FIRE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, MARCH, 1872. CHICAGO: 1872. FIRE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OP PUBLIC WORKS, MARCH, 1872. CHICAGO: JAMESON & MORSE, PRINTERS, 240 EAST MADISON STKKKT. 1872. Fire Ordinances of the 27 lots to the south line of the lote fronting north 28 on West Van Buren street ; thence west along 29 the south line of said lots to the west line of the lots 30 fronting east on Western avenue; thence north 31 along the west line of said lots to the north line 32 of the lots fronting south on West Lake street : 33 thence east along the north line of said lots to the 34 west line of the lots fronting east on Ashland av- 35 enue; thence north along the west line of said lots to 36 the north line of the lots fronting south on West 37 Indiana street ; thence east along the north line 38 of said lots to the west line of the lots fronting east 39 on North Carpenter street; thence north along 40 the west line of said lots to the north line of the 41 lots fronting south on Chicago avenue ; thence 42 east along the north line of said lots to the west No^PhMon 43 line of the lots fronting east on North Wells 44 street ; thence north along the west line of said 45 lots to a point 125 feet southwest of the inter- 46 section of said North Wells street with Lincoln 47 avenue ; thence northwesterly along a line 125 48 feet from, and parallel to, said Lincoln avenue 49 to the centre of Fullerton avenue; thence east 50 on the centre line of said avenue to Lake Mich- 51 igan ; thence southerly, bounded by Lake Mich- 52 igan, to the place of beginning. The lot lines 53 herein mentioned shall be taken and held to fine./" 68 B " 54 be the lines of said lots, as shown by the re- 55 corded plat or plats thereof. 56 No building shall hereafter be erected within Building For- 57 said fire limits unless a permit for the erection nine. * >r 58 thereof shall have first been obtained from the 59 Board of Public Works of said city : Provided, 60 however, that the fee for issuing such permit 61 shall not exceed 50 cents. 62 Whenever the owners of a majority of the i'n>.v,,iin-s to 63 street frontage of any block or square, which is exfn.i Fire 64 not included within the fire limits as prescribed 65 by this ordinance, shall present to the Board of City of Chicago. 66 Public Works of said city a plat of such block " 67 or square designating the owners (if known) [ l 68 of each and every lot, or part thereof, together Put.. Work* 69 with a statement in writing, signed by the 70 owners (or their lawful attorneys) of a majority 71 of such street frontage stating, the fact of such 72 ownership, and that they, such owners, desire 73 that such block or square shall be included 74 within the " fire limits " of said city, it shall be 75 the duty of said Board to investigate the said 76 statement, and if they find that such statement 77 has been signed by a majority of the owners (or 78 their lawful attorneys) of the street frontage of 79 said block or square, the said Board shall so 80 certify on such written statement, and shall lk ,!i l ^"'pi 81 cause such statement and plat to be filed in the ^ithcityci 82 City Clerk's office. 83 The City Clerk shall thereupon give a notice < iu- <'i,.,k t<, 84 in the corporation newspaper that such block or athvrt 85 square has been admitted within the "fire 86 limits" of said city, and is subject to the pro- 87 visions of this ordinance. 88 Upon the filing of such statement and plat 89 (so certified) with the City Clerk, and the pub- 90 lication of such notice for the same time as 91 required for the publication of this ordinance, 92 the fire limits of the city shall be held to be 93 extended so as to include such block or square, 94 and all the provisions of this ordinance shall 95 extend to and be in force so far as such block 96 or square is concerned. 97 SEC. 2. No building or structure of any 98 kind or description shall be erected or constructed construction 99 within the fire limits, as defined in section 1 of 100 this ordinance, unless the outside and party 101 walls thereof shall be composed of brick, stone, 102 iron, or other incombustible material, and all 103 buildings which shall, or may hereafter, be 104 erected or constructed within said five limits, Fire Ordinances of the Th waiiT of Th waiis c . ss f B or k woodl'n iron columns. 105 shall have outside wall of not less than one 106 foot in thickness; and if any building shall 107 be more than two stories in height (above 108 the basement), the outside walls of the base- 109 ment and first story shall be not less than 110 16 inches in thickness; and the walls of the 111 stories above the second shall not be less than 112 12 inches in thickness, and, with the excep- 113 tion of the front wall, shall extend at least 12 114 inches above the roof. 115 Provided, that buildings erected and used as 116 dwellings only may be constructed with walls 117 in all cases four inches less in thickness than 118 is hereby above specified ; and provided further, 119 that any building, cottage, or barn, one story 120 in height, may be built with walls not less than 121 eight inches thick, and that brick buildings of 122 one story, not exceeding 16 feet in height. 123 with walls resting on wooden sills placed not 124 to exceed one foot above the ground, may 125 be erected on streets wliere there are no 126 sewers/ 127 Every building hereafter erected, in which 128 partition walls supporting floor beams may be 129 required, except churches, theatres, or other 130 public buildings, shall have one or more stone, 131 brick, or fire-proof partition w^alls, which, 132 when built of brick, may be four inches less 133 in thickness than as first above specified; pro- 134 vided they are not more than 60 feet in height, 135 or, in place of walls, there shall be brick piers. 136 iron or wood columns, with girders sufficient 137 to carry the weights of the floor with their 138 super-imposed weights. 139 In all buildings, over 25 feet in width, and 140 not having either brick partition walls, or 141 girders supported by columns or piers, the 142 walls shall be increased an additional four 143 inches in thickness for every additional 10 feet City of Chicago. 144 in width of said building, or any portion 145 thereof. tionT o r i coi 146 In every brick wall, at least every sixth mnna are not 147 course, shall be a heading course, except where 148 Avails are faced with pressed brick, in which 149 case every fifth course shall be bonded into 150 the backing, by cutting the course of the face structmg 151 brick and putting in diagonal headers behind 152 the same, or by splitting the face brick in half, 153 and backing the same by a continuous course Heading conr- 154 of headers. In all walls that are faced with their 155 ashlar anchored to the backing, or in which 156 the ashlar has not either alternate headers and 157 stretchers in each course, or alternate heading 158 and stretching courses, the backing of brick 159 shall not be less than twelve inches thick. 160 The backing in all walls, of whatever material m 3? g 161 it may be composed, shall be of such thickness Faced waiis. 162 as to make the walls, independent of facing, 163 conform, as to thickness, with the requirements 164 of this ordinance. The full thickness of iron 165 fronts shall be filled in with brick work. 166 All posts, beams and other timbers in outside 167 and party walls of buildings in said fire limits 168 shall be separated at least eight inches from 169 each other, with stone or brick, laid in mortar 170 or cement. 171 No building which may be erected within the. 172 fire limits shall have any bay or oriel window, Bay windows. 173 constructed of wood, extending over three feet 174 above the floor of the third story of said 175 building; and no cornice of wood shall be cornices. 176 placed on any building over two stories in 177 height, not counting the basement (if any) as 178 one story. All chimneys shall be carried at chimney.-*. 179 least three feet above the roof. Felt, tar or 180 composition roofing may be allowed in the con- used L on- 181 struction and erection of buildings within the 182 fire limits ; provided such felt shall be covered 8 Fire Ordinances of the 183 with distilled roofing cement, or other equally 184 non-inflammable material, and well covered 185 with gravel, or other non-combustible material. jfiviu-h or Mm- 186 If a French or Mansard roof be placed on >ard K.M.r. 187 an y building, the same shall be constructed, as 188 to its outside surface, of fire proof or non- 189 ignitable material. 190 SEC. 3. That no building within said fire 191 limits not constructed and built as provided in 192 section two of this ordinance, except those now Buildings not to - n , . i n i * i f i be occupied for l^o in use, snail hereafter be occupied or used, in 5 business. 8 194 whole or in part, as or for any of the trades, 195 occupations, or businesses hereinafter men- 196 tioned, to wit: Planing mills, sash, door, and 197 blind factories, carpenter or cooper shops, 198 wagon or carriage manufactories, cabinet or 199 furniture manufactories, wood-turning and 200 veneering works, agricultural implement man- 201 ufactories, box or shingle factories, siding mills, 202 resawing or saw mills, kilns for seasoning lum- 203 ber, by any other process than steam or natural 204 heat, and that in a fireproof vault or building 205 of the same nature. No business, whether Fireproof-vaults ^6 now established or hereafter commenced, shall to be construe- 207 be conducted or carried on within the specified ing & burning 208 fire limits in which shavings or light combusti- buiSng\"here 209 ble material is made, unless there is constructed Lierefu"e b is sti ' ^10 in connection with every such establishment made. 211 or manufactory a brick or fire-proof vault or 212 furnace, in which all shavings, sawdust, chips, 213 or other light combustible refuse may be de- 214 posited and burned without endangering the 215 works in which it is made, or the surrounding 216 property ; and all such refuse shall be 217 promptly removed from the works and prem- 218 ises, either by burning the same or drawing it 219 it away, and shall not be allowed to accumu- 220 late, either in the works or on the premises 221 unless stored in a fire-proof vault, where the City of Chicago. 'I'l'l same may burn without causing alarm or 223 danger to any other property. The manufac- Manufacture of = P J , }? i ii v O.-TI Ammunition, 224 ture 01 set ammunition, lire-works, the distilla- coai on, EX- 225 tion or manufacture of naptha, coal, or other p^^iM.'' I'K > inflammable oils; the manufacture or storage 227 of excelsior, except in bales, and all other 22S extra-hazardous avocations, are hereby pro- 229 hibited within the above described fire-limits. 280 SEC. 4. No wooden building or part of 1{lli8lng> cnlarg . 281 building within the fire-limits prescribed in ging, '!*- ^P-,. -,. i_ 11 i t m S nG mov- '!}'! section 1 ot this ordinance sliall be raised, en- ing wooden 288 larged, or repaired, except as herein provided ; 284 but any wooden building may be removed from B ^S^S 8 tt S^ e 235 one lot to another lot within said fire-limits, be appraised. 236 provided said building shall be determined to 237 be worth more than 60 per cent, of what it 238 would cost to build a new building of like 239 character ; the Mayor and Board of Public Appraisal, how 240 Works to determine the value of said building; 241 provided, further, that the Board of Public 242 Works shall cause an advertisement to be . 243 inserted in the corporation newspaper for ten tion to mo f A -, < ji i e tobepublishVI 244 days, of the name of the party applying for 245 such permit, the present location of the build- 246 ing to be moved, and the lot upon which it is 247 proposed to move the same, and in each case 248 give the name and number of the streets, if 249 possible; and all remonstrances against the '^o7i!fihT es 250 granting of such permit must be filed with 251 the Board of Public Works before the expira- 252 tion of the said ten days ; and after said hear- Hearing to in* 253 ing the Mayor and said Board shall have the 254 power to grant such permits. The parties 255 applying for permits shall pay the cost of ^'''f,!^* 256 the advertisement upon the application for the 257 same, but no wooden building shall be removed not 258 from without said fire limits to any place within J^ th ' 259 said fire limits; nor sliall any wooden building 260 within said fire limits, which may be damaged ^f ox intcii- io Fire Ordinancss of the 261 less than 50 per cent, of the value, be so Raising to gnwio 262 repaired as to be raised higher than the highest 263 point left standing after such damage shall have 264 occurred, nor so as to occupy a greater space 265 than before the injury thereto: Provided, \\&i 266 the owners or occupants of buildings within 267 the fire limits shall have the right to raise 268 wooden buildings to the established grade, and 269 also to build basements or cellars of brick or 270 stone under the buildings so raised to grade. ^* ^ E * 5 * ^^ 8e CtlOnS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 272 of the chapter hereby amended, and all ordi- 273 nances and parts of ordinances inconsistent 274 with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby 275 repealed, and that the ordinance passed May 276 12, 1869, repealing section 21 of said chapter 277 be and the same is hereby repealed, and said sec- Be-enactraentof 278 tion 21 be and the same is hereby reordained o6C. Zl 01 OKI ^fc_ .-. -, i . i -i i ordinance. 279 and restored as fully as if the same had not been Penalties. 280 repealed, and that the fines and penalties of 281 section 9 of said chapter 9 shall be extended 282 to and apply to all violations of the provisions 283 of this ordinance. 284 SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Mayor, 285 Board of Public Works, and Board of Police 286 Commissioners to enforce the provisions of 287 this ordinance, and of the chapter hereby 288 amended. Enforcement of 289 SEC. 7. This ordinance shall be in force this Ordinance. ^ -,/->/, -IP 11 i T . from and alter its passage and due publication. Passed, February, 1872. City of Chicago. PORTIONS OF THE OLD ORDINANCE STILL IN FORCE. ghed , for 291 CHAP, ix, SEC. 6. Sheds not exceeding 292 twelve feet in height at the peak or highest 293 part thereof, and privies not exceeding ten feet 294 square and twelve feet in height at the peak, 295 may be constructed of wood and shall not be 296 subject to the provisions of this chapter: Pro- mC 297 vided, that the term "shed" be so construed deftned . 298 as to mean a structure with a roof sloping one 299 way, with one or more sides of said structure 300 entirely open. But all depositories for ashes 301 within or without the fire limits, shall be built 302 of brick or other fire-proof material, without 303 wood in any part thereof. 304 CHAP, ix, SEC. 8. The amount or extent how 305 of damage that may be done to any building found. 306 may be determined by three disinterested per- See also Sec . 4 , 307 sons, residents of the city, one of whom shall i** 1 308 be selected by the owner of the building, the 309 second by the Mayor or any two members of 310 the Committee on Fire and Water, and the 311 two so chosen shall select a third; and the 312 decision of the persons so appointed, shall be 313 final and conclusive; and it shall be the duty feponBeg of ap 314 of the owner of any building, before said refer- pmfaai, ho 315 ence is made, to deposit with the city clerk the 316 sum of six dollars, which sum shall be applied 317 to the payment of reference expenses, and the I 2 Fire Ordinances of the Penalties fur vi- olating tin; foregoing pro- VVoodcm build- ings, a nuis- ance. How iibatr.l. Stove pipe to Conduct into cliimni'vs. IVm.ltv. 318 remainder, if any, shall be returned to such 319 owner. 320 CHAP, ix, SKC. 9. Any owner, builder, or 321 other person, who shall own, build or aid 322 in the erection of any building or part of 323 building within the said limits, contrary to, or in 324 any other manner than authorized by the pro- visions of this chapter, or who shall own, remove, or assist in removing any such building 327 from without said limits into the same, or 328 own, repair, or assist in repairing any damaged 329 wooden building, contrary in either case to any 230 provision of this chapter, shall be subject to a 331 fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, and 332 not exceeding five hundred dollars, in the dis- 333 cretion of the court, for the first offence ; and 334 to like fine for every forty-eight hours such 335 person shall fail to comply with the provisions 336 of this chapter, or continue .in the violation 337 thereof. 338 CHAP, ix, SEC. 10. Any wooden building 339 which may be erected, enlarged, removed, or 340 repaired, or in process of erection, enlarge- 341 ment, removal, or repair, contrary to this chap- 342 ter, shall be deemed a nuisance ; and upon in- 343 formation, it shall be the duty of the Board of 344 Public Works, after twenty-four hours' notice to 345 the owner, occupant, person in charge, or builder 346 thereof, to abate the same, to raze such build- 347 ing to the ground. The expense thereof shall 348 be reported by the said board to the commou 349 council, for asessment, or may be collected from 350 the owner of such building by suit. 351 CHAP, ix, SEC. 11. No pipe of any stove, 352 or Franklin, shall be put up, unless it be con- 353 ducted into a chimney made of brick, or stone, 354 and any person putting up the pipe of any 355 stove, or Franklin, contrary to this section, 356 shall, for every such offence, forfeit five dollars. City of Chicago. 1 3 357 and the further sum of one dollar for every 358 twenty-four hours the same shall remain so put 359 up after notice given by the fire marshal, or 360 any assistant marshal to remove the same. 361 CHAP, ix, SEC. 12. No lighted candle, or ^ 362 lamp, shall be used in any stable, or other 363 place or building, where hay, straw, or other 364 combustible materials shall be kept, unless the 365 same shall be well secured in a lantern, under 366 the 'penalty of two dollars for each offence; 267 and no fire shall be kept in any stove, or other- Fin . s . 268 wise, in any such building, or any room, where 369 such combustible material is kept, under a 370 penalty of ten dollars, and an additional pen- Penalty. 371 alty of five dollars, for each and every twelve 372 hours that said fire shall so remain. 373 CHAP, ix, SEC. 13. Every person keeping 374 or occupying a shop, or other building,, wherein 81l * t I g a ^S: 375 shavings, or other combustible materials are lowed to ac- 376 made, accumulated, or may be contained, shall 377 forfeit the sum of two dollars for every neg- 378 lect to clear or remove the same out of such 379 buildings, and the yards belonging thereto, at 380 least three times in each week : Provided, such 381 buildings are situated within two hundred feet 382 of any other building ; and no stove shall be stoves to be pro- 383 used in any such shop, or building, unless the 384 same shall be set in a box surrounded with fire- 385 proof material with the pipe carefully set up 386 according to the provisions hereof; and no 387 lighted candles shall be used in any such shop, L 388 or building, except they be placed in a candle- 389 stick made of a material not liable to take fire, p ^ (U 390 under the penalty of two dollars for each 391 offenee. 392 CHAP, ix, SEC. 14. No person in removing 393 any chips, or shavings, or other combustible on/1 i i -n & Scattering Sha- t materials, shall scatter, or strew them m any vin^s, &c. 395 street, or shall at any time direct, permit, or Fire Ordinances of the Penalty. Carrying five. Penalty. Ashes. Penalty. 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 Construction of Chimneys. 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 Penalty. 430 431 Chimney built 1^9 in violation of "*' fcj this ordinance 433 to be altered. . _ . suffer any chips, shavings, or other combustible matter, to be taken or thrown, or scattered on any street or alley, under the penalty of two dollars for every offence. CHAP, ix, SEC. 15. No person shall carry fire in or through any streel, or lot, or other public or private place, except the same be placed or covered in some close or secure pan, or other vessel, under the penalty of one dol- lar for each offence. CHAP, ix, SEC. 16. No ashes (except at manufactories, where ashes are used), shall be kept or deposited in any part of the city, except the same be in a close and secure vessel, or brick, or stone ash room, under the penalty of three dollars for each offence, and a further penalty of one dollar for every twenty-four hours the same shall thereafter remain so kept or deposited. CHAP, ix, SEC. 17. No chimney shall be built with less than four inches thickness, of brick, or stone, completely imbedded in lime mortar, and plastered on the inside, with a smooth coat of the same. No flue shall in any case be less than eight by eight inches ; and if intended for two full stories, not less than eight by twelve inches ; and for three stories or more, not less than eight by sixteen inches.. Holes for stove pipe shall have a sheet iron thimble, or other fire-proof material inserted into the chimney, imbedded in mortar, and a tin or sheet- iron stopper, with a flange at least one inch wide, outside of the brick. Every person who shall build or cause to be built a chimney con- trary to this section, shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars ; and every owner of any chimney that shall be built contrary to this section, shall cause the same to be altered within ten days after notice shall be given by the fire marshal, or any City of Chicago. 1 5 435 assistant marshal so to do, or forfeit the sum 436 of ten dollars, and also ten dollars for every Penalty. 437 month thereafter, so long as said chimney shall 438 remain unaltered. 439 CHAP, ix, SEC. 18. No person shall build 440 or cause to be built a chimney resting upon 441 any part of a building liable to settle, unless same. 442 such foundation is permanently connected with 443 the rafters where the chimney passes through 444 the roof, so that the whole may settle together, 445 under a penalty of ten dollars for every such 446 offence, and a further sum of ten dollars penalty. 447 for every week it shall remain after notice 448 given by the fire marshal, or any assistant 449 marshal, to alter the same. 450 CHAP, ix, SEC. 19. No chimney shall be 451 commenced in any loft, unless there are fixed 452 stairs leading to the same, easy of access at 453 all times ; and no stove pipe shall pass through 454 more than one ceiling before entering a chimney, 455 under a penalty of ten dollars for each offence, 456 and a further sum of two dollars for every Penalty. 457 week either shall remain, after notice shall be 458 given by the fire marshal, or any assistant 459 marshal, to alter the same. 460 CHAP, ix, SEC. 20. Stove pipes shall not be stovepipes. 461 less than four inches from any wood or other 462 combustible materials, unless there is a double 463 circle of tin connected together, and air holes 464 through the connecting tin between said pipe 465 and the combustible substance, under the pen- 466 alty of three dollars, and the sum of one dol- penalty. 467 lar for every three days it shall remain after 468 notice from the fire marshal, or any assistant 469 marshal, to alter the same. 470 CHAP, ix, SEC. 21. All chimneys erected 471 in any building or place, within the city, for chimneys for 472 manufacturing purposes appertaining to, used steani works. 473 or to be used for conveying off the smoke of i6 Fire Ordinances of the Penalty. Stacking Hay. Penalty. Burning Hav, &c. Penalty. Lumber Yards. or steam engine, shall be 474 any steam boiler 4T'"> firmly and substantially built of brick or stone, 47* > and shall be erected to the height of not less 477 than fifty-five feet. Any person, or persons 478 who shall build, or construct, or use, or occupy 479 any chimney heretofore or hereafter built, for 480 the purpose above specified, of any other ina- 481 terial, or in any other manner than above speci- 482 fied, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars. 483 CHAP. ix. SEC. 22. No person, or persons, 484 shall deposit, or stack, any hay, straw, or 485 other combustible substance, within one hun- 486 dred feet of any dwelling house, barn, stable, 487 or out house, or building of any description, 488 within the limits of the City of Chicago, with- 489 out first having obtained a written permission 490 from the Mayor and both the alderman of the 491 ward, in which the same be located, under a 492 penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offence. 493 and a like penalty for every week the same may 494 remain after notice. 495 CHAP, ix, SEC. 23. No hay, straw, shav- 496 ings, or other combustible matter shall be set 497 fire to, or burned within any street, alley, 498 public or private gaound, within the fire limits 499 of the city. Nor shall any straw r , hay, or other 500 combustible matter be set fire to, or burned 501 without the fire limits and within the city, 502 nearer than one hundred feet to any house, 503 fence, barn, shed, or wooden buildings, unless 504 by the direct permission in writing, or super- 505 intendance of the fire marshal, or of one of 506 the assistant marshals, under a penalty of not 507 less than five dollars, nor more than tw r enty 508 dollars for eaeh offence. 509 CHAP, ix, SEC. 24. No lumber yard, for 510 the sale of lumber, shall l^e kept upon any 511 premises within the fire limits, which are not 512 now occupied for that purpose, under a penalty City of Chicago. 1 7 513 upon the person or persons keeping the same, 514 of ten dollars for every offence, and a like ivnaity. 515 penalty for every week the same shall be 516 allowed to remain. 517 CHAP, ix, SEC. 25. All buildings within 518 the city having hatchways, hoistways, cellar 519 openings, or other openings leading from floor iinidiways, &c. 520 to floor (except properly nrotected skylights) 521 of whatever name or description, shall be pro- 522 vided with good and substantial shutters or 523 doors for all of such hatchways, hoistways, 524 cellar doors, or other openings, and the said 525 shutters or doors shall be kept closed, except 526 when in actual use, from the hour of six 527 o'clock, P. M. to six o'clock, A. M. of each 528 day. All persons violating any or either of 529 the provisions of this section shall, on con- 530 viction, pay a fine of not less than ten dollars Penalty. 531 nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall 532 also in addition be personally liable to all fire- 533 men or persons, in damages for all injuries by 534 reason of such violation or neglect. 535 SEC. 26. If any person having charge of an Misuse of Fire 536 engine, or other fire apparatus, shall suffer or appan 537 permit the same to be applied to private 538 uses, or taken beyond the limits of the city, 539 without the consent of the fire marshal, or in 540 his absence, the actingfire marshal, he shall 541 forfeit a penalty of not less than five dollars, Penalty. 542 nor more than twenty -five dollars, for each and 543 every such offence, besides being personally 544 liable for all damages. 545 SEC. 27. The fire marshal, or assistant rower to Fire ^ 546 marshal in command, or, in the absence of the Marshals, dc. 547 fire marshal and of all the assistant marshals, 548 the Mayor, or two alderman, may direct the 549 hook-and-ladder men to cut down and remove TO cut down, C ~ r\ I.-IT f f i remove, blow p>U any building, erection, or tence, tor the pur- up building*, 551 pose of checking the progress of any fire ; and tXC ' ) at [ 8 Fire Ordinances of the 552 the fire marshal, or the assistant marshal in 553 command, with the advice and concurrence of 554 two members of the common council, shall 555 have power to blow up, or cause to be blown 556 up, with powder, or otherwise, any building or 5.37 erection during the progress of the fire, for the 558 purpose of extinguishing or checking the same. ** 559 SEC. 28. The fire marshal, or the assistant prescribe Hm- 560 marshal in command, may prescribe limits in 561 the vicinity of any fhe, within which no per- 562 son, excepting those who reside therein, mem- 563 bers of the fire department, and those admitted 564 by order of the officers of the fire department, or 565 of the city, shall be permitted to come. Persons at five 566 SEC. 29. Every person not a fireman, who to obey order*. 537 sna u De present at a fire, shall be subject 568 and obedient to the orders of the fire marshal 569 and the assistant marshals,, in extinguish- 570 ing the fire and the removal and protection of 571 property, and in case such person shall refuse Penalty. 572 to obey such orders, he shall forfeit and pay Proviso. 573 for every offence the sum of five dollars: Pro- 574 vided, That no such person shall be bound to 575 obey any of said officers, unless such officers 576 shall bear their respective badges of office, IfreOffloento ^rrr- i i i-ni bear their re- oTT or their official character shall be known or j. ^g ma( ] e k nown to them; and all such officers 579 shall have power to arrest any person, or per- 580 sons, so refusing to obey such lawful orders as . 581 aforesaid, and hold them in custody until after 582 the fire is extinguished, when we or they shall be 583 taken before a magistrate to be dealt with ac- 584 cording to law. ro 58 '5 SEC. 30. It shall be lawfiil for the fire 586 marshal and the assistant marshals to re- 587 quire the aid of any drayman with his horse 588 and dray, driver of a licensed wagon, with his r >SD team and wagon, or any citizen, inhabitant, or 590 bystander, in drawing or conveying any engine City of Chicago. 19 591. or other fire apparatus to the fire, and in work- 592 ing and using the same while at a fire, and on 593 the refusal or neglect of any person to comply 594 with such requisition, the offender shall for every Penalty. 595 default forfeit and pay a penalty of not less 596 than one- dollar nor more than five dollars. 597 SEC. 31. Any person who shall willfully Hindering nre- rno if the Common Council, Mai/ *l { Mh, 804 SKOTION 1. Beit ordfiined // the Common 805 Council of the City of Chicago': That should Penalty tor giv- OAP '' 1-1 ing faiso 806 any person, or persons, knowingly give, or 807 cause to be given, any false alarm of fire, by 808 means of the telegraph boxes connected with ' 809 the police and fire alarm telegraph, such per- 810 son, or persons, shall be subject to a fine of 811 not less than fifty dollars, nor more than one 812 hundred dollars, to be recovered as other fines 813 are recoverable. 814 SEC. 2. And be it ordained: That should 815 any person, or persons, make, or cause to be penalty for ma- 816 made any key or keys of an v fire engine, hose, king false o -, * ,- i * r i ". i keys. 817 truck house, or fire alarm telegraph box, or 818 use, or cause to be used, the same, except the 819 Mayor, Board of Police, Board of Public 820 Works, and Chief Fire Marshal, without the 821 consent of the proper authority, such person, 822 or persons, shall be subject to a fine of not 823 more than one hundred dollars, to be recovered 824 as other fines are recoverable. 825 SEC. 3. That all persons whatsoever, except 826 the duly authorized agents, or officers of the Pe ting wL cut " 8 2? Board of Police, are hereby forbidden to cut 828 or remove, or in any way alter or 829 interfere with any fire alarm, police, water, or 830 other telegraph wire belonging to the City of 831 Chicago; and any person violating this section 832 shall be subject "to a penalty of "fifty dollars, 833 to be recovered as other fines for the violation 834 of city ordinances are recoverable. 835 SEC. 4. This ordinance shall be in force 836 and take effect from and after its passage and 837 due publication. City of Chicago. 23 AN ACT supplementary to " A?? Act to reduce the Charter of the City of Chicago, and the several acts amendatory thereof, into one act, and to re- vise the same," aqproved February 13fA, 1863, and the several amendments thereto. 838 CHAP, in, SEC. 9. The Board of Police 839 are hereby empowered to regulate the con- 840 struction of chimneys, and to compel the clean- Board of Pol}ce 841 ing thereof; to prevent the setting up or con- authority of, ' 842 struction of boilers, stoves, ovens, or other 843 things in such a manner as to be dangerous; 844 to prohibit the deposit of ashes in unsafe 845 places ; to regulate the carrying on of manu- 846 factories dangerous in causing or promoting 847 fires ; to regulate or prohibit the sale or use 848 of fireworks in said city ; to raze or demolish 849 any building, wall, or erection, which by 850 reason of fire or any other cause, may become 851 dangerous to human life or health, or tend to 852 extend a conflagration. [Approved March 9*7*, 1867.] AN ACT to amend an act supplementary to "An Act to reduce the Charter of Chicago, and the several acts amendatory thereof, into one act, and to revise the same,'" approved February \&th. 1863, and the several amendments thereto, ap- proved March 9th, 1867. 853 SECTION 8. Any person or corporation 854 being the owner or occupant of any building 855 or premises within the City of Chicago, who 856 shall violate any regulation or order of the 857 Board of Police, w r hich may be made by said 858 Board in conformity with the powers conferred 859 upon said Board by section nine (9), chapter 860 three (3), of an act supplementary to an act 24 Fire Ordinances. 861 to reduce the charter of the City of Chicago, 862 and the several acts amenditory thereof into 863 one act, and revise the same, approved Febru- 864 ary 13th, 1863, and the several amendments 865 thereto, approved March 9th, 1867 ; or who 866 shall fail to comply to [with] any regulation or 867 order of said Board directing such person or 868 corporation to raze, demolish, remove, change, 869 or make safe any building, wall, or erection, 870 or any part thereof, which by reason of fire, lack 871 of sufficient number of props, stairways, doors, 872 landings, passage-ways, or other things neces- 873 sary; or which, in the opinion of the Board 874 may by any possible contigency become nec- 875 essary to insure safety to the occupants, or to- 876 the life or health of the people in the vicinity 877 thereof, shall be subject to a fine of not less 878 than five dollars and not exceeding one hun- 879 dred dollars for each day after being notified 880 of such regulation or order, such person, or 881 corporation shall fail to comply with such reg- 882 ulation or order of said Board. [Approved March 15, 1869.] INDEX. A. Commencing Page. Line. Ammunition, manufacture of 223 9 Appraising buildings to be removed 234 9 Appraisal, how made 239 9 Advertising, cost of 254 9 Ashes, depositories of 300 11 Appraisal expenses of, how paid 313 11 Ashes, how to be kept 406 14 Assistant fire marshals 545 17 Arrests, by fire marshal and assistants 578 18 Apparatus fire how drawn 622 19 Advertising for admission to fire limits 83 5 B. Building permits 56 4 Board of Public Works to certify to and file with City Clerk, plat of block to be included in fire limits 79 5 Buildings, construction of 97 5 Buildings, material to be used 101 5 Barns 115 6 Brick piers, iron or wooden columns, where to be placed . 141 6 Bay windows 172 7 Buildings not to be occupied for certain kinds of business . . 193 8 Burning of hay, straw, &c 495 16 Board of Police, authority of 838 23 Buildings to be destroyed by Fire Marshal 549 17 Badges to be worn by Officers 576 18 Buildings to be moved must be appraised 234 9 26 Index. c. Commencing Page. Line. City Clerk to give notice by advertising of any block admitted in fire limits jyj ^ Construction of buildings J' Columns of iron or wood, where to be placed iji Construction of walls, manner of v& Cornices ~g Chimneys 99 o q Coal Oil, manufacture of g~ Cost of advertising, how paid ~'* '* Chimneys for steam works *" Cellar doors, hatchways, &c * ' A Combustible articles, storage of Damage to buildings, how ascertained .................. U4 Definition of the term " shed" ......................... ^ Depositories for ashes ................................. du E. F. Excelsior, manufacture or storage of .................... 223 Enlarging wooden buildings ........................... ^ ? Enforcement of ordinance ............................. ^ |y Expenses of appraisal, how paid ....................... ^ Extension of fire limits, proceedings of ................. Fire limits, South Division ............................ 1 Fire limits, West Division. . ........................... g Fire limits, North Division ............................ Fee for building permit ............................... j> Fire limits proceedings to extend ..................... Faced walls, thickness of backing to ................... W Index. 2 7 Commencing Pago. Line. French roofs 186 8 Fire proof vaults, to be built for receiving and burning shavings, &c 205 8 Fireworks, manufacture of 223 9 Fire in stoves, not to be kept in rooms containing com- bustible material 267 13 Fire, carrying in the street 400 14 Fire test of oils, -fee 770 21 False alarm, penalty for 804 22 Fire apparatus, misuse of 535 17 Fire marshal, powers of 545 17 Fire marshal may require aid 585 18 H. Heading courses 153 7 Hay stacks 483 16 Hay, straw, &c, where to be burned 495 16 Hatchways, cellar doors, &c 517 17 Hindering firemen on duty 597 18 Hose, how crossed, protected and taken up 735 20 I. Injuring fire apparatus .................... ........... 600 19 " Lot lines " defined ................................... 52 4 Lamps and candles, use of ............................. 361 13 Lumber Yards ....................................... 509 16 Limits at fire to be prescribed by fire marshal ........... 559 18 Lighted candles ....................................... 386 13 M. Material to be used for buildings 101 5 Material to be used for roofs 180 7 Mansard roof .. ..186 8 2 8 Index. Commencing Page. Line. Moving wooden buildings 234 9 257 9 Misuse of fire apparatus ->J5 17 Manufacture of ammunition 223 9 Manufacture of coal oil 223 9 Manufacture of excelsior 223 9 Manufacture of fireworks 223 9 Manufacture of naptlia 223 9 Manner of constructing walls 149 7 ST. North Division, fire limits 43 4 Naptha, manufacture of 223 9 Notice of intention to move to be published 242 9 Nuisance, (wooden buildings) how abated 343 12 o. Outside walls, thickness of, in absence of partitions or columns 144 7 Old ordinance, sections repealed 271 10 Ordinance, by whom enforced 284 10 Oils, fire test of 770 21 Orders of fire marshal to be obeyed 566 18 Officers at fire to wear badges 574 18 Old ordinance, re-enactment of section 21 of 278 10 Ordinance, enforcement of 289 10 P. Permits for buildings to be obtained from Board of Pub- lic Works 56 4 Permits, fee for issuing of 59 4 Proceedings to extend fire limits 62 4 Plat representing block to be included in to fire limits to be submitted to Board of Public Works 66 5 Partition walls, how thick 131 6 Proceedings to remove buildings 234 9 Penalties ..280 10 Index. 29 Commencing Pago. Lino. Privies 291 11 Police, see Board of 838 23 Power of lire marshal 545 17 Persons not firemen to obey orders of fire marshal 5(56 18 K. Roof, walls to extend above 113 6 Roofs, material to be used 180 7 Roofs, French, or Mansard 186 8 Raising wooden buildings 230 9 Repairing wooden buildings 230 9 Remonstrance against moving buildings 249 9 Repairing damaged buildings, . . ? 259 9 Raising to grade 262 10 Restriction on storage of combustible articles 759 20 Re-enactment of section 21, old ordinance 278 10 South Division, fire limits 1 5 Sills, building on wooden 123 6 Shavings, sawdust, &c., how to dispose of 212 Sections of old ordinance repealed 271 10- Sheds and privies 291 11 Shed, definition of 297 11 Stove pipe to be conducted into brick chimney 351 12 Shavings, &c. not allowed to accumulate 373 Stoves 'in shops, how to be protected 382 13 Shops 373 13 Shavings not to be scattered on street 392 13 Stove pipes 382 Sta :king hay, straw, &c 483 16 Storage of combustible articles 778 21 T. Thickness of walls { {^l 6 Thickness of partition walls 133 Thickness of outside walls where partitions or columns are not used 144 7 3O Index. Commencing Line. Page. u, Use of lamps and candles 301 13 w. West Division, fire limits 15 o Walls, how thick 105 (> Walls to extend above roof 113 <> Wooden sills 123 (\ Walls, partition 131 6 Walls, thickness of 105 6 Walls, outside, how thick in absence of partitions or columns 144 Walls, manner of constructing 149 7 Wooden buildings 230 9 Wooden buildings not to be moved in fire limits 257 9 Wooden buildings to be deemed a nuisance 338 12 Warehouses, fire-proof 786 21 Wire, of alarm, police, water, or other telegraph, not to be interfered with . . . .825 22 FS