UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTUPJ WON CIRCULATING CHECK FOR UNBOUND CIRCULATING COPY OF UHWERSITY OF UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN NO. 151 BY STEPHEN A. FORBES STATE ENTOMOLOGIST URBANA, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER, 1911" CONTENTS OF BULLETIN NO. 151 PAGE. The Catalpa Sphinx (Ceratomia catalpa Bdv.) 464 The Fall Web-worm (Hyphantria textor Harr.) 466 The Yellow Poplar-Caterpillar (Apatela populi Riley) 468 The Walnut Caterpillar (Datana integerrima G. & R.) 470 The White-marked Tussock-moth (Hemerocampa leucostigma S. &A.) 472 The Brown-tail and Gypsy Moths (Euproctis chrysorrhcea L., and Porthetria dispar L. ) 476 The Forest Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria Hbn.) 483 The Common Canker-worm (Paleacrita vernata Peck) 485 The Lilac Borer (Podosesia syringa Harr.) 489 Two Poplar Borers (Memythrus tricinctus Harr. and M. dollii Neum.) 493 A Viburnum Borer (Sesia pictipes G. & R.) 496 The Maple Borer (Sesia acerni Clem.) 497 The Ninebark Borer (Sesia scitula Harr.) 499 The Bag- worm (Thyridopteryx ephemera -formis Harr.) 500 The Poplar and Willow Borer (Cryptorhynchus lapathi Linn.) 502 The Dogwood Twig-girdler (Oberea tripunctata Swederus) 506 The Locust Borer (Cyllene robinia Forst.) 510 The Oak Twig-pruner (Elaphidion villosum Fabr.) 512 The Bronze Birch-borer (Agrilus anxius Gory) 515 The Scurfy Scale (Chionaspis furfur a Fitch) 517 The Oyster-shell Scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi Linn.) 519 The San Jose Scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst.) 520 Putnam's Scale (Aspidiotus ancyhts Putnam) 523 The Walnut or Willow Scale (Aspidiotus juglans-regia Comst.) 523 The Cottony Maple Scale (Pulvinaria vitis Linn.) 524 SOME IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS BY STEPHEN A. FORBES, STATE ENTOMOLOGIST The protection of the shade trees and ornamental shrubs of Illinois against insects has been for several years a problem of rap- idly increasing importance. Many of our most desirable trees and shrubs are liable to slow destruction by obscure insect pests understood little if at all by those immediately con- cerned. Trees which have grown for years, becoming more at- tractive, more valuable, and more highly valued year by year, begin to weaken and decay, the owner does not know why. This is often due to borers or to scale insects, the presence of which has not been detected or suspected, but whose injuries might have been prevented if the facts had been known in time. More sudden losses are fre- quently caused by overwhelming attacks of leaf-eating insects which, altho conspicuous, are not dealt with because proper measures of procedure are not known. Observations and experiments upon this subject have been for several years a prominent part of the work of the office. Beginning in 1898, repeated careful examinations have been made of the trees and shrubs of the parks and boule- vards of Chicago, and this work has been extended from time to time to other cities and towns thruout the state. With the estab- lishment of a field assistant in Chicago in 1907, the subject received more continuous attention at the hands, first, of Mr. H. E. Hodg- kiss and, later, of Mr. John J. Davis, the latter of whom espe- cially has made many studies of the life histories of species previ- ously but little known, and has added a mass of details to our knowledge of the subject in all its parts. The general subject is still under investigation, and will be in due time reported upon in a much fuller and more elaborate article, but the present brief preliminary paper has been prepared in the hope that it may be found of immediate practical use to municipal authorities in control of parks, boulevards, and streets, to town im- provement societies, and to owners of lawns and other private premises the appearance of which they are striving to improve by the use of trees and shrubs. 464 BULLETIN No. 151 ^ [October, THE CATALPA SPHINX (Ceratomia catalpce Bdv.) One of the most destructive of the few insects to which the catalpa tree is subject is a large showy caterpillar known as the catalpa sphinx (Fig. i). It is a southern insect, and has not been found in this state north of Clay and Richland counties, altho it has F g. l. Catalpa Sphinx (Ceratomia catalpa?.): a, egg mass; b, newly hatched larvae; c. d, larvae one-third grown and one joint showing its dorsal pattern; t /, ff, h, i, mature larvae, variously marked, and single joints showing dorsal patterns; j, pupa; k, moth; I, egg, enlarged; others all slightly less than natural size. (Ohio Experiment Station.) 191 1] IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 465 extended up the Atlantic coast as far as New Jersey. It is likely to appear suddenly in large numbers upon single trees, stripping them completely. The full-grown caterpillar (Fig. i, e, f, h) is rather strongly marked, with a broad velvety black stripe on the back and sulphur- yellow sides spotted with black, while the under side of the body is pale green. It is unusually variable in color, however, there being both light and dark forms. It is from two and a fourth to three inches long, and has a hornlike appendage projecting from the hinder end of the back. The young caterpillars (Fig. I, c) are pale yellow and spotted with black. There are probably but two generations in Illinois. The caterpillars leave the trees and go into the ground to pupate (Fig. 2). Fig. 2. Catalpa Sphinx, Ceratomia catalpce, pupa in cell in earth. The parent insect is a large heavy-bodied moth (Fig. i, fc) with strong, narrow, brownish-gray wings, with obscure lines and spots of black. The eggs (Fig. i, a) are laid in masses on the leaves, sometimes as many as a thousand in a bunch, and the young, on hatching, feed at first in companies a fact which makes it easy to destroy them if their presence is detected early, by picking off or spraying the infested leaves. A general spraying of a tree with arsenate of lead or Paris green will destroy the caterpillars at any time. Professor H. Carman, of Kentucky, says that the nearly grown worms can be shaken or jarred down from most catalpa trees and readily destroyed by hand. 466 BULLETIN No. 151 THE FALL, WEB-WORM [October, (Hyphantria textor Harris) The fall web-worm is the only common Illinois insect which makes a large conspicuous web in late summer and in fall, inclos- ing a considerable number of the leaves and twigs of a branch, together Fig. 3. Pall Web-worms, Hyphantria textor, and their web, on apple-tree. (New Hampshire Experiment Station.) /9//1 IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 467 with a colony of caterpillars which feed under its protection (Fig. 3). It is un fortunately often called in Illinois the tent caterpillar, but the latter name is properly applied only to a caterpillar, not often seen in this state, which makes a small compact web in the forks of a branch in spring, which it uses only for protection while not eating. The web-worm is an almost universal feeder and has been found on about a hundred and twenty species of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, upon the leaves of which it feeds. It is one of the most annoying pests of the tree grower, its numerous large webs, enclosing brown, skeletonized leaves, making the tree very unsightly, and the injury done, as it spreads from branch to branch, often being considerable. While the caterpillars are growing they do not wander from their common web, but enlarge this to cover fresh leaves as fast as those within it are devoured. When they have nearly completed their growth, however, they scatter far and wide, running briskly about when disturbed, and feeding on almost Fig. 4. Fall Web-worm. Hyphantria textor: a, b, larvas, light and dark varieties; c, pupa; d, moth, spotted variety. All slightly enlarged. (New Hamp- shire Experiment Station.) 468 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, every green thing they find. At this time they become, when very abundant, an extremely destructive and annoying pest. They are about an inch long when full grown, varying from pale yellow or grayish to a dark bluish-black hue. (Fig. 4, a, &.) The body is covered with long straight hairs grouped in tufts rising from small black or orange-yellow tubercles, of which there are a number on each segment. When mature, the caterpillars go to the ground, into which they burrow a short distance, or they creep under shelter above ground, where they form slight cocoons of silken web interwoven with the hairs from their bodies. Within these they change to dark brown pupae (Fig. 4, c), and in this con- dition they pass the winter. The moths emerge in spring and lay their eggs in broad patches of several hundred each, on the under side of the leaves near the end of a branch, late in May and early in June. The adult insect is usually pure white, but is sometimes white spotted with black. There are either one or two broods of this species, according to the latitude, two in southern and central Illinois and probably but one in the northern part of the state. The simplest and most effective method of controlling these insects is to destroy their webs, and the caterpillars within them, either by cutting off the twigs which bear them and crushing or burning them immediately, or by burning the webs on the tree. A bundle of rags or a few corn-cobs, or even a porous brick, wired to the end of a pole long enough to reach the nest and saturated with kerosene, makes a good torch for the purpose. Care must be taken, however, not to injure the tree, and to destroy the scat- tering worms which may drop from the nest without being killed. Where the infestation is too general to make this method con- venient, or where the webs are so high in the trees that they can not be readily reached, a spray of arsenate of lead will eventually kill the web-worms as they extend their webs over the poisoned foliage. Paris green may be used instead, but the lead arsenate is to be preferred because, being much more adhesive, it lasts longer on the tree. This method is most effective when the caterpillars are young, since they are then extending their webs rapidly and are likely to be more promptly poisoned than when they are virtually full grown. THE YELLOW POPLAR- CATERPILLAR (Apatela populi Riley) The prominence of the Carolina poplar as a city tree, especially in situations where it is difficult to find any other which can en- dure the conditions prevailing, makes it the duty of the Entomolo- gist to discuss the insect enemies of even this rather inferior va- riety. IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 469 Among those which have recently been found most injurious to* the poplar is a large and rather handsome, light yellow or pale green, very hairy caterpillar (Fig. 5), most easily known by five long pencil-like tufts of black hairs rising one behind the other on the middle line of the back, the first on the fourth segment of the body and the fifth on the last. This caterpillar was particularly in- jurious to poplars and considerably so to willows in Chicago in 1909. It has been noticed by us also in Peoria, Danville, and East St. Louis. It feeds on the leaves in midsummer and again in fall, there being two generations in a year. It sometimes completely Fig. 5. The Yellow Poplar-Caterpillar, Apatela popuii, natural size. strips a tree, rendering it unsightly and putting it in poor condition to withstand unfavorable conditions or to resist the attacks of more destructive insects. The caterpillar when full grown is about an inch and a half long, the skin yellowish-green, and the long, soft, drooping hairs yellow. The pencil-like tufts referred to rise from the fourth, sixth, sev- enth, and eleventh segments, those on the seventh and eighth being the smallest. The head is shining black and there are black spots on the top of segments one and two. The young are almost white, and the black tufts of hairs are shorter, but still conspicuous. The caterpillar is of a sluggish habit, and when at rest it commonly lies curled up, with the ends of the body together. When full grown it spins a loose, pale yellow cocoon of silk interwoven with its own hairs. This is generally placed in a crevice of the bark, under the edge of a fence board, or in some similar sheltered place. The winter is passed in this chrysalis stage, from which a large, pale gray moth emerges the following- May. The caterpillars are most easily destroyed when young, for they do not at first scatter from the branch upon which they were born. 470 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, Later they can readily be collected singly by hand from trees of small size, or they may be poisoned, like most of the leaf feeders, by spraying with arsenicals when they are active on the tree. THE WALNUT CATERPILLAR (D at ana integerrima G. & R.) The most annoying insect enemy of the walnut is a blackish, somewhat striped, hairy caterpillar (Fig. 6), an inch and a half long when full grown, which eats the leaves during the latter part of the summer, often largely denuding the tree. It makes itself particularly offensive on lawns by dropping quantities of refuse from the tree and by crawling over walks and buildings when it comes down to go into the ground. This caterpillar is readily distinguished by its loose coat of soft whitish hairs, and particularly by its habit of raising both ends of the body when at rest and throwing itself into this position and jerking sidewise when disturbed. It often attracts attention by col- lecting in masses upon the larger branches or the trunk of the tree preliminary to molting, piling up in this way two or three layers deep. When full grown it comes down the trunk to the ground, wanders about to a short distance and enters the earth an inch or two, changing there to a reddish-brown or blackish-brown chrysalis (Fig. 6, B). In this stage it winters, emerging the following sum- mer, mainly in June and July, in the form of a buff-brown moth (Fig. 6, A) with darker bands across the fore wings. The females lay their eggs in clusters varying from seventy-five to a hundred, according to some observers, and from five hundred to twelve hundred, according to others, and the young hatching from these feed in dense clusters, completely devouring every leaf as they go. When all the leaves on one twig or branch are destroyed, they mi- grate to another, sometimes in a distant part of the tree. They lose their gregarious habit as they mature, and by the time they are full grown they scatter here and there over the greater part of the tree. There is but a single generation in a year. Altho they are most frequently seen on the walnut, they are common on butternuts and hickories, and are a pest to the grower of the pecan. They have likewise been found on beech, oak, willow, honey-locust, apple, and thorn. Trees in the forest are not likely to suffer, but those on streets and lawns are sometimes so completely stripped by September that they stand almost as naked as in mid- winter, only the green nuts remaining on the branches. This account of their habits is sufficient to suggest various avail- able methods of destroying them. On trees small enough to be reached they can be readily killed while young by clipping off the 797 1] IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 471 infested twigs on which the caterpillars are grouped in colonies. They are particularly exposed to attack as they assemble in masses for their later molts, when a light spray of kerosene will readily kill them. They are also susceptible to arsenical poisons sprayed F/g. 6. Walnut Caterpillar, Datana integerrima: A, moth; B, pupae. Natural size. (Kentucky Experiment Station.) 472 , BULLETIN No. 151 [October, upon the leaves, but these must be used in unusual strength. We have found three pounds of arsenate of lead to fifty gallons of wa- ter sufficient to kill the full-grown caterpillars. On one occasion a tree nearly fifty feet high was effectively sprayed by the aid of a twenty-eight-foot ladder and a twelve-foot extension rod with a nozzle on the end, about twenty- five gallons of the spray being nec- essary for a thoro treatment. If these various measures have been neglected and the caterpillars have left the tree, they may still be disposed of in the pupa stage by digging up and working over the ground under the branches and for a little distance outside, to a depth of three or four inches. THE WHITE-MARKED TUSSOCK-MOTH (Hemerocampa leucostigma S. & A.) The most destructive leaf -eater infesting shade trees in the larger cities of Illinois and especially in Chicago is the caterpillar of the white-marked tussock-moth. It often completely defoliates large trees, those most seriously injured being the elm, the soft maple, the linden, the birch, and the horse-chestnut. (Fig. 7.) Almost every kind of tree, excepting conifers, is subject to its attack, and it sometimes becomes decidedly injurious in orchards. In Chi- cago it has been noted as injurious to apple, box-elder, hard maple, Norway maple, poplar, willow, oak, ash, locust, hickory, catalpa, and sycamore, and to several shrubs, including dogwood, button- bush, Viburnum, and bladdernut (Ptelea). In September and October, 1910, it was found in every one of eighteen towns visited by Mr. John J. Davis, present in small numbers in seven of them, common in nine, and in destructive numbers in two. This is a well-marked insect, very easily recognized, especially the caterpillar and the egg mass the two conditions against which measures of destruction must be taken. The hairy caterpillar (Fig. 8), bright yellow in general color and striped with black, and about an inch and a half long when full grown, is a really beautiful object. It may be known by its coral-red head, by two plumelike tufts of long black hairs projecting upward and forward from the back near the head, by a single similar tuft at the hind end of the body, and especially by four thick, short, brushlike clusters of cream-colored hairs arranged, one behind the other, in front of the center of the back. In this condition it may be found upon infested trees in June, July, and August. There are two generations of the caterpillar in a year in north- ern Illinois, possibly three farther south. The egg masses (Fig. 9) from which the caterpillars hatch may be found in fall, winter, and early spring. They form, when first deposited, frothy, oval, snowy /9//] IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 473 Fig. 7. Linden tree in a park in Chicago, defoliated by larvae of White-marked Tussock-moth (Hemerocampa leucostigma). The few leaves on the tree have all appeared since the defoliation. white patches about an inch in length, on the tree trunks, in the crotches of the larger branches, or in other more or less sheltered places, such as the edges of weather-boards and the under sides of the eaves of porches. Conspicuous objects at first, their color, under exposure to the sooty air of Illinois towns, is soon deadened to a dirty gray. The caterpillar begins to hatch from the over-wintering egg masses about the middle of June in Chicago (June 18 in 1909) and gets its growth in about a month. Feeding at first on the under side of the leaf, which it skeletonizes by eating off the soft tissue, it later eats inward from the edge of the leaf, devouring everything except the principal veins. 474 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, The young caterpillars drop down, hanging by silken threads, when the tree is jarred, and sometimes spin down without being dis- turbed, when they may be blown to a considerable distance by the Fig. 8. White-marked Tussock-moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma, larva. Natural size. wind. When nearly full grown, they are great travelers, going from tree to tree and even moving in large numbers from a de- foliated tree to others near by. When full grown, the caterpillar Fig. 9. White-marked Tussock-moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma, cocoons and egg masses on tree trunk in a park in Chicago. i9i i] IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 475 spins, on the tree, a delicate grayish cocoon of silken web mixed with its own long hairs. It changes to a pupa within a few hours after the cocoon is finished and continues in this condition from ten days to two weeks. The adults are moths, the females (Fig. 10) of which differ very widely from the males (Fig. n) in the fact that they are almost absolutely wingless. The males have good wings and at Pig. 11. White-marked Tussock-moth, Hemero- campa leucostigma, male. Natural size. Fig. 10. White-marked Tussock- moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma, female and egg masses. Natural size. (Connecticut Experiment Station.) least the average power of flight. They are of an ashy gray color, with dark wavy bands across the fore wings, a small black spot on the outer edge near the tip, a blackish stripe be- yond this, and a minute white crescent near the hind angle. The wings, when expanded, measure about one and a fourth inches across. The female has little of the appearance of a moth, her wings being reduced to the merest rudiments. Her thick, oblong-oval body is of a light gray color, with rather long legs, and is distended with eggs. When she comes out she lays her egg mass on the cocoon from which she emerged a fact which makes it plain that the species can spread only by way of the wandering caterpillars, or by the transportation of egg masses on young trees. The eggs of the last generation are ordinarily pro- duced in September and the winter is passed in this condition. Many insect parasites infest the pupa and do much towards hold- ing the species in check. They are not usually abundant enough, however, to control it completely. In the fall of 1907, for example, one of my assistants reported that 75 percent of the cocoons of the tussock-moth in the Chicago parks were parasitized, but the caterpillars were nevertheless very numerous and destructive the 476 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, following year. Birds eat them, but not freely enough in the larger cities to reduce their numbers materially. Three measures of destruction are applicable to this pest and sufficient for its control. These are the destruction of the egg masses in winter, banding trunks of uninfested trees in spring, and spraying infested trees in summer. The trunks and larger branches of trees, as well as all objects surrounding those infested the season before, should be carefully examined in winter and spring for egg masses, and all these within reach should be scraped or cut away and burned or otherwise destroyed. Those beyond convenient reach may be killed in place by touching each egg mass with a sponge or brush attached to the end of a long pole and dipped in crude creosote. As the insect spreads from tree to tree only in the caterpillar stage, an uninfested tree may usually be protected completely by banding the trunk in such a way that the caterpillars from adjacent trees can not climb beyond the band. Sometimes, however, the branches of trees intermingle or touch in such a way that the cater- pillars may go from one tree to the other without coming down to the ground. These bands should be applied to the tree soon after the caterpillars begin to appear in spring, and they should be renewed from time to time as they are made useless by exposure to the weather. Either one of two kinds of bands may be used. The trunk may be surrounded, at a convenient height, by a belt nine inches wide of what is known as tree tanglefoot, applied with a brush; or bands of cotton batting about four inches wide may be tied closely about the tree by a string passed around the middle of the band, the upper half of which should then be turned down over it. Where the preceding measures have been neglected and trees are being defoliated, the injury may be stopped by spraying with Paris green or arsenate of lead. This, however, is a difficult and somewhat expensive operation with large trees, and may be ren- dered unnecessary by destroying the egg masses and banding the trees as above described. THE BROWN-TAIL AND GYPSY MOTHS (Euproctis chrysorrhcea Linn, and Porthetria dispar Linn.) These two frightful insect pests, altho present in America, the first for about forty years and the second for nearly half as long, have neither of them become established in Illinois, or indeed made any permanent appearance outside of New England. It will probably be long before the gypsy moth becomes an inhabitant of this state, its powers of migration being limited to the larva. The female, altho well provided with wings, has a very heavy body, and does not fly. The brown-tail moth, on the other hand, is a IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 477 strong, swift flier, and is virtually certain to occupy the whole country in due time, and it is further particularly likely to be in- troduced into the state direct from its European habitat on nursery stock imported from France. It winters in the caterpillar stage partly grown, hundreds of young collecting in single colonies on the trees, where they hibernate in closely webbed nests (Fig. 12). Hun- dreds of these nests containing living young were sent, in 1909, in- Fig. 12. Brown-tail Moth, Euproctis chrysorrfuza, winter nests. Natural size. (Connecticut Experiment Station.) to Illinois from France, and only the most active and fortunate in- spection work prevented their escape in this state that winter. Worse than this, however, infested cases of nursery stock originating in France were reshipped into Illinois from other states where the force of inspectors was not sufficient to deal with the shipments arriving, and danger from these sources will continue year after year unless other states strengthen their inspection systems. Fur- thermore, since stock received in Iowa was shipped to this state that winter bearing living brown-tail caterpillars, it is extremely likely that the part retained in Iowa was similarly infested and that the brown-tail has thus obtained a lodgment there and possibly in other states adjacent to Illinois. If this is the case it will pres- ently spread to our state also, especially as -the moth flies long dis- tances before the prevailing winds. It is important, for these rea- 478 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, sons, that our people should be fully informed and carefully in- structed in advance in order that the first of these insects to appear may be detected and destroyed without delay. The brown-tail moth is a caterpillar (Fig. 13) in the destruc- tive stage, and, of course, goes thru the four stages of egg, larva, pupa, and adult. It is easily distinguished in the last of these stages Fig. 14. Brown-tail Moth, Eu- proctis chrysorrhcea. Slightly en- larged. (Massachusetts Experi- ment Station.) Fig. 13. Brown- tail Moth, Euproctis chrys- orrficsa, larva. Natural size. (Massachusetts Experiment Station.) from any American insect by the character to which it owes its name of "brown-tail," namely, a thick brushlike tuft of orange- brown hairs at the tip of the abdomen, especially in the female (Fig. 14). Otherwise both sexes are pure white thruout, except that occasionally there may be a few black spots on the fore wing of the male. They measure about an inch and a quarter from tip to tip of the expanded wings. Any pure white moth of approximate- ly this size with an orange-brown tuft of hairs at the tip of. the abdomen may be at once set down as the brown-tail; and any one seeing it in Illinois will render a notable public service by reporting the fact promptly to the State Entomologist, at Urbana, 111. The winter nests of these caterpillars are also easily identi- fied, since no native Illinois species hibernates on either tree or shrub in colonies of living caterpillars inclosed in a web. Any such cluster of young caterpillars so protected by a common web may consequently be set down at once as the brown-tail and should, of course, be promptly destroyed and the facts reported to the Entomologist. Nurserymen importing European seedling stock can IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 479 not guard too carefully against the accidental importation of this insect pest, as it is widespread in Europe, breeding abundantly on hedges, trees, and various shrubs, and making its way into the nursery from infested surroundings. The brown-tail feeds upon practically all deciduous trees and many shrubs and even upon herbs. Thousands of fruit trees in the vicinity of Boston have been killed by it, and damage to maples and elms in wooded regions has caused the forest to appear brown in June, an injury which, if repeated for three or four years, has killed many trees. As the caterpillars pass the winter about a quar- ter grown, they begin to devour the leaves of trees as soon as these put out in spring, and even eat the buds and blossoms before the leaves have spread. Old trees may thus lose all their buds, or, if not, the foliage itself may be devoured at a later date. The caterpillar reaches its full size in New England during the last half of June, and the moths emerging, fly about and lay their eggs some twenty days later. The small round eggs are laid in brownish masses (Fig. 15) on the under side of leaves, each mass Fig. 15. Brown-tail moth, Euproctis chrys- orrfCxa, egg masses on leaves. Natural size. (Connecticut Experiment Station.) two-thirds of an inch long by a fourth of an inch wide, and con- taining about three hundred eggs. The full-grown caterpillar is about two inches long, reddish-brown, with an interrupted white stripe on each side and two red dots on the back near the hind end. It is also blotched with orange and is cov- ered with tubercles bearing long barbed hairs, those on the back and sides with short brown hairs additional, which give them, when magnified, a velvetlike look. The young hiber- nating larvae are blackish, with reddish-black hairs and black heads. The pupa is formed among the leaves on the infested tree or shrub, most frequently at the tips of the branches, where sev- eral caterpillars may spin a loose web together, each forming, how- 480 BUTXETIN No. 151 [October, ever, its own cocoon within the web. When the insect becomes abundant, cocoons may be found under fences and at the edge of clapboards on houses, and in many similar places. One of the most disturbing peculiarities of a brown-tail in- festation is the fact that the long barbed hairs already mentioned are covered with a poisonous excretion, and that they readily pierce the skin, causing an irritating rash which occasionally results in serious illness. "Indeed," says Dr. Howard, "it is not necessary for the caterpillar itself to come in contact with the skin; at cer- tain times of the year it seems as though the hairs were actually floating about in the air. At the time of the caterpillar's change of skin, and particularly at the time of the spinning of the cocoon and the final change, certain of these hairs appear to become loos- ened in such a way that they are carried by the wind." Others report that these poisoned hairs may collect on clothing hanging on the line, to the intense annoyance of those who wear it. The readiest and most obvious means of controlling the brown- tail moth, and certainly the easiest one, is the collection and destruc- tion of the winter nests after the leaves have fallen. After April the only practical remedy is spraying the trees with an arsenical mixture. The young caterpillars are readily enough destroyed with arsenate of lead, but the older ones become resistant to poison sprays, and as much as five pounds of the arsenate to a barrel of water has been found necessary to kill the full-grown caterpillar. When this insect appears within our borders it will be most destructive in parks and towns and forest plantations, since these are not regularly sprayed and will require a special treatment to protect them. It will also aid the San Jose scale in putting out of business the neglectful or indifferent orchardist, but the business fruit grower, who values his property and takes care of it as well as he can, will have much less to fear from this insect, since his ordinary spraying operations will be practically certain to destroy it as it enters his orchard. The fact, however, that the full-grown caterpillar requires a heavier insecticide treatment than does the codling-moth and the canker-worm, for which most of our spray- ing is done, may make it necessary to go over the orchard in winter to remove and destroy the hibernating colonies. The gypsy moth may be more briefly considered, altho it is even a more destructive pest than the brown-tail, especially for the reason that it eats the leaves of evergreens trees which are often killed by a single defoliation. It is conveyed to distances in the caterpillar stage only by accident. Passing wagons, automo- biles, trolley cars, or even railroad trains, may carry the cater- pillars to uninfested districts, but in this way its spread is slow, especially as all possible measures are being taken in infested dis- tricts of New England to keep the roadsides free from the pest, IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 481 and thus to reduce to a minimum the possibility of an extensive spread. The caterpillar of the gypsy moth (Fig. 16) is a voracious feed- er, eating the leaves of nearly every kind of tree or shrub, and de- vouring sometimes also grasses and field and garden crops. The very fact that it spreads but slowly makes it locally all the more Fig. 16. Gypsy Moth, Porthetria dupar, larvae. Natural size. (Connecticut Experiment Station.) injurious, since it accumulates in enormous numbers upon infested localities. Forests, orchards, gardens, parks, and street shrubs and trees may be stripped of every leaf between the first of May and the middle of July. The insect winters in the egg stage, the eggs being plastered in conspicuous masses (Fig. 17) on the trunks of trees and on va- rious other objects. They may readily be destroyed by touching them with a mixture of creosote oil, 50 percent, carbolic acid, 20 percent, turpentine, 20 percent, and coal-tar, 10 percent, in sufficient quantity to soak the mass. The caterpillar may also be killed on the trees with arsenical poisons, but these must be applied in unusual quantities, since the gypsy moth is not readily poisoned in the cater- pillar stage. Five pounds of arsenate of lead to fifty gallons of water will kill the young, but even this can not be depended upon for the full-grown caterpillars. These are about three inches long, of a sooty or dark gray color. Along the back is a double row 482 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, of blue spots, followed by a double row of red spots, and the back is marked with yellow. The cocoon is formed among the leaves like that of the brown-tail and the moths appear from the middle of July to the middle of August. The male is bluish-yellow, ex- panding about an inch and a half, and the female (Fig. 17) is Pig. 17. Gypsy Moth, Porthetria dispar; female moths, laying eggs on bark. Natural size. (Connecticut Experiment Station.) nearly white, somewhat spotted and barred with black. Its wing expanse is about two and a fourth inches. The female is very slug- gish and so heavy that she can not fly; but the male is an active flier. The oval egg masses, about one and a half inches long by three-fourths that in width, are laid in summer on the trunks of trees, on fences, on the sides of houses, and in various other places Large holes in old trees are often found filled with them. The caterpillars feed principally at night, especially after they reach some size, and they seek to hide during the day, often coming down upon the larger limbs and trunk of the infested tree in search of hiding places. This habit has led to the use of bands of burlap tied around the trunks of trees, under which the caterpillars may rest during the day and where they can be easily destroyed by hand. The probabilities of widespread destruction to forest, park, and orchard properties by these insects are greatly reduced by the truly IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 483 tremendous and unexampled work being done by the United States Department of Agriculture and the state of Massachusetts in bring- ing from Europe the native parasites of these insects. This work is making successful progress, and it is all the more hopeful because the parasites of both these species seem to keep them substantially in check in the Old World, where they rarely become seriously destructive. THE FOREST TENT CATERPILLAR (Malacosoma disstria Hbn.) There occasionally appears in the forest region of southern Illinois an overwhelming eruption of caterpillars which denude large areas of woodlands, especially the oaks and the maples, and the black and sweet gum trees, and thence invade orchards, parks, and town premises, carrying the same destruction to fruit and shade trees generally. This is one of the species which moves in masses such as actually to delay the passage of railroad trains, piling up Fig. 18. Baltimore Oriole attacking nest of Forest Tent Cater- pillar, Malacosoma disstria. (New Hampshire Experiment Station.) 484 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, on the rails several inches deep. It is known to entomologists as the forest tent caterpillar, but in the South it is commonly called "the caterpillar" simply. The name of "tent caterpillar" is, in fact, inappropriate for it, since it spins but little and never makes a tent. It is closely allied, however, to the common tent-caterpillar of eastern orchards and has received its common name because of this resemblance. When full grown (Fig. 19) it is about two inches long and a quarter of an inch thick. It is of a brownish general color, and is conspicuously marked with a series of whitish or cream-colored spots down the middle of the back. On the upper part of each side Fig. 19. Forest Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria, larva. Natural size. is a Bather broad blue line edged above and below with a yellowish-brown line. When disturbed it drops from the branch and hangs suspended in mid-air by means of a fine thread spun from the mouth. In moving about on the tree these cater- pillars follow each other in single file. They feed mostly in the tops of the trees, often eating out the central part of the base of a leaf, allowing the remainder to fall to the ground. When preparing to molt, they mass together on the limbs and may continue thus for a day or two. They often form similar masses in stormy weather and in general when at rest. The eggs (Fig. 20) are laid in a thick hard band around a twig and covered with an impervious varnish. From these the young hatch in early spring, sometimes before the appearance of the leaves on which they depend for food. Fip. 20. Forest Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria: e, egg ring re- cently laid; g, hatched egg ring. Slightly enlarged. (Cornell Ex- periment Station.) Fig. 21. Forest Tent Cater- pillar, Malacosoma disstria: m, male; /, female. Natural size. (Cornell Experiment Station.) IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 485 They are capable, however, of fasting for a considerable time with- out injury, and they may even survive the destruction of the leaves by late frosts. They scatter for pupation late in May or early in June, spinning cocoons which they fasten among clusters of leaves or exposed on fences and in other similar situations. There is but a single generation in a year. The parent moths (Fig. 21 ) measure about an inch and a quarter across the expanded wings. The general color is brownish-yellow and the fore wings are marked by two straight dark brown lines which cross them obliquely, parallel with each other and the hinder edge. Trees may be protected by spraying with arsenical poisons shortly after the young caterpillars begin to appear, or by clipping off in winter the twigs bearing the conspicuous belts of eggs and de- stroying these by burning. Even overwhelming hordes may be ar- rested by surrounding the tree trunk with a band of cotton batting about four inches wide, tied around the middle with a string, the upper part being then turned downward over the string. Or, the trunk may be surrounded with a band of printers' ink applied as described in the article concerning the common canker-worm (P- 488). THE .COMMON CANKER-WORM,, OR SPRING CANKER-WORM (Paleacrita vernata Peck) The common canker-worm is best known as a pest of the apple orchard, but it is sometimes even more destructive to elms (Fig. 22) than to apple-trees. It feeds also on cherry, at first eating small holes thru the leaves, but when larger devouring the whole leaf ex- cept the midrib and some of the coarser veins. Modern methods of orchard management require a regular and frequent spraying with arsenical poisons as a protection of fruit against the codling- moth, and this has the incidental effect often unnoticed by the orchardist of speedily killing off any colony of canker-worms which may have chanced to make a start in the orchard. Hence it is only neglected orchards, or those not in bearing either because too young or by reason of a crop failure for the year, which are liable to serious canker-worm injury. With the elm, however, the case is different. The canker-worm lives on this tree as willingly and successfully as on the apple. Elms are rarely sprayed in Illinois, and if the canker-worm once comes to infest them there is no natural end to the injury except the death of the tree, unless, indeed, the parasites of the insect and other natural checks on its increase may happily suppress it before that event. 486 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, The spraying of large elms is, of course, a difficult and expen- sive operation, and canker-worms are less susceptible to arsenical poisons than many other insects. There is, however, a much cheaper and more convenient method of protecting the elm, by which ad- vantage is taken of two features in the economy of the insect. When the caterpillars are full grown they leave the tree to pupate in the earth, and the female moth emerging, being wholly without wings, can only reach the tree to lay her eggs by climbing up the 1 Fig. 28. Injury" to elms at Calamus Lake, Niantic, Illinois, by common Canker-worm (Paleacrila vetnata). trunk. If this is encircled at the proper time by a sticky band im- passable by her or by young canker-worms just hatched from the egg, the tree is virtually secure against canker-worm injury except as worms may reach it from neglected trees with which its own branches interlace. Altho the female canker-worm (Fig. 23, b) is wingless, the male (Fig. 23, a) has two pairs of rather large, thin, ashy or brownish-gray wings, the first pair with a broken whitish band near the outer edge and three interrupted brownish lines between that and the body. There is also a short oblique black mark near the tip of the wing, and a black line at its edge at the base of a fringe of hairs. The eggs (Fig. 24, &) are about .03 of an inch long, oval in outline, and of a pearly luster at first, changing to yellowish- green with a golden, greenish, or purplish iridescence. They are /9//] IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 487 laid in irregular masses, often as many as a hundred together, and usually .hidden in crevices of the bark of trees. The female comes out of the ground to lay her eggs from February to April, the date varying with the latitude and the sea- son. The young caterpillars appear about the time that the apple- tree unfolds its leaves, commonly, in this state, in April or early May, and they usually get their growth in about a month from the time when they issue from the eggs. They then go into the ground to a depth of two to five inches, each one in a small cell, where they change to the chrysalis, remaining there until the following Fig. 23. Common Canker-worm, Paleacrita vernata: a, adult male; 6, female; c, portion of female antenna; d, joint of abdomen, en- larged; e, ovipositor. Fig. 24. Common Canker- worm, Paleacrita vernata: a, larva; b, cluster of eggs, nat- ural size, with one enlarged: c, side view of one of the seg- ments, d, back view of same, both enlarged. winter or early spring, when the change to the adult insect takes place. There is thus but a single generation produced each year. The canker-worm is widely distributed thruout the country and may occur in destructive numbers in any part of Illinois. Its feeble power of locomotion prevents its rapid spread in any locality, but by concentration of its injuries it is the more destructive where it does occur. In its injurious or caterpillar stage (Fig. 24, a) it is readily recognized. It has a long and slender form and the habit of a "looper" or measuring worm. When not eating it usually adheres only by its hinder prolegs, extending the body from this point of support at an angle of about 45 degrees. As it is colored much like the bark of a tree, it then has the appearance of a stubbed twig. It also has the habit of spinning down from the tree at the end of a thread, particularly if the branch is jarred or shaken. Both the just- mentioned habits are doubtless advantageous to it ; the first by con- cealing it to some degree from the observation of birds and the second by putting it beyond their reach. The full-grown canker- worm is about nine-tenths of an inch in length and may vary from greenish-yellow or gray to dusky or even dark brown, with paler stripes along the sides. A close examination will show also two light lines running close together along the middle of the back. 488 BULLETIN No. 151 (October, The young are usually olive-green. The wingless female, with its small gray body from a quarter to two-fifths of an inch in length and its rather long legs, gives more the impression of a spider than that of a moth. The chrysalis is pale grayish-brown, with a dark green tinge on the wing sheaths, and measures about a third of an inch in length. This insect has not recently been abundant in Chicago, but its capacities for injury are well illustrated in a recent attack on elms at Big Rock, Kane county. Some ten years ago it was generally prevalent thruout the south-central part of the state, both in towns and in forests, to which it had apparently escaped from neg- lected orchards, although in some cases orchards were invaded in turn from adjacent forests. A most threatening attack was made on the magnificent old elms of Jacksonville, but a vigorous cam- paign, first of spraying and later of the application of adhesive bands, presently brought the outbreak under control.* A cheap and available band for the trunk of a tree is made by laying around the trunk first a strip of unglazed cotton batting two or three inches wide and over this a four- to six-inch strip- of tarred paper tied around the middle with ordinary wrapping twine. Upon this paper belt should be spread a layer a quarter of an inch thick of cheap printers' ink with which a small amount of car wheel oil has been mixed, just enough to make it easy to spread. If the tarred belt becomes slightly hardened by exposure so as to permit an insect to cross, it may be made sticky again by brushing it with a little of the same kind of oil. The cotton batting beneath the paper is necessary to keep the young canker-worms or the female moths from crawling up behind the paper where the roughness of the bark would give them passageway. These bands should be placed on the tree as early as the middle of February or the first of March, the time varying according to the latitude, and they may be safely removed by the middle of June. The cost of the bands will approximate ten cents a tree. If the canker-worms have already ascended the tree, it is some- times necessary to spray the leaves with an arsenical poison, which may be either arsenate of lead or Paris green, the latter at the rate of one pound of the poison and one pound of lime to seventy-five gallons of water. If the arsenate of lead is used, three pounds of it dissolved in fifty gallons of water will kill even the full-grown caterpillars. *The Canker-worm on Shade and Forest Trees. By S. A. Forbes. Twen- ty-second Report State Ent. 111., page 139. 191 1] IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 489 THE LILAC BORER (Podosesia syringes Harris) Among the borers whose instincts lead the female to choose, for the deposit of her eggs, scars or injured places on the bark of trees and shrubs, with the effect greatly to increase the injury and Fig. 25. Trunk of ash in one of the parks in Chicago, showing injury by the Lilac Borer, Podosesia syringce. to prevent its healing, is a species commonly known as the lilac borer (Podosesia syringes}, because it was first noticed to infest lilacs. It is much more important, however, by reason of its in- juries to various species of true ashes,* and to the mountain ash, *It has been found injurious to the lilac (Syringa sp.), to the mountain ash (Sorbus americana), and to the white, green, and English ashes (Frax- inus americana, lanceolata, and excelsior). 490 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, Fig. 36. Trunk of ash, in one of the parks in Chicago, showing injury by the Lilac Borer, Podosesia syringce. on the trunks and branches of which it produces large, rough, scar- like outgrowths from knots, roughened places, or wounds, by un- dermining the bark and boring into the wood. (See figures 25 and 26.) The eggs are laid in summer in masses on rough, scarred, or knotty places. They hatch in about six days and the young borers eat thru the bark into the outer layers of the sapwood, where they mine irregularly about, penetrating the harder wood and go- ing to the center of small branches. (Fig. 27.) In fall, when they are nearly or quite full grown, they make a hibernating cell by plugging up the burrow both before and behind with frass, and there they pass the winter as larvae. They do practically no bur- 1911} IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 491 rowing in spring, but pupate in April or the first part of May. As a preparation for pupation, they burrow outward and cut their way thru the bark, leaving only a thin outer film to close the pupal cavity. By means of short teeth with which each segment of the abdomen is armed, the pupa, when mature, works its way out of Fig. 28. Lilac Borer, Podo- sesia syringce, larva. About 5 times natural size. Fig. 27. Lilac Borer, Pod- osefia syringoR. Burrows in ash made by larvae. Slightly reduced. its gallery until it projects some three-quarters of an inch. The winged insects, altho moths, closely resemble wasps in movement, color, and form. They make their appearance from the latter part of April to the middle of June in central and northern Illinois. The borer or larva (Fig. 28) is very variable in length. It is white, yellowish anteriorly, the head of a bright mahogany color, becoming very dark at the mandibles, which are stout, broad, and provided with five teeth. The segments of the body are distinctly 492 BULLETIN No. 151 [October, marked, somewhat flattened, the first segment reddish and leathery above, the last with a broad yellowish patch. The moth (Fig. 29) has a black head, a deep brown thorax more or less marked with bright chestnut-red, and a black abdomen sometimes marked with chestnut, but sometimes with a small yel- low spot on each side of the fourth segment, or with the segments banded with yellow. The femora are black, the anterior pair of the tibiae orange, the middle and hind tibiae black with orange bands. Fig. 29. Lilac Borer, Podosesia syringes, adult. Slightly enlarged. The tarsi are yellow, the hind pair with a black band above. The fore wings are deep brown, with a violaceous luster and usually with a rusty red dash on the outer part. At the base is a transpar- ent streak. The hind wings are transparent and yellowish, the veins, discal marks, and margins deep brown, sometimes tinged with red. The spread of the wings is from an inch to nearly an inch and a half, the females being considerably larger than the males. This insect is very abundant and destructive, especially to the green ash in Chicago parks, and has been bred by us also from the white ash at Kankakee. Its injury is very noticeable and character- istic, especially on the trunks of small trees. Sometimes the smaller branches break off at the point of injury, but this does not usually happen until after the moth has escaped. George D. Hulst says, writing of these insects in New York: "In this section they are very destructive to both lilac and English ash. Large shrubs of lilac are now very rarely seen, and the English ash is being rapidly exterminated. In the latter I have seen the wood completely rid- dled with the holes made by the larvae and the entire tree dead." To check the multiplication of the species and the spread of the injury it will be sufficient to cut away and burn infested branches IMPORTANT INSECTS OF ILLINOIS SHADE TREES AND SHRUBS 493 and trees in winter. It may also be practicable to protect trees espe- cially exposed by painting rough, knotty, and injured places on the bark with a poison mixture commonly used by orchardists to prevent infestation by ordinary borers. A number of substances are avail- able for this purpose, the simplest of which, perhaps, is a mixture of soft soap and soda, with the addition of Paris green. The fol- lowing is a convenient formula : To a saturated solution of wash- ing soda add soft soap sufficient to make a thick paint, and to each ten gallons of this wash add a pint of crude carbolic acid and half a pound of Paris green. This may be painted thickly upon scarred, roughened, or knotty surfaces in April and early May and renewed as necessary until August. Two POPLAR BORERS (Memythrus tricinctus Harris) (M. dollii Neum.) Two boring caterpillars, similar in appearance, but differing in the larval or boring stage mainly in size, infest poplars in this state to an injurious degree. They are most destructive to young nursery trees, particularly to the balm of Gilead (Populus candicans}, but the Carolina poplar (P. deltoides}, Figure 30, is. also sometimes badly infested. They are generally present thruout Chicago, often infesting trees which are likewise injured by a boring larva, Cryp- torhynchus lapathi, discussed on p. 502. They have also been found by us in park and street trees in several Illinois cities and towns from Centralia northward. In the case observed by us in Chicago, the eggs of one of these species, which one we do not know, were deposited July 22, mostly in a crevice of the bark or in the neigh- borhood of a bud, and young larvae were first seen July 26, altho some of these had apparently hatched at least a week before. The borers winter in the larval stage in the wood, pupate in spring, and come out as winged moths in June and July at various dates from June 18 to July 26, if we may judge by results obtained in our in- sectary. From a willow in Cook county a specimen of M. tricinctus was bred which emerged July 2. The boring larvae are whitish caterpillars, with brown or yellow- ish heads and a smooth neck shield. The two species are most easily distinguished by the markings of the head and by the number of hooks on the abdominal legs. In M. tricinctus the head is yellowish and mottled with large patches of brown, while the abdominal feet have from eighteen to twenty-two hooks in a row. In M. dollii 494 BULLETIN No. 151 [October (Fig. 32) the head is brown with large darker patches on the sides, and a black band or blotch between the antennae. The abdominal feet have ten to fifteen hooks in each row. Both these species are T Fig. 30. Small poplar infested with sesiid borers (Memythrus). distinguished from some other borers of their family by the fact that the first segment of the thorax bears two oblique dark marks, approaching each other behind. /