n pibrarj, '^g. f . : #& m : \P^W^ ^1.' : j- i - 1 AN- v . F-41A- ( fa -Sfv ' V:H^scJ>M ^ ^ f< -' g^C^S:^ *S>'*. ' / _^-^S^<^ '*-- ^. Itv^rs^rf-jv tir^m '~~^3*- \ :,'<,- I ;-v \ -;3S^*>' \ ! '* *?>-Lj -^ ~- ~~SU^- \ ; S ' -x \ - ~ ^^ - i wi/ ; i * m^ & . ~'^^W^ : ^^ ^ ^w^n x> ; :s ;^ Sr ^'t,^; ) / ^ ^A'^' -r" UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Agricultural Experiment Station, CHAMPAIGN, MAY, 1891. BULLETIN NO. 16. EXPERIMENTS IN PICTFEEDING. This article gives results of experiments in feeding pigs in 1888, 1889, and 1890. These experiments are reported in full or in part: No. 60. Feeding Value for Pigs of Corn, Corn and Grass, and Grass. No. 87. Comparative value of Soaked and Dry Corn. No. 27. Value in Feeding Pigs of Droppings from Cattle. No. 1 13. 'Apple Pomace, Methods of Preserving, and Feeding Value for Pigs. Corn is the great- fattening food for pigs in a large part of the United States. In eight trials in which corn only was fed, aside from salt and coal slack, pigs varying in average weight from 65 to 290 Ib. and kept in pens or small lots without grass, gained at the rate of from 10.46 Ib. to 14.73 Ib- P er bushel, 56 Ib. shelled corn, the average gain being 12.36 Ib. The rate of gain for food eaten, and the food eaten in proportion to weight decreased after four or six weeks feeding with corn only. The corn eaten per day varied from 3.41 Ib. eaten by pigs averaging 65.58 Ib. to 10.71 Ib. eaten by pigs weighing 311 Ib. The corn eaten per day per 100 Ib. live weight varied from 1.95 Ib. eaten by pigs fed 84 days and aver- aging 207 in weight, to 5.19 Ib. eaten by pigs averaging 65.58 Ib. In one case in the fourth week of pen feeding two pigs gained 3.21 Ib. each per day at the rate of 16.81 Ib. per bushel of corn. This was the greatest gain per day and was also the best rate of gain in any trial. There seemed to be no constant relation between the weight of the pigs or the season of the year and the food eaten or the gains made. In four trials, pigs fed all they would eat of shelled corn with blue grass pasture ate 4,216.5 Ib. of corn and gained 905 Ib., which was at the 498 BULLETIN NO. 1 6. rate of 12.04 Ib. gain per bushel of corn. Pigs under like conditions, except that they were fed but half as much corn, ate 2,190 Ib. of corn and gained 505 Ib , which was at the rate of 12.93 Ib. per bushel. Pigs in dry lots fed shelled corn ate 4,207 Ib of corn and gained 790.5 Ib., which was at the rate of 10.52 Ib. per bushel. After periods varying from six to nine weeks, the pigs which had been fed a half ration of corn on pasture, were given a full feed of corn, the others being fed as before. In three trials lasting four or five weeks each, the pigs which had had a full feed of corn throughout ate 1,796 Ib. of corn and gained 329 Ib., which was at the rate of 10.11 Ib. per bushel. Those which had been fed a half feed of corn in the first part of the trials ate 2,075.5 Ib. of corn in the second part and gained 462.5 Ib., which was at the rate of 12.5 Ib. per bushel. Those fed corn only ate 1,624.5 Ib. of corn and gained 224 Ib., which was at the rate of 7.44 Ib. per bushel. In two trials pigs fed soaked corn ate more and gained more than those fed dry corn. In one trial they gained more and in one less in pro- portion to food eaten than those fed dry corn. The differences were not great in either case. Two pigs in a two-acre pasture in which three yearling steers were fed corn gained in 24 weeks 195 Ib. In a second trial two pigs with like conditions gained 231 Ib. in 31 weeks. In neither case was the gain large. In each case the pigs at the close of the trial were in good condition for full feeding and made largj gains when so fed. A trial of apple pomace as food for pigs resulted unsatisfactorily. The pomace kept well; chemical analysis of it showed an apparently good composition for feeding purposes; but the pigs ate very* little of the pomace. Experiment No. 60. Feeding Value of Corn, of Corn and Grass, and of Grass for Pigs. Four trials were made during 1888, 1889, and 1890 to compare the results in pig feeding of giving corn only, and a full or partial ration of corn with grass. In one trial a set of pigs had no other food than grass. In all cases coal slack and salt were supplied. In the first trial the pigs were kept in pens one rod square, these being moved as necessary. In the later trials the pigs with grass were kept in lots containing one-quarter acre each of blue grass sod of ten years' standing. The pigs fed corn only were kept in lots as nearly as possible free from vegetation. The pigs were Poland-Chinas nearly alike in age and weight in each trial; but the lots selected for the several trials differed considerably, as shown by the average weights at the commencement of each trial, which were 45, 178, 128, and 6 1 Ib., respectively. The summer of 1888 was characterized by unusual drought. Grass grew little and was in poor condition in the latter part of the season. Under these conditions three pigs, lot G, with no other food than grass, 1891.] EXPERIMENTS IN PIG FEEDING. 499 lost 27.5 lb. from July 2oth to Sept. loth, losing nearly all of this during the first 10 days. With full feed of corn these pigs gained 54.5 lb. in four weeks, which was less than the gain of either of the other lots in the experiment. Probably older pigs would have done better, but it seemed so evident that it is unprofitable to confine pigs to a grass diet solely, that further trials were not made. During the same season, for the six weeks from July 3oth to Sept. loth, the three pigs, lot H, with a full feed of corn with grass ate 412.5 lb. of shelled corn and gained 114 lb., which was a gain of one pound for 3.61 pounds of corn eaten. The three in lot I, which received a half feed of corn with grass, ate 223 lb. corn and gained 59.5 lb. one pound of gain for 3.74 lb. corn eaten. Three in lot K, which received a full feed of corn, but without grass, ate 430.5 lb. of corn and gained 97.5 lb one pound gain for 4.41 lb. corn eaten. By cutting the grass from a square rod of land adjoining the pens each time they were moved, 376 lb. fresh grass, containing 200 lb. dry matter were obtained. This shows approx- imately the quantity of grass to which the pigs in each of the lots, H and I, had access. For the four weeks from Sept. loth to Oct. 8th all the pigs were given all they would eat of new corn. Lot G gained 54.5 lb.; lot H, 64.5 lb.; lot I, 77.5 lb.; lot K, 66.5 lb. The quantity of corn eaten was not deter- mined. In 1889 the three pigs of lot B with a full feed of corn and grass, in eight weeks from June i7th to August i2th, ate 788 lb. of corn and gained 136 lb., which was one pound of gain for 5.79 lb. of corn. The three of lot C with a half feed of corn on grass ate 391 lb. of corn and gained 36 lb., which was one pound gain for 10.86 lb. corn. The three of lot A with a full feed of corn, but without other food, ate 668 lb. of corn and gained 90.5 lb., which was one pound gain for 7.38 lb. corn. For the four weeks from Aug. 1 2th to Sept. gth this experiment was continued, with a full, instead of a half feed of corn to pigs of lot C. During this period lot B ate 412 lb. of corn and gained 81 lb., which was one pound gain for 5.08 lb. corn. Lot C ate 401 lb. corn and gained 91 lb., which was one pound, gain for 4.4 lb. corn. Lot A, ate 354 lb. of corn and gained 60.5 lb., which was one of grain for 5.85 lb. corn. These results are quite notice- able, in that each lot made better gains,, actual and relative, than in the earlier period. The pigs which had had a half feed of corn with grass during the previous eight weeks made the best gain. The pigs without grass ate less than those with corn and grass, but made a fair gain. In 1890, in eight weeks, from May 5th to June 3oth, five pigs, lot B, with full feed of corn and pasture ate 1,665 lb. f corn and gained 363.5 lb., which was one pound gain for 4.58 lb. corn. The five, lot C, with half feed of corn and pasture ate 842 lb. corn and gained 202 lb., which was one pound gain for 4.16 lb. corn. The five, lot A, with a full feed of corn without grass ate 1,795.5 lb. corn and gained 389.5 lb., which was one pound gain for 4.61 lb. corn. 500 BULLETIN NO. 1 6. [May, For the four weeks from June 3oth to July 28th, during which lot C had a full feed of corn, the same as lots A and B, lot A ate 772 Ib. of corn and gained 119.5 Ib., which was one pound gain for 6.46 Ib. corn. Lot B ate 747 Ib. corn and gained 130.5 Ib., which was one pound of gain for 5.72 Ib. corn. Lot C ate 764 Ib. of corn and gained 165 Ib., which was one pound of gain for 4.63 Ib. corn. The results in this trial were noticeable in that during the first period of eight weeks the pigs without grass made larger gain than those with a full feed of corn and grass and with almost exactly the same rate of gain for corn eaten. The fourth trial was commenced Sept. i, 1890, and continued 14 weeks, until Dec. 8th. For the first nine weeks the four pigs in lot B, with a full feed of corn and pasture, ate 1,351 Ib. of corn and gained 291.5 Ib., which was one pound gain for 4.64 Ib. corn. The four in lot C, with a half feed of corn and pasture, ate 734 Ib. of corn and gained 207.5 Ib., which was one pound of gain for 3.53 Ib. corn. The four in lot A, with a full feed of corn without other food, ate 1,313 Ib. of corn and gained 213 Ib., which was one pound gain for 6.16 Ib. corn. From Nov. 3d all the pigs had a full feed of corn. Nov. loth one of the pigs in lot B was injured in weighing and was removed. In the five weeks to Dec. 8th this lot ate 637 Ib. of corn and gained 115.5 Ib., which was one pound gain for 5.51 Ib. corn. The four pigs in lot C ate 910.5 Ib. of corn and gained 206.5 Ib., which was one Ib gain for 4.4 Ib. corn. The four pigs in lot A ate 498.5 Ib. of corn and gained 44.5 Ib., which was one pound gain for 11.2 pound corn. In this trial the pigs with a half feed of corn did better than in any other of the trials. Those fed corn only showed the bad effects of long con- tinued feeding of this kind more decidedly than those under like feeding in either of the other trials. The weather was mild and the blue grass continued to furnish a fair quantity of food until the close of the trial. A summary of these trials is given in the table opposite. GAIN FROM DRY CORN ONLY. A summary of the results from feeding u different lots of pigs in different years and at different seasons with shelled corn, without other food except coal slack and salt, is given in the second table opposite. These pigs were fed as check lots, or means of comparison in exper- iments designed to test comparative value of other foods. The results with lots Nos. i, 2, and n are given for different periods. Among pig feeders in the central western states a gain of 10 Ib. per bushel, 56 Ib. of shelled corn, is commonly considered satisfactory. It will be noticed that in n of the 16 trials reported this gain was exceeded. Only four of the 1 1 lots fell below this gain at any period of the trials reported. The largest gain was 16.81 Ib. per bushel by two pigs averag- ing 311 Ib. in the fourth week of pen feeding. These two pigs had been on grass with access to the droppings from two corn-fed heifers. When EXPERIMENTS IN PIG FEEDING. TABLE SHOWING IN POUNDS THE TOTAL GAIN, THE CORN FED, AND THE POUNDS OF CORN FED FOR EACH POUND GAINED DURING BOTH PERIODS OF EACH OF THE FOUR TRIALS. First Period. No. of Trial. Lots given full feed of corn with grass. Lots given half feed of corn with grass. Lots given corn only. Gain. Corn. Rate. Gain. Corn. Rate. Gain. Corn. Rate. I 2 3 4 114 136 363-5 29I-5 412.5 788 1665 1351 3-6i 5-79 4-58 4.64 59-5 36 202 207.5 223 391 842 734. 3-74 10.86 4.16 3-53 97.5 389-5 213 430-5 668 1795-5 1313 4.41 7-38 4.6 6.16 Total 95 4216.5 4-65 505 2100 4-33 790-5 4207 5-32 Second Period. No. of trial. Same as above. Lots given full feed of corn with grass. Same as above. Gain. . Corn. Rate. Gain. Corn. Rate. Gain. Corn. Rate. i 2 3 4 *64-5 81 130.5 "5-5 *77-5 91 165 206.5 *66.5 60.5 119 44-5 412 747 637 5-o8 5-72 5-49 401 764 910.5 4-4 4-63 4-4 354 772 498.5 5-85 6.46 II. 2 Total 327 1796 462.5 2075-5 4.48 224 1624.5 7-25 *Not included in totals. TABLE SHOWING RESULTS OF FEEDING CORN ONLY TO PIGS. , cT r i i i 2 2 2 3 4 \ 7 8 9 10 II II Time of feeding. 2 c c C- p v; y> 2 p 2, -o M Average weight of pigs. O 8. 5' ^ a *! Oi p X *Tj O o cL V (I "1 Pi p VJ % O a *> g. C w 1* * re S.P. D ' S 1 1-t i* P 3 cu O en iTs. o 3? 8*5' ^ n> 1-1 "O ~_ r_. in 237 250 224 408 255 203 i. 811 Las 71. 4Q 72.07 508 BULLETIN NO. 1 6. \_May, ONE TEST EACH WEEK NOT SUFFICIENT. The table also shows the variation from day to day in the pounds of milk brought by each patron and in the per cent, of butter fat in the same. Although the quantity of milk and the test is about the same every day for one patron, these figures show that a test of the milk only once in a week may not be sufficiently accurate to warrant the adoption of a weekly test of the milk as the percentage of butter fat to be used in paying the patron for the milk he brings. For instance, the table shows that the total milk brought by patron No. 2 for the week was 805 pounds. If he were paid for his milk by the test made on April pth (3.2 per cent), the account would show that he had brought to the creamery during the week 8o5x-32 = 25.76 lb. of but- ter fat. If, however, the weekly test made on April loth (4 per cent.) were taken, his account would show 8o5x-o4=32.2o lb. of butter fat as his weekly contribution to the creamery. That is, there would be a differ- ence of 6.44 lb. in the total butter fat he should be paid for, depending on which of the two days in the week the test was made. Another illustration of this is shown in the case of patron No. 9, who brought during the week 4,188 lb. of milk. If the weekly test had been made April gih (4 per cent.), the weekly account would show 4,i88x-04= 167.52 lb. butter fat. If the test had been made April i2th (4.6 per cent.) his account would show4,i88x-046 = i92.65 lb. butter fat a difference of 25.13 lb. butter fat in the amount shown by the two days' tests. This is shown in the following table: Patrons. Pounds milk for the week. Per cent. Fat. Pounds fat. No. 2. 805 X -04, "test" on April loth, = 32.20 805 X -032, "test" on April gth, = 25.76 Difference 6.44 No. 9. 4188 X -046, "test" on April I2th, = 192.65 4188 X -4> "test" on April gth, = 167.52 Difference 2 S- I 3 Table r, p. 507, shows the total pounds of milk brought by each patron for the week, an average of the seven daily tests,* and the pounds of butter fat found by multiplying the milk for the week by this average test, also the pounds of butter fat found by adding together the amounts found by testing the milk each day. To obtain the results in the last column requires seven times as much work as to get those in column next to the last, for it necessitates making a test of the milk brought by each patron each day. The small dfffer- ence in the pounds of fat given in these two columns is due to the mathe- matical error from averaging percentages. If the test of the composite samples corresponds to the average of the seven daily tests, paying for the milk by using the composite test is practically as accurate and takes but * The average has been found by dividing by seven the sum of the seven per cents. COMPOSITE MILK SAMPLES. 59 about one-seventh as much work as calculating from a daily test the pounds of butter fat supplied by each patron. TEST OF THE " COMPOSITE " SAMPLES. At the end of the week the jars in series A, B, and C contained a portion of the milk brought by each of the 20 patrons each day of the week. These composite samples were each tested and the results are given in table 2. TABLE 2. COMPARISON OF THE PER CENT. OF BUTTER FAT, OR "TESTS," OF THE "COMPOSITE" MILK SAMPLES COLLECTED /FOR ONE WEEK IN THREE DIFFERENT WAYS, WITH THE AVERAGE OF SEVEN DAILY TESTS OF THE MILK USED IN MAKING THE COMPOSITE SAMPLES. Per cent of butter fat or test of "composite" sample. Average of Series A, B, and C. Patron. the seven Same measure of Constant proportion Same measure of daily tests. milk each day. of pounds of milk. milk each day. Series A, poisoned. Series B, poisoned. Series C,0/pois'n'd I 3.62 3 'f 3-6 3-6 2 3-71 3-8 3-7 3-7 3 3-75 3-7 3-7 3-7 4 3-63 3-8 3-6 3-7 5 3-95 4- . 4-1 4.1 6 3-64 3-7 3-6 3-7 7 3-82 3-9 3-8 3-8 8 4.10 4.1 4- 4.1 9 4-30 4-3 4-4 4-3 10 4.16 4.2 4-2 4-3 ii 3-96 4- 3-9 3-9 12 4-52 4.6 4-6 4.6 13 4.22 4.4 4-4 4.4 14 3-77 3-9 3-9 3-9 IS 3-82 3-8 3-9 3' 16 3-77 3-8 3-8 3-8 17 3-63 3-7 3-6 3-7 18 3-7i 3-8 3-7 3-7 1 9 4.11 4- 4- 4.1 20 3-9 4- 4- 3-9 The milk had not soured in jars A and B, to which the preservative had been added. The cream had separated to some extent but was easily mixed with the milk by first giving the jar a circular motion that causes the milk to revolve in the jar and clean off any cream that sticks to the glass; and then by pouring a few times from one jar to another this milk that was seven days old was as thin and as easily tested as new milk. In the jars of series C, to which no preservative had been added, the milk of the composite samples was sour and curdled; the whey and curd had separated. The butter fat of the milk was of course not de- stroyed; but a pipette filled with sour, curdled milk will not contain a fair proportion of all the constituents of the milk, and consequently such milk cannot be tested until it is thoroughly mixed and contains no lumps of cream or curd. BULLETIN NO. l6. {.May, After some investigation I found that the sour, curdled milk could be safely made for this purpose as thin and homogeneous as new milk by adding to the sour milk about one-half a teaspoonful of "powdered lye" (98 per cent, caustic soda). This lye is sold by grocers in small cans for making soap by dissolving and mixing with grease. By the action of this con- centrated alkali the acid of the sour milk is neutralized and the curd dis- solved so that by pouring the milk from one jar to another it soon be- comes completely mixed and can be successfully tested. The action of the lye on sour milk is hastened by adding it to the milk in small quan- tities so that the lye is dissolved. If one-half a teaspoonful of the lye is thrown into the milk at once, it collects together in a hard lump which is dissolved with difficulty. The whole process of thinning the thick, sour milk with lye is aided by warming the milk at a temperature of 100 to 140 F., and by letting it stand for an hour or more. The time and heat both help the solvent action. Pouring from one jar to another is also an important factor in getting the milk thoroughly mixed. METHODS OF SAMPLING MILK FOR TESTING. Table 3 gives the tests of the same milk from which samples were taken in two or three different ways, by a dipper, by the milk "thief," a small tube, and by a tube in the conductor spout (described in Bulletin No. 14, of this Station, p. 4.62}. The last is perhaps the most nearly automatic, but in some places may be inconvenient. TABLE 3. TEST OF MILK SAMPLES TAKEN FROM LARGE WEIGHING CAN AT A CREAM- ERY BY DIPPER, MILK "THIEF," TUBE IN CONDUCTOR SPOUT. Patron. Dipper. Milk "thief." Tube in con- ductor spout. Patron. Dipper. Milk "thief." Tube in con- ductor spout. I 3.6 $.< II A. e 4.. e 2 4.1 12 4.2 4.2 3 4.4 4.2 17 4.4 4.. c 4 4 7.Q 14 3.8 7.8 3 8 5 4 4.4 1C 3-8 7 Q 6 3.5 ^5 16 4.4 4.* 4 4 7 4-4 4.4 17 3.8 7.6 3.6 8 4 3-Q 18 4 ^.Q "VQ Q 4.1 4 IQ 4 2.Q 4 10 4-5 4.6 20 4-3 4.2 4.1 The results of this trial indicate that there is practically no differ- ence in the methods of taking a sample of milk for testing, if proper care is used. All the results given in this bulletin were obtained by the use of the Babcock "milk tester." APPLICATION OF THE COMPOSITE TEST TO THE DAIRY. This plan of testing composite samples of milk brought to a creamery by its patrons has the same practical value to the dairyman, who may use it in testing each of his cows. COMPOSITE MILK SAMPLES. 5 11 Recording the weight of milk produced by each cow at each milk- ' ing, saving a little of the milk in a fruit jar (labeled with the name or number of the cow), and testing this composite sample at the end of a week will furnish data from which to calculate the amount of butter fat produced by each cow. The following record of observations made with five cows shows that the test of each cow made once for the week on a composite sample was practically as accurate as a daily test. TABLE GIVING DESCRIPTION OF Cows USED, APRIL 24, 1891. No. Weight, ap'r'xim'te ^Age, years, Calved. Expected to calve. i A young Jersey 650 z Over I year ago. September 15. 2 Belle, Jersey 800 n April, 1891. 7 Med, Holstein IOOO 10 Over I year ago. October 31. Jock, Holstein I2OO . IO February 15, 1891. November 31. 5 Med 3d, Holstein . . . 800 2 March, 1891. Good pasture was the only feed the cows had. The milk of each cow was weighed at each milking, and these weights of milk are given in the following table. After weighing the milk from a cow it was thoroughly mixed with a long-handled tin soup ladle and a small quantity, about 1-20 of a quart, poured into a bottle; at the next milking this was repeated, so that the bottle contained equal quan- tities of the a. m. and p. m. milk from the cow. One exception was made to this rule. In the case of cow No. 2, the a. m. milk was not mixed with the p. m. milk; but each collected in a separate bottle, in order to observe the difference, if any, in the test of the morning and the night milk. For each cow there was a different bottle labeled with the name or number of the cow, cow No. 2 having two bottles. In this trial the milk in each bottle was tested every day and a por- tion of it was also poured into a quart glass fruit jar labeled with the name or number of the cow. The table on the next page shows the daily tests of the mixture of a. m. and p. m. milk for four of the cows and the separate tests of the a. m. and p. m. milk of cow No. 2. At the end of the week the jars contained a portion of the milk given by the cows every day of the week. This milk was sour and curdled, but it was completely mixed by the use of the lye as before described in this article. These composite samples of milk were tested at the end of the week and the results are given herewith, compared with the average of the seven daily "tests" of the milk from which was made up the compo- site sample. These figures show that in this trial the test of these cows was prac- tically as accurate when the milk was tested once a week by a composite sample as when a test of the milk was made every day. BULLETIN NO. 1 6. [May, 'TABLE SHOWING WEIGHT AND PER CENT. OF BUTTER FAT, "TEST," OF MILK GIVEN BY FIVE COWS FOR ONE WEEK. Date, 1891. Jersey No. i. Belle, No. 2 Med, No. 3. Jock, No. 4. Med 3rd, No. 5. a.m. p.m. April 27. Daily "weights of milk and -.,, ,. ( Night . p 'l 1.8 cents */ II butter 5 3.8 fat. 21 19 2.6 i3# 9 2.8 Lilk ID. -J Morning II 4.4 "Test" of mixed milk 4 April 28. i-n IL ( Night . . 6^ SK 4.4 io# 6 3.4 2I# 18% 2.8 H/2 9'A 2.7 Mllklb " | Morning & "Test" of mixed milk 3.8 April 29. i i. ( Nipht 6% 4.8 ii 6 5/2 3.3 23 19 2.6 10 9 3 Mllk lb -JMo g rning .. ii 44 "Test" of mixed milk 4 April 30. ...... .. 1 Night . S% & 10 5 1 A 3.4 21 21 2.9 10 10 27 Mllk lb -lMorning 10 4.8 "Test" mixed milk 4.4 May I . . May 2 . . . .... ' ( Night. . 5/2 & 10 5/2 3.2 20^ J 9 26 io# 9 3 Mllk lb '] Morning 9 4.4 "Test" of mixed milk 4 ( Niffht. . . P 4.6 9 \K 3.3 21 22 2.6 9/2 IO 3.2 Mllk lb " | Morning . .. 12 4.4 "Test" of mixed milk 4 May 3 . . .ii 11 ( Night. . . 6 & 9 S . . , 2 ' 3-. Total 3-3 2.8 3-73 6.10 7 65 4-1 Calculated Total from 3-81 the 3-38 composite 2.78 sample 2.62 test. 7.72 4-23 6.16 Further Trials of the "Composite" Test. The milk from these cows has been weighed every day and tested daily for butter fat; a " com- posite " sample of the milk from each cow has also been saved during the same time and tested every week. Up to date [June 22d~\ seven com- parisons have been made with each of these five cows of a seven-days- old composite test with the average daily tests for each of the seven weeks. The temperature of the room in which the composite samples of milk have stood, has ranged from 64 to 91 F. Space will not permit giving the tabulated results of these compari- sons; they have, however, been as favorable as the one already given; in only one case did the test of the composite sample differ more than two- tenths of one per cent, from the average of the seven daily tests for the same time; and the average variation was 0.05 of one per cent. By the daily test for butter fat of the milk of each cow, very striking variations are noticed from day to day in the same cow. The composite sample test, as here described, gives an average figure which is demon- strated to be an accurate one, and thus furnishes a method that can be used with great advantage to save time in testing cows, either in compari- son with each other or for the influence of feed on the amount of butter production. COMPOSITE MILK SAMPLES TESTED FOR CASEIN. An investigation has also just been made to determine the casein in the composite samples of milk; and to compare this result with the aver- age seven determinations of casein in the portions of milk which make up the composite sample. The results for one week were as follows: BULLETIN NO. 1 6. TABLE SHOWING PER CENTS. OF CASEIN IN MILK.; COMPARISON OF AVERAGE OF DAILY TESTS FOR ONE WEEK WITH TEST OF COMPOSITE SAMPLE. Jers'v. Belle, No. 2. Med, Jock, Med ?d, No. i. a. m. p. m. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. Per cent, of Casein in Average of the seven daily "tests" 4.02 1 6 \ -; i.cn \ 07 2.Q2 Composite sample "test" 3.83 3-Si 3 21 4.04 3 -19 2.92 In all of this work on composite milk samples no preservative was added. The milk soured and separated; but when the test was made, a small quantity of "powdered lye" was used to put the soured milk into a proper condition for testing. AUTOMATIC PIPETTE. The automatic pipette (see opposite), for measuring the acid into each test bottle was used with good satisfaction. Illustrations of two of these pipettes were given in Bulletin No. 14, of this Station, pp. 466-467. After extended practical use of the two, we find that the one given here- with is the best to recommend. By connecting the pipette with a bottle or carboy of the acid, measuring the acid into each test bottle is very much more convenient than by the use of a graduated cylinder; and the pipette seems to wear well. The inside diameter of the tube connecting the bot- tle of acid with the pipette should be 3-16 in.; the holes through the glass cock yi in.; and the delivering tube from the pipette to the test bottle should have an inside diameter of ^ in., and an outside diameter of 7-32 inches. It has been suggested by Dr. S. H. Peabody that a lead tube be sub- stituted for the glass tube connecting the bottle of acid with the pipette. For making connections between the lead tube and the pipette, a rubber tube or hose with walls at least 3-16 in. thick should be used and tightly wound with copper wire. STAND FOR HOLDING COMPOSITE-SAMPLE JARS. Support two or more circular shelves, upon a central upright stand- ard so that they will revolve. Make the whole movable. It will facilitate handling the apparatus to set the base of the standard on heavy casters. Put the jars for the composite samples on the outer edge of the shelves so that the labels for the patrons' names are in sight. When milk is to be sampled, move the stand with its jars near the weighing can, and the weighman can easily revolve the shelves until the jar he wants is within reach. CONCLUSIONS. The results in tables i, 2, and 3 show: First. That; t in this trial testing the "composite" sample once each week was practically as accurate as testing the milk every day. COMPOSITE MILK SAMPLES. 5'5 Second. That one dish can be used for dipping out all the samples of milk that make up the composite sample. Third. That it is not necessary to use a poison for preserving the milk; but that satisfactory results can be obtained by al- lowing the composite sample to sour, and thinning the sour milk by use of "pow- dered lye" when a test is to be made. Any dairyman wishing to ascertain the value of any cow for butter-making can, with practical accuracy, make use of the composite test in this way: Get a pint or quart glass fruit jar, with cover, for each cow to be tested; mark it with name or number of the cow; into each jar put about y^ teaspoonful of powdered concentrated lye, or use the lye in the way already described on p. 509 for thinning the milk after the composite sample has been collected. Record the weight of the milk given by each cow at each milking; after weighing the milk, mix it thoroughly and dip out a small quantity, say about 1-20 qt., and pour this into the jar containing the lye. Repeat this weighing and saving of the sample as many days as desired; every seventh or tenth day carefully mix the milk collected in the jar and test the milk for the per cent, of butter fat it contains. This "test" together with the weight of the milk given by each cow during the time this composite sample was accumulating will furnish very accurate data for calcu- lating the amount of butter fat produced by each cow during the time covered by the test. It seems hardly necessary to say that the longer such testing as this is carried on, the more intimately acquainted the owner becomes with his cows. 73. n.s c.c \ Fie. 2. E. H. FARRINGTON, M.S., Chemist BULLETIN NO. 1 6. INDEX. Acetic acid in ensilage 190 Acids, in ensilage 190 Measured for milk tests 466, 467, 514 Agricultural Experiment Station, Univer- sity of Illinois 2 Acts of Congress under which estab- lished 4, 7 Bulletins of, how distributed 13 Communications for, how addressed. . 13 Governing boards and staff. . ..2, 7, 9, I39 X 76, 288, 328, 388, 452, 524 Information given 13 Limits of 13 Joint resolution of legislature concern- ing 6 Objects of the Station 4, 7 Place of organization 7 Relations to the State Board of Agri- culture 7 To the State Dairymen's Association 7 To the State Horticultural Society . 7 To the University 3, 5,7 Work for season of 1888 IO Agrostis Vulgaris, see "Red top." " Air-dry " as applied to corn 44 Alfalfa, compared with grasses and clo- vers 484 Vitality of seed of 30 Alofecurus pratensis, see "Meadow fox- tail." Alsike clover, compared with grasses and other clovers 485 Mixed with grasses 485 Vitality of seed of 30 Ammonical copper carbonate, formula for .-495 Used in spraying 490, 492, 493 Analyses, chemical Apple pomace 504 Butter 291 Buttermilk 301 Cream 299 Clovers 148, 149, 164 Corn. .. .68, 69, 92, 237, 315, 398, 413, 448 Corn fodder. . . 315, 448 Ensilage 20, 190, 315 Corn 92 Fertilizers 120, 429 " Germ meal " 467 Grasses 144, 145, 147, 148, 149 Hays 150 Milk. .289, 294, 332, 334, 370, 457, 460, 462 " Oat dust feed" 467 Analyses, mechanical, fertilizers 429 Annual reports 4 Anthoxanthum odoratum, see "Sweet vernal grass." Apparatus For measuring acids for milk tests. 466, 467, SH For taking samples of milk 462, 510 Apple pomace 497, 503 Chemical composition of 497, 504 Methods of preserving 497, 503 Used in pig feeding 497, 504 Apple, "'scab " on 489 Sprayed with fungicides 489 Apple trees, injured by fruit bark beetle 470, 472,473 Apricot, injured by fruit bark beetle .... 473 Armsby H. P 303, 316, 413 Arrhenatherum avenaceum, see " Tall meadow oat grass." Ash, mountain, injured by fruit bark beetle 473 Atkinson, G. F 472 Atwater, W. 144, 145, 148, 152, 153 Avenafiorescens, see "Yellow oat grass." Babcock " milk test" 462, 510 Babcock, S. M 292 Bacillus amylobacter, , 188 Bacillus butyricus 188, 189 Bacillus subtilis 188, 189 Bacteria, general description 166 Of corn disease 172 Of fermentation 180 In ensilage 22 Bacterial disease of corn 165 Appearance in the field 167 History of investigation 169 The bacteria 172 Treatment 1 74 Bacterium aceti 22 Bacterium lactis 22 Barium butyrate in ensilage 192 Barium caproate in ensilage 192 Barium propionate in ensilage 191 Beimling "milk test" 453, 463 Billings, F. S 170, 171 Biology of ensilage 22, 177 Opportunity for study and methods. . 180 Results 182 Chemical analyses 190 Summary 193 Board of Direction. 2, 7, 9, 139, 524 Powers and duties 7 Bone meal, analyzed I2O Used on corn 119, 269 Bordeaux mixture, formula for 495 Used upon the apple 489 The potato 492 The grape 492 Buildings, rooms, etc 5,9 Bulletins, printing and distribution. .4, 8, 13 INDEX. 517 Burrill, Thomas J 138, 175, 194, 287, 37 447r 49 6 Butter, American prize, composition. .. 290 Creamery, from Conn 293 From sweet cream 293 Made at this Station 293 Butter fat, see "Milk, Tests of, for but- ter fat." Buttermilk, tested for butter fat 335, 463 Calories in corn-fodder and ensilage.. . . 318 Canada thistles 379 Extermination of 2j^ acre patch 383 Of small patch in blue grass sod. . . 386 Natural enemies of 383 Seed, how produced 382 Not produced in Illinois 381 Spread by roots 382 Casein in milk, by " composite " test. . . 513 Cattle tankage, analyzed 120, 429 Used on corn 119, 269, 428 Kentucky blue grass pasture 487 Wheat 339, 340 Cherry trees, injured by fruit bark beetle 471, 472, 473 Clostridium butyricum 188 Clover seed, germination of 30 Clover seeds, in a gram 33 A pound 33 Sown on an acre 33 A square foot 33 Cochran "Milk Test" 333 Co- efficient of digestion, defined 142 Communications for Station, how ad- dressed 13 "Composite" milk test For butter fat 504 For casein 513 Cooke, W. W 463 Copper carbonate, formulas for. .. .491, 495 Used in spraying 491, 492, 493 Corn, corn and grass, and grass, value of in pig feeding 497, 498 Corn, dry, value of in pig feeding. .497, 500 Corn, field " Air dry," water in 44 Bacterial disease of 165 Cultivation. . . .37, 107, 126, 254, 260, 273,274,416, 419 Digestible substance per acre 413 Effect of different depths of seed bed without cultivation 420 Experiments with. . .37, 214, 389, 448 Depth of cultivation no, 260, 419 Depth of planting 96, 249, 407 Effect of Fertilizers (Large Plats) 116, 267 Effect of Fertilizers (Small Plats) 119, 269, 428 Effect of root pruning in, 261, 420 Frequency of cultivation. . 107, 254, 416 Planting in hills or drills 106, 415 Rate of growth 448 Root growth 113, 263, 423 Rotation, University experiments continued 266, 431 Thickness of planting 98, 250, 407 Time of planting 93, 247, 405 Testing varieties 38, 214, 389 Testing varieties for ensilage 88 Germination tests 43, 236, 398 Harvesting 126, 448 In rotation experiments. 266, 431 Planting 96, 125, 247, 249, 407 Plat experimentation 38, 215, 393 Pounds ear corn for a bushel, 1889. . . 273 1890 450 Soil prepared for 124 Fertilization of 124 See "Fertilizers. Used on corn." Summary of results of experiments, 1889 272 Variety tests 38, 214, 273, 389 Classification of varieties 47, 220, 394 Description of varieties 48, 220 Arleus 228 Blakeway 223 Bloody butcher 60, 64 Bonus Prairie yellow 48 Brazilian flour corn 221 Burr's white 58, 229 Calico 60, 230, 231 Calico, old variety 64 Carle's prolific 56 Champaign 57 22 ^ Champion of the north 51, 225 Champion white pearl 58 Chester county mammoth 66, 234 Clark's Iroquois 57, 226 Clark's loo-day 54 Clark's orange yellow 57 Clark's premium no-day 64, 233 Cloud's early 232 Common early white 59, 230 Common red 60 Chester county early dent 232 Cranberry 231 Dakota go-day 50 Dakota red 53 Dammell's 48 Dresback 58 Early Wisconsin white cap 52 Eclipse 229 Edmonds 50, 223 Ensilage 236 Farmers' favorite 49, 234 Feeders' favorite 61, 232 Fisk 55, 227 Giant Normandy 58 Goddard's favorite 48 Golddust 65 Golden beauty 56, 65, 234 Golden rod . . .49, 222 Gould Hill prolific 66 Gourd-seed 59, 230 Grange favorite 223 Helms improved 233 Hickory king 63, 229 Hill's improved go-day 51 Hiwasse mammoth 235 Hogue's yellow dent 57, 228 Hominy 67 Howard's improved yellow 60, 232 Hugh's choice 58 Illinois premium yellow dent 66 Imperial 65 Improved Blountz prolific 63 Improved orange pride 231 Iowa king 51, 54 BULLETIN NO. 1 6. {May, Kane county pride 50, 223 King of the earliest 50, 224 Kirby 56 Lape's mixed dent 59, 231 Learning 54, 226 Legal tender 53, 225 Log cabin 58, 229 Long John 66 Madison county mammoth 66 Mammoth club 66 Mammoth white surprise 235 Menhall 62 Minnesota king 223 Missouri mammoth 65 Murdock 48, 222 go-day white 51 90 day yellow 56 Northern queen 58 North star 49, 56, 222 Ohio white cap 52 Ohio white dent 64, 233 Old cabin home .... 235 Orange pride yellow 61 Parrish 236 Paulin dent 228 Piasa king 66, 235 Piasa pet 67 Piasa pride 64 Piasa queen 234 Prairie queen 48, 56, 222 Pride of Missouri 65 Pride of the north 224 Princeton 52, 224 Queen of the prairie 48, 222 Queen's golden 65 Ridott pride 227 Riley 's favorite 55, 228 Ripley I2o-day 58 Rural heavy dent 62 St. Charles 66 St. Charles improved 66 St. Clair 66 Seeknofurther 55, 227 Shoe peg 67 Sibley's pride of the north 49 Smedley 227 Smith's favorite 58 Smith's mixed dent 52, 225 Smith's surprise 56 Smith's white dent 52 Southern Queen 56 Steward's improved yellow. 62, 233 Strawberry 64 Swengel corn 6l, 232 True Learning 226 Turkey 50 Victor Blanchard 62 White cap 52, 224 White dent 63 White gourd seed 233 White Hunt 63 White pearl 230 White queen 58 White Wabash 52 Will's go-day 48 Wisconsin .white dent 225 Wisconsin yellow dent 222 Woodworth 80 day . 52 Woodworth yellow dent 223 PACK. Yellow Blanchard 54 Yellow Clauge, go-day 49 Yellow king 62 Zeigler's 90 day 50, 58 Water in, how determined 399 Weather effects upon 45, 46, 219, 393 Corn-fodder Compared with ensilage, in composi- tion 20 In feeding heifers 302 Corn, pop, variety test 443 Classification of varieties 444 Description of varieties 444 Blush 444 California 445 Common white 446 Dwarf golden 447 Egyptian 445 Golden Tom Thumb 447 Maple Dale prolific 446 Monarch rice 444 Nonpareil 446 Page's striped rice 445 Pearl 446 Queen's golden 447 Silver lace 445, 447 Snowball 445 White rice 445 Wisconsin prolific 445 Corn, soaked and dry, comparative value of in pig feeding 497, 502 Corn, sweet, variety tests 128, 274, 432 Classification 128, 274, 432, 435 Description of varieties 128, 275, 434 Adams 437 Adams early. 130 Albany 439 Albany sugar 131, 439 Amber cream 136, 443 Amber cream sweet 136 Asylum 440 Asylum sugar 133 Ballard's extra early 130, 438 Black Mexican 133, 440 Black Mexican sugar 133, 440 Black Mexican sweet 133, 440 Black sugar 280, 440 Boston market 439 Breck's premier 131, 434 Burbank's 434 Burbank's early . . .275, 434 Burbank's early Maine 437 Burlington hybrid 436 Chicago market 130, 438 Concord 439 Cory 130, 438 Cory early sugar 130, 438 Creedmoor 279, 441 Crosby 437 Crosby's early 129, 437 Crosby's early sugar 129, 437 Darling 131, 436 Darling's sugar 134, 441 Dolly Dutton 434 Dolly Dutton Sugar. 129 Dreer's 437 Dreer's first of all 437 Durkee 277, 436 Earliest Rockford market 438 INDEX. 519 Early Adams . . 133, 278, 437 Early bonanza 278, 439 Early Boston market 276, 436 Early Boynton . 276, 434 Early Concord sugar 131, 439 Early conqueror 439 Early Cory 130, 438 Early Des Moines 277, 437 Early 8 rowed 134, 441 Early La Crosse 277 Early Landreth market 129, 437 Early large red cob Perry's 440 Early mammoth 280, 441 Early mammoth sugar 134, 441 Early Minnesota 129, 434 Early orange 434, 438 Early orange sugar 128 Early orange sweet 133, 438 Early red cob 440 Early red Narragansett . ...... 130, 438 Early Rockford market 277 Early southern 437 Early southern sugar 278 Early sugar 134 Early sweet or sugar 129, 436 Egyptian 136, 443 Egyptian sugar 136, 443 8 rowed 441 Eruda 136 Evergreen sweet 134, 443 Excelsior 442 Excelsior sugar 135, 442 Extra early Adams 130, 437 Extra early Cory 438 Extra early Crosby's sugar 129 Extra early dwarf 276, 434 Extra early Marblehead 130, 438 Extra early Minnesota sugar. . . 129, 434 Extra early Narragansett 130 Extra early Narragansett sugar. . . . 438 Extra early Tom Thumb. . 129, 278, 434 Ford's 436 Ford's early 276, 436 Gold coin 279, 440 Golden sugar 128, 131, 434, 438 Hawaii sugar 276, 434 Henderson 279, 442 Hickox 441 Hickox improved 134, 441 Hickox improved sugar 134, 441 Honey 279, 442 Improved evergreen 135, 443 La Crosse 438 Landreth market 437 Landreth sugar 133, 442 Large early 8-rowed sweet 134, 441 Large 8 rowed 134, 441 Large excelsior 442 Late mammoth 136, 441 Leet's 436 Leet's early 277, 436 Little gem 443 Livingston's evergreen. 133, 440 Mammoth 280, 441 Mammoth early 278, 441 Mammoth sugar 136, 280, 441 Marblehead 438 Marblehead early 130, 438 Marblehead mammoth 278, 441 Marblehead sugar 130, 438 Maule's mammoth 441 Maule's XX sugar 439 Minnesota 434 Moore's early Concord 131, 439 Narragansett 438 Ne plus ultra 443 New Cory ... 130, 438 New England 8 rowed 279, 441 New England orange .... 277 Northern pedigree 136, 275, 434 No. 48 277, 438 Old Colony 135, 442 Original Crosby 276, 436 Pee and kay 132, 439 Perry's 439 Perry's hybrid 131, 134, 439 Potter's excelsior 135, 442 Pratt's early 275, 434 Red cob 440 Red cob sugar 133, 440 Rochester 8 rowed 279, 441 Roslyn 442 Roslyn hybrid 135, 278, 442 Roslyn hybrid sweet 135 Ruby 279, 442 Russell's prolific 440 Shakers' 439 Shakers' early sweet 132, 439 Shoe peg 443 Simpsonia 442 Sonyea intermediate 278, 442 Squantum 439 Squantum sugar 132, 439 Stabler's early 132, 440 Stabler's early sugar 132, 440 Stabler's extra early sugar 132 Stabler's extra early sweet 132 Stabler's extra early sweet or sugar 440 Stabler's nonpareil 443 Stabler's pedigree 443 StowelPs evergreen 134, 443 Sweet fodder 132, 278 Tom Thumb 434 Triumph 135, 441 Triumph sugar 135, 441 Triumph sweet 135, 441 Western queen 277, 439 135 Vitality of seed 281, 287 Yield 137, 280, 283 Cows, value of, for butter making. .289, 329. 453. 454. 5Q4 Cream, acidity of, as affecting yield of butter 298 Crimson trefoil, compared with other clovers 485 Vitality of seed of 30 Crude ash, defined. 142 Crude fat, defined 142 Crude fiber, defined 142 Crude protein, defined 142 Dactylis glomerata, see "Orchard grass." Dairy cows, records of 504 Disease germs 166 Dissolved bone-black, analyzed 120 Used on corn 116, 119, 266, 267, 269, 428, 431 520 BULLETIN NO. l6. [May, Droppings from corn-fed cattle, value of, Kg for pigs 497, 503 Duplicate plats, in corn experiments. . . . 38, 215, 393 In oat experiments 361 Eau Celeste, formulas for 495 Used on the apple 489 The grape 492 The potato 492 Elm, injured by fruit bark beetle 473 Endicott, Geo. W 470 Eureka sprayer, 495 Failyer & Willard "Milk Test" 333 Farrington, E. H.^ig, 336, 377, 468, 515 Fermentation 177 In ensilage 23 Fertilizers, analyses of, chemical.. . .120, 429 Mechanical 429 Used on corn.ll6, 119, 124, 267, 269, -274, 428, 431 Kentucky blue grass pasture ..... 487 Wheat 337, 338 Festuca duriuscula, see "Hard fescue." Festuca ovlna, see " Sheep's fescue." Festuca prattnsis,see "Meadow fescue." Forbes, S. A 165, 169, 171, 379, 478 Formula for fungicides 495 Frear, William 152 Fresh substance, defined 142 Fruit bark beetle 469 Accounts of, in Europe 473 Description of 476 History of, in Illinois 470 In United States at large 472 Illustrations Facing 476 Injuries by, to vegetation 473 Life history and remedies.. . . .472, 473, 477 Parasites upon 473, 478 Fry, G 182 Funds for maintenance of Station 5 Held by University Treasurer 5, 8 Fungi 180 In ensilage 189 Fungicides, use of, on the apple 489 On the grape 492 On the potato 492 Fnsicladium dendriticum, on the apple . 489 Gases in the silo 193 Geneva germination apparatus 30 Germination tests, of field corn. 43, 236, 398 Of grasses and clovers 30, 278 Of sweet corn 281, 287 Goessman, O. A 147, 152 Goodrich, Theodore 469 Grain with hay for young cattle 324 Grain with pasture for young cattle. .319, 323 Grape, black rot on 492 Sprayed with fungicides for 492 Grass, and grass with corn, value of, in pig feeding 497, 498 Grass for young cattle, see " Pasture, Value of. " Grasses and clovers, effect of ripeness on yield and composition 141 Water in green substance 149, 164 Lost in curing 149, 164 Grass seeds, in a gram 33 A pound 33 Germinating on a square foot 33 S own on an acre 33 On a square foot 33 Vitality of 30, 478 Gypsum, used on Kentucky blue grass pasture 487 Hagen, H. A 472 Hamilton, John 472 Hard fescue.compared with other grasses 483 Vitality of seed of 30 " Hatch Act." 4 Hay and grain, in feeding young cattle. 324 Hays, comparison of. ] 50 Hawthorn, injured by fruit bark beetle. 473 Heifers, Shorthorns, fed ensilage. . . .19, 302 Heifers, yearlings, fed ensilage and corn- fodder 302 Food given and eaten 304 Analyses of 315 How grown and harvested 304 Method of feeding 305 Pounds of food to make pound of live increase 314 Water consumed 310 Weights 310 Henry, W. A 18 Hessian Fly 377 Illustrations 380 Life history 377 Preventive and remedial measures. . . . 379 Hickory trees.injured by fruit bark beetle 472 Hog tankage, analyzed 120, 429 Used on corn 1 16, 119, 267, 428 Hogs following cattle fed grass and grain 319, 322 Hunt, Thomas, F 15, 35, 127, 164, 213, 272, 314, 352, 370, 432, 489 Italian rye grass, compared with other grasses 483 Vitality of seed of 30 Jenkins, E. H ^...151, 152, 292, 293 Jordan, W. H..I44, 145, 147, 148, 152, 153 Kentucky blue grass Cut at different dates 145 Composition, proximate 145, 155 Digestible organic substance. . . 146, 161 Yield 146, 158 Hay, compared with other hays 150, 163, 164 Pastures, effect of fertilizers on 487 Used in feeding experiment 319 Seed, vitality of 30, 479 Kuhn, Julius 153 Lactic acid in ensilage 190 Lactoscope 294 Ladd, E. F 144, 147, 152, 153 Lands 9 Lolium perenne, see "Perennial rye grass." Lolium Italicum, see " Italian rye grass." Lye, concentrated, used in "composite" tests of milk 510, 514, 515 McCluer, George W 138, 287, 447, 496 Mammoth red clover Compared with other clovers and grasses 484 Cut at different dates 148 Composition, proximate 148, 157 Digestible organic substance. . . 149, 160 Yield 149, 162 1891.] library, Nev v INDEX. College 521 Hay, compared with other hays 150, 163, 164 In rotation experiments . . .266, 431 Mixed with other grasses 485 Seed, vitality of 30 Water in fresh substance 164 Lost in curing 164 Mannite in ensilage 192 Manns, Albert G 193, 302 Marten, John 383, 470 Meadow fescue Compared with other grasses and clovers 483 Cut at different dates 147 Composition, proximate 147, 156 Digestible organic substance 162 Yield 147, 159 Hay, compared with other hays. . 150, 163 Meadow foxtail, compared with other grasses 484 Seed, vitality of 30 Medicago sativa, see "Alfalfa." Medium red clover Compared with other clovers and grasses 484, 485 Cut at different dates 147 Composition, proximate 148, 156 Digestible organic substance. . . 148, 163 Yield 1.48, 162 Hay, compared with other hays 150, 163, 164 In rotation experiments 266, 43 1 Mixed with grasses 485 Seed, vitality of 30 Water in fresh substance 164 Lost in curing 164 Miles, Manly 22, 182 Milk " Composite " tests of 504 At the creamery 505 At the dairy 510 Compared with daily .504, 508 Methods of making 505, 510 Paying for by the pound. . . .293, 329, 460 .By the pounds of butter fat 293, 296, 461, 504, 506 Samples for testing, methods of tak- ing 461, 59. Apparatus for 462, 510 "Composite." 504 Preservative for 506 Tests of, for butter fat 289, 293 From cows of different breeds . . 290, 370 From cows in herds 296, 331, 453.460, 511 From single cows 290, 329, 370, 376, 457. 513 One test a week not enough 508 Value of, for the creamery .329, 453, 504 For the dairyman 329, 454, 505 "Milk tests," investigation of. .293, 329, 453 Babcock 462 Beimling 462 Cochran 333 Failyer & Willard 333 Lactoscope "... 294 Parsons 333 Patrick (Iowa) 333, 462 Short 289, 294, 296, 332 Methods of using 334, 461 Mixtures of grasses and clovers tested. . . 485 Morrow, Geo. E 35, 127, 274, 293, 325,. 370, 375. 377. 432, 450. 45'. 489, 54 Mucor, in ensilage 189 Muriate of potash, analyzed 120, 429 Used on corn 116, 119, 266, 267, 269, 428, 431 Kentucky blue grass pasture 487 Wheat 338, 339, 340 Mycoderma vini, Pasteur 183 Myers, John A 301 Nitrate of soda, analyzed 120, 429 Used on corn 1 19, 269, 428 Grass lands 487 ' Wheat. 338, 339, 340 Nitrogen-free extract, denned 142 Nutrative ratio, denned 143, 319 "Oat dust feed," analysis of 467 Oats- Duplicate plats of 361 Field experiments with Compact or loose seed-bed. 26, 195, 355 Depth of sowing 27, 196, 357 Effect of sowing spring wheat with. 358 In 1888 25 Summary 29 In 1889 194 Summary 212 In 1899 353 Quantity of seed per acre . .25, 194, 354 Tests of varieties 197, 360 Time of sowing 26, 195, 356 Germination in field, 1888 28 In rotation experiments 266, 431 Purity of seed 201, 363 Stooling 28 Varieties, classified as to time of ripen- ing 198 Described . 198 American banner 199 American triumph 200 Badger queen 198 Black prolific 199 Black Russian 199 Black Tartarian 200 Canadian black 200 Centennial 199 Clydesdale 199 Common mixed 200 Early Dakota 199 Egyptian 199 Giant yellow French 200 Hargett's white 190 Hopetown 198 Improved American 199 Japan 199 New Dakota gray 200 New red rust proof 198 Pringle's progress 199 Prize cluster 198 Probsteir 199 Texas rust proof 198 Virginia winter 200 Welcome 198 White Belgian 198 White bonanza 198 White Russian 200 White wonder. . . . 108 522 BULLETIN NO. 1 6. {.May, PAGE. Wide awake 199 Notes on quality ... 207, 3 Yield 202, 363 Synopsis of. 200, 364 Tests of 1 97, 360 See also table's . .204, 208, 365, 366, 369 Vitality of seed 2OI, 362 Oat straw mulch on wheat 339 Orchard grass Compared with other grasses and clovers 482, 485 Cut at different dates 146 Composition, proximate 147, 155 Digestible organic substance. . . 147, 162 Yield 159 Hay, compared with other hays 150, 163, 164 Mixed with clovers 485 Seed, vitality of 30 Water in fresh substance 164 Lost in curing 164 Osborn, Herbert 472 Palmetic acid, in ensilage 191 Parasites on the fruit bark beetle. .473, 478 Parson's " milk test " 333 Pasteur, L 178 Pasture, Kentucky blue grass, fertilizers on 487 Pasture with grain ration, for young cattle .319, 323 Pasture, value of, for young cattle. 319, 322 Patrick (Iowa) " milk test " 333, 462 Peabody, Selim H 13 Peach trees, injured by fruit bark beetle 471.472, 473 Pencilium, in ensilage 189 Perennial rye grass, vitality of the seed. 30 Phleum pratense, see "Timothy." Physalospora Bidwelli, on the grape. . . . 492 Spraying with fungicides 492 Pickles, T 471 Pigs, feeding experiments with Apple pomace, feeding value of, and methods of preserving 497, 503 Comparative value of soaked and dry corn in feeding 497, 502 Comparison between corn, grass, and corn and grass in feeding 497> 498 Value of droppings from corn- fed cat- tle for 497, 503 Plat experimentation discussed Corn 38, 215, 393 Oats 361 Plum trees, injured by fruit bark beetle.. 470, 472, 473 Poa nemora/is, see " Wood meadow grass." Poapratensis,sze "Kentucky blue grass." Poa trivialis, see " Rough stalked meadow grass." Pounds of ear corn per bushel of shelled corn, 1890 450 Potassium sulphide, used in spraying apple trees for "scab " 490 " Preservative " for milk samples 506 Potato, sprayed with fungicides 492 Puccinia suaveolens, on Canada thistles 383 Quince trees, injured by fruit bark beetle. 473 Red- top, compared with other grasses. . 482 Vitality of seed 30, 478 Richardson, Clifford. . 144, 146, 147, 148, 152 Riley, C. V 472 Rotation experiment 266, 431 Rough-stalked meadow grass, compared with other grasses 483 Vitality of seed of 30 Russell, H. L 182 Saccharomyces mycoderma, Rees 183 Saccharomyces Pastorianus 22 " Scab," on the apple 489 Use of fungicides for 489 Schmidberger, J 473 Schwarz, E. A 472 Scolytus rugulosus, Ratz 469 Illustrations Facing 476 Scovell, M. A 145,146, 152, 292 Sheep's fescue, compared with other grasses 483 Vitality of seed of 30 Short " milk test " 289, 294, 296, 332 Silage, biology of 22, 1 77 Silage, experiment of 1887-8 15 Biology of 22 Chemical composition of, and of corn fodder 20 Condition when silo was opened .... 17 Better next boards than next stone or brick walls 17 Fed to cattle, mixed lot 18 To Shorthorn heifers 19 The silo 15 Capacity 15 Filling 15 Silage Fermentation 23, 183 Skim milk, tested for butter fat 333, 463 "Smut" 166 Sodium acetate, in ensilage 191 Soil of experiment farm 389 Stable manure, used on corn 1 16, 119, 269, 272, 274, 428 Kentucky blue grass pasture 487 Wheat 337, 339, 340 Staff of the Experiment Station 2, 8, 139, 176, 288, 388, 452, 524 State Board of Agriculture nominates a member Board of Direction 7 State Dairymen's Association nominates a member Board of Direction 7 State Horticultural Society nominates a member Board of Direction 7 Stooling of oats, 1888 28 Sturtevant, E. L , 303 Sulphate of ammonia, analyzed. . . .120, 429 Used on corn 116, 119, 266, 267, 269, 428, 431 Superphosphate (Dissolved bone, Glue factory superphosphate) analyzed. . 120, 429 Used on corn 119, 267, 269, 428 Kentucky blue grass pasture 487 Wheat 339, 34<> Sweet silage 182, 184, 187 Sweet Vernal grass, compared with other grasses 484 Vitality of seed of. 30 Tall meadow oat grass, compared with other grasses 483 INDEX. 523 Vitality of seed of 30 Taschenberg, E. L 473 Timothy Compared with other grasses and clovers 482, 485 Cut at different dates 143 Composition, proximate 144, 154 Digestible organic substance. . . 145, 161 Yield 144, 158 Hay, compared with other hays 150, 163, 164 Composition of 467 Mixed with clovers 485 Seed, vitality of 30, 478 Water, in fresh substance 164 Lost in curing 164 Trifolium hybridum, see " Alsike clover." Trifolium incarnatum, see " Crimson trefoil." Trifolium medium, see " Mammoth red clover." Trifolium pratense, see " Medium red clover." Trifolium repent, see "White clover." True protein, defined 142 Trypetaflorescentia, on Canada thistles 383 Valeric acid, in ensilage 192 Variety tests Corn, field 37, 214, 389 Pop 443 Sweet 128, 274, 432 Grasses and clovers 141, 478 Oats 197, 360 Vitality tests of seeds-- Corn, field 68, 236, 398 Sweet 281, 287 Grasses and clovers 30, 478 Oats 28, 201, 362 Voelcker, A 148, 153, 182 Water-free substance, defined 142 Water in shelled corn, method of de- termining 399 Weather, effects of, on field corn .- 45,46,219, 393 Weiske, H 303 Wheat, experiments with 337 Effect of fertilizers on (1887-8) 338 Effect of fertilizers on (at Station).. 339 Effect of fertilizers on (in southern Illinois) 340 Effect of time and manner of harvest- ing on yield of 349 Method of soil preparation 345 Quantity of seed per acre 347 Time of sowing 348 White clover, vitality of seed of 30 Wiley, H. W 292 Wolf, E... 413 Woll, F. W 303 Wood meadow grass, compared with other grasses 483 Vitality of seed of 30 Xyleborus pyri 470 Yeast .< 180 In ensilage 183 Yellow oat grass, vitality of seed of. ... 30 All communications intended for the Station should be addressed, not to any person, but to the AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS. The bulletins of the Experiment Station will be sent free of all charges to persons engaged in farming who may request that they be sent* This bulletin closes a volume, and a title page and index are sent herewith, so that those who wish may preserve the bulletins by having them bound. The same plan will be pursued in the future. SELIM H. PEABODY, President Board of Direction. 524 BULLETIN NO. l6. \_May ^ ORGANIZATION. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. SAMUEL A. BULLARD, Springfield, President. JOSEPH W. FIFER, Governor of Illinois. LAFAYETTE FUNK, Shirley, President State Board of Agriculture. HENRY RAAB, Superintendent of Public Instruction. EMORY COBB, Kankakee. GEORGE R. SHAWHAN, Urbana. W. W. CLEMENS, Marion. FRANCIS M. McKAY, Chicago. JOHN II. BRYANT, Princeton. RICHARD P. MORGAN, Dwight. NELSON W. GRAHAM, Carbondale. BOARD OF DIRECTION OF THE EXPERIMENT STATION, SELIM H. PEABODY, LL.D., Champaign, Regent of the University, President. E. E. CHESTER, Champaign, of State Board of Agriculture. HENRY M. DUNLAP, Savoy, of State Horticultural Society. H. B. CURLER, DeKalb, of State Dairymen's Association. EMORY COBB, Kankakee, Trustee of the University. LAFAYETTE FUNK, Trustee of the University. GEORGE E. MORROW, A. M., Champaign, Professor of Agriculture. THOMAS J. BURRILL, Ph.D., Urbana, Professor of Botany and Horticulture. . EDWARD H. FARRINGTON, M.S., Chemist of Station. THE STATION STAFF. SELIM H. PEABODY, Ph.D., LL.D., President of Board of Direction. WILLIAM L. PILLSBURY, A.M., Champaign, Secretary. GEORGE E. MORROW, A.M., Agriculturist. THOMAS J. BURRILL, Ph.D., Horticulturist and Botanist. EDWARD H. FARRINGTON, M.S., Chemist. STEPHEN A. FORBES, Ph.D., Consulting Entomologist. DONALD McINTOSH, V.S., Consulting Veterinarian. GEORGE W. McCLUER, B.S., Assistant Horticulturist. GEORGE P. CLINTON, B.S., Assistant Botanist. E. K. NELSON, Assistant Chemist. FRANK D. GARDNER, B.S., Assistant Agriculturist. ^^-^^^^- -HP- &^m ' - ^ i % ^ )yiilk \4 ft- : ^ M ^ "'* * " M *"'^ : ' "~ vN )^r^ ;|7^ c ^J^^^' VV;V:AV V^^ - --I <,-^ v ^!- \ irfegLS '"-? "'< '^\ 7^ %\^Si*iidl v-\y^-' -s; 1 ^--, ^P*^ : W^ a^.;:,. & ^w ^J<* ' ' /"^ xS~ V . v- - i '$&}' ^yg^^ ^^*mc- *^^ : m^^ ^ -^V'~ > \ r nF^l : , , ^ ^-5 : ^^fir^r^)C^^v^^ ^St, ^^-^^^3^^ i'^SKS*^ ?,^3 w -/ ^^-^ t~ r 3L ( ^H r i' "^\- ' K \ '1^^r\ ' ~^l ii-i a$ * ''.1-.; ^* v-*^ , &_-TJr\ x N ' - ^C*'. . ' ->i*^ I