iSHiNG AND Shooting AliONG THE blJNES NADIAN PACIFIC railway. nces of Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, the Maritime Provinces, the Prairies and Mountains of Western Canada, and in the State of Maine. ISSUED BY THE PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARl CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Montreal, 1896. ^ndtx, FISHING AND SHOOTING a-fishin’ NORTH SHORE OF THE ST. LAWRENCE, AND LAKE ST. JOHN LAKES MEGANTIC AND MOOSEHEAD NEW T. RUNS WICK THE RIDEAU LAKES SHARBOT LAKE RIVER TRENT AND ADJACENT WATERS, PETERBORO LAKES NORTH OF THE TRENT THE COVERS AND WATERS OF WESTERN ONTARIO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND LAKES THE OTTAWA RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES . THE MATTAWA RIVER AND THE UPPER OTTAWA LAKE NIPISSING AND TROUT LAKE STURGEON FALLS TO FORT WILLIAM, INCLUDING NEPIGON, S AND RIVERS OF NORTH SHORE A FISHERMAN IN TOWN . ' . SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN, AND WISCONSIN THE PLEASURES OF ANGLING CANADIAN NORTHWEST, THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, AND BRITIS COLUMBIA CLOSE SEASONS FOR GAME AND FISH, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO “ “ “ “ “ QUEBEC “ “ “ “ “ NOVA SCOT I « “ “ “ “ NEW BRUN WICK CLOSE SEASONS FOR GAME AND FISH, PROVINCE OF MANITOBA “ “ “ “ NORTHWEST TERRITORIES PEE “ PROVINCE O F P. R I COLUMBIA CLOSE SEASONS FOR GAME AND FISH, STATE OF MAINE « « « u u VERMONT a « « a a MICHIGAN « “ “ “ “ WISCONSIN AGENTS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY .... ILICATIONS ... . . . • r I s "gxxncxpitX gUttstvations, PACE 3 4 5 9 13 15 17 19 21 23 26 27 32 36 40 46 47 49 50 65 65 66 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 70 71 72 HAN PACIFIC RAILWAY QUEBEC ADIAN PACIFIC RAH GOOD, BUT BY JOVE - tng’s shooting CIFIC RAILWAY HOTELS rWER KOOTENAY DISTRICT lOCKY MOUNTAIN SHEEP Inside front cover. 5 15 3 ^^ 35 39 47 53 56 58 62 \ FISHING AND SHOOTING. two questions which sportsmen are now asking are, where is sport to be found, and which is the best way of getting there? This little book is intended to assist such enquirers in deciding for themselves. It deals with the twin subjects, — fishing and nJ shooting, — and is intended to indi- Y cate localities generally and their requirements, leaving intending sportsmen to regulate the modus operandi according to their several tastes. Some are not content to rough it,” however richly they may be rewarded. but require all the accessories of civilization that can reasonably be obtained ; others regard the camp, the occasional inconveniences, and the complete change in mode of life, as additional attractions to the search for and securing of their game. No other part of the continent is on a par with Canada in the variety and plenty of sport obtainable at the expense of a little time and pleasant trouble ; and it so happens that the best game districts of the Dominion are either in the immediate vicinity, or at no great distance from, the Canadian Pacific Railway. It passes through the heart of the caribou and deer country of New Brunswick and Eastern Quebec, — country which is not only celebrated for its big game, but which abounds in trout- streams and small lakes inhabited by many varieties of fish ; and for the greater part of the way between St. John, N.B., and Vancouver, on the Pacific Ocean, passes through territory from which, in the season, no sportsman, however untried he may be, should return empty handed. But there is necessarily considerable difference between the resources of one field and another. Not merely is one locality more promising of one kind of game than of another, — one good for caribou, but scant of moose ; one well streaked with trout-streams, but affording less excellent bass fishing ; one unsurpassed for geese and other wild fowl, but not so good as other localities for grouse. But there are some which combine many kinds of game, and will well repay the organization of a camping party, while some other places may be shot over during the day, permitting the sportsman to return to his temporary home at night. The Canadian Pacific Railway traverses country of all kinds, and has opened up to sportsmen vast tracks hitherto almost inaccessible, and, while reaching shooting and fishing grounds hitherto unworked, conveys its passengers (3) 58433 4 INTRODUCTION. to the field of their operation in comfort and luxury. To preserve the game from the destructive pot-hunter, the several provinces of the Dominion have from time to time passed game laws, principally intended to regulate the dates of the open and close seasons and to limit the num- ber of deer that should fall to each gun. These laws, in condensed form, are published in this pamphlet, and should be read by those who are arranging a sporting tour. A-FISHIN’. When them lazy days ’n summer cum A feller gits to wishin’ He cud be a boy ergin ’n Jist go out a-fishin’. Som’thin’ keeps a-coaxin’ him ’N he hears th’ woter swishin’, Th’ same ’s it hez alius bin When he went out a-fishin’. Yu know thet little brook et runs Acrost th’ medder jist like this’n, Laughin’, gurglin’, full er fun. Whenever yu’re a-fishin’? Thet’s th’ place I’d like tu go, ’N just lay round ’n lissen Tu th’ woter singin’ low Like it does when yu’re a-fishin’. When it’s warm ’n cloudy like, ’N robins gits a-whis’lin’, ’N hossflies chaws ’ith all ’er mite, A rain’ll soon bring fishin’. Sumhow fish likes rainy days, Yu see the white sides glissen, ’N they jump out o’ woter quite a ways Fur flies when yu’re a-fishin’. Sum fellers don’t like fly hooks, ’N think it’s a poar worm’s mission Tu be cast wigglin’ in th’ brook Whenever they’re a-fishin’. They haint nothin’ quite so nice Ez tu heer a thin line swishin’ Crost a riffle onct or twict, When yu go out a-fishin’. Taint no use, I reckon, now Fur a feller tu keep wishin’; He’s alius got hiz corn tu plow. When he’d like tu go a-fishin’. W. S. P. THE NORTH SHORE OF THE ST. LAWRENCE EAST OF MONTREAL, INCLUDING LAKE ST. JOHN. A trial of some of the small lakes and streams, so plentifui along the north shore of the St. Lawrence River between Mon- treal and Quebec, should prove a most satisfactory under- taking to any one who is satisfied with killing fish of moderate weight. North of the river, some miles inland, the rugged Laurentian range of mountains runs parallel to the course of the St. Lawrence, and among them rises stream after stream, feeders of the multitude of small lakes and the greater rivers, and in one and all trout are plentiful. In general aspect this region bears some resemblance to the Muskoka Territory ; but it is, if anything, the more picturesque of the two, and is certainly a far superior region for the angler. It is rough and wild to a degree in many places, and to fish it properly not unfrequently means “ roughing / CHATEAU FRONTENAC, DUFFERIN TERRACE, QUEBEC. it” to a certain extent. Anglers from Montreal generally find good sport near St. Jerome, and on the small lakes and their feeders within seven or eight miles of New Glasgow, these points being but a short run from Montreal. Half and three-quarter pound trout are good fish in these waters, and, while much larger ones are but seldom taken, there are plenty of the size mentioned. Ste. Agathe is the name of a station in the same neighborhood, but about sixty miles from Montreal, in the centre of a group of lakes in which there is good fishing, the trout, how- ever, being of moderate size ; and thirty-seven miles further north, at the terminus of the branch railway, is Isabelle, near which excellent sport may be obtained. Among the hills northward of St. Rarthelemi, and distant from tliat station fifteen miles, are waters that will be found well worth a trial ; and ( 5 ) FISHING AND SHOOTING. the headwaters and tributaries of the St. Maurice River, which flows into the St. Lawrence at Three Rivers, are abundantly stocked with fair- sized fish. The celebrated Mastigouche chain of lakes are reached by stage from St. Gabriel, the terminus of the Joliet branch, and distant from Montreal seventy-eight miles. The headquarters for anglers is the Mastigouche House, a well managed stopping-place. The Shawenegan River, reached by stage from Lac a la Tortue (Turtle Lake) or Three Rivers, usually furnishes heavy strings of trout as handsome and gamy as can be taken anywhere, and big ones are fairly plentiful. The Shawenegan House will be found a comfortable, well-managed hotel, where no effort is spared to oblige visitors or insure their finding good sport. The station of Portneuf, thirty miles from the city of Quebec, is a promising objective point. A drive from there about fifteen miles up the river will bring one to excellent fishing in the river above and below the falls. In an afternoon and evening a well-known angler of Montreal killed sixteen dozen trout, and they were a handsome lot of fish. Two pounds and a half were reached by several, and the smallest was over half a pound, the majority ranging between the latter weight and a pound and a quarter. It was in July (the best month on that water), and wherever a little stream poured its icy current into the river the fish were in great numbers, and rose so eagerly that, in his own words, “ the water fairly boiled with trout at every cast.” There are some good points for the angler around about Quebec city, and he will find at the Chateau Frontenac, the palatial fire-proof hotel on i which $ 1 , 000,000 has been expended, delightful headquarters from which to make excursions. The Chateau Frontenac, which ranks amongst the i finest hotels of the continent, is picturesquely located on the celebrated ? Dufferin Terrace, and is the rendezvous of tourists and sportsmen from all parts of the globe. ] Nearly due north, and about too miles distant from the city of Quebec, lies the much-written-of Lake St. John, the “ Pikouagami” (Flat I.ake) of ] the Indians, the headwaters of the wonderful Saguenay River, and the ; home of the ouananiche. By means of the Quebec & Lake St. John { Railway, this lake is now easily reached, the line running to the shore. | Writers differ in describing this lake, some, who possibly have never ' seen it, stating that its surroundings are wild and picturesque in the » fullest sense of the term ; others, and they correctly, speak of the scenery ; as being beautiful at points here and there upon the lake, but improving wonderfully if the tourist explores some of the tributary rivers. It must be remembered that this is no newly discovered spot, as many people imagine. Over 200 years ago it was well known, and at present, instead of the wilderness described by some writers, the visitor will find many well-tilled farms and several small villages upon the south and west shores. Chief of these villages is Roberval, the lake terminus of the railway. Here the Hotel Roberval, a large, well-built house, luxuriously furnished, and having electric light, baths, bowling alley, ball room, and all modern hotel conveniences, offers comfortable accommodation for 300 guests. Montagnais Indians may be secured as guides from their village close by. They are thoroughly posted in regard to the best localities for fishing, and have plenty of canoes. A beautifully equipped and seaworthy steamer plies between Roberval and all interesting points upon the lake, taking anglers and camp outfits to Grande Decharge and other noted fishing ’ resorts. Tents, canoes, camp supplies, etc., can all be hired at the hotel NORTH SHORE OF ST. LAWRENCE AND LAKE ST. JOHN. 7 at moderate rates. At Grande Decharge an auxiliary hotel has been built upon one of the islands in the centre of the fishing grounds, with accommodation for loo persons. Eighteen rivers, large and small, empty into Lake St. John; in one or two of these the ouananiche furnish good sport, and all of them are well stocked with speckled trout. Of these the Peribonca is navigable by steamer for thirty miles from its mouth, the Ticouapee for the same distance, the Mistassini for about twenty miles, and the Ashuapmouchouan (the river where they watch the moose, in Indian parlance) for about fifteen miles. The Ouiatchouan River is perhaps the most attractive, its special feature being Ouiatchouan Falls, a noble cascade falling 280 feet. Another tributary of the lake is the Metabetchouan River, at the mouth of which farmers’ houses offer shelter for sportsmen, who will, however, do best to make their headquarters at the Roberval hotel, whence trips may be conveniently made to all these points. This is the headquarters of the Fish and Game Club of Springfield, Mass., and may be reached by rail from Roberval, or from Chambord Junction, Lake St. John, distant five miles. It would be difficult to imagine a more attractive centre for the canoer and fisherman than this broad lake, with its hundreds of miles of tribu- tary rivers, extending far into a great unknown land, of which present description amounts to little more than mere guesswork. With his skilled Indian guides and light canoe the explorer can follow the streams at will, penetrating to the lonely haunts of big game in regions rarely, if ever, visited by a white man, travelling for day after day upon streams swarming with trout, and finding sport unlimited, and countless charming subjects for brush, pencil, or camera, until the fascinating trip is ended. In Lake St. John and several of the rivers are the wonderful ouananiche. Marvellous tales have been told of them; and, while writers disagree in details, especially as regards their size, all are unanimous in declaring that the ouananiche is one of the gamiest, strongest, and hardest fighting fish that ever tested skill and tackle. You may read surprising stories of their weight; but, if you get fast to one of five pounds or over, you can rest satisfied that you are in luck indeed, and you will speedily find five pounds of ouananiche are amply sufficient to have on your tackle at one time. Their strength and agility are simply astounding ; they dart hither and thither with electric rushes, and leap wildly into the air in a fashion calculated to rattle the coolest hand with a rod, e’en though he be an old salmon fisher ; and when the long, hard fight is done and the victim safely landed, it is a prize of which any one is justified in feeling proud. The outlet of Lake St. John is in the Grande Decharge and Petite Decharge, which finally unite and form the Saguenay River. The swirl- ing current of the Grande Decharge rushes down furiously, bearing great patches of foam, which turn and evolute here and there in unceasing motion. Among these the ouananiche feed, and in a good day you may see an endless succession of broad tails showing and disappearing as the fish rise after their prey. Hook one, and your work is cut out for you. He will in all likelihood give you an exhibition of high and lofty tumbling that you will never forget, and possibly will leap bodily into the canoe or over it (they have done both repeatedly), and tax your utmost skill and patience ere he yields. A salmon cast with Jock Scott, Curtis, or Silver Doctor flies is the most effective as a rule, though at low water smaller flies and finer tackle must be used. Heavier fish may be taken by trolling 8 FISHING AND SHOOTI^^G, on the lake, but a four or five-pounder is stronger than a salmon of much greater weight, and will afford better sport. Perhaps the greatest pleasure connected with a trip to Lake St. John would be, when leaving, to hire canoes and guides and descend the Saguenay to Chicoutimi, which can also be reached by rail, and from thence by steamer back to Quebec. This trip will reveal scenery that is famous in America; and, while it is hard, and the way marked with several wild rapids, they can usually be run safely enough, or portaged. There is no more tempting adventure for the true canoeman than the glorious rush down the rapid stream in a staunch canoe, with experienced men to guide the craft. You don’t take your life in your hands, but simply make a thrilling dash amid snowy foam and scattering spray,— safe enough with skillful hands at the paddles, but not otherwise. Between the city of Quebec and Lake St. John the Quebec & Lake St. John Railway traverses a country of wild beauty, the route leading amid the picturescjue Laurentian Mountains, crossing several streams, and touching upon some fine 'lakes noted for the abundance and large size of the trout found in them. Quite a number of these lakes are controlled by fishing clubs, but the largest, Lac Edouard, has been LEASED BY THE RAILWAY COMPANY, AND IS OPEN TO ALL VISITORS. It contains plenty of big trout, and is among the most beautiful scenery of all the attractive district. Upon the shore of Lac Edouard, and but a few yards from the railway, is a comfortable hotel, the Laurentides House, where fishermen can obtain camp outfits, guides, canoes, skiffs, etc., at reasonable rates. Two small steamers ply upon Lac Edouard, and may be utilized for all sorts of delightful excursions upon the lake, or as means of easily reaching camping-grounds close to the shadowy haunts of trout. A summer vacation can be very pleasantly spent in visiting these waters and killing brilliantly colored trout weighing as high as five pounds. Grouse are also fairly plentiful along the line, and it is also an excellent country for caribou after winter fairly sets in. After spending a few days or weeks at Roberval, the sportsman or tourist should take -the train to Chicoutimi, a distance of sixty-four miles, and return to Quebec by one of the magnificent Saguenay steamers. East of the Saguenay are many excellent salmon fishing streams, notable among which is the Washeeshoo, reached from Quebec fort- nightly by the steamer “ Otter ” and by coasting vessels. In the upper reaches of the river are quantities of fine red trout ; otter are found near the mouth, and there are seal and wild fowl of all kinds on the sea-coast, and caribou, lynx, bear, and smaller game in the woods. LAKE MEGANTIC AND MOOSEHEAD LAKE. A mong all the countless waters and shooting grounds reached by the Canadian Pacific Railway, few can offer more varied attractions to the sportsman than these two famous lakes, and the lesser lakes, streams, and ponds surrounding them, unless, indeed, we seek the north shore of Lake Superior or the Canadian Northwest. Those who have not the time to spare for a journey to Western Canada can find shooting and fishing enough to satisfy them by visiting these grand waters and testing the portions of the Province of Quebec and the State of Maine adjacent to them. The fame of the Rangeley Lakes of Maine is known to every reader of sporting literature, and all that has been written of them will apply equally well to this territory. Nor is it necessary to undertake a long and tiresome journey to reach this attractive region. The Canadian Pacific Railway’s “ Short Line ” from Montreal to the Maritime Provinces renders it easy of access, and the traveller who makes Montreal his initial point for this trip will find solid comfort all the way, and only a short run by rail before the Mecca of his pilgrimage is gained. Both M e g a n t i c and Moosehead can boast of beautiful surroundings in the fullest sense of the are capital points for those ’ - comtemplating a holiday with canoe and camera. There is no fear of the changeful panorama of water and island, mountain and forest, growing monotonous, or of the voyageur finding himself, after a week’s explorations, sighing for fresh fields. The manifold interesting features of these magnificent forest jewels are of the kind that wear well, and a man might cruise about for several months, and then go away with many attractive points yet unvisited. But while the lover of the silent craft and the camera can find abundant opportunities for gratifying his taste, it is to the angler and sportsman that this region specially appeals. This is the chosen “ stamping-ground ” of moose, caribou, and deer, and he must needs be a poor hand at shooting who cannot kill enough big game to satisfy any one worthy of the name of sportsman. But it must not be imagined that the animals mentioned can be slaughtered at will, particularly moose and caribou. A hunter of any experience will know better than this, and the novice will learn that even in this favored locality they do not stand around like cattle in a barnyard to be “ potted ” by any one able to pull a trigger. But even a green hand should be able to readily secure a deer, if aided by an experienced guide ; for the common deer is simply abundant, and residents think no more of the capture of one than a sportsman in one of the over-hunted covers thinks ( 9 ) 10 FISHING AND SHOOTING. of bagging a ruffed grouse. Even the tyro, therefore, can safely depend upon securing a trophy to prove his prowess to his friends at home, and he may also get a shot at a moose or caribou, and perhaps kill either, or both, if his nerve fails not — which it is very apt to do. Speaking of moose and caribou as being plentiful is not to be taken in the same sense as when the term is applied to deer ; but you can go to these grounds satisfied that you have a most promising chance of seeing both ere your holiday is done, with a certainty of getting deer if you can handle a rifle at all, and killing plenty of ruffed grouse, and perhaps having a crack at a black bear by way of variety. The favorite method of hunting at Lake Megantic is “jacking” (or fire-hunting) upon the water-courses and bogs. It is a murderous method, maybe, but at the same time very fascinating, to go noiselessly gliding along in a canoe through the darkness of night, until the jack-light is reflected by the glowing eyeballs of some feeding deer, or moose, or caribou, that has paused in his repast to study the wonderful phenomenon before him. This method is deadly with a vengeance ; and, as frequently from three to five deer will be “ shined ” in a single night, game will almost certainly be secured. Still-hunting can, of course, be followed here, as everywhere else, with good result. There is also capital duck shooting in the fall. Lake Megantic is the largest body of water in the Canadian territory adjacent to Maine, being twelve miles in length by from one to four miles broad. Its shores are rugged and exceedingly picturesque, and deeply indented with inlets and bays, the coast line measuring some forty odd miles. Its principal feeders are the Lower Spider and Arnold Rivers, also the Annance, Victoria, and Sandy Rivers, and numerous lesser streams, and its outlet is the Chaudiere River, which leaves the lake at the bay of the same name, within loo yards or so of the Canadian Pacific Railway station at Megantic, and empties into the St. Lawrence near Quebec. There are several fairly good hotels in the village, and experienced guides can be secured there at moderate charges. The best localities for moose, caribou, and deer are Annance Bog, near the mouth of Annance River, — which flows in at the head of the lake, — and up the stream from its outlet for a couple of miles, the shores and bog being favorite feeding grounds. The Annance is navigable by skiff or canoe as far as mentioned. Other good bogs and points for game will be known to the guides and reached under their directions. Fishing in Megantic is variable, as is always the case on such large waters. On a good day heavy strings will be taken, big lake trout scaling as high as twenty-five pounds being caught on the trolls during June and September. In the bays and inlets speckled trout rise readily to the fly, and every stream emptying into the lake is plentifully stocked with them, the fish running to fair size. On Chaudiere Bay, Moose Bay, the Victoria and Annance Rivers, and all the lesser streams and inlets, the brook- trout fishing is good, and there is no difficulty in taking fine strings of fish. Separated from Lake Megantic by a “ carry ” of a trifle less than three-quarters of a mile is the famous “ Macannamac,” or Spider Lake, ranking next in size to Megantic. This lovely water, lying 3000 -feet above the sea-level and sleeping amid rugged mountains, has been aptly dubbed “ the Geneva of Canada.” Upon its shore is the club-house of the Megantic Fish and Game Club, which corporation controls it and a fine territory with similar facilities for sport to that just described. A short run by rail from Megantic over the Boundary Mountains, LAKE MEGANTIC AND MOOSEHEAD LAKE. ' 11 which divide the Province of Quebec from the State of Maine, enables travellers by the “ Short Line ” to reach one of Maine’s most lovely sec- tions, and also one of the best for sport ; one of the most promising points for ruffed grouse and red deer being Lowelltown station. Shortly after crossing the international boundary the headwaters of the Moose River appear, the line following the stream and its chain of lakes closely until the shore of Moosehead Lake is reached, and finally the Canadian Pacific Railway station and town of Greenville. The headwaters and chain of lakes of the Moose River, in addition to being perfect gems of natural beauty, are first-rate for speckled trout, the fish running to good size, and quite plentiful enough to keep the rod busy. An exploration of this chain of waters would richly repay the labor, and furnish all the essentials for a thoroughly enjoyable outing. Lakes and river, all included, extend for about twenty-five miles before the current reaches Moosehead Lake, the scenery being very pretty, and the greater portion of the water furnishing good fishing. The variety and quantity of game to be found at the several points about these lakes and kindred waters, and others easily reached from Green- ville station, are about the same as at Megantic. A glance at a map will show why this part of Maine is such a noted game and fish country. Lakes and ponds and small streams fairly net the whole region, offering grand facilities for the trout fisher ; and, as they thread the very strongholds of moose, caribou, bear, and deer, the lover of the rifle can readily guess what fine opportunities are offered for the capture of one or all of the animals named. In ad- dition, quite a number of duck and other game can be found, and in such splendid covers as those shaggy woods ruffed grouse of course abound. To give a separate description of the different waters would require a book much larger than this. Their name is legion, and the great majority of them are well stocked with trout, and a few with land-locked salmon. Guides, necessaries for a camping party, and information con- cerning the best points for sport can be obtained at Greenville. Spencer, Indian, Squaw, Wilson, and Roach Ponds, Brassau Lake,' and all the little streams that feed Moosehead, are noted for trout, and the guides can pilot you to many others. Those preferring to make their headquarters at Greenville will find good accommodations in the large hotel upon the shore ; plenty of boats, and ample means of enjoyment ; and there are many steamers on the lake to take the visitor where he wills. Moosehead Lake is forty miles long by from two to fifteen wide, with many islands, large and small ; and its shores, for wild beauty, compare well with its Canadian or American sisters. The surround- ing hills are lofty and covered with dense forests ; and here and there a towering mountain rears high above the tangle of rolling woods, forming pictures of which the eye never wearies. Grandest of all is Mount Kineo, at the base of which is the Kineo House, a commodious summer hotel with 250 rooms, and conducted in first-class style. Its appearance reminds one of the popular resorts of the sea-coast, and it is the rendezvous for a small army of tourists during the season. Close beside it is a handsome club-house, owned by American gentlemen who come each season for the fishing. A large general store is close at hand, where camp supplies, etc., may be purchased, and there are plenty of competent guides and good canoes and skiffs available. The above 12 FISHING AND SHOOTING. brief mention does not include one-third of the trout waters to which the guides will show the way. A particularly inviting trip by canoe can be made by leaving Moosehead Lake by the “ north carry,” portaging over to the West Branch of the Penobscot River, and thence down stream, with good fishing, varied scenery (including the celebrated Mount Katahdin, a mass of granite a mile high), and a dash of adventure to lend an additional charm to the cruise. The East Branch of the Penob- scot, the Allagash, St. John, and Aroostook are also reached by following the West Branch to Lake Chesumcook and thence north. Particulars of these routes may be obtained from the guides, or by consulting Steele’s “ Paddle and Portage ” and “ Canoe and Camera,” which contain maps of the region and clever descriptions of trips by that accomplished canoist, and “Hubbard’s Guide to Moosehead Lake and Northern Maine,” which covers the entire “pond region.” The outlet of Moose- head Lake is distant from Greenville about twelve miles, and is the beginning of the Kennebec River. There is a comfortable hotel there, at Moosehead Station, and the fishing, close at hand, is equal to many of the more remote localities. By going down stream in canoes, Indian Pond and other crack trout pools are reached, and close to the river there will be found plenty of game. From this brief description it may be learned that the Megantic and Moosehead regions are fit for the careful attention of veterans of rod and gun ; and a trial of them will speedily convince any one that the above statement falls short of the reality instead of over-drawing the picture. Following the Canadian Pacific Railway’s “ Short Line ” beyond Greenville, the route traverses for some considerable distance a similar country to that which has already been referred to; through favorite haunts of forest game, and passing many lakes, and crossing streams that are full of gamy trout. Lake Onaway, or “ Ship Pond,” as it is also called, and Schoodic Lake are among these, and two more beautiful waters cannot be wished by those preferring to camp beyond the bustle of the busy haunts of men. By this line, which shortens the journey from Montreal to the Maritime Provinces by nearly 300 miles, several of the world-famous salmon rivers of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are easily reached, and the advantages it offers will be appreciated by all sportsmen. NEW BRUNSWICK. N early every sporting writer of any prominence has had more or less to say of sport with rifle, gun, or rod, or holidays with canoe and canvas, upon one or other of the many beautiful lakes and streams of this favored province. The bare mention of New Brunswick at once calls up visions of “ calling ” or “ creeping ” moose ; of adven- tures with black bear ; of salmon pools and struggles with hard-fighting fish; of trout and heavy creels; of grouse and water fowl, — in fine, of sport not to be excelled in any of the other provinces of the country. New Brunswick is by no means a travel-worn country, nor are the sporting possibilities being exhausted. Great tracts of it are rough lands heavily forested and accessible with any degree of comfort only by water, and luckily these water-routes are well stocked with fish. Of course the salmon rivers of any note are principally in private hands, but the num- ber of lakes and trout streams where the wealthy salmon-fisher has no control are also quite numerous enough and good enough for all humbler visitors. Moose, caribou, deer, bear, and several varieties of fur-bearing animals, with grouse, water-fowl, etc., are comprised in the game list, and some of the best localities for them are traversed by what was formerly called the New Brunswick Railway, but which is now embodied in the Canadian Pacific system. This line, or system of lines, affords direct access from McAdam Junction, at the international boundary, to St. Stephen, St. Andrews, St. John, Fredericton, Havelock, Aroostook, Edmundston, and New Brunswick points between these centres, and also to Presque Isle and Houlton ip Maine. Between the extreme northern inland point, Edmundston, and St. John City on the Bay of Fundy, lies a broad expanse of varied country netted with waters and well forested, and offering many inducements to shooting, fishing, or camping parties. Owing to the ease with which a number of attractive lakes and streams may be reached, this territory especially appeals to those who begin a sporting trip from points in New England, but it is also well worth the attention of others, though living at greater distances. One of the most beautiful resorts of the coast is St. Andrews, situated on Passamaquoddy Bay, which, in addition to being a charming and healthful spot where one can spend a pleasant holiday, offers excellent fishing in both salt and fresh water. Plenty of fishing craft are available in the harbor, and visitors may have a deal of fun hauling out the hard- pulling denizens of Passamaquoddy Bay, or in deep-sea fishing outside in Fundy or the Atlantic. For work with the rod or trolls a number of lakes and streams, well stocked with land-locked salmon, togue, and trout, are within easy reach. Among these are the Chamcook Lakes (three in number), Limeburner, Bartlett’s, Stein’s, Snow-shoe, Welsh, Cram, Turner’s, McCullough’s, and Creasy Lakes, and the Digdequash River, and several others of minor importance. Indian guides and canoes may be hired at the Indian village near the park at St. Andrews. Between McAdam Junction and St. John are several good waters, among the best being Harvey Lake, half a mile from Harvey Station ; South Oromocto, Long and Victoria Lakes, reached from Gaspereaux (13) 14 FISHING AND SHOOTING. Station, and the waters close to Welsford Station. St. John is also on the route to the Miraniichi, Nepisiquit, Metapedise, and Restigouche Rivers. In the immediate vicinity of Canterbury good fishing and shoot- ing can be had, the best water being Skiff Lake, a few miles west. Woodstock, on the St. John River, is a convenient point for canoeing. The southwest branch of the Miramichi is a capital water, and to reach it the angler should go to the town of Kent, and thence by team to the Forks, where guides with boats or canoes are available. A river, now pretty well known, but none the worse on that account, is the Tobique, reached by railway, and which enters the St. John close to Andover. At the confluence of the rivers is situated a village of Abenaquis Indians, who make reliable guides, and will show the way to camp sites, salmon pools, and the haunts of trout. The scenery of the Tobique is very fine, and every day of a week’s or month’s holiday spent upon it should prove most enjoyable. The river is a noted spawning place for salmon, and in certain reaches of it great strings of trout can be killed. About forty miles from its mouth is the Nictau, or Forks, where three rivers meet and form an ideal “ pool,” and one of the surest points for salmon. Above this pool the Campbell River, the right-hand branch, offers the best salmon fishing, while the Nictau, or left-hand branch contains plenty of trout. A short distance north of Andover is Aroostook Junction, from which a branch line extends to Northern Aroostook, Me., via Fort Fairfield, Caribou, and Presque Isle. A number of very good waters intersect the country contiguous to these places, and each of the towns named has plenty of hotel accommodation. From Caribou the Eagle or Fish River Lakes may be conveniently reached. The northern terminus of the railway is Edmundston, situated about the centre of a choice fishing district. Among the best waters are the Upper St. John, the Green and Madawaska Rivers, and the Temis- couta and Squatook Lakes. The Eagle pr Fish River Lakes, named as being accessible from Caribou, Me., may also be reached from Edmunds- ton. A trip that has been praised very highly by men competent to judge is as follows : first, up the Madawaska for fifteen miles to Griffins ; then “carry” to Mud Lake, thence via Beardsley Brook to the Squatook Lakes and River, and from there by way of the Toledi, Temiscouta, and Madawaska back to Edmundston. Gun, rod, and camera may all be used to advantage along this route, for the sport to be obtained is good in the genuine meaning of that term, and the scenery very picturesque. { I THE RIDEAU LAKES A FEW miles north of the River St. Lawrence, in Ontario, and easily reached from Kingston, Brockville, and Smith’s Falls, are a couple of large, island-dotted lakes with waters of crystal, which are an unsurpassed resort for the ardent sportsman. These are the win- some Rideau Lakes. By the construction of the Rideau Canal, a watery highway connecting the capital city of Ottawa and the historic city of Kingston was opened — a distance of 125 miles. When the canal was constructed the course of the Rideau River was naturally followed, and the stream utilized as far as possible; and when the several locks were completed, and the waters restrained from flowing through their RUFFED GROUSE. natural outlet, great tracts of low-lying woodland and marshy spots were deeply flooded, forming what are now known as the “ Drowned Lands.” The Rideau was always a fine bass water, and under the altered conditions it not only held its own, but so rapidly improved that it is now the best black-bass fishing in America. As the years passed and the flooded country ran wild, the entire aspect changed : broad marshes were formed, overgrown with wild rice and rushes, attracting thousands of duck and other water fowl. There is nothing, except an occasional lock, to suggest to the voyager that he is upon anything but a great natural water highway, a broad stream widen- ing every now and again into lakes of greater or less extent, with long stretches of rushes and beds of rice, weeds, and lily-pads, such as are loved by duck and fish. Besides myriads of bass, there are land-locked (15) 16 FISHING AND SHOOTING. .salmon, one individual catch recently averaging twenty per day for six days, and on one day the catch being thirty, averaging seven pounds- Trout and pickerel are also plentiful, and in the fall there is capital duck shooting. There are, besides, acres and acres of ground that, unless their appearance is very deceptive, should be good spots for woodcock; and a spaniel might prove a most useful companion in working up cock and grouse, the latter being fairly plentiful at many points, which the practised hand will no doubt locate by the appearance of the cover. A canoe cruise of the lakes, which are singularly free from black flies, will be found thoroughly enjoyable. While making this trip by canoe you will pass many camps upon the shores, and meet many holiday- makers who are, like yourself, finding healthy recreation in tracing out this pleasant route. By far the greater portion of the way is exceedingly pretty. A camp can be pitched almost anywhere ; should you desire to stretch your legs a bit, you can land where you will. All that was needed to make this angler’s paradise attractive to families — as w'ell as to sportsmen — was the furnishing of adequate accommodations and con- veniences. This has now been done by a club of gentlemen who have purchased Long Island, on which has been erected the Anglers’ Club House, a good hotel containing about forty rooms, which is open to members. The island, on which are two miniature lakes, is a charming retreat. For those who prefer to spend their holiday among pretty surroundings, and at the same time remain within reach of civiliza- tion, the Rideau offers many inducements. The route is easily reached and easily traversed, and there is no hardship connected with it. The entire trip is inexpensive, and has been made in a week, but that of course necessitated hard work at the paddles. A couple of weeks — or a month or longer — could be plea’santly and profitably spent here. Should Kingston be selected as the starting point, tourists from east or west are best conveyed thither by the fine steamers that ply up and down upon the St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario ; for that trip by water is rightfully con- sidered one of the most attractive available. If Ottawa or Smith’s Falls be chosen, either is reached from east or west direct by the Canadian Pacific Railway ; and no matter whether you go by steamer or rail, your canoe, etc., will be carried with you and carefully looked after. The steamer “James Swift ’’runs regularly between Ottawa and Kingston, leaving the latter place every Monday and Thursday at 6 a.m., and the former place every Tuesday and Friday at 3 p.m., calling at Long Island whenever there are passengers. SHARBOT LAKE T his famous lake is situated directly on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, being about i66 miles distant from Montreal, easily reached from Ottawa, and 169 miles from Toronto. It would be a difficult matter to find a more suitable or beautiful spot for camping, or a resort with such natural advantages where better sport with rod and gun can be enjoyed. For picturesque scenery and fine water Sharbot Lake will stand comparison with any in Ontario ; and either upon the shores or the many pretty islands that dot its surface are beautiful camp sites for all comers. Some of the islands are already in private hands, and are visited each summer by their owners, who bring their families for change and amusement during the heated term. The total number who visit this spot each season is not so very great, but admirers of Sharbot are increasing year after year, as its advantages are becoming better known ; and there is no reason why it should not steadily progress in popularity for many years to come. The attractions are the same as usually characterize Canadian lakes — forested shores; beautiful rocky islands, large and small, and clear cold water well stocked with good fish. Those who wet a line in Sharbot invariably depart content, for heavy strings are to be relied on. The list of fishes that may be taken there are black and rock bass, salmon trout, pike, and a few lunge, though the latter are seldom killed. The black bass, as might be expected, afford the finest sport; and, to show that they attain a great size, it maybe mentioned that one of the heaviest small-mouthed black bass on record was taken there. Trolling is a standard method, but a good hand with a rod can have the pleasure of killing fine fish with the fly, with worms or minnow bait, the latter being somewhat difficult to procure, but very deadly if available. Those who understand the ways of crayfish can find the sharp-nipping, “ retrograde ” fellows under stones and other shelter ; and it is seldom that a black or rock bass is able to resist one of thes-e tempt- ing morsels, if properly placed on the hook. A very efficient method is to use a good-sized hook, and, having secured the crayfish, insert the barb into the mouth and push the hook along until the point is well clear of the tail of the bait. The crayfish is of course killed as dead as ditch- water, but that matters not at all. The curve of the hook rounds him to a natural shape, and if you send him down rapidly, he will represent exactly the backward rush of the live “nipper” going to the rocks for shelter; and, if there are bass about, he will be promptly seized, even when live minnows and artificial baits prove useless. “ It’s a mighty captivatin’ dainty,” as a friend once roared out on his first trial of one rigged for him, after he had changed from minnow to worm, and spoon, and artificial lures all in vain ; for the crayfish had hardly sunk five feet in the clear water ere a huge bass darted from among the rocks and gathered it in, and gave him a set-to that he never forgot. When fishing with cray- fish, care should be taken never to jerk them upward unless actually striking a fish, for they are easily broken. By tender handling two fish may be taken with the same bait, and sometimes three or even four — a matter well worth attention with such difficult lures to secure. Trolling 18 FISHING ATTD SHOOTING with bass spoons should always insure a fine string at Sharbot, and artifi- cial baits might be tried with advantage. A fair catch would run from a dozen good fish up to three times that number for a morning’s work — - quite enough to repay one’s exertions ; and the chance of landing an extra big one always maintains the interest. The lake was well stocked with salmon spawn some years ago, and a considerable number of these are now caught. Being a cold water fish they remain in deep water until the water in shallow places becomes cold. From the early part of October to the middle of November the catch is good. There is hotel accommodation for a limited number, and a few boats, right on the spot. Board will cost about $i per day, and $2.50 a day will secure a good man and his boat, and for fifty cents extra live minnows will be furnished. Flies are not so bad at Sharbot as upon many other good waters, and trouble the angler but little after June 15, and disappear altogether about two weeks later. This lake is a noted resort for duck in the fall, being one of the best in that part of the country. Many handsome bags have been made there, running as high as fifty birds in a day to one gun. The great majority of these duck are what are styled “fall duck,” that breed farther north, and merely rest a week or so at the lake while upon their southerly mi- gration. It is therefore impossible to set an exact time for a visit, as much depends upon the weather ; but the month of October should be about right. Earlier in the season a number are sometimes killed, but it is generally uncertain work. THE RIVER TRENT AND ADJACENT WATERS, AND PETERBORO. T HIS is a region as yet comparatively little known to the majority of tourist-sportsmen and anglers ; yet it is one of the best available, especially for those whe make Toronto their starting point. Leav- ing Toronto by the Canadian Pacific Railway, Havelock Station is reached within four hours, and the cost of a return ticket is only a trifle over $5, or in other words, you can leave Toronto in the morning and be busy with the black bass and lunge early in the afternoon, a feature that should bear due weight with those who have only a few days at their disposal. Flavelock, distant 100 miles from Toronto, is the best point to select as headquarters, if a trial of the Trent is decided upon ; and the angler or sportsman can take the trip, satisfied that, unless he is one of those unfortunate beings who seem specially selected as the victim of hard luck, he will be richly rewarded for his trouble. Close to Havelock Station there is a comfortable hotel where visitors can make themselves perfectly at home, and also pick up valuable pointers as to the best methods for circumventing the big lunge and bass that claim the Trent as their home. Trent Bridge is only three miles distant from the hotel, and you can secure conveyances at the latter place and be driven over, and are then right on the spot. Boats and guides can be secured at the bridge at very cheap rates, and to many the most enjoyable method is to go into camp at one or other of the desirable sites along the stream. Those who do not fancy spending a holiday under canvas can find excellent accommodation close at hand. From almost the commence- ment until the end of the open season the lunge and black bass fishing is Ai, except on an odd day now and again, such as will be experienced upon any water, and ducks are very plentiful in season. Above the bridge, towards the town of Hastings, trolling for lunge will give satisfactory results, for the ‘Hresh water sharks” are very numerous, and bite freely at either spoon or live minnow or chub, and the catch will be varied with heavy black bass. The right-hand channel at the island, going down stream, and below the island for some two miles to the government boom, are famous reaches for bass and lunge. Forty bass, running from a pound to five times that weight, have been killed by a single rod in an afternoon with minnow bait ; and lunge, scaling all the way from five to twenty or thirty pounds, have been taken, the smaller fish being plentiful. If you want to have genuine fun with a big fellow, just troll for lunge at this point, using a stout rod and suitable tackle, and for a surety you will have a tussle now and then that will quicken your circulation vastly, or jyou are no true lover of the gentle pastime. Fine strings of bass can jalso be taken by still-fishing all along the river, between Trent Bridge and Healy Falls and Rapids, a distance of about five miles. The stream varies in width from 100 yards to a quarter of a mile, and here and there expands into broad bays; and at many points there are rocky shoals and gravel beds, where, as the bass fisher will guess, many fine fish are sure to be. But the spot of spots for small-mouthed black bass is below the falls. The stream plunges down fully forty feet over a rocky ledge some 100 /^ards wide, and among the deep pools below is where the bass are found n all their glory. No chicken-hearted, soft fish these, but stout voracious fellows, bred n the cold, fast water, and game to fight for liberty to the last kick. On )roper tackle a twcf-pounder, helped by the strong current, will afford as (19) 20 FISHING AND SHOOTING. much sport as a fish of twice the weight in a lake or sluggish stream, and when a real heavy one takes hold (and you will hook them up to and over four pounds), look out for squalls. He will tax your nerve and skill to the utmost, for it is no tyro at the art that can play one of these dusky acrobats to his death under such conditions. The writer well remembers one glorious day, when thirty-eight grand fish were killed on the pools below the falls and farther down stream during an afternoon. The bait was live minnow on that occasion, and there is no reason for doubting that more could have been taken, for only a moderate amount of work was done. Crayfish, worms, and any of the good artificial baits should prove deadly, especially the “ phantom,” in such rapid water, and a short distance down stream fine records have been made with the fly. About a mile and a half below Healy Falls the Trent runs into Crow Bay, a noted spot for both lunge and bass, and one that is almost certain to well reward a trial. , ,,, , , -i Another excellent point on the Trent is Campbellford, twelve miles from Havelock Station. Up and down stream from Campbellford a rod can be kept busy all day long, and the fly fishing is particularly good. If a letter is sent notifying the proprietor of Blute’s Hotel, Campbellford, a conveyance will be sent to meet you at Havelock, and no further trouble need be taken, ior all information as to fishing localities will be afforded. Any one going to Havelock might as well write in advance to insure boats and conveyance, in order that no time may be lost in getting to work. By following tfiis course a goodly string should be taken ere night falls on the first day’s outing. ^ ^ . u- At times ducks are fairly numerous along the river ; and if the fishing trip is planned during the open season for water fowl, the breechloader should be taken along, as, even if the ducks fail, there are plenty of grouse close at hand in the woods. One of the brightest towns of the more important centres of Canada is Peterboro, which may be considered the birth-place of the modern canoe It is a convenient point from which to reach some fine lakes where good bass and lunge fishing can be had during June, July, Augusti and September. Rice Lake, distant twelve miles, is reached by steameij daily, and is an admirable point for camping. There is good hotel accom- modation at Jubilee Point and Idlewild. Chemong Lake is seven mi et distant by rail, and Katachawanuck, nine miles. Live minnow bait wi^ prove deadly with lunge and bass ; the fishing is generally excellent and 1 couple of weeks may be pleasantly spent with rod ^anoe at t ifling expense. Fairly good duck and grouse shooting can be had, but deei must be sought at distant points. North of Havelock is a fine sporting country, both for trout, deer anc grouse. It has been very little worked. A sportsman can go to Ra h Ln. or Bancroft by rail, at both of which places there are good countrj hotels, and thence drive out into the country he intends to work. The Credit Forks Trout Preserve, situate about forty-five miles nort west of Toronto, is reached by the Canadian Pacific Railway, by^takinj train to Forks of Credit station and then driving about two miles. The hs which abound in these waters are of three varieties, viz. : - the ordmar: native speckled trout, the California rainbow or mountain trout, and th German brown or Van Buren trout. Ample accommodation for sport, men may be had on reasonable terms during the open season. Fishnh is let out by paying so much per pound for what is caught. Forthe m formation may be had by writing to Mr. Chas. Wilmot, proprietor abov preserves. Credit Forks, Out- THE CHAIN OF LAKES NORTH OF THE TRENT. R anging northward of Havelock is a region of forest, lake, and stream, which combines picturesque scenery with good territory for fish and game. A far-reaching chain of beautiful lakes extends through the wild country, all linked together by small streams navigable by canoes, excepting in a few cases, where portages have to be made. This chain of lakes offers great inducements to canoeing and camping parties, and one can go with canoe and camera and find countless com- binations of scenery too numerous for even bare mention; or if rod and gun are also taken, plenty of occupation will be found for all. In olden days this silver pathway of waters was a favorite canoe route for Indian hunters and trappers; for game, great and small, was plentiful, and many a noble buck, huge bear, and cunning beaver has I fallen a victim to the arts of man on these woodland waters. Nor has : the blood of beasts alone dyed the leaves and mosses under foot. The J now silent woods have reechoed with the war-whoops of fighting savages, j and where now one hears but the whir of the rising grouse, or the rustle " of the deer in the thicket, the flint-headed arrow has sung upon its ; murderous errand, and the tomahawk and knife settled deadly disputes, k Long ago, by this very water route, stealing noiselessly from lake to 1 lake and onward down the Trent, came the dusky braves of Champlain, i| the fierce Huron warriors, upon their deadly raid into the stronghold of I the rival Iroquois. Hair was raised in those “good old times,” and war j dances perhaps took place upon the very site of your camp, but only ■ romantic memories of them are left for you. Famous this region was for game and fish in the past; and though, of course, it is not now ’ what it was, still there is quite enough for any ordinary purpose. The f principal waters of the chain are Round Lake, Belmont, Deer, Oakley, 22 FISHING AND SHOOTING. Twin, Sandy, Jack, Cushamogabog, Tongonong, White, Gull, and Eagle Lake. Lunge and black bass fishing in Round Lake is good, worm and minnow bait giving satisfactory results, the sport being best after the ist of July. There are several settlers’ houses on the south shore, where lodging can be secured and a few boats are available. Ducks are plentiful, especially wood-duck, early in the season ; deer are fairly numerous and grouse abundant in the woods, and in many of the swales quite a number of woodcock can be found. Belmont Lake, a few miles east of Round Lake, is best reached from Havelock station, a three and a half mile drive, and rigs can be got at Havelock to take sportsmen to this place. There are a few boats avail- able at Blairton, and guides can also be secured there at small expense. The fishing is about the same as already described, and, in fact, the general characteristics of all these waters are so similar as to render separate description useless. The more northern lakes can be reached by driving over the usual style of lumber road, and, though there are no regular hotels, sportsmen can put up at the log-houses where the teamsters haul- ing supplies to the lumber camps find accommodation, and be fully as comfortable as at the average country hotel. Ruffed grouse, wood-duck, and hare are to be found almost anywhere, and there are plenty of deer and not a few bear, while the fishing is something to be long remembered. A few judicious inquiries at either Havelock or Blairton stations will elicit all required information. THE COVERS AND WATERS OF WESTERN ONTARIO. W estward from London, Out., the extension of the^Canadian Pacific Railway connects that city with the Detroit River, and traverses well-known shooting grounds. Years ago it was a famous country for deer, bear, wild turkey, grouse, quail, etc.; but the larger game has been completely killed off at almost every point. Here and there, in the sixty or more miles of country between the cities of London and Chatham, wild turkey are yet to be found, but they are protected by law until 15th October, 1897. Rut the game to be depended upon comprises quail, grouse, wood- cock, rabbits, and a great variety of waterfowl, abounding in the western marshes. The clearing of farms and cultivation of vast tracts of country, while it sounded the death-knell of all the larger game, in nowise affected the quail and rabbits, and the grouse but little. Indeed, if it had not been that increased population meant a corresponding increase in the number of guns, there would be more birds than ever in the covers, as the ad- ditional acreage under crops only means an increase of their food supply. Quail abound in all the western coun- ties, and only in the western portion of Ontario are these gamiest of all game birds found in Cana- dian territory in sufficient num- bers to afford sport. They are wonderfully prolific, and, though they are subjected to far too much shooting, fine sport can be had with them over good dogs, and excellent bags made, providing one can hold straight. Lrom ten to as high as thirty or more birds can be killed in a day’s work in the covers of Kent and Essex Counties. Very fair sport can be had at almost any point more than thirty miles west of London, the sportsman also finding a few ruffed ■ grouse, woodcock, and a number of rabbits while penetrating the covers in pursuit of a bevy of quail he has flushed. Plenty of birds can be found within comfortable driving distance of Chatham, say eight or ten I miles; and one can either put up at a country hotel along the main ! roads, or find quarters at one or other of the farmhouses scattered all ‘ over the land. During the past three seasons important “ Pfield Trials ” ' (23) 24 FISHING AND SHOOTING. have been held near Chatham, and birds were so plentiful that the trials were decided without much trouble, and there is every likelihood of the same grounds being used for years to come. At present the law forbids the sale of quail killed in Ontario, and this measure will insure a rapid increase in their numbers. The game laws are being now rigidly enforced by the chief game warden and his assistants, so that an increase in all species of game birds may be certainly looked for, and this western section of the province become more attractive for sportsmen in the future. From Chatham the Erie & Huron Railway offers facilities for reaching the town of Blenheim, close to Rondeau Harbor and Lake Erie, or, in the other direction, the towns of Dresden and Wallaceburg, on the line, and both well known resorts for sportsmen. Rondeau Har- bor was formerly one of the best points for duck in the country, but too much shooting has well-nigh ruined it; and, though on a good day heavy bags can yet be made, the fowl are wild, and though thousands may be seen, but few are killed. There are, however, plenty of quail in the neighborhood; here and there ruffed grouse, and in the wet woodlands of the north shore quite a few woodcock early in the season. Dresden or Wallace- burg are better points for all- round shooting. The fishing in the Eau, from its size, is varia- ble; but the writer has taken forty odd black bass and pick- erel, pike, etc., in a day, and one r always stands a chance of hook- ing a big lunge. There is excellent plover and curlew shooting on the bars and beaches of the Lake Erie side, and, taken altogether, the Eau is a fairly good point for a holiday with rod and gun. Below Chatham are the Lake St. Clair marshes, so frequently re- ferred to by “ Frank Forrester ” in his works on shooting. In the spring wild geese flock to them as of yore ; and those who like to air the breechloader at this season can have very good sport with the shy “ honkers.” The geese make their headquarters for a time in the bays and ponds adjacent to Lake St. Clair. These marshes and muddy plains are famous snipe grounds, and, while the shooting is not now so wonderful as “Frank Forrester ” enjoyed in the olden days, it is still good enough to be well worth a trial ; from fifteen to forty birds per day being considered fair bags, though these numbers are often doubled by crack snipe-shots. W oodcock are also frequently found in the wet corn-fields early in the fall, and later in the dry thickets of the uplands, where the quail haunt, and rabbits are plentiful everywhere. Ruffed grouse may be found in the heavy woods bordering the plains at several points, and not unfrequently a fine mixed bag of grouse, cock, snipe, quail, rabbit, and duck is made by one gun in a couple of days. Plover are numerous in the autumn. About the mouth of the Thames and adjacent creeks and marshes, and upon Lake St. Clair, are any number of duck, though the good points for shooting them are comparatively few. It must not be forgotten that the finest portions of these western marshes, where men kill one hundred and odd COVERS AND WATERS OF WESTERN ONTARIO. 25 big cluck in a day, are strictly preserved. Several very fine club houses have been erected on the preserves, and those who desire can very often buy shares and thus get grand shooting and every comfort therein. Still, an outsider can generally find a bit of sport worth going after at the points named ; and, if he has good dogs and varies the programme by attending to the duck at early morning, and the cjuail later in the day, he should have a right good time, and bag his share of what is going. Fishing, both trolling and whipping with minnow^ or artificial bait, in and about Baptiste and Jeanette’s Creeks (both near the mouth of the Thames) and in and about the mouth of that stream, is generally very good, the catch including black, rock and speckled bass, pike, pickerel and perch. The mouth of the Thames is reached from Chatham by steamer plying to Detroit, for a mere trifle for transportation, and you can camp upon the beach where the Thames joins Lake St. Clair, or find accommodation for a small party at the lighthouse. At Mitchell’s Bay, on Lake St. Clair, reached either from Wallace- burg or by driving from Chatham, are hotels, and, as a general thing, good duck shooting and black bass fishing. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND LAKES. T he station for these waters is Carleton Junction, on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, 146 miles from Montreal, 26 miles from Ottawa, and 225 miles from Toronto. At the junction are a couple of good hotels, and a five minutes’ walk will take you to the town of Carleton Place. Board at either point will cost about $i per day, and men and boats can be secured at the usual rates on the spot. The Mississippi River runs through the town, and it is a rapid stream, foam- ing and boiling over rocky ledges and big boulders, with many deep, quiet pools and eddies, in the shadows of which lurk plenty of black and rock bass. The river is easily fished and heavy black fellows can be taken from it, and rock bass unlimited ; but a better point is the first enlargement of the winding river, known as Mississippi Lake. This lake is three miles from Carleton Place, and affords excellent sport, large black bass being readily hooked. Fair-sized pike are plentiful, lunge are scarce, but rock bass may be taken by the dozen almost anywhere. In the fast current of the river, spoons, artificial minnows, etc., are good, but the most deadly bait is either minnow or crayfish, and flies might prove useful. A couple of miles above Mississippi Lake is another and smaller lake, which is, perhaps, the best of the waters. On either of them troll- ing with an ordinary spoon, or still-fishing with worms, will answer admirably. Particulars about the most promising reaches can be obtained at Carleton Place; and there is also a tackle shop, where a useful stock af lines, trolls, etc., is kept. Some exceedingly good catches are on record for these waters, and in the fall there is now and again some fairly good shooting, but hardly sufficient to merit special attention, though as a fishing resort it is well worth a visit. (26) THE OTTAWA RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES T he transcontinental line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, in its course from Carleton Junction to Winnipeg, traverses for the greater *part of the way a region of country that for sporting pur- poses can hardly be excelled by anything outside of the magnificent game resorts and trout waters of the Rocky Mountains and the wonderful prairies of the Canadian Northwest. Those, of course, are not approached by any territory on the American continent ; but the sportsman who has not time to devote to the transcontinental tour can find all the amuse- ment he wants, and wildly beautiful scenery second only to the mountains, and never journey a yard beyond Nepigon River. And if that wonderful stream is too far away for the time at command, one need not go beyond the Ottawa River and its tributaries to give rod and rifle full play. Sport such as no man should complain of can be enjoyed at will; trout of good size can be taken in numbers ; and in these lonely forests are moose, caribou, deer, bear, grouse, and other game, at many points as plentiful as they were when only the hardy voyageurs and the pioneers of olden days invaded their sanctuaries. Upon the main, or “ Transcontinental,” line the first promising stopping-place is the town of Arnprior, situated upon an expansion of the Ottawa known as Lac des Chats, and distant from Carleton Junction about twenty-six miles. The bass fishing in Lac des Chats is fully equal to the average waters in Ontario, which is saying not a little, and the beauty of its scenery has made its name famous. Upon the shores are many attractive spots for a camp ; but the best of all, and the one most frequented by camping and picnic parties, is at the beautiful Chats Rapids, where fine sport can be had with the bass, and a week or so be pleasantly spent under canvas. No camper ever yet returned from this point dissatisfied with either the fishing or the scenery, and it would be an extremely difiicult matter to discover a better location. Boats, guides, and bait can be secured at Arnprior, and board there will cost $i per day, with guide and boats about the same. The most reliable baits are live minnows and worms. Trolling with spoons is also a sure method, and other artificial lures ought to do good service. Up the Madawaska River the hunting is very good. Bear, deer, and small game abound, and the fishing is excellent. Experienced guides can be secured at Arnprior, Calibogie or Madawaska station for from I1.50 to $2.00 per day, and there is no trouble in getting canoes. The better point to start from going up this river is Calibogie or Madawaska station. About the last of April or early part of May is the best for cub hunting. The town of Pembroke should be the objective point for those who seek trout fishing unexcelled by any waters in Ontario. It is situated upon Alumette Lake, an enlargement of the Ottawa River, and is some seventy-eight miles from Carleton Junction, and directly upon the line of railway. The town contains about 5,000 inhabitants, and offers good hotel accommodation at prices varying from $i a day up. There are plenty of boats and carriages to be hired at a moderate outlay, and it is the centre of one of the very best trout regions in America ; and there are also sev- eral places within easy reach where capital black bass fishing is the rule, (27) 28 FISHING AND SHOOTING. The entire country hereabouts is intersected with many streams of various sizes, all plentifully stocked with trout, the size of the fish varying in proportion to the volume of water where they are found. A detailed list of them would be useless, as the angler cannot go astray. On the Quebec side of the Ottawa River, the Laurentian range of mountains forms the bank, and every stream which courses down their slopes (and their name is legion) is stocked with trout. On the Ontario side, and within a few miles of Pembroke, are a half dozen waters which afford first rate fishing. Within six miles are three good waters, in any of which an average angler can take from thirty to forty good fish in a day. Within twenty-five miles of the town, and out in Chichester township, are a great many lakes, in which large catches can be made. Of these fish too much cannot be said : they are the gamest of the game, and a marked peculiarity about them is their uniformity in size. Arnong a whole day’s catch three-fourths of the fish would weigh a pound apiece, very few running below that weight, and few or none exceeding a pound and a half. Fifteen miles below the town are the Poquette Rapids, than which there is no finer spot for camping. To reach this water necessitates a pleasant drive, but the fishing is of the best. A particularly good lake, distant from Pembroke twenty miles, can be reached by steamer, and also the mouth of Deep River, both of these waters furnishing good sport. Another lake is situated upon a small mountain, within easy driving distance, and from it splendid trout can be taken in good numbers, the fish running from one to two and a half pounds. It is a rare occurrence to take a fish weighing less than a pound | in the lake, and you will not find a better place to wet a line. To reach ^ it, one has to put in a bit of up-hill tramping, but only long enough to thoroughly extend the muscles and fit a man for a grand day’s work. A • peculiarity about the trout in this and some other neighboring waters is that they appear to be of three different varieties, though the difference ; is simply a matter of color and markings. ; Perhaps the first fish caught will be a fine specimen of the ordinary ] brook trout, resplendent with the famous jewelled regalia which have so | often been sung and written of. The second fish may prove to be a • paler-tinted, heavier-made fellow, game to the backbone, and swift and i strong, but lacking the beauty of number one. The angler will to a cer- ] tainty eye this fish attentively, and possibly slip it into the creel with the remark, “That’s the queerest-looking trout I’ve seen for some time,” and . he will cast again, hoping to take another. The fly will kiss the water, and lo ! there is a sudden lightning gleam and a fierce strain that makes the rod bow in acknowledgment, and the ; reel scream a surprised protest, while the blood courses through one’s • veins in swift response to the challenge of a real out-and-out fighter. The , swirling battle goes on — the maddened rushes grow shorter and weaker, the reel cautiously devours foot by foot of the silken tether, and presently the net sinks below a royal prize; and as he rolls over, with a despairing effort, the current flashes with a gleam of brightest gold, and you have an example of what is styled in the vicinity a “ golden trout.” Swift, valiant champions of the flood are they, looking as though they had been gilded all over their lower parts with a tint that rivals the splendor of the lazy gold-fish of glass-globe notoriety; and never did nobler quarry test the spring of a rod. Such are the trout of this mountain lake. OTTAWA RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIES. 29 To refer again to the streams upon the Quebec side, Ouiseau Creek deserves more than a passing notice. The fishing is particularly good, the catch weighing from a quarter of a pound each up to a pound and a half. In order to fish this creek properly, the angler must go prepared to wade, and the water will be found clear of obstructions and the bottom safe, with no treacherous spots to entrap the feet. Between Pembroke and the town of Mattawa, ninety-four miles distant, are dozens of streams, all well stocked with trout, and several of them being also excellent for bass, especially at Petewawa, eleven miles from Pembroke, and also at Chalk River, nine miles farther along the line. Inside of this limit several very good trout streams are crossed by the track. One of the best creeks in the district is Bissett’s, crossed by the Canadian Pacific line, and distant from Pembroke sixty miles. It is wide and open, with safe bottom all the way across for wading ; and some of the handsomest trout ever hooked in this entire section of country have been killed on this water. The fish are not phenomenally large, but as a general thing they run very even in size, the average being from ten to twelve inches in length. Good sport can be enjoyed here. Half an hour’s run from Bissett’s is Deux Rivieres, or Two Rivers Station. There is plenty of game in this vicinity, especially on the east side of the Ottawa River, including moose, red deer, and bear ; it is also another good place for trout fishing. Caughwana Lake, thirty miles from Deux Rivieres, is an excellent spot for moose and bear, and trout weighing from two to three pounds abound in its waters. By writing to Mr. S. Richardson, Western Hotel, Deux Rivieres, some days in advance, teams, canoes, and guides can be secured at reasonable rates. Near here is Algonquin Park, a great forest and game reservation recently established by the Ontario Govern- ment. But enough have been mentioned to give a good rough idea of the great resources of this section of country in the matter of fishing. Pains have been taken not to overdraw the picture, and the informa- tion relating to this subject has been collected on the spot, and by a practical fisherman who fishes the northern country regularly. To sum up, a trial of these waters can be strongly advised, as the result will to a surety convince any angler that there is no such country for trout fishing. There is no hardship in fishing there, and all charges are moderate. Conveyances can be hired at the ordinary rates, and hotel rates, etc., are the same as in small towns nearer home. Minnow bait for bass can readily be obtained, either by purchase or caught by the angler himself with a minnow seine or gang. A very good plan is to have a sort of landing-net rigged up with common mosquito bar instead of netting. This, sunk flat upon the ground in shallow water, with bait suspended over it to attract the minnows, is a sure and easy means of obtaining a sufficient quantity of bait. And bear in mind that trout fishing in any of these waters may be pursued d. la mode, with every opportunity for the exercise of scientific skill. None of your worms, or bit-of-fat-pork business, but fly fishing of the best ; with no more obstruc- tions to impede casting than are sufficient to call forth a display of that skill on which the true angler prides himself. A man or party can go to Pembroke equipped with their finest tackle, and find every opportunity for using their treasures. They can go with the best rods, choicest lines, deadliest flies, and favorite reels, and find abundant sport ; and they will also find about a half a dozen enthusiastic anglers prepared to extend to them the right hand of fellowship in the FISHING AND SHOOTING. craft, and see that visitors enjoy themselves ; for there is no need for jealousy of a rival’s performance on such richly stocked waters, or in such grand game resorts. The number of expert rods quartered in that part of the country might be counted on the fingers of one hand; hence it will be readily seen that there is no danger of trying an over-fished section. There are, no doubt, a large number of experts with the rifle and plenty of men well versed in woodcraft ; but it must be remembered that a man must work for his living in such places, and the majority of them have little time to spare for shooting. Even if they did devote the whole legitimate season for killing big game, there would still be abund- ance for all comers. It should also be remembered that those scourges of all good waters — the flies — moderate their attacks about the 15th of June, and are not noticed at all after the end of July. As a game country, as has been suggested, this territory will not be found inferior to any likely to be visited by the average sportsman. Moose and caribou are of course comparatively rare, and are, with elk and reindeer, as yet entirely protected by law in Ontario, the close season for both not expiring until October, 1900. Black bears can be considered plentiful, some years more and some years less. The common red deer, so-called, can be found but a short distance from the line of the railway. Deux Rivieres and neighboring stations being exceptionally promising points ; but the best plan for a stranger is to secure a reliable guide, and leave the selection of the ground to him. Duck shooting is frequently very good on the larger lakes ; but the special merit of this part of the country is the abundance of forest game. Those who visit it can depend upon having plenty of chances at deer, within all likelihood a shot or two at a bear, and ruffed grouse in abundance. THE VERY SPOT. (3t) THE MATTAWA RIVER, ITS HEADWATERS, AND THE UPPER OTTAWA. F ollowing the transcontinental line farther west beyond Pem- broke and the waters referred to, the next important station for sportsmen is the town of Mattawa, situated at the junction of the Mattawa River with the Ottawa. On the farther side of the latter stream the Laurentian Mountains terminate in an immense bluff, where not long since considerable quantities of gold were discovered; and abundant auriferous traces have been found throughout the upper Mattawa country, which will also be found a veritable gold mine, figuratively speaking, for those seeking fish and game. The town of Mattawa (a name borrowed from the Indians, and signifying “The Forks”) is one of the best points on that portion of the line to fit out for an extended shooting or fishing excursion. The hotel accommodation there is very good and prices are low for board, or guides and boats. It is a supply depot for a vast tract of rugged and wild ' country, where extensive lumbering operations are carried on ; and wherever you find lumbermen you can also depend upon finding a plentiful supply of their famous “ river boats,” and the equally famous canoes. This holds good of Mattawa, and well-informed guides will likewise be secured. , The upper country is noted for big game, moose being, for them, ? plentiful, and deer everywhere. Black bears are liable to show at any i time; and, moving through the woods, you will flush ruffed grouse in ] numbers — singly, by twos and threes, and whole covies of from nine to fifteen birds. Wing shooting, owing to the nature of the cover, is very j difficult, and the best weapon for all-round work is a repeating rifle. * With this, one can cut the heads off the birds as they sit, for when put up \ they almost invariably tree, and are easily approached ; and, armed with | a rifle, one is always prepared for large game. ) The writer once took a “ No. 12 ” breechloader and a Winchester^ into these woods, and speedily found the former a veritable nuisance ; i for it was hard to carry and could rarely be used, except in the few scattered openings and upon some of the lakes at ducks ; and even in the latter case the rifle afforded just as much sport. : The trip up the Mattawa by canoe is as follows, it being understood < that there is plenty of game on either side of the river, and all about the lakes to be mentioned as its headwaters. Going up stream, of course, necessitates considerable work, and this route is described for those who want to be most of their time in their canoe and enjoy a trip up and back, j The easiest way to do the Mattawa is to take the canoe by rail to North' j Bay Station, thence by wagon to Trout Lake, and work down the i Mattawa. Your guide will lay out the route, and decide upon where to' pitch the tent if shooting is the primary object. If you are especially bent upon fishing, or are too early for the“ shooting season, you can secure guides and canoes at Mattawa, and start up stream prepared to enjoy fine scenery and work with the rod that willi not prove disappointing. J Leaving the town and paddling up the river, the scenic effect is like aj (32) £ MATTAWA RIVER AND THE UPPER OTTAWA. 33 long panorama of pleasing views, changing at every turn; and each stretch of glancing water and towering rocky bank is apparently fairer than the last, until, about a mile and a half from the starting-point, the first portage is reached at McCool’s Mills. This portage is about loo yards long, and then comes the beautiful sheet of water called Champlain Lake, some five miles long and varying in width from a quarter to a half mile. The shores of this lake are very pretty and well wooded, with numerous moss-covered rocky terraces, which afford excellent sites for a party to pitch their canvas. The fishing is of the best, there being plenty of fine lunge and bass, and both take the troll readily ; while in any of the countless coves and bays the stickler for the rod can find scope for his ambition with bass weighing from one to five pounds. Passing on up the lake, a roar of water is heard, and presently we reach La Rose Rapids. The Amable du Fond River, which is the outlet of a small chain of waters, among which are Crooked, Manitoulin, Smith’s, and Tee Lakes, pours its rapid current into the Mattawa at the head of these rapids. The river is well worth exploring, as in the lakes mentioned there is capital fishing. To pass La Rose Rapids necessitates a portage of about a quarter of a mile; then the course is straight against a sharp current until some small rapids are reached at the foot of Birch Lake. These are but trifling obstacles, and the next point is what is called “ The Needle.” Here the detour is completed, and the Mattawa is reached again. A goodly sized brook comes tumbling down the steep slope from the mountains, and the angler will do well to keep this stream in mind, for it drains several small mountain lakes heavily stocked with speckled trout of good size. Passing on up the river. Nature assumes a grander aspect, the banks reaching upward higher and higher, until in many places they form walls of sheer rock from loo to 200 feet high. Parause Rapids and the Little Parause demand another portage ; then straight paddling again to the Mill Rush; another short 'portage, and thence good paddling through Eel Lake for a couple of miles ; then another mile of the river proper, the scenery being, if anything, more pleasing than that already passed’ and Talon Shoot is reached. A portage of nearly 300 yards is followed by about a mile of fast water, after which the work at the paddles can be slackened, for the voyageur has reached Lac du Talon, famed among the lumbermen for its mighty lunge and bass. This is one of a regular network of small lakes which form the headwaters of the Mattawa ; and verily this network is one that will entangle the angler’s heart, for in one and all of its channels are splendid fish. Countless unnamed small streams and rivulets contribute their currents to feed these lakes, and speckled trout abound wherever the water is deep enough to cover them. If the Ottawa River is followed north of Mattawa, it will be found to traverse a wild region very similar in general appearance, and with game as plentiful as mentioned in reference to the Mattawa. Each of the unnamed and practically unknown streams and lakes will be found to contain plenty of trout, ranging in size from fingerlings up to great fish, according to the volume of the water they inhabit. A canoe trip in this Iirection would prove very enjoyable ; but the fishing and shooting at -he points already described are so good that it is hardly worth while joing beyond them, except to explore. I However, the first stage of the journey may be made by small boat or 34 FISHING AND SHOOTING. rail from Mattawa up the Ottawa, the voyagenr taking supplies, canoes, and guides with him. By this route he reaches a country of moose, cari- bou, and bear, and every feeder of the Ottawa contains brook trout. He can traverse Lake Temiscamingue (Indian for “deep water”), an expan- sion of the Ottawa some seventy-five miles long, containing big black bass, and surrounded by forested levels of exceedingly rich land, occupied at present principally by lumbermen and game, but destined shortly to attract numerous settlers. Beyond Lake Temiscamingue he can follow the Ottawa into the Province of Quebec to Lac des Quince and Lake Mujizowaja; thence to Grand Victoria Lake and Lac des Rapides, and finally to the very source of the mighty river, if he so pleases, where a not difficult portage will bring him to either the headwaters of the Sague- nay or those of the St. Maurice River ; part or all of which would be a glorious pilgrimage by canoe, and furnish themes for many a tale of moose and bear and wolf, of struggles with hard-fighting trout and bass, of nights in the primeval forest, of beds of sapin, and a thousand and one other things that go to make the life of a woodland wanderer delightful. ICippewa Lake can be reached comfortably by the L. T. Colonization Railway, running north from Mattawa. Bark canoes can be had at the terminus by applying to the Hudson’s Bay Co., Mattawa, as also excellent guides. In summer two steamers ply on Lake Kippewa, and canoes are- abundant. Hunting parties can go through by inland lakes to Lac des_ Quince or De Grande Lac, one of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s posts, by. having guides. Portages are not very long or rough. Moose are plentH ful and fish are numerous. A lover of the canoe, who prefers to take his own craft with him, cannot do better than visit the town of North Bay, situated on Laker Nipissing, and distant from Mattawa forty-six miles, being also on the, transcontinental line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. From North Bay he can, if so inclined, first explore a portion of the fine Lake Nipissing, and then send his canoe by wagon to Trout Lake,^ some four miles away, and now reached by an excellent road. This lake' is the largest of the headwaters of the Mattawa, being about twelve miles( long. From it the route by canoe is the same as was followed m bygone^ times by the voyageurs of the Hudson’s Bay Company, ?. plover are always available to help fill a bag. Some settlers’ houses are i, close by, and a number of useful skiffs are kept for hire. j Should the sportsman desire a couple of days or more under canvas, he cannot do better than drive from Winnipeg forty miles northwest to Shoal Lake. On the way across, prairie “ chickens ” will demand attention, and in the unsettled country on the north of the lake are a few moose and elk, and many black-tailed deer. The lake is a great resort for water fowl of all kinds common to the province, and for mixed shooting it is A I. Another good point is Whitewatef Lake, in Southern Manitoba, reached from Winnipeg by a short trip over the Manitoba & Southwestern Railway. Here “ chickens,” snipe, and plover are found in fair numbers, and there are thousands of geese, duck, crane, and other water fowl. The north end of the lake is reached from Boissevain, but at Whitewater Station on the south shore of the lake canoes and skiffs can be hired, and the facilities there provided enable the sportsmen to obtain good flight shooting when geese are going out to feed, and also to get into the favorite haunts of the canvas-back. Killarney Lake as well as Pelican THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST. 53 Lake, a little north thereof, are excellent spots, while on Rock Lake near Clearwater, and Swan Lake, adjacent to Pilot Mound, good bags can always be had. Near Whitewater are the Tiger Hills, leading into the Pembina Mountains, haunted by elk, black-tailed deer, and black and brown bear; it also being a good locality for grouse. Camp outfit must be taken, but the sport will well repay all trouble, as ample occupation can be found for both rifle and shot-gun. Lake Winnipeg offers still stronger inducements. You go from Winnipeg via Canadian Pacific Railway to Selkirk, and then drive, or paddle down Red River, to the lake. The great marshes about the mouth of Red River extend for miles, and form one of the largest duck grounds in the Northwest, and they actually swarm with all kinds of water fowl in the season. Plere the sportsman can shoot till his gun gets too hot to hold, and, providing he holds straight, kill enormous bags of choice duck. In the vicinity of Fort Alexander, at the mouth 54 FISHING AND SHOOTING. of the Winnipeg River, are moose, caribou, and bear, and the Winnipeg and English Rivers offer fascinating routes and grand scenery, should a farther trip by canoe be decided on. Upon the western shore of Lake Winnipeg moose, caribou, and bear will also be found, and about Big Island and Grassy Narrows uncounted flocks of geese resort. Lake Manitoba is also a noted place for w^ater fowl — which means that the birds are there in myriads. This latter lake is reached from Portage la Prairie, or by buggy from Winnipeg, stopping one night on the way at Shoal I^ake, already mentioned ; and in addition to the geese, duck, etc., the game list includes “ chickens,” and moose, elk, and black- tailed deer in the Riding Mountains. The town of Minnedosa is another promising centre for “ chicken,” grouse, and rabbit shooting, and from here the Fading Mountains may again be reached. There are also good spots near Strathclair and Solsgirth. The route to these places is via Manitoba & North- western Railway from Portage la Prairie. From McGregor to Brandon, the country is full of chicken, ducks, and grouse. A drive across country from the former station to Holland, on the Southwestern branch line of the Canadian Paci- fic Railway, takes the sportsman through a veritable paradise, as in addition to the winged game there are rabbits, prairie wolves, jump- ing deer, and bear. Oak Lake is another place where geese, duck, and plover may be secured in numbers. The lake is within an easy drive of the sta- tion, and a party taking their tent, etc., can make their camp, and have time to place themselves for the evening flight shooting. At the east side of the lake there is good camping ground right in the line of flight, and on the north side the geese leave the lake in large numbers to feed in the neighboring w'heat fields. Between Oak Lake and Qu’Appelle chickens are plentiful, and ducks are also to be had in the neighborhood of Broadview. North of Qu’- Appelle big game is also to be found in large herds. At Yellow Grass, on the “ Soo ” branch line from Pasqua, ground which has never yet been shot over, ducks, geese, and plover are in myriads. On the branch railway from Regina to Prince Albert, sportsmen can get good bags at Lumsden and chickens and ducks at Duck Lake, while in the illimitable pine forest beyond Prince Albert (which town is reached by railway from Regina) game of nearly every description abounds, Montreal and Red Deer lakes being especially good spots. Complete outfits can be procured at Prince Albert. THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST. 55 Rush Lake, a few miles from the station on the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, is one of the finest points for geese, duck, and other waterfowl, where large bags can surely be made. Farther west, again, is the antelope country; Swift Current, Maple Creek, and Medicine Hat being among the best outfitting points for a trip after these, the most beautiful animals of the plains. At Calgary, in sight of the “ Rockies,” superb sport can be enjoyed with the grouse among the brushy foot-hills of the giant range. Good shooting may be found within easy driving distance of the town, and glorious mountain trout fishing on the Bow River and its tributaries, to say nothing of the delights of visiting the ranches and being entertained by those princes of good fellows, the ranchmen. North of Calgary is the Red Deer region, easily reached by rail, a great one for big game, though but sel- dom visited as yet, and further north still, beyond Pidmonton, in the great Mackenzie basin, a field is offered the more adventurous hunter. So much for the sport of the prairies. We have now skimmed over the great grassy sea, touching briefly on the most prominent of the many localities to choose from, the intention being merely to give the stranger a few hints of the wonderful resources of the country from a sporting point of view. Lying in the little tent beside the chosen water, on the first night of his jaunt, the sportsman whiffs the last pipe, and his gaze tries in vain to pierce the gathering mists and shadows creeping over the “ level waste and rounding gray ” of ap- parently illimitable prairie. Before him stand the tall battalions of rushes mark- ing the boggy shores of the lake, dark and mysterious, like a shadowy wall. The air is filled with the rush of swift wings, as the restless fowl scurry hither and thither ere settling down. A strange but, to him, wondrous sweet melody of cries comes with the lazy breeze. The honk of goose, the quack of mallard, and the chatter and gabble of unseen hosts, are the last sounds his ears detect as he drifts into the shadowland, with a golden promise of glorious sport with the dawn. The promise will be well fulfilled, for those same weird cries and the hum of wings will begin ere the early breaking of the northern day ; and when night again falls there will be no apparent diminution of the winged army, but he will have a well-filled bag, such as can only be made in this, the sportsman’s El Dorado. It should not be forgotten that many of the lakes and streams of the prairies are stocked with fine fish, including maskinonge, pike, pickerel, etc., and they furnish a pleasant change of occupation during weather too warm for game to keep, or when it is desirable to give gun and rifle a rest. Camping outfits, conveyances, helpers, and everything necessary for a hunting excursion upon the plains, can be readily secured at Winnipeg, FISHING AND SHOOTING. In Southern Alberta, reached by the Macleod branch from Calgary, or by the T.ethbridge branch from Dunmore, in that portion of it lying between Macleod and the mountains, there is the same variety of game to be found as in other parts of the Northwest Territories, with the addi- tion of blue grouse (cock of the mountains) as the foothills are approached, j Trout are plentiful in the three branches of the Old Man River west of Macleod, and the most enticing bait for the big ones is a mouse. and the sportsman need not burden himself with anything beyond his personal effects. He can enjoy an unsurpassed train service so long as he follows the railway, and should he diverge from the line, there are no hardships to be undergone beyond what are sufficient to give a spice of adventure to the exjDerience of a holiday in the wilds. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY HOTELS. THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST. 57 Next to be considered are the “ Rockies,” the first of the five ranges lying between the great prairie belt and the Pacific Ocean. Over 500 miles of the grandest scenery must be passed ere the western sea is reached, and nearly all of this chaos of mountains is as wild as it was I when first the eyes of the white man were startled by their overpowering grandeur. Upon or among these marvels of old-time rock building are the favorite haunts of every “ man-fearing or man-skeering ” brute known in the whole country — elk, moose, deer, caribou. Rocky Mountain sheep and goat, panther, grizzly, black and brown bear, lynx, wolf, etc., etc., while water fowl abound upon many of the mountain lakes, and several varieties of grouse are in the forests. But you would never come away over here for feathered game, when it may be so easily got upon the plains. You want big game — stately elk, fierce bears, sneaky panthers, big-horned sheep, snowy goats, etc. ? Very good. You can have them, ' one and all, and caribou and deer to boot, oroviding you yourself are game to follow your guide. Now, there are places without number among these mountain ranges 1 where a man can find many of the varieties of the game mentioned ; but I will confine myself to a few, from which a sportsman may safely plan his operations. First of these is Morley Station, situated among the foothills a few miles from the entrance to the Rockies. Here the need- ful outfit of provisions, etc., can be secured, also a few Stony Indians as guides, trackers, and helpers ; and they will show the way to the haunts of sheep, goat, etc. Naturally the construction of the railway drove the game back a short distance from the track ; but the Stonies know where the different species are to be found, and they are thoroughly good hunters and perfectly reliable guides. Temporary accommodation will be found at Morley. The next important halting place is at Banff, in the Canadian National Park, Rocky Mountains, where the railway company has erected a pala- tial hotel. Should a brief sojourn here be decided upon, the sportsman may enjoy good duck shooting on the Vermilion Lakes, a short distance from the hotel, and fine mountain trout fishing on the Bow and Cascade Rivers ; also deep trolling for lake trout on Devil’s Lake, all within easy walking distance. White and Indian guides can be secured for extended trips into the mountains after bear, sheep, and goat, to the north, south, or west ; and the sportsman would be wise to interview the government park ranger before starting, as in so doing he would probably obtain valuable information. Farther westward, at Field, is one of the company’s inviting little chalet hotels, and good fly fishing can be had ; but it is hardly a desirable point for shooting. Still farther west is the town of Golden, and from here a steamer makes regular trips up the Columbia River to the lakes at its head, distant about 100 miles, and affording access to a fine game i district. A houseboat, with accommodation for twelve, has been placed on the Columbia, which will be found a great convenience to sportsmen. The lagoons on each side of the steamboat channel swarm with duck, geese, and swan — in fact, they are the favorite breeding-grounds of the water-birds — and the headwaters of the river afford excellent trout and grayling fishing. The boat’s charges for meals, berths, and passage are very moderate, and the service is all that is required. It is advisable to THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST. 59 make pre-arrangements at Banff or Glacier for the trip by this means. ^Westward, again, the next important stopping place is at the foot of the Great filacier of the Selkirks, where the railway company have another of their comfortable mountain chalets, which, with its recently added jannex, can accommodate a large number of guests. Immediately behind the hotel rises the forested height of Asulkan Mountain, Asulkan mean- ing in the Siwash tongue “ the home of the white goat.” Securing a guide here, you can climb the mountains with a certainty of a chance at goat, sheep, or bear. ' A new water, and one surely destined to become famous, is the Lower Ivootenay River, which teems with mountain trout of fair size. The few who have tried it as yet agree that it is one of the best streams available, while the scenery is simply superb. The country contiguous to it is well stocked with big game, having only lately been rendered accessible. The headwaters of the Kootenay Lakes and River rise a little west of Banff. The river is in great part, below Nelson, a succession of cascades, beau- tiful from a scenic point of view and abounding in rainbow trout, from one pound upwards, that are greedy for the fly. It is an ideal stream, rushing through gorges, and over rapids broadening into pools and form- ing numerous “just the spots ” into which, practically, any length of line can be cast without the least obstruction from bushes or overhanging trees. And it possesses the inestimable advantage of being free from mosquitoes and black flies. The I.ower Kootenay is reached by rail from Revelstoke station to Arrow Head station, on Upper Arrow Lake, and thence by steamer through the Arrow Lakes to Robson, and thence by rail. A month’s outing in this region would be the beau ideal of a sportsman’s holiday. For the convenience of fishing parties visiting the famous Kootenay District, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company have built several fishing camps on the line of the Columbia & Kootenay Railway, running along the Kootenay River between Robson and Nel- son. These camps have been erected solely for this purpose, and are fitted for the comfort of fishing parties camping out on the river. The houses, which have accommodation for four people, or for eight if they are provided with a tent, are of wood, and are well and neatly built ; have a veranda overlooking the river, and are furnished with stationary bunks, cooking stoves, etc. Parties not wishing to be encumbered by carrying their own bedding and camp outfits can be supplied by the company’s agent at Nelson with new mattresses and pillows at a very small cost. In addition to this, complete camp outfit, consisting of blankets, tents, cooking outfit, such as pots, pans, plates, cups, knives and forks, etc., can be hired from the company’s agent for a small charge. Supplies of all sorts of provisions of the best quality may be purchased at reasonable prices. Good cooks can also be engaged at Nelson to accompany fishing parties. ' The necessary camp outfits will be carried free between Nelson and the different fishing camps, and the trains each way between Robson and Nelson will stop (when flagged) at all the fishing camps to take and put Dff the fishing parties. In short, everything has been arranged with the view of affording every comfort and facility to those who may wish to spend a few days in the Kootenay district enjoying the fishing, which is not surpassed anywhere on the continent. As very few fish are caught 60 FISHING AND SHOOTING. under a pound weight, and running up as high as three and four pounds, anglers should provide themselves with a gaff or landing net, and be 23articular to see that their flies and tackle are good and strong. Good hotel accommodation will be found at both Robson and Nelson, and any further information will be cheerfully furnished on application to the comjDany’s agents at those jDlaces. In the Slocan district of the Kootenay, which has just been opened up by the building of the railway from Nakusp to Sandon, there is good brook trout fishing in the streams that empty into Slocan Lake, while the lake itself offers excellent deei^-water fishing, of which the gold pro- spectors now in that neighborhood are taking advantage. In the Okanagan Valley (reached by rail from Sicamous, on the main line, to Vernon and thence by steamer) there is an abundance and variety of large and small game. There is good fishing, also, at several points nearer the coast. Tourists stopping at Vancouver can get a good day’s fly fishing at Coquitlam River, seventeen miles by train to Westminster Junction, where there is a good hotel. Capilano Creek or Seymour Creek, about an hour’s row across the bay from Vancouver, offers a good day’s sport, while at the mouth of either stream sea trout weighing up to two and three pounds afford excellent sport. In the months of August, September, and October, a good day’s sport may be had trolling for salmon in the bay. Pacific coast salmon will not rise to a fly, but as many as fifteen or twenty fish,' varying from five to twenty pounds, are sometimes killed in an afternoon with the rod after being hooked with the troll hook. I Harrison Hot Springs, reached from Agassiz station on the Canadian' Pacific Railway, is a pleasant summer resort about forty miles from| Vancouver, from which the angler can reach excellent waters. An hour’s row across Harrison Lake will take him to streams where more trout can be killed in a day with fly than he would like to carry far. 1 Ashcroft and Savona’s Ferry on the Thompson River are goodj waters where not only large catches are made, but where the bulk of thej catch are big fish, the silver trout running from one to four pounds each,' and hard fighters. In the Kootenay Lake, and also in Kamloops Lake,, land-locked salmon are taken. Professor Jordan, who caught them in both waters, speaks of them as ouananiche, and has dubbed them Oncor- lyiichics Kamloops. At many jDoints on the coast one can obtain sjjort with deer, bear, grouse, and water fowl. And again another field is open on Vancouver Island, that land beloved of Englishmen. Within short distances of the beautiful city of Victoria, grouse and the blue quail, generally styled California quail, are i^lentiful, and favorite game with the residents and visitors. A short journey into the interior of the island will bring you to j the ranges of deer and bear, both being readily killed. Added to these | are several varieties of duck, etc., and last of all the English irheasant, • introduced several years ago, and now perfectly acclimated and thriving j wonderfully in the new land. The cry of “ mark cock,” or “ ware hen,” | may sound strange to many; but the newly arrived Rriton knows right, well what it means, and what rare sport the long tails furnish ; and it is , ten to one that he knows how to stojj them, too. And now, in conclusion, a few words about the country just covered. ; THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST. 61 llie pursuit of what is general- ly dubbed by the craft “ big game” in the mountain wilds of Canada is no child’s play. To be success- ful, a man must possess iron nerve and unflinching determination ; he must be a good shot, and strong enough to stand rough work ; for the latter is frequently necessary before the game can be reached, and the former is very liable to be an extremely useful accomplish- ment, especially if the quarry hap- pens to be a grizzly bear. The accounts published by parties and by individual sports- men of their shooting trips through the Northwest and British Columbia are legion. The general tenor of their letters may be found in an extract from a letter written by the Bloomington Hunting Club, which went through the country recently in a private car, stop- ping over at those points pre-arranged for exploitation. They say : “ The sport met with on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway more than fulfilled our expectations, and many of the party will return home with landsome souvenirs in the shape of goat, sheep, caribou, and deer heads, ind pelts of the grandest big game of this continent.” Sportsmen who have shot in the famous wilds of Africa and India are ipt to feel proud of their lion, tiger, and other handsome skins that Driginally covered the works of some lithe and bloodthirsty big feline ; Dut, with all due respect to them and their prowess afield, many would prefer the hide of a grizzly of their own killing than half a dozen peltries Df “ Leo ” or “ Stripes ” or any other cat that overjumped. Although mdoubtedly there have been many occasions when it was a nice question rtrhether, at the close of the affair, the tiger would be carried into camp jr would fiind inside accommodation for the hunter, and although we know hat men hunting in South Africa have occasionally felt that a lion looks oest behind the bars of a menagerie, yet, as a rule, you can “ pot ” your lion over a carcass, and be yourself, meantime, perfectly safe on some pre- oared post, or natural stronghold; you can bore holes between the stripes of the fur “blazer” worn by his feline majesty of Bengal, while you your- self are squatted in a howdah, strapped to the back of a twenty-odd-hand dephant, while a tribe of bare-legged natives yell and scream and hoot to keep their own courage up and drive the jungle prowler to the “ Sahib.” V’ou will probably get the tiger, and, should he charge, experience a ;emporary excitement, but not often incur much danger. Shooting the grizzly is other work. The big 'plantigrade is always ooking for trouble, and when he digs up the hatchet he goes on the war- oath. You will have no friendly elephant, nor army of beaters, to satisfy lis craving for somebody’s scalp. You start on his track, and follow him nto his gloomy fastness amid a chaos of rocks, with your life in one land and your rifle in the other ; and, unless you are made of the right material, stop before the scent gets too hot, or peradventure you may be ound empty-handed by your party. However, this spice of dan , or rather this danger spiced with a 62 FISHING AND SHOOTING. chance of escape, is very fascinating; and, if you would fain be fascinated to your heart’s content, seek the Rocky Mountains or British Columbia, and enjoy your whim. And such fields for sport. Not pen, nor brush, nor tongue can convey the proper idea of the sublimity of those marvellous mountains ; they are something too imposing for mere words; they must be seen and studied. One must live among them and watch the glories of sunlight upon their ROCKY MOUNTAIN SHEEP, everlasting snows and glaciers; must climb their steeps and breathe the cold, thin atmosphere of those dizzy elevations, and train his eyes to measure soaring pinnacles and dark abysses ere he can realize their stu- pendous grandeur. One must hear the thunderous voice of the -whirling storms amid their peaks ; the avalanche tearing the forests from their native slopes; the avulsion of crag and giant bowlder from buttresses frowning darkly above the clouds, and the booming echoes of waves of mighty sound breaking against the walls of unmeasured ravines, ere the full power of THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST. t)3 those matchless monuments of the old-time war of forces is impressed . upon the mind. And then the glory of laying low tlie game that haunts [■ them. Right well did the Indian hunter know what tested manhood, when first he wrenched the great scimitar-shaped claws from the broad fore-paw of the dead grizzly, and strung them around his neck as a token to prove a man. Time has changed many things, the rifle has supplanted the bow, but nothing has supplanted the grizzly; he is there yet, and king of the wilds ; his claws are yet the proudest ornament the savage can wear, and his skin the most valued trophy of the white sportsman. Up above the grizzly’s range are found the white goats and the famous big- horn mountain sheep, both eagerly sought after by sportsmen ; the latter especially for their handsome heads. Except from bears the sportsman runs little chance of getting into difficulty. True, it is claimed by some that the panther is an ugly cus- tomer, writers even going so far as to say that he is more dangerous than even the grizzly, and sometimes proves his superiority in a dispute over a carcass. Such statements I believe to be mere rubbish; for the panther, lithe and powerful though he may be, is a great, long-tailed, be-whiskered coward; a bravo of most terrifying appearance, but mighty careful of his handsome skin ; in fact, what he is generally termed by the herders and hunters — a big sneak-cat. The handsomest game of the Rockies is, of course, the noble elk, or wapiti. Their immense branching antlers, and the clean-cut, blood-like appearance of their heads, make them particularly attractive ornaments for a gentleman sportsman’s home, and they are in great demand. The species is now rare in many localities where they formerly abounded, but they are still plentiful among the foot-hills of the Rockies, and they can also be found in the Northwest Territories, and in Manitoba north of Selkirk, and sometimes in the Duck and Riding Mountains. Next to the elk ranks the caribou, and a royal quarry he is. They are very plentiful about Eagle Pass, in the Selkirk range, near the Shuswap Lakes, and in the Okanagan district, and there should be no difficulty in securing fine specimens. They are found also in Manitoba, in the region between Lakes Winnipeg and Manitoba, etc., and wonder- ful stories are told of great herds in the Peace River country. The several species comprising the game list mentioned above are distributed throughout the mountains in greater or less numbers, being plentiful wherever the conditions are favorable. More minute details concerning them are impossible in a book of this nature, and unnecessary, as the game, except at a point here and there, is as abundant as it was before the first rifle-shot woke the echoes of those monstrous canons. The sportsman contemplating a trip by the Canadian Pacific Railway across the continent to these fields of sport must bear in mind that heavy weapons are needed for satisfactory work. Lighter ones may do — the Indians kill grizzlies with the lightest Winchester rifles; but it is better to take a repeater of the heaviest make. Plenty of powder and lead ■means sure work if the rifle is held right, and by using such you will lose less wounded game, and greatly lessen the risk of a clawing from some infuriated bear. The Indians, it must be remembered, are greatly your superiors, both in the approach of, or retreat from, dangerous game; they steal noiselessly and patiently upon their victim, and never fire until they are at close range, and sure of dropping it in its tracks. You will not be able to accomplish this, and therefore require a weapon that will do deadly execution at any reasonable distance. Properly equipped 64 FISHING AND SHOOTING. i you will drop your bear or elk cleanly and well; and when your holiday is done, and you are speeding homeward by the “ Royal Road,” with your muscles strong after glorious work, and your skin tanned by the mountain air, you will think over every moment of your outing ; of the splendor of the sunrise, the magnificence of the scenery ; the glaciers, the torrents, and the thousand and one marvels of the wonderland you have left; of your beautiful trophies, and, as you take your last backward glance, and your straining eyes catch the last glint of the snow-clad peaks, you will say, “ My heart’s in the mountains,” unless, indeed, it should happen to have been left elsewhere. CLOSE SEASONS FOR CAME AND FISH. S ynopsis of laws governing shooting and fishing in the Provinces and States traversed by the Canadian Pacific Railway system. Note. — The following condensations of the Game Laws, etc., have been carefully revised, and made as correct as possible up to the date of the issue of this pamphlet. Owing to the fact that game laws are frequently changed, absolute accuracy is not guaranteed. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Shooting. — Moose, caribou, elk, and reindeer protected entirely until October, 1900. ... No deer shall be hunted, taken, or killed between November 15th and November ist following. . . . Beaver and otter cannot be killed before ist November, 1897. . . . Quail and wild turkeys, December 15th to September 15th. Turkeys cannot be killed before 15th October, 1897. . . . Grouse, pheasants, wood- cock, golden plover, prairie fowl, partridge, snipe, rail, hare, 1 5th Decem- ber to 15th September following. . . . Swans and geese, ist May to 15th September. . . . Ducks of all kinds and other waterfowl, 15th December to ist September. No person shall shoot between sun- set and sunrise. Cotton tail rabbits may be shot at all times. No person can kill deer in Ontario, except he hold a license from the Provincial Secretary. No person shall kill more than two deer, and deer are not to be hunted or killed in the water. No person shall kill or take any moose, elk, reindeer, caribou, deer, partridge or quail, for the purpose of exporting the same out of Ontario. [No person shall sell or barter any quail, wild turkey, snipe, woodcock or ipartridge killed in Ontario before 15th September, 1897. Fishing. Close season. — Salmon, trout and whitefish, between the 1st and 30th November. . . . Speckled trout, brook trout, river trout, from 15th September to ist May. . . . Bass from loth May to 30th June. , . . Maskinonge from 15th April to 15th June Pickerel, 15th April to 15th May. No person shall kill more than fifty speckled or brook trout in one day, or more than aggregates in weight 15 pounds, or any trout less than five inches in length. Smaller ones to be returned to the water. Not more than one dozen bass to be killed n one day, or any less than ten inches long. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. Shooting. — Deer and moose from ist January to ist October. . Haribou, from ist February to ist September. . . . Fee for non- residents of the Province, $25. N-B. — The hunting of moose, caribou, or deer, with dogs or by neans of snares, traps, etc., is prohibited ; but red deer may be hunted nth dogs in the counties of Ottawa and Pontiac from 20th October to St November of each year. No person (white man or Indian) has a ight, during one season’s hunting, to kill or take alive — unless he as previously obtained a permit from the Commissioner of Crown Lands 3r that purpose — more than two moose, two caribou, and three deer (65) FISHING AND SHOOTING. After the first ten days of the close season, all railways and steamboat companies and public carriers are forbidden to carry the whole or any part (except the skin) of any moose, caribou, or deer, without being authorized thereto by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Beaver, mink, otter, marten, pekan, from ist April to ist November. , . . . Hare, from ist February to ist November. . . . Muskrat from ist May to ist i\pril following. . . . Woodcock and snipe, from 1st February to ist September. . . . Partridge of any kind, ist Feb- ruary to 1 5th September Black duck, teal, wild duck of any kind (except sheldrake, loo, and gull), from ist May to ist September. (And at any time of the year, between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, it is also forbidden to keep exposed during such prohibited hours, lures or decoys, etc.). . . . Insectivorous birds, etc., protected between ist March and ist September. . . . It is un- lawful to take nests or eggs at any time. N. B. — Fine of $2 to $100, or imprisonment in default of payment. (No one who is not domiciled in the Province of Quebec can at any time hunt in this Province without having previously obtained a license to that effect from the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Such permit is not transferable.) Fishing. — Salmon (fly-fishing), from 15th August to ist February. Speckled trout (salmo fontinalis ), from ist October to ist May. . . . Ouananiche, 15th September to ist December. . . . Large gray trout, lake trout, from 15th October to ist December Pickerel ( dore J, 1 5th April to 1 5th May. . . . Bass, 1 5th April to 1 5th June. . . . Maskinonge, 25th May to ist July. . . . Whitefish, from loth November to ist December. No person who is not domiciled in the Province of Quebec can at any time fish in the lakes or rivers of this Province, not actually under lease, wdthout having previously obtained a license to that effect from the Com- missioner of Crown I>ands. Such licenses are only valid for the time, place, and persons therein indicated. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Shooting. — Moose and caribou, from 15th January to 15th Septem- ber. Cow moose protected for two years. . . . No person shall kill or take more than two moose and two caribou during any one year. , . . No hunting of moose or caribou with dogs allowed. . . . Deer or American elk protected until October, 1904. . . . Hare or rabbit, from 1st February to ist October. Newfoundland hare and jack-rabbit prohibited. . . . Mink, from ist March to ist Novemb^^r. . . . Otter protected until ist May, 1897, and beaver until ist November, 1900. . . . Ruffed grouse or partridge, ist December to 15th Sep- tember. . . . Woodcock, snipe, and teal, from ist March to ist September, save in Cape Breton, where close season is from ist March to 20th August. . . . Blue-winged duck, ist April to 15th Septem- ber. . . . Pheasant, blackcock, capercailzie, ptarmigan, sharp-tailed grouse, spruce partridge or checker partridge, and insectivorous birds protected at all times. . . . Non-residents of Nova Scotia must take out license to shoot in the Province, obtainable from the Provincial Secretary, or parties possessing needful authority. CLOSE SEASONS FOR GAME AND FISH. 67 , Fishing. — Salmon, from 15th August to ist February, with fly. I • . . . Trout of all kinds, land-locked salmon, from ist October to 31st March. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Shooting.— M oose, caribou, deer, or red deer, from 31st December to 1 5th September. . . . Cow moose are protected at all times. Fee for non-residents of the Province, $ 20 . No person shall kill or take more than two moose, three caribou, or three deer or red deer, during any one year ; and no party of three or more shall kill more than one moose, two caribou, or two deer for each member, exclusive of guides. . . . Beaver and otter protected until 20th March, 1899 Mink, sable, and fisher, ist May to ist September. . . . Grouse, partridge, woodcock, or snipe, ist December to 20th September. Black duck, wood duck, and teal, or any other kind of wild duck, 1 5th May to 1st September, and in certain counties ist January to ist Sep- tember. . . . Other ducks, brant, geese, and other waterfowl shall not be hunted with artificial light, nor with swivel or punt guns, nor trapped or netted at any time. . . . Sea-gulls are protected in the parish of Grand Manan at all seasons ; song-birds and insectivorous birds, entirely protected. No non-resident shall be allowed to kill or pursue with intent to kill any moose or caribou at any time of the year without having first obtained a license for the purpose, which may be obtained from the Provincial Secretary, Fredericton, N.B., or from the Chief of Game Commissioners, St. John, N.B., by payment of a fee of $ 20 , license to be in force for one year. Fishing.— Salmon (net fishing), 15th August to 1st March. Salmon (angling), 15th August to ist February. . . •. All kinds of trout, 1st October to 31st March. The use of explosives or poisonous substances for killing fish is illegal. Streams leased to individuals or clubs cannot be fished by the public. PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. : Shooting.— None of the following animals and birds shall be shot at, hunted, trapped, taken, or killed on any Sunday, or between the dates named in any year, nor shall any common carrier carry them in whole or in part (except the skin), within the said periods. All kinds of deer, including antelope, elk, or wapiti, moose, reindeer, Dr caribou, or their fawns, protected for two years from 1 5th October, grouse known as prairie chickens and partridges. Detween 1 st December and 15th September. . . . Woodcock, plover i.nipe, and sandpipers, between ist January and ist August. Ml kinds of wild duck, sea duck, wigeon, teal, between ist May and (St September. . . . Quail, pheasants, and wild turkey protected inti 1st April, 1896. . . . Otter, fisher or pekan, beaver, and sable, jetween 15th May and ist October. . . . Muskrat, between i cth May and ist November following. . . . Marten, between 1 5th April :nd ist November. No birds or animals, excepting fur-bearing animals, shall be trapped, or shall any swivel guns, batteries, or night lights be used to kill swans, eese or ducks; nor shall any beaver or muskrat house be destroyed at 68 FISHING AND SHOOTING. any time ; nor shall poison or poisonous bait be exposed for any animal or bird. No eggs of the birds mentioned may at any time be taken or had in possession. This act does not apply to Indians on their reserves. No person or corporation shall at any time export any of the animals or birds mentioned. Persons without a domicile in the Province must take out a license, costing $50, to kill any of the animals or birds named. Fishing. — Whitefish, tullibee, salmon, or lake trout may not be caught, bought, sold, or had in possession between October 5 and Decem- ber 15 ; pickerel, pike, gold eyes, mullets, April 15 and May 15 ; sturgeon. May 15 and June 15; speckled trout, not between September 15 and May I. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. Shooting.- — Close season for elk, moose, caribou, deer, antelope or their fawn, mountain sheep or goat, from ist February to ist October. Limit six head in any one season. . . . Grouse, partridge, pheasant, or prairie chicken between 15th December and 15th September; limit, 20 birds in any one day. . . . Any kind of wild duck, from 1 5th May to 23d August. . . . Plover, snipe, and sandpiper, from ist January to ist August. . . . Mink, fisher, and marten, from 15th April to i St November. . . . Otter and beaver, from 15th May to ist October. . . . Muskrat from 15th May to ist November. . . . Non-residents, unless a guest of a resident of the Territories, require a license to hunt; fee, $5. Fishing. — Speckled trout, from 15th September to ist May. . . . Pickerel ( dore ), from 1 5th April to 1 5th May. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Shooting. — To the east of the Cascade Range — Blue grouse, ptar- migan, Franklin’s or fool hen, and meadow lark, from i6th November to 31st August. . . . Wild duck of all kinds, bittern, plover, and heron ‘ from 1st January to 31st August. . . . Prairie hen, prairie chicken, i and willow and ruff grouse protected. Throughout the Province — Caribou, deer, wapiti, commonly known as elk, moose, hare, mountain goat, and mountain sheep from ist Jan- ■ uary to 30th September. West of the Cascades — Any blue grouse, duck, ptarmigan, meadow larks or deer, from 2nd January to 20th August; or any quail, willow grouse, or pheasants from 2nd January to 30th September. On Vancouver Island — Cock pheasants, from 2nd January to 30th September. Gulls are protected at all times. Deer cannot be hunted with dogs west of the Cascade range. Fishing. — Speckled trout, from 15th October to 15th March. STATE OF MAINE. Shooting. — Moose, deer, or caribou, ist January to ist October. And no person shall have in his possession, between ist October and 1st January, more than one moose, one caribou, and two deer. . . . . Mink, sable, otter, or fisher, ist May to 15th October, and muskrat, between May 20th and March ist. . . . Beaver protected j CLOSE SEASONS FOR GAME AND FISH. until April I St, 1897. . . . Ducks, ist May to ist September. . . . Ruffed grouse or partridge, ist December to 20th September, and can- not be transported out of the State at any season. . . . Woodcock, ist December to ist September. . . . Pinnated grouse, commonly called prairie chicken, ist January to ist September Quail, 1st December to ist October. . . . Plover, ist May to ist August. Insectivorous birds are protected at all seasons. Sunday is a close time for all game. Fishing. — Landlocked salmon, trout, and togue, ist October to ist May, excepting on St. Croix and tributaries, and waters in Kennebec County, 15th September to ist May; also on certain streams around Rangeley Lakes, from ist July to ist May. . . . White perch, ist April to 1st July. . . . Citizens of the State, however, may fish for and convey to their homes, during February, March, and April, except- ing where prohibited by special law. . . . None of the fish named to be taken at any time except in ordinary mode of angling with single- baited hook or artificial flies. . . . Salmon, from 15th July to ist April, but may be taken with single-baited hook or artificial flies from 1st April to 15th September. . . . Land-locked salmon and trout not to be transported except in possession of the owner, and not more than twenty-five pounds of each by one person. An examination of the special laws will show that several counties are close to hunting moose, deer or caribou ; that ice fishing in Oxford and Franklin Counties is prohibited, and that various streams are protected all the time. STATE OF VERMONT. Shooting. — Deer protected until ist November, 1900 Rabbit or hare, from ist May to ist September. . . . Beaver, fisher, or otter, ist April to ist November. . . . Woodcock, quail, -wild duck, wild goose, and plover, between ist January and ist September. . . . . Ruffed grouse, between 1st January and 1 5th September, but at no time to be shipped out of the State. . . . Pheasant or English partridge, 20th November to ist October. . . . Insectivorous birds protected at all seasons, and sharp-tailed grouse, pinnated grouse, caper- cailzie black game, ptarmigan or pheasant to ist January, 1900. Fishing. — Trout, land-locked salmon, salmon trout or longe, from 1st September to ist May. . . . Black bass, from ist January to ! 15th June. . . . Bass under 10 inches, and trout, salmon trout and j land-locked salmon under 6 inches, must be returned to the water. . . . Wall-eyed pike, or pike perch, white perch or muskallonge, from April 15th to June 15th, except in Lake Champlain, where the open season is all the year round with hook and line. STATE OF MICHIGAN. i Shooting. — Deer from 25th November to ist November following. . . . . Wild turkey, 1 5th December to 30th October. . . . Par- tridge (lower peninsula), from 15th December to ist November; (upper peninsula) from ist January to 30th September. . . . Quail, from 1 6th December to 31st October. . . . Woodcock, from i6th Decem- ber to 15th August. . . . Duck, red-head, blue-bill, canvas-back, widgeon, pintail, and wild geese and jack-snipe, from ist May to ist September. . . . Other duck, water fowl, and snipe, from ist January 70 FISHING AND SHOOTING. to 1st September. Game not to be shipped out of State. Quail, wood- cock and partridge cannot be sold. Not more than 5 deer may be killed one season by one man. Non-residents must pay a license of $25 to hunt deer, and residents 50 cents. Fishing. — Speckled trout, land-locked salmon, grayling or Cali- fornia trout, from ist September to ist May. . . . Trout, California trout, land-locked salmon or grayling, less than six inches in length, must not be taken. STATE OF WISCONSIN. Shooting. — Deer may not be lawfully killed between 21st Novem- ber and ist November succeeding. . . . Otter, mink, fisher, and marten, between ist May and ist October. . . . Beaver protected until 1898. . . . Woodcock, quail, partridge, prairie chicken, and grouse of all kinds, mallard, teal or wood-duck, plover and snipe, between ist December and 20th August succeeding. . . . Wild goose or brant, wild duck, other than mallard, teal, and wood, between ist IVIay and ist September. . . . Insectivorous birds always pro- tected, and pheasants for five years. Fishing. — Brook, rainbow, and mountain trout, 20th August to 15th April. . . . Mackinaw or lake trout, ist October to 15th January. . . Pike, pickerel, black, green, white, and Oswego bass, and mask- inonge (or muskallonge), ist March to ist June. . . . Whitefish (in inland lakes with dip nets), 8th December to ist November. 4 • t • CAIlEfJDflB. 1896-7. • • • • X - X X X X X X • X X ■ X X X X X • X X X X • X X X X • X X ■ X X X X • X X ■ X X • X MAY. JUNE. JULY. AUGUST. s M T W T F S s M T W T F S s M T W T F S s M T w j F S 1 8 2 1 8 2 3 10 4 5 6 j 2 3 10 4 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 9 ’7 9 11 12 13 ’5 6 ’7 8 9 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 30 24 25 26 9.7 9R 29 31 SEPTEMBER. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER . DECEMBER . s IVI T W T F S s IVI T W T F S s M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 8 2 3 10 4 5 1 8 2 3 10 1 8 2 3 10 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 9 11 12 4 5 6 7 9 9 11 12 13 14 *6 ’7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 JANUARY. FEBRUARY MARCH. APRIL. s M T W T F S s IVI T W T F S S T W T FIS .1 s M T w T F S 1 8 2 1 8 2 3 4 5 6 j 2 3 4 .5 fi 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 9 ’7 9 10 11 12 13 ’7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20! 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23! 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30j 28 28 29 30 31 • •1 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 1 1 AGENCIES Adelaide Aus Amoy . . .China Auckland N.Z Ballarat Victoria Baltimore Md, Bangkok Siam. Batavia Java. Bombay India. Boston Mass, Brisbane Qd Brockville Ont Buffalo N.Y. ..Geo. Wills & Co. . . Jardine, Matheson & Co. ) L. D. Nathan & Co. ( Thomas Cook & Son. i Huddart, Parker & Co. (Ltd.) / Thomas Cook & Son. . .H. McMurtrie, F’rt and Pass. Agt., 203 East German St. . .Windsor & Co. MacLaine, Watson & Co. J Thomas Cook & Son 13 Rampart Row. \ Ewart, Latham & Co. \ H. J. Colvin, District Pass. Agent 197 Washington St. j W. Benson, City Passenger Agent.... 197 Washington St. . . Burns, Philp & Co. (Ltd.) I ^^°Tfck^t’ Agem,^^^’ I House Av. Calcutta India Canton China Chicago Ill Colombo Ceylon Detroit Mich Duluth Minn Glasgow Scotland Halifax N.S Hamilton Ont. Hankow China Hobart Tasmania Hong Kong Honolulu H.I, Kobe Japan, Liverpool Eng, London Eng. London Ont. Malta Melbourne Aus. Minneapolis Minn. Montreal Que. Nagasaki Japan. Napier N.Z. New Whatcom Wash. New York N, Y. Niagara Falls N.Y. Ott.awa Ont. Old Orchard Beach. . .Me. Paris. France. Philadelphia Pa. Pittsburg Pa. Portland Me. Portland Ore. Port Townsend Wash. Quebec Que. Sault Ste. Marie . . . .Mich. St. John N.B. | St. Paul .Minn. San'Erancisco Cal. Seattle Wash. Shanghai China. Sherbrooke Que. Sydney Aus. Tacoma Wash. Toronto Ont. Vancouver B.C, Victoria. ... B C. Winnipeg Man. Yokohama Japan. ..J. B. Roberts, Ticket Agent 14 Exchange St. ( Thomas Cook & Son ii Old Court House St. < Sydney Haywood, Eastern Trav. Agt. . . 30 Dalhousie Sq. ( Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Co. . .Jardine, Matheson & Co. . .J. Francis Lee, Gen’l Agt. Pass. Dept., 232 South Clark St. ( Thomas Cook & Son (E. B. Creasey). I Bois Brothers. ..C. Sheehy, District Passenger Agent... ii Fort St., West. ..T. H. Larke, District Agent. .426 Spalding House Block. . .Archer Baker, European Traffic Agent., 67 St. Vincent St. ..C. S. Philps, Ticket Agent 126 Hollis St. . . W. J. Grant, Ticket Agent 8 James St., South, . Jardine, Matheson & Co. . . Huddart, Parker & Co. (Ltd.) . .D. E. Brown, General Agent, China, Japan, etc. -T. H. Davies & Co. (Ltd.) . .Frazar & Co. . .Archer Baker, European Traffic Agent 7 James St. 1 Archer Baker, European 1 67 & 68 King William St., E.C. / Traffic Agent, ) 30 Cockspur St., S.W. . .T. R. Parker, Ticket Agt., 161 Dundas St., cor. Richmond. ..Turnbull, Jr., & Somerville, Correspondents, i Thomas Cook & Son. ) Huddart, Parker & Co. (Ltd.) i W. B. Chandler, Ticket Agent, | Guaranty Building, 127 ) Soo Line. ) Third Street, S. . .Wm. F. Egg, City Passenger Agent 129 St. James St. ..Holme, Ringer & Co. . .C. Cranby. . .Jno. McNicoll, Passenger Agent 1478 Holly St. E. V. Skinner, General Eastern Agent 353 Broadway. Land and Emigration Office i Broadway. Everett Frazar, China and Japan F’rt Agt. 63-65 Wall St. D. Isaacs, Ticket Agent Prospect House. U.J. F. King. . . J. E. Parker, City Passenger Agent 42 Sparks St, . .W. F. Fernald B. & M. Rd. Station. Hernu, Peron & Co., | 95 Rue des Marais St. Martin and Ticket Agents. ) 61 Boulevard Haussmann. International Sleeping Car Co 3 Place de I’Opera. . .H. McMurtrie, F. & P.A., Corner Third and Chestnut Sts. ..F. W. Salsbury 505 Ferguson Building. . .G. H. Thompson, Tkt. Agt., Maine Cent’l Rd. Union Depot. . .Allan Cameron, Passenger Agent 146 Third St. ..J.R. Mason 106 Taylor St. ..Geo. Duncan, Passenger Agent 0 pp. Post-Office. . .T. R. Harvey Steamship Wharf. A. H. Notman, District Passenger Agent. W. H. C. Mackay, City Ticket Agent.. . .Chubb’s Corner. I (398 Roberts.., Hotel Ryan, i M. M. Stern, Dist. Fr’t. and Pass. Agent, Chronicle Bldg. ( Goodall, Perkins & Co 10 Market St. . .E. W. MacGinnis Yesler Building, 609 Front St. ..Jardine, Matheson & Co. . .E. H. Crean, Ticket Agent 6 Commercial St. ..Huddart, Parker & Co. (Ltd.) 63 Pitt St. . ..W. R. Thompson, F’rt and Pass. Agent, 1023 Pacific Av. . .C. E. McPherson, Asst. Gen’l Pass. Agent, i King St., E, f G. McL. Brown, District Passenger Agent. ) James Sclater, Ticket Agent. . .G. L. Courtney, Freight and Pass. Agent. Government St . .W. M. McLeod, City Ticket Agent 471 Main St . .Wm. T. Payne, Gen’l Traffic Agent for Japan.. .14 Bund 5 t 5 t id PU BLI CATI ONS ISSUED BY THE Canadian Faciiic Railway Conipa “ The New Highway to the Orient,” “Summer Tours,” “ Banff,” “Westward to the Far East,” (A Guide to the Principal Cities of Japan and China,) “Time-Table with Notes,” “Around the World,” “New Route to Australia,” “Quebec Summer and Winter,” “Alaska.” Also Numerous Pamphlets Descriptive of Manitoba, the Canadian Northwest Territories, and British Columbia: “Western Canada,” “Cold Fields of Cariboo and Kootenay,” “British Columbia.” These publications are handsomely illustrated, and contain much useful inform in interesting shape. Time-Tables with Notes will be found a valuable companion f Transcontinental travellers. Copies may be obtained FREE from Agents of the Company, or will be mailed address on application to undersigned. The Company has also published a new map, on the polar projection, showin. whole of the northern hemisphere, and the Canadian Pacific Railway’s Around the V Route in a novel and interesting way. Another excellent wall map of Canada an greater portion of the United States, showing the immense system of the C. P. R. ar connections, has also been issued. These maps will be given away for public and prom display. The Company now have on sale in their hotels, principal ticket offices, and o trains, several series of handsomely finished views of scenes along their line of rai' Size: 12 by lo inches, in portfolios suitable for the table (12 views in each series), I $1.50; and views 22 by 28 inches, suitable for framing (3 views in the set), in m tube, Price, $1.00. C. B. MCPHERSON, Asst. General Passenger Agent, I King Street East, Toronto. H. J. COLVIN, District Passenger Agent, 197 Washington Street, Boston. A. H. NOTMAN, District Passenger Agent, St. John, N.B. J. F. LEE, General Agent Passenger Department, 232 South Clark Street, Chicago, 111 . G. MCL. BROWN, District Passenger Agent, Vancouver, B.C. D. E. BROV7N, E. V. SKINNER, General Eastern Agent, 353 Broadway, New Y C. SHEBHY, District Passenger Agent, II Fort St., W., Detroit, W. R. CALLAWAY, ‘ General Passenger Agent, Soo Line, Minneapolis, J W. S. THORN, Asst. General Passenger Age Soo Line, St. Paul, ‘ G. W.. HIBBARD, Acting General Pass. Agent, D., S. S. & A. Ry , Marquette, I M. M. STERN, District Passenger Agent, Chronicle Bldg., San Franc General Agent, CniNAand Japan, &c., Hong Kong. ARCHER BAKER, European Traffic Agent, 67 and 68 King William St., London, E. C., and 30 Cockspur St., London, S. W , 67 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, Scoiland, and 7 James Street, Liverpool. ROBT. KERR, Traffic Manager, Lines West of Lake Superior, Winnipeg. C. E. E. USSHER, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Montreal. D. McNICOLL, Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal.