I CATALOGUE . OF SGfKTOL APPLIANCES PUPILS’ WORK, ETC./, ‘ EXHIBITED BY THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF ONTARIO, CANADA, AT THE WORLD’S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, M CHICAGO, 1893. PREPARED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF N. AWREY, ESQ., M.P.P., COMMISSIONER FOR ONTARIO. S. PASSMORE MAY, M.D., C.L.H., Director of Educational Exhibits for Ontario TORONTO: PRINTED BY WARWICK & SONS, 68 & 70 FRONT STREET WEST. 1893, PREFATORY NOTE The exhibits from the Ontario Education Department are representative only of the schools and other Educational Institutions in the Province which are under the administration of or affiliated to the Education Department. In consequence of the very limited space allotted, the greater part of the pupils’ work can- not be properly displayed, but has to be bound in volumes or mounted on mats in portfolios. It is also impossible to make an exhibit of maps and charts, school furniture, physical and othei school appliances used in the Public and High Schools of Ontario, as was done at previous exhibitions in Philadelphia, Paris ai^d London. As there is not sufficient space for exhibiting all the work from Art Schools in the Educa- tional Court, some of the paintings, etc., are exhibited in the Ontario Commissioner’s Offices in the Canadian Pavilion. The Scientific Institutions, including the archaeological collection from the Canadian Institute, Toronto, are represented in other sections of the Liberal Arts Building. o \ O b % Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/catalogueofschooOOmays ^atalo; Re. HON. GEORGE W. ROSS, LL.D., Minister of Education. The exhibits from the Education Department are classified as follows : — 1. Departmental Exhibits, — Historical and Statistical ; Text Books for Public and High Schools ; School Appli- ances for Normal and High Schools. 2. Training Schools — Kindergartens ; County Model Schools ; Normal and Model Schools ; School of Pedagogy. 3. Elementary Schools — Kinder- gartens ; Public Schools and Roman Catholic Separate Schools. 4. Secondary Schools — High Schools and Collegiate Institutes ; Upper Canada College. 5. Special Schools, etc. — Art Schools ; Ladies’ Colleges ; School of Practical Science ; Agricultural College ; Veterinary Col- lege ; and Mechanics’ Institutes. 6. Higher Education ; Provincial University and Affiliated and Federated Universities and Colleges. 7. Education of the Blind, and the Deaf and Dumb. 8. Other Provincial Institutions, Mercer Reformatory, and the Orillia Asylum for Idiots. PART I DEPARTMENTAL EXHIBITS. CLASS I. — Historical and Statistical, 1. Annual Reports of the Normal and Model, High, and Public Schools of Ontario from 1845 to 1892. '2. Special Educational Report, by Rev. Dr. Ryerson, from 1868 to 1876. 3. Journal of Education for Ontario, by Rev. Dr. Ryerson and J. G. Hodgins, LL.D., from 1848 to 1875. 4. Ryerson Memorial Volume, prepared on the occasion of the unveiling of the Ryersou atatue in the grounds of the Education Department, 1889, by J. G. Hodgins, LL.D. 0 Educational Reports, Etc. CLASS II. — Special Reports, etc., by the Minister of Education. 5. — Regulations and correspondence relating to French and German Schools iri the Pro- vince of Ontario. 1889„ 6. Extracts and statements respecting Bi-lingual teaching in Great Britain, United States and Canada, 1890. 7. Report on Compulsory Education in Canada, Great Britain, Germany and the United States, 1891. 8. Statutes and Regulations respecting Public and High Schools, Ontario, 1891. CLASS III. — Technical Education. 9. Special Report on Mechanics’ Institutes, by Dr. S. P. May, C.L.H., 1881. 10. Report of the Minister of Education on Technical Education. 1889. 11. Act and Regulations respecting Mechanics’ Institutes and Art Schools, 1890. CLASS IY. — Educational Exhibitions. 12. Special Report on the Ontario Educational Exhibit at the International Exhibition^ 1876, by J. G. Hodgins, LL.D. 13. Catalogue of school appliances, pupils’ work, etc., exhibited by the Education Depart- ment of Ontario at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, England, 1886, by Dr. S. P. May, C.L.H. 14. Report on the School Appliances, Pupils’ Work, etc., exhibited by the Education De- partment of Ontario at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, England, 1886, by Dr. S. P. May, C.L.H. CLASS Y. — Reports, etc., on Text Books. 15. Catalogue of Books recommended for High Schools and Reference Libraries by the- Education Department, 1888. 16. Remarks upon Text-books, authorized by the Education Department, Ontario, 1889. 17. A Brief History of Public and High School Text-books authorized for the Province of Ontario, 1846-1889. CLASS YI. — Examination Papers. 18. Departmental Examination Papers, 1882-1892 ; High School Entrance ; Public School Leaving ; High School Primary ; High School Junior Leaving and University Pass Matricula- tion ; High School Senior Leaving and University Honor Matriculation ; Kindergarten (Profes- sional) ; Entrance to Normal Schools ; Third Class Professional ; Second Class Professional ; School of Pedagogy (for First Class Public School Teachers and High School Assistants) ; Com- mercial Specialists. CLASS VII. — Miscellaneous. 19. Hints and Suggestions on School Architecture and Hygiene, with plans and illustra- tions, by J. G. Hodgins, LL.D., 1886. 20. Catalogue of the Educational Museum of Ontario, by Dr. S. P. May, C.L.H. 21. The Educational System of Ontario, by John Millar, B.A., 1893. Statistical Charts. 7 CLASS VIII. — Statistical Charts. 22. — Chart of statistics showing the Progress of Education — Public Schools (including R. C. Separate Schools — 40 years. Comparative Statement. 1851. 1891. Population of Ontario 950,551 2,114,321 School population 258,607 615,781 Number of schools 3,001 5,817 Number of pupils attending schools 168,159 491,741 Number of male teachers . 2,551 2,754 Number of female teachers 726 5,565 Amounts received, Legislative Grants $ 76,103 $ 289,610 Amounts received, Municipal Assessments $103,344 $3,168,498 Amounts expended, teachers salaries „ $371,310 $2,722,116 Amounts expended, sites, buildings, apparatus, etc $ 77,339 $1,354,126 Total expenditure *. $448,649 $4,076,242 Average Cost per Pupil in 1891. Cities, $13.57 ; Towns, $8.92 ; Rural Schools, including Villages, $7.25. 23. — Chart of statistics showing the Progress of Education Institutes — 30 years. — High Schools and Collegiate Comparative Statement. 1861. 1891. Population of Ontario 1,396,091 2,114,321 Number of Schools 86 124 Number of pupils attending schools 4,765 22,230 Number of teachers 123 522 Amounts received, Legislative Grants $36,693 $ 99,693 Amounts received, Municipal Grants $17,444 $500,631 Amounts received, fees $20,545 $ 89,887 Total amount received from all sources $85,163 $828,578 Amounts expended, teachers’ salaries $71,034 $442,098 Amounts expended, sites, buildings, apparatus etc $ 6,166 $319,468 Total expenditure $81,108 $761, 56G o Average Cost per Pupil in 1891. High Schools, $31.61 ; Collegiate Institutes, $37.36. 3 Statistical Charts. 24. — Chart of statistics showing the Progress of Education — Mechanics’ Institutes and Free Libraries, 1883 to 1892 — Ten years. Statistics. 1883. Number of Mechanics’ Institutes and Free Libraries reporting 1892. 93 Number of Members and Readers Number of Evening Classes Number of Reading Rooms Number of Newspapers and Periodicals Number of Volumes in Libraries Number of Volumes issued Total Receipts Total Assets 13,672 28 59 1,540 154,093 251,920 $59,716 $255,190 76,425 50 143 3,949 468,383 1,333,304 $159,091 $656,071 Total number of Volumes issued in 10 years 6,198,509 Total receipts in 10 years $1,039,692 25. — Chart of statistics showing the Progress of Education — Departmental Examinations in Drawing, Painting, etc. — Art Schools, Mechanics’ Institutes, etc. — 1883 to 1892. — Ten years. Certificates, etc., Awarded. 1883. 1892. Number of Art Schools, etc., examined 1 77 5,789 Number of Proficiency Certificates, Primary Course 124 Number of Teachers’ Certificates, Primary Course 338 Number of Proficiency Certificates, Advanced Course 31 218 Number of Teachers’ Certificates, Advanced Course 13 Number of Proficiency Certificates, Mechanical Course 1 108 Number of Teachers’ Certificates, Mechanical Course 2 Number of Certificates, Painting, Modelling, Wood -carving, Drawing for Lithography, etc 62 Special Certificates awarded in 1892, for Designs— 15. Departmental Medals awarded in 1892—1 Gold ; 10 Silver; 9 Bronze. Statistical Charts. 9 26. — Chart of statistics— ‘Provincial, Normal and Model Schools — Toronto and Ottawa. Statistics for 1892. Number of Teachers . Toronto ITormal School. Toronto Model School.. Toronto Kindergarten . . 6 12 2 Ottawa Normal School Ottawa Model School Ottawa Kindergarten Number of Students and Pupils in Attendance. Normal School Students. . Model School Pupils Kindergarten Pupils Toronto — Males, 46 ; females, 186. Ottawa — Males, 61 ; females, 135. Toronto — Boys, 235 ; girls, 231. Ottawa — Boys, 147 ; girls, 137. Toronto — 50 pupils. Ottawa — 42 pupils. Fees. 6 10 2 Normal School Students $5 per term of five months. Model School Pupils 2 per month. Kindergarten Pupils 2 per month. 27. — Chart of statistics — Professional Training of Teachers. Statistics for 1892. 1. Kindergarten. Number of Teachers in training 179 Number passed as Directors 45 Number passed as Assistants 33 2. County Model Schools. For Training 3rd Class Teachers. Number of County Model Schools 60 Number of teachers in training 1,323 Number who passed examination 1,225 3. Provincial Normal and Model Schools. For Training 2nd Class Teachers. Number of Normal School Students 428 4. Provincial School of Pedagogy. For Training First-Class Public School Teachers and Assistant High School Masters. N umber of Candidates for Examination 167 Number who Passed for Interim Certificates. First-Class Professional Masters 36 | Assistant Masters 42 10 Statistical Charts. 28. — Chart of Statistics, Upper Canada College, Toronto. Founded 1829. — Visitor, the Lieutenant-Governor. Statistics for 1892. Number of Masters 16 ; number of Pupils in attendance. Form I. Form II. Form III. Form IV. Commerical Dep’t. Form V. Form VI. Total. 27 63 65 61 74 28 24 312 Number of Boarders 202. Fees. — Boarding, including instruction $230 1 Day Pupils’ Tuition 60/ P er annum. Course of Instruction. — Modern Languages, Mathematics, Classics, Science and Com- mercial Subjects. Exhibitions. — Ten exhibitions entitling the holders to free tuition for a year are annually competed for. Medals and Prizes. — 3 Gold and Silver Medals and several money and other prizes are given annually. 29. — Chart of Statistics, School of Practical Science, Toronto. Statistics for 1892. Number ot Instructors 26. The regular course (3 years) including 1. Civil Engineering ; 2. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering ; 3. Mining Engineering ; 4. Architecture ; 5. Analytical and Applied Chemistry. Estimated expenses of a regular course : Sessional fees $120 00 Books, Instruments, Laboratory Fees, etc 130 00 Number of Students in attendance. 1st. Year. 2nd Year. 3rd Year. Special Students. Total. 66 33 29 20 138 Number of Students taking the Post Graduate Course 10. Degree of G. E . — Graduates having three years’ actual practice in Civil Engineering are eli- gible for the Degree of C.E. — University of Toronto. Degree of B.A. Sc . — Fourth year or Post Graduate Students are eligible for the Degree of B.A. Sc. — University of Toronto. Statistical Charts. 11 30. — Chart of Statistics, University of Toronto, with Affiliated and Federated Colleges. University College, Established 1853. Victoria University, (Methodist) founded 1830, Federated 1890. Established. Affiliated. St. Michael’s College, (Catholic) 1852 1881 Knox College, (Presbyterian) 1844 1885 Wycliffe Oollfige, (Ohurch of England) 1877 1885 Huron College, (Church of England) 1892 Trinity Medical College ...... . 1850 1877 Women’s Medical College ... 1883 1890 Ontario College of Pharmacy 1882 1891 College of Dental Surgery 18G8 1889 School of Practical Science 1877 1889 Ontario Agricultural College 1874 1888 Toronto College of Music 1890 1890 Number of Graduates. University College, Arts 1,610 ; Medicine 808 ; Law 225. Victoria University, Arts 646 ; Medicine 937 ; Law 93 ; Theology 96. Agriculture 33 ; Dentistry 84 ; Engineering 5 ; Pharmacy 22 ; Music 3. 31. — Chart of Statistics, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Statistics for 1892. Cost of maintenance in all Departments $59,261 00. Cost of Board, washing and tuition, (1) Residents of Ontario $60 to $65 a year. (2) Non-Residents, $160 to $165 first year — $110 to $115 second year. Number of Pupils and Teachers. Pupils — Regular Course, 159 — Special Dairy Course, 58. Number of Teachers and Instructors, 14. Course of Study. (1) . Agriculture, Live Stock, Dairying. (2) . Chemistry, Geology. (3) . Veterinary Science. (4) . English Literature, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, etc. Course of Apprenticeship. Work with the Live Stock every morning and every alternate afternoon in the following Departments : field, live stock, dairy, experimenta 1 , mechanical, horticultural. Length of Course. (1.) For Associate Diploma, two years. (2.) For B.S.A. degree, three years. 32. — Chart of Statistics, Ontario Institution for Education of the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville. Statistics for 1892. Cost of Maintenance Board and Education Number of Officers, Teachers and Instructors Average number of pupils, males $42,000 00 Free. 31 158 12 Statistical Charts, Etc. Average number of pupils, females 127 Total number of pupils from 1890 to 1892 5,665 Literary Department— Reading by Signs and Visible Speech, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, History, etc. Industrial Department — Males — Cabinet-making, Carpentering, Shoemaking and Farming. Females — Sewing, Dressmaking, Ornamental and Fancy work, Tambour work, etc. 33. — Chart of Statistics, Ontario Institution for the Education of the Blind — Brantford. Statistics for 1892. Annual cost of Maintenance. $35,009 00 Board and Education Free. Number of Officers, Teachers and Instructors 17 Average number of pupils, males 80 Average number of pupils, females 60 Subjects of Instruction. Literary Department. — Kindergarten, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, History, Geography, etc. Musical Department. — Pianoforte, Pipe and Reed Organ, Violin, Vocal Music, etc. Industrial Department — Males : — Willow and Rattan-work, Cane-seating, etc. Females — Sewing, Machine and hand-sewing, Machine and hand-knitting Crochet work, Bead work, &c. Class IX, Modelling in Clay. Plaster Casts. Portrait Busts , Life Size, Distinguished Canadians. Lieutenant-Governors. (A) Howland, W. P., Sir — Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, 1868-1873. (B) Robinson J. Beverley, “ “ “ 1880-1887. (C) Campbell, Alex. Sir, “ “ “ 18b7-1892. Statesmen. 34. Macdonald, Sir. John A. — Premier (at intervals) 1851-1891. 35. Brown, Hon. George — Premier 1858. 36. Blake, Hon. Edward —Premier 1871. 37. Mackenzie, Hon. Alexander — Premier 1873-1878. 38. Macdonald, Hon. J. Sandfield — Premier of Ontario, 1862-1864. 39. Mowat, Sir. Oliver — Premier of Ontario, 1872-1893. Educationists. 40. Ryerson, Rev. Dr. Egerton — Chief Superintendent of Education 1844-1876. 41. Crooks, Hon. Adam — Minister of Education for Ontario 1876-1883. 42. Wilson, Sir. Daniel — President, University of Toronto 1887-1892. 43. Loudon, James — President, University of Toronto 1892-3. 44. Nelles,Rev. Dr. S. S. — Chancellorof Victoria University, 1851-1887. 45. Fleming, Sanford — Queen’s University, Kingston. 45a. Grant, Rev. Principal — Queen’s University, Kingston. 456. Smith, Professor Goldwin. Note.— Nos. A, C, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, Modelled by Miss Mildred Peel, B, 36, 37,42,45; modelled by Hamilton McCarthy, R. C. A. Text Books, Etc. 13 CLASS X. — Text Books for Public Schools — Forms I.-IY. English . 46. First Reader, Part I . 47. First Reader, Part 11. 48. Second Reader. 49. Third Reader. 50. Fourth Reader. 51. Public School Arithmetic. 52. Public School Geography. 53. Public School Grammar. 54. Public School History of England and Canada . 55. Public School History of England and Canada (Robertson) . 56. Public School Drawing Course. 57. Public School Hygiene & Temperance. 58. Public School Agriculture. 59. Public School Writing Course. French- English Readers . 60. First Reader, Part I. 61. First Reader, Part II. 62. Second Reader. 63. Third Reader. 64. Les Grandes Inventions Modernes. 65. Robert’s French Grammar. German-English Readers. 66. Ahn’s First German Book. 67. “ Second “ 68. “ Third “ 69. “ Fourth 70. “ First German Reader. 71. Klotz’s German Grammar. CLASS XI. — Text Books for Collegiate Institutes and High Schools. 72. High School Reader . 73. High School English Grammar. 74. High School English Composition. 75. High School Geography. 76. High School History of England and Canada. 77. Schmitz’s History of Greece and Rome 78. Green’s Short History of the English People. Mathematics. 79. High School Arithmetic. 80. High School Algebra. 81. McLellan’s Elements of Algebra. 82. High School Euclid, McKay, (Books 1., II., III.) Moderns. 83. High School French Grammar. 84. High School French Reader. 85. High School German Grammar. 86. High School German Reader. 87. Lessons in French complete(Fasquelles- Sykes) . CLASS XII.— Text Books 101. Baldwin’s Art of School Management (Canadian Edition). 102. Hopkins’ Outline Study of Man, 103. Fitch’s Lectures on Teaching. 104. Quick’s Educational Reformers (intro- duction by Harris). Science. 83. High School Physics. 89. High School Botany. 90. High School Chemistry. Rook-keeping and Drawing. 91. High School Book-keeping. 92. High School Drawing Course. Classics. 93. Henderson and Fletcher's First Latin •Book. 04. Carruthers and Robertson’s Primary Latin Book. 95. Harkness’ Introductory Latin Book. 96. Harkness’ Revised Standard Latin Grammar. 97. Leighton’s First steps in Latin . 98. Bradley’s Arnold’s Latin Prose. 99. Goodwin’s Greek Grammar. 100. Harkness’ First Greek Book. for Training Schools. 105. McLellan’s Applied Psychology. 106. Spencer’s Education. 107. Landon’s School Management. 103. Manual of Hygiene 109. Houghton’s Physical Culture. CLASS XIII. — School Apparatus and Globes for Normal and High Schools. Note. — A full collection cannot be exhibited for want of space. All the apparatus, except glassware, is manufactured in loronto. 14 Apparatus. Chemistry. 110. Cylindrical Jar. 111. Cylindrical Jar stoppered. 112. Eprouvette. 113. Funnels. 114. Filter Stand. 115. Oxygen Globe. 116. Mortar and Pestle. 117. Retorts. 118. Retort Stand, 3 rings. 119. Stoneware Tray. 120. V Tube. 121. WoulfFs Bottles. Physics. Accoustics. 122 Combination Disc. 123. Pair Parabolic Reflectors. Dynamics . 124 Lateral Pressure Apparatus. 125. Rotating Table. Electricity — Magnetism. 126. Aurora Tube. 127. Aurora Tubes, set of 7 on stand. 128. Electrical Pistol . 129. Electrical Balance . ] 30. Electrical Conductor (egg-shapfc) . 131. Electrical Discharger — plain. 132. E'ect'rical Discharger — double. 133. Electrolysis apparatus. 134. Geissler Tubes (set of 6). 135. GrenetCell. 136. Toepler-Holtz orWinshurst’s Electrica' Machine . 137. Hydrogen Pistol. 138. Induction Cylinder. 139. Leyden Jar, large. 140. Leyden Jar, with movable coatings. 141. Leyden Jars ("set of 4). 142. Primary and Secondary coils. 143. Telegraph instruments (set). Heat. 9 144. Brass Tube and Clamp. 145. Brass Ball and Ring. 146. Cryophorus. 147. Daniell’s Hygrometer. 148. Fire Syringe. 149. Pyrometer. . ' 150. Thermopiles. Hydrodynamics and Specific Gravity . 151. Equilibrium Tubes (set). 152. Force Pump (model). 153. Set Balances. Hydrostatics. 154. Brahma’s Press (model). 155. Haldat’s Apparatus. Optics. 156. Spectroscope on stand. 157. Large Binocular Microscope with mov- able diaphragm, fine adjustment, two sets of eye-pieces, nine objec- tives, achromatic condenser, rota- ting prism, etc. Pneumatics. 158. Air Pump, single barrel. 158^. Air Pump, double barrel. 159. Bell Jar, brass attachments. 160. Condensed Air Chamber. 161. Fountain in Yacuo. 162. Guinea and Feather Apparatus. 163. Globe to Weigh Air. 164. Magdeburgh Hemispheres. 165. Swelled Bell Receiver. Terrestrial and Astronomical Globes. . 166. Turnbull’s 18 -inch Terrestrial Globe, specially adapted for use in Public and High Schools. 167. Turnbull’s 18-inch Celestial Sphere. This sphere is so constructed that the student, having the whole combination of the stars and constellations before him, can carry on his studies within doors. 168. Turnbull’s 12-inch Orbital Moving Globe. Constructed to illustrate the four motions of the earth in its annual course round the sun . It also illustrates the beam of light constantly flowing from the sun whose rays illuminate that portion of the earth’s surface which faces the sun’s disc. PART II TRAINING SCHOOLS. CLASS I.— KINDERGARTENS. Provincial Normal Kindergarten, Toronto. — Miss Macintyre , Director . Assistant teachers, 2 ; number of pupils, 50. The Normal Kindergarten was established in 1884 in connection with the Provincial Normal School, Toronto, for the purpose of training teachers for the Kindergartens of the Province. In 1892 sixty-six of these schools were in operation with a registered attendance of 6,375 pupils. Pupils ’ Work Mounted in Frames. 169. Color Chart — Tints and shades of red. 170. Color Chart — Tints and shades of orange 171. Color Chart — Tints and shades of yel- low. 172. Color Chart — Tints and shades of green 173. Color Cliart — Tints and shades of blue. 174. Color Chart — Tints and shades of violet 175. The Months of the year — children’s coloring. 176. Development of plant life — children’s coloring. 177. Sewing — children’s inventions. 178. Weaving — children’s inventions. 179. Freehand Drawing and Coloring — children’s inventions . 180. Cutting in Curves — children’s inven- tions. CLASS II. — County Model Schools. County Model Schools were first established in 1877, and since that time they have been attended by 19,402 teachers. Model School, Hamilton. 181. Photograph of Building Cost of building and grounds, $65,000. Principal, S. B. Sinclair, B.A. Assistant teachers, 15 ; number of pupils, 36. Pupils' Work Mounted in Frames. The commercial work, etc., from this school is exhibited with the pupils’ work from the Hamilton public schools. Bound in Volumes. 182. Specimens of Time Studies — freehand drawing. Drawing from models, practical geome- try, elementary perspective, and blackboard and memory drawing. CLASS III. — Provincial Normal and Model Schools of Ontario. I. — Normal Schools. The Normal Schools are for the training of candidates for teachers’ second class certificates. See Statistical Chart No. 26.) 183. Photograph of Normal and Model School Buildings, Toronto. Principal, Thos. Kirkland, M.A. ; assistant masters, 5 ; number of students 186. 184. Photograph of Normal and Model School Buildings, Ottawa.' Principal, J. A. MacCabe, LL.D. ; assistant masters, 5 ; number of students, 135. 185. Specimens of Time Studies : Freehand Drawing, Drawing from models, Practical geometry, elementary per- spective and blackboard drawing. 186. Specimen of Industrial Drawing. 10 Mode! Schools— Pupils’ Work. II. — Provincial Model Schools of Ontario. The Provincial Model Schools are the practice schools attached to the two Normal Schools of the Province. The arrangements for practice teaching in these schools secure the best possible supervision of the lessons taught by the students in training. No lesson is ever taught by a student which is not carefully observed by a critic teacher, who thoroughly analyses and criticises the lesson afterwards. All the students who observe the lessons are expected to join in the criticism. Provincial Model School, Toronto. Head Master, Angus McIntosh ; Head Mistress, Miss Margaret T. Scott ; assistant teachers 10 ; number of pupils, 466. Pupils* Work bound in Volumes and Portfolios. 187. Specimens of Drawing — Boys’ Form No. 2. 188. Specimens of Drawing — Boys’ Form No. 3. 189. Specimens of Drawing — Boys’ Form No. 4. 190. Specimens of Drawing Books — Girls’ Form No. 2 . 191 Specimens of Arithmetical Problems, Book-keeping and Drawing-books — Girls’ Form No. 3. 192, Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Grammar, History and Writing- — Girls’ Form No. 4. 193. Specimens of Compositions — Girls’ Form No 5. 193|. Scrap Book, Animals — Girls’ Form No 1. Pupils ’ Work Mounted in Frames. 194. Specimens of Freehand Drawing — Girls’ Form No. 2. 195. Specimens of Industrial Design — Girls’ Form No. 3. 196. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing — Girls’ Form No. 4. 197. Specimens of Industrial Designs and Shading from Flowers — Girls’ Form No. 4. • 198. Specimens of Industrial Designs — Girls’ Form No. 4. 199. Specimens of Industrial Designs — Boys’ Form No. 3. 200. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing, and Shading from the “ Flat Boys’ Form No. 4. 201. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing, and Landscapes — Boys r Form No. 4. Provincial Model School, Ottawa. Head Master, Edwin D. Parlow ; Head Mistress, Adeline Shenick ; assistant teachers, 8 \ lumber of pupils, 284. Pupils' Work in Portfolios and Volumes. 202. Specimens of Drawing — 1st Form Boys. 203. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing — 2nd Form Boys. 204. Specimens of Colored Designs and Writing — 3rd Form Boys. 205. Specimens of Drawing, Lettering, Maps and Writing — 4th Form Boys. 206. Specimens of Algebra. Drawing, Geometry, Lettering, Maps, Tran- scriptions and Writing — 5th Form Boys. 207. Specimens of Drawing — 1st Form Girls. 208. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing — 2nd Form Girls. 209. Specimens of Drawing, Lettering, Maps and Writing — 3rd Form Girls. 210. Specimens of Business Forms. Draw- ing, Maps and Writing — 4th Form Girls. 211 Specimens of Drawing, Lettering, Maps and Writing — 5th Form Girls, Model Schools— Pupils’ Work. 17 ' , Pupils Work Mounted m Frames. 212. Specimens of Colored Pencil Work. 213. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Shading from Flat. 214. Specimens of Shading from Flat. 215. Specimens of Ornamental Shading and Royal Arms. 216. Specimens of Lettering, capital letters, lower case and display cards. 217. Specimens of Machine Drawing — Pil- low-block and Knuckle-joint. 218. Specimens of Machine Drawing — Governor, Punching-machine and Double Cylinder Engine. 219. Specimens of Building Construction. 220. Specimens of Architecture — Drawings of Church and Dwelling Houses. 221. Specimens of Architecture — Drawings of Church — Church Entrance and Window. 222. Specimens of Architecture — Drawings of Window, Porch in Perspective and Colored Designs. 223. Specimens of Map Drawing — Dominion of Canada — North America — Nova Scotia — and Prince Edward Island. 224. Specimens of Map Drawing — Map of the World — North America — South America. 225. Specimen of Plan Drawing — City of Ottawa. 226. Specimen of Plan Drawing — County of Carleton. 227. Specimen of Plan Drawing — City of Ottawa. CLASS IV. — School of Pedagogy. The School of Pedagogy is for the training of candidates for teachers’ first-class certificates^ and for the training of assistant teachers of High School and Collegiate Institutes. Principal , J. A. McLellan , M.A., LL.D. (See Statistical Chatt No. 27.) 228. Examination Papers, etc. PART III —ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. CLASS I.— KINDERGARTENS. County of Waterloo. — Inspector , Thos. Pearce. Town of Berlin.— Courtland Avenue School.— Principal, Madge Tear. Kindergarten Work. Pupils’ work mounted in frames. Central School. Kindergarten Work. Pupils’ work mounted in frames. 230. Specimens of Paper-cutting— Primary- pupils. Town of Galt. — Victoria School. — Principal A. W. Falconer. 229. Specimens of Paper-folding — Pupils* ages, 7-8. - Principal , P. Suddaby. 231. Specimens of Paper-folding. 232. Specimens of Mat-weaving. 233. Specimens of Parquetry. Kindergarten Work. Pupils’ work mounted in frames. 234. Specimens of Paper-folding. 235. Specimens of Paper-folding. 236. Specimens of Mat-weaving. 237. Specimens of Original designs. 238. Specimens of Original designs. 239. Specimens of Natural leaves. 240. Specimens of Natural leaves. City of Hamilton. — ( See also Public Schools and Collegiate Institutes ) — Mrs L. T . Newcomb, Director. Kindergarten Work. — Ages of Pupils 5 to 6 years. Pupils’ work mounted in winged frames. 241. Specimens of Color Pencil Work — Autumn Leaves. 242. Specimens of School Sewing — Geome- tric and Life Forms. 243. Specimens of School Sewing — Forms of Life and Beauty. 244. Specimens of School Sewing — Inven- tions No. 1 245. Specimens of School Sewing — Inven- tions No. 2. 246. Specimens of School Sewing — Inven- tions No. 3. 247. Specimens of Outline Sewing — Flowers and Animals. 248. Specimens of Mat- weaving — Inven- tions No. 1. 249. Specimens of Mat-weaving — Inven- tions No. 2. 250. Specimens of Cutting and Pasting — 1st Series. 251. Specimens of Cutting and Pasting — 2nd and 3rd Series. 252. Specimens of Color Pencil Work — Flowers and Fruit. 253. Specimens of Color Pencil Work — ani- mals and Birds. 254. Specimens of Folding —Inventions. 255. Specimens of Folding — Mosaic. 256. Specimens of Coloring — From Nature, Leaves. 257. Specimens of Coloring — From Nature, Flowers. 258. Specimens of Color Pencil Work — Geometric. Training Class. — Students. 259. Specimens from School of Perforating and Inventions. 260. Specimens from School of Sewing and Inventions. 261. Specimens from School of Folding and Inventions. 262. Specimens from School of Weaving and Inventions. 263. Specimens from School of Cutting. 264. Specimens of Color Pencil Work — Flowers and Leaves. 265. Specimens of Cutting Work — Flowers and Leaves 266. Specimens of Folding — Mosaic. 267. Specimens of Folding — Combination. 268. Specimens of Mottoes — Combination. 269. Specimens of Illustrations — Natural Science, No. 1. 270. Specimens of Illustrations — Natural Science, No. 2. 271. Specimens of Miscellaneous Work. 272. Specimens of Drawing — Schools. 273. Specimens of Drawing — Inventions. 274. Specimens of Drawing. Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. 19 \ CLASS II. -PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Number of schools 5,876 “ teachers 7,697 “ pupils 615,781 (For other statistics see Statistical Chart No. 8.) The exhibits in this class represent a small proportion of the regular school work of the pupils. Algoma District. — Inspector , Donald McCaig. Sault Ste. Marie Public Schools .—Principal, C. S. Falconer; Assistant Teachers 6 ; Number of Pupils Iff 2. 275. Photograph of building — Cost $11,000. | 276. Photograph of building. County of Bruce (East). — Inspector, W. S. Clendening. Town of Walkerton. — Principal , E. J. Howlands; Assistant Teachers , 9 ; Number of Pupils, 590. 277. Photograph of Building — Cost $12,000.00. I 279. Photograph of Buildings and grounds. :278. Photograph of Building. | 280. Photograph of Class Room. County of Bruce (West). — Inspector , Alex. Campbell. S. S. 3, Kinloss. — Principal A. A. Kerr. Pupils’ Work, bound in volumes. | 281 Specimens of Drawing and Maps. County of Brant. — Inspector , M. J. Kelly, M.D., LL.D. Town of Paris. — Principal. S. Y. Taylor. Pupils’ Work, bound in volume and portfolio. 282. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work, mounted in frames. 283. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Let- tering, Model Drawing and Orna- mental Designs. 284. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Geometrical Drawing and Orna- mental Designs. 285. Specimens of Maps of Dominion of Canada, Europe, England and Ontario. City of Brantford. Central School. —Principal, Wm. Wilkinson, M.A. ; Assistant Teachers, 17 ; Number of Pupils , 1200. 286. Photograph of Building — Cost ? 52, 000. 00. County of Carleton .—Inspector, A. Smirle. S. S. 12, Nepean.- -Principal Wm. Liddie. Pupils’ Work, bound in volumes. | 287 Specimens of Drawing. Ottawa (East).— Principal N. G. Ross. PuDils’ Work, bound in volume. I 288. Specimens of Arithmetic, Composition, Drawing and Geometry. County of Durham. — Inspector , W. E. Tilley, M.A. , Ph.D. Public School, Mt. Pleasant. — Principal, Jas. B. Denny. Pupils’ Work, bound in volumes. 1 289. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and | Writing. 20 Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. County of Elgin. — Inspector , W. Atkin. Public School, Rodney. — Principal, Frank Leigh. Assistant teachers 2 ; number of pupils , 188. 280 Photograph of Building — Cost $8,500. County of Essex. — Inspector , D. A. Maxwell , M.A . , LL.B. Town of Walkerville. — Principal , M. D. Teetzell. Assistant teachers 8; number of pupils , 200. 291. Photograph of Public School Building 293. Photograph of School Room, Junior — Cost $11,000. Division. 292. Photograph of School Room, Senior Division. Village of Leamington. — Principal, J. W. Smith. Assistant teachers 6 ; number of pupils 889. 294. Photograph of Building — Cost $11,600. | 295. Photograph of Building. Town of Sandwich. Public School No. 1 . — Principal Jas. B. Balfour; Assistant Teachers 1 ; Number of Pupils 107 . Photograph of Building — Cost $4,000. | Photograph of Building . County of Grey (South,). — Inspector , N. W. Campbell. S. S. 1, Glenelg. — Principal , W. L. Dixon. Pupils' Work— Bound in volume and port- I 296. Specimens of Writing and Maps. folio. S. S. 15, Proton. — Principal , M. E. Nicholls. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 297. Specimens of Arithmetic, Composition Grammar, History and Writing. S. S. 4, Osprey. —Principal, Mary McMullen. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on Mat in port- I 298. Specimen of Map of Europe, folio. County of Halton. — Inspector, J. S. Deacon. S. S. 1, Esquesing. — Principal, W. W. Stull. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 299. Specimens of Writing. S. S. 6, Esquesing,— Pri'ndpal, J. H. Morrison. Pupils’ Work— *Bound in volume. 300. Specimens of Drawing, Writing and Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frame. 301. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Maps. Map of North America. S. S. 8, Esquesing. — Principal George Midqley. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 302. Specimens of Writing. S. S. 10, Esquesing.— Principal, Myrrha Murray. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 303. Specimens of Maps of the World and) Ornamental Drawing. S. S, 14, Esquesing. — Principal, A. F. Brain. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. | 304. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. Public Schools Pupils’ Work. 21 S. S. 7, Nelson. — Principal , F. J. Alexander. Pupils’ work — Bound in volume. | 305. Specimens of Ornamental Drawing. S. S. 8, Nelson. — Principal, T. Emerson. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 306. Specimens of Writing. S. S. 5, Nassagaweya. — Principal, Annie J. Easterbrook. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 307- Specimens of Arithmetic and Book- keeping. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 307^. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Maps of Africa, Europe and South America. S. S. 1, Trafalgar. — Principal , Lena M. Dorland. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 308. Specimens of Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 309. Specimens of Maps of British North America and County of Halton. S. S. 2, Trafalgar. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 311. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. S. S. 6, Trafalgar. - Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. S. S. 13, Trafalgar. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. S. S. 16, Trafalgar. - Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 316. Specimens of Writing. 310. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, In- dustrial Designs and Maps of Cen- tral and North and South America. — Principal , L. J. White. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames . 312. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 313. Specimens of Freehand DrawiTig. - Principal , Herbert Maw. | 314. Specimens of Drawing. —Principal, Pobert Wright. | 315. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. Principal, Louise Pickering. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 317. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. S. S. 17, Trafalgar. — Principal, M. Coulson. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. I 318. Specimens of England, Ireland and .North America. S. S. 18, Trafalgar. — Principal, Sarah C. Mahow. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on Mats in port- I 319. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, folio. Village of Georgetown. — Principal, B. E. Harrison. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 320. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and | 321. Specimens of Industrial Designs. Writing. Town of Milton. — Principal , I. M. Pattison. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 322. Specimens of Algebra, Arithmetic, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frarhe. 323. Specimens of Industrial Designs. 324. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Or- namental and Industrial Designs Town of Oakvi-le. —Principal, H. Husband. 4 Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 326. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and 325. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. Ornamental Designs. Pupil's Work — Mounted in frame. 22 Public Schools— Pupils’ Work Village of Burlington. — Principal, B. H. Watson. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 327. Specimens of Book-keeping, Drawing and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 328. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, In- dustrial Designs and Ornamental Lettering. 329. Specimens of Architecture, Freehand Drawing and Industrial Designs. Village of Lowville. — Principal , F. H. Deacon. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 330. Specimens of Book-keeping, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 331. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Maps of England and Wales, South America and World. County of Hastings (South). — Inspector , John Johnston. Town of Deseronto. — Principal , W. G. Knight. Assistant teachers, 2 ; number of pupils, 88. 332. Photograph of Public School Building, cost $12,000. County of Kent (East). — Inspector , Rev. W. H. G. Colies. S. S. 1, Camden. — Principal , Esther Batting. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and I 333. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- mounted on mats in portfolio. | ing and Maps. S. S. 6, Camden, Principal , Lettie Howe. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and I 334. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and mounted on mats in portfolio. | Writing. S. S. 1, Harwich. — Principal, W. A. Anderson. Pupils* Work — Bound in volume. | 335. Specimens of Drawing. S. S. 2, Harwich. — Princpal , Robert Watson. i Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- I 336. Specimens of Map Drawing, folio. S. S. 2^, Harwich. — Principal, Laura Hamil, Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume and mounted on mats in portfolio. 337. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Composition, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 338. Specimens of Freehand and Ornamen- tal Drawing. S. S. 3, Harwich. — Principal , George Boseborough. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 339. Specimens of Composition, Dictation and Drawing. S. S. 4, Harwich. — Principal , Frank McTavish. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 340. Specimens of Map Drawing. S. S. 5.j, Harwich. — Principal , Bridle McNiven. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- I 341. Specimens of Map Drawing, folio. S. S. 6, Harwich. — Principal , Belle Grant Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and mounted on mats in portfolio. 342. Specimens of Algebra, Arithmetic, Drawing, Euclid, Grammar, Hia- tory, Map# and Writing. Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. 23 S. S.8, Harwich. — Principal, J. D. Boss. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 343. Specimens of Drawing and Maps. S. S. 10, Harwich. — Principal , G. Beisborough. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 344. Specimens of Arithmetic. S. S. 13, Harwich. — Principal , B. Murphy. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 345. Specimen of Arithmetic, Composition*- Dictation and Writing. S. S. 17, Harwich. — Principal , Maggie Shaw. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 346. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 347. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. S. S. 1, Howard. — Principal , J. Stevenson . Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 348. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. S. S. 2, Howard. — Principal, A. Smith. 348|. Specimens of Drawing, Writing, etc. S. S. 6, Howard. — Principal , E. VanAlstxjne. 349. Specimens of Composition, Drawing, and Writing, Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and mounted on mat in portfolio. S. S. 7, Howard. — Principal , Mrs. J. Minshall. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 350. Specimens of English Grammar. S. S. 10, Howard — Principal , J. F. Frampton. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 351. Specimens of A rithmetic, Composition, Grammar, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 352. Specimens of Map Drawing. S. S. 14, Howard. — Principal , S. Everett. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 353. Specimens of Writing. S. S. 1, Orford. — Principal G. B. Gesner. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 354. Specimens of Arithmetic and Maps. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 355. Specimens Map Drawing. S. S. 2, Orford. — Henrietta Kirkpatrick , Principal. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and mounted on mats in portfolio. 356. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and; Writing. S. S. 9, Orford. — Principal, Lena Whiting. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 357. Specimens of Writing. S. S. 12, Orford. — Principal , Nettie McKnight. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- folio. 358. Specimens of Drawing and Maps. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 359. Specimens of Map Drawing. 24 Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. Town of Blenheim — Principal , J ames A . Reeder. Assistant teachers , 7 ; number of pupils , ^75. 360. Photograph of Public School Building, cost $8,000. 361. Photograph of Art Class Pupils. 362. Photograph of Young Ir^di^s’ Fancy Drill. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and mounted on mats in portfolio. 363. Specimens of Arithmetic, Composition, Correspondence, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 364. Specimens of Freehand, Drawing and Ornamental Penmanship. 365. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Model Drawing, Perspective and Penmanship. 366. Specimens of Freehand . Drawing, Geometry Drawing and Ornamental Penmanship. Town of Dresden.— Principal, 0. A. Millar. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and mounted on mats in portfolio. 367. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 868. Specimens of Freehand, Drawing, Geometry, Perspective and Model Drawing. 369. Specimens of Freehand, Drawing, Geometry, and Model Drawing. 370. Specimens of Designs, Pencil Sketches, Machine Drawing, and Model Drawing. 371. Specimens of Maps of North and South America. 372. Specimens of Map Drawing. Town of Bridgetown. — Principal, Nettie Hamill. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 373. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. County of Kent (West). — Inspector , W. M. Nicolls, B.A. S. S. 2, Chatham. — Principal , H. W. H. Williams. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and I 374. Specimens of Book-keeping, Drawing, mounted on mats in portfolio. | German, Maps and Writing. S. S. 3, Chatham — Principal, Benj. Bothwell. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and mounted on mat in portfolio. 375. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Grammar and Geography. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 376. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing. 377. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 378. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. S. S. 13, Chatham —Principal, Maggie Howe. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and Book-keeping, Drawing, Geometry, mounted on mats in portfolio. Maps and Writing. 379. Specimens of Arithmetic, Algebra, S. S. 8, Dover. — Principal, J. J. Currie. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 380, Specimens of Map Drawing. S. S. 4, Raleigh. — Principal, Alex. Cockfield. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 381. Specimens of Composition, Book-keeping, Geography, Literature and Maps. S. S. 5, Raleigh. — Principal, James Black. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 382. Specimens of Composition and Book- keeping. S. S. 3, Tilbury, Bast.— Principal, James Smith. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. j 383. Specimens of Book-keeping, Drawing and Maps. Publio Schools— Pupils’ Work. 25 Village of Tilbury Centre. — Principal, W. A. Hutton. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 384. Specimens of Composition, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Town of Wallaceburg. — Principal , W . F. Inman ; Assistant Teachers, 7 ; number of Pupils Jf52. ■386. Photograph of Building. Cost, $14,000 County of Lanark. — Inspector , F. L. Michell, M.A. Town of Perth. — Principal , M . M. Jaques. Mounted in frame. | 386. Specimen of Crayon Drawing. County of Lambton. — Inspector , Charles A. Barnes. S. S. 19, Brooke. — Principal , John M. Morris. Pupils’ work — Bound in volume and port- | 387. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- folio. | ing and Maps. County of Leeds. — Inspector, B. Kinney , M.D. Town of Brockville. — Principal , Central School, C. Grant. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 388. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 389. Specimens of Map of Europe. 390. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Flower Drawing, Geometry, Orna- mental Designs and Map of North America. County of Lennox and Addington. — Inspector , F. Burrows. S. S. 5, Amherst Island. — Principal , M. Pomeroy. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mat in port- | 391. Specimens of Maps, folio. I S. S. 3, Camden (East). — Principal , E. Hindi. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 392. Specimens of Composition, Drawing, English History, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 393. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, and Maps of Australia, North and South America and Ontario. S. S. 5, Ernestown — Principal, Louise Burdette. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 394. Specimens of Drawing and Maps. S. S. 1, Fredericksburg. — Principal , Tf . Marsh. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mat in port- I 395. Specimens of Map Drawing, folio. S. S. 5, Fredericksburg.— Principal, Ella Young. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume. | 396. Specimens of Writing and Drawing. S. S. , Fredericksburg.— Principal, Edith Demorset. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume. | 397. Specimens of Map Drawing. S. S. 14, Fredericksburg . —Principal, Annie Taverner. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume and port- I 398. Specimens of Arithmetic, Oomposi folio. | tion, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pubilc Schools— Pupils’ Work. 'AG S. S. 2, Kaladar. — Principal, J. C. Stewart. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 399. Specimens of Arithmetic and Writings S. S- 1, Sheffield. — Principal , Charles S canton. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- I 400. Specimens of Map Drawing, folio. Town of Napanee. — Principals , A. Bowman and W. I. Black. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 401. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 402. Specimens of Freehand Drawing* Flower Drawing, Ornamental De- signs and Model Drawing. Village of Newburgh — Principal , W. T. Geddes . Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I 403. Specimens of Drawing and Maps, folio. County of Lincoln. — Inspector J . B. Grey. S. S. 5, Grimsby. — Principal, Charles Fitzshaw. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I 404. Specimens of Map Drawings, folio. S. S. 2, Louth.- Principal, M. Banks. Pupils’ Work, Bound in volume. | 405. Specimens of Writing, etc. S. S. 4, Niagara — Principal , Charles Kilkenny. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 406. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing*, Maps and Writing. County of Middlesex (East). — Inspector, John Dearness . S. S. 7, Biddulph. — Principal, Maggie McGowan . Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and I 407. Specimens of Drawings and Maps, mounted on mats in portfolio. S. S. 1, London and Dorchester (North). — Principal, Fanny Cleveland. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. | 408. Specimens of Drawing. S. S. 10, McGillivray. — Principal, W. T. Arnos. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 409. Specimens of Drawing. S. S. 1, Oneida (Indian School). — Principal , Mary Beattie. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 411. Specimens of Shading from Flat. 410. Specimens of Drawing mounted in 412. Specimens of Colored Chalk Drawings., frames. S. S. 10, Westminster. — Principal, Flora McColl. Pupils’ work — Bound in volume. 413. Specimens of Drawing and Fenman- ship. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 414. Specimens of Freehand and Orna- mental Drawing. 415. Specimens of Architecture, Flower Drawing and Lettering. S. S. 17, Westminster. — Principal, Emily Howard. 416. Specimens of Drawing and Writing Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. 27 9 Village of London West. — Principal , W. H. Liddicoatt. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 417. Specimens of Composition, Drawing, Maps, and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 418. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. Ornamental Drawing and Maps. County of Middlesex (West). — Inspector , H. D. Johnson. S. S. 9, Caradoc. — Principal , Annie Biown. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and I 419. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. Mounted on mats in portfolio. j S. S. 10, Caradoc. — Principal , W. G. Robinson Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- folio. 420. Specimens of Map Drawing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 421. Specimens of Map Drawing. 422. Specimens of Map Drawing. S. S. 3, Ekfrid. — Principal, A. Campbell, Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. j 423. Specimens of Drawing. S. S. 2, Mosa. — Principal, E. Attwood. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and mounted on mats in portfolio. 424. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 425. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Model Drawing, and Ornamental Designs. S. S. 5, Mosel— Principal, Annie Farnley. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 426. Specimens of Bookkeeping, Drawing, Maps, and Wri ing. S. S. 10, West Williams.— Principal, Ed. Harrison. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 427 — Specimens of Drawing. Town of Strathroy.— Principal, T. Dunsmore. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 428. Specimens of Drawing. Village of Ailsa Crai g— Principal, Henry Schoff. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 429. Specimens of Drawing Village of Wardsville. — Principal , Duncan Johnson. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. | 430. Specimens of Drawing. County of Northumberland.— Inspector, Edward Scarlett. Village of Campbellford. — Principal , J. Hamilton. Assistant Teachers, 8 ; number of Pupils, 800. 431. Photograph of Building, 1890, cost I 432. Photograph of School Hall. $13,800 with view of Building, 1860. | County of Ontario.— Inspector, Jas. McBrien. Village of Port Perry.— Principal, Alex. McRae. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 433. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Grammar, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 434 — Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 435. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Model Drawing and Ornamental Designs. 28 Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. Village of Uxbridge. — Principal , Alex. McKee Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 436. Specimens of Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 437. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Ornamental Designs and Map Draw- ing. County of Prince Edward.— Inspector, 0 . D. Platt , B. A. S. S. 3, Ameliasburg. — Principal , H. Dempsey. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volumes. I 438 Specimens of Arithmetic and History. S. S. 4, Ameliasburg. — Principal, A. Hayes. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 439. Specimens of Writing, etc. S. S. 7, Ameliasburg. — Principal , E. Vandusen. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 440. Specimens of Algebra, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Composition, Draw- ing, Grammar, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 441. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Industrial Designs, and Perspective. S. S. 12, Ameliasburg. — Principal, F. File. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 442. Specimens of Writing, etc. S. S. 13, Ameliasburg.— Principal, J. M. Roote. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 443. Specimens of Writing, etc. Public School, Bloomfield. — Principal, W. J. Osborne. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 444. Specimens of Arithmetic, Botany, Book-keeping, Composition, Draw- ing, Geography, Geometry, History, Maps, Physics, and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 445. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Flower Drawing, and Industrial Designs. Public School, Cressy. — Principal, V. Pierce. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and portfolio. 446. Specimens of Arithmetic, Algebra, Book-keeping, Commercial Forms, Drawing Geometry, Geography, History, Writing and Maps. Child’s Newspaper -The Weekly Rocket (manuscript). Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 447. Specimens of Industrial Designs, Model Drawing and Pencil Drawings. Public School, Consecon. — Principal , Geo. W. Conners. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 448. Specimens of Writing, etc. S. S. 4, Hillier. — Principal, J. E. Maan. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 449. Specimens of Algebra, Composition, Drawing, and Geometry. S. S. 2, N. Marysburg. — Principal A. Harrison. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 460. Specimens of History. Village of Wellington. — Principal , F. Cornell. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. | 451. Specimens of Drawings and Maps. Town of Pic ton. — Principal, R. F. Greenlees. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. v I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 462. Specimens of Maps and Writing. | 453. Specimens of Pencil Drawing. Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. 20 County of Renfrew. — Inspector , R. 0. Scott , B. A. S. S. 1, Algona. — Principal, Honora Dunnigan. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 454. Specimens of Map Drawing. S. S. 6, Admaston. — Prmcipal , John Briscoe. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume. | 466. Specimens of Writing. S. S. 6, Alice. — Principal Jemima F aught. Pupils’ Work — Bound in Volume. | 456. Specimens of Writing. S. S. 7, Alice. — Principal , Amanda Lassman. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and portfolio. 457. Specimens of Map Drawing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 458. Specimens of Illuminated Drawing, and Map of British Isles. S. S. 4, Clara. — Principal , Margaret O'Meara. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 459. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing and Writing. S. S. 7, Grattan. — Principal , Susan McKiernan. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and I 460. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- portfolio. | ing, Drawing, Maps and Writing. S. S. 2, McNab. — Principal, John A. McDonald. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 461. Specimens of Writing. S. S. 13, McNab. — Principal , Agnes B. Stevenson. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 462. Specimens of Book-keeping, Draw- | ing, Maps, and Writing. 3. S. 1, Petawawa. — Principal , Ida Smith. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame, olio. 464. Specimens of Map Drawing. 463. Specimens of Map Drawing. S. S. 2, Wilberforce. — Principal , Margaret Lett. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 465. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing. Town of Pembroke. — Principal, John C. Stewart. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 466. Specimens of Drawing, Maps, and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 467. Specimens of Map of Africa, British Isles, North America. County of Simcoe (South).— Inspector, Rev. Thos. McKee. S. 3. 1, Adjala. — Principal , Harry Duke. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 468. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. | 469. Specimens of Ornamental Penmanship. S. S. 6 , Adjala. — Principal, Charlotte Creighton. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. j 470. Specimens of Drawing. S. S. 1, Essa — Principal Alfred E, Cummings. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 471. Specimens of Book-keeping, Drawing and Writing. Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frame. 472. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, and Ornamental Designs. 30 Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. S. S , Essa. — Principal , Thomas E. McKee. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 473. Specimens of Maps and Writing. S. S. 3, Essa. — Principal, Annie Scythes. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 474. Specimens of Drawing and Maps. j 475. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and j Maps. S S. 4, Essa. — Principal , Albert E. Pearson. Pupils’ Wor 1 '— Bound in volume. [ 476. Specimens of Book-keeping, Drawing and Writing. S. S. 6, Essa — Principal, David Henderson. Bound in volumes and mounted on mats | 477. Specimens of Drawing, Writing, etc, in portfolio. S. S. 11, Essa. — Principal F. Greensides. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 478. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. - S. S. 15, Essa. — Principal , William Thompson. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 479. Specimens of Writing, etc. S. S. 13, Essa and 17, Tecumseth. — Principal, Ida Nichol. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 480. Specimens of Book-keeping and Draw- ing. S. S. 1, Gwillimbury, W. — Principal , Allan McLean. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 481. Specimens of Drawing, Maps, and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 482. Specimens of Freehand and Map Drawing. S. S. 5, Gwillimbury, W. — Principal Charlotte Hill. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 483. Specimens of Drawing, Maps, and | 484. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. Writing. | S. S. 3, Innisfil. — Principal , Fred. C. Batten. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and | 485. Specimens of Drawing and Maps, portfolio. S. S. 7, Innisfil. — Principal, Maggie Robinson. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I 486. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. Folio. S. S. 9, Innisfil. — Principal, John A. Cabett. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 487. Specimens of Algebra, Arithmetic, Drawing, Euclid and Maps. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 488. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, and Pen and Ink Sketch. S. S. 12, Innisfil. — Principal, Jean Chestnut. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 489. Specimens of Book-keeping, Arith- | 490. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, metic, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Ornamental Design, and Map of 1 Ireland. S. S. 13, Innisfil. — Principal, Ella Dunn. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 491. Specimens of Maps and Writing. Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. 31 S. S. 2, Tossorontio. — Principal , George Brett. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 492. Specimens of Drawing. | 492£. Specimens of Writing, etc. S. S. 4, Tossorontio. — Principal , Thos. Irwin. Bound in volume and mounted on mats I 493. Specimens of Drawing, Writing, etc. dn portfolio. S. S. 6, Tossorontio. — Principal , Almyra Porter. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 494. Specimens of Book-keeping. S. S. 7, Tossorontio. — Principal , Annie Evans. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 495. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. S. S. 1, Tecumseth. — Principal , Joseph Finn. Bound in Volume and Portfolio. I 496. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing. S. S. 4, Tecumseth. — Principal , James T. Curtis. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- I 497. Specimens of Maps, folio. S. S. 11, Tecumseth. — Principal , Wm. Ramsay. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 498. Specimens of Composition, Drawing and Writing. S. S. 13, Tecumseth. — Principal, John A. Wilson. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and I 499. Specimens of Drawing and Maps, portfolio. I S. S. 14, Tecumseth. — Principal, Barbara E. Legart. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I 500. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and folio. I Writing. S. S. 17, Tecumseth. — Principal , Ida Nichol. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume, | 501. Specimens of Writing, <&c. Village of Bradford. — Principal, Alvin Orton. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame, folio. 502. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and I 503. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. Writing. Town of Alliston. — Principal r Jas T. Power. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- | 504. Specimens of Drawing and Maps, folio. | Public School, Allandale.— Pr incipal, Edward Shear. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- | Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame, folio. I 506. Specimens of Freehand, Drawing and 505. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and | Maps of B.N. America. Writing. Village of Cookstown. — Principal , Wm. T. Moore. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and prot- I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame, folio. j 508, Specimens of Freehand, Drawing and 507. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and j Maps of South America. Writing. i 32 Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. Public School, Duntroon. — Principal, *H. Thompson. Bound in volume and mounted on mats | 509. Specimens of Drawing, Writing, etc. in portfolio. Public School, Stroud. — Principal, Bobt. J. Wilson. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I 510. Specimens of Writing and Maps, folio. Village of Tottenham. — Principal, George M. Robinson. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 511. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 512. Specimens of Freehand Drawing an& Map of Europe. 513. Specimens of Map Drawing. 514. Specimens of Map Drawing. 515. Specimens of Map Drawing. County of Simcoe (Bast). — Inspector, Isaac Day. Public School, Waubaushene. — Principal, B. G. Nesbitt. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 516. Specimens of Drawing and Maps. County of Simcoe (North). — Inspector , J. C. Morgan, M.A. S. S. 3, Nottawasaga. — Principal, Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 517. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing and I Writing. County of Stormont. — Inspector , Alex. McNaughton. Town of Cornwall. — Principal , John Connolly. — Assistant teachers , 10. — No. of Pupils, 590 t, 618. Photograph of Building, cost $30,000. County of Victoria (Bast). — Inspector , J. H. Knight . S. S. 12, Emily. — Principal , George Connolly . Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- I 519. Specimens of Map Drawing, folio. ] S. S. 4, Somerville. — Principal , Sara Kerr. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 520. Specimens of Drawing and Maps. County of Victoria (West.) — Inspector, Henry Beazin. Town of Bracebridge. — Principal , Geo. H. 0. Thomas. — Assistant Teachers 5. Number of Pupils, 31^5. 621. Photograph of Building, Cost $8,000. I 523. Photograph of Building. 622. Photograph of Building. County of Waterloo. — Inspector , Thos. Pearce. S. S. 19, Dumfries (North). — Principal, Elizabeth Armstrong. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 524. Specimens of Drawing. S.S. Wilmot (New Dundee.) — Principal, S. Groh. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 525. Specimens of Drawing. S- S. 27, Waterloo. — Principal, M. E. Scott. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I 626. Specimens of Maps and Writings., folio. I Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. 33 Town of Berlin, (Central School. ) —Principal, J. Suddaby. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 527. Specimens of Arithmetic, Composition, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 528. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Map of Ontario: 529. Specimens of Ornamental, Writing and Map of Ontario. 530. Specimens of Freehand, Drawing and Map of County of Waterloo. Public School, Courtland. — Principal , M B. Tier. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. Town of Galt. — Principals , Thos. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 532. Specimens of Writing, Drawing and Maps. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 531. Specimens of Drawing. Ballantyne and A. W. Falconer. 533. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Pen and Ink Sketch and Maps of Asia, Europe, North and South America.. and United States. Village of Hespeler. — Principal , R. H. Knowles. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 534. Specimens of Grammar, Maps and 535. Specimens of Map Drawing. Writing. Village of New Hamburg. — Principal , Wm. Linton. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- | 536. Specimens of Drawing and Maps. folio. Village of Preston. — Principal , Z. A. Hall. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 537. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 538. Specimens of Freehand Drawing* Flower Drawing and Shading from “Flat.” County of Wellington. — Inspector, J. J. Craig . S. S. 8, Brin. — Principal, R. Cree. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume. | 539. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. S. S. 3, Eramosa .— Principal, H. A. Snowdon. 540. Photograph of Class Room. S. S. 1, Garafraxa, West.— Principal, David Mitchell. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 541. Specimens of Drawing. S. S. 2, Guelph Principal , JK . Scott. Assistant teachers 1 j number of pupils, 50. 542. Photograph of Building, cost $2,200.00. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 543. Specimens of Drawing. Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frame. 544. Specimens of Flower and Figure Sub- jects. S. S. 3, Guelph. — Principal, F. McKenzie. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. S. S. 4J, Guelph. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 3 (E.) 545. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing and Grammar. -Principal, P. McEachern. 546. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing. Euclid, Maps and Writing. 34 Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. S. S. 5, Guelph. — Principal , James Grant. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 547. Specimens of Arithmetic, Composition, Drawing, Grammar and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 548. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Model Drawing. S. S. 3, Nichol. — Principal. Pupils’ Work — In portfolio. j 549. Specimens of Maps. S. S. 4, Puslinch. — Principal , W. C. McEachern. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 550 Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Grammar and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 551. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing. S. S. 11, Puslinch. — Principal , James Ramsay. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 552. Specimens of Drawing, Euclid, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 553. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing. S. S. 12, Puslinch. — Principal, Chas. M. Wyse. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. I 554. Specimens of Arithmetic and Drawing S. S. 1, Pilkington. — Principal, L. L. Gordon. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 555. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. Town of Mount Forest. — Principal , S. B. Westervelt. Pupils’ Work-In portfolio. I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 556. Specimens of Drawing. | 557. Specimens of Maps. Village of Elora. — Principal, R. Shepherd. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- | 558. Specimens of Book-keeping. Drawing, if 0 ]i 0< | Grammar, Maps and Writing. Village of Fergus. — Principal, John H. Dick. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- | 559. Specimens of Drawing and Writing, folio. I Public School, Rockwood. — Principal , John Strachan. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 560. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writ- ing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 561. Specimens of Freehand, Drawing, De- signs, Model Drawing and Letter ing. County of Welland. — Inspector , Hon. Richard Harcourt, M.A. , M P.P. Town of Niagara Falls. — Principal , L. T. Harrop; Assistant teachers, 7 ; number of pupils , 575. 562. Photograph of Building, cost $15,000.00. j 564. Photograph of Kindergarten. 563. Photograph of Class room . | County of Wentworth. — I spector, J. H. Smith. S. S. 5, Ancaster — Principal, John Robinson. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- folio. 565. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and W riting. Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frames. 566. Specimens of Map Drawing. 567. Specimens of Shading from “Flat.” 568. Specimens of Pencil Drawing. 569. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. 35 S. S. 7, Aneaster. — Principal , Carrie L. Slaver; number of Pupils, 50. 570. Photograph of Building, cost $2,500. S. S. 13, Aneaster. - Principal. Maggie Geddes. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame, folio. ' 572. Specimens of Shading from Flat. 571. Specimens of Drawing. I S. S. 18, Aneaster. — Principal , Emma Wells. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 573. Specimens of Arithmetic and Gram- mar. S. S. 3, Barton. — Principal , Sarah Jonson; number of pupil’, 52. 574. Photograph of Building, cost $2,800. S. S. 10, Beverley. — Principal, Arthur E. Green; number of pupils, 22. 575. Photograph of Building, cost $2,000. S. S. 15, Beverley. — Principal , Robert Irving. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I 576. Specimens of Composition and Writ- I ing. S. S. 2, Binbrook, Principal, James A. Davis, Number of pupils, 52. 577. Photograph of Building, cost $2,800. S. S. 1, Flamborough Bast. — Principal, William Stuart, Asistant teachers, 1 ; num- ber of pupils, 86. 578. Photograph of Building, cost $3,500. S. S. 5, Flamborough West. — Principal, Mary K. McRae. Assistant teachers, 1 • n'umber of pupils, 92. . 579. Photograph of building, cost $3,500. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume. | 580. Specimens of Grammar. S. S. 6. Glanford. — Principal, Etta Smith; number of pupils, 52. 581. Photograph of Building, cost $2,500. S S. 3, Saltfleet — Principal, Frank E. Perney , Assistant teachers, 1 ; number of pupils. VO. 582. Photograph of Building, co 3 t $3,500. S. S. 4, Saltfleet. — Principal , Robert Fletcher. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume and I 583. Specimens of Arithmetic, Composition amounted on mats in portfolio, | Grammar, Maps and Writing. 36 Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. Town of Dundas. — Principal , J. A. Hill. PL B. Assistant teacher *, 9 ; number of pupils, lf.55. 584. Photograph of Building, cost $20,000. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and mounted on mats in portfolio. 585. Specimens of Arithmetic, Composi- tion, Drawing and Letter Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 586. Specimens of Ornamental Designs and Shading from Flat. 587. Specimens of Ornamental Designs. 588. Specimens of Landscape Drawing. Village of Waterdown. — Piincipal, A. Boynton. Assistant teachers, 3 ; number of pupils, 589. Photograph of Building, cost $6,000. Pupils’ Work — Mounted on mats in port- folio. 590. Specimens of Drawing, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 591. Specimens of Ornamental Designs. County of York. — Inspectors, D. Fotheringham and A. B. Davidson. S. S. 4, Cwillimbury. — Principal , Robert Terry. Pupils’ Work — In portfolio. I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 592. Specimens of Drawing. | 593. Specimens of Maps. S. S. 5, E. Gwillimbury. — Principal, A. A. Smith. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I Pupils’ Work— -Mounted in frame. 594. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. | 595. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. S. S. 15, Vaughan. — Principal, John McDowell. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 596. Specimens of Drawing. 597. Specimens of Freehand Drawing,. Model Drawing, and Industrial De- signs. S. S. 27, York. — Principal, Jas. Latter . Pupils’ Work — In portfolio. I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 598. Specimens of Drawing. | 599. Specimens of Pencil Drawing. S. S. 2, Whitchurch. — Principal , Miss McDowell, Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume. [ 600. Specimens of Writing. Village of Woodbridge. — Principal, Robt. Cowling. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume. I Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frame. 601. Specimens of Drawing and Writing. | 602. Specimens of Pencil Drawings. Town of North Toronto. — Principal, J. H Putman . Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frame. I 603. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and! I Shading from Flat. City Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. 37 CITIES. City of Hamilton. — Public School Inspector , W. H. Ballard , M.A . , Hamilton. (See also Kindergartens and Collegiate Institutes.) Mounted in frames. •604. Photograph of City Hall, containing Board Room, Offices for Committees, Treasurer, Secretary, etc. ,605. Photograph of Central School, cost of Building and Grounds, $65,000 ; Principal, S. B. Sinclair, B.A., As- sistant teachers, 12 ; number of pupils, 595. ■606. Photograph of Lower Hall, Central School. 607. Photograph of Cannon St. School, cost of Buildings and Grounds, $20,000 ; Principal, Thomas L. Kinrade. As- sistant teachers, 12 ; number of pupils, 549. 608. Photograph of Hess Street School, cost of Building and Grounds, $30,000, Principal, A. Scott Cruikshank. As- sistant teachers, 12 ; number of pupils, 726. 609. Photograph of Murray Street School, cost of Building and Grounds, $12,500, Principal, Miss E. White. Assistant teachers, 7 ; number of pupils, 338. '610 3 Photograph of Picton Street School, cost of Building and Grounds, $18,500, Principal, Miss S. E. Ben- netts. Assistant teachers, 8 ; num- ber of pupils, 435. 611. Photograph of Lower Hall. 612. Photograph of Queen Victoria School, cost of Building and Grounds, $50,000, Principal, Wm. C. Morton. Assistant teachers, 13 ; number of pupils, 637. 613. Photograph of Ryerson School, cost of Building and Grounds, $47,000, Principal, Walter H. Davis. Assist- ant teachers, 16 , number of pupils, 788. 614. Photograph of Victoria Avenue School, cost of Building and Grounds, $27,500, Principal, John Ross. As- sistant teachers, 13 ; number of pupils, 696. 615. Photograph of Lower Hall. 616. Photograph of West Avenue School, cost of Building and Grounds, $20,000, Principal, MissM. Morton. Assistant teachers, 9 ; number of pupils, 424. 617. Photograph of Wentworth Street School, cost of Building and Grounds, $20,300, Principal, John F. Ballard. Assistant teachers, 8 ; number of pupils, 444. Primary Department. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. First Year — First Half — Age, 6. , 818. Specimens of sequence in Cutting and Freehand Drawing from solids to outline with combinations. Forms of beauty. 619. Specimens of Freehand Drawing from objects — life forms. Form and number inventions. 620. Specimens of Paper Folding. Form and color study. 621. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. Number invention. Natural Science study. 622. Specimens of Freehand Writing and stories. First Year — Second Half — Age, 6^. •623. Specimens of sequence in Cutting and Freehand Drawing from solids to outline with combinations. Forms of beauty. 624. Specimens of Freehand Drawing from objects — life forms. Number and form invention. 625. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. from objects. Natural Science study. 626. Specimens of Freehand Drawing from objects. Natural Science study. Geography, school-room and school- ground plans. 627. Specimens of Cutting and coloring of leaf forms from nature. 628. Specimens of Freehand Writing and stories. Second Year — First Half — Age, 7. 629. Specimens of sequence in Cutting and Freehand Drawing from solids to outline with combinations. 630. Specimens of Freehand Drawing from objects— life form. Geometrical forms in water colors. 631. Specimens of Writing and stories. Number inventions. 38 City Public Schools— Pupils’ Work. Second Year — Second Half — Age, 7^. 632. Specimens of sequence in Cutting and Freehand Drawing from solids to outline with combinations. 638. Specimens of Freehand Drawing from objects— life form. Freehand Draw- ing. Painting in water colors. 634. Specimens of Writing. Composition. Number inventions. 635. Specimens of Writing. Composition. Commercial Course. 636. Subjects of Commercial Course. Form of diploma awarded. Names of the masters. Miscellaneous work. 637. Specimens of Penmanship. Business papers and quotations. 638. Specimens of Penmanship. Business papers, letters, and quotations. 639. Specimens of Penmanship. Business papers, letters, and quotations. 640. Specimens of Penmanship. Business papers, letters, and quotations. 641. Specimens of Ornamental Penmanship 642. Specimens of Ornamental Penmanship. 643. Specimens of Ornamental Penmanship. 644. Specimens of Ornamental Penmanship. 645. Specimens of Book-keeping. Ledger pages. 646. Specimens of Book-keeping. Account sales and bills. 647. Specimens of Book-keeping. Invoices and account sales. 648. . Specimens of Book-keeping. Bills. 649. Specimens of Book-keeping. Combined statements and bills. 650. Specimens of Phonography. 651. Specimens of Phonography. 652. Specimens of Phonography. 653. Specimens of Type-writing. Speed Tests. 654. Specimens of Type-writing. Business papers. 655. Specimens of Type- writing ; from shorthand notes. 656. Specimens of Type-written letters. Precis and indexing. 657. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 658. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 659. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Drawing to Scale. 660. Specimens of Freehand Drawing ancl Drawing to Scale. 661. Specimens of Practical Geometry. 662. Specimens of Practical Geometry. 663. Specimens of Practical Geometry. 664. Specimens of Perspective. 665. Specimens of Perspective. City of Kingston. — Inspector , W. G. Kidd. Cataraqui School. — Principal , Miss A. Davidson. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 666. Specimens of Drawing. I 667. Specimens of Flower Drawing. Central School.— Principal, B. K. Bowe. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 668. Specimens of Drawing. | 669. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. Louise School. — Principal , Miss H. L. Ghown. Pupils’ Work — Botmd in volume. I Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 670. Specimens of Industrial Designs. | 671. Specimens of Industrial Designs. Wellington Street School. — Principal , P. G. Bttinger. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. ' Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 672. Specimens of Drawing. | 673. Specimens of Shading from Flat. Kingston Public Schools. Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frames, com- petitive Industrial Designs. 674. Specimens of Designs for Drawing Books. 675. Specimens of Designs for Drawing- Books. 676. Specimen of Design for Scribbling- Book. 677. Specimen of Design for Wall Paper. 678. Specimen of Design for Wall Paper. 679. Specimen of Design for Wall Paper. 680. Specimen of Design for Centre Piece. 681. Specimen of Design for Centre Piece. 682. Specimen of Design for Centre Piece.. 683. Specimen of Design for Oil Cloth. 684. Specimen of Design for Oil Cloth 685. Specimen of Design for Oil Cloth. City Public Schools— R. C. Separate Schools. 39 City of London. — Inspector , W. J. Carson. Princess Avenue School. — Principal , Thomas Woodburne. 692. Specimen of Map Drawing — Dominion of Canada. 693. Specimen of Map Drawing — North America. 694. Specimen of Map Drawing —North America. 695. Specimen of Map Drawing — South America. Waterloo School.— Principal, C. B. Edwards. 701. Specimen of Map Drawing — Dominion of Canada 702. Specimen of Map Drawing — Dominion of Canada. 708. Specimen of Raised Map — North America. 704. Specimen of Ornamental Penmanship. City of St. Thomas. — Inspector , John McLean. Central School. — Principal , A. W. Campbell, Assistant teachers, 8; number of pupils, 482. 705. Photograph of Building, cost $14,000, Balaclava St. Ward School. — Principal , U. A. Stewart. Assistant teachers , 8 ; number of pupils , 411 . 706. Photograph of Building, cost $12,000. Myrtle St. Ward School. — Principal , A. R. Simp, on. Assistant teachers,' 7 ; number ot pupils, 365. 707. Photograph of Building, cost $10,000. Manitoba St. Ward School. — Principal, Ida Flash. Assistant teachers , 4; number of pupils , 217. 708. Photograph of Building, cost $6,000, Scott St- Ward Schocl. — Principal, Hattie Robinson. Assistant teachers 4; number of pupils , 205. 709. Photograph of Building, cost $5,000. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 696. Specimen of Drawing of Steam Engine. 697. Specimen of Lettering. 698. Specimen of Lettering. 699. Specimen of Lettering. 700. Specimen of Map Drawing — Dominion of Canada. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 686. Specimen of Arms of Dominion. 687. Specimen of Lettering. 688. Specimen of Lettering. 689. Specimen of Lettering. 690. Specimen of Map Drawing — Africa. 691. Specimen of Map Drawing — Australia. \ CLASS III.— ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL. Inspectors, James F. White and Cornelius Donovan , M.A. Number of Schools, 289. I Number of Pupils 36,168. Number of Teachers, 639. | Amount of Legislative Grant 1892, $18,248. The following Schools are conducted by the Christian Brothers. De La Salle, St. Helen’s, St. Michael’s, St. Patrick’s, and St. Paul’s Schools in Toronto, also the principal Roman Catholic Separate Schools in Hamilton, Kingston, Ottawa, Renfrew, and St. Catharines. CITIES. St. Basil’s R. C. Separate School, Brantford,— Principal, John T. Yorrell. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 710. Specimens of Analysis, Arithmetic, Business Forms, Drawing, Geo- graphy and Literature. Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frames. 711. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Architecture. 712. Specimens of Shading from “ Flat” and. Flower Drawing. 40 R. O. Separate Schools— Pupils’ Work City of Hamilton. St. Joseph’s R. C. Separate School. — Principal , Sister Pcrpetua. Assistant teachers, 26 ; number of pupils, 1^02. 713, Photograph of Building, cost, $65,000. Sacred Heart R. C. Separate School. Principal , Sister M. Perpetm. Assistant teachtrs , 4; number of pupils , 175. 714. Photograph of Building, cost $12,000.00 Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 715. Specimens of Business Forms, Book- keeping, Drawing, Phonography, and Maps. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 716. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Industrial Designs. De La Salle Academy, Hamilton. — Director, Brother Simon. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 717. Specimens of Algebra, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Business Forms, Drawing, Composition, Geography, Mensuration, Penmanship and Pho- nography. St. Lawrence R. C. Separate School, Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 718. Specimen of enlarged portrait from photograph. 719. Specimen of enlarged portrait from photograph. 720. Specimens of Shading from “ Flat” and Ornamental Penmanship. Hamilton. — Principal , Sister M. Teresa. 721. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing and Writing. St. Mary’s R. C. Separate School, Hamilton. —Principal, Brother Simon. Assistant teachers , 8 ; number of pupils, IfiO. 722. Photograph of Building, cost $20,000.00 Pupils' Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 723. Specimens of Arithmetic and Maps. St. Patrick’s R. C. Separate School, Hamilton— Principal, Sister Sacred Heart. Assistant teachers , 5 ; number of pupils , 200. 724. Photograph of Building, cost $8000.00. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 725. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Drawing, Maps and Writing. St. Thomas R. C. Separate School, Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 727. Specimens of Book-keeping, Drawing Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 726. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, from Flowers and Pen and Ink Sketch. Hamilton. — Principal, Sister Hilda. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame- 728. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. St. Vincent R. G. Separate School, Hamilton. — Princioal , Sister M. Bathilde. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 729. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Drawing and Grammar. Pupils’ Work — -Mounted in frame. 730. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing R. C. Separate Schools- Pupils’ Work. 41 \ City of Kingston. St. Mary’s R, C. Separate School, Kingston. — Principal , Rev. Brother Simon. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 731. Specimens of Algebra, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Business Forms, Composition, Drawing, Maps, Orna- mental Penmanship and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 732. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Geo- metrical and Industrial Designs, and Model Drawing. 733. Specimens of Map Drawing, England. Wales, and Ireland, and North and South America. 734. Specimens of Ornamental Penmanship. City of London. Sacred Heart R. C. Separate School, London. — Principal , M. Morrison. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 735. Specimens of Composition and Letter W riting. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 736. Specimens of Needlework, Embroidery, Drawn Thread Work, Crochet Work and Darned Net. 737. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Model Drawing and Perspective. St. Joseph’s R. C. Separate School, Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I folio. St. Mary’s R. C. Separate School, Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. .739. Specimens of Arithmetic, Composition, | Book-keeping, Drawing, Grammar, t Maps and Writing. London. — Principal, Sister Benedict. 738. Specimens of Drawing, History and Writing. London. — Principal , Sister Borgia. Fupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 740. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. ;St. Peter’s R. C. Separate School, London. — Principal, Sister Benedict. Assistant teachers, 3; number of Pupils, 561. 741. Photograph of Building, cost, $22,000. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 742. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Grammar, History, Letter Writing and Maps. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 743. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Designs. 744. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. City of Ottawa. St. Patrick’s R. C. Separate School, Ottawa —Principal, Brother Abnis . Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio . 745. Specimens of Arithmetic, Business Forms, Composition, Drawing, Geo- graphy, Grammar, Mensuration, Maps, Penmanship and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 746. Specimens of Drawing from Flowers, Ornamental Penmanship and Shad- ing from ‘ ‘ Flat.” 747. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Model Drawing, Mechanical Draw- ing, and Shading from “ Flat. ” 748. Specimens of Drawing from Flowers, Ornamental Penmanship, Shading from “Flat,” and Map of British North America. City of St. Catharines. :St. Catharines R. C. Separate School, St. Catharines.— Principal, Sister Ignatia . Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio . 749. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Composition, Drawing, Dicta- tion, Geography, History, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 750. Specimens of Freehand and Map Drawing. 751. Specimens of Map of British Isles, Dominion of Canada and Province of Ontario. 42 R. C. Separate Schools -Pupils’ Work. St. Mary’s R. C. Separate School, St. Catharines. — Principal , Sister Prudentiana . Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio . 752. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Drawing, French Grammar, Maps, Sacred History and Writing. Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frames. 753. Specimens of Map of Canada and County of Lincoln. 751. Specimens of Freehand Drawing an 1 Map Drawing. St. Nicholas R. C Separate School, St. Catharines.— Principal, Brother Theobald ; Assistant teachers, Jf,; number of pupils , 200. 755. Photograph of Building, cost, $15,000. I 756. Specimens of Composition, Book- Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | keeping, Drawing and Writing. City of St. Thomas. R. C. Separate School, St. Thomas —Principal, Sister Mary Evangelist. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 757. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Business Forms, Composition, Drawing, Geography, History and Penmanship. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 753. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 759. Specimens of Freehand and Model' Drawing. 760. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Designs. 761. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing City of Toronto. De La Salle Institute, Toronto. — Principal Rev. Bro. Odo Baldwin. Assistant teacheis, 13 ; number of pupils J/,00. This Institute has been under the control of the Roman Catholic Separate School Board of Trustees since 1881. The course of studies is based on the curriculum for High Schools and Collegiate Institutes as shown by the exhibits ; particu- lar attention is given to commercial subjects and mechanical drawing. 762. Photograph of Building, cost $60,000. 763. Photograph of First Commercial Class. 764. Photograph of Second Commercial Class. 765. Photograph of Third Commercial Class. 766. Album, containing an account of the Closing Exercises, Programmes, Prize Lists, Names of Graduates, Diplomas, Press Notices, Weekly Record, Monthly Testimonial, etc., 1882 to 1892. 767. Specimens of Christian Doctrine, Composition, Grammar, Geography. History, Arithmetic, Algebra, Men- suration, Geometry, Phonography, Commercial Forms. Class work, Forms I and II. 768. Specimens of Christian Doctrine, Rhetoric, Composition, Geography, History, Mensuration, Algebra, Arithmetic. Class work, Forms III and IV. 769. Specimens of Commercial Work, Phonography. Typewriting (plain and ornamental), Commercial Cor- respondence, Book-keeping. Forms III and IV. 770. Specimens of Penmanship from the Students of Forms I, II, III, IV. Mounted in frames, Revolving Stand No. 1.. 771. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 772. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 773. Specimens of Geometrical and Linear Drawing. Home work. 774. Specimen of Freehand Drawing. 775. Specimen of Architectural and Linear Drawing. 776. Specimens of Ornamental Drawing and Crayon Drawing from Na'ure. 777. Specimens of Architectural and Linear Drawing 778. Specimens of Figure Drawings and Ou'line from the Flat. Home work. 779. Specimens of Drawing, shading from the Flat. Mounted in frames, Revolving St md No. 2. 780. Specimen of Shading, Exercise in* Water Color. 781. Specimens of Lettering, Pen and Ink.. Home work, 782. Specimens of Shading, Exercises applied. 783. Specimens of Architectural Drawing, and Linear Drawing. Home work. 784. Specimens of Projection, relieved with Water Color. 785. Specimen of Projection, Pen and Ink. Outline. Home work. 786. Specimens of Projection, relieved with. Water Color. R. C. Separate Schools— Pupils’ Work. 43 787. Specimens of Projection, Pen and Ink Outline. Home work. 788. Specimens of Projection, relieved with Water Color. 789. Specimens of Projection, Pen and Ink Outline. Home work. 790. Specimens of Projection, Water Color 791. Specimens of Projection, Geometrical, and Linear Drawing. Home work. Mounted in frames, Revolving Stand No. 3. 792. Specimens of Projection, Water Color Shading. k 793. Specimens of Projection Applied, Linear Drawing. Home work. 794. Specimens of Penetration, Water Color. 795. Specimens of Penetration Applied, Water Color. 796. Specimens of Penetration, Water Color. 797. Specimens of Applied Architecture, \\ ater Color. 798. Specimens of Penetration, Water Color. 799. Specimens of Applied Architecture, Water Color. 800. Specimens of Penetration, Water Color. 801. Specimens of Architectural Drawing. 802. Specimens of Architectural Drawing J oinery. Mounted in frames, Revolving Stand No. 4. F03. Specimens of Shadows. Tinted. 804. Specimens of Mechanical Drawing, Water Color. 805. Specimens of Shadows, Tinted. 806. Specimens of Architectural Drawing, Water Color. 807 . Specimen of Shadows, Tinted. 808. Specimens of Shadows, Architectural Drawings, wash. F09. Specimens of Shadows, Tinted. 810. Specimen of Shadows, Applied Me- chanics, Water Color. 811. Specimens of Shadows and Linear Drawings. Home work. 812. Specimens of Shadows, Architectural Drawing, and Water Color. 813. Specimens of Shadows from Cast, Crayon Drawing. 814. Specimens of Shadows, Applied Archi- tecture, Wa f er Color. ^ Mounted in frames, Revolving Stand No. 5. 81o. Specimens of Projection, Water Color. 8! 6. Specimens of Projection Applied. Water Color. $ 817. Specimens of Shadow and Construc- tion. Water Color. 818. Specimens of Projection Applied, Water Color. 819. Specimens of Shadow and Water Color. 820. Specimen of Projection Applied, Water Color. 821. Specimens of Perspective and Linear Drawing. Home work. 822. Specimens of Shadows Applied, Me- chanical. 823. Specimens of Perspective Drawing and Shadows. Home work. 824. Specimens of Shadows Applied. Me- chanical and Linear Drawing. 825. Specimens of Perspective Drawing, Shadows, Water Color. Mounted in frames, Revolving Stand No. 6. 826. Specimens of Construction, Water Color. 827. Specimens of Descriptive Geometry Applied, Shadows, Perspective Drawing. 828. Specimens of Construction, Water Color. 829. Specimens of Descriptive Geometry Applied, Shadows, Perspective Drawing. 830. Specimens of Construction, Water Color. 831. Specimens of Perspective Applied, Water Color. 832. Specimens of Construction, Water Color. 833. Specimens of Architecture and Per- spective Drawing Applied, Reversed and Enlarged. 834. Specimens of Construction, Water Color. 835. Specimens ©f Construction Applied, Joinery, Water Color. 836. Specimens of Construction, Water Color. 837. Specimens of Construction Applied to- Joinery, Linear Drawing. Home work. Mounted in frames, Revolving Stand No. 7. 838. Specimens of Architectural and Linear Drawing . Home work . 839. Specimens of Architectural and Linear Drawing School Work. 840. Specimens of Architectural and Linear Drawing . Home work . 841. Specimens of Mechanical and Linear Drawing . Home work. 842. Specimens of Penetration. Home work . 843. Specimens of Ornamental Drawing. Home work. 844. Specimens of Perspective and Linear Drawing . Home work . 845. Specimens of Architectural and Pen and Ink Drawing . Home work . 846. Specimens of Mechanical Drawing. Water Color. 847. Specimen of Landscape Drawing, Lead Pencil. Home work. 848. Specimens of Mechanical Drawing. Water Color. 849. Specimen of Water Color Painting. 850. Specimen of Pastel Painting. 44 R. C. Separate Schools— Pupils’ Work. 851. Specimens of Carpentry and Architec- tural Drawing, and Water Colors. 852. Specimen of Crayon Drawing. Home work. 853. Specimen of Architectural Drawing. Home work. 854. Specimen of Architectural Drawing. Home work. Mounted in frames, Revolving Stand No. 8. 855. Specimen of Crayon Drawing, Shading from the Flat. 856. Specimen of Outline Drawing from Cast. 857. Specimen of Outline Drawing from the Flat. 858. Specimen of Outline Drawing from Cast . 859. Specimen of Shading from the Flat. 860. Specimen of Outline Drawing from Cast. 861. Specimen of Shading from the Flat. 862. Specimen of Outline Drawing from Cast. 863. Specimen of Shading from Cast. 864. Specimen of Outline Drawing from Cast. 865. Specimen of Shading from Cast. 866. Specimen of Outline Drawing from Cast. 867. Specimen of Shading from the Flat . 868. Specimen of Shading from the Flat. 869. Specimen of Shading from Cast. 870. Specimen of Honor Roll. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in large frames. 871. Specimens of Descriptive Geometry applied, Intersection of Solids. 872. Specimens of Double Square Threaded Screw — Shadows, Water Color. 873. Specimens of Architectural Drawing, Elevation of a Fountain — Conven- tional Water Color Shading. 874. Specimens of Horizontal Machine Drawing, Valve Gearing and Link Motion, etc. , illustrated — Water Color. 875. Specimens of Architectural Drawing. Perspective of a Groined Vaulted Arch. Amplification, Reversal, Sha- dows and Reflection — Water Color. 877. Specimens of Descriptive Geometry, Perspective of a Basket — Amplifica- tion, Transposition, Shadows, Water Color. 878. Specimens of Vertical Blowing Ma- chine, Wollf’s System, Parallel Motion, Stroke, etc., illustrated, — Water Color. 879. Specimens of Carpentry and Joinery Bits, Perspective, Shadows, Reflec- tion. 880. Specimens of Architectural Drawing, Front and Side Elevation of a Foun- tain — Water Color. 881. Specimen of Carpentry, Front and Side Elevation of a Quarry Wheel, — Water Color. 882. Specimens of Architectural Drawing, Perspective of a Cross — Amplifica- tion and Transposition, illustrated, Water Color. 883. Modelling in Clay, Plaster Cast of Statue B. T. B. De la Salle and Bracket. Bro. Richard, F.S.C. Sacred Heart Orphanage R. C. Separate School, Toronto. Principal , Sister Berchman. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. St. Basil’s R. O. Separate School, Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I folio. 885. Specimens ef Arithmetic, English His- I tory, Drawing, Grammar, Geo- | graphy, Maps, Sacred History and Writing. St. Francis’ R. C. Separate School, Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 888. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Grammar, Maps and Writing. 884. Specimens of Analysis, Arithmetic, Parsing and Writing. Toronto — Principal , Sister Martha. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 886. Specimens of Freehand, Model and Memory Drawing. 887. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing. Toronto — Principal , Sister fValtrude. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 889. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Model Drawing, Industrial Designs and Map of South America. 45 R. C. Separate Schools— Pupils’ Work. / r, St. Helen’s R. C. Separate School — Principal , Rev. Bro. Paul. Assistant teachers , 5 ; number of pupils , 350. 890. Photograph of Building, cost, $9,000. | Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 891. Specimens ef Arithmetic, Composi- tion, Geography, English History, Book-keeping. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 892. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, and | Maps of World, and N. W. Terri- tories. 893. Specimens of Ornamental and Model Drawing. 894. Specimens of Crochet and Needle- work, etc. 895. Specimens of Crochet and Needle- work, etc. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 896. Specimens of Arithmetic, Algebra, Book-keeping, Drawing, Euclid, Grammatical Analysis, Phono- graphy, Type-writing and Writing. Mounted in frames. 897. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Drawing from Flowers and Orna- mental Designs. 898. Specimens* of Freehand Drawing. Drawing from Flowers and Model Drawing. 899. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Flower Drawing, Perspective, and Industrial Designs. St. Joseph’s R. C. Separate School, Toronto— Principal, Sister M. Camilla. St. Mary’s R. C. Sep. School, Toronto. — Principals , Rev. Brother Orbanas and SisU Helen. Assistant teachers , 14; number of pupils, 200. 900. Photograph of Building, cost, $23,000. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 901. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Geography, History, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 902. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, In- dustrial Designs and Maps of Canada, Ontario, and North and South America. 903. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, In- dustrial Designs and Ornamental Writing. 904. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Model Drawing and Industrial De- signs. St Michael’s R. C. Sep. School, Toronto. Principal , Brother Servilian. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume and port- folio. 905. Specimens of Arithmetic, Composi- tion, Christian Doctrine, Grammar, History, Geography, Literature and Maps. Pupils’ W T ork — Mounted in frames. St. Patrick’s R. O. Sep. School, Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and portfolio. 909. Specimens of Arithmetic, Christian Doctrine, Composition, Commercial Forms, Drawing, Geography, Gram- mar, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ W r ork — Mounted in frames. 910. Specimens of Map Drawing — Simcoe County, Ontario, Nova Scotia and South America. 906. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing. 907. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing. 908. Specimens of Crochet Work, Maps of Ontario and South America. V ’onto. — Principal , Sister Eudocia. 911. Specimens of Freehand Drawing T Flower Drawing, Industrial De- signs and Model Drawing. 912. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, In- dustrial Designs and Model Draw- ing. St. Paul’s R. C. Sep. School, Toronto Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. Q 13. Specimens of Arithmetic, Christian Doctrine, Commercial Forms, Draw- ing, Grammar, Geography, Litera- ture, Maps and Wiiting. ■Principals, Brother WaUer and Sister Mechtilde. Pupils’ Work— Mounted in Frames. 914. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Geometrical Designs, Maps of Ire- land and North and South America. 915. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, In- dustrial Designs and Mod«l Draw- ing. 46 R C. Separate Schools— Pupils’ Work. St. Peter’s R. C. Sep. School, Toronto. — Principal, Sister Victoria. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 916. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Grammar, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 917. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Geometrical Designs Towns and Villages. R. C. Sep. School, Barrie —Principal, John Rogers. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 918. Specimens of Composition, Drawing 919. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, and Writing. R. C. Sep. School, Berlin. — Principal, Sister, M. Glotide. Assistant teachers, 5 ; number of pupils 302. 920. Photograph of Building, cost $8,000. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 921. Specimens of Arithmetic, Canadian History, Drawing, English His- tory, Grammar, German, Mensura- tion, Geography, Language, Litera- ture and Maps. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 922. Specimens of Maps of Dominion of Canada, Province of Ontario, North America and Waterloo County. 923. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing. Central Ward R. C. Separate School, Cornwall.— Principal, John Keating. 923(a) Pupils’ Work — Writing, etc. R. C. Sep. School, Formosa. — Principal , John M. Gilmore. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and portfolio. 924. Specimens of Arithmetic, Canadian History, Composition, Drawing, Grammar, Geography, Literature and Maps. St. Peter’s R.C. Sep. School, Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume and port- folio. 926. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Designs, Needlework, Maps and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame, j 925. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing. Goderich. — Principal , Sister Agnes. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame 927. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Paper Cutting and Sewing — Silk Work R. C. Sep. School, Ingersoll. — Principal, Sister De Salles. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- 928. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book- folio. keeping, Business Forms, Drawing, Geography, Grammar and Writing. R. C. Sep. School, Paris. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. -Piincipal, Sister Evangelist. 929. Specimens of Analysis, Arithmetic Book-keeping, Drawing, Geography and Maps. R. C. Sep. School, Port Arthur. — Principal, Sister Regina. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in portfolio. | 930. Specimens of Map Drawing. R. C. Sep. School, Port Colborne. — Piincipal, Ella Redden. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I 931. Specimens of Drawing and Writing, folio. I De La Salle School, Renfrew. — Principal, Brother Michael. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 932. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Drawing and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 933. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Ornamental Designs. R. C. Separate Schools— Pupils’ Work. 47 R. C Sep. School, Mildmay. — Principal, Sister M. Clavernie. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 93-1 Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Grammar, Geography, History and Maps Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 935. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Shading from Flat. R. C. Sep. School Oakville. — Principal , Sister M. Benedicta. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I 936, Specimens of Drawing, Maps and folio. I Writing. R. C. Sep. School, Orillia. — Principal , L. Overend. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- I 937. Specimens of Drawing and Writing, folio. St. Joseph’s R. C. Sep. School, Oshawa. — Principal , Sister Mary Dematria. Assistant teachers , 3 ; number of pupils , 13J/.. 93?. Photograph of Building, cost $3,000. St Joseph’s R. C. Sep. School, Thorold. — Principal , P. J. Murpliy , Assistant Teachers, 4 ; number of pupils , lJf.6. 939. Photograph of Building, cost $7,000. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 940. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Drawing, French, Grammar, Maps, Sacred History and Writing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 944. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Composition, Drawing, Dicta- tion, Grammar and Geography and Maps. 941. Specimens of Maps of Europe, Ire- land, Nova Scotia, America and Welland County. 942. Specimens of Landscape Drawing. 943. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing. Hill. — Principal , Sister Camilla. Specimens of Arithmetic, Book-keep- ing, Canadian History, Composition, Drawing, Dictation, French Trans- lation, Grammar, Geography and Literature . Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 946. Specimens of Map Drawing — North America. St. Mary’s R. C. Sep. School, Vankle9k Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 945. R. C. Sep. School, Walkerton. — Principal , Sister Geveve'ne. 947. Specimens of Arithmetic, Drawing, Grammar, Geography, History, Literature and Maps . Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. R. C. Sep. School, Waterloo. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 949. Specimens of Arithmetic, Catechisms, Drawing, German, Geography, Grammar, English History, Litera- ture, Writing and Maps. R. C. Sep. School 13, Waterloo. — Principal , T. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 951. Specimens of Arithmetic, Canadian History, Drawing, Grammar Letter Writing, Literature and Maps. St. Agatha R. C. Sep. School Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume and port- folio. 952. Specimens of Arithmetic, Canadian History, Crammar, German, Geo- graphy, Literature, Penmanship, N eedlework and Maps. R. C. Sep. School, S. S. 11 Wellesly.-St. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 955. Specimens of Arithmetic, Canadian History, Penmanship . 948. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Flower Drawing, Ornamental De- signs and Model Drawing. - Principal , Sister M. Lcobina. Pupils’ Work — Moun'ed in frame. 950. Specimens of Freehand and Model Drawing and Maps of County Waterloo. J. Troy. Geography, German, Principal , Sister Edith. Wilmot. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 953. Specimens of Crochet-work. 954. Specimens of Crochet, Knitting, Tracing and Needlework. Clements. — Principal , Sister M. Concordia. Drawing, German, History, Language and PART IV.— SECONDARY EDUCATION. CLASS I.— HIGH SCHOOLS. Inspectors, John E. Hodgson, M.A., John Seath, B.A. Alexandria High School. — Principal, J. Smith, A.M. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 956. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory- Drawing. Almonte High School. — Principal , B. C. McGregor, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 957. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Athens High School. — Principal, U. J. Flach, M.A. Pupil’s Work — Bound in volumes. 958. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Belleville High School.— Principal, G. S, Wright, M.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 959. Specimens pf Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 960. Specimens of Design for Blackboard, Design for Centre Piece and Model Drawing. 961. Specimens of Design for Blackboard, Design for Ornamental Flower Pot and Freehand Drawing. 962. Specimens of Drawing from Flowers and Freehand Drawing. 963. Specimens of Drawing from Flowers and Perspective. 964. Specimens of Design for Carpet, De- sign for Tile, Design for Stained Glass Window and Drawing from Models. 965. Specimens of Competitive Industrial Drawing. High School, Bradford. — Principal, John Waugh, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 967. Specimens of Designs, Freehand* 966. Specimens of Drawings and Writing. Drawing and Map of Britain. Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frames. Berlin High School. — Principal , J. W. Connor, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 968. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Carleton Place High School . —Principal, W. J. Patterson, M.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. I 969. Specimens of Time Studies in Perspec*- I tive and Memory Drawing. I / Cayuga High School .— Principal, L. Kinnear, M.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 970. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective and Drawing. (48) High Schools— Pupils’ Work. 49 Campbellford High School. — Principal , A. M. Shield, B.A. Assistant Teachers , 2 ; number of Pupils , 108. 971. Photograph of Building, cost | 972. Photograph of Public and High $10,539. School. | 973. Photograph of Lecture Room. IHigh School, Cornwall. — Principal , Wm. D. Johnston , B.A. Assistant Teachers, 3 ; number of Pupils, 131 . 974. Photograph of Building, cost I 975. Photograph of Building. $ 10 , 000 . 00 . Deseronto High School . — Principal, A. G. Knight, B.A. Assistant Teachers , 2; number of pupils , 120 . 976. Photograph of Building, cost $16,000.00. Dunville High School. — Principal, J. E. Croley,* M.A. Assistant Teachers, 3 ; number of Pupils , 128. 977. Photograph of Building, cost $5,500. 978. Photograph of Building, exterior. 979. Photograph of interior view. '980. Photograph of Laboratory. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 981. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Forest High School. — Principal , A. C. Crosby, M.A . Assistant teachers, 2; number of pupils, 109, 982. Photograph of Science Room, cost of Building, $6,000. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. * 983. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Model and Memory Drawing. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 984. Specimens of Algebra, Arithmetic, Chemistry, Composition, Euclid, History, Map and Physics. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. 985. Frame — Specimens of Perspective. Gananoque High School. — Principal, W. K. T. Smellie, B.A. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volumes 986. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Model and Memory Drawing. Georgetown High School.— Principal, A. H. Gibbard, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 987. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Glencoe High School. — Principal, Johri W. Freeman, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 988. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Model and Memory Drawing. Iroquois High School,— Principal, J. A. Carman, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 989. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Kemptville High School.— Principal, W. S. Cody, B.A. Pupils’ vVork — Bound in volumes. 990. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Kincardine High School.— Principal, S. W. Perry, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. I 992. Specimens of Composition, Freehand 991. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- | Drawing. hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model | and Memory Drawing. I 4 (E) 50 High Schools— Pupils’ Work. Lucan High School.— Principal, C. W. Mulloy , B. A. Assistant Teachers , 2. 993. Photograph of School Building, cost I 994. Photograph of Class-room, of Building, $4,500. Listowel High School. — Principal , W. A. Phillips , B.A. 995. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. 996. Specimens of Drawing, etc., mounted in frame. 997. Specimens of Object Drawing, Meaford High School.— Principal, B. A , Barrow , B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 998. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- | 999. Specimens of Composition and Model hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model I Drawing, and Memory Drawing. | Mount Forest High School.— Principal, J. II. Brethour , B.A, Assistant teachers , 3; number of pupils , 88. 1000. Crayon Drawing of Building, cost ] $ 12 , 000 . Niagara Falls High School.— Principal, B, K, Orr , B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1001. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory- Drawing. Niagara High School. — Principaly A , B. Cooke, M,A. Assistant teacher, 1; number of pupils 29. 1002. Photograph of School Building, cost 1003. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- $3,000. hand Drawing. Pupils’ work — Bound in volumes. Newburgh High School. — Principal , Henry L. Wilson, M.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. ' 1005. Specimens of Designs and Freehand 1004. Specimens of Writing. Drawing. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frame. Orangeville High School. — Principal, A. Steele , B,A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1006. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- | 1007. Specimens of Composition, and In- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model I dustrial Designs, and Memory Drawing. Oshawa High School. — Principal , L. 0. Smith, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1008. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Paris High School. — Principal, J. W • Acres, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes and port- folio. 1009. Specimens of Algebra, Arithmetic, Chemistry, Composition, Drawing, Euclid and Physics. Pupils’ Work — Mounted in frames. 1010. Specimens of Designs and Freehand Drawing. 1011. Specimens of Freehand Drawings and Ornamental Designs. 1012. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Ornamental Designs. 1013. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, Fruit and Portrait. 1014. Specimens of Geometrical and Per- spective Drawing. 1015. Specimens of Perspective. High Schools— Pupils’ Work, 51 Parkhill High School. — Principal, E. M. Bigg , M. A. Pupils’ Vvork— Bound in volumes and port- I Pupils’ Work— Mounted in frame. folios. I 1017. Specimens of Freehand Drawing, In- 1016. Specimens of Book-keeping, Drawing I dustrial and Ornamental Designs, and Writing. | and Perspective. Port Arthur High School. — Principal , W. H. Law, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. t 1018. Specimens of Business Forms, Book-keeping, Drawing, Geometry, Object Drawing, and Perspective, Port Perry High School. — Principal, D. McBride, B.A. • Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1019. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Prescott High School. — Principal, M. McPherson, M.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1022. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Simcoe High School. — Principal, J. D Christie, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. I 1022. Specimens of Competitive Industrial 1021. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- | Designs, hand, Geometry, Perspective, Mod el I and Memory Drawing. Tilsonburg High School. — Principal , A. W. Reavley , B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. I 1024. Specimens of Arithmetic, Algebra,. 1023. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- | Book-keeping, French translations^ hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model I Latin translations, etc. and Memory Drawing. Toronto Junction High School. — Principal, J. C. Robertson , B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1025. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry and Memory Drawing. Vankleek Hill High School. — Principal, T. Jamieson , B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. 1026. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry; Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Vienna High School. — Principal, D. Hicks, B.A. Assistant teacher , 1 ; number of pupils, 24. 1027. Photograph of Building, cost $3,000. I 1028. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- The Public School pupils occupy the same I hand. Geometry, Model and Memory building. Drawing. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. Waterdown High School.— Principal, Thomas O'Hagan, B.A. Ph.D. Assistant teachers, i 3 ; number of pupils 60. 1029. Photograph of Building cost $5,000. The lower rooms of this building are used for the Public School pupils. i Walkerton High School. — Principal , Joseph Morgan, M.A. Assistant teachers, 4 ; number of pupils, 202. 1030. Photograph of Building No. 1, cost I 1032. Photograph of Class-room No. 2. $12,000. j 1033. Photograph of School and grounds. 1031. Photograph of Building No. 2, cost $6,000. I 52 Collegiatellnstitutes— Pupils’ Work. Weston High School.— Principal, T. E. Elliott , B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. il034. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory- Drawing. Williamstown High School. — Principal, C. Wynne Williams , B.A. Pupil’s Work — Bound in volumes. 1035. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. CL.ASS II.— COLLEGIATE INSTITUTES. Brockville Collegiate Institute. — Principal , A. W. Burt, M. A. Assistant Teachers, 5 ; number of Pupils , 279. 1036. Photograph of Building, cost $25,000.00 with 8 views of the Thousand Islands. Chatham Collegiate Institute. — Principal, 1). S. Paterson. B.A. Assistant Teachers , 6 ; number of Pupils, 363. 1037. Photograph of Building, cost $21,600. 1038. Photograph of Building. 1039. Photograph of Assembly Room. 1040. Photograph of Class Room. 1041. Photograph of Laboratory. 1042. Photograph of Library. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1043. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Hamilton Collegiate Institute. — Principal , R. A. Thompson , B.A. ; Assistant Teachers, 15; number of pupils, 560. 1044. Photograph of Building, cost, $39,000. Pupils work bound in Yolumes. 1045. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Pupils’ work mounted in frames. 1046. Specimens of Perspective Drawing. 1047. Specimens of Perspective Drawing. 1048. Specimens of Perspective Drawing. 1049. Specimens of Perspective Drawing. 1050. Specimens of Geometrical Drawing. 1051. Specimens of Geometrical Drawing. 1052. Specimens of Geometrical Drawing. 1053. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 1054. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 1055. Specimens of Freehand Drawing. 1056. Specimens of Industrial Designs. 1057. Specimens of Industrial Designs. 1058. Specimens of Autographs . 1059. Specimens of Autographs. 1060. Specimens of Book-keeping . 1061. Specimens of Book-keeping . 1062. Specimens of Writing. 1063. Specimens of Pen and Ink Drawing . Ingersoll Collegiate Institute.— Principal, W. Briden, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1064. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing . Lindsay Collegiate Institute,— Principal, J. C. Har stone, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1065. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. London Collegiate Institute. — Principal, F. W. Merchant, M.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1068. Specimens of competitive Industrial ,1067. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- Designs, hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing . 1066. Specimens of competitive Industrial • Designs . Morrisburg Collegiate Institute,— Principal, J. S. Jamieson, M.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1069. Specimens of T ime Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. i t Collegiate Institutes -Pupils’ Work. 53 Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1070. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. 1071. Specimens of Drawing, French Gram- mar, German Grammar, Greek Translations and Latin Prose. Mounted in frames. 1072. Specimens of Designs, Freehand Drawing, Architecture, Perspec- tive, etc. 1073. Specimens of Original Designs, Speci- mens of Original Designs and F ree- hand Drawing. J. A. Macmillan , B.A. 1074. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Model and Memory Drawing Ottawa Collegiate Institute.— PHncipa Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. Napanee Collegiate Institute. —Principal, Thos. McKee Henry, B.A. Owen Sound Collegiate Institute.— Principal, I. M. Levan, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. | 1075. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Perth Collegiate Institute. — Principal , R. A. Paterson , B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes . | 1076. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Ridgetown Collegiate Institute.— Principal, J. G. Little, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes . 1077. Specimens of Time Studies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing . Stratford Collegiate Institute.— Principal C. A Mayberry, B.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1078. Specimens of Time Stndies in Free- hand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. St. Catharines Collegiate Institute.— Principal, John Henderson, M.A. 1082. Specimens of Geometrical and Per- spective Drawing. 1083. Specimens of Angular Perspective, Memory Drawing, and Design for Border of Wall Paper. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volumes. 1079. Specimens of Book-keeping and Writ- ing. 1080. Specimens of Industrial Designs and Shading from the Flat. 1081. Specimens of Freehand Drawing and Ornamental Penmanship. Toronto Collegiate Institute, Jameson, Avenu e .—Principal, L. Embree, M.A. Pupil’s Work — Bound in volume. | 1084. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Toronto Collegiate Institute, Harbord St .—Principal, H. B. Spotton, M.A. Pupils’ Work — Bound in volume. | 1085. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. St. Thomas’ Collegiate Institute. — Principal, N. Quance, B. A. Assistant teaehers,5 ; number of pupils, 353. 1086. Photograph of Building, cost, $16,000. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume. 1087. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing Whitby Collegiate Institute.— Principal, W. W. Tamblyn, M.A. Pupils’ Work— Bound in volume. 1088. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Class III., Upper Canada College. — Principal, George Dickson, M.A Assistant teachers, 5; num ber of pupils, 3 £2. 1089. Photograph of Building. 1090. Photograph of Library. 1091. Photograph of Dining Room. PART V.— SPECIAL SCHOOLS, ETC. CLASS I.— ART SCHOOLS. Dr. S. P. May , C. L. H . , Superintendent. Art Schools are established in Brockville, Hamilton, Kingston, London, Ottawa, St. Thomas and Toronto ; in addition nearly 100 branch Art Schools for the study of Industrial Drawing are conducted at Ladies’ Colleges, Mechanics’ Institutes, High Schools, etc. Simultaneous examinations are^held throughout the whole Province. The examination papers are sent from the Education Department, and the examinations conducted by Presiding Examiners appointed by the Hon. the Minister of Education. At the close of the examinations the papers are returned to the Department to be examined by a Committee appointed by the Minister of Education. The following is a list of the examination papers sent by the Department to 77 Art Schools and Branch Art Schools on the 1st March, 1892. Primary Course. Freehand 3,502 Geometry 2,978 Perspective 2,409 Model .' 3,089 Blackboard 2,938 14,916 Advanced Course. Shading, flat 209 Outline, round 128 Shading, round 200 Flower Drawing 185 Ornamental Design 102 Competition for gold medal 23 847 Mechanical Course. Descriptive geometry 80 Machine Drawing 92 Building construction 61 Industrial design Ill Advanced perspective 76 420 Total Education Department. 16,183 1092 Specimens of Repousse Work. I 1094 Specimens of Electro Metallurgy. 1093 Specimens of Wood Carving. Brockville Art School. — President , Neil McLean. Paintings — Oil Colors. 1095 Portrait from Life, Flora Powel. 1096 Portrait from Life, Ethel Hagerman . 1097 Portrait from Life, Celia Kearns. 1098 Portrait from Life, Ethel Hagerman . 1099 Painting from Life, Girl, Flora Powel. 1100 Still Life, Work-box, etc., Ethel Hag- erman. 1101 Still Life, Flower Pot and Plant, Ethel Hagerman. 1102 Still Life, Flower Pot and Plant, Flora Powel. 1103 Landscape, R. H. Lindsay. Pen and Ink Sketches. • 1105(a) Landscape, R. H. Lindsay. 1104 Landscape, R. H. Lindsay. 1105 Landscape, R. H. Lindsay. Art Schools— Pupils’ Work. 55 Shading from Antique. 1106. Venus de Milo, Carrie Vanalstine. Original Industrial Designs. 1107 Design for Book Cover, R. H. Lindsay . 1108 Design for Catalogue of Carriages, Fred Storey. 1109 Design for Exercise Book, Fred Storey. % 1110 Design for Exercise Book, R. H. Lindsay . 1111 Design for Game “ Halma,” R. H. Lindsay . Shading from Antique. 1117 Venus, David Mitchell. 1118 Germanicus, David Mitchell. 1120 Sunflower, Margaret Jackson. 1121 Blackberries, Rosina Jamieson . .1112 Design for Note Book, R. H. Lindsay. 1113 Design for Oil Cloth, Flossie Grace. 1114 Design for Tiles, Carrie Vanalstine. 1115 Design for Wall Paper, Flossie Grace. 1116 Design for Wall Paper, Carrie Van- alstine . J . Ireland. • Monochrome from Cast. 1119 Oil Monochrome, from Cast, Margaret Jackson. 1122 Pomegranates, Wm. Wilton, Art School, Hamilton.— Principal, S. J. Ireland. (See also Addenda.) Original Industrial Designs. 1123 Design for Lace Curtain, Lucy Mc- Innes . 1124 Design for Wall Paper, Lena Bowman. 1125 Design for Ceiling, Susan Nettle. 1126 Design for Wall Paper, Susan Nottle . 11*/ 7 Design for Tiles, Thos. Davidson . 1131 Drawing of Five Orders, Stewart Mc- Phie. 1132 Drawing of Five Orders, shaded, John Cumming . 1133 Detail Drawing, Louis L. Brown. 1128 Design for Tiles, Robt. Gibson. 1129 Design for Stained Glass Window, John Gordon. 1130 Design for Over Mantel, Ida Thomp- son. 1134 Historic Styles of Ornament, John Lyle. 1135 Penetration of Solid Bodies, John Gillard . Architecture , Etc. Machine 1136 Steam Crane, Louis L. Brown. 1137 Engine and Pump, from actual mea- surement, Louis L. Brown. 1138 Marine Engine, front elevation, B. Malcolmson . 1139 Double Acting Lift and Force Pump, B. Malcolmson. Drawing. 1140 3| Feed Pump, B. Malcolmson. 1141 Steam Whistle, etc., Louis L. Brown, 1142 Mitre Wheels in Gear, Louis L. Brown . 1143 Mitre Wheels in Gear, Charles Irvine. 1144 Pully for Crane, Charles Young. i 1145 Lithographic Proof, R. Allen. 1146 Freehand Drawing, David Scott. 1147 Freehand Drawing, A. Turk. 1148 Sign Painting, John Preston. Miscellaneous . 1149 Plain and Ornamental Lettering, Fred Anderson. 1150 Portrait in India Ink, Caroline Me II- roy. Art School, Kingston.— Principal, Charles Wrenshall. Paintings — Water Colors. 1152 Landscape, Charles E. Wrenshall. | 1153 Landscape, Charles E. Wrenshall. Crayon Drawings . 1154 Venus de Milo (full figure) Hattie E. 1156 Diana (head), Hattie E. Wrenshall. W renshall . *1155 Venus de Milo (full figure) Annie S. 1157 Donatelli (head), Annie S. Wrenshall* Wrenshall. 56 Art Schools— Pupils’ Work. Original Industrial Designs. 1158 Design for Sideboard, Annie S. Wren- shall. 1159 Design for Plate, Annie S. Wrenshall. 1160 Design for Oil Cloth, May Powell. 1160(a) Design for Ceiling. H. E. Wrenshall. 1161 Design for Ceiling, H. E. Wrenshall. 1162 Design for Oil Cloth, H. E. Wrenshall. 1163 Design for Book Cover, Edith W. Wrenshall. 1164 Design for Tile-floor, May Powell. 1165 Design for Stained Glass Window-. Annie S. Wrenshall. 1166 Design for Note Book, Edith W- Wrenshall . 1167 Design for Halma Game, Madeline-: Cartwright. 1163 Design for Exercise Book, Edith W. Wrenshall . 1169 Desiorn for Halma Game, Annie S.. Wrenshall . Art School, London. — Principal , J. H Griffiths. Paintings — Oil Colors. 1170 Birds, Emily M. Gunn. 1171 Bull’s Head, C. Johnston. 1172 Still Life, Flower and Violin, Emily M. Gunn. 1173 Still Life. Pallette, etc., Mary Gray .. 1174 Marine View, Lydia Lethridge. 1175 Marine View, Lydia Lethridge. Painting s- 1176 Still Life, Teapot, etc., A. C. John- ston. Crayon 1179 Figure Subject, A. C. Johnston. 1180 Dogs, E. M. Gunn. 1181 Grapes, from Cast, Miss Beach. 1182 Ornament, from Cast, Mattie Griffiths. -Water Colors. 1177 Still Life, Flowers. A. C. Johnston. | 1178 Landscape, Millie Kemp . Drawings. 1183 Ornaments, from Cast, Mattie Griffiths- 1184 Ornaments, from Cast, Mattie Griffiths. ., 1185 Head, from Cast, Miss Beach. Pen and Ink Drawings. 1186 Memorial Tablet, President Garfield, I 1187 Cactus, Miss Doty . A. C. Johnston. | 1188 Begonia, Miss Doty. Painting on China. 1189 ^Specimens of China Painting (7 pieces) John H. Griffiths. 1190 Specimens of China Painting (9 pieces), Mrs. Cartwright. Modelling in Clay. 1192 Baked Clay, Grapes, etc., 4 pieces, E. I 1193 Baked Clay, Dog, etc., 4 pieces, E. Gunn. # I Gunn. Wood Carving. 1194 Specimen of Carving, W. S. Dinnick. I 1196 Specimens of Carving, R . Bland. 1195 Specimens of Carving, R. Bland. Art School, Ottawa.— Secretary, Achillc Frechette. Paintings — Oil Colors. 1197 Still Life, Game, E. Fosbery. | 1198 Still Life, Vase, etc., F. J. Checkley. Monochrome. 1199 Portrait from Life, E. Fosbery. | 1200 Two Girls from Life, E. Fosbery. 1191 Specimens of China Painting (7 pieces),. Emily Gunn . Fac simile of a Jubilee 5 o’clock tea set presented to Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. Art Schools— Pupils’ Work. 57 4 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1225 1226 1227 1228 1232 1233 1234 1238 1241 Crayon Drawings. Drawing from Life, 0. E. Prud- hoinme . Drawing from Life, O. E. Prud- homme . Drawing from Life, L. M. Lamb. Drawing from Life, E. G. Fosbery. Drawing from Life, E. G. Fosbery. Drawing from Life, O . E . Prud- homme. Drawing from Life, M. Living. Drawing from Life, E. Kirby. Drawing from Life, E. Kirby. Original I Design for Hall Stand, R. P. Harris. Design for Over Mantel. R. P . Harris. Design for Sideboard, R. P. Harris. Dssign for Fan, A. McLean. Design for Mantel, R. P. Harris. 1210 Drawing from Life, E. Kirby. 1211 Anatomical Drawing, M. Living. 1212 Anatomical Drawing, O. E. Prud- homme. 1213 Shading from Antique, O. E. Prud- homme . 1214 Shading from Cast, O . E . Prud homme . 1215 Shading from Case “Aurora,” O. E. Prudhomme. 1216 Drawing from Cast, “Hand,” A. Ewart. rial Designs. 1222 Design for Sideboard, A. Ewart. 1223 Design of Old Oak Chest, R. P. Harris . 1224 Design for Sideboard, F. W. Alex- ander. Architecture and Building Construction . Details of Oak Panelling (17 Cen- tury), R. P. Harris. Building Construction, A. C. Baudry. Design for a Brick and half-timbered Building . Architectural Columns, A. Ewart. 1229 Design for a Stone House, A. Ewart. 1230 Design for a Workingman’s Cottage- A. C. Baudry. 1231 Design for House Front, J. C. Bel- anger. Machine Drawing. Planing Machine, W. Noffke. Elevation of a Model, W. Noffke. Diagonal High Pressure Steam Engine, J . A . Lamb . 1235 Horizontal High Pressure Steam En- gine, R. A. Reid. 1236 Steam Pressure Boiler Feed, Pro- jector, T. H. McGuirl. 1237 Gummer Sharpener, R. B. Moffatt. Lithography, Engraving, Etc. Lithographic Drawing on Stone, F. I 1239 Engraving on Copper, H. Townsend. Ridgeway. | 1240 Etching on Copper, E. Fosbery. Wood Carving. Specimen of Carving, T. W. Alexander. i Art School, St. Thomas.— 12 . H. Whale, Principal. Original Industrial Designs. 1242 Design for Over Mantel, — . J . Mc- Kee 1243 Design for Painted Ceiling, Fred W . Wright . 1244 Design for Oil Cloth , FredW. Wright. 1245 Design for Oil Cloth, Fred W . Wright. 1246 Design, Border for Wall Paper, S. M. McKay. 1247 Design for Car Post Ornament, Fred W. Wright. 1248 Design for Painted Ceiling, S. M. McKay . 1249 Design for Peerless Exercise Book, Fred W. Wright. 1250 Design for Canadian Exercise Book, Fred W. Wright. Crayon Drawings. 1251 Shad ng from Cast, Ralph Oill . I 1253 Shading from Cast, Ralph Oill. 1252 Shading from Cast, J. A. Redmond. | Miscellaneous 1254 Perspective Drawing, Sepia Drawing, Charles M . Parker . 1255 Perspective Drawing, Sepia, J. A . Redman . 1256 Double Threaded Screw, Neil Markle. 1257 Architectural Drawing, J. A. Red man . 58 Art Schools— Pupils’ Work. Art Needlework. Kensington Embroidery. 1258 Book-folio, Miss Stacey. 1259 Mantle Drape, Miss Tedford. 1260 Screen, Mrs. Kenly. Mount Melleck Embroidery. 1261 Table Cover, Mrs. Williamson. 1262 Dinner Centre, Mrs. Hope. 1262 Carving Cloth, Miss Stacey. 1264 Tea-tray Cover, Miss Philp. Repristry Embroidery . 1265 Table Cover, Mrs. Kenly. Outlining . 1266 Side- board Drape, Lilian Rawlinson, aged 6 years. Art School, Toronto.— Hon. G. W . Allan, President. Paintings — Oil Colors. 1267 Portrait from Life, Maud Parky n. 1268 Portrait from Life, Jos. Beilin. 1269 Portrait from Life, Eva Bell Smith. 1270 Portrait from Life, C. L. Hillyard. 1271 Portrait from Life, Jos. Beihn. 1272 Figure from Life, Miss Bastedo. 1278 Portrait from Life, Maud Parkyn. 1274 Portrait from Life, Mary Wrinch. 1275 Portrait from Life, Eva Bell Smith. 1276 Animal Study (Dog’s Head) Ethel Palen. 1277 Landscape, Maggie Graham. 1278 Landscape, E. Loscombe. 1279 Still Life, Fruit, etc., Maud Parkyn. 1280 Still Life, Fruit, etc., Mabel Stoodley. 1281 Still Life, Fruit etc., Mary Wrinch. 1282 Still Life/ Bottles and Basket, Maud Parkyn. 1288 Still Life, Flowers, etc., Hannah K. Bell. 1284 Still Life, Fruit and Glass, Ida Rupert. 1285 Still Life, Fruit, etc., Susie Mercer. 1285(a) Still Life, Fruit, etc., Emma Floyd. 1286 Still Life, Fruit, etc., Emma Floyd. 1287 Still Life, Jar, Lemons, etc., M. Logan. 1288 Still Life, Shells, Miss Bastedo. 1289 Still Life, Vase and Flowers, E. Smith. 1290 Still Life, Jars and Basket, C. L. Hillyard. 1291 Still Life, Lobsters, etc., Emma Floyd Paintings — Water Colors . 1292 Still Life, Vases, etc., Eva Bell Smith. 1293 Landscape, C. H. Hilliard. 1294 Still Life, Vase and Flowers, Ellen Smith. 1295 Landscape, Ellen Smith. 1296 Landscape, C. L. Hillyard. 1297 Landscape, Ellen Smith. . Crayon Drawings. 1298 Drawing from Life, T. S. Winterbot- tom. 1299 Drawing from Life, T. S. Winterbot- tom. 1300 Drawing from Life, T. S. Winterbot- tom. 1301 Drawing from Life, T. S. Winterbot- tom. 1302 Drawing from Life, T. S. Winterbot- tom. 1303 Drawing from Life, Eva Bell Smith. 1304 Drawing from Life, Eva Bell Smith. 1305 Drawing from Life, Eva Bell Smith. 1306 Drawing from Life, Eva Bell Smith. 1307 Drawing from Life, James Nelson. 1308 Drawing from Life, James Nelson. 1309 Drawing from Life, John Plaskett. 1310 Drawing from Life, John Plaskett. 1311 Drawing from Life, T. S. W interbot- tom. 1312 Drawing from Life, T. S. Winterbot- tom. 1313 Drawings from Life, T. S. Winterbot- tom. 1314 Drawing from Antique, J. Biehn. 1315 Drawing from Cast, T. S. Winterbot- tom. Original Industrial Designs and Lithography. 1316 Design for Brussels Carpet, Louise Dixon. 1317 Design for Ceiling- paper, W. H, Lou- don. 1318 Design for Exercise Books, Ethel Archer. 1319 Design for Note Book, John Plaskett. 1320 Design for Seed Catalogue, James Nelson. 1321 Design for Exercise Book, John Plas- kett. 1322 Drawing for Lithography, S. W. Prout- ing. 1323 Lithographic Portrait, J. Plaskett. Modelling in Clay. 1324 Plaster Cast (Lion’s Head) Ellen Smith. I 1325 Plaster Cast, Head (Antique) Ellen Smith. U4 Ladies’ Colleges, etc.— Pupils’ Work. 59 CLASS II.— LADIES’ COLLEGES, ETC. (Affiliated with the Education Department for Examinations in the Fine Arts.) Albert College, Belleville— Principal, Rev. E. P. Dyer. IPupils’ Work — Bound in volumes, Specimens of Freehand Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Paintings — Oil Colors. .1326 1327 1328 1329 1380 1331 1332 1333 1834 1335 1336 1337 Still Life, Flowers, Edith Moodie. Still Life, Flowers, Helen Corby. Still Life, Birds, Edith Moodie. Still Life, Apples, Helen Corby. Still Life, Flowers, Helen C orby. Still Life, Flowers, Edith Moodie. Still Life, Flowers, Edith Moodie. Still Life, Corn, Theda Mae Foster. Still Life, Eggs and Barrel, Minnie Hudgins. Still Life, Flowers, Theda Mae Foster. Still Life, Pigeons, Minnie Hudgins. Still Life, Basket and Onions, Theda Mae Foster. 1338 Still Life, Apples, Edith Moodie. 1339 Still Life, Basket and Flowers, Helen Corby. 1340 Still Life, Apples, Addie Lowry. 1341 Still Life, Apples, Minnie Hudgins. 1342 Still Life, Book and Flowers, Theda Mae Foster. 1343 Still Life, Tomatoes, Grace Daly. 1344 Still Life, Bird’s Nest, Helen Corby. 1345 Still Life, Flowers, Theda Mae Foster. 1346 Still Life, Books, Flowers and Drap- ery, Addie Lowry. Paintings — Water Colors. 1347 Still Life, Chestnuts, Ella Lingham, 1348 Design for Maple Leaf Tablet, Mary S. Clark. | 1349 Design for Catalogue, Mary S. Clark. 1350 Design for Maple Leaf Tablet, Edith Moodie. 4 Young Ladies’ College, Brantford.. — President, Rev. Wm. Cochrane, D.D. Lady Principal, Mrs. Rolls. Assistant teachers 17 ; number of students 131. 1351 Photograph of Building, cost $65,000 . Wesleyan Ladies’ College and Conservatory [of Music, Hamilton. Principal, A Burns, S.T.D., LL.D. Professors and Teachers, 18. Number of Pupils, 150. 1351 (a) Photograph of Building, cost $110,000. Academy of Painting, London.— Principal, S. K. Davidson. 1352 Drawing from Life, Amy Buckle. Paintings — Oil Colors. 1353 Still Life, Book, Ink-stands, etc., I 1354 Still Life, Yase, etc., Lizzie Gibson. Lizzie Gibson. Painting — Water Colors. 1355 Landscape, S. K. Davidson. Modelling in Clay. 1356 Baked Clay, Group of Birds, Amy I 1359 Baked Clay, Lion, Amy Buckle. Buckle. | 1360 Plaster Cast, Bust of Female, Amy 1357 Baked Clay, Dog, Amy Buckle. I Buckle. 1358 Baked Clay, Stork, Amy Buckle. j 1361 Baked Clay, Dog, Miss Cooper. Wood Carving. 1362 Specimens of Wood Carving, W. Hale. Original Industrial Designs. 1363 Design for Wood-carving, Anna Cooper. I 1365 Design for Candelabra, Geo. Cooper. 1364 Design for W ood-car ving, Anna Cooper. Architecture and Building Construction. 1366 Queen Post Truss, George Cooper. 1367 Design for Wood Bridge, Walter Hall. 1368 Plan and Elevations for Workman’s Dwelling, Walter Hall. 1369 Order of Architecture (Doric), Geo. Cooper . 1370 Geometrical Projection of Moulding . Geo. Cooper. 1371 Designs for Architectural Ornamenta- tion, Walter Hall. i 60 Ladies’ Colleges— Pupils’ Work. Machine Drawing. 1372 Mill Gearing from Model, Walter Hall. 1373 Mechanical Drawing, C. L. House- man. 1374 Machine Drawing from Model, Walter Hall. 1375 Vertical Engine, C, L. Houseman. 1376 Geometrical Drawing of Screw, Walter Hall. 1377 Elevation of Screw and Nut, C. Houseman . 1378 Machine Drawing from Model, Geo. Cooper . 1379 Side Elevation of Double Blowing; Engine, C. L. Houseman. 1380 Monkey Wrench, C. L. Houseman. Hellmuth College, London.— Principal, Rev. E. N. English, M.A. (Photographs of Hellmuth College.) 1381 Hellmuth College, General View. 1382 A Rustic Bridge. 1383 On the Verandah 1384 In the Grounds. 1385 A Science Class at Work. 1386 Decorative Art Exhibit. 1387 A Student’s Room. 1388 View from the College. 1389 A Sketching Class. 1390 In the Studio. 1391 The Cascade. 1392 View up the Ravine. 1393 Private Studio. 1394 A Sketch Class. 1395 A Riding Party. 1396 The College Lawn. 1397 Out-door Games on the Lawn, 1393 A Drawing Room. 1499 In the Studio. 1400 In the Library. 1401 Lake in the Grounds. 1402 One of the Rooms. 1403 A Riding Lesson. 1404 Second Year Art Work. 1405 First Year Art Work. 1406 Art Director’s Private Studio. 1407 Carving and Modelling Studies., Paintings — Oil Colors. Mounted in frames. 1408 Life Class Study, E. Burwell. 1409 Japanese Study, Belle Wilson. Paintings — Water Colors. 1410 Still Life Study, Belle Wilson. 1411 Japanese Study, Emily Gunn. 1412 Old Mill, E. Burwell. Miscellaneous. 1413 Pen and Ink Etching, Dora House- 1 1414 Copper-plate Etching, Emily Gunn, man. Alma College, St. Thomas. - 1415 Photograph of Building. Paintings- 1416 Still Life, Lamp, etc., Minnie Cullen. 1417 Still Life, Corn, Alberta Soper. 1418 Interior of Studio, Carlotta B. Beattie. 1419 Still Life, Banjo and Music Sheet, Winnifred Marlatt. 1420 Still Life, Piicher, Bread, etc., Jennie Love. 1421 Still Life, Fruit, etc., Carlotta Beattie. Paintings — 1427 Still Life, Decanter and Wine Glass, Winnifred Marlatt. 1428 Still Life, Onions, M. L. Beckwith. 1429 Still Life, Old Books, Mary P. Procter. 1430 Still Life, Teapot, etc., Winnifred Marlatt. 1431 Still Life, Old Leaves and Fruit, Annie Gardiner Barr. Principal , Rev. B. F. Austin , M.A. Oil Colors, 1422 Still Life, Fruit, etc., Oranges, Annie' Gardiner Barr. 1423 Still Life, Fruit etc., Corn and Jar, Winnifred Marlatt. 1424 Still Life, Vegetables, Onions and Potatoes, Alberta Soper. 1425 Still Life, Book and Candlestick, Mary P. Procter. 1426 Still Life, Basket and Apples, Jennie Love. Vater Colors. 1432 Still Life, Oranges, M. L. Beckwith. 1433 Still Life, Leaves and Berries, Minnie Cullen. 1434 Still Life, Books, Minnie Cullen. 1435 Still Life, Vase, Flowers, etc., Winni fred Marlatt. Ladies’ Colleges -School of Practical Science— Pupils’ Work. 61 Painting on China. r I436 Specimen of China Painting (1 piece), 1438 Specimen of China Painting (5 Edith Burns. pieces), Carlotta Beattie. 4437 Specimens of China Painting (5 pieces), Annie M. Barr, Original Industrial Designs. 1440 Design for Maple Leaf Tablet, Carlotta Beattie. 1441 Design for Maple Leaf Tablet, Winni- fred Marlatt. 1442 Design for Tile, Mary P. Proctor. 1443 Design for Tile, Mary P. Proctor. 1439 Design for Wall-paper, Carlotta Beattie. Miss Veale’s School, Toronto. Paintings— Water Colors. 1444 Still Life, Vase and Flowers, Belle Taylor. 1445 Still Life, Vase and Peacock Feathers, Belle Taylor. 1446 Still Life, Books and Vase, Belle Taylor. 1447 Still Life, Oranges, C. Me Arthur. 1448 Still Life, Oranges, J. Wallbridge. 1449 Still Life, Study, J. Wallbridge. 1450 Still Life, Flowers, J. Wallbridge. 145 L Still Life, Onions, C. McArthur. 1452 Still Life, Plums, C. Me Arthur. 1453 Still Life, Vase and Flowers, C. Mc- Arthur. Ontario Ladies’ College, Whitby.— Principal, Rev. J. J. Hare , Ph.D. Paintings — Oil Colors. 1454 Still Life, Onions, Beatrice Dartnell. .1455 Still Life, Teapot, Urn and Cakes, Beatrice Dartnell. 1456 Still Life, Flower Vase, Jessie Cade. 1457 Still Life, Glass and Lemons, Jessie r 4 Cade. 1458 Still Life, Basket of Apples, A. Barlow. 1459 Still Life, Flower Vase, A. Barlow. >1460 Still Life, Books, Vase and Drapery, M. Montgomery. 1461 Still Life, Fruit, etc., Miss McDougall. 1462 Still Life, Vase, Books, etc., Miss McDougall. 1463 Still Life, Vase and Fruit, J. Cade. 1464 Still Life, Tomatoes, Miss McDougall. 1465 Still Life, Book and Candlestick, M. Montgomery. 1466 Still Life, Oranges, spoon, etc., Bea- trice Dartnell. Paintings — Water Colors. 1467 Still Life, Books, Inkstand, etc., Miss Johnston. 1468 Still Life, Candlestick, etc., Maggie Montgomery. ,1468a Still Life, Melons, Maggie Mont- gomery. 1469 Still Life, Apples, Miss Johnston. 1470 Still Life, Vase and Feathers, Miss Barlow. 1471 Still Life, Fruit, etc,, Miss Barlow. 1472 Still Life, Apples, Miss Johnston. 1473 Still Life, Apples, etc., B. Dartnell. Original Industrial Designs. 1474 Design for Book Catalogue, Miss Cade. I 1476 Design for Catalogue, Miss Barlow. ■1475 Design for Book Catalogue, Beatrice | 1477 Design for Catalogue, Miss Cade. Dartnell. CLASS III. 4 1 School of Practical Science, Toronto. — Principal, J . Galbraith, M.A. Assoc. M. Inst., C. E. Number of Instructors, 25. (For further statistics see Chart 29.) Cost of Building, $100,000. 1478 Photograph of Building. 1479 Photographs of Machinery Depart- ment. First Year Drawings — Portfolio A. 1480 Stress Sheet Cantilever, A. H. Hark- ness. 1481 Stress Sheet, No. 2, W. Blachforcb 1482 Stress Sheet, No. 3, L. L. Brown 1483 Stress Sheet, French Truss, George Self. 1484 Stress Sheet, French Truss, J. W. Evans. 1485 Stress Sheet, Howe Truss. 1486 Resultant Force, H. R. Wade. iL487 Resultant Couple, F. W. Guernsey. 1488 Shearing Forces and Bending Move- ments, A. C. Johnston. 1489 Stress Sheet, Pratt Truss, H. H. Moore . 1490 Stress Sheet, Pratt Truss, J. W. Evans. 1491 Revolution of Triangle, George A. Brebner . 1492 Section of Pyramid, G. Johnson. 1493 Isometric Projection, C. H. Hewett. 1494 Oblique Projection, H. Gibson. 62 School of Practical Science— Pupils’ Work. 1495. Oblique Projection, N. M. Lash. 1490. Axonometric Projection, F. M. Bell- smith . 1497. Oblique Projection of Table, It. R. Shipe . 1498. Oblique Projection of Models, W. T. Main. 1506. Plotting by Latitudes and Departures, J. F. Apsey. 1507. Plotting by Latitudes and Departures, W. J. Francis. 1508. Hill Sketching, R. B. Evans. 1509. Hill Sketching, A. T. Tye. 1510. Optical Diagrams, George A. Brebner. 1511. Uniform Hatching, It. J. Campbell. 1512. Framing Details, George Self. 1513. Wall, Box and Bearing, O. E. Har- man. 1514. Pillow Block, R. M. Brown. 1515. Cylinder Cover with Stuffing Box, H. T. Wood. 1516. Feed Va’ve, F. It. Wickson. 1499. Oblique Drawing, B. A. Ludgate. 1 500. Isometric Drawing, C. H. Pinkey. 1501. Practice Sheet, A. E. Blackwood. 1502. Practice Sheet, R. C. C. Tremaine. 1503. Survey of Points, J. T. Clark. 1504. Survey of Buildings, F . W. Guernsey. 1505. Compass Survey, A. H. Harkness. io B. 1517. Table for Planer, N. M. Lash. 1518. Shaft Couplings, Wm. Mirny. 1519. Link Motion, A. K. Spotton. 1520. Riveted Joints, D. G. Boyd. 1521. Fly Wheel, N. M. Lash. 1522. Sliding Expansion Joint, W. A. Lea. 1523. Pillow Block or Pedestal, H. Fitz- simmons. 1524. Compound Slide Rest, A. R. Goldie. 1525. Compound Slide Rest (details), A. R Goldie. 1526. Floor Bracket, R. T. Wright. 1527. Plans of Egyptian and Greek Temples* J. Walker. Second Year Drawings — Portfolio C. 1528. Centre of Gravity, J. B. Hanly. 1529. Moments of Inertia, H. B. Sims. 1530. Curve of Flexible Posts, G. L. Brown. 1531. Stress Sheet, Angus McTaggart, 1532. Connecting Rods, A. K. Spotton. 1533. Piston Velocity Diagrams, J. M. Robertson . 1534. Virtual Centres, N. M. Lash. 1535. Crank Effort, Diagram, W. A. Bucke. 1536. Photographs, J. M. Robertson. 1537. Crank Effort, Diagram, A. V. White. 1538. Virtual Centres, Diagram, C. G. Milne . 1549. Acceleration Diagram, W. A. Bucke. 1540. Gear and Rack (Involute Teeth), J . B. Hanly. 1541. Gear and Rack (Cycloidal Teeth), J. M. Robertson. 1542. Involute Teeth, A. V. White. 1543. Ellipse, H. H. Gibson. 1544. Parabola, J. Chalmers. 1545. Hyperbola, S. M. Johnson. 1546. Helix, H. Rolph. 1547. Intersection of Cylinders H. H._ Gibson . 1548. Intersection of Cylinder and Cone,. R. T. Wright. 1549. Development of Cylinder and Cone,. Wm. Minty. 1550. Revolution of Cone, J. Chalmers. 1551. Orthographic Projection of Sphere, J. E. Jones. 1552. Stereographic Projection of Sphere v E. J. Boswell. 1553. Graphic Determination of Latitude,. W. J. Francis. Portfolio D. 1554. Doric Order from Parthenon, J . A . Ewart . 1555. Egyptian Decoration, R . E. Williams. 1556. Egyptian Decoration, Colored, Wm. Fingland. 1557. Jupiter Stator, J. A. Ewart. 1558. Niche, J. A. Ewart. 1559. Niche, Wm. Fingland. 1560. Composite Portico, Wm. Fingland. 1561. Section of Composite Portico, Wm. Fingland. 1562. Portico, C. E. Langley. 1563. Tower of School of Practical Science, J. A. Ewart. 1564. Frieze, R. E. Williams. 1565. Details of Framing, W . J . Francis . 1566. Cellar (plan of), J. E. Jones. 1567. Framing Copy, S. M. Johnson. 1568. Practice Sheet, (flat wash), Wm. Minty . 1569. Practice Sheet (flat wash), J. E. Jones. 1570. Practice Sheet (graded tint), A. E. Bergey . 1571. Practice Sheet (Graining), H. H _ Gibson . 1572. Cylinder Shading, H. H. Gibson. 1573. Marine Engine Piston, Wm. Minty. 1574. Land Engine Piston, R. W. Angus. 1575. Lift and Force Pump, A. C. Johnston. 1576. Feed Pump, A. K. Spotton. 1577. Portion of Union Pacific Railway, H . Rolf. 1578. Topographical Exercise, H. H. Gibson. 1579. Township 3, Range 15, West, J. E Jones. 1580. Part of Rocky Mountains Park, J. E„.. Jones. 1581. Hill Sketching, E. J. Laschinger. 1582. Hill Sketching, R. B. Watson. School of Practical Science, Etc. 63 Third Year Drawings —Portfolio E. 1583. Stress Sheet, Single Strutted Beam, W. J. Francis. 1584. Stress ^heet, Double Strutted Beam, R. B. Watson. 1585. Working Drawing of Double Strutted Beam, F. N. Speller. 1586. Working Drawin i of Double Strutted Beam, W. J. Francis. 1587. Ellipse of Stress, N. L. Playfair. 1588. Pressure of Earth, T. H. Alison. 1589. Curve of Saturated Steam, W. Mines. 1590. Compressed Air, Diagram, C. Forrester . 1591. Relative Potential Diagram, J. M. Robertson . 1592. Shadow of Model, G. L. Brown. 1593 . Shadow of Cone, A . J . McPherson. 1594. Shade and Shadow of Sphere, H. F. - Ballantyne. 1595. Shadow of Models, V. G. Marani. 1596. Perspective of Model, J. M. Fair- bairn , 1597. Perspective and Diagonals and Per- pendiculars, C. Forrester. 1598. Perspective by vanishing Points, L. C. Charlesworth . 1599. Perspective of Arches, A. L. Mc- Alister. 1600. Perspective of House, Jos. Keele. 1601. Perspective of Shadow, A. V. White. 1602. Sphere Shading, H. F. Ballantyne. 1603. Shading of Surfaces, T . H . Dunn. Portfolio F. 1604. Measured Drawing, Wm. Fingland. 1605. Study of Decoration, C. E. Langley. 1606. Details of Window, Wm. Fingland. 1607. Niche, Jos. Keele. 1608. Profile of Road R. W. Thomson. 1609. Cross Sections, A. J. McPherson . 1610. Estate of William A. Morland, W. J. Francis. 1611. Colored Topography, A. J. McPherson. 1612. Energy Diagram, A . R . Goldie . 1613. Details of Locomotion, J. M. Robert- son. 1614. Details of Locomotion F. L. Lash. 1615. Rotating Slotting Machine, W. A. Lea. 1616. Governor, A. R. Goldie. 1617. Stress Sheet, Howe Truss, G. E. Silvester. 1618. Bridge Design, A. E. Lott. 1619. Bridge Design, B. A. Ludgate. 1620. Bridge Design, C. H. Mitchell. 1621. Bridge Design, Details, E. J. Laschinger. 1622. Architectural Copy, F. N. Speller. 1623. Porte du Palais de Justice Paris, W. J. Francis. 1624. Iron Fence, R. B. Watson. Portfolio G. 1625. Pen Drawings, H. F. Ballantyne. Portfolio H. 1626. Pen Drawings, H. F. Ballantyne. CLASS IV. -AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES, ETC. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph— Affiliated with Toronto University. President James Mills , M.A. , LL.D ; number of teachers 14; pupils 217. (For further statistics see Chart 31.) 1627. Photograph of Building. 1628. Photograph — Lesson on butter-mak- ing. 1629. Photograph — Lesson on cheese-mak- ing. Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto— In Connection with the Council of the Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario. Principal, Andrew Smith, V.S., Edin., F.R.C. V.S., etc., etc. Professors 9; number of students 350 ; total number of graduates 1,750. a large portion of these are resident in the United States. 1630. Photograph of Building, cost $70,000. This is probably the most commodi- ous and complete veterinary college on this continent . 1631. Photograph of students, 1893. 1632. Photograph of microscopical Room. 1033. Photograph of anatomical dissections, prepared by students . (A gold medal is auarded annually by the Toronto Industrial Exhibition Association for the best dissected specimen prepared by a student of this college.) 64 Mechanics’ Institutes— Pupils’ Work. CLASS V.— MECHANICS’ INSTITUTES. Superintendent Dr. S. P. May, C. L .H. Mechanics’ Institutes which conform with the regulations and requirements of the Educa- tion Department are entitled to an annual grant which is limited to $150 for library, $50 for Reading-room, $100 for Evening classes and $50 for membership. In 1892, 233 Institutes and Free Libraries were paid grants . For statistics see Chart No. 24 Caledonia Mechanics’ Institute.— President T F. j. Bums, M.D. Pupils’ work bound in volumes. 1634. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Durham Mechanics’ Institute.— President, James Gun, M.D. Pupils’ work bound in volumes. 1635. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Elmira Mechanics’ Institute.— President, Solomon Laschinger. Pupils’ work bound in volumes. 1636. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing . Garden Island Mechanics’ Institute.— President, John Mullin 1637. Model of proposed steamship “S. P. 1638. Drawing of Hull — John Dix. May” for navigating the new St. 1639. Drawing of Engine — John Jjix. Lawrence canals — Thomas Brian. The model was designed and made by Mr. Thomas Brian and the drawings of hull and engine by Mr. John Dix. Both of these gentlemen are members of the Garden Island Mechanics’ Institute. Any merit r in either the model or the drawings may be attributed to the lessons received in said Institute, as the designers never had the privilege of getting any other. Milton Mechanics’ Institute.— President, John S. Deacon. Pupils’ work bound in volumes . 1640. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective, Model and Memory Drawing. Owen Sound Mechanics’ Institute, —President, R. McKnight. Pupils’ work bound in volumes. 1641. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Perspective Model and Memory Drawing. Peterborough Mechanics’ Institute Machine Drawing. 1642. ( a ) Bevel wheels, (6) Spring safety valve, (c) Locomotive eccentric, ( d ) Link' motion, (e) Marine boiler. — R. L. Hamilton. 1643. Footstep bearing — Geo. Atkinson. 1644. Gear wheel — Russell Evans . 1645. Mitre wheel — H. G. Hilliard. 1646. Marine piston rod, etc. — L. C Adam. 1647. Pedestal, half size — Jas. H. Metherel. 1 648. (a)Locomotive connecting rod, (fr)Flange coupling — R. 0. Claxton. 1649. Slide valve, full size — W. F. Connal. 1650. 3" stop valve, half size — H. G. Hil- liard . Shedden Mechanics’ Institute.— President. W, L. MacKenzie. Pupils’ work bound in volumes. 1651. Specimens of Time Studies in Freehand, Geometry, Model and Memory Drawing. PART VI.— HIGHER EDUCATION. CLASS I.— UNIVBKSITIBS. University of Toronto. —President James Loudon , M.A. (See Statistical Chart No. 30 for number of graduates, etc. 1652. Photograph of mam Building, erected 1858, destroyed by fire 1890, re- stored 1892. 1653. Photograph of Biological Building erected 1890. 1654 . Photograph of Library, erected 1893 . Bound in volumes. 1655. Convocation Address 1890, 1892 — Hon. Edward Blake, Chancellor. 1656. Calendar 1891-92. 1657. Calendar 1892-93. 1658. Curriculum in Arts 1889-90, 1891-95. 1659. Curriculum in Law 1891-95. 1660. Curriculum in Pharmacy, 1892. 1661. Curriculum in Dentistry, 1888 . 1662. Curriculum in Music. 1663. College residence — Sir Daniel Wilson. 1664. Medical Education in Ontario — Sir Daniel Wilson. 1665. Medical Calendar 1890-91. 1666. Medical Calendar 1891-92. 1667- Medical Calendar 1892-93. 1668. Report of the Committee on the Faculty of Medicine, on reorganiza- ;> tion, 1892. 1669. Report of the Committee on the Faculty of Medicine on Hospital Faculties, 1892. Victoria University, Toronto— Federated with the University of Toronto. President N. Burwash , S.T.D. , LL.D. Number of professors and lecturers 13 ; number of students 236. (See Statistical Chart No. 30 for number of graduates, etc.) 1670. Photograph of Building, Cost of building and grounds $320,000. 1671. Photograph of Library . 1672. Photograph of Chapel. 1673. Calendar for 1882 with examination papeis. 1674. Students of Victoria University, 1886. 1675. Report of Board of Regents, 1890. 1676. Calendar of 1890 with catalogue of graduates. 1677. Calendar of 1891-2 with examination papers in Arts and Law. 1678. Monthly Journal, Acta Victoriana, published by the students 1892-3. 1679. Calendar for 1892-3. CLASS II.— COLLEGES. St. Michael’s College, Toronto— Affiliated with the University of Toronto. Superior, Rev. J. T. Teefy , B.A. , C.S.B. Number of professors, 21 ; number of students , 160. 1680. Photograph of Building. Cost of Building, $150,000. Toronto College of Music, Toronto— Affiliated with University of Toronto. Musical Director , F. H. Torrington. Assistant teachers 50 ; number of pupils 500. 1681. Photograph of Building, cost $30,000. I 1683. Photograph of office. 1682. Photograph of Library. | 1684. Photograph of stage in concert hall. Trinity Medical College, Toronto— Affiliated with the University of Toronto. Dean of Faculty, W. B. Geikie, M.D., F.R.C.S.E. Professors and lecturers 25 ; students 280. 1685. Photograph of Building, cost Building and ground, $20 000. 1686. Photograph of Dissecting room. of 1687. Photograph of Chemical Laboratory. 1688 . Photograph of Histological and Patho- logical Laboratory. Ontario College of Pharmacy, Toronto— Affiliated with University of Toronto. Principal, Ghas. F. Heebner , Ph. G., Phm. B. Assistant teachers 3 ; number of pupils 100. 1689. Photograph of Building, cost $54,- 000 . 1690. Photograph of Microscopical Labora- tory. 5 (E.) 1691. Photograph of Pharmacal Labora- tory. 1692. Photograph of Chemical Laboratory. PART VII.— EDUCATION OF THE BLIND AND THE DEAF AND DUMB. Ontario Institution for the Blind, Brantford.— Principal A. H. Dymond. Officers, teachers and Instructors 17 ; number of pupils 11/0. (For further statistics see Chart 83.) 1693. Photograph of Building. 1694. Photograph of Gymnasium. 1695. Photograph of Kindergarten Class . 1696. Photographs — 6 interior views. Kindergarten work mounted in frames. 1697. Specimens of Paper-folding — Mosaic. 1698. Specimen Maple Leaf Device. 1799. Specimens of Modelling in Clay. 1700. Specimens of Bead-work. 1701. Specimens of Basket- weaving work in frames. 1702 . Specimens of Machine and Hand Knit- ting, Sewing, Crochet Work, etc. 1703. Book Illustrating — reading by touch . 1704. Stalker’s Life ot' Christ (in line.) 1705. Julius Caesar (in point print.) Books Transcribed in point by Blind Pupils. 1706. Hiawatha. 1 1708. Music. 1707. Lady of the Lake. Apparatus for Teaching. 1709. Point Print Slate with Brass Guide. I 1710 (a) Model for Chair. 1710. Grooved Writing Card with Specimen. | Basket. Pupils' Work. 1710 (c) Specimens of Chairs and Baskets in Willow and Rattan. Dissected Maps . 1711. Map of the United Kingdom. I 1712. Map of Holy Land. 1711 (a) Map of Dominion of Canada. ( b ) Model for Ontario Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville.— Superintendent R. Mathcson. Officers, Teachers and Instructors 31 ; number of pupils 285. (For further statistics see Chart 32.) 1713. Photograph of Building. 1714. Photograph of Convention of Mute Association held in Belleville, 1888. 1715. Photograph of Convention held at Toronto, 1890. Pupils’ work bound in volumes. 1716. Specimens of Examination Papers — Manual alphabet and Grammar ; 1st grade. 1717. Specimens of Examination Papers — Grammar and Arithmetic ; 2nd grade. 1718. Specimens of Examination Papers — Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography and Penmanship ; 3rd grade. 1719. Specimens of Examination Papers— Arithmetic - , Geography, Language, and Penmanship, 4th grade. 1720. Specimens of Examination Papers — Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, Penmanship, 5th grade. Specimens of Examination Papers — Arithmetic, Canadian History, Geo- graphy, Grammar and Penmanship, 6th grade. 1721. Specimens of Examination Papers — Arithmetic, Canadian History, Geo- graphy, Language, Compgsition and Penmanship ; 7th grade. INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT. Shoe Shop. — Mr. William Nurse , Instructor. 1722. Men’s Light Sewed Boots, made by Duncan Bloom. 1723. Men’s Heavy Sewed Boots, made by John A. Isbister. 1724. Farmers’ Heavy Kip Boots, made by J. Baziana. 1725. Farmers’ Light Calf Boots, made by Duncan Bloom. 1726. Boys’ School Boots, made by John A. Isbister. 1727. Girls’ School Boots, made by John A. Isbister. 1728. Women’s Laced Boots, made by Dun- can Bloom. 1729. Brogans, made by James Chantler. 1730. Slippers, made by J. Baziana. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb — Other Institutions— Pupils Work. 67 Sewing Class. — Miss Gallagher , Instructress. 1731. Suit of Clothes, made by Robert Hanson. 1732. Suit of Clothes, matde by Hepzibeth Hoggard. 1733. Girls’ Dress, made by Aggie McFar- land. 1734. Ladies’ Apron, made by Frances Cal- vert. 1735. Child’s Pinafore, made by Mabel Ball. 1736. Pair of Mittens, made by Louisa Smith. 1737. Pair of Drawers, made by Lotta Renry. 1738. Pillow shams, made by Maggie Gil- bert. Printing Office. — J. T. Burns , Instructor. Two Volumes of “ Canadian Mute.” Art Department.— Mrs. S. C. Baits, Instructor. Paintings— Oil Colors. 1739. Spring Time — Ada James. I 1741. Cow’s Head — Miss Lotta Henry. 1740. Lake Study — Lotta James. Paintings— Water Colors. 1742. Autumn Landscape — Miss Bella Her- I 1743. Bird Study — Miss Lotta Henry, rington. | 1744. Arab — Miss Annie McPhail. Crayon Drawing. 1745. Hebe — Miss Minnie Hayward. 1746. Clytie — Miss Jessie Munro. 1747. Hand Study — Miss Jessie Munro. 1748. Baby’s Face — Nelson Wood. 1749. Leaves — Miss Rachel Leggatt. 1750. Laughing Faces — Miss Maggie Borth- wick. 1751. Greek Vase — Joseph Dubois. 1752. Group — Ethel Irvine. . PART VIII.— OTHER PROVINCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Ontario Mercer Reformatory for Females and Refuge for Girls.— Mrs. M. J. O'Reilly Superintendent. 1753. Specimens of Hand-sewing and Crochet Work. — Child’s Kate Grenaway Dress. Ontario Asylum for Idiots, Orillia.— Medical Superintendent, A. H. Beaton, M.D. 1754. Crayon Drawing of Building. 1755. Photograph of School Building. 1756. Photograph of School — Boys’ Dining- room. 1757. Photograph of Sitting-room. 1758. Photograph of Dining-room. 1759. Photograph of Corridor. 1760. Photograph of School-room No. 1. 1761. Photograph of School-room No. 2. 1762. Photograph of School- room No. 3. 1763. Photograph of School room No. 4. 1764. Photograph of Girls’ Dormitory. 1765. Photograph of Assembly Hall. Pupils' Work [feeble minded) — Kindergarten. Specimens of Drawing. Specimens of Drawing (original.) Specimens of Needle-pricking (original.) Sewing , Knitting, etc. Specimens of Aprons. Specimens of Button- holes. Specimen of Crochet Work — Skirt. Specimens of Crochet Work — Pair shoes. Specimens of Doilies. Specimens of Handkerchief (hemmed). Specimen of Knitting — Scarf. Specimens of Needle-pricking (colors.) Specimens of Perforated Card Sewing. Specimens of Parquetry. ng, etc . Specimen of Knitting — Shawl. Specimens of Needle- work. Specimens of Needle-work, Specimen Shoe Pocket. Specimen Wash Cloth. Specimen Tray Cloth, 68 Addenda, 3 0112 06068338 ADDENDA. Knox College Toronto. (Affiliated with the University of Toronto). Principal, Wm. Cavan ' jj'D. Professors and Teachers , IQ ; number of Students, 116. 1766 Photograph of Building. Cost $130,000. Huron College London. (Affiliated with the University of Toronto). Principal, Rev. Herbert, by Huron OO g , V Miller, M. A. ; number of students, 17. 1767 Photograph — Cost of Buildings and Grounds, $55,000. Art School, Hamilton. ( See also p. 55.) Paintings — Water Colors . 1768 Spring- John S. Gordon. Original Industrial Designs. 1769 Design for Painted Ceiling, M. Jack- son. . _ T i 1770 Design for Painted Ceiling, M. Jack- son. 1771 Design for Sideboard, M. Sheed. 1772 Design for Sideboard, John S. Gordon. 1773 Design for Book-cover, John S. Gordon. Architecture , etc. • 1774 Design for Public School, C. W. Littlehales. 1775 Design, ditto, (ground plan) C. W. Littlehales. 1776 Design for Art School, J. A. Gillard. 1777 Design, ditto, (ground plan) J. A. Gillard. 1778 Design, ditto, (details) J. A. Gillard. Machine Drawing. 1779 Drilling Machine, C. W. Littlehales. 1780 Nonpareil Feed Mill (Front and Side), Thos. Cockburn. 1781 Nonpareil Feed Mill (front with cover removed), Thos. Cockburn. 1782 Corliss Engine, Alex. Fraser. (Institutions not under the administration of the Education Department.) 1783 Photograph of Building, etc. Cost $400,000. Northern Business College, Owen Sound .-Principal, C. A. Fleming. 1784 Specimen of Ornamental Penmanship. 1785 Self Instruction in Penmanship. 1786 Thirty Lessons in Punctuation. 1787 How to Write a Business Letter. , Group 154. 1788 The Laws of Business. Blass juo. 1789 Expert Book-keeping. 1790 Practical Mensuration.