el K. Gove, ed. e and Local Government llinois: A Bibliography fn^^^) lUINOIS :!STCRICAl tUkVBY ^ /' trcrtH. /XZ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN ILLINOIS A Bibliography ■ SAMUEL K. ■ \ GOVE Editor 1 1 ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^ THE INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT] and PUBLIC AFFAIRS ■-rrf UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN Published seven times each month by the University of Illinois. Entered as second-class matter Decem- ber 11, 1912, at the post office at Urbana, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Office of Publi- cation, 207 Administration Building, Urbana, Illinois. Volume No. 51 January, 1954 Number 37 STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN ILLINOIS A Bibliography SAMUEL K. GOVE Editor Assisted by MARY WAITERS and AMOS MILLER UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS URBANA, ILLINOIS December 1953 Price $1.00 FOREWORD This bibliography has been compiled by the Institute of Govern- ment and Public Affairs to provide a convenient, accessible, and comprehensive listing of materials on Illinois state and local gov- ernment. It developed from a project undertaken by the Illinois Legislative Council, which was responsible for the initial collection of entries. The final document has been prepared by the Institute staff under the direction of Mr. Samuel K. Gove. It is felt that the bibliography will provide a central and current source of materials for all persons, engaged in study on Illinois governmental problems, whether as students, public officials, teachers, or citizens. ROYDEN DANGERFIELD, Director Institute of Government and Public Affairs PREFACE This bibliography has been designed to aid those persons who desire knowledge of problems, achievements, and processes of state and local government in Illinois, other than that embodied in statutes, court decisions, and reports of administrative agencies. The emphasis is on materials dealing at length with specific issues of state-wide significance. Social, economic, and political histories and similar studies have been added as necessary background but kept to a short list of outstanding works. Studies pertaining to a single unit of local government have generally been omitted, although exceptions have been made particularly in the case of the several significant studies of Chicago government and problems. Materials for inclusion in this bibliography are largely restricted to information on the practice of government in Illinois under the Constitution of 1870 up to September 1953 and only a few items relating to the period before 1900 have been listed. Although there is justification for including materials even back to the territorial laws, available resources dictated a limitation to more current materials. A cross reference system in the table of contents has been de- vised to aid the user of this bibliography in locating works that touch on one or more subject matters. This alternative subject list- ing should be searched by those persons desirous of making an exhaustive study of a particular problem area. An appendix of Other Sources has been added to the bibliog- raphy to further aid in locating material on a particular subject. This section has been prepared to provide a listing of Illinois sources not included in the main body of the bibliography. This listing has been selective and does not pretend to include all possible sources. The editor is indebted for assistance to several persons who have aided in the preparation of this publication, and particularly to Miss Mary Watters of the staff of the Illinois Legislative Council and Mr. Amos Miller, a graduate student at the University of Illi- nois. Miss Watters combed the card files of the libraries in the state buildings, including the State Library, the State Historical Library, and the Legislative Reference Bureau. In addition, Miss Watters searched several standard sources, and from her research the majority of the listings in the bibliography were obtained. Mr. Miller, searched the card files of the library at the University of Illinois for additional materials, and he also prepared the pre- liminary subject classification. The final draft, however, has been prepared by the editor and he assumes all responsibility for mis- classifications, errors, and omissions. A draft of the bibliography was submitted for criticism and comment to many teachers of government in universities and col- leges in Illinois, to several governmental officials, and to repre- sentatives of civic and governmental organizations. The invaluable contributions of these persons is gratefully acknowledged, particu- larly Professor Charles M. Kneier of the University of Illinois, Professor Charles S. Hyneman of Northwestern University, and Miss Esther Espenschade of the Illinois Department of Labor. Also university and college librarians supplied information on theses on Illinois government prepared at their institutions, and this contri- bution is acknowledged. The theses listed are unpublished, unless otherwise noted. The staff of the Joint Reference Library at the Public Admin- istration Clearing House in Chicago offered valuable suggestions as to the organization of the bibliography. Finally, the work of Mrs. Donna Duran, Miss Nada Richardson, and Mrs. Mariam Wheeler in preparing the manuscript is gratefully acknowledged. SAMUEL K. GOVE Editor December 1953 TABLE OF CONTENTS* PART ONE: STATE GOVERNMENT PAGE I. GENERAL REFERENCES 1 See also: History (1); Citizen Participation (4). A. Histor)' 1 See also: Constitutions (2); Bibliographies and Indexes (2): Elec- tions (4) ; Parties and Politics (4) ; Civil Rights (5) ; Judicial Branch (7); Illinois Supreme Court (8); Executive Branch (10); Property Taxes (13); Highway Administration and Finance (16); Waterways (17); Parks (17); Prisons and Reformatories (18); Probation and Parole (18); Public Welfare (20); Education (22); Libraries (24); State Schools and Colleges (24) ; Business and Industry (26) ; Public Utilities (27); Banking and Securities (27); Labor (27); Child Labor (29). B. Bibliographies and Indexes 2 II. CONSTITUTIONS 2 See also: Elections (4); Civil Rights (5); Legislative Branch (5); State Constitution and the Courts (9); Executive Branch (10); Financial Administration (11); Revenue System (12); Planning (16); Public Works (16); Banking and Securities (27); Charters and Special Acts (31 ) ; Home Rule (34) ; Financial Administration (35). A. Before 1923 2 B. 1923 to date 3 III. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 4 A. Elections 4 See also: Constitutions (2); Legislation (6); Representation and Reapportionment (6) ; Court Systems and Practices (7) ; Elections (31). B. Parties and Politics 4 See also: Elections (4); Legislative Branch (5); The Governor and His Powers (10); Law Enforcement (17); Parties and Politics (31). C. Civil Rights 5 See also: Constitutions (2); Housing (25). IV. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH 5 See also: The Governor and His Powers (10) ; Agriculture (26). A. Organization and Procedure 5 See also: The Governor and His Powers (10). B. Legislation 6 See also: Judicial Branch (7); Parks (17); Law Enforcement (17); Probation and Parole (18) ; Public Welfare (20) ; Child and Maternal Welfare (21); Juvenile Delinquency (21); Veterans Services (22); Charities (22); Education (22); Agriculture (26); Corporations (26); Vocational Licensing (27); Public Utilities (27); Banking and Securities (27); Insurance (27); Labor (27); Workmen's Com- pensation (28) ; Child Labor (29) ; Laws (31) ; Special Districts (34). C. Representation and Reapportionment 6 See also: Elections (4). * In cross references, numbers in parentheses refer to page where reference heading can be located. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE V. JUDICIAL BRANCH 7 See also: Constitutions (2); Elections (4); Representation and Re- apportionment (6); Administrative Procedure (11); Property Taxes (13); Probation and Parole (18). A. Court Systems and Practices 7 See also: Sources of Taxation (12); Public Utilities (27). 1 . Illinois Supreme Court 8 See also: Property Taxes (13); Legal and Judicial Aspects (24); Planning and Zoning (38). 2. Lower Courts 8 3. Court of Claims 9 B. Administration of Justice 9 C. State Constitution and the Courts 9 VI. EXECUTIVE BRANCH 10 See also: Constitutions (2). A. Organization and Reorganization 10 B. The Governor and His Powers 10 See also : History ( 1 ) . VII. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 11 A. Administrative Procedure 11 See also: Financial Administration (11); Public Utilities (27); Insurance (27); Workmen's Compensation (28); Unemployment Compensation (28). B. Financial Administration 11 See also: Highway Administration and Finance (16); Prisons and Reformatories (18); Public Welfare (20); Finances (23); Libraries (24) ; Legal and Judicial Aspects (24) ; State-Local Relations (45). 1 . Revenue System 12 See also: Constitutions (2); Finances (23). a) Sources of Taxation 12 ( 1 ) Inheritance Taxes 13 (2) Business Taxes 13 ( 3 ) Property Taxes 13 2. Expenditures and Appropriations 14 See also: Public Welfare (20) ; Mental Health (22) ; Libraries (24). C. Personnel Administration 15 See also: Labor Relations (29); Personnel Administration (37); Federal-State Relations (45). 1. Merit System 15 2. Salaries and Pensions 15 D. Planning 16 See also: Highway Administration and Finance (16). TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE VIII. SERVICES 16 A. Public Works 16 See also: Employment (28). 1. Highway Administration and Finance 16 2. Aeronautics 1' 3. Waterways 1' See also: Conservation and Natural Resources (25) ; Flood Con- trol (26). 4. Parks 17 See also: Conservation and Natural Resources (25). B. Public Safety 17 1. Law Enforcement 17 See also: Court Systems and Practices (7); Conservation and Natural Resources (25). a) Prisons and Reformatories 18 See also: Financial Administration (11). b) Probation and Parole 18 See also: Juvenile Delinquency (21). 2. Military Defense 19 3. Civil Defense 19 C. Public Health ." 19 See also: Education (22). 1 . Administration 19 2. Vital Statistics 20 3. Sanitation 20 See also: Conservation and Natural Resources (25). 4. Hospitals 20 5. Medical Training 20 6. Industrial Hygiene 20 D. Public Welfare 20 See also: Federal-State Relations (45): State-Local Relations (45). 1 . Administration 20 2. Old Age Assistance 21 3. Child and Maternal Welfare 21 See also: Blind Welfare (21); Education (22); Child Labor (29). 4. Blind Welfare 21 5. Juvenile Delinquency 21 See also: Lower Courts (8). 6. Veterans Services 22 7. Charities 22 8. Mental Health 22 See also: Prisons and Reformatories (18). TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE E. Education 22 See also: Prisons and Reformatories (18) ; Blind Welfare (21) ; Child and Maternal Welfare (21); Child Labor (29); Education (41); State-Local Relations (45). 1 . Administration 23 See also: Vocational Education (24). 2. Organization 23 3. Finances 23 See also: Organization (23) ; School Administration and Finance (42). 4. Vocational Education 24 5. Legal and Judicial Aspects 24 6. State Schools and Colleges 24 See also: Prisons and Reformatories (18) ; Medical Training (20). 7. Libraries 24 See also: Merit System (15). F. Housing 25 See also: Civil Rights (5) ; Planning (16) ; Parks (17). IX. GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY 25 See also: Bibliographies and Indexes' (2); Highway Administration and Finance (16); Public Welfare (20). A. Conservation and Natural Resources 25 See also: Property Taxes (13); Waterways (17); Sanitation (20); Agriculture (26). 1. Flood Control 26 B. Agriculture . . . ." 26 See also: Highway Administration and Finance (16). C. Business and Industry 26 1 . Corporations 26 2. Vocational Licensing 27 3. Public Utilities 27 See also: Administrative Procedure (11); Business Taxes (13); Labor Relations (29); Public Utilities (44). 4. Banking and Securities 27 5. Insurance 27 See also: Housing (25). D. Labor 27 See also: Legislation (6); Prisons and Reformatories (18); Indus- trial Hygiene (20). 1 . Employment 28 2. Workmen's Compensation 28 See also: Child Labor (29). 3. Unemployment Compensation 28 See also: Legislation (6). 4. Labor Relations 29 5. Child Labor 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PART TWO: LOCAL GOVERNMENT PAGE I. GENERAL REFERENCES 30 See also: General References (1); Constitutions (2). A. History 30 See also: Parties and Politics (31); Municipal Government (33); Special Districts (34); Public Welfare (40); Education (41); Public Utilities (44). B. Bibliographies and Indexes ; 30 See also: Bibliographies and Indexes (2). C. Population 30 II. LAWS 31 See also: Bibliographies and Indexes (30); Elections (31). A. Charters and Special Acts 31 B. Ordinances and Laws 31 See also: Special Districts (34); Legal and Judicial Aspects (43). III. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 31 A. Elections 31 See also: Elections (4); Council-Manager (33). B. Parties and Politics 31 C. Human Relations 32 D. Civil Rights 33 IV. UNITS AND FORMS OF GOVERNMENT 33 See also: Lower Courts (8); General References (30); Laws (31); Administration and Management (35); Financial Administration (35) ; Public Health (40) ; Education (41). A. County Government 33 B. Municipal Government 33 See also: History (30). 1. Council-Manager 33 2. Commission Form 34 C. Township Government 34 See also: County Government (33). D. Special Districts 34 See also: Conservation and Natural Resources (25); Agriculture (26) ; Sources of Taxation (36) ; Education (41) ; Organization (41) ; Units and Forms of Government (33). E. Home Rule 34 See also: Constitutions (2). V. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 35 See also: Administration of Justice (9); County Government (33). A. Administrative Procedure 35 B. Organization and Reorganization 35 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE C. Financial Administration 35 See also: Financial Administration (11); Public Welfare (40); Hous- ing Regulation and Development (43); State-Local Relations (45). 1 . Revenue System 36 See also: Parties and Politics (31). a) Sources of Taxation 36 b) Assessment and Valuation . .37 See also: Financial Administration (11); Property Taxes (13); Special Districts (34). 2. Expenditures and Appropriations 37 See also: Expenditures and Appropriations (14). 3. Budgeting and Accounting 37 D. Personnel Administration 37 See also: Personnel Administration (15); Police Administration (39); Labor (44); Federal-State Relations (45). E. Planning and Zoning 38 See also: Housing Development and Regulation (43). VI. SERVICES 38 A. Public Works • 38 See also: Aeronautics (17); Planning and Zoning (38). 1. Highways and Transportation 39 See also: Township Government (34). 2. Parks and Recreation 39 See also: Special Districts (34). B. Public Safety 39 1. Police Administration 39 See also: Civil Rights (33). 2. Crime and Crime Control 39 See also: Juvenile Delinquency (41). C. Public Health 40 See also: Education (41); Conservation and Natural Resources (44). D. Public Welfare 40 See also: Federal-State Relations (45); State-Local Relations (45). 1. Juvenile Delinquency 41 E. Education 41 See also: Education (22); Charters and Special Acts (31); Special Districts (34); State-Local Relations (45). 1. Organization 41 See also: Education (22); Organization (23). 2. School Administration and Finance ' 42 See also: Finances (23). 3. Legal and Judicial Aspects 43 4. Libraries 43 See also: Libraries (24). F. Housing Regulation and Development 43 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Concluded) PAGE VII. GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY 44 A. Conservation and Natural Resources 44 See also: Conservation and Natural Resources (25). B. Agriculture 44 See also: Revenue System (36). C. Public Utilities 44 D. Labor 44 PART THREE: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS I. FEDERAL-STATE RELATIONS 45 See also: Banking and Securities (27). II. STATE-LOCAL RELATIONS 45 A. Education 45 See also: Organization (23) ; Finances (23). B. Finance 45 III. INTERSTATE RELATIONS 45 APPENDIX 46 INDEX OF AUTHORS 50 PART ONE: STATE GOVERNMENT I. GENERAL REFERENCES CARLSON, THEODORE L., RICHARD V. CARPENTER, and JAMES H. SMITH. Illi- nois government and institutions. AUyn and Bacon, Boston, 1947. CARPENTER, RICHARD V. and JAMES H. SMITH. The government of Illinois. Allyn and Bacon, Chicago, 1936. CHILDS, MARY L. Actual government in Illinois. Century Co., Chicago, 1914. DODD, WALTER F. and SUE H. DODD. Government in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1923. FORMAN, SAMUEL E. Government in Illi- nois. Century Co., New York, 1916. GARNER, JAMES W. Government of Illinois. (Supplement to Government in the United States). American Book Co., New York, 1933. ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE. Gov- ernment in Illinois; state, county, local. Spring- field, 1953. ILLINOIS. UNIVERSITY, Institute of gov- ernment and public affairs. Organization chart of Illinois state government. Urbana, 1952. MAHONEY, LEWIS A. The government of Illinois. Macmillan Co., New York, 1927. MC NAMARA, HELEN. Illinois voters hand- book. League of women voters of Illinois, Chicago, 1952. RIDGLEY, DOUGLAS C. The geography of Illinois. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1921. TROWBRIDGE, OLIVER R. Illinois and the nation: how they are governed. A. Flanagan, Chicago, 1932. TUBBS, ESTON V. Illinois, the state and its government. Oxford Book Co., New York, 1944. A. History ALVORD, CLARENCE W., ed. The centen- nial history of Illinois. 5 vols. Springfield, 1920. -. The county of Illinois. Illinois state historical library, Springfield, 1907. ANGLE, PAUL M., and RICHARD L. BEYER. A handbook of Illinois history. The Illinois state historical society, Springfield, 1943. BATEMAN, NEWTON, PAUL SELBY, and J. SEYMOUR CURREY. Historical encyclo- pedia of Illinois, with commemorative biogra- phies. 3 vols. Munsell publ. co., Chicago, 1933-43. BOGART, ERNEST L., and JOHN M. MATHEWS. The modern commonwealth. (Volume 5 of the Centennial History of Illi- nois). The Illinois centennial commission, Springfield, 1920, p. 209-393, 421-33. , and CHARLES M. THOMPSON. The industrial state, 1870-1893. (Volume 4 of the Centennial History of Illinois). The Illinois centennial commission, Springfield, 1920. CHURCH, HARRY V. Illinois; history, geog- raphy, government. Heath Co., Boston, 1925. DUNNE, EDWARD F. Illinois, the heart of the nation. 5 vols. Lewis Publishing Co., Chi- cago, 1933. FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT. Illinois: a descriptive and historical guide, (rev. 1946), A. C. McClurg, Chicago, 1947. FORD, THOMAS. A history of Illinois from its commencement as a state in 1818 to 1847. 2 vols. Lakeside press, Chicago, 1945-46. GLENN, JOHN M. The industrial develop- ment of Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois state historical society, v. 22, p. 55-72, Spring- field, 1921. GREENE, EVARTS B. The government of Illinois: its history and administration. Mac- millan Co., New York, 1914. HUMPHREY, GRACE. Illinois, the story of the prairie state. Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indian- apolis, 1917. ILLINOIS CENTENNIAL COMMISSION. The governors of Illinois, 1818-1918. Spring- field, 1918. ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY. A chronology of Illinois History, 1673-1952. (Compiled by Margaret A. Flint). Springfield, 1952. MATHER, IRWIN F. The making of Illinois: a history of the state from the earliest records to the present time. A. Flanagan, Chicago, 1935. MC LEAN, JOHN. One hundred years in Illinois (1818-1918), an account of the de- velopment of Illinois in the first century of her statehood. Peterson Linotyping Co., Chicago, 1919. MONAGHAN, JAMES. The sovereign state of Illinois, a short history of a great state: its geography, climate, resources, and industries. Springfield, 1950. [1] I. GENERAL REFERENCES (Concluded) MONAGHAN, JAMES. This is Illinois, a pic- torial history. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1949. PEASE, THEODORE C. The story of Illinois. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1949. RODEBAUGH, WILLIAM. The boundary dispute between Illinois and Wisconsin. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1904. SMITH, GEORGE W. History of Illinois and her people. 6 vols. American historical society, Washington, 1927. B. Bibliographies and Indexes ANGLE, PAUL M. Suggested readings in Illi- nois history. Illinois state historical society, ( Springfield, 1935. FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT. Selected '■ bibliography ; Illinois, Chicago and its environs, j Works progress administration, Chicago, 1937. | HARDIN, ANN R. A selected, annotated list ; of Illinois official publications for use in the five j state teachers colleges of Illinois. Masters ] thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1942. i HASSE, ADELAIDE R. Index of economic | material in the documents of the states of the ] United States: Illinois, 1809-1904. institution, Washington, 1909. Carnegie II. CONSTITUTIONS A. Before 1923 ANTHONY, ELLIOTT. The constitutional history of Illinois. Chicago, 1891. CHICAGO BUREAU OF PUBLIC EFFI- CIENCY. Chicago's special need for a con- stitutional convention. Chicago, 1918. . The proposed new constitution for Illinois. Chicago, 1922. . Shall the proposed new constitution be adopted? Chicago, 1922. CHICAGO CITY COUNCIL, Special commit- tee on constitutional proposals. Revised draft of a proposed article of the new constitution for Illinois to be entitled "City of Chicago" to be submitted to the constitutional convention. Chicago, 1920. CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO. Why a constitutional convention is unavoidable. Bulletin, no. 31, 1914. COLE, ARTHUR C, ed. The constitutional debates of 1847. Illinois state historical library, Springfield, 1919. DICKERSON, OLIVER M. The Illinois con- stitutional convention of 1862. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1905. DODD, WALTER F. A constitutional conven- tion. City club bulletin, v. 6 (April 18, 1913). . Constitutional convention or amend- ing clause? Illinois law review, v. 9 (April 1915) p. 612-9. . Need for constitutional revision in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 7 (March 1913) p. 496-503. DRAKE, MARION H. Bill of rights of Illi- nois, studied historically and comparatively. Chicago, 1920. FREUND, ERNST. Supplemental acts, a chap- ter in constitutional construction. Illinois law review, v. 8 (March 1914) p. 507-17. GILBERT, HIRAM T. The judiciary pro- visions of the proposed new constitution. Chi- cago, 1922. GOODWIN, CLARENCE N. How should the Illinois constitution be amended? Illinois law review, v. 9 (April 1915) p. 601-11. GREEN, HENRY I. The constitutional con- vention. Illinois law bulletin, v. 3 (May 1921) p. 181-95. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVEN- TION CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. Why Illi- nois needs a constitutional convention. Spring- field, 1918. , Committee on phraseology and style. Comment on second revised draft of the con- stitution of Illinois. Springfield, 1922. Reports no. 1-19. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BUREAU. Constitutional convention: List of suggestions for the constitutional change. Springfield, 1919. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 1. The procedures and problems of the constitutional convention. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. , no. 3. The amending article of the constitution. Illinois legislative reference bu- reau, Springfield, 1919. , no. 4. Bill of rights, education, militia, suflTrage and elections, preamble, bound- ary, distribution of powers, schedule. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. [2] II. CONSTITUTIONS (Concluded) ILLINOIS STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. Discussion on constitutional revision in Illinois. Proceedings, 1917, p. 299-489. JAMES, HERMAN G. The article in the con- stitution of Illinois on the distribution of pow- ers. Illinois law review, v. 4 (April 1910) p. 624-38. . The introductory articles of the con- stitution of Illinois. Doctoral dissertation, Co- lumbia univ., 1911. — . The preamble and the boundary clauses of the Illinois constitution. Proceedings of the Chicago historical society, 1910, p. 177- 204. LATHAM, CARL R. Is a constitutional con- vention in Illinois desirable at this time? Illi- nois law review, v. 9 (May 1914) p. 1-23. LA VERY, URBAN A. The boundaries article of the new constitution. Illinois law review, v. 16 (Jan. 1922) p. 361-9. . Constitutional convention or super legislature. Illinois law review, v. 13 (Nov. 1919) p. 269-71. MORRILL, D. L. A student's manual of the constitution of Illinois. Chicago, 1912. SIKES, GEORGE C. Illinois votes on a new constitution. National municipal review, v. 2 (Dec. 1922) p. 422-7. STEVENSON, ADLAI E. The constitutional conventions and the constitutions of Illinois. Illinois state historical library publication no. 8, Springfield, 1904, p. 16-20. TOLMAN, EDGAR B. Amendment to amend- ing clause. Chicago city club bulletin, v. 6 (April 18, 1913). VERLIE, EMIL J. ed. Illinois constitutions. Collections of the Illinois state historical library, v. 13, Springfield, 1919. ; and DE WITT BILLMAN. Con- stitutional conventions in Illinois. Illinois legis- lative reference bureau, Springfield, 1918. WILSON, HARRY. The fifth Illinois consti- tutional convention January 6 to December 9, 1920. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1921. B. 1923 to dote CITY CLUB OF CHICAGO, Constitutional revision committee. A plan for amending the Illinois constitution. Chicago, 1949. . Report ... on the need for a con- stitutional convention. Chicago, 1934. . A remedy for constitutional stagna- tion in Illinois. Chicago, 1939. CUMMINGS, WALTER J., JR. Amending the revenue article of the Illinois constitution. Chicago bar record, v. 29, 1948, p. 259-68. DODD, WALTER F. Illinois rejects a new constitution. Minnesota law review, v. 7 (Feb. 1923) p. 177-86. Gateway amendment. Illinois bar journal, v. 38 (March 1950) p. 308-15. GILLESPIE, GEORGE B. The constitution and its application to the machinery of execu- tive government in Illinois. Springfield, 1941. HYNEMAN, CHARLES S. The Illinois consti- tution and democratic government. Illinois law review, v. 46 (Sept.-Oct. 1951) p. 511-74. ILLINOIS LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. A constitutional convention for Illinois. Chi- cago, 1946. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Con- stitutional revision in Illinois. Springfield, 1947. KERWIN, JEROME G. The state constitution and our local government. Illinois law review, v. 33, 1938, p. 32-41. KING, WILLARD L. Draftsmanship of the constitution of 1870. Illinois law review, v. 15 (Feb. 1951) p. 447-52. KOHN, LOUIS A., HENRY I. GREEN, and THOMAS J. WELCH. Debating the gateway amendment. Illinois bar journal, v. 39 (Oct. 1950) p. 127-33. POWELL, ALDEN L. A plan for facilitating constitutional amendment in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 30 (May 1935) p. 59-67. SEARS, BARNABAS F. Constitutional re- vision: a must. Illinois bar journal, v. 38 (Feb. 1950) p. 247-51. SEARS, KENNETH C. Constitutional revision in Illinois. Illinois law review, v, 33, 1939, p. 2-14. WINTER, WILLIAM O. and ROBERT A. MCGRATH. Illinois votes the blue ballot: officials and voters join hands to provide easier amendment of the constitution. National mu- nicipal review, v. 40 (Feb. 1951) p. 88-91+. WITWER, SAMUEL W., JR. A constitutional convention for Illinois. Illinois bar journal, v. 37 (Sept. 1948) p. 9-16. . Illinois constitutional amendments of 1952. Illinois bar journal, v. 41 (Sept. 1952) p. 7-10. [3] CITIZEN PARTICIPATION BROWNE, RICHARD G. and IRVING F. PEARSON. The Illinois citizen. Macmillan Co., New York, 1939. GARVEY, NEIL F., RICHARD G. BROWNE, and WILLIAM G. WOOD. Your business as a voter. (A handbook of essential facts about voting in Illinois). Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 1941. THOMAS, S. E. Active citizenship in Illinois. Longmans, Green and Co., New York, 1938. WATTERS, HILDA M. Civics for Illinois. Macmillan Co., New York, 1943. A. Elections BLAIR, GEORGE S. The case for cumulative voting in Illinois. Northwestern univ. law re- view, V. 47 (July 1952) p. 344-57. . Cumulative voting in Illinois. Doc- toral dissertation. Northwestern univ., 1951. CASSELS, EDWIN H. The short ballot in Illinois. City club of Chicago. Univ. of Chi- cago press, Chicago, 1912. GARDNER, CLARENCE O. The working of the state-wide referendum in Illinois. American political science review, v. 5, 1911, p. 394-415. GREELEY, LOUIS M. Constitutional law, primary elections, cumulative voting. Illinois law review, v. 5 (March 1911) p. 502-8. . The last Illinois primary law de- cision. Illinois law review, v. 4 (Nov. 1909) p. 227-42. HARKER, OLIVER A. Efforts to divorce ju- dicial elections from politics in Illinois. Illinois state historical library, 1909, p. 37-46. HYNEMAN, CHARLES S., and JULIUS D. MORGAN. Cumulative voting in Illinois. Illi- nois law review, v. 32 (May 1937) p. 12-31. ILLINOIS COMMISSION FOR THE REVI- SION, CODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE ELECTION AND PRIMARY LAWS. Report. Springfield, 1939. ILLINOIS COMMISSION ON THE RE- VISION OF ELECTION LAWS. Report. Springfield, 1931. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 5. The short ballot. Illinois legislative refer- ence bureau, Springfield, 1919. ILLINOIS LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, Department of efficiency in government. Ballot changes for Illinois, Chicago?, 1927. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Ab- sentee voting by civilians. Springfield, 1946. field, 1948. -. The direct primary ballot. Spring- . Facilitating election registration in downstate Illinois. Springfield, 1948. . Regulation of campaign expendi- tures. Springfield, 1940. JONES, WALTER C. The direct primary in Illinois. Proceedings of the American political science association, v. 7, 1910, p. 138-62. MC CLEARY, GLENN A. The constitution- ality of primary legislation in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 23 (Nov. 1928) p. 265-75. MCCULLOUGH, CATHERINE W. The bench and the bar of Illinois on equal suffrage. Chicago, 1903. . Chronology of the women's rights movement in Illinois. Chicago, n.d. NIGHTINGALE, H.\RRY T. History of the nominating methods in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1909. PEASE, THEORDORE C. Illinois election re- turns, 1818-1848. Collections. The Illinois state historical library, v. 18, Springfield, 1923. SEARS, KENNETH C. Constitutional revision and party-circle bills. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 14 (Feb. 1947) p. 200-14. • . Constitutionality of party-circle bills. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 13 (Dec. 1945) p. 52-70. TROUT, GRACE W. Side lights on Illinois suffrage history. Journal of the Illinois state historical society, v. 13 (July 1950) p. 145-80. B. Parties and Politics CHURCH, CHARLES A. History of the republican party in Illinois, 1854-1912. Wilson Bros., Rockford, 1912. DANTE, HARRIS L. Reconstruction politics in Illinois. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chicago, 1950. GOSNELL, HAROLD F. Grass roots politics: national voting behavior of typical states. American council on public affairs, Washing- ton, 1942, p. 91-105. HEMDAHL, REVEL G. The Swedes in Illi- nois politics, an immigrant group in an Ameri- can political setting. Doctoral dissertation, Northwestern univ., 1932. JONES, JAMES T. Progressive party in Illi- nois 1947-48. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1953. [4] III. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (Concluded) KERR, HELEN K. movement in Illinois. Illinois, 1931. The liberal republican Masters thesis, Univ. of Legal barriers confronting third parties: the progressive party in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 16 (Spring 1949) p. 499-522. LUSK, DAVID W. Eighty years of Illinois politics and politicians, anecdotes and incidents, a succinct history of the state, 1809-1889. H. W. Bokker, Springfield, 1889. NEFF, HAROLD A. History of the people's party with special reference to Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1920. POTTER, RUTH E. The role of Illinois in nationwide social and political movements, 1898-1908. Bachelors thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1941. The right to form a political party. Illinois law review, v. 43 (Jan.-Feb. 1949) p. 832-46. STEFFENS, LINCOLN. The struggle for self government: being an attempt to trace Ameri- can political corruption to its sources in 6 states of the United States. McClurc, Phillips, and CO., New York, 1906, p. 40-78. TOWNSEND, WALTER A. Illinois democracy, a history of the party and its representative members — past and present. Illinois demo- cratic historical association, Springfield, 1935. WOODDY, CARROLL H. The case of Frank L. Smith: a study in representative government. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1930. C. Civil Rights BERNHARD, EDGAR, IRA LATIMER, and HARVEY O'CONNER. Pursuit of freedom: a history of civil liberty in Illinois, 1787-1942. Chicago civil liberties committee, Chicago, 1942. ILLINOIS INTERRACIAL COMMISSION. The fighting edge in civil rights. Springfield, 1948. ILLINOIS SEDITIOUS ACTIVITIES IN- VESTIGATION COMMISSION. Report. Springfield, 1949. . Investigation of the Univ. of Chi- cago and Roosevelt college, special report. Springfield, 1949. ILLINOIS STATE COMMITTEE ON CITI- ZENSHIP AND NATURALIZATION. Citizen and naturalization activities in Illinois. Spring- field, 1937. JAMES, HERMAN G. The origin and devel- opment of the bill of rights in the constitution of Illinois. Illinois state historical library pub- lication, no. 15, Springfield, 1910, p. 81-104. STICKGOLD, SIMON and RUBIN G. COHN. Restrictive covenants research. Illinois inter- racial commission, Springfield, 1943. IV. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH CHITI, ATILE. The war-time activities and attitudes of the 50th and 51st General Assem- blies of Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illi- nois, 1935. GARNER, JAMES W. The legislative depart- ment. Illinois law bulletin, v. 2 (Dec. 1919) p. 301-20. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLE- TIN, no. 8. The legislative department. Illi- nois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. A. Organization and Procedure BAIN, EDGAR L. A study of the principle of bi-cameralism versus uni-cameralism. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1941. ELSON, ALEX. Constitutional revision and reorganization of the general assembly. Illinois law review, v. 33 (May 1938) p. 15-31. FAIRLIE, JOHN A. Illinois legislature of 1913. Journal of political economy, v. 21 (Dec. 1913) p. 931-7. ILLINOIS COMMISSION TO REVISE THE RULES AND PROCEDURES OF THE HOUSE AND SENATE OF THE ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE. Report. Springfield, 1947. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. An- nual vs. biennial legislative sessions. Springfield, 1950. . The committee system of the Illi- nois general assembly. Springfield, 1940. . Legislative broadcasting and record- ing. Springfield, 1952. . Legislative budget staffing. Spring- field, 1952. Printing of legislative bills. Spring- field, 1949. 5] IV. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH (Continued) ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Scheduling legislative workloads. Springfield, 1952. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BUREAU. Notes on bill drafting in Illinois. Springfield, 1950. KEEFE, WILLIAM J. Party government and lawmaking in the Illinois general assembly. Northwestern univ. law review, v. 47 (March- April 1952) p. 55-71. . A study of roles of political parties in the legislative process, Illinois general as- sembly. Doctoral dissertation, Northwestern univ., 1951. KNEIER, CH.\RLES M. Illinois legislative council completes its first year. National mu- nicipal review, v. 28 (Sept. 1939) p. 640-5. MONROE, JAMES O. et al. Blasting the leg- islative "last minute jam" : the story of 49 dead bills and who killed them. Herald Poster, Col- linsville, Illinois, 1937. MUNRO, FAYETTE S. Legislative spend- thrifts. The honest government league, Chi- cago, 1916. NICHOLS, GEORGE A. Legislative bill draft- ing in Illinois. Illinois bar journal, v. 41 (Dec. 1952) p. 136-40. ROUTT, GARLAND C. Interpersonal rela- tionships and the legislative process. Annals, v. 195 (Jan. 1938) p. 129-36. RUSSELL, WENDELL H. Aids for state legis- latures with particular emphasis on Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1950. WHITE, LEONARD D. Our legislative mills V. the legislative process in Illinois. National municipal review, v. 12, 1923, p. 712-9. WOODS-SIMONS, MAY. The bicameral sys- tem in Illinois and Wisconsin. Illinois law re- view, V. 20 (March 1926) p. 674-86. ZIEGLER, MARTHA J. Legislative investi- gating committees and interim commissions in Illinois since 1900. Doctoral dissertation. North- western univ., 1934. B. Legislation CHUNN, CALVIN E. A digest of Illinois laws affecting newspapers. Masters thesis. North- western univ., 1938. HEINEMAN, BEN W. A law revision commis- sion for Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 42 (Jan.- Feb. 1948) p. 697-727. HYNEMAN, CHARLES S. et al. Legislative experience of Illinois lawmakers. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 3 (Dec. 1935) p. 104-18. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLE- TIN, no. 3. The initiative, referendum, and recall. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE BURE.\U. Statutory revision in Illinois. Springfield, 1918. KALES, ALBERT M. Special legislation as defined in the Illinois cases. Illinois law re- view, V. 1, 1906, p. 63-80. MAC CHESNEY, NATHAN W. A legislative programme for law reform. Illinois law review, V. 3 (March 1909) p. 512-24. NICHOLS, GEORGE A. Some aspects of statutory interpretation. Smith-Hurd annotated statutes, 1953, chap. 127'/2, p. xiii-xxx. SINGLETON, SHELBY M. The Illinois legis- lative session of 1921. American political sci- ence review, v. 15 (Nov. 1921) p. 582-91. STEINER, GILBERT Y. Legislation by col- lective bargaining: the agreed bill process in Illinois unemployment compensation legislation. Univ. of Illinois, Institute of labor and indus- trial relations, Urbana, 1951. Survey of Illinois law in the year 1951-52. Chi- cago-Kent law review, v. 31 (Dec. 1952) p. 1-98. (Other years in earlier editions). VERLIE, EMIL J. Retrospective legislation in Illinois. Illinois law bulletin, v. 3 (Dec. 1920) p. 28-40. WOOD, MILDRED M. The social structure tested by the distribution of legal enactments: a statistical analysis of Illinois laws since 1890. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1938. WOODS, WEIGHTSTILL. Making the statute book a better tool. Univ. of Chicago law re- view, v. 3 (April 1936) p. 470-5. C. Representation and Reapportionment BETTER GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO AND COOK COUNTY. Con- gressional districts — Illinois style. Chicago, 1945. BURDETTE, FRANKLIN L. Illinois congres- sional rtdistricting case. American political science review, v. 40 (Oct. 1946) p. 958-62. CITIZEN'S COMMITTEE FOR POPULAR REPRESENTATION. Limitation of represen- tation in the general assembly of Illinois. Chi- cago, 1922. HANSON, E.\RL T. The Chicago-downstate problem as shown by the constitutional conven- tion of 1920-22. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illi- nois, 1937. [6] IV. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH (Concluded) ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Legis- lative apportionment in Illinois. Springfield, 1952. ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE. Illinois 1951-52 judicial, congressional, senatorial ap- portionment maps and descriptions. Spring- field, 1952. KNAPP, DANIEL C. Gerrymandering in Illi- nois before 1870. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illi- nois, 1938. KNEIER, CHARLES M. Chicago threatens to revolt. National municipal review, v. 14 (Oct. 1925) p. 600-3. Methods for guaranteeing equality in congres- sional districts. Illinois law review, v. 43 (May- June 1948) p. 180-204. MILLER, JOHN F. Limitation of metropolitan representation in the state of Illinois. Bachelors thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1929. MOORE, BLAINE F. The history of cumu- lative voting and minority representation in Illinois, 1870-1919. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1920. MOTT, RODNEY L. Reapportionment in Illi- nois. American political science review, v. 21 (Aug. 1927) p. 598-602. Reapportionment of congressional district in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 41 (Nov.-Dec. 1946) p. 578-83. SEARS, KENNETH C. Methods of reappor- tionment. Univ. of Chicago law school, 1953, p. 4-11. WHAM, BENJAMIN and ROBERT A. SPRECHER. Solution of the problem of state representation from Cook county and the re- mainder of Illinois. Chicago bar record, v. 30, 1948, p. 73-8. V. JUDICIAL BRANCH BRITTON, WILLIAM E. Judicial control over public officers in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1910. CEDARQUIST, WAYLAND B. Need for judicial reform in Illinois. DePaul law review, V. 2 (Autumn-winter 1952) p. 39-44. CROSSLEY, FREDERIC B. Courts and law- yers of Illinois. 3 vols. The American histori- cal society, Chicago, 1916. GULP, MAURICE S. The organization, juris- diction, and operation of the courts of Illinois. Bachelors thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1927. DUPUY, GEORGE E. The earliest courts of Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 1, 1906, p. 1-8, 81-93. GILLESPIE, GEORGE B. The judicial power: its content, source, and adaptation to modern society. Springfield, 1933. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 10. The judicial department, jury, grand jury, and claims against the state. Illinois legis- lative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. MCCORMICK, CHARLES T. A proposed reorganization of the Illinois judiciary. Illinois law review, v. 29 (May 1934) p. 31-40. SULLIVAN, RUSSELL N. Judicial review in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1949) p. 304-31. WRIGHT, ALBERT B. Judicial control over legislation in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1914. A. Court Systems and Practices BEELEY, ARTHUR L. The bail system in Chicago. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1927. CAPLAN, OSCAR S. and HARRY G. FINS. Comparative procedure in the municipal court of Chicago and courts operating under the Illi- nois civil practice act. Illinois law review, v. 35 (May 1940) p. 19-27. CLARK, CHARLES E. The new Illinois civil practice act. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 1 (Nov. 1933) p. 209-33. DODD, WALTER F. and PALMER D. ED- MUNDS. Appellate jurisdiction and practice in the courts of Illinois. Callaghan and Co., Chicago, 1929. EDMUNDS, PALMER D. Jurisdiction of the courts. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Winter 1952) p. 480-525. GARDNER, HENRY A., HARRY M. FISHER, and EDWARD M. MARTIN. The selection of judges for Cook county: The Chicago bar association plan. Illinois law re- view, V. 31 (March 1937) p. 893-906. GOTTLIEB, HARRY N. Illinois civil pro- cedure. Chicago-Kent law review, v. 19 (Sept. 1941) p. 342-70. GRIGSBY, EARLE D. Court reviews and ap- peals under the Illinois school code. Illinois bar journal, v. 37 (Nov. 1948) p. 104-10. HEMPHILL, VICTOR. Illinois jury instruc- tion. B. Smith CO., Chicago, 1951. [7] V. JUDICIAL BRANCH (Continued) ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The selection of judges. Springfield, 1948. — ■ . The suability of the state. Spring- field, 1944. Illinois probate act symposium. Illinois bar journal, v. 29 (Sept. 1940) p. 21-46. The judicial system in Illinois, (a symposium) Univ. of Illinois law forum (Winter 1952) p. 461-600. KLEIN, HORTENSE. The management of civil trial calendars in Cook county. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1936. LEVIN, STANLEY. Post conviction remedies in Illinois. Journal of criminal law, v. 40 (Jan. 1950) p. 606-15. LINDLEY, WALTER C. Organization of the courts. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Winter 1952) p. 526-41. LOVE, EDWARD B. Judicial selection and tenure. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Winter 1952) p. 542-61. MARTIN, EDWARD M. The role of the bar in electing the bench in Chicago. Univ. of Chi- cago press, Chicago, 1936. Modernizing Illinois eminent domain pro- cedures. Illinois law review, v. 41 (May- June 1946) p. 82-104. Pretrial practice symposium. Illinois bar journal, v. 29 (Oct. 1940) p. 61-72. REARICK, FRANCIS G. The liability of municipal corporations for torts in Illinois. J. D. thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1927. ROSO, CARL A. The jury system of Cook county. Illinois law review, v. 5, 1910, p. 283-99. Tort claims against the state of Illinois and its subdivisions. Northwestern university law re- view, V. 47 (Jan.-Feb. 1953) p. 914-30. WIENKE, HARVEY W. Work of the chief justice in a proposed unified court system for Cook county. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1932. 1. Illinois Supreme Court DODD, WALTER F. The work of the supreme court of Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 21 (Nov. 1926) p. 207-23. HARNO, ALBERT J. The supreme court in felony cases. Illinois crime survey, Illinois as- sociation for criminal justice, Chicago, 1929, p. 113-89. ILLINOIS SUPREME COURT. A statistical review of the work of the supreme court of Illinois for ten years field, 1912. (1900-1910). Spring- LARDNER, LYNFORD A. Thoughts on the supreme court of Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 42 (March-April 1947) p. 53-70. LEWSON, JOHN. Analysis of Illinois supreme and selected appellate court cases. John Mar- shall law quarterly, v. 4 (Sept. 1938) p. 85-98. SMITH, JUNE C. History of supreme court of Illinois. Illinois state bar association report, 1933, p. 130-51. . Review of supreme court decisions since 1942. Illinois bar journal, v. 34 (April 1946) p. 406-15. SNYDER, RALPH M. Ten significant de- cisions of the Illinois supreme court. John Mar- shall law quarterly, v. 5 (March 1940) p. 438- 43. SPECK, WILLIAM H. et al. A study of Illi- nois supreme court. Univ. of Chicago law rc- view,_v. 15 (Autumn 1947) p. 107-76. STANLEY, JUSTIN A., and ROGER L. SHERMAN. The original jurisdiction of the Illinois supreme court. Chicago-Kent law re- view, V. 22 (June 1944) p. 169-96. 2. Lower Courts BRONSTON, CECIL. Jurisdiction of the pro- bate courts of Illinois. Chicago-Kent law re- view, V. 18 (June 1940) p. 248-78; (Sept. 1940) p. 371-405. CARTER, ORRIN N. The early courts of Chicago and Cook county. Transactions of the Illinois state historical society, Springfield, 1914, p. 35-54. Courts of limited or inferior jurisdiction. Chi- cago-Kent law review, v. 28 (June 1950) p. 246-53. FISCHER, GUSTAVE F. The juries in felony cases in Cook county. Illinois crime survey, Illinois association for criminal justice, Chicago, 1929, p. 223-43. FISHER, HARRY M. The judicial structure of Cook county. Illinois law review, v. 36 (Feb. 1942) p. 628-42. GILBERT, HIRAM T. The municipal court of Chicago. Chicago, 1928. HEALY, JOHN J. The prosecutor (in Chi- cago) in felony cases. Illinois crime survey, Illinois asociation for criminal justice, Chicago, 1929, p. 283-331. [8] I V. JUDICIAL BRANCH (Continued) HINTON, E. W. The trial courts in felony cases. Illinois crime survey, Illinois association for criminal justice, Chicago, 1929, p. 195-220. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Cir- cuit court redistricting in Illinois. Springfield, 1938. KALES, ALBERT M. Reorganization of the circuit and superior courts of Cook county. Illinois law review, v^ 7, 1912, p. 218-26, 291- 302. KNIGHT, WILLIAM D. The prosecutor (out- side of Chicago) in felony cases. Illinois crime survey, Illinois association for criminal justice, Chicago, 1929, p. 247-79. LEPAWSKY, ALBERT. The judicial system of metropolitan Chicago. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1932. Local judicial activity. Local government notes, Univ. of Illinois, Institute of government and public affairs, (Sept. 1952). MOLEY, RAYMOND. The municipal court of Chicago. Illinois crime survey, Illinois as- sociation for criminal justice, Chicago, 1929, p. 393-419. RILEY, RALPH J. A working manual for juvenile court officers. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1932. SCHRAMM, GUSTAV L. Philosophy of the juvenile court. Annals, v. 261 (Jan. 1949) p. 101-8. WATKINS, GORDON. The juvenile court system of Illinois outside of Chicago. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1915. 3. Court of Claims Court of claims act in Illinois. Univ. of Chi- cago law review, v. 4 (April 1937) p. 442-61. ECKERT, ROBERT P., JR. The Illinois court of claims. State government, v. 20 (Oct. 1947) p. 258-61+. B. Administration of Justice ALLEN, HARRY K. Administration of minor justice in selected Illinois counties. Illinois law review, v. 31 (April 1937) p. 1047-55. BLACKISTON, DON T. The judge, the de- fendant, and criminal law administration: a story of the administration of criminal law in the Cook county criminal court. Doctoral dis- sertation, Univ. of Chicago, 1952. BRUCE, ANDREW A. Administration of criminal justice in Illinois: summary of the Illinois crime survey. Journal of criminal law and criminology, v. 19, pt. 2, no. 4 (Feb. 1929). CASSIDY, JAMES A. Criminal procedure, post-conviction hearings: the Illinois situation. Notre-Dame lawyer, v. 23 (May 1948) p. 572-7. CHICAGO BUREAU OF PUBLIC EFFI- CIENCY. Administration of the office of clerk of the superior court of Cook county. Chicago, 1911. . The judge and the county fee offices (of Cook county). Chicago, 1911. FINNEGAN, PHILIP J. The work of the public defender of Cook county. Journal of criminal law and criminology, v. 26 (Jan. -Feb. 1936) p. 709-18. G.A.RIEPY, MARGUERITE A. Legal aid as a part of a community program. Annals, v. 205 (Sept. 1939) p. 72-8. . The legal aid bureau of the united charities of Chicago. Annals, v. 124 (March 1926) p. 33-41. HILL, M. ALICE. Legal aid in the smaller cities. Annals, v. 124 (March 1926) p. 59-62. HUNTER, J. D. The Illinois plan. Annals, v. 124 (March 1926) p. 149-51. KATZ, WILBUR G. An open letter to the attorney general of Illinois. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 15 (Winter 1948) p. 251-4. C. State Constitution and the Courts COHN, RUBIN G. The proposed judicial article — some controversial aspects. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Winter 1952) p. 562-91. Draft of proposed judicial article. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Winter 1952) p. 592-600. Explanatory statement on the proposed judicial article for the constitution of the state of Illi- nois. Prepared by members of the joint com- mittee on the judicial article of the Illinois state bar assoc. and the Chicago bar assoc. Edited by Wayland B. Cedarquist. Chicago, 1953. HARLEY, HERBERT. The judicial system in the new constitution. Illinois law bulletin (Feb. 1920) p. 417-39. SHERIFF, ANDREW A. Reconstructing the judiciary: The new draft constitution and the courts. Illinois law review, v. 17 (Dec. 1952) p. 283-92. [9] V. JUDICIAL BRANCH (Concluded) SULLIVAN, RUSSELL N. Constitutional and statutory bases of Illinois courts. Univ. of Illi- nois law forum (Winter 1952) p. 463-79. WITWER, SAMUEL W., JR. The Illinois constitution and the courts. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 15 (Autumn 1947) p. 53-77. ZACHARIAS, WILLIAM F. Proposed Illinois judicial article. Chicago-Kent law review, v. 30 (Sept. 1952) p. 303-38. VI. EXECUTIVE BRANCH ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 9. The executive department. Illinois legis- lative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. A. Organization and Reorganization BROWN, J. ORVILLE. Organization charts of the executive and administrative depart- ments of the state of Illinois. Springfield, 1936. BUCK, ARTHUR E. The reorganization of state governments in the United States. Colum- bia univ. press, New York, 1938, p. 86-93. CACHERAT, ALBERT A. Administrative re- organization in Illinois state government. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1952. FAIRLIE, JOHN A. Governmental reorgani- zation in Illinois. American political science review, v. 9 (May 1915) p. 252-7. HEMENWAY, HENRY B. The organization of the state executive in Illinois. American political science review, v. 6 (June 1911) p. 112-25. ILLINOIS COMMISSION TO STUDY STATE GOVERNMENT. Organization and functioning of the state government. Report to the general assembly. Springfield, 1950. . Staff memoranda, nos. 1-85. Spring- field, 1950. ILLINOIS EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY COMMITTEE. Report. Chicago, 1916. (List- ings under various subject headings.) LOWDEN, FRANK O. Reorganization in Illi- nois and its results. Annals, v. 113 (May 1924) p. 156-61. MATHEWS, JOHN M. Executive reorganiza- tion in the constitution of Illinois. Illinois law bulletin, v. 2 (Dec. 1919) p. 331-8. . Administrative reorganization in Illi- nois. National municipal review, v. 9 (Nov. 1920) p. 739-56. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, Local government center. An everyman's guide to the report of the commission to study state government. Carbondale, 1951. WATSON, GEORGE H. How to study state government: the Schaefer commission reports on reorganization in Illinois. Illinois law re- view, V. 46 (March-April 1951) p. 19-47. B. The Governor and His Powers BARNARD, HARRY. Eagle forgotten; life of J. P. Altgeld. New York, 1932. BROWNE, WALDO R. Altgeld of Illinois, a record of his life and work. B. H. Heubsch, New York, 1924. BUSCH, NOEL F. Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois. Farrar, Straus, and Young, New York, 1952. COVINGTON, JOHN R. Press of appoint- ment in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 33, 1938, p. 262-80. DEBEL, NIELS H. Development of the veto power of the governor of Illinois. Journal of Illinois state historical society, v. 9 (Oct. 1916) p. 245. . The veto power of the governor of Illinois. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1917. DELONG, EARL H. State's rights and the state executive. Illinois law review, v. 33 (May 1938) p. 42-56. EUBANK, DELBERT M. Adlai E. Stevenson, governor of Illinois: campaign promises and legislative achievements. Masters thesis, South- ern Illinois univ., 1951. FERNHOLZ, JOHN J. The appointive and removal power of the governor of Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1915. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The veto power in Illinois with special relation to adjournments of the legislature. Springfield, 1943. JONES, ROBERT H. The administration of governor Frank O. Lowden of Illinois, 1917- 1921. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1951. LOWDEN, FRANK O. Executive responsi- bility in Illinois. Proceedings of academy of political science, v. 8, 1918, p. 1-6. MARTIN, JOHN B. Adlai Stevenson. Harper and Brothers, New York, 1952. [10] VI. EXECUTIVE BRANCH (Concluded) NEGLEY, GLENN R. The executive veto in Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 8 (April 1941) Illinois. American political science review, v. p. 521-9. 33 (Dec. 1939) p. 1049-57. WISH, HARVEY. The administration of gov- ernor John Peter Altgeld of Illinois, 1893-97. SNIDER, CLYDE F. Gubernatorial disability. Doctoral dissertation, Northwestern univ., 1936. VII. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT ANDERSON, ANNA M. A study of centrali- zation in the state of Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1942. BEAN, BURT C. ed. Outline of administrative government under the civil administrative code. Illinois department of public welfare, Spring- field, 1918. BUCK, ARTHUR E. The Illinois civil admin- istrative system — what it has accomplished. National municipal review, v. 1 1 (Nov. 1922) p. 362-7. FAIRLIE, JOHN A. Illinois administrative code. American political science review, v. 11, 1917, p. 310. JANSSEN, HENRY H. Administrative areas and field services of the Illinois state govern- ment. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1951. LOWRIE, SELDEN G. The tendency toward centralization in administration in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1908. MAO, LUNG. The bureau structure of the state government of Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1942. RUGG, EARLE U. The reorganization of the state government of Illinois in the interest of efficiency and economy. Bachelors thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1915. WOODWARD, CH.A.RLES E. The Illinois civil administrative code. Proceedings of the academy of political science, v. 8, 1918, p. 7-17. A. Administrative Procedure BIGGS, JOHN D. Procedure before the Illi- nois commerce commission. John Marshall law quarterly, v. 8 (Sept. 1942) p. 105-16. DODD, WALTER F. Illinois administrative procedure today. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1949) p. 181-91. FINS, HARRY G. Illinois administrative pro- cedure. Current law publ. co., Chicago, 1942. ILLINOIS ADMINISTR.\TIVE PRACTICE AND REVIEW COMMISSION. Reports to the general assembly. Springfield, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951. (Also called Illinois Administrative Practice and Procedure Commission). Illinois administrative procedure: a symposium. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1949) p. 181-331. The Illinois administrative review act. Illinois law review, v. 42 (Nov.-Dec. 1947) p. 636-50. KINNEY, MICHAEL M. General administra- tive procedure before the office of the secretary of state. John Marshall law quarterly, v. 8 (Sept. 1942) p. 96-105. MICON, SAMUEL. Constitutional and other limitations on Illinois administrative agencies. Chicago-Kent law review, v. 24 (March 1946) p. 137-69. Practice before Illinois administrative tribunals — a symposium. Illinois bar journal, v. 40 (Aug. 1952) p. 670-754. SPECHER, ROBERT A. Illinois administra- tive law. Chicago bar record, v. 31 (July 1950) p. 265-70; (Sept. 1950) p. 321-30. STICKGOLD, SIMON. Practice and admin- istrative procedure before the department of finance. John Marshall law quarterly, v. 7 (June 1942) p. 538-57. B. Financial Administration AMES, KNOWLTON L. The A-B-C of Illi- nois state finance. Illinois department of finance, Springfield, 1936. (rev. 1940). BELL, FINLEY F. The Illinois budget. Annals, v. 62, 1915, p. 73-84. BELL, SPURGEON. A report on accounting administration for correctional institutions. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, re- port, Chicago, 1915, p. 249-340. BERNHARD, RUSSEL S. Five years experi- ence under the Illinois tax receivership act. Masters thesis, Northwestern univ., 1938. BLUNK, CLIFFORD L. M. Constitutional restrictions on public indebtedness in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1926. CRIZ, MAURICE. Quarterly retailers' occu- pation tax returns in Illinois. National tax association bulletin, v. 28 (Nov. 1942) p. 38-43. [11] VII. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (Continued) CUSHMAN, ROBERT S. The proposed re- vision of article IX of the Illinois constitution. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1952) p. 226-47. FAIRLIE, JOHN A. Budget methods in Illi- nois. Annals, v. 62, 1915, p. 85-90. . A report on revenue and finance administration. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 83-184. FRAZER, GEORGE E. A report on the ac- counts of the state of Illinois. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 185-248. GOVE, SAMUEL K. State government insur- ance practices in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, Institute of government and public affairs, Urbana, 1952. ICE, WILLARD. The Illinois department of revenue. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1949) p. 253-77. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 4. State and local finance. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. ILLINOIS MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIA- TION. Administration of public funds in Illinois. Chicago, 1927. LABOVITZ, I. M. Governmental finance in Illinois during the depression. Taxbits (Jan. 1935) p. 16-23. MARTIN, MARY. The revenue article of the constitution. Illinois league of women voters, Chicago, 1951. MASON, GEORGE A. Special assessments in Illinois. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1926. POND, ALONZO S. Urban special assessment in downstate Illinois, 1925-1937. Doctoral dis- sertation, Northwestern univ., 1942. SAPPENFIELD, MAX. Financial administra- tion in the states of Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1934. TAXPAYERS' FEDERATION OF ILLINOIS. Control of the purse strings. The present fiscal process and controls over state expendi- tures. Springfield, 1952. WRIGHT, OWEN H. The development of the budget in Illinois. Proceedings of the academy of political science, v. 8, 1918, p. 64-8. YOUNG, J. NELSON. Taxpayers' remedies. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1952) p. 248-84. 1. Revenue System CITY CLUB OF CHICAGO, Taxation com- mittee. Amend the Illinois constitution for a more equitable system of taxation. Chicago, 1939. FAIRLIE, JOHN A. Report of the taxation and r(\'cnue system of Illinois (prepared for the special tax commission of Illinois). Illinois printing co., Danville, 1910. ILLINOIS BUDGETARY COMMISSION. Digest of state taxation (with legal citations). Springfield, 1950. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Re- vision of the Illinois revenue act. Springfield, 1938. ILLINOIS REVENUE LAWS COMMIS- SION. Report. (Part I summary of recommen- dations: part II research report.) Springfield, 1949. LABOVITZ, I. M. The Illinois revenue sys- tem, 1818-1936. Illinois tax commission, Springfield, 1936. a) Sources of Taxation ALLEN, HARRY K. Illinois commission studies tax problems. National tax journal, v. 2 (Sept. 1949) p. 259-71. BARNETT, WILLIAM Y. An income tax law in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 27 (June 1932) p. 119-36. BLOOMQUIST, J. R. Effect of curative statutes on taxation in Illinois. Chicago-Kent law review, v. 27 (June 1949) p. 211-24. CAREY, HOMER F., and DANIEL M. SCHUYLER. The Illinois taxpayers' 'day in court.' Illinois law review, v. 31 (April 1937) p. 993-1027. CITY CLUB OF CHICAGO, Taxation com- mittee. An income tax to replace the sales tax. Chicago, 1938. CIVIC FEDERATION OF CHICAGO. Apace with progress: the case for tax revision. Chi- cago, 1916. . Taxation and public finance. Con- stitutional convention series, Chicago, 1919. COOK, WALTER W. The taxation problem in Illinois. Northern Illinois conference on tax supervision, Chicago, 1934. DICKEY, DON E. A severance tax for Illi- nois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1951. FAIRLIE, JOHN A. Constitutional provisions on taxation. Illinois law review, v. 2 (Dec. 1919) p. 321-30. [12] VII. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (Continued) . Needed tax reform in Illinois. Pro- ceedings of the national tax association, 1913, p. 206-15. . Taxation in Illinois. American eco- nomic review, v. 1 (Sept. 1911) p. 519-34. HAENSEL, PAUL. The place of Illinois in a rational scheme of tax reform. Illinois law review, v. 35 (Feb. 1941) p. 622-52. HODES, B.A.RNET. Essays in Illinois taxation. Reilly and Co., Chicago, 1935. HUNTER, MERLIN H. The tax problem in Illinois. Taxes (Aug. 1941) p. 475-9. ILLINOIS COMMISSION ON TAXATION AND EXPENDITURES. Report (and) the recommendations. . . . Springfield, 1933. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Comparing state taxes. Springfield, 1937. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Ma- jor potential sources of state revenue in Illinois. Springfield, 1939. . Taxation of hospitals. Springfield, 1945. ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE. 5 steps in the right direction, tax modernization. Chicago, 1942. , State and local taxation committee. Legislative proposals for tax modernization in Illinois. Chicago, 1949? ILLINOIS STATE TAX COMMISSION. Constitutional tax rate limitation for Illinois. Special report no. 2. Springfield, 1934. . Illinois tax problems: proceedings of an open forum on taxation and tax prob- lems in Illinois. Chicago, 1940. Illinois tax reform: a symposium. Illinois law review, v. 35 (Feb. 1941) p. 621-778. KINLEY, DAVID. Where lies the burden of taxation. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 1923. LABOVITZ, I. M. Public policy and state finances in Illinois. Social service research com- mittee. Univ. of Chicago, 1937. LATIMER, THOMAS E. Special taxes in the state of Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1909. MANCHESTER, OPvSON L. Taxation in Illinois. Illinois state teachers association, Springfield, 1922. MC KIBBIN, GEORGE B. Illinois state fiscal problems. Opinion and comment, (Feb. 1943) p. 18-22. . Wartime fiscal problems in Illinois. State government, v. 15 (Nov. 1942) p. 213-14+. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD. The fiscal problem in Illinois. New York, 1927. SIMPSON, HERBERT D. The tax situation in Illinois. Institute for research in land eco- nomics and public utilities, Northwestern univ., 1929. (1) Inheritance Taxes ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. In- heritance tax refunds. Springfield, 1944. LINCOLN, WALTER K. The inheritance tax law of the state of Illinois. Press of Bernard and Miller, Chicago, 1912. (2) Business Taxes BALDWIN, WILLIAM W. Railroad taxes in Illinois. Press of the Henry O. Shephard Co., Chicago, 1913. BELL, JOHN F. The development of cor- poration taxation in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1924. HAIG, ROBERT M. The taxation of mort- gages and credits in Illinois and other states since 1870. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1909. HALL, JAMES P. The state tax on Illinois Central gross receipts — another view. Illinois law review, v. 2, 1907, p. 21-32. HODES, BARNET. The assessment of rail- roads in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 29 (Feb. 1935) p. 744-68. . The Illinois capital stock tax. Illi- nois law review, v. 28 (Nov. 1933) p. 332-55. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. The retailers' occupation tax, why it was enacted, what it has accomplished. Springfield, 1936. MOORE, JOEL R. Taxation of corporations in Illinois, other than railroads, since 1872. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1913. PETTEE, JAMES. The taxation of public utilities in Illinois. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1941. SHOFIELD, HENRY. The state tax on Illi- nois Central gross receipts, and the commerce power of congress. Illinois law review, v. 1, 1907, p. 440-5. (3) Property Taxes ALLEN, HARRY K. Full-value assessment program in Illinois. Bulletin of the national tax association, v. 31 (Jan. 1946) p. 116-21. . Property tax collection and delin- quency. Illinois law review, v. 35 (Feb. 1941) p. 698-715. 13] VII. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (Continued) BECKETT, RICHARD C. and EDWARD J. WRIGHT. Requirements for valid tax levies. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1952) p. 169-91. CITY CLUB OF CHICAGO, Taxation com- mittee. Real estate tax delinquency and tax foreclosure suits. Chicago, 1941. Constitutionality of state equalization of prop- erty assessments in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 17 (Autumn 1949) p. 93-103. CUSHMAN, ROBERT S. The judicial review of valuation in Illinois property tax cases. Illinois law review, v. 35 (Feb. 1941) p. 689-97. GALE, GEORGE W. Assessment and collec- tion of taxes. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1952) p. 192-208. GRIGSBY, EARLE D. Taxation of property in Illinois. Callaghan & co., Chicago, 1943. HAIG, ROBERT M. A history of the general property tax in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1914. HALL, ARCHIBALD S. The impact of the Illinois full-valuation program on personal property assessments. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1949. HARBART, GEORGE E. Tax foreclosures and tax titles. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Sum- mer 1952) p. 209-25. HUNTER, MERLIN H. Legal provisions effecting real estate tax delinquency, tax sales and redemption. Univ. of Illinois, Bureau of economic and business research, Urbana, 1933. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. Full value assessment program. Springfield, 1946. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. As- sessment ratios. Springfield, 1946. . Collecting delinquent property taxes. Springfield, 1946. . Installment payment of current property taxes. Springfield, 1940. . Property tax dates. Springfield, 1939. Illinois property tax problems, (a symposium) Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1952) p. 169-284. KALES, ALBERT M. The homestead exemp- tion laws of the state of Illinois. Callaghan and CO., Chicago, 1902. LABOVITZ, I. M. Uniformity in Illinois property tax law. Illinois bar journal, v. 29 (March 1941) p. 249-52, 277-83. Liquidation of tax delinquencies in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 32 (April 1938) p. 953-85. PURL, RUTHFORD K. Tax exemption of church property in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1933. SHERMAN, HOWARD. Illinois homestead exemptions. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Spring 1950) p. 99-121. SPECK, WILLIAM H. Collection of 'for- feited' real estate taxes in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 16 (Summer 1949) p. 655-90. STILES, LYNN A. Tull fair cash value' in the 1945 Illinois assessment equalization pro- gram. National tax association bulletin, v. 32 (Nov. 1946) p. 34-43. SWANSON, ARTHUR E. The history of the general property tax in Illinois, 1870-1909. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1909. Taxation of intangibles under the Illinois gen- eral property tax. Illinois law review, v. 35 (Feb. 1941) p. 716-29. TILDEN, GEORGE C. Interpretations of the Illinois courts on the inequalities of assessment of the general property tax. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1928. TRACY, TRUMAN G. Valuation of Illinois oil producing properties for tax assessment. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1947. (Published by Illinois department of revenue in 1948). TROUPIS, CHRIST T. Full fair value assess- ment in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 44 (May-June 1949) p. 160-80. WEIL, ROLF A. Property tax equalization in Illinois. National tax journal, v. 6 (June 1953) p. 157-67. WOODWARD, HERBERT N. Tax rate objec- tions: a study of Illinois supreme court deci- sions for the period 1927-1937. Civic federa- tion of Chicago and bureau of public efficiency, Chicago, 1938. 2. Expenditures and Appropriations HODES, BARNET. It's your money. A plain talk revelation about government costs. Chi- cago, 1935. HUNTER, MERLIN H. The expenditures of state funds in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, Bureau of economic and business research, Urbana, 1932. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Analysis of appropriations, 1929 to 1939 and [14] VII. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (Continued) summary of the state budget for the biennium 1939-1941. Springfield, 1939. Expenditures and financial re- sources of the state and local governments in Illinois. Springfield, 1950. . Services and costs, 1950. Spring- field, 1951. The state dollar, 1948 — where it came from, where it went; fiscal year ended June 30, 1948. Springfield, 1949. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Ap- propriation requests and enactments, 1949 gen- eral assembly. Springfield, 1949. ILLINOIS. UNIVERSITY, Bureau of eco- nomic and business research. Illinois state revenue, 1895-1924. Urbana, 1927. , . Illinois appropriations for social and educational purposes. Urbana, 1927. PAGE, THOMAS. A comparative study of the cost of state government in Illinois and nine other states, 1941-1951. Univ. of Illinois, Institute of government and public affairs, Urbana, 1952. WATERS, THOMAS P. Comparative state- ment of appropriations. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 1029-51. C. Personnel Administration HUNTER, ROBERT L. The Illinois state-in- service training program. Public personnel review, v. 8 (July 1947) p. 138-43. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. State personnel administration in Illinois. Springfield, 1946. KENNEDY, ALICE F. In-service training for state employees, with special reference to Illi- nois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1949. 1 . Merit System CHICAGO CIVIL SERVICE ASSOCIA- TION. Civil service in Illinois. Chicago, 1936. Civil service discharge procedure in Illinois: asset or liability to good gov-ernment? North- western univ. law review, v. 47 (Nov. -Dec. 1952) p. 660-76. HANFORD, ALFRED C. A report on civil service laws. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 907-38. ILLINOIS CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL WELFARE. The spoils system vs. the merit system in the Illinois department of public welfare. Chicago, 1934. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Right of appeal from removal under the merit sys- tem. Springfield, 1939. Judicial review of Illinois civil service findings. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 20 (Summer 1953) p. 741-7. LINGLE, KENDALL I. Civil service in Illi- nois. Good government (Nov. -Dec. 1949) p. 49-53. . Examination monitoring by civic groups: a case report. Public personnel review, v. 4 (Jan. 1943) p. 34-6. MYERS, MAUDE. A streamlining examina- tion for hospital attendants. Public personnel review, v. 12 (Jan. 1951) p. 77-80. PETERSON, JANE. An Illinois group activ- ity test. Public personnel review, v. 10 (Oct. 1949) p. 222-5. PRICE, MILES O. The Illinois civil service law and its relation to library administration. Univ. of Illinois library school, Urbana, 1921. Removal procedure under Illinois cival service. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Fall 1949) p. 515-22. RICE, THOMAS E. Public relations activities of the Illinois civil service commission. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1951. SHOFIELD, HENRY. The state civil service act and the power of appointment. Illinois law review, v. 7, 1913, p. 329-43. SWORDES, ARDIS. Validations of civil serv- ice examinations with special reference to Illi- nois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1950. WILSON, DOROTHY M. Some aspects of personnel management in Illinois as admin- istered by the state civil service commission. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1950. 2. Salaries and Pensions GREEN, FREDERICK. Civil service pensions. Illinois law review, v. 2 (May 1919) p. 183- 285. ILLINOIS CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. Prepared salary standardization plan for the state of Illinois. Springfield, 1938. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Fac- tors involved in pension legislation for govern- mentaj employees in Illinois. Springfield, 1940. ILLINOIS PENSION LAWS COMMISSION. Report: a prepared standardized plan for a comprehensive and permanent system of pen- sion funds. Springfield, 1919. [15] . Report and recommendations of the committee on industry. Chicago, 1947. Report and recommendations of the committee on services. Chicago, 1946. -. State of Illinois capital improve- VII. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (Concluded) ILLINOIS PUBLIC EMPLOYEES PENSION LAWS COMMISSION. Reports. Springfield, 1949, 1951, 1953. D. Planning BRITTON, WILLIAM E. Constitutional changes in eminent domain in Illinois. Illinois law bulletin, v. 2 (April 1920) p. 479-514. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 7. Eminent domain and excess condemna- tion. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. ILLINOIS POST WAR PLANNING COM- MISSION. Illinois prepares for peace. Chi- cago, 1944. . Report and recommendations. Springfield, 1947. on state planning. Springfield, 1934. -. A survey of some factors affecting ment program. Chicago, 1945. ILLINOIS STATE HOUSING BOARD. Your state plan for slum clearance and better hous- ing. Chicago, 1945. ILLINOIS STATE PLANNING COMMIS- SION. Final report. Chicago, 1946. Illinois tomorrow: a progress report industry in southern Illinois. Chicago, 1945. VIII. SERVICES A. Public Works CASEY, CHARLES P. Final report, 1935-43, of the works projects administration of Illinois. Chicago, 1943. GARDNER, CLARENCE O. A report on state administration of public works, parks and buildings. Illinois efficiency and economy com- mittee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 753-866. U. S. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRA- TION. Analysis of constitutional provisions affecting public works in the state of Illinois. Washington, 1937. 1. Highway Administration and Finance ALLIED ENGINEERS INC. Toll superhigh- ways for Illinois; a report to the Illinois state superhighway commission. Springfield, 1944. BUSH, WILBUR K. Relationship of registra- tion fees of trucks and busses to the cost of constructing concrete highways in Illinois. Masters thesis, Northwestern univ., 1936. GLO\'ER, \'ERNON L. A study of highway costs and motor vehicle taxation in Illinois. Illinois department of public works and build- ings, Division of highways, Springfield, 1938. GRIFFENHAGEN AND ASSOCI.^TES. A highway program for Illinois. Prepared for the Illinois department of public works and build- ings, Division of highways, Chicago, 1948. ILLINOIS COMMISSION ON FUTURE ROADS PROGRAM. Report. Springfield, 1933. ILLINOIS DEP.\RTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, Division of high- ways. The Illinois highway crisis. Springfield, 1951. , . Present and future im- provement needs of the primary and federal-aid secondary highway systems. Springfield, 1951. ILLINOIS FARM TO MARKET ROADS COMMISSION. Report. Springfield, 1947. ILLINOIS JOINT INTERIM COMMITTEE. Motor vehicle taxation in Illinois, (prepared by the Illinois department of public works and buildings. Division of highways . . . for the , Illinois motor vehicle laws commission), Springfield, 1952. | ILLINOIS HIGHWAY AND TRAFFIC J PROBLEMS COMMISSION. Report on the ,; highway improvement program for Illinois, j Springfield, 1944. . Report. Springfield, 1949. ILLINOIS HIGHWAY USERS CONFER- ENCE. Highway costs and motor vehicle taxa- tion. Report of special committee. Chicago, 1939. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Cur- rent Illinois highway problems. Springfield, 1942. . Financial responsibility in motor accidents. Springfield, 1941. . Periodic inspection of motor ve- hicles. Springfield, 1952. ILLINOIS MOTOR \EHICLE LAWS COM- MISSION. Report. Springfield, 1953. [16] I VIII. SERVICES (Continued) ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE. A program to meet present Illinois highway problems. Chicago, 1953. RAMEY, NELLIE H. History of early roads in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1949. SHEETS, FRANK T. Administrative and engi- neering policies for secondary roads built under the provisions of the motor fuel tax laws. Illinois department of public works and build- ings, Springfield, 1930. U. S. BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS. Eco- nomic survey of Illinois with special reference to the revenues, expenditures and debts per- taining to all highway programs. Illinois de- partment of public works and buildings, Division of highways. 2 vols. Ottawa, 1932. WHITNEY, ALBERT W. Man and the motor car. Illinois department of public works and buildings. Division of highways, Spring- field, 1941. WILLIAMS, EARL R. Some geographic and economic aspects of building a superhighway from Chicago to East St. Louis. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1950. 2. Aeronautics ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF AERONAU- TICS. State of Illinois study of aviation facilities, (prepared by Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, Inc.), Springfield, 1947. . Airports in Illinois. Springfield, 1947. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Illi- nois aviation problems. Springfield, 1942. . Revision of Illinois aviation laws. Springfield, 1941. ILLINOIS STATE PLANNING COMMIS- SION. Civil aeronautics in Illinois. Chicago, 1938. 3. Waterways ASHTON, BESSIE L. Geonomic aspects of the Illinois waterway. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 1927. HANSEN, HARRY. The Chicago. Farrar and Rinehart, New York, 1942. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, Division of Waterways. 125 years of public service: The history and duties of the division of waterways. Springfield, 1948. , . Preliminary examination report for Illinois and Michigan canal develop- ment. Springfield, 1948. A report on the Illinois and Michigan canal. Springfield, 1944 Stream flow data of Illi- nois. Springfield, 1937. , . Water supply character- istics of Illinois streams, (prepared in coopera- tion with U. S. Department of interior, Geological survey). Springfield, 1950. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The Illinois and Michigan canal. Springfield, 1944. PUTNAM, JAMES W. The Illinois and Michigan canal. Univ. of Chicago press, Chi- cago, 1918. WERNER, MILDRED. The history of the deep waterway in the state of Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1947. 4. Parks ADAMS, OSCAR W. The history, develop- ment and present status of Illinois state park and recreation laws. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1949. ILLINOIS BOARD OF PARK ADVISERS. Report on the system of state parks in Illinois. Schnepp and Barnes, Springfield, 1933. ILLINOIS STATE PLANNING COMMIS- SION. Illinois park, parkway, and recreational plan, (prepared in cooperation with the Illi- nois department of public works and buildings, the Chicago regional planning association, and the National park service), Chicago, 1938. ILLINOIS-MISSISSIPPI CANAL AND SIN- NISSIPPI LAKE COMMISSION. Report. Springfield, 1953. KINGRY, ROBERT. The state parks and Illinois history. Transactions of the Illinois state historical society, 1936, p. 63-7. B. Public Safety 1. Law Enforcement BAKER, RUSSELL. An equitable rule to combat gambling in Illinois. Chicago-Kent law review, v. 28 (Sept. 1950) p. 287-303. CITY CLUB OF CHICAGO, Liquor control committee. The problem of liquor control in Illinois: a report. Chicago, 1936. DELONG, EARL H. and FRED E. IMBAU. A law enforcement program for the state of Illinois. Journal of criminal law and crim- inology, V. 27 (Jan. 1936) p. 741-51. ELSON, ALEX. Statutory revision and the proposed Illinois criminal code. Illinois law review, v. 30 (June 1935) p. 600-18. [17] VIII. SERVICES (Continued) FAIRLIE, JOHN A. and DONALD SIMP- SON. Law officers in Illinois. John Marshall law quarterly, v. 8 (Sept. 1942) p. 65-79. FISHER, HARRY M. Illinois penal code: a proposal for a penal code with procedure to be governed by rules of court. Illinois law review, V. 39 (Nov.-Dec. 1944) p. 97-115. GEHIKE, G. E. Recorded felonies: an analysis and general survey. Illinois crime survey, Illi- nois association for criminal justice, Chicago, 1929, p. 29-108. ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE. Illinois crime survey. Chicago, 1929. (listings under various subject matters). ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE, Division of fire protection. Arson and kindred crimes in Illinois. Spring- field, 1923. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. State regulation of firearms. Springfield, 1946. ILLINOIS SEX OFFENDERS COMMIS- SION. Report. Springfield, 1953. A report on the secretary of state and law officers. Illinois efficiency and economy com- mittee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 939-70. The relationships between the attorney general and the state's attorney in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Fall 1949) p. 507-15. STEVENSON, ADLAI E. Crime and politics must be divorced. Journal of criminal law and criminolog)', v. 41 (Nov. 1950) p. 392-405. SULLIVAN, T. P. Illinois bureau of criminal identification and investigation. Journal of criminal law and criminology, v. 23 (Jan. -Feb. 1933) p. 829-33. TODD, .\RTHUR J. A working program for an adequate system of collecting criminal sta- tistics in Illinois. Journal of criminal law and criminology, v. 4 (July 1913) p. 175-91. a) Prisons and Reformatories BEERS, GORDON R. Education at the Pon- tiac branch of the Illinois state penitentiary. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1936. BOWER, AUDREY B. Classification in penal institutions with special reference to the state reformatory for women, Dwight, Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1942. GUPPERT, FRANK J. Mechanical operation of a prison: progress efficiency, economy. Illi- nois state penitentiary, Menard branch, 1935. HART, HASTINGS H. Illinois jails and the kangaroo court. Annals, v. 46, 1913, p. 109-14. ILLINOIS BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE COMMISSIONERS. Study and reorganization of Illinois state training school for boys. Chi- cago, 1942. ILLLNOIS COMMISSION TO VISIT AND EXAMINE STATE INSTITUTIONS. Report. Springfield, 1953. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. Classification of prisoners in Illi- nois. Springfield, 1937. . Illinois state penal system. Spring- field, 1940. ILLINOIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY COM- MITTEE TO STUDY THE ST. CHARLES SCHOOL FOR BOYS. A history, report, and recommendations by the committee ... to study the Illinois St. Charles school for boys and the whole subject of juvenile delinquency. Springfield, 1939. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Com- mitment and release of sexual deviates. Spring- field, 1951. ILLINOIS PRISON INQUIRY COMMIS- SION. The prison system of Illinois. Spring- field, 1937. KAHLERT, JOHN. A study of commitments to the St. Charles school for boys, July 1 through December 31, 1937. Illinois depart- ment of public welfare. Division of child welfare, for Illinois board of public welfare commissioners, Chicago, 1939. MARTIN, JOHN B. America's toughest prison. Saturday evening post, v. 224 (Oct. 20, 1951) p. 19-21; (Oct. 27) p. 38-9; (Nov. 3) p. 34+. SNAPP, JAMES C. The accounting system of the Illinois state penitentiary. A case study. Masters thesis, Northwestern univ., 1936. TILENDIS, ALBERT. The prison labor prob- lem in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1941. TULCHIN, SIMON H. Intelligence and crime. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago,. 1939. b) Probation and Parole BRUCE, ANDREW A. The history and de- velopment of the parole system in Illinois. Report to committee on indeterminate-sentence law and parole. Chicago? 1928, p. 3-63. , ERNEST W. BURGESS, and AL- BERT J. H.A.RNO. The probation and parole system. Illinois crime survey, Illinois associa- tion for criminal justice, Chicago, 1929, p. 427-547. -, and -. The work- ings of the indeterminate-sentence law and the [18 VIII. SERVICES (Continued) parole system in Illinois. Report to supervisor of parolees, Springfield, 1928. , , ■ , and JOHN LANDESCO. Indeterminate-sentence and pa- role in the state of Illinois. Journal of criminal law and criminology, v. 19 (May 1928) p. 239-86. BURGESS, ERNEST W. Factors determining success or failure on parole. Report to com- mittee on indeterminate-sentence law and parole. Chicago? 1928, p. 203-49. HARNO, ALBERT J. The workings of the parole board and its relation to the court. Report to committee on indeterminate-sentence law and parole. Chicago? 1928, p. 65-120. ILLINOIS COMMITTEE ON INDETER- MINATE-SENTENCE LAW AND PAROLE. The workings of the indeterminate-sentence law and the parole system in Illinois. Chicago? 1928. (listings under various subject matters). ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. Pardons and paroles; lives and liberties too sacred to be made political pawns. Springfield, 1924. , Division for youth and community services. Manual for probation officers, (in cooperation with Illinois probation officers ass'n). Springfield, 1948. ILLINOIS JOINT LEGISLATIVE COM- MISSION ON PRISONS, PROBATION AND PAROLES. Report. Springfield, 1932. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Defi- nite sentence laws, parole organization, and reparoles. Springfield, 1941. Indeterminate sentence and parole laws. Springfield, 1950. . Relief from criminal convictions. Springfield, 1948. LANDESCO, JOHN. Parole and rehabilitation of the criminal. Report to the committee on indeterminate-sentence law and parole. Chi- cago? 1928, p. 121-201. OHLIN, LLOYD E. Selection for parole: a manual of parole prediction. Russell Sage foundation, New York, 1951. , and RICHARD A. LAWRENCE. A comparison of alternative methods of parole prediction. American sociological review, v. 17 (June 1952) p. 268-74. RASMUSSEN, DONALD E. Attitudes of Joliet-Stateville prisons toward parole. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1938. SCHLAGENHAUF, MILTON J. Extra-legal juvenile probation in Chicago based on study of records since 1914. Masters thesis, North- western univ., 1920. The parole system in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 45 (May- June 1950) p. 235-51. 2. Military Defense ILLINOIS MILITARY AND NAVAL DE- PARTMENT. Disaster and emergency plan. Springfield, 1944. ILLINOIS WAR COUNCIL. The Illinois war council, 1941-45. Chicago, 1945. JENISON, MARGUERITE E. The wartime organization of Illinois. Springfield, 1923. KEEHN, ROY D. The Illinois national guard and the armory building program. Springfield, 1939. KLEBER, VICTOR. Selective service in Illi- nois, 1940-1947. Springfield, 1948. WRIGHT, QUINCY. A report on the military department of the state of Illinois. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, report, Chi- cago, 1915, p. 867-906. 3. Civil Defense ILLINOIS STATE CIVIL DEFENSE OF- FICE. Civil defense plan. Chicago, 1950. ILLINOIS STATE COUNCIL OF DEFENSE. Civilian defense: general outline, organization and duties for local councils. Springfield, 1942. C. Public Health AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIA- TION. Public health in Illinois. Springfield, 1943. HEMENWAY, HENRY B. Legal aspects of public health work in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 5 (Oct. 1910) p. 157-72. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Health department prepared to meet problems arising from war program. Springfield, 1942. . Negro health in the state of Illinois. Springfield, 1936. ILLINOIS HEALTH INSURANCE COM- MISSION. Report. Springfield, 1919. 1. Administration GRUBBS, SAMUEL B. Public health admin- istration in Illinois. U. S. public health service, Washington, 1915. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Final report of the management [19] VIII. SERVICES (Continued) survey of the Illinois department of public health. Springfield, 1950. (made by the Fed- eral security agency) . Trends in public health administra- tion and public health education in Illinois since the war. Springfield, 1944. MATHEWS, JOHN M. Public health admin- istration. Illinois efficiency and economy com- mittee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 643-96. 2. Vital Statistics ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Regis- tration of vital statistics. Springfield, 1947. 3. Sanitation ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Data on public water supplies. Springfield, 1948. . Illinois public water supply and sewer systems. Springfield, 1934. ILLINOIS PLUMBING LAWS COMMIS- SION. Report. Springfield, 1953. ILLINOIS RIVER POLLUTION COMMIS- SION. Report to the 67th General Assembly. Springfield, 1951. 4. Hospitals ILLINOIS COMMISSION FOR THE CARE OF THE CHRONICALLY ILL PERSONS. Second interim report. Springfield, 1947. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. The Illinois hospital survey and plan. Springfield, 1947. 5. Medical Training ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Ade- quacy of medical training facilities. Springfield, 1950. ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER COMMIS- SION. Illinois facts book: a description of the research, healing, and teaching institutions which constitute the district, their history and a glance at the future. Chicago, 1948. . A look to the future. Chicago, 1949. 6. Industrial Hygiene ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Evaluation of the industrial hygiene problems of Illinois. Chicago, 1939. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Ad- ministration of industrial hygiene. Springfield, 1949. . Air pollution legislation. Spring- field. 1950. KING, IRVING N. Administration of indus- trial hygiene in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1950. D. Public Welfare AMERICAN PUBLIC WELFARE ASSOCIA- TION. A report on the organization of state public welfare services in Illinois. Chicago, 1942. CHICAGO CITY CLUB, Social welfare com- mittee. The need for codification of Illinois public welfare laws. Chicago, 1943. GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON THE RELIEF PROBLEM. Report. Chicago, 1940. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 14. Social and economic problems. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. Pattern in welfare progress. Springfield, 1944. . Twenty years after: the cost of public welfare in 1918 and 1937. Springfield, 1937. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Spe- cial forms of public assistance. Springfield, 1940. ILLINOIS PUBLIC ASSISTANCE LAWS COMMISSION. A proposed public assistance code of Illinois. Springfield, 1947. MARQUARDT, PHILOMENA L. Some eco- nomic aspects of the present relief problem in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1935. RESEARCH COUNCIL FOR ECONOMIC SECURITY. Illinois: ten years of social se- curity, 1937-1946. Chicago, 1947. 1. Administration BRECKINRIDGE, SOPHONISBA P. Illinois poor law and its administration. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1939. GARNER, JAMES W. A report on charitable and correctional institutions. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 341-402. CLICK, FRANK Z. Allocating funds to local governments: the system of the Illinois emer- gency relief commission. Social service review, V. 11 (Dec. 1937) p. 634-49. . The Illinois emergency relief com- mission. Social service review, v. 7 (March 1933) p. 23-48. . Illinois einergency relief commis- sion : a study of administrative and financial [20] VIII. SERVICES (Continued) aspects of emergency relief. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1940. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. A manual of business methods for institutions and divisions of the department of public welfare. Springfield, 1941. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. The administration of relief in Illinois. Springfield, 1940. ILLINOIS PUBLIC AID COMMISSION. Patterns of state social welfare administration. Springfield, 1947. JOHNSON, GLADYS M. The development of public relations activities in selected Illinois welfare agencies. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illi- nois, 1951. REYNOLDS, WILFRED S. Public welfare administration a patchwork in Illinois. Social service review, v. 11, 1937, p. 1-8. 2. Old Age Assistance ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. The administration of old age assistance in Illinois. Springfield, 1940. . Administrative yardstick in old age assistance. Springfield, 1939. . Serving the needy aged of Illinois. Springfield, 1938. ILLINOIS PUBLIC AID COMMISSION. Increased costs for old age pensions in Illinois. Springfield, 1945. . The old age pension program in Illinois. Springfield, 1944. SCHMIDT, CARL K., JR. Prosperity, social security and public assistance. State govern- ment, V. 24 (June 1951) p. 155-7. 3. Child and Maternal Welfare ABBOTT, EDITH, and SOPHONISBA P. BRECKINRIDGE. The administration of the aid to mothers law in Illinois. U. S. depart- ment of labor, Childrens bureau, Washington, 1921. BUEHLER, MARY F. Abbott center in Illi- nois. State government, v. 25 (Feb. 1952) p. 35-8 + . CITY CLUB OF CHICAGO, Social welfare committee. Aid for dependent children in a public assistance program for Illinois. Chicago, 1937. ILLINOIS BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE COMMISSIONERS. Study of Illinois child welfare division. Chicago, 1942. ILLINOIS CHILD WELFARE COMMIS- SION. Report to the 66th general assembly. Springfield, 1949. (also report to 65th general assembly, 1947) ILLINOIS COMMISSION FOR HANDI- CAPPED CHILDREN. The educable mentally handicapped child in Illinois. 3rd edition, Springfield, 1949. ILLINOIS COMMITTEE ON CHILD WEL- FARE LEGISLATION. Report. Springfield, 1931. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Adop- tion laws. Springfield, 1945. . Education of handicapped children. Springfield, 1939. . Filiation and related state legislation. Springfield, 1950. KAHLERT, JOHN. Child dependency in Illi- nois. Illinois department of public welfare, Springfield, 1941. KELLY, FLORENCE. Has Illinois the best laws in the country for the protection of chil- dren. American journal of sociology, v. 10, 1904, p. 299-314. LACY, CARLETON. A study of child welfare legislation in Illinois. Masters thesis. North- western univ., 1914. MILCHRIST, ELIZABETH H. State admin- istration of child welfare in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1937. NIMS, ELINOR. The Illinois adoption law and its administration. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1928. PUTTEE, DOROTHY F. and MARY R. COLBY. The illegitimate child in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1937. ZIMMERMAN, EDNA. Aid for mother's pensions in Illinois. Social service review, v. 4, 1930, p. 223-37. 4. Blind Welfare DICKINSON, RAYMOND. Progress for the blind in Illinois. State government, v. 25 (Dec. 1952) p. 270-2 + . HILL, FRED C. A study of the education of the blind in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1935. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Aid to the blind and to dependent children. Springfield, 1938. 5. Juvenile Delinquency Disposition of the youthful offender. North- western univ. law review, v. 46 (May- June 1952) p. 224-45. [21] VIII. SERVICES (Continued) HURLEY, TIMOTHY H. Origin of the Illi- nois juvenile court law. Illinois visitation and aid society, Chicago, 1907. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Juris- diction over juvenile offenders. Springfield, 1942. ILLINOIS TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS COMMISSION. Report and recommendations submitted to the 63rd general assembly. Spring- field, 1943. ILLINOIS YOUTHFUL OFFENDERS COM- MISSION. Report to 66th general assembly. Springfield, 1949. KADOCH, ALFRED D. and DAVID PRICH- ARD. Foster home care for delinquent boys, (a study of 150 delinquents placed in foster homes). Illinois state training school for boys, St. Charles, 1941. SHAW, CLIFFORD R. and EARL D. MYERS. The juvenile delinquent. Illinois crime survey, Illinois association for criminal justice, Chicago, 1929, p. 645-732. 6. Veterans Services GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE ON VET- ERANS' REHABILITATION AND EM- PLOYMENT. Illinois meets its veteran responsibility. Springfield, 1943. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Vet- erans rehabilitation legislation. Springfield, 1946. ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE. The veterans' bonus question in Illinois . . . Chicago, 1945. 7. Charities ADDAMS, JANE. Julia Lathrop's services to the state of Illinois. Social service review, v. 9 (June 1935) p. 191-211. BLACK, CARL E. Origin of our state chari- table institutions. Journal of the Illinois state historical society, v. 18 (April 1925) p. 175-94. ILLINOIS COMMITTEE TO INVESTI- GATE CHRONIC DISEASES AMONG INDIGENTS. Interim report. Springfield, 1945. INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE OF CHICAGO. Medical services in the state charitable insti- tutions of Illinois. (Report of the board of governors) Chicago, 1939. JOHNSON, ARLIEN. Public policy and pri- vate charities: a study of legislation in the United States and administration in Illinois. (Social service monograph no. 16) Univ. of Chicago, 1931. 8. Mental Health ILLINOIS BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE COMMISSIONERS. The effort for mental health in the state of Illinois. Chicago, 1932. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. A budget survey of state mental hospitals. Springfield, 1948. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE. 17 years of progress: Illinois cares for its mentally disabled veterans. Spring- field, 1950. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Com- mitment of epileptics. Springfield, 1946. . Commitment of the mentally defi- cient. Springfield, 1948. ILLINOIS SOCIETY FOR MENTAL HY- GIENE. Report on the special project to improve and extend the public psychiatric facilities in Illinois. Chicago, 1947. JAFFARY, STUART K. Mentally ill and public provision for their care in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1942. READ, HELEN J. Aged patients at Manteno state hospital, a study of factors contributing to commitment. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illi- nois, 1950. SCHLOTTER, BERTHA C. An experiment in recreation with the mentally retarded. Illi- nois department of public welfare, Springfield, 1951. E. Education AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVER- SITY WOMEN, Illinois state division. A study of the Illinois school situation; a guide in adult forums. 1936. BOYER, CHARLES C. History of education. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1919, p. 374-422. COFFMAN, LOTUS D. Illinois school survey. Illinois state teachers association, Springfield, 1917. COOK, JOHN W. Educational history of Illi- nois, growth and progress in educational affairs of the state from the earliest day to the present. Henry O. Shephard co., Chicago, 1912. GRAHAM, RAY. comp. The Illinois plan for special education of exceptional children. Superintendent of public instruction, Spring- field. The speech defective, 1945; the visually defective, 1946; the physically handicapped, 1947; those with impaired hearing, 1948; the maladjusted, 1950; the educable mentally handicapped, 1950. [22] VIII. SERVICES (Continued) GREEN, CARL. School legislation in Illinois. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1930. GRIMM, LESTER R. Some results of a re- search into educational inequalities in Illinois. Springfield, 1925. ILLINOIS COMMITTEE ON MILITARISM IN EDUCATION. Military training in the schools and colleges of Illinois. Chicago, 1929. ILLINOIS CONGRESS OF PARENTS AND TEACHERS. Illinois school health appraisal. (Sponsored by Illinois congress of parents and teachers, and Department of public health. Division of child hygiene.) Springfield, 1938. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC IN- STRUCTION. Illinois guide to healthful school environment. Superintendent of public instruction, Springfield, 1949. ILLINOIS JOINT COMMITTEE ON SCHOOL HEALTH. A basic plan for health education and the school health program. Springfield, 1944. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Adult education in Illinois. Springfield, 1945. ILLINOIS SCHOOL PROBLEMS COMMIS- SION. Illinois school problems. Springfield, 1951, 1953. MILLER, W. A. A history of the Illinois state teachers' Association since 1912. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1930. PEARSON, IRVING F. Ninety years of serv- ice, 1853-1943. Illinois education association, Springfield, 1943. 1. Administration ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC IN- STRUCTION. The recognition and accredit- ing of Illinois secondary schools. Superintend- ent of public instruction, Springfield, 1946. ILLINOIS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Department of research and statistics. Con- tracts and dismissals of teachers in Illinois. Springfield, 1942. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. School administration in Illinois. Springfield, 1948. — . Some aspects of school administra- tion in Illinois. Springfield, 1938. MATHEWS, JOHN M. Educational admin- istration. Illinois efficiency and economy com- mittee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 402-86. PHILLIPS, THOMAS A. Measurement of transportation need in reorganized school dis- tricts. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1951. 2. Organization BENNER, THOMAS, EUGENE S. LAWLER, WILLIAM C. REAVIS, and OSCAR F. WEBER. Report of the advisory staff of the Illinois educational commission. Urbana, 1935. BOSLEY, HOWARD E. Implementing school reorganization plans in Illinois. Southern Illi- nois univ.. College of education, Carbondale, 1948. -, and EARL R. HALL. Some pro- posed goals for school reorganization in Illinois. Southern Illinois univ.. College of education, Carbondale, 1947. HALL, EARL R., and VICTOR R. RAN- DOLPH. Suggestions for school reorganiza- tion publicity. Southern Illinois univ.. College of education, Carbondale, 1948. HOFFMAN, ARIAS J. Consolidation of schools in Illinois. Springfield, 1921. ILLINOIS EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION. Report. ... to the governor and 59th and 60th general assemblies. Springfield, 1936. (Previous report to 54th general assembly). ILLINOIS STATE ADVISORY COMMIS- SION ON SCHOOL REORGANIZATION. Report. Springfield, 1947. MAHONEY, LEWIS A. Consolidated schools of Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1934. MASSANARI, KARL L. Public opinion as related to the problems of school district re- organization in selected areas in Illinois. Doc- toral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1949. SUMPTION, MERLE R. and HARLAN D. BEEM. A guide to school reorganization in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, Bureau of educa- tional research, Urbana, 1947. WEAVER, LEON H. School consolidation and state aid in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1944. WEBER, OSCAR F. The problem of school organization and finance in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, College of education, Urbana, 1938. 3. Finances BOSLEY, HOWARD E. Size-cost relation- ships in Illinois public schools. Southern Illi- nois univ., Carbondale, 1948. CORNELL, FRANCIS G., WILLIAM P. MC- LURE, PERRY V. MILLER, and RAYMOND E. WOCHNER. Financing education in effi- cient school districts. Univ. of Illinois, College of education, Bureau of research and service, Urbana, 1949. [23] VIM. SERVICES (Continued) ILLINOIS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Department of research and statistics. Building the state common school fund. Springfield, 1940. ILLINOIS SCHOOL FINANCE AND TAX COMMISSION. State support of public edu- cation in Illinois. Springfield, 1947. ILLINOIS STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIA- TION, Legislative publicity committee. The crisis in public education in Illinois. Winnetka, 1921. LELAND, SIMEON E. The fiscal problem of education in Illinois. Illinois state teachers' assn., Du Page valley division, 1935. MC LURE, WILLIAM P. An analysis of the Illinois foundation program of public school support. Univ. of Illinois, College of education. Bureau of research and service, Urbana, 1952. SCHROEDER, H. H. The inequalities in the raising and distributing of public school revenue in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1927. 4. Vocational Education ILLINOIS BOARD OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. The Illinois program for dis- tributive education. Springfield, 1941. -. The organization and administra- tion of trade and industrial education in Illi- nois. Springfield, 1939. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Stat- utory control of private trade schools. Spring- field, 1948. MAYS, ARTHUR B. and RUPERT N. EVANS. The status of industrial arts in Illinois schools outside Chicago. Univ. of Illi- nois, College of education. Bureau of research and service, Urbana, 1952. PHIPPS, LLOYD J. Supervised farming pro- grams in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, College of education, Bureau of research and service, Urbana, 1949. 5. Legal and Judicial Aspects BINNION, FORREST W. The legal status of public school finance in Illinois as determined by court decisions. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1927. Private tutoring, compulsory education, and the Illinois supreme court. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 18 (Autumn 1950) p. 105-14. 6. State Schools and Colleges AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, Commission on survey of the Univ. of Illinois. Univ. of Illinois survey report. Urbana, 1945. BABCOCK, KENDRIC C. The expansion of higher education in Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois state historical society, v. 26, p. 41-63, Springfield, 1925. CLEVENGER, ARTHUR W. and others. The role of the public junior college in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, College of education. Bureau of educational research, Urbana, 1947. FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY, Office of education. Report of the study of the struc- ture of the state tax supported system of higher education in Illinois. Washington, D.C., 1950. GRAY, WILLIAM S. Policies governing state teachers' colleges in Illinois. Elementary school journal, v. 51 (May 1951) p. 478-80. . Report on teacher education by state-supported institutions in Illinois. Chi- cago?, 1943? HARPER, CHARLES A. Development of the teachers' college in the United States with special reference to the Illinois state normal university. McKnight & McKnight, Blooming- ton, 1935. ILLINOIS COMMISSION TO INVESTI- GATE THE NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIA- TION. Report. Springfield, 1953. ILLINOIS COMMISSION TO SURVEY HIGHER EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES IN ILLINOIS. Report. (George A. Works, di- rector), Springfield, 1945. ILLINOIS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. The junior college: a brief introduction. Springfield, 1943. ILLINOIS SUPERINTENDENT OF PUB- LIC INSTRUCTION. The junior college in Illinois. Springfield, 1945. KOOS, LEONARD V. The junior college in Illinois survey. Illinois department of finance, Springfield, 1944. MANCHESTER, ORSON L. The normal school crisis. Springfield, 1921. WILLIAMS, MARY E. History of the higher education of women in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1906. WRIGHT, JOSEF F. A state university serves a state with radio. State government, v. 22 (July 1949) p. 177-80. 7. Libraries BIRD, MARGARET F. History of the demon- stration program of the Illinois state library. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1952. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Li- brary service in Illinois. Springfield, 1942. [24] VIII. SERVICES (Concluded) ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE. The relief and aid of tax supported libraries in Illinois. Springfield, 1935. , Survey committee for the Illinois state library. A survey of the Illinois state library. Springfield, 1951. MEADE, THOMAS A. Public library expendi- tures in Illinois. Chicago, 1945. QUALLS, LEROY L. A study of the economic basis of minimum financial support of public libraries in Illinois. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1948. SHARP, KATHERINE L. Illinois libraries. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 5 vols., 1906-1908. F. Housing ILLINOIS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RE- LATIONS. Non-white housing in Illinois. Chi- cago, 1953. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. In- vestments by insurance companies in housing projects. Springfield, 1946. ILLINOIS STATE HOUSING BOARD. Housing in Illinois: the outlook for 1946 and 1947. (In conjunction with the federal housing agency), Chicago, 1946. . Illinois redevelopment and housing handbook. Chicago, 1950. POLLAK, MRS. MAURICE A. Housing in Illinois. League of women voters, Chicago, 1939. SCHAFFTER, DOROTHY. State housing agencies. Columbia univ. press. New York, 1942, p. 451-95. iX. GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Own- ership of real property in Illinois by non-resi- dents of the state. Springfield, 1940. WOOD, RICHARDSON and co. A report on the economic development of southern Illinois. Springfield ? , 1950. A. Conservation and Natural Resources CROHURST, HARRY R. and MILTON V. VELDEE. Report of an investigation of the pollution of Lake Michigan. U. S. government printing office, Washington, 1927. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ON SOUTH- ERN ILLINOIS. Southern Illinois: resources and potentials of the sixteen southernmost counties. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1949. HABERMEYER, GEORGE C. Public ground water supplies in Illinois. Illinois department of education and registration. State water sur- vey, Springfield, 1925. HORTON, ALBERT H. Water resources of Illinois — with an appendix on water power and drainage districts of Illinois. Illinois rivers and lakes commission, Springfield, 1914. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVA- TION. Master-plan (of the) statewide conser- vation lake construction program. Springfield, 1947. Preliminary report on the proposed conservation lake construction program. (Pre- pared by O'Brien engineering company.) Springfield, 1946. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRA- TION AND EDUCATION, State water survey. Ground water supplies of the Chicago-Joliet- Chicago Heights area. Urbana, 1943 , . Pollution of streams in Illinois. Springfield, 1927. , . Preliminary data on sur- face water supplies. Urbana, 1937. , : Public ground-water sup- plies in Illinois. Urbana, 1950. ILLINOIS INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION. Surface water supply of Illi- nois, central and southern portions, 1908-1910. Illinois state journal co., Springfield, 1910. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Con- trol of ground water. Springfield, 1948. . Existing and proposed strip-mining legislation in the states. Springfield, 1941. . Oil legislation in Illinois. Spring- field, 1938. . Overhead organization of state con- servation activities. Springfield, 1942. : Revision of the fish and game code. Springfield, 1939. ILLINOIS POSTWAR PLANNING COM- MISSION. Illinois resources; an atlas. Chi- cago, 1944. ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE. Illinois resources, developments, pos- sibilities. Chicago, 1930. [25] IX. GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY (Continued) ILLINOIS STATE PLANNING COMMIS- SION. Report on the (various) river basin. Chicago, 1938-40. ILLINOIS STRIP MINE INVESTIGATION COMMISSION. Report. Springfield, 1943. LOHMANN, KARL B. and NORMAN G. BITTERMANN. Recreational possibilities (of) southern Illinois. Joint committee on southern Illinois, Urbana, 1948 , and . Water resources (of) southern Illinois. Joint committee on southern Illinois, Urbana, 1948. MARTIN, JOHN B. The blast in Centralia no. 5. Harpers, v. 196 (March 1948) p. 193- 220. PICKLES, GEORGE W. and FRANK B. LEONARD. Engineering and legal aspects of land drainage in Illinois. Illinois department of registration and education. State geological survey, Urbana, 1929. SCHLOTS, FRED E. A preliminary report on land-use for Illinois with reference to problem lands. Illinois state planning commission, Springfield, 1934. . A report on land use in Illinois. Illi- nois state planning commission, Chicago, 1935. 1. Flood Control ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, Division of water- ways. Review of federal survey report for flood control. Springfield, 1947. J . Survey of flood losses, Mississippi river levee districts in Illinois, June- July, 1947. Springfield, 1947. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE FLOOD IN- VESTIGATING COMMISSION. Report. (El- liott and Porter, consulting engineers). St. Louis, 1947. SQUIRES, FREDERICK, et al. Illinois water floods. Secondary recovery study committee for Illinois, Interstate oil compact commission, Urbana, 1951. B. Agriculture COWEN, W. SCOTT. Grain inspection in Illinois. Annals, v. 38, 1911, p. 396-408. GARNER, JAMES W. Report on public ad- ministration in relation to agriculture and allied interests. Illinois efficiency and economy com- mittee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 591-642. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 13. Farm tenancy and rural credits. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. State regulation of the sale of milk. Springfield, 1941. ILLINOIS LIVESTOCK LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Report to the 64th General Assembly. Springfield, 1945. ILLINOIS STATE SOIL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Soil conservation program for Illinois. University of Illinois, Col- lege of agriculture, Illinois experimental station, Illinois extension service, and U.S. Department of agriculture. Soil conservation service, Ur- bana, 1949. ILLINOIS STATE SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICTS BOARD. Soil conservation dis- tricts in Illinois. Springfield, 1941. MILLS, ROBERT. The Illinois agricultural association and the state legislature. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1949. MOORE, ARTHUR L. The farmer and the rest of us. Little, Brown and co., Boston, 1945. REYNOLDS, W. H. The state departments of agriculture. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chicago, 1951. RUSK, HENRY P. Progress in solving farm problems in Illinois: a nine-year report, 1938- 1947. Univ. of Illinois, Agricultural experiment station, Urbana, 1948. SMITH, MILDRED I. Illinois agriculture in the national setting. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1940. STEWART, CHARLES L. Land tenure in the United States with special reference to Illinois. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1916. STORM, WILLIAM B. Analysis of the Illinois agricultural association as a pressure group for farmers. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1950. C. Business and Industry ILLINOIS COMMISSION ON SMALL BUSINESS. Report to governor Dwight H. Green and to the 65th general assembly. Spring- field, 1947. (to 64th general assembly, 1945) KELLY, ALFRED H. A history of the Illinois manufacturers' association. Chicago, 1940. 1. Corporations BALLANTINE, HENRY W. A critical survey of the Illinois business corporation act. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 1 (Jan. 1934) p. 357-93. BECKNETT, PAUL L. Illinois policy towards business combination. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1938. [26] IX. GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY (Continued) LITTLE, CHARLES G. The Illinois business corporation law. Illinois law review, v. 28 (April 1934) p. 997-1023. ROBINSON, MAURICE H. Report on su- pervision of corporations and related business. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, re- port, Chicago, 1915. p. 678-747. SAMUELS, THOMAS W. The historical evo- lution of the principle of liability in the Illi- nois corporation. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illi- nois, 1912. 2. Vocational Licensing ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Li- censing of funeral directors and embalmers in Illinois. Springfield, 1940. MACKLIN, CHARLES B. The licensing of common vocations in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1947. SMITH, T. T. The real estate brokers' license law and its application. Masters thesis, North- western univ., 1925. 3. Public Utilities ENQUIST, ERNEST J. The cost of regula- tion of public utilities in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1942. FAIRLIE, JOHN A. Public utility legislation in Illinois. National municipal review, v. 3, 1914, p. 28-33. GORDON, JOSEPH H. Illinois railway legis- lation and commission control since 1870. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1904. HAWLEY, CLAUDE E. The Illinois com- merce commission: a study in administrative regulation. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1939. ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION. Illinois commerce commission: its history, powers, duties, and accomplishments. Spring- field, 1945. KERR, WILLIAM D. The work of the Illinois public utilities commission. Illinois law review, v. 9 (Nov. 1914) p. 259-64. KNEIER, CHARLES M. State regulation of public utilities in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1926. SHARON, JOHN J. The Illinois commerce commission. Univ. of Illinios law forum (Sum- mer 1949) p. 192-235. SIKES, GEORGE C. The wrangle over public utilities in Illinois. National municipal review, V. 10 (Nov. 1921) p. 543-4. SMITH, ELMER A. Judicial review of the decisions of the Illinois commerce commission. Illinois law review, v. 22 (Dec. 1929) p. 423-53. TRENDWAY, HAMILTON. The public utility status of rural electric cooperatives in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 40 (March-April 1946) p. 515-26. 4. Banking and Securities CHARLTON, JOSEPH W. The history of banking in Illinois since 1863. Chicago, 1939. DREESEN, WILLIAM H. State banks in Illi- nois since 1863. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illi- nois, 1916. FOSTER, LOUIS O. The Illinois securities law of 1919. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1929. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Statu- tory regulation of investment counselors. Spring- field, 1939. SEARS, KENNETH C. The Illinois constitu- tion and the banking amendment. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 6 (Feb. 1939) p. 234-59. STEWART, CHARLES L. An analysis of rural banking conditions in Illinois. Chicago, 1914. WATSON, DENEEN A. The Illinois and the Federal securities acts. Illinois law review, v. 29 (May 1934) p. 41-66. 5. Insurance COBLE, GEORGE W. Codification of the Illinois insurance law. Illinois law review, v. 30 (Feb. 1936) p. 695-715. HAVIGHURST, HAROLD C. Some aspects of the Illinois insurance law. Illinois law re- view, V. 32, 1937, p. 391-423. NETTS, FRED W. The insurance director in Illinois. Chicago-Kent law review, v. 16 (June 1938) p. 243-68. ROBINSON, MAURICE H. A report on fire insurance rates in Illinois. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, report, Chicago, 1915, p. 999-1028. WANLESS, J. THOR. Illinois insurance de- partment. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Sum- mer 1949) p. 297-303. D. Labor BECKNER, EARL R. A history of labor legislation in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1929. DODD, WALTER F. A report on the ad- ministration of labor and mining legislation. Illinois efficiency and economy committee, re- port, Chicago, 1915, p. 487-590. [27] IX. GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY (Continued) ELDRIDGE, SEBA. Social legislation in Illi- nois: needs and opportunities in 1921. W. M. Shimmim and Co., Rockford, 1921. GOVE, SAMUEL K. The administration of Illinois labor legislation. Masters thesis, Syra- cuse Univ., 1951. ILLINOIS. UNIVERSITY, Institute of labor and industrial relations, and Illinois depart- ment of labor. Handbooks on labor laws, state of Illinois (child labor, wage payment, hours and days of work). Urbana, 1950. STALEY, EUGENE. History of the Illinois state federation of labor. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1930. 1. Employment CADY, GEORGE J. The placing of public employment agencies: A study of existing plans with special reference to the work of the Illinois free employment officers. Masters thesis. North- western univ., 1926. EDELMAN, MURRAY, et al. Assignment and garnishment of wages in Illinois. Univ. of Illi- nois, Institute of labor arid industrial relations, Urbana, 1949. , et al. Channels of employment. Univ. of Illinois, Institute of labor and indus- trial relations, Urbana, 1952 ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. State labor preference law for public works. Spring- field, 1938. PARKS, DONALD S. The history of the Illi- nois free employment service. Masters thesis, Northwestern univ., 1926. Prevailing wages. Local government notes, Univ. of Illinois, Institute of government and public affairs (July 1952). WESTERLUND, BERNICE. Illinois experi- ence with minimum wage legislation. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1943. WILCOCK, RICHARD C. Types and sources of wage data in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, In- stitute of labor and industrial relations, 1949. 2. Workmen's Compensation ANGERSTEIN, THOMAS C. The Illinois in- dustrial commission. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1949) p. 236-52. . The record of petitions for writ of error in workmen's compensation cases in Illi- nois. Burdette-Smith, Chicago, 1952. . The workmen's compensation act of Illinois. Smith-Hurd annotated statutes, 1950, chap. 48, p. 297-310. CONARD, ALFRED F. and ROBERT I. MEHR. Costs of administering reparation for work injuries in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 1952. DODD, WALTER F. Administration of work- men's compensation. The commonwealth fund, Oxford univ. press. New York, 1936, p. 278-86. HARPER, SAMUEL A. Workmen's compen- sation in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 4 (Oct. 1911) p. 170-88; (Nov. 1911) p. 255-61. HELBLING, ALBERT T. Occupational dis- ease legislation in Illinois. Social service review. V. 12 (March 1938) p. 105-22. ILLINOIS COMMISSION ON OCCUPA- TIONAL DISEASES. Report. Warner print- ing CO., Chicago, 1911. KLEIN, EARL E. Work accidents to minors in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1938. ROSS, RUSSELL. Workmen's compensation legislation in Illinois: an economic analysis. Masters thesis, Univ-. of Illinois, 1941. TURNER, JAMES H. The Illinois industrial commission; a study of administrative pro- cedure. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1948. WATSON, CHARLES H. Illinois workmen's compensation act. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1912. 3. Unemployment Compensation BERNSTEIN, SAMUEL C. Illinois depart- ment of labor. Univ. of Illinois law forum (Summer 1949) p. 278-96. . The Illinois unemployment compen- sation act. Smith-Hurd annotated statutes, 1950, chap. 48, p. 126-162. , et al. Unemployment compensation in Illinois. John Marshall law quarterly, v. 6 (June 1941) p. 572-601. CITY CLUB OF CHICAGO, Social security committee. Unemployment compensation for Illinois: a report. Chicago, 1936. DESPRES, LEON M. The new poor law: A study of fraud in Illinois unemployment relief. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 1 (March 1934) p. 592-601. ILLINOIS JOINT LEGISLATIVE COMMIS- SION ON DISABILITY UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION. Report. Springfield, 1947. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Dis- ability unemployment compensation. Spring- field, 1948. WILCOCK, RICHARD C. Financing unem- ployment compensation in Illinois. (Prelimi- [28] IX. GOVERNMENT AND THE ECONOMY (Concluded) nary edition). Illinois department of labor, Chicago, 1952. 4. Labor Relations HAKMAN, NATHAN. A survey of Illinois labor relations law. Illinois law review, v. 46 (May-June 1951) p. 197-218. KINGSLEY, ROBERT. Labor injunctions in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 23 (Feb. 1929) p. 529-55. MC FADDEN, RICHARD C. Union-manage- ment relations in the Illinois state service. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1953. RUCKER, T. DONALD. The problem of state regulation of strikes in privately owned public utilities, with particular emphasis on Illinois, Minnesota, and New York. Doctoral dissertation, Syracuse univ., 1952. 5. Child Labor ABBOTT, EDITH and SOPHONISBA P. BRECKENRIDGE. Truancy and non-attend- ance in the Chicago schools. A study of the social aspects of the compulsory education and child labor legislation in Illinois. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1917. ADDAMS, JANE. The operation of the Illi- nois child labor law. Annals, v. 27, 1906, p. 327-30. ANGERSTEIN, GEORGE W. The child labor act and workmen's compensation act of Illinois. Chicago-Kent law review, v. 20 (June 1942) p. 193-214. VENELL, MARION. A history of child labor legislation in Illinois from 1872 to 1933. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1941. [29] PART TWO: LOCAL GOVERNMENT I. GENERAL REFERENCES ALLEN, HARRY K. Efficiency and economy in local government with special reference to Illinois. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1936. COMMITTEE OF NINETEEN. Final Report. Chicago, 1952. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 12. County and local governments in Illi- nois. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. , no. 1 1 . Local government in Chi- cago and Cook County. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. SMITH, THOMAS V. and LEONARD D. WHITE, eds. Chicago, an experiment in social science research. Univ. of Chicago press, Chi- cago, 1929. A. History ANDREAS, ANDREW T. History of Chicago. (v. I to 1857, V. 2 1857-1871, v. 3 1871-1885). Chicago, 1884-86. History of Cook County. Chicago, 1884. BOWEN, LOUISE D. Growing up with Chi- cago. Macmillan Co., New York, 1926. Centennial history of the city of Chicago; its men and institutions. The Inter Ocean, Chi- cago, 1905. CHICAGO MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LI- BRARY. The Mayors of the city of Chicago from March 4, 1837 to April 13, 1933. (Com- piled by Frederick Rex) Chicago, 1933. GROSSER, HUGO S. Chicago: a review of its governmental history. League of American municipalities, report of tenth convention, chaps. 1-6, Chicago, 1906. ILLINOIS SECRETARY OF STATE. Coun- ties of Illinois, their origin and evolution. Springfield, 1951. LEWIS, LLOYD and HENRY J. SMITH. Chicago: A history of its reputation. Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York, 1-929. PIERCE, BESSIE L. A history of Chicago. 2 vols. 1673-1848, and 1848-1871. A. A. Knopf, Chicago, 1940. POOLE, ERNEST. Giants gone: men who made Chicago. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1943. SPARLING, SAMUEL E. The municipal his- tory and present organization of the city of Chicago. Univ. of Wisconsin studies, Madison, 1898. THOMPSON, MILTON W. The early history of municipal government in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1912. B. Bibliographies and Indexes CHICAGO MUNICIPAL REFERENCE LI- BRARY. Index to municipal legislation. Chi- cago, 1937. CHICAGO UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Pri- vate, civic and social agencies of Chicago; a union list of their reports and publications. Chicago, 1936. CONANT, MABEL L. and MARIAN LEATH- ERMAN. Municipal documents and other publications on municipal government in the University of Illinois library. Univ. of Illinois library, Urbana, 1917. C. Population BREEZE, GERALD W. The daytime popula- tion of the central business district of Chicago, with particular reference to the factor of trans- portation. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1949. HOYT, HOMER. Population facts for plan- ning Chicago. Chicago plan commission, Chi- cago, 1942. ILLINOIS STATE PLANNING COMMIS- SION. Illinois counties and the 1940 census. Chicago, 1941. JETER, HELEN R. Trends of population in the Chicago region. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1927. MONROE, DAY. Chicago families: A study of unpublished census data. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1932. NEWCOMB, CHARLES S. and RICHARD O. LANG, eds. Census data for the city of Chi- cago, 1934. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1934. PULLEN, PAUL. Population movements in the Chicago area from 1900 to the present. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ. 1942. [30] II. LAWS A. Charters and Special Acts FILDES, R. E. Educational progress and spe- cial charters for school districts in Illinois. Elementary school journal, part one, v. 48, 1948, p. 560-70; part two, v. 49, p. 536-43. FREUND, ERNST. Some legal aspects of the Chicago charter act of 1907. Illinois law review, v. 2 (Feb. 1908) p. 427-39. JAMES, EDMUND J. The charters of the city of Chicago: part one, the early charters 1883- 1837; part two, the city charters 1838-1851. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1898-1899. MERRIAM, CHARLES E. The Chicago char- ter convention. American political science re- view, V. 2, 1907, p. 1-14. STROUD, J. STANLEY. The Illinois revised cities and villages act: A study. Chicago-Kent law review, v. 21 (March 1943) p. 129-55. SUNNY, BERNARD E. The proposed amend- ment to the constitution of the state of Illinois and a new charter for Chicago. Civic federa- tion of Chicago, Chicago, 1904. B. Ordinances and Laws HODES, BARNET. Law and the modern city. Reilley & Lee Co., Chicago, 1937. SCOTT, MAURICE W. Reference guide for county government laws: compilation of the statutes concerning counties, county boards, county funds, and county officers . . . Taxpay- ers' federation of Illinois, Springfield, 1953. SINDLINGER, HARVEY and GUSTAVUS E. NELSON. Illinois township laws, with opinions of the Attorney General. 4th edition. Chicago, 1950. III. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION SUTHERLAND, DOUGLAS. Fifty years on the civic front. (A history of the Civic Feder- ation of Chicago). Chicago, 1943. A. Elections CHICAGO BOARD OF EDUCATION. Your vote, the key to good government. (In cooper- ation with Cook county board of election commissioners and Joint civic committee on elections.) Chicago, n.d. CHICAGO BOARD OF ELECTION COM- MISSIONERS. Instruction in election laws and election procedure. 4th edition, Chicago, 1950. CHICAGO BUREAU OF PUBLIC EFFI- CIENCY. The high cost of elections in Chi- cago and Cook county. Chicago, 1921. . Proposed system of registering voters and of canvassing the registration lists. Chi- cago, 1923. CONROY, EDWARD D. The electoral system of Chicago and Cook county. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1951. GARDNER, CLARENCE O. The referendum in Chicago. Univ. of Pennsylvania press, Phila- delphia, 1920. GOSNELL, HAROLD F. Getting out the vote, an experiment in stimulation of voting. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1927. , and CHARLES E. MERRIAM. Non-voting, causes and methods of control. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1924. , and M. J. SCHMIDT. Factorial analysis of the relation of the press to voting in Chicago. Journal of social psychology, v. 2 (Nov. 1936) p. 375-85. KING, HOYT. The reform movement in Chi- cago. Annals, v. 25, 1905, p. 235-47. MAYNARD, DAVID M. Fraud and error in Chicago referendum returns. National munici- pal review, v. 19 (March 1930) p. 164-7. . The operation of the referendum in Chicago. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1930. MC DERMOTT, WILLIAM F. Chicago's one- man cleanup campaign. National municipal review, v. 29 (Dec. 1940) p. 780-3. MERRIAM, CHARLES E. The Chicago pri- mary system. Publications of the Michigan political science association, v. 6, 1905, p. 118- 24. WOMEN'S CIVIC COUNCIL. A partial rec- ord of the conduct of elections in Chicago and Cook county from Dec. 1922 to June 1934. Chicago, 1934. WOODDY, CARROLL. The Chicago primary of 1926: A study in election methods. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1926. B. Parties and Politics BENNETT, FREMONT O. Politics and poli- ticians of Chicago, Cook county and Illinois. Blakely printing co., Chicago, 1886. [31] III. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (Continued) BRIGHT, JOHN. Hizzoner big Bill Thomp- son; an idyll of Chicago. J. Cape and H. Smith, New York, 1930. CUMMINGS, HOWARD. Chicago politics 1876-1880. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1929. DOBYNS, FLETCHER. The underworld of American politics. New York, 1932. FAIRWEATHER, GEORGE O. Wanted: In- telligent local self-government; restoring the parties to the people. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1934. FORTHAL, SONYA. Cogwheels of democracy, a study of the precinct captain. William-Fred- erick press, New York, 1946. GOSNELL, HAROLD F. Machine politics: Chicago model. Univ. of Chicago press, Chi- cago, 1937. . Negro politicians: The rise of negro politics in Chicago. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1935. GOTTFRIED, ALEX. Anton J. Cermak, Chi- cago politician. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chicago, 1952. HARRISON, CARTER H. Growing up with Chicago. R. F. Seymour, Chicago, 1944. JOHNSON, CLAUDIUS O. Carter Henry Harrison I, political leader. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1928. KING, HOYT. Citizen Cole of Chicago. Horder's Inc., Chicago, 1937. KNIGHT, JOHN S. New light on Chicago's politics. National municipal review, v. 35 (Oct. 1946) p. 457-9. MARTIN, JOHN B. How corrupt is Chicago? Saturday evening post, v. 223 (March 31, 1951) p. 22-3 + . MC LEMORE, FRANCIS W. The role of the negroes in Chicago in the senatorial election of 1930. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1931. MERRIAM, CHARLES E. Chicago. A more intimate view of urban politics. Macmillan co.. New York, 1929. NEHER, LEONARDO. The political parties in Chicago's 42nd ward. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1952. PETERSON, VIRGIL W. Barbarians in our midst. (A history of Chicago crime and poli- tics). Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 1952. ROBINSON, GEORGE F. The negro in poli- tics in Chicago. Journal of negro history, v. 17 (April 1932) p. 180-229. RUST, JAMES A. Ward committeemen in Chicago. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1952. STEFFENS, LINCOLN. The shame of the cities. Peter Smith, New York, 1948, p. 233-78. STEINER, GILBERT Y. Municipal tax refer- enda and the political process. Current eco- nomic comment, (Feb. 1953) p. 3-16. STUART, WILLIAM H. The twenty incred- ible years. M. A. Donahue and co., Chicago, 1935. WENDT, LLOYD and HERMAN KOGAN. Lords of the levee, the story of Bathhouse John and Hinky Dink. Garden City publishing co. inc.. New York, 1944. WHITE, JOHN P. Lithuanians and the Dem- ocratic party: a case study of nationality pol- itics in Chicago and Cook county. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chicago, 1953. ZINK, HAROLD. City bosses in the United States: A study of twenty municipal bosses. Duke univ. press, Durham, N.C., 1930, p. 275- 90, 291-301. C. Human Relations CHICAGO COMMISSION ON RACE RELA- TIONS. The negro in Chicago, a study of race relations and a race riot. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1922. . Your civil rights. Illinois commis- sion on human relations, Chicago, 1952. DRAKE, ST. CLAIR and HORACE CAY- TON. Black metropolis: a study of negro life in a northern city. Harcourt Brace and Co., New York, 1946. FRAZIER, EDWARD F. The negro family in Chicago. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1932. MAYOR'S COMMISSION ON HUMAN RE- LATIONS. Human relations in Chicago, 1949: inventory in human relations, 1945-1948. Rec- ommendations for the future adopted by the Chicago conference on civic unity. Chicago, 1949. SCHIAVO, GIOVANNI E. The Italians in Chicago. Vigo press, Chicago, 1928. TOWNSEND, ANDREW J. The Germans of Chicago. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1927. WIRTH, LOUIS. The Ghetto. Univ. of Chi- cago press, Chicago, 1928. ZORBAUGH, HARVEY W. Gold coast and slum. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1920. [32] III. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (Concluded) D. Civil Rights CHICAGO LAW DEPARTMENT. One city's legal experience in civil liberties, a collection of opinions by the city of Chicago department of law. National institute of muncipal law officers, Washington, D. C, 1940. CHICAGO PARK DISTRICT. The police and minority groups: A manual prepared for use in the Chicago Park District training school. Chicago, 1947. ILLINOIS INTERRACIAL COMMISSION. The current status of civil rights in Illinois communities. Chicago, 1948. IV. UNITS AND FORMS OF GOVERNMENT BROWN, CHARLES L. The possibility of Illi- nois being divided into two states. Illinois law review, v. 7, 1912, p. 30-41. CHICAGO BUREAU OF PUBLIC EFFI- CIENCY. Consolidation of local governments in Chicago: draft of a proposed article of the constitution . . . Chicago, 1920. . The nineteen local governments in Chicago, a multiplicity of overlapping taxing bodies with many elective officials. Chicago, 1917. Fringe areas and rural communities: incorpora- tion, annexation, special districts or anarchy. Local government notes, Univ. of Illinois, In- stitute of government and public affairs (Feb. 1953). ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Struc- ture of governments in metropolitan areas. Springfield, 1952. JONES, VICTOR. Local government in met- ropolitan Chicago. American political science review, v. 30 (Oct. 1936) p. 935-42. LEPAWSKY, ALBERT. Chicago — metropolis in the making. National municipal review, v. 30 (April 1941) p. 211-6. MERRIAM, CHARLES E., SPENCER D. PARRATT, and ALBERT LEPAWSKY. The government of the metropolitan region of Chi- cago. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1933. A. County Government BAKER, RUTH E. This is Cook county. Cook County council, League of women voters, Chicago, 1953. FAIRLIE, JOHN A. County and town govern- ment in Illinois. Annals, v. 62, 1913, p. 62-78. -. Town and county government in Illinois, (in report of the joint legislative com- mittee, 47th general assembly, v. 2) Spring- field, 1913, p. 85-6. GUY, MRS. J. MILTON, JR. The organiza- tion of county government in Illinois. Western Springs league of women voters, 1939. HICKS, H. S. County organization v. township organization; an analysis of comparative costs of civil government in certain Illinois counties. Chicago, 1936. SNIDER, CLYDE F. County government in Illinois. Illinois state tax commission, Spring- field, 1943. TENNER, ISADORE. The consolidation of local government in Cook county. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1933. WAGER, PAUL W. County government across the nation. Univ. of North Carolina press. Chapel Hill, 1950, p. 275-88. B. Municipal Government FINK, ORMAN S. Area requirements of mu- nicipalities in the region of Chicago. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1928. HELMS, ELVA A. Some tendencies in the de- velopment of municipal government in Illinois since 1870. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1923. MATTHEWS, THOMAS A. Handbook for Illinois municipal officials. Illinois municipal league, Springfield, 1950. TATUM, ELBERT L. A comparative study of the governments, of New York city and Chi- cago. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1933. 1. Council-Manager CHICAGO BUREAU OF PUBLIC EFFI- CIENCY. The city manager plan for Chicago. Chicago, 1917. CHICAGO CITY MANAGER COMMITTEE. Chicago's way out; the city manager plan. Chicago, 1936. DUMELLE, JACOB D. Political and legal basis of council-manager government in Illinois. Masters thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1950. ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE, Legislative department. Interested in city manager government. Chicago, 1952. [33] IV. UNITS AND FORMS OF GOVERNMENT (Continued) MONROE, DAVID G. and HARRY O. WIL- SON. City manager government in Winnetka (Illinois), (for committee on public administra- tion of social science research council). Public administration service, Chicago, 1940. WILDHAGEN, .\RTHUR R. The council manager plan of municipal government in Illi- nois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1937. WINTER, WILLI.\M O. City manager gov- ernment for Illinois. Southern Illinois univ., Local government center, Carbondale, 1952. . Crusaders crash through: editor and vacuum cleaner distributor spark campaign that opens way for council-manager plan in Illinois. National municipal review, v. 41 (March 1952) p. 130-5. 2. Commission Form F.\IRLIE, JOHN A. Commission government in Illinois cities. Annals, v. 38, 1911, p. 748-56. FOXVOG, DONALD R. The treatment of mayoral campaigns by daily newspapers in Illi- nois commission-governed cities of less than 15,000 population. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1947. HANFORD, ALFRED C. Commission govern- ment in Illinois cities. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1913. SCHAEFER, EDWIN L. Commission govern- ment in some Illinois cities. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1932. CHICAGO BUREAU OF PUBLIC EFFI- CIENCY. The park governments of Chicago. Chicago, 1914. CHICAGO PARK DISTRICT. The Chicago park district: history, backgrounds, organiza- tion. Chicago, 1936. CHICAGO SANITARY DISTRICT. The san- itary district of Chicago: history of its growth and development . . . Chicago, 1919. ECKERSBERG, ALFRED K. A study of the proposed consolidation of the Chicago park district and the city of Chicago. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1949. HOFF, LAWRENCE. The history of the park district code. Smith-Hurd annotated statutes, 1952, chap. 105, p. xiii-xix. ILLINOIS COMMISSION FOR THE REVI- SION OF PARK LAWS FOR DISTRICTS UNDER 500,000. Report. B. Smith Co., Chi- cago, 1949. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, Division of waterways. Report on drainage districts. Spring- field, 1937. ILLINOIS STATE PLANNING COMMIS- SION. Non-taxing improvement authorities. Chicago, 1937. KRAUSZ, NORMAN G. P. Fire protection districts in Illinois. Quarterly (National fire protection association) (Jan. 1951) p. 8-21. C. Township Government ALLEN, HARRY K. Relative merits of town- ship and non-township organization. Illinois journal of commerce, v. 17 (Jan. 1935) p. 8-9 + . HICKS, H. S. Wasting tax money by the mil- lions — A study in township road building costs in 12 Illinois counties. Illinois state chamber of commerce. Committee on taxation, Chicago, 1935. KRAUSZ, NORMAN G. P. Handbook for Illi- nois township officials. Garrard press, Cham- paign, 1952. NEWELL, MASON H. Township government in Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1901. D. Special Districts ALLEN, HARRY K. Advantages to school dis- tricts of full value assessment program in Illi- nois. Bulletin of national tax association, v. 32 (April 1947) p. 154-8. E. Home Rule CITY OF CHICAGO LAW DEPARTMENT. The number one municipal law problem; home rule. Chicago, 1940. ELLINGWOOD, ALBERT R. The constitu- tional aspects of municipal home rule in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 23 (Dec. 19281 p. 339- 59. HODES, B.\RNET. EflFective national defense and municipal home rule. National municipal review, v. 30 (Oct. 1941) p. 565-7. . The Illinois constitution and home rule for Chicago. Univ. of Chicago law re- view, V. 15 (Autumn 1947) p. 78-86. ILLINOIS CONSTITUTIONAL BULLETIN, no. 6. Municipal home rule. Illinois legislative reference bureau, Springfield, 1919. LEPAWSKY, ALBERT. Home rule for metro- politan Chicago. Univ. of Chicago press, Chi- cago, 1935. [34] IV. UNITS AND FORMS OF GOVERNMENT (Concluded) MERRIAM, ROBERT E. and NORMAN ELKIN. Home rule for Chicago. Northwestern univ. law review, v. 48 (July- Aug. 1953) p. 295-316. STORY, RUSSELL M. Local self-government for cities and counties. Illinois law bulletin, v. 2 (Dec. 1919) p. 339-50. V. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT BEYLE, HERMAN C. Governmental report- ing in Chicago. Univ. of Chicago press, Chi- cago, 1928. CHICAGO COMMITTEE ON CITY EX- PENDITURES. Proposals for the improvement in the business methods of the city of Chicago: summary report. Chicago, 1952. CITY OF CHICAGO. Chicago's report to the people, 1933-46. Chicago, 1947. CIMC FEDER.ATION OF CHICAGO. The condition and perquisites in the major local governments of Cook county. Chicago, 1950. COOK COUNTY BOARD OF COMMIS- SIONERS, Advisory board of estimate and apportionment. Problems of governmental sim- plification, administrative processes and fiscal affairs of the various local taxing agencies in Chicago and Cook county. Chicago, 1929. GROSSER, HUGO S. Municipal problems of Chicago. Annals, v. 23, 1904, p. 281-96. RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION. City and county administration in Springfield, Illinois. Springfield, 1917. SIEBENSCHUH, ROBERT W. The admin- istration of municipal legal sei-vices: the Chi- cago law department. Public administration service, Chicago, 1942. SIKES, GEORGE C. Report on the Chicago dock problem with special reference to ques- tions of municipal ownership and leasing policy. Chicago, 1909. A. Administrative Procedure CHICAGO BUDGET SURVEY COMMIT- TEE. A report on the regulatory inspectional services of the city of Chicago and a plan to simplify procedures. Chicago association of commerce and Civic federation of Chicago, Chicago, 1945. B. Organization and Reorganization CHICAGO BUREAU OF PUBLIC EFFI- CIENCY. Unification of local government in Chicago. Chicago, 1917. ILLINOIS COMMISSION ON TAX.\TION AND EXPENT>ITURES. Proposals for the re- organization of local government in Illinois, (prepared by Griffenhagen and Associates). 2 vols. Chicago, 1932. Part 1: The state outside Cook county. Part 2 : The Chicago-Cook county metropolitan area. ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE, State and local taxation committee. A legislative program for improving local gov- ernment in Illinois. Chicago, 1947. J.ACOBS, J. L. Simplification of government in metropolitan Chicago. National municipal re- view, V. 18 (Nov. 1929) p. 696-702. C. Financial Administration ALLEN, HARRY K. Control of expenditures in the local government units of Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, Bureau of business and economic re- search, Urbana, 1940. BAIN, BRICE W. Financial administrative re- organization of local governments with special reference to Illinois. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1933. BISHOP, WARD L. An economic analysis of the constitutional restrictions upon municipal indebtedness in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1928. CHICAGO COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC EX- PENDITURES. The financial difficulties and conditions of the local governments in Cook county. Chicago, 1932. CIVIC FEDER.\TION OF CHICAGO. 20th annual study of debts, taxes, assessments. Chi- cago, June 1953. . Looking into Chicago's pocketbook. Chicago, 1945. COMERY, GEORGE R. A study of the en- forcement of the personal property tax in Cook County, 1929-1934. Masters thesis, North- western univ., 1935. GEORGE, LESLIE G. The constitutional lim- itations upon municipal indebtedness in Illinois. J. D. thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1922. ILLINOIS LEGISL.\TIVE COUNCIL. The problem of local fiscal control with special ref- erence to control at the county level. Spring- field, 1950. [35] V. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (Continued) ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Pub- lication requirements as to local government finances. Springfield, 1952. ILLINOIS STATE TAX COMMISSION. Sur- vey of local finance, in cooperation with works progress administration. 8 vols. Springfield and Chicago, 1939-40. These include the following: vol. 1: Atlas of taxing units, vol 2: Property taxation: assessed valuations, tax rates, and tax extensions, 1927-1936. vol. 3: Property taxa- tion: assessed valuations, tax rates, and tax extension, 1937-1938. vol. 4: Receipts and disbursements of townships and road districts, 1925-1936. vol. 5: Bonded indebtedness of local governments 1927-1940. vol. 6: Special assessment finance of local improvements, 1935- 1937. vol. 7: Drainage district organization and finance, 1874-1937. vol. 8: Tax-rate limits and assessment ratios, 1925-1940. . Municipal revenue administration. Springfield, 1937. Judicial treatment of tax anticipation warrants in Illinois. Illinois law review, v. 45 (Nov.- Dec. 1950) p. 653-66. KARRENBROCK, WILBERT E. The admin- istration of municipal funds with special refer- ence to Illinois cities. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Illinois, 1932. MOREY, LLOYD. New Illinois municipal audit law puts into effect best current practice. . . . Journal of accountancy, v. 94 (Aug. 1952) p. 195-7. PERRIN, HARRY A. The administration of the state distributive fund. Doctoral disserta- tion, Univ. of Chicago, 1932. Private financing of local improvements in Illi- nois. Illinois law review, v. 46 (March-April 1951) p. 100-14. SLAYTON, WILLIAM L. Chicago's House of Lords; a study of the functions of the finance committee of the Chicago city council. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1943. 1 . Revenue System ALTMAN, OSCAR L. Taxation of intangibles in Chicago: administrative substitutes for statu- tory changes. Illinois law review, v. 33, 1938, p. 623-47. ASCHMAN, F. T. Dead land. Chronically tax delinquent lands in Cook county, Illinois. Land economics, v. 25 (Aug. 1949) p. 240-5. CHICAGO ASSOCIATION OF COM- MERCE, Special committee on tax delinquency. Tax delinquency in Chicago and Cook county. Chicago, 1941. CHICAGO COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC EX- PENDITURES. A study of real estate tax de- linquency in Chicago. Chicago, 1938. Chronic tax delinquency in Chicago and Cook county. Illinois law review, v. 44 (July-Aug. 1949) p. 341-62, part one. Legislative remedy for Cook county's chronic delinquents. Illinois law review, v. 44 (Jan.-Feb. 1950) p. 806-26, part two. COOK COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY. 'Dead' land. A study of chronic tax delin- quency and abandonment ... a report to the Illinois state housing board. Chicago, 1949. HILL, DONALD. The problem of illegal tax levies in Cook county, Illinois. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1939. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Local tax calendars and cash basis operations. Spring- field, 1952. . Tax delinquency in Illinois with particular reference to Cook county. Spring- field, 1939. ILLINOIS. UNIVERSITY, Bureau of business research. The tax rates of Illinois cities in 1921. Urbana, 1921. MERRIAM, CHARLES E. Report on the mu- nicipal revenues of Chicago. City club of Chi- cago, Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1906. STOUT, RANDALL S. A study of farm in- come and taxation in 14 Illinois counties, 1929- 1936. Masters thesis, Northwestern univ., 1937. a) Sources of Taxation ALTMAN, OSCAR L. Chicago's experiment in personal property taxation. 1931-1936. Doc- toral dissertation, Univ. of Chicago, 1936. CHICAGO CITY CLUB, Taxation committee. A tax program for Chicago and Illinois. Chi- cago, 1936. CURTIS, CHARLES G. Development of the power of park districts in Illinois to levy special taxes. J. D. thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1922. HOWELL, JAMES E. Sources of non-property revenue for Illinois municipalities. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1951. ILLINOIS STATE TAX COMMISSION. Tax-rate limits of Illinois local governments. Springfield, 1936. ISAKOFF, JACK F. and GILBERT Y. STEINER. Illinois municipal revenue, (staff memoranda of the legislative commission on municipal revenue.) Univ. of Illinois, Institute of government and public affairs, Urbana, 1953. SIMPSON, HERBERT D. Tax racket and tax reform in Chicago. Institute for research in [36 V. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (Continued) land economies and public utilities. Northwest- ern univ., 1930. UPSON, LENT D. Sources of municipal rev- enue in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1912. b) Assessment and Valuation BLEES, JOHN V. The reassessment of real estate in Cook county — a bloodless revolution. National municipal review, v. 18 (Nov. 1929) p. 681-9. DREXLER, LLOYD A. The valuation of real estate for tax purposes in Chicago. Masters thesis, Northwestern univ., 1941. FAIRWEATHER, GEORGE O. How Chicago awoke to the need of reassessment. National municipal review, v. 18 (Nov. 1929) p. 675-80. HOYT, HOMER. One hundred years of land values in Chicago. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1936. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. Illinois assessor's manual. Springfield, 1944. , Property tax division. Real property assessment manual. Springfield, 1952. ILLINOIS STATE TAX COMMISSION. Illi- nois board of review manual. Springfield, 1937. ILLINOIS STATE'S ATTORNEY ASSOCI- ATION. The full value assessment program: an analysis of the Butler bills. Springfield, 1946. J.'^COBS, J. L. Assessments of real estate and personal property in Cook county, Illinois. Chicago, 1934. WAUGAMAN, ALVIN. A study of the rela- tion of the assessed value to sales value of real estate in the city of Chicago. Masters thesis, Northwestern univ., 1927. 2. Expenditures and Appropriations ALLEN, HARRY K. Cost and services of local government in selected Illinois counties. Univ. of Illinois, Bureau of business research, Urbana, 1936. HICKS, H. S. Waste in local government. Illi- nois state chamber of commerce, Springfield, 1935. HUNTER, MERLIN H. Costs of township and county government in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, Bureau of economic and business research, Ur- bana, 1933. MERRIAM, CHARLES E. Chicago commis- sion on city expenditures: investigation as a means of securing administrative efficiency. Annals, v. 41, 1912, p. 281-303. . Work and accomplishments of Chi- cago commission on city expenditures. City club bulletin, v. 4, 1911, p. 195-208. ST. CLAIR COUNTY TAXPAYERS' ASSO- CIATION. Fire and police costs in larger Illi- nois cities. East St. Louis, 1950. 3. Budgeting and Accounting ALLEN, HERBERT W. An accounting system for use by park districts in the state of Illinois. Illinois association of park districts, Springfield, 1950. ECKERT, FRED W. Appropriation methods and budgetary control in the city of Chicago. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1914. FLEMING, DENNIS J. The relation of the mayor to budgetary control in Chicago. Masters thesis, Univ. of Chicago, 1949. MERRIAM, CHARLES E. Budget making in Chicago, Annals, v. 62, 1915, p. 270-6. WARNER, EDWIN E. Local budgetary re- form and review (with a proposed municipal budgetary procedure law for Illinois). Illinois law review, v. 35 (Feb. 1941) p. 653-88. D. Personnel Administration CIVIC FEDERATION OF CHICAGO. Sal- ary rate structure of the local governments of Chicago. Chicago, 1948. . An analysis of the salary schedule applying to firemen of the city of Chicago . . . Chicago, 1947. GRIFFENHAGEN, EDWARD O. The merit system in Chicago and Cook county. National municipal review, v. 18 (Nov. 1929) p. 690-5. HALLOCK, JOHN W. Personal liability of local officers in Illinois and Wisconsin. Bache- lors thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1942. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Pen- sions for policemen and firemen. Springfield, 1945. ILLINOIS MERIT SYSTEM COUNCIL. The merit system plan for the downstate county departments of public welfare . . . Springfield, 1941. KARLEN, HARVEY M. Some political and administrative aspects of municipal wage de- terminations in Chicago. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chicago, 1950. KINGSBURY, JOSEPH B. The merit system in Chicago from 1895 to 1915. Public person- nel studies, V. 3 (Nov. 1925) p. 306-11; v. 4 (Feb. 1926) p. 54-65; (May 1926) p. 154-65; (June 1926) p. 178-84. [37] V. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT (Concluded) KINGSBURY, JOSEPH B. The merit system in Chicago 1915-1923. Public personnel studies, V. 4 (Nov. 1926) p. 306-19. LOFTUS, HUBERT J. Illinois fee system on the local government level. Masters thesis. Southern Illinois univ., 1951. POIS, JOSEPH, EDWARD M. MARTIN, and LYMAN S. MOORE. The merit system in Illi- nois, with special reference to Chicago and Cook county. Joint commission on the merit system, Chicago, 1935. WHITE, LEONARD D. Conditions of mu- nicipal employment in Chicago: study in morale. J. F. Higgins, Chicago, 1925. . The prestige value of public employ- ment in Chicago. An experimental study. Univ. of Chicago press, Chicago, 1929. E. Planning and Zoning BABCOCK, RICHARD F. The Illinois su- preme court and zoning: a study in uncertainty. Univ. of Chicago law review, v. 15 (Autumn 1947) p. 87-105. BAKER, NEWMAN F. Constitutionality of zoning laws. Illinois law review, v. 20 (Nov. 1925) p. 213-48. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. County zoning in Illinois. Springfield, 1952. ILLINOIS STATE PLANNING COMMIS- SION. Looking ahead with Illinois cities and villages; procedures for community planning. Chicago, 1937. KENNEDY, JACK O. The legal aspects of zoning in Illinois. Bachelors thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1949. LOHMANN, KARL B. Cities and towns of Illinois: a handbook of community progress. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1951. . Planning opportunities for towns in Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 1944. . A community-planning primer for Illinois. Univ. of Illinois, Bureau of commun- ity planning, 1935. MEREDITH, MAURICE M. Zoning in Illi- nois municipalities. Masters thesis, Univ. of Illinois, 1938. WERNER, HELEN M. The constitutionality of zoning regulations. Univ. of Illinois press, Urbana, 1926. YOUNG, J. NELSON. Airport zoning. Univ. of Illinois, Institute of aviation, Urbana, 1948. (Chicago) CHICAGO CITY COUNCIL, Committee on local transportation. A comprehensive local transportation plan for the city of Chicago. Chicago, 1937. CHICAGO PLAN COMMISSION. Forty- four cities in Chicago. Chicago, 1942. . A program for community conser- vation in Chicago and an example. Chicago, 1946. FISHER, WALTER L. Plan of Chicago, with a report on the legal aspects of the city plan. Commercial club of Chicago, Chicago, 1909. HILLMAN, ARTHUR and ROBERT J. CASEY. Tomorrow's Chicago. Univ. of Chi- cago press, 1953. KLOVE, ROBERT C. City planning in Chi- cago: a review. Geographical review, v. 38 (Jan. 1948) p. 127-31. LEFFINGWELL, SAMUEL D. Financing city plans in the region of Chicago. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1929. MCLAUGHLIN, DALE W. A study in the uses of land, regional planning and zoning with particular reference to the region of Chicago. Masters thesis. Northwestern univ., 1927. MOODY, WALTER D. Wacker's manual of the plan of Chicago: municipal economy. Calu- met printing co., Chicago, 1916. U. S. WORKS PROJECTS ADMINISTRA- TION. Report on the Chicago land use sur- vey. Chicago, 1943. WALKER, ROBERT A. The planning func- tion in urban government. 2nd edition. Univ. of Chicago press, 1950, p. 223-74. WOODBURY, COLEMAN. Economic and legal aspects of zoning, with particular refer- ence to the Chicago region. Masters thesis, Northwestern univ., 1926. VI. SERVICES A. Public Works CHICAGO BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVE- MENTS. A sixteen-year record of achieve- ment, 1915-1931. Buckley, Dement and Co., Chicago, 1931. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF AERONAU- TICS. Comprehensive study relating to aero- nautical facilities for metropolitan area of Chicago ... 2 vols. Springfield, 1946. ILLINOIS POST WAR PLANNING COM- [38] VI. SERVICES (Continued) MISSION. General procedure in developing a public works program and methods of project financing by Illinois municipalities. Chicago, 1943. . Postwar public works by local gov- -. Administration of the office of sheriff ernment agencies. Springfield, 1949. 1. Highways and Transportation BURTON, RALPH J. Mass transport in the Chicago region; a study of metropolitan gov- ernment. Doctoral dissertation, Univ. of Chi- cago, 1939. COOK COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPART- MENT. A traffic survey of the Chicago dis- trict. Indiana state highway commission et al. Inland Press Inc., Chicago, 1943. DEUTHER, TOMAZ F. Civic questions per- taining entirely to local transportation in the city of Chicago. Chicago, 1925. ILLINOIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, Joint committee on county and township organization, roads, highways and bridges. A report. Spring- field, 1913. MC CLINTOCK, MILLER. Report and rec- ommendations of the metropolitan street traffic survey, (prepared under the direction of the street traffic committee of the Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce.) Chicago, 1926. 2. Parl