Stamped below. ROMAIN HOLLAND This author’s great musical novel appears in France in ten volumes and in its English translation in three volumes as follows: JEAN-CHRISTOPHE DAWN • MORNING • YOUTH • REVOLT JEAN-CHRISTOPHE IN PARIS THE MARKET-PLACE ANTOINETTE THE HOUSE JEAN-CHRISTOPHE: JOURNEY’S END LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP THE BURNING BUSH THE NEW DAWN Each^ translated by Gilbert Cannan, $1.75 net. HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK /EAN - CHEISTOPHE V DAWN - MORNING YOUTH REVOLT BY ROMAIN ROLLAND Translated by gilbert cannan NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1 lo PREFACE JeaN’Cbristophe^^ is the history of the d&velopment of a Tiusician of genius. | The present volume comprises the first four volumes of the original French, viz.: UAulef' '' Le Matin/' ^ U Adolescent/' and ''La Revolte/' which are designated in the translation as Part I— The Dawn; Part II— Morning; Part III— Youth; Part IV— Revolt. [Parts I and II carry Jean-Christophe from the moment of his iirth to the day when, if ter his first encounter with Woman, at the age of fifteen, he falls hack upon a Puritan creed.\Parts III and IV describe the succeeding five years of his lif^ when, at the age of twenty, his sincerity, integrity, and unswerving honesty have made ex- istence impossible for him in the little Rhine towtc of his birth. An act of open revolt against German militarism compels him to cross the frontier and take refuge in Paris, and the remainder of this vast book is devoted to the adventures of J ean-Christophe in France. His creator has said that he has always conceived and thought of the life of his hero and of the bgok as a river. So far ds the book has a plan, that is its plan, (it has no literary artifice, no "plot." The words of it hang together in defiance of syntax, just as the thoughts of it follow one on the other in defiance of every system of philosophy. Every phase of the book is pregnant with the next phase. It is as direct and simple as life itself, for life is simple when the truth of it is known, a^ it was known instinctively by Jean-Christophe.) The river is explored as though it were absolutely uncharted. {Nothing that has evpr been said or thought of life is accepted without being brought to the test of J ean-Christophe's own life.) What is not true for him does not exist ;)and, as there are very few of the processes pf human growth or decay which are not analyzed, there is disclosed to the reader the most comprehensive survey of modern life which has appeared in literature in this century. To leave M. Rolland's simile of the river, and to take another, iii \ ' i IV PEEFACE the boolc has seemed to me liJce a mighty bridge leading from the world of ideas of the nineteenth century to the world of ideas of the twentieth. The whole thought of the nineteenth century seems to be gathered together to make the starting-point for J ean-Christophe' s leap into the future. All that was most religious in that thought seems to be concentrated in Jean- Christophe, and when the history of the booh is traced, it appears that M, Rolland has it by direct inheritance, M, Rolland was born in 1866 at Clamecy, in the center of France, of a French family of pure descent, and educated in Paris and Rome, *^At Rome, in 1890, he met Malwida von Meysenburg, a German lady who had taken refuge in England after the Revolution of 181^8, and there knew Kossuth, Mazzini, Herzen, Ledin, Rollin, and Louis Blanc, Later, in Italy, she counted among her friends Wagner, Liszt, Lenbach, Nietzsche, Garibaldi, and Ibsen, She died in 1903, Rolland came to her i impregnated with Tolstoyan ideas, and with her wide knowledge j of men and movements she helped him to discover his own ideas, ! In her Memoir es d'une Idealiste'" she wrote of him: '' In \ this young Frenchman I discovered the same idealism, the same j lofty aspiration, the same profound grasp of every great in- tellectual manifestation that I had already found in the greatest j men of other nationalities,'^ j The germ of '' J ean-Christophe " was conceived during this \ period — the '' Wander jahre " — of M, Rolland' s life. On his I return to Paris he became associated with a movement towards < the renascence of the theatw as a social machine, and wrote several plays. He has since been a musical critic and a lecturer on music and art at the Sorbonne, He has written Lives of Beethoven, Michael Angelo, and Hugo Wolf, Always his en- deavor has been the pursuit of the heroic. To him the great men are the men of absolute truth, J ean-Christophe must have the truth and tell the truth, at all costs, in despite of circum- stance, in despite of himself, in despite even of life. It is his^ law. It is M, Rolland's law, [The struggle all through the book is between the pure life of J ean-Christophe and the com- mon acceptance of the second-rate and the second-hand by the substitution of civic or social morality, which is only a com- promise, for individual morality, which demands that every PEEFACE V ma7i should he delivered up to the unswerving judgment of his iwn soul. Everywhere J ean-Christophe is hurled against com^ oromise and untruth, individual and national,) He discovers the German lie very quichly; the French lie grimaces at him IS soon as he sets foot in Paris, The booh itself breaks down the frontier between France and Germany, If one frontier is broken, all are broken. The truth ibout anything is universal truth, and the experiences of Jean- Christophe, the adventures of his soul ( there are no other idventures), are in a greater or less degree those of every human being who passes through this life from theHyranny of the past to the service of the future. The book contains a host of characters who become as friends, or, at least, as interesting neighbors, to the reader, -^J ean- Christophe gathers people in his progress, and as they are all brought to the test of his genius, they appear clearly for what they are. Even the most unpleasant of them is human, and demands sympathy,}^ The recognition of J ean-Christophe as a book which marks % stage in progress was instantaneous in France, It is hardly possible yet to judge it. It is impossible to deny its vitality. It exists, Christophe is as real as the gentlemen whose por- traits are posted outside the Queen s Hall, and much more real than many of them. The book clears the air. An open mind coming to it cannot fail to be refreshed and strengthened by its Voyage down the river of a man^s life, and if the book is followed to its end, the voyager will discover with Christophe that there js joy beneath sorrow, joy through* sorrow Durch Leiden freude I Those are the last words of M, Rolland's life of Beethoven; \hey are words of Beethoven himself: La devise de tout dme heroique,'^ In his preface, To the Friends of Christophe/' which pre- pedes the seventh volume, Dans la Maison," M, Rolland writes: i ''I was isolated: like so many others in France I was stifling In a world morally inimical to me: I wanted air: I wanted to re- lict against an unhealthy civilization, against ideas corrupted by a Jiam elite: I wanted to say to them: ^You lie! You do not Represent France!' To dv so I needed a hero with a pure heart vi PEEFACE and unclouded vision, whose soul would he stainless enough for him to have the right to speak; one whose voice would he loud enough for him to gain a hearing. I have patiently begotten this hero. The work was in conception for many years before I set myself to write a word of it. Christophe only set out on his journey when 1 had been able to see the end of it for him.'' If M. Holland's act of faith in writing J ean-Christophe were only concerned with France, if the polemic of it were not directed against a universal evil, there would be no reason for translation. But, like Zarathustra, it is a book for all and none. M. Rolland has written tvhat he believes to be the truth, and as Dr. Johnson observed: ''Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it. . . By its truth and its absolute integrity — since Tolstoy I know of no writing so crystal clear — " J ean-Christophe " is the first great book of the twentieth century, (in a sense it begins the twentieth century. It bridges transition, and shows us where we stand. It reveals the past and the present, and leaves the future open to us. . . . j GILBERT CA'NEAN. CONTENTS THE DAWN PAGE I . 3 II . 26 III 68 MORNING I. The Death of Jean Michel ..... 107 II. Otto 141 III. Minna 166 YOUTH I. The House of Eulee 215 II. Sabine 258 III. Ada . 303 REVOLT I. Shifting Sands 357 II. Engulfed 432 TIL Deliverance 509 THE DAWN Dianzi, nelFalba che precede al giorno, Quando ranima tua dentro dormia. . . . Purgatorio, ix. JEAN-CHRISTOPHE b - I ,C 4 Come, quando i vapori umidi e spessi A diradar cominciansi, la spera Del sol debilemente entra per essi. . . . Purgatorio, xvii. From behind the house rises the murmuring of the river. All day long the rain has been beating against the window- panes; a stream of water trickles down the window at the corner where it is broken. The yellowish light of the day dies down. The room is dim and dull. The new-born child stirs in his cradle. Although the old man left his sabots at the door when he entered, his footsteps make the floor creak. The child begins to whine. The mother ‘ leans out of her bed to comfort it; and the grandfather gropes to light the lamp, so that the child shall not be frightened by the night when he awakes. The flame of the lamp lights up old Jean MicheFs red face, with its rough white beard and morose expression and quick eyes. He goes near the cradle. His cloak smells wet, and as he walks he drags his large blue list slippers. Louisa signs to him not to go too near. She is fair, almost white ; her features are drawn ; her gentle, stupid face is marked with red in patches; her lips are pale and i swollen, and they are parted in a timid smile; her eyes devour the child — and her eyes are blue and vague; the pupils are small, but there , is an infinite tenderness in them. The child wakes and cries, and his eyes are troubled. Oh! how terrible! The darkness, the sudden flash of the lamp, ? the hallucinations of a mind as yet hardly detached from chaos, the stifling, roaring night in which it is enveloped, the illimita- ble gloom from which, like blinding shafts of light, there emerge acute sensations, sorrows, phantoms — those enormous 4 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE faces leaning over him, those eyes that pierce through him, penetrating, are beyond his comprehension ! ... He has not the strength to cry out; terror holds him motionless, with eyes and mouth wide open and he rattles in his throat. His large head, that seems to have swollen up, is wrinkled with the grotesque and lamentable grimaces that he makes; the skin of his face and hands is brown and purple, and spotted with yellow. . . . Dear God ! said the old man with conviction : How ugly he is ! ” He put the lamp down on the table, Louisa pouted like a scolded child. Jean Michel looked at her out of the corner of his eye and laughed. ^^You don’t want me to say that he is beautiful? You would not believe it. Come, it is not your fault. They are all like that.” The child came out of the stupor and immobility into which he had been thrown by the light of the lamp and the eyes of the old man. He began to cry. Perhaps he instinctively felt in his mother’s eyes a caress which made it possible for him to complain. She held out her arms for him and said : Give him to me.” The old man began, as usual, ^toairjyg^ . ^^You ought not to give wayTo”"^ildren when they cry. 1^ You must just let them cry.” But he came and took the child and grumbled: never saw one quite so ugly.” Louisa took the child feverishly and pressed it to her bosom. She looked at it with a bashful and delighted smile. ^^Oh, my poor child!” she said shamefacedly. ^^How ugly you are — ^how ugly ! and how I love you ! ” Jean Michel went back to the fireside. He began to poke the fire in protest, but a smile gave the lie to the moroseness and solemnity of his expression. Good girl ! ” he said. Don’t worry about it. He has plenty of time to alter. And even so, what does it matter? Only one thing is asked of him: that he should grow into an ^ honest man.” The child was comforted by contact with his mother’s warm THE DAWN 5 body. He could be heard sucking her milk and gurgling and snorting. Jean Michel turned in his chair, and said once more, with some emphasis: There^s nothing finer than an honest man.^^ He was silent for a moment, pondering whether it would not be proper to elaborate this thought; but he found nothing more to say, and after a silence he said irritably: Why isn’t your husband here ? ” I think he is at the theater,” said Louisa timidly. There is a rehearsal.” The theater is closed. I passed it just now. One of his lies.” ^^No. Don’t be always blaming him. I must have mis- understood. He must have been kept for one of his lessons.” He ought to have come back,” said the old man, not satis- fied. He stopped for a moment, and then asked, in a rather lower voice and with some shame : Has he been . . . again ? ” No, father — no, father,” said Louisa hurriedly. The old man looked at her; she avoided his eyes. It’s not true. You’re lying.” She wept in silence. Dear God ! ” said the old man, kicking at the fire with his foot. The poker fell with a clatter. The mother and the child trembled. Father, please — please!” said Louisa. ^^You will make him cry.” The child hesitated for a second or two whether to cry or to go on with his meal; but not being able to do both at once, he went on with the meal. Jean Michel continued in a lower tone, though with outbursts of anger: What have I done to the good God to have this drunkard for my son? What is the use of my having lived as I have lived, and of having denied myself everything all my life! But you — you — can’t you do anything to stop it? Heavens! That’s what you ought to do. . . . You should keep him at home! . . .” Louisa wept still more. 6 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / Don’t scold me! . . . I am unhappy enough as it is! I have done everything I could. If you knew how terrified I am when I am alone! Always I seem to hear his step on the stairs. Then I wait for the door to open, or I ask myself: ^ 0 God ! what will he look like ? ’ . . .It makes me ill to think of it ! ” She was shaken by her sobs. The old man grew anxious. He went to her and laid the disheveled bedclothes about her trembling shoulders and caressed her head with his hands. Come, come, don’t be afraid. I am here.” She calmed herself for the child’s sake, and tried to smile, was wrong to tell you that.” The old man shook his head as he looked at her. ^^My poor child, it was not much of a present that I gave you.” It’s my own fault,” she said. He ought not to have married me. He is sorry for what he did.” What, do you mean that he regrets? ...” You know. You were angry yourself because I became his wife.” We won’t talk about that. It is true I was vexed. A young man like that — I can say so without hurting you — a young man whom I had carefully brought up, a distinguished musician, a real artist — might have looked higher than you, who had nothing and were of a lower class, and not even of the same trade. For more than a hundred years no Krafft has ever married a woman who was not a musician! But, you know, I bear you no grudge, and am fond of you, and have been ever since I learned to know you. Besides, there’s no going back on a choice once it’s made; there’s nothing left but to do one’s duty honestly.” He went and sat down again, thought for a little, and then said, with the solemnity in which he invested all his aphorisms : ' The first thing in life is to do one’s duty.” i He waited for contradiction, and spat on the fire. Then, as neither mother nor child raised any objection, he was for going on, but relapsed into silence. THE DAWN 7 They said no more. Both Jean Michel, sitting by the fire- side, and Louisa, in her bed, dreamed sadly. • The old man, in spite of what he had said, had bitter thoughts about his son’s marriage, and Louisa was thinking of it also,, and blaming herself, although she had nothing wherewith to reproach herself. She had been a servant when, to everybody’s surprise, and her own especially, she married Melchior Krafft, Jean Michel’s son. The Krafits were without fortune, but were considerable people in the little Ehine town in which the old man had settled down more than fifty years before. Both father and son were musicians, and known to all the musicians of the country from Cologne to Mannheim. Melchior played the violin at the Hof-Theater, and Jean Michel had formerly been director of the grand-ducal concerts. The old man had been profoundly humiliated by his son’s marriage, for he had built great hopes upon Melchior; he had wished to make him the distinguished man which he had failed to become himself. This mad freak destroyed all his ambitions. He had stormed at first, and show- ered curses upon Melchior and Louisa. But, being a good- hearted creature, he forgave his daughter-in-law when he learned to know her better; and he even came by a paternal affection for her, which showed itself for the most part in snubs. No one ever understood what it was that drove Melchior to such a marriage — least of all Melchior. It was certainly not Louisa’s beauty. She had no seductive quality: she was small, rather pale, and delicate, and she was a striking contrast to Melchior and Jean Michel, who were both big and broad, red- faced giants, heavy-handed, hearty eaters and drinkers, laugh- ter-loving and noisy. She seemed to be crushed by them; no one noticed her, and she seemed to wish to escape even what little notice she attracted. If Melchior had been a kind-hearted man, it would have been credible that he should prefer Louisa’s simple goodness to every other advantage; but -a vainer man never was. It seemed incredible that a young man of his kidney, fairly good-looking, and quite conscious of it, very foolish, but not without talent, and in a position to look for some well-dowered match, and capable even — who knows? — of turning the head of one of his pupils among the people of the town, should suddenly have chosen a girl of the people — poor, 8 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE uneducated, without beauty, a girl who could in no way advance his career. But Melchior was one of those men who always do the oppo- site of what is expected of them and of what they expect of themselves. It is not that they are not warned — a m an w ho is warned is worth two men, says the proverb. They profess never to be the dupe of anything; and that they steer their ship with unerring hand towards a definite point. But they reckon without themselves, for they do not know themselves. In one of those moments of forgetfulness which are habitual with them they let go the tiller, and, as is natural when things are left to themselves, they take a naughty pleasure in rounding on their masters. The ship which is released from its course at once strikes a rock, and Melchior, bent upon intrigue, married a cook. And yet he was neither drunk nor in a stupor on the day when he bound himself to her for life, and he was not under any passionate impulse; far from it. But perhaps there are in us forces other than mind and heart, other even than the senses — mysterious forces which take hold of us in the moments when the others are asleep ; and perhaps it was such forces that Melchior had found in the depths of those pale eyes which had looked at him so timidly one evening when he had accosted the girl on the bank of the river, and had sat down, beside her in the reeds — without knowing why — and had given her his hand. Hardly was he married than he was appalled by what he had done, and he did not hide what he felt from poor Louisa, who humbly asked his pardon. He was not a bad fellow, and he willingly granted her that; but immediately remorse would seize him again when he was with his friends or in the houses of his rich pupils, who were disdainful in their treatment of him, and no longer trembled at the touch of his hand when he Corrected the position of their fingers on the keyboard. Then me would return gloomy of countenance, and Louisa, with a f catch at her heart, would read in it with the first glance the / customary reproach ; or he would stay out late at one inn or another, there to seek self-respect or kindliness from others. On such evenings he would return shouting with laughter, and this was more doleful for Louisa than the hidden reproach THE DAWN* 9 and gloomy rancor that prevailed on other days. She felt that she was to a certain extent responsible for the fits of mad- ness in which the small remnant of her husband’s sense would disappear, together with the household money. Melchior sank lower and lower. At an age when he should have been engaged in unceasing toil to develop his mediocre talent, he just let things slide, and others took his place. But what did that matter to the unknown force which had thrown him in with the little flaxen-haired servant? He had played his part, and little Jean-Christophe had just set foot on this earth whither his destiny had thrust him. Night was fully come. Louisa’s voice roused old Jean Michel from the torpor into which he had sunk by the fireside as he thought of the sorrows of the past and present. It must be late, father,” said the young woman affection- ately. You ought to go home ; you have far to go.” I am waiting for Melchior,” replied the old man. Please, no. I would rather you did not stay.” ^^Why?” The old man raised his head and looked fiercely at her. She did not reply. He resumed. ^^You are afraid. You do not want me to meet him?” Yes, yes; it would only make things worse. You would make each other angry, and I don’t want that. Please, please go!” The old man sighed, rose, and said: Well . . . I’ll go.” I He went to her and brushed her forehead with his stiff beard. He asked if she wanted anything, put out the lamp, and went j stumbling against the chairs in the darkness of the room. But he had no sooner reached the staircase than he thought of his son returning drunk, and he stopped at each step, imagining a thousand dangers that might arise if Melchior were allowed to return alone. . . . In the bed by his mother’s side the child was stirring again. An unknown sorrow had arisen from the depths of his being, e stiff^ed himself against her. He twisted his body, clenched 10 JEAN'-CHEISTOPHE his fists, and knitted his brows. His suffering increased steadily, quietly, certain of its strength. He knew not what it was, nor whence it came. It appeared immense, — infinite, and he began to cry lamentably. His mother caressed him. with her gentle hands. Already his suffering was less acute.. But he went on weeping, for he felt it still near, still inside himself. A man who suffers can lessen his anguish by knowing whence it comes. By thought he can locate it in a certain portion of ^ his body which can be cured, or, if necessary, torn away. He ^ fixes the bounds of it, and separates it from himself. A child \| has no such illusive resource. His first encounter with suffering is more tragic and more true. Like his own being, it seems infinite. He feels that it is seated in his bosom, housed in his heart, and is mistress of his flesh. And it is so. It will not leave his body until it has eaten it away. > r His mother hugs him to her, murmuring: It is done — it is done! Don’t cry, my little Jesus, my little goldfish. . . .” But his intermittent outcry continues. It is as though this wretched, unformed, and unconscious mass had a presentiment of a whole life of sorrow awaiting him, and nothing can appease him. . . . The bells of St. Martin rang out in the night. Their voices are solemn and slow. In the damp air they come like footsteps on moss. The child became silent in the middle of a sob. The i marvelous music, like a flood of milk, surged sweetly through j him. The night was lit up; the air was moi^t and tender. ■ His sorrow disappeared, his heart began to laugn and he slid ' into his dreams with a sigh of abandonment. ^ The three bells went on softly ringing in the morrow’s festi- val. Louisa also dreamed, as she listened to them, of her owi/i past misery and of what would become in the future of tliA dear little child sleeping by her side. She had been for houi’sl lying in her bed, weary and suffering. Her hands and her t body were burning; the heavy eiderdown crushed her; she felt \ crushed and oppressed by the darkness; but she dared not move. She looked at the child, and the night did not prevent her read- ing his feature 3, that looked so old. Sleep overcame her; fevered images passed through her brain. She thought sht heard Melchior open the door, and her heart leaped. Occasion THE DAWN 11 ally the murmuring of the stream rose more loudly through the silence, like the roaring of some beast. The window once or twice gave a sound under the beating of the rain. The bells rang out more slowly, and then died down, and Louisa slept by the side of her child. All this time Jean Michel was waiting outside the house, dripping with rain, his beard wet with the mist. He was waiting for the return of his wretched son : for his mind, never ceasing, had insisted on telling him all sorts of tragedies brought about by drunkenness; and although he did not believe them, he could not have slept a wink if he had gone away without having seen his son return. The sound of the bells made him melancholy, for he remembered all his shattered hopes. He thought of what he was doing at such an hour in the street, and for very shame he wept. The vast tide of the days moves slowly. Day and night come up and go down with unfailing regularity, like the ebb and flow of an inflnite ocean. Weeks and months go by, and then begin again, and the succession of days is like one day. The day is immense, inscrutable, marking the even beat of light and darkness, and the beat of the life of the torpid crea- ture dreaming in the depths of his cradle — his imperious needs, sorrowful or glad — so regular that the night and the day which bring them seem by them to be brought about. The pendulum of life moves heavily, cud in its slow beat the whole creature seems to be absorbed. The rest is no more than dreams, snatches of dreams, formless and swarming, and dust of atoms dancing aimlessly, a dizzy whirl passing, and bringing laughter or horror. Outcry, moving shadows, grin- ning shapes, sorrows, terrors, laughter, dreams, dreams. . . . All is a dream, both day and night. . . . And in such chaos the light of friendly eyes that smile upon him, the flood of joy that surges through his body from his mother’s body, from her breasts filled with milk— the force that is in him, the immense, unconscious force gathering in him, the turbulent ocean roaring in the narrow prison of the child’s body. For eyes that could see into it there would be revealed whole worlds half buried 12 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE in the darkness, nebulae taking shape, a universe in the making. His being is limitless. He is all that there is. . . . Months pass. ... Islands of memory begin to rise above the river of his life. At first they are little uncharted islands, rocks just peeping above the surface of the waters. Eound about them and behind in the twilight of the dawn stretches the great untroubled sheet of water; then new islands, touched to gold by the sun. ^ So from the abyss of the soul there emerge shapes definite, and scenes of a strange clarity. In the boundless dAy which dawns once more, ever the same, with its great monotonous beat, there begins to show forth the round of days, hand in hand, and some of their forms are smiling, others sad. But ever the links of the chain are broken, and memories are linked to- gether above weeks and months. . . . The Eiver ... the Bells ... as long as he can remember — V far back in the abysses of time, at every hour of his life — always their voices, familiar and resonant, have rung out. . . . Night^ — ^half asleep — a pale light made white the win- dow. . . . The river murmurs. Through the silence its voiee rises omnipotent; it reigns over all creatures. Sometimes it caresses their sleep, and seems almost itself to die away in the roaring of its torrent. Sometimes it grows angry, and howls like a furious beast about to bite. The clamor ceases. Now there is a murmuring of infinite tenderness, silvery sounds like clear little bells, like the laughter of children, or soft singing voices, or dancing music — a great mother voice that never, never goes to sleep ! It rocks the child, as it has rocked through the ages, from birth to death, the generations that were before him ; it fills all his thoughts, and lives in all his dreams, wraps him round with the cloak of its fluid harmonies, whieh still will be about him when he lies in the little cemetery that sleeps by the water’s edge, washed by the Ehine. . . . The bells. . . . It is dawn! They answer each other’s call, sad, melancholy, friendly, gentle. At the sound of their slow voices there rise in him hosts of dreams — dreams of the past, desires, hopes, regrets for creatures who are gone, unknown to the child, although he had his being in them, and they live again in him. Ages of memory ring out ' in that THE DAWN 13 music. So much mourning, so many festivals! from the depths of the room it is as though, when they are heard, there passed lovely waves of sound through the soft air, free viinging birds, and the moist soughing of the wind. Through the window smiles a patch of blue sky ; a sunbeam slips through the curtains to the bed. The little world known to the eyes of the child, all that he can see from his bed every morning as he awakes, all that with so much effort he is beginning to recognize and classify, so that he may be master of it— his kingdom is lit up. There is the table where people eat, the cupboard where he hides to play, the tiled floor along which he crawls, and the wall-paper which in its antic shapes holds for him so many humorous or terrifying stories, and the clock which chatters and stammers so many words which he alone can understand. How many things there are in this room ! He does not know them all. Every day he sets out on a voyage of exploration in this universe which is his. Everything is his. Nothing is immaterial; everything has its worth, man or fly. Everything lives — the cat, the fire, the table, the grains of dust which dance in a sunbeam. The room is a country, a day is a lifetime. How is a creature to know himself in the midst of these vast spaces ? The world is so large 1 A creature is lost in it. And the faces, the actions, the movement, the noise, which make round about him an unending turmoil ! . . . I He is weary ; his eyes close ; he goes to sleep. That sweet deep sleep that overcomes him suddenly at any time, and wherever I he may be — on his mother’s lap, or under the table, where he i loves to hide! ... It is good. All is good. . . . These first days come buzzing up in his mind like a field of corn or a wood stirred by the wind, and cast in shadow by the great fleeting clouds. . . . The shadows pass; the sun penetrates the forest. Jean- Christophe begins to find his way through the labyrinth of the day. It is morning. His parents are asleep. He is in his little bed, lying on his back. He looks at the rays of light dancing on the ceiling. There is infinite amusement in it. Now he laughs out loud with one cf those jolly children’s laughs which 14 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE stir the hearts of those that hear them. His mother leans out of her bed towards him, and says : “ What is it, then, little mad thing ? ” Then he laughs again, and perhaps he makes an effort to laugh because he has an audience. His mamma looks severe, and lays a finger on her lips to warn him lest he should wake his father : but her weary eyes smile in spite of herself. They whisper together. Then there is a furious growl from his father. Both tremble. His mother hastily turns her back on him, like a naughty little girl : she pretends to be asleep. Jean-Christophe buries himself in his bed, and holds his breath. . . . Dead silence. After some time the little face hidden under the clothes comes to the surface again. On the roof the weathercock creaks. The rain-pipe gurgles; the Angelus sounds. When the wind comes from the east, the distant bells of the villages on the other bank of the river give answer. The sparrows foregathered in the ivy-clad wall make a deafening noise, from which three or four voices, always the same, ring out more shrilly than the others, just as in the games of a band of children. A pigeon coos at the top of a chimney. The child abandons himself to the lullaby of these sounds. He hums to himself softly, then a little more loudly, then quite loudly, then very loudly, until once more his father cries out in exasperation: “That little donkey never will be quiet! Wait a little, and I’ll pull your ears I ” Then Jean-Christophe buries himself in the bedclothes again, and does not know whether to laugh or cry. He is terri- fied and humiliated; and at the same time the ideal tof the donkey with which his father has compared him maffes him burst out laughing. From the depths of his bed he imitates its braying. This time he is whipped. He sheds every tear that is in him. What has he done? He wanted so much to laugh and to get up ! And he is forbidden to budge. How do people sleep forever? When will they get up? . . . One day he could not contain himself. He heard a cat and a dog and something queer in the street. He slipped out of bed, and, creeping awkwardly with his bare feet on the tiles, he tried to go down the stairs to see what it was ; but the door was shut. To open it, he climbed on to a chair; the whole thing collapsed, and he hurt himself and howled. And once mo :e THE DAWN" 15 at the top of the stairs he was whipped. He is always being, whipped! . . . He is in church with his grandfather. He is bored. He is not very comfortable. He is forbidden to stir, and all the people are saying all together words that he does not under- stand. They all look solemn and gloomy. It is not their usual way of looking. He looks at them, half frightened. Old Lena, their neighbor, who is sitting next to him, looks very cross; there are moments when he does not recognize even his grand- father. He is afraid a little. Then he grows used to it, and tries to find relief from boredom by every means at his disposal. He balances on one leg, twists his neck to look at the ceiling, makes faces, pulls his grandfather’s coat, investigates the straws in his chair, tries to make a hole in them with his finger, listens to the singing of birds, and yawns so that he is like to dislocate his jaw. Suddenly there is a deluge of sound : the organ is played. A thrill goes down his spine. He turns and stands with his chin resting on the back of his chair, and he looks very wise. He does not understand this noise; he does not know the meaning of it; it is dazzling, bewildering, and he can hear nothing clearly. But it is good. It is as though he were no longer sitting there on an uncomfortable chair in a tiresome old house. He is suspended in mid-air, like a bird; and when the fiood of sound rushes from one end of the church to the other, filling the arches, reverberating from wall to wall, he is carried with it, fiying and skimming hither and thither, with nothing to do but to abandon himself to it. He is free; he is happy. The sun shines. ... He falls asleep. His grandfather is displeased with him. He behaves ill at^^ He is at home, sitting on the ground, with his feet in his hands. He has just decided that the door-mat is a boat, and the tiled fioor a river. He all but drowned in stepping off the carpet. He is surprised and a little put out that the others pay no attention to the matter as he does when he goes into the room. He seizes his mother by the skirts. You see. 16 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE it is water! You must go across by the bridge.” (The bridge is a series of holes between the red tiles.) His mother crosses (' without even listening to him. He is vexed, as a dramatic i author is vexed when he sees his audience talking during his ' great work. Next moment he thinks no more of it. The tiled floor is no longer the sea. He is lying down on it, stretched full-length, with his chin on the tiles, humming music of his own com- position, and gravely sucking his thumb and dribbling. He is lost in contemplation of a crack between the tiles. The lines of the tiles grimace like faces. The imperceptible hole grows larger, and becomes a valley; there are mountains about it. A centipede moves : it is as large as an elephant. Thunder might crash, the child would not hear it. No one bothers about him, and he has no need of any one. He can even do without door-mat boats, and caverns in the tiled floor, with their fantastic fauna. His body is enough. What a source of entertainment! He spends hours in looking at his nails and shouting with laughter. They have all different faces, and are like people that he knows. And the rest of his body ! ... He goes on with the inspection of all that he has. How many surprising things! There are so many marvels. j He is absorbed in looking at them. '/ But he was very roughly picked up when they caught him at it Sometimes he takes advantage of his mother’s back being 1 turned, to escape from the house. At first they used to run I after him and bring him back. Then they got used to letting 1 him go alone, only so he did not go too far away. The house i is at the end of the town; the country begins almost at once. I As long as he is within sight of the windows he goes without I stopping, very deliberately, and now and then hopping on one ^ I foot. But as soon as he has passed the corner of the road, / and the brushwood hides him from view, he changes abruptly. ■ He stops there, with his finger in his mouth, to find out what , story he shall tell himself that day ; for he is full of stories, j True, they are all very much like each other, and every one of them could be told in a few lines. He chooses. Generally k THE DAWN 17 ( ;he takes up the same story, sometimes from the point where it left off, sometimes from the beginning, with variations. But any trifle — a word heard by chance — is enough to set his mind off on another direction. Chance was fruitful of resources. It is impossible to imagine what can be made of a simple piece of wood, a broken bough found alongside a hedge. (You break them off when you do not find them.) It was a magic wand. If it were long and thin, it became a lance, or perhaps a sword; to brandish it aloft was enough to cause armies to spring from the earth. Jean-Christophe was their general, marching in front of them, setting them an example, and leading them to the assault of a hillock. If the branch were flexible, it changed into a whip. Jean-Christophe mounted on horseback and leaped precipices. Sometimes his mount would slip, and the horseman would find himself at the bottom of the ditch, sorrily looking at his dirty hands and barked knees. If the wand were lithe, then Jean- Christophe would make himself the conductor of an orchestra: he would be both conductor and orchestra; he conducted and he sang; and then he would salute the bushes, with their little green heads stirring in the wind. He was also a magician. He walked with great strides through the fields, looking at the sky and waving his arms. He commanded the clouds. He wished them to go to the right, but they went to the left. Then he would abuse them, and repeat his command. He would watch them out of the corner of his eye, and his heart would beat as he looked to see if there were not at least a little one which would obey him. But they went on calmly moving to the left. Then he would stamp his foot, and threaten them with his stick, and angrily order them to go to the left; and this time, in truth, they obeyed him. He was happy and proud of his power. He would touch the flowers and bid them change into golden carriages, as he had been told they did in the stories; and, although it never happened, he was quite convinced that it would happen if only he had patience. He would look for a grasshopper to turn into I a hare; he would gently lay his stick on its back, and speak a rune. The insect would escape: he would bar its way. A few moments later he would be lying on his belly near to it, 0 18 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE looking at it. Then he would have forgotten that he was a magician, and just amuse himself with turning the poor beasi on its back, while he laughed aloud at its contortions. It occurred to him also to tie a piece of string to his magic wand, and gravely cast it into the river, and wait for a fish to come and bite. He knew perfectly well that fish do not usually bite at a piece of string without bait or hook; but he thought that for once in a way, and for him, they might maive an exception to their rule; and in his inexhaustible confident he carried it so far as to fish in the street with a whip through the grating of a sewer. He would draw up the whip from time to time excitedly, pretending that the cord of it was more heavy, and that he had caught a treasure, as in a story that his grand- father had told him. ... And always in the middle of all these games there used to occur to him moments of strange dreaming and complete for- getfulness. Everything about him would then be blotted out; he would not know what he was doing, and was not even con- scious of himself. These attacks would take him unawares. Sometimes as he walked or went upstairs a void would suddenly open before him. He would seem then to have lost all thought. But when he came back to himself, he was shocked and be- wildered to find himself in the same place on the dark staircase. It was as though he had lived through a whole lifetime — in the space of a few steps. His grandfather used often to take him with him on his evening walk. The little boy used to trot by his side and give him his hand. They used to go by the roads, across plowed fields, which smelled strong and good. The grasshoppers chirped. Enormous crows poised along the road used to watch them approach from afar, and then fly away heavily as they came up with them. His grandfather would cough. Jean-Christophe knew quite well what that meant. The old man was burning with the desire to tell a story; but he wanted it to appear that the child had asked him for one. Jean-Christophe did not fail him; they understood each other. The old man had a tremendous affection for his grandson, and it was a great joy to find in him a willing audience. He loved to tell of episodes in his THE DAWH 19 own life, or stories of great men, ancient and modem. His voice would then become emphatic and filled with emotion, and would tremble with a childish joy, which he used to try to stifle. He seemed delighted to hear his own voice. Un- happily, words used to fail him when he opened his mouth to speak. He was used to such disappointment, for it always came upon him with his outbursts of eloquence. And as he used to forget it with each new attempt, he never succeeded in resign- ing himself to it. ° He used to talk of Eegulus, and Arminius, of the soldiers of Lutzow, of Kmrner, and of Frederic Stabs, who tried to kill the Emperor Napoleon. His face would glow as he told of incredible deeds of heroism. He used to pronounce historic words in such a solemn voice that it was impossible to hear them, and he used to try artfully to keep his hearer on tenter- hooks at the thrilling moments. He would stop, pretend to choke, and noisily blow his nose ; and his heart would leap when the child asked, in a voice choking with impatience : “ And then, grandfather?” There came a day, when Jean-Christophe was a little older, when he perceived his grandfather’s method; and then he wick- edly set himself to assume an air of indifference to the rest of the story, and that hurt the poor old man. But for the moment Jean-Christophe is altogether held by the power of the story-teller. His blood leaped at the dramatic passages. He did not know what it was all about, neither where nor when these deeds were done, or whether his grandfather knew Ar- minius, or whether Eegulus were not— God knows why!— some one whom he had seen at church last Sunday. But his heart and the old man’s heart swelled with joy and pride in the tale of heroic deeds, as though they themselves had done them • for the old man and the child were both children. Jean-Christophe was less happy when his grandfather inter- po ated in the pathetic passages one of those abstruse discourses so dear to him. There were moral thoughts generally traceable to some idea, honest enough, but a little trite, such as “ Gentle- ness is better than violence,” or “ Honor is the dearest thin<^ in life,” or “ It is better to be good than to be wicked ” — only they were much more involved. Jean-Christophe’s grandfather 20 J EAJN -UJlKitSTUriliii had no fear of the criticism of his youthful audience, and abandoned himself to his habitual emphatic manner ; he was not afraid of repeating the same phrases, or of not finishing them, or even, if he lost himself in his discourse, of saying anything that came into his head, to stop up the gaps in his thoughts; and he used to punctuate his words, in order to give them greater force, with inappropriate gestures. The boy iised to \ listen with profound respect, and he thought his grandfather ' very eloquent, but a little tiresome. ^ pit Both of them loved to return again and again to the fabulous legend of the Corsican conqueror who had taken Europe. Jean- Christophe’s grandfather had known him. He had almost fought against him. But he was a man to admit the greatness of his adversaries: he had said so twenty times. He would have given one of his arms for such a man to have been born on this side of the Rhine. Fate had decreed otherwise; he admired him, and had fought against him— that is, he had been on the point of fighting against him. But when Napoleon had been no farther than ten leagues away, and they had marched out to meet him, a sudden panic had dispersed^ me little band in a forest, and every man had fied, crying. We are betrayed!” In vain, as the old man used to tell, m vain did he endeavor to rally the fugitives; he threw lumself in front of them, threatening them and weeping: he had been swept away in the fiood of them, and on the morrow had found himself at an extraordinary distance from the field of battle— For so he called the place of the rout. But Jean-Christophe used impatiently to bring him back to the exploits of the hero, and he was delighted by his marvelous progress through the world. He saw him followed by innumerable men, givmg vent to great cries of love, and at a wave of his hand hurling themselves in swarms upon fiying enemies— they were always in flight. It was a fairy-tale. The old man added a little to it to "fill out the story; he conquered Spain, and almost con- quered England, which he could not abide. Old KrafEt used to intersperse his enthusiastic narratives with indignant apostrophes addressed to his hero. The patriot awoke in him, more perhaps when he told of the Emperor’s defeats than of the Battle of Jena. He would stop to shake his fist THE DAWN 21 at the river, and spit contemptuously, and mouth noble insults — ^he did not stoop to less than that. He would call him rascal,^^ wild beast,^^ immdral.’^ And if such words were intended to restore to the boy’s mind a sense of justice, it must be confessed that they failed in their object; for childish logic leaped to this conclusion: ^^If a great man like that had no morality, morality is not a great thing, and what matters most is to be a great man.” But the old man was far from suspecting the thoughts which were running along by his side. They would both be silent, pondering, each after his own fashion, these admirable stories — except when the old man used to meet one of his noble patrons taking a walk. Then he would stop, and bow very low, and breathe lavishly the formulae of obsequious politeness. The child used to blush for it with- out knowing why. But his grandfather at heart had a vast respect for established power and persons who had arrived ” ; and possibly his great love for the heroes of whom he told was only because he saw in them persons who had arrived at a point higher than the others. When it was very hot, old Krafft used to sit under a tree, and was not long in dozing off. Then Jean-Christophe used to sit near him on a heap of loose stones or a milestone, or some high seat, uncomfortable and peculiar; and he used to wag his little legs, and hum to himself, and dream. Or some- times he used to lie on his back and watch the clouds go by; they looked like oxen, and giants, and hats, and old ladies, and immense landscapes. He used to talk to them in a low voice, or be absorbed in a little cloud which a great one was on the point of devouring. He was afraid of those which were very black, almost blue, and of those which went very fast. It seemed to him that they played an enormous part in ; life, and he was surprised that neither his grandfather nor - his mother paid any attention to them. They were terrible beings if they wished to do harm. Fortunately, they used to go by, kindly enough, a little grotesque, and they did not stop. The boy used in the end to turn giddy with watching them too long, and he used to fidget with his legs and arms, as though he were on the point of falling from the sky. His eyelids then would wink, and sleep would overcome him. Si- 22 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE lence. . . • The leaves murmur gently and tremble in the sun; a faint mist passes through the air; the uncertain flies hover, booming like an organ; the grasshoppers, drunk with the sum- mer, chirp eagerly and hurriedly; all is silent . . . Under the vault of the trees the cry of the green woodpecker has magic sounds. Far away on the plain a peasant’s voice harangues his oxen; the shoes of a horse ring out on the white road. Jean- Christophe’s eyes close. Near him an ant passes along a dead branch across a furrow. He loses consciousness. . . . Ages have passed. He wakes. The ant has not yet crossed the twig. Sometimes the old man would sleep too long, and his face would grow rigid, and his long nose would grow longer, and his mouth stand open. Jean-Christophe used then to look at bim uneasily, and in fear of seeing his head change gradually into some fantastic shape. He used to sing loudly, so as to wake him up, or tumble down noisily from his heap of stones. One day it occurred to him to throw a handful of pine-needles in his grandfather’s face, and tell him that they had fallen from the tree. The old man believed him, and that made Jean-Christophe laugh. But, unfortunately, he tried the trick again, and just when he had raised his hand he saw his grand- father’s eyes watching him. It was a terrible affair. The old man was solemn, and allowed no liberty to be taken with the respect due to himself. They were estranged for more than a week. The worse the road was, the more beautiful it was to Jean- Christophe. Every stone had a meaning for him ; he knew them all. The shape of a rut seemed to him to be a geographical accident almost of the same kind as the great mass of the Taunus. In his head he had the map of all the ditches and hillocks of the region extending two kilometers round about the house, and when he made any change in the flxed ordering of the furrows, he thought himself no less important than an engineer with a gang of navvies; and when with his heel he crushed the dried top of a clod of earth, and filled up the valley at the foot of it, it seemed to him that his day had not been wasted. Sometimes they would meet a peasant in his cart on the highroad, and if the peasant knew J ean-Christophe’s grand- THE DAWK 23 :athei* they would climb up by his side. That was a Paradise m earth. The horse went fast^ and Jean-Christophe laughed r^ith delight, except when they passed other people walking; ;hen he would look serious and indifferent, like a person accus-^ :omed to drive in a carriage, but his heart was filled with pride. Eis grandfather and the man would talk without bothering ibout him. Hidden and crushed by their legs, hardly sitting,, lometimes not sitting at all, he was perfectly happy. He talked iloud, without troubling about any answer to what he said.. Ee watched the horse’s ears moving. What strange creatures, ihose ears were ! They moved in every direction — to right and eft; they hitched forward, and fell to one side, and turned )ackwards in such a ridiculous way that he burst out laughing., Se would pinch his grandfather to make him look at them; )ut liis grandfather was not interested in them. He would ‘epulse Jean-Christophe, and tell him to be quiet. Jean-Chris* ophe would ponder. He thought that when people grow up hey are not surprised by anything, and that when they are itrong they know everything; and he would try to be grown ip himself, and to hide his curiosity, and appear to be in- lifferent. 1 He was silent then. The rolling of the carriage made him' ilrowsy. The horse’s little bells danced — ding, ding ; dong, ding., Iviusic awoke in the air, and hovered about the silvery bells,, like a swarm of bees. It beat gaily with the rhythm of the jart — an endless source of song, and one song came on another’s leels. To Jean-Christophe they were superb. There was one especially which he thought so beautiful that he tried to draw lis grandfather’s attention to it. He sang it aloud. They ;ook no heed of him. He began it again in a higher key, hen again shrilly, and then old Jean Michel said irritably: ^Be quiet; you are deafening me with your trumpet-call!” That took away his breath. He blushed and was silent and nortified. He crushed with his contempt the two stockish mbeciles who did not understand the sublimity of his song, vhich opened wide the heavens! He thought them very ugly, rith their week-old beards, and they smelled very ill. He found consolation in watching the horse’s shadow. That ras an astonishing sight. The beast ran along with thenr 24 JEAN'-CHEISTOPHE lying on its side. In the evening, when they returned, ii covered a part of the field. They came upon a rick, and the shadow^s head would rise up and then return to its place wher they had passed. Its snout was fiattened out like a burst balloon; its ears were large, and pointed like candles. Was it really a shadow or a creature? Jean-Christophe would not have liked to encounter it alone. He would not have run aftei it as he did after his grandfather^s shadow, so as to walk on its head and trample it under foot. The shadows of the trees when the sun was low were also objects of meditation. They made barriers along the road, and looked like phantoms, melancholy and grotesque, saying, Go no farther ! and the creaking axles and the horse’s shoes repeated, No farther ! ” Jean-Christophe’s grandfather and the driver never ceaseq their endless chatter. Sometimes they would raise their voices! especially when they talked of local affairs or things going wrong! The child would cease to dream, and look at them uneasily. II seemed to him that they were angry with each other, and M was afraid that they would come to blows. However, on th^ contrary, they best understood each other in their common dis- likes. For the most part, they were without hatred or the least passion; they talked of small matters loudly, just for the pleas- ure of talking, as is the joy of the people. But Jean*Christophej not understanding their conversation, only heard the loud tone? of their voices and saw their agitated faces, and thought fear^! fully: ^^How wicked he looks!’ Surely they hate each other! How he rolls his eyes, and how wide he opens his mouth ! spat on my nose in his fury. 0 Lord, he will kill my grand- father! . . i The carriage stopped. The peasant said: Here you are.’l The two deadly enemies shook hands. Jean-Christophe’s grand- father got down first; the peasant handed him the little boy. The whip flicked the horse, the carriage rolled away, and ther^ they were by the little sunken road near the Ehine. The su| dipped down below the fields. The path wound almost to ty water’s edge. The plentiful soft grass yielded under their feet, crackling. Alder-trees leaned over the river, almost half i| the water. A cloud of gnats danced. A boat passed poiselessly, drawn on by the peaceful current, striding along. The watei THE DAWN* 25 Licked the branches of the willows with a little noise like ps. The light was soft and misty, the air fresh, the river dvery gray. Tlypy reached their home, and the crickets chirped,, nd on the threshold smiled his mother^s dear face. . . . Oh, delightful memories, kindly visions, which will hum their lelody in their tuneful flight through life! . . . Journeys in iter life, great towns and moving seas, dream countries and wed faces, are not so exactly graven in the soul as these childish ulks, or ohe corner of the garden seen every day through the indow, through the steam and mist made by the child^s mouth lued to it for want of other occupation. . . . Evening now, and the house is shut up. Home . . . the ^ Bfuge from all terrifying things — darkness, night, fear, things nknown. No enemy can pass the threshold. . . . The fire ares. A golden duck turns slowly on the spit; a delicious nell of fat and of crisping flesh scents the room. The joy f eating, incomparable delight, a religious enthusiasm, thrills f joy! The body is too languid with the soft warmth, andj le fatigues 6f the day, and the familiar voices. The act of i'gestion plunges it in ecstasy, and faces, shadows, the lamp- lade, the tongues of flame dancing with a shower of stars I the fireplace — all take on a magical appearance of delight. ean-Christophe lays his cheek on his plate, the better to enjoy II this happiness. . . . He is in his soft bed. How did he come there ? H^ is v^ercome with weariness. The buzzing of the voices in the 3om and the visions of the day are intermingled in his mind, [is father takes his violin; the shrill sweet sounds cry out Dmplaining in the night. But the crowning joy is when his lother comes and takes Jean-Christophe’s hands. He is drowsy, nd, leaning over him, in a low voice she sings, as he ai^s, ap Id song with words that have no meaning. His father thinks (^ch music stupid, but Jean-Christophe never wearies of it. [e holds his breath, and is between laughing and crying. His eart is intoxicated. He does not know where he is, and he is owing with tenderness. He throws his little arms round lother^s neck, and hugs her with all his strength. She aughing : u want to strangle me?’’ 26 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE He hugs her close. How he loves her ! How he loves eve thing! Everybody, everything! All is good, all is beam ful. . . . He sleeps. The cricket on the hee^th cheeps. Hi grandfather’s tales, the great heroes, float by in the happ night. ... To be a hero like them! ... Yes, he will be tha ... he is that. . . . Ah, how good it is to live! What an abundance of strength, joy, pride, is in that littl creature ! What superfluous energy ! His body and mind nev6 cease to move; they are carried round and round brcathlessh Like a little salamander, he dances day and night in the flame His is an unwearying enthusiasm finding its food in all thing A delicious dream, a bubbling well, a treasure of inexhaustib’ hope, a laugh, a song, unending drunkenness. Life does n< hold him yet; always he escapes it. He swims in the infiuit How happy he is ! He is made to be happy ! There is nothiE A in him that does not believe in happiness, and does not elm k-to it with all his little strength and passion! .... Life will soon see to it that he is brought to reason. II Ij Jj alba vinceva I’ora mattutina Che fuggia 'nnanzi, si che di lontano Conobbi il tremolar della marina. . . . ^ Purgatorio, i. The Kraffts came originally from Antwerp. Old Jean Micb had left the country as a result of a boyish freak, a viole: quar'^el, such as he had often had, for he was devilish pu ^ua: :^s, and it had had an unfortunate ending. He set.L do>^n, almost fifty year's ago, in the little town of the pri cipality, with its red-pointed roofs and shady gardens, ly.^ on the slope of a gentle hill, mirrored in the pale green e/j of Vater Rhein. An excellent musician, he had readily ga^n appreciation in a country of musicians. He had take:| there by marrying, forty years ago, Clara Sartorius daj of the Prince’s Kapellmeister, whose duties he took over. wai' a placid German with two passions — cooking and I THE DAWN* Vie had for her husband a veneration only equaled by that hich she had for her father. Jean Michel no less admired is wife. They had lived together in perfect amity for fifteen ears, and they had four children. Then Clara died, and Jean lichel bemoaned her loss, and then, five months later, married )ttilia Schiitz, a girl of twenty, with red cheeks, robust and miling. After eight years of marriage she also died, but in bat time she gave him seven children — eleven children in all, f whom only one had survived. Although he loved them much, 11 these bereavements had not shaken his good-humor. The reatest blow had been the death of Ottilia, three years ago, ^hich had come to him at an age when it is difficult to start ife again and to make a new home. But after a moment’s- infusion old Jean Michel regained his equilibrium, which 0 misfortune seemed able to disturb. He was an affectionate man, but health was the strongest ling in him. He had a physical repugnance from sadness, and need of gaiety, great gaiety, Flemish fashion — an enormous nd childish laugh. Whatever might be his grief, he did not rink one drop the less, nor miss one bite at table, and hi and never had one day off. Under his direction the Cour rchestra won a small celebrity in the Ehine country, wh ean Michel had become legendary by reason of his athletic :ature and his outbursts of anger. He could not master them, 1 spite of all his efforts, for the violent man was at bottom mid and afraid of compromising himself. He loved decorum ad feared opinion. But his blood ran away with him. He sed to see red, and he used to be the victim of sudden fits of razy impatience, not only at rehearsals, but at the concerts, here once in the Prince’s presence he had hurled his baton and ad stamped about like a man possessed, as he apostrophized le of the musicians in a furious and stuttering voice. The rince was amused, but the artists in question were rancorous j^ainst him. In vain did Jean Michel, ashamed of his out- irst, try to pass it by immediately in exaggerated obsequious- 3SS. On the next occasion he would break out again, and as is extreme irritability increased with age, in the end it made s position very difficult. He felt it himself, and one day, lienihis outbursts had all but caused the whole orchestra to JEAN-CHRISTOPHE strike he sent in his resignation. He hoped that in considera- Sn of his services the, Wd make difficulties about occeptmg it and would ask him to stay. There was iiothing of the kind, and as he was too proud to go back on his offer, >'» >'«" hearted, and crying out upon the H. Since that time he had not known how to fill his days, li was more than seventy, hut he was still vigorous and he wenl r wTSng and going up and down the town from morning to night giving lessons, and entering into discussioi^, pro nouncing perorftions, and entering into everything. He wa ingenious, and found all sorts of ways of keeping himself oecu pifd He began to repair musical instruments; he invent^ experimented, and sometimes discovered composed also, and set store by his compositions He ha, once written a Missa Solennis, of which he used often to taj Td it was the glory of his family. It had cost him so mud trouble that he had all hut brought about a congesUon o mind in the writing of it. He tried to persuade himself th, it was a work of genius, but he knew perfectly well with wh ,mptiness of thought it had been written, and he dared n ook again at the manuscript, because every time he d ^ he recognimf in the phrases that he had fought 0 e , uwn“.°B taken from other authors, painfully pieced toget^ haphazaid. It was a great sorrow to him. lie had ideas son^ Ses which he thought admirable. He would wun trembling to his table. Could he keep his inspiration this time . i hardlv had he taken pen in hand than he found himself a o ?n saemfand all iJefforts to call to life again the vanish voices ended only in bringing to his oars familiar melodies “itfh“"ar:,>-®rrSeorge Sand, “ unhappy geniuses w lack the power of expression, and carry down to their gra the nnknLn region of their thoughts, as has said a meml S tiat great family of illustrious mutes or stammerer Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire.” Old Jean Michel belonged to tl family. He was no more successful in expressing hims r^usic than in words, and he always deceived himself, would so much have loved to talk, to write, to be a gr musician, an eloquent orator! It was his secret sore. He t THE DAWH 29 lO one of it, did nqt admit it to himself, tried not to think of t; but he did think of it, in spite of himself, and so there ■as the seed of death in his soul. Poor old man ! In nothing did he succeed in being absolutely imself. There were in him so many seeds of beauty and ower, but they never put forth fruit; a profound and touching aith in the dignity of Art and the moral value of life, but ; was nearly always translated in an emphatic and ridiculous ishion; so much noble pride, and in life an almost servile dmiration of his superiors; so lofty a desire for independence, ud, in fact, absolute docility; pretensions to strength of mind, ud every conceivable superstition; a passion for heroism, real mrage, and so much timidity! — a nature to stop by the way- de. Jean Michel had transferred all his ambitions to his son, ad at first Melchior had promised to realize them. From lildhood he had shown great musical gifts. He learned with ftraordinary facility, and quickly acquired as a violinist a irtuosity which for a long time made him the favorite, almost le idol, of the Court concerts. He played the piano and other istruments pleasantly. He was a fine talker, well, though a ttle heavily, built, and was of the type which passes in Ger- lany for classic beauty ; he had a large brow that expressed sthing, large regular features, and a curled beard — a Jupiter ^ the banks of the Rhine. Old Jean Michel enjoyed his son’s iccess; he was ecstatic over the virtuoso’s tours do force, he ho had never been able properly to play any instrument. In uth, Melchior would have had no difficulty in expressing what ) thought. The trouble was that he did not think; and he d not even bother about it. He had the soul of a mediocre 'median who takes pains with the infiexions of his voice ithout caring about what they express, and, with anxious watches their effect on his audience. The odd thing was that, in spite of his constant anxiety »out his stage pose, there was in him, as in Jean Michel, in ite of his timid respect for social conventions, a curious, regular, unexpected and chaotic quality, which made people y that the Kraffts were a bit crazy. It did not harm him 30 JEAN-CHEISTOPHLif at first; it seemed as though these very ec itricEies were the proof of the genius attributed to him; for it is understood among people of common sense that an artist has none. But it was not long before his extravagances were traced to their source — usually the bottle. Nietzsche says that Bacchus is the God of Music, and Melchior’s instinct was of the same opinion ; but in his case his god was very ungrateful to him; far from giving him the ideas he lacked, he took away from him the few that he had. After his absurd marriage — absurd in the eyes of the world, and therefore also in his own— he gave himself Tip to it more and more. He neglected his playing so secure in his own superiority that very soon he lost it. Other virtuosi ■came to succeed him in public favor. That was bitter to him, but instead of rousing his energy, these rebuffs only dis- couraged him. He avenged himself by crying down his rivals, with his pot-fellows. In his absurd conceit he counted on succeeding his father as musical director: another man was appointed. He thought himself persecuted, and took on the airs of a misunderstood genius. Thanks to the esteem in which old Krafft was held, he kept his place as a violin in the orchestra, but gradually he lost all his lessons in the town. And if this blow struck most at his vanity, it touched his purse even more.i For several years the resources of his household had grown less and less, following on various reverses of fortune. After having known plenty, want came, and every day increased. Melchio^ refused to take notice of it; he did not spend one penny tht less on his toilet or his pleasures. He was not a bad man, but a half-good man, which is perhaps worse — weak, without spring, without moral strength, but foi the rest, in his own opinion, a good father, a good son, a good| husband, a good man — and perhaps he was good, if to be sol it is enough to possess an easy kindness, which is quickljl 1 touched, and that animal affection by which a man loves hif kin as a part of himself. It cannot even be said that he was very egoistic ; he had not personality enough for that. He was nothing. They are a terrible thing in life, these people whs 1' are nothing. Like a dead weight thrown into the air, thq \ fall, and must fall; and in their fall they drag with thea 1 everything that they have. THE DAWN 31 It was when the situation of his family had reached its most difficult podnt, that little Jean-Christophe began to understand what was going on about him. He was no longer the only child. Melchior gave his wife a child every year, without troubling to think what was to become of it later. Two had died young; two others were three and four years old. Melchior never bothered about them. Louisa, when she had to go out, left them with J ean-Christophe, now six years old. The charge cost Jean-Christophe something, for he had to sacrifice to his duty his splendid afternoons in the fields. But he was proud of being treated as a man, and gravely fulfilled his task. He amused the children as best he could by showing them his games, and he set himself to talk to them as he had heard his mother talking to the baby. Or he would carry them in his arms, one after another, as he had seen her do; he bent under their weight, and clenched his teeth, and with all his strength clutched his little brother to his breast, so as to prevent his falling. The children always wanted to be carried — they were never tired of it; and when Jean-Christophe could do no more, they wept without ceasing. They made him very un- happy, and he was often troubled about them. They were very dirty, and needed maternal attentions. Jean-Christophe did not know what to do. They took advantage of him. Some- times he wanted to slap them, but he thought, They are little ; they do not know,^^ and, magnanimously, he let them pinch him, and beat him, and tease him. Ernest used to howl for nothing ; he used to stamp his feet and roll about in a passion; he was a nervous child, and Louisa had bidden Jean-Christophe not to oppose his whims. As for Eodolphe, he was as malicious as a monkey; he always took advantage of Jean-Christophe having Ernest in his arms, to play all sorts of silly pranks behind his back; he used to break toys, spill water, dirty his frock, and knock the plates over as he rummaged in the cup- board. And when Louisa returned, instead of praising Jean-Chris- tophe, she used to say to him, without scolding him, but with an injured air, as she saw the havoc : My poor child, you are not very clever ! 32 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / ? Jean-Christophe would be mortified, and his heart would grow big within him. Louisa, who let no opportunity escape of earning a little I money, used to go out as cook for exceptional occasions, such I as marriages or baptismal feasts. Melchior pretended to know I nothing about- it — it touched his vanity — ^but he was not an- noyed with her for doing it, so long as he did not know. Jean- Christophe had as yet no idea of the difficulties of life; he knew no other limit to his will than the will of his parents, ‘ and that did not stand much in his way, for they let him do pretty much as he pleased. His one idea was to grow up, so as to be able to do as he liked. He had no conception ; of obstacles standing in the way at every turn, and he had never the least idea but that his parents were completely their ' i own masters. It was a shock to his whole being when, for ■ ; the first time, he perceived that among men there are those who command, and those who are commanded, and that his own t , people were not of the first class; it was the first crisis of ; his life. It happened one afternoon. His mother had dressed him in his cleanest clothes, old clothes given to her which Louisa’s ingenuity and patience had turned to account. He went to ! find her, as they had agreed, at the house in which she was i . working. He was abashed at the idea of entering alone. A | footman was swaggering in the porch; he stopped the boy, ; and asked him patronizingly what he wanted. Jean-Christophe > blushed, and murmured that he had come to see Frau Krafft ” ^ — as he had been told to say. I Frau Krafft ? What do you want with Frau Krafft ? ” I asked the footman, ironically emphasizing the word Frau. I Your mother? Go down there. You will find Louisa in the \ kitchen at the end of the passage.” He went, growing redder and redder. He was ashamed to hear his mother called familiarly Louisa. He was humiliated; he would have liked to run away down to his dear river, and the shelter of the brushwood where he used- to tell himself 'i stories. I In the kitchen he came upon a number of other servants, I THE DAWN 33 who greeted him with noisy exclamations. At the back, near the stove, his mother smiled at him with tender embarrassment. He ran to her, and clung to her skirts. She was wearing a white apron, and holding a wooden spoon. She made him more unhappy by trying to raise his chin so as to look in his face, and to make him hold out his hand to everybody there and say good-day to them. He would not; he turned to the wall and hid his face in his arms. Then gradually he gained courage, and peeped out of his hiding-place with merry bright eyes, which hid again every time any one looked at him. He stole looks at the people there. His mother looked busy and im- portant, and he did not know her like that ; she went from one saucepan to another, tasting, giving advice, in a sure voice explaining recipes, and the cook of the house listened respect- fully. The boy’s heart swelled with pride as he saw how much his mother was appreciated, and the great part that she played in this splendid room, adorned with magnificent objects of gold and silver. Suddenly conversation ceased. The door opened. A lad- entered with a rustling of the stuffs she was wearing. Sh cast a suspicious look about her. She was no longer young, and yet she was wearing a light dress with wide sleeves. She caught up her dress in her hand, so as not to brush against anything. It did not prevent her going to the stove and look- ing at the dishes, and even tasting them. When she raised her hand a little, her sleeve fell back, and her arm was bare to the elbow. , Jean-Christophe thought this ugly and improper. How and abruptly she spoke to Louisa ! And how humbly Louisa replied ! J ean-Christophe hated it. He hid away in his corner, so as not to be observed, but it was no use. The lady asked who the little boy might be. Louisa fetched him him ; she held his hands to prevent his hiding his face. And, though he wanted to break away and flee, Jean-Christophe felt instinctively that this time he must not resist. The lady looked at the boy’s scared face, and at first she gave him a kindly, motherly smile. But then she resumed her patronizing air, and asked him about his behavior, and his piety, and put questions to him, to which he did not reply. She looked to see how his clothes fitted him, and Louisa eagerly 34 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE declared that they were magnificent. She pulled down his waistcoat to remove the creases. Jean-Christophe ® cry, it fitted so tightly. He did not understand why his mother '^^Thflady^ toS' him by the hand and said that she would take him to her own children. Jean-Christophe cast a look of despair at his mother; but she smiled at the mistress so eagerly that he saw that there was nothing to hope for from her, and he followed his guide like a sheep that is led to the ^^^The? came to a garden, where two cross-looking children, a boy and a girl, about the same age as Jean-Christophe, were apparently sulky with each other. Jean-Christophe s advent created a diversion. They came up to examine the new arrival. Jean-Christophe, left with the children by the lady, stood s ock- still in a pathway, not daring to raise his eyes. The wo o ers stood motionless a short distance away, and looked him up and down, nudged each other, and tittered. Finally, they made up their minds. They asked him who he was, whence he came, nd what his father did. Jean-Christophe, turned to stone, ade no reply; he was terrified almost to the point of tears, specially of the little girl, who had fair hair in plaits, a short drt, and bare legs. , • • They began to play. Just as Jean-Christophe was beginning To be a little happier, the little boy stopped dead in front of i him, and touching his coat, said: “Hullo! That’s mine!” _ Jean-Christophe did not understand. Furious at this asser- ^ tion that his coat belonged to some one else, he shook his head violently in denial. , “I know it all right,” said^fte boy. “It’s my old blue waistcoat. There’s a spot on it, _ And he put his finger on the spot. Then, going on with h inspection, he examined Jean-Christophe’s feet, and asked what his mended-up shoes were made of. Jean-Christophe grew crim- son. The little girl pouted and whispered to her brother Jean-Christophe heard it— that it was a little poor boy. Jean- Christophe resented the word. He thought he would succeed in combating the insulting opinions, as he stammered m a THE DAWN 35 choking voice that he was the son of Melchior KrafPt, and that his mother was Louisa the cook. It seemed to him that this title was as good as any other, and he was right. But the two children, interested in the news, did not seem to esteem him any the more for it. On the contrary, they took on a patronizing tone. They asked him what he was going to be — a cook or a coachman. Jean-Christophe revolted. He felt an iciness steal into his heart. Encouraged by his silence, the two rich children, who had conceived for the little poor boy one of those cruel and un- reasoning antipathies which children have, tried various amus- / ing ways of tormenting him. The little girl especially implacable. She observed that Jean-Christophe could hardly run, because his clothes were so tight, and she conceived the subtle idea of making him jump. They made an obstacle of little seats, and insisted on Jean-Christophe clearing it. The wretched child dared not say what it was that prevented his , jumping. He gathered himself together, hurled himself through 1 the air, and measured his length on the ground. They roared with laughter at him. He had to try again. Tears in his eyes, he made a desperate attempt, and this time succeeded in j jumping. That did not satisfy his tormentors, who decided that the obstacle was not high enough, and they built it up until it became a regular break-neck affair. Jean-Christophe tried to rebel, and declared that he would not jump. Then the little girl called him a coward, and said that he was afraid. Jean-Christophe could not stand that, and, knowing that he must fall, he jumped, and fell. His feet caught in the obstacle; , ' I the whole thing toppled over with him. He grazed his hands V* [ and almost broke his head, and, as a crowning misfortune, his I trousers tore at the knees and elsewhere. He was sick with I shame; he heard the two children dancing with delight round him; he suffered horribly. He felt that they despised and i hated him. Why ? Why ? He would gladly have died ! There , is no more cruel suffering than that of a child who discovers..- i I for the first time the wickedness of others; he believes then that ! he is persecuted by the whole world, and there is nothing to support him ; there is nothing then — nothing ! . . . Jean-Chris- tophe tried to get up; the little boy pushed him down again; 36 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE the little girl kicked him. He tried again, and they both jumped on him, and sat on his back and pressed his face down into the ground. Then rage seized him— it was too much. His hands were bruised, his fine coat was torn a catastrophe for him !— shame, pain, revolt against the injustice of it, so many misfortunes all at once, plunged him in blind fury. He rose to his hands and knees, shook himself like a dog, and rolled his tormentors over; and when they returned to the assault he hutted at them, head down, bowled over the little girl, and, with one blow of his fist, knocked the boy into the middle of a flower-bed. • • They howled. The children ran into the house with piercing cries. Doors slammed, and cries of anger were heard. The lady ran out as quickly as her long dress would let her. Jean- Christophe saw her coming, and made no attempt to escape He was terrified at what he had done; it was a thing unheard of, a crime; but he regretted nothing. He waited. He was lost. So much the better ! He was reduced to despair. The lady pounced on him. He felt her beat him. He heard her talking in a furious voice, a flood of words; but he could distinguish nothing. His little enemies had come back to see his shame, and screamed shrilly. There were servants— a babel of voices. To complete his downfall, Louisa, who had been sum- moned, appeared, and, instead of defending him, she began to scold him— she, too, without knowing anything— and bade hirn beg pardon. He refused angrily. She shook him, and dragged him by the hand to the lady and the children, and bade him go on his knees. But he stamped and roared, and bit his mother’s hand. Finally, he escaped among the servants, who laughed. . , . » , - • He went away, his heart beating furiously, his face burning with anger and the slaps which he had received. He tried not to think, and he hurried along because he did not ^^nt to cry in the street. He wanted to be at home, so as to be able to find the comfort of tears. He choked ; the blood beat in his head; he was at bursting-point. Finally, he arrived; he ran up the old black staircase to his usual nook in the bay of a window above the river; he hurled himself into it breathlessly, and then there came a flood 1 , THE DAWH 37 of tears. He did not know exactly why he was crying, but \ he had to cry; and when the first flood of them was done, he ’ wept again because he wanted, with a sort of rage, to make i himself suffer, as if he could in this way punish the others I as well as himself. Then he thought that his father must be coming home, and that his mother would tell him everything, and that hjs own miseries were by no means at an end. He resolved on flight, no matter whither, never to return. Just as he was going downstairs, he bumped into his father, who was coming up. “What are you doing, boy? Where are you going?” asked Melchior. He did not reply. “You are up to some folly. Wliat have jmu done?” Jean-Christophe held his peace. “What have you done?” repeated Melchior. “Will you answer ? ” The boy began to cry and Melchior to shout, vying with each other until they heard Louisa hurriedly coming up the stairs. She arrived, still upset. She began with violent re- proach and further chastisement, in which Melchior joined as soon as he understood— and probably before— with blows that would have felled an ox. Both shouted; the boy roared. They \ ended by angry argument. All the time that he was beating \ his son, Melchior maintained that he was right, and that this \ was the sort of thing that one came by, by going out to service i with people who thought they could do everything because they had money; and as she beat the child, Louisa shouted that her \ 1 husband was a brute, that she would never let him touch the boy, and that he had really hurt him. Jean-Christophe was, in fact, bleeding a little from the nose, but he hardly gave a | thought to it, and he was not in the least thankful to his \ mother for stopping it with a wet cloth, since she went on scold- ing him. In the end they pushed him away in a dark closet, and shut him up without any supper. He heard them shouting at each other, and he did not know t/'' which of them he detested most. He thought it must be hisl^'^ mother, for he had never expected any such wickedness from' 1 her. All the misfortunes of the day overwhelmed him : all that 38 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE he had suffeted — the injustice of the children, the injustice of the lady, the injustice of his parents, and — this he felt like an open wound, without quite knowing why — the degradation of his parents, of whom he was so proud, before these evil and contemptible people. Such cowardice, of which for the first time he had become vaguely conscious, seemed ignoble to him. Everything was upset for him — his admiration for his own people, the religious respect with which they inspired him, his confidence in life, the simple need that he had of loving others and of being loved, his moral faith, blind but absolute. It was a complete cataclysm. He was crushed by brute force, without any means of defending himself or of ever again escap- ing. He choked. He thought himself on the point of death. All his body stift'ened in desperate revolt. He beat with fists, , feet, head, against the wall, howled, was seized with convul- 1 sions, and fell to the floor, hurting himself against the furniture. ; His parents, running up, took him in their arms. They vied with each other now as to who should be the more tender i with him. His mother undressed him, carried him to his bed, , and sat by him and remained with him until he was calmer. But he did not yield one inch. He forgave her nothing, and pretended to be asleep to get rid of her. His mother seemed ; to him bad and cowardly. He had no suspicion of all the ' suffering that she had to go through in order to live and g;ive | a living to her family, and of what she had borne in taking l sides against him. j After he had exhausted to the last drop the incredible store ] of tears that is in the eyes of a child, he felt somewhat com- ; forted. He was tired and worn out, but his nerves were too much on stretch for him to sleep. The visions that had been with him floated before him again in his semi-torpor. Espe- cially he saw again the little girl with her bright eyes and her turned-up, disdainful little nose, her hair hanging down to her shoulders, her bare legs and her childish, affected way of talk- ing. He trembled, as it seemed to him that he could hear her voice. He remembered how stupid he had been with her, and he conceived a savage hatred for her. He did not pardon her for having brought him low, and was consumed with the desire to humiliate her and to make her weep. He sought means of THE HAWH 39 doing this, but found none. There was no sign of her ever caring about him. But by way of consoling himself he sup- posed that everything was as he wished it to be. He supposed that he had become very powerful and famous, and decided that she was in love with him. Then he began to tell himself one of those absurd stories which in the end he would regard as more real than reality. She was dying of love, but he spurned her. When he passed before her house she watched him pass, hiding behind the curtains, and he knew that she 'watched him, but he pretended to take no notice, and talked gaily. Even he left the country, and journeyed far to add to her anguish. He did great things. Here he introduced into his narrative fragments chosen from his grandfather’s heroic tales, and all this time she was falling ill of grief. Her mother, that proud dame, came to beg of him : “^My poor child is dying. I beg you to come ! ” He went. She was in her bed. Her face was pale and sunken. She held out her arms to him. She could not speak, but she took his hands and kissed them as she wept. Then he looked at her with marvelous kindness and tenderness. He bade her recover, and consented to let her love him. At this point of the story, when he amused himself by drawing out the coming together by repeating their gestures and words several times, sleep overcame him, and he slept and was consoled. But when he opened his eyes it was day, and it no longer shone so lightly or so carelessly as its predecessor. There was a great change in the world. Jean-Christophe now knew the meaning of injustice. There were now times of extremely straitened circumstances at home. They became more and more frequent. They lived meagerly then. No one was more sensible of it than Jean-, Chrfstophe. His father saw nothing. He was served first, and there was always enough for him. He talked noisily, and roared with laughter at his own jokes, and he never noticed his wife’s glances as she gave a forced laugh, while she watched him helping himself. When he passed the dish it was more than half empty. Louisa helped the children— two potatoes each. When it came to Jean-Christophe’s turn there were 40 JEAN'-CHEISTOPHE sometimes only three left, and his mother was not helped. He knew that beforehand; he had counted them before they came to him. Then he summoned up courage, and said carelessly : “ Only one, mother.” She was a little put out. ‘‘ Two, like the others.” “ !No, please; only one.” “ Aren’t you hungry ? ” “ Ho, I’m not very hungry.” But she, too, only took one, and they peeled them care- fully, cut them up in little pieces, and tried to eat them as slowly as possible. His mother watched him. When he had finished : “ Come, take it ! ” , “ Ho, mother.” ; But you are ill ? ” • “I am not ill, but I have eaten enough.” Then his father would reproach him with being obstinate, I and take the last potato for himself. But Jean-Christophe 5 learned that trick, and he used to keep it on his plate for ! Ernest, his little brother, who was always hungry, and watched ; him out of the corner of his eyes from the beginning of dinner, : and ended by asking: , “ Aren’t you going to eat it ? Give it me, then, Jean-Chris- ] tophe.” i Oh, how Jean-Christophe detested his father, how he hated ; him for not thinking of them, or for not even dreaming that i he was eating their share ! He was so, hungry that he hated him, and would gladly have told him so; but he thought in | his pride that he had no right, since he could not earn his \ own living. His father had earned the bread that he took. | He himself was good for nothing; he was a burden on every- | body ; he had no right to talk. Later on he would talk — if there were any later on. Oh, he would die of hunger first ! . . . He suffered more than another child would have done from these cruel fasts. His robust stomach was in agony. Some- times he trembled because of it; his head ached. There was ■a hole in his chest — a hole which turned and widened, as if a THE DAWH 41 gimlet were being twisted in it. But he did not complain. He felt his mother's eyes upon him, and assumed an expression of indifference. Louisa, with a clutching at her heart, understood^ vaguely that her little boy was denying himself so that the others might have more. She rejected the idea, but always returned to it. She dared not investigate it or ask Jean-Chris- tophe if it were true, for, if it were true, what could she do ? She had been used to privation since her childhood. What is the use of complaining when there is nothing to be done? She never suspected, indeed — she, with her frail health and small needs — that the boy might suffer more than herself. She did not say anything, but once or twice, when the others were gone, the children to the street, Melchior about his busi- ness, she asked her eldest son to stay to do her some small service. Jean-Christophe would hold her skein while she un- wound it. Suddenly she would throw everything away, and draw him passionately to her. She would take him on her knees, although he was quite heavy, and would hug and hug him. He would fling his arms round her neck, and the two of them would weep desperately, embracing each other. ^^My poor little boy! . . Mother, mother 1 . . ." | They said no more, but they understood each other. ' It was some time before Jean-Christophe realized that his father drank, Melchior's intemperance did not — at least, in the beginning — exceed tolerable limits. It was not brutish. It showed itself rather by wild outbursts of happiness. He used to make foolish remarks, and sing loudly for hours together as he drummed on the table, and sometimes he insisted on dancing with Louisa and the children. Jean-Christophe saw that his mother looked sad. She would shrink back and bend her face over her work ; she avoided the drunkard's eyes, and used to try gently to quiet him when he said coarse things that made her bluslu But Jean-Christophe did not understand, and he was in such need of gaiety that* these noisy home-comings of his father were almost a festival to him. The house was melan- choly, and these follies were a relaxation for him. He used to laugh heartily at Melchior's crazy antics and stupid jokes; 42 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE he sang and danced with him; and he was put out when his mother in an angry voice ordered him to cease. How could it be wrong, since his father did it? Although his ever keen observation, which never forgot anything it had seen, told him that there were in his fathers behavior several things which did not accord with his childish and imperious sense of justice, yet he continued to admire him. A child has so much need of an object of admiration! Doubtless it is one of the eternal forms of self-love. When a man is, or knows himself to be, too weak to accomplish his desires and satisfy his pride, as a child he transfers them to his parents, or, as a man who has failed, he transfers them to his children. They are, or shall be, all that he dreamed of being — his champions, his avengers — and in this proud abdication in their favor, love and egoism are mingled so forcefully and yet so gently as to bring him keen delight. J ean-Christophe forgot all his grudges against his ; father, and cast about to find reasons for admiring him. He admired his figure, his strong arms, his voice, his laugh, his gaiety, and he shone with pride when he heard praise of I his father’s talents as a virtuoso, or when Melchior himself recited with some amplification the eulogies he had received. He believed in his father’s boasts, and looked upon him as a genius, as one of his grandfather’s heroes. One evening about seven o’clock he was alone in the house. His little brothers had gone out with Jean Michel. Louisa was washing the linen in the river. The door opened, and Melchior plunged in. He was hatless and disheveled. He cut a sort of caper to cross the threshold, and then plumped down in a ‘ chair by the table. Jean-Christophe began to laugh, thinking it was a part of one of the usual buffooneries, and he approached him. But as soon as he looked more closely at him the desire to laugh left him. Melchior sat there with his arms hanging, and looking straight in front of him, seeing nothing, with his eyes blinking. His face was crimson, his mouth was open, and from it there gurgled every now and then a silly laugh. Jean-Christophe stood stock-still. He thought at first that his father was joking, but when he saw that he did not budge he was panic-stricken. Papa, papa ! ” he cried. THE DAWN 43 Melchior went on gobbling like a fowl. J ean-Christophe took him by the arm in despair, and shook him with all his strength. Papa, dear papa, answer me, please, please ! Melchior’s body shook like a boneless thing, and all but fell. His head flopped towards Jean-Christophe; he looked at him and babbled incoherently and irritably. When Jean-Chris- tophe’s eyes met those clouded eyes he was seized mth panic terror. He ran away to the other end of the room, and threw himself on his knees by the bed, and buried his face in the clothes. He remained so for some time. Melchior swung heavily on the chair, sniggering. Jean-Christophe stopped his ears, so as not to hear him, and trembled. What was happen- ing within him was inexpressible. It was a terrible upheaval — terror, sorrow, as though for some one dead, some one dear and honored. No one came; they were left alone. Night fell, and Jean- Christbphe’s fear grew as the minutes passed. He could not help listening, and his blood froze as he heard the voice that he did not recognize. The silence made it all the more terri- fying; the limping clock beat time for the senseless babbling. He could bear it no longer; he wished to fly. But he had to pass his father to get out, and Jean-Christophe shuddered at the idea of seeing those eyes again; it seemed to him that he must die if he did. He tried to creep on hands and^ knees to the door of the room. He could not breathe ; he would not look; he stopped at the least movement from Mel- ^ chior, whose feet he couM see under the table. One of the drunken man’s legs trembled. Jean-Christophe reached the door. With one trembling hand he pushed the handle, but in his terror he let go. It shut to again. Melchior turned to look. The chair on which he was balanced toppled over ; he fell down with a crash. Jean-Christophe in his terror had no strength left for flight. He remained glued to the wall, looking at his father stretched there at his feet, and he cried for help. His fall sobered Melchior a little. He cursed and swore, and thumped on the chair that had played him such a trick. He tried vainly to get up, and then did manage to sit up with / 44 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE /. his back resting against the table, and he recognized his surroundings. He saw Jean-Christophe‘ crying; he called him. Jean-Christophe wanted to run away; he could not stir. Melchior called him again, and as the child did not come, he swore angrily. Jean-Christophe went near him, trembling in every limb. Melchior drew the boy near him, and made him sit on his knees. He began by pulling his ears, and in a thick, stuttering voice delivered a homily on the respect due from a son to his father. Then he went off suddenly on a new train of thought, and made him jump in his arms while he rattled off silly jokes. He wriggled with laughter. From that he passed immediately to melancholy ideas. He commiserated the : boy and himself ; he hugged him so that he was like to choke, - i covered him with kisses and tears, and finally rocked him in- 1 his arms, intoning the De Profundis. Jean-Christophe made no ; effort to break loose ; he was frozen with horror. Stified against ; his fathers bosom, feeling his breath hiccoughing and srnelling of wine upon his face, wet with his kisses and repulsive tears,! he was in an agony of fear and disgust. He would have ? screamed, but no sound would come from his lips. He re- ; mained in this horrible condition for an age, as it seemed to him, until the door opened, and Louisa came in with a basket , of linen on her arm. She gave a cry, let the basket fall, rushed ' at Jean-Christophe, and with a violence which seemed incredible] in her she wrenched MelchioFs arm, crying: . i Drunken, drunken wretch ! Her eyes fiashed with anger. j Jean-Christophe thought his fath^ was going to kill her.^ But Melchior was so startled by the threatening appearance of his wife that he made no reply, and began to weep. He rolled on the fioor; he beat his head* against the furniture, and said that she was right, that he was a drunkard, that he brought misery upon his family, and was ruining his poor children, and wished he were dead. Louisa had contemptuously turned her back on him. She carried Jean-Christophe into the next room, and caressed him and tried to comfort him. The boy went on trembling, and did not answer his mothers ques-i tions: then he burst out sobbinsr. Louisa bathed his face withl THE DAWN 45 him. In the end they were both comforted. She knelt, and made him kneel by her side. They prayed to God to cure father of his disgusting habit, and make him the kind, good man that he used to be. Louisa put the child to bed. He wanted her to stay by his bedside and hold his hand. Louisa spent part of the night sitting on Jean-Christophe’s bed. He was feverish. The drunken man snored on the floor. Some time after that, one day at school, when Jean-Chris- tophe was spending his time watching the flies on the ceiling, and thumping his neighbors, to make them fall off the form, the schoolmaster, who had taken a dislike to him, because he was always fldgeting and laughing, and would never learn any- thing, made an unhappy allusion. Jean-Christophe had fallen down himself, and the schoolmaster said he seemed to be l\ke to follow brilliantly in the footsteps of a certain well-known person. All the boys burst out laughing, and some of them took upon themselves to point the allusion with comment both lucid and vigorous. Jean-Christophe got up, livid with shame, seized his ink-pot, and hurled it with all his strength at the nearest boy whom he saw laughing. The schoolmaster fell on^ him and beat him. He was thrashed, made to kneel, and set to do an enormous imposition. He went home, pale and storming, though he said never a word. He declared frigidly that he would not go to school again. They paid no attention to what he said. Next morning, when his mother reminded him that it was time to go, he replied quietly that he had said that he was not going any more. In vain Louisa begged and screamed and threatened; it was no use. He stayed sitting in his corner, obstinate. Melchior thrashed him. He howled, but every time they bade him go after the thrashing was over he replied angrily, No! They asked him at least to say why. He clenched his teeth, and would not. Melchior took hold of him, carried him to school, and gave him into the master’s charge. They set him on his form, and he began methodically to break everything within reach— his inkstand, his pen. He tore up his copy-book and lessoh-book, all quite openly, with his eye on the schoolmaster, pTRovocative. They shut him up in a dark room. A few mo- ments later the schoolmaster found him with his handkerchief 46 JEAN-CHRISTOPHB j . tied round his neck, tugging with all his strength at the two 5 J ends of it. He was trying to strangle himself. I They had to send him back. I I \/ Jean-Christophe was impervious to sickness. He had in- herited from his father and grandfather their robust constitu- tions. They were not mollycoddles in that family; well or ill, they never worried, and nothing could bring about any change in the habits of the two Kraffts, father and son. They went, out winter and summer, in all weathers, and stayed for hours together out in rain or sun, sometimes bareheaded and with their coats open, from carelessness or bravado, and walked for miles without being tired, and they looked with pity and disdain upon poor Louisa, who never said anything, but had to stop. She would go pale, and her legs would swell, and her heart would thump. . Jean-Christophe was not far from sharing the scorn of his mother; he did not understand people’ being ill. When he fell, or knocked himself, or cut himself,* or burned himself, he did not cry; but he was angry with^i the thing that had injured him. His father’s brutalities and tli ' roughness of his little playmates, the urchins of the street, with whom he used to fight, hardened him. He was not afraid of blows, and more than once he returned home with bleeding: nose and bruised forehead. One day he had to be wrenched( away, almost suffocated, from one of these fierce tussles in| which he had bowled over his adversary, who was savagely- banging his head on the ground. That seemed natural enoughs to him, for he was prepared to do unto others as they did unto^ himself. And yet he was afraid of all sorts of things, and although no one knew it — for he was very proud — nothing brought him so much suffering during a part of his childhood as these same terrors. For two or three years especially they gnawed at him like a disease. He was afraid of the mysterious something that lurks in darkness — evil powers that seemed to lie in wait for his life, the roaring of monsters which fearfully haunt the mind of every child and appear in everything that he sees, the^ relic' perhaps of a form long dead, hallucinations of the first days THE DAWN 47 after emerging from chaos, from the fearful slumber in his mother's womb, from the awakening of the larva from the depths of matter. He was afraid of the garret door. It opened on to the stairs, and was almost always ajar. When he had to pass it he felt his heart beating; he would spring forward and jump by it without looking. It seemed to him that there was some one or something behind it. When it was closed he heard distinctly something moving behind it. That was not surprising, for there were large rats; but he imagined a monster, with rattling bones, and flesh hanging in rags, a horse's head, horrible and terrifying eyes, shapeless. He did not want to think of it, but did so in spite of himself. With trembling hand he would make sure that the door was locked; but that did not keep him from turning round ten times as he went downstairs. He was afraid of the night outside. Sometimes he used to stay late with his grandfather, or was sent out in the even- ing on some errand. Old Krafft lived a little outside the town in the last house on the Cologne road. Between the house and the first lighted windows of the town there was a distance of two or three hundred yards, which seemed three times as long to Jean-Christophe. There were places where the road twisted and it was impossible to see anything. The country was deserted in the evening, the earth grew black,' and the sky was awfully pale. When he came out from the hedges that lined the road, and climbed up the slope, he could still see a yellowish gleam on the horizon, but it gave no light, and was more oppressive than the night ; it made the darkness only darker; it was a deathly light. The clouds came down almost to earth. The hedges grew enormous and moved. The gaunt trees were like grotesque old men. The sides of the wood were stark white. The darkness moved. There were (dwarfs sitting in the ditches, lights in the grass, fearful flying things in the air, shrill cries of insects coming from nowhere. Jean-Christophe was always in anguish, expecting some fear- some or strange putting forth of Nature. He would run, with his heart leaping in his bosom. When he saw the light in his grandfather's room he would gain confidence. But worst of all was when old Krafft was i 48 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / not at home. That was most terrifying. The old house^ lost in the country, frightened the boy even in daylight. He forgot his fears when his grandfather was there, but sometimes the old man would leave him alone, and go out without warning him. Jean-Christophe did not mind that. The room waa quiet. Everything in it was familiar and kindly. There was a great white wooden bedstead, by the bedside was a great Bible on a shelf, artificial flowers were on the mantelpiece, with photographs of the old man's two wives and eleven chil- dren — and at the bottom of each photograph he had written the date of birth and death — on the walls were framed texts and vile chromolithographs of Mozart and Beethoven. A little piano stood in one corner, a great violoncello in another; rows J* of books higgledy-piggledy, pipes, and in the window pots of geraniums. It was like being surrounded with friends. The « old man could be heard moving about in the next room, and ] planing or hammering, and talking to himself, calling himself J an idiot, or singing in a loud voice, improvising a potpourri of scraps of chants and sentimental Lieder, warlike marches, i and drinking songs. Here was shelter and refuge. Jean- 1 Christophe would sit in the great armchair by the window, with i a book on his knees, bending over the pictures and losing him- ■ self in them. The day would die down, his ejes would grow ] weary, and then he would look no more, and fall into vague j dreaming. The wheels of a cart would rumble by along the | road, a cow would moo in the fields; the bells of the town, ] weary and sleepy, would ring the evening Angelus. Vague ] desires, happy presentiments, would awake in the heart of the ;* dreaming child. | Suddenly Jean-Christophe would awake, filled with dull un- easiness. He would raise his eyes — night! He would listen — silence! His grandfather had just gone out. He shuddered, f He leaned out of the window to try to see him. The road was m I deserted; things began to take on a threatening aspect. Oh | / God! If that should be coming! What? He could not telL / The fearful thing. The doors were not properly shut. The ! wooden stairs creaked as under a footstep. The boy leaped up, dragged the armchair, the two chairs and the table, to the most remote corner of the room; he made a barrier .»yf I THE DAWH 49 them; the armchair against the wall, a chair to the right, a chair to the left, and the table in front of him. Jn the middle he planted a pair of steps, and, perched on top with his book and other books, like provisions against a siege, he breathed again, having decided in his childish imagination that the enemy could not pass the barrier — that was not to be allowed. But the enemy would creep forth, even from his book. Among the old books which the old man had picked up were some with pictures which made a profound impression on the child: they attracted and yet terrified him. There were fantastic visions — temptations of St. Anthony — in which skeletons of birds hung in bottles, and thousands of eggs writhe like worms in disemboweled frogs, and heads walk on feet, and asses play trumpets, and household utensils and corpses of animals walk gravely, wrapped in great cloths, bowing like old ladies. Jean- Christophe was horrified by them, but always returned to them, drawn on by disgust. He would look at them for a long time, and every now and then look furtively about him to see what was stirring in the folds of the curtains. A picture of a flayed man in an anatomy book was still more horrible to him. He trembled as he turned the page when he came to the place v/here it was in the book. This shapeless medley was grimly etched for him.*^, The creative power inherent in every child’s mind filled out the meagerness of the setting of them. He saw no difference between the daubs and the reality. At night they had an even more powerful influence over his dreams than the living things that he saw during the day. He was afraid to sleep. For several years nightmares poisoned his rest. He wandered in cellars, and through the manhole saw the grinning flayed man entering. He was alone in a room, and he heard a stealthy footstep in the corridor; he hurled himself against the door to close it, and was just in time to hold the handle; but it was turned from the outside; he could not turn the key, his strength left him, and he cried for help. He was with his family, and suddenly their faces changed; they did crazy things. He was reading quietly, and he felt that an invisible being was all round him. He tried to fly, but felt himself bound. He tried to cry out, but he was gagged. A loathsome grip was about his neck. He awoke. 50 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / suffocating, and with his teeth chattering ; and he went on trembling lon^ after he was awake; he could not be rid of his agony. The room in which he slept was a hole without door or windows; an old curtain hung up by a curtain-rod over the entrance was all that separated it from the room of his father and mother. The thick air stifled him. His brother, who slept in the same bed, used to kick him. His head burned, and he was a prey to a sort of hallucination in which all the little troubles of the day reappeared inflnitely magnified. In this state of nervous tension, bordering on delirium, the least shock was an agony to him. The creaking of a plank terrified him. His father’s breathing took on fantastic proportions. It seemed to be no longer a human breathing, and the monstrous sound was horrible to him; it seemed to him that there must be a beast sleeping there. The night crushed him; it would never end; it must always be so; he was lying there for months and months. He gasped for breath; he half raised himself on his bed, sat up, dried his sweating face with his shirt-sleeve. Sometimes he nudged his brother Eodolphe to wake him up; but Eodolphe moaned, drew away from him the rest of the bedclothes, and went on sleeping. So he stayed in feverish agony until a pale beam of light appeared on the floor below the curtain. This timorous pale- ness of the distant dawn suddenly brought him peace. He felt the light gliding into the room, when it was still impossible to distinguish it from darkness. Then his fever would die down, his blood would grow calm, like a flooded river returning to its bed ; an even warmth would flow through all his body, and his eyes, burning from sleeplessness, would close in spite of himself. In the evening it was terrible to him to see the approach of the hour of sleep. He vowed that he would not give way to it, to watch the whole night through, fearing his nightmares. But in the end weariness always overcame him, and it was always when he was least on his guard that the monsters returned. Fearful night! So sweet to most children, so terrible to some! ... He was afraid to sleep. He was afraid of not i { < i i 1 THE DAWN 51 sleeping. Waking or sleeping, he was surrounded by monstrous shapes, the phantoms of his own brain, the larvae floating in the half-day and twilight of childhood, as in the dark chiaros- curo of sickness. But these fancied terrors were soon to be blotted out in the great Fear — that which is in the hearts of all men; that Fear which Wisdom does in vain preen itself on forgetting or denying — Death. One day when he was rummaging in a cupboard, he came upon several things that he did not know — a child's frock and a striped bonnet. He took them in triumph to his mother, who, instead of smiling at him, looked vexed, and bade him take them back to the place where he had found them. Wlien he hesitated to obey, and asked her why, she snatched them from him without reply, and put them on a shelf where he could not reach them. Boused to curiosity, he plied her with questions. At last she told him that there had been a little brother, who had died before Jean-Christophe came into the world. He was taken aback — ^he had never heard tell of him. He was silent for a moment, and then tried to find out more. His mother seemed to be lost in thought ; but she told him that the little brother was called Jean-Christophe like himself, but was more sensible. He put more questions to her, but she would not reply readily. She told him only that his brother was in Heaven, and was praying for them all. Jean-Christophe could get no more out of her; she bade him be quiet, and to let her go on with her work. She seem.ed to be absorbed in her sewing; she looked anxious, and did not her eyes. But after some time she looked at him where he was in the corner, whither he had retired to sulk, began to smile, and told him to go and play outside. These scraps of conversation profoundly agitated Jean-Chris- tophe. There had been a child, a little boy, belonging to his mother, like himself, bearing the same name, almost exactly the same, and he was dead ! Dead ! He did not exactly know what that was, but it was something terrible. And they never talked of this other Jean-Christophe; he was quite forgotten. It would be the same with him if he were to die? This thought 62 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / was with him still in the evening at table with his family, when he saw them all laughing and talking of trifles. So^ then, it was possible that they would be gay after he was dead! Oh ! he never would have believed that his mother could be selflsh enough to laugh after the death of her little boy! He hated them all. He wanted to weep for himself, for his own death, in advance. At the same time he wanted to ask a whole heap of questions, but he dared not; he remembered the voice in which his mother had bid him be quiet. At last he could contain himself no longer, and one night when he had gone to bed, and Louisa came to kiss him, he asked: Mother, did he sleep in my bed ? The poor woman trembled, and, trying to take on an in- different tone of' voice, she asked : ^^who?^^ : The little boy who is dead,’^ said Jean-Christophe in a ■ whisper. | His mother clutched him with her hands. j ^^Be quiet — quiet,’^ she said. Her voice trembled. Jean-Christophe, whose head was lean- ing against her bosom, heard her heart beating. There was a moment of silence, then she said: ! You must never talk of that, my dear. ... Go to sleep. ... No, it was not his bed.^^ She kissed him. He thought he felt her cheek wet against | ihis. He wished he could have been sure of it. He vras a little \ /comforted. There was grief in her then! Then he doubted it ^ \r again the next moment, when he heard her in the next room talking in a quiet, ordinary voice. Which was true — that or | what had just been ? He turned about for long in his bed with- |i out flnding any answer. He wanted his mother to suffer ; not i! that he also did not suffer in the knowledge that she was sad, | but it would have done him so much good, in spite of every- | \ thing ! He would have felt himself less alone. He slept, and | \ next day thought no more of it. ! Some weeks afterwards one of the urchins with whom he played in the street did not come at the usual time. One of them said that he was ill, and they got used to not seeing him in their games. It was explained, it was quite simple. One THE DAWN 53 evening Jean-Christophe had gone to bed; it was early, and from the recess in which his bed was, he saw the light in the room. There was a knock at the door. A neighbor had come to have a chat. He listened absently, telling himself stories as usnal. The words of their talk did not reach him. Suddenly he heard the neighbor say : “ He is dead.” His blood stopped, for he had understood who was dead. He listened and held his breath. His parents cried out. Melchior’s booming voice said : “Jean-Christophe, do you hear? Poor Fritz is dead.” Jean-Christophe made an effort, and replied quietly: “ Yes, papa.” His bosom was drawn tight as in a vise. Melchior went on : “"Yes, papa.’ Is that all you say? You are not grieved by it.” Louisa, who understood the child, said: “ ’Ssh ! Let him sleep ! ” • j And they talked in whispers. But Jean-Christophe, pricking his ears, gathered all the details of illness— typhoid fever, cold baths, delirium, the parents’ grief. He could not breathe, a lump in his throat choked him. He shuddered. All these horrible things took shape in his mind. Above all, he gleaned that the disease was contagious — that is, that he also might die in the same way — and terror froze him, for he remembered that he had shaken hands with Fritz the last time he had seen him, and that very day had gone past the house. But he made no sound, so as to avoid having to talk, and when his father^ after the neighbor had gone, asked him: “Jean-Christophe, are you asleep ? ” he did not reply. He heard Melchior saying to Louisa : "" The boy has no heart.” Louisa did not reply, but a moment later she came and gently raised the curtain and looked at the little bed. Jean- Christophe only just had time to close his eyes and imitate the regular breathing which his brothers made when they were asleep. Louisa went away on tip-toe. And yet how he wanted to keep her! How he wanted to tell her that he was afraid, and to ask her to save him, or at least to comfort him! But f 54 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE he was afraid of their laughing at him, and treating him as a coward; and besides, he knew only too well that nothing that they might say would be any good. And for hours he lay there in agony, thinking that he felt the disease creeping over him, and pains in his head, a stricture of the heart, and thinking in terror : “ It is the end. I am ill. I am going to die. I am going to die ! ” . . . Once he sat up in his bed and called to his mother in a low voice; but they were asleep, and he dared not wake them. From that time on his childhood was poisoned by the idea of death. His nerves delivered him up to all sorts of little baseless sicknesses, to depression, to sudden transports, and fits of choking. His imagination ran riot with these troubles, and .thought it saw in all of them the murderous beast which was to rob him of his life. How many times he suffered agonies, with his mother sitting only a few yards away from him, and she guessing nothing! For in his cowardice he was brave enough to conceal all his terror in a strange jumble of feeling — pride in not turning to others, shame of being afraid, and the scrupulousness of a tenderness which forbade him to trouble his mother. But he never ceased to think : “ This time I am ill. I am seriously ill. It is diphtheria. . . .” He had chanced on the word “diphtheria.” . . . “Dear God! not this time! ...” He had religious ideas : he loved to believe what his mother had told him, that after death the soul ascended to the Lord, and if it were pious entered into the garden of paradise. But the idea of this journey rather frightened than attracted him. I He was not at all envious of the children whom God, as a recompense, according to his mother, took in their sleep and : called to Him without having made them suffer. He trembled, as he went to sleep, for fear that God should indulge this ’ whimsy at his expense. It must be terrible to be taken suddenly from the warmth of one’s bed and dragged through the void into the presence of -God. He imagined God as an enormous sun, with a voice of thunder. How it must hurt! It must burn the eyes, ears — all one’s soul ! Then, God could punish — you never know. . . . And besides, that did not prevent all THE DAWN 55 could guess them from what he had heard— your body in a box, all alone at the bottom of a hole, lost in the crowd of those revolting cemeteries to which he was taken to pray. . . God! God! How sad! how sad! . . . And yet it was not exactly joyous to live, and be hungry, and see your father drunk, and to be beaten, to suffer in so many ways from the wickedness of other children, from the insulting pity of grown-up persons, and to be understood by no one, not even by your mother. Everybody humiliates you, no one loves you. You are alone — alone, and matter so little! Yes; but it was just this that made him want to live. He felt in himself a surging power of wrath. A strange thing, that power! It could do nothing yet; it was as though it were afar off and gagged, swaddled, paralyzed; he had no idea what it wanted, what, later on, it would be. But it was in him; he was sure of it ; he felt it stirring and crying out. To-morrow — to-morrow, what a voyage he would take! He had a savage desire to live, to punish the wicked, to do great things. “ Oh ! but how I will live when I am . . .” he pondered a little — “ when I am eighteen ! ” Sometimes he put it at twenty-one ; that was the extreme limit. He thought that was enough for the domination of the world. He thought of the heroes dearest to him — of Napoleon, and of that other more remote hero, whom he preferred, Alexander the Great. Surely he would be like them if only he lived for another twelve — ten years. He never thought of pitying those who died at thirty. They were old; they had lived their lives; it was their fault if they had failed. But to die now . . . despair! Too terrible to pass while yet a little child, and forever to be in the minds of men a little boy whom everybody thinks he has the right to scold ! He wept with rage at the thought, as though he were already dead. This agony of death tortured his childish years — corrected only by disgust with all life and the sadness of his own. It was in the midst of these gloomy shadows, in the stifling night that every moment seemed to intensify about him, that there began to shine, like a star lost in the dark abysm of space, the light which was to illuminate his life: divine music. . . . 56 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / \/ His grandfather gave the children an old piano, which one of his clients, anxious to be rid of it, had asked him to take. His patient ingenuity had almost put it in order. The present had not been very well received. Louisa thought her room already too small, without filling it up any more; and Melchior said that Jean Michel had not ruined himself over it: just firewood. Only Jean-Christophe was glad of it without exactly knowing why. It seemed to him a magic box, full of marvelous stories, just like the ones in the fairy-book — a volume of the Thousand and One Nights ’’—which his grandfather read , to him sometimes to their mutual delight. He had heard hjs father try the piano on the day of its arrival, and draw from it a little rain of arpeggios like the drops that a puff of wind shakes from the wet branches of a tree after a shower. He clapped his hands, and cried “ Encore ! ” but Melchior scornfully closed ‘ the piano, saying that it was worthless. Jean-Christophe did ; not insist, hut after that he was always hovering about the instrument. As soon as no one was near he would raise the ' lid, and softly press down a key, just as if he were moving | with his finger the living shell of some great insect; he wanted to push out the creature that was locked up in it. Sometimes ■■ in his haste he would strike too hard, and then his mother would i cry out, “Will you not be quiet? Don’t go touching every- j thing ! ” or else he would pinch himself cruelly in closing the ^ piano, and make piteous faces as he sucked his bruised fin- | gers. ... ] Now his greatest joy is when his mother is gone out for a J day’s service, or to pay some visit in the town. He listens as | she goes down the stairs, and into the street, and away. He I is alone. He opens the piano, and brings, up a chair, and perches | on it. His shoulders just about reach the keyboard; it is 1 enough for what he wants. Why does he wait until he is alone ? 1 No one would prevent his playing so long as he did not make i too much noise. But he is ashamed before the others, and i dare not. And then they talk and move about: that spoils his | pleasure. It is so much more beautiful when he is alone! | Jean-Christophe holds his breath so that the silence may be | 6V6I1 srrGatGr. and also honanso ho i.«s a lifflp PYPi+prI qc -d. THE DAWN 57 his finger on the key; sometimes he lifts his finger after he \ has the key half pressed down, and lays it on another. Ddes he \ know what will come out of it, more than what will come out of the other? Suddenly a sound issues from it; there are deep sounds and high sounds, some tinkling, some roaring. The child listens to them one by one as they die away and finally cease to be ; they hover in the air like bells heard far off, coming near in the wind, and then going away again; then when you listen you hear in the distance other voices, different, joining in and droning like flying insects; they seem to call to you, to draw you away farther — farther and farther into the mys- terious regions, where they dive down and are lost. . . . They are gone! ... No; still they murmur. ... A little beating of wings. . . . How strange it all is! They are like spirits. How is it that they are so obedient? how is it that they are held captive in this old box? But best of all is when you lay two Angers on two keys at once. Then you never know exactly what will happen. Sometimes the two spirits are hostile; they are angry with each other, and flght; and hate each other, and buzz testily. Then voices arc raised; they cry out, angrily, now sorrowfully. J ean-Christophe adores that ; it is as though there were monsters chained up, biting at their fetters, beating against the bars of their prison; they are like to break them, and burst out like the monsters in the fairy-book — the genii imprisoned in the Arab bottles under the seal of Solomon. Others flatter you; they try to cajole you, but you feel that they only want to bite, that they are hot and fevered. Jean- Christophe does not know what they want, but they lure him and disturb him; they make him almost blush. And some- times there are notes that love each other ; sounds embrace, as people do with their arms when they kiss : they are gracious and sweet. These are the good spirits; their faces are smiling, and there are no lines in them; they love little Jean-Chris- tophe, and little Jean-Christophe loves them. Tears come to his eyes as he hears them, and he is never weary of calling them up. They are his friends, his dear, tender friends. . . . So the child journeys through the forest of sounds, and round him he is conscious of thousands of forces lying in wait for him, and calling to him to caress or devour him. . • . 58 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE One day Melchior came upon him thus. He made him jump with fear at the sound of his great voice. Jean-Christophe, thinking he was doing wrong, quickly put his hands up to his ears to ward off the blows he feared. But Melchior did not scold him, strange to say ; he was in a good temper, and laughed. ^^You like that, boy?^^ he asked, patting his head kindly. Would you like me to teach you to play it?^^ Would he like ! . . . Delighted, he murmured : Yes.’^ The two of them sat down at the piano, Jean-Christophe perched this time on a pile of big books, and very attentively he took his first lesson. He learned first of all that the buzzing spirits have strange names, like Chinese names, of one syllable, or even of one letter. He was astonished; he imagined them to be different from that: beautiful, caressing names, like the princesses in the fairy stories. He did not like the familiarity with which his father talked of them. Again, when Melchior evoked them they were not the same; they seemed to become ^indifferent as they rolled out from under his fingers. But ‘ Jean-Christophe was glad to learn about the relationships be- tween them, their hierarchy, the scales, which were like a King commanding an army, or like a band of negroes marching in single file. He was surprised to see that each soldier, or each negro, could become a monarch in his turn, or the head of a similar band, and that it was possible to summon whole battalions from one end to the other of the keyboard. It amused him to hold the thread which made them march. But it was a small thing compared with what he had seen at first; his enchanted forest was lost. However, he set himself to learn, for it was not tiresome, and he was surprised at his father’s patience. Melchior did not weary of it either; he made him begin the same thing over again ten times. Jean-Christophe did not understand why he should take so much trouble; his father loved him, then? That was good! The boy worked ^way; his heart was filled with gratitude. He would have been less docile had he known what thoughts were springing into being in his father’s head. From that day on Melchior took him to the house of a neigh- bor, where three times a week there was chamber music. Mel- THE DAWN 59 chior played first violin, Jean Michel the violoncello. The other two were a bank-clerk and the old watchmaker of the Schill6Tstr(isse. Every now and then the chemist joined them with his flute. They began at five, and went on till nine. Be- tween each piece they drank beer. Neighbors used to come in and out, and listen without a word, leaning against the wall, and nodding their heads, and beating time with their feet, and filling the room with clouds of tobacco-smoke. Page fol- lowed page, piece followed piece, but the patience of the musi- cians was never exhausted. They did not speak; they were all attention; their brows were knit, and from time to time they grunted with pleasure, but for the rest they were perfectly incapable not only of expressing, but even of feeling, the beauty of what they played. They played neither very accurately nor in good time, but they never went off the rails, and followed faithfully the marked changes of tone. They had that musical facility which is easily satisfied, that mediocre perfection which is so plentiful in the race which is said to be the most musical in the world. They had also that great appetite which does not stickle for the quality of its food, so only there be quantity —that healthy appetite to which all music is good, and the more substantial the better— it sees no difference between Brahms and Beethoven, or between the works of the same master, between an empty concerto and a moving sonata, be- cause they are fashioned of the same stuff. Jean-Christophe sat apart in a corner, which was his own, behind the piano. No one could disturb him there, for to reach it he had to go on all fours. It was half dark there, and the boy had just room to lie on the floor if he huddled up. The smoke of the tobacco filled his eyes and throat : dust, too ; there were large flakes of it like sheepskin, but he did not mind that, and listened gravely, squatting there Turkish fashion, and widening the holes in the cloth of the piano with his dirty little fingers. He did not like everything that they played ; but noth- ing that they played bored him, and he never tried to formulate his opinions, for he thought himself too small to know anything. Only some music sent him to sleep, some woke him up ; it was never disagreeable to him. Without his knowing it, it ViTas nearly always good music that excited him. Sure of not 60 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE (*■ / being seen, he made faces, he wrinkled his nose, ground his teeth, or stuck out his tongue; his eyes flashed with anger or drooped languidly; he moved his arms and legs with a defiant and valiant air; he wanted to march, to lunge out, to pulverize the world. He fidgeted so much that in the end a head would peer over the piano, and say : Hullo, boy, are you mad ? Leave the piano. . . . Take your hand away, or Til pull your ears ! And that made him crestfallen and angry. Why did they want to spoil his pleasure? He was not doing any harm. Must he always be tormented! His father chimed in. They chid him for making a noise, and said that he did not like music. And in the end he believed it. These honest citizens grinding out concertos would have been astonished if they had , been told that the only person in the company who really felt the music was the little boy. 1 If they wanted him to keep quiet, why did they play airs ; which make you march? In those pages were rearing horses, swords, war-cries, the pride of triumph; and they wanted him, ^ like them, to do no more than wag his head and beat time with | his feet ! They had only to play placid dreams or some of those chattering pages which talk so much and say nothing. There ’ are plenty of them, for example, like that piece of Goldmark’s, i of which the old watchmaker had just said with a delighted • smile : It is pretty. There is no harshness in it. All the | corners are rounded off. . . The boy was very quiet then, i He became drowsy. He did not know what they were playing, ^ hardly heard it; but he was happy; his limbs were numbed, ] and he was dreaming. His dreams were not a consecutive story; they had neither head nor tail. It was rarely that he saw a definite picture: • his mother making a cake, and with a knife removing the paste that clung to her fingers; a water-rat that he had seen the night before swimming in the river; a whip that he wanted . to make with a willow wand. . . . Heaven knows why these ^ things should have cropped up in his memory at such a time! ^ But most often he saw nothing at all, and yet he felt things J innumerable and infinite. It was as though there were a | number of very important things not to be spoken of, or THE DAWN 61 because they had always been so. Some of them were sad, terribly sad; but there was nothing painful in them, as there is in the things that belong to real life ; they were not ugly and debasing, like the blows that Jean-Christophe had from his father, or like the things that were in his head when, sick at heart with shame, he thought of some humiliation; they filled ihe mind with a melancholy calm. And some were bright and shining, shedding torrents of joy. And Jean-Christophe thought: ^^Yes, it is thus — thus that I will do by-and-by.^^ He did not know exactly what thus was, nor why he said it,, but he felt that he had to say it, and that it was clear as day. He heard the sound of a sea, and he was quite near to it, kept from it only by a wall of dunes. Jean-Christophe had no idea what sea it was, or what it wanted with him, but he was con- scious that it would rise above the barrier of dunes. And then! . . . Then all would be well, and he would be quite happy. Nothing to do but to hear it, then, quite near, to sink to sleep to the sound of its great voice, soothing away all his little griefs and humiliations. They were sad still, but no longer shameful nor injurious; everything seemed natural and almost sweet. Very often it was mediocre music that produced this intoxica- tion in him. The writers of it were poor devils, with no thought in their heads but the gaining of money, or the hiding away of the emptiness of their lives by tagging notes together accord- ing to accepted formulae — or to be original, in defiance of formulae. But in the notes of music, even when handled by an idiot, there is such a power of life that they can let loose storms in a simple soul. Perhaps even the dreams suggested by the idiots are more mysterious and more free than those breathed by an imperious thought which drags you along by force, for aimless movement and empty chatter do not disturb the mind in its own pondering. . . . So, forgotten and forgetting, the child stayed in his corner behind the piano, until suddenly he felt ants climbing up his legs. And he remembered then that he was a little boy with dirty nails, and that he was rubbing his nose against a white- washed wall, and holding his feet in his hands. On the day when Melchior, stealing on tiptoe, had surprised 62 JEAN-.CHEISTOPHE the boy at the keyboard that was too high for him, he had stayed to watch him for a moment, and suddenly there had flashed upon him : A little prodigy ! . . . Why had he not thought of it? . . . What luck for the family! . . No doubt he had thought that the boy would be a little peasant like his mother. It would cost nothing to try. What a great thing it would be! He would take him all over Germany, perhaps abroad. It would be a jolly life, and noble to boot.^^ Melchior never failed to look for the nobility hidden in all he did, for it was not often that he failed to find it, after some reflection. Strong in this assurance, immediately after supper, as soon as he had taken his last mouthful, he dumped the child once more in front of the piano, and made him go through the day’s , lesson until his eyes closed in weariness. Then three times the next day. Then the day after that. Then every day. J ean- " Christophe soon tired of it; then he was sick to death of it; ; finally he could stand it no more, and tried to revolt against it. There was no point in what he was made to do: nothing ; but learning to run as fast as possible over the keys, by loosen- | ing the thumb, or exercising the fourth finger, which would cling awkwardly to the two next to it. It got on his nerves; * there was nothing beautiful in it. There was an end of the t magic sounds, and fascinating monsters, and the universe of • dreams felt in one moment. . . . Nothing but scales and exer- | cises — dry, monotonous, dull — duller than the conversation at | meal-time, which was always the same — always about the dishes, j and always the same dishes. At first the child listened absently ] to what his father said. When he was severely reprimanded he went on with a bad grace. He paid no attention to abuse; he met it with bad temper. The last straw was when one evening he heard Melchior unfold his plans in the next room. So it was in order to put him on show like a trick animal that he was so badgered and forced every day to move bits of ivory ! He was not even given time to go and see his beloved river. What was it made them so set against him? He was angry, hurt in his pride, robbed of his liberty. He decided that he would play no more, or as badly as possible, and would dis- courage his father. It would be hard, but at all costs he must THE DAWN 63 The very next lesson he began to put his plan into execution. He set himself conscientiously to hit the notes awry, or to bungle every touch. Melchior cried out, then roared, and blows began to rain. He had a heavy ruler. At every false note he struck the boy’s fingers, and at the same time shouted in his ears, so that he was like to deafen him. Jean-Christophe’s face twitched under the pain of it; he bit his lips to keep himself from crying, and stoically went on hitting the notes all wrong, bobbing his head down whenever he felt a blow coming. But his system was not good, and it was not long before he began to see that it was so. Melchior was as obstinate as his son, and he swore that even if they were to stay there two days and two nights he would not let him off a single note until it had been properly played. Then Jean-Christophe tried too deliberately to play wrongly, and Melchior began to suspect the trick, as he saw that the boy’s hand fell heavily to one side at every note with obvious intent. The blows became more frequent; Jean-Christophe was no longer conscious of his ‘fin- gers. He wept pitifully and silently, sniffing, and swallowing down his sobs and tears. He understood that he had nothing to gain by going on like that, and that he would have to resort to desperate measures. He stopped, and, trembling at the thought of the storm which was about to let loose, he said valiantly : ^^Papa, I won’t play any more.” Melchior choked. ^^What! What! ...” he cried. He took and almost broke the boy’s arm with shaking it. Jean-Christophe, trembling more and more, and raising his elbow to ward off the blows, said again : I won’t play any more. First, because I don’t like being beaten. And then ...” He could not finish. A terrific blow knocked the wind out of him, and Melchior roared: ^^Ah! you don’t like being beaten? You don’t like it? . . .” Blows rained. Jean-Christophe bawled through his sobs: And then ... I don’t like music ! . . . I don’t like music! . . .” 64 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE He slipped down from his chair. Melchior roughly put him back, and knocked his knuckles ' against the keyboard. He cried : You shall play! And Jean-Christophe shouted : ^^No! No! I won’t play!” Melchior had to surrender. He thrashed the boy, thrust him from the room, and said that he should have nothing to eat all day, or the whole month, until he had played all his exer- cises without a mistake. He kicked him out and slammed the door after him. Jean-Christophe found himself on the stairs, the dark and dirty stairs, worm-eaten. A draught came through a broken in the skylight, and the walls were dripping. Jean-Chris- tophe sat on one of the greasy steps; his heart was beating wildly with anger and emotion. In a low voice he cursed his father : Beast ! That’s what you are ! ture ... a brute! Yes, a brute! you! Oh, I wish you were A beast ... a gross crea- . . and I hate you, I hate dead ! I wish you were dead!” His bosom swelled. He looked desperately at the sticky staircase and the spider’s web swinging in the wind above the broken pane. He felt alone, lost in his misery. He looked at the gap in the banisters. . . . What if he were to throw himself down? ... or out of the window? . . . Yes, what if he were to kill himself to punish them? How remorseful they would be! He heard the noise of his fall from the stairs. The door upstairs opened suddenly. Agonized voices cried : He has fallen ! — He has fallen ! ” Footsteps clatter^ed down- stairs. His father and mother threw themselves weeping upon his body. His mother sobbed: ^^It is your fault! You have killed him ! ” His father waved his arms, threw himself on his knees, beat his head against the banisters, and cried : What a wretch am I ! What a wretch am I ! ” The sight of all this softened his misery. He was on the point of taking pity on their grief; but then he thought that it was well for them, and he enjoyed his revenge. . . . When his story was ended, he found himself once more at THE DAWN 65 the top of the stairs in the dark; he looked down once more, and his desire to throw himself down was gone. He even shuddered^ a little, and moved away from the edge, thinking that he might fall. Then he felt that he was a prisoner, like a poor bird in a cage — a prisoner forever, with nothing to do but to break his head and hurt himself. He wept, wept, and he rubbed his eyes with his dirty little hands, so that in a moment he was filthy. As he wept he never left off looking at the things about him, and he found some distraction in that. He stopped moaning for a moment to look at the spider which had just begun to move. Then he began with less conviction. He listened to the sound of his own weeping, and went on mechanically with his sobbing, without much knowing why he did so. Soon he got up; he was attracted by the window. He sat on the window-sill, retiring into the background, and watched the spider furtively. It interested while it revolted him. Below the Ehine flowed, washing the walls of the house. In the staircase window it was like being suspended over the river in a moving sky. Jean-Christophe never limped down the stairs without taking a long look at it, but he had never yet seen it as it was to-day. Grief sharpens the senses; it is as though everything were more sharply graven on the vision after tears have washed away the dim traces of memory. The river was like a living thing to the child — a creature inexplica- ble, but how much more powerful than all the creatures that he knew ! J ean-Christophe leaned forward to see it better ; he pressed his mouth and flattened his nose against the pane. Where was it going? What did it want? It looked free, and sure of its road. . . . Nothing could stop it. At all hours of the day or night, rain or sun, whether there were joy or sorrow in the house, it went on going by, and it was as . though nothing mattered to it, as though it never knew sorrow, and rejoiced in its strength. What joy to be like it, to run through the fields, and by willow-branches, and over little shining pebbles and crisping sand, and to care for nothing, to be cramped by noth- ing, to be free! . . . The boy looked and listened greedily; it was as though he were borne along by the river, moving by with it. . . . When 66 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE he closed his eyes he saw color — ^blue, green, yellow, red, and great chasing shadows and sunbeams. . . , What he sees takes shape. Now it is a large plain, reeds, corn waving under a breeze scented with new grass and mint. Flowers on every side — cornflowers, poppies, violets. How lovely it is! How sweet the air ! How good it is to lie down in the thick, soft grass ! . . . Jean-Christophe feels glad and a little bewildered, as he does when on feast-days his father pours into his glass a little Ehine wine. . . . The river goes by. . . . The country is changed. ... Now there are trees leaning over the water; their delicate leaves, like little hands, dip, move, and turn about in the water. A village among the trees is mirrored in the river. There are cypress-trees, and the crosses of the cemetery showing above the white wall washed by the stream. Then thbre are rocks, a mountain gorge, vines on the slopes, a little pine-wood, ’ and ruined castles. . . . And once more the plain, corn, birds, ; and the sun. ... The great green mass of the river goes by smoothly, like a • single thought; there are no waves, almost no ripples — smooth, ^ oily patches. Jean-Christophe does not see it; he has closed his eyes to hear it better. The ceaseless roaring fills him, makes him giddy ; he is exalted by this eternal, masterful dream which goes no man knows whither. Over the turmoil of its depths ^ rush waters, in swift rhythm, eagerly, ardently. And from ' the rhythm ascends music, like a vine climbing a trellis — j arpeggios from silver keys, sorrowful violins, velvety and , smooth-sounding flutes. . . . The country has disappeared. ' The river has disappeared. There floats by only a strange, soft, and twilight atmosphere. Jean-Christophe’s heart flutters with emotion. What does he see now ? Oh ! Charming faces ! . . . A little girl with brown tresses calls to him, slowly, softly, and mockingly. ... A pale boy’s face looks at him with melancholy blue eyes. . . . Others smile; other eyes look at him — curious and provoking eyes, and their glances make him blush — eyes affectionate and mournful, like the eyes of a dog — eyes im- perious, eyes suffering. . . . And the pale face of a woman, with black hair, and lips close pressed, and eyes so large that they obscure her other features, and they gaze upon Jean- Christophe with an ardor that hurts him. . . . And, dearest of THE DAWN 67 all, that face which smiles upon him with clear gray eyes and lips a little open, showing gleaming white teeth. ... Ah! how kind and tender is that smile ! All his heart is tenderness from it! How good it is to love! Again! Smile upon me again! Do not go! . . . Alas! it is gone! . . . But it leaves in his heart sweetness ineffable. Evil, sorrow, are no more; nothing is left. . . . Nothing, only an airy dream, like serene music, floating down a sunbeam, like the gossamers on fine summer days. . . . What has happened? What are these visions that fill the child with sadness and sweet sorrow? Never had he seen them before, and yet he knew them and recognized them. Whence come they? From what obscure abysm of creation? Are they wWt has been ... or what will ie? . . . Now all is done, every haunting form is gone. Once more through a misty veil, as though he were soaring high above it, the river in flood appears, covering the fields, and rolling by, majestic, slow, almost still. And far, far away, like a: steely ^ light upon the horizon, a watery plain, a line of trembling waves — the sea. The river runs down to it. The sea seems to run up to the river. She fires him. He desires her. He must lose himself in her. . . . The music hovers; lovely dance rhythms swing out madly; all the world is rocked in their triumphant whirligig. . . . The soul, set free, cleaves space, like swallows’ flight, like swallows drunk with the air, skimming across the sky with shrill cries. . . . Joy! Joy! There is nothing, noth- ing ! . . . Oh, infinite happiness ! . . . Hours passed; it was evening; the staircase was in darkness. Drops of rain made rings upon the river’s gown, and the current bore them dancing away. Sometimes the branch of a tree or pieces of black bark passed noiselessly and disappeared. The murderous spider had withdrawn to her darkest corner. And little Jean-Christophe was still leaning forward on the window- sill. His face was pale and dirty; happiness shone in him. He was asleep. 68 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE III - E la faccia del sol nascere ombrata. Purgatorio, xxx. ' He had to surrender. In spite of an obstinate and heroic y resistance, blows triumphed over his ill-will. Every morning for three hours, and for three hours every evening, Jean-Chris- tophe was set before the instrument of torture. All on edge with attention and weariness, with large tears rolling down his cheeks and nose, he moved his little red hands over the black and white keys — ^his hands were often stiff with cold — under the threatening ruler, which descended at every false note, and the harangues of his master, which were more odious " to him than the blows. He thought that he hated music. And ; yet he applied himself to it with a zest which fear of .Melchior did not altogether explain. Certain words of his grandfather t had made an impression on him. The old man, seeing his | grandson weeping, had told him, with that gravity which he | always maintained for the boy, that it was worth while suffer- \ ing a little for the most beautiful and noble art given to men | for their consolation and glory. And Jean-Christophe, who i was grateful to his grandfather for talking to him like a man, | had been secretly touched by these simple words, which sorted | well with his childish stoicism and growing pride. But, more ^ . than by argument, he was bound and enslaved by the memory 1 of certain musical emotions, bound and enslaved to the detested i art, against which he tried in vain to rebel. | There was in the town, as usual in Germany, a theater, where 7 opera, opera-comique, operetta, drama, comedy, and vaudeville are presented — every sort of play of every style and fashion, There were performances three times a week from six to nine in ^ the evening. Old Jean Michel never missed one, and was equally ; interested in everything. Once he took his grandson with him. r ; Several days beforehand he told him at length what the piece was about. Jean-Christophe did not understand it, but he did J gather that there would be terrible things in it, and while he j was consumed with the desire to see them he. was much afraid, ! THE DAWN 69 though he dared not confess it. He knew that there was to be a storm, and he was fearful of being struck by lightning. He knew that there was to be a battle, and he was not at all sure that he would not be killed. On the night before, in bed, he went through real agony, and on the day of the per- formance he almost wished that his grandfather might be prevented from coming for him. But when the hour was near, and his grandfather did not come, he began to worry, and every other minute looked out of the window. At last the old man appeared, and they set out together. His heart leaped in his bosom; his tongue was dry, and he could not speak. They arrived at the mysterious building which was so often talked about at home. At the door Jean Michel met some acquaintances, and the boy, who was holding his hand tight because he was afraid of being lost, could not understand how they could talk and laugh quietly at such a moment. Jean Michel took his usual place in the. first row behind the orchestra. He leaned on the fialustrad^e, and began a long conversation with the contra-bass. He was at home there; there he was listened to because of his authority as a musician, and he made the most of it; it might almost be said that he abused it. Jean-Christophe could hear nothing. He was over- whelmed by his expectation of the play, by the appearance of the theater, which seemed magnificent to him, by the splendor of the audience, who frightened him terribly. He dared not turn his head, for he thought that all eyes were fixed on him. He hugged his little cap between his knees, and he stared at the magic curtain with round eyes. At last three blows were struck. His grandfather blew his nose, and drew the libretto from his pocket. He always fol- lowed it scrupulously, so much so that sometimes he neglected what was happening on the stage. The orchestra began to play. With the opening chords Jean-Christophe felt more at ease. He was at home in this world of sound, and from that moment, however extravagant the play might be, it seemed nat- ural to him. The curtain was raised, to reveal pasteboard trees and crea- tures who were not much more real. The boy looked at it all, gaping with admiration, but he was not surprised. The piece 70 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE was set in a fantastic East, of which he could have had no idea. The poem was a web of ineptitudes, in which no human quality was perceptible. Jean-Christophe hardly grasped it at all; he made extraordinary mistakes, took one character for another, and pulled at his grandfather’s sleeve to ask him absurd questions, which showed that he had understood nothing. He was not bored : passionately interested, on the contrary. Eound the idiotic libretto he built a romance of his own invention, which had no sort of relation to the one that was represented on the stage. Every moment some incident upset his romance, and he had to repair it, but that did not worry him. He had made his choice of the people who moved upon the stage, mak- ing all sorts of different sounds, and breathlessly he followed the fate of those upon whom he had fastened his sympathy. He was especially concerned with a fair lady, of uncertain age, who had long, brilliantly fair hair, eyes of an unnatural size, and bare feet. The monstrous improbabilities of the setting did not shock him. His keen, childish eyes did not perceive the grotesque ugliness of the actors, large and fleshy, and the deformed chorus of all sizes in two lines, nor the pointlessness of their gestures, nor their faces bloated by their shrieks, nor the full wigs, nor the high heels of the tenor, nor the make-up of his lady-love, whose face was streaked with variegated pen- ciling. He was in the condition of a lover, whose passion blinds him to the actual aspect of the beloved object. The marvelous power of illusion, natural to children, stopped all unpleasant sensations on the way, and transformed them. The music especially worked wonders. It bathed the whole scene in a misty atmosphere, in which everything became beau- tiful, noble, and desirable. It bred in the soul a desperate need of love, and at the same time showed phantoms of love on all sides, to fill the void that itself had created. Little Jean-Christophe was overwhelmed by his emotion. There were words, gestures, musical phrases which disturbed him; he dared not then raise his eyes; he knew not whether it were well or ill; he blushed and grew pale by turns; sometimes there came drops of sweat upon his brow, and he was fearful lest all the people there should see his distress. When the catas- trophe came about which inevitably breaks upon lovers in the THE DAWH 71 fourth act of an opera so as to provide the tenor and the prima donna with an opportunity for showing off their shrillest screams, the child thought he must choke 5 his throat hurt him as though he had caught cold; he clutched at his neck with his hands, and could not swallow his saliva; tears welled up in him; his hands and feet were frozen. Fortunately, his grandfather was not much less moved. He enjoyed the theater with a childish simplicity. During the dramatic passages he coughed carelessly to hide his distress, but Jean-Christophe saw it, and it delighted him. It was horribly hot; Jean-Christophe was dropping with sleep, and he was very uncomfortable. But he thought only ; “ Is there much longer ? It cannot be fin- ished ! ” Then suddenly it was finished, without his knowing why. The curtain fell ; the audience rose ; the enchantment was broken. They went home through the night, the two children — the old man and the little boy. What a fine night ! What a serene moonlight! They said nothing; they were turning over their memories. At last the old man said : “ Did you like it, boy ? ” Jean-Christophe could not reply; he was still fearful from emotion, and he would not speak, so as not to break the spell; he had to make an effort to whisper, with a sigh: “Oh yes.” The old man smiled. After a time he went on: “ It’s a fine thing — a musician’s trade ! To create things like that, such marvelous spectacles — is there anything more glori- ous ? It is to be God on earth I ” The boy’s mind leaped to that. What! a man had made all that! That had not occurred to him. It had seemed that it' must have made itself, must be the work of Nature. A man, a musician, such as he would be some day ! Oh, to be that for one day, only one day! And then afterwards . . . after- wards, whatever you like! Die, if necessary! He asked: “What man made that, grandfather?” The old man told him of Frangois Marie Hassler, a young German artist who lived at Berlin. He had known him once. Jean-Christophe listened, all ears. Suddenly he said: JEAN-CHRISTOPHE 72 "And you, grandfather?” . j| The old man trembled. "What?” he asked. I ! i ^^Did you do things like that — ^you too?^’ i : Certainly/^ said the old man a little crossly. He was silent, and after they had walked a little he I : sighed heavily. It was one of the sorrows of his life. He had always longed to write for the theater, and inspira- 'ii tion had always betrayed him. He had in his desk one or two acts written, but he had so little illusion as to their worth that he had never dared to submit them to an outside judgment. They said no more until they reached home. either slept. The old man was troubled. He took his Bible for consolation. In bed Jean-Christophe turned over and over the events of the evening; he recollected the smallest details, and the girl with the bare feet reappeared before him. As he dozed off a musical , f phrase rang in his ears as distinctly as if the orchestra were t there. All his body leaped; he sat up on his pillow, his head ^ buzzing with music, and he thought: Some day I also shall ; write. Oh, can I ever do it?^^ ; i From that moment he had only one desire, to go to the ^ , theater again, and he set himself to work more keenly, because I they made a visit to the theater his reward. He thought of { nothing but that; half the week he thought of the last per- \ formance, and the other half he thought of the next. He was ] fearful of being ill on a theater day, and this fear made him 1 often find in himself the symptoms of three or four illnesses, y When the day came he did not eat; he fidgeted like a soul in agony; he looked at the clock fifty times, and thought that the evening would never come; finally, unable to contain him- j self, he would go out an hour before the office opened, for fear of not being able to procure a seat, and, as he was the first in the empty theater, he used to grow uneasy. His grandfather had told him that once or twice the audience had not been large enough, and so the players had preferred not to perform, and to give back the money. He watched the arrivals and counted them, thinking : Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty- five. . . . Oh, it is not enough . . . there will never be THE DAWN 73 enough ! And when he saw some important person enter the circle or the stall^ his heart was lighter, and he said to himself: ''They will never dare to send him away. Surely they will play for him.’’ But he was not convinced; he would not be reassured until the musicians took their places. And even then he would be afraid that the curtain would rise, and they would announce, as they had done one evening, a change of programme. With lynx eyes he watched the stand of the contra-bass to see if the title written on his music was that of the piece announced. And when he had seen it there, two minutes later he would look again to make quite sure that he had not been wrong. The conductor was not there. He must be ill. There was a stirring behind the curtain, and a sound of voices and hurried footsteps. Was there an accident, some untoward misfortune? Silence again. The conductor was at his post. Everything seemed ready at last. . . . They did not begin ! What was happening ? He boiled over with impatience. Then the bell rang. His heart thumped away. The orchestra began the overture, and for a few hours Jean-Christophe would swim in happiness, troubled only by the idea that it must soon come to an end. Some time after that a musical event brought even more excitement into Jean-Christophe’s thoughts. Frangois Marie Hassler, the author of the first opera which had so bowled him over, was to visit the town. He was to conduct a concert con- sisting of his compositions. The town was excited. The young musician was the subject of violent discussion in Germany, and for a fortnight he was the only topic of conversation. It was a different matter when he arrived. The friends of Mel- chior and old Jean Michel continually came for news, and they went away with the most extravagant notions of the musi- cian’s habits and eccentricities. The child followed these narra- tives with eager attention. The idea that the great man was there in the town, breathing the same air as himself, treading the same stones, threw him into a state of dumb exaltation. He lived only in the hope of seeing him. Hassler was staying at the Palace as the guest of the Grand Duke. He hardly went out, except to the theater for rehearsals. i V I , !■ to -which Jean-Christophe w^as not admitted, and as he was very lazy, he went to and fro in the Prince’s carriage. Therefore, Jean-Christophe did not have many opportunities of seeing him, and he only succeeded once in catching sight of him as he drove in the carriage. He saw his fur coat, and wasted hours in waiting in the street, thrusting and jostling his way to right and left, and before and behind, to win and keep his place in front of the loungers. He consoled himself with spending half his days watching the windows of the Palace which had been pointed out as those of the master. Most often he only saw the shutters, for Hassler got up late, and the windows were closed almost all morning. This habit had made well-informed persons say that Hassler could not bear the light of day, and lived in eternal night. At length Jean-Christophe was able to approach his hero. It was the day of the concert. All the town was there. The ; Grand Duke and his Court occupied the great royal box, sur- mounted with a crown supported by two chubby cherubims. ’ The theater was in gala array. The stage was decorated with | branches of oak and flowering laurel. All the musicians of ^ any account made it a point of honor to take their places in - the orchestra. Melchior was at his post, and Jean Michel was '! conducting the chorus. i When Hassler appeared there was loud applause from every ^ part of the house, and the ladies rose to see him better. Jean- | Christophe devoured him with his eyes. Hassler had a young, < sensitive face, though it was already rather puffy and tired- ^ looking; his temples were bald, and his hair was thin on the ‘ crown of his head ; for the rest, fair, curly hair. His blue eyes looked vague. He had a little fair mustache and an expressive mouth, which was rarely still, but twitched with a thousand im- perceptible movements. He was tall, and held himself badly — not from awkwardness, but from weariness or boredom. He conducted capriciously and lithely, with his whole awkward body swaying, like his music, with gestures, now caressing, now sharp and jerky. It was easy to see that he was very nervous, and his music was the exact reflection of himself. The quiver- ing and jerky life of it broke through the usual apathy of the orchestra. Jean-Christophe breathed heavily; in spite of his THE DAWN fear of drawing attention to himself, he could not stand still in his place; he fidgeted, got up, and the music gave him such violent and unexpected shocks that he had to move his head, arms, and legs, to the great discomfort of his neighbors, who warded off his kicks as best they could. The whole audience was enthusiastic, fascinated by the success, rather than by the compositions. At the end there was a storm of applause and cries, in which the trumpets in the orchestra joined, German fashion, with their triumphant blare in salute of the conqueror. Jean-Christophe trembled with pride, as though these honors were for himself. He enjoyed seeing Hassler’s face light up with childish pleasure. The ladies threw fiowers, the men waved their hats, and the audience rushed for the platform. Every one wanted to shake the master’s hand. Jean-Christophe saw one enthusiast raise the master’s hand to his lips, another steal a handkerchief that Hassler had left on the corner of his desk. He wanted to reach the platform also, although he did not know why, for if at that moment he had found himself near Hassler, he would have fied at once in terror and emotion. But he butted with all his force, like a ram, among the skirts and legs that divided him from Hassler. He was too small; he could not break through. Fortunately, when the concert was over, his grandfather came and took him to join in a party to serenade Hassler. It was night, and torches were lighted^ All the musicians of the orchestra were there. They talked only of the marvelous com- positions they had heard. They arrived outside the Palace, and took up their places without a sound under the master’s windows. They took on an air of secrecy, although everybody, including Hassler, knew what was to come. In the silence of the night they began to play certain famous fragments of Hassler’s compositions. He appeared at the window with the Prince, and they roared in their honor. Both bowed. A serv- ant came from the Prince to invite the musicians to enter the Palace. They passed through great rooms, with frescoes repre- senting naked men with helmets; they were of a reddish color, and were making gestures of defiance. The sky was covered with great clouds like sponges. There were also men and women of marble clad in waist-cloths made of iron. The guests walked on 6 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE carpets so thick that their tread was inaudible, and they came at length to a room which was as light as day, and there were tables laden with drinks and good things. The Grand Duke was there, but Jean-Christophe did not see him; he had eyes only for Hassler. Hassler came towards them ; he thanked them. He picked his words carefully, stopped awkwardly in the middle of a sentence, and extricated himself with a quip which made everybody laugh. They began to eat. Hassler took four or five musicians aside. He singled out Jean-Christophe’s grandfather, and addressed very flattering words to him: he recollected that Jean Michel had been one of the first to perform his works, and he said that he had often heard tell of his excellence from a friend of his who had been a pupil of the old man’s. Jean-Christophe’s grandfather ex- pressed his gratitude profusely; he replied with such extraor- dinary eulogy that, in spite of his adoration of Hassler, the = boy was ashamed. But to Hassler they seemed to be pleasant * and in the rational order. Finally, the old man, who had , lost himself in his rigmarole, took Jean-Christophe by the hand, ' and presented him to Hassler. Hassler smiled at Jean-Chris- * tophe, and carelessly patted his head, and when he learned that ^ the boy liked his music, and had not slept for several nights in anticipation of seeing him, he took him in his arms and i *lied him with questions. Jean-Christophe, struck dumb and { flushing with pleasure, dared not look at him. Hassler took | him by the chin and lifted his face up. Jean-Christophe ven- tured to look. HassleFs eyes were kind and smiling; he began • to smile too. Then he felt so happy, so wonderfully happy in ' the great man’s arms, that he burst into tears. Hassler was touched by this simple affection, and was more kind than ever. He kissed the boy and talked to him tenderly. At the same time he said funny things and tickled him to make him laugh; and Jean-Christophe could not help laughing through his tears. Soon he became at ease, and answered Hassler readily, and of his own accord he began to whisper in his ear all his small ambitions, as though he and Hassler were old friends; he told him how he wanted to be a musician like Hassler, and, like Hassler, to make beautiful things, and to be a great man. He, who was always ashamed, talked confidently; he did not know THE DAWH 77 •what he was saying ; he was in a sort of ecstasy. Hassler smiled at his prattling and said: “When you are a man, and have become a good musician, you shall come and see me in Berlin. I shall make something of you.” Jean-Christophe was too delighted to reply. Hassler teased him. “You don’t want to?” Jean-Christophe nodded his head violently five or six times, meaning “Yes.” “ It is a bargain, then ? ” Jean-Christophe nodded again. “ Kiss me, then.” Jean-Christophe threw his arms round Hassler’s neck and hugged him with all his strength. “ Oh, you are wetting me ! Let go ! Your nose wants wiping ! ” Hassler laughed, and wiped the boy’s nose himself, a little self-consciously, though he was quite Jolly. He put him down, then took him by the hand and led him to a table, where he filled his pockets with cake, and left him, saying: “ Good-bye ! Eemember your promise.” Jean-Christophe swam in happiness. The rest of the world had ceased to exist for him. He could remember nothing of what had happened earlier in the evening ; he followed lovingly Hassler^s every expression and gesture. One thing that he said struck him. Hassler was holding a glass in his hand ; he was talking, and his face suddenly hardened, and he said : The joy of such a day must not make us forget our enemies. We must never forget our enemies. It is not their fault that we are not crushed out of existence. It will not be our fault if that does not happen to them. That is why the toast I propose is that there are people whose health ... we will not drink ! Everybody applauded and laughed at this original toast. Hassler had laughed with the others and his good-humored expression had returned. But Jean-Christophe was put out by it. Although he did not permit himself to criticise any action of his hero, it hurt him that he had thought ugly things. 78 JEAN’-CHEISTOPHE when on such a night there ought to be nothing but brilliant thoughts and fancies. But he did not examine what he felt, and the impression that it made was soon driven out by his great joy and the drop of champagne which he drank out of his grandfather^s glass. On the way back the old man never stopped talking; he was delighted with the praise that Hassler had given him ; he cried out that Hassler was a genius such as had not been known for a century. Jean-Christophe said nothing, locking up in his heart his intoxication of love. He had kissed him. He had held him in his arms! How good he was! How great! Ah,^^ he thought in bed, as he kissed his pillow passionately, I would die for him — die for him ! The brilliant meteor which had flashed across the sky of the little town that night had a decisive influence on Jean-Chris- " tophe^s mind. All his childhood Hassler was the model on ^ which his eyes were flxed, and to follow his example the little ‘ man of six decided that he also would write music. To tell ^ the truth, he had been doing so for long enough without know- * ing it, and he had not waited to be conscious of composing ■ before he composed. Everything is music for the born musician. Everything that ; throbs, or moves, or stirs, or palpitates — sunlit summer days, ; nights when the wind howls, flickering light, the twinkling of \ the stars, storms, the song of birds, the buzzing of insects, the | murmuring of trees, voices, loved or loathed, familiar fireside sounds, a creaking door, blood moving in the veins in the silence | of the night — everything that is is music; all that is needed » is that it should be heard. All the music of creation found its echo in Jean-Christophe. Everything that he saw, every- thing that he felt, was translated into music without his being conscious of it. He was like a buzzing hive of bees. But no one noticed it, himself least of all. Like all children, he hummed perpetually at every hour of the day. Whatever he was doing — whether he were walking in the street, hopping on one foot, or lying on the floor at his grandfather^s, with his head in his hands, absorbed in the pictures of a book, or sitting in his little chair in the darkest corner of the kitchen, dreaming aimlessly in the twilight — al- THE DAWN 79 ways the monotonous murmuring of his little trumpet was to be heard, played with lips closed and cheeks blown out. His mother seldom paid any heed to it, but, once in a while, she would protest. When he was tired of this state of half-sleep he would have to move and make a noise. Then he made music, singing it at the top of his voice. He had made tunes for every occasion. He had a tune for splashing in his wash-basin in the morning, like a little duck. He had a tune for sitting on the piano-stool in front of the detested instrument, and another for getting off it, and this was a more brilliant affair than the other. He had one for his mother putting the soup on the table ; he used to go before her then blowing a blare of trumpets. He played triumphal marches by which to go solemnly frona the dining- room to the bedroom. Sometimes he would organize little cessions with his two small brothers; all then would file out gravely, one after another, and each had a tune to march to. But, as was right and proper, Jean-Christophe kept the best for himself. Every one of his tunes was strictly appropriated to its special occasion, and Jean-Christophe never by any chance confused them. Anybody else would have made mistakes, but he knew the shades of difference between them exactly. One day at his grandfather^s house he was going round the room clicking his heels, head up and chest out; he went round and round and round, so that it was a wonder he did not turn t sick, and played one of his compositions. The old man, who was shaving, stopped in the middle of it, and, with his face covered with lather, came to look at him, and said: What are you singing, boy ? Jean-Christophe said he did not know. Sing it again ! said J ean Michel. Jean-Christophe tried; he could not remember the tune. Proud of having attracted his grandfather’s attention, he tried to make him admire his voice, and sang after his own fashion an air from some opera, but that was not what the old man wanted. Jean Michel said nothing, and seemed not to notice, him any more. But he left the door of his room ajar while^ the boy was playing alone in the next room. A few days later Jean-Christophe, with the chairs arranged 80 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE 'I about him, was playing a comedy in music, which he had made fl;^ scraps that he remembered from the theater, and he was 'f making steps and bows, as he had seen them done in a minuet, I and addressing himself to the portrait of Beethoven which I'l hung above the table. As he turned with a pirouette he saw ■fli' grandfather watching him through the half-open door. He thought the old man was laughing at him; he was abashed, and stopped dead; he ran to the window, and pressed his face against the panes, pretending that he had been watching some- thing of the greatest interest. But the old man said nothing; he came to him and kissed him, and Jean-Christophe saw that , he was pleased. His vanity made the most of these signs; : \ he was clever enough to see that he had been appreciated; \ but he did not know exactly which his grandfather had admired j ; most — his talent as a dramatic author, or as a musician, or ‘ I .I Us a singer, or as a dancer. He inclined to the latter, for he I '' prided himself on this. * , i' A week later, when he had forgotten the whole affair, his t grandfather said mysteriously that he had something to show ' him. He opened his desk, took out a music-book, and put it ' j . on the rack of the piano, and told the boy to play. Jean-Chris- 1 i tophe was very much interested, and deciphered it fairly well. . i i| The notes were written by hand in the old man’s large hand- i f writing, and he had taken especial pains with it. The headings ? were adorned with scrolls and flourishes. After some moments | the old man, who was sitting beside Jean-Christophe turning ? the pages for him, asked him what the music was. Jean- t Christophe had been too much absorbed in his playing to notice what he had played, and said that he did not know it. “Listen! ... You don’t know it?” Yes; he thought he knew it, but he did not know where he had heard it. The old man laughed. “ Think.” Jean-Christophe shook his head. .s “I don’t know.” I A light was fast dawning in his mind; it seemed to him that I THE DAWN* 81 He blushed. What, you little fool, donT you see that it is your own ? He was sure of it, but to hear it said made his heart thump. Oh ! grandfather ! . . Beaming, the old man showed him the book. See : Aria, It is what you were singing on Tuesday when you were lying on the floor. March. That is what I asked you to sing again last week, and you could not remember it. Minuet. That is what you were dancing by the armchair. Look ! On the cover was written in wonderful Gothic letters: ^ The Pleasures of Childhood: Aria, Minuetto, Valse, and Marcia, Op. 1, hy J ean-Christophe Krafft.'^ Jean-Christophe was dazzled by it. To see his name, and that fine title, and that large book — his work! ... He went on murmuring: ' Oh ! grandfather ! grandfather ! . . .^^ The old man drew him to him. Jean-Christophe threw him- self on his knees, and hid his head in Jean MicheFs bosom. He was covered with blushes from his happiness. The old man was even happier, and went on, in a voice which he tried to make indifferent, for he felt that he was on the point of breaking down: Of course, I added the accompaniment and the harmony to fit the song. And then — he coughed — and then, I added a trio to the minuet, because . . . because it is usual . . . and then ... I think it is not at all bad.^^ He played it. Jean-Christophe was very proud of collaborat- ing with his grandfather. But, grandfather, you must put your name to it too.’’ It is not worth while. It is not worth while others besides yourself knowing it. Only ” — here his voice trembled — only, later on, when I am no more, it will remind you of your old grandfather ... eh? You won’t forget him?” The poor old man did not say that he had been unable to resist the quite innocent pleasure of introducing one of his own unfortunate airs into his grandson’s work, which he felt was destined to survive him; but his desire to share in this imagi- 82 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / nary glory was very humble and very touching, since it was enough for him anonymously to transmit to posterity a scrap of his own thought, so as not altogether to perish. Jean- Christophe was touched by it, and covered his face with kisses, and the old man, growing more and more tender, kissed his hair. You will remember me ? Later on, when you are a good musician, a great artist, who will bring honor to his family, to his art, and to his country, when you are famous, you will remember that it was your old grandfather who first perceived it, and foretold what you would be ? There were tears in his eyes as he listened to his own words. He was reluctant to let such signs of weakness be seen. He had an attack of coughing, became moody, and sent the boy away hugging the precious manuscript. Jean-Christophe went home bewildered by his happiness. The ; stones danced about him. The reception he had from his family sobered him a little. When he blurted out the splendor of his < musical exploit they cried out upon him. His mother laughed at him. Melchior declared that the old man was mad, and that he would do better to take care of himself than to set « about turning the boy’s head. As for Jean-Christophe, he : would oblige by putting such follies from his mind, and sitting ■ down illico at the piano and playing exercises for four hours. | He must first learn to play properly; and as for composing, | there was plenty of time for that later on when he had nothing ^ better to do. ] Melchior was not, as these words of wisdom might indicate, trying to keep the boy from the dangerous exaltation of a too early pride. On the contrary, he proved immediately that this was not so. But never having himself had any idea to express in music, and never having had the least need to express an idea, he had come, as a virtuoso, to consider composing a second- j ary matter, which was only given value by the art of the executant. He was not insensible of the tremendous enthusiasm roused by great composers like Hassler. For such ovations I he had the respect which he always paid to success — mingled, perhaps, with a little secret jealousy — for it seemed to him that i such applause was stolen from him. But he knew by experience THE DAWN 83 that the successes of the great virtuosi are no less remarkable, and are more personal in character, and therefore more fruitful of agreeable and flattering consequences. He affected to pay profound homage to the genius of the master musicians; but he took a great delight in telling absurd anecdotes of them, presenting their intelligence and morals in a lamentable light. He placed the virtuoso at the top of the artistic ladder, for, he said, it is well known that the tongue is the noblest member of the body, and what would thought be without words ? What would music be without the executant ? But whatever may have been the reason for the scolding that he gave Jean-Christophe, it was not without its uses in restoring some common sense to the boy, who was almost beside himself with hi*s grand- father’s praises. It was not quite enough. Jean-Christophe, of course, decided that his grandfather was much cleverer than his father, and though he sat down at the piano without sulking, he did so not so much for the sake of obedience as to be able to dream in peace, as he always did while his fingers ran mechanically over the keyboard. While he played his intermi- nable exercises he heard a proud voice inside himself saying over and over again : I am a composer — a great composer.” From that day on, since he was a composer, he set himself to composing. Before he had even learned to write, he eon- tinued to cipher crotchets and quavers on scraps of paper, which he tore from the household account-books. But in the effort to find out what he was thinking, and to set it down in black and white, he arrived at thinking nothing, except when he wanted to think something. But he did not for that give up making musical phrases, and as he was a born musician he made them somehow, even if they meant nothing at all. Then he would take them in triumph to his grandfather, who wept with joy over them — ^he wept easily now that he was growing old- — and vowed that they were wonderful. All this was like to spoil him altogether. Fortunately, his own good sense saved him, helped by the influence of a man who made no pretension of having any influence over anybody, and set nothing before the eyes of the world but a common- sense point of view. This man was Louisa’s brother. Like her, he was small, thin, puny, and rather round-shoul- 84 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE dered. No one knew exactly how old he was; he could not he more than forty, but he looked more than fifty. He had a little wrinkled face, with a pink complexion, and kind pale blue eyes, like faded forget-me-nots. When he took off his cap, which he used fussily to wear everywhere from his fear of draughts, he exposed a little pink bald head, conical in shape, which was the great delight of Jean-Christophe and his brothers. They never left off teasing him about it, asking him what he had done with his hair, and, encouraged by Melchior’s pleasantries, threatening to smack it. He was the first to laugh at them, and put up with their treatment of him patiently. He was a peddler; he used to go from village to village with a pack on his back, containing everything — groceries, stationery, eonfec- tionery, handkerchiefs, scarves, shoes, pickles, almanacs, songs, and drugs. Several attempts had been made to make him settle ' down, and to buy him a little business — a store or a drapery j shop. But he could not do it. One night he would get up, push the key under the door, and set off again with his pack. < Weeks and months went by before he was seen again. Then ' he would reappear. Some evening they would hear him fum- ; bling at the door; it would half open, and the little bald head, politely uncovered, would appear with its kind eyes and j timid smile. He would say, “ Good-evening, everybody,” care- i fully wipe his shoes before entering, salute everybody, beginning | with the eldest, and go and sit in the most remote corner of f the room. There he would light his pipe, and sit huddled ' up, waiting quietly until the usual storm of questions was over. 1 The two Kraffts, Jean-Christophe’s father and grandfather, had ‘ a jeering contempt for him. The little freak seemed ridiculous to them, and their pride was touched by the low degree of the peddler. They made him feel it, but he seemed to take no notice of it, and showed them a profound respect which dis- armed them, especially the old man, who was very sensitive to what people thought of him. They used to crush him with heavy pleasantries, which often brought the blush to Louisa’s cheeks. Accustomed to bow without dispute to the intellectual superiority of the Kraffts, she had no doubt that her husband ; and father-in-law were right ; but she loved her brother, and her brother had for her a dumb adoration. They were the . THE DAWN* 85 only members of their family, and they were both humble, crushed, and thrust aside by life; they were united in sadness and tenderness by a bond of mutual pity and common suffer- ing, borne in secret. With the Kraffts — robust, noisy, brutal, solidly built for living, and living joyously — these two weak, kindly creatures, out of their setting, so to speak, outside life, understood and pitied each other without ever saying anything about it. Jean-Christophe, with the cruel carelessness of childhood, shared the contempt of his father and grandfather for the little peddler. He made fun of him, and treated him as a comic figure; he worried him with stupid teasing, which his uncle bore with his unshakable phlegm. But Jean-Christophe loved him, without quite knowing why. He loved him first of all as a plaything with which he did what he liked. He loved him also because he always gave him something nice — a dainty, a picture, an amusing toy. The little man’s return was a joy for the children, for he always had some surprise for them. Poor as he was, he always contrived to bring them each a pres- ent, and he never forgot the birthday of any one of the family. He always turned up on these august days, and brought out of his pocket some jolly present, lovingly chosen. They were so used to it that they hardly thought of thanking him; it seemed natural, and he appeared to be sufficiently repaid by the pleasure he had given. But Jean-Christophe, who did not sleep very well, and during the night used to turn over in his mind the events of the day, used sometimes to think that his uncle was very kind, and he used to be filled with floods of gratitude to the poor man. He never showed it when the day came, because he thought that the others would laugh at him. Besides, he was too little to see in kindness all the rare value that it has. In the language of children, kind and stupid are almost synonymous, and Uncle Gottfried seemed to be the living proof of it. One evening when Melchior was dining out, Gottfried was left alone in the living-room, while Louisa put the children to bed. He went out, and sat by the river a few yards away from the house. Jean-Christophe, having nothing better to do, followed him, and, as usual, tormented him with his puppy 86 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE ^ tricks until he was out of breath, and dropped down on the grass at his feet. Lying on his belly, he buried his nose in the turf. When he had recovered his breath, he cast about tor some new crazy thing to say. When he found it he shouted it out, and rolled about with laughing, with his face still buried in the earth. He received no answer. Surprised by the silence, he raised his head, and began to repeat his joke. He saw Gott- fried’s face lit up by the last beams of the setting sun cast through golden mists. He swallowed down his words. Gott- fried smiled with his eyes half closed and his mouth half open, and in his sorrowful face was an expression of sadness and unutterable melancholy. Jean-Christophe, with his face in his hands, watched him. The night came; little by little Gott- fried’s face disappeared. Silence reigned. Jean-Christophe in his turn was filled with the mysterious impressions which had been refiected on Gottfried’s face. He fell into a vague stupor. The earth was in darkness, the sky was bright; the stars peeped out. The little waves of the river chattered against the bank. The boy grew sleepy. Without seeing them, he bit off little blades of grass. A grasshopper chirped near him. It seemed to him that he was going to sleep. Suddenly, in the dark, Gottfried began to sing. He sang in a weak, husky voice, as though to himself; he could not have been heard twenty yards away. But there was sincerity and emotion in his voice; it was as though he were thinking aloud, and that through the song, as through clear water, the very inmost heart of him was to be seen. Never had Jean- Christophe heard such singing, and never had he heard such a song. Slow, simple, childish, it moved gravely, sadly, a little monotonously, never hurrying — ^with long pauses then setting out again on its way, careless where it arrived, and losing itself in the night. It seemed to come from far away, and it went no man knows whither. Its serenity was full of sorrow, and beneath its seeming peace there dwelt an agony of the ages. Jean-Christophe held his breath; he dared not move; he was cold with emotion. When it was done he crawled to- wards Gottfried, and in a choking voice said: « Uncle ! ” Gottfried did not reply. THE DAWH 8T “ Uncle ! ” repeated the boy, placing his hands and chin om Gottfried’s knees. Gottfried said kindly: “ Well, boy ...” “What is it, uncle? Tell me! What were you sing- ing?” “I don’t know.” “ Tell me what it is ! ” “I don’t know. Just a song.” “ A song that you made.” “ No, not I ! Wliat an idea! ... It is an old song.” “Who made it?” “No one knows. . . .” “When?” “No one knows. . . .” “ When you were little ? ” “ Before I was born, before my father was horn, and before his father, and before his father’s father. ... It has always been.” , “ How strange ! No one has ever told me about it. He thought for a moment. “Uncle, do you know any other?” “ Yes.” “ Sing another, please.” “Why should I sing another? One is enough. One sings when one wants to sing, when one has to sing. One must not sing for the fun of it.” “But what about when one makes music?” “ That is not music.” The boy was lost in thought. He did not quite understand. But he asked for no explanation. It was true, it was not music, not like all the rest. He went on : “Uncle, have you ever made them?” “ Made what ? ” “ Songs ! ” “Songs? Oh! How should I make them? They can’t be made.” With his usual logic the boy ii'sisted : “ But, uncle, it must have beeiv made once. . . .” ,jl Gottfried shook his head obstinately. 1'^ ^^It has always been/^ The boy returned to the attack: ^^But, uncle, isnT it possible to make other songs, new M songs v|i : Why make them ? There are enough for everything. There 1 are songs for when you are sad, and for when you are gay; for when you are weary, and for when you are thinking of ^ home; for when you despise yourself, because you have been a vile sinner, a worm upon the earth; for when you want to weep, because people have not been kind to you; and for when your heart is glad because the world is beautiful, and you see i God^s heaven, which, like Him, is always kind, and seems to laugh at you. . . . There are songs for everything, everything. ^ ; Why should I make them ?^^ ; ri To be a great man ! said the boy, full of his grandfather^s ' i ' teaching and his simple dreams. ' Gottfried laughed softly. Jean-Christophe, a little hurt, t asked him: * ^^Why are you laughing Gottfried said: ; ’ ^^Oh! I? ... I am nobody.^^ ^ ii'i He kissed the boy’s head, and said : I I ^^You want to be a great man?” { ^^Yes,” said Jean-Christophe proudly. He thought Gott- \ fried would admire him. But Gottfried replied : ! ^^What for?” \ Jean-Christophe was taken aback. He thought for a moment, ‘ and said : To make beautiful songs ! ” Gottfried laughed again, and said: v You want to make beautiful songs, so as to be a great man; ■ and you want to be a great man, so as to make beautiful songs. You are like a dog chasing its own tail.” Jean-Christophe was dashed. At any other time he would not have borne his uncle laughing at him, he at whom he was | used to laughing. And, at the same time, he would never | have thought Gottfried cleve? enough to stump him with an | argument. He cast about for some answer or some imper-| THE DAWN 89 tinence to throw at him, but could find none. Gottfried went on: "When you are as great as from here to Coblentz, you will never make a single song.” Jean-Christophe revolted on that. "And if I will! . . .” " The more you want to, the less you can. To make songs, you have to be like those creatures. Listen. . . .” The moon had risen, round and gleaming, behind the fields. A silvery mist hovered above the ground and the shimmering waters. The frogs croaked, and in the meadows the melodious fluting of the toads arose. The shrill tremolo of the gr^s- hoppers seemed to answer the twinkling of th*^' stars. The wind rustled softly in the branches of the alders. From the hills above the river there came down the sweet light song of a nightingale. " What need is there to sing? ” sighed Gottfried, after a long silence. (.It was not clear whether he were talking to himself or to Jean-Christophe.) " Don’t they sing sweeter than any- thing that you could make ? ” Jean-Christophe had often heard these sounds of the night, and he loved them. But never had he heard them as he heard them now. It was true ; what need was there to sing ? . . . His heart was full of tenderness and sorrow. He was fain to em- brace the meadows, the river, the ‘sky, the clear stars. He was filled with love for his uncle Gottfried, who seemed to him now the best, the cleverest, the most beautiful , of men. He thought how he had misjudged him, and he thought that his uncle was sad because he, Jean-Christophe, had misjudged him. He was remorseful. He wanted to cry out : " Uncle, do not be sad I I will not be naughty again. Forgive me, I love you ! ” But he dared not. And suddenly he threw himself into Gott- fried’s arms, but the words would not come, only he repeated, " I love you I ” and kissed him passionately. Gottfried was sur- prised and touched, and went on saying, "What? What? and kissed him. Then he got up, took him by the hand, and said: "We must go in.” Jean-Christophe was sad because his uncle had not understood him. But as they came to the house, Gottfried said : " If you like we’ll go again to hear God’s 90 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE music, and I will sing you some more songs.” And when Jean- Christophe kissed him gratefully as they said good-night, he saw that his uncle had understood. Thereafter they often went for walks together in the evening, and they walked without a word along hy the river, or through the fields. Gottfried slowly smoked his pipe, and Jean-Chris- tophe, a little frightened by the darkness, would give him his hand. They would sit down on the grass, and after a few moments of silence Gottfried would talk to him about the stars and the clouds; he taught him to distinguish the breathing of the earth, air, and water, the songs, cries, and sounds of the little worlds of flying, creeping, hopping, and swimming things swarming in the darkness, and the signs of rain and fine weather, and the countless instruments of the symphony of the ■ night. Sometimes Gottfried would sing tunes, sad or gay, but . always of the same kind, and always in the end J ean-Christophe ; would be brought to the same sorrow. But he would never ; sing more than one song in an evening, and Jean-Christophe ^ noticed that he did not sing gladly when he v/as asked to do ; so; it had to come of itself, just when he wanted to. Some- ; times they had to wait for a long time without speaking, and , just when Jean-Christophe was beginning to think, “ He is not : going to sing this evening,” Gottfried would make up his mind. ; One evening, when nothing would induce Gottfried to sing, , Jean-Christophe thought of submitting to him one of his own j small compositions, in the making of which he found so much ' trouble and pride. He wanted to show what an artist he was. ^ Gottfried listened very quietly, and then said : i That is very ugly, my poor dear Jean-Christophe ! ” Jean-Christophe was so hurt that he could find nothing to i say. Gottfried went on pityingly: “Why did you do it? It is so ugly! No one forced you to do it.” j Hot with anger, Jean-Christophe protested: “ My grandfather thinks my music fine.” I “ Ah 1 ” said Gottfried, not turning a hair. “ No doubt he is right. He is a learned man. He knows all about music. . I know nothing about it. ...” And after a moment: THE DAWN 91 " But I think that is very ugly.” He looked quietly at Jean-Christophe, and saw his angry face, and smiled, and said : “Have you composed any others? Perhaps I shall like the others better than that.” Jean-Christophe thought that his other compositions might wipe out the impression of the first, and he sang them all. Gottfried said nothing; he waited until they were finished. Then he shook his head, and with profound conviction said: “ They are even more ugly.” Jean-Christophe shut his lips, and his chin trembled; he wanted to cry. Gottfried went on as though he himself were upset. “ How ugly they are ! ” Jean-Christophe, with tears in his voice, cried out: “But why do you say they are ugly? ” Gottfried looked at him with his frank eyes. “Why? ... I don’t know. . . . Wait. . . . They are ugly . . . first, because they are stupid. . . . Yes, that’s it. . . . They are stupid, they don’t mean anything. ... You see? When you wrote, you had nothing to say. Why did you write them?” “I don’t know,” said Jean-Christophe, in a piteous voice. “ I wanted to write something pretty.” - “ There you are ! You wrote for the sake of writing. You wrote because you wanted to be a great musician, and to be admired. You have been proud ; you have been a liar ; you have been punished. ... You see ! A man is always punished when he is proud and a liar in music. Music must be modest , and sincere — or else, what is it? Impious, a blasphemy of the Lord, who has given us song to tell the honest truth.” ' He saw the boy’s distress, and tried to kiss him. But Jean- Christophe turned angrily away, and for several days he sulked. He hated Gottfried. But it was in vain that he said over and over to himself : “ He is an ass ! He knows nothing — nothing I My grandfather, who is much cleverer, likes my music.” In his heart he knew that his uncle was right, and Gottfried’s words were graven on his inmost soul ; he was ashamed to have been a liar. 92 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE / And, in spite of his resentment, he always thought of it when he was writing music, and often he tore up what he had written, being ashamed already of what Gottfried would have thought of it. When he got over it, and wrote a melody which he knew to be not quite sincere, he hid it carefully from his uncle; he was fearful of his judgment, and was quite happy when Gottfried just said of one of his pieces : “ That is not so very ugly. • ^ • I lik^ it. . . .” Sometimes^ by way of revenge, he used to trick him by giving him as his own melodies from the great musicians, and he was delighted when it happened that Gottfried disliked them heart- ily. But that did not trouble Gottfried. He would laugh loudly when he saw Jean-Christophe clap his hands and dance about , him delightedly, and he always returned to his usual argument: , “It is well enough written, but it says nothing.” He always ; refused to be present at one of the little concerts given in ; Melchior’s house. However beautiful the music might be, he would begin to yawn and look sleepy with boredom. Very soon ! he would be unable to bear it any longer, and would steal away j quietly. He used to say: ; “ You see, my boy, everything that you write in the house ' is not music. Music in a house is like sunshine in a room. ; Music is to be found outside where you breathe God’s dear fresh j air.” i He was always talking of God, for he was very pious, unlike | the two Kraffts, father and son, who were free-thinkers, and j took care to eat meat on Fridays. j Suddenly, for no apparent reason, Melchior changed his opinion. Not only did he approve of his father having put together Jean-Christophe’s inspirations, but, to the boy’s great surprise, he spent several evenings in making two or three copies of his manuscript. To every question put to him on the subject, he replied impressively, “ We shall see ; . . .” or he would rub his hands and laugh, smack the boy’s head by way of a joke, ^ turn him up and blithely spank him. J ean-Christophe loathed ^hese familiarities, but he saw that his father was pleased, and did not know why. Then there were mysterious confabulations between Melchior ■ THE DAWN 93 and his father. And one evening Jean-Christophe, to his aston- ishment, learned that he, Jean-Christophe, had dedicated to H.S.H. the Grand Duke Leopold the Pleasures of Childhood,. Melchior had sounded the disposition of the Prince, who had shown himself graciously inclined to accept the homage. There- upon Melchior declared that without losing a moment they must, primo, draw up the official request to the Prince; secondo, publish the work ; tertio, organize a concert to give it a hearing. There were further long conferences between Melchior and Jean Michel. They argued heatedly for two or three evenings. It was forbidden to interrupt them. Melchior wrote, erased; erased, wrote. The old man talked loudly, as though he were reciting verses., Sometimes they squabbled or thumped on the table because they could not find a word. Then Jean-Christophe was called, made to sit at the table with a pen in his hand, his father on his right, his grandfather on his left, and the old man began to dictate words which he did not understand, because he found it difficult to write every word in his enormous letters, because Melchior was shout- ing in his ear, and because the old man declaimed with such emphasis that Jean-Christophe, put out by the sound of the words, could not bother to listen to their meaning. The old man was no less in a state of emotion. He could not sit still, and he walked up and down the room, involuntarily illustrating the text of what he read with gestures, but he came every minute to look over what the boy had written, and Jean-Christophe^. frightened by the two large faces looking over his shoulder, put out his tongue, and held his pen clumsily. A mist floated before his eyes; he made too many strokes, or smudged what he had written ; and Melchior roared, and J ean Michel stormed ;■ and he had to begin again, and then again, and when he thought that they had at last come to an end, a great blot fell on the immaculate page. Then they pulled his ears, and he burst into tears ; but they forbade him to weep, because he was spoiling the paper, and they began to dictate, beginning all over again, and he thought it would go on like that to the end of his' life. At last it was finished, and Jean Michel leaned against the mantelpiece, and read over their handiwork in a voice trembling JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / with pleasure, while Melchior sat straddled across a chair, and looked at the ceiling and wagged his chair and, as a connoisseur, rolled round his tongue the style of the following epistle: Most Noble and Sublime Highness! Most Gracious Lord! From my fourth year Music has been the first occupation his toilet and curl Jean-Christophe^s rebellious hair. He 1 did not leave it until he had made it look like a sheep-skin. ( All the family walked round Jean-Christophe and declared that \ he was superb. Melchior, after looking him up and down, and turning him about and about, was seized with an idea, ^ and went off to fetch a large flower, which he put in his button- ’ hole. But when Louisa saw him she raised her hands, and cried out distressfully that he looked like a monkey. That hurt him cruelly. He did not know whether to be ashamed or proud of his garb. Instinctively he felt humiliated, and he was more so at the concert. Humiliation was to be for him the out- standing emotion of that memorable day. The concert was about to begin. The hall was half empty;, the Grand Duke had not arrived. One of those kindly and - well-informed friends who always appear on these occasions! came and told them that there was a Council being held at | THE DAWN 97 the Palace, and that the Grand Duke would not come. He had it on good authority. Melchior was in despair. He fidgeted, paced up and down, and looked repeatedly out of the window. Old Jean Michel was also in torment, but he was concerned for his grandson. He bombarded him with instructions. J earn Christophe was infected by the nervousness of his family. He was not in the least anxious about his compositions, but he was troubled by the thought of the bows that he had to make to the audience, and thinking of them brought him to agony. However, he had to begin; the audience was gjowing im^ patient. The orchestra of the Hof Musilc Verein began the Coriolan Overture. The boy knew neither Coriolan nor Bee- thoven, for though he had often heard Beethoven’s music, he^ had not known it. He never bothered about the names of the works he heard. He gave them names of his own invention, while he created little stories or pictures for them. He classi- fied them usually in three categories: fire, water, and earth, with a thousand degrees between each. Mozart belonged almost always to water. He was a meadow by the side of a river, a transparent mist fioating over the water, a spring shower, or a rainbow. Beethoven was fire — now a furnace with gigantic fiames and vast columns of smoke; now a burning forest, a heavy and terrible cloud, hashing lightning; now a wide sky full of quivering stars, one of which breaks free, swoops, and dies on a fine September night setting the heart beating. N’ow' the imperious ardor of that heroic soul burned him like fire.tjisj Everything else disappeared. What was it all to him? — ^Mel- chior in despair, Jean Michel agitated, all the busy world, the audience, the Grand Duke, little" Jean-Christophe. What had he to do with all these? What lay between them and him? Was that he — ^he, himself ? ... He was given up to the furious will that carried him headlong. He followed it breathlessly, with tears in his eyes, and his legs numb, thrilling from the palms of his hands to the soles of his feet. His blood drummed Charge ! ” and he trembled in every limb. And as he listened so intensely, hiding behind a curtain, his heart suddenly leaped violently. The orchestra had stopped short in the middle of a bar, and after a moment’s silence, it broke into a crashing of brass and cymbals with a military march, officially strident. 98 JBAN-CHEISTOPHE The transition from one sort of music to another was so brutal, so unexpected, that Jean-Christophe ground his teeth and stamped his foot with rage, and shook his fist at the wall. But Melchior rejoiced. The Grand Duke had come in, and the orchestra was saluting him with the National Anthem. And in a trembling voice Jean Michel gave his last instructions to his grandson. The overture began again, and this time was finished. It was now Jean-Christophe’s turn. Melchior had arranged the programme to show off at the same time the skill of both father and son. They were to play together a sonata of Mozart for violin and piano. For the sake of effect he had decided that Jean-Christophe should enter alone. He was led to the entrance . of the stage and showed the piano at the front, and for the last time it was explained what he had to do, and then he was ■ pushed on from the wings. : He was not much afraid, for he was used to the theater ; but when he found himself alone on the platform, with hundreds of ; eyes staring at him, he became suddenly so frightened that in- , stinctively he moved backwards and turned towards the wings to go back again. He saw his father there gesticulating and with his eyes blazing. He had to go on. Besides, the audience , had seen him. As he advanced there arose a twittering of ^ curiosity, followed soon by laughter, which grew louder and; louder. Melchior had not been wrong, and the boy’s garb.; had all the effect anticipated. The audience rocked with laugh- j ter at the sight of the child with his long hair and gipsy com- : plexion timidly trotting across the platform in the evening dress of a man of the world. They got up to see him better. Soon the hilarity was general. There was nothing unkindly in it, but it would have made the most hardened musician lose | his head. Jean-Christophe, terrified by the noise, and the eyes ; watching, and the glasses turned upon him, had only one idea : ! to reach the piano as quickly as possible, for it seemed to him I a refuge, an island in the midst of the sea. With head down, ; looking neither to right nor left, he ran quickly across the plat- form, and when he reached the middle of it, instead of bowing | to the audience, as had been arranged, he turned his back on | it, and plunged straight for the piano. The chair was too high j 99 THE DAWH for him to sit down without his father’s help, and in his dis- tress, instead of waiting, he climbed up on to it on his knees. That increased the merriment of the audience, but now Jean- Christophe was safe. Sitting at his instrument, he was afraid of no one. , Melchior came at last. He gained by the good-humor of the audience, who welcomed him with warm applause. The sonata began. The boy played it with imperturbable certainty, with his lips pressed tight in concentration, his eyes fixed on the keys, his little legs hanging down from the chair. He became more at ease as the notes rolled out; he was among friends that he knew. A murmur of approbation reached him, and waves of pride and satisfaction surged through him as he thought that all these people were silent to listen to him and to admire him. Biit hardly had he finished when fear overcame him again, and the applause which greeted him gave him more shame than pleasure. His shame increased when Melchior took him by the hand, and advanced with him to the edge of the- platform, and made him bow to the public. He obeyed, and bowed very low, with a funny awkwardness; but he was hu- miliated, and blushed for what he had done, as though it were a thing ridiculous and ugly. He had to sit at the piano again, and he played the Pleasures of Childhood. Then the audience was enraptured. After each piece they shouted enthusiastically. They wanted him to begin again, and he was proud of his success and at the same time almost hurt by such applause, which was also a command. At the end the whole audience rose to acclaim him ; the Grand Duke led the applause. But as Jean-Christophe was now alone on the platform he dared not budge from his seat. The ap- plause redoubled. He bent his head lower and lower, blushing and hang-dog in expression, and he looked steadily away from the audience. Melchior came. He took him in his arms, and told him to blow kisses. He pointed out to him the Grand Duke’s box. Jean-Christophe turned a deaf ear. Melchior took his arm, and threatened him in a low voice. Then he did as he was told passively, but he did not look at anybody, he did not raise his eyes, but went on turning his head away, and he was unhappy. He was suffering ; how, he did not know. His 100 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE vanity was suffering. He did not like the people who were there at all. It was no use their applauding; he could not forgive them for having laughed and for being amused by his humiliation; he could not forgive them for having seen him in such a ridiculous position — held in mid-air to blow kisses. He disliked them even for applauding, and when Melchior did at last put him down, he ran away to the wings. A lady threw a bunch of violets up at him as he went. It brushed his face. He was panic-stricken and ran as fast as he could, turning over a chair that was in his way. The faster he ran the more they laughed, and the more they laughed the faster he ran. At last he reached the exit, which was filled with people looking at him. He forced his way through, butting, and ran and hid himself at the back of the anteroom. His grandfather ' was in high feather, and covered him with blessings. The ' lusicians of the orchestra shouted with laughter, and con- : ^gratulated the boy, who refused to look at them or to shake * hands with them. Melchior listened intently, gaging the ap- , plause, which had not yet ceased, and wanted to take Jean- f Christophe on to the stage again. But the boy refused angrily, ■ clung to his grandfather’s coat-tails, and kicked at everybody who came near him. At last he burst into tears, and they . had to let him be. ; Just at this moment an officer came to say that the Grand { Duke wished the artists to go to his box. How could the child j be presented in such a state? Melchior swore angrily, and his ' wrath only had the effect of making Jean-Christophe’s tears | flow faster. To stop them, his grandfather promised him a < pound of chocolates if he would not cry any more, and Jean- Christophe, who was greedy, stopped dead, swallowed down his tears, and let them carry him off ; but they had to swear at first most solemnly that they would not take him on to ^ the platform again. In the anteroom of the Grand Ducal box he was presented to a gentleman in a dress-coat, with a face like a pug-dog, bristling mustaches, and a short, pointed beard — a little red- faced man, inclined to stoutness, who addressed him with ban- +.princr Tiitti IVfrwQv'f f THE DAWH 101 Grand Duchess and her daughter, and their suite. But as he did not dare raise his eyes, the only thing he could remember of this brilliant company was a series of gowns and uniforms from the waist down to the feet. He sat on the lap of the voun'^ Princess, and dared not move or breathe. She asked him Questions, which Melchior answered in an obsequious Toice with formal replies, respectful and servile; but she did not listen to Melchior, and went on teasing the child. He grew redder and redder, and, thinking that everybody must have noticed it, he thought he must explain it away and said with a long sigh: “ My face is red. I am hot.” . That made the girl shout with laughter. But Jean-Chris- tophe did not mind it in her, as he had in his audience just before, for her laughter was pleasant, and she kissed him, and he did not dislike that. , ,, j f Then he saw his grandfather in the passage at the door ot the box, beaming and bashful. The old man was fain to show himself, and also to say a few words, but he dared not, because no one had spoken to him. He was enjoying his grandson s glory at a distance. Jean-Christophe became tender, and telt an irresistible impulse to procure justice also for the old man, / so that they should know his worth. His tongue was loosed, and he reached up to the ear of his new friend and whispered to her: “ I will tell you a secret.” She laughed, and said : “What?” . “ You know,” he went on — “ you know the pretty tno in my minuetto, the minuetto I played? . . . You know it? . . .” (He hummed it gently.) “. . . Well, grandfather wrote it, not I. All the other airs are mine. But that is the best. Grand- father wrote it. Grandfather did not want me to say anything. You won’t tell anybody? . . .” (He pointed out the old man.) “ That is my grandfather. I love him ; he is very kind to me. At that the young Princess laughed again, said that he was a darling, covered him with kisses, and, to the consternation of Jean-Christophe and his grandfather, told everybody. Everybody laughed then, and the Grand Duke congratulated I • the old man, who was covered with confusion, tried in vain || to explain himself, and stammered like a guilty criminal. But frj Jean-Christophe said not another word to the girl, and in |r spite of her wheedling he remained dumb and stiff. He de- li spised her for having broken her promise. His idea of princes ■ ' suffered considerably from this disloyalty. He was so angry I Y about it that he did not hear anything that was said, or that I the Prince had appointed him laughingly his pianist in ordinary, ‘ his Hof Musicus. He went out with his relatives, and found himself surrounded in the corridors of the theater, and even in the street, with , people congratulating him or kissing him. That displeased . him greatly, for he did not like being kissed, and did not jl'l like people meddling with him without asking his permission, i/,';, , At last they reached home, and then hardly' was the door ' I" closed than Melchior began to call him a “ little idiot ” because ; ij, he had said that the trio was not his own. As the boy was under the impression that he had done a fine thing, which ' ; deserved praise, and not blame, he rebelled, and was impertinent. ' Melchior lost his temper, and said that he would box his ears, '■ ll|,! although he had played his music well enough, because with ' :|;j; his idiocy he had spoiled the whole effect of the concert. Jean- ] 'jf ’l Christophe had a profound sense of Justice. He went and ^ i ; . sulked in a corner ; he visited his contempt upon his father, ^ il the Princess, and the whole world. He was hurt also because | 1 : , the neighbors came and congratulated his parents and laughed ! with them, as if it were they who had played, and as if it ] were their affair. At this moment a servant of the Court came with a beautiful gold watch from the Grand Duke and a box of lovely sweets from the young Princess. Both presents gave great pleasure, ■ ‘ to Jean-Christophe, and he did not know which gave him the ;■ r ; more ; but he was in such a bad temper that he would not admit ' ! , it to himself, and he went on sulking, scowling at the sweets, and wondering whether he could properly accept a gift from a person who had betrayed his confidence. As he was on the point of giving in his father wanted to set him down at once I at the table, and make him write at his dictation a letter of : thanks. This was too much. Either from the nervous strain ^ THE DAWH 103 of the day, or from instinctive shame at beginning the letter, as Melchior wanted him to, with the words, “ The little servant and musician — Knecht und Mmicus — of Your Highness . . . he burst into tears, and was inconsolable. The servant waited and scoffed. Melchior had to write the letter. That did not make him exactly kindly disposed towards Jean-Christophe. As a crowning misfortune, the boy let his watch fall and broke it. A storm of reproaches broke upon him. Melchior shouted that he would have to go without dessert. J ean-Christophe said angrily that that was what he wanted. To punish him, Louisa said that she would begin by confiscating his sweets. Jean- Christophe was up in arms at that, and said that the box was his, and no one else’s, and that no one should take it away from him! He was smacked, and in a fit of anger snatched the box from his mother’s hands, hurled it on the floor, and stamped on it. He was whipped, taken to his room, undressed, and put to bed. In the evening he heard his parents dining with friends— a magnificent repast^ prepared a week before in honor of the concert. He was like to die with wrath at such injustice. They laughed loudly, and touched glasses. They had told the guests that the boy was tired, and no one bothered about him. Only after dinner, when the party was breaking up, he heard a slow,. shuffling step come into his room, and old Jean Michel bent over his bed and kissed him, and said *. ^ Dear little Jean- Christophe !...'' Then, as if he were ashamed, he went away without another word. He had slipped into his hand some sweetmeats which he had hidden in his pocket. That softened Jean-Christophe; but he was so tired with all the day’p. emotions that he had not the strength to think about what his grandfather had done. He had not even the strength to reach out to the good things the old man had given him. He was worn out, and went to sleep almost at once. His sleep was light. He had acute nervous attacks, like electric shocks, which shook his whole body. In his dreams he was haunted by wild music. He awoke in the night. The Beethoven overture that he had heard at the concert was roaring in his ears. It filled the room with its mighty beat. He sat up in his bed, rubbed his eyes and ears, and asked himself if 104 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE • ihe were asleep. No; he was not asleep. He recognized the «ound, he recognized those roars of anger, those savage cries; ihe heard the throbbing of that passionate heart leaping in his bosom, that tumult of the blood; he felt on his face the frantic heating of the wind, lashing and destroying, then stopping suddenly, cut off by an Herculean will. That Titanic soul entered his body, blew out his limbs and his soul, and seemed to give them colossal proportions. He strode over all the world. He was like a mountain, and storms raged within him — storms of wrath, storms of sorrow! . . . Ah, what sorrow! . . . But they were nothing ! He felt so strong ! ... To suffer - — ^still to suffer! . . . Ah, how good it is to be strong! How good it is to suffer when a man is strong! ... He laughed. His laughter rang out in the silence of the ; uight. His father woke up and cried: ; ^^Who is there j His mother whispered: Ssh ! the boy is dreaming ! | All then were silent ; round them all was silence. The music \ died away, and nothing sounded but the regular breathing of fhe human creatures asleep in the room, comrades in misery, thrown together by Fate in the same frail barque, bound on- . wards by a wild whirling force through the night. ; ( Jean-Christophe’s letter to the Grand Duke Leopold is inspired by \ Beethoven’s letter to the Prince Elector of Bonn, written when he was ■ eleven.) { MOENING I THE DEATH OF JEAN MICHEL Years have passed. Jean-Christophe is nearly eleven. His musical education is proceeding. He is learning harmony with Florian Holzer, the organist of St. Martin's, a friend of his grandfather's, a very learned man, who teaches him that the chords and series of chords that he most loves, and the har- monies which softly greet his heart and ear, those that he cannot hear without a little thrill running down his spine, are bad and forbidden. When he asks why, no reply is forth- coming but that it is so; the rules forbid them. As he is naturally in revolt against discipline, he loves them only the more. His delight is to find examples of them in the great and admired musicians, and to take them to his grandfather or his master. His grandfather replies that in the great musicians they are admirable, and that Beethoven and Bach can take any liberty. His master, less conciliatory, is angry, and says acidly that the masters did better things. Jean-Christophe has a free pass for the concerts and the theater. He has learned to play every instrument a little. He is already quite skilful with the violin, and his father procured him a seat in the orchestra. He acquitted himself so well there that after a few months' probation he was officially appointed second violin in the Hof Musik Verein. He has begun to earn his living. Not too soon either, for affairs at home have gone from bad to worse. Melchior's intemperance has swamped him, and his grandfather is growing old. Jean-Christophe has taken in the melancholy situation. He is already as grave and anxious as a man. He fulfils his task valiantly, though it does not interest him, and he is apt to fall asleep in the orchestra in the evenings, because it is late and he is tired. The theater no longer rouses in him the emotion it used to do when he was little. When he was little — four 107 108 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE years ago — his greatest ambition had been to occupy the place that he now holds. ' But now he dislikes most of the music he is made to play. He dare not yet pronounce judgment upon it, but he does find it foolish; and if by chance they do play lovely things, he is displeased by the carelessness with which they are rendered, and his best-beloved works are made to appear like his neighbors and colleagues in the orchestra, who, as soon as the curtain has fallen, when they have done with blowing and scraping, mop their brows and smile and chatter quietly, as though they had just finished an houPs gymnastics. And he has been close to his former flame, the fair barefooted singer. He meets her quite often during the entracte in the saloon. She knows that he was once in love with her, and she kisses him often. That gives him no pleasure. He is dis- gusted by her paint and scent and her fat arms and her greedi- ness. He hates her now. The Grand Duke did not forget his pianist in ordinary. Not that the small pension which was granted to him with this title was regularly paid — it had to be asked for — ^but from time to time Jean-Christophe used to receive orders to go to the Palace when there were distinguished guests, or simply when Their Highnesses took it into their heads that they wanted to hear him. It was almost always in the evening, at the time when Jean-Christophe wanted to be alone. He had to leave j everything and hurry off. Sometimes he was made to wait in the anteroom, because dinner was not finished. The serv- | ants, accustomed to see him, used to address him familiarly. Then he would be led into a great room full of mirrors and lights, in which well-fed men and women used to stare at him with horrid curiosity. He had to cross the waxed floor to kiss Their Highnesses^ hand«, and the more he grew the more awk- ward he became, for he felt that he was in a ridiculous position, and his pride used to suffer. When it was all done he used to sit at the piano and have to play for these idiots. He thought them idiots. There were moments when their indifference so oppressed him as he played that he was often on the point of stopping in the middle of a piece. There was no air about him; he was near suffocation, seemed losing his senses. When he finished he was overwhelmed MOENING 109 with congratulations and laden with compliments ; he was intro- duced all round. He thought they looked at him like some strange animal in the Prince’s menagerie, and that the words of praise were addressed rather to his master than to himself. He thought himself brought low, and he developed a morbid sensibility from which he suffered the more as he dared not show it. He saw offense in the most simple actions. If any one laughed in a corner of the room, he imagined himself to be the cause of it, and he knew not whether it were his manners, or his clothes, or his person, or his hands, or his feet, that caused the laughter. He was humiliated by everything. He was humiliated if people did not talk to him, humiliated if they did, humiliated if they gave him sweets like a child, humiliated especially when the Grand Duke, as sometimes happened, in princely fashion dismissed him by pressing a piece of money into his hand. He was wretched at being poor and at being treated as a poor boy. One evening, as he was going home, the money that he had received weighed so heavily upon him that he threw it through a cellar window, and then immediately he would have done anything to get it back, for at home there was a month’s old account with the butcher to pay. His relatives never suspected - these injuries to his pride. They were delighted at his favor with the Prince. Poor Louisa could conceive of nothing finer for her son than these evenings at the Palace in splendid society. As for Melchior, he used to brag of it continually to his boon-fellows. But Jean-Chris- tophe’s grandfather was happier than any. He pretended to be independent and democratic, and to despise greatness, but he had a simple admiration for money, power, honors, social distinction, and he took unbounded pride in seeing his grandson moving among those who had these things. He delighted in them as though such glory was a refiection upon himself, and in spite of all his efforts to appear calm and indifferent, his face used to glow. On the evenings when Jean-Christophe went to the Palace, old Jean Michel used always to contrive to stay about the house on some pretext or another. He used to await his grandson’s return with childish impatience, and when Jean- Christophe came in he would begin at once with a careless air to ply him with seeming idle questions, such as: 110 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / “ Well, did things go well to-night ? ” Or he would make little hints like : “ Here’s our Jean-Christophe; he can tell us some news.” Or he would produce some ingenious compliment by way of flattery : “ Here’s our young nobleman ! ” But Jean-Christophe, out of sorts and out of temper, would reply with a curt “ Good-evening ! ” and go and sulk in a corner. But the old man would persist, and ply him with more direct questions, to which the boy replied only “ Yes,” or “ No.” Then the others would join in and ask for details. Jean-Christophe would look more and more thunderous. They had to drag the words from his lips until Jean Michel would lose his temper and hurl insults at him. Then Jean-Christophe would reply with scant respect, and the end would be a rumpus. The old ; man would go out and slam the door. So Jean-Christophe ^ spoiled the joy of these poor people, who had no inkling of the ‘ cause of his bad temper. It was not their fault if they had the i souls of servants, and never dreamed that it is possible to be | otherwise. Jean-Christophe was turned into himself, and though he never : judged his family, yet he felt a gulf between himself and them. : No doubt he exaggerated what lay between them, and in spite ' of their different ways of thought it is quite probable that they ^ could have understood each other if he had been able to talk < intimately to them. ^B^t it is known that nothing is more ’ difficult than absolute intimacy between children and parents^ even when there is much love between them, for on the one side respect discourages confidence, and on the other the idea, often erroneous, of the superiority of age and experience pre- vents them taking seriously enough the child’s feelings, which are often just as interesting as those of grown-up persons, and almost always more sincere. But the people that Jean-Christophe saw at home and the conversation that he heard there widened the distance between himself and his family. Melchior’s friends used to frequent the house — mostly musi- cians of the orchestra, single men and hard drinkers. They were not bad fellows, but vulgar. They made the house shake MOKNING with their footsteps and their laughter. They loved they spoke of it with a stupidity that was revolting, indiscretion of their enthusiasm wounded the boy’s modesty feeling. When they praised a work that he loved it was though they were insulting him personally. He would stiffen himself and grow pale, frozen, and pretend not to take any interest in music. He would have hated it had that been possible. Melchior used to say : “ The fellow has no heart. He feels nothing. I don’t know where he gets it from.” Sometimes they used to sing German four-part songs — four- footed as well — and these were all exactly like themselves — slow- moving, solemn and broad, fashioned of dull melodies. Then Jean-Christophe used to fly to the most distant room and hurl insults at the wall. His grandfather also had friends: the organist, the furniture- dealer, the watch-maker, the contra-bass — ^garrulous old men, who used always to pass round the same jokes and plunge into interminable discussions on art, politics, or the family trees of the country-side, much less interested in the subjects of which they talked than happy to talk and to And an audience. As for Louisa, she used only to see some of her neighbors who brought her the gossip of the place, and at rare intervals a “ kind lady,” who, under pretext of taking an interest in her, used to come and engage her services for a dinner-party, and pretend to watch over the religious education of the children. But of all who came to the house, none was more repugnant to Jean-Christophe than his Uncle Theodore, a stepson of his grandfather’s, a son by a former marriage of his grandmother Clara, Jean Michel’s flrst wife. He was a partner in a great commercial house which did business in Africa and the Far East. He was the exact type of one of those Germans of the new style, whose affectation it is scoffingly to repudiate the old idealism of the race, and, intoxicated by conquest, to maintain a cult of strength and success which shows that they are not accustomed to seeing them on their side. But as it is difficult at once to change the age-old nature of a people, the despised idealism sprang up again in him at every turn in language, manners, and moral habits and the quotations from Goethe to JEAN-CHKISTOPHE .Smallest incidents of domestic life, for he was a singular ound of conscience and self-interest. There was in him a ‘urious effort to reconcile the honest principles of the old German bourgeoisie with the cynicism of these new commercial condottieri — a compound which forever gave out a repulsive flavor of hypocrisy, forever striving to make of German strength, avarice, and self-interest the symbols of all right, justice, and truth. Jean-Christophe’s loyalty was deeply injured by all this. He could not tell whether his uncle were right or no, but he hated him, and marked him down for an enemy. His grandfather had no great love for him either, and was in revolt against his theories; but he was easily crushed in argument by Theodore’s fluency, which was never hard put to it to turn into ridicule the old man’s simple generosity. In the end Jean Michel came • to be ashamed of his own good-heartedness, and by way of showing that he was not so much behind the times as they! thought, he used to try to talk like Theodore; but the words, came hollow from his lips, and he was ill at ease with them.i Whatever he may have thought of him, Theodore did impress him. He felt respect for such practical skill, which he admired the more for knowing himself to be absolutely incapable of it. He used to dream of putting one of his grandsons to similar work. That was Melchior’s idea also. He intended to make; Eodolphe follow in his uncle’s footsteps. And so the whole* family set itself to flatter this rich relation of whom they ex-'! pected help. He, seeing that he was necessary to them, took' advantage of it to cut a fine masterful figure. He meddled in everything, gave advice upon everything, and made no attempt to conceal his contempt for art and artists. Rather, he blazoned it abroad for the mere pleasure of humiliating his musicianly relations, and he used to indulge in stupid jokes at their ex- pense, and the cowards used to laugh. Jean-Christophe, especially, was singled out as a butt for his uncle’s jests. He was not patient under them. He would say nothing, but he used to grind his teeth angrily, and his uncle used to laugh at his speechless rage. But one day, when Theo- dore went too far in his teasing, Jean-Christophe, losing control of himself, spat in his face. It was a fearful affair. The insult MOENING 113 sras so monstrous that his uncle was at first paralyzed by it; then words came back to him, and he broke out into a flood jf abuse. Jean-Christophe sat petrified by the enormity of the thing that he had done, and did not even feel the blows that rained down upon him; but when they tried to force him down an his knees before his uncle, he broke away, jostled his mother aside, and ran out of the house. He did not stop until he could breathe no more, and then he was right out in the country. He heard voices calling him, and he debated within himself whether he had not better throw himself into the river, since he could not do so with his enemy. He spent the night in the fields. At dawn he went and knocked at his grandfather ^s door. The old man had been so upset by Jean-Christophe’s disappearance — ^he had not slept for it that he had not the heart to scold him. He took him home, and then nothing was said to him, because it was apparent that he was still in an excited condition, and they had to smooth him down, for he had to play at the Palace that evening. But for several weeks Melchior continued to overwhelm him with his complaints, addressed to nobody in particular, about the trouble that a man takes to give an example of an irreproachable life and good manners to unworthy creatures who dishonor him. And when his Uncle Theodore met him in the street, he turned his head and held his nose by way of showing his extreme^ disgust. Finding so little sympathy at home, Jean-Christophe spent as little time there as possible. He chafed against the continual restraint which they strove to set upon him. There were too many things, too many people, that he had to respect, and he was never allowed to ask why, and Jean-Christophe did not possess the bump of respect. The more they tried to discipline him and to turn him into an honest little German bourgeois, the more he felt the need of breaking free from it all. It would have been his pleasure after the dull, tedious, formal perform- ances which he had to attend in the orchestra or at the Palace to roll in the grass like a fowl, aud to slide down the grassy slope on the seat of his new trousers, or to have a stone-fight with the urchins of the neighborhood. It was not because he was afraid of scoldings and thwackings that he did not do these things more often, but because he had no playmates. He 114 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE / could not get on with other children. Even the little gutter- snipes did not like playing with him, because he took every game too seriously, and struck too lustily. He had grown used to being driven in on himself, and to living apart from children of his own age. He was ashamed of not being clever at games^ and dared not take part in their sport. And he used to pretend to take no interest in it, although he was consumed by the desire to be asked to play with them. But they never said anything to him, and then he would go away hurt, but assum- ing indifference. He found consolation in wandering with Uncle Gottfried when he was in the neighborhood. He became more and more friendly with him, and sympathized with his independent tern- , per. He understood so well now Gottfried’s delight in tramping the roads without a tie in the world ! Often they used to 1 go out together in the evening into the country, straight on, j aimlessly, and as Gottfried always forgot the time, they used to come back very late, and then were scolded. Gottfried knew ' that it was wrong, but Jean-Christophe used to implore, and , he could not himself resist the pleasure of it. About midnight • he would stand in front of the house and whistle, an agreed ’ signal. Jean-Christophe would be in his bed fully dressed. ; He would slip out with his shoes in his hand, and, holding his ; breath, creep with all the artful skill of a savage to the kitchen | window, which opened on to the road. He would climb on to | the table; Gottfried would take him on his shoulders, and then • off they would go, happy as truants. ! Sometimes they would go and seek out Jeremy the fisherman, a friend of Gottfried’s, and then they would slip out in his boat under the moon. The water dropping from the oars gave out little arpeggios, then chromatic scales. A milky vapor hung tremulous over the surface of the waters. The stars quivered. The cocks called to each other from either bank, and some- times in the depths of the sky they heard the trilling of larks, ascending from earth, deceived by the light of the moon. They were silent. Gottfried hummed a tune. Jeremy told strange, tales of the lives of the beasts — tales that gained in mystery from the curt and enigmatic manner of their telling. The moon hid herself behind the woods. They skirted the black mass MOENING 115 of the hills. The darkness of the water and the sky mingled. There was never a ripple on the water. Sounds died down. The boat glided through the night. Was she gliding? Was she moving? Was she still? . . . The reeds parted with a sound like the rustling of silk. The boat grounded noiselessly. They climbed out on to the bank, and returned on foot. They would not return until dawn. They followed the river-bank. Clouds of silver ablets, green as ears of corn, or blue as jewels, teemed in the first light of day. They swarmed like the ser- pents of Medusa’s head, and fiung themselves greedily at the bread thrown to them; they plunged for it as it sank, and turned in spirals, and then darted away in a fiash, like a ray of light. The river took on rosy and purple hues of refiection. The birds woke one after another. The truants hurried back. Just as carefully as when they had set out, they returned to the room, with its thick atmosphere, and Jean-Christophe, worn out, fell into bed, and slept at once, with his body sweet-smelling with the smell of the fields. All was well, and nothing would have been known, but that one day Ernest, his younger brother, betrayed Jean-Christophe’s midnight sallies. From that moment they were forbidden, and he was watched. But he contrived to escape, and he preferred the society of the little peddler and his friends to any other. His family was scandalized. Melchior said that he had the tastes of a laborer. Old Jean Michel was jealous of Jean- Christophe’s affection for Gottfried, and used to ' lecture him about lowering himself so far as to like such vulgar company when he had the honor of mixing with the best people and of being the servant of princes. It was considered that Jean- Christophe was lacking in dignity and self-respect. In spite of the penury which increased wnth Melchior’s in- temperance and folly, life was tolerable as long as Jean Michel was there. He was the only creature who had any infiuence over Melchior, and who could hold him back to a certain extent from his vice. The esteem in which he was generally held did serve to pass over the drunkard’s freaks, and he used constantly to come to the aid of the household with money. Besides the modest pension which he enjoyed as retired Kapellmeister, he was still able to earn small sums by giving lessons and tuning 116 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE pianos. He gave most of it to his daughter-in-law, for he perceived her difficulties, though she strove to hide them from him. Louisa hated the idea that he was denying himself for them, and it was all the more to the old man’s credit in that he had always been accustomed to a latge way of living and had great needs to satisfy. Sometimes even his ordinary sacrifices were not sufficient, and to meet some urgent debt Jean Michel would have secretly to sell a piece of furniture or books, or some relic that he set store by. Melchior knew that his father made presents to Louisa that were concealed from himself, and very often he would lay hands on them, in spite of protest. But when this came to the old man’s ears — ^not from Louisa, who said nothing of her troubles to him, but from one of his grand- children — he would fly into a terrible passion, and there were frightful scenes between the two men. They were both extraor- dinarily violent, and they would come to round oaths and threats — almost it seemed as though they would come to blows. But even in his most angry passion respect would hold Melchior in check, and, however drunk he might be, in the end he would bow his head to the torrent of insults and humiliating reproach which his father poured out upon him. But for that he did not cease to watch for the first opportunity of breaking out again, and with his thoughts on the future, Jean Michel would be filled with melancholy and anxious fears. “ My poor children,” he used to say to Louisa, ‘‘ what will become of you when I am no longer here? . . . Fortunately,” he would add, fondling J ean-Christophe, “ I can go on until this fellow pulls you out of the mire.” But he was out in his reckoning; he was at the end of his road. No one would have suspected it. He was surprisingly strong. He was past eighty; he had a full head of hair, a white mane, still gray in patches, and in his thick beard were still black hairs. He had only about ten teeth left, but with these he could chew lustily. It was a pleasure to see him at table. | He had a hearty appetite, and though he reproached Melchior for drinking, he always emptied his bottle himself. He had a preference for white Moselle. For the rest — wine, beer, eider — ^he could do justice to all the good things that the Lord hath made. He was not so foolish as to lose his reason in his cups, and he MOENING 117 - kept to his allowance. It is true that it was a plentiful allow- ance, and that a feebler intelligence must have been made drunk by it. He was strong of f#ot and eye, and indefatigably active. He got up at six, and performed his ablutions scrupulously, for he cared for his appearance and respected his person. He lived alone in his house, of which he was sole occupant, and never let his daughter-in-law meddle with his affairs. He cleaned out his room, made his own coffee, sewed on his buttons, nailed, and glued, and altered; and going to and fro and up and down stairs in his shirt-sleeves, he never stopped singing in a sounding bass which he loved to let ring out as he accom- panied himself with operatic gestures. And then he used to go out in all weathers. He went about his business, omitting none, but he was not often punctual. He was to be seen at every street corner arguing with some acquaintance or joking with some woman whose face he had remembered, for he loved pretty women and old friends. And so he was always late, and never knew the time. But he never let the dinner-hour slip by. He dined wherever he might be, inviting himself, and he would not go home until late — after nightfall, after a visit to his grandchildren. Then he would go to bed, and before he went to sleep read a page of his old Bible, and during the night — for he never slept for more than an hour or two to- gether — he would get up to take down one of his old books, bought second-hand — ^history, theology, belles-lettres, or science. He used to read at random a few pages, which interested and bored him, and he did not rightly understand them, though he did not skip a word, until sleep came to him again. On Sunday he would go to church, walk with the children, and play bowls. He had never been ill, except for a little ^out in his toes, which used tojoake Iiim^ s;^a^^^^ ]ie was reading his ^BiblSr^ It seemed as though he migTifliveTb he a hundred, and he himself could see no reason why he should not live longer. When people said that he would die a centenarian, he used to think, like another illustrious old man, that no limit can be appointed to the goodness of Providence. The only sign that he was growing old was that he was more easily brought to tears, and was becoming every day more irritable. The smallest impatience with him could throw him into a violent 118 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE fury. His red face and short neck would grow redder than ever. He would stutter angrily, and have to -stop, choking. The family doctor, an old friend, had M^arned him to take care and to moderate both his anger and his appetite. But with an old man’s obstinacy he plunged into acts of still greater recklessness out of bravado, and he laughed at medicine and doctors. He pretended to despise death, and did not mince his language when he declared that he was not afraid of it. One summer day, when it was very hot, and he had drunk copiously, and argued in the market-place, he went home and began to work quietly in his garden. He loved digging. Bare- headed under the sun, still irritated by his argument, he dug angrily. Jean-Christophe was sitting in the arbor with a book in his hand, but he was not reading. He was dreaming and listening to the cheeping of the crickets, and mechanically fol-, lowing his grandfather’s movements. The old man’s back was towards him; he was bending and plucking out weeds. Sud-^ denly Jean-Christophe saw him rise, beat against the air with, his arms, and fall heavily with his face to the ground. For a moment he wanted to laugh; then he saw that the old man- did not stir. He called to him, ran to him, and shook himj with all his strength. Fear seized him. He knelt, and withj his two hands tried to raise the great head from the ground. | It was so heavy and he trembled so that he could hardly move it. But when he saw the eyes turned up, white and bloody,^ he was frozen with horror and, with a shrill cry, let the headjj fall. He got up in terror, ran away and out of the place.{| He cried and wept. A man passing by stopped the boy. Jean-jj Christophe could not speak, but he pointed to the house.j The man went in, and Jean-Christophe’ followed him. Others had heard his cries, and they came from the neighboring houses. Soon the garden was full of people. They trampled the flowers, and bent down over the old man. They cried aloud. Two or three men lifted him up. Jean-Christophe stayed by the gate, turned to the wall, and hid his face in his hands. He was afraid to look, but he could not help himself, and when they passed him he saw through his Angers the old man’s huge body, limp and flabby. One arm dragged along the ground, the head, leaning against the knee of one of the men carrying tJlG DOdy, DODOea ai every step, ana me xaee >vao oeaiieu., enveicn with mud, bleeding. The mouth was open and the eyes were fearful. He howled again, and took to flight. He ran^as though something were after him, and never stopped until ne reached home. He burst into the kitchen with frightful cries. Louisa was cleaning vegetables. He hurled himself at her,> and hugged her desperately, imploring her help. His face was distorted with his sobs; he could hardly speak. But at the first word she understood. She went white, let the things fall from her hands, and without a word rushed from the house. Jean-Christophe was left alone, crouching against a cupboard. He went on weeping. His brothers were playing. He could not make out quite what had happened. He did not think of his grandfather; he was thinking only of the dreadful sights he had just seen, and he was in terror lest I made to return to see them again. And as it turned out in the evening, when \j uxx’ij-i. tired of doing every sort of mischief in the house, were ning to feel wearied and hungry, Louisa rushed in agair them by the hand, and led them to their grandfather’s She walked very fast, and Ernest and Eodolphe tried to plain, as usual; but Louisa bade them be silent in such i of voice that they held their peace. An instinctive fear them, and when they entered the house they began to It was not yet night. The last hours of the sunset cast strah lights over the inside of the house — on the door-handle, on the mirror, on the violin hung on the wall in the chief room, which was half in darkness. But in the old man’s room a candl was alight, and the flickering flame, vying with the livid, dyin day, made the heavy darkness of the room more r Melchior was sitting near the window, loudly weeping doctor, leaning over the bed, hid from sight what was lyi^.^ there. Jean-Christophe’s heart beat so that it was like to break. Louisa made the children kneel at the foot of the bed. Jean- Christophe stole a glance. He expected something so terrifying after what he had seen in the afternoon that at the first glimpse he was almost comforted. His grandfather lay motionless, and seemed to be asleen. For a moment the ebild believed that 120 JEAN^CHEISTOFHE he heard his heavy breathing; when, as he looked cio&er, he saw the swollen face, on which the wound that he had come by in the fall had made a broad scar; when he understood that hlf e was a man at point of death, he began to tremble ; and while he Tepeated Louisa’s prayer for the restoration of his grandfather, in his heart he prayed that if the old man could not get well he might be already dead. He was terrified at the prospect of what was going to happen. The old man had not been conscious since the moment of his fall. H’e only returned to consciousness for a moment, enough to learn his condition, and that was lamentable. The priest was there, and recited the last prayers over him. They raised the old man on his pillow. He opened his eyes slowly, and they seemed no longer to obey his will. He breathed noisily, and with unseeing eyes looked at the faces and the lights, and suddenly he opened his mouth. A nameless terror showed on ^fpf^tures. fit then . . he gasped — but I am going to die ! ” I awful sound of his voice pierced Jean-Christophe’s heart. , never was it to fade from his memory. The old man lo more. He moaned like a little child. The stupor took [nee more, but his breathing became more and more diffi- He groaned, he fidgeted with his hands, he seemed to against the mortal sleep. In his semi-consciousness he once: Mother ! ” Oh, the biting impression that it made, this mumbling of e old man, calling in anguish on his mother, as Jean-Chris- would himself have done — ^his mother, of whom he was er known to talk in life, to whom he now turned instinc- tively, the last futile refuge in the last terror ! . . . Then he seemed to be comforted for a moment. He had once more a flicker of consciousness. His heavy eyes, the pupils of which seemed to move aimlessly, met those of the boy frozen in his fear. They lit up. The old man tried to smile and speak. Louisa took Jean-Christophe and led him to the bedside. Jean Michel moved his lips, and tried to caress his head with his hand, but then he fell back into his torpor. It was the end. They sent the children into the next room, but they had tor^ . MORNING 121 much to do to worry about them, and Jean-Christophe, under the attraction of the horror of it, peeped through the half-open door at the tragic face on the pillow; the man strangled by the firm clutch that had him by the neck; the face which grew ever more hollow as he watched; the sinking of the creature into the void, which seemed to suck it down like a pump; and the horrible death-rattle, the mechanical breathing, like a bubble of air bursting on the surface of waters; the last efforts of the body, which strives to live when the soul is no longer. Then the head fell on one side on the pillow. All, all was silence. A few moments later, in the midst of the sobs and prayers and the confusion caused by the death, Louisa saw the child, pale, wide-eyed, with gaping mouth, clutching convulsively at the handle of the door. She ran to him. He had a seizure in her arms. She carried him away. He lost consciousness. He woke up to find himself in his bed. He howled in terror, because he had been left alone for a moment, had another seizure, and fainted again. For the rest of the night and the next day he was in a fever. Finally, he grew calm, and on the next night fell into a deep sleep, which lasted until the middle of the following day. He felt that some one was walking in his room, that his mother was leaning over his bed and kissing him. He thought he heard the sweet distant sound of bells. But he would not stir; he was in a dream. When he opened his eyes again his Uncle Gottfried was sit- ting at the foot of his bed. Jean-Christophe was worn out, and could remember nothing. Then his memory returned, and he began to weep. Gottfried got up and kissed him. “ Well, my boy — well ? ” he said gently. “ Oh, uncle, uncle ! ” sobbed the boy, clinging to him. “ Cry, then . . .” said Gottfried. “ Cry ! ” He also was weeping. When he was a little comforted Jean-Christophe dried his eyes and looked at Gottfried. Gottfried understood that he wanted to ask something. “No,” he said, putting a finger to his lips, “you must not talk. It is good to cry, bad to talk.” The boy insisted. “ It is no good.” t 133 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE ^^Only one thing — only one! . . ^ ^^What?^^ Jean-Christophe hesitated. Oh, uncle I ” he asked, where is he now ? Gottfried answered: ^^He is with the Lord, my boy.^^ But that was not what Jean-Christophe had asked. No; you do not understand. Where is he — ^he himself?'' (He meant the body.) He went on in a trembling voice: ^^Is he still in the house ^^They buried the good man this morning,’^ said Gottfried. Did you not hear the bells ? Jean-Christophe was comforted. Then, when he thought that he would never see his beloved grandfather again, he wept once more bitterly. Poor little beast ! said Gottfried, looking pityingly at the child. Jean-Christophe expected Gottfried to console him, but Gott- fried made no attempt to do so, knowing that it was useless. Uncle Gottfried,^^ asked the boy, are not you afraid of it, too?^^ (Much did he wish that Gottfried should not have been afraid, and would tell him the secret of it!) ^Ssh ! he said, in a troubled voice. . . . And how is one not to be afraid ? he said, after a moment. ^^But what can one do? It is so. One must put up with it.^^ Jean-Christophe shook his head in protest. One has to put up with it, my boy,^^ said Gottfried. He ordered it up yonder. One has to love what He has ordered.^^ I hate Him ! said Jean-Christophe, angrily shaking his fist at the sky. Gottfried fearfully bade him be silent. Jean-Christophe him- self was afraid of what he had just said, and he began to pray with Gottfried. But blood boiled, and as he repeated the words of servile humility and resignation there was in his inmost heart a feeling of passionate revolt and horror of the abominable thing and the monstrous Being who had been able to create it. I MORNING 123 Days passed and nights of rain over the freshly-turned earth under which lay the remains of poor old Jean Michel. At the moment Melchior wept and cried and sobbed much, but the week was not out before Jean-Christophe heard him laugh- ing heartily. When the name of the dead man was pronounced in his presence, his face grew longer and a lugubrious ex- pression came into it, but in a moment he would begin to talk and gesticulate excitedly. He was sincerely afflicted, but it was impossible for him to remain sad for long. Louisa, passive and resigned, accepted the misfortune as she accepted everything. She added a prayer to her daily prayers; she went regularly to the cemetery, and cared for the grass as if it were part of her household. Gottfried paid touching attention to the little patch of ground where the old man slept. When he came to the neighborhood, he brought a little souvenir — a cross that he had made, or flowers that Jean Michel had loved. He never missed, even if he were only in the town for a few hours, and he did it by stealth. Sometimes Louisa took Jean-Christophe with her on her visits to the cemetery. Jean-Christophe revolted in disgust against the fat patch of earth clad in its sinister adornment of flowers and trees, and against the heavy scent which mounts to the sun, mingling with the breath of the sonorous cypress. But he dared not confess his disgust, because he condemned it in himself as cowardly and impious. He was very unhappy. His grand- father’s death haunted him incessantly, and yet he had long known what death was, and had thought about it and been afraid of it. But he had never before seen it, and he who sees it for the first time learns that he knew nothing, neither of death nor of life. One moment brings everything tottering. Reason is of no avail. You thought you were alive, you thought you had some experience of life; you see then that you knew nothing, that you have been living in a veil of illusions spun by your own mind to hide from your eyes the awful counte- nance of reality. There is no connection between the idea of suffering and the creature who bleeds and suffers. There is no connection between the idea of death and the convulsions of body and soul in combat and in death. Human language, 124 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE human wisdom, are only a puppet-show of stiff mechanical dolls by the side of the grim charm of reality and the creatures of mind and blood, whose desperate and vain efforts are strained to the fixing of a life which crumbles away with every day. Jean-Christophe thought of death day and night. Memories of the last agony pursued him. He heard that horrible breath- ing ; every night, whatever he might be doing, he saw his grand- father again. All Nature was changed; it seemed as though there were an icy vapor drawn over her. Eound him, every- where, whichever way he turned, he felt upon his face the fatal breathing of the blind, all-powerful Beast; he felt himself in the grip of that fearful destructive Form, and he felt that there was nothing to be done. But, far from crushing him, the thought of it set him afiame with hate and indignation. He was never resigned to it. He butted head down against the impossible; it mattered nothing that he broke his head, and was forced to realize that he was not the stronger. He never ceased to revolt against suffering. From that time on ■ his life was an unceasing struggle against the savagery of a ■ Fate which he could not admit. t The very misery of his life afforded him relief from the * obsession of his thoughts. The ruin of his family, which only ; Jean Michel had withheld, proceeded apace when he was re- ; moved. With him the Kraffts had lost their chief means of * support, and misery entered the house. 1 Melchior increased it. Far from working more, he abandoned \ himself utterly to his vice when he was free of the only force | that had held him in check. Almost every night he returned ^ home drunk, and he never brought back his earnings. Besides, 1 he had lost almost all his lessons. One day he had appeared at the house of one of his pupils in a state of complete in- j toxication, and, as a consequence of this scandal, all doors were I closed to him. He was only tolerated in the orchestra out of regard for the memory of his father, but Louisa trembled lest he. should be dismissed any day after a scene. He had already been threatened with it on several evenings when he had turned up in his place about the end of the performance. Twice or thrice he had forgotten altogether to put in an appearance. And of what was he not capable in those moments MOKNING 125 of stupid excitement when he was taken with the itch to do and say idiotic things! Had he not taken it into his head one evening to try and play his great violin concerto in the middle of an act of the VcUJcyrie? They were hard put to it to stop him. Sometimes, too, he would shout with laughter in the middle of a performance at the amusing pictures that were presented on the stage or whirling in his own brain. He was a joy to his colleagues, and they passed over many things because he was so funny. But such indulgence was worse than severity, and Jean-Christophe could have died for shame. The boy was now first violin in the orchestra. He sat so that he could watch over his father, and, when necessary, be- seech him, and make him be silent. It was not easy, and the best thing was not to pay any attention to him, for if he did, as soon as the sot felt that eyes were upon him, he would take to making faces or launch out into a speech. Then Jean- Christophe would turn away, trembling with fear lest he should commit some outrageous prank. He would try to be absorbed in his work, but he could not help hearing Melchior’s utter- ances and the laughter of his colleagues. Tears would come into his eyes. The musicians, good fellows that they were, had seen that, and were sorry for him. They would hush their laughter, and only talk about his father when Jean-Christophe was not by. But Jean-Christophe was conscious of their pity. He knew that as soon as he had gone their jokes would break out again, and that Melchior was the laughing-stock of the town. He could not stop him, and he was in torment. He used to bring his father home after the play. He would take his arm, put up with his pleasantries, and try to conceal the stumbling in his walk. But he deceived no one, and in spite of all his efforts it was very rarely that he could succeed in leading Mel- chior all the way home. At the corner of the street Melchior would declare that he had an urgent appointment with some friends, and no argument could dissuade him from keeping this engagement. Jean-Christophe took care not to insist too much, so as not to expose himself to a scene and paternal imprecations which might attract the neighbors to their windows. All the household money slipped away in this fashion. Mel- chior was not satisfied with drinking away his earnings; he drank away all that his wife and son so hardly earned. Louisa used to weep, but she dared not resist, since her husband had harshly reminded her that nothing in the house belonged to her, and that he had married her without a sou. Jean-Chris- tophe tried to resist. Melchior boxed his ears, treated him like a naughty child, and took the money out of his hands. The boy was twelve or thirteen. He was strong, and was beginning to kick against being beaten; but he was still afraid to rebel, and rather than expose himself to fresh humiliations of the kind he let himself be plundered. The only resource that Louisa and Jean-Christophe had was to hide their money; but Melchior was singularly ingenious in discovering their hiding- places when they were not there. Soon that was not enough for him. He sold the things that he had inherited from his father. Jean-Christophe sadly saw , the precious relics go — the books, the bed, the furniture, the j portraits of musicians. He could say nothing. But one day, j when Melchior had crashed into Jean Michel’s old piano, he jj swore as he rubbed his knee, and said that there was no longer room to move about in his own house, and that he would rid ; the house of all such gimcrackery. Jean-Christophe cried aloud. ■ It was true that the rooms were too full, since all Jean Michel’s i belongings were crowded into them, so as to be able to sell ; the house, that dear house in which Jean-Christophe had spent ; the happiest hours of his childhood. It was true also that the old piano was not worth much, that it was husky in tone, and | that for a long time Jean-Christophe had not used it, since | he played on the fine new piano due to the generosity of the ^ Prince; but however old and useless it might be, it was Jean-t Christophe’s best friend. It had awakened the child to the ■ boundless world of music; on its worn yellow keys he had discovered with his fingers the kingdom of sounds and its laws; it had been his grandfather’s work (months had gone to repair- ing it for his grandson), and he was proud of it; it was in some sort a holy relic, and Jean-Christophe protested that his father had no right to sell it. Melchior bade him be silent. Jean-Christophe cried louder than ever that the piano was his, and that he forbade any one to touch it ; but Melchior looked at him with an evil smile, and said nothing. MORNING 127 Next day Jean-Christophe had forgotten the affair. He came home tired, hut in a fairly good temper. He was struck by the sly looks of his brothers. They pretended to be absorbed in their books, but they followed him with their eyes, and watched all his movements, and bent over their books again when he looked at them. He had no doubt that they had played some trick upon him, but he was used to that, and did not worry about it, but determined, when he had found it out, to give them a good thrashing, as he always did on such occasions. He scorned to look into the matter, and he began to talk to his father, who was sitting by the fire, and questioned him as to the doings of the day with an affectation of interest which suited bim but ill; and while he talked he saw that Melchior was exchanging stealthy nods and winks with the two children. Something caught at his heart. He ran into his room. The place where the piano had stood was empty! He gave a cry of anguish. In the next room he heard the stifled laughter of his brothers. The blood rushed to his face. He rushed in to them, and cried: “ My piano ! ” Melchior raised his head with an air of calm bewilderment which made the children roar with laughter. He could not contain himself when he saw Jean-Christophe’s piteous look, and he turned aside to guffaw. Jean-Christophe no longer knew what he was doing. He hurled himself like a mad thing on his father. Melchior, lolling in his chair, had no time to protect himself. The boy seized him by the throat and cried: “Thief! Thief!” It was only for a moment. Melchior shook himself, and sent Jean-Christophe rolling down on to the tile floor, though in his fury he was clinging to him like grim death. The boy’s head crashed against the tiles. Jean-Christophe got upon his knees. He was livid, and he went on saying in a choking voice : “Thief, thief! . . . You are robbing us — mother and me. . . . Thief! ... You are selling my grandfather!” Melchior rose to his feet, and held his fist above Jean-Chris- tophe’s head. The boy stared at him with hate in his eyes. He was trembling with rage. Melchior began to tremble, too. 128 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE He sat down, and hid his face in his hands. The two children had run away screaming. Silence followed the uproar. Mel- chior groaned and mumbled. J ean-Christophe, against the wall,, never ceased glaring at him with clenched teeth, and he trembled in every limb. Melchior began to blame himself. I am a thief ! I rob my family ! My children despise me ! It were better if I were dead ! When he had finished whining, Jean-Christophe did not budge, but asked him harshly: Where is the piano ? ^^At WormsePs,^^ said Melchior, not daring to look at him. Jean-Christophe took a step forward, and said: The money ! | Melchior, crushed, took the money from his pocket and gave | it to his son. Jean-Christophe turned towards the door. Mel- i chior called him: J ean-Christophe ! ; Jean-Christophe stopped. Melchior went on in a quavering \ voice : Dear Jean-Christophe ... do not despise me ! i Jean-Christophe fiung his arms round his neck and sobbed: ^ No, father — dear father ! I do not despise you ! I am so i unhappy ! : They wept loudly. Melchior lamented: ; It is not my fault. I am not bad. ThaPs true, J ean- . Christophe ? I am not bad ? j He promised that he would drink no more. Jean-Christophe wagged his head doubtfully, and Melchior admitted that he | could not resist it when he had money in his hands. Jean- j Christophe thought for a moment and said: ^^You see, father, we must . . He stopped. ^^What then?^^ I am ashamed . . Of whom ? asked Melchior naively Of you.^^ Melchior made a face and said : That’s nothing.” Jean-Christophe explained that they would have to put all MOENING 129 the family money, even Melchior’s contribution, into the hands of some one else, who would dole it out to Melchior day by day, or week by week, as he needed it. Melchior, who was in humble mood — he was not altogether starving — agreed to the proposition, and declared that he would then and there write a letter to the Grand Duke to ask that the pension which came to him should be regularly paid over in his name to Jean- Christophe. Jean-Christophe refused, blushing for his father’s humiliation. But Melchior, thirsting for self-sacrifice, insisted on writing. He was much moved by his own magnanimity. Jean-Christophe refused to take the letter, and when Louisa came in and was acquainted with the turn of events, she declared that she would rather beg in the streets than expose her hus- band to such an insult. She added that she had every confidence in him, and that she was sure he would make amends out of love for the children and herself. In the end there was a scene of tender reconciliation and Melchior’s letter was left on the table, and then fell under the cupboard, where it remained concealed. But a few days later, when she was cleaning up, Louisa found it there, and as she was very unhappy about Melchior’s fresh outbreaks — he had forgotten all about it — instead of tear- ing it up, she kept it. She kept it for several months, always rejecting the idea of making use of it, in spite of the suffering she had to endure. But one day, when she saw Melchior once more beating Jean-Christophe and robbing him of his money, she could bear it no longer, and when she was left alone with the boy, who was weeping, she went and fetched the letter, and gave it him, and said: « Go!” Jean-Christophe hesitated, but he understood that there was no other way if they wished to save from the wreck the little that was left to them. He went to the Palace. He took nearly an hour to walk a distance that ordinarily took twenty minutes. He was overwhelmed by the shame of what he was doing. His pride, which had grown great in the years of sorrow and isola- tion, bled at the thought of publicly confessing his 'father’s vice. He knew perfectly well that it was known to everybody, but by a strange and natural inconsequence he would not admit JEAN-CHEISTOPHE it, and pretended to notice nothing, and he would rather have been hewn in pieces than agree. And now, of his own accord, he was going! . . . Twenty times he was on the point of turn- ing back. He walked two or three times round the town, turn- ing away just as he came near the Palace. He was not alone in his plight. His mother and brothers had also to be con- sidered. Since his father had deserted them and betrayed them, it was his business as eldest son to take his place and come to their assistance. There was no room for hesitation or pride; he had to swallow down his shame. He entered the Palace. On the staircase he almost turned and fled. He knelt down on a step; he stayed for several minutes on the landing, with his hand on the door, until some one coming made him go in. Every one in the offices knew him. He asked to see His Excellency the Director of the Theaters, Baron de Hammer Langbach. A young clerk, sleek, bald, pink-faced, with a white waistcoat and a pink tie, shook his hand familiarly, and began to talk about the opera of the night before. Jean-Christophe repeated his question. The clerk replied that His Excellency was busy for the moment, but that if Jean-Christophe had a request to make they could present it with other documents which were to be sent in for His Excellency’s signature. Jean- Christophe held out his letter. The clerk read it, and gave a cry of surprise. Oh, indeed ! ” he said brightly. That is a good idea. He ought to have thought of that long ago! He never did any- thing better in his life ! Ah, the old sot ! How the devil did he bring himself to do it ? ” He stopped short. Jean-Christophe had snatched the paper out of his hands, and, white with rage, shouted: I forbid you ! . . . I forbid you to insult me ! ” The clerk was staggered. But, my dear Jean-Christophe,” he began to say, whoever thought of insulting you? I only said what everybody thinks, and what you think yourself.” No ! ” cried Jean-Christophe angrily. ^^It is not true!” said Jean-Christophe. MORNING He stamped his foot. The clerk shrugged his shoulders. “ In that case, why did he write this letter ? ” “Because,” said Jean-Christophe (he did not know what to say) — “because, when I come for my wages every month, I prefer to take my father’s at the same time. It is no good our both putting ourselves out. ... My father is very busy.” He reddened at the absurdity of his explanation. The clerk looked at him with pity and irony in his eyes. Jean-Christophe crumpled the paper in his hands, and turned to go. The clerk got up and took him by the arm. “ Wait a moment,” he said. “ I’ll go and fix it up for you.” He went into the Director’s office. Jean-Christophe waited, with the eyes of the other clerks upon him. His blood boiled. He did not know what he was doing, what to do, or what he ought to do. He thought of going away before the answer was brought to him, and he had just made up his mind to that when the door opened. “ His Excellency will see you,” said the too obliging clerk. Jean-Christophe had to go in. His Excellency Baron de Hammer Langbach, a little neat old man with whiskers, mustaches, and a shaven chin, looked at Jean-Christophe over his golden spectacles without stopping writing, nor did he give any response to the boy’s awkward bow. “So,” he said, after a moment, “you are, asking, Herr Krafft . . . ?” “ Your Excellency,” said Jean-Christophe hurriedly, “ I ask your pardon. I have thought better of it. I have nothing to ask.” The old man sought no explanation for this sudden recon- sideration. He looked more closely at Jean-Christophe, coughed, and said: “ Herr Krafft, will you give me the letter that is in your hand?” Jean-Christophe saw that the Director’s gaze was fixed on the paper which he was still unconsciously holding crumpled up in his hand. “It is no use. Your Excellency,” he murmured. “It is not worth while now.” 132 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE “ Please give it me,” said the old man quietly, as though he had not heard. Mechanically Jean-Christophe gave him the crumpled letter, but he plunged into a torrent of stuttered words while he held out his hand for the letter. His Excellency carefully smoothed out the paper, read it, looked at Jean-Christophe, let him floun- der about with his explanations, then checked him, and said with a malicious light in his eyes ; “Very well, Herr Krafft; the request is granted.” He dismissed him with a wave of his hand and went on with his writing. Jean-Christophe went out, crushed. “No offense, Jean-Christophe ! ” said the clerk kindly, when the boy came into the office again. Jean-Christophe let him shake his hand without daring to raise his eyes. He found himself outside the Palace. He was cold with shame. Every- ' thing that had been said to him recurred in his memory, and | he imagined that there was an insulting irony in the pity of the people who honored and were sorry for him. He went home, and answered only with a few irritable words Louisa’s questions, ’■ as though he bore a grudge against her for what he had just done. He was racked by remorse when he thought of his father. ! He wanted to confess everything to him, and to beg his pardon. -i Melchior was not there. Jean-Christophe kept awake far into ;; the night, waiting for him. The more he thought of him the 1 more his remorse quickened. He idealized him ; he thought of | him as weak, kind, unhappy, betrayed by his own family. As soon as he heard his step on the stairs he leaped from his t bed to go and meet him, and throw himself in his arms; but i Melchior was in such a disgusting state of intoxication that Jean-Christophe had not even the courage to go near him, and he went to bed again, laughing bitterly at his own illusions. When Melchior learned a few days later of what had hap- pened, he was in a towering passion, and, in spite of all Jean- Christophe’s entreaties, he went and made a scene at the Palace. But he returned with his tail between his legs, and breathed not a word of what had happened. He had been very badly received. He had been told that he would have to take a very different tone about the matter, that the pension had only been MOKNING 133 continued out of consideration for the worth of his son, and that if in the future there came any scandal concerning him to their ears, it would be suppressed. And so Jean-Christophe was much surprised and comforted to see his father accept his living from day to day, and even boast about having taken the initiative in the sacrifice. But that did not keep Melchior from complaining outside that he had been robbed by his wife and children, that he had put himself out for them all his life, and that now they let him want for everything. He tried also to extract money from Jean-Christophe by all sorts of ingenious tricks and devices, which often used to make Jean-Christophe laugh, although he was hardly ever taken in by them. But as Jean-Christophe held firm, Melchior did not insist. He was curiously intimi- dated by the severity in the eyes of this boy of fourteen who judged him. He used to avenge himself by some stealthy, dirty trick. He used to go to the cabaret and eat and drink as much as he pleased, and then pay nothing, pretending that his son would pay his debts. Jean-Christophe did not protest, for fear of increasing the scandal, and he and Louisa exhausted their resources in discharging Melchior’s debts. In the end Melchior more and more lost interest in his work as violinist, since he no longer received his wages, and his absence from the theater became so frequent that, in spite of Jean-Chris- tophe’s entreaties, they had to dismiss him. The boy was left to support his father, his brothers, and the whole household. So at fourteen Jean-Christophe became the head of the family. He stoutly faced his formidable task. His pride would not allow him to resort to the charity of others. He vowed that he would pull through alone. From his earliest days he had suffered too much from seeing his mother accept and even ask for humiliating charitable offerings. He used to argue the matter with her when she returned home triumphant with some present that she had obtained from one of her patronesses. She saw no harm in it, and was glad to be able, thanks to the money, to spare Jean-Christophe a little, and to bring another meager dish forth for supper. But Jean-Christophe would be* 134 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE come gloomy, and would not talk all evening, and would even refuse, without giving any reason, to touch food gained in / this way. Louisa was vexed, and clumsily urged her son to eat. He was not to be budged, and in the end she would lose her temper, and say unkind things to him, and he would retort. Then he would fling his napkin on the table and go out. His father would shrug his shoulders and call him a poseur; his brothers would laugh at him and eat his portion. But he had somehow to find a livelihood. His earnings from | the orchestra were not enough. He gave lessons. His talents as an instrumentalist, his good reputation, and, above all, the Prince’s patronage, brought him a numerous clientele among the middle classes. Every morning from nine o’clock on he taught the piano to little girls, many of them older than him- self, who frightened him horribly with their coquetry and mad- dened him with the clumsiness of their playing. They were absolutely stupid as far as music went, but, on the other hand, I they had all, more or less, a keen sense of ridicule, and their i mocking looks spared none of Jean-Christophe’s awkwardnesses. ^ It was torture for him. Sitting by their side on the edge of ? his chair, stiff, and red in the face; bursting with anger, and ^ not daring to stir; controlling himself so as not to say stupid things, and afraid of the sound of his own voice, so that he could hardly speak a word; trying to look severe, and feeling ; that his pupil was looking at him out of the corner of her eye, ^ he would lose countenance, grow confused in the middle of a | remark; fearing to make himself ridiculous, he would become 5 so, and break out into violent reproach. But it was very easy | for his pupils to avenge themselves, and they did not fail to i do so, and upset him by a certain way of looking at him, and by asking him the simplest questions, which made him blush up to the roots of his hair; or they would ask him to do them some small service, such as fetching something they had for- gotten from a piece of furniture, and that was for him a most painful ordeal, for he had to cross the room under fire of malicious looks, which pitilessly remarked the least awkward- ^ ness in his movements and his clumsy legs, his stiff arms, his body cramped by his shyness. From these lessons he had to hasten to rehearsal at the theater. MOENING 135 Often he had no time for lunch, and he used to carry a pi^e of bread and some cold meat in his pocket to ^ interval. Sometimes he had to take the place of Tobias the Musik DireUor, who was interested in hm, and sometimes had him to conduct the orchestra rehearsals instead of And he had also to go on with ^ Other piano lessons filled his day until the hour of the per- forming and very often in the evening after the p ay he was 'Iirflr to play at the Palace. There he had to play for an hour or two.^ The Princess laid claim to a knowledge of music. She was very fond of it, but had never been able to perceive the difference between good and bad. She used to Christophe play through strange FOgram«ies, in which du rhapsodies stood side by side with masterpieces. ^ greatest pleasure was to make him improvise and she used to provide him with heartbreakingly sentimental themes. ^ Jean-Christophe used to leave about midnight, worn out, wte his hands burning, his head aching, his stomach emp y. ;iTn . ™eat, Im outside snow would be fa hug, or there would be an icy fog. He had to walk across half the town to Taeh homo. He went on foot, his «h chattonng, longing to sleep and to cry, and he had to take care not to splash h only evening dress-snit in the puddles. He would go up to his room, which he still shared with his brothers, and never was he so overwhelmed by dis^t and despair with his life as at the moment when in ^tti^ with its stifling smell, he was at last permitted to take o the halter of hfs misery. He had hardly the heart to undress himself. Happily, no sooner did his \ ^ than he would sink into a heavy sleep which deprived him of all consciousness of his troubles. But he had to get up by dawn in summer, and before dawn in winter. He wished to do his own work. It w^ all the free time that he had between five o’clock and eight. Even then he had to waste some of it by work to coi^and, for tes title of Hof Musicus and his favor with the Grand Duke exacted from bim official compositions for the Court festivals. So the very source of his life was poisoned. Even his dreams were not free, but, as usual, this restraint made them only the 136 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE stronger. When nothing hampers action, the soul has fewer reasons for action, and the closer the walls of Jean-Christophe’s prison of care and banal tasks were drawn about him, the more his heart in its revolt felt its independence. In a life without obstacles he would doubtless have abandoned himself to chance and to the voluptuous sauntering of adolescence. As he could be free only for an hour or two a day, his strength flowed into that space of time like a river between walls of rock. It is a good discipline for art for a man to confine his efforts between unshakable bounds. In that sense it may be said that misery is a master, not only of thought, but of style j it teaches sobriety to the mind as to the body. When time is doled out and thoughts measured, a man says no word too much, and grows accustomed to thinking only what is essential^ so he lives at double pressure, having less time for living. This had happened in Jean-Christophe’s case. Under his yoke he took full stock of the value of liberty and he never I frittered away the precious minutes with useless words or il actions. His natural tendency to write diffusely, given up to ; all the caprice of a mind sincere but indiscriminating, found ! correction in being forced to think and do as much as possible in the least possible time. Nothing had so much influence ' on his artistic and moral development — not the lessons of his masters, nor the example of the masterpieces. During ii the years when the character is formed he came to consider ' music as an exact language, in which every sound has a mean- \ ing, and at the same time he came to loathe those musicians | who talk without saying anything. ; And yet the compositions which he wrote at this time were -j still far from expressing himself completely, because he was still very far from having completely discovered himself. He was seeking himself through the mass of acquired feelings which education imposes on a child as second nature. He had only intuitions of his true being, until he should feel the passions of adolescence, which strip the personality of its borrowed gar- ments as a thunder-clap purges the sky of the mists that hang over it. Vague and great forebodings were mingled in him with strange memories, of which he could not rid himself. He raged against these lies; he was wretched to see how inferior MOKNING 137 what he wrote wae to what he thought ; ”a2r H. ri e-a r— rr deteat, tie lougeu j tnoment of illusion thint^s and always he missed fire. Alter a mome „ hf ™te he iw that what he had aone was worthless. He .a ™oSta »« Mt^aqt of Pallm, written on the occasion S irmBAgt ofprinLss Adelaiae-pnblished at pea ex- pense in mins de Inxs, which his tor posterity; tor he believed in postenty. He wept m his "Te^rer'years! No respite, no releas^nothing to create a diversion from such maddening toil; no games, no friends, a diversion afternoon, when other Sren played, young Jean-Christophe, -^is^brows^kmt in attention, was at his place in t e ore children and ill-lighted theater; and in the evening, when other ctaldren were “hi, he was still there, sitting in his chair, howed with ” N'i°Mmacy with his brothers. The younger, Ernest was twelve He was a little ragamuIBn. vicious and impudent, who spent his days with other rapscallions like himself, and from their company had caught not only deplorable manners, but shameful habits which good ^ e ®Jne so much as suspected their existence, was ^ day. The other, Eodolphe, the favorite of was to go into business. He was steady, quiet but sly. He thought himself much superior to Jean-Christophe, and di admft his authority in the house, although it seemed natural to him to eat the food that he provided. He ! cause of Theodore and Melchior’s ill-feeling agamst ^an-C Sophe and used to repeat their absurd gossip- Neither of the brothers cared for music, and Eodolphe, in imitation o i uncle affected to despise it. Chafing against Jean-Christophe authority and lectures-for he took himself very seriously as the head of the family— the two boys had tried to rebel, but 138 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE Jean-Christophe, who had lusty fists and the consciousness of right, sent them packing. Still they did not for that cease to do with him as they liked. They abused his credulity, and laid traps for him, into which he invariably fell. They used to extort money from him with barefaced lies, and laughed at him behind his back. Jean-Christophe was always taken in. He had so much need of being loved that an affectionate word was enough to disarm his rancor. He would have forgiven them everything for a little love. But his confidence was cruelly shaken when he heard them laughing at his stupidity after a scene of hypocritical embracing which had moved him to tears, and they had taken advantage of it to rob him of a gold watch, a present from the Prince, which they coveted. He despised them, and yet went on letting himself be taken in from his unconquerable tendency to trust and to love. He knew it. He ‘ raged against himself, and he used to thrash his brothers ■; soundly when he discovered once more that they had tricked ; him. That did not keep him from swallowing almost immedi- ' ately the fresh hook which it pleased them to bait for him. A more bitter cause of suffering was in store for him. He i learned from officious neighbors that his father was speaking i ill of him. After having been proud of his son’s successes, and ■ having boasted of them everywhere, Melchior was weak and ' shameful enough to be jealous of them. He tried to decry ; them. It was stupid to weep ; J ean-Christophe could only shrug ^ his shoulders in contempt. It was no use being angry about it, | for his father did not know what he was doing, and was em- ' bittered by his own downfall. The boy said nothing. He was | afraid, if he said anything, of being too hard; but he was cut i to the heart. They were melancholy gatherings at the family evening meal round the lamp, with a spotted cloth, with all the stupid chatter and the sound of the jaws of these people whom he despised and pitied, and yet loved in spite of everything. Only between himself and his brave mother did Jean-Christophe feel a bond of affection. But Louisa, like himself, exhausted herself during the day, and in the evening she was worn out and hardly spoke, and after dinner used to sleep in her chair over her darning. And she was so good that she seemed to make no difference MOKNING 139 in her love between her husband and her three sons. She loved them all equally. Jean-Christophe did not find in her the trusted friend that he so much needed. ^ - v. So he was driven in upon himself. For days together he would not speak, fulfilling his tiresome and wearing task with a sort of silent rage. Such a mode of living was dangerous, especially for a child at a critical age, when he is most sensitive, . and is exposed to every agent of destruction and the risk of being deformed for the rest of his life. Jean-Christophe s health suffered seriously. He had been endowed by his paren s with a healthy constitution and a sound and healthy body; but his very healthiness only served to feed his suffering when the weight of weariness and too early cares had opened up a gap by which it might enter. Quite early in life there were signs of grave nervous disorders. When he was a small boy he was subiect to fainting-fits and convulsions and vomiting whenever he encountered opposition. When he was seven or eight about the time of the concert, his sleep had been troubled. He used to talk, cry, laugh and weep in his sleep, and this habit re- turned to him whenever he had too much to think ot. Ihen he had cruel headaches, sometimes shooting pains at the base of his skull or the top of his head, sometimes a leaden heavi- ness. His eyes troubled him. Sometimes it was as though red-hot needles were piercing his eyeballs. He was subject to fits of dizziness, when he could not see to read, and had to stop for a minute or two. Insufficient and unsound food and irregular meals ruined the health of his stomach. He was racked by internal pains or exhausted by diarrhea. But noth- ing brought him more suffering than his heart. It beat with a crazy irregularity. Sometimes it would leap in his bosom, and seem like to break; sometimes it would hardly beat at all, and seem like to stop. At night his temperature would vary alarmingly; it would change suddenly from fever-point to next to nothing. He would burn, then shiver with cold, pass through agony. His throat would go dry ; a lump m it would prevent his breathing. Naturally his pagination took fire. He dared not say anything to his family of what he was going through, but he was continually dissecting it with a minuteness which either enlarged his sufferings or created 140 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE new ones. He decided that he had every known illness one after the other.. He believed that he was going blind, and as he sometimes used to turn giddy as he walked, he thought that he was going to fall down dead. Always that dreadful fear of being stopped on his road, of dying before his time, obsessed him, overwhelmed him, and pursued him. Ah, if he had to die, at least let it not be now, not before he had tasted victory! . . . Victory . . . the fixed idea which never ceases to burn within him without his being fully aware of it— the idea which bears him up through all his disgust and fatigues and the stagnant morass of such a life! A dim and great foreknowledge of what he will be some day, of what he is already! . . . What is he? A sick, nervous child, who plays the violin in the orchestra and writes mediocre concertos? Noj far more than ■ such a child. That is no more than the wrapping, the seeming of a day ; that is not his Being. There is no connection between his Being and the existing shape of his face and thought. He knows that well. When he looks at himself in the mirror he does not know himself. That broad red face, those prominent ■ eyebrows, those little sunken eyes, that short thick nose, that ! sullen mouth — the whole mask, ugly and vulgar, is foreign to himself. Neither does he know himself in his writings. He judges, he knows that what he does and what he is are nothing ; and yet he is sure of what he will be and do. Some- j times he falls foul of such certainty as a vain lie. He takes ] pleasure in humiliating himself and bitterly mortifying him- I self by way of punishment. But his certainty endures ; nothing | can alter it. Whatever he does, whatever he thinks, none of j his thoughts, actions, or writings contain him or express him. He knows, he has this strange presentiment, that the more that he is, is not contained in the present but is what he will be, what he will be to-morrow. He will be! ... He is fired by that faith, he is intoxicated by that light ! Ah, if only To-day does not block the way ! If only he does not fall into one of the cunning traps which To-day is forever laying for him ! So he steers his bark across the sea of days, turning his eyes neither to right nor left, motionless at the helm, with his gaze fixed on the bourne, the refuge, the end that he .has in sight. 14 MOENING In the orchestra, among the talkative musicians, at table with his own family, at the Palace, while he is playing without a thought of what he is playing, for the entertainment of Koyai folk— it is in that future, that future which a speck may bring toppling to earth — no matter, it is in that that he lives. He is at his old piano, in his garret, alone. Night falls. The dying light of day is cast upon his music. He strains his eyes to read the notes until the last ray of light is dead. The tenderness of hearts that are dead breathed forth from the dumb page fills him with love. His eyes are filled with tears. It seems to him that a beloved creature is standing behind him, that soft breathing caresses his cheek, that two arms are about his neck. He turns, trembling. He feels, he knows, that he is not alone. A soul that loves and is loved is there, near him. He groans aloud because he cannot perceive it, and yet that shadow of bitterness falling upon his ecstasy has sweetness, too. Even sadness has its light. He thinks of his beloved masters, of the genius that is gone, though its soul lives on in the music which it had lived in its life. His heart is overflowing with love ; he dreams of the superhuman happiness which must have been the lot of these glorious men, since the reflection only of their happiness is still so much aflame. He dreams of being like them, of giving out such love as this, with lost rays to lighten his misery with a godlike smile. In his turn to be a god, to give out the warmth of joy, to be a sun of life ! . . . Alas ! if one day he does become the equal of those whom he loves, if he does achieve that brilliant happiness for which he longs, he will see the illusion that was upon him. . • • II OTTO One Sunday when Jean-Christophe had been invited by his Musik Direktor to dine at the little country house which Tobias Pfeiffer owned an hour’s journey from the town, he took the Rhine steamboat. On deck he sat next to a boy about his own .2 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE age, who eagerly made room for him. Jean-Christophe paid no attention, but after a moment, feeling that his neighbor had never taken his eyes off him, he turned and looked at him. He was a fair boy, with round pink cheeks, with his hair parted on one side, and a shade of down on his lip. He looked frankly what he was — a hobbledehoy — though he made great efforts to seem grown up. He was dressed with ostentatious care — ^flannel suit, light gloves, white shoes, and a pale blue tie — and he car- ried a little stick in his hand. He looked at Jean-Christophe out of the corner of his eye without turning his head, with his neck stiff, like a hen; and when Jean-Christophe looked at him he blushed up to his ears, took a newspaper from his pocket, and pretended to be absorbed in it, and to look impor- tant over it. But a few minutes later he dashed to pick up Jean- Christophers hat, which had fallen. Jean-Christophe, sur- prised at such politeness, looked once more at the boy, and once more he blushed. Jean-Christophe thanked him curtly, for he did not like such obsequious eagerness, and he hated to be fussed with. All the same, he was flattered by it. Soon it passed from his thoughts; his attention was occupied by the view. It was long since he had been able to escape from the town, and so he had keen pleasure in the wind that beat against his face, in the sound of the water against the boat, in the great stretch of water and the changing spectacle presented by the banks — ^bluffs gray and dull, willow-trees half under water, pale vines, legendary rocks, towns crowned with Gothic towers and factory chimneys belching black smoke. And as he was in ecstasy over it all, his neighbor in a choking voice timidly imparted a few historic facts concerning the ruins that they saw, cleverly restored and covered with ivy. He seemed to be lecturing to himself. Jean-Christophe, roused to interest, plied him with questions. The other replied eagerly, glad to display his knowledge, and with every sentence he ad- dressed himself directly to Jean-Christophe, calling him "'Herr Hof Violinist/' "^You know me, then?^^ said Jean-Christophe. Oh yes,’^ said the boy, with a simple admiration that tickled Jean-Christophe^s vanity. They talked. The boy had often seen Jean-Christophe at MOKNING 143 concerts and his imagination had been touched by everything that he had heard about him. He did not say so to Jean- Christophe but Jean-Christophe felt it, and was pleasantly sur- prised by it. He was not used to being spoken to m this tone It eager respect. He went on questioning his neighbor about the history of the country through which they were passing. The le/ set out all the knowledge that he had, and Jean- Christophe admired his learning. But that was o^ly ^he peg on which their conversation hung. What interested them wa the making of each other’s acquaintance. They dared not frankly approach the subject; they returned to it again lith awkward questions. Finally they Christophe learned that his new friend was called Otto Diener, and was the son of a rich merchant in the town. It appeared, naturally, that they had friends in common, and little by little their tongues were loosed. They were talking eagerly when the boat arrived at the town at which Jean-Christophe was , to get out. Otto got out, too. That surprised them, and Jean- Christophe proposed that they should take a walk together unti dinner-time. They struck out across the fields. Jean-Chns- tophe had taken Otto’s arm familiarly, and was telling him his plans as if he had known |iim from his birth He ^adjieen so much deprived of the society of children of his own age that he found an inexpressible joy in being with this y, so learned and well brought up, who was in sympathy with Time passed, and Jean-Christophe took no count of it. Diener, proud of the confidence which the young musician showed him, dared not point out that the dinner-hour had run^ At last he thought that he must remind him of it, but Jean-Christophe who had begun the ascent of a hill in the woods declared that they must go to the top, and when they reached i* ^ lay down on the grass as though he meant to spend the day ther . a quarter of an hour Diener, seeing that he seemed to hav no intention of moving, hazarded again . And your dinner?^' v • -u Jean-Christophe, lying at full length, with his hands behind his head, said quietly: “Tssh!” ■■ 144 ; JEAN-CHRISTOPHE Then he looked at Otto, saw his scared look, and began to laugh. ® “ It is too good here,” he explained. “ I shan’t go. Let them wait for me ! ” He half rose. “Are you in a hurry? No? Do you know what we’ll do? We’ll dine together. I know of an inn.” Diener would have had many objections to make — not that any one was waiting for him, but because it was hard for him to come to any sudden decision, whatever it might be. He was methodical, and needed to be prepared beforehand. But Jean-Christophe’s question was put in such a tone as allowed of no refusal. He let himself be dragged oif, and they began to talk again. " , At the inn their eagerness died down. Both were occupied with the question as to who should give the dinner, and each J within himself made it a point of honor to give it— Diener '! because he was the richer, Jean-Christophe because he was ^ the poorer. They made no direct reference to the matter, but Diener made great efforts to assert his right by the tone of ! authority which he tried to take as he asked for the menu. ! Jean-Christophe understood what he was at and turned the tables on him by ordering other dishes of a rare kind. He ' wanted to show that he was as much at his ease as anybody, j and when Diener tried again by endeavoring to take upon him- ■ self the choice of wine, Jean-Christophe crushed him with a | look, and ordered a bottle of one of the most expensive vintages I they had in the inn. J When they found themselves seated before a considerable • repast, they were abashed by it. They could find nothing to ‘ say , ate mincingly, and were awkward and constrained in their movements. They became conscious suddenly that they were strangers, and they watched each other. They made vain efforts to revive the conversation; it dropped immediately. Their first half-hour was a time of fearful bore- dom. Fortunately, the meat and drink soon had an effect on them, and they looked at each other more confidently. Jean- Christophe especially, who was not used to such good things, became extraordinarily loquacious. He told of the difficulties MOEOTNG 145 of his life, and Otto, breaking through his reserve, confessed that he also was not happy. He was weak and timid, and his schoolfellows put upon him. They laughed at him, and could not forgive him for despising their vulgar manners. They played all sorts of tricks on him. Jean-Christophe clenched his fists, and said they had better not try it in his presence. Otto also was misunderstood by his family. Jean-Christoph^ knew the unhappiness of that, and they commiserated each other on their common misfortunes. Diener’s parents wanted him to become a merchant, and to step into his father’s place, but he wanted to be a poet. He would be a poet, even though he had to fly the town, like Schiller, and brave poverty! (His father’s fortune would all come to him, and it was considerable.) He confessed blushingly that he had already written verses on the sadness of life, but he could not bring himself to recite them, in spite of Jean-Christophe’s entreaties. But in the end he did give two or three of them, dithering with emotion. Jean- Christophe thought them admirable. They exchanged plans. Later on they would work together; they would write dramas and song-cycles. They admired each other. Besides his reputa- tion as a musician, Jean-Christophe’s strength and bold ways made an impression on Otto, and Jean-Christophe was sensible of Otto’s elegance and distinguished manners — everything in this world is relative— and of his ease of manner— that ease of manner which he looked and longed for. Made drowsy by their meal, with their elbows on the table, they talked and listened to each other with softness in their eyes. The afternoon drew on; they had to go. Otto made a last attempt to procure the bill, but Jean-Christophe nailed him to his seat with an angry look which made it impossible for him to insist. Jean-Christophe was only uneasy on one point— that he might be asked for more than he had. He would have given his watch and everything that he had about him rather than admit it to Otto. But he was not called on to go so far. He had to spend on the dinner almost the whole of his month s money. They went down the hill again. The shades of evening were beginning to fall over the pine-woods. Their tops were still bathed in rosy light; they swung slowly with a surging sound. 146 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE The carpet of purple pine-needles deadened the sound of their footsteps. They said no word. Jean-Christophe felt a strange sweet sadness welling through his heart. He was happy; he wished to talk, but was weighed down with his sweet sorrow. He stopped for a moment, and so did Otto. All was silence. Flies buzzed high above them in a ray of sunlight; a rotten branch fell. Jean-Christophe took Otto’s hand, and in a trem- bling voice said: “ Will you be my friend ? ” Otto murmured: « Yes.” They shook hands; their hearts beat; they dared hardly look at each other. After a moment they walked on. They were a few paces away from each other, and they dared say no more until they were out of the woods. They were fearful of each other, and of their strange emotion. They walked very fast, and never stopped until they had issued from the shadow of the trees; then they took courage again, and joined hands. They mar- veled at the limpid evening falling, and they talked discon- nectedly. On the boat, sitting at the bows in the brilliant twilight, they tried to talk of trivial matters, but they gave no heed to what they were saying. They were lost in their own hap- piness and weariness. They felt no need to talk, or to hold hands, or even to look at each other; they were near each other. When they were near their journey’s end they agreed to meet again on the following Sunday. Jean-Christophe took Otto to his door. Under the light of the gas they timidly smiled and murmured au revoir. They were glad to part, so wearied were they by the tension at which they had been living for those hours and by the pain it cost them to break the silence with a single word. Jean-Christophe returned alone in the night. His heart was singing: “I have a friend! I have a friend!” He saw nothing, he heard nothing, he thought of nothing else. He was very sleepy, and fell asleep as soon as he reached MOKNING 147 his room ; but he was awakened twice or thrice during the night, as by some fixed idea. He repeated, “ I "have a friend, and went to sleep again at once. Next morning it seemed to be all a dream. To test the reality of it, he tried to recall the smallest details of the day. He was absorbed by this occupation while he was giving his lessons, and even during the afternoon he was so absent during the orchestra rehearsal that when he left he could hardly remember what he had been playing. When he returned home he found a letter waiting tor him. He had no need to ask himself whence it came. He ran and shut himself up in his room to read it, It was written on pale blue paper in a labored, long, uncertain hand, with very correct flourishes : "Dear Herr Jeak-Christophe— dare I say Honored Friend ? — "I am thinking much of our doings yesterday, and I do thank you tremendously for your kindness to me. I am so grateful for all that you have done, and for your kind words, and the delightful walk and the excellent dinner! I am only worried that you should have spent so much money on it. WTiat a lovely day! Do you not think there was something providential in that strange meeting? It seems to me that it was Fate decreed that we should meet. How glad I shall be to see you again on Sunday! I hope you will not have had too much unpleasantness for having inissed the Hof Mimic DireUor’s dinner. I should be so sorry if you had any trouble because of me. "Dear Herr Jean-Christophe, I am always “Your very devoted servant and friend, " Otto Diener. <( p. s. On Sunday please do not call for me at home. It would be better, if you will, for us to meet at the Schloss Garten/^ Jean-Christophe read the letter with tears in his eyes. He kissed it; he laughed aloud; he jumped about on his bed. Then 148 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE he ran to the table and took pen in hand to reply at once. He could not wait a moment. But he was not used to writing. He could not express what was swelling in his heart; he dug into the paper with his pen, and blackened his fingers with ink; he stamped impatiently. At last, by dint of putting out his tongue and making five or six drafts, he succeeded in writ- ing in malformed letters, which fiew out in all directions, and with terrific mistakes in spelling: Soul, — How dare you speak of gratitude, because I love you ? Have I not told you how sad I was and lonely before I knew you? Your friendship is the greatest of blessings. Yesterday I was happy, happy! — for the first time in my life. I weep for joy as I read your letter. Yes, my beloved, there is no doubt that it was Fate brought us together. Fate wishes that we shotild be friends to do great things. Friends! The lovely ' word ! Can it be that at last I have a friend ? Oh ! you will never leave me? You will be faithful to me? Always! always! . . . How beautiful it will be to grow up together, to work together, to bring together — I my musical whimsies, and all the crazy things that go chasing through my mind; you your intelligence and amazing learning! How much you know! I have never met a man so clever as you. There are moments when r am uneasy. I seem to be unworthy of your friendship. You are so noble and so accomplished, and I am so grateful to you for loving so coarse a creature as myself ! . . . But no ! I have just said, let there be no talk of gratitude. In friend- ship there is no obligation nor benefaction. I would not accept any benefaction ! We are equal, since we love. How impatient I am to see you! I will not call for you at home, since you do not wish it — although, to tell the truth, I do not understand all these precautions — ^but you are the wiser; you are surely right. . . . One word only ! No more talk of money. I hate money — the word and the thing itself. If I am not rich, I am yet rich enough to give to my friend, and it is my joy to give all I can for him. Would not you do the same? And if I needed it, would you not be the first to give me all your fortune? But MOENING 149 that shall never be ! I have sound fists and a sound head, and I shall always be ible to earn the bread that I eat. Till Sun- day! Dear God, a whole week without seeing you! And for two days I have not seen you! How have I been able to live so long without you? The conductor tried to grumble, but do not bother about it any more than I do. What are others to me? I care nothing what they think or what they may ever think of me. Only you matter. Love me well, my soul; love me as I love you! I cannot tell you how much I love you. I am yours, yours, yours, from the tips of my fingers to the apple of my eye. Yours always, Jean-Christophe.’’ Jean-Christophe was devoured with impatience for the rest of the week. He would go out of his way, and make long turns to pass by Otto^s house. Not that he counted on seeing him, but the sight of the house was enough to make him grow pale and red with emotion. On the Thursday he could bear it no longer, and sent a second letter even more high-fiown than the first. Otto answered it sentimentally. Sunday came at length, and Otto was punctually at the meet- ing-place. But Jean-Christophe had been there for an hour, waiting impatiently for the walk. He began to imagine dread- fully that Otto would not come. He trembled lest Otto should be ill, for he did not suppose for a moment that Otto might break his word. He whispered over and over again, Dear God, let him come — ^let him come ! and he struck at the pebbles in the avenue with his stick, saying to himself that if he missed three times Otto would not come, but if he hit them Otto would appear at once. In spite of his care and the easiness of the test, he had just missed three times when he saw Otto coming at his easy, deliberate pace; for Otto was above all things correct, even when he was most moved. Jean- Christophe ran to him, and with his throat dry wished him Good-day ! Otto replied, Good-day ! and they found that they had nothing more to say to each other, except that the weather was fine and that it was five or six minutes past 150 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE ten, or it migM be ten past, because the castle clock was always slow. They went to the station, and went by rail to a neighboring place which was a favorite excursion from the town. On the way they exchanged not more than ten words. They tried to make up for it by eloquent looks, but they were no more success- ful. In vain did they try to tell each other what friends they were; their eyes would say nothing at all. They were just play- acting. Jean-Christophe saw that, and was humiliated. He did not understand how he could not express or even feel all that had filled his heart an hour before. Otto did not, perhaps, so exactly take stock of their failure, because he was less sin- cere, and examined himself with more circumspection, but he was just as disappointed. The truth is that the boys had, dur- ing their week of separation, blown out their feelings to such , a diapason that it was impossible for them to keep them actu- , ally at that pitch, and when they met again their first impression ■ must of necessity be false. They had to break away from it, , but they could not bring themselves to agree to it. All day they wandered in the country without ever breaking ! through the awkwardness and constraint that were upon them. , It was a holiday. The inns and woods were filled with a rabble of excursionists — ^little bourgeois families who made a great noise and ate everywhere. That added to their ill-humor. , They attributed to the poor people the impossibility of again; finding the earelessness of their first walk,. But they talked, j they took great pains to find subjects of conversation; theyl were afraid of finding that they had nothing to say to each! other. Otto displayed his school-learning; Jean-Christophe en-; tered into technical explanations of musical compositions and violin-playing. They oppressed each other; they crushed each other by "talking; and they never stopped talking, trembling lest they should, for then there opened before them abysses of silence which horrified them. Otto came near to weeping, and Jean-Christophe was near leaving him and running away as hard as he could, he was so bored and ashamed. Only an hour before they had to take the train again did they thaw. In the depths of the woods a dog was barking; he was hunting on his own account. Jean-Christophe proposed, B I MOENING 151 that they should hide by his path to try and see his quarry. They ran into the midst of the thicket. The dog came near x them, and then went away again. They went to right and left, - went forward and doubled. The barking grew louder; the dog was choking with impatience in his lust for slaughter. He came near once more. J ean-Christophe and Otto, lying on the dead leaves in the rut of a path, waited and held their breath. The iJarking stopped ; the dog had lost the scent. They heard his yap once again in the distance ; then silence came upon the woods. Not a sound, only the mysterious hum of millions of crefatures, insects, and creeping things, moving unceasingly, de- stroying the forest— the measured breathing of death, which neiver stops. The boys listened, they did not stir. Just w^hen they got up, disappointed, and said, “It is all over; Me will not come!” a little hare plunged out of the thicket. He came straight upon them. They saw him at the same moment, and gave a cry of joy. The hare turned in his tracks /and jumped aside. They saw him dash into the brushwood /head over heels. The stirring of the rumpled leaves vanished f away like a ripple on the face of waters. Although they were orry for having cried out, the adventure filled them with joy. They rocked with laughter as they thought of the hare’s terri- fied leap, and Jean-Christophe imitated it grotesquely. Otto did the same. Then they chased each other. Otto was the hare, Jean-Christophe the dog. They plunged through woods and meadows, dashing through hedges and leaping ditches. A peasant shouted at them, because they had rushed over a field of rye. They did not stop to hear him. Jean-Christophe imitated the hoarse barking of the dog to such perfection that Otto laughed until he cried. At last they rolled down a slope, shouting like mad things. When they could not utter another I sound they sat up and looked at each other, with tears Cj. laughter in their eyes. They were quite happy and pleased with themselves. They were no longer trying to play the heroic friend ; they were frankly what they were two boys. They came back arm-in-arm, singing senseless songs, and yet, when they were on the point of returning to the town, they thought they had better resume their pose, and under the last tree of the woods they carved their initials intertwined. But 152 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE then good temper had the better of their sentimentality, and in the train they shouted with laughter whenever they looked at each other. They parted assuring each other that they had had a hugely delightful {holossal entzuchend) day,, and that conviction gained with them when they were alone once more. ^ I They resumed their work of construction more patient', and ingenious even than that of the bees, for of a few medic'^cre scraps of memory they fashioned a marvelous image of them- selves and their friendship. After having idealized each otl|er during the week, they met again on the Sunday, and in spite of the discrepancy between the truth and their illusion, theby got used to not noticing it and to twisting things to fit in witri their desires. 1 . They were proud of being friends. The very contrast of their natures brought them together. Jean-Christophe knew nothing) so beautiful as Otto. His fine hands, his lovely hair, his fresh i complexion, his shy speech, the politeness of his manners, and v, his scrupulous care of his appearance delighted him. Otto was | subjugated by Jean-Christophe’s brimming strength and in- | dependence. Accustomed by age-old inheritance to religious respect for all authority, he took a fearful joy in the cumpany of a comrade in whose nature was so little reverence for the ; established order of things. He had a little voluptuous thrill ; of terror whenever he heard him decry every reputation in the | town, and even mimic the Grand Duke himself. Jean-Chris- I tophe knew the fascination that he exercised over his friend, ! and used to exaggerate his aggressive temper. Like some ] old revolutionary, he hewed away at social conventions and the laws of the State. Otto would listen, scandalized and ^ delighted. He used timidly to try and join in, but he w^as always careful to look round to see if any one could hear. Jean-Christophe never failed, when they walked together, to leap the fences of a field whenever he saw a board forbidding it, or he would pick fruit over the walls of private grounds. Otto was in terror lest they should be discovered. But such feelings had for him an exquisite savor, and in the evening, when he had returned, he would think himself a hero. He MO iNING 15a admired Jean-Christophe fearfully. His instinct of obedience found a satisfying quality in a friendship in which he had only to acquiesce in the will of his friend. Jean-Christophe never put him to the trouble of coming to a decision. He decided everything, decreed the doings of the day, decreed even the ordering of life, making plans, which admitted of no dis- cussion, for Otto’s future, just as he did for his own family. Otto fell in with them, though he was a little put aback by hear- ing Jean-Christophe dispose of his fortune for the building later on of a theater of his own contriving. But, intimidated by his friend’s imperious tones, he did not protest, being convinced also by his friend’s conviction that the money amassed by Commerzienrath Oscar Diener could be put to no nobler use. Jean-Christophe never for a moment had any idea that he might be violating Otto’s will. He was instinctively a despot, and* never imagined that his friend’s wishes might be different from his own. Had Otto expressed a desire different from his own, he would not have hesitated to sacrifice his own personal prefer- ence. He would have sacrificed even more for him. He was consumed by the desire to run some risk for him. He wished passionately that there might appear some opportunity of put- ting his friendship to the test. When they were out walking he used to hope that they might meet some danger, so that he might fling himself forward to face it. He would have loved to die for Otto. Meanwhile, he watched over him with a rest- less solicitude, gave him his hand in awkward places, as though he were a girl. He was afraid that he might be tired, afraid that he might be hot, afraid that he might be cold. When they sat down under a tree he took off his coat to put it about his friend’s shoulders; when they walked he carried his cloak. He would have carried Otto himself. He used to devour him with his eyes like a lover, and, to tell the truth, he was in love. He did not know it, not knowing yet what love was. But sometimes, when they were together, he was overtaken by a strange unease — the same that had choked him on that first day of their friendship in the pine-woods — and the blood would rush to his face and set his cheeks aflame. He was afraid. By an instinctive unanimity the two boys used furtively to separate 154 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE and rnn away from each other, and one would lag behind on the road. They would pretend to be busy looking for black- berries in the hedges, and they did not know what it was that so perturbed them. But it was in their letters especially that their feelings flew high. They were not then in any danger of being contradicted by facts, and nothing could check their illusions or intimidate them. They wrote to each other two or three times a week in a passionately lyric style. They hardly ever spoke of real hap- penings or common things; they raised great problems in an apocalyptic manner, which passed imperceptibly from enthusiasm to despair. They called each other, “My blessing, my hope, my beloved, my Self.” They made a fearful hash of the word “ Soul.” They painted in tragic colors the sadness of their lot, and were desolate at having brought into the existence of their friend the sorrows of their existence. “ I am sorry, my love,^^ wrote J ean-Christophe, for the ^ pain which I bring you. I cannot bear that you should suffer. ; It must not be. I will not have it.” _ (He underlined the words ‘i with a stroke of the pen that dug into the paper.) “ If you t suffer, where shall I find strength to live? I have no happi- ; ness but in you. Oh, be happy! I will gladly take all the ; burden of sorrow upon myself ! Think of me ! Love me . I have such great need of being loved. From your love there • comes to me a warmth which gives me life. If you knew how I shiver ! There is winter and a biting wind in my heart. I j embrace your soul.” I “My thought kisses yours,” replied Otto. _ J “I take your face in my hands,” was Jean-Christophe’sl answer, “and what I have not done and will not do with my' lips I do with all my being. I kiss you as I love you. Pru- dence ! ” Otto pretended to doubt him. “ Do you love me as much as I love you ? ” “0 God,” wrote Jean-Christophe, “not as much, but ten, a hundred, a thousand times more! 'V^at! Do you ^ not feel it? What would you have me do to stir your heart? “ What a lovely friendship is ours ! ” sighed Otto. “ Was there ever its like in history? It is sweet and fresh as a MOENING 155 dream. If only it does not pass away! If you were to cease to love me ! ” “ How stupid you are, my beloved! ” replied Jean-Christophei “ Forgive me, but your weakling fear enrages me. How can you ask whether I shall cease to love you! For me to live is to love you. Death is powerless against my love. You your- self could do nothing if you wished to destroy it. Even if you betrayed me, even if you rent my heart, I should die with a blessing upon you for the love with which you fill me. Once for all, then, do not be uneasy, and vex me no more with these cowardly doubts ! ” But a week later it was he who wrote: “ It is three days now since I heard a word fall from your lips. I tremble. Would you forget me? My blood freezes at the thought. . . . Yes, doubtless. . . . The other day only I saw your coldness towards me. You love me no longer ! You are thinking of leaving me ! . . . Listen ! If you forget me,, if you ever betray me, I will kill you like a dog ! ” “You do me wrong, my dear heart,” groaned Otto. “You draw tears from me. I do not deserve this. But you can do* as you will. You have such rights over me that, if you were to break my soul, there would always be a spark left to live and love you always ! ” “Heavenly powers!” cried Jean-Christophe. “I have made my friend weep! . . . Heap insults on me, beat me, trample me underfoot ! I am a wretch ! I do not deserve your love ! ” They had special ways of writing the address on their letters, of placing the stamp — upside down, askew, at bottom in a corner of the envelope — to distinguish their letters from those which they wrote to persons who did not matter. These childish secrets had the charm of the sweet mysteries of love. One day, a^ he was returning from a lesson, Jean-Christophe saw Otto in the street with a boy of his own age. They were laughing and talking familiarly. Jean-Christophe went pale, and followed them with his eyes until they had disappeared round the corner of the street. They had not seen him. He went home. It was as though a cloud had passed over the sun ; all was dark. / 156 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE When they met on the following Sunday, Jean-Christophe said nothing at first; but after they had been walking for half an hour he said in a choking voice : “ I saw you on Wednesday in the Koniggasse." “ Ah ! ” said Otto. And he blushed. Jean-Christophe went on: “ You were not alone.” “^No,” said Otto; “I was with some one.” Jean-Christophe swallowed down his spittle and asked in a voice which he strove to make careless: “Who was it?” “My cousin Eranz.” “Ah!” said Jean-Christophe; and after a moment: “You have never said anything about him to me.” “ He lives at Eheinbach.” “ Do you see him often ? ” “He comes here sometimes.” “ And you, do you go and stay with him ? ” “ Sometimes.” “ Ah ! ” said Jean-Christophe again. Otto, who was not sorry to turn the conversation, pointed out a bird who was pecking at a tree. They talked of other things. Ten minutes later Jean-Christophe broke out again : “ Are you friends with him ? ” “ With whom ? ” asked Otto. (He knew perfectly who was meant.) “ With your cousin.” “Yes. Why?” “ Oh, nothing I ” Otto did not like his cousin much, for he used to bother him with bad jokes; but a strange malign instinct made him add a few moments later: “ He is very nice.” “ Who ? ” asked Jean-Christophe. (He knew quite well who was meant.) “ Franz.” Otto waited for Jean-Christophe to say something, but he MOENING 157 seemed not to have heard. He was cutting a switch from a hazel-tree. Otto went on: He is amusing. He has all sorts of stories.’^ Jean-Christophe whistled carelessly. Otto renewed the attack : And he is so clever . . . and distinguished ! . . .” Jean-Christophe shrugged his shoulders as though to say: What interest can this person have for me ? And as Otto, piqued, began to go on, he brutally cut him short, and pointed out a spot to which to run. They did not touch on the subject again the whole after- noon, but they were frigid, affecting an exaggerated politeness which was unusual for them, especially for Jean-Christophe. The words stuck in his throat. At last he could contain him- self no longer, and in the middle of the road he turned to Otto, who was lagging five yards behind. He took him fiercely by the hands, and let loose upon him : Listen, Otto ! I will not — I will not let you be so friendly with Fr^nz, because . . . because you are my friend, and I will not let you love any one more than me! I will not! You see, you are everything to me ! You cannot . . . you must not f . . . If I lost you, there would be nothing left but death. I do not know what I should do. I should kill myself ; I should kill you! No, forgive me! . . Tears fell from his eyes. Otto, moved and frightened by the sincerity of such grief, growling out threats, made haste to swear that he did not and never would love anybody so much as Jean-Christophe, that Franz was nothing to him, and that he would not see him again if Jean-Christophe wished it. Jean-Christophe drank in his words, and his heart took new life. He laughed and breathed heavily; he thanked Otto effusively. He was ashamed of having made such a scene, but he was relieved of a great weight. They stood face to face and looked at each other, not moving, and holding hands. They were very happy and very much embarrassed. They became silent; then they began to talk again, and found their old gaiety. They felt more at one than ever. But it was not the last scene of the kind. Now that Otto 158 JEAN-CHEISTOPHB lelt his power over Jean-Christophe, he was tempted to abuse it. He knew his sore spot, and was irresistibly tempted to place his finger on it. Not that he had any pleasure in Jean- ■ Christophe’s anger; on the contrary, it made him unhappy — t)ut he felt his power by making Jean-Christophe suffer. He was not bad; he had the soul of a girl. In spite of his promises, he continued to appear arm in arm with Franz or some other comrade. They made a great noise between them, and he used to laugh in an affected way. When Jean-Christophe reproached him with it, he used to titter and pretend not to take him seriously, until, seeing Jean-Chris- tophe’s eyes change and his lips tremble with anger, he would change his tone, and fearfully promise not to do it again, and the next day he would do it. Jean-Christophe would write him furious letters, in which he called him; “ Scoundrel ! Let me never hear of you again ! I do not know you! May the devil take you and all dogs of your kidney!” But a tearful word from Otto, or, as he ever did, the sending -of a flower as a token of his eternal constancy, was enough for , Jean-Christophe to be plunged in remorse, and to write : , “My angel, I am mad! Forget my idiocy. You are the • best of men. Your little finger alone is worth more than all ; stupid Jean-Christophe. You have the treasures of an in- ; genuous and delicate tenderness. I kiss your flower with tears : in my eyes. It is there on my heart. I thrust it into my] skin with blows of my fist. I would that it could make me| bleed, so that I might the more feel your exquisite goodness . and my own infamous folly ! . . .” ; But they began to weary of each other. It is false to pre- tend that little quarrels feed friendship. Jean-Christophe was sore against Otto for the injustice that Otto made him be guilty of. He tried to argue with himself; he laid the blame upon his own despotic temper. His loyal and eager nature, brought for the first time to the test of love, gave itself utterly, and demanded a gift as utter without the reservation of one^ particle of the heart. He admitted no sharing in friendship.;’:. Being ready to sacrifice all for his friend, he thought it right^ and even necessary that his friend should wholly sacrifice him- MOENING 159 self and everything for him. But he was beginning to feel that the world was not built on the model of his own inflexible character, and that he was asking things which others could not give. Then he tried to submit. He blamed himself, he regarded himself as an egoist, who had no right to encroach upon the liberty of his friend, and to monopolize his affection. He did sincerely endeavor to leave him free, whatever it might cost himself. In a spirit of humiliation he did set himself to pledge Otto not tp neglect Franz; he tried to persuade himself that he was glad to see him finding pleasure in society other than his own. But when Otto, who was not deceived, maliciously obeyed him, he could not help lowering at him, and then he broke out again. If necessary, he would have forgiven Otto for preferring other friends to himself; but what he could not stomach was the lie. Otto was neither liar nor hypocrite, but it was as difficult for him to tell the truth as for a stutterer to pronounce words. What he said was never altogether true nor altogether false. Either from timidity or from uncertainty of his own feelings he rarely spoke definitely. His answers were equivocal, and, above all, upon every occasion he made mystery and was secret in a way that set Jean-Christophe beside himself. When he was caught tripping, or was caught in what, according to the conventions of their friendship, was a fault, instead of admit- ting it he would go on denying it and telling absurd stories. One day Jean-Christophe, exasperated, struck him. He thought it must be the end of their friendship and that Otto would never forgive him ; but after sulking for a few hours Otto came back as though nothing had happened. He had no resent- ment for Jean-Christophe’s violence — perhaps even it was not unpleasing to him, and had a certain charm for him — and yet he resented Jean-Christophe letting himself be tricked, gulping down all his mendacities. He despised him a little, and thought himself superior. Jean-Christophe, for his part, resented Otto’s receiving blows without revolting. They no longer saw each other wifh the eyes of those first days. Their failings showed up in full light. Otto found Jean- Christophe’s independence less charming. Jean-Christophe was a tiresome companion when they went walking. He had no sort 160 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE of concern for correctness. He nsed to dress as he liked, take off his coat, open his waistcoat, walk with open collar, roll up his shirt-sleeves, put his hat on the end of his stick, and fling out his chest in the air. He used to swing his arms as he walked, whistle, and sing at the top of his voice. He used to be red in the face, sweaty, and dusty. He looked like a peasant returning from a fair. The aristocratic Otto used to be mortifled at being seen in his company. When he saw a carriage coming he used to contrive to lag some ten paces behind, and to look as though he were walking alone. Jean-Christophe was no less embarrassing company when he began to talk at an inn or in a railway-carriage when they were returning home. He used to talk loudly, and say any- thing that came into his head, and treat Otto with a disgusting familiarity. He used to express opinions quite recklessly con- cerning people known to everybody, or even about the appear- . ance of people sitting only a few yards away from him, or he ; would enter into intimate details concerning his health and ] domestic affairs. It was useless for Otto to roll his eyes and to make signals of alarm. Jean-Christophe seemed not to 1 notice them, and no more controlled himself than if he had « been alone. Otto would see smiles on the faces of his neigh- ; bors, and would gladly have sunk into the ground. He thought ■ Jean-Christophe coarse, and could not understand how he could *; ever have found delight in him. ' • What was most serious was that Jean-Christophe was just as | reckless and indifferent concerning all the hedges, fences, in- I closures, walls, prohibitions of entry, threats of fines, Verbot i of all sorts, and everything that sought to confine his liberty j and protect the sacred rights of property against it. Otto lived in fear from moment to moment, and all his protests were useless. Jean-Christophe grew worse out of bravado. One day, when Jean-Christophe, with Otto at his heels, was walking perfectly at home across a private wood, in spite of, or because of, the walls fortified with broken bottles which they had had to clear, they found themselves suddenly face to face with a gamekeeper, who let Are a volley of oaths at them, and after keeping them for some time under a threat of legal proceedings, packed them off in the most ignominious fashion. MOENING IGl Otto did not shine under this ordeal. He thought that he was already in jail, and wept, stupidly protesting that he had gone in by accident, and that he had followed Jean-Christophe with- out knowing whither he was going. When he saw that he was safe, instead of being glad, he bitterly reproached Jean- Christophe. He complained that Jean-Christophe had brought him into trouble. Jean-Christophe quelled him with a look, and called him Lily-liver ! There was a quick passage of words. Otto would have left Jean-Christophe if he had known how to find the way home. He was forced to follow him, but they affected to pretend that they were not together. A storm was brewing. In their anger they had not seen it coming. The baking countryside resounded with the cries of insects. Suddenly all was still. They only grew aware of the silence after a few minutes. Their ears buzzed. They raised their eyes; the sky was black; huge, heavy, livid clouds overcast it. They came up from every side like a cavalry-charge. They seemed all to be hastening towards an invisible point, drawn by a gap in the sky. Otto, in terror, dare not tell his fears, and Jean-Christophe took a malignant pleasure in pre- tending not to notice anything. But without saying a word they drew nearer together. They were alone in the wide coun- try. Silence. Not a wind stirred, — hardly a fevered tremor that made the little leaves of the trees shiver now and then. Suddenly a whirling wind raised the dust, twisted the trees and lashed them furiously. And the silence came again, more terrible than before. Otto, in a trembling voice, spoke at last. It is a storm. We must go home.^^ Jean-Christophe said: Let us go home.^^ But it was too late. A blinding, savage light flashed, the heavens roared, the vault of clouds rumbled. In a moment they were wrapped about by the hurricane, maddened by the lightning, deafened by the thunder, drenched from head to foot. They were in deserted country, half an hour from the nearest house. In the lashing rain, in the dim light, came the great red flashes of the storm. They tried to run but, their wet clothes clinging, they could hardly walk. Their shoes 162 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE slipped on their feet, the water trickled down their bodies. It was difficult to breathe. Otto’s teeth were chattering, and he was mad with rage. He said biting things to J ean-Christophe. He wanted to stop; he declared that iUwas dangerous to walk; he threatened to sit down on the road, to sleep on the soil in the middle of the plowed fields. Jean-Christophe made no reply. ' He went on walking, blinded by the wind, the rain, and the lightning; deafened by the noise; a little uneasy, but unwilling to admit it. And suddenly it was all over. The storm had passed, as it had come. But they were both in a pitiful condition. In truth, Jean-Christophe was, as usual, so disheveled that a little more disorder made hardly any difference to him. But Otto, so neat, so careful of his appearance, cut a sorry figure. It was as though he had just taken a bath in his clothes, and Jean- , Christophe, turning and seeing him, could not help roar- , ing with laughter. Otto was so exhausted that he could not ’ even be angry. Jean-Christophe took pity and talked gaily | to him. Otto replied with a look of fury. Jean-Christophe made him stop at a farm. They dried themselves before | a great fire, and drank hot wine. Jean-Christophe thought the ^ adventure funny, and tried to laugh at it; but that was not ■ at all to Otto’s taste, and he was morose and silent for the rest ; of their walk. They came back sulking and did not shaken , hands when they parted. i As a result of this prank they did not see each other for ] more than a week. They were severe in their judgment of I each other. But after indicting punishment on themselves by | depriving themselves of one of their Sunday walks, they got j so bored that their rancor died away. Jean-Christophe made the first advances as usual. Otto condescended to meet them, and they made peace. In spite of their disagreement it was impossible for them to do without each other. They had many faults; they w«re both egoists. But their egoism was naive ; it knew not the self-seeking of maturity which makes it so repulsive; it knew not itself even; it was almost lovable, and did not prevent them from sincerely loving each other! Young Otto used to weep^ on his pillow as he told himself stories of romantic devotion MOENING 163 of which he was the hero ; he used to invent pathetic adventures, in which he was strong, valiant, intrepid, and protected Jean- Christophe, whom he used to imagine that he adored. Jean- Christophe never saw or .heard anything beautiful or strange without thinking : '' If only Otto were here ! He carried the image of his friend into his whole life, and that image used to be transfigured, and become so gentle that, in spite of all that he knew about Otto, it used to intoxicate him. Certain words of Otto’s which he used to remember long after they were spoken, and to embellish by the way, used to make him tremble with emotion. They imitated each other. Otto aped Jean-Christophe’s manners, gestures, and writing. Jean-Chris- tophe was sometimes irritated by the shadow which repeated every word that he said and dished up his thoughts as though they were its own. But he did not see that he himself was imitating Otto, and copying his way of dressing, walking, and pronouncing certain words. They were under a fascination. They were infused one in the other; their hearts were over- flowing with tenderness. They trickled over with it on every side like a fountain. Each imagined that his friend was the cause of it. They did not know that it was the waking of their adolescence. Jean-Christophe, who never distrusted any one, used to leave his papers lying about. But an instinctive modesty made him keep together the drafts of the letters which he scrawled to Otto, and the replies. But he did not lock them up; he just placed them between the leaves of one of his music-books, where he felt certain that no one would look for them. He reckoned without his brothers’ malice. He had seen them for some time laughing and whispering and looking at him; they were declaiming to each other frag- ments of speech which threw them into wild laughter. J ean- Christophe could not catch the words, and, following his usual tactics with them, he feigned utter indifference to everything they might do or say. A few words roused his attention; he thought he recognized them. Soon he was left without doubt that they had read his letters. But when he challenged Ernest and Eodolphe, who were calling each other My dear soul,” 164 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE with pretended earnestness, he could get nothing from them. The little wretches pretended not to understand, and said that they had the right to call each other whatever they liked. Jean- Christophe, who had found all the letters in their places, did not insist farther. Shortly afterwards he caught Ernest in the act of thieving; the little beast was rummaging in the drawer of the chest in which Louisa kept her money. Jean-Christophe shook him, and took advantage of the opportunity to tell him everything that he had stored up against him. He enumerated, in terms of scant courtesy, the misdeeds of Ernest, and it was not a short catalogue. Ernest took the lecture in bad part ; he replied impudently that Jean-Christophe had nothing to reproach him with, and he hinted at unmentionable things in his brother’s friendship with Otto. Jean-Christophe did not understand, ^ birt when he grasped that Otto was being dragged into the _ quarrel he demanded an explanation of Ernest. The boy tit- ^ tered; then, when he saw Jean-Christophe white with anger, , he refused to say any more. Jean-Christophe saw that he would obtain nothing in that way; he sat down, shrugged his < shoulders, and affected a profound contempt for Ernest. , Ernest, piqued by this, was impudent again; he set himself . to hurt his brother, and set forth a litany of things each more : cruel and more vile than the last. J ean-Christophe kept a ^ tight hand on himself. When at last he did understand, he : saw red ; he leaped from his chair. Ernest had no time to cry . out. Jean-Christophe had hurled himself on him, and rolled | with him into the middle of the room, and beat his head against ^ the tiles. On the frightful cries of the victim, Louisa, Mel- . chior, everybody, came running. They rescued Ernest in a parlous state. Jean-Christophe would not loose his prey , they had to beat and beat him. They called him a savage beast, and he looked it. His eyes were bursting from his head, he was grinding his teeth, and his only thought was to hurl him- self again on Ernest. When they asked him what had happened, his fury increased, and he cried out that he would kill him. Ernest also refused to tell. Jean-Christophe could not eat nor sleep. He was shaking with fever, and wept in his bed. It was not only for Otto MORNING 165 that he was suffering. A revolution was taking place in him. Ernest had no idea of the hurt that he had been able to do his brother. \Jean-Christophe was at heart of a puritanical intolerance^ which could not admit the dark ways of life, and was discovering them one by one with horror. At fifteen, with his free life and strong instincts, he remained strangely simple. His natural purity and ceaseless toil had protected him. His brother’s words had opened up abyss on abyss before him. Never would he have conceived such infamies, and now that the idea of it had come to him, all his joy in loving and being loved was spoiled. Not only his friendship with Otto, but friendship itself was poisoned. It was much worse when certain sarcastic allusions made him think, perhaps wrongly, that he was the object of tl^ un- wholesome curiosity of the town, and especially, when, some time afterwards, Melchior made a remark about his walks with Otto. Probably there was no malice in Melchior, but Jean- Christophe, on the watch, read hidden meanings into every word, and almost he thought himself guilty. At the same time Otto was passing through a similar crisis. They tried still to see each other in secret. But it was impossible for them to regain the carelessness of their old relation. Their frankness was spoiled. The two boys who loved each other with a tenderness so fearful that they had never dared exchange a fraternal kiss, and had imagined that there could be no greater happiness than in seeing each other, and in being friends, and sharing each other’s dreams, now felt that they were stained and spotted by the suspicion of evil minds. They came to see evil even in the most innocent acts: a look, a hand-clasp — they blushed, they had evil thoughts. Their relation became intolerable. Without saying anything they saw each other less often. They tried writing to each other, but they set a watch upon their expressions. Their letters became cold and insipid. They grew disheartened. Jean-Christophe excused himself on the ground of his work, Otto on the ground of being too busy, and their correspondence ceased. Soon afterwards Otto left for the University, and the friendship which had lightened a few months of their lives died down and out. 166 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE And also, a new love, of which this had been only the fore- runner, took possession of Jean-Christophe’s heart, and made every other light seem pale by its side. Ill MINNA Foue or five months before these events Fran Josepha von Kerich, widow of Councilor Stephan von Kerich, had left Berlin, where her husband’s duties had hitherto detained them, and settled down with her daughter in the little Rhine town, in her native country. She had an old house with a .large garden, almost a park, which sloped down to the river, not far from Jean-Christophe’s home. From his attic Jean-Chris- tophe could see the heavy branches of the trees hanging over the walls, and the high peak of the red roof with its mossy tiles. A little sloping alley, with hardly room to pass, ran alongside the park to the right; from there, by climbing a post, you could look over the wall. Jean-Christophe did not fail to make use of it. He could then see the grassy avenues, the lawns like open meadows, the trees interlacing and growing wild, and the white front of the house with its shutters obsti- nately closed. Once or twice a year a gardener made the rounds, and aired the house. But soon Nature resumed her sway over the garden, and silence reigned over all. That silence impressed Jean-Christophe. He used often, stealthily to climb up to his watch-tower, and as he grew taller, his eyes, then his nose, then his mouth reached up to the top of the wall; now he could put his arms over it if he stood on tiptoe, and, in spite of the discomfort of that position, he used to stay so, with his chin on the wall, looking, listening, while the evening unfolded over the lawns its soft waves of gold, which lit up with bluish rays the shade of the pines. There he could forget himself until he heard footsteps approaching in the street. The night scattered its scents over the garden: lilac in spring, acacia in summer, dead leaves in the autumn. When Jean-Christophe was on his way home in the evening from the MOEOTNG 167 Palace, however weary he might be, he used to stand by the door to drink in the delicious scent, and it was hard for him to go back to the smells of his room. And often he had played — when he used to play — in the little square with its tufts of grass between the stones, before the gateway of the house of the Kerichs. On each side of the gate grew a chestnut-tree a hundred years old; his grandfather used to come and sit beneath them, and smoke his pipe, and the children used to use the nuts for missiles and toys. One morning, as he went up the alley, he climbed up the post as usual. He was thinking of other things, and looked absently. He was just going to climb down when he felt that there was something unusual about it. He looked towards the house. The windows w’ere open; the sun was shining into them and, although no one was to be seen, the old place seemed to have been roused from its fifteen years^ sleep, and to be smiling in its awakening. Jean-Christophe went home uneasy in his mind. At dinner his father talked of what was the topic of the neighborhood: the arrival of Frau Kerich and her daughter with an incredible quantity of luggage. The chestnut square was filled with rascals who had turned up to help unload, the carts. Jean-Christophe was excited by the news, which, in his limited life, was an important event, and he returned to his work, trying to imagine the inhabitants of the enchanted house from his father’s story, as usual hyperbolical. Then he became absorbed in his work, and had forgotten the whole affair when, just as he was about to go home in the evening, he remembered it all, and he was impelled by curiosity to climb his watch- tower to spy out what might be toward within the walls. He saw nothing but the quiet avenue, in which the motionless trees seemed to be sleeping in the last rays of the sun. In a few moments he had forgotten why he was looking, and abandoned himself as he always did to the sweetness of the silence. That strange place — standing erect, perilously balanced on the top of a post — was meet for dreams. Coming from the ugly alley, stuffy and dark, the sunny gardens were of a magical radiance. His spirit wandered freely through these regions of harmony, and music sang in him; they lulled him, and he forgot time 168 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE and material things, and was only concerned to miss none of the whisperings of his heart. So he dreamed open-eyed and open-mouthed, and he could not have told how long he had been dreaming, for he saw noth- ing. Suddenly his heart leaped. In front of him, at a bend in an avenue, were two women’s faces looking at him. . One, a young lady in black, with fine irregular features and fair hair, tall, elegant, with carelessness and indifference in the poise of her head, was looking at him with kind, laughing eyes. The other, a girl of fifteen, also in deep mourning, looked as though she were going to burst out into a fit of wild laughter; she was standing a little behind her mother, who, without looking at her, signed to her to be quiet. She covered her lips with her hands, as if she were hard put to it not to burst out laughing. She was a little creature with a fresh face, white, pink, and round-cheeked; she had a plump little nose, a plump little mouth, a plump little chin, firm eyebrows, bright eyes, and a mass of fair hair plaited and wound round her head in a crown to show her rounded neck and her smooth white forehead — a Cranach face. Jean-Christophe was turned to stone by this apparition. He could not go away, but stayed, glued to his post, with his mouth wide open. It was only when he saw the young lady coming towards him with her kindly mocking smile that he wrenched himself away, and jumped — tumbled — down into the alley, drag- ging with him pieces of plaster from the wall. He heard a kind voice calling him, Little boy ! ” and a shout of childish laugh- ter, clear and liquid as the song of a bird. He found himself in the alley on hands and knees, and, after a moment’s bewil- derment, he ran away as hard as he could go, as though he was afraid of being pursued. He was ashamed, and his shame kept bursting upon him again when he was alone in his room at home. After that he dared not go down the alley, fearing oddly that they might be lying in wait for him. When he had to go by the house, he kept close to the walls, lowered his head, and almost ran without ever looking back. At the same time he never ceased to think of the two faces that he had seen; he used to go up to the attic, taking off his shoes so as not to be heard, and to feok his hardest out through the skylight MOENING 16 ^ in the direction of the Kerichs’ house and park, although he knew perfectly well that it was impossible to see anything but the tops of the trees and the topmost chimneys. About a month later, at one of the weekly concerts of the Hof MusiJc Verein, he was playing a concerto for piano and orchestra of his own composition. He had reached the last movement v/hen he chanced to see in the box facing him Frau and Fraulein Kerich looking at him. He so little expected to see them that he was astounded, and almost missed out his reply to the orchestra. He went on playing mechanically to the end of the piece. When it was finished he saw, although he was not looking in their direction, that Frau and Fraulein Kerich were applauding a little exaggeratedly, as though they wished him to see that they were applauding. He hurried away from the stage. As he was leaving the theater he saw Frau Kerich in the lobby, separated from him by several rows of people, and she seemed to be waiting for him to pass. It wa& impossible for him not to see her, but he pretended not to do so, and, brushing his way through, he left hurriedly by the stage-door of the theater. Then he was angry with himself, for he knew quite well that Frau Kerich meant no harm. But he knew that in the same situation he would do the same again. He was in terror of meeting her in the street. Whenever he saw at a distance a figure that resembled her, he used to turn aside and take another road. It was she who came to him. She sought him out at home. One morning when he came back to dinner Louisa proudly told him that a lackey in breeches and livery had left a letter for him, and she gave him a large black-edged envelope, on the back of which was engraved the Kerich arms. Jean-Christophe opened it, and trembled as he read these words: Frau Josepha von Kerich requests the pleasure of Hof Musicus Jean-Christophe KraffFs company at tea to-day at half-^ past five.^^ I shall not go,^^ declared J ean-Christophe. What ! cried Louisa. I said that you would go.^^ 170 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE Jean-Christophe made a scene, and reproached his mother | with meddling in affairs that were no concern of hers. * “ The servant waited for a reply. I said that you were free to-day. Yon have nothing to do then.” In vain did Jean-Christophe lose his temper, and swear that he would not go; he could not get out of it now. When the ’ appointed time came, he got ready fuming; in his heart of = hearts he was not sorry that chance had so done violence to his whims. Frau von Kerich had had no difficulty in recognizing in the pianist at the concert the little savage whose shaggy head had appeared over her garden wall on the day of her arrival. She had made inquiries about him of her neighbors, and what she learned about Jean-Christophe’s family and the boy’s brave and difficult life had roused interest in him, and a desire to talk to him. Jean-Christophe, trussed up in an absurd coat, which made ; him look like a country parson, arrived at the house quite ill > with shyness. He tried to persuade himself that Frau and - Fraulein Kerich had had no time to remark his features on the | day when they had first seen him. A servant led him down ■ ; a long corridor, thickly carpeted, so that his footsteps made no ; sound, to a room with a glass-paneled door which opened on •; to the garden. It was raining a little, and cold; a good fire ; was burning in the fireplace. Near the window, through which • he had a peep of the wet trees in the mist, the two ladies were j sitting. Frau Kerich was working and her daughter was read- j ing a book when Jean-Christophe entered. When they saw | him they exchanged a sly look. • “ They know me again,” thought J ean-Christophe, abashed. He bobbed awkwardly, and went on bobbing. :• Frau von Kerich smiled cheerfully, and held out her | hand. Good-day, my dear neighbor,” she said. “ I am glad to see you. Since I heard you at the concert I have been wanting to tell you how much pleasure you gave me. And as the only way of telling you was to invite you here, I hope you will forgive me for having done so.” In the kindly, conventional words of welcome there was so MOENING in much cordiality, in spite of a hidden sting of irony, that Jean- Christophe grew more at his ease. “ They do not know me again,” he thought, comforted. Frau von Kerich presented her daughter, who had closed her hook and was looking interestedly at Jean-Christophe. “ My daughter Minna,” she said. “ She wanted so much to see you.” “^But, mamma,” said Minna, “it is not the first time that we have seen each other.” And she laughed aloud. “They do know me again,” thought Jean-Christophe, crest- fallen. “True,” said Frau von Kerich, laughing too, “you paid us a visit the day we came.” At these words the girl laughed again, and Jean-Christophe looked so pitiful that when Minna looked at him she laughed more than ever. She could not control herself, and she laughed until she cried. Frau von Kerich tried to stop her, but she, too, could not help laughing, and Jean-Christophe, in spite of his constraint, fell victim to the contagiousness of it. Their merriment was irresistible; it was impossible to take offense at it. But Jean-Christophe lost countenance altogether when Minna caught her breath again, and asked him whatever he could be doing on the wall. She was tickled by his uneasi- ness. He murmured, altogether at a loss. Frau von Kerich came to his aid, and turned the conversation by pouring out tea. She questioned him amiably about his life. But he did not gain confidence. He could not sit down; he could not hold his cup, which threatened to upset; and whenever they offered him water, milk, sugar or cakes, he thought that he had to get up hurriedly and bow his thanks, stiff, trussed up in his frock-coat, collar, and tie, like a tortoise in its shell, not daring and not being able to turn his head to right or left, and over- whelmed by Frau von Kerich’s innumerable questions, and the warmth of her manner, frozen by Minna’s looks, which he felt were taking in his features, his hands, his movements, his clothes. They made him even more uncomfortable by trying to put him at his ease — Frau von Kerich by her fiow of words, 173 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE Minna by the coquettish eyes which instinctively she made at him to amuse herself. Finally they gave up trying to get anything more from him than bows and monosyllables, and Frau von Kerich, who had the whole burden of the conversation, asked him, when she was worn out, to play the piano. Much more shy of them than of a concert audience, he played an adagio of Mozart. But his very shyness, the uneasiness which was beginning to fill his heart from the company of the two women, the ingenuous emotion with which his bosom swelled, which made him happy and unhappy, were in tune with the tenderness and youthful modesty of the music, and gave it the charm of spring. Frau von Kerich was moved by it; she said so with the exaggerated words of praise customary among men and women of the world ; she was none the less sincere for that, and the very excess of the flattery was sweet coming from such charming lips. Naughty Minna said nothing, and looked astonished at the boy ; who was so stupid when he talked, but was so eloquent with his i fingers. Jean-Christophe felt their sympathy, and grew bold under it. He went on playing; then, half turning towards \ Minna, with an awkward smile and without raising his eyes, he ; said timidly: ! “This is what I was doing on the wall.” : He played a little piece in which he had, in fact, developed . the musical ideas which had come to him in his favorite spot ^ as he looked into the garden, not, be it said, on the evening i when he had seen Minna and Frau von Kerich— for some ) obscure reason, known only to his heart, he was trying to per- J suade himself that it was so — ^but long before, and in the calm i rhythm of the andante con moto, there were to be found the serene impression of the singing of birds, mutterings of beasts, and the majestic slumber of the great trees in the peace of the sunset. The two hearers listened delightedly. When he had finished Frau von Kerich rose, took his hands with her usual vivacity, and thanked him effusively. Minna clapped her hands, and • cried that it was “ admirable,” and that to make him compose other works as “ sublime ” as that, she would have a ladder placed against the wall, so that he might work there at his MOENING 173 ease. Frau von Kerich told Jean-Christophe not to listen to silly Minna; she begged him to come as often as he liked to her garden, since he loved it, and she added that he need never bother to call on them if he found it tiresome. You need never bother to come and see us/^ added Minna^ Only if you do not come, beware ! She wagged her finger in menace. Minna was possessed by no imperious desire that Jean-Chris- tophe should come to see her, or should even follow the rules of politeness with regard to herself, but it pleased her to pro- duce a little effect which instinctively she felt to be charming. Jean-Christophe blushed delightedly. Frau von Kerich won him completely by the tact with which she spoke of his mother and grandfather, whom she had known. The warmth and kind- ness of the two ladies touched his heart; he exaggerated their easy urbanity, their worldly graciousness, in his desire to think it heartfelt and deep. He began to tell them, with his naive trustfulness, of his plans and his wretchedness. He did not notice that more than an hour had passed, and he jumped with surprise when a servant came and announced dinner. But his confusion turned to happiness when Frau von Kerich told stay and dine with them, like the good friends that they were going to be, and were already. A place was laid for him between the mother and daughter, and at table his talents^ did not show to such advantage as at the piano. That part of his education had been much neglected ; it was his impression that eating and drinking were the essential things at table, and not the manner of them. And so tidy Minna looked at him, pouting and a little horrified. They thought that he would go immediately after supper. But he followed them into the little room, and sat with them, and had no idea of going. Minna stified her yawns, and made signs to her mother. He did not notice them, because he was dumb with his happiness, and thought they were like himself — because Minna, when she looked at him, made eyes at him from habit — and finally, once he was seated, he did not quite know how to get up and take his leave. He would have stayed all night had not Frau von Kerich sent him away herself, without ceremony, but kindly. 174 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE He went, carrying in his heart the soft light of the brown eyes of Frau von Kerich and the blue eyes of Minna; on his hands he felt the sweet contact of soft fingers, soft as flowers, and a subtle perfume, which he had never before breathed, enveloped him, bewildered him, brought him almost to swoon- ing. He went again two days later, as was arranged, to give Minna a music-lesson. Thereafter, under this arrangement, he went regularly twice a week in the morning, and very often he went again in the evening to play and talk. Frau von Kerich was glad to see him. She was a clever and - a kind woman. She was thirty-five when she lost her husband, | and although young in body and at heart, she was not sorry to withdraw from the world in which she had gone far since her marriage. Perhaps she left it the more easily because she . had found it very amusing, and thought wisely that she could ; not both eat her cake and have it. She was devoted to the ; memory of Herr von Kerich, not that she had felt anything i like love for him when they married; but good-fellowship was , enough for her; she was of an easy temper and an affectionate ; disposition. ; She had given herself up to her daughter’s education; but , the same moderation which she had had in her love, held in . check the impulsive and morbid quality which is sometimes in j motherhood, when the child is the only creature upon whom j the woman can expend her jealous need of loving and being < loved. She loved Minna much, but was clear in her judgment < of her, and did not conceal any of her imperfections any more | than she tried to deceive herself about herself. Witty and clever, she had a keen eye for discovering at a glance the weak- ness, and ridiculous side, of any person ; she took great pleasure | in it, without ever being the least malicious, for she was as | indulgent as she was scoffing, and while she laughed at people she loved to be of use to them. , Young Jean-Christophe gave food both to her kindness and « to her critical mind. During the first days of her sojourn in the little town, when her mourning kept her out of society, Jean-Christophe was a distraction for her— primarily by his| MOENING 175 talent. She loved music, although she was no musician; she found in it a physical and moral well-being in which her thoughts could idly sink into a pleasant melancholy. Sitting by the fire — while Jean-Christophe played — a book in her hands, and smiling vaguely, she took a silent delight in the mechani- cal movements of his fingers, and the purposeless wanderings of her reverie, hovering among the sad, sweet images of the past. But more even than the music, the musician interested her. She was clever enough to be conscious of Jean-Christophe’s rare gifts, although she was not capable of perceiving his really original quality. It gave her a curious pleasure to watch the waking of those mysterious fires which she saw kindling in him. She had quickly appreciated his moral qualities, his uprightness, his courage, the sort of Stoicism in him, so touch- ing in a child. But for all that she did not view him the less with the usual perspicacity of her sharp, mocking eyes. His awkwardness, his ugliness, his little ridiculous qualities amused her; she did not take him altogether seriously; she did not take many things seriously. Jean-Christophe’s antic outbursts, his violence, his fantastic humor, made her think sometimes that he was a little unbalanced; she saw in him one of the Kraffts, honest men and good musicians, but always a little wrong in the head. . Her light irony escaped J ean-Christophe ; he was conscious only of Frau von Kerich’s kindness. He was so unused to any one being kind to him! Although his duties at the Palace brought him into daily contact with the world, poor Jean-Christophe had remained a little savage, un- tutored and uneducated. The selfishness of the Court was only concerned in turning him to its profit and not in helping him in any way. He went to the Palace, sat at the piano, played, and went away again, and nobody ever took the trouble to talk to him, except absently to pay him some banal compliment. Since his grandfather’s death, no one, either at home or out- side, had ever thought of helping him to learn the conduct of life, or to be a man. He suffered cruelly from his ignorance and the roughness of his manners.' He went through an agony and bloody sweat to shape himself alone, but he did not succeed. Books, conversation, example — all were lacking. He would fain 176 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE 1 have confessed his distress to a friend, but could not bring himself to do so. Even with Otto he had not dared, because at the first words he had uttered, Otto had assumed a tone of disdainful superiority which had burned into him like hot ' iron. And now with Frau von Kerich it all became easy. Of her own accord, without his having to ask anything — it cost Jean- Christophe’s pride so much! — she showed him gently what he should not do, told him what he ought to do, advised him how to dress, eat, walk, talk, and never passed over any fault of manners, taste, or language ; and he could not be hurt by it, so light and careful was her touch in the handling of the boy’s easily injured vanity. She took in hand also his literary educa- tion without seeming to be concerned with it; she never showed surprise at his strange ignorance, but never let slip an oppor- tunity of correcting his mistakes simply, easily, as if it were , natural for him to have been in error ; and, instead of alarming , him with pedantic lessons, she conceived the idea of employing ; their evening meetings by making Minna or Jean-Christophe read passages of history, or of the poets, German and foreign. | She treated him as a son of the house, with a few fine shades , , of patronizing familiarity which he never saw. She was even concerned with his clothes, gave him new ones, knitted him ! a woolen comforter, presented him with little toilet things, and all so gently that he never was put about by her care or her ! presents. In short, she gave him all the little attentions and j the quasi-maternal care which come to every good woman in- | stinctively for a child who is intrusted to her, or trusts himself < to her, without her having any deep feeling for it. But Jean- ; Christophe thought that all the tenderness was given to him personally, and he was filled with gratitude ; he would break out into little awkward, passionate speeches, which seemed a little ridiculous to Frau von Kerich, though they did not fail to give her pleasure. With Minna his relation was very different. When Jean- Christophe met her again at her first lesson, he was still in- toxicated by his memories of the preceding evening and of the girl’s soft looks, and he was greatly surprised to find her an altogether different person from the girl he had seen only MOKNING 177 a few hours before. She hardly looked at him, and did not listen to what he said, and when she raised her eyes to him, he saw in them so icy a coldness that he was chilled by it. He tortured himself for a long time to discover wherein lay his offense. He had given none, and Minna^s feelings were neither more nor less favorable than on the preceding day; just as she had been then, Minna was completely indifferent to him. If on the first occasion she had smiled upon him in welcome, it was from a girPs instinctive coquetry, who delights to try the power of her eyes on the first comer, be it only a trimmed poodle who turns up to fill her idle hours. But since the preceding day the too-easy conquest had already lost interest for her. She had subjected Jean-Christophe to a severe scrutiny, and she thought him an ugly boy, poor, ill-bred, who played the piano well, though he had ugly hands, held his fork at table abomi- nably, and ate his fish with a knife. Then he seemed .to her very uninteresting. She wanted to have music-lessons from him; she wanted, even, to amuse herself with him, because for the moment she had no other companion, and because in spite of her pretensions of being no longer a child, she had still in gusts a crazy longing to play, a need of expending her superfluous gaiety, which was, in her as in her mother, still further roused by the constraint imposed by their mourning. But she took no more account of Jean-Christophe than of a domestic animal, and if it still happened occasionally during the days of her greatest coldness that she made eyes at him, it was purely out of forgetfulness, and because she was thinking of something else, or simply so as not to get out of practice. And when she looked at him like that, Jean-Christophe’s heart used to leap. It is doubtful if she saw it ; she was telling herself stories. For she was at the age when we delight the senses with sweet fluttering dreams. She was forever absorbed in thoughts of love, filled with a curiosity which was only innocent from ignorance. And she only thought of love, as a well-taught young lady should, in terms of marriage. Her ideal was far from having taken definite shape. Sometimes she dreamed of marrying a lieutenant, sometimes of marrying a poet, prop- erly sublime, a la Schiller. One project devoured another and the last was always welcomed with the same gravity and 178 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE just the same amount of conviction. For the rest, all of them were quite ready to give way before a profitable reality, for it is wonderful to see how easily romantic girls forget their dreams, when something less ideal, but more certain, appears before them. As it was, sentimental Minna was, in spite of ail, calm and cold. In spite of her aristocratic name, and the pride with which the ennobling particle filled her, she had the soul of a little German housewife in the exquisite days of adolescence. Naturally Jean-Christophe did not in the least understand the complicated mechanism — more complicated in appearance than in reality — of the feminine heart. He was often baffled by the ways of his friends, but he was so happy in loving them that he credited them with all that disturbed and made him sad with them, so as to persuade himself that he was as much loved by them as he loved them himself. A word or an affec- tionate look plunged him in delight. Sometimes he was so- bowled over by it that he would burst into tears. Sitting by the table in the quiet little room, with Frau von Kerich a few yards away sewing by the light of the lamp — Minna reading on the other side of the table, and no one talking, he looking through the half-open garden-door at the gravel of the avenue glistening under the moon, a soft murmur coming from the tops of the trees — ^his heart would be so full of happiness that suddenly, for no reason, he would leap from his chair, throw himself at Frau von Kerich’s feet, seize her hand, needle or no needle, cover it with kisses, press it to his lips, his cheeks, his eyes, and sob. Minna would raise her eyes, lightly shrug her shoulders, and make a face. Frau von Kerich would smile down at the big boy groveling at her feet, and pat his head with her free hand, and say to him in her pretty voice, affectionately and ironically ; “ Well, well, old fellow ! What is it ? ” Oh, the sweetness of that voice, that peace, that silence, that soft air in which were no shouts, no roughness, no violence, that oasis in the harsh desert of life, and — heroic light gilding with its rays people and things — the light of the enchanted world conjured up by the reading of the divine poets! Goethe, MOENING 179 Schiller, Shakespeare, springs of strength, of sorrow, and of love! . . . Minna, with her head down over the book, and her face faintly colored by her animated delivery, would read in her fresh voice, with its slight lisp, and try to sound important when she spoke in the characters of warriors and kings. Some- times Frau von Kerich herself would take the book; then she would lend to tragic histories the spiritual and tender gracious- ness of her own nature, but most often she would listen, lying back in her chair, her never-ending needlework in her lap; she would smile at her own thoughts, for always she would €ome back to them through every book. Jean-Christophe also had tried to read, but he had had to give it up; he stammered, stumbled over fhe words, skipped the punctuation, seemed to understand nothing, and would be so moved that he would have to stop in the middle of the pathetic passages, feeling tears coming. Then in a tantrum he would throw the book down on the table, and his two friends would burst out laughing. . . . How he loved them! He carried the image of them everywhere with him, and they were mingled with the persons in SJiakespeare and Goethe. He could hardly distinguish between them. Some fragrant word, of the poets which called up from the depths of his being passionate emo- tions could not in him be severed from the beloved lips that had made him hear it for the first time. Even twenty years later he could never read Egmont or Eomeo, or see them played, without there leaping up in him at certain lines the memory of those quiet evenings, those dreams of happiness, and the beloved faces of Frau von Kerich and Minna. He would spend hours looking at them in the evening when they were reading; in the night when he was dreaming in his bed, awake, with his eyes closed; during the day, when he was dreaming at his place in the orchestra, playing mechanically with his eyes half closed. He had the most innocent tenderness for them, and, knowing nothing of love, he thought he was in love. But he did not quite know whether it was with the mother or the daughter. He went into the matter gravely, and did not know which to choose. And yet, as it seemed to him that he must at all costs make his choice, he inclined towards Frau 180 JEAJ^-CHEISTOPHE von Kerich. And he did in fact discover, as soon as he had made up his mind to it, that it was she that lie loved. He loved her quick eyes, the absent smile upon her half-open lips, her pretty forehead, so young in seeming, and the parting to one side in her fine, soft hair, her rather husky voice, with its little cough, her motherly hands, the elegance of her move- ments, and her mysterious soul. He would thrill with happi- ness when, sitting by his side, she would kindly explain to him the meaning of some passage in a book which he did not understand; she would lay her hand on Jean-Christophe’s shoul- der; he would feel the warmth of her fingers, her breath on his cheek, the sweet perfume of ^ her body; he would listen in ecstasy, lose all thought of the book, and understand nothing at all. She would see that and ask him to repeat what she had said ; then he would say nothing, and she would laughingly , be angry, and tap his nose with her book, telling him that he would always be a little donkey. To that he, would reply that he did not care so long as he "was her little donkey, and ; she did not drive him out of her house. She would pretend to make objections; then she would say that although he was an. t ugly little donkey, and very stupid, she would^ agree to keep | him — and perhaps even to love. him— ^although lid was good for ' nothing, if at the least he would be just good. Then they • would both laugh, and he would go swimming in his joy. : When he discovered that he loved Frau von Kerich, Jean- | Christophe broke away from Minna. He was beginning to be. | irritated by her coldness and disdain, and as, by dint of seeing { her often, he had been emboldened little by little to resume 1 his freedom of manner with her, he did not conceal his exaspera- tion from her. She loved to sting him, and he would reply sharply. They were always saying unkind things to each other, and Frau von Kerich only laughed at them. Jean-Christophe, who never got the better in such passages of words, used some- times to issue from them so infuriated that he thought he de- tested Minna; and he persuaded himself that he only went to her house again because of Frau von Kerich. He went on giving her music lessons. Twice a week, from nine to ten in the morning, he superintended the girPs scales MOENING and exercises. The room in which they did this was Minna's studio— an odd workroom, which, with an amusing fidelity, reflected the singular disorder of her little feminine mind. On the table were little figures of musical cats— a whole orchestra — iine playing a violin, another the violoncello— a little pocket-mirror, toilet things and writing things, tidily arranged. On the shelves were tiny busts of musicians- Beethoven frown- ing, Wigner with his velvet cap, and the Apollo Belvedere. On the mantelpiece, by a frog smoking a red pipe, a paper fan on which was painted the Bayreuth Theater. On the two bookshelves were a few books — Liibke, Mommsen, Schi er. Sans Famille,” Jules Verne, Montaigne. On the walls large photographs of the Sistine Madonna, and pictures by Herkomer, edged with blue and green ribbons. There was also a view of a Swiss hotel in a frame of silver thistles; and above all, every- where in profusion, in every corner of the room, photographs of officers, tenors, conductors, girl-friends, all with inscriptions, almost all with verse — or at least what is accepted as verse in Germany. In the center of the room, on a marble pillar, waa^ enthroned a bust of Brahms, with a beard ; and, above the pianid. little plush monkeys and cotillion trophies hung by threads. Minna would arrive late, her eyes still puffy with sleep, sulky ; she would hardly reach out her hand to Jean-Christophe, coldly bid him good-day, and, without a word, gravely and with dignity sit down at the Jiiano. When she was alone, it pleased her to play interminable scales^ for that allowed her agreeab y to prolong her half -somnolent condition and the dreams which she was spinning for herself. But Jean-Christophe would com- pel her to fix her attention on difficult exercises, and so some- times she would avenge herself by playing them as badly as she could. She was a fair musician, but she did not like music — ^like many German women. But, like them, she thought she. ought to like it, and she took her lessons conscientiously enough, except for certain moments of diabolical malice indulged in t( enrage her master. She could enrage him much more by the icy indifference with which she set herself to her task. Bui the worst was when she took it into her head that it was her duty to throw her soul into an expressive passage: then she would become sentimental and feel nothing. JEAN-CHRISTOPHE oung Jean-Christophe, sitting by her side was not very polite. He never paid her compliments — far from it. She resented that^, and never let any remark pass without answering it. She would argue about everything that he said, and when she made a mistake she would insist that she was playing what was written. He would get cross, and they would go on ex- changing ungracious words and impertinences. With her eyes on the keys, she never ceased to watch Jean-Christophe and enjoy his fury. As a relief from boredom she would invent stupid little tricks, with no other object than to interrupt the lesson and to annoy Jean-Christophe. She would pretend to choke, so as to make herself interesting; she would have a fit of coughing, or she would have something very important to say to the maid. Jean-Christophe knew that she was play- acting; and Minna knew that Jean-Christophe knew that she was play-acting; and it amused her, for Jean-Christophe could not tell her what he was thinking. One day, when she was indulging in this amusement and was coughing languidly, hiding her mouth in her handkerchief, if she were on the point of choking, but in reality watching Jean-Christophe^s exasperation out of the corner of her eye, she conceived the ingenious idea of letting the handkerchief fall, so as to make Jean-Christophe pick it up, which he did with the worst grace in the world. She rewarded him with a Thank you ! in her grand manner, which nearly made him explode. She thought the game too good not to be repeated. Next day she did it again. Jean-Christophe did not budge; he was boil- ing with rage. She waited a moment, and then said in an injured tone : 1 ^* Will you please pick up my handkerchief?” Jean-Christophe could not contain himself. 1 am not your servant ! ” he cried roughly. Pick it up ourself ! ” Minna choked with rage. She got up suddenly from her stool, iiich fell over. Oh, this is too much ! ” she said, and angrily thumped the piano; and she left the room in a fury. Jean-Christophe waited. She did not come back. He was MOENING 183 ashamed of what he had done ; he felt that he had behaved like a little cad. And he was at the end of his tether ; she made fun of him too impudently ! He was afraid lest Minna should complain to her mother, and he should be forever banished from Frau von Kerich’s thoughts. He knew not what to do; for if he was sorry for his brutality, no power on earth would have made him ask pardon. He came again on the chance the next day, although he thought that Minna would refuse to take her lesson. But Minna, who was too proud to complain to anybody ^Minna, whose conscience was not shielded against reproach appeared again, after making him wait five minutes more than usual; and she sat down at the piano, stiff, upright, without turning her head or saying a word, as though Jean-Christophe no longer existed for her. But she did not fail to take her lesson, and all the subsequent lessons, because she knew very well that Jean- Christophe was a fine musician, and that she ought to learn to play the piano properly if she wished to be — what she wished to be— a well-bred young lady of finished education. But how bored she was ! How they bored each other ! One misty morning in March, when little flakes of snow were flying, like feathers, in the gray air, they were in the studio. It was hardly daylight. Minna was arguing, as usual, about a false note that she had struck, and pretending that it “was written so.” Although he knew perfectly well that she was lying, Jean-Christophe bent over the book to look at the passage in question closely. Her hand was on the rack, and she did not move it. His lips were near her hand. He tried to read and could not; he was looking at something else— a thing soft, transparent, like the petals of a flower. Suddenly he did n6t know what he was thinking of — he pressed his lips as hard as he could on the little hand. They were both dumfounded by it. He flung backwards; she withdrew her hand— both blushing. They said no word ; they did not look at each other. After a moment of confused silence she began to play again; she was very uneasy: her bosom rose and fell as though she were under some weight: she struck wrong note after wrong note. He did not notice it : 184 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE he was more uneasy than she. His temples throbbed ; he heard nothing; he knew not what she was playing; and, to break the silence, he made a few random remarks in a choking voice. He thought that he was forever lost in Minna’s opinion. He was confounded by what he had done, thought it stupid and rude. The lesson-hour over, he left Minna without looking at her, and even forgot to say good-bye. She did not mind. She had no thought now of deeming Jean-Christophe ill-mannered; and if she made so many mistakes in playing, it was because all the time she was watching him out of the corner of her eye with astonishment and curiosity, and — for the first time — sympathy. When she was left alone, instead of going to look for her mother as usual, she shut herself up in her room and examined this extraordinary event. She sat with her face in her hands in front of the mirror. Her eyes seemed to her soft and gleam- ing. She bit gently at her lip in the effort of thinking. And as she looked complacently at her pretty face, she visualized the scene, and blushed and smiled. At dinner she was animated and merry. She refused to go out at once, and stayed in the drawing-room for part of the afternoon; she had some work in her hand, and did not make ten stitches without a mistake, but what did that matter! In a corner of the room, with her back turned to her mother, she smiled; or, under a sudden impulse to let herself go, she pranced about the room and sang at the top of her voice. Frau von Kerich started and called her mad. Minna fiung her arms round her neck, shak- ing with laughter, and hugged and kissed her. In the evening, when she went to her room, it was a long time before she went to bed. She went on looking at herself in the mirror, trying to remember, and having thought all through the day of the same thing — ^thinking of nothing. She undressed slowly; she stopped every moment, sitting on the bed, trying to remember what Jean-Christophe was like. It was a Jean-Christophe of fantasy who appeared, and now he did not seem nearly so uncouth to her. She went to bed and put out the light. Ten minutes later the scene of the morning rushed back into her mind, and she burst out laughing. Her mother got up softly and opened the door, thinking that, against MOENING 185 orders, she was reading in bed. She found Minna lying quietly in her bed, with her eyes wide open in the dim candlelight. What is it ? '' she asked. '' What is amusing you ? '' Nothing,’' said Minna gravely. '' I was thinking.” You are very lucky to find your own company so amusing. But go to sleep.” '^Yes, mamma,” replied Minna meekly. Inside ' herself she was grumbling: ''Go away! Do go away!” until the door was closed, and she could go on enjoying her dreams. She fell into a sweet drowsiness. When she was nearly asleep, ^e leaped for joy: ^ " He loves me. . . . What happiness ! How good of him to love me ! . . . How I love him ! ” She kissed her pillow and went fast asleep. When next they Avere together Jean-Christophe was surprised at Minna’s amiability. She gave him " Good-day,” and asked him how he was in a very soft voice; she sat at the piano, looking wise and modest; she was an angel of docility. There were none of her naughty schoolgirl’s tricks, but she listened religiously to J ean-Christophe’s remarks, acknowledged that they were right, gave little timid cries herself when she made a mistake and set herself to be more accurate. Jean-Christophe could not understand it. In a very short time she made i astounding progress. Not only did she play better, but with musical feeling. Little as he was given to flattery, he had to pay her a compliment. She blushed with pleasure, and thanked him for it with a look tearful with gratitude. She took pains with her toilet for him; she wore ribbons of an exquisite shade; she gave Jean-Christophe little smiles and soft glances, which he disliked, for they irritated him, and moved him to the I depths of his soul. And now it was she who made conversation, ' but there was nothing childish in what she said; she talked gravely, and quoted the poets in a pedantic and pretentious way. He hardly ever replied; he was ill at ease. This new Minna that he did not know astonished and disquieted him. Always she watched him. She was waiting. ... For what? . . . Did she know herself? . . . She was waiting for him to do it again. He took good care not to, for he was convinced 186 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE that he had behaved like a clod; he seemed never to give a i thought to it. She grew restless, and one day when he was sitting quietly at a respectful distance from her dangerous little paws, she was seized with impatience : with a movement so quick that she had no time to think of it, she herself thrust her little hand against his lips. He was staggered by it, then furious and ashamed. But none the less he kissed it very passionately. Her naive effrontery enraged him; he was on the point of leaving her there and then. But he could not. He was entrapped. Whirling thoughts ’ rushed in his mind ; he could make nothing of them. Like mists ascending from a valley they rose from the depths of his heart. He wandered hither and thither at random through this mist of love, and whatever he did, he did but turn round and round an obscure fixed idea, a Desire unknown, terrible and fascinat- ing as a fiame to an insect. It was the sudden eruption of the blind forces of Nature. * They passed through a period of waiting. They watched ’ each other, desired each other, were fearful of each other, i They were uneasy. But they did not for that desist from their ^ little hostilities and sulkinesses ; only there were no more f amili- \ arities between them; they were silent. Each was busy con- ; structing their love in silence. • Love has curious retroactive effects. As soon as Jean- 1 Christophe discovered that he loved Minna, he discovered at the j same time that he had always loved her. For three months \ they had been seeing each other almost every day without ever ] suspecting the existence of their love. But from the day when 1 he did actually love her, he was absolutely convinced that he had loved her from all eternity. It was a good, thing for him to have discovered at last whom ■ he loved. He had loved for so long without knowing whom ! 4 It was a sort of relief to him, like a sick man, who, suffering | from a general illness, vague and enervating, sees it become I definite in sharp pain in some portion of his body. Nothing > is more wearing than love without a definite object; it eats | away and saps the strength like a fever. A known passion leads the mind to excess; that is exhausting, but at least one MORNING 187 knows why. It is an excess; it is not a wasting away. Any- thing rather than emptiness. Although Minna had given Jean-Christophe good reason to believe that she was not indifferent to him, he did not fail to torture himself with the idea that she despised him. They had never had any very clear idea of each other, but this idea had never been more confused and false than it was now; it consisted of a series of strange fantasies which could never be made to agree, for they passed from one extreme to the other, endowing each other in turn vnth faults and charms which they did not possess — charms when they were parted, faults when they were together. In either case they were wide of the mark. They did not know themselves what they desired. For Jean- Christophe his love took shape as that thirst for tenderness, im- perious, absolute, demanding reciprocation, which had burned in him since childhood, which he demanded from others, and wished to impose on them by will or force. Sometimes this despotic desire of full sacrifice of himself and others — especially others, perhaps — was mingled with gusts of a brutal and obscure desire, which set him whirling, and he did not understand it. Minna, curious above all things, and delighted to have a romance, tried to extract as much pleasure as possible from it for her vanity and sentimentality; she tricked herself whole-heartedly as to what she was feeling. A great part of their love was purely literary. They fed on the books they had read, and were forever ascribing to themselves feelings which they did not possess. But the moment was to come when all these little lies and small egoisms were to vanish away before the divine light of love. A day, an hour, a few seconds of eternity. . . . And it was so unexpected! . . . One evening they were alone and talking. The room was growing dark. Their conversation took a serious turn. They talked of the infinite, of Life, and Death. It made a larger frame for their little passion. Minna complained of her loneli- ness, which led naturally to Jean-Christophe’s answer jthat she was not so lonely as she thought. No,^^ she said, shaking her head. That is only words. 188 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE Every one lives for himself ; no one is interested in you ; nobody loves you.” j Silence. “ And I ? ” said Jean-Christophe suddenly, pale with emotion. Impulsive Minna jumped to her feet, and took his hands. The door opened. They flung apart. Frau von Kerich entered. Jean-Christophe buried himself in a book, which he held upside down. Minna bent over her work, and pricked her finger with her needle. They were not alone together for the rest of the evening, and they were afraid of being left. When Frau von Kerich got up to look for something in the next room, Minna, not usually obliging, ran to fetch it for her, and Jean-Christophe took advantage of her absence to take his leave without saying good- night to her. Next day they met again, impatient to resume their inter- . rupted conversation. They did not succeed. Yet circumstances ; were favorable to them. They went a walk with Frau von ; Kerich, and had plenty of opportunity for talking as much as r they liked. But Jean-Christophe could not speak, and he was j so unhappy that he stayed as far away as possible from Minna. ! And she pretended not to notice his discourtesy; but she was ; piqued by it, and showed it. When Jean-Christophe did at ; last contrive to utter a few words, she listened icily ; he had j hardly the courage to finish his sentence. They were coming ^ to the end of the walk. Time was flying. And he was wretched i at not having been able to make use of it. A week passed. They thought they had mistaken their ^ feeling for each other. They were not sure but that they had • dreamed the scene of that evening. Minna was resentful against | Jean-Christophe. Jean-Christophe was afraid of meeting her | alone. They were colder to each other than ever. j A day came when it had rained all morning and part of the I afternoon. They had stayed in the house without speaking, reading, yawning, looking out of the window ; they were bored |i and cross. About four o’clock the sky cleared. They ran intoP the garden. They leaned their elbows on the terrace wall, and^ looked down at the lawns sloping to the river. The earth was! steaming ; a soft mist was ascending to the sun ; little rain-^ MOENING 189 drops glittered on the grass; the smell of the damp earth and the perfume of the flowers intermingled; around them buzzed a golden swarm of bees. They were side by side, not looking at each other; they could not bring themselves to break the silence. A bee came up and clung awkwardly to a clump of wistaria heavy with rain, and sent a shower of water down on them. They both laughed, and at once they felt that they were no longer cross with each other, and were friends again. But still they did not look at each other. Suddenly, without turning her head, she took his hand, and said: Come ! She led him quickly to the little labyrinth with itp box- bordered paths, which was in the middle of the grove. They climbed up the slope, slipping on the soaking ground, and the wet trees shook out their branches over them. Near the top she stopped to breathe. Wait . . . wait . . she said in a low voice, trying to take breath. He looked at her. She was looking away; she was smiling, breathing hard, with her lips parted; her hand was trembling in Jean-Christophe^s. They felt the blood throbbing in their linked hands and their trembling Angers. Around them all was silent. The pale shoots of the trees w^ere quivering in the sun; a gentle rain dropped from the leaves with silvery sounds, and in the sky were the shrill cries of swallows. She turned her head towards him; it was a lightning flash. She flung her arms about his neck; he flung himself into her arms. Minna ! Minna ! My darling ! . . .^^ I love you, J ean Christophe ! I love you ! They sat on a wet wooden seat. They were fllled with love, sweet, profound, absurd. Everything else had vanished. No more egoism, no more vanity, no more reservation. Love, love — that is what their laughing, tearful eyes were saying. The cold coquette of a girl, the proud boy, were devoured with the need of self-sacriflce, of giving, of suffering, of dying for each other. They did not know each other; they were not the same; everything was changed; their hearts, their faces, their eyes, gave out a radiance of the most touching kindness and tender- 190 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE ness. Moments of purity, of self-denial, of absolute giving of ; themselves, which through life will never return! After a desperate murmuring of words and passionate prom- i ises to belong to each other forever, after kisses and incoherent ■ words of delight, they saw that it was late, and they ran back ' hand in hand, almost falling in the narrow paths, bumping into trees, feeling nothing, blind and drunk with the joy When he left her he did not go home ; he could not have gone to sleep. He left the town, and walked over the fields; he walked blindly through the night. The air was fresh, the coun- ; try djirk and deserted. A screech-owl hooted shrilly. Jean- ; Christophe went on like a sleep-walker. The little lights of the town quivered on the plain, and the stars in the dark sky. He sat on a wall by the road and suddenly burst into tears. ■ He did not know why. He was too happy, and the excess of . his joy was compounded of sadness and delight ; there was in ^ it thankfulness for his happiness, pity for those who were not | happy, a melancholy and sweet feeling of the frailty of things, | the mad joy of living. He wept for delight, and slept in the | midst of his tears. When he awoke dawn was peeping. White | mists floated over the river, and veiled the town, where Minna, ^ worn out, was sleeping, while in her heart was the light of her ; smile of happiness. ; They contrived to meet again in the garden next morning | and told their love once more, but now the divine unconscious- ^ ness of it all was gone. She was a little playing the part | of the girl in love, and he, though more sincere, was also playing a part. They talked of what their life should be. He regretted his poverty and humble estate. She affected to be , ; generous, and enjoyed her generosity. She said that she cared | nothing for money. That was true, for she knew nothing a about it, having never known the lack of it. He promised tbatl he would become a great artist; that she thought flne and amus-lj ing, like a novel. She thought it her duty to behave reallyl like a woman in love. She read poetry; she was sentimental.| He was touched by the infection. He took pains with his dress he was absurd; he set a guard upon his speech; he was preten- MORNING 191 tious. Frau von Kerich watched him and laughed, and asked herself what could have made him so stupid. But they had moments of marvelous poetry, and these would suddenly burst upon them out of dull days, like sunshine through a mist. A look, a gesture, a meaningless word, and they were bathed in happiness; they had their good-byes in the evening on the dimly-lighted stairs, and their eyes would seek each other, divine each other through the half darkness, and the thrill of their hands as they touched, the trembling in their voices, all those little nothings that fed their memory at night, as they slept so lightly that the chiming of each hour would awake them, and their hearts would sing “ I am loved,” like the murmuring of a stream. They discovered the charm of things. Spring smiled with a marvelous sweetness. The heavens were brilliant, the air was soft, as they had never been before. All the town — the red roofs, the old walls, the cobbled streets — showed with a kindly charm that moved Jean-Christophe. At night, when everybody was asleep, Minna would get up from her bed, and stand by the window, drowsy and feverish. And in the afternoon, when he was not there, she would sit in a swing, and dream, with a book on her knees, her eyes half closed, sleepy and lazily happy, mind and body hovering in the spring air. She would spend hours at the piano, with a patience exasperating to others, going over and over again scales and passages which made her turn pale and cold with emotion. She would weep when she heard Schumann’s music. She felt full of pity and kindness for all creatures, and so did he. They would give money stealthily to poor people whom they met in the street, and would then exchange glances of compassion; they were happy in their kindness. To tell the truth, they were kind only by fits and starts. Minna suddenly discovered how sad was the humble life of devotion of old Frida, who had been a servant in the house since her mother’s childhood, and at once she ran and hugged her, to the great astonishment of the good old creature, who was busy mending the linen in the kitchen. But that did not keep her from speaking harshly to her a few hours later, when Frida did not come at once on the sound of the hell. And 192 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE Jean-Christophe, who was consumed with love for all humanity^ and would turn, aside so as not to crush an insect, was entirely indifferent to his own family. By a strange reaction he was colder and more curt with them the more affectionate he was to all other creatures ; he hardly gave thought to them ; he spoke abruptly to them, and found no interest in seeing them. Both in Jean-Christophe and Minna their kind- ness was only a surfeit of tenderness which overflowed at inter- vals to the benefit of the first comer. Except for these over- flowings they were more egoistic than ever, for their minds were filled only with the one thought, and everything was brought back to that. How much of Jean-Christophe’s life was filled with the girPs face! What emotion was in him when he saw her white frock in the distance, when he was looking for her in the garden; when at the theater, sitting a few yards away from their empty ' places, he heard the door of their box open, and the mocking | voice that he knew so well; when in some outside conversation the dear name of Kerich cropped up! He would go pale and t blush; for a moment or two he would see and hear nothing. | And then there would be a rush of blood over all his body, ; the assault of unknown forces. The little German girl, naive and sensual, had odd little / tricks. She would place her ring on a little pile of flour, and ' he w^ould have to get it again and again with his teeth without ( whitening his nose. Or she would pass a thread through a 1 biscuit, and put one end of it in her mouth and one in his, J and then they had to nibble the thread to see who could get j to the biscuit first. Their faces would come together; they ‘ would feel each others breathing; their lips would touch, and they would laugh forcedly, while their hands would turn to ice. Jean-Christophe would feel a desire to bite, to hurt; he would fling back, and she would go on laughing forcedly. They would turn away, pretend indifference, and steal glances at each other. These disturbing games had a disquieting attraction for them ; they wanted to play them, and yet avoided them. Jean-Chris- tophe was fearful of them, and preferred even the constraint of the meetings when Frau von Kerich or some one else was MOENING 193 present. No outside presence could break in upon the converse of their loving hearts; constraint only made their love sweeter and more intense. Everything gained infinitely in value; a word, a movement of the lips, a glance were enough to make the rich new treasure of their inner life shine through the dull veil of ordinary existence. They alone could see it, or so they thought, and smiled, happy in their little mysteries. Their words were no more than those of a drawing-room conversation about trivial matters; to them they were an unending song of love. They read the most fleeting changes in their faces and voices as in an open book; they could have read as well with their eyes closed, for they had only to listen to their hearts to hear in them the echo of the heart of the beloved. They were full of confidence in life, in happiness, in themselves. Their hopes were boundless. They loved, they were loved, happy, without a shadow, without a doubt, without a fear of the future. Wonderful serenity of those days of spring! Not a cloud in the sky. A faith so fresh that it seems that nothing can ever tarnish it. A joy so abounding that nothing can ever exhaust it. Are they living? Are they dreaming? Doubtless they are dreaming. There is nothing in common between life and their dream — nothing, except in that moment of magic: they are but a dream themselves; their being has melted away at the touch of love. It was not long before Frau von Kerich perceived their little intrigue, which they thought very subtly managed, though it was very clumsy. Minna had suspected it from the moment when her mother had entered suddenly one day when she was talking to Jean-Christophe, and standing as near to him as she could, and on the click of the door they had darted apart as quickly as possible, covered with confusion. Frau von Kerich had pre- tended to see nothing. Minna was almost sorry. She would have liked a tussle with her mother; it would have been more romantic. Her mother took care to give her no opportunity for it; she was too clever to be anxious, or to make any remark about it. But to Minna she talked ironically about Jean-Christophe, and made merciless fun of his foibles; she demolished him in a few 194 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE words. She did not do it deliberately ; she acted upon instinct, ! with the treachery natural to a woman who is defending her own. It was useless for Minna to resist, and sulk, and be impertinent, and go on denying the truth of her remarks ; there was only too much justification for them, and Frau von Kerich had a cruel skill in fiicking the raw spot. The largeness of Jean-Christophe^s boots, the ugliness of his clothes, his ill- brushed hat, his provincial accent, his ridiculous way of bowing, | the vulgarity of his loud-voicedness, nothing was forgotten which might sting Minna’s vanity. Such remarks were always simple and made by the way ; they never took the form of a set speech, and when Minna, irritated, got upon her high horse to reply, i Frau von Kerich would innocently be off on another subject. But the blow struck home, and Minna was sore under it. She began to look at Jean-Christophe with a less indulgent eye. He was vaguely conscious of it, and uneasily asked her : Why do you look at me like that? ” ■ And she answered: ' Oh, nothing ! ” ^ But a moment after, when he was merry, she would harshly ■ reproach him for laughing so loudly. He was abashed; he never would have thought that he would have to take care not to laugh too loudly with her: all his gaiety was spoiled. Or when he was talking absolutely at his ease, she would absently : interrupt him to make some unpleasant remark about his clothes, ? or she would take exception to his common expressions with | pedantic aggressiveness. Then he would lose all desire to talk, and sometimes would be cross. Then he would persuade him- > self that these ways which so irritated him were a proof of Minna’s interest in him, and she would persuade herself also that it was so. He would try humbly to do better. But she was never much pleased with him, for he hardly ever succeeded. But he had no time — nor had Minna — to perceive the change that was taking place in her. Easter came, and Minna had to go with her mother to stay with some relations near Weimar. During the last week before the separation they returned to the intimacy of the first days. Except for little outbursts of impatience Minna was more affectionate than ever. On the eve of her departure they went for a long walk in the park; MORNING 195 she led Jean-Christophe mysteriously to the arbor, and put about his neck a little scented bag, in which she had placed a lock of her hair; they renewed their eternal vows, and swore to write to each other every day; and they chose a star out of the sky, and arranged to look at it every evening at the same time. The fatal day arrived. Ten times during the night he had asked himself, “ Where will she be to-morrow ? ” and now he thought, “ It is to-day. This morning she is still here ; to-night she will be here no longer.” He went to her house before eight o’clock. She was not up; he set out to walk in the park; he could not; he returned. The passages were full of boxes and parcels; he sat down in a corner of the room listening for the creaking of doors and floors, and recognizing the footsteps on the floor above him. Frau von Kerich passed, smiled as she saw him and, without stopping, threw him a mocking good- day. Minna came at last ; she was pale, her eyelids were swollen ; she had not slept any more than he during the night. She gave orders busily to the servants; she held out her hand to Jean-Christophe, and went on talking to old Frida. She was ready to go. Frau von Kerich came back. They argued about a hat-box. Minna seemed to pay no attention to Jean-Chris- tophe, who was standing, forgotten and unhappy, by the piano. She went out with her mother, then came back; from the door she called out to Frau von Kerich. She closed the door. They were alone. She ran to him, took his hand, and dragged him into the little room next door; its shutters were closed. Then she put her face up to Jean-Christophe’s and kissed him wildly. With tears in her eyes she said: “ You promise — you promise that you will love me always ? ” They sobbed quietly, and made convulsive efforts to choke their sobs do^vn so as not to be heard. They broke apart as they heard footsteps approaching. Minna dried her eyes, and resumed her busy air with the servants, but her voice trembled. He succeeded in snatching her handkerchief, which she had let fall — her little dirty handkerchief, crumpled and wet with her tears. He went to the station with his friends in their carriage. Sitting opposite each other Jean-Christophe and Minna hardly 196 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE dared look at each other for fear of bursting into tears. Their hands sought each other, and clasped until they hurt. Frau von Kerich watched them with quizzical good-humor, and seemed not to see anything. The time arrived. Jean-Chris- tophe was standing by the door of the train when it began to move, and he ran alongside the carriage, not looking where he was going, jostling against porters, his eyes fixed on Minna’s eyes, until the train was gone. He went on running until it was lost from sight. Then he stopped, out of breath, and found himself on the station platform among people of no importance. He went home, and, fortunately, his family were all out, and all through the morning he wept. For the first time he knew the frightful sorrow of parting, an intolerable torture for all loving hearts. The world is empty; life is empty; all is empty. The heart is choked; it is impossible to breathe; there is mortal agony; it is difficult, ; impossible, to live — especially when all around you there are ! the traces of the departed loved one, when everything about ; you is forever calling up her image, when you remain in the j surroundings in which you lived together, she and you, when | it is a torment to try to live again in the same places the i happiness that is gone. Then it is as though an abyss were j opened at your feet; you lean over it; you turn giddy; you I almost fall. You fall. You think you are face to face with | Death. And so you are; parting is one of his faces. You { watch the beloved of your heart pass away ; life is effaced ; only | a black hole is left — nothingness. Jean-Christophe went and visited all the beloved spots, so ^ as to suffer more. Frau von Kerich had left him the key of the garden, so that he could go there while they were away. He went there that very day, and was like to choke with sorrow. It seemed to him as he entered that he might find there a little q£ who was gone ; he found only too much of her , her image hovered over all the lawns ; he expected to see her appear at all the corners of the paths; he knew well that she would not appear, but he tormented himself with pretending that she might, and he went over the tracks of his memories of love— . the path to the labyrinth, the terrace carpeted with wistaria, | MOENING 197 the seat in the arbor, and he inflicted torture on himself by saying : A week ago . . . three days ago . . . yesterday, it was so. Yesterday she was here . . . this very morning. . . P He racked his heart with these thoughts until he had to stop, choking, and like to die. In his sorrow'' was mingled anger with himself for having wasted all that time, and not having made use of it. So many minutes, so many hours, when he had enjoyed the infinite happiness of seeing her, breathing her, and feeding upon her. And he had not appreciated it! He had let the time go by without having tasted to the full every tiny moment! And now! . . . Now it was too late. . . . Irrepara- ble ! Irreparable ! He went home. His family seemed odious to him. He could not bear their faces, their gestures, their fatuous conversation, the same as that of the preceding day, the same as that of all the preceding days — always the same. They went on living their usual life, as though no such misfortune had come to pass in their midst. And the town had no more idea of it than they. The people were all going about their affairs, laugh- ing, noisy, busy; the crickets were chirping; the sky was bright. He hated them all; he felt himself crushed by this universal egoism. But he himself was more egoistic than the whole universe. Nothing was worth while to him. He had no kind- ness. He loved nobody. He passed several lamentable days. His work absorbed him again automatically: but he had no heart for living. One evening w^hen he was at supper with his family, silent and depressed, the postman knocked at the door and left a letter for him. His heart knew the sender of it before he had seen the handwriting. Four pairs of eyes, fixed on him with undisguised curiosity, waited for him to read it, clutching at the hope that this interruption might take them out of their usual boredom. He placed the letter by his plate, and would not open it, pretending carelessly that he knew what it was about. But his brothers, annoyed, would not believe it, and went on prying at it; and so he was in tortures until the meal was ended. Then he was free to lock himself up in his room. His heart was beating so that he almost tore the letter as he opened it. He trembled to think what might be in it; but 198 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE as soon as he had glanced over the first words he was filled with joy. A few very affectionate words. Minna was writing to him by stealth. She called him “Dear CJiristlein’’ and told him that she had wept much, had looked at the star every evening, that she had been to Frankfort, which was a splendid town, where there were wonderful shops, but that she had never both- ered about anything because she was thinking of him. She reminded him that he had sworn to be faithful to her, and not to see anybody while she was away, so that he might think only of her. She wanted him to work all the time while she was gone, so as to make himself famous, and her too. She ended by asking him if he remembered the little room where they had said good-bye on the morning when she had left him: she assured him that she would be there still in thought, and that she would still say good-bye to him in the same way. She signed herself, “ Eternally yours ! Eternally ! . . .” and she ■ had added a postscript bidding him buy a straw hat instead of i his ugly felt— all the distinguished people there were wearing 1 them — a coarse straw hat, with a broad blue ribbon. , Jean-Christophe read the letter four times before he could i quite take it all in. He was so overwhelmed that he could not ■ even be happy ; and suddenly he felt so tired that he lay down and read and re-read the letter and kissed it again and again. ^ He put it under his pillow, and his hand was forever making ; sure that it was there. An ineffable sense of weU-being per- j meated his whole soul. He slept all through the night. | His life became more tolerable. He had ever sweet, soaring : thoughts of Minna. He set about answering her; but he could ^ not write freely to her; he had to hide his feelings: that was i painful and difficult for him. He continued clumsily to conceal his love beneath formulae of ceremonious politeness, which he always used in an absurd fashion. When he had sent it he awaited Minna’s reply, and only lived in expectation of it. To win patience he tried to go for walks and to read. But his thoughts were only of Minna^ he went on crazily repeating her name oyer and over again; he was so abject in his love and worship of her name that ;he carried everywhere with him a volume of Lessin g, because tl ^ MOENING 199 name of Mnaa occurT^ in E, and every day when he left WthiSto he went a long distance out of his way so as to pass a mercery shop, on whose signboard the five adored letters were written. , i He reproached himself for wasting time when she liad bid him so urgently to work, so as to make her famous. The naive vanity of her request touched him, as a mark of her confidence in him. He resolved, by way of fulfilling it, to write a work which should be not only dedicated, but consecrated, to her. He could not have written any other at that time. Har y had the scheme occurred to him than musical ideas rushed in unon him. It was like a flood of water accumulated in a reservoir for several months, until it should suddenly rush down, breaking all its dams. He did not leave his room for a week. Louisa left his dinner at the door; for he did not allow even her to enter. , . ■ rri,.. He wrote a quintette for clarionet and strings, movement was a poem of youthful hope and desire; the last a lover’s ioke, in which Jean-Christophe’s wild humor peeped out But the whole work was written for the sake of the second movement, the larghetto, in which Jean-Christophe had depicted an ardent and ingenuous little soul, which was, or was meant to be, a portrait of Minna. No one would have recognized it, least of all herself ; but the great thing was that it was perfectly recognizable to himself; and he had a thrill of pleasure in the illusion of feeling that he had caught the essence of his beloved. No work had ever been so easily or happily written; it was an outlet for the excess of love which the parting had stored up in him; and at the same time his care for the work of art, the effort necessary to dominate and concentrate his passion into a beautiful and clear form, gave him a healthiness of mind, a balance in his faculties, which gave him a sort of physical delight — a sovereign enjoyment known to every creative artist. While he is creating he escapes altogether from the slavery ot desire and sorrow ; he becomes then master in his turn ; and all that gave him joy or suffering seems then to him to be only the fine play of his will. Such moments are too short; for when they are done he finds about him, more heavy an ever, the chains of reality. 300 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE While Jean-Christophe was busy with his work he hardly had time to think of his parting from Minna; he was living with her. Minna was no longer in Minna; she was in himself. But when he had finished he found that he was alone, more alone than before, more weary, exhausted by the effort; he remembered that it was a fortnight since he had written to Minna and that she had not replied. He wrote to her again, and this time he could not bring himself altogether to exercise the constraint which he had im- posed on himself for the first letter. He reproached Minna jocularly— for he did not believe it himself — with having for- gotten him. He scolded her for her laziness and teased her affectionately. He spoke of his work with much mystery, so as to rouse her curiosity, and because he wished to keep it as a surprise for her when she returned. He described minutely the hat that he had bought ; and he told how, to carry out the little despot s orders — for he had taken all her commands literally— he did not go out at all, and said that he was ill as an excuse for refusing invitations. He did not add that he was even on bad terms with the Grand Duke, because, in excess of zeal, he had refused to go to a party at the Palace to which he had been invited. The whole letter was full of a careless joy, and conveyed those little secrets so dear to lovers. He imagined that Minna alone had the key to them, and thought himself very clever, because he had carefully replaced every word of love with words of friendship. After he had written he felt comforted for a moment; first, because the letter had given him the illusion of conversation with his absent fair, but chiefiy because he had no doubt but lhat Minna would reply to it at once. He was very patient for the three days which he had allowed for the post to take his letter to Minna and bring back her answer; but when the fourth day had passed he began once more to find life difficult. He had no energy or interest in things, except during the hour before the post’s arrival. Then he was trembling with im- patience. He became superstitious, and looked for the smallest sign the crackling of the fire, a chance word — to give him an assurance that the letter would come. Once that hour was passed he would collapse again. Ho more work, no more walks; MOENMG 201 the only object of bis existence was to wait for the next post, and all his energy was expended in finding strength to wait for so long. But when evening came, and all hope was gone for the day, then he was crushed; it seemed to him that he could never live until the morrow, and he wouW stay for hours, sitting at his table, without speaking or thinking, without even the power to go to bed, until some remnant of his will would take him off to it; and he would sleep heavily, haunted by stupid dreams, which made him think that the night would never end. -u • i This continual expectation became at length a physical tor- ture, an actual illness. Jean-Christophe went so far as to suspect his father, his brother, even the postman, of having taken the letter and hidden it from him. He was racked with uneasiness. He never doubted Minna’s fidelity for an instant. If she did not write, it must be because she was ill, dying, perhaps dead. Then he rushed to his pen and wrote a third letter, a few heartrending lines, in which he had no mme thought of guarding his feelings than of taking care with his spelling. The time for the post to go was drawing near; he had crossed out and smudged the sheet as he turned it over, dirtied the envelope as he closed it. No matter! He could not wait until the next post. He ran and hurled his letter into the box and waited in mortal agony. On the next night but one he had a clear vision of Minna, ill, calling to him; he got up, and was on the point of setting out on foot to go to her. But where? Where should he find her? On the fourth morning Minna’s letter came at last— hardly a half-sheet — cold and stiff. Minna said that she did not understand what could have filled him with such stupid fears, that she was quite well, that she had no time to write, and begged him not to get so excited in future, and not to write Jean-Christophe was stunned. He never doubted Minna s sincerity. He blamed himself ; he thought that Minna was justly annoyed by the impudent and absurd letters that he had written. He thought himself an idiot, and beat at his head with his fist. But it was all in vain; he was forced to feel that Minna did not love him as much as he loved her. 202 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE ‘ The days that followed ware so mournful that it is impossible to describe them. Nothingness cannot be described. Deprived of the only boon that made living worth while for him his letters to Minna — Jean-Christophe now only lived mechanically, and the only thing which interested him at all was when in the evening, as he was going to bed, he ticked off on the calendar, like a schoolboy, one of the interminable days which lay between himself and Minna’s return. The day of the return was past. They ought to have been at home a week. Feverish excitement had succeeded Jean-Christophe’s prostration. Minna had prom- ised when she left to advise him of the day and hour of their arrival. He waited from moment to moment to go and meet them; and he tied himself up in a web of guesses as to the reasons for their delay. One evening one of their neighbors, a friend of his grand- father, Fischer, the furniture dealer, came in to smoke and chat with Melchior after dinner as he often did. Jean-Chris- tophe, in torment, was going up to his room after waiting for ■ the postman to pass when a word made him tremble. Fischer ! said that next day he had to go early in the morning to the Kerichs’ to hang up the curtains. Jean-Christophe stopped ' dead, and asked: ' “ Have they returned ? ” “ You wag ! You know that as well as I do,” said old Fischer roguishly. “Fine weather! They came back the day before i yesterday.” ! Jean-Christophe heard no more; he left the room, and | got ready to go out. His mother, who for some time 1 had secretly been watching him without his knowing it, fol- « lowed him into the lobby, and asked him timidly where he \ was going. He made no answer, and went out. He was hurt. He ran to the Kerichs’ house. It was nine o’clock in the evening. They were both in the drawing-room and did not appear to be surprised to see him. They said “ Good-evening ” quietly. Minna was busy writing, and held out her hand over the table and went on with her letter, vaguely asking him for his news. She asked him to forgive her discourtesy, and pre- tended to be listening to what he said, but she interrupted him MOENING 203 to ask something of her mother. He had prepared touehing words concerning all that he had suffered during her absence ; he could hardly summon a few words; no one was interested in them, and he had not the heart to go on— it all rang so f 3/lSG When Minna had finished her letter she took up some work, and, sitting a little away from him, began to tell him about her travels. She talked about the pleasant weeks she had spent — riding on horseback, country-house life, interesting society; she got excited gradually, and made allusions to events and people whom Jean-Christophe did not know, and the memory of them made her mother and herself laugh. ^ Jean-Christophe felt that he was a stranger during the story; 'he did not know how to take it, and laughed awkwardly. He never took his eyes from Minna’s face, beseeching her to look at him, implor- ing her to throw him a glance for alms. But when she did look at him — which was not often, for she addressed herself more to her mother than to him — her eyes, like her voiee, were cold and indifferent. Was she so constrained because of her mother, or was it that he did not understand? He wished to speak to her alone, but Frau von Kerich never left them for a moment. He tried to bring the conversation round to some subject interesting to himself; he spoke of his work and his plans ; he was dimly conscious that Minna was evading him, and instinctively he tried to interest her in himself. Indeed, she seemed to listen attentively enough; she broke in upon his narrative with various interjeetions, which were never very apt, but always seemed to be full of interest. But just as he was beginning to hope once more, carried off his feet by one of her charming smiles, he saw Minna put her little hand to her lips and yawn. He broke off short. She sa,w that, and asked his pardon amiably, saying that she was tired. He got up, thinking that they would persuade him to stay, but they said nothing. He spun out his “ Good-bye,” and waited for a word to ask him to come again next day; there was no suggestion of it. He had to go. Minna did not take -him to the door. She held out her hand to him— an indifferent hand that drooped limply in his — and he took his leave of them in the middle of the room. 204 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE He went home with terror in his heart. Of the Minna of two months before, of his beloved Minna, nothing was left. What had happened? , What had become of her? For a poor boy who has never yet experienced the continual change, the com- plete disappearance, and the absolute renovation of living souls, of which the majority are not so much souls as collections of souls in succession changing and dying away continually, the simple truth was too cruel for him to be able to believe it. He rejected the idea of it in terror, and tried to persuade him- self that he had not been able to see properly, and that Minna was just the same. He decided to go again to the house next morning, and to talk to her at all costs. He did not sleep. Through the night he counted one after another the chimes of the clock. From one o’clock on he was rambling round the Kerichs’ house; he entered it as soon as he could. He did not see Minna, but Frau von Kerich. Always ; busy and an early riser, she was watering the pots of flowers | on the veranda. She gave a mocking cry when she saw Jean- Christophe. t Ah ! ” she said. It is you ! ... I am glad you have * come. I have something to talk to you about. Wait a mo- ; ment. . . i She went in for a moment to put down her watering can ^ and to dry her hands, and came back with a little smile as she 1 saw Jean-Christophe’s discomfiture; he was conscious of the f approach of disaster. ' i '' Come into the garden,” she said ; we shall be quieter.” ^ In the garden that was full still of his love he followed Frau j von Kerich. She did not hasten to speak, and enjoyed the ' boy’s uneasiness. '' Let us sit here,” she said at last. They were sitting on the seat in the place where Minna had held up her lips to him on the eve of her departure. I think you know what is the matter,” said Frau von Kerich, looking serious so as to complete his confusion. I should never have thought it of you, Jean-Christopfie. I thought you a serious boy. I had every confidence in you. I should never have thought that you would abuse it to try and turn my daughter’s head. She was in your keeping. You ought MOENING 205 to have shown respect for her, respect for me, respect for your- self/^ There was a light irony in her accents. Fran von Kerich attached not the least importance to this childish love affair; but Jean-Christophe was not conscious of it, and her reproaches, which he took, as he took everything, tragically, went to his heart. "‘'But, Madam . . . but. Madam . . he stammered, with tears in his eyes, I have never abused your confidence. . . . Please do not think that. ... I am not a bad man, that I swear! ... I love Fraulein Minna. I love her with all my soul, and I wish to marry her.^’ Frau von Kerich smiled. "" No, my poor boy,''' she said, with that kindly smile in which was so much disdain, as at last he was to understand, ""no, it is impossible,; it is just a childish folly." ""my? Why?" he asked. He took her hands, not believing that she could be speaking seriously, and almost reassured by the new softness in her voice. She smiled still, and said: "" Because . . ." He insisted. With ironical deliberation — she did not take him altogether seriously — she told him that he had no fortune, that Minna had different tastes. He protested that that made no difference; that he would be rich, famous; that he would win honors, money, all that Minna could desire. Frau von Kerich looked skeptical; she was amused by his self-confidence, and only shook her head by way of saying no. But he stuck to it. ""Ko, Jean-Christophe," she said firmly, ^^no. It is not worth arguing. It is impossible. It is hot only a question of money. So many things 1 The position . . ." She had no need to finish. That was a needle that pierced to his very marrow. His eyes were opened. He saw the irony of the friendly smile, he saw the coldness of the kindly look, he understood suddenly what it was that separated him from this woman whom he loved as a son, this woman who seemed to treat him like a mother; he was conscious of all that was patronizing and disdainful in her affection. He got up. He 206 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE was pale. Frau von Kerich went on talking to him in her caressing voice, but it was the end; he heard no more the music of the words; he perceived under every word the falseness of that elegant soul. He could not answer a word. He went. Everything about him was going round and round. When he regained his room he flung himself on his bed, and gave way to a fit of anger and injured pride, just as he used to do when he was a little boy. He bit his pillow; he crammed his handkerchief into his mouth, so that no one should hear him crying. He hated Frau von Kerich. He hated Minna. He despised them mightily. It seemed to him that he had been insulted, and he trembled with shame and rage. He had to reply, to take immediate action. If he could not avenge j himself he would die. 1 He got up, and wrote an idiotically violent letter: || Madam, — ‘ I do not know if, as you say, you have been deceived in me. ^ But I do know that I have been cruelly deceived in you. I * thought that you were my friends. You said so. You pre- ■ tended to be so, and I loved you more than my life. I see now ; that it was all a lie, that your affection for me was only a , sham; you made use of me. I amused you, provided you with I entertainment, made music for you. I was your servant. Your ( servant: that I am not! I am no man^s servant! | You have made me feel cruelly that I had no right to love ) your daughter. Nothing in the world can prevent my heart i from loving where it loves, and if I am not your equal in rank, « I am as noble as you. It is the heart that ennobles a man. If I am not a Count, I have perhaps more honor than many Counts. Lackey or Count, when a man insults me, I despise him. I despise as much any one who pretends to be noble, and is not noble of soul. Farewell ! You have mistaken me. You have deceived me. I detest you ! He who, in spite of you, loves, and will love till death, Fraulein Minna, because she is his, and nothing can take her from him.^^ MOENING 207 Hardly had he thrown his letter into the box than he was filled with terror at what he had done. He tried not to think of it, but certain phrases cropped up in his memory; he was in a cold sweat as he thought of Frau von Kerich reading those enormities. At first he was upheld by his very despair, hut next day he saw that his letter could only bring about a final separation from Minna, and that seemed to him the Jrest of misfortunes. He still hoped that Frau von Kerich, who knew his violent fits, would not take it seriously, that she would only reprimand him severely, and— who knows?— that she would be touched perhaps by the sincerity of his passiom One word and he would have thrown himself at her feet. He waited for five days. Then came a letter. She said: “ Since, as you say, there has been a misunderstanding be- tween us, it would be wise not any further to polong it 1 should be very sorry to force upon you a relationship which has become painful to you. You will think it natural, there- fore, that we should break it off. I hope that you will m time to come have no lack of other friends who will be able to appreciate you as you wish to be appreciated I have no doubt as to your future, and from a distance shall, with sympathy, follow your progress in your musical career. Kind regards. ^ ^ ^jnciTi^PTTA VON Kerich. The most bitter reproaches would have been less cruel. Jean- Christophe saw that he was lost. It is possible to reply to an uniust accusation. But what is to be done against the negati^- ness of such polite indifference? He raged against it. He thouo-ht that he would never see Minna again, and he could not bear it. He felt how little all the pride in the world weighs against a little love. He forgot his dignity; he became cow- ardly; he wrote more letters, in which he implored forgiveness. They were no less stupid than the letter in which he had rai e against her. They evoked no response. And everything was said. He nearly died of it. He thought of killing himself. He thought of murder. At least, he imagined that he thought ot 208 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE it. He was possessed by incendiary and murderous desires. People have little idea of the paroxysm of love or hate which sometimes devours the hearts of children. It was the most terrible crisis of his childhood. It ended his childhood. It stiffened his will. But it came near to breaking it forever. He found life impossible. He would sit for hours with his elbows on the window-sill looking down into the courtyard, and dreaming, as he used to when he was a little boy, of some means of escaping from the torture of life when it became too great. The remedy was there, under his eyes. Immediate . . . immediate? How could one know? . . . Perhaps after hours — centuries — ^horrible sufferings! . . . But so utter was his childish despair that he let himself be carried away by the giddy round of such thoughts. Louisa saw that he was suffering. She could not gauge exactly what was happening to him, but her instinct gave her a dim warning of danger. She tried to approach her son, to discover his sorrow, so as to console him. But the poor woman had lost the habit of talking intimately to Jean-Christophe. For many years he had kept his thoughts to himself, and she had been too much taken up by the material cares of life to find time to discover them or divine them. Now that she would so gladly have come to his aid she knew not what to do. She hovered about him like a soul in torment; she would gladly have found words to bring him comfort, and she dared not speak for fear of irritating him. And in spite of all her care she did irritate him by her every gesture and by her very presence, »for she was not very adroit, and he was not very indulgent. And yet he loved her; they loved each other. But so little is needed to part two creatures who are dear to each other, and love each other with all their hearts! A too violent expression, an awk- ward gesture, a harmless twitching of an eye or a nose, a trick of eating, walking, or laughing, a physical constraint which is beyond analysis. . . . You say that these things are nothing, and yet they are all the world. Often they are enough to keep a mother and a son, a brother and a brother, a friend and a friend, who live in proximity to each other, forever strangers to each other. Jean-Christophe did not find in his mother’s grief a sufficient MOENING 209 prop in the crisis through which he was passing. Besides, what is the affection of others to the egoism of passion pre- occupied with itself? One night when his family were sleeping, and he was sitting by his desk, not thinking or moving, he was engulfed in his perilous ideas, when a sound of footsteps resounded down the little silent street, and a knock on the door brought him from his stupor. There was a murmuring of thick voices. He remembered that his father had not come in, and he thought angrily that they were bringing him back drunk, as they had done a week or two before, when they had found him lying in the street. For Melchior had abandoned all restraint, and was more and more the victim of his vice, though his athletic health seemed not in the least to suffer from an excess and a reckless- ness which would have killed any other man. He ate enough for four, drank until he dropped, passed whole nights out of doors in icy rain, was knocked down and stunned in brawls, and would get up again next day, with his rowdy gaiety, wanting everybody about him to be gay too. Louisa, hurrying up, rushed to open the door. Jean-Chris- tophe, who had not budged, stopped his ears so as not to hear Melchior’s vicious voice and the tittering comments of the neighbors. ... . Suddenly a strange terror seized him; for no reason he began to tremble, with his face hidden in his hands. And on the instant a piercing cry made him raise his head. He rushed to the door. ... In the midst of a group of men talking in low voices, in the dark passage, lit only by the flickering light of a lantern, lying, just as his grandfather had done, on a stretcher, was a body dripping with water, motionless. Louisa was clinging to it and sobbing. They had just found Melchior drowned in the mill-race. Jean-Christophe gave a cry. Everything else vanished; aU his other sorrows were swept aside. He threw himself on his father’s body by Louisa’s side, and they wept together. Seated by the bedside, watching Melchior’s last sleep, on whose face was now a severe and solemn expression, he felt the dark peace of death enter into his soul. His childish passion 210 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE was gone from him like a fit of fever ; the icy: breath of the grave had taken it all away. Minna, his pride, his love, and himself. . . . Alas ! What misery ! How small everything showed by the side of this reality, the only reality — death! Was it worth while to suffer so much, to desire so much, to be so much put about to come in the end to that I . . . He watched his father’s sleep, and he was filled with an infinite pity. He remembered the smallest of his acts of kind- ness and tenderness. For with all his faults Melchior was not bad; there was much good in him. He loved his family. He was honest. He had a little of the uncompromising probity of the Kraffts, which, in all questions of morality and honor, suffered no discussion, and never would admit the least of those small moral impurities which so many people in society regard not altogether as faults. He was brave, and whenever there was any danger faced it with a sort of enjoyment. If he was extravagant himself, he was so for others too ; he could not bear anybody to be sad, and very gladly gave away all that belonged to him — and did not belong to him — to the poor devils he met by the wayside. All his qualities appeared to Jean-Christophe now, and he invented some of them, or exaggerated them. It seemed to him that he had misunderstood his father. He re- proached himself with not having loved him enough. He saw him as broken by Life ; he thought he heard that unhappy soul, drifting, too weak to struggle, crying out for the life so use- lessly lost. He heard that lamentable entreaty that had so cut him to the heart one day: ^^Jean-Christophe! Do not despise me!” And he was overwhelmed by remorse. He threw himself on the bed, and kissed the dead face and wept. And as he had done that day, he said again: Dear father, I do not despise you. I love you. Forgive me!” But that piteous entreaty was not appeased, and went on: Do not despise me ! Do not despise me ! ” And suddenly Jean-Christophe saw himself lying in the place of the dead man; he heard the terrible words coming from his own lips; he felt weighing on his heart the despair of a useless life, irreparably lost. And he thought in terror : Ah ! everything, MOENING 211 all the suffering, all the misery in the world, rather than come to that! . . r How near he had been to it! Had he not all but yielded to the temptation to snap off his life himself, cowardly to escape his sorrow? As if all the sorrows, all betrayals, were not childish griefs beside the torture and the crime of self-betrayal, denial of faith, of self-contempt in death ! He saw that life was a battle without armistice, without mercy, in which he who wishes to be a man worthy of the name of a man must forever fight against whole armies of invisible enemies; against the murderous forces of Nature, uneasy desires, dark thoughts, treacherously leading him to degradation and destruction. He saw that he had been on the point of falling into the trap. He saw that happiness and love were only the friends of a moment to lead the heart to disarm and abdicate. And the little puritan of fifteen heard the voice of his God: Go, go, and never rest.’^ But whither. Lord, shall I go ? Whatsoever I do, whither- soever I go, is not the end always the same? Is not the end of all things in that ? Go on to Death, you who must die ! Go and suffer, you who must suffer! You do not live to be happy. You live to fulfil my Law. Suffer ; die. But be what you must be — a Man.^^ YOUTH Christofori faciem die quacunque tueris^^ Ilia nempe die non morte mala morieris. I THE HOUSE OF EULER The house was plunged in silence. Since Melchior s death everything seemed dead. Now that his loud voice was stilled, from morning to night nothing was heard but the wearisome murmuring of the river. Christophe hurled himself into his work. He took a fiercely angry pleasure in self-castigation for having wished to be happy. To expressions of sympathy and kind words he made no reply, but was proud and stiff. Without a word he went about his daily task, and gave his lessons with icy politeness. His pupils who knew of his misfortune were shocked by his in- sensibility. But those who were older and had some ex- perience of sorrow knew that this apparent coldness might, in a child, be used only to conceal suffering: and they pitied him. He was not grateful for their sympathy. Even music could bring him no comfort. He played without pleasure, and as a duty. It was as though he found a cruel joy in no longer taking pleasure in anything, or in persuading himseH that he did not: in depriving himself of every reason for living, and yet going on. His two brothers, terrified by the silence of the house of death, ran away from it as quickly as possible. Kodolphe went into the office of his uncle Theodore, and lived with him, and Ernest, after trying two or three trades, found work on one of the Ehine steamers plying between Mainz and Cologne, and he used to come back only when he wanted money. Chris- tophe was left alone with his mother in the house, which was too large for them; and the meagerness of their resources, and the payment of certain debts which had been discovered after his father’s death, forced them, whatever pain it might cost, to seek another more lowly and less expensive dwelling. They found a little flat,— two or three rooms on the second 216 316 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE floor of a house in the Market Street. It was a noisy district in the middle of the town^ far from the river, far from the trees, far from the country and all the familiar places. But they had to consult reason, not sentiment, and Christophe found in it a fine opportunity for gratifying his bitter creed of self- mortification. Besides, the owner of the house, old registrar Euler, was a friend of his grandfather, and knew the family: that was enough for Louisa, who was lost in her empty house, and was irresistibly drawn towards those who had known the creatures whom she had loved. They got ready to leave. They took long draughts of the bitter melancholy of the last days passed by the sad, beloved fireside that was to be left forever. They dared hardly tell their sorrow : they were ashamed of it, or afraid. Each thought that they ought not to show their weakness to the other. At .table, sitting alone in a dark room with half-closed shutters, they dared not raise their voices: they ate hurriedly and did not look at each other for fear of not being able to conceal their trouble. They parted as soon as they had finished. Christophe went back to his work; but as soon as he was free for a moment, ! he would come back, go stealthily home, and creep on tiptoe % to his room or to the attic. Then he would shut the door, sit down in a corner on an old trunk or on the window-ledge, ^ or stay there without thinking, letting the indefinable buzzing ; and humming of the old house, which trembled with the lightest j tread, thrill through him. His heart would tremble with it. | He would listen anxiously for the faintest breath in or out of i doors, for the creaking of floors, for all the imperceptible 4 familiar noises: he knew them all. He would lose conscious- .■ ness, his thoughts would be filled with the images of the past, and he would issue from his stupor only at the sound of St. Martinis clock, reminding him that it was time to go. In the room below him he could hear Louisa’s footsteps pass- ing softly to and fro, then for hours she could not be heard; she made no noise. Christophe would listen intently. He . would go down, a little uneasy, as one is for a long time after a great misfortune. He would push the door ajar; Louisa would turn her back on him; she would be sitting in front of a cup- board in the midst of a heap of things — ^rags, old belongings. YOUTH 217 odd garments, treasures, which she had brought out intendmg to sort them. But she had no strength for it; everything reminded her of something; she would turn and turn it in, her hands and begin to dream; it would drop from her hands; she would stay for hours together with her arms hanging down, lying back exhausted in a chair, given up to a stupor of sorrow. Poor Louisa was now spending most of her life in the past that sad past, which had been very niggardly of joy for her ; but she was so used to suffering that she was still grateful for the least tenderness shown to her, and the pale lights which had shone here and there in the drab days of her life, were still enough to make them bright. All the evil that Melchior had done her was forgotten; she remembered only the. good. Her marriage had been the great romance of her life. If Melchior had been drawn into it by a caprice, of which he had quickly repented, she had given herself with her whole heart, she thought that she was loved as much as she had loved; and to Melchior she was ever most tenderly grateful. She did not try to understand what he had become in the sequel. Incapable of seeing reality as it is, she only knew how to bear it as it is, humbly and honestly, as a woman who has no need of under- standing life in order to be able to live. What she could not explain, she left to God for explanation. In her sinplar piety, she put upon God the responsibility for all the injustice that she had suffered at the hands of Melchior and the others, and only visited them with the good that they had given her. And so her life of misery had left her with no bitter memory. She only felt worn out— weak as she was— by those years of priva- tion and fatigue. And now that Melchior was no longer there, now that two of her sons were gone from their home, and the third seemed to be able to do without her, she had lost all heart for action; she was tired, sleepy; her will was stupefied. She was going through one of those crises of neurasthenia whmh often come upon active and industrious people in the decline of life, when some unforeseen event deprives them of every reason for living. She had not the heart even to finish the stocking she was knitting, to tidy the drawer in which she was looking, to get up to shut the window; she would sit there, without a thought, without strength — save for recollection. ^18 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE .She was conscious of her collapse, and was ashamed of it or blushed for it; she tried to hide it from her son; and Christophe, wrapped up in the egoism of his own grief, never noticed it. No doubt he was often secretly impatient with his mother^s slowness in speaking, and acting, and doing the small- est thing; but different though her ways were from her usual^ activity, he never gave a thought to the matter until then. Suddenly on that day it came home to him for the first time when he surprised her in the midst of her rags, turned out on the floor, heaped up at her feet, in her arms, and in her lap. Her neck was drawn out, her head was bowed, her face was stiff and rigid. When she heard him come in she started; her white cheeks were suffused with red; with an instinctive movement she tried to hide the things she was holding, and muttered with an awkward smile: ^^You see, I was sorting . . .’^ The sight of the poor soul stranded among the relics of the past cut to his heart, and he was fllled with pity. But he spoke with a bitter asperity and seemed to scold, to drag her from her apathy: Come, come, mother ; you must not stay there, in the middle of all that dust, with the room all shut up! It is not good for you. You must pull yourself together, and have done with nil this.^^ Yes,^^ said she meekly. She tried to get up to put the things back in the drawer. But she sat down again at once and listlessly let them fall from her hands. Oh ! I can’t ... I can’t,” she moaned. I shall never finish!” He was frightened. He leaned over her. He caressed her forehead with his hands. Come, mother, what is it ? ” he said. Shall I help you ? Are you ill?” She did not answer. She gave a sort of stifled sob. He took her hands, and knelt down by her side, the better to see her in the dusky room. Mother ! ” he said anxiously. Louisa laid her head on his shoulder and burst into tears. YOUTH 219 ^ boy, my boy/" she cried, holding close to him. "'My boy! ... You will not leave me? Promise me that you will not leave me?"" His heart was torn with pity. "No, mother, no. I will not leave you. What made you think of such a thing ? "" " I am so unhappy ! They have all left me, all. . . ."" She pointed to the things all about her, and he did not know whether she was speaking of them or of her sons and the dead. "You will stay with me? You will not leave me? . . . What should I do, if you went too ? "" " I will not go, I tell you ; we will stay together. Don"t cry. I promise."" She went on weeping. She could not stop herself. He dried her eyes with his handkerchief. " \Wiat is it, mother dear ? Are you in pain ? "" " 1 don"t know ; I don"t know what it is."" She tried to calm herself and to smile. " I do try to be sensible. I do. But just nothing at all makes me cry. ... You see, I"m doing it again. . . . Forgive me. I am so stupid. I am old. I have no strength left. I have no taste for anything any more. I am no good for any- thing. I wish I were buried with all the rest. . . ."" He held her to him, close, like a child. " Don"t worry, mother ; be calm ; don"t think about it. . . ."" Gradually she grew quiet. "Tt is foolish. I am ashamed. . . . But what is it? What is it ? "" She who had always worked so hard could not understand why her strength had suddenly snapped, and she was humili- ated to the very depths of her being. He pretended not to see it. "A little weariness, mother,"" he said, trying to speak care- lessly. " It is nothing ; you will see ; it is nothing."" But he too was anxious. From his childhood he had been accustomed to see her brave, resigned, in silence withstanding every test. And he was astonished to see her suddenly broken : he was afraid. He helped her to sort the things scattered on the floor. Every 230 JEAK-CHEISTOPHE now and then she would linger over something, but he would gently take it from her hands, and she suffered him. From that time on he took pains to be more with her. As soon as he had finished his work, instead of shutting himself up in his room, as he loved to do, he would return to her. He felt her loneliness and that she was not strong enough to be left alone: there was danger in leaving her alone. He would sit by her side in the evening near the open window looking on to the road. The view would slowly disappear. The people were returning home. Little lights appeared in the houses far off. They had seen it all a thousand times. But soon they would see it no more. They would talk dis- jointedly. They would point out to each other the smallest of the familiar incidents and expectations of the evening, always with fresh interest. They would have long intimate silences, . or Louisa, for no apparent reason, would tell some remi- ^ niscence, some disconnected story that passed through her • mind. Her tongue was loosed a little now that she felt . that she was with one who loved her. She tried hard to talk. It was difiScult for her, for she had grown used ; to living apart from her family ; she looked upon her sons and her husband as too clever to talk to her, and she had never dared to join in their conversation. Christophe’s tender j care was a new thing to her and infinitely sweet, though ; it made her afraid. She deliberated over her words; she found ^ it difficult to express herself; her sentences were left unfinishd | and obscure. Sometimes she was ashamed of what she was ,• saying; she would look at her son, and stop in the middle of > her narrative. But he would press her hand, and she would ; be reassured. He was filled with love and pity for the childish, motherly creature, to whom he had turned when he was a child, and now she turned to him for support. And he took a melan- choly pleasure in her prattle, that had no interest for anybody but himself, in her trivial memories of a life that had always been joyless and mediocre, though it seemed to Louisa to be of infinite worth. Sometimes he would try to interrupt her; he was afraid that her memories would make her sadder than ever, and he would urge her to sleep. She would understand what he was at, and would say with gratitude in her eyes . YOUTH 221 "No. I assure you, it does one good; let us stay a little longer.” They would stay until the night was far gone and the neigh- bors were abed. Then they would say good-night, she a litde comforted by being rid of some of her trouble, he with a heavy heart under this new burden added to that which already he had to bear. The day came for their departure. On the night before they stayed longer than usual in the unlighted room. They did not speak. Every now and then Louisa moaned: “Fear God ! Fear God ! ” Christophe tried to keep her attention fixed on the thousand details of the morrow’s removal. She would not go to bed until he gently compelled her. But he went up to his room and did not go to bed for a long time. When leaning out of the window he tried to gaze through the darkness to see for the last time the moving shadows pf the river beneath the house. He heard the wind in the tall trees in Minna’s garden. The sky was black. There was no one in the street. A cold rain was just falling. The weathercocks creaked. In a house near by a child was crying. The night weighed with an overwhelming heaviness upon the earth and upon his soul. The didl chiming of the hours, the cracked note of the halves and quarters, dropped one after another into the grim silence, broken only by the sound of the rain on the roofs and the cobbles. When Christophe at last made up his mind to go to bed, chilled in body and soul, he heard the window below him shut. And, as he lay, he thought sadly that it is cruel for the poor to dwell on the past, for they have no right to have a past, like the rich: they have no home, no corner of the earth wherein to house their memories: their joys, their sor- rows, all their days, are scattered in the wind. Next day in beating rain they moved their scanty furniture to their new dwelling. Fischer, the old furniture dealer, lent them a cart and a pony; he came and helped them himself. But they could not take everything, for the rooms to which they were going were much smaller than the old. Chris- tophe had to make his mother leave the oldest and most useless of their belongings. It was not altogether easy ; the least thing 223 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE had its worth for her : a shaky table, a broken chair, she wished to leave nothing behind. Fischer, fortified by the authority of hill old friendship with Jean Michel, had to join Chris- toj)he in complaining, and, good-fellow that he was and understanding her grief, had even to promise to keep some of her precious rubbish for her against the day when she should want it again. Then she agreed to tear her- self away. The two brothers had been told of the removal, but Ernest ohme on the night before to say that he could not be there, 4nd Eodolphe appeared for a moment about noon; he watched / them load the furniture, gave some advice, and went away again looking mightily busy. The procession set out through the muddy streets. Chris- tophe led the horse, which slipped on the greasy cobbles. , Louisa walked by her son’s side, and tried to shelter him from the rain. And so they had a melancholy homecoming in the damp rooms, that were made darker than ever by the dull light , coming from the lowering sky. They could not have fought against the depression that was upon them had it not been j for the attentions of their landlord and his family. But, when , the cart had driven away, as night fell, leaving the furniture ■ heaped up in the room; and Christophe and Louisa were sitting, worn out, one on a box, the other on a sack ; they heard a little dry cough on the staircase; there was a knock ! at the door. Old Euler came in. He begged pardon elaborately ] for disturbing his guests, and said that by way of celebrating j their first evening he hoped that they would be kind, enough , to sup with himself and his family. Louisa, stunned by her ; sorrow, wished to refuse. Christophe was not much more tempted than she by this friendly gathering, but the old man insisted and Christophe, thinking that it would be better for his mother not to spend their first evening in their new home alone with her thoughts, made her accept. They went down to the floor below, where they found the whole family collected; the old man, his daughter, his son-in- law, Vogel, and his grandchildren, a boy and a girl, both a little younger than Christophe. They clustered around their guests, bade them welcome, asked if they were tired, if they \ YOUTH 223 were pleased with their rooms, if they needed anything ; putting so many questions that Christophe in bewilderment could make nothing of them, for everybody spoke at once. The soup was placed on the table; they sat down. But the noise went on. Amalia, Euler’s daughter, had set herself at once to acquaint Louisa with local details: with the topography of the district, the habits and advantages of the house, the time when the milkman called, the time when she got up, the various trades- people and the prices that she paid. She did not stop until she had explained everything. Louisa, half-asleep, tried hard to take an interest in the information, but the remarks which she ventured showed that she had understood not a word, and provoked Amalia to indignant exclamations and repetition of every detail. Old Euler, a clerk, tried to explain to Chris- tophe the difficulties of a musical career. Christophe’s other neighbor, Eosa, Amalia’s daughter, never stopped talking from the moment when they sat down, — so volubly that she had no time to breathe; she lost her breath in the middle of a sentence, but at once she was off again. Vogel was gloomy and complained of the food, and there were embittered arguments on the subject. Amalia, Euler, the girl, left off talking to take part in the discussion; and there were endless controversies as to whether there was too much salt in the stew or not enough ; they called each other to witness, and, naturally, no two opinions were the same. Each despised his neighbor’s taste, and thought only his own healthy and reasonable. They might have gone on arguing until the Last Judgment. But, in the end, they all joined in crying out upon the bad weather. They all commiserated Louisa and Christophe upon their troubles, and in terms which moved him greatly they praised him for his courageous conduct. They took great pleas- ure in recalling not only the misfortunes of their guests, but also their own, and those of their friends and all their acquaint- ance, and they all agreed that the good are always unhappy, and that there is joy only for the selfish and dishonest. They decided that life is sad, that it is quite useless, and that they were all better dead, were it not the indubitable will of God that they should go on living so as to suffer. As these ideas came very near to Christophe’s actual pessimism, he thought \ 224 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE the better of his landlord, and closed his eyes to their little oddities. When he went upstairs again with his mother to the dis- ordered rooms, they were weary and sad, but they felt a little less lonely; and while Christophe lay awake through the night, for he could not sleep because of his weariness and the noise of the neighborhood, and listened to the heavy carts shaking the walls, and the breathing of the family sleeping below, he tried to persuade himself that he would be, if not happy, at least less unhappy here, with these good people — a little tire- some, if the truth be told — who suffered from like misfortunes,, who seemed to understand him, and whom, he thought, he under- stood. But when at last he did fall asleep, he was roused unpleasantly at dawn by the voices of his neighbors arguing, and the creak- ing of a pump worked furiously by some one who was in a hurry to swill the yard and the stairs. • Justus Euler was a little bent old man, with uneasy, gloomy eyes, a red face, all lines and pimples, gap-toothed, with an unkempt beard, with which he was forever fidgeting with his hands. Very honest, quite able, profoundly moral,, he had been on quite good terms with Christophers grand- father. He was said to be like him. And, in truth, he was of the same generation and brought up with the same principles; but he lacked Jean Michel’s strong physique, that is, while he was of the same opinion on many points, fundamentally he was hardly at all like him, for it is I temperament far more than ideas that makes a man, and what- " ever the divisions, fictitious or real, marked between men by intellect, the great divisions between men and men are into those who are healthy and those who are not. Old Euler was not a healthy man. He talked morality, like Jean Michel, but his morals were not the same as Jean Michel’s; he had not his sound stomach, his lungs, or his Jovial strength. Every- thing in Euler and his family was built on a more parsimonious and niggardly plan. He had been an official for forty years, was now retired, and suffered from that melancholy that comes; from inactivity and weighs so heavily upon old men, who have: YOUTH 225 not made provision in their inner life for their last years. All his habits, natural and acquired, all the habits of his trade had given him a meticulous and peevish quality, which was reproduced to a certain extent in each of his children. His son-in-law, Vogel, a clerk at the Chancery Court, was fifty years old. Tall, strong, almost bald, with gold spectacles, fairly good-looking, he considered himself ill, and no doubt was so, although obviously he did not have the diseases which he thought he had, but only a mind soured by the stupidity of his calling and a body ruined to a certain extent by his sedentary life. Very industrious, not without merit, even cul- tured up to a point, he was a victim of our ridiculous modern, life, or like so many clerks, locked up in their offices, he had succumbed to the demon of hypochondria. One of those un- fortunates whom Goethe called ‘'‘’em trauriger, ungriechischer Hypochondrist ” — “a gloomy and un-Greek hypochondriac,” — and pitied, though he took good care to avoid them. Amalia was neither the one nor the other. Strong, loud, and active, she wasted no sympathy on her husband’s jeremiads ; she used to shake him roughly. But no human strength can bear up against living together, and when in a household one or other .is neurasthenic, the chances are that in time they will both be so. In vain did Amalia cry out upon Vogel, in vain did she go on protesting either from habit or because it was necessary; next moment she herself "^as lamenting her condition more loudly even than he, and, passing imperceptibly from scolding to lamentation, she did him no good; she in- creased his ills tenfold by loudly singing chorus to his follies. In the end not only did she crush the unhappy Vogel, terrified by the proportions assumed by his own outcries sent sounding back by this echo, but she crushed everybody, even herself. In her turn she caught the trick of unwarrantably bemoaning her health, and her father’s, and her daughter’s, and her son’s. It became a mania; by constant repetition she came to believe what she said. She took the least chill tragically ; she was uneasy and worried about everybody. More than that, when they were well, she still worried, because of the sickness that was bound to come. So life was passed in perpetual fear. Outside that they were all in fairly good health, and it seemed 226 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE as though their state of continual moaning and groaning did serve to keep them well. They all ate and slept and worked as usual, and the life of this household was not relaxed for it all. Amalia’s activity was not satisfied with working from morning to night up and down the house; they all had to toil with her, and there was forever a moving of furniture, a wash- ing of floors, a polishing of wood, a sound of voices, footsteps, quivering, movement. The two children, crushed by such loud authority, leaving nobody alone, seemed to find it natural enough to submit to it. The boy, Leonard, was good looking, though insignificant of feature, and stiff in manner. The girl, Eosa, fair-haired, with pretty blue eyes, gentle and affectionate, would have been pleas- ing especially with the freshness of her delicate complexion, and her kind manner, had her nose not been quite so large or so awkwardly placed; it made her face heavy and gave her a foolish expression. She was like a girl of Holbein, in the gallery at Basle — the daughter of burgomaster Meier — sitting, with eyes cast down, her hands on her knees, her fair hair falling down to her shoulders, looking embarrassed and ashamed of her uncomely nose. But so far Eosa had not been troubled by it, and it never had broken in upon her inexhaustible chatter. Always her shrill voice was heard in the house telling stories, always breathless, as though she had no time to say everything, always excited and animated, in spite of the protests which she drew from her mother, her father, and even her grand- father, exasperated, not so much because she was forever talking as because she prevented them talking themselves. For these good people, kind, loyal, devoted — the very cream of good people — had almost all the virtues, but they lacked one virtue which is capital, and is the charm of life : the virtue of silence. Christophe was in tolerant mood. His sorrow had soft- ened his intolerant and emphatic temper. His experience of the cruel indifference of the elegant made him more conscious of the worth of these honest folk, graceless and devilish tire- some, who had yet an austere conception of life, and because they lived joylessly, seemed to him to live without weakness. Having decided that they were excellent, and that he ought to like them, like the German that he was, he tried to persuade YOUTH 227 himself that he did in fact like them. But he did not succeed;; he lacked that easy Germanic idealism, which does not wish to see, and does not see, what would be displeasing to its sight,; for fear of disturbing the very proper tranquillity of its judg-: ment and the pleasantness of its existence. On the contrary,' he never was so conscious of the defects of these people as when he loved them, when he wanted to love them absolutely without reservation; it was a sort of unconscious loyalty, and an inexorable demand for truth, which, in spite of himself, made him more clear-sighted, and more exacting, with what was dearest to him. And it was not long before he began to be irritated by the oddities of the family. They made no attempt to conceal them. Contrary to the usual habit they displayed every intolerable quality they possessed, and all the good in them was hidden. So Christophe told himself, for he judged himself to have been unjust, and tried to surmount his first impressions, and to discover in them the excellent qualities which they so carefully concealed. He tried to converse with old Justus Euler, who asked nothing better. He had a secret sympathy with him, remembering that his grandfather had liked to praise him. But good old Jean Michel had more of the pleasant faculty of deceiving himself about his friends than Christophe, and Christophe soon saw that. In vain did he try to accept Euler’s memories of his grandfather. He could only get from him a discolored cari- cature of Jean Michel, and scraps of talk that were utterly uninteresting. Euler’s stories used invariably to begin with: “As I used to say to your poor grandfather . . .” He could remember nothing else. He had heard only what he had said himself. Perhaps Jean Michel used only to listen .in the same way;.; I Most friendships are little more than arrangements for mutua|| S satisfaction, so that each party may talk about himself to th^l other. But at least Jean Michel, however naively he used tc|| give himself up to the delight of talking, had sympathy which; he was always ready to lavish on all sides. He was interested in everything ; he always regretted that he was no longer fifteen, so as to be able to see the marvelous inventions of the new generations, and to share their thoughts. He had the quality. i perhaps the most precious in life, a curiosity always fresh, ^ never changing with the years, born anew every morning. He had not the talent to turn this gift to account; but how many___ men of talent might envy him ! Most men die at twenty or | i thirty; thereafter they are only reflections of themselves: for I the rest of their lives they are aping themselves, repeating from j day to day more and more mechanically and affectedly what * they said and did and thought and loved when they were alive. ^/It was so Tong since old Euler had been alive, and he had .fji, .V been such a small thing then, that what was left of him now ,||| was very jgoor and_ ratherjidiculoua^ Outside his former trade fil, , a^dTiis Ifamily life he knew nothing, and wished to know noth- yi ing. On every subject he had ideas ready-made, dating from his youth. He pretended to some knowledge of the arts, but iit he clung to certain hallowed names of men, about whom he *'1 was forever reiterating his emphatic formulae: everything else 1^ was naught and had never been. When modern interests were ^ I mentioned he would not listen, and talked of something else. ^ f He declared that he loved music passionately, and he would ask Christophe to play. But as soon as Christophe, who « had been caught once or twice, began to play, the old fellow ’ i ■ would begin to talk loudly to his daughter, as though ; •j the music only increased his interest in everything but i ^ music. Christophe would get up exasperated in the middle ' of his piece, so one would notice it. There were only a few : ; ‘ old airs — three or four — some very beautiful, others very ugly, | but all equally sacred, which were privileged to gain comparative i silence and absolute approval. With the very first notes the i , old man would go into ecstasies, tears would come to his eyes, 1 not so much for the pleasure he was enjoying as for the pleasure which once he had enjoyed. In the end Christophe had a horror of these airs, though some of them, like the Adelaide of Beethoven, were very dear to him; the old man was always humming the first bars of them, and never failed to declare, “ There, that is music,” contemptuously comparing it with “ all the blessed modern music, in which there is no melody.” Truth , to tell, he knew nothing whatever about it. j His son-in-law was better educated and kept in touch with .1 artistic movements; but that was even worse, for in his judgment YOUTH 229 there was always a disparaging tinge. He was lacking neither in taste nor intelligence; but he could not bring himself to admire anything modern. He would have disparaged Mozart and Beethoven, if they had been contemporary, just as he would have acknowledged the merits of Wagner and Eichard Strauss had they been dead for a century. His discontented temper/ refused to allow that there might be great men living during his own lifetime; the idea was distasteful to him. He was so embittered by his wasted life that he insisted on pretending that every life was wasted, that it could not be otherwise, and that those who thought the opposite, or pretended to think so, were one of two things: fools or humbugs. And so he never spoke of any new celebrity except in a tone of bitter irony, and as he was not stupid he never failed to discover at the first glance the weak or ridiculous sides of them. Any new name roused him to distrust; before he knew anything about the man he was inclined to criticise him — ^because he knew nothing about him. If he was sympathetic towards Christophe it was because he thought that the misanthropic boy found life as evil as he did himself, and that he was not a genius. Nothing so unites the small of soul in their suffering and discontent as the statement of their common impotence. Nothing so much restores the desire for health or life to those who are healthy and made for the joy of life as contact with the stupid pessimism of the mediocre and the sick, who, because they are not happy, deny the happiness of others. Christophe felt this. And yet these gloomy thoughts were familiar to him; but he was surprised to find them on VogeFs lips, where they were unrecognizable ; more than that, they were repugnant to him; they offended him. He was even more in revolt against Amalia’s ways. The good creature did no more than practise Christophe’s theories of duty. The word was upon her lips at every turn. She worked unceasingly, and wanted everybody to work as she did. Her work was never directed towards making herself and others happier; on the contrary. It almost seemed as though it was mainly intended to iucommode everybody and to make life as disagreeable as possible so as to sanctify it. Nothing would induce her for a moment to relinquish her holy 230 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE duties in the household, that sacro-sanct institution which in so many women takes the place of all other duties, social and moral. She would have thought herself lost had she not on the same day, at the same time, polished the wooden floors, washed the tiles, cleaned the door-handles, beaten the carpets, moved the chairs, the cupboards, the tables. She was osten- tatious about it. It was as though it was a point of honor with her. And after all, is it not in much the same spirit that many women conceive and defend their honor ? It is a sort of piece of furniture which they have to keep polished, a well waxed floor, cold, hard — and slippery. The accomplishment of her task did not make Frau Vogel more amicable. She sacrificed herself to the trivialities of the household, as to a duty imposed by God. And she despised those who did not do as she did, those who rested, and were able to enjoy life a little in the intervals of work. She would go and rouse Louisa in her room when from time to time she • sat down in the middle of her work to dream. Louisa would ; sigh, but she submitted to it with a half -shamed smile. Fortu- nately, Christophe knew nothing about it; Amalia used to , wait until he had gone out before she made these irruptions | into their rooms, and so far she had not directly attacked him; ; he would not have put up with it. When he was with her he ; was conscious of a latent hostility within himself. What he could least forgive her was the noise she made. He was mad- i dened by it. When he was locked in his room — a little low { room looking out on the yard— with the window hermetically | sealed, in spite of the want of air, so as not to hear the clatter 1 in the house, he could not escape from it. Involuntarily he I was forced to listen attentively for the least sound coming up ‘| from below, and when the terrible voice which penetrated all | the walls broke out again after a moment of silence he was filled with rage; he would shout, stamp with his foot, and roar insults at her through the wall.. In the general uproar, no one ever noticed it; they thought he was composing. He would consign Frau Vogel to the depths of hell. He had no respect for her, nor esteem to check him. At such times it seemed to him that he would have preferred the loosest and most stupid of women, if only she did not talk, to clev- ■ YOUTH 231 erness, honesty, all the virtues, when they make too much noise. His hatred of noise brought him in touch with Leonard. In the midst of the general excitement the boy was the only one to keep calm, and never to raise his voice more at one moment than another. He always expressed himself correctly and deliberately, choosing his words, and never hurrying. Amalia, simmering, never had patience to wait until he had finished; the whole family cried out upon his slowness. He did not worry about it. Nothing could upset his calm, respect- ful deference. Christophe was the more attracted to him when he learned that Leonard intended to devote his life to the Church, and his curiosity was roused. With regard to religion, Christophe was in a queer posi- tion; he did not know himself how he stood towards it. He had never had time to think seriously about it. He was not well enough educated, and he was too much absorbed by the difficulties of existence to be able to analyze himself and to set his ideas in order. His violence led him from one extreme to the other, from absolute facts to complete negation, without troubling to find out whether in either case he agreed with himself. When he was happy he hardly thought of God at all, but he was quite ready to believe in Him. When he was unhappy he thought of Him, but did not believe; it seemed to him impossible that a God could authorize unhappiness and injustice. But these difficulties did not greatly exercise him. He was too fundamentally religious to think much about God. He lived in God; he had no need to believe in Him. That is well enough for the weak and worn, for those whose lives are anemic. They aspire to God, as a plant does to the sun. The dying cling to life. But he who bears in his soul the sun and life, what need has he to seek them outside himself? Christophe would probably never have bothered about these questions had he lived alone. But the obligations of social life forced him to bring his thoughts to bear on these puerile and useless problems, which occupy a place out of all proportion in the world; it is impossible not to take them into account since at every step they are in the way. As if a healthy, gen- erous creature, overflowing with strength and love, had not a 232 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE thousand more worthy things to do than to worry as to whether • God exists or no! ... If it were only a question of believing in God! But it is needful to believe in a God, of whatever shape or size and color and race. So far Christophe never gave a thought to the matter. Jesus hardly occupied his thoughts at all. It was not that he did not love him ; he loved him when he thought of him: but he never thought of him. Sometimes he reproached himself for it, was angry with himself, could not understand why he did not take more interest in him. And yet he professed, all his family professed; his grandfather was forever reading the Bible; he went regularly to Mass; he served it in a sort of way, for he was an organist; and he set about his task conscientiously and in an exemplary manner. But when he left the church he would have been hard put to it to say what he had been thinking about. He set himself to read the Holy Books in order to fix his ideas, and he found amusement and even pleasure in them, just as in any beautiful ; strange books, not essentially different from other books, which > no one ever thinks of calling sacred. In truth, if Jesus ap- pealed to him, Beethoven did no less. And at his organ in Saint Florian’s Church, where he accompanied on Sundays, he ; was more taken up with his organ than with Mass, and he | was more religious when he played Bach than when he played ■ Mendelssohn. Some of the ritual brought him to a fervor of j exaltation. But did he then love God, or was it only the music, ■ as an impudent priest said to him one day in Jest, without ] , thinking of the unhappiness which his quip might cause in I I him? Anybody else would not have paid any attention to it, < 1 and would not have changed his mode of living — (so many ; I people put up with not knowing what they think!) But t' Christophe was cursed with an awkward need for sincerity, which filled him with scruples at every turn. And when scruples came to him they possessed him forever. He tortured himself; he thought that he had acted with duplicity. Did he believe or did he not ? ... He had no means, material or intellectual— (knowledge and leisure are necessary) — of solving the prob- lem by himself. And yet it had to be solved, or he was either indifferent or a hypocrite. Now, he was incapable of being either one or the other. YOUTH 233 He tried timidly to sound those about him- They all seemed to be sure of themselves. Christophe burned to know their reasons. He could not discover them. Hardly did he receive a definite answer; they always talked obliquely. Some thought him arrogant, and said that there is no arguing these things, that thousands of men cleverer and better than himself had believed without argument, and that he needed only to do as they had done. There were some who were a little hurt, as though it were a personal affront to ask them such a question, and yet they were of all perhaps the least certain of their facts. Others shrugged their shoulders and said with a smile : “ Bah ! it can’t do any harm.” And their smile said : “ And it is so useful ! . . .” Christophe despised them with all his heart. He had tried to lay his uncertainties before a priest, but he was discouraged by the experiment. He could not discuss the matter seriously with him. Though his interlocution was quite pleasant, he made Christophe feel, quite politely, that there was no real equality between them; he seemed to assume in advance that his superiority was beyond dispute, and that the discussion could not exceed the limits which he laid down for it, without a kind of impropriety; it was just a fencing bout, and was quite inoffensive. When Christophe wished to exceed the limits and to ask questions, which the worthy man was pleased not to answer, he stepped back with a patronizing smile, and a few Latin quotations, and a fatherly objurgation to pray, pray that God would enlighten him. Christophe issued from the interview humiliated and wounded by his love of polite superiority. Wrong or right, he would never again for anything in the world have recourse to a priest. He admitted that these men were his superiors in intelligence , or by reason of their sacred calling ; but in argument there is j neither superiority, nor inferiority, nor title, nor age, nor name ; | nothing is of worth but truth, before which all men are equal. So he was glad to find a boy of his own age who believed. He asked no more than belief, and he hoped that Leonard would give him good reason for believing. He made advances to him. Leonard replied with his usual gentleness, but without eagerness; he was never eager about anything. As they could not carry on a long conversation in the house without being :234 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE interrupted every moment by Amalia or the old man, Chris- tophe proposed that they should go for a walk one evening after dinner. Leonard was too polite to refuse, although he would gladly have got out of it, for his indolent nature dis- liked walking, talking, and anything that cost him an effort. Christophe had some difficulty in opening up the con- versation. After two or three awkward sentences about triviali- ties he plunged with a brusqueness that was almost brutal. He asked Leonard if he were really going to be a priest, and if he liked the idea. Leonard was nonplussed, and looked at him uneasily, but when he saw that Christophe was not hos- tilely disposed he was reassured. Yes,^^ he replied. ^^How could it be otherwise Ah ! said Christophe. You are very happy Leonard was conscious of a shade of envy in Christophers voice and was agreeably flattered by it. He altered his manner, became ex- pansive, his face brightened. Yes,rr he said, I am happy. He beamed. What do you do to be so ? asked Christophe. Before replying Leonard proposed that they should sit down on a quiet seat in the cloisters of St. Martin’s. From there they could see a corner of the little square, planted with acacias, and beyond it the town, the country, bathed in the evening mists. The Ehine flowed at the foot of the hill. An old deserted cemetery, with graves lost under the rich grass, lay in slumber beside them behind the closed gates. Leonard began to talk. He said, with his eyes shining with contentment, how happy he was to escape from life, to have found a refuge, where a man is, and forever will be, in shelter. Christophe, still sore from his wounds, felt passionately the desire for rest and forgetfulness ; but it was mingled with regret. He asked with a sigh : And yet, does it cost you nothing to renounce life alto- gether ? ” i I i i 1 ^^Oh!” said Leonard quietly. ^^What is there to regret? Isn’t life sad and ugly ? ” There are lovely things too,” said Christophe, looking at the beautiful evening. There are some beautiful things, but very few.” YOUTH 235 The few that there are are yet many to me/^ Oh, well ! it is simply a matter of common sense. On the one hand a little good and much evil ; on the other neither good, nor evil on earth, and after, infinite happiness — how can one hesitate Christophe was not very pleased with this sort of arith- metic. So economic a life seemed to him very poor. But he tried to persuade himself that it was wisdom. So,'' he asked a little ironically, there is no risk of your being seduced by an hour's pleasure?" How foolish ! When you know that it is only an hour, and that after it there is all eternity!" ^^You are quite certain of eternity?" Of course." Christophe questioned him. He was thrilled with hope and desire. Perhaps Leonard would at last give him im- pregnable reasons for believing. With what a passion he would himself renounce all the world to follow him to God. At first Leonard, proud of his role of apostle, and convinced that Christophe's doubts were only a matter of form, and that they would of course give way before his first argu- ments, relied upon the Holy Books, the authority of the Gospel,, the miracles, and traditions. But he began to grow gloomy when, after Christophe had listened for a few minutes, he stopped him and said that he was answering questions with questions, and that he had not asked him to tell exactly what it was that he was doubting, but to give some means of resolv- ing his doubts. Leonard then had to realize that Christophe was much more ill than he seemed, and that he would only allow himself to be convinced by the light of reason. But he still thought that Christophe was playing the free thinker — (it never occurred to him that he might be so sin- cerely). — He was not discouraged, and, strong in his recently acquired knowledge, he turned back to his school learning: he unfolded higgledy, piggledy, with more authority than order, his metaphysical proofs of the existence of God and the im- mortality of the soul. Christophe, with his mind at stretch, and his brow knit in the effort, labored in silence, and made him say it all over again; tried hard to gather the mean- 236 JEAN-CHBISTOPHE ing, and to take it to himself, and to follow the reason- I ing. Then suddenly he burst out, vowed that Leonard was laughing at him, that it was all tricks, jests of the fine talkers who forged words and then amused themselves with pretending that these words were things. Leonard was nettled, and guaranteed the good faith of his authors. Christophe shrugged his shoulders, and said with an oath that they were only humbugs, infernal writers ; and he demanded fresh proof. Leonard perceived to his horror that Christophe was incurably attainted, and took no more interest in him. He remembered that he had been told not to waste his time in arguing with skeptics, — at least when they stubbornly refuse to believe. There was the risk of being shaken himself, without profiting the other. It was better to leave the unfortunate fellow to the will of God, who, if He so designs, would see to ‘ it that the skeptic was enlightened: or if not, who would «| dare to go against the will of God? Leonard did not insist then on carrying on the discussion. He only said gently that for the time being there was nothing to be done, that no reason- ^ ing could show the way to a man who was determined not to i see it, and that Jean-Christophe must pray and appeal to • Grace : nothing is possible without that : he must desire grace, and the will to believe. ‘ ''The will,'' thought Christophe bitterly. "So then, God ; will exist because I will Him to exist? So then, death will { not exist, because it pleases me to deny it! . . . Alas! How | easy life is to those who have no need to see the truth, to those ) who can see what they wish to see, and are forever forging i pleasant dreams in which softly to sleep ! " In such a bed, Christophe knew well that he would never sleep. . . . Leonard went on talking. He had fallen back on his favorite subject, the sweets of the contemplative life, and once on this neutral ground, he was inexhaustible. In his monotonous voice, that shook with the pleasure in him, he told of the joys of the life in God, outside, above the world, far from noise, of w’hich he spoke in a sudden tone of hatred (he detested it almost as much as Christophe), far from violence, far from friyolit}% far from the little miseries that one has to suffer every day, in the warm, secure nest of faith, from which YOUTH 237 you can contemplate in peace the wretchedness of a strange and distant world. And as Christophe listened, he per- ceived the egoism of that faith. Leonard saw that. He hur- riedly explained: the contemplative life was not a lazy life-^ On the contrary, a man is more active in prayer than in action. / What would the world be without prayer? You expiate the sins of others, you bear the burden of their misdeeds, you offer up your talents, you intercede between the world and God. Christophe listened in silence with increasing hostility. He was conscious of the hypocrisy of such renunciation in Leonard. He was not unjust enough to assume hypocrisy in all those who believe. He knew well that with a few, such abdication of life comes from the impossibility of living, from a bitter despair, an appeal to death, — ^that with still fewer, it is an ecstasy of passion. . . . (How long does it last?) . . . But with the majority of men is it not too often the cold reason- ing of souls more busied with their own ease and peace than with the happiness of others, or with truth? And if sincere men are conscious of it, how much they must suffer by such profanation of their ideal! ... Leonard was quite happy, and now set forth the beauty and harmony of the world, seen from the loftiness of the divine roost: below all was dark, unjust, sorrowful; seen from on high, it all became clear, luminous, ordered: the world was like the works of a clock, perfectly ordered. ... Now Christophe only listened absently. He was asking himself : “ Does he believe, or does he believe that he believes ? ” And yet his own faith, his own passionate desire for faith was not shaken. Not the mediocrity of soul, and the poverty of argument of a fool like Leonard could touch that. ... Night came down over the town. The seat on which they were sitting was in darkness : the stars shone out, a white mist came up from the river, the crickets chirped under the trees in the cemetery. The bells began to ring: first the highest of them, alone, like a plaintive bird, challenging the sky: then the second, a third lower, joined in its plaint: at last came the deepest, on the fifth, and seemed to answer them. The three voices were merged in each other. At the bottom of the 238 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE towers there was a buzzing, as of a gigantic hive of bees. The air and the boy’s heart quivered. Christophe held his breath, and thought how poor was the music of musicians com- pared with such an ocean of music, with all the sounds of thousands of creatures: the former, the free world of sounds, compared with the world tamed, catalogued, coldly labeled by | human intelligence. He sank and sank into that sonorous and immense world without continents or bounds. . . . And when the great murmuring had died away, when the air had ceased at last to quiver, Christophe woke up. He looked about him startled. . . . He knew nothing. Around him and in him everything was changed. There was no God. ... As with faith, so the loss of faith is often equally a flood of grace, a sudden light. Eeason counts for nothing: the - smallest thing is enough — a word, silence, the sound of bells. « A man walks, dreams, expects nothing. Suddenly the world ; crumbles away. All about him is in ruins. He is alone. He i no longer believes. . Christophe was terrifled, and could not understand how ^ it had come about. It was like the flooding of a river in the ! spring. ... Leonard’s voice was still sounding, more monotonous than . the voice of a cricket. Christophe did not hear it: he heard ; nothing. Night was fully come. Leonard stopped. Surprised j to And Christophe motionless, uneasy because of the lateness | of the hour, he suggested that they should go home. Christophe ) did not reply. Leonard took his arm. Christophe trembled, i and looked at Leonard with wild eyes. i Christophe, we must go home,” said Leonard. Go to hell ! ” cried Christophe furiously. Oh ! Christophe ! What have I done ? ” asked Leonard tremulously. He was dumfounded. Christophe came to himself. Yes. You are right,” he said more gently. I do not know what I’m saying. Go to God ! Go to God ! ” He was alone. He was in bitter distress. ^^Ah! my God! my God!” he cried, wringing his hands, passionately raising his face to the dark sky. Wiy do I no YOUTH 239 longer believe? Why can I believe no more? What has hap- pened to me? . . . j. • 1. j XU The disproportion between the wreck of his faith and the conversation that he had just had with Leonard was too great: it was obvious that the conversation had no more brought it about than that the boisterousness of Amalia’s gabble and the pettiness of the people with whom he lived were not the cause of the upheaval which for some days had been taking place in his moral resolutions. These were only pretexts. The un- easiness had not come from without. It "was within himself. He felt stirring in his heart monstrous and unknown things, and he dared not rely on his thoughts to face the evil. The evil? Was it evil? A languor, an intoxication, a voluptuous agony filled all his being. He was no longer master of him- self. In vain he sought to fortify himself with his former stoicism. His whole being crashed down. He had a sudden consciousness of the vast world, burning, wild, a world immeas- urable. . . . How it swallows up God ! Only for a moment. But the whole balance of his old life was in that moment destroyed. There was only one person in the family to whom Christophe paid no attention: this was little Kosa. She was not beau- tiful: and Christophe, who was far from beautiful himself, was very exacting of beauty in others. He had that calm cruelty of youth, for which a woman does not exist if she be ugly, — unless she has passed the age for inspiring tender- ness, and there is then no need to feel for her anything but grave, peaceful, and quasi-religious sentiments. Eosa also was not distinguished by any especial gift, although she was not without intelligence: and she was cursed with a chattering tongue which drove Christophe from her. And he had never taken the trouble to know her, thinking that there was in her nothing to know; and the most he ever did was to glance at her. But she was of better stuff than most girls : she was certainly better than Minna, whom he had so loved. She was a good girl, no coquette, not at all vain, and until Christophe came it had never occurred to her that she was plain, or if it had, 240 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE it had not worried her: for none of her family bothered about it. Whenever her grandfather or her mother told her so out of a desire to grumble, she only laughed: she did not believe it, or she attached no importance to it: nor did they. So many others, just as plain, and more, had found some one to love them! The Germans are very mildly indulgent ta physical imperfections: they cannot see them: they are even able to embellish them, by virtue of an easy imagination which finds unexpected qualities in the face of their desire to make fhem like the most illustrious examples of human beauty. Old Euler would not have needed much urging to make him declare that his granddaughter had the nose of the Juno Ludovisi. Happily he was too grumpy to pay compliments: and Eosa, unconcerned about the shape of her nose, had no vanity except in the accomplishment, with all the ritual, of the famous house- hold duties. She had accepted as Gospel all that she had been taught. She hardly ever went out, and she had very little standard of comparison; she admired her family naively, and | believed what they said. She was of an expansive and con- fiding nature, easily satisfied, and tried to fall in with the t mournfulness of her home, and docilely used to repeat the | pessiriiistic ideas which she heard. She was a creature of ; devotion — always thinking of others, trying to please, sharing ; anxieties, guessing at what others wanted; she had a great * need of loving without demanding anything in return. Nat- > urally her family took advantage of her, although they were ( kind and loved her: but there is always a temptation to take i advantage of the love of those who are absolutely delivered into your hands. Her family were so sure of her attentions ] that they were not at all grateful for them: whatever she did, they expected more. And then, she was clumsy; she was awk- ward and hasty; her movements were jerky and boyish; she had outbursts of tenderness w’hich used to end in disaster: a broken glass, a jug upset, a door slammed to : things which let loose upon her the wrath of everybody in the house. She was always being snubbed and would go and weep in a corner. Her tears did not last long. She would soon smile again, and begin to chatter without a suspicion of rancor against any- body. YOUTH 241 Christophe’s advent was an important event in her life. She had often heard of him. Christophe had some place in the gossip of the town : he was a sort of little local celebrity . his name used often to recur in the family conversation, espe- cially when old Jean Michel was alive, who, proud of his grand- son, used to sing his praises to all of his acquaintance. Eosa had seen the young musician once or twice at concerts. When she heard that he was coming to live with them, she clapped her hands. She was sternly rebuked for her breach of man- ners and became confused. She saw no harm in it. In a life so monotonous as hers, a new lodger was a great distraction. She spent the last few days before his arrival in a fever of expectancy. She was fearful lest he should not like the house, and she tried hard to make every room as attractive as' possible. On the morning of his arrival, she even put a little bunch of flowers on the mantelpiece to bid him welcome. As to herself, she took no care at all to look her best j and one glance was enough to make Christophe decide that she was plain, and slovenly dressed. She did not think the same of him, though she had good reason to do so ; for Christophe, busy, exhausted, ill-kempt, was even more ugly than usual. But Eosa, who was incapable of thinking the least ill of any- body, Eosa, who thought her grandfather, her father, and her mother, all perfectly beautiful, saw Christophe exactly as she had expected to see him, and admired him with all her heart. She was frightened at sitting next to him at table ; and unfortunately her shyness took the shape of a flood of words, which at once alienated Christophe’s sympathies. She did not see this, and that first evening remained a shining memory in her life. When she was alone in her room, after they had all gone upstairs, she heard the tread of the new lodgers as they walked over her head; and the sound of it ran joyously through her; the house seemed to her to have taken new life. The next morning for the first time in her life she looked at herself in the mirror carefully and uneasily, and without exactly knowing the extent of her misfortune she began to be conscious of it. She tried to decide about her features, one by one ; but she could not. She was filled with sadness 243 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE and apprehension. She sighed deeply, and thought of intro- ducing certain changes in her toilet, but she only made herself look still more plain. She conceived the unlucky idea of overwhelming Christophe with her kindness. In her naive desire to be always seeing her new friends, and doing them service, she was forever going up and down the stairs, bringing them some utterly useless thing, insisting on helping them, and always laughing and talking and shouting. Her zeal and her stream of talk could only be interrupted by her mother’s impatient voice calling her. Christophe looked grim ; but for his good resolutions he must have lost his temper quite twenty times. He restrained himself for two days ; on the third, he locked his door. Eosa knocked, called, understood, went downstairs in dismay, and did not try again. When he saw her he explained ,that he was very busy and could not . be disturbed. She humbly begged his pardon. She could not deceive herself as to the failure of her innocent advances: they ■ had accomplished the opposite of her intention : they had j alienated Christophe. He no longer took the trouble to con- ceal his ill-humor; he did not listen when she talked, and did 1 not disguise his impatience. She felt that her chatter irritated ^ him, and by force of will she succeeded in keeping silent for • a part of the evening : but the thing was stronger than herself : ’ suddenly she would break out again and her words would ^ tumble over each other more tumultuously than ever. Chris- '■ tophe would leave her in the middle of a sentence. She was | not angry with him. She was angry with herself. She thought I herself stupid, tiresome, ridiculous : all her faults assumed enormous proportions and she tried to wrestle with them: but j she was discouraged by the check upon her first attempts, and said to herself that she could not do it, that she was not strong enough. But she would try again. But there were other faults against which she was powerless : what could she do against her plainness? There was no doubt about it. The certainty of her misfortune had suddenly been revealed to her one day when she was looking at herself in the mirror; it came like a thunderclap. Of course she exag- gerated the evil, and saw her nose as ten times larger than it was; it seemed to her to fill all her face; she dared not YOUTH 243 show herself; she wished to die. But there is in youth such a power of hope that these fits of discouragement never lasted long : she would end by pretending that she had been mistaken ; she would try to believe it, and for a moment or two would actually succeed in thinking her nose quite ordinary and almost shapely. Her instinct made her attempt, though very clumsily, certain childish tricks, a way of doing her hair so as not so much to show her forehead and so accentuate the disproportion of her face. And yet, there was no coquetry in her ; no thought of love had crossed her mind, or she was unconscious of it. She asked little : nothing but a little friendship : but Christophe did not show any inclination to give her that little. It seemed to Eosa that she would have been perfectly happy had he only condescended to say good-day when they met. A friendly good- evening with^a little kindness. But Christophe usually looked so hard and so cold! It chilled her. He never said anything disagreeable to her, but she would rather have had cruel re- proaches than such cruel silence. One evening Christophe was playing his piano. He had taken up his quarters in a little attic at the top of the house so as not to be so much disturbed by the noise. Downstairs Eosa was listening to him, deeply moved. She loved music though her taste was bad and unformed. While her mother was there, she stayed in a corner of the room and bent over her sewing, apparently absorbed in her work ; but her heart was with the sounds coming from upstairs, and she wished to miss nothing. As soon as Amalia went out for a walk in the neigh- borhood, Eosa leaped to her feet, threw down her sewing, and went upstairs with her heart beating until she came to the attic door. She held her breath and laid her ear against the door. She stayed like that until Amalia returned. She went on tiptoe, taking care to make no noise, but as she was not very sure-footed, and was always in a hurry, she was always tripping upon the stairs; and once while she was listening, leaning forward with her cheek glued to the keyhole, she lost her balance, and banged her forehead against the door. She was so alarmed that she lost her breath. The piano stopped dead: she could not escape. She was getting up when the door opened. Christophe saw her, glared at her furiously, and 244 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE then without a word, brushed her aside, walked angrily down- stairs, and went out. He did not return until dinner time, paid no heed to the despairing looks with which she asked his pardon, ignored her existence, and for several weeks he never played at all. Kosa secretly shed many tears; no one noticed it, no one paid any attention to her. Ardently she prayed to God . . ..for what? She did not know. She had to confide her grief in some one. She was sure that Christophe detested And, in spite of all, she hoped. It was enough for her if Christophe seemed to show any sign of interest in her, if he appeared to listen to what she said, if he pressed her hand with a little more friendliness than usual. ... A few imprudent words from her relations set her imagina- tion off upon a false road. The whole family was filled with sympathy for Christophe. ; The big boy of sixteen, serious and solitary, who had such lofty , ideas of his duty, inspired a sort of respect in them all. His ^ fits of ill-temper, his obstinate silences, his gloomy air, his. brusque manner, were not surprising in such a house as that., Frau Vogel, herself, who regarded every artist as a loafer, dared ^ not reproach him aggressively, as she would have liked to do,^ with the hours that he spent in star-gazing in the evening,, leaning, motionless, out of the attic window overlooking the^ yard, until night fell; for she knew that during the rest of thOj day he was hard at work with his lessons; and she humored.* him— like the rest— for an ulterior motive which no one ex~ pressed though everybody knew it. ^ _ i Eosa had seen her parents exchanging looks and mysterious whisperings when she was talking to Christophe. At first she took no notice of it. Then she was puzzled and roused by it; she longed to know what they were saying, but dared not ^sk* One evening when she had climbed on to a' garden seat to untie the clothes-line hung between two trees, she leaned on Christophe’s shoulder to jump down. Just at that moment her eyes met her grandfather’s and her father’s; they were sitting smoking their pipes, and leaning against the wail oi YOUTH 245 the house. The two men winked at each other, and Justus Euler said to Vogel: They will make a fine couple.^^ Vogel nudged him, seeing that the girl was listening, and he covered his remark very cleverly — (or so he thought) — with a loud Hm ! hm ! that could have been heard twenty yards away. Christophe, whose back was turned, saw nothing, but Eosa was so bowled over by it that she forgot that she was jumping down, and sprained her foot. She would have fallen had not Christophe caught her, muttering curses on her clumsi- ness. She had hurt herself badly, but she did not show it; she hardly thought of it; she thought only of what she had just heard. She walked to her room; every step was agony to her; she stiffened herself against it so as not to let it be seen. A delicious, vague uneasiness surged through her. She fell into a chair at the foot of her bed and hid her face in the coverlet. Her cheeks were burning; there were tears in her eyes, and she laughed. She was ashamed, she wished to sink into the depths of the earth, she could not fix her ideas; her blood beat in her temples, there were sharp pains in her ankle; -she was in a feverish stupor. Vaguely she heard sounds out- side, children crying and playing in the street, and her grand- father^’s words were ringing in her ears; she was thrilled, she laughed softly, she blushed, with her face buried in the eider- down: she prayed, gave ^lanks, desired, feared — she loved. Her mother called her. She tried to get up. At the first step she felt a pain so unbearable that she almost fainted; her head swam. She thought she was going to die, she wished to die, and at the same time she wished to live with all the forces of her being, to live for the promised happiness. Her mother came at last, and the whole household was soon excited. She was scolded as usual, her ankle was dressed, she was put to bed, and sank into the sweet bewilderment of her physical pain and her inward joy. The night was sweet. . . . The smallest memory of that dear evening was hallowed for her. She did not think of Christophe, she knew not what she thought. She was happy. The next day, Christophe, who thought himself in some measure responsible for the accident, came to make inquiries. 246 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE and for the first time he made some show of affection for her. She was filled with gratitude, and blessed her sprained ankle. She would gladly have suffered all her life, if, all her life, she might have such joy.— She liad to lie down for several days and never movej she spent them in turning over and over her grandfather’s words, and considering them. Had he said: “ They will . . Or: “They would . . .?” But it was possible that he had never said anything of this kind?— Yes. He had said it; she was certain of it. . . . What! Did they not see that she was ugly, and that Christophe could not bear her ? . . . But it was so good to hope 1 She came to believe that perhaps she had been wrong, that she was not as ugly as she thought; she would sit up on her sofa to try and. see herself in the mirror on the wall opposite, above the mantel-, piece ; she did not know what to think. After all, her father jj and her grandfather were better judges than herself; people; cannot tell about themselves. ... Oh ! Heaven, if it were pos-^ sible! ... If it could be . . . if, she never dared think it,^ if ... if she were pretty! . . . Perhaps, also, she had exag-f gerated Christophe’s antipathy. No doubt he was indifferent, and after the interest he had shown in her the day after the accident did not bother about her any more; he forgot to in-, quire ; but Rosa made excuses for him, he was so busy ! How, should he think of her? An artist cannot be judged like otherj men. ... i j. And yet, resigned though she was, she could not help expect-* ing with beating heart a word of sympathy from him when he came near her. A word only, a look . . . her imagination did the rest. In the beginning love needs so little food! It is enough to see, to touch as you pass ; such a power of dreams flows from the soul in such moments, that almost of itself it can create its love: a trifle can plunge it into ecstasy that later, when it is more satisfied, and in proportion more exacting, it will hardly find again when at last it does possess the object of its desire.— Rosa lived absolutely, though no one knew it, in a romance of her own fashioning, pieced together by her- self: Christophe loved her secretly, and was too shy to confess YOUTH 247 his love, or there was some stupid reason, fantastic or romantic, delightful to the imagination of the sentimental little ninny. She fashioned endless stories, and all perfectly absurd; she knew it herself, but tried not to know it; she lied to herself voluptuously for days and days as she bent over her sewing. It made her forget to talk: her flood of words was turned inward, like a river which suddenly disappears underground. But then the river took its revenge. What a debauch of speeches, of unuttered conversations which no one heard but herself! Sometimes her lips would move as they do with people who have to spell out the syllables to themselves as they read so as to understand them. When her dreams left her she was happy and sad. She knew that things were not as she had just told herself: but she was left with a reflected happiness, and had greater confidence for her life. She did not despair of winning Christophe. She did not admit it to herself, but she set about doing it. With the sureness of instinct that great affection brings, the awkward, ignorant girl contrived immediately to find the road by which she might reach her beloved’s heart. She did not turn directly to him. But as soon as she was better and could once more walk about the house she approached Louisa. The smallest excuse served. She found a thousand little services to render her. When she went out she never failed to under- take various errands : she spared her going to the market, argu- ments with tradespeople, she would fetch water for her from the pump in the yard; she cleaned the windows and polished the floors in spite of Louisa’s protestations, who was confused when she did not do her work alone; but she was so weary that she had not the strength to oppose anybody who came to help her. Christophe was out all day. Louisa felt that she was deserted, and the companionship of the affectionate, chattering girl was pleasant to her. Eosa took up her quarters in her room. She brought her sewing,, and talked all the time. By clumsy devices she tried to bring ^‘conversation round to Chris- tophe. Just to hear of him, even to hear his name, made her happy; her hands would tremble; she would sit with down- cast eyes. Louisa was delighted to talk of her beloved Chris- tophe, and would tell little tales of his childhood, trivial and 248 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE just a little ridiculous ; but there was no fear of Rosa thinking them so: she took a great joy, and there was a dear emotion for her in imagining Christophe as a child, and doing all the tricks and having all the darling ways of children: in her the motherly tenderness which lies in the hearts of all women was mingled deliciously with that other tenderness : she would laugh heartily and tears would come to her eyes. Louisa was touched by the interest that Rosa took in her. She guessed dimly what was in the girl’s heart, but she never let it appear that she did so; but she was glad of it; for of all in the house she only knew the worth of the girl’s heart. Sometimes she would stop talking to look at her. Rosa, surprised by her silence, would raise her eyes from her work. Louisa would smile at her. Rosa would throw herself into her arms, suddenly, passionately, and would hide her face in Louisa’s bosom. Then they would go • on working and talking, as if nothing had happened. ( In the evening when Christophe came home, Louisa, grateful ; for Rosa’s attentions, and in pursuance of the little plan she ■ had made, always praised the girl to the skies. Christophe ^ was touched by Rosa’s kindness. He saw how much good ^ she was doing his mother, in whose face there was more serenity : ; and he would thank her effusively. Rosa would murmur, and • escapG to concoal hor embarrassniGiit t so she appeared a thou- sand times more intelligent and sympathetic to Christophe than ,, if she had spoken. He looked at her less with a prejudiced ■ eye, and did not conceal his surprise at finding unsuspected | qualities in her. Rosa saw that ; she marked the progress that < she made in his s}^mpathy and thought that his sympathy would i lead to love. She gave herself up more than ever to her dreams, v She came near to believing with the beautiful presumption of youth that what you desire with all your being is always accomplished in the end. Besides, how was her desire unreason- able ? Should not Christophe have been more sensible than , ; any other of her goodness and her affectionate need of self- devotion? But Christophe gave no thought to her. He esteemed her; but she filled no room in his thoughts. He was busied with . far other things at the moment. Christophe was no longer Christophe. He did not know himself. He was in a mighty ^ YOUTH 249 travail that was like to sweep everything away, a complete upheaval. Christoph e was conscious of extreme weariness and great un- easiness. He was for no reason worn out; his head was heavy, his eyes, his ears, all his senses were dumb and throbbing. He could not give his attention to anything. His mind leaped from one subject to another, and was in a fever that sucked him dry. The perpetual fluttering of images in his mind made him giddy. At first he attributed it to fatigue and the enervation of the first days of spring. But spring passed and his sickness only grew worse. It was what the poets who only touch lightly on things call the unease of adolescence, the trouble of the cherubim, the waking of the desire of love in the young body and soul. As if the fearful crisis of all a man’s being, breaking up, dying, and coming to full rebirth, as if the cataclysm in which every- thing, faith, thought, action, all life, seems like to be blotted out, and then to be new-forged in the convulsions of sorrow and joy, can be reduced to terms of a child’s folly! All his body and soul were in a ferment. He watched them, having no strength to struggle, with a mixture of curiosity and disgust. He did not understand what was happening in himself. His whole being was disintegrated. He spent days together in absolute torpor. Work was torture to him. At night he slept heavily and in snatches, dreaming monstrously, with gusts of desire; the soul of a beast was racing madly in him. Burning, bathed in sweat, he watched himself in horror; he tried to break free of the crazy and unclean thoughts that possessed him, and he wondered if he were going mad. The day gave him no shelter from his brutish thoughts. In the depths of his soul he felt that he was slipping down and down; there was no stay to clutch at; no barrier to keep back chaos. All his defenses, all his citadels, with the quadruple rampart that hemmed him in so proudly — ^his God, his art, his pride, his moral faith, all was crumbling away, falling piece by piece from him. He saw himself naked, bound, lying unable to move, like a corpse on which vermin swarm. He had spasms of revolt: where was his will, of which he was so proud? He 350 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE called to it in vain: it was like the efforts that one makes in sleep, knowing that one is dreaming, and trying to awake. Then one succeeds only in falling from one dream to another like a lump of load, and in being more and more choked by the suffocation of the soul in bondage. At last he found that it was less painful not to struggle. He decided not to do so, with fatalistic apathy and despair. The even tenor of his life seemed to be broken up. Now he slipped down a subterranean crevasse and was like to disappear ; now he bounded up again with a violent jerk. The chain of his days was snapped. In the midst of the even plain of the hours great gaping holes would open to engulf his soul. Chris- tophe looked on at the spectacle as though it did not concern him. Everything, everybody, — and himself — were strange to him. He went about his business, did his work, automatically: it seemed to him that the machinery of his life might stop at ■ any moment: the wheels were out of gear. At dinner with his ^ mother and the others, in the orchestra with the musicians ’ and the audience, suddenly there would be a void and emptiness , in his brain : he would look stupidly at the grinning faces about t him : and he could not understand. He would ask himself : ■ “ What is there between these creatures and . . . ? ” i He dared not even say: . . and me.” i For he knew not whether he existed. He would speak and( his voice would seem to issue from another body. He would) move, and he saw his movements from afar, from above — from' the top of a tower. He would pass his hand over his face, and: his eyes would wander. He was often near doing crazy things. ^ It was especially when he was most in public that he had to keep guard on himself. For example, on the evenings when he went to the Palace or was playing in public. Then he would suddenly be seized by a terrific desire to make a face, or say something outrageous, to pull the Grand Duke’s nose, or to take a running kick at one of the ladies. One whole evening while he was conducting the orchestra, he struggled against an in- sensate desire to undress himself in public : and he was haunted by the idea from the moment when he tried to check it: he had to exert all his strength not to give way to it. When he ■ ' YOUTH 251 issued from the brute struggle he was dripping with sweat and his mind was blank. He was really mad. It was enough for him to think that he must not do a thing for it to fasten on him with the maddening tenacity of a fixed idea. So his life was spent in a series of unbridled outbreaks and of endless falls into emptiness. A furious wind in the desert. Whence came this wind? From what abyss came these desires that wrenched his body and mind ? He was like a bow stretched to breaking point by a strong hand, — to what end unknown ? — which then springs back like a piece of dead wood. Of what force was he the prey ? He dared not probe for it. He felt that he was beaten, humiliated, and he would not face his defeat. He was weary and broken in spirit. He understood now the people whom formerly he had despised: those who will not seek awk- ward truth. In the empty hours, when he remembered that time was passing, his work neglected, the future lost, he was frozen with terror. But there was no reaction : and his cowardice found excuses in desperate affirmation of the void in which he lived: he took a bitter delight in abandoning himself to it like a wreck on the waters. What was the good of fighting ? There was nothing beautiful, nor good ; neither God, nor life, nor being of any sort. In the street as he walked, suddenly the earth would sink away from him : there was neither ground, nor air, nor light, nor himself: there was nothing. He would fall, his head would drag him down, face forwards : he could hardly hold himself up; he was on the point of collapse. He thought he was going to die, suddenly, struck down. He thought he was dead. . . . Christophe was growing a new skin. Christophe was growing a new soul. And seeing the worn out and rotten soul of his childhood falling away he never dreamed that he was taking on a new one, young and stronger. As through life we change our bodies, so also do we change our souls : and the metamor- phosis does not always take place slowly over many days; there are times of crisis when the whole is suddenly renewed. The adult changes his soul. The old soul that is cast off dies. In those hours of anguish we think that all is at an end. And the whole thing begins again. A life dies. Another life has already come into being. 252 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE One night he was alone in his room, with his elbow on his desk under the light of a candle. His back was turned to the window. He was not working. He had not been able to work for weeks. Everything was twisting and turning in his head. He had brought everything under scrutiny at once: religion, morals, art, the whole of life. And in the general dissolution of his thoughts was no method, no order : he had plunged into the reading of books taken haphazard from his grandfather’s heterogeneous library or from Vogel’s collection of books: books of theology, science, philosophy, an odd lot, of which he under- stood nothing, having everything to learn: he could not finish any of them, and in the middle of them went off on divagations, endless whimsies, which left him weary, empty, and in mortal sorrow. So, that evening, he was sunk in an exhausted torpor. The ' whole house was asleep. His window was open. Not a breath . came up from the yard. Thick clouds filled the sky. Chris- ; tophe mechanically watched the candle burn away at the bottom • of the candlestick. He could not go to bed. He had no thought of anything. He felt the void growing, growing from moment ; to moment. He tried not to see the abyss that drew him to its ; brink: and in spite of himself he leaned over and his eyes gazed into the depths of the night. In the void, chaos was stirring, and faint sounds came from the darkness. Agony filled him: . a shiver ran down his spine: his skin tingled: he clutched the ^ table so as not to fall. Convulsively he awaited nameless things, ; a miracle, a God. ... . ' Suddenly, like an opened sluice, in the yard behind him, a | deluge of water, a heavy rain, large drops, down pouring, fell. > The still air quivered. The dry, hard soil rang out like a bell. And the vast scent of the earth, burning, warm as that of an animal, the smell of the flowers, fruit, and amorous flesh rose in a spasm of fury and pleasure. Christophe, under illusion, at fullest stretch, shook. He trembled. . . . The veil was rent. He was blinded. By a flash of lightning, he saw, in the depths of the night, he saw — he was God. God was in himself; He burst tlie ceiling of the room, the walls of the house; He cracked the very bounds of existence. He filled the sky, the universe, space. The world coursed through Him, like a cataract. In YOUTH 253 the horror and ecstasy of that cataclysm, Christophe fell too, swept along by the whirlwind which brushed away and crushed like straws the laws of nature. He was breathless: he was drunk with the swift hurtling , down into God . . . God-abyss I God-gulf ! Fire of Being ! Hurricane of life ! Madness of living, — aimless, uncontrolled, beyond reason, — for the fury of living ! When the crisis was over, he fell into a deep sleep and slept as he had not done for long enough. Next day when he awoke his head swam : he was as broken as though he had been drunk. But in his inmost heart he had still a beam of that somber and great light that had struck him down the night before. He tried to relight it. In vain. The more he pursued it, the more it eluded him. From that time on, all his energy was directed towards recalling the vision of a moment. The endeavor was futile. Ecstasy does not answer the bidding of the will. But that mystic exaltation was not the only experience that he had of it: it recurred several times, but never wdth the intensity of the first. It came always at moments when Christophe was least expecting it, for a second only, a time so short, so sudden, — no longer than a wink of an eye or a raising of a hand — that the vision was gone before he could discover that it was : and then he would wonder whether he had not dreamed it. After that fiery bolt that had set the night afiame, it was a gleaming dust, shedding fieeting sparks, which the eye could hardly see as they sped by. But they reappeared more and more often: and in the end they surrounded Chris- tophe with a halo of perpetual misty dreams, in which his spirit melted. Everything that distracted him in his state of semi-hallucination was an irritation to him. It was impossible to work; he gave up thinking about it. Society was odious to him ; and more than any, that of his intimates, even that of his mother, because they arrogated to themselves more rights over his soul. He left the house: he took to spending his days abroad, and never returned until nightfall. He sought the solitude of the fields, and delivered himself up to it, drank his fill of it, like a maniac who wishes not to be disturbed by anything in the obsession of his fixed ideas. — But in the great sweet air, in 254 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE contact with the earth, his obsession relaxed, his ideas ceased to appear like specters. His exaltation was no less: rather it was heightened, but it was no longer a dangerous delirium of the mind but a healthy intoxication of his whole being: body and soul crazy in their strength. He rediscovered the world, as though he had never seen it. It was a new childhood. It was as though a magic word had been uttered. An “ Open Sesame! ” — Nature flamed with glad- ness. The sun boiled. The liquid sky ran like a clear river. The earth steamed and cried aloud in delight. The plants, the trees, the insects, all the innumerable creatures were like dazzling tongues of flame in the fire of life writhing upwards. Everything sang aloud in joy. And that joy was his own. That strength was his own. He was no longer cut off from the rest of the world. Till then, even in the happy days of childhood, when he saw nature with , ardent and delightful curiosity, all creatures had seemed to ; him to be little worlds shut up, terrifying and grotesque, un- i related to himself, and incomprehensible. He was not even ^ sure that they had feeling and life. They were strange machines. ^ And sometimes Christophe had even, with the unconscious? cruelty of a child,, dismembered wretched insects without dream- ; ing that they might suffer— for the pleasure of watching their _ queer contortions. His uncle Gottfried, usually so calm, ha . one day indignantly to snatch from his hands an unhappy ^ fly that he was torturing. The boy had tried to laugh at first :| then he had burst into tears, moved by his uncle’s emotion :» he began to understand that his victim did really exist, as well| as himself, and that he had committed a crime. But if there- v after nothing would have induced him to do harm to the beasts, he never felt any sympathy for them: he used to pass them by without ever trying to feel what it was that worked their machinery: rather he was afraid to think of it: it was some- thing like a bad dream.— And now everything was made plain. These humble, obscure creatures became in their turn centers of light. , Lying on his belly in the grass where creatures swarmed, in the shade of the trees that buzzed with insects, Christophe would watch the fevered movements of the ants, the long-legged YOUTH 255 spiders, that seemed to dance as they walked, the bounding grasshoppers, that leap aside, the heavy, bustling beetles, and the naked worms, pink and glabrous, mottled with white, or with his hands under his head and his eyes closed he would listen to the invisible orchestra, the roundelay of the frenzied insects circling in a sunbeam about the scented pines, the trumpeting of the mosquitoes, the organ notes of the wasps, the brass of the wild bees humming like bells in the tops of the trees, and the godlike whispering of the swaying trees, the sweet moaning of the wind in the branches, the soft whispering of the waving grass, like a breath of wind rippling the limpid surface of a lake, like the rustling of a light dress and lovers^ -footsteps coming near, and passing, then lost upon the air. He heard all these sounds and cries within himself. Through all these creatures from the smallest to the greatest flowed the same river of life : and in it he too swam. So, he was one of them, he was of their blood, and, brotherly, he heard the echo of their sorrows and their joys: their strength was merged in his like a river fed with thousands of streams. He sank into them. His lungs were like to burst with the wind, too freely blowing, too strong, that burst the windows and forced its way into the closed house of his suffocating heart. The change was too abrupt: after finding everywhere a void, when he had been buried only in his own existence, and had felt it slip- ping from him and dissolving like rain, now everywhere he found infinite and unmeasured Being, now that he longed to forget himself, to find rebirth in the universe. He seemed to have issued from the grave. He swam voluptuously in life flowing free and full: and borne on by its current he thought that he was free. He did not know that he was less free than ever, that no creature is ever free, that even the law that gov- erns the universe is not free, that only death — perhaps — can bring deliverance. I But the chrysalis issuing from its stifling sheath, joyously stretched its limbs in its new shape, and had no time as yet to mark the bounds of its new prison. There began a new cycle of days. Days of gold and fever, mysterious, enchanted, like those of his childhood, when one 256 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE by one he discovered things for the first time. From dawn to set of sun he lived in one long mirage. He deserted all his business. The conscientious boy, who for years had never missed a lesson, or an orchestra rehearsal, even when he was ill, was forever finding paltry excuses for neglecting his work. He was not afraid to lie. He had no remorse about it. The stoic principles of life, to which he had hitherto delighted to bend his will, morality, duty, now seemed to him to have no truth, nor reason. Their jealous despotism was smashed against Nature. Human nature, healthy, strong, free, that alone was virtue: to hell with all the rest! It provoked pitying laughter to see the little peddling rules of prudence and policy which the world adorns with the name of morality, while it pretends to inclose all life within them. A preposterous mole-hill, an ant-like people ! Life sees to it that they are brought to reason. Life does but pass, and all is swept away. ... Bursting with energy Christophe had moments when he was ' consumed with a desire to destroy, to burn, to smash, to glut with actions blind and uncontrolled the force which choked t him. These outbursts usually ended in a sharp reaction: he \ would weep, and fiing himself down on the ground, and kiss the earth, and try to dig into it with his teeth and hands, to feed himself with it, to merge into it: he trembled then with fever and desire. t One evening he was walking in the outskirts of a wood. ( His eyes were swimming with the light, his head was whirling : | he was in that state of exaltation when all creatures and things ^ were transfigured. To that was added the magic of the 1 soft warm light of evening. Bays of purple and gold hovered ‘ in the trees. From the meadows seemed to come a phos- phorescent glimmer. In a field near by a girl was making hay. In her blouse and short skirt, with her arms and neck bare, ' she was raking the hay and heaping it up. She had a short nose, wide cheeks, a round face, a handkerchief thrown over* her hair. The setting sun touched with red her sunburned skin, which, like a piece of pottery, seemed to absorb the last beams of the da 3 ^ She fascinated Christophe. Leaning against a beech-tree he watched her come towards the verge of the woods, eagerly, ' YOUTH 257 passionately. Everything else bad disappeared. She took no notice of him. For a moment she looked at him cautiously: he saw her eyes blue and hard in her brown face. She passed so near to him that, when she leaned down to gather up the hay, through her open blouse he saw a soft down on her shoul- ders and back. Suddenly the vague desire which was in him leaped forth. He hurled himself at her from behind, seized her neck and waist, threw back her head and fastened his lips upon hers. He kissed her dry, cracked lips until he came against her teeth that bit him angrily. His hands ran over her rough arms, over her blouse wet with her sweat. She struggled. He held her tighter, he wished to strangle her. She broke loose, cried out, spat, wiped her lips with her hand, and hurled insults at him. He let her go and fled across the flelds. She threw stones at him and went on discharging after him a litany of filthy epithets. He blushed, less for anything that she might say or think, but for what he was thinking himself. The sudden unconscious act filled him with terror. What had he done? What should he do? What he was able to understand of it all only filled him with disgust. And he was tempted by his disgust. He fought against himself and knew not on which side was the real Christophe. A blind force beset him : in vain did he fly from it: it was only to fly from himself. WTiat would she do about him? WTiat should he do to-morrow . . . in an hour . . . the time it took to cross the plowed field to reach the road? . . . Would he ever reach it? Should he not stop, and go back, and run back to the girl? And then? . . . He remembered that delirious moment when he had held her by the throat. Everything was possible. All things were worth while. A crime even. ... Yes, even a crime. . . . The tur- moil in his heart made him breathless. When he reached the road he stopped to breathe. Over there the girl wa& talking to another girl who had been attracted by her cries: and with arms akimbo, they were looking at each other and shouting with laughter. 258 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE II SABINE He went home. He shut himself up in his room and never stirred for several days. He only went out even into the town when he was compelled. He was fearful of ever going out beyond the gates and venturing forth into the fields : he was afraid of once more falling in with the soft, maddening breath that had blown upon him like a rushing wind during a calm in a storm. He thought that the walls of the town might preserve him from it. He never dreamed that for the enemy to slip within there needed be only the smallest crack in the closed shutters, no more than is needed for a peep '! out. In a wing of the house, on the other side of the yard, there .< lodged on the ground fioor a young woman of twenty, some * months a widow, with a little girl. Frau Sabine Froehlich ^ was also a tenant of old Euler’s. She occupied the shop which i opened on to the street, and she had as well two rooms looking • on to the yard, together with a little patch of garden, marked off from the Eulers’ by a wire fence up which ivy climbed. They did not often see her: the child used to play down in ; the garden from morning to night making mud pies: and the j garden was left to itself, to the great distress of old Justus, j who loved tidy paths and neatness in the beds. He had tried ? to bring the matter to the attention of his tenant : but that < was probably why she did not appear: and the garden was not < improved by it. Frau Froehlich kept a little draper’s shop which might have had customers enough, thanks to its position in a street of shops in the center of the town: but she did not bother about it any more than about her garden. Instead of doing her housework herself, as, according to Frau Vogel, every self- respecting woman ought to do — especially when she is in cir- cumstances which do not permit much less excuse idleness— she had hired a little servant, a girl of fifteen, who came in for a few hours in the morning to clean the rooms and look YOUTH 259 after the shop, while the young woman lay in bed or dawdled over her toilet. Christophe used to see her sometimes, through his windows, walking about her room, with bare feet, in her long nightgown, or sitting for hours together before her mirror: for she was so careless that she used to forget to draw her curtains: and when she saw him, she was so lazy that she could not take the trouble to go and lower them. Christophe, more modest than she, would leave the window so as not to incommode her : but the temptation was great. He would blush a little and steal a glance at her bare arms, which were rather thin, as she drew them languidly around her flowing hair, and with her hands clasped behind her head, lost herself in a dream, until they were numbed, and then she would let them fall. Christophe would pretend that he only saw these pleasant sights inadver- tently as he happened to pass the window, and that they did not disturb him in his musical thoughts : but he liked it, and in the end he wasted as much time in watching Frau Sabine, as she did over her toilet. Not that she was a coquette: she was rather careless, generally, and did not take anything like the meticulous care with her appearance that Amalia or Eosa did. If she dawdled in front of her dressing table it was from pure laziness: every time she put in a pin she had to rest from the effort of it, while she made little piteous faces at herself in the mirrors. She was never quite properly dressed at the end of the day. Often her servant used to go before Sabine was ready: and a customer would ring the shop-bell. She would let him ring and call once or twice before she could make up her mind to get up from her chair. She would go down, smiling, and never hurrying, — never hurrying would look for the article required, — and if she could not And it after looking for some time, or even (as happened sometimes) if she had to take too much trouble to reach it, as for instance, taking the ladder from one end of the shop to the other, — she would say calmly that she did not have it in stock: and as she never bothered to put her stock in order, or to order more of the articles of which she had run out, her customers used to lose patience and go elsewhere. But she never minded. How could you be 260 JEAJ^-CHEISTOPHE angry with such a pleasant creature who spoke so sweetly, and was never excited about anything! She did not mind what anybody said to her: and she made this so plain that those who began to complain never had the courage to go on: they used to go, answering her charming smile with a smile: but they never came back. She never bothered about it. She went on smiling. She was like a little Florentine figure. Her well marked eyebrows were arched: her gray eyes were half open behind the curtain of her lashes. The lower eyelid was a little swollen, with a little crease below it. Her little, finely drawn nose turned up slightly at the end. Another little curve lay between it and her upper lip, which curled up above her half-open mouth, pouting in a weary smile. Her lower lip was a little thick: the lower part of her face was rounded, and had the serious expression of the little virgins of Filippo Lippi. Her com- plexion was a little muddy, her hair was light brown, always ; untidy, and done up in a slovenly chignon. She was slight of figure, small-boned. And her movements were lazy. Dressed ^ carelessly — a gaping bodice, buttons missing, ugly, worn shoes, \ always looking a little slovenly — she charmed by her grace and youth, her gentleness, her instinctively coaxing ways. When • she appeared to take the air at the door of her shop, the young j men who passed used to look at her with pleasure: and al- ! though she did not bother about them, she noticed it none | the less. Always then she wore that grateful and glad ex- | pression which is in the eyes of all women when they know • that they have been seen with sympathetic eyes. It seemed to ] say : Thank you ! . . . Again ! Look at me again ! But though it gave her pleasure to please, her indifference would never let her make the smallest effort to please. ^ She was an object of scandal to the Euler-Vogels. Every- thing about her offended them : her indolence, the untidiness of her house, the carelessness of her dress, her polite indiffer- | ence to their remarks, her perpetual smile, the impertinent serenity with which she had accepted her husband’s death, her child’s illnesses, her straitened circumstances, the great and small annoyances of her daily life, while nothing could change YOUTH 261 one jot of her favorite habits, or her eternal longing, — every- thing about her offended them: and the worst of all was that, as she was, she did give pleasure. Frau Vogel could not forgive her that. It was almost as though Sabine did it on purpose, on purpose, ironically, to set at naught by her conduct the great traditions, the true principles, the savorless duty, the pleasure- less labor, the restlessness, the noise, the quarrels, the mooning ways, the healthy pessimism which was the motive power of the Euler family, as it is that of all respectable persons, and made their life a foretaste of purgatory. That a woman who did nothing but dawdle about all the blessed day should take upon herself to defy them with her calm insolence, while they bore their suffering in silence like galley-slaves, — and that people should approve of her into the bargain — that was beyond the limit, that was enough to turn you against respectability! . . . Fortunately, thank God, there were still a few sensible people left in the world. Frau Vogel consoled herself with them. They exchanged remarks about the little widow, and spied on her through her shutters. Such gossip was the joy of the family when they met at supper. Christophe would listen absently. He was so used to hearing the Vogels set them- selves up as censors of their neighbors that he never took any notice of it. Besides he knew nothing of Frau Sabine except her bare neck and arms, and though they were pleasing enough, they did not justify his coming to a definite opinion about her. However, he was conscious of a kindly feeling towards her: and in a contradictory spirit he was especially grateful to her for displeasing Frau Vogel. After dinner in the evening when it was very hot it was impossible to stay in the stifling yard, where the sun shone the whole afternoon. The only place in the house where it was possible to breathe was the rooms looking into the street. Euler and his son-in-law used sometimes to go and sit on the doorstep with Louisa. Frau Vogel and Kosa would only appear for a moment: they were kept by their housework: Frau Vogel took a pride in showing that she had no time for dawdling: and she used to say, loudly enough to be overheard, that all the people sitting there and yawning on their doorsteps, with- 263 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE out doing a stitch of work, got on her nerves. As she could not — (to her sorrow) — compel them to work, she would pre- tend not to see them, and would go in and work furiously. Rosa thought she must do likewise. Euler and Vogel would discover draughts everywhere, and fearful of catching cold, would go up to their rooms: they used to go to bed early, and would have thought themselves ruined had they changed the least of their habits. After nine o’clock only Louisa and Chris- tophe would be left. Louisa spent the day in her room: and, in the evening, Christophe used to take pains to be with her, whenever he could, to make her take the air. If she were left alone she would never go out : the noise of the street frightened her. Children were always chasing each other with shrill cries. All the dogs of the neighborhood took it up and barked. The sound of a piano came up, a little farther off a clarinet, and in the next street a cornet k piston. Voices chattered. People ■ came and went and stood in groups in front of their houses, s Louisa would have lost her head if she had been left alone in all the uproar. But when her son was with her it gave her . pleasure. The noise would gradually die down. The children | and the dogs would go to bed first. The groups of people would ; break up. The air would become more pure. Silence would descend upon the street. Louisa would tell in her thin voice the little scraps of news that she had heard from Amalia or ; Rosa. She was not greatly interested in them. But she never ( knew what to talk about to her son, and she felt the need of r keeping in touch with him, of saying something to him. And Christophe, who felt her need, would pretend to be interested • in everything she said : but he did not listen. He was off in vague dreams, turning over in his mind the doings of the day. One evening when they were sitting there — while his mother was talking he saw the door of the draper’s shop open. A woman came out silently and sat in the street. Her chair 'was only a few yards from Louisa. She was sitting in the darkest shadow. Christophe could not see her face : but he rec- ognized her. His dreams vanished. Th^ air seemed sweeter to him. Louisa had not noticed Sabine’s presence, and went on with her chatter in a low voice. Christophe paid more attention to her, and he felt impelled to throw out a remark YOUTH 263 here and there, to talk, perhaps to be heard. The s ight fi^re sat there without stirring, a little limp, with her legs lightly crossed and her hands lying crossed in her lap. She was look- ing straight in front of her, and seemed to hear nothing was overcome with drowsiness. She went in. Christophe said he would stay a little longer. It was nearly ten. The street was empty. The people were going indoors. The sound of the shops being shut was heard. The lighted windows winked and then were dark again. One or two were still lit: then they were blotted out. Silence. . . . They were alone, they did not look at each other they held their breath, they seemed not to be aware of each other Froin the distant fields came the smell of the new-mown hay and from a balcony in a house near by the scent of a pot of cloves^ No wind stirred. Above their heads was the Milky Way. To their right red Jupiter. Above a chimney Charles Wain bent its axles : in the pale green sky its stars flowered like daisies. From the bells of the parish church eleven o clock rang out and was caught up by all the other churches, with their voices clear or muffled, and, from the houses, by the dim chiming oi the clock or husky cuckoos. They awoke suddenly from their dreams, and got up at the same moment. And just as they were going indoors they b^h bowed without speaking. Christophe went up to his room. He lighted his candle, and sat down by his desk with his head m his hands, and stayed so for a long time without a thought. Then he sighed and went to bed. . x t,- Next day when he got up, mechanically he went to ms window to look down into Sabine’s room. But the curtains were drawn. They were drawn the whole morning. They were drawn ever after. Next evening Christophe proposed to his mother that they should go again to sit by the door. He did so regularly. Louisa was glad of it: she did not like his shutting himself up in his room immediately after dinner with the window and shutters closed The little silfent shadow never failed to come and sit in its usual place. They gave each other a quick nod, which Louisa never noticed. Christophe would talk to his mother. 264 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE Sabine would smile at her little girl, playing in the street: about nine she would go and put her to bed and would then return noiselessly. If she stayed a little Christophe would begin to be afraid that she would not come back. He would listen for sounds in the house, the laughter of the little girl who would not go to sleep: he would hear the rustling of Sabine’s dress before she appeared on the threshold of the shop. Then he would look away and talk to his mother more eagerly. Sometimes he would feel that Sabine was looking at him. In turn he would furtively look at her. But their eyes would never meet. The child was a bond between them. She would run about in the street with other children. They would find amusement in teasing a good-tempered dog sleeping there with his nose in his paws : he would cock a red eye and at last would emit a growl of boredom: then they would fly this way and that screaming in terror and happiness. The little girl would give ■ piercing shrieks, and look behind her as though she were being • pursued : she would throw herself into Louisa’s lap, and Louisa would smile fondly. She would keep the child and question her: and so she would enter into conversation with Sabine. Christophe never joined in. He never spoke to Sabine. Sabine never spoke to him. By tacit agreement they pretended to ^ ignore each other. But he never lost a word of what they i said as they talked over him. His silence seemed unfriendly ; to Louisa. Sabine never thought it so : but it would make her j shy, and she would grow confused in her remarks. Then she ; would find some excuse for going in. 1 For a whole week Louisa kept indoors for a cold. Christophe ii and Sabine were left alone. The first time they were fright- ened by it. Sabine, to seem at her ease, took her little girl on her knees and loaded her with caresses. Christophe was embarrassed and did not know whether he ought to go on " ignoring what was happening at his side. It became difficult: J although they had not spoken a single word to each other, " they did know each other, thanks to Louisa. He tried to begin j several times: but the words stuck in his throat. Once more ' the little girl extricated them from their difficulty. She played hide-and-seek, and went round Christophe’s chair. He caught YOUTH 265 her as she passed and kissed her. He was not very fond of children : but it was curiously pleasant to him to kiss the little girl. She struggled to be free, for she was busy with her game. He teased her, she bit his hands ; he let her fall. Sabine laughed. They looked at the child and exchanged a few trivial words. Then Christophe tried— (he thought he must)— to enter into conversation: but he had nothing very much to go upon: and Sabine did not make his task any the easier : she only repeated what he said : It is a fine evening.” Yes. It is a very fine evening.” Impossible to breathe in the yard.” Yes. The yard was stifiing.” Conversation became very difficult. Sabine discovered that it was time to take the little girl in, and went in herself : and she did not appear again. Christophe was afraid she would do the same on the evenings that followed and that she would avoid being left alone with him, as long as Louisa was not there. But on the contrary, the next evening Sabine tried to resume their conversation. She did so deliberately rather than for pleasure: she was obviously taking a great deal of trouble to find subjects of conversation, and bored ^ith the questions she put : questions and answers came between heartbreaking silences. Christophe remembered his first interviews with Otto : but with Sabine their subjects were even more limited than then, and she had not Otto’s patience. When she saw the small success of her endeavors she did not try any more : she had to give herself too much trouble, and she lost interest in it. She said no more, and he followed her lead. And then there was sweet peace again. The night was calm once more, and they returned to their inward thoughts. Sabine rocked slowly in her chair, dreaming. Christophe also was dreaming. They said nothing. After half an hour Christophe began to talk to himself, and in a low voice cried out with pleasure in the delicious scent brought by the soft wind that came from a cart of strawberries. Sabine said a word or two in reply. Again they were silent. They were enjoying the charm of these indefinite silences, and trivial words. Their 266 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE dreams were the same, they had but one thought : they did not ' know what it was: they did not admit it to themselves. At eleven they smiled and parted. Next day they did not even try to talk: they resumed their sweet silence. At long intervals a word or two let them know that they were thinking of the same things. Sabine began to laugh. How much better it is/^ she said, not to try to talk ! One thinks one must, and it is so tiresome ! Ah ! said Christophe with conviction, if only everybody thought the same.^^ They both laughed. They were thinking of Frau Vogel. Poor woman said Sabine; ^^how exhausting she is!^^ She is never exhausted,^^ replied Christophe gloomily. She was tickled by his manner and his jest. You think it amusing? he asked. That is easy for you. ; You are sheltered.^^ So I am,^^ said Sabine. I lock myself in.’^ She had a ‘ little soft laugh that hardly sounded. Christophe heard it with t delight in the calm of the evening. He snulfed the fresh air^. * luxuriously. ; Ah ! It is good to be silent ! he said, stretching his limbs. And talking is no use ! said she. ^^Yes,"*^ returned Christophe, "^we understand each other so i well ! I They relapsed into silence. In the darkness they could not | see each other. They were both smiling. ] And yet, though they felt the same, when they were together — i or imagined that they did — in reality they knew nothing of i each other. Sabine did not bother about it. Christophe was : more curious. One evening he asked her : ^ Do you like music ? No,^^ she said simply. It bores me. I don’t understand it.” Her frankness charmed him. He was sick of the lies of people who said that they were mad about music, and were bored to death when they heard it : and it seemed to him almost a virtue not to like it and to say so. He asked if Sabine read. No. She had no books.” ^ YOUTH 267 He offered to lend her his. “ Serious books?” she asked uneasily. “ Hot serious books if she did not want them. Poetry.” “ But those are serious books.” “ Novels, then.” She pouted. “ They don’t interest you ? ” “Yes. She was interested in them; but they were always too long ; she never had the patience to finish them. She for- got the beginning : skipped chapters and then lost the thread. And then she threw the book away.” “ Fine interest you take ! ” “ Bah ! Enough for a story that is not true. She kept her interest for better things than books.” “For the theater, then?” “No. . . . No.” “ Didn’t she go to the theater ? ” “No. It was too hot. There were too many people. So much better at home. The lights tired her eyes. And the actors were so ugly ! ” He agreed with her in that. But there were other things in the theater: the play, for instance. “ Yes,” she said absently. “ But I have no time.” “ What do you do all day ? ” She smiled. “ There is so much to do.” “ True,” said he. “ There is your shop.” “ Oh ! ” she said calmly. “ That does not take much time.” “Your little girl takes up your time then?” “ Oh ! no, poor child ! She is very good and plays by her- self.” “Then?” He begged pardon for his indiscretion. But she was amused by it. “ There are so many things.” “ What things ? ” “ She could not say. All sorts of things. Getting up, dress- ing, thinking of dinner, cooking dinner, eating dinner, thinking of supper, cleaning her room. . . . And then the day was over. 268 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE . . . And besides you must have a little time for doing noth- ing ! And you are not bored Never Even when you are doing nothing ? Especially when I am doing nothing. It is much worse doing something: that bores me/^ They looked at each other and laughed. ^^You are very happy said Christophe. can’t do nothing.” It seems to me that you know how.” I have been learning lately.” Ah ! well, you’ll learn.” When he left off talking to her he was at his ease and com- fortable. It was enough for him to see her. He was rid of * his anxieties, and irritations, and the nervous trouble that ; made him sick at heart. When he was talking to her he was i beyond care : and so when he thought of her. He dared not 5 admit it to himself : but as soon as he was in her presence, he was filled with a delicious soft emotion that brought him | almost to unconsciousness. At night; he slept as he had never ? done. ; When he came back from his work he would look into j this shop. It was not often that he did not see Sabine. They j bowed and smiled. Sometimes she was at the door and then they would exchange a few words: and he would open j the door and call the little girl and hand her a packet of | sweets. ( One day he decided to go in. He pretended that he wanted i some waistcoat buttons. She began to look for them : but she ' could not find them. All the buttons were mixed up: it was impossible to pick them out. She was a 'little put out that he should see her untidiness. He laughed at it and bent over the better to see it. No,” she said, trying to hide the drawers with her hands. Don’t look ! It is a dreadful muddle. ...” She went on looking. But Christophe embarrassed her. She was cross, and as she pushed the drawer back she said : YOUTH 269 “I can’t find any. Go to Lisi, in the next street. She is sure to have them. She has everything that people want.” He laughed at her way of doing business. “ Do you send all your customers away like that ? ” “ Well. You are not the first,” said Sabine warmly. And yet she was a little ashamed. “ It is too much trouble to tidy up,” she said. “ I put off doing it from day to day. ... But I shall certainly do it to-morrow.” “Shall I help you?” asked Christophe. She refused. She would gladly have accepted : but she dared not, for fear of gossip. And besides it humiliated her. They went on talking. “ And your buttons ? ” she said to Christophe a moment later. “ Aren’t you going to Lisi ? ” “Never,” said Christophe. “I shall wait until you have tidied up.” “ Oh ! ” said Sabine, who had already forgotten what she had just said, “ don’t wait all that time ! ” Her frankness delighted them both. Christophe went to the drawer that she had shut. “ Let me look.” She ran to prevent his doing so. “ No, now please. I am sure I haven’t any.” “ I bet you have.” At once he found the button he wanted, and was triumphant. He wanted others. He wanted to go on rummaging: but she snatched the box from his hands, and, hurt in her vanity, she began to look herself. The light was fading. She went to the window. Christophe sat a little away fron\ her: the little girl clambered on to his knees. He pretended to listen to her chatter and answered her absently. He was looking at Sabine and she knew that he was looking at her. She bent over the box. He could see her neck and a little of her cheek.— And as he looked he saw that she was blushing. And he blushed too. The child went on talking. No one answered her. Sabine did not move. Christophe could not see what she was doing: 270 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE he was sure she was doing nothing: she was not even looking at the box in her hands. The silence went on and on. The little girl grew uneasy and slipped down from Christophe’s knees. “ Why don’t you say anything? ” Sabine turned sharply and took her in her arms. The box was spilled on the floor: the little girl shouted with glee and ran on hands and knees after the buttons rolling under the furniture. Sabine went to the window again and laid her cheek against the pane. She seemed to be absorbed in what she saw i'li'l outside. ! ii “ Good-night ! ” said Christophe, ill at ease. She did not turn her head, and said in a low voice : “ Good-night.” On Sundays the house was empty during the afternoon. The < whole family went to church for Vespers. Sabine did not go. j Christophe jokingly reproached her with it once when he saw ! her sitting at her door in the little garden, while the lovely bells were bawling themselves hoarse summoning her. She replied i in the same tone that only Mass was compulsory : not Vespers : i it was then no use, and perhaps a little indiscreet to be too I zealous : and she liked to think that God would be rather pleased i than angry with her. \ “You have made God in your own image,” said Christophe. j “ I should be so bored if I were in His place,” replied she with j conviction. ) “ You would not bother much about the world if you were in ■; His place.” ' i “ All that I should ask of it would be that it should not bother itself about me.” “ Perhaps it would be none the worse for that,” said Chris- | tophe. V “ Tssh ! ” cried Sabine, “ we are being irreligious.” || “ I don’t see anything irreligious in saying that God is like | you. I am sure He is flattered.” 1 “ Will you be silent ! ” said Sabine, half laughing, half angry. I She was beginning to be afraid that God would be scandalized, i She quickly turned the conversation. YOUTH 271 "Besides,” she said, “it is the only time in the week when one can enjoy the garden in peace.” i , i. “ Yes,” said Christophe. “ They are gone. They looked at each other. . j j... “ How silent it is,” muttered Sabine. We are not used to it. One hardly knows where one is. . . .” “Oh!” cried Christophe suddenly and angrily. “ There are days when I would like to strangle her 1 There was no need to ask of whom he was speaking. “And the others?” asked Sabine gaily. “ True,” said Christophe, a little abashed. “ There is Kosa.” “ Poor child ! ” said Sabine. They were silent. i, “ If only it were always as it is now ! ” sighed Christophe. She raised her laughing eyes to his, and then dropped them. He saw that she was working. “ What are you doing?” he asked. (The fence of ivy that separated the two gardens was between them.) . , 1 . • “ Look ! ” she said, lifting a basin that she was holdmg in her lap. “ I am shelling peas.” She sighed. “But that is not unpleasant,” he said, laughing. “ Oh! ” she replied, “ it is disgusting, always having to think of dinner.” u “I bet that if it were possible,” he said, you would go without your dinner rather than have the trouble of cooking it.” “That’s true,” cried she. “ Wait ! I’ll come and help you.” He climbed over the fence and came to her. She was sitting in a chair in the door. He sat on a step at her feet. He dipped into her lap for handfuls of green pods; and he poured the little round peas into the basin that Sabine held between her knees. He looked down. He saw Sabine’s black stockings clinging to her ankles and feet— one of her feet was half out of its shoe. He dared not raise his eyes to look at her. 273 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE The air was heavy. The sky was dull and clouds hung low: there was no wind. No leaf stirred. The garden was inclosed within high walls: there was no world beyond them. The child had gone out with one of the neighbors. They were alone. They said nothing. They could say nothing. Without looking he went on taking handfuls of peas from Sabine’s lap: his fingers trembled as he touched her: among the fresh smooth pods they met Sabine’s fingers, and they trembled too. They could not go on. They sat still, not looking at each other : she leaned back in her chair with her lips half-open and her arms hanging: he sat at her feet leaning against her: along his shoulder and arm he could feel the warmth of Sabine’s leg. They were breathless. Christophe laid his hands against the stones to cool them: one of his hands touched Sabine’s foot, that she had thrust out of her shoe, and he left it there, could not move it. They shivered. Almost they lost control. Chris- ' tophe’s hand closed on the slender toes of Sabine’s little foot, i Sabine turned cold, the sweat broke out on her brow, she leaned ’ towards Christophe. ... , Familiar voices broke the spell. They trembled. Christophe * leaped to his feet and crossed the fence again. Sabine picked ■ up the shells in her lap and went in. In the yard he turned. • She was at her door. They looked at each other. Drops of ; rain were beginning to patter on the leaves of the trees. ... i She closed her door. Frau Vogel and Eosa came in. . . . He i went up to his room. ... > In the yellow light of the waning day drowned in the torrents ' of rain, he got up from his desk in response to an irresistible i impulse: he ran to his window and held out his arms to the * opposite window. At the same moment through the opposite window in the half-darkness of the room he saw — ^he thought he saw — Sabine holding out her arms to him. He rushed from his room. He went downstairs. He ran to the garden fence. At the risk of being seen he was about to clear it. But when he looked at the window at which she had appeared, he saw that the shutters were closed. The house seemed to be asleep. He stopped. Old Euler, going to his cellar, saw him and called him. He retraced his footsteps. He thought he must have been dreaming. > YOUTH 373 It was not long before Kosa began to see what was happening. She had no diffidence and she did not yet know what jealousy was. She was ready to give wholly and to ask nothing in return. But if she was sorrowfully resigned to not being loved by Christophe, she had never considered the possibility of Chris- tophe loving another. One evening, after dinner, she had just finished a piece of embroidery at which she had been working for months. She was happy, and wanted for once in a way to leave her work and go and talk to Christophe. She waited until her mother’s back was turned and then slipped from the room. She crept from the house like a truant. She wanted to go and confound Christophe, who had vowed scornfully that she would never finish her work. She thought it would be a good joke to go and take them by surprise in the street. It was no use the poor child knowing how Christophe felt towards her: she was always inclined to measure the pleasure which others should have at seeing her by that which she had herself in meeting them. She went out. Christophe and Sabine were sitting as usual in front of the house. There was a catch at Rosa’s heart. And yet she did not stop for the irrational idea that was in her: and she chaffed Christophe warmly. The sound of her shrill voice in the silence of the night struck on Christophe like a false note. He started in his chair, and frowned angrily. Rosa waved her embroidery in his face triumphantly. Christophe snubbed her impatiently. “ It is finished — finished ! ” insisted Rosa. “ Oh ! well — go and begin another,” said Christophe curtly. Rosa was crestfallen. All her delight vanished. Christophe went on crossly:. “And when you have done thirty, when you are very old, you will at least be able to say to yourself that your life has not been wasted ! ” Rosa was near weeping. “ How cross you are, Christophe ! ” she said. Christophe was ashamed and spoke kindly to her. She was satisfied with so little that she regained confidence: and she began once more to chatter noisily: she could not speak low, 274 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE she shouted deafeningly, like everybody in the house. In spite of himself Christophe could not conceal his ill-humor. At first he answered her with a few irritated monosyllables: then he said nothing at all, turned his back on her, fidgeted in his chair, and ground his teeth as she rattled on. Kosa saw that he was losing his temper and knew that she ought to stop: but she went on louder than ever. Sabine, a few yards away, in the dark, said nothing, watched the scene with ironic im- passivity. Then she was weary and, feeling that the evening was wasted, she got up and went in. Christophe only noticed her departure after she had gone. He got up at once and without ceremony went away with a curt Good-evening/^ Eosa was left alone in the street, and looked in bewilderment at the door by which he had just gone in. Tears came to her , eyes. She rushed in, went up to her room without a sound, ’i so as not to have to talk to her mother, undressed hurriedly, '1 and when she was in her bed, buried under the clothes, sobbed j and sobbed. She made no attempt to think over what had ' passed : she did not ask herself whether Christophe loved Sabine, ^ or whether Christophe and Sabine could not bear her : she knew * only that all was lost, that life was useless, that there was noth- ' ing left to her but death. ; Next morning thought came to her once more with eternal 4 illusive hope. She recalled the events of the evening and told 1 herself that she was wrong to attach so much importance to j them. No doubt Christophe did not love her: she was resigned \ to that, though in her heart she thought, though she did not ) admit the thought, that in the end she would win his love i by her love for him. But what reason had she for thinking < that there was anything between Sabine and him? How could he, so clever as he was, love a little creature whose insignificance and mediocrity were patent? She was reassured, — ^but for that she did not watch Christophe any the less closely. She saw nothing all day, because there was nothing to see: but Chris- tophe seeing her prowling about him all day long without any sort of explanation was peculiarly irritated by it. She set the crown on her efforts in the evening when she appeared again and sat with them in the street. The scene of the previous evening was repeated. Eosa talked alone. But Sabine did not * YOUTH 275 ■wait so long before she went indoors: and Christophe followed her example. Eosa could no longer pretend that her presence was not unwelcome: but the unhappy girl tried to deceive her- self. She did not perceive that she could have done nothing worse than to try so to impose on herself : and with her usual clumsiness she went on through the succeeding days. Next day with Eosa sitting by his side Christophe waited in vain for Sabine to appear. The day after Eosa was alone. They had given up the struggle. But she gained nothing by it save resentment from Christophe, who was furious at being robbed of his beloved evenings, his only happiness. He was the less inclined to for- give her, for being absorbed with his own feelings, he had no suspicion of Eosa’s. Sabine had known them for some time: she knew that Eosa was jealous even before she knew that she herself was in love: but she said nothing about it: and£,with the natural cruelty of a pretty woman, who is certain of her victory, in quizzical silence she watched the futile efforts of her awkward rival. Left mistress of the field of battle Eosa gazed piteously upon the results of her tactics. The best thing she could have done would have been not to persist, and to leave Christophe alone, at least for the time being: but that was not what she did: and as the worst thing she could have done was to talk to him about Sabine, that was precisely what she did. With a fluttering at her heart, by way of sounding him, she said timidly that Sabine was pretty. Christophe replied curtly that she was very pretty. And although Eosa might have fore- seen the reply she would provoke, her heart thumped when she heard him. She knew that Sabine was pretty : but she had never particularly remarked it: now she saw her for the first time with the eyes of Christophe : she saw her delicate features, her short nose, her fine mouth, her slender figure, her graceful movements. . . . Ah! how sad! . . . What would not she have given to possess Sabine’s body, and live in it! She did not go closely into why it should be preferred to her own! . . . Her own ! . . . What had she done to possess such a body ? What a burden it was upon her. How ugly it seemed to her! It 276 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE was odious to her. And to think that nothing but death could ever free her from it! . . . She was at once too proud and too humble to complain that she was not loved: she had no right to do so: and she tried even more to humble herself. But her instinct revolted. . . . No. It was not just! . . . Why should she have such a body, she, and not Sabine? . . . And why should Sabine be loved? What had she done to be loved? . . . Eosa saw her with no kindly eye, lazy, careless, egoistic, indifferent towards everybody, not looking after her house, or her child, or anybody, loving only herself, living only for sleep- ing, dawdling, and doing nothing. . . . And it was such a woman who pleased . . . who pleased Christophe. . . . Chris- tophe who was so severe, Christophe who was so discerning, Christophe whom she esteemed and admired more than an}^- body ! . . . How could Christophe be blind to it ? — She could not help from time to time dropping an unkind remark about " Sabine in his hearing. She did not wish to do so: but the ' impulse was stronger than herself. She was always sorry for ' it, for she was a kind creature and disliked speaking ill of t anybody. But she was the more sorry because she drew down ^ on herself such cruel replies as showed how much Christophe • was in love. He did not mince matters. Hurt in his love, : he tried to hurt in return: and succeeded. Eosa would make - no reply and go out with her head bowed, and her lips tight ! pressed to keep from crying. She thought that it was her own { fault, that she deserved it for having hurt Christophe by attack- | ing the object of his love. ' Her mother was less patient. Frau Vogel, who saw every- I thing, and old Euler, also, had not been slow to notice Chris- ' tophe’s interviews with their young neighbor : it was not difficult to guess their romance. Their secret projects of one day marry- ing Eosa to Christophe were set at naught by it : and that seemed to them a personal affront of Christophe, although he was not supposed to know that they had disposed of him without con- sulting his wishes. But Amalia^s despotism did not admit of ideas contrary to her own : and it seemed scandalous to her that Christophe should have disregarded the contemptuous opinion she had often expressed of Sabine. She did not hesitate to repeat it for his benefit. Whenever YOUTH 277 he was present she found some excuse for talking about her neighbor: she cast about for the most injurious things to say of her, things which might sting Christophe most cruelly: and with the crudity of her point of view and language she had no difficulty in finding them. The ferocious instinct of a woman, so superior to that of a man in the art of doing evil, as well as of doing good, made her insist less on Sabine’s lazi- ness and moral failings than on her uncleanliness. Her in- discreet and prying eye had watched through the window for proofs of it in the secret processes of Sabine’s toilet: and she exposed them with coarse complacency. When from decency she could not say everything she left the more to be understood. Christophe would go pale wfith shame and anger: he would go white as a sheet and his lips would quiver. Eosa, foreseeing what must happen, would implore her mother to have done: she would even try to defend Sabine. But she only succeeded in making Amalia more aggressive. And suddenly Christophe would leap from his chair. He would thump on the table and begin to shout that it was mon- strous to speak of a woman, to spy upon her, to expose her misfortunes: only an evil mind could so persecute a creature who was good, charming, quiet, keeping herself to herself, and doing no harm to anybody, and speaking no ill of anybody. But they were making a great mistake if they thought they could do her harm : they only made him more sympathetic and made her kindness shine forth only the more clearly. Amalia would feel then that she had gone too far: but she was hurt by feeling it: and, shifting her ground, she would say that it was only too easy to talk of kindness : that the word was called in as an excuse for everything. Heavens! It was easy enough to be thought kind when you never bothered about anything or anybody, and never did your duty! To which Christophe would reply that the first duty of all was to make life pleasant for others, but that there were people for whom duty meant only ugliness, unpleasantness, tiresome- ness, and everything that interferes with the liberty of others and annoys and injures their neighbors, their servants, their families, and themselves. God save us from such people, and such a notion of duty, as from the plague ! . . . 278 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE They would grow venomous. Amalia would be very bitter. Christophe would not budge an inch. — And the result of it all was that henceforth Christophe made a point of being seen con- tinually with Sabine. He would go and knock at her door. He would talk gaily and laugh with her. He would choose! moments when Amalia and Eosa could see him. Amalia would avenge herself with angry words. But the innocent Eosa^s heart was rent and torn by this refinement of cruelty: she felt that he detested them and wished to avenge himself: and she wept bitterly. So, Christophe, who had suffered so much from injustice, learned unjustly to inflict suffering. Some time after that Sabine’s brother, a miller at Landegg, a little town a few miles away, was to celebrate the christening of a child. Sabine was to be godmother. She invited Chris-*| tophe. He had no liking for these functions: but for the< pleasure of annoying the Vogels and of being with Sabine he? accepted eagerly. Sabine gave herself the malicious satisfaction of inviting?, Amalia and Eosa also, being quite sure that they would refuse.? They did. Eosa was longing to accept. She did not dislike Sabine: sometimes even her heart was filled with tenderness, for her because Christophe loved her: sometimes she longed to; tell her so and to throw her arms about her neck. But there# was her mother and her mother’s example. She stiffened her-j self in her pride and refused. Then, when they had gone, and^ she thought of them together, happy together, driving in the( country on the lovely July day, while she was left shut up ini her room, with a pile of linen to mend, with her mother grum- bling by her side, she thought she must choke: and she cursed her pride. Oh! if there were still time! . . . Alas! if it were all to do again, she would have done the same. . . . The miller had sent his wagonette to fetch Christophe and Sabine. They took up several guests from the town and the farms on the road. It was fresh dry weather. The bright sun made the red berries of the brown trees by the road and the wild cherry trees in the fields shine. Sabine was smiling. Her pale face was rosy under the keen wind. Christophe had her little girl on his knees. They did not try to talk to each other . they talked to their neighbors without caring to whom or of what: they were glad to hear each other’s voices: they were glad to be driving in the same carriage. They looked at each other in childish glee as they pointed out to each other a house, a tree, a passerby. Sabine loved the country: but she hardly ever went into it: her incurable laziness made excursions im- possible: it was almost a year since she had been outside the town : and so she delighted in the smallest things she saw. They were not new to Christophe : but he loved Sabine, and like all lovers he saw everything through her eyes, and felt all her thrills of pleasure, and all and more than the emotion that was in her : for, merging himself with his beloved, he endowed her with all that he was himself. When they came to the mill they found in the yard all the people of the farm and the other guests, who received them with a deafening noise. The fowls, the ducks, and the dogs joined in. The miller, Bertold, a great fair-haired fellow, square of head and shoulders, as big and tall as Sabine was slight, took his little sister in his arms and put her down gently as though he were afraid of breaking her. It was not long before Christophe saw that the little sister, as usual, did just as she liked with the giant, and that while he made heavy fun of her whims, and her laziness, and her thousand and one fail- ings, he was at her feet, her slave. She was used to it, and thought it natural. She did nothing to win love: it seemed to her right that she should be loved : and if she were not, did not care : that is why everybody loved her. Christophe made another discovery not so pleasing. For a christening a godfather is necessary as well as a godmother, and the godfather has certain rights over the godmother, rights which he does not often renounce, especially when she is young and pretty. He learned this suddenly when he saw a fa^Jer, ^ with fair curly hair, and rings in his ears, go up to S™ine ’ laughing and kiss her on both cheeks. Instead of telling IiLm- t self that he was an ass to have forgotten this privilege, and more than an ass to be huffy about it, he was cross with Sabine, as though she had deliberately drawn him into the snare. His crossness grew worse when he found himself separated from h 280 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE her during the ceremony. Sabine turned round every now an then as the procession wound across the fields and threw hi^ a friendly glance. He pretended not to see it. She felt thj‘ he was annoyed, and guessed why : but it did not trouble he] . it amused her. If she had had a real squabble with some or she loved, in spite of all the pain it might have caused he she would never have made the least effort to break down an misunderstanding : it would have been too much trouble. Ever; thing would come right if it were only left alone. At dinner, sitting between the miller’s wife and a fat gi: ' with red cheeks whom he had escorted to the service withoi* ever paying any attention to her, it occurred to Christophe t; turn and look at his neighbor: and, finding her comely, out c ‘ revenge, he fiirted desperately with her with the idea of catch ing Sabine’s attention. He succeeded: but Sabine was not tb sort of woman to be jealous of anybody or anything: so lon^ as she was loved, she did not care whether her lover did o. did not pay court to others: and instead of being angry, sh was delighted to see Christophe amusing himself. From th other end of the table she gave him her most charming smile/ Christophe was disgruntled : there was no doubt then that Sabin was indifferent to him: and he relapsed into his sulky mood from which nothing could draw him, neither the soft eyes of his neighbor, nor the wine that he drank. Finally, when h was half asleep, he asked himself angrily what on earth h*. was doing at such an interminable orgy, and did not hear th miller propose a trip on the water to take certain of the guest home. Nor did he see Sabine beckoning him to come with hei\ so that they should be in the same boat. Wlien it occurred^! to him, there was no room for him : and he had to go in anotheT- boat. This fresh mishap was not likely to make him mon amiable until he discovered that he was to be rid of almos' alkhis companions on the way. Then he relaxed and was pleas antt Besides the pleasant afternoon on the water, the pleasure of Fowing, the merriment of these good people, rid him of hi: ill-humor. As Sabine was no longer there he lost his self consciousness, and had no scruple about being frankly amusec like the others. They were in their boats. They followed each other closelj^ YOUTH 281 and tried to pass each other. They threw laughing insults at each other. When the boats bumped Christophe saw Sabine’s smiling face : and he could not help smiling too : they felt that peace was made. He knew that very soon they would return together. They began to sing part songs. Each voice took up a line in time and the refrain was taken up in chorus. The people in the different boats, some way from each other, now echoed each other. The notes skimmed over the water like birds. From time to time a boat would go in to the bank: a few peasants would climb out : they would stand there and wave to the boats as they went further and further away. Little by little they were disbanded. One by one voices left the chorus. At last they were alone, Christophe, Sabine, and the miller. They came back in the same boat, floating down the river. Christophe and Bertold held the oars, but they did not row. Sabine sat in the stern facing Christophe, and talked to her brother and looked at Christophe. Talking so, they were able to look at each other undisturbedly. They could never have done so had the words ceased to flow. The deceitful words seemed to say : “ It is not you that I see.” But their eyes said to each other: ‘'Who are you? Who are you? You that I love ! ... You that I love, whoever you be ! . . .” The sky was clouded, mists rose from the fields, the river steamed, the sun went down behind the clouds. Sabine shivered and wrapped her little black shawl round her head and shoul- ders. She seemed to be tired. As the boat, hugging the bank, passed under the spreading branches of the willows, she closed her eyes: her thin face was pale: her lips were sorrowful: she did not stir, she seemed to suffer, — ^to have suffered, — to be dead. Christophe’s heart ached. He leaned over to her. She opened her eyes again and saw Chfistophe’s uneasy eyes upon her and she smiled into them. It was like a ray of sunli^t to him. He asked in a whisper: to “ Are you ill ? ” ^ She shook her head and said : “ I am cold.” The two men put their overcoats about her, wrapped up her feet, her legs, her knees, like a child being tucked up in 283 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE bed. She suffered it and thanked them with her eyes. A fine, cold rain was beginning to fall. They took the oars and went quietly home. Heavy clouds hung in the sky. The river was inky black. Lights showed in the windows of the houses here and there in the fields. When they reached the mill the rain was pouring down and Sabine was numbed. They lit a large fire in the kitchen and waited until the deluge should be over. But it only grew worse, and the wind rose. They had to drive three miles to get back to the town. The miller declared that he would not let Sabine go in such weather : and he proposed that they should both spend the night in the farmliouse. Christophe was reluctant to accept: he looked at Sabine for counsel : but her eyes were fixed on the fire on the hearth : it was as though they were afraid of influencing Chris- tophe’s decision. But when Christophe had said “ Yes,” she , turned to him and she was blushing — (or was it the reflection , of the fire?) — and he saw that she was pleased. ; A jolly evening. . . . The rain stormed outside. In the black , chimney the fire darted jets of golden sparks. They spun round and round. Their fantastic shapes were marked against the * wall. The miller showed Sabine’s little girl how to make, shadows with her hands. The child laughed and was not alto- gether at her ease. Sabine leaned over the fire and poked it: mechanically with a heavy pair of tongs : she was a little weary, ; and smiled dreamily, while, without listening, she nodded to; her sister-in-law’s chatter of her domestic affairs. Christophe | sat in the shadow by the miller’s side and watched Sabine smil-: ing. He knew that she was smiling at him. They never had^ an opportunity of being alone all evening, or of looking at each| other: they sought none. They parted early. Their rooms were adjoining, and com- f nicated by a door. Christophe examined the door and found t the lock was on Sabine’s side. He went to bed and tried sleep. The rain was pattering against the windows. The wind howled in the chimney. On the floor above him a door was banging. Outside the window a poplar bent and groaned under the tempest. Christophe could not close his eyes. He was thinking that he was under the same roof, near her. A YOUTH 283 wall only divided them. He heard no sound in Sabine’s room. But he thought he could see her. He sat up in his bed and called to her in a low voice through the wall : tender, passionate words he said : he held out his arms to her. And it seemed to him that she was holding out her arms to him. In his heart he heard the beloved voice answering him, repeating his words, calling low to him : and he did not know whether it was he who asked and answered all the questions, or whether it was really she who spoke. The voice came louder, the call to him: he could not resist : he leaped from his bed : he groped his way to the door: he did not wish to open it: he was reassured by the closed door. And when he laid his hand once more on the handle he found that the door was opening. . . . He stopped dead. He closed it softly : he opened it once more : he closed it again. Was it not closed just now? Yes. He was sure it was. Who had opened it? . . . His heart beat so that he choked. He leaned over his bed, and sat down to breathe again. He was overwhelmed by his passion. It robbed him of the power to see or hear or move: his whole body shook. He was in terror of this unknown joy for which for months he had been craving, which was with him now, near him, so that nothing could keep it from him. Suddenly the violent boy filled with love was afraid of these desires newly realized and revolted from them. He was ashamed of them, ashamed of what he wished to do. He was too much in love to dare to enjoy what he loved: he was afraid: he would have done anything to escape his happiness. Is it only possible to love, to love, at the cost of the profanation of the beloved? . . . He went to the door again : and trembling with love and fear, with his hand on the latch he could not bring himself to open it. And on the other side of the door, standing barefooted on the tiled floor, shivering with cold, was Sabine. So they stayed . . . for how long ? Minutes ? Hours ? . . . They did not know that they were there : and yet they did know. They held out their arms to each other, — he was overwhelmed by a love so great that he had not the courage to enter, — she called to him, waited for him, trembled lest he should enter. . . And when at last he made up his mind to enter, she had just made up her mind to turn the lock again. 384 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE Then he cursed himself for a fool. He leaned against the door with all his strength. With his lips to the lock he implored her; “ Open.” He called to Sabine in a whisper: she could hear his heated breathing. She stayed motionless near the door : she was frozen : her teeth were chattering: she had no strength either to open the door or to go to bed again. ... • The storm made the trees crack and the doors in the house bang. . . . They turned away and went to their beds, worn out, sad and sick at heart. The cocks crowed huskily. The first light of dawn crept through the wet windows, a wretched, pale dawn, drowned in the persistent rain. . . . Christophe got up as soon as he could: he went down to the kitchen and talked to the people there. He was in a hurry to be gone and was afraid of being left alone with Sabine again. •, He was almost relieved when the miller’s wife said that Sabine : was unwell, and had caught cold during the drive and would * not be going that morning. t His journey home was melancholy. He refused to drive, * and walked through the soaking fields, in the yellow mist that ' covered the earth, the trees, the houses, with a shroud. Like : the light, life seemed to be blotted out. Everything loomed like a specter. He was like a specter himself. I i At home he found angry faces. They were all scandalized | at his having passed the night God knows where with Sabine. ; He shut himself up in his room and applied himself to his| work. Sabine returned the next day and shut herself up also. ! They avoided meeting each other. The weather was still wet and cold : neither of them went out. They saw each other through their closed windows. Sabine was wrapped up by her fire, dreaming. Christophe was buried in his papers. They bowed to each other a little coldly and reservedly and then pre- tended to be absorbed again. They did not take stock of what they were fefeling : they were angry with each other, with them- selves, with things generally. The night at the farmhouse had been thrust aside in their memories: they were ashamed of it, and did not know whether they were more ashamed of their YOUTH 285 folly or of not having yielded to it. It was painful to them to see each other: for that made them remember things from which they wished to escape: and by joint agreement they retired into the depths of their rooms so as utterly to forget each other. But that was impossible, and they suffered keenly under the secret hostility which they felt was between them. Christophe was haunted by the expression of dumb rancor which he had once seen in Sabine^s cold eyes. From such thoughts her suffering was not less: in vain did she struggle against them, and even deny them: she could not rid herself of them. They were augmented by her shame that Christophe should have guessed what was happening within her: and the shame of having offered herself . . . the shame of having offered herself without having given. Christophe gladly accepted an opportunity which cropped up to go to Cologne and Diisseldorf for some concerts. He was glad to spend two or three weeks away from home. Prepara- tion for the concerts and the composition of a new work that he wished to play at them took up all his time and he succeeded in forgetting his obstinate memories. They disappeared from Sabine’s mind too, and she fell back into the torpor of her usual life. They came to think of each other with indifference. Had they really loved each other? They doubted it. Chris- tophe was on the point of leaving for Cologne without saying good-bye to Sabine. On the evening before his departure they were brought to- gether again by some imperceptible influence. It was one of the Sunday afternoons when everybody was at church. Chris- tophe had gone out too to make his final preparations for the journey. Sabine was sitting in her tiny garden warming her- self in the last rays of the sun. Christophe came home: he was in a hurry and his first inclination when he saw her was to bow and pass on. But something held him back as he was passing: was it Sabine’s paleness, or some indefinable feeling: remorse, fear, tenderness? ... He stopped, turned to Sabine, and, leaning over the fence, he bade her good-evening. Without replying she held out her hand. Her smile was all kindness, — such kindness as he had never seen in her. Her gesture seemed to say : Peace between us. . . He took her hand over the 286 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE fence, bent over it, and kissed it. She made, no attempt to withdraw it. He longed to go down on his knees and say, I love you.” . . . They lookfed at each other in silence. But they offered no explanation. After a moment she removed her hand and turned her head. He turned too to hide his emotion. Then they looked at each other again with untroubled eyes. The sun was setting. Subtle shades of color, violet, orange, and mauve, chased across the cold clear sky. She shivered and drew her shawl closer about her shoulders with a movement that he knew well. He asked: “ How are you ? ” She made a little grimace, as if the question were not worth answering. They went on looking at each other and were happy. It was as though they had lost, and had just found each other again. ... At last he broke the silence and said : “ I am going away to-morrow.” , There was alarm in Sabine’s eyes. t “ Going away ? ” she said. j He added quickly: i “ Oh ! only for two or three weeks.” ! “ Two or three weeks,” she said in dismay. i He explained that he was engaged for the concerts, but that , when he came back he would not stir all winter. . Winter,” she said. “ That is a long time off. ...” • “ Oh ! no. It will soon be here.” | She saddened and did not look at him. “When shall we meet again?” she asked a moment later. | He did not understand the question: he had already an-'s swered it. , .1 “ As soon as I come back : in a fortnight, or three weeks at mosV’ She still looked dismayed. He tried to tease her : “ It won’t be long for you,” he said. “ You will sleep.” Yes/’ said Sabine. She looked down, she tried to smile : but her eyes trembled. “ Christophe ! . . .” she said suddenly, turning towards him. There was a note of distress in her voice. She seemed to say: “ Stay ! Don’t go ! . . .” YOUTH 287 He took her hand, looked at her, did not understand the importance she attached to his fortnight’s absence: but he was only waiting for a word from her to say: “ I will stay. . . And just as she was going to speak, the front door was opened and Eosa appeared. Sabine withdrew her hand from Chris- tophe’s and went hurriedly into her house. At the door she turned and looked at him once more and disappeared. Christophe thought he should see her again in the evening. But he was watched by the Vogels, and followed everywhere by his mother: as usual, he was behindhand with his prepara- tions for his journey and could not find time to leave the house for a moment. Next day he left very early. As he passed Sabine’s door he longed to go in, to tap at the window : it hurt him to leave her without saying good-bye : for he had been interrupted by Eosa before he had had time to do so. But he thought she must be asleep and would be cross with him if he woke her up. And then, what could he say to her? It was too late now to abandon his journey: and what if she were to ask him to do so? . . . He did not admit to himself that he was not averse to exercising his power over her, — if need be, causing her a little pain. ... He did not take seriously the grief that his departure brought Sabine: and he thought that his short absence would increase the tenderness which, perhaps, she had for him. He ran to the station. In spite of everything he was a little remorseful. But as soon as the train had started it was all for- gotten. There was youth in his heart. Gaily he saluted the old town with its roofs and towers rosy under the sun: and with the carelessness of those who are departing he said good-bye to those whom he was leaving, and thought no more of them. The whole time that he was at Diisseldorf and Cologne Sabine never once recurred to his mind. Taken up from morning till night with rehearsals and concerts, dinners and talk, busied with a thousand and one new things and the pride and satis- faction of his success he had no time for recollection. Once only, on the fifth night after he left home, he woke suddenly after a dream and knew that he had been thinking of her in 288 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE his sleep and that the thought of her had wakened him up: but he could not remember how he had been thinking of her. He was unhappy and feverish. It was not surprising: he had been playing at a concert that evening, and when he left the hall he had been dragged off to a supper at which he had drunk several glasses of champagne. He could not sleep and got up. He was obsessed by a musical idea. He pretended that it was that which had broken in upon his sleep and he wrote it down. As he read through it he was astonished to see how sad it was. There was no sadness in him when he wrote: at least, so he thought. But he remembered that on other occasions when he had been sad he had only been able to write joyous music, so gay that it offended his mood. He gave no more thought to it. He was used to the surprises of his mind world without ever being able to understand them. He went to sleep at once, and knew no more until the next morning. | He extended his stay by three or four days. It pleased him ? to prolong it, knowing he could return whenever he liked: he ’ was in no hurry to go home. It was only when he was on the y way, in the train, that the thought of Sabine came back to him. * He had not written to her. He was even careless enough never ; to have taken the trouble to ask at the post-ofBce for any letters ; that might have been written to him. He took a secret delight ^ in his silence: he knew that at home he was expected, that he I was loved. . . . Loved? She had never told him so: he had \ never told her so. No doubt they knew it and had no need to \ tell it. And yet there was nothing so precious as the certainty | of such an avow^al. Why had they waited so long to make it ? i WTien they had been on the point of speaking always something ‘ — some mischance, shyness, embarrassment, — had hindered them. Why ? Why ? How much time they had lost ! ... He longed to hear the dear words from the lips of the beloved. He longed ^ to say them to her: he said them aloud in the empty carriage. ; As he neared the town he was torn with impatience, a sort of : agony. . . . Faster! Faster! Oh! To think that in an hour he would see her again! ... | It was half-past six in the morning when he reached home. Nobody was up yet. Sabine’s windows were closed. He went ' YOUTH 289 into the yard on tiptoe so that she should not hear him. He chuckled at the thought of taking her by surprise. He went up to his room. His mother was asleep. He washed and brushed his hair without making any noise. He was hungry: but he was afraid of waking Louisa by rummaging in the pantry. He heard footsteps in the yard: he opened his window softly and saw Eosa^ first up as usual, beginning to sweep. He called her gently. She started in glad surprise when she saw him: then she looked solemn. He thought she was still offended with him : but for the moment he was in a very good temper. He went down to her. ^^Eosa, Eosa/^ he said gaily, ^^give me something to eat or I ^hall eat you ! I am dying of hunger ! Eosa smiled and took him to the kitchen on the ground floor. She poured him out a bowl of milk and then could not refrain from plying him with a string of questions about his travels and his concerts. But although he was quite ready to answer them, — (in the happiness of his return he was almost glad to hear Eosa^s chatter once more) — Eosa stopped suddenly in the middle of her cross-examination, her face fell, her eyes turned away, and she became sorrowful. Then her chatter broke out again : but soon it seemed that she thought it out of place and once more she stopped short. And he noticed it then and said : WTiat is the matter, Eosa ? Are you cross with me ? She shook her head violently in denial, and turning to- wards him with her usual suddenness took his arm with both hands : Oh ! Christophe !...’’ she said. He was alarmed. He let his piece of bread fall from his hands. What ! What is the matter ? he stammered. She said again: Oh ! Christophe ! . . . Such an awful thing has happened ! He thrust away from the table. He stuttered : H— here?^^ She pointed to the house on the other side of the yard. He cried : Sabine!’^ 290 JEAN-CHEISTOPHB / She wept : j “ She is dead.” Christophe saw nothing. He got up : he almost fell : he clung to the table, upset the things on it : he wished to cry out. He suffered fearful agony. He turned sick. Eosa hastened to his side: she was frightened: she held his head and wept. As sopn as he could speak he said: “ It is not true ! ” He knew that it was true. But he wanted to deny it, he wanted to pretend that it could not be. When he saw Eosa’s face wet with tears he could doubt no more and he sobbed aloud. Eosa raised her head: “ Christophe ! ” she said. ^ He hid his face in his hands. She leaned towards him. ‘ “ Christophe ! . . . Mamma is coming ! . . .” j Christophe got up. , | “ No, no,” he said. “ She must not see me.” i She took his hand and led him, stumbling and blinded by | his tears, to a little woodshed which opened on to the yard. She closed the door. They were in darkness. He sat on a ; block of wood used for chopping sticks. She sat on the fagots. : Sounds from without were deadened and distant. There he | could weep without fear of being heard. He let himself go | and sobbed furiously. Eosa had never seen him weep : she had | even thought that he could not weep: she knew only her own girlish tears and such despair in a man filled her with terror | and pity. She was filled with a passionate love for Christophe. It was an absolutely unselfish love: an immense need of sacri- j fice, a maternal self-denial, a hunger to suffer for him, to take j his sorrow upon herself. She put her arm round his shoulders. | Dear Christophe,’^ she said, do not cry ! ” | Christophe turned from her. I \\^sh,to die ! ” Eosa clasped her hands. i Don’t say that, Christophe ! ” I wish to die. I cannot . . • cannot live now. . . . What is the good of living?” ; YOUTH 291 “ Christophe, dear Chris tophe ! You are not alone. You are loved. ...” "What is that to me? I love nothing now. It is nothing to me whether everything else live or die. I love nothing: I loved only her. I loved only her ! ” He sobbed louder than ever with his face buried in his hands. Eosa could find nothing to say. The egoism of Christophe’s passion stabbed her to the heart. Now when she thought her- self most near to him, she felt more isolated and more miserable than ever. Grief instead of bringing them together thrust them only the more widely apart. She wept bitterly. After some time, Christophe stopped weeping and asked: " How ? . . . How ? . . .” Eosa understood. " She fell ill of infiuenza on the evening you left. And she was taken suddenly. . . .” He groaned. "Dear God! ... Why did you not write to me?” She said: " I did write. I did not know your address : you did not give us any. I went and asked at the theater. Nobody knew it.” He knew how timid she was, and how much it must have cost her. He asked: "Did she . . . did she tell you to do that?” She shook her head : " No. But I thought . . .” He thanked her with a look. Eosa’s heart melted. " My poor . . . poor Christophe ! ” she said. She fiung her arms round his neck and wept. Christophe felt the worth of such pure tenderness. He had so much need of consolation! He kissed her: " How kind you are,” he said. " You loved her too? ” She broke away from him, she threw him a passionate look, did not reply, and began to weep again. That look was a revelation to him. It meant: " It was not she whom I loved. . . .” Christophe saw at last what he had not known — what for months he had not wished to see. He saw that she loved him. 893 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE “’Ssh,” she said. “They are calling me.” They heard Amalia’s voice. Eosa asked: “ Do you want to go back to your room ? ” He said: “No. I could not yet : I could not bear to talk to my mother. . . . Later on. . . She said: “ Stay here. I will come back soon.” He stayed in the dark woodshed to which only a thread of light penetrated through a small airhole filled with cobwebs. From the street there came up the cry of a hawker, against the wall a horse in a stable next door was snorting and kicking. The revelation that had just come to Christophe gave him no pleasure : but it held his attention for a moment. It made plain many things that he had not understood. A multitude of little things that he had disregarded occurred to him and were ex- plained. He was surprised to find himself thinking of it: he was ashamed to be turned aside even for a moment from his misery. But that misery was so frightful, so irrepressible that the mistrust of self-preservation, stronger than his will, than his courage, than his love, forced him to turn away from it, seized on this new idea, as the suicide drowning seizes in spite of himself on the first object which can help him, not to save himself, but to keep himself for a moment longer above the water. And it was because he was suffering that he was able to feel what another was suffering — suffering through him. He understood the tears that he had brought to her eyes. He was filled with pity for Eosa. He thought how cruel he had been to her — ^how cruel he must still be. For he did not love her. What good was it for her to love him ? Poor girl ! ... In vain did he tell himself that she was good (she had just proved it). What was her goodness to him? What was her life to him? . . . He thought: “ Why is it not she who is dead, and the other who is alive ? ” He thought : “ She is alive : she loves me : she can tell me that to-day, to- morrow, all my life: and the other, the woman I love, she is YOUTH 293 dead and never told me that she loved me: I never have told her that I loved her : I shall never hear her say it : she will never know it. . . P And suddenly he remembered that last evening: he remem- bered that they were just going to talk when Eosa came and prevented it. And he hated Eosa. ... The door of the woodshed was opened. Eosa called Chris- tophe softly, and groped towards him. She took his hand. He felt an aversion in her near presence: in vain did he reproach himself for it : it was stronger than himself. Eosa was silent : her great pity had taught her silence. Chris- tophe was grateful to her for not breaking in upon his grief with useless words. And yet he wished to know . . . she was the only creature who could talk to him of her. He asked in a whisper: When did she . . (He dared not say: die.) She replied: ^^Last Saturday week.^^ Dimly he remembered. He said : ^^At night Eosa looked at him in astonishment and said: > Yes. At night. Between two and three.^^ The sorrowful melody came back to him. He asked, trem- bling : Did she suffer much ? ^^No, no. God be thanked, dear Christophe: she hardly suf- fered at all. She was so weak. She did not struggle against it. Suddenly they saw that She was lost. . . And she . . . did she know it ? I donT know. I think . . ^^Did she say anything?” No. Nothing. She was sorry for herself like a child.” You were there ? ” ^^Yes. For the first two days I was there alone, before her brother came.” He pressed her hand in gratitude. Thank you.” She felt the bipod rush to her heart. 294 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE After a silence he said, he murmured the question which was j choking him: “ Did she say anything ... for me ? ” Eosa shook her head sadly. She would have given much to be able to let him have the answer he expected : she was almost sorry that she could not lie about it. She tried to console him: “ She was not conscious.” “But she did speak?” : “ One could not make out what she said. It was in a very , low voice.” “ Where is the child? ” | “Her brother took her away with him to the country.” ( “ And she f ” | “ She is there too. She was taken away last Monday week.” | They began to weep again. | Frau Vogel’s voice called Eosa once more. Christophe, left i alone again, lived through those days of death. A week, already a week ago. ... 0 God! What had become of her? How i it had rained that week ! . . . And all that time he was laugh- * ing, he was happy! :! In his pocket he felt a little parcel wrapped up in soft paper : | they were silver buckles that he had brought her for her shoes. * He remembered the evening when he had placed his hand on ^ the little stockinged foot. Her little feet : where were they ( now? How cold they must be! . . . He thought the memory | of that warm contact was the only one that he had of the ^ beloved creature. He had never dared to touch her, to take her 1 in his arms, to hold her to his breast. She was gone forever, and he had never known her. He knew nothing of her, neither i soul nor body. He had no memory of her body, of her life, of | her love. . '. . Her love ? . . . What proof had he of that ? . . . | He had not even a letter, a token, — nothing. Where could he i seek to hold her, in himself, or outside himself? . . . Oh! j Nothing! There was nothing left him but the love he had for : her, nothing left him but himself. — And in spite of all, his ] desperate desire to snatch her from destruction, his need of denying death, made him cling to the last piece of wreckage, in an act of blind faith : YOUTH 295 . . he son gia morto: e hen c'albergo cangi resto in te vivo, C'or mi vedi e piangi, se Vun nelV altro amante si tras- forma'' . I am not dead: I have changed my dwelling. I live still in thee who art faithful to me. The soul of the beloved is merged in the soul of the lover.’^ He had never read these sublime words: but they were in him. Each one of us in turn climbs the Calvary of the age. Each one of us finds anew the agony, each one of us finds anew the desperate hope and folly of the ages. Each one of us follows in the footsteps of those who were, of those before us who struggled with death, denied death — and are dead. He shut himself up in his room. His shutters were closed all day so as not to see the windows of the house opposite. He avoided the Vogels: they were odious to his sight. He had nothing to reproach them with: they were too honest, and too pious not to have thrust back their feelings in the face of death. They knew Christophers grief and respected it, whatever they might think of it : they never uttered Sabine’s name in his pres- ence. But they had been her enemies when she was alive : that was enough to make him their enemy now that she was dead. Besides they had not altered their noisy habits: and in spite of the sincere though passing pity that they had felt, it was obvious that at bottom they were untouched by the misfortune — (it was too natural) — perhaps even they were secretly relieved by it Christophe imagined so at least. Now that the Vogels’ intentions with regard to himself were made plain he exag- gerated them in his own mind. In reality they attached little importance to him : he set too great store by himself. But he had no doubt that the death of Sabine, by removing the greatest obstacle in the way of his landlords’ plans, did seem to them to leave the field clear for Eosa. So he detested her. That they — (the Vogels, Louisa, and even Eosa) — should have tacitly disposed of him, without consulting him, was enough in any case to make him lose all affection for the person whom he was destined to love. He shied whenever he thought an attempt was made upon his umbrageous sense of liberty. But now it was 296 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE not only a question of himself. The rights which these others had assumed over him did not only infringe upon his own rights but upon those of the dead woman to whom his heart was given. So he defended them doggedly, although no one was for attack- ing them. He suspected Eosa’s goodness. She suffered in see- ing him suffer and would often come and knock at his door to console him and talk to him about the other. He did not drive her away: he needed to talk of Sabine with some one who had known her: he wanted to know the smallest of what had hap- pened during her illness. But he was not grateful to Eosa : he attributed ulterior motives to her. Was it not plain that her family, even Amalia, permitted these visits and long colloquies which she would never have allowed if they had not fallen in with her wishes ? Was not Eosa in league with her family ? He could not believe that her pity was absolutely sincere and free of personal thoughts. And, no doubt, it was not. Eosa pitied Christophe with all j her heart. She tried hard to see Sabine through Christophers eyes, and through him to love her: she was angry with herself t for all the unkind feelings that she had ever had towards her, | and asked her pardon in her prayers at night. But could she forget that she was alive, that she was seeing Christophe every : moment of the day, that she loved him, that she was no longer ^ afraid of the other, that the other was gone, that her memory | would also fade away in its turn, that she was left alone, that ( one day perhaps . . .? In the midst of her sorrow, and the 1 sorrow of her friend more hers than her own, could she repress { a glad impulse, an unreasoning hope? For that too she was 1 angry Vith herself. It was only a flash. It was enough. He 3 aw it. He threw her a glance which froze her heart : she read in it hateful thoughts: he hated her for being alive while the other was dead. The miller brought his cart for Sabine^s little furniture. Coming back from a lesson Christophe saw heaped up before the door in the street the bed, the cupboard, the mattress, the i linen, all that she had possessed, all that was left of her. It i was a dreadful sight to him. He rushed past it. In the door- way he bumped into Bertold, who stopped him. Ah ! my dear sir,’^ he said, shaking his hand effusively. YOUTH 297 ^^Ah! who would have thought it when we were together? How happy we were! And yet it was because of that day, because of that cursed row on the water, that she fell ill. Oh ! well. It is no use complaining! She is dead. It will be our turn next. That is life. . . . And how are you? I’m very well, thank God ! ” He was red in the face, sweating, and smelled of wine. The idea that he was her brother, that he had rights in her memory, hurt Christophe. It offended him to hear this man talking of his beloved. The miller on the contrary was glad to find a friend with whom he could talk of Sabine: he did not under- stand Christophe’s coldness. He had no idea of all the sorrow that his presence, the sudden calling to mind of the day at his farm, the happy memories that he recalled so blunderingly, the poor relics of Sabine, heaped upon the ground, which he kicked as he talked, set stirring in Christophe’s soul. He made some excuse for stopping Bertold’s tongue. He went up the steps: but the other clung to him, stopped him, and went on with his harangue. At last when the miller took to telling him of Sabine’s illness, with that strange pleasure which certain people, and especially the common people, take in talking of illness, with a plethora of painful details, Christophe could bear it no longer — (he took a tight hold of himself so as not to cry out in his sorrow). He cut him short: Pardon,” he said curtly and icily. I must leave you.” He left him without another word. His insensibility revolted the miller. He had guessed the secret affection of his sister and Christophe. And that Chris- tophe should now show such indifference seemed monstrous to him : he thought he had no heart. Christophe had fled to his room: he was choking. Until the removal was over he never left his room. He vowed that he would never look out of the window, but he could not help doing so: and hiding in a corner behind the curtain he followed the departure of the goods and chattels of the beloved eagerly and with profound sorrow. When he saw them disappearing for- ever he all but ran down to the street to cry : No ! no ! Leave them to me ! Do not take them from me ! ” He longed to beg at least for some little thing, only one little thing, so that 298 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE she should not be altogether taken from him. But how could he ask such a thing of the miller? It was nothing to him. She herself had not known his love: how dared he then reveal it to another? And besides, if he had tried to say a word he would have burst out crying. ... No. No. He had to say nothing, to watch all go, without being able— without daring to save one fragment from the wreck. ... And when it was all over, when the house was empty, when the yard gate was closed after the miller, when the wheels of his cart moved on, shaking the windows, when they were out of hearing, he threw himself on the floor — not a tear left in him, not a thought of suffering, of struggling, frozen, and like one dead. There was a knock at the door. He did not move. Another knock. He had forgotten to lock the door. Rosa came in. She cried out on seeing him stretched on the floor and stopped in terror. He raised his head angrily: ■ “ What ? What do you want ? Leave me ! ” She did not go: she stayed, hesitating, leaning against the , door, and said again: ' “ Christophe. . . .” He got up in silence: he was ashamed of having been seen ; 60. He dusted himself with his hand and asked harshly: ^ “ Well. What do you want ? ” i Rosa said shyly : ( “ Forgive me . . . Christophe ... I came in ... I was | bringing you ...” i He saw that she had something in her hand. i “ See,” she said, holding it out to him. “ I asked Bertold ' to give me a little token of her. I thought you would like it. ...” It was a little silver mirror, the pocket mirror in which she i used to look at herself for hours, not so much from coquetry | as from want of occupation. Christophe took it, took also the ,| hand which held it. | “ Oh ! Rosa ! . . .” he said. He was filled with her kindness and the knowledge of his | own injustice. On a passionate impulse he knelt to her and 15 kissed her hand. I YOUTH 299 Forgive . . . Forgive . . P he said. Eosa did not understand at first: then she understood only too well: she blushed, she trembled, she began to weep. She understood that he meant: '^Forgive me if I am unjust. : . . Forgive me if I do not love you. . . . Forgive me if I cannot ... if I cannot love you, if I can never love you! . . She did not withdraw her hand from him: she knew that it was not herself that he was kissing. And with his cheek against Eosa's hand, he wept hot tears, knowing that she was reading through him : there was sorrow and bitterness in being unable to love her and making her suffer. They stayed so, both weeping, in the dim light of the room. At last she withdrew her hand. He went on murmuring: Forgive! . . She laid her hand gently on his hand. He rose to his feet. They kissed in silence: they felt on their lips the bitter savor of their tears. We shall always be friends,’^ he said softly. She bowed her head and left him, too sad to speak. They thought that the world is ill made. The lover is un- loved. The beloved does not love. The lover who is loved is sooner or later torn from his love. . . . There is suffering. There is the bringing of suffering. And the most wretched is not always the one who suffers. Once more Christophe took to avoiding the house. He could not bear it. He could not bear to see the curtainless windows, the empty rooms. A worse sorrow awaited him. Old Euler lost no time in reletting the ground fioor. One day Christophe saw strange faces in Sabine^s room. New lives blotted out the traces of the life that was gone. , It became impossible for him to stay in his rooms. He passed whole days outside, not coming back until nig)itfall, when it was too dark to see anything. Once more he took to making expeditions in the country. Irresistibly he was drawn to Ber- told^s farm. But he never went in, dared not go near it, wan- dered about it at a distance. He discovered a place on a hill .300 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE from which he could see the house, the plain, the river: it was thither that his steps usually turned. From thence he could follow with his eyes the meanderings of the water down to the willow clump under which he had seen the shadow of death pass across Sabine’s face. From thence he could pick out the two windows of the rooms in which they had waited, side by side, so near, so far, separated by a door — the door to eternity. From thence he could survey the cemetery. He had never been able to bring himself to enter it£ from childhood he had had a horror of those fields of decay G 3 (rwrruption, and refused to think of those whom he loved in connection with themj) But from a distance and seen from above, the little graveyard never looked grim, it was calm, it slept with the sun. ... Sleep! . . . She loved to sleep ! Nothing would disturb her there. The crowing , cocks answered each other across the plains. From the home- stead rose the roaring of the mill, the clucking of the poultry.^ 1 yard, the cries of children playing. He could make out Sabine’s -S] little girl, he could see her running, he could mark her laughter, i Once he lay in wait for her near the gate of the farmyard, in a ! turn of the sunk road made by the walls: he seized her as , she passed and kissed her. The child was afraid and began • to cry. She had almost forgotten him already. He asked ' her : i “ Are you happy here ? ” | « Yes. It is fun. . . .” | “You don’t want to come back?” I “No!” He let her go. The child’s indifference plunged him in sorrow. Poor Sabine! . . . And yet it was she, something of her. . . . So little! The child was hardly at all like her mother: had lived in her, but was not she : in that mysterious passage through her being the child had hardly retained more than the faintest perfume of the creature who was gone : inflections of her voice, a pursing of the lips, a trick of bending the head. The rest of her was another being altogether: and that being mingled with the being of Sabine was repulsive to Christophe though he never admitted it to himself. It was only in himself that Christophe could find the image •of Sabine. It followed him everywhere, hovering above him: 1 s I I YOUTH 301 but he only felt himself really to be with her when he was^^ alone. Nowhere was she nearer to him than in this refuge, on the hill, far from strange eyes, in the midst of the country that was so full of the memory of her. He would go miles to it,, climbing at a run, his heart beating as though he were going to a meeting with her: and so it was indeed. When he reached it he would lie on the ground — the same earth in which her body was laid : he would close his eyes : and she would come to him. He could not see her face: he could not hear her voice: he had no need: she entered into him, held him, he possessed her utterly. In this state of passionate hallucination he would lose the power of thought, he would be unconscious of what was happening: he was unconscious of everything save that he was with her. That state of things did not last long. — To tell the truth he was only once altogether sincere. From the day following, his will had its share in the proceedings. And from that time on Christophe tried in vain to bring it back to life. It was only then that he thought of evoking in himself the face and form of Sabine: until then he had never thought of it. He succeeded spasmodically and he was fired by it. But it was only at the cost of hours of waiting and of darkness. Poor Sabine ! he would think. They have all forgotten you. There is only I who love you, who keep your memory alive forever. Oh, my treasure, my precious! I have you, I hold you, I will never let you go! . . He spoke these words because already she was escaping him: she was slipping from his thoughts like water through his fingers. He would return again and again, faithful to the tryst. He wished to think of her and he would close his eyes. But after half an hour, or an hour, or sometimes two hours, he would begin to see that he had been thinking of nothing. The sounds of the valley, the roar of the wind, the little bells of the two goats browsing on the hill, the noise of the wind in the little slender trees under which he lay, were sucked up by his thoughts soft and porous like a sponge. He was angry with his thoughts : they tried to obey him, and to fix the vanished image to which he was striving to attach his life: but his thoughts fell back weary and chastened and once more with a 303 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE sigh of comfort abandoned themselves to the listless stream of sensations. He shook off his torpor. He strode through the country hither and thither seeking Sabine, He sought her in the mirror that once had held her smile. He sought her by the river bank where her hands had dipped in the water. But the mirror and the water gave him only the reflection of himself. The excite- ment of walking, the fresh air, the beating of his own healthy blood awoke music in him once more. He wished to find change. “ Oh ! Sabine ! . . he sighed. He dedicated his songs to her : he strove to call her to life in his music, his love, and his sorrow. ... In vain; love and sor- row came to life surely ; but poor Sabine had no share in them. Love and sorrow looked towards the future, not towards the past. ^ Christophe was powerless against his youth. The sap of hfe/i swelled up again in him with new vigor. His grief, his regrets, | his chaste and ardent love, his baffled desires, heightened the | fever that was in him. In spite of his sorrow, his heart beat ’ in lively, sturdy rhythm : wild songs leaped forth in mad, in- toxicated strains : everything in him hymned life and even sad- ness took on a festival shape. Christophe was too frank to persist in self-deception: and he despised himself. But life swept him headlong : and in his sadness, with death in his heart, and life in all his limbs, he abandoned himself to the forees newborn in him, to the absurd., delicious joy of living, which grief, pity, despair, the aching wound of an irreparable loss, all the torment of death, can only sharpen and kindle into being in the strong, as they rowel their sides with furious spur. And Christophe knew that, in himself, in the secret hidden depths of his soul, he had an inaccessible and inviolable sanc- tuary where lay the shadow of Sabine. That the flood of life could not bear away. . . . Each of us bears in his soul as it were a little graveyard of those whom he has loved. They sleep there, through the years, untroubled. But a day cometh, ^this we know, — when the graves shall reopen. The dead issue from the tomb and smile with their pale lips— loving, always— on '' the beloved, and the lover, in whose breast their memory dwells, ' like the child sleeping in the mother’s womb. YOUTH 303 III ADA After the wet summer the autumn was radiant. In the orchards the trees were weighed down with fruit. The red apples shone like billiard balls. Already some of the trees were taking on their brilliant garb of the falling year: flame color, fruit color, color of ripe melon, of oranges and lemons, of good cooking, and fried dishes. Misty lights glowed through the woods: and from the meadows there rose the little pink flames of the saffron. He was going down a hill. It was a Sunday afternoon. He was striding, almost running, gaining speed down the slope. He was singing a phrase, the rhythm of which had been ob- sessing him all through his walk. He was red, disheveled . he was walking, swinging his arms, and rolling his eyes like a madman, when as he turned a bend in the road he came suddenly on a fair girl perched on a wall tugging with all her might at a branch of a tree from which she was greedily plucking and eating purple plums. Their astonishment' was mutual. She looked at him, stared, with her mouth full. Then she burst out laughing. So did he. She was good to see, with her round face framed in fair curly hair, which was like a sunlit cloud about her, her full pink cheeks, her wide blue eyes, her rather large nose, impertinently turned up, her little red mouth show- ing white teeth— the canine little, strong, and projecting— her plump chin, and her full figure, large and plump, well built, solidly put together. He called out: “Good eating!” And was for going on his road. But she called to him : “ Sir ! Sir I Will you be very nice ? Help me to get down. I can’t ...” He returned and asked her how she had climbed up. “With my hands and feet. ... It is easy enough to get up. ...” “ Especially when there are tempting plums hanging above your head. ...” / 304 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE "Yes. . . . But when you have eaten your courage goes. You canH find the way to get down.” He looked at her on her perch. He said: " You are all right there. Stay there quietly. 1^11 come and see you to-morrow. Good-night ! ” But he did not budge, and stood beneath her. She pretended to be afraid, and begged him with little glances not to leave her. They stayed looking at each other and laughing. She showed him the branch to which she was clinging and asked : " Would you like some ? ” Respect for property had not developed in Christophe since the days of his expeditions with Otto: he accepted without hesitation. She amused herself with pelting him with plums. When he had eaten she said: "Now! . . .” He took a wicked pleasure in keeping her waiting. She grew ;| impatient on her wall. At last he said : J " Come, then ! ” and held his hand up to her. 5 But just as she was about to jump down she thought a ^ moment. i "Wait! We must make provision first! ” ? She gathered the finest plums within reach and filled the ! front of her blouse with them. , " Carefully ! DonT crush them ! ” ; He felt almost inclined to do so. ^ She lowered herself from the wall and jumped into his arms, i Although he was sturdy he bent under her weight and all but ; dragged her down. They were of the same height. Their | faces came together. He kissed her lips, moist and sweet with j the juice of the plums : and she returned his kiss without more ceremony. " Where are you going ? ” he asked. " I donT know.” " Are you out alone ? ” "No. I am with friends. But I have lost them. ... Hi ! Hi ! ” she called suddenly as loudly as she could. No answer. She did not bother about it any more. They began to walk, at random, following their noses. YOUTH 305 "And you . . . where are you going?” said she. " I don’t know, either.” " Good. We’ll go together.” She took some plums from her gaping blouse and began to munch them. “ You’ll make yourself sick,” he said. " Not I ! I’ve been eating them all day.” Through the gap in her blouse he saw the white of her chemise. " They are all warm now,” she said. “ Let me see ! ” She held him one and laughed. He ate it. She watched him out of the corner of her eye as she sucked at the fruit like a child. He did not know how the adventure would end. It is probable that she at least had some suspicion. She waited. " Hi ! Hi ! ” Voices in the woods. " Hi ! Hi ! ” she answered. “ Ah ! There they are ! ” she said to Christophe. "Not a bad thing, either!” / But oFThe^twntewy^shr^^ that it was rather a I pity. But speech was not given to woman for her to say what I she is thinking. . . . Thank God ! for there would be an end of L,,moralitx,5Jl.,G^ft^j.-*-'---''''''''^ . „ The voices came near. Her friends were near the road. She leaped the ditch, climbed the hedge, and hid behind the trees. He watched her in amazement. She signed to him imperiously to come to her. He followed her. She plunged into the depths of the wood. “ Hi I Hi ! ” she called once more when they had gone some distance. “ You see, they must look for me ! ” she explained to Christophe. Her friends had stopped on the road and were listening for her voice to mark where it came from. They answered her and in their turn entered the woods. But she did not wait for them. She turned about on right and on left. They bawled loudly after her. She let them, and then went and called in the opposite direction. At last they wearied of it, and, making sure that the best way of making her come was to give up seeking her, they called : “ Good-bye ! ” and went ofE singing. 306 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE She was furious that they should not have bothered about her any more than that. She had tried to be rid of them : but she had not counted on their going off so easily. Christophe looked rather foolish: this game of hide-and»seek with a girl whom he did not know did not exactly enthrall him: and he had no thought of taking advantage of their solitude. Nor did she think of it : in her annoyance she forgot Chris- tophe. Oh ! IPs too much/^ she said, thumping her hands together. They have left me.^^ But/^ said Christophe, you wanted them to.’^ Not at all.^^ ^^You ran away.’^ ^^If I ran away from them that is my affair, not theirs. They ought to look for me. What if I were lost? . . Already she was beginning to be sorry for herself because 1 of what might have happened if ... if the opposite of what ; actually had occurred had come about. Oh ! she said. 1^11 shake them ! She turned back and ^ strode off. ] As she went she remembered Christophe and looked at him once more. — But it was too late. She began to laugh. The little demon which had been in her the moment before was ; gone. While she was waiting for another to come she saw • Christophe with the eyes of indifference. And then, she was | hungry. Her stomach was reminding her that it was supper- | time : she was in a hurry to rejoin her friends at the inn. She • took Christophers arm, leaned on it with all her weight, groaned, ] and said that she was exhausted. That did not keep her from dragging Christophe down a slope, running, and shouting, and laughing like a mad thing. They talked. She learned who he was : she did not know his name, and seemed not to be greatly impressed by his title of musician. He learned that she was a shop-girl from a dress- maker’s in the Kaiserstrasse (the most fashionable street in the town) : her name was Adelheid — to friends, Ada. Her com- panions on the excursion were one of her friends, who worked at the same place as herself, and two nice young men, a clerk ut Weiller’s bank, and a clerk from a big linen-draper’s. They YOUTH 307 were turning their Sunday to account: they had decided to dine at the Brochet inn, from which there is a fine view over the Ehine, and then to return by boat. The others had already established themselves at the inn when they arrived. Ada made a scene with her friends: she complained of their cowardly desertion and presented Chris- tophe as her savior. They did not listen to her complaints: but they knew Christophe, the bank-clerk by reputation, the clerk from having heard some of his compositions — (he thought it a good idea to hum an air from one of them immediately afterwards) — and the respect which they showed him made an impression on Ada, the more so as Myrrha, the other young woman — (her real name was Hansi or Johanna) — a brunette with blinking eyes, bumpy forehead, hair screwed back, Chinese face, a little too animated, but clever and not without charm, in spite of her goat-like head and her oily golden-yellow complexion, — at once began to make advances to their Hof Mnsicus. They begged him to be so good as to honor their repast with his presence. Never had he been in such high feather: for he was over- whelmed with attentions, and the two women, like good friends as they were, tried each to rob the other of him. Both courted him : Myrrha with ceremonious manners, sly looks, as she rubbed her leg against his under the table — Ada, openly making play with her fine eyes, her pretty mouth, and all the seductive resources at her command. Such coquetry in its almost coarse- ness incommoded and distressed Christophe. These two bold young women were a change from the unkindly faces he was accustomed to at home. Myrrha interested him, he guessed her to be more intelligent than Ada: but her obsequious manners and her ambiguous smile were curiously attractive and repulsive to him at the same time. She could do nothing against Ada’s radiance of life and pleasure: and she was aware of it. When she saw that she had lost the bout, she abandoned the effort, turned in upon herself, went on smiling, and patiently waited for her day to come. Ada, seeing herself mistress of the field, did not seek to push forward the advantage she had gained: what she had done had been mainly to despite her friend: she had succeeded, she was satisfied. But she had been caught in 308 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE her own game. She felt as she looked into Christophe’s eyes the passion that she had kindled in him : and that same passion began to awake in her. She was silent: she left her vulgar teasing : they looked at each other in silence : on their lips they had the savor of their kiss. From time to time by fits and starts they joined vociferously in the jokes of the others: then they relapsed into silence, stealing glances at each other. At last they did not even look at each other, as though they were afraid of betraying themselves. Absorbed in themselves they brooded over their desire. When the meal was over they got ready to go. They had to go a mile and a half through the woods to reach the pier. Ada got up first: Christophe followed her. They waited on the steps until the others were ready: without speaking, side by side, in the thick mist that was hardly at all lit up by the ■: single lamp hanging by the inn door. — Myrrha was dawdling . by the mirror. j Ada took Christophe’s hand and led him along the house to- i wards the garden into the darkness. Under a balcony from which hung a curtain of vines they hid. All about them was j dense darkness. They could not even see each other. The wind • stirred the tops of the pines. He felt Ada’s warm fingers en- twined in his and the sweet scent of a heliotrope fiower that she had at her breast. ; Suddenly she dragged him to her: Christophe’s lips found ^ Ada’s hair, wet with the mist, and kissed her eyes, her eye- | brows, her nose, her cheeks, the corners of her mouth, seeking her lips, and finding them, staying pressed to them. | The others had gone. They called: i ‘^Ada! . . .” They did not stir, they hardly breathed, pressed close to each : other, lips and bodies. They heard Myrrha: “ They have gone on.” The footsteps of their companions died away in the night. They held each other closer, in silence, stifling on their lips a passionate murmuring. In the distance a village clock rang out. They broke apart. They had to run to the pier. Without a word they set out. YOUTH 309 arms and hands entwined, keeping step — a little quick, firm step, like hers. The road was deserted: no creature was abroad: they could not see ten yards ahead of them: they went, serene and sure, into the beloved night. They never stumbled over the pebbles on the road. As they were late they took a short cut. The path led for some way down through vines and then began to ascend and wind up the side of the hill. Through the mist they could hear the roar of the river and the heavy paddles of the steamer approaching. They left the road and ran across the fields. At last they found themselves on the bank of the Ehine but still far from the pier. Their serenity was not disturbed. Ada had forgotten her fatigue of the even- ing. It seemed to them that they could have walked all night like that, on the silent grass, in the hovering mists, that grew wetter and more dense along the river that was wrapped in a whiteness as of the moon. The steamer's siren hooted: the invisible monster plunged heavily away and away. They said, laughing : We will take the next." By the edge of the river soft lapping waves broke at their feet. At the landing stage they were told : The last boat has just gone." Christophe's heart thumped. Ada's hand grasped his arm more tightly. But," she said, there will be another one to-morrow." A few yards away in a halo of mist was the dickering light of a lamp hung on a post on a terrace by the river. A little farther on were a few lighted windows — a little inn. They went into the tiny garden. The sand ground under their feet. They groped their way to the steps. When they entered, the lights were being put out. Ada, on Christophe's arm, asked for a room. The room to which they were led opened on to the little garden. Christophe leaned out of the window and saw the phosphorescent flow of the river, and the shade of the lamp on the glass of which were crushed mosquitoes with large wings. The door was closed. Ada was standing by the bed and smiling. He dared not look at her. She did not look at him : but through her lashes she followed Christophe's every movement. The floor creaked with every step. They 310 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE could hear the least noise in the house. They sat on the bed and embraced in silence. The flickering light of the garden is dead. All is dead. . . . Night. . . . The abyss. . . . Neither light nor consciousness. . . . Being. The obscure, devouring forces of Being. Joy all- powerful. Joy rending. Joy which sucks down the human creature as the void a stone. The sprout of desire sucking up thought. The absurd delicious law of the blind intoxicated worlds which roll at night. ... ... A night which is many nights, hours that are centuries, records which are death. . . . Dreams shared, words spoken with eyes closed, tears and laughter, the happiness of loving in the voice, of sharing the nothingness of sleep, the swiftly pass- ing images flouting in the brain, the hallucinations of the roar-' ing night. . . . The Rhine laps in a little creek by the house:; in the distance his waters over the dams and breakwaters make: a sound as of a gentle rain falling on sand. The hull of the boat cracks and groans under the weight of water. The chain, by which it is tied sags and grows taut with a rusty clattering.' The voice of the river rises: it Alls the room. The bed is like' a boat. They are swept along side by side by a giddy current : hung in mid-air like a soaring bird. The night grows ever more dark, the void more empty. Ada weeps, Christophe loses con- sciousness ; both are swept down under the flowing waters of the{ night. ... I Night. . . . Death. . . . Why wake to life again? ... ' The light of the dawning day peeps through the dripping panes. The spark of life glows once more in their languorous bodies. He awakes. Ada’s eyes are looking at him. A whole life passes in a few moments : days of sin, greatness, and peace. ... “ Wliere am I ? And am I two ? Do I still exist ? I am no longer conscious of being. All about me is the inflnite : I have the soul of a statue, with large tranquil eyes, fllled with Olym- pian peace. ...” They fall back into the world of sleep. «And the familiar sounds of the dawn, the distant bells, a passing boat, oari dripping water, footsteps on the road, all caress without dis- YOUTH 311 turbing their happy sleep, reminding them that they are alive^ and making them delight in the savor of their happiness. . . . The puffing of the steamer outside the window brought Chris- tophe from his torpor. They had agreed to leave at seven so as to return to the town in time for their usual occupations. He whispered: Do you hear ? She did not open her eyes ; she smiled, she put out her lips, she tried to kiss him and then let her head fall back on his shoulder. . . . Through the window panes he saw the funnel of the steamer slip by against the sky, he saw the empty deck, and clouds of smoke. Once more he slipped into dreami- ness. ... An hour passed without his knowing it. He heard it strike and started in astonishment. Ada ! . . .^’ he whispered to the girl. Ada ! he said again. It’s eight o’clock.” Her eyes were still closed: she frowned and pouted pettishly. Oh ! let me sleep ! ” she said. She sighed wearily and turned her back on him and went to sleep once more. He began to dream. His blood ran bravely, calmly through him. His limpid senses received the smallest impressions simply and freshly. He rejoiced in his strength and youth. Unwit- tingly he was proud of being a man. He smiled in his happi- ness, and felt himself alone : alone as he had always been, more lonely even but without sadness, in a divine solitude. No more fever. No more shadows. Nature could freely cast her reflec- tion upon his soul in its serenity. Lying on his back, facing the window, his eyes gazing deep into the dazzling air with its luminous mists, he smiled: How good it is to live ! . . .” To live! ... A boat passed. . . . The thought suddenly of those who were no longer alive, of a boat gone by on which they were together: he — she. . . . She? ... Not that one, sleeping by his side. — She, the only she, the beloved, the poor little woman who was dead. — But is it that one? How came she there? How did they come to this room? He looks at 312 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE her, he does not know her: she is a stranger to him: yesterday morning she did not exist for him. What does he know of her ? — He knows that she is not clever. He knows that she is not good. He knows that she is not even beautiful with her face spiritless and bloated with sleep, her low forehead, her mouth open in breathing, her swollen dried lips pouting like a fish. He knows that he does not love her. And he is filled with a bitter sorrow when he thinks that he kissed those strange lips, in the first moment with her, that he has taken this beautiful body for which he cares nothing on the first night of their meet- ing, — and that she whom he loved, he watched her live and die by his side and never dared touch her hair with his lips, that he will never know the perfume of her being. Nothing more. All is crumbled away. The earth has taken all from him. And he never defended what was his. ... And while he leaned over the innocent sleeper and scanned ^ her face, and looked at her with eyes of unkindness, she felt : his eyes upon her. Uneasy under his scrutiny she made a great ! effort to raise her heavy lids and to smile : and she said, stam- . mering a little like a waking child : i “ Don’t look at me. I’m ugly. . . .” ! She fell back at once, weighed down with sleep, smiled once ! more, murmured. ^ Oh ! I’m so ... so sleepy ! . . .” and went off again into ; her dreams. * ^ He could not help laughing: he kissed her childish lips more | tenderly. He watched the girl sleeping for a moment longer, ; and got up quietly. She gave a comfortable sigh when he was | gone. He tried not to wake her as he dressed, though there was ■ no danger of that : and when he had done he sat in the chair near the window and watched the steaming smoking river which looked as though it were covered with ice : and he fell into a brown study in which there hovered music, pastoral, melan- choly. From time to time she half opened her eyes and looked at him vaguely, took a second or two, smiled at him, and passed from one sleep to another. She asked him the time. ^^A quarter to nine.” ^ Half asleep she pondered: . :> YOUTH 313 What ! Can it be a quarter to nine ? At half-past nine she stretched^ sighed, and said that she was going to get up. It was ten o^clock before she stirred. She was petu- lant. Striking again ! . . . The clock is fast ! . . /’ He laughed and went and sat on the bed by her side. She put her arms round his neck and told him her dreams. He did not listen very attentively and interrupted her with little love words. But she made him be silent and went on very seriously, as though she were telling something of the highest importance : She was at dinner : the Grand Duke was there : Myrrha was a Newfoundland dog. ... No, a frizzy sheep who waited at table. . . . Ada had discovered a method of rising from the earth, of walking, dancing, and lying down in the air. You see it was quite simple: you had only to do . . - thus . . . thus . . . and it was done. . . Christophe laughed at her. She laughed too, though a little ruffled at his laughing. She shrugged her shoulders. Ah ! you donT understand ! . . .^^ They breakfasted on the bed from the same cup, with the same spoon. At last she got up: she threw off the bedclothes and slipped down from the bed. Then she sat down to recover her breath and looked at her feet. Finally she clapped her hands and told him to go out: and as he was in no hurry about it she took him by the shoulders and thrust him out of the door and then locked it. After she had dawdled, looked over and stretched each of her handsome limbs, she sang, as she washed, a sentimental Lied in fourteen couplets, threw water at Christophers face — he was outside drumming on the window — and as they left she plucked the last rose in the garden and then they took the steamer. The mist was not yet gone: but the sun shone through it: they floated through a creamy light. Ada sat at the stern with Christophe: she was sleepy and a little sulky: she grumbled about the light in her eyes, and said that she would have a headache all day. And as Christophe did not take her com- plaints seriously enough she returned into morose silence. Her 314 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE eyes were hardly opened and in them was the funny gravity of children who have just woke up. But at the next landing-stage an elegant lady came and sat not far from her, and she grew lively at once: she talked eagerly to Christophe about things sentimental and distinguished. She had resumed with him the ceremonious Sie. Christophe was thinking about what she could say to her employer by way of excuse for her lateness. She was hardly at all concerned about it. “ Bah ! It’s not the first time.” “ The first time that . . . what ? ” “ That I have been late,” she said, put out by the question. He dared not ask her what had caused her lateness. “ What will you tell her ? ” i “ That my mother is ill, dead . . . how do I know ? ” He was hurt by her talking so lightly. ' “I don’t want you to lie.” ; She took offense: 1 “ First of all, I never lie. . . . And then, I cannot very well, tell her . . .” ' He asked her half in jest, half in earnest: “Why not?” She laughed, shrugged, and said that he was coarse and ill- bred, and that she had already asked him not to use the Dii, to her. I “ Haven’t I the right ? ” | “ Certainly not.” , < “ After what has happened ? ” j “ Nothing has happened.” She looked at him a little defiantly and laughed : and although she was joking, he felt most strongly that it would not have cost her much to say it seriously and almost to believe it. Bu^ some pleasant memory tickled her : for she burst out laughing and looked at Christophe and kissed him loudly without any concern for the people about, who did not seem to be in tht least surprised by it. Now on all his excursions he was accompanied by shop-gir^ and clerks: he did not like their vulgarity, and used to try t YOUTH 315 lose them : but Ada out of contrariness was no longer disposed for wandering in the woods. When it rained or for some other reason they did not leave the town he would take her to the theater, or the museum, or the Thiergarten : for she insisted on being seen with him. She even wanted him to go to church with her; but le was so absurdly sincere that he would not set foot inside a church since he had lost his belief — (on some other excuse he had resigned his position as organist) — and at the same time, unknown to himself, remained much too religious not to think Ada’s proposal sacrilegious. He used to go to her rooms in the evening. Myrrha would be there, for she lived in the same house. Myrrha was not at all resentful against him: she would hold out her soft hand caressingly, and talk of trivial and improper things and then slip away discreetly. The two women had never seemed to be such friends as since they had had small reason for being so: they were always together. Ada had no secrets from Myrrha: she told her everything: Myrrha listened to everything: they seemed to be equally pleased with it all. Christophe was ill at ease in the company of the two women. Their friendship, their strange conversations, their freedom of manner, the crude way in which Myrrha especially viewed and spoke of things — (not so much in his presence, however, as when he was not there, but Ada used to repeat her sayings to him) — ^their indiscreet and impertinent curiosity, which was forever turned upon subjects that were silly or basely sensual, the whole equivocal and rather animal atmosphere oppressed him terribly, though it interested him : for he knew nothing like it. He was at sea in the conversations of the two little beasts, who talked of dress, and made silly jokes, and laughed in an inept way with their eyes shining with delight when they were off on the track of some spicy story. He was more at ease when Myrrha left them. When the two women were together it was like being in a foreign country without knowing the language. It was impossible to make himself understood: they did not even listen: they poked fun at the foreigner. When he was alone with Ada they went on speaking different languages: but at least they did make some attempt to under- stand each other. To tell the truth, the more he understood 316 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE her, the less he understood her. She was the- first woman he had known. For if poor Sabine was a woman he had known, he had known nothing of her: she had always remained for him a phantom of his heart. Ada took upon herself to make him make up for lost time, ( in his'lum"M'tned~toToIveTE^ riddle br'wnTnan r t^ perhaps is no enigma except] for.those who seek some meaning in it. "Xda war without TnTenigencef^^^^ was the least of her faults. Christophe would have commended her for it, if she had ap- proved it herself. But although she was occupied only with stupidities, she claimed to have some knowledge of the things of the spirit: and she judged everything with complete assur- ance. She would talk about music, and explain to Christophe things which he knew perfectly, and would pronounce absolute judgment and sentence. It was useless to try to convince her : ■ she had pretensions and susceptibilities in everything ; she gave ; herself airs, she was obstinate, vain : she would not — she could : not understand anything. Why would she not accept that she i could understand nothing ? He loved her so much -better when she was content with being just what she was, simply, with j her own qualities and failings, instead of trying to impose: on others and herself ! . In fact, she was little concerned with thought. She was con- . cerned with eating, drinking, singing, dancing, crying, laugh- ^ ing, sleeping : she wanted to be happy : and that would have ^ been all right if she had succeeded. But although she had | every gift for it: she was greedy, lazy, sensual, and frankly^ egoistic in a way that revolted and amused Christophe: although^ she had almost all the vices which make life pleasant for their ^ fortunate possessor, if not for their friends (and even then does not a happy face, at least if it be pretty, shed happiness on all those who come near it?) — in spite of so many reasons for being satisfied with life and herself Ada was not even clever enough for that. The pretty, robust girl, fresh, hearty, healthy- looking, endowed with abundant spirits and fierce appetites, was anxious about her health. She bemoaned her weakness, while she ate enough for four. She was always sorry for her- self: she could not drag herself along, she could not breathe, she had a headache, feet-ache, her eyes ached, her stomach YOUTH 317 ached, her soul ached. She was afraid of everything, and madly superstitious, and saw omens everywhere: at meals the crossing of knives and forks, the number of the guests, the upsetting of a salt-cellar : then there must be a whole ritual to turn aside misfortune. Out walking she would count the crows, and never failed to watch which side they flew to: she would anxiously watch the road at her feet, and when a spider crossed her path in the morning she would cry out aloud : then she would wish to go home and there would be no other means of not interrupting the walk than to persuade her that it was after twelve, and so the omen was one of hope rather than of evil. She was afraid of her dreams : she would recount them at length to Christophe; for hours she would try to recollect some detail that she had forgotten; she never spared him one; absurdities piled one on the other, strange marriages, deaths, dressmakers’ prices, burlesque, and sometimes, obscene things. He had to listen to her and give her his advice. Often she would be for a whole day under the obsession of her inept fancies. She would And life ill-ordered, she would see things and people rawly and overwhelm Christophe with her jere- miads: and it seemed hardly worth while to have broken away from the gloomy middle-class people with whom he lived to And once more the eternal enemy : the trauriger ungriechischer Hypochondrist/' But suddenly in the midst of her sulks and grumblings, she would become gay, noisy, exaggerated: there was no more deal- ing with her gaiety than with her moroseness: she would burst out laughing for no reason and seem as though she were never going to stop : she would rush across the fields, play mad tricks and childish pranks, take a delight in doing silly things, in mixing with the earth, and dirty things, and the beasts, and the spiders, and worms, in teasing them, and hurting them, and making them eat each other: the cats eat the birds, the fowls the worms, the ants the spiders, not from any wickedness, or perhaps from an altogether unconscious instinct for evil, from curiosity, or from having nothing better to do. She seemed to be driven always to say stupid things, to repeat senseless words again and again, to irritate Christophe, to exasperate him, set his nerves on edge, and make him almost beside himself. And 318 JEAN-CHEISTOPHB her coquetry as soon as anybody — no matter who— appeared on ; the road! . . . Then she would talk excitedly, laugh noisily, make faces, draw attention to herself: she would assume an affected mincing gait. Christophe would have a horrible pre- sentiment that she was going to plunge into serious discussion.— And, indeed, she would do so. She would become sentimental, uncontrolledly, just as she did everything: she would unbosom herself in a loud voice. Christophe would suffer and long to beat her. Least of all could he forgive her her lack of sin- - cerity. He did not yet know that sincerity is a gift as rare as I intelligence or beauty and that it cannot justly be expected of 1 everybody. He could not bear a lie : and Ada gave him lies in full measure. She was always lying, quite calmly, in spite of evidence to the contrary. She had that astounding faculty for forgetting what is displeasing to them— or even what has | been pleasing to them— which those women possess who live.,^ from moment to moment. i And, in spite of everything, they loved each other with all: their hearts. Ada was as sincere as Christophe in her love.^^ Their love was none the less true for not being based on in^ tellectual sympathy : it had nothing in common with base pas- sion. It was the beautiful love of youth : it was sensual, but not vulgar, because it was altogether youthful: it was naive, almost chaste, purged by the ingenuous ardor of pleasure. Al- though Ada was not, by a long way, so ignorant as Christophe. yet siie had still the divine privilege of youth of soul anq body, that freshness of the senses, limpid and vivid as a runj Tiing stream, which almost gives the illusion of purity anc^ through life is never replaced. Egoistic, commonplace, insincere in her ordinary life,— love made her simple, true, almost good; she understood in love the joy that is to be found in self-forget- fulness. Christophe saw this with delight : and he would gladlj have died for her. Who can tell all the absurd and touching illusions that a loving heart brings to its love! And th( natural illusion of the lover was magnified an hundredfold ii Christophe by the power of illusion which is born in the artist Ada’s smile held profound meanings for him: an affectionafe word was the proof of the goodness of her heart. He lovec in her all that is good and beautiful in the universe. He callec YOUTH 319 ^ her his own^ his soul, his life. They wept together over their love. Pleasure was not the only bond between them : there was an indefinable poetry of memories and dreams, — their own? or those of the men and women who had loved before them, who had been before them, — in them? . . . Without a word, perhaps without knowing it, they preserved the fascination of the first moments of their meeting in the woods, the first days, the first nights together : those hours of sleep in each other’s arms, still, unthinking, sinking down into a fiood of love and silent joy. Swift fancies, visions, dumb thoughts, titillating, and making them go pale, and their hearts sink under their desire, bringing all about them a buzzing as of bees. A fine light, and tender. . . . Their hearts sink and beat no more, borne down in excess of sweetness. Silence, languor, and fever, the mysterious weary smile of the earth quivering under the first simlight of spring. ... So fresh a love in two young creatures is like an April morning. Like April it must pass. Youth of the heart is like an early feast of sunshine. Nothing could have brought Christophe closer to Ada in his love than the way in which he was judged by others. The day after their first meeting it was known all over the town. Ada made no attempt to cover up the adventure, and rather plumed herself on her conquest. Christophe would have liked more discretion: but he felt that the curiosity of the people was upon him: and as he did not wish to seem to fly from it, he threw in his lot with Ada. The little town buzzed with tattle. Christophe’s colleagues in the orchestra paid him sly compliments to which he did not reply, because he would not allow any meddling with his affairs. The respectable people of the town judged his conduct very severely. He lost his music lessons with certain families. With others, the mothers thought that they must now be present at the daughters’ lessons, watching with suspicious eyes, as though Christophe were in- tending to carry off the precious darlings. The young ladies were supposed to know nothing. Naturally they knew every- thing: and while they were cold towards Christophe for his lack of taste, they were longing to have further details. It was 330 JEAX-CHEISTOPHE only among the small tradespeople, and the shop people, that Christophe was popular: but not for long: he was just as an- noyed by their approval as by the condemnation of the rest: and being unable to do anything against that con- demnation, he took steps not to keep their approval: there was no difficulty about that. He was furious with the general indiscretion. The most indignant of all with him were Justus Euler and the Vogels. They took Christophe’s misconduct as a personal outrage. They had not made any serious plans concerning him: they distrusted — especially Frau Vogel — these artistic tern- i peraments. But as they were naturally discontented and always inclined to think themselves persecuted by fate, they persuaded themselves that they had counted on the marriage of Christophe and Eosa; as soon as they were quite certain that such a mar- riage would never come to pass, they saw in it the mark of * the usual ill luck. Logically, if fate were responsible for their j miscalculation, Christophe could not be: but the Vogels’ logic * was that which gave them the greatest opportunity for finding , reasons for being sorry for themselves. So they decided that if * Christophe had misconducted himself it was not so much for ; his own pleasure as to give offense to them. They were scan- ; dalized. Very religious, moral, and oozing domestic virtue, they j were of those to whom the sins of the flesh are the most shame- ; ful, the most serious, almost the only sins, because they are | the only dreadful sins — (it is obvious that respectable people | are never likely to be tempted to steal or murder). — And so | Christophe seemed to them absolutely wicked, and they changed ( their demeanor towards him. They were icy towards him and I turned away as they passed him. Christophe, who was in no | particular need of their conversation, shrugged his shoulders ? at all the fuss. He pretended not to notice Amalia’s insolence : who, while she affected contemptuously to avoid him, did all ; that she could to make him fall in with her so that she might ; tell him all that was rankling in her. Christophe was only touched by Eosa’s attitude. The girl condemned him more harshly even than his family. Not that this new love of Christophe’s seemed to her to destroy her last ^ chances of being loved by him : she knew that she had no chance ; YOUTH left — (although perhaps she went on hoping: she hoped). — But she had made an idol of Christophe: and the idol had crumbled away. It was the worst sorrow for her yes, a sorrow more cruel to the innocence and honesty of her heart, than being disdained and forgotten by him. Brought up puritanically, with a narrow code of morality, in which she believed passionately, what she had heard about Christophe had not only brought her to despair but had broken her heart. She had suffered already when he was in love with Sabine: she had begun then to lose some of her illusions about her hero. That Christophe could love so commonplace a creature seemed to her inexplicable and inglorious. But at least that love was pure, and Sabine was not unworthy of it. And in the end death had passed over it and sanctified it. . . . But that at once Christophe should love another woman, — and such a woman! — was base, and odious! She took upon herself the defense of the dead woman against him. She could not forgive him for having forgotten her. . . . Alas! He was thinking of her more than she : but she never thought that in a passionate heart there might be room for two sentiments at once: she thought it impossible to be faithful to the past without sacrifice of the present. Pure and cold, she had no idea of life or of Christophe : everything in her eyes was pure, narrow, submissive to duty, like herself. Modest of soul, modest of herself, she had only one source of pride: purity: she demanded it of herself and of others.. She could not forgive Christophe for having so lowered himself, and she would never forgive him. Christophe tried to talk to her, though not to explain himself — (what could he say to her? what could he say to a little puritanical and naive girl?). — He would have liked to assure her that he was her friend, that he wished for her esteem, and had still the right to it. He wished to prevent her absurdly estransfino: herself from him. — But Eosa avoided him in stern silence : he felt that she despised him. He was both sorry and angry. He felt that he did not deserve such contempt : and yet in the end he was bowled over by it : and thought himself guilty. Of all the reproaches cast against him the most bitter came from himself when he thought of Sabine. He tormented himself. JEAN-CHEISTOPHE Oh! God, how is it possible? What sort of creature am But he could not resist the stream that bore him on. He thought that life is criminal: and he closed his eyes so as to live without seeing it. He had so great a need to live, and be happy, and love, and believe! ... No: there was nothing des- picable in his love ! He knew that it was impossible to be very wise, or intelligent, or even very happy in his love for Ada: but what was there in it that could be called vile? Suppose — (he forced the idea on himself) — that Ada were not a woman of any great moral worth, how was the love that he had for her the less pure for that? Love is in the lover, not in the beloved. Everything is worthy of the lover, everything is worthy of love. To the pure all is pure. All is pure in the strong and the healthy of mind. Love, which adorns certain birds with their loveliest colors, calls forth from the souls that are true all that is most noble in them. The desire to ^how to the beloved only what is worthy makes the lover take pleasure only in those thoughts and actions which are in harmony with the beautiful image fashioned by love. And the waters of youth in which the soul is bathed, the blessed radiance of strength and joy, are beautiful and health-giving, making the heart great. That his friends misunderstood him filled him with bitter- ness. But the worst trial of all was that his mother was begin- ning to be unhappy about it. The good creature was far from sharing the narrow views of the Vogels. She had seen real sorrows too near ever to try to invent others. Humble, broken by life, having received little joy from it, and having asked even less, resigned to every- thing that happened, without even trying to understand it, she was careful not to judge or censure others: she thought she had no right. She thought herself too stupid to pretend that they were wrong when they did not think as she did : it would have seemed ridiculous to try to impose on others the inflexible rules of her morality and belief. Besides that, her morality and' her belief were purely instinctive : pious and pure in her- self she closed her eyes to the conduct of others, with the in- dulgence of her class for certain faults and certain weaknesses. YOUTH That had been one of the complaints that her father-in-law, Jean Michel, had lodged against her: she did not sufficiently distinguish between those who were honorable and those who were not: she was not afraid of stopping in the street or the market-place to shake hands and talk with young women, no- torious in the neighborhood, whom a respectable woman ought to pretend to ignore. She left it to God to distinguish between good and evil, to punish or to forgive. From others she asked only a little of that affectionate sympathy which is so necessary to soften the ways of life. If people were only kind she asked no more. But since she had lived with the Vogels a change had come about in her. The disparaging temper of the family had found her an easier prey because she was crushed and had no strength to resist. Amalia had taken her in hand: and from morning to night when they were working together alone, and Amalia did all the talking, Louisa, broken and passive, unconsciously assumed the habit of Judging and criticising everything. Frau Vogel did not fail to tell her what she thought of Christophers conduct. Louisans calmness irritated her. She thought it in- decent of Louisa to be so little concerned about what put him beyond the pale: she was not satisfied until she had upset her altogether. Christophe saw it. Louisa dared not reproach him: but every day she made little timid remarks, uneasy, insistent: and when he lost patience and replied sharply, she said no more : but still he could see the trouble in her eyes : and when he came home sometimes he could see that she had been weeping. He knew his mother too well not to be absolutely certain that her uneasiness did not come from herself. — And he knew well whence it came. He determined to make an end of it. One evening when Louisa was unable to hold back her tears and had got up from the table in the middle of supper without Christophe being able to discover what was the matter, he rushed downstairs four steps at a time and knocked at the Vogels’ door. He was boiling with rage. He was not only angry about Frau Vogel’s treat- ment of his mother: he had to avenge himself for her having turned Eosa against him, for her bickering against Sabine, for all that he had had to put up with at her hands for months. For JEAN-CHEISTOPHE months he had borne his pent-up feelings against her and ; now made haste to let them loose. He burst in on Frau Vogel and in a voice that he tried to keep calm, though it was trembling with fury, he asked her what she had told his mother to bring her to such a state. Amalia took it very badly: she replied that she would say ^ what she pleased, and was responsible to no one for her actions — to him least of all. And seizing the opportunity to deliver the speech which she had prepared, she added that if Louisa was unhappy he had to go no further for the cause of it than his own conduct, which was a shame to himself and a scandal to everybody else. Christophe was only waiting for her onslaught to strike out. He shouted angrily that his conduct was his own affair, that . he did not care a rap whether it pleased Frau Vogel or not, ^ that if she wished to complain of it she must do so to him, and i that she could say to him whatever she liked: that rested with ; her, but he forbade her — (did she hear ?) — forbade her to say anything to his mother : it was cowardly and mean so to attack | a poor sick old woman. , ‘ ^rau Vogel cried loudly. Never had any one dared to speak to her in such a manner. She said that she was not to be lectured ? by a rapscallion, — and in her own house, too ! — And she treated : him with abuse. ■ The others came running up on the noise of the quarrel, — | except Vogel, who fled from anything that might upset his | health. Old Euler was called to witness by the indignant | Amalia and sternly bade Christophe in future to refrain from j speaking to or visiting them. He said that they did not need him to tell them what they ought to do, that they did their duty and would always do it. . Christophe declared that he would go and would never again | set foot in their house. However, he did not go until he had | relieved his feelings by telling them what he had still to say ^ about their famous ‘Duty, which had become to him a personal | enemy. He said that their Duty was the sort of thing to make him love vice. It was people like them who discouraged good, S by insisting on making it unpleasant. It was their fault that ^ so many find delight by contrast among those who are dishonest,, ; YOUTH 325 but amiable and laughter-loving. It was a profanation of the name of duty to apply it to everything, to the most stupid tasks, to trivial things, with a stiff and arrogant severity which ends by darkening and poisoning life. Duty, he said, was exceptional : it should be kept for moments of real sacrifice, and not used to lend the lover of its name to ill-humor and the desire to be disagreeable to others. There was no reason, because they were stupid enough or ungracious enough to be sad, to want everybody else to be so too and to impose on everybody their decrepit way of living. . . . The first of all virtues is joy. Vir- tue must be happy, free, and unconstrained. He who does good must give pleasure to himself. But this perpetual upstart Duty, this pedagogic tyranny, this peevishness, this futile dis- cussion, this acrid, puerile quibbling, this ungraciousness, this charmless life, without politeness, without silence, this mean- spirited pessimism, which lets slip nothing that can make exist- ence poorer than it is, this vainglorious unintelligence, which finds it easier to despise others than to understand them, all this middle-class morality, without greatness, without large- ness, without happiness, without beauty, all these things are odious and hurtful: they make vice appear more human than virtue. So thought Christophe : and in his desire to hurt those who had wounded him, he did not see that he was being as unjust as those of whom he spoke. No doubt these unfortunate people were almost as he saw them. But it was not their fault: it was the fault of their ungracious life, which had made their faces, their doings, and their thoughts ungracious. They had suffered the deformation of misery — not that great misery which swoops down and slays or forges anew — ^but the misery of ever recurring ill-fortune, that small misery which trickles down drop by drop from the first day to the last. . . . Sad, indeed! For beneath these rough exteriors what treasures in reserve are there, of upright- ness, of kindness, of silent heroism ! . . . The whole strength of a people, all the sap of the future. Christophe was not wrong in thinking duty exceptional. But love is so no less. Everything is exceptional. Everything that is of worth has no worse enemy — not the evil (the vices are of 326 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE worth) — ^but the habitual. The mortal enemy of the soul is the daily wear and tear. Ada was beginning to weary of it. She was not clever enough to find new food for her love in an abundant nature like that of Christophe. Her senses and her vanity had extracted from it all the pleasure they could find in it. There was left her only the pleasure of destroying it. She had that secret instinct .common to so many women, even good women, to so many men, even clever men, who are not creative either of art, or of children, or of pure action, — no matter what: of life — and yet have too much life in apathy and resignation to bear with their uselessness. They desire others to be as useless as themselves and do their best to make them so. Sometimes they do so in spite of themselves: and when they become aware of their criminal desire they hotly thrust it back. But often they hug it to themselves: and they set themselves according to their strength — some modestly in their own intimate circle — others largely with vast audiences — ^to destroy everything that has life, everything that loves life, everything that deserves life. The critic who takes upon himself to diminish the stature of great men and great thoughts — and the girl who amuses herself with dragging down her lovers, are both mischievous beasts of the same kind. — ^But the second is the pleasanter of the two. Ada then would have liked to corrupt Christophe a little, to humiliate him. In truth, she was not strong enough. More intelligence was needed, even in corruption. She felt that: and it was not the least of her rankling feelings against Chris- tophe that her love could do him no harm. She did not admit the desire that was in her to do him harm : perhaps she would have done him none if she had been able. But it annoyed her that she could not do it. It is to fail in love for a woman not to leave her the illusion of her power for good or evil over her lover : to do that must inevitably be to impel her irresistibly to the test of it. Christophe paid no attention to it. When Ada asked him jokingly: “Would you leave your music for me?” (Although she had no wish for him to do so.) He replied frankly: YOUTH 327 No, my dear : neither you nor anybody else can do anything against that. I shall always make music.^^ And you say you love ? cried she, put out. She hated his music — the more so because she did not under- stand it, and it was impossible for her to find a means of coming to grips with this invisible enemy and so to wound Christophe in his passion. If she tried to talk of it contemptuously, or scornfully to judge Christophers compositions, he would shout with laughter; and in spite of her exasperation Ada would relapse into silence: for she saw that she was being ridiculous. But if there was nothing to be done in that direction, she had discovered another weak spot in Christophe, one more easy of access: his moral faith. In spite of his squabble with the Vogels, and in spite of the intoxication of his adolescence, Chris- tophe had preserved an instinctive modesty, a need of purity, of which he was entirely unconscious. At first it struck Ada, attracted and charmed her, then made her impatient and irri- table, and finally, being the woman she was, she detested it. She did not make a frontal attack. She would ask insidiously: Do you love me ? Of course ! How much do you love me ? As much as it is possible to love.” That is not much ... after all ! . . . What would you do for me ? ” Whatever you like.” Would you do something dishonest.” That would be a queer way of loving.” ^^That is not what I asked. Wpuld you?” ^^Tt is not necessary.” ^^But if I wished it?” ^^You would be wrong.” Perhaps. . . . Would you do it ? ” He tried to kiss her. But she thrust him away. Would you do it? Yes or no?” No, my dear.” She turned her back on him and was furious. ^^You do not love me. You do not know what love is.” 328 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE “ That is quite possible,” he said good-humoredly. He knew that, like anybody else, he was capable in a moment of passion of committing some folly, perhaps something dishonest, and — who knows ? — even more : but he would have thought shame of himself if he had boasted of it in cold blood, and certainly it would be dangerous to confess it to Ada. Some instinct warned him that the beloved foe was lying in ambush, and taking stock of his smallest remark: he would not give her any weapon against him. She would return to the charge again, and ask him : “ Do YOU love me because you love me, or because I love you ? ” “ Because I love you.” “Then if I did not love you, you would still love me?” “ Yes.” “ And if I loved some one else you would still love me ? ” “ Ah ! I don’t know about that. ... I don’t think so. . . . In any case you would be the last person to whom I should say so.” “ How would it be changed ? ” “ Many things would be changed. Myself, perhaps. You, certainly.” “ And if I changed, what would it matter ? ” “ All the difference in the world. I love you as you are. If you become another creature I can’t promise to love you.” “You do not love, you do not love! What is the use of all this quibbling? You love or you do not love. If you love me you ought to love me just as I am, whatever I do, always.” “ That would be to love you like an animal.” “ I want to be loved like that.” “ Then you have made a mistake,” said he jokingly. “ I am not the sort of man you want. I would like to be, but I cannot And I will not.” “ You are very proud of your intelligence ! You love your intelligence more than you do me.” “ But I love you, you wretch, more than you love yourself. The more beautiful and the more good you are, the more I love you.” YOUTH 329 "You are a schoolmaster,” she said with asperity. “ What would you ? I love what is beautiful. Anything ugly disgusts me.” “ Even in me ? ” " Especially in you.” She drummed angrily with her foot. " I will not be judged.” "Then complain of what I judge you to be, and of what I love in you,” said he tenderly to appease her. She let him take her in his arms, and deigned to smile, and let him kiss her. But in a moment when he thought she had forgotten she asked uneasily; " What do you think ugly in me ? ” » He would not tell her: he replied cowardly: " I don’t think anything ugly in you.” She thought for a moment, smiled, and said: “Just a moment, Christli: you say that you do not like lying?” "I despise it.” "You are right,” she said. “I despise it too. I am of a good conscience. I never lie.” He stared at her : she was sincere. Her unconsciousness dis- armed him. " Then,” she went on, putting her arms about his neck, " why would you be cross with me if I loved some one else and told you so ? ” “ Don’t tease me.” " I’m not teasing : I am not saying that I do love some one else : I am saying that I do not. . . . But if I did love some one later on . . .” “ Well, don’t let us think of it.” “ But I want to think of it. ... You would not be angry with me? You could not be angry with me? ” " I should not be angry with you. I should leave you. That is all.” “ Leave me ? Why ? If I still loved you. . . . ? ” " While you loved some one else ? ” "Of course. It happens sometimes.” “ Well, it will not happen with us.’* 330 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE “Why?” / “ Because as soon as you love some one else, I shall love you no longer, my dear, never, never again.” | “ But just now you said perhaps. . . . Ah ! you see you do • not love me ! ” “Well then: all the better for you.” “ Because . . . ? ” “ Because if I l^ved you when you loved some one else it might turn out badly for you, me, and him.” “ Then ! ... Now you are mad. Then I am condemned to stay with you all my life ? ” “Be calm. You are free. You shall leave me when you like. Only it will not be au revoir : it will be good-bye.” “ But if I still love you ? ” “ When people love, they sacrifice themselves to each other.” “ Well, then . . . sacrifice yourself ! ” He could not help laughing at her egoism : and she laughed ; too. ; “ The sacrifice of one only,” he said, “ means the love of one ‘ only.” ! “ Not at all. It means the love of both. I shall not love ^ you much longer if you do not sacrifice yourself for me. And think, Christli, how much you will love me, when you have . sacrificed yourself, and how happy you will be.” ; They laughed and were glad to have a change from the ; seriousness of the disagreement. | He laughed and looked at her. At heart, as she said, she. had no desire to leave Christophe at present: if he irritated her and often bored her she knew the worth of such devotion"^ as his : and she loved no one else. She talked so for fun, partly because she knew he disliked it, partly because she took pleasure in playing with equivocal and unclean thoughts like a child which delights to mess about with dirty water. He knew this. He did not mind. But he was tired of these unwholesome dis- cussions, of the silent struggle against this uncertain and uneasy creature whom he loved, who perhaps loved him : he was tired from the effort that he had to make to deceive himself about her, sometimes tired almost to tears. He would think: “Why, why is she like this? Why are people like this? How second- I YOUTH 331 rate life is ! At the same time he would smile as he saw her pretty face above him, her blue eyes, her flower-like complexion, her laughing, chattering lips, foolish a little, half open to reveal the brilliance of her tongue and her white teeth. Their lips would almost touch: and he would look at her as from a distance, a great distance, as from another world: he would see her going farther and farther from him, vanishing in a mist. . . . And then he would lose sight of her. He could hear her no more. He would fall into a sort of smiling oblivion in which he thought of his music, his dreams, a thousand things foreign to Ada. ... Ah! beautiful music! ... so sad, so mor- tally sad ! and yet kind, loving. . . . Ah ! how good it is ! . . . It is that, it is that. . . . Nothing else is true. . . . She would shake his arm. A voice would cry : Eh, what’s the matter with you? You are mad, quite mad. Why do you look at me like that? Why don’t you answer?” Once more he would see the eyes looking at him. Who was it ? ... Ah ! yes. ... He would sigh. She would watch him. She would try to discover what he was thinking of. She did not understand: but she felt that it was useless: that she could not keep hold of him, that there was always a door by which he could escape. She would conceal her irritation. Why are you crying ? ” she asked him once as he returned from one of his strange journeys into another life. He drew his hands across his eyes. He felt that they were wet. do not know,” he said. Why don’t you answer ? Three times you have said the same thing.” What do you want ? ” he asked gently. She went back to her absurd discussions. He waved his hand wearily. ^^Yes,” she said. ^^I’ve done. Only a word more!” And off she started again. Christophe shook himself angrily. Will you keep your dirtiness to yourself ! I was only joking.” Find cleaner subjects, then ! ” i 332 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE “ Tell me why, then. Tell me why you don’t like it.” “ Why ? You can’t argue as to why a dump-heap smells. It does smell, and that is all ! I hold my nose and go away.” He went away, furious : and he strode along taking in great breaths of the cold air. But she would begin again, once, twice, ten times. She would bring forward every possible subject that could shock him and offend his conscience. He thought it was only a morbid jest of a neurasthenic girl, amusing herself by annoying him. He would shrug his shoul- ders or pretend not to hear her : he would not take her seriously. But sometimes he would long to throw her out of the window: for neurasthenia and the neurasthenics were very little to his taste. ... But ten minutes away from her were enough to make him forget everything that had annoyed him. He would return to Ada with a fresh store of hopes and new illusions. He loved , ^ her. Love is a perpetual act of faith. Whether God exist or ■ I no is a small matter: we believe, because we believe. We love . I because we love : there is no need of reasons ! . . . i After Christophe’s quarrel with the Vogels it became im- ; possible for them to stay in the house, and Louisa had to seek ; another lodging for herself and her son. : One day Christophe’s younger brother Ernest, of whom they : had not heard for a long time, suddenly turned up. He was , out of work, having been dismissed in turn from all the situa- j tions he had procured : his purse was empty and his health < ruined : and so he had thought it would be as well to re-establish ^ himself in his mother’s house. • Ernest was not on bad terms with either of his brothers:' they thought very little of him and he knew it: but he did not bear any grudge against them, for he did not care. They had no ill-feeling against him. It was not worth the trouble. Everything they said to him slipped off his back without leav- ing a mark. He just smiled with his sly eyes, tried to look contrite, thought of something else, agreed, thanked them, and in the end always managed to extort money from one or other of them. In spite of himself Christophe was fond of the pleas-^ YOUTH 333 ant mortal who, like himself, and more than himself, resembled their father Melchior in feature. Tall and strong like Chris- tophe, he had regular features, a frank expression, a straight nose, a laughing mouth, fine teeth, and endearing manners. When even Christophe saw him he was disarmed and could not deliver half the reproaches that he had prepared: in his heart he had a sort of motherly indulgence for the handsome boy who was of his blood, and physically at all events did him credit.. He did not believe him to be bad: and Ernest was not a fooL. Without culture, he was not without brains: he was even not incapable of taking an interest in the things of the mind. He enjoyed listening to music : and without understanding his brother’s compositions he would listen to them with interest. Christophe, who did not receive too much sympathy from his family, had been glad to see him at some of his concerts. But Ernest’s chief talent was the knowledge that he pos- sessed of the character of his two brothers, and his skill in making use of his knowledge. It was no use Christophe know- ing Ernest’s egoism and indifference: it was no use his seeing that Ernest never thought of his mother or himself except when he had need of them: he was always taken in by his affectionate ways and very rarely did he refuse him anything. He much preferred him to his other brother Eodolphe, who was orderly and correct, assiduous in his business, strictly moral, never asked for money, and never gave any either, visited his mother regularly every Sunday, stayed an hour, and only talked about himself, boasting about himself, his firm, and everything that concerned him, never asking about the others, and taking no interest in them, and going away when the hour was up, quite satisfied with having done his duty. Christophe could not bear him. He always arranged to be out when Eodolphe came. Eodolphe was jealous of him: he despised artists, and Christophe’s success really hurt him, though he did not fail to turn his small fame to account in the commercial circles in which he moved: but he never said a word about it either to his mother or to Christophe: he pretended to ignore it. On the other hand, he never ignored the least of the unpleasant things that happened to Christophe. Christophe despised such pettiness, and pretended not to notice it: but it would really 334 JEAN-CIIEISTOPHE have hurt him to know, though he never thought about it, that ; much of the unpleasant information that Eodolphe had about ' him came from Ernest. The young rascal fed the differences between Christophe and Eodolphe : no doubt he recognized Chris- i tophe’s superiority and perhaps even sympathized a little ironi- cally with his candor. But he took good care to turn it to account: and while he despised Eodolphe’s ill-feeling he ex- ploited it shamefully. He flattered his vanity and jealousy, accepted his rebukes deferentially and kept him primed with the scandalous gossip of the town, especially with everything concerning Christophe, — of which he was always marvelously informed. So he attained his ends, and Eodolphe, in spite of his avance, allowed Ernest to despoil him just as Christophe did. So Ernest made use and a mock of them both, impartially. And so both of them loved him. In spite of his tricks Ernest was in a pitiful condition, when he turned up at his mother’s house. He had come | from Munich, where he had found and, as usual, almost im-! mediately lost a situation. He had had to travel the best^ part of the way on foot, through storms of rain, sleeping, God knows where. He was covered with mud, ragged, look-' ing like a beggar, and coughing miserably. Louisa was up- ! set and Christophe ran to him in alarm when they saw him come in. Ernest, whose tears flowed easily, did not fail to; make use of the effect he had produced : and there was a | general reconciliation: all three wept in each other’s arms. i Christophe gave up his room: they warmed the bed, and laid' the invalid in it, who seemed to be on the point of death. ^ Louisa and Christophe sat by his bedside and took it in turns i to watch by him. They called in a doctor, procured medicines, made a good Are in the room, and gave him special food. Then they had to clothe him from head to foot : linen, shoes, clothes, everything new. Ernest left himself in their hands. Louisa and Christophe sweated to squeeze the money from their expenditure. They were very straitened at the moment: the removal, the new lodgings, which were dearer though just as uncomfortable, fewer lessons for Christophe and more expenses. They could just make both ends meet. They managed YOUTH 335 somehow. No doubt Christophe could have applied to Eodolphe, who was more in a position to help Ernest, but he would not : he made it a point of honor to help his brother alone. He thought himself obliged to do so as the eldest,— and because he was Christophe. Hot with shame he had to accept, to declare his willingness to accept an offer which he had indignantly rejected a fortnight before, — a proposal from an agent of an unknown wealthy amateur who wanted to buy a musical composition for publication under his own name. Louisa took work out, mending linen. They hid their sacrifice from each other: they lied about the money they brought home. When Ernest was convalescent and sitting huddled up by the fire, he confessed one day between his fits of coughing that he had a few debts.— They were paid. No one reproached him. That would not have been kind to an invalid and a prodigal son who had repented and returned home. For Ernest seemed to have been changed by adversity and sickness. With tears in his eyes he spoke of his past misdeeds: and Louisa kissed him and told him to think no more of them. He was fond: he had always been able to get round his mother by his demon- strations of affection: Christophe had once been a little jealous of him. Now he thought it natural that the youngest and the weakest son should be the most loved. In spite of the small difference in their ages he regarded him almost as a son rather than as a brother. Ernest showed great respect for him : some- times he would allude to the burdens that Christophe was taking upon himself, and to his sacrifice of money: but Christophe would not let him go on, and Ernest would content himself with showing his gratitude in his eyes humbly and affectionately. He would argue with the advice that Christophe gave him : and he would seem disposed to change his way of living and to ' work seriously as soon as he was well again. He recovered: but had a long convalescence. The doctor declared that his health, which he had abused, needed to be fostered. So he stayed on in his mother’s house, sharing Christophe’s bed, eating heartily the bread that his brother earned, and the little dainty dishes that Louisa prepared for him. He never spoke of going. Louisa and Christophe never I I 336 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE mentioned it either. They were too happy to have found again the son and the brother they loved. Little by little in the long evenings that he spent with Ernest Christophe began to talk intimately to him. He needed to confide in somebody. Ernest was clever: he had a quick mind and understood — or seemed to understand — on a hint only. There was pleasure in talking to him. And yet Christophe dared not tell him about what lay nearest to his heart : his love. He was kept back by a sort of modesty. Ernest, who knew all about it, never let it appear that he knew. One day when Ernest was quite well again he went in the sunny afternoon and lounged along the Rhine. As he passed a noisy inn a little way out of the town, where there were drinking and dancing on Sundays, he saw Christophe sitting with Ada and Myrrha, who were making a great noise. Chris- tophe saw him too, and blushed. Ernest was discreet and passed . on without acknowledging him. Christophe was much embarrassed by the encounter: it made him more keenly conscious of the company in which he was: j it hurt him that his brother should have seen him then; not only because it made him lose the right of judging Ernest’s | conduct, but because he had a very lofty, very naive, and rather , archaic notion of his duties as an elder brother which would ^ have seemed absurd to many people : he thought that in failing in that duty, as he was doing, he was lowered in his own eyes. ; In the evening when they were together in their room, he ' waited for Ernest to allude to what had happened. But Ernest ] prudently said nothing and waited also. Then while they were i undressing Christophe decided to speak about his love. He was * so ill at ease that he dared not look at Ernest: and in his shy- | ness he assumed a gruff way of speaking. Ernest did not help him out: he was silent and did not look at him, though he watched him all the same: and he missed none of the humor of Christophers awkwardness and clumsy words. Christophe hardly dared pronounce Ada’s name: and the portrait that he drew of her would have done just as well for any woman who was loved. But he spoke of his love : little by little he was carried away by the flood of tenderness that filled his heart: he said how good it was to love, how wretched he had been before YOUTH 337 he had found that light in the darkness, and that life was nothing without a dear, deep-seated love. His brother listened gravely: he replied tactfully, and asked no questions: but a warm handshake showed that he was , of Christophers way of thinking. They exchanged ideas concerning love and life. Christophe was happy at being so well understood. They ex- changed a brotherly embrace before they went to sleep. Christophe grew accustomed to confiding his love to Ernest, though always shyly and reservedly. Ernest’s discretion re- assured him. He let him know his uneasiness about Ada: but he never blamed her: he blamed himself: and with tears in his eyes he would declare that he could not live if he were to lose her. He did not forget to tell Ada about Ernest: he praised his wit and his good looks. Ernest never approached Christophe with a request to be introduced to Ada: but he would shut himself up in his room and sadly refuse to go out, saying that he did not know any- body. Christophe would think ill of himself on Sundays for going on his excursions with Ada, while his brother stayed at home. And yet he hated not to be alone with his beloved: he accused himself of selfishness and proposed that Ernest should come with them. The introduction took place at Ada’s door, on the landing. Ernest and Ada bowed politely. Ada came out, followed by her inseparable Myrrha, who when she saw Ernest gave a little cry of surprise. Ernest smiled, went up to Myrrha, and kissed her : she seemed to take it as a matter of course. What ! You know each other? ” asked Christophe in aston- ishment. Why, yes ! ” said Myrrha, laughing. Since when ? ” Oh, a long time ! ” And you knew ? ” asked Christophe, turning to Ada. Why did you not tell me?” Do you think I know all Myrrha’s lovers ? ” said Ada, shrug- ging her shoulders. Myrrha took up the word and pretended in fun to be angry. Christophe could not find out any more about it. He was 338 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE depressed. It seemed to him that Ernest and Myrrha and Ada i had been lacking in honesty, although indeed he could not have . brought any lie up against them : but it was difficult to believe that Myrrha, who had no secrets from Ada, had made a mys- | tery of this, and that Ernest and Ada were not already ac- j quainted with each other. He watched them. But they only exchanged a few trivial words and Ernest only paid attention to Myrrha all the rest of the day. Ada only spoke to Chris- tophe: and she was much more amiable to him than usual. From that time on Ernest always joined them. Christophe could have done without him : but he dared not say so. He had no other motive for wanting to leave his brother out than his shame in having him for boon companion. He had no suspicion of him. Ernest gave him no cause for it; he seemed to be in love with Myrrha and was always reserved and polite with Ada, and even affected to avoid her in a way that was a . little out of place: it was as though he wished to show his brother’s mistress a little of the respect he showed to himself. Ada was not surprised by it and was none the less careful. They went on long excursions together. The two brothers would walk on in front. Ada and Myrrha, laughing and whis- ! pering, would follow a few yards behind. They would stop ; in the middle of the road and talk. Christophe and Ernest ; would stop and wait for them. Christophe would lose patience ^ and go on : but soon he would turn back annoyed and irritated, ; by hearing Ernest talking and laughing with the two young ^ women. He would want to know what they were saying: but ] when they came up with him their conversation would stop. < “What are you three always plotting together?” he would ^ ask. i They would reply with some joke. They had a secret under- standing like thieves at a fair. Christophe had a sharp quarrel with Ada. They had been cross with each other all day. Strange to say, Ada had not assumed her air of offended dignity, to which she usually resorted in such cases, so as to avenge herself, by making her- self as intolerably tiresome as usual. Now she simply pre- tended to ignore Christophe’s existence and she was in excellent YOUTH 339 spirits with the other two. It was as though in her heart she was not put out at all by the quarrel. Christophe, on the other hand, longed to make peace: he was more in love than ever. His tenderness was now mingled with a feeling of gratitude for all the good things love had brought him, and regret for the hours he had wasted in stupid argument and angry thoughts — and the unreasoning fear, the mysterious idea that their love was nearing its end. Sadly he looked at Ada’s pretty face and she pretended not to see him while she was laughing with the others: and the sight of her woke in him so many dear memories, of great love, of sincere intimacy. — Her face had sometimes — ^it had now— so much good- ness in it, a smile so pure, that Christophe asked himself why things were not better between them, why they spoiled their happiness with their whimsies, why she would insist on for- getting their bright hours, and denying and combating all that was good and honest in her — what strange satisfaction she could find in spoiling, and smudging, if only in thought, the purity of their love. He was conscious of an immense need of believing in the object of his love, and he tried once more to bring back his illusions. He accused himself of injustice: he was remorseful for the thoughts that he attributed to her, and of his lack of charity. He went to her and tried to talk to her: she answered him with a few curt words: she had no desire for a reconciliation with him. He insisted: he begged her to listen to him for a moment away from the others. She followed him ungraciously. When they were a few yards away so that neither Myrrha nor Ernest could see them, he took her hands and begged her I pardon, and knelt at her feet in the dead leaves of the wood. He told her that he could not go on living so at loggerheads I with her: that he found no pleasure in the walk, or the fine i day: that he could enjoy nothing, and could not even breathe, I knowing that she detested him: he needed her love. Yes: he I was often unjust, violent, disagreeable : he begged her to forgive j him: it was the fault of his love, he could not bear anything second-rate in her, nothing that was altogether unworthy of , her and their memories of their dear past. He reminded her of it all, of their first meeting, their first days together: he 340 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE said that he loved her just as much, that he would always love her, that she should not go away from him! She was every- thing to him. . . . Ada listened to him, smiling, uneasy, almost softened. She looked at him with kind eyes, eyes that said that they loved each other, and that she was no longer angry. They kissed, and holding each other close they went into the leafless woods. She thought Christophe good and gentle, and was grateful to him for his tender words : but she did not relinquish the naughty whims that were in her mind. But she hesitated, she did not cling to them so tightly : and yet she did not abandon what she had planned to do. Why ? Who can say ? . . . Because she had vowed what she would do? — Who knows? Perhaps she thought it more entertaining to deceive her lover that day, to prove to him, to prove to herself her freedom. She had no thought of ISsing him : she did not wish for that. She thought herself more sure of him than ever. They reached a clearing in the forest. There were two paths. Christophe took one. Ernest declared that the other led more quickly to the top of the hill whither they were going. Ada agreed with him. Christophe, who knew the way, having often been there, maintained that they were wrong. They did not yield. Then they agreed to try it : and each wagered that he would arrive first. Ada went with Ernest. Myrrha accom- panied Christophe: she pretended that she was sure that he was right: and she added, “As usual.” Christophe had taken the game seriously: and as he never liked to lose, he walked quickly, too quickly for Myrrha’s liking, for she was in much less of a hurry than he. “ Don’t be in a hurry, my friend,” she said, in her quiet, ironic voice, “ we shall get there first.” He was a little sorry. “ True,” he said, I am going a little too fast : there is no need.” He slackened his pace. “But I know them,” he went on. “I am sure they will run so as to be there before us.” Myrrha burst out laughing. “ Oh ! no,” she said. “ Oh ! no : don’t you worry about that.” YOUTH 341 She hung on his arm and pressed close to him. She was a little shorter than Christophe, and as they walked she raised her soft eyes to his. She was really pretty and alluring. He hardly recognized her: the change was extraordinary. Usually her face was rather pale and puffy : but the smallest excitement, a merry thought, or the desire to please, was enough to make her worn expression vanish, and her cheeks go pink, and the little wrinkles in her eyelids round and below her eyes dis- appear, and her eyes flash, and her whole face take on a youth, a life, a spiritual quality that never was in Ada’s. Christophe was surprised by this metamorphosis, and turned his eyes away from hers : he was a little uneasy at being alone with her. She embarrassed him and prevented him from dreaming as he pleased : he did not listen to what she said, he did not answer her, or if he did it was only at random: he was thinking — he wished to think only of Ada. He thought of the kindness in her eyes, her smile, her kiss: and his heart was filled with love. Myrrha wanted to make him admire the beauty of the trees with their little branches against the clear sky. . . . Yes : it was all beautiful: the clouds were gone, Ada had returned to him, he had succeeded in breaking the ice that lay between them: they loved once more: near or far, they were one. He sighed with relief : how light the air was ! Ada had come back to him. . . . Everything brought her to mind. ... It was a little damp : would she not be cold ? . . . The lovely trees were powdered with hoar-frost : what a pity she should not see them ! . . . But he remembered the wager, and hurried on: he was concerned only with not losing the way. He shouted joyfully as they reached the goal : We are first ! ” He waved his hat gleefully. Myrrha watched him and smiled. The place' where they stood was a high, steep rock in the middle pf the woods. From this flat summit with its fringe of nut-trees and little stunted oaks they could see, over the wooded slopes, the tops of the pines bathed in a purple mist, ind the long ribbon of the Ehine in the blue valley. Not a bird :ialled. Not a voice. Not a breath of air. A still, calm winter’s lay, its chilliness faintly warmed by the pale beams of a misty ;3un. Now and then in the distance there came the sharp 343 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE whistle of a train in the valley. Christophe stood at the edge of the rock and looked down at the countryside. Myrrha watched Christophe. He turned to her amiably: “Well! The lazy things. I told them so! . . . Well, we must wait for them. ... He lay stretched out in the sun on the cracked eartti. “ Yes.^ Let us wait . . .” said Myrrha, taking off her hat , In her voice there was something so quizzical that he raised his head and looked at her. “What is it?” she asked quietly. “ What did you say ? ” „ “ I said : Let us wait. It was no use making me run so last. They waited lying on the rough ground. Myrrha hummed a , tune. ^Christophe took it up for a few phrases. But he stopped^ every now and then to listen. ; “ I think I can hear them.” | Myrrha went on singing. . “ Do stop for a moment.” | Myrrha stopped. ; “No. It is nothing.” ; She went on with her song. , ; Christophe could not stay still. ] “ Perhaps they have lost their way.” | , “Lost? They could not. Ernest knows all the paths. j A fantastic idea passed through Christophe’s mind. j “ Perhaps they arrived first, and went away before we cam . j Myrrha was lying on her back and looking at the sum was Lized with a wild burst of laughter in the middle of het song and all but choked. Christophe insisted He wanted to go down to the station, saying that their friends would be the alreadv Myrrha at last made up her mind to move. “You »ould be certein to lose them! . . . There was neve, any talk about the station. We were to meet here. He sat down by her side. She was amused by is g • He was conscious of the irony in her gaze as she looked a him He began to be seriously troubled— to be anxious abw tliem- he did not suspect them. He got up once more. Hi YOUTH 343 spoke of going down into the woods again and looking for them, calling to them. Myrrha gave a little chuckle; she took from her pocket a needle, scissors, and thread: and she calmly undid, and sewed ip again the feathers in her hat: she seemed to have established herself for the day. “ No, no, silly,” she said. If they wanted to come do you think they would not come of their own accord? There was a catch at his heart. He turned towards her: she did not look at him : she was busy with her work. He went up to her. “ Myrrha ! ” he said. “ Eh ? ” she replied without stopping. He knelt now to look more nearly at her. “ Myrrha ! ” he repeated. ‘^Well?” she asked, raising her eyes from her work and looking at him with a smile. “ What is it? ” She had a mocking expression as she saw his downcast face. , • 1 » “ Myrrha ! ” he asked, choking, “ tell me what you think . . . She shrugged her shoulders, smiled, and went on working. He caught her hands and took away the hat at which she was sewing. “ Leave off, leave off, and tell me. ...” She looked squarely at him and waited. She saw that Chris- tophe’s lips were trembling. “ You think,” he said in a low voice, “ that Ernest and Ada . . .?” She smiled. “ Oh ! well ! ” He started back angrily. «No! No! It is impossible! You don’t think that! . . . No ! No ! ” . , , She put her hands on his shoulders and rocked with laughter. “How dense you are, how dense, my dear!” He shook her violently. “Don’t laugh! Why do you laugh? You would not laugh if it were true. You love Ernest. ...” She went on laughing and drew him to her and kissed him. ' In spite of himself he returned her kiss. But when he felt her 344 JEAN-CHEISTOPHE lips on his, her lips, still warm with his brother’s kisses, he flung her away from him and held her face away from his own: he asked: “You knew it? It was arranged between you?” She said “Yes,” and laughed. Christophe did not cry out, he made no movement of anger. He opened his mouth as though he could not breathe : he closed his eyes and clutched at his breast with his hands: his heart was bursting. Then he lay down on the ground with his face buried in his hands and he was shaken by a crisis of disgust and despair like a child. i Myrrha, who was not very soft-hearted, was sorry for him: involuntarily she was filled with motherly compassion, and leaned over him, and spoke affectionately to him, and tried to make him sniff at her smelling-bottle. But he thrust her away in horror and got up so sharply that she was afraid. He had neither strength nor desire for revenge. He looked at her with • his face twisted with grief. i “You drab,” he said in despair. “You do not know the ' harm you have done. ...” ^ She tried to hold him back. He fled through the woods, i spitting out his disgust with such ignominy, with such muddy ■ hearts, with such incestuous sharing as that to which they had ; tried to bring him. He wept, he trembled : he sobbed with dis- ! gust. He was filled with horror, of them all, of himself, of ; his body and soul. A storm of contempt broke loose in him: ( it had long been brewing: sooner or later there had to come j the reaction against the base thoughts, the degrading com- ) promises, the stale and pestilential atmosphere in which he had i been living for months: but the need of loving, of deceiving ' himself about the woman he loved, had postponed the crisis as long as possible. Suddenly it burst upon him : and it was better so. There was a great gust of wind of a biting purity, an icy breeze which swept away the miasma. Disgust in one swoop had killed his love for Ada. If Ada thought more firmly to establish her domination over Christophe by such an act, that proved once more her gross inappreciation of her lover. Jealousy which binds souls that are besmirched could only revolt a nature like Christophe’s, YOUTH 345 young, proud, and pure. But what he could not forgive, what he never would forgive, was that the betrayal was not the out- come of passion in Ada, hardly even of one of those absurd and degrading though often irresistible caprices to which the reason of a woman is sometimes hard put to it not to surrender, jfo — he understood now, — it was in her a secret desire to de- grade him, to humiliate him, to punish him for his moral resistance, for his inimical faith, to lower him to the common level, to bring him to her feet, to prove to herself her own power for evil. And he asked himself with horror: what is this impulse towards dirtiness, which is in the majority of human beings — this desire to besmirch the purity of themselves and others, — these swinish souls, who take a delight in rolling in filth, and are happy when not one inch of their skins is left clean! . . . Ada waited two days for Christophe to return to her. Then she began to be anxious, and sent him a tender note in which she made no allusion to what had happened. Christophe did not even reply. He hated Ada so profoundly that no words could express his hatred. He had cut her out of his life. She no longer existed for him. Christophe was free of Ada, but he „ was not free of himself In vain did he try to return into illusion and to take up again, the calm and chaste strength of the past. We cannot return to the past. We have to go onward: it is useless to turn back, save only to see the places by which we have passed, the distant smoke from the roofs under which we have slept, dying away on the horizon in the mists of memory. But nothing so dis- tances us from the soul that we had as a few months of passion. The road takes a sudden turn : the country is changed r it is as though we were saying good-bye for the last time to all that we are leaving behind. Christophe could not yield to it. He held out his arms to the past: he strove desperately to bring to life again the soul that had been his, lonely and resigned. But it was gone. Passion itself is not so dangerous as the ruins that it heaps up and leaves behind. In vain did Christophe not love, in vain — for a moment — did he despise love: he bore the marks of its 346 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE talons : his whole being was steeped in it : there was in his heart a void which must be filled. With that terrible need of tenderness and pleasure which devours men and women when they have once tasted it, some other passion was needed, were it only the contrary passion, the passion of contempt, of proud purity, of faith in virtue. — They were not enough, they were not enough to stay his hunger: they were only the food of a moment. His life consisted of a succession of violent reactions — leaps from one extreme to the other. Sometimes he would bend his passion to rules inhumanly ascetic: not eating, drink- ing water, wearing himself out with walking, heavy tasks, and so not sleeping, denying himself every sort of pleasure. Some- times he would persuade himself that strength is the true morality for people like himself : and he would plunge into the quest of joy. In either case he was unhappy. He could no longer be alone. He could no longer not be alone. The only thing that cQuld^have saved him would have been- Jo find a true friendship, — Rosa’s perhaps: he could have taken ; refuge in that. But the rupture was complete between the’ two families. They no longer met. Only once had Christophe, seen Rosa. She was just coming out from Mass. He had^ hesitated to bow to her: and when she saw him she had made' a movement towards him: but when he had tried to go to her: through the stream of the devout walking down the steps, she had turned her eyes away: and when he approached her she bowed coldly and passed on. In the girl’s heart he felt intense,.; icy contempt. And he did not feel that she still loved him| and would have liked to tell him so : but she had come to think' of her love as a fault and foolishness: she thought Christophev bad and corrupt, and further from her than ever. So they^ were lost to each other forever. And perhaps it was as well for both of them. In spite of her goodness, she was not near enough 4o life to be able to understand him. In spite of his need of affection and respect he would have stifled in a com- monplace and confined existence, without joy, without sorrow, without air. They would both have suffered. The unfortunate occurrence which cut them apart was, when all was told, per- haps, fortunate as often happens — as always happens — to those who are strong and endure. YOUTH 347 But at the moment it was a great sorrow and a great mis- fortune for them. Especially for Christophe. Such virtuous intolerance, such narrowness of soul, which sometimes seems to deprive those who have the most of them of all intelligence, and those who are most good of kindness, irritated him, hurt him, and flung him back in protest into a freer life. During his loafing with Ada in the beer gardens of the neighborhood he had made acquaintance with several good fel- lows — Bohemians, whose carelessness and freedom of manners had not been altogether distasteful to him. One of them, Friede- mann, a musician like himself, an organist, a man of thirty, was not without intelligence, and was good at his work, but he was incurably lazy and rather than make the slightest effort to be more than mediocre, he would have died of hunger, though not, perhaps, of thirst. He comforted himself in his indolence; by speaking ill of those who lived energetically, God knows why: and his sallies, rather heavy for the most part, generally made- people laugh. Having more liberty than his companions, he was not afraid, — though timidly, and with winks and nods and suggestive remarks, — to sneer at those who held positions : he was even capable of not having ready-made opinions about music, and of having a sly fling at the forged reputations of the great men of the day. He had no mercy upon women either: when he was making his jokes he loved to repeat the old saying of some misogynist monk about them, and Chris- tophe enjoyed its bitterness just then more than anybody : “ Femina mors animae.” In his state of upheaval Christophe found some distraction in talking to Friedemann. He judged him, he could not long take pleasure in this vulgar bantering wit: his mockery and perpetual denial became irritating before long and he felt the impotence of it all: but it did soothe his exasperation with the self-sufficient stupidity of the Philistines. While he heartily despised his companion, Christophe could not do without him. They were continually seen together sitting with the unclassed and doubtful people of Friedemann’s acquaintance, who were even more worthless than himself. They used to play, and harangue, and drink the whole evening. Christophe would sudderdy wake up in the midst of the dreadful smell of food' 548 JEAN-CHKISTOPHE and tobacco : he would look at the people about him with strange ; eyes : he would not recognize them : he would think in agony : " Where am I ? Who are these people ? What have I to do with them ? ” Their remarks and their laughter would make him sick. But he could not bring himself to leave them: he was afraid of going home and of being left alone face to face with his soul, his desires, and remorse. He was going to the dogs: he knew it: he was doing it deliberately, — with cruel clarity he saw in Eriedemann the degraded image of what he was — of what he would be one day: and he was passing through a phase of such disheartenedness and disgust that instead of being brought to himself by such a menace, it actually brought him low. He would have gone to the dogs, if he could. Fortunately, like all creatures of his kind, he had a spring, a succor against ' destruction which others do not possess : his strength, his in- ■ stinct for life, his instinct against letting himself perish, an : Instinct more intelligent than his intelligence, and stronger than i his will. ‘ And also, unknown to himself, he had the strange ^ curiosity of the artist, that passionate, impersonal quality, which i is in every creature really endowed with creative power. In' vain did he love, suffer, give himself utterly to all his passions : , he saw them. They were in him but they were not himself.. A myriad of little souls moved obscurely in him towards a fixed ; point unknown, yet certain, just like the planetary worlds ^ which are drawn through space into a mysterious abyss. That* perpetual state of unconscious action and reaction was shown ^ especially in those giddy moments when sleep came over his, daily life, and from the depths of sleep and the night rose the; multiform face of Being with its sphinx-like gaze. For a year Christophe had been obsessed with dreams in which in a second ■of time he felt clearly with perfect illusion that he was at one and the same time several different creatures, often far i^moved from each other by countries, worlds, centuries. In his waking state Christophe was still under his hallucination and uneasi- ness, though he could not remember what had caused it. It was like the weariness left by some fixed idea that is gone, though traces of it are left and there is no understanding it. YOUTH 349 But while his soul was so troublously struggling through the network of the days, another soul, eager and serene, was watch- ing all his desperate efforts. He did not see it: but it cast over him the reflection of its hidden light. That soul was joy- ously greedy to feel everything, to suffer everything, to observe and understand men, women, the earth, life, desires, passions, thoughts, even those that were torturing, even those that were mediocre, even those that were vile: and it was enough to lend them a little of its light, to save Christophe from destruction. It made Kim feel — he did not know how — that he was not altogether alone. That love of being and of knowing everything, that second soul, raised a rampart against his destroying pas- sions. But if it was enough to keep his head above water, it did not allow him to climb out of it unaided. He could not succeed in seeing clearly into himself, and mastering himself, and re- gaining possession of himself. Work was impossible for him. He was passing through an intellectual crisis : the most fruitful of his life: all his future life was germinating in it: but that inner wealth for the time being only showed itself in extrava- gance: and the immediate effect of such superabundance was not different from that of the flattest sterility. Christophe was submerged by his life. All his powers had shot up and grown too fast, all at once, suddenly. Only his will had not grown with them : and it was dismayed by such a throng of monsters. His personality was cracking in every part. Of this earth- quake, this inner cataclysm, others saw nothing. Christophe himself could see only his impotence to will, to create, to be. Desires, instincts, thoughts issued one after another like clouds of sulphur from the Assures of a volcano: and he was forever asking himself: ^^And now, what will come out? What will become of me? Will it always be so? or is this the end of all? Shall I be nothing, always ? And now there sprang up in him his hereditary fires, the vices of those who had gone before him. — He got drunk. He would return home smelling of wine, laughing, in a state of collapse. Poor Louisa would look at him, sigh, say nothing, and pray. But one evening when he was coming out of an inn by the 350 JEAN-CHRISTOPHE gates of the town he saw, a few yards in front of him on the road, the droll shadow of his uncle Gottfried, with his pack on his back. The little man had not been home for months, ; and his periods of absence were growing longer and longer."|i Christophe hailed him gleefully. Gottfried, bending under his load, turned round: he looked at Christophe, who was mak- ' ing extravagant gestures, and sat down on a milestone to wait for him. Christophe came up to him with a beaming face, : skipping along, and shook his uncle’s hand with great demon- strations of affection. Gottfried took a long look at him and then he said: “ Good-day, Melchior.” Christophe thought his uncle had made a mistake, and bursts