D. Owen, pyriformis, Say. robustus, Lyon. ! Sayi, Shum. 1 Sirius, C. A. White. * L Burlington. L L" Warsaw, &c. L’", Millst. Grit. L"' * St. Mary’s. Sewannee Railroad. C’larkesville. L"' Dover’s Hill, &c. L’" St. Mary, Dover’s Hill, &c. Grayson Co. &e. Boone, Marion Counties. L'", Millst. Grit. * L'.'. * ...... L (upper beds) 1 Burlington. sulcatus, Shum. .J* St. Mary’s. River Okaw. : symmetricus, Hall. Troostii, Shum. L" 1 Montana Territory, &c. V" ... 1 * Hardin Co. 1 1 Pachycrinus.] 233 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Pachycrinus, Eickw., 1859 notatus, Palaechinus, M‘ Coy ; Scouler , 18 dispar, De Waldheim, elegans, M'Coy. ellipticus, Scouler. intermedius. Keeping, gigas, M'Coy. Konigii, Scouler paradoxus, Eichw. sphasricus, Scouler. ellipticus. Palseocoma, Eichw.. 1859. subtilis, Eichw. Pentephyllum, Houghton, 1859. Adarense, Haughton. Pentremites, Say , 1820. Pentat Sow. M'Coy. Kon F. Rom Sow. Say. Sow. acutus, angulatus, campanula) us, caryophyllatus, crenulatus, Derbyensis, ellipticus, globosus, inflatus, oblongus, orbicularis, Orbignyanus, ovalis, pentangularis, Puzosii, De Kon. Goldf. Sow. Munster. Waterhousiana, Kon. & Le lion. Perischodomus, M'Coy, 1849. biserialis, M'Coy. Phillipsocrinus, M'Coy. caryocrinoides, M'Coy. Pisocrinus, De Koninck. globularis, De Kon. ornatus, „ pilula, ,, Horizon. L" 40. L", L’ ... LLS., L’ L' LLS., L', L" Calp L"' CL remites, Sow. L"’ L’" L' L’ L"' . . L" .. L’. L" L'" .. It" .. L’ CL. .. L"' .. L' L\. CL. L'.. CL. CL. Locality. [(Toula). Mjatscbkovo (Moscow). Sloboda Hookhead. Fetbard. Millicent (Co. Clare). Famignoul Hook Head. Raheen (Co. Donegal). Clitheroe. Rabeen’s Bay. Sterlitamac. Mjatscbkovo. Govt. Sloboda. Bolland. Derbyshire. Tournai (in upper clay). Bolland. Derbyshire. Staffordsh. Fermanagh. Bolland. Preston(Lan- Bristol. [casbire), Rabeny(Dublin). Bolland. Tournai. Bolland. Tournai. Bolland. Tournai. (upper clay). Hook Head (Wexford). Beitb (Ayrshire). Robroyston. Dudley. Pbntremites (continued). 234 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. CO < < | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < © I MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | OHIO. I KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. j | NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. truncatus, Woodmanni, Wortheni, spec, indet., L"? Edwardsville. Madison Co. Leatherwood. Lawrence Co. Keokuk. Nauvoo. M. & W. L' * Hall. L', L" * * * Shurn. L Birmingham. Callaway Co. 1/ * Pholidocidaris, Meek and Worth en, 1869. L' * Platycrinus, Miller, 1821. Pla tycrinites. L * Burlington. j Americanus, i angidatus, L * L"' * M. & W. L Burlington. brevinodus, Burlingtonensis, calyculus, 1 canaliculatus, Hall. L ' * * Hall. L * L * L clytus, contritus, corrugatus, depressus, discoideus, elegaus, erminulus, excavatua, L * Kinderk VC Owen & Sh. * Burlington. Monroe Co. L'"? * ” Hall. L * Burlington. L * L ... * I. * L ... * Georgii, glyptus, graphicus, Halli, hemisphoericus, incomptus, insculptus, Lodensis, multibrachiatus, Niotensis, nodobraehiatus, nodulosus, - nucleiformis, 1 ornigranulus, Americanns. L", L'" ,, Warsaw. St. Louis limestone. L ... * Burlington. Summit Co. Kinderh * L * Burlington. [viile. Niota (Hancock Co.). Crawfords- Burlington. M. & W. L" * L * Troost. Newberry. M. & W. Kinderh. Medina Co. (Waverley sandstone). Burlington. Niota. L .. * L" (Troost) Hall. L * Burlington. L * L * M'Cliesn. &c. L * M. & W. L * parvinodus, parvulus, penicillus, pileiformis, planus, plenus, pleurovimenus, pocilliformis, polvdactylus, Prattenianus, pumilis, quiuquenodus, regalis, Richfieldensis, Hall. L * M. & W. L"' Pope Co. Hardin Co. Hall. L"' L * Burlington. Owen & Sh. L. h" * „ Monmouth. L"' ::: Hardin Co. C. A. White. L (upper beds) .. * ... Burlington. Hall. L * Troost. M. & W. L"' Randolph Co. Warsaw. Hall. L” White. L * Burlington. Hall. L * Newberry. Hall. Kinderh Richfield (Summit Co.). Keokuk. Allen Co. White’s Creek. Saffordii, Sarae, L' * M. & W. L'" St. Liuis Co. ecobina, Zeacrinus. sculptus, Shumardianus, L Burlington. Hall. L L * 8triobrachiatus, subspinosus, tenuibrachiatus, L L M. & W. L (upper) * truncatulus, truncatus, Hall. L * L * tuberosus, L * Platycrinus.] 235 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Autlior. Platycrinus, Miller, 1821. Horizon. antheliontes, Austin. arenosus, Kon. & Le Hon. armatus, Miinst. Austinianus, Kon. & Le Hon. contractus. PhiB. coronatus, Goldf. diadema, M‘Coy. ellipticus, Phill. expansus. M‘Coy. gigas. Phill. granosus, De Kon. granulatus. Miller. interscapularis, Phill. Dimorphocrinus, 1847. laciniatus, Phill. Levis, Aliller. megastylus, M‘Coy. microstylus, Phill. Miillerianus, Kon. & Le H. Olla, ornatus, M'Coy. pentangularis ?, Miller. pileatus, Goldf. planus, Owen. plicatus. M'Coy. punctatus, rugosus, Miller. similis, M'Coy. spinosus, Austin. striatus, Miller. triacontadactylus, M‘Coy. trigintxulactylus, DeKon. &LeH. tuberculatus, Miller. vesiculosus, M'Coy. L’, L" L' L' LLS., L’" L", L"' L' L'" (Yored.) ... LLS., L" LLS., yel. sands L', L'" L\ L" L" LLS., L'” LLS., L', L", L L', L"' L'" LLS., CL. Locality. Hook Point. Mendip Hills. • Tournai (upper clay). . Hook Head (Wexford). Tournai. . Craggenore (Govt.). Eolland. . Knockacoller(Queen’sCo.). Mendip. .Fermanagh. [Holland. . Knoeksoona.Alport. Bolland. Tour- . Bandoran. [nai. Hook Point. Mendips. Bolland. . Tournai (upper clay). .Hook Point. Castle Roberts. Men- . Newton. Plymouth. [dips, &c.i . Hook Head, Fethard, Bolland, &c. . Malaliide, Beith. Bolland, Tournai. . Bolland. [&e. . Tournai. (clay beds). Mendip Hills. Bristol. Bristol. Clitkeroe. Tournai. Bolland. Tournai (upper clays). Clitheroe. Steales. Rae's Gill. Whitewell. [Tournai. | Hook Point (Wexford). Mendips. Famignoul. Wexf. Black Rock < Brist. ). Tournai. HookPoint, BlackRock (Bristol), &c. South Skiells. Bristol. Tournai. Mendips. Bolland. Tournai. Bakewell (Derbyshire). Pt.attcrinus (continued). \ 236 [CARBONIFEROUS. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. 1 KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. j MISSOURI. < 6 | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. o o 1 KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. L * Burlington. Wortbeni, Yandelli, spec, indet., Poteriocrinus, 3 aequalis, Barrisii, Bisselli, bursseformis, calyculus, carbonarius, carinatus, Clio, Hall. 1. Owen & Shu in. L * Kinderh * ff 1 filler, 1821. Po Hall. teriocrinites . L, Encrinit. L’st. Burlington. i. L White L Burlington. Hall. L M. & W. UCM Springfield. Burlington. L * L * L" Crawfordsville. Summit Co. Coreyi, crateriforniis, Crineus, cultidactylus, cylindricus, dicliotomus, dilatatus, f'usiformis, Hardinensis, hemisphsericus, Indianensis, Juvenis, L" * L'" * * Hall. Kinderh * Summit Co. (L T pp. Waverley S’st.). Burlington. L * Lyon. Hall. L' * L * Burlington. L * L * Worth. L’ Hardin Co. Verdigris Valley, BooneCo., Lexing- Crawfordsville. [ton, &c. Shum. * M. & W. L" * L'? * Hall. L" * Keokuk. Burlington. lepidus, Macoupinensis, inaniforniis, L * Worth. UCM L" * Wittenburg. Shum. L' * Missouriensis, L'" * * St. Louis, &c. * Norwoodi, notabilis, obuncus, M. & W. L'" Hancock and Pope Cos. * C. E. White L * Burlington. Owiin & Shum. V" * A gassizocr in us. L &c * Burlington. perplexus, Fleias, L * * Hall. Kinderh * L * J rugosus, salignoideus, scalaris, simplex, solidus, spinosus. Shum. UCM * Putnam Co., &c. Burlington. White. L * M. & W. LCM. ? * Hall. LCM. ? * M. & W. L * Burlington. Kaskaskia. Owen & Shum. L"' * M. & W. LCM. ? * subimpressus, L * Burlington. Bay City (Pope Co.). Burlington. L'" * Swallowi, tenuibrachiatus, tenuidactylus, Tethys, t utu id us, L * L * L L (upper beds) .. * Owen & Shum L”' '... * Chester. Hall L Burlington. Crawfordsville. Coeliocrinvs. Protaster, Forbes, 1849. L” spec, indet., Pterotocrinus, 7 eapitalis, Chesterensis, L" r jyon and Casseda Lyon. M. & W. y Submenus of Dichocrinus. L/" * Crittenden Co. L .. Chester. Lyon & Cass T roost. L"' . Crittenden Co. i comutus, crassus, l'" ::::::::::::::: * M. & W. L", L'" Hardin Co. depressus, pyramidalis, Lyon & Cass. M. Grit, . * Grayson Co. The Springs. Grayson, Edmondson, Breckenr.Cos 1 237 [Carboniferous. I’OTERIOCRINUS.] EUROPE, &C. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. | fran'ce. < 1 s. ci « 5 WESTPHALIA. a a CC | IIARZ. MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. t* 55 o x RUSSIA, EUROP. a < a ALTAI. Locality. Poteriocrinus, Miller, 1821. Po teriocrinites. L' L" L"' .. * L' L", L'" * * L”' * L' crassus, Miller. L', L", L'" * * * Tournai. Rasdzin. Saraninsk. dactvloides, Austin. 1/ * Hook Point (Waterford Haven). LLS.. 17 * L’ L", L"' * L’' L”, L"' * * L', L" * L" Men cl ip Hills. U" Maccoyanus ?, De Kon. L\ L'" * Beith. Howood. Vise. maffcrocheirus, M‘Coy. LLS., CL * L' * multiplex, Trautsch. L" Moscow. nuciformis, M c Chesney. L" * 1 Jerbysli., Serpoukhoff (Moscow), &c. originarius, T rautsch. L" pentagonus. Austiil. * Clevedon Bay. Phillipsianus, ,, ? L’" quinque-angularis, Miller. L" * * Capelrig, Bolland, Bristol, K.nrowa radiatus, Austin. L\ 11" * * Hook Point. Yorksh. Tournai. Vise. rostratus, ,, ? L\ L"' * * ,, Clevedon. Bristol. spissus, De Kon. L', 11" * * Capelrig. Clevedon. Eecausines. Tournai. [&c. tenuis, Miller. 1 " * * Rae’s Gill, Bristol, Tournai, Karowa, tenuissimus, Eichw. L' (Govt. Toula) Sloboda. yarians, 11 spec, nova, De Kon. * | Protoechinus, Austin. anceps, Austin. CL * 3 p Pterotocrinus { continued ').'] 238 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. CO CO z < < •T2 < CO z < < 35 < oi a H z 1 CO < O Z < 2 o (O C Z 3 < Z z 6 o 3 H Z g w CO /. w z z w &- z >• CO z z w c- © o ◄ > o z z o E- s 0 W < © t i O CO Z 5 0 W z Locality. rugosus, Lyon & Cass. L'" ... * sexlobatus, V" Russelville. &c., 1821 Rhodocrinites. Miller, 1821 Hall. Burlington. L M. & W. L (lower beds) .. Hall. L" '... * Warsaw. L Burlington. : Whitei L var. Burlingtonensis, „ L L Scaphiocrinus, Hall, 1858. Sub g. of Poterioerini te s. * T.” * Crawfordsville. M. k. W.It/" Bay City ( Pope Co.). UCM * Springfield. Hall. L Burlington. Clio, M. & W. L Coreyi, Hall. L * ,, L"' * St. Louis. L’" * Kaskaskia. decadactylus, M. & W. L", L"’ * Newtonville. Kaskaskia. L" ... . * Crawfords ville. Hall. L Burlington. L" * Warsaw. „ L Burlington. M. & W. Halli, Hall. L .' UCM * Gallatin Co. Larrv Creek. Hall. M'Chesney. V" * Kaskaskia. Hall. Kinderh * Summit Co. (Upp. Wayerley S’st.). Worth. L' * M. & W. L Burlington. Hall. L" * Crawfordsville. M. & W. L Burlington. L" Keokuk. penicillus, L Burlington. ramulosus, Hall. L Randolfensis, Worth. L" robustus, Hall. L" * Crawfordsvil'e. rudis, M. & W. L Burlington. rusticellus, C. A. White. L scalaris, M. & W. L scoparius, Hall. L"' * simplex, L, Kinderh. Cedar Co. Burlington. solidus, M. & W. L Burlington. spinobracbiatus, Hall. L striatus, M. & W L (lower) subcarinatus, Hull. Kinderh * Summit Co. (L T pp. Waverley S’st.). subtortuosus, * Tetkys, M. & W. L Burlington. tortuosus, Hall. L unicus, L" * Crawfordsville. Wachsmuthi, M. & W. L (upper) Burlington. Whitei. Hall. L Schoenaster. Meek and Wort hen. 1860 Asteroipf.a: subgen. of Palasferina. Meek & Worth. V" 1 * St. Clair Co. (St. Louis limestone). L (upper beds) .. ... Burlington. Stee-anocrinus. Meek and Worth en, 1865 See Actinocrinws arancolus. aruneolus. Meek & Worth. L Burlington. Strotocrinus. Meek and Wortlien. 1866 Physetocrinus. See Actino- crinus. {Egilops, Hull. Rhodocrints.] 239 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, ancl Author. Horizon. Z ■J a Q Z < H O a z < o a a a 1 » ◄ x X X. a 5 a £ X a ◄ X a a X N a < ■< © a a >- r < X o D a < X a a < a ◄ E- a Locality. Rhodocrinus, Miller , 1821 Gilbertsocrinus — Acanthocrinus . abnormis, M'Coy. Bursa, Phill. L' Millicent. Croagh Common. Bolland. L'" * calcaratus, ,. L'" * Poulscadden (Howth). Bristol. Wexford. Bristol. costarus, Austin. LLS., L' * * granulatus, „ i mammillaris, Phill. V * L w * Bolland. ( simplex, Portlock. j stellaris, De Kon. L’ * Fermanagh. Bristol. Toumai. L’, L” * * unarticulatus, De Kon. k Le Hon. L'. L"’ * * Craigenglen. Robroyston. Vise. Benburb. Mendips. Moscow. Riv. Yolwa. Corrieburn. Beith. Dovedale. verus, Miller. LLS., Jj", IT ... it * spec, indet., Young. Rho-echinus, Keeping. irregularis, Keeping. I Stemmatocrinus, Trautschold, cernuus, Trautsch. L r , L" * * L' Hook Head (Wexford). Mjatschkovo (Moscow). Settle (Yorkshire). 1807. L" * Sycocrinus, Austin, 1843. anopeptamenus, Austin. TV clausus, „ L' Jacksoni, ,, L' | Sirotocrinus ( continued ).] 240 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. a cw 55 — < £ < < GO < S3 S3 w Z S3 O CO CO < 6 55 < o 2 i-3 -5 55 ◄ s 2 o’ © £ o o E- z w H H CO a 2 55 W ’<5 < -3 5* Z 55 « S- H O o CO O 55 55 O E* fa S3 e H -5 O 55 © Z & 23 « W 2 Locality'. asper, asperrimus, ectypus, erodus, Actinocrinus. glyptus, Actinocrinus. iratus, Actinocrinus. regalis, Actinocrinus. perumbrosus, Actinocrinus. subumbrosus, umbrosus, Actinocrinus. Synbathocrinus brevis, dentatus, Oweni, papillatus, robustus, Swallovi, Wachsmutbi, Nematocrinus , Worth eni. M. & W. L 1 * Quincy. Burlington. Meek. * Hall. L ' * L * ” I, L * L L L * , Phillips, 1836. M. & W. Nematocrinus (a subgenus). Burlington. Rockford. L (lower) * Owen & Shum. L ' * Hall. Kinderh * Owen & Skum. L * Burlington. Buttonmould Knob. Shum. Kinderh * 9 L", L’" *- Keokuk. St. Louis. M. & W. L ( upper) Burlington. M. & W. Hall. L Taxoerinus. Phi/lios. M'Cov. 18 44 Subgenus of Bhodocrinus. semiovatus, Shumardianus, Tbiemei, Forbesiocrinus Trematocrinus, Phillips. L"' * Rosiclare. Hardin Co. L”' * St. Louis limestone. Hall. L * Burlington. Hall, 1860 See Goniasteroidocrinus. fiscellus, retinulatna. L * Burlington. L * Zeacrinus, Troost , 1850. Subgen. n.ranthonhorus. M. & W. of Poteriocrinus. LCM * Fulton Co. L'” Pope Co. Kaskaskia. Burlington. asper, biFurcatus, compactilis, crass us, M c Chesney. Worth. L L'" * Kaskaskia Co. V * M. & W. LCM * Avon (Fulton Co.). crateriformis, Cyathocrinus. discus, elegans, florealis, formosus, intermedius, Lyra, magnoliaformis, maniformis, Troost. L’" * * Grayson Co. Yand. & Shum. UCM * Sugar Creek and Sangamon. Hall. L * 1 . Burlington. Yand. & Shura. Id" * Grayson Springs and Co. Worth. L' * Hall. IV” Chester. M. & W. L * Burlington. Owen & Norw. IV” * Grayson Co. Yand. & Shum. IV” * * * Genevieve, Golconda, Grayson Cos. Poteriocrinus. merope, niucrospinus, ovalis, paternus, perangulatus, planobraehiatus, ramosus, Hall Kinderh., L' ... Richfield (Summit Co.). M c 'Chesney. Lyon & Cass Hall LCM., U * * Carlinville. Macoupin. Rush M. Grit, L’” * Creek. Grayson and other counties. Kinderh * Summit Co. (Upper \\ averley White L (upper) sandstone). Burlington. M. & W L”, L'" Monroe Co. Hall L * Burlington, Ac. sacculus, var. concinnus White L * L * serratus, spinosus, Stimpsoni, subtumidus, » ,, M. & W L >» Kaskaskia Co. Owen & Shum tv ” :.... * Salford ? L" * The siliceous group of C.L. Worth M. & W L' | Troostianus, | Wortheni, L' * Warren Co. Hall L”' Chester. Synbathocrinus.] 241 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Synbathocrinus, Phillips, 1836. conicus, Phill. Taxocrinus, Phillips, 1843. Egertoni, Phill. macrodactylus, „ nobilis, „ polydactylus, M‘Coy. Woodocrinus, De Koninck, 185 macrodactylus, Zygocrinus, Broun, 1850? Astr Bennici, R. Ether., jun. tetragonus, Austin. Horizon. L\ L'". L"' LLS. ... L m LLS., L" 4. ocrinites, Austin. L' L’. Locality. Wexford. Bolland. Bristol. Hawes. Yoredale ? Clonea (Ballinacourty), &c. Bolland. Ballintrillick. Richmond. Yorkshire (in contact with Millstone Grit). Carlops (Peeblesshire). Hadding- tonshire. Dunbar. Fifeshire. Settle (Yorkshire). Sf.rpula.j 242 r Carboniferous. Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Order TUBICOLA. Class ANNELIDA. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Serpula, Linntsus, 1756. carbonaria, R. Brown. Horizon. Serpulites, M‘Lcay, 1839. annulatus, Dawson. Hortonensis, „ inelegans, „ Spirorbis, Lamarck, 1818. angulatus, Dawson, annulatus, var. nodulosns, arietina, carbonarius, Hall. Dawson. L" .. LCM. L" .. L' L" L” M. Grit LCM., M., U. - i a 3 glo Locality. Sydney Coal-field. Bed b. Windsor. Halfway River. Bed b. Windsor. Windsor. Alton. Warsaw. Bloomington. Spergen Hill. None given. Common everywhere. Arenicola.] 243 [Carboniferous. S tiering dom ANNULOSA. Order TUBICOLA. Class ANNELIDA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. 1 SCOTLAND. £ < c z K ►3 - « O z £ 1 RHENISH PRUSSIA. 1 WESTPHALIA. 1 SILESIA. 1 HARZ. 1 MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. 1 SAXONY. RUSSIA. EUROP. J < ~ P ALTAI. Locality. Arenicola, Lamarck , 1818. carbonaria, Binney Campy lit es, Sowerby (Desk ayes). LCM * Upholland flags. Wigan. 1830. L’ Cribellites. carbonari us, Crossopodia, J/'Cb L’ * /, 1848. Ditrupa, Berkeley, Zool. Journ. v. carbonifera, Ryckholdt. Nemertites, Murchison, 1839. 427. L' * ... Craigenglen shale. Culm * Ortonia, Nicholson, 1873. L'" * Robrovston. Carluke. Gare. Sabella, M'Coy. \ antiqua, Serpula., Linnaus, 1 antiquata, M'Coy. 756 ... C’L * ::: Microconchus, Murchison, 1839. Kon. L M ., * L’" * L"' .. J caperata, carbonaria, carinata, clavaeformis, hexi carinata, omphaloides, Spirobis. parallela, M'Coy. L"' .. * Robroyston. LLS , MCM. * ... L'. ....... Sloboda (in yellow clay). Kon. 11" * M ‘Coy . TV, L”, L'” * * Bundoran. Craigenglen. Clitheroe. Goldf. LLS., L’ .. . M‘Coy. 11, L”?, L"' * * * Ballyshannon. Charleston. Vise. Lisnapaste. Ballintra. Famignoul or Vise. Vise. LLS Sowerbyana, spinosa, 8ubannulata, Kon. * L'" ■K Portl. L' * Killashiel (Tyrone). Armagh. Killgrogan. = Ecculiomphalus, Portloek,'. 1843. Vise. Waulsort. L' * Sermilaria. Arfolnh Vomer. 1843 angio8toma, sernula. Kon. L", L'" * ... L" * Waulsort (M. Dupont). Auchterwater. Gare. Durham Serpulites, M'Leay, 1839. carhonarius. M‘Cov. * compressus, membranaceus, Spiroglyphus, Lam marginatus, Spirorbis, Lamarck, caperatus, carbonarius, L’ L" * ‘ Bundoran. [Gare. St. Doolagh’s (D ublin ), C raigenglen. M'Coy. irck ; M'Coy M'Coy. 1818. M ‘Coy IV, L”' . * 1844. L', 11" ... * LLS. TV”... Hookhead. Brockley. Gare. * freshwater. globosus, Helicteres, intermedius, lineolatus, M‘Coy. Salter. LLS., 11, L" ... LLS. . [Yoredale, &eV Agnaglogh, Ac. Craigenglen. N’ewton. Clubbidean (Inchkeith). Vultra. Holywood. Woodlands. Ilorowitchi (Novogorod). Tyrone. Agnaglogh. Sloboda (with Product vs gigas). [fairmyres Quarry. Gare. Uoa lbrookdale. M'Coy. Eichw. LLS , IV rv * minutus, Portl. LLS. . pusillus, ( Serpula ) spinosa, ( ) spec, indet., Vermilia, Lamarck. minuta, Martin. L' "I .. Kon. LLS. .. Prestw. LCM.? Brown. TV" * Robroyston Gare. Todinor- den. Bcith. spec, indet., Craip’iTi' °l 1 1 Acanthotelson.] 244 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Division ARTHROPODA or ARTICULATA. Class CRUSTACEA. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 02 < 02 < < | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < ’ | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. •oiiio 5 TENNESSEE. 1 PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK, j Locality. en 1865 Morris Town, Co. Grundy. LCM LCM * Anthracopalaemon, Salter , 1801 Macroura. LCM. (base) ... * Morris Town, Co. Grundy. LCxM. '. '. * Archaeocaris, Meek, 1872. Kiuderh. x Bairdia, M'Coy, 1844. mcm Joggins. Bellinurus, Konig, 1825. LCM Morris Town. Co. Grundv. Ostracoda. Fam. Lymnadid.e. MCM * MCM *? L" * Windsor. * | petrifactor, White & St. John L'" * Pella (St. Louis limestone). L'" * X r ”„ C. A. White MCM., U * Adelophthalmus.] 245 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom AKNULOSA. Division ARTHROPODA or ARTICULATA. Class CRUSTACEA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q < W Q 2 J O o 2 O 55 — O •-3 a n a o 2 < X X S3 bs c- X 55 < < K, gl 1 < c c K J X) es < > < o a o a 2 O >5 ■< CO a O cs a a < CO a a a < a < b* — <1 Locality. i Adelon'ht'ha.lmii?;. Jordan 185(1 Eurypterus. granosus, Jordan. MCM * Ant.hraea.laemon. Salter. 1861 ... Pal 5 S5 w | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Ceratiocaris, MCoy, 1800. 1 Bradleyi, Meek. Colpocaris (subgen.), elytroides, „ ! Colpocaris. sinuata, M. & W. strigata, ' Meek. Solenocaris (subgen.). * * Danville (upper Waverley sandst.). „ „ ,, ■se Carbonia.] 247 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < - - | SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. c « < rZ If. Z | WESTPHALIA. < w cc s < | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. ALTAI. Locality. Carbonia, Rupert Jones, 1870. Agnes, Jones Evelinas, ,, var. rugulosa, „ Ceratiocaris, M‘Coy, 1850. Oretonensis, H. Woodw. truncatus, „ Chonionotus, Jordan, 1856. lithantliracis, Jordan. Crangopsis, Salter, 18G1 Fam. CytheriuiD-E. LCM * ... South Wales. LCM LCM ” L" * Oreton and Farlow (Worcestersh.). L" .... * mcm * Saarbruck. Ingersfreunde. Palaeocrangon, Salter. Fifeshire. socialis, Salter. CL., M. Grit ... * spec, indet., „ Cyclus, Re Koninck, 1841. bilobatus, H. Woodw. Brongniartianus, De Kon. Harknessi, H. Woodw. Jonesianus, ,, radialis, Phill. Rankini, Woodw. CL. Yorkshire. L' * Settle (Yorkshire) only. Tournai. Vise. L', L'" L' * Little Island (Cork). Cork. L' 45- L', L'" .... * Corrieburn. Bolland. Vise. U * Hairmyres. Carluke (coal-shale), i Little Island (Cork). torosus, ,, 11 * Wrightii, „ Cyprella, Re Koninck, 1841 -44 annulata, De Kon. chrysalidea, „ var. subannulata, Jones. L' Fam. Cypridid.e. [Settle. Little Island. Cork. Bathgate. Vise.j Cork. Longnor. Settle. Vise. , , Settle. L' * * * L", L'" * * * L' Cypridea?, Bosquet, 1852 Fam. Cypridid-e. elongata, Goldenb. Cypridella, Re Koninck, 1844... cyprelloides, Jones & Kirkby. cruciata, De Kon. MCM * Saarbruck ? Fam. Cypridinada:. L' * Cork. L'" * * Vise. Edwardsiana, „ L'. L * * * var. septentrionalis, „ Koninckiana, Jones, obsoleta, Jones & Kirkby. quadrata, „ ,, Wrightii, „ ,, Cypridinella, Jones and Kirkby, alta, Jones & Kirkby. Bosqueti, „ „ clausa, „ ,, CL * * Cork. Lanarkshire. Ayrshire. ,, Little Island. 11 * * L'" ... * Vise. L', L'" * * Cork. Little Isle. Vis6. 1874. * Cork. VisA L’" * Vise. L' * Cork. Little Tsle. Cummingii, „ „ galea, intermedia, ,, ,, 11 Isle of Man. Poolwash. L' * * Cork. Little Isle. U" Bathgate. Linlithgowshire. Cork. Little Isle. Maccoyiana, „ „ monitor, ,. „ V * L’, 11" *- Settle. VisA superciliosa, „ „ uncinnata, ,, L' * * * Cork. Bathgate. Settle, &c. L' vomer, ,, ,, L' var. cultrata, ., „ L' Cypridina, Milne-Edwards, 1838. annulata, Do Kon. L * ,, Vis A Bradyana, Jones & Kirkby. brevimentum, ,, L', 11" * Cork. 11. L" „ Derbyshire. VisA VisA concentrica, De Kon. V" Edwardsiana, „ v" Lanarkshire. Grossiartiana, Jones & Kirkby. Jlibberti, ,, „ 41- LLS.,LC.,LCM. Main post L’st. L' Burdie House. Hunteriana, „ ,, Iiraidwood. Lanarkshire. oblonga, „ „ Cork. Little Island. ovalis, Cumming. Phillipsiana, Jones & Kirkby. primseva, M'Coy. pruniformis, Jones & Kirkby. radiata, „ ,, Isle of Man. [Robroyston. Co. Cork. Middleton. Braidwood. U" .... 11. L" .... Parkhill. Carluke (also Permian). Limerick. Vise. 11" CM Ipstones (Staffordshire). Carluke. Gare (upper limest. shale). Gare. Rankiniana, 11" scoriacea, ,, „ L’" subglobata, subrecta, Pollock. " Derry. Tyrone, Ac. Gare. Lanarkshire. Thompsoniana, Jones & Kirkby. L'" 1 CrpRis.] 248 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Cypris, Muller, 1776. spec, indet., Cythere, Muller , 1785. Americana, carbonaria, crassimarginata, Nebraskensis, Dawson. Sbum. Cox? Winch. Gein. MCM. (lower) simplex, spec, indet., White & St. John. Dawson. C. A. White. Cox. UCM L" Kinderli. . . . UL L"', MCM. LCM. MCM. Cytherella, Rupert Jones, 1849. inflata, Dawson. Cytherina, Muller, 1776. spec, indet., C. E. White. Diplostylus, Salter, 1862. Dawsoni, Salter. Dithyrccaris, Scouler, 1835. carbonarius, M. & W. Horizon. UCM. MCM. MCM. Joggins, Division 4. Cytherea. Verdigris Valley. Spergen Hill. ' Alan’s Quarry. Rockville, Bed 5. Nebraska City. Sternberg’s Mill. Webster City. St. Louis limestone. Joggins, Division 4. Localitv. Joggins. Winterset. Middle Joggins. Danville. 249 / Cypridina (continued).'] [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q Z Q z Q Z P O ISH PRUSSIA. < < X < 1 < < z X B W ◄ Locality. s b o CO o z w C P w 55 X w x H CO W 2 - CO N X < o w o ca O X < CO CO P < P ALTA Wrightiana, Jones & Kirkby. Toungiana, Cypridinopsis ,. Jones and Kirkby simplex, Jones & Kirkby. Youngiana, „ „ L' 48 L'" 48 1871 See Polycope. Glasgow environs. South Hill (Campsie). Carluke. Fam. Dapiinoidea. Leperditia. 1st Calmy L’st. L" 48 incisa, Ludwig. Scoto-Burdigalensis & subrecta, P Cythere, Muller, 1785. amputata?, Kirkby. annulate, De Kon. bilobata, Munster, concentrica, De Kon. comigera, Jones & Kirkby. costata, M‘Coy. Crosskeyana, „ cuneola" Jones & Kirkby. Edwardsiana, De Kon. fabulina, Jones & Kirkby. Carbonia. CM ortl 48 Derry. Tyrone. Fermanagh. Orchard. Carluke. Robroyston. Famignoul. Vise. V, L'" * 48 L\ L"' 48 L'' 48 * L' 48 Famignoul. Craigenglen. Orchard. L'. L'" 48 CL V 48 Bathgate shales. Boghead. Calderside, &c. Charleroi ? Famignoul. Craigenglen, Possil, Gare, &c. Robroyston. L', L"' 48 L'"? 48 L', V", UCM.... * L"' * intermedia, Miinst. Jonesiana, Kirkby. Miinsteriana, Jones & Kirkby. nigrescens, Eicliw. oblonga, M‘Coy. obtusa, Jones & Kirkby. ? oralis, Stoddart. pungens (Carbonia), Jones &K’by. Rankiniana ( Carbonia), „ secans (Carbonia), „ simplex, „ sphseridium, Keyserl. subula, Jones & Kirkby. Thraso, MSS. „ Toulensis, Semenh. & Moll, ventricornis, Jones & Kirkby. Youngiana, „ ,, Cytherella, Rupert Jones, 1849. brevis, Jones, inflate, Miinst. lunata, Stoddart. simplex, Jones & Kirkby. Cytherina, Rupert Jones, 1849... Daphnia, M'Coy, 1844. primteva, M‘Coy. Cypridina. Dithyrocaris, Scouler, 1835, = A Colei, Portlock. glabra, granulate, Woodw. & Ether., jun. orbicularis, Portlock. L' 48 48 V 48 Craigenglen. 48 L' 48 Filimonoff. LLS., L’ * 48 Draper’s Town. Cullion. Tirfergus Glen (Campbelltown). Bristol. L' 48 LLS 48 L\ UCM 48 48 Craigenglen. Somerset ? (in 5 sedi- ments). Rae's Gill. Proven Hall. L’, L'", UCM.... 48 48 L' 48 48 Craigenglen (in fresh water). Carluke (Hunter). Sterlitimak. 48 UCM L' 48 Crossgate Hall. Craigenglen. Rae’s Gill. Mayfield limestone. Toula, &c. V 48 L' or L" 48 L', L"' * Robroyston. Orchard. Craigenglen shales. Southill (shale above Hosier limest.). Carluke. 17, L" 48 Subg. of Cythere. CL LLS., L', UCM.. 48 Craigenglen. Hof (Bavaria). Gloucestershire. LLS 48 L’ See Cythere, Cythereis, Cy- therella. East Kilbride (Lanarkshire). Aghnaglogh. Clogher. Craigenglen. Marine shales. [lage. Near the Church, East KilbrideVil- Ballinascreen (Derry). Kirktonholm (E. Kilbride). Famignoul. Carmichael Burn (Lanarkshire). Robroyston. Settle. VisA Derry and Tyrone. Paisley (above Hosier limestone). Orchard. Paisley. Kirktonholm (E. Kilbride). Derbyshire. Campbelltown. Settle. CM 48 rgas. LLS., L' 48 L' 48 48 L’ ovalis, Woodw. & Ether., jun. paradoxides, De Kon. striatus, Woodw. & Ether., jun. tenuistriatus, Scouler, M’Coy. testudinea, Scouler. L' V L' 48 L', L L’, L"' 48 Scouleri. tricornis, Scouler L', L" * spec, indet., M’Coy. Edwardsiana, Be Koninck. Eichwaldia, Rupert Jones and, K Scotica, Jones & Kirkby. Entomis, Rupert .Jones, 18(18. Fa JBurrovii, Jones & Kirkby. irkhy. 17 m.CYI'RiniNAD/E. 17 48 3 s Estheria.] 250 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Estheria, R'uppell ; Strauss, 1838 I Dawsoni, Jones LCM. Eurypterus, Dekay, 1826. Mazonensis, M. & W. I spec, indet. (large), Salter. Horizon. LCM. MCM. MCM. Leaia, Rupert Jones, 1855. Leidyi, Lea. | tricarinata, M. & W. iLeperditia, Rouault. 1851. Earn, carbonaria, Hall, Okeni, Miinst. var. subrecta, ? Portlock. LCM. Leperditiad.e. L" L', L'\ LCM. .. LCM Locality. Horton Bluff. Mazon Creek. Port Hood. Mid-Joggins (plant-bed). Plaister Cove. Canseau Straits. (Warsaw limest.) Spergen Hill. Horton Bluff. Entomis (continued).] 251 [Carboniferous. EUKOPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. BELGIUM. | PRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. tsa OS < MORAVIA. BOnEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. ALTAI. Locality. concentrica, De Kon. Koninckiana, Jones & Kirkby. obscura, „ ,, L' .. X Carluke (main limestone). Settle (Yorkshire). Cork (Little Island). TV... * L' * triconcentriea, „ „ Entomoconchus, M‘ Coy, 1839... globosus, Jones & Kirkby. orbicularis, „ „ Scouleri, M'Coy. Estheria, Riippell-, Strauss. 1838 Adamsi, Jones. Peachii, „ punctatella, „ striata, Miinst. var. Beinertiana, Jones. „ Binneyana, „ „ Tateana, „ tenella, Dr. Jordan. L'. . Fam. Lymnadid.e. L' West Broadstone (Ayrshire). Cork. L' LLS„ L', L", L * Castleknock. W. Broadstone. Bol-| land. Vise. Fam. Lymnadida:. lcm * South Wales. LCM. . * Salisbury Crags, Camston Quarry.! &c. Carluke. Meikle Earnock (Kilbride). 1 Lanarkshire. L’, L"' * LCM., M * LCM.j M * X „ Lancash. Glatz (Silesia). Chesterfield. Derbyshire. Berwickshire. LCM.' X LCM LCM., U :. * * X X X Shotts. Lancash. S. Wales. Autun. Eurypterus, Dekay, 1826. Eid granosus, Jordan. Adetophthalmus. ? maminatus, Salter. othea, Scouler. MCM Sulbach. Stylonurus, Huxley. Jagersfreunde (Saarbruck). Pendleton. Ram's Mine. Man- X MCM., M * Scouleri, Hibbert. Gampsonyx (-nychus ), Jordan fimbriatus, Jordan. L' Chester. i Bathgate Hills. Campsie. Kirkton. Uronectes. Carcinurus, IWonn., St. Ingbert, Lebach, Saarbruck, and 1 Bavaria. Lisek Basin. Herm. von M UCM ey er , 1 85 6.. X parallelus, Fritseh. Kirkbya. Fam. Lepf.rmtiad.e. annectens, Jones & Kirkby. bipartita, „ „ bituberculatus, M‘Coy. Eichwaldiana, Jones & Kirkby. impressa, „ „ oblonga, „ „ Permiana, Jones. L', L"' * * Orchard, Grange Quarry, Burntis- land, &c. Craigenglen. Orchard. L\ L’" * L' L', L"’ Craigenglen. Swindridge. W eston-super-Mare (Somersetsh .) . Brockley. Craigenglen. ,, Robroyston, &c. Cumber- land, &c. Tirfergus Glen (arenaceous limest.). ,, Campbelltown (are- naceous limest.). Craigenglen shales, &c. Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Craigenglen. Northumberland. Birkfield, Kilbride, Robroyston. Ac. „ (Hairmyres). L' X L' LLS., L’, L'" ... * X plicata, Jones & Kirkby. Scotica, ,, „ L' * V * spinosa, Jones, striolata, Eichw. V * L' umbonata, ,, L' X Urii, Jones. * spec, nova, „ * ... L' Leaia, Rupert Jones, 1 862. Leidyi, Lea. var. Salteriana, Jones. LCM X Glamorganshire (S. Wales). Crail (Fifeshire). Glamorganshire. Ardwick (Lancash.). Glamorgansh. Wettin. LCM., U „ Williamsoniana, LCM., U X Wettinensis, Lasperes. spec, indet., Jones. MCM. or U. ... LCM # Fifeshire. Leperditia, Rouault, 1851. Fam. acuta, Jones & Kirkby. amygdalina, M'Coy. Armstrongiana, Jones & Kirkby. compressa, „ ,, inflate, Murch. LEPEUDlTIAD.fi. Central Germany. Lee. * L', L” Craigie. Carluke. Hourat (main post limest.). Craigenglen (marine shales). Shropshire (in limestone). River Serena. Sloboda. Craig L' UCM laevigata, Eichw. microphthalma, „ nigrescens, Trautseh. oblonga, Jones & Kirkby. Okenit, Miinst. L' L’, CM Malowka. L', L" ? Howrat (Hosie limestone). Campbelltown. Carluke. Gare(Calmy l’st.). Somerset. Lancash. Vise. Campbelltown. Limekiln House. L',L'',L"',LCM., U. LLS., L' var. subrecta, Portloek. r + Leperditia Okeni has ten varieties registered under the following names : — Cythere cornuta , C. elongata, C. excavata, C. gib- berula, C. Hibberti, C. inornata, C. scutulum, C. oblonga, C. spinigera, C. trituberculata. (M'Coy, 1844.) PALiEOCARIS.] 252 [Carboniferous. Leperditia (continued).'] 253 [C ARBONTFEROTTS. EUROPE, &C. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. 1 BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. | IIARZ. | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | < C5 | ALTAI. Locality. parallela, Jones, radians, Portlock. Scotoburdigalensis, Hibbert. suborbiculata, Miinst. subrecta. Tatei, Jones. Youngiana, Jones & Kirkby. Lepidoderma. Imhoffi, . Reuss. Moorea, Hubert Jones, 1867. obesa, Jones, tenuis, „ OfFa, Jones and 'Kirkby, 1873? Barrandiana, Jones & Kirkby. Palaeorbis, Van Beneden and M. ammonis. Van Beneden. Kungurensis, Ludwig. Philomedes, Liljeborg, 1853. Bairdiana, Jones & Kirkby. Polycope, G. 0. Sars, 1865. Cy Burrovii, Jones & Kirkby. prsea returns, simplex, „ „ Youngiana, „ „ Prestwichia, H. Woodward, 1863 aduncata, H. Woodw. anthrax, Prestwich. Birtwelli, H. Woodw. rotundata, Central Germany. Campbell town. BurdieBeds. Grange(Burntisland). Limekiln House (E. Kilbride). L" LLS LLS ? L' Possil Deu (Dairy). Pilsen beds. Somersetshire. * L"? .. L"? * L' * Middleton (Cork). = Gyromices, Gold If. Alsdorf, Bochum, &c. (terrestrial [Gasteropod ?). . LCM * * * L' * pridinopsis. L' Settle (Yorkshire). L' * * Cork. Little Island (Co. Meath). South Hill, Carluke, &c. * MCM.? X- Lancashire (ironstone nodules). Coalbrookdale. MCM * MCM * Cornfield Pit (Lancashire). Kilmaurs. Woodhill (Padiham). Coalbrookdale. Dudley. Kiltorkan. MCM., U.? * * trilobitoidea, Buckland. MCM * himulus. Proracaris. M c Henrici, Baily? Pygocephalus, Huxley, 1857. Cooperi, Huxley. Huxleyi, H. Woodw. Rhombina, Jones and Kirkby, 18 Belgica, Hibernica, LLS * MCM., U * * Kilmaurs (Paisley). Bilston. Park Bridge. Paisley (mid-clay ironstone). VisA LCM. ? * 73. L 1 " * L' * Cork. Little Island. Sulcuna, Jones and Kirkby, 1873. cuniculus, Jones & Kirkby. lepus, „ „ Vermilia, Lamarck, 1818; Brow minuta, Brown. L 1 * L' * n. L"’ * Limekiln Burn (Hamilton). Robroyston, &c. Youngia, Jones and Kirkby, MSS. rectidorsalis, Jones & Kirkby. L'" * Phillipsia. 254 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Class CRUSTACEA. TRILOBITiE. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. CO CO 2 <5 KANSAS. NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. < c MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. ; Locality. Phillipsia, Porthole bufo, Cliftonensis, Doris, granulifera, Howi, 1843. M. & W. L" * 1 Crawfordsville. Shum. UCM Clifton Park. Hall. Kinderh * Rockville (Upp. Waverley Sandst.). D. D. Owen. Billings. Winch . MCM Kennetcook (Hunt’s Co.). L (base) ( GriiRthides\ Lodiensis. Meek. Kinderh X * Clinton Co. Lodi, Medina Co. major, Maranamekensis ?, Shum. UCM X Verdigris Valley. Lecompton. Fenton, St. Louis Co., &c. Hannibal. Lexington. Newark. Warsaw. L', L", L'", UCM. Kind., L', MCM. * Missouriensis, Portlockii, pustulata, Rockfordensis, Saugamonensis, scitula, M. & W. L” * D. D. Owen. L Burlington, Ac. Rockford. Winch. Kinderh ? * M. & W. UCM Springfield. Warren Co. UCM X * semenifera, Tennessee-ensis, Phill. L'" X X Winch. Kinderh * Hickman and Maury Cos. Pike Co. tuberculata, M. & W. * Vindobonensis, Hart L" ' Windsor. spec, indet., Shum. Kinderh X D. D. Owen. L' Keokuk Rapids. Edw. Cox CM. (shales) ... * C. A. White. MCM .' Geinitz. UCM. (limest.).. Mouth of River Platte. Proetus, Stcininger, auriculatus, ellipticus, Missouriensis, Proutii, Swallovi, 1831. Hall Kinderh Licking Co. Jersey Co. Hannibal. Marion and Green Cos. M. & W. Shum Devonian ? Hamilton Group ? Chouteau Springs (Cooper Co.). Kinderh 1 Bbachymetofub.] 255 [Carboniferous. Stjbkingdoh ANNULOSA. Class CRUSTACEA. TRILOBITiE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Locality. Brachymetopus, M‘Coy, 1847. discors, Phillipsia ? Maccoyi, Portlock. Ouralieus , Baily. Grifiithides, Portlock , 1843. Fa biserialis, Eichw. Brongniarti, F. de Waldh. calcaratus, M‘Coy. Derbyensis, Martin. Eichwaldi ( Otarion), F. deWaldb. mucronatus. Famensis, Tate, globiceps, Portlock. m. Phoetid.e. L” L", V" h'" L', L", L"' longiceps, L’ L', L", L" L" M‘Coy. mesotuberculatus, mucronatus, Eichwaldi. obsoletus, Morris & Pbill, platyceps, Portlock. Otarion, ex parte Zenker , = Griffi Eichwaldi, F. de Waldh. Phillipsia, Portlock, 1843, = Asa L', L”, L'" L’, L' f , L"' alternans, Brongniarti, coslata, Colei, crassimargo, Derbyensis, ? discors, Eichwaldi, gemmulifera, globiceps, granulifera, Griinewaldti, latespinosa, Maccoyi, pustulata, Kdmeri, seminifera, truncatula, Ad. Rom. Fischer M‘Coy. Ad. Rom. Martin. M'Coy F. do Waldh. Phill. Von Moller Sndbrgr. Portlock. Schloth. Von Moller. Phill. LLS., L’, L" thides. L', L" phus LLS LLS., L", L"' . L’, L'" LLS., L 1 LLS. (limest.). L', L", L'" .... L'.. L" L'.. L" L" Jlingste Grauw. L" LLS., L', L”, L" L” L", L"' L' } L” Kildare, Dovedale, &c. schora, &c. Riv. Pet- Alexine. Likhvine. Bolland, Vise, Riv. Serena, Ac. [Serena. Derbyshire. Rivers Petschora and Hourat. Belstone. Vereya. Durham. Northumberland. Rathmines, Bolland, Famignoul, Ac. Vallee Sichen (River Allier). Creggan, Clonfeacle, Carluke, Bake- well. Carluke. Corrie. Derbysh. Cresset.! Fidler’s Burn, Craigburn, &c. Keadue (Roscommon), Kasatschy- datschi, &c. Tyrone. Peredki (Valdai). Moscow. Subf. Asapuiadye : subg. Phillipsia . Grund (limestone). Bolland, Vise, Mjatschkovo, &e. Killimeal (Duncannon). Lisnapaste (Ballintra). Famignoul. Grund. Holme-Patrick. Beith. Longnor. ! Famignoul. Moscow (white limestone). Famignoul. Waulsort. Clermont-Ferrand(Prof. Julien). Tyrone, Bolland, Famignoul. Moscow? ( Fwswlina limestone). Bautsch. Lautenthal. Famignoul. St.Doolagh, Dairy, Ashford, Tournai. Fwswlina limestone. Ashford. Bolland. Celle Veve. Hook Head. Florence Court. Ster- litamac. Famignoul. Archegogryllus.] 256 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Class INSECTA. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Archegogryllus, Scudder, 1868. priscus, New" Archimulacris, Scudder, 1868. Acadicus, Scuddej Architarbus, Scudder, 1868 rotundatus, Scuddei Arthrolycosa, 1). Hcrser. A jc antiqua, D. Herzei Blattina, German, 1842 Bretonensis, R. Browr Heeri, venusta. Moore Christotes, Scudder. lapidea, Miamia. Scudder. Eoscorpius, Meek and Worthen ; carbonarius, Scudder Ephemerites, Scudder. Nr: mu afBnis, Scudder gigas, simplex, „ Barnesii, S Hemeristia, Dana, 1864. occidentalis, Mantis ?, Linnaus, 1748. spec, indet,., Scudder. Mazonia, Meek and Worthen, 186 Woodiana, M. & W. pustulatum, Miamia, Dana. Bronsoni, Dance, Scudder. Neuroptera. Dana. Scudder, Horizon. 1 ARKANSAS. 1 KANSAS. NEBRASKA. 1 MISSOURI. IOWA. MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. 'OHIO 1 KENTUCKY. 1 TENNESSEE. 1 PENNSYLVANIA. 1 NOVA SCOTIA. 1 CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. | . LCM * . UCM * LCM ... * nted Lycosa. LCM A Cockroach. * * CM LCM * Lowest UCM * LCM * Scudder, 1868? LCM * * * * ‘ PTERA. LCM ... LCM LCM ... i Shale, MCM. . . , * ... s ...( LCM * * * LCM ...c 8. Arachnida. LCM. ... i 68 LCM ... i LCM * ... i LCM 1 "1 Locality. Tallmadge. East River (Pictou). Allied to the Phalangida. Morris, Grundy Co. Morristown, Grundy Co. Sydney Coalfield. Th eBlattina madera\ . FrogBayou. Morris, Grundy Co. Mazon Creek (Grundy Co.). Grundy Co. Grundy Co. and Worthen). Mazon Creek (Grundy Co.). t As now living in Frog Bayou. Acridites.] 257 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom ANNTJLOSA. Class INSECTA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. 33 < S C/7 K | SILESIA. < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. -3 -< K S3 ALTAI. Locality. Acridites, Germar, 1842 Termitida:. mcm ■v * Wettin. Beraun. Lisek. Lancashire (4 feet, or bone-coal). Wettin. See Supplementary list. ? Lebach. Wettin. See Supplement. Saarbruck. See Supplement. Saarbruck. Slopes of Auerswald. Saarbruck. Saarbruck. Coalbrookdale (ironstone nodules). Coalbrookdale (ironstone nodules). Rakonitz, Chomle, &c. Giesweiler Pit. Saarbruck. Sulbach (Saarbruck). Auerswald. Dudley. Coalbrookdale. Sandwell Park. Skegby Collie- ries. The genus still lives in Sardinia. See Palipout. Dunker and Yon Meyer, iv. Saarbruck. Coalbrookdale. Not known. Chomle. Sars-Longehamps. Bassin de Mons. Radnitz. Rakonitz. Sunderland. Claxlieugh. Myslowitz, CO miles west of Breslau. Saarbruck. carbonatus, Miinst. priscus, R. Andreas, spec, indet., Germar. * MCM * Araneida. CM * spec, indet., Corda? Architarbus, Scnddcr, 1868. subovalis, H. Woodw. Blattina, Germar, 1842. Blatti anaglyptica, Germar. clathrata, ,, didyma, „ flabellata, „ Fritcliii, Heer. gracilis, Goldenb. Helvetica, Heer. Lebachensis, „ primiEva, ,, Tischbeinii, Goldenberg. Corydalis, Mantell, 1839-41 ? N Brongniarti, Mantell. Grillacris. Curculioides, Buckland, 1850. Anstici, Buckland. Prestvici, „ Cyclophthalmus, Corda, 1835. senior, Dictyoneura, -Jordan, 1854. Ne anthracophila, Jordan. Humbokitiana, Goldenb. libelluloides, ,, Eophrynus, H. Woodward, 1876. Prcstvicii, Buckland. Eosccrpius, H. Woodward. anglicus, H. Woodw. Gryllacris, Heer and Burmeister. Charpentieri ?, Heer. lithanthraca, Goldenb. spec, indet., II. Woodw. Lithomantis, H. Woodvmrd. 1 876. carbonari us, II . Woodw. Microlabis, Corda, 1839. Arac S ternbergii, Corda. Omalia, fkneden and Coeymans, 1 macroptera, Bened. & Coeym. Palaxanea, Fritsch, 1870? borassil'olia, Fritsch. Phasmis ? Piiasmid^e. spec, indet., Eirkby. Protolycosa, F. Bonner, 1866. A anthracophila, F. Rom Silesiaca, „ Scarabaeus, Linnmus, 1735. CV spec, indet., Goldenberg? CM * n.E (Orthoptera). MCM * * CM * * MCM MCM * MCM * * * MCM MCM EUROPTERA. Ironstone nod., LCM. Coleoptera. LCM * * * LCM SCORPIONIDA. LCM * UROPTERA. MCM * * * MCM MCM False Scorpion. LCM * * CM Locustid/E MCM * LCM * * IINIDA. LCM * 867. UCM * LCM.? * * UCM HAN I I)/E. CM ... * * CM LEOPTERA. MCM * 5 u Mtlacris.] 258 [Carboniferous . NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. a GG < x « w I MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | OHIO. | KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. | < H O o CO ◄ > o S5 [ CArE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. Mylacris, Scudder, 18G8? Necr anthracophila, Scudder. Palaeocampa, Meek and Worfke anthrax, M. & W. Paolia, Sidney J. Smith, 1871. venusta, S. J. Smith. OPTERA. LCM. (base) ... * Morris, Grundy Co. Lepidoptera. Morris. Paoli, Orange Co. n, 1865 LCM 7> L'" or M. Grit... * | Anthracerpes.] Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Class MYRIOPODA. [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. J. < 52T 3 X < I KANSAS. NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < o 1 MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. | OHIO. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. ' Anthracerpes, Meek and Wortke typus, M. & W. Archiulus, Scudder, 1867. A lar xylobioides, Scudder. Euphoberia, Meek and Worthen, armigera, M. & W. major, „ n , 1865. LCM. (base) . . . * Morristown, Grundy Co. Joggins (Division 4?). Large centipede. Morris, Grundy Co. ge lulus. MCM * * 1868 LCM LCM Xylobius, Dawson, 1859. Relate armigerus, M. & W. Dawsoni, Scudder. fractus, ,, Sigillarise, Dawson, similis, Scudder. d to lulus. LCM * Morris, Grundy Co. CM MCM * Joggins (Division 4), in Sigillaria. MCM * MCM * 1 Termes.] 259 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RIIENISII PRUSSIA. WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. S3 PS < | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. ◄ & | ALTAI. Locality. Termes, Linnaus, 1748. Termiti affinis, Goldenb. Decheni, „ formosus, „ Heeri, ,, Tinea, Fabricius, 1775. Lepidott spec, indet., Fabr. Troxites, Goldenburg , 1856. Col German, Goldenb. Xyloryctes, Fritsch ? planus, Fritsch ? septarius, „ da:. Corrodenti mcm A. * * * * Saarbruck. Friedrichstabl. „ Altenwald Pit. „ Auerswald, near Gers- weiler. „ Altenwald Pit. A Beetle. Saarbruck (railway-cutting). Pilsen. Lisek. MCM MCM. ... MCM ERA. TlNEITES. EOPTERA mcm * * * 1 Apateon.] Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Class MYRIOPODA. [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. S3 - ◄ | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. Apateon, Girgens, 1844? pedestris, Girgens. Saurus ? Euphoberia, Meek and Worthen, anthrax, Salter. Brownii, H. Woodw. ferox, Salter. Eurypterus ? lulus, Linneeus. constans, Fritsch. Brandschiefer . . . Bavarian Phalz. Coalbrookdale. [der afield. Kilmaurs. Woodhill Quarry. Hud- Coalbrookdale. Tipton (Stafford- shire). Nyran. 1868. LCM UCM * LCM.? * costulatus, „ pictus, „ Xylobius, Dawson, 1859. A Gall Sigillarise, Dawson. Woodwardii, Scudder. * * yworm. UCM * Kilmaurs. Woodhill Quarry. Cooper’s Bridge (Huddersfield). i LCM Acanthocladia.J 260 [Carboniferous. Division MOLLUSCOIDA. Class POLYZOA = BRYOZOA. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < o I MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. < z < j > X Z Z K C- NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Acanthocladia, King , 1849. UL * Fort Riley. Cottonwood Creek. St. Louis, environs &c. Subgenus of Fenestella. Warsaw limestone. Archimedipora, D'Orbigny, 18 spec, indet., Shum. & Hayd. Archimedes, Lesueuer, 1812 ? . . . Meekana, Owenana, Hall. 50? L * L" * L” * Nauvoo. Crawfordsville. Tj" * * Howard Co. Warsaw limestone. Swallovana, „ Wortheni, „ T5(=>rf»nicia , Lamnuroux, 1821 L"' * * Chester. [saw limestone. Dover’s Hill. Spergen Hill. War- = Diastopora. Windsor. L" * * spec, indet.? Dawson. Callopora, Halil punctata, Hall. L' L" * Ceriopora, Gold fuss, 1826. spec, indet., Skumard. Cladopora, Hall. Kinderh * Ccnodictyum, Munster ; Goldfu radiatum, M. & M. Coscinium, Key scr ling, 1846. asteria, Prout. elegans, ,, * L' [limestone. Warsaw. Spergen Hill. Keokuk Hancock Co Warsaw. L'' * L" * * Warsaw. Howard Co. Keyserlingii, „ Michelinia, ,, plumosum, „ saganella, „ tuberculatum, „ Wortheni, „ Cyclopora, Trout , 1860. discoidea, Prout. fungia, ,, 1 polymorpha, ,, Eschara?, Lamarck, 1861 ; Trout L" * - L" . * Hancock Co. Warsaw. L" * ,, Barrett s Station & Warsaw. L" * Warsaw. L' * „ Keokuk limestone. L 1 * L' * Hancock Co. Warsaw. L' * St. Francisville. L"' * Kaskaskia. Pope Co. = Escharites, Burner . Organ Mountains, North Mexico. UL tuberculata, „ Evactinopora, Meek and Worthc Conodictyum ? j grandis, M. & W. 1 radiata, „ Fenestella, Lonsdale, 1839. Arctica, Salter Banyana Prout. delicata, Meek, elegantissima, Eichw hemitrypa, Prout. (Archimedes) laxa, Hall. Lyelli, Dawson (Archimedes) Lyra, Hall Lyrapora. Meekiana, „ UL n, 1865. L' * * No locale given. Albert Land. L" * Barrett’s Station. Lodi. Kinderh UL * Bellevue. Nebraska City. Barrett’s Station. St. Louis Co. L" * L' ,r * Chester. L” Windsor. Stewiacke. L Chester. L'" * Chester. multiporata, var. Lodiensis, Kinderh. ... * Lodi. | Actinostoma.] 261 [Caebonifeeous. Division JIOLLUSCOIDA. Class POLYZOA = BRYOZOA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. 1 BELGIUM. W o a < 5*« RHENISH PRUSSIA. < £ < i- C/2 W | SILESIA. N < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. •4 < £ ALTAI. Locality. Actinostoma, Young, 1874. L’, L"' * Hairmyres. Gare. High Blantyre. Sloboda (in yellow clay). Gt.Toula. Robroyston. South Skiells. Gare. River Serena (Goroditz). Mjatschkovo (Saranisk). Waterland. Lugton Water. See Diastopora. Archaeopora, Eichwald , 1859. L', L" nexilis, De Kon. regularis, Eichw. soeiata, Fischer. Astraeopora, 1844. cyelostoma, Pkill. Berenicia, Lamouroux , 1821 L\ L"' * L'. j. * L' * Carinella, R. Etheridge, jm., 1S75 cellulifera, R. Ether., jun. Cellepora, Lamouroux, 1789. favosa, Goldf. Urii, Flem. L', Shale * L' * Tournai. C’L. ? * Rutkerglen. Thalamopora,, Rdmer. River Witschegda (Petschora-land). Ceriopora, Goldfuss, 1826 bigemmis, Keyserling. crescens, Ludwig, distans, M‘Coy. interporosa, Pkill. rkombifera, ,, UCM CL * LLS., L’, L”, L'" LLS., L"' * * Howth. Campsie. Carluke. Gare. Loughskinny. Brockley. Bolland. Malahide Shore. * * * serialis, Portl. similis, Pkill. verrucosa, Goldf. L' * LLS., L', V" ... L' # * Corrieburn. Gare. * Florence Court. Enniskillen. Coscinium, Keyserling , 1846. Cyclops, Keyserling. stenops, „ Diastopora, Lamouroux, 1821. megastoma, M'Coy. Discopora, Lamarck , 1816. campanulata ?, L' [land). Rivers Belaya, Indiga (Petschora- L’ * LLS., L',L'" ... CL * * Hairmyres, Craigenglen, Gare, &c. Glasgow. * ... . Fenestella, Miller and Lonsdale, antiqua, Goldf. Jlabellata. bifida, Eichw. 1839 [Lonsdale. = Retepora. Fenestrella, LLS., IJCM. ... * L" laya and Kolva (Petschora). bicellulata, R. Ether.. jun. L', L'" Burnhead (Kilbride). Gare? Enagh. Tynan. High Blantyre. Caherass( Limerick). Beith. Burnley. carinata, M'Coy. Ilussiensis, D’Orb. crassa, M'Coy. densa, Etheridge. Devoniea, Semenow & M. LLS It L' * * * LLS., &c ... Malouka. ejuncida, M'Coy. elegantissima, Eichw. fastuosa, Kon. L'?,L" It It It ... Cork. Doohelybeg. Chatburn. Waul- Saraninsk. [sort. Waulsort. L" L 1 ' | it 3 x Fenestella ( continued ). 262 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Fucoides, Brongniart , 1828 ? ... Cauda-Galli, Shum. Glauconome, Lonsdale, 1839. trilineata, Meek, triturbinata, {Archimedes) Oweniana, patula ?, plebia. plumosa, quincuncialis, retro rsa, rhombifera, Shumardii, subquadrans, Swallovana, ( Archimedes ). virgosa, spec, iudet., Hall. M'Coy. Prout, Hall. M. & W. Swallow Prout. Hall. Eicliw. Dawson Shum. Horizon. UL L" L’" L' Kinderli. UL L' Kinderh. Fenestralia, Prout, 1860 St. Ludovici, Prout. L"' Fistulipora, Rdmingcr, 1866 ... compressa, Rbm. L" flabellum, „ L" L" L" L" peculiaris, Spergenensis, trifolia, Flustra, Linneeus, 1758. spatulata, tuberculata, Prout. LLS., L' UCM. Gorgonia, Lamarck, 1816. new spec., Swall. 3 2 % I 5 Locality. Appanoose. Hancock Co. Bellevue. Mouth of River Platte. Warsaw. Chester ? Organ Mountains (North Mexico). Kaskaskia? Crittenden Co. Bellevue. Stewiacke. Subgenus of Fenestella. St. Louis City. = Trematopora (Bominger). La Grange Mountains. Spergen Hill. La Grange Mountains. Spergen Hill. La Grange Mountains. Barrett’s Station. ,, (Keokuk limestone). A plant? Cedar town. Cooper andMarionCos. Fenestella (continued)^ 263 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. J W | SCOTLAND. 1 ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. | HARZ. | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. J z: | ALTAI. Locality. flabellata, antiqua. foraminosa, formosa, Phill LSS.,L',L , ',M.G. L" * Kilgrogan. Beith. Bolland. Harro- [gate. M'Coy. LLS., L', L”' ... L' * Woodlands. Corrieburn. Derbysh. frutex, Goldfussiana, hemisphaerica, infundibuliformis, irregularis, L' * * Dungannon. Corrieburn(calc-shale). L' * M‘Coy. Goldf L' * Cork. Roughwood (Beith). Gov s .Toula, Novgorod, TambofF, &c. Florence Court. Carluke. Staffordsh. Famignoul. Kildare. Longnor. Waulsort. Vise. L 1 L'" * Phill L' L" * * * M'Coy. L’ * membranaeea, Michelini, Morrisii, multiporata, nodulosa, oculata, orientalis, patula, plebeia, prisca, reticulata, quadridecimalis, ripisteria, surculosa, tenuifila, tuberculocarinata, undosocarinata, undulata, L' L" L'" .. * * * D’Orb. L' * M‘Coy. L' L'" * Cork.IIope(Haddingsh.). Clitheroe. „ Killimeal.Robroyst. Waulsort. Howth. Corrieburn. Harrogate, &c. Ballinacourty. Campbellt. Waulsort. Sterlitamak (West Ural). L' TV', V" . * * Phill. L’,L",L"',M.Grit LLS * M‘Coy. * * * M'Coy. L'? * ... LLS L' L" L"’, * * * Cork.Arbigland. Clermont-Ferrand.l Celle-veve.-Lithvinsk(Gov.Perm). Hook Point. Goldf. U.C.M. L’ * Eichw. L" * RiverDon (limestone and clay slate). Clitheroe (Lancashire). L'" ? ... Goldf. L', L" .. -X- Eichw. * Sterlitamak (West Ural). Phill. L' L" L'" .. * L"' Moscow. High Blantyre. Broadstone. Beith, &c. [nai. Malahide. Bruckless. Bolland. Tour- Ether., jun. Phill. LLS.. L', L", L'" L', It" * * -X- * ... M‘Coy. Eichw. LLS., L', L" ... L" Woodlands. Saraninsk (Ural). Saraninsk. yirgosa, snec. indet.. * * Tietze. If Lower Silesia. Glauconome. Lonsdale. 183!) : M iinster Vincularia, Defrance, 1829. Penniretepora, If Orhigny. Americana. 9 asoira. Dr. Younff & J. Youn e. L' * Hairmyres. St.Doolagh. Craigenglen. Staffordsh. bipinnata, clavata, Phill V * Eichw. If * elegans, gracilis, flexiearinata, Y. & Y. L' * Hairmyres. Dungannon. Craigenglen. Longnor. High Blantyre. Gillfoot. Clare. Dehora (county Limerick). Beith. Hairmyres. Hairmyres. Gillfoot. Florence Court. Hairmyres. Bol-j land. Loughshinny. Sorn. Longnor. Dur-j Beith. Hairmyres. [ham.l Robroyston. M'Coy. LLS., L', If" ... L', If" . * * Y. & Y. * grandis, laxa, M'Cov. L', L" * Y. & Y. L' * marginalia, pluma, pulcherrima, retroflexa, L’, L'" Phill. LLS., L', If" ... LLS , L’, if" ... * * M'Cov. * Y. & Y. If * stellipora. L' Or L'" * var. spinosa, tenuis, Eichw. L" * RiverDon. Lissitschanskaya. Balka. (Bad genus). Vis6. Gorgonia, Lamarck. 1861 : Lamo uroux dubia, Schloth. L'" * Goldfussiana, Kon. L'" * Lonsdaliana, M'Coy. Schloth. L’? Auchinskeoch. retiformis, * ...Feluv. Tournai. zigzag, M'Coy. i, 1844. M'Cov. LLS., If, L” ... If, L", If" Granard. Hemitrypa, Phillip , Hibernica, Cork. Highfield. Dovedale. Celle- Hvdnophora, Fischer. 1807....'.. ... — Monticularia. [veve. Sternbereii, Fischer. MCM. ? .. # Moscow (in ferruginous CM.). East Kilbride. Wilsontown, &c. Clare. Malahide shore. Hyphasmopora, 11. Etheridge, j Buskii, Ether. Ichthyorachis, M‘Coy, 1844. Newenhami, M'Cov. un., 1875. L’ L' Millepora, Phillips-, Lamarck ... = Pustulipora, Blainville, 1827. Lithophaga.] 264 [Carbostferotjs. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. CO < CO z < < CO < c o Z < < c O d K a z P a i s. < O Z < c o GO c X 3 p < z < HU © o h* p H Z 5 H CO CO a z z E-* z > >" CO z z a p o p CO •< > © z o f- a 5 a o 5 > CO z p 5 6 a z Locality. Lithophaga, Worthen. * Lyropora. species, several, 1!" * • Chester. Polypora, M‘Coy, 1844. biarmica, Keyserling. L'" * Kaskaskia (M. &W . ). Randolph Co. gracilis, D’Orb. L" * Warsaw. Halliana, Prout. L", CL * Howard Co. Warsaw. * No locale given. marginata, ,, UL * River Platte’s Mouth. papillata, , , UL * submar ginata, Meek. UL tuberculata, . Prout. V" Chester. Varsoviensis, ,, L" * Howard Co. Warsaw. Ptylodictya, Lonsdale , 1839 ... = Stictopora, Hall. carbonaria, Meek. Kinderh Newark. L" ... Mystic Lake (Montana Territory). * Marblehead. Sylvania. Lucas Co. sereata, Meek. LCM Flint Ridge. spec, indet.. Hall. L" Warsaw. Ptylopora, M‘Coy, 1844. Prouti. Hall. L” * ? Retepora, Lamarck, 1816. prisca, V? ... * Rockingha m. Septopora, Prout, 1860. Semicoscinium, Prout, 1860. Keyserlingii, Prout L’ * Keokuk limestone. Nauvoo, Ac. Synocladia, King, 1849 1 Septopora, Prout. Retepora. biserialis, Swall LCM * * * * Fort Riley. Roanoke. Newark, Ac. Cestriensis, Prout. L"' ... Chester. Trematopora ?, Hall, 1852. ? fragilis, Winchell. L' ? vesiculosa, ,, L' * # (Fine sand). MYRIOLirHES.l [Carboniferous. 265 EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 55 55 55 C H WJ C/2 £ C/2 < < < < O D w Locality. J t* C O 3 ■j 55 55 W 02 GO W s: BJ < K O X CO CO >4 < < E-> « oo « n 5 co O 02 5 53 < Myriolithes, Eichwald, 1859. interporosus, Phill. Ceriopora. monticula, Fischer, nodosus, Eichw. Orbiculites, M‘Coy, 1844. antiquus, Palaeocoryne, Duncan and Jenk L” Valtowa, near Oust-Yojouga. Saraninsk (River LHa). Mjatschkovo (Moscow). Rahoran (Five-mile Town). r." L" ... i.r.s X ins, 1870 ... Shale, LCM. ... * Order Titbularid/e. Family Pal.eocorynid.e. Ayrshire. Robroyston. Ayrshire. Lanarkshire. River Pinega (Oust-Yojouga). River Belaya (Petschora-land). L’"? * Pclypora, M‘Coy, 1844. biarmica, Keyserl. bifurcata, Fischer, concatenata, Eichw. i crenistria, Goldf. cvclopora, Eichw. dendroides, M'C'oy. fastuosa, De Eon. Goldfussiana, „ insequalis , Eichw. CL., Magnesian 1 / L" L" Kasatschy-Datechi. Saraninsk, &c. Townparks. Gare. Derbyshire. Wexford. Famignoul. L" LLS., L", L"' .. L' * * * L"' L" Mjatschkovo. Benburb. Kildare. Whit well. LLS laxa, Phill. LLS., L 1 , L m ... * * macropora, Eichw. L" marginata, M'Coy. nodosa, Eichw. orbieribrata, Keyserl. papillata, M‘Coy. polyporata, Phill. porosa, Eichw. tuberculata, Prout. L'" * Killymeal. L" L’ * Riv. Belaya (Riv.lndiga, Petschora- Killymeal. Carluke. [land). Florence Court. Dovedale. L', V" *- * * L” * Beith (coral-band of shale). BlackLion. Astagob. Broadstone,&c. = Stictopora. verrucosa, M'Coy. Ptylodictya, Lonsdale, 1839 L"’ * acuta, M'Coy. costellata, „ L’ * L' Ptylopora, M‘ Coy, 1844. flustriformis, Phill. nodulosa, „ pluma, M'Coy. undulata, Phiil. LLS., L', L’" ... L'" Malahide. Derbyshire. Bolland. Bolland. L' Dunsink. Lower Petschora. L''' Bolland. Pustulipora, Blainville, 1827 ... oculata, Phill. TuBui.iPoiun.E. L\ L’" * Florence Court. Whitwoll. spicularis, „ Millepora. Retepora, Lamarck, 1816. elongata, Fleming undata, M'Coy. Rhabdomeson, Dr. Young and I. gracile, Dr. Y. & J. Y. rhombiferum, Phill. LLS., CL Whitewell. LCM.? Rutherglen. Ballintra. Blue Butts (Burnley). Formerly a Ceriopora. ilairmyres. Trearno. Capelrig. Ilairmyres. Cellc-Yeve. LLS., Mills, Grit? * Young. 1827 ... L'....[ L' or L'" Siphonaria, Sowerby. | Koninekii, M'Coy. Sulcoretepora, D’ Orbigny, 1 847. [ parallels, Phill. rarieosta, M'Coy & Baily. I Robinsoni, Y. & Y. L' L', L'" * Gare, &c. &c. Whitwoll (Yorksh.). Dungannon. Astagob. Corrieburu. Trcarne. L' subtilis, M'Coy. ... No localo given. Medinsk (Kalouga). Retepohid.u. Stylidium, Eichwald, 1859. spongiosum, Eichwald. Synocladia, King, 1849 L" carbonaria, Ether., jun. biserialis, „ High Blantyre. Gillfoot. Wilton ironstone. Carluke. L’, L’" var. carbonaria, „ L‘, V” * Thamniscus, King. Rankini, Y. & Y. L"’ Gillfoot. Gare. 13 Y Acambona.] 266 [Carboniferous. Division MOLLUSCOIDA. Class BRACHIOPODA (PALLIOBRANCHIATA). NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. P o m Vj < c MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. ] NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. I Locality. Acambona, C. A. White, 1802 ... prima, C. A. White. Ambocelia, Hall, 1860. minuta, C. A. White. Athyris, M‘Coy, 1844 Retzia, King, 1849. Burlington. Hannibal. Hamburg. Spirigera, D Orbigny. Kaskaskia. Spergen Hill. Sewannee. L (lower) * CM., L' * * * ... ambigua, Sow. caput-serpentis, Hall. Cliftonensis, ,, crassi-cardinalis, C. A. White, differentius, M'Chesn. Euzona, Swall. formosa, ,, Hanuibalensis, ,, incrassata, Hall, intervarica, M'Chesn. L", L'" * * UCM * ... L" * * St. Genevieve, Ac. Burlington. Richmond. Charbonnier. Sparta. [Belleville. Lasalle. Kaskaskia. L * UCM * * L” * L'" Kinderh Hannibal. Grafton. L’ * * * Louisiana Bluff. Howard. L Burlington. Sciotoville, Ac. Putnam Co. lamellosa, L’Eveille. Maconensis, Norwood. Kinderh., L” * * ... obmaxima, M'Chesn. obvia, „ orbicularis, „ papilioniformis, ,, perinflata, ,, planosulcata, Phill. Proutii, L" * Kaskaskia ? L'” * UCM * L"‘ Fountain Bluff. L”, L'" Nauvoo. Kaskaskia? [Ac. Omaha. Bellevue.Mouth of R.Platte, ChouteauSpring. Burlingt. Grafton. Chester. Kaskaskia, Ac. St. Louis, Ac. * ..... Kinderh., L * * reflex.-), Swall. L'” * Roissyii, L’Eveille. var. bombex, ,, LCM * UCM Vincularia..] 267 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. | HARZ. | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. P < C3 P | ALTAI. Locality. Glauconome. [Sloboda. Howth.CrosshouseFarm.Craigburn. Carlops (Mousewater). Wilsontown. Kildare. BlackLion Mount 8 . Corrie- [bum. Lithwinsk (with Fusulina). Kildare. Killymeal. Howth. Dungannon. Drummglass. Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Fulwood Old Quarry. Carluke. Sloboda (Govt. Toula). approximate, Eichw. Binniei, Etheridge, jun. dichotoma, M‘Coy. Ceriopora. lemniscata, Ludw. megastoma, M‘Coy. multangularis, Portl. muricata, Eichw. ornata, „ raripora, ,, rhombifera, Phill. Millepora. tenella, Eichw. L ', L"' * * * * * I / L', L'" * L" * L', V" * * * L"? L' * * * L' L'.... L' * L' * Division HOLLUSCOIDA. Class BRACHIOPODA (PALLIOBRANCHIATA). EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA.; j WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. N 03 | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. 5* 55 O * < CO RUSSIA, EUROP. | J 03 P ALTAI. Locality. Anomianella, Be Byckholt, 1848 ? Proteus, Athyris, M'Coy, 1844. ambigua, Sow. Caringtoniana, Davids. Daleidensis, F. Rom. expansa, Phill. globularis, „ lamellosa, L’Eveille. An Bracliiopoda? Tournai. L’ * Fam. Spibi ferid.e. LLS, L', L", L"', M. Grit. * * * Dunsink. Gare. Bolland. Vis6, &c. Derbyshire. Wetton (Staffordsh.). Malmedy. Kendal. Longnor. Bolland. Dairy. Settle. Bolland. Doobylebeg. Kendal. Tournai, &c. Lowick. Kendal. * * LLS., V L". L’" * LLS.' L L'" ... * * * LLS., L’, L"' ... L' * * * * [ paradoxa ?, M‘Coy. pect.inatus, Semenow & Moller. pisum, Davids. | planosulcata, Phill. Puschiana, Vemeuil. Roissyi, L’Eveille. seminalis, Baily. squainigera, Do Kon. subtilita, Hall. * LLS * Malouka. L' Brockley shale. [&c. Knocksoon. Bathgate.Durham.Vis6, Malouka (Trautsch). Adare. Arden. Bolland. Vise. Ma- LLS., L', L", L"! L' or LLS * * * * LLS., L’, L'" ... * * * * LLS., CL * [louka. Clonea. Derbyshire. Tournai. Parkhill. Astonfield. Tournai. LLS * * * L', L" * * 1 trilobata, , M‘Cov. LLS., CJ; Wahlenbergi, Goldf. variabilis, Moller. Malmedy. Sartlouovaya. River Ousvava. Athyris { continued ). 268 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. 5 © - z 0 0 H Z W w w a CO CO a z z a EH ■< Z < > a >* CO z Z a a < H O 0 CO ◄ o z z o E- a 5 a < 0 0 CO Z 0 o a z Locality. gradatus, granulosus, Hildrethianus, Humboldtii, Indianensis, Swall. L' * St. Louis and Lewis Co. Keokuk. Vauvoo. Carrsville. Cbarbonniere. Plaill. L", I/" * * N. & Pr. MCM.? * D'Orb. * Hall. L” * St. Mary’s. Spergen Hill. M'Chesn. MCM.? * Koninckianus, loevicostus, Lasalliensis, Leuchenbergensis, lineata, lougispinus, var. Wabashensis, Lyelli, magnicostatus, De Yern. Kinderb Bennett’s Mill. White. * Worth. UCM ft Lasalle Co. De Kon. CL * * Mason’s Landing. Jersey Co. Plaill. * Sow. L', MCM., U. ... * * Vermilion Co. Hocklsl. West Iowa. UL.? Passim. De Yern. L' * Windsor (Minudie &c.). Johnson Co. Hall, Swall. CM * M. & W. L' * * St. Genevieve and Monro Cos. margaritaceus, margin icinctus, T Martini, D mesialis, II Michelini, Plaill. Calcareous Clay. * [all?, Prout. Orb. & Sow. L'" * * Alton (Madison Co.). Kinderb * Burlington. Nauvoo. Keokuk. all & Wbitn. L' * * L’Eveille. L" Protean limestone (Safford). Burlington. Sciotoville. Long Valley. Howard Co. Chouteau Springs. Turkey and Rye Creeks, Munn’s Pit, Chariton, Coshocton, Henry Co. Jefferson. Winch. Kinderb * multistriatus, Meek. UL De Kon. Kinderh * * muricatus, N. & Pr. L., MCM., M.... * * M. & W. LCM Nebraskensis, Norwoodii, Orbignanus, ovatus, parvula, D. D. Owen. UCM * * Big Nemabaw. Riv. Lasalle. Put- nam Hill. Springfield. Cottonwood Valley. Leavenswortb. Omaha city, Bellevue, &c. St. Louis, Falling Spring, &c. Burlington. Chester Town. Swall. UL * De Kon. UL Hall. L'" * Winch. Kinderb * M. & W. L"' * pertenuis, Pbillipsii, pileiformis, Prattenianus, var. cequicostatus, punctatus, pustulosus, pyriformis, pyxidatus, pyxidiformis, scabriculus, scitulus, semireticulatus, var. anti’min.tus. Meek. UCM * Braddy’s Mill, Nodaway Co., &c. N. & Pr. * ? M°Chesn. L"' * * Clarkesville, Newtonville, Chester. N. & Pr. * * Schuyler and Henry Cos. Parkville. Caseyville. Warsaw. Pike Co. Bellevue. Platte’s mouth. Martin. L',L", LCM..U. * * * * * * * * Pbill. UCM ? Fish Creek. Green Co. Broadbead. * Marcou. UCM Bellevue. Sow. L"', UCM * „ Paris. Lasalle. Tioga. Alton. M. & W. L'" * Martin. Passim * * Riv. Platte mouth , N ebraska city, Ac. Pike Co., Gay’s Riv., Pugwasb, &c. ? "Rn rl i n frt. onen si h. L * Burlington. ? „ Inca, semistriatus, setigerus, var. Keokuki, Sbumardii, ! speciosus, spinosus, snlendens. 9 Meek. UCM Hall L' Howard Co. Keokuk. ? L' Broadhead. Kinderb Hall Burlington. ,, Roe’s Point. Fort Riley. St.-Fe Road. Sibley Landing. Jackson Co. Sow L * * * N. & Pr L", MCM striat.us. Do Kon.. Fischer ? subaculeatus, symmetricus, tenuicostus, Murch Kinderb Chouteau Springs (Moniteau Co.l. Lasalle. Springfield. Forest city. M'Cbesn UL„ L'" Hall L"' Alton. Falling Springs. Dover’s Hill. tenuilineatus, Cox L"' tenuistriatiis, Ringgold, Platte, and Warren Cos. undatus ?, Do Kon MCM undiferus, i Huntsville. Posey Co. Caseyville. Prodtjctus (continued).] 275 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. a « | FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. [ < E-* cc a > | SILESIA. s’ < | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. > z; o X < GO | RUSSIA, EUROP. | a C5 & ALTAI. Locality. latissimus, Leuchtenbergensi9, var. paucicostatus, lineatus, Llangollenensis, longispinus, mammatus, margaritaceus, marginalis, medusa, mesolobus, Sow. LLS., L', L", L"' L" L"' * VJ, if Killameal, Craigenglen, Otterburn, Kirkby-Lonsdale, &c. Vise. Karowa (Kalouga). Govt. Moscow. * JJ' . Plaill. JJ" . * CL Campbelltown. Cliff near Llan- gollen (Wales). Arbigland. Vise, Caroline Pit. Rivers Kolva and Petschora. LLS., L’, L" ... JJ' * * if if if if if Keyserl. PhiU. * if LLS., L’, L'" ... L' if if Sow. Vise. Clermont-Perr. Altwasser. Vise. De Kon. V" * if if PhiU. LLS., JJ, L", JJ" * if if Kyletaun. Carluke. Bolland. Tour- nai. Kezelovsky. Mosquensis, Murcbisonianus, muricatus, var. muricatus, Nefedyevi, Cora. numerosus, Nystianus, oblatus, palliatus, Panderi, Fischer. L" if if Oorrieburn, Moscow, &c. [law. De Kon. JJ’, JJ" . * L',L'” * Leighlin, Old Leighli, Linnspout, Beith, Kirkby-Lonsdale, &c. Corriebu rn. L’ De Vern. L'" if if Clermont-Ferrand. River Pinega (Archangel). Breedon (Leicestershire). Settle. Waulsort. Vise. Sow. JJ" * De Kon. L', L", JJ” * * if Auerbach. LLS if Malouka, papillatus, plicatilis, De E porrectus, proboscideus, pulchellus, punctatus, var. elegans, pustulosus, ri pari us, scabriculus, De Kon. L"' Vise (north of Liege). Armagh. Woodlands. Castleton. Vise. Sable (Sarthe). Sterlitamak. on. & Sow. L', JJ', L'" * * * if if if Kutorga. De Vern. L" L', L'" Settle (Yorkshire). VisA * Martin. L', JJ" Cork, Arbigland, Bolland, Vise, Riv. Vuichera, Kargopol, &o. M‘Coy. PhiU. JJ * L', L'" * if if Florence Ct. East Burn ( Stewarton). Settle. Bolland. Vise. Sable (Sarthe). Moscow Government. Trautsch. L” Martin. LLS.,L',L' r , L" 1 , &c. LLS., L', L",L m , * * if Cork. Gare. llosie. Bristol. VisA semireticulatus, * * if if if if Moscow. Croagh, Arbigland, N’humberland, Flints., Vise, Avenelles.Clermont- Ferr., Kasatschi-datschi, &c. Berwiek-on-Tweed. var. concinnus, M. Grit, &c. CL ,, frigidus, sinuatus, Salter. [&c. Bowertrapping, Wetton,Famignoul, CampbeUtown. Settle. Bolland. Tournai. River Soiwa. Ardagh. Settle. Bolland. Vis6. River Soiwa. [Sarana. Longnor. Waulsort. Glageon. Riv. Mjatschkovo. Kasatschi-datschi. Kildare. Settle. VisA Tnnrnni De Kon. LLS., L’, L ", L"' LLS., JJ, L" ... JJ, JJ" 4f * if if 9 spinulosus, striatus, Fiscln Sow. * ;r, Do Kon. * sublsevis, Dc Kon. L', L", L"' * * if if tenuistriatus, De V ern. L" * if tessellatus, De Kon. JJ, JJ’ tubarius, Sow. L" Riv. Ylytch (Petschora-land), Ka- rova, Mjatschkovo, &c. Riv. Vilva. Goubakha. tuberculatus, Moll. undatus, Defrance. L", JJ" * * Castleknock. Gare. Lancash. Vis6. undiforus, Do Kon. JJ, JJ" if Karowa. Kosimof. Settle. VisA Tournai. Vosges. Vosges. Serebrjakowa (River Don). Middleton, near Cork. Staffordsh. Gare, Corrieburn, &c. Staffordsh. Llangollen. undulatus, M‘Coy. De Kon. if Verneuilianus, L"? Wrightii, Davids. L' Youngianus, L', JJ', L'" Productus (continued).] 276 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. 1 IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. 6 o | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. I CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. 1 Locality. Verneuilianus, De Kon. Villiersi, D'Orb. viminalis, C. A. White, vittatus, Hall. Wilberanus, M c Chesn. Wortheni, Hall, spec, indet., Meek. Retzia, King, 1849. Acambon altirostriiv King, costata, Hall & Whitn. Marcyi, ,, „ Mormonii, Marcou. compressa, Meek. Osagensis, Swall. ? Popeana, „ punctifera, Shinn, radialis, Phill. sexplicata, Wh. & Whitf. subglobosa, M c Chesn. vera, Worth. Verneuilana, Hall. Rhynchonella, Fischer, 1809. Acadiensis, Davids. Algeri, M c Chesn. angulata, Linn, arctirostrata, Swall. Barquensis, Winch. Boonensis, Slium. camerifera, Winch, caput-testudinis, C. A. Wliite. carbonaria, M c Chesn. Cooperensis, Broadhead ? Dawsoniana, Davids. Eatoniaformis, M c Chesn. Evangelina, Hartt. explanata, M c Chesn. gregaria, Shum. Grosvenori, ? heteropsis, Winch. Hubbardi, ,, Ida, Hartt. Macra, Hall. Marshallensis, Winch, micropleura, „ Missouriensis, Shum. mutata, Hall, obscuro-plicata, Shum. obsolescens, Hall. ! occidentalis, Shum. 1 opposita, C. A. W r hite. Osagensis, Swall. per-rostrellata, ,, persinuata, Winch, ricinula, Hall, ringens, Sageriana, Winch, subcuneata, Uta, Siphonotreta, De Vemeuil, 184 Spirifera, Sowerby, 1820. Retie acuticostata, De Kon. 1 amara, Swall. Americana, ,, 1 attenuata, De Vern. ' bifurcata, Hall. L", LCM., U.... * * * * Danville. Pittsburg. Keg Creek. Burlington. Keokuk. Charbonniere. Keokuk. Burlington (yellow sandstone). St. Mary's. Chester Co. Spergen [Hill. Honey Creek, Gallatin and Leavens- worth Cos. Benton (Cooper Co.). No locale given. Atchison Co. (Missouri), &c. Mason, Fulton, Knox Cos. Burlington. Fulton and Knox Cos. &c. Roanoke. St. Mary’s. Henry Co. Spergen Hill. Brookfield. Big Creek (Posey Co.). Nebraska city. Cooper Co. Grindstone Quarries (L. Huron). Columbia and Boone Cos. Point aux Barques (South L.Huron). Burlington. Muddy River Bluffs. Lennox Passage. Graysville. Big Creek. Avicula-peiten limestone (Windsor). Kaskaskia. New Harmony. Chouteau Springs (Moniteau Co.). Alton. CL. . * L * * L' (lower part) .. * * * * * * CM [........ L’ * * * * a, C. A. White , 1 86 2. * L", 11" * * * * * * * * * * U'\ 11" UCM., UL * * * Kinderh UCM * * * * L * UCM * * L", LCM.? * * L", L'", LCM.... * Hemitiiyris. L" * UCM * UL * Kinderh * * V * Kinderh * L (base) * UCM. * Kinderh L'" * UCM * * L” 11", UCM.? ... * * Kinderh * L", L"' * * Kinderh * * * * * Burlington. Hamburg. Weymouth. Marshall &c. Cuyahoga Falls. Tall- madge (Summit Co.). Windsor (Bed A). Alton. St. Louis. L", L'" L' * L'" * * Kinderh * * Marshall Co. Battle Creek. Cooper’s and Johnson’s Cos. Rock- ford. Burlington ? St. Louis. Alton. Sparta. Chouteau Springs. Rockford. Chouteau Springs. Burlington. Big Blue Valley. Atchison. Knox Co. Nodaway River. Cooper Co. Burlington. Spergen Hill. Callaway Co. Hickman and Maury Cos. Barrett’s Station. De Soto, on Bulger Creek. Brookfield, Shubenacadee, &c. Callaway Co. Kaskaskia. Micaceous sandstone. Spergen Hill. Warsaw. L'... * * * * * * * L", L"' * Kinderh * * L'.. J * * UCM * * * * * * L'" Kinderh * L” * L (Encrin.) * Kinderh * * L” * MCM * 5. ularia, M l Coy. L" * L' * # 11" CL., CM * * * L" I Retzia.] 277 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. : Genus, Species, and Author. Ilorizon. Q 55 < w ft ft 55 < ft £- O o CO ft 55 < ft O 55 ft 53 3 ft « w o 55 ft ft < cn oo ft ft ft CO 55 ft ft ft ft CO ft ◄ CO ft 3 N <5 ft -< O ■< ft c ft ft 55 O X < ft o ft ft ft CC ft ft ft ft ft •< Locality. Retzia, King, 1849, = Buchiana, carbonaria, radialis, serpentina, ulotrix, Rhynchonella, Fisch acies, Spiriger a, D' Orbigny. L"' * Clermont-Ferrand (Prof. Julien). LLS., L' * Phill. LLS.i L’, L", L’" L' * * * * * Malahide. Carluke. Bolland. Vise. De Ivon. * * Zanaick. Malouka. Famignoul. Malouka. Wetton. Staffordsli. Waulsort, L", L'" * * er, 1809. Eichw. Hemithyris. L’ Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Dublin. Park Hill. Tournai. Co- acuminata, Martin. LLS., L', L", L"' L'" * * * * var. mesagona. satschi-datschi. Bolland (Yorkshire). Ardagh. Dublin. Derbysh. Vise. Bolland. Yoredale. angulata, antiquata, Caringtoniana, connivens, D’Orb. L r , L’" * * Phill. L”' Davids. L' Staffordshire. Wetton. Eichw. L', ~L" * * Borowitschi. Kouschvinsk. cordiformis, Sow. L’, L'" * * Ardconnaught. Settle. Bolland. Famignoul. Famignoul. [mignoul. Millicent. Rahoran. Bolland. Fa- Devreuxiana, De Kon. L' * flexistria, Phill. L', L’” * * * granulum, gregaria, labiata, Eichw. L" Kouschvinsk. M'Coy. Eichw. LLS., CL * * * Kilbride. Staffordshire. L" Kouschvinsk. longa, nana, M'Coy. Ad. Riim. L” * Derbyshire. Kouschvinsk. Rahoran (calciferous slates). Obergehelt ? Erdbach. Vise. Mjatschkovo. Yorkshire. LLS * papyracea, pentatoraa, pisura, platyloba, pleurodon, proava, pugnus, reflexa, Culm Fischer. L", L"’ * * M'Coy. Sow. LLS. ? L" * Derbyshire. Famignoul. Malahide, Corrieburn, Durham, Phill. LLS.,L',L”,L'", M. Grit. L"' * * * * * * Phill. * Koiva River, &c. Bolland (Yorkshire). Malahide, Balquarhage, Longnor, YistS, Cosatschi-datschi, &c. Vise. Martin. LLS., L', L", L"’ L’" * * * * * De Kon. * remota, Eichw. L" Kouschvinsk. reniformis, Sow. LLS., L', L"’ ... * Millicent. Settle. Bolland. semisulcata, M'Coy. De Kon. LLS.,CL,LCM. L' Locale not given. Famignoul. Sloboda (in yellow clay). Alstonfield. Waulsort. VisA simia, * Sphex, trilat.era, Eichw. L' * De Kon. L", L'” * trochilus, Eichw. L” Kouschvinsk. Wettonensis, Davids. CL Alstonfield. Wetton. Staffordshire. Siphonotreta, I)e Verneuil, 184 5 Fam. Orriculio/E. Spirifera. Sower bn, 1820. Trieo notreta, Koeni LLS 9 ■ Brachythyris, M'Coy. Malouka. aeuleata, Selinur. * acuta, Martin. LLS., L' Bakewell (Derbyshire). VisA acuticostata, De Kon. V" acutiplicata, AnosofB, Eichw. L" Kouschvinsk. Kevserl. L' River Ouchta (Petschora-land). 4 B Spirifeka { continued ).'] 278 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. MICHIGAN. ] ILLINOIS. *< < s 1 OHIO. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. < E- O O cc O z I CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. biplicatus, bisulcatus, Boonensis, Burlingtonensis, camerata. Hall? Kinderh # * * Burlington. Richfield. Bonair, Chester, &c. Randolph, Monro, Boone Cos. Burlington. Manhattan, Bellevue, Ringgold Co., IowaPt.,Knobstone,Pittsburg,&c. Sow. L"' * * * Swall. LCM * L' Hall. UCM * * * * * Moosa hhail ensis , Davids, var. Kansasensis. Davids UCM „ percrassa, capax, Carteri, centronata. LCM., U * * Davids. Kinderli * Licking Co. Rockville. Akron. Cuyahoga Falls. Winch. * clara, Swall. L"' * St. Genevieve. clavatula, M c Chesn. L' * Burlington. Atchison Co. concinna, UCM * contracta, M. & W. L"' * * Newtonville. ( Martinia .) Cooperensis, cuspidata, cyrtinaformis, extenuata, Swall. Kinderh * Cooper Co. (Chouteau limestone). Crawfordville, &c. Sow. L’, Kinderh. ... * * * * * Hall. Kinderh * Rockford and Ilackberry. Battle Creek. Newark. * * * Fischeriana. De Kon. L"'“ * Forbesii. N. & Pr. & Hall. L' * Burlington. Fultonensis, Worth. CM * glabra, var. contracta, Martin. L", L'” * * East River. Piotou. Merigomish. Chester and Pope Cos. Burlington. Grafton. Jersey Co. Hannibal (Marion Co.). Keg Creek. Fort Kearney. Leavensworth Hills, Blue River, &c. Burlington, Hickman, Maury Cos. M. & W. L"' Grimesii, Hall. Kinderh * * * Hannibalensis. * Hanstrum. D. D. Owen. UCM * hemiplicata, hirta, Wh Hall. MCM., U * * . & Whitl'. Kinderh imbrex, Hall. L inaequicostata, incerta, * Hall. L Burlington. Manchester (Coffee Co.). Coldwater (Lincoln Co.). Dover’s Hill. incrassata. L", L"' * increbescens, L'" * Kaskaskia, &c. var. Americana, Swall. L'" at base * „ transversalis, insolita. Winch. Kinderh , CL.... * Kellogii, Kentuckyensis, var. Chesterensis, Swall. L", L'" Keokuk. Sewannee Railway. Leavensworth. Springfield. BlueR. Organ's Coal-mine (Henry Co.). Shum. LCM., U * # UCM * ,, Merimakensis, L" * Barrett’s Station. Pacific Railway. „ propatula, Keokuki, Swall. UCM Hall. L', L", L"' * * * Bonair. St. Louis. Cowan. Henry Shelby Co. [Co. Crescent city. Nebraska city. Riv. Platte mouth. var. Shelbyensis, „ B, Swall. L" or 17" * Hall. L laminosa, M‘Cov. Hall. UL lateralis, L" * * latior. Swall. Kinderh * Chouteau. Leidyi, Newb. k Pratt. L”, L'" * Barrett’s Station. Pacific Railway. Howard Co. Mt. Yale Springs. Cowan. St. Mary’s. var. Chesterensis, Shum. L', L'" * * * levigata. Swall. L, L’ Keokuk limestone, &c. lineata, Meek, Martin, lineatoides, Swall. L”, L"', UCM. .. L * * * * * * * * * * Rocky Mts. Yellow Crk. Bellevue. Montvale, &c. Sumner Co. Locale not given. Widely dispersed. var. perplexa, „ striato-lineata, M c Chesn. CM * MCM., U * Littoni, Swall. L"' St. Louis Co. Logani, Marionensis, Hall. L' Howard Co. Shum. Kinderh., L L St. Mary’s. Sedalia. Sciotoville Meeki, Swall. (bed 4). Pettis and Saline Cos. Meusebachana, F. Rom. UCM Missouriensis, Swall. Kinderh Cooper Co. (Chouteau limestone). 1 River Platte's mouth. Mosquensis, Fischer. UL 1 Spirieer.v (continued). \ 279 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. a Z ■< z fa fa £ K fa Z cs fa ! RHENISH PRUSSIA. < fa < W | SILESIA. s a < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROT. fa < K fa < H fa Locality. 1/ * l', l" * * * * * U" * Buehiana, V" * * „ [(Carluke). i; L" * * * cheiropterix, De Vern. h'" * Vise (Devonian also). 1. Phill. L"' * * crassa, De Kon. LLS., L' * Cresset. Cosatselii-datschi. crispa. >» 11" * Vise. 1/, L"' * * i (Cyrtia) cuspidata, LLS., L'.M.Grit * * Yessakly? (Govt. Perm). ATCoy. LLS * Phiil. * * * Dublin. Millicent. Bolland. Corenne. L', L”, L'” * * * * Woodlands. Bathgate. Lowick. Bol- furcata. land. Vise. Saraninsk. Phill. LLS., L"' * Hall. L'" * Eichw. L" * Tschmepitz. fasciger, Keyserl. L' * (Petschora-land) River Soiva. L"' * Vise. fusiformis, Phill. L", L'" * Bolland. Pauguys. Waulsort. erlaberrima. De Kon. L’ * Stanhope (Durham). Famienoul. glabra, Martin. LLS., L', L", 11" * * * * * * Dunsink, Charleston, Vise, Cresset, Malouka, &c. var. decora, Phill. L"' Bolland. „ linguifera, L’, 11' * * Arran. Lugton. Staffordshire. | Goldfussiana, De Kon. L’ * Tournai. grandicostata, M'Coy. L', L", L"' * * * * Ardagh. Parkliills. Bolland. heteroclyta, Yon Buch. L’, L" * * Tournai. [Dale. humerosa, Phill. L\ L’" * * Woodhead. GreenhowHill.Wensley hysterica, De Kon. L', L'" * * * Feluy. Pont. Tournai. Vis<5. inflata. Schnur. L' Malouka (Trautscholdt). integricosta, Phill. L”', LCM.? ... * Bolland. Northumberland. Lamarckii, Fischer. L" * Moscow Government. larninosa, 11 * Hook. 1 lata, M‘Coy. ... Lewin’s Brook. New South Wales. lineata, Martin. LLS, L’, L", L" * * * * * Rowerbeg(Cork). Gare. Crooklands. Waulsort. Ratingen. Sloboda. var. reticulata, Phill. 11, 11" * Ath. Vis6. lyra, Kutorga. L" * Riv. Petschora. Sterlitamak. macrogas ter. Ad. Riini. LLS 1 Lautenthal. mesogonia, M‘Coy. TV, LCM. ? * Millicent. Chokier. Lens(N. France). Mosquensis, Fischer. LLS, L', L" ... *- * * * * Beabus. Stanhope. Celle-veve. Ha- youl. IndigaR. Malouka. Moscow. var. genuina, I/' Moscow Government. ,, Kleinii, 11 Sloboda (Toula Govt.). muralis, Keyserl. Rivs.Vol & Uchta (Petschora-land). nucleolus, Kutorga. Orenbourg Govt. ornata, De Kon. L", L”' * Vise. Waulsort. ovalis, Phill. L", L'", LCM,.. * * * * Brockley. Bolland. Longnor. Fur- f'ooz. Vis6. panduriformis. Kutorga. 11" Sterlitamak (West Ural). paucicostata, G. Sow. ? pecteuoides. De Kon. 11" Vise. pentagonus. Kutorga. Orenburg Govt. pinguis, Sow. LLS, L’, L", L" * * Millicent. Carluke. Bolland. Castle- ton. Vise. var. rotundata, Martin. 11" Cosatsclii-datschi. plana ta, Phill. * Bumloran. Langbar (Kilbirnie). Bolland. Settle. prisca, Eichw. 1/', L'" Donetz. quadriradiata, De Vern. 11" Sterlitamak. recurvata, De Kon. L'" * Reedii, Davids. 11 * rliomboidalis, M'Coy. L’ # * ... Millicent (Cork). Fainignoul. Spirifera ( continued ).] 280 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. j ARKANSAS. GO < GO < | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < o 1 MICHIGAN. 1 ILLINOIS. 1 INDIANA. 6 o 1 KENTUCKY. I TENNESSEE. 1 PENNSYLVANIA. 1 NOVA SCOTIA. 1 CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. L' Norwoodana, L" X Alton. Spergen Hill L" or LCM., U.. X Kinderh Rockford. Hackberry. trigonotreta. Osagensis, Swall. ,, X Pettis Co. Phi 11 pectinifera, Sow. UL * Big Blue Vale (Permian). perinflata, i; X None given. [spersed). M'Chesn. UCM X X plano-convexa, UL * X X FortKearnev. Bellevue. Munn’sPit Platte mouth. Henry Co. plena, Hall. L X X Burlington, &c. L’ X X Keokuk. Warsaw. Nauvoo. L' (Keokuk) ... X X Howard and Henry Cos. Marcou. UL. ? .... .' Hall. LCM., L' Howard Co. Keokuk. L'.....' X ? Keokuk Rapids. 1). I). Owen. Meek. UL Ruby Hills. Hall. L'" Winch. L'" * C. A. White. Kinderh X Yellow sandstone. spinosa, N. & Pratt. L'" X X X Clarkesville. St. Genevieve. Chester Cowan. striata, Sow. Kinderh., L', L" * * X X X X X X X Howard Co. ChouteauSpring. Hut Island. W indsor. Kennetcock. var. triplicata, Marcou. UL * Bellevue. subaaqualis, Hall. L" * * Nashville. Sumner Co. subcardiiformis, l'" | X Clarkeville. Chester. Bubcuspidata, Hall. L' X X Hawkins Co. Howard Co. subelliptica, M‘Chesn. L'" ... X suborbicularis, Hall. L’ X X X * Crawfordville. Nashville Tunnel subrotundata, L, Kinderh ... X X Burlington. Sciotoville. subvaricosa, CL X Waterloo. eubventricosa, M'Chesn. Big Creek. Posey Co. Taneyensis, Kinderh Taney Co. tenuicostata, Hall. L", L"' Sumner Co. Nashville Tunnel. tenuimarginata, L'. X X Howard Co. texta, L', Keokuk X X translata, Swalh L"' St. Mary’s Co. Cooper's Co. transyersa. M'Chesn. L” : X trigonalis. V" Wittenbu rg. Perry Co. Urii, Meek. UL Fort Kearney. Nebraska City. Vernonensis, Swall. Kinderh X X TaneyCo.(sulphur springs). Grafton. Carteri , [Rockville. Shafers. YVaverleyensis, Winch. Kinderh Newark. species nova, Shum. CM P .. 121 L' Keokuk City. Spiriferina, D'Orbigny, 1847; I) avidson. binacuta, Winch. L Burlington. Clarkvillensis, Kinderh Clarkeville. cristata, Schloth. L”' X Kaskaskia. Windsor. Brookfield, &c. var. octoplicata. Sow. L’" * ... Chester. Kelloga, Swall. L"' Sewannee Section. Kentuckyensis, Shumard. LCM., M. .. Beverley. Platte Co. solido-rostris, C. A. White.lKinderh Burlington. Newark. Sciotoville. spinosa, N. & Pratt. L"' X St. Mary’s. St. Louis. Kaskaskia. Bloomington. ? subtexta. C. A. White. L Burlington. SDirieera. U Orbianv. 1848: Bill inqs See Athyris. Americana, Swall. L', Keokuk St. Mary's, &c. biloba, Winch. Kinderh X Rockford. caput-serpen tis, Swall. UCM • r ...... I Common in these States. Chari tonensis, UL Randolph and Chariton Cos. Clintonensis, Winch. L"' I Cooper ASt-GcnevieveCos. Chester. corpulenta, Kinderh 1 X ...... Burlington (yellow saud). Spirifera ( continued ).] 281 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. < Oh’ O 1 Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < £ 1 SCOTLAND. 1 ENGLAND. 5 FRANCE. X Z J 1 SILESIA. I HARZ. 1 MORAVIA. 1 BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. 1 RUSSIA, EL < Cm | ALTAI. Locality. , rhomboidea, Phill j Romeriana, De Kon rugulatus, Kutorga ! Saranac, De Vern Schnuriana, De Kon sculptus, Dupont ? Stokesii, Kbnig Strangwayesi, De Vern striata, Martin striatella, M‘Coy strigocephaloides, ,, subconica, Martin. LLS., L’, L’" ... L r , I", L"' Woodlands. Holland. Derbyshire. Celle-veve. Tournai. Corenne. Vise. x L", L"’ Sarana (Riv. Ufa). Riv. Ylytcb. Visd L'" x L', L" -X- Celle-veve. Pauguys. Corenne. [datschi. Archangel. Mjatschkovo. Cosatschi- Millicent. Kildare. Castleton. Bol- land. Vise. Liege. Namur. L", L"' -X- LLS., L", IS", LCM. LLS., L' -x- X If X CL. ’ X No locality known. [Visd. Derbysh. Middleton. StafTordsh. Roanne (Riv. Loire). Riesenbachtkal (Schulenberg). Vise. L"’ .. sublaevis, Ad. Rom. sublamellosa, De Kon. subrostrata, D’Orb subrotundata ?, M'Coy. triangularis, De Kon. tricornis, „ trigonalis, ,, var. a ?, Martin. ,, b, bisulcata, Sow. „ c, semicircularis, Phill. triplicata, Kutorga. triradialis, Phill. undulata, „ Urii, Fleming. ventricosa, IS L" Govt. Orenburg. Bolland. L"' * L', L", IS" •X- -X- Millieent. Matlock. Visd. Saraninsk, Bolland. Visd. [&c. Clonalvy.Cockenzie.Robroyst.Dove- dale. Durham. Auchy au Bois. Vise. Ratingen. Irgiusky, &c. IS" LLS.,L’,L",L'", LCM., M. L", &c. L'" X * X IS", LCM. .. ,, Dumfriesshire. Bolland. L'" Whitewell. Yoredale. Isle of Man. L', L'" X Sterlitamak. Govt. Orenburg. Howth. Lanark. Bolland. Visd Ster- L" * IS" -x- litamak.RiversOusva&Itchougora. Sterlitamak. Govt. Orenburg. Gare. North Shiels. Bolland. LLS., L', IS’, IS", M.Grit, LCM. L' Tournai. Famignoul. [shire. Malahide.Capelrig.Fulwood.Derby- Steales (Cork). Gare. Robroyston. Ardagh.Steales(Cork).Loughshinny. Longnor, &c. Urockloy.Andershaw. Staffordshire Bakewell (Derbyshire). [Durham. River Bolaya. Petschora-land. ftildress. Tyrone. River Ufa. Spiriferina, D' Orbigny, 1847 ; I) [ cristata, Schloth var. octoplicata. Hunter. | insculpta, Phill. ' laminosa, M‘Coy. avidson. LLS., IS L", L'" IS" * LLS.,L',L", L'" IS . * | Panderi, Moll, j partita, Portl. ' Saranie, Vern. Bculpta, Phill. CL * LLS L" If IS ?amignoul. Spirigera, D' Orbigny, 1848 3ec Athyris. Valdai district. ambigua?, Eichw. L' | * i conceutriea ?, ,, I pectinata, Semenov & Moller. [ Puschiana, De Vern. Roissyi, L'Eveilld. subpyriformis, Semen. & Moll. IS River Serebrianka. L' X Vlalouka. IS * Culm L' Vlalouka. .. 4 c Sririgera ( continued ).'] 282 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. 1 Genus, Species, and Author. ■ - - Horizon. 1 ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. < 7 d ca | MISSOURI. < O £ ■< C O | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. 6 © | KENTUCKY. j TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. 1 crassicardinalis, Swall. 1 Euzona, „ ; Hannibalensis, „ : Hawnii, ,, hirsuta, Shum. Jacksoni, Swall. | Maconensis, ,, Missouriensis, Winch. Ohioensis, „ j pectenifera, Swall. Plattensis, ,, Proutii, ,, * L" * Cooper Co. Clarkesville. Sulphur Springs. Scioto vi lie. Common in this State. Perry Co. Alton. Bloomington. Cass Co. Montgomery Co. Chariton Co. Louisiana Bluffs. Akron. Sciotoville. * * UCM L" . UCM * UCM * * -x- L', Keokuk * UCM * L' Sulphur Springs. St. Louis Co. Barrett’s Station, Pacific Railway. * . Singletoni, ,, Streptorh.ynch.us, King, 1858. crassus, M. & W. & Bradley. crenistria, Phill. ] inaequalis, White, inflatus, O.A. White& Whitfield. Keokuki, Cox ? 1 lens, C. A. White. ocidentalis, Newb. LCM * Kinder, L'.MCM L\ L 1 ' * * * * * Putnam Hill. Newark, &c. Se- wannee Section. Keokuk. Warsaw. EastRiv. Pictou. Weymouth (Medina Co.). Burlington. * * * * xr * * L' * Kinderh * * * Clarkesville. Burlington. Weymouth. Hamburg. North Mexico, &c. &c. L”', M.Grit, UL. * * [ pectinaceus. Hall. pyramidaliB, Phill. & Newb. umbraculum, Schlot. Kinderh * L? And in New Mexico. L'", UL * * * Warren and Trumbull Cos. New- Strophalosia, King , 1844 ark. Sciotoville. nummularis, Winch. Strophomena, Rafinesque, 1820. j analoga, Phill. j rhomboidalis, Wahlenb. •Syntrielasma, Meek and Worthe j hemiplicata, Hall. Spirifera. Syringothyris, Winchell, 1864 ; i Halli, Winch, typa, Terebratula, Lhwgd, 1699. arcuata, Swallow, bisacuta, M'Chesn. bovidens, Morton. Kinderh L Bald Bluff (Henderson Co.). Kinderh * n, 1865 MCM., U * * * * * Atchison Co. Blue River. Leavens- Carpenter, 1867. Kinderh worth Hills. Vandalie (Illinois). „ L' * -X- Burlington. Newark. Sciotoville. * [Shafer’s. St. Genevieve Co. Kinderh * Kaskaskia. I/, LCM., U. ... L"' * * * AtchisonCo. Leavensworth. Lasalle! brevilobata, Swall. i Burlingtonensis, C. A. White. elongata, Do Vern. ' forraosa, Hall, fusiformig, He Vern. St. Genevieve Co. [Co l Burlington. L UCM * * L" * Bloomington. Spergen Hill. Chouteau Springs. Moniteau Co. Lasalle Co. Kinderh geniculosa?, M‘Chesn. j gracilis, Swall. hastata, Sow. ? var. sufflata, UCM * L'" St. Mary’s. Chester. V" St. Louis? * inornata, M‘Chesn. 1 lamellosa, millepunctata ?, Hall. 1 parva, Swall. I pentatoma, Stevens, i planumbona, D. D. Owen. 1 Romingeri, Hall Roissyana, L’Eveill6 | sacculus, Martin 1 sublancsolata, Meek ! subretziaformis, M'Chesn trinuclea, Hall (MS.) turgida, „ Utah, Marcou L r , Keokuk, MCM 1/ * Sangamon Co. Rockford. UCM Leavensworth City. Indianola. Monro Co., &c. L', Keokuk * * -X- Washington Co. L". L"' ? •* St. Louis and Howard Cos. L", L"', LCM.. * Pimwash. River de Bert. * Cooper Co. Fountain Bluff. XJ" tv" * Bloomington. Sewannee Railway. La Salle. Alton. Spergon Hill. Bellevue. Manhattan. L'" * UCM :: | ! Spirigerina.] 283 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < t-3 K Q < b- C o | ENGLAND. BELGIUM. | FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. < < E- en W SILESIA. N < MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. URAL. ALTAI. . Locality. Spirigerina, IfOrbigny , 1847. ? Mantise, Sow. ? radialis, Phill. Streptorhynchus, King, 1850 crenistria, Phill. var. arachnoidea, ,, „ cylindrica, M'Chesn. ,, Kellyi, * Derbyshire. Orthisina. Hemipronites. L',L", L M.Gr. LLS., L' * * * * BedlessHill. CampbellTown. Arbig- land. Longnor. Famignoul. Cler- mont-Ferrand. Malowka, &c. Stradone. Croag. Famignoul. Castle Espie. Berwick Pier. * * * # LLS., CL * * L" * L’, L" * * * Middleton (Cork). Gare. Campsie. Tirfergus Glen (Campbelltown). Bowertrapping. Coblenz. „ robustus, Hall. „ senilis, Phill. explanatus, Sow. senilis, Phill. venustus, Trautscholdt. Strophalosia, King, 1844. subaculeata, Murch. Strophomena, Rafinesque, 1820 analoga, Phill. anomala, „ rhomboidalis, Wilk’ens. Terebratula, Lhwyd, 1099 L' * L"' * L' * L’ Famignoul. Govt. Moscow. L" L" Sterlitamak. Leptaina. LLS., L", L'" ... L" * * Cregans. Carluke. Longnor. Famig- Moscow. [noul. Passim. LLS Seminula, M'Coy. Epithyris, Phillips. Waldheimia, King. Grund. angusticarina. Ad. Rom. bursa, Eichw. contraria, Ad. Rom. crispata, De Kon. Dunkeri, Ad. Rom. ficus, M‘Coy. Flemingii, Davids, fusiforrais, De Vern. hastseformis, De Kon. hastata, J. Sow. var. Gillingensis, Davids. ,, vcsicularis, De Kon. LLS * L' Sloboda. Malowka. LLS Grand. L ' Tournai. LLS * Grund. CL Derbyshire. Isle of Man. Stanhope (Durham). — late. Cosatschi-datschi. LLS., Tuedian . * Tournai (upper clay). Oldtown. Gare. Bolland. Bristol. LLS., L', L'" ... L',L'" * * * * Waulsort. Orton. Bolland. Durham. L'" Bowertrapping. Arden. Riesenbachthal (also Devonian). Lautenthal. [Range. Tournai (Permian). East Tinian Rivers Vijayi and Kosva. inaaqualis, Ad. Rom. papyracea, „ planosulcata, Do Kon. plica, Kutorga. reflexa, Do Kon. L LLS * L' * * L'" ... sacculus, Martin. Schlotheimiana, Yon Buch. simia, De Kon. L',L'', L'", LCM. L" * * * Loughshinny. Dumfermling. Mat- lock. Celle-veve. Vise. SoiwaRiv. Sterlitamak. Kouschvinsk. L' * Famignoul. Tournai (upper clay). Mayen Wais (yellow grit). Rhynehonella. Atrypa. squamigera, De Kon. 7 subtilita, Hall. L' *? Terf.bratulina.] 284 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. — I Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. 6 © > £ B b b" B CO © © B B* B CO co B 7 B < 7 >* CO Z 7 B < O © CO > o is z c H S M B < © s CO 7 © 5 B z Locality, A cn la Klein 1753 Mcnotis, Bronn, 1830. aeanthontera. Hall. Kinderh * Pingua. Pterinaa spinulata, Winch. acosta, Cox. UCM Peaksof Otter. GallatinCo.UnionCo. Cooperensis, Sbum. Kinderh X Mont Vernon. ? gregaria, M. & W. MCM * Jacksonville. Roof of Coal No. 9, Kentucky. Hallii, Swall. CM X Hawnei, M. & W. UL Port Riley. Smoky Hill River. Indianensis, L" X Jasper Co. longa, Geinitz. L’, CM X Putnam Hill, &c. magna, Swall. [/" Knox Co. St. Louis limestone. | orbicula, Stevens. UCM Springfield. radialis, Phill. CM recta-lateraria, Cox. UCM Much dispersed in the West. reduplicata, Shum. ? Kinderh * semielliptica, UCM Verdigris Valley. Shawnee-ensis UCM ) Clifton Park. speluncaria, Schlotb. UCM.? *? var. Americana, Swall. * subduplicata, l)'Orb. duplicata, Hall. Terebratula ( continued ). 285 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. =* Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. < {« I SILESIA. | HARZ. | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | URAL. 1 ALTAI. Locality. trilatera, De Eon. vesicularis, „ Terebratulina, D' Orbigny, 1847. Julensis, Pander. L'" * * VisA Bathgate. Staffordshire. Vise. Malouka (Trautsclioldt). V" * * LLS * Division MOLLUSCA. Class L AM E LL I B BA N C II I AT A (ASIPHONIDA). Ambonychia.] Order MONOMYAEIA. [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &C. Genus, Species, and Author. 1 Horizon. Q * 3 w z | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | PRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. w -3 N < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA. EUROP. < £3 P | ALTAI. Locality. Ambonychia, Hall, 1852. vetusta, * * Castle Cary. Kendal. Monotis, Bruguilre, 1791. Linnspout. Dairy. Glasgow (shale and limestone). Vise. ... antiqua, corrugata, Avicula, Klein, 1753. acutirostris, aiqualis. M'Coy. L'" . L m .. * M'Coy. LLS., &c. . ? CL. * angustata, antiqua, llenedeninna, bicostata, Bosquetiana, LLS., L m Rahan’sBay. Gare. FulwoodBurn. Vitegra. Vise. L" * L r " .. * M‘Coy. D’Orb CL. . ... L'" Vise. M'Coy. UC’M. .. Wigan. Vise. L"' .. # ... M'Coy. Phill. LLS., CL LLS., L'” ... Limestone and Shale. cycloptera, Damnonensis, decussata, Moliill. Bolland. Staffordshire. Sow. LLS.' Marwood (Devonian ?). M'Coy. Ryckholt. Eiehw. LLS. * L' * Famignoul. Cosatsehi-datschi. fallax, L"' * flabellula, gibbosa, heliotoides, ■ M‘Coy. L" Ballintrillick. Donegal. L’" Ad. Rom. Lautenthal. M'Coy. LLS., CL Killagunry. Famignoul. interstrialis, Phifi. L’ 4 D A Vic Ur, a (continued).'] 286 f Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. subpapyracea ?, tenuilineata, triplistriata, yariabilis, Whitei, spec, indet, Yern. Swall. Stevens. Swall. Winch. UCM. ... Kinderh. LCM. ... CM Kinderh. UCM. ... Aviculopeoten, 3/- Coy, 1853 .. Acadicus, amplus, arachnoidalis, Burlingtonensis, carboniferus, Caroli, circulus, Cooperensis, Cora, Coxanus, crenistriatus, crenulatus, De Bertianus, dolabraformis, ? duplicatus, gradocostatus, grandmvus, Hartt. M. & W. M. & W. Stevens. Winch. Haws M. & W. Meek. Hall. Haws. L" L", Keokuk L’st LLS., MCM. Kinderh., L' L" UCM., U.? Kinderh. L' Kinderh. C. A. White. Goldf. Hert.zeri (Streblopterinus), Meek. Indianensis. M. & W. interlineatus, „ Koninckii, „ limseformis, C. A. White. Lyellii, Haws, negleetus, Geinitz. Newarkensis, Winch, nodostatus, Wh. & Whitf. oblongus, M. & W. Kinderh. . . UL LCM ? UCM LCM Kinderh. .. L" (bed a) UCM Kinderh. . L’. = i £ z. z z I z a ! a Locality. Cooper Co., &c. Columbiana (Summit Co.). Chouteau Springs. Mount Vernon. Pecten. * Windsor (bed A). ........ Monroe Co. Burlington. Lexington. Putnam Ilill. New Granville. Sciotoville. ark. Bate’s Co. * ...... IShubenacadie. ... ... ... North Nodaway Co. Adam’s Waggon-defeatCreek. Perry\ 'Sciotoville. Rockville. * I I I River de Bert. Windsor. Co. I ille. Burlington. Newark. . . Sibree. Lasa'.le. . . ' Alpine Co. .. Not known. . . ■ Windsor. Shubenacadie. Newark. Burlington. Keokuk ? Avicula ( continued ).] [Carbonifekovs. 287 EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < c 2 ; < § < '■J x X 1 !3 < ■< . < 2 : . c 5 Locality. 1 ^ c | ^ « w , X < x s a X “ tt 1 X « < [ irradiata, kevigata, lie vis, laminosa, ligonula, lunula ta, maguifica, modiolaformis, nana, nobilis, Nystiana, obliqua, j obtusa, ; paradoxides, poseidonis, prisca, pristina, radialis, radiata, radula, recta, L' x M‘Coy. Brown. L’, L", L'" * x [.. ...... Millicent. Astagob. Beith. Vise. LCM. ... Phi 11. LLS.,L"’,M.Grit L' -X- * -X- -x- Ryckliolt. Phill. * ...... land. Waulsort. Famignoul. Kildare. Bolland. Vise, &c. River Ruhr. Werden. L', L" * * * X "... L'" x- LLS * Woodhall (Edinburgh). Slatet'ord. Sloboda (yellow clay). Vise (Anthraxif. limestone!. Bolland. Vise. Crimsworth Dean. L' ... * De Kon. L'" * * L'" x- LCM Salter, D’Orb. LCM L"' * ... ... Vise. Ad. Bom. L'? * M'Coy. Eiehw. L" * * ... L' Kozel. Phill. ... De Kon. L"' * * L"' X Vise. M'Coy. L' X Millicent. Waulsort. X ? ... Samuelsi, Scythica, semisulcata, simplex, squamosa, subechinata, subglobata, subgranosa, sublsevigata, subpapyracea, tessellata, tumida, imiplicata, Valenciennesiana, venusta, Vemeuilli Brown. LCM * High Greenwood. Eicliw. X Cosatschy-datschi. M'Coy. Phill. CL * ? X V" X Vise. De Kon. * Bollint.ulluk. Staffords. Famignoul. D'Orb. X ... No locality given. Vise. Phill. De Kon. ... Famignoul. Vise. D’Orb. * * De Vern. X X Bochum. Lissitschinskaya. Bolland. Colsterdale. Vise. De Kon. L’" * De Kon. L", L”', LCM.... X Vise. Sprockhovel. Grund. Ad. Bom. LLS. ’. ::: * D'Orb. L'”, LCM Vise. Nyst. M'Cov. L'" LLS., L’ x x Drumcurren. Avienlooecten. M'C'ou. 1853 ... Pecten, Linnans, 1758 (marine). aqualis, not Monotis. alternatus, Meleagrina. an i sot us, arenosus. M'Coy. L"' * L', L'" * * Catcraig. Hawthorn. Springfield. [VVoodhay. Yorkshire. Phill. CL LLS., L", L" r . . . CL * * ■5c Kildare. Kulkeagh. Sculliongows. asnerulus. M‘Cov & De Kon. x Campbelton. Bolland, &c. Co. Leitrim. auriculatus, aurilsevis, Bathus, Beilis, Bosquetianus, Bouei, Buchianus, cancellatulus, cingendus, circularis, clathratus, ccelatus, cognatus, comptus, concavus, M'Coy. Ad. Rom. L" Waulsort. LLS X Not stated. D’Orb. L' * Famignoul. Rahoran. M'Coy. De Kon. LLS * L' * Staffordshire. Famignoul. ValdaiHills. Peredki. RiverSoiwa. De Vern. L' ... * Do Kon. L',L" X Celle-veve. Waulsort. M'Coy. LLS., L' * X Killemeal. Lowick. L” x ... CL. Chatburne. L' * * Little Isle (Cork). Malahide. Bog- head. Hamilton. Armagh. Beith. Fife. Longnor. Dur- 1 Braidwood. Bark llill. [ham.j L', L" x * L" CL. . LLS * x Riillogunna.TeiglamBurn.Parkflill. Millicent. Currieburn. Derbyshire. concentricostriatus, L', L” * concentricus, conoideus, CL [ Durham. LLS , L" X- X ••• Killala. Durham. consimilis, LLS., L’ X x ,, Craigenglon. Bower-trapping. 1 A v ic r lo pecten ( co n t i nned).~\ 288 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. occ-identalis, Ohioensis, Oweni, pellucidus, Providence-ensis : reticulatus, rectilateraria, Shum. Kinder., L'.UCM . Meek. M. k W D’Orb Daws Cox, L', Keokuk L’stJ LCM UCM ! L" ; UCM simplex, spinuliferus, tenuicostatus, Whitei, Williauisi, Winchelli, Daws. L"' M. & W. Winch. Meek. L’ Kinderli. Z Z Locality. Gallatin Co. nam Hill. Saline Creek. Put- War saw. Adams Co. PikeCo. GallatinCo. HoneyCreek Gay’s River (bed D). Bonliarbour. Curlew Mines. Wag- gon-defeat Creek. M’Kenzie's Mill. Cumberland Co, Shubenacadie. Windsor. Crawfordsville. Burlington. Rockford. Locality not known. Chouteau Springs. Boone Co. Newark. Ayiculopecten ( continued ).'] 289 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. £ 43 w O < 43 fr C U tfi Q 2 < 3 x w 3 K « w < 3 3 CC S3 3 i c 3 < < CO < 3 w ►4 CO N x < . < < C3 C < W O « >* O X < CO Cu O 23 D K < 3 CO S3 23 43 < 03 < Locality. deornatus, depilis, dissimilLs, docens, Dumontianus, duplicostatus, echinatus, ellipticus, elongatus, exiguus, exoticus, fallax, fibrillosus, hiatus, fimbriatus, flabellulus, flexuosus, Forbesii, gentilis, gibbosus, grandoevus, granosus, Phill. L’, L" # * Cork. Lowick. Durham. Lissitzchin. M‘Coy. F'lftm. LLS., L" L' L'" * * Millicent. Linlithgow. Bolland. Vise. M‘Coy. L" * * * * CL * * * ham. Dinant. M‘Coy. LLS., L" * * * Larganmore. Carluke. Durham. CL * Phill. LSS., L',L",L'". M. Grit. L', L'” * * * * * * Ballyduff. Kildress. Longnor. Bolland. Waulsort. Cosatschi- datschi. Goubakha. Millicent. Rowerbeg. Roughwood. [Waulsort. M‘Coy. * * * CL * L’" ? M‘Coy. LLS., L 1 , L" ... MCM * * * Kilmore. Astagob. Famignoul. Woodhay. Asbton-under-Lyne. Millicent. [Castleton. Craigenglen. Robroyston. ParkHill. * M‘Coy. Phill. LLS * L', L" * * M‘Coy. L’, L" * * * L\ * X New Eoad, Armagh. Beith. L'.r * L"', LCM., M... L’ Coalbrookdale (Shropshire). Ballyduff. Clausthal. Herbom (Nassau). Howth. Corrieburn. Bolland. Long- nor. Waldenberg. M‘Coy. Goldf. ” LLS * Sow. LLS., L\ L", L " LLS * * gravonis, M‘Coy. L' * Famignoul. Ballintra. Lisnapaste. Malowka (Moscow). LLS * Helrnerseni. Semenow & Miiller L" * hemispbasrica, hians, Homesianus, illegalis, incrassatus, inornatus, intercostatus, intermedius, interstitialis, interstrialis, irregularis, Jonesii, Phill. L'" X * M‘Coy. De Kon. LLS., L" * X ... Millicent. Longnor. V" X L', L"' * M‘Coy. LLS., L' * Ballintra. Bundoran. Auchineok. Phill. Yorkshire. [Derbyshire. D’Orb. ... De Yern. r;, L"' Famignoul. Dinant. Doohylebeg. Duncannon. Gare. Hawes. Durham. Phill. LLS., L’, L'", * * M‘Coy. M. Grit. UCM. ? LLS * Rahoran. L', L'" * Corrieburn. Knockonniensis. LLS., L\ L'" ... * * Knockonny. Andershaw. Brockley. Peredki.R. Ya ga( Arehang. )R.Sosva, Malahide. Rathkeale. Waulsort. Koksr.karofi Csefirefiratusl. L' hevigatus, leiotis, linteatum, macropterus, macrotis, mactatus, margaritoides, megalotis, megalotoides, meleagrinoides, mieropterus, Midas, Mundus, L'.L" * * Goldf. * No locality given. Corrieburn. Campbelton. Bakewell. L\ L” * * M‘Coy. L" ? LLS * ... Dunkineely. Teiglam Burn. Tournai. Derbyshire. Withgill (Tiddeman). Lancashire? Cork. Poulskadden. ,, De Kon. L' M‘Coy. L' or LLS * Florenues. RiverTscheremschankn. CL * V ... Wilton. Ironstone Pit. Carluke. Eichw. L'" * Cosatschi-datsohi. D'Orb. LLS., L' Ballintra. Flemingtown. Kildorrey. Carluke. Famignoul. Waygate Shaw (West Scotland). Murchisoni, L' orbicularis, L' orbiculatus, M‘Coy. R. Ether., jun. ” Goldf. L" Oryza, omatus, Ottonis, L' * Carluke (2nd Ivingshaw limestone). Teiglam and Fidler's Burn. Tyrone. Ardagh. Dairy. Linnspout. Auchy auBois. h’ nock brack. Werder. Kirktonholm. Harrogate. Gold- sitch (Staffordshire). L' ovatus, M‘Coy. Sow. L', L'" papyraccus, L'",M.Gt.,LCM., M. # # * 4 K Avicuxa-pinna.] 290 [Carboniferous, NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Avicula-pinna, Meek, 1867. Americana, Meek. Bakewellia, King, 1849. antiqua, Goldf. & Miinst. (Permian) parva, M. & H. Carbonarca, Meek and Wort hen, gibbosa, M. & W. Euchondria, Meek, 1874. neglecta, Eumicrotis, Meek Hawni, var. sinuata, M. & W. Gervillia, Def ranee, 1820. auricula, Stevens, longispina, Cox. parva, M. & II . strigosa, C. A. White, sulcata, Geinitz. UCM. L" ... UL. ... 1870. UCM. UCM. UCM.,alsoPerm UCM LCM. UL. ... Kinderh. UCM. ... Locality. Nebraska city. Atchison, Florida, and Gallatin Cos. Gay’s River (Windsor). Smoky Hill Riv. Cottonwood Crk. Springfield. Lasalle Co. Avicula. Monotis. Aucella. Cottonwood Creek. Saline Creek. Gallatin Co. Roof-coal (Danville). Providence (Hopkins Co.). Burlington (yellow sandstone). Aviculopecten { continued ). ] 291 [Carboniferous. EUROPE. &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. o K W SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. 1 FRANCE. | RUENISII PRUSSIA. < < E- /. | SILESIA. S3 MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. i P < as P ALTAI. Locality. Pera, M'Coy. perobliquus, Ad. Rom. Phillipsianus, De Kon. Phillipsii, Goldf. planicostatus, M'Coy. planoclathratus, „ planoradiatus, „ plicatus, Sow. pulchellus, M'Coy. quadratus, „ quinquelineatus, „ radiatus, Phill. rigidus, M'Coy. rugulosus, „ Ruthveni, „ scalaris, Sow. sclerotis, M'Coy. Sedgwickii, ,, semieircularis, „ semicostatus, Portl. semistriatus, M'Coy. serratus, „ Sibericus, De Vern simplex, De Kon. Sowerbyi, M'Coy. spinulosus, ,, stellaris, Phill. strictus, Eichw. subalternata (Lima), D’Orb. subclathratus, Keyserl. subconoideus, Ether., jun. subelongatus, M'Coy. subfimbriatus, DeVern. sublobatus, Phill. suborbiculata, D’Orb. subpapyraceus, De Vern. ii Ludwig, subradiatus, Ad. RiSm. tabulatus, M'Coy. tessellatus, Phill. transversus, Sow. tripartitus, M'Coy. Tromelini, Edgell. undulatus, ,, Valdaicus, Do Vern. variabilis, „ varii-ornatus, ? Verneuilli, Hunter, vetustus, Sow. villanus, De Kon. spec, indet., F. Rom. Bakewellia, King, 1849. Marin antiqua, Goldf. ceratophaga, Schloth. Gervillia, Defrance, 1820. Fam. elongata, Portl inconspicua, Phill. obtusa, Brown, primaiva (lunulata), „ squamosa, ,, LLS., L' * if Bruckless. Killala. Derbyshire. Lautenthal. Vis<§. Dork. Woodlands. Famignoul. Little Isle (Cork). Bundoran. Auchenskeoch. Longnor. Derbysh. Ardconnaught, Drumkeeran, Gare. Celle-veve. [&e. Moliill. Mitchellstown. Craigenglen. Bolland. Vise. Castleknock. Malahide. Doorin. Kendal. Famignoul. [brookd.l Mohill. Gare. S. Staffordsli. Coal- Bundoran. Lowick. Waulsort. i Little Island (Cork). Alstonfleld. ! Ballintra. Roughwood (Beith). Tyrone. Little Island (Cork). Ardagh. Ballintra.Manor. Hamilton. Howrat . Cosatschi-datschi. Rivs. Kolvaand, Soiva. [Vise. Boghead. Cullion. Gare. Orchard. Mohill. Howth. Beith. Longnor. Dunkineely. [Durham. Braidwood. Staffordshire. Cosatschi-datschi. Petschora-land. Stratlikinness. Craigenglen. Calderside. Fermanagh. Peredki. Valdai. Longnor. Park Hill. Castleton. Fa- [mignoul. Lissitebia-balka. Petschora-land. Langendreer (Bochum). Gare. Carluke. Bolland. Colsterdale. Cloonea. Errigle-Kerrogue. Pilton. Budleigh-Salterton. Ballintra. Riv. Bystritza (Novgorod Govt.). Bundoran (Culp). East Burn (Stew- arton). Durham. Northumberland. Shale above main post limestone. Waulsort. Vise. Staffordshire. Famignoul. Maloy aroslawitz (Moscow). Drumkeeran. Fermanagh. Castleton. Grund. Count Hill, near Oldham. Kildare. Collersdale.Bolland. IT awes. Enniskillen. Bolland. LLS. if L"' .. if if if L ' . * * if L’ L" L' if if LLS., L’, L'" ... L r * * * * if CL. MCM LLS., L' L’, L'" if it if LLS., L' * * LLS. L' if if if if if LLS., L"', MCM. L" if * if if if if if if L\ L" LLS., L’ CL. .' L' if if LLS., L' L "? if if LLS., L', L"' ... LLS., L', L” ... LLS., CL * if if if if if if if L" if if L"' if if if if if if if L' if L, L" if L" if if if if * LLS if L" if if if if * L', L'" if if if LLS., L' ? LLS 9 if LLS if L' if if if LLS , Calp L", M. Grit. if if L" '.. if L" if if L' if 1 if e. L" if Perm. ? Aviculhi.e. LLS., L' if LLS if if if if if M. Grit., LCM... IV, L'" IV, L'" It 292 [Carboniferous. Inoceramus.] ' NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. 1 KANSAS. < as w J5 | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. ] INDIANA. c © 1 KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. w 5 a a. < | NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. i? Inoceramus, Sowerby , 1814. problematicus, Nishna-botany. Woodbury Co. Lima, Bruguiere, 1797. 1 retifera, B. P. Shum. UL * Verdigris valley. Forest and Ne- braska city. Atchison Co. Megambonia, Hall. Lyoni, Kinderli * * Rockford ? UL Verdigris valley. Marion Co. iPecten, Linntsus, 1758; Muller, 1 (Entolium) Broadheadii, carboniferus, Stevens. Cleavelandicus, Swall. Hallii, ? Hawnii, Geinitz. Missouriensis, Sbum. 776. Crooked Creek. UCM Willow Springs. Nebraska city. UCM L"', UL j spec, indet., Shum. Perno-pecten, Winchell, 1864,= i Cooperensis, Winch. 1 limasformis, „ I limatus, ,, i Newarkensis, ,, Shumardanuni, ,, I spec, indet., C. A. White. Pinna, Linneeus , 1858. Adamsi, M c Chesn. Heinricksiana, W. (4 St. J. ? Marshallensis, Winch. Missouriensis, Swall. flabelliformis. peracuta. Sbum. : spec, indet. (2). White. Placunopsis, Morris and Lycett, UCM Entolium, Mee Kinderli k. * Newark. None given. L * ... Burlington. Sciotoville. Newark. * „ ? ... Burlington. MCM UCM Basalle Co. L"' ....'! * ... Pella. ... Napoleon Cut (Jackson Co.). St. Genevieve. Gravel Creek. L’” .. UCM ... IowaPt. Gallatin Co. Honey Crk. MCM., UL. . 1853. CM ... Flint Ridge (Putnam Hill). recticardinalis, Meek. Plicatula, Lamarck, 1801. 1 striato-costata, Cox. Posidonomya, Broun, 1837. Po 1 ambigua, Winch. I clathrata, Isaac Lea. ? distans, ,, CM * UCM Hopkins Co. Yellow sandstone. sidonia, Goldf US s. LCM. * Wilkesbarre. LCM. . * 9 9 CM. . * Flint Ridge (Putnam Hill). Moscow (Marshall Co.). j perstriata, Isaac Lea. Romingeri, Winch, striata, Stevens. LCM * Wilkesbarre. Marshall. * ... Summit (Columbiana Co.). Marshall Co. Pseudomonotis, Beyrich, 1862. radialis, Phill. Pterin ae a, Goldfuss, 1840 or 1833 cardinata, Winch. UCM - [1866. Monoiteria (subg.), Meek $ Worth., Grindst. Quarries. Pt. aux Barques. 1 Inoceramus.] 293 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. a < w 55 < £ C o CO < -3 C S5 w E S a « a o ◄ ■< CO CO a a a CO a ◄ a < co a CO a a 53 N as © < a o >* z, o X < CO O es a a CO CO a a a < a -< &- a < Locality. ? auriculatus, carbonarrus, ? laevissimus, ? orbicularis, pernoides, Lima, Britguiere, 1797. Haueriana, laevigata, obliqua, prisca, ! semisulcata, Ostraea, Linnteus, 1758 M‘Coy. Ad. Rom. [.F. Bom. Grund. LLS if M'Coy. L’... Cork. L 1 . Portl. L', L'" ... * Derryloran. VisA Kildress (Tyrone Co.). De Kon. L" * M'Coy. Fam. 0 Do Kon. STREIDvE. L'" * Vis6, near Liege. Caroline Coal-pit, Glatz. Carnteel (Tyrone Co.). Dilldorf. Werden (ironst. nodule). Scbacbt Vollmond (Bochum). Pecten, Linnteus, 1758. granulosus, ovali -costatus. Phill. Portl. L” ? * primigenius, Yon Weyer. i Sowerbvi. var. eloneratus. Ludw. MCM MCM Pinna, Linnteus, 1759. flabelliformis, var. inaequicostata, flexicostata, granulosa, Ivanitzkiana, Martin. L' L" L'" . Portl. L’ Carnteel. Benburb. M‘C'oy. LLS., L', L" ... L"' Garbrochill. Bunowna. Longnor. Bolland. Northumberland. De Vern. L"? * Carluke (ironst.). Lissitscbinbalka. Durham. Vise. membranacea, De Kon. L", L"' if mutica, M‘Coy. Ad. Rom. LLS., CL perobliqua, [ prisca. j spatula, LLS * De Kon. V" Vise (upper anthraxiferous limest.). Inkerman pits. Derbysh. Cresset (Auvergne). M‘Coy. Culm, L" Posidonomya, Broun, acuticostata, 1837. Po sidonia, M'Coy LLS Chief shell in Posidouia schist. Sndbrgr. Goldf. Portl. Lautenthal. Beclieri, complanata, concentrica, LLS., L", L'", M. Grit, CM. LLS., L' * * * * * * * * Tobergrey. Durham. Lautenthal. Morawitz. Litchvin. Ballynascreen (Derry). Famignoul. Lickprivick Castle (Burn brae). De Kon. L’ corrugata, eostata, Ether. L'...\ M‘Coy. Brown. L" Gibsoni, M. Grit, LCM. .. Wigan and 8 miles N. of Dobs Cross Vis6. [(Lancash.). Keadue. Venn. Trescot. hemisphasrica, lamellosa. Phill. L"' De Kon. V" lateralis. Morris & Sow. LLS., L', M.Grit LCM levigata, marginalis, membranacea, Brown. Oldham. Eichw. L"' * Cosatsohi-datschi. M'Coy. Goldf. LLS., L", V", M. Grit, CM. CM Westown. Cahirnanalt. Clondalkin. 1 minuta, * Izoumo (Govt. KharkofF). Clondalkin. similis, M'Coy. Portl. L'" 1 transversa, TV Fermanagh. Swimbridge, Northumberland, &e. tuberculata, Sow. L'" venusta, Miinst. LLS vetusta. Sow. LLS., L', L'", M. Grit. 0 . Cessneck Castle. Settle. Bolland. Pterinaea, Goldfuss, 1833 or 184 bicarinata, Goldf. Vise*. Ratingen. Cosatschi-datschi. Lindlar (Bergischen). 1 4 F PTERiNiEA (continued).] 294 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. IOWA. 55 < o 1 ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | OHIO. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. j | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. Kinderh Columbia. gibbosa, M. & W. UCM Saline Creek. . Morganensis, ,, LCM Morgan Co. Newarkensis, Kinderh * Newark. spinulata, Winch. L’ * * Burlington. strigosa, W. & Whitf. undulata, M. & W. L' Whitfieldiana, Munch. Holland and Marshall Cos. Pteronites, M‘ Coy, 1844. Marin e. Gayensis, Dawson. Gay’s Riv. Chester. Windsor. (Resembles Pteron. latus, M‘Coy.) Streblopteria ?, M'Coy, 1851. tenuilineata, M. & W. UCM Clinton Co. Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA (SIPHONIDA). Allorisma.] Order DIMYARIA. [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | OHIO. | KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. 1 | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Allorisma, King, 1844. Myaci tes. M. & H. UCM Grasshopper Creek. Swall. L"' * Kaskaskia, &c. M c Chesn. L' 1 ' * Kaskaskia. Cooperi, M. & H. UCM Helena (Cooper Co.). M & W UCM. .. Warren Co. Stark Co. Swall. MCM Lexington. MCM Clay Co. Meek. UCM.? UCM. . Larry Co. Atchison. Gallatin Co. Hannibalensis, Kinderh Burlington. Alan’sQuarry. Newark. CM Randolph Co. hybrida, M. & W. L’ * Keokuk. lata, Swall. MCM Lexington. Leavcnsworthensis, M. & H. UCM., UL Leavenswort h city. Platte mouth. Minniliaha, Swall. UCM Council Grove. pleuropistha. Meek. Kinderh Newark. Rushville. reflexa, UCM * * Pterin jea (continued).'] 295 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. 1 BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | | WESTPHALIA. < C fj W co 1 HARZ. 1 MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | < P | ALTAI. Locality. desquamata, M'Coy. hyperborea, „ informis, „ intermedia, ,, lepida, Goldf. Thompsoni, Pteronites, M'Coy, 1844. Mari angustatus, M'Coy. fluctuosus, Ether, latus, M'Coy. persulcatus, ,, regularis, Ether., jun. semisulcatus, M'Coy. subradiatus, Sow. sulcatus, M'Coy. ventricosus, • „ Streblopteria, M'Coy, 1851. O pulchella, M'Coy. * [Govt. Mjatsehkovo (Mosc.) and Kalouga Poolwash (Isle of Man). Lautenthal. Fermanagh. Bruckless. Dunkineely. Lesmahago. Durham. Longnor. Craigenglen. Carluke. Millicent. Corrieburn (Carluke). Craigenglen. Carluke. Durham. Arden. Linn Spout. Waggate Shaw (Carluke). Derbyshire. Carluke (and in 4 localities and 4 [sediments). Manor Hamilton. Ardshankill (Boa Island). Millicent. Durham. L" X L' * * X LLS., L' * X ne. LLS., L’, L" ... L' * X X X X X L' * * * h"' L'" * CL X L” X X * LLS., L' bsolete. L’, L’' X Allorisma.] Class LAMELL1B11ANCHIATA (SIPHONIDA). Order DIMYARIA. [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Zi fi X < s W < co P as p CO 33 S3 ■< *< [A, EUROP. Locality. ►i w as H O o co p o 55 o p w CQ z; 0$ z w OS F- CO W K P CO N3 OS < OS o w o 00 o X CO CO CO p p as ALTA! Allorisma, Kiny, 1844. Ansticei, Myaci Sow. tes, Bronn. L "?, LCM Longnor. Coalbrookdale. constricta, King. Sow. LLS, L\ L", ii Northumberland. Coalbrookdale. gibbosa, Omaliana, LCM. L" Longnor. Staffordshire. Astagob, Armagh, &c. Derbyshire Tyrone. [dal sell i Sloboda. Riv. Yglytsch. Cosatschi- Craigenglen. Beith. HighBlantyre Glorat, &c. De Kon. L' primiBva, regularis, Portl. CL D’Orb. L’, L'" sulcata, Flem. L' Miinst. L', L", LCM. ... X X tenuilineata, Ether., iun. L' Cousland (Mid-Lothian). Dooliylebeg. Staffordshire. Bolland tumida, Phill. L"', LCM X Alloeisma ( continued ).] 296 [Caeeonifeeotjs. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. regularis, King sinuata, M^'Chesn subcuneata, subdernecka, M. &H subelegans, Meek. sulcata, Swall terminalis, Topekaensis, ventricosa, Meek spec, indet., C. A. White Wincbelli, mV & w spec, indet., M. & H. Anatina, Lamarck, j spec, indet., 1809. Anomianella, Eyckholt, 1852. carbonaria, M. & W. Anthracoptera, Salter, 1862 ... carbonaria, Dawson, fragilis, M. & W. loevis, Dawson. Anthraccsia, King, 1842. aequimarginalis, Winch. Antigonesensis, Dawson. Bradorica, ,, concentrica, Winch, fragilis ?, Cox. nana, D. D. Owen, occidentalis, Swall. subangulata, Dawson. Horizon. L\ UCM. L'" UCM UCM CM MCM. ... UCM. ... Kinderh. Kinderh. UCM. ... UCM. ... Kinderh. CM. Lower MCM. L' (Keokuk) MCM Kinderh. L" LCM. ... Kinderh. Shale ... L' Kinderh. L'" Locality. Kansas city. Vernon Co. Keokuk Chester, &c. (widely dispersed). Quitman (Atchison Co.). Leayensworth. River Platte’s mouth. Topeka. Honey Creek. Gallatin Co Rushville. Newark. „ „ Windsor. Naiadites, Dawson. Joggins. Warsaw. Joggins. Marshall Co. Antigonish? (Pictou). Braddeck. Jonesville. Hillsdale and Adams Co. Dix Pit or Bank (in shale). Onslow. Cooper, Saline, Moniteau Cos. Pugwash (Amherst Co.). Aiephldesata.] 297 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. * < iJ W z a H O C C 53 3 r -^ O z < < 03 03 £3 s 33 z w < < 3 E- X < 03 W N - < > < < s z c x o B a < 03 03 < < E- Locality. cc H e Eh tf 03 « 03 <3 Amphidesma, Lamarck, 1818 ; fl cl tm’Hfia. Pnrtl _ Phillips. L"? Derry. Tyrone. Cosatschi-datschi. ? lunulata, Dristana. Keyserl. L’" if V" if Anatina, Lamarck, 1809. ? attenuatn.. M‘Cov. LLS., CL LLS., CL Killala. ? deltoidea, Anodonta, Cuvier, 1 angulata, brevis, carbonaria, eicatricosa, Hardensteinensis, lucida, minima, 798. Fam. Ryckb. Ludw. Unionid.®. L' if Ilmenau. Herbede. Hardenstein. Do Kon. L' if Ilmenau. Ludw. LLS., LCM. ... Wolfs Bank. Borbacb. Altenessen. Herbede. Hardenstein. LCM. . Bochum. Zeche Hannibal. LCM. ? if Mulheim, on Ruhr. L T sine Simsk (Nicbni-Paroga). Ilmenau. obstipa, ovalis, procera, subparallela, tenera, L"' Martin. L r , CM if Ludw. LCM if Altenessen. Grube Zollvereign. Lissitscbinskaya. Nichni-Paroga (with Cyclas). Millicent (Clare Co.). Lowick (dark limestone). Keyserl. Eicbw. L"' L m Uralica, Anodontopsis, M‘C subtruncatus, pristina, Anthracomya, Salt Adamsi, Ludw. L'" oy, 1852. M‘Coy. M. & H. L' CL * er , 18(>1, = N Salter. aiadites, Daws LCM., M on dolabrata, Sow. LCM., M if Oldham. lsevis, modiolaris, Pbillipsii, pumila, radiata ( Naiadites ), sanguinolaria, senes, subcentralis. Salter. UCM * Manchester. Sow. MCM., U. .. Sbettlestone. Carluke. Oldham. Williamson. LCM., M., U.... * Bolton-le-Moors. Ardwick. Salter. MCM UCM if Salter, MS. LCM if Bol ton-le-Moors. MCM if MCM if 9 Anthracoptera, Salter, 1861. Browniaua. Salter. LCM., M„ U. ... Bolton-le-Moors. Pendleton. carbonaria, Sow. carinata, modiolaris, LCM., M Bargeddie. Sbettlestone. Shotts shale, &c. Bargeddie. Bunker’s Hill. Oldham. Slateford. LCM., M„ U. ... if spec, indet., Salter. LLS * if L'” The Combes, Leek (Staffordshire). Brackish or freshwater. Mons. Liege. Charleroi. Squaretowu. Wigan. Liege. Mons. Priorsfield. Goldsitch. Vis6. Liege. Shotts shale, &c. Bolton-le-Moors. Anthracosia, King, abbreviate, 1844. Car dinia. Unio... Goldf. UCM * acuta, • Sow. M.Gt., LCM., U. MCM., IT * * angulata, Aquilina, atratus, if Sow. LCM., M„ U. ... if Goldf. MCM.? Werden. batilliformis, Ludw. LCM.? .. Zeche Hannibal. bipennis, carbonaria, Salter. if Old Swinford. S. Staffordshire. Schloth. UCM if Val Benoit (Liege). Mons. Kiesel. Airdrie. Bolton-le-Moors. Coal-1 centralis, Sow. MCM., U colliculus, Ryckb. Morris. UCM ...Mons. Liege. [brookdale. compressa, concentrica, . . . j Ne w South Wales? Eicbw. L" or ...jSterlitamac. crassidens, Ludw. LCM. ? ... ...Zeche Hannibal. cymbaeformis, UCM i Iliddingshausen. In Possil limestone. Dawsoni, Brown. MCM if ... 1 4 G Anthrocomya.] 298 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMEEICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Anthrocomya, Salter. Naiadi elongata, Dawson spec, indet., Bailey & Matthew tes, Dawson. MOM Area, Linnwus , 1758. arguta ?, Phill. carbonaria, Cox. cuspidata, Swall. Missouriensis, Shum. modesta, Winch, punctifer, Dawson, spec, indet., Astarte, J. Sowerby, 1810. gibbosa, M'Coy. Astartella, MChesney concentriea, M‘Ohesn. Ne wherry i, Meek, varica, M'Ohesn. Horizon. Kinderh. ... UCM., UL.. UCM Kinderh L' Kinderh. UL. Kinder., M. Grit? UCM Locality. Joggins. Sydney. LeavensworthLanding. Hopkins Co. Burlingame. Cedar Co. Burlington. Windsor (bed A). Platte’s mouth and River. Astarte. . .. ..... Jcharbonniere. Mercer Co. Newark. L J... ... Springfield. Mil Anthracosia ( continued ).] 299 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q X W d a x 6 Q X < C as a X « 2 X in c n ’X X £ a < < H /. W in a X n s: < < X o < B o > 5? X < cc X o X X X < n n X X < Locality. Eichwaldiana, Keyserl. Ludw. CL. (in CM.) ... Balka. Riv. Vaschina (Riv. Don). Altenessen. Pottsehappel. Mons. Vise. „ Liege. Charleroi. Holland. Tournai. Bochum. Zeche Hannibal. Vise. Liege. Batterie (Liege). Mons. Edinburgh ? Liege. Mons. Hordei. Herbcde. Hundesknocken. Bradford (Yorkshire). Liege. Quarter Pi ts.Coalbrookd.Quaregnon. Coalbrookd.Goldsitch. Liege. Grund. Charleroi Basin. Mons. Liege. Bochum. Zeche Hannibal. Carluke. Bolton. Coalbrookdale. Mons. Batterie (Liege). River Petschora. (Liege) Batterie. Mons. Werden. Mons. Liege. Charleroi. Geinitzi, Goldfussiana, hians, Hullosiana, laminata, Lottneri, macilenta, LCM. ? X De Ivon. MCM X X Ryckh. 11" X UCM. .. L’, 11" X X Ludw. LCM. ? . X Ryckh. De Kon L'" X UCM X nuciformis, Hibbert. LLS., LCM. ... x nucularis, obtusa, ovalis, phaseola, robusta, salebrosa, Scherpenzealina, securiform is, Ryckh. Ludw. UCM X X Martin. LCM., M., U. ... X X Sow. MCM., U.’ X X LCM., M., U. ... * * X X Ryckh. Schist, UCM. ... X UCM. X Ludw. LCM. ? X subconstricta, Millstone Grit... X X X var. robusta, subparallela, tellinaria, Toillieziana, Sow. MCM., U X Keyserl. Goldf. Culm VJ. LCM., M., U. ... UCM X X Ryckh. X uncinata, UCM X utrata, Goldf. M. Grit, LCM... X V. ,, Val Benoit. Werden. Shettleston, Burnhouse,Douglas,&c. Earvin (north of France). King’s Pit. VisA Gare. Bolland. Vise. Auehy au Bois. Celle-veve. Cosatschi-datschi. Vise. Parkhill. Longnor. Durham. Finner (Bundoran). Urii, ' spec, indet., Area, Linnceus, 1758. anatina, Flem. UCM. .'. X Barrois. X F. Rom. De Kon. 11" of X arguta, aviculoides, Phill. L"' X X X X L'" X cancellata, clathrata, Martin. L" X M‘Coy. Miinst. L" * concentrica, LLS cos tel lata, MCoy. CL * decussata, L" X X Pilsbury. Longnor. Waulsort. Famignoul. Auehy au Bois. Vise, near Liege. River Serena (Gov. Kalouga). Gare. Celle-veve. Waulsort, Vise. VisA elegans, elegantula, exigua, faba, De Kon. L'" X * Eiohw. L'" X L' De Kon. L", 11" * X fall ax, 11" X X Haimeana, 11" Kingiana, Lacordairiana?, De Vern. (Orenburg) Dioma-thals. Robroyston. Gare. Tournai. Vise. Waulsort. CarolinePit.Cosatschi- datschi. L ', L", 11", CM. LLS * X X lanceolata, M'Coy. De Kon. X Maccoyana, obscura, L'" X Vise (Upper Atliraxif.). 11" X Oreliana, De Vern. L" Malowka. VisA Parkhill. Derbyshire. Bundoran. Stonewell. Craigenglen. Gare. Ma.uor Hamilton. Parkhill. Waulsort. pinguis, plicata, reticulata, De Kon. L’" X L" M‘Coy. Xj , L", L'" * X X semieoslata, L', L" * squamosa, De Kon. 11" subehithrata, D’Orb. 11 X tessellata, De Kon. 11" VisA subrugosa, D’Orb. X Yerneuilliana, De Kon. 11" Astarte, Sowerby, 1817. Axinop sis, Tate, 1808 centraineana, Ryckh. 11" Vise. North of and near Liege. Dewalquana, L"' ' Maccoyana, \1" orbitosa, 11" | 1 >. ? parallela, L'" 1 Queteletiana, 11" 1 1 1 1 ”1 1 Astabtella ( continued ).] 300 [Caebonifeeotjs. NORTH AMERICA. Genas, Species, and Author. vera, spec, indet., Hall. Cox. LCM. Axinus = Schizodus. Cardiomorpha, Be Koninck , 18 Archiaciana, capuloides, Julia, Missouriensis, modiolaris, ovata, parvirostris, rhomboidea, subglobosa, sulcata, ? triangulata, trigonalis, Vindobonensis, M. & W. ? Winch. Shum. Winch. Hall. C. A. White. Hall. Meek. Slium Swall. Winch. Hartt 47 CL Kinderh. Cardiopsis, Meek and Worthcn, I crenistriata, Winch. jejuna, megambonata, I radiata, M. & W. Horizon. UCM. ... Kinderh. Kinderh. L', L" ... 1861 ... Kinderh. Cardium, Linntsus, 1758. Lexingtonense, Swall. Napoleonense, Winch. Chsenocardia, Meek and Worthe ovata, M. & W Chaenomya, Meek, 1865 Cooperi, M. & H. hybrida, M. & W. Lcavensworthensis, „ Minnehaha, ? rhomboidea, Clidophorus, Hall, 1847 Leavenswortliensis, M. & W. occidentalis, M. & n. quadricostatus, Dawson. M. & W. MCM. n, 1869. LCM. . UCM. L' ... UCM. MCM. 11 " ... UCM. . UCM. . L' & L” Locality. St. Joseph. Blaylock Bridge. Jatan (Andrew Co.). Posey Mine. Pike Co. Cardiopsis. Windsor. Putnam Co. Griudst. Quarries, S. coast L.Huron. Napoleon Cut. Battle Creek. South Blackbird. Charbonniere. Columbia. Jackson. Moscow. Battle Burlington. [Creek. Rushville. Waverley. Cedar County. Chouteau limestoue. Cooper Co. Windsor limestones. Cardiomopha, Be Koninck. Columbia. Jackson Co. Railroad at Napoleon. Grindstone Quarries (L. Huron). Grafton. Jersey Co. Rockford. Lexington. Marshall. Battle Creek. West Pecan Creek. Grundy Co. Anthracomya. Allorisma ? Helena. Nauvoo. Savanna (Missouri). „ Andrew Co. St. Joseph. Alton. Cucullela, M- Coy. Pleurophorus. Leaveusworth City or Landing. Stewiacke River. Astarte ( continued ).] 301 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < s SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. [ BELGIUM. FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. N < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. > Z o X < GQ \ RUSSIA, EUROP. | < B ALTAI. Locality. rhomboidalis, socialis, stenosoma, transversa, L'" * L’ * Makovoie (Toula). Malowka. Rvekli. D’Orb. L' L" * L' 1 ' * Vise. Ryckh. M‘Coy. zodus. e Koninck , 18 £/" * spec, indet., Axinus. See Schi Cardiomorpha, D Arehiacana, bicatenulata, * 43. L', L” * Tournai. Waulsort. Ryckh. M‘Coy. L' * L/, L" * ,, Waulsort. eorrugata, crassistria, cuneata, distincta, Egertoni, elliptica, elongata, fragilis ?, globosa, ingens, L', L" * L 1 '" % Eichw. L' * Famignoul. L" or L"' M'Coy. De Ivon. LLS., L" * * L"' '. * * * L'" * Vise (North of Liege). M'Coy. Ryckh. Keyserl. Ryckh. L" L' * Tournai. L' Kickxiana, Lacordairiana, lamellosa, laminata, livida, luciniformis, Mosensis, nana, L' * Tournai (in clay). L' De Kon. L', L", L'" * Bourrock. Longnor. Lives(Namur). Staffordsh. Bolland. Waulsort. PhiU. L", L'" ■if * De Kon. L"' * Vise (Anthraxif. limestone). PhiU. L"' * Ryckh. De Kon. L ,,r * L'" * Croag. Kildare. Craigenglen. Gare. Alstonfield. Vise. Derbyshire. Celle-veve. , Tournai. oblonga, orbicularis, Sow. I/, L", L'" L', L" * * * M'Coy. Ryckh. Hall. * * orbitosa, parvirostris ?, prisca, pristina, Puzosiana, L' * M'Coy. De Vern. L” * * Waulsort. L'" Chipping (Bolland). [sort. Robroyston. Gare. Tournai. Waul- Famignoul. Robroyston (only in Scotl.). Vise. Tournai. De Kon. L', L", L’" ■Sf * quadrata, radiata, retrosecta, M'Coy. De Kon. L'" V" * * Ryckh. L' * scalaris, L" * Waulsort. sector, L' Tournai. Selysianus, solida, L' De Kon. L' * Durham. Staffordsh. Vise. Regnitz- losau. Cosatschi-datschi. Vise. Waulsort. Bochum. Co- striata, L", L'" * * * sulcata, L", 1!" * * tenera, L'" * satschi-datschi. Carluke. Vise. undata, Ryckh. Ether. L" * Waulsort. Yesali, Ij" spec, indet., Cardium, Linnceus, L'" The Combes (Leek). Conocardium, De Koninck. Ratingen. Botschatzkoye. Bystritza (Novogorod). Podolsk Grund. [(Moscow). 1758 alseforme, De Kon. L" exiguum, rectangulare, Eichw. L', L" Ad. Rom. LLS * * 4 H Clinopistha.J 302 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. I ARKANSAS. 1 KANSAS. 1 NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < o 55 < 51 : 1 ILLINOIS. 1 INDIANA. 1 OHIO. 1 KENTUCKY. 1 TENNESSEE. 1 PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. 55 o •w a « w < I NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Clinopistha, Meek and Worthen radiata, var. lfevis, M. & W 1870. LCM. (base) ... * Seaville. Fulton Co. Pleurorhynchus, Phillips. Windsor. Marshall. Spergen Hill. Bloomington. „ Bloomington. Alton. Marshall. River Wabash cut-off. Posey Co. Alton. Burlington. Newark. Stewiacke River. Nucula, Lamarck, 1799. Tellinomya, Hall. Leda, Schumacher, 1817. Alton. St. Louis. [Columbiana Co. Battle Creek. Dix’s Bank. Summit. Burlington (yellow sandstone). White Cloud. Waterloo. Monro Co. Mercer Co. Battle Creek. [Carnahan’s coal. Wabash Riv., near New Harmony. Columbiana Co. Rush Creek. Marshall. Battle Creek. Napoleon Cut. Jackson Co. Moscow. Kurtz and Dix’s Banks. Tafftown. Burlington. Marshall. Battle Creek. Pope Creek. Knox Co. Waterloo. Monro Co. Burlington. Spergen Hill. Battle Creek. Carnahan’s Mine. Mercer Co. Rush Creek. New Harmony. Battle Creek. Danville. Pope’s Creek. Knox Co. New Harmony. River Wabash. Burlington. Battle Creek. Point aux Barques. Spergen Hiil. Bloomington. Napoleon Cut. Point aux Barques. Huron Co. [River. Cottonwood Creek. Smoky Hill N ebraska City. Bussey’s, Green, and Sullivan Cos. Acadianum, Hartt. ? bovipedale, Winch, carinatum, Hall, catastomum, „ cuneatum, „ equilatei’ale, „ Meekanum, ,, Napoleonense, Winch, obliquum, M. & W. Prattenianum, Hall, pulchellum, M. & W. Romingeri, Winch, spec, indet., Hartt. Ctenodonta, Salter, 1850 L' X * L".. . X X X X * L" . L” . L” . L” or L'”. x- X UCM. X L" . X X X X L' X L" X Altonensis, M'Cliesn. arata, bellatula, Hall. (Leda) bellistriata, Stevens. Barrisii, 0. A. White. Beyrichii, Shum. curta, (dele,) M. & W. cylindrica, Shum. dens-mammillata, Stevens, gibbosa, M‘Ohesn. Hammeri, Stevens. ? hians, Winch. Houghtoni, „ Hubbardi, „ var. prolata, „ inflata, Cox. Iowensis, W. & W. Knoxensis, M'Chesn. (Yoldia ?) levistriata, M. & W. microdonta, Winch, nasuta, Hall, nucuheformis, Stevens, obsoleta, M‘Chesn. Oweni, „ pandorscformis, Stevens, parva, M'Chesn. polita, „ Rushensis, ,, saccata, Winch, sectoralis, „ Shumardiana, Hall. Stella, Winch. subscitula, Newb. & M. ventricosa, Hall. spec, indet., C. A. White. ,, Cox. L'" . X LCM. . * * Kinderh MCM. X * * X X X UCM. . * X * X X L" p CM.... L * MCM X X MCM X X X X * X X * L . X - X * * UCM X X L'" * L ,f .' X L X- CM X LCM. X L * LCM X UCM X X UCM Kinderli. * * L" ’ X Kinderh X- UL * UCM X * * * X * CoNOCARDITJM.] 303 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. SILESIA. n: es < | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. 1 ◄ ALTAI. Locality. Conocardium, Broun, 1835 Pleurorhynchus, Phill. Cardium, Be Koninck. [shire. Kildare.Capelrig. Carluke. Stafford-. Williamwood. Orchard(cement-st.). Malahide. Durham. Bolland. Malahide. Howth. Finnis (Bandoran). Waulsort. Millicent. Kilfinnis. Mendip.i Tournai. Vise. Ratingen. Vise (Vallee Sichon). Cresset. Howth. Clitheroe. „ Enniskillen.Bolland.Celle-, veve. Cresset. Waulsort. Co- satschi-datschi. Mohill. Doohylebeg. Bakewell. Longnor. Bolland. Vise. Vise. Carrick ma Cross. Bolland. Vise. Borowitschi(Novog.). Mjatschkovo. Cosatschi-datschi. Carrigaline. Nucula, Lamarck, 1799. Leda, Schumacher, 1817, pars Byckholt. Coalbrookdale. Shropshire. High Dyke. Gare. Orchard. I Durham, &c. Bundoran. Craigenglen. Montrad- ding. Bolland. Auchy aux Bois. lung’s Pit. Drumquin.Cliarleston.Calderwater. Harelaw. Thornton Common. Rivers Don and Lissitschinskaya. Peredki. Valdai Hills. Cosatschi- datschi. Lisnapaste. Ballintra. Auchinbeg. Glasgow. Otterburn. Harelaw. Bolland. Friable limestone at Vise. Bolland. Staffordshire. Tournai. Bundoran. Sloboda (Gov. Toula). Kulkeah. Coomhola. Gare. Con- gleton. Durham. ILohenlohe- hutte. Orchard(Sandyliolm). Robroyston. Armagh. Gare. Teiglam. Fiddler’s Burn. | house. Larganmore.Fiddler’sBurn.Weeter- Gare. Fullwood. Malowka. Thornton. Gare(shale onllosie l’st.). Bolland. Tournai. MonadufF. Bcith. Orchard. Gare. armatum, Phill. decussatum, Ether., jun. elongatum, Tate. Footii, fusiforme, M'Coy. giganteum, „ Hibernicum, Sow. irregulare, De Kon. Konincki, Baily. minax, Phill. nodulosum, M'Coy. rostratum, Martin, strangulatum, De Kon. trigonale, Phill. turdum, Eichw. Uralicum, De Vern. Corbis, Cuvier , 1817. cancellata, M'Coy. Crenella, Brown, 1827. acutirostris, M'Coy. *Ctenodonta, Salter, 1850 LLS. CL * * * * L'" L' L'" * * * * * * CL L' LLS., L’ * * * L', L'", LCM.... L m * * * L', L"' * * * * * LLS., L', L"'... LLS * * * L", 11" * * * * L'" LLS., L r , L'" ... L', L'' * * L'" * LLS., L' * L' - accipiens, Sow. acuta, „ aequalis, „ attenuate, Flem. birostrata, M'Coy. brevirostris, Phill. carbonaria, Eichw. cardiiformis, ,, carinata, M'Coy. clavata, ,, claviformis, Phill. colliculus, Ryckh. cuneata, Phill. cylindrica, M'Coy. delta, „ exigua, Eichw. gibbosa, Fleming intermedia, Ether., jun. hevi rostrum, Portl. leiorhyncha, M'Coy. lineata, Phill. longirostris, „ luciniformis, „ oblonga, M'Coy. palmye, Sow. parvunculus, Keyscrl. Phillipsii, Ryckh. rectangularis, regularis, Keyscrl. St. Adeline, Ryckh. sinuosa, „ Stella, M'Coy. LCM * * * * L'", LCM * M. Grit, LCM... * LLS.,L', L", L'" LLS., L r , L' 1 ' ... LLS., L', L'" ... * * * * * * * * * L’, L” * LLS * * LLS,, L'" * * L’, L" * ir * * L’, L'” * LLS., L” * * CL L' L', L”, L'" * # * * * * * * * * * * L LCM L', L”, L * * LLS., L’, L"' ... V, L'" LLS.. L’” * L', L r " * * LLS., L\ L"' ... L", L'" * * Garo. Rae’sGill. Castleton(Dcrbys.). Petschora-land. Tournai. Lisnapaste (Ballintra). Petschora-land ? Vis6. Tournai (in clay). Dromard (Draperstown). * V * - LLS * CL * L'" # * L' LLS , L' * * This genus in British Carboniferous rooks is still not fully admitted. CuCTTLLJEA.] 304 [Cabbonifeeotjs. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Cucullaea, Lamarck, 1817. alpina, Hall. Cypricardella, Hall, 1856. Barquensis, nucleata, oblonga, plicata, quadrata, subelliptica. Winch. Hall ?, Winch. W. & W. Winch, Horizon. LCM. Kinderh. L" L" L" L L" Locality. Dolabra, M‘Coy, 1844. Marshall. Spergen Hill. Bloomington. Burlington. Spergen Hill. Bloomington. Cypricardia, Lamarck, 1817. ? Chouteauensis, contracta, Hall. Indianensis, ,, insecta, Dawson. ? occidental^, Swall. ? Pikensis, ? plicatula, ,, rigida, W. & W. ? Sbumardiana, Swall. subplana. Hall. ? Wheeleri, Swall. Cypricardina, Meek, 1871. carbonaria, Meek, indenta, Hall. Kinderh. L", L” L" LCM * ... LCM * ... LCM., M * ... * * L"' .. L" ... UCM. LCM. L Dawsonella? Dexiobia, Winchell, 1863. Halli, Winch. Whitei, „ Kinderh. # * Cooper Co. Chatauque Co. Alton. Bloomington. SpergenHill. Windsor (bed A). Harrison Co. Pike Co. Howard and Platte Cos. Newark. Prairie des Rochers. Spergen Hill. Caldwell Co. Newark. Burlington. Richfield. Summit Co. Burlington (yellow sandstone). Ctenodonta (continued).'] 305 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ft Z < ft s ft z < ft b* O O C/3 ft ft o z ft ft c ft ft ft ft o z ft < 03 cc ft ft ft 03 Z w ft ◄ ft < ft E- c n ft £ < So ft ft C/3 S3 ft < < > ft o s ft o ft z o X < 03 ft o ft p ft < c/3 rtl - ft ft < ft p < Eh ft HTJ Locality. undulata, unilateralis, Wymmensis, Cucullaea,AaM <3 03 a a CO N a o a o a s- 25 o * -53 CO £U O a a a < 03 03 a a -53 a a <3 a •< Locality. divisa, elongata, granulosa, Kahlebergensis ?, Lingualis, lithodomoides, Macadami, M‘Ooy. Phill. LLS., L' Larganmore, Craigenglen, &c. Corriebum(limest.&c.). Staffordsh. Bolland. Northumberland. Bolland. L', L"' Ad. Rom. L r " if if Kalileberg. Bruekless. Craigenglen. Castleton. Beith. Glenlora. Longnor. Ballea. Derry. Craigenglen ironst. Hollywood. Belfast. Phill. LLS., L', L" ... if Ether., jun. Portl. LLS., L' var. angusta, „ elongata, „ lata, megaloba, obtusa, patula, producta, Robertsoni, LCM L' L' Ballynascreen. Derry. Tyrone. Ardshenkill. Craigenglen. M'Coy. LLS., L’ if CL CL ;.... Brown. LCM Wakefield. LCM Newcastle. rugosa, semisulcata ?, squamifera, subparallela, subtruncata. M'Coy. Phill. CL Girvan. Beith (Silurian ?). Bolland. L"’ Portl. LLS., L’ if Ballynascreen. Wakefield. Brown. M. Grit, LCM. .. Modiolopsis, Hall, 1847. Myti consnicua. Eickw. lus. L'" Cosatschi -datschi. Labesconti, Edgell. if Budleigli-Salterton (Devonshire). Cosatschi-datschi. Pallassii, De Vern. 11" tenera, Eichw. L”, L'" Lissitschinskaya (Donetz). tenuissima, L", L'" Teploffii, Myalina, De Konir ancella ?, De Vern. L", 11" ck, 1844. carinata, Sow. L', LCM., M. ... if LugtonWater. Coalbrookd. S.Staffs. Corrieburn (ironst. shales). Beith. Carluke. VisA crassa, Flem. L’ Goldfussiana, De Eon. L ', 11", LCM.... gryphus, lamellosa, Portl. L' Derryloran. Staffordshire. Polbath Burn. Longnor. VisA Black-band ironstone (Dairy). Quarter Pits (Hamilton). Park Hill. Leighton Water. Polbath Burn. Cockburn path (Berwickshire). Auckinbeg. Sculliongowr. Craigen- VisA [glen and in Yorksh. Clubbidean Aberdowy. Liege. Chokier. Vise. De Kon. L', L", L if if * modiolaris, Sow. LCM., M quad rata, triangularis, trigonalis, L', LCM., U. ... if L', LCM if Ether., jun. M'Coy. De Kon. LLS if Verneuilii, L', L" virgula, * species (oval), Mytilus, Linnaus, ampeliticola, Salter ? LLS if 1758. Ryckh. LCM ampliatus, L"' apicrassus, 11" if ,, (in friable limestone). cestinotus, L"' comptus, M'Coy. Ryckh. Flem. LLS., 11" * if Tobercurry. Auchinbeg. Crceve-coeur (Antoing). Cult Hills (Fife Co.). Waulsort. Cordolianus, L' crassus, if dactyloides, De Kon. if if fabalis, Ryckh. M'Coy. Ryokh. Eichw. L' if Tournai (in clay). Flemingii, L' if * Fontenaganus, L' Antoing. Tournai. fragilis, MCM., U Rivers Don and Lissitschinskaya. Tournai (in clay). VisA Geinitzianus, V 1! Goldfussianus, De Kon. L'" ... ... # granulosus, Phill. L" Waulsort. Hausmanni, Keyserl. Petschora-land. 1 4 K Naiadites.] 310 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. 1 KANSAS. 1 NEBRASKA. 1 MISSOURI. 1 IOWA. MICHIGAN. 1 ILLINOIS. 1 INDIANA. 1 OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. 1 NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality Naiadites, Dawson (provisional angulata, Dawson arenacea, ,, y), I860. LCM * Parrsborough. Pictou. UCM (Antkroeoptera) Levis, „ obtusa, „ ovalis, ,, Nucula, Lamarck, 170!), — Cteno Nuculana, Link, 1807. See Cte arata (Leda), M. & W. bellistriata, var. attenuata, Orthonota, Conrad, 1838. nitida, Winch. Phaselia, „ rectidorsalis, ,, MOM Joggins. M'Callan’s brook (Pictou). Joggins, St.-Louis limestone. LCM * LCM * donta. nodonta. L'" * UCM * Holt and Gallatin Cos. Honey Crk. Burlington. Moscow (Hillsdale Co.). Kinderk * rhoniboidalis, ventricosa, C. A. White. Palaeaneilo, Hall. Nuculites in attenuata, Hall. Barrisii, W. & W. * Burlington (yellow sandstone). Granville. Newark. part (Conrad). Kinderh * Bedford. Bedfordensis, Meek. Panopsea, Menard de la Groye, 1 Cooperi, M. & H. Pholadella, Hall, 1869. cuneata, ? 807. UCM * Kinderh Burlington (yellow sandstone). Licking Co. [(New Harmony). Wyoming Town. Wabash cut-off Warsaw (Keokuk limestone). Nebraska citv. Newberryi, Hall. Pleurophorus, King, 1844. ? angulatus, M. & W. costatiformis, ,, | oblongus, Meek. ' occidentals, M. & H. i quadricostatus, Dawson, subcostatus, M, & W. ? subcuneatus, M. & H. subellipticus, tropidopkorus, Meek. Prothyris, Meek, 1869. elegans, Meek. Meekii, Winch. Sanguinolites, M'Coy, 184 1. Sa atnygdalinus, Winch. Andrewsi (Promacus), Mcek.| borealis, Winch. Chouteauensis, Swall.l L'"? * * L’ * UCM * UCM * * Otoe city. Fort Kearney. Stewiacke (bed e). Saline Creek (Gallatin Co.). Smoky-Hill River. L" UCM * UCM * DM * Kinderh * Newark. LCM., M., U. .. Nebraska city. Rushville. * ngninolaria. Kinderh Burlington (yellow sandstone). Sciotoville. * Srindstone Quarries, &c. Chouteau Springs. * 9 * Mytilus ( continued ).] 311 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. < / w SILESIA. h < MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. - < C3 & ALTAI. Locality. 1 inconspicua, Koninckianus, Ad. Rom. L'? ...l * Castleton. Ryckh. De Kon. L'" Vise. lamellosus, ligonula, liyidus, L'" * Ryckh. De Kon. L' * Toumai (in clay). Vise. L'" lunulatus, Ryckh. L"' -X- Macadami, L'" Mariae, Mosensis, L' Tournai. L"' Vise. Omaliusianus, palmatus, pernellus, praspes, pygmaeus, radiatus, L'" L'" L'" Goldf. UCM Mons. L"? Ratingen. Vise. De Kon. L'" retrocessus, Ryckh. Eichw. L"' * semiper, tenerus, L'" Sterlitamak. De Kon. L",L"' Waulsort. Vise. Tolliezianus, Ryckh. Sow. UCM Mons (in coal-schist). Coalbrookdale. Shropshire. Vise. triangularis, virgula, Wesemactianus, LCM. ? De Kon. L'" Ryckh. inch, 1871. UCM * Mons. Niobet, L. G.dcKon fragilis, nuculoides, Axinus, M‘Coy L" Amphidesma, Portlock. Waulsort. M‘Coy. LLS.orPass.-bed Dromard. obliqua, subtruncata, L" Waulsort. 99. See Ct L" Nucula, Lamarck , 17 enodonta. Omalia, Van Bcnedcn and Coeym bistriata, Rvckh. ans, 1867. L’ Tournai. Ostraea, Lister, 1686. nobilissirua. De Kon. L'" VisA Pandora, Lamarck , 1799. ?clavata, M‘Coy. Panopaea, Menard de la Groye, 1 Coy an a, Ryckh. LLS Tobcrcurry. Tournai. 807. L ’ grayida. L' See Sanguinolites. Mjatschkoyo. Cosatschi-datschi. Tournai. Pholadomya?, J. Sowerbv , 1826 conni veils, Eichw. L" maxima, Ryckh. Il/ Omaliana, De Kon.iL/, L" „ (in clay). Waulsort. Stobolinskoi (Valdai), Sloboda, &c. Tournai. regu laris, D’Orb. V sulcata, Ryckh. L’ transversa, L' Famignoul. Park Hill. Longnor. ? Pleurophorus, King, 1844,=Cli costatus, Brown. dophorus, Hal LCM i. uniplicatus, Ryckh. hillips , = Co Pleurorhynchus, 7 nocar dium. Pullastra, G. B. Sowerby, 1827. bistriata, Portl. LLS., L', L" ... * if Powlscadden, Benburb, Malahide, elegans, M‘Coy. if Park Hill, &e. elliptica, Twiston. Northumberland. ovalis, LLS., CL * Lisnapaste (Ballintra). Sanguinolaria, Lamarck, 1779. Staflordsh. Bolland. Valdai Hills. Sanguinolites, M'Cov, 1844 angustatus, Phill. LIjS., L\ L'" ... arcuatus, LLS * Enniskillen. Stafford. Harelaw, Tyrone. Tinneycahill. [N’umberl. Kilniallock. attenuatus, Portl. L' 1 contortus, ' Hibernicus, M‘Coy. L' Sow. * Rathkeale. Co. Limerick. Bolland. t A name preoccupied, and to be changed. Sanguinolites ( continued ).] 312 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < o 1 MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. [ INDIANA. | OHIO. KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. coneentricus, cylindricus, flavius, Iowensis, Winch. Kinderh * Alan’s Quarries (Hillsdale Co.). Burlington (yellow sandstone). Hall. Winch. * Burlington. ?jejunus, leptogaster, Marshallensis, * Marshall. Sciotoville. X * Missouriensis, naiadiformis, nasutus, Swall. MS. X Winch. X * Hillsdale. Newark. Granville. Meek. * X X * obliquus, (Eolus, X Rushville. Newark (Up. Wav. s’st.). Medina. Hall. rhombea, rigidus, rostratus, sectoralis, ? New-York State (South). Burlington (yellow sandstone). Battle Creek. W. & W. Kinderh * Winch. X Marshall (yellow sandstone). Newark. securis, septentrionalis, similis, X Marshall. ... Napoleon Cut. Point aux Barques (Huron Co.). Burlington. Moscow (Hillsdale Co.). Licking Co. Fulton Co. Seaville. strigatus, sulci ferus, * unioniformis, X valvulus, Schizodus, Kini ampins?, Chesterensis, cuneatus, curtus, Hall. 1 , 1844 ? Axin us, Sowerby. LCM M. & W. L"' * Gravel Creek. Chester. Meek. LCM Locus Creek. Putnam Hill. Flint If * * Ridge (Sullivan Co.). Warren and Atchison Cos. Medinaensis, Kinderh Medina (Upper Waverley sandst.). Nebraska city. Cotton-wood Creek. obscurus, ovatus, perelegans, Rossicus, rotundatus, Sow. UL H. & M. UCM M. & W. MCM * Danville. De Vern. * * Nebraska city (also Perm). Smoky-Hill River. Wooster. Brown. UL subtrigonalis, truncatus, Wbeeleri, Meek. Kinderh If King. Swall. UL Nebraska city. Holt and Bates Cos. Honey Creek. [Gallatin Co.). CM * X * * spec, indet., M. & W. UCM * C. A. White. MCM * Sedgwickia, M‘Coy, 1844. San ? altirnstrata. M. & TL guinolites. UCM Juniata. ? con cava, UCM * Hannibalensis, Shum. Kinderh * * Hannibal. Newark. pleuropistha, subarcuata, Meek. X Rushville. M. & W. 17 (upper beds).. X Keokuk Horizon. Topekaensis, Solemya, Lama-, ?? anodontoides, M. & H. UCM* Topeka. Leavensworth city. Newark. ch , 1817, = Sole Meek. nomya, 1819. Kinderh., M. Grit UL biarmica, De Vern. Riv. Platte’s mouth. Council Grove. ' radiata, ? recurvata, M. & W. UC * * * Howard Co. Grayville. Perryville. Clifton Park. Swall. UCM. .. ? soleniformis, spec, indet., Solen, Linneeus, Missouriensis, quadrangularis, scalpriformis, soleniformis, Cox. UCM. .. . Muhlenburg Co. 1758, = Solenop Swall. sis. Kinderh. . . . * ... Pike Co. Chouteau Springs. Hickman, Marshall, and Granville Winch. x ... * L.L. „ and Maury Cos. [Cos. Reports of Broadhead and Cox. UCM X ...... solenoides, Geinitz. CM 1 1 1 i 1 Sanguinolites ( continued ).] 313 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. N « <• | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. costellatus, M'Coy. curtus, „ discors, ,, iridinoides, „ laevis, Eichw. maximus, Portl. parvula, De Kon. plicatus, Portl. radiatus, M'Coy. rhombus, Phill. Rdmeri, DeVern. striato-lamellosus, De Kon. striatus, Goldf. subcarinatus, M'Coy. transversus, Portl. tricostatus, „ tumidus, Phill. ?undatus, Portl. variabilis, M'Coy. Yerneuilii, D’Orb. Visitensis, Ryckh. spec, indet., Baily. „ Prof. Juhen. Scaldia, De Byckholt, 1847. Benediana, Ryckh. Davreuxiana, „ Kickxiana, „ Lainbotteana, „ Omaliusana, Schizodus, King. Axinus. Ax axiniformis, Phill. carhonarius, Portl. centralis, M'Coy. deltoideus, Phill. ?exirnius, Eichw. ? obliquus, M'Coy. ? obovatus, „ ? orbicularis, ,, Rossicus, DeYern. Salteri, R. Ether., jun. sulcatus, Sow. sulcifer, Sow., Eieh^\ spec, indet., Salter. Sedgwickia, M'Coy, 1844. , attenuata, M'Coy. hullata, „ centralis (Venus), „ corrugata, „ gigantea, „ globosa, „ minima, „ Solecurtus, DcBlainville, 1804... Solemya, Lamarck, 1817. Solen | abbreviata, Ryckh parallela, ,, primaeva ?, Phill 1 Puzosiana ?, De Kon j saginata, Ryckh Solenopsis, M'Coy, 1844, = Sole concinnus, Ryckh ellipticus, ? imbricatus, De Kon 1 Omalii, Ryckli 1 orbitosus, „ 1 LLS., L/, L” ... T/ L" * * * * * * \ ill veloghy, KinningP.,Longnor,&c. fiddler’ sBurn.Woodhead(Galston). Bruckless. Craigenglen. Bowertrap- ping. Drumquin. Ballintrillick. Gare. Borowitchi. Cosatschi-datschi. Donaghenry. Tyrone. Belle-veve. Waulsort. Vlalaliide. Benburb.Gare. Inkerman. Boghedd Farm. Calderwood shale. Celle-veve. Waulsort. Cosatschi-datschi. [sort. Craig (Kilmarnock). Lowick. Waul- Durham. Vise. Cosatschi-datschi. Langside. N e wfleld(Kilbride) . Beith. Kilcummin. Fermanagh. Inkerm. Pit. Bundoran, Pittenweem, Lowick, &c. Kildare. Bolland. Coalbrookdale. Tyrone ( =parvulus ?). Campbelltown. Berwick. Carluke. Cosatschi-datschi. Vis6. North of and near Liege. Valley of River Sichon (Auvergne). Toumai (in clay). it a a a Myophoria, Broun, 1825. Clogher. Craigenglen. Gare. Staf- fordshire. Clogher, Gare, Beith, Coalbrookdale, &c. Ardshanskill. Derry, &c. Carluke, Robroyston, &c. Cosatschi-datschi. Clogher. Lowick. Govan. Paisley (ironstone shale). Cosatschi-datschi. Water of Leith. Ardross (Fife Co.). LugtonWater. AuchyauBois. Ca- roline Pit. Cosatschi-datschi. Pittenweem (File Co.). Drumcurren. Cullion. Carrow-ma-crory (Templeboy). Cullion. See Supplementary Table (Carb.). Fam. Solenidas. Staffordshire. „ Tournai. Fermanagh. Beith. Iletton. Lowick. Peredki (Valdai). Tournai. „ (in clay). Fam. Solenid.e. Vise. Beith. Dairy. Vise (friable limestone). LLS., L 1 , L"' ... LLS., L', L'" ... L 1 L"' * * * * L" * L" * LLS., L', L", L"' L' L * * # * L" * L"' * L' L" * * * * * L" * * T/ * * LLS L' * * * * * * LLS., L', L" ... LLS., V", LCM. LLS., CL T," T,'" * * L" ; * L'" * * * L r * u T/ If * * 1/ jj inopsis, G. Tat LLS., L', L'" ... LLS., L', L LCM. LLS CL e .. * * * * * If * * LLS.; L', L", L'" L'" * * LLS L 1 * * * * * LLS C’L CL * L'" -if 17 * * LCM. * * L" * LLS * LLS., CL LLS CL * LLS CL. * * * * * CL. LLS CL LLS.', CL LLS CL * omya, Lamarc k, 18 17 * if * * * 4f 1 L ' . L', L’" * * L' •Jf L”' r ... i; * l"' ::::::::::::::: • ^ 4f L"' 4 L Yoldia.] 314 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom AIOLLITSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class PTEROPODA. Belleropdon.] Order HETEROPOD A (NUCLEOBRANCHIATA). [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. j KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < C MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. • Locality. Bellerophon, Montfort, 1808. Barauesensis. Winch. V Point aux Barques. Lake Huron. Shales. Beckwitbianum, bilabiatum, Blaneyanuin, cancellatum, M'Cbesn. UCM W. & W. Kinderh * Burlington. Saline. Peoria. Danville. M'Cbesn. MCM., U * * Hall. L" * * Alton. Spergen Hill. NebraskaCity. SullivanCo. Beards- Lasalle. Pittsburg. [ley’s Bank. St. Clair Co. Knox Co. Pittsburg. Burlington. MarsballCo. Rockford. HoneyCreek. GallatinCo.MercerCo. Knox Co. Battle Creek. Marshall. carbonariuin, j costatum, i crassum, Geinitz. MCM., UL. ... * * * Sow. UCM * * M. & W. LCM., U. . cyrtolites, ellipticum, galericulatum, globosum, Grayvillense, hiuleum, interlineatum, Kansasense, Hall. Kinderh., L' ... M'Cbesn. UCM. ...' * Wincb. Kinderh Stevens. UCM Lasalle (shales). Jatan( AndrewCo.). St. J osepliRoad. Broadbead. UCM if Swall. CM * Portl. UL Nebraska City. Verdigris Valley. Atchison Co. Sbum. UL * SoLENorsxs (continued).] 315 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, ancl Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. N < MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. V 25 O * < to RUSSIA, EUROP. < £ ALTAI. Locality. pelagicus, Goldf. sealpellus, Ryckh. siliquoides, De Kon. signifer, Eichw. rhombea, Phill. spec, indet., Murch. Teredo, Linntsus, 1758. antiquum, M‘Coy. Trapezium, Megerle von Miihlfel Ann®, Ryckh. f abate, „ Julia, ,, Lyellianum, „ praesectum, „ Unio, Betz, 1788. See Anthraco Venerupis, Lamarck, 1818. cingulatus, M'Coy. obsoletus, „ scalaris, ,, Venus, Linneus, 1788. Pullast centralis, M'Coy. ellipticus, Phill. j L' * Tyrone. Clogher. Vise (friable limest.). [Toula). „ „ Alexina (Govt. Odojew.sk (Sloboda, Govt. Toula). Eamignoul. ? Tournai. Vise (in upper portion). Tournai. Vise (upper part), near Liege. >> South Ireland (Griffiths). „ ? „ ? [umberland. Armagh. Craigenglen. Gare. North- L'" * * L", L"' * * L" L' * * * dt, 1811. L' * * * * * L'" L' L'" L'" sia. L' * * * * * L' L' ra, M'Coy. L', 11" * * 1 Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. Province ODOXTOPHORA. Class PTEROPODA. Bellerophon.] Order HETEROPOD A (NUCLEOBRAXCHIATA). [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. ( BELGIUM. FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. < £ I !* < -j CO N PS < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. [ URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. Bellerophon, Montfort, 1808. apertura, LLS.L , ,L",LCM * Bally duff. Hawkshill. Howrath. Settle. Bristol. L' L" .. M jatschkovo. Borovitschi. canaliferum, Goldf. L", 11” * * Waulsort, Vise. Ratingen. clathratus, D’Orb L"' * Moscow Govt. ? Coriei, L" .... * * Antrim. Waulsort. convolutus, l” :::::::::::::: ... * Vitegra. cornu-arictis, LLS., L', L" * Armagh. Beith. Kendal. Crick. costatus, L’, L", 11" .. * * * * Carlineford. Garc. Longnor. Vise. decussatus, Fleming. 11, L", 11" .... # * If * Kulkeagh. Robroyston. Berwick. Gare. Tournai. VisA Valdai. var. undatus. R. Ether., iun. LLS * Ardgool. C°I .iincrick. Wardie shale. depressus, Eichw. L' Ri v.Bystritzal Novogorod). Sloboda. dorsuale, L' Duchastellii, L’EveillA 11 * * * Burnliead.Robroyst.Glorat. Kendal. Tournai. [Vise. Dumontii, U’Orb. L', L’" # * * # Craigenglen. Gare. Bowertrapping. Bellerophon ( continued ).] 316 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. < Ui S w 1 MISSOURI. < o I MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. I INDIANA. I OHIO. I KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. 1 PENNSYLVANIA. I NOVA SCOTIA. 1 CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. hevis, L" Spergen Hill. Ottawa Co. Holland. Rockford. Nebraska City. Atchison Co. Jatan (Andrew Co.). Lexington. Battle Creek. Chester. Vernon Co. Galatia. Putnam Hill. Moscow. Allan’sQuarry. BattleCrk. St. Clair Co. Burlington (yellow sandst.). Sullivan Co. Atchison Co. Gray- ville. M‘Kean Co. &c. Burlington (yellow sandst.). Liberty (Jackson Co.). Moscow. Burlington. Springfield (shales). Warsaw. Bloomington.SpergenHill. Hall * X UL * * Meekianum, Michiganense, Missouriense, Montfortianum, nautiloides, nodocarinatus, pannoeum, percarinatum, perelegans, rugosiosculum, yar. tseniatum, scriptiferum, Stevensianum, sublseve, tricarinatum, Urii, vineulatus, LCM., M * * L'" * * Hall. L'", LCM., UL. * X * X Winch. X Hall. LCM * X C. A. White. * Conrad. UCM X X X X w. & w. * * M‘Chesn. * w. & w. 9 M‘Chesn. UCM. .. X Hall. L" * X X Sbum. UCM * * Fleming. C. A. White. L', UCM * * * X * * X X X X Springfield. Pittsburg, &c. Burlington. Grayville. Rush Creek. Orange Centre. Cuyahoga Co. MCM. ? . . X Whittleseaense, snee. indet.. Winch. Jj"' X Dawson. L" X rJnnnlaria. Miller . 1818 (Ceases in the Carboniferous). Hickman and Maury Cos. biblis, uiicronema, Missouriensis, multicostata, Newberryi, Osagensis, planicostata, subcarbonaria, subulata, Yerneuibi, yicta, X Meek. X L' L X Clarksville. Sparta. St. Louis. M. & W. LLS. X Winch. 17... X Cuyahoga Falls. Londonville, &c. Swall. L" . * M. & W. X X Windsor. Shubenacadie. IrishCove. L' X Warsaw (Keokuk Group). Hall L'"? L"' X St. Louis limestone. C. A. White L -X- Burlington (Encrin. limest.). Whitei, orcellia, L’Eveill crassinoda, nodosa, obliquinoda, rectinoda, I Pugiunculus, 7 aculeatus, M.&W X e, 1835. W. & W Kinderh * Burlington (yellow sandst.). Barry. Pike Co. Burlington (yellow sandst.). Hall C. A. White X .. Winch * larratide Theca = Hyolites. Adams. Hillsdale Co. Rockford. nail Kinderh * X Bellerophon ( continued ).'] 317 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. ... Genus, Species, «and Author. Horizon. Q Q Z < Q Z a l ° < CO CO D £ < a £ < z [A, EUROP. Locality. ►J a os Eh o o CO J o z » o >-3 W B . 85 < C5 a a 5 CO a a a CO S3 a ◄ -< a o a o B o X < CO CO CO a K URAL ALTA Ferussaci, granulum, hiulcum, hvalinum, interlineatum, intersectum, Keynianum, D’Orb LLS., L r , L 1 " ... U, L" * X * Waulsort. Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Kilgrogan.Killaghter.Kendal.Long- nor. Tournai. Vise. E.Serena, &c. Kilnamanagh. Vise. Derryloran. Fermanagh. Sow L\ L", L'" * * X * x Eyckh Portl L m (both) * * els'. ...'. * M k Coy. DL * L", 11" X Vise. Auerbach. Malowka.Cosatschi- datschi. Millicent (Clare Co.). Fermanagh. Hairmyres. Kendal. Kobroyston. Orchard. Gare. Vis4. M‘Coy. Portl. L' X [ Larcomii, | Leveillianum, ; Narangise, nayicula, j Oldhamii, papyraceum, j phalsena, ' plicatum, ' ] pusio, recticostatum, rotundatum, Sowerbyi, spirale, striatum, subdiscoideum, tangentiale, j tenuifascia, i tricarinum, Urii, Yasulites, Witryanum, Conularia, Miller irregularis, quadrisulcata, L' X * X De Kon. L'" * * L" * Sow. LCM * Coalbrookdale (Shropshire). Clogher. Hosie. Carluke. Campsie. Tournai (in clay). Portl. L", L'", LCM... L' X X Eyckh. * 1/ * L' * L' Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Armagh. Lowick. Kendal. Prikscha(Govt. Novog.). Mjatsch- kovo. Yorksh. Waulsort. Juigne(Sarthe). Derryloran. Otterburn. Harelaw. Tyrone.Campbellt.Calmy.Malowka. Tournai (in clay). Malahide. Ballymabon. Gare. Bol- land. Vise. Malowka. Gare. Bolland. Longnor.Vise. Tour- nai, &e. Famignoul. Slieye Gallion. Eutherglen. Gare. Eobroyston. Waulsort. Vise. Souvre. Tournai. Portl. L' X Eichw. 11 D’Orb. L'' * * X X Pliill. L', XJ" * * Flem. L’, L", 11" * * X X Evckh. Phill. V ' * L’, L", L"' * X X Sow. L', L", L"' * * * x X L’Eveille. * Flem. LLS., L", 11", * * * X Montfort. LCM., U. 11, L * De Kon. 11 X X Tournai. 1818 Ceases in Carboniferous. De Kon. 11, 11" X Tournai. Vise. Sow. L’,L",L"', LCM., M. * Armagh. Corrieburn. Gare. Coal- brookdale, &c. Eobroyston. Pore fill ia. T! Evrille, 1835 Fam. Att.antiD/E. armata, inflata, lavigata, Puzosi, retrorsa, Woodwardii, Vomeuilii, De Verm L', 11", LCM.... * Arbigland. Craigenglen. Gare. Eoanne (Upper Loire). Bolland. L'"? L’EveillA V" L’, 11", CM L' * ... Kowerbeg. Bolland. Longnor. Tour- nai. Vise. Tournai. Miinst. SowJ L’, L", 11" X * Parkhill. Tournai. Waulsort. Vise. De Kon. L'" * Bolland. Vise. Aclis.] 318 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class GASTEROPODA (DIGECIA). NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. KANSA8. NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < O MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Aclis, Lovtn ; Alvania, Leach. LCM * Danville. robusta, „ Swallowiana, Gein. Acroculia, Phillips, 1841 ; Cap LCM. „ ? UCL. . Nebraska City. \Conrad. Pileopsis. Platyceras (pars), Warsaw. Dover and Spergen Hills. Burlingt.(yell.sandst.).[Bl’mington. Pope and Chester Cos. Burlington (yellow sandst.). Encrinite Limestone. ulus, Montfort L" X bivolvis, C. A. White. (Orthonycliia) Chesterensis, M. & W. cornuformis, Winch, cyrtolites, M'Chesn. haliotoides, M. & W. Herzeri, Winch. Hickmanensis, M‘Chesn. lasvigata, M. & W. Lodiensis, Meek, ovalis, Stevens, paralium, W. & W. parva, Swall. Quincunxensis, M‘Chesn. Quincyensis, „ subplicata, M. & W. sub recta, Worthen? tectoria, Winch, tortum (Platyceras), trigonalis, Phill. triplicata, Swall. vomerium, Winch. Kinderh * L'" * * L X * Richfield. Summit Co. * Newark. Calhoun Co. * * L '" “ * X- St. Genevieve. Randolph Co. Lodi. Kinderh y. L” Union Co. Kinderh * * * Clarkesville. Burlington. Verdigris Valley. Keokuk. UCM * L' * L” „ Quincy. Pope and Chester Cos. Crawfordsville. L"' * V * Kinderh * Burlington? Green Town. Stark Co. * L"' * * Danville ? UL * Bull Creek. Santa Fe Road. L, L" * * Burlington. Orange. Hodge’sCreek. Pettysford. Maeou- [pin’s Co. Spergen Hill. Bloomington. Anomphalus, Meek and Worthen, rotulus, M. & W. Bulimella, Hall, 1856. bulimiformis, Hall, canaliculata, „ elongata, „ Chiton, LinncBus, 1759. carbonarius, Stevens, parvus, „ 1866. LCM L" * L" L" * LCM., L" * * Danville. Spergen Hill. Spergen Hill. • LCM., L" Acroculia.] 319 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom: MOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class GASTEROPODA (DICECIA). . EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. £ < Q >5 O c n 2 < _3 C O a « a o a a < a a ■< a < CO a < /. a a CG s: S3 < < ? c < a o « S'. O CO a-* O a a < 35 CO - a -< 5 < < Locality. Acroculia. Pkillins. 1841. Pileo psis. Capulus L' Platyceras. Tournai. adroceras, angusta, canaliculata, Ryckh. Phill. * L\ L", L r " * * * * C’lareCo. Gare. Bolland. Waulsort. M‘Coy. Ryckh. M‘Coy. Ryckh. De Vern. L’ X Tulsk. Famignoul. caperata, carinata, L 1 * Famignoul. Millicent. Lillieburn shale. Craigen- gien. _ L' -X- -X- corpurata, Ermani, 1/ L"' East flank, Cosatschi-datschi. euomphaloides, insculpta, ltevigata, Munsteriana, Ryckh. L' Tournai (in clay). Celle-veve. Tournai (in clay). Moscow environs. L' * M'Cov. L' D’Orb. L' neritoides, Phill. V, L", L"’ * * * Astragob. Orchard. Newfield. Bol- Moscow. [land. Tournai. Artinsk. parasitica, pileola, recta, Trautschold. L" Eichw. L" Ryckh. Phill. L', L'” * Tournai. Vise. striata, L’, L", L"' * Ballea, Kildare. Longnor. Bolland. Hookhead. Fethard. Staffordshire.! trilobata, LLS., L', L"' ... LLS., L' * * x tubifera, Sow. * * Bolland. Famignoul. Hookhead. Fethard. Staffordshire. vetusta. L'" * * * Tournai. Hookhead. Bowertrapping. Robroy- ston. Bolland. Vise. Ratingen. River Prikscha. Mjatscbkovo. Bolland. Vise. Tournai. Waulsort. Ampullacera, Quo// and Gaimar monticula. Eichw. d. L', L" tabulata. Do Ron. I/, L”, L'" Bullina?, Firussac, 1821. carbonaria, Eichw. L' Sloboda (Toula Govt., yellow clay). Loxonema. Cerithioides. Hauahton. 1859 . . telescopium, spec, indet., Chiton, Linnaeus , 1' Barrandianus, Ilaugh. CL * CL * ’ 59 . Ryckh. Kirkby. Visti (in friable limestone). Williamswood. Settle. Burrovianus, L’, L’" * * coloratus, L' Settle (Yorkshire) and elsewhere. Vise. concentricus, De Kon. l" :. cordatus, Kirkby. Do Kon. L’ Settle (Yorkshire) and elsewhere. Tournai (upper clay). Vise. cordifer, L' Eburoniscus, Ryckh. De Kon. L'" gemmatus, humilis, L',L"' * Gallow’s Hill. Strathoven. Vise. Kirkby. Ryckh. L'" * Robroyston (in shale). Vis<5. Legiacus, L'" Mempsiscus, Mosensis, L' Tournai (upper clay). Vis6. Nervicanus, Miinst. L’ Tournai (upper clay). priscus, L' * scaldianus, Ryckh. L' „ (in clay). Vise (in Iriablo limestone). Dooliylebeg. Tournai. Sluzeanus, L"' Thomondiensis, Bailv. LLS * Tomacicola, Ryckh. L' Turnacianus, L' „ (in clay). Vise. visiticola, L"' spec, indet., „ nova, Kirkby. LLS * Settle ? L' X . . [Settle. Cyrtolites.] 320 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. 2S P o v : c c < > O | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. j KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. Cyrtolites, Conrad , 1843? ? Gillianus, White & St. John. UCM * In one bed only. Locality not given. Dawsonella, Bradley. Meekii, Bradley. Dentalium, Linnaus , 1740. annulo-striatum, M. & W. ? Barquense, Winch, grandaevum, ,, Meekianum, Gein. Missouriense, Swall. obsoletum, Hall, primarium, ,, venustum, spec, indet., Daws. * Vermilion Co. LCM * Danville. Kinderh Point aux Barques. Huron Co. Burlington. Nebraska City (also Permian). St. Mary’s. Sullivan Co. (under Anvil Rock). Warsaw? Spergen Hill. Boone’sLick. W aterloo(MonroCo. ). Pugwash. Amherst Co. Economy River. Jaeksburg. St.ClairCo. Springfield. Springfield (Capital Town). StraparoUus. Schizostoma. Burlington. * ul!’ * * 1!" L L" * * L"' * v ::::::::: L' ... Eulima ?, Bisso, 1826. peracuta, M. & W. Eunema, Salter, 1858 ? ? Salteri, M. & W. Euomplialus, Sowerby , 1814 ... LCM., U * UCM Kinderh * Barrisii, Winch. * Boonensis, Swall. L ' “ * No locality. Burlington. carbonarius, catillus, Sow. complanatus, exortivus, Daws. Kinderh. ? * * * * UL * Forest City. Nodaway River. East River. Pictou. L '" depressus (Ammon), Hall, latus, „ magnificus, Shum. macromphalus, Winch, obtusus, pentangularis, Sow. ? perspectivus, Swall. planispira, Hall, quadrivolvis, „ Roberti, C. A. White, rugosus, Hall. Spergenensis, spirorbis, Hall, subrugosus, M. & W. umbilicatus, „ Kinderh Marshall Co. (New York CL). Heury Co. Leesville. L * * ? * Burlington (yellow sandstone). CL.”. * L ’" * No locality given. Bloomington. Spergen Hill. L" L" L' * Burlington. UCM. &c * * * Wellington. Waggon-defeat Creek. Perryville, &c. Bloomington. L ,r Kinderh Rockford. LCM ... St. Clair Co. Chitonelixs.] 321 [Cabboniferotjb. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. 1 ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. | IIARZ. | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. Chitonellus, Lamarck, 1819. subquadratus, Kirkbv Youngianus, „ Cirrus, Sowerby, 1818, =Euomp armatus, De Kon. Cylindrites, Lycettef Morris, I8b0. carbonarius, De Kon. L' * Craigenglen (in marine shale). * halus. L"' .. * Mid-strata, VisA See Chemnitzia, Loxonema. Derbyshire. Fam. Dentaliad.e, Lamarck. Tournai (upper clay). Lowick. Northumberland. JE CL cinctum, De Kon. dentaloideum, Ryckh. L' * L' * L'" .. * ingens, Sow. inornatum, M'Coy. ornatum, De Kon. perarmatum, Kyckh. priscum, Goldf. & Miinst. rectiusculum, Eichw. rugosum, „ L', L", U" * * Arbigland&c.Parkhill.Bolland.VisA Cookstown. Robroyston.Swindridge. Malahide (Dublin). Vise. L' L'" * * L' L"' * * L"' * L',L", L’" * * Linlithgowshire. Gare. Staffordshire. Cosatschi-datschi. [Tournai. Sloboda (Toula, yellow clay). Artinsk. T," . ’ L' * L" * Dirinus, M‘Coy, 1844. Bucklandii, M‘Coy. Dispotea, Say, 1824 ? prisca, M‘Coy. L" * antiquus, M‘Coy. subulatus, „ Emarginula, Lamarck, 1801. carbonifera, Ryckh. Eulima, Risso, 1826. Phillipsiana, De Kon. suturalis, Phill. Euomphalus, Sow. ,1814; Schiz acutus, Phill. sequalis, Sow. Baeri, Eichw. calyx, Phill. carbonarius, Sow. catilloides, De Kon. catillus, Sow. LLS., CL * CL. * * Robroyston. Tournai (clay). Robroyston. Craigenglen. Gare. Longnor. Vise. Tournai. L' L', L", L”' * * L" os tom a., Broun Straparollus, Montfort. Malahide. Craigenglen. Derbysh. Ratingen. Tournai. Vise. Cresset (Auvergne). Podolsk. Curkeen. Stradone. Kendal. Borowitschi. Kalouga. Dunkineely. Millicent. Beith. Bol- land. River Dwina. LickprivickCastle.Orchard. Carluke. Glasgow. Waulsort. VisA Granard. Buxton. Bolland. VisA Mjatschkovo. Malowka (Govt. Moscow) Bundoran. LLS., L\L", L LLS * * * L' LLS, L', L", L'" LLS, L', L" ... L”, L”’ * * * LLS.,L', L",L"' L' * * * * * * cochleatus, Semenow. Colei, Sow. corapressus, Fischer, costellatus, M‘Coy. crotalostomus, „ depressus, Sowerby. Dionysii, Portl. & Goldf. elongatus, M‘Coy. fallax, De Kon. Gloveri, Brown, helicoides, hians, Kutorga. impressus, Eichw. Issedon, Do Vem. lepidus, De Kon. marginatus, Eichw. & M‘Coy. minimus,* M‘Coy. nanus, Eichw. * CL * CL Kurgan. Usinsky. Lowick. Northumberl. Famignoul. Carrickreagh. Kendal. L' * L’ L"' LLS, L\ L", L”' LLS, L' * * Curraheen. Carnteel. Longnor. Ra- tingen. Waulsort. Dusseldorf. Peredki. Ballinglen. Kendal. Chokier. Vise. * L', L’" * * LCM * High Greenwoods. L' Dairy. L" 1 L’, L” Borowitschi. Kalouga. [Liege). Kendal. Vis6 (north of and near Nobber. Dairy. Linnspout. Kalouga. [Peredki. Sloboba (yellow clay). Derbysh. Kendal. VisA Ratingen. Orenburg. Sterlitamak. L'. L’" LLS, L', L" ... * * * * V nodosus, Sow. orbis, Eichw papyraceus, Sow pentagonalis, PhilL L', L L'" ... # L" or L"' LLS, CL * * * L r , L'" * # Ardgoul. St. Doolagh. Westown. Bolland. 4 N * Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. 305. Holop^a.] 322 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < cd z 5 ■< CD cd z < < X CD < X PS a z X a o CD CD < £ o Z < C5 5 CD o z a a < z ◄ 5 z c o >• X E- z a x a* a CD CD a z z a E- < z < a CD z z a < E™ O O CD < o z z o H a X B a X ◄ o X o z X a z Locality. Holopaea, Hall, conica, Proutiana, subconica, Holopella, M‘Cc 1842, =Cyclor Winch. a. Kinderh Burhngton (yellow sandstone). St. Mary’s. Alton. Spergen Hill. Burlington. Burhngton. Windsor. Shum. L" * y, 1852. Winoh. Kinderh Loxonema, Phillips, 1841. Mel acutula. Dawson. ania, &c. L" * attenuata, cerithiformis, Dunvillensis, Halli, Stevens. LCM * Danville. M. & W. UCM * Henry Co. Field’s Crk. Springfield. Danville. [Muhlenburg. Lasalle. Galalia vein. Saline Co. Stevens. LCM N. & Pr. LCM., M„ U. ... * minuta, LCM., U * Sangamon Co. Danville. Hodge’s Creek. Macoupin Co. Summit (Columbiana Co.). Burlington (yellow sandstone). Bonharbour (Davies Co.). Danville. multicostata, M. & W. LCM * nodosa, Stevens LCM * oligospira, parva, polita, regularis, rugosa, semicostata, Winch. Kinderh Cox. UCM * Stevens. LCM X Cox. UCM * Davies Co. M. & W. UCM Springfield. Danville, &c. Meek. CM scitula, M. & W. UCM Springfield. Summit (Columbiana Co.). Chouteau Springs (Cooper Co.). Rockford. tenuicarinata, Stevens. LCM., U tenuilineata, Shum. Kinderh turretiformis, Hall. vincta, L" Spergen HilL Yandollana, L" spec, indet., C. A. White. MCM 1 1 1 Euomphalus ( continued ). 1 323 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. P Z < P W P < P P O O p z, " - 0 a c p a n S' 0 /C < a < a cz> a 2S a a 2 f* < P C H < as a as N a ◄ < ◄ 0 a c a O < C a M < £ a p < a E- 1 P < Locality. pentangulatus, Sow. LLS., L', L", L" L', 1!" * * * * * * Kildare. Dairy. Limerick. Gare. Waulsort. Vise. Sopljussa. Plnll * * * * * Vise. Clermont-Ferr. (Auvergne). pugilis, pusillus, quadratus, quinqueangula radians, serpens, serus, Soiwa, tabulatus, triangulatus, tuberculatus, Phill. L", L'" * * * * Kilmarnock.Bolland.Vise.Ratingen. Famignoul. Mullaghtinney. Celle-veve. Mjatschkovo. C rai gengl en . Be i t li .Gare. Tourn ai&c. In Carboniferous strata (M'Coy). * M‘Coy. ris, Sow. LLS., L' * L', L” * * L', L'” * * Phill. LLS. ? * L', L'" Keyserl. L' ? * LLS., L', L ,f , Tj ,n LLS * * * * * Castleknock. Bow’trapping. Kendal. Bolland. Touruai. Kalouga. L' * * * Tyrone. W.Lothian. Tournai. L' * Fissuxella, Bruguiere, 1789. LLS * Lisnapaste (Ballintra). Fusus?, Lamarck , 1801. L"' * Vise. r Helevnn Mont fort,. 1810 Acmaea, Eschscholtz. Vise (North of Liege). „ (or Cilinata). Busscheriana, Cilicina, globosa, heptasdralis, humilis, ilicina ?, lateralis, loxogonoides, sinuosa. Ryckh. L'" l- ::.... L"' L' Tournai (in clay). L' M it Phill. L' * Tournai. Ryckh. Phill. L"' Vise. L'" * „ Bolland. Holopella, M'Coy, 1852. spiralis, Eichw. Lacuna, Turton, 1827. antiqua, M'Coy. Littoiina, Ferussac, 1821. costellata. M'Cov. * Cosatschi-datschi. * L' Lowick. globosa, Lacordairiana, oblonga, obscura, solida. Eichw. L'" * Cosatschi-datschi. De Kon. L’, L”' Tournai (clay). Vis<$. Sprockhovel. River Ruhr. Coalbrookdale. Ludwig. Sow. MCM.? LC'M De Kon. L'", LCM * Mid-strata, VisA Loxonema. Thillivs. 1841. Mel ania, Lamarck , 18 01 Chemnitzia, D'Orbigny, 1837. acicula ?, Phill. acuminata, biserialis, brevis, Goldf. M. ? River Vol (north Russia). Sichon valley. Auvergne. Gare. Westerhouse. Phil). M'Coy. De Kon. L"' * carbonaria, L', L'" * Tournai. Vis6. clathratula, Young & Armstr. Sow. Robroyston. Kildare. Beith. Burnhead. Longnor. Bolland. Vise. Riv.Sichon valley. Robroyston. N’umberland. Tournai. Waulsort. const ricta, LLS., L', L", L'" * curvilinea, Phill. elongata, Galvani, Tate, De Kon. L’, L" * ? * Explan. Sheet 142 Irel. Royal Surv. fournai. Vise. [byshire. gracilis, impendens, lsevigata, De Kon. L\ L'" * M'Coy. Eichw. L' * Rathkeale, Limerick, Cork Cos. Der- L', L" * Malowka. Sloboda (yellow clay). 1,'roagli. S. Shiels’ Farm. Waulsort. Waulsort. [Vis6. Lowick (Northumberland). La Feburei, L’EveillA LLS., L', L", L"' L" * megaspira, minutissima, Phill. # M'Coy. De Kon. LCM Murcliisonia, L' Famignoul. llebden Bridge. VisA [foot. Oweni, Brown. LCM parvulum, polygyra, De Kon. L'" * M'Coy. LLS., L' Cullion. Limekilne’s House. Gill- Macrocheilus.] 324 [Carboniferous, NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. I ARKANSAS. I KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | OHIO. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Macrocheilus, Phillips, 1841 ... acutus, Sow. Altonensis, Worth. Cooperensis, Swall. curvilineus, De Yern. fusiformis, Hall, gracilis, Cox. Hallianus, Geinitz. inhabilis, Morton, intercalaris, var. pulchellus, M. & W. Kansasensis, Swall. Klipparti, Meek, medialis, M. & W. Missouriensis, Swall. ! Newberrji, Hall, paludinffiformis, ,, Appears first in Devonian. Buttonmould Knob. Pittsburg. Kinderh., L ,M ... * lcm. L" Cooper Co. CM * UCM * UCM * Hawesville. UL Nebraska city. Wyoming City. Gallatin Co. Springfield. Pittsburg. Willow Spring. Somerset (Perry Co.). Springfield. Howard Co. UCM. (base) ... UCM UCM * LCM UCM LCM UCM Sullivan Co. UCM * Beardsley’s Bank. Warrick Co. Burlington (lowest yellow sandst.). Verdigris valley. Atchison Co. Beardsley and Kurz’s Banks. Gibson Co. Sullivan and Holt Cos. Kinderh ponderosus, Swall. primogenius, Conrad. ventricosa, spec, indet., M. & W. C. A. White. UCM UCM * * LCM UCM MCM Metoptoma, Phillips, 1830. umbella, M. & W. j undata, Winch. Microdoma, Meek and Worlhen, L' Quincy. Honey Crk. Henderson Co. Burlington. Hodge’s Creek (Macoupin Co.). La Salle. L' 1866. LCM Murchisonia, D’Archiac and De Arehimedea, M'Chesn. attenuata, Hall, elegantula, „ Gypsea, Dawson inornata, M. & W insculpta, Hall Verncuil, 1841. UCM L" * Spergen Hill. ,, Bloomington. Windsor. L" * CL * LCM Hodge’s Creek (Macoupin Co.). Bloomington. Spergen Hill. L" * . UL * Rockbluff. MCM Turkey Creek. Lexington. Nebraska city. Burlington. Danville. Nebraskensis, Geinitz neglecta, Winch obsoleta, Meek prolixa, M. & W UL Kinderh LCM 1 Kinderh L Burlington. Sciotoville. 1 Loxonema ( continued ). ] 325 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ft Z < w cs Q 55 < P H O V Q Z < P o z w O -a w a w* S < £ < C0 P P z w 5 ◄ p < CO p CO W CO N2 £ ■< OS O s < s w o n >- z o X < o OS P w ◄ CO P 05 P < 05 P < H P *< Locality. primordialis, pulcherrima, reticulata, De Kon. L'" if Vise, &c. Bundoran. M‘Coy. Brown. LLS., CL * LCM. if Hebden Bridge. Gare. Craigenglen. Leek. Otterburn. ,, Bolland. Kobroyston. Waul- sort. Vise. VisA north of and near Liege. „ [ping) &c. Carrick-oughter, Beith, Bowertrap- VisA [&c. Kildare, St. John’s Point, Bolland, Tyrone. Gare. Kendal. Dunkineely. Bolland. Staffordshire. Bundoran. rugifera, scalaroidea, similis, subconstricta, sulcatula, sulcicostatum, sulculosa, tenuistriata, tumida, turrita, ventricosa, Macrocheilus, Phil acutus, afSnis, Phill. U, L", L"' * if L’’ L", L"' De Kon. L'" * L'" M‘Coy. De Kon. LLS., h"' * * L"' .' Phill. LLS., L', L "' ... * if Portl. L', L ; ', L"' if if Phill. LLS., L', L'” ... * if M‘Coy. Hunter. CL. * L\ L"' if Gare. Tournai. Vis6. lips, 1841. Sow. Buccinum. L', L'" * if if if if Kildare, Robroyston, Gare, Bolland, Vise, Cresset (Riv. Sichon), &c. Mjatschkovo. Otterburn (Northumberland). Lowick. Derbyshire. Kilcummen (Killala). Millicent, Avonwater, Bolland, &c. Dromard. Eichw. L" if ampullarioideus, brevispiratus, canalicaniculatus, curvilineus, fimbriatus, L' if M'Coy. L' if if LLS., CL * Phill. LLS.' L', L"' ... * if MCoy. Brown. LLS., C’L * Flemingii, fusiformis, lcm'. if Lancashire ? Sow. L", L'", LCM.... if if Campbelltown. Auchenbeg. Rob- royston. Swindridge. High Greenwood (Lancashire). Staffordshire. Bolland (Tiddiman). Aghalurcher. Gare. Bolland. Foynes Island (Limerick). Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Lowick. Gibsoni, Brown. LCM if globularis, imbricatus, Phill. L"', CL if Sow. L', L", L'", LLS. L"? * if if if if if in flatus, Baily. Eichw. lse vis, L' if lymnioformis, maculatus, Tate, M‘Coy. De Kon. L' if l'" if Vise. Manni, Brown. LCM High Greenwood shale. Craigenglen. Robroyston. Derbysh. Tournai. [Woodlands. Bruckless. St. Monan’s. Dunsinck. Michotianus, De Kon. L', L" if if if ovalis. M‘Coy. Hail. LLS., L' parallelus, percinctus, Phillipsianus, reetilineus. LLS., L', L'" ... L' * if Armagh. Bolland. Derryloran. Tyrone. Famignoul. Cork. Gare. Bolland. Staffordshire. Portl. * De Kon. L' Phill. L', L'" * if semistriatus. Young & Armst. L Robroyston. Kildare. Lowick. Bolland. Longnor. Lowick. Northumberland. sigmalineus, spiratus, subangulatus, Phill. L', L”, L'" * if M‘Coy. D. Sharpe. M'Coy. , 183(3. Pat Phill. L’ L' if Kendal. Westmoreland. tricinctus, L'" * Gare. Metoptoma, Phillips elliptica, imbricata, ella, De Koninc L", L'" k. if [of Man. Arnside. Longnor. Bolland. Isle Settle. Kirby Lonsdale. Bolland. Lautenthal. [VisA Bolland (Yorkshire). ,, ,, VisA L', L" 1 if obliqua, oblonga, pileus, Solaris, L'", LLS: D’Orb. L'" if L", L'" Parkhill. Longnor. Vise. Bolland. sulcata. Phill. L'" * Murchisonia, D’Archiac and De abbreviata, I)e Kon. Verneuil, 1841. MCM., L"’ if * Bradley Green. Vise. Aghalurcher. Craigenglen. Bolland. VisA Valdai Hills. Mid-strata of Vise. angulata, Phill. LLS., L\ L", L'" L"' * if if * | if Arehiacana, Do Kon. biserrata, Phill. L" Crieh. Cromford. Staffordshire. Brongniartiana, De Kon. L'" VisA dispar, elongata. M'Coy. Portl. L' Lowick. LLS., L” Kildress. Dromard. Gillfoot. flmbricarinata, Young & Armstr. L'"? Robroyston. Holland. fusiformis, Phill. Goldf. L'", M.Grit, CM. Culm if gracilis (Dr. Tietzc), Humboldtiana, De Kon. L", L'" Parkhill. Vise. Josepha, L'” Vise. 4 o Murchisonia { continued ). ] 326 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. j OHIO. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. quadricincta, Winch. Shumardiana, „ Bubtaeniata, Geinitz. terebriformis, Hall, tricingulata, Dawson, turritella, Hall, vermicula, Shuin. spec, indet., Natica, Adanson, 1757. Naticod Altonensis, H c Chesn. Carlyana, Hall. Chesterensis, Swall. depressa, Winch, dispassa, Dawson, gigantea, Hall. Howei, Hartt. Littonana, var. Genevievensis, Kinderh * Burlington. Sciotoville. * UH Nebraska City. Bloomington. Pugwash (Amherst Co.). Spergen Hill. St.Mary’s(St.Louislimest). Spergen Hill. Bloomington. L" l" .: L” L ", L'" UCM * on, Be Ryckholt. L”, LCM * Henry and Atchison Cos. Warsaw. Alton. Spergen Hill. Bloomington. St. Genevieve. Chester. L" * L'" * Kinderh * Burlington. Pugwash. Windsor. St. Genevieve Co. L" L’" ? L" * DeBert and Day's Rivers. Windsor. Randolph Co. Ac. Macanda. l'" : * Hall. magister, Stevens, nana, M. & W. L" or L"' * UCM * Springfield. Urbana? St. Clair Co. nodosa, , , LCM var. Hollidayi, „ ? Shumardi, M c Chesn. subovatus, W. ventricosa, N. & Pr. LCM * Hodge’s Creek (Macoupin Co.). Lasalle. UCM * UCM * MCM., U Yellow Creek. Wheeleri, Swall. LCM., U * Monroe Co. spec, indet., Cox. Orthonema, Meek and Worthen, conica, M. & W. costata, „ Salteri, „ subtenuata, Meek, Geinitz. UCM.’? Perryville beds. Hodge’s Creek (Macoupin Co.). 1866. LCM LCM. . 1 .. UCM # * Nebraska City. Western Iowa. | Murchisonia ( continued ). ] 327 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. 1 j Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. C Z c. z < Q Z < < j < < < < z O si P w < Locality. w E- C C Cl -J z w K e z si si J 33 cs < c ec < J. Xi d P < < Larcomi, lineata, maculata, melanoides, multilineata, nana, M'Cov. Phiil. US., L' * Moneyburn river. Waulsort. L" .' De Kon. L'" Vise. L"' Phiil. L'" Waulsort. De Kon. L"' Vise. plicata, quadricarinata, Sedgwickiana, serrilimba, spinosa, spiralis, spirata, striatula, subsulcata, sulcata, tseniata, DeVer trilineata, Urii, Goldf. L" ? Ratingen. • [Vise. Burnhead. Hairrayres. Derbyshire. Tournai (in clay). Crich (Derbyshire). Whitewell (Yoredale). Yorkshire. Vise. M'Coy. De Kon. L', L", L"' * * * L' * Phiil. L" ? L" V" Goldf. L”? Ratingen. Orchard. Robroyston. Swindridge. Gare. A lichen beg. Mid-strata, Vis6. Craigenglen. Vise. De Kon. L'" * * L', L'" M'Coy. a. & Phiil. L’" L"' Yorkshire. Vise (also Devonian). Ratingen. Hamilton, Hairmyres, Boghead, &c. Durham. Vise. Goldf. L" Flem. L' Verneuiliana, Culm, L"' * var. Kendalensis, M'Coy. Phiil. Tuedian Kendal. vittata. L"' Bolland. Narica,Zf Orb., =Natica of Baron lvrata. De Kon. de Ryckholt. L'" 9 Vise. spinescens, Natica, Adanson , 1757. Ryckh. Natico L"> psis Ampullaria, Sow. [Celle-veve. Higlifield. Shap Toll-bar. Bolland. Kendal. Celle-veve. Waulsort. ampliata, anti qua, brevispira, canaliculata, Phiil. L', L", L’" Goldf. L’, L" Ryckh. M'Coy. Eichw. L’" Vise. Ring (Enniskillen). Campsie. Mjatschkovo. Cosatsehi-datschi. Moscow Government. denudata, L", L'" Dione, L" dubia, M'Coy. V Kendal (D. Sharpe). effosa, Goldf. L' elegantissima, elliptica, Eichw. MCM Coal-mines of Lissitschanka-balka. Phiil. L\ L'" * St. Doolagh’s. Craigenglen. Leek. Bolland. Millicent. Castle Espie. Balglass- burn. Bakewell. Chokier. Tournai. Vise, lloeninghausen. elongata, LLS., L" globosus, lirata, Phiil. L\ L", L"' Mosscliat Burn. Arden. Longuor. Bolland. Vise. Vitegra. Archangelakoi. Mjatsch- Tournai. [kovo. Sloboda (yellow clay). Tullyoran. Liege. [Cosatsehi-datschi. Swindridge. Craigenglen. VisA Bolland. Mari®, De Yern. L" Michotiana, DOrb. L' nana, Eichw. L' neritoides, Phiil. L' Normaniana, Omaliaua, De Kon. L’, V" planispira, Phiil. L’" plicistria, LLS., L f , L", L m , * * * Doohylebeg. Cavan. Bristol. Bol- land. Diuant. Armagh. var. a, LCM. L' „ b, L” Tyrone. Robroyston. Gare. Orchard. VisA Robroystonensis.Young&Armstr. L'" rugosa, spirata, De Kon. L"' Sow. Moynally. Black Lion Mountian. Derbysh. Vise. Valley Sichon.j Grund. sublirata, Ad. Rom. LLS tabulata, Phiil. L'" Leek. Bolland. Uralica, Eichw. L"' Cosatsehi-datschi. variata, Phiil. LLS., L', L"' ... * Bowertrapping. Lowick. Bollaud. Coalbrookdale. [Vise. Clioquier. Vise. vetusta, Sow. LCM. Nerita, Linnceus , 1758. rugosa, Earn. Ne D e Kon. KITID/E. L" striata, Plem. LLS. ? Corry (Arran). Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Paludina, Lamarck , 1812. basalis, Eichw. L' exaltata, L’ | 1 1 „ „ 328 [Carboniferous. Phanerotinus.] NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. NEBRASKA. [ MISSOURI. IOWA. MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. •oiiio | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. [ Locality. Phanerotinus, Sowerby, 1843. paradoxus, Winch. Platyceras, Conrad, 1840. hiseriale. Hall. Kinderh Yellow sandst. (Burlington?). Quincy (Keokuk limestone). Chester. L’ Chesterense, equilatera, fissurella. M. & W. L"’ Hall. L' Keokuk limestone. L’ haliotoides, Herzeri, M. & W. Kinderh Newark. Winch. infundibulum, Lodiense, Nebrascensis, paralium, Quincyanum, reversum. M. & W. L'..'! Keokuk limestone. Meek. Kinderh Lodi. Hall. UCM * Nebraska City, &c. Clarkesville (lithograph limestone). Quincy. Boonville. W. & W. Kinderh * M l 'Chesn. L' Hall. L' * spirigerum, subplicatum, subrectum, tortum, unciim. Worth. L' Brighton. Richfield. M. & W. L' L' Nauvoo, &c. Meek. Greentown (Summit Co.). Nauvoo. M. & W. L" . Platyschisma, M'Coy, 1844. 1 dn hi a.. Dawson. L" Windsor. 1 helicoides, ! ovoidea, | remida, Platyostoma, Conrc Peorense, Sow. ? L'” .. .vt St. Genevieve. Pliill. L'" .. Pugwash. ? UCM d, 1843. M c Chesn. UCM * * Peoria, Clay, Fulton Cos. Grayville. Springfield. La Salle Co. 1 ? tumida, Pleurotomaria, Be] Beckwithana, biearinata, Bonharbourensis, Brazoensis, carbonaria, M. & W. UCM. . r rance, 1825. M c Chesn. UCM * UCM Cox. UCM * Davies Co. Shum. LCM Macoupin and Young Cos. Howard Co. Lasalle. Badger's N. & Pr. UCM * * * Cbesterensis, M. & W. L'" Chester. [Mill. Hall. h” Spergen Hill. Bloomington. Hodge’s Creek (Macoupin Co.). Spergen’s Hill. Nolan’s Furnace. Edmonson Co. conoides, conula, Coxana, depressa, dispersa, exigua, glandula, granulo-striata, Grayvillensis, Gurleyi, Haydeniana, Hickmanensis, M. & W. LCM Hall. L" M. & W. LCM. * Cox. UCM * * CopperasBrauch. Badger’ sMill.Bon- Windsor (bed B). [harbour. Jefferson. Hillsdale Co. Dawson. L" * Winch. Kinderh Shum. UL Grasslioper’s Creek. OsawkaVillage. Macoupin Co. Hodge’s Creek. Big Creek. Nebraska City. Airdrie Kurz’s Bank. Gibson Co. Danville. M. & M. LCM N. & Pr. UCM., U * * # * * Meek. LCM Gein. UL * Nebraska Citv. Winch. Hickman and Maury Cos. Patella.] 329 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &C. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. 1 SCOTLAND. 1 ENGLAND. BELGIUM. PRANCE. I RHENISH PRUSSIA. 1 WESTPHALIA. 1 SILESIA. 1 HARZ. 1 MORAVIA. 1 BOHEMIA. 1 SAXONY. 1 RUSSIA, EUROP. 1 URAL. ALTAI. Locality. Patfilla. Linnmus 1758. Met.or>t oma, Phillips, L”, L"' 8C 6. Helcyon. Parkhill. Longnor. Bolland. Tschernyschine (Govt. Kalouga). FilimonofF. curvata, depressa, exilis, Phill * Eichw L' * L' * Ivoninokii, laevigata, lateralis, mucronata, retrorsa, Ryckholtiana scutiformis, M‘Coy L' * * L * Famignoul (D’Omal. d’Halloy). Phill L'" * L' * * Malahide. Cookstown. Bolland. Waulsort. Parkhill. Longnor. Bolland. Tournai (in clay). Drumgiven. Bolland. Waulsort. Millicent. Bundoran. Longnor. Bol- Vise. [land. Vise. Longnor. Vise. Lough Cooter. Derbysh. Staffordsb. L", L'” * De Kon. L' : Phill. LLS., L”, L"’ .. LLS., L’, L", L" L"’ * * Phill., De Kon. * * * Solaris, Phanerotinu. angiostomus, cristatus, nudus, serpula, Phasianella, 5, J. Sowerby, 1 W £ < CO' W G CO N G -* ■< G O s < 5 w E O « >* z o z < CO G O G P W < CO CO p G G ◄ P ■<3 E- G < Locality. crenato-striata, decipiens, decussata, delphinuloides, depressa, Dives, var. b, Eliana, L'” Primrose Paint Works (Tiddeman). Lowick (Northumberland). Waterhouse Hill. Kendal. Bolland. Tournai. Park Hill. BoUand. Tournai. Vise. Kendal. Lowick. Staffordshire. Vise. M‘Coy * .. L’.. * * Scliloth., De Kon PhiU De Kon L’, L'" * * * L" L"' L’, L'" .. * L' * .. De Kon M‘Coy De Kon PhiU L”? L"' . * * L’ * •• exarata, excavata, expansa, filosa, flaminigera, fragilis, Frenoyana, Galeottiana, gemmulifera, glabrata, granulosa, Griffithii, helicinoides, V" * * Vise (north of and near Liegel. Bolland. Staffordshire. Vise. Craigenglen. Gare. Bolland. Vise. Millicent (Kildare). Bolland. L"' .. * * LLS. L' L'" „ * * * M‘Ooy Phill De Kon L' '. * L'" * •• L f " .. * L'" .. * .. * Gare, Orchard, Robroyston,&c. Vise. Craigenglen. Hairmyres. Vise. Longnor. BoUand. Vise. Ratingen. BoUand. Yorkshire. ft L' * .. * Phill. L", L'".. . * * L"' .. * . . De Kon M‘Coy L'" .. .. * L’, L”' * Je * Rathcoole. Lowick. Vise. Gare. BoUand. Vise. V" * * . . . Phill L'" * . . . insculpta, interstrialis, Karpin skiana, Koninckii, laticincta, lentieulata, limbata, lirata, microcosma, minuta, monilifera, Morrisiana, multiearinata, Munsteriana, naticoides, nitida, nobilis. De Kon. Phill v" .. * L', L"' * * * Pathhead. BoUand. Tournai. Vise. Cosatschi-datschi. Gare. Otterburn. Bolland. Tournai. Vise. [Vise. Cork. Longnor. Ashford. Staffordshire. BoUand. Vise. De Vern. D’Orb L'" * L', L'" * . .. * L'" .. * M‘Coy. PhiU. L’, L" * f ... L” ?, L”' IC * L'" ' f ... L' Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Famignoul (D’Omal. D’Halloy). Thornton. Craigenglen. Robroyston. Gare. Bolland. Vise. L' . * Phill LLS., L', L . . . * M‘Coy. * ? . I/, L” * * . De Kon. L’, L'" L', L”, L'", CM. L’ * * . . * Glasgow. Tournai. Waulsort. Vise. Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Tournai (in clay). Vise. Carluke (Main-post limestone). Mid-stratum, Vise. Tournai. Vise. * L’, L"' . * octovittata, omatissima, Panope, Phillipsiana, Portlockiana, pulchella, pyramidaUs, quadricincta, radula, L” ? * . L'" D’Orb. L’.-L'" . * L"' . * Vise. TV, L”' . * Waulsort. Vise. L”' . * Vise. L’" L' . * Tournai (in clay). L’, L" . * rotundata, scala, scripta, sculpta, serrilimba, Sowerbyana, spiralis ?, spirula, squamula, strialis, L', L", L'" . Malahide. Staffords.Bolland(Tidde- Visti. [man). De Kon. L'" . * L" . * Phill. L' ,r ... * * BoUand. Vise. . . * Derbyshire. Campbelltown. Tournai. Celle-veve. Waulsort. De Kon. L', L" * Phill. L', L'" * * De Kon. L"' .. * Staffordshire. Vis6. Eichw. L'" Cosatschi-datschi. phui. V" * Bolland. Vise (in friable limestone). Bolland. Staffordshire. L'" . . # striata, Sow. L',L"' * If Dare. Robroyston. Derbyshire. Ger- miston. Tournai. Vise. 7is<5. subangulata, submoniliformls, D’Orb. * .. * „ (north of and near Liege). Bolland. sulcata, Phill. [/" sulcatula, .. * * ,, Isle of Man. Vise. suturalis, | (Vistow ? 1 SoLEMYA.] 332 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, ancl Author. Solemya, Lamarck , 1817 .. I biarmica, De Vern. I radiata, Pumpellv. soleniformis, Cos. Solen, Linn mis, 1758. quadrangularis, Winch, scalpriformis, „ Soleniscus, Meek and Worthen, 1 Hallianus, M. & W. Macrocheilus, Geinitz. typicus, Geinitz. Straparollus, Montfort, 1810 ... Ammon, C. A. White. Barrisi, Winch, lens, Hall, macromphaus, Winch, magnificus, Shum. perh umerus, pernodosus, M. & W. planidorsatus, „ planus, similis, M. & W. subquadratus, „ subrugosus, „ umbilicatus, „ Streptacis, Meek, 1870. Whitfieldii, Meek. Trochita ? carbonaria, M. & W. Trochus, Linn mis, 1758. Missouriensis, Swall. Turbo, Linnaus, 1758. bicarinatus, M'Chesn. obesus, Shum. spec, indet., Daws. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | UCM.? * LCM * * * * * * * Kinderk 860. UCM * UCM * Oolite L’st. no. 6 Kinderk ■a *’ CL * Kinderk. ? * Carbon. Epoch ? * ? * LCM * L’" L r * * * * * L",LCM UCM LCM LCM * * * * LCM. : * * L"’ UCM.? * UCM * L'" * Locality. Solenomya. Council Grove. Brett’s Pit. Henry Co. Ray’s Coal Bank (Holden). Union Co. (no. 9 coal). Marshall. „ Moscow. Napoleon. Pleasant Hill. Springfield. Euomphalus. Burlington. , (yellow sandst.). Waterloo. Monro Co. Burlington. No locale given. New Windsor. Montgomery Co. Chester. Randolf Co. Waterloo. Monro Co. Spergenllill. Waterloo. MonroCo Pleasant Hill. Harrisonville. Rye Creek. Danville. St. Genevieve. Jackson Co. Iowa Point. Pugwash. Windsor. Plettrotomaria ( continued ).] 333 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. H ZJ S5 < cs RHENISH PRUSSIA.| WESTPHALIA. SILESIA. N Pi < MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. ►5 < B ALTAI. Locality. tovnatilis, Phill. L", L'" * * * Ballintin. Longnor.Bolland.Famig- Staffordsh. Bolland. Vise. [noul. Uchta River. Petsehora-land. tumida, „ Uchtaensis, Keyserl. imdulata, Phill. Uralica, De Yern. * * Permian ? * L”' * * Gare. Bolland. Isle of Man. L”' Cosatschi-datschi. Usocoma, Sow. LCM Coalbrookdale. variata, De Kon. L’” * Vise. virgulata, ,, vittata, Phill. L"’, Culm * „ (Dr. Tietze). Bakewell. Bolland. Otterburn. Vise. L’, L”, L"' * * Youngiana, Armstrong. Yvanii, L’EveillA spec, indet., Geikie. Rostellaria, Lamarck, 1801. angulata (Pleurotom.), Phill. Scalites, Emmons, Conrad, 1844 exilis, Eichw. L' * Craigenglen shales. Beith. Ayrshire. L’ * CL * L' * Sloboda. River Bystritza, &c. Raphistoma, Hall. LCM * Issedoni, De Yern. monticula, Eichw. Gerichof. L',L" * Prikscha (Novgrod). Mjatschkovo. Prikscha Valley (Valdai). Waulsort. Verneuili, D’Orb. -X Siphonaria, Sowerby, 1842. Koninckii, M'Coy. Solemya, Lamarck, 1817. primaeva, Phill. Straparollus, Mont fort, 1810 ... Subulites, Emmons, 1844. nanus, Eichw. Tornatella, Lamarck, 1822 L” * * L’ * * Fermanagh. Hetton. Lowick. See Euomphalus. Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Actaeon, Montfort. Sloboda Village (Govt. Toula). Infundibulum, Montfort. Millicent. Malahide. St. Doolagh. Famignoul. L' nana, Eichw. L' Trochella, Say, Swainson, 1822 ? prisca, M'Coy. * Trochus, Linnaus, 1758, or Adan biserratus, De Kon. son, 1757. L', L"' Craigenglen shales. Swindridge. Liege. VisA Arden (Staffordshire). VisA Staffordshire. Wetton. Vise. coniformis, TJ" % * Hisingerianus, „ lepidus, „ tenuispira, „ ? Yvanii, L’Eveille. L”' * L', L ", L'" * * Beith. Craigenglen. Braidwood. Dovedale. VisA Vise (mid-stratum). Northumberland. Bolland. Long- nor. Tournai. Vis6. L'" * LLS., L”, Id" ... * Turbo, Linnaus, 1758 Pam. TuRBINIDjE. 1 appropinquus, Portl. biserialis, Phill. LLS„ L' Fermanagh (shale). Bowertrapping. Derbyshire. Bol- land. Cosatschi-datschi. Yorkshire. Derbyshire. Vis A Tournai. Vis6. L", V" * * biserratus, D’Orb. L", V" * crvptogammus, De Kon. 17, L" * deomatus, „ L'" VisA 4 a Turritella.] 334 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ARKANSAS. KANSAS. NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. [ IOWA. MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Turritella?, Lamarck, 1801. minuta, Stevens. ? Stevensana, M. & W. UCM * UCM * Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class CEPHALOPODA. Turbo ( continued ).] 335 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. BELGIUM. | FRANCE. KIIENISII PRUSSIA. | | WESTPHALIA. [ SILESIA. | HARZ. | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. Cu c x P w < aa P < P ALTAI. Locality. ferrugineus, globularis, Hisingerianus, Hceninghausianus, L’ * Sloboda (Govt. Toula). Bollancl. D'Orb L'" .. De Kon. CM * Clermont-Ferrand (Prof. Julien). L’" .... D’Orb. V Sloboda (Toula). parallelus, L"’ De Kon. L ' Tournai (clay). Scythicus, semisulcatus, spiratus, Phill. L'" .. M'Coy. LLS., L 1 * * Rougbwood (Beitb). Turritella?, Lamarck, 1801. lcm. ? * Sloboda Village (Toula). Sow. LCM * elongata, Koninckiana, megaspira, Flem. LCM Lanarkshire (shale). Kendal (Westmoreland),Dl. Sharpe. Goldf. L' * M‘Coy. CL * LCM * spiculum, spiralis, ? sulcifera, suturalis, tenuistriata, triserialis, Urii, * Sloboda Village (yellow clay). Kilnamanagh. Staffordsk. Yorksh. Pliill. L'" * * Portl. L'? Desert-Martin (shale). Doohylebeg. Staffordshire. Kirkby Lonsdale. Bolland , Loughshinny. Kendal. Staffordsli. Yorksh. Otterburn. Northumber- Phill, LLS , L m * * LLS., L', L’" .. Flem. L'. * LLS., CL * Lanarkshire. [land. Subkingdom MOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class CEPHALOPODA. Actinoceras.] [Carboniferous, EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. WESTPHALIA. SILESIA. N < 1 MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. < X p ALTAI. Locality. Actinoceras, Bronn, 1835. (Simsii) giganteuin, Sow. Bactrites, Sandberger, 1842 LLS.,L',L'',L"', LCM. * * * * Robroyston.Beith.C’leEspie. Caujp- sie. Bolland. Vis6. Dives. Grund. Stenoceras, D' Orbigny. Grund. Neuhiddingshausen. Sprockhovel. Lowick (Northumberland). Apioceras, I)' Orbigny. Borowitschi (Novgrod). Gorodetz Tournai. [(Kalouga). „ (in clay). Steinhauerii, Phill. Clymenia, Munster, 1832. Spirorbis?, Ludw. Cycloceras, M'Coy, 1844. Flemingii, M'Coy. Cyrtoceras, Gold fuss, 1833 ...... LLS # MCM # L' * afline, Eichw. arachnoideum, De Kon. cinctum, Miinst. L' # L' * * L' Cyrioceras ( continued ).'] 336 [Carboniferous. NOETH AMEEICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. c T: < 55 a | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. tessellation ?, De Kon. Kinderh Marshall. * Burlington (yellow sandst.). Niota. Hancock Co. Discites, M'Coy, 1844. (Nautilus) disciformis, M. & W. Gomphoceras, Sowerby, 1839. spec, indet. (2), Shurn. Goniatites, De Haan, 1825. Allei, Winch. Andrewsi, „ Choctawensis, Shum. compactus, M. & W. crenistria, Phill. globulosus, M. & W. gracilis, Hall. Hatliawayanus, M'Chesn. Holmesii, Swall. Iioughtoni, Winch. Iowensis, M. & W. Ixioni, Hall. Lyoni, „ Marshallensis, Winch, minimus, B. F. Shum. L' Kinderh * Jonesville. * Newark. UCM * (In limestone UCM.). Macoupin Co. Danville. Summit. UCM. . LCM * * UCM * * * Pleasant Hill. Springfield. Eockford. Kinderh * UCM * Neale’s Coal Bank. La Salle Co. Kinderh * Cooper Co. Marshall. lcm Alpine Dam. Eockford. NapoleonCut. Weymouth. Newark. Dover's Landing. Chouteau Springs. Nolin Works. Edmondson Co. MCM * Morganensis, B.F.Shum.&Swall. Nolinensis, Cox. Ohioensis, Winch, opimus, W. & Wh. Osagensis, Swall. Oweni, Winch. var. parallela, ,, parvus, B. F. Shum. planorbiformis, Swall. politus, B. F. Shum. princeps, I)e Kon. propinquus, Winch, pygmaeus, ,, Eomingeri, Winch. Kinderh * LCM * Newark. Burlington (Chemung Group?). Lexington. Lane’sPit. MoniteauCo. MCM * Kinderh Marshall. Point auxBarques. South „ [Lake Huron. Willow Springs. Santa Fe Eoad. Dover’sLanding. South Blackbird. Lane’sPit. Lexington. [PutuamCo. Eockford. UCM MCM * MCM * Kinderh ,, Gritst. ...... Point aux Barques. L. Huron south. Battle Creek. ...... Kinderh Marshall. 1 Cyrtoceras ( continued ).] 337 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q Z < A s ft z; < a E-i O o CO Q z < o z w s 3 t-3 w w & z < ■< CO S3 as a-. So z H ■<1 £ CO w 3* CO W J OO N ◄ ◄ > < o < 5 o P3 Z o « CO O aS & w 3 CO CO & 05 A <5 05 6 Eh < Locality. decrescens, deflexmn, Gesneri, Machaneki, novem-angulatum. pollex, Pusozianum, rugosum, Trautsch. L" X Lihkvine (Govt. Kalouga). Saborje. Saborje by Serpuckhof. Gare. Craigengleu. Robroyston. Sudetic Mountains, &c. Cosatschi-datschi. L" X Martin. Stur. L', L'" * * * Culm, 2nd Zone X Eichw. L'" :... X L' X Tournai. Orchard. Southhill. Craigenglen. Westerhouse. Hill. Derbyshire. Vise. Saborje (Moscow). Devonian ? Cosatschi-datschi. RiverSerena (Govt. Kalouga). Ivarowa. Bieleff (Govt. Kalouga). Tournai (upper clay). Vise. Robroyston. Tournai. Isle of Man. Fleming. L', L", L"' * * X CL X semicirculare, subcostatum, subdepressum, tenue, tessellatum, unguis, Yerneuilianum, Discites, M'Coy, 1844 complanatus, compressus, costellatus, discors, discus, falcatus, hexagonus, latidorsatus, L’Eveilleanus, Eichw. L" X L’ X L' * De Kon. L’ L'" Pliill. X De Kon. L', L’" Sow. L’ X L' M'Coy. L', L" * * Millicent. Longnor. Isle of Man. „ Monaster. Kildare. Bakewell. Kendal. Coal Boss. Pottery Field. Staffordshire. Millicent. Kendal. Bolland. VisA Oldham. Ashton-under-Lyne. Cork. Kildare. Longnor. Bolland. Coalbrookdale. Tournai. Cavan. Cork. Kulkeagh. Kendal. Kulkeagh. Altonstone. Bolland. Kalouga Govt. Phragmoceras, 1839. Lihkvine (Govt. Kalouga). Sloboda (Toula). Sudetic Mountains. Karowa (Kalouga). Lihkvine. Aganides, Montfort. Sprockhovel, on River Ruhr. Chokier. [datschi. LLS., L' Sow. LLS., L' X X LCM., M., U. ... * De Kon. -X- M'Coy. De Kon. L' * L", L"' * * X rotifer, subsulcatus, Salter. LCM., M -X- Pbill. L', L", L'",LCM * * X X sulcatus, tetraeonus. Sow. LCM X * Pliill. LLS., L', L", L'" X X Gomchoceras. Sowerbv. 1839... Hesperis, Lagena, scalariforme, trochoides. Eichw. L' L' X Stur. Culm Fischer. L’ * Goniatites. Be Haem. 1825 arcuatilobus, Ludwig. LCM atratus, Goklfuss. LCM -X- X- Barbotanus, De Vern. LCM., L'" X Belvalianus, De Kon. LCM., L" bidorsalis, Phill. L' Woodfold (shale). Oldham. Clitheroe. bilinguis, Brownii, Salter. M. Grit, LCM... * M'Coy. Phill. CL [wood. Vise. calyx, carbonari us, L'" X -X- Sow. Passage-bed ... -x- X Venn.Barnstapl.Hoffnung.Werden. Bolland. Vise (mid-strata). „ ,, Falkenberg. Cosatschi-datschi. carina, ceratitoides, Phill. L'" * Von Buch. V" -X- cinctus, complicatus, Miinst. V” *? De Kon. L m X- X Bolland. Vise. coronula, Ad. Rom. LLS. or L' Rockweise. crenistria, Phill. LLS., L", L'", X X- X Courtlough. Fermanagh. Werden. Bromberge. Grund. [Cosatschi-datschi. Wolgan’s Town. Bolland. Grund. Kulkeagh. Arbigland. Todmordon. Chokier. Cosatschi-datschi. Cork. var. /3, Millst.Grit&c. *? cyclolobus, De Kon. LLS., L', L”' ... X X- * diadema, L', L"\ M. Grit, X X- * X X X discus, M'Coy. Ad. Rom. LCM. LLS * LLS dorsalis, Brown. L'" evolutus, Phill. V or L"' Flasby. Chrome Hill (Derbys.), &c. Black Lion Mountains. Ballyduff. Robroyston. Gare. Bolland, &c. Mam-Tor (Derbyshire). excavatus, LLS., L’.L"' ... * * * expansuB, falcatus, Von Buch. L" Ad. Rom. LLS falx, Eichw. i LCM Kachkabaschi. 4 R Goniatites {continued).'] 338 [Carbonifeeous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. [ ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < £ o I MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. 6 o | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK, j Locality. Shumardianus, Winch, sphcericus, D'Arch. & De Vern. spec, indet., Worthen. Kinderh * * Point aux Barques. Newark. New York State. ? Kindevh Goniatites (continued).] 339 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q* Q z < Q X w* X < 0 0 CO fa as a, CO < <5 < < > < Sh* fa O as X W ◄ Locality. fa fa H O o CO fa o Ss w x Z < as fa z H X as H CO £ X X CO as < < as o fa © M o X < CO CO CO X as fa < X E-> fa < fasciculatus, foraminosus, funatus, furcatus, Gibsoni, Gilbertsoni, granosus, Helvalianus, Henslowi, implicatus, ingens, intercostalis, intermedius, interruptus, JoSStE, jugosus, Kenyoni, Kingianus, Koninckianus, latus, M‘Coy. Phill. L' Millicent. L"' Bolland (Yorkshire). Cork. Tournai. Sow L' * L', I/" Phill. LLS.,L'",M.Gr., LCM. L'", Millst. Grit * if * Ballinacourty.Maynouth.Gare.High Greenwood. Cahirnanalt. Hosie. Staffordshire. * * Portlock. L" * Clogher (Tyrone, shale). De Kon. L' * Sow. L", L"', M. Grit L', L'" * Isle of Man. ParkHill. Clitkeroe. Phill. * * * Robroyst.Gare.BlackHall. Staffords. Scar limestone. [Famignoul. Cross-Patrick. Staffordsh. Emyvale. Bolland. Schulenberg. High Greenwood shale. Vise (mid-strata). Bolton-le-Moors. Cosatschi-datschi. Hebden Bridge. [Artinsk. G. Tate. L' Phill. LLS., L' * * Brown. L” De Kon. * De Vern. L"', M. Grit Brown. Shale, LCM. ... * * De Vern. LCM Artinsk. „ Kachkabaschi. LCM M‘Coy. Martin. L' Listeri, LLS., L',M. Grit, * * * Portumna. Goldsitch. Trou-souri. Longthorni, Looneyi, Machaneki, Brown. LCM. &c. LCM Werden. Hohenlohehutte. Hebden Bridge (shale). Cahirnanalt. Gai’e. Staffordshire. Phill. L', L", L'", M. Grit, &c. Culm * * * Stur. Austrian Silesia. Marianus, De Vern. L'" Cosatschi-datschi. micronotus, Phill. LLS..L', L"', M. * * * Black Lion Mounts. Ballinacourty. Bolland. Felthouse Wood. minutissimus, Brown. Grit. LCM mixolobus, Phill. L"',LLS.,M.Gr. * * Bolland. Melch-Troppau. Lauten- thal. Sudetic Mountains. Gare. mucronotus, (Hunter). Phill. L”' * mutabilis, L', L", L"' * * * * Cregg. Campbelltown. Robroyston. Gare. Todmorden. Vise. &c. Riv. Ribble. Yorkshire. Staffordsh nitidus, L"' * obtusus, L\ V" * * Wooklands. Bally duff. BlackHall. Artinsk. Kachkabaschi. [Congleton. Todmorden (shale). „ Hoolebottom (shale). Robroyston. Gare. Bolt.on-le-M. Bolland. Grund. [Oldham. Cork. Tournai. Orbignanus, paradoxicus, parvus, paucilobus, De Vern. LCM Brown. L'" L"' * Phill. L"',M.Gr.,LCM * * platylobus, LCM., L'", Culm L' * princeps, prior, proteus, De Kon. Stur. Culm Brunn. Blansko. SudeticMoimtains. Todmorden. Lob Mill. Brown. L'" reticulatus, Phill. LLS., L\ L", M. * * * Mount Plielim. Gare. Rae’s Gill. rotatorius, De Kon. Grit, LCM. L' Grund. Tournai. rotiformis, Phill. M. Grit, L’" ... * Kulkeagh. Bolland. Staffordsh. Cahirnanalt. Ulstonfield. Bolland. serpentinus, LLS., L", L'", M. * * * Smithii, Brown. Grit. CL., LCM * Vise. Millwood. Todmorden. Soboliskianus, De Vern. LCM.? spiralis, Phill. M. Grit * * Co.Meatb.PuleHill( Yorks.). Grund. Black Hall. Staffordsh, &c. Vise. Kildare. Gare. Bolland. Chakier spirorbis, De Haan. L'", M. Grit ... * * splice ricus, LLS., L", L'"... * * * * spharoidalis, MCoy. L' * Mohradorf. Moscow. Nenagh (Tipperary). Lautenthal. spiriferus, Ad. Rom. splendid us, Brown. L'" * Iligh Greenwood. Bolland. (platylobus) stenolobus, Phill. L"’ striatus, Sow. LLS, L"’ * * * * Clogher. Gare. Flasby. VistS, &c. Cork. Kinsale. Ballymalion.Robroy- ston. Gare. High Greenwood. Hebden Bridge. Dunsink, &c. Oldham. Bolland. Grund. striolatus, LLS, L', L’".. * * * * subsulcatus, Brown. LCM truncatus, Phill. LLS,L',L'',L m , * * * LCM. | | Gyroceras.] 340 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. 6 KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. Gyroceras, Be Koninck , 1844. Burlingtonensis, D. D. Owen. L' Burlington. L" M * W * Nautilus. 7 .mnrpus. 17.A8 Subgenera Trematodiscus, En- dolobus, Meek and Worthen. Win cli * Marshall. L" if Windsor. Minudie. Stewiacke. M. & W. Coy. MCA!. if Nolin ironworks. LCM ? * L'" * ... Gravel Creek (Chester). Hall L" if Spergen Hill. L'" if MCM. Nolin ironworks. M. & W. L'" if New Providence. decoratus, Cox. L" UCM .V, Waggon-defeat Creek. Beardsley’s Bank. Muhlenburg Co. * -y. Witi fill. a if Battle Crk. Rockford. Kinderhook. UCM Tremont Co. M. & H. UCM Cox. MCA! * Henrv Co. Brett s Pit. Dismal Crk. Carnahan s Mine (Mercer Co.). MCA! Wayne City. Sow. ? L"' MCM -if if ... Kaskaskia. Pittsburg. M c Chesn. UCM In limestone. Marshall. if Danville. Yellow Creek. M. & W. UCM Lasalle Co. LCM Rock-Island Co. L f * Warsaw (Keokuk limestone). L’ Eveilleensis, ? ? Winch. Alarshall. Rwn.ll. LCM (base) Boone Co. (in limestone). f'TWnnnfihilus't Niotfinsis. L' ■if Niota (Keokuk limestone). M c Chesn. UCM * Graysville. nodosodorsatus, TTCM Kansas and Verdigris valleys. Jatan. Andrew Co. A1CM U Graysville. MCM U ,, &c. M. & W. MCM Alpine Dam. LCAl or U [Branch. Shurn. UCM Belleville. Lashes Pit, Copperas C. A. White. UCM 9 Rockfordensis, M. & W. if Rockford. Sun unm on an si s. UCM. * Sangamon Co. (Endolobus) spectabilis, L"' * Gravel Creek (Randolf Co.). ('Ci-vntoeeras'l Snrineeri. White. UCAI. * Adair Co. Winch. Marshall. striatus, LCM. if if Danville. Pittsburg. Winch. Marshall. Phill sulcatus, Sow. ? L m ” St. Genevieve Co. trigonus, Winch. Marshall. M. & W. if * Rockville. Trematodiscus. Goniatites ( continued ). ] 341 [Carbonifeeous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. 1 RMENISII PRUSSIA. 1 WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. | HARZ. | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. < B | ALTAI. Locality. tumidus, ? umbilicus, undulatus, vesica, vittiger, spec, indet., Ad. Rom. Munst. Brown. Phill. LLS. if Grund. if * I/" * Todmorden. Skipton. Kulkeagh. Gare. Robroyston. Black Hall. High Greenwood. Cahirnanalt. Park Hill. Bolland. Vise. LLS L'" if LLS.,L", L'", M. Grit. * Ferd. Rom. if LCM M Gyroceras, Be Koninck, 1844. L' Tournai. Famignoul. biangulatum, Edwardianum, Meyerianum, Omalianum, tuberculatum, Nautilus, Linnaus, Sow. CL L’ if L if Sow. CL if Famignoul. L' if 1758. Atur ia, Broun Temnocheilus pars, M‘Coy. L’" armatus, biangulatus, bicarinatus, bilobatus, bistrialis, canaliculatus, carinatus, cariniferus, clitellarius, complanatus, concavus, coronatus, costalis, costa ta-coronatus, costellatus, Coyanus, cyclostoma, dorsabs, Edwardianus, endosiphonus, excentricus, Sow. LCM Coalbrookdale. Shropshire. Castleknock. Cork. Gare. Bristol. Bolland. Vise. [datschi. Ballin-garrane. Carluke. Cosatschi- Closeburn. Lowick. Coalbrookdale. LLS, L’, L”, L’” V" LCM. ... L', LCM... if Phill. L'" Eicbw. L' if Borowitschi (Govt. Kalouga). „ „ [Tournai. L* if Sow. L', L”', LCM,.. LCM. if if Isle of Man. [datschi. Bolland. Vise. King's Pit (Silesia). Lowick (Northumberland). L'", LCM. M‘Coy. Phill. L * * L' * M‘Coy. L' 9 if D’Orb. L' * if Malowka (Govts. Toula and Riesan). Castleton. Bolland. Vise. Medinsk. PbiH. De Kon. L”, L’" if if L', L”, L"' * * * Kildare. Castle Cary. Bolland. Waul- Leek. Staffordsh. Vise. [sort. Halifax shale. L'" if if Sow. Millst. Grit if Eichw. L” Bensk (river Volga). Coalbrookdale. Shropshire. Kerry. Campbelltown. Staffordshire. Bolland. Vise. Cresset. Poolin. Ratingen. Bolland (Yorkshire). Borowitschi. falcatus, globatus (Temnoch goniolobus, Hesperis, ingens, Koninckii, Luidii, Sow. LCM if lus), „ Phill. L', L", L”' if if if if L"' if Eicbw. L' if Martin. L', L" Campbelltown. Beith. Robroyston. Lowick. Staffords. Govt.Kalouga. Kildare. Courtlough. Tournai. Ashford. Derbyshire. Bathgate. Main limest. in W. Scotl. Tyrone. Cork. Cumberl. Famignoul. Famignoul. Balquarhage. Milton. Robroyston. Gare. Kirktonholm. Caroline Pit. D’Orb. L', L’" * Martin. \j \ Millst. Grit.. marginatus, multicarinatus, Flem. L'.’L" Sow. If if mutabilis, M‘Coy. Armstrong. F. Rom. ? CL * if nodiferus, nodoso-carinatus, Omalianus, De Kon. L'" Vise, near Liege. FlorenceCt. Gare. I. of Man. Vise. oxystomus, pentagonus, perplanatus, Pbillipsianus, pinguis, planidorsatus, polytricbus, precox, quadratus, regulus, stygialis, sulciferus, Phill. LLS, L’, L’" ... * if if Sow. * Closeburn. Portl. L' * Crevenich (Fermanagh). Castleton. VisA [(Toula). Cork. Tournai. Vise. Malowka D’Orb. L'?. L'" * * M’Coy. Portl. L’, L'" * * 1/, Millst. Grit.. * Derryloran. Castle Cary. Thuringia. Oldham. Ashton-under-Lyne. Beith. Orchard. Gare. Robroyston. Alexina (Govt. Kalouga). [Lowick. Coalbrookdale. Holland. Chokier. Ad. Rom. LCM, M Salter. LCM, M *? Flem. L'" * Eichw. L' De Kon. L”, L"', MCM., if L’EveillA L' * Florence Ct. Kulkeagh. Tournai. ... ... 4 s Nautilus (continued).] 342 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < o I MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. 1 INDIANA. 6 © | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Sow. CM * * Shura. Kinderh ? LCM Danville. Newberrv. 9 Orthoceras, Breynius, 1732. Shum. [JCM M. & W. L”' * Chester. L"' * (Gravel Creek). Sndbrgr. Kinderh De Kon. * Cooper Co. Chemungense, Swall. * Cooper and Pike Cos. var. Chouteauensis, * Cooper Co. Chesterense, L” ... * Hardwood. Marshall. clino-cameratum, Winch. cribrosum, Geinitz. UL * Nebraska City. Dawson. L" Hall. L'' Spergen Hill. expansum, M. & W. L"' OrganMine( HenryCo. ).M c Donough Co. heterocinctum, Winch. Kinderh., L. ... Burlington (yellow sandstone, &c.). Indianense, Hall. ,, Scioto ville. Newark. isogramma, Meek. LCM * Newark. Knoxense, M c Chesn. MCM., CM. ... * Danville. laquaeatum, Hartt. L" Stewiacke. Windsor. laterale, Phill. L"’ ? Kennetcook. Lathropi, Winch. * Nautilus ( continued ). ~] 343 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. ft Q 2 < Q S5 < £3 o y. K D OS ec < 2 < < < > < >- 2 cT o 5 w < [ Locality. • K E-> C O a 2 W w 2 < 2 K S fe- X a > u m3 X s: < O © - O X < X cc X & as *< m3 < tetragonus, triangulatus, Tscheffkiui, tuberculatus, Vanderbeckii, Willockii, Woodwardii, Orthoceras, Breyn 'iv acuarius, acuminatum, affine, ampliatum, Phill L\ L"', LCM... LCM * * Kulkeagh. Bolland. Borowitschi. Malowka. Sow * L m .. Riv. Petschora. Cosatschi-datschi. Kildare. Altonfield. Famignoul. Borowitschi. Artinsk. Halifax. Langendreer (Bochum). 1 Sow LLS., L', L" .. UCM * * * X X X Ludw * Houghton Sow CL * LLS., L'" * * Coomhola grit. Derbysh. Bolland. Loxoceras, M'Coy. Fam.OitTiio- ceratida:. Famignoul (schist). Borowitschi (Govt. Novogorod). Clogher (Tyrone). Fermanagh. Karowa (Govt. Kalouga). Chokier (alum-schist). ts, 1732. Cy cloceras . . . CL L' Port!. L', L" X Eichw. L” X De Kon. LCM angulare, Flein. L'" * LLS., L' * Linlithgow. Grund. Kulkeagh. Coalbrookdale. Moscow. annulatum, arcuatum, attenuatum, Sow. L', L", LCM. ... * X * X Phill. L' * X Flem. LLS.,L',L”,L"', LCM. L', L", CL * Bundoran. Castlereagh. Beith. Livingstone. Robroyston. Gare. Karowa. [noul. Kulkeagh. Cork. Ashford. Famig- Tournai (in clay). Vise. R.Petschora. Nobber. Rush. Beith. Gare. Tournai. Breynii, calamus, Martin. * X De Kon. L', L'" X cine turn, Sow. LLS.,L', L", L"', Mi list. Grit. LLS * * X X circulare, Clonmelense, compressiusculum, conquestum, cornuvaccinum , * Vise. | Benburb (Tyrone). Clonmel. Ilauglit. Eichw. L' * L', L" Borowitschi. Mjatschkovo. Tournai. Vise. Lowiek. Northumberland. De Kon. L'j L"' M‘Coy. Phill. L' X C08tellatum, crenulatum, LLS . . . Grund. Sudetic Mount, ains. Fischer. L f , L", L'" X X Settle. Bolland. R. Kliama (Medi- Vise. [nac). cucullum, cylindraceum, dactyliophorum, De Kon. L'" X Flem. LLS., L", L'", LCM. L', L”' * Clogher. Curkeen. Beith. Gare. Craigenglen. Rathkeale. Staffords. Tournai. Vise. De Kon. Trautsch. L", L'" X Campsie. Bolland. Moscow. Cosatschi-datschi. deliquescens, dentaloideum, dilatatum, distans, filiferum, fragile, Frearsi, fusiforme, Poterioceras. Gesneri, Goldfussianum, insequale, hwequiseptum, inaequistriatum, incomitatum, Koninckianutn, | keve, j laterale, latissimum, | levigatum, I lineale, j lineolatum, Eichw. L"' X Phill. L"' X ...'Bolland. De Kon L’, L”', LCM.... 1 Corrieburn, Gare, &c. Tournai. Chokier. Kilmallock. M'Coy. Phill. L' LLS Kulkeagh grit. Lisnapaste. Cahir- [nanalt. Mjatschkovo (with Fusulina). Kildare. Mainlimest.,Scotl. Lowiek. Bolland. Tournai. Lives. Vise. Kendal. Poolwash. Tournai. Boro- Bronn. LLS X De Vern. L" ... Sow. L', L", L’" ... Mart. L', L”' * De Kon. L', L", L'", LLS. LLS witschi. Carluke. Chare. Settle. Waulsort. Ad. Rom. Auchy-au-Bois. SilberGrube. Dorothsea. Clausthal. Phill. L', L", L'" * X Jahirnanalt. Longuor. Bolland., (In limestone.) Ad. Rom. LLS M'Coy. D'Orb. L' " X Jove of Cork, Malowka (Gov.Toula ), Ac. Waulsort. Cosatschi-datschi. Chokier. LCM Flem. L'", CM N’ewfield, Linlithgow, Ac. VTalowka (Govt. Toula), Ac. \ildare. De Kon. LLS Portl. L I M'Coy. De Kon. L', L" Balgrogan Burn. Tournai. Culkeagh. Staffordshire. Bowes, l.of Man. Tournai. Vis6. Cosatschi- Phill. LLS., Yored. ... Martinianum, Dc Kon. L', L”’ X X maximum, Portl. W datschi. vildare. Tyrone. minimum, Baily. LCM 1 1 Orthoceras (continued).] 344 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Marshallense, moniliforme, multicinctum, nobile, occidentale, perstrictuin, reticulaturu, robustum, Rusbense, Vindobonense, vittatum, Wbitei, spec, indet.. Winch. Swall, Winch. M. & W. Swall Dawson. Winch. M c Chesn. Dawson. Winch. Kinderh. UCM. ... Kinderh. L"' UCM. ... L" Kinderh. UCM. ... L" Kinderh. Swall Locality. Marshall. Verdigris valley. Marshall. Holland, Randolph Co. Clifton Park. Marshall. Moscow Stewiacke. Windsor. Marshall. u Moscow. Hanover Jackson Co. Bardsley’s Bank. Rush Creek. Stewiacke. Windsor. Battle Creek or Holland. Burlington. Orthoceras ( continued ).] 345 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. j BELGIUM. 1 FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. 1 WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. N < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. 1 URAL. 1 ALTAI. Locality. Morrisianum, De Kon. muoronatum, M‘Coy. multiseptatum, Tate. Munsterianum, De Kon. omatum, Eichw. ovale, Phill. polyphemus, Fischer, pygmaeum, De Kon. pyramidale, Flem. regulare?, Schlotb. reticulatum, Phill. rugosum, Flem. sagitta, ? scalare, D’Arch. & Yon Meyer. Goldf. L", L'" . * X Waulsort. Vise. Cosatschi-datschi. L' L'". * * Gare. * Durham. Northumberland. L' LLS * * * L” * Vise. Moscow? (white limest.). Nobber. Orchard. Gare. Riv.Sirena. Govt. Kalouga. [tier. Gare. SouthillPit. Penistone. Cho- Millicent. Doneraile. Livingstone (West Scotland). Vise (also Devonian). Staffordshire. Bolland. L" L'” . i* x X * L" L’ 11" LCM. .. * * LLS., L', L” ... L"' * * * * L'" X 11' 11" . * D’Arcy. Northumberland. Long- nor. Ashford. Vise. Vise. L'" * LCM., LLS. ... * X * U" * Westown. Ford of Fine. scalpatrum, Sow. Sowerbyi, M‘Coy. Steinhaueri, Sow. striatum, „ strigillatum, De Kon. striolatum, Miinst. subcanaliculatum, De Kon. subcentrale, „ LCM X Coalbrookdale. Shropshire. Closeburn (Dumfries.). Lowick. Cahirnanalt.Rush. Bolland. Halifax. L' [CM. * * LLS., L', If", L', LLS., &c. ... LCM * * Cork (black rock). Chokier (alum-schists). Grivignee. Leobschutt. Lautenthal. Clausthal. LLS * * * X * L’ Mohradorf. Staffordshire. Tournai. L’, 11" * Orchard. Robroyston. Gare. Tour- Tournai. [nai. Harrowfleld. 11 sulcatum, Flem. telescopiolum, Ad. Rom. tuberculatum, Ether. 11", LCM * 9 Hohenlohe Pit. 11, L'" Chrome Hill (Derbyshire). Craigenglen. Beith. Robroyston. Gare. Caroline Pit. Cumberland. Castleton. Longnor. Bolland. Ardconnaught. Gare. Parkhill. Bol- land. Vise. Tournai. Moscow. Karowa (Govt. Kalouga). Cork and Clonmel. undatum, Ad. Rom. & Flem. undulatum, Sow. unguis, Phill. vestitum, Fischer. Wrightii, Haughton. spec, indet., F. Rom. „ Haughton. Phragmoceras, Broderip, 1839. flexistria, M'Coy. Poterioceras, M'Coy, 1844. cordiforme, Sow. cornu-vaccinum, M‘Coy. fusiforme, Sow. ventricosum, M‘Coy. Rhyncholites, Faure-Bic/uet, 18 sella, Ad. Rom. L', L" * 9 * LLS., Mill. Grit, L", U". L', L", L X * * * i r X 11 X Upper Silesia. Cork and Clonmel. L * Gomphocera LLS S. x Killycloghy (Lisbellaw). Craigie. Kilmarnock. Lowick. Lowick. L' * 1! X 11, 11" * X Cork. Bolland. * * Arden. High Blantyre. Carluke. Lautenthal. 19. LLS Spirilla, Lamarck, 1801. tuberculatum, Eichw. Thoracoceras, Fischer. Melia. crepitaculum, Fischer, disians, Eichw. notatum, ,, 11, LCM X X Riv. Prikscha (Borowitschi). Kach- kabasehi (Artinsk). Borowitschi (Govt. Novogorod). Alexine (Govt. Toula). Nara River. Woronowaya (Peremyschl district). Kildare. L' X L' X L' ... X Trigonoceras, M ' Coy , 1844. paradoxicum, Sow. serratum, De Kon. 11 * CL X Staffordshire. Tournai. VisA CONDYLACANTHUS.] 346 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom YERTEBRATA. Province BRANCHIATA. Class PISCES. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 02 < 03 25 c 02 <5 02 ◄ w < 02 <5 25 ca w 25 P O 02 02 < o S5 o 6 s 02 O S5 J -3 ◄ £ < s 6 K O >h‘ W p P H W ta H W 02 02 w S>5 w ◄ s ◄ > p i* 02 W Ch *< H O P 02 ◄ P o S5 o E- W 25 « w c- ◄ P M P 02 S5 P 25 ca > w a Locality. Acondylacanthus, St. John and aequicostatus, St. J. & W. gracilis, ,, Acrolepis, Agassiz , 1843. Fam. ? Hortonensis, Dawson. Agassizodus, St. John and Wort scitulus, St. J. & W. variabilis, N. & W. Amacanthus, St. John and Wort gibbosus, N. & W. Amblypterus, Agassiz, 1843. macropterus ?, Agass. Anaclitacanthus, St. John and semicostatus, St. J. & W. Antliodus, Newberry and Worthe cucullus, N. & W. gracilis, St. J. & W. rninutus, N. & W. Wort hen, 1875. * Warsaw. * Burlington (in both fish-beds). Horton Bluff. Saurodei. Sub M. Coal ... * hen, 1875. LCM., M * * South Central Iowa. Springfield. Mazon Creek. Osage, Fremont, Lasalle Cos. St.-Louis Co. UCM * hen, 1875. L"' . * Mazon Creek (Grundy Co.). Burlington. Fam. Petalodontidea. Worthen, 1875. L n, 1866 L" * Nauvoo. L" * Piasa Creek (Warsaw). Warsaw. L" * mucronatus, ,, L"' * Alton. parvulus, „ perovalis, St. J. & W. politus, N. & W. robustus, „ sarcululus, „ L' ? Burlington. Warsaw. L" * L" * L'" * Chester. L Burlington. similis, ,, L' (Keokuk) ... * Warsaw. simplex, „ sulcatus, ,, L'.. Burlington. L” * Warsaw. spec, indet., „ „ C. A. White. UCM. (limest.).. L' 1 * Burlington. Chester. Aspidodus, Newberry and Worth convolutus, N. & W. en, 1866. V" * crenulatus, „ L'" * * ,, (in bed 20, Sewannee Sect.). [Grit). Fort Dodge, Carlinville (below M. Warsaw. Asteropty chius, Agassiz, 1843. bellulus, St. J. & W. LCM * Keokuki, „ L' * St. Ludovici, „ tenuis, ,, L " Alton. L'" * Carrol’s Place (Pope Co.). Quincy. Burlington. La Grange. St. Francisville. Keokuk fish-bed. Nauvoo. Hamilton. Warsaw. triangularis, „ vetustus, „ Batacanthus, St. John and Wort baculiformis, St. J. & W. L' * Kinder h hen, 1875. L\ L" stellatus, N. & W. L’ Bythiacanthus, St.John and W Van llornei, St. J. & W. orthen, 1875. L'" * Alton. Calopodus, St. John and Worthe apicalis, n, 1875. MCM Panova coal (Guthrie Co.). 1 Acanthodes.] 347 [Carboniferous. Subkingdom VERTEBRATA. Province BRANCHIATA. Class PISCES. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. RIIENISII PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. 1 SILESIA. N si < | MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. 1 RUSSIA, EUROP. -i < 5 1 ALTAI. Locality. Acanthodes, Agassiz, 1833. Fa Bronni, Agass. Egertoni, Hanrath. pygmaeus, Fritsch. sulcatus, Agass. spec, indet., Fritsch. Acanthodopsis, Hancock and At Egertoni, Hanc. & Atthey. Wardii, Egerton. Acrolepis, Agassiz, 1843. Fam. acutirostris, Agass. Hopkinsii, M'Coy. spec, indet., Young. „ Aiken. Amblypterus, Agassiz. Fam. L anconoaechmodus ?, W alker. Duvernoy, Agass. eupterygius, „ lateralis, „ latus, „ macropterus ?, „ nemopterus, „ Elonichthys. Portlockii, Egerton. punctatus (pars), Agass. Gonatodus 'punctatus. Elonichthys intermedins. striatus, Agass. Cosmopty chins. spec, indet., Salter. Amphicentrum, Young, 1866... granulosmn, Huxley, striatum, Hanc. & Atthey. spec, indet., J. W. Day. Anthropodontoides, T. P. Bark Bailesii, T. P. Barkas. Archichthys, Hancock and Atth sulcidens, Hanc. & Atthey. Asterolepis, Eichwald, 1840. Ch verrucosa, M‘Coy. spec, indet., Aster opty chius, Agassiz, 1843. . omatus, Agass. Portlockii, ,, semiornatus, M'Coy. Campodus, Be Koninck, 1844 ... Agassizianus, De Eon. Campy lopleuron, Huxley, 1865 spec, indet., Huxley. m. Acanthodei. lcm * * * Saarbruck. Newsham. Northumberland. Nyran. Riv.Nethan. Newhaven. Drumgray. Kounova. Fam. Acanthodei. Clifton. Bradford bone- bed( Davies). Carluke. Derbyshire. Yorkshire. Browntod. Hebden Bridge Quarry. Lebach. Saarbruck. ,, St. Ingebert. Saarbruck. Wardie, Inchkeath, &c. Moyola. Maghera. Craigenglen. Newhaven oil-shale. Newhaven. Granton, near Leith, &c. Fam. Lepidopterida:. Beith. Carluke. N. Stafl'ordsh. Newsham. Bradford. Clifton bone-bed. Fam. Cestraciontida:. Scremerston. Berwick-on -Tweed. Fam. GLYPTODirTEiuNi. Northumberland. Fam. C (EL ACANTHUS. Armagh. Drumquay. Carluke. Fam. Oestracto.ntiij.k. Armagh. Derry. Armagh. Fam. Cestraciontidac. Chokier (alum-schist). Fam. C (el acanthus. LCM LCM. . * LCM * * they , 1868 LCM * * LCM * * Saukodei. CM CL. and Shale... * * Millst. Grit * EPIDOIDEA. MCM * * * * * MCM MCM. . MCM MCM.? LLS * LLS. * LLS. * * * LLS Calcif. Sandst Main post L’st., LCM. ...[LCM. LCM * * * * as, 1872 * ey LCM.? * elonichthys .. L' 7 # MCM.? # LLS * * * CM CL LCM * # CeRATODUS.] 348 [Carboniferous. 1 NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. GO < CO z S <3 03 <3 03 Z <3 a a CO <3 ££ M W 5*5 O CO CO < £ O Z <3 O o CO o z 13 j ◄ z < 3 z o a o >< d D E-< Z W z H H CO CO H Z Z W E- ◄ Z <3 > >* CO Z z H Ch ◄ H O O 03 <3 > O Z z o 3^ as M w fts <3 O W o CO Z D as ffl £ a z Locality. Ceratodus, Cope , 1875 ? Ctenod IPTERINI. Cone. Blackish Shale... Locale unknown. Cheirodus, M'Coy, 1848. Fam. Cestraciontid.e. acutus, Newberry. LCM Linton. Columbiana Co. brevis. LCM * Climaxodus, M‘Cov. Cholodus, St. John and Worthen, 1875. insen ualis. St. J. & W UCM * * Clarinda. Springfield. Chomatodus, Agassiz, 1838. Fa m. Cestraciont ID ;E. affinis, N. & W. L” * Appanoose Co. Keokuk. angularis, UCM * Lasalle Co. [City. arcuatus, St. John. UCM * Bellevue. Bennet’s Mill. Nebraska comptus, St. J. & W. 1/ * 9 Burlington fish-bed. costatus, N. & W. L" * Nauvoo. cultellus, L'" * Chester Co. elegans. L' * Keokuk. gracilis, ? gracillimus, St. J. & w. 1. * Burlington. inconstans, ir * St. -Louis Co. incrassatus, L'" * * * St. Louis, Pella, Alton. N W. L " * Warsaw. molaris, L" * multiplicatus, L' Burlington. Leidy. L', L" * * parallelus, St. J. & w. L" * * Boonsville. Piasa Creek. M. & W. L” * Nauvoo. Leidy. L" spec, indet., N. & W. UCM * White. L' * Cladodus, Agassiz, Cox. 1840. Fam. HyBODONTIDvE. [Co.). Newberry. LCM Linton. Mineral Point (Xuscarora St. J. & w. Kinderh Burlington (both fish-beds). N. & W. L" * Hamilton. Warsaw. [Co. St. J. & w. Kinderh * Burlington (upper fish-bed). Louisa MCM Girard (Guthrie Co.). 9 V" * Chester. N. & W. L' * Quincv. St. J. & W. Id" * St.-Louis Co. Alton. N. & W. L"' St. J. & W. V" -x- ,, Pella. Alton. Kinderh Burlington (fish-bed No. 1). N.”& W. L'" St.-Louis Co. St. J & w. MCM Girard (Guthrie Co.). L' Buffington Creek (Louisa Co.). N.”& W. LCM Posey Co. V" Chester. Shaly Limest. Berea (under Berea Grit). St. J. & w. L 1 " '. Alton (upper beds). Kinderh * Louisa and Desmoines Cos. Adams N.”& W. L'" St.-Louis Co. [Co. (111.). lamnoides, L" * Warsaw. Nauvoo. inagnificus, Tuomev. * Sewannee Section No. 8. [No. 8. micropus. N. & W. L" * * Warsaw. Nauvoo. Sewannee Section mortifer, UCM * * Manhattan. Nebraska City. Sugar Creek. Sangamon Co. CAKCHAROrSIS.] 349 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. S'. < w SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. a PRANCE. RIIENIS1I PRUSSIA. 1 WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. s a < MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUKOP. < 5 ALTAI. Locality. Carcharopsis, Agassiz, 1843. Portlockii, Agass. prototypus, „ L' Armagh. „ Beitb. Yorksb. Derbysb.j L' * X ... L' * Ceratodus, Agassiz, 1838 An obscure genus. Ctenodiptcrini. Kounova. Barrandei, Fritsch. carbonarius, Romanowsky. spec, indet., Rankin. Characodus, Agassiz, 1850. angulatus, Agass. Psammodus cornutus. cuneatus, „ Psammodus cornutus. Cheirodus, M'Coy, 1848. Fam. C Griffithii, M'Coy. CL Riv. Oka. Podmokloye (Pr.Toula). Carluke. Virtue-Well coal-mine. UCM * L' * Armagh. L' * ESTRACIONTID.E. LLS * Derbyshire. Derby shale (black shale). Cullen. Hollywood (Co. Down). Wettin. pes-rana, „ Chelyphorus, Agassiz, 1844. Griffithii, M'Coy. Chilodus, Giebel, 1848. Fam. gracilis, Giebel. tuberosus, „ Chomatodus, Agassiz, 1838. P cinctus, Agass. CL LLS * Lamnoidei. MCM.? MCM.? sammodus. L', L", UCM. ... L' * * * Armagh. West Scotland. Bristol. ,, Brockley. ,, [Famignoul.j ,, Tirfergus Glen. Bristol. ,, Newficld. Carluke. Newfield. clavatus, M'Coy. denticulatus, ■ „ linearis, Agass. obliquus, M'Coy. truncatus. Agass. * X L' * LLS., L” * X * L' * * L' * Petalodus. Cladacanthus, Agassiz, 1843 ... paradoxus, Agass. Cladodus, Agassiz, 1840. Fam. acutus, Agass. basalis, „ conicus, Fam. Cestraciontid.e. L' * Armagh. Hybodontid.e. u X Armagh. Laughgal. Tubingen. „ Bake well. Carluke, Drumgray, Bristol, &c. L' * LLS., L', • L", -..[UCM. * diyaricatus, Trautsch. Ilibberti, Agass. LLS. ...[ X Burdie House (Edinburgh). N orthumberland. hybodoidca, Barkas. la; vis, M'Coy. lamnoides, N. & W. CM L' * * Armagh. Airdrie (in black band). 1 Mjatschkovo (Moscow). Beitb. Podmokloye (Govt Toula). Ilowrath limestone. Bristol. L" X marginatus, Agass. mirabilis. Milleri, ,, L' * L’, L" * mirabilis, „ obtusus, Attbey. parvus, Agass. primigenius, Trautsch. striatus, Agass. LLS., L' * * Armagh. Sculliongour. Newsham. Northumberland. LLS., L' LLS., LCM. ... X Burdie House (Carluke). X L' * Armagh. Howrat. Beitb. Kendal. Riv. Oka. Podmokloye. Armagh. Kiltorkan (Co. Limerick). Beitb. Dairy. tenuistriatus, Romanowsky. Coccosteus, Agassiz, 1843. Fam. carbonarius, M'Coy. spec, indet., Baily. Cochliodus, Agassiz, 1838. Fam. compactus, R. Owen, contortus, Agass. maximus, He Kon. CL X Ckphalaspiiies. L' X LLS Cestbaciontid 11 IE. L', L” # Armagh. Beith. Howrat. Orel on. Famignoul. [Bristol. Podmokloye. Campsie ? L’ minor, Hunter. CL "T" | 4 u ( 'lad onus (continued).'] 350 [Ca e BONIFJSKOITS. NOETII AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. 1 KANSAS. I NEBRASKA. o ■f: < 1 MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. 1 OHIO. 1 KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. 1 . < jj r: Z s | NOVA SCOTIA. 1 & C 1 E* i « w — ZJ 1 NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. occidentalis, pandatus, j parvulus, Pattersoni, politus, prcenuntius, raricostatus, Leidy. St .T. & W. UCM * Manhattan. LeavensworthLanding. Carlinville. Black River Valley. Waverly (black shale). LCM it Newb. * it N. & \V. L’" it St. J. & W. L it ... Burlington (upper fish-bed). Keokuk (upper fish-bed). Warsaw. * * ... N. & W. L" it ... ... Romingeri, i spinosus, Springeri, stenopus, i subulatus, * Battle Creek, near Marshall. N. & W. L"' it St. J. & w. * Burlington (lower fish-bed). St. Louis Co. Warsaw. Cuyahoga (above Berea grit). Burlington (upper fish-bed). Warsaw. Nauvoo. Burlington (upper fish-bed). N. & W. L", L"' -V X Newb. Kinder b it succinctus, St. J. & w. * ... N. & W. L" .... Wachsmuthi, zygopus, spec, indet., St. J. & w. L * N. & W. L"' L', MOM. . * * Burlington, &c. it Cochliodus, Agassiz angularis, costatus, crassus, 1838 ... Fam. Cestraciontid.e. N. & W. ? UCM Sugar Creek. Sangamon Co. Burlington. Warsaw. N. & W. L it L" latue, N. & W. L" nitidus. Leidy. L'" * Chester. • nobilis, Helodns. occidentalis, N. & W. L" it Warsaw. Leidy. L" spec, indet., Coelacanthus, Agasi elegans, Cox. * ... iz, 1836-43. Newb. Conchiopsis, LCM c > Boone Co. St. Louis Co. Quincy. Warsaw. Keokuk. ClENODUS.] 353 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. a z < j a Q z < p er> O CO ENGLAND. BELGIUM. FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. WESTPHALIA. SILESIA. 1 HAKZ. 1 MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. 1 SAXONY. 1 RUSSIA, EUKOP. | J < P ! ALTAI. Locality. Ctenodus, Agassiz, 1838 Fain. Ctenodipterini. alatus, Agass LCM Ardwick. LCM Newsham (Northumberland). Main Pit. Collingwood. Palace Craig. Carnbrae. Newsham. Newsham. Cramlington. „ Bradford and Clifton. corrugatus, Atthey cristatus, Agass elegans, Atthey ellipticus, „ imbricatus, „ ina'qualis, Sagenodus. interruptus, T. P. Barkas. CL * LCM LCM LCM * ? Northumberland. LCM Newsham. obliquus, Atthey. obtusus, T. P. Barkas. octodorsalis, „ ovatus, „ quadratus, „ Robertsoni, Agass. tuberculatus, Han. & Atth. LCM ,, Cramlington. LCM LCM Derbyshire. Newsham. LCM LLS., LCM. ... * Burdie House. * Quarter (black band). Carnbrae. Newsham. Northumberland. Newsham. spec, indet., T. P. Barkas. Ctenopetalus, Agassiz, 1869 ... serratus, Agass. Fam. Cestraciontii)/E. L' * Armagh. South Shiells Farm. Ctenoptychius. spec, indet., ? Ctenoptychius, Agassiz, 1838... L’ * Fam. Cestraciontid.e. LCM Newsham. apicalis, Agass. Petalodus. crenatus, ,, cristatus, Dawson, cuspidatus, Agass. dentatus, „ Harpacodus. denticulatus, „ marginalia, Capt. Jones, pectinatus, Agass. Agelodus diadema. radians, ,, radicalis. L'.L"', LCM..M L' * * Armagh. Gare. Carluke. Staffordsh. Carluke (Lanarkshire). Ardwick. Oldham. * LCM * Glasgow. Armagh. Powmillion-burn. Burdie [House. Ryehope. N’umberl. Armagh. L', UCM * * LLS., L", LCM. * * * L' * * Palace Craig ironst. Carnbrae. Armagh. ,, Crosshouse Farm. Dairy. Newsham. W * L' * * unilateralis, T. P. Bark. LCM spec, indet., Tietze. Cy cloptychius, Huxley, 1865 . . . carbonarius, Molyn. & Huxl. [ spec, indet., Deltodus, Newberry and Worthen, \ angustus, Agass. 1 poecilodus. \ sublaevis, poecilodus. j spec, indet., Egert. ,, Etheridge. Deltoptychius, Agassiz, MSS., acutus, Agass. cochliodus. } gibberulus, „ cochliodus. Dendroptychius, Huxley, 1866 spec, indet., r Young. LLS Altwasser. Fam. Pal.eoniscid.e. CM SouthStafFordsh.(deep-mineironst.). Drumgray coal, Carluke. Fam. Cestraciontid.k. * 1866 CM * Carluke. L’ * Armagh. Farlow (yellow limest.). Oretou. South Shiells Farm. V, L" L', L" 1859 Fam. Chstraciontidae. L', h" * * Armagh. Beith. Bristol. Derbyshire. L' ■* • Fam. Glyptodiptehini. CM i Airdrie (in ironstone). 1 4 x Desmiodus.] 354 [Carboniferous. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < £ o I MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | OHIO. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Desmiodus, St. John and Worth costelliferus, St. J. & W. flabellum, „ ligoniformis, „ tumidus, „ en, 1875. L'" * * St. Louis. Alton. Boonville. Keokuk (upper fish-bed). „ Benton’s Port ( „ ). St. Louis. Alton. Fam. Hybodontid.e. L' * * L' * * L'" * * acinaces, Dawson, compressus, Newb. duplicatus, N. & W. gracibs, Newb. L", MCM UCM * * * Linton. Posey Mountain, &c. Keokuk. Nauvoo. Straitswhile. L" * * LCM L" * latus, Newb. penetrans, Dawson. ? Sberwoodi, Newb. spec, indet., C. White. Drepanacanthus, Newberry and anceps, N. & W. gemmatus, ,, gracillimus, „ reversus, St. J. & W. stellatus, N. & W. Edestus, Leidy, 1856. Heinrichsi, N. & W. minor, Newb. LCM * Linton. Posey Co. Pictou. LCM UCM * Worthen, 1866. UCM * Springfield. Keokuk. L' L"' St. Louis Co. L'" * * ,, Alton. L" Warsaw. MCM Belleville. St. Clair Co. Posey Co. Posey Co. Belville. Warrick Co. LCM vorax, Leidy. Elonichthys, Giebel, 1818 LCM Heteuocerci monopterygii. peltigerus, Newb. Erismacanthus, M‘Coy LCM Linton. Jefferson Co. Fain. Placoidei. Maccoyanus, St. J. & W. Eurylepis, Newberry, 1873. Me corrugatus, Newb. granulatus, ,, insculptus, „ lineatus, ,, L'" * St. Louis Co. Alton. colepis Fam. Lepidoganoidei. LCM* Linton. Jefferson Co. LCM LCM LCM minimus, LCM ornatissimus, ,, ovoideus, „ serratus, „ striolatus, ,, tuberculatu3, „ Fissodus, St. John and Worthen, bifidus, St, J. & W LCM LCM * LCM * LCM * LCM * 1875 Fam. Pf.talodontid.e. L'" Chester (upper and lower fish-bed). Chester (fish-bed). Fam. Cestraciontid.e ? tricuspidatus, „ Gampsacanthus, St. John and latus, St. J. & W squamosus, „ typus, „ Id" * Worthen, 1875 L' , * * Boonville (upper fish-bed). St. Louis Co. L'” * L'" * ,, Alton. 1 Dicrenodus.] 355 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < W — | SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. | FRANCE. < oo D £ X CG £ w WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. N3 < X MORAVIA. BOHEMIA. SAXONY. a. o « X w < S3 & — URAL. ALTAI. Locality. . Dicrenodus, Romanowsky, 1853. Okensis, Rom. Dimyleus, Agassiz, MSS., 1859. Woodii, Agass. Psammod. cornutus. Diplodus, Agassiz, 1843 L r Podmokloy^ (Govt. Toula). Yorkshire. Derbyshire. Fam. Hybodontid/E. * gibbosus, Agass. minutus, „ Diplopterus, Agassiz, 1835 * * Carluke. Palace Craig. Staffordsh. Burdie House. * Fam. Sauroidei dipterini. carbonarius, Agass. Robertsoni, „ Dipriacanthus, M'Coy MCM * Leeds. LLS * Burdie House. Fam. Placoidei. falcatus, M'Coy. Stokesii, „ Elonich.th.ys, Giebel, 1848 L' * Armagh. L' * Fam. LErinosTEi. caudalis, Traquair. crassidens, Giebel. Egertoni, Germarii, Giebel. intermedius, Traquair. leevis, Giebel. CM if Fenton. Staffordshire (Knowles’s Wettin. [ironstone). 9 MCM. ? MCM * Wettin. LLS * Wardie (Edinb.). Wettin. MCM oblongus, Traquair. semistriatus, „ striolatus, Agass. Erismacanthus, M'Coy, 1848... Jonesi. M'Coy. Eurolepis, Newberry, 1873. Eurynotus, Agassiz, 1835. Fam. crenatus, Agass. flmbriatus, „ hastula ?, Ether. Glossodes(us), M'Coy, 1854 CM * Fenton. Staffordshire. Knowles. CM * LLS * Burdie House. Edinburgh. Fam. Placoidei. L' * Armagh. Crail. Burntisland. Craigenglen. Newhaven shales, Edinburgh. Airdrie (black baud). Fam. Cestuaciontid.e. Lepidoidei. LLS * LLS * * lingua-bovis, M'Coy. marginatus, ,, Gonatodus, Traquair, 1870. macrolepis, Traquair. punctatus, „ Graptolepis, Agassiz, 1843. Fam. ornatus, Agass. tuberculatus, ,, tuberculosus, Atthey. L'... * Armagh. „ Beith (blue and white 1st.). Venture-fair Colleries, Gilmerton. LLS. . * * LCM. LLS Wardie ( Amblypterus , pars). Carluke. Lepidoidei. LCM L', LCM., U. ... CM If * if Armagh. Airdrie. Cramlington. Sunderland. if GeIsacanthus.] 356 [CARBONIFEROUS. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. i cc < a s ec w k | MISSOURI. < o | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. •oiiio | | KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Geisacanthus, St. John and Wo bullatus, St. J. & W. stellatus, ,. Gyracanthus, Agassiz, 1837 ... Alleni, Newb. compressus, ,, duphcatus, Daws, magnificus, „ rthen, 1875 Ichthyodorulite. Fountain Bluff. Jackson Co. L'" * L’" * * Fam. Cestraciontid.e. Lodi. MedinaCreek. CuyahogaFalls. Medina. Dearborn Co. „ Cuyahoga shale. Baddick. Kinderh * * * L', MCM * L' Fam. Petalodontida. Chester (upper fish-bed). compactus, St. J. & W. occidentalis, „ Helodus, Agassiz, 1838. Psam angulatus, N. & W. V" * V" * * modus L’ * Quincy. Burlington. UCM * • compressus, ,, coniculus, ,, consolidatus, ,, crenulatus, ,, L' * Augusta. Quincy. Burlington. Nauvoo. L\ L" * L' (Keokuk) * L” v .' Warsaw. L" * denticulatus, ,, elytra, „ gibbosu's, ,, gibbus, Leidy. Lesleyi, N. & W. L" * L" * L" * L' * Kinderh y. North part of the State. Burlington. L' * placenta, „ politus, „ L', Kinderh. ... * * L” * CM * L" * undulatus, ,, spec, indet., Cox. White. L" * Warsaw. IlCM * Homacanthns, Agassiz, 1845 . . . gibbosus, N. & W. rectus, ,, spec, indet. Hybocladodus, St. John and W compressus, St. J. & W. nitidus, „ plicatilis, ,, tenuicostatus, ,, Lambdodus, St. John and Worth calceolus, St. J. & W. var. robustus, „ costatus, „ hamulus, ,, reflexus, „ transversus, Fam. Placoidki. L"' * St. Louis Co. L" * * orthen, 1875 ... Fam. Hybodontida. * Augusta. Louisa Co. Chester. L'" '. L' * Louisa Co. L' # * Keokuk. Warsaw. en, 1875 Fam. IIybodontid.e. Kinderh * Lagrange. Bentonsport. Warsaw. L' * L * Burlington. Chester. 77" * L'" h"' Alton. Lecracanthus, St. John and Wo unsuiiculus. St. J. & W. rthen, 1875 Fam. Cestraciontida. L"' St. Louis. Alton. Leiodus, St. John and Wort ken, 1 875 Fam. IIybodontida. calcaratus. St. J. & W. L ... * * Louisa Co., &e. Warren Co., Ac. 1 1 • Gyracanthus.] 357 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q J 2 | SCOTLAND. Q < 3 a | BELGIUM. a o < a < 7 •Si £ Si s K < £ s. a | SILESIA. | HARZ. | MORAVIA. 1 BOHEMIA. o X < Si | RUSSIA, EIJROP. a 5 9 a ■/. a 55 55 Z < i cn 55 Z g | NOVA SCOTIA. Z C < u o c» 55 P a z Locality. Physonemus, Agassiz , 1843. Ce A ltonensis, Sc. J. & W. STRACIONTID.E. U" Upper fish-bed. No locale. Chester. Chesterensis, „ depressus, »? gigas, _ N.&W. paryulus, St. J . & W. proclivus, ,, Platyodus, Newberry, 1875. lineatus, Newberry. Platysomus, Agassi z, 1833. Fa circularis, N. & W. spec, nova, „ in Kinderh * 9 Lower fish-bed. Burlington ? Quincy. Keokuk. L' L’ * Lower fish-bed. No locality. Liberty, Casey Co. (Waverl. shales). Mazon Creek (ironstone nodules). Kinderh m. Pycnodontid lcm .E. Pleuracanthus, Agassi z, 1837. arcuatus, Newberry, biserialis, „ dilatatus, ,, Fam.TiUGONin.E. LCM Linton ? LCM * LCM * Pnigeacanthus, St John and W deltoides, St. J. & W. Orocanthus pnigeus, N. & W. or then, 1875 ... Ichtliyodorulite. Keokuk. Poecilodus, Agassiz, 1833. Fain, convolutus, N. & W. ornatus, „ rugosus, „ CESTRAOIONTIDjE. L" Warsaw. L" ... . • Polyrhizodus, M Coy, 1858. Fa dentatus, N. & W. Littoni, ,, modestus, Newberry, ponticulus, N. & W. porosus, „ truncatus, ., Pristicladodus, M'Coy , 1855. \ Springeii, St. J. & W. m. Cestraciont Id" . in M. Chi ster. Id" St.-Louis Co. L ' * Bedford. Cuyahoga Falls. Id" . Chester. L’ Burlington. Quincy. 1 d Quincy. Fam. Hybodontiii.h. Burlington (upper and lower fish- bed). Pristodus, Agassiz , 1859. ?acuminatus, St. J. & W. Psammodus, Agassiz, 1838. Fa angularis, N. & W. Burlington (lower fish-bed). in. Cestracioni L"' ID -E. . . . Chester. r 1 1 Physonemus.] 363 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Gemis, Species, and Author. Horizon. Q Z < s SCOTLAND. z ◄ J o z BELGIUM. W o z RHENISH PRUSSIA. WESTPHALIA. < CO •J 55 S3 a < < < o < w o c >> z o z co o w < C/5 cn J < B < -J < Locality. Physonemus, Agassiz, 1843. Fa arcuatus, M'Coy. subteres, Agass. spec, indet., Craig. Pinnacodus, Agassiz, MSS., 185 gelasinus, Agass. Psarnmodus eornutus. gonoplax, „ Platycanthus, M'Coy, 1848. Fa isosceles, M‘Coy. Platysomus, Agassiz, 1833. Fa declivis, Agass. MSS. Forsteri, Hane. & Atthey. gibbosus, t Agass. gibbidns. paryulus, ,, var., Young, rotundatus, Hane. & Atthey. Plectrolepis, Agassiz, 1837. Xe rugosus, Agass. Pleu.racanth.us, Agassiz, 1837. Frossardi, N Gaudry. m. Cestraciont L’. . ID E. Armagh. L' L' * ... Beitli (main and blue limestone). Fain. Cestraciontid.e. 9 L' Armagh. L' in. Pycnodontid L r JE. in. Pycnodontid Shale, LCM. ... .E. Braehead (Lanarkshire). Newsham. Northumberland. lcm! UCM Carluke (Drumgray coal). Leeds (Yorkshire). Yorkshire. LCM LCM * Newsham. nacanthus ... Fam. Lepidoidei. Carluke. Fain. Thigonid CM JR. Autun. LCM M U Watstone. Stonebouse. Oldham. hevissimus, „ planus, „ Pleurodus, Agassiz, 1843. Fain. afEnis, Agass. Rankini, „ spec, indet., Ether. „ Agass. Pleurogomphus, Agassiz, 1859.. aurieulatus, Agass. Plintholepis, Romanowsky , 1864. retrorsus, Roraanowsky. MCM ....’. ...... Avonwater. Rhuabon. Dudley. Bradford and Clifton bone-bed. Leeds (Yorkshire). Carluke. Rhuabon (in ironstone). MCM Cestracion itd.e. LCM., M., U.... L" Bradford and Clifton bone-lied. L' South Shiells. LCM Newsham. Cramlington. Fam. Cestraciontid.e. L' ■it Armagh. River Oka (Occa). Podmokloye. Carluke. CL Pododus, Agassiz. 1843. Fam. L ' capitatus, Agass. Poecilodus, Agassiz, 1833. Fain, aliformis, M'Coy. angustus, Agass. Attheyi, W. J. Barkas. foveolatus, M‘Coy. Jonesii, Agass. transversus. lingulatus, Romanowsky. obliquus, Agass. parallelus, „ Rossicus, Keyserl. sublaevis, Agass. suleatus, Romanowsky. Pclyphractus,A Z RHODE ISLAND. GASPE. B. CHAL. cc e es < e w | ARCTIC SEAS. Locality. Alethopteris, Sternberg, 1825. grandis, Daws. Massilionis, Lesq. nervosa, Gopp. Pennsylvanica, Lesq. Serlii, Brngn. 1 LCM Bay of Chaleurs. Miminigash. Newport. Miminigash. LCM.. M LCM., M„ U.... LCM LCM., U SCINCOSAURUS.] 371 [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Scincosaurus, Fritsch, 1870. crassus, Fritsch. UCM. Pass.-bed Locality. x ® j Nyran. Septerpeton, Huxley, I860. Lab yrintiiodontid.e Dobbsii, Huxley. LCM. Sparodus, Fritsch, 1870. validus, Fritsch. Stelliosaurus, Fritsch, 1870. longicostatus, Fritsch. L T CM. Pass.-bed Streptodontosaurus, T. P. Bar has, 1872. carinatus, T. P. Parkas. LCM Urocordylus, Huxley, 1806. Lab yrintiiodontid.e reticulatus, Hanc. & Atthey. LCM scalaris, Fritsch. L T CM. Pass.-bed Wandesfordii, Huxley. LCM Kilkenny. Nyran. Nyran. Amphibia. Newsham. Newsham shales. Nyran. Kilkenny. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE, EXHIBITING THE FOSSIL VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL LIFE OF COUNTRIES NOT INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING TABLE. Adiantites.] PLANTyE. [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 5 CO 1 PORTUGAL. SARDINIA. £ r CAKINTIIIA. | BAVARIA. NASSAU. PRINC. REUSS. o w < 6 ’O 0-. 1 SPITZBERGEN. [ BEAR ISLAND. INDIA. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. | TASMANIA. Locality. Adiantites, Giippert, 1836. bellidulus, Heer. concinnus, Gbpp. Alethopteris, Sternberg, 1825. aquilina, Schloth. Beaumonti, Brngn. UCM Robcrthal. Recherche Bay. UCM. .. • CM * ... Stangalpe. CM Brongniarti, Gopp. Bucklandii, „ crenulata, „ LCM Pedro da Cova. LCM. ... LCM * ... ’’ ? I Annularia.] 372 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Annularia, Sternberg, 1822. fertilis, Stern, longifolia, Brngn. sphaenophylloides, Unger. Aphlebia, Presl, 1838. spec, nov., C. H. Hitchcock. Asterophy llites, Brongniart, 18 LCM. LCM. LCM. LCM. equisetiformis, foliosus, galioides, grandis, sublaevis, tuberculata, spec, indet., Brngn Lindl. & Hutt. Sternb. Lesq. Brngn. Logan Bechera, Sternberg, 1825. grandis, var. tenuis, Lyell. Beinertia, Goppert, 1830. Gopperti, Daws Calamites, Sue/cow, 1784. Cistii, Brngn formosus, gigas, nodosus, Succovi, spec, indet., Schloth. Brngn. Stevenson. Horizon. 28. LCM. ? LCM.? LCM. ? LCM. ? LCM. .. MCM. LCM., U. LCM. ? . UCM LCM., M„ U. LCM.? Locality. Easton Beach. Aquidneck Island. Newport. Easton Beach. Aquidneck Island. | Easton Beach. Newport. Frostburg. Mai bay (south side). Gaspe. Newport. Easton Beach. Frostburg. . Malbay (south side). Bay of Chaleurs, &c. Newport. GallasPoint. Miminigash .Frostburg. .'Point Gallas. ,| Frostburg. . Point Gallas. Campbell Town. . Dog River. Monongahela Co. Alethopteris ( continued ). ] 373 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Z PL, PORTUGAL. SARDINIA. x h CO | CARINTllIA. BAVARIA. NASSAU. M C/7 D a X d X o w £ d S". X 'S- X w h c- CO ! bkar island. INDIA. < s. d AUSTRALIA. | TASMANIA. ' Locality. de Francii, Brngn. Downaisii, Gopp. Grandini, „ lonchitica, Brngn. CM * Stangalpe. Ervedozn. Montalto. LCM CM . * None for Portugal. Basin of Seui. Stangalpe. Stangalpe. Pedro da Cova. Pedorido. CM * muricata, Gopp. pteroides, Brngn. Serlii, „ urophylla, Gopp. spec, indet. (2), Menegh. Anarthrocanna, Goppert, 1845. stigmaroides, Gopp. Annularia, Sternberg, 1822. i brevifolia, Brngn. fertilis, Sternb. I longifolia, Brngn. Aspidites, Goppert , = Pecopte 1 Plucknetti, Gopp. Asplenites, Goppert, 1836. elegans, Ettingsb. Aplophlebis. hemiteloides?, Brngn. Asterophyllites, Brongniart, 18 equisetiformis, Menegh. foliosus, Lindl. & Hutt. grandis, Reydellet. rigida, Brngn. tenuif'oliata, „ LCM LCM. Ac * Basin Seui, Stangalpe, Baden, and Hanover. * LLS. Uckersdorf by Herborn. Pedro da Cova. mcm UCM. * LCM., M. U. * * Bussaco. Basin Seui. Stangalpe. Pagal. Pogo Carlota. Environs of Oporto. ris. LCM 28. * Stangalpe. * * „ Basin Leulo. tuberculata, spec, indet., Brngn. ,, Roehl. Bechera, Sternberg, 1825. dubia, Sternb. LCM.? Bornia, Sternberg, 1825. radjata, Brngn. LCM * ... Bleiberg. spec, indet., Lesq Calamites, Suc/cow, 1781. approximatus, Schloth. cannasformis, Brnen. Cistii, ,? LLS * Stangalpe. Ervedoza. Stangalpe. Herborn. „ Leulo. Stangalpe. Stangalpe. LLS LCM., M. . cruciatus, Sternb. MCM dubius, Artis. MCM gigas, Brngn. pachyderma, ,, Succovi, ,, * Ervedoza. LCM [alpe. Pedro daCova, Basin of Seui, Stang- Reyberg (near Herborn). LCM., M * * transitions, Ettingsh. radiatus. undulatus, Sternb LLS LLS variolatus, Gopp. 1 Voltzii, Brngn. LLS LCM Zundsweiser and Oflenburg( Baden). ? Cardiocarpum, Brongniart, 182 Pomieri, Brngn. pimetatum, Gopp. ursina, Heer. 8. LLS LLS Cardi .ptsris, Schimper, 1859. frondosa, Gopp. polymorpha, „ LLS., Ursa stage LLS Carpolites, Sternberg, 1825. helicteroides, Morris. LCM multistriatus, Presl. LCM * Stangalpe. Puertollana. Catenaria, Sternberg, 1825. decora, Reydellet. Chondrites, Sternberg, 183.3. subtilis, Eichw. LLS tenellus, Gopp. Coniopteris, Meneghini, 1857. auriculata?, Menegh. LLS Herborn. Basin of Soui. CIoRDAITES.'J 374 [CaRBONIFEROT'S. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Cordaites, Unger , 1845. ! borassifolia, Unger, simplex, Dawson. CL. ... UCM. Horizon. Cyclopteris, Brongniart, 1828. elegans, Lesq. fimbriata, undans, ,, spec, indet., Heer Cyperites, Lindley and Hutton , 1 spec, indet., Sir W. Logan Dadoxylon, Endlicher, 1840. Lo materiarum, Daws. Eremopteris, Sckimper, 1869? marginata, Andrews. Filicites, Brongniart , 1828. vittaroides ?, Brngn. Flemingites, Carruthers. Pedroanus, Carruth. LCM. LCM. LCM. 830. LLS., MCM. matophloyos, MCM., U. .. Goniopteris, Brest, emendat. At. emarginata, Gopp. Co rd LCM. Braun. Hymenophyllites, Gdpprrt. 18 36. Hildreti, Lesq. LCM. Lepidodendron, Sternberg, 1821 ; Sou’-rby. aculeatum, SternbJMCM. ? diebotomum, „ LCM. ... Below Millstone grit (red shales). Miminigash. Locality. Virginia, West.. South side of Malbay. A Conifer. Point Gallas. Rusbville. Perry Co. Richmond. Rio Grande do Sul. Serru Partida. Frostbit rg. Frostburg. Newport. COEDAITES.] 375 [Carbonifkrovs. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | SPAIN. | PORTUGAL. SARDINIA. STYRIA. | CARINTIIIA. | BAVARIA. NASSAU. | PItINC. HEUSS. o 5 d z g s - K - p o i < K CQ 5 . Z 6 < < | TASMANIA. Locality. Cordaites, Unger. Flabellaria. borassifolia, Unger, palmoeformis, Gopp. primordialis?, principalis, Germar. Cyatheites, Goppert, 1830. Pec scqualis, Gopp. arborescens, „ var. cyathaea, Brngn. argutus, „ Pycnophyllu m * Passal. Pedorido. Basin of Seui, c pp _ H P P t d s p- w 5 a pp N P X P SC - X < - « < < SC < < E-> X p HJi sc < Locality. Bloedei, Carneggianum, caudatum, LLS. * Herborn. LLS. &c * T;.? Asia Minor. commutatum, crassi folium, gracile, insigne, Schimp LLS. * Ills Lindl LCM. Stangalpe. 1 * obovatum, rhombicum (witl rimosum. Ilcm. ? * * Montalto. S tangal pe ( Sager aria :) . spores), „ jCM CM * Stangalpe. Robertthal. selaginoides, Sternbergii, spora, undulatum, Veltheimian um, UCM UCM 9 Sternb. CM Stangalpe. LLS., CM * * Wijkianum, spec, indet., In sandstone, below CL. Asia Minor. D’Arch. Meneghini. , Brongniart, 18 Heer. * Lepidophyllum caricinum, 28. UCM Robertthal. Petit Coeur (Savoy). Stangalpe. Petit Coeur (Savoy). lineare, Brngu. Unger. UCM X ornatissimum, ? ... ... Romeri. Heer. LLS. (Ursa) .. * ... Lepidophloios, Sternberg, 1823. spec, indet., Tchihatckeff. Lonchopteris, Brongniart, 1828. Bricei, = rugosa, Brngn. Lycopodites, Brmgniart, 1822. affinis. Briism, LCM Asia M inor. LCM.? * CM * Yallee da Leao. filiformis, Diniformis. Heer. * 9 Robertthal. Recherche Bay. Bussaco Hills. And in Thuringia. Pedro da Cova. Brngn. CM * ... Neuropteris, Brongniart, l8_o. acutifoliat. Brnnr. LCM. &c * ... auriculata, LCM. &c * ... Bron gniarti, cordata t, Sternb. MCM * Bussaco. Stangalpe. Deux Ponts. Brngn. LCM., M * * decurrens, CM * ? flexuosat, Sternb. LCM Pedro da Cova. Leberti, Heer. Ursa Stage ... Erbignon (Savoy), Ac. Pedro da Cova and in Savoy. Alcazar. Loshii, Brngn. Hoffman. Passim..*, * Scheuchzeri, CM * Soretiit, Brngn. CM The Tarentaise (Savoy). Erbignon (Savoy). Mines of Alais (East France). tenuifoliat, Sternb. CM Villiersii, Brngn. Vern. LCM * spec, indet., Noeggerathia, /S dichotoma, Meneghini. ternbcrg, 1831. Gbpp. Lindl. & Hutt. LLS Herborn. fl.ibellata, LCM. &c * palmseformis, Gopp LLS., LCM. ... # tenuistriata, LLS Herborn (alum-slate). Pedro da Cova. spec, indet., Odontopteris, B alpina t, Brardii, Gomez. LCM * rongniart, 1828. Presl & Gein. MCM . Black Sea. Savoy. Stangalpe. Hussaco. Fonte do Salgueiro. Herborn (alum-slate). Wianamatta (New South Wales). Bussaco. Brngn. Gopp. ? LCM * imbricata, LLS microphylla, obtusa, * Brngn. Naumann. CM * obtusiloba, MOM Erogli (Black Sea). Thuringia. Schlotheiinii, Brngn. Sternb. Sternbergii, UCM Oligocarpus, Geinitz and Gvtbie Gutbieri, Gein. & Gutb. r, 1841. CM Zwickau (Saxony). Morcsnet (Rhenish Prussia). Sphenopt. conflucns. Palaeopteris, Geinitz. Roineriana, Gbnn. LLS. (O.R.S.).. * t = EuveuropterU, a subgenus of Neuropteris, Scbimp. Pal. Veget. i. 432. 5 u Pecoptkris. 1 378 Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Pecopteris, Bronginart, 1828. abbreviata, adiantoides, afTinis, arboreseens, arguta, dentata, liemiteloides, Miltoni, nervosa, oreopteroides, plumosa, rigida, Serlii, Sillimani, unita, spec, indet.., Brngn. Lindl. & Hutt. Brngn. LCM LCM., M., U. LCM., U LCM LCM LCM Daws. Brngn. C. H. Hitch. Heer. LCM., M„ U. LCM UCM LCM. Pinus, Linnceus, 1758. Bathursti, Heer. Polypodites, Goppert, 1836. St effensia, Presl elegans, Gopp LLS. 15 X Frostburg. Easton Beach on Aquidneck Island. Frostburg. Easton Beach. Newport. Miminigash. Bay of Chaleurs. Newport. Miminigash. „ ? Miminigash. Tatamagouche. Bay of Chaleurs. Frostburg. Easton Beach. Also in Kansas, LIS. A. Locality. or G opper t, 1836. Newport. Palmacites.] 379 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. Z c H es 1 £ £ < s 5 < § ). X - z INC. WALDECK. z 5 £ E- AR ISLAND. < < z ei H z X Locality. US O c- a. H < O Z * cc 22 Z < rn Palmacites, Sternberg , 1838. crassinervus, Sndbrg. verticillatus, Scbloth. Pecopteris, Brongn., 1828. Asp abbreviata, Brngn adnata, Weiss, affinis, Brngn alata, „ arborescens (o), Menegb. Platyrhackis. arguta (Aspid.), Sternb. aspedioides, aspera (p), Brngn. Australis. Biotii, Brngn. chaerophylloides, „ cristata, „ cyathsea, ,, var., Bunburv. de Francii, Brngn. dentata, „ Dicksonioides, Giipp. delicatula, Brngn. Geinitzi, Swan gigantea, Brngn. hemitelioides, „ lanceolata, Sternb. leptophylla, Bunb. longifolia, ,, muricata, Brngn. (two vars.) obliqua, Brngn. odontopteroides, ,, oreopteroides, „ Plueknettii, „ plumosa, ,, pulchra, Heer. polymorpha, Brngn. temtifolia, unita, Brngn. Whitbyensis, ,, Phyllctheca, Brongniart, 1828. Australis?, Brngn. Pinites, Witham, 1831 . Pinnites. Catharina?, Richter. LLS V X Baden. ? Alethcpteris. Cyatheites. Pedro da Cova. Briicken (Deux Fonts). * idites, Goppert Millst. Grit, &c. UCM -if CM * * ... V Hawkesbury, Port Jackson, &c. Puertollano, Badajos, &c. Bussaco. Ferrones. Baden. Jerusalem Basin. Tasmania. LCM &c * mcm * LLS LCM * ... LCM Bussaco. LCM ... * * St. Ingbert. General La Marmora’s Collection. * * Pedro da Cova. Ervedoza. Eregli (Black Sea). Marmora. Stangalpe. Pedro da Cova. Bussaco. Pedro da Cova. LLS. ? ... MCM. ? LCM.?.. LCM ■Sf LCM. . LCM. .. LCM. &c. . * LCM.? * Pedro da Cova. Jerusalem Basin. * X * LCM * Petit Cceur (Savoy). * Wianaraatta (New South Wales). CM * * Bowen River, Queensland. Cedroxylon. LLS ... Poacites, Scklotkeim, 1820. spec, indet., Ribeiro. Polypodites, Goppert, 1836. elegans, Gopp. Protopteris, Presl, 1838. punctata, Heer. Psaronius, Cotta, 1832. asterolithus, Cotta. * LCM ? England, &c. Ortenburg. Ilolzplatz (Oppenau). Baden. Pterophyllum, Brongniart, 1828. Blecbnoides, Sndbrgr. Rhabdocarpus, Goppert amt Be Bockschianus, Gopp Candolleanus, Heer. UCM LLS CM Taninge, in Savoy. clavatus, Geinitz. MCM Rhacopteris, Schimper, 1869. elegans, Ettingsh. Rhynchogonium, Heer, 1877. costa turn, Heer LLS. or LCM.... Pedro da Cova. UCM Robertthal (Recherche Bay). crassirostruin, ,, globosum, „ rnacilentuin, ,, UCM UCM Sagenaria, Brongniart and Presl, depressa, Gopp. 1822 Lcpidodr-ndron. UckersdorL LLS 1 1 ScHIZOPTERIS.] 380 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Schizopteris, Brongniart, 1830 ; Melvillensis, Heer. Sigillaria, Brongniart, 1828. reniformis, Brngn. retiformis, Bunburj. CM. CM. Horizon. Bred. Sphenophyllum, Brongniart , 1 828. j emarginatum, Brngn. IcM. ! filicaule, var. saxifragaefolium, C. Kickx.j filiculinus, Stevenson V flabcllata, Lindl. & Hutt.| Schlotheimii, Brngn. CM. Sphenopteris, Brongniart. 1828 abbreviata, acuta, Canadensis, Davilliana, elegans, Gravenhorstii, Hoeninghauseni. Callipteris ? latifolia, spec, indet., Lesq Brngn. LCM. LCM. Dawson. MCM. Gbpp. ? LCM Brngn LCM „ LCM ., M. Grit, LCM. ! M. Brngn.) C. H. Hitchcock. LCM Sir W. Logan. > , « - o < 1 a Skene Bay (Melville Island). Frostburg. Locality. Easton Beach (Aquidneck Island). Bay of C'haleurs. Cassville (Monongabela Co.). South side of Mai bay. Easton Beach (Aquidneck Island). Newport. Mount Hope (Newfoundland). Bay of Chaleurs. Easton Beach (Aquidneck Island). Bay of Chaleurs. Sagenaria ( continued ).] 381 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &r. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 1 SPAIN. 1 PORTUGAL. 1 SARDINIA. 1 STYRIA. 1 CARINTIIIA. I BAVARIA. 1 NASSAU. CO ■n 5 d X X 1 TRINC. WALDECK. 1 SPITZBEUGEN. 1 BEAR ISLAND. 1 1 INDIA. 1 CHINA. 1 AUSTRALIA. 1 TASMANIA. . Locality. j Lindleyana, Presl minutissima, Gbpp 1 remota, „ 1 rugosa, Presl Samaropsis, Hcer, 1877. Spitzbergensis, ITeer Scliizopteris, Brongniart, 1830. Gutbieriana, Geinitz Sigillaria, Brongniart, 1828. Fa alternans, Sternb. & Lindl Biercii, Brngu Brardii, „ Candollei, „ ! coarctata, Goldenb de Francii, Brngn ■ Deutchiana, ,, distans, Sauv. & Geinitz. ! elegans, Brngn. J elliptiea, „ | elongata, „ gracilis, Gutbieriana, ? ■ ‘intermedia, Brngn. leioderma, „ lepidodendrifolia, „ levigata, „ Menardi, „ obliqua, ,, oblonga, Sauveur. orbicularis, Goldenb. parallela, Unger, rhomboidea, Brngn. Schlotheimiana, „ | tessellata, „ „ five vars. ?, spec, indet., De Yern. Sphenophyllum, Brongniart , 1 bifidum, Heer. dentatum, Brngn. emarginatum, ,, longi folium, Germar. majus, Brngn. oblongifolium, Germar. saxifragcefolium, Sternb. subtile, Heer ? spec, indet., Meneghini. „ TchihatchefF. Sphenopteris, Brongniart , 1828. alata, Brngn. ehasrophylloides, „ cristata, „ Decheni ?, Weiss, distans, Gut bier, erosurn, Lindl. & Hutt. | flexibilis, Heer. frigida, ,, geniculata, Germar. , Gravenhorstii, Brngn. pachyrhachis, Gopp. patentissima, Ettingsh. petiolata (/), Gupp. refracta (/), ,, Schimperi, „ spec. indet. (2), DeVern.&D’Arch. Staphylopteris, Lesqucreux, nec species?, Heer. Stigmaria, Brongniart, 1828. nnabathra, Corda. ficoides, Brngn. LLS Thuringia ? Robertthal. Thuringia. Stangalpe. Asia Minor (Tchihatcheff’s Travels). St. Ingbert. Stangalpe. „ St. Ingbert. ” » Stangalpe. „ (Unger). » Stangalpe. Stangalpe. Asia Minor (Tchihatcheif s Travels). 1 A Calamites. Robertthal. St. Ingbert. Robertthal (Recherche [Day). Altenkirehen. Stangalpe. Robertthal. Asia Minor. Newcastle (N. S. W.). Villaverde. Pedorido. Pedro da Cova. Denx Pont.s (in Spharosiderite). Robertthal. Pedro da Cova. Robertthal. Terborn. Ierborn. Vnd in Asia Minor, tidusia of Fern, tobertthal. Stangalpe. [Hook. Ydro da Cova, Ac. Ice Sound, GipsJ LLS LLS LLS UCM * UCM vularia. CM lcm * * * MCM LCM MCM * LCM MCM. &c * * * CM ... LCM LCM UCM.? * CM * * UCM ? MCM.? MCM.? * * MCM * * UCM ? * MCM * * * * CM CM * CM ? LCM 828 UCM * 9 * * UCM * * * * * LCM. ? UCM * * * LCM * * LCM * UCM * LCM * UCM * * * UCM UCM LCM. ? * * * LLS * LCM * LLS # # # LLS LLS * * Presl * .. LCM. &c | # . * “I # 1] 1 (/) Tli is letter represents the “ Davallioides,” one of t lie nine families into which the genus Spkctuqrferis is distributed (see p. 181). — Schimp. Pal. Vtgtt. i. p. 371 &c. Thuites.] 382 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. i-j N s < o » | NEW MEXICO. | TEXAS. | UTAH. | CALIFORNIA. | COLORADO. < < E-i K O | ALABAMA. | VIRGINIA, E. & W.J | MARYLAND. | RHODE ISLAND. [ < X u « vbi Ch O; ◄ CO <3 C w I ARCTIC SEAS. i Locality. Thuites, Brongniart, 1823. A C Parryanus, Ilaugkton. Walchia, Sternberg, 1825. gracilis, Dawson, robusta, ,, onifer. LLS * Parry Isle (Village Point), near Melville Island. Miminigash. TTCM * * UCM ! ... 1 Subkingdom CCELENTERATA (Erey and Leuckart). Class ACTINOZOA. Stigmaria (continued).] 383 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. SARDINIA. STYRIA. [ CARINTI1IA. | BAVARIA. NASSAU. w 03 S3 S d 2 PRINC. WALDECK. | S5 w © 2 « S3 H 2 03 | BEAR ISLAND. | INDIA. 1 CHINA. I AUSTRALIA. | TASMANIA. Locality. laevis, Gopp. Lindleyana, Heer. Taeniopteris, Brongniart, 1828. vittata, Brngn. Trigonocarpus, Brongniart, 182 Noeggerathii, Lindl. & Hutt. spec, indet,, Brngn. Ulodendron, Lindlcy and Hutton, commutatum, Schimp. Vertebraria, Boyle, 1832. Indica, Royle. radiata, ,, Volckmannia, Sternberg, 1825. gracilis, Sternb. Walchia, Sternberg, 1825. linearifolia, Gopp. LLS Herborn . UCM * Robertthal. Leulo. 8. LCM. &c LCM. &c Vallongo. 1831. * * * Himalaya. * Ervedoza. Montalto (Gomes). Robertthal. UCM * Sttbkingdom CCELENTE RATA (Frey and Leuckart). Class ACTINOZOA. Alveolites, Lamarck , 1801. lobata, Menegh Mack Ion, Beyrich, Amplexus, Sowerby, 1814. arundinaceus, Morris, Chaetetes, Fischer, 1837. crinita, Lonsd gracilis, Dana, 1 ovata, Lonsd ! radicans, Nord, Tasmaniensis, Lonsd. Cladoconus, M‘ Coy, 1847. I tenuicollis, M‘Coy. Clisiophyllum, Dana, 1846. australo, Beyrich. indicum, De Kon. Cyathophyllum, Goldfuss, 182 ibicinum, Fischer. Fistulipora, M' Coy, 1849. Miilleri, Bcyrich. Heliolites, Dana, 1846. Miilleri, Beyrich ? Isastraea, Edwards, 1851. j arachnoidea, Dc Kon. Lithostrotion, Fleming, 1827. cscspitosum, De Kon. basaltiforme, Coneyb. & Phill. irregulars, ...... * * * * * * * UCM. ... * * * CL ... ... * 6. UCM. * * CL CL * CL » CL "TT" * I 1 1 Timor Island (north of anti near Australia). Skoalkaven, Barber’s (N.S.W.). [Co.). Illawarra. Wollongong Pt. (Camden Blackhead. „ „ Harper’s Hill (sandstone). Robertthal ? Harper’s Hill. Timor Island. Punjaub Salt Range. Robertthal ? Timor. Timor. Punjaub Salt Range. Punjaub Salt Range. Lonsdaleia.] 384 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | BRAZIL,. | BOLIVIA. | NEW MEXICO. 1 TEXAS. | UTAH. 1 CALIFORNIA. 1 COLORADO. 1 MONTANA. 1 ALABAMA. | VIRGINIA, E. & W. | MARYLAND. | RHODE ISLAND. < « vtd 0G < c r. s < w | ARCTIC SEAS. I.ocality. Lonsdaleia, M‘Coy, 1849. rugosa, M‘Coy. Lophophyllum, Milne-Edwards prolificum, M'Chesn. var. sauridens. Powell Michelinia, De Koninck, 1842. spee. indet., Salter. Monticulipora, Lamarck, 1816. spec, nova, Meek. Ptylodictya, Lonsdale, 1839. dictyola, Stylastraea, Lonsdale, 1841. inconferta, Salter. Syringopora, Gold fuss, 1826. H mult-attenuata, M c Chesn. spec, indet., Salter. Aulopora. spec, indet., Billings. X (Meek.) [and Green rivers (Utah). Decker’s Crk. Confluence of Grand and Haime, 185 LCM. ... 0. * ... UL. X River Cheat (Tucker Co.). Outlet of Lake Mystic. Grinnell's Land. Depot Point. Gypsum Canon, &c. Albertland. Depot Point. Bay of Chaleurs (N. shore). Depot Point. X armodites. X X LLS Zaphrentis, Bafinesque and Cliffo elliptica, Hayden ? rd, 1820. LLS Old Baldy (Virginia City). multilamella, ,, UCM X Albertland. Depot Pt. [coin Vail. “ Divide” bet weenRossFork and Lin- Province ANNULOSA. Class ECHINODERMATA. Archaeocidaris, M' Coy, 1844. Fort Belknap. In the Great Canon. gracilis, longispina, Newberry. * X triserrata, spec, indet., Meek. UCM Conflueneeof Grand and Green rivs. Meek & llayd. Newberrv. ... Cascade (river Canon). Dichocrinus, cornigerus, Shum. Minster , 1839. B. F. Shum. X Buzzard's Roost. Erisocrinus, spec, indet., Melocrinus, Pratteni. Meek and Wort hen, Stevenson. 1865. UCM X Decker's Creek. Goldfuss, 1826. L”’ Melonites ?, Lamarck, 1822. spec, indet., Owen & Norw. Palaeechinus, Scouler, 1840. elegans, M Coy. Pentremites, Say, 1 82( i. Blast Bradlevi. Meek. LLS X Ross and Lincoln Divide. X oidea. L", L'" Ross and Lincoln Divide. cervinus, Hall. L'" X Huntsville. conoideus, L” Boss and Lincoln Divide. tlorealis, Say. L", L'" Mount Sano. Godoni, Def ranee. L", L'" Huntsville. Mount Sano. granulatus, F. Rom. Tuscumbia. Micitelinia.] 385 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Michelinia, Be Koninck, 1842. I favosa, Goldf. Monticulipora, B' Orbigny, 1826 tumida, Phill. Stenopora, Lonsdale, 1845. crinita, Lonsd. Chatetes. gracilis. Dana. Cheetetes. informis, Lonsd. ovata, .. . scabra, ft Tasmaniensis. ” Zaphrentis, Rafinesque andCliffor intermedia ?, De Kon. ovibos, Salter ? spec, indet., Beyrich. Horizon. CL. ... UCM. CL. (Spitzb.) d, 1820. Canini L"' CL 55 2 1 Locality. Punjaub Salt Range. Cyathopora, B. B. Owen, 1844. Robertthal. Blackh’d. Illawarra(N.S.W.). Wol- longong. Harper’s Hill (N.S.W.). Wollongong. Blackhead (N.S.W.). Springhill. Mt. Spiring (west flank)' Darlington. Harper’sHill(N.S.W.). Mts. Dromedary, Wellington, &c. Bell’s Sound. Darlington. Harper’s Hill (N.S.W.). Mt. Wellington. Norfolk Plains. Break-o’-day Valley. Bleiberg. An island in Bell Sound. Timor (north of Australia). Province ANNITLOSA. Class ECIIINODERMATA. Pentremites ( continued ). ~] 386 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | BRAZIL. | BOLIVIA. | NEW MEXICO. | TEXAS. | UTAH. | CALIFORNIA. | COLORADO. | MONTANA. | ALABAMA. | VIRGINIA, E. & W. [ MARYLAND. | RHODE ISLAND. 1 GASPE. b. CHAL. ) PR. EDWARD ISL. j | ARCTIC SEAS. Locality. ovalis, D. D. Owen, pyriformis, Say. subconoideus, Meek, sulcatus, Shum. symmetricus, Hall. Troostii, Shum. Platycrinus, Miller, 1821 . Plat Halli, Shum. Haydeni, Meek. HuntBvillie, Troost. Saffordii, Hall. Pterotocrinus, Lyon and Cassida coruigerus, Shum. Scaphiocrinus, Hall, 1858 (sub Huntsvillse, Wortlien, MSS. Stylastraea, Lonsdale, 1845. inconferta, Lonsd. Zeacrinus, Troost, 1850. arboreus, Worth, cariniferus, ,, magnoliaiformis, Owen & Norw. mucrospinus, M c Chesn. L'" * l'" * L" * Lincoln Valley. Huntsville. L'" * L", L'" . * Old Baldy (Virginia City). ycrinites. LLS * Old Baldy (Virginia City). L" L'" * L" * Bienn River 1 Prof. Tuomey). Subgenus of Dichocrinus. Franklin Co. y L"' * genus). Huntsville. LLS Bay of Chaleurs. Huntsville. L' * L 1 * L'" * LCM Decker’s Creek (Morgan Town). Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Province ANNULATA. Class ANNELIDA. Spirorbis, Lamarck, 1818. annulata, Hall. LLS. Lincoln Valley. Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Division ARTHROPODA or ART1CULATA. Class CRUSTACEA. (No species from the above countries yet described.) Philocrinus.] 387 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < | PORTUGAL. | SARDINIA. | STYRIA. | CARINTIIIA. | BAVARIA. | NASSAU. | PRINC. REUSS. £ o w Q < d te c W « H s BEAR ISLAND. Q 55 CHINA. | AUSTRALIA. TASMANIA. Locality. Philocrinus, De Koninck , 1862. cometa, De Kon. Tribrachyacrinus, De Koninck Clarkei, De Kon. * Punjaub Salt Range. . South Gold-fields. ? * Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Province ANNULATA. Class ANNELIDA. (No species from the above countries yet described.) Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Division ARTHROPODA or ARTICULATA. Class CRUSTACEA. Bairdia, M‘ Coy, 1844. affinis, Morris, ampla, Reuss. curta, M‘Coy. elongata, Munst.. Hisingeri, „ mucronata, Reuss. Bostrichopus, Goldfuss, 1839. antiquus, Goldf. Cyprella, De Koninck, 1841. spec, indet., Monegh. Cypridina, Milne-Edwards, 1838. subglobularis, Snbrgr. Cythere, Muller, 1785. impressa, M‘Coy. spinosa, Richter, spec, indet., Menegh. Estheria, Iluppell ; Strauss, 1838. striata, Munst. Gampsonix, Jordan and Von Me spec, indet,, Menegh. * * LLS * * LLS ■* * Culm * * yer, 1838. * Booral. New South Wales. Thuringia and in Central German)'. Dunvcgan. New South Wales. Thuringia and in Central Germany. Herborn. Herborn. Dunvcgan. New South Wales. Thuringia. Phillipsia.J 388 [CaBBONIFEBOUS. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. Class CRUSTACEA. Oedee TRILOBITA. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | BRAZIL. | BOLIVIA. | NEW MEXICO. | | TEXAS. | UTAH. | CALIFORNIA. | COLORADO. MONTANA. ALABAMA. VIRGINIA, E. & W.| | MARYLAND. | RHODE ISLAND. | *s < 3 « vW cu <72 < a | PR. EDWARD ISL. i | ARCTIC SEAS. Locabty. Phillipsia, Portlock, 1843. Sangainonensis, M. & W. Stevensonii, Meek. LLS . . . * * Decker’s Creek. Cheat River. Tucker Co. Monon- gahela Co. L"' Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Class INSECTA. (No species from the above countries yet described. ) Class MYRIAPOD A. (No species from the above countries yet described.) BRACHYMET0PU8.] 389 [CaRBONIB'EROUS. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. Class CRUSTACEA. Order TRILOBITA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | SPAIN. | PORTUGAL. | SARDINIA. s >« H VJ ◄ 5 <3 ZJ 1 BAVARIA. NASSAU. | PRINC. REUSS. | 'PRINC. WALDECK. 1 | SPITZBERGEN. | BEAR ISLAND. ] INDIA. | CHINA. | AUSTRALIA. | TASMANIA. Locality. Brachymetopus, M‘ Coy, 1847. Strzeleckii, M‘Coy. Griffithides, Portlock, 1843. Fa dubius, Ether. Phillipsia, Portlock , 1843, = As latispinosa, Sndbrgr. macrophtbalmus, „ parvula, Beyr. obsoleta. posthumus. Richt. spec, indet., De Eon. * * ... New South Wales. Dunvegau. River Don (Queensland). Cylindraspis, Sandberger. Herborn. Erdbach. Waldeck. Herborn, &c. Timor Isl., north of and near Aus- [tralia. Thuringia. Bleiberg. m. Prcetid^e. aphus 1 LLS * * * LLS. * LLS L'" * Subkingdom ANNULOSA. Class INSECTA. Blattina, Germar , 1842. Blatti clathrata, Heer. Fritschii, „ latinervis, „ Helvetica, ,, spec, nova, Menegh. Cyclophthalmus, Corda, 1833. spec, indet., Menegh. Dictyophlebia, Goldfvss, 1852. spec, indet., Menegh. Termes, IAnnR. EDWARD ISL. | ARCTIC SEAS. Locality. Archimedes, Lesueur, 1823 ? Su spec, indet.. Hall. Eschaxa, Lamarck, 181(1. bg. of Feneste CL 11 a. * UL * The Organ Mountains. Albert Land. Depot Point. The Organ Mountains. Fenestella, Lonsdale, 1839, = K. arctica, Salter, corticata, Prout. intermedia, ,, Norwoodiana ?, „ Shumardiana, „ subretiformis, ,, etepora. * UL * UL * UL * UL * UL * trituberculata, „ Polypora, M‘Coy, 1844. flexuosa, D’Orb. marginata, M'Coy. Ptilodictya , Lonsdale, 1839. St dictyota, Meek. Synocladia, King, 1849. Sept cestriensis, Prout. biserialis, Swall. UL Yarbichambi. UL.? Wyoming. Mystic Lake. River Mora. ictopora, Hall. LLS * opora. Division MOLLUSCOIDA. Class BRACHIOPODA (PALLIOBRANCHIATA). Athyris, M‘Cog, 1844. subquadrata, Stevenson, subtilita, Hall. Atrypa, Dalman, 1828. acuminata, pugnans. Dalm. Camerophoria,/t A<7,1844. Fain, globulina, Phill. Scblotheimii, Von Bucli. variolata, D’Orb. Chonetes, Fischer de Waldheim , 1 Amazonia, Derby, D. B. glabra. Geinitz. granulifera, D. D. Owen. platynota, Siuithii, Verneuiliana, C. A. White. N. & Pr. UCM. Rhynchonellid Permian?, UCM. 837. LCM. LCM., U. ? Clierty CL. Decker’s Creek. Itaituba. Yarbichambi. Pecos Vil- lage. S ta Fe. Old Baldy. Ben- net’s Mill. Decker’s Creek. Rio Pecos. Old Baldy. „ Guadalupe Mountains. Yarbichambi. Itaituba (Province Para). Youkon River. Alaska. Confluence of Gray and Green Rivs.! Sliapnack’s Steam-Mill. Echo Park. Guadalupe Mts. Decker’s Creek. ) Colorado Riv. N.W. of San Fran- cisco Mountains. Archjeopora.] 391 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. Division MOLLUSCOIDA. Class POLYZOA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | SPAIN. | PORTUGAL. | SARDINIA. [ STYRIA. | CARINTHIA. | BAVARIA. | NASSAU. j PRINC. REUSS. PRINC. WALDECK. 1 55 w o 5 « ess F- as 1 BEAU ISLAND. 3 | CHINA. AUSTRALIA. | TASMANIA. Locality. Archaeopora, De Koninck , 1873. nexilis, De Ifon. Diphtheropora, L. de Koninck, regularis, L. de Kon. Fenestella, Lonsdale, 1839, = R ampla, Lonsd. antiqua, Goldf. fossula, Lonsd. gracilis, Dana, internata, Lonsd. media, Dana, megastoma, De Kon. plebeia, „ Sykesii?, ,, undulata, Phill. spec, indet, De Kon. Glauconome, Lonsdale, 1839 . . . pluina, Phill. Hemitrypa, Phillis, 1841. sexangula, Morris. Phyllopora ?, King, 1849. cribellum, De Kon. Haimeana, „ Retepora ?, Lamarck, 1846. lepida, De Kon. L'" * Bleiberg. Bleiberg (very rare). Spring Hill. Mt.Wellington. Glen- don. Hunter Valley. N.S. Wales. Korinda. Riv. Don. N. S. Wales Glendon. Hunter Valley. NewSouth Wales. Mount Wellington, &e. Glendon, &c. Mt. Wellington, &c. „ EagleHawkNeck.Mt.W’ton,&c. „ Mount Wellington, &c. Punjaub. Bleiberg. Punjaub. Dunvegan. New South Wales. Bleiberg. Vincularia, Defrance, 1829. Dunvegan. New South Wales. Mount Wellington. Punjaub Salt Range. 1873. L'"+ * etepora. lcm LLS. UCM. ... LCM ... LCM * L'" * L" * Punjaub Salt Range. 1 Division MOLLUSCOTDA. Class BRACHIOPODA (PALLIOBRANCHIATA). Athyris, M'Coy, 1844. Fam. Sp ambigua, Sow. planosulcata, Phill. Puschiana, Vern. Royssii, L’Eveille. subtilita, var. grandis, Atrypa, Dalman, 1847?, 1828. Jukeaii, M‘Coy. Aulostege3,//elr«er«cM,1847. Subg Dalhousii, De Kon. Camerophoria, King, 1844. crumena, Purdoni, Dav. spec, indet., CThonetes, Fischer de Waldheim, 1 Austeniana, Dav. Buchiana, De Kon. conoides, Sow. Cracowensis, Ether. Hardrensis, var. Tibetensis, granulifera, Sow. Koninckiana ?, Von Semenow. IIIIFERID/E. L m * * * L 1 '' * * * ... en. of Leptaena * CL * CL # CL * 837 * ... ... L'" # * # * ... * CL L'" * 1 Bleiberg. Timan Mountains (east flank). Timor, Cashmir, Moosakhail, Pu jaub, &c. Cashmir. Moosakhail. Punjaub. Dun vegan. New South Wales. Moosakhail (carbonif. ?). vidson, Monogr. part v. 275. ashmir. Queensland. Heiberg. t De Kouinck, ‘ Fossiles de Carinthia.’ p. 5. Crania.] 392 [Ga rbonifebous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | BRAZIL. | BOLIVIA. | NEW MEXICO. 1 TEXAS. 1 UTAH. | CALIFORNIA. | COLORADO. MONTANA. | ALABAMA. | VIRGINIA, E. & W. | MARYLAND. RHODE ISLAND. < o « Ch CO < o 1 PR. EDWARD ISL. i ARCTIC SEAS. Locality. Crania, Eetzius, spec, indet., Discina, Larnarc spec, indet., Martinia, M‘Co lineata, Orthis, Balman, Andei, arachnoidea, carbonaria, Morgiana, Penniana, i-esupinata, 1781. k , 1817. Orbic Bruguiere, 1789. y , 1844. Subgen. 0. A. White. ula, &c. * Beehive Point. of Spirifera. MCM. . . * 1827. D'Orb. * Yarbichambi. Itaituba (Pari). Decker’s Creek. Monougahela Co. Itaituba (Para). Phill. * * Swall. LCM. * Derby. Cox. Old Baldy, &c. Meek. * Orthisina, D'Orbigny, 1847. umbraculum, Sch. Productus, Sowerby, 1814. * Canon of Cascade River. * Altonensis, Batesianus, Bolivianus, Calhounii, Chandlessianus, Newb. & Pratt. Old Baldy. Itaituba (Para Province). Derby. D'Orb. * * Swall . A? * Near River Missouri, &c. Itaituba (Para). Derby. concentricus, Hall. D’Orb. * * * * * SierraAlta. Albert Land. DepotPoint. River Colorado. costatoides, costatus, elegans, Swall. CL * Sow. Cl. * N. & Pr. T.CM. Monongahela Co. [Mill. River Cheat. M’Chesn. LCM. .. * Flemingii, granulifera, Humboldtii, Ivesi, longispinus, ear. W abasher mammatus, Sow. * * Yarbichambi. Stevenson. LCM * Decker’s Creek. D’Orb. * Yarbichambi. Newb. L" * Diamond River (River Colorado). SierraNevada.MystieL. BennetMill. Hot Springs. Salina Creek. S ta Fe. Exmouth Island. N. & Pr. * isis, D.D.Owen. Keyserl. Sow. * Martini, multistriatus. * Meek. Long Valley. Echo Park. muricatus, Nebraskeusis, uodosus, N. & Pr. * D. D. Owen. LCM * * Nioteen Station. S ta Fe. Confluence Newb. CL * of Gray andGreenRivs.Decker’sCk. Mora River. Hot Springs. S ,a Fe. Cascade River (on River Colorado). Yarbichambi. occidentalis. UCM Orbignanus, pileiformis, Cora. Pliillipsii , Prattenianus, punctatus, Rhombianus, De Kon. M’Chesn. Subcon gl. CM. . . . Decker's Creek. Monongahela Co. Humboldt River. N. & Pr. Norwood. * Benuet’sMill. Decker’sCk. Wvom*. . Martin. Riv. Colorado. Riv s Gray andGreen. Bennet’s Mill. Wyoming. Itaituba. Rio Grande Valley. Pecos Village. [Mill. SierraNevada.MysticLake. Bennet’s Bennet’sMill&c. Albert L.L. Titicaca. Derby. Newb. Rogersi, scabriculus. (TCM Sow. semireticulatus, M’Chesn. UCM * * * * semistriatus, Meek. Sierra Nevada. Timpanogos Canon. Depot Point. S ,a Fe Road. Pina Blanco Canon. var. frigidat, splendens, striatus, Salter. * N. & Pr. D’Orb. Yarbichambi. symmetricus, Villiersii, M’Chesn. Bennet’s Mill. D’Orb. Yarbichambi. Wallacianus, Derby. * Itaituba (Province Para). 1 t ‘ Last of the Arctic Voyages,’ Belrher, ii. p. 389. Depot Point (white and reddish Limestone). Chonetes ( continued ).] 393 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. las vis, Dav. Laguessiana, De Kon. L'" perforata, CL. scutulum, CL. variolata, D’Orb. Verneuiliana, N. & Pratt. CL. Horizon. Discina, Lamarck, 1807. Orbic ula, &c. affinis, Cashmiriana, Lingula, Bruguiere, 1789. Lino ulid.e. ovata?, M‘Coy Meekella, White and St. John, 18 G7-69 Garnieri, Orthis, Dalman, 1827. Australis, Keyserlingiana, Michelini, resupinata, spinigera, striatula, De Eon Martin D’Orb. Productus, Sowerhy, 1814. aculeatus, Martin. V" .. Bachianus, De Kon. L”' . brachythasrus, Sow. cancrini, CL. .. Clarkei, Etheridge. LCM. Cora, D’Orb. costatus, Sow. CL. .. var. coelestis, Davidi, fimbriatus, Sow. L'" .. Flemingii, Dana. L'" .. fragilis, giganteus, hemisphserica, var. minor, horridus, Humboldtii, latissimus, Le Playii, longispinus, Sow. mammatus, Medusa, Payeri, plicatilis, punctatus, Purdoni, pustulosus, var. rugatus, scabrieulus, semireticulatus, setigeras, Spitzbergensis, striatus, subquad ratus, undatus, Weyprechti, Wilczeki, spec, nov., D’Orb. Sow De Vern. Sow. Keyserl. De Kon. Franz Toula. Sow. Martin. Dav. Phill. LLS., L"', &c. CL. L"’ Martin. Hall. Heer? Fischer. Morris. Defrance. Franz Toula. L"’ CL. ... LCM. Passage-bed *? Locality. Cashmir. Bleiberg. Cracow Creek. Queensland. Horn Sound. New South Wales. Cashmir. Illawarra. Blackhead. New South OrtiiidjE. [Wales, Yangtze-Kiang Valley. Bleiberg. Punjaub. Murrumbidgee, [New South Wales. Bleiberg. „ (Lietha Range). Queensland. N.S.Wales.Tolosa. Ho- bartTown. Illawarra. Wollongong Point. Mount Wellington. Queensl. Bowen’sRiv. RoperCreek Head. SierraMorena. Bleibe. Moosakh.,&c. PunjaubSaltRange. Bell Sound Isl. Leen Chan. Bleiberg. ,, [Point. N.S. Wales. Illawarra. Wollongong Boll Sound, &o. New South Wales. ? ? Isl. in BellSoundt. Punjaub Salt R. Bleiberg. Bell Sound. Moosakhail. Punjaub. Srinuggur (Cashmir). Riv.Don. Queensland Horn Sound. Island in Bell Sound Bleiberg. South Point. ? Asia Minor. Bleiberg. Punjaub. Chederoo. Moosakhail. Bleiberg. South Tasmania. Tolosa( 1 lobartTown). Wollongong. Bleiberg. Hobart Town. Tibet. AsiaMinor. Timor. Punjaub. Bleib 6 . N.S. Wales. Lewin’sBrook, Sydney (N. S. Wales). Khond (Punjaub). Mount Dromedary. Glendon onRiver Hunter. New South Wales. Allan River. „ South Point. Horn Sound [. t Bell Sound is considered Permian (Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. xvi. p. 632, 1850). { Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. ii. p. 272. Retzia.] 394 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Retzia, King, 1849. Mormonica, Marcou. radialis, Phill sexplicata ?, Wh. & Whitefield Verneuilana, Hall. Rhynchonella, Fischer, 1809 Dawsoniana, macra, mutata, Osagensis, Peruviana, Pipira, pleurodon ?, Utaki, Davids. Hall ? Swall. Cumming. D. A. Derby. (Newberry). Horizon. Kinderh. L" ... UCM. L", L" Spirifera, Sowerby, 1815. Arctica, Haughton. Boliviensis, D'Orb. camerata, Condor, striatus. kemiplicata, incrassata ?, Keilhavii, Kentuckyensis, lineata, Hall. D’Orb. Hall. D’Orb. Von Buck. Skum. Martin, Meek. LCM. Mickelini, Montana, Mysticensis, opiums (Trigonotreta), Organensis, perplexa, planoconvexa, ? ? Meek. Hall. Shum. M’Ckesn. Skum UCM. ... Kinderk. MCM. ? Kinderk. pulchra, Meek. Rockymontana, Marcou, striata, Sow, Scobina, Meek. Texana (Trigonotreta ?), „ transversa, M'Ckesn triradialis, Umbraculum, Utakensis, Pkill Meek LCM., U. MCM LCM., U. LLS. ? MCM. UL LCM. ... L'" Kinderk. UL UL Locality. Great Lake City. Old Baldy. Lincoln Valley. Yarbichambi (Province de la Paz). Lincoln Valley dividing ridge. Itaituba (Province Para). Salt Lake City. Canon of Cascade River. Melville Islaud. Lake Titicaca (Salter). Yarbichambi (Province de la Paz). S ,a Fe Road. Rio Grande Valley. Yarbichambi. Lake Titicaca. Fort Filmore. Organ Mountains. Lake Titicaca ? Albert’s Land, Depot Point, and Exmouthlsl. Leaven swortkHills. Pecos Villages. Arctic Seas. S ,a Fe. Rocky Mountains. Cascade River. Mystic Lake. Micaceous sandstone. Mystic Lake. Fort Filmore ( Fusilina gibbosa). Almost universal in the West. GuadalupeMountains. Cottonwood Valley. Decker’s Creek. Long Valley. Fort Filmore. Mora Creek. Ruby Hills. Young County. Buzzard's Roost. Old Baldy. Near Salt Lake City. Reizia.] 395 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. SPAIN. | PORTUGAL. | SARDINIA. | STYHIA. | CARINTHIA. | BAVARIA. NASSAU. j PRINC. REUSS. PRINC. WALDECK. | | SPITZBERGEN. | BEAR ISLAND. INDIA. | CHINA. AUSTRALIA. TASMANIA. Locality. Retzia, King, 1849. radialis, var. grandicosta, Day. Moosakbail. Punjaub. Rhynchonella, Fischer, 1809. acuminata, Martin. var. platyloba, Sow. Barumensis, De Kon. L"’ * Bleiberg. * Punjaub. Cashmir. * papyracea, Ad. Rom. pleurodon, Phill. Timorensis, Beyrich. Yarradongii, Siphonotreta, De Verneuil, 1845. curta, Dana. Spirifera, Sowerby, 1815. avicula, G. Sow. bisulcata, Sow. var. Sarana, De Kon. Cabedanus, „ Cashmiriana, Dav. calcarata, M‘Coy. convoluta, Phill. crassicostata, Jukes, MSS. crebristria, Morris, crispa ?, Beyr. (i octoplicata ). cristata, Schloth. cuspidata, Martin. Darwinii, Morris. duodecimcostata, M‘Coy. glaber, Sow. & Morris. Goldfussiana, De Kon. Herborn. * * * Bell Sound. Moosakbail. Punjaub. New South Wales. Yarradong. N.SouthWales. Glendon. R. Hunter. Tllawarra. New South Wales LCM . . L"’ Bleiberg. Leitha Range. YassPlains. N.S.Wales(MurrayCo-). Cashmir. * Dunvegan. New South Wales. Courtlough. Bowen’s and Don Rivers. Queensland. Point Puer. Spring Vale. Dunvegan. Booral. N. S. Wales. Timor Island. CL Bell Sound Island. Timor Island. LCM ...L * * Glendon. R.Hunter.N.S. Wales. Har- per’s Hill. Barraboo. Tolosa. Illawarra. Camden Co. LCM * Harper's Hill. Illawarra. Glendon. Mount Wellington. Bleiberg. L'" Haueriana, „ Keilhaven, Von Buch. Kupangensis, Beyr. lata, M'Coy. lineata, Martin. L'" Bell Sound. Timor Island. ::::::::::::::: Lewin’s Brook. New South Wales. L' 1 ' (Devon.) ... * SouthPoint. Cliederoo. Moosakhail. Moosakhailensis, Dav. Punjaub Salt Range. Lean-Chan. Chederoo. Moosakhail. Kafir Kote multiplicata, De Kon. nuda, Sow. (River Indus). Yass Plains. New South Wales. Yass Plains. Cook Co. ovalis, Phill. L'" Asia Minor. Bleiberg. New South Wales. Barraboo. oviformis, M'Coy. pectenoides, De Kon. phalsena, Dana. Rajah, Davids. Saranae, De Vern. V" Bleiberg. N.S.' Wales. Illawarra. Blackhead. Cashmir. Ural, &c. Stokesii, Konig. striata, Martin. CL * N. S. Wales. Wollongong.Mount Dro- medary (Maneroo district). South Point. Nulle. Chederoo. * striato-paradoxa, Franz Toula. subradiata, G. Sow. Queensland. RoperCreek. Bowen River. Peak Downs. South Point. LCM * Ilarper’sllill. Glendon. Murree,&c. N.S. Wales. Mount Wellington. Timor. Lewin’s Brook. N. S. Wales. East Tasmanicnsis, Morris. * rotundata. trapezoidalis, G. Sow. Marshes. Mount Wellington, &e. 1 Spirigera.] 396 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | BRAZIL. | BOLIVIA. | NEW MEXICO. | TEXAS. | UTAH. | CALIFORNIA. | COLORADO. | MONTANA. | ALABAMA. | VIRGINIA, E. & W. | MARYLAND. | RHODE ISLAND. | GASPE. B. CHAL. | PR. EDWARD ISL. | ARCTIC SEAS. * * L'" * * * * Kinderli * * * * * ... ... UL. on Sandst. ? * * n, 1867. UCM * * * * Kinderli * * * * L” * * Locality. Spirigera, D’Orbigny, 1848. Royssii, L’Eveille. Streptorhynchus, King, 1856? Derby, D. A. M. & II. correanus, crassus, crenistria, Halliamis, Occident alis, pyramidalis, Tapajotensis, umbraculum, Phill. Derby, D. A. Newberry. Newb. & Pbitl. Derby. Schloth. Strophalosia, King, 1844. Cornelliana, Derby. Syntrielasma, Meek and Wort he heiniplicata, Hall. Terebratula, Lhwyd , 1699. Andeii, D’Orb arcuata, Swall. bovidens, Morton. Itaitubensis, Derby. Peruviana, D’Orb. turgida, Hall, MSS. Waldheimia, King, 1849. continlivana, Derby. Monongaliela Co. !cho Park. Horseshoe Canoe. Mystic Lake. Idaho. „ „ On high land near Little Colorado. St. Fe. Itaituba. Fort Filmore. Itaituba (Para). Spirifera (continued).'] 397 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. i Horizon. SPAIN. | PORTUGAL. | SARDINIA. £ 02 | CARINTIIIA. | BAVARIA. | NASSAU. / t/J P s d 5 S w 5 d s? | SPITZBERGEN. | BEAR ISLAND. | INDIA. [ CHINA. AUSTRALIA. | TASMANIA. Locality. \ Vespertilio, G. Sow. Vihiana, Davids. Wilczeki, Franz Toula. if N.S.W. Ulawarra. Blackhead. Eagle Hawk Neck ... * spec, indet., Dana LCM ... if Spiriferina, DOrbigny, 1847 ; D ! Hseferiana, sp. n., octoplicata, Sow. Spirigera, D’Orbigny, 1848. planosulcata, Phill. Streptorhynchus, King, 1 844 ? avidson, 1847. if if Moosakhail. Punjaub Salt Range. Thuringia. Orthotetes, Fischer de Waldheim. Moosakhail, Vurcha, &c. Bell-Sound Isle. Vurcha limestone (Punjaub). Queensland, Bowen River, Peak Downs, &c. Moosakhail, Chederoo, Nulle, &c. Subgenus of Leptaena. Horn Sound. Culm? CL . if var. robustus, Hall. Davidsoni, Ether. pectiniformis, Davids. Strophalosia, King, 1844. Fam. Leplayi, Morrisiana, var., King, productoides, Murch. Strophomena. rhomboidalis, var. analoga, Phill. tTerebratula, Lhwyd, 1699. Ep amygdala, Dana. Austeniana, Davids, biplicata, var. problematica, Dav. biundata, M‘Coy. ; concentrica, cymbaeformis, Morris. elongata, Schloth. Flemingii, Davids, fusiformis, De Vern. hastata, Sow. Himalayensis, Davids, plano-sulcata, De Kon. sacculus, ,, C'L LCM if CL if PkODUCTID/E . . . Passage-bed if Punjaub. Queensland. Kempsey. Queensland. Head of River Don. Waldheimia. Seminula, JV/C. Blackhead. Illawarra. if ithyris, Phill. if Tibet. CL if Moosakhail. Korinda. Lewing’s Brook. N.S.VY. Illa warra. Raymond Terr. Murree. N.S.W. Illawarra. [vine. Punjaub Salt Range. Nilawan Ra- Also in Missouri, U.S.A. Illawarra. Raymond’s Terrace. Moosakhail (silicified). Timan Range East. Bleiberg. Moosakhail. LLS if CL if CL L", L"' if subvesicularis, Davids, spec, indet., Dana. LCM Glendon. Illawarra. 1 t Leopold Yon Buch, M. de Koninck (1843), De Verneuil (1845), and Thomas Davidson are disposed to consider the fourteen forms here enumerated varieties only of one type. — Davidson, Monogr. ii. p. 123 ; De Koninck, Fossils of Carinthia, p. 66. Aviculopecten.] 398 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. Division MOLLUSCA. Class LAMELLIBRANCHL^.TA (ASIPHONLDA). Order MONOMYARIA. Anomia.] 399 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE. Division MOLLUSCA. Class LAMELLLBRANCHIATA (ASIPHONIDA). Order MONOMYARIA. EUROPE, &c. Genus. Species, and Author. Horizon. 55* < H. GQ O o Eh o < £ < GQ < S Eh GQ < £ 5 O < 5 < < CQ d ns- ec < 55 co W « d 55 S C-c M c w Q < > d 55 5 p-. H O « W a ESJ a Q 55 < a a ◄ w « o 2 55 3 ◄ a ◄ a H CQ & <3 ◄ 55 < S ◄ Eh Locality. Anomia, Linn&us, 1758. LLS Avicula, Klein, 1753. Monotis, Brugui'ere, 1791. I carinata, D'Orb. LLS * Kemmenau. lepida, De Kon. LLS * ..i ,.i Herborn. Sierra Morena (Kom.). tessellata, 1 1 Dunvegan (N.S.W.). Volffansis. | Wollongong (N.S.W.). Aviculopecten, M‘Coy, 1853. Pecten. antilineatum, De Kon. L’" Bleiberg. Leithea Range. arenosum, Phill. l'" Asiaticum, De Kon. L "’ Cashmir. Barrandianum. L”' Bleiberg. cotnntum. Dana ('not De 17011.1. Harper’s Hill. concentrico-striatus, De Kon. L”' Bleiberg. crebristria, * Cashmir. densistria, Sndbrgr. LLS * Herborn. deornatum, Plifll. L"' Bleiberg. Fitzingeranum, De Kon. L'" * Flemingianum, * Punjaub. grandsevum, Goldf. LLS * Herborn. Haidingeri, De Kon. L "’ Bleiberg. Homesianum, L'" intortum, L" 1 lseviusculum, Dana. (Pecten) Harper’s Hill. linteatum, Goldf. LLS. .' Herborn. mitis, Dana. LCM Glendon, on Hunter Riv. (N.S.W.). Munsteri, ? Partschianum, De Kon. L "’ Bleiberg. primigeniura, Brown. LLS Herborn. subfimbriatum, De Vern. L "’ Bleiberg. subspinulosum, Sndbrgr. LLS Herborn. tenuicollis, Dana. Harper’s Hill (N.S.W.). Inoceramus, Sowerby , 1814 No true Inoceramus in Carboni- ferous strata. — F . Bom. Mitchelli, M‘Coy. LCM Glendon. Wollongong (N.S.W.). Lima, Brugui'ere, 1797. llaueriana, De Kon. L"' Bleiberg. intersecta, V" Pecten, Linneeus, 1758. densistria, Sndbrgr. LLS Herborn. Fittoni, Morris. Mt. Wellington. Illawarrensis, lllawarra. limseformis, Tolosa. Hull’s Quarries. Munsteri, F. Rom. Culm Sierra Morena. squamulifera, Morris. * Mt. Wellington. Pt. Puer. Wilcreki, sp. n., Posidonomva, Broun , 1837 Chief shell in Posidonia schist. acuticostata, Sndbrgr. LLS Herborn, Schonbach, &c. Becheri, Goldf. Culm * Sierra Morena (F. Rom.). Herborn. longitudinalis, Bronn. Herborn. spcciosa, Yon Meyer. Pterinaea, Goldfuss, 1840. macroptora, Morris. lllawarra (N.S.W.). Pt.Puer. Port Arthur. Allorisaia.] 400 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. Division MOLLUSCA. Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA (SIPHONIDA). Order DIMYARIA. Allorisma..] 401 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. Division MOLLUSCA. Class LAMELLIB11ANCHIATA (SIPHONIDA). Order DIMYARIA. I EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | SPAIN. PORTUGAL. SARDINIA. < 5 >• E-> a. | CARINTIIIA. BAVARIA. NASSAU. PRINC. REUSS. < 6 z | SPITZBERGEN. BEAR ISLAND. INDIA. CHINA. | AUSTRALIA. | TASMANIA. Locality. Allorisma, King, 1844. audax, Dana, curvatum, Morris. Anodonta, Cuvier, 171 18. carbonaria ?, De Kon. Area, Linneeus, 1758. Fam. Arci antirugata, De Kon. plicata, ,, Astarte, Sower by, 1817. Fam. C gemma, Dana. Astartella, M'Chesney, 18(>0. Reussiana, De Kon. Astartilla, Dana, 1847. corpulenta, Dana, cyclas, ,, cyprina, „ cytherea, ,, intrepida, „ polita, ,, transversa, „ Cardinia, Agass., 1838. Brackish compressa, Morris, cost at a, Dana, cuneata, ,, exilis, M'Coy. parallels, recta, Dana. Cardiomorpha, De Koninck, 184 concentrica, De Kon. Egertoni, M‘Coy. subregularis, De Kon. tenera, ,, Cardium, Linnaeus, 1758. australe, Dana, ferox, „ Cleobis, Dana, 1848 * * Illawarra. Darlington. Glendon. Wollongong (N.S.W.). Thuringia. Eysso-Arca. Bleiberg. Leitha Range. >> 11 Wollongong Point (N.S.W.). Bleiberg. Leitha Range. Illawarra District. 11 JJ 11 11 11 11 11 11 Blackhead. Illawarra (N.S.W.). Anthracosia, Unio, &c. New South Wales. Illawarra. Wollongong. Wollongong Point. Illawarra. Wollongong. Illawarra. Wollongong Point. Bleiberg. 11 11 Glendon, on Hunter Riv. (N.S.W.). Wollongong Point (N.S.W.l. Subg. oi Pleurorhynchus, Phill. Yass Plains (Murray Co.). Leda ( pars). Wollongong Point. Bleiberg. Yass Plains (Murray Co.). Harper’s Hill (N.S.W.). Bleiberg. Glendon, on Hunter River. Bleiberg. 11 Erdbach? Illawarra. Harper’s Hill. Illawarra. Illawarra. Glendon, on Hunter River. LCM L" * * L'” .. YPR1DIDJ2. * L" * * * * * * * * LCM or fresh water... * * * * 7. T/' 9 * * * * L" V" L'" LCM * * Conocardium, Bronn, 1835. Sowerbyi, De Kon. Ctenodonta, Salter, 1851. Nuc abrupta, Dana, carinata, M'Coy. Clarkei, De Kon. concinna, Dana, gibbosa, Flem. Glendonensis, Dana, luciniformis, Phill. Maccoyana, De Kon. rectangularis, M'Coy. tenuiarata ?, Sndbrgr. Cypricardia, Lamarck, 1817. acutifrons, Dana arcodes, ,, imbricata, „ prserupta, ,, siliqua, „ simplex, ,, sinuosa, „ veneris, ,, * ula, Lam , 1799 ... # L'" ::: * * L’" * LCM * L" * * * L L" LLS * Marine. * * * * * * # * LCM 'T* 1 i 1 5 K Edjiondia.] 402 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Edmondia, Be Koninck, 1844. Aspenwalli, Meek. Euomphalus, Sowerby , 1814. antiqua, D Orb. perversus, „ ])lanorbitbrmis, rugosus, Spergenensis, var., spec, iudet., Shum. Grammysia. Canadensis, Macrocheilus, Phillips , 1841. Macrodon, Lycett, 184.3. obsoletus, Meek. Megalodon, Sowerby, 1827. antiquum ?, . - D’Orb. curvilineus, primigenius, ventrieosus, Horizon. LCM. (Barrens) CM. (sub M.Gt.) LCM UL.? Passage-bed CM. De Vern. Conrad. LCM. Hall. LCM. LCM. Myalina, Be Koninclc, 1844. deltoidea, Gabb.lLCM. subquadrata, ■ Sluim.UL. ? Nuculana, Link, 1807. arata (Leda), M. & W. bistriata, var. attenuata, nasuta, Hall ? Pleurophorus, King, 1844. ? angulatus, M. & W. spec, indet., Polyphemopsis , Port lock, 1843 peracutus, LCM. CM. .. L" .. UL. LCM. 4 - 5 1 — w ' a _ 55 r- U* < , p ^ i p Locality. Marion and Monongahela Cos. Lake Titicaca. Yarbichambi, north of La Paz. Docker's Creek. Organ Mountains? Gaspe. Bonaventura. Marion Co. Ac. Monongahela Co. Marion and Monongahela Cos. Yarbichambi. Fort Belknap. Decker’s Creek. Morgan Town. Monongahela Co. &c. Lincoln- Valley Divide. And in Wyoming Territory. Fort Filmore. Decker’s Creek. Morgan Town. Edmondia.] 403 [Carboniferous, SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 1 SPAIN. 1 PORTUGAL. 1 SARDINIA. 1 STYRIA. K BAVARIA. NASSAU. PRINC. REUSS. 1 PRINC. WALDECK. £ ss N £ s cc BEAR ISLAND. INDIA. 1 CHINA. AUSTRALIA. TASMANIA. Locality. Edmondia, De Koninck , 1844. Glendonensis, Dana Haidingeri, De Kon sulcata, Pliill undata, Daua Pholadomya. Eurydesma, Morris and G. B. *S cordata, Morris elliptica, Dana globosa, „ sacculus, M'Coy Pachydomus. Lucinella ? elliptica, Pliill. Maeonia, Dana, 1847. Notomy axinia, Dana, carinata, ,, clavata, M'Coy. elliptica, Dana, elongata, ,, fragilis, „ gigas, gracilis, „ grandis, „ myaformis, „ recta, „ valida, ,, Modiola, Lamarck, 1801. Fam. crassissima, M‘Coyt. Modiolopsis, Hail, 1847. acutifrons, Dana, arcodes, „ praerupta, „ siliqua, „ simplex, „ veneris, ,, Niobe, Dc Koninck. Axinus, elongata, De Kon. luciniformis, ,, nuculoides, „ Pachydomus, Morris, 184.3. antiquatus, Sow. carinatus, Morris, cuneatus, J. Sow. gigas, M‘Coy. globosus, Sow. Mujadcsmus. Ucvis, Sow. ovalis, M‘Coy. pnsillus, M‘Coy. sacculus, M'Coy. Pholadomya, G. B. Sowerby, 18 audax, Dana. Glendonensis, „ undata, „ Pleurophorus, King, 1844. | intermedius, De Kon. Pullastra, G. B. Sowerby, 1827. gregaria, M'Coy. | striato-costulata, ,, Sanguinclites, MCoy, 1844. S australis, M'Coy. cardiaformis, De Kon. parvula, Port! | undatus, „ Scaldia. eardiaformis, De Kon. Marine. LCM * Glendon, on Hunter River. Bleiberg (Leitha Mounts.). Wollongong (N.s!W.). Arthur's Hill. Illawarra. Harper’s Hill (N.S.W.). it ft „ „ (sandstone). Wollongong. L'" * * L'" * * * X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X owerby, 1845. a, M-Coy. Tllfiwnrrn. * ft Wollongong. Illawarra. Harper’s Hill. ,, Blackhead. Glendon, on Hunter River. Illawarra. „ Wollongong Point. „ Wollongong. „ ,, Point. ,, Blackhead. Harper’s Hill. Illawarra. Illawarra. Glendon, on Hunter River. Amphidesma, Portluck. Bleiberg. Wollongong. Harper’s Ilill. „ Illawarra. Pt.Arthur. „ ,, Harper’s Hill. Illawarra (Maonia gigas). Harper’sHill(sandst.). Dromedary, Wellington, and Spiring Mts. Illawarra. LCM Mytilid.e. LCM M'Coy L'" .“ * X L 1 " L'" ... X X X X X X X X X X X X * . . Wollongong (N.S.W.5. Illawarra ( Astartilla cytherea). Wollongong Point, jrlendon, on Hunter River. Wollongong Point. Bleiberg. Wollongong. Dunvegan (N.S.W.). • Vcw South Wales. Bleiberg. j Bleiberg. 2(5. LCM " L'" # Venus, Linn. X X X anguinolaria. L'" X X X X L'" ? " 1 t Plews, Journ. Mining Inst. vi. part 3, tub. 4. SOLEMYA.] 404 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. AMEEICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. tJ N ◄ M | BOLIVIA. | NEW MEXICO. GO < X H E-* | UTAH. | CALIFOliNIA. | COLORADO. | MONTANA. | ALABAMA. | VIRGINIA, E. & W. | MARYLAND. | RHODE ISLAND. | GASPE. B. CIIAL. cc e X < S w X X ARCTIC SEAS. Locality. Solemya, Lamarck , 1817. Sole radiata, M. & W. Tellinomya, Hall, 1843, protensa, ? G. G. Shum. spec, indet., „ Yoldia, Moller, 1842. Leda. P carbonaria, Meek. Stevensoni, „ nomya. LCM * Marion and Monongahela Cos. Fort Filmore. Monongahela Co. Decker’s Creek. Morgan Town. Monongahela Co. ? UCM * * UCM alteoneilo ? Shale under Ma- honing Sandst. If ff * * Province ODONTOPHORA. Class PTEROPODA. Order NUCLEOBRANCHIATA. Decker’s Creek. Monongahela Co. „ „ Morgan Town. FortFilmore, Decker’s Crk., Marion Monongahela. [Co., &c. Decker’s Creek. Morgan Town. Agua Azul (Mt. Taylor). Class PTEROPODA. Order HETEROPODA. (No species from the above countries yet described.) SoLECURTIJS.] 405 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Solecurtus, Be Blainville, 1804. (Solen) ellipticus, Dana (Solen) planulatus, „ Solenopsis, M‘ Coy, 1844. Sole imbrieatus, De Eon. Tellinomya, Hall, 1843. gibbosa, Flem. Maccojana, De Kon. rectangularis, M'Coy. Horizon. | SPAIN. | PORTUGAL. | SARDINIA. | STVRIA. | CARINTHIA. | BAVARIA. | NASSAU. | PRINC. REUSS. [ PRINC. WALDECK. | SPITZBERGEN. | BEAR ISLAND. | INDIA. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. 1 TASMANIA. Locality. UCM Illawarra. Wollongong. n, Lister. Punjaub. ... L * Bleiberg. L”? * L’" * I Province ODONTOPHORA. Class PTEROPODA. Order NUCLEOBRANCHIATA. Bellerophon, Mont fort, 1808. catillus, De Yern. contractus, Sow. convolutus, De Kon. decipiens, , f decussatus, Flem. hiulcus, Sow. interstrialis ?, M'Coy. Jonesianus, De Kon. micromphalus, Morris. orientalis, De Kon. strietus, Dana. tangentiale, Phill tenuifasciatum, Sow. undulatum, Dana.) Urii, Flem. * 1 Wollongong (Camden Co.). Yass Plains (N.S. W.). Murray Co. Punjaub. Bleiberg. Punjaub Salt Range. Dunvegan (New South Wales). Punjaub Salt Range. Illawarra. Wollongong. Murree. Punjaub Salt Range. Illawarra. and in England, &c. Bleiberg. Harper’s Hill (New South Wales). Bleiberg. UCM t * * !!! ... * I," .... ... * * * * UCM ... * * * * L"' * * Il" * 1 Class PTEROPODA. Order HETEROPODA. Conularia, Miller, 1818. inornata, Dana, lievigata, Morris, tenuistriata, M'Coy. Pugiunculus, Barrande, 1847 ... lanceolatus, Morris. LCM. UCM. Glendon, on Hunter River. Illawarra, Harper’s Hill, &c. Murree (New South Wales). Theca. Hyolites. Blackhead (New South Wales). t ‘New South Wales Upper Coal-measures,’ by John Mackenzie, Examiner of Coal-Fields (Sydney?, 1875). 5 L Euomphalus.] 406 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. MOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class GASTEROPODA. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Euomphalus, Sowerby, 1814. antiquus, D’Orb. rugosus, Hall. Spergensis, ,, ? var. planorbiforiuis, ,, Macrocheilus, Phillips, 1841. primigenius, Conrad. Texanus, Sburn. ventricosus, . Hall. Murchisonia, D'Archiac and Be ! spec, indet., Sbutn Natica, Adanson, 1857. Natico remex, J. W. Powell. Horizon. Subcongl. CM. „ CM. CM. Subcongl. CM. UCM Vern. 1841. UCM psis, M‘ Coy. MCM Pleurotomaria, Be France, 1825. carbonaria, N. & Pr. Gray villiensis, speciosa, sphaerulata, M. & W. Swallow, Conrad. Straparollus, Montfort, 1810 ... catilloides, De Kon. planidorsatus, M. & W. CM. (below M Grit.) LCM UnderMaboning Sandstone. LCM.? UCM. LCM. Locality. Lake Titicaca. Decker’s Creek. Morgan Town. Decker’s Creek. Morgan Town. El Paso County. Decker’s Creek. Morgan Town. Sierra Alta. Confluence of Grand and Green Rivers. Decker’s Creek. Morgan Town. Marion Co. Decker's Creek. Decker’s Creek (in iron-ore). Old Baldy. Virginia City. Euomphalus, &c. Organ Mountains {Glasgow. VisS). River Cheat. Tucker Co. Acroculia.] 407 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. MOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class GASTEROPODA. l EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. < cc 1 PORTUGAL. j SARDINIA. < 5 5 | CARINTIIIA. BAVARIA. NASSAU. m Vi & W 22 d ss s 0- | PRINC. WALDECK. 1 w c 35 W PQ N E cc BEAR ISLAND. | INDIA. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. | TASMANIA. Locality. Acroculia, Phillips, 1841. Cap alta, Dana, tenella, „ Dental ium, Linnceus, 1848-50 ... Herculeuin, De Kon. ulus, &c. Harper’s Hill (New South Wales). * Fam. Dentaliada, Lamarck. Punjaub Salt Range. chistoma, Bro mi Euomphalus, Sowerby , 1S14. S antiquatus, Bigsbyi, De Kon. Catillus, Sow. nodulosus, De Kon. StraparoUus,Mwil.(herbivorou8). * V" * Bleiberg. Leitha River. Yarrasong (New South Wales). Littorina, Ferussac, 1821. ? filosa, Sow. Loxonema, Phillips, 1841. constricta, Marlin. Booral (New South Wales). Bleiberg. V" L"' Macrocheilus, Phillips, 1841 ... acutus, ' Sow. Murchisonia, D'Archiac and be Fam. Pyramidellida. L'" * Bleiberg. Fam. IIaliotid/E. Vem. 1841 angulosa, De Kon. ? carinata, Etheridge, j tricincta, Morris. Natica, Adanson, 1757. Fam. N ; ? harpaeformis, Ether, i plicistria, Phill. | Sturii, De Kon. Patella, Linnceus, 1758. Metop j tenella, Dana. Platychisma, M‘Cog, 1844. | depressa, Dana, oculus, Sow. Goldfields (New South \Fales). Queensland. River Don Head. Booral (New South Wales). River Don (Queensland). Bleiberg. L' ATICID.E. u? L"' * L”’ * toma, Phill. Harper’s Hill (New South Wales). Harper’s Hill (New South Wales). ,, Eagle Hawk Neck. * rotundata, Morris. Pleurotomaria, De France, 1825 acuta, Phill. * (herbivorous). L" * Bleiberg. lllawarra. cancellata, Morris. LT * debilis, De Kon. tt Bleiberg. naticoide8, ,, L'" nuda, Dana. Harper’s Hill. Queensland. Cracow Croek. rotunda. Ether. ELS., cl * Strzeleckiana, Morris. lllawarra, &c. (New South Wales). ,, Loder’s Creek. subcancellata, „ ...... trifilata, Dana. „ Harper’s Hill, &c. Turritella, Lamarck, 1801. Pko tricincta, Morris. Booral (New South Wales). Murchiionia. Goniatites.] 408 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. MOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class CEPHALOPODA. Order TETRABRANCHIATA. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Goniatites, De Haan, 1825. entogonus, W. M. Gabb. parvus, Shum. spbiericus, D’Areh. & De Vern. Nautilus, Linncsus, 1758. occidentals, M'Chesn. tuberculatus, Sow. spec, indet., Newb. Orthoceras, Breynius, 1732. cribrosum, Gein. baculum, Chesterense, Meek. Swall. Horizon. CL. ... UCM. UL.? LCM. . UCM.?' CM. (below M. Grit). L’? Locality. Lampases Co. S ta Fe. Road. Willow Spring. Wallace Creek. San Saba Co. Marion, &c. Cos. Andre’s Canon. Organ Mountains, Agua azulo. Mt. Taylor. Decker’s Creek. Ruby Valley. Marion and Monongahela Cos. VERTEBRATA. Division ICHTHYOPSIDA. Class AMPHIBIA. (No species from the above countries yet described.) Ceratites.] 409 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. HOLLUSCA. Province ODONTOPHORA. Class CEPHALOPODA. Order TETRABRANCHIATA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 55 < X I POKTUGAL. | SARDINIA. £ 4Q | CARINTHIA. | BAVARIA. | NASSAU. 1 PRINC. REUSS. | PRINC. WALDECK. | 55 W o s eq N H a | BEAR ISLAND. | | INDIA. | CHINA. | AUSTRALIA. | TASMANIA. Locality. Ceratites, Be Haan, 1825. Buchianus, De Haan. Davidsonianus, ,, Flemingianus, ,, Hauerianus, „ latifiinbriatus, ,, Laurencianus, „ Lyellianus, „ Murchisonianus, „ planulatus, „ Clymenia, Munster, 1832. Arietina, Munster. V . * Productus-limestone, V urcha. Punjaub Salt Range. * * | * * * * | * 1 * * Verstein. Nassau, p. 548 (Sndbrgr.). Aganides, Montfort. Schonbach. Herborn. Oberscheld. Neuen Haus. Geistlichen Berge. Herborn. crenistria, Phill. LLS * LLS * priscus, Goldf. sphaericus, De Haan. Nautilus (Discites). Flemingianus, De Kon. subsulcatus, Phill. Orthoceras, Breynius, 1732. L decrescens, De Kon. rachidium, „ scalare, Goldfuss. striolatum, H. von Meyer, vesiculosum, De Kon. vestitum, Fischer de W. LLS * LLS. * * L'" .. * Bleiberg. oxoceras, M‘C * * Subbee. Punjaub. Productus-limest. Erdbach. Herborn. LLS. * LLS. * ... * ... Punjaub Salt Range. Dunvegan (New South Wales). VERTEBRATA. Division ICHTHYOPSIDA. Class AMPHIBIA. Amphipodes, Meneghini. spec, indet. Menogh. Apateon, Herm. von Meyer, 1844. pedestris, Von Meyer. Archaeotylus, Von Meyer. ignotus, Von Meyer. CL * * Munsterappel (Rhenish Bavaria). Bad-Hombnrg. AfiASSIZODUS.] 410 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. PISCES. AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Agassizodus, St. John and Wort Virginianus, St. J. & W. Carcharopsis, Agassiz, 1843. Wortheni, Newb. Ctenoptychius, St. John and W Stevensoni, St. J. & W. Eurynotus, Agassiz, 1835. tenuiceps, Hitchcock. Palaeoniscus, Agassiz, 1833. fultus, Agass. Petalodus, Owen, 1840. Alleghaniensis, Leidy. hen, 1875. UC'M. (lower pt.) Horizon. V" orthen, 1875. CM. 100 ft. above MahoningS’st. CM LCM.?. i 1 -s ’ I « H Locality. Morgan Town. West Virginia. Huntsville. Morgan Town. West Virginia. Report onMassachusetts, 1. 14. f. 48 Massachusetts (Giebel, Pisces, 2nd vol. Fauna, p. 243). Decker’s Creek. Morgan Town. Acrodus.] 411 [Carboniferous. SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE. PISCES. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | SPAIN. [ PORTUGAL. SARDINIA. STYRIA. 1 CARINTIIIA. | BAVARIA. NASSAU. to CO D K K C 5 c* PRINC. WALDECK. j | SPITZBERGEN. | BEAR ISLAND. INDIA. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. TASMANIA. Locality. Acrodus, Agassiz, 1838 Fam. Cestraciontida:. Vurcha. Punjaub. Saurie Hook. Chederoo. Punjaub. Flemingianus, De Kon. Spitzbergensis, Hulke. spec, nova, De Kon. Cleithrolepis, Sir P. I). M. Ege granulatus, Egerton. Myriolepis, Egerton, 1864. Fam. Clarkei, Egerton. Palaeoniscus, Agassiz, 1833. antipodeus, Egerton. Saurichthys?, Be Koninck. Indicus, De Kon. Sclerocephalus, Agassiz, 1847 Haenseri, ? Urosthenes, Ban a. Australis, Dana. 1 CL * * * rton, 1864 * * * ChapelHill. CampbellTown. Sydney (N. S. Wales). ChapelHill. Cockatoo Isl. Sydney (N. S. Wales). Campbell Town. Sydney (N.S.W.). Yurcha limestone. Punjaub Salt R. Fam. Glyptodipterini. Heimkirchen (Rhenish Bavaria). Newcastle R. Hunter! Pictet iii. 186V Sauroidei. * * LCM.,UCM., M ao ke nz ie * 1 i 1 412 THE LOCAL HORIZONS (CARBONIFEROUS) QUOTED. ILLINOIS. Taken chiefly from Professor W or then’s Reports (in Six Volumes). Adams Co., CL., LCM. Alton (Madison Co.), L", L LCM., M. Appanoose (Hancock Co.), L', Keokuk. Bald Bluff ( Henderson Co.), L'. Barry (Pike Co.), CL. Bay City (Massac Co.), L"'. Belleville (StirClairCo.), MOM. Bloomfield, L"'. Bloomington (M c Lcan Co.), MCM. Bureau Co., UCM. Calhoun Co., L'. Carbon Cliff, CM. below M. grit. „ (Rock-island Co.), LCM. Carboudale (Jackson Co.), Millstone-grit. Carlinville (M'Coupin Co.), Millstone-grit, LCM., U. Carmi (White Co.), UCM. Carnachan’s( Mercer Co.), CM. Caseyville(MadisonCo.),LCM. Cedar Creek (Warren Co.), LCM. Chester (Randolph Co.), L'". Clarke Co., UCM. Clinton Co. (south), MCM., U. Colchester (M c Donough Co.), LCM. Collinsville (Madison Co.), LCM. Crooked Creek (Marion Co.), UCM. Cumberland Co., UCM. Danville(Vermilion Co.), LCM. Devil’s Bake-oven (Jackson Co.), CL. Drury’s Landing (Rock-island Co.), LCM. Dry Fork (Brown Co.), L"'. Daquoin (Perry Co ), LOM.,M. Edwardsville (Madison Co.), LCM. ,, (Mercer Co.), LCM. Exeter Mine ?, LCM. Falling Spring ?, L"'. Farmington (Cole Co.), UCM. „ (Peoria Co.), LCM. Fountain Bluff (Jackson Co.), L'". Fulton Co., LCM., UCM. Galatia (Saline Co.), UCM. Gallatin Co., LCM. Girard, CM. Glasgow (Scott Co.), L"'. Golconda (Pope Co.), L”'. Grafton (Jersey Co.), L'. Granville (Putnam Co.), Kinderh. Gravel Bank, L'". Gray ville (Edwards Co. ), UCM. Greene Co., CL., LCM. Hamburg (MadisonCo.),LCM. „ (WabashOo.), UCM. Hamilton Co., UCM. Hancock Co., CL., LCM. Hardin Co., CL., LCM. Highland (Madison Co.), UCM. Hodge’s Creek (Macoupin Co.), LCM., M. Honey Crk. (Henderson Co.), L. Illinois City (Rock-island Co.), LCM. ,, Town(St.ClairOo.),CL. Indianola (Vermilion Co.), LCM. Jackson Co., CL., LCM. Jefferson Co., UCM. Jersey Co., CL., LCM. „ Landing, L\ Jerseyville, LCM. Johnson Co., CL., LCM. Jonesboro’ (Union Co.), CL. Kaskaskia (Randolph Co.), L’". Kickapoo (Peoria Co.), LCM., M. Kindorhook (Pike Co.), Kinderhook Group. Knoxville (Knox Co.), LCM. Lacon (Marshall Co.), MCM. Lasalle, UCM. „ Co., L'", LCM., M., U. Liberty (Randolph Co.), L"’. Long Prairie Creek (Monroe Co.), L”'. Makanda (Union Co.), CL. M c Leansboro’ (Hamilton Co.), UCM. Macoupin City and Co., LCM. Madison Co., L’. Marion Co., UCM. Marshall (Clarke Co.), UCM. „ Co., LCM., U. Mary’s River (Randolph Co.), LCM., U. M ison’s Landing (Mason Co.), UCM. Mazon Creek (Grundy Co.), LCM. Menard, LCM., U. Mercer Co., CL., LCM. Monmouth (WarrenCo.),LO M. Monroe City and Co., L’. Montezuma (Pike Co.), CL. Moore’s Mine, LCM. MorganCo., CM. below M.Grit. Morris (Grundy Co.), LCM. =Mammoth vein ? Mt.Carmel(WabashCo.),UCM. | Mt. Sterling (Brown Co.), L”’. Murphysboro’ (Jackson Co.), LCM. Nauvoo (Hancock Co.), L'. Neelyville (MorganCo.), LCM. NewPhiladelphia (Fulton Co.), LCM. Newton (Jasper Co.), UCM. Niota (Hancock Co.), L’. 1 Okaw River, L’”. Oqtiawka (Henderson Co.), Burlington L'. Otter Creek (Jersey City), L’. Paris (Edgar Co.), MCM. Pella (St John &Worthen), L'". Peoria (Peoria Co.), LCM. Piasa Creek, L". Pike Co., CL. Pinckney ville(Perry Co.), LCM. Pope Co., L 1 ”, Millst. Grit. „ Creek (Knox Co.). Prairie du Roclier (Posie Co.), L”\ Quincy (Adams Co.), L, L’. Randolph Co., L m , LCM. Richland Crk.(St.ClairCo.),L"\ River Bluffs (Monroe Co.), L'. Roekport, Rock Riv. (Pike Co.). Rosieclare (Hardin Co.), L"’. St.-Olair Co., L'", LCM. St. John (Perry Co.), LCM. Shawnee Town (Gallatin Co.). ! Sparta (Randolph Co.), LCM. ! Springfield (Sangamon Co.), MCM., U. Sugar Creek (Sangamon Co.), UCM. „ (Williamson Co.), LCM. Tazewell Co., LCM., U. Union Co., CL.. LCM. Urbanna (Champaign Co.), UCM. „ (St.-Clair Co.), LCM. Vandalia (Fayette Co.), UCM. Vermilion Co., LCM. Vienna (Johnson Co.), CL. Wabash Cut-off (White Co.), ! UCM. Waldron ?, UCM. | Warren Co., L’, LCM. Warsaw (Hancock Co.), L’, L”. Wataga, CL., LCM. Waterloo (Monro Co.), L"'. WaupekanCreek(GruudyCo.), LCM. Williamsport (Wabash Co.), L', CM. below M. Grit. Wyoming (Stark Co.), LCM. Youngstown (Warren Co.), LCM. Zanesville (M c Coupin Co.), UCM. 413 IRELAND. Taken chiefly from the Irish Geological Survey. P.B. = Passage-bed. Adare, LLS. Agalurcher, L Agnaglogh, P.B., Shale. Ardagh (Drumcondra), L'. Ardconnaught, LLS. Ardgool (Co. Limerick), LLS. Ardgroom ( Co. Cork), LLS. Ardross Castle, L'. Ardshankill (Boa Island), LLS. Armagh (Co. Armagh), L r . Arraglin Bridge, LLS. Astagob (Co. Meath), L'. Baileystown, LCM. Ballea (Co. Cork), LLS., Sandstone. Ballinacourty, LLS. Ballinascreen (Co. Berry), L'. Ballingarane (Co. Limerick), P.B., Shale. Ballingarry, P.B. Ballinglen, LLS., Shale. Ballintra, LLS. Ballintrillick (Bundoran), LLS., L'. Ballybodonel, P.B., Shale. Ballyduff, L'. Ballylieedy (Co. Cork), LCM. Bally macradeen(Co.Limerick), LLS. Ballymahon (Co. Meath), L'. Ballyshannon, L'. Bedless Hill (Co. Meath ?), L m . Belmore Mountains (Co. En- niskillen), CL., &c. Benburb, LLS., L'. Bilboa(C’o. Carlow), LCM. ?,L T .? Black Lion Mountains (Co. Enniskillen), LLS. Blanchard’s Town ?, L’. Bruckless, LLS., Shale. Bundoran, Calp. Caherasse (Co. Limerick), L r . Cappage House, L’. Cappagh (Co. Waterford), P.B., Shale. Carlingford, L'. Carnteel (Co. Tyrone), CL., &c. Carrick-ma-cross (Co. Louth), P.B., Shale. Carrick-oughter (Kesh?), P.B. Carrick-reagh, L 1 . Carrigaline (Co. Cork), L'. Carrow-ma-crory (Templeboy), CL. Carrow-ma-nalt. Castle Cloonea (Dungarvan), P.B., Shale, L'. Castle Creagh (Doneraile), L'". Castle Cregganes. L'. Castle Espie (Comber), P.B., Shale. Castle Knock (Jukes), L'. Clare Co., CL., &c. Clienish (Fermanagh), L'. Clogher (King’s Co.), L'. Clonalvy, LLS. Cloncastle, L'. Clondalkin, CL., LCM. Clonea (lower), L'. Clonfeacle (Co. Tyrone), L"? Clorance (Co. Limerick), L’. Cookstown (Co. Tyrone), CL. Coomhola Bridge (Co. Kerry), LLS. CorkCo.(North).CL.,LCM.,&c. „ (South), P.B., CL., M.Grit. Courtlough (Jukes), L"'. Cove of Cork, L'. Creggan, LLS. Cregganore (Gort), P.B.,LLS. Creggs (Nobber), L'. Crevenish (Co. Ferm.), L\ Croagh Common (Co. Lime- rick), LLS. Cross-Patrick (Co. Killala), P.B., Shale. Cultra (Belfast), L'. Curragh( Ardmore), PB., Shale. Curraheen (Co. Limerick), L’. Derry, L' ? Derryloran, L ; , L Donaghenrv (Co. Derry), L”. Doohelybeg (Co. Limerick), L'. Doorin (Co. Donegal), LLS. Down Co. CL. Draperstown (Dromard), L'. Drumcurren (Co. Fermanagh), LLS., L'. Drumkenan, LLS., L'. Drumquin, LLS., Shale. Dungannon (Co. Tyrone), P.B., Shale. Dunkineely, LLS. Dunsink, LLS. ?, L'. Dunworthy Bay, P.B. Dysart (Queen’s Co.), L”'. Enagh, LLS. Enniskillen, L'. Errigle-Kcrrogue, L". Fanningtown (Co. Cork), L'. Fethard, L"', LCM. Florence Court, L\ Foynes Island, L” ? Galles, CL. Garbrock Hill, LLS. Garranacool, LCM. Glengoole (lower and upper), LCM. Granard, P.B., LLS., L'. Gurteen Colliery, L T CM. Holme Patrick, L'. Hook Head, L’. Hook Point, LLS. Howth (Dublin), L, U. Howth (Powlskadden), Coomhola Grit. Jarrow Colliery (Kilkenny), LCM. Johnstone (Kilkenny), CL. Keadue (Co. Eoscommon), LLS. or L 1 . Kerry Co. (North and South), P.B., L'", &c. &c. Kesh (Co. Ferm.), L'. Kildare Co., L’, &e. Kildress (Co. Tyrone), P.B., Shale. Kilfinney (Co. Cork), L'. Kilgrogan (Co. Cork), L'. Kilkenny Co., LLS. Killala (Co. Mayo), P.B. Killagunra (Killala), L’. Killashiel (Co. Tyrone), L’. Killcloghy, P.B., Shale, LLS. Killcummin (Killala), L'. Killdorrey (Mallow), P.B., Shale. Killemeal (Dungannon), L'". Killeshandra, P.B., Coomhola. Killmalloch (Co. Lim.), L'. Killshandra (Town Parks), L '. Killtullagh, L\ Kiltorkan Hill, P.B., Sandst. Kinsale, M.Grit, LCM. Kinsale, Old. P.B., Sandst. Knock abrack(Bal ly gaw ly ),CM . Knockadive, LCM. Knockalonga, CM. Knockonny, LLS., Shale. Knocksouna (Co. Cork), L'. Kulkeagh, L' or M. Grit. Kyletaun (Co. Cork), LLS. Largantnore, P.B., Shale. Leitrim Co., CL., &c. Limerick Co., CL., &c. Lisnapaste (Ballintra), LLS. Little Island (Cork), L\ Lough Esk, LLS. Lough Gill, LCM. Lough Shinny, L'”. Maghera (Co. Derry), MCM. Malahide (Dublin), LLS., L’. Manor-Hamilton, L" or L"'. Maryboro’ (Queen’s Co.), L'". Middleton (Co. Cork), L'". Millicent (Clare), L 1 . Mitcheltown, LLS. Mohill, P.B., Shale. Monastir, L'. Moneyburn River. P.B., Shale. Mountphejim, LLS. Moyola River, LLS. Mullagbtinny, L'. Nenagh, L', L". Nobber(Meath), P.B., Shale, L 1 . Pelletstown (Jukes), L'". Portumna, L'. Raheen (Donegal), LLS. Raheeny (Dublin), L’. Ralioran ( Five-mile Town), P.B., Shale. Rathcannon (Co. Cork). LLS. Rathkeale (Co. Clare), L’, L' 1 '. Rathmines (Jukes), L'”. Ring(Enniskillen), P.B., Shale. Roscommon Co. (N. and S.), LLS., P.B., Shale, & Sand. Rowerbeg (Co. Cork), LLS. St. Doolagh’s (Dublin), LLS., L\ Scarapag (Co. Ferm.), CL. Steales (Co. Cork), L'. Stradone, LLS. Tallaghloon, LLS. Tallowbridge (Waterford), P.B., Shale. Tankard’s Town (Kilkorrery), L 1 . Tobercurry, LLS. ?, L', L'"? Tobergrey, LLS. Tobermorey. Toney (Co. Fermagli), LLS. Town Parks, P.B., Shales. Tulsk, L? Tullyoran, L'. West Town, L"'. Wexford, L’. Wolgan’s Town, LLS. Woodland, L'. Woodville, L'. POSTSCRIPT. The horizons of otlier Couhtiies cttn he readily collected from the Tables of this Thesaurus. 5 N AsTR-EOSPONGIA.] 414 [Devonian. ADDENDA I. [Received from Messrs. James Hall (Albany), A.H. Worthen ( Spring fd., I ! I in . ), and other friends, when at press . ] Kingdom ANIMALIA. Class AMOK.PHOZOA. Order PHOTOZOA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Astraeospongia, Bomer, 185 Hamiltonensis, M. & W. Stromatopora, Goldfuss, 18 concentrica, Goldf. ? nodulata, Nicholson, ponderosa, „ substriatella, ,, Syringostroma, Nicholson, columnaris, Nicholson, densa, ,, 4. Ham 30. Cornif. Limest »> it 1875. Cornif. Limest New Buffalo, Iowa Kelly’s Isle (Ohio), Lake Erie Marblehead, Ottawa Co. (Ohio) Sandusky (Ohio) Kelly’s Isle, near Sandusky Worthen, Rep. Illinois, iii. 419. Report Ohio, 1875, pt. 2 (Nicholson). „ „ p. 251. „ „ p. 247. „ „ p. 249. „ „ p. 253. it ti a Subkingdoh CCELENTEKATA (Frey and Leuckart). Class ACTINOZOA. Amplexus, Sowerby, 1814. exilis, Billings. Cornif. Lirnest [Haldimand, Welland, Oxford Cos. Hall, j Ham. Gr p Billings. Cornif. Limest. 9 then. Hamilton!®, intermittens, mirabilis, Yandelli, ? Arenarium, Meek and Wor ? Meek & Worth. Blothrophyllum, Billings , 11859. approximation, Nicholson. Cornif. Limest. Chagtetes, Fischer , 1837. fruticosns, Hall. Ham. Gr p furcatus, „ I „ humilis, ,, UHL tenuis, ,, | ,, Combophyllum, Milne-Ed wards, 1858. sulcatum, CoxJGenessee Shale Cyathophyllum, Goldfuss , 1826. conatutn, Hall. Ham cornieulum, Cox JUHL galerum, Hall.lHam gradatum, Halli, Houghtoni, nanum, Nepos, „ palum, „ perlamellosum,M.-Edw.&II. robustum, Hall, validum, ,, Cystiphyllum, Lonsdale, 18 Cox. Cornif. Limest. Rominger. Ham Hall Ham. UHL. 39. Americanum, M-Edw. & H. Ham. Moscow &c. (West New York) jHaldimand, Welland, Oxford Cos. ? Lexington (Indiana) Port Colborne, Canada West, L. Erie. Canandaigua Lake (New York) &c.... Norton’sLanding,L. Cayuga, Ac. (N.Y.) Western New York Stafford, Genessee Co. (New York) ... conifollis, corrugatum, Ohioensis, sulcatum, varians, vesiculosum, Western New York (passim) .. Falls Riv. Ohio, Clarke Co. (Indiana). Moscow (New York) Western New York (passim) Falls Riv. Ohio, Clarke Co. (Indiana). Livingstone Co. (New York) Moscow &c. (Western New York) ... Livingstone Co. (New York) Canad. Nat. n. s. vii. 232. Hall, Pakcont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 19* „ „ pi. 32. Canad. Nat. n. s. vii. 232. Palajont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 39. Report Illinois, iii. 409. Canad. Nat. n. s. vii. 141. Hall, Pal® out. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 38. „ „ pi. 37. „ „ pi. 38. „ „ pi. 37. Cox, Rep. Indiana, 1875, p. 126. Hall, Paheont. N. Y. v. pi. 31. Cox, Rep. Indiana, 1873, p. 149. Hall, Pakcont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 32. „ „ pi. 31. Cox, Rep. Indiana, 1873, p. 149. Hall, Pakcont. N. Y. v. Ac. pi. 30. pt. ii. pi. 22. Western New York (passim) Batavia, New York, Canada West Moscow. Skeneateles. Bo sanquet(C.W.) Hall. „ ,, Bosanquet (Canada West)... Skeneateles Lake (New York) Nicholson. Cornif. Limest Columbus (Ohio) Billings. UHL Clare ice Hollow (New York) Hall. Ham. Gr p Mosmw.Ac. (Western New York) ... Goldf. Cornif. Limest Columbus (Ohio) pi. 31. pi. 39. pi. 22. pi. 39. Pakcont. N. Y. v. &c. pi. 28. „ „ pi. 30. „ „ pi. 29. Newberry, Rep. Ohio, 1875, pt. ii. Hall, Pakcont. N. Y. 1876, v. &c. pi. 30. Report Ohio, 1875, p. 254. * The Corals are numbered separately. Eridophyllum.] 415 [Devonian. ADDENDA I. Genus, Species, and Author. Eridophyllum, MUne-Edwa Yemeuillauum, Edw. & H. Favosites, Lamarck, 181(5. arbuscula, Hall. Emmonsii, „ epidermata, Rominger. var. corticosa, „ (pars), explanata, Hamiltoniae, Hall. hemisph;erica, Yand. &Shum. rds and Haime, 1851 ? Cornif. Limest. ... Subdivision. Ham. UHL. Locality. Reference. var. a, „ distorta, „ recta, „ turbinata, HaU. invaginata, placenta, Nicholson. Rominger. UHL. Ham. UHL. Ham. Cornif. Limest. Ham UHL., Schoh. Grit... Ham Heliophyllum, Rail. Stre phodes, M-Coy, 184 Arachne, Hall. Colbornense, Nicholson, eonfluens, Hall, degener, „ ? (Zaphrentis) exiguum, Bill. Hallii, M.-Edw. & H. var. obconicum, „ ? „ reflexum, ,, irregulare, Hall, proliferum ?, „ ? Heterophrentis , Billings, 1 compta, Billings, excellens, „ prolifica, „ spatiosa, Lonsdaleia, M'Coy. florifurmis, M.-Edw. & H. Spirif. Sandst Lithwinsck (Govt. Perm, Russia) Michelinia, De Koninck, 18 42. var. bilocula, Hall, pleurodictyoides, Nicholson, polymorpha, Goldf. tuberosa, Rominger. „ var., „ (pars). turbinata, Yand. & Shum. Cornif. Limest. Ham UHL Cornif. Limest. UHL .”. Ham. 875. Cornif. Limest. Ham. Columbus (Ohio) Newberry, Rep. Ohio, 1875, p. 239. I Moscow,York,Livingst.Co.,&c. (N.Y.) Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 36 (Hall) Williamsville (N. York), Falls River ,, „ pi. 9 ,, Ohio, Cayuga (Canada West). Akron, New York (or Ohio) „ „ pi. 6. New Y T ork ,, „ pi. 10, 11. ? .» .. pi- 14. WesternN.Y r ork,especiallynearL.Erie ,, „ pi. 34. Louisville (Kent.), Cayuga (Can. W.?) ,, ,, pi. 10. Falls River Ohio, and in New Y’ork. . . ,, „ pi. 2 a. Helderberg Mts. and Schoharie (N.Y.) „ „ pi. 5. Western New Y’ork, Cayuga (Can. W.) ,, ,, pi. 2a, b. Cayuga (Can. W.), Lake Erie ,, „ pi. 2c. Batavia &c. (N. Y.), Sandusky (Ohio), „ „ pi. 11. Cayuga (Can. W.). Marblehead (Ohio) Reports Ohio, 1875, p. 233. Widder, Bosanquet(Can.W.), Western Hall, Palaeont. N. 1'. v. pt. ii. pi. 35. New York. Caledonia (New York) Kelly’s Isle, Lake Erie Antwerp (Ohio) Cayuga (Can. W.), Akron (N. Y'ork)... Akron (N. Y ork), Cayuga, north shore Lake Erie, Canada West. Louisville (Kentucky) 5. Skeneateles Lake (New Y’ork) Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. &c. pi. 24. Port Colborne, Lake Erie, Can. W.... Canad. Nat. n. s. vii. 143. Skeneateles Lake (New York) Hall, Pal. N. Y - . v. pt. ii. pi. 27. pi. 25. Schoharie (New Y’ork) Skeneateles L., York, Livingstone Co. „ „ pi. 7. Report Ohio, 1873, p. 232. „ „ p. 231. Hall &c., Pal. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 8. „ „ pis. 1&7 „ „ pi. 2. Livingstone Co. (New York) Darien &c. (Western New Y’ork). Skeneateles Lake Ilaldimand, Welland, Oxford Cos. ... ” ” ” Bo- sanquet Township. Ilaldimand, Welland, Oxford Cos. ... Clappi, convexa, dividua, favosoidea, geometrica, maxima, pi. 33. pis. 23 & 25. pi. 25. pi. 23. pi. 24. pi. 26. Canad. Nat. n. s. vii. 236. 235. M.-Edw. & H. UHL Caledonia, Livingstone Co. (N. Y T ork) Hall, Pal. N. Y’. v. pt. ii. pi. 17. DOrb. Hall. | ? Billings. De Kon. Troost. (Pleurodietyum) stylopora, Ham Eaton.} Microcyclus, Meek and, Worthen, 1868 discus, Meek & Worth. Ham. Gr p Phillips astrea, D'Orbigny, gigas, D. D. Owen. Streptalasma, Hall, 1843. recta, Hall, ungula, „ Striatopora, Eaton, 1832. limbata, Eaton. Trachypora, Billings, 1860. elegautula, Billings. Zaphrentis, Llafincsque and Ham. Gr p ? (Thamnoptvehia.) Ham. Gr p Egeria, eriphyle, genitiva, Hecuba, invenusta, multilamellata, prolifica, subrecta, Wortheni, Billings. Nicholson. Billings. Nicholson. 1849. Cornif. Limest. Ham. Gr p Clifford, 1820. Cornif. Limest. Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Mich., N. Y. „ ,, pi. 15 & 15 a. ? | „ „ pi. 18. ? Canad. Journ. 1849, n. s. iv. 114. Belgium |Nouv. Recherches, 1874, p. 135. Tennessee, Kentucky, &e Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pi. 16. Darien, Y’ork, Lake-Erie shore, N.Y’ork Devil's backbone, Jackson Co. (111.)... Erie Co., Ohio pi. 18. Worthen, Rep. Illinois, iii. 420. Nicholson, Rep. Ohio, 1873, p. 242. Western New York (passim) Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 19. (Not stated) Darien &e. to 18-mile Creek (L. Erie) „ (Western New York) Palaeont. N. Y’. v. &c. pi. 133. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. &c. pi. 33. Haldim. , Welland, OxfordCos.,W.Can. Canad. Nat. n. s. vii. 234. Columbus (Ohio) jGeol. Rep. Ohio, 1875, pt. ii. p. 236. Marblehead, Saudusky, Columbus ... „ „ p.238. Ilaldimand, Welland, Oxford Cos. ... Canad. Nat. n. s. vii. 235. Sandusky }Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1875, pt. ii. p. 235. Calceocrinus.] 416 [Devonian. ADDENDA I. Province ANNULOIDA. Class ECHINODERMATA. Order CRINOIDEA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Calceocrinus, Hall. Barrisii, Worth. Cctyledonocrinus, Lyon. spec, indet., Lyon. Cyathocrinus, Miller. 1821. sculptilis, Lyon. Melocrinus (Ctenocrinus Bainbridgensis,Hall&Whitf. Bedfordensis, ,, „ Ham. or UHL Upper Devonian ), Goldfuss, 1826. Genessee Slates Davenport, Iowa Kentucky, Indiana Ohio Falls, Jefferson Co., Kentucky... Bainbridge, Ross Co. (Ohio) Bedford (Ohio) Rep. Illinois, vi. 510. ? Rep. Kentucky, iii. 486 ; Cox, Rep. Indiana, 1875. Report Ohio, 1875, ii. 160. „ „ 161. Province AETICULATA. Class CRUSTACEA. Order TRILOBITA. Acidaspis, Murchison, 1839. Eriopis, Hall, grandis, „ n. sp., ,, Dalmanites, Emmerich, 184 acantholeurus, Conrad, concinnus, Hall, dentieulatus, Conrad, emarginatus, Hall, regalis, „ Phillipsia, Portlock, 1843. levis, Hall ? minusculus, „ (Brachymetopus) ornata, Hall. Proetus, Steininger, 1831. canaliculatus, Hall, crassimarginatus, „ Odontopleura,E/« UHL Scholl. Grit UHL 3. Onondag. Limest. ... Schoh. Grit UHL Schoh. Grit Chem. Gr p UHL Ham UHL merich, 1843. Terataspis. Schoharie Co. (New York) Albany and Schoharie Cos. (N. York) Schoharie Co Schoharie Co. (New York) Helderberg Mounts. (New York). Chemung Co.-(New York) Schoharie Co. (New York) 18-miles Creek (N. York), Lake Erie.. Ohio Falls (Kentucky) Clarence Hollow, Cayuga W.S.W. Palseont. N. Y. (as below) pi. 19*. Hall, Palreont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 17. „ „ pi. 19. pi. 10. pi. 11. Paloeont, N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 21. „ „ pi. 20. „ „ pi. 21. XY. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 101. Palseont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 20. Province ARTICULATA (AIEROSTOMATA, Dana). Class CRUSTACEA. Dithyrocaris, Scoulcr, 1835. j Neptuni, Hall. Chem. Gr p Ithaca, in sandy shale (New York) ... XYI. Rep. Regents N. Y. p. 75. Province MOLLU SCOID A . Class POLYZOA. Ceriopora, Goldfuss. 1826. spec, indet., Etheridge. Trematopora, Hall, 1852. hirsuta, Hall. M UHL L Gympie, Smithfield Reef, Queensland. Bear-grass Creek (Kentucky), Ohio Falls (Indiana). Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 332. Cox, Rep. Indiana, 1875, p. 130. * This numbering applies to the Crustacea only. 417 [Devonian. Lept^ena,] ADDENDA I. Province MOLLUSCOIDA. Class BKACHIOPODA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Leptaena, Dalman, 1827-28. Bouei, Barrande. Murchisoni, D’Arch. &Yern. Orthis, Dalman, 1827. Iowensis.var. furnarius.Hall. Michelini, De Kon. orbicularis, D’Areh. & Vern. Pentamerus, Sowerby, 1843. : comis, D. D. Owen ? occidentalis. \ subglobosus, M. & W. Productus, Sowerby, 1814. exanthematus, Hall. Spirifera, Sowerby, 1815. fo macula, Hall. ? paradoxus, Schlot. Pellico, D’Arch. & De Vern. perextensa, M. & W. Rousseau, Rouault, speciosa, Kayser. subundiferus, Spirigerina, D' Orbigny, 184 aspera, Barrande. Strophomena, Rafinesque, 1 rhomboidalis, var. analoga, Phill. Terebratula, Lhwyd, 1699. Archaici, De Vern ? Bainii, D. Sharpe Schultzii, De Vern .L .L., M. Ham. Fombuena (Prov. Saragossa, Spain). Independence(Iowa),Roek-isl.Co.(Ill.) Fombuena (ut supra)., Ham. Rock-island Co. (Illinois). Cornif. and Ham. ... Ham Onondag. Limest. .. L Onond. or Cornif. L’st M M Ham 9. L 820. Ham Jonesboro’, Union Co. (Illinois) Devil’s Bakeoven (Jackson Co.) Fombuena (Prov. Saragossa) Devil's Bakeoven, Jonesboro’ Fombuena (Prov. Saragossa) Rock-island Co Fombuena (Prov. Saragossa) Gympie Goldfields .L.... .L.... .L.? Fombuena (Prov. Saragossa) Witzenberg Flats Fombuena ( Prov. Saragossa) D’Arch. Paleont. de France, p. 45. Worthen, Rep. Illinois, iii. 424. D’Arch. Paleont. de France, p. 45. Worthen, Rep. Illinois, 1868, iii. 429. „ „ 430. „ „ 412, D’Arch. ut ante. Rep. Illinois, iii. 414. D’Arch. ut anti. Rep. Hlinois, iii. 434. Paleont. de Franoe, ut supra. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 30. D’Arch. ut anti. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. 30. D’Arch. ut anti. 434. 415. Class CONCHIFERA. Group MONOMYARIA. Avicula, Klein, 1873. Woodwardi, Billings? Aviculopecten, M‘ Coy, 185 imbricatum, Ether, parilis, Conrad. Unionensis, Worthen. Pterinaea, Goldfuss, 1834-40. subpapyracea, M. & W. M Cornif. Limest Gaspe Basin (Canada East) Gympie, Queensland (Australia) Sandusky (Ohio) Union Co. (Illinois) Ohio Falls Logan, Geol. Can. 1863, p. 398. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. L. xxviii. 327. Newb. Rep. Ohio, 1873, p. 242. Worthen, Rep. Illin. vi. 511. Rep. Illin. iii. 437, 1868. Class CONCHIFERA. Group DIMYARIA. Cardiola, Broderip, 1839. radians, Cox. Conocardium, Broun, 1835. Ohioensis, Meek. Grammysia, De Verneuil, 1 Verneuili, ? Black Shale, U. Cornif. Limest. 837. ? New Albany (Indiana) Columbus (Ohio) Gaspe Basin. The Narrows Cox, Rep. Ind. 1875, p. 126. Rep. Ohio, 1873, part i. 205. Geol. Canad. 1863, p. 398. Bellerophon.] 418 [Devonian. ADDENDA I. Class NUCLEOBEANCHIATA. Group HETEROPTEROPODA. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Bellerophon, Montfort, 180 crenistria, Hall, cryolites, „ ! Maera, ,, Neleus, Nicholson obsoletus, Hall. Otsego, tricarinatum, Coleoprion, Sandbergcr, 184 tenuicinctum, Hall Conularia, Miller, 1818. Cayuga, Hall, congregata, „ continens, ,, crebristria, „ Hyalithes, Eichwald, 1840. Aclis, Hall, principalis, striatus, Phragmostoma, Hall. Alii natator, Hall. Porcellia, L'EveilU, 1835. Hertzeri, Hall. Nais, „ rotatoria, ,, Tentaculites, Schlotheim, 1 arenosa, Hall, attenuatus, „ bellulus, „ scalariformis, „ sicula, „ spiculus, „ 8 . Ham Goniatites-layer . Chemung Group. Livingstone Co. (New York) Rockford (Jackson Co.) Phillipsburg, Alleghany Co. (N.Y.). Tioga Co. (New York) Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 25. Rep. Indiana, 1875, p. 415. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 22. Ham Chemung, Upper 7. Ham Schoharie Co. (New York) Painted Post (New York).. it tt Ham Portage Group Marcellus Shale Ham Theca, Sharpe, 1846 Ham Schoharie Grit Ham .. ed to Bellerophon, Ham Norton’s Landing (Lake Cayuga) Norton’sLanding(Lake Cayuga, N.Y.) Ithaca (New A’ork) Bridgewater, Oneida Co. (New York) Genessee Valley (New York) Pugiunculus, Barrande, 1847. Cayuga Lake (New York) Schoharie Co. (New York ) Cayuga Lake (New York) Chenango Co. (New York) UHL Chemung Group .. UHL 820. Incerte sedis, Oriskany Sandstone ? Ham UHL Columbus (Ohio) Chemung Narrows (New York) Cherry Valley (New York) Broun. Clarksville, Albany Co. (New York) Cooper’s Town (New York) Bellona, Yate’s Co. &c. (New York).. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 27. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 28. ” ” ” pl.29. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 27. It tt tt It Palceont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 23. Palceont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 16. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 26. Chemung Group Delaware (Ohio) Ithaca, Courtland Co. (New York) .. Province ODONTODHORA. Class GASTEROPODA. Cyclonema, Hall, 1852. concinna, Hall, crenistria, ,. obsoleta, ,, Ecculiomphalus, Portlock. comes, Hall. Euomphalus, Sowerby, 1814 Hecale, Hall, inops, „ rudis, „ Tioga, ,, Isonema, Meek and Worthen bellatula, Hall & Meek, lichas, Hall. Loxonema , Phillips, 1841. Bellona, Hall, coapta, „ hydraulics, H. & Whitf. styliola, Hall, terebra, „ Macrocheilus, Phillips, 184 primsevus, Hall. Isonema 1 Naticopsis?, M'Coy, 1855. cretacea, Hall &, Whitf. Chemung Group Schoharie Grit . Chemung Group Ham Chemung Group UHL , 1865. UHL Ham ,, Shales UIIG Chemung Group 1 . Schoharie Grit . UHL. ? (New York) Schoharie Co. (New York) ? (New York) Bellona and Otsego Co. (New York) Western New York Schoharie Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 12. H tt tt it It tt it It Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 16. Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 16. Nichols, Tioga Co. (New York) pi. 15. Dublin (Ohio), Louisville (Kentucky) Clarence Hollow (N. Y.), Columbus (Ohio). Bellona (New York) 18-mile Creek (Lake Erie shore) Louisville (Kentucky) Nicho’s, Tioga Co. (New York) Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 14. Hall, Palaeont N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 14. „ „ „ pi- 13. ” ” ”, pl.”l4. Schoharie (New York) Columbus (Ohio) Hall, Palaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 12. Hall, Palason. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 11. Plattceras.] 419 [Devonian. ADDENDA I. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Platyceras, Conrad, 1841. auriculatum, Hall, fornicatum, Ham Darien (New York) Hall, Paheont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 3. i var. contractum, „ perplexum, „ UHL „ „ „ pi- 5. „ pl- 2. Onondaga Co. (New York) rictum, „ Ham „ CanandaiguaLake(N.Y.) „ „ ,, pb 4. Thetis?, var.subspinosum, ,, ? ,, Canandaigua Lake (New York) ii >> ii pl* 1 undatum, „ UHL Schoharie (New lork) .. » pl- 7. Platyostoma, Conrad, 1842. aplata, Hall, defigurata, „ euomphaloides, ,, Schoharie Grit Ham Schoharie (New York) Canandaigua Lake (New York) York, Livingstone Co. (New York) ... Hall, Palasont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pl. 11. „ „ „ pl- 9. >> >> >5 >1 lineata, var. callosa, „ var. ampla, „ „ sinuosa, ,, ” Genessee Co. (New York) Bellona (New York) Moscow, Livingstone Co. (New York) }> ft ft ti ft ft ti It it >i it pl. 11. lineatum, Conrad. Cornif, Limest. &c... Onondaga Co., Williamsville, &c. &c. pl. 9. pleurotoma, Hall, turbinata, UHL Onondaga Co. (New York) ,, and Schoharie Cos. (N.Y.) tt a t% ph 10. var. ,, ,, cockleata, Ham UHL Livingstone Co. (New York) Onondaga Co. (New York) unisulcata, Conrad, var. Hall. Schoharie (New York) Ham West Bloomfield (New York) „ „ „ pl- 11. Pleurotomaria, De France, 1825. apicialis, Hall. delicatula, „ UHL. disjuncta, ., Ham Catharine Town, Chemung Co. (N. Y.) Hall, Palaxmt. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pl. 20. (Isonema) imitator, H. & W. Cornif. Limestone ... Louisville (Kentucky) and in N. York. „ „ „ pb 14. insolita, Itys, lucina, var. perfaseiata,Hall. „ „ „ pl- 20. planidorsalis, „ plena, „ UHL Schoharie Co. (New York) pb 17. Province ODONTOPHOllA. Class CEPHALOPODA. Clymenia, Munster, 1839. complanatus, var. perlatus, Hall. Cyrtoceras, Hall, 1833. absens, Hall. Beta, clavatum, Con rad i, Eugenium, Orion, sacculum, M. & W. Ooniatites, Ik Haan, 1825. Ausavensis, Steininger. Gerolsteinensis, „ Iiion, De Kon., nail. Nundaia, „ Oweni, „ ? var. parallela, „ peracutus, „ Prumiensis, Steining. retrorsus, Querist. &V. Buch. simulator, Hall, unilobatus, „ Gyroceras, DeKoninck, 1844. constricta, M. & W. Eryx, Hall. Jason, „ Numa, Billings. Chemung Schoharie Grit Goniatite Limestone Schoharie Grit Ham. Ham Black Breccia Goniatite Limestone Chemung Group ... ?. Chemung. U. Chemung. Ham Oriskany Sandstone UH L. (Dolomite) .. Schoharie Grit Cornii'. Limestone .. Homer (New York) Schoharie (New York) Manlius (New York) Schoharie (New York) Albany Co. (New York) WhiteS ulphurSpring, Delw.Co.(Ohio] Saltern Cove, S. Devon ; Budesheim., ) Rep. Illin. iii. 446. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. iv, 101. Indiana (Carbonif. ?) . Ithaca (New York) . ? Ithaca (New York) Saltern Cove Ithaca (New York) Norton’s Lauding, Ithaca (New York) Bakcoven, Jackson Co. (Illin.) Milwaukee (Wisconsin State) Schoharie Co. (New York) Haldim d , Welland , Oxfd. Co’ (Can . W. ) Hall, Palieont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 70t. Hall, Pabeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 47. pi. 36. pi. 48. Hall Pabeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 73. „ „ pi. 69. pi. 73. Geol. Mag. deo. 2, vol. iv. pi. 69. Hall, Pulaeont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 69. ,, „ „ pi. 71. Rep. Illin. iii. 447. Hall, l’abeout. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 48. >. „ pi. 52. Canad. Natur. Journ. n. s. vii. t The Cephalopoda are numbered apart. Gyroceras ( continued ).] 420 [Devonian. ADDENDA I. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. paucinodus (Herco. ?), Hall. UHL spinosum, Conrad. Schoharie Grit transversum, Hall. Goniatite Limestone validum, „ Schoharie Grit Lituites ?, Breynius, 1732. clymenioides, Hall. Schoharie Grit Nautilus, Breynius, 1732. Anax, Billings. Cornif. Limestone ... Barrandei, Hall. Ham bucciniun, ,, Goniatite L’st &Ham. cornulum, ,, Ham Marcellensis, Vanuxem. Goniatite Limestone maximus, Conrad. Ham oriens. Hall. Marcellus Shale Orthoceras, Breynius, 1832. Bebryx, Hall. Ham emaceratum, ,, luxum, Billings. Schoharie Grit | molestum, Hall. UHL i pelops, var. Ohioensis, Hall? „ , procrus, „ robustum, ,, 9 Ham 1 rudicula, ,, Schlotheimi, Quenstedt. UHL U Trochoceras, Hall ■ Barran de, 1848. Nereus, Hall. UHL i obliquatus, . „ Schoharie Grit Pandion, ,, Locality. Reference. Cherry Valley (New York) Schoharie (New York) Manlius (New Y’ork) Schoharie Schoharie and Albany Cos. Hall, Palseont. N. Y’. v. pt. ii. pi. 55. Conrad, 3rd Ann. Rep.Pal.l840.p.206. Hall, Palseont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 57. „ „ „ pi. 51. Hall, Palseont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 70. Hamburg, &c., Lake Erie (N. York) Manlius and Madison Cos. (N. York) Madison Co. (New Y’ork) Manlius (New Y’ork) Madison Co. (New York) Richmondville, Schoharie (N.Y.) Madison Co. (New York) Hall, Pala?ont N. Y’. v. pt. ii. pls.62,63, pi. 66. pi. 60 pi. 65. pi. 64 pi. 61 Hall, Palseont. N. Y'. v Ilelderberg Mts. and Schoharie (N.Y’.) Clarence Hollow, Erie Co. (N. Y’ork) ? ? Otisco, Onondaga Co. (New Y’ork) ... Stafford (New Y’ork) pt. ii. pi. 39. pi. 35. pi. 36. pi. 40. pi. 37. Auburn (New York) 9 Geol. Mag. dec. 2, vol. iv. 101. Hall, Palseont. N. Y. v. pt. ii. pi. 49. „ » pi. 48. Y'ERTEBKATA. Province BRANCHIATA. Class PISCES. Acantholepis, Newberry, 18 pustulosus, Newb. Cheiracanthus, Agassiz, 18 lateralis, M‘Coy 75. Cornif. Limestone 33. Cladodus, Agassiz, 1840. concinnus, Newb. Coccosteus, Agassiz, 1843. occidentalis, Newb. microspondylus, M‘Coy. pusillus, „ Ctenacanthus, Agassiz , 183 vetustus, Newb. Diplopterus, Agassiz, 1835. borealis, Murchis. gracilis, M‘Coy, Dipterus, Valenciennes and brachypygopterus, Sedgw. & Murch. macrolepygopterus, Sedgw. Sherwoodi, Newb. Valenciennes, Sdgw. & Mur .M. Huron Shale Coruif. Limestone Black Flags Huron Shale .M. .M. Pentland, 1828. M Marl Limest., M. Catskill Group .. M Sandusky, Marblehead, Delaw. (Ohio) Orkney Islands Loraine Co. (Ohio) Delaware (Ohio) Orkney »» * Avon Point, Loraine Co. (Ohio) Stromness, Orkney Orkney Isles Caithness Tioga Co. (Pennsylvania or New Y ork) Caithness Flags Newb. Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1875, p. 38. Brit. Pal. Fossils, p. 582. Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1875, pt. 2, p. 32. Ann. Nat. nist. 2nd ser. vol. ii. Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1875, pt. 1, p. 326. Siluria, 4th edit. p. 264. M‘Coy, Brit. Pal. Fossils. Siluria, 4th edit. p. 263. Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1875, pt. 2, p. 61. M'Coy, Brit. Pal. Fossils, p. 593. Glyptopomub.] r Devonian. 421 ADDENDA I. Genus, Species, and Author. Subdivision. Locality. Reference. Glyptopomus, Agassiz, 184 minor, Agassiz. 3. Dura Den, Fife Co. (Scotland) Ilusley, Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Brit. dec. x. 4. Heliodus, Newberry, 1875. Lesleyi, Newb. Upper Chemung North Pennsylvania Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1875, pt. 2, p. 64. Holoptychius, Agassiz, 183 princeps, M‘Coy. 6. Scat-Craig, Elgin (Scotland) M'Coy, Brit. Pal. Fossils, p. 595. Macropetaiichthys, Owen Sullivanti, Newb. and Norwood. Cornif. Limestone ... Kama’s Farm, Port Colborne (Can.W.) Whiteave’s Report (Selwvn’s Report), Ptyctodus, Pander, 1858. C calceolus, N. & W. HIMA2ROIDEI. Ham Davenport (Iowa) 1873, p. 319. Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1875, pt. 2, p. 59. Rhynchodus, Newberry. C crassus, Newb. HIMiEROIDEI. Cornif. Limest Sandusky, Delaware (Ohio) Geol. Rep. Ohio, 1873, i. 310. fimgus, „ » „ „ „ „ „ 312. secans, „ ” ” 99 ” REPTILIA. Sauropus, Lea, 1849. antiquus, Lea. Old Red Sandstone... Pottsville (Pennsylvania) Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 1849, pp. 91-94. o p II V 422 ADDENDA (RECEIVED WHEN AT PRESS.) Sebkingdom VERTEBRATA. Province BRANCHIATA. Class PISCES. 423 ADDENDA II. (RECEIVED WHEN AT PRESS.) Subkingdom VERTEBRATA. Province BRANCHIATA. Class PISCES. Cladodus.] [Carboniferous. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. a a < -3 W SCOTLAND. ENGLAND. BELGIUM. FRANCE. | RIIENISH PKUSSIA.j WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. N Pi < MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. SAXONY. RUSSIA, EUROP. | a 2 & ALTAI. Locality. Cladodus, Agassiz, 1840. obtusus, Atthey. Fissodus, St. John and Worthen. bifidus, Oracanthus, Agassiz, 1837. confluens, Agassiz. * Kirkton Holme, East Kilbride, Dean Pit, &c. Bo’ness. East Kilbride (Lanarkshire). L' (shale above Calderwood Stone). ... * * SPONGIDiE (omitted from their proper place). Acanthospongia, M'Coy. Smithii, Young & Young, Archaegaricon, Hancock and Att bulbosum, Ilanc. & Atthey. conglomeratum, „ „ dendriticum, „ „ globuliferum, „ „ radiat.um, „ „ Hyalonema, J. E. Gray. parallolum (Serpula), M'Ooy. parallcla, M'Coy. hey, 1869. LCM. (black) , Shale Drumlock. Kilbride. Lugton Inn. Ayrshire. Cunningham. Bedland. Newsham. Cramlington. North- umberland. Ar.ETnorTERis.] 424 [Carboniferous. ADDENDA II. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. ] KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. | OHIO. | KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. •2 o trj S'. s ? K Locality. Alethopteris, Sternberg, 1825. Bunburyi, Andrews, cristata, Geinitz. emarginata, Gopp. j l'alcata, Worthen. Hallii, Lesq. Holdeni, Andrews, lanceolata, longifolia, Brngn. maxima, Andrews. Niagarensis, Plucknetti, Gein. spinulosa, Annularia, Sternberg , 1822. longifolia, var. angustifolia, Brngn. sphaenophylloides, Zenker. Archasopteris, Newberry, 1875. stricta, Newb. Asterocarpus, Goppert. grand is, Lesq. Asterophycus, Lesquereux. Coxii, Lesq. Asterophyllites, Brongniart, 18 erectifolius, Andrews. ? minutus, „ Calamites, Suckow, 1784. cuneiformis, Cox. Cardiocarpus, Brongniart , 1828. Newberryi, Andrews. Carpolithus, Sternberg, 1828. bullatus, Lesq. corticosus, „ Persicaria, „ vesicularis, ,, Caulopteris, Bindley and Hutton acanthophora, Lesq. intermedia, obtecta, Lesq. Colletti, „ Conostichus, Lesquereux. ornatus, Lesq. Cordaites, Unger, 1845. angustifolia, Lesq. borassifolia, Corda. simplex, Daws. Cyclopteris, Brongniart, 1828. Bochschiana, Daws, elegans, Lesq. Halonia, Bindley and Hutton, 18 tuberculata ?, Brngn. Hymenophyllites, Goppert, 18 adnescens, Lindl. & Hutt. arborescens, Lesq. delicatulus, Brngn. Gutbieriauus, Unger, inflatus, Lesq. Lactuca, Gutbier. mollis, Lesq. 1 Pecopteris. * Rushville. Perry Co. Morris (Coal-shale). Mazon Creek. Morris. Rushville. LCM * * * * LCM. .. LCM LCM. Kinderh * LCM * * * mcm * ... „ Sydney. Rushville. I Mazon Creek. St. John’s. Perry Co. Pikesville. Vigo Co. Rushville. Mazon Creek. Rockcastle. New Harmony Cut-off. Rushville. Hartford. Vigo Co. Fruits, nut-like. Rushville. Fruits (various). Mazon Creek. ,, (in concretion). Murphvsboro’. * ... LCM. * Kinder li * * * ... MCM , IT. * LCM. . * LCM * * * * 28, = Bornia. LCM LCM ? * LCM * ... LCM. # * * LCM LCM LCM Morris. Murphysboro’. Stems of trees. — Etheridge. Morris. Colchester. Rushville. Morris. , 1831 LCM * LCM.? * LCM., Shale ... * L', LCM * * Crawfordsville. Lodi. Putnam Co. Port Byron. Duquoin. St.John’s. Pikeville. South Joggins. Chignecto Channel. Pictou. Grand River. ? Vigo Co. (Cox). Shumokin. Potts- ville. Pope Co. Aphlebia, Presl. Springfield. Hazlegreen. Morris Town. Colchester. Morris (shale). Duquoin. Mazon Creek. Grundy Co. * * MCM * * MCM * * * MCM., U * LCM. &c * * 33. L'" * UCM ?.... * * * * * * * LCM LCM LCM LCM., M LCM LCM Hymenophyllites ( continued ).] 425 [Carboniferous. ADDENDA II. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. 1 ARKANSAS. 1 KANSAS. 1 NEBRASKA. 1 MISSOURI. < o I MICHIGAN. 1 ILLINOIS. < Z < s z 6 X o >> X o E-i Z w X I TENNESSEE. < z. < > > m Z z w Ch NOVA SCOTIA. 1 CAPE BRETON. 1 NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. / myriophyllum, Brngn Schlotheimii, „ splendens, Lesq Strongii, „ tenuifolius, Brngn thallyformis, ,, trichomanoides, Brngn tridactylis, ,, Lepidodendron, Sternberg, 1821 cruciatum, Lesq Greenii, ,. mammillatum, „ obovatum, Stemb rigens, Lesq Lepidophyllum, Brongniart , 18 foliaeeuin, Lesq rostellatum, „ striatum, „ Lepidostrobus, Brongniart , 1828 connivens, Lesq. oblongifolius, „ truncatus, „ Neuropteris, Brongniart , 1828. angustifolia, Brngn. Elrodi, Cox. rarinervis, Bunb. Smithii, Lesq. Odontopteris, Brongniart, 1828. Bradleyi, Lesq. Orthogoniopteris, Andrews. clara, Andrews. Pachyopteris, Brongniart. graeillima, Lesq. Palaeoxyris, Brongniart. appendSculata, Lesq. corrugata, ,, Prendelli, ,, Paleophycus, Hall. divaricatus, Cox. gracilis, ,, Milleri, Paolia. vetusta, Cox ? Pecopteris, Brongniart, 1828. arguta, Sternb. aspidioides, Brngn. Candolliana, „ cbaerophylloides, ,, dentata, ,, elegans, Gopp. flavicans, Presl. hemiteloides, Brngn. Sillimani, „ squamosa, Lesq. Rhabdocarpus, Goppert and Be clavatus ?, Stemb. mammillatus, Lesq. Schutzia, Goppert. , bracteata, Lesq. Sigillaria, Brongniart, 1828. 1 alternans, Lindl. & Hutfc. Brardii, Brngn. 1 Cistii, „ LCM. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Morris Town. ,, Pottsville.Mauchuuk. Mazon Creek. Morris Town. „ Colchester. „ (shales). Morris Town. Mercer Co. Morris Town. Rock-Island Co., &c. Mazon Creek. Murphysboro’. Mazon Creek. »> Mazon Creek. Morris Town. Mazon Creek. Mazon Creek (Grundy Co.). LCM. LCM. .. * LCM. .. LCM LCM LCM. .. LCM LCM CM. LCM M. Grit * LCM 28. LCM LCM LCM . A Cone. LCM LCM LCM LCM * * Vigo Co. Pikesyille. Hindostan Village. Mazon Creek. Rushville (Perry Co.). Morris Town. Mazon Creek. Salt Creek (Vigo Co.). Millstone Grit... * LCM * Kinderh * LCM * * * * LCM LCM LCM In ferr. concret.. * * * * ii >> Millstone Grit... LCM * * * * * * * * * * * * # * X * LCM Mazon Creek. Colchester. Vlazon Creek. >> >> »> ?» »> *> »» LCM LCM LCM LCM LCM LCM LCM., M LCM rger, 1848. LCM Vlazon Creek. Vlazon Creek (in concretions). VIorris Town. Vlurphysboro’. VIorris Town. LCM LCM LCM LCM LCM Sigillaria ( continued ).] 426 [Carboniferous. ADDENDA II. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. \ Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. [ IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | OHIO. j KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. ] Locality. Massiliensis, Lesq. obovata, ,, samina (seeds of Sigillaria), „ spinulosa, Germar. SigiUarioides, Lesquereux. radicans, Lesq. st el laris, ,, Sphenophyllum, Brongniart, 1 cornutum, Lesq. Sphenopteris, Brongniart, 1828. elegans, Brngn. gracilis, „ sinuosa, Lesq. tridactylites, Brngn. trifoliata, „ UCM. ? Marseilles (Lasalle Co.). Hartford (Vigo Co.). Morris Town (shales). Carmi (White Co.). Mazon Creek (ironstone nodules). Morris Town. LCM * LCM UCM LCM LCM 828. LCM * Colchester (coal-shales). Mazon Creek. LCM * LCM., M * Morris Town (coal-shales). LCM * LCM E. T. Cox, Report. Mazon Creek (Colchester shales). Morris Town (coal-shales). Duquoin (shale). Crawfordsville. LCM * Staphyllopteris, Lesquereux, ne sagittatus, Lesq. Stigmaria, Brongniart, 1828. elliptica, Lesq. Hightowersii, Cox. Stigmarioides, Lesquereux, 1870. affinis, Lesq. linearis, ,, ? rugosus, ,, selago, „ truncatus, „ tuberosus, „ villosus, ,, Syringodendron, Sternberg and pes-capreoli, Sternb. Trigonocarpus, Brongniart, 182 Nceggeratkii, Lindl. & Hutt. olivasformis, ,, ,, trilocularis, Hildreth. Ulodendron, Bindley, 1831. ellipticum, Sternb. majus, Lindl. & Hutt. punctatum, ,, „ c Presl. LCM * LCM L" * LCM * Mazon Creek (iron-clay concretion). LCM * LCM * LCM * LCM * LCM * LCM * Brongniart, 182 UCM 8 Lepidodendron . Grayville. Nut-like fruits. — Dawson. 8 LCM Mazon Creek. Eugene Town (sandstone). Summit (Mahoning Co.). Morris Town. * | LCM LCM | ,, Colchester. LCM.(subcongU ,, Carbondale. | 1 Diploxylon.] 426 a [Carboniferous. ADDENDA II. ( continued ). 1'LAXTyE. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. y’ < < < | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. IOWA. < £ | ILLINOIS. INDIANA. | OHIO. KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. 1 Locality. Diploxylon, Corda, 1840. spec, indet., Dawson. CM * South Joggins. Sttbkingdom CCELENTEIIATA. Axophyllum, Milne-Edwards and Haime. infundibulum, W ortben. Chaetetes, Fischer, 1837. carbonaria, Worthen. ' MCM. Cyathaxonia, Michelini, 1846. distorta, Worthen. CM. Cyathophyllum, Gold fuss, 182 2. rugosum, Cox. Kinderh. Hadrophyllum, ? glans, ? Lithostrotion, Fleming, 1827. prolifera, Hall. L"' mammifera, Lonsd. Lophophyllum, Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850. Tar. sauridens, UCM Michelinia, Be KonincJc, 1842. megastoma, Phill Zaphrentis, Eaphinesque and Clifford, 1820 Oviboa, Salter. Arctic seas Clarke Co. (near Coal No. 12). Next to and above Belleville Coal (St. Clair Co.). Cumberland Co. Dixon’s Quarry (Jackson Co.). Burlington Limestone (Henderson Co.). Wildfowl Bay. Bell’s Landing Calhoun’s Co. St. Fe (North Mexico). C amnia, Michel. Depot Point (Jones Strait). \ Class ECIIIX ODEIIMATA. Actinocrinus, Miller , 1821. jr»miihra.nohiahiis- M c Ohpflnov. Tj * Burlington. „ Quincy. Adams Co. Andrewsianus, „ Christii, Worthen. Agaricocrinus, Troost, 1830. tuberosus, Troost. Amphoracrinus, Austin , 1H48. Americanus, F. Rom. Archaeocidaris, M‘ Coy, 1840. Cratis, W'hite. trudifer, ,, ? As tree a (Palaeastraea), MCoy. carbonaria, ? L, L' L' ... ::: L” Crawfordsville. White Creek Springs (Nashville). Uinta Mounts. (Utah Terr.). Con- fluence of Grand and Green Rivs. * ... Crab Orchard (Cumberland Co.). i 1 Barycrinus.] 4266 [Carboniferous. ADDENDA II. ( continued ). NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. < c | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | onio. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. Barycrinus, Wachsmuth, MS., 18 arboreus, M. & W. Hovei, Hall. Lyoni, » multibrachiatus, Lyon & Cassed. stellatus, ^Troost. striatus, Worthen. Batocrinus, Ccisseday, 1854. Agassizi, Troost. calyculus, Hall. Coreyi, Lyon & Cass. Verneuilianus, Slium. Belemnocrinns, C. E. White, 18 florifer. Wachsm. & Springer. Pourtalesii, ,, » 68. L', Keokuk Crawfordsville. L' L' L’ L’ L'" * Otter Creek (Jersey City). Crawfordsville. L' L' L' Burlington. Sage Town. Burlington, „ [nus. =Catiilocrinus, Cheirocri- Crawfordsville. L, L' w * 62. L (upper limest.) L (lower limest.) * * nodosus, Hall. Codonaster, M l Coy, 1848. stelliformis, M'Coy. Dorycrinus, F. Burner. dicornis, Owen & Shum. Kellogii, Worthen. L' L' * Henderson Co. L * Henderson Co. L' Keokuk. Burlington. Green Co. Wortheni, Erisocrinus, Meek and Worthen, L', Keokuk * 1865 Philocrinus, 1865. 9 Utah. Confluence of Grand and Eupachycrinus, Meek and Wor Bassetti, Worthen. Craigii, .. platybasis, White. Forbesiocrinus, Be Koninck and i M'Chesneyi, ? j Norwoodii, Hall. Granatocrinus, Troost, 1850. Melo, var. projectus, M. & W. Lepidesthes, Meek and Worthen, Coreyi, M. & W. Megistocrinus, Owen and Shum Whitei, Hall. Onychocrinus, Lyon and Cassed exsculptus, Lyon & Cass, magnus, ,, Pentremites, Say, 1820. (Tricoelocrinus) Varsoviensis, Worthen Platycrinus, Miller, 1821. grandistylus, F. Rom Poteriocrinus, Miller, 1821. Corycia, Worthen then, 1855. ? X Green Rivers (Lower Aubrey group). Belleville (Vandalia Co.). Vandalia Coal-shaft. Coal No. 10? ... ? Utah. Confluence of Grand and Le Hon, 1854. Green Rivers (Lower Aubrey group). L', Keokuk * L Burlington. 1868 Erischoechinidae. L 1 , Keokuk * Crawfordsville. ard, 1848. L Burlington. Crawfordsville. ay, 1859. id * L'" Monroe Co. L", L'" Warsaw, near Columbus. L" Warsaw. L r , Keok. Shales. Crawfordsville. Prairie du Long. White Creek Hovei, Worthen, MS Lasallensis, „ proboscidalis, „ L' * Springs. Crawfordsville. UCM Lasalle Co. L”' * Carondelet (Illin. Rep. vi. 516). L 1 ” Alton. Wachsmuthi (Scaphiocrinus), M. & W pc'np'hinrrirms, Hall , 1858 L Burlington. Subgen. of Proteriocrinus. L"' Monroe Co. L Burlington lower limestone. Steganocrinus, Meek and Wort/ peutagonus, Strotocrinus, Meek and Worthen dilatatus, M. & W subventricosus, M'Chesney Zeacrinus, Troost, 1850. concinnus, M. & W en, 1865. L Henderson Co. 1866 See Actinocrinus, Hall. L Burlington. L Henderson Co. L’ L * Crawfordsville. T 1 Axthbapalzejion.] 426 c [CARBONIFEROUS. ADDENDA II. ( continued ). Class CRUSTACEA. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. to to 55 < < | KANSAS. [ NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. 1 IOWA. MICHIGAN. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. OHIO. KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. CAPE BRETON. [ NEW BRUNSWICK. | Locality. Anthrapalsemon, Salter, 1861. Hillianus, Dawson. Cy there, Muller, 1785. spec, indet., Hayden. Macroura. MCM * South Joggins. Cumberland Coal- mines. ? UCM * * Class INSECTA. Blattina, Germar, 1842. sepulta, Scudder. spec, indet., LCM. Dawson. LCM. (base) Libellula, Scudder (provisional! y). carbonaria, Scudder. Larval abdomen, * ... Cossett’s Pit shale (Can. Natur. viii. 89, and Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Science, xxiv. 111). * ... Cossett’s Pit shale. Class MYRIAPODA. Class POLYZOA. Evactinopora, Meek and Worth sex-radiata, M. & W. Lyropora. retrorsa, Worthen. Trematopora ?, Hall, 1852. I spec, indet., Cox. n, 1865. L' Montezuma (Pike Co.). Montezuma (Pike Co.). Crawfordsville. Chonetes.] 426 c? [Carboniferous. ADDENDA II. ( continued ). Class BRACHIOPODA. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | ARKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | OHIO. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. 1 | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAPE BRETON. | NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Chonetes. (Devonian.) mesoloba, Cox. Orthis, Dolman, 1827. Rushensis, umbraculum, Schloth. ? Productus, Sowerhy, 1814. Eequicostatus, C. A. White. Ivesii, Newberry, semiret.iculatus, var. Cal- hounensis, Swallow, var. frigida, Salter, umbraculum, Schloth. Wabashensis, Retzia, King, 1849. punctuhfera, Shum. Rhynchonella, Fischer, 1809. pustulosa, Hall, subcircularis, Winch. Whitei, ,, Spirifer, Sowerby, 1820. fastigatus, (M. & W.), Hall, hirtus, Keilhauii, Yon Buch, Belcher, ii. Marionensis, striatiformis, Meek. Syringothyris, Winchell, 1864. textilis, Hall. ? * * * * * * St. Clair Co. Pike Co. Trough Run. Edward’s Port (Knox Co.). Fish Creek. Jacob’s Pool (North Arizona). Fish Creek. South Otter Creek (Jersey City). Rockport. Grindstone Quarries (Boat Point). „ „ (Lake Huron). Orawfordsville. Rockport. Arctic Seas, Exmouth Isle, &c. Sciotoville, &c. Floyd and Clarke Cos. Buff L’st., UCM ? * * * 9 ? * * UCM * * * * * * * L" * * ... 386 * * Order MONOMYARIA. Avicula, Klein, 1752. Morganensis, M. & W. LCM. Aviculapecten, M'Coy, 1853. Carrizo, Newberry. Coloradensis, „ Macrodon, Lycett, 1845. delicatum, M. & W. tenuistriatum, „ Pinna, T Annaeus, 1858. subspatulata, Wortben. UCM. UCM. L'. Pseudomonotis, Bey rich, 1832. [ epee, indet., Broadhead. UCM. Morgan Co. River Stanger, North Arizona (Rep. Colorado, p. 129). Springfield. Iveokuk. Warsaw. Clay Co. 426 e [Carboniferous. Entolium.] ADDENDA II. ( continued ). Order DIMYARIA. NORTH AMERICA. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | A1IKANSAS. | KANSAS. | NEBRASKA. | MISSOURI. | IOWA. | MICHIGAN. | ILLINOIS. | INDIANA. | oiiio. | KENTUCKY. | TENNESSEE. | PENNSYLVANIA. | NOVA SCOTIA. | CAI’E BRETON. [ NEW BRUNSWICK. Locality. Entolium, Meek. erenistriatum, Meek. Winchelli, „ Myalina, Be Koninck, 1844. Keokuki, Worthen. Pleurophorus, King, 1844. soleniformis, * * Sciotoville. Newark. Keokuk. Hamilton, Nauvoo. &c. Adams Co. 4k L' * * CM * 1 Crass GASTEROPODA. Actaeonina, D’Orbigny , 1844. minuta, Stevens. Euomphalus, Soiverby, 1814. planorbiformis, Platyceras, Conrad, 1840. acutirostris, Worthen. Class CEPHALOPODA. Class PISCES. Acondylacanthus, St. John and occidentalis, N. & W Agassizodus, St. John and Worth i corrugatus, N. & W. Catopterus, Redfield, 1841. macrurus, Redfield. Chomatodus, Agassiz, 1808. linearis, Agassiz. | Yarsoviensis, Cladodus, Agassiz, 1840. exilis, St. John & Worth. Heliodus, Newberry. | Lesleyi, Newberry. Peltodus, Newberry and Worthen, | unguiformis, N. & W. Worthen, 1875. L'" en, 1875. LCM ? ? Kinderh. 187H UCM. St. Louis limestone. Alton. Carlinville. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York. Ilurlington : both fish-beds. Cleveland shale. Lasalle Co. 426/ Carboniferous Fossils from Smith’s Sound and the adjacent Coasts of the Central Polar Sea. Sir George Nares commanding. — Collected by Captain Feilden, R.E. (Communicated by Robert Etheridge, Esq., F.R.S., &c.) Feilden Isthmus, lat. 82° 43' N. Genus, Species, and Author. Cyrtia, allied to C. carbonarius. Fenestella, Miller and Lonsdale, 1839. arcticat, bullulata, oribrosat, intertextat, Other Localities. Burnhead (Kilbride). Gare ? Lithostrotion, Fleming, 1827. basaltiforme, junceum, Martini, Polypora, M Coy, 1844. biarmica, grandis, megastoma, Conybeare & Phill., and A. Rimer Bathurst Island (Arctic Sea). Fleming America and Europe. Keyserling CL. River Pinega (Russia). Productus, Sowerby, 1814. oostatus, Sow timbriatus, ,, .... giganteus, Martin mesolobus, Phill. . punctatus, Martin semireticulatus. Ramipora. Hochstetteri, Rhynchonella, Fischer, 1809. pleurodon, Phill. . . Spirifera, Sowerby, 1820. duplicicostata, Phill. .. ovalis, „ Spiriferina, D'Orbigny, 1847. cristata, Scbloth. Moscow. England, Ireland, Ac. Russia. Ireland, Scotland, &c. „ Vise. England. Scotland. Belgium. Scotland. Russia. Ireland. Belgium. Russia. Ireland. England. Russia. England. Russia, &c. „ Africa. Belgium, Ac. Ireland. Illinois. Nova Scotia. Strophomena, Rafincsquc, 1820. rhomboidalis, Wilkens Passim. t Only known to mo from Feilden Isthmus. — R. Etiiekidge, F.R.S. Cyathophtlltjm.] 426 g [Caeboniperous. ADDENDA II. ( continued ). Subkingdom CCELENTEBATA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. [ RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. •ZUVH | | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONV. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. Cyathophyllum, Goldfuss, 182(5. ceratites, Baily. expansum, M‘Coy. Stenopora, Lonsdale, 1844. tumida, Lonsd. Stylastraea, Lonsdale, 1845. Li inconferta, Lonsd. verticalis, „ Syringopora, Goldfuss, 1828. geniculata, Trautschold. parallela, Lonsd. LLS * Kilsella (Sligo Co.). Beith (Ayrshire). Robroyston. Busby (Glasgow). Cosatschi-datschi. Malouka (Govt. Moscow). Mjatschkovo, Vitegra, &c. L'. * * Jj'" THOSTROTION. UCM * * ... UCM Harmodites. L' * * L' Class ECHINODERMATA. Actinocrinus, Miller , 1821. I ecosidactylus, Portl. L' . . . . ! tenuistriatus, Kelly. LLS. Adelocrinus, Kelly ? hystrix, Kelly. LLS. Gilbertsocrinus, Phillips, 183(5. simplex, Portl. 1 .... Melocrinus, Goldfuss. ! amphora, Portl. ?L' .... The Hook, Wexford. Carrownanalt. Ballinacourty, Dungarvan. Portloek's Rep. Londonderry, &c. Cleenish (Fermanagh). Anthrapal^emon.] 426 h [Carboniferous. ADDENDA II. ( continued ). Class CRUSTACEA. EUROPE, &c. Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. 3 < \ MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. < K & | ALTAI. Locality. Anthrapalsemon, Salter, 1861. Woodwardi, R. Ether., jun. Beyrichia, A/' Coy, 1846. subdecorata, M‘Coy. Cyclophthalmus, Corda , 1845 ? senior, Gorda ? Cypris, Muller, 1756? insignis, Ludwig. Dictyoneura, Jordan, 1854. anthracophila, Jordan. Humboldtiana, Goldenb. Limulus, Muller ; Latreille. rotundatus, Prestw. Palseocypris, Ch. Brongniart. Edwardsi, Ch. Brngn. Zyloryctes, Stur and Fritsch. planus, Stur & Fritsch. septarius, „ LLS * * Belhaven Bay (Dunbar). Chomle (Radnitz). (LetliaeaGeogn. [1876.) Palseont. Dunker aud Von Meyer. Gersweiler Pit, Saarbruck. Sulzbach, Saarbruck. Coalbrookdale. St. Etienne. Upper Radnitz Coal. Lower „ * MCM. * * MCM. MCM. * lcm * UCM * LCM * 1 Order TRILOBITA. Phillipsia, Portlock, 1843, = Asap acuminata, Ferd. Rom. quadrilimbus, Phill. raniceps, „ HUS. * L'" * * * L'" , 1 1 Rosdzin. Bolland. Class POLYZOA. Ceriocava, Ludwig. crescens, Ludw. FusulindLimeai. Vincularia, Dc France, 1829. Benniei, R. Ether., jun. L” ? * Lithwinsk. In shale. Lanarksh. Peeblesh. CH0ITETE8.] 426 i [Carboniferous. ADDENDA II. ( continued ). Class BRACHIOPODA. EUROPE, &c. 1 Genus, Species, and Author. Horizon. | IRELAND. [ SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. [ BELGIUM. | TRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. < go Pfi Oj N | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONV. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. Chonetes, Fischer, 1837. j comoides, Sow., De Kon. Productus, Sowerby, 1814. i complectens, R. Ether., jun. lobatus, Sow. var. paucicostatuB, i marginatus, Eichw. j Martini, Sow. RhynchoneUa, Fischer, 1809. ! pleurodon, var. triplex, M‘Coy. Streptorhynchus, King, 1850. 1 Koninckii, Baily. Strophomena, Rafinesque, 1820. distorta, Young & Armst. Terebratula, Lhwyd, 1699. sacculus, var. hastata, Martin. TiT.S * Malouka (Govt. Moscow). L" * L" . * Donetz (Ludwig). Worskressenskoje (Moscow). Donetz (Ludwig). Beith (Ayrshire). L" * L” * L' * * ? * Rathkeale (Limerick). Robroyston. Loughshinny. Dumfermling. Mat- lock. Vise. River Soiwa. V" * CL. &c * * * * * * Order DIMYARIA. Anthracomya, Salter, 1861. N Scotica, Ether., jun. Sanguinolites, M'Coy, 1844. Abdenensis, Ether., jun. aiadites, Daws L’ on Mid-Calder, Edinburgh. Abden near Kirkaldy. L' base * Class GASTEROPODA. Acroculia, Phillips, 1841. laevigata, L’Evoille. Simpsoni, var., Ether., jun. Orthoceras, Breynius, 1732. Browniana, Ether., jun. tetragonum, Auerbach. L’ * Malouka (Govt, Toula ?). Pathhead (Haddingtonshire). Ardross Castle. Elie. Malouka. L' * * LLS L' # 3 Fissodes.] •126 j [Carboniferous. ADDENDA II. ( continued ). Class PISCES. EUROPE, &c. Genus. Species, and Author. . Horizon. | IRELAND. | SCOTLAND. | ENGLAND. | BELGIUM. | FRANCE. | RHENISH PRUSSIA. | WESTPHALIA. | SILESIA. | HARZ. | MORAVIA. | BOHEMIA. | SAXONY. | RUSSIA, EUROP. | URAL. | ALTAI. Locality. Fissodus, St. John and Worthen. bifidus, St. John & Worth. Ichthyocopros, Goldenberg, 183 pupasformis, Goldenb. Lamna, Goldenberg , 1839? carbonaria, var. minor, Germar. L' above Calder- wood Cement. 9? * Dean Pit, Bo’ ness. Kirktonholm cement-mine. E. Kilbride. Doubtful bodies. Fish-coprolites ? Saarbruck. The same as Ichthyocopros. mcm. ? * * 427 AMERICA. Siiort Summaries of the Carboniferous Formation. The leading feature of this epoch here is, when fully developed, its division into four sets of continuous Coal- measures by two thick sandstones and Millstone Grit, according to D. 1). Owen (Report on Arkansas). Canada East. (Logan, Report, 1863.) Gaspe Bay, Points Jaime and Peter, LCM. Bonaventura Isle, LCM. Bay of Chaleurs, LCM. and MCM. Prince Edward’s Island (Gulf of St. Lawrence). (Dawson and Harrington.) Upper Coal-measures. Miminigash, Gallas Point, &c. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. (Acadian Geology, pp. 129-131.) 1. Upper CAT. = Upper barren CM., England. Calamite, Annularia. 3000 feet thick. 2. 'Middle CM. or productive C'J/. = LCM., M. of Europe and U.S.A. 3. Millstone Grit (red sandstone) and shales, with conglome- rate ; the whole of great thickness. 5000-6000 feet. 4. Carboniferous Limestone , Upper and Lower, as in England and in U.S.A. Much gypsum, with sandstone, clay, marl. 5. Lower Coal-measures and Lower Conglomerate, the subcarbo- niferous of America, false CM. of Virginia &c„ the Mar- shall Group, Tuedian of England, Culm of Germany, &c. Cape Breton. (From this ‘ Thesaurus.’) Upper Coal-measures. Sydney ( Neuroptera cordata , var.), Port Hood, Sydney ( Eurypteris , spec, indet.), Caribou Cove, &c. Middle Coal-measures. Sydney ( Annularia &c.). Lower Coal-measures. Canseau Straits, Plaister Cove, Brad- dock ( Leaia , Anthracosia, &c.). Millstone Grit. Cape Porcupine, M c Millan’s Point, &e. L"'. Irish Cove, Lennox Passage, &c. L'\ ,, ( Serpula , Modwla, Productus spinosus). L’. Roe’s Point, Long Island, Cheticainp, Baddick ( Gyracan - thus). Total thickness about 10,000 feet (R. Brown). Newfoundland. St. George’s Bay, LCM. „ Upper Millstone Grit. State of Rhode Island. (C. Hitchcock.) Lower Coal-measures. Newport, Easton Beach, Aquidneck Isle (Lesquereux), Portsmouth, Aquidneck Mine (anthracitic), and Mount-Hope Mine. Arkansas. (D. D. Owen, Leo Lesquereux.) All coal-beds are subconglomeratic, in or near Mountain Limestone, as at Spadra Creek, Jenny Lind’s Prairie, &e. L'". Common. L". Agassizocrmus (Washington Co.). Kansas. (Meek and Hayden.) Chiefly UCM., fossiliferous, often with limestone beds. Also UL., very thick; westwards to the Rocky Mountains (Sir W. Logan’s Map). See first Table. Nebraska. (Meek, Geinitz.) As in Arkansas. UCM. holds many plants, besides Cyathaxonia, Stenopora. Archreocidaris, Edmondia, &c. UL. holds Cythere, Fenestella, Glauconome, Polypora, Ac., with many plants. Mexico, North or New. (G. G. Shumard.) UL. principally, but now often proving to belong to the lower divisions. Localities. Cornudas, El Paso, Horse Mountains, &c. UCM. Pecos Villages, Kosilowski (Hayden). MCM. Fort Filmore. LCM. (anthracite). Old Placer Mountains, Real de Dolores. See Supplementary Table for numerous Organic Remains. Uinta Mountains. (J. W. Powell, 1876.) Stretching east from the Wasatch Mountains, for 150 miles, to the Junction Mountains. In this region we may not be able to separate this epoch into the usual divisions (Powell, p. 80). feet. 1000. Upper Aubrey Group ; sandstone, occasionally lime- stone. 1000. Lower .Group; limestone, occasionally sandstones. 2000. Red-Wall Group ; principally limestone. 460. Lodore Group ; thin-bedded sandstone lying uncon- formably. For a few fossils, see Supplementary Table. 428 AMERICA Missouri. (Broad head, Survey, 1874, p. 67.) Upper Coal-measures. Putnam, Caldwell Cos., &c. Middle Coal-measures. Lexington, Hannibal, &c. Lower Coal-measures. Clarke, St. Louis, Putnam Cos., &c. Conglomerate. Not known? (Winchell). Chester Limestone ( Archimedian •) and Sandstone. St. Genevieve, St. Louis Cos., &e., Warsaw (St. Louis Limestone), Boons- liek, St. Louis Co. {Archimedes reversa &c.). Keokuk Limestone (under chert-beds). Clinton, Jasper, Calla- way Cos., Dresden, &c. Burlington Limestone. Cedar Co., Clinton Co., Birmingham, &c. Kinderhook. Howard, Balls, Pike Cos., &c., consisting of Chouteau Limestone, vermicular sandstones and shales, lithographic limestone. Iowa. (J. Hall, White, Whitfield, Winchell.) Upper Limestone (UL.). White {Cytherina). ,, Coal-measures. Clarke, Deeatur, Union Cos., &c. Middle ,, Dallas Co., Des Moines City. Lowest ,, Marion, Webster Cos., &e. Millstone Grit. L'", Chester and St. Louis Limest. Webster City, St. Louis Co. L', Keokuk Limestone. Keokuk &c. L, Encrinital or Burlington Limestone. Burlington. Kinderhook (Yellow Sand series). Michigan. (Prof. Winchell, 1873.) feet. Woodville Sandstone 80 Coal-measures 125 Parma Conglomerate 100 Coal-bearing group 305 Carboniferous Limestone 70 Michigan Salt group 185 Marshall 160—1025 Indiana. (E. T. Cox, A. Winchell.) feet. UL., Carthage Limestone 58 Shale, sand, limestone, 5 coal-beds 314 Anvil Bock (sandstone) 100 Shale &c., 8 coal-beds •• 398 Mahoning Sandstone 119 Shale &c., 6 coal-beds 304 Millstone Grit 60 Coals, subconglomeratic ' 3 — 1356 St. Louis Limestone L'" Warsaw ,, L” Keokuk L' Kinderh., Bocklbrd Limest., and Williamsport Gritstone. Illinois. (A. H. Worthen ; A. Winchell, Bep. ii. p. viii.) Upper CM. White, Saline, Cole Cos., &c i feet. Middle CM. Peoria, M c Lean, Edgar Cos [ Lower CM. Most common j Millstone Grit, Jackson and Bock-Island Cos ) Coal-measures, subconglomerate (Winchell) ... Chester (Kaskaskia) Limestone and shale 800 St. Louis Limestone and shale 200 W arsaw Limestone? Keokuk Group, limestone and shale 150 Burlington Gr*\ coarse subcrystalliue limestone. 200 Kinderhook Gr p , shales, limestone, sandstones... 150 — 2700 ( continued ). Virginia, West. (Macfarlane.) The Coal-measures system as in Pennsylvania. 1. Upper Shale and Sandstones; CM. barren. 2. ,, Coal-measures productive. 3. Barren Coal-measures. 4. Lower ,, 5. Conglomerate base. Kentucky. (D. D. Owen, Lesquereux, Winchell.) Coal-measures in four parts — a single formation, but divided by the Anvil and Mahoning Sandstones, and by Millstone Grit, a pebbly sandstone (Owen, Bep. Kentucky, 1861, p. 337). Millstone Grit. Tigert’s Creek, Big Muddy Creek, &c. Coal-measures, subconglomeratic. Breckenridge Co., Indian Creek, &c. Kaskaskia Limestone. Grayson, Hardin Cos., &c. St. Louis „ Keokuk „ Nashville Tunnel. Kinderhook Group. Knobstones &c., Vanceburg, Danville. Ohio. (Winchell and this ‘ Thesaurus.’) Upper Coal-measures. Guernsey Co., Pomeroy. Middle ,, Saline Co., Federal Creek, &c. Lower ,, Youngstown, Freeport, Zanesville, &c. Millstone Grit. Berea, New Lisbon, Perry Co. Kaskaskia Limestone (L"'). Newtonville, Sugar Creek. Keokuk Limestone (L’). Coshocton, Newtonville, Manelton. Kinderhook. Newark, Sciotoville, Buttonmold, Bushville (Cho- colate Slate series). Ohio, South. (C. Whittlesey, Beport Ohio.) 1. Coal-measures. 2. Conglomerate. 3. Fine-grained sandstone (Waverley). 4. Black shale. 5. Buff-coloured or Cliff Limestone. Pennsylvania. (Bogers, Leslie, Macfarlane.) Coal (anthracitic in the east), graduating into the soft bitu- minous in the west. Upper CM. has a red ash, the Lower a grey ash. Upper Barrens (Coal-measures), 1000 feet (Macfarlane). ,, Coal-measures. Pittsburg, Brownsville (Gate beds), Panther Creek, &c. Middle Coal-measures. Blairville, Broad-Top Mountain, &e. Mahoning Sandstone. Lower Coal-measures. Tioga, Lycoming, Shenandoah (Mam- moth Vein). Millstone Grit. Venango (N.W. Pennsylvania). Limestones above and below Millstone Grit, with fossils (not many). Coal-measures, subconglomerate. M c Lean, Mercer. St. Clair Cos., &c. The Coal-measures of Pennsylvania have no fixed order of superposition (Dana, 2nd ed. p. 311). Lower Carbonif. 429 EUROPE, &c. Short Summaries of the Carboniferous Formation as found in different parts of Europe, &c., in accordance with my materials. Ireland. South Ireland (Griffiths and Jukes). f Shales with coal 1800 Coal-measures -! Flagstone series 500 | Lower shales 800 Carboniferous / Various strata 2800 Limestone [ Lower limestone shale 200 Carboniferous / Black slate 2000 Slate \ „ with Coomhola grits 3000 Yellow sandstone 900 North Ireland. 2000 500 500 500 500 300 500 800 100 500 6200 (From the kindness of Professor Etheridge.) r, . f Coal-measures Coal-measures Mill8tone Grit &t ' | Yoredale beds L" /Upper limestone | Upper Calp shale Calp sandstone Lower Calp shale „ limestone ( ,, limestone shale Yellow sandstone Scotland. (Bristowe.) L : pper Coal-measures... ( Millstone Grit ... Carboniferous limestone series. Calciferous Sand- stone f Upper Red Sandstone series. | Flat coal series. f Rosslyn sandstone or Moor rock. 1 Rock with coal beds. ( Upper limestones with coal. Edge coal series with ironstone. | Lower limestones, f Cementstone group. \ Cornstone group. Carluke, Lanarkshire. (John R. S. Hunter.) Section 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . Upper Coal-measures. Millstone Grit (sandstone above Gair limestone). Upper Limestone (Gair and Belstone). Middle Coal-measures. Lower Limestones (with ironstone). Lower Coal-measures (with limestone). Old Red Sandstone. Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc. i. 38, 39. England. (Prof. Etheridge, F.R.S.) Phillips’s ‘Manual,’ 1855, p. 157, makes substantially the following statements of Etheridge : — 1. Upper Coal-measures. 2. Middle (Pennant) Coal. 3. Lower Coal-measures. 4. Millstone Grit. 5. Upper limestone shale. 6. Carboniferous limestone. 7. Lower limestone shale. The subdivisions of South Britain, South Wales, &c. (Bristowe.) Upper Coal-measures. Middle Coal-measures (Pennant grits). Lower Coal-measures. Millstone grit. Upper limestone shale. Carboniferous limestone. Lower limestone shales. Lancashire, Derbyshire, and South Yorkshire. L T pper Coal-measures. Middle Coal-measures. Lower Coal-measures (Gannister beds). Millstone Grit. Limestone shale (Yoredale rocks). Carboniferous limestone. No base. Upper Carboni- ferous Lower Carboni- ferous North Yorkshire, Northitsibf.rland, Cumberland (part). Upper Coal-measures. Middle Coal-measures. Millstone Grit (Yoredale rocks). Carboniferous limestone. Northumberland and Durham. (George Tate.) 1. Upper Coal-measures. 2. Millstone Grit. 3. Mountain limestone, a. Carbonaceous, b. Calcareous. 4. Tuedian = Lower Limestone shale (pars). France. Upper Coal-measures. Montrelais, &e. Middle Coal-measures. Alais (Gard), Langeac (Loire), &c. Lower Coal-measures. Vouvan, St. Etienne, Alais, &c. Millstone Grit ? Upper Carboniferous limestone. Clermont-Ferrand, Argen- tr6, Bachant. Middle Carboniferous limestone. Ferriere le Grand (Nord), &e. Lower Carboniferous limestone. Brittany, Neffiez (Bezieres). Limestone shale. Upper Vosges, Laval, C'hatelaix, &c. Several coal-beds below Millstone Grit. Belgium. General features nearly as in France. Westphalia. (From this ‘ Thesaurus ’) f ' , ' ll :" ieasurt "'-l Altenessen, Bochum, Dortmund, Middle Coal-measures. . f , bbehure ^ Osnaburg, River Ruhr. Lower Coal-measures... J Millstone Grit. Dusseldorf (Ri\er Ruhr), Mayen Wais (yel- low grit ?). Upper Carboniferous limestone? Middle Carboniferous limestone. River Ruhr, Bochum. Lower Carboniferous limestone? Passage-bed. Stat.berge, Slingen-sleiper. The Coal formation of other parts of Germany, Ilarz, Silesia, &c. is nearly as in Westphalia, as may be seen in this ‘ The- saurus.’ The same may be said of Spain and Portugal, &c. 5 it 430 EUROPE, &c. ( continued ). Russia (European and Asiatic). Upper Carboniferous. (Helmersen, ‘ Explication,’ p. 88.) Limestone (white, chalky, yellow, siliceous, magnesian ) ; Marl. River Dwina, Govt.' Archangel, Kholmogory, Vitegra, Staritza (Moscow environs), Govt. Vladimir (west side), Govts. Riazan and Tambof (north side), district Louko- yanov (south side), Govt. Nijny-Novogorod. Sandstones and clay-slates. The chain of Donetz. Lower Carboniferous. (Helmersen.) Limestone (yellow, magnesian) ; Sandstone (compact and gra- nular) ; Si lex Nodules. Govts. Novogorod, Toula, Ka- louga ; Riazan (south part), chain of the Donetz. Sandstones, Conglomerates, Arkoses, Clay-slate, Coal, Ironstone. The Chain of the Donetz. Bear Island (near Spitzbergen). (Prof. Heer.) Coal-measures above this level. D. Siliceous Bchists. Pro(f«c<«s-limestone (Productus large, thick-shelled). C. Spirifer limestone, with gypsum. Spirifers many (some colossal in size). B. Cyathophylla-bearing limestone and dolomite. A. Russian Island (Spitzbergen) limestone, greyish yellow dolomite, calcareous shale. 2. Red Devonian shales. 1. Sandstone, with intercalated coal and clay-slate; with plants. India (Salt Range, Punjaub). (Dr. Fleming, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xviii. p. 25.) See ‘ Explication de la Carte Geologique de Russie,’ pp. 13- 89. Russia. (Prof. Milne, ‘Across Europe and Asia,’ Geol. Mag. decade ii. vol. iv. p. 403.) The general relations of three great coal-fields of this empire : — South of Moscow. West of Ural. East of Ural. 1. Limestone, with Fusulina cylin- drica. 1. Millstone Grit. 2. Limestone, with Fusulina cy- lindrica. 3. Sandstone, slate, coal. 2. Limestone, with Prod, gigas. 4. Limestone, with Prod, gigas. 1. Limestone, with Prod, gigas. 2. Sandstone, Coal, and Conglo- merate. 3. Limestone, with Prod, gigas. 4. Sandstone, Con- glomerate, and Coal. 5. Limestone, with Prod, gigas. 3. Clay-slate, with Stigmaria ficoi- des, and Coal. 5. Sandstone and Coal. Devonian. Devonian. Devonian. Spitzbergen. (Prof. Nordenskiold, Geol. Mag. dec. ii. vol. iii. pp. 23-71.) The Carboniferous formation is here in three divisions : — C. Upper Coal formation. Robertthal, Recherche Bay (only known there). B. Mountain Limestone. Horn, Bell, and Ice Sounds ; Spitz- bergen. A. Lower Mountain Limestone. Ursa stage (most developed in Bear Island). The Carboniferous rocks of this range are in three divisions. c. Upper limestone. Brachiopoda &c. occur throughout, b. Grey sandstone and shales. Few fossils here, a. Lower limestone, with calcareous sandstone. Large Brachio- poda abound. Queensland. Succession of its Palceozoic Rocks. (R. Etheridge, F.R.S. &c., Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xxviii. p. 325.) The Carboniferous strata are near the base of the series. Wollumbilla beds. Gordon-Down r Myacite8,Homomya , beds. I Trigonia, &c. Glossopteris. C Sfreptorhynchus Dacidsoni, Bowen ) Productus ClarJcei, .Spirt- River. j fera convoluta, Sp. bisul- l cata , & c. Roper River. Dawson River. Spir {f era-beds. Productus- beds. Lepidodendron- beds, Mount Wyatt. Star River. { Aviculopecten multiradi- atus, A. limepformis, Kd- inondia concent rica, Pro- ductus cora, Spirifers, Sfrophomena rhomboi- dalis, &c. Cape River. Ravenswood. Etheridge. 431 AUTHORS QUOTED IN THE CARBONIFEROUS DIVISION OP THIS THESAURUS. Abich, H. See p. 128 (List of Devonian Books). Agassiz, Louis. Poissons Fossiles. 5 vols. Neuchatel, 1833-43. Andrae, C. I. Flora d. Grauwackenformation Magdeburgs. . Vorweltlichen Pflanzen d. Steinkohlen-Gebirge Rheinland &c. Andrews, E. B. Pecopteris arborescens, Pomeroy, Pennsylvania. Dana, Manual, 2nd edit. p. 357. Archiac, Yicomte de. Geologic et Paleontologie de France. 1 vol. 8vo. Armstrong, James. On new Species from Carboniferous Limestone, Clydesdale. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, ii. 74. . Plants from the Glasgow Coal-fields. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, iii. Append. 5. Artis, E. T. Antediluvian Phytology. 4to. London, 1838. Atthey. See Hancock. Auerbach, S. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1862, p. 229. Austin, Thomas, sen. and jun. Monograph of the Criuoidea. Nos. 5-8. Bristol, 1843. . Echinodermata. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1st ser. x. & xi. Baily, W. H. List of Fossils from the Carboniferous Limestone (Ireland). Brit. Assoc. Report, 1857 (Dublin). — — . Explanatory Sheets 102, 112, 121, 130, 153, 167, 169 (Dublin, Meath, Cork, &c., Govt. Survey). . The Fossils of Cos. Sligo and Leitrim. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, 1864, x. . Fossil Chitonidae. Proc. Zool.-Botan. Assoc. 1860, ii. 40, 47, &c. . Characteristic British Fossils. 1 vol. 8vo. 1867-75. . Kiltorkan Fossils. Brit. Assoc. Report, 1869. Baird, W. British Entomostraca. Ray Society, 1849. Barkas, T. P. Illustrated Guide to the Fish &c. of the Northumberland Carboniferous Strata (pp. 117). . The Fauna of the Low-Main Coal-seam, Northumberland ( Diplodus &c.). Geol. Mag. v. 495, 580. Barkas, W. J. On Hybodus. Geol. Mag. dec. 2, i. 163 &c. . On Amphicentrum. Ibid. p. 431. . List of Palaeozoic Fishes. Ibid. p. 542. . On Fossil Teeth of the Northumberland Coal-measures. Monthly Rev. Dental Surg. pp. 256, 328. &e. Barrois, Charles. Fauna of the Coal-Basin of North France. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, 3rd ser. ii. 223. Bayan, M. Fossiles Paleozoiques de Chine. Bull. Soc. Geol. de F ranee, 2nd ser. xi. 409. Bean, W. Entomostraca. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1836, ix. 37. Beneden, Van, and Cof.mans. Proricaris. Ann. d’Hist. Nat. Zool. ser. 3, xvii., xviii. Beyricu, Ernst. Carboniferous Fossils from Timor Island, north of Australia. Billings, E. Geology of Canada (Logan). 1863. . Palaeozoic Fossils of the Bonaventura District (Canada). Vol. i. Parts 1 & 2. 1874? 432 Kinney, E. W. Lancashire and Cheshire Coal-fields. Trans. Geol. Soc. Manch. i. . Low Coal-measure Fossils. Ibid. ii. . On the Trails Ac. in Carboniferous Strata, and on Microconchus carbonarius. Manchester, 1852. Klainyille, Ducrotay de. Manuel de Malacologie, 1840. . Manuel de Actinologie. Krady, H. B. Monograph of Foraminifera. Yol. xx. Public. Stratigr. Soc. London, 1876. Broaduead, G. C. Government Survey of Missouri, 1874. 1 vol. 8vo. Brongniart, Adolph. Prodrome Yegetaux Fossiles. 1 vol. 8vo. 1828. . Histoire des Ve'getaux Fossiles. 4to. 1828-44. Bronn, H. G. Lethsea Geognostica. 3 vols. 1856. . Index Palaeontologicus. 3 vols. 1848-49. Brown, Robert. Coal-fields of Cape Breton. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. (early vols.). Buckland, Dean. Curculioides. Bridgewater Treatise. Bunbtjry, C. J. F. Fossil Plants of Cape Breton. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. iii., and for 1847, pp. 49, 52. . Fossil Plants of Bussaco (Portugal). Ibid. ix. (1853). Carruthers, W. New Genera and Species of Fossil Plants. Journ. Bot. viii., ix., x. . With material aid in the Fossil Botany of this Thesaurus. Casseday. See Lyon. Conrad, T. A. Reports on the Geology and Palaeontology of New York, 1841 & 1843. Cope, E. D. Extinct Batracliia, Reptilia, &c. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad. 1871, pp. 41, 177. . . Ibid. xiv. (new series). . . Report, Illinois (A. H. Worthen), ii. & vi. ? Corda, A. J. Flora der Vorwelt. Folio. Prag, 1845. Cotta, Bernard von. Der Altai; sein geologischer Bau Ac. Leipsic, 1871. Cotta, J. B. Geologie der Steinkolilen Deutschlands &c. 1865. Cox. E. T. First, Second, and Third Annual Reports of the Geol. Survey of Indiana, 1869, 1870, 1872. . First Annual Report of the Geol. Survey of Ohio (p. 149). . Third Annual Report of the Geol. Survey of Kentucky, 1857. Craig, Robert. Carboniferous Basin of Dairy, Ayrshire. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, iii. 271. Cumberland. Trans. G. S. L. 1st ser. v. 380. Dana, J. D. Manual of Geology. . Carboniferous Fossils of Australia. . U. S. Exploring Expedition (Wilkes), Appendix, no. x. Davidson, TnoMAS. Publications of the Palscontographical Society of London (passim). . On Carboniferous Brachiopoda from China. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. . On Carboniferous Brachiopoda from India &c. (species identical with some in Britain). Geologist, 1861 p. 41. . On Carboniferous Fossils from the Punjaub (India). Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 25 (1862). Dawson, J. W. Acadian Geology. 2nd edition. 1868. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. iv.-viii., x., xi., xvi., xvii., xx. xxiii., xxvi. . Geology of Prince Edward's Island, 1871, p. 42 (with Dr. Harrington). Daykins, J. R. See Green, A. H. Decken, H. von. Steinkohlengebirgc, River Ruhr, Westphalia. Verhandl. nat. Ycr. vii. (1850). Derby, G. H. Itaituba Coal-fields, Province Para, Brazil (Brachiopoda). Dumont, II. A. Constitution geologique de la Province de Liege. Bruxelles. List of Carboniferous Fossils. Dumont d’Urville. Yoyagc dans l’Astrolabc et Zelee. Carboniferous Fossils of N.S.W. and Tasmania. 2 vols 8vo. 1854. Duncan, P. M., and LI. M. Jenkins. Palceocoryne, a new Genus. Phil. Tra’ns. clix. (with Dr. Thompson?). Dupont, Edward. Fossiles Carbon, de Florennes ct Dinant. Bull. Acad. Rov. 1861, p. 505. . Caleaire de la Belgique ct du Hainaut Fran^ais. Bull. Acad Roy. xv. 86. 433 Egerton, Sir Ph. Malpas de Grey. Palichthyologic Notes. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix., x., xiii., xiv., xvi., xviii. . Figures and Descriptions of British Organic Itemains. Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. (Decade vi. Pisces.) Eichwald, E. Lethsea Rossica. 3 vols. 8vo. 1855-6G. Engelman, Henry. Lower Carboniferous System of Southern Illinois. Trans. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, 1868, ii. 189. Etheridge, Robert. MSS. The Pal®ozoic Fossils of Great Britain ; generously lent to he the basis of this work. . A List of Fossils appended to Daykins and Green’s North Derbyshire. . Carboniferous Fauna of Queensland. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxviii. Etheridge, Robert, jun. Explanatory Sheet 22 (Ayrshire and Lanarkshire). New Carboniferous Genera and Species communicated. Ettingshausex, C. yon. Steinkohlenflora von Stradonitz (Bohemia). Abhandl. d. geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1852. . Steinkohlenflora von Radnitz. Ibid. 1854-55. . Monograph. Calamitar. Fossil. Haidinger, Natur. Abhandl. pars iv. (1852). Feistmaxtel, 0. Steinkohlenflora v. Kralup (Boh.). Abhandl. d. k. bdhm. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. vi. 1871. . Steinkohlen-Becken von Radnitz. Prag, 1868. List of Plants, with their Horizons. . Die Steinkohlenflora Riesengebirges. Abhandl. Ac. Wien, 1871. Fiedler, H. Carpoliten der Steinkohlen. Breslau. . Fossilen Friichter der Steinkohlen. Acta Nat.-Cur. Bonn®, xxvi. pars i. Fischer de Waldheim. Oryctographie du Gouvernement de Moscou. 1837. Foster. See Green. Fritsch, Carl or A. Batrachia und Reptiler der Gaskohle des Pilsner (Nyran) und Rakonitz (Kounova). Sitz. math.-nat. Classe k. boh. Gesell. Wissenschaft. Geikie, Archibald. Explanatory Sheet 22 (Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, Renfrewshire). Government Survey. . Geology of East Berwickshire. Government Survey. — — , and H. H. Howell. The Geology of the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Government Survey, vol. ii. p. 887 (with Fossil List, by J. W. Salter). Geikie, James. On the Carboniferous Formation in Scotland. 1872? Geixitz, II. B. Grundriss der Yersteinerungskunde. 1845. . Bassin Houillere de Hainichcn. 1854. . Ycrsteinerungen der Steinkohlenformation in Sachsen. Folio. 1855. . Carbonformation und Dyas in Nebraska, U. S. A. •. Fossilen Pflanzen aus der Steinkohlenformation an Altai. 1871. Germar, E. F. Yersteinerungen der Steinkohlen-Gebirge von Wettin und Loebejiin. 1853. Giebel, C. G. Fauna der Yorwelt. Vol. i. and Parts 1, 2, 3. Gilbertson, W. Catalogue of Fossils — Mountain Limestone of Great Britain, Bolland, &c. Preston, 1837. Goldexberg, F. von. Fossilen Insecten. Kohlenformation von Saarbriicken. Pal®out. D. & M. iv. 17. Golditss, A. Petrefacta Germani®. 3 vols. Folio. 1826-44. . Zur vorweltlichen Fauna des Steinkohlengebirges. 4to. Bonn, 1847. Gomes, B. A. Flore fossile du terrain carbonif. du Porto Bussaco, Alcacer do Sul. Lisbon, 1865. Goppert, H. R. Systema Filicum Fossilium. Nova Acta N.-Cur. tome xvii., Supplement, 1836. . Die Gattungen der fossilen Pflanzen. Hefte 6. Bonn, 1841-42. . Fossile Flora des Uebergangs-Gebirges. Breslau and Bonn, 1852. . Fossil Flora of the Silurian, Devonian, and Lower Carboniferous Formations. Nov. Act. Acad. Nat.- Curios. Jena, 1860. Gosselet, Jules. Terrains primaires de la Belgique, d’Avcsnes, ct du Boulonnais. Paris, 1860. . Aperiju general sur les Environs de Valenciennes, North France. 8vo. Paris, 1860. , et M. Berta ut. Terrain carbonifere du Boulonnais. Societe des Sciences Ac. Lille, 1873. . Etudes: Bassin Houillere du Nord de la France. Bull. Soc. Geol. de Franco, 3rd ser. i. 189. . Other important Memoirs on the Coal-fields of St. Remy, Avesnes, Ac., of the North of France, Ac. Bull. Soc. Gc : ol. dc France, du Nord, Ac. 5 s 434 Green, A. H., with Daykins and Foster. North Derbyshire and South Yorkshire; their Mountain Limestone, Yoredale Docks, and Millstone Grit. List of Fossils, by D. Etheridge, F.ll.S. Government Survey. Griffith, Sir R. Fossils from the Mountain Limestone of Ireland. Dublin, 1842. . Synopsis of the Characters of the Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland. Dublin, 1844. Gumbel, C. W. Geognostische Reschreibung des bayerischen Alpengebirges. 1861. Gutbier, A. von. Reschreibung des Zwickaucr Schwarzkohlen-Gebirges. 8vo. 1834 und 1835. f an( i H. R. Geinitz. Yersteinerungen von Obersachsen und der Lausitz. Dresden, 1843. Hall, James. Geological Report on Iowa. 2 vols., 4to, 1858 (with Whitney). 1 vol., 1862. . Pakeontological Contributions: Mississippi Rasin &c. 1855, 1858-61, &c. . Geological Report on Mexico, North Roundary (Major Emory). . On Fossils from Utah (Capt. Stansbury). Canad. Nat. vii. 337 ; Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad. 1866. . New Carboniferous Fossils of Indiana and Illinois &e. Albany Institute, vol. iv. part 1. . On the Goniatite Reds of Rockford &c. Indiana. . On the Genus Archimedes or Fenestella (new Species). Rep. Amer. Assoc. Advanc. Science, 1857, p. 156. . New Crinoidea from tho Mountain Limestone of the Mississippi Valley. Rost. Jouru. Nat. Hist. vii. 261. . Sciuropteris Tcnjiori (new), p. 278. New York. Hancock, Albany, and T. Attuey. On Ctenodus from the Northumberland Coal-field (shales). Trans. Nat.- Hist. Soc. Northumb. and Durh. iii. 54. , . On Reptiles and Fishes from the Northumberland Coal-field (shales). Ibid. iii. 66, 310, 319. , . On Fossil Fungi from the Northumberland Coal-field (shales). Ibid. iii. 321. , . On Lo.vomma Allmanni from tho Northumberland Coal-field (shales). Ibid. iv. 201. , . On a Labyrinthodont Amphibian from the Northumberland Coal-field (shales). Ibid. iv. 208. , . On Dipterus &c. from the Northumberland Coal-field (shales). Ibid. iv. 397. , -. On Pleurodus RanJcinii &c. from the Northumberland Coal-field (shales). Ibid. iv. 408. Hartt, C. F. Acadian Geology. 2nd edition (passim). Hawn, Major. Catalogue of the Carboniferous Fossils of Kansas. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 1858, P- 21. Hayden, F. Y. Report on Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. 1859-60. . Ditto. Exploration further. 1869. . Preliminary Report on Wyoming &c., p. 295. . Notes on Wyoming and Colorado Territories. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad. xi., xii. . Final Report on Nebraska. 1872. . Report on Colorado &c. Territories. 1873. Heer, Oswald. Flora Fossilis Arctica (Greenland, Melville Island, &c.). Zurich, 1868. . Flora Fossilis der Daren Insula. Svenska Acad. ILandl. 1871, ix. . Le Monde Primitif de la Suisse. 8vo. Geneva, 1872. Helmersen, Gregor von, and R. Pacht. On Russia, Central and Asiatic. 1858. . Explication de la Carte Geologique de Itussie. 1865. Hibbert, Samuel. On Eurypterus Scouleri &c. from Rurdie House. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 1834, xiii. ; Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. & xix. Hitchcock, Charles H. Report on the Coal-fields of Newport and Isle Aquidnek, State Rhode Island. . Certain Synchronisms &c. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, Newport, 1860. . Report on the Geology of Maine. 1861. Hull, Edward. Sheets explanatory of the Coal-fields of Lancashire. Palaeontology, by J. W. Salter. . Geology around Oldham &c. Palaeontology, by J. W. Salter. Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Rritain, 1864. . Geology around Wigan. 1862. Palaeontology, by J. W. Salter. Ibid. . Geology around Rolton-le-Moors. Palaeontology, by J. W. Salter. Ibid. , and A. II, Green. Geology around Stockport, Macclesfield, Congleton, Leek. Palaeontology by R. Etheridge, F.R.S. Ibid. 435 Hunter, J. 11. S. The Carboniferous Strata of Carluke. Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc. 1867, i. 34, &c. Hutton, W. See Lindley. Huxley, T. On Anthracosaurus Russelli from Lanarkshire. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xix. 56. . Figures and Descriptions of Carboniferous Fish. Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit. Decade xii. . On two Labyrinthodont Reptiles from Edinburgh. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 2‘Jl. . On eight Labyrinthodont Amphibia, with signs of others, from Kilkenny. Geol. Mag. iii. 165. . On Pygoceplialus Cooperi from the Coal-measures. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xiii. 363. . On Amphicentrum granulosum from the Coal-measures. Jolly, W. The Geology of Southerness, Kirkcudbrightshire. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinb. i. 278. Jones, T. Rupert. Bivalvcd Entomostraca, Recent and Fossil. Svo. 1868. (Quart. Journ. Micros. Science.) . Bivalvcd Entomostraca from the Coal-measures of South Wales. Geol. Mag. vii. 214. , and W. Kirkby. Monograph of the British Bivalved Entomostraca. Part I. (Carboniferous). The Cypridinadae &c. Palacont. Soc. pp. 1-56. , . Carboniferous Ostracoda from Russia. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, xv. 52-58. Jordan, M. H. Die Crustaceen d. Steinkolilcnformatiou von Saarbriicken. Palocontographica (Jordan and Von Meyer), vierter Band, 1856, p. 1 (Artkropleura). Jukes, J. B. South-Staffordshire Coal-field. 2nd edition. 1859. , G. V. Dunoyer, and W. n. Baily. Sheets explanatory of accompanying Maps of the Geological Survey of Ireland. 2 vols. Library G. S. L. Julien, Prof. Carboniferous Fossils, Cresset, Clermont-Ferrand, and Auvergne (MSS. L. de Koninck). Keeping, Walter. Melonites in Britain. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxx. 395. Keyserling, Count. Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural. (M.V.K.) 1845. . Reise in das Petschora-land. 1846. Kinahan, R. Sheets explanatory of the Geological Survey of Ireland ; together with many Local Horizons kindly contributed to this 1 Thesaurus.’ King, Clarence. Geological Explorations in N. lat. 40°, from California Eastwards. 4to. 1870. (J. D. Hague, Washington.) Kirkby, J. W. The Chiton of the Mountain Limestone of Yorkshire. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. 302. , and Atthey. Fish-remains from Durham and Northumberland. Trans. Tyneside Naturalists’ Field- Club, 1863-64. , . Fossils, Carboniferous and Permian. Amer. Journ. Science, 1863, xxxv. . and Young. The Chiton or Chitonelius of the Carboniferous Strata of Yorkshire and West Scotland. Geol. Mag. iv. 340. , . The Genus Chiton. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, ii. 14. K • Palaeontology, Upper Missouri. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, xvi. 1, &c. . • Palaeontology, Upper Mississippi River. Ibid. 43’ Meek, F. B., and Worthen. New Species and Genera (Fossil), Western States (N. A.). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1869, p. 447, and 1870, p. 23, &c. , . On the Age of the Goniatite Limestone, Rockford, Indiana. Amer. Journ. of Sci. 1861, 2nd ser. xxxii. 167. , . Descriptions of new Crinoidea from Illinois, &c. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1865, pp. 143, 155. , . Palaeontological Kemarks and Descriptions in Reports on Illinois. 6 vols. 8vo. Meter, Hermann vox. Archegosaurus minor. Danker und Yon Meyer, Palaeont. iii. ? . Ueber die Crustaceen der Steinkohlenf. Ibid. iv. 1. . On Palceoteuthis Dunensis. Ibid. iv. 74. . Arcliceotglus ignotus. Ibid. xi. 285. Michelini, H. Nouvelles Ecbinodermes Fossiles. 8vo. Paris, 1853-54. Miller, J. S. The Natural History of Crinoidea. Bristol, 1821. Milne-Edwards and Haime. Fossil Corals of Great Britain. Palaeont. Soc. 1850-55. . Monogr. Polypiers Fossiles des Terrains Paleozoiques. Archives du Museum, v. 1851. Muller, Valerian von. Die Trilobiten der Steinkohlenf. des Ural. Moskau. Morris, John. Catalogue of British Fossils. 2nd ed. 1854. , and G. Roberts. Carboniferous Limestone of Oreton and Farlow, Clee Hills, Shropshire. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xviii. 94. , . On Coal and Coal Plants. Proc. Geol. Assoc. Lond. i. , . The Palaeontology of New South Wales and Tasmania. Strzelecki's Travels in N. S. Wales, &c. Munster, Count. Beitriige zur Petrefactenkunde. Hefte vii. 4to. . Leonhard und Bronn’s Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, &e. 1830, pp. 60-70. Murchison, R. I. Siluria. 4th edition. Chapters xv., xvi. . The Carboniferous Fish of Scotland and Russia. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xv. 439. . The Stage-ratio of the Carboniferous Fish of Scotland. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. , Yerneuil, and Keyserling. The Geology of Russia in Europe and of the Ural. 1845. , and Morris, J. The Pakeozoic Rocks of Thuringia, &c. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xi. 409. Nau, H. S. van. Ycrsteiner. Kohlenwerk von St. Ingbert Bayr. Rheinkreis. Denkschr. bayr. Akad. Wissensch. vii. Miinchen, 1863. Newberrt, J. S. Report (Lieut. Ives Exploration) on River Colorado and New Mexico. 1861. . Geology of Ohio. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1869. . Reports of Progress, Ohio. 1870, 1871, 1873. . Pakcontographical Report of Ohio. 1875. Nicholson, H. Alleyne. Palaeontology, Ohio Report (Newberry), vol. ii. ; and Canad. Nat. &c. passim. Norwood and D. D. Owen. Melonites multipora, L"', St. Louis Co. Amer. Journ. Sci. 2nd ser. ii. and Pratten. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 2nd ser. iii. 253. Orbigny, Alcide D\ Voyage dans l’Amerique meridionale. 1826-33. Tomes 3. Folio. Part 4. Paleontol. . Prodromus, i. 8vo. . Cours Element, de Paleont. et dc Geol. ii. 1852. Owen, Richard. Odontography. One vol. text; two vols. plates. 4to. 1840-45. . Lectures on Anat. and Physiol, of Vertebrates. Part 1. Fishes. Owen, D. Dale. Rcconnoissances in Arkansas, 1857-60 (Carboniferous Insects, &c.). . Final Report on Kentucky. 3 vols. 1856. , and B. F. Shumard. Distribution &c. of the Fossil Species of the Palaiozoic Rocks of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1851, p. 238. Pander, C. II. Geognosie des Russischen Reichs. 1830. Phillips, J. Manual of Geology. Illustrations of the Fossils in the Carboniferous Limestone of Yorkshiri Part 2, 1836. Pictet, F. J. Traite elementaire de Paleontologic. 3 vols. 8vo. 1844. 5 x 438 Portlock, J. E. The Geology of Londonderry, Tyrone, and Fermanagh. Dublin, 1843. Prado, Casiano del. Descripcion Geologica, &c. de la Provincia de Madrid. 18G4. . Geologia d’Almaden, Toledo, &c. 1855. Pratten. See Norwood. Presl, Iv. B. Zur Kunde vorweltlicher Pflanzen. Yerhandl. vaterl. Mus. Prag, 1838, p. 27. Prestwich, Joseph. Geology of Coalbrook Dale, Shropshire. 8vo. London, 1840. Prout, H. A. Description of Productus marginicinctus, new (L"'). Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 43. . Description of Polyzoa ( Coscinium , Fenestella, &c.) of Illinois, Texas, New Mexico, &c. Ibid. i. 228, 235, 236, 410, 443, 571. Pumpelly, Raphael. Researches in China. Smithsonian Contributions, xv. 55. . Report on Missouri, 1872. Iron-ores and Coal-fields. 1 vol. 8vo. Pusch, G. G. Polcns Palaontologie. 4to. Stuttgart, 1837. Reuss, F. A. On the Geological Relations of the Rakonitz Basin, Bohemia. Rhode, J. G. Beitriige zur Pflanzenkunde der Vorwelt, 1820-24. Heft iv. Breslau, 1824. Folio. Ribeiro, C. Sobra as Minas de Carvao dos Districtos do Porto e Coimbra e Lerida. 1858. . On the Carboniferous and Silurian Formations of Bussaco (Portugal). Notes by Rupert Jones, D. Sharpe, Bunbury, &c. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. ix. 135. Richter, R. Beitrag zur Palaontologie des Thiiringer Waldes. 4to. 1848. — — . Der Kulm in Thiiringen. Zeitschrift d. geol. Gesell. Bd. xii., xvi. 161. Rogers, H. D. Final Report on Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 4to. Rohl, Major von. Fossile Flora der Steinkohlform. in der Westphalia (und Piesberg, Hannover). Dunker und Von Meyer, Pakeont. xviii. Rosier, F. Adolph. Die Versteinerungen des N.W. Harzgebirges. Hannover, 1843. . On Posidonomyia. Dunker und Von Meyer, Pakeont. iii. 52. . Geologische Kenntniss des nordwestlichen Harzgebirges. Dunker und Von Meyer, Palseont. 1850, pp. 52, 53, 60, 66 ; ix. 1. . Yorkommen von Wiizodus Hibberti , Owen ( Megalichthys Hibberti , Agass., Co. Glatz, Styria). Zeitschrift d. geol. Gesell. Berlin, 1865, Band xvii. 272. Romer, Ferd. Broun’s Lethiea Geognostica, 1834 (pars Palseozoica). . Rcceptaculites ccirbonarms. Jahresbericht schles. Gescllsch. fur 1871. . Marine Conchilien-Fauna Steinkohlgebirge Oberschlesiens. Zeitschrift d. geol. Gesellschaft, xv. 567, 1865 (or 1863). . Die Altersbestimmung des Schwartz. . Gcologie von Oberschlesien, Ac. Royal 8vo. Breslau, 1870. Rominger, Carl. On Chcetetes chiefly. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1866, p. 113. Rohillier, Ch. Etudes Paleontologiques. Moscow, 1847. Ryckholt, Baron de. Melanges Paleozoiques. Parti. Mem. couronnes Acad. Roy. Brux. 1852, xxiv. pp. 176. . . Part 2. Ibid. 1853, pp. 200. Safford, J. M. Report on Geology of Tennessee. Nashville, 1869. Salter, J. W. Fossil Crustacea in the Coal-measures of British North America. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xvii. 52S. . Crustacea and other Fossils in Britain and elsewhere. Ibid, xvi., xviii., xx., xxiv. Sandberger freres. Versteinerungen des rheinischen Schichten-Systems in Nassau (also in Culm). 1856. Sal veer, S. Vegetaux fossiles des terrains Houillers de Belgique. 1868. Schimper, W. Ph. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, ou la Flora du Monde Frimitif. 3 vols. 8vo. 1874. ScnLOTHEiu, E. F. Flora der Vorwelt, i. Folio. 1804. . Dio Petrefactenkunde : Fossiler Ueberreste des Thier und Pflanzenreichs der Vorwelt. Two vols. in one. 8vo. Gotha, 1820-22. Schulz, Guill. Rcseria geognostica de la Provincia de Asturias. 1838. Scouler, J. Account of some Fossil Crustacea in the Coal Formation. 8vo. Scudder, S. H. See Dawson’s Acadian Geology. 2nd edit. p. 387. I 439 Suudder, S. H. See Worthen’s Report on Illinois, iii. St. John, Orestes. Fossil Fishes of the Upper Coal-measures of Nebraska. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad. 1870. Sharpe, Daniel. Geology of Oporto, -with Vallongo ; its Coal and Silurian. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. v. 142. Shumard, B. F. Geol. Report on Missouri (Swallow). Part 2. 1855. , and Swallow. New Fossils of the Coal-measures of Missouri and Kansas. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis. 1858, i. 31. , . New Species of Crinoids. Ibid. i. 71. , . New Species of Blastoidea. Ibid. i. 238. , . New Fossil Gasteropoda. Ibid. i. 624. , . New Palaiozoic Fossils of Texas, &c. Ibid. ii. 10S. , . Catalogue of N. Amer. Palteozoic Echinoderms. Ibid. ii. 341. Shumard, G. G. Carboniferous Fossils of Texas, New Mexico. Ibid. i. 387. Sowerby, James. Mineral Conchology of Great Britain. Figures and Descriptions. 6 vols. 1818-29. Sowerby, J. de Carle. Geologic de l’Asturias (Espagne). Steininger, J. Geognostiscbe Beschreibung. Plantes fossiles houiller. Trier, 1840. Sternberg, K. Flora der Yorwclt, 1820-38. Hefte viii. Prag. . Yersuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Yorwelt. Leipzig, 1821-38. Bd. i. & ii. Stevens. Carboniferous Fossils of Ohio, Illinois. Amer. Journ. Sci. 2nd ser. xxv. 262, xxvi. 77. Stoddart. On Carboniferous Crustacea. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3rd ser. viii. 490. Sturr, D. von. Zur Kenntniss der Dyas und Steinkohlform. im Banate, 1870. Jahrb. k.-k. geol. Reichsanstalt, Band xx. 185. . Geologie der Steicrmark. Graz, 1871. With the Carboniferous Flora of Stangalpe (Vincent Richter) . Coal Plants of Ostowan and Rossitz (Moravia). Proc. Imp. Geol. Instit. Vienna, 1866. Swallow, G. C. Report on Missouri. 1 vol. 8vo. First and Second Annual Reports, 1855. , and Hawn, F. The Rocks of Kansas and their Fossils. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i. 173. , and Shumard, B. F. New Carboniferous Fossils of Missouri, Kansas. Ibid. i. 198. , . New Devonian and Carboniferous Fossils of Missouri. Ibid. i. 635. , . New Fossils from Devonian and Carboniferous Rocks of Missouri. Ibid. 1860, ii. 81. , . New Varieties of Spirifer lineatus, S. camercitus, &c. of Missouri, Kansas, &c. Ibid. 1866, iii. 408. Tate, George. Fossil Flora of the Mountain Limestone of the Eastern Borders of Northumberland. 1853. . Geology of Northumberland and Durham. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. of Northumberland and Durham, 1866. TcnrnATcnEFF, Prince P. Voyage dans l’Altax Oriental, &c. 4to. 1845. Thomson, James. The Campbelltown District (W. Scotl.). List of Fossils. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasg. ii. 71 Tiddeman, R. H. Memoirs of Government Geological Survey. Burnley District, 1874. Trautschold, H. Carboniferous Crinoidea of Russia. Moskau Journ. 1866-70. . Einige Crinoideen und andere Thiorreste des jiingeren Berg-Kalkes im Govt. Moskau, 1867. Bull. Soc. Imp. des Naturalistes de Moscou, 1867. . Recherches Geologiqucs aux environs de Moscou. Ibid. xxxi. 546, xxxii. 109. . Klinsche Sandstein de Moskau. Ibid. 1870. Troost, George. Fifth and sixth Annual Reports of the Geology of Tennessee. 1840-4 1 . . List of Fossil Crinoids of Tennessee. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. of Sci. 1st Meeting, 1848. . On the Crinoids of Tennessee. Ibid. 2nd Meeting, 1850. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists’ Field-Club. Vols. i., ii., iii., iv. Unger, Fr. Synopsis l’lantarum Fossilium. 1845. Vanuxf.m, L. Final Report, New York State. Third Geological District. 1842-43. 4to. Yf.rneuil, Edouard de. Silurischcr und Berg-Kalk mit ihren Versteincrungen von Rhein, &c. Leonhard u. Bronn, Neuc Jahrb. 1840, pp. 97, 98. . Fossiles du Terr. Carbonif. des Asturias. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. iii. 454. . Classification des Terrains Paleoz. de la Sarthe. List of Fossils. Comptes Rendus, 1858, xlvii. 463. 440 Verneuil, Edouard de. Parallelisme des Depots Paleoz. de l'Amerique septentrionale avec ceux de PEurope, suivie dune tableau des especes fossiles. Pull. Soc. Geol. de France, 2nd ser. i.-iv. . Geology of Russia and the Pral. 'N ol. ii. 4to. 1845. Weiss, 0. E. Fossile Flora des jiingst. Steinkohlf. v. d. Rothliegend. im Saar-Rhein-Gebeite. 2 vols. 4to. Bonn, 1872. White, C. A. New Species (Carboniferous), Iowa. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vii. 481. Devonian and Carboniferous Fossils of Mississipi Valley. Proc. Nat. Soc. Boston, ix. 8. . Geological Report of the State of Iowa. . Invertebrate Fossils from west of the 100th Meridian. Washington, 1871-73. Whitney, J. D. Geological Survey of Sierra Nevada, California (with Pakeont. 1864). Whittlesey, Charles. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Cincinnati, 1851, p. 207. Winchell, Alexander. New Cephalopoda, Marshall Group (Michigan). Amer. Journ. Sci. n. s. 1862, xxxiii. 334. ., Fossils of the Marshall Group (Michigan). Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1862, pp. 162, 405. . Fossils of the Yellow Sandstone below Burlington Limestone. Ibid. 1863, pp. 3, &c. . New Fossils of the Marshall Group. Ibid. 1865, pp. 109, 126, &c. . On the Age and Equivalents of the Marshall Group. Ibid. 1865, pp. 94, 109. . Fossils of the Marshall Group. Amer. Journ. Sci. 1866, n. s. xli. 120. . Report on Michigan, with Appendix. Ibid. 1866, pp. 87, &c. — . Geology of Tennessee. Ibid. p. 364, &c. ; Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad. 1870, xi. 401. . Notices and Descriptions of the Marshall Group, &c. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philad. xii. pp. 57, 245. Witham, II. F. M. On Fossil Vegetables (Carboniferous, &c.) in Great Britain. London, 1833. Wood, Edward. New Crinoid ( Woodocrinus). Yorkshire, 1858. (See Koninck.) Woodward, Henry. Fossil Merostomata. Publications of Pakeont. Soc. parts 1—4. 1865-68. . A new Arachnide, &c. Geol. Mag. viii. 385. . Notes on Fossil Crustacea, Cyclus HarTcnessi , &c. Brit. Assoc. Report, 1870 (Liverpool). . Contributions to British Fossil Crustacea. Geol. Mag. vii. 554, ibid. viii. 102; Myriapoda, ibid. ix. 563 ; Report on Merostomata, ibid. x. 1 ; Fossil Insects, &c. ibid. 2nd decade, i. 107 ; Dithyocaris, East Kilbride (with Robert Etheridge, Esq., jun.). Worthen, A. H. Reports on Illinois, 1866-75. Six volumes. Large 8vo. Map. Yandell and Shujiard. Contributions to the Geology of Kentucky. 1847. Young, John. The Geology of the Campsie District, Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasg. 1868, i. pp. 55, &c. . Catalogue of Western Scottish Fossils ; with Introduction by Prof. Young. Glasgow, 1876. , and J. Armstrong. Fossils of the Robroyston District. Trans. G. S. Glasg. pt. 3, iv. 267, &c. , and Prof. J. Young. Now Carboniferous Polyzoa, West Scotland. Quart. Journ. G. S. L. xxx. 681. , . New Carboniferous Polyzoa. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, xv. 333, &c. Of,/ -* 42 * /U 'A'0/s To face p. 441.] AN ANALYTICAL CONSPECTUS OF THE DEVONICO-CARBONIFEROUS FLORA AND FAUNA. AMERICA. Species according to Number and Horizon. Devonian Period. Carboniferous Period. AND ORDERS. L. Hamilton Group. & TJ. Horizon uncertain. 1 c 2 P2 Total Species. Kinderhook. Burlington System. Archimedian Limestone. Subconglomeratic CM. Horizon uncertain. Recurrences. Millstone Grit (Sandstone Conglomerates). Coal-m ensures. Upper Limestone. Horizon uncertain. Recurrences. Total Species. Total Species, Devonian an Carboniferous. Limestone, Sand- stone, Shale. Horizon uncertain. Recurrences. Total Species. Lower Limestone Shale. Carboniferous Lime- stone, &c. Horizon uncertain. a i o K Millstone Grit. Coal-measures. Horizon uncertain. Recurrences. Total Species. && II oTO 6 < «r ”3 Oriskany Sand- stone. Upper Helderberg Group. Chemung Group. 1. sk o Warsaw. to 3. . Ii A 73 Ja O o c o a £ L. M. u. CM. L„ L’. M„ L" U.,L"’ L., L'. M.. L" U.,L" CL. L. M. U. CM. 1 - m 60 6 18 173 ii 1 9 i 2 17 469 188 143 13 54 118 790 963 25 12 78 8 10 113 212 27 3 5 36 25 434 574 372 69 122 421 1458 1571 2534 9 1 14 21 3 11 G 6 14 1 3 2 6 20 41 Amorphozoa 2 5 i 14 1 1 17 17 12 20 10 32 1 29 12 11 1 9 61 G1 78 Foramimfera Coelenterata 7 121 89 15 5 21 21G 15 1 20 12 8 26 10 3 15 1 89 305 77 125 78 5 22 2G3 26 146 62 GG 01 40 87 1 3 318 581 886 Echinodermata 7 32 GO 35 2 9 127 32 379 72 95 130 4 35 47 8 9 2 28 9 1 750 877 69 116 41 4 2S 202 33 113 52 72 18 14 G9 1 1 1 236 438 1315 Annelida 1 6 13 1 i 2 20 1 4 1 2 i 1 2 8 28 18 10 20 5 4 49 11 19 7 16 5 13 2 1 2 46 95 123 Trilobita 2 45 24 14 3 7 81 11 2 2 4 1 1 2 3 6 1 1 2 28 109 59 35 48 i 18 125 7 16 20 13 24 32 157 266 Entomostraca 3 12 0 1 20 6 i 4 3 1 14 12 5 1 5 42 62 31 14 33 2 6 74 24 118 21 65 7 11 51 3 24 21 20 3 8 26 248 322 384 Insecta 0 G 1 18 1 2 l 3 26 32 1 8 1G 2 7 8 42 42 74 Myriopoda 4 4 ... l 1 10 10 3 2 1 6 6 16 Polyzoa 24 24 5 2 1 54 6 2 19 28 15 i 12 3 . 2 i 9 92 146 10 41 11 6 4 64 24 85 40 57 5 7 9 69 2 1 4 2 : 283 347 493 Bracliiopoda 63 125 162 85 n 48 388 117 33 70 GO 94 8 32 89 25 24 86 10 25 4 8 491 879 92 155 113 16 69 307 90 178 123 102 10 36 255 11 16 3 4 ... 384 601 1570 Monomyaria 7 15 32 28 i 4 79 35 2 11 8 6 10 G 9 4 33 6 7 2 127 206 47 61 78 8 26 1C8 73 95 55 67 20 24 110 12 13 8 2 4 ... 263 431 637 Dimyaria 1 03 171 76 10 37 284 114 13 15 24 18 2 11 10 5 25 18 71 16 10 2 10 324 608 106 157 142 20 29 396 95 170 93 170 33 37 108 5 49 23 31 9 17 500 896 1504 Heteropoda 2 15 20 5 4 1 45 20 2 7 6 5 5 5 2 13 1 3 2 57 102 43 33 19 5 7 93 6 35 21 24 1 42 6 1 1 2 > 51 144 246 Gasteropoda 13 84 53 21 4 10 165 52 5 12 47 27 4 9 13 54 6 61 1 12 2 8 271 436 45 2G8 169 5 31 456 63 207 101 225 18 9 228 1 1 4 3 1 2 403 859 1295 Cephalopoda 40 34 17 5 5 91 57 5 12 3 4 a 13 29 2 1 3 3 129 220 73 131 307 11 55 467 61 125 50 112 10 10 150 23 52 8 5 2 4 31 281 743 963 Pisces 28 5 12 2 2 45 48 43 52 53 103 1 17 60 14 33 3 393 438 58 148 39 7 ii 241 57 148 33 13 12 17 6G 5 80 41 29 32 12 18 1 395 636 1074 Reptilia 50 14 1 65 65 2 26 2 13 1 3 47 47 112 Incertse sedis 4 4 4 1 2 3 2 4 4 8 94 010 821 390 56 166 1805 533 483 289 359 420 22 3 139 206 32 760 306 540 58 71 73 159 3723 5528 757 1319 1185 103 328 3036 797 1503 691 1099 245 208 1331 155 729 704 500 130 160 530 5060 8096 13624 EUROPE, &c. Species according to Number and Horizon. Devonian Period. Carboniferous Period. Note . — Throughout this Table the actual number of species is obtained by subtracting recurrences from the sum of the species in the sections. 441 SHORT NOTES ON THE FIRST CONSPECTUS, AND A FEW SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH IT. Great as is the number of the Devonian and Carboniferous fossils contained in this Conspectus, it is the produce of a search every way limited. Yast numbers are still buried in the rocks, for nearly every new locality rewards the collector with an harvest of new forms. In dealing with North America the Conspectus is divided into twenty-six sections. Seventeen of these represent the successive horizons of this double epoch, each giving tho number of species met with in it. Nine sections make general statements about recurrences, doubtful horizons, &c. Seven sections are allotted to the Devonian period; four mark horizons of time with their fossils, while the remaining three contain other facts of importance. The Carboniferous period of this hemisphere, in like manner, is divided into thirteen sections of ascending time, and five for general statements. The totals are, unexpectedly, much below those of the Old World. In Europe the Devonian is divided into six sections, three referring to horizons and three to certain results ; while the Carboniferous is in ten time-sections and five for results. The line of figures crossing the page horizontally shows the number of species in the horizons, with the total at the end. The perpendicular columns give the species composing the nineteen orders &c. in their horizons as they actually occur. Animal life is seen, in this Table, to much prefer limestone or calcareous shale as an abiding-place, while plant-life is confined to mixed carbonaceous shales. When oscillations have placed Coal-measures and their vegetation in great thicknesses of limestone, still the latter is imbedded in shale. Neither plants nor animals have always lived where they are now found. “ This occurs,” says Ilall of Albany, “ beautifully in the Hamilton Group of New York ; but it is not very common.” Looking at this Conspectus of nearly 14,000 species, life seems to be equably distributed ; the printed page is loaded with figures ; but it is not so in nature. The many necessities of living beings lead to their assembling in places yielding food, warmth, and security. There are large masses of strata, therefore, which are mere deserts. That the horizons of many species are uncertain need not create surprise. This usually occurs in what is brought from remote and hastily visited countries. Errors, too, may be made both at home and in the field. Any expected increment or decrement of species in these formations disappears from the Conspectus, because the materials for the sections are derived from local events separated in kind, time, and place, and so an appear- ance of irregularity or capriciousness arises. There is, however, some degree of order in most parts of the Table in a marked tendency. We perceive the middle sections to be richest in life; next comes the lowest, followed by the upper section. On the side of Europe this is less distinct. o r 442 Of the nineteen classes and orders of this Table, the following are the most prolific, as far as is now known (each order presenting forms and shapes peculiar, many beautiful, all perfect, and only once created) : — Orders. America. Europe. Pdant.e 963 1571 Eciii.vodermata 877 438 Brachiopoda 879 691 Dimyaria 608 896 Gasteropoda 436 859 The Devonian Period . — We know (with D’Archiac*) so much of the great formations as not to consider them unities simple, and divisible everywhere into the same number of parts of equal value, but quite the contrary ; so it is with the epochs under consideration. This period is universal, with local differences in general character and in fossils ; somo of these are, for the present, typical. As one example of its vast extent, we know that, rich in fossils, it extends in wavy sheets from the eastern border of the United States to the extreme west of Arctic America, and is found (Captain Feilden) lining the shores of the Polar basin. The relations of the Devonian beds with the Silurian are both conformable and transgressive ; but their common fossils are very few. Thomas Davidson, F.R.S., finds only five English Silurian Brachiopoda in Devonian f. Milne-Edwards and Ilaimei know of only eight species of Silurian Coelenterata which form a part of their 400 Devonian. Robert Etheridge, F.R.S.§, collects thirteen species, seven fish and six Crustacea, common to these two epochs, all from Ludlow and the Welsh borders, without being accompanied by one more Silurian species. In reviewing a MS. of my own on the fossils common to Silurian and Devonian, the late Mr. J. W. Salter, then Palaeontologist to the Geological Survey of Great Britain, found twenty-five fossils in this unusual position. But they come from New York, Pennsylvania, North-w r est Arctic America, Russia and the Ural, Esthonia, Bohemia, Germany, Eifel, France, England; they are (as brought down, in 1878, to sixteen) as follows: — Fossils common to Silurian and Devonian. Ceriopora granulosa, Gold 'f. D., Eifel. Glauconome disticha, Goldf. D., Eifel. Atrypa reticulata. S., N. Amer. D., Europe. Chonetes sarcinulata. S., Wales. D., Eifel. Leptiena depressa. S., D., Europe. Bohemica. S., Bohemia. D., France. clausa. S., France. D., Spain. Meristella cylindrica. S., New York. D., N.W. Amer. By R. Etheridge, F.R.S. (MS.) Meristella oblata. S., New York. D., N.W. Amer. Spirifer lenticulus. S., D., Russia. Strophomena rhomboidalis. S., D., N. Amer. Terebratula Eucharis. S., D., France. explanata. S., Gothland. D., Refrath (Prussia). Haidingeri. S., D., France. Euomphalus canaliferus. S., D., Bohemia. Orthoceras calamiteus, Schlofh. S., Ural. D., Eifel. The Conspectus shows that the Devonian of North America holds in tolerable abundance fourteen of the nineteen orders. Three are absent and two very nearly so. Much the same is the case in Europe and the Old World. In America we sec the Devonian commencing with 94 species, mostly first appearances, and few, because it receives little from an expiring epoch, and because of its quartzose composition. In Europe, it counts at its base 757 species, principally derived from five orders ; and the total numbers are nearly twice those of the Devonian of America. * ProgreB, iv. 2. t Bronn, Lethaa Geogn. i. 303. } Bronn, Lethira Geogn. i. 305. § Quart. Jouru. G. S. L. xxiii. 014. 443 The growing dimensions of this volume, already too large, warns me now to stop, and to postpone any remarks on the Carboniferous formation to another opportunity. A few brief paragraphs must, however, he allowed for recurrence, a very prominent feature in the life of all epochs. A fossil (whether genus or species) is said to recur when it ascends into an upper horizon. This is commonly at short range ; but it can often bo traced into three, four, or five horizons. In species the transaction is complex and delicato. Some very few genera appear throughout the great sedimentary column. Removal horizontally is dispersion ; and it is produced in many well-known ways. Recurrence takes place by migration or transport, under circumstances occasionally very interesting. (Sec the Silurian Colonies of Bohemia described by M. Joachim Barrande.) The birthplace (as announcing the first appearance) of a fossil is a point of great palaeontological importance. It is never certain, although it may become useful to take for granted that it is known. We are not acquainted with any transitional or imperfect creatures. A recurring species must often be useful in filling up gaps in the construction of communities; but it loses its value as a type either of time or space. Iu all or most of the orders recurrence is exercised far less vigorously in America than in Europe, if this ‘ Thesaurus ’ can be trusted ; and it has been drawn up under singular advantages, and very carefully. The extinct life now under consideratiou, endowed truly with marvellous beauty and variety, innumerable in individuals, scattered about with remarkable equability *, does not seem to have the same vigour or tenacity of life as their European kindred (not brethren), or they may have had to contend with conditions much more adverse. These statements are fully confirmed by the Plants, Ccelenterata, Crinoidea, and other orders, each having its own amount of recurrence f. I subjoin the following little Table as giving some idea of the recurrence now dealt with : — Carboniferous Recurrence. Orders. AMERICA. EUROPE. ... . Total Species. Recurrence. Ratio. Total Species. Recurrence. Ratio. Ccelenterata 89 11 1 8 318 87 POLYZOA 92 3 1 7 1 283 n i i ‘2 8 Gasteropoda 271 21 l l J 403 230 1 3 TT Cephalopoda 129 7 l 1 8 281 181 2 Total 581 42 1285 509 * Professor Pumpelly, State Geologist, found, in his allotted portion of Missouri, Athyris subtilita in 87 places, Spirifcr cameratus in 81, Chonetes (five species) in 72, Productus (twelve species) in 322, &c. (Pumpelly, Report, 1873, p. 427.) t It may be that the American collectors did not sufficiently attend to this point; but the geologists quoted hero were well instructed, eager, and careful. 444 A SECOND NUMERICAL CONSPECTUS OF DEVONIAN AND CARBONIFEROUS SPECIES. Not admitted into the first, from having been received too late. See 4 Thesaurus,’ pp. 370-426 y. Classes and Orders. Addenda I., pp. 414-421. Australian Species. De Koninck, 1877. First Supplementary Table, pp. 370-411. Addenda II., or Second Supplementary Table, pp. 426 a-A26j. Devonian. Carboniferous. Carboniferous. Carboniferous. Plant® None. None. 137 1 Amorphozoa 8 ,, None. None. Foraxninifera None ? Coelenterata 146 14 26 17 Echinodermata 5 3 17 58 Annelida None. None. 1 3 ; Crustacea 5 8 12 Trilobita 12 2 9 3 Insecta None. None. 8 3 i Myriopoda ,, None. 1 1 Polyzoa 2 8 22 4 | Brachiopoda it 21 150 31 Monomyaria 5 18 34 7 Dimyaria 3 79 107 6 Heteropod a 24 None. 10 None. Gasteropoda 42 17 38 5 Cephalopoda 44 2 23 3 Pisces 21 3 15 11 Reptilia 1 None. None. None. Incertae sedis None. » » » Totals j 324 172 ■ 605 165 This list of species occurring in the epochs now under consideration, hut not as yet introduced into either the Conspectus or the 4 Thesaurus,’ gives the large addition of 1266 species. As the former contains 13624, the grand total of known species here becomes 14890, living in communities and sporadically (separated both in time and in space). The reception of new material cannot be declined. In the rapid growth of this new science, after- accumulations may be inconvenient, but they must be received thankfully. This little Table is variously indebted ; but principally to James Hall, of Albany, and to the distinguished men who conducted for many years the great survey of Illinois. From the learned pages of a recent work of M. L. De Koninck, on the Carboniferous Fossils of Australia, has been constructed the second column of this Table. Four new and remarkable genera ( Tribrachyacrinus , Clarkea, Eurydesma, and UrostJienes ) are met with here. It is the highly valuable contribution of a faithful and fertile pen*. Sixty-three species of these Coelenterata are mostly from Michigan — all being American. They are de- scribed by Dr. Carl Rbminger, of St. Louis, Missouri, and admirably illustrated. (See Geol. Report, Michig. iii. 1876, Carl Rbminger, State Geologist.) * Rochercbes sur les Fossilcs Taleozoiques de la Nouvellc-Galles du Sud (Australie). Par L. G. De Koninck. Bruxelles, 1877. 445 DEVONIAN AND CARBONIFEROUS FORMATIONS. Species common to America and Europe. AMERICA and EUROPE. Classes and Orders. Devonian. Carboniferous. Common. Total known. Common. Doubtful. Total known. Plant® 5 287 144 21 2248 Amorphozoa 2 2! 1 2 20 Foraminifera ? 10 1 78 Coelenterata 22 479 13 4 407 Echinodermata i? 329 2 3 986 Annelida 69 2 54 Trilobita 3 206 60 Crustacea 82 2 2 290 Insecta 6 68 Myriopoda i 16 Polyzoa ... 2 118 2 i 375 Brachiopoda 30 695 40 10 126.3 Monomyaria 3 247 2 390 Dimyaria 6 680 6 6 824 Pteropoda 1 138 3 1 108 Gasteropoda 5 621 5 11 674 Cephalopoda 3 558 5 6 410 Pisces 3 286 2 Q O 788 Reptilia i 112 Incertae sedis 8 ? V ? Totals 86 4830 239 73 9171 A species to be considered common to America and Europe must be vouched for by a competent observer, and referred to one and the same describer in both regions ; and the proof will be greatly strengthened by the species being usually on the same horizon. The species treated as doubtful have two describers or reporters, the one being American (good authority probably) and the other European, as Brongniart, Goppert, or Bindley, &c. Hence the doubt as to identity. The most striking feature in this Table is the extreme fewness of the species common to the two hemi- spheres. This will not be wondered at when we remember that the mutual relations and equivalencies of the coal-bearing strata of North America are not yet satisfactorily ascertained, and very much less known are those of America with Europe ; but it is generally agreed that these vast basins were formed at periods of time and under circumstances very different, and of materials varying both in kind and treatment. Any intercourse between the east and the west seems to have been very rare, if at all possible. This Table appears to show that the species of the lowest organic rank are the most frequently found in widely separated countries, as Plant® (1 in 15), Amorphozoa (1 in 8 or 10), Foraminifera (1 in 7) ; while the higher orders, Insecta, Crinoids, Pisces and Reptiles, Honomyaria, &c., rarely remove from their native place- east or west. o x Dedication Introduction Errata 447 INDEX. iii xi DEVONIAN. CARBONIFEROUS. Plants 1 Plant.® 138, 370, 424. 426 a Amorphozoa 6, 414 Amorphozoa 200 Ccelenterata 7, 414 Foraminifera . . . 200 Echinodermata ... 15, 416 i Ccelenterata .... 206, 382, 426 a, 426 g Annelida 21 Echinodermata .... 218, 384, 426 a, 42 6g Crustacea. Annelida 242, 386, 426 g Trilobita .... 22, 416 Crustacea. Phyllopoda and Ostracoda .... 26, 416 Phyllopoda and Ostracoda, 244, 387, 426 c, 426 h PoLYZOA .... 28, 416 Trilobita 254, 388, 426 h Insect a 30 Insecta 256, 388, 426 c Bkachiopoda .... 31, 417 Myriopoda 258, 388, 426 r LAMELLI BRANCHIATA . PoLYZOA .... 260, 390, 426 c, 426 h Monomyaria 60, 417 Brachiopoda 266, 390, 426 d, 426 i Dimyaria ... 64, 417 Lamellibranchiata. Pteropoda .... 77, 418 Monomyaria .... 284, 398, 426 d Gasteropoda .... 79, 418 Dimyaria 294, 400, 426 e, 426 i Cephalopoda .... 89, 419 Pteropoda 314, 404 Pisces . . . 100, 420 Gasteropoda 318, 406, 426 e, 426 i Reptilia 421 Cephalopoda 334, 408, 426 e In cert.® sedis 106 346, 410, 422, 426 e, 426 j Reptilia and Amphibia 366, 408 Spongid.® 423 Abbreviations 113 Addenda 414 Authors quoted 127 Abbreviations 137 Local Horizons 107 Addenda 422 Regional Stratification 114 Authors (juoted 431 Fossils from Smith’s Sound &c 426/’ Local Horizons 412 Regional Stratification . 427 Supplementary Table 370 First Analytical Conspectus 441 Second Analytical Conspectus 444 Species common to Devonian and Carboniferous Formations 445 PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCI REP LION COURT, FLEET STREET.