I 'V£hi>PVoflLLINt:|S. • ADDRESS THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS, Copyright Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. TCbe Xibvav^ of Conorcss, CCoppriflbt ©tftcc. INFORMATION CIRCULAR No. 30. SUBJECT: CURRENT ITEMS, a. Canada Copyright Act, 1900. (2,500. 29, IX, lOOO.) Masbincjton, 2). C., CANADA. All Act to amend the Copyright Act \i^oo]. Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : I. If a book as to which there is subsi.sting copyright under The Copy- In case of license • lxAi.li \ j to reprint book rignt Act has been first lawfully published in any part of Her Majesty’s unT^’^Khi" dominions other than Canada, and if it is proved to the satisfaction of the tBuS, Minister of Agriculture that the owner of the copyright so subsisting and of the copyright acquired by such publication has lawfully granted a license other reprints, to r' piuduce in Canada, from movable or other types, or from stereotvjie plates, or from electro-plates, or fiom lithograph stones, or by any process foi fiiCiiinile reproduction, an edition or, editions of such book designed for sale only in Canada, the Minister may, notwithstanding anything in The Copyright Act, by order under his hand, prohibit the importation, except with the written consent of the licensee, into Canada of any copies of such book printed elsewhere , provided that two such copies may be specially imported for the bona fide use of any public free library or any university or college library, or for the library of any duly incorporated institution or society for the use of the members of such institution or society. 2. The Minister of Agriculture may at any time in like manner, by order under his hand, suspend or revoke such prohibition upon importation if it ^ is proved to his satisfaction that— (r?) the license to reproduce in Canada has terminated or expired ; or (b)^ the reasonable demand for the book in Canada is not sufficiently met without importation ; or {c) the book is not, having regard to the demand therefor in Canada being suitably printed or published ; or {d) any other state of things exists on account of which it is not in the public interest to further prohibit importation. 3- At any time after the importation of a book has been prohibited under section i of this Act, any person resident or being in Canada may apply, either directly or through a book seller or other agent, to the person so licensed to reproduce such book, for a copy of any edition of such book then on sale and reasonably obtainable in the United Kingdom or some other part of Her Majesty’s dominions, and it shall then be the duty of the person so licensed, as soon as reasonably may be, to import and sell such copy to the person so applying therefor, at the ordinary selling price of such copy in the United Kingdom or such other part of Her Majesty’s dominions, with the duty and reasonable forwarding charges added; and the failure or neglect, without lawful excuse, of the person so licensed to supply such copy within a reasonable time, shall be a reason for which the Minister may, if he sees fit, suspend or revoke the prohibition upon importation. 4. The Minister shall forthwith inform the Department of Customs of^'^^Tl any order made by him under this Act. 5. All books imported in contravention of this Act may be seized any officer of Customs, and shall be forfeited to the Crown and destroyed ; and any person importing, or causing or permitting the importation, of any book in contravention of this Act shall, for each offence, be liable, upon summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars. — Note.— Passed by the House of Commons, July 4, 1900; by the Senate on July 9, 1900, and assent to by the Governor General of Canada, in Her Majesty’s name, on July 18, 1900. 9-397; \ I