0|£. 5*698 \96>er K U.S.-- LI ?RARY OF CON- GRESS--W I VIS I A GUIDE TO HISTORICAL -.RTOGRAPHY 2<* ■**• <:.■■ Is XI B RAR.Y OF THE UN IVLRSITY Of ILLINOIS CM 3 l°\io cop. ^ /TOIIWS HISTORICAL SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/guidetohistoricaOOIibr A GUIDE TO HISTORICAL CARTOGRAPHY THE LIBRARY OF THE MAY tlKIYEBSlT A GUIDE to HISTORICAL CARTOGRAPHY A Selected, Annotated List of References on the History of Maps and Map Making Compiled by Walter W. Ristow and Clara E. LeGear Second Edition, Revised MAP DIVISION REFERENCE DEPARTMENT LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON ■. 1960 Reprinted: 1962 L. C. Card, 60-60082 This publication is sold by the Card Division, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C. Price $0.35« Its purchase may be charged against card accounts of subscribers to the card service; others must pay in advance by check or money order made payable to the Chief, Card Division. Postage stamps are not accepted. PUECHASES FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES FOR THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE MADE WITH UNESCO BOOK COUPONS. oi(,.5ac^ j^. Js^u PREFACE lU 6jO ri ^ The advanced student of historical cartography can find, in the scholarly journals and monographs of many countries, a varied se- lection of references pertinent to his subject. These are, for the most part, detailed studies of unique maps or atlases, bibliographies of individual map makers, or discourses on a particular school of cartography or period in cartographical development. This unorganized mass of specialized reference material, however, often serves to deter rather than aid the casual investi- gator or the individual interested in an overall survey of carto- graphic history. Several creditable general works on the history of map making, published in recent years, offer a more inviting approach to the subject than was heretofore possible. There is still need, however, for a bibliographic guide to the more useful reference sources. The present compilation is intended to be such a guide. It was prepared initially to assist the reference staff of the Library of Congress Map Division in filling requests relating to historical cartography. The list was published originally in 1954- with the hope that it might prove useful to other reference li- rarians as well as to instructors and students of cartography. t apparently filled a real need, and the initial printing was exhausted some months ago. For this new revised edition, the entries have been com- pletely reviewed. Several references, included in the earlier work, have been omitted and a number of new ones added. As was noted in the preface to the first edition, reducing the very extensive lit- erature of historical cartography to some sixty or so selected works is no easy task. Cartographic scholars may find fault with some of ^ the items listed, and present a strong case for other works which ^-/might have been included Any selective list cannot help but re- flect the objectives, interests, biases, and experiences of the compilers. In selecting works which would constitute in essence a "ready reference shelf" for the reading room staff of the Map Division, it was arbitrarily decided to limit the period of historical cartography to the end of the eighteenth century. The first objective was to choose the best general works dealing with this period. Among the more useful are Bagrow's Geschichte der Kartographie (No. 7), Crone's Maps and Their Makers (No. 18) » Libault's Histoire de la Cartographie (No. 4-0) > Skelton's Decorative Printed Maps (No. 4-8), and Tooley's Maps and Map-makers ( No . 53 ) • In addition to their authoritative textual presentations, most of these books include excellent classified bibliographies, and have reproductions of old maps, some of which are in color. Wo 1 kenhauer ' s Aus der Geschichte der Kartographle ( No . 63) and Eckert-Greiffendorff 's classic two-volume Die Kartenwissen - schaft (No. 21) must be included in such a compilation. Likewise, the excellent facsimile works of Nordenskiold (Nos. A3 and 44), Wieder (No. 6l), Yusuf Kamal (No. 67), and the Vatican Library (No. 56) are basic reference works which should be familiar to every student of historical cartography. Selection of outstanding specialized studies was the second objective in preparing this reference list. In choosing such studies a conscious effort was made to include, whenever possible, one or more items for each distinctive period in cartographic history, and for the more important "schools" of cartography. The selected items include some well-known references which have proved their worth through the years, as well as a number of more recent volumes. Among the latter are historical cartographical summaries of Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Scandinavia, and Switzerland. As a rule, articles in journals and serials have not been included. Attention is called, however, to Imago Mundi , the several numbers of which include many excellent studies in the field of his- torical cartography. Preference was given, as far as possible, to works in English and almost half of the items listed are in this language. It is recognized, however, that many of the classics in the field are in other languages, and these are, of course, included. The majority of the works listed should be available in the larger university and reference libraries in the United States. Some, however, such as Yusuf Kamal' s monumental work (No. 67), can be consulted only in the few American libraries which possess these volumes. In a compilation as brief as this, it has been considered best to arrange the references in one alphabet by author. A secondary approach by subject is provided in the index. Library of Congress call numbers are given for each item, and the annotations call attention to the outstanding features of each work. Walter W. Ristow, Assistant Chief Clara Egli Le Gear, Honorary Consultant in Historical Cartography A GUIDE TO HISTORICAL CARTOGRAPHY A Selected, Annotated List of References on the History of Maps and Map Making Compiled by Walter W» Ristow and Clara £. Le Gear Almagia, Roberto. Monvmenta Italiae cartographies. Riproduzioni di carte general! e regional! d' Italia dal secolo XIV al XVII. Raccolte e illustrate da Roberto Almagia. Firenze, Istituto Geografico Militare, 1929° vi, 88 p. 65 pi. of maps. 53 x 39 cm. GA891.A7 Includes biographical sketches of Italian map makers as well as critical evaluations of the maps they produced. Andrews, Michael Corbet. The study and classification of medieval mappae mundi. In Archeologia. London, Society of Antiquaries, v. 75> 1926, p. 61-76, maps. DA20.A64 v. 75 A clear and simple introduction to the study of mediaeval world maps. Includes a useful table which divides the known mappae mundi into families, divisions, genera and species. Anthiaume, L'Abbe A. Cartes marines, constructions navales, voyages de dlcouverte chez les Normands, 1500- 1650 ... Preface de l'Amiral Buchard ... Paris, E. Dumont, 1916. 2 v. illus. 25 cm. GA231.A6 A treatise on French portolan charts and the discoveries and explorations made in the new world by Frenchmen. Volume 1 is devoted to charts and volume 2 to explorations. Averdunk, Heinrich, and J. Miiller-Reinhard. Gerhard Mercator und die Geographen unter seinen Nachkommen. Gotha, J. Perthes, 19U. viii, 188 p. 28 cm. (Petermanns Mitteilungen. Erganzungsheft nr. 182.) Gl.PU nr. 182 An authoritative study of the geographical contri- butions of Gerard Mercator, his contemporaries and his successors. - 2 - Baddeley, John Frederick. Russia, Mongolia, China, being some record of the relatione between them from the beginning of the XVlIth century to the death of the Tsar Aiexei Mikhailovich, A.D. 1602-1676, rendered mainly in the form of narratives dictated or written by the envoys sent by the Russian tsars . . . with introductions, historical and geographical, also a series of maps, showing the progress of geographical knowledge in regard to northern Asia during the XVI th, XVIIth, and early XVTIIth centuries, the texts taken more especially from manuscripts in che Moscow Foreign Office archives; the whole by John F. Baddeley ... London, MacMillan, 1919* 2 v. illus., maps. 36 cm. DK68.A1B3 Introduction III, (p. xcviii-ccxvi in v. 1, Geographical) includes a summary of the cartographical history of the 16th to the 18th centuries. Bagrow, Leo. A. Ortelli Catalogus cartographorum. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1928-30. 2 v. maps. 28 cm. (Petermanns Mitteilungen. Erganzugsheft nr. 199 & 210. 137 and 135 pages respectively.) Contents. - v. 1. A-L; v. 2. M-Z, and index. G1.P44 nr. 199 & 210 A bio-bibliographical study of Abraham Ortelius, his Theatrum Orb is Terra rum , and the 87 cartographers whose maps were included in the Theatrum. A compre- hensive survey of 16th century cartography. . Die Geschichte der Kartographie. Berlin, Safari- Verlag c 1951-j 383 P- illus., maps. 25 cm. GA201.B3 An excellent introduction to the history of car- tography with numerous illustrations, a classified bibliography, and biographical sketches of a large number of map makers. Beazley, Charles Raymond. The dawn of modern geography. A history of exploration and geographical science . . . with reproductions of the principal maps of the time. London, J. Murray, 1897-1906. 3 v. illus., maps. 23 cm. Contents. - v. 1. From the conversion of the Roman Empire to A.D. 900, with an account of the achievement and writings of the early Christian, Arab, and Chinese travellers and students. - v. 2. From the close of the ninth to the middle of the thirteenth century (A.D. 900- 1260) „ - v. 3. From the middle of the thirteenth century to the early years of the fifteenth century (A.D. 1260- U20). G89-B35 1905 A most inclusive work on mediaeval geography covering the period from 300 to L420 A.D., with emphasis on the history of discovery and exploration* Each volume contains a section on maps of the period covered. 9 Berwick, Jacobo Maria del Pilar Carlos Manuel Stuart Fitz- James, 10. duque de. Mapas Espanoles de America siglos XV-XVII. Madrid, 1951- xv, 351 p. 78 maps. 51 cm. G1100.B4 An auxiliary work to the study of the carto- graphical development of North and South America. Each of the maps reproduced is followed by extensive annotations including descriptions, lists of names on the maps, and bibliographical references. Very magnificently produced. 10 Bramsen, Bo. Gamle Danmarkskort, en historisk overs igt raed bibliograf iske noter for perioden 1570-1770. Kdbenhavn, Politikens For lag, 1952. 159 p. illus., maps. 35 cm. GA961.B7 A comprehensive cartographic history of Denmark for the period covered, with more than 14-0 repro- ductions, some in color. Useful also as a supple- mental work on general cartographic history as it includes brief biographical sketches of many of the leading cartographers of the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. . 11 Bratt, Einar. En kronika om kartor over Sverige. Stockholm, Genera Is tabens Litograf iska Anstalt, 1958. 132 p. maps. 30 cm. GA991-B7 An excellent historical essay on the cartography of Sweden with a number of facsimiles, some of which are in color. Covers the development and evolution of maps of Sweden from the earliest time to modern official cartography. Text is in Swedish. 12 British Museum. Dept. of Printed Books . Map Room . Catalogue of the printed maps, plans, and charts in the British Museum... London, 1885. 2 v. 35 cm. Z6028.B86 Undoubtedly the most comprehensive map catalog ever published. Some 90 supplemental lists entitled "Catalog of maps. Accessions" have been published from 1884 to 1956. Z6028.B861 13 Brown, Lloyd Arnold . The story of maps. Boston, Little, Brown, 194-9 . xix, 397 p. illus., maps. 27 cm. GA201.B76 1949 A general introduction to the history of map making with more emphasis on the development of techniques than on exploration and discovery. Includes an extensive bibliography. L4 Bunbury, Sir Edward Herbert. A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans from the earliest ages till the fall of the Roman Empire with a new introduction by W. H. Stahl. 2d ed. New York, Dover Publications, 1959- 2 v. maps. v. 1, 666 p., v. 2, 74-3 P° 21 cm. G84.B95 1959 An excellent source book containing information about the world, countries and peoples known to the Greeks and Romans. Contains many references to ancient Greek maps . 15 Chubb, Thomas. The printed maps in the atlases of Great Britain and Ireland; a bibliography, 1579-1870, by Thomas Chubb ... with an introduction by F. P. Sprent . . . and biographical notes on the map makers, engravers and publishers by T. Chubb, assisted by J. W. Skells and H. Beharrell With numerous re- productions ... London, Homeland Assn. j.1927^ xvii, 479 p. illus., maps. 29 cm. Z6027.G7C5 A comprehensive study giving descriptions and lists of maps, based primarily on the British Museum atlas collection. In four parts: l) atlases of England and Wales; 2) Scotland; 3) Ireland; U) biographical notes of map makers, engravers, and publishers, with a general index. 16 Cortes&o, Armando. Cartografia e cartografos Portugueses dos seculos XV e XVI (Contribuicao para um estudo completo) ... Lisboa, Edic&o da "Seara nova", 1935 • 2 v. maps. 29 cm. GA1011.C6 An exhaustive study of Portuguese portolan charts and their makers, with many bibliographic references and an extensive index. It includes facsimiles of 4-6 charts. A "most important work, not only on early Portuguese cartography but on early cartography, published for many years." (Imago Mundi, II, p, 98). - 5 - 17 Cortesao, Armando, and Avelino Teixeira da Mota. Portugal iae monumenta cartographica. 5 vols. 4-8 x 61 cm. Lisboa, vols. 1-4-, I960, vol. 5, 1961. vol. 1, earliest cartography to the middle of the 16th century; vol. 2, middle of 16th century to last decade; 131 p., 24-0 pi.; vol. 3, last part of 16th century; 113 P-, 388 pi.; vol. A, chiefly 17th century; vol. 5j 17th century, and general index. Volumes two and three were received prior to publication of this list. When completed this 5- volume work will constitute one of the truly magnificent and monumental works on historical cartography. A number of the reproductions are in color and the remainder are in sepia. Text is in Portuguese and English. This outstanding pub- lication was prepared to commemorate the fifth centenary of the death of Prince Henry the Navigator. 18 Crone, Gerald Roe. Maps and their makers. An introduction to the history of cartography. London, Hutchinson House, 1953. 181 p. illus. 19 cm. GA201.C7 "A map can be considered from several aspects, as a scientific report, a historical document, a research tool, and an object of art. In this outline I have endeavoured to balance these con- siderations, and to regard maps as products of a number of processes and influences.... My aim has been to indicate the main stages of cartographic development to which many countries have contributed in turn." There is "in an appendix a list of the more important volumes of map reproductions." 19 Cumming, William Patterson. The southeast in early maps, with an annotated check list of printed and manu- script regional and local maps of southeastern North America during the colonial period. Princeton University Press, 1958. ix, 27$ p. 67 pi. of maps. 29 x 23 cm. GM05.C8 "A study of the historical cartography of the southeastern region of North America before the American Revolution. It attempts to analyze the manuscript and printed maps of that area, showing the expansion of geographical knowledge through the periods of discovery and colonization, and at times relates these maps to other primary documents of the period.... The list of maps attempts to make an exhaustive check of all regional maps of the Southeast and of local maps south of Virginia and north of the Florida peninsula." 20 Dahlgren, Per Johan. Sveriges sjokarta. c Lund, Hi Ohlssons Boktryckeri^ 194-4. 4-13 p. illus., maps. 32 x 25 cm. (Statens Sjohistoriska Museum. Handlingar l) GA991.03 A comprehensive history of Swedish cartography, and of Sweden's hydrographic surveys. It includes biographies of the directors of the surveys, from 1643 to 1943- 21 Eckert-Greiffendorff , Max. Die Kartenwissenschaf t; Forschungen und Grundlagen zu einer Kartographie als Wissenschaft . . . Berlin und Leipzig, W. Gruyter, 1921-25- 2 v. maps. 29 cm. GA105.E3 A monumental work on every phase of the develop- ment of cartography with a wealth of historical and bibliographical data. 22 Fiorini, Matteo. Sfere terrestri e celesti di autore italiano oppure fatte o conservate in Italia. Societa geografica italiana, Rome, 1899- xxi, 502 p. 24 cm. GA284.I7F3 A comprehensive listing of terrestial and celestial globes published before 1800. Includes author, place, and chronological indexes* 23 Fite, Emerson David, and Archibald Freeman. A book of old maps, delineating American history from the earliest days down to the close of the Revolutionary War ... Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1926. xv, 299 P- maps. 42 x 30 cm. GA400.H65F5 An excellent study of American cartographic development as reflected in some 75 carefully selected maps. The historical significance of each map reproduced in facsimile is well documented. 24 Fockema Andreae, Sybrandus Johannes. Geschiedenis der kartografie van Nederland, van den Romeinschen tijd tot het midden der 19de eeuw, door S. J. Fockema Andreae, met medewerking van B. van 't Hoff. With a summary in English. ' s-Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff, 1947. 127 p. 25 pi. incl. ports., maps. 33 cm. GA901.F6 Attention of the authors is "focused on the geographical representation of the Netherlands territory throughout the ages; they have tried to draw a general picture of this interesting and sometimes intricate course of events, and to put this picture upon its appropriate historical and cultural background." Included are biographical and bibliographical data. 25 France, Armee . Service Geographique . La carte de France, 1750- 1898. fitude historique par le Colonel Berthaut, chef de la Section de cartographie . . . c Paris^ Imprim. du Service Geographique, 1898-99. 2 v. illus., maps. 28 cm. GA862.B51 The most comprehensive work on the history of French cartography, with much biographical data on the men who contributed to its development. It in- cludes a chronology and an excellent general index. 26 Germany. ( Federal Republic , 194-9 -) Bundesanstalt flir Landeskunde , (in cooperation with) the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kartographie. Bibliotheca Cartographic*. Edited by Karl-Heinz Meine, H. Kraram, and R. D. Schmidt. Frankfurt a.M. Semi-annually, 1957- . 21 cm. Z6021.B55 An international classified bibliography of cartographical literature. Includes a section on the History of Cartography, subdivided into a) General history, b) Regional history, and c) Biography and personal data. 27 Grob, Richard. Geschichte der schweizerischen Kartographie. Bern, KUmmerly und Frey, 194-1. 194> xxvii p. maps (part col.) 23 cm. GA1021.G72 A brief survey of Switzerland's representation in ancient and medieval cartography, followed by a more detailed description of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries when Swiss national cartography was very richly developed. It includes a number of map repro- ductions and copious bibliographical footnotes. 28 Harrisse, Henry. The discovery of North America; a critical, documentary, and historic investigation, with an essay on the early cartography of the new world, including descriptions of two hundred and fifty maps or globes existing or lost, constructed before the year 1536; to which are added a chronology of one hundred voyages westward, projected, attempted, or accomplished between 1431 and 1504; biographical accounts of the three hun- dred pilots who first crossed the Atlantic; and a Copious list of the original names of American regions, caciqueships, mountains, islands, capes, gulfs, rivers, towns and harbours . . . London, H. Stevens & Sons, etc. 1892. xii, 802 p., 1 1. maps 29 cm. G101.H32 Undoubtedly the most inclusive study of maps re- lating to early American history. It is a critical analysis of some 250 maps, many not previously recorded, including their nomenclature and characteristics. 8 - 29 Heidel, William Arthur- The frame of the ancient Greek maps. New York, American Geographical Society, 1937, 141 p. 21 cm. (A.G.S. Research Series No. 20). GA213-H4 "What seems to have distinguished even the earliest Greek maps, aside from their purpose to include the whole earth, is the frame enclosing the habitable earth. How this frame originated and was developed will be discussed in the pages that follow." The book is well documented with footnotes and is a good reference work on early Greek cartography. 30 Hennig, Richard. Terrae incognitae. Eine Zusammenstellung und kritische Bewertung der wichtigsten Vorkolumbischen Entdeckungsreisen an hand der daruber vorliegenden Originalberichte ... Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1944-56. 4 v. illus.j, maps. 25 cm. Contents, -v. 1. Ancient to Ptolemy. - v. 2. Period 200-1200. - v. 3° Period 1200-U15- - v. 4- Period 1416-1497. G82.H42 Comprehensive reference work comprising critical evaluations of voyages and travels of discovery from earliest times to 1497. Name index in each volume. 31 Imago Mundi, a periodical review of early cartography ... Berlin, London, etc. 1935 - 1959. 14 v. 30 cm. Editors; Leo Bagrow (with Hans Wertheim, 1935; Edward Lynam, 1937-1951); Leo Bagrow, 1952-1959- GAI.16 The only serial devoted exclusively to the history of cartography of which fourteen issues have appeared to 1959- 32 Imhof, Eduard. Die Iltesten Schweizerkarten. Zurich, Ore 11 Fiissli, 1939. 15 P« maps. 23 x 32 cm. GA1023.5.I5 Describes some of the earliest examples of Swiss cartography, largely from the sixteenth century. 9 - 33 International Geographical Union. Commission on the bibliography of ancient maps . Rapport de la Commission pour la Bibliographie des Cartes Anciennes. c Paris :) 1952. 2 v,; I, 63 p.; II, 93 P- 18 cm. Contents. - I. Rapport au XVIIIe Congres International, Washington, 1952, par R. Almagia, President de la Commission. - Contributions pour un Catalogue des Cartes Manuscrites, 1200- 1500, Id i tees par M, Destombes. - Macrobius, par M. Destombes (p. 21-33) - Richard de Haldingham, par G. R. Crone (p. 34-37) - Cartes catalanes du XlVe siecle par M. Destombes (p. 38-63) — II. - Catalogue des cartes gravees au XVe siecle, par Marcel Destombes. G56.16 1952 The beginnings of a comprehensive bibliography of all extant medieval maps, manuscript and printed, and portolan charts, of which the section on printed maps is complete. 34- Kosack, Hans Peter and Karl-He inz Meine. Die Kartographie 1943-1954; eine bibliographische Ubersicht. Lahr- Schwarzwald, Astra Verlag, 1955. 216 p. 30 cm. Z6021.K6 A general bibliography of references relating to cartography for the period indicated. There is a section on Historical Cartography (p. 27-39) which includes more than 350 titles subdivided under six head ings . 35 Kretschmer, Konrad. Die Entdeckung Amerika's in ihrer Bedeutung flir die Geschichte des Weltbildes. Mit einem Atlas von 40 Tafeln in Farbendruck. Berlin, W. H. Tiihi, etc. 1892. 4 P- 1., xi-xxiii, 471 p. 38 cm. and atlas., 7 p.l., 40 maps. 51 cm. E110.K92 Although this work commemorates the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America, it con- stitutes an excellent summary of historical maps from the earliest times to about 1520. The repro- ductions are, unfortunately, not true facsimiles, but redrawings. 10 36 Kretschmer, Konrad. Die italienischen Portolane des Mittelalters; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kartographie und Nautik ... Berlin, E. S, Mittler, c 1909-, viii, 688 p. map. 27 cm. GAS91.K8 A definitive study of portolan charts in general and Italian portolan charts in particular. It in- cludes descriptions of some 75 portolan charts, and about 20 portolanos. It is most useful for names found on such charts and their modern equivalents. 37 Kubitschek, Wilhelm. Karten. In Pauly, A. F. von. Real- Encyclopaedie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. v. 10, Stuttgart, 19 19, p. 2022-2U9- DE5.P33 v. 10 A comprehensive annotated list of ancient maps and globes, under the headings of city plans, Palestine, world maps by various authors, route maps, and globes, with numerous bibliographical references. 38 Leithauser, Joachim G. Mappae Mundi; die geistige Eroberung der Welt. Berlin, Safari-Verlag. 1958. 4-02 p. illus., maps. 25 cm. GA300.L-U A general history of cartography with a number of reproductions of early maps, several of which are in color. Has many features in common with Bagrow's Geschichte der Kartographie . 39 Lelewel, Joachim. Geographic du moyen age. Accompagne d* atlas et de cartes dans chaque volume ... Bruxelles, V. et J. Pilliet, 1850=52. U v. in 3, and atlas of 50 pi. 23 x 37 cm. Epilogue de la Geographic du moyen age, ... Accompagne de huit planches. Bruxelles, 1857. viii, 308 p. illus., maps. 23 cm. G89-L5 A comprehensive study, with a wealth of descriptive material relating to the maps of the Romans and Arabs. V. 1, p. 125-134 contains a useful "Table chronologique de la cartographie du moyen-age." 40 Libault, Andre. Histoire de la cartographie. Paris, Chaix. c 1959-, 86 p. illus., maps. 27 cm. GA201.L5 A popular summary history of cartography, including a number of illustrations, some in color. A good in- troductory work for the layman who can read French. - 11 - 4.1 Lowery, Woodbury. The Lowery Collection. A descriptive list of maps of the Spanish possessions within the present limits of the United States, 1502-1820, by Woodbury Lowery. Ed. with notes by Philip Lee Phillips ... Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1912. 2 p. I., x, 567 p. 27 cm. Z6027.A5U6 An annotated record of some 700 maps important . in the history of North America, more especially of the former Spanish colonies. It has extensive ref- erences to source materials as well as a compre- hensive index. 42 Miller, Konrad. Mappae Arablcae; Arabische Welt- und Landerkarten ... Stuttgart, Selbstverlag des hrsgebers., 1926-1931 - 6 v. illus., maps. 32 cm. GA221.M5 The important link in the history of cartography formed by Arabic maps is the subject of this compre- hensive survey, which emphasizes and culminates in the contribution of Idrisi and his world map of 1154. 42a Needhara, Joseph. Geography and cartography c of China^. In hia. Science and civilization in China. Cambridge, University Press, v. 3, 1959, p. 497-590, maps, illus. DS721.N39 A comprehensive survey of the history of geography and cartography of China from the earliest times to the 18th century. Emphasis is placed on the contributions of traditional Chinese civilization to mathematics and to the sciences of heaven and earth. 4-3 Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik, friherre. Facsimile -at las to the early history of cartography with reproductions of the most important maps printed in the XV and XVI centuries. Translated from the Swedish original by J. A. Ekelof ... and C. R. Markham ... Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Son, 1889. 141 p. 51 pi of maps. 52 x 38 cm. GA201.N7 An important comprehensive history of cartography from Ptolemy through the 16th century, as reflected in printed maps. It contains 51 large and 84 small repro- ductions of Ptolemaic, pseudo-Ptolemaic, and non- Ptolemaic maps. Each section includes annotated lists of printed maps, chronologically arranged. I INOU - 12 44 Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik, friherre . Periplus; an essay on the early history of charts and sailing directions translated from the Swedish original by Francis A. Bather with numerous reproductions of old charts and maps. Stockholm, P. A. Norstedt & Son, 1897* x, 208 p. 97 illus., maps. 50 x 29 cm. GA201.N6 A key reference work devoted to manuscript maps from ancient times to about 1650. A com- panion volume to the author's Facsimile atlas , it treats also of mediaeval mappae mundi, portolan charts, as well as maps of northern Europe, Africa, Asia, America, and the Pacific. Under each heading the maps are described in chronological order, with numerous footnotes, references, annotations, and a comprehensive index. It contains some 60 facsimile reproductions of the more important maps, many of which had never before been reproduced. 45 N6rlund, Niels Erik. Danmarks kortlaegning, en historisk fremstelling, udgivet med stdtte af Carlsbergfondet af N. E. Ndrlund ... Kdbenhavn, E. Minksgaard, 1942. v. 1. illus., maps. 50 cm. (Denmark. Geodaetisk Institut. Publikationer. IV) Contents. - v. 1. Tiden til afsutningen af Videnskabernes selskabs opmaaling. 77 p. 105 pl« of maps. GA961 . N6 Treats of the historical maps specifically of Denmark, but actually of all Scandinavia. Contains an excellent summary and many fine facsimile repro- ductions of maps from Ptolemy to 1813. 46 Ravenstein, Ernest George, and Sir Charles Frederick Arden-Close. History of cartography. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. 14th ed. v. 14, London, New York, 1929, p. 836-845- AE5.E363 1929 v. 14 A readily available concise history, touching the important steps in cartographic development. - 13 47 Santarem, Manuel Francisco de Barros, 2. visconde de. Essai sur l'histoire de la cosmographie et de la cartographie pendant le moyen-age et sur les pr ogres de la geographic ... Paris, Imp. Maulde et Renou, 1849-52. 3 v. 22 cm. and portfolio of 79 maps. 76 cm. G89.S2 Volume 1 contains a general summary of the development of cartography and geographic theories during the early middle ages. Though largely out of date in details, this great work remains one of the primary approaches to medieval geography. 48 Skelton, Raleigh Ashlin. Decorative printed maps of the 15th to 18th centuries; a revised edition of Old decorative maps and charts by A. L. Humphreys. With 84 reproductions and a new text. London, New York, Staples Press c 1952-, vii, 80 p., 84 pi. of maps. 32 cm. G1025-S6 1952 A concise introduction to cartographical development useful to the collector and student alike. It contains numerous reproductions of pertinent maps, and has a general bibliography and references at the end of each chapter. 49 Explorers' maps, chapters in the cartographic record of geographical discovery. New York, F. A. Praeger, 1958. xi, 337 p. illus., maps. 26 cm. GA203.S55 1958 "The book may be regarded as a pictorial comparison to general histories of exploration. . . . The maps used or drawn by explorers describe the borderland between the known and the unknown. . . . The text is planned as a concise summary of geographical ideas and events associated with the maps reproduced . M Has reproductions of many early maps. 50 Stevenson, Edward Luther. Terrestrial and celestial globes; their history and construction, including a consideration of their value as aids in the study of geography and astronomy ... New Haven, Pub. for the Hispanic Society of America by the Yale University Press, 1921. 2 v. illus. 25 cm. (Publications of the Hispanic Society of America, No. 86). GA260.S7 A comprehensive work, including an extensive bibliography, an index of globe makers with locations of globes, and a general index. u 51 Stokes, Isaac Newton Phelps. The iconography of Manhattan Island, 1498- 1909 > compiled from original sources and illustrated by photo- intaglio reproductions of important maps, plans, views and documents in public and private collections .0. New York, R. H. Dodd, 1915-28. 6 v. illus,, maps. 29 cm. F128.37.S87 An excellent auxiliary reference tool. Although it relates primarily to the New York area, volume 2 is devoted to the discovery and exploration of the north- east coast of North America. The classified index in volume 6 includes an extensive section on maps and map makers . 52 Teleki, Pal Grof . Atlas zur Geschichte der Kartographie der japanischen Inseln. Nebst dem hoi land ischen Journal der Reise Mathys Quasts und A. J. Tasmans Zur Entdeckung der Go Id inseln im Osten von Japan ... 1639 und dessen deutscher Ubersetzung. Budapest, Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, 1909. xiii, 184 p. incl. 18 maps, 9 pi., 54 maps on xx pi. 60 x 44- cm. GA1241.T415 The key reference work on the history of Japanese cartography. The first part treats of early European knowledge of Japan from the travels of Marco Polo and its first appearance on the 1375 Catalan map to 1550. The second part covers the period from the Portuguese discovery in 1542 to the end of the 18th century. It includes valuable indexes and an extensive bibliography. 53 Too ley, Ronald Vere, Maps and map-makers. c 2d ed. rev.^ New York, Crown (-1952., xii, 140 p. illus., maps. 25 cm. GA201.T6 1952 An introduction to historical cartography designed for the use of the collector as well as for the student. It is concerned with atlases and maps published by the better known map makers from ancient times to the 19th century, arranged according to schools or nationalities. Lists of bibliographical references are to be found at the end of each chapter. - 15 - 54 U.S. Library of Congress . Map Division . A list of geograph- ical atlases in the Library of Congress, with biblio- graphical notes. Compiled under the direction of Philip Lee Phillips, F.R.G.S. ... Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 26 cm. v. 1-4, 1909-20; v. 5, comp. by Clara E. Le Gear, Washington, 1958; v. 6, in press. Z6028.U5 Volumes 1-4- list 5>324 atlases dating from the Middle Ages through 1919- Volume 5 includes all world atlases acquired by the Library of Congress between 1920 and 1956. Full tables of contents for all pub- lished before 1820. Volume 6 will list atlases of Europe, Africa, and Asia acquired by the Library since 1920. Includes basic chronological lists of atlases, alphabetical author lists, and alphabetical indexes. For many of the older atlases there are extensive bibliographic notes as well as lists of individual maps (primarily "maps relating to America, plans of cities throughout the world, and material of specific interest not usually found in atlases"). The only comprehensive list of atlases. 5$ A list of maps of America in the Library of Congress, preceded by a list of works relating to cartography. By P. Lee Phillips, F.R.G.S. ... Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1901. 1137 p. 28 cm. Z6027.A5U5 Includes between 15,000 and 20,000 titles, arranged alphabetically by area, including separate maps, as well as maps in atlases and in books. Com- prises the American maps in the Library of Congress at the time the Map Division was organized in 1897. 56 Vatican. Biblioteca Vaticana . Monumenta cartographica Vaticana iussu Pii XII P. M. Citta del Vaticana, 1944-55' 4 v. maps. 43 cm. Contents. - v. I. Planisferi, carte nautiche e affini dal secolo XIV al XVII, esistenti nella Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Roberto Almagia. 156 p. 56 plates of maps, 1944- v. II. Carte grafiche a stampa di particolare pregio o rarita dei secoli XVI e XVII, esistenti nella Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Roberto Almagia. 130 p. 40 plates of maps, 1948. - v. III. Le pittvre mvrali della galleria delle carte geografiche. 89 p. 52 plates. 1952. - v. IV. Le pitture geografiche murali della terza loggia e di altre sale Vaticane. 43 p., 28 pi., 1955= GA195-V3V38 A magnificent contribution to the history of cartography from the 14th to the 17th century, it is one of the recent great contributions to the history of cartography. It contains extensive descriptions of the maps reproduced and has many bibliographical references. - 16 - 57 Wagner, Henry Raup. The cartography of the northwest coast of America to the year 1800 ... Berkeley, Calif., University of California press, 1937. 2 v. maps. 32 cm. GA401.W3 Although emphasis is on the northwest coast of America, this is a useful reference work to the student of the historical cartography of America. It contains an extensive index, bibliography, list of place names as well as a list of maps. An exhaustive and scholarly publication, which includes a note on practically every important map of the world between 1507 and 1794- . 58 Wauwermans, Henry Emmanuel, Histoire de l'ecole carto- graphique Beige et Anversoise du XVTe siecle. Bruxelles, Institut National de Geographie, 1895- 2 v. illus. 25 cm, GA901.W35 An auxiliary work dealing with the history of carto- graphy from early times to the 17th century, with emphasis on the contributions of Belgian and Antwerp map makers. A narrative without a general index. 59 Weisz, Leo. Die Schweiz auf alten Karten, mit Geleitwort und einem Kartographisch-technischetr Anhang von Prof. Ed. Imhof. Zurich, Verlag der Neuen Zurcher Zeitung, 194-5. 3 p. 1., 9-227, c 3 n p. illus., ports., 29 maps, diagrs. 30 cm. GA1021.W5 A good general history of the cartography of Switzerland, well illustrated with portraits of map makers, maps, triangulations, surveying instruments, etc. Unfortunately, it lacks a general index. 60 Wheat, Carl Irving. Mapping the Transmississippi West, 1540-1861. San Francisco, Institute of Historical Cartography, 1957-59- v. 1-3- maps. 37 cm. v. I, The Spanish entrada to the Louisiana Purchase, 1540- 1804, 1957, 264 p., pl- v. II, From Lewis and Clark to Fremont, 1804-1845, 1958, 281 p., pl. v. Ill, From the Mexican War to the Boundary Surveys, 1846-1854, 1959, 349 p., pl. GA405.W5 Work planned to include five volumes Volume I gives general background of the work, and "a narrative discussion of the growth and spread of knowledge con- cerning the Transmisiissippi region over the period from 1540 to 1804, as disclosed on the maps, and a detailed Bibliocartography presenting data respecting all maps considered." Volume II covers period from Lewis and Clark expedition to Mexican War, and Volume III traces the development between 1846 and 1854 . All three volumes include a -number of facsimiles of historic maps, and individual descriptions of maps arranged in chronological sequence. Some errors in citations. - 17 61 Wieder, Frederik Caspar. Monumenta cartographica; repro- ductions of unique and rare maps, plans and views in the actual size of the originals, accompanied by cartographical monographs ... The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1925-33. 5 v. 87 x 57 cm. GA1346.W5 This work, sumptuously prepared, highlights Dutch contribution to exploration and discovery, with emphasis on Petrus Plancius, Joan Vingboons, Willem Janszoon Blaeu and Abel Janszoon Tasman. 62 Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history of America . . . Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, (1834-89) 8 v. illus., maps. 27 cm, E18.W766 Cbntains references to so many maps relating to all phases of American history as to be virtually a history of American cartography. Each volume has an extensive index and volume 8 has a consolidated index. The volumes throughout are illustrated with numerous facsimiles and sketches of maps of his- torical importance. 63 Wblkenhauer, Wilhelm Aus der Geschichte der Kar tographie . In Deutsche Geographische BlMtter. Bremen, v. 35, no. 1-2, 1912, p. 29-47; v. 27, no. 2, 1904, p. 95- 116; v. 33, no. 4, 1910, p. 239-264; v. 36, no, 3-4, 1913. p. 136-158; v. 38, no. 1, 1916-17, p. 101-128. Contents. - c No, 1^, Die mittelalterliche Kartographie (388-1474). - c NOo 2 3 . Von der Wiederweckung des Ptolemaus bis zu Mercator (1475-1553). - c No. 3^. Das Reformzeitalter der Kartographie (1538-1613). - c No. 4 3 Das Zeitalter des Ubergangs, 1600 bis 1750. - c No. 5^. Die Periode der Triangulation und topographischen Aufnahmen (1750-1840). - c No. 6.,. Die moderne Kartographie (1840-1917). G1.D2 An expansion of the author's Leitfaden zur Geschichte der Kartographie, published in 1895 • A chronological record of events important in the development of cartography, notably maps, publications, instruments , discoveries. 18 - 64 Wright, John Kirtland. The geographical lore of the time of the Crusades; a study in the history of medieval science and traditions in western Europe . . . New York, American Geographical Society, 192$. xii, 563 p. illuso, maps. 21 cm. (American Geographical Society. Research series, No. 15) G89.W7 An auxiliary reference work for the student of mediaeval cartography. Chapter XI, p. 247=257 con- tains a critical summary of the maps of the middle ages. 65 Wroth, Lawrence Counselman. The early cartography of the Pacific. In Bibliographical Society of America. Papers. New York, v. 38, no. 2, 1944, p. 87-268, 22 maps. Z1008.B51P An excellent auxiliary study of maps from Ptolemy to 1798, important in the development of the cartog- raphy of the Pacific area, with facsimiles of 22 of the 104 maps described. 66 Yusuf Kamal, Prince . Hallucinations scientifiques (les portolans) . . . Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1937. 1 p. 1., 95 Po, 1 1. 39 maps. 31 x 24 cm. VK874.A3Y8 "Attempts to disillusion our minds of two so- called 'hallucinations* regarding origin c of portolan charts.,; one, that the early charts bear witness to Arabic influence and, two, that anything definite is, in fact, known about their origin." Includes a number of admirable collotype reproductions. 67 Monument a cartographica Africae et Aegypti . . . Le Caire., 1926-1951. 16 v. illus., maps. 75 x 62 cm. GA134LY8 Although this work is not a general history of cartography, it is comprehensive for the pre=Ptolemaic and the classical periods. It includes facsimiles of hundreds of maps as well as source materials related to them, in Greek, Latin, Arabic, Egyptian, and other languages, all of which are also translated into French. It was published in a limited edition of 70 sets which Prince Yusuf Kamal presented to selected institutions throughout the world. In the United States, sets are to be found at the American Geo- graphical Society of New York, the New York Public Library, the Library of Congress, and the University of Chicago Library. Classified Index Bibliographies Number Bibliotheca Cartographica ....... . . 26 Kosack and Meine 34 General References Bagrow ..................... 7 British Museum 12 Brown ........................... 13 Crone 18 Eckert-Greiffendorff . 21 Imago Mundi 31 Leithauser ........... 38 Libault 4-0 Nordenskiold (Facsimile Atlas) ............... A3 Ravenstein 46 Skelton ........................... 48,4-9 Tooley 53 U. S. Library of Congress (Atlases) ............. 54 Vatican . 56 Wieder ........................... 61 Wolkenhauer . 63 Wroth ............... ... 65 Yusuf Kamal (Monumenta) ........... ... 67 Atlases U. S. Library of Congress (Atlases) . ..... 54 Globes Fiorini ........ ..... 22 Stevenson ..... ............. 50 Ancient Period Number Bunbury . . . „ . . . . Heidel ........ Hennig ........ Kretschmer (Entdeckung) Kubitschek ...... U 29 30 35 37 Medieval Period Andrews ........... ....... 2 Beazley ................. 8 Hennig . ......... 30 International Geographical Union ..... ... 33 Lelewel ...... 39 Miller ........ ...... 42 Santarem 47 Wright .... ...... 64 Portolan Charts Anthiaume ........... ...... 3 CorteB&o 16 Kretschmer (Portolane) ..... 36 Nordenskiold (Periplus) 44 Yusuf Kamal (Hallucinations) .... 66 Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Averdunk ........... . 4 Baddeley 5 Bagrow (A. Ortelli) ...... 6 Berwick . 9 Wauwermans 58 Wieder ....... . ........ 61 African Yusuf Kamal (Monument a) 67 American Asian Baddeley ...... Number Berwick . 9 Cumming ..... 19 Fite and Freeman 23 Harrisse 28 Kretschmer (Entdeckung) 35 Lowery 4-1 Stokes ......... ....... 51 U. S. Library of Congress (Maps) 55 Wagner ....... ..... 57 Wheat 60 Winsor 62 Arabic Yusuf Kamal (Monuments) 67 British Chubb 15 Chinese Baddeley 5 Needham 4.2a Dutch Averdunk U Fockema Andreae ..... 24 Wauwermans 58 Wieder 61 Egyptian Yusuf Kamal (Monumenta) ....... 67 French Number Anthiaume 3 France (Armee) 25 Italian Almagia 1 Kretschmer (Portolane) . 36 Japanese Teleki 52 Pacific Wroth 65 Portuguese Cortesao 16 Cortes&o and Teixeira da Mota ...... 17 Russian Baddeley 5 Scandinavian Bramsen ..... 10 Bratt L1 Dahlgren • 20 Nrfrlund 45 Swiss Grob • 27 Imhof ■ 32 Weisz 59 V a „ PtessboordJ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 016 52698UN3G1960 C004 A GUIDE TO HISTORICAL CARTOGRAPHY 20 REV 3 0112 025268035