62.U84 H33U5 Jos.W. Hays Combustion Cr»|in««r ' ( 804 SYMES BUILDIf G, - DENVER, CO! Phone Main 7S39 How to Build Up F urnace Efficiency A Hand-book of Fuel Economy (Including- a few snorts about Industrial Efficiency and other things. Written for the men who pay for the fuel and the men who burn it) By JOS. W. HAYS Combustion Engineer Author of “The Chemistry of Combustion,” “Combustion and Smokeless Furnaces,” “Hoav to Get More Power From Coal,” “How to Stop the Fuel Wastes,” etc. FIFTEENTH EDITION Revised and enlarged (ninety-fifth thousand) Price, $1.00 Post-paid to any part of the world JOS. W. HAYS, Publisher Michigan City, Indiana, U. S. A. 1919 Copyright 1919 by JOS. W. HAYS All rights reserved— including the rights of translation Copyright in Norway and published in Danish and Norwe¬ gian by Samuel Eie, Slemdal, Christiana. Copyright in Great Britain and published at Dover, Eng¬ land, by the Dover Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., 144 Snargate Street. Copyright in Sweden and published in Swedish at Stock¬ holm by Samuel Eie. Copyright in Brazil and published in Portuguese at Sao Paulo by Edward L. Rolfe. 5 o o O o m o o o p- o CO o CT) o o . 00 oo 03 C0 03 \v i n o* why the cost Of coal has ris =*n and will continue to rise. Every lime a baby is born, the price of eoai ^oes ii]>. COAL PRODUCTION PER CAPITA OF POPULATION 22 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. What you pay for wages, re- What you pay for wages, re pairs and incidentals in pairs, supplies, etc., in the the boiler room. engine room. It’s your money. “I should bibble!” Why Your Fuel Is Wasted. 23 lot of “fish” in much of the efficiency talk and a great deal of “con” in much of the economy talk, especially where the “efficiency” and “economy” men have something to sell in the way of service or apparatus. The quacks and extremists are hurting this movement as they have hurt all others. And yet, nowithstanding the “fish” and the “con” of it, “scientific man¬ agement” in its real and its broad sense is the most important industrial fact of the present century. One proof of this is that both big and little business are going in for it. “Scien¬ tific management” means more than “motion studies” and the speeding up of workmen. It means anything and everything that tends to make a dollar’s worth of material, of time or of effort yield more results than it ever yielded before. A real revolution is in progress and it is good to be a participator in it. There was a time when the manufacturers of this country were not interested to any degree in the subject of economy. Things were too new. Industrial development was too rapid. Competition was not intense. The material resources of our country seemed inexhaustible. We stupidly blundered on while all around us waste of every description held royal carnival. The soil was half cultivated and less than half cared for. Our great forests of splendid pine were ruthlessly destroyed. The sky was red with flaming gas wells in Indiana and Ohio. No one seemed to think that our rich soil would ever become impoverished; that the time might arrive when we could not live in wooden houses because there would be no suitable wood with which to build them; that our great stores of natural gas would ever become exhausted. We went blindly forward from year to year, wasting enough to feed and clothe half of Europe. The time has come to pay the piper and it is a mighty long bill that the gentleman is presenting. I have referred to the general trend of the present efficiency movement because of its compelling importance and in order that what is to follow in this book may gain some emphasis. Why is it that so much of your fuel is wasted? If that question cannot be answered we might as well ring off and hang up because all of our efforts will be useless. Let us suppose that I visit your factory plant tomorrow'. 24 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. I call upon the manager and he receives me courteously.! I tell him that a quarter of his fuel is being wasted and he admits it. He is “busy” and he passes me along to the super¬ intendent. That individual is “busy” also. He is worrying about the delivery on some big order. He sends me to the engineer and I know from his actions that he was glad to get rid of me. I find the engineer with a Stillson wrench in one hand and a pair of pliers in the other. He is the “wet nurse” to I he is the wet nurse to e v determine the guilt or innocence of the engineer as respect:i your 25 per cent fuel loss. An engineer is a man who is paid a mighty little for doing a mighty lot and sometimes earns less than his salary. The chances are that he rose from the position of oiler and never served an apprenticeship in the boiler room. When he learned engineering it was not considered necessary that an engineer should know anything about combustion. In those days the theory of combustion was left to the college profes¬ sors and the practice of it to the firemen’s union. The engineer now complains that he has little opportunity to post up on either the theory or the practice. He might find time for a little study on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but he is busy at the plant on those festive occasions, supervising " T/ p | io f 1 \ \ Oh' for a thousand tongues Pod ga,st 1 t to Halif ay 1 mashed my thumD Why Your Fuel Is Wasted 29 THERE WAS A TIRE WHEN THE THEORY OF COMBUSTION WAS LEFT TO THE COLLEGE FROFESSORS AND THE PRACTICE OF IT TO THE NIEN IN THE BOILER ROOM. THE ENGINEER AND MANAGER DID NOT WORRY THEMSELVES WITH EITHER THE THEORY OR THE PRACTICE. THE “FACULTY OF THEORY. “Boys, it’s your business to keep up steam. There’s the coal pile. Go to it.” THE “FACULTY” OF PRACTICE. in i ■, i 30 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. things are not unusual. They are expected of engineers when the emergency arises and are expected by them. They are a part of the price that a man must pay for the privilege of being an engineer. I have said that I respect firemen. I respect engineers also, and I have a great many warm friends among them, but I cannot absolve the engineer for that 25 per cent fuel loss as I absolve the fireman. Now, Mr. Engineer, please stand and be sworn! If you want what is going, you must take what is coming: THE ENGINEER’S CATECHISM. 1. What is the efficiency of your boiler furnaces? 2. What draft in your boiler furnaces will carry your load and burn the least coal? 3. Have you calibrated your boiler dampers and the main breeching damper? 4. Have you equalized the draft among the boilers? 5. How much air is leaking through your boiler settings? 6. When is an air leak an aid to efficiency? 7. Where are the air leaks that are injuring efficiency? 8. How much too much air are your firemen permitting to flow through the fuel bed? 9. Do your firemen admit more air than is necessary at the furnace, either above or below the fire? 10. How much excess air from all sources are you heating and sending up the chimney? 11. How thick should the particular coal you are burning be carried on the particular grates you are using? 12. Are you using the coal best adapted to your condi¬ tions? 13. Are you using the grate best adapted to your condi¬ tions? 14. Should the coal you are using be fired dry or wet for greatest economy? 15. Is the grate surface just right for the highest economy? 16. How much and what kind of combustible is passing up your chimney? 17. What are the specific causes of the smoke you are making ? Why Your Fuel Is Wasted. i 31 18. Is the low evaporation of which you complain, due to the boiler, the furnace, the coal or the fireman? 19. If you don’t know why the evaporation is low, how in the name of Pluto will you proceed to increase the evapo¬ ration ? 20. How much coal is your poor fireman wasting and how much more can your best fireman save? 21. Will you state, under oath, that the boiler headers are ALWAYS properly packed and the setting and baffling ALWAYS in proper condition before your boilers are put into service? 22. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself if you are unable to answer all of the foregoing questions? Now, Mr. Engineer, tell me candidly as man to man: Does not every one of those questions have a vital bearing on your employer’s coal bill? If such is the case, does not your duty to your employer and your status as an engineer require that you find the answers to those questions if you have not already found them? And should not every engineer who claims to have passed the kindergarten department of power practice be able to answer them? And didn’t the Creator waste a lot of good mud in making an engineer who cannot answer them? And if you cannot answer those questions how will you feel when the boss gets a copy of this book and springs the “catechism” on you? Every engineer might be a qualified combustion man. Combustion engineering, as I shall try to show, consists in the application of ordinary horse sense to the every-day prob¬ lems of fuel burning. Any man with a fair understanding of boilers and furnaces and with a real desire to learn what constitutes economical combustion can qualify in a very short time as a practical combustion engineer. To acquire the theory of the subject would of course take some time longer. In the last year I have traveled over a large section of the United States and Canada. I have talked with hundreds of engineers and have been present at the meetings of many If you don’t know Combustion, you haven’t learned the alphabet of steam engineering 1 . How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. 90 engineers’ associations. Combustion is considered everywhere the very livest subject that can be mentioned. I quote the exact language of one engineer: “The time has come when the steam engineer must interest himself in combustion, otherwise engineering will not interest itself in him.” THE ALPHABET OF STEAM ENGINEERING. (Contributed to POWER by the Author and reprinted here with the customary apologies.) A stands for AMBITION to reach the top quick, Where the pickers are few and the prizes hang thick. B stands for BOILER. You put water in it. And if you don’t watch there’ll be scale in a minute. C stands for COMBUSTION. To start it you scratch On the seat of your pants with a Lucifer match. D stands for DOLLARS and also for DOUGH. You can earn quite a lot when your business you know. E stands for EFFICIENT, a term that I wot . I Is used very glibly by some who are not. ■ c. Why Your Fuel Is Wasted. F stands for FURNACE and FIREMAN, too; When they both tend to business the coal man looks blue. G stands for GASES that go up the flue. Look out or you’ll waste a heat unit or two. H stands for the HOLES that let air through the fire. You must watch for such air holes; with waste they conspire. I stands for INTENTION to stop up the leaks; You can do it today. Why defer it for weeks? J stands for the JOY that the manager fills When the month’s balance sheet shows some small fuel bills. K stands for the KNOWLEDGE that some engineers Acquire quite quickly while others take years. L stands for the LIGHTS that in dark corners gleam When the chief engineer knows the cost of the steam. M stands for the MOMENT to stop fuel waste; The moment is Now and the password is “Haste.” N stands for the NOTION at one time supreme That the plant was all right when it made enough steam. O stands for OXYGEN; wide is its use. “Oxy” means “acid” and “gen” means “produce.” P stands for POWER. It comes from a press, And sometimes from a Corliss or turbine, I guess. Q stands for the thing that they call QUESTIONNAIRE. You fill out the blanks and then put up a prayer. R stands for REPAIRS which you ought in all reason Get out of the way in the slack summer season. S stands for the STEAM you waste coal to produce And you waste the same steam when you put it to use. T stands for TURBINE. Our friend Jamie Watt Would gasp could he see us shoot steam through a pot. U stands for UPTAKE. For a sample of gas For your Orsat, avoid it, and use the last pass. V stands for the thing that we often call VIM. Without it you sink. When you have it you swim. W stands for WATER. Beginning this year We all have to drink it and play it is beer. X stands for XPERT and XPERIENCE, too. How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. When you’ve gathered the second the first becomes you. Y stands for the jaw-breaker YOUGHIOGHENY, it’s a kind of coal out in West Pennsylvany. Vi stands for ZEST for the work we are in, And with Zest comes Success. NOW LET’S GO IN AND WIN! You can begin to qualify” by commencing to study the boiler plant now in your charge. I know you are busy, but tomorrow you will be busier. There is only one way to do it. Wake up and get up. Gird up your loins, and go to it. Better watch that fellow in the boiler room, because he is studying fuel economy and he may be slated to get your job. I call to mind two engineers who lived in our town. One man was always climbing up, the other slipping down. The climber started at the foot like Schwab and other winners. The man who wants to reach the top must start with the beginners. They gave him hard and dirty work—they kept him on the jump. He wheeled in coal and then he wheeled the ashes to the dump. He plugged along from day to day; he didn’t kick or shirk. They found at last the fellow had some interest in his work. And so they moved him up a notch and hired a husky toiler to push the creaking barrow while the climber fired the boiler. The work was heavy, hard and hot; he never seemed to mind it. “There’s some best way to do this stunt, by jinks,” he said. “I’ll find it. There’s some best way to burn this coal and manage drafts and fires. I’ll find that way and then I’ll do just what this job requires.” I need not tell in detail how this climber clambered higher. He learned each new job in its turn the way he learned to fire the furnace in that boiler room. They could not keep him down and pretty soon a man’s size job had called him from our town. The city field that beckoned found him ready to deliver and now lie’s rich and sails his yacht and owns and drives a flivver. The man who mixes thought with work—just get this through your noodle—will rise at last to run the ranch and boss the whole caboodle. It hurts my kindly heart to write about the other guy. He had a pull or something and he started rather high, where pay was good and work was light; he might have risen higher but Why Your Fuel Is Wasted. 85 lit* lacked the stuff that makes success—he lacked ambition's fire. And while the climber toiled and thought, then studied like the dickens, the other shirked and wished for night, the bright lights and the chickens. The man who stops to watch the clock or listen for the whistle may dine on porterhouse today—some day he’ll dine on gristle. Some men are paid, for what they do and some for what they know. The head: is greater than the hands; this always will be so. It doesn’t cut NOW HE’S PUNCHING HOLES IN DOUGHNUTS. 86 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. a bit of ice, how high you’re elevated, or what your pull, the skids are there and always lubricated. So while the climber clambered toward the higher jobs and got’em, the other fellow on the skids was headed for the bottom and reached it in no time at all—in less than nothing flat. Now he’s punching holes in doughnuts—and he isn’t fit for that. Just one thing more, before I talk to the General Manager. If you wish to institute any reforms in your boiler room, to make any repairs, to purchase any apparatus or to do any¬ thing else for the improvement of efficiency that will require the consent of the Manager, go to him like a man and state your case like one. Don’t be afraid of the Manager. He won’t bite you. If you come to talk business he will take the time to talk business with you. If he wasn’t that kind of a man he wouldn’t be Manager. And he wants an engineer who knows what the plant needs and who has the intestines to ask for it when he wants it. Certain of the Power journals have been discussing the “timidity” of the engineer and in the opinion of the editors the reason why many steam plants fail to progress is because the Chief Engineer is afraid of the Manager. And now, Mr. Manager, to what extent are you indi¬ vidually blamable for the waste of fuel in your boiler room? When I use the term “Manager” I refer to the executive who is the court of last resort on every important question relating to the power department. His official title may be something else. The man I am after is the man highest up who has any¬ thing to do with the power department and for purposes of identification we will call him the “Manager.” I have talked with your firemen and with your engineer about the waste in your boiler room and I have obtained very little satisfaction. The waste will continue until some¬ body starts something. My notion of a “Manager” is that it is part of his business to manage. When a reform is called for, he should either originate it or see that somebody else does some originating. The waste in your boiler room can be stopped by an order, an edict, an irade or whatever it is that you issue when you want action. If your patience will permit a reading of this book to a finish I shall try to make Why Your Fuel Is Wasted. 37 good my strange claim that fuel wastes can actually be stopped by the flat of the Manager. If you are in love with these wastes they will certainly continue. If you are not in love with them but keep mum about them they will just as certainly continue. Every morning your firemen are handed a roll of money in the form of coal. You do not even count it when you hand it to them. You permit them to spend it according to their own fancy. You require no accounting from them. This is better treatment than you accord your wife. When Madam gets her allowance you know to a nickel how much you have handed her. She has to stretch it and get along with it or get up in the silent watches of the night and go through your trousers. Did you ever put a scoop shovel in her hands and turn her loose on your pile of bullion? 38 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. Treat the other departments of your factory plant with the same fine consideration that you show your boiler room and the sheriff will turn up in a short time with a placard and a tack hammer. Every business day in the year a clerk from your office is sent to the bank to deposit the garnerings of your business. What would you do to that clerk if he should lose as many dollars each day on his way to the bank as you know your firemen waste each day in burning your fuel? If he lost a quarter oi a dollar a day you would be furious about it. And yet you can talk of the waste of many dollars a day in your boiler room and be complacent about it. You reverse the telescope when you look at the boiler room and this makes everything down there look very small and very far away from you. The money that your careless clerk loses on the way to the bank is not lost utterly. Somebody will find it and it may be returned to you. If not returned it may serve to buy food and clothing for some suffering family. But the fuel that your fireman wastes is lost forever. It is gone absolutely without hope of recovery. Needless fuel waste can be properly classi¬ fied as an economic crime, because it reduces our national resources and this in its turn affects everybody. When we apply that 25 per cent factor ot needless fuel loss to the half billion tons of coal consumed in the United States annually, we have a conservation proposition of national importance. A Chicago fireman was caught, several years ago, selling a few hods of coal from the bunkers of the boiler room in which he was employed. The weather was cold and the stoves in the Ghetto were hungry. His employer was justly indig¬ nant and the fireman was sent to the Bridewell. A few months later this same employer was shown by a firm of fuel engineers, how and why his other firemen were needlessly wasting more 'than 30 per cent of his fuel. He was “not. interested.” The loss itself concerned him less than the man¬ ner of the losing. It is difficult to understand the average plant Manager’s point of view as respects fuel economy. He regards his coal bill as a necessary evil and he considers preventable fuel Why Your Fuel Is Wasted. 39 waste as an organic disease, peculiar to the industry in which he is engaged—a trouble that must be endured because he thinks it cannot be cured. And so in many cases it is impos¬ sible to interest him. He will tell you that he is not an engineer, that he cannot hope to understand engineering prob¬ lems and that all such matters are left to his engineering department. But if you will go and talk with the engineering; department you will find that he does not leave such matters in its hands. The Chief Engineer knows from experience about what his chances are when he asks for money for plant improvements. He must wait for the psychological moment to arrive before he makes his requisition. He must get on the' leeward side of the Manager and stalk him like a hunter stalks a lion. If he makes his approach at the wrong time or from the wrong direction his requisition will not be honored. A Manager recently said to me: “It will be necessary for you to discuss that subject with our Chief Engineer. We leave all such matters to him.” “Leaves all such matters to me, does he?” said the Chief. “In a pig’s eye he does. If he only did leave them to me there would be something doing. Last week I went at the office with a requisition for a feed water thermometer. I was turned down. The old man said, we must ‘economize.’ I told him that was what I wanted to do and why I wanted the thermometer. I tried to explain that every ten degrees added to the temperature of the feed 40 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. water meant a saving of one per cent in fuel and what do you think he said to me? He asked me if the thermometer would make the feed water any hotter. I told him that I couldn’t heat water with a thermometer, but that the thermometer would tell me where in thunder I was ‘at,’ that at present the only means I had of judging the feed water was by feeling the pipes. Did I get that $4 thermomter? I did not; and now I don’t care what the temperature of the feed water is. I wouldn’t turn my hand if the boilers were taking ice water.” Of course, the engineer took the wrong position in the matter. If he could not get the co-operation of the Manager in securing economy he should have taken all of the economy he could get without co-operation. But he took the natural position and one that I find a good sized percentage of the engineers in steam power plants are taking. If we must condemn the attitude of the engineer, how much more must we condemn the attitude of the Manager in that instance. When you expect something for. nothing you are sure to get nothing for something. If you want efficiency you must provide the means of producing efficiency. Pharaoh* thought he could get bricks without furnishing straw and he fell down on the proposition. This happened 3,405 years ago, according to the chronology of Archbishop Usher, and yet in these late days and these enlightened times there are men who believe that they can put it over. The children of Israel did scratch around and produce a certain amount of straw, but ■it was expensive straw for Pharoah. And a lot of engineers have gone down into their own socks for the money with which to purchase needed testing apparatus. Go and ask the manufacturers of steam engine “Indicators” about it. They will tell you that the Indicator worked its way into the power plant through the lean pocketbooks of operating engineers. Today the Indicator is considered a prime necessity in power plant practice and the plants themselves are actually buying them. Go and ask the manufacturers of Flue Gas Analyzers about it. They will tell you that a large percentage of their orders comes direct from the engineers of steam plants who *An old fool who resided in Egypt some years ago. Why Your Fuel Is Wasted. 41 A TjOT of engineers have gone down into THEIR ON SOCKS. You remember, Mr. Manager, the time that your engineer came to your office, cap in hand, and asked you to buy some¬ thing that he needed to improve the efficiency of the boiler room. You turned him down rather gruffly and he proceeded to “beat it.” You haven’t seen him since and he is not likely to bother you again. Nice encouragement, that, for an em¬ ployee who felt that he was risking his job in asking you to spend a few dollars in your own interests. I am sure you would have respected him more had he stood his ground like a man and demanded the thing that his judgment told him he needed. I am not your employee and I am not the least bit afraid of you—hence I am shoving these few facts right down are scrimping to buy the apparatus and who are paying for it in pitiful monthly installments. 42 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency . your throat into your gizzard. Some day the Directors of your company will ask to see the coal bills. THAT AWFUL MOMENT WHEN 'The iTt-s average loss for the first week and 3 to ZVz per cent would cover the loss for a year, although in some cases the loss was found to be as high as 5 per cent in a year.’’ 54 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. “It is probable that the figures given above are away in excess of what would be expected in commercially stored coal/ It is obvious that only those portions of the coal pile that are actually exposed to the weather will be influenced by atmos¬ pheric action. Chemical change is, however, likely to take place at the interior of the coal pile. One of the objections to coal storage is the danger of heating and spontaneous com¬ bustion. These dangers are increased when the coal is in a finely divided condition and contains sulphur or pyrites of iron. When coal heats spontaneously there is a loss of heat energy equal to the actual heat generated and when it ignites spon¬ taneously the loss may be total.” Unless there is some good reason for the storage of coal in quantity it is best to keep as little of it on hand as possible. The storage place should, of course, be located with reference to convenience and ease of transferring the fuel from the hunkers to the furnaces. My observation has been that in many power plants a change in the location and arrangement of the bunkers would result in a material saving of money. Labor, like coal, represents money, and it is often more diffi¬ cult to handle than the inanimate fuel. The big central station installs coal and ash handling machinery which cuts down the cost of power by reducing the cost of labor. It is not practical to store coal under water and so I have set the loss due to weathering in the column of non-prevent- able wastes. I have placed this loss at 1 per cent, or 290,000 heat units, and we won’t cry about it because there are enough losses ahead of us to weep over. To get any good from coal you must put it in the furnace and burn it. How much of your coal is wasted in handling? A lot more than you imagine. Take a walk through your boiler room and around your boiler house and see for yourself. You will find raw coal everywhere. Feet and wheels have ground it into a powder. You will find coal in the ash pile that never saw the inside of the furnace. If there is coal in front of the boilers when the fires are cleaned some of it will get into the ash and be carried to the dump. Some of the ash will get into the coal and with it go into the furnace. The result will be clinkers, which make work and waste fuel. The loss in handling is very small as compared with some other losses. It is large enough to be considered and it can he cured if you will see that better housekeeping methods are adopted in your boiler room. I have placed the loss in han¬ dling at 1 per cent of the fuel. It is less than that in some Hoiv Your Fuel Is Wasted. 55 plants and much more in some others. The reader will remember that in all of the figures presented in this book the conditions that obtain in average power plants, big and little, are being considered. Now, how will you induce your men to be more careful in the handling of your fuel? By impressing the fact upon them that a lump of coal represents money. The fireman, as I have already told you, does not think of coal in terms of money. I was walking through the boiler room of a power plant not long ago in company with the Manager. We stopped to watch a fireman who was loading up a wheel-barrow with clinkers and ashes. * When the man’s back was turned I dropped a nickel at his feet and then called his attention to the coin, with the remark that somebody was very careless with money. He lost no time in putting that nickel in his pocket. Visions of a foaming tin bucket rose before him. I said to him: “Man, there must be something wrong with your eyesight. I saw another nickel go into that wheel¬ barrow with the ashes.” He dumped that barrow of ashes on the floor and pawed all through it. He didn’t find the 56 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. money. I said: “Bring me a pail of water and I will show you how to find money in ashes.” If there is anything that will make coal and coke stand up in a pile of ashes it is a douche of water. I drenched the ash-pile and then picked it over. I got a respectable looking pile of coke and coal from the ashes. It was unnecessary to explain to the fireman what I meant by money in the ashes, or to explain to him that the money he was throwing away belonged to the Man¬ ager of the plant who stood beside me. The next time it rains take your firemen to the ash dump and give them an object lesson. You are not burning the coke that goes through your grates with the ash and you are not burning the combustble gases that go up your chimney with the smoke. When you have looked around the boiler room and the boiler house, when you have looked at the ash-pile and the chimney, you will have some idea of the fuel that is being wasted without being burned. We must expect to find some coke in the ash and you need not be frightened if you see some smoke coming from the chimney. Smoke means waste, as we shall see later on, but not in the way that is popularly supposed. The soot of the smoke cannot in the very worst circumstances exceed 2 per cent of the carbon in the fuel. There may be a great deal of smoke going up the chimney and very little combustible, or there may be a great deal of combustible and very little smoke. There may be combustible gas and considerable of it in the entire absence of smoke. These things will have consideration in a later chapter. You must expect to find some coke in the ash. It is im¬ possible to burn coal for power purposes and avoid all waste through the grates. It is possible to keep the loss down to a minimum. In order to know what the waste really amounts to you must first know how much ash the coal itself contains. If you have been having your coal analyzed you will know how much ash the raw fuel carries. In the absence of a laboratory report you will be able to get quite accurate data in the following manner: Weigh all of the coal burned dur- in a day’s run and all of the ash and clinker resulting. These How Your Fuel Is Wasted. 57 v.'eights should be taken every day, but that is not the prac¬ tice in the average power plant. Take a couple of scoops of ashes from each barrow load as it is removed. Douse these ashes with water and have them carefully picked over. On weighing the coke and ash proper you will have the data from which the actual “ash waste” can be closely computed. If the loss does not exceed 1 per cent of the combustible of the coal, you are doing well. If you are wasting four or five per cent, as is likely to be the case, your firemen must mend their ways. Much of the waste detected in the ash pit of the boiler furnace is due to the improper use of fire tools. The slice bar is abused almost every time that it is used. Watch your fireman when he uses it. He will run it along the grates under the fuel and then employ it as a pry to tear the fuel to pieces. This mixes ash with incandescent carbon. The ash fuses and clinkers result. The purpose of the slice bar is to cut or “slice” the fuel away from the grates and to cause the fine ash to fall through the grates. Under no circumstances use it unless the condition of the fire calls for it. The fireman can tell from the dark spots in the ash pit when and where the fire needs slicing. Why do you burn coal under a boiler? To make steam, of course, by passing the heat from the furnace through the metal work of the boiler where it can get action on the water. Now, suppose that you cool down the hot gases before they reach the heating surfaces of the boiler, or that you cool them by outside influences while they are in contact with the heating surfaces of the boiler, or that you hinder the heat in some way from passing through the metal to the water, or that you permit some of the heat to escape before it has a chance at the boiler—you will lose just that much heat, won’t you? And you will have to burn just that much more coal to replace the heat that has been lost. Burn as much of the fuel as possible—i. e., waste as little as possible on the floor, in the ash and in the chimney. Use as much as possible of the heat resulting from the fuel that you actually burn. Do these two things and you will get all of the steam 58 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. that it is possible to make with the furnace and boiler equip¬ ment that you have. You probably lose about 5 per cent of the heat generated in the furnace through radiation from the furnace and the boiler setting. You could stop four-fifths of this loss by proper insulation. One or two inches of asbestos plaster, covered with canvas and the canvas covered with paint, will make a serviceable overcoat for a boiler setting. This overcoat will serve the double purpose of keeping the heat in and the “cold out.” You apply weather strips, storm sash and storm doors to your houses. Use the same degree of common sense with your boilers. The radiation loss is a small circumstance compared with that due to excess air and the overcoat will reduce the excess air. By “excess air” I mean the air that is taken into the boiler furnace or into the passes of the boiler in addition to that actually used in the processes of combustion. Suppose we take 100 cubic feet of air into the boiler furnace and use all of the oxygen in that air to produce combustion, and suppose that we actually produce complete combustion under such circum¬ stances. The furnace would be operating under ideal condi¬ tions and with the theoretical air supply. The furnace temperature would be extremely high—close to 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Nobody has ever seen such conditions in a coal burning furnace. I am only supposing them. In burning a solid fuel it is quite impossible to maintain uniform conditions throughout the fuel bed. The coal will be a shade thinner in some places than in others. Little cracks and fissures will form in the fuel as it settles on the grates. These thin places and cracks oppose less resistance to the passage of air than the other portions of the fuel bed and they get more than their share of it. Hence it follows that in burning coal or any solid fuel we are forced to entertain some excess air in the furnace. If we cut out this excess some portions of the fuel bed will not get enough air and the result will be incomplete combustion. The gas CO* will be formed and flow up the chimney. CO is the principal constituent of the illuminating gas which is piped to your residence at $1.00 per thousand *CO is the “enemy alien” of combustion. How Your Fuel Is Wasted. 59 cubic feet by the gas company. You can’t afford to send a valuable gas like that up the chimney. You can get complete combustion of coal in the boiler furnace and not use more than 40 per cent excess air. If the coal runs high in ash it will be necessary to use more air, and if you are burning oil or gas under your boilers you can reduce the 40 per cent excess. In the next chapter I shall tell you how you may determine the exact percentage of air excess as well as the exact percentage of combustible CO. A brick is a porous thing. Thow a dry one into a pail of water and watch the bubbles as the water enters the pores of the brick and drives out the air. Weigh the brick before it goes in and after it comes out of the water. Now, remember that there is a partial vacuum on the inside of your boiler setting when the furnace is in operation, and atmospheric pressure on the outside of it. Every pore in every brick is busy trying to satisfy that vacuum. More cold air will flow right through those bricks in your boiler setting than you imagine. If you will glue an air-tight box to your boiler setting and connect a sensitive differential draft gage, such as is shown on another page of this book, with a tube running into the box, you will find that the suction of the chimney is communicated through the pores of the brick and that this will be indicated by the movement of the liquid in the draft gage. The 40 per cent excess air that you are forced to enter¬ tain reduces the furnace temperature about 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. You want no more of that sort of reduction than you are forced to stand. Hence you want to stop the infliltra- tion of air through the brick work. The overcoat will stop it. If it is not the season for “overcoats’* in your power plant you can stop the air seepage by “sizing’’ or painting the brickwork. The paint will make the boiler house look more home-like to the fireman and you will get a dividend on your paint investment every time the fireman throws in a shovel of coal. The cold air loss due to infiltration through the .brick compares with the other cold air losses your plant is suffering as a sneeze compares to a Panhandle Norther. We are right 60 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency . on the track now of some of the old “he” losses that are making a joke of economy in your boiler room. The chimney is constantly pumping air and gas from your furnace and boiler. The partial vacuum created will cause air to flow into the furnace and the gas passes of the boiler wherever and whenever it can get in. Now if there is a crack in the brickwork that looks suspicious, try that crack with a candle flame. If there is an inward draft of air the candle flame will indicate it. A tallow candle or a kerosene torch is one of the most important pieces of testing apparatus that you can have in your boiler room. Whatever else you neglect to get, don’t neglect the torch or candle. In the table of losses preceding I have fixed that due to air leaks in the furnace and boiler setting at 10 per cent of the heat generated in the furnace and this is a conservative esti¬ mate for the average power plant. I have seen savings of 20 per cent made by stopping up the rat-holes in the settings of water tube boilers. I have known a plant to go from three boilers to two after the leaks were stopped. And I have the very dickens of a time making some engineers believe that the leaks in their boiler settings really amount to something. I have to take a gas analyzer and prove it to them by actually measuring the volume of air that is flowing through the cracks as compared with the volume that is used to burn the coal. They seem to think that you can make steam with cold air. Engineers often say to me, “What’s the use of plastering up cracks in the brickwork? They will not stay plastered. The stuff will shrink when it dries and fall out.” Of course it will. Therefore, don’t “plaster” the cracks. Calk them with something that will not fall out. Make a very thin mix¬ ture of fire clay and stir cotton waste into it, first pulling the waste apart so that every fibre of it will be covered with the clay. The waste being dry, will pick up a lot of the clay. Next sharpen a piece of board for a calking tool and with it drive the clay-coated waste into the crack. Fill the crack full and drive the stuff in tight. It will stay there until the setting falls down and the cows come home. This can be done while the boiler is in operation so that you can begin to Hoiv Your Fuel Is Wasted. 61 get financial returns on your clay and cotton investment without waiting for the boiler to be shut down. Two or three hours’ work and a dollar’s worth of material will stop a lot of cracks. There are cements and other materials on the market made especially for the purpose of permanently sealing up a brick boiler setting. They are somewhat superior to the paint and the fire-clay that I have here recommended. You must not assume that any crack you may find any¬ where about the boiler setting is not conducting air to the heating surfaces of the boiler. You don’t know where that crack leads to and the only safe thing is to try the candle llame on it. And remember that a crevice between an “I” beam or a stay and the brickwork may lead to some hidden avenue that will carry cold air where it will do a lot of dam¬ age. And don’t forget to inspect the brickwork on top of the boiler. Don’t make a casual inspection. Be thorough. I found air leaks on one occasion, aggregating one and a half square feet, at the rear of a marine boiler of the “B. and W.” type when the engineers of the ship were willing to make oath that everything was air tight. On another occasion I won the cigars by finding more than 20 sizable air leaks in the brickwork of a “B. and W.” boiler in a stationary plant. The engineer had just finished calking the brickwork of that boiler and he thought it was air tight. I had had more experience in the air leak business than that engineer and I knew where to look for trouble. You are not through looking for air leaks when you have finished inspecting the brickwork of the boiler setting. In¬ spect the “metal work.” I assume that in going over the brick work you will have seen to the clean-out doors, the blow-off pipe, etc. This is not the “metal work” that I refer to. You are not through with the work of inspection until you have tried the candle at the boiler headers. A boiler of the “B. and W.” type is an admirable steam generator and it passes my understanding why the manufacturers have not devised some practical means of preventing air from flowing in around the front headers into the first pass of the boiler. The boiler doors are supposed to keep cold air away from the headers, but in most cases they don’t do it. Show me a “B. 62 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. and W.” boiler and I will bet five to one that I can find some place about the boiler doors where the draft will suck out the flame of a candle. An inflow of cold air around those boiler doors is not only bad for efficiency, it is bad for the boiler headers. Those headers were properly packed, I sup¬ pose, when the boiler was originally installed. The trouble is that the packing has fallen out and nobody has thought worth while to replace it. When the engineer’s atten¬ tion is called to the situation at the boiler front he is surprised. He had supposed that the packing was in proper condition and that the doors were tight. It is bad practice to “suppose” anything about a steam boiler. The trouble with the boiler door is that it will warp, that the catches will not draw it into proper position, that one or more of the catches may be broken, or that some careless somebody will neglect to see that the door is really closed in the way that the builders intended. In one case that came under my obser¬ vation an actual fuel saving of 20 per cent was effected by packing the front headers of a battery of “B. and W.” boilers. In that instance over 200 per cent excess air was flowing around the boiler headers into the first pass. Excess air is the greatest of all causes of fuel loss. The tax exacted by it exceeds the sum of all the other'taxes com¬ bined that are levied by the wasteful furnace upon the suf¬ fering coal pile. I took the trouble to examine the logs of all of the tests made by the United States Geological Survey at its exposition testing plant in St. Louis. The excess air losses as shown by those tests were ten times the losses due to incomplete combustion. If you want to make a home-run for efficiency begin on excess air. I absolved your fireman in the last chapter and I absolve him again. He is not responsible for the physical condition of your boiler plant. He takes the boilers as he finds them in the morning and he fires as he sees fit during the day. He hasn’t time to calk air leaks and he isn’t hired for that purpose. You can’t make steam with a sieve. If you will take a candle and go over your boiler setting you will find that you are trying to do so. You could go all over a boiler setting in the time that it has taken to read this Jeremiad on How Your Fuel Is Wasted. 63 air leaks. After you stop the leaks you will find that the boiler steams more easily and that there is more draft. Cold air kills draft. You may now have to check the dampers to keep the safety valves from blowing. An Eastern factory had great difficulty in getting enough steam from its three return tubular boilers. They were actually contemplating the installation of a fourth boiler. The engineer bought five cents’ worth of tallow candles and went after the air leaks. When the cracks were calked there was plenty of steam. Now most men would have stopped at this point because most men are satisfied when there is enough steam for the factory. They look upon the boiler plant as just something to make steam, not as something that should be made to earn a profit like the factory proper. This engineer had been inoculated with the efficiency germ and he wasn’t satisfied. Efficiency is the most appetizing thing. When you get a taste of the real article you can’t get enough of it. In March, 1911, the plant in question was burning coal at the rate of 2,300 tons per annum. It is now burning- coal at the rate of 1,000 tons per annum and turning out as much product as in 1911. This is a reduction of 56 per cent and if you don’t believe the story you don’t have to.* The improvement was due to the efficiency germ that got into the engineer’s system. W T hen the engineer had stopped up all the air leaks he could find he said to himself, “Are there any other places where cold air can get in to cool off the hot furnace gases?’’ This question led to the following conclusion: When the furnace doors are open cold air will rush in and cool off things. This is bad for the coal account and it is bad for the boiler, as the cooling off and heating up mean expansion and contraction, which in turn lead to leaks. Therefore, it is essential that the furnace doors should be open for the shortest periods possible. To this end the fire¬ men must have the coal where they can reach it quickly and the doors must be fixed so that they can be opened and closed in the shortest possible time, and with the least possible effort. The firemen must understand that “time is the essence ♦Name and address will be supplied, if desired. 64 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. of things” when the furnace doors are open. These conclusions led to certain minor re-arrangements and the firemen were speeded up to an appreciable degree. The engineer then remembered having read in a book some¬ where that a coal burning furnace can be most economically operated with about 40 per cent excess air—that anything in excess of 40 per cent leads to needless waste through a need¬ less chilling of the gases. His line of reasoning led him to a further conclusion, viz.—that cold air could get into the fur¬ nace through a hole in the fuel bed, also that there must be some relation between the draft over the grates and the resistance of the fuel on the grates. In other words, too strong a draft and too thin a fuel bed will lead to excess air and the excess taken in this manner is just as damaging to efficiency as an excess taken in any other manner. He now saw that an apparatus for measuring the excess air carried by the chimney gases would be essential before he could go further with his investigations. Without such ap¬ paratus he would never know how near or how far he might be from that dead line of 40 per cent excess. Moreover, he could never expect to standardize the firing practice in his boiler room without gages to measure the drafts over the fire and an apparatus to measure the excess air. On inquiry he learned that the very apparatus he required had been on the market and in use in power plants for many years, moreover, that he could take his choice among several different styles of such apparatus and largely suit himself in the matter of price. He accordingly purchased a draft gage for each boiler furnace and one flue gas analyzer. While waiting for this apparatus to arrive the engineer became curious about the heating surfaces of his boilers. On the Sunday following his first investigations one of the boilers was shut down and he made an examination of that boiler. It had been customary theretofore to just wash the boilers out when they were down and to rely upon the saving offices of some physicking boiler compound. There was a whitish incrustation on the boiler tubes and a cleaning tool was obtained on the gamble that the innocent appearing white stuff might not be as innocent as it looked. It is sometimes How Your Fuel Is Wasted. 65 impossible to tell by looking at a boiler tube whether the scale is as thick as an egg shell or as thick as a pancake. When the cleaning tool was through with the guts of those boilers it had jarred loose about a wagon load of scale and the engineer ceased to wonder why his boiler efficiency had been suffering with the belly-ache. The heating surfaces of boilers are made as thin as safety will permit, because the thinner the metal the more rapidly the heat will be transmitted to the water. Now the con¬ ductivity of steel is about five times that of lime scale, so that a tube with a quarter of an inch of scale upon it will give heat to the water no faster than a steel tube an inch and a quarter thick. Boiler tubes are about an eighth of an inch thick, so that one-fortieth of an inch of scale lessens the factor of conductivity to the same extent that it would be reduced by doubling the thickness of the tube. Any quantity of scale is bad for economy. The cleaning tool also dislodged quite a lot of carbon¬ aceous scale from the fire side of the tubes so that after the cleaning was finished both the gases and the water were in contact with the clean metal. The effect was extremely pronounced. It had been formerly difficult to get sufficient steam. The stopping of the air leaks had helped amazingly. The cleaning of the heating surfaces gave such an impulse to the boilers that there was now too much steam and one of the boilers was laid out of service. It is quite superfluous to say that the boilers in that plant are now cleaned of soot and scale accumulations so frequently that the heating surfaces are kept in proper condition to perform their functions all of the time. I cannot pass this subject without a word of solemn warn¬ ing about the injudicious use of boiler compounds.* In most cases they do more harm than good and in some cases they have been the originating causes of destructive boiler explo¬ sions. Your engineer is liable to fix up some home-made preparation and put it in his boilers if he is not cautioned. I have actually known muriatic acid to be used. In the back *The term “Boiler Compound” as here used is not intended to include the various preparations on the warket for treating the metal work of the boiler to prevent the adherence of scale. 66 How to Bxtild Up Furnace Efficiency. woods districts engineers still put stable manure in the boiler on the presumption, I suppose, that it will be sure to increase the horse power. Don’t buy a stock boiler compound under any circumstances. It may prove to be the very thing you should not use. Never use any compound until the water you are usiug has been analyzed and a compound especially prepared for that water. Whatever compound you do use, inspect the tubes whenever the boiler is down and clean them whenever necessary. AVhen the gas analyzer and draft gages arrived a further surprise was sprung upon the coal account. It was found that instead of an air excess of 40 per cent the furnaces were taking over 300 per cent. The cooling effect of that much air offset the heat derived from about one-quarter of the coal burned. It did not take long to find the reason for this excess air. The fires were too thin on the grates and the firemen were not careful to distribute the coal evenly over the grates. Thin spots and holes, through which excess air was pulled by the draft of the chimney, were the result. After a little experimenting the proper thickness of the fires was determined and marks were placed upon the liners of the fire doors to guide the firemen. The effect of anything that was done to increase or decrease the air excess could be determined with the gas analyzer in less than a minute. This made it possible for the engineer to give the firemen some object lessons. He showed them the effect of every little crack and rat-hole in the fuel bed. He was even able to measure the exact volume of air flowing through a given hole in the fire and to tell the firemen in terms of coal how much saving the closing of that hole represented. The two boilers now made more steam than the plant could use, whereas the factory had been limping with three boilers before the engineer got busy with his tallow candles. The second boiler was then cut out of service, but the load proved too much for one lonesome boiler. The grate surfaces were then reduced by shortening and narrowing the grates under the two boilers. The engineer went as far as he thought it was safe to go in reducing grate areas and still there was too much steam. He then reduced the rate of fuel Hoiv Your Fuel Is Wasted. 67 consumption by reducing the draft. He placed a draft gage on each boiler furnace and equalized the draft by adjusting the individual boiler dampers. In this way the two boilers were made to work under the same draft conditions and the combustion relations were reduced to a common denominator. The fireman could now treat the two furnaces exactly alike. What applied to the one applied to the other. There were the draft gages to show him when he had exactly the right draft and there were the marks on the door liners to show him when the fuel was of just the right thickness on the grates. The fireman could now be reasonably certain at all times that the air excess was close to 40 per cent and that he was working the furnaces at just about the top notch of efficiency. Now it is one thing to show a fireman what to do and how to do it. It is another thing to have him do it when nobody is watching. Everything about the boilers had been checked up and the fireman knew exactly how to get efficiency and a lot of it. It was now just a matter of checking up the fire¬ men. A gas collecting device was placed on each boiler so that at the end of a watch it could be known in a few min¬ utes exactly how much excess air had flowed across the heat¬ ing; surfaces of the boilers during that watch. The engineer- now had the means of exactly rating the efficiency of each fireman. The result of all of these things was a saving in that plant of more than 5G per cent of the fuel. And the happiest people about the plant were the firemen. They were now handling less than one-half of the coal and ashes that they had been handling before. They had learned that a little mental exercise will save a great deal of manual labor. Skilful firing, like skilful anything else, requires some thought and a reasonable amount of attention to certain details. And when a man knows that he is skilful he begins to take pride in his skill. This is human nature—the same human nature that I have mentioned before. And, Mr. Manager, take advan¬ tage of human nature wherever you can. If you don’t do it human nature will take advantage of you. The table, Chapter I, shows about how the other losses 68 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. between the mine and the machine occur. I have touched to sojne extent upon all of the losses with which we are con¬ cerned in this book, except that due to soot deposits upon the heating surfaces of the boiler. This will receive attention in its logical place in a later chapter. Take off your hat to the next load of coal that is delivered to your bunkers. It contains a quantity of energy that is quite beyond our powers of comprehension. Remember that you are wasting 98 per cent of it. I have in my desk a loaded cartridge for a modern high-power rifle. It contains a pinch of carbon in the form of smokeless powder. There is enough sleeping energy there to strike a blow of more than a foot ton at a distance of one mile. There are twenty-nine million heat units* in your ton of coal and each one of them when converted into mechanical energy is good for 778 foot pounds. It takes a good sized modern locomotive to weigh 200 tons. Imagine a string of 56,405 such locomotives. There is enough energy in your ton of coal to raise all of them with their drive wheels spinning in the air one foot above the rails. The trouble is that our methods of transforming and applying this energy are crude and inefficient. Old Mother Nature sat up nights for more than five million years to prepare this energy for us. Men toil and sometimes die in coal mines to get it for us. We buy it with the money that other men have toiled and sweated to produce. And after you get that ton of coal into your bunkers, how do you treat it? You arm an ignorant fireman with a 90-cent shovel and “sick” him on it. Now if I ask your fireman anything about excess air or the other causes of fuel loss within his powers of prevention he tries to rub his ears off with his shoulders. The shrug is his mode of expressing an absolute and ultimate negation of understanding. Is there anything about the bad effects of cold air on boiler surfaces that the fireman cannot understand? Somebody ought to explain the effects of air holes in the fire to him. He needs a little teaching. But nobody ever heard of anybody teaching any fireman anything in your boiler bouse. Your engineer knows that it is bad to allow cold air *PERHAPS:—A heat unit, or one B. t. u., is the quantity of heat required to raise one pound of water one degree F. in temperature. How Your Fuel Is Wasted. 69 to flow in upon the tubes in the first pass of his water tube boilers, and yet I can shove a full-grown tom cat through some of the holes around his boiler headers. Maybe you think I am lying about the air leaks. Go and see for yourself before you come to such conclusion. The trouble with the engineer is * that he hasn’t thought about these things. He just needs a jolt from somebody and I am trying to jolt him. The trouble with the Manager is that he believes the fuel economy ques¬ tion to be outside the purview of his jurisdiction. He leaves all such things to the superintendent or the engineer or some¬ body else below him. As Dr. Dowie used to express it, “He doesn’t believe in keeping a dog and doing his own barking;” The result is that nobody barks about fuel economy in your power plant and that is the reason for my barking and howling. YOU ARE WATCHING THE SPIGOT IN THE ENGINE ROOM AND FORGETTING THE BUNGHOLE IN THE BOILER HOUSE. -Apologies to The Saturday Evening Post. Mr. Engineer, the time has come for you to leave the Stillson wrench and the oil can to the attention of somebody 70 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. else. The boiler room is the place where you can save your employer’s money. Let me give you a tip: If you do not interest yourself in combustion, steam engineering will not be interested very much longer in you. Engineers who do not understand the trick of making steam with real economy will be physicked out of boiler plants by the wholesale before you are very much older. v'ou ought to get out in the boiler room several times a day and have it out with Casey, because you know that he is wasting fuel. But you do not do that. You are afraid that Casey would either “bean” you with a lump of coal or quit the job if you said anything, and so you hide around the corner, scratch your head, pray that the “old man” will not get his eyes on the coal bill and swear at Casey, while he quite calmly bucks the coal to keep your boilers going and you either have no steam at all or else the safety’s blowing. The coal he wastes for you each day would pay your weekly wages. This waste destroys your peace of mind, your very soul enrages. Your job, you know, depends upon this matter of expenses. You must keep down the fuel bills or take the Patrick Aloysius Casey. How Your Fuel Is Wasted. 71 consequences. And when the monthly coal bill comes and says “six hundred dollars,” you shake and quake; it’s awful, how the “old man” swears and hollers. You think your job is gone, for sure. Despair engulfs your soul, while Casey merely grunts and spits and fills her up with coal. You don’t know how it all will end. Your heart is heavy—very. You’d fight him, but you do not dare, for Casey comes from Kerry. “Eb Haskins’ sow and pigs kept a gittin in his garden and a rootin of it up. Eb stopped all of the little holes in the pickets but the durned fool forgot that the gate was off’n the hinges.” Down East Tales. The thing that needs it worst Should always get it first. When your house is afire and the garden needs watering which way do you run with a pail of water? You are concerned about the chance to save a nickel in the engine room—so much concerned that you forget about the loss of the Dollars in the boiler room. 72 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. CHAPTER III. HOW TO “SPOT” YOUR FUEL WASTES. Now that we know how the wastes occur and about where to look for them we will visit your boiler room and take a look at them. I have been harping on 25 per cent in the first two chapters as a measure of the preventable wastes in the boiler room. I don’t know what your losses are because I was never in your boiler room. I do know that if the “hit or miss,” “catch as catch can” methods prevailing in the average plant are to be found in yours, that your preventable furnace wastes, when we come to measure them, will be mighty close to a quarter of your coal. Some twenty questions were propounded to the engineer in the first chapter, and he is entitled to know exactly how those questions may be answered. We will get ready to answer some of them. WHAT IS THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR BOILER FURNACES? I put that question last summer to the Manager of a big Southern factory. “Wait a moment,” said he, “and I will tell you.” He pushed a button, wrote a message on a slip of paper and sent it out by the office boy. In a few moments the paper was returned and this statement had been endorsed upon it by the chief engineer: “We produce a kilowatt with 5.341 pounds of coal.” The Manager smiled in a satisfied way as he handed me the paper. “There’s the answer to your question,” said he, “worked out to three decimal places.” I replied, “Your answer is not responsive to my question.” Every time I ask an engineer about the efficiency of his furnaces he begins to talk about something else—usually about the cost per kilowatt hour. Sometimes he has infor¬ mation on the pounds of water evaporated per pound of coal burned, which is closer to the point but still a long way from it. In either case he is giving me the two ends of the process only, and leaving me entirely in the dark as to what is taking place between the extremes. Now I have nothing against your kilowatts and what-nots. It is of considerable importance that you should know the cost per kilowatt hour as it gives you a line on the over-all efficiency of your plant. How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes . 73 But that is all it does do. Is there anything about that figure of 5.341 pounds of coal per kilowatt hour that will enable you to place your finger on any specific thing about your power plant and to say as you do so, “We are wasting fuel here; we must do this and that and after we have done it we shall have reduced the coal consumption per kilowatt hour? Your engineer’s bookkeeping is good as far as it goes, but it does not go far enough It analyzes nothing for us and hence it gets us nowhere Now if you will take up the different factors in your power plant, one at a time, and scrutinize each of them with¬ out relation to any other you will get some information that means something If you will bring each factor up to the highest possible state of efficiency you won’t need to worry about the cost per kilowatt hour It will take care of itself. It will be as low as it is possible to get it and you will have to be satisfied with it, whatever it is. No amount of bookkeep¬ ing will change it. If I should ask you about the efficiency of your stenographer would it be a responsive answer to tell me what your gross annual sales were last year? Or if I should ask you how you are feeling this morning, would it be a responsive answer to say that your family, consisting of your wife, your three children, your mother-in-law, the hired girl and yourself, were 50 per cent well? Now, when I try to find out how much coal you are wasting at the boiler furnace you give me a figure, that, if I knew the heat value of your coal, would tell me something about the combined efficiency of the fireman, the furnace, the boiler, the econo¬ mizer, the superheater, the engine, the generator and the lubricating oil. We can’t convict anything on the cost per kilowatt hour. The figure may tell us that something is wrong somewhere, but that is all it does tell us. It is of no fuel-saving, money-making use to us. Much of the bookkeeping in power plants is useless be¬ cause it leads to nothing. In what way does it help you to know the cost per kilowatt hour if the information does not assist you to reduce the cost per kilowatt hour? You can get your cost of power by adding up each month all of the expenses that the power house has incurred and including 74 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. a charge for interest and depreciation. Such general infor¬ mation will enable the manufacturer to determine the power cost per unit quantity of his product and this is necessary to his cost-keeping system. It is valuable also for purposes of comparison. Month can be compared with month and fiscal period with fiscal period. The unit fuel cost can also be compared with that of other factories in the same industry. While such comparison may result in satisfaction it is not likely to result in anything else. The fact that you are pro¬ ducing power at less cost per unit of product than your neighbor does not prove that you are producing it econom¬ ically. There are degrees of waste. If the other fellow is wasting 40 per cent that is no reason why you should be complacent with a waste of 20 per cent. I am not the first man to criticise the current system of power house bookkeeping. The following is quoted from one of the most prominent efficiency engineers in the United States: “Consequently, the common practice is to compare the data at two extreme ends of process. Let us take, for instance, the number of pounds of coal at one end and the number of kilowatt hours generated at the other. With no knowledge of the heat¬ ing valu-e of coal used, nor the number of B. t. u. consumed per kilowatt hour, nor even of the mechanical efficiency of the equipment, we shall not be any the wiser as to the stage of the whole process in which the loss occurs, nor how big it is. We ought to know precisely how much is lost in certain steps of the transformation of energy from one form into another.” The engineer will get some ideas on sensible power cost bookkeeping if he will study the nurse’s daily chart the next time he is laid up in the hospital. The nurse is careful to record every fact relating to the patient’s condition in which the doctor is interested. She brushes the patient’s teeth and trims his toe nails, but she does not encumber the chart with these inconsequential details. She writes down only what the doctor wants to know and when the physician arrives he looks at the chart before he looks at the patient. There are engineers who make a careful record of every¬ thing without regard to what is important and what is not. Such bookkeeping is laborious, expensive and to a large extent useless. There are other engineers who never make a record of anything. The sensible practice as to bookkeeping lies between the two extremes. How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. 75 RECORDS OF MAINTENANCE Dote BOILER TUBES BLOWN MUD BLOWN CUT OUT C m r \ WA5HED SCALD REMOVED l 2 ! 3 4- COMBUSTION CHAMBER CLEANED CONDITION OB BARRELING C CD NO Oh BR/CK WORK OOrVD OB BLOW ORE i 2 3 RER4/R5 WEEDED SO/L-ER E>UF>T I shall not attempt to outline any system of power house bookkeeping. The records that you do employ, to be of use, must be to the point and reach the spot. Whatever else they may show, they should indicate the causes of waste and measure the effects. They should keep the physical condition of the boiler plant constantly before the Engineer and Man¬ ager. There should be records of maintenance as well as records of operation. If you will make some one man per¬ sonally responsible for the physical condition of your furnaces and boilers and require signed reports on blanks furnished, you will not be bothered with soot and scale, with broken down baffles or with leaks in the brick work of the boiler settings. Where nobody reports to anybody about anything and nobody is made responsible for anything, nothing need be expected because nobody is interested. The illustration on next page is not an exaggeration. The boiler is not covered and the setting is disintegrating. You can actually find boilers and settings in that condition. The 76 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. boilers in your plant are covered, of course, but there are leaks in the settings, as serious in the aggregate, perhaps, as those shown in the picture. I visited a large power plant in Brooklyn and the brick work of the boiler was in worse shape than the horrible example at which you are looking. They were “expecting to re-set the boilers” at some time in the indefinite future and hence they did not consider it worth while to do anything to “those old settings.” A few dollars’ worth of material and a few more dollars’ worth of time would have calked the settings of the ten boilers and the firm would have made about 100 per cent a day on the investment. It is much the same old story wherever you may go visit¬ ing power plants. Conditions exist in the boiler room that would not be permitted in any other department of the factory. Hence the waste of a quarter of the fuel. By what criterion shall the efficiency of a furnace be judged? THAT FURNACE IS THE MOST EFFICIENT WHICH COMPLETELY CONSUMES THE COMBUSTIBLE WITH THE LEAST SURPLUS OF AIR. How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. 77 Here we have the whole thing in a very small nut-shell. No matter where we start or in which direction we proceed, whether we consider the subject of drafts, of fuels, of methods of firing or what not, it is just a question of complete com¬ bustion with the minimum of air. Fix this in your mind and much of the “mystery” will fall away from the combustion problems that have been troubling you. Flue gas analysis answers every question bearing upon the efficiency of the furnace proper, but it tells us absolutely nothing about boiler efficiency. No other form of furnace test ever has been or ever will be devised to supersede it. The furnace exists solely for the gases that are delivered from it, as it is from these heat laden gases that the boiler derives the energy necessary to its functions. Every judgment upon furnace efficiency must therefore be based upon an inquiry into the furnace gases. I can prove it by scripture. The gases are the fruits of the furnace and “By their fruits ye shall know them.” When it is suggested that a test should be run upon the boiler furnace the engineer by force of habit begins to think of the standard evaporation test because it is the only test with which most engineers are familiar. There can be no quarrel with this test if it is a complete one and properly conducted. It is incomplete unless sufficient combustion facts are gathered to enable us to judge the furnace as a thing quite apart from the boiler. The boiler has nothing to do with combustion and the furnace has nothing to do with evapora¬ tion. You do not burn coal in the boiler nor evaporate water in the furnace. Hence when we are considering furnace efficiency alone, no question as to water evaporated should enter the problem and add its complications. The business of the furnace is to transform the heat energy contained in the coal—to change it from the latent to the active condition and to deliver it in such condition undiluted and unmodified to the boiler. The business of the boiler is to take the heat energy from the carrier gases and make steam with it. We may have a very efficient furnace delivering heat energy to a very inef¬ ficient boiler. The furnace is not to blame for the character 78 Hoiv to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. or physical condition of the boiler. The only exception that must be made to this statement relates to soot deposits and in many cases these deposits are the fault of the boiler and not of the furnace. There was a time when furnaces and stokers were sold under specified guaranties of evaporation. The wonder is that manufacturers ever stood for such an unfair method of judging their products. The leading furnace and stoker people are getting away from it and refusing to assume responsibility for the boilers that they do not furnish. They are guaranteeing furnace performance without reference to evaporation and the efficiency of the furnace is determined by an examination of the gases that it passes along to the boiler. This is the only fair method and the only scientific one. You do not try on your coat to determine whether your pants fit, and if the pants are too long in the legs you do not remedy the trouble by cutting off your coat tails. Pants are a part of a suit of clothes, just as a furnace is a part of a steam generating plant and as the study we are about to make relates primarily to the furnace we will leave the boiler out of it as far as it is possible to do so. The subject of boiler scale is of such compelling importance that I have been tempted to deal with it here in connection with furnace problems. I am precluded by lack of space from doing so. We will stick to the furnace proper as far as possible. We are forced, however, to consider the subject of air dilution at all points between the furnace and the chimney and we must also take the question of the “short-circuiting” of the gases into account. It is quite impossible to make a proper combus¬ tion study without considering the physical state of the walls that enclose the boiler and of the baffles that direct the flow of the gases through the boiler. For the purposes of this study we will consider the boiler damper and everything except the naked boiler itself as a part of the furnace. The efficiency of the furnace depends upon the efficiency of combustion within the furnace and the safeguarding of the gases from outside influences until they have left the heating surfaces of the boiler. Now it is quite impossible for anyone to look at a boiler and furnace and pronounce a How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. 79 definite judgment upon the efficiency of either of them. We can tell in a general way whether combustion is efficient or inefficient by observing the color of the flame and noting the condition of the fuel in the furnace, but the judgment of the observer might be 10 or 20 per cent at fault. The fuel itself has much to do with appearances in the furnace. What applies to one fuel and one furnace will not apply at all to another. And even if it were possible to look at a furnace and say, “This furnace is doing absolutely all that can be expected of it,” it would be quite impossible to say that the boiler was having a fair chance at the hot gases delivered by the furnace. There are four large water tube boilers in the sub-base¬ men of a well-known New York office building. Three of these boilers were good steamers. The fourth was a shirker. Its furnace received as much attention as the others. The boiler walls and baffling were carefully looked after. The tubes were known to be clean of soot and scale. But the boiler just balked and wouldn’t steam, and what ailed it was a problem. The gases leaving that boiler were finally examined with a Flue Gas Analyzer and it was found that they carried a high percentage of excess air. It was a mystery where this excess was getting access to the boiler. The engineer was willing to swear that there were no air leaks anywhere about the boiler and the analyzer declared there was a big air leak somewhere. The boiler was shut down and the engineer crawled into the combustion chamber, where he found the trouble. It had been the practice at one time to sluice the ashes through a 12-inch conduit which extended from the ash pit back under the combustion chamber to the rear of the boiler. Another method of ash handling had been adopted and the conduit was forgotten. It had been broken through by some laborer when cleaning out the combustion chamber and the result was an air leak into the combustion chamber 12 inches in diameter. Many stories having a similar bearing upon the subject could be related. If there is more than 40 per cent excess air in the gases as they leave the heating surfaces of the boiler, something is wrong somewhere. An exception must be entered to this rule if the coal contains an abnormal per- 80 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. centage of ash or if the ash has a disposition to fuse at low temperature. In such circumstances it is impossible to burn the coal effectively with as little as 40 per cent air excess. It has been estimated that when the coal carries 40 per cent ash the efficiency of the heat unit is zero. Let us now tackle one of your boilers and make an exact diagnosis of the combustion troubles which afflict efficiency. « We shall require the following apparatus: 1. Some tallow candles. 2. A flue gas analyzer. 3. A sensitive differential draft gage. 4. A high temperature thermometer or pyrometer. We will begin our study with the analyzer and we shall need a piece of one-eighth or one-quarter-inch gas pipe long enough to reach the center of the gas “flow” at the place where the gases leave the heating surfaces of the boiler. In another chapter I have discussed Gas Analyzers and other forms of testing apparatus, explaining the principles upon which they depend and the methods of operation. As to the requisites of an Analyzer for making a study of furnace conditions I will merely say here that speed is absolutely essential. The conditions in the furnace may change from instant to instant and when a sample of gas is taken for analysis, all of the conditions obtaining when the sample is drawn must be observed and a record made of them, other¬ wise we shall be unable to interpret the real meaning of any analysis we may make. For example, we want to know the effect that the slightest change in the draft will have upon the volume of excess air flowing through the furnace. We wish to make five or six tests as close together as possible, varying the draft for each test. Now the excess of air will be affected by changes in the condition of the fuel on the grates as well as by changes of the draft. As the fuel burns down the resistance to the passage of the air will be less and a small fissure may form in the fuel bed at any moment, letting in quite a volume of air. This would, of course, affect the result and we should have no means of knowing whether the change in the volume of excess air indicated by the Analyzer was due to the change in the draft or the change in How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. 81 the conditions in the furnace. Hence speed in operating the Gas Analyzer is a requisite of the highest importance when we are diagnosing furnace conditions. Failure to appreciate this fact has led to many wrong conclusions by engineers and some of them have formed quite erroneous impressions of the value of flue gas analysis on account of it. The gas sample should be taken from the point where the gases leave the heating surfaces of the boiler. It should be taken from the center of the gas flow at that point and it should be taken through a length of ordinary one-eighth or one-quarter inch iron gas pipe. Under no circumstances use a perforated pipe. If you take the gas sample at any other place or in any other way, you will not get the information you are after. I must make the reasons for these suggestions as clear as possible, because it is by disregarding them that the beginner with the Gas Analyzer makes his first mistakes. The sample should be taken at a point where the gases leave the heating surfaces of the boiler because you wish to catch all of the air leakage that is really affecting efficiency. Any outside air that may find its way into the boiler passes between that point and the furnace will reduce efficiency. If your gas sample is taken from the first pass of the boiler you will miss all of the air that is flowing into the second and third passes. The reading of the analyzer would tell you the extent of air dilution in the first pass, but nothing about the final condition of the gases, and it is the final condi¬ tion that you are after. For the same reasons it would be the very worst of bad practice to take the gas sample from the breeching or any other point beyond the heating surfaces of the boiler. It is quite certain that there are air leaks around the breeching connection and quite likely through the seams of the breeching itself. If the sample is taken from the first pass the analysis may indicate much less damaging excess than really exists and if taken from the breeching it is almost sure to indicate a great deal more. The temperature of the escaping flue gases should be taken at the same point where the gas sample is obtained and for the same reasons. You want to know how hot the gases are when they leave the boiler, not how hot they may be after 82 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. they have chilled down by radiation and air leakage beyond the boiler. Air leakage into the breeching will not lower the efficiency of the boiler in ordinary circumstances. Under certain con¬ ditions it might improve efficiency by cutting down the draft as the tendency in most boiler plants is to use too much draft. I visited a power plant not long ago and found an evap¬ oration test in progress. Gas samples were being drawn regu¬ larly into a bottle at one hour intervals and carried to the laboratory, where they were carefully analyzed by the plant chemist. He was very careful to determine the exact per¬ centages of CO 2 (Carbon Dioxide), O 2 (Oxygen) and CO (.Carbon Monoxide). The boys were going to work out a heat balance at the conclusion of the test and to this end they were very anxious that the gas analyses should be made just right. The weights of coal burned from hour to hour and the reports of the water and steam flow meters indicated a very high efficiency, while the chemist’s reports on the gas samples indicated a low efficiency—a very large volume of excess air. They couldn’t understand it. The man in charge of the test had forgotten more about electrical engineering than I will ever know, but he didn’t know the “A. B. C.” of practical flue gas analysis. “What do you think of that 6 per cent CO 2 ?” he asked me. I was forced to tell him that it was “rotten” and that he ought to be getting about 14 per cent. “I will give you five dollars,” he said, “if you will show me how to make that Roney stoker do any better than it is doing right now.” We looked at the fires and they were dazzling white. We looked at them through smoked glasses and there was no sign of an air leak in the fuel bed any¬ where. “I can’t show you how to work a Roney stoker,” I said, “but I can show you something about analyzing flue gases. From what point are you taking the gas samples?” “Why,” said he, “from the uptake of the boiler, of course; from what point would you take them?” We got a ladder and climbed to the top of the boiler. The gas samples were being drawn from the uptake, above the boiler damper and about 12 feet above the drums of the boiler. There was more air going in around the hood of How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. 83 that uptake than was being taken through the fuel on the grates of the stoker. The gas samples over which his chemist was working with such great care to insure exact determinations were utterly worthless. We then took a gas sample from the last pass of the boiler and the very first reading showed more than 15 per cent CO 2 , indicating an air excess in the last pass of less than 40 per cent, while the samples taken from the uptake were showing an air excess of nearly 250 per cent. One gas sample per hour is very little better than no gas sample at all. It was not enough to indicate an average. To indicate anything approaching the real average the samples should be taken as often as once every five minutes and it would be better to have a continuous sample. The conditions in the furnace affecting the flue gases are not constant, even with the best types of stokers. Don’t forget this: The gas sample must be taken at the point where the gases leave the heating surfaces of the boiler, wherever that point may be. Where that point may be located and how you are going to reach it with a piece of gas pipe, will depend upon the type of your boiler. Remember the boiler damper when you are placing the Sampling Tube. The gas currents may be deflected by the damper and leave the Sampling Tube in a dead air space. The tube must be in the gas currents, whatever the position of the damper, and it must be so located that it will be in the gas currents for all positions of the damper. If it is a boiler of the “B. & W.” type you can thrust the gas pipe through the top “blow hole” at the last pass and let the pipe rest upon the boiler tubes. If it is of the “Heine” type you can run the gas pipe through one of the hollow stay bolt holes. If it is a return tubular boiler you can re¬ move the top “handle” from one of the boiler doors. This will provide a hole through which the gas pipe may be passed, and you must be sure that you are not getting any of the air that leaks around the boiler doors into the smoke box. The gases will leave the boiler tubes and rise in a curve to the uptake. Between these curving gas currents and the boiler doors there will be a current of air on its way to the uptake 84 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency Incorrect positions of the sampling - tube. “X” shows the correct location for gas sampling pipe—“Y” and “Z” the incorrect locations. The points marked “AL.” show some of the places where air leakage is likely to be found. If the “baffling” is in bad condition the gases may “short- circuit,” as shown by the arrows “S” “S.” and the volume of the air stream will depend upon the amount of the air leakage around the boiler doors. Your gas pipe must pass through this stream of air and its open end must Hoiv to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. 85 be in the gas currents. In ordinary circumstances the pipe should extend to within about six inches of the boiler head and it should be above the top row of tubes. If the pipe should be thrust in too far it might extend beyond the curving flow of the gas currents and enter a “dead air” space. Be certain that you are getting none of that air leakage around the boiler doors. If you are not certain, stop the leaks tem¬ porarily and if this is impracticable insert the gas pipe in one of the boiler tubes as the next best expedient. This will give you gas from but one of the boiler tubes and you want a composite sample from as many of the tubes as possible.. I have found by experiment, however, that an analysis of the gas taken from one tube will compare very closely with that of a sample taken in the preferred way, as above indicated,, provided the tube selected is near the center of the boiler. If there is much air leakage between the arch at the rear of the boiler and the boiler head, a sample taken from one of the top row of tubes might show more excess than a sample taken lower down, as most of the air flowing in at the arch would find its way into the top row of tubes. Many years ago somebody suggested the use of a per¬ forated metal pipe for gas sampling purposes. It was pro¬ posed that a gas pipe long enough to extend entirely across the boiler should be used, that this pipe should be capped or plugged at the end and perforated with small holes at measured intervals—the theory being that when suction was applied to the pipe each of the holes would furnish its quota of gas and that the sample secured would represent an average of the gases flowing through the cross section of the boiler pass in which the pipe was extended. The use of such a pipe is to be condemned for the following reasons: 1st. Gas will flow along the lines of least resistance. The nearest hole will furnish more gas than the next one and so on down the line. Unless the suction applied is very strong the chances are that the bulk of the gas, if not all of it, will be drawn through the first, hole. If the rate of gas suction is very slow, as for example, when a gas collecting device is used, one lone hole in the perforated pipe would be more than ample to supply all of the gas taken. 86 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. 2nd. Some of the small holes in the perforated pipe are quite certain to be stopped with soot accumulations and one would have nc means of knowing when such stoppage had occurred nor which holes had been affected. 3rd. The velocity of the gas flow decreases from the center of the boiler pass toward the sides, so that even if it were possible to secure uniformity of gas flow through all of the perforations in the tube, the sample deri. ed would not be an average one. Assuming such uniformity of flow, the hole drawing from the slow moving gas current would supply as much gas as the one drawing from the fast mo ing gases. This would make the “average” secured a false one and as the gases near the sides of the boiler carry more of an air excess than those at the center, the sample would be rendered falser still. 4th. There is no sense in taking a cross sectional sample from side to side of the boiler pass unless you add to this sample another cross-sectional one extending long.tudinally with the boiler from baffle to baffle. If there is any merit at all in the perforated pipe there should be at least one opening for every square foot of space throughout a horizontal cross- section of the entire pass of the boiler. It is quite impossible to secure an absolutely correct aver¬ age sample of gas through any pipe or any nest of pipes that could be devised. It is my opinion, and I base it upon a great deal of experimenting, that a better sample can be secured through an ordinary gas pipe opening at the center of the gas flow, than in any other manner. The gases are reasonably well mixed when they arrive at the exit of the last pass. They have been tumbled up and down among the boiler tubes, and the point of best mixture is the point of greatest velocity, viz., at the center of the gas flow. You will find greater varia¬ tions in the CO 2 content of the gases at the center of the flow "'an at any other part of the pass. If taking samples at that point you can tell from the analysis when the furnace doors are open for stoking, when an air hole develops in the fuel bed and what the exact effect of the slightest change in the draft may be. Everything that happens to affect efficiency is reported by the gases having the greatest velocity, i. e., the How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. 87 gases at the center of the flow and as you move away from the center towards the sides of the pass or towards the baffles, the variations will be less and less pronounced and when you reach a point very near the side walls there will be prac¬ tically no variations at all. Several years ago I received a letter from the Chief Engineer of a cotton mill. He stated that he was using a perforated sampling pipe and that he was unable to get more than 2 per cent CO 2 . I told him to throw the perforated thing away and to go to the center of the last pass with a piece of common pipe. He did so and reported 13 per cent CO 2 . The first hole in his perforated pipe had furnished all of the gas and the gas that it furnished was principally air that had seeped through the brick work of the setting. Flue gas analysis as a means of determining furnace efficiency has been condemned by a great many well meaning engineers. They have taken the gas sample from the uptake or some other place, not the right one. They have used a perforated tube or they have done something else not in accord with good practice. They have not secured results and hence they condemn the whole proposition. I have yet to learn of a single instance where satisfactory results in the actual reduction of fuel bills were not secured when the right methods were followed. Having learned what sort of a sampling pipe to use and where to place it, the next step is to connect the Gas Analyzer by means of its flexible rubber hose with the sampling pipe. Drive a nail into the brick work of the boiler setting or wherever you wish to hang the Analyzer and see that the instrument is at a proper height to facilitate ease in opera¬ tion. Don’t stand it inconveniently on a box or a barrel. You must work rapidly when you get started, because you are out after useful data. You must make 50 or more CO 2 determinations per hour and at the end of an hour you ought to have the goods on the furnace and the fireman. Your next step is to connect the differential draft gage, and I must digress here to say something about drafts and draft measurements. Owners and engineers of power plants are frequently 88 Hoiv to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. heard complaining about the “draft” and saying all manner of unkind things about the chimney. Most steam plants suf¬ fer from too much draft rather than from too little of it. If you have draft troubles look for the causes of them in the boiler room before you blame the chimney. What you label “lack of stack capacity” may, perhaps, be more properly labeled “lack of engineering sagacity.” You probably have chimney enough and draft enough. What you need is draft conservation. By way of making clear what I am trying to convey let me present an illustration. Let us suppose a farmer who wishes to take a load of grain to market. He has been out in the field with a wagon picking up “nigger heads” and other stony impediments to cultivation. He gathers just about all that the horses can draw but the load does not fill the wagon box. He wants to take some grain to market. Being a lazy individual and being in a hurry to get to town and cash in on his grain, he does not unload the “nigger heads.” He piles the grain in on top of them and of course he gets stuck in a sand pocket going up Sugar Creek hill. I submit that it would not be fair in such a case to blame the horses. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals should get after the farmer and a commission to determine lunacy should sit on him. Undoubtedly both of these things would happen. Good engineering is just good horse sense. When the capacity of either a horse or a chimney to do useful work is reduced by the performance of useless work, somebody is not exercising horse sense. I have investigated a great many cases where “poor draft” was alleged and in most instances I have found the chimney pulling about live tons of “nigger head” ballast for every ton of real cargo. And in nearly every case it has been possible to greatly increase the effective draft by throwing out the ballast. In some cases it has been necessary to make certain alterations in the flue connections, but in very few cases has it been necessary to do anything to the chimney proper beyond ordinary repairs. We are told that it requires eleven and a half pounds of air to burn a pound of “coal,” or around 23,000 pounds for How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. 89 each short ton of coal. The draft must raise this weight to the top of the chimney and in addition it must raise the com¬ bustible portions of your coal, for the oxygen of the air unites with the carbon of the coal to form the gas CO 2 , and the hydrogen of the coal unites with oxygen to form water vapor, H 2 O. The total weight that the draft must, raise in the per¬ formance of useful work is therefore around 25,000 pounds for each ton of coal consumed, or 2,500,000 foot pounds if your chimney is 100 feet high. Now suppose that the flue gases show 5 per cent CO 2 , which in all probability is about what they do show. This means that added to the weight of 25,000 pounds which the chimney must lift there is an excess ballast of “nigger heads“ weighing right at 72,220 pounds to be lifted also. The chim¬ ney under such circumstances would be doing enough work to carry three plants like yours at full capacity and with maximum economy. And yet the owner of such an overworked and uselessly worked chimney is persuaded that there is something wrong with it. He spends a lot of money for more boilers and chimneys with the result that his fuel bills go up instead of down, because he has to buy still more coal to heat still more air. The only thing that draft knows is to burn fuel and if you have too much draft after the new chimney has been built or after you have thrown out the ballast and given the old one a chance, you must throttle this draft as you throttle the steam at the engine. Your throttle is the boiler damper. Excess draft increases your fuel wastes in several ways. It increases the rate at which you burn the coal without a commensurate increase in the rate of evaporation. The heat of some of the extra coal that you burn is nullified by some of the excess air that is drawn in by the excess draft. The velocity of the gases is probably increased and in such case the boiler has less time in which to absorb the heat energy. The stack temperatures are higher. You lose at both ends and the middle. A proper draft gage is an important boiler room appliance. It measures the actual draft used, but it cannot tell you the draft that you ought to use. It is like the scales the druggist 90 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. employs. These tell him the weights of the drugs he is measuring out, but they do not write prescriptions. The Gas Analyzer prescribes the draft that should be employed. The draft that will give you complete combustion and carry your load with the least excess of air is the draft to be used always. The Gas Analyzer measures the completeness of combustion and the excess of air. Engineers persist in connecting their draft gages at the uptakes of their boiler furnaces. In this case, as in many others, the common practice is the wrong practice. Suppose you wish to know the water pressure in the supply pipes of your residence. Where do you measure that pressure? Do you measure it at the pumping station of the water company where it originates or do you measure it at the faucet in your kitchen, where the effective pressure is expressed? The rate at which you burn your fuel in the furnace depends upon the rate at which you apply air to it, and this rate, so far as a draft gage can measure it, is fixed by the draft in the furnace. The place to measure drafts, accordingly, is the boiler fur¬ nace where the draft is applied. Of course, if you burn your coal in the uptake of the boiler instead of in the furnace, it is another matter, and you may leave your draft gage, if you have one, connected at the uptake where it now is. The draft gage, it must be remembered, does not measure gas flow or gas velocities. It merely measures differences in pressure—the pressure of the atmosphere on the outside and the something less than atmospheric pressure on the inside of the furnace. Under normal conditions, viz., when the fires are clean and of uniform thickness, when the furnace doors are closed and the ash-pit doors open, the draft gage may tell us something about gas velocities—the greater the draft the greater the velocity. Now suppose we close the ash-pit doors—what happens? The draft, as indicated by the gage will be increased, but the movement of the gases will be decreased because we have shut off the supply of air. If the air is entirely excluded there will be no movement at all and hence no velocity whatever. On the other hand, if we open the furnace door air will rush in and move with considerable velocity through the furnace and the boiler. But the gage How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. 91 will show that there is less draft—less difference in pressure than before the doors were opened. Velocity may be either directly or indirectly proportional to the draft as indicated by a differential pressure gage. What causes chimney draft? The force that is trying to go up the stack is stronger than the force that is trying to come down the stack. Hence there is a movement up the stack and draft is a “push” and not a “pull” as is commonly supposed and as its name implies. Suppose, by way of illustrating the physical cause of draft, that we take a glass tube and insert it in a bottle of oil. By closing the tube with the finger we can lift out a tube full of oil Let us next insert the oil filled tube in a vessel of water and remove the finger. Water will flow in at the bottom of the tube and push out the oil. The water, in seeking its level exerts an upward pressure in the bottom of the tube that is greater than the downward pressure of the oil. Oil being lighter than water will rise to the surface of the water. Let us suppose again that the oil filled tube is 6 inches long and that we push it down in the water before remov¬ ing the finger until the lower end of the tube is 3 feet under water. We shall then have a downward pressure at the bottom of the tube of ... feet 6 inches of water plus 6 inches of oil and an upward pressure of 3 feet of water. This would make the net upward pressure at the bottom of the tube exactly equal the difference between the weight of the oil in the tube and that of a corresponding 6-inch tube full of water. Oil is lighter than water. Hot gas is lighter than cold gas. Air is a mixture of gases. Your hundred-foot chimney full of hot gas stands at the bottom of a sea of air some 50 miles deep. Precisely as in the case of the water and the oil, the net upward pressure at the bottom of the chimney exactly equals the difference between the weight of the column of hot light gas in the chimney and that of a like column of cold heavy air outside the chimney. And as the barometric pressure varies your draft will vary also. It is strange how many people there are who do not clearly understand these simple draft phenomena. If everybody understood them there 92 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. would be far less money spent for new chimneys and far less kicking about drafts. “Nature abhors a vacuum” and tries her best to destroy one. There is a partial vacuum inside your boiler furnace and all the way from the furnace to the top of the stack. Nature tries to destroy that vacuum and incidentally to destroy your draft by shoving cold air into it, through the fuel bed in the furnace, through crevices and cracks about the furnace, through cracks in the brick work of the setting, through the pores of the bricks themselves, through air holes around the headers at both ends of the boiler, through leaks in the flue connections and breeching and through cracks and leaks in the chimney. The way to fix nature is to fix these air leaks. A steel chimney will radiate more heat than a brick or tile one and loss of heat means loss of draft. When putting up a chimney it will pay you to put up a little more money and get a real one. In the ideal chimney the temperature at the top of the stack will closely approximate that at the bot¬ tom. The steel chimney is a radiator and it takes the heat out of the gases as they travel through it, thereby impairing the draft to the extent of the heat robbery. If you will do the square thing by your chimney and give ii a show—forcing it to perform useful work only—you will find that most of your draft trouble has disappeared and that the large expense you have been dreading incident to a new chimney or a higher one may be avoided. « And having decided to give your chimney a fair show why not stop playing favorites with your boilers? Why do you have so much affection for the boiler nearest the stack and so little for the one farthest from it? Don’t you know that some of your boilers get more than their share of the draft provided by the chimney and that others get less than their share of it? This isn’t fair, either to yourself or to your boilers. It costs fuel and adds to your troubles with the smoke inspector. It gives you as many combustion problems as you have boilers and furnace drafts. Why, a farmer’s boy knows enough to make his plow horses pull together. Drive your boilers the way the boy drives his horses. First find out 98 How to “Spot” Your Fuel Wastes. Spend your vacation on the farm next sum¬ mer and learn .something' about steam engi¬ neering. No two of them pulling - alike. That’s no way to work the horses. It’s just the way you work your boilers. Make your horses pull together. Work your boilers in the same manner. 94 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. what draft you ought to use in your boiler furnaces. This draft, as 1 have stated, is the one that will produce the highest percentage of CO 2 without combustible CO and carry your load. You have a draft gage for each boiler or ought to have. They are not expensive. After learning the draft that you ought to use, you can equalize the draft by setting the indi¬ vidual boiler dampers. I have known eight boilers to do the work that ten were doing before, after draft equalization. If a furnace has too much draft there will be a fuel loss due to heating excess air. If it has too little draft there will be a fuel loss on account of the CO which is due to a deficiency of air. Draft gages are of great assistance to the fireman. They enable him to give each boiler furnace the exact draft that it should have—the standard draft for the plant, whatever that draft may be. They enable him to spot the fire that is getting in bad condition. The gage will show an increased draft when the fires are too thick or are becoming dirty. It will show a decreased draft when the fires are too thin or when they are burning full of cracks and holes. The gage when properly connected will show the draft loss between the uptake and the boiler furnace. If the loss is less than normal, you will know that something has happened to reduce the friction in the boiler passes, that the baffling has burned out or has broken down and that the gases are short-circuiting. If the draft loss is more than normal you will know that something has happened to increase friction, that there are deposits of soot and ash upon the tubes and perhaps slag, soot and ash accumulations upon the baffles and the brick work of the setting. These deposits upon the tubes affect both the efficiency and capacity of the boiler by resisting the passage of heat energy from the gases to the water in the boiler. They make the chimney work harder to give the required draft to the furnace. And they will be found among the chickens that come home to roost once a month upon the coal bill. When your boiler efficiency refuses to “fish” look at the heating surfaces. CHAPTER IV. HOW TO STOP YOUR FUEL WASTES. It is one thing to “spot” a waste and another to stop it. The apparatus for spotting was mentioned in the last chapter. For stopping the losses you require what is known as “Spiz- zerinktum.” This is a state of mind—a mental self-starting device that enables you to get going without waiting for somebody to come along and crank up your motor. Give the man who is loaded with “Spizzerinktum” a good steer and that is all he requires. He will square his shoulders, tuck in his shirt-tail and go to it. But the man who is not loaded with it—his case is hopeless. You might give him a whole herd of steers and other long-horned cattle and it wouldn’t help him. You might kick him in the gluteus maximus* every five minutes and it wouldn’t hurry him. It takes that sort of chap about ten hours by the stop watch to pass a given point on any proposition. “Some men are slower than the wrath of Jehu.”*** Show me an engineer who lacks “Spizzerinktum” and I will show you a plant so low down in the scale of efficiency that you will have to look up when you visit it to see bottom. Not long ago a plant Manager said to me, “We have bought every imaginable kind of testing and recording appa¬ ratus for our power department and none of it is used regu¬ larly. I believe that considerable might be accomplished if our engineer would take some interest and get busy. He is always just going to turn things upside down, but he never gets started.” There is only one thing to do with that kind of a man. Tie a can to him and send him down south of the Rio Grande into the “manana”** country to herd with the Greasers. Men who are accustomed to visiting power plants will tell you that the reason most plants are so low in efficiency is that the men in charge of them and the men back of the men in charge lack “Spizzerinktum.” ♦Latin for “caboose." ♦♦Mexican for “watchful waiting." ***R. B. Whitacre. 96 Hoiv to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. We will now get busy with the “spotting” apparatus mentioned in the last chapter. The manufacturer of whom you purchased your draft gages has surely provided you with explicit directions for connecting the gages with the boiler furnaces. If he has not done so he ought not to be in the business of making gages. We will assume that the gage is properly connected and that everything is ready. We will assume also that the boiler to be tested is one of the “B. & W.” type. Differential Draft Gage (Designed by the Author) N. B. IT IS NECESSARY, IN THE PAGES THAT FOLLOW, TO ILLUSTRATE SOME OF THE APPARATUS REQUIRED IN MAKING COMBUSTION TESTS. ALL OF THE APPARATUS ILLUSTRATED WAS DESIGNED BY THE AUTHOR AND IN SHOWING IT HE DOES NOT INTEND NOR DESIRE TO DISPARAGE ANY OTHER APPARATUS OF SIMILAR CHAR¬ ACTER. You shove the gas pipe, selected in Chapter II, through the top blow hole of the last pass of the boiler and I ask you as you do so to note whether the pipe has the “feel” of con¬ tacting with clean metal or with something that is soft and dirty. I was talking one time with the engineer of a very mod¬ ern power plant in the very modern city of Minneapolis. We got around to soot and the engineer said, “I will show you that we keep our boiler tubes clean.” He raised the slide over one of the blow holes at the first pass of the boiler. There was a good light from the furnace just below the tubes How to Stop Youi ’ Fuel Wastes. 97 and we had a fair view of them. They were reasonably clean. We then went to the back pass of the boiler, but there was no light from the furnace there and we could not see anything. I asked for an electric flash light and the engineer said that he could steal one “off” the night watchman. While he was gone in search of it I found a piece of gas pipe about six feet long and thrust this through each of the blow holes of the last pass and across the tubes of the boiler. I could tell from the “feel” of the pipe that there was a surprise in store for my engineer friend. His flash light showed furrows an inch deep in soot where I had plowed with the gas pipe across the tops of the tubes. Now it was evident that the man who had blown those tubes had not finished the job. He had blown the soot from the first pass back into the second pass and the double dose of soot from there back into the third. Then he had stopped to rest, or to look at a dog fight, or to visit the can* or for some other purpose. At any rate, he had not finished his work. Now if things like that can happen in well regulated plants what can we expect to find in plants that are not regulated at all? I have seen boiler tubes entirely covered with soot, so thick in places that the spaces between the tubes were actually bridged over. And the boiler room men really went through the motions from time to time of blowing the soot from the tubes. They didn’t do the job properly at any time. Prob¬ ably the nasty features of the work had something to do with the slovenliness of its performance. To clean off soot properly all of it should be blown off all of the tubes. To blow it from one locality to another doesn’t help much. It is no uncommon thing to find soot so thickly packed into the corners and along the side walls of water tube boilers that you could use a hoe and shovel in removing it. In non-conducting properties, soot has been proved to be five times as effective as fine asbestos. It is one of the most effective of all known non-conductors. You want your boiler tubes to conduct heat as rapidly as possible to the water ♦Water bucket. 98 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. • 7 - # _ within the tubes. If you want to keep up steam when the soot piles up you will have to pile in more coal. And don’t think for a moment that there is no occasion to use your soot blower because you make no smoke. If your furnaces never smoke at all there can be little, if any, soot upon the tubes, but there can be a great deal of fine ash, even from anthracite coal. Do you know how much fine ash was removed from the combustion chambers of your boilers the last time they were cleaned? There were wagon loads of it, most likely. Every bit of it was carried over from the furnace by the gases. And if that quantity of ash was carried through the tubes it is reasonable to presume that some of it landed on the tubes. If you are fixed to blow the tubes economically by a per¬ manent installation of blowers, don’t be scared of blowing them too frequently. Two or three times a day will be none too often. Whenever you see smoke coming from your chim¬ ney, think of the deposit it is leaving upon the tubes. There is mighty little of real fuel value in black smoke, probably not to exceed 2 per cent of the fuel at the extreme figure in the extremest smoke. This has been proved many tims by the use of soot traps and by analysis of the smoke. And yet the smoke may cause a loss of many times 2 per cent. The loss is not in the soot that goes up the chimney. It is in the soot that sticks to the tubes and does not go up the chimney. . And a bad thing about soot on the tubes is that if you do not get it off it is liable to bake there and if this happens very serious trouble may result. I recall one case of a return tubular boiler that will serve as an example of carbonaceous scale. There was almost a quarter of an inch of it baked on the tubes. On reaming out one of the tubes a leak was developed and the boiler inspector condemned all of the tubes. The leak was due to the corrosive action of the sulphur baked on with the soot. When the tubes were removed the majority of them were found to be pitted. Air leaks about boiler settings get on my nerves because there is no excuse whatever for them. You do not have to be told that they are bad for efficiency. Soot gets on my nerves for the same reason. How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. Of course, if you want soot, why, suit yourself. And help yourself liberally to it. There is plenty of it. Before you start work with the Gas Analyzer get a piece of chalk and a foot rule and borrow the fireman’s wide-bladed hoe. Chalk a scale in inches on the hoe blade. You can then set the hoe blade up on edge on the furnace grates and tell exactly how thick the fuel may be on the grates. Next havfe the engineer draw a sample of gas and determine the per- Showing about how the temperatures drop in the boiler passes when the heating surfaces are clean. The only heat that counts is the heat that gets into the WATER 100 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. centage of CO 2 . While he is pumping the gas sample, read the draft gage and while he is analyzing the sample, look in the furnace and note the conditioq of the “fire,” especially as regards the state of the fuel on the grates. Make a careful memorandum of whatever you see and note especially whether the coal is evenly distributed or all “hills and hollows.” And look for cracks and thin places in the fuel bed. And don’t forget to look in the corners at the front of the furnace. You may find bare spots there and you are almost sure to find one just back of the brick work between the furnace doors. It is a .little difficult to get fuel on these places because it is hard to throw coal around a corner and the fireman is likely to slide over anything that is hard to do. If it is a stoker instead of a hand-fired furnace you will make the same sort of observation to detect air leaks. Instead of looking for air leaks in the corners you will look in the hoppers and instead of looking through the furnace door you will look through the observation door. Everything that I am saying about hand-fired furnaces applies in one way or another to automatic stokers. The stoker has this advantage among others over a hand-fired furnace—you do not have to open the furnace door and let in a lot of cold air when you are putting in the coal. The hand-fired furnace has this advan¬ tage over the stoker: When the fire needs anything you can see what it needs and where it needs it and you can give it what it needs. If the boilers are set in battery, guess work must very largely prevail in looking after the stokers. The stoker requires attention the same as the hand-fired furnace and it requires a higher order of intelligence. Of course, there are stokers and stokers, but whatever type of stoker you may have you must not make the mistake of thinking that it will take care of itself. One of the most efficient plants I ever saw was hand-fired and one of the most wasteful was stoker-fired. If you will permit me to pick the stoker and the stoker attend¬ ant I will back the machine against hand-firing. Furnace efficiency depends upon little things and many of them. One little thing may not mean much, but many of them mean a waste of one-quarter of your fuel. There is no How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 101 place to draw the line on these little things. You must observe all of them. Now, if when inspecting conditions in the furnace, you find that the coal is evenly distributed, set up the hoe that you have calibrated and determine the thickness of the fuel bed. Do this from time to time as the test proceeds. If the coal is not evenly distributed, you cannot, of course, measure the fuel thickness. While you have been inspecting the furnace the engineer has been analyzing and he now reports, let us say, 5 per cent CO 2 . Before you proceed further be dead sure that the gas sample was properly taken. Is the open end of the gas pipe at the center of the gas flow in the last pass? You know how the baffles are arranged in the boiler and where they are located. You can judge about how the gases will flow from the bottom of the last baffle to the gas exit from the boiler. You can find the approximate center of the gas flow, if you are uncertain about it, by probing for it with the gas pipe and working the Analyzer. The center is the place where you get the highest CO 2 and the most pronounced fluctuations in the percentages. If you get uniformly low percentages and there are no marked changes when the furnace doors are opened and closed, it may be that the baffling has broken down or some other abnormal circumstance has short-cir¬ cuited the gas currents out of their normal channels. Now, what does this 5 per cent CO 2 mean? And why are we getting 5 per cent instead of 14 or 15? The COo percentage indicates the volume of excess air flowing through the furnace, and the passes of the boiler— the ratio between the air that is taken for a useful purpose in burning the coal and that which is taken to the wasteful end of cooling the furnace gases. That is all that it does indicate and its indications are only approximations. We might determine the air excess much more accurately by find¬ ing the percentage of free Oxygen with the Gas Analyzer. The objection to the Oxygen analysis is that it takes time and we do not have the time for it. We want data and I have already shown how essential speed is to securing that data. Some of it will get away from us if we do not work 1Q2 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. the Analyzer about once a minute. It will take five minutes to determine the Oxygen. When you work the CO 2 per¬ centage up to 12 or 15 it will be time enough to analyze for Oxygen and CO. Don’t spend a minute on those gases until you do. ' i Why does the CO ■> percentage indicate the excess air? The air normally carries about 20.7 per cent Oxygen by volume. When Oxygen combines with Carbon in the reaction of combustion, both the Oxygen and the Carbon disappear as such. The solid Carbon unites with the gas, Oxygen, and another gas results which the chemist has labeled “CO 2 .” He resorts to the formula because it tells him precisely of what the gas is composed—that it is one part Carbon (C), and two parts Oxygen (O 2 ). And moreover, the chemist is too blamed lazy to write out the full name of the gas, “Carbon Dioxide.” It is a curious fact that when we take a given volume of Oxygen and add to it a given bulk of coal, Carbon, to form CO 2 , the resulting gas exactly equals the volume of the original Oxygen. Here is a case where we can take a pail full of fluid and add a solid to it without overflowing the How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 103 pail. I must ask you to accept this established fact as “gos¬ pel’’ because the space is lacking to explain it. Now, remembering that the air contains 20.7 per cent Oxygen, let us consider an illustration: Suppose we have a quart of milk that is 20.7 per cent cream. We add a quart of water and our two quart mixture is 10.35 per cent cream. There is the same quantity of cream as in the first instance, but the diluting water reduces the percentage of the cream in terms of the total milk and water mixture. If we add two more quarts of water, giving us four quarts of weak milk in all, the mixture will be 5.175 per cent cream. The water excess would be three times the original milk and cream volume, or 300 per cent. If you do not under¬ stand this thing your milkman will explain it to you. Dou¬ bling the air supply works the same mathematics on CO 2 that doubling the water added works 011 cream. It should now be understood why the lower we go in the scale of CO 2 the greater will be the waste that the drop of each succeeding per cent indicates. For example, if we drop from 16 per cent CO 2 to 10 per cent, the loss due to this drop of 6 per cent will be around 6 per cent in fuel, while the loss in dropping from 10 per cent to 6 per cent is near 12 per Cent in fuel, and in dropping from 6 per cent to 2 per cent the loss is 57 per cent of the fuel. Theoretically the loss becomes total at 1.5 per cent CO 2 , the volume of excess air heated being then so great that it would be impossible to boil the water in the boiler. The charts and tables presented 104 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. will show the COo and excess air relations in a more graphic and detailed manner. It must be remembered that all such charts and tables are based upon an assumed set of conditions. In the present instance the fuel is assumed to be pure Carbon, which fuel never is, and the stack temperatures are assumed to be con¬ stant at 500 deg. Fahr., which they never are. The higher the stack temperatures the hotter we are heating the excess air and the hotter we make it the more fuel we are wasting. It is not pretended that any engineer can actually com¬ pute his gains and losses from the table submitted or that the figures given indicate the excess air in any instance. As stated, the table applies to pure Carbon only. With such fuel the theoretical CO 2 would be 20.7 per cent by volume. When a bituminous coal is burned the theoretical CO 2 will be less, depending upon the percentage of Hydrogen in the combustible, probably somewhere between 17 and 19 per cent, as against 20.7 per cent.* The fuel waste in your plant may be more or less than the figures given in the table, but it will not be very far from them. They will serve as a sufficiently accurate guide for all practical purposes and you may, if you wish, base a bonus system upon them and reward your firemen according to their CO 2 charts. Instead of presenting many tables applying to many coals, I therefore present but one, and it, as I have stated, applies to straight Carbon. I could not give you a table that would exactly apply to your coal because I do not know what coal you are burning and, lacking an analysis showing the relative percentages of Carbon, Hydrogen and Sulphur, I could not give you a table even if I knew the origin of the coal. And even if you con¬ tract for coal of a definite. B. t. u. value and definite ash content, you will not know short of a daily coal analysis whether you are or are not getting the coal for which you contracted. When you adopt the modern method of paying for heat units instead of for fuel by the ton you will come nearer *See the charts in the Appendix relating to bituminous coal, fuel oil and gas. How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 105 getting what you pay for. Until you do adopt that method, you can just roll up your, pious eyes when you see the coal wagon coming and pray that there may be a few heat units in it. The table assumes the fuel to be pure Carbon and that the temperature of the escaping gases is constant at 500 deg. Fahrenheit. On this assumption the loss would become total at a fraction above 1.5 per cent COo. The table also assumes the entire absence of CO. COo AND FUEL LOSSES. Pet. Pre- Pet. Pre- Pet. Pre- ventable ventable ventable Pet. Fuel Pet. Fuel Pet. Fuel C0 2 Loss COo Loss COo Loss 15. .. .0.0 10.0. . . . 5.69 5.0. . . .22.79 14.8. . .0.148 9.8. . . . 6.04 4.8. . . .24.21 14.6.. .0.305 9.6. . . . 6.40 4.6. . . .25.76 14.4. . .0.470 9.4. . . . 6.78 4.4. . . .27.44 14.2. . .0.635 9.2. . . 7.18 4.2. .. .29.29 14.0. . .0.808 9.0. . . . 7.58 4.0. . . .31.28 13.8.. .0.990 8.8. . . . 8.02 3.8. .., .33.58 13.6. . .1.17 8.6.. . . 8.47 3.6. . . .36.08 13.4. . .1.36 8.4. . . .8.95 3.4. . . .38.87 13.2.. 8.2. . . . 9.44 3.2.. . .42.01 13.0. . .1.75 8.0. . . . 9.66 3.0. . . .45.28 12.8. . .1.95 7.8. .. .10.51 2.8. . . .49.64 12.6. . .2.16 7.6. . . .11.09 2.6. . . .54.34 12.4. . .2.38 7.4. . . .11.70 2.4. . . .60.32 12.2.. .2.60 7.2. . . .12.34 2.2. . . .66.30 12.0. . .2.84 7.0. . . .13.02 2.0. . . .74.00 11.8. . .3.08 6.8.. . .13.74 1.8. . . .83.56 11.6. . .3.33 6.6. . . .14.49 1.6.. . .95.45 11.4. . .3.59 6.4. . . .15.30 1.4 11.2. . .3.86 6.2. . . .16.16 1.2 11.0. . .4.13 6.0. . . .17.09 1.0 10.8.. .4.43 5.8. . . .18.06 .8 10.6. . .4.72 5.6. . . .19.12 .6 10.4. . .5.03 5.4. . . .20.25 .4 10.2. . .5.35 5.2.. . .21.47 .2 106 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. It is plain that the temperature would not remain constant —that it would decrease both at the furnace and the exit of the boiler with the decrease in COo. While the fall in temperature would affect the table, it may be stated that the figures given will very closely apply in actual practice where the fuel used is a low volatile, high carbon coal. The table further assumes that 15 per cent CO 2 is the limit beyond which it is not safe to go in good practice. There is a loss of 3.1 per cent due to excess air between 15 per cent and the theoretical limit of 20.7 per cent CO 2 , which the author has presumed to figure as non-preventable. COo and AIR EXCESS. Pet. C0 2 . Pet. Air Excess. Pet. CO 2 . Pet. Air 15 38. 6 245 14 47.8 5 314 13 59.2 4 417 12 72.5 *) O 590 11 88.1 . 2 935 10 107. 1 1970 9 130. 8 158.7 rr i 195.7 To determine the percentage of excess air for any given percentage of CO 2 , as for example, 5.4 per cent, proceed as follows: Subtract the observed percentage (in this case 5.4) from 20.7, divide the remainder by the observed percentage and multiply by 100. This gives the volume of excess air. At 5.4 per cent CO 2 the excess air is 283.33 per cent. In rough figures the preventable fuel waste may be computed by allow¬ ing 1 per cent of fuel loss for each 12 per cent of air excess above 38 per cent. This figure is quite as accurate as the one commonly applied to feed water, viz.,"I per cent of the fuel lost or gained for a change of temperature in the feed water of 10 degrees. But to return to the specific problems before us in testing the gases from your furnace and “B. & W.” boiler. What did the 5 per cent CO 2 mean? - ... It meant that you were heating 314 per cent excess air How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes 107 Curves showing the relations between COo Furnace Temperatures, Excess Air and Fuel Loss 108 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency and that you were uselessly wasting 22.79 per cent of your fuel; that for every 100 cubic feet of air that you were using to burn the coal you were taking in and heating to the tem¬ perature of the uptake gases an additional 314 cubic feet. You were using in one boiler furnace almost enough air to operate three of them. Now, if we can find why and where the excess air is getting in, we will know the exact reason for the fuel waste and we can devise a remedy. The draft gage says that there is a negative pressure, or a “draft” of 21 hundredths of an inch over the fire in the furnace. I am just assuming that draft for the purpose of the illustration. The draft might be anything. We now turn to the fireman, the favored fellow who is trusted to handle your money with a scoop shovel. He has been making steam without thinking. We must wind up his “think” clock and set it ticking. He has been putting some more coal on the fire and we catch him in the act of closing the furnace door. We say to him: “Why did you shut the furnace door? Why not leave it open? Why not take the thing off altogether and sell it for old iron? Every time you close the door you have to open it again. This takes time and means work and may burn your fingers.” The fireman looks at us quizzically. He thinks we are joking him. We press him for an answer and he delivers a pointed lecture on the economies of combuston. “Do you see that steam gage up there?” he asks us. “Well, it is my business to keep the arrow pointing at 100 pounds. How long could I hold steam if I did not close the door? The cold air would rush in and cool off the furnace. Every¬ body knows that. Sure, you must be ‘joshing’ me to ask such a fool question.” And so we see that the fireman knows about the damaging effects of cold air. The trouble with the fireman is that he does not continue his line of thinking and apply his cold air theories to the thin places and the holes in his fire. We explain to him that the Gas Analyzer is an instru- Tn making a study of the kind under discussion, be graphic form the relations you are seeking to dis Drafts and Fuel thicknesses. These will show in sure to preserve the data. Plot curves for the CO cover. How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 109 REYNOLDS-LYLE COMPANY 110 Hoiv to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. ment for measuring the cold air that is going through his furnace and he immediately understands what the curious looking thing, that he has been eyeing with suspicion, has to do with his work. We now call his attention to the cracks and holes in the fuel bed and force him to admit that cold air is flowing through them, also that the cold air so taken is just as damaging to steam and efficiency as the cold air that flows through the open fire door. We ask him to take a light rake and level off the fuel. To do so he must break up the islands of coke and close the cracks and air holes. When he has finished we take the “calibrated” fire hoe and discover that the “fire” is four inches thick. We also note that stopping the air leaks has jumped the draft from 21 hundredths of an inch to something higher, say 30 hundredths. We try the Gas Analyzer at once and it reports 7 per cent CO 2 . Referring to the table above we find that the air excess has been reduced from 314 per cent to 195.7 per cent. Subtracting the last figure from the first one we find that we stopped an air excess of 118.3 per cent by raking the fire and closing the cracks. We reduced the fuel loss from 22.79 per cent to 13.02 per cent. We take great pains to explain this to the fireman and we make him admit that the fire is now in better condition than before he raked it. The Analyzer has told us that we are on the right track but that we still have some distance to travel. There are no cracks in the fuel now, but we are not getting enough CCK Possibly the fuel is a little thin for the draft that is being applied to it. The thinner the fuel the easier it is for the draft to pull excess air through it. On this assumption we have the fireman thicken the fuel bed gradually, measuring it at intervals with the hoe. We get as high as 8 per cent CO 2 and there we stick. We have a “peach” of a fire but we connot push the air excess any lower. We next move the gas pipe sampling tube to the middle blow hole of the first pass of the boiler and take a sample. We must grab this sample very quickly because when the tube is heated to an oxidizing state it will take oxygen from the gases we are pumping through it and this will affect the result of our analysis. We find 14 per cent CO 2 , How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. Ill under the same furnace conditions that had been giving us 8 per cent at the last pass of the boiler. There is a thun¬ dering leakage of air between the first sampling point and the last one—110.9 per cent. We now go after that boiler setting with the candles. We find leaks at all of the localities suggested in the previous chapters. The leaks about the headers into the first pass are particularly serious. We get none of this last mentioned leakage when sampling from the first pass because the sampling tube was toward the rear of the pass and the cold air was flowing in at the front of the pass. It did not mix with the gases until the second pass was reached. We got the full returns from it in the last pass, together with that of all the rest of the air leakage about the boiler setting, which the candles tell us must be considerable. We go after these air leaks now with an understanding of what they really mean to efficiency and we keep after them until two snap-shot gas samples, taken one at each of the extreme boiler passes with the least possible intervening- time , show the same percentage of COi>. When you learn how rapidly the gases change within certain limits you will understand why speed in the operation of the Analyzer is necessary if you wish to accumulate data. When we know that the setting is properly tight it will be just a question of pursuing the study until we find the exact conditions of draft, fuel thickness, etc., that will yield from 14 to 15 per cent CO 2 . When we find these conditions we have “arrived” and it is just a question of keeping at it until we do find them. The process of finding is one of “cutting and fitting and trying.” A few years ago a committee was appointed by an engineering society to investigate CO 2 Recorders. It re¬ ported adversely and cited the fact that an increase in CO 2 was usually followed by a rise in stack temperatures. Hence it reasoned that, high CO 2 did not indicate efficiency, but the contrary, and that all “CO 2 Apparatus” was to be avoided as promoting waste rather than efficiency. The “Chimney Waste” cannot be determined from the uptake temperatures alone nor from those temperatures con¬ sidered in relation to the initial furnace temperatures. The 112 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. pyrometer does not count heat units. It measures intensity without regard to quantity. A pint of water at the boiling point contains far less heat than a barrel of water at a far lower temperature. And so as regards chimney temperatures it makes a lot of difference whether the pyrometer is report¬ ing on a pint of gas or a barrel of it. The heat loss in the uptake is determined by multiplying the temperature into the quantity of air and gases heated. You can stand a reasonable increase in uptake temperatures as you rise in the CO 2 scale because you are reducing the quantity heated faster than you are increasing the temperature. A Chicago engineer complained that he could not get 14 per cent CO 2 without shutting down his plant. It was found that he reduced the draft to increase the CO 2 , and of course in doing so he reduced the steaming capacity of his boilers. Now had he followed the method indicated in this Chapter he would have obtained an increased capacity. Had he stopped the air leaks and improved the conditions in his furnaces he would have raised the CO 2 and he would have had steam to sell. There is a relation between the draft that should be used and the resistance of the fuel on the grates. I have taken as high as 16 per cent CO_> with no more than a trace of CO from marine boilers under forced draft during a speed trial at sea. The idea that high CO 2 calls for low draft is one of the many fictions current relating to combustion analysis. You can get high CO 2 with any draft in reason, either high or low, provided the draft and the fuel resistance are in proper relation. Bear in mind that the CO 2 percentage indicates the ratio of the air used to the air that has not been used. I can get 18 per cent CO 2 from a stinking old tobacco pipe that is one of my prized possessions, but if I should take the fire out of that pipe and put it under a boiler I couldn’t get any steam with it. “Your steam plant is operated for the purpose of running your power plant and not for the purpose of making CO 2 .” Why, sure. I admit it. And if you do the right thing by that steam plant the more CO 2 you make the more steam you will How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 113 get from unit quantity of fuel and the more steam you make the less unit quantity of fuel you will burn. These propositions have gone past the point where they require defense. They are proved propositions. The physical laws that govern combustion take sides with them. The CO 2 percentage is an index of efficiency and not of capacity, although, as I have shown, it may be taken as a measure of capacity if the draft is not decreased to secure the increase in the CO 2 . But however the increase in the CO 2 is attained, it is a measure of efficiency—the volume of heat-nullifying cold air taken in comparison with the volume of heated gas developed by the process of combustion. Everything that I have said so far is based upon the assumption that there is no CO accompanying the CO 2 . When the air supply is insufficient or improperly distrib¬ uted, there will not be enough Oxygen to convert all of the Carbon to CO 2 . Some of it will have to be satisfied with one part of Oxygen instead of two parts. The Carbon will be half burned and CO will result. CO is the “Bob-tail flush” of combustion. When Carbon is burned to CO 2 , 14,500 units of heat energy are released in the furnace. When it is burned to CO, 4,400 heat units are released and the remaining 10,100 continue unreleased in the CO and with it ride up the chimney. So that when we are basing a judgment as to efficiency upon CO 2 percentages we must know whether or not CO is present and if it exists we must qualify our judgment. There is as much Carbon in a molecule of CO as in a molecule of CO 2 , so that if the gases show 9 per cent CO 2 and 1 per cent CO, 90 per cent of the combustible has been completely burned and 10 per cent partly burned. This 10 per cent carries away 10,100 heat units per pound of Carbon taken out of an original 14,500, so that the actual fuel loss represented by the CO in such case would be 10,000-14,500ths of 10 per cent. From this statement you will be able to see how the following formula is derived: To find the loss due to CO in percentage terms of total Carbon burned divide the percentage of CO by the sum of the 114 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. COo and CO percentages, multiply by 100, divide by 145 and multiply by 101. Applying this formula to a case of 9 per cent CO 2 , and 1 per cent CO, we find that the fuel loss due to the CO is G.9 per cent. There has been much discussion in the engineering jour¬ nals as to the relative importance of the CO 2 and CO deter¬ minations in flue gas analysis. Some engineers even go so far as to recommend an analysis for CO every time the CO 2 determination is made. The main objection to this is that it takes a lot of time and means a lot of really unnecessary work. The sensible method is to first find out how to secure the desired percentage of COo and then to check the gas sample for CO. It will be found in most cases that when the OO 2 percentage has been made right the Oxygen and CO will fall into line and be right also. Of what concern is it to us if CO does in fact exist with a low percentage of CO 2 , say 6 per cent? We don’t want the CO, of course, neither do we want the 6 per cent CO 2 , consequently we are not concerned to find the reason why CO exists when we have 6 per cent CO 2 . We want 14 per cent CO 2 if we can get it, and we want no CO with that 14 per cent. We might stand for a trace of it, but not for much more. To wipe out the undesired CO it may be necessary to increase the excess of air and thereby lower the CO 2 . But the CO may not owe its presence to lack of air. It may be due to lack of mixture or certain other causes that will land us in rather deep theory if we attempt to consider them.* Low CO 2 may be caused by lack of air as well as by a surplus of it, but the surplus is the cause in almost every instance. Whatever the cause for a drop in CO 2 the furnace temperature will drop with it. We may find CO with any percentage of CO 2 . Suppose that the “fire” is very thick and perhaps “dirty” in one portion of the furnace. This con¬ dition would result in the formation of CO because not enough air could pass through the thick and dirty “fire” to reduce the Carbon to CO 2 . Now if there are air leaks in the fuel on *See page 181. How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 115 other portions of the grate a large excess of air would be passed through them and we should have CO in the flue gases in the presence of an excess of air. I have heard it stated that we cannot get more than 8 or 10 per cent CO 2 without inviting CO in considerable quan¬ tity, but this is not in accordance with my experience. T 1 do not consider that we are in much danger from Co until we have reached about 15 per cent CO 2 . This statement is made upon the assumption that the boiler setting is tight and that there is sufficient draft for proper combustion. If the „ setting is leaky we might have to indulge in extremely thick "fires” to raise the COo percentage and this, as explained in the preceding paragraph, might produce CO while the air taken in through the setting would, of course, lower the CO 2 percentage by diluting the gas volume. If we are engaged in experimental or research work we must concern ourselves, not only with the CO 2 , but with the CO and SO 2 and with the Hydrogen and Methane as well. The operating engineer is not engaged in research investigations. He is engaged in making steam and he wants to make it as economically a spossible. His plant is not operated under test conditions, but under severe working conditions. Hence he must adopt in gas analysis, as in everything else, the methods that are applicable to the every-day grind of an every-day steam power plant. And he will secure amazing results if he will begin with CO 2 and stick to CO 2 . I do not mean that he should never make CO investigations. I insist that he should make them, but that he should select the right time for doing so and that time will not arrive until he has first placed his furnaces upon a proper CO 2 basis. It is a significant fact that some of the engineers who have accomplished the most with flue gas analysis, who have made savings as great as 40 and 50 per cent, have been non¬ technical men who have never gone farther in gas analysis than the CO 2 determination. They have pursued air leaks and studied draft regulation. They have "taken chances” on CO and it is not likely that much of it is to be found in their furnace gases. And I would back one of these men every time for results in the boiler room against the man 116 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. who is all “technical”—who is a mile long on theory and ail inch long on practice. When such a man gets into the boiler room he will begin with CO studies and he will have resort to formulas and other things that are mystifying. In other words, his work will be of a laboratory kind and of a research nature; And as a result of his methods a shroud of mystery ^will be thrown over the whole performance. Nobody in the jfire room will take any interest in the thing, hence no benefit >will result from it. It will help very much if the engineer who is undertaking flue gas analysis will acquire some of the theory on which his practice is based—if he will learn a little of combustion chemistry, but it is not* essential that he should know any¬ thing at all about the theory or the chemistry of it. It is essential that he should follow right methods and if he does this he will produce right results. The marksman need not know the chemical properties of the powder in the cartridge before making a bull’s-eye. "Neither is it necessary that an engineer or fireman should hnow what CO 2 really is, or why it is, before he begins work with a Gas Analyzer. A man who can read a ther¬ mometer scale can read that of a Gas Analyzer and if he Will keep after the Analyzer until he gets the right reading he will get results that will surprise everybody about the plant—most of all the Manager. Don’t carry a sample of gas in a bottle from the boiler room to the laboratory. Make your study of furnace condi- 'tions right at the furnace and make enough determinations to acquire some real data. When you have finished your •investigations in the boiler room, say at the end of an hour, 'or at most two hours, reduce your data relating to COa per¬ centages, fuel thicknesses and drafts, to curves upon a chart ’and this will serve to show the very relations you have been 'seeking to discover. Knowing these relations you may pro- 'ceed to standardize the operating methods in your boiler room •and prescribe a rule of action for your firemen. I think it will now be plain how the answers to most of The questions proposed in the first chapter may be worked out. When you know how much fuel the furnace is wasting How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 117 by heating excess air, how much it is dropping in the ashpit and how much CO it is sending up the chimney, you come very near knowing the efficiency of that furnace. Employ the draft that will carry your load and produce the highest percentage of CO 2 without CO. You must deter¬ mine by actual experiment what that draft really is. With; bituminous coal it will probably be in the neighborhood ot' oO hundredths of an inch over the fire. The more ash the coal 1 contains the more draft you will have to use and the lower ihe maximum percentage of CO 2 that you will be able to get* Control the draft with the boiler damper rather than with the ash-pit doors. J Calibrate all of your dampers. To do this connect a dif-? ferential draft gage between the damper and the boiler. Place the damper in the extreme closed position. Then open it gradually. Mark the position of the damper when the draft gage is first affected. Continue opening the damper until the gage stops registering an increment in the draft. Mark this position and adjust the damper to work between those two positions. The slightest movement of the damper will then* register its effect at the furnace and the effect will be pro¬ portional to the movement of the damper. You will meet- some surprises when you calibrate your dampers. You will* find in some cases that the damper is “wide open’’ when it is' partly closed and in others that it is “partly closed” when it is wide open. A great deal will depend upon how the damper is hung and the direction of the normal gas flow with respect to the normal open position of the damper. It is of the highest importance that the main breeching damper should be calibrated before you hook it up to an automatic damper regulater. The advantages of a damper regulator are liable to be overestimated. A proper regulator will assist in securing economy. An improper one may actually increase the coal consumption, although it may produce a perfect steam curve on the chart of the recording gage. 1 Regulators may be divided into two general classes for the purposes of this discussion: 1. The machines that move the damper a little when 118 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. there is a slight change in the steam pressure, the movement of the damper being proportional to the change in pressure. 2. The machines that swing the damper from the wide open position to the closed one when the pressure rises and from the closed position to the wide open one when the pressure falls. Regulators of the second class do not always meet the requirements of economical combustion. When the damper is wide open the furnaces will be getting too much air and the percentage of CO 9 will fall. When the damper is closed the furnaces will not get enough air and CO will be formed. Machines of the first class may not make as perfect a steam curve as those of the second, but they will show economy where the others may produce waste. To equalize the draft among the boilers, first see that the fires are all in standard condition—of the same thickness without air holes and free from clinkers. Then adjust the boilers’ dampers so that all of the furnaces will have the same draft—your standard draft, whatever it may be. There¬ after you may regulate the draft to meet the load by shifting the main breeching damper. The draft will vary with changes of barometer, so that it may be necessary for the fireman to make certain damper adjustments every day, but these adjustments, so far as possible, should be confined to the master damper in the breeching and they will consist in altering the maximum open position of the damper for the day. I have shown how the air leakage through the setting may be measured by shifting the sampling pipe from the last pass to the first pass. Be sure that the fire is in good condition when the test is made and make the two determinations very close together, otherwise some condition affecting the air excess may intervene in the furnace and spoil the comparison. If the fuel on the grates is peppered with thin spots and air holes, a sample taken from the first pass may be misleading. Suppose, for example, that there is a large air leak in the fuel bed immediately below the intake end of the sampling pipe. A tornado of air will rush up through it and the Analyzer will report low COo as a result of that air, whereas the actual average from the furnace might be a reasonably How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 119 liigh percentage of COo. And conversely, if you should take gas from a section of the furnace in which the fuel condi¬ tions were first class, while in all other sections they were poor, the report would be too high. Plug the air leaks in the setting and you will then have no occasion to measure the air flowing through them. The other questions relating to excess air may be an¬ swered by following the same general method of procedure. Don’t neglect the marks on the liners of the furnace doors when you have learned how thick the particular coal you are burning should be carried on the particular grates you are using. The coal best adapted to your conditions is the coal that you can burn with the least surplus of air. You are limited, of course, by the fuels available in your market and you may be justified by price considerations in using the fuel not best adapted to your conditions. In planning a boiler plant the fuels available should receive more consideration than they are usually accorded and the equipment purchased should be selected with reference to the fuel that you ought to burn. Should the coal you are using be fired dry or wet for greatest efficiency? This will depend upon circumstances and the question will be answered by the Gas Analyzer. It takes heat units to evaporate the water that you have applied to the coal and the business of these heat units is to evaporate the water in the boiler. We must make an entry on the debit side of the ledger. When a shovelful of wet coal goes into the furnace, the first thing that happens is the evaporation of the surface moisture clinging to the coal. This is followed by the decom¬ position of the resulting steam into its elements, Oxygen and Hydrogen. The Hydrogen is next ignited and burns back again into water, returning to the furnace the exact amount of heat abstracted in the operation of decomposition. Some of this heat will be lost by radiation, more of it will be discarded to the chimney and some of the Hydrogen may escape without being consumed. There is, accordingly, a net loss by this operation. There is another debit. But there are credit entries also. Combustible gases are 120 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. being evolved from the fuel. The Hydrogen flame assists in igniting them. When water and incandescent coke come into contact with each other there is an evolution of CO as well as of Hydrogen, the Oxygen of the water uniting with the Carbon of the coal to form Carbon Monoxide. This gas rises into the furnace chamber and burns with the Hydrogen. The area of combustion is extended and we have a flaming furnace through which no combustible gas can pass in the presence of Oxygen without burning. Fine coal, when thrown into the furnace, tends to “pack,” particularly if it is dry and there is much ash and foreign matter in it. If it is wet, the water when it is converted into steam, will loosen the packed coal, permitting the air to flow more readily through it. As a result the coal will burn more uniformly and you will burn less of it because there will be less combustible in the ash and clinker and much less combustible carried over by the draft into the combustion chamber. There will be fewer cracks in the fuel bed and the coal will be burned with a great deal less excess of air. It is impossible to burn some fine coals without wetting them. You can burn any fine coal with better results and more satisfaction if you turn the hose on the coal pile. Do you prefer to smoke your cigars damp or kiln dried? The grate surface is just right for highest economy when you can carry a proper fire upon it without blowing off the safety valve. The fire is not proper if it is so thin that too much unused air will pass through it and if you have too much grate surface you will either have a great excess of air or a popping safety valve. Smoke is due to one of four causes or to a combination of two or more of them, viz: 1. Lack of air; 2, lack of mixture; 3, lack of tempera¬ ture, and 4, lack of space. Now, before blowing yourself to steam jets or some other cure-all device for preventing smoke, it would be wise to discover why your chimney is smoking. If the boiler setting is tight and the gases show no more than 12 per cent COo, there is an abundance of air and nothing How to Stoj) Your Fuel Wastes. 121 will result by admitting more of it except to lower efficiency. If the furnace is white hot there is plenty of temperature. If there is an abundance of air (free oxygen) in the gases and you find CO, the trouble is insufficient mixture. The air is being taken in at the wrong place, or the design of the furnace is such that the air taken is not caused to mix „ • with the combustible gases. The difficulty may be remedied or ameliorated by the use of mixing piers or arches. Lack of space is probably the most common of all the causes of smoke. The grates must be at such a distance below the heating surfaces of the boiler that the flame will be burned out before the relatively cold metal is reached. Take any cold substance, a piece of glass, for instance, and hold it in the flame of a gas jet. There will be a deposit of carbon at once. If your smoke is caused by the snuffing out of the flame upon the cold surfaces of the boiler you will find very little CO in the gases, perhaps none whatever, although there may be a great quantity of soot. “Smoke means waste,” of course, but as I have already pointed out, there is very little fuel value in the finely divided carbon that colors the chimney gases. A chimney that is making no smoke at all may be throwing out more actual combustible gas than one that is a bad smoker. But assuming that there is an appreciable quantity of real combustible in the chimney gases—we can eliminate it with¬ out sustaining a loss that exceeds the saving? If you save $2.00 by burning up the combustible gases and lose $4.00 by heating the excess air that is incidental to the process, how much of a gainer are you? To burn soft coal smokelessly is a simple matter, but to burn it smokelessly and at the same time economically is up another street altogether. If the men who are selling “smokeless furnaces” were compelled to put their devices up against a Gas Analyzer, nine-tenths of them would go out of business. There was a time when the Smoke Inspector was not con¬ cerned in the methods by which you attained smokelessness. You could equip with steam jets or any other make-shift, wasteful thing so long as you stopped violating the ordi¬ nances. And the result of this was that the Inspector was 122 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. an Ishmael among the power producers. His hand was against every man and the hand of every man was against him. It is a cheerful sign that the times have changed when the Inspector now visits the plant in the role of a helper rather than that of a fault finder. He comes to advise and while he insists upon smokelessness, he wants to see you get smokelesness done up in a wrapper of efficiency. And don’t assume that your boiler plant is efficient because your chimney is not smoking. Show me a chimney that never makes a trace of smoke and I will show you a plant that is not burning coal efficiently. The territory between no smoke—no combustible of any kind in the gases—and highest efficiency is fixed by very narrow boundary lines. Let us draw a horizontal line and consider it as lying in the plane of highest efficiency—com¬ plete combustion with the minimum supply of excess air. Above this line is the territory of unnecessary excess air, and below it the territory of air deficiency. The higher we go above this line the more of a “hot air factory” we are run¬ ning. The farther we go below it the more smoke and CO we are making. If we remain in the neighborhood of the line, fluctuating furnace conditions will place us first on one side of it and then on the other. There will be periods of no smoke, succeeded by periods of slight smokiness. Con¬ ditions like this at the top of the chimney usually point to economical furnace operation. If there is no smoke at all we have no means of knowing by mere stack observation to what extent the furnace may be indulging in excess air. The Gas Analyzer will answer any strictly combustion question that may be propounded to it. It applies to Gas Producers and “Internal Combustion Motors,” but its uses in these connections cannot here be considered by the author.* The higher the percentage of CO 2 , in the absence of CO, the higher the initial furnace temperature. And as a general proposition, the higher the furnace temperature the greater the efficiency. Extreme temperatures are destructive of brick work but they are not liable to damage the tubes or sheets of the boiler, provided there are no deposits of scale, mud, * See Page 181. Hoiv to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 123 The way your H. R. T. Boiler is “set” and the wrong way to set it—the grates 28 in. from the boiler shell and the combustion chamber partly filled in. You can’t help smoking. The way your boiler should be set to burn bituminous coal—the grates about 48 in. from the boiler shell. A “roomy” com¬ bustion chamber. Note the flat arch at the rear.* *For a detailed discussion of smokeless furnaces see “Combustion and Smokeless Furnaces,” by the Author. 124 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. oil or other materials that will prevent intimate contact between the water and the metal. Some engineers are afraid of burning up their boilers, and boilers *are sometimes ^bagged” and burned, but the trouble can usually be traced to scale or oil. Why, you can take a paper oyster pail, fill it with water, set it in the blue flame of a gas burner and boil eggs without marking the paper except along the folds where the water is not in actual contact with the paper. If you will try this experiment you will cease to be afraid of high temperatures, but you will be more than ever afraid of scale and oil. You simply can’t burn a clean boiler tube if there is water in actual contact with it. Some men are willing; to .spend a lot to save a little, but stick when it comes to spending a little to save a lot. The Draft Gage is a Compass by Which the Fireman Steers the Furnace. When the liquid moves to the left, there are holes in the fire or the fires are burning thin. When it moves to the right the fires are too thick or getting “dirty.” The Draft Gage, when con¬ nected at the furnace and so located that it can be observed by the fireman, is an exceedingly useful boiler appurtenance. It gives instant notification when a hole forms in the fuel bed, when the fires are too thick or too thin, etc. The man soon learns to fire the furnaces or govern the stokers by it. The Draft Gage gives information of bad furnace conditions some minutes in advance of the steam gage. How to Stop Your Fuel Wastes. 125 High temperatures promote smokelessness, because tem¬ perature is one of the requisites of smokeless combustion. When the furnace salesman approaches you, find out how much COo he will guarantee without making CO—not how much water he will evaporate. If he guarantees high COo he is guaranteeing furnace efficiency and incidentally agree¬ ing to meet one of the conditions of smokeless combustion. nujinuiiii'illuni/ BMBIEiO? ihtiTOQ! -- rflTT (Cartoon from Power Plant Engineering.) S—stands for the STEAM you waste coal to produce And you waste the same steam when you put it to use. CHAPTER V. HOW TO KEEP THE WASTES STOPPED. When the levee breaks along the lower Mississippi they stop the leak with sand.bags and niggers. And they stay on the job as long as there is high water, because it is one thing to stop a leak and another thing to keep it stopped. It is always high water in your boiler room. If you want fuel economy, first stop the fuel wastes and then sit on the stopper. It is one thing to attain efficiency and another thing to maintain it. If you kiss the fireman and say “good¬ bye” when you are through with your stopping operations, every waste, within the man’s control, that you have killed will resurrect itself and renew its operations. I assisted in the “spotting” and stopping operations in an Ohio boiler room last November. We calked the boiler setting and jacked the CO 2 up from 4 per cent to 14 per cent. We showed the fireman what the air leaks in the fuel bed had been doing to efficiency and we made him under¬ stand what we were saying. The meeting was adjourned after an interesting hour and a half and I returned to the office with the Manager. We talked for a little while and then I said, “I’ll bet you five dollars we can go down to the boiler room right now and find the same old ‘rat holes’ in the fire.” We caught the fireman unawares and we found them. It was laughable to see the way the man unlimbered himself to stop them. He had neglected to pull the calking out of the air holes in the boiler setting, which was prob¬ ably an oversight, for in every other particular he had reverted things to their original condition. My friend, the Manager, jettisoned his entire cargo of religion on the spot and swore like a mule driver. Neither the Manager nor the Engineer can stay in the boiler room and watch the fireman. Some means must be devised for keeping a check upon him. Human nature will do better work, no matter w r hat the field of endeavor, if it is completely surrounded by some effective checking system. You know this and you have time clocks and various other checking devices in your factory. You check the output of How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 127 each man and machine, both as to quantity and quality. You inspect operations in the factory until you are black in the face, but the black-faced man in the boiler room knows that his operations will not receive inspection. Hence he is a careless and wasteful individual, just as I have described him and exactly as you know him. It takes some of the stuff that sustained the martyrs to deal with a fireman. It won’t help to swear at him and refer to his ancestry. Neither will it serve to employ verbal chocolate caramels. The man has a lot of bad habits—that is all that ails him, and it may be as hard for him to quit them as it is for you to carry out your New Year’s resolutions. You can make a real good fireman out of the poorest stick that ever held a shovel. It is just a matter of method, and Irate Engineers I told you that we must have 125 pounds of steam for our engines and you are sitting here reading the newspaper while the steam is down to 40 pounds. Complacent Fireman: AVhat the Divii! Ye wanted a hundred and twinty-foive pounds and Oi made it for ye. Use up the fahrty pounds that ye have lift and Oi’ll make ye some more. Wot’s t’e matter wid yef 128 Hoiv to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. I have promised to tell you about the methods that other men have found successful in dealing with their firemen. I have also promised to show how fuel waste may be stopped by the “fiat” of the Manager. It is up to me to make good in spite of the difficulties that I have just placed in my own pathway. If you want a really good fireman in short order, go and get a husky fellow that never fired a boiler. Start him right and he will think that there is just one way to do it. He won’t know how to waste your fuel. Give me a green boy from the farm and I will turn him into an expert fireman in 48 hours. There is just that little to learn about the business. But you can’t always raise your fireman from a pup. You may have to take whatever material you can find or whatever is sent you by the fireman’s union. This is unfortunate, because it is easier to turn a new man into a real expert than it is to break an old fireman of just one bad, wasteful habit. Spend :i little less time in your office and a little more time in the Boiler Room. How to Keep the Wastes Stopped 129 OLD NOAH'S STORY EXPLODED AT LAST “Can’t Teach our Fireman Anything.” Aoah to Shem, Ham and Japhet. COME ON, YOU WHITE HOPES! This ignorant Negro can neither read nor write. Of course, he knows nothing about Chemistry, but he can fire a furnace to produce an average of 14 per cent co 2 . Following is a ver¬ batim report of an in¬ terview with him: “Bill, the boss says that you are a good fire¬ man and that he always gets a dandy Recorder card when you are on watch. Tell me how you do it?’’ “It done took me 20 minutes learn how to fire when I learn wid de boss nigger. Fire light and quick, cover holes and watch de water. “Jess had good level fire all de time. Das wha made de card. “If jess steady load wha could carry fire, jess go up agin any one. Doan kar who it am.” “BIULi.” 130 How to Build JJp Furnace Efficiency. Three steps must be taken to stop your fuel waste and institute economy, viz.: 1. You must find the causes of loss and the means of stopping the losses. I have mentioned the apparatus and the methods of procedure. 2. You must make sure that the fireman fully under¬ stands what is expected of him and you must have the means of checking the fireman. You must be able to tell each fire¬ man at the end of the day how much fuel he has saved by carrying out your instructions, or how much fuel he has wasted by disregarding them. Commendation, when merited, is quite as important as criticism. 3. You must give the fireman some incentive to exert himself to the limit in the interest of efficiency. And the exertion called for does not mean extra labor for the fireman. It means less labor, but it also means increased care and watchfurness. Now how can you remain in your office and accomplish these three things by what I have termed your “fiat”? You can submit the 20 questions, suggested in the first chapter, to your engineer as a starter, and ask for a specific answer to each one of them. Your “fiat” will go that far and you can tell whether the engineer is “guessing” or answering. They’re Making; Fun of “Pete.” He’s the Lowest on the List. How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 131 If he needs apparatus for testing purposes, your “fiat” will- prevail with the purchasing agent. And after the apparatus, has arrived you can say to the engineer, “Here are the tools with which you are to produce fuel economy. Get busy.” And you can go and have a look and see if he is busy. No¬ body has the small-pox in your boiler room. It will be safe for you to go down there for a few minutes and watch these interesting “spotting” and stopping operations. And after the checking system has been instituted your “fiat” will bring the daily chart or daily report on the fire¬ men to your office. If it is not waiting for you in the morning you can send for the engineer and heat up the grid-iron. If it seems advisable to capitalize economy in your boiler room and make your firemen stockholders in the enterprise your “fiat” will establish a bonus system. If you do not want Finding' the Average Percentage of C(>s at the E?ad of the Watch. Each fireman’! 1 ! aver¬ age is posted on a, bulletin board at the end of the day. The man who makes the best average lead!! the list. The averages for each shift are posted al¬ so. Fuel economy is thereby made a. sporting proposi¬ tion. There is riv¬ alry between the men individually and collectively. The result is much lower coal bills. Horizontal arrow in¬ dicates Gas Analyz¬ er and vertical ar¬ row .Gas Collector Using a Gas Analyzer and Gas Collector to determine How Much Fuel the Fireman Wasted. The Figures Are an Excellent Stimulus When Placed Ilefore Him. 132 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency . ♦ to pay a bonus, your “fiat” will place a blackboard in the boiler room on which the daily records of each man and each watch can be posted. The baseball score will be unable to compete with that blackboard for interest. When you play ehch watch against every other watch, and each fireman against every other fireman, fuel economy becomes a sporting proposition. Your ingenuity may suggest other expedients to increase the interest of the game—for example: You can put all of the white men on one watch and the niggers and the Irish on another. Being an Irishman myself I know that such division would lead to spirited competition. Fuel economy, Mr. Manager, must be instituted and maintained by your “fiat” and it cannot be instituted and maintained in any other manner. As explained in the first chapter, when I use the term “Manager” I am referring to the person who is the court of last resort on all matters pertaining to the power department—the man to whom the engineer must go when he wants to buy anything or to do anything out of the routine order. In some establishments, the Chief Engineer himself is this court of last resort, and in such cases he is the man to whom I am referring when I say “Manager.” The “Manager,” whoever he may be, must start things on the road to betterment and he can make betterment “stay put” when it is achieved by causing whatever checking system he may adopt to be treated as a part of the daily routine. No other method will get you anywhere. What applies to the establishment of any other factory reform or innovation, applies to this case also. How shall we check the “fireman” and make sure that he is.really following the methods that will produce the most steam with the least fuel? I Flue gas analysis serves two purposes in the boiler room, viz.: First: It points out the errors of furnace management. It locates the wastes of energy, assigns the causes and sug¬ gests the remedies. It assists in “building up” furnace efficiency. This building .up operation is like any other one. How to Keep the Wastes Stopped . 133 It is a case of one brick upon another until the structure is completed. Second: It serves as a check upon the furnace and the fireman and maintains the efficiency structure after the build¬ ing has been finished. I must not be understood to mean that combustion analysis has no limitations in the good that it can accomplish in the boiler room. No furnace can be operated under ideal con¬ ditions, for reasons that are known to every operating enr gineer. The load fluctuates and the moods of the coal dealer are subject to changes. These things must be taken as they come and we must make the most of them. Many engineers take the following position and it seems to me quite unten¬ able: “With our ragged load line, our rotten coal and our poor firemen we are up against it and we can make no pre¬ tensions of economy. The methods recommended would work out very well in most plants but it would be useless to attempt them in ours.” It seems to me that the harder the conditions are in the boiler room, the more important it is that an effort be made to correct them. The sicker you are the more you need the help of medicine. Suppose it is impossible to place your plant upon as high a plane of efficiency as that enjoyed^by your neighbor? The savings actually possible to you may be far greater than your neighbor can make, and a dollar is a dollar wherever you find it. A few years ago I was called to a down-town plant in Chicago. It was mid-summer and there was very little use for steam. There was one large boiler in service and it was being operated at only about 20 per cent of its capacity. The boiler was served by a type of stoker that made a reduction of grate surface impossible. The plant needed a small boiler unit for the summer load, but it didn’t have one. The flue gases were carrying only 2 per cent C0 2 , which you wilj find on reference to the charts and tables given elsewhere indicated a preventable loss of nearly three-quarters of the fuel burned. We were able to get 4 per cent with very little trouble and without lifting the safety valves, but we could not get more than that without blowing off steam. 134 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. The engineer said, “What’s the use? I am as much 'ashamed of 4 per cent as 2 per cent.” The use was just this: That 2 per cent increase in COo meant a saving of about 43 per cent of the fuel, and while at 4 per cent there was still a waste of 31 per cent that he could not avoid, the 43 per cent that he could stop was mighty well worth going .after. If you are in the bad lands of engineering and you can get where the lands are not quite so bad, it is your duty to emigrate. You would be foolish to stay where you are just because you can’t reach the land of Beulah. The best any¬ body can do is to do the best he can do and it is a foolish man who will not try at all because he knows the ideal is unattainable. I regard the simple hand manipulated Gas Analyzer as indispensable to the steam power plant. You can “build up” with it and when this has been done you can check the fireman with it, provided you have some satisfactory means of collect¬ ing an average gas sample. The instrument shown elsewhere was designed by the author expressly for the class of work in the boiler room that has been described in these pages. It is a modified form of the well known laboratory Orsat. The laboratory features have been eliminated and other features have been added which adapt the apparatus for the engineer’s uses. A deter¬ mination of CO 2 may be made in 45 seconds with this instru¬ ment. The drawing shows the principle of the Orsat Analyzer as designed by the chemist, Orsat, about 50 years ago. An explanation is appended to it. In speaking of the Orsat it is only fair to mention the Hempel and Elliott Gas Analyzers, which together with several others are obtainable of any laboratory supply house. All of the present methods of Gas Analysis by absorption have been in use for a half a century in the laboratory. These methods were devised long before anyone dreamed of using a Gas Analyzer in the boiler room and hence the laboratory features. The author worked with all of these instruments prior to designing his own apparatus, and was driven by the 135 How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. ILLUSTRATION SHOWING THE “ORSAT” PRINCIPLE OF GAS ANALYSIS. HAYS IMPROVED GAS ANALYZER 1918 MODEL PATENT NO. 1.077.34; Engineer's Gas Ana¬ lyzer— a modified form of “Orsat” de¬ signed by the au¬ thor. Diagrammatic Orsat. The gas to be analyz¬ ed is taken into the “burette” “B,” the cock “ Bl” being opened for the purpose. The “Level¬ ing Bottle” “L” is filled with water. “L” is then raised with the hand and water flows from it through the connecting rubber tube into “B,” “seeking its level.” “Bl” is closed when the water reaches the zero mark on the scale etched on “B.” The water levels in “B” and “L” should then be in the same horizontal plane, thus giving a measurement at atmoss- pheric pressure of the exact gas sample called for by the “burette.” “A” is charged with a gas absorb¬ ing liquid. The cock “Al” is opened and “L” raised, the water driving the gas from “B” into “A,” displacing the liquid in the latter. The CO a con¬ tained in the gas is absorbed by the liquid, and this causes a contraction in the gas sample. The gas remain¬ ing is then pulled back into “B” by lowering the Leveling Bottle. The chemical (Caustic Potash solution) must be drawn up into the capillary tube at the top of “A” before the cock “Al” is closed. The bottle “L” is then held in such position that the surface of the wa¬ ter is in the same horizontal plane as that of the water in “B.” This places the gas under atmospheric pressure and the reading is taken. Additional absorber pipettes, simi¬ lar to “A,” are connected by a mani¬ fold with “B” and charged with the proper solution if Oxygen and CO are to be determined. 136 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency GAS COLLECTOR, WITH WATER FLOW REGULATOR. (Designed by the Author) How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 137 exigencies of the situation to devise something suited to the requirements of the boiler room. About ten years ago the author began experimenting with devices to collect average gas samples. When the fire¬ man has been shown how to produce 14 or 15 per cent COo it is essential, if you would maintain any sort of check upon him, to know at the end of the day how much COo he has in fact produced on the average during the day. To this end a device to draw a continuous stream of gas into a receptacle at a uniform rate throughout whatever period the fireman may be on watch, is necessary. It is an easy matter to get gas into a can or bottle and get it out again for analysis. All you have to do is to connect the bottle at the top by a tube with the flue through which the gas is passing, fill the bottle with water and allow the water to run out slowly from the bottle. As the water head falls gas is drawn into the bottle. This is the principle upon which all gas collect¬ ing devices have been based and the trouble with it is that it requires considerable modification before it can be used. To collect an average gas sample is one of the hard things 138 Hoiv to Build Up Furnace Efficiency . that look easy and unless the sample is an average one it may be very misleading. The rate at which water will flow from a tank or bottle depends upon two things, viz.—the opening through which the water is allowed to escape and the head of water above the opening. As the head falls the rate of outflow decreases and it is plain to be seen that the inflow of gas depends upon the outflow of water. HOW THE AUTHOR MADE A FOOL OF HIMSELF The author’s first experiments with Gas Collectors were conducted at the plant of one of the brewing companies in Chicago. He produced a really ridiculous contrivance and abandoned it at the end of the first day. It is shown in the sketch preceding. Water was allowed to drain from the upper bottle into the lower one, the rate of flow being fixed by a pinch clamp on the connecting rubber tube. As the water fell gas was drawn in throught the tube “C.” It was intended that the lower bottle should be set upon the upper shelf when ready to analyze the gas sample, as shown by the dotted lines in the illustration. The clamp on the tube “C” could then be closed and the one on the con¬ necting rubber tube removed. Water would then ffow by gravity back into the first bottle and drive the gas out through the tube “D” to the Gas Analyzer. The trouble with this arrangement was that on the start of the gas collecting operation the water stood at “A” in the upper bottle and at “Al” in the lower bottle, while at the conclusion of the operation the levels were at “B” and “Bl” respectively. These differences in head defeated the object of the device, that of collecting an AVERAGE gas sample. The absurd contrivance took gas many times faster on the start than on the finish, so that it was utterly impossible to say at the end of the watch what the real average for the watch had been. The only case in which such a device could be used would be where the percentage of CO 2 is uniform throughout the entire watch and in such case it would be unnecessary to employ a Gas Collector at all, as a single snap shot sample taken at any time during the day Hoiv to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 139 ■would provide the necessary information. Unhappily the CO 2 percentage is constantly fluctuating and if we would know the real efficiency of the fireman we must know the real average produced by him. When he is cleaning fires a large excess of air will be taken and this will of course affect the sample collected. It will be seen that it would make a lot of difference whether the Collector was running fast or slow during the cleaning operation. In some plants there are many periods during the day when the boilers are hit with unusual loads and other periods when the loads are extremely light. Extraordinary care must be exercised by the fireman at these times or he will waste a great deal of fuel. It is very obvious that ■with such a gas collecting scheme as the author first devised the engineer would be quite unable to say what the fireman’s efficiency had been. Some men have to be hit with a brick before they can see anything and a good sized one hit the author when he stood in front of his first gas collector and watched it operate. The thing started with quite a respectable outflow of water. By the end of the second hour the stream had slowed down to a drizzle pizzle. From then on the rate of discharge suffered a constant decrease. Any school-boy student of physics would have been able to predict this result because every school-boy knows that the pressure at the outflow opening depends upon the head of water above the opening. In this case the author had a falling head of water in the upper bottle and a rising head of water in the lower one. Since that time the author has designed a number of gas collecting devices, all of them equipped with flow-regulators. One of these is showui in the illustration on a preceding page. The Automatic Gas Collector is intended as a substitute for the more expensive automatic CO 2 Recorder. The Col¬ lector and Recorder both work toward the same end and you can raise your plant to the highest state of combustion efficiency with either. The Recorder produces a graphic chart and the Collector merely assembles a sample of gas which somebody must analyze with a hand instrument. The advan¬ tages of a graphic chart showing all of the variations in 140 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. efficiency during the day cannot he overestimated. Each device has its advantages over the other and the author ought to state in fairness what they are: The Collector has the following advantages over the Recorder: 1. The cost is much lower and it is possible to equip an entire boiler plant with Collectors at the expense of equip¬ ping one boiler with a Recorder. In selecting an equipment, however, it should be remembered that cost is not the only thing to be considered. It is not what the apparatus costs—it is the returns that the apparatus will yield that should be the deciding factor. Suppose, for example, that you have a checking device, either a Collector or a Recorder, on but one boiler. The fire¬ men will know which boiler is being checked and that boiler will get most of the attention. The result may be that the efficiency of the plant will be less than before the equip¬ ment was put in use. The firemen may so neglect the furnaces that are not being checked in order to make a good showing on the one that is under supervision, that the result may be an actual fuel loss instead of a fuel saving. In such a case the apparatus would work to fool the Manager and Engineer of the plant rather than to check the fireman. 2. When you have a Collector or Recorder on each boiler the firemen cannot play favorites and if one boiler furnace does not perform as well as another and persists in its failure you may presume with considerable assurance that an air leak has developed somewhere or that something else beyond the jurisdiction of the fireman has intervened. You will look into that boiler and find the trouble. There should be a draft gage connected with each boiler furnace so that the fireman will be able to equalize the drafts. The gage will further assist the fireman by indicating when the fuel bed has burned down too thin or has developed air leaks. The gage will show a marked drop in the draft under such circumstances. The fireman will learn in a short time to watch the draft gage as he watches the steam and water gages. 3. It is quite essential at times to check the furnace gases 141 Hoiv to Keep the Wastes Stopped . AUTOMATIC C0 2 AND DRAFT RECORDER. ^Designed the Author) 142 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. WHAT A C0 2 AND DRAFT RECORDER CHART LOOKS LIKE. for the average CO as well as C0 2 . This is possible where the Gas Collectors are employed. It is impossible where CO 2 Recorders are used. 4. The average C0 2 cannot be determined closely from a CO 2 Recorder chart. It can be determined very closely by analysis of the gas trapped in the Collector. And it is quite essential that you should know the average, especially if the percentage is low. By referring to the tables pre¬ viously given, you will note that in the lower ranges of C0 2 every fraction of a per cent counts for something. If your firemen are reducing the preventable loss, even at as slow a pace as 1 per cent of coal a day, you have reason for rejoicing. They will get there in 25 days if they keep it up, providing your waste is 25 per cent. You want to know whether you are progressing, standing still or retrograding. How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 143 This you can learn by means of the hand Analyzer and Gas Collector. When you compare two C0 2 Recorder charts you will have some trouble to determine which is really the best if the charts are anywhere near alike as to averages. The above are the advantages of the Gas Collector over the Recorder. The advantage of the Recorder lies in the fact that it produces a graphic chart, which shows not only what hap¬ pened, but when it happened. The chart may also be made to show the draft and the temperature of the escaping flue gases by combining with the C0 2 recording gage the necessary draft and temperature recording apparatus. Such a com¬ bined chart should accordingly show any relation that might exist between the C0 2 , the draft and the temperature of the escaping gases. C0 2 Recorders have been upon the American market for about twelve years and it is putting it mildly to say that they have given themselves a black eye in steam power plants. Both eyes have, in fact, been decorated. The circumstances are unfortunate and they are due to the following causes: 1st. The inherent defects in the earlier Recorders, which the author is pleased to say have now been largely remedied in most of the later Recorders and entirely remedied in some of them. 2nd. Failure on the part of Recorder manufacturers to explain, and failure on the part of Recorder purchasers to understand, what the real functions and limitations of the CO 2 Recorder are. As a result of these two things C0 2 Recorders have a bad reputation and it takes time to live that sort of a reputa¬ tion down. You will find hundreds of Recorders standing unused today in the dark corners of steam power plants and if you wish to make some power men see red all that you have to do is to mention C0 2 Recorders. The C() 2 Recorder has been greatly overestimated by the manufacturers and it is at present greatly misunderstood by the public. It is high time for somebody to stand up and spit out the facts about the apparatus. I shall endeavor to write the truth in as unprejudiced a manner as possible. 144 Hoiv to Build Up Furnace Efficiency . If you will talk with many of the engineers who have used CO 2 Recorders you will get this sort of an expression from them: “The Recorder would probably be all right and help us a great deal if it would only ‘run.’ The one we have never ran long enough to give us a line on anything.” Any apparatus that requires a couple of college professors in constant attendance to keep it in operation has no place in a steam power plant. We may even go so far as to say that any recording apparatus that requires more than the irreducible minimum of attention has no business in an engine room and less than no business in a boiler room. The requisites of a practical CO 2 Recorder are as follows: 1. It must “stay put” and keep on running indefinitely after it has been started. 2. It must require no attention other than that necessary to change the chart, renew the chemicals and change the filtering material in the gas line. 3. It must be automatic in all particulars, including the adjustments that are necessary to compensate for changes of temperature, changes of volume and of specific gravity in the absorbent solution, changes of draft in the boiler, etc. In other words, the apparatus must look after itself and take care of all of the variables with which a CO 2 Recorder is forced to contend. 4. There must be the minimum of moving reciprocating parts. The less there are of them the longer the apparatus will “stay put,” because it is in the nature of mechanical contrivances to get out of order, especially when they are of the delicate nature demanded in an apparatus of the kind considered. In some of the earlier Recorders there were as many as 50 points of adjustment and it required an expert adjuster to keep the apparatus in proper operation. Some of the modern Recorders have no points of manual adjustment what¬ ever and no mechanical parts whatever. It is accordingly possible today to secure an apparatus that will meet the requirements as above set forth. In soliciting proposals from the manufacturers of CO 2 How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 145 Recorders the author suggests that guaranties be asked upon the following points: 1. The length of time that the apparatus will be guar¬ anteed to operate properly without attention other than that required to change the chart, renew the chemical for absorbing the COo and change the filtering material used to clean the gas. 2. The annual cost of upkeep, including the cost of charts and chemicals. A statement should also be asked as to the method of controlling the variables of temperature, etc., referred to in a, preceding paragraph, the number of the points of adjustment about the apparatus and the extent to which movable mechan¬ ical parts are employed. With the information on the points suggested in hand you will know which apparatus to purchase and where to get it. The earlier Recorders failed, first because of inherent defects in the Recorders themselves, and second because the apparatus, when it did work, could not live up to the claims made for it by the manufacturers. Now, what are the functions of a CO 2 Recorder? The apparatus is a watchman, and a good one, but no more. It will help you to keep the wastes stopped after you have first “spotted” them and stopped them. It will help you to maintain efficiency after you have attained it. It is not the proper apparatus for “diagnosing” combustion troubles or “building up furnace” efficiency. I do not say that you cannot diagnose or build up with it. I say that it is not the proper apparatus for that purpose and I make that statement because with a hand analyzer I can do more “diagnosing” and “building up” in an hour than I can with a CO 2 Recorder in a month; and I can diagnose some things with the hand instrument that I could not attempt at all with a Recorder. There is no sense in waiting a month for the information that you can obtain in an hour. When you buy a Recorder buy a “hand analyzer” also. You will then be equipped for all sorts of combustion investigations. When necessary you can test for CO. 146 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. The COo Recorder will tell you in what way the fireman has carried out your instructions, whether he has observed the methods that your investigations with the hand instru¬ ment have proved to be necessary. It will spur each one of your firemen to his best efforts because it is human nature to be more careful when therq is a watchman looking on. It is human nature to hustle when the race is on with another man. There is a CO2 Recorder in an Eastern power plant and considerable competition among the firemen. One of the men succeeded in making a particularly good record and he led his fellows to the Recorder gage, exhibited the chart and invited them to “Go to it and beat that.” While none of them suc¬ ceeded in beating it, some of them did succeed in measuring- up to it. With the hand instrument you can make sure that your boiler setting is in proper condition—you can test here, there and wherever you wish with it. You can, as I have explained, look at the furnace when you look at the instrument and you can refer the result of each analysis to the observed furnace conditions that produced the result. You cannot do this with a Recorder. Don’t let any salesman persuade you that you can. It takes time to get the gas from the boiler to the Re¬ corder. It must flow through a considerable length of pipe and through soot filters. There is necessarily some “lag” on this account. The “lag” may be anywhere from two minutes to fifteen minutes. The less of it the better. On account of this the fireman cannot guide his operations by any CO2 Recorder chart or by any “CO2 Indicator” accessory to the Recorder. To be sure, the Chart and the Indicator of the Recorder will tell the fireman that there is a hole in the fire, but it will report the information anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes after the hole began business. A differential draft gage will report the hole the instant that hole appears and the fireman can get instant action. You need gages for the pur¬ pose of draft equalization as set forth in a previous chapter. Have your firemen rely upon them as indicators of furnace conditions. Any manufacturer of CO2 Recorders will be glad to supply you with a CO2 Indicator if you are foolish enough to order such an attachment. Don’t order it because it is How to Keep the Wastes Stopped, 147 liable to do more barm than good. It will report a hole in the fire after the fireman has fixed the hole and it will report a good fire when there are in fact holes that need stopping. This is due to the necessary time interval that intervenes between the taking of the gas from the boiler and the report on that gas by the Recorder. I repeat that the functions of the Recorder are those of a watchman. Let it watch the fireman for you and let the fireman watch his fires. If he does that, the Recorder will make a good report upon him. Watching the chart of the Recorder will assist the fireman to some extent, as it will show him the result of what he did some minutes ago. In other words, it will enable him to work out things if he has the intelligence to observe, interpret and draw conclusions. But I maintain that it is better to show the fireman, by means of object lessons with the hand Analyzer, what is and what is not a proper “fire,” also what is and what is not the proper draft for that fire. Thereafter let the fireman watch the fires and the draft gage and set your CO2 Recorder to watch him* This will keep the fireman reasonably busy and if he attends to business the Recorder will have a good report to make upon him. There should be one CO2 Recorder for each boiler, but this may mean more of an expenditure than you care to incur. 2 3 4 Arrangement of Piping Enabling One Recorder to Serve a Battery of Four Boilers. 348, How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. Qne. Recorder for a battery of boilers may prove a serious mistake, unless the piping is so arranged that the firemen will have no means of knowing from which boiler the gas is being drawn. Suppose for example, that you were a fireman and that,.you knew the Recorder to be working on the gas from Number 1 boiler. In spite of yourself you would give more attention to that boiler than to any other one. You would want to produce a good chart becouse you would know that the Manager and Engineer would inspect that .chart. But if you had no means of knowing which boiler the Recorder might be reporting upon, you would take no chances. You would give the same attention to all boilers, and doing this you would be sure to produce a good chart. Your Recorder or your Gas Collector will work upon but one boiler at a time. If you have several boilers in operation and ‘but one Recorder, run the individual gas pipes into a common header. Place a valve on each gas pipe near the header and box the valves in such a way that the firemen will have no means of knowing which valve is open. Then switch the Recorder from time to time and you will have a reasonably good check on the entire plant, though not so good a one as you would have if you were provided with a full 'equipment of Recorders. If you wish to establish a bonus system in your fire-room, and such a system always brings results where all else fails, an equipment of Collectors will be in some respects better adapted to your purpose than Recorders, because your bonuses must be paid on averages and the Collector deals in averages at the expense of details, whereas the Recorder deals in details at the expense of averages. You can get the approximate averages by running a planimeter over the Recorder charts, but you can get the exact average within one-fifth of a per cent CO2 by analyzing the gas trapped in the Collector. When using the Collectors you must depend upon someone to make the analyses. If that person turns in false reports, either designedly or otherwise, your bonus system will be unfair to some of the firemen and unfair to yourself. The Recorder will turn in a correct report within the 'limits of its accuracy. Surely there is soneone about Hoiv to Keep the Wastes Stopped. '149 your plant who can be relied upon to analyze the gas taken by the Collectors. If the man to whom that work is entrusted is under suspicion a trap can easily be set for him and if he is guilty he will step into it. * I was asked for advice not long ago by a plant Manager. He was uncertain whether to buy Collectors or Recorders. I stated the pros and cons of it much as I have stated them in this chapter. He said, “We are wasting so much fuel lhat we can afford to do this thing right. I shall buy a Recorder for each boiler.” ’ It is very largely a matter of choice whether you adopt Collectors or Recorders, and I have tried to set forth 5 the facts as I see them in order that you may have the data upon which to base your choice. The reader will understand that in my discussion of'the apparatus required for combustion analysis I am not depre¬ ciating any related apparatus by my failure to mention it. Water meters and steam flow meters have their uses in‘the boiler room. The same may be said of recording pyrometers and other apparatus. The further such apparatus goes in the analysis of conditions and the location of causes the irtore reason there is for its presence. ‘ ' • The feed water meter and steam flow meter talk about capacity without relation to efficiency, while the CO2 Re¬ corder talks about efficiency without relation to capacity. There is no way that the one form of apparatus can be substituted for the other. Some men, however, are so 'vio¬ lently partisan as to claim that an arrangement of pyrometers; showing the temperature drop between the furnace and* the uptake may be substituted for everything else that I have mentioned. All such claims as these are absurd and instead of boosting any particular apparatus, they hurt all apparatus. It is better to stick to facts, especially when the facts 1 are so patent. * I have included a thermometer or pyrometer for measur¬ ing the temperature of the escaping gases, among the desir¬ able testing apparatus for the boiler room. It will give you more information on boiler efficiency than on furnace •1 efficiency. For this reason I have said very little about 150 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. temperatures in connection with the flue gases. When we have done all that it is possible to do to secure economical combustion it is then up to the boiler to take the heat energy handed to it. The furnace must not rob the boiler by turn¬ ing cold air into the gases or by sending combustible gas up the chimney. When the furnace can show that it has discharged its functions properly, the boiler is responsible for any excess temperature that the escaping gases may show. The temperature should not be more than 100 degrees Fah¬ renheit above that of the steam in the boiler. Take your flue gas temperatures at the point where the gases leave the heating surfaces of the boiler, as I have already advised. I sometimes hear engineers boasting about extremely low stack temperatures and in almost every case of this kind I have found that the temperatures were taken in the breeching or at some other improper point. And now let me briefly recapitulate the steps that you must take to substitute economy for the waste that is ruling your boiler room. First, you must get yourself “under conviction of your sins,” as the revivalist w T ould express it. You must really T&ant all of the economy that is coming to you and determine to get it. Second, you must “diagnose” your waste troubles and dis¬ cover the remedies called for. Third, you must make the firemen understand what is expected of them, and they must be convinced that your contentions are right. If the fireman does not agree with you on any subject relating to the management of the fires you must convince him that you are right and he is wrong. This is easy. In a big Eastern power plant there is a negro fireman who rejoices in the nickname of “Happy.” He was persuaded that he was some fireman and it would have been impossible to argue him out of that hallucination. The Chief Engineer had tried arguments without success. He decided to give “Happy” an object lesson and as the man was looked upon as an expert by the other negro firemen the Chief considered the object lesson as of sufficient importance to warrant a How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 151 couple of evaporative tests. A ten-hour test was run with “Happy” as fireman and he was instructed to do his “darndest” as they were trying for a record. The man was allowed to fire in his own way and he was a tired man at the end of the day. On the following morning the Chief Engineer said: “Happy, we are going to run another test today and you are going to fire again. You fired your way yesterday and today you are going to fire my way. I shall stay with you and you will fire exactly as I say. We will not stop the test until we have evaporated as much water as we did yesterday.” The test was conducted under this arrangement, and it was concluded at the end of nine hours. The Chief then pointed to the large pile of coal that was left and said: “Happy, what would you think of a fireman who would steal that amount of coal from his employer?” “Why,” said Happy, “Ah nevah stole no coal from this company. Ah nevah stole no coal from nobody.” “I know it,” said the Chief, “but you have wasted coal every day and wasting coal is worse than stealing it, because nobody gets any use of fuel that is wasted. We evaporated as much water today as we evaporated yester¬ day. We have an hour to spare and as much coal to spare as you see lying on the floor.” “Is you sure about the evap¬ oration?” said “Happy.” “Why Ah worked like a niggah yesterday and today Ah hardly worked at all. Ah didn’t sup¬ pose the boiler was doing anything.” “Happy” was convinced and ready to take instructions where before he would accept instructions from nobody. Today he is said to be one of the most expert firemen in the city of Pittsburgh. It is not necessary to run an evaporative test to give your fireman an object lesson. You can give very convincing lessons with the “spotting” apparatus I have mentioned. For the fourth step you must institute a checking system in your plant as already suggested and the fifth and final step is taken when the incentive for ultimate effort is given by a bonus system, or otherwise. I have never known a bonus system to fail of the most gratifying results. I know of nothing upon which you can base a more equitable bonus system than the CO 2 averages. 152 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. From the tables given you can arrange a bonus schedule to suit yourself. Make your firemen stockholders in your economy enterprise and they will work their shirts off to earn dividends. And as a gratifying by-product of your bonus system, your firemen will be anchored at your plant. You know what it means to have firemen quit when firemen are hard to get. I have talked with the Managers of many plants where bonus systems are in force and I have yet to find one who is dissatisfied with the results. The firemen are always happy. In most cases the rule is to distribute about one-tenth of the money saved among the men saving it, the distribution to be pro rata according to each man’s efficiency. The savings are figured from the CO2 percentages. In some cases these per¬ centages are checked by the coal and kilowatt records. When the figures fail to check it is assumed that something is wrong with the boilers proper or that something requires attention in the engine room. When the COo reports are right it is known that the firemen and the furnaces are not to blame for any slip in efficiency that may be indicated by the coal and kilowatt records. The operating men in the power plant have the last word to say on the subject of efficiency. No matter how good the physical state of the plant may be or how complete the equipment there will be efficiency in proportion to the interest, intelligence, fidelity and close attention to duty of the operating force. Anything that tends to stimulate the men in these particulars will improve efficiency. Anything that works in the opposite direction will have the opposite effect. It is a case of dealing with human nature. Give the men an incentive. It may consist of a pecuniary reward, the hope of promotion, the fear of discharge, a spirit of rivalry or anything else that will supply a moving interest in the work. Whatever the incentive may be there must be some fair and equitable means of comparing the work of one man with that of another. Various means have been employed in different power plants with varying degrees of success. The following “yard sticks” have been used to measure efficiency: How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 153 1. Coal consumption. 2. Evaporation. 3. Factory output in relation to coal consumption. 4. Combustion efficiency. The coal consumption depends: (a) Upon combustion efficiency; (b) the quality of the fuel; (c) efficiency of the furnace as a furnace; (d) efficiency of the boiler as a boiler; (e) co-ordination of furnace and boiler; (f) physical conditions of furnace and boiler; (g) efficiency in the use of steam; (h) efficiency in the distribu¬ tion of steam; (i) efficiency of engines, generators, factory machinery, etc.; (j) the load on the power plant. The evaporation per pound of coal burned and the coal cost per unit of factory output depend upon the same mis¬ cellaneous aggregation of factors as the coal consumption. So far as my information goes it has never proved feasible to measure out bonuses of any kind with ony one of the three “yard sticks” first mentioned, because it is impossible to definitely fix and measure responsibility with such means of measurement. The fireman may blame the coal, the boilers, the load or the wastes in the plant. He is sure to place the responsibility anywhere but upon his own shoulders. To rate the efficiency of anybody in the power department by coal consumption, evaporation or factory output would require considerable testing apparatus, a great deal of time, book¬ keeping and other expense. Looking into the bonus problem further the following facts become apparent: 1. The plant must be operated with the equipment that it possesses. If the furnaces and boilers are misfits or other¬ wise not adapted, they must be used, nevertheless, until the plant is remodeled or reconstructed. The firemen and engineers are not responsible for the equipment because they did not select it. 2. If the equipment is in bad physical condition the men who burn the coal cannot as a rule be held responsible. 3; If steam is wasted in the plant the firemen are not at all responsible. The engineers may or may not be responsible. 154 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. 4. If the load varies the engineers and firemen are not responsible. They must meet the load as it comes. 5. If a poor quality of fuel is furnished the engineers and firemen are not to blame. The fireman is responsible for combustion efficiency and for no other sort of efficiency. Such efficiency depends sec¬ ondarily upon the coal and the physical state of the furnace and boiler settings. It depends to some extent upon the fur¬ nace itself, of which the grate is a part. All of the factors which tend to complicate the question of responsibility for combustion efficiency may be eliminated in the following manner: 1st. The boilers and furnaces should first be put in a good state of repair—particular attention being given to the brick work and the baffles. It should be remembered, also, that there is no excuse for soot and scale. Someone, preferably the engineer-in-charge, should be made responsible for the up-keep of the steam generating equipment. A signed daily report, covering such details as it is necessary to observe in maintaining the physical state of the plant, should be required and all the material and help necessary for proper up-keep should be furnished to the responsible party. When these things are done proper up¬ keep will be assured and it will not be assured until they are done. Don’t take it for granted that your plant is in first class shape. Make sure of it. Just assume that your coal bills are too high and look for the reasons. You will find that they are too high. 2nd. Select the coal that is best adapted to the furnace and the general conditions affecting the plant. The coal will vary in quality to some extent but probably not enough to affect the efficiency of combustion. 3rd. Having put the equipment in good condition and insured the proper daily care of it, a standard of operating combustion efficiency may be established. If with the furnaces you have and the coal you have selected an average of 14 per cent CO 2 may be maintained by proper stoking and the use of the proper drafts, let 14 How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 155 per cent be the standard. Should the coal he of low grade, high in ash, 14 per cent may be too high. You can easily ascertain what the top-notch figure may be. When the above three things are done and the necessary apparatus provided, a bonus system may be established for the firemen. If considered advisable, the engineers who have supervising charge of the firemen, may be included in the benefits of the bonus. WHEN THE BOILERS AND FURNACES ARE IN PROPER CONDITION THE EFFICIENCY OF THE MEN IN CHARGE OF THE FURNACES IS A CLOSE MEASURE OF THE EFFICIENCY WITH WHICH THE STEAM IS GENERATED. For the various reasons above given it is argued that the only sensible basis upon which to place a Bonus System is COMBUSTION EFFICIENCY. Fortunately the means for de¬ termining such efficiency and for definitely rating each watch and each man are simple and easily applied. It is merely necessary to know the percentage of CO 2 produced by each furnace during each watch. An occasional check should be made to determine the presence of CO. To make clear how a bonus system may be placed in oper¬ ation let us assume that we are applying it to your plant. It is presumed that in overhauling the plant the boiler dampers and damper controls received proper attention and that a draft gage has been provided for each boiler furnace. Efficiency depends to a great extent upon the use of the proper draft and it would be idle to tell the firemen that they must use certain specified drafts over the fires if you have not provided them with the means of continually measuring drafts. In fixing upon a standard of furnace operation you must determine: 1st. How thick the fuel should be carried on the grates. 2nd. What draft to use for the normal load and how the draft should be varied to take care of changes in the load. 3rd. Methods of firing or of operating the stokers to avoid faults in the fuel bed and to keep the fuel constantly at the right depth upon the grates. 156 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. 4th. Proper methods of using the fire tools, particularly the slice-bar. 5th. Proper methods of cleaning the fires. 6th. Proper methods of banking fires. It may take all of a day or perhaps two days to work out the various problems as it will be necessary to make sure that no mistakes are being made in the diagnosis. Following the study as outlined above it will be necessary to instruct each of the firemen and to make sure that all of the instructions are understood. Following this it will be necessary to know the average percentage of CO -2 produced each watch by each boiler fur¬ nace. Knowing this it will be easy. 1st. To rate the firemen according to combustion ef ficiency. 2nd. To determine the quantity of fuel heedlessly wasted and who wasted it. 3rd. To compute the bonuses and make the prope: awards. The bonus schedule may be whatever you wish to make it. The maximum premium need not exceed 50 cents per day. It will be necessary to fix upon some percentage of CO 2 as a base and to apply the schedule upon percentages above that base. The bonus system is the one sensible method of increasing the fireman’s pay without feeling it. The fireman, himself, produces the money from which the premiums are paid. The Manager of a plant on the Texas border, who employs Mexicans as firemen, writes as follows: “I offer each man a bonus of five per cent of the fuel that he can save and the effect has been magical. The men come to me and in their broken English try to explain how hard they are trying to carry out my instructions.” “Each man received a bonus of $3.75 the first month, $2.50 the second month, $3.30 the third and $7.80 the fourth. The plant was only running half the time the first three months and from all indications the bonus will be from seven to ten dollars per month in the future. “In four months each man had received $17.35 extra pay How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 157 and the fuel account was benefitted by a saving of $312.30, which was all ‘velvet’ as no money had been invested by the company to accomplish the saving. “After this experience I firmly believe that this is the only way to handle firemen. It is simply a case of deciding whether the money is to.be given to the fuel dealer or divided between the men and the company.” An Eastern plant adopted the bonus system and saved 30 per cent on its fuel the first year. The men were paid 10 per cent of the saving effected, leaving the company a net saving of 27 per cent with no investment whatever except the small amount required for CO 2 apparatus. The bonus schedule in force in this plant is as follows: Per cent CO 2 . Premium per day. 12 $0.75 11.5 .70 11 .65 10.5 .60 10 .55 9.5 .50 9 .45 8.5 .40 8 .35 7.5 .30 7 .25 6.5 .20 6 .15 The Manager of another Eastern factory writes me as follows concerning his bonus system: “In order to get the very best results and the most eco¬ nomical method of firing we are paying a bonus to the fireman who is on watch from 4 A. M. to 12 Noon and from 12 Noon to S P. M. on all days when the factory is in full operation. We pay bonus as follows: “For 10% CO 2 , 10c; for 11%, 15c; for 12%, 25c; and for 13%, 40c. In addition to this we pay $2.00 extra each month to the fireman making the highest average the month. “In order to show you what we are doing I enclose here¬ with a copy of our record for the month of June. 158 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. RECORD OF C0 2 PERCENTAGE Month of June, 1913 FIREMEN C0 2 PCT. Bonus 1 C. O. Bolin Jno. Zigalinski Peter Rynice J.. 2. . . . 12. .25 11.2 • • • • .15 3 . ... 10.6 .10 11. .15 4. ... 10. .10 10.2 .10 5. . . . 11.1 .15 10.4 .10 6. ... 11.6 .15 11. .15 7. 10.6 .10 8. • • • • 9. 12. .23 12.6 .25 10. 11.6 . 15 12.6 .25 11. 12. .25 12.8 .25 12. 13.2 .40 12.8 .25 13. 12.9 .25 11.9 .15 14. 12.4 .25 15. » • • • 16. ... 12.3 .25 12.7 .25 • • • • 17. ... 10.8 .10 12.8 .25 • • • • 18 . . .. 12.2 .25 12. .25 • • • • 19. ... 12. .25 11.6 . 15 20. ... 12.2 .25 12.4 .25 • • • • 21 . ... 12. .25 22 . 23 . .. . 12.2 .25 12. .25 24 . ... 13. .40 11. .15 25 . ... 12. .25 11.7 .15 26 . ... 11.6 .15 11.7 .15 27 . ... 11.6 .15 11.4 .15 28 . 11.8 .15 29 . • • • • • • • • 30 . • • • • 1.2.4 .25 12.7 .25 31-. • ■ • • • • • • • • • Totals. ...187.2 $3.30 148. $2.95 208.8 $3.15 Averages . . ... 11.7 12.3 11.6 Jno. Zigalinski, extra bonus for best avertge, $2.00. “We employ three firemen and one only is on watch at a time, which is 8 hours on watch and 16 hours off. On Sun¬ days the length of the watch is changed so that the same man will not always be on the same watch. We are burning at this time of the year about 12 tons Bit. coal every 24 hours, the cost of same is $3.35 per ton in the bin, and since we started to pay bonus the percentage of CO 2 is higher and we know that our firemen are doing the best they can to get the best result, and we know that by the bonus system and the regular use of CO 2 apparatus we have reduced the coal con¬ sumption in our boiler room.” How to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 159 The Troubles and Triumphs of “Rastus Brown” A BONUS STORY IN FOUR CHAPTERS. INTRODUCTION. . A Southern plant purchased CO 2 apparatus and in order to induce the best efforts of its firemen offered a crate of pul¬ lets each month to the man making the best CO 2 average. The story relates the experiences of Erastus, one of the firemen. CHAPTER I. MAH 60LLY- SOME PULLETS, SOME PULLETS “Now watch dis IViggah make See Oh Two Case Ah wants dem pullets foil a chicken stew.” 160 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency CHAPTER II. I But he took no pullets home to his larder Because another fireman ‘‘tried a little harder/' Blanche: lavs down a barrage firf of flat I RONS, T EA CUPS, AN D ROLLING PINS The stove was ready, likewise the pot. But there were no chickens and Blanche got hot Then she broke some crockery on his bean And ‘Rastus left for a friendlier scene. CHAPTER III. “Got to git dat bonus and de pullets now Or I dassent go home, no more, no how.” How to Keep the Wastes Stopped 161 CHAPTER IV. The smile that ffrew on ’Rastus Brown The day he pulled the bonus down. 162 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. In a preceding chapter I have suggested a form for a daily report upon boiler room maintenance. The theory is that when a signed report is required the chances of effective supervision are increased. The daily “Records of Operation” should cover, when possible, all of the items shown on the following chart: The things that I have suggested in this book may mean a little initial expense to the management. They cannot mean much and it is just a question whether you will spend a little money for the apparatus that your engineer needs or give a great deal of money to the coal dealer. They mean a little extra trouble for the engineer, but a reasonable amount of trouble is a good thing for an engineer. It keeps him from brooding on being an engineer. RECORDS OF OPERATION Date WATCH FIREMEN COAL TOTAL ASH TOTAL CO z AVGE DRAFT STACK TEMP FEED'* ENTER VATER LEAVE WATER 1 evaporated] 1 - \ . 2 - 3 TOTALS ^AVERAGES ~::r ~ Rem. ARKS OPERATING ENGINEER Hoiv to Keep the Wastes Stopped. 16 >o O Showing installation of Gas Collectors in a plant where records of the daily CO z averages of each fireman are kept. C0 2 Recorders are used in many plants,—one for each boiler—the firemen’s averages being taken from the charts. 164 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. Appendix. OIL, GAS, WOOD REFUSE AND OTHER FUELS. When Oxygen meets Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulphur or other combustible in the presence of heat, chemical union occurs and what is known as “combustion” takes place. Heat results. This is the whole story and it makes little difference what the combustible may be. The rapidity with which combustion takes place depends upon the ease with which the Oxygen and the combustible find each other. The more intimately the two are mixed before ignition the more complete and the more rapid the combustion will be. The combustion of gun-powder is practically instan¬ taneous because the Oxygen producing substances are thor¬ oughly mixed with the powdered combustible matter. When we place coal in the furnace in large lumps the Oxygen can act only upon the surfaces of the lumps. It can¬ not have contact with the combustible below the surface until the lumps have disintegrated and provided surface exposure. It follows, therefore, that the lumpier the coal the greater the excess of air that we are likely to send through the furnace. Conditions are best for efficiency, as I have tried to show in preceding chapters, when the fuel is completely burned with the least possible excess of air. Now, when we break the coal up into small particles, it is evident that we greatly increase the surface exposure, thereby increasing the rate of combustion and decreasing the volume of air that it is necessary to force through the furnace. When we grind the coal to a fine dry powder, mix it with air and blow it into the furnace, it burns like gas or oil. The resulting temperature is extremely high owing to the rapidity of combustion which, in turn, is owing to the infinite surface exposure of the fuel particles. Dust, when suspended in air, •is quite as explosive as gas when mixed with air. Internal combustion engines have actually been run experimentally upon powdered coal. The author receives many letters from engineers and others asking if the methods he has suggested will apply Appendix. 165 to oil, gas and wood refuse when burned for power. Of course, they will. Why not? Combustion is combustion. Considerable has been said in the preceding chapters about the importance of excluding all unnecessary air from the furnace and of preventing all air from flowing in upon the heating surfaces through faults in the setting, etc. This de¬ sideratum is of universal application regardless of the fuel. It is necessary that the fuel and the air be supplied to the furnace in right quantities and the right manner. This is true of coal and it is doubly true of the powdered, liquid and gaseous fuels. Draft is a vital factor in efficiency when a solid fuel is being burned. It is doubly vital in the case of oil and gas. It is possible to so adjust the oil or gas burner that the mixture will be constant as long as the drafts, pressures and atmospheric conditions are constant. It is impossible to main¬ tain anything better than approximately constant conditions in the coal burning furnace. The most automatic type of automatic stoker requires some attention. While the general principles governing economical combustion are the same, regardless of the fuel, and while the general methods of insur¬ ing combustion control have general application, it is plain that stress must be laid upon certain of the methods when we are burning a solid and upon others when we are burning a fluid. And when we are dealing exclusively with coals it must be remembered that no two coals can be properly treated by following the same routine. For example: A caking coal requires frequent raking to break up the solid masses of coke which form in the furnace. A non-caking coal should never be raked at all. A high volatile coal requires the admis¬ sion of air over the fire as well as through the grate, while a low volatile coal may take its entire air supply through the grate. Some coals call for a thick bed of fuel and others for a thinner bed. Some may be burned at a very high tempera¬ ture and others, owing to the fusing properties of the ash, must be burned at much lower temperatures. Fine coals usually give the best results when burned wet and coarse coals when burned dry. It is unhappily impossible to lay 166 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. down an exact set of rules for burning coal. The details must be varied to suit the circumstances. THE FUEL IS BURNED MOST EFFICIENTLY WHEN IT IS COMPLETELY CONSUMED WITH THE LEAST SURPLUS OF AIR. This rule applies alike to the two extremes of anthracite coal and natural gas; it goes with fuels of all descriptions. The reader will note from the table, page 105, and the chart, page 107, both of which are based upon pure Carbon fuel, that the indicated fuel loss grows less and less per increment of CO 2 as we ascend the scale toward the theoret¬ ical maximum. A small fraction of a per cent in the lower ranges of the scale means more than a whole per cent in the higher ranges. Note the table following: Improvement in CCL. Indicated Fuel Saving. From 2 per cent to 3 per cent 27.72 per cent (( 3 if i a 4 ti a 14.00 it tt 4 ft i if 5 ft if 8.49 it it 5 t < t tc 6 a a 5.70 tt ft 6 ft t n 7 it ft 4.07 tt ft 7 if t if 8 it it 3.36 it it 8 ft i if 9 a a 2.08 it it 9 t f f if 10 tt it 1.89 it *•' 10 it t a 11 it it 1.56 it it 11 it i a 12 it tt 1.29 ti it 12 i t t if 13 a a 1.09 tt it 13 it f a 14 tt tt .94 it if 14 i i t n 15 it it .80 it The author has been asked many times, “What percentage of CO 2 in the gases of combustion indicates the highest efficiency when the fuel is fuel oil?” The same question has been asked regarding natural gas, wood refuse and other fuels. The terms “coal,” “fuel oil,” etc., are general terms only. Coal may range from almost straight Carbon with only a trace of volatile matter to a fuel that is more than 50 per cent volatile matter. It may contain all the way from a trace of Sulphur to as much as 10 per cent or more. There are wide variations in fuel oil and in natural gas. Before being Appendix . 167 able to say exactly how the gases of combustion should an¬ alyze it is necessary to know how the fuel analyzes. The table on page 105 is strictly arbitrary because it assumes a fuel and an uptake temperature. It also assumes that it is not safe in practice, and therefore not good practice, to court more than 15 per cent C0 2 on account of the diffi¬ culties with CO. I have seen as high as 18.6 per cent CO- without a trace of CO but that condition was sustained for only a few moments. You will do well to maintain an aver¬ age of 15 per cent without suffering incomplete combustion and I have therefore selected that figure as the top-notch of practical perfection with high-carbon coal. You should be highly pleased with an average of 14 per cent and satisfied with an average of 13. But what about the other fuels? The following table assumes averages of bituminous coal, fuel oil and natural gas. Per cent Per cent Per cent Fuel Theoretical C0 2 . Practical C0 2 . Air Excess. Straight Carbon 20.7 15.0 38 Fuel Oil 15.0 14.0 7 Bituminous Coal 17.9 14.0 28 Natural Gas 11.9 11.0 8 For wood and “bagasse” the figures given for bituminous coal may be taken. It is easier to mix air with gas than it is to mix it with coal unless the coal is crushed to an impalpable powder. A high volatile coal burns more freely than a high Carbon coal. These facts serve to explain the differences in the excess air required. The diagrams, 1 to VII, serve to show the results of the reactions in the boiler furnace when various fuels are burned. It will be observed that as the percentage of Hydrogen in the fuel increases the percentage of C0 2 in the flue gases decreases. The foot notes should make the meaning of the diagrams clear. Combustion analysis may be employed to check up an in¬ ternal combustion engine as well as a boiler furnace. The theoretical percentage of C0 2 resulting from the combustion of high grade gasoline is 14.2 and of kerosene 14.4. In good 168 Hoiv to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. Air Entering the Furnace Diagram I. II 777 m '/yy/ / / / / / 777// if i I IP i 1 i Y/y/l 7/7/ 7/, m f777 ^1 i A / /rog cn C02 In a/r-^ Air entering the furnace contains 20.7 per cent by volume (usually) of Free Oxygen and 79 per cent plus of Nitrogen. Normal air carries about four one hundredths of one per cent C0 2 and minute quantities of the rare gases. Argon, Helium, Krypton, Neon and Xenon. The latter are all classed with Nitrogen in gas analysis. practice it is possible to secure as high as 13.5 per cent COo without CO. To secure a gas sample from an automobile or other in¬ ternal combustion engine the exhaust manifold should b« tapped at a point where a mixture of the exhaust from all Appendix. 169 Gases Leaving the Furnace Diagram II. (Theoretical diagram based upon pure Carbon fuel) Theoretical Percentage of C02, 110.7. When Oxygen combines with Carbon to produce complete com¬ bustion the gas, COo, results—the volume of the gas pro¬ duced exactly equalling the volume of the Oxygen used under like conditions of temperature and pressure. If straight Carbon could be burned under theoretical conditions the gases would carry 20.7 per cent COo as shown by the above diagram. Such a result cannot be attained in actual practice. of the cylinders will be insured. As the loads and speeds vary different mixtures are required. The carburetor should be adjusted for normal conditions of operation and it can be adjusted with the utmost accuracy if the exhaust gases are examined. 170 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. Gases'Leaving the Furnace Diagram III. (The diagram assumes a straight Carbon fuel and illustrates the conditions obtaining in good practice) Percentage of C0 2 in good practice, 15. Compare with Diagrams I and IV. When the fuel is straight Carbon the C0 2 percentage plus the Oxygen percentage plus one-half the CO percentage should equal 20.7. * 5 Diagram Showing the Conditions in Average Practice Diagram IV (High Carbon Coal) Air taken in Average Practise --- Preventable Waste • l7°/o -*“ ** — P50 °/o frees! ---*- Seventeen per cent preventable fuel loss chargeable to excess air. Appendix. 171 Gases Leaving the Furnace :w»Krani V. (Theoretical diagram based upon average high volatile bituminous coal) Shrinkage due to for¬ mation of vuaterfapor from Com¬ bustion of Theoretical Percentage of CO 2 , 17^9 (Sulphur Disregarded). The C0 2 values for low-volatile bituminous coal would be higher. The term “bituminous,” as applied to coal, is a very broad one. Coal low in volatile matter, viz.: low in hydrocarbons, which means low in hydrogen, are termed “semi-anthracite” or “semi-bituminous.” In bituminous coals the Hydrogen con¬ tent will average in the neighborhood of 6 per cent of the total combustible, neglecting the Sulphur, which may run as high as 10 per cent of the commercial coal. In the above table it is assumed that the Hydrogen content is 6 per cent of the Carbon and Hydrogen total. When Hydrogen burns the product is water vapor, “H 2 0.” This condenses in the burette of the gas analyzer and causes the gas sample to contract as shown in the diagram. Some of 172 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. the Oxygen having been used to combust the Hydrogen the theoretical percentage of C0 2 is necessarily lower. The theoretical percentage will be higher or lower in proportion to the Hydrogen content of the coal. Gases Leaving the Furnace Diagram VI. (Theoretical diagram based upon average of California, Penn¬ sylvania and Texas Crude Petroleum) Shrinkage due to formation of Water \apor from Combustion of Hydrogen Theoretical Percentage of C0 2 , 15 (Sulphur Disregarded). Crude petroleums vary in their composition in about the same way as the bituminous coals. The heat values range from 17,000 to 20,000 B. t. u. Sulphurs range from a small fraction of 1 per cent to more than 2.5 per cent. The present practice of “skinning” crude oil for gasoline makes it impossible for anyone to say how the gases of combustion from the deliv¬ ered oil residues will analyze—the greater the percentage of volatile oils removed the higher the percentage of C0 2 from the residues will run. Appendix . 173 Gases Leaving the Furnace Diagram VII (Theoretical diagram based upon averages of Ohio, Pennsyl¬ vania and West Virginia Natural Gas) Theoretical Percentage of CO», 11.9 (Sulphur Disregarded). Natural gas varies even more in composition and heat value than fuel oil. The theoretical values given above, will not, however, be far from the real facts in any natural gas field. Again, let me say that whether you are burning coal, wood, oil, gas or buffalo chips; whether it is a cook stove, a steam boiler furnace or an internal combustion engine— it doesn’t matter. Use the right amount of air for combustion and you will get the highest efficiency. The percentage of 174 Hoiv to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. COo serves as a guide to show the ratio of the air taken for a useful purpose and the air excess that is taken for wasteful results. Learn what percentage of COo there should be in the gases of combustion and make sure that you get it while avoiding CO. This is the beginning and the end of combus¬ tion efficiency. The details to be considered in working out your combustion problems will depend, as I have shown, upon the fuel, the furnace or other contrivance in which the fuel is burned and the circumstances as to load, etc. Coal burns from the bottom up, sawdust burns from the top down. High volatile coals require an over-air supply as well as air under the grate. Gas and oil should be mixed with air as far as possible prior to ignition. As you rise in the scale of fuels from lump anthracite to gas the air excess can be decreased. Owing to the great range and variety in fuels and not know¬ ing what particular fuel you may be using it is hard to be specific. There is no doubt that oil and gas have come to stay as fuels for power purposes. If the present rate of increase is sustained there will be as many internal combustion engines as steam engines in the power plants of the United States in 20 years. We are only commencing to think about Gas Pro¬ ducers. We have the world’s greatest supply of the world’s finest gas producer fuels—lignite coal and peat—and have barely touched them. Germany has shown us that the by¬ products of Gas Producers have enormous value. I have tried to show that every heat conversion is attended by a waste of energy and it follows that the fewer the conver¬ sions the less the energy loss will be. Gas and oil offer a short cut from fuel to power through the internal combus¬ tion engine. We can short-cut with coal through the help of the Gas Producer. The value of the Gas Producer by-products in some German plants exceeds the cost of the fuel. The Gas Producer arrests combustion and converts non¬ combustible COo into combustible CO. Hydrogen and Me¬ thane (CH 4 ), are usually formed by reactive conversions along with the CO. The Producer is being operated most efficiently when there is a minimum of COo and no Oxygen. Excess air weakens the Producer gas by dilution. Oxygen indicates Appendix. 175 excess air. CO 2 in Producer gas indicates still more excess air and also that some of the Carbon which should have been transformed into combustible CO is wasted by conversion to non-combustible COj. The non-combustible Nitrogen carried by the gas will vary with the Oxygen and the CO 2 . Hence it follows that when we know the COj and Oxygen contents of Producer gas we come near knowing the quality of the gas. The man in charge of the Gas Producer can learn to work a Gas Analyzer for Oxygen and CO 2 . Gas samples may be taken at the purge pipe or immediately before the gas is delivered to the engine. The gas should contain not to exceed 5 per cent CO 2 and no more than a trace of Oxygen. Local conditions determine whether it is more economical to burn oil or gas under boilers rather than coal. The heat value of crude petroleum may be anywhere from 17,000 to 22,000 B.t. u. per pound. It is a good coal that will run as high as 14,500 B. t. u. It costs less to handle oil than coal and there are, of course, no clinkers and ashes. Oil has other advantages that recommend it when it can be obtained on anything like equal terms with coal. It can be burned with a higher combustion efficiency be¬ cause, as already pointed out, it can be properly burned with a very small excess of air. Very high boiler capacities can be obtained more easily than with coal. By increasing the feed of oil the furnace temperatures may be raised to any point that the brick work of the furnace will stand. Coal deteriorates in storage and oil does not, but oil greatly in¬ creases fire hazard. Fuel oil has commenced to bid with Eastern power plants as a competitor of coal and when the Mexican situation settles it may prove a formidable rival, especially in the New England field. Many manufacturers could now find it worth while to think about oil but before deciding to burn it they will do well to avail themselves of expert advice. The rule that the furnace should be designed with ref¬ erence to the fuel that is to be burned has double force when we are considering oil and gas. The arrangement must be such that the danger of explosions is minimized and the possi¬ bility of damage due to heat localization is limited. 176 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. The space is lacking in which to discuss the merits of the various types of oil burners on the market. I must content myself with saying that the following conditions are essential to the efficient combustion of oil: 1st. The oil must be thoroughly atomized. 2nd. The atomized oil must be supplied with the re¬ quired quantity of air delivered in such a way that intimate mixture of the two can take place. 3rd. The pressure at which the oil is delivered must be under absolute control. 4th. The furnace must be so designed that the act of combustion may be finished before contact is had with the heating surfaces of the boiler. Assuming that the furnace and combustion chamber are of proper design and that the above conditions have been met it will be easier to attain and maintain a high state of efficiency than with a coal burning furnace. First make the settings absolutely tight and keep them so. Next make sure by means of analyzing the gases of com¬ bustion that the mixture is right. Some judgment may be had of the mixture by the appearance of the flame but it is bad policy to depend upon the eye or the judgment when more dependable means are available. Next make sure what draft should be used and then be sure that you use it. Draft is an extremely vital factor in the combustion of oil—even more vital than in the combus¬ tion of coal. I take the liberty of quoting from a letter relating to the experience of an engineer in a Texas oil burning plant: “It was found that the draft played a very important part in securing economical combustion and that it was necessary to pay very close attention to the state of the dampers. With 'this in view a gage was made for setting the dampers, con¬ sisting of an iron frame in the form of a quadrant having thirty quarter-inch holes drilled in the quarter circle. It was presumed that this would furnish the necessary points for setting the damper. It was found, however, that the arrangement did not provide a sufficiently close adjustment so two additional holes were drilled for each original hole, Appendix. 177 making one hole for each degree in the quarter circle. It was now believed that a damper adjustment could be had that would prove close enough for the purpose, but such was not the case. “On entering the fire room one morning it was discovered that the fireman had removed the quarter-inch pin which secured the strap iron damper control to the quadrant and substituted a ten penny nail. The fireman was asked if he had lost the pin and replied that he could get 6ne-half per cent more CO 2 by using the nail instead of the pin. The quarter-inch pin was then filed eccentrically so that the —Power Plant Engineering:. No matter what fuel you may be using, watch the steam wastes. 178 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. dampers could be adjusted to the fraction of an inch and the dampers in this plant are now being set in that manner. “After several months operation with this damper ar¬ rangement a new boiler was installed and piped so that it could be connected to one of the four CO 2 Recorders. The firemen were instructed to adjust the damper, oil feed, etc., to the best of their ability without the aid of the Recorder. They did so and the Recorder was then cut in. It registered S per Cent COo. The firemen then, with the aid of the Re¬ corder, immediately brought the CO 2 percentage up to 14. This proved that it was impossible for even a skilled and experienced fireman to accurately or even approximately judge the state of combustion without the aid of gas analyzing apparatus.” The following table was prepared by the engineer of the plant referred to and is posted in his boiler room. It shows the firemen in dollars and cents the loss that the company will suffer if they are not attentive to their duties. The figures are based upon a consumption of 275 barrels of oil per day, costing 75 cents per barrel. Fifteen per cent CO 2 was taken as the standard which would be about right for Texas crude oil. cent COo. Per cent Loss. Loss per Mo. Loss per Year 5 30 $1,856.17 $22,274.04 6 23 1,423.07 17,076.84 7 IS 1,113.70 13,364.40 8 14 866.22 10,394.64 9 11 680.60 8,167.20 10 8 494.98 5,939.76 11 6 371.23 4,494.76 12 4 274.49 3,929.88 13 3 185.61 2,237.32 14 1.5 92.81 1,113.72 15 0.0 0.00 0.00 179 Appendix. With them the Seed of Wisdom did I sow, And with my own hand labored it to grow; And this was all the Har¬ vest that I reap’d— “I came like water, and like Wind I go.” Omar Khayyam. 180 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. “MY TALE IS TOLD? $ Appendix. 181 Advertisement Hays School of Combustion (Incorporated) STATE-LAKE BUILDING Chicago, U. S. A. H. C. ACERS, President. L. C. PETTIT, Vice-Pres. and Treasurer. If. R. NEWLEAN, Secretary. We offer a complete course in Fuel and Combustion En¬ gineering, by CORRESPONDENCE. The great need of a comprehensive course, teaching all that is needful of theory while expounding the best practise in the use of fuels, has long been recognized. Early in 1919 we arranged with Mr. Jos. W. Hays to write such a course for us and to act as Educational Director for the School. The course is now ready and we are enrolling hundreds of enthusiastic stu¬ dents. The opportunity that others are grasping is yours, if you want it. At Mr. Hays’ suggestion the following staff of Reviewing and Advisory Editors was selected: MR. DAVID MOFFATT MYERS, New York City. Formerly Advisory Engineer National Fuel Ad¬ ministration. MR. FRED R. LOW, New York City. Editor POWER. PROF. S. W. PARR, Urbana, Illinois. Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois. MR. ARTHUR L. RICE, Chicago. Editor POWER PLANT ENGINEERING. MR. JOSEPH HARRINGTON, Chicago. Formerly Administrative Engineer for Illinois, U. S. Fuel Administration. Every line that Mr. Hays has written for this Course has passed the scrutiny of these five gentlemen, each of whom is of national reputation. The course is, therefore, absolutely au¬ thoritative and embodies the best and most advanced thought of the day in all that relates to Combustion and the use of Fuels. PLEASE NOTE: 1st. The Course is not written for men who wish to be Firemen; it is for those who wish to be something more than Firemen. Firemen are enrolling, many of them, and some of them will be showing other men how to fire before they have completed the Course. 182 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. 2nd. The Course was written for men who cannot avail themselves of the education offered by technical schools; for men who wish to be put in the way of qualifying - themselves for any position or any work involving - an expert and thorough knowledge of Fuels and Combustion. We have been surprised at the large number of graduates of Technical Schools who are enrolling as students in the Hays School of Combustion. They have had more than they need of theory and now wish to learn the application of theory to practise. In HOW TO BUILD UP FURNACE EFFICENCY, which you have just read, you have become acquainted with Mr. Hays in just one of his several moods. He can be as serious as anybody when the occasion requires. In the twelve Instruction Books which he has written for this Course you will find a laugh when the humorous phase of a subject will serve to impress you with the truth he is trying to convey, but the tone of all of the In¬ struction Books is serious and scholarly. If you liked HOW TO BUILD UP FURNACE EFFCIENCY you will be delighted with each of the twelve books of this Course. Following is a very brief outline of the. Course: INSTRUCTION BOOK No. I. Introduction to the Course. Short historical sketch .of boilers and engines. The Steam Plant and the Cost of Power. Some preliminary and practical observations upon Boilers, Fur¬ naces and Draft. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. II Steam Boiler Furnaces and their classification. The Plain Boiler Furnace and its modifications. Tendencies in the develop¬ ment of Furnaces and Boilers. Rules of Practice for the Boiler- Room, etc. In this Instruction Book Mr. Hays makes some very practical suggestions and emphasizes the importance of using “common sense” in the solution of power plant problems. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. III. In this book the author discusses the physical laws govern¬ ing liquids and fluids—especially gases—and follows with a clear explanation of Drafts, both natural and artificial. Such mathematics as it is necessary to introduce are brought within the understanding of everybody who has a knowledge of simple arithmetic. Upon mastering this book the student will be able to solve practically all mathematical problems relating to draft. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. IV. This is, perhaps, the most interesting book of the entire course. The subject is the Geology of Fuels, Coal, Oil and Gas. Mr. Hays leads up to them with several Chapters on General Geology and the student after reading these will really feel that he knows something about the principles of Geology. The subjects of coal mining and the dry and wet preparation of coals are discussed. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. V. Book V will prove almost as interesting as Book IV. In this book the student learns something about Physics and Chemistry and enough of Chemical formulas to serve all pur¬ poses in his study of the Chemistry of Combustion, the analysis of Coal, Oil, Gas, Water, etc. Attention is given to the problems relating to powdered coal, fuel oil and gas burning.. • , Appendix. 183 INSTRUCTION BOOK No. VI. This book deals with the operation of modern Boiler Plants and the student is introduced to the numerous details of modern plant equipment. All of the leading - types of modern boilers and furnaces are shown and the advantages of each are dis¬ cussed. Heating and Ventilation get their due attention and there is a further discussion of Fuel Oil and Gas. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. VII. Smokeless Combustion is considered in this book. Mr. Hays believes that a few changes in furnace design, the use of mechanical stokers, liquid fuels and powdered coal will solve the smoke problem in big cities. The entire subject of smoke prevention is canvassed in a very sensible way, and, in this book as in all of the others, the student will find many things that will be helpful if he is connected with a steam plant. Applied combustion analysis is discussed again. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. VIII. Boiler and Furnace Testing: These subjects are discussed in all of their details and the student, after completing this book, should be able to conduct a standard boiler test with any fuel, coal oil or gas. The standard test codes are given, and the uses of combustion analysis in test work and the working out of heat balances are explained. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. IX. Book IX is devoted chiefly to the special combustion prob¬ lems offered by the locomotive. It is shown in many places in the earlier books that the laws governing combustion are of universal application and reference is made in many places to the locomotive. Book IX also discusses such special problems as relate to metallurgical furnaces, kilns, etc., and in each case the application of gas analysis is discussed. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. X. Industrial Gases and the Gas Producer are covered in Book X, together with the problems especially related to them, and it is shown how Combustion Analysis can be employed here, as elsewhere, with the greatest profit. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. XI. Book XI is devoted to Gas and Oil Engines, special atten¬ tion being given to the engine of the future—the oil burner of the Diesel type. INSTRUCTION BOOK No. XII. Reference to refrigeration problems is made many times in the Course. This Instruction Book covers what remains to be said. APPENDIX. The minimum < f mathematics will be given in the Course proper but it is realized that many students will require help in mathematical work. The student will receive the appendix as soon as his papers show that he needs help. Students who are deficient in mathematical training will find the slide rule of great assistance, especially in the extraction of roots. By the use of logarithms almost anyone can make calculations that would be difficult or impossible by arithmetic. Sufficient Algebra will be given to enable the student to understand algebraic expressions and work simple equations. The entire course is profusely illustrated. Write for handsome free illustrated booklet, entitled “COMBUSTION EFFICIENCY.” Use the blank on next page. 184 How to Build Up Furnace Efficiency. Mr. H. L. Newlean, Sec y HAYS SCHOOL OF COMBUSTION, State-Lake Building, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. Dear Sir:—I would like full particulars relating tc the Course in Fuel and Combustion Engineering, offered by the Hays School of Combustion, also copy of your booKlet, “Combustion Efficiency,' Yours truly, Name. Street Number. City and State. Occupation. Date 19.... * UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 066442788