£»37 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library HOI/ 1 0 1965 L161— 0-1096 T, 0*' v «ts Hy \jt> TatV The Library Schools and Training Classes of the United States. * f NEW YORK: REPRINTED FROM THE LIBRARY JOURNAL, 1894. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 /■ https://archive.org/details/libraryschoolstrOOunse A lO.'^.lJ o.ssj vw A ^ i g n o i THE LIBRARY SCHOOLS AND TRAINING CLASSES OF THE UNITED STATES. There are at present six library schools in the | economy and bibliography is now given in sev- United States : the New York State Library School, the pioneer and leader; the library school of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn; that of the Los Angeles Public Library; that of the Drexel Institute, Philadelphia ; that conducted by Ar- mour Institute, Chicago; and that of the Denver Public Library. The summer school of library economy conducted at Amherst by Mr. Fletcher should also be added to the list, and brings the total number up to seven. With the exception of the New York State Library School, none of these schools are more than four years old. The Pratt Institute library classes were begun in October, 1890, those of the Los Angeles Public Library in October, 189T, the Drexel In- stitute course was opened in September, 1892, and those of Armour Institute and of the Denver Public Library were inaugurated in September, 1893. An exhibit of the work accomplished by these centres of library training cannot fail to be of general interest. Such an exhibit is here pre- sented in the simplest and most effective man- ner, by giving the complete roster of the stu- dents at the various schools from the beginning, with the positions they have held and are now holding in the library profession. A roster of this sort affords a more practical demonstration of what has been done in this field of library work than could be given by the closest analysis of the technical details of each particular library school. We append the register of the New York State Library School from its beginning, including all matriculated students. This is followed by the roster of the other schools, arranged in the order of their establishment. A short account of the Amherst summer school of library econ- omy is also included ; but the list of Amherst students is not given, as the course is of short duration, there are no diplomas or gradua- tions, and most of those taking it are already engaged in library work. Details as to the instruction, or the division or arrangement of studies are not included. The main features of the course are familiar to librarians, and though there may be minor dif- ferences and variations in the different schools, the essential features are the same in all. Besides the schools noted in the appended lists, instruction, more or less detailed, in library eral colleges. Such a course has been included in the curriculum of Colorado College for the past two years; at Amherst College there are lectures on bibliography and the use of the library ; Bowdoin College, the University of California, Cornell University, Iowa State Col- lege, and the University of Michigan have simi- lar courses of lectures; Wellesley College offers an elective course in bibliography of an hour a week for a year; and Maine State College has recently included a course in library economy in its curriculum. These courses are not included in the list of regular schools, as they are gen- erally associated with other studies, and do not offer independent practical library training. NEW YORK STA TE LIBRARY SCHOOL. REGISTER, 1887-94, INCLUDING ALL MATRICU- LATED STUDENTS. Facts are given in the following order: 1. Col- lege connection; 2. Library school attendance; 3. Positions; 4. Connection with library asso- ciations. If a student is registered as attending the school and filling a position at the same time, it signifies a leave of absence to attend the school. Senior certificate. Completion of the first year’s course at the New York state library school. Graduate. Completion of the full two years’ course either at Columbia college or at the New York state library. Columbia certificate. This certificate was granted by Columbia college to students who completed the course there before the school was transferred to the New York state library in 1889. Diploma. Completion of the full two years’ course at the New York state library school. Diploma with honor. Completion of the full two years’ course at the New York state library school with honor (90 per cent.). B.L.S. Completion of two years of college work and of the full two years’ course at the New York state library school with honor (90 per cent.). Class of 1888. 1. Bonnell, Kate. — Library school, Jan.- May 1887; cataloger New York free circulating library, 1887; died, Sept. 7, 1890. 2. Burgess, Harriet P. — Library school, Jan. - May, 1887. 3. Catlin, George. — Library school, Jan. - June, 1887; previously assistant librarian Free li- braries, Birmingham, England. 4. Chapman, Lilian Howe. — Library school, Jan.- July, Sept. -Dec., i887;librarian Cottage City (Mass.) library association, Oct., 1885- 4 Oct., 1886; assistant librarian Y. W. C. A., New York, June- Dec., 1887; librarian Lend- ing library, Cottage City, Mass., July, 1893- date. 5. Cole, George Watson. — Graduate. Li- brary school, 1887-88, Columbia certificate; cataloger, Public-library, Fitchburg, Mass., Aug., 1885 -Oct.. 1886; librarian Pratt insti- tute freelibrary, Brooklyn, Nov., 1886-Sept., 1887 ; assistant Newberry library, Chicago, Ap. , 1888 -Dec., 1891; public librarian, Jersey City, Jan., 1891-date; attended A. L. A. meetings ’85, ’87, ’90, ’92, ’93, member A. L. A. committee on Library school 1892-93, treasurer A. L. A., July, 1893-date; vice- president New Jersey library association, Oct. , 1891-date ; secretary New York library club, Jan., 1892 -May, 1893, president May, 1893- May, 1894. 6. Denio, Lilian. — Graduate. Library school, Jan., 1887-Jan., 1889, Columbia certificate; Wellesley college library, July- Aug., 1887; cataloger Union for Christian work, Brook- lyn, Nov., 1887-Feb., 1888; cataloger Public library, Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb., 1889- Ap., 1890; librarian Teachers college library, New York, Ap., 1890 -date ; attended A. L. A. meetings ’87, ’92, ’93; vice-president New York library club, 1894 -date. 7. Fernald, Harriet Converse. — Graduate. B. S. Maine state college of agriculture and mechanic arts, 1884, M.S., 1888 ; Library school, 1887-88, Dec., 1888 -Jan., 1889; Co- lumbia certificate ; cataloger Public library, Saugus, Mass., May -June, 1887; classifier Bowdoin college library, Aug. -Oct., 1887; cataloger Union for Christian work, Brooklyn, Nov., 1887-Feb., 1888; cataloger Pennsyl- vania state college library, Dec., 1889 -June, 1890 ; cataloger Maine state college library, Aug. - Nov., 1888, Feb. - June, 1889, librarian, Dec., 1890 -date; secretary Maine library as- sociation, 1891 -date. 8. Godfrey, Lydia Boker. — Graduate. Vas- sar college, 1872-74; Ph.B. Boston university, 1878; Library school, Jan.-Ap., 1888, Columbia certificate; order department Public library, Boston, 1881-83; superintendent catalog de- partment Wellesley college library, 1883-88, reference librarian and instructor in bibliog- raphy, 1888 -date, year’s leave of absence in Europe, 1891 - 92. 9. Goodrich, Harriet. — Library school, Jan. -Feb., 1887. 10. Griswold, Harriet Sherman. — Library school, Jan. -May, 1887; public librarian Ba- tavia, N. Y., 1883-86; assistant librarian Y. W. C. A., New York, Ap. - June, 1887, librari- an, June, 1887-June, 1889; died Feb. 2, 1889. 11. Hutchins, Annie Eliza. — Library school, 1887, attended lectures only, gave instruction in dictionary cataloging; formerly of the Har- vard, Boston public, and Cornell university libraries; cataloger in Columbia college, New- berry, and Yale college libraries; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’79, ’89. 12. Jackson, Annie Brown. — Graduate. B.A. Smith college, 1882, M.A., 1885; Library school, 1887-88, Columbia certificate; mem- ber book committee Free public library, North Adams, Mass., 1885-date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, '93. 13. Jones, Ada Alice. — Graduate. Wellesley college, 1878-80, 1881-82; Library school, 1887- 88, Columbia certificate; cataloger Wel- lesley college library, July, 1882 -Sept., 1886; assistant librarian Y. W. C. A., New York, Nov., 1887 -May, 1888; cataloger Columbia college library, May, 1888 -March, 1889, in- structor in cataloging Library school, Oct., 1888 - March, 1889; librarian Woman’s library, World’s Columbian exposition, Chicago, July- Aug., 1893; cataloger New York state library, Ap., 1889 -date, instructor in advanced cata- loging Library school, Oct., 1889 -date, secre- tary of faculty, Feb., 1891- date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, ’93. 14. Knowlton, Frances S. — Library school, Jan. - Ap., 1887. 15. Miller, Eulora. — Graduate. B.S. Purdue university (Lafayette, Ind.), 1878 ; Library school, 1887-88, Columbia certificate; librarian Purdue university library, 1878 - 80; assistant public librarian Lafayette, Ind., 1882-87, li- brarian 1888; librarian Pratt institute free libra- ry, Brooklyn, 1889-90; married Rufus Platt Jennings, Nov. 20, 1890, address 7 Madison park, Chicago, 111 .; attended A. L. A. meet- ings, ’87, ’89. 16. Nelson, Martha F. — Library school, Jan.- June, 1887; assistant librarian New York free circulating library, Jan., 1886- Jan., 1887; classifier Pratt institute free library, Brooklyn, Aug. -Sept., 1887; librarian Union library (W. C. T. U.), Trenton, N. J., Oct., 1887- date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’88, ’90, ’92, ’93; secretary New Jersey library association, Dec., 1890- Oct., 1893. 17. Patten, Francis Chauncey. — Graduate. Ripon(Wis.) college, 1885-86; Library school, 1887-88, Columbia certificate; assistant li- brarian Ripon college library, 1883-86; cata- loger New York free circulating library, May- Dec., 1887; evening reference clerk Columbia college library, Oct., 1887 -March, 1888, cata- log curator and reference clerk Ap., 1888- March, 1889; catalog and shelf curator New York state library, Ap., 1889- July, 1892; public librarian Helena, Mont., Aug., 1892- date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’86, ’87, ’90, '92, ’93. 18. Plummer, Mary Wright. — Graduate . Wel- lesley college, 1881-82; Library school, Jan., 1887 - March, 1888, Columbia certificate; in- structor in cataloging Library school, Nov. - Dec., 1887; assistant in charge of cataloging department Public library, St. Louis, Ap., 1888 - Ap., 1890; librarian Pratt institute free library, Brooklyn, Nov., 1890 -date, instructor Free library training classes, 1890 -date; year’s leave of absence in Europe, 1894-95; attend- ed A. L. A. meetings, ’87, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, member A. L. A. committee on Library school, 1891-92; vice-president New York library s club, 1891-92; secretary New York library association, 1892-93. 19. Seymour, May. — Graduate. B. A. Smith college, 1880; Library school, 1887, 1888-89, Columbia certificate ; classifier and cataloger Osterhout free library, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1887- 88; cataloger Columbia college library, 1888- 89; classifier New York state library, 1889- 91, sub-librarian (education), 1891- date, instructor in elementary classification Library school, 1891, instructor library print- ing and editing, 1891 - date ; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, ’92, ’93. 20. Stott, Janet Elizabeth. — Library school, 1887; assistant librarian New York free cir- culating library, Feb., 1882 -June, 1889; mar- ried Richard Lavery, Sept. 25, 1889; address 234 South Second ave. , Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ; at- tended A. L. A. meeting, ’87. 21. Talcott, Eliza S. — B.A. Vassar college, 1869; Library school, Jan. - May, 1887; cata- loger Connecticut mutual life insurance com- pany library, Oct. - Nov. , 1887; assistant cata- loger Union for Christian work, Brooklyn, Dec., 1887 -March, 1888; assistant librarian Hartford public library, March, 1888 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 22. Woodworth, Florence. — Graduate. Libra- ry school 1887, Jan. -July, 1889, Columbia certificate, honor senior certificate, 1890; cata- loger Osterhout free library, Wilkes-Barr6, Pa., Aug., 1887-Dec., 1888; cataloger Colum- bia college library, Jan. - Ap., 1889; librarian Woman’s library, World’s Columbian exposi- tion, Chicago, July -Aug., 1893; cataloger New York state library, Ap., 1889 -Sept., 1892, registrar Library school, Ap., 1889- Sept., 1892, instructor in cataloging Library school, Ap., 1889 -date, director’s assistant New York state library, Oct., 1892 - date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, ’93; member A. L. A. committee on World’s Columbian exposition, 1890-91. Class. of 1889. 23. Baldwin, Elizabeth G. — Graduate. Li- brary school, 1887-89, Columbia certificate; in charge of library of Huguenot society of America deposited in Columbia college li- brary, Ap., 1889- Feb., 1894; reviser catalog- ing department Columbia college library, Ap., 1889 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’90. 24. Banks, Mrs Martha Howard (Gordon). — Library school, 1887-89; cataloger Newark free public library, July -Sept., 1889, Jan.- May, 1890; classifier and cataloger James Prendergast free library, Jamestown, N. Y., July -Oct., 1890; cataloger Longstreet li- brary, Peddie institute, Hightstown, N. J. , Dec., 1890- March, 1891; librarian Bennett library, Wyoming seminary, Kingston, Pa., March -Dec., 1891; cataloger American so- ciety of mechanical engineers’ library, New York, Feb. -Ap., 1892; classifier and cata- loger Slater library, Jewett City, Ct., June, 1892 -Feb., 1893; attended A. L. A, meeting, 92. 25. Brackett, Harriet Mary. — B.A. Bates college, 1884, M.A., 1887; Library school, Oct., 1888 - Feb., 1889, attended lectures only; cataloger Columbia college library, Oct., 1884 - 85; cataloger Oberlin college library, 1885-67; reviser and cataloger Columbia college libra- ry, 1888 -date. 26. Browne, Nina Eliza. — Graduate. B.A. Smith college, 1882, M.A., 1885; Library school, 1887-89, Columbia certificate, B.L.S., 1891; assistant Columbia college library, Ap., 1888- Ap., 1889 ; shelf-lister New York state library, Ap., 1889- Jan., June -Nov., 1892; classifier and cataloger Phipps scientific col- lection, Carnegie free library, Alleghany, Pa., Jan. -May, Dec., 1892; librarian Library Bureau, Jan., 1893-date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’92, '93, registrar A. L. A., 1888-90, 1892-93, assistant secretary, 1893 -date. 27. Clarke, Edith Emily. — Graduate. Ph.B. Syracuse university, 1881 ; Library school, 1887-89, Columbia certificate; cataloger Al- fred (N. Y.) university library, July -Aug., 1888; head cataloger Columbia college library, Ap., 1889 -June, 1890; cataloger in charge of Woman’s library, World’s Columbian exposi- tion, Chicago, May-Sept., 1893; lecturer on dictionary cataloging, department of library science, Armour institute, Chicago, Ap., 1894; head cataloger Newberry library, Chicago, Aug., 1890-date; attended A. L. A. meet- ings, ’90, ’92, ’93, member A. L. A. co-opera- tion committee, 1892-93; vice-president Chi- cago library club, 1893-94. 28. Cutler, Louisa Salome. — Graduate. Graduate Mt. Holyoke seminary, 1886; Libra- ry school, 1887-89, Columbia certificate, honor senior certificate, 1893; classifier New- ark free public library, Ap. - July, 1889 ; libra- rian Aguilar free library, New York, Sept., 1889- Sept., 1891; classifier Colgate universi- ty library, Hamilton, N. Y., Nov. , 1891 -May, 1892; librarian A. L. A. library, World’s Co- lumbian exposition, Chicago, July, 1892- Nov. , 1893; public librarian, Utica, N. Y. , Nov., 1893 -date; attended A. L. A. meet- ings, ’86, ’87, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, assistant secre- tary A. L. A., 1893 -date. 29. Gilmore, David Chandler. — B.A. Uni- versity of Rochester, 1887, !M. A., 1891; Li- brary school, Nov., 1887- Feb., 1888; libra- rian Railroad men’s library (branch Y. M. C. A.), New York, Feb., 1888-Aug., 1890. 30. Hopson, Ema K. — Graduate. Library school, 1887- 89, Columbia certificate; cataloger Co- lumbia college library, Ap., 1889-June, 1890; cataloger Newberry library, Chicago, June- Sept., 1890; married Howard Owen Sprogle, Oct. 20, 1890, address 3217 Summer st., Phila- delphia; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 31. Jones, Gardner Maynard. — Library school, Jan. - Nov., 1888; assistant Dorchester Athenaeum, 1863-66, librarian, 1866-69; classifier and cataloger Boston book co., Nov., 1888 - Feb., 1889; librarian Public library, Salem, Masg., March, 1889 -date; attended 6 A. L. A. meetings, ’88, ’90, ’92, ’93, member A. L. A. co-operation committee, 1890-92, member collection committee A. L. A. library, World’s Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1892- 93, member A. L. A. committee on subject headings, 1892-date; secretary Massa- chusetts library club, Nov., 1890- Oct., 1891, president, Nov., 1893-date. 32. Knapp, August. — Library school, 1887-89. 33. Lee, Rev. Albert. — Harvard college, 1868-71; graduate Auburn theological sem- inary, 1874; Yale divinity school, 1874-75; Library school, 1887-89; cataloger Summer- field methodist episcopal church, Brooklyn, 1888 ; cataloger Columbia college library, 1889 -Ap., 1892; cataloger Harlem library. New York, Ap., 1892 -Feb., 893; librarian Mining building, World’s Columbian exposi- tion, Chicago, May -Oct., 1893. 34. Marsee, Isabella Rebecca. — Graduate. Li- brary school, Jan., 1888- 89, Columbia certifi- cate; reference librarian Public library, Indian- apolis, Ind. . 1882 - 89; married Albert Lupton Dec. 11, 1889, address, 213 Herkimer st., Brooklyn. 35. Medlicott, Mary. — Graduate. Library school, 1887-89, Columbia certificate; cata- loger Alfred (N. Y.) university library, July- Aug., 1888; cataloger Teachers college libra- ry, New York, Jan. - March, 1889, librarian, Ap. , 1889-Ap. , 1890; cataloger Society for the home study of Holy scripture, Aug., 1889-90; assistant in charge of reference de- partment City library, Springfield, Mass., Ap., 1890- date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, ’92; second vice-president Massachusetts library club, Oct., 1893-date. 36. Palmer, Henrietta Raymer. — Graduate. Bryn Mawr college, 1889-93 B.A., 1893; Library school, 1887 - 89, Columbia certificate; cataloger Newark free public library, Ap. - July, 1889; cataloger Lilly library, Florence, Mass. , July - Sept., 1889; cataloger Bryn Mawr college library, Sept., 1889- June, 1890, act- ing librarian, 1890-91; associate librarian, 1893 - date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 37. Prescott, Harriet Beardslee. — Gradu- ate. Mt. Holyoke seminary, 1886 ; Library school, 1887- 1889, Columbia certificate; cata- loger Columbia college library, Ap., 1889- date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, ’91 ; secretary New York library club, May, 1893- date. 38. Richardson, Mary Abbie. — Library school, Jan. -June, 1888; classifier and cata- loger Atlanta university library, Sept. 1888- June, 1889, librarian June, 1889- March. 1891; public librarian, New London, Ct., March, 1891 -date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, ’93; assistant secretary Connecticut library association, Feb., 1892- Feb., 1893, vice-presi- dent, Feb., 1893 -date. 39. Rose, Eleanor Waterhouse. — Library school, 1887 - 88; librarian Connecticut state normal school library, New Britain, 1S76- 77; assistant librarian Y. W. C. A., New York, 1886-87; librarian Town library, Framing- ham, Mass., 1888-89; cataloger private li- brary, Hartford, Ct., Sept., 1889 -March, 1890. 40. Stanton, Irving Gardiner. — B.A. Har- vard university, 1881; Library school, Dec., 1887 - Feb., 1889. Has since done temporary library work in connection with editorial work. 41. Swayze, Mary Camilla. — Graduate. Smith college, 1880-81; Library school, 1887-88, 1889-90, diploma, 1891; librarian Y. W. C. A. , New York, Sept., 1888-June, 1889; clas- sifier and cataloger High school library, Flushing, N. Y., Feb. -March, 1894; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 42. Underhill, Caroline Melvin. — Gradu- ate. Library school, 1887- 89, Columbia cer- tificate; classifier and cataloger New York normal college alumnae library, Oct., 1888- Ap., 1889; cataloger Newark free public li- brary, Ap., 1889 -May, 1891 ; librarian Ap- prentices' library company, Philadelphia, May, 1891 -June, 1894; attended A. L. A. meet- ings, ’90, ’92 ; treasurer Pennsylvania library club, 1892-94. 43. Ward, Ama Howard. — Graduate. Library school, 1887-89, Columbia certificate; Am- herst summer school of library economy, July -Aug., 1894; assistant librarian Y. W. C. A., New York, Ap.-Aug. , 1888, acting li- brarian Sept. -Dec., 1888, librarian, June, 1889- July, 1890. 44. Wire, George E. — Graduate. M.D. North- western university medical school (Chicago medical college), 1883 ; Library school, Jan., 1888- Ap., 1889, Columbia certificate ; assist- ant librarian Northwestern university library, Evanston, 111 ., Sept., 1885-Dec., 1888; assist- ant Columbia college library. Ap., 1889- June, 1890; lecturer department of library science, Armour institute, Chicago, 1893-94; superin- tendent medical department Newberry library, Chicago, July, 1890 -date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, member A. L. A. committee on Library school 1891-92, mem- ber committee on subject headings 1893- date ; secretary Chicago library club, Dec., 1891 - Dec., 1892, member committee to visit libraries and solicit membership, Feb., 1894 - date. Class of 1 890. 45. Abbott, Herbert Vaughan. — B.A. Am- herst college, 1885; Library school, 1888-89. 46. Adams, Gertrude. — Library school, 1888- 89. 47. Beebe, Elizabeth H. — Cornell university, 1883-84; Library school, Oct., 1888, Oct., 1892. In each case left during first month on account of ill-health. 48. Blake, Harriet Cummings. — B.A. Welles- ley college, 1880 ; Library school. Jan. - Feb. , 1889; cataloger Public library, Boston, Oct., 1880-Oct., 1886; cataloger Smith college library, Nov., 1887- Ap., 1888; cataloger Pub- lic library, Nashua. N. H., March, 1889- Feb., 1891; indexer of educational reports Connec- ticut state board of education, Hartford, 7 Sept. - Dec., 1891, cataloger educational pam- phlets, Oct. -Dec., 1893; cataloger Connecti- cut state normal school library, New Britain, Dec., 1891 -Dec., 1892 ; instructor dictionary cataloging Library school, Feb. - March, 1893 ; revised dictionary catalog for A. L. A. library, World’s Columbian exposition, Chi- cago, 1893. 49. Brainerd, Helen Elvira. — Graduate Mt. Holyoke seminary, 1887; Library school, 1888-89; cataloger Columbia college library, Ap. 1889 -date. 50. Burdick, Esther Elizabeth. — Graduate . Library school, 1888 - 90, diploma, 1891; clas- sifier and cataloger Town library, Orange, Mass., Sept. -Nov. , 1890; cataloger Union for Christian work, Brooklyn, Nov., 1890- Feb., 1891; head cataloger Public library, Jersey City, Feb., 1891 -Feb., 1894; assistant librarian, Feb., 1894 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 51. Cattell, Sarah Ware. — Graduate. Wel- lesley college, 1887-88; Library school, 1888- 90, honor diploma, 1891 ; classifier and cat- aloger Free library, Norfolk, Ct., June- Sept. , 1889; librarian Y. W. C. A., New York, Sept., 1890 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, '92, member A. L. A. committee on Library school and training classes, 1893 -date. 52. Clark, Josephine Adelaide. — B. A. Smith college, 1880; Library school, 1888-89; cata- loger Union for Christian work, Brooklyn, Nov., 1889- March, 1890; cataloger Brooklyn institute, March -June, 1890; assistant libra- rian Harvard university herbarium library, Aug., 1890- Sept., 1891; botanical bibliogra- pher botanical division Department of agri- culture, Washington, D. C., Sept., 1891 - Oct., 1893; assistant librarian Department of agri- culture, Washington, D. C., Oct., 1893 -date. 53. Fowler, Mary. — B.S. Cornell university, 1882; Library school, 1888-89; librarian Read- ing-room, Gouverneur, N. Y., Jan., 1886- Oct., 1888; classifier and cataloger Free libra- ry, Norfolk, Ct., Nov., 1889- Feb., 1890; classifier and cataloger Free library, North- field (Mass.) seminary, March -May, 1890; first cataloger Cornell university library , Aug. , 1890-date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, ’ 93 - 54. Green, Katherine Laura. — Library school, Oct. 1888- March, 1889; cataloger Franklin typographical society, Boston, three months winter of 1885-86; cataloger Newark free public library, Ap. - Aug., 1889; assistant Boston Athenaeum, Oct., 1889 - March, 1890; assistant order department Public library, Bos- ton, Ap.-Oct., 1890; cataloger Boston Athe- naeum, Oct., 1890- Feb., 1891; head cataloger Public library, St. Louis, Feb., 1891 -Jan., 1894; married Edward Cavender Rouse, March .7, 1894, address 30 Benton place, St. Louis; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 55. Harvey, Elizabeth. — Graduate. Library school, Oct. -Dec., 1888, 1889-90, diploma, 1891 ; cataloger Osterhout library, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., Jan. -Sept., 1888, classifier and cataloger, Jan. -Oct., 1889; classifier and cata- loger Y. M. C. A. , Cooperstown, N. Y. , July - Aug., 1890; cataloger New York state library, Oct., 1890-Sept., 1893; bibliographic work, Philadelphia, Nov., 1893 -date. 56. Kent, Henry Watson. — Library school, 1888, attended lectures only; cataloger Col- umbia college library, 1884 - Oct., 1886, March Nov., 1888; curator of the Slater memorial mu- seum and librarian of the Peck library, Free academy, Norwich, Ct., Nov., 1888 -date; year’s leave of absence in Europe, 1892-93. 57. Lathrop, Henrietta Sprague. — Library school, 1888 - 89. 58. Loomis, Mrs Mary (Wellman). — B.A. Lenox college (Hopkinton, la.), 1889, M.A., 1890; University of Michigan, 1883-85; Li- brary school, 1888-89, 1891-92, senior cer- tificate, 1892; accession clerk New York state library, Oct., 1889-July, 1891; cataloger Iowa college library, Grinnell, la., Jan. -Aug., 1893; librarian Woman’s library, World’s Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893; classi- fier and cataloger Free public library, Boone, la., June- Aug., 1894; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, ’92; secretary Iowa library so- ciety, Dec., 1893 -date. 59. Metcalf, Anna. — Library school, Jan. - Ap., 1888; librarian Harris institute, Woon- socket. R. I., Oct., 1883 -date; three months’ leave of absence in Europe, June -Sept., 1894; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’91, 92, ’93. 60. Robinson, Mary. — Smith college, 1881-82; Library school, 1888 - 89. 61. Sherman, Deborah Keith. — Library school, 1888-89; member library committee Y. W. C. A., New York, Ap., 1889-date; member committee on Institute and library of self-supporting women, Yonkers, N. Y. , Dec., 1891 -date, chairman cataloging committee, July, 1893-date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, ’91, ’92. 62. Sutermeister, Louise Mathilde.— Gradu- ate. Library school, 1888-89, 1890-91, diplo- ma, 1891; cataloger Wellesley college library, Sept., 1891 -June, 1892; cataloger Library company, Philadelphia, Oct., 1892 -date; at- tended A. L. A. meeting, ’90. 63. Temple, Mabel. — Graduate. Library school, 1888-90, diploma, 1891; assistant Public li- brary, North Adams, Mass., 1886-88; cata- loger Public library, Jackson, Mich., July, 1890- Feb., 1891; cataloger New York state library, March-July, 1891; cataloger Colgate university library, Hamilton, N. Y., Aug., 1891 - May, 1892 ; classifier and cataloger Crandall free library, Glens Falls, N. Y., Oct.- Nov., 1892 ; cataloger Union for Christian work, Brooklyn, Jan. -March, 1893; classifier Brown university library, July, 1893 -Jan., 1894; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 64. Trask, Mrs Rhoda Jeanette. — Library school, 1888- Ap,, 1889, attended lectures only; public librarian, Lawrence, Kan., 15 years; died June 5, 1890, 65. Underhill, ^.pblaide, — B.A. Vassar col- 8 lege, 1888; Library school, 1888-89; cata- loger Columbia college library, Oct., 1889- June, 1892; assistant librarian Vassar college library, July, 1892 -date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, ’93. 66. Weeks, Mary Frost. — Library school, 1888-89; cataloger Union for Christian work, Brooklyn, Oct., 1889 -Ap., 1890, Oct., 1890- March, 1891, Oct., 1891 - Feb., 1892; cataloger Bryson library, Teachers college, New York, Feb. -June, 1892; cataloger Public school li- brary, Montclair, N. J., 1892-93; public li- brarian, Montclair, N. J. , Sept., 1893 -date. 67. Winser, Beatrice. — Library school, Oct., 1888; French and German cataloger Newark free public library, 1889-93, assistant librarian June, 1894 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92; secretary New Jersey library association, Nov., 1893 -date. Class of 1891. 68. Ball, Lucy. — Library school, 1889-90; assistant librarian Public library, Grand Rap- ids, Mich., July, 1886- Oct., 1889, first assist- ant librarian. Sept. -Oct., 1890, acting libra- rian, Oct., 1890- Jan., 1891, librarian, Jan. 1891 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93; treasurer Michigan library association, Sept., 1891 - date. 69. Bunnell, Ada. — Graduate. University of Michigan, 1878-82; Library school, 1889- 91, B.L.S., 1891; cataloger Lilly library, Flor- ence, Mass., June, 1890; librarian Y. W. C. A., Albany, N. Y., Sept.- Dec., 1891 ; classifier Free public library, Dalton, Mass., June, 1893; classifier Society for the home study of Holy scripture, Sept., 1893; cataloger New York state library, Oct. -Nov., 1891, classi- fier, Dec., 1891 -date; attended A. L. A. meet- ings, ’90, ’93. 70. Burns, William Savage. — Graduate. B,A. Yale university, 1887; Library school, 1889- 91, B.L.S., 1891; cataloger private library of Ira Davenport, Bath, N. Y. , Aug. - Oct., 1891; librarian Michigan state normal school library, Ypsilanti, Mich., Oct., 1891 -June, 1892; assistant on printed catalog A. L. A. library, World’s Columbian exposition, Chi- cago, Ap. -Dec., 1893; cataloger New York state library, Oct., 1892 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 71. CHAMrLiN, Eva St. Clair. — B.L. Alfred (N. Y.) university, 1887, M.Lit., 1888; Li- brary school, Oct., 1889- Jan., 1890; librarian Alfred university library, 1888-91, 1892-93; first student assistant Bryn Mawr college li- brary, 1891-92; librarian Connecticut state normal school library, New Britain, 1893-94; librarian Connecticut normal schools, Sept., 1894- date. 72. Crawford, Esther. — B.L, Iowa agricult- ural college (Ames), 1887; Library school, Nov. 1889 -March, 1890; cataloger Iowa ag- ricultural college library, Aug., 1888- Oct., 1889, March, 1890- Dec., 1891; cataloger Pub- lic library, Sioux City, la. , July, 1892 - Ap., 1893, librarian, May, 1893 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 73. Dexter, Lydia Aurelia. — B. A. Univer- sity of Chicago, 1884; Library school, Oct., 1889- Ap., 1891; cataloger Newberry library, Chicago, June, 1891 -date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’91, ’92, ’93; treasurer Chicago li- brary club, Dec., 1891 -Dec., 1892. 74. Fearey, Charlotte Sophia. — Library school. Oct. - Dec., 1889, Feb., 1890, Oct., 1891, March- July, 1892; cataloger Columbia college library, Nov., 1890- June, 1891; classi- fier and cataloger New York normal college alumnae library, July, 1890- June, 1891; classi- fier and cataloger Rosemary public library, Richmond, Va., Nov., 1891 - Feb., 1892; clas- sifier and cataloger Utica state hospital medical library, July -Aug., 1893, Ap., 1894; cata- loger New York state library, Oct., 1892- date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’90, ’92, ’ 93 - 75. Jacobs, Mary Coffin. — Library school, 1889-90; public librarian Weston, Mass., Jan. - Ap., 1889. 76. Kroeger, Alice Bertha. — Graduate. Li- brary school, Oct., 1889- Ap., 1890, Feb.- July, 1891, honor diploma, 1891; assistant issue de- partment, Public library, St. Louis, 1882-89, cataloger, Ap., 1890- Feb., 1891; librarian Drexel institute, Philadelphia, Sept., 1891- date, director Library class, Nov., 1892-date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’89, ’92, ’93; chairman executive committee Pennsylvania library club, Feb., 1894 -date. 77. Middleton, Jennie Young. — Graduate. Ripon (Wis.) college, 1886- 89; Library school, 1889-91, diploma, 1891; head cataloger New- ark free public library, May, 1891 - Ap., 1892, first assistant librarian, Ap., 1892 -May, 1894; librarian Apprentices’ library company, Philadelphia, June, 1894 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 78. Plympton, Charles William. — Graduate. Harvard college, 1865-66; Library school, 1889-91, honor diploma, 1891; classifier Pub- lic library, Worcester, Mass., May -Sept., 1892; accession clerk New York state library, Aug., 1891 - date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’90. 79. Waldo, Celia F. — Library school, Oct.- Dec., 1889; librarian Young men’s associa- tion, Jackson, Mich., Oct., 1883-July, 1885; public librarian Jackson, Mich., July, 1885- date. 80. Whalen, Frances E. — Library school, Nov., 1889; married Asahel Lovell Harvey, Dec. 29, 1892, address, West Hill, Ithaca, N. Y. 81. Wheeler, Martha Thorne. — Graduate. Library school, 1889-91 . honor diploma, 1891 ; indexer New York state library, Sept., 1891- May, 1893, cataloger public libraries depart- ment, June, 1893-date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, ’93. 9 Class of 1892. 82. Anderson, Edwin Hatfield. — B. A. Wa- bash (Crawfordsville, Ind.) college, 1883, M. A. , 1886; Library school, Oct., 1890- May, 1891 ; librarian Y. M.C. A., Albany, N. Y., Jan. -May, 1891; cataloger Newberry library, Chi- cago, June, 1891 -Ap., 1892; librarian Car- negie free library, Braddock, Pa., May, 1892 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 83. Bacon, Sophia Louise. — Library school, Oct. - Dec. , 1890; cataloger Pratt institute free library, Brooklyn, Jan., 1888 -Aug., 1893; mar- ried Morton Voorhees Brokaw, Oct. 5, 1893, address 96 Lincoln place, Brooklyn. 84. Bullock, Waller Irene. — Library school, 1890-91; Wellesley college, 1892-94. 85. Burton, Bertha Bidwell. — Library school, Oct., 1890-Ap., 1891 ; married Alexander Steele Lyman, Sept. 17, 1891, address Rose- bank, Staten Island, N. Y. 86. Davis, Mary Louise. — Graduate. Library school, 1890-92, honor diploma, 1892; cata- loger Colgate university library, Hamilton, N. Y., June - Sept., 1891; librarian Woman’s library, World’s Columbian exposition, Chica- go, Oct., 1893; librarian Lawson-McGhee li- brary, Knoxville, Tenn., Sept., 1892-date ; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 87. Davis, Olin Sylvester. — Library school, Jan. -June, i89i;Chicago public library, June- Sept., 1884; assistant executive department Columbia college library, Sept., 1884- Aug., 1886; Library Bureau, Aug., 1886- Ap., 1887; special apprentice Providence public library, May -June, 1887; librarian Topeka public library, July, 1887- May, 1890; librarian Du- luth public library. May - Nov. , 1890; librarian Y. M. C. A., Albany, N. Y., May -Aug., 1891; public librarian, Lakeport, N. H., 1892 -date; member executive committee New Hampshire library association, Feb., 1893- Feb. , 1894. 88. Eastman, Rev. William Reed. — Graduate. B. A. Yale college, 1854, M.A., 1857; B.D. Union theological seminary, 1862 ; Library school, 1890-92, B.L.S., 1892; classifier Col- gate university library, Hamilton, N. Y., June -Oct., 1891 ; classifier and reviser Public library, Athol, Mass., Feb. -March, 1892; in- spector public libraries department New York state library, Aug., 1892-date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92; secretary New York libra- ry association, July, 1893 -date. 89. Ellis, Mary. — Graduate. Library school, 1890-92, diploma, 1892; classifierand cataloger Public library, Springfield, Vt., Aug. - Sept., 1892; cataloger Crandall free library. Glens Falls, N. Y. , Oct. - Dec., 1892 ; indexer New York state commission in lunacy, Albany, Jan.-Ap., Sept. - Oct., 1893; cataloger Ver- mont academy library, Saxtons River, Vt., May -June, 1893; classifier Public library, New Rochelle, N. Y., Nov., 1893; classifier Public library, Springville, N. Y., Dec., 1893; classifier and cataloger Public library, North Tonawanda, N. Y., March 2 - 19, 1894 ; classi- fier Union school library, East Aurora, N. Y., March, 19- Ap. 2, 1894; classifier Literary and historical society, Belmont, N. Y., Ap. 3-7, 1894; cataloger public libraries department New York state library, Jan., 1894-date; at- tended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 90. Foote, Elisabeth Louisa. — Graduate. B.A. Syracuse university, 1888; Library school, Jan., 1890-92, B.L.S., 1892 ; cataloger Col- gate university library, Hamilton, N. Y., June - Oct., 1891, July-Aug., 1894; classifier and cataloger Central library, Rochester, N. Y., July -Oct., 1892; cataloger Ilion free library, Aug., 1893; cataloger New York state library, July, 1892; assistant public libraries depart- ment, Dec., 1892- date ; attended A. L. A. meetings, '92, ’93. 91. Jones, Mary Letitia. — Graduate. B.L. University of Nebraska, 1885; Library school, Jan., 1891-July, 1892, B.L.S., 1892; assist- ant librarian University of Nebraska, Sept., 1892 -date ; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, '93- 92. Macky, Bessie Rutherford. — Graduate. B.A. Wellesley college, 1889; Library school, 1890-92, B.L.S., 1892; assistant librarian Diocesan lending library, Cathedral of all saints, Albany, N. Y., 1890-92; assistant li- brarian Drexel institute, Philadelphia, Sept., 1892 -date, instructor Library class, Nov., 1 892 - date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, ’93; secretary Pennsylvania library club, Feb., 1893- Feb., 1894. 93. Peirce, Mary Emma. — Library school, 1890-91. 94. Robbins, Mary Esther. — Graduate. Li- brary school, 1890-92, diploma, 1892; li- brarian Y. W. C. A., Albany, N. Y., Dec., 1890-July, 1892; classifier and cataloger Da- vid M. Hunt library, Falls Village, Ct., Aug.- Sept., 1891; librarian New Britain (Ct.) in- stitute, Sept., 1892- Sept., 1894 ; cataloger University of Nebraska library, Sept., 1894- date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, ’93. 95. Rockwell, Anna Gaylord. — Library school, 1890-91, honor senior certificate, 1891; librarian Aguilar library, New York, Sept., 1891 - Sept., 1892; cataloger Otis li- brary, Norwich, Ct., Oct., 1892 - Oct., 1893; cataloger Stevens memorial library, Attica, N. Y., Nov., 1893-March, 1894; classifier and cataloger Bradley library, North Haven, Ct., Aug., 1894; librarian New Britain (Ct.) institute, Sept., 1894-date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’90. 96. Sharp, Katharine Lucinda. — Graduate. Ph.B. Northwestern university, 1885, Ph.M., 1889; Library school, 1890- 92, B.L.S., 1892; assistant librarian Scoville institute, Oak Park, 111., Oct., 1888 -Sept., 1890; classifier and cataloger Adams memorial library, Wheaton, 111., July - Oct., 1891; classifierand cataloger Library association, Xenia, O., Aug. -Oct., 1892; in charge Comparative library exhibit prepared by Library school for World’s Co- lumbian exposition, Chicago, Nov., 1892- Oct., 1893; librarian Armour institute, Chi- cago, and director Department of library sci- ence, Jan., 1893 -date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, ’93, member A. L. A. co-opera- tion committee, 1893 -date; member lecture committee Chicago library club, 1893 -date. 97. Taylor, Elizabeth King. — Library school 1890- Ap. , 1892; married Clifford E. White, June 28, 1892, address Slingerlands, N. Y. 98. Walker, Harriet Ann. — Graduate. ,Mt. Holyoke seminary, 1870; Library school, Oct., 1890- May, 1892; librarian Olivet church li- brary, New York, 1884- 90, May - Aug., 1892; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’90. 99. Watkins, Evelyn Mary. — Library school, Oct., 1890- March, 1892, senior certificate, 1892; cataloger Woman’s library World’s Co- lumbian exposition, Chicago, May -Sept., 1893 ; assistant cataloger Woman’s library, Chicago, May -July, 1894. 100. Wetzell, Bertha Seidl. — Library school, Oct. -Dec., 1890 ; cataloger Thomas Beaver library, Danville, Pa., May, 1888 -Nov., 1891; cataloger Public library, Scranton, Pa., Dec., 1891 - date. Class of 1893. 101. Baker, Bessie. — B.S. Purdue university (Lafayette, Ind.), 1886; Library school, 1891- 92; classifier and cataloger Clinton liberal in- stitute, Fort Plain, N. Y., July- Aug., 1892 ; librarian Y. W. C. A., Albany, N. Y., Nov., 1892- Ap., 1893 ; cataloger A. L. A. library, World’s Columbian exposition, Chicago, Nov., 1892- Ap., 1893 ; cataloger Armour institute, June-Sept., 1893 ; assistant librarian Bryn Mawr college library, Sept., 1893 -date ; at- tended A. L. A. meetings, '92, ’93. 102. Christman, Jenny Lind. — B.S. Iowa agricultural college (Ames), 1883 ; Library school, Oct., 1891 -May, 1803, honor senior certificate, 1893; cataloger Public library, Hel- ena, Mont., June, 1893-July, 1894; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 103. Church, Henrietta. — Graduate. Library school, March- June, 1891, Oct., 1891 -June, 1892, 1893-94, diploma. 1894; cataloger Dean Sage collection on angling, July -Nov., 1892; cataloger A. L. A. library. World’s Colum- bian exposition, Chicago, Nov., 1892- July, 1893 ; librarian Young men’s association, Al- bany, N. Y., Ap., 1894-date. 104. Clark, Don Linnaeus. — University of Nebraska, 1880- Dec., 1883; Library school, Jan. -Dec., 1892; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 105. Fairbanks, Mittie Belcher. — Library school, 1891 -92 ; Amherst summer school of library economy, July -Sept., 1893 ; assistant Bowdoin college library, Ap. -July, 1893, June, 1894; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 106. Forsyth, Walter Greenwood. — B. A. Harvard university, 1888 ; Library school, 1891 -93, senior certificate, 1893; classifier and cataloger of private library of Mrs J. V. L. Pruyn, Albany, N. Y., May-Oct., 1893; special cataloger Free public library, Worces- ter, Mass., Nov. -Dec., 1893; classifier and cataloger private library of Rt. Rev. William Croswell Doane, Albany, N. Y., Feb. - June, 1894; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 107. Harrison, Joseph Le Roy .— Graduate. Cornell university, 1882-85; University of Heidelberg, 1890; Library school, 1891-93, B.L.S., 1893; librarian North Adams (Mass.) library association, June, 1881 -Sept., 1882; sub-librarian (legislation) New York state li- brary, Oct., 1893 -Sept., 1894; librarian Provi- dence (R. I.) Athenaeum, Oct., 1894-date ; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, ’93. 108. Hawley, Mary Elizabeth. — Graduate. Library school, 1891-93, diploma, 1893; classifier Peabody institute, Danvers, Mass., Nov. -Dec., 1892; cataloger Pratt institute free library, Brooklyn, Ap., 1893; classifier and cataloger Syracuse central library, June - Oct., 1894 ; cataloger New York state library and instructor in German in Library school, Oct., 1893 -date; attended A. L. A. meet- ings, ’92, ’93. .109. Hulbert, Nellie May. — Oberlin college, 1886-88 ; Bryn Mawr college, 1890-91 ; Li- brary school, 1891-92, senior certificate, 1892; cataloger A. L. A. library, World’s Columbian exposition, Chicago, Oct. -Nov. , 1892; cata- loger Oberlin college library, Ap., 1893- date; married Dr. George C. Jameson, Dec. 28, 1893, address Oberlin college library; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. no. Lapham, Alice Maud. — Smith college, 1885-86; University of Michigan, 1886-87, Feb., 1893- June, 1894; Library school, 1891 - 92, honor senior certificate, 1892; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. in. Lindsay, Mary Boyden. — Library school, Oct., 1891 - Ap., 1892; cataloger Public library, Peoria, 111 ., Ap., 1888 -May, 1894; cataloger Woman’s library, World’s Columbian expo- sition, Chicago, May - Sept., 1893; public libra- rian, Evanston, 111 ., June, 1894 - date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 1 12. Lounsbury, Henrietta. — Library school, 1891-92 ; cataloger private library George Jackson Fisher, M.D., Sing Sing, N. Y., March -May, 1893; indexer and cataloger Binghamton (N. Y.) state hospital, Dec., 1893 - Ap., 1894; indexer and cataloger Hudson river state hospital, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. , May, 1894- date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 1 13. Marshall, Alice May. — Library school, Oct. -Nov., 1891; assistant librarian Perkins institution for the blind, South Boston, Mass., July, 1892 - date. 114. Payne, M AJ . — Library school, Oct. - Dec., 1891; first assistant University of Nashville library, 1888 -date. 1 1 5. Rathbone, Josephine Adams. — Graduate. Wellesley college, 1882-83; University of Michigan, 1890-91; Library school, 1891- 93, B.L.S., 1893; assistant librarian Diocesan lending library, Cathedral of all saints, Al- bany, N. Y., Oct., 1892 - June, 1893; first assist- ant cataloging department Pratt institute free library, Brooklyn, Sept., 1893 -date; instructor Free library training classes, Oct., 1893-date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, '93. 1 16. Reynolds, Rose Ewell. — Library school, Oct., 1891- Ap., 1892; assistant Public library, Peoria, 111 ., Ap., 1888 -Oct., 1891, cataloger, Ap., 1892-Sept., 1893; died, Sept. 10, 1893. 117. Rice, Helen Ware. — Graduate. Library school, 1891-93, diploma, 1893; cataloger Boston Athenaeum, Oct., 1893 -date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 1 18. Rogers, Kittie Childs. — Library school, Oct. - Nov., 1891. 119. Sheldon, Helen Griswold. — Graduate . B. A. Vassar college, 1891; Library school, 1891 - 93, diploma, 1893; classifier and catalog- er Miss Masters’ school library, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., June, 1894; librarian Tome institute, Port Deposit, Md., July, 1894 -date; attended A. L. A. meetings, ’92, ’93. 120. Smith, May Frances. — Library school, Oct. -Dec., 1891; cataloger Colgate univer- sity library, Hamilton, N. Y., Aug., 1891- July, 1894, assistant librarian and cataloger, Aug., 1894 -date. 121. Sutliff, Mary Louisa. — Library school, 1891 -date, honor senior certificate, 1894; assistant shelf- lister New York state library, Oct., 1891 - Jan., 1892, shelt-lister, Feb., 1892- date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’92. 122. Van Hoevenberg, Alma Rogers. — Pratt institute free library training classes, July- Oct., 1891; Library school, 1891-92; Am- herst summer school of library economy, Aug. , 1892; public librarian, South Orange, N. J., Aug., 1892 -date; attended A. L. A. meet- ing, ’92. 123. Wilson, James Meredith. — Ph.B. Cor- nell university, 1880; M.D. Rush medical col- lege, 1882; Library school, Oct., 1891- March, 1892, attended lectures only; assistant Newberry library, Chicago, Ap., 1892-date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. Class of 1894. 124. Bennett, May Louise. — B.A. North- western university, 1891 ; Library school, 1892- 93, senior certificate, 1893; assistant librarian Armour institute, Chicago, Aug., 1893-date, instructor in cataloging Department of library science, Sept., 1893- date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 125. Bullock, Edna Dean. — B.L. Univer- sity of Nebraska, 1889; Library school, 1892- 93; cataloger University of Nebraska library, Ap. -Oct., 1894; attended A. L. A. meet- ing. ’ 93 - 126. Dean, Leonard J. — B.A. Colgate uni- versity, 1871, M.A., 1874; Newton (Mass.) theological institution, 1871 - 74; Library school, Oct., 1892-Feb., 1893. 127. De Long, Annie. — Library school, 1892 - 93, senior certificate, 1893; assistant librarian Crandall free library, Glens Falls, N. Y., July, 1893- date. 128. Denio, Herbert Williams. — Graduate. B. A, Middlebury (Vt.) college, 1888, M.A. 1891 ; Library school, 1892 - 94, diploma, 1894; librarian Y. M. C. A., Albany, N. Y., June, 1893; classifier and cataloger Sherman free library, Port Henry, N. Y., Sept. -Oct. , 1893, Jan., 1894; cataloger New York state library, Aug., 1894 -date. 129. Ellis, Elizabeth Tisdale. — Library school, 1892-93; assistant Public library, Peoria, 111 ., Oct., 1891 - Oct., 1892; cataloger, Aug., 1893 -May, 1894, head cataloger, May, 1894-date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 130. Gibson, Irene. — Library school, 1892- 93, senior certificate 1893; assistant issue de- partment Public library, Detroit, Feb., 1887- Oct., 1892, Oct., 1893 -March, 1894; cataloger Armour institute, Chicago, Aug., 1893; cat- aloger Public library, St. Louis, Ap., 1894- date; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 131. Gleason, Hiram North Ernest. — Uni versity of Michigan, 1887-91; Library school, Oct., 1892 -Jan., 1893. 132. Hawes, Clara Sikes. — Graduate. Library school, 1892-94, diploma, 1894; classifier and cataloger Young men’s library association, Palmer, Mass., July -Aug., 1894; attended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 133. Ludington, Harriet Estelle — Library school, Oct. -Dec., 1892. 134. McCreary, Nellie. — Swarthmorecollege, 1891-92; Library school, Oct., 1892 -March, 1894; assistant librarian Diocesan lending library, Cathedral of all saints, Albany, N. Y., Oct., 1893-March, 1894; cataloger Public library, St. Louis, Ap., 1894-date. 135. Moulton. John Grant.— B.A. Harvard uni- versity, 1892; Library school, 1892-94, senior certificate, 1893; indexer New York state com- mission in lunacy, Albany, May, 1893 -Jan., 1894; librarian Free public library and read- ing-room, Quincy, 111 ., July, 1894-date; at- tended A. L. A. meeting, ’93. 136. Sewall, Willis Fuller. — B.A. Tufts college, 1890; Library school, 1892-93, senior certificate, 1893 ; assistant librarian Tufts col'ege library, 1890-92, reference librarian, March-May, 1894; indexer New York state commission in lunacy, Albany, May, 1893- Feb., 1894; cataloger Sauppe collection Bryn Mawr college library, June, 1894-date. 137. Sperry, Helen. — Graduate. Library school, 1892-94, honor diploma, 1894; Silas Bronson library, Oct., 1883-Oct., 1892; first assistant Carnegie free library, Braddock, Pa., Aug., 1894 -date; attended A. L. A. meet- ings, ’85, ’87, 138. Vandersluis, Daniel Oswald. — B.A. University of Michigan, 1890; Library school, Oct., 1892 -Jan., 1893; died March 10, 1894. Class of 1895. 139. Avery, Myrtilla. — B.A. Wellesley col- lege 1891; Library school, 1893 -date. 140. Barnett, Claribel Ruth. — Ph.B. Uni- versity of Michigan, 1893; Library school, Oct., 1893 -May, 1894. 12 141. Blakely, Bertha Eliza. — B.L. Mt. Holyoke college, 1893; Library school, 1893- 94; librarian New Jersey state normal school, Trenton, Sept., 1894- date. 142. Bowerman, George Franklin. — B.A. University of Rochester, 1892; Library school, 1893 -date; cataloger New York state library, Jan., 1894 -date. 143. Briggs, Mary Josephine. — Graduate Ob- erlin college, 1880; Library school, 1893-94; librarian Y. W. C. A., Albany, N. Y., Nov., I ^93 - July, 1894; special assistant on printed catalog Free public library, Worcester, Mass., Sept., 1894 - date. 144. Champlin, George Greenman. — Ph.B. Alfred (N. Y.) university 1884, Ph.M., 1890; Library school, 1893 -date; cataloger New York state library, Aug., 1894 -date. 145. Cone, Jessica Gardiner. — Library school, 1893- date. 146. English, Stephanie Pauline. — Newn- ham college, Cambridge university, historical tripos, 1893; Library school, Oct., 1893-Ap., 1894. 147. Gay, Helen Kilduff. — Library school, 1893 - date. 148. Hawks, Emma Beatrice. — B.A. Smith college, 1892; Library school, Oct., 1893 -Ap., 1894. 149. Josephson, Aksel Gustav Salomon. — Library school, Oct., 1893 - March, 1894; li- brarian Verdandis arbetarebibliotek, Upsala, Sweden. May, 1892 - Feb., 1893; bibliographic work Publishers' weekly office, New York, Ap. -June, 1894; cataloger Lenox library, New York, July, 1894 -date. 150. Leonard, Grace Fisher. — Brown uni- versity, Jan. -June, 1893; Library school, 1893-date. 151. Loveland, Elizabeth Shepard. — Library school, 1893 -date. 152. McGuffey, Margaret Drake. — Library school, 1893 -date. 153. Newman, Altce. — B.S. Wellesley college, 1893; Library school, Oct., 1893 -Jan., 1894. 154. Silliman, Helen Cornwall. — Library school, 1893-date ; cataloger Colgate univer- sity library, Hamilton, N. Y., July-Aug., 1894. 155. Stanley, Harriet Howard. — Library school, 1893 -date; classifier and cataloger Union school library, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., July, 1894. 156. Stockwell, George Watson Cutler. — Library school, 1893 -date; assistant librarian Diocesan lending library, Cathedral of all saints, Albany, N. Y., March, 1894- date. 157. Sutliff, Jennie Sweet. — University of Kansas, 1884-85; Library school, Oct., 1893- Ap., 1894. 158. Watson, William Richard. — B.S. Carle- ton college, (Northfield, Minn.), 1890; Library school, 1893 -date. 159. Wilson, Minnie Cornwell. — Library school, 1893- date. PRATT INSTITUTE FREE LIBRARY , BROOK- LYN \ N. Y. record of library training classes. Date of organization — Oct. 1, 1890. Entrance examination — On general informa- tion. 75 per cent, for entrance. 75 per cent, and satisfactory three months’ apprenticeship for final. Average age of pupils — 22 years. Length of course — Nine months, including apprenticeship. A student taking the course in two years in- stead of one, i.e. , graduating in cataloging one year and in training the next, is counted twice in the schedule, so that there were not actually as many persons as there were graduates. The first class, 1890-91, included 22 pupils (14 in cataloging, seven in library economy, one in both courses), of whom one was dropped from the rolls for illness and one failed, leaving 20 graduates, of whom 15 have had positions. The second class, 1891-92, included 23 pupils (seven in cataloging, nine in library training, seven in both courses), of whom three were dropped from the rolls two failed, and of the 18 graduates 15 have had positions. The third class, 1892-93, numbered but 19 pupils (three in cataloging, two in library economy, and 14 in both courses), and of these but one failed, while of the 18 graduates 14 have had positions. The fourth class, 1893-94, is the largest yet record- ed, including 31 pupils (eight in cataloging, three in library economy, and 20 in both courses), of whom three were dropped from the rolls, three failed, and 25 have graduated. None of these students have obtained positions, as their course is not yet completed. List of Students. Aitken, Helen J. — Cataloging, ’91; training, ’92; assistant Pratt institute free library. Anthony, Julia B. — Cataloging, ’91; libra- rian Packer institute, Rrooklyn. Aten, Marion B. — Cataloging and training, ’93; substitute for librarian Public library, Montclair, N. J. Bedell, Marion C. — Cataloging and train- ing, ’94; cataloger of Private medical library, Montclair, N. J. Berry, Silas H. — Cataloging, ’91; librarian Y. M. C. A. library, Brooklyn. Bird, Jennie E. — Cataloging and training, ’94; substitute Pratt institute free library. Breker, Marguerite A. — Cataloging, ’93; librarian Bay Ridge library, Bay Ridge, L. I. Brennan, Emma C. — Cataloging, ’91; assist- ant Pratt institute free library. Burnite, Caroline. — Cataloging and train- ing, ’94; substitute for librarian Public li- brary, Orange, N. J.; substitute Pratt insti- tute free library. Bursch, Daniel F. W. — Cataloging, ’91 ; training, ’92; assistant Y. M. C. A. library, 13 Brooklyn ; librarian Portland, Ore., Public library. Caldwell, Flora C. — Cataloging and train- ing, ’93; assistant Brooklyn library. Cook, Bessie L. — Cataloging and training, ’94; substitute Pratt institute free library. Durnett, Mrs. Julia F. — Cataloging, ’92; assistant Aguilar library, N. Y. City. Dye, Mary A. — Cataloging and training, ’93; assistant Public library, Indianapolis, Ind. Eger, Bertha. — Cataloging and training, '94; assistant Pratt institute free library. Eldridge, Maria A. — Cataloging, ’92; train- ing, ’91; substitute Pratt institute free library, substitute Brooklyn library. Esler, Hettie D. — Cataloging, ’91; assistant Pratt institute free library. Farr, Mabel A. — Cataloging, ’91; assistant library of college for training of teachers, N. Y. City; assistant Long Island library, Brook- lyn; assistant Y. M. C. A. library, Brooklyn; librarian Adelphi academy, Brooklyn. Faucon, Elizabeth B. — Cataloging, 94; as- sistant Pratt institute free library. Fenton, Jennie M. — Cataloging and train- ing, 931 assistant Public library, Oakland, Cal. Fitch, Grace A. — Cataloging and training, ’91; assistant Pratt institute free library. Ford, Fanny G. — Cataloging and training, '94; assistant library of College of training of teachers, N. Y. City. Freidus, Abraham S. — Cataloging and train- ing, ’94; assistant library of Calumet club, N Y. City. Hawkins, Susan S. — Cataloging, ’91; assist- ant Pratt institute free library. Heydrick, Josephine S. — Cataloging and training, ’94; librarian Pequot library, South- port, Ct. Hill, Gertrude P. — Training, ’94; substitute Pratt institute free library. Hillebrand, Helen L. — Cataloging and train- ing, ’92; substitute Pratt institute free library; assistant Aguilar library, N. Y. City. Howard, Lucy E. — Cataloging and training, ’94; assistant Astral branch Pratt institute free library. Hubbard, Harriet M. — Cataloging and train- ing, ’94; substitute Pratt institute free library. Hull, May. — Cataloging, ’91; assistant Vas- sar college library; assistant Union for Chris- tian work, Brooklyn. Husted, Harriet F. — Cataloging, ’93; assist- ‘ ant Y. W. C. A. library, N. Y. City. Kenwill, Margaret. — Cataloging and train- ing, ’94; substitute Pratt institute free library. Koster, Caroline L. — Cataloging and train- ing* 931 assistant Long Island historical society library, Brooklyn. Lazell, Annie W. — Cataloging and training, 91; substitute Pratt institute free library; as- sistant Carnegie library, Braddock, Pa. Mackenzie, Annie. — Cataloging, ’91; assist- ant Pratt institute free library. Marsh, Adelaide. — Cataloging and training, ’94; substitute Astral branch Pratt institute free library. Miller, Mary E. — Cataloging and training, ’94; librarian and indexer office of Engineer- ing News , N. Y. City. Nelson, Sarah C. — Cataloging, ’92; assistant Packer institute, Brooklyn; assistant Public library, Scranton, Pa.; assistant Vassar college library; assistant Public library, Binghamton, N. Y. ; assistant Wilmington institute free li- brary, Wilmington, Del. Odell, Helen P. — Cataloging and training, ’93; assistant Y. M. C. A. library, Brooklyn. Peck, Edith M. — Cataloging and training, ’93; assistant Pratt institute free library. Pomeroy, Edith M. — Cataloging and training, ’92; assistant Pratt institute free library. Read, M. Therese — Cataloging, ’92, training, ’91; substitute Pratt institute free library; as- sistant Bay Ridge library, Bay Ridge, L. I.; assistant Norfolk library, Norfolk, Ct.; as- sistant Webster library, New York City. Rollins, Maude M. — Cataloging and training, '93; substitute Pratt institute free library. Skinner, Ethel. — Cataloging and training, '92; assistant Columbia college library. Smith, Mabelle M. — Cataloging and training, ’92; assistant Bay Ridge library, Bay Ridge, L. I.; assistant Astral branch, Pratt institute free library. Stillman, Minna A. — Cataloging and training, ’93; librarian and indexer, office Mail and Ex- press, New York City. Sturges, Julia C. — Cataloging, ’91; assistant Pratt institute free library. Thompson, Jessie. — Cataloging, ’92; assistant Columbia college library. Todd, Charlotte A. — Cataloging, ’94, train- ing, ’93; substitute Pratt institute free library. Van Hoevenberg, Elizabeth. — Cataloging and training, ’94; substitute Public library, South Orange, N. J. Van Vliet, Florence E. — Cataloging and train- ing, ’92; assistant Astral branch, Pratt insti- tute free library. Ward, Clara D. — Cataloging and training, ’92; assistant New York free circulating library, Harlem branch, New York City; librarian pub- lic library, Orange, N. J. Woodruff, Eleanor B. — Training, ’92; assist- ant Pratt institute free library. LOS ANGELES (CAL.) PUBLIC LIBRARY. RECORD OF LIBRARY TRAINING CLASSES. Organized, October, 1891. Entrance examinations, on general informa- tion, are held at intervals of three months, con- ducted by the committee on attendants of the board of directors. First course covers six months; 70# entitles to H certificate, rank on substitute list, and privilege of second course; 85 % entitles, in addition, to six months’ service at $10 per month, on condition of taking second course. Second course covers six months; technical examination, percentages same asin examination for first course. After first month’s service students are eligible to Sunday and holiday duty, at 20 cents per hour. Appointments to the library staff are made only from the training classes. Much of the work on the “ List of novels and tales” published by the library in the spring of 1894, was done by students of the fourth class, then in session. The first class, Nov., ’91 -May, 92, included six students, of whom three failed and three graduated, all of the latter finding employment in the Los Angeles library. The second class, Feb. - Aug., ’92, included six students, of whom three failed and three graduated, the latter all obtaining positions in this library. The third class, June -Dec., '92, included six students, of whom one died, one failed and four graduated, two of the last obtaining employment in this library and one as correspondent in a mercantile house. The fourth class included eight students, of whom two resigned and six graduated, five of the latter obtaining positions in this library, and one, Miss Nevin — having the high percentage of 96 on final examination — becoming librarian of the Redlands Public Library. The fifth class, Aug., ’93-Feb. , ’94, included five pupils, of whom two resigned and three graduated; of the latter two obtained employment in this library and one in the State normal school. First class , Nov., ’91 - May, ’92. Kingsley, Leila. — Assistant loan clerk, Los Angeles public library. Mercer, Harriet. — Accession clerk, Los An- geles public library. Pierce, Bertha. — Assistant registry clerk, Los Angeles public library. Second class, Feb . - Aug., ’92. Austin, Anna. — Indexer, Los Angeles public library. Miller, Nora. — Attendant, Los Angeles pub- lic library. Thornberg, Florence. — Attendant, Los An- geles public library. Third class, June- Dec., ’92. Beckley, Anna. — Night attendant, Los An- geles public library. Fox, Daisy. — Substitute attendant, Los An- geles public library. Miller, Winifred. — Married. Whittier, Emma. — Correspondent in mercan- tile house, Kansas City. Fourth class, Jan. - July, ’93. Darlow, Gertrude. — Assistant mail clerk, Los Angeles public library. Dunn, Mabel. — Attendant, Los Angeles public library. Johnson, Mary. — Night attendant, Los An- geles public library. Moore, Edith. — Sub-attendant, Los Angeles public library. Nevin, Helen. — Librarian, Redlands (Cal.) public library. Putnam, Blanche. — Night attendant, Los An- geles public library. Fifth class, Aug., ’93 -Feb., ’94. ' Earl, Anna. — Assistant cataloger, State normal school. Gleason, Pearl. — Sub-attendant, Los Angeles public library and exchange clerk in local weekly paper. Horgan, Georgia. — Sub-attendant, Los An- geles public library. DREXEL INSTITUTE , PHILADELPHIA , PA. RECORD OF LIBRARY TRAINING CLASSES. Organized, October, 1892. Entrance examinations, on general informa- tion, are held in May and September. “ Instruction is in the form of talks or lect- ures, with practical work under supervision, and includes two sides of library work — the technical and the literary, or bibliographical. In the lit- erary side we include a course in the history of English literature, studies in modern European authors, reference work, and bibliography. A special course of lectures on bibliography and libraries was given by eminent specialists during the second term, and was open fre>e to the gen- eral public. In the schedule for next year we have added a series of talks on current events, by the professor of economics of the institute, which will include a survey of the literature of social science and economics.” First Class, 1892-93. Fornance, Mary. — Assistant in Public libra- ries, Philadelphia, now cataloging and arrang- ing the library of Carpenter’s Hall, Phila- delphia. Goding, Sarah E. — Assistant librarian Free libraries, Philadelphia. Kates, Clarence S. — (Left the class before graduation to take position in Free libraries, Philadelphia.) Now librarian Branch no. 4 Public libraries, Philadelphia. Shedden, Annie P. — Instructor in English and library economy, Drexel institute, Philadel- phia. Stewart, Rose G. — Assistant librarian Free libraries, Philadelphia. Styer, Emma G. — (Graduate in cataloging only.) Tatum, Sarah. — Cataloger Public libraries, Philadelphia. (Graduate in cataloging only.) Thompson, Mary I. — Assistant librarian Drex- el institute, Philadelphia. Voute, Lydia. — Librarian Woman’s Christian association, Philadelphia. (Student in library economy only.) Second Class, 1893-94. Baer, Lena Katharine. — Cataloger George 15 school library, Newtown, Penn. — temporary position. Student Amherst summer school of library economy, 1894. Barnes, Alice. — (Certificate for library econ- omy only.) Blodgett, Margaret. — (Certificate for library economy only.) Campbell, Katherine Janet. Hall, Georgianna. — Assistant in arranging li- brary of Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia — temporary. (Certificate for library economy only.) Kenly, Harriet R. Lowe, Elsie M. — ^Cataloger Mount Holly libra- ry, Mount Holly, N. J. — temporary. Shaffner, Mary H. — Drexel institute library — temporary. Smith, Isabel M. Walker, Katharine Fuller. — Assistant Pub- lic libraries, Philadelphia — temporary. The following students took part of the course and will finish next year: Day, Mary Louise. — Desk attendant in the evening, Drexel institute library, Philadelphia. Palen, Ruth. Stubbs, Julia. ARMOUR INSTITUTE , CHICAGO , ILL . RECORD OF LIBRARY TRAINING CLASSES. Organized September, 1893. Library visits: Chicago public library ; New- berry library, Chicago; University of Chicago library; Scoville institute, Oak Park, 111.; Ad- ams memorial library, Wheaton, 111.; North- western university library, Evanston, 111. ; Evans- ton public library, Evanston, 111.; Gail Borden public library, Elgin, 111. A series of lectures on library and kindred topics, by authorities not connected with the institute, were given during the year, and the course includes study in English literature and comparative literature. For full account of first year’s work see Miss Sharp’s article on “ The department of library science of Armour Institute,” L. j. 19 : 162 (May, 1894). List of students, 1893 - 94. Almy, Ida B. Cory, H. Elizabeth. — Organizer Canton (111.) public library. Craney, Mary E. Davidson, C. Ethel. Hardinge, Margaret A. — Classifier private library, Chicago. Mann, Margaret. — Assistant Armour insti- tute, Chicago. Moore, Ewa Leona. — Cataloger Bloomington (111.) public library. Simpson, Elizabeth F. — Assistant Grand Rapids (Mich.) public library. Swan, Lizzie P. Tyler, Alice. — Assistant librarian Decatur (111.) public library. Wales, Elizabeth B. — Cataloger library of Western association of engineers, Chicago. Warren, Irene. — Organizer Pontiac (111.) pub- lic library; assistant Armour institute library, Chicago; organizer All Souls’ public library, •.Chicago. DENVER (COLO.) PUBLIC LIBRARY. RECORD OF LIBRARY TRAINING CLASSES. Organized September, 1893, with five stu- dents. Course covered four hours’ work per day until June, 1894. Visits were made to binderies, paper-mills, etc., and examination was held in June. One student had previously left to con- tinue school-work, and one had left to become librarian and curator of books and geological collection of Colorado Scientific Society. The three remaining were appointed to positions in the library. The second (1894-95) course is limited to six students, and instruction will be given on more systematic lines. Competitive examinations are held, on general information, ard pupils are selected in order of their standing. Preference is given to applicants who are over 17 and un- der 21 years of age. “ It is desired that all pupils should have had such an education as is implied in the possession of a high school di- ploma, but this is not essential. The class will be expected to give five hours per day to work in the library for nine months. At the end of that time they will take a second examination, on the result of which, and on the character of the work done during the year, appropriate certificates will be issued to them by the library. They will then be given the preference in the selection of paid assistants needed in the library. The course for the nine months will cover prac- tical work in the several departments in the li- brary, and will include also instruction in classes conducted by the librarian and his assistants.” List of students , 1893-94. Crabbe, Ruth. Long, Hyla. Smith, Irene. Thornburgh, Mabel. Van, Viva. AMHERST (MASS.) ' SUMMER SCHOOL. DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY ECONOMY. Organized, 1891. Class of 1891 — Men, 4, Women, “ 1892 “ 4 “ “ 1893 “ 6 “ 1894 “ 8 10=14 10=14 21 = 27 35 = 43 Totals 22 76 98 In library positions when attending the class, 36; 17 others are known to have obtained posi- tions since. The term each year has been of five weeks. One hour daily throughout the course is de- voted to the exposition of Cutter’s rules, with comparative study of other codes; one hour to lectures on other departments of library work, and two hours to practice, mostly in card cata- loging. Most members of the classes add to these four hours daily of regular work, two or three more of general and miscellaneous study in the library or in the language classes of the summer school.