NAPERVILbE CENTENNIAL 1831- 1931 JUNE FIFTH andSlXTH 1931 UBBARY OF THE l.UN0?3 Off .._ ^-=^-41 1 i ^ 1 ■■■.^■■^^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL Centennial Historical Committee Mabel Givler Goetz Chairman Hannah Ditzler Alspaugh Elizabeth Nichols Simpson Etta Cooper Scott Ella Horan Clancey Mary Barbara Egermann - Oliver W. Strubler Carl Hammersmith Lewis Paeth Artist Copyright 1931 Fort Payne Chapter — Daughters of the American Revolution Naperville, Illinois X) r< 77. 32-^f NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOREWORD History and tradition, fact and fancy, reality and romance — how inseparably these are interwoven in the passing of time. The deeds we do today are history tomorrow, but un- recorded history eventually becomes tradition. In this small volume we have endeavored to present facts backed by printed or written records. We have searched newspapers from 1849 to 1931, discovered old letters, documents, and photographs. Hannah Ditzler Alspaugh's precious collection of scrap- books, diaries and treasures together with the docu- ments and newspapers preserved by M. B. Egermann in the historical collection at the City Library, have served to furnish many valuable and interesting details. The Centennial Historical Committee pre- sent this story of Naperville hoping thereby to add to the enjoyment of this Centennial Celebration. To those pioneers who went ahead and blazed the way, and to the loyal citizens of later years who carried on and made Naperville the beautiful city oi today, this history is dedicated. 975956 Scene at Permanent Memorial — "Big Qi UARRY. "Where ripples break and shadows gleam In mirrored spots of green and blue. 1 ' 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 A History of Naperville 1831 <^> 1931 The spirit of adventure, with irresistible power, has ever led men out of comfort and security into new and untried paths. Dis- satisfied with things as they were, and stirred by some inner vision of better things to be, these pioneers set out in search of broader horizons and greater opportunities, never counting the cost. Marquette and Joliet were the first white men to view the broad rivers and rolling prairies of Illinois in 1673. They found as the occupants of this fertile region many Indian tribes, notable among them being the Illiniwok, from whom the state received its name. Du Page County, which was named after the French trader, Du Pazhe, was first a part of Cook County. The early political designation was "Scott's General Precinct, Flagg Creek District, Cook County, Illinois." The first settlers on the Du Page River were Stephen J. Scott and family of Maryland. In 1826 they had settled at Gros' Point on Lake Michigan (Evanston). In August, 1830, Stephen Scott and his son, Willard, came upon "The Forks" of the Du Page River in Will County, while on a hunting trip, and soon after removed the family to this locality, which was later called the Scott Settlement. Bailey Hobson was the first settler in what is now Du Page County. In May, 1830, he came west from Orange County, Indiana, and made his claim near Holderman's Grove (Newark). He returned to Indiana for his family and they reached the prairies of Illinois, accompanied by Lewis Stewart, on September 21, 1830. Not satisfied with this claim, Mr. Hobson explored the country around the Du Page River and selected the site near the present First Bridge. After the rains of the following spring, the Hobson family crossed the country to the Scott Settlement where they stayed until March, 1831, when their cabin was completed. Captain Joseph Naper, of Ashtabula County, Ohio, was the founder of Naperville. In February, 1831, he visited this region and made preparations for building a cabin at what is now the south- east corner of Mill Street and Jefferson Avenue. In June he arrived with his family accompained by his brother, John Naper, and his family. That season he also built a trading house, the first in this region. These two brothers had owned a sailing vessel on the Lakes, called the "Telegraph", which they had sold and agreed to deliver at Chicago. With them came the families of John Murray. Lyman Butterfield, Harry Wilson, and a Mr. Carpenter. 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Joseph Naper Almeda Naper 1831 * n t ^ e autumn Joseph and John Naper started to build a saw- mill, having brought the ironwork with them. Christopher Paine, who had located near the Hobsons in 1831, was delegated to build the dam. This he did by first laying logs, then stone, and finally buckwheat straw to hold the dirt in place. In the spring of 1832 the mill was in running order — the first ever built on the Du Page River. They next constructed a crude grist mill, Christopher Paine fashioning the grinding stones from boulders. Each neighbor brought his grain and ground it with his own team. The first school building was a log house on the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Ewing Street, fourteen feet square. On September 14, a contract was made with one Lester Peet, "to teach a school in our respective District, for the term of four months, for the consideration of $12.00 per month." The contract further stated that the teacher was to board with the scholars, school to begin November 15. Joseph Naper, Christopher Paine, and Bailey Hobson were to be the com- mittee to superintend the school and to see that a suitable house was built, and twenty-two scholars were to attend: Joseph Naper, 6; H. T. Wilson, 2; Richard Sweet, 2; Daniel Landon, 1; James Green, 1; Bailey Hobson, 1; John Naper, 1; John Manning, 1; Daniel Wilson, 1; Christopher Paine, 3; John Murray, 2; Edward A. Rogers, 1. 1832 ^ n t ^ e spring of 1832, Black Hawk and his followers com- menced their depredations in this region. Half Day, a friendly chief of the Pottawatomies on the Fox River, sent a messenger advising the settlers to go to Fort Dearborn. This they did at once, May 17. The women and children remained at the Fort while the men returned to look after the settlements. About the middle of June, Captain Naper and Captain Boardman and ten or twelve others went to Ottawa to gain assistance in building a fort at Naper Settle- 4 6 h 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 The Naper Mill from a Painting by Hannah Ditzler Alspaugh ment. General Atkinson detailed Captain Morgan L. Payne of Joliet, with fifty volunteers from Danville, to do the work. "Fort Payne was a stockade about 100 feet square, surrounded by pickets set in the ground, on two diagonal corners of which were two block houses, pierced with port-holes so as to command the prairie in every direction." (History of Du Page County, 1882). The eminence on which it was built is now a part of "Fort Hill Campus," about 350 feet south of the intersection of Ellsworth Street and Chicago Avenue. The spring which supplied it with water is at the base of the western slope of the hill. As soon as the fort was completed, the women and children were taken there from Fort - Dearborn. A company of mounted volunteers was organized to defend the northern frontier against the Sac and Fox Indians. Joseph Naper was the Captain. A bronze tablet bearing the names of this company is in the court house at Wheaton. When General Scott, with twelve men as bodyguard and two wagons drawn by horses, started across the country for Fort Armstrong at Rock Island, he arrived at Fort Payne on July 20, and spent the first night of his journey at the Fort. General Scott's treaty with the Sauks at Rock Island closed this tragic period of the Black Hawk War, and the settlers once more resumed the task of subduing the wilderness. "At a general election held at the house of Joseph Naper in the Scott Precinct, in the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, on 4 7 !*>• 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 .-*V John Naper Home sixth day of August, 1832, the following names of voters appear on the the Poll Book: Joseph Naper, Harry Boardman, Stephen M. Salsbury, John Manning, Seth Wescott, John Naper, Pierce Hawley, Willard Scott, Isaac Scarritt, P. F. W. Peck, Israel P. Blodget, Robert Strong, Waken Stowel, R. M. Sweet, Harry T. Wilson, Peter Wycoff, Bailey Hobson." On another Poll Book of an election October 6, 1832, Stephen M. Salsbury was elected Justice of Peace and Willard Scott, Constable. Fourteen votes were cast: David Lawdon, John Murray, Alanson Sweet, Asakel Buckly, Sherman King, Lyman Butterfield, Christopher Paine and Caleb Porter were names that did not appear on the other Poll Book. "Many settlers had arrived during this year and at the end of 1832 the settlement had 180 souls.' ' 1833 ^ e ^ rst f rame building in Du Page County was the home erected by George Martin, a grain merchant of Edinburgh, Scotland. This house stands on Ogden Avenue west of the city limits. The beams and floors of this century-old house are fashioned ■4 8 J> 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Pistols Used by Capt. Joseph Naper from black walnut trees which were hewn on the building site and sawed at the Naper mill. It is now owned by his granddaughter, Carrie Martin Mitchell. The first church organized in Naperville is the present Congrega- tional Church. Stephen A. Beggs was appointed Methodist circuit rider for this district with twelve preaching places. The first post office at Naper Settlement was named Paw Paw. 1834 T\v° important highways formed a junction at the Naper Settlement. One ran southwestward through Oswego, Yorkville and Newark to Ottawa. The other was the southern stage route from Chicago to Galena opened in 1834. This made Naperville an important center of travel. Here the Pre-Emption House was built and is still conducted under its original name. It is probably the oldest tavern in the state, and in those early days of the prairie schooner, or Pennsylvania wagon, it was noted far and wide for its hospitality. The teams from the west were loaded with grain for the Chicago market, and those from the east with goods to supply the < 9 K 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Clarissa Hobson Bailey Hobson needs of the farmers — such as salt, leather, plows and other essentials. The frame of this building was erected by George Laird, who then sold it to John Stevens who had come in 1832 and bought out a claim of P. F. W. Peck. "The Pre-Emption House was then the only building on the low grounds. On the elevated grounds were the log cabins where the Napers, Dr. White, Dr. Potter, and Alexander Howard, who kept the post-office, lived." The framework of this building is of oak and the clapboards are of black walnut. The Hobson Mill was built in 1834 and run by Bailey Hobson and Harry Boardman. The account kept during the building of the mill includes these items — "Paid at Buffalo for one set of millstones, $190.00; paid John Kinsie for transportation and storage, $46.00, Paid Bush for Bolting Cloth. $50.88." On the next page we read — "Paid Miss Standish for putting on bolting cloth, $2.00." This was the only grist mill in the northern part of the state, and men with teams and wagons loaded with grain would camp around the mill waiting their turn. Later Bailey Hobson built a tavern to accommodate his patrons . This house stands east of the First Bridge. "That man Hobson was a philosopher as well as a philanthropist under his outward rough exterior. He would say to me, 'What if I sell you a hundred pounds of flour — what will the rest do?' His prudence saved much suffering that summer among the new immigrants." — Cyrus B. Ingham. Joseph Naper was one of the Commissioners to lay out the first legally established road through the county, and a stage line was established from Chicago to Galena. 1835 A new frame building was erected on the corner of Washington Street and Benton Avenue and used for a school building. 4 10 J>- 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Hobson's Mill 1836 1836 Captain Joseph Naper was a Representative of Cook County in the State Legislature — 1836-'42, a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln. In the session of 1839-40, "Joseph Naper of Cook County introduced a bill for the repeal of the whole license law, while Robert McMillan of Edgar County proposed a more stringent measure. Keen and pointed debate arose. Joseph Naper was against so high a license fee; and, besides, the Legislature had no right to interfere with men's appetites; 'public opinion ought to regulate these matters!' ' ! (Abraham Lincoln by Albert J. Beveridge.) The Naperville Agricultural Works was established to manufacture Naperville Plows which acquired a most enviable reputation. In this year a road was cut from Naperville to Aurora and westward to Big Rock. A group of thirty-three men at the Aurora settlement offered inducements to the stages, such as keeping drivers and teams without charge. In this way they succeeded in diverting the travel from the crossing at Montgomery, and a post-office was established at Aurora in 1837. 4 11 J* 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 %fa*. - fa/L- * (ML *%*?/ ' JZ*. e lirftr -£t ■ ^ 1 / I u > - I !/ 1 • '. i /,| / % Y i ' / / / / / 1 /■ / / / - ; *.» 2" . ..-, *< 4><~..~* - WE /*, «v 4 ^ //v ,,,• -, £U*r4,+j<- Poll Book — August 6, 1832 4 12 fc 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Typical Pioneer Home 1837 ^ e E van g e li ca l Church of Naperville was organized with fifteen members. The services were held in private homes and school rooms for six years. 1838 Wul^d Scott, with his family, moved to Naperville. He built the Naperville Hotel, a three-story frame building and made it a well-known hostelry for eight years. During the years that the "Forty-niners" left for California, their meeting place was in front of this hotel. Later Mr. James Dunlap bought the building and rented the rooms for offices. James Kendig's photography studio was on the third floor. Most of the early photographs and public views were taken by Mr. Kendig. Carl Broeker's new building, erected in 1927, now occupies this site. 1839 ^ u P a § e was established as a County. The first election for County officers was held at the Pre-Emption House, on the first Monday in May. S. M. Skinner, Stephen J. Scott and L. G. Butler were appointed by law as judges of the election. Naperville was selected for the county seat and $5,000 was subscribed for the erection of a court house. •4 13 > 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Hobson Nancy Jane, Martha, Adela, Elvira, Charlotte, Ellen An election was held to determine whether the citizens of the towns of Wheatland and Du Page wished to become a part of Du Page County. This election was lost by one vote. The Du Page County Society for Mutual Protection was formed in Naperville. This was to guard against claim-jumping and to settle various disputes. 1840 "The Naper sawmill was torn down to give place to a flouring mill with two run of stones." 1841 ^ e E van £ e l ic al Church was built in this year. Captain Naper donated the lot on Van Buren Avenue where the Lutheran Church now stands. A division was built down the center of the pews, the east side being for the men and the west side for the women. 1842 December 8 was appointed by the Congregational Society as a day of thanksgiving, and the community was invited to participate. This was probably the first observance of a day of -4 14 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 &* -ot^cst - ;,. ..,,,.,,.."■■ , . — - —-— — — — — — — - — : — — — r— — — : A*? ■ 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 prominent citizens of the place met and forcibly took down and removed the edifice to its present site, which was donated to the society by Lewis Ellsworth, Esq. In 1844, the building was so far ad- vanced that it was occupied by the Congregational and Baptist societies, each on alternate Sabbaths. In 1847 the church was enlarged and improved. A belfry and steeple were built upon it from which sounded the first church bell in the county." (This bell is now our city fire bell). 1845 ^ n April 19, a committee of the Congregational Church selected a site at Naperville. The land was donated by Capt. Morris Sleight on two conditions: that no part of the land should be used as a burial ground, and that there should be a cupola and bell on the church. "The Naperville Library" was incorporated with thirty subscribers, who elected five trustees: John Granger, Allan Mcintosh, Selinus M. Skinner, Nathan Allen, James F. Wight. The shares were $5.00 each, with a yearly tax on each share, fines and penalties. Some books were presented by shareholders and others were purchased. R. N. Murray was the proprietor of the second hotel in Naperville, the New York House. This building was first used for a wagon and blacksmith shop, now occupied by Reiche's hardware store. 1846 ^ ne Methodist Church site was bought for $120 and a small frame building was erected. Willard Scott, Sr., established a first class mercantile house — "Scott's General Store". The SS. Peter &. Paul Parish was at first a mission of the Joliet church, the priest coming once a month to hold services in the homes. In 1846 the first church was built; a frame building located in the center of the block south of the present Parochial School. In 1 864 this building was used for school purposes. The first official act of the Rev. Father Raphael Rainaldi, according to the county records, was the marriage of Robert Le Beau to Emily Beaubien, on September 8. The first land for the S. S. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery was purchased, containing about an acre. A company of infantry was organized and went to the Mexican War under Capt. E. B. Bill. Captain Joseph Naper served as Quarter- master, and acted as aide to General Taylor in the battle of Buena Vista. 1847 ^ n J anuar Y 28, the Congregational Church, begun in 1846, was dedicated. It is the second oldest Congregational Church in Illinois, having been organized in 1833 as a Presbyterian Church by Rev. Porter and Rev. Clark. There were nineteen members from homes scattered over a territory of several miles. In 1834 they voted to become Congregational. The church at first included the 4 16 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Pre-Emption House Built in 1834 Naper Settlement, the East Branch Settlement, Lisle, and Downers Grove neighborhood, Big Woods, Strong and Clark Settlement, and the Northern neighbors. In 1839 they decided to build a church at Naperville, after having held services in private houses, school houses, a tent procured for the purpose, and in the Court House. 1849 ^ n e Pid em i c °f cholera took the lives of many citizens during this year. On December 1, Volume 1, No. 1 of the Du Page County Recorder was printed. This was the first newspaper in Naperville. Editor — Charles Sellon. The Du Page County Nurseries were established by Lewis Ellsworth. 1850 This notice appeared in the Du Page County Recorder for January 3: "Plank Wanted — We will take any amount of white or burr oak plank from those indebted to us, if delivered at Naperville, or any other place on the line of the Naperville and Oswego plank road, before the first day of April, in payment of their account, or will pay goods for them. The planks to be eight feet long, three inches thick, and not more than thirteen inches wide. 500,000 feet of plank wanted < 17 >■ 1831 NAPERV1LLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Baptist Church Building — 1843 for the stock of the company. — Naper and Skinner; Lyman and Company; W. Scott 6k Son; A. H. Howard &. Company; A. Kieth; H. L. Peaslee and Company, George Martin." The plank road consisted of a single track, eight feet wide, made by laying down two stringers and covering them with three inch planks. The stringers were imbedded in the earth so that the weight of the plank rested directly upon the earth. Less than a year after the construction the defects of the road began to appear. On the low prairies the ditches dug along the sides of the road filled with water and over- flowed. The heavy traffic caused the planks to slip, and a cavity developed underneath. Then the planks began to decay. The Southwestern Plank Road from Chicago to Riverside was opened in September, 1848. The toll was 373^2 cents for a four-horse vehicle, 25 cents for a single team, and 123^ cents for horse and rider. By the close of 1851 this road extended to Naperville where it connected with a road under con- struction to Oswego. The roads were owned 4 18 J* 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Home of R. N. Murray where Stephen A. Douglas was Entertained in 1856 by private corporations, there being several in the county. The Democratic Plain Dealer, an organ of Democracy, succeeded the Recorder. During the same year, u The Daughter of Temperance", a small sheet of four pages, was published weekly. April — Notices of School Term session — Naperville Female School, P. Jane Turner — Naperville Select School, J. P. Babbit. "California Emigrants — It is estimated that over one hundred persons have gone from this village and vicinity." May 14 — A letter from Placer Valley, California, written by Robert Naper to the Recorder: — "I see by the few papers that chance throws in my hands that the great National Railroad question across the plains and mountains is greatly agitating the minds of the people of the United States. Although I do not consider it impossible to con- struct such a road, I consider it one of the wildest and most foolish schemes that ever was seriously entertained by an intelligent people Should the work be commenced at both ends of the route, it is my candid opinion that before the center was completed, the ends would be worn out transporting materials." 1851 "^ ne ^ u P a § e County Observer followed the Plain Dealer. Published by Barnes, Humphrey and Keith in 1851, and Barnes, Martin and Keith in 1851-'52. 4 19 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 The books and funds belonging to the "Naperville Library" were donated to the Academy Association. Forty cords of stone, valued at $100, were given to the Academy building by George Martin I. The Naperville Academy was incorporated in this year. Among the names of incorporators were John Collins, Joseph Naper, and Lewis Ellsworth. 1852 Captain Joseph Naper was Representative of Du Page County in the State Legislature 1852~'54. Oct. 20 — "The Catholic Society has placed two large and very fine toned bells in the belfry of their church." Dec. 1 was the date of the opening of the Naperville Academy. Rev. N. F. Atkins was the first principal followed by C. W. Richmond. Beside common branches of education, a classical course including music, drawing and painting, was taught. Mrs. Atkins was precept- ress and Mrs. L. P. Stow was teacher of music. 1853 March 8 — From the report of school commissioner: "Four district schools — no school house and no effort being made to erect one. Mrs. L. K. Rich — 24 pupils, Miss Margaret Riddler — 40 pupils, Mrs. B. C. Sargent — 60 pupils (private), Mr. Ignatius Derivaux — 20 pupils." Nov. 2 — From a lengthy letter written by a correspondent, M. C. M., who was favorably impressed with Naperville, to the Du Page County Observer: "Naperville has 1200 inhabitants. The Court House is not a very fine building, although much better than your old Chicago one. The jail is located in the basement and is a very small affair. The mail from Chicago is supplied daily from Warren Station by one of Frink & Co's. four horse stages, which passes through Warrenville. All the principal streets are furnished with good plank walks. This improvment is the work of the ladies of this flourishing little town. After petitioning in vain for sidewalks, they got up fairs and in a short time had the necessary funds." The Du Page County Agricultural and Mechanical Society was organized to promote improvement and enterprise in the cultivation of the soil, the raising of stock and the manufacturing of useful farming and household necessities. The first and second Fairs were held at Naperville, the third Fair at Wheaton and in 1857 the Fair Grounds were permanently located at Wheaton. The murder of one Patrick Tole by Patrick Doyle took place north of Warren Station. Doyle was tried at Naperville and sentenced to be hanged. The Du Page Eclectic Nurseries were established by R. W. and R. M. Hunt. 4 20 >• 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Water Street — Now Chicago Avenue 1854 ^ e ^ u ^ age bounty Journal, conducted by C. W. Keith, J. M. Edson and E. M. Day successively, took the place of the Du Page Observer. Willard Scott, Sr., and his son Thaddeus, opened a banking and exchange office in connection with their general store. 1855 ^* P eter an d P au l Parish built their first school building. In 1864 the frame church building was used for school purposes. 1856 ^ Fourth of July celebration, was held, with an eloquent address by H. G. Spafford of Chicago. A toast proposed by C. H. P. Lyman: "May each returning anniversary inspire our youth, our young men, and our grey-haired fathers with the living fire of pure patriotism." George Martin II moved his brick yard from the foot of Washington Street at the north east corner of the cemetery, to the Tile Works on Oswego Road. This was the firm of Martin &. King. Sept. 27 — Stephen A. Douglas spoke in Naperville at a Democratic meeting which was held at the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Eagle Street, then a grove. A snow storm drove the crowd into the basement of the •< 21 I*> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Willard Scott Caroline Scott Academy where the speech was finished. Mr. Douglas was enter- tained at the home of R. N. Murray on Main Street. Twenty-five hundred Jones plows were manufactured and sold in one year at $15.00 each. These plows were first made in 1840 by A. S. Jones. The Naperville Artillery Company was organized July 21, with an armory at the Academy. "The uniform was a suit of deep blue — frock coat — blue cloth cap with glazed frontpiece — black plume with white tip — and an extra pair of white pants." The first stone bridge on Main Street was built by Robert Reed according to plans drawn by James Mulvey. A stone brewery was built by N. and J. Stenger. The malt house was erected in 1864. These buildings are being used (1931) by A. V. Jackson for growing mushrooms. 1857 ^ e Naper Settlement was organized as the Village of Naperville. At the first election, held May 4, there were 174 votes cast. (Copy of the Oath Taken by Joseph Naper, First President of Village) I, Joseph Naper, having on the fourth day of May, A. D. 1857, been elected President of the Common Council of the Village of Naperville, in said County, as provided for by the act incorporating said Village, approved February 7th, 1857, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully, fairly, impartially perform the duties of said office of President of the said Common Council according to law and the best of my understand- ing and abilities; that I have not fought a duel, nor sent -4 22 \> 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Northeast Corner Washington Street and Jefferson Avenue or accepted a challenge to fight a duel, the probable issue of which might have been the death of either party, nor been a second to either party, nor in any manner aided or assisted in such duel, nor been knowingly the bearer of such challenge or acceptance, since the adoption of the Constitution, and that I will not be so engaged or concerned, directly or indirectly, in or about any such duel, during my continuance in office. So help me God. Toseph Naper The Trustees elected were George Martin, Michael Hines, Xavier Egermann and H. H. Cody. C. M. Castle, Clerk. March 21 — The Producer's Bank was located on the southeast corner of Jefferson and Main. The Honorable James Wright and George Martin formed a partnership for the transaction of General Banking. The James G. Wright family were English people. Their home, originally a log house, was on the farm now occupied by Mr. W. D. Callender. The old English mansion is a most beautiful example of English Architecture. This house was built of brick made in Warrenville and the lumber in it was the first load of lumber ever < 23 \> 1831 — NAPERV1LLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 shipped over the Northwestern railroad when it extended only as far west as Wheaton. An election was held to determine whether the county seat should be changed to Wheaton, since that town was in the center of the county and had the Northwestern Railroad. The proposition lost. The great freshet occurred Feb. 5, 6 and 7. The dams at Warren- ville and Naperville were washed out. Huge cakes of ice packed up against the four arches of the stone bridge, forming an ice jam and throwing torrents of water out over the banks on both sides, carrying away all of the frame buildings along the river in that block, including the Du Page Journal. A barn from the south side of the river was dashed down the stream, taking the wooden bridge with it. By means of long poles, huge cakes of ice were guided around the bank building which occupied the southwest corner of Washington Street and Chicago Avenue. In this year the first History of Du Page County was published by C. W. Richmond. Fortunate indeed are the possessors of this rare edition of early pioneer history. 1858 ^^ e Evangelical Church building was sold to the Lutheran congregation, and the well known "Brick Church" was built on the corner of Center Street and Franklin Avenue. Rev. Dickover was the pastor. "A Masonic and Odd Fellows celebration was held in Naperville, on St. Johns Day, December 27, 1858. It was the inauguration of Capt. Sleight's new and splendid building, under the management of the following committee: James G. Wright, C. D. Haight, Thaddeus Scott, James J. Hunt, Thomas Naper, John Collins", Charles Luling, C. M. Castle, H. F. Valette, C. W. Richmond, Robert Naper, Wm. J. Laird and Phillip Orcutt. Tickets for the supper — Lady and Gentle- man, $1.50. Tickets for the Ball — Lady and Gentleman, $2.50." This hall was on the southeast corner of Washington Street and Jefferson Avenue. The St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized with twenty members. The church building on West Van Buren Street was bought from the Evangelical people, and it is still their house of worship. Rev. P. Brueckner is the present pastor. 1860 ^ ne Academy building was purchased by School District 78, in 1860, and was used for a public school until it was razed in 1928. A special charter, obtained in 1863, is still in force, whereby the Board receives the funds directly from the County Collector and County Superintendent. The celebrated u Burch Divorce Case" was held in the Court House November 12 to December 10, when the jury •4 24 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 ^ Xavier Egermann, Trustee Joseph Naper, President H. H. Cody, Trustee IBs 2 : W ^^^^ George Martin, Trustee Michael Hines, Trustee C. M. Castle Clerk FIRST VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NAPERVILLE, 1857 decided in favor of Mrs. Burch. Orville Hickman Browning was one of the lawyers for the defense. He wrote in his diary, "At night the citizens with a band of music came and serenaded me, and I had to make them a little speech. The jury all called on me at my room (in the New York Hotel kept by Mr. Becker) and afterwards Gil Davidson, and some of his friends made me go over to the Pre- Emption House and drink and rejoice with them till eleven o'clock." Later he said, "I charged $2,500 which they paid without a moment's hesitation." This trial was noted for its length, its bitter debate, and the social prominence of its litigants. R. N. Murray was one of the solicitors. "When the Civil War broke out a number of Naperville young men volunteered to go to the front; some enlisted in the 7th, 9th and 13th regiments. In 1861 the 8th Cavalry was formed, and many of our boys, some only twenty years of age and others less, enlisted. Later, the 105th Infantry took another lot of our 4 25 \> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 men, and the company formed in the Public Square preparatory to going to Wheaton to take the Northwestern train. When the news came that Fort Sumter had been fired upon, great fear took posses- sion of our town people. People were out on the street all night and wagons were moving and men talking." h. d. a. The name of Charles Beckman of Naperville stands at the head of the muster roll of Company K, Thirteenth Infantry, the first organi- zation to enter the service from Du Page County. "The Newsletter" (? — 1862) published by D. B. Birdsall followed the Du Page County Journal, after the latter was literally carried away by the flood of 1857. 1863 "The Newsletter" was succeeded by the Du Page County Press, 1863-'68, published by Robert Naper and R. K. Potter. 1864 ^ e ^ rst a ^ tat i° n f° r a railroad began in 1851, but met with strenuous opposition by the stockholders of the Plank Road. On May 20, 1864, the C. B. & Q. Railroad was finished through Naperville, giving a new impetus to the development of the village. The cornerstone of the second building of the SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church was laid. "The stone for this church was quarried along the river a few miles south of Naperville, where the parish purchased an acre of land from which to obtain the stone." The Rev. Father Fischer was the pastor. 1865 ^ n J an * ^ tne ^ t# J onns Episcopal Church was consecrated, Bishop Whitehouse officiating. Services Were first held in November 1838 by Rev. Cornish of Joliet, and the parish was officially organized on January 22, 1850. Captain Morris Sleight presented ground for the building, and in 1870 a rectory was built on a lot donated by Mrs. Delcar Sleight. "The enlargement of our Cemetery suggests the erection of a monu- ment to perpetuate the memory of our soldiers who have offered up their lives for the salvation of the country." From the Du Page County Press, May 31, 1865. "The return of the soldiers. The long-looked-for-day of happiness is at last upon us — the day that shall welcome to their homes the long-absent ones who have, as it were, borne on their bayonets the hopes of the country, and at the risk of their lives, saved Freedom from her enemies. For four long years full of hardship and danger, monotony and privation, and even sometimes of apparent ingratitude, have our warriors endured the horrors of warfare." A wooden bridge was built over the river on Washing- ton Street. < 26 J> 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Ellsworth Home and Nurseries on Fort Hill 1866 ^ e Naperville Nurseries, containing twenty acres, were established by Ernest Von Oven at the junction of the Oswego and Aurora Roads. Mr. Von Oven came to this vicinity in 1857, and was connected with Martin and Von Oven, extensive brick and tile manufacturers, and Boecker and Von Oven, proprietors of the Naperville Stone Company. "The new store of Robert Naper is probably the most capacious retail establishment to be found outside of the large cities." "The buildings owned by M. B. Powell, Robert Wilson, with the store of Mark Beaubien, on Water Street, were raised to grade. The job was a heavy one, but satisfactorily executed by Benj. Ainsworth of Big Woods." Oct. 17 — A Republican mass meeting was held in the Court House Square. Music by the Naperville Brass Band. Speakers — Hon. L. Trumbull and Hon. B. C. Cook. 300-500 in attendance. "Strang and Son are erecting a large stone building opposite the Pre-Emption House." The Merchants Express Company was organized — Mr. Talcott appointed agent for Naperville. •4 27 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Willard Scott, Jr., with C. M. Castle assisting, assumed charge of the store of Willard Scott - 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Du Page River and Stone Bridge — 1856 July 13 — "Baseball thrives in Naperville. We have the First Nine and the Second; the Red Breeches and the Blue; the Heavy Hitters and the Light Weights; the White Whiskers and the Cotton Tails." The Naperville Base Ball Club played matched games with Lemont, Warrenville, Lisle, Downers Grove and Wheaton. The detailed accounts of these games occupied much space in the weekly Clarion. Aug. 24 — "The Naperville Brass Band, Mr. James G. Valette, leader, circulated around town Saturday. The boys were highly complimented. They did extremely well for the first attempt." North Western College (now North Central) was dedicated on Oct. 4. Addresses were given by Bishop Dubs, Pres. Blanchard of Wheaton College, Judge Cody, Rev. Cunningham and the Hon. R. N. Murray. Naperville donated a site of eight acres and $25,000. Later a group of ten citizens, who signed a note of $5,000 were called upon to pay the same. Miss Nancy Cunningham (later Mrs. H. W. Knicker- bocker) was chosen Preceptress of North Western College. Dec. 3 — "Mrs. Lindeman, formerly of Chicago, has purchased Dr. Mussman's building on Jefferson Avenue where she intends to open a toy store." 4 29 j> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Dec. 16 — "On and after this date the bells of the Evangelical and Lutheran churches will be rung as fire bells of our village. — Willard Scott, Jr., Fire Marshal." Two Years Ago and Now (Naperville Clarion, 1870) "Every careful observer will not fail to take cognizance of the vast difference in the status of Naperville now and two years ago. The fall of '68 was the darkest period in the history of this village, arising out of our county seat troubles and intestine strife. Who does not remember it all. In those days injunctions and counter-injunctions were the order of the day; arrests, trials, indictments, and other an- noyances were resorted to, and a constant excitement was kept up. The public offices were ransacked and the public records carried off; public officers were tormented, threatened, cajoled, frightened, and persecuted in various ways, and an unpleasant, unhealthy state of things existed. Dec. 31 — "The Wheaton Illinoian and Naperville Clarion agree to drop all past differences that have kept the people of this county in a state of unfriendliness the past six years. 1871 ^ n J anuar y 1> tne Naperville Agricultural Works, under the management of Bouton, Whitehead &. Company, sent out a price list of Naperville Plows and Western Star Forks. In October occurred the great Chicago Fire. Although there was no organized Red Cross Society at this time, the spirit of good will was in evidence. College students went from house to house soliciting food for the homeless refugees of Chicago. 1873 ^ ne College Chronicle was published by North Western College (now North Central) from 1873-76 and from 1883 to date. It is printed at the Clarion Office. The Naperville Tile and Brick Works — Martin and King partner- ship agreement is dated Feb. 4, 1873. This was George Martin II. The Union Biblical Institute — now Evangelical Theological Seminary — was organized and incorporated. 1874 After tne fi re °f J u ^ 6, when the New York House at Naperville burned, and it was necessary for the village to appeal to Aurora for help, the need of some kind of fire protection was recognized. On August 8 the village council appointed a com- mittee to purchase a fire engine and equipment. On December 12 this Committee, C. W. Richmond, Willard Scott, Jr., and Nicholas Yack, reported the purchase of one hand engine, one hose cart, 700 feet of hose and other equipment at a cost of $1752.00. A volunteer company organized to operate the apparatus and on November 21 Willard Scott, Jr., was appointed fire marshal by the council. 4 30 l> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 View Westward from Corner of Ellsworth and Benton On December 18, in the early morning, the post office, express office and other buildings on Main Street south of Jefferson were burned. 1875 ^^ e °^ court house building was removed, the brick offices were converted into an engine house, and the grounds fenced and otherwise improved. A business building was erected by Mr. Schultz — "solid founda- tion, heavy walls, French plate glass fronts, walnut and ash floors, all topped off by a neat cornice." (Jefferson Avenue and Main Street) Sept. 17 — The Village Council authorized the purchase of a hook and ladder truck and the " Rescue" Hook and Ladder Company was organized. 1876 ^ u £* ^ — "The improvements on the Catholic Church are being pushed rapidly forward by large forces of carpenters and masons. The exterior of the walls is to be cement and blocked off in squares representing marble blocks and the steeple raised to 152 feet in height. The talked-of town clock has not been bought yet." 4 31 \> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 1877 The N aperville Guards, a company of State Militia, was organized with Samuel Smith as Captain. 1878 Ernest Von Oven purchased William King's interest in the tile and brick business of Martin and King. 1879 N° v * 19 — The train carrying General and Mrs. Grant on their trip around the world stopped at Naper- ville. Mr. H. W. Knickerbocker made a short speech. Gen. Grant bowed and thanked the people for their kind reception, while he shook hands with all who came within reach. Five lots of Sleight's College Addition were bought by the Directors of School District 7, and a building, to be used by the advanced class, was erected by Abram Kinzie for $560.00. 1881 "The greenhouses that have for so many years been an object of interest in Naperville located near the Honorable Lewis Ellsworth's residence are being taken down and removed to Batavia." 1882 O n J u *y F° urtn > tne fifteenth anniversary of the Naperville Light Guard Band was celebrated. Daniel Meiley in Civil War Uniform 1883 May 1 —"The Bap- tist Church is rapidly passing into a heap of ruins. It is a pity to have so good a building wrecked. It ought to be put to some good use, be it ever so far from what it was originally intended." (Goetsch's warehouse on South Washington at the end of Jackson Avenue.) 4 32 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 The Old Wooden Bridge — 1865 " Owing to the scarcity of water in the river during the summer months, when the fish have to crawl into a crab hole to get a drink, would it not be advisable to erect cisterns along the river to be filled with water to use in case of fire?" The Naperville Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized on Sept. 20. Mrs. E. Grant Simpson is president in 1931. The number of members are 250. 1884 ^he Walter Blanchard Post, Grand Army of the Republic was organized in Scott's Hall, January 7 with twenty-two members. The Post received its name from Captain Walter Blanchard of Downers Grove, of the 13th Illinois Infantry. Willard Scott, John Alspaugh, Frank Goetsch, Fred Kailer, Edwin C. Rickert, Lewis Rich and John Pace are the members of the organization in May, 1931. Jan. 24 — "Brilliant Season of Roller Skating. Gents — Admission fifteen cents, ladies ten cents. Skating for gents, fifteen cents; for ladies, ten cents. John W. Collins and Arthur B. Cody, Proprietors." The Boecker and Von Oven stone quarry began operation in this year. <\ 33 >> 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Jefferson Avenue Looking West from Washington Street — 1867 The north span of the wooden bridge collapsed on account of decay, and an iron bridge was ordered built. Two additional lots in College Addition were bought ($400.00) by School District No. 7, and a two story brick school building erected. The bonds were sold to Jonas Walker, Ferdinand Schwartz, Harriet Hobson and Emmanuel Holler. W. O. Seibert was the Principal. The bell taken from the Baptist Church building was placed on the Reuss building for a fire bell. 1885 ^ n F eDruar v 2, the village clerk was instructed to issue an order to the Massilon Bridge Co. for $2,900.00, and on May 1, the various items amounting to $4,107.68 were ordered paid. Do you remember the sign, "$5.00 fine for driving faster than a walk or driving more than ten head of cattle over this bridge at one time."? The first public telephone was installed in the store of Tom Saylor on Jefferson Ave. Then a switch board was put in Ed Dieter's Drug Store, and later Mrs. Skelton had the central office in her home on the corner of Washington Street and Chicago Avenue. 4 34 y- 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Washington Street Looking North from Jefferson Avenue — 1867 1886 ^ n ordinance was passed allowing the C. B. &. Q. R. R. Company the right to lay down the track on Ewing Street. "Our Congregational brethren have made another improvement in their place of worship, by placing the heating apparatus in a newly constructed basement. This will do away with the stoves, equalize the warmth, make the audience room comfortable and greatly assist in procuring the attention of sleepy auditors who cuddle down in the warmest corner they can find." "The Chicago road east of Naperville is being gravelled from a bed of gravel being developed in Mr. Sleight's timber lot." "The Band boys feel very thankful toward the citizens of Naperville and others who donated toward paying for their new uniforms." On May 1 George Ruess opened a private bank. 1887 ^ ne ^ re Steamer "Enterprise" was purchased for $2800; Joseph Egermann was Fire Marshal. The Naperville Manufacturing Company was organized for the manufacture of lounge frames. 4 35 y- 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Laying of Cornerstone of Northwestern (now North Central) College — 1870 Feb. 9 — "The Du Page River has once more become a raging torrent after a rain of thirty-six hours following much ice and snow. The volume of water is greater than thirty years ago, but the flood was of short duration." 1888 ^ ve ^ re c i sterns were ordered to be built — forty-six feet by ten feet, and ten feet deep for fire protection. A hose cart and 800 feet of hose were purchased for $860.00. 1889 ^ petition was filed that an election be held for the purpose of voting on the question of incorporating the village as a city, signed by fifty-two voters. April 10 — "Residents along the Du Page River south of Naperville may have been surprised Monday evening to see the water in the river rise suddenly and recede again as rapidly. Well, it was caused by letting the water out of the pond at this place, the dam having been rent by the use of dynamite. This was done to enable the quarries to be worked more extensively and with less bother from water during the summer." May 1 — "Wonderful changes are taking place in the quarry district. The river is being confined to narrow limits by solid walls; graders are building a solid bed for the branch road; the old mill has been moved westward and the old shed fixed up for a depot. Every- thing indicates big business and a wonderful boom for Naperville." < 36 J* 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 SB- NAPERVILLE LIGHT GUARD BAND — 1875. Seated — James Vallete, Mordecai Jenkins, Valentine Dieter, Mr. Knetzger, Joseph Bapst, August Schwein, John V. Kreger, Albert Germann, John W. Collins, Walter Daniels. Standing — Joseph Kochly, Frank Youngheim, Joseph Hiltenbrand, Sylvester Beidelman, Frank Goetsch, Matthias Dockendorf, Samuel Kreider, John Kropf, Paul Hammersmith. The City Hall was completed. J. W. Baumgartner was paid $435.00 in full for building it. ]. Mulvey, the architect, was paid $25.00. The Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of General George Washington as President ot the United States occurred on April 17. Exercises were held at Scott's Hall at nine in the morning and the grand parade at ten o'clock. Speeches were made by H. H. Rass- weiler, J. H. Batten, J. L. Nichols, H. H. Goodrich, D. B. Givler. There were three fine bands of music, and the grand display of fireworks in the Public Square at eight o'clock that night. The States of the Union were represented by young ladies dressed in white, with Theresa Sten- ger as the Goddess of Liberty. Four little girls represented the territories. 1890 Naperville was organized as a city. At an election held March 17, 338 voted for the change of form of city government, and 61 against. The first mayor under the city charter was ]. J. Hunt. 4 37 >> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 The electric light plant started operation under private ownership. North Western College (now North Central) , added the south wing to the main stone building. 1891 ^he First National Bank of Naperville was incorporated in April with a capital stock of $50,000. T. P. Phillips was president, and A. McS. S. Riddler, cashier. The present Capital Stock is $75,000; Surplus, $75,000. Today (1931), Irving Goodrich is president, and W. M. Givler, cashier. The frame building of Grace Evangelical Church, corner of Loomis and Benton, was dedicated March 1, with Reverend John Divan as pastor. The name Lisle Graded School was changed to Ellsworth School. 1892 SS. Peter and Paul Parish erected a brick school building with Carolus Hall occupying the second floor. The cost was $30,000. During the month of April it rained almost continuously for twenty- seven days, causing another season of high water. The greater part of the west wall of the stone bridge crumbled and the present stone bridge was constructed at Main Street. The Naperville Cheese Company erected a building on S. Eagle Street. This firm organized in 1885 under the name of Egermann and Bauer. The present yearly production amounts to $60,000.00. William Sigmund is president. (1931) 1893 "^ Bicycle Parade — Let every rider of a bicycle assemble on the evening of the twenty-fourth at Dieter's corner for the purpose of taking part in a big parade. Bring your wheel properly decorated, with head lights lighted. This parade is to show our citizens the increased interest lately taken in this comparatively new mode of locomotion." H. W. Knickerbocker headed the parade fol- lowed by twenty-four cyclists from Naperville and eight from Wheaton. 1896 The J. I- Nichols Co., publishers of subscription books, was organized shortly after the death of its founder, with a capital of $60,000. J. L. Nichols II is President. The Nichols Business Guide, first published in 1886, has reached a sale of over 4,000,000 copies, and with annual revisions, is still in the lead. July 28, 29, 30 — The Eighth Annual State Tournament of the Illinois Fireman's Association was held here. Naperville won the Novelty Hose Race in 34^ seconds. It was held in Burlington Park at a cost of $5,000. Naperville was beautifully decorated. Two fine arches on Jefferson Avenue and Washington Street were erected. The address of welcome was made by the Honorable John H. Batten. 4 38 J* 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 View of Naperville — 1876, from Aurora Road Near the Large Stone"Quarry 1 897 ^^ e P r i va1:e bank owned by George Reuss became merged in a corporation April 12, under the name of Reuss State Bank, with a capital stock of $25,000, with George Reuss as president, and V. A. Dieter, cashier. The present capital stock is $100,000, surplus — $50,000. Joseph A. Reuss is president, and P. H. Boecker, cashier. (1931) The Woman's Literary Club was organized on March 1. This name was used until 1904, when it was decided to change the name to the Naperville Woman's Club. This organization equipped the Home Economics Department of the High School and furnished the Teacher's Rest Room. When the Naper and Ellsworth buildings were dedicated, the Club gave each school pictures and art objects valued at $250.00. There are at present 252 members, with Mrs. Harold White, president. (1931) On Sept. 27 the second Methodist Church building was dedicated under the pastorate of H. G. Warren. 1898 ^ e Nichols Library, dedicated June 29, was made possible by the beneficence of one of our townsmen, the late Prof. J. L. Nichols. The bequest amounted to $10,000. An appropriation •4 39 Ja- 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 from the city secured the site which is west of the site of the old Court House. It is maintained by public tax. Miss Mary Barbara Egermann has been Librarian since 1909. The following citizens of Naperville are Spanish-American War Veterans: Noel Alspaugh, W. D. Callendar, Nicholas Ehr, Edward Getz, Charles Hedbloom, Charles Lasanska, Lester Marvin, John Miller, Albert Prignitz, William Prignitz and Edward Strubler. A two-story brick addition was built on the west side of the Ells- worth School House, containing two recitation rooms on the first floor, the second floor being used later for the High School. 1899 ^ e Naperville Hose Team again won the championship at Pekin. Charles Boettger was the champion coupler. The Electric Light Plant was purchased by the city. May 2 — "Denizens along Water Street were surprised yesterday to see a horseless carriage pass rapidly along that thoroughfare, cross the stone bridge and disappear. An hour afterwards it returned, rushed up the slight incline, and proceeded eastward. A man and a woman occupied the vehicle. It was the first appearance of an automobile in Naperville, and evidently a trial trip between Chicago and Aurora was being made." 1 901 School districts Nos. 78 and 7 were united to form District 78. The first Board of Education was elected with seven directors instead of three as formerly. Nichols Hall, the gymnasium of North Western College was erected. It was a gift of the late Prof. ]. L. Nichols, an alumnus, and for many years the principal of the Commercial Department. 1903 "Heatherton" was finished by ]. S. Goodwin. This home occupied Fort Hill and replaced the house built there by Lewis Elsworth. On April 21, the result of the ballot on the Waterworks Question was 431 for and 180 against the proposition. The Board of Education extended the course of study at the High School to four years. No class was graduated this year. Two city mail carriers were allowed by the Post Office Department. The contract for water mains was awarded to J. H. MacCarthy of Chicago for $51,402. Water was turned into the pipes on November 25. The first service connection was at the home of H. H. Rassweiler, corner of Brainard and Van Buren. 4 40 I*» 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 View of Naperville from the College Belfry — Mill Pond in Distance The City Council passed a motion to install sewers. A Phrophecy — From the Naperville Clarion "The completion of water works and sewage system will be a red letter event in the history of Naperville, but the residents of this town twenty-five years hence may be placed under the necessity of doubling the capacity of both." March 2 — "Our city certainly is prosperous. Every man, woman or child who wants work may have it. Mechanics and artisans are taxed far beyond their capacity with work. Our merchants are busy with profitable trade and our banks reflect unerringly and impressively the prosperity of the community." Signed — "Rusticus". The Board of Local Improvements for the City of Naperville was established by ordinance and work on the sewer systems was started. The Arthur Beidelman Company was organized; makers of burial vaults, monuments, markers, lawn benches, bird baths and floral vases. Marble and granite is cut and polished electrically. The last stone was quarried in the large quarry south of the river during the summer of 1904. 4 41 > 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 1905 ^ e Naperville Clarion was sold by D. B. Givler to his son, R. N. Givler, the present Editor and Publisher. The follow- ing is an excerpt from a letter of appreciation published last year, (1930), while the editor was away on vacation: "The Clarion has always been a booster for this community and for the county. It is not a mudslinger. It abuses no one. In this way, the Clarion has achieved an outstanding position of loyalty to its community. It is not the purveyor of idle gossip. It criticizes constructively. It does this always for the public good and never for private gain. Let us, in the absence of its Editor, now name it "The Best Newspaper." Artificial gas was brought to Naperville by the La Grange Gas Company. A building was erected on Jefferson Avenue for office and show room. 1906 ^he Naperville Business Men's Association was organized. The new Congregational Church was dedicated by Rev. James M. Lewis of Sandwich. The cost was $27,000. The Austin pipe organ was the gift of Mr. T. P. Phillips, Rev. George Peebles was the pastor. Rev. Earl Collins is the paster in 1931. The Lounge Factory Band was organized with Mr. Charles Horn of Chicago as director. The steam fire engine was ordered sold for $1250.00. 1907 ^^ e Church of the Brethren was built on Benton Avenue. It was organized about 1856 with fifteen members, and the first church was built on John Erb's farm, one and a half miles north of Naperville. Rev. J. S. Flory is the present pastor. (1931) 1908 Three new buildings were erected on the campus of North Western College; the library, gift of Andrew Carnegie; the Goldspohn Science Hall, the gift of Dr. Albert Goldspohn of Chicago, an alumnus; and the central heating plant. The east side macadam pavement was laid. Grace Evangelical Church was erected at the corner of Ellsworth and Van Buren, under the pastorate of Rev. John Divan, The site and building cost $35,000. The C. B. Moore Company opened their lumber and material yard on the present location beside the tree-shadowed Du Page River, west of the old stone bridge. In those days Naperville was a country village but with the passage of years both the town and the business have grown inseparably. After the death, in 1928, of C. B. Moore, the original founder, the company was incorporated under the 4 42 \> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 View Known as Piety Corners in the Early Nineties name of the Moore Lumber and Supply Company, with Mr. R. H. Sanborn, as president of the organization. 1910 ^ e Washington Street and business section brick pavement was laid. 1911 SS. Peter and Paul Parochial School was badly damaged by fire. The building was enlarged and the hall renamed Wenker Hall. The Y. M. C. A. building was dedicated. Cost — $40,000. This property is now valued at $60,000 (1931). The membership is 900, with women and girls enjoying the privileges of the building on Friday of each week. O. W. Foberg was the first secretary and Mr. A. L. Mcllheran is the present secretary. The Ellsworth School building was again remodeled to take care of six grades and the High School. The seventh and eighth grades attended school in the Academy Building. O. A. Waterman was the superintendent. 1912 ^he Q uest i° n 0r " Commission form of government was voted upon and carried by 260 votes for, and 193 against. 4 43 >■ 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 The Evangelical Theological Seminary was erected at the northwest corner of School and Loomis at a cost of $32,000. The First Evangelical Church was erected on the site of the old "Brick Church", and dedicated in February under the pastorate of Rev. W. A. Schuette. The cost of the building was $56,000. Rev. Wm. Grote is pastor in 1931. 1913 O n April 15, Francis A. Kendall was elected the first Mayor under the Commission form of government. The Naper- ville Association of Commerce was formed for the purpose of en- couraging enterprise, resources and growth of Naperville. On March 26, one hundred and twenty-five feet of the west end of the Naperville Lounge Company's four-story brick building was wrecked by a severe windstorm. 1914 ^^ e concrete pavement was laid on Main Street, and the creek entering the river west of the stone bridge was tiled. 1915 ^he Naperville Lounge Factory was re-incorporated as the Kroehler Manufacturing Company with a capital of $1,115,000. Mr. P. E. Kroehler, who had entered the service in 1893 as Secretary, became President. At the present time this is the largest manufacturing concern of upholstered furniture in the world. It has factories at Naperville, Kankakee, Chicago, Bradley, Dallas, Bing- hamton, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Stratford, Canada. Capitalization — $1 1,500,000; annual sales — $20,000,000. The museum and historical department of the City Library was started by Miss Egermann, the librarian. Some of Naperville's oldest treasures may be seen there — two poll sheets of 1832, records of the first library in 1845, school records of 1859, Fire Department and Hook and Ladder records of 1874, Artillery Company of 1865, Civil War relics, old photographs, village maps dated 1864, '65, '69, 71, two of which were drawn by Cheny Castle, the first town clerk. 1916 ^he Naperville Woman's Club pledged $500.00 to equip the Domestic Science Department of the new High School. The Council of National Defense was organized in Naperville. The City was equipped with a combination hose and chemical auto truck. 1917 O n Ap ri l 6, United States entered the World War. Con- crete pavement was laid on the West Side during this year. 1918 ^ n Ap r ^ 25, daylight saving time was inaugurated. "The new arrangement makes one feel funny. Even the old clock seems to blush when looked squarely in the face, as if to say, T'm a gay deceiver'." — By "Gleaner." Reserve Officers Training Corps was organized at North Western College. •4 44 >• 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC — 1887 Back Row — Charles Nadelhofer, George Turner, John Stoner, Adam Armbruster, Abraham Matter, Phillip Orcutt, Mathias Stevens, Mathias Weismantel. Third Row — Levi Shafer, Abraham Kinsey, Conrad Gushard, Fred Shafer, Wm. Rowe, David Brown, John Erhardt, Morris Neff, Fred Shulenberg, John Beam, Fred Stroheker. Second Row — ■ Thomas Saylor, Joseph Kochly, Mathias Remmel, Levi Gerbrich, Benjamin Frank, Thomas Betts, David B. Givler, Fred Kailer. Front Row — Willard Scott, Harry Musselman, Edwin Rickert, William Laird, Milton Crampton, Alexander Rickert, George Wunder, Milton Houser, William P. Wright, Sylvester Ballou. Three hundred babies were weighed in Naperville in a survey for the Children's Bureau of the United States Department of Labor. June 28 was designated as National War Savings Day. Each School district was assigned a quota of thrift stamps to sell. Books were left at the Library to be sent to the soldiers and sailors. On May 25, Lieutenant Oliver J. Kendall was reported taken prisoner by the Germans. The Junior Auxiliary of the Red Cross was recognized by the Chicago Chapter. 659 service buttons worn by school children •4 45 > .. 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Washington Street Iron Bridge — 1885-1929 1919 ^ ne Masonic Temple costing $30,000 was erected. Dear Friend: "WELCOME HOME" The Council of the City of Naperville, in behalf of the community, extends this invitation to you to be its guest of honor on the occasion of the "Welcome Home" to the returned Soldiers and Sailors, on Thursday evening, March 13, 1919, in the High School Auditorium, Naperville, Illinois. You will report at the City Hall at 7:30 o'clock P. M. sharp, to be escorted by Co. L., 5th I. R. M. and the Naperville Band. Kindly appear in uniform. C. B. Bowman, Mayor The Home Coming Celebration was held the first week in July. Old Citizens' Day, Patriotic Day, School, Church, and Community Days were observed. "The Souvenir Volume", a brief history of Naperville with pictures of homes, churches, public buildings and all organi- zations was published. 1920 ^he National Bag Company, incorporated in 1917 and lo- cated at Aurora, was moved to Naperville. After operating five years on the second floor of the Kreger Building on Washington Street, a brick factory was built at the corner of Spring and Webster. Here are manufactured bags for parcel post, bags for banks to ship 4 46 >• 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Main Street Stone Bridge — Reconstructed in 1887 coin and individual tea bags. Mr. Harvey Williams is president of the company (1931). They have jobber offices in Detroit, Toledo, Boston, Dallas, Tulsa and Los Angeles. A two-story frame dormitory was erected on the College Campus, housing thirty-five men. This was torn down after the burning of the gymnasium in 1929. 1921 A resi d ence two blocks south of North Western College Campus was purchased and converted into Bolton Hall, a dormitory accommodating forty-six women students. This house was built and occupied by Dr. Hess in the earlier days of Naperville history, about 1875. The Naperville Country Club purchased the east part of the Sleight farm— 128 acres for $185,000.00 — for a golf course. 1922 ° n J une 8 ' SS * Peter and Paul ' s Cnurcn was completely destroyed by fire. A second residence two blocks south of North Western Campus was purchased and converted into "Johnson Hall", with rooms for twenty-four women students. This was the early home of Robert Freeman, about 1880. •4 47 \> 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Centennial Celebration of Inauguration of George Washington Representing Lathro U p R TERRITORIES - Ella Bhcker-Netta Egermann-Bfssie Mussel^n Helen 1923 Delcara Heights Addition was annexed by the city This 1«™ A jr™ P u art ° f the P r °P ert Y bought by Morris Sleight in 18 Jo, and used for sheep raising. \JfA fin V tr n Ct °r knd ° f f ?^' one acres was Purchased by North Western College for a new athletic field and future building sites. The P^Ju^ m ^Z° n F Cam P us "> ^ving been the site of Fort Payne built m 1832 for the protection of the people of Naper Settle- ZZ: rl? EUs r rth ™* ^original owner, and later it became the Judge Goodwin Estate, "Heatherton". The Athletic Field is called Kroehler Field", in honor of Mr. P. E. Kroehler, a graduate of the Commercial Department, and the president of the Kroehler Manu- Cam™ 8 Pany ' which contri buted half of the cost of Fort Hill Fire which had its origin in the basement of Grace Evangelical Church practically wrecked the interior of the building, June 15. Another ear y Sunday morning fire destroyed the grain elevator of Boecker Coal & Grain Company near the depot. The Boecker feed mill and coal sheds were partly burned. These fires were all ot incendiary origin. 4 48 >• 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 FC;* „ ; , r^m : , ='- ' ■■"''■;■*•■;:■'. mm **»«" I I' 1 '' *'*'•§'' A it fc w mm m ■> III £ Wlf RESCUE HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY — 1893. Top Rou; — Charles Andrus, Joe Lehman, Frank Baumgartner, Oscar Obright, Harvey Hillegas, Wm. Baumgartner. Standing — John Ehrhardt, B. F. Bender, Monroe Christ, Alfred Shafer, Jacob Lehman, John Kraushar, Norman Rickert, William Manbeck, Harvey Eberly, Edward Glueck, Daniel Slick, M. B. Hosler, Jacob Heim, Joseph Kochly. A home for the President of the Evangelical Theological Seminary was build on the corner of Brainard Street and School Avenue. 1924 ^he Grace Evangelical Church was restored and enlarged under the pastorate of Rev. L. C. Schmidt. Rev. H. H. Kalas is the pastor in 1931. May 30 — As the closing ceremony of Memorial Day, Post Commander Rickert in the name of Walter Blanchard Post, G. A. R., dedicated the colors which were to fly in Burlington Square "to the memory of those who served their country by land and sea," and Ruth Moyer presented the flag and standard to the city of Naperville with these words — "Near this spot the American Legion has erected a memorial to honor those Naperville boys who gave their lives in the War of 1914-1918. It has been thought fitting to place near this memorial a steel flag staff, bearing a United States flag in honor of these fallen soldiers and also in honor of a veteran -4 49 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 of the Civil War, who served his country during the four years of that conflict, and who did what he could by precept and example to ele- vate the standard of citizenship in his active business and private life. Honorable Mayor, I now have the privilege and honor, on behalf of the children and grandchildren of the late David B. Givler to present to the city of Naperville this flag and the sturdy shaft from which it is flying." The Knife and Fork Club was organized. The membership is open to any one interested in making Naperville a better city. 1925 ^ new Sunday School unit was added to the First Evangeli- cal Church building during the pastorate of Rev. R. W. Schloerb. An addition on the south side of the High School was built and equipped, costing $83,120.00. There are enrolled at present (1931), 261 students in the Junior High School (7, 8 and 9 grades), and 251 students in the Senior High School (10, 11 and 12 grades. V. Blanche Graham is principal of the High School; R. E. Beebe is superintendent of the Grades and the High School. December 13-20, the people of the First Methodist Episcopal Church dedicated their new church building. Rev. Benjamin Will was the pastor. Rev. ]. O. Crawford is the pastor in 1931. 1926 ® n ^ ay ^' t ^ ie Trustees °f North Western College changed the name to North Central College, on account of the growing confusion with other institutions of the same name. The same year they erected a new Chapel-Music Building, on the south- east corner of Benton and Brainard, called the "Barbara Pfeiffer Memorial Hall", at a cost of $230,000. In June SS. Peter and Paul school building was damaged by fire the second time. The interior was rebuilt and ready for school in September. In 1927 another room was added, making room for eight grades. At the present time three hundred pupils are enrolled. (1931). The Evangelical Theological Seminary Dormitory was erected in 1926 at a cost of $60,000.00. The Board of Education purchased a block of property for a school site in Bauer's Subdivision on N. Brainard Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues. The purchase price was $6,000.00. 1927 ^ e new SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church was dedicated on September 25. The pastor was Father B. J. Schuette. Cardinal Mundelein took part in the ceremonies. The seating capacity is 940. The cost of the completed edifice was $407,785.00. The Rev. Francis J. Schildgen is the present pastor. (1931). 4 50 \> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 SS. Peter and Paul Church < 51 |=- 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 1928 North Central College erected " Kaufman Hall" on Chicago Avenue, a woman's dormitory, for forty-three girls. It con- tains a dining hall to serve 150. On January 8 the Naperville High School Band started ensemble practice under the direction of Captain Henderson. The C. L. Schwartz Lumber Co. had its inception in the year 1881 when Michael and Anthony Schwartz engaged in business on the site of the present Burlington Square. In 1890 Charles L. Schwartz entered the business and subsequently replaced his father, Anthony Schwartz, the business continuing as M. Schwartz &. Co. until 1908, when Michael Schwartz sold his interest to Charles L. Schwartz. In 1906 the yards were moved to their present location adjoining the C. B. &l Q. Railroad at Washington Street (Ogden Avenue). The business was incorporated in 1928 under its present name and with the late Charles L. Schwartz as president. The present officers are: Mrs. Olive D. Schwartz, President; Eugene R. Schwartz, Vice- President and Treasurer; Bernard C. Dieter, Secretary. This year of 1931 marks the fiftieth year of the existence of the business. The Grade School Band was organized with E. A. Koerner as director. 1929 ^ n J anuar Y 14, the new Naper School on Eagle Street was dedicated. The cost was $99,974.85 or 32.4 cents per cubic foot. Miss Edna Wunder is now the principal (1931), and 185 pupils attend this school. North Central College Gymnasium was totally destroyed by fire. May 3, the new Ellsworth School on Sleight Street was dedicated. The cost was $106,353.60 or 32.1 cents per cubic foot. H. C. Short is now the principal and there are 221 pupils in this building. (1931). On July 18, Pioneer Park on the Hobson Mill Site was dedicated to the memory of the Pioneer men and women of Du Page County by the Downers Grove, Glen Ellyn, Naperville and Wheaton Chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This is a Forest Preserve. The residence at 329 South Brainard Street was purchased and presented to North Central College as a president's house to be called "The Edward Everett Rail House." The Bethany Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, dedicated their new building on the corner of Washington Street and Seventh Avenue. This congregation was organized in 1927 by Rev. Streeter of Hinsdale. The present pastor is Rev. A. E. Ullrich. (1931). The ceremony of opening the new Washington Street Bridge was celebrated. The program was held on the bridge, where, during the sunset hours, thousands of citizens and guests had gathered. 4 52 J* 1831 - NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 New Washington Street Bridge — 1929 "The Graf Zeppelin, on its world encircling flight, passed over our city. It was a thrilling sight as the big silver bag came out of the west accompanied by a group of air planes, remaining in sight for five minutes as it headed for Chicago." The Board of Education purchased the property lying between the High School building and Webster Street for $27,500.00. This is to be used for an Athletic Field. 1930 ° n Memorial Day Mrs. Francis A. Kendall, as a guest of the United States government, visited the grave of her son, Lieutenant Oliver Julian Kendall, in the Somme Cemetery at Boni, France. Mrs. Kendall is the only Gold Star Mother of Naperville who was accorded the privilege. The Congregational Church added a new unit, the Parish House, to their building; the first floor to be used for a Sunday School room and the second floor for the pastor's apartment. The Evangelical Theological Seminary building was remodeled and enlarged at a cost of $24,000.00. Dr. G. B. Kimmel is presi- dent (1931). < 53 J> 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Naper School 1931 ^ n J anuar y tne Merner Gymnasium and Field House, erected by North Central College on Fort Hill Campus, was dedi- cated. This building includes a large field house with removable basketball floor; a woman's gymnasium called "Nichols Hall", in honor of Prof. J. L. Nichols, who gave the former gymnasium which burned in 1929; and a natatorium with a pool thirty by sixty feet. Dr. E. E. Rail has been President of North Central College since 1916. A new clock was installed in the Catholic Church steeple. June 5-6 — The Naperville Centennial Celebration. General Executive Committee — Win. G. Knoch, Chairman; Rollo N. Givler, Julian M. Dieter, H. C. Williams, Herbert Thompson, Fred Kluck- hohn, Wm. C. Hiltenbrand, William Sigmund, Charles F. Rohr, Mayor Alexander Grush, Commissioners John Bentz, Jr., George Keller, Charles V. Wellner and Joseph Yender, Jr. "We all within our graves shall sleep, a hundred years to come; No living soul for us will weep, a hundred years to come; But other men our lands will till, And others then our streets will fill, While other birds will sing as gay, And bright the sun shine as today — A hundred years to come." 4 54 \> 1831 NAPERV1LLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Du Page River at Eagle Street The Permanent Manorial On the morning of June 6, 1931, just 100 years after the first white settler reached the end of the trail and selected the wooded valley of the Du Page as his future home, the citizens of Naperville are to assemble on the banks of this same stream to commemorate that event. The permanent memorial that is to be dedicated includes 45 acres of park and forest preserve with the scenic Du Page River winding between the two largest and most beautiful of the abandoned quarries. The acquisition of this tract was made possible through the efforts of the Permanent Memorial Committee, and through the loyalty of 33 citizens who personally and jointly underwrote the purchase price of $16,500. 4 55 B* 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 The Large Quarry — Part of Permanent Memorial. For these distinguished gentlemen we bespeak a -roomy nook in Naperville's Hall of Fame. For years Naperville has been criticized for overlooking the natural beauties and the recreational possibilities of this vast playground lying at her door. For decades Naperville stood idly by with yearning in her soul, but without knowing quite what to do about the situation. A safe swimming hole for young and old, facilities for all kinds of boating and water sports, the cleaning up of the river, the use of its water power, a paradise for the Waltonian, and a real forest preserve in the heart of the city are no longer just pleasant dreams. They have become realities. The background of the memorial is historic as well as scenic. Here it was (Autumn of 1831) that Capt. Joseph Naper built his mill, the first industrial venture of Naperville. Looking back over the record, we find that on Feb. 3, 1842, Mr. Naper paid the U. S. Government $200.00 for a patent of part of this same property, and that on March 2, 1842, he sold to George Martin for $50.00 that part of the tract lying south of the River. On Jan. 10, 1843, 4 56 fc- 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 View Across Small Quarry Near Site of Old Naper Mill George Martin obtained from the Government for $100.00 a patent of the property on which the Mitchell farm is now located, which included a small part of the quarry property, and where what was unquestionably the first frame house in Naperville was built. Then follows a series of conveyances. April 3, 1867 the Martins sold 5 l /2 acres to Jacob and George Heim for $4,000.00. Nov. 20, 1868 the Heims conveyed to Jacob Salfisburg for $4,500.00. Sept. 13, 1889, Salfisburg deeded 9.1 acres to the Chicago &. Naperville Stone Co. for $51,000. In 1898 the Chicago & Naperville Stone Co. conveyed to the Dolese &. Shepard Co., and in 1914 they in turn conveyed to F. W. Von Oven, where the abstract of title ends. It is altogether fitting and proper that here on June 6, 1931, is dedicated a solemn memorial of inestimable value to posterity, emblematical of the spirit of our forebears, and symbolic of our confi- dence in what the next century holds in store for this community. Permanent Memorial Committee: William R. Friedrich, Chairman; E. J. T. Moyer, Dr. C. S. Whitehead, John W. Bauer, T. F. Boecker, Sr. •4 57 > 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Pioneer Days Like voices out of the past, these old letters tell us of the days when most of the present site of Naperville was virgin forest, wheat fields and sheep pasture. Through the courtesy of Carrie Martin Mitchell we are able to print a letter written by her grand father, George Martin, dated November 2, 1833, addressed to Messrs. R. and G. Martin — Balmaken by Johnsburgh, Fifeshire, Scotland, N. B. Du Page River, Naper Settlement Messrs R. &. G. Martin: November 2, 1833. Gentleman: I wrote you on the 18th June and also on the 8th October — the former on our safe arrival — the latter how I had proceeded up the Country from New York, to here — 28^ miles from Chicago — the shipping port on Michigan Lake — State of Illinois — Cook County. These letters I hope you have received. I promised in my last letter to have written ere this, but I always expected to have taken a turn throughout the Country — but I have really been so busy I have never been more than a few miles from home since I came here. In my last I stated to you that I had finished 50 acres Wheat seeding — which is all looking excellent — ■ I have also 27 acres ploughed for Oats — I do nothing more now ere Spring in plowing. Notwithstanding the privilege the people have in having as much of this fine land as they like - — as yet, for nothing — so little do they know of its value — from eight to twelve acres is all some have sown — and when I tell them of the rent of land in Scotland — they consider it wonderful indeed. They like the dollars very well — but they seem to know nothing about farming — and do not care much about work. There is a great want of work people in this Country — of all description. No person need come here if they cannot work — or bring work people with them. The most of the work here is done by the Job — they like it and is far cheaper done — if you go by the day with them — its nonsense. Small as the town of CHICAGO is — although fifty Wrights (carpenters) had landed with me, they would all have gotten work — next day if they chose — at a dollar and a half per day — and think indeed I have been paying for two WRIGHTS One Dollar &. 75 cents per day — or 7/6 Sterling — A SMITH — two dollars for putting four shoes on a horse — For my harness and surcingle trees mountings — at Chicago — I think I paid about six prices. The iron is Thirty Two pounds per ton — and I was favored with a reduced price of 22 cents P. Pound for my harrow tenders. If you agree a laborer by the day — 75 cents — Beef three cents per pound — - butter 123^ cents — cheese 10 cents per pound — ■ and yet there seems to be as little money amongst them as in Scotland — such is the way things go — it is truly a wonder more work people do not come out here. A Wright and A Smith we have much in want of here — like-wise work people. If you would send out here two or three plowmen, to me — I will give them the double of the money they can get in Scotland — It would indeed be a short time I could keep them — they would soon become their own masters. The land is the thing I like best in this country. To say the least of it — I never thought to hear and see so much swearing and Sabbath breaking — but in justice to them I must also say in my travels through the States of Michigan and Illinois — I never saw a lock on their doors — when I asked them what was the reason, they told me they would not like to live in a country where they were required to lock their doors and indeed I find it is the case — we can leave out a washing or any other thing in all safety. •4 58 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 First Frame Building in Du Page County Built by George Martin in 1833 What shall we say to those who profess religion — when they must have them- selves and their goods locked up when they go to bed. After our first days ride from Detroit through the State of Michigan we stopped a day at Tecumseh — we called on Mr. Ebenezer Anderson whom Mr. Christie had a letter to — ■ he has had a struggle, but is now getting along pretty comfortably. Now it is my opinion, whatever became of the money of the Shareholders of the FIFE BANK — little or none of it has come here. We have been rather disappointed with our house — the one man got a fever — the other man had twenty acres of Indian corn to cut and get in — and my house barely more than half done. We had a log house put up for a stable 24 by 15 feet — built in a fire place — and windows put in and doors and stairs intended for both up and down stairs — of my new house, put about us has made us surely very comfortable. I must have another good Oak tree pulled to the Saw Mill, which is only about three hundred yards from us ■ — ■ and get it still put about — and after all I can assure you it is nothing yet the appearance of a FIFE (Scotland) Farmer's House But I can also assure you without fear of contradiction — none can equal me for 50 acres of Wheat in one field — in South and Front of the new house — nor as good land. I intended to be here a year sooner — it was as well I was disappointed — for there was an Indian War here — the Sac Indians came down and made a terrible confusion here — they were completely cut up — very few got home. When we were in New York the their leader Black Hawk through all the towns showing him their strength before they sent him home — ■ he was quite astonished for they thought their few was to clear America of the white people — It is not now expected they will ever return — or can. The Pottowatomies Tribe has kept reserves through different parts — A treaty which has long been spoken of, has taken place at Chicago — about three weeks 4 59 J* 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 ago — For eleven hundred thousand Dollars — for all the land they have in the States of Michigan and Illinois — the first of them go in the Spring to the West side of the Mississippi — so you see their land is not taken as you may suppose — ■ but all purchased and the laws of Congress establishes a Nation — that money is paid by installments — some twenty-five years I believe — We will be well quit of them — for although harmless honest creatures in a measure — and many good traits in their characters — as an ignorant people — yet their slovenly habits and many things about them I do not like. This tribe was very useful in last war, in- forming how the Sacs were going to be on — and saved many a family. Thus I have shown you so far of many good and also of the bad things of this country as far as I know, and I must leave all to judge for themselves in coming to this country — which is fast rising and filling with a great class of people which are very ready to sell their claims — not intending to purchase for want of money in many instances. A large party to come out and bring a MINISTER with them, would find it a very comfortable thing — but the FAITHLESSNESS of man is so great here. Who ever may come — I advise them to bring as much clothing and household furnishings as they can — I have brought a great deal — and some say they never saw one have so much belongings as me. But had I known the easy way of getting out which I have shown you in my former letters, I should have brought out some of my chairs and tables — had I known. Now what I would like sent out — is a bushel or two of each kind of rye grain — 20 new sacks to hold two bushel each — put rye grain in two or three of them — also send Two Good Wheat Riddles and an Oats one — - In my last letter I mentioned Mr. Christie — who is to Winter with me — was poorly — ■ he is now better — My George which was also poorly with a kind of slow fever is still poorly, although moving about again Betsy and myself are quite well and she joins me in kind compliments wishing you all health and prosperity. Expecting to hear from you soon, which will be very gratifying. Yours George Martin, America, 1833. On March 19, 1834, George Martin received from Edinburgh, Scotland: 3 Riddles — 2 Wheat ones, 1 Oats J.3 shilling 6 pence 2 Volumes Chalmers Sermons 19 shillings 18 new sacks 1 pound 16 shillings Through the kindness of Mrs. Wm. P. Wright, nee Ida Sleight, we are able to reproduce letters written in 1834-'36 by the founder of the Sleight family, Morris Sleight, to his wife back in Hyde Park, New York, while he was out in the wilds of Chicago and Du Page County, prospecting for a new home and selling goods to the merchants all through the middle west. My Dear H. Chicago, 111. July 9th, 1834 To give you a minute description of all passing events as they occur only for the space of one week, would make a small volume. In a letter I can only mention a few. I have a thousand ideas and at the time I am determined to communicate them to you, but when I sit down to write, I forget them — however I do have one that I do remember. Mr. Douglas and myself started a week ago tomorrow for Fox River with the stage with the idea of being about three days. We left our baggage at the Hotel at Chicago and I remember of having a very dirty shirt when I returned today. I am very much pleased with the land about Capt. •< 60 >• 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Morris Sleight Harriet Sleight Naper's settlement, 28 miles west of Chicago and with the whole country, after going twelve miles west of the place. I am highly pleased with Michigan, but I am delighted with Illinois. Mr. Stevens' account I think is not exaggerated. The first view of a Michigan Prairie is delightful after passing the oak openings and thick forest, but the first view of a Illinois prairie is sublime. I may almost say awfully grand, as a person needs a compass to keep their course, but the more I travel over them the more I like them. There is a great variety of flowers now on the prairies, but they tell me in a month from this time they will be prettier. I have sent you a few of them with Mr. Douglas which will be all faded by the time you get them, but they will be interesting to you as you will be sure they were picked from the prairies of Illinois. There is a number of other kinds on the dry prairies, some resemble sweet williams, some pinks, sun- flowers and almost every variety that grow in our gardens. In crossing the prairie about two miles out of Chicago this morning we started a dear little gazelle, but the little thing hid itself in the long grass, and we could not find it. I wrote Mr. Russel yesterday by mail from Capt. Naper's settlement on the River Du Page. That letter and the accounts Mr. Douglas will give you — will show you how we spent our last week. Mr. Douglas has made a purchase on the Du Page River joining Capt. Naper's, and I have the refusal of the place adjoining. Should I conclude to take it before I leave this country. It is a beautiful place, well timbered and watered, it has one of the best springs close to a beautiful building spot im- aginable, and the Du Page River is a small but pretty stream, runs near the door. It has now on it a double log house and fifty or sixty acres of wheat, corn and oats. It looks like an old farm as does the whole country around it. It likewise has on it the fort and block houses used in the late Indian war. They are now used for a barn yard. I suppose on this place there is from 150 to 200 acres inclosed and a chance to inclose 500 acres more of as good land as ever laid out doors. This pre- emption I can get for $1,000. I suppose the improvements have cost six or seven hundred. None of the land has come in market yet nor will it under two or three years. It is not surveyed, but the pre-emption law has passed, which gives the person that occupied the land, up to the 13th day of June last, the right to take 160 acres of land at $1.25 per acre. This they take where there is timber, and a good building spot, and good springs and plenty of stock water. This place has all those advantages spot, and good springs and plenty of stock water. This place has all those ad- vantages. The prairie adjoining such places they suppose can be got yet for some time after the land comes in market for $1.25 per acre. This is the best country I have ever seen for a poor man or a rich one, an industrious man or a lazy one. I see no kind of business but looks promising, and I believe the country is perfectly ■4 61 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 healthy. I do not know nor see what can make it otherwise. The place I mentioned above has but one disadvantage — it is 28 miles to Chicago and 40 miles to Ottawa. The proposed canal will run from Chicago to Ottawa, the head water of Illinois, and the place lays eight or nine miles from the west of the canal. It has the advan- tage of grist mills and saw mills, within half a mile, also a store and tavern and a thick settled neighborhood. As people build in the groves you cannot see many of your neighbors — I will not say nouses yet, but cabins. In a few years I think I can say Mansions. M;y Dear H. Naperville, July 8th, 1836 I arrived in Chicago on the first of July — I only remained one day and two nights, I then, as my goods had not arrived, took the stage for Napers Settlement and arrived here in time for the celebration. There assembled between three and four hundred people, had a dinner, and the usual forms and ceremonies, at the church on Cottage Green, and ended with a ball in the afternoon and evening. All passed off quietly and without any accidents. I day before yesterday started for Juliett in company with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Merritt in Mr. Douglas two horse wagon. We got there about noon and returned here again yesterday about 12 o'clock. It is a very pleasant ride. The roads are excellent and the differ- ent views of the timber, prairie, river etc. are magnificent. The county is improving beyond account. Illinois is what I always thought it would be. I don't think there is or can be a land in the world with more sunny spots. Juliette is destined to be a place of much consequence. It is the brightest link in the chain of canals, joining the lake with the southern rivers. The village plot is very handsome and the water for drinking is very fine. They have the finest of building stone in inestimable quanti- ties when cut and polished they look like marble. They have built a number of fine store buildings already, and more are under way. There is already in Juliette some 60 or 70 houses, and as many more being built this season if they could procure lumber fast enough. There is so much building going on everywhere that it is impossible to get material. It is astonishing with what ease and dispatch these prairies are converted into farms. I believe if every settler that has come in this country had persued the same course of farming that Mr. Douglas has, that a stranger passing through would say the country had been settled 20 years. Mr. Douglas has the credit, and I think deservedly, of being the best farmer and the most industrious man in the country. I have heard that Mr. D. was not liked by the settlement, and I now see why it is so. He takes a straight forward course and attends to his own business and does not mix much with the first settlers, who spend much of their time in idleness and dissipation. The first settlers are also very strong Jackson men. Mr. D. is opposite. Those men cannot stand civilization. They are selling off their claims to Eastern people, and making claims farther north and west. It is astounding to see what beautiful springs of water, of purest kind are found bursting out on the prairies on almost every claim that is made, that before the prairie was worked they concealed. I yesterday contracted with a man to cut and split 5000 rails and I shall also contract to have a house put up on my claim, out from the village. My property here is as in all other places of the country where I have any, becoming valuable. Too much so to live so far from it. With good luck three or four more years will make me as well off for property as I desire to be. My property in this county would not be appraised at this present time for less than $5,000. Which is almost as much again as I thought it was worth before I left home. I should think seriously of moving to this country yet this fall, if the work I have now put out could be accomplished in season for the undertaking, but I fear it will be too late to do so after I return. I am now going out in company with Mr. Douglas to view my claim and pick out a spot to set my farm house. Tvly mansion will set near the village on Cottage Green, the name they have given my property in the village. They think they will 4 62 183 i — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 £**-**** The Sleight Home on Cottage Green, Ellsworth Street and Chicago Avenue set another county and have the county seat, if so the public square will come on my property. Tell the little ones I shall be home as soon as possible. I expect to find more letters when I return to Chicago. M? Dear H. Chicago, July 17th, 1836, Sunday 11 o'clock. I told Mr. Russel in my last letter, that J should perhaps tell you something in my next that might interest you. I think it will interest you for I believe you all know that I had given up all idea of ever moving to Illinois. So I had so far as talking or set- ting time or making date, but in my own mind no longer than I could procure the place that suited me, and in case you all remain willing to move I will now undertake to tell you that I have bought the place that suits me better than any other I have ever seen. It is no more no less than the one occupied by Mr. Douglas. I suppose you know that I owned the front of it before I bought that part of him last year. He has a frame house on it 40 feet front and 32 feet back with a cellar 18 x .40 - -it is all enclosed and very complete, but nothing entirely finished inside. It is al I sided and shingled with pine and lath, lime and stone on the lot for finishing a part of i this Fall, which Mr. Douglas has done for me. He will remain ° n « till Spnng I sold him the claim I bought of Captain Naper, with the exception of the -village lot s. They are in front of the hotel or Preemption House and all the claim I made myself on the big prairie. The place I get of Mr. Douglas will make, with what I had before, about 400 acres all in a body and about 200 acres broke and about 125 acres now under crop. 20 acres more in all I want broke and that is fenced. $200. will now fence every foot of the balance. Tis then capable of raising grain and cutting hay enough to keep 2000 sheep or any quantity of cattle or raising S^n ^ any «ten t I think it is one of the best farms in the northern part of Illinois. It is believed tha t <4 63 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Barbara Pfeiffer Memorial Hall of North Central College the crop now on it is worth $2,000. Mr. Douglas reserves them. I have made arrangements with Mr. D. to put in for me a pretty large piece of wheat, as I thought it would not be possible for us to come on till Spring. I suppose there is on the place 20,000 young locust trees. I worked part of a day trimming them but it wants a man to work three or four days at them. They are from 2 to 4 feet high. They stand quite thick, altho Mr. D. has transplanted a great many. The house which now stands in a beautiful place near the road and an excellent spring of water. Will answer our purpose well for as long a time as we may wish, or until we can build our palace on the spot that I have pitched on and is now by the villagers called "Cottage Green." It is now under a beautiful crop of Spring wheat. Everybody in the neighborhood appears delighted that I am coming. They have had some doubts as I wrote Mr. Douglas last winter to sell part of my claim, but those doubts are all removed. My dear H., do not think that because I speak so confidently about moving here, that I will do so, moving here whether or no, the choice for coming, now is and always will remain, yours. Youshall not come here to live unless you choose it. I have what I suppose is now considered a large price for it, as it is yet only a claim, or it is as near a pre-emption as anything, for I believe it will be considered so at the next sale. There is nobody here, or at Chicago, but is confident I will get it at government price. I am willing to run my risk. I find everything I have done in the country is doing admirably, and everything I do here is sure, and besides I can do more business in this country in one week than in Hyde Park in two years. My property is a fortune already, and only look at the time it has making. One year and two months since I left home before. With the same luck, two or three years more, I shall have as much as I desire. My goods are all sold with the exception of three or four barrels of oil. I yesterday exchanged some for 80 acres of land within four miles of the 160 acres I owned before west of the Aplain River. This is deeded land. They say I have made an excellent bargain. I am better pleased with the Western World now than ever. Mrs. Douglas and daughter all send their love. Mrs. D. says she thinks now you will come — she is now perfectly reconciled to stay and does not need to return only on a visit. They are all as healthy as pigs. •< 64 J> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 I could not purchase Mr. Douglas' place without her consent. She is very partical to it but likes the claim Mr. D. bought of me very well. They have timber out for another house and will put it up yet this season. Mr. D. has a team and will go on with it. There is already nearly 30 acres broke. N. B. I will write to the children separately and enclose this. Yours dear H. M.S. No envelopes used in these letters. 25c postage. No stamps. Addressed to Mrs. M. Sleight, Hyde Park, Dutchess County, New York. Through the kindness of Mrs. Wm. B. Greene's family we are able to print the first letter written by her to her parents in Vermont, after her arrival in her new home, and a most charming letter it is — giving a firsthand picture of those early days: Dear Mother:- East Du Page, June 12, 1845 Come lay aside your work for awhile and look into your daughter's home — We will come from the East — Wait while I let down the bars — come, is not this a nice yard, larger than yours. Notice the large oak trees - twelve :- what a nice shady place. But come on, since the outer part is ragged to behold — naught but logs, their natural form and color, walk in - take my large rocking chair, is it not easy? What a nice room 15 x 16 — My hemp carpet only three yards — striped quite pretty and good. My walls are white, although rough My table stands on the we P st side, and over it my glass and Wm.'s watch. She 11 have , u .t an hour to write — In the corner is our stand — on it my lamp, workbasket and Bible We read every evening — commenced the book of Psalms. My chairs are on each side, and our spit box by the rocking chair. My curtains are up at the windows and they are so nice. East side leads into the bedroom, also a large cupboard - look in a moment. Upper shelf devoted to sundries. No. 2, groceries, a goodly supply, ™ one cake loaf sugar, paper rice, one raisins two coffee, ground pepper cinna- mon, spice, ginger, starch, indigo, cannister of first rate tea and my baking plates "nd 'pudding" dishes. No. 3 and 4 - tableware breakfast dinner and teasets, tumblers, sauce dishes, castor, Brittama teapot and silver - No 5, 6 7 and 8 Milkpans, 10 2-quart basins, one pint basin, 3 baking pans iron spoon _ , grater chopping knife, pastry cutter, etc. Lower department - molasses and oil jug, oil can Lknder, coffee pot, stone jar of butter one of bread and cake - Look into our bedroom, window faces the East, bed stands South wash Mandm^r in a chair Have not brought home our wash stand yet. Wm. is going to Chicago in a week or two with some wheat, and will bring them home then. A ^six ^weeks gashing is in my basket. Mrs. Blinstom is coming to iron Saturday She washed Tuesday. Can vou climb above — I guess not. I'll tell you how it looks A bed i* on tne floor -Coufd no bring the other bedstead, a trunk, chest of bed clothes, a bag of Tried apples, bag of dried peaches, two nice codfish, etc. We go down cellar from £ bedroom from \ trap doo?. Nothing there now but a half-barrel ofsak mack ,rel Come a moment longer out the South door into my back room fee my stove^ a nremium stove two ovens, a low one and an elevated one, four griddles, .hovel 2nd S doping pan, flat heater large and small spider poppet ^Jc^copp« boiler flats dinner iron pot, dish kettle basin and brass kettle. 1 hen there is my Sub and Sand washboard milk, water and mop pails. ^stylTl^ broom and mop. Here is my wash basin and you will find the towels by the door. My dish pan is turned down on a large box, and under is some 4 65 ]*> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 mustard and onion tops for lettuce for dinner. Let me look into the oven lest my Indian pudding be burning. Wm. bought me a cook book. Could not do without it. I am quite contented, now I can sit under my own oak tree, and this is our home. Do come this Fall and stay all Winter. You shall have a bed in the sitting room by the stove. We would make it so comfortable. Wm. said yesterday, "If Father were here, he would make our yard look better." I think of you every day and every hour. I am writing on my damask tablecloth. Mother hemmed it. My comprehensive commentary is on the stand — my father's gift. My pen is made with the little white-handled knife brother carried so many days. Everywhere is something to remind me of home — Tell Grandma and Grandpa every time I open the cupboard door our old fashioned china plate looks me in the face — Love to them all — I wish they would all write me. We have good and the best of neighbors, can go to meeting when I please — At- tended church last Sabbath at Naperville, quite a little place. The house is new, not finished, the hearers seated on rough boards, and Mr. Lyman, the preacher, behind a table or desk. Something of a contrast to our neat church. Good-bye for the present — must lay the dinner cloth. Hattie An Interview with Mrs, Bailey Hobson (By a representative from the "Inter-Ocean".) July 8th, 1883. Mrs. Hobson still lives to tell the story of her early trials, which were such as few would now believe possible for a woman to pass through and a better historian for what came within her experience could not be found. Her little white cottage near the river bank in Naperville surrounded by flowers, is not more cheerful than the little white haired lady whose home it is. "Yes," said she, "so far as I know, I was the first white woman to live in what is now Du Page County, but it was not Du Page then; it was a part of Cook County. There were others living just over the line in Will County. The Scott's and the Hawley's had moved there in the Fall of 1830 — my husband, myself and five children came here in March 1831. My husband took up a great deal of land out here on the river about three miles from this place, but new settlers coming in, located so near us that in fixing up the deeds there was a great deal of mixing up, and much of what he had taken was settled on by others. That was one result of settling the country and locating land before there were any surveys. It left the farms in bad shape too. Our land was on both sides of the river, and our house stood in the timber to protect it from the storms. Not long after we came my husband built a mill, and the people from all over the country came there for their flour and meal. This induced many new comers to settle near us. They wanted to be near the mill, and while it was at first very lonesome, our nearest neighbors being three miles away, in a few years we had plenty close at hand — that is it was a good many at that time. I shall never forget the first we went to Chicago. You have no doubt read a good deal about it, but you will never know what it really was to the people who really lived here then." Question: "You refer to the massacre in 1832?" "Yes, We had been here a little over a year. It was May 17th — we were just setting down to dinner when a man and boy came in from a field near by and began to talk about the Indians coming. The boy said they were killing and burning everything in their way, and were at Hollenback, 30 miles away (that is where Newark is now located). We had lived there a short time before moving here. The report was exaggerated, but there was some shooting, but the fright was a good deal worse than it should have been. I don't think we would have all been killed had we remained at home, but I did think so then. A friendly Indian came ■4 66 j> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Dr. W. J. Truitt in One of Naperville's First Automobiles — 1905 and advised us to leave. Just after dinner my husband started out to learn something further but I would not stay at home alone with the children, and we all went to- gether On the high ground near, we could see some men, and we thought them Indians, but after we learned they were men from the Naper settlement who had come there to look for Indians. You could see a great way across the prairies from a high piece of ground there. We were frightened and went into the wo ods where we remained until night, Then I came back to the house with my husband and helped him fix the wagon and hitch up the oxen for the journey. We had left the children in the woods. In the night, we loaded up and started for Chicago where we arrived the next day about sundown. We had to cross the North branch of the river on an old wooden bridge There was a little ferry boat but not one fourth of the people who came from all over the country, could cross on that We got into the Fort and I was telling : some people last year, that 50 years ago I was drinking water from the Chicago River, and not eating much of anything. We could not get down to the lake for : the and bar I remember the boats had to anchor so far out they were almost out of sight I have not seen much of Chicago lately, but I remember well enough how it looked in ,1832 "How long did you remain in the fort?" "Until the last of June — the men left earher ancf cam/back here to build a fort at home. The women and children re- mained, and three weeks passed without hearing anything from our husbands. We had pretty fair provisions, after the rations for the soldiers came. But when Major Whistler and his soldiers arrived it was worse than ■ *e fedians; they drove us out of the Fort, that the soldiers might have the .place ^heir Pro- tection. They were sent to Chicago to protect the settlers. They came and drove women and children from a place of protection that they might P™^™f™ They had better not had been sent us. The proclamation was ^v™*^™ 1 the soldiers would be there the next morning and we must all be out by that time. Sur husbands were away hunting Indians or building places of P-™J^ us to. We had no place to go. There were a few little cabins in Chicago .where some of the women went, but there were three of us who remained in the Fort < 67 J=" 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Mrs. Hawley, Mrs. Blodgett and myself. Some Wisconsin men who had come down to Chicago to help defend us were there yet when the soldiers came, and they secured a little room about 15 x 20 feet in another side of the Fort, which we with our 15 children occupied for three weeks. Yes, it was rather crowded, but it was better than being massacred by the Indians. We did not know whether our husbands were alive or not — we could hear nothing from them. The soldiers said we were staying to eat up their provisions, rather than because we were afraid of the Indians. We did eat some of the food furnished them by the government, but we had to or starve. I don't think the soldiers were of much account. When Fort Payne at Naperville was finished, we came there, and remained until the war ended in August. I often think of the trials of those early days, and I believe they were too great for the men. There were five of us left with our children years ago. My husband died in 1850. The wives of both the Napers have been widows for years, and so were Mrs. Blodgett and Mrs. Hawley — they are dead now. The men had to work too hard and it shortened their lives. I have often remarked that I passed thru two wars and one famine. The war ot 1812 and the rebellion and it was a famine when we came here. We had to go 50 miles to mill. My husband built a mill in 1834 and the people from all over the country came here to mill." Question: "Were you very sociable in 1833?" "Yes, more so than people are here now — our neighbors lived three and four miles away, but we visited each other often and had some pleasure in our sociability, but now people don't care whether they live for any one except themselves." An Interview with Judge Murray (By a representative from the "Inter-Ocean.") July 8th, 1883. Naperville is the outgrowth of a settlement made by Jos. Naper in 1831. Mr. Naper visited the West in 1830 and in 1831 brought a colony with him from Ashtabula County, Ohio. One of the boys in that colony was Robert N. Murray, who now gracefully wears the title of Judge, though his bearing is as little like the dignified occupant of the bench, as we read of them as anything could be. He was sitting on a dry goods box in front of the store whittling and telling stories, when the repre- sentative of the Inter-Ocean was introduced. "You are one of the old settlers, Mr. Murray?" "That's what they say. I came here in 1831 — drove an ox team from Chicago — landed there in July — swam ashore and then had to swim back again and get my boots, because with the shoes I wore, I could not wade across the sand bar." "How much of a boy were you?" "Big enough to think I could lay most of the men on their backs, and a good many of them thought so too. I was about 17 years old. Question — How many people were in the Naper Colony? "Between 50 and 60, counting men, women and children. Then there were the Hobson's two miles below us and a family by the name of Paine to the North a mile or two — they were here when we came to this place, and these were all the white people here in 1831, and we were a sort of free born people with broad Christian sympathies. We believe in doing just about as we pleased, so we did not interfere with the rights of other men. The good brethren of the East Branch Settlement who came out here from New England in 1832 used to come up here with their iron bed stead and try to fit us to it, but they found it useless, and gave up the people of Naper Settlement as children of the Devil, for whom there was no hope." Question — Judge, it is said that all the voters of the Naper Settlement went to Chicago to vote in 1832? 4 68 J* 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Men's Dormitory of the Evangelical Theological Seminary "That is not so. In the Fall of 1832, the polls were open at Naperville — right over there at the head of that street. I know, because I voted. I was only 18 years old, but I thought I would never get another opportunity to vote for old Andrew Jackson, and I put in my ballot. At that election Andrew Jackson received 13 votes and Henry Clay received 26 — our good New England Brethren had come in by that time, and they all voted for Clay — they beat us, but there were twelve other fellows who liked whiskey and black strap just as I did, and we rejoiced in the election of old Andrew Jackson as President. I have voted for the old fellow ever since. People have said he was dead, but I tell them I have not been officially notified." Question — What was the boundary of your voting precinct? "It took in all there was this side of Hinsdale and West as far as the Big Woods — there was no one to the North. It was about 18 miles across. It was the Naper Precinct and was set off for us by the Cook County Commissioners at the request of Captain Naper. Before it was made we had to vote in the Flag Creek precinct south of La Grange." Question — Did you have any part in the hurried removal to Chicago at the time of the Black Hawk scare? "Oh Yes! I drove an ox team and then joined Scott in his campaign against the Indians." Question — How did you learn of the intended massacre? "Black Hawk, on May 15th, 1832, visited Half Day, a friendly chief on the Fox River about 8 miles from our settlement, and urged him to join in the war against the whites. Half Day had become acquainted with the whites and was friendly. When Black Hawk came to his village in the night, he sent his boy to our settlement to say that he was in council with Black Hawk and it would be advisable for us to go to the Fort. The boy arrived about lo'clock in the night. In the morning all the people in the settlement were warned and there was a general scramble into wagons, and the ox teams started for Chicago where we arrived in the evening. We remained there 4 69 }> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 about three weeks. In the mean time the Bailey and Davis Families were massacred on the Fox River and we mustered all the horses and mules in Chicago, about 25, and a number of us went out there to bury them. We then returned here and built Fort Payne on Ellsworth Hill. We brought the women and children there and then I joined General Scott's command to go with it on the expedition to the West. I did not get back until October. All the line towns from Beloit down to the South, as Elgin, Belvidere, Rockford, Dixon and a dozen other towns are built on the camping grounds of Scott's Army in that expedition." Question — Have you lived here ever since? "I have made this my home ever since — though I was away from the place from 1858 to 1864. When Steven A. Douglas ran for Congress the first time, he came here a stranger. He had met Captain Naper in the State Legislature in 1836. I became acquainted with him and went with him through the northern part of Illinois. He was beaten by J. T. Stewart by 16 votes. From that day to the day of his death, Douglas was my devoted friend." Question — Did you ever meet his great opponent? "Lincoln? Yes, many times. At Springfield he would tell stories, just as long as the boys would listen to him. I'll tell you, the young men Lincoln, Douglas, Campbell, McDougall, Shields, Trumbull and others who were in the State Legislature from 1838 to 1844 presented such an array of talent, as I don't believe was ever seen together any place else. Every one of them made their mark in the history of the country. I am well satisfied with my life, for I have lived in Illinois through the 50 years of most eventful history that was ever written." Willard Scott, Sr. When all the land between Lake Michigan and Peoria was in Peoria County; before this portion of the State was open for entry; when savage Indians made settlement here dangerous, an ambitious young man by the name of Willard Scott braved all the threatened hardships and perils incident to pioneer life here, and became one of the first to locate in the vicinity of what is now Naperville, coming here in 1830. Mr. Scott was married in Holderman's Grove, July 16th", 1829, to Caroline Hawley, daughter of Pierce Hawley, who had located there in 1826. To procure his license, he was compelled to go to Peoria, 111., the nearest place to secure the same. Theirs was a marriage without a courtship. Willard Scott, as a young man in the twenties, was traveling through the country and looking for a place to locate. Evening coming on, he saw a light and went to this house and asked for supper and nights lodging. In the course of his stay there, the comeley maiden, Caroline, appealed to him, and in the morning, after nights lodg- ing and breakfast was over, he thought himself very much in love with Caroline, in as much so, that he asked her father for her hand in marriage, to which Mr. Hawley replied he had no objections, as he seemed to be an honest and upright man, but would have to consult Caroline first in the matter, whereupon he asked the young lady if she would marry him, and she declined to marry one whom she had never met before. He said he would not expect her answer at once, but he would come for an answer in two weeks. At the end of the two weeks he rode his pony and led one to bring back his bride, if she would consent. When he had come to the house, Caroline had made up her mind she would take him, and they were married and started on their journey to their home, 5 miles south of Naperville. Mr. Scott tells the story of their first night that they were married, in this way: "We had the sky for our ceiling — the stars for our light — the trees for our shelter and the ground for our bed." Mr. Scott enjoyed telling this story very much, to the disgust of Mrs. Scott as she was very proud and really ashamed the 4 70 Jfc 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 '— Home of Willard Scott I, Corner Washington Street and Franklin Avenue way they started out. Mr. Scott persisted telling it and to get back at him she said: "She could have married a much richer and better looking man than he was — ■ for she had many chances." But theirs was a happy life. They had a family of five sons — David and Theodore, who died in early childhood, Thadeus, Willard and Alvin Scott Sr. Thadeus died in 1866 in New York by accident. He had one son, Willie. Willard Scott, Jr. has no children. Alvin had three children, Mrs. Wm. Tarbell; Clara, who died when about 3 years old; and Alvin Jr., always called Bay — "None knew him but to love him — none named him but to praise." Altho Bay has passed out of this world, his name is still a household word and his memory a pleasant one. Mr. Willard Scott, Jr., will be 96 years old on October 9th. 1931, and now resides in the house where he and his wife went to housekeeping 62 years as >°- Contributed by Etta Cooper Scott. There are many and conflicting traditions about the taking of the Du Page County courthouse records away from Naperville. One story is given us by Francis Cody Sattley and Grace Cody Parmlee, daughters of Judge Hiram H. Cody. They tell about the old courthouse and its wide steps, upon which they played as children, and where Miss Celia Whitman had a school, her father being the jailer. Mrs. Sattley says: "One of my early childhood recollections is of a dim scene in a darkened chamber, where my mother and some of the older children were looking from a front window at the courthouse opposite. "Cuddled close to my mother I saw by the light of the lanterns held in men's hands, other men going ■4 7i h 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 up and down the broad courthouse stairs, carrying arms full of something and putting them in a wagon waiting in the road in front. "The lanterns cast an eerie half-light over the picture, and hearing someone in our little group whisper 'They're stealing the records!', I shivered with horror at the thought of some awful deed being perpetrated, although I had no idea what it meant! "Then, in the morning, a beloved uncle and aunt, who lived in Wheaton, but had been visiting at our house, were gone, and I was informed they went home in the night. Someone had come to the house and said to uncle "Doc," if the towns- people know you are here they'll suspect you of helping, and may tar 'n feather you. You'd better leave now.' " Her sister Grace says that "while these men were going up and down the court- house steps carrying out the bundles of records, father was slipping out the back way, with mother anxious lest something happen to him, because there was warm feeling. They feared violence might take place and stealing over to the Congre- gational Church where he rang the bell furiously to arouse the town in defense of Naperville's rights. But as I've heard the story, the raiders got away just in time and galloped off, leaving a trail of documents which fell out of the wagon as they went. I am not sure whether a party of Napervillians chased them out on the road, but I have that impression." Mrs. Myrtle V. Jenkins, daughter of Mr. James M. Vallette, tells about these lost records. She says: "One morning just at dawn in 1868, Wheaton descended on the Recorder's Office through a window which had been left unlocked by a Wheaton sympathizer employed by the county and which cost him his sweetheart, who declared she would never marry a traitor and turned her life to better things! The Vallette home was guarded by Wheaton and when Mr. Vallette attempted to get out to give the alarm, he was seized and held on the way to the office. "Alec Riddler was also held. When the raid was made one section of the books was overlooked as well as the county and the state papers. These were afterward burned by the man who had them in charge, when he became alarmed for fear of search." The records were hidden in the roof of an outbuilding until things became quiet, and later placed in keeping of Samuel Chase, the Cook County recorder at the Chicago courthouse, pending the outcome of the lawsuit between Wheaton and Naperville. This building was supposed to be fireproof and all Cook County records were kept on open tables. The great Chicago Fire in 1871 came when Cook County lost all of their records. Also the lost records of Du Page County went up in smoke. Another story furnished us by Mr. Newton E. Matter, says: "Hon. Lewis Ellsworth was President of the Village of Naperville and James J. Hunt Sheriff of the County the night the County records were 'moved' to Wheaton. Self-appointed representa- tives of the mind of the public assembled at a Naperville saloon, and became in- tensely enthusiastic on going to Wheaton forthwith and returning the books to their proper shelves at Naperville. "Mr. Ellsworth and the Sheriff, on being told of the hot-head party, planned and schemed to break up the party. Arriving at the saloon and being told the intentions of the gathering the Sheriff seemed to enter into the plan, but insisted on buying one drink after another and as rapidly as the enthusiasm was drowned, the partici- pant was quietly taken home. "The last to remain was the one who was to furnish the team and wagon. On being told his team would be shot if it appeared on the streets of Wheaton, he also said good night. It was a diplomatic ending of what might have proven to be the wholesale shedding of blood and the loss of lives, as Wheaton was expecting a move of that kind." 4 72 y- 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 S Hats off! Along the street there comes A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums, And loyal hearts are beating high; Hats off! The flag is passing by I Abbott, Arthur Adelman, L. M. Albrecht, Otto Albrecht, Richard F. Allison, Hubert F. App, James Anderson, C. B. Arbogast, Fred Arbogast, Louie Ashley, Clifford A. Babel, Harley Babel, Harry Bacon, V. Bailey, Frank Bapst, August *Bapst, Edward *** Bapst, Julius, Maj. Chaplain Bapst, Oliver Barley, Clarence Bartholomew, Harry E. Bartholomew, Rollin E. Bauer, H. W. Baumgartner, Hope Baumgartner, Paul Becker, Arthur C. *Beidelman, Clyde *** Beidelman, Gideon Benjamin, H. H. K Berger, Eugene *** Berger, Mario Bestler, C. W. Beyler, Oscar Boecker, Bernard B. Boecker, Paul Herman Boecker, Theo. F. Jr. Boelter, H. Boepple, John Boettger, Wm. Jr. Boisser, N. Bradlee, R. D. Brossman, Robert E. Burac Burgert, Chester Butcher, Paul Butler, W. Christoffel, Jacob Clewell, George Coneld, Earl Costello, Wm. Cowles, Frank Spencer Cromer, Fred Daw, Lester Deoduic, Otto Diehl, Edward M. Diller, John Drendel, Julian Drendel, Leo Drendel, Oscar Drendel, Paul Dustman, Guy V. Eaton, Saml. W. Ehrhardt, Harry Ellam, Cyrill Ellenberger, Otho Ench, Frank Ester, Dore Ester, George Fahrner, Jos. Feldott, Albert Felton, Theo. Fender, Frank Ferguson, Raymond Fillie, Arthur Fletcher, Robert Friedrich, Wm. Fry, John Fry, Scott Galow, Fred Gamertsfelder, Gordon P. Gasser, Wm. (Dr.) Gauger, Arthur Gauger, Edgar Gegstetter, Harvey Gibson, Paul (Maj. Dr.) Good, S. S. Gorman, Wm. 4 73 I*> 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Grammar*, J. Gress, Simon Grimes, Charles Grimes, Claude Grimes, George Grush, Vernon Gushard, Albert Haas, John Haas, Frank Hall, George Harrer, Ralph I. Hauser, Harry H. Hawbecker, Alfred Hawbecker, Ralph Hawkins, Fred Hayes, John Rolland Hayes, Sheldon Hedinger, Charles Heim, Alphons J. Heim, Leo Hertel, J. Clark Hertel, Harold Hevdon, Charles Ernest Jr. Hevdon, Tom G. Heynen, Carl Heyer, Wm. *Hiltenbrand, Arnold *** Hiltenbrand, August Hiltenbrand, Frank Hiltenbrand, George *Hiltz, Ed. *** Hobert, Emery Hoffman, Albert Hoopes, Francis Hosier, Oscar H. Hughes, Clarence Hunt, Roy Jaeck, George J arm an, Edgar Jensen, Walter Jenkins, Percy Johnson, Edward R. Jordon, John Julius, Charles E. Kailer, Clarence Keagle, Hial Keeney, Russel W. Keller, Roy *Kendall, Oliver J.*** Kendall, Ralph E. Kieserg, Alois Jr. Kindy, Floyd Kindy, Owen G. Kinsey, Dean Kirn, Gerald Klingbeil, Emil O. Klingbeil, Harold Henry Klingbeil, Frank M. Klotz, Albert Knoch, Frank Knoch, Winfred G. Knoche, Fred E. Koppa, Leo Kraushar, Phil Kreger, George P. Lampert, Emil Lampert, Charles Landorf, Edward Landorf, George Landorf, Henry Landorf, Louis Lasanska, A. Laubenstein, L. H. Lenert, Nicholas Lester, Otto Liddle, Patrick Lies, Joseph Lindquist, Roy Luebke, Arthur Luebke, Reinhard Lundy, Lester Lynch, Stanley Maechetele, Wesley Mather, Fred Matter, Herbert J. Marple, Richard S. Martin, Claude R. Martin, W. B. (Dr.) McCabe, Harry McClain, Clarence Metzler, Henry Miller, Albert Miller, A. W. Miller, Bernard Miller, Harold Miller, LaRue Miller, Lawrence Miller, Milton Miller, Theodore Miller, Wm. F. Millitt, Lloyd Moeller, Louis Morgan, Albert R. Morrison, Glen Mueller, Charles Muench, Carl Musselman, Elias R. Myers, Archie Neidler, Theodore Neitz, Paul Netzley, Roy Nichols, James L. Nuffer, Paul Ory, Alfred Osterland, Paul Otterpohl, Elmer Otto, Lester Paeth, Wm. Patterson, James Pelling, Thomas Pelling, Wm. Petterson, Edwin Petterson, Herman Petterson, Rolland Platz, Charles R. Platz, Herman Plumb, Fred Prignitz, Ed. Prignitz, Wm. Rang, Carl Rapp, George Reed, Chauncey W. 4 74 I- 1831 — NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL 1931 Ellsworth School Remyac, John Rickert, Charles Rickert, Herman Rickert, Robert Rickert, Walter Riedy, Emmet A. Rieser, Edmund Rife, Dwight Rife, John Rife, Malcomb Rikli, A. R. (Dr.) Rohr, Jacob Rohr, Harvey Rohr, Oscar *Rude, Harry *** Rudnick, Bernard Sabinsky, Walter Sandrock, Walter Schaefle, John Scherer, Harry Schlaer, Gust Schimer, Paul Schmidt, Bernard Schmidt, Carl Schmidt, John Schnabel, Wm. Schultz, Fred Schuette, Fred Schwab, Charles Schwab, Paul Schwartz, George Sheehan, James Sheldon, Robert R. Sieber, Alex. Sigmund, Louis Simpson, Wm. Sollenberger, Ray Spreng, ^ Ralph W. (Dr.) Springborn, Arthur Springborn, Henry Springborn, Robert Stark, Byron StaufFer, Milton StaufTer, Wesley Stenger, Albert Stenger, Clarence Stenger, Grant Stenger, Oliver Stiefboldt, Russell Stoner, Asa Strauel, Albert D. Strauel, Edward Tansey, Robert Thede, Harvey Thompson, Herbert P. Tillson, Arthur Tillson, Earl Truitt, R. L. (Dr.) Uhrich, Edward Unger, Robert VanSickle, K. L. Volkman, Emil Voss, Louis Waterman, Fred <4 75 \> 1831 NAPERVILLE CENTENNIAL — 1931 Merner Gymnasium and Field House — North Central College (1931) Wehrli, Jos. F. Weigand, Harold Weigand, Raymand Weisbrook, Alois Weisbrook, Bernard Weisbrook, Erwin Wendling, Orson Wert, Ray White, Thomas (Dr.) Wiener, Clinton Worthel, Arthur Worthel, George Worthel, Robert Winkenweder, V. Wittier, Lawrence Wittenbraker, C. A. Wolfgang, George E. Yackley, Reuben Yetter, Percy Yocum, H. D. Zudrow, Leo * *** Those Who Gave Their Lives in the World War ~] ^ Berger, Eugene Bapst, Edward Kendall, Oliver J, OVERSEAS Hiltz, Edward IN CAMP Beidelman, Clyde * Rude, Harry Hiltenbrand, Arnold I u The Moving Finger , writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it." RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KhAYYAM 4 76 fr