BY-LAWS REGULATIONS OF THE ospital, ADOPTED BY The Board of Trustees, 1874. Nctu Yorfc : GEOUGE F. NESBITT & CO., ITMNTEKS, COR. PEARL AND PINE STREETS. 1874. BY-LAWS A1SD REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY The Board of Trustees, 1874. Xrto Yorfe : GEORGE F. NESBITT & CO., PRINTERS, COR. PEARL AND PINE STREETS. B 7 764- OFFICERS OF THE |)omccop;if|ic Hospital, FOR 1874. CHARLES A. TOWNSENd/^^ 4 ^-^' President. DA\ ID M. STONE, ft Vice-President. W. H. CROMWELL, . iff _<2rr«£t*~ r 'n^ ^ Treasurer _ JAMES R COWING, - /7 / . Secretary. W. W. GOODRICH, - - - - - Counsel. Hoard of Irustccsi, CHAS. A. TOWNSEND, W. W. GOODRICH, L. S. BURNHAM, J. A. COWING, A. F. GOODNOW, LYMAN R. GREENE, A. E. ORR, CURRAN DINSMORE, NORMAN PECK, S. W. BOOCOCK, JOHN P. ATKINSON, W. B. KENDALL, D. M. STONE, W. B. LEONARD, W. P. CLYDE, H. W. HUNT, N. S SIMPKINS, Jr., EDWARD TODD, JAMES KINGON, C. C. DIKE, LEVI PAWLING, DEMAS BARNES, JAMES R. COWING, JOHN C. WYMAN, D. S. HINES, W. II. CROMWELL. TOBIAS NEW, C. K. WALLACE, JER. P. ROBINSON. Hlfflirat and Surgical £taff. President of the Medical Board , A. E. SUMNER, M.D. R. C. MOFFAT, M.D., W. S. SEARLE, M.D., E. MINER, M.D., Physicians, E. J. WHITNEY, M.D., W. B GARSIDE, M IX, W. L. R. PERRINE, M.D., G. A. BOWEN, M.D. Surgeons, W. L. M. FISKE, MD, | H. WILLIS, M.D., A. VARONA, M.D. Resident Physician, S. E. STILES, M.D. Resident Surgeon, CHAS. E. VAN CLEEF, M.D. TMk. w. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE Article 1— Meetings and Elections. 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the members of this Corporation on the second Saturday of December in each year, due notice of the time and place of which shall be given by the Secretary by publication in one or more of the daily papers published in Brooklyn, twice for one week previous to said meeting ; and every person who has contributed or shall contribute one hundred dollars at any one time, or twenty-five dollars within one year previous to said election, shall be mem- bers of the corporation. 2. At said meeting a Board of thirty-five Trustees shall be elected for the year commencing 1st January following, who shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors are elected. 3. At the first meeting thereafter of these Trustees, they shall elect by ballot from their number a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall hold office during the term of said Board, unless removed for cause, or by death or resigna- tion, in which case the office shall be filled at the next monthly meeting thereafter of the Board. 4. If the seat of any member of the Board shall be made vacant by death, resignation or otherwise, any member of this Corporation may be elected by the Board to fill the vacancy, pro- vided his name be presented as a candidate at a meeting field at least two weeks previously to the time of election. Article 2.— President and Vice-President. 1. The President may call a meeting of the Trustees when- ever he shall think necessary, and shall do so on the request in writing of any three of the Trustees, and may appoint the time and place of such meeting, (provided the latter shall be in the City of Brooklyn,) giving at least two day’s notice thereof; and at every special meeting so called, the particular object of the meeting shall be given in the call, and no other business shall be transacted except such as pertains to it. 2. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, or a Chairman pro tern ., shall preside at all meetings of the Trustees, and shall preserve order therein ; he shall appoint all committees except such as shall be chosen by ballot. 3. The President or Vice-President shall visit the Hospital and Dispensary at least once in every month, except July and August, to inspect the general state of the institution, and shall report thereon at the next monthly meeting of the Trustees. 4. In the absence of the President the Vice-President shall fulfil the duties of his office, and in the absence of both, a Presi- dent pro tem.j shall be chosen with the same powers. Article 3-— Board of Trustees . 1. A monthty meeting of the Trustees shall be held at the Hospital on the second Saturday in every month, except July and August, at eight o’clock P. M. 2. At every such meeting the order of -business shall be as follows, viz. : First — Beading the Minutes of Previous Meeting. Second — -Treasurer’s Beport. Third — Finance Committee. Fourth — Library Committee. Fifth — House Physician. Sixth — Beports of Special Committees. Seventh — Miscellaneous Business. 3. Seven Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transac- tion of all business, excepting the alienating of any of the real or personal property of the corporation, or leasing the real estate thereof for a longer term than one year, for which purpose the consent of a majority of all the Trustees shall be necessary. 4. The Trustees shall at their first meeting in January elect i9MM so many physicians and surgeons as they 7 shall think necessary ; and every physician and surgeon hereafter to be appointed shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board. 5. If any Trustee shall be absent from four consecutive monthly meetings of the Board, without good reason, his place may be deemed vacant, and the Board may proceed to nominate another to fill his place. 6. At the first meeting of the Board of Trustees in each year, they shall appoint a House Physician, who shall act as Pharma- ceutist, and a Superintendent, who shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the Board. 7. At the same meeting the Board shall elect, on the nomina- tion of the President, the following Committees, viz. : a Finance Committee, consisting of five members, who shall have general charge of the pecuniary affairs of the Institution ; an Auditing Committee, consisting of three members, who shall, in the first week of January, audit the Hospital accounts for the previous year, inventory all the real and personal estate of the corporation, make a schedule of all deeds, bonds and other securities in the hands of the Treasurer, and a general statement of the accounts ; which inventor}^ schedule and statement shall be made up and produced by them at the next monthly meeting thereafter ; and a Library Committee? consisting of three members, who shall see that the books of the library are kept in good condition, and recommend the addition to them, from time to time, of such works as the funds and necessities of the corporation may permit. Article Jf,— Treasurer. 1. The Treasurer, or the President acting pro tern, under the direction of the Board as such officer, shall keep all moneys belonging to the Institution in one of the Banks or Trust Com- panies of the Cit}" of Brooklyn, in the name of this Corporation, and shall pay out, from time to time, such sums as shall be or- dered by the Finance Committee, or proper officers of the Institution. 2. He shall keep proper books of account, showing the re- ceipts and expenditures, which books he shall always be ready to place before the Board of Trustees at each monthly meeting, and at any special meeting, when so notified. 8 Article o— Secretary . 1. The Secretary shall have charge of the Seal of the Corpo- ration. He shall attend the meetings of the Trustees, take minutes of the proceedings, and transcribe them in a book kept for that purpose. 2. Immediately after the election of the Trustees or other officers, he shall give notice to the persons elected. 3. Two days preceding every meeting, he shall send notice of the time and place of said meeting to each of the Trustees. 4. He shall cause the Annual Reports to be made to the State and City, and the annual statement of the condition of the Hos- pital to be regularly entered upon his book of minutes. Article 6. —President of the Medical Board. 1. At the first meeting of the Attending Physicians and Sur- geons after their annual election by the Board of Trustees, as hereinbefore provided, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, they shall organize themselves as a Medical Board, and elect from their number a President and Secretary, the former of whom shall attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees, and be the medium of communication between them and the Staff. ■ 2. He shall, under the approval of the Board of Trustees, pur- chase such medical and surgical supplies as may be needed for the Hospital, and shall be the officer on whom all requisitions shall be made by the Medical and Surgical Staff while on duty. 3. He shall act as umpire in all cases of difference arising be- tween members of the Staff of the Hospital, subject to an appeal to the Board of Trustees, and all appointments on the Medical and Surgical Staff shall be made with his concurrence. 4. He shall be charged with the general supervision and direction of all matters relating to regimen and hygiene. Article Attending Physicians and \ Surgeons . 1. All physicians and surgeons appointed by the Board shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the Trustees. 2. One physician,, or one surgeon, shall visit every patient in 9 their respective departments at least three times in each week, or as much oftener as may be necessary. They shall attend to the neatness and ventilation of the wards, and give such direc- tions on these subjects as may be necessary to the Superintend- ent. They shall direct the House Physician or Surgeon to re- port to the Superintendent such patients as are in a proper con- dition to leave the hospital. 3. At each visit the Attending Physician or Surgeon shall inquire whether his directions and prescriptions have been care- fully observed. 4. The times of their attendance shall be so arranged by the physicians and surgeons as not to interfere with each other, and that the students who attend the practice of the hospital may accompany them in their visits to the patients. If any surgeon or physician shall be prevented from attending in his turn, he shall procure some other belonging to the hospital to attend in his stead. 5. No capital operation shall be performed, except in cases of immediate danger, without the previous approbation of at least two surgeons, nor without inviting all the physicians and sur- geons belonging to the hospital to be present. 7. The Attending Physician and Surgeon shall, on their first visit in every month, inspect the Pharmacy, and see that it is kept in proper order, that good medicines are regularly sup- plied, and shall report all neglects and improprieties on these subjects, whether in the persons furnishing the medicines, or in the Pharmaceutist, to the Trustees, in writing, at their next meeting. 8. Such physicians and surgeons as may be appointed by the Trustees for that purpose may give clinical lectures in the hos- pital; but the Trustees may withdraw this permission whenever, in their judgment, the interests of the institution require it. Article 8.— Students. 1. Any student of medicine may receive a ticket entitling him to visit and see the practice of the house for one, year, sub- ject to the regulations of the hospital, on producing to the Med- 10 ical Director a certificate from any physician or surgeon in good standing. 2. No student shall be entitled to attend the hospital except at the hours of prescription, operation or lecture ; and if any student shall behave in a disorderly or indiscreet manner, it shall be the duty of the House Physician or Surgeon to report him to the Medical Director, who may give orders to exclude him in the future from*' the hospital. 3. It shall be the express duty of the physician or surgeon to guard against any examination of patients by pupils, except under his own inspection, and against all acts calculated to alarm or injure the patients. Article 9.— House Physician and Surgeon. 1. Each applicant for the office of House Physician or House Surgeon, shall produce a diploma from some respectable Medical College, and shall pass such an examination by the Board of At- tending Physicians or Surgeons (as the case may be) as may give satisfactory proof of his attainments ; and upon a certificate to that effect being presented to the Board of Trustees, together with proper credentials of moral character, the appointment may be made. In the event of there being several candidates, it shall be the duty of the Examining Board, as above, to determine, in the order of merit, which candidate shall be recommended for the appointment. 2. The House Physician and House Surgeon shall visit their respective wards once at least every morning and evening, and be prepared to report the state of the patients to the Visiting Physicians and Surgeons ; they shall see that the medicines sent to the sick are regularly taken, and administered with care and neatness, and without delay. 3. No medicines, wines or spirits, shall be prescribed or ad- ministered to the patients, nor any surgical operation performed (except in cases of emergency), without the special direction of the Attending Physicians or Surgeons, to whom such cases, when they occur, shall be immediately reported. 4. In any medical or surgical case of emergency, the House Physician or House Surgeon shall request the immediate attend- 11 ance of tlie Attending Physician or Surgeon, and if he cannot be found, of any other of the Physicians or Surgeons of the Hospital. 5. They shall not remove patients from one bed or ward into another without the approbation of the Superintendent ; and it shall be their duty to report the disease of which an}^ patient died to the Superintendent, in order that the register may be regularly kept ; and shall also report to the Superintendent such patients as may have been received during his absence. 6. Neither the House Physician or House Surgeon shall dis- charge patients, this being the exclusive duty of the Superin- tendent. 7. They shall not be absent at the usual hours of attendance of the Physicians or Surgeons, and whenever either of them goes out he shall leave word with the Superintendent where he maybe found, and in no case shall both of them be absent at the same time ; they must be in the Hospital at a seasonable hour in the evening, and it shall be their duty to sleep in the house. 8. It shall be the particular duty of the House Physician to keep the electrical and galvanic apparatus always in perfect order, and faithfully to apply them when directed. 9. The House Surgeon shall have charge of all the instru- ments belonging to the Hospital, and shall be responsible for them, and for their good order; he shall keep an account of them, stating from whom they were received, and their prices, and shall never suffer them to be hut or used out of the house. 10. The House Physician and Surgeon, with the aid of their assistants, under the direction of the Attending Physician or Surgeon, shall keep a register of all medical and surgical cases which occur in the house, which they shall think worthy of pre- servation, recording all surgical operations therein, and make an index to accompany said register. 11. Each one shall make an annual report and synopsis of the patients treated in his department during the year, and shall at all times be ready to furnish such information to the Board, or any of its officers, as may be required of them. 12 Article 10 — Pharmaceutist. 1. No person shall be appointed Pharmaceutist until he has produced sufficient testimonials of his good character, and has obtained a certificate, as to professional competency, from two or more Physicians or Surgeons connected with the Hospital. 2. The Pharmaceutist shall compound and make up all the medicines prescribed, from time to time, by the Physicians and Surgeons to the Hospital. He shall deliver no medicines with- out the order of the Physicians and Surgeons, and shall not permit medicines to be carried out of the house, except to out- door patients. He shall put up the medicines intended for each ward separately, and shall annex to them labels containing the names of the patients for whom they are respectively prescribed, and when necessary, directions for taking them ; and he shall send them to each ward by the orderly, to be by him distributed to the nurses. He shall regularly attend the pharmacy, and never be absent without the Superintendent’s permission. 3. He shall keep the pharmacy and everything pertaining to it in clean and perfect order. He shall keep a book in which he shall enter the purchase of medicines, etc., with the date and quantity purchased. Article 11 — Superintendent. 1. The Superintendent may be male or female, must be of good moral character, a good accountant, must write a fair, legible hand, and shall have the general charge of the Hospital, under the regulations of the Board ; shall, under the direction of the President, Vice-President, or Medical Director, receive or reject applicants for admission, but shall admit no patient without a previous examination by one of the Physicians or Surgeons, except in case of an emergency ; and no person shall be admitted who is suffering under any contagious disease, nor as a charity patient when the case is deemed incurable. He shall also determine whether the applicant shall be received as a charity or pay-patient, and if the latter, shall fix the price to be paid, and take such security as may be deemed requisite. 2. He shall hire, and dismiss, all nurses and domestics 13 employed in or about the Hospital ; shall discharge such of them as shall be guilty of profane swearing, drunkenness, bringing spirits clandestinely into the house, or other gross misconduct ; and shall see that no nurse be absent from the house without leave. 3. He shall keep a regular account of all the moneys received and disbursed for the house expenses, collect all moneys due from patients, accounting for the same to the proper officer ; and shall take charge of, and deposit with the Treasurer, any money or other valuables received for safekeeping from patients, retain- ing a record of the same. 4. He shall purchase, under the direction of the Presi- dent, fuel, provisions and all other stores for the use of the Hos- pital, except medicines and surgical instruments ; and keep under key all wines, spirits, sugars, unmade linen, blanketing and other stores and necessaries. 5. He shall take particular care that no wdnes or spirits are used in the Hospital, except by the directions of the Physicians or Surgeons, for the use of the patients. 6. He shall see that all parts of the Hospital are properly at- tended to and kept in order ; and that all beds, clothes, linen and other household goods and furniture are kept perfectly clean and in their proper places. 7. He shall cause to be entered, in the register kept for that purpose, the admission of all patients ; and when one is discharged, shall see that opposite to the name is entered cured, relieved eloped or disorderly, as the case may be. 8. He shall, on the decease of any patient,* cause his or her name, and the time of decease, to be entered on the register, and the body conveyed, as soon as conveniently may be, to the dead- house, to be there safely kept until delivered to the hearse, or to the friends of the deceased for interment ; and he shall be particu- larly responsible for the execution of this duty. 9. If any person attending the house, or belonging to it, shall use profane or improper language, disregard the By-Laws and Regulations, or otherwise misbehave, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent to report the offenders in writing to the Board of Trustees. 14 10. The Superintendent shall see that the outer gates are locked at a reasonable hour every evening, and shall suffer no patient to go out of the house without permission. Article 12 — Patients. 1. Patients accidentally wounded, or otherwise injured, shall be received at all hours, subject to such rules as the Trustees shall, from time to time, appoint or enact. 2 No person having any contagious or infectious disease shall be admitted into this hospital. Young children shall not be received with their mothers unless they are also patients. In mania a potu a fee of $25 is required to be paid in advance with no pro rata return. 3. No person having gonorrhoea, syphilis, or mania a potu, shall be admitted as a charity patient, or at a lower rate of board than seven dollars per week ; and separate wards must be pro- vided for such patients. 4. No patient shall be allowed to leave the Hospital unless by permission of the Superintendent, nor play at any game of hazard, or introduce any spirituous liquors into the house. 5. The patients shall conduct themselves with decorum toward each other, the officers of the house, nurses and servants. They shall not enter the office, pharmacy, kitchen or servants’ apartments under any pretence whatever, except by order of the Superintendent. They shall not smoke tobacco in the house. No male patient shall go into the women’s apartments or wards, nor any female patient into those of the men. 6. Such free patients as, in the opinion of the Attending Physician or Surgeon, are able, shall assist in nursing others, washing and ironing the linen, and in such services as the Su- perintendent may require. 7. If any patient shall use profane or indecent language, be- come intoxicated, or behave rudely or indecently, the Superin- tendent may immediately discharge such patient. 8. No officer or servant of this institution shall accept any gift or bequest from any patient, except with the approbation of the Board. 15 9. Whenever any patient shall desire to see a minister o r teacher of religion, the request is to be communicated to a Resi- dent Physician or Surgeon, and if it be deemed proper, in a medical point of view, the Superintendent shall notify the indi- vidual whose presence is required. Article 13.— Beds. Any person or society contributing at any one time the sum of one thonsand dollars to the funds of the hospital, shall be entitled during his life-time to nominate a patient or patients to fill such bed, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. Any society, person or persons together contributing at any one time the sum of three hundred dollars to the funds of the hospital, shall be entitled during the year following to nominate a patient or patients to fill such bed subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. In either case the contributors shall have the right to affix a name to such bed by a placard conspicuously displayed near the same. Article 1£.— Visitors. 1. Visitors to patients, nurses, and domestics, will be ad- mitted on such days and between such hours as may be desig- nated by the Superintendent. They shall not ramble over the house and grounds, and shall withdraw after a reasonable time, not later than 5 P. M. 2. No patient can receive more than one visitor on SundaVj and then only by special permission of the Superintendent. 3. Visitors are not allowed to bring into the Wards spirits or any articles of food. All such must be left with the Superin- tendent. 4. No visitor shall lodge in the hospital without permission from the Superintendent. Article 15.— General Rules of Order. 1. The House Physician, Surgeon, and others employed in the hospital, are enjoined to be regular at their meals, as punc- 16 tuality in this matter is essential to the discipline of the Hos- pital. 2. All lights, except in the wards, entries, Steward’s and Physicians’ rooms, are required to be extinguished at half-past ten, at the latest, and in the wards reduced to the smallest possi- ble numbers at 9 P. M. 3. Reading in bed at night will not be allowed, under penalty of expulsion for the second offence. Article 16.— On Amendments or Alterations of By-Laws. 1. All resolutions making alterations in any of the existing By-laws, or any new By-laws that may be passed, shall be copied into the Secretary’s book. 2. Alterations or amendments may be made to the By-laws, on giving .a month’s notice of such proposed change at a regular meeting of the Board. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA