- - ™ ^ This re-issue of the 1859 History of Randolph County, Illinois, by E. J. Montague, is a contribution of the Ran- dolph County Historical Society to the celebration of the American Revolution Bicentennial, the 200th Birthday anniversary of the United States of America — 1776-1976. Randolph County, "Where Illinois Began," the West- ern Frontier during the American Revolutionary War, is rich in history. To have had five flags fly over her lands — French, British, Commonwealth of Virginia, the United States and finally the State of Illinois bespeaks of her importance and her play in United States history. In grateful acknowledgement to the 1968 Randolph County Board of Commissioners and the members of the Randolph County Historical Society, we give you this pportunity to gather insight on that which was — and is — Randolph County, Illinois. First Edition — Book No. A. DIRECTORY, BUSINESS MIRROR, AND HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF RANDOLPH COUNTY: CONTAINING THE NAME, RESIDENCE, AND OCCUPATION OP EVERY CITI- ZEN OF THE COUNTY ; WITH A CONDENSED SKETCH OF KASEASKIA AND PRAIRIE DU ROCHER, COMMENCING WITH THEIR INDIAN HISTORY: A SKETCH OF CHESTER, 8PARTA, RED BUD, LIB- ERTY, 8TEELESVILLE, EDEN, EVANSVILLE, COULTEB- VILLE, LAFAYETTE, PRESTON, FLORENCE, 8HILOB HILL, RANDOLPH AND CAMPTOWN. ALSO, A CONDENSED SKETCH OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. fROM THK TIME OF ITS ORGANIZATION: WITH BRIEF NQTES OF THE PIONEER SETTLERS. By E. J. MONTAGUE. ALTON, ILL.: COURIER STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTING HOUSE. 1859. A Reproduction by Unigraphic, Inc. 1401 North Fares Avenue Evansville, Indiana 47711 Nineteen Hundred Seventy Four 1114 NOTICE. The matter which this work contains suggests its object, and demonstrates its value and necessity. No attempt has been made to write history — only an effort to collect the materials and place them in preservation, to be used by sonje one who shall write that history at some future day. The pioneers, from whom the history must be gathered, *re last passing away; and if the brief sketches here prepared will, pre- serve their memory and the events iu which they figured, until they shall be placed in some more enduring form, the object of the writer will have been fully attained. The difficulty which has been experienced in obtaining defi- nite information respecting those early settlers, leads the writer to believe that slight inaccuracies may have occurred, -and some omissions made, but these were unavoidable. The imperfect sources from which- the names, residences, and occupation of the inhabitants of the county have been obliged to be gathered, have rendered slight omissions probable. Such imperfections necessarily occur in the preparation of such a work for the first time. SKETCHES OF KASKASKIA. For many years before Kaskaskia was! known to the white man, it was an Indian village, around which the crude natives hunted and fished, boiled their corn and venison, smoked the calumet, and danced to the guttural notes of discordant music. Without a reference, there- fore, to the Indian tribe from which Kaskaskia has taken its name, a sketch of the place, however complete in other particulars, would yet be imperfect. At the time when the first white adventurers ex- tended their explorations into Illinois, a confederation embracing five tribes — the Kaskaskias, the Cahokias, the Tammarais (or Tamaroas,) the Peorias and the Mitchigammics — were found inhabiting the Illinois country, .and were called the "Illinois Confederacy." The Kaskaskias occupied the country around the village which bears their name, and claimed for their hunting grounds the district which now embraces the counties of Eandolph, Jackson, Perry, Washington, and portions of St. Clair and Monroe. The Cahokias in- habited the region around Cahokia — another Indian village — whose history commences and runs along with that of Kaskaskia — situated on the eastern bank of the Mississippi river, in St. Clair county, a little below a *] 6 HISTORICAL 8KETCHES point opposite the city of St. Louis. The Tammartis have left no traces of their locality, except that the Twelve Mile Prairie, in St. Clair county, was formerly called "Prairie Tammarais," which gives foundation to the opinion that that was the place of their residence. It was an Indian tradition that this tribe was nearly exterminated in a battle with the Shawnees, fought on Six Mile Prairie, in Perry county. The bones of the slain, and other evidences of the battle were to be seen there not' many years ago. Sometime afterward, this tribe lost its national identity and united with the Caho- kias. The Peorias ranged along the Illinois river in the region of the now flourishing city of Peoria, and left the evidences of their battles with other tribes in that coun- try, which are yet visible. The Mitchigammies were first found along the shores of Lake Michigan. But they removed in a few years afterwards, and settled about Fort Chartres and Prairie du Eocher. Soon after- ward they ceased to exist as a distinct tribe, and the remnants blended with the Kaskaskias. These tribes were once numerous and powerful in war, ^ind successfully defended their claims to the coun- try around the southern borders of Lake Michigan; but a series of disastrous conflicts with the doubly savage Pottowatomics — a powerful branch of the great Cbip- peway nation, who claimed and exercised hunting and fishing dominion over that vast extent of country which now embraces the States of Wisconsin, Michigan, In- diana and the northern portions of Illinois — so reduced their numbers that they were forced southward in search of relief from their cruel adversaries. But even here they were not secure from their savage kinsmen. Pred- atory bands of Kickapoos and Shawnees occasionally -engaged them in war, and reduced them in numbers. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 7 One by one these tribes ceased to exist, and united with another, until finally, in the year 1830, the whole Con- federacy was merged into the Kaskaskia tribe, and known only as the "Kaskaskia Indians." Thus banded together, and having only about one hundred and fifty warriors, they were in a condition to love peace rather than war, of which they had had more than sufficient to satiate the ferocity of their savage natures. They hailed the advent of the whites among them with joy, and cultivated their friendship as a source of protection against the attacks of their Indian enemies. For this reason, they became the friends of the whites, and often rendered valuable services in the capacity of spies and guides. It was the boast of Ducoagne, or Ducogne, their last chief, that his tribe had never shed the blood of the white man. They cultivated some corn in the American Bottom, which, with the game they obtained by hunting, fur- nished them a subsistence. They exchanged their furs with the French traders for such articles of apparel as their habits of life and tastes demanded. Leading a listless, indolent life, with no higher aim or ambition than obtaining sufficient food and raiment to supply the wants of nature, they became lazy, drunken, degraded- and debauched, and lost that noble spirit of dignity and independence which pulses in the veins of the true Indian. In the year 1833, finding their hunting grounds occu- pied by the industrious white man, and not fitted to enjoy the privileges of encroaching civilization, they bade fare- well to the land which had been the lifetime home of themselves and their fathers, and joinel that stubborn tide of emigration which has borne away towards the Pacific Ocean all that wild race of men. who once held 8 HISTORICAL SKETCHES undisputed possession of the Continent. With tear- ful eyes and bitter lamentations, they turned their backs upon scenes familiar and dear, and sought new hunting grounds towards the setting sun. The tribe is now extinct, but a few of the descendants still live with other tribes of the West. The common fate of the Indian race is a source of saddening reflection; but the contributions to Christianity, to science, to industrial en- terprise, and the world's material wealth, and to the political elevation of mankind, which have followed in their retreating wake, sufficiently vindicate the usurpa- tion. DISCOVERY AND SETTLEMENT OE KASItASKIA. The precise time of the discovery and settlement of Kaskaskia by the whites is not definitely fixed, but the best known data determine it to have been in the year 1686. Exploring parties had been traversing the Miss- issippi valley for some time before Kaskaskia was marked for settlement. A brief reference, therefore, to these successive expeditions becomes necessary in com- pleting the chain of events which gave an origin to Kas- kaskia. The romantic adventures of James Marquette, the Jesuit Missionary, and Chevalier Joliet, a merchant of Quebec, are familiar to the readers of Western his- tory. These two indefatigable and fearless men were the pioneers of those explorations which opened the Wes- tern wilderness to the ingress of a white population. Their first expedition was commenced on the 10th day of June, 1670. They started from Green Bay, accom- OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 9 panied by five others, and crossed the country on the head-waters of the Fox river to the Wisconsin, which Btream they descended to its mouth, and floated out upon the broad bosom of the majestic Mississippi, on the 17th of the same month. From the time the he- roic adventurer, De Soto, and his brave followers liscovered this great river, in 1542, its mighty current had swept along unseen by the eye of civilized man, until the day these two Frenchmen entered it at the mouth of the Wisconsin river. They beheld its gran- ieur and magnitude, Marquette remarks, "with a joy [ cannot express." Eesolving at once to descend and see where the fresh, 3lear waters of this noble river were lost in the ocean . they lost no time in prosecuting their perilous journey. A.s they passed along, they noticed the Piasau — a paint- ad rock standing on the margin of the river, near the present city of Alton; the confluence of the Missouri's muddy current with the pure waters of the Mississippi; the Grand Tower — a high, perpendicular rock standing near the middle of the river, about thirty miles below the present city of Chester; the mouth of the Ohio, which they thought was the Wabash. Finally, readi- ng an Indian village in Arkansas, where they found the natives savage and ferocious, almost beyond control, ind learning it was yet a long distance to the mouth of the river, they determined to return, and accordingly, on the 17th of July, one month from the day they first 3aw the river — they commenced their homeward jour- uey. Instead of returning hy the Wisconsin river as they had come, they ascended the Illinois and reached Lake Michigan about the locality of Chicago, from whence they went direct to Green Bay, at which place they arrived in September. 10 HISTORICAL SKETCHES The pious and holy Marouex** went about his mis- sionary labors with the Indians, and died suddenly noon afterwards. Joliet went immediately to Quebec, and spread an account of their discoveries before the peo- ple, who become so electrified by the thrilling narrative of their voyage that the spirit of adventure rose to fever heat. The news soon reached France, and pro- duced a similar excitement there. Impelled by the feverish zeal which those reports created, came Robert De La Salle, whoso enthusiastic composition was al- most melting with the eagerness of advonturo. Upon his arrival at Quebec, he conceived the project of estab- lishing a line of posts from Canada, through the Illinois country, and down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexi- co. Securing the approbation and influence of Fron- tinac, then the Governor-General of Canada, he re- turned to France, and laid the plans of his enterprise before Colvert, the King's minister. Meeting a fa- vorable consideration from the King, he was created a Chevalier, and received a commission to return and rebuild Fort Frontinac. Upon the reconstruction of the Fort he labored with indefatigable zeal until the Autumn of 1C>77, when he sailed again to France. Having fulfilled his mission to the satisfaction of the King, he received an outfit for a voyage, and brought with him thirty-four emigrants to the New "World, among whom was Lieutenant M. Tonti, an Italian, who became the devoted friend and faithful follower of La Salle in all his expeditions and enterprises. During the next five years he traveled the wilderness almost con- stant!}', around the Lakes, and from St. Anthony's Falls to the mouth of the Mississippi, encountering difficul- ties, perils and privations almost beyond human endur- ance. In the autumn of 16S3, he sailed a third time for OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 11 Fiance: The energetic industry he had displayed in prosecuting his adventurous exploits, secured for him the cordial approbation of the King, who placed under his direction a fleet of four vessels, carrying two hundred and eighty emigrants for settlement in the wild country which he had been exploring. It was the intention of La Salle to make the mouth of the Mississippi river; but, dissensions of a most discordant and disastrous character arising between *"m and M. De Beauoeu, the marine commander, thle fleet drifted slowly and sluggishly acrdss the ocean kind finally, after a voyage of six month's duration, the^ reached Madagarda Bay, in Texas, having drifted southward of the Mississippi. After exploring the coast for a feUv months, the com- mander left L/a Salle and 1/is party to search alone for the "hidden river/' and returned with the fleet to France. "With hope and Courage such as few men ever possessed, did La Salle continue to search for the mouth of the Mississippi, by which he wished to return to Canada. TMsappointment" met him in every expedition ; but his spirit was a stranger to despair, and he contin- ued to traverse the marshy country along the Gulf coast, until his f^ 1 lowers, less courageous than himself, and dying from fatigue and fever; became dispirited and sullenly refused to obey him. Mutiny arose, which •alone would have disappointed the object of the search; but fate had decreed a more tragic termination to the Chevalier's exploits. He was way-laid and shot dead by one of the chief conspirators. During the two years which La Salle had been ab- sent, his lieutenant, Tonti, who had been left in com- mand of the Illinois country, was engaged in explora- tions, and building forts. The long absence of La Salle, from whom he could get no intelligence, was a 12 HISTORICAL SKETCHES. source of melancholy speculation for Tonti. Finally, hearing a rumor that La Salle was in the West Indies, he organized an expedition," and descended the Missis- sippi in search of him; hut, on reaching the mouth, he was compelled to return without any tidings of his long lost friend. In making this voyage he established sev- eral trading posts, and the weight of authority estab- lishes the opinion that Kaskaskia was one of them. The presumption, therefore, is irresistable, that M. Tonti was the first white man whose foot pressed the soil on which Kaskaskia was afterward built. As it became a permanent settlement, its existence may date from that period — 1686. Father Allous, a companion of La Salle, and a de- voted christian missionary, came to Kaskaskia soon after the visit of Tonti, and established a missionary station. He was probably the first white man who made a permanent residence in Kaskaskia. In a short Lime afterwards the French traders made their advent into the place, and then commenced the transition from an Indian to a French village. This transition, how- ever, was rather slow for several years, as the French who came at that time were chiefly traders, whose avo- cation required them to be transient rather than per- manent inhabitants. Probably Kaskaskia could not be considered anything more than a trading post and mission station, before the year 1712. The mission be- came a very flourishing one soon after it was estab- lished by Father Allous. In 1690, Father Gravier took charge of the station, and christened it "The Village of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin." A chapel was erected, probably on the east- ern side of the Kaskaskia river, near the residence of Mr. Menard, the remains of which are still to be seen. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 13 T\he ruins of another Jesuit chapel, erected just in the- rear of the present church edifice, are also visible, but at what time it was built is now unknown. A Jesuit register, commencing in 1695, has been preserved, and is now among the church papers of the parish. At what particular period the first permanent settlers came to Kaskaskia, and who they were, is a matter more of conjecture than certainty; no record of them having been preserved. It is known, however, that previous to the year 1720, a considerable emigration had arrived from Canada and France, by the way of New Orleans, and made permanent settlements. As to the names of these pioneers there is also an uncertainty, but the most authentic traditions which the writer has been able to gather, coroborates the well established belief among the present inhabitants of Kaskaskia, that the following were among the principal ones of those early settlers, viz : Bazyl La Chapelle, Michael Derouse, (called St. Pierre,) Jean Baptiste St. Gjemme Beau- vais, Baptiste Montreal, Boucher De Montbrun, Charles Danje, Francois Charlesville, Antoine Bienvenu, LoUis Buyat, Alexis Doza, Joseph Paget, Prix Paqi, Michael Antoyen, Lanolois De Lisle, La Derroutte, Noval, and some few others. Bazyl La Chappelle was among the first from Can- ada, and came to Kaskaskia in company with eleven brothers, but he alone of the number remained perma- nently. He left four sons — Antoine, Louis, La Chap- elle and Baptiste, from whom descended the family bearing that name; Louis La Chapelle, now living about two miles south of the village, is the son of Bap- tiste. Michael Derouse came also from Canada, and was the progenitor of the numerous family of that name 14 HISTORICAL SKETCHES. now living in and around Kaskaskia. This is the most numerous of any descendency of the original settlers. He was the father of Michael, Joseph, Phillip, Jerome, J)k Bardeau, who became prominent and in- fluential men in the community. Pierre Deroise, now living in the vicinity of Kaskaskia, at the age of GO years, is a son of Joseph. [It is proper to explain that the names by which many of the French are known are those of the names of the places from whence they came. For instance, "Beau- VAis" was affixed to the name "St. Gemme" because that family came from the city of Beauvais in France. In many instances the real name has been lost, and that of the town from which the person came substituted. The Derou.se family came originally from St. Pierre, in France, which accounts for that affix to their name. The right name of the Montreal family, is now un- known. The first of the name who came to Canada, were called "Montrois," because they came from Montrois, and after they came to Kaskaskia, they re- ceived the name of Montreal, for the reason that they came from Montreal, in Canada. The St. Gemme family dropped the affix " Beauvais" after they came to Kas- kaskia, and arc now known by the original name. Some of the descendants residing in St. Genivieve, Mo.. are now writing the name "St. James."] Jean Baptiste St. Gemme was the first of that family who located in Kaskaskia. He was a man of some wealth and became a conspicuous constituent of the place. He lived to a very old age, and died leav- ing six sons ; Raphael, Antoine, Charles, Joseph, Vitol, and Baptiste, and two daughters, one of whom married De Ruisseau, and is the grandmother of Mrs. J. H. Lucas, of St. Louis. Joseph, the third son, died in early life, and was buried in Kaskaskia, by »P RANDOM*!! OoUNTY. 15 the side of Uw father and mother; Raphael became a citizen of New Orleans, and died there; Charles died somewhere in Louisiana; Antoine moved to Arkansas where ho died, at an advanced age. Vitol and Bap- tiste were among the first French settlers of St. Gen- evieve, Mo., and died in that place, leaving large fami- lies, some of whom are yet living; Mrs. Jarrot, of St- Louis, now eighty years old, is the daughter of Vitol St. Gemme. Baptiste had fourteen children, three of whom are yet living, viz: Augustus St. Gemme, aged 68 years; Eleanor, aged GO; and Julia, aged 76. Raphael St. Gemme first located at Fort Du Quesne, and took part in the defense of the Fort, an interesting account of which will he found in Sparks'. He also aided in the celehrated defeat of Gen. BRADDOCKon the 9th of Jul}-, 1755. He afterwards came to Kaskaskia and located permanently. His family consisted of one son, Alexis, and five daughters. Alexis St. Gemme was the grandfather of Mrs. Maxwell, now residing in Kaskaskia. Baptiste Montreal came from Canada, and was noted for his industry and quiet deportment. From him sprang the numerous family hearing his name. One of his grandsons died a few months ago, aged seventy-seven years. Boucher de Montbrun was a man of sprighuy ac- tivity, and became very prominent in Kaskaskia. He married a Miss Langlois, a lady of much beauty and respectability. Some of his descendants are now to be found in that country. Charles Dante devoted his life to the quiet pursuit of farming. The oldest land grant on record that we have been able to discover, was made to Charles Danie, on the 10th day of May, 1722. His descendants 16 HISTORICAL 8KETCHE8 ■became very numerous at one time, but now only a few of them remain. Francois Charlesville came among the first from Oanada, and engaged in trading down the river to Now Orleans. He was a man of remarkable shrewdness and •energy, and amassed considerable wealth. Charles- ville left four sons — Francois, Baptiste, Charles, and Louis. Andrew Charlesville, now living in the Point, about 70 j-ears old, is the son of Francois, and grandson of the first Francois. Antoine Bienvenu came from New Orleans, and brought with him considerable wealth. He lived for the sole object of enjoying life, and probably no man • ever received a larger share of life's ephemeral joys. He left three sons, Antoine, Henry, and Michael, all of whom lived and died in Kaskaskia. Some of their children are yet living about the village. Louis Buyat came direct from France to Kaskaskia. He belonged to a family of some rank, and on his arri- val in Kaskaskia, he took a leading position among the people. The bell which hangs by the church, whoso mellow tones were the first ever heard in the Missis- sippi Valley, and which has announced the hour of worship for more than a hundred years, was sent as a present to Mr. Buyat to be given by him to the infant church of America. His name is intimately connected with the church and the town. From him sprang a numerous descendency, Louis Buyat, the first son of the pioneer, was the father of Louis, Michael, Nicholas, Henry, and Joseph, who became prominent men among the people. Joseph the youngest son is atill living, and is now one of the oldest men to be found about Kaskaskia. Tho family is less numerous now than formerly. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 17 Alexis Doza was from Canada, and possessed a re- markable energy and courage. His son, named also Alexis, became one of the most distinguished charac- ters of Kaskaskia. He was fearless of danger, adven- turous, energetic, and possessed a degree of hardihood and endurance which rarely falls to the lot of man. It is related of him that he would start from Kaskaskia at any hour, whether night or day, and make the trip to Vincennes, on foot and alone, in three days. He became a carrier of dispatches between the two posts, and would travel across the country when it was extremely dangerous for any white man to be found outside the vil- lages. Some of his descendants are yet living about Kaskaskia. Joseph Paget was probably the father of Prix Pagi, (although there is a difference in the orthography of the names). Prix Pagi erected a mill on the site where Mr. Daniel Reily's mill stands. He was mur- dered in the mill by the Indians. Of Michael Autyen, De Lisle, La Deroutte, and Noval, we have been unable to learn anything beyond the fact, that they were among the earliest pioneers, and occupied conspicuous positions in the village. Mr. Langlois located and lived in Kaskaskia, until the year 1736, when he joined the expedition under D'Artaguette (then Governor of Illinois,) and Vin- cennes, against the Chickasaw Indians, and with them was taken prisoner and burned at the stake. Some of his descendants are now living about Prairie Du Rocher. Though these pioneers in the western world were surrounded by a wilderness, inhabited only by Indians and wild beasts, with no communication with civilized man, except through tedious voyages of the traders *2 18 HI8T0RICAL 8KKTCHE8 to New Orleans, and the occasional visits to and from the villages of Cahokia and Vincennes, yet no people prob- ably ever enjoyed life better than they did. They were frank, open-hearted, brotherly, unambitious, careless of the acquisition of property, contented and joy- ous. Bringing with them the gayeties and vivacity of Paris life, they indulged in every variety of social amusement, and enjoyed more of life's pleasures than is usually allotted to pioneers. Destitute of a pretext for that strife, contention and bickering which a desire for wealth never fails to create, they lived in peaceful har- mony, and culled from each passing hour the larger share of its moments for enjoyment. Their wealth, their time and labor, were matters of indifference. — "With a supei-abundance of wheat and corn, which they reaped from the soil with but little cultivation, and being supplied by the Indians with plenty of venison and bear meat, they realized no cares or anxiety, and were contented and happy. If the unalloyed happi- ness of temporal life has ever been enjoj-ed, it was cer- tainly approached by those early pioneers of Kaskaskia. The}' introduced the French system of agricul- ture, and each family had a parcel of land in the ■''Common Field." A strict community system was observed, and if the head of a family was sick or nec- essarily absent, his crop was attended to by his neigh- bors. Ordinances were made regulating the repairs of fences, time of gathering crops, and opening the field for the range of stock, in the fall. Each plat of land in the Common Field was distinctly marked out and owned in fee simple by the person to whom granted. It was a universal custom among the villagers, when the husband returned in the evening, weary from his ■daily toils, for his affectionate wife and children to meet Or B4KD0LPH COUNTY 19 him with a kiss. This domestic interview was at the gate of the door-yard, in full view of the village. It was an evidence of the happiness that reigned within. THE CHURCH. At what time the first parish priest appeared among the people of Kaskaskia, is now unknown ; nei- ther oan it be ascertained when the first parish church was built. It is certain, however, that the parish congregation occupied the Jesuit chapel until about the year 1721, when the old building which stood for half a century was erected. This was the first permanent church built west of the Alleghany Mountains, upon this continent. The bell which now hangs by the spacious brick church in Kaskaskia, was brought from France and placed upon this old building, and was the first bell to ring out the tidings of christian worship in the Mississippi valley. Its measured strokes have tolled at the buriaj of three generations, and still the towering forest trees and hill sides in the vicinity echo its musical pealing. The church record, now among the archives of the church, reaehos back only to the year 1721 — the previous record, if* there was an}' kept, having been lost. At that time Father Gibault was ithe officiating priest. He resided at Prairie du Rochcr, and was priest of that parish. He performed the duties pertaining to his holy office, for both these parishes, for many years, and died deeply lamented by the people, for whose spiritual good he had lived and labored. He lived a truly ohristain life, and so deported himself as to show that he was at peace with his God, and his 20 HISTORICAL SKETCHES follow men. Ho was always cheerful, and carried with! him a smile and pleasant word for every one he met. The church to which reference has been made, stood until about the year 1780, when another was erected neai the same spot, which gave place to the present large brick edifice about twenty years ago. It is one of the largest churches in Illinois. Father Perren is now the officiating priest, and though he has attained the age of sixty, he is able to read the ancient church record, which is imperfect French manuscript, without the aid of glasses. GOVERNMENT. In the year 1708, the French Government sent out D'Artaouette as commissary of Louisiana, with in- structions to put in operation a system of government. He made some progress towards the object of his mission, but owing to the remote distances of the set- tlements from each other, he could do but little. In 1712, the French Government, believing the object could be best attained through private enterprise, conferred upon a wealthy merchant of Paris, named Crozat, the monopoly of Louisiana for fifteen years, expecting that his commercial operations would be an inducement to a speedy colonization of the country. The nucleus of his operations was in Louisiana, but his trading posts extended throughout the Mississippi valley. A post established at Kaskaskia, was the means of creating a lively trade in deer, buffalo, and bear meat, which were purchased for transportation to New Orleans and Mo- bile. This also stimulated the erection of Mills for the manufacture of flour, to be shipped to the same market] OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 21 Traces of these mills may be seen to this day; along the bluffs which skirt the cultivated lands, and the remains of a wind-mill were visible a few years ago, in the prairie between Kaskaskia and Prairie du Eocher. The re- mains of a mill (ire j^et to be seen on the eastern side >f the river, near the residence of Mr. Menard. It was probably at this time that a mill was eredtwbtrpon the same site where Mr. Riley's mill now stands. Crozat was succeeded, in 1717, by the "Company of the West," organized in Paris, to cooperate with a crazy Scotchman, John Law, in a wild banking and stock- jobbing scheme, and invested in fee simple to the public lands. From this source the villages and individuals obtained grants and titles to such quantities of the public domain as they wanted. This company was uerged into the " Royal Companj r of frhe Indies," in 1719, and thereafter transacted business under that name. M. Boisbriant, the representative of the crown. *nd commissary of the Company, and De Ursins, were stationed at Fort Chartres for the purpose of conveying lands to the settlers. A series of articles were enacted in 1721, by a council deputed by the King of France, Foi the government of the Royal Company. Under these regulations the company prospered, and agricul- ture, commerce and population increased rapidly. — H ere a little pebble of civilization had been dropped into the centre of the wild ocean of savage life, and the circling ripple was well started, and beginning to widen out Through the agency of this Company, horses, cattle, bogs and chickens were introduced. Cattle were brought from Canada, and were almost universally black. Horses were brought from the Spanish posses- sions in the south. They were of the Arabian stock, 82 HISTORICAL SKETCHES having boon introduced into Spain by the Moors, and brought to America by the Spaniards. The celebrated French, or "Point Ponies," have descended from this stock. The "Company of St. Phillips" — a branch of the Royal Company, was organized in 1719, in Paris, and Philip Francois Renault was appointed the principal agent. He expected to engage in mining, and brought with him about two hundred miners, me- chanics and laborers. He stopped in the "West Indies and bought five hundred negro slaves, and arrived in Illinois with ample means for prosecuting the business of the Company. This was the origin of the "French slaves" in Illinois, whose numerous descendants can now be found in Kaskaskia, St. Genivievo, St. Louis and many other places. The charter of the Royal Company was surrendered in 1732, and the country reverted back again to the Gov. crnment of France. M. D'Artaguette was appointed Governor of Illinois. Under his administration the French settlements enjoyed their palmiost days. He became a very popular man, and was known from Louisiana to Canada. He gave his personal attention and energies to every enterprise whose object was to benefit the poople of his province. In 1736, when the French Government decided upon an expedition against the Chickasaw Indians, he col- lected all the military force he could muster in the Illinois and Wabash country, which consisted of a few regulars who had been stationed at Fort Chartros, a few companies of volunteer militia, and about one. thousand redskins, whom he had induced to join his army by his own personal influence among them. He descended the Mississippi to the lower Chickasaw Bluffs, and thon crossed the country to the sources of the TaU OF RANDOLPH COUNTY- 23 lahatchie river, where, by appointment, he was to meet Bienville, with the troops from Louisiana. Bien- ville failed to come at the appointed time, and not being able to restrain the undisciplined Indians, D'Ar- taguette was forced to attack the enemy against his own judgment. His little army was forced to retreat, and he and the gallant Vincennes, and some others were taken prisoners and were burned at the stake. Never did Indian fires crackle the sinews of braver and nobler men. La Buissonierre was appointed the suc- cessor of D'Artaguette, and administered the govern- ment until the year 1751. During this period the whole country enjoyed a profound peace. Happiness and prosperity smiled upon the settlements. The Indians throughout the whole length and breadth of the valley were at peace, and the commercial intercourse between* the Southern and Northern posts, which had been inter- rupted by the Chickasaws, was again resumed. Cheva- lier McCarty succeeded to the Governorship in 1751, and continued to hold the position until a short time before the country passed into the possession of the English, in 1763. M. St. Ange de Belle Rive was the last of the French Governors for the Illinois country. On the arrival of Capt. Stirling, of the Royal High- landers, in 1765, Governor Rive retired to St. Louis. Capt. Stirling died at Fort Chartres a short time after his arrival, and was succeeded first by Major Frazier, and soon after by Col. Reed, who become notorious for his military oppressions. His career, however, was short, as he was succeeded in 1768 by Col. Wilkinb, who, by the authority of Gen. Gage, then Commander of the British army in America, established a court of justice. He appointed seven judges who held court at Fort Chartres, commencing on the 6th of December, 24 HISTORICAL SKETCHES 176b. This was the first court of common law juris- diction ever held in the Mississippi valley. In 1772, the seat of government was moved from Fort Chartres to Fort Gage. The British garrison which had heen stationed at Fort Chartres, under the command of the Governor, removed and occupied the Fort. This Fort became the seat of Government, and was occupied for that purpose as long as the English retained possession of the country. M. Kocheblave, a Frenchman, was commandant at the time the Fort was surrendered to Col. Clark, 1778. CJL/VRJOJ EXPEDITION. The people of Kaskaskia and the West took but little part in tho American Eevolution, during the first years of its existence. Remotely situated from the theatre of war, and menaced by no invading army, they quietly pursued their ordinary avocations, giving themselves but little concern about affairs on the Atlantic coast. Indeed, they knew but little of what was going on, for the means of obtaining news was scarcely sufficient to give them a correct idea of the cause of the war. A small garrison of British soldiers occupied Fort Gage, and passed the time in listless inactivity. In„4778, Col. Georoe Rogers Clark, acting under instructions of Patrick Henry, then Governor of Vir- ginia, collected four companies of volunteers in the neighborhood of the "Ohio Falls" and "Corn Island," and set out on an expedition to take Kaskaskia. This little army, numbering one hundred and fifty-three men. descended the Ohio river to Fort Massacre, below OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 25> the mouth of the Tennessee, where they landed and commenced their march across the wilderness. On the banks of the Ohio they found a party of hunt- ers from Kaskaskia, from whom they obtained impor- tant information about the state of affairs there. Clark secured John Saunders, one of the hunting party, to conduct the army across the country. The distance was one hundred and twenty miles. Beaching the vicinity of the Fort on the eastern side of the river, Clark concealed his men until nightfall, and sent out spies to reconnoitre and report. After dark he took pos- session of the old ferry house, three-quarters of a mile above the village. Here he divided his army into three parties; two were to cross the river and attack the town upon two points, while the third was to capture the Fort. The British had instilled into the minds of the French that the "Long-Knives" — as they called the Virginians — were the most terrible monsters in the world. Clark used this impression to a good purpose in this attack. He directed that the divisions crossing the river should enter the town from two opposite extremes, and as they came in they should frighten the quietly slumbering people into a surrender. These divisions were under the command of the intrepid Cap- tain Helm, and when they entered the town, and were well distributed through it, they set up such a terrific yelling and shouting as frightened the unsuspecting people into the thought that the whole savage race of "Long-Knives" had broken loose upon them. Never did such a hideous, terrifying noise proceed from human beings as those Virginians kept up until the dawn of day. The terrified people were told if they remained in their houses they would not be hurt, but if they came out, or made any resistance, they would 3 2i\ HISTORICAL SKETCHES be killed in the most barbarous manner. They sur- rendered their guns and every means of defense, and seemed willing to accede to any demand which the invaders should make. Never were people more effect- ually frightened. They believed that they were sur- rounded by a number of these monsters sufficient to exterminate the whole village in half an hour. When morning came, the people were not less terri- fied at the appearance of the "Long-Knives," than they had been at their furious noise. While the tumultuous uproar of taking Kaskaskia was going on, Clark, at the head of the third division of his little army, was quietly possessing himself of Fort Gage. The Fort was well guarded with regular soldiers, and cannon. Clark had no cannon or any means whatever, of assaulting the Fort. It became necessary, therefore, to resort to stratagem. By ac- cident, an American in the Fort, whose sympathies were with the American cause, met Capt. Kenton, who was leading the detachment to enter the Fort. This American conducted Kenton and his men in by a back gate. The} 7 found a light burning, but all within were sleeping soundly. Governor Rocheblave had no in- timation of what was going on until awakened by Capt. Kenton to be informed that he was a prisoner. The annals of romance furnish nothing more singular than this achievement. The origin of the expedition, the journey — with its perils and hardships, the manner of the attack, and the kucccss, possessed the air of fiction. With the Fort in his possession, which commanded Kaskaekia. Clark had the means of enforcing any mandate he might issue. The people were in his power, and regarded him with mistrustful awe. The day after OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 27 the conquest, Clark organized a temporary military government, and put some suspected persons in prison. Governor Rocheblave was refractory, and Clark £ut him in irons and sent him in charge of Capt. M^»ffr- gomery to Williamsburg, then the capital of Virginia. The people, fearfully excited, and seeing these pro- ceedings, concluded that some terrible doom awaited them. Clark designedly remained silent, and appeared to be meditating some mode of awful torture to inflict \ipon the people. On the third day, M. Gibault, the priest, and some others, came to Clark and asked that they might have permission to assemble in the church once more before they were destroyed, and bid each other a last farewell. Clark replied, in a very careless manner, that he cared but little how they took their final separation — that they could go to the church if they wished. Ho looked destruction, and his words, which were few, scorched as if they proceeded from out a fiery furnace. The whole population assembled in the church, mournfully chanted their prayers, and took final leave — never expecting to meet each other again in this world. After their parting interview was over — which must have been a scene to melt the savage hearts of the imaginary " Long-Knives" — Clark, regarding the ob- ject of his artful maneuver fully accomplished, called them together, and thus addressed them : " Who do you take us to be ? Do you think we are savages — that we intend to massacre you ? Do you think Americans will strip women and children, and take the bread out of their mouths? My countrymen never make war upon the innocent. It was to protect our own wives and children that we have penetrated this wilderness to subdue those British posts, from 28 HISTORICAL SKETCHES whence the savages are supplied with arms and ammu- nition to murder us. -We do. not war against French- men. The King of France, your former master, is our ally. His ships and soldiers are fighting for the Amer- icans. The French are our friends. Go and enjoy your religion, and worship where you please. Eetain your property — and now please to inform all your citizens for me that they are quite at liberty to conduct them- selves as usual, and dismiss all apprehensions of alarm. We are your friends, and came to deliver you from the British." This speech relieved the pressure of anxiety which had weighed so heavily upon them, and a revulsion of the most uproarious joy prevailed throughout the town. To the people it seemed a deliverance from horrible tortures and death. They cheerfully and gladly ac- knowledged CLARK'the Commandant of the country. In the winter following, Col. Clark received infor- mation that Gov. Hamilton, commanding the British forces at Yincennes, had determined to re-capture Kas- kaskia. At first Clark decided to defend, and com menced preparing Fort Gage for the siege, but upon mature reflection he resolved to invade Vincennes and take Hamilton, lest Hamilton should invade Kaskas- kia and take him. He reinforced the remnant of his army still remaining, by a volunteer company of Frenchmen from Kaskaskia, under Capt Charles- ville, and another from Cahokia, commanded by Capt. McCarty, and on the 7th of February, 1779, this heroic band, with the brave and sagacious Clark at its head, commenced the perilous march on the "Old Vincennes trace" to Fort Sackville. A boat had been dispatched around by the Ohio river, carrying two four-pound can- aon, four swivels, and a quantity of provisions. Capt. OT RANDOLPH COUNTY. 2» John Rogers, with forty-six men, was entrusted with this boat, and instructed to meet the army near Vin- cennes. When Clark approached the village, he sent a note to the inhabitants informing them of his arrival, and the object of his coming. To make the people think that he had a formidable army, he sent in the names of various gentlemen in Kentucky, to their ac- quaintances in Vincennes, which made them believe that nearly all Kentucky was in the field. He prac- ticed this delusion upon the troops in the garrison, as well as upon the people of the town, by marching his army several times around a mound in the prairie, changing the colors of the flag every time he came around on the side of the mound next the Fort. These several divisions of a fine Kentucky army, carefully watched and counted by the soldiers in the Fort, had a dampening effect upon red-coat bravery. The assault on the Fort was made on the evening of the 23d. On the morning of the 24th, Clark, moved apparently by an amiable desire to prevent further bloodshed, sent in a note ordering Gov. Hamilton to surrender the gar- rison immediately. The Governor refused to comply with this peremp- tory order, and Clark renewed the attack with all the force and fury he could summon. An incessant fire of eighteen hours brought forth a note from Hamilton, requesting a truce for three days, and an interview with Col. Clark. To this note Clark briefly replied, posi- tively refusing to grant the truce, but very carelessly remarked that if Hamilton wished to talk with him, he could be found at the church. Hamilton sought the interview, which gave Clark to understand that the Governor was becoming concerned about his situa- tion. Clark was powerfully courageous. He would *3 30 HISTORICAL BRITCHES. listen to nothing but an immediate surrender of the garrison at discretion. Hamilton yielded, and on the 25th, the Fort, with all its stores, amounting in value to more than fifty thousand dollars, was surrendered. Seventy-nine prisoners were paroled, and went to De- troit. Governor Hamilton was sent under a strong escort to the capital of Virginia. This reference to the taking of Vincennes diverges somewhat beyond the limits of these sketches, but it appeared necessary as a connecting link in the chain of events of which Kaskaskia was the prolific source, and to show more fully the operations and character of Col. Clark, than whom no man was better fitted for the conquest of Illinois. High upon the scroll of fame should be registered, in enduring characters, the name of George Eogers Clark. Upon the summit of Gar- rison Hill, amidst the remaining ruins of Fort Gage, Illinois should do honor to a gallant soldier and pure patriot, by the erection of a monument to his memory. ILLINOW BELONGED TO VIRGINIA. Col. Clark bad now effectually conquered the Illi- nois country, and driven the British from it. Illinois then embraced the territory out of which have been formed the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wiscon- sin, and Illinois. This territory was claimed by Vir- ginia, and, as a matter of course, it fell under her juris- diction. In October, 1778, the House of Burgesses created "Illinois County" — which included the whole district on the " Western side of the Ohio river." Col. John Todd, of Kentucky, was appointed by Patrick Henry, the Governor of Virginia, Lieutenant Gov- Or RANDOLPH COUNTT. 31 ernor, or County Lieutenant, and Civil Commandant of "Illinois County." He arrived at Kaskaskia on the 15th of June, 1779, and proceeded immediately to put in operation a civil government, by establishing courts and appointing officers. He administered the executive trust of Illinois County until the year 1782. In that year he went to Virginia, on business pertaining to the county. On his return through Kentucky, finding his old companions, Colonels Daniel Boone, Logan, Cooper, Major McGary, and others, by whose side he had stood in many a skirmish with Indians — going to fight their troublesome enemies again, he could not resist the temptation of joining them. But the romance of an Indian war became a sad reality with him. He was killed in the celebrated battle of Blue Licks. The successor of Col. Todd was Timothy de Mont- brun, a Frenchman. His name is attached to deeds of conveyance and other public papers, now among the archives of Eandolph Count}'. THE NORTH-AVEST TERRITORY. Virginia ceded the North-West Territory to the Con- tinental Congress in 1784, but the bill organizing the Territory did not pass until 1787. General Arthur St. Clair, of Pennsylvania, who had borne a conspic- uous part in the revolution, and filled many civil offices, was appointed Governor of the newly organized Ter- ritory. "Winthrop Sargeant was appointed Secre- tary, and Parsons, Barnum, and Symmes, United States Judges. Though these Territorial officers were appointed in 1787, they did not reach Kaskaskia until the year 1790. 32 HISTORICAL SKETCHES Upon the arrival of the Governor and Secretary, the county of St. Clair was organized — the boundary line commencing at the mouth of Mackinaw creek, on the Illinois river, and running in a direct course to the Ohio; thence down that river to its mouth, and up the Mis- sissippi and Illinois rivers to the place of beginning. A Court of Common Pleas was established, and John Edgar, of Kaskaskia, John Baptiste Barbeau, of Prairie Du Rocher, and John de Moulin, of Cahokia, were appointed Judges, each of whom held courts in the district of his residence — the county being divided into three judicial districts. William St. Clair was ap- pointed Clerk, and Eecorder of Deeds, and William Biggs, Sheriff. Thus the machinery of government was set in motion, and continued without interruption until 1795, when Randolph County was stricken off from St. Clair, and organized. As a sketch of the county will be given, further reference to it will be omitted here. To preserve the chronological order designed in these sketches, it becomes necessary here to refer to the first English settlers in Kaskaskia. ENGLISH SETTLERS IN KASKASKIA. At this period Kaskaskia was the most important place west of the Alleghany Mountains, and was the point to which all emigrants to the wilderness Territory directed their course. After reaching Kaskaskia, they would explore the adjacent country and select loca- tions. Some of these, to whom we shall refer, remained in Kaskaskia only a short time. Some of the soldiers under Col. Clark remained in the country, or returned to the States and brought OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 33 their families and other emigrants to the newly con- quered Territory. Among these pioneers were John Dayle, James Piggat, Eobebt "Whitehead, Bowen, Wm. Biggs, James Moore, Shadrack Bond, Robert Kidd, Luke Rutherford, and James Garrison. This band of brave pioneers who opened the way for that influx of emigration which has peopled the West, reached Kaskaskia in the year 1781. Dayle, Piggat, Bowen, Biggs, Kidd, Rutherford, and Whitehead, were sol- diers, accustomed to the privations of pioneer life and travel. They had pursuaded the others to come with them to the wilderness country, and make their home upon the rich soil and amidst the deepened forest of Illinois. Dayle located permanently in Kaskaskia, and being a man of some education, he taught school — whether English or French is now a matter of conjecture. He understood both languages. Nearly all of the others were farmers, and settled in the bottom above Kas- kaskia. This was the first settlement of the Americans in the country, and from the fact of their settling here, the name "American Bottom" has been applied to that large extent of alluvial land along the Mis- sissippi,., reaching from Alton to Chester — a distance of about one hundred miles. About the same time, a Mr. Huff, with his family, and a few others, left Pennsylvania, and started for Illinois. Huff had married the widow Mooredock, who had three sons along with the party. While as- cending the Mississippi, near the Grand Tower, the party were attacked by Indians, and Mrs. Huff, one of her sons, and some others of the party, were killed. Mrs. Huff was butchered in a shocking manner. The remnant of the party reached Kaskaskia, and settled in 34 HISTORICAL 8KKTCWV the American Bottom. A few yeai-s afterwards, Mr. Huff was killed by the Indians, on the road between Kaskaskia and Prairie du Bocher. John Mooredock, (the stepson of Huff,) whose name figures conspicu- ously in the earl}- events of Illinois, harbored a spirit of unrelenting revenge against the Indians for injuries he had received in the horrible death .of his mother — the death of two stepfathers, and the death of a brother. The destruction to Indian life was his ruling passion, and he sought it at all times, whether in peace or war. He was the most deadly foe that ever ap- peared against the Indians of Illinois. He was fore- most in every Indian campaign. His name was a ter- ror to his savage enemies. But notwithstanding the destructive vengeance that burned in his bosom for savage blood in retaliation of injuries received, in the civil walks of life he was kind, benevolent, sociable and gay, and yielded willingly to the fascinations of agreeable society. He married a Miss Garrison — stepdaughter to Shadrack Bond, Sen. He was elected a member from St. Clair county to the Territorial Legislature, which convened at Vincennes in 1803, and served again in the Legislature at Kaskaskia, in 1814. He held the rank of Major in the militia, and was field officer under Governor Edwards, in the campaign of 1812. About the year 1782, Icdabod and George Camp came to Kaskaskia, and resided for some time in the town. They afterwards made improvements west of the Kaskaskia l'iver, not , far from the residence of James O'Hara and Henry D. Simpson. Camp's Creek, which crosses the Kaskaskia and Bed Bud road, between O'Hara's and Simpson's, took its name from these men. They afterwards moved away, and or RANDOLPH COUNTY. 86 ideated at '• Camp's Spring," in Missouri, a few miles vest of St. Louis. John and Israel Dodge came' to Kaskaskia about the close of the Revolution. Israel Dodge was the father of Henry Dodge, late United States Senator from the State of Wisconsin. Hon. A. C. Dodge, Ex> United States Senator from Iowa, is the son of the Wisconsin Senator. The Dodge family left Kaskaskia in 1794, and went to St. G-enivieve. They manufactured salt at the mouth of Saline Creek, a few miles below St. Genivieve, on the Mississippi. John Cook, Jacob Judy, William Music, James Piggat, and Robert Sybald, came to Kaskaskia about the close of the year 1780. Judy remained in Kaskaskia a few years, and then located on the site, of " Judy's Mill," in Monroe County. He erected this mill in the year 1794. It was the first water-mill of any kind built by the American settlers in that region. It did good service for many years. In 1784, John Edgar, from the British navy, reached Kaskaskia. The circumstances of his quitting the navy and seeking a home in this wild country, are of sufficient interest to be recorded. During the Revolu- tion he was fighting against the Colonies in their strug- gle for Liberty and Independance. He had courted and married an American lady, whose' sympathies, of course, were warm and deep for the American cause. She was a woman of extraordinary talent and shrewd- ness, and was the projector of many plans by which the soldiers in the British army, who became tired of fighting against the cause of freedom, made their es- cape and joined the Americans. On one occasion she had arranged with three soldiers to desert — she was to 36 HISTORICAL SKETCHES furnish them guns and uniform, and give them all nec- essary information to enable them to reach the Amer- ican camp. When they came she was absent, but her husband, although belonging to the British army, was her confidant in all her operations, and knowing the object for which these soldiers had come, furnished them with the outfit prepared for them by her. They unfortunately were apprehended, and taken back to the British camp. There they were made to reveal the names of those who had assisted them. This implicated Edgar, and he had to fly. He remained awhile in. the American army, where he became the intimate friend of La Fay- ette, but deeming the West a safer retreat for one whose life was in such imminent jeopardy, he came to Kaskaskia. His property was confiscated, but his wife, with her remarkable sagacity, saved from the wreck about twelve thousand dollars, which she carefully hus- banded until she joined her husband, two years after- ward, in his western home. Mrs. Edgar's name merits a high rank among the heroines of Revolutionary memory. Leaving the British service for the American cause, was a source of no regret with Gen. Edgar. He was an Irishman by birth, and the wrongs of England towards his native land had made their impress upon his patriotic mind. He engaged in business, and stimulated the com- merce of the country by his energy, enterprise and sagacity. He traded extensively in lands, and left, at his death, large tracts in Randolph, Monroe, St. Clair, Madison, Clinton, Washington, Perry and Jackson counties, which are known to this day as the "Edgar Lands." He rebuilt the mill of M. Paget, (which had OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 37 passed into ruins,) and shipped his flour to the southern markets. When St. Clair County was organized, in 1790, he was appointed one of the judges of the Common Pleas Court, and his name appears upon the Court Records in some official capacity for more than a quar- ter of a century. He was elected a member of the Legislature which convened at Chillicothe, Ohio, under Governor St. Clair's Administration. The United States appointed him Major General of the Illinois Mili- tia, which post he filled with dignified ability for a long series of years. John Rice Jones, a Welchman, located in Kaskaskia, in 1790, and commenced the practice of law. He was the first lawyer in Illinois who practiced at the bar. Nature intended him for an ornament, and her work was well performed. His career at the bar was brill- iant. He remained in Kaskaskia until 1802, when he moved to Vincennes. In the same year, he was ap- pointed a United States Judge of the Indiana Territory. He afterwards moved to St. Louis, and finally to Wash- ington County, Missouri, and became one of the most conspicuous men in the early days of that State. He was a candidate, in opposition to Col. Benton, for the United States Senate, before the first General Assembly of Missouri, but was defeated. He was elected by the same Legislature one of tho Judges of the Supreme Court of Missouri, which office he held until his death, in 1824. Rice Jones, the oldest son of John Rice Jones, hav- ing acquired the profession of law in Connecticut, loca- ted in Kaskaskia in 1806, and commenced the practice with much success. He became conspicuous as a poli- tician. He had a difficulty with Governor Bond, growing out of political differences, which almost re- 3£ HISTORICAL SKETCHES suited in » duel. The preliminaries were arranged, and the parties were upon the ground, but Jones' pistol went off by accident, just before the word was given to tire, and Bond refused to fire at Jones. The matter between Jones and Bond was amicably adjusted, but a controversy grew out of it between Jones and Dunlap, Bond's second. This quarrel became bitter and malig- nant. One afternoon, as Jones was standing on the side of the street, leaning against the railing of a gal- lery, conversing with a lady, Dunlap approached and shot him dead. Hon. G-. W. Jones, late United States Senator from the State of Iowa, is a younger brother of Eice, whose terrible death has just been narrated, and son of John Rice Jones. The same year, (1790,) Pierre, II y polite, and Fran- cois Menard — three brothers — originally from Quebec, arrived in Kaskaskia. Pierre established a mercantile house, and opened a lucrative trade with the Indians. Endowed with rare business talent, a well balanced judgment, and an honest purpose, he rose rapidly to a high degree of eminence and distinction among the people of the West, and became the idol of the Indians. The Federal Government appointed him Indian Agent, which post he held for many years, and gave perfect satisfaction to both parties. No man ever enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the Indians more than he. They worshiped him ; and though he controlled them as a father does his children, he never took advantage of that confidence and simplicity to wrong them. Purity of intention and upright honesty marked the outlines of his character. In private life he was a model. Sym- pathy and benevolence were his ruling traits. From his commercial transactions he realized a fortune, which Of RANDOLPH C OUNTY. 39 he cheerfully shared with the needy. No charitable call ever reached his ear without a ready responst He was often elected a member of the Legislature, and tvas speaker of the House in 1812. He was elected Lieutenant-Governor of the State, when it was admit- ted into the Federal Union. After the close of this term of office, ho declined to accept public stations, and devoted himself to private affairs. He died in 1844, and was buried in a vault, prepared under his own supervision, in the old grave yard at Kaskaskia. He left three sons — Pierre, Ciprion and Edmund. The two former left the county many years ago. The latter lives upon his father's old place, on the eastern side of the Kaskaskia river. The oldest daughter of Col. Menard, Mrs. Maxwell, is yet living in Kaskaskia. She has spent her whole life in the village of her nativ- ity, and has occupied the house where she now resides for more than forty 3 T cars. She has in her possession a Damask rose bush, which was brought from New Orleans more than a century ago. It is the first rose bush that ever bloomed in Illinois, and though it has been swept over by the floods of the last hundred years, it still retains its vigor and bloom, putting forth its sprouts upon the annnal recurrence of springtime. — Many an ardent lover has plucked a gem from its stately stock, to be presented to some loved one, to tes- tify of the heart's devotion. Francois Menard became a distinguished and suc- cessful navigator and trader upon the Mississippi. — With an energy that bent before no obstacle, and a courage that defied opposition, he prosecuted his peril- ous voyages upon the river for a long series of years. He died in Kaskaskia. Hypolite Menard engaged in farming. He was of 40 HISTORICAL SKETCHES a very lively and sociable disposition, and became very popular among the people. . He represented Randolph County in the General Assembly one session. William Morrison was another of the distinguished characters who came to Kaskaskia in the year 1790. He came from Philadelphia, as the representative of the mercantile house of Bryant & Morrison, of that city^ and established a branch of the business in Kaskaskia. Under his sagacious management the transactions of the house rapidly extended throughout the Mississippi Valley. The field of his operations was vast, but the •capacity of his mind was fully adequate to cover it. From his store in Kaskaskia, the merchants of St. Louis, St. Genivieve, Cape Girardeau and New Madrid, supplied themselves with goods. But the mighty machinery of commerce which he managed, did not claim the exclusive control of his capacious mind. Home was never crowded out by the pressure of business. He found plenty of time to en- joy the affectionate society of his family. Sociable and fond of company, his house was the welcome resort of every visitor to Kaskaskia. Much of his time was devoted to public enterprise. Every project that promised to advance the prosperity of the country, found in him an energetic advocate. He was the moving spirit in constructing a bridge across the river at Kaskaskia, the piers of which are yet standing, and form an excellent monument to his public spirit. He died in the year 1837, leaving a vacancy in life which but few have the ability to fill. His remains were deposited in the old graveyard at Kaskaskia, where all that was mortal of so many of the pioneers has mingled with its original dust. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 41 His descendants have occupied respectable positions in community. Joseph was- his oldest son. He went to Ohio, and resided there several years, then returned, and died at Prairie du Rocher in 1845. James, the second son, is now a citizen of Wisconsin, having gone to that State many years ago. William located in Belleville, and died there in 18i3 Lewis located in Covington, Washington county, and practiced medicine there until 1851, when he removed to Chester, and engaged in the mercantile business. He died in 1856. George is the youngest son, and still resides in Kas- kaskia, where he was born. Robert Morrison, a brother of William, came to Kaskaskia in 1793. He was of a friendly, sociable disposition, and became very popular. He was ap- pointed Clerk of the Common Pleas Court in 1801, and held the office for many years. A favorite with the people, he was often selected to fill positions of impor- tant trust. Like his brother, he dispensed hospitality in a liberal manner, and his house became the home of his friends and visitors to Kaskaskia. His second wife, who was the mother of his children, was a literary prodigy. Many of her poetical contribu- tions to the magazines of that day, touched the higher order of poetry. She remodeled in verse the Psalms of David, and had the volume presented to the Philadel- phia Presbytery for criticism. The work passed a crit- ical examination, and received much praise, but was rejected, probably more from the fact that it came from an obscure author, than from its merits. She'took a deep interest in politics, and often wielded much influ. ence in a political campaign by her ably written conv munications in the newspapers. *4 42 HISTORICAL 8KBTf)KR« The sons of Robert Morrison are Edgar, jambs Lowery Donaldson, John Murray, and Robert. Edgar graduated at the West Point Military Acade- my, and entered the army. He died in the home of his infancy, while on a visit to his parents, in 1836. James L. D. chose the profession of law, and prac- ticed at the bar for several years. He joined the volun- teers who went to Mexico, in 1846, and was promoted to the office of Lieutenant Colonel of Illinois' second regiment. He has often been a member of the Legis- lature, and was elected to Congress in 1856. His younger brothers emigrated to California, where they now reside. Shadrack Bond, from Maryland, arrived in Kaskas- kia in 1794. He was a nephew of Shadrack Bond? whose name was mentioned among the first settlers in the American Bottom. Nature had designed Bond for a Representative man, and though he was surrounded by men of great minds, he soon became a leader. He was elected first to the Territorial Legislature, then to the lower House of Congress, and the first Governor of the State, without opposition. After be retired from the Executive chair, he was appointed Register of the Land Office at Kaskaskia, and continued in that position for many years. He died in "IfloO — the lamented and favorite Statesman of Illinois. With all those noble qualities which adorn mankind, the character of (rov- ornor Bond was richly endowed. lie left two sons — Thomas and Bi.niamin. Thomas chose the profession of law, and practiced in Randolph and adjoining counties, until the year 1849, when he died, in the very vigor of manhood's youth and promise. Benjamin is a rospectable physician, prac- ticing his profession at Evansville. OF RANDOLPH COUNTT 43 In the year 1798, Dr. George Fisher, from Virginia, located in Kaskaskia, and commenced the practice of his profession. He remained in the town until 1806, when he moved out ahout five miles on the Prairie du Rocher road, and opened a farm. By his sprightly activity, and practical judgment, he became an influen- tial member of the community, and a popular politi- cian. When the Indiana Territory was organized, he was appointed Sheriff of Randolph County. Upon the organization of Illinois Territory, he was elected a member of the first General Assembly, and chosen Speaker of the House of Representatives. In 1818, he was elected a member of the Constitutional Con- vention which framed the first Constitution for the State of Illinois. The region in which lie lived has always borne the name of "Dr. Fisher's Settlement," because he \va s the first and leading man there. He died in 1820. on Ins farm :i1 the foot of ihe bluff. JACOB PlSHKll, who improved a farm upon the Western side of the Kaskas- kia river, near the shoal, was the only son of the Doc- tor. He moved away to Arkansas many years ago. Dr. Truman Turnim, came to Ivaskaskia in 1 S| '2, with the army, as a surgeon. lie located and practiced fi#r several years in the town, and then moved, to Caho- Uiii In 1809, he was appointed Judge of the Common Pleas Court of St. Clair County. Benjamin II. DoVf.E, John Rkotop, and James II.\«i- iian, came to Ivaskaskia in 1' ::n l, and commenced the practice of law. Hao.i.w returned to Kentucky, from whence he came, and afterwards became a distinguished Judge of that Slate. Nathaniel Pope first appeared in Ivaskaskia in 1801, but be located and practiced law at St. Genivieve, Mis- 41 HISTORICAL SKETCHES souri, until 1808, when he returned and became a per- manent citizen of the former place. The year follow- ing, Illinois Territory was organized, and Pope received the appointment of .Secretary. In the absence of Gov- ernor Edwards, who had not yet arrived, Secretary Pope, a* Acting-Governor, issued a proclamation formally organizing the Territory. In 1817, he was elected the Territorial delegate to Congress, and became a very influential member of that body. It was by his efforts that the northern boundary of the State was changed from a line running due west from the southern point of Lake Michigan, and fixed upon latitude forty-two and a half degrees north. Upon the admission of Illinois into the Federal Union, Pope was appointed Judge of the United States District Court, and held that office for more than thirty years. Nature, it would seem, had designed him for the bench, and he occupied the position with such abilit}' and dignity aa elevated him to a high rank among the jurists of the country. In 1814, he moved from Kaskaskia and located in Alton, where he died in 1850, having attained the age of sixty-six years. He left two sons — William and John. William died in St. Louis some years ago. John belongs to the United States Topographical Ser- vice, and has become somewhat distinguished for his scientific efforts in sinking Artesian wells on the West- ern plains. The Rector family, consisting of nine brothers, came to Kaskaskia in the year 1806. They were in the United States Surveying Service, and only remained temporarily in Kaskaskia. From this period up to 1830, Kaskaskia was the resi- OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 45 dencc of many young men who have risen to positions of distinction. Sidney Breesk, who is now one of the most distin- guished jurists and statesmen in Illinois, located at Kaskaskia on his arrival in the Territory, and remained there several years. He was often elected a member of the Legislature, and served one or two sessions in the lower House of Congress. "When the judiciary of the State was re-organized, in 1835, he became the first Judge of the Circuit Court whose jurisdiction included Randolph County. He was afterwards elected by the Illinois Legislature to a seat in the United States Sen- ate, and bore a conspicuous part among the stalwart characters of that august body. He is now upon the •Supreme Bench of the State. James Shields, an Irishman by birth, camo to Kas- kaskia, and commenced his brilliant career by teaching school. He afterwards studied law, and became a poli- tician. He represented Randolph County in the Legis. lature — was Judge of the Circuit Court, and when the Mexican "War commenced, in 1846, he was appointed Brigadier-General of the Illinois volunteers, and distin- guished himself as a brave and intrepid soldier in several battles. After his return from the Mexican campaign, the Illinois Legislature testified their appreciation of his military services by electing him to the United States Senate. He now represents the new State of Minnesota in the Senate of the United States. Elias K. Kane commenced the practice of law in Kaskaskia, in 1814, before the time of the two gentle- men previously referred to. He was a man of brilliant talents, and rose to a high position among the members of the bar. He served in the Legislature, and wai 46 HISTORICAL SKKTCIIKS elected by that body to the United States Senate. He rose high, and died early. David J. Baker commenced his successful earcor at the bar, in Kaskaskia. He enjoyed a.lucrativo practice for many years. He now livos in Alton, having retired, in his old a^e, from the profession. k.aj»i*:a>*k:i,v, wince isoo. About the commencement of the year 1800, a differ- ent class of people, bringing different customs and characteristics, began to disturb the quiet repose which the happy people of Kaskaskia had enjoyed for nearly one hundred years, and a rapid transition from a French to an American city was commenced. At that time it was essentially a French village, with all their peculiar customs. The French style of architecture had been adopted and preserved in the erection of their buildings, and though there were some fine and elegantly fur- nished houses, an altitude of one story was as high as they ever rose. The only brick house in the place had been standing for fifty years or more, and at the time it was built, it was the only brick house west of Pitts- burg. The brick of which its walls were made were brought from Pittsburg in flatboats. It is still stand- ing — ;xn interesting relic of Kaskaskia's former days. A new order of things was inaugurated by the new class of citizens, and the place began to experience the symptoms of those convulsions in which " junction cities" spring into existence. General Edgar erected a large dwelling, and furnished it in grand style. The ruins of this building still remain — the posts and the chimney are standing — the more interesting as a relic OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 47 of days gone by, because it was the house in whose spacious parlors General La Fayette was entertained when he visited Kaskaskia, in 1824. William Mor- rison, also, erected a large stone mansion, where he dis- played hospitality in a princely style. The walls of this building are still standing, cracked and shaken, however. It, too, is interesting, because the complimentary ball to General LaFayette was given in its richly furnished parlors. In 1809, when Illinois Territory was organized, Kas- kaskia became the scat of Government — the Governor and Secretary resided there, and brought all the con- comitants of municipal regulations. The first session of the Territorial Legislature convened in Kaskaskia, on the 25th day of November, 1812, and continued to hold its sessions there until the. capital was located at Vandalia. Kaskaskia was, and had been since the year 1795, the county seat of Randolph County; where the courts were held, from the Supreme down to the Justices. The first newspaper in Illinois was established in 1809, by Mathew Duncan, from Kentucky. lie con. ducted it until 1815, when it was purchased by Robert Blackwell and Daniel P. Cook. During its exist- ence its columns were edited by many persons who have become distinguished lawyers and statesmen — Judge Breese is one of them. During the period of ten years, from 1810 to 1820, Kaskaskia was the rendezvous of an immense floating population, which gave it the air of a bee-hive. Every emigrant to the Territory directed his course to it as the point from which to explore the country and select locations. A census taken then showed the population to be seven thousand and some hundreds. 48 HISTORICAL SKETCHES About 1820 other towns began to spring up and claim attention. The confusion, bustle and storm raised by the swarming emigrants in Kaskaskia, began to die away, leaving the village to gradually and quietly resume its original character. THE CONVENT. Jn 1832 the Sisters of the Visitation came to Kaskas- kia, and commenced the erection of a Convent. By the assistance of Col. Menard the enterprise promised a success, and early in 1833 the foundation of the struc- ture was laid. The main building is one hundred and ten feet long, thirty -two feet wide, and four stories high. The wing, two stories high, runs back one hundred and fifty feet. It was completed and opened for the recep- tion of pupils in 1830, and continued a flourishing in- stitution until 1844. The building cost §30,000 and was the largest of its class in the West, at the time of its erection. The err eat flood of 1844 so damaged the building and the prospects of the institution that it was abandoned by the Sisters. Since then it has been yielding to the wear and waste of time, and must soon pass into ruins. It is a stately though crumbling monument of the christian enterprise of these pious and holy women. They came from Georgetown, D. C, and during their stay in Kaskaskia two of them died. The others — four in number — went to St. Louis, where they have a pop- ular institution. The flood of 1844 — the most destructive that has occurred since the Mississippi river has been known — blighted the prospects of Kaskaskia, as it did those of OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 49 every place in the river bottom. 1 is commercial impor- tance was destroyed, and all that, which gives life and vigor to a place was paralyzed. Many of the houses were twisted and racked upon their foundations. The damage to property was incalculable. Again, in 1851, the bottom was inundated, and though the water did not reach the higher localities, its effects were damaging in destroying the crops of the vicinity, upon which the trade and life of the town were depen- dent. And again, in 1857, the waters covered the bot- tom, visiting destruction upon the crops and property of the Kaskaskia people. These floods have left their impress deeply marked upon the once beautiful cottages of the village, and but for a few buildings that have been repaired and improved by the more enterprising citizens, it would seem that the work of decay and ruin had commenced; but it may be a century hence ere another flood shall come, in which time the place may fully recover from the shocks it has received. But whatever may be the fate which destiny has fixed — whether it shall rise again to eclipse its former great- ness, or whether it shall pass into ruins like Troy and Babylon — it will ever claim an important place in the annals of this country. The past, at least, is secure. It can never pass into oblivion while the history of America remains. All that which imparts, interest and fascination to historic recollections is found in its records and traditions. With an existence stretching back into the darkness of an unexplored wilderness, its his- tory blends the wild romance of Indian life with the thrilling adventures of the French pioneers ; their life, exploits and gayeties, for nearly one hundred years; the pious labors of the Jesuit missionaries among the untamed savages; the founding of the first parish 5U HISTORICAL SKCTCIIKtS church in America; the military exploits of the English in 1755; the transfer of the country from France to England; the extraordinary campaign of Col. Clark; and the 6eries of events by which the State Government of Illinois was brought into existence. In these sketches, a superficial outline is all that has been attempted. The student of history may form some conception of the prolific fountains, whose sources only have been pointed out. KOllT GJ-_-VGm;. During the time of the Chickasaw war, in 1886, a Fort was built upon the high hill on the eastern side of the Kaskaskia, opposite the town.' Of its dimensions and the materials of which it was constructed, nothing is now definitely known. Tradition alone is the author- ity for the fact of its erection at that period. It was repaired in 1750, and occupied by a French garrison during the "Old French War." From this time the bluff on which it stood has borne the name of " Garrison Hill." This old structure was destroyed by fire in 1766, and another Fort upon the same spot was soon afterwards erected by the English. This new struc- ture was built of immense square timbers, and was two hundred and ninty feet long and two hundred and fifty- one feet wide. Within the main building was a maga- zine constructed of stone, a commandant's chamber, and some smaller houses. When Fort Chartres was abandoned in 1772, the Governor and the British gar- rison moved to, and occupied " Fort Gage" — the Fort OP RANDOLPH COUNTY. 51 having received that appellation in honor of General Gage, the then British Commander-in-chief. At the time Col. Clark besieged and took the Fort, in 1778, it was occupied by a garrison of twonty soldiors, under the command of Governor Rocheblave, and strongly guarded by four cannons. It was then the headquar- ters of the British government in the West, and con- tained the records of the Territory from the time the English took possession, in 17G3. When the governor was taken prisoner in his private chamber in the Fort, his wife, with a solicitude that never deserts a woman in the moment of peril, concealed or destroyed the archives, so that the land grants and other valuable documents of that period, have been lost. Col. Clark occupied the Fort while he remained, and after he left the country and the war ceased, it was de- serted, and remained without an occupant until 1801 > when Col. Pike's regiment occupied it for a short time. From this date it began to decay, and its walls soon crumbled and fell to the ground. It is now an obscure ruin. The traces of the walls are faintly visible. The outlines of the magazine, and the breastworks thrown up during the time of the Revolution, may yet be seen. RILEY'S MILL. Some most deeply interesting historical recollections cluster around the place, known in modern days by the name of "Riley's Mill," situated on the eastern sido of Kaskaskia. For aught that is now known to the contrary, the first mill that was erected in Illinois may have stood upon this mill site; for the time previous to the building of a mill there has passed from the tradi- 52 HISTORICAL 8KSTCHE8 tions of Kaakaskia. Certain it is, however, that a mill was standing there one hundred and fifty years ago. According to the title records; now in possession of Mr. Riley, the name of him that owned the mill at that period was Prix Paot. [This name is somewhat con- founded with that of Paget, and as the French pro- nounce both names the same, it is probable that it is the same name, though spelled differently. Peck and Reynolds both employ Peget, in reference to this mil- ler, but the name in the deed of conveyance which Mr. Riley holds, is spelled Pagi.] He erected a stone building, and manufactured flour for the New Orleans and Mobile markets. How long he continued to run the mill is not known, but he lost his life in one of those tragic scenes common to Indian barbarity. One day while superintending the operations of the mill, the premises were attacked by a band of Kickapoo Indians, and he was murdered in a most shocking manner. When the attack was made upon the mill, a negro es- caped by a back way, fled to the town and gave the alarm. Tho people came and found the body of Pagi upon the floor mangled and cut to pieces. Tho head was severed from tho body, scalped, and thrown into the hopper. After the death of Pagi, the mill was abandoned, and became a ruin — the walls only remaining. About the year 1705, General Edgar purchased the tract of land and rebuilt the mill. The mill-pond, situated about three hundred yards distant from tho mill, was made by nature, and apparently designed for the pur- pose. It covers an area of about forty acres, and is surrounded by an irregular range of hills, with an outlet for the water on the side towards the mill, about three hundred feet wide. An embankment, or dam. was OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. •*>$ mado across this outlet, and the water forced to pass through an arched culvert, at the end of which is a gate to regulate the passage of the water. During the inter- val in which the mill ceased to run, this dam wan almost destroyed by the wear of the floods, but it was repaired by General Edgar, and made more substantial than before. At the time these repairs were made, Mrs. Edgar, and " Dice," a negrcss belonging to the family, planted some little cotton- wood cions in the mellow dirt, which have grown to be stately trees. The regular order in which these trees are standing upon that em- bankment has prompted many a curious conjecture. Strangers visiting the ground are apt to notice this regularity. Gen. Edgar kept the mill in operation for many years, and the pioneers, as they came to the country .and settled in different parts of the county, resorted to U to have their milling done. A few of those relic9 of early days are still remaining, and they retain vivid recollections of the days when they rode astride a horse, with a sack containing two bushels of corn for a saddle, a distance of ten or fifteen miles, to " Edgar's Mill," and waited and fished in the mill-pond until their "turn" was ground. Waiting for "turns" was an interesting epoch for boys whose sociable disposition found but few opportunities for exercise in their iso- lated homes. Many a happy hour has been whiled away around that old mill, by the boys who congre- gated there from the different settlements. "Mill boys" did not require the formalities of an introduc- tion before they joined in a game of marbles or bat. It was a privilege to go to mill, and the longer they had to wait the better it pleased them. With men it was different. They were always in a hurry, and jealous of *5 -54 HISTORICAL SKETCHES their rights. If one was ever cheated out of his "torn," which sometimes happened, a fight was the result. But these happy days for the hoys, and hours of ner- vous anxioty for the men, have passed away. The mill ceased to operate again while yet in the hands of General Edgar, and remained still for several years. In 1832, it was purchased by Messrs. Feaman & Co. It was again repaired and put in good business order. This company conducted it for some years, when it again changed hands. It came into the possession of the present enterpris- ing proprietor, Mr. Daniel Riley, in 1842. Formerly, the water was conveyed to the wheel through hollov.- logs. Since Mr. Riley has had it, he has constructed a substantial frame work for this conveyance, and ha- made such other improvements as prevents the waste of water, and secures a sufficient quantity to keep the mill running, with about fourteen horse power, during nearly the whole season. The wheel is an over-shot, and no more water is allowed to escape from the pond than is necossary to drive the machinery. Such is a history of this ancient mill. All that now remains of tho original structure is the northeast cor- ner. This part of the building has stood through all the changes of its eventful existence, and its perma- nence would indicate that it may defy the corrosive attrition of another century. A short distance in front of the mill stands a beauti- ful little mound, called " Mound Isabella," named in honor of Mrs. Edoar. Some fruit trees, planted by her and "aunt Dick,'' are still growing upon this mound. This negro woman was the house servant of Mrs. Bdoae. She died three years ago, having livod one hum I red years. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY 55 A spring of pure cool water gushes out of the sido of the bluff, closo to the place where Mr. Riley's store- house is now located, whose clear stream has slaked the thirst of those who brought the germ of civilization to the Western world. A former age may claim it, and the associations of antiquity may cluster around it, but its waters are as fresh and pure to-day as when the first white man drank from its pebbly urn. Mr. Riley established a store a few years ago close to his mill, and he has brought around him a very brisk and remunerative trade. In 1855, finding the capacity of the old mill inadequate to the demands of an increased population and the increased growth of wheat, he commenced the erection of a steam-mill which has since gone into operation. Both mills may be kept running most of the year by the water of tho pond above described. FORT CHARTRIW*. Under the patronage of the Company of tho West, and bearing a charter from the crown of France, M. Pierre Duque Baisbriant, the representative of the government, and Marc Antoine de la Soirk Dk Ur_ sins, the principal Secretary of the Company, came to Kaskaskia, in 1717, with instructions to erect a Fort which should be made the Seat of Government for the Illinois country. The site selected was in the American Bottom, one mile distant from the Mississippi river, and about three miles from the eastern range of bluffs, in tho northwest corner of the present limits of Randolph County. The work was commenced in 1717, and the Fort, completed 50 HISTORICAL SKETCHES in two years. It was called-" Fort des ^hnrtres," for the reason that its erection was authorized by a charter from Louis XIV, King of France. It was built of timber, of ample dimensions for the orection within of a building to accommodate the Executive of the Terri- tory, one for the garrison, a magazine, and some others. The Fort was surrounded with a strong palisade, con- structed of such immense timbers, and finished so sub- stantially, as to be almost impregnable to the assaults of any implements of war known to those early days. It was designed for the purpose, and became the seat of government for Illinois. It was the headquarters of the French officers while the country remained in possession of France. The celebrated Francois Re- nault resided here, and directed his extensive mining operations. Baisbriant and Ursins were vested with the power of making grants of land. Some of their records are now in the Recorder's office of this county. For a time, Fort Chartres became the centre of busi- ness, fashion, and gayety. The Company of the West was dissolved in 1730, and D'Artaquette was appointed Governor. In 1736, when the Chickasaw war commenced, Governor Bien- ville, of Louisiana, called upon the Governor of Illi- nois for all the troops he could raise. Exerting his in- fluence with the chiefs of the Indian tribes west of Lake Michigan, he collected about one thousand war- riors at Fort Chartres. The gallant Vincennes, of the Wabash country, united his forces with D'Artaciette. All the French soldiers that could be raised were rendezvoused at the Fort. Preparations for the expe- dition to meet Bienville in the South, were hastily made, and the whole army departed from Fort Char- tres down the Mississippi. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 57 The unfortunate fate of the brave and chivalrous D'Artaguette and Vincennes has been related. La Buissoniere succeeded to the Governorship of Illinois. In 1739, a further requisition was made upon him for troops. Ho collected about two hundred French sol- diers, and three hundred Indian warriors, and sailed from Fort Chartres down the Mississippi, to join Ihe Southern army. In 1751, the Chevalier McCauty became Governor of Illinois, and arrived at Fort Chartres in August, with troops to reinforce the Fort. As war at that time was raging between France and England, and threatening to disturb the Western country, it was decided to rebuild and improve the Fort. This time it was built of durable limestone, quarried in the bluff three miles distant, boated across an intervening lake, and carted to the Fort. The plan of the new structure was differ- ent from the old one, and much larger. It was an irregular square, or quadrangle. The exterior sides were four hundred and ninety-feet, and, therefore, the main building covered an area of five acres and a frac- tion. The walls were two feet two inches thick, and pierced with loop-holes at regular distances, and two port-holes in the faces, and two in the flanks of each bastion for cannon. A banquette around the interior side of the wall was raised three feet high for the sol- diers to stand upon when they fired from behind the parapets. Within the square of the main building were erected a Commandant's and Commissary's house ; a magazine for stores, and two barracks. In the gorges of the bastions were the powder-magazine, a bake- house, and a prison. On the lower floor of the prison were four dungeons. The commandant's house was ninety-six feet long, 58 HISTORICAL 8KETCHK.8 and thirty foot wide. It contained a parlor, dining- room, bed-chambor, kitchen, one small room, five closets for servants, and a cellar. The commissary's houso was precisely similar to the one just described. Oppo- site these was the storehouse, ninety feet long and twenty-four wide. It contained two largo store-rooms, a parlor, chapel, an officers' guard-room, a closet for the storekeeper, and bed-chamber. Beneath the storehouse was. a vaulted cellar. Tho barracks were each twenty feet square, and each contained two rooms for officers and three for soldiers. Over each building spacious lofts extended from end to end, and were used for storing regimental stores and entrenching tools. Capt. Pitman, an engineer belonging to tho British army, visited Fort Chartrcs about the year 1768, and gave it as his opinion that it was the strongest and most con- veniently arranged fortification on the North American Continent. When the English took possession of the eountry in 1765, (the cession was made in 1708.) Fort Chartrcs w;is made the Seat of Government, and a small garrison stationed there. Capt. Stirling formally took posses- sion of the eountry on arriving at Port Chartrcs, by issuing a proclamation in the name of "His Britanie .Majesty." signed by Thomas (Iaok, then Commander- in-Chief of the British army in the Colonies. Capt. Stirling died in six months after his arrival. He was succeeded first by Major Fraziku, then by Col. Rkki>, then by Col. Wii.kins, each of whom made their resi- dence at the Port. When the Fort was first built, in 1718-10, it stood about one mile distant from the river. In 1724, a great freshet overflowed the river bottom, and washed away some of the bank in front of the Fort. The margin of OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 59 the Mississippi, made by alluvial soil, is ever changing. In 1756, the river bank was half a mile from the Fort. A 6hort time before Capt. Pitman's visit, in 17G8, a sand bar was formed in the river, and directed the current against the bank nearest the Fort, which wore it away rapidly. Two years afterwards the river had approach- ed so near as to alarm the officers about to the safety of their magnificent Fortress. In 1772, another freshet inundated the river bottom, and undermined the west- ern wall of the Fort. The balance of the structure was greatly injured. It was abandoned, and the Seat of Government established at Fort Gage, upon the summit of Garrison Hill, far above the reach of floods. Fort Chartres was thought to be the Gibraltar of America, but the turbulent current of the Mississippi, more powerful than armies and navies, worked its downfall. It crumbled and wasted rapidly. It was deserted, and the demolishing elements played familiar with its crumbling walls. In 182U the southeast angle was still remaining. The traces of the front Mall were completely gone, and the northeast sections were in ruins. From this period the process of demolition and dilapidation was rapid. Much of the stone was taken away, and used for building material in other places It was soon a heap of mouldering ruins, and the fata of Palmyra, Persepolis and Balbec, is suggested to the visitor, as he beholds its remaining vestiges, slumbering in the midst of a forest. Trees of stately growth and clinging vines are growing upon its foundations. The river has retreated, and is a mile distant from the ruins Upon the intervening land, which is in the very place where the mighty volumo of the Mississippi's sullen waters swept along eighty years ago, there is a heavy, dense growth of timber. 60 HISTORICAL SKETCH t!« l^E&ufVUtl'lB DU UOCUEKi The town of Prairio du Roehor was i'oundcd about the year 1722 — one hundred and thirty-seven years ago. About thuo time a few French families gathered to- gether and formed the nucleus for the town. Others coming to the country, cast their lot with them, and a flourishing little village was started. Tho strongest inducements it could hold out to emigrants, was its secluded situation and romantic scenery. It stood at the foot of the Mississippi bluffs — whose picturesque grandeur is unsurpassed by any range along that great river — fourteen miles from Kaskaskia, and three miles from Fort Chartres. Though it never attained that degree of importance which marked the prosperity of its cotemporaneous rivals, yet it acquired, in an early day, ail the concomitants of a healthy, vigorous town The evidences of water-mills in its vicinity, erectcc there in a very early period of its existence, may yet be seen, and the vestiges of stone buildings in the town, evidently the work of wealth and enterprise, are yel visible. In the vicinity of the town were many natural objects of curiosity, to attract the attention of those who had a taste tor the wonderful, and probably from this cause many were induced to locate in that place. The natu- ral mill Bite situated in a ravine which abruptly breaks the range of rocky blufts that overlooks the town, was something to attract wonder and admiration, as well as to furnish to some enterprising capitalist the advan- tages of a saw mill more than half constructed. The range of bluffs on one side of thib break, following th< course of the ravine, describes an arc. and a natural OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 61 ridge starting from a point of the bluff on the opposito side of the ravine, marks the diameter of the circle, and reaches within two hundred feet of the bluff on the other side. This ridge was finished out by artificial means in the days of the Jesuits, and gave a fall of near twenty feet to the water where it, dammed the ravine. The~ area of the mill-pond is about two hun- dred acres, and the stream of water coming through the bluffs is fed by never failing springs. There is a spring situated at the foot of the bluffs, one mile above the town, which gushes out at the base of a perpendicular rock, towering up two hundred feet high, and sends forth an immense volume. Form ei-ly*" the -aperture through which the water rose was about six feet in diameter, and its depth could not be fathomed. Latterly, it has been nearly filled with sticks and stones by wanton hands. The crystal purity of this Spring would suggest that it might have been the foun- tain so eagerly sought by the Spanish explorers of this Continent, which they supposed to possess properties that would give immortality to youthful vigor. A cave in the side of the bluff not far distant from the spring, is another object of curious interest. The entrance to the cavern is about sixty feet high from the base of the rock; is almost round, and about six feet in diameter. Its interior chambers have been explored somewhat, but nothing is known of their dimensions. There is a legend which relates that at one time the Spaniards hid valuable treasures in the cave. Many an avaricious spirit has searched and shoveled in vain for the possession of those treasures, and the same in- ducement to search remains. The Common Field, and Commons of Prairie du Ro- cher were granted to the village in the year 1730, bv 6 62 HISTORICAL SKETCHES Jean Baptiste St. Therse, nephew of Baisbriant, Governor of Louisiana, who obtained the title from the Royal Company of the Indies. The church property was obtained from the same BOOrcc, and the church was erected in the year 1734. The. same building is still standing, and forms one of the most interesting relics of former years to be found about the village. It was constructed in the French style of architecture, by driving cedar posts into the ground, and tilling the space between them with stone and mortar. For a period of one hundred and twenty-five years it has stood against storm and flood, and its walls have echoed the pious articulations of many holy men, who have long since passed to the realms of a brighter existence. Within its portals have been christened the infants of three successive generations, and the marriage vows of the parish people in all that time have been heard at its sacred altar. But mutation has been written upon it as surely as it was upon the minarets of an- cient Nincvah. Though the rites of the church arc yet performed within its ancient portals, the time-worn walls are yielding to the pressure of the roof, and must ere long fall to the ground. Preparations have already commenced for the erection of a new One, which will con trasfc strikingly with the rude structure of the old one. Among the earliest of the French settlers in Prairie dn Rocher, appear the names of Etenne Langlois, Jean Baptiste Blais, Jean Baptiste Barbeau, An- toine Louvier, LaCompte, and some others. Etenne Langlois came from Canada, and devoted himself to farming. He became a very influential man in the community, and left a very respectable farffily. His oldest son, Etenne, was a wheel-wright, and a very OP RANDOLPH COUNTY. 63 useful man in the town. He left three sons — Etennb, Charles, and William. Charles is now living about four miles west of Prairie du Rocher. The other two died several years ago. Franqois was the second son of the first Langlois, and the father of Jerard, Ant oine, Francois, Michael, and Benjamin, who were conspicuous members of that community forty years ago and later. Francois Lang- lois, now living about five miles east of the town, is the son of Jerard. The family is very numerous. Jean Batiste Blais Avas the germ of that respecta- ble fanlily. He devoted himself to the quiet pursuit of farming, and was a leading man in the village. He reached an extreme old age, and died in the year 1783, leaving four sons — Antoine, Joseph, Charles, and Louis — the latter died in early life. The others were industrious, respectable citizens. Joseph and Antoine died in 1823 ; Charles in 1831. Antoine Blais, who is now merchandising in Praire du Rocher, and Expe- dient, his brother, living seven miles east of the town, are sons of Antoine, and grandsons of Jean Baptiste Joseph. Jean Baptiste Barbeau was another of the first em- igrants from Canada, and one of the founders of Prairie du Rocher. He was the father of the respectable fam- ily bearing his name, who have always held a promi- inent position in that community. His sons were Andrew, Antoine, Baptiste and Henry, all of whom are dead. Their descendents are numerous. Andrew, the oldest son, reached an extreme old age, and died suddenly, while walking upon the bluffs, a few months ago. Mr. Cole and Mr. Crane, of St. Louis, both mar- ried daughters of Antoine. Antoine Louvier came in early times from Canada, 64 HISTORICAL SKETCHE8 and engaged in farming. His son Antoine became a very prominent man, and died in 1836, leaving a very numerous family, many of whom are still living in the village Damour Louvikr was a branch of tho same family, and lived in the town during a long life. A Mr. LaCompte was one of the first settlers, and died about the close of the last century. He left a son who was promoted to the post of Major of the Militia, in 1812, which place he filled with much popularity. He was among the first men of Prairie du Rocher during his life. He has a son now residing in St. Genivieve, Missouri. Among those who came in later years are the names of Jean Baptiste Du Clais; Erny, Joseph, Alexis and Isadore Godair; Francois and Joseph Tongais; Joseph Champagne; Joseph Lamore; the Fascair family and some others. Jean Baptiste DuClais was a blacksmith, and a very useful man to the town, and the surrounding countrj-. He lived to be very old, and died in 1838. He had a son, Michael, who was an industrious farmer. He died in 1839, leaving a large family, many of whom are now living in the town. The Godair brothers came from Detroit and engaged in farming. They became somewhat distinguished for hunting adventures. They left a numerous desccn- dency, who are engaged in farming. Joseph Tongais lived in Prairie du Rocher until his death, in 1S27, having spent an industrious life. His brother Francois died in 1827, leaving two sons — Fran- cois and Amade — both residing in Monroe County. Joseph Champagne was a Canadian, and came to Prairie du Rocher about the close of the last century. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 65 He was a carpenter by trade, and built the mansion of Col. Menard, at the foot of Garrison Hill, on the east side of the Kaskaskia river. This house is still stand- ing, but in a state of rapid decay. Champagne died in St. Clair County, in 1828. Joseph Lamore was a farmer, and died in 1825, leav- ing no descendents about Prairie du Eocher. The Fascair family became numerous, and bore a conspicuous part in the community. Ambrose, John and Henry Kerr, are descendants of this family. The history of Prairie du Eocher presents no marked event. It was strictly a French village for more than an hundred years, and the orderly inhabitants quietly pursued their various avocations, enjoying their social amusements undisturbed. They were a happy, con- tented people, unambitious, and careless of wealth or distinction. They were free from that strife, conten- tion and turmoil which attends the pursuit of wealth and political preferment. Their life was an uninter- rupted stream of quiet, joyous happiness. About the year 1800, the first English or American settlers appeared among the people of Prairie du Eo- cher. Archibald McNab came from Kentucky and established a tan-yard — the first in the place — and car- ried on that business until 1821. In that year he died. Alexander McN~ab, now living in the town, is a son of of Archibald. About the same timo, or probably as early as 1795 Clement Drury, from Maryland, came to Prairie du Eocher, and erected a horse-mill. This mill stood near the present residence of Mr. Sprigg. It did a good bus- iness, and was ;i great benefit to the people for many years. Mr. Drury died in 1812, leaving four soys — John, Wim.iam, Clement, and Eaphael. John eiiiS*. *6 66 HISTORICAL 8K1TCHB8 grated and settled in Missouri. "William and Clement located in town, and died there some years ago, leaving families. Raphael died in California. Henry Conner came from Kentucky, in 1812, and settled in the town. Two years afterwards, he was .appointed to the office of Sheriff. He was Marshal of the Territory at one time, and filled other offices. Ho left three sons — Barnet, William, and Edward. Bar- net; IpxKited in Monroe county, and died there in 1852. William lives in Wisconsin. Edward located in Prai- rie du Rocher, where he died, leaving a family, which still reside there. In 1814, Henry Kerr, an Englishman, came from Boston, and established a store. He continued in this business several years. Ambrose, John,, and Henry Kerr, before referred to, are his sons. The two former are merchandising ; the latter lives two miles from town, and is engaged in farming. In 1824, the population of Prairie du Rocher was about five hundred. In that year, Andrew Barbeau built a mill about one mile below town. In 1825, tho town was incorpoi'ated, but there appearing to be no necessity for an organization, it was abandoned. In 1835, it was renewed again, but has since ceased to ex- ist. In 1840, "William Henry, Esq., erected and put In operation a steam-mill upon the same ground where the new mill of Brickey & Lee now stands. In 1850, an impetus was given to the progress of the town, since which time it has been improving rapidly, and promises a healthy and vigorous growth. The place now contains one first class flouring mill ; four dry goods stores ; two grocery stores ; two furni- ture stores; one saddlery shop ; one tailor shop; one boot and shoe shop ; one wagon shop ; three blacksmith OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 67 shops; one wagon manufactory; two carpenter and cabinet shops ; two hotels; one church — no resident priest. Present population about five hundred. RANDOLPH COUNTY. A special sketch having been devoted to the leading events which precede the existence of Randolph county, and which transpired within its limits ; and, also, a sketch of the towns which have marked its progress, but little remains of its history beyond the transition from a wilderness to the high state of prosperous development which it now enjoys, and the arrival of the pioneers who laid the foundation for that great change. 1798. — Tradition has it that when Col. Clark took possession of the country, in 1778, he named the district around Kaskaskia " Randolph County," as a compli- ment to Edmund Randolph, the distinguished States man of Virginia. The limits of the county were not defined ; neither was there a county organization. Upon the arrival of Governor St. Clair, at Kaskaskia, in 1790, he established St. Clair County, which em- braced all the southern part of the State below a point on the Illinois river, including the region which Col. Clark had previously named Randolph County. 1795. — In 1795, however, Randolph County was for- 68 HI8TORI0AL SKETCHES mally established, and the machinery of local govern- ment put in operation. It included all that part of the State whioh lies south of a line running upon the par- allel of the New Design Settlement, in Monroe county, due east to the Wabash river. At the time the county was organized, the area which it now includes was an almost unbroken wilder- ness, interrupted only by the villages of Kaskaskia and Prairie du Eocher. But the precursors of civilization and refinement were on their way, and the rays of a new era were reaching into its wild woods. The story of its fertile soil, its delightful and health-giving cli- mate, and its crystal streams of water, had gone to the Atlantic coast and awakened a spirit of emigration. Lured by the accounts of a country for which Nature had done so much, the pioneers began to drop in and join the scattering few who had already located amidst its darkened forests. These were a brave and noble race of men, and merit a place in these sketches. They opened the way for the great improvement that has followed, the blessings of which are now enjoyed by those inhabiting the county. They, too, furnished the materials, and with them occurred the events which impart all that is interesting to the early history of Randolph County. SETTLEMENT — AND PIONEEUS OF 1 RANDOLPH COUNTY. 1780. — A little colony of pionoers- — some of whom were soldiers under Col. Ci.auk — made a settlement on the east side of the Kaskaskia river, three miles from town, as early as tne year 1780. The names of these OF RANDOLPH COUNTY 69 settlers were John Montgomery, Joseph Anderson, John Dodge, John Doyle, David Paqon, M. Augustus, James Curry, and Levi Teel. They erected a few rude cabins, and made small farms. John Montgomery located upon the identical spot where Stage McDon- ough settled when he came to the country twenty years later. The settlement was almost broken up before the year 1790. These pioneers experienced all the incidents common to frontier life, and encountered perilous adventures of a character so thrilling as to assume the air x>f fiction. One day, James Curry and Levi Teel were out hunt- ing, and being overtaken by nightfall, they encamped in a new house just erected by David Pagon, but not yet occupied. During the latter part of the night the house was besieged by a band of sixteen Piankashaw Indians. Teel proposed to surrender, lest a worse fate should befall them. To this proposition Curry reso- lutely demurred. He was brave, even to desperation; and knowing the house had been built substantial, and that the door was strongly barred, he determined to give battle. Teel went to the door, either to open it, or reconnoitre, and while standing near it, the Indians stuck a spear through a hole in the door into his foot, which fastened him to the floor. Instinctively he seized the spear to pull it out, when another spear was driven into his hand. His heartless enemies now had him fast, and they jagged and cut his hands in a most shock- ing manner. Curry, fearing lest Teel should open the door, mounted the loft and commenced firing upon the assailants. He fired three shots in rapid succession, each time bringing a warrior to the ground. Still fear- ing that Teel would open the door, he descended to the floor, and finding him disabled, he again sprang to 70 HISTORICAL SKETCHES the loft and renewed his desperate defense. Discover- ing that the Indians had huddled close against the house to avoid his destructive shots, ho tumbled the weight- poles of the roof dqwn upon them, killing their chief, and wounding some others. Tins intrepid feat, and the approach of morning light drove the Indians from the houso, leaving Curry the victorious champion of the siege. By his fearless daring ho saved himself and companion from Indian captivity, and probably death at the stake. Curry was one of Clark's favorite soldiers, and dis- tinguished himself in the capture of Forts Gage and Sackville. lie was foremost in every perilous enter- prise, and never quailed before danger. His life was one of thrilling adventures, and fate doomed him to a tragic end. In company with Joseph Anderson, he went out hunting and never returned. The presence of lurking, hostilo savages, left no doubts about the manner of his death. JosEPn Curry, now an old man, living at Mr. Riley's Mill, is a grandson of the pioneer hero. This little settlement was harrassed unceasingly by the Indians until the sottlcrs were forced to abandon it. But it was renewed again in a few years, and became one of the most important in the county. 1780. — In the same year that this settlement was made opposite Kaskaskia, another one was commencod on the same side of the river, above the mouth of Nine Mile creek, by some of Clark's soldiers, and a few friends whom they had induced to come to the country. Among the settlers were Daniel Hicks, Henry and Elijah Smith, Hitterbranp, Hayden, Lancepord and some others. Most of these men lived and died in this settlement. They were quiet, industrious people, and OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 71 took but little part in any thing beyond the limits of their own neighborhood. The descendants of some of them are still living in the county. 1783. — In the year 1783, Thomas Hughs, Irom Ken- tucky, came to the Territory to select a place with a view of bringing out his family. He marked a placo for settlement on the eastern side of the Kaskaskia river, in the Montgomery neighborhood, and then re- turned for his family in Kentucky. On his return to that State he persuaded some friends to accompany him, and a small party started for Illinois. While crossing the Ohio river, they were attacked by Indians, and Hughs and three others of the party were killed. Mrs. Hughs was sitting in the boat with her child at the breast, and a ball from one of the savages' guns spattered its brains in her face. The balance of the party escaped and returned to Kentucky. Some years afterwards, Mrs. Hughs mar- ried James Pillars, and with his two sons — JonN and Eichard, and the surviving son of Hughs — James — they resolved to resume the journey to the wilds of Illi- nois, which had been so suddenly interrupted by the death of Hughs. 1795. — They arrived at Kaskaskia in 1795, and made a settlement on the east side of the river — on the farm which is now occupied by Henry Hughs, and widely known as the "old Hughs place." Pillars remained upon the farm several years, and was an industrious, quiet and respected citizen. James HuGHS-^-son of him who was killed by the Indians — returned to Kentucky and married, and came again to Illinois in the year 1800. He was a man of remarkable energy and sound judgment, and became a very important constituent of the infant settlement. 72 HISTORICAL SKETCHES He was in the United States. ranging service, in 1812. He obtained possession of his step-father's farm, and lived upon it until his death. His sons have borne a respectable position in this county. James Hughs was the oldest, and became a very pop- ular man. He was often elected to fill important offices. He died in Kaskaskia, in 1842. JonN Hughs was the second son, and now lives about ten miles northwest of Chester. Stace located on the west side of the Kas- kaskia river, in the O'Harra neighborhood, and died there in 1857. Felix resides near his brother John, is a farmer, and holds the office of magistrate. Henry lives upon the farm of his father where he was born. John Pillars opened a farm about half a mile north west of his father, but moved soon afterwards, and lo- cated on the western side of the Opossumden prairie. He was a man of high standing, having been chosen major of the militia, which position he held for a long term of years. He died in 1851, On his farm, where he had lived nearly half a century. Richard Pillars was of a migratory disposition, seldom remaining long at any place. He last lived on Mary's River, near the Little Mill seat, and died there fin 1844. The descendants of the Pillars are still re- siding in the county. '„ 1797. — Stace McDonough, one of the most conspic- ous and leading characters of pioneer times, came and located in the Pillars' settlement in 1787. He was a soldier in the Kentucky militia, and was in many expe- ditions against the Indians. He served under Col. Clark in an expedition to the Wabash, in 1786. He was in the disastrous defeat of Gen. St. Clair, in 1791, and miraculously saved himself from that dreadful car- nage. He commanded a boat on the Ohio river, in OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 73 1793, and while passing down the stream was shot in the shoulder by some lurking savages on the shore. This wound affected him through life. He was also with Anthony Wayne, and suited the character of that General, whose exploits gained for him the sobriquet of "Mad Anthony." During the war of 1812, he carried the mail from St. Louis, by way of Kaskaskia, to Shaw- neetown, and though the ^oute was beset by dangers from the hostile Indians, he made his trips regularly. He was elected Captain of a ranging company, and filled the station with marked ability. He lived on the farm where he first settled, for nearly half a century, and died much lamented. He left two sons — James and David; the former settled in the lower end of the Opossumden Prairie about the year 1820. He died tbere some years ago, and his family are living around the old farm. David lives oij the farm made by his father. 1798. — Another addition was made to this settlement in the person of Jonathan Pettit, in the year 1798. He was a noble specimen of the pioneer class, and by his enterprising energy he became a valuable acquisi- tion to the little colony in which he located. He erected a mill on Nine Mile creek, at. the point whero the Chester and Evansville road crosses that stream. Some evidences of the existence of this mill may yet bo found. Pettit was an active, industrious man, full of life and energy. Like most of the brave pioneers, he- joined the " Rangers" in 1812, and discharged his mili- tary duties in a manner very creditable to himself and the service. His sons were David, Henry, Jonathan,. and Joseph. The only one of the name of this family remaining in the county is Henry Newton Pettit, who lives about five miles northwest of Chester. 1795. — About 1795, John J. Whiteside, and some 7 74 HISTORICAL SKRTCHKS others, laid off a town on the western hank of the Kan- kaekia river, not far from the northern limits of Ran- dolph county, and called it Washington, but it ceased to grow and be called a town in a very few years. It was a town only in name. Some of the Going family located in this town, but they remained but a short time. Before the close of the century, another settlement was commenced in Horse Prairie — a name given it because of the great number of wild horses found in it. The settlers here were Samuel and Winder Kinney, Jarrot Brickey, Chance Ratcliff, Gibbons, Robert McMahon, and some others. These men had first located about the New Design, in Monroe County. For a time this settlement promised to become permanent and lasting, but it was harrassed by the Indians until nearly all the settlers left it. One of the most shocking Indian butcheries that ever befell the family of any man, happened to that of Robert McMahon. The Indians attacked his house one day, while the family were all at home, and killed Mrs. McMahon and four children. McMahon himself, and two small daughters, were fettered and taken pris- oners. The Indians, with their captives, hurried away, lest the whites should pursue them. Some days after- wards, Mr. Judy went to McMahon's house, and in- stead of finding the family alive and well, as he had expected, he found the mangled bodies of five stretched in a row upon the floor, and the dead body of the baby in the cradle, supposed to have died of hunger. The Bad intelligence was given to the settlements around, and a small party started in pursuit of the Indians, but \hey had made good their escape. The people of the surrounding neighborhoods gath- OF RANDOLPH COUNTY 75 ered together and buried the dead bodies, and after the funeral was over, a religious meeting was held. The solemn devotions, prompted by the awfully sorrowful ;':. continued until a late hour in the evening. Jn^t ii- the congregation was about breaking up, Mr. McMaiion tamo in, nearly exhausted, and fainting from fatigue and mental anxiety. If some mysterious being fiom the spirit world had appeared in the mid-t of that assembly, no greater surprise could have been pro- duced. He was informed that his family had Been buried that day, and the awful butchery of which they were the victims, had been the. occasion of that. meet- ing. Struggling emotions of piercing sorrow and thankful joy filled his heart. His family had been murdered, but kind friends had buried them, and ningled tears of sorrow with the sod over their graves; nc had escaped from a horrible captivity, and generous friends surrounded him, but the thought of his two lovely daughters, still subject to the will of heartless savages, almost made him frantic. Imagine, if possible, the feelings of that man with such reflections upon his mind. He told the story of the attack upon his house, ami how brutally his lovely family were murdered before his eyes, while he was bound and tied down, unable to defend them. When his wife and four chil- dren lay dead upon the floor, he and the two little girls were marched off, and started under the control of their captors, they knew not whither. The first night after they started, the Indians, tied McMahon down with tug-ropes, stripped him of most of his clothing, and put a belt containing little bells around his body, so that escape was impossible. This night a heavy snow fell, and the weather turned excessively cold. The next day they traveled hastily 76 historical SKrrcm;* over the snowy, frozen ground, v, • • »< aJiUOsi kilh'd Mc- Mahon and the little girls. The third night the party camped above Sugar Creek, not far from the locality of Lebanon, in St. Clair county. They had nothing but dried venison to cat, and so little of that, thai it did not satisfy the cravings of nature. But McMaiion, although nearly starved and frozen, determined to make his escape if possible. The Indians took the precau- tion to tie and secure him as they had done the previous night, but, after they had all lain down and were asleep, he slipped the cords from his wrists and body, and tied what little clothes he yet had on, around the belt of bells, so that they made no noise. He was just attemp- ting to rise, when one of the Indians raised his head up and looked around, but not noticing McMaiion, laid down again. When the Indian again slept, he rose quietly and escaped, leaving his shoes and most of his clothing. Traveling a short distance, barefooted and almost naked, he thought it would be death to continuo, and returned to the camp and tried to get his shoes, but he could not without waking the Indians. Preferr- ing to die a free man, of cold and hunger, in the woods, rather than risk his life with those who had cruelly murdered his family, he started for the New Design, scarcely expecting to ever reach it. The night following that of his escape, he laid down by a log, and covering himself with leaves, he slept a little, but his feet and elbows were severely frost bitten. The next day, late in the evening, he arrived at Prairie du Rochcr, nearer dead than alive. From there he proceeded to the Lemons' Fort to join his friends as above related. He did not inform his daughters of his intention to escape, fearing they might cry and prevent him fi'v»i»i getting away. He left them, bitter as was the ncccs- OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 77 sity, to the mercy of the savages, trusting that they might yet be rescued; and so they were. One incident connected with this horrible affair should be related to show the sagacity of a little fiste dog. During the few days that McMahon'8 family lay dead in the house where they were murdered, this little dog, a favorite in the family, would come to the New Design, whine piteously, and run back and forth towards Mc- Mahon's house, but no^ one took notice of him. His visits were repeated daily; iVut the object of his coming was not imagined or though? of until the murder was discovered. When McMaho* hud returned and gone into the meeting, previously mentioned, this little dog was in the house. He did not recognize his master at first, he was so changed, but after a while he found him out, and thon leaped upon him, and frisked about almost wild with joy. Some years after the murder of his family, McMahon married again, and lived in Horse Prairie. He was ap- pointed a Judge of the Common Pleas Court, and a Jus- tice of the Peace in Kandolph Count}', which offices he filled with much ability and satisfaction a long time. He moved first to St. Clair, and then to Madison county, where he died. As remarked in a preceding paragraph, the settlement in Horse Prairie was almost broken previous to the year 1800. Besides McMahon, Henry Levens and Jarrot BitiCKEY, were about the only ones who re- mained permanently. The sons of Henry Levens — Thomas, Isaiah, Otho and Bazyl — all located around the home of their father, and became prominent men in that little community; but they, and all their descen- dants, are gone now. *7 78 HISTORICAL SKETCHES Jarrot Brickey was another of the sturdy, staunch pioneers, who braved the dangers of Indian massacres and midnight assassinations. He lived an industrious, respected citizen of Horse. Traine for nearly half a cen- tury, and during that time he was prominent in all those scenes which msirk the pioneer times of Randolph County. He was a Range]- u. "'i' 1 His son — Pkehton B. Brk - -located half .1 mile north of Red Bud. and hec. m.o a rotspcctaMn farmer. $f?» eons — John and "\Y:l:.;am — are i;ov<- citizens of Red Bud, and ^\vn n large louring mill. lbOO. — Outside of Kaflkuskia and Prairie du Rocher, the two settlements to whiun reference 1ms been made in the preceding paragraphs, included the entire popu- lation of Randolph County, at the commencement of the present century ; but" the way was now opened, and new arrivals became more frequent. JS"ew settlements were commenced, and additions made to those already .established, more rapidly. Among the first immigrants to the County, after the -commencement of 1800, was Robert Reynolds, from Tennessee, and formerly from Ireland. After remain- ing in Kaskaskia a few months, he located in the set- tlement of Huans and Pillars, on the east side of the river. He became a leading man in the new settle- ment, and was often elected to fill important offices in the county. He remained in the county upwards of twenty years, and then went to Madison county, where he died. His oldest son, John Reynolds, became a dis- tinguished man in early times — was elected a Judge of the Supreme Court, a member of the Legislature, a i member of Congress, Governor of the State, and is now more intimately known by the people than any other man in Illinois. He now lives in Belleville, at the age OP RANDOLPH COUNTY. 79 of sixty-three years. His brother, Thomas Reynolds, became a distinguished lawyer and judge. 1801. — In 1801, Joseph Heard arrived in Kaskaskia and settled upon Garrison Hill. A few years after- Avard he moved and opened a farm two and a half miles north of Chester, on Grav: 1 "r-; 1 M»o f>a«:c ihat is n v. owned by J. R. Holmes, aud euilivjite.l by J-»hn vlaupick. Heard lived hoc for --me years, and im- proved" 'hi* iV.rcr. and raised large crops. H^on Heard, the oldest son of Joseph, seitlirl-«pon •> 'arm abou t two miles north of his father, whkh is yet known as the "Old Heard Farm/' It is now occupied by Henry Bode. Heard occupied this farm for many years, and then moved away to Wisconsin. James Heard, the second son, located still farther north, and made a farm, where he lived to be an old man. Joseph, William, and James Heard, now living in the same neighborhood, are the sons of James. 1801. — George Franklin came with Joseph Heard, and made the farm on which Lemuel Barker now lives, four miles east of Kaskaskia. Some years afterwards he moved and settled one mile east of the present loca- tion of Pinckneyville, in Perry County, on what is now known as the " Old Baldridge Farm." 1802.— In 1802, the "Irish Settlement," near the mouth of Plumb Creek, was founded. James Patter- son, from Abbeville District, South Carolina, came vtiiK his family, and, branching out beyond the limits of the other settlement, made a permanent location at this place, which took its name from|the fact that he and subsequent settlers were from South Carolina — or what is sometimes known as " South Carolina Irish." James Patterson was a man of remarkable energy and activity, and'always stood high in the community. 80 HISTORICAL SKETCHES He often held the offices of Justice of the Peace and County Commissioner. In the ranging servieo of 1812, he bore an active part. He had four sons — John, Sam- uel, Reuben, and James Harvey. John located in tho samo settlement of his father, where he lived for many- years, and afterwards moved to Hill Prairie, where he died in 1837. Samuel settled in Horse Prairie ; Reuben in Hitchcock Prairie, where he now lives. James H. now lives upon the farm first made byhis.&tkc?. The Patterson family. h^ TT c always occupied a prominent position in tlie county, and are well and widely known. 1802. — John Fulton, from Tennessee, came in 1802, and located in the same settlement. He was a valuable addition to this community — always active, and fore- most in whatever promised to promote the best inter. ests of the public. His sons — Thomas, David, and Cyrus — all located in the samo neighborhood, where Thomas and Cyrus died. Davi"d lives in Marion County. 1802. — William Roberts, fron* Lv-Aiiigton, Ken- tucky, came in 1802, and settled on the east side of the Kaskaskia river, in the neighborhood of Hughs. He opened a farm, and in addition to this e mployment, he traded down the river, and became well known along the banks of the Mississippi, from Kaskaskia to New Orleans. Having spent twenty years of an eventful and useful life, amidst the pioneer scenes of Illinois, he died in 1822. 1802. — Thomas Roberts, son of William, who had nearly reached his majority at the time of coming to Illinois, located upon a farm near his father. Ho became a highly respected citizen as he advanced in age, and was often promoted to positions of importance. Ho held the office of Justice of the Peace for a long Or RANDOLPH COUNTY. 81 term of years, and was County Commissioner at vari- ous times. Towards the close of his life he became a devoted Christian, and gave his time and means lib- erally to the church. He died in 1858. His descen- dants arc numerous. His sons were Thomas, Darius, "William, John, Daniel Preston, Jacob, Wylet, Vol. net, and Perry. All have families except Darius, who died in early life. 1802. — Robert Tindall came from Chester County, South Carolina, and settled on what is now known as the Fleming Farm, situated some five miles northeast of Chester. Here he commenced the erection of a water-mill, on a small stream which flows past the farm, but before it was completed the floods washed it away. He then erected a horse-mill near his residence, at whiMi the settlers around were supplied with their breadstuff. The advantage of this mill was felt by all the new comers, and it was a great inducement for them to settle around it. Mr. Tindall was a valuable pioneer in the settlement, and spent a life in some useful •employment to himself and his neighbors. He had four sons, two of whom are yet living — Reuben and Robert. The former is a citizen of Chester, and known as one of the oldest natives of Illinois. Robert lives in the vicinity of Steelsville. 1802. — John and E^hraim Bilderback came to Illinois in the year 18(?2, and located permanently. Ephraim made a farm in She region of the settlement on the east side of the Kask'.askia river, about one mile north of Edgar's — now Riley's mill. JonN settled upon a farm which adjoins, or 'forms a part of the one now occupied by Armsted Jon t es. These two men were intelligent, active, and industrious ; and by their solid, substantial ability, they soon 'became the repre- g2 HISTORICAL SKETCHES soutativc men in tho little community of which they formed a part. 1302. — John was in the ranging service, and dis- played the same traits' of perseverance and bravery there that characterized him in the retired but equals- responsible sphere of life. He died, leaving no descen- dants. EniRAiM devoted himself to farming, almost con- stantly, and displayed an industry that is worthy of imitation, lie was the father of "William, Stuart, James, Charles, Franklin, Henry, Ephraim, Thomas, and John, each of whom became respectable citizens of tho county. "William located a short distance below the site of Liberty, near the dividing line between Randolph and Jackson counties, where he lived for many years. Stuart remained on his father's farm a few years, then moved away to "Wisconsin. Charles settled near to his brother William, and died there in 1849. Franklin lived at the old place. Ephraim went to Perry County, and remained a few years, but re- turned and made a farm on Mary's river, and remained until his death. Thomas lived at his father's until his death. John settled in Lively Prairie, where he died. James is still living upon a farm about four miles north of Chester. There are many of the descendants of these men now living in the county. 1800. — Benjamin Crane, with seven sons — Benja- min, Squire, "William, James, Joel, Lewis, and John — came to Illinois about 1802, or probably two years earlier, and settled on Mary's river, about four miles above the mouth. These were men of decided charac- ter, and soon became known in all the other settle- ments. Their traits of character were well adapted to a pioneer country, and their influence in advancing the OF RANDOLPH COUNT*. 83 new region in which they h;ul decided to live, was suc- cessfully exerted. They were the leading men in settling the country around the mouth of Mary's river, and the Island opposite, which bears the name of Crane's Island. John lived upon this Island for many years, and died there in 1850. Joel died the same year. The other brothers, except Lewis, who now lives in California, died several years previous. James Harvey and Nelson*R. Crane, residents of Chester, are sons of John Crane. 1802. — PAul Haiielston settled on the west side of the Kaskaskia river, in 1802, near the mouth of Camp's Greek. He became a very prominent man in' those early days, and held the office of Sheriff for a short time. Xo other information conld be obtained about him. Abu ah Leavitt was a soldier in Col. Pike's division, which came to Fort Gage in 1803. He obtained a dis« charge from the army, and made a farm one mile back of Garrison Hill. He lived upon this farm until a few years ago, when he died. A quiet, industrious citizen, he enjoyed the esteem of his neighbors. The place where he lived is now occupied by his son. 1803. — Robert Huggins, from South Carolina, settled in the Irish Settlement, in 1803. He lived there some years, and then moved into the Oppossumden Prairie. James Huggins, son of Robert, settled in Flat Prairie about the year 1817, and made the farm which is bow known as the " Arche McDill place." It was the fil*t farm in that Prairie. Thfe descendants of Hugqinb are now living in Perry County. 1804. — John Lacy came to Illinois from South Caro- lina in 1804, and settled upon the farm which has been known in later years as the " Major Adair place." He 84 HISTORICAL SKETCHES lived here some years, until his death. Major Adair married the widow Lacy. John Lacy, now living upon the same place, is a son of the pioneer. 1804. — In 1804, a numerous and valuable addition was made to the Irish Settlement at the mouth of Plumb Creek. John McClinton, David and James Ander- son, and Adam Hill, from Abbeville, South Carolina, with their families, numbering in the aggregate thirty- one members — nine of whom are yet living — arrived in this settlement, on the 25th day of December of that year. This company infused into the little settlement a life and activity hitherto unknown. John McClinton's wife died a few weeks after they arrived, and he died about one year alter her death, leaving three bohs — John, Samuel, and Willam — who were placed under the guardianship of the Hills and Anderson. John and William both died many years ago. Samuel located finally near Sparta, where he lived for many years, and became widely known as an active, respectable citizen. He died four or five years ago, leaving a large family. 1804. — David Anderson, who afterwards obtained the title of Colonel, was a leading and popular man in the community from the time of his arrival. He was a strong, athletic man, very benevolent and kind in his disposition, and a firm friend of the church. His merit became known beyond the limits of his own neighbor- hood, and he was often called upon to fill stations of official trust. As Colonel of the militia he was a favo- rite, and displayed an ability creditable to himself and the high position he filled. His sons all died while young. His oldest daughter married Uobert G. Shan- non. 18C4. — Jamkh An deb SON lived but a few years alter OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 8& coming to Illinois. He was noted for his retired, unas- suming disposition, and kindness of heart, lie left five sons — James, John, William, Thomas and David, all of whom became respectable citizens of the county. William and David are dead; the other three are still living. Thomas is a prominent member of the church. 1804. — Adam Hill settled on the farm .now occupied by Mrs. Kelly, near Evansville. Here he lived in the quiet pursuit of farming until his death. His sons, Joein, William, Adam, Robert and Samuel became well known citizens of the county. William is now living rn Marion county. John, Adam and Robert are dead. Samuel is living near the old place of his father, a kind, sociable citizen. 1804. — The Irish Settlement was increased by another party of emigrants from Abbeville, South Carolina, during the same year, or in the commencement of the year following. Absalom Cox, James and Archibald Thompson, William McBride and Robert McDonald, were the leaders of this party. Absalom Cox was elected in later years a Captain of a militia company. He was an important member of the community, and lived a useful life. He estab- lished a ferry across the Kaskaskia river, which is known to this day as "('ox's Ferry." He died on the farm where he settled, leaving four sons: — John, Wil- liam, Thomas and Absalom. John is now an old man living upon his father's farm. William lives adjoining the same place. Thomas and Absalom arc dead. 1804. — James Thompson located upon a farm in this settlement, and lived the life of an industrious, respect- able citizen. He was a man of patriotic feelings, and his country never called for his services without a 8 86 HISTORICAL SKETCHES ready response. His sons were Robert and Archi- bald ; the latter died in youth. Robert lived on Plumb Creek, where he died in 1830. His sons were James B., John B., Andrew and Robert. The former two are living in the settlement of their father ;tnd grandfather; the latter two are dead. 1804 — Archibald Thompson was a man of excellent character, and a very efficient member of the com- munity. He lived some years in the settlement where he first located, and then moved, in the year 1812, to a place two miles south of the present town of Evans- villo. Reaching an advanced age, he died in 1833. His sons were ROBERT, WlLLIAM, Moses, Archibald, John and James. Robert lived upon the farm, made by his father until he grew to be an old man, and died only a few weeks since. William settled two and a half miles south of Preston, where lie still resides. Moses settled about 1816 on the farm now occupied by John M. Thompson. lie afterward- moved to St. Clair County, and died there in 1840. AltCHlBALD went to Hitchcock Prairie in 1822, and lived there until his death, in 1856. His descendants are living in the same neighborhood. John Thompson became a prominent man in the county. He was once County Commissioner. In 1836 he was I a member of the Legislature, and died during the session of that body. James Thomtson, the young- est of the brothers, lived upon his father's farm until he died, in 1835. 1804. — William MoBride was a valuable constituent of the Irish Settlement. He labored much, and lived in a manner which rendered him a favorite in the com- munity. He was somewhat advanced, in age when he came, but he endured the privations of pioneer life very OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 87 well. He died in 1818. His sons, Thomas — who had a family when they came, John and William, settled around their father, and were industrious, highly es- teemed citizens. They are all dead now. Thomas left two sons — William and John. The former lives in Washington County; the -latter on the old place. William McBiude was Captain of a militia company in 1813, and once held the office of County Commis- sioner. Mrs. Wilson, now living in Chester, is the only surviving one of John McBride's family. 1804. — Borert McDonouoh remained in the settle- ment until his death. His family then moved away, and none of his descendants are now in the county. 1804. — In the same year — 1804 — Samuel Cochran located upon the land which is now known as the "Haskin farm." He was far out from the settlement at that time, and lived somewhat secluded, yet he was very sociable, and fond of company. He was an influential and popular man, and held several impor- tant offices. He died in Jackson County, in 1824. His sons were John, William, George, Alexander and Elisha. John improved a farm near the Bilderbacks,. and lived upon it until his death. William settled, lived and died upon the farm on which Joseph Hardin now resides, one mile northwest of Chester. Mrs. VanZa\i\ now living in Chester at an advanced age, is the daughter of Samuel Cochran. George moved to Jackson County, and there became a very prominent man. The other brothers also went to Jackson County. They were noted for their exploits in hunting. 180-1. — About this time a man by the name of Ems- ley Jones settled in the region of Liberty. Another man named Reed had settled in the same neighborhood. Jones and Reed got into a quarrel, which finally re- 88 HISTORICAL SKETCH E8 8ulteo*in Jones killing Reed, for which crime he was hung, in Kaskaskia. This was the first execution upon the gallows in Randolph County. A short time after- wards, an Indian was hung for murdering a white man. These are the only two instances where capital punish- ment has been resorted to within the limits of the county since it had an existence, and it is earnestly hoped that such a proceeding will never again blacken her fair fame. If, however, the necessity should occur, her courts must yield obedience to the requirements o£ imperative laws. 1805. — Alexander Barber came in 1805 from Ohio. He first settled near the Bilderbacks, on the east side of the Kaskaskia river. Being a man of strong native intellect, a clear judgment, and robust constitution, he took a leading position among the other stalwart char- acters of the settlement in which he located. His employment was farming, but, as the settlements in- creased, he was engaged in building mills. Skilled in this branch of business, and possessing great energy, he was a very useful man in the new country, and did much for its advancement. About the year 1825, ho located on the farm where he now resales, two miles north of Liberty, Here he erected a mill; and he has been engaged with mills nearly ever since. The name of Barber suggests the idea of a mill. More than forty years ago he was elected a Justice of the Peace — a position for which Nature seems to have designed him — and he still holds the office, having filled it during all that time without intermission. There is probably no man in Illinois who lias held that office 80 long, and probably no man that ever filled the office whose official acts have given such general satisfaction. A few months more and he will have attained his fourscore OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 89 years, yet he retains his intellectual faculties in their vigor and brightness. He has fifty-four years of the history of this county fresh in his memory. He be- longs to a generation past, but lives yet as a noble specimen of his compeers. Alexander Clark was another of those who came in 1805. He located three miles south of the present town of Evansville. How long he remained, or what position he occupied, could not be learned. 1805. — Joseph Lively came, in 1805, from Abbeville, South Carolina, and settled the Seymour farm, three miles north of Kaskaskia. He lived upon the farm until j.323, when he moved and settled in the lower end of Oppossumden Prairie. He moved the next year and settled upon the place where Judge John Campbell resides. He was active, industrious, and benevolent. He died in 1833. His sons were Amos, Shadrack, Enoch, Richard, James, and Reuben, who have be- come well known to the people of the county, and from whom a numerous descendancy has sprung. They were farmers, generally, and good neighbors. Some of them are yet living, though old men. 1805. — John Lively a brother of Joseph, who came at the same time, settled in the Prairie northeast of the Irish Settlement, from which circumstance the prairie has been called " Lively Prairie." He was the pioneer of that part of the county, and sustained his posi- tion in a manner which excites sentiments of pride in his descendants. He lived in this prairie during his life, which closed in 1826. Reuben Lively, who lives near Athens, in St. Clair County, is the oldest son of John Lively. His other sons were James, Turner, William and Hugh P. — the latter was accidentally killed by the falling of a tree. Turner and William are residents of *8 90 HISTORICAL SKETCHES the prairie where their father lived. James is dead. 1806. — In the year 1806, George Wilson and Samuel Crozier, from Abbeville, South Carolina, arrived in the county. George Wilson settled on- Plumb Creek near the forks. From there he went to the mouth of Dozar Creek, and remained until 1812, when he moved into the Fort. He lived in the Fort for some years after the settlers had returned to their homes. In 1827 he moved into Hitchcock Prairie, and lived there until hia death in 1857. ! Mr. Wilson was a man in whom were blended all those noble traits of character which dis- tinguished the early pioneers — high-minded, generous, brave. Through his long life he maintained a high position among his neighbors, and though he had reached the age of seventy -five when he died, his death was a loss felt by the community. His sons are John A., George, William L., James and Andrew. John A. Wilson has filled the office of Sheriff of the county, and is now the Mayor of the city of Sparta. George lives upon the old place of his father. William L. is a citizen of Chester. James lives near the old place in the prairie. 1806. — Samuel CrOzier opened a farm on Nino Mile Creek, two miles south of the location of Evansville. Ho. was a man of high intellectual abilities, sociable and benevolent, lie rose to position and influence without an effort. In 1827 he was chosen a member of the Legislature. He died in 1831. His sons were John, James, Andrew, Archibald and Samuel B. John Crozier settled upon the site of Red Bud in Horse Prairie, in 1824. He was the father of Samuel Crozier who was one of the founders, and a highly esteemed citizen of Red Bud, and who died a few weeks ago; also James, who is* still living in that town, and OP RANDOLPH COUNTY. 91 Thomas. The brothers of John Crozier became citi- zens of the county, and lived in it until they died. The Crozier family has always sustained a very respectable position in the community. Mr. Mansker, father of Samuel Mansker, made a settlement on Liberty Island, in 1806, but the farm he made washed away in a few years, and he removed. Samuel Mansker settled upon the farm where he now lives in the same year that his father located upon the Island. He has been a sturdy, persevering and respect- able citizen. 1807. — John Campbell, from Abbeville, South Caro- lina, settled near the mouth of Nine Mile Creek, in 1807. He lived upon that place until 1820, when he moved to a place four miles east of Evansville, and died there in 1827. His life was that of an unassuming, retired and respectable citizen. His sons, John, Samuel, Archi- bald and James all settled in the neighborhood of their father. 1807. — During the year 1807, John Taqgart, from South Carolina, came to the county. He remained for some time about Kaskaskia, finally joined the ranging service, and after receiving his discharge he settled upon the farm where he now resides, about nine miles north of Chester. Amos Taggart, who lives on the Chester and Sparta road, is a son of John. 1807. — Daniel Taggart, brother of John, came from South Carolina at the same time. He .was also in the ranging service, and after the company was disbanded he located upon a farm near his brother. His sons are John, William, Amos and Daniel, all of whom are liv- ing in the neighborhood of their father. 1807. — John Steele, from Tennessee, came to the county in 1807. Possessing a remarkable degree of 92 HISTORICAL SKETCHES self-reliance and < courage, he passed bejond the limits of the settlements already made, and located near liJiere Steelesville now stands. Here he formed the nucleus of a settlement, which increased rapidly. Dur- i«£ his long life he displayed the same energy in every undertaking as he had done in establishing this settle- ment. He was a man of sterling worth — a noble speci- men of the pioneers. His sons were George, Archi- bald, James, John, and Thomas, from whom the numerous family bearing their namo, living around Steelesville, have descended. George Steele was the founder of Georgetown, since called Steelesville, and the proprietor of Steele's Mills, a point widely known in early times. He was a man of enterprising energy, and a very useful citizen. He was the father of James and Thomas Steele. Archibald Steele, the second son ot the pioneer, opened' a -farm one-half mile southwest of Steelesville, and lived there until his death, a few months ago. In- heriting the characteristics of his father, he was a lead- ing, influential member of the community in which he lived. He was the father of Anthony, Jefferson, Eilen, Merrit, Jasper, and Lindsay. Anthony now holds the office of Sheriff. James Steele remained a citizen of the county until 1849, when he moved away to Iowa. John and Thomas are living near Steelesville. 1808. — In tliis year, one of the most remarkabio pioneers that figured in the county, came and settled about three miles south of Steelesville. That man was Jacob Bowerman. Decision of character was a lead- ing trait, and shone out in all his operations. He was a representative man, and filled the position of a leader with marked abdity. His ingenuity was unbounded. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 93 He was master of almost every trade, and from the fertility of his genius he, could manufacture guns, though he never served an apprenticeship to the trade. Asa marksman, with the rifle he had no superior. He lived on the farm where he first settled only a short time, then opened the farm on which Archibald Steele lived during life, and afterwards settled upon the farm, on the western side of Stcelcsville, which is known as the " old Bowerman place." He had four sons — Jonathan, Jesse, Michael, and William — three of whom are yet living — Jesse being dead. Jonathan resides in Jackson county; Michael lives three miles south of Steelcsville; and William lives three miles north of the same place. 1808. — In this year, another addition was made to the Irish Settlement. Robert Foster and John An- derson arrived from South Carolina, Abbeville Dis- trict, having made that long journey on horseback. Foster first located near the settlement of Miller and McCormack, where James and George McCormack now live. He afterwards moved on to Plumb Creek, and erected a steam distillery and a horse-mill. With this appendage to the settlement, inducements were offered to immigrants which brought many to it. Fos- ter's mill was the center of attraction — the place for all public gatherings, musters, &c. Mr. Foster, as,his works indicate, was a man for the times — enterprising, determined, and accommodating. Possessing a practi- cal judgment, his efforts were directed to such projects as promised to advance the public interests. He wae sometimes called to fill official stations, which he did with high satisfaction. He was a devoted friend of the church, and a Christian in the fullest sense of the term. He died in 1831. His sons were Samuel, John, James 94 HISTORICAL SKETCHES A., William, and Damp. Samuel died in Sparta, some years ago. John died before Samuel. James A. Foster was one of the founders of Sparta, and he has been a successful merchant of that place for many years. David and William Foster reside near Sparta. 1808. — John Anderson settled near tbe farm of his brother, "Col. Anderson, and there lived until bis death. He was a faithful friend of the church, and tilled tbc office of ruling elder from the time tbe church was or- ganized until bis death, in which position he acted well his part. He held the offiec of Justice of the Peace for a great number of years. 1808. — A Mr. Henderson, from South Carolina, came in 1808, and settled upon tbe farm now occupied by James Walsh, on the western side of the Kaskaskia river, at Evansville. 1808. — John Clendenin, from Green county, Ken- tucky, came to Illinois in 1808, and settled upon tho farm which for a long time was known by the name of the "Porter place," now an addition to ('bestir. He was a revolutionary soldier, and an excellent represent' ativeoftbat class of brave, patriotic men. It is related pf him, that once while guarding some prisoners, a lady came and asked of him permission to see her brother, who was a prisoner. Too gallant to refuse tbe lady tho privilege of seeing her brother, and confiding in her integrity, be divested himself of bis uniform and loaned it to her. She put it on, made the visit to her brother, and returned it to him according to her prom- ise. Tbis incident is a mirror which reflects tho noble- character of tbe man. His life among tbe pioneers was that of a high-minded, honorable, industrious citi- zen — and to which his descendants may revert with OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 96 sentiments of pride. James, Henry, John, and Harvey Clendenin, who have filled so large a spaco in the his- tory of Randolph County, wore his sons; all of whom were approaching manhood when they arrived in Illi- nois. James Clendenin opened the farm where Har- vey Lemons now lives, and afterwards moved to the neighborhood of Liberty, where he died, in 1851. He was the father of Simpson and John H. Clendenin. Henry Clendenin died in early life, leaving no family. John Clendenin is yet living, having spent fifty-one years of bis life amidst the scenes and events of Ran- dolph County. lie is the father of James Harvey, and Henry Simpson Clendenin. Harvey Clendenin became a prominent man in the county, and filled the Office of County Commissioner, in which position he distinguished himself as a man oft sound judgment and clear discrimination. Ho was the father of ESphbaim R., John C, Samuel, Harvey ; and Henry Clendenin, who have become well known citiv zens of tho county. 1808. — Richard Robbison came from South Carolina, in 1808, and first settled in the Bildorback Settlement, but aftewards ho moved into the region of the Steele Settlement. Horo he lived and raised a large family. His sons are John, Joseph, Richard, James, Shadraok, William, Thomas, and Jefferson, from whom the numerous family of that name now living in tho county have descended. 1808. — Andrew McCormack settled in the Bilder.* back settlement in the year 1808. His sons, James and George, live in tho same neighborhood where their, father located. 1808.— John Miller settled in the same neighbor- hood about the same time. 98 HISTORICAL SKETCHE8 1808. — James White came from South Carolina in 1808, and settled on the hills one-half mile north of the road from Chester to Stcelesville, where the road Crosses Mary's river. 1808. — Augustus Davis first settled, in 18d8, near Kaskaskia, and afterwards moved to the Steele Settle- ment. Some of his descendants are still living in the county. 1808. — William Barnett came from Kentucky, and located in the Irish Settlement. He was a man of in- dustrious habits, retired disposition, yet hold and firm •when necessity required it. He died in 1X18. His sons were John and William Barnett. John lived upon his father's farm, and reared a large family. William M., Alexander C, Samuel, Corrydon and John Barnett were his sons. Corrydon is the only one now living. William, the second son of the pioneer, was drowned. He was out in the campaign against the Indians in 1813, and when returning home, having reached Plumb creek, only two miles distant from his father's house, he was drowned. 1809. — John Bkatte was added to the Irish Settle- ment in 1809. He was from Abbeville, South Carolina, and became a valuable citizen in the community. Ho was retired and very quiet, yet a man of much force and decision of character. John, Andrew and Charles BEATTEwere his sons. John and Andrew died several years ago, leaving large families. Charles is still liv- ing. 1809. — Chest-ey Allen, from Virginia, settled in Horse Prairie, in 1809, and formed the nucleus for a settlement in that region of the county. He was a man possessing all the qualifications of a pioneer leader, and left a memory revered and esteemed by his neighbors. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 97 His sons were James, John, Albert, William and Miner, who became highly respected citizens of that prairie. John W. Allen, now a citizen of Ked Bud, is the son of James Allen; and James R. Allen, a mer- chant of the same place; is'the son of John Allen. 1809. — Raleigh Ralls, settled in Horse Prairie about the same time of Allen. He came from Virginia, and brought with him the characteristics of a Virginia gen- tleman. Edward and John Ralls who became promi- nent citizens of that prairie were his sons. John was known a* a pioneer preacher, and he filled the duties of that sacred office until his death, in 1857. James M. Ralls, who is Clerk of the Circuit Court, is a son of Rev. John Ralls. 1809. — Edward Faherty located on the southern border of Horse Prairie in 1809, and lived there, a highly respected citizen, until his death. Patrick and John Faherty, now living in the prairie, are his sons. 1809. — This year came Ezra Owens and Thomas J. V., his son, who settled in the Dr. Fisher neighborhood. Owens became a prominent man. Ho was chosen Major of the militia, and filled the office with credita- ble ability. His son Thomas J. V. Owens filled the office of Sheriff at one time, and was a member of the Legislature. During the period of ten years, from 1800, through which the arrival of the settlers have been faithfully chronicled, according to the best available data, no event occurred of special moment. From this time, however, commenced the Indian troubles which con- tinued until after the close of the war of 1812. Fortu- nately, howevor, for the infant settlements of this county, they were free from those midnight butcheries which were visited upon the settlements in other por- 9 9^ HISTOHICAL SKETCHES tions of the surrounding country. In Washington County the family of John Lively — a relative of those of that name who had settled in this county — foil vic- tims to savage barbarity. One afternoon, when all the family but two were gathered within the cabin, the Indians came, brutally murdered every one in the house, and then set fire to it, and consumed the freshly made corpses with the timbers of the building. As no one present was left to tell the particulars of this horrible tragedy, they have never beon known. A son of Mr. Lively — William — who was then a small boy, was out at the time of the murder, hunting horses. On re- turning he discovered the flames and smoke rising from his father's cabin, and fearing lest the sad reality was true, he went away to a neighbor's house and gave the information -of what he had seen. They went and found only the crisped and charred forms of their friends smouldering in the ashes of the cabin. William and Jane, a little girl, who happened to bo visiting some of her little friends in the neighborhood, escaped the ter- rible fate of their parents, and brothers and sisters, and are yet living. William is one of the oldest citizens in Washington County. Jane married William Cau- dle, of this county and is the mother of a large family, and still living at an extreme old age. From 1810, until after the close of the war of 1812, there was but little emigration to the county, and but little advancement of any kind. There was but one arrival in 1811 — that of Michael Harmon, an emi- grant from Tennessee. He explored the country around Kaskaskia, and decided to settle in the region now known as the "Harmon Settlement." He returned to Tennessee and brought out his family. In the ensuing fall he died, leaving his seven sons t<> maintain the OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 99 ground he had claimed, for cultivation. They all net- tled around the place where their father died, and gave to the region an importance which attracted attention at the time, and which is well known over the county yet. Five of the sons of the pioneer are yet living — Joseph, Abraham, George, John, and James — and around them live their children and grandchildren. This is probably the most densely populated of any settlement now in the county. Twenty-two years ago, a Methodist society was organized in the settlement, by Rev, Lopez, and has been an institution ever since, under the supervision of the Southern Illinois Confer- ence. In 1855, a church edifice was completed and christened " Palestine Church." With Harmon's family came John Youno, who located upon the farm now occupied by Mr. Hargus, in the region of Ellis' Grove. Stephen Young, living in the same neighborhood, is a son of John Young. 1812. — In 1812, William Nelson, (an Irishman by birth,) from Abbeville, South Carolina, settled on Horse Creek. He was a man of enterprising habits, and erected a distillery, which gave to his place an attractive importance. He became a prominent man, and held the office of County Commissioner, and was Justice of the Peace for a long term of years. He died in 184-4, upwards of seventy years of age. He had four sons — John G., Isaac, William, Eobert, and Wilson — all of whom (except the last one,) became citizens of the county. John G. Nelson was often elected Justice of the Peace, and at one time was elected County Commissioner. He died in 1852. Isaac H. Nelson, Clerk of the County Court, is a son of John G. Nelson. Isaac is still living upon the old place of his father, having filled the office of Justice of the 100 HISTORICAL SKETCHES Peace for many years. William and Robert settled, lived, and died close by the farm where their father settled. 1812. — Hugh Leslie came from Abbeville, South Carolina, with Nelson; Samuel, and Matthew Leslie, living in Hill Prairie, are his sons. During the year 1812, the hostility of the Indians rendered it necessary for all the settlements to seek protection in the Forts. A block house, or fort, was erected in some central position in all the principal set- tlements. One was orected in the Irish Settlement, of convenient size to accommodate all the settlers. An- other one was erected in Dr. Fisher's neighborhood; another at Georgetown; another at Jacob Bowerman's. The settlers on the east side of the Kaskaskia river took refuge in Fort Gage. The people abandoned their pri vate houses, and quartered in these forts, living as one family, adopting for tho time being something of a com- munity system. The men pursued their ordinary busi- ness, but never left the forts without their guns. They were sometimes attacked while in the field at work, but no instance of a murder has been found. 1814. — James and Samuel Thomson, from Abbeville, South Carolina, arrived at Kaskaskia in 1814. They were both young men. James taught school in Kas- kaskia three years, then located upon the farm where he now resides. He was skilled in surveying, and was employed for twenty years in the United States Sur- veying Service, and has in late years filled the office of County Surveyor, several terms; and he is now the chief deputy in that office, with its full control and management. He commanded a company of militia in the Black Hawk war. Under Governor Reynold's administration ho was appointed Judge of the Probate 'OF- RANDOLPH COUNTY. 101 Court, in which position he continued during seventeen successive years. In all these stations he discharged his duties in a manner that won universal satisfaction. His profession is that of a surveyor.; and whenever the name of James Thompson is mentioned, the idea of surveying is suggested. His foot has probably made its impress upon every section of land in Randolph county. John P. Thompson, who died in 1851, while holding the office of Sheriff, was the oldest son of James Thompson. Samuel Thompson, brother of James, was also a Surveyor, and often held that office in the county. He, too, was employed in the United States Surveying Ser-. vice for many years. He died about the year 1848, leaving a large and respectable family. 1814. — "William and John Allen, from Georgia to Ohio, from whence they came to Illinois, in 1814, settled adjoining the Irish Settlement. They were upright, honorable men, and highly esteemed by the community- William died at North's Ferry, on the Kaskaskia river, about the year 1840. John died five years later. Aaron M. Allen, a prominent merchant of Sparta, is the son of John Allen. 1815. — Alexander Gaston, from Kentucky, settled upon the John McFarland place in 1815. Ho was succeeded by his son, Alexander, who lived and died upon the same place. 1816. — Andrew Barders came to the Irish Settle- ment in 1816. He was then a young man, full of hope and vigor. He lived for a time with Robert Foster, and attended his distillery. Afterwards' he located upon the farm where he now lives. Possessing a strong, robust constitution, a vigorous mind, and clear judgment, he has been the leader of his neighborhood; *9 102 HISTORICAL SKETCHES and by his industry, economy and. cautiousness in tra- ding, he has become very wealthy. 1816. — Thomas Mudd, from Kentucky, came in 1816, with seven sons — Jamks, Francis. Edward, Joseph, Piielix, John, and Willtam — all of whom settled on the high lands in the prairie hack of Prairie du Pioeher.. This family has always occupied a very respectable position in this county. Three of the seven brothers are yet living — Edward, (who lives in Iowa,) Francis and John live where they settled forty-two years ago. William Mudd, who is an Associate Jus- tice of the County Court, is a son of James Mudd. The family has heroine very numerous. Isiij. — Samuel Crawford, from Tennessee, came in 1816. His residence was transient until 1819, when he settled in the lower end of Oppossumden Prairie. He became a popular man, and was often promoted to official stations. He held the office of Justice of the Peace, was Receiver of Public Monies in the Land Office, at Kaskaskia, and served one sossiqn in the Leg r islature. His sons were James H., Hugh M., William, tJrACE, and John. James lives in Galena. Hugh in Oamptown, and William in Florence ; Stace and John both died in California. Hugh and William have held the office of Justice of the Peace. 1816. — William Fowler came from South Carolina, and made the farm on which Abram Harmon, Sr., now livos. Ho was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and a zeniouw patriot. When he died, in 1846, his death was deeply regretted by those who had an opportunity of* ■MRVjihtihg Ms worth. He had three son>, only two tit whom came t i this county — James and Washing- .! \vr>s live 1 ii ar his father some years, nnd then ■n >» '1 to lV:--; ' mntv. TTis tw<> sons, Wit.t.iam and OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 103 John, became citizens of this county, and died here — the former in 1856, the latter in 1850. "Washington lived and died in the neighborhood whore his father settled. His children live around the old place. 1816. — John Layne came from Tennessee, and settled near Georgetown, where he died. Elisha Layne, now living in Chester, is the only son of John Layne now in the county. 1816. — James Slater settled near the residence of Hughs in this year, and lived there until his death. Joseph Slater, living in the same neighborhood, is the only son now remaining in the county. 1816. — In this year, Cornelius Adkins made a set- tlement in the lower end of Short's Prairie. He re- mained there many years. 1816. — Benjamin Brown settled in the Bradley neigh- borhood. How long he remained here, or whether his descendants are in the county, could not be ascertained. 1816. — In the same year, Emanuel Canady came from Tennessee, mid settled near the Steeles. He afterwards moved to the Bradley settlement, where he still resides. Though he has passed through the priva- tions of pioneer Life, and reached an old age, he is still strong and active. 1817.— In 1817, "the Bradley family settled in the region of Shiloh, and opened the way for the settle- ment of that part of the county. Each member of this family was a tower of strength within himself. In all those enterprises, whether civil or military, which interested the public, the name of Bradley was conspicuous. J amks, Franklin? William and Biciiard Bradley arc now the representatives of the family, an<4 arc old men. Their descendants are naiso-'o is. 1817 — 'txrO'' r.lvv-j n.vn ? i > th? cnnt.y ir*\l317, 104 HISTORICAL SKETCHES and opened a farm near the Irish Settlement, where he lived until his death. Such was his character that his descendants, who have risen to high positions, may regard him with feelings of pleasure. His sons are John, William, Eobert, and Alexander. John came to the county some years after his father, and lives five miles northwest of Chester. He once held the office of Judge of County Commissioner's Court, from which fact the appellation of " Judge" has been given him, and by that title he is well known. He is the father of a large .and respectable family. William Mann still lives near the place where his father settled, and has his children around hiin, who are active members in the community. Eobert Mann has filled several im- portant offices — was an officer in a company of militia that went out in the Black Hawk campaign, once represented the county in the Legislature, and filled the office of School Commissioner. Alexander Mann lives upon the old place made by his father. 1817. — Colonel Gabriel Jones, from Adair County, Kentucky, came in the year 1817, and settled on the farm one mile west of Steelesville, which is widely known as the " old Col. Jones place." His talents, energy, activity, and high sense of honor, placed him forward as a leader, and he became a prominent actor in all the public matters of those times. In the Black Hawk war he was promoted to the position of Colonel, and he distinguished himself as an able officer and gal- lant soldier. He has represented the county in the General Assembly, and filled other offices of responsible trust. He is now the Mayor of the city of Chester, and holds the office of Justice of the Peace. Though he has reached the sere of life, he is yet active and vig- orous. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 105 1817. — Ignatius Sprigg, an emigrant, from Maryland, settled in the American Bottom, between Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher, on the Rector farm, in 1817. He was another of the sound, practical, honorable minded pioneers, and the people often testified their appreciation of his worth by electing him to positions of responsible trust — first to the office of County Treasurer, and next to that of Sheriff, which he held during a period of ten years. He is now a citizen of Arkansas, engaged in the United States Surveying Ser- vice. 1817. — James and Henry O'Hara came to the county in this year, and settled in the region where James now lives. Both of these men have occupied positions of official trust, and stand high in the estima- tion of the people. They are both still living, having attained an old age. The settlement where they live has taken their name, and assumed a position of note and importance. St. Patrick's Church was organized in this settlement some years ago, and in 1853, a church building was erected under the supervision of Father Hane. Father Gifford, a very old man, is now the officiating priest. 1817. — Curtis Coon came to Kaskaskia about the year 1817. He was a native of Boston, Massachusetts, and had spent several years in the West Indies engaged in heavy commercial transactions. After remaining a year in Kaskaskia he purchased and settled upon the Haskin farm two miles southwest of Chester. His talents were of a high order, and he possessed an energy and business qualifications which peculiarly fitted him for public office. He filled the office of Judge of the Probate Court for a term of years, and his offi- cial acts in that Court were usually regarded with high 10t> HISTORICAL SKETCHES satisfaction. In every station where he presided he was a model. 1817. — Daniel Alexander, from' Maine, came to the county in 1817. For a time he worked at the mouth of Okaw; then purchased a farm in the Hughs settle- ment, which he afterwards sold to Charles Stratton. Some years ago he went to Texas, and was murdered there. 1817. — James McFarlanp came from South Caro- lina and settled on the west fork of Mary's river, near the Kaskaskia road, and lived there until his death. Andrew McFarland, who lives in the same neighbor- hood, is the only surviving son of James McFarland. 1817. — Samuel Nisbet from South Carolina, made a settlement one mile east of Eden, in 1817. He w T as an industrious, honorable man, and a firm friend of the church. But few men ever possessed the faculties of en- during the privations of a pioneer country more than he. He is still living. 1817. — William Morris, from Ohio, settled in the Oppossumden Prairie in 1817. His son lives upon the same place. 1817. — In this year, or shortly afterwards, Gwin, Barrows, Houseman and some others, settled in the Bradly Settlement. They were valuable additions to that community, and men of high character. Their descendants are numerous and respectable. 1817. — Henry Will settled upon the point of the bluff above Kaskaskia in 1817. His character was that of an industrious farmer and good neighbor. His son, Daniel Will, now lives upon the same place. Around this point an important settlement was formed, and a church organization was made several years ago. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 107 1818. — Joseph and Thomas Orr, from Virginia, set- tled in the O'Hara neighborhood in 1818. Joseph was chosen Major of a militia regiment, which post he tilled with creditable ability. He was an early citizen of Sparta, and died in that place in 1850. Thomas moved to Pike County in 1829. 1818. — Benedict Harrel was added to the O'Hara Settlement in 1818; Cornelius and Thomas Harrel now living in the same neighborhood are hts sons. 1818. — John Brewer, another emigrant from Ken- tucky, came to the O'Hara Settlement in 1818. He brought with him six sons — Thomas, Felix, Vincent, George, Pius, and John, all of whom became impor- tant constituents of the community. John once filled the office of County Commissioner, and is now a Justice of the Peace. 1818. — The Hull family arrived in the O'Hara set- tlement in 1818. They were from Kentucky — four brothers — Norton, Samuel, Lewis, and Thomas. Nor- ton Hull was a conspicuous man, having conferred upon him the office of Captain of a militia company. He and his brother Samuel died where they located. Thomas and Lewis died in Pike County. 1818. — In this year, Kev. Silas Crisler, from Boone County, Kentucky, arrived in Illinois, and made a farm six miles east of Kaskaskia, not far from the Harmon Settlement. Possessing strong natural faculties, a large amount of kindness and generosity, and some eccentricity, he became widely known, and highly esteemed. Much of his time was devoted to his sacred calling. Gravel Creek Church, of which he was the founder and pastor for many years, was among the first Baptist churches in Illinois. He died in 1851. His three sons — Abel, Leonard and John are all living, 108 HISTORICAL SKETCHES tiaving been highly respected citizens of the county dur- ing life. 1818. — Amasa Aldrich, a native of Worcester Coun- ty, Massachusetts, came to Kaskaskia, in 1818. He remained a few years, and then located upon a farm two miles north of Chester, in a region around which there were no settlements near. He was the pioneer of his settlement. In 1853 he died, having lived to see the country around changed from a wild into a thickly settled and highly cultivated district. 1819. — Alexander Campbell, from Tennessee, came to the Irish Settlement in 1819. He remained here a few j'ears, then removed to a farm near the Bowerman Settlement. He was a quiet, good, industrious citizen, and died in 1827, leaving a large family. His sons were Edward, John, Andrew, "William and Alexan- der. The latter three are dead. Edward lives near his father's old place. Has been County Commissioner and Justice of the Peace. In 1838, John Campbell was elected to the office of Sheriff, and continued in that position ten successive years; was afterwards elected Judge of the County Court, then Sheriff again; and he now holds the office of Judge of the County Court. 1819. — Eli Short was an emigrant from Kentucky. He settled on the eastern edge of the prairie which bears his name, and lived there until his death, in 1844. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, having enlisted in a Kentucky regiment, and was at the celebrated bat- tle of Tippecanoe, where he received a wound, from which he never fully recovered. He drew a pension as long as he lived. Seeing the v^ant of Gospel ministers in the new country, he commenced preaching, and con- tinued to discharge the duties of his holy office until he OF RANDOT.PH COUNTY. 10d died. His oldest son, Abraham, remained in Ken- tucky, and died there. Three others came with him to Illinois. Denard Short settled near his father, and died in 1830. John is still living, and occupies a form two miles east of Steelesville* Jefferson Short went out in the campaign against the Indians in the Black Hawk war, and was killed. 1819. — David Hathorn came from Ohio, and settled first near the present location of Evansville. In 1825, he located in the southern end Of Oppossumden Prai- rie, where he remained until his death. He was a good citizen, and hore the" part of a high-minded, generous man. His sons were Samuel, James, Thomas, David, and William, of whom James alone is living. 1819. — James Baird, from Ohio, came in 1819, and settled the place three miles south of Sparta, now occu- pied by Alexander Wylie. In his younger days he was strong, athletic, and a leading man. He is now in the sere of life, and his friends are as numerous as his acquaintances. One of his sons, John Baird^ is Judge of the County Court of Perry County. 1819. — Adanijah Ball made a settlement upon Rock Castle Creek, in 1819 — penetrating a little farther into the wilderness. He lived and died in that region. One of his sons, Franklin Ball, became a prominent man, and once represented the county in the General Assem- bly. He died in 1856. 1819. — Arthur Parks came out from Kentucky in the spring of 1819, and cultivated a crop during the summer. In the fall he returned and brought his family. He made a farm on the eastern end of Lively Prairie, where he spent the remainder of his life, which closed in 1814. Possessed of a strong, practical mind, and discriminating judgment, he was a man in whom 10 110 HISTORICAL SKETCHES the people placed confidence. He once held the office of County Commissioner, and was a Justice of the Peace for a great number of years. He had eight sons, four of whom are now citizens of the county; James B. Parks, of Sparta, who has held the office of County Surveyor; John Parks, of Chester; Arthur and Al- fred, who live upon the farm of their father. 1819. — George Stratton came in 1819, and settled in the American Bottom. Soon afterwards he bought the land on which that part of Chester situated upon the hill now stands, and made a farm which embraced what is now known as the Buena Vista Addition. 1819. — Isaac Bust, a native of Maine, who had spent several years at sea, came to Kaskaskia in 1819. After remaining a few years, he went to sea again, and spent a year upon the "Ocean Wave;" then returned and located permanently in Kaskaskia. He was a wagon maker, and introduced an improved style of that vehicle among the people of that village. In 1836, he purchased and moved upon the farm two miles east of Chester, where he now lives. Firmness, decision, in- dustry and generosity are the leading traits of his character. He is the main pillar of the community around him, and often neighborhood difficulties are referred to him for adjudication. The appeal of want never reached his ear without a cheerful response. 1819. — Shelton Evans and Levi Simmons, settled on the point below Kaskaskia in 1819, or probably before that date. In 1825 they moved and located permanently in Horse Prairie. Emanuel Evans, living near Bed Bud, is a son of Shelton Evans. Levi Simmons left a large family. One of his sons, William Simmons, was a joint proprietor of Bed Bad. 1820. — Bobkrt Bratney came from Tennessee to OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. Ill the Irish Settlement, in 1820. His life was that of an industrious farmer, good citizen, "and generous neigh- bor. But one of his sons came to this county with him. He settled upon Plumb Creek, and lived a long and useful life in that community. He w T a3 the father of John B., Robert N. and James C. Bratney, all citizens of the same neighborhood where their father lived and died. John.B. Bratney holds the office of Justice of the Peace. 1820. — Martin Smith, an emigrant from the State of New York, came to the county in 1820. The greater part of his life was spent in Randolph County. His only surviving son, John S. Smith, now well advanced in years, lives two miles from Chester, on the Plank Road. He improved this farm more than thirty year* ago, and he has spent his life thus far upon it. He is a quiet, industrious, intelligent, gooH citizen, and an ac- commodating neighbor. 1820. — John Thomison made a farm in 1820, four miles west of Sparta, where he lived several years. Towards the close of his life he spent his time with his children, in Short's Prairie. George Thomison, a highly respected citizen and merchant of Steelesville, is a son of John Thomison. 1820. — Mr. Adams, from Kentucky, settled in Horse Prairie, about the year 1820. He was an excellent representative of the Kentucky pioneers. His son, Samuel B. Adams, is a prominent citizen of that prairie, and has filled the office of Associate Justice of the County Court. He now holds the office of Justice of the Peace. 1820.— About the year 1820, the McDills— Thomas, William, and John, settled in the region around the present city of Sparta. They became the leading men 112 HISTORICAL SKETCHES of that part of the county. Thomas McDill is }'et living at an extreme old age, an admirable representa- tive of a past generation. He made a farm one mile and a half west of the location of Sparta, and has lived upon it ever since. William and John settled in Flat Prairie, where they lived, highly esteemed citi- zens, for a long series of years. The descendants of these men are numerous. 1820. — Alexander Alexander came in the latter part of 1819, or the beginning of 1820. He was from Chester, South Carolina, and located upon a farm one mile south of the locality of Eden. He was the pio- neer of that now populous and wealthy region. His five sons are still living, respectable, industrious citizens like their father. 1820. — John and Samuel Cochran, from Beliiist, Maine, arrived in the county in 1820. John first set tied upon the farm now belonging to Mr. Darwin. near the mouth of Mary's river. Soon afterwards lie settled upon the farm now occupied by Isaac Rust He moved away to Hancock County about the y<-;, •■ 1829. Andrew Cochran made the farm two miles ami a half from Chester on the plank road, which is occupi»"l by the Widow Douglas. He moved to HancotV, County about the year 1830. 1820. — About this year, or probably the year before, David Carthcart, John Dickey, and John McMillen, came and settled in the lower end of Flat Prairie. The arrival of these three men with their families added much strength to the little settlement, and gave it a prominence and character which induced others to set tie in it. They became influential, highly esteem*. ' citizens. Their descendants are now numerous, acH amonsf the best citizens of that region. OF RANDOLPH COUNTY lis lsiM. — Kuenezer Alexander, from Chester, South Carolina, and James Anderson, from Pittsburgh, came to the settlement in the lower end of Flat Prairie, in 1821. Mr. Alexander is still living, having spent nearly forty years of an industrious, useful life in the same neighborhood. Ih" has a large family. James Anderson was an intelligent, honorable, high- minded citizen, and died much lamented. lie left two sons — Francis B. Anderson, Esq., of Sparta, who occupies a respectable position at the Randolph County Bar, and James Anderson, a respectable farmer, living near his father's old place. 1822. — This year, Samuel Douolas, with James Bean, Thomas McBride, James Redpath, and some others, made a settlement in Hitchcock Prairie. Sam- uel Douolas came to Illinois in 1804, with John and James Anderson. He was then hut ten years old. Having reached man's estate, he married and located as previously stated, and became an influential, leading man in his settlement. He once held the office of County Commissioner. His five sons — John A., Arch- ibald, Georoe V?.. Samuel II., and James T. Douolas, are all living, and their descendants are numerous. James Coulter, John and Alexander McKelvey, settled in the Grand Cote Prairie, in the northeastern part of the county, in 1822, and were, therefore, the pioneers of that region. They are all still living, hav- ing gathered around I hem a numerous population. They have always held a respectable, position in the community, and siood high in the church. in the same year, Klisiia, Georoe, Charles, and Fortiss Hitchcock, settled in that prairie, fxpiu whom it has taken its name. There is none of this family now remaining in the prairie. *ln 114 HISTORICAL SKETCHES Sometime previous to 1825, William Gwin, Burke, Houseman, and James Gillespie, hud settled in the region of the Bradleys. The descendants of Gwin are living in the same neighborhood. John K., and Thomas C. Burke, sons of the pioneer, are leading men in that community. James M. Houseman, a respectable farmer in that region, is a son of the pio- neer. James Gillespie is still living, and the people of the county have often testified their appreciation of his worth by electing him a member of the County Court. He now holds the position of Associate Jus- tice. [Thus meeting each pioneer as he arrived, and noting the locality of his settlement, a mirror-like view of the settlement of the county has been presented. It is -difficult to decide at precisely what period of time the immigrants ceased to be pioneers, but reference has been made to them just so long as it was required to settle the various districts or settlements of the county. Omissions have probably occurred; indeed, if they have -not, it is remarkable. There may be some inaccuracies respecting dates. The authority which was considered most reliable has been followed, though it has been difficult to decide, in some instances where a difference has occurred, which was entitled to preference.] Scattering settlements having been made in nearly all purls of the enmity, the transition from the wild State in which it was found, commenced with deter- mined certainty. Making farms and raising corn was the chief occupation of the settlers until about the year 1 *_'.">, when they commenced planting and exporting OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 115 cotton. During the next five years, much attention was given to the production of this article in the neigh- borhood of Columbus, (now Sparta,) and several cotton gins had been erected. In 1830, about eighty bales of cotton, of good quality, were exported from Smith's Landing, (now Chester.) The production of cotton gradually gave way to the raising of castor beans, which, for some years, was the chief article of commerce. Oil mills were erected in various parts of the county, for the manufacture of castor oil, which was shipped to eastern markets, and always supplied the country with money. About the year 1839-40, the Messrs. Cole, who had erected a steam flouring mill at Chester, commenced exporting flour to Southern and Eastern markets. This induced the cultivation of wheat, which has gradually increased until now it is the staple crop. Corn, oats, and hay have grown to be important crops, and great quantities above home consumption are annually expor ted to foreign markets. In the past twenty years the increase in every de- partment of agriculture has been most wonderful. There are now thirteen first class merchant mills in successful operation, and yet great quantities of wheat are shipped to distant markets. The production of fruit has become an important item of commerce, and the soil and climate are found to be well adapted to its successful growth. Irish potatoes have proved a profit- able crop, and farmers are devoting much attention to its cultivation. The county contains about five hundred and sixty square miles of Territory. Its western boundary is the Mississippi river — forty miles in extent. The Kaskas- kia river, navigable during a greater part of the season, 116 HISTORICAL SKKTCI1KS divides it nearly through the centre. It> northern and eastern boundaries include the extreme points of the great prairies of the State. Along its southern border stands a heavy growth of timber. The interior is an intermixture of the boundaries. Though the agricultural capacity of theeounty is im- mense, its great source of wealth is stone coal. Nearly the area of three townships, in the centre, is underlaid, with a seam of stone coal, of a superior quality, vary- ing from two to six feet in thickness. The population of the county is about twenty thous- and. The census to be taken next year will probably show a greater number, as the population is increasing rapidly. For more minute particulars of the progress of busi- ness, and its present commercial capacity, the reader is referred to the sketches of the cities ami towns which follow. RANDOLPH COUNTY AGRICULTU- RAL SOCIETY. In the year 1851, the enterprising farmers of Flat Prairie conceived the idea of organizing an Agricul- tural Society. On the 9th of January, 1852, the Messrs. Addison, Crawford, Ckaiq, Robertson, Brown, Beattie, and a few others, met together and constituted the society. Robert Brown was chosen President. Jacob B. Beattie, Treasurer, and William Addison, Secretary. The first Annual Fair, or Exhibition, was held the OF RANDOLPH COUNTY. 117 third Wednesday in October, 1852, on the farm of James Craig, Flat Prairie. The second Fair was held at the same place, 4th October, 1853. And the third Annual Fair on the farm of William Robertson, Flat Prairie, 25th October, 1854. The members of the Society — and consequent need of additional accommo- dation having greatly increased — the citizens of Sparta joined with those of the surrounding country in rais- ing subscriptions to board-fence a lot in Sparta, which MY Matthew McClurkin handsomely gave free, for five years. On this lot the three successive Fairs of '55, '56, and '57, were held, each surpassing the other in interest and attraction, and in the numbers in attendance. In the early part of 1858, the Executive Board pur- chased a beautiful piece of land, of ten acres, at Sparta —and at an expense of nearly two thousand dollars, have had it substantially fenced, with extensive stables for horses, cattle, &c., and buildings erected for exhib- iting ladies' work, mechanical, and other articles. On this ground the Fair of 1858 was held, on the Gth and 7 th days of October, and every year they are, add- ing to the improvements and embellishments of the grounds. The grounds and improvements are not the property of any company or of individuals — but be- long to whoever are the members of the Society. The Officei-s, and Executive Committee for 1859, are : John A. TS"elson, President; William Addison, Sec- retary and Treasurer. Executive BoaH : Samuel L. Boyd, Wm. Robertson, James Craio, Aaron M. Al- len, and John Watson — with Vice-Presidents, who are ex-officio members of Executive Committee — for Sparta, James Crawford; for Georgetown, Her. Heightman; Liberty, H. McLaughland; Chester, IIS HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF BAKDOLl'tl CO. Jacob M. Bair; Kaskaskia, Josuua G. Bubch; Prai- rie du Rochcr, Wm. Henry, Esq.; Union Precinct, K. D. Durfef. ; Buroct'd, Wm. Kutiierfori». WEMTEBK HANDOLPH COUNTY ,\ka*kin. an.l Kast of Kaxkaskia Kiwr. Imy WHEAT. CORN, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY ; And keej> on hand, and sell at uniform and low prices, a full assortment of GROCERIES, MENS AND BOYS' CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, H^^iFt nxr ess, VWSLJSm WEI, ®WS®SSff l&l* TINWARE AND STOVES, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, and Patent Medicines, STRAW CUTTERS, PLOWS, LATHS, SHINGLES, BR ESS ED YiUlQW PtNE FLQQRfNG, And Assorted \^HITB FXJHE3 LUMBER; And in fait every article thai the must prompt attention to the wants of A growing neighborhood suggests. Have also on hand, and will sell at an extremely low price, the second-hand, single-flue Boilers and Engine. Also, one of Clark's Flouring Mills, complete. A rare chance for getting a cheap Mill "^^ DIRECTORY. 121 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH. RANGE 7 WJBST._KASK.ASK I A. Cant Allied. rainier. Gant Harvey, do Gant Wesley, do Gant Robert, do Gant William, do Gant Thomas, Jr.. do Gardner A., do Goulding James. do Gubernntej' G.:rg< E-, (arm TTULS JOEL, S 11 Hals Joel, Jr r., farmer ^ Hartman Michael Hauey Patrick, d Hargus James H.. d Hauey John, do Haney James, do Harmon Joseph. do Harm"ii James, do Harmon Henry. do Harmon Elijah, do Harmon Michael. do Harmon Abram. J r.. coopei Harmon John, Sr. farmer. Harmon Lewis, do Harmon Felix. do Harris E.. mere ha n(. Harris John, do Heard James, farmer. Harmon James, farmer. Heard Joseph. do Heard William. do Hill Stephen. do Hock Henry, do Hunt James, do Hunt Henry, do Hughes Henry. do Hughes John, ilu High** .T-...n*?. do o.VKs ARMSTEAD, Ji ,i\"-< Aviiwir.-i.l, Jr. K Kainyuski Otto, physician. Kavanaugh John, farmer. Karsfetter Samuel, do Karstotter Martin, do Karstetter William, do LA0I1APELLE LEWIS, far- mer. LaChnpelle John, farmer. Labrier Antoine, do Labrier Peter, do Leavitt Abijah. do Leavitt John, do Leavitt Edward. do Ledbetter John, do Ledbetter Martin. do Lehnherr Jacob, do Leming Harvey, do Leniing William. do Link John, do Lilly John J., do Linch Laae. do Lortz Hem v M.. blacksmith. A VAN A UGH DAVL&J. K»nc John, farmer n M M KEY . I AMES, farmer. Mackey William, do Mackcy Ga do Mann Jonathan "R., do Mann W. II.. do Mann John, do Maun Alfred, do Maxwell Robert A., do Maxwell William, do Maxwell John. do Maxwell Ferdinand, merchant. Menard Edmund, farmer. Milligan William A., farmer. MilligHji -lames. Milligan Th Morn-. ■, II. II., M-irpl.v William, Murphv ' 'wen. Mulhofhuid Willi lMevi ;- rhri-tian. ilMonii-.i <,.:.',■■ do do do do do ;'o do do \11 RANJJOUMi COUNTY KASKASKtA STOKE, GEORGE W. STALEY, MERCHANT & SHIPPER, KASKASKIA, ILL., Announces to the public that lie has on hand A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF % which will he found to embrace every article the mar- ket demands. The ladies are requested to call and ex- amine his FINE AND FANCY DRESS SILKS, Which they will find particularly attractive. A full supply of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, TAR, TOB-A-OOO, And every article necessary to the wants of the eunii- trv, always on hand. G. W. STALEY. KASKASKIA, OCT. 15, 1859. DIRKCTOUY. 123 TOWNSHIP •» solTH. RANCE 7 WEST.— KASKASKIA. McDonough Thomas J., farmer. Morrison, Rev. A. A. Morrison Hugh, teacher. NIFONG JOHN, farmer. Nifong II., do Nixon William J., do Nixon James, do Nixon William, do OATT JOHN, farmer. Owens Anthony, farmer. Owens George L., do Owens Timothy, do PEARMAN JAMES, fanner. Pearman Jesse, do Pariset P., farmer. Porter Joseph, fanner. Porter II., do Prew Francis, do j>EILY tMNtEb, aiii.er l\j merchant. Raleigh William, farmer. Roam John, do Rnekenberg Henry, fanner. Rocke John, farmer. Rocke Thomas, do Ruckle John, do Roberts Hiram, farmer. Roberts Jacob, do Roberts Perry, do Roberts Wiley, do Roberts Volncy. do Roberts Daniel P., lawyer. Runck Frederick E., fanner. Runek Fred. s EYMOUR EDWARD, farmer. Seymour George. do Seymour Henry, farmer. Seharppell John S., farmer. Seharppcll John. do Sinker Henry, do Smith William, do Smith Stephen. do Snow William E.. do Spindle John D., do Styles David, do Stype Henry, Justice of the Peace. Staley George W., merchant. Sulser R. M., farmer. Sykes Aaron B., farmer. Stanley Joseph, laborer. UHLS ALONZO, farmer. Unger Eli, do linger Phillip, merchant Postmaster. and VERLIN JOSEPH, farmer. Vansan Samuel, do Vansam William, do WELCH JOHN, farmer. Weigcl Peter, do Wundt W. H., do Williamson Bird, do Weir James W., do Weir William J., farmer. Wiswell Andrew. Wissal Conrad. Wood A. C. Walster Nicholas. Wright Isaac, Jr., farmer. Wheeler James M., do YOUNG ANDREW, farmer. Young Stephen; do 124 RANDOLPH COUNTY OLD STONE STORE. OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN (HESTER. The proprietors of the " Old Stone Store" would call the attention of the public to their HVUVHUHSTfiHE: STOCK m.Y^M CLOTHING, SUPERIOR KERSEYS, loofs km shoes w — >r i Hats and C&ijps, Which they offer for s;;le at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Til KIR ©L£SS SB® ©WSSUST/i^l Is of ;i superior hind, and offered for f^alo at very low rates. A heavy Stock of' IRON, NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, PLOWS, &C, ALWAYS ON HAND. J. H. & G. S. JONES. CHESTER. In the early part of the year 1819, a company was organized in Cincinnati, Ohio, composed of the late Major William Oliver, W. Bart, David Brown, Daniel D. Smith and others, for the purpose of pur- chasing the lands at the junction of the Mississippi and Kaskaskia rivers. Danill D. Smith (afterwards killed by Winchester, at Edwardsville,)came to Illinois as the agent of the company and purchased a large tract of land near the mouth of the Kaskaskia, and com- menced what he intended should he the future metropolis of Illinois, and named it Portland. The year following, the late Benjamin A.. Porter ^afterwards the founder of Helena, Arkansas,) came out and erected a number of dwellings under a contract with the proprietors, and also built a steam mill. But towns in those days were not needed, and despite the prodigious efforts of the proprietors, this town obstinately refused to grow. Ten yoava afterwards it had become a ruin, and now only the faint vestige of the mill may be seen. In 182!) Samuel Smith, James L. Lamb and Thomas Mather purchased the land on which Chester now stands, from the late Judge John McFerren who had entered it in the year 1818. In the summer of 1829 Mr. Smith built the first house iu Chester, the same *11 126 RANDOLPH COUNTY that is now occupied by R. II. Mann as a residence. In the same year Mr. Smith commenced the erection of a mill on what was then known as the "screw anger" principle. This, however, was abandoned before com- pletion. In the fall of 1829, Mather, Lamb & Co., (then merchants of Kaskaskia,) built a slaughter house for the purpose of slaughtering and packing the beef of the county, which was then plenty, and of good quality. In the same year Mr. S. B. Opdyke, representing the house of Mather, Lamb & Co., built a storehouse and opened a stock of goods. A large warehouse was erected at the same time. In the spring of 1831, Samuel Smith laid off that part of his land below Wall street into town lots, and Mather, Lamb & Co., laid off a few lots above AVall street. The idea of building a town having become fixed, Mrs. Jane Smith gave it the name of Chester — she was a native of Chester, England. At this time the population consisted of Samuel Smith, Setii Allen, R. B. Servant, with their families, and S. B. Opdyke, Elias R elder and Samuel Perry. The late, lamented Setit Allen, had established a cooper shop in 1829, which he conducted for a number of years, manufac- turing barrels for packing beef, and for castor oil. R. B. Servant established a mill for the manufacture of castor oil, in the fall of 1*30, which for several years was the institution of the place, and gave to the young town a considerable commercial importance. In 1831 Silas Leland established a blacksmith shop. The first brick house in this place was erected by Amizi An- drews, in 1832. This house was knocked down in 1844, by a steamboat. The same year, Horace Francis orccted the stone building which he now occupies. At DIRECTORY. 127 this time forest trees were growing around where the mill, Swan wick's Row and Holmes' residence now stand. Tho storehouse now occupied by D. Block & Bro. was built by Holmes & Swanwick in 1833, in which they opened the second stock of goods ever brought to this town. About this time, the venerable father Mathews, then in manhood's vigor, commenced holding religious ser- vice, and gave an origin to tho Presbyterian church of Chester. The first physician of Chester was Dr. Barree, who located in 1834, but died shortly afterwards. Dr. Fer- ris, who was a prominent physician of Chester for several years, came in 18:45. In the same year Walker & Wilkerson opened a large grocery store. The Messrs. Cole built a mill in the lower part of town, in 1837. It was both a saw and grist mill. At the same time a ferry boat, driven by horse power, took the place of the flat boat which had become inadequate to the business. These horse boats gave place to steam ferry boats about 1849. In 1836 a frame school house (the house now used as the African church,) was built and used as a union church and Sunday school room. The Messrs. Cole made improvements in their mill in 1839, and commenced exporting flour to the southern mar- kets. In 1840, the name of the Presbyterian church was changed from theKaskaskia to the Chester Presbyterian church, and Rev. C. C. Rir.c.s became the permanent pastor. He was succeeded by Rev. B. F. Spillman, late of Shawneetown. In 1846, the stone church was commenced, and completed the year following. The late Rev. John Kennedy assumed the pastoral charge of the church in the early part of 1850, and continued 128 RANDOLPH COUNTY until relieved by death, in the summer of 1851. Rov. P. D. Youno succeeded to the charge of the congrega- tion in tho latter part of 1H52, and remained until 1856. Re*. B. II. Ciiarlks took charge of the church in the latter part of 1857, and he is now the officiating pastor. A Baptist church was organized under the ministerial labors of Rev. Peters, of Waterloo, as early as 1842, and probably some years before. Capt. Rogers, a devoted Christian, was an active, zealous member of this church; and contributed much to its prosperity. Rov. Jenkins became pastor of the church in 1845, and continued to labor for (lie congregation nearly three years. After bis retirement the church was left without a pastor, and during a two years absence of Capt. Rookrs, about. 1849-50, tho organization was abandoned. On the return of ('apt. Rookrs, in 1851, 'he collected the members together, an 1 fleeted a new organization. Rev. 1). L. Pnn-uis occasionally preached for the congregation. In IS;"); 1 ., the large brick church was erected, and Rev. J. B. Kelly installed as pastor. In the latter part of 1854, Rev. O. L. Barler succeeded Mr. Kelly, and be is now the officiating minister. In the year 1840, Rev. II. IIatton, a Methodist min- ister, collected together six communicants of that de- nomination, and organized tho Methodist church of Chester. It was placed under the Rout'icra Illinois conference, and regularly supplied with a preacher. A German Methodist church was organ i .»ui in 1848. Tho two congregations united tlieir oftbi.i and erected a brick church in 1850. The Associate Reformed church of Chester was or- ganized by lie". James McAulby in the year 1843. The congiegi i<>ti depended upon the Synod for sup- DIRECTORY. 129 plies in preaching until 1858, when Rev. W. A. Pollock was duly ordained pastor of the church. Under his offorts a church edifice is in course of erection which will be :m ornament to the place. In 1S4 I, Rev. William Mitchell, a clergyman of tlie Episcopal church, came to Chester, and commenced his labors with the few members of that denomination liv- ing in and near the town. Shortly afterwards, the church was organized. The unceasing, quiet labors of Dr. Mitchell soon gathered strength to the little congre- gation, and in 1848 the fine church edifice in which the congregation now worship was commenced. Four years afterwards it was completed and opened for pub- lic service. Rev. Mr. Buttkrman organized the First Lutheran church of Chester, in the early part of 1849. The fol- lowing fall, Rev. M. Eirich succeeded Mr. Butterman, and commenced at once the erection of their beautiful church building, which was completed in a few months. Under the constant labors of Mr. Eirich. the church has gradually increased its membership. In 1849 * Father Peren, of Kaskaskia, came to Ches- ter, and, collecting the members of the Catholic Church, first commenced saying mass. lie occasionally visited the congregation, and performed the rites of the church. The church building was erected in 1*52. Father Pf.rf.x continued his visits until a few months ago, when Father Ricpir.s took charge of the church. Messrs. Holmes & Swan wick commenced the erec- tion of the stone flouring mill in 1842, and completed it in 1846. This gave a fresh impetus to the prosperity of the place, and its bounds began to expand. In 1848, Chester became the county seat of Randolph County, * Died on the -1th of October, 1359. 130 KAMml.l'U COUNTY and Lliv large Court House, (an engraving of which may be seen on the front page) was erected. From that time the improvement of the place La* been steady. At the session of the General Assembly, in 1*55, a city charter was granted to Chester, which was adopted and went into operation a few months afterwards. At tho first charter election the following City Counc« was elected: JOSEFII WILLIAMSON, Ma tor. Aid triii tii. — R. II. Crittenden and G. S. Jones, First Ward. I. II. Nelson and Henry Stump, Second Ward. '• Frederick Buckman and Alfred Wiutaker, Third Ward. 1857. — At the next annual election the Board consisted of: FREDERICK BUCKMAN, Mayor. Aldermen.— "R. H. Chittenden and A. P. Palmer, First Ward. I. II. Nelson, and Henrv Stump. Second Ward. Alfred Whitaker and J. G. Middendorf, Third Ward. 1858.— Third Board : SETH ALLEN. Mayor. Aldermen. — A. Block and A. S. Palmed. First Ward. I. H. Nelson and Henry Stump, Second Ward. F. Buckmam and J. G. Middkndorf, Third Ward. . 1859.— Fourth Board : GABRIEL JONES, Mayor. Aldermen.— A. Block and A. Dunn, First Ward. I. H. Nelson and Henry Stump, Second Ward. F. Buckman and J. G. MiRRF.snORF, Third Ward. The erection by the city of a large public school house, in 1858, closes the leading events of her history. This building. is mi ornament to tho place, and will be a lasting monument to the intelligent spirit of her citi- zens. DIRECTORY. 131 Menard is ;t part of Chester, though it lies outside of the city limits. It is the scat of H. C. Cole & Go's extensive commercial operations, which gives it a local character and entitles it to a name. It will probably be brought into the charter limits of Chester before long, and constitute the Fourth Ward. 182 RANl>ol.»'H CulNTV F. BUCKMAN Ha* in Store a large and carefully selected Stock of FANCY & STAPLE Designed for the CHESTER MARKET, 9 And offered on such terms as must please the pur- chaser. His Stock of {s large and varied, and of the West quality and latest styles. Particular attention is invited to his Stock of 3f Which will be found of the latest styles and be^t ma- terial. CLOTHING, Of material purchased and made by experienced work- men, always on hand. ORDERS FILLED ON SHORT NOTICE. CATAWBA GRAPE VINES, ATV1> NATIVE WINE FOR SALE. CHESTER DIRECTORY. ANDREWS AMZI, druggist. Adams Robert, cooper. Allmyer John H., merchant. Allmyer Frederick, stone mason. Allen Thomas G., lawyer. Anderson Charles C, merchant. Anderson A. A., keeps Chester hotel. Assman William, Physician. Andrews Truman Rev., farmer. BAUMANN JOHN F., cigar maker. Barler O. L. Rev., teacher. Bewie Carl, shoemaker. Beare Joseph, merchant. Beare Nicholas, dumber mer- chant. Block Charles, grocer. Block David, do Block Adolph, commission mer- chant. Bommelman F., shoemaker. Burns William, grocer. Bungie William, do Brown Andrew J., teamster. Brown A. F., laborer. Buckman Frederick, merchant. Burbes Peter, stone mason. COLE H. C, merchant. Cole A. B., do Crissey Morris, salesman. Cole John P., do Christian James M., stone mason. 12 Clement Judson, Plasterer. Crittenden Richard H., clerk in mill. Chapman A. B., Carpenter. Clieman William, grocer. Crain Nelson R., wagon maker. Callaway Thomas H., constable. Charles B. H. Rev. Childs C. J. Dr. Clemens Curtis C, proprietor of "Democrat." Crisler John W., clerk. DECKER HARMON, teamster. Detmore Lewis, stonemason. Dillon Martin, stone cutter. Dunn Alexander, merchant. Dunn Frank, clerk. Douglas Thomas R., salesmau. ELLIOTT ED., engineer. Edwards John L., druggist FINNE WILLIAM, farmer. Francis Horace, street com- missioner. GIN DRAW PETER, cabinet maker. Gahrs Henry, cabinet maker. Gansman Frank, blacksmith. 134 RANDOLPH COUNTY HERMAN C. COLE. ABNER B. COLE. H. C. COLE & CO., COLE'S MlMf, CHESTER, ILIi. MANUFACTUBE HF. CUB PUIS ULTRA, COLE'S MILLS, k MM FLOUR. Sell all kinds of DRY*** 9 GROCERIES HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, And all descriptions of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES. Also, all kinds of Agricultural Jmglemnrts. MAKE CASH ADVANCES ON PRODUCE For shipment South or East. Sell Sight Exchange on Xew Orleans and St. Louis. Pay Cash for all kinds of bj^nv Prod uce. DIBEOTOET. 135 Gilster Henry, flour packer. Griswold George R., Farmer. Gray Emerson, cooper. Griss Frederick, porter at Coles' mill. Gordon W. A., physician. Gnaigy Jacob, grocer. H ALL E. J., druggist" Hartenbergor Jacob, wagon maker. Hartenbergor Peter, teamster. Haskin C. I., keeps livery stable. Haskin Charles I., commission merchant. Holmes J. B., dealer in real estate. Holbrook, J. C, lawyer. Hoff Nicholas. Horn Casper, hotel keeper. Hobbs Thomas, butcher. Harmer Geo. W., clerk of wharf- boat. Hobls James, butcher. JONES Jamais H., merchant. Jones G. S., do Jones Gabriel, mayor and justice of the peace. Jourdan James B., saddler. KIPP JOHN HENRY, sales- man. Knapp J. J., carpenter. Kerr David, druggist. LANNAMAN HARMON, clerk. Lakenan William R., gar- dener. Layne Elisha, carpenter. Leittleton John A., engineer. Lish A. P., brewer. Lybarger D. S., blacksmith. Loughran Hugh, merchant. Louguran Charles, do Jieper A. H.. physician. MATTINGLY, J. B., steamboat capt. Mann Robert, wagon maker. Mann Robert H., salesman. Middendorf John G., merchant. Morey A., lumber merchant. Morrison Thomas S., lawyer. Montague C, plasterer. Montague E. J., publisher of Di- rectory. McCullun Uriah, cooper. McQuistan John C, inn keeper. McNabny John., deputy post master. Mann John H., teacher. McBrino William, keeps hotel. NALER ISAAC, laborer. Nelson Isaac H., clerk of the county court. Neville Harvey, Sr., lawyer. Neville Harvey, Jr., engineer. Nisbet Hugh B., proprietor of "Democrat." CHS ADAM, cooper. PALMER A. S., furniture mer- chant. Paulus John, brickmaker. Phillip E., grocer. Phillip A., do Pollock W. A. Rev. RALLS J. M., clerk of circuit court. Rader Henry, cooper. Robbe Frederick, laborer. Rehfeldt William, miller. Roberts William, saddler. Robison James W., capt of '• Wild Duck." Ritter Valentine, grocer. Reno John W., cooper. Runger Henry, stone mason. 186 RANDOLPH CODNTT CLOTHING, OF EVERY VARIETY AND QUALITY, OF THE MOST DESIRABLE STYLES, AND SUPERIOR WORK, RECEIVED FROM * J±.T KSttftY SHUTZ'S FRONT STREET, CITY MILLS. CHESTER ILLINOIS. A full supply of BOOTS, SHOES; HATS, CAPS, &0. And every description of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, JEWELRY, &C. HENRY SHUTZ. niEECTORY. 137 SONNAM ANN HARMAN, plaa - terer. Bauppe Henry, Dr. Schuchert J. F., merchant. Bchuchert William, salesman. Schuchert J. F. M., blacksmith. Schrader Charles, cooper. Shane Phillip, brickmaker. Servant R. B., justice of the peace. Bhrader £., laborer. Sherman J. G., carpenter. Shardong Charles, do Shutz Henry, clothier. Smith Davis, butcher. Smith Thomas, baker. Sonnanberg Henry, miller. Bpeekman Henry, gardener. Stump David, stone mason Bttunp Henry, carpenter. Btolle H. R., grocer. Bwanwick John. Swan wick Francis. TACKENBERY HENRY, tai- lor. Trefte Frederick, wagon maker. Threldkell W. H., keeps boarding house. Toppe David, carpenter. WALKER E., grocer. Widen W. S., Warren Stan/ord, carpenter. Warren Alfred, teamster. Warren John K., carpenter. Wassell Charles, merchant tailor. Wegner August, cabinet maker. Weibuck C, mason. Wheerly Raymond, jeweler. Whitaker Alfred, furniture mer- chant. Wilbern James, wagon maker. Wester Frederick,jailor. Wegner Christian, carpenter. Williamson Joseph, tinner and stove merchant. Williamson C. C, keeps ferry. Williamson Francis M., tinner. Williams J. TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST.— CHESTER. RPIN MICHAEL, laborer. i Abbey William, farmer. BARNES THOMAS, farmer. Burch J. G., do Boga Frederick, do Benvenn Lewis, cooper. Bair Jacob M. Sr., farmer. Bair Jacob M. Jr., do Bair David, teamster. Bartles C, farmer. Brown A. F., do Burk William, farmer. Browder William M., farmer. *12 CLAMPICK JOHN, farmer. Clore Harrison, do F ARLEY DAVID, farmer. GROSS FERDINAND, farmer Gindran Franci3 C, do Gindran Peter, do H ESS ANTOINE, farmer. Hanna J. C. Jr., do 138 RANDOLPH COUNTY CHESTER & ST. LOUIS HEBDLAR TRI-WEEKLY PACKET. THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS STEAMER. WILLIAM GARVIN, Will continue to ply aa a regular passenger and freight Packet be- tween the above named Ports, leaving Chester every "Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday mornings, at 7 o clock; and leaving St. Lou it ■4Very Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, at 4 o'clock. ALEX. ZEIGLER, Master; JOE 8. KEITH, ) > Clerks. JA8. WINBURN, J- WILLIAM SANNEMANNTBRO. Would announce to the citizens of Chester, and vicinity, that they have just opened a large Stock of m m Hi FAMILY* GROCERIES 'in their new Building, at the angle of the Plank Road, OHESTKR, ILLINOIS. They have also in Store a variety of DRY-GOODS, To which they invite especial attention. Their Stock of BOOTS A1>TI> SHOESS Will be found of the best quality. They have also an extensive Tariety of HATS AND CAPS. They invite a call from every per- 40a, feeling confident that they will be able to please. DIRECTORY. 139 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST.— CHESTER. Harden Joseph, Hi.-to Christie, Herbert Peter, Hoff Nicholas, farmer, do do do JOHNSON ROBERT, farmer. Janna Andrew, do Janna Michael, do K IPP F. W., farmer. Eriege H., do AHMANN AUGUST. MARLIN WILLIAM, C, far- mer. Miller William, farmer. Mitchell Rov. W., do Montreal Joseph, laborer. Montreal Michael Sr., farmer. Montreal Michael Jr., do Montreal John, do Menard Lewis, farmer. pETTIT HENRY N. farmer. ROCKWELL LAURIN, fanner Rockwell Ephraim D. do Rockwell Justus, laborer. Raville John B., farmer. SANDERS CHARLES L., far- mer. Seguin Antoine, farmer. TINDALL R. W., teamster. Tindall Nelson, cooper. Thompson William, farmer. WEIBUCK CHRISTOFP, mer. Webb Solomon, farmer. far- TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST.— CHESTER. ADAM JAMES, farmer and lumber merchant. A.dam James P., farmer and lum- ber merchant. Bisner Henry, farmer. BilderbackS. P., do Brown Lemuel M., farmer. Brooks John, do BIERMANN FREDERICK, far- joer. CRISLER ABEL, farmer, Crisler Thomas J., do 140 RANDOLPH COUNTY GAHRS & WHITAKEB, MANUFACTURERS AND % % IN ALL KINDS OF CHESTER, ILXi. 9 AMZI ANDREWS. JOHN L. EDWARDS* ANDREWS & EDWARDS. EVE at DEALERS IN EVERY VARIETY OF PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, YARNISHES, SPBRillT @AS„ AUB@W@L r TU-RPgNTONi, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, JEWELRY, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, &C. CHESTER, IUIj. ntRBCTOBT. 141 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST.— CHESTER. Gaesell C, farmer. Caney August, farmer. Clare Abram, do Clare Franklin B., farmer. Cander Martin, do Crittenden William, do Crawford Hugh M., do (justice of the peace.) Campbell Elisha, farmer. Craige Robert, do DIXON MUNGO, farmer. Dame Charles R., farmer. Demack Lewis, do Douglas RobortS., do Douglas Adam, do Douglas Launcay, do Douglas Jame3, farmer and mil- ler. Douglas Andrew, farmer. Dravies Henry, do Darwin John G., farmer and wood merchant. Dean John, farmer. EBERS HENRY, farmer. Emery Robert, do Esselmann Bernard, do FEY PHILLIP, farmer. Fleetwood George, farmer. Ful ford Thomas, farmer. GRAHAM ROBERT S., farmer and carpenter. Gilchrist Archibald, farmer. Groh Frederick, farmer. Greenawalt Henry, farmer. .Griffith William, do HARTENBERGER C, farmer. Hays Joseph C, brickmaker. Hahn Christian, farmer. Hanslek Albert, do Harkness, George, do Heine Henry, do Hinkback Girard, do Hillerman Frederick farmer. Hill Thomas, do Hindman James H., do Haney John, do Holloman Ezekiel, do Harnbush, do JOHNSON BARTHOLOMEW, farmer. KETTLER CHRISTOPHER farmer. Kennedy Eli, farmer. Kean Joseph, Knapp Philip C., Knapp Jacob, Knope Lewis Razma Jacob, do do do do do LIVELY FLEMING, farmer Lively Reuben, do Lawson Mason, do Lawson Andrew K., do Linder Lewis, do Lively Richard, do Lybarger Edmund S., do MASON JAMES W., farmer. Murchencosky Peter, do Miller, Matthew, do Miller Henry, do Myers Peter, blacksmith. Moore William, farmer. 142 RANDOLPH COUNTY THOMAS G. ALLEN, gMtortmj and <|0unsetor. Will practice Law in the Circuits comprising Randolph and adjoin- ing counties. Also, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in th« United States District and Circuit Courts. Residence and Office, JAMES C. HOLBROOK, grttonujj and (&0\hw\qx at <&w, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, CHESTER, - - - - ILLINOIS. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. Will practice in Randolph and adjoining counties, and Supreme Court of Illinois, and United States Courts, Ac. THOMAS S. MDRRISON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW; OFFICE ON SPARTA STREET, CHESTER, RANDOLPH COUNTY, ILLINOIS. HARVEY NEVELL, OHETSTE5FL, II_.1L.. RESIDENCE IN CHESTER. DIRECTORY. 143 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE « WERT.— CHESTER. OACH SIMON, farmer. N LDENSLAKER PETER, far- 0LDE1 mer. PETTIT THOMAS, former. Peck Jacob Sr., do Pinkerton David J., do Peck Jacob, Jr., do Proctor Thomas, do RAY WALTER, farmer. Rushka M., do Riggs David, do Robison Joseph Sr., do Robison Joseph Jr., do Rust George S., keeps hotel. Rust Isaac, farmer and wagiui- makcr. Runger Frederick, farmer. SHUTZ CHARLES, Shutz Benjamin Schrader Frederick. Schrader Julius. Smith John 8., farmer, do do do do Smith Francis, fanner. Sullivan Lesscnbee, do Schzirkosky C. L., do TAGDER JOHN, farmer. Tindall Reuben Jr., farmer Telfer Charles M., do Turner Wilson, do Y TANOVER SAMUEL, farmer. WELGE CONRAD., Whitson H. C. Williamson Bird.. Wilcox William. WiJagala Martin, Wood Enoch, Wood John M., Woolshack Joseph, Woolshack Voluntine, farmer. do do do do Jo do do do YOUNG JOHN, farmer and tailor. Young Richard M., nurseryman. Young James, farmer. Yarres Damon, do. 144 KANl>OLPH COUNT1 RAYMOND WHEERLY, Denier in WATCHES, Jewelry, Spectacles, Gold Pens, etc. Watches and Clocks repaired at short notice, and warranted. Shop in Chester, on the Hill, near the Court House D. BLOCK & BRO , WHOLESALE k RETAIL GROCERS: DEALERS IN FOREIGN .Nil IIOMESTIC LIQUORS. CHESTER, ILLINOIS . C. WASSELL, MERCHANT TAILOR, A. IV 13 DEALER IN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. NO. 2 SWANWICKS ROW, _ Chester, IllimQia . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE. I oft'er for snip, at my two places of business, near the Court House, in Cheater, a good, now. and well assorted Stock of Goods, consisting in part of Men's Boots and Shoes; Ladies', Misses', and Children's Boot*, Shoes, and Gaiters; Family Groceries ; Hardware, Quernsware, Nails, Cedar ware, Stoneware, Tobacco, Notions, Toys. Also, a large assortment of Baskets, from a very fine article to the strong feed Basket. Whisky by the barrel and half barrel, together with other articles too tedious to mention. Goods will be exchanged for merchantable produce, and the best prices paid, by .A. i»:h:x3l.h»je» < i CHESTER, Sept. 17, 1850. DIRECTORY. 14;> •§9 *8k '''a V 4 'fe ''®!i MRS, E, T. k MR. A. A. ANDERSON, Proprietors. Un Front street, one square above the Wharf-boat. A good stable in connection with the House. McCutchcon's Hacks leave this house daily lor Sparta. BANK OF CHESTER, The Bank of Chester allows interest to Time De- positors; buys and sells Exchange on the principal cities of the United States; makes Collections, and does a general Banking Business. C. MILTENBERGER, Cashier. CHAS. J. CHILDS, M. D., hpician, Jlur^n, AND OBSTETRICIAN. Oflkvi opposite the Store of J. H. A G. 8. Joxrs, CHESTER, D!kUI5«@liS. JAMES H. WATT, ri CHESTER, ILLINOIS. OFFICE IN THE COUPT HOUSE. 18 140 RANDOLPH COUNTY BOSTON STORE. FP.6NT STREET, CHESTER, ILUNOIS. M AMMQTH 8T0C K . JOSEPH BEARE, Who would respectfully announce to the citizens of Randolph, Per- ry, and Jackson, that he has now on hand, one of the largest and most complete Stocks of Goods ever offered in Southern Illinois, con- sisting in part of every description of F»LA.1IV VNTI3 FANCY gq>-#00k (Ooi|ing t Ciotjs, HATS, GAPS, SHIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, BLACK, FANCY, AND FIGURED SILKS; 3H, French, o_i : .:.:;.:;, a:;: ;.:.! ... pk:nts, Bonnets of the Finest of Texture and Latest Styles ; A No. 1 ARTICLE OF COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA & TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEEtfSAYARE, STONEWARE, And a thousand and one other articles not enumerated, which trill '.« disponed of cheap for cash or country proo w. _ ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF PINE AND CYPRESS SHINGLES, White and Yellow Pine, and Dressed Flooring. HAVING HURCHA8JSD MV STTKM. I i w kVVOHD. AND 1 AM DETKIOIINKD To SK1.J. BXTKEMEI.Y LOW. FOR CA^H- DIRECTORY. 147 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IS PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL f U&NIYU&B. illf ill, BED STEADS, TABLES, DESKS, SECRETARIES, SAFES, MATTRESSES, CRIBS, BOOKCASES, WARDROBES, CHAIRS, CHXTRISrS, MIRRORS, CLOCKS, AND TRIMMINGS. In short, every description of FURNITURE, CLOCKS, *C„ &C. BRICK ROW, NEARLY OPPOSITE WHARFBOAT, CHESTER, ILLINOIS. We will sell as CHEAP AS ANY OTHER HOUSE In the Western Country, and warrant all that we seli, "Nuf sed." A. S. PALMER. 148 RANDOLPH COUNTY 1859. 1859. hy JOHN C. M QUISTON, CHESTER,, ----- ILLIISTOIW. PLANTER'S HOUSE, Corner Front and Angle Streets, CHESTER, - - ILLINOIS. WILLIAM McBRINE, Proprietor. STABLE IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOUSE. TWO MILE HOUSE, CAMPTOWN, ILLINOIS. The undersigned is prepared to accommodate customers day or night, in the most satisfactory manner. He intends to keep as good a house as can be found in the country. j£35^ Horses kept by the dav or week, on reasonable terms. ■'H^ G-. S. RUST. ILLINOIS HOUSE, Opposite Wharf Boat, CHESTER, ILLINOIS. Travelers will find this a convenient and pleasant stopping place. C. HORN, Proprietor. Bakery in connection with this House. *Ss^ C. EL DIRECTORY. 149 The Quickest and most Reliable, and at the same Time, the most Efficacious and Pleasant Article ever Employed for the Hair, is PROF. O. J. WOOD'S HAIR RESTOR ATIVE. The New York Day Book says : "The majority of Hair Washes, Hair Dyes, Hair Tonics, Hah Oils, and the numberless preparations which are now before the pub- lic under such extravagant, hyperbolical, and fantastic titles, as we see paraded in show window cards and newspaper headings, as hair preparations, are all humbugs of the first water; their real merit, when they possess any, is : that they do no harm. HOG'S LARD, WHALE OIL, LARD OIL, SWEET OIL, scented and colored, make up, when in beautiful wrappers and white flint glass bottles, the costliest character of tonics ; and when thus costly, are baptized with some trisyllable term, aud caught at by verdant young and old of both sexes. Such is not the character of Professor Wood's Hair Restorative. This gentleman comes before the world without any 'high falutin' Xilophlorium, or any other astounding and startling catchpenny terms : he simply advertises a Hair Restorative — what it expresses, precisely — and as a restorative it acts. Buy Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and as you value your scalp, aye, your very brains, apply nothing else ; for it may be that you will get some worse substance than perfumed lard oil on your cranium. — Remember, Wood's Restorative for the Hair is the best article ex- tant." IT WILL, BY NATURE'S OWN PROCESS, RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO THE ORIGINAL COLOR! Will make it Grow on Bald Heads; Will restore the Natural Secretions; Will remove at once all itching; Will remove all Dandruff: Will cure all eruptions — even Scald Head ; Will make the Hair Soft and Glossy : Will make the old appear young again ; Will preserve the Color of Hair to old age : Will always Fasten it and stop its Falling ; And is one of the best Toilet Articles for the Hair now in use. Manufactured by 0. J. WOOD 4 CO., and sold Wholesale and Retail, at 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis. Mo. Also, sold by all Druggists in the City and Country. SOLD IN CHESTER BY E. J. HALL, and EDWARDS & ANDREWS. *13 150 RANDOLPH COUNTY SPRING HILL ACCOMMODATION. The undersigned is making preparations to devote his exclusive attention to tlio entertainment of those who favor him with their patronage at Spring Hill. Will always be supplied in a style thai will render per- fect satisfaction to his guests. TH13 STABLE Will be furnished with Corn, Oats, and Hay, and kept in the best of order. X M. BAIR MARTIN DILLON, DEALER IN ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. MaNUMEN;T$ 8 TQMBSTONES, gTC, Persons wishing to beautify the last resting place of their departed friends with something neat, appro- priate, and durable, can be accommodated on the most reasonable terms, by application at my shop, one door north of J. H. & Or. 8. Jones' Dry Goods Store, FRONT STREET, CHESTER, ILL. Ah none but the BEST MATERIAL is used, per- sons may rely on being furnished with the best of material. The workmanship will be executed in the most beauttfal style. The public are invited to call and examine'dpeeimens of his work. DIRECTORY. 151 C. LOUGHRAN. C. C. ANDERSON. LOUGHRAN & ANDERSON DEALERS IN FANCY & STAPLE BONNETS, HATS AJKTID OAFS, X&S1&&X AX9 H®*X®HS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, AND QUEENSWARE ; TOGETHER WITH TEN THOUSAND OTHER ARTICLES t@@ NMMte&Qis t@ m emtio m. NO. 17 FRONT STREET, 01a.Qjstox% 111. 152 RANbOLl'If COUNTY DIRECTORY ^\\W^> %^$&^%3 O. I. Front Street, Chester, HI., Where may be constantly found a good supply of first class PROMPT DRIVING HORSES, OPEN AND TOPPED BUGGIES, & CARRIAGES, Which will be let on the most reasonable terms. Passengers con- veyed to any point on short notice. Horses fed by the day or week. SHANNON HOUSE, Corner of Maine and St. Louis Streets, SPARTA, ILLINOIS. THIS WELL KNOWN 3? 5 J& S ff ®i><^SS U ® *!? B &, Having recently undergone repairs, now offers superior attractions to the traveling public. Full}' determined that every attention shall be given to the warns of those who favor this House with their patronage, the Proprietor respectfully solicits a call, feeling satisfied that ho will be able to render his guests comfortable. $&~ Stages for St. Louis, Belleville, and Chester, leave this House daily. J. P. GUTBLIUS, Proprietor. SPARTA. The ground on which the City of Sparta now stands was originally purchased and owned by John Armour, an emigrant from Pennsylvania, who located upon it in the year 1826. He erected a small log house, and made a farm upon the ground. Anticipating the wants of the growing settlements around him, and being a man of enterprise, he erected and put in operation a tread-mill, which stood near the spot now occupied by the Mansion House. The erection of this mill was the " circumstance" to which the city owes its existence. Eobert G-. Shannon, (who was then keeping a store one mile south of the embryo town,) seeing that nearer the mill would be a better locality for selling goods, purchased a small quantity of Mr. Armour's land, and erected a small store house near the locality where now stands the large brick building known as u Shannon's Old Store House." Here he commenced that success- ful business career which so distinguished him through a long life, and which has left an enduring name in the annals of Sparta. With a mill and a store as a basis for a town, the enterprising proprietor had his land surveyed into town lots, and proceeded to dispose of them at public auc- tion. The first lot sold was purchased by Samuel 154 RANDOLPH rul'.NTV Hill, for the sum of four dollars. This sale took place in the year 1829, from which period the place may date its existence, as it commenced to improve and assume the character of a village from that time. Daring the same year, James McClurken, whose name was intimately connected with the progress of the place for thirty years, built a house on the hill southeast of the town. In the same }*ear, Lawson Murphy, another of the prominent citizens of the place, established a brickyard, and commenced making brick. About the same time, Cornhill Ballard built a shop, and commenced blacksmithing. Alexander Campbell established a carpenter shop. Several dwell- ings were erected in the same year. In the spring of 1830, Dr. Pyles, then a young man, came to the town and opened a school. The year following, James A. Foster settled in the town, and has been a citizen ever since. Dr. Joseph Farnon, who has been the leading physician of the town and vicinity for many years, located in 1830. In 1833, William H. McDill opened a hotel. In 1834, John A. Wilson, John Little, John Gray, -Thomas Gaston, and John W. Slade, became citizens of the town, and gave it quite an impetus for improvement. Slade & McClurken established a store — the second in the place. The prospects of the town induced a steady increase of population and business importance. Sufficient progress had been made to establish the certainty of building a town, and the beautiful location and the rich farming lands around, which have since been reduced to a high state of cull' ration, increased the induce- ments for persons to locate. In 1836, the town received a valuable acquisition in the person of William Ros- borough, who established the well known and exten- DIRECTORY. 155 sive mercantile house of which he is the senior partner. He opened his store first in the neighborhood four miles from Sparta, but seeing the advantages of the location and prospects of the place, he moved into town. In 1837, the town was incorporated, and received the name of Columbus. The first Board of Town Trus- tees consisted of Dr. Joseph Farnon, Lawson Mur- phy, John A. Wilson, James A. Foster, and John W. Slade. A code of ordinances was enacted, and the town government put in successful operation. The first business transacted by the Board was imposing a fine of one dollar upon Robert G. Shannon for the offense of leaving his wagon in the street during the night. The brick School House, known in later years as 'Sparta Seminary," was built in 1838, and though somewhat antiquated in appearance now, it was then a magnificent structure, far in advance of the times. It ^ave to Sparta her reputation for schools, which she has always sustained with high credit to herself, and advantage to the youth. In 1839, a steam grist and saw mill was erected by James McClurken. This gave an additional import- ance to the commercial interests of the place, and new improvements immediately followed. Mr. McClurken had previously put in operation a cotton gin, which stood south of the town. Cotton was raised and shipped in considerable quantities from this county thirty years ago. In the same year — 1839 — the " Columbus- Herald'.' was established by James Morrow. He conducted the paper nearly a year, and sold it to John E. Det- kich. It was during the year 1839 that the name of 156 RANDOLPH COUNTY the town was changed from Columbus to Sparta, and Mr. Detrich changed the name of his paper to " Sparta Democrat." The first oil mill for the manufucture of castor oil was put in operation by James McClurken, in 1840. The manufacture of castor oil, and the buying of castor beans, formed an important item in the commerce of Sparta for many years. Oil mills were afterwards erected by E. G. Shannon and William Rosborough, and the farmers in the vicinity found a ready market at these mills for their castor beans, of which great quantities were raised. In 1843, the members ot* the Associate Eeformed Church commenced the erection of their spacious brick building, which was completed three years after. The congregation had been organized some years before, and the Rev. William M. Graham was the preacher. He was succeeded, in 1847, by Rev. David McDill, a distinguished minister of that denomination. Rev. John F. Stuart succeeded Dr. McDill two years ago, and is now the pastor of the church. In 1842, a Methodist Society was organized by Rev. M. Martree. A church building was erected in 1848, and the pulpit has been supplied by the various minis- ters appointed by the Methodist Conference. A Baptist Church was organized by Rev. H. S. Deppe, in 1854. A church building was erected the following year. Rev. J. B. Campbell is the regular minister. One of the most important additions to the business of Sparta, was the erection, in 1850, of a Woolen Fac- tory, by the Messrs. McClurkkn. It was constructed at a heavy expense, and has been in successful opera- tion ever since. The present proprietor, Mr. Thomas DIRECTORY. 157 McClurken, has made additions to its manufacturing capacity during this season, and now the wool growers of this and adjoining counties have a ready market for their wool. Since 1853, two large merchant mills have been erected, each one with a capacity of producing two hundred and fifty barrels of flour per day. The con- struction of these mills was the work of joint stock associations, and the enterprises have given a fresh impetus to the raising of wheat, which is now pro- duced as a staple crop. At the last session of the General Assembly, Sparta obtained a City Charter, which went into operation a few months ago. At the Charter Election, the follow- ing city officers were elected : JOHN A. WILSON. Mayor. ALDKRMEN : First Ward. — Robekt Gammell and Johx Watso.n. Second Ward. — Matthew McCujRKEy and Hugh Kirkpatruk. Third Ward. — J. F. McOandi.ess and John W. McCormack. Fourth Ward. — Robert J. Harmer and Samikl Niel. Street Commissioner. — James LA.ueHi.ix. Treasurer. — Joseph McIIevrt. Assessor. — H. 0. McCormack. A steady increase of all the concomitants of a town has marked the progress of Sparta from its commence- ment. Situated in the centre of one of the most fertile and eligible fanning regions in Illinois, the town was surrounded by a class of industrious, enterprising and practical farmers, who have reduced the soil to a high state of cultivation, which has produced a healthy ad- vancement in every department of commerce. The young citv now contains ten dry goods store*- 14 158 RANDOLPH COUNTY DIRECTORY. three grocery stores; one boot and shoe store and man- ufactory; three boot and shoe shops; two stove and tin- ware stores; three tailor shops; one jewelry store; three millinery shops; two confectionery stores; one bakery; two furniture stores; two saddlery and har- ness shops; two wagon, one plow, and four blacksmith shops; one steam barrel manufactory; two flouring mills; one saw mill; one woolen factory; three hotels; three churches; three school houses; one academy; two literary societies; one library; five physicians; three lawyers; four resident ministers. SPARTA DIRECTORY. ALLEN AARON M., merchant. Abernathy Thomas, carpen- ter. Aitkin Jaracs, carpenter. Anderson Francis B., lawyer. Anderson Noble, farmer. Anderson William, shoemaker. Askins William P., engineer. Askins John, tinner. Allen Andrew, teamster. BROWN LEMUEL A. C, stove merchant. Brown M. M., Rev., principal of Union Academy. Brown Samuel, tinner. Brown Kinsley, tinner. Brown John Lyman, proprietor of '' Herald and Press." Brown Nicholas H., tinner. Brown James C., carpenter. Brown James S.. miller. Baird William M., carpenter. Baird Reuben, do Baird George 0., do Baty Francis II., trader. Baily Reuben, keeps livery. Baldridge William. Brown Thomas. Beaver David, furniture dealer. Brunson Frederick, shoemaker. Bascom Arthur W., teamster. CAMPBELL LOUIS H.. painter. Clendenin Henry S., saddler. Cowel William, cabinet maker. Camp M., carpenter. Chapman Hiram, shoemaker. Caldwell William J., jobber. Chalmbers William G., saddler. Caruthers Caleb, blacksmith. Caruthers Finley, do Calderwood Hugh, superinten- dant of Sparta mill. DETRICH JOHN E., merchant. Detrieh Jacob S. furniture dealer. Dickey James, laborer. Dobbins John S., blacksmith. Dobbins Andrew, wagonmaker. EDWARD CROSLEY, spinner in factory. Edgar William, book merchant. Edminston Abner. Eekuph. FARNAN JOSEPH, physician and druggist. Farnan James, physician, Fairborn Jolm, laborer. Foster Robert L., expressman. Ferris D. S., minister. GARDNER HENRY, trader. Gardner Nicholas, grocer. 1<><» • It.VXltOLPII COUNTY SPARTA LIVERY STABLE. D. RIGDON & CO., 'Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Sparta ami the pub- lic in general, that they are now prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with their patronage. Having reeently made large additions to their stock, thpy can now accommodate all' with SADDLE HORSES, AND CARRIAGES, Of a supiiior quality, and on the most reasonable term*. Persons wishing to be conveyed to different points, can be ac- commodated in good style, on the shortest notice. Horses stabled and fed by the day or week. SPAETA DRUG AND BOOK STORE. JOSEPH FARNAQI, WHOLBSALI AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, paints, oils, Si|L% VARNISHES, gw.p ,8wte,dMa wiaoy giass, Stationery, ami Fancy Articles; Patent Medicines; Taints, Oils, and \ r arnishes; Books and Station- ery ; Notions and Fancy Articles ; Win- dow Glass, of the best quality. Also. Paint, Varnish and Cloth Brushes; Candies, Spices, Ac. ,?S~ Physicians and Country Merchants supplied at a very small per cent, above St. Louis Prices. Prescriptions compounded at all hours. Store on^the corner of St. Louis and Broad streets. DIRECTORY. 161 Gardner Fayette, carpenter. Goddard J. H., Goddard William B., carpenter. Gillebran Adam, laborer. Gammill Robert, miller. Gerred Hugh, lumber merchant. Gorsuch Elijah, boot and shoe merchant. Gorsuch M. G., physician and druggist. Gordon James, merchant. Gray James, baker. Gray John, tailor. Gutherie Hugh R., physician. Grutelius John F., inn keeper. Gray William. Grenslet E., cooper. Gobsan Robert, stone mason. Graham George, shoemaker. HARMER ROBERT J., clurk of union mill. Hood Archibald. Hood James, merchant. Hood Robert, do Hood John. Hood William, mason. Hopkins Richard R., physician. Hudson John, salesman. KIRKPATRICK JOHN, miller. Kirkpatrick Hugh, inn keeper. Klene Benjamin, brickmakor. LONG ZAOHARTAII, linnr-v. i.exton Matthew, teamster. Luther A. A. L&hmann Bartley, butcher. Lafferty Jesse, groom, Lawson Murphy, teamster. Lawson Mary A., confoetiouer. Lattimore Joseph, mason. Little R. B., merchant. Linds iy Samuel,w agon maker. Luther James M. 0,. cabinet- maker. *14 Laird Isaac, cooper. Laird Martin, do MAXWELL JAMES, teamster. Matlock William L., plas- terer. Miller Andrew, jeweler. Miller James W., Minner John W., ambrotypist. Monroe Wuliam. Morrcw John B., teamster. Murphy William P., lawyer. Murphy David. Murphy John Calvin. Maxwell Thomas C, farmer. McMillan William H., farmer. McLain Theron, carpenter. McLain Daniel, do McCutcheon John M., express- man. McCandless James F. McCormack John W., blacksmith. McCormack Matthew 8., mer- chant. McCormack William, inn keeper. McCormack Hugh C, merchant. McClurkcn Thomas, factory mer- chant. McClurken Matthew, farmer. McD< nald Robert. Mc T 11 Robert. McOill Thomas, printer. Mclienry Joseph, merchant. He Henry Robert, M., teacher. McHenry Francis. McKay -lohu L., tailor. McMillan John R., teamster. M.-D.mald Marshall, do NEWSON ARCHIBALD. Newman Augustus, barber. Neill Samuel, harness maker. Neill John, blacksmith. Naylor Presley. RR THOMAS A. K., butcher and tep *Mster. 1G2 RANDOLPH COUNTT Hi ^ Hi I SELECT SWM DRY-GOODS, Ulh '9 HARDWARE, C^TJEJE! JXT SW -^ JFL3E3, AND >^^ *Ja*ib wW @Ca e^-# ^L;# g HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Kept constantly on Imnd hy ilio undersigned, MAIN STREET, SPARTA, FOR SALE CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. All kinds of Product) will ho lukon in exi-hango for r J(>ods nt Market prices. J. B PARKS DIRECTORY. 165 Orr Craton, blacksmith. Osburn E. James, painter. F-, PATTESON ROBERT keeps livery. Parks James B., merchant. Perkins Jeremiah C, keeps saloon and variety store. Perkins Ephraim, blacksmith. Perkins Eli as, do Pawel James, oculist. Pyles Lucius, carpenter. Palmer P. W., cooper. R05B0R0UGH WILLIAM, merchant. Rosborough Robert, salesman. Raybron Francis, blacksmith. Rea William, teamster. Rigdon David, keeps livery. Rodent an Jlenry, merchant. STEVENSON WILLIAM A., wagon maker. Btonnant II. C, carpenter. Stuart Jobn F., minister. Spindle Edward J., laborer. Sherlock Richard, teamster. Smith Henry, tailor. Stevenson William J., merchant. Shannon John R. Shannon James. Shannon Moses F. SUelley Alexander. Skelley John, laborer. Skelley William. Skelley James, painter. Simpson George, physician. Shiner John, teamster. Saunders James, carpenter. Sanders Thomas, tinner. Sanders George, wagon maker. TAILOR JOHN, justice of the peace. Taylor James H., merchant. Taylor Hugh C, do Telfard William, shoemaker. Treat Joseph, laborer. Taylor James, di WATSON JOHN", merchant. Wood Sidney, carpenter. Wilson Samuel. Wilson Samuel, constable and city marshal. Wilson John A., postmaster anl mayor. Wilson William F. Wise Daniel, salesman. Wolfington P., laborer. Whitim George, barrel manufac- turer. Watson .Tames, stone mason. White Andrew J., cocper. ■VTONTZ JOHN, miller. TOWNSHIP BAIRI) SAMITEL P.. farmer. Biird P., do Beat tie, do BeattieJ, M.. do Becket A. G.. do Blair John M., do INGE « WEST.- -SPARTA. Blair J. H., farmer Blair D, do Blair William. do Blair James, do Blair Alexander. do Blackmore. 184 RANDOLPH COUNTY JOHN TAYLOR, CITY Wmi% JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARY PUBLIC;. Will attend to collecting claims on commission or otherwise. OFFICE ON BROADWAY, SPARTA, ILL. Jurisdiction as Recorder in debt or damages, $500 00. IVEjps, M. LA'WSOBT Keeps constantly on hand Chocolate, Oysters, Crackers, Cheese, Nuts of every kind, Tobacco, Cigars, Mackerel, Soap, Candles, Salt, Tea, Brooms, Baskets, Toys, Hoop Skirts, and Notions, of every va- riety, at her old stand on MAIN STREET, one door east of the Shannon House, SPARTA, ILLINOIS, Where she hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. PEOPLES SALOON, Main Street, Sparta, Illinois, J. O. PERKINS, Proprietor. Dealer in all kinds of Confectionery ; Foreign and Domestic Frnits ; Nuts, Oysters, and Sardines; Tobacco and Cigars; Fancy Perfumery and Hair Oils. All descriptions of Family Oroceries, Ac. Also, Ice Cream, Soda, and Refreshments. FRANCIS B. ANDERSON, ATTORNEY AID COUNSELOR AI LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY; Will attend with fidelity and promptness to all business entrusted to him, and connected either directly or indirectly with his profes- sion, whether in the United States or elsewhere. OFFICII ON MAIN STREET, SPARTA, ILLINOIS. MRKCTOKY. 165 TOWNSHIP •, SOUTH, RANGE li WEST— SPARTA. Bordfcl'n Andrew, fill 111* Boyd William, do Bovd Jamas J.. do Boyd Robert. V., do Boyd Samuel,, do Boyd Thomas, do Boyd David B., do Boyd James, do Brown Joseph Ji., do Brown James M., do Brown David. do Brown Joseph Sr., do Brown Henry B., do Brown Charles E.. do C CHANDLER NOEL, fanner. ; Chalmber3 Thomas A. Chalmbers David. Clendenin James II.. farmer. Couch John, do Cooper William, do Cooper James A.. do Coulter John, do Crothers B. L., blacksmith. Cunningham John R., farmer. Cunningham James W., do Cunningham George V., farmer and teacher. Cunningham Robert, farmer. DIAL ISAAC, farmer. Dillman John, far in t Dickey George. do Davver .!••'■ u, do FELLERS JOHN G., farmei Einley Francis, do Foster William, do Flakier William Sr.. do Frazii" William Jr.. iln GROSS ANDERSON, tarn Gross George. Sr.. Gross George W., HENDEUHOFF PETER, far mer. llegens David W.. fanner. Hood John, do Hood Alexander. do Houston John do KELL JOHN F., farmer. Kinny Alexander, farmer. T EMMONS JACOB, farmer. Li Lessley R. M., Lessley Alexander, Lively A. P., Lively William, Lively Turner. Lochead J. M., Lvle Thomas. do do do do do do do M ALONE JAMES, collier. Mann John B., farmer. Martin William, do Mathews William. do Miller John, do Mirott John, wagonmaker. Marrow William, farmer. Marrow James (.'., do Morris Ephrairu. Morris. William -li Morris Isaac. Murphy A. B.. McAnu'llty James DAGUERREOTYPE, A *# ptotajgrapltlc Lightbody R. W., dm Lynn Joseph, do Lynn William R., do Lynn John, do Lyons R. W., do Lyons G., do MARSHALL R. W., physician. Marshall J. J., farmer. Marshall Adam, teacher. Matthews Joseph B., farmer. Matthews James, do Meek Samuel J. B.. do Meek William. do Morrison Robert, do Murphv James H., do McBride A., do McBridc John, do Mi-Clinton James, do 170 RANDOLPH COUNTY ■a 0) 4-> < P^> - H C/3 .2 1 aj .2 ^ & X UJ 0) 2 < t> LU • H CQ CD n in in '8 O V s V ^ - t j. C ^ •T '- - ' ^ ^ y_ s - e . "- — DIRECTORY. 171 TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST.— SPARTA. McClinton William, 'armer. McHatton. Armour, do Mclntyre John, do Mcllvain A... do McKelvey Alex. R., do McKelvey S. W., do McMasters James. do McMillan .James H.. do McMillan William T do McMurdo John, do McMurdo William, do pATTERSON R. L.. farmer. RANKIN ROBERT, farmer. Redpath R., do Redpath James K., do Ritchey James M., farmer and coal merchant. Ritchey Robert J., farmer. Rieddle Joseph, ' do Rodgers Samuel J., do Rodgera A., do Rodgers W., do Rutherford William, do Rutherford Robert, do SCHR1DER HENRY Rev. Short Thomas, farmer. Smith Moore Jr. do Smith James C, do Smiley James, do Stevenson Michael Sr., farmer TEMPLE ROBERT, farmer. Toverea Bartley, do Tweede Hugh, do Tweede David, do Tweede John, do WALKER JAMES, farmer. Walker William, do Wallace James, do Welsh James, do White Francis, do Wilson Hugh, do Wood William, io Wylie John, do Wylie Alex., do Wylie Robert C, do VEOMAN DAVID, farmer 172 RANDOLPH COUNTY J. A. FOSTER, Sparta, 111. DEALER IN / J^Xj ^j \^| s^jjf ^z $%jj sie^ ^ HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, NAILS, IRON. O-IjASS, FARMING ITEII18, READY-MADE ClfflMffli; In short, a general assortment of Merchandise, suitable to the wants of the consumer — all of which are offered at the lowest prices. Tin' public are invited to examine. JOHN E. DETRICH, Main Street, Sparta, Illinois. ]>K,VL.TdTR IN DRY- GOODS, 3E3L" ArL3DX\T-A.riEJ, QUWARE, GLASSWAKE, BOOTS AID SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, TOBACCO. And all kinds of Merchandise suited to the wants of the trade gen- erally. DIRECTORY. 173 TO THE FARMERS SOUTHERN ILLINOIS. SPARTA Wflflfet f *tf**g» I have made large additions to my Factory, of new And am manufacturing and will keep a large stock at all seasons, of the following Goods, manufactured by me with special reference, to durability : SlTlllfS, CASSIMERES, INDIGO BLUE AND MIXED JEANS, BED-BLANKETS, PLAID, ID, PLAIN MREO k WHITE MEIS, KNOTTING AND SINGLE YARNS OK ALL SIZKS. Custom Carding and Spinning, Fulling, Coloring, and Finishing, done on short notice. Persons from a distance always accommodated at the time they bring their Wool. THOS. McCLTJRKEN. N. B. — Wool and Grease wanted in exchange. *15 174 RANDOLPH COUNTY WM. ROSBOROUGH 8c CO , SPARTA, BLLI^OiS. THE OLDEST HOUSE IN THE COUNTY, ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1835. Have always on hand the largest and most com- plete Stock of CLOTHING, $ GROCERIES, 3EX A. Y^ ID "\*T j9l n ES, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, &C, &C, That is offered in the market, to which they invite the attention of Lilli IliU. SPARTA, October, 1859 DIRECTORY. 175 3» ifii 3ft NEW LIVERY STABLE. BARTLEY TOVERA Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Sparta and vicinity, that he has opeuod a new and splendid Stable on ST. LOUIS STREET, SPARTA, ILLINOIS, Where lie will keep constantly on hand SADDLE AND BUGGY HORSES, OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, Of the best quality: and will accommodate all who may favor him with their custom on more reasonable terms than ever offered in the city. He hones, by strict attention to hia business, to merit a liberal xhare of public patronage. M. G. GORSUCH, M. D., SPARTA, ILLINOIS. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, & CHEMICALS, DYE-WOOBS AND DYE-STUFFS, QIL§ t PAINTS, AN Q PAINTERS' ARTICLES, Window g»lx££ and Vuttii, §>\umvuu, FRENCH, EMU, ill AMERICAN PERFIW. Fine Toilet anil Shaving Soaps, fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushes. Surgical and Dental Instruments, Spices, Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco ; all the Patent Medicines of the day ; Pure Wines and Brandies, for medicinal purposes; Choice Toilet and Fancv Articles, etc., etc. 170 RANDOLPH COUNTY SPARTA & CHESTER SPARTA. ATHENS, BELLEVILLE, A1UD St. Louis Daily Mail and PASSENGER COACH LINE. Having secured a Daily Mail Contract between the above points, I have established a Daily Coach Line for the accommodation of the traveling public — leaving Sparta every morning (Sundays excepted) at 6 o'clock, A. M., for Chester : returning, leaves Chester every day (Sundays excepted) at 2, P. M., arriving in Sparta the same even- ing ; leaving Sparta for Athens, Belleville, and St. Louis, every morning, (Sundays excepted,) at A. M., arriving at St. Louis the same evening ; leaving St. Louis every morning at 6 A. M. from No. 60 Collins street, King's Hotel, the Post Office, Green Tree Tavern, arriving at Sparta on the same evening. I ALSO RUN THE BUCKEYE BftY FREIGHT & EXPRESS WAGONS On the above routes, and will carry Freight at usual rates with promptness and safety, between any of the above points. I will also attend to Express Business of any kind, to any part of the United 8tates or Europe. Packages or money forwarded to any part of the world having Express connections. Will buy and sell Drafts and Bills of ExchaDge on any part of the world. Will also attend to making collection of notes and accounts. Business of any kind en- trusted to my care will be faithfully and promptly attended to. Orders respectfully solicited. I can be seen Wednesdays and Thurs- days, at No. 66, Collins' street, and Saturdays and Mondays at my office in Sparta. JOHN M. McCUTCHEON. DIRECTOR 1. 177 1839. I860, FALL AND WINTER STOCK. J". c*3 H.. HOOD, WHOLESALE AND ROAU MERCHANTS, Broadway, Sparta, 111., Have received, direct from the East, a large, splendid, and carefully selected Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS. Our Stock consists in part of a large and most fashionable Stock of GENTLEMEN AND YOUTH'S- CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, All of which they warrant to fit, or no sale. Also, Black, Brown, and Drab Cloths, Doe Skins, Casinetts, Cassimeres, BLACK, FANCY, AND FIGURED SILKS, Alpaccas, Delai, s, French, English, and American Prints, Ging- hams, Ribbons, D»2ss Trimmings, Lace, Notions, Shawls, Mantillas, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Glassware, Queensware, and a full Stock of Groceries. The highest market price paid for merchantable produce. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. McHENRY & WATSON, Cor. of Broad & McMillan Streets, Sparta, 111., Are now receiving and opening a large and attractive Stock of Goods from the East, which, for variety and beauty of style, are unsurpassed. Our Stock consists of DRY GOODS, OLOTHI3STG-, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE AND GROCERIES. We invite all persons coming to trade in Sparta to give us a call and examine our prices. To cash and produce customers, we offer liberal inducements. 178 UANHOl.l'U COUNTY DIRECTORY. WAG OB, t&iii.4il, Silfif PL01 iVIttillFACTORY, EDEN, ILLINOIS. The underesignecl having ])iu in operation a STEAM EXCiJXK tor RANIiOl.l'H COVNTY ^3L CARD. P B. GAULT. C. B. MULT. P. B. & C. M GAULT, MANUFACTURERS OF mm, smies, ki e, :eh>t3jst, - - - HjIjInois. This firm has invariably taken the ""BLUE KlJi- ]iON," at the County Kair, on Bii«£ui< *, whenever they have exhibited. Orders solicited, and liiled on short notice. Our work is warranted. JOHN MICHAN, gUtorneti and ^mmsetor AT LAW, EDEN, - ILLINOIS. THOMAS ftELSOft, EDEN, ILLINOIS, Has Dahlias, Hoses. Tulips. Hyacinths, Bulbs, locen- houde Plants, and Shrubbery. ftav' Seeds k 1 1 < » \ v n to he ifenn'ine, can he fl-tained from uie. MUKCTuKY. 183 TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE o WEST.— EDEN. Ganlt 1'. R. wagunittaker. Gault ('. M.. " do Gordon William ('. Sr., farmer. Gordon William ('. Jr., do Gordon A. J., do Gordon John R., do Ga.iL margin of undulating timbered land, are unsurpassed in beauty and fertility. Tho immense crops of wheat, corn, hay, and pota- toes, harvested from the farms in this prairie, would put to a severe test the credulity of the toiling farmer who gathers his eight and ten bushels per acre from the stony hill sides of New England. Among the far- mers around Red Bud arc to be found the most indus- trious, enterprising and wealthy in tho county. In this fact lies the secret of Red Bud's pi'osperity. Every inland town depends upon the progress and advancement of the country around for its own prosperity. The pros- DIRECTORY. 187 porou. ito of the surrounding country may, therefore, be inferred from the amount of business done in Red Bud. There are five dry goods stores; six grocery stores; two flouring mills; two lumber yards; six merchant tailors; one drug store; one brewery; one livery sta- ble ; five boot and shoe shops ; three blacksmith shops; three wagon manufactories ; one saddlery and harness shop; four hotels; two brick yards; four carpenter shops; three cabinet shops ; three tin shops; one jew- elry store; one ambrotype gallery; one high school supported by the town, independent of the public revenue. 188 RANDOLril COUNTY PIRKCTORY. HEAVY STOCK. R D DURFEE & CO., At tlic old stand of Durfkb & Crozier, continue to kocp tlic And sell at lower prices than any other House in South- ern Illinois. We would say to our friends in MOM, RA^DOLFH, AND ST. CLAIR COUNTIES, Fetch on your dimes, and we promise to satisfy you in STYLE, QUALETX AN© PRCGi. We have always undersold our competitors, and are now trying to undersell ourselves. RED BXJ13, October. nTsMITH. ~ R. J. SMITH. J. R. ALLEN. SMITH, ALLEN & CO., DEALERS IX iEKOODS, IR01IBIIS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C, &C. N. W. CORNER MAIN AND MARKET STREETS. SED B0D ? ILLINOIS^ ■— * AGENT FOR /ETNA INSURANCE CO., Office near Residence, £n RED BUD, ILLINOIS. 11ED BUD DIRECTORY. TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 8 WEST.— BED BUD. AUiERS J. T., merchant. A Hon J. R., postmaster. A i ii'n Miner, farmer. Allen .). \V., notary public. ' ililaiuti J. R., fanner and justice • i he peace. * !ln •••lit M., plasterer. ^ li'innu Adam, butcher. HKUESrfON EARNST, fanner. Bcresson William, do B.-slerbortol Fred, do Hill'.ir (icor'*o. do Hurtles C. V.. do Barker Minor, carpenter. Barker D. M., do BiHHr II ■•nrv, do Rlu W.. teamster. Horn John, blacksmith. Rngo Henry, laborer. Bauer Monrv, fanner. Bad.-i Frederick, i! > :im, do do "",- laborer. Rrr- -■■ W I B,m Ij.i Hr.v 1 i„ ,, : Brim ■■ ■ J..li ..per. Bricky William, lumber mer- chant. Broekmin J. P., shoemaker. Bosse Antony, fanner. Burgo Louis, do Boelioff G., merchant. Boergherting Henry, laborer. Bush Fred., teamster. Bush John, laborer. Brasso Henry, farmer. Brickey John, miller. Brown E. S.. laborer. CTiARK REUBEN, farmer. (Mine Wm., do Conoly John, teamster. Conoly Charles, do Coleman Henry, lawyer. Crozicr J. L., farmer. Cullin Kil Timorty, farmer. Cardwell W. J., doctor. Crocker James. principal of high school. Crouda Josei.b, carpenter. D0N01I0 MICHAEL, farmer. Detordiu*' Fred., wason- maker. De.il..... I William, druggist. Dono . ■■ .• John, fji rnter. Deaker William, d 1 Durice I!. 0., merchant. Davis E. R., do Durlei- Aaron, re! ired. Doo] v Michael, laborer. "filBERDING CONRAD, farmer. lli Eppers J. W., barkeeper. IOisse Frederick, cabinetmaker. E herding Henry, farmer. 19U RANI <'|.| || coi'M V TOWNSHIP i SOUTH, RASGK 8 WEST.— BED BUD. E V : 1 1 1 j hi: • ■ i . . . i : Eli- ('I,.! .i mill- K.l. U ,.i. I .-,.. . ]•:■;.• r. i ;..•.- n . '■ ' : lit!:. Iai.ANJGAX J< 'II N limner. 1 KiilH-i-tv Mary do FeilTSfi-ill Li 'ill']' T W :slflt- llllll Faln-m !■: '.v.- ■•!. furnuv. J-' in!i I'luir!*.!-. ilu Eric] Hiiir'i. l-nrl i ejw v. Fnivsidi- I :•• <\ .. Uv.rnster. G^l KS'J J No ii KXriY. runner. J (JuJ)iMt Krod., do Gilbert Wiliiaiu. do Gilbert Charles, do Guru C. OWEN. Levi, briekmason. Owen C. C, do Outen William, do Outen, do Offerding Daniel, hotel keeper. Ortgeison Gehard, shoemaker. Ohlwien David, farmer. Owen W'illiain, do Obst Ferdinand, carpenter. pAKROT PETER, I'irmei X Parrot Louis, do Peach John. do Peurggroth Fred.. do Pelzer Louis, do Prowsc William. do Poetonrt. N-. M. D.. RALES J. .t li.. farmers. Ralls William, fanner. Ralls John. do Rail John, lio Rail Louis. do Rathut Charles, carpenter. Ratlnit William, plasterer. Ronnerberger F.. farmer. Rinehardt Chariot, shoemaker. Ruhnkorf Conrad, laborer. R ii hnkorf Henry, wagonniaker. Ritter Henry, blacksmith. Raker Fred. Sr., carpenter. Ruker Fred. Jr., farmer. Re.sse Fred., carpenter. Roscon James, farmer. Ronald Earnst, do Ronald Conrad, do Ronald Fred., ilo Rolljjink Fred., do Rose Joseph, cai penler. Roscnmier Fred., do Robbing Wm. S., teamster. Ruppol Leonard, butcher. Reil v Adam, clerk. QCHRJEBER CHARLES, Jr., IO merchant. Schrieber Charles, Sr., farmer. Schrieber F., Sr., do Schrieber F., Jr. Saxonmier George, saddler. Shatter Fred . !al»oiv,r. Shintbeln Margaret, farmer. Sinook August, farmer. Snook William, do Shr.idor Coi Short .1 Small Davi< io do Smith Hem Smith (Vnr: Smith N.. i< Smith R. ■!. Smith Ltuu V. i{'.l d. do ^tic.u of pcue.i\ inorehant. ■nee. hotel keej Simmons L 1 1 her, larmor. Sinynons s. Simmons il Sipplc ChrL Sippel Hem L. do Me., do tian. carpenter. v. fanner. Salgor Earn Salger Fred. i. do do Sliger John Stillborn IV Smith H. 0. do •.I., do do Starnn Will :u,i,do Swim A"-" ; -1. do 192 RANDOLPH COUNTY lntlKi'TOUV TOWNSHIP t SOUTH. RANGE s WEST.— R KI) I'. I'D. StOwir John. lawyer. Snyder Christopher, bord* farrier 8a .Yank lleury. barber. Seibert J. A.. ambrotypint SeibertH., stone eatter. Stineham Jacob, farmer. Stineham Frank, do Stumph Jacob, D. D. Sturgeon J. R.. D. 1). TAYLOR SPENCrJR, niillor. Treaneiler Math i as, laborer. Toiler WilliaTii. bulclier. Tummel John, briiknmwn. Tiiinuiel Fr.tiik. liDlx County, 171. PRAIRIE DU ROGHER DIRECTORY. TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 9 WEST.— PRAIRIE DU ROCHER. AGNEW A. B., physician. Albert Antoine, farmer. Atcher Charles, do BACHELIER FRANK, mer- chant. Briekey Frank W., merchant miller. Bachelier Philibert, carpenter. Barbeau Benjamin, farmer. Barbeau Andrew Jr., do Barbeau Henry, do Barbeau John B., do Barbeau Antoine, Barbeau Baptiste, Brown Matthew, Barber Francis, Bege Leurent, Buyat Ambrose, Benvenu Raynold, Blandford Felix, Blais Joseph, Blais Thomas, Boneau Pierre, Brewer John Sr., Brewer George, Brown Albion, Blais Godfrey, Blandheld Albert, Blais Narcissus, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do pAVANAU L. D., farmer. \J Chaudol Theophill, proprie- tor of Union Hotel. 17 Chartreau Michael, farmer. Cheoweth Gabriel. Clark James, do Connely James, do Collegnor Joseph, do Curat Alphonse, do Carr Benjamin, laborer. D AVIS H. S., blacksmith. Derouse Edward, farmer. Delfry Maxemilion, Danane Martin, Danjan John, Dorron Lesen, Dorron Ferain, Drawry Clement. Drapan William, Duelas Eugene, Duelas Rosemond, do do do do do do do do do GODAIR PIERRE, farmer. Godair John B., do j Godair Celerin, do ! Grevet Danis, do , Grainner Johu B.. do GuebertC, do HARRIS GRAVAIS, farmer. Harris Thomas, do Hansbrough Elija do Harestend Thomas, do HayuesHosea, do Henry William, justice of the p '.!> ■ and ii' fcary public. ifo ■-• Iv.limiud. 194 RANDOLPH COUNTY TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 9 WEST.— PRAIRIE DU ROCHER. JEFFRY W. M., physician. Johnson John, tanner. KERR HENRY, farmer. Kerr John, merchant. Kerr A., do LACHAPELLE AMEDEE, far- mer. Langlois Francis, farmer. Langlois Antoine, do Levery Joseph, do Levery Godlrey, do Louviere John B., do Louviere Henry, do Louviere Ciprain, do Louviere Baptiste, do Lee A. H., merchant miller. M ANNING ISADORE, farmer. Medeaf Edward, Medeaf Charles B.. Miller William, Mbase Solomon, Mangen Prosper, Mongen Francis, Mudd Thomas L., Mudd Vincent, Mudd Thomas, Mudd James T., Montgomery Thomas L., McNabb Matthew, McGee Augustus, saddler. N EAL JOSEPH, farmer. 0' WEN CONSTANTINE, far- mer. Owen Croewell, farmer. PERRAT FERDINAND, far- mer. Perrat Francis, farmer. Phegly Jacob, do PheglyJohn, do Panpar Pelazie, do Pairier Frederick, farmer. ROBBINS WILLIAM. Ray Ely A. Ray Antoine. Ray Adolphus. Ray Ferdinand. Ray Phelix, SANTEAN JOHN B., farmer. Shea Michael, do Simmons Henry M., do Skedmore H. M., do Steinkop Frederick, Mason. Sprigg, James D v merchant. Sprigg John, do Schrider, Dr., farmer. THIBEAU ISRAEL, farmer. Timpton Sias, do Tuller John B. do Thibeau Francis, do W ENTHER GEORGE, farmer. TOWNSHIP i 3., RANGE 10 W., FR.— PRAIRIE DU ROCHER. ^NGLAND ROBERT. -i Elliot Joseph, farmer. G ODAIR ALEXIS, fanner. DIRECTORY. 195 TOWNSHIP 5 S.. RANGE in W., FR.— PRAIRIE DU ROCHER. LANGLOI8 ETIENNE, C. mer. Louviere John N., farmer. Louviere Eugene, do Louviere Vital, do Louviere Benjamin, do fcr- ^lEARS S. S., commission mer- chant. WALDRON WILLIAM, far- mer. TOWNSHIP 7 P., RANGE 8 W., FR — I'KAIRIE DU ROCHER. BIENVIENU FRANCIS E. farmer. Bienvienu Lewis, farmer. CASSON ANTOINE B., farmer. Casson Felix, do Charlivillc Charles, do Charliville Francois, do DEROUSE JOSEPH T.. farmer. Dobbs W. K., do Dobbs Jonathan, do Dobbs Richard, do Doza Alexis. do Doza William. Dunis Antoine. G ENDROU LUKE. >UJOL LOUIS P. Planase Antoine. THOMAS FULTON. Thomas Matthew. Thomas Plumer. farmer, do 196 KANDuLrii COUNTY DIRECTORY. S. TURNER, JONES & CO,, Ilavc in Store a carefully selected Stock of ^mjmmmmmmc 09 sr fsstii f Which they offer at MY WW PRICES FOR CASH. Attention is called to their Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Which will be found extensive, and of the best make and material. Are selected to answer the wishes of regular custo- mers, and can be relied upon for quality. *w Suli 'S '-SS '■'Si ''fill ; >8 IBji CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOEE. Liberty, Illinois, LIBERTY. About thoyear 1805, John Hickman built a house in front of tho present location of Liberty, on land which has long since given place to the current of the river. In 1806, Mr. Mansker, father of Samuel Mansker, built a houso on the island opposite the town, and opened a farm. Samuel Mansker built the first house within the limits of the present town — the same that is now occupied by Mr. Tuthill as a chair manu- factory. The first store was established by James McCormack. In the year 1832, John Stearns, an emigrant from Tennessee, purchased the land and laid off the upper part of town into town lots. A sprightly improvement followed, and the place rapidly assumed town propor- tions. About the year 1836, Capt. W. B. Charles, James Dean, Dr. Mannino, Harvey Clendenin, Samuel Barber, Thomas Frazier, E. G-. Hall, Brew- ster, and some others located in the town, and gave it quite a start towards a high destiny. Mansker, Clendenin & Barker established a store and carried on a heavy business in buying and shipping grain. At this time there was probably more corn shipped from Liberty than from any other port in Randolph County. Tho town was incorporated in 1837, and the local *17 198 RANDOLPH COUNTY government sot in motion. The first board of town trustees consisted of William B. Charles, Nathaniel Manning, John D. Stearns, John Stearns and Jacob Parks. John Stearns was elected President, and Harvey Ciendenin, Clerk. The place maintained a gradual improvement until about tho year 1842. From that period there was but little progress until about four years ago. In 1855, the enterprising citizens of the town and vicinity or- ganized a joint stock association, and commenced the erection of a large flouring mill. This was the signal for other improvements, and during the next two years a great many now houses were built. The mill was completed and set in operation in 1856. It is of the largest class of merchant mills, capable of producing two hundred and fifty barrels of flour per day. The town now contains five dry goods stores; two grocery stores; one chair factory; one wagon shop; two blacksmith shops; one boot and shoe shop; one cooper shop; one hotel; three physicians; one school house. Liberty is ono of the largest wood markets on the Mississippi river. About ten thousand dollars' worth of wood is sold from her numerous yards annually. A church was organized in Liberty, about the year 1844 by Rev. C. C. Riggs. Tho congregation usually occupy the school house. Rev. B. II. Charles supplies the pulpit occasionally. Liberty is situated in tho southeast corner of Ran- dolph County, upon a strip of level land, with the Mis- sissippi in front and a range of. wild, cragged bluffs in the rear. The river at this point is probably narrower than at any other place between New Orleans and St. Anthony Falls, measuring in an ordinary stage of DIRECTORY. 199 water something less than four hundred yards. Tho country surrounding Liberty is somewhat broken, and heavily timbered. The soil on tho uplands is well adapted to tho production of wheat, of which the far- mers raise large quantities. F|i ^sl fli J. P. MANN, Liberty, Illinois, JONES' CREEK POST OFFICE. Keeps on hand a large Stock of HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS MUG, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, All of which he sells low to cash or prompt time pur- chasers. - - KANDOLPH COVJITY DIRECTORY. 3 BoCTH, RA>'>JE « WE>I.- LIBERTY LP": ~ v BG LLOM, farmer Law X I do MINSK E R ] " \\" iiMr. V - v- - \> do V- - --. "t. iO J,-, >'- • "• A- " r \.- - r B. N. BOND. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. AND ACCOUCHER, gVANSVIllg, ILLrHQfS. ■ - ILLE y *■ i^~n. v. A3* ••M is t» Levi ^. ^ . i. — . : .i- I",*: I".: --- - -- ? =.71 .-- 7. N ~- 204 RANDOLPH COUNTY DIRECTORY. liam McNeal. The next year, 1840, William and McKee O'Melvany brought to the town a stock of dry goods and commenced merchandizing. At this time the flourishing aspect of affairs induced the opin- ion that Evansville must become a place of some busi- ness importance, but under the heavy financial embar- rassment which almost crushed out the energies of western prosperity about this time, there was no more improvement until the year 1847, when a new impetus was given the town by Volien "Weiriiam, who erected a store house and commenced selling goods. Other acquisitions were made to the town as time passed along. In 1*54, Jonathan Chetsnutwood, from Ohio, came to tho place and established a dry goods store. Soon afterwards came David Hartzell, the now busi- ness partner of Chestnut wood. The same year Evans & Weiriiam erected and put in operation a steam flour- ing mill. In 1857 Wundsbliok erected a brewery, in which is brewed the celebrated "Evansviile Beer." The growth of the place thus far has depended upon the improvement of the country around it, — but the successful navigation of the Kaskaskia river, during the past season, is giving advantages to the place which will create much improvement. In addition to what has been mentioned the town com tains two wagon manufactories; two blacksmith shops ; five cooper and one saddlery shop ; two hotels; two physicians; sev- eral carpenters and masons; one tailor; a good school house in which a permanent school is kept by James A. J. Martin. Ferry kept by James Walsh. Tho Methodist denomination have two church organ- izations — Bngliah and German — both organized in 1858. Taylor preaches for the former. Baah for the latter. Catholics, are building a house of vrorship. EVANSVILLE DIRECTORY. TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 8 WEST.— EVANSVILLE. A NDERSON JAMES P. BERTH A.L MICHAEL, farmer. Bart John, farmer. Blais E., do Braise Henry, do Braise Frederick, farmer. Bruzer Lewis, Brown John, Brown George T., Brewer Felix, Brewer Thomas, Butler Thomas, do do do do do do Bond B. N., physician. CAMPBELL ARCHIBALD, far- mer. Carroll Martin, farmer. Clase John W., do Crorgon James, do Chestnutwood J., merchant. DEGNER FREDERICK, far- mer. Derouse Phillip, farmer. Divers Andrew, do Dawling Michael, do Douglas G. W., do Douglas John A., farmer and jus- tice of the Peace. 18 ECCLES EDMUND, grocer. Evans William, farmer. FAIIARTY MANNS, farmer. Flawlcy Michael, do Flam Gasper, do GUEBLE JOHN, farmer. Giberding Debrich, farmer. Gross Nicholas, do HASEMIRRER LATTIS, far- mer. Hannaman Henry, farmer. Hannibutt Charles, do Hannibutt Frederick Jr., farmer. Hermiss Phillip, do . Hindmann Frederick, do Haman Rudd, do Hopka Henry, do Horrel Benedict, do Horrel Benedict J., do Horrel Cornelius, do Horrel John M., do Horrel Francis E., do Horrel Thomas L., do Hull James, do Harstead John, do Hartzell David, merchant. 206 RANDOLPH COUNTY TOWN8HIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 8 WEST.— EVANSVILLE. TEFFRY C farmer. KERSTOB JEENRY, farmer. Knott Killery, do Kucker Frederick H., do Eucker William, do M ARTIN JAMES A. J., teacher. Marlin Fleetwood, farmer. Mitchell Robert, Mudd Henry, Mudcl Francis, Mudd Charles, Mudd John, Murphy Michael, McCraw John, McCann James, McDermot James, do do do do do do do do do HARRA JAMES. Ohmes Charles. PAULTER JOSEPH 8r. Paulter Joseph Jr. Paultcr Paul. RABE DEDERICK, farmer. Ready Edward, do Runger Frederick, do s IMPSON JOHN C, farmer. Simpson H. D., do Simpson Thomas A., do Simpson James D., do Simpson Thomas L., do Smith Lyman, do Skeudmore A. G., do Stiffens Otto, do TILLMAN FREDERICK. Thompson John M. T7INSAN JOHN. WALSH JAMES. Walsh Nicholas. Wegner Dedrich. Weherheim John. Welshire C. H. Whalen Jonathan. YOUNG ANDREW. Yum Peter. DIRECTORY. 207 208 RANDOLPH COUNTY DIRECTORY. THOMISON & HARMON, STEELESVILLE, ILL. DEALERS IN w m ifyt m oj w in rra hy BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE A&Q CUTL&RY, And nil other articles necessary lo constitute a eompli lc ns<'»rfment of such Goods as the country demands. Our business is transacted on tho mutual principle and we invito our friends and tho public generally to bring us every article of merchantable produce, and exchange it for Goods. Give us a call when you visit Steclcsville. CHEAP CASH STORK J. M EXAXiONB & BRO , Ilavin ; established themselves in (ho DRY-GOODS & GROCERY BUSINESS, Would respectfully solicit a share of the patronago around St< * los- villc. In our Store will ;it all times bo found a complete variety of di& Jl <3ar v-^ vi> J^ @ ^ <&& -u Ji> G*i ; ^ -.si Js \& 9 BOOTS, SLIDES, SUGAR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, L'EA t PSFPER, SPIOS, &8., &5. Our Stock is 'open for inspection, and everybody is invited t« call ci.d sec us. STEELESVTLLE. Steole.vrllie, forrn.vI, r :iam ! and yet eallod George- town, is .-i; mtcJ towards the e i.stern boundary of tho county, fifteen miles from Chester, on the road leadin •; to Pinekncyville. The oh I Indian trail and road leading from Shu .vnoeLo v i '■> ! l.'.-^i-kin passed over the ground on wlii . !i the town is m ale. and for many years beforo there was any prospect of a town, it was the prin 'ipal thoroughfare of travel for (he Southern District of Illinois. Emigrants, from beyond the Ohio, crossed tho river at Khawneetown, and came this route to Kas- kaskiu. Gbojiok Rtkklh, the original proprietor of Steeles- villc, located upon the land where the town stands, in 1810, and male a small farm. The most important event in the early history of this place was the erection of a Port or " Block House.'" in the year 1812, in which the neighboring settlers took refuge from the Kickapoo Indians, whose hostilities towards the Americans had been excited by t ho British During one whole season the people lived in thin PV>i*t. and never left it without their guns and arm-; of defense. The foundation of the town was laid in 1825, by the erection of a tread-mill by Mr. Stekltc. The mill machinery was driven by the weight of oxen treading *18 210 RANDOLPH CODNTT upon an inclined wheel, which created sufficient power to drive and run the burrs. The mill created the neces- sity for a store. This necessity was supplied two years, afterwards by Col. Gabriel Jones, who opened the first stock ot goods ever brought to Georgetown. In tho same year — 1827 — a post office was established, and Col. Jones appointed Postmaster. The post offico was named " Steele's Mills," and it still retains the original name, though the town was first called Georgetown, and afterwards, by Act of tho Legislature, changed to Stcelesvillc. With a mill, a store, a post offico, a hotel, and a black- smith shop, as a basis to start upon, tho enterprising proprietor proceeded in 1832, to have his land surveyed into town lots, which he offered for sale at public auc- tion. Among the purchasers at this first sale of lots, were Capt. Rogers, Col. Jones, Dr Jones, Robert Jones, and Tanner Briggs. From this time the town commenced growing, and its progress has been slow and gradual — additions being made just as fast as tho advancing country around increased the demands of trade. In 1838-0, Mr. Steele erected a brick residence, the first brick building in the place, which was an orna- ment to the town. It is now owne»d and occupied by Harry Jenkins as a hotel. In the year 1842, the old mill becoming worn and unstoady from the dilapidation of age, Mr. Steele built another one, near where the first one stood, upon the same plan, but much larger. It did excellent ser- vice for several years, but its din and noise are heard no more — only the wreck of it remaining. The first church of Georgetown was organized in 1834, by Rev. Eli Suort. The congregation continued DIRECTORY. 211 to worship regularly for sorao yoars, but finally the members bocoming scattered, tho organization was abanJonod. Another church was organized in 1838, by Rev. J. B. At.cott, a Baptist minister, and this may be called tho first Baptist church of Stcclesvillc. A school bouse, standing a little to tho eastward of town, was usod for 'church purposes by the congregation until 1848, whon a now building was erected in tho wostern part of town. In 1854, this congregation divided upon somo ques- tion of difference, and tho dissenting portion erected a now church building, and have become a distinct organ- ization. Rev. II. S. Gordon supplies the pulpit of th© now church, and Rov. II. S. Deppk that of the old ono. Tho Methodists havo an organization, (the dato of whoso commencement has been lost,) and proaching occasionally by Rov. Mr. J a v. Tho Presbyterian Church was organized about cighl months ago, by Rev. B. II. Ciiarlks, of Chester. Th» congregation occupies the old Baptist Church, and Rov. A. A. Morrison fills tho pulpit. Stcelesville has one school house, in which a school is kept regularly. It is a good, substantial frame build- ing, and stands a little to the northward of town. A new flouring mill has just been put in operation, with a capacity of grinding one hundred and fifty barrels of flour per day. They have a good steam saw mill ; four dry goods stores ; one wagon shop ; two cabinet shops ; one boot and shoe shop; one cooper shop; one black- smith shop; one tailor shop; one hotel, and two physi- cians. STEELESVILLE DIRECTORY. TOWNSHIP SOUTH, RANGE b WEST.— STEELESVILLE. DAMS TILFORD. L Arnold Elias, farmer. I)AT)GLEY DAVID S.. fanner. ) Bvrnor John II., miller. Bcrn^r JoEfpIi W.. on Christopher, farmer. ]1 jgjjeman Henry Sr., do Bc^;;oman Henry Jr., do B v , mum An .rust. do ]V:i« 1. t!i ' ;ri' F.. physician. Blair James 11 , farmer. BlairR-oherl II., do Jit worn i in i Michael, fanner. Brown Joseph, do Brown P.;\id, do Brown Isaac- 15.. merchant. Brown Pi cMon, do Brown William II.. farmer. Brown Samuel N., blacksmith. Brown James T., farmer. Brown Allrod A.. do Brown William. do Brown Midiae-l, do Blashear William W., fanner. Blackclsby Thomas, do Busher Henry, do CAMPBELL WILLIAM E., far- mer. Caatellnw Alfred, farmer. Caatellow John T., blacksmith. Cross Francis, farmer. DEPrE II. S. Rev., farmer. Dennis Charles J., do Dennis .lames, do Dc.ppc Au msliis, do Dosj>et K< v.. farmer and teacher. Dun ran Jacob, do [^REUS FREDERICK, farmer. J Edwards Thomas B., do FORSFE NAPOLEON, farmer. Forsie Richard, do GLAPFORD REUBEN, farmer. Gordon Gcorgo, do Gordon II. S., Rev., do Green Carter, do Guyinou Thomas, do 'NGLAES B. F., carpenter. JERNIGAN W. R., farmer wad brick maker. Jenkins R. II., hotel keeper. KAMPEN CnARLES, farm« Korn Abraham, d» DIRECTOR*". 218 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, BANGE 5 WEST.— STEELESVILLB. Korn Elijah. farmer. Korn Jacob, do Korn John, do Kane James, le Harvey, Sto< le Ja.-per, Steele Elvis, Steele Thomas, Steele M. E., Steele Carroll, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ivsberry George W., cooper. Slaley Jacob, fanner. rnATUTM WILLIAM B., farmer. JL Tato William, do Thomson George, merchant. Thomas John W., farmer. u HLES JAMES H v farmer. 914 RANDOLPH COUNTY TOWNSHIP 6 60UTH, RANGE 5 WEST— 6TEELESVILLB. farmer. r AUGHAN JAMES, farmer. W EATTE HENRY, fanner. Whitford S. C, Wilden B. r YOUNG EPHRAIM J., black- smith. TOWNSHIP fl S., RANGE 6 W.— HARMON SETTLEMENT. ARNOLD ELIAS, farmer. Addlcr William, do Adair William, farmer and teacher. Albert John, farmer. BEGGAMANN Augustus, far- mer. Baird A. P., do Barnet Martin B., do Bean James J., do Bean David, do Bean Benjamin, do Bean William, do Boswell Timothy, do Burrows Ezckiel, do CAMPBELL EDWARD, farmer. Campbell John, do Caudle John, do Caudle Sampson, do Caudle Richard, do Carstatter David, do farter Julian, teacher. •ieckmever John, do Colman R. E. Clawson Frederick. do Dagener Henry, farmer. Dillard William, do Dillard John A., do Ditty Amos, do Demising F. Sr., Rev., farmer. Demising F. Jr., do Dresemyer Henry, do Delany A., do Dolany John A. do Dunsing F. M. do EBERS WILLIAM, farmer. Elsey William, do Elliot Joseph, do Exum William, do Exum Crawford, do Exum John, do Ewbanks John F., do FAXSLOW FREDERICK, far- mer. Ficne Henry, farmer. Flanagan Michael, farmer. Fleming Janus, do Fleming John, do Foster John. do Fleming William, do DETMORE FREDERICK, far- mer. GANT JOHN H, farmer. Gramels Henry, do DIRECTORY. Sit TOWNSHIP 6 8., RANGE 8 W.— HARMON SETTLEMENT. Glenn Amos H., farmer. Gant Thomas, do HACKMASTER HENRY, far- mer. Hanna James H., farmer. Harmon John C, do Harmon Jonn Jr., do Harmon William, do Harmon Phillip, do Harmon George Sr. do Harmon George Jr. do Harmon Abraham Sr., farmer. Hanjfion Abraham Jr., do Harmon Michael, do Harmon James Jr., do Harmon Jacob, do Harmon George T., do Harris John, do Harris Samuel, do Harris Eli, do Hartraan John H., do Hathorn James, do Hathaway Milton, do Hathaway James, do Heard William, do Hesemeyer Frederick, do Heitmann Harman, do Henderlighter W. J. G., do Hagranee Frederick, do Hoppc Frederick, do Hughes Felix, do Hartley Daniel, do Heitman Detrick, do JAY C. F., Rev., farmer. Johnson Peter, do Jorgens Detrick, do KARStfWS FREDERICK. K arsfenEr .Le v$. Keller John P., carpenter. Knope Frederick, farmer. Knope George, do' Knope Henry, farmer. Kern Phillip, do Kakle Henry, farmer and b^Mk> smith. LOIIRDING HENRY, farmer. Lively Reuben, do Lawrence Job, do Lawrence Charles, do Lawrence Joseph, school teacher. Lacy John, farmer. Lelmherr Isaac, merchant. Lendweill H., farmer. Lively Edward, cooper. Lively Joseph, farmer. MAXWELL JAMES, farmer. Maxwell William, do Marlin John M., cooper. Marlin Thomas, farmer. Marlin William Jr., farmer. Malone William D., farmer and blacksmith. Mahan A. J., farmer. Mahan John, do Mahan David, do Menis William, do Miller Frederick, farmer Miller Augustus, do Moore Levi, Moore William, Moore James H., Moore Joseph S., Morrow James Jr., Meyers Lewis, Meyers Henry, Meyers George, Meyers John H., Meyers John, Meyers Valentine, McCan James B., McDonald Marshall, farmer. McDonald W. W., do McDonald John T., d» McFarlin Andrew, 4ff McK.ee Samuel, 4.0 do do do do do do do do do do do do 116 BANDOLPH COUNTY D1RJL.CTOKY. TOWNSHIP 6 8., RANGE 6 W.— HARMON SETTLEMENT. McLaughlin Robert, farmer. McMannis William, do McMannis Joseph, do McNulty Joseph ,M., do McNabuey J:imes, do McNabney Robert, N EFF GEORGE, farmer. Neemeyer August, farmer. LIVER ADAM, farmer. pECKET WILLIAM, farmer. REIMER PETER, farmer. Rinkle Henry, do Rotrock D. S., do Runger Jergins, do Ray M. R., do SIMMONS DAVID M., farmer. Shack Peter, do Bhernback Henry, do Bonnenberg William, do Steruback Lewis, farmer. Sternback Henry, do Stcrnbaek Frederick, do Sternback William, do Snaker Henry, do Snider William, do mAGGART JOHN, Sr., farmer. A Taggart John, Jr., do Taggart John L., farmer. Taggart David. do Taggart Amos, Sr., do Taggart Amos. Jr., do Thils Frederick, blacksmith. Teitze Frederick, farmer. V INYARD WILLIAM, gate keeper. toll WELSHANS LEWIS, farmer. Westernian Henry, do Were Charles, farmer. Wilson James C, do Wilson Hugh M., do Wilson Alexander M., farmer. Were John, farmer. Were Frederick, farmer. Weiding Henry, do Wheitbush Henry, farmer. Wilson John, do RANDOLPH. About the year 1842, Mr. Capman, late of Kandolph County, laid off and attempted to fan the breath of life into a place on the old Sparta road, seven miles from Chester. But the sequel shows the progress was slow. In 1855 thero was nothing to be seen of the town ex- cept the small grocery establishment of John Wood, and a few farm houses in the vicinity. The Germans, however, in the meantime, had settled the surrounding country, which they were cultivating with a great deal of industry and prudence. In 1856, Mr. Isaac Lehn- herr went to Kandolph and erected a building in which he placed a stock of goods, and at once commenced doing a brisk business. A post office was established the ensuing winter, which was called Bremen. Mr. Buckman has since opened a store, and several workshops are in operation in the vicinity* About the year 1840, the Lutheran Germans built a church near Randolph, where regular service has been held ever since. This church was organized by Rev. Mr. Dunsing, who still continues to preach for the con- gregation. Another Lutheran church was organized in 1849, by Rev. M. Eirich, of Chester. There are now about sixty families belonging to the congregation of this church. Rev. Mr. Teotmeyf.r is the minister. 19 COULTERVILLE. Coulterville is situated in Grand Cote Prairie, some eight miles northeast of Sparta. The beautiful region which the town now occupies was in a state of nature, and afforded pasturage for the wild deer of the prairie until the year of 1822, when James Coulter, John and Alexander McKelvey, James Dickey, Samuel Boyd and James Strohan came and located in the immediate vicinity. Under the management of these industrious and en- terprising farmers, Grand Cote Prairie began a rapid change from a forest of waving prairie grass to a prosperous rural settlement. These improvements con- tinued until nearly the whole of this fertile region has been subdued and made to teem with the productions of civilization. In 1850^ James Coulter had a portion of his land surveyed into town lots, which he offered for sale. The beautiful locality of the proposed town, and the fertility of the surrounding country soon attracted at- tention. Two years afterwards, the place commenced improving. In 1852-3, two churches were erected, and Henry Taylor commenced the mercantile business by opening a dry goods store. The place contains at the present time, two churches ; DIRECTORY. 219 two stores; one wagon shop; three blacksmith shops; one merchant mill ; one saw mill; one shoe shop; one drugstore; three carpenter shops ; one tin shop; one saddlery ; two hotels ; one brick yard ; one brick school house, and two physicians. It is a remarkably healthy place. During the last five years but one death has occurred within a mile and a half of the place. STEELESVILLE DIRECTORY. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST.— STEELESVILLE. A DAMS TILFORD. Arnold Elias, i'armi I}ADGLEY DAVID S., fanner. 3 Kerner John II., miller. Bcriirr Joseph W.. do Bernor Frederick, farmer. Barrsm I Robert. Ben.-on Christopher, farmer. 1; sgg< 'in;iu Henry Rr., do Bcggoman Henry Jr.. do Bcggemaii An -,i^t. do B'ai k G< i :;:>' F.. physmian. Blair Jtmios 11 , I. inner. Blair Kill icrl II., do Bowcrman Michael, farmer. Brown Joseph, do Brown David, do Brown Isaac. B., merchant. Brown Preston, do Brown William II.. farmer. Brown Sanmcl N., blacksmith. Brown James T., farmer. Brown Alfred A., do Brown William, do Brown Michael, do Blashear William W., farmer. Blackclsby Thomas, do Busher Henry, do CAMPBELL WILLIAM E., far- mer. Caetelltiw Alfred, farmer. Castellow John T., blacksmith. Cross Francis, farmer. DEPPE II. S. Rev., farmer. Dennis Charles J., do Dennis James, do Deppe Augustus, do Doggol Rev., fynncr and teacher. Dun 'an Jacob, do I TUBERS FREDERICK, farmer. J Edwards Thomas B., do FORSEE NAPOLEON, farmer. Forstc Richard, do GLAPFORP REUBEN, farmer. Gordon George, do Gordon II. S., Rev., do Green Carter, do Guymou Thomas, do "NGLAES B. F., carpenter. JERNIGAN W. R., farmer and brick maker. Jenkins R. H., hotel keeper. KAMPEN CnARLES, farmer. Korn Abraham, d» DIRECTORY. 213 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST.— STEELESVILLB. Korn Elijah. farmer. Korn Jacob, do Korn J oli a, do Kane James, do Kendall x.dward, wagon maker. LEHNIIOFF LEWIS, farmer. Leh n burg Christopher, far- mer. Lively Lewis, farmer. Lively Shadriek. farmer. Lickess Robert, merchant. Lickcss John, farmer. Lofton Eli. fanner and school commissioner. Luhfsingcr Henry, shoemaker. M ALONE JOHN T... farmer. Mabmc James M., merchant. Malone J. A.. do Mathews John, Rev. Math is Leonard, farmer. Math is John, do Marion J. Martin William O. farmer. Mossburg Frederick, do Missel horn William, do Mi nter Jacob, do Morgan J. F., do Morgan G. S.. physician, Morris Jam 's. cabinet maker. Morrison John, tanner. Morrison Robert, do Monteith John A., larmer. Mverholf Henry, do PAHLMAN HENRY, carpen- ter. Parker Senaea, merchant miller. Perily llen:y, fanner. Robison Daniel, farmer. Rossindall Frederick, farmer. Rnhrodc Frederick, do Russell Leonard, do Ruizcde Henry, do Rihnheart August, cooper. SHAFER DANIEL H-, brick- maker. Short John T., farmer. Short. John E., do Short Thomas E., larmer. Sliort Richard J., do S; lit ii Lewis M , do Sowe.'by A. G., carpenter and cabinet maker. Soap r Robert, farmer. Stevens Wi'Iiam II., farmer. Still wan ;h Jacob. Stilhvangli Albert, Sfcofc :• James M., Ste s! • Albert, Steele Rilun, Steele Thomas, Steele James. S:.eelc John Sr., Stei le James C, Ste :le Harvey, St.' !,■ Jasper, Steele Elvis, Steele Thomas, Steele M. E-, Steele Carroll, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do •.hewsborry George W., cooper. Staley Jacob, farmer. rilATUM WILLIAM B., farmer. JL Tate William, do I Thomson George, merchant. Thomas John W., farmer. R OBISON WILLIAM, farmer. Robison Cyrus, cooper. u HLES JAMES H., farmer. COULTERVILLE DIRECTORY. TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST.— COULTERVILLE. ADDISON WILLIAM, capi- talist. Anderson John, Sr., farmer. Anderson John, Jr., do Atkin John, do Anderson James W., do Alston Andrew, do Alexander William R. Alexander W. S., farmer. B AIRD ALEXANDER, farmer. Becket Garvin, farmer. Beatte Jacob B., do Beatte R. S., do Boyd Samuel L., do Brown Robert, Sr., do Burns John S., do Burns Stewart, do Burns Archibald, do riATHCART JOSE \J Cathcart Robert, PH, farmer do Campbell D. C, teacher. Carmichal John, farmer. Campbell Alexander do Coulter John W., do Coulter James, Sr., do Coulter James, Jr., do Craig William, do Craig James, do Crawford Henry, do Crawford William B., do Crawford James, do Crawford Benj. C., do Crawford Bryce. do Curtis William H., farmer. Curtis S. G., do Cunningham Win., do Cuthbertson Robert, do DICKEY J. L., merchant. Dickey W. J., farmer. Dickey Alexander, do Dickey John A., do Jamison Samuel W., merchant. Dickson J. J., farmer. Duckworth James, farmer. Dunlap Robert, do EAST JAMES, farmer. EasdaleHugh, do Edmiston William, Sr., farmer. Edmiston William, Jr., do Edmiston A. G., do Edmiston Rufus, do Edmiston James A., do Elliotte R. B., do FINLY JOHN, farmer. Foster David A., do GAULT R. II., farmer: Gault James C, do Garvcr Daniel, do Garvin George, do Goring Peter, do ^ ^don Nathaniel, do DIRECTORY. 221 TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST.— COULTERVILLE. HAWLEY SAMJEL, farmer. Hays Isaac H., " Hair John B., farmer. Herrick John, do Hood James, do Hood William, do Hughes John, shoemaker. ■AMISON JOSEPH, farmer. James Rohert, do KEYS ROBERT, farmer. Kirkpatrick John S., farmer. Kerr John, farmer. Kcan Christopher, farmer. Kennedy Hugh, do King Alexander, do LEMMON ISAIAH S., farmer. LiUle Samuel, farmer. Lynn Charles E., do MATTHEWS R., farmer. Matthews W. J., do Miller John G., do Moore Thos. C, do Moore William B., do Moore Alexander, Sr., lo Moore Alexander, Jr do Morton Andrew, do Muir Rohert, do Murphy John, do Murphy T. G., do Munford David, do Munford William, -do McDill James, do McDill Thomas, do MeDill John, do McMillan Matthew, do McMillan S. W., do McMillan Randell, do McMurrav James, do *19 Mclntyre Daniel, farmer. McLaughlin John, do McKelvey James W., do McKelvey Charles, do McKelvey A., do McKelvey Robt. B., do McKelvey T. E., do McKelvey J. C, do McKelvey Sam'l W., do McRill 0. G., do McNeill John, blacksmith. PINKERTON JOHN, farmer. Pinkerton Luther, do Pinkerton Benjamin, student. Pinkerton James H. ROBERTSON ROBERT, farmer. Robertson William, do Rice H. H., Dr. Robison John, farmer. Russell Alexander, farmer. SELFRIDGE JOHN, farmer. Sinclair John, farmer. Sloan John J., blacksmith. Smith Robert, farmer. Smith A., do Smith Moore, do Sproule James, wagonmaker. Strahan Blair, farmer. Stephenson Robert, farmer. rpAYLORIIENEY, farmer. 1 Taylor W. B., blacksmith. Thompson J. S., merchant. Thompson W. L., farmer. Thompson A. M., do Thompson John M., cooper. 222 RANDOLPH COUNTY DIRECTORY TOWNSIIir 4 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST— COULTERVILL1. WATTERS CHARLES, farmer. Whitaker W. B., wagon- maker. White William, farmer. Wilson James, Sr., do Wilson Peter C, do Wilson David, do Wisely James M., uo Woodside Samuel, Sr., farmer. Woodside Samuel, Jr., do Woodside James, do Woodside John J., do Wright John, do Wyley James, do Wyley John, do FLORENCE. This place is situated in Township 6 South, of Range 7 West, some three miles northeast of Kaskaskia, and about two miles from the Kaskaskia river. It has an elevated situation, and surrounded by springs of pure water. The region in which this village is situated has many natural advantages. It has a heavy growth of excellent timber, and a fertilo soil, adapted to the culti- vation of all the vegetables, grains, grasses and fruits peculiar to Southern Illinois. The Kaskaskia river which is now navigated by small steamers during the greater portion of the year, servos as a highway for the transportation of its surplus produce. In 1852, George ELLrs purchased a portion of the old Hunt farm, erected a house and opened a store. A post office was also established, and Mr. Ellis appointed Postmaster. During the same year, a Union Meeting House was erected, and a school house having boon previously built, the place began to assume the air of a village. Mr. EriLis now had his land surve} r ed into town lots, and the place was called " Ellis Grove." In 1855 the Baptists erected a large meeting house. This church is well attended, and the society is in a flourishing condition. Rev. W R. McClure is the present pastor. 2i4 RANDOLPH COUNTY Mr. Ellis' Store being destroyed by fire, iu 1857, he sold his property in the place and removed to Urbana. Mr. William Crawford now removed to the place and took charge of the post office, and opened a small stock of goods. A shoe shop was soon after established, a cooper shop has 6ince been built, and Messrs. Buckman & Peters are erecting a store house in which they in- tend to open a dry goods store during the coming fall. In all probability a brisk trade will be conducted in Florence at no distant day. TOWNSHir 6 SOUTH, RANGE 8 WEST.— FLORENCE. A NDREWS CHARLES, farmer. BROWN PETER, farmer. Besson Joseph, do Ban sen Clark, do Brewer John W., do Burkhardt John, cooper. Brown Pias, farmer. Boyle Wm., do CECIL E. S., farmer. Cecil Piers R. D., farmer. Chencx Mitchell, (Che-nu) far- mer. Chenoux Joseph, farmer. DAVIS JOHN, farmer. Deninger George, farmer. Derouse Charles, do Dcrouse Louis C, do Derouse Pierre R., do Derouse Joseph J., do Derouse Fmnris J., do T^ISHER JAMES G., farmer. J? Fisher Archibald, wagon- maker. Fisher Henry, farmer. GRADIE AMOS. Glain Elizabeth. Gentry Jas. C, wagonmaker. Gerner Andrew, farmer and cooper. HAMILTON BRIDGET W., farmer. Heckmann F. Gabriel, carpenter Ileckmann Fhillip, farmer. Heckmann Matthew, do Hargus Jos. II., do Hargus Hamilton, do JONES ARMESTEAD, farmer. James Griffith, do DIRECTORY. 225 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 8 WEST.— FLORENCE. TZALER GEORGE, farmer. MUDD FELIX, farmer. McGuire William, farmer. OPPERMAN GRISPARD, far- mer. PAVARD ETIENNE. Penney Joseph, farmer. Phigley William, do T>OB] S Roots George. NIDER PHILLIP, farmer. THOMSON L. R., farmer. Tilman Charles, do W ILL JOSEPH, farmer. Will Daniel, do LAFAYETTE: Is situated on the loft, bank of the Kaskaskia river, about ten miles above Evansville. It was laid off at quite an early day, although there was not much business done there in consequence of its isolation, until a recent day, when the successful navigation of the stream on which it stands, linking it in the chain of communica- tion with other places, rendered it an important ship- ping point. Large quanties of grain are shipped from this place and conveyed to the Mississippi river, there to be trans- ported to different markets ; find a large share of the flour manufactured at Red Bud is shipped from this point. Also a considerable is done here in the lumber busi- ness, and something in the dry goods line ; a store of this description and a saw mill being in operation. PRESTON. James Patterson settled upon the town site of Pres- ton in 1804, and opened a farm. In 1816, Washington Stehiut bought the farm, and lived upon it until 1820, DIRECTORY. 227 when he sold it to John Rankin, who shortly after- wards sold to James Pollock. Mr. Pollock estab- lished a tan yard in 1823, and for several years carried on an extensive business in that line. Samuel B. Stranky opened a store in 1833. Two years after- wards, Pollock & Bratney opened a store — the second one in the place. In 1836, James Pollock laid off his land into town lots, from which -the town may date its existence. It has always been an unobtrusive, quiet town, fur- nishing such accommodations as the surrounding coun- try demanded. It tai'isually consisted of a church, store, post office, blacksmith shop, hotel, and a physi- cian. Its history consists chiefly in the church. Rev. S. BROW4*»f Kentucky, visited the Irish Settlement about the yea* 1810, and organized the congregation. Some time afterwai'ds, Rev. S. Crothers visited the congrega- tion and preached a short time. But the church could claim no more than a nominal existence until the year 1818, when Rev. Samuel Wylie was regularly installed pastor of the church. "When his services were secured a church building was erected, probably the first Prot- estant church in Illinois. It was built of logs, in the usual style of all houses in those days. The house was erected and finished for use in two days. Rev. Samuel Wylie was succeeded in the ministerial charge of this congregation by Rev. Alexander Porter, he by Rev. S. P. McGraw. In 1826 Rev John Reynolds took charge of the congregation, and continued in, that station until 1829. In 1831 Rev. S. C. Baldridge succeeded to the charge, and remained five years. He was suc- ceeded by Rev. James McAuley, in 1840, the congrega- tion having been without a pastor during an interval 228 RANDOLPH COUNTY of four years. The large church edifice was erected in 1842. Rev. M. M. Brown became pastor of the church in 1849, and remained until 1854. The year following Rev. James W. Glenn took charge of the congregation, and he is yet the pastor. This is the mother of Associate Reformed Churches in Illinois. Union Church, located three miles south of Sparta, was a branch of the Preston Church. Rev. John Rey- nolds and Alexander Porter, from 1826, occasion- ally preached in a school house in the neighborhood. Rev. S. C. Baldridqe was chosen pastor in 1830, and organized the church. The year after, the brick church now standing, was erected. Arthur Parks, Maxwell McCormack, and William McKee, were the first Ruling Elders. In later years this church has keen sup- plied with preaching by the minister of the Sparta church. TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST.— PRESTON. ANDERSON JAMES W, far- mer. Ahuhizer John, farmer. Alexander John, do BARNETT CORYDON, farmer. Beatte Robert T., do Berthall Daniel, do Been James A., surveyor. Been E. M., farmer. Beatte Charles, farmer. Blam John, do Bratney J. B., merchant and jus- tice of the peace. Bratney R. N., farmer. Bratney J. C. teacher. CARR A BNER, farmer. Campbell James C, farmer. Campbell James, do Campbell John C.. do Canck James B., do Cochran M. E., do Crozier A. II., do DASHNER PETER, farmer. Detinhifer Henry, do Douglas John, do Douglas S. B., do "TIAYETT FRANCIS, farmer. lllRKOrnllV 2W JOHN B. BRATNEY Would r»sj).;<;tt'ully call attention to his well asHorted Stock of Which he proposes to sell on terms that will induce tho people of To purchase ol' him. In his Store will be found an assortment of Suited especiall}' to tho wants of his customers. All kinds of SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, TEA, MACKEREL, rioe, x*e:jf»i»esh, spices, TOBACCO, &C-, Constantly on hand. Every article usually wanted in the community, will be found in his Store. All kinds of Merchantable Produce wanted in ex- change for goods. Preston, ill. 20 2i](J RANDOLPH COUN'l V TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST.— PRESTON. GREER HEMP A., fanner. Glenn James W., Rev. Glasgow John, farmer. Greer Jefferson, do Gray William, • do James Gray, do Gucher Frederick, farmer. Glessner Lawrence, do TJACKET GEORGE W. farmer JX Haynes William L.. do Hommil Jacob, do Hommil Nicholas, do Henderson M. M., do Hinchback Godfrey, do Hill Samuel, do Hogg Archibald, do Haly William, do JOHNS ROBERT. KARR RICHARD, former. Kemper Christian, do Kelly James, do Kinsler Jacob, do Kook Phillip, do LOUGHAR'T JOHN, farmer. Long Henry. do MANN JAMES, farmer. Mann Robert C. farmer. Mann W. M., do Mann C. P., do Mann L. A., do Mann R. H„ do Mann William C. blacksmith Mann R. C, farmer. Miller 8. B.. do Miller Jo.-iab, farmer. Morrow James F., fanner. McAuly D. T., Rev., do McCormack George, do MeCormack A. A., do McCormack James C, farmer. McCoard William, do McCarty John H., do McDonald Thomas, do VTIFONG FRANCIS, fan /yjERLY MARTIN, farmer. POLLOCK T. C, farmer. Pollock James, farmer. Pollock W. W., do Patterson James, Prebley Robert, do Pritty Jacob, do RATLIFF .10HN, farmer. Ratliff John. Jr., do Ratliff Daniel, do Ray Adam, do Regnault William. do Rath Leonard. d<> SHAPPELL NICHOLAS, far- mer. Shuline John, farmer. Smith Theresa, do Stolle Gustavo, do Stevenson William, farmer. Spurgeon Lewis. do Stanly George, do Skinner John. do IMKKCToKY. 231 TOWNSHIP S SOUTH, RANCH 7 WEST.— TRESTON. THOMPSON JAMES B.. far- racr. Thompson John B.. farmer. Thompson Adam H., do Thompson William, do Thompson Archibald C. farmer. Thompson John C, do Thompson John R.. do Thompson James, do Thompson A. J.. do Thompson Robert M.. do WUNDERLEY MARTIN, far- mer. Wilson Ed. H., farmer. Wettenbrink Maxwell, farmer. Wyley John, do Wiley Joseph, do Wiley Samuel, do Wright Isaac Jr., do Wright John K., do Williamson J. K... do Wright A. C do TOWNSHir t SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST.— BURNETT'8. ADAMS SAMUEL B., farmer. Allen Andrew, do Allen William, do B ESSEN GEORGE, farmer. Bilyeri Michael, do Bern William, do Bern James A., do Black Thomaa, do Barbeck Thomas, do Boak Godlip, do Bowers Aaron, do Boyd John II., do Boyd John V., do Boyle Thomas. do Boyle John, do Bean Reuben. do Burghans Edwin. do Burnett Alexander. do Burnett Andrew. do OAMPBKLL THOMAS, farmer. Cox Absalom. do Cox William. do Cox Jose j> h M., do Cowan Ja-aaes, Cowan John J. farmer, do DANNUSE LEWIS, farmer. Douglas A. T., do Doaly John, do EWING CHARLES, farmer. Ewing William J., H AYS GEORGE, farmer. Hents Christian, do Henderson M. Cr. HillW. M., Hill John, Harden Frederick, Hay Bartholomew, Hoppe Michael A., Hulcher William. do do do do do do do K ELLER ANDREW, farmer 232 Randolph county directory. TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 7 WEST.— BUM HTT'9. LEMING JOSEPH E., farmer. Leming Thomas, do Lorning Hamilton. do Liddy Timothy, do Lawson David. do Lyons Joseph, do MABE LARKIN, farmer. Mathews Robert, do Marvin William 0., do Marvin Joseph M., do Montgomery Joseph, do Mudd William, do McMurdo Thomas, do Mulherrn Luke, do McAuley James, do McAuley George W., farmer. McDonald James II., do McCormack James C. do* NELSON WILLIAM R.. farmer. Nelson George W., do Nelson Robert L., do Nelson John A., do Newel James, do PRESTON ROBERT H., farmer and justice of the peace. Preston David C., farmer. Preston William B., do R HULE FREDERICK, farmer. Rhule Jared, d» 'HARRA HENRY, farmer. SCUDDER ISAAC Jr., farmer. Scudder Henry, do Shanback Ernest, do Snodgrass John M., do Spitz Conrad, do Stockwell John, do Stively Voluntine, do TAYLOR CHARLES W., far- mer. Thompson Archie, farmer. Thompson A. W., do Thompson Daniel C, do Thompson James, do Thompson Robert, do Telbert Wesly, do WEIDLING WILLIAM, far- mer. Wilson Absalom, farmer. Wilson. SHILOH HILL About the years 1851-2, Mr Durkee began selling goods at Gillespie's Prairie, which he continued until ho was succeeded by S. P. Mace, in 1856. Mace conducted the business until 1858, when he discontinued, and Mr. James Picket opened a store, and is now merchandizing in that neighborhood. In the autumn of the year 1856, there was a sale of lots which had been previ- ously laid off, and which belonged to the eighty acre tract ceded by the Legislature of Illinois to the people of this neighborhood, for the purpose of establishing a College, to be entitled " Shiloh College," a charter for the College being given at the same time. A good school has been supported for a number of years at this place, although as yet they have no build- ing fitted for conducting a school of high grade ; yet, as the country is improving rapidly, and gaining strength with age, and the inhabitants in general being of industrious habits and literary turn of mind, we may safely predict that ere long a Seminary of high character will be in successful operation. The progress of the times will also demand that a town of more or less importance shall arise, that the people may dispose of their marketing, and obtain their purchases without the inconvenience of traveling to a distant place. *20 SHILOH HILL DIRECTORY. TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST.— SHILOH HILL. BARROW NEWTON, farmer Bildcrback James F., do Bilderback William H.. do Broughton Abel, do Burke T. 0., do Burke J. K., do Burke John B„ do Burke E. B., do Butler Leamau. do CARUTHERS JOHN. Dr. Cannady Emauuel, farmer. Carson David, do Chapman Jeremiah, do Clark John, do Clifford Cunningham. do Crisler Owen F., do Crisler William, do D ENNI8 JOHN W., farmer. Dennis R. F., do EMERY STEVEN, wagon- maker. Emery Henry, farmer. Emery John, do Emery Robert, blacksmith. Erchelmann Henrv, farmer. F RAY MOSES, farmer. GILESPIE JAMES, farmer. Glorc Jeptha, do Greer John R., do Grcenawault Joseph, do Gray William, do Gray Jasper, do Gray William B., do Gwin James, do Gwiii William C, do TJALWORTH PAUL, farmei XI Hagler John, Hartman Henry. Haney Hiram, Haney Daniel, Haney Douglas, Helmns Henrv. Hobbs R. S., Houseman J. M., Hornbustle John H. Husband Harmon. do do do do do do do do do do IRELAND Martin, Justice of the Peace. Ireland A. T., blacksmith, RANDOLPH COUNTY DlRKCTOttV. 235 TOWNSHIP 7 SOUTH. RANGE 6 WEST.- SHILOH HILL. .1 ►JKS JOHN 0., fanner. .ohnson Isaac R., do ■ i. .son William L., do '■•Iwson John C, do K BLLY THOMAS. Knope John P., ope Henry P., farmer, do do ASTER WILLIAM, r. iilti-rg Clement, farmer. far- i. . Lnwo-v 'lu^h, I- ■ ' 'e'.nU Hugh. do do y }. ■ i J. :. }■'■ I f I. f Mi-N •. S. P., merchant. ■a ore. Francis, farmer. in John S., do iiKey Robert, do mghlin James, Sr., farmer. mghlin James, Jr., do vughlin H. II., do aughltn John W.. do cill Robert, do cill Harvey, do N EELY JOHN, farmer. Neal Thomas F., farmer. 1>ARKIIILL JOHN, farmer. J Peters F. C, do Vi 'cr John, do Pillars Andrew J., Fierson William, farmer, do 11 EED WILLIAM W., farmer Rickenberg Dclrick, do SA88E ADOLFH, farmer. Sheldan R, do Short William A., farmer and car- penter. Shaffer John H., farmor. Simmons George, do Steele Wilson, Steele Alfred, Steele John T., Steele Andrew, Steele John M., Stone Joseph, Stone John, do do do do do do do 11H0MPS0N ANDREW, for- mer. Tudar Thomas, farmer. VOWEL WYLIE, farmer. Vowel Jason, do W ALDER CONRAD, farmer. Welga Henry, do CAMPTOWN. On the completion of the Randolph County Plank Road in 1854, a toll gate was established about two miles from Chester. The next year Mr. G. S. Rust being appointed gate keeper, erected a building and commenced selling goods. Mr. Rust soon after pur- chased a fractional part of Mr. Smith's farm which was cut off by the Plank Road, which he has recently laid off into lots and sold to private bidders. A hotel was built by Mr. G. S. Rust in the spring of 1858. A workshop was also built by Rust & Farly for the purpose of manufacturing and repairing farm- er's implements. During the past season Mr. Alexander Lockead and Mr. H. A. Crawford have erected for themselves neat and substantial dwelling houses. Some other dwellings are in contemplation. TOWNSHIP TREASURERS. Town. 4 S., E. 5 W., David Munford, Treasurer. John Median, " Marshal W. Doggett, " Harmon Husband, " Samuel Clendenin, •• William Rutherford, * James Parks, Acting " Edward Campbell, " Isaac Rust, u Samuel Manskor, " Francis Boyle, " John B. Brantney, " Wiley Roberts, " R. B. Servant, " J. R. Allen, u II. P. Simpson, Charles Tilman, " Never was organized. William Henry, The greater part of this Town- ship is in Monroo county, and the Treasurer, O. M. Matingly, resides in Monroe county ; his post offico address I have not learned. Mr. Bricky, of Prairie du Roeher, has transacted business for him. 5 (( tt 5 6 « tt 5 7 << tt 5 8 u tt 5 4 tt u 6 5 u a 6 G tt a G 7 u a 6 8 tt tt 6 4 a U 7 5 (i it 7 6 tt li 7 7 <( it 7 4 <( tt 8 5 (< tt 8 G << ti 8 7 tt a 8 5 << tt 9 5 it " 10 COURT DIRECTORY. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS— Org amizeh 17U5. Names of Judges. John Edgar, William Morrison, Pierre Menard, Robert McMahon, George Fisher, John Beard, Eobert Reynolds, Nathaniel Hull, Antoine Louvier, John Grovenier, James Finney, Samuel Cochran. This Court was superseded in 1809 by the County Court, composed of Justices of the Peace, three of whom were necessary to constitute a quorum. Justices' Names. Phillip Fouke, Henry Levens, William Arundel, Samuel O'Melveny, John McFerrcn, Paul Harrelston, David Anderson, Archibald Thompson, John Phelps, Alexander Wilson, Robert Gaston. RANDOLPH COUNTY DIKKCTORY. 239 The County Court was superceded by the COURT OF COMMON PLEAS IN lsll. Names of Judges. John McKerren, William Morrison, . James Finney, David Anderson, Phillip Fouke, George Fisher, Archibald Thompson, Antoino L. Chenett, Miles LTotchkiss, Pierre LaCampte. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT— Established in 1819. Nanus of Commissioners. 1811). — Curtis Conn, David Anderson, James Patter- son. 1820. — David Anderson, James Thompson, Miles Hotehkiss. 1822. — Gabriel Jones, Francois Menard, John Miller. 1824. — Arthur Parks, Josiah Betts, Franklin P. Owen. 1825. — Arthur Parks, Josiah Betts, John C. Crozier. 1820.^Arthur Parks, R. H. Fleming, Pierre R. De- rouse. 1827. — R. H. Fleming, Pierre R. Derouse, James S. Guthrie. 1828.— James S. Guthrie, Thomas Roberts, Felix St. Vrain. 1830.— Thomas Roberts, William G. Hizer, John Thompson. 1832.— Thomas Roberts, William G. Hizer, John G. Nelson. 240 RANDOLPH COUNTY 1834. — Jobu G. Nelson, James Gillespie, James S. Guthrie. 1835. — John G. Nolson, James Gillespie, Robert Clark. 1336. — James O'Harra, Gabriel Jones, WiUiam G. Hizor. 1838. — William G. Hizer, Samuel Douglas, Harvey Clendcnin. 1839. — William G. Hizer, Harvey Clendcnin, Lawson Murphy. 1841. — Harvey Clendenin, Lawson Murphy, Henry O'Harra. 1842. — Harvey Clendenin, Henry O'Hara, John Mann. 1844. — John Mann, Edward Campbell, ffm. McBride. The Record from 1844 to 1848 was destroyed by fire. Under the existing Constitution of Illinois, which went into operation in 1848, the County Court super- seded the County Commissioners' Court. 1849. — John Campbell, County Judge. Reuben Bailey, Associate Justice. John Brewer, " " 18." r f Wm. Henry, Justice of the Peace. Pra. du Mocker. | Jolm Brow ^ „ « ( J. A. Douglas, Justice of the Peace. r* -ii » . / ) J- B. Bratney, " " " EvansvillePrct-l John M Thompson, Constable. [A. C. Wright, Constable. (" R B. Servant, Justice of the Peace. m. -rLu 1 Gabriel Jones, Justice of the Peace Chester City < Thomas H. Callaway, Constable. I John C. McQuiston, " 2-H) RANDOLPH COUNTY DIRECTORY. Illinois mutual FIRE INS URANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED IN 1839. PRINCIPAL OFFICE AT ALTON, ILL. O-AJPIT.A.X*, ©1,000,000. 4 » • > > Stores and Merchandise, Dwelling Houses and Furniture; Barns and Hay and Grain : First Class Mills, Shops, and other Buildings, with their contents, insured against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. . This Company has now beem in existence over twenty years ; — does not issue Policies out of this State ; — has paid nearly Half a Million Dollars for Losses ; — has furnished Insurance to its members for less than two-thirds the price charged by the best Stock Com- panies. It has the largest and best secured Capital of any Insur- ance Company in the West Arrangements have now been completed, which enables the Di- rectors to pay all Losses within ninety days! Merchants can now have their Stocks insured in the Illinois Mutual, and in case of loss, actually get their money as soon as is promised by any other Company. To the Farmer and the Mechanic, this Company has become a State Benevolent Association, in which, at a moderate cost, their Homes and Shops may be insured against the ravages of Fire, with a certainty that, if destroyed, they will receive the WHOLE AMOUNT INSURED, without litigation, or unnecessary delay. It has become the Insurance Company for the People of Illinois, — annually saving large sums of money in the 8tate that would otherwise be taken out by foreign Companies. With all these in- ducements, who can now afford to remain uninsured in the Illinois Mutual ? BOARD OF DIRECTORS. B. K. IIart. M. D.. Alton. I John Atwoop, Esq., Alton. J. W. Schweppe. Esq., Alton. Benjamin F. Long, M. D., Monticollo. ELIfS IIlDBARD, Ehq., Alton. no.v. Francis A. Hoffmann, Chicago. Lewis Kei.lenberger, Eeq., Alton. M. G. Atwood, Esq.. Alton. Hon. Samuel Wade. Alton. Hon. H. W. Billings. Alton. .Tons James, M. D., Upper Alton. Timotiit Turner, E«j.. Monticello. Hon. Lyman Trumbull. Alton. Hon. Robert Smith. Alton. Henry Lea, E«q., Alton. Benjamin F. Lono, President. I >f. O. Arwoop, Secretary. L. Kelllnblrger, Treasurer. | Joun Atwood. A^istnnt Secretary. JOHN BLAISDELL, General Agent. A. C. Hankinson, Assistant General Agent. Agrati li.ive been appointed in every County, mid io ill the principal Cities and Town* m the State, to whom application f"i IiiMiranc may he made. ALTON COURIER STEAM 100ft ana Job fjtmtrag #§«, STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THIRD. THE LARGEST A\D BEST ESTABLISHMENT IX THE WEST! BOOKS, PERIODICALS, )• VMl'III.ETS, BILLS OF LADING, CIRCULARS. PO 8TER8, Ami cvi rv description of BLANK WORK, Printed in a superior manner, ;md in the shortest possible time. TVi- rirenuw constantly running three uf I!. Hoe & Co.'h justly cMfbmtHd Cylinder Presses ; also, one of GORDON'S FIRE-FLY CARD PRESSES, Which Feeds. Prints, Cuts, and Counts its Cards at tlie Rate of 10,000 PER HOUR! AT PHICE3 VARYING FROM $1 25 to $7 50 PER THOUSAND. All description 1 of COMMERCIAL AND LEGAL BLANKS, Constantly on hand and for sale. Orders respectfully solicited, and promptly attended to.