w^^e Cavaliers and Pioneers Abslracls of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623 -1800 NELL MARION NUGENT 353.3 c W THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY N204o VI .'Lams ?iisTC?.:cAi mm Cavaliers and Pioneers Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/cavalierspioneerOOnuge In 1619, a year marked by several important events in the Colony, including the assembling of the first General As- sembly, the London Company adopted a "Cote for Virginia'". The coat-of-arms has been a puzzle and source of specula- tion to every historian and has been sometimes confused with the proper seal of the Colony itself. It is found as a book plate or frontispiece in nearly all of the printed acts and official proceedings of the Colonial government. It appears in Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia, editions 1624 and 1632 ; in Beverley's History of Virginia, in several issues of the Virginia Gazette, and in Stow's Survey of London, pub- lished in 1633. It was changed slightly from time to time to make the quarterings agree with the arms of the different reigning houses, and after the union of England and Scot- land "quartam" succeeded "quintum" in the motto. The illustration is from the title page of Merchants of Virginia in the Virginia State Library and the colors were selected arbitrarily. Cavaliers and Pioneers AbStratts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants 1623-1800 IN FIVE VOLUMES Abstracted and Indexed by Nell Marion Nugent Virginia Land Office Richmond, Va. Introduction by Robert Armistead Stewart, Ph.D. Patroness Agnes Bernadine Sitterding VOLUME ONE RICHMOND, VA.: Press of The Dietz Printing Co. 1934 Copyright, 1934 BY NELL MARION NUGENT All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America. a- IPebtcateb to ,$ne$ Bcvnabtnc &ittetbin$ TABLE OF CONTENTS General Foreword: Nell Marion Nugent page Introduction: Robert Armistead Stewart Explanation Abstracts: Patent Book 1, Part I Patent Book 1, Part II Patent Book 2 Patent Book 3 Patent Book 4 Patent Book 5 Greatest Number of Acres in a Single Patent (Table) Index to Introduction General Index Addenda xi xxxv 1 67 153 227 321 439 569 571 577 767 ILLUSTRATIONS Cover: The Coat-of-Arms on the cover has been adopted as the symbol of the entire work and will be used to identify the five volumes as typically Virginian. The escutcheon is quartered with a ship, scroll, tobacco leaf and dogwood blossom, crested by the Indian maiden Pocahontas. The supporters represent a cavalier and a pioneer. The colors were selected arbitrarily. Coat-of-Arms in Colors Frontispiece Maps: 1607 and 1611 Front endsheets 1619 page 96 1622 page 224 1632 page 352 1634 and 1652 Rear endsheets Chart: Counties formed from Shires page xxxiv Halftones: Early Colonial Seals page ix George Sandys Patent page 32 Nicholas Martiau Patent pages 160-161 Example of mutilated page in Patent Books page 288 Example of difference in recordation page 448 David Williamson Patent page 544 Early Colonial Seals Seal of the Virginia Company Seal of Virginia after the Restoration The Seal of the Supreme Council in England was closely identified with the settlement in Virginia. The obverse of the seal on the left is from The Seals of Virginia by Edward S. Evans, and was taken from Egerton Mss. 2,087 fo. 3 in the British Museum. It is from a certificate of payment for a share in a venture to Virginia. The reverse of the seal on the right has been retouched to conform as near as possible to the original and was taken from Neill's Virginia Vetusta, p. 4. The lack of a Seal in the Colony extended over the period of the Commonwealth and over part of the first year in the reign of Charles II, who was restored to the throne in May. 1660. Less than a year later a new seal was devised, en- graved and sent to the Colony. The illustration is from Evans' The Seals of Virginia. In the Virginia Historical Society collections there is among the Ludwell Mss. a patent, dated 27th of October, 1663, bearing this seal. Other speci- mens in the Virginia State Library, are a patent granted by Sir William Berkeley to Thomas Bushrod in Westmoreland County, dated 2nd July, 1669, and a patent granted by Sir William Berkeley, dated 13th of March, 1667, to William Dudley in Lancaster. GENERAL FOREWORD God sifted a whole nation that He might send His choice grain into the Wilderness. NTO the wilderness of the new world I am certain God sent the choice grain of many nations, and it is upon the fruit of this planting my thoughts dwell as I lay aside my completed work for this first volume. I wish everyone interested in the foundation and preservation of these United States could stand in the shadows of the Old Church at Jamestown and the Old Rock at Plymouth and, gazing seaward, visualize those little ships as they approached the shores of this land of promise. The emotion I feel is as deep and my appreciation as sincere when I go to Plymouth as when I stand on Jamestown Island. Consecrated by the blood of noble men and courageous women, 'tis hallowed ground. By whatever name they are called — Cavalier, Pilgrim or Puritan — they were all Pioneers, and to those dauntless souls who made history in the memorable years 1607 and 1620 we owe a debt of eternal gratitude. Numerous names and deeds have escaped recordation, due in many instances to the destruction of records, but it is hoped these Abstracts will, in a small measure, perpetuate the indomitable spirit of these pathfinders of the sea and those who later blazed trails across the western frontier — the inspiration and keynote of American progress and independence. In handling these old manuscript volumes one realizes there is much of romance and tragedy, as well as of history and genealogy, bound within them. There is evidence of the ravages of time and mute testimony of mutilation by persons unaware of their value and true significance. A brief summary of the Land Office records to 1800 is as follows: 45 volumes or 24,983 pages of Colonial Patents; 22y 2 volumes or 8,371 pages of Northern Neck Deeds (issued by Thomas, Lord Fairfax, begin- ning in 1690) ; 67 volumes or 47,769 pages of Commonwealth Grants (beginning in 1779) and l l / 2 volumes or 4,782 pages of Northern Neck x. General Foreword Grants subsequent to the Revolutionary War, making a total of 142 manuscript volumes, representing 85,905 pages. Renewals of original patents by the Regal Government is often con- fusing and the tendency to accept each entry as a new patent is so prevalent, attention is called to renewals, as cited in these Abstracts, which greatly reduces the actual number of acres to individuals and indicates many conveyances were merely confirmations of earlier titles. No attempt will be made to approximate the acreage granted by the Commonwealth, as overlapping grants create complications, an explanation of which requires the combined skill and ingenuity of lawyers and engineers. Alexander Wolcott and Robert Morris were two of a great number to whom the State of Virginia, in the post-Revolutionary period, issued paper title to enormous tracts of land. Their grants range from 1,000 to 350,000 acres, aggregating, respectively, 1,012,500 and 1,590,560 acres. For those who are not familiar with the political subdivisions of the State, and those who may never see the original records, maps of historical significance are used as end sheets and inserted in these volumes, as well as photographic reproductions of patents and grants. Words cannot express my appreciation to Miss Sitterding, my Patroness; to the Honourable George Campbell Peery, Governor of Virginia, who wrote a personal letter to the Clerks of the various county courts, I am grateful for the assurance that none of the early Patent Books are filed in said courts. To Mr. John W. Garner, of Falls Church, Dr. Robert Armistead Stewart, Dr. Earl G. Swem, Dr. W. J. Showalter, Dr. Thomas Perkins Abernethy, Honourable Wilmer L. Hall, State Librarian, and The Dietz Press I am deeply appreciative of their interest and co-operation. Richmond, September 1, 1934. Nell M. Nugent. INTRODUCTION jN the series of volumes of Land Patents deposited in the Virginia Land Office in the Capitol Building, Richmond, the Commonwealth possesses one of the great historical treasures of America — the record of land granted to "Adventurers and Planters" from overseas and in the course of time to native-born Virginians and others, extending, apart from a hiatus of two years, from the year 1624 (with a few grants surviving from an earlier period) to the opening of the nineteenth century. Through the labors of the Custodian of the Virginia Land Archives, Mrs. Nell M. Nugent, eminently qualified for the tremendous task by reason of her early legal training and her experience with court records, these invaluable documents are now made generally accessible to the student of history and to the genealogist, in the form of abstracts contain- ing all names of persons and of places, dates and land bounds recorded therein, with the inclusion in their entirety of certain patents in order to exhibit legal formulae of grants varying with succeeding governments and administrations. To this wealth of material a comprehensive Index furnishes the key. The fruit of devoted industry and zeal, this work must challenge attention as a contribution of the first rank to the published historical documents concerning the earliest permanent British plantation in America and the Commonwealth that emerged from it. The Historical Background On April 10, 1606 Letters Patents were granted by James the First King of England, &c. to Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Clerk, Prebendary of Westminster, Edward-Maria Wingfield, and others * * * adventurers of and for our City of London * * * for two several Colonies and Plantations to be made in Virginia and other parts and Territories of America.* ♦Herring's "Statutes at Large," Vol. I, p. 59. xii. Cavaliers and Pioneers A governing body was established in England called "Our Council of Virginia" with an approved seal, which was to designate the local Council in the colony, And it was further decreed, "that all and every the persons being our subjects, which shall dwell and inhabit within every or any of the said several colonies and plantations and every of their children, which shall happen to be born within any of the limits and precincts of the said several colonies and plantations, shall have and enjoy all liberties, fran- chises, and immunities, within any of our other dominions, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been abiding and born, within the realm of England, or any other of our said dominions." Under the power of this charter and through the enterprise of the adventurers resulted the sailing of the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery, the arrival at Jamestown on May 13, 1607, and the plant- ing of one hundred settlers. Eight or nine months afterwards came the "First Supply" of one hundred and twenty colonists in the John & Francis and the Phenix, and in October, 1608 arrived the "Second Supply," the Mary Margett, with sixty persons "mostly gentlemen, few or no tradesmen except some Polanders to Make Pitch, tarre, potashes &c. * * *" The Second Charter,* signed and sealed on May 23, 1609, granted to the adventurers mentioned in the First Charter and to others the formation of "one body or commonalty perpetual, to be known as the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers of the City of London for the First Colony of Virginia" — the London Company. Under this reorganization of 1609 the administration of local affairs was delegated to a governor and a Council to reside in the Colony. Sir Thomas Smythe became the first Treasurer of the Company. "Nominated as Planters were those that go there in person to dwell themselves and Adventurers those who adventure their mony and go not in person and both do make the members of one Colony." A single share in the Company was rated at twelve pounds ten shillings. The presidents of the Virginia council under the First Charter were Edward-Maria Wingfield, Mathew Scrivener, Capt. John Smith, and George Percy, son of the eighth Earl of Northumberland. In later days John Rolfe, husband of Pocahontas, voiced an objection to this system of government: "The beginning of this plantation was governed by a president and coun- cill, aristocratically and in this government happened all the miserie."f *For Second Charter see Hening's Statutes at Large, Vol. I, p. 80. f'Genesis of the United States," by Alexander Brown, Vol. I, p. 206. Introduction xiii. Under the second charter Sir Thomas Gates, who "had the honour to all posterity to be the first named in his Majestys Pattent of graunt in Virginia," was chosen the first and absolute governor. In June, 1609 he left England in a fleet of seven ships, known as the "Third Supply," carrying about 500 settlers. The ships were unhappily scattered by a tempest, and Sir Thomas' own vessel wrecked on the coast of Bermuda. The other six ships of the fleet proceeded to Virginia, and reached the settlement in safety. But, after some months, all the colonists were "in the extremity of famine" when "unexpected, yet happily arrived Sir Thomas Gates & Sir George Somers in two small Barques, which they built in the Sommer Islands after the wreake of the Sea adventure whereon they set forth from Englande, with them one hundred persons barely provided of vittel for themselves." The new comers, on their arrival on May 20, 1611, discovered no more than sixty of the settlers alive "most famished and at pointe of death, of whom many soon died." In 1609 Capt. Smith had "divided into three partes and dispersed about for their better releife, The first under command of Captain Francis West to seat at the head of the River ; a second under command of Captain John Smith, the President, at James Towne, & the other, with Capt. John Martin in the River at Nansamun."* In the year 1610, however, Gates, despairing of maintaining the Colony, resolved with the consent of the Council "to embarque themselves & this poor remainder of the Collonye, in those two pinnaces [in which Gates and Somers had arrived] & two other small Barques then in the River to sett saile for Newfoundland where they might relieve their wants & procure one safer passage for Englande * * * but when we had sailed down the river about twelve miles we espied a boat which afterwards we understoode came from the right Honourable Lord La Ware, who was then arrived at Point Comfort with three good shipps, wherein he brought two hundred and fifty persons with some store of provisions * * * Sir Thomas Gates understandinge that his Lordship was arrived with a com- mission from the Company to be Governor & Capt Genl of Virginia and had brought men & provisions for the subsistinge & advancinge of the *Breife Declaration of the Plantation of Virginia duringe the first twelve yeares when Sir Thomas Smith was Governor of the Companie, & downe to this present tyme. By the Ancient Planters nowe alive in Virginia. Colonial Records of Virginia, pp. 69-83. Cavaliers and Pioneers Plantation, he the very next day to the grief e of all his Company (only except Capt. John Martin) as winde & weather gave leave, retorned his whole company with charge to take possession again of those poor ruinated habitations at James Towne." The new Governor devoted himself to directing the repair and forti- fication of the settlement, but, balked by the Indians in his plan to dispatch an expedition to the mountains in search of gold and silver, he departed, broken in health, for the West Indies, whence he shortly afterwards returned to England. With only Jamestown and Point Comfort held by the settlers Capt. George Percy administered as deputy governor. About a fortnight after De La Warr's departure arrived in Virginia a small ship called the Hercules with some thirty persons and provisions. After Percy left Virginia on April 22, 1612 Gates, Dale, Yeardley and Argall successively held the post of deputy governor. On March 27, 1611 Sir Thomas Dale left Land's End for Virginia, with 300 people in three ships and three carvels, and carrying domestic animals and supplies. In the judgment of the London Company he "not only adventured his person in that service in a time of the greatest difficulty but alsoe being at a great charge in furthering the action and furnishing him selfe, the Council of Virginia at their meeting on the 18th of this instant * * * agree that his person shall be Rated at the Summe of Seven hundred pounds and that he the said Sr Thomas Dale his heires Exors. & Admrs. or assignes shall have ratably according to the said Summe his & their full part of all such Lands Tenements and hereditaments as shall from time to time be their recovered planted and inhabited (&c) * * * Feb. 25, [1610/11]."* Dale, who served as deputy governor until August 1, 1611, and, after Gates left the Colony, from March, 1614 to May, 1616, reached Fort Algernourne, or Point Comfort, on May 22, 1611. Having left James Davis as captain of the fort at Point Comfort, Dale proceeded to restore forts Charles and Henry at the mouth of Hampton River, and then went to Jamestown. After effecting improvements at the first settlement he removed about Michaelmas with three hundred persons for the building of Henrico Town, otherwise Henricopolis (the present Dutch Gap). During his adminis- tration also occurred the planting of Bermuda Hundred, Charles City ♦"Records of the Virginia Company," November 17, 1619. Vol. I, p. 267. Introduction xv. Hundred, Curls, Coxendale, and Shirley Hundred. He undertook the setting up of salt works. But all his achievements resulted from submit- ting the people to measures of uncommon severity — a species of martial law that found favor with Sir Thomas Gates. The London Company likewise was not unappreciative : "Sir Thomas Dale building upon those foundacons [laid by Sir Thomas Gates] with great & constant severity, reclaymed almost miraculously those idle and disordered people and re- duced them to labour and an honest fashion of life, and proceeding with great zeale to the good of this Company, set up the Common Garden to yield them a standing revennue, placed servants upon it, as also upon other Publique workes for the Companies use, Established an Annuall rent of Corne for the ffarmers, Of Tribute Corne from the Barbarians, together with a great stock of Kine, Goates, and other Cattle, being the goodes of the Companie for the service of the Publique, which hath since beene the occasion of drawing so many perticuler Plantacons to seate in Virginia upon hope and promise of plenty of Corne and Catle to be lent them from the Publique, for their ease and benefitt upon their first arrivall, But since their times all these publique provisions havinge beene utterly laid wast by such meanes as hereafter in due time shall appeare." However, despite all Dale's activities, only three hundred persons were living in Virginia and his new town of Henricopolis was already falling into decay at the time of his recall in 1616. According to the "Breife Declaration," "The supplies sent out of England while Sir Thomas Gates and Sir Thomas Dale governed were these: a small barque called the John and Francis, which brought few men and less victual ; the next a small ship called the Sarah, with the like number of men and victuall, the next a ship called the Tresorer, wherein Captain Samuel Argoll, bringinge with him to the number of fiftie good men, which ship and men were wholly imployed in Trade and other services for relevinge of the Collonye; the next ship, called the Elizabeth, and with about thirteen persons, for them little provision; the next the same Elizabeth came againe, with some small store of provisions only; in her Sir Thomas Gates went for Englande [April, 1614], leavinge the government with Sir Thomas Dale. * * * "At Michaelmas following arrived a small ship called the Susan her lading (being the first Magazin) consistinge of some necessarye pro- visions of clothing." xvi. Cavaliers and Pioneers George Yeardley succeeded to the deputy governorship and continued for a year "under whom the Colony lived in peace and best plentye that ever it was to that time." Yeardley was followed by Samuel Argall, who continued until April 10, 1619. This period was marked by the planting of the settlements of Argalls Gift, Martin Brandon, Smith's (later Southampton) Hundred, Weyanoke, Flower de Hundred, Martins Hundred and Maycock Hundred. Lord De La Warr died at sea on June 7, 1618, when he was on his way to take over the control of the Colony from Argall, who had rendered himself obnoxious to the Virginia Company. Owing to this fatality Argall retained his office until the arrival of Yeardley from England. When he closed his administration the "Forts, Towns, and Plantations" in Virginia were "James Citty, Henrico, Charles City and Hundred, Shirley Hundred, Arrahattock, Martin Brandon and Kiccoughtan, all of which were but poorly housed and manned." Yeardley left England on January 19, 1619, but owing to "sore weather" did not reach his destination until April 19, 1619. With him he brought the Instructions of the London Company dated November 18, 161 8 and, among other directions, their commission appointing "300 Acres of Land to be sett out for the Governor so to ease the Company henceforward of all charge in mayntayning him: 1200 Acres of Land to be the Common Land of the Company vizt three thousand in each of the ifower old Burroughs- 1000-acres of Land for the university to be planted at Henrico; of which 100 for the Colledge for the conversion of Infidells; the next care was the placing tenants upon these lands." In London, on April 28, little more than a week after Yeardley had reached Virginia "at a Quarter Court for Virginia at Sir Thomas Smiths Howse in Philpott Lane" Sir Thomas Smythe, *Treasurer since the for- mation of the Company, resigned on the plea of his complete occupation by new official duties but in greater likelihood though the pressure of two parties in the Company combining to displace him. Over two other contestants Sir Edwin Sandys was elected by a large majority to succeed Smythe as Treasurer. Under the new control pronounced changes were made in the previous system; a colonist was now assigned a divident of land and conceded a share in the government. v ^ .° r - T he L answer of the General Assembly in Virginia to a Declaration of the state of the Lolome in the 12 years of Sr Thomas Smiths Government, exhibited by Alderman Johnson and others see NeilPs "History of the Virginia Company of London," pp. 407-411. Introduction xvii. Among the projects under the new order was one of November 3, 1619 duly carried into effect, except in the matter of number: "Lastly he wished that a fit hundredth might be sent of woemen, Maides young and uncorrupt to make wives to the Inhabitants and by that meanes to make them more setled & lesse moveable * * * These women if they marry to the publique farmers, to be transported at the charge of the Company ; If otherwise, then those that take them to wife to pay the said Company their charges of transportation." Shortly after his arrival Governor Yeardley called a representative Assembly to convene at Jamestown, the first legislative body to meet on American soil. And this year 1619 is also memorable through the impor- tation, in a Dutch ship, of the first negroes into the Colony. Not all Sir George Yeardley' s acts met with approval by the Company in England. When Mr. Markham noted to the court a grant passed unto him by Sir George Yeardley provided with the seale of the Colony on con- dition that he compounded with Opachankano, and procured a confir- mation within two years from the Company, the Council emphatically affirmed that by the Kings Letters Patents, no other but the Company in London and that in the Quarter Court had the right to dispose of land in Virginia, and the Governor of Virginia had merely the power of a Ministerial officer "to sett out to every man his propper divident either by direction from hence, or to such as had acquired it there by purchase or service and therein cheifely to respect the auncient Adventurers and Planters, with authority also to passe the said Grants under the Collonies Seale, if they did desire it, but not to make an absolute Graunt." The Company also condemned "the very dishonorable compounding with Opechankano whereby a Sovereignty of that heathen Infidell was acknowledged, and the Companies Title thereby much infringed. It was also reputed a fraudulent deed unto the Grauntee, and of purpose onely to drawe a ffee from him, wch by report is very excessive, in that kinde, there beinge no lesse than 2011 waight of Tobacco or 311 in money demaunded by the Secretary there fore every such private divident of 50: or 100: acres passed under the Seale of the Colony * * *"* When Yeardley retired from the governorship on November 18, 1621, to become a member of the Council in Virginia, the population of the •Records of the Virginia Company, Vol. II, pp. 94-95. xviii. Cavaliers and Pioneers Colony was estimated at 1,200 people, an increase of about 850 since the departure of Sir Thomas Dale. To the new governor and captain general, Sir Francis Wyatt, elected at a Court of the London Company on January 29, 1620/21, authori- zation was extended to govern "as fully and amply as any Governor and Council resident there at any time within the space of five years now last past might performe or execute." Sir Francis arrived in Virginia in October, 1621, and with him came his brother, the Rev. Haute Wyatt, William Clayborne with an appointment as surveyor-general of the Colony, Dr. John Pott, physician-general, and the Colony's new treasurer, George Sandys, who was to compose in Virginia portions of his noted translation of the "Metamorphoses" of Ovid. Sir Francis Wyatt's commission defined the powers of the Governor and Council, and permitted the people to choose Burgesses to represent them in a popular Assembly.* But at this time when reforms showed promise of fruitfulness occurred the most cruel blow that the Colony had as yet experienced. On March 22, 1621/2 the Indians, under the leader- ship of Opechancanough (Opechankano) , brother of Powhatan, massacred 347 of the 1,240 white inhabitants of the Colony. Jamestown and the neighboring settlements were only saved by the timely warning of the Christian Indian Chanco. Yet even after this "deadly stroake given to the great amazement and mine of the state" emigration from England went on undeterred, in the spirit voiced by Mr. Truelove and his Asso- ciates on July 17, 1623: "no whitt discouraged with the late Massacre of the English by the treacherous Indians they were resolved to set forth for their Plantations." f And the stricken Colony was soon to have news of radical changes from over the water. Largely as an outcome of the incessant and violent attacks by the former Treasurer, Sir Thomas Smythe, allied with the Earl of Warwick, upon the administration of the London Company by Sir Edwin Sandys and the Earl of Southampton, the Charter of the Company was, at the instance of the King, abrogated by the Courts in June, 1624, and as a consequence the administration of the Colony and the disposal of its land came under the immediate control of the Crown. The extinction of the London Company gave little satisfaction to Governor Wyatt and other *For "Ordinance and Constitution of the Treasurer and Council and Company in Virginia for a Council of State and another Council to be called the General Assembly in Virginia" see Hening's Statutes at Large. Vol. I, p. 118. tRecords of the Virginia Company, Vol. II, p. 93. Introduction xix. men of prominence in Virginia, who expressed their remonstrance, over their signatures, in "The Tragicall Relacon," but without avail. However, Charles the First, who ascended the throne on March 27, 1625, issued his proclamation on May 13 after his accession, declaring that it was not his purpose to "take away or impeach the particular interest of any private planter or adventurer, nor to alter the same otherwise than should be necessary for the good of the public."* Sir Francis Wyatt continued to serve as governor until, at his own request, he was relieved of his office in May, 1626. Sir George Yeardley once more became governor and continued until his death, whereupon Capt. Francis West succeeded as deputy governor and held office until March 2, 1629, when Dr. John Pott, who had come to Virginia as physi- cian-general, was elected by the Council West's successor. The next gover- nor was the contentious Sir John Harvey, during whose tenure of office Kent Island and the shores of the York were first settled. After he had deposed Claiborne from his office as secretary of state on account of the latter's clash with Lord Baltimore Harvey was himself deposed from the governorship by the council, with the concurrence of the Assembly. And Capt. John West acted as deputy governor from April 28, 1635 until January 19, 1637, when Harvey was restored by act of the King, who proceeded to take action against the Governor's deposers on the ground that they had proceeded as if by "an act of regal authority." Harvey, on his return to Jamestown, improved his capital by the addition of about twelve new houses and planned towards erecting a church and a statehouse of brick, but his administration was not of suffi- cient duration to carry all his plans into effect. In consequence of his persistent mischief-making and tyranny Harvey was removed by royal decree, and in August, 1639, Sir Francis Wyatt again became governor and continued in the office until the coming of Berkeley in 1642. Sir William Berkeley, commissioned by the King governor of Virginia on April 2, 1641, with the assurance that there would be no restoration of the charter (a measure agitated in Wyatt' s administration), reached the colony in February, 1642. About two months after the second Indian massacre, which occurred on April 18, 1644, Berkeley returned to England, leaving as deputy governor his secretary, the Councillor Richard Kemp. In the year of the execution of King Charles and the establishment of 'See "Virginia Magazine of History and Biography," Vol. II, p. 132. xx. Cavaliers and Pioneers the Commonwealth in England (1649) appeared the "Perfect Description of Virginia," with the following information: "There are about 15,000 English in Virginia and of Negros brought thither three hundred good servants. About 29 sail a year trade with them and return home laden in March. Most of the Masters of Ships and Mariners also have plantations there and houses and servants * * * About a thousand English are seated on the Accomac Shore by Cape Charles where Captain Yeardley is now chief commander (now commonly called the county of Northampton) * * * There are twelve counties in Virginia and 20 churches." During the Civil War in Britain a considerable number of Royalists emigrated to Virginia, which held steadfast to the old regime until the arrival of the Parliamentary fleet. Then, without attempting resistance, Virginia agreed to an accommodation. Berkeley retired to his country estate "Greenspring," and on April 30, 1652 the Puritan Richard Bennett, of Nansimond County, who had been named by Parliament as one of the commissioners to effect the reduction of Virginia, succeeded to the governorship. Edward Digges, the second governor under the Commonwealth, administered the affairs of the Colony from March 31, 1655 until March 13, 1658. Digges was followed by Samuel Mathews, of "Denbigh,' Warwick County. As a result of Governor Mathews' contention that the Council possessed the authority to dissolve the Assembly, both Governor and Council were deposed, but reinstated on their agreement to take an oath of recognition of the popular body. On the death of Mathews in January, 1660, before the expiration of his term of office, the General Assembly, sensing the trend of affairs in England, recalled in March Sir William Berkeley to his former office, and, on September 20, King Charles the Second was proclaimed in his Dominion of Virginia. In April, 1661/2, on the departure of Berkeley for England to protest against the Navigation Act, Francis Morryson became acting governor, and so continued until Berkeley's return in the autumn of 1662. Governmental Divisions At the time of the departure of Lord De La Warr from the Colony in 1610 only James Town and Point Comfort remained in the tenure of the settlers. Under Gates and Dale arose new Plantations and Hundreds (a word used in a looser sense than its employment in England as a county Introduction district containing a court). Parishes also appeared but, in this earlier period, without definite bounds — a region served by a minister whose commission was to convert the heathen as well as to minister to the settlers. A Commissioner of Plantation was designated as the governing official of each Plantation or Hundred. According to the historian Alexander Brown the four incorporations of James City, Charles City, Henricus and Kiccotan (later termed Elizabeth City) date from the administration of Samuel Argall. They were, at any rate, referred to as the "Old Burroughs" as early as 1619. In the Assembly of 1619, summoned by Sir George Yeardley, the units represented were: Argall's Gift, Flowerdieu Hundred, Henricus, James City, Kiccowtan (Elizabeth City), Lawnes Plantation, Martins Hundred, Smythes Hundred. Capt. Ward, representative of his plantation on the Eastern Shore, was at first refused recognition on the ground that he had planted without any authority or commission from the Treasurer of the London Company. The General Assembly of March 1623/4 provided "that a court should be held once a month in Henrico and in James City," and in February, 1631/2 the Assembly "Ordered that a monthlie Court be held and kept for remote parts of the Collinie, upper parts, Warwick river, Warwick- squeake, Elizabeth City, Accomac, and at James City, four quarter Courts yearlie." Plantations, hundreds and parishes had continued to multiply, and in 1634* it was decreed that they should be grouped into eight political divisions, termed shires (more commonly, counties), namely, James City, Henrico, Charles City, Elizabeth City, Warwick River, Warrisquyoake, Charles River, and Accomac — the first four evolved from the "Great Incorporations" of the same name. These eight shires and other counties created in the period covered by the present volume are presented in the table at the end of Introduction. Division of the Land On the establishment of the settlement in Virginia the London Com- pany determined that no land should be assigned either to Planters or Adventurers until seven years had elapsed, at the end of which time a division v/as to be made by Commissioners. •Hening'a "Statutes at Large," Vol. I, p. 22. xxii. Cavaliers and Pioneers Sir Edward Sandys, in the time of his Treasurership, observed that the Commodities of Virginia had three several sorts of owners; First, the Company; second, particular Hundreds and Plantations, belonging to private Adventurers in England, as Southampton Hundred, Martins Hundred, and the like; thirdly, Planters inhabiting and residing in Vir- ginia, which part he conceived to be far the largest and most considerable. Grants were of two sorts: one to such as were adventurers by money paid into the Treasury, for which they were allowed one hundred acres of land for every single share of 12 pounds 10 shillings, and the other, of planters, who were allotted two shares for every person transported. In the "Great Charter of Privileges Orders and Laws" of 1618 a division of lands was determined on. In each of the four Boroughs of James City Charles City, Henrico, and Kiccotan, common lands were to be set aside for the support of the magistrate, the church, and the proposed college. Adventurers and Planters who had already received their dividents could have land laid off to them according to their number of shares. And in the matter of grants, declaration was made at the General Quarter Court at London, Nov. 18, 1619, by the Treasurer, Councill and Company that "all graunts of land to be made with equal favour except the differency of rent." The "differency of rent" — tobacco, capons, merchantable Indian corn — is exemplified in the abstracts of patents in the present volume. A particularly pointed example occurs in the lease to Sergeant James Hutchinson, of James City County, Sept. 24, 1638, "in parcells of 50 acres for & during the terme of 21 yeares from Michaelmas next reserving to the Governor and the Assembly 12 blls of Indian come & further pro- viding that such lessee does plant and seate upon such land at Michaelmas [Sept. 29] next with five men well armed at the least." The exigency in the form of the rent was stressed in the fourth part of the Petition to the Assembly of 1619: "that a sub treasurer be ap- pointed here (in Virginia) to collect the rents of the London Company instead of requiring the impossibility of paying them in England, accord- ing to the letter of the charter to exact money that is (whereof we have none at all as we have no mint) but the value of the rent in com- modity * * *" "In the matter of tobacco the value is 3 shillings for the best and 18 pence for that of second quality." Introduction xxiii, In regard to determining the bounds of dividents the arrival of William Clayborne, surveyor general, in the Colony did not put an end to uncertainties and disputes. Among the "Laws and Orders" of the General Assembly,* March 5, 1623/4, appears: "That every privatt planters devident shall be surveyed and laid out in several and the bounds recorded by the survey ; If there be any pettie difference betwixt neighbours about their devidents to be devided by the surveyor if of much importance to be referred to the governor and counsell; the surveyor to have 10 lbs of tobacco upon every hundred acres." But disputes over bounds and encroachments went on, as the Patent Books and County records reveal, and it was not infrequently the case that an owner would re-patent land he had long held or had heired in order that, with his land bounds reviewed and registered, he might feel the more secure in his possession. f The Land Patents The early land patents in the volumes in the Land Office are not the original entries, but are transcriptions. Book I (in two volumes), tran- scribed in the year 1683, is the work of the Clerk Edward Harrison. With the beginning of the distribution of land by patent one copy of the document was filed in the records of the Company and another put in the possession of the patentee, who was to produce it as evidence in case of dispute as to ownership, to turn it over to the new owner in case of assignment by deed, and in the event of his death during possession the document passed to his heirs or assigns. On June 26, 1620, the Virginia Company, as an additional safeguard, determined "henceforeward a Duplicate of such Pattents as are graunted here should be sent to Virginia which Mr. Treasurer said should all be sealed in open Court, as all other things yett had been during his time." For the official preservation of patents in Virginia there seems to have been, besides the entry in folios, another mode of disposal — by loose leaves hung on a string. See memorandum on page 226. It will be observed that the patents transcribed are not presented in strictly chronological order, though the grouping by administrations of •Heninga "Statutes at Large," I, 120. • «^ n inter .esting and valuable study of property rights of this period and later is found in Waters of the State, or Property in Virginia," &c, &c, by Judge Alvin T. Embrey, Old Domimon Press, Richmond, Virginia, 1931. Cavaliers and Pioneers governors is in general faithfully observed. The earliest extant patent, by Yeardley to Fairefax, dated February 20, 1619 [1619/20] is found on page 109, entered doubtless at the time the document first came to the attention of the transcribing Clerk. The first entries in Book I of the Land Grants are records of the Corporations of James City and of Elizabeth City, dating from 1623-24. The Indian Massacre, the burning of James Town by Bacon, or other fatalities may account for the disap- pearance of most of the earliest patents. Then, too, such records as had survived had suffered from the effect of time, and perhaps the chirography of the first quarter of the century offered certain difficulties to readers of a half century later. Beginning with the year 1624 it may be assumed that the great majority of land grants up to the period of the transcription have been preserved. But the record is certainly not complete — how far from com- plete there is now no means of determining. In the one surviving record book of Charles City County of the seventeenth century (1655-65) appear entries of land grants (with headrights and acreage but without indicated bounds) that escaped inclusion in the Land Books that cover that period. Headrights The term headrights in connection with a patent for land has been subject to no little misunderstanding. Elucidation is therefore in order. For the purpose of stimulating immigration and the settlement of the Colony the London Company ordained that any person who paid his own way to Virginia should be assigned 50 acres of land "for his owne personal adventure," and if he transported "at his owne cost" one or more persons he should, for each person whose passage he paid, be awarded fifty acres of land. There is, for instance, the case of Sir Thomas Lunsford, Knight and Baronett, who on October 24, 1650 was granted 3,423 acres for the transportation of sixty-five persons including himself, members of his family, friends, and servants, many of whom were doubtless inden- tured, or bound for a period of service. Among the headrights are found persons of all social classes, nobility and gentry, yeomanry, indentured servants (some of good family and connection in England), and negroes. Among the headrights of Bertram Hobert, October 10, 1642, (p. 135) appears the name of John Tredescant, the younger, one of the first to advertise the great natural Introduction xxv. richness of America and to bring back to the mother country concrete evidence of the beauty and wealth of flora in the new lands beyond the sea. And again, in February 6, 1654, (page 303) Tredescant (Tredeskin) was a headright of William Lea, who, by paying the naturalist's passage, was entitled to 50 acres of land in Virginia. It is not to be assumed that the claim for land in consequence of a person transported was made immediately after the arrival of the "head- right" in the Colony. There is, for instance, record of a patentee awarded land for the transportation of three wives, who, it is safe to conclude, were successive. The headrights may have arrived in the Colony long before the patentee had entered claim for land thereby due. Nor is it to be assumed that the headright is necessarily an immigrant. Even men of prominence in the Colony, through a voyage or repeated voyages to England and return, appear as "headrights" of friends or relatives, who acquitted the cost of the passage in order to obtain the consequent land. On page 121 in the photographic reproduction of a patent, January 6, 1639/40, of Capt. Nicholas Martian (Martiau), the French Walloon, who is the earliest American ancestor of George Washington, appear among the fourteen persons transported at his own cost and charges Capt. Martian himself, his wife, a son and a daughter. On the other hand in a patent of Councillor George Read (Reade), of November 2, 1658 (p. 180) the headrights include Capt. Martiau (Martin), his wife, and his daughter Elizabeth, whom Col. Reade married. Sea captains were especially active in the acquisition of land through the transportation of settlers, and they not infrequently acted conjointly with London merchants. An instance in point is the case of William Barker, who, in association with Richard Quiney, citizen and grocer of London (brother of Shakespeare's son-in-law, Thomas Quiney) and John Sadler (brother-in-law of John Harvard, founder of Harvard College), patented great tracts at Brandon and at Merchant's Hope, held by them and their heirs for nearly a century. Before obtaining land for the transportation of "headrights" the claimant was required to present a receipt in proof that the passage money was duly paid. But despite all precautions fraud and deception were by no means uncommon. As a safeguard, particularly in the case of those persons who went at their own cost, the London Company, on November 18, 1623, came xxvi. Cavaliers and Pioneers to the following resolution "Touching the registering of Passengers names that goe to Virginia in private shipps * * * "Secondly when a reveiwe shalbe made in Virginia howe all men are possessed of their lands which wilbe most necessarie to be donn in reguard of the great Disorder and Lycentiousness which men there use in takinge out land and not due to them it wilbe a matter of great trouble to all private Planters that come not in the Companies Shipps to prove that they came over at their owne charges, and except they do, that it wilbe verie dangerous and unsafe to the Companie to make confirmacon of landes to them wch perhapps others have better right unto."* Ancient Planters According to the Charter of Orders from Sir Thomas Smythe (referred to as "the late Treasurer" in patents in this book), November 18, 1618 the following provision was made: "* * * And forasmuch as our intent is to establish our equal Plantations whereof we shall speak afterwards be reduced into four cities or Boroughs namely the chief city called James Town, Charles City, Henrico, and the Borough of Kiccotan [later Eliza- beth City], And that in all those foresaid cities or Boroughs the ancient adventurers and Planters which were transported thither with Intent to Inhabit at their own costs and charges before the coming away of Sir Thomas Dale Knight, and have so continued during the space of three years, shall have upon a first Division to be by us augmented one hundred acres of land for their personal adventure and as much for every single share of twelve pounds ten shillings paid for such share allotted and set out to be held by them their Heirs and assignes forever. "And that for all such planters as were brought thither at the Com- pany's charge to Inhabit there before the coming away of the said Sir Thomas Dale after their time of service to the Company on the common Land agreed shall be expired there be set out one hundred acres of Land for each of their Heirs and assigns for ever paying for every fifty acres the yearly fee Rent of one shilling to the said Treasurer and company and their successors at one entire payment on the feast day of Saint Michaels the Archangel forever. And in regard that by the singular Industry and virtue of the said Sir Thomas Dale the former Difficulties and Dangers were in greatest part overcome to the great ease and security *Records of the Virginia Company," Vol. I, 373. Introduction xxvii. of such as have been since that time transported thither, we do therefore hereby ordain that all such persons as since the coming away of the said Sir Thomas Dale have at their own charges been transported thither to Inhabit and so continued as aforesaid there be allotted and set out at first Division fifty acres of Land to them and their Heirs forever from their Personal adventure paying a fee rent of one Shilling yearly in manner aforesaid and that all persons which since the going away of the said Sir Thomas Dale have been transported thither at the company's charges or which hereafter shall be so transported be placed as Tenants on the company's lands for the term of seven years to occupy the same to the half part of the profits as is above said." Those who had worked on the Company's land had had their dis- appointments: "A little before the departure of Sir Thomas Gates many of the Ancient planters (by the instigation of Sir Thomas Dale), upon promise of an absolute freedome after three yeares more to be expired (having most of them served the Colenye six or seven yeares in that general slavery) were yet contented to serve in the buildinge of Charles City and Hundred with very little allowance of clothinge and victuals." But Ancient Planters were to have immunities as well as rewards, as appears from the Laws & Orders of the General Assembly, March 5, 1623/4: "That all the old planters that were here before or came in at the coming of Sir Thomas Gates they and their posterity shall be exempted from their personal service to the warr and any public charge (church duties excepted that belong particularly to their persons (not including their families) except such as shall be employed to command in chief." In compliance with the Charter of Orders Sir George Yeardley, in 1619, made without doubt a number of grants to "Ancient Planters," of which only one is now extant — that to William Fairefax, (see page 109). A copy of a bill of adventure, dated July 15, 1608, in consideration of the payment of 12 lbs. 10 shillings, to Henry Dawkes is cited in connection with a patent to his son William Dawkes "of Verinas." (See page 15). The following list includes those who are known to have come to Virginia before the close of the year 1616, survived the massacre, appear in the Muster of 1624/5 as then living in Virginia, and to most of whom the term "Ancient Planter" may with justification be applied. Certain "Ancient Planters" — Samuel Jordan, for instance — had, at the time the Muster was taken, recently died. (See page 226) . xxviii. Cavaliers and Pioneers Ancient Planters 1607 John Dodds. In the Susan Constant, April, 1607, Aged 36. Mentioned in the "Journal of the Council and General Court"*, p. 165, Jan. 11, 1626/7. John Laydon (Leyden), Aged 44. In the Susan Constant. He married Ann Burras, Mrs. Forrest's maid, who came in the Second Supply (the Mary Margrett), 1608. This marriage was the first solemnized in English America. "John Leyden * * * Ancient Planter," patent, Dec. 2, 1628, p. 18. See also patent, May 5, 1636, p. 38" due for the per. adventure of himselfe & his wife, being Ancient Planters, before the govmt of Sir Thomas Dale." 1608 Henery Bagwell (Robt. Bagwell's Muster). Aged 35. In the Deliverance, 1608. Mentioned in the JCGC, p. 180. Nathaniel Cawsey (Causey), of Causey's Care. In the First Supply, 1608 (The Muster states "In the Phenix in 1607"), Thomasine his wife in the Lyon in 1609. Nathaniel Cawsey was Burgess in 1623-4 for Jordans Journey, and Convention, 1625. See patent of John Cawsy, Feb. 7, 1634. Phettiplace Close (Clause), Came to Virginia in the Starr. "Ancient Planter," patent, Dec. 2, 1628, p. 11, See also p. 10. Burgess "Denby, and to Waters Creek," in 1632; Mulberry Island, 1629. Francis Chapman. In the Starr. Raleigh Crawshaw, Member of the London Company, Came to Virginia in 1608, "Of Kicoughtan, Ancient Planter who hath remained in this country fifteen years compleat and performed many worthy services to the Colony," patent, Dec. 12, 1625, p. 2. Henry Dawkes. "An Antient Planter," For his Bill of Adventure, 12 lbs. 10 shill., July 14, 1608, see patent of his son William Dawkes, "of Verinas," Sept. 7, 1632, p. 15. Thomas Godby. Aged 36. In the Deliverance, 1608. "An Ancient Planter," patent, Dec. 1, 1624, p. 5. For an account of his killing see JCGC, March 1628, pp. 190-191. Capt. Thomas Graves. Came to Virginia in the Mary & Margrett in 1608. Burgess, Smythes Hundred, in 1619. Capt. Thomas Grayes commissioned to command the Plantation of Accomack, 8 Feb., 1629, JCGC, p. 165, Thomas Graies, "Ancient Planter" patent, March 14, 1628, p. 13. Thomas Gray, "an Ancient Planter at or before the time of Sir Thomas Dale," patent, Aug. 27, 1635, p. 31. William Julian. Aged 43. In the Hercules in 1608, "Yeoman & ancient Planter, of Kiccoughtan," Patent, Sept. 20, 1624, p. 5. *From this point "The Journal of the Council and General Court will be indicated by the abbreviation "JCGC." The age entered after a planter's name in the Muster of 1624/5 shows his age at the time of the Muster and not at the time of his arrival in Virginia. Introduction xxix. "Ancient" Thomas Savage, Came in the John and Francis in 1608, at the age of 13. Wife Hannah, patent, Dec. 12, 1627, p. 9. Her husband referred to as "late of Accomac" in patent, Aug. 24, 1635, p. 30. Richard Taylor. Aged 50. In the Mary Margrett, Sept., 1608. Member Conven- tion, 1625; burgess, 1627/8. Lt. Edward Waters, of Elizabeth City, Gent. Aged 40. In the Patience in 1608. Patents, Aug. 14, 1624, p. 4 and Oct. 20, 1628, p. 12. Member Convention 1625; burgess, 1627/8. Robert Wright. Aged 44. Came in 1608 "An old planter," patent, Sept. 11, 1626, p. 8, "sawyer * * * moved to James City," see JCGC, p. 137. 1609 Wm. Baker. In the Jonathan, 1609. Reynold Booth. Aged 32. In the Hercules, 1609. John Chandler (servant of Thos. Willoby). Aged 24. In the Hercules, 1609- Thos. Gates. In the Swan, 1609. Elizabeth Joones (servant of Thomas Dunthorne). Aged 30. In the Patience, 1609. Robert Partin. Aged 36. In the Blessinge, in June 1609. Patent, Nov. 24, 1639, p. 76. Wife Margaret mentioned in JCGC, p. 150. John Powell, of Newport News, "Yeoman & Ancient Planter," patent, Sept. 20, 1624, p. 5. In the Swallow, 1609- Burgess, Sept. 1632 "From Water's Creek to Marie's Mount." Sir George Yeardley, Kt. Governor. In the Deliverance, 1609. Temperance, Lady Yeardley. In the Faulcon, 1608. 1610 William Askew. Aged 30. In the Prosperous in May, 1610. William Bayley, of West Shirley Hundred. Aged 41. In the Prosperous. Richard Biggs. Aged 41. On the Swann in August, 1610. Member of the Con- vention, 1625. In JCGC, referred to as "of West & Shirley hundred late deceased"; wife Sarah; son Richard. William Bouldin (Boulding), of Elizabeth City. Came in 1610, with his wife Mary; "Yeoman & Ancient Planter," patent Jan. 20, 1628; Mary Bouldin "An Antient Planter," patent Jan. 12, 1625/6, p. 6. Thomas Boulding. In the Swan, 1610. Aged 40. Patent, Sept. 27, 1638, p. 98. Richard Boulton. Aged 28. In the Mary & James, 1610. Henry Coltman. Aged 30. In the Noah, August, 1610. William Coxe. Age 26. In the Godspeed. Elizabeth Dunthorne. Aged 38. In the Tryall, 1610. "an old planter, wife oi Thomas Dunthorne, of Kiccoughtan in the Corporation of Elizabeth City " patent, Sept. 20, 1624, p. 6. Will of Elizabeth Dunthorne probated 31 Oct., 1626, JCGC, p. 123. xxx. Cavaliers and Pioneers John Fludd (Flood), Gent., of James City. Came in the Swan in 1610. Burgess for Flower Dew Hundred in 1629/30; for Westover and Flower Dewe Hundred, 1631/2 and 1632; and for James City in 1642/3, 1648, 1652, 1653/4. Captain and later Colonel. "John Flood, an ancient planter," 7 June, 1680, p. 227, Vol. II. Thomas Garnett. In the Swan, 1610. Servant of Capt. Wm. Powell. See "Journal of the House of Burgesses," I., p. 12. Robert and Susan Greenleafe. In a patent of Thomas Markham, p. 54 "right of his wife Susan the relict of Robert Greenleafe * * * being an antient planter before the govt of Sir Thomas Dale." Robert Greenleafe. Aged 43. In the Tryall, 1610. Mentioned in JCGC, Jan. 9, 1626/7, p. 129. Samuel Jordan, of Jordans Journey, Charles City, Gent, "who hath abode ten yeares complete," as stated on Dec. 21, 1620. See Land Book VIII., p. 125. He represented Charles City in the Assembly of 1619. Referred to in JCGC, Sept. 12, 1625, p. 76. Sisley (Cicely) Jordan. In the Swan of August 1610. Widow of Samuel Jordan at time of the Muster of 1624/5. She afterwards married Councillor Wm. Farrar. Albiano Lupo, Gent, "Ancient Planter and of Kiccoughtan," patent, Sept. 1, 1624, p. 5. Will probated Oct. 9, 1626, see JCGC. Age 40. In the Swann. John Lytefoote, of James City, Yeoman "who came in the Seaventure with Sir Thomas Gates," patent, Aug. 14, 1624, p. 5. He left his estate to Wm. Spencer by a noncupative will, see JCGC, Jan. 21, 1628/9. Alexander Mountney, of Kiccoughtan "Yeoman and Ancient Planter," patent, Sept. 20, 1624. Aged 33. In the Mary James, 1610. Of Pierceys Hundred in 1624-5. Capt. William Pierce. In 1623, captain of Governor Wyatt's guard and lt.-gov. of James City. Prepared in 1629, in England "A Relation of the Present State of the Colony of Virginia, by Capt. William Perse, an ancient planter of twenty years standing there." Capt. Pierce came with Sir Thomas Gates. Appointed to the Council in 1631. Member of the Convention, 1625. Patent, Dec. 16, 1645, p. 149. His daughter Jane was the third wife of John Rolfe. John Proctor, of Proctor's Creek. In the Seaventure. Wife Mrs. Alice Proctor, allowed administration of her husband's estate, July 3, 1627, JCGC, p. 150. Samuel Sharpe. In the Seaventure with Sir Thomas Gates. Burgess for Charles City in 1619, and for the "Neck of Land" (Sergeant Sharp) in 1629. John Sleight. Aged 42. In the Tryal, 1610. Thomas Stepney. Aged 35. In the Swan, 1610. John Taylor. In the Swan, 1610. "Of Newport News, Yeoman & Ancient Planter," patent, Sept. 10, 1624, p. 5 "In Court, 28 Nov., 1633 * * * his whole devident * * * granted him to take it up where hee shall find covenient." In JCGC, p. 73, is found deposition of a John Taylor, aged 37, date June 23, 1625. Introduction xxxi. William Tucker, Aged 36. In the Mary and James, 1610. Member of the London Company in 1620. Burgess, 1623/4. Appointed to the Council, 1626. Con- vention, 1625. Patent to "Capt. Wm. Tucker Esq. of Council of State," June 1, 1633, p. 16; July 14, 1626, p. 27. Many references in JCGC. Will, London, Feb. 17, 1644. Amyle Wayne, Aged 30, In the Swan, August, 1610. Capt. Francis West. Aged 36. In the Mary Ann Margett in 1610. Brother of Thomas Lord De La Warr. Councillor. Deputy Governor from Nov. 17, 1627 to March 5, 1629- Referred to as "late deceased" in a patent of Nicholas Reynold, Dec. 25, 1636. West came first in 1608. Thomas Willoby (Willoughby). Came to Virginia in 1610, aged 9. Lt. and Capt. Commissioner for Elizabeth City, and in 1639 presiding justice of Lower Norfolk. Burgess, 1627/8; Upper Part of Elizabeth Ctiy, 1629/30; 1631/2. Appointed to the Council in 1639- A number of patents issued in his name. In Lower Norfolk Co., Aug. 16, 1658, a commission of adminis- tration was granted to Mr. Tho. Willoughby on the estate of his father Capt. Tho. Willoughby, deceased in England. 1611 Ensign Isaak Chaplaine, of Chaplaine's Choice. In the Starr. Burgess, 1623/4; member of the Convention, 1625. In JCGC, under date of Dec. 8, 1628, "John Chaplaine of Chaplaines choice shall have a commission of adminis- tration * * * goods of Ensigne Isaak Chaplaine * * * supposed to be cast away upon the sea." John Downeman. Aged 33. In the John and Francis. Member of the Convention, 1625. Justice and Burgess, Elizabeth City, 1629. William Fairefax, "An Ancient Planter * * * who hath remained 8 yeares in the Country * * * Margery his wife an old planter," patent, Feb. 20, 1619/20, p. 109. Robert Fisher. In the Elsabeth. John Gundry, of Elizabeth City, Labourer, "an old planter who hath remained 8 yeares compleatt in this country to the Company upon the common land the full time of his service," patent, Dec. 6, 1628. Aged 33. In the Starr. Mary Gundry, in the George, 1616. Oliver Jenkines, of Warwicksqueeke "His personal advanture in the Shipp Starr, at the first coming of Sir Thomas Dale," patent, Aug. 26, 1635. Jenkines' wife is mention in JCGC, Sept. 17, 1627, p. 132. William Morgan alias Brookes. Aged 30. In the Starr. See patent of John Powell, p. 89 and patent, Aug., 1642, p. 131. William Perry. Came to Virginia in 1611. Burgess, 1627/8; "Paces Paines and Smythe Island," 1629/30; "Capt Perry's down to Hogg Island, 1631-2." Councillor. Will, Aug. 5, 1637, see patent of Henry Perry, p. 128. Izabella Perry (Capt. Perry's wife), "An Ancient Planter," patent Nov. 30, 1628, p. 10, widow of Richard Pace, "Ancient Planter." Miles Prickett. Aged 36. In the Starr. Named in a patent of Robert Salford, Sept. 20, 1624, p. 5, and in a patent of Ensign Thos. Willoughby, Nov. 17, 1628, p. 10. Cavaliers and Pioneers Mr. Robert Salford. Aged 56. In the John and Francis in 1611. Wife Joane "an antient planter." 2In the Elizabeth, 1611, John Salford in the George, 1616. Aged 24. Patent, Dec. 1, 1624, "his sister Sarah deed, an Ancient Planter," p. 4. "Mr. Salford" was a Commissioner of the Eliz. City Court, See JCGC, Aug., 1626. John Smith, Burrows Hill. James City, In the Elizabeth, 1611. On Jan. 12, 1625/6 a John Smith paid his rent in the form of "2 Kapones" to Mr. John Burrows, see JCGC, p. 89. John Smith, Planter, of Warwicksqueake, "his personal adventure in the Shipp the Starr at the first comeing of Sir Thomas Dale, patent, Aug. 26, 1633, p. 17. (Note. — A John Smythe was Burgess for Pace's Paines in 1629.) Thomas Sully (Sulley), Yeoman "being an Ancient Planter," of Elizabeth City, patent, Nov. 30, 1628, p. 10. Aged 36, In the Swan, 1611. 1612 Adam Dixon, Yeoman, patent, Sept. 8, 1627, p. 8. Master Caulker, Came in 1612. See "Records of the Virginia Company," Vol. II, p. 43, Wife Agnes and daughter Elizabeth mentioned in JCGC, p. 103. Pharoah (Farrar) Flinton, Gent. "An Ancient Planter of Kiccoughtan," patent. Dec. 1, 1624, p. 4. Aged 36. In the Elizabeth. Joane Flinton, in the Elizabeth. From the "Records of the Virginia Company," Vol. II, p. 16 it appears that Flinton, "a Surgion," appeaaled for restoration of lands given him by Sir George Yeardley. In a patent of Richard Johnson, Isle of Wight County, March 13, 1641, p. 128, Flinton is mentioned. 1613 John Claye, of Charles City. In the Treasurer, 1613. "an old planter before the govt of Sir Thomas Dale," patent, July 13, 1635, p. 27. Susan Collins (wife of John Collins), In the Treasurer, 1613. Mentioned in JCGC, June 4, 1627, p. 149. John Hatton, Aged 26. In the Treasurer, 1613. v Thomas Lane. Aged 30, In the Treasurer, 1613. Francis Mason, Aged 40, In the John and Francis, 1613, with wife Anne and daughter Anne. Lt. Francis Mason, patent Aug, 31, 1642, p. 134; Sept. 29, 1643, p. 151. Christopher Safford. In the Treasurer, 1613. Henery Williams. In the Treasurer, 1613. 1614 Theophilus Beriston. Aged 23. In the Treasurer. 1615 William Burchitt. Aged 25. In the Susan, 1615. Servant of Capt. Epes, Eastern Shore. Henery Turner. In the John and Francis, 1615. Introduction xxxiii. 1616 John Banum (Bainham), of the County of Elizabeth City, Aged 54. In the Susan, 1616. Patent p. 4, Will mentioned in JCGC, Feb. 9, 1628/9, p. 185; widow Elizabeth. His daughter and heir, Mary Baynham married Richard Tisdale. See patent of Thomas Taylor ,Oct. 25, 1645. p. 925, See also mention of Sergeant Richard Tisdale in patent of Edward Sparshott, Charles City County, 25 July, 1638 p. 581. Francis Cole. Aged 27. In the Susan. Clement Evand (servant of Susan Bush). Aged 30. In the Edwin, 1616. Thomas Farmer. Aged 30. In the Tryall, 1616. William Gany, of Elizabeth City, Aged 33. In the George, 1616. Nicholas Hodgskines. Aged 27. In the Edwin, 161 6. (Hoskines), Yeoman, of Accomac, patent, Feb. 3, 1626/7, p. Elizabeth Lupo. In the George. Cornelius Maye, Aged 23. In the Providence, 1616. Susan Old, "Cozen of Richard Biggs." Aged 10. In the Mary gold. William Parker. Aged 20. In the Charles, 1616. For a William Parker of "Merry Point" see JCGC, March, 1628, p. 190. Mr. Abraham Piercey (Percy), "Cape-merchant," Came in the Susan in 1616. Burgess, 1622; councillor, 1624. Died about 16 Jan, 1628, JCGC, p. 165, He married Frances, widow of Capt. Nathaniel West. His daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens, patent, Sept. 28, 1637, p. 484. William Sparkes. Aged 24. In the Susan, 1616. Thomas Spelman, Aged 24, In the George, 161 6. "Gent, of Kiccoughtan,'' Dec. 1, 1624, p. Died in Truro, Cornwall circa 1627. Thomas Turner, "Cozen of Richard Biggs." Aged 11. In the Mary gold. Thomas Thornbury. Aged 20. In the George, 161 6. Richard Yonge. Aged 36. In the George, 1616. Ancient Planters, the Exact Year of Whose Coming Cannot Be Determined Lt. Giles Allington, of Kiccoughtan. "Ancient Planter," patent, Dec. 1 1625, p. 4. A commission of administration on the estate of Lt. Allington was granted to Capt. Robert Felgate, 8 June (?), 1629. See "Journal of the Council and General Court of Virginia," p. 197. William Andrews, Planter, of Accomac, Came before 1616. Patent, March 14, 1628, p. 13 and June 25, 1635, p. 23. Lt. Col. Eastern Shore militia. Will, Feb. 20, 1654. Thomas Bagwell, "an Ancient Planter," patent, May 12, 1638, p. 87. Burgess for Pasbehay in the Corporation of James City, in 1629. xxxiv. Cavaliers and Pioneers Cheney Boyes (Boyse), of Charles City, "an Ancient planter before the time of Sir Thomas Dale," patents May 31, 1636, p. 40 and p. 68. Burgess for Shirley Hundred Island, 1629 and 1632. Thomas Baywell, "a planter in the time of the govt, of Sir Thomas Dale." patent, Nov. 7, 1635, p. 32. William Capps. "Ancient Planter." Represented Kicotan in the Assembly of 1619. Member of the Council, 1627. Edward Clarke, "an Antient Planter in the time of the govt of Sir Thomas Dale," see patent of Nathaniel Clarke, p. 49. James Davis, Gent. Came to Virginia before 1616 as did his wife Rachel. He died before March 6, 1633. "an Ancient Planter," See patent of his son Thomas Davis, of Warwicksqueaiak, March 6, 1635. Mary Flint "ancient planter, now wife of Thomas Flint Gent, of Warwick River," patent March 14, 1628. Edward Grendon. Came before 1616. Named in a patent of George Sandys, p. 4, Burgess for "Ye Plantations over against James City," 1823/4. For reference to the will of Mr. Edward Grendon, deed, see JCGC, p. 179. . Dec. 9, 1628. Capt. Thomas Harris. Aged 38, In the Prosperous in May . "An Antient planter and Adventurer in the time of Sir Thomas Dale his Government." Burgess, Henrico, 1623/4 ,1639, 1646, 1652, 1653, 1656/7. Bartholomew Hospkins, "An Ancient Planter whoe came over into this Country before the departure of Sir Thomas Dale," patent, Nov. 3, 1624, p. 7. Burgess, Lower Norfolk County, 1649, March 1651/2, 1652, 1654, 1655/6. John Johnson, of James City, "Yeoman and Ancient Planter," patent, Jan. 12, 1624/5, p. 4. Named in Travis Patent, Jan. 25, 1637/8, p. 83. William Lansden "Yeoman & Old Planter," of Kiccaughtan, in the Corporation of Elizabeth City, patent, June 5, 1624, p. 46. Francis Paul. See patent of Thomas Paule, of James City, May 25, 1637, p. 58. "His late father Francis Paule as being an Ancient planter in the time of Sir Thomas Dale his govt." Martha Key "Ancient Planter," patent Dec. 2, 1628, p. 10. Thomas Key "Antient Planter," In the Prosperous, June 1619. Burgess for Denbigh, 1629/30. John Ward, "an ancient Planter in the time of Sir Thomas Dale," See patent of James Place, June 1, 1636, p. 52 "in right of his wife Elizabeth." Patenr March 21, 1635, p. 19. Capt. Ward represented Capt. Ward's plantation in the Assembly of 1619. Henry Williams, "an Ancient planter in the time of Sir Thomas Dale." Patent, Accomack Co., Sept. 6, 1636, p. 375. Robert Armistead Stewart, Ph. D. James City County James City Co. .Surry (first mention, Nov. 25, 1652: Hen. I,* 373.) Henrico County- Charles City County (enlarged in 1637) — Elizabeth City County . .. Elizabeth City Co. .New Norfolk County (Formed in 1636 from the portion of Eliza-" beth City Co. on the south side of the river.) Lower Co. o 1637 (Later Norfolk Co. 247.) -Upper County 1637 (Later Norfolk Co. changed to [Nansimum] 321. Warwick River County (Termed, in several land patents of 1635, Denbigh Co., after the parish of that name. Name changed to Warwick County in March, 1642/3. Hen. I, 249.) Warrosquyoake County (Name changed to Isle of Wight County early in 1637. Hen. I, 228.) Charles River County (Name changed to York County. in March, 1642/3. Hen. I, 240.) Accawmack County (Name changed to Northampton,. March, 1642/3. Hen. I, 249.) — AccomacCo. (formed in 1663). Northum (Formed and othe Neck of Rappahar Potomac Northampton Hen. I, (The present Northum Northampton curs in I County form- 1644-5, I ed in 1663.) ♦Herring's Statutes at Large. For a complete study, with charts, of the formation of Counties in Virginia see "Bulletin of the Virginia State Library." Vol. 9, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Virginia Counties; Those Resulting from Virginia Legislation. By Morgan Poitiaux Robinson, Archivist. Richmond, 1916. ew Norfolk, med Lower en. I, 228, few Norfolk, med Upper and name >emond Co. 542. Hen. I, .York -Gloucester Co. (Mentioned Nov. 25, 1652. Hen. I, 374.) -New Kent Co. (Formed from upper part of York Co. in 1654. Hen. I, 387-8.) nd County. i Chickoun irts of the d between : River and ,Oct. 1648, ?.) Name nd first oc- ^ct of Feb., I, 294). -Lancaster Co.* (Formed, from Northumberland and York; first men- tioned in extant records, Jan. 1, 1651/2. )f Northumberland Co. -[Old] Rappahannock Co. (Hen. I, 427. Dec, 1656; petition of the inhabitanta of the lower part of Lan- caster Co. to retain the name of Lancaster: upper part to be named Rappa- hannock.) -Lancaster Co. Westmoreland Co (Formed from North- umberland Co.; Bounds given, July, 1653, Hen. 1, 381). .Westmoreland Co. .n. **A Palent B ^ ok HI » P- 128 is found a g ran t to Isaac alias Gloucester, Oct. 10, 1652. Stafford County (Formed from Westmoreland Co. First mentioned, Oct. 1666, Hen. II 239). Richardson, iand in Lancaster Co. XLIl! S p! is''. 11 " 1 " ^ Fl0>d W - SydDO^, Vir(,ima Ma 'J a *" lc of History and Biography, Vol. Explanation xxxv. EXPLANATION * — Indicates the omission or partial list of headrights. (Names are given when they appear.) A., Acs Acres Chs Chains CI., Clk Cierk Co County Cr Creek Ct Court Devdt Devident Ely., Ewd., E.most Easterly, Eastward, Eastermost Esqr Esquire Genl., Generll General Gent Gentleman Govr Governor Mrs Mistress (not always a married woman) N., Nly., Nwd North, Northerly, and so forth P., Per Pole; Perches Pers Persons Per. adv Personal adventure Riv River R Rod; Rood. S., Sly., Swd South, Southerly, Southward Servt Servant Sw Swamp Trans Transportation W, Wwd., Wly West, Westward, Westerly ( ) — Indicate more than one spelling in the same record. ? — Indicates uncertainty. Cavaliers and Pioneers Patent Book No. 1 PART I. By the Govern ' and Cap 1 Gener 11 of Virginia To all to whome these psents shall come greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Know yee that I Sr Francis Wyatt Kt. Governor and Capt. Generll. of Virginia by Vertue of the great Charter of orders and lawes concluded on in a Generll. quarter Court by the Treasurer Councell and Company of Adventurers for this first Southerne Colony of Virginia according to the authoritie graunted them by his Majtie. under his great Seale and by them dated at London the Eighteenth day of November One Thowsand six hundred & Eighteene and directed to the Governor and Councell of State here resident doe wth the approbacon and consent of the same Councell whoe are joyned in Commission wth mee give and graunt unto Georg Sandys Esqr. and Treasurer in Virginia and to his heires and assignes for ever in the nature and quallity of his first devident to bee augmented and doubled by the Company to him his said heires or assignes when hee or they shall once sufficiently have peopled and planted the same three hundred acres of Land scituate & being on the other side of the river opposite agt. James Citty and abutting Westward on the land of John Baineham and Eastward on the land of Edward Grindon of both which devidents hee is now actually possessed &c. * * * One hundred acres of the same being for a bill of Adventure of twelve pownds tenn shillings and the other twoe hundred in the right of his transportation into this Country of fower servants &c. * * * To have and to hold the said three hundred acres of Land wth the apptennces and wth his due share of all mines and Mineralls therein conteyned and wth all rights and priviledges of hunting fishing fowling and others wthin the p(re)cincts and upon the borders of the same Land to the sole and p(ro)per use benifitt and behoof e of him the said Georg Sandys his said heires or assignes for ever in as larg and ample manner to all intents and purposes as is expressed in the said great Charter or by consequence may bee justly Collected out of the same or out of his Majties. Letters Patterns whereon it is grounded. Yeilding and paying to the said Treasurer and Company and to their Successors for ever yearely at the feast of St. Michaell the Archangell for every fifty acres of his said devident the fee rent of one shilling Provided that the said three hundred acres doe extend in a right line along the banke of the said river not above one hundred & fifty pole at sixteene foote and a halfe the pole. In Witness whereof I have to these psents sett my hand and the Great seale of the Colony. Given at James Citty the fowerth day of December in the yeares of the raignes of our Soveraigne Lord James by the Grace of God King, Defender of the Faith &c. Vizt, Angl. the twoe and twentieth Scot, fifty Eight Anno Domini one Thowsand Six hundred twenty fower Col: Virga. Eighteenth. (P. B. 1, p. 12). Cavaliers and Pioneers By Sir Francis Wyatt RICHARD STEPHENS, 3 score rods, Dated 1623, Page 1. James City. "For his better conveniens &c. that others may be the more encouraged by his example to build and enclose some ground about their howses for gardin- ing, etc.," scituate & being about a con- venient dwelling house which he has lately builded & erected in James Citty, the which land lyeth S. upon the Way along the great River, E. upon land of Capt. Ralph Hamor, W. on land of Jaxon, &c. (Record badly multi- lated). Fee Rent: 2 Shillings, six pence to the Treasurer & Company & their Successors, yearly on the feast of Saint Michael the Archangell. THOMAS HOTHERSALL, Gent, of Paspehay, 200 acs. as his first devident; at Blunt Point, adj. Cornelius May. Jan. 26, 1621, p. 1. 100 acs. for the personal right of himself & Francis, his wife, & 100 acs. for transportation out of Eng- land of 2 of his children: Richard & Mary. Fee Rent: 1 Shill. for every 50 acs. to the Treasurer & Co., yearly on the feast of St. Michaell, the Archangell. (Record mutilated.) CAPT. RAWLEIGH CRAWSHAW, Gent, of Kiccoughtan, an Ancient Planter who hath remained in this coun- ty 15 years complete & performed many worthy services to the Colony, 500 acs. near Old Point Comfort; (date miss- ing), p. 2. For his per. adv. & trans, out of England of his servt. (blank) & his wife, whoe came in the Bona Nova in 1620 & 25 Lbs. adventured &c. (Note: The first pages of this volume are badly mutilated and partially illegible.) Note: Pages 3 and 4 of Patent Book No. 1 are missing. The following ab- stracts were taken from the James City Index to Patents; with the exception of John Blow. SIR GEORG YEARDLY, Knt., 7 Acs. 1 Rood, within the precincts of James Citty & abutteth Nly. upon the back river & Sly. upon the ground of Capt. Roger Smith. 2 Dec. 1624, p. 3. JOHN BLOW, 150 acs., page 3. (From General Index to Patents, which gives no further information.) CAPT. ROGER SMITH, Dec. 1624, p. 4. In the precincts of James Citty, butting Swd. upon the pale of the Governments garden & Nwd. upon ground of Sir Georg Yeardly. This par- cell of ground is devided into two peeces by the highway which parteth it, the said highway being about three pole broad the Westeme side toward the parke is 28 po. The remainder being 96 acs. is taken up at Archers Hope by order of Court the 12 Dec. 1625. RALPH HAMOR, ESQ., 1^ acres, Aug. 14, 1624, Page 5. One of the Councell of State, "for the better con- venience and more comoditie of his howse by him erected and builded in the New Towne within the precincts of James City," adj. Georg Menefey, Rich- ard Stephens & John Chew. This ground was laid out by mee William Clayborne it lacketh about 14 po. of one acre and a halfe. GEORG MENEFY, Merchant, for the better convenience of his howse by him now erected & builded in the New Towne within the precincts of James Citty, 3 Roode & 20 pole of ground, lying about the said howse, abutting Wwd. upon the highway parting it from Capt. Ralph Hamor, Edw. upon Capt. John Harvie, Swd. upon the high way close to the banke of the maine river, Nwd. upon the bounds belonging to the back streete; parte of his first devdt. of 50 acs., due unto himselfe whoe came in the Samuell 1622 haveing beene in this country almost 3 yeares. Fee Rent: 2 pence yearely on the feast of St. Michaell the Archangell. 4 Feb. 1624, page 6. This ground laid out by Willi. Clayborne. CAPT. JOHN HARVY, 6^ acres, Jan. 12, 1624, Page 7. Within the pre- cincts of James City "for the more comoditie of his howses and building and the better conveniency of gardining and planting of sundry fruits and trees," Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. in the New Towne, adj. Mr. Georg Menefye and opposite Dr. Pott. Part of his first devident due for the trans, of John Simnell in the Southampton in 1624. Fee Rent: 2 pence. Ground laid out by Willi. Clayborne. JOHN CHEW, 1 R. 9 poles, p. 7. Aug. 14, 1624. Merchant. For the better convenience of his howse builded in the New Towne within precincts of James City, adj. N. upon the backstreet, S. upon Rich. Stephens & E. upon Capt. Hamor. Fee Rent: 1 peny. JOHN POTT, Esqr., 3 acres. Aug. 11, 1624, p. 8. Doctor of Physicks and one of the Councel of State. Lying about his howse in the backstreete being part of his first devident for his personal adventure. Renewed Sept. 20, 1628. Land laid out by Wm. Clayborne. Fee Rent: 3 pence. WILLIAM SPENCER, Yeoman & Ancient Planter, 12 acs. James City, Aug 14, 1624. Part of his first devi- dent within the island, towards Goose Hill, near land of Sir Thos. Dale & John Lytefoote. Due for his personal adv. Land measured by Wm. Clayborne. Fee Rent: 3 pence. Marginal Note: "which is to bee abated out of his devi- dend at Spencers hole." Page 9. JOHN LYTEFOOTE, 12 acres, Aug. 14, 1624, Page 10. An old planter who came over in the Sea Venture with Sir Thomas Gates "and hath abode hitherto in this country." Within the island of James City, towards Goose Hill, near the land of Wm. Spencer. Being part of his first devident of 100 acs. measured by Wm. Clayborne. Fee Rent: 3 pence. THOMAS PASSMORE, Carpenter, 12 acs. within the corporation of James City, adj. Mary Holland Aug: 14, 1624, p. 10. Part of his first devident and for trans, of his servant John Buck- master who came in the great Hopewell in 1623. Fee Rent: 3 pence. Ground measured by Willi. Clayborne. MARY HOLLAND, 12 acres, Aug. 14, 1624, Page 11. Wife of Gabriel Holland, of the Island of James City, Yeoman. Latelv in the occupation of Wm. Pinke alias Wm. Jonas, deed., her former husband, who at his death gave her his devident of 100 acres of which sd. 12 acs. is a part, adj. Nathaniel Hutt & Thos. Passmore. Fee Rent: 3 pence. Measured by Wm. Clayborne. GEORG SANDYS, ESQR., Treasurer of Virginia, 300 acs., Dec. 4, 1624, p. 12. Opposite James City and adj. Westward on land of John Baineham & Eastward on Edw. Grindon "of both which devidents he is now actually possessed." 100 acs. being for a bill of adv. of 12 lbs. 10 s. and the other in right of trans, of 4 servants: William Right, William Heynes, Jr., William Smith & Georg Gurr, all of whom came from the Sumer Island in the Tyger in 1621. Marginal Note: "Except for his bill of adventure of 12 Lb. 10 s." Note: I measured for Mr. Georg San- dys at his plantacon over the water 650 acs. (vizt) 200 acs. for Mr. Bainhams devdt. the above named 300 acs. for sd. Mr. Sandys & 150 acs. more for devdt of Edward Grindon by the water side in a right line it conteyneth 320 pole which is just 1 mile & soe it runneth up into the woods on all sides square 1 mile. — Willi. Clayborne. THOMAS SULLY, of the Neck of Land in the Corp. of James Citty, Yeo- man & old planter, 6 acs., Aug. 14, 1624, p. 12. Within the island of James Citty, E. upon Blockhowse feild cleared in the time of the government of Sir Thomas Gates, extending towards the new blockhowse lately built. Part of his first devident for his personal ad- venture. ENSIGNE JOHN UTYE, Gent, of Hogg Island. 100 acs., Nov. 3, 1624, p. 14. Situated on the other side of the river against James City Wwd. upon the maine Riv., near mouth of Chip- poakes Cr., Ewd. upon the maine land, Swd. upon the first branch of sd. Cr. etc. Trans, out of England of 2 servts: Wm. Burt & Wm. Stocker, in the Bon- ny Besse in 1623. Fee Rent: 1 Shill. for every 50 acs. Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN JOHNSON, Yeoman, and ancient planter of James City, 100 acres, Jan. 12, 1624, p. 15. His first personal divident, whereof 15 acs. is situated on E. side of the island towards Ensigne Wm. Spencer, deed., Wwd. upon a marsh neare adj., Nwd. upon the backe river, etc. & 85 acs. Swd. upon a small br. of Archers Hope Cr. parting the same from the maine devdt. of Ensigne William Spencer, Nwd. upon another br. of sd. Cr., Ewd. upon Archers Hope Cr. & Wwd. upon a swamp on the back of sd. land. Fee Rent: 1 Shill. for every 50 acs. Note: The former pattent granted by Sir Georg Yeardly is to bee accounted void. GEORG SANDYS, ESQR. & Treas. of Va., 400 acs. in the precincts of Archers Hope in the Corporation of James Citty, 4 Dec. 1624, p. 16. Abut- ting Wwd. upon land of Lt. John Jef- ferson, Ewd. upon the ponds deviding it from land of Martins hundred, Swd. upon the maine river & Nwd. upon the maine land. 50 acs. for his personal adventure in the George in 1621 & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 servants: Phoebus Hopkins, Edward Eastwood, Martin Turner, John Stone, whoe came with him in the said Georg, & John Need- ham, Thomas Knowler, & Henry Wood whoe came from the Sumer Islands in the Tyger in 1621. Fee Rent: 1 Shill. for every 50 acs. yearly etc. JOHN BAINHAM, 300 acres, Dec. 1, 1624, Page 17. Gent., of Kiccough- tan, in Eliz. City Corp., as his first devi- dent. About 3 miles up the main creek between Haxoms Gaole and Blunt Point, adj. Capt. Samuel Mathews & Wm. Clayborne. 100 acs. due for the trans. of John Bainham, his son, deceased, who came in the Charles in 1621, & Robt. Draper, in the Jacob in 1624; 200 acs. for trans, of 4 servants: John Hogskins, John Mott, Sr., John Mott, Jr. and John Dansye, Jr., son of John Dansye, dee'd., in the George in 1621, at the cost of Mr. Georg Sandys. Note: This pattent renewed in the name of Thomas Taylor 23 Oct. 1643 & 50 acs. added. Test: Sam. Abbot, Clk. EDWARD WATERS, Gent., 100 acres, Aug. 14, 1624, Page 18. Eliz. City, about two miles below Blunt Point, Edw. upon Waters Cr., adj. land of Peircivall Ibbison. Due for trans, out of England of Edw. Bryan, in the Bona Nova, 1620, & William Arnall, in the Seaflower, 1621, 2 servants, whose passage he defrayed to Mr. Thomas Hamor. RICHARD TREE, 50 acres, Aug. 14, 1624, Page 19. Carpenter, of James City, who came to this country with Master Abraham Percye, Cape Mer- chant, in the George, as a free man. Adj. Edw. Grindall & Richard Craven, etc., Wwd. & Nwd. neare unto the highway leading to black point Sec. His first per. devdt. MAURICE TOMPSON, 150 acres, 4 March 1621, Page 20. Gent., a new planter, who first having trans, himself out of England has remained now 4 years in this country. Bet. New- port News & Blunt Point. 100 acs. for trans, of: Georg Tompson & John Bembridge, out of England & 50 acs. for his own per. adv. JOHN SALFORD, of Kiccoughtan, in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, Yeoman, 1 Dec. 1624, p. 21. 100 acs. between Blunt point & Newport News, abutting Wwd. upon land of Morris Tompson &c, unto land of Pharoah Flinton &c. Said land claimed as heire unto Sarah Salford, his sister, deed., an Ancient Planter, as being due for her personal devident. PHAROAH FLINTON, Gent., an Ancient Planter of Kiccoughton, 150 in the Corp of Eliz. City, Dec. 1, 1624, p. 22. Bet. Newport News & Blunt Point, adj. John Salford & Lt Giles Allington. Due for his personal right and for trans, out of England of Hugh Hall, who came in the Margarett and John in 1623. LT. GILES ALLINGTON, Gent., of Kiccoughtan in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, an Ancient Planter, 100 acs. 1 Dec. 1624, p. 23. Bet. Newport Newes & Blunt point, abutting Wwd. upon land Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. of Pharoah Flinton &c. unto land of William Bentley &c. His first devdt. WILLIAM BENTLEY, 50 acres, Dec. 1, 1624, Page 24. In the Corp. of Eliza- beth City, a new planter who came to this country at his own charges in the Jacob in 1624. As his first divident, between Newport News & Blunt Point, adj. Giles Allington & Thos. Godbye. THOMAS GODBYE, of Kiccough- tan, in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, Yeoman & an Ancient Planter, 1 Dec. 1624, p. 25. 100 acs., bet. Newport Newes & Blunt Pt., abutting Wwd. upon land of William Bentlye &c. For his first per. devdt. JOHN TAYLOR, of Newport Newes, Yeoman, & Ancient Planter, 50 acs., being one halfe of his first devdt., in the Parish of Kiccoughtan in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 20 Sept. 1624, p. 26. Ewd. upon land of John Powell, Wwd. upon a swamp limiting the same from the land of Francis Michaell, Swd. up- on the greate river & Nwd. upon the maine land. Note: This pattern re- signed in Court 28 Nov. 1633 & his whole devdt. for his owne person, being an old planter, 100 acs. was granted him to take it up where hee shall find convenient; 50 acs. more granted for his wife Rebecca Ravening, whoe came in the Bonny Besse about 1623 "and as hee saith paid her owne passage which hee is to make proof e of." JOHN POWELL, of Newports Newes, Yeoman & Ancient Planter, 150 acs. within the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 20 Sept. 1624, p. 27. Ewd. upon a greene Sw. parting it from land of Capt. William Tucker, Wwd. upon land of John Taylor &c. 100 acs. in his owne per. right & 50 for his servant Thomas Practer (or Proctor) whome he bought of Capt. Richard Shepperd "hee came over in the Mary Providence 1623." CAPT. WILLIAM TUCKER, now Commander of Kiccoughtan, 150 acs. within the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 20 Sept. 1624, p. 29. Ewd. upon land of Rich- ard Boulton, Wwd. upon a great Sw. parting it from land of John Powell &c. For his first devdt., & trans, out of England at his owne charges of Georg Tompson, Paule Tompson & William Tompson "his wives bretheren." ROBERT SALFORD, Yeoman, of Kiccoughtan, in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 100 acs. 20 Sept. 1624, p. 30. "For terme of his life and the Revertion to John Salford his sonn after his decease" &c. Lying within the mouth of Sal- fords Cr., bounded Ely. by the maine br. parting it from land of Miles Prickett, Wly. by land of the sd. Robert his father, &c, which land he claymeth in the right of his wife Joane, dec'd., an Ancient planter, by the Curtisye of England during his lifetime & after- wards to descend unto the sd. John, his sonn by the sd. Joane. JOHN BUSH, of Kiccoughtan, 300 acres, Dec. 1, 1624, Page 31. Gent., who came to this country in the Nep- tune in 1618. Lying within the parish of Kiccoughtan in Elizabeth City Corp., adj. Lt. Albino Lupo, Wm. Julian & Wm. Prickett. For the trans, out of England of his wife, Elizabeth, his 2 chil- dren Elizabeth & Mary, who all came in the Guift in 1619, and 100 acs. for trans, of 2 servts: Thomas Hand and Wm. Parker, in the Charles in 1621. WILLIAM JULIAN, 150 acres, p. 32, Sept. 20, 1624. Yeoman & ancient planter, of Kiccoughtan, Eliz. City. His first divident, adj. John Bush. For his own personal right and trans, out of England of Nicholas Abbott who came in the William & Thomas in 1621. LIEUT. ALBIANO LUPO, 350 acres, Sept. 1, 1624, Page 33. Gent., and an- cient planter of Kiccoughtan in the cor- poration of Elizabeth City. By a small branch dividing this from the land of his wife Elizabeth Lupo, near land of John Bush. For his personal adventure and the trans, out of England of 5 Servts: John Slaughter & John Hayes who came in the George in 1617, Hester Wheeler in the George in 1619, Daniel Palmer in the Warwick in 1621, whose passage he defrayed unto John Down- ham, of the parish of Kiccoughtan, & Cavaliers and Pioneers Elizabeth Hayden in the London Mer- chant in 1620. ELIZABETH LUPO, wife of Albiano Lupo, Gent., of Kiccoughtan, in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 50 acs., 20 Sept. 1624, p. 34. Swd. upon the broad creek by the old pines, Ewd. upon a br. of same dividing it from land of her hus- band. Due by order of Court out of England. THOMAS SPILMAN, Gent., of Kic- coughtan, in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 50 acs. 1 Dec. 1624, p. 35. Wwd. up- on the broad creek parting it from land of Lt. Albiano Lupo, E. on land of Edward Hill, dec'd., S. upon the maine river & N. upon the maine land. For his personal right, having come over at his own cost in the George in 1617. ALEXANDER MOUNTNEY, of Kiccoughtan, in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, Yeoman & Ancient Planter, 100 acs., 20 Sept. 1624, p. 37. W. upon land of Edward Hill, E. upon William Cole, now in the tenure of Capt. Thomas Davis, S. upon the maine river & N. upon the maine land For his first per. devdt. ELIZABETH DUNTHORNE, an old planter, wife of Thomas Dunthorne, of Kiccoughtan, in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, Yeoman. 100 acs. N. upon a creek divid- ing this from land of William Gainye, S. upon the great river, E. upon a sandy point lying out of the mouth of South- ampton Riv. & W. upon Church Cr., dividing this from the Gleab land. 20 Sept. 1624, p. 38. For her first per. devdt. WILLIAM GAINYE, Marriner, of Kiccoughtan, in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 12 Jan. 1624, p. 39- 200 acs. Ewd. up- on the harbour of Southampton Riv., W. upon the maine land unto the head of the Church Cr., S. upon a Cr. parting this from land of Elizabeth Dunthorne & N. upon a Cr. parting this from land of William Gapps. 200 acs., 50 acs. for his per. right whoe came over in the Treasurer at his owne cost in 1617 & for trans, out of England of 3 servants: John Shippey (or Sippey), & John Cooper, whoe came in the Treasurer with himselfe & Robert Browne whose passage hee defrayed for to Mr. Robert Gire out of the Marrigold 1618. WILLIAM LANSDEN, Yeoman & an Old Planter, of Kiccaughtan, in the Corp. of Eliz. City, 100 acs., 3 June 1624, p. 40. Upon W. side of South- ampton Riv., Ewd. upon same, W. upon the maine land & N. upon a creek dividing it from land of William Clay- borne, gent &c. For his first per. devdt. WILLIAM CLAYBORNE, Gent., of James City, 150 acs. in the Corp. of Eliz. City, 3 June 1624, p. 41. Divided into 2 parcels: 50 acs. N. on land of John Gunnery, S. to a Cr. parting this & land of William Lansden, E. upon Southampton Riv. & W. upon the maine land; 100 acs. adj. on the other side of sd. Lansden, extending Swd. to a Cr. which devideth it from land of Wil- liam Capps, h. upon sd. Riv. & W. upon the maine land. Due for trans. out of England at his own costs of 3 servts: William Harris in the Georg 1621, William Morris & John Pipps in the Tyger 1621. MARY BOULDIN, an Ancient Plan- ter, wife of Thomas Bouldin, 100 acs. aboute V/z mi. up Southampton Riv. in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 12 Jan. 1624, p. 42. Nwd. upon land of Thomas Bouldin, her husband, S. upon the Deep Cr., E. upon sd. Riv. & W. upon the maine land. For her first per. devdt. THOMAS BOULDIN, of Eliz. Citty, Yeoman & Ancient Planter, 200 acs. aboute V/z mi. up Southampton Riv., 20 Jan. 1624, p. 43. E. upon sd. Riv., W. upon the maine land, & S. upon land of Mary, his wife. 100 acs. for his per. right & 100 acs. in the right of Rich- ard Birchett, an old planter, which hee hath given, graunted &c. unto sd. Tho- mas as by indenture betwixt them dated 19 Jan. 1619. PETER ARUNDELL, Gent., of Buck Roe in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 200 acs., 8 Nov. 1624, p. 44. Upon the back river, abutting N. upon same, S. upon the maine land tending towards the head of Southampton Riv., & E. up- Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. on a Cr. parting it from land of Bartho- lomew Hoskins. Said 200 acs. hee clay- meth for 2 shares as parte of a bill of adventure of 287 Lbs. 10 Shillings dated 4 Oct. 1617, signed David Wat- kins Cash. (Cashier ?). BARTHOLOMEW HOSKINS, of Buck Roe, in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, an Ancient Planter whoe came over in- to this country before the departure of Sir Thomas Dale, 100 acs., 3 Nov. 1624, p. 45. N. upon the backe river, S. upon the maine land & W. upon a cr. dividing same from land of Peter Arundell, gent. For his first per. devdt. JOHN SIPSEY (Sypsey), Yeoman, of Kiccoughtan, 250 acs., 2 Sept. 1624, p. 46. S. side of the river over against Kiccoughtan, abutting N. E. upon a Cr. parting it from land of Capt. William Tucker, S. W. along the river to land of Lt. John Cheesman &c, S. E. upon the maine land. Due in right of his trans, out of England of 5 servants: Richard Pullipen whoe came from New- found Land in the Elizabeth 1621, John Locke in the Warwicke 1621, Robert Morgan in the Flying Hart 1621, Wil- liam Tompson & John Edmonds both in the Southampton 1622. JOHN CHEESMAN, Gent., of Kic- coughtan, 200 acs., 2 Sept. 1624, p. 47. S. side of the Riv. over against Kiccoughtan, & N. E. on land of John Sipsey. Trans, out of England of 4 servants: Thomas Fuller, Inocent Power, Peter Dickeson & Cutbert Brookes, all of whom came in the Southampton in 1622. By the Govern or and Cap 1 Gener 11 of Virginia To all to whome these p(re)sents shall come greeting in our Lord God Ever- lasting Whereas by the Ordinances & Constitutions made and sett forth by the late Company it is ordered and appointed that such lands and devidents as shall bee due to any Adventurers or planters of what condicon or quallity soever bee laid out and assigned unto them by the Governor and Councell here And whereas the same power and authoritie is Confirmed and graunted by his Majties. Letters Pattents directed unto mee and the Councell of State bearing date the fowerteenth day of March One Thowsand six hundred twenty and five Now Know yee that I Sr Georg Yeardley Kt. Governor and Capt. Generll. of Virginia doe wth the Consent of the Councell of State give and grant unto * * * and to his heires & assignes for ever etc, * * * acres of land as his first devident and upon a second division to bee augmented and doubled unto him his said heires and assignes when hee or they shall sufficiently have peopled and planted the same Sec. (here is given description of land, etc.). To have and to hold &c. Yeilding and paying Sec. Provided that if the said * * * his said heires or assignes shall not plant and seate upon the said * * * acres of land wthin the time and terme of three yeares now next ensuing the date hereof that then it shall and may bee lawful for any Adventurer or planter to make choice of and seate upon the same. In Witness &c. (P. B. 1, p. 49). By Sir Georg Yeardly CAPT. WILLIAM EPES, of Acco- macke, 450 acs. on the Easterne Shoare of the Bay of Chesepeiacke, nere unto the plantation of Accomacke, 3 Feb. 1626, p. 49. Nly. on the mouth of Kings Cr. parting this from the land belonging to the place of Secretary, Sly. towards the pursimond ponds, Ely. along the shore of the sd. Bay of Chesepeyacke &c. Due for trans, of 9 men: William Gones, (or Jones) William Gallaway, John Barker, Edward Rogers, & Thomas Warden, whoe all arrived in the Anne 1623; Nicholas Raynbeare (or Rayn- beard) in the Swann in 1624, Henry Carter in the James 1624 & assigned over to him by William Streate Marri- ner; & Richard Reeve (or Reene) ; & John Robbins in the Returne 1625. LT. GILBERT PEPPETT, 250 acs. on the Sly. side of Warwicke Riv. 18 Aug. Cavaliers and Pioneers 1627, p. 50. Ely. towards the mouth of the Riv. on a Cr. parting it from land of Capt. Samuell Mathewes, now in the tenure of Thomas Attowell (or Howell) & Nathaniell Floyd, Wly. towards land of Robert Poole, Nly, on sd. river & Sly. towards the maine river between Colstons Island & Cedar Is. 100 acs. for trans, of John Hewes & Edward Parrey in the Neptune in 1618 at the costs & charges of Capt. Samuell Ma- thews, whoe in open court at James Citty hath given &c. unto sd. Peppet; & 50 acs. by trans, of Alice, his wife, whoe came in the Jonathan in 1619, for whose passage the sd. Sir Geor. Yeardly hath sattisfied & likewise sett over to sd. Peppett; & 100 acs. for trans, of Richard Evans whoe came from New- found Land in the Temperance in 1619 & William Prowse in sd. Temperance in 1624. ROBERT POOLE, Gent., 300 acs. on Sly. side of Warwicke Riv., 8 Sept. 1627, p. 51. Ely. on land of Lt. Gilbert Peppett, Wly. towards the Church there erected & built, Nly. on sd. Riv. & Sly. to the maine river between Colsons Is. & Cedar Is. 100 acs. for his own per. adv., & 200 acs. for the per. adv. of Robert Poole, his father, deed., & John Poole, his brother, deed., which by & after their decease doth descend unto him as being next heire, they being all three of them old planters & came over into this country in the Starr with Sir Thomas Dale. ADAM DIXON, Yeoman, of the Corp. of James Citty, 200 acs. in the Territorie of Tappahannah & being one mile or thereabouts below the upper Choopokes Cr. over against Danceing point, Wly. on land assigned unto the office & place of Treasurer, Nly. upon the maine river & Sly. upon the maine land. 8 Sept. 1627, p. 53. Trans, of himselfe, Ann, his wife, Elizabeth Dixon, his daughter & John Martin his servant, all of whom came in the Mar- garett & John in 1622. ROBERT WRIGHT, of James Citty, an old planter, 12 acs. to the Ewd. of James Citty, 1 Sept. 1627, p. 54. W. on a marsh parting same from land lately in possession of Edward Grindon, S. on the maine river & N. along the ridge of land between two marshes. Due as parte of 100 acs. for his per. adventure. JOHN SOUTHERNE, Gent., of James City, 24 acs. in the Island of James Citty, 1 Nov. 1627, p. 55. 12 acs. thereof being a neck bounded on E. with a marsh parting this from land of John Johnson, W. on a marshe called Tuckers Hole, N. on the back river & S. on the highway leading to black point; 12 acs. lying neare adj. to the former, S. on land of Mary Holland, the wife of Gabriell Holland, N. on land of John Johnson, E. on a marsh & W. comeing neare unto land of Tho- mas Passmore; to be accounted parte of his first devdt. of 50 acs. due for trans. of William Soane, whoe came in the Georg in 1621. CLEMENT DILKE, Gent., of Acco- macke, 20 acs. of land with all howses thereupon built, scituate at Accomacke & being part of the late Companies land, abutting N. & W. upon the maine Cr., upon ground in occupation of Thomas Powell & S. upon ground now in the occupation of Nicholas Fiskins, which sd. 20 acs. was late in the occu- pation of Capt. John Wilcocks. Lease: from the feast of St. Thomas the Apos- tle now last past for & during the terme of 10 years from thence next en- suing & fully to bee compleate & ended. Fee Rent: 20 wgt. of good & merchant- able tobacco yearly on the above feast day. 6 Feb. 1626, p. 76. LEIUT. THOMAS FLINT, of Eliz. Citty, 50 acs. 23 Feb. 1626, p. 77. With the howses &c, being within the precincts of the Companies Land at Eliz. Citty, commonly called the Indian howse thickett, being a neck of land lately in the occupation of Capt. Whitacre, lying bet. two creeks on the E. side of Southampton Riv. Lease: (as above). Fee rent: 5 Lbs. of tobacco, (as above.) DICTORIS CHRISTMAS, Planter, of Eliz. Citty, 50 acs., being parte of the Strawberry bancke, Ely. on land of Ed- ward Waters, gent., Wly. along the Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. bancke of the great river, S. upon the same & N. with direct line striking into the maine land. Lease: 10 yrs. (as above.) Fee Rent as above. 24 Aug. 1627, p. 78. JONAS STOCKDEN, Minister, 50 acs. on the Ely. side of Southampton Riv., within the Co.'s Land at Eliz. Citty, abutting Sly. on a Cr. parting this from land in the occupation of Lt. Thomas Flint commonly called the In- dian howse thickett, N. on another Cr., W. on sd. Riv. & E. on the maine woods. 8 Sept. 1627, p. 79. Lease, (as above.) NICHOLAS HOSKINS, Yeoman, of Accomacke, 20 acs. being parte of the late Companies land, abutting N. upon ground of Thomas Powell, W. upon ground late in the occupation of Capt. Wilcox & S. upon a Swamp, part of which sd. ground is now in the occu- pation of sd. Hoskins. Lease, as above. 5 Feb. 1626, p. 85. By the Govern 01 ' and Cap 1 Gener 11 of Virginia To all to whome these presents shall come I Francis West Esqr. Govr. and Capt. Generll. of Virginia send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Whereas by Instructions from the Rt. Honoble. the Lords of his Majties. most Honoble. Privie Councell directed to the Governor and the rest of his Majties. Councell of State here resident in Virginia wee have receaved direction and order for the planting and seating of such lands as belong to the late Company and have beene appointed to the publique Now Know yee that in consideration hereof as alsoe in regaurd of the better peopling and securing of those lands belonging to the Company & Cittuate and being in the precincts of Elizabeth Citty I the said Francis West doe by these presents wth the consent of the Counsell of State graunt devise and to farme lett unto: * * * acres of land scituate and being within the precincts of Elizabeth Citty aforesaid &c. (here follows description) * * * To have and to hold &c. from the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle last past for and during the terme of tenn yeares from thence next ensuing and fully to be compleate and ended. Yeilding and paying therefore yearely unto the rent gatherers appointed for the publique use at the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle fifty weight of good and Merchantable Tobacco. Provided alwaies that the said * * * his Executors or assignes shall alwayes during the said Terme sufficiently people and plant the said Land that thereby the place may bee the better strengthened and secured. In Witness &c. By Francis West CAPT. CLEMENT DILKE, 100 acs. on the Easterne Shoare, within the pre- cincts of the Plantation of Accomack, 12 Dec. 1627, p. 56. N. on the maine river of sd. plantation, S. on the maine land, E. on Curtaile Cr. parting some from land of Hannah Savage. Trans- portation of himselfe & Elizabeth, his wife, whoe came in the Georg in 1622. HANNAH SAVADGE, wife of Thomas Savadge, of Accomack, Gent., 50 acs. on the Easterne Shoare within the precincts of the Plantation of Acco- macke, 12 Dec. 1627, p. 57. Being a neck of land abutting N. on the maine riv., whereon they are now seated, S. on the maine land, E. on the long Cr. & W. on Curtaile Cr. dividing same from land of Capt. Clement Dilke. For her first per. devdt., she haveing de- frayed the charges of her own transpor- tation & came in the Sea Flower with Capt. Ralph Hamor in 1621, as by good certificate appeareth &c. LT. THOMAS FLINT, 1000 acs. up- on the Southerne shoare of Warwicke Riv., 20 Sept. 1628, p. 59. Ely. upon land of Robert Poole, Gent., Wly. to- wards the head of sd. river, adj. next unto the ground graunted by pattent unto John Rolfe/ Esqr., dec'd., & Capt. William Peirce, & S. upon the maine river. Due by act of Court the 9 Feb. 1627, 10 Cavaliers and Pioneers for trans, of 20 pers., whoe came in the Temperance in 1621 for the account of Sir Georg Yeardley, Kt., & sett over unto the sd. Lt. Flint, viz: Maxmillian Stone, Elizabeth his wife, Georg White- hand, Thomas Newson, Thomas Mann, Thomas Harris, Thomas Powis, William Chelmedge, Jon. Wray, Phillipp Smith, Richard Gregory & John Moyer, Peter Mason, Henry Rowen, Nath. Thomas, William Brooke, John Phillipps, John Bradford, John Penny, & George Deverell. ELIZABETH JONES, wife of Giles Jones, Gent., 100 acs. within the Island of Point Comfort, 16 Oct. 1628, p. 60. Sly. upon the ponds, Nly. towards the end of the island, Ely. upon Chese- peiacke Bay & Wly. on the Cr. parting it from the maine land. Her first per. devdt., being an Ancient Planter; to be doubled etc. ENSIGNE THOMAS WILLOUGH- BY, Gent., of Eliz. City, 50 acs., 17 Nov. 1628, p. 61. Wly. upon Salfords Cr., E. unto land formerly graunted to Miles Prickett, now in the tenure of sd. Willoughby. Due for trans, of Strenght Shere whoe came at the charge of Capt. William Tucker in the Ellins 1621 & made over to sd. Willoughby by Act of Court 17 Oct. 1628. JOHN POTT, Dr. of Physicke & one of the Councell of State, 12 acs. lying aboute his howse within the precincts of James City, 20 Sept. 1628, p. 61. S. upon the back streete, Nwd. through the Swamp & W. upon ground late in the tenure of Edward Blaney. Due as part of his per. adv. 3 acs. granted to him 11 Aug. 1624, to which the above is added. IZABELLA PERRY, wife of William Perry, Gent., 200 acs. within the Corp. of James Citty, 20 Sept. 1628, p. 62. At the S. side of the plantation called Paces Paine granted to herselfe & her late husband Richard Pace, deed., 5 Dec. 1620; W. on land of John Bur- rowes now in the tenure of John Smith, E. to land graunted to her son Georg Pace, & N. on the maine river. 100 acs. for her owne per. adv., being an An- cient planter & the other 100 acs. as the devdt. of Francis Chapman, having been graunted to him 5 Dec. 1620 & by him made over to Richard Richards & Rich- ard Dolphenby & by them made over to sd. Izabella at a Court at James Cittv 21 Jan. 1621. GEORG PACE, sonn & heire ap- parent to Richard Pace, dee'd., 400 acs. within the Corp. of James Citty, 1 Sept. 1628, p. 64. On S. side of the river at the plantation called Paces Paines, graunted to his father 5 Dec. 1620; W. on land of his mother Izabella Perry, E. on land of Francis Chapman, now in the tenure of William Perry, Gent., his father in law, & N. on the maine river. 100 acs. due for the per. adv. of Rich- ard Pace & 300 acs. by trans, of Lewis Bayly, Richard Irnest, John Skinner, Bennett Pulle, Roger Macker, & Ann Mason, whoe came in the Marmaduke 1621. THOMAS SULLEY, Planter, of Eliz. Citty, 94 acs. towards the head of Southampton Riv., Sly. on a Cr. parting this from land of Thomas Bolden, Wly. upon the maine land. 30 Nov. 1628, p. 65. Part of his per. adv., being an Ancient Planter, & the other 6 acs. within the Is. of James Citty to be doubled &c. MARTHA KEY, wife of Thomas Key, Planter, of Warwick River, 2 Dec. 1628, p. 66. Lying on E. side of Warr- wicksqueike Riv. opposite against land of Capt. Nathaniell Basse, Nly. towards the mouth of sd. river on a small Cr., Sly. up the same to land of Rice Jones, W. upon the river & E. upon the maine land. Her first per. devdt., being an Ancient Planter. RICE JONES, Planter, of Warwick River, 50 acs., 2 Dec. 1628, p. 67. Ly- ing on the Ely. side of Warwicksqueicke Riv., Nly. on land of Martha Key, S. to land of Phettiplace Clause, W. on sd. river & E. on the maine land. Due as his first devdt. Due unto Francis West for trans, of sd. Jones whoe came from Cannada in the John & Francis in 1623 & by these presents made over to him, etc. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 11 PHETTIPLACE CLAUSE, Ancient Planter, 100 acs. on E. side of War- wicksqueake Riv., Nly. on land of Rice Jones, W. upon sd. Riv. & E. upon the maine land. 2 Dec. 1628, p. 68. Said 100 acs. graunted to him by Sir Georg Yeardley, & being scituated in the upper part of the River as by pattent dated 2 May 1619, which pattent is now re- signed & given up in regards of the great danger in planting the same etc. JOHN LEYDEN, Ancient Planter, 100 acs. on E. side of Blunt Point Cr., abutting N. on land graunted by lease to William Cooksey, extending Sly. to the Cr. (parting) the same from land now in the tenure of Anthony Burrowes & William Harris. 2 Dec. 1628, p. 69- Formerly granted to him by Sir Georg Yeardley within the Islands of Heneri- cus & Coxendale 2 May 1619. (Mar- ginal note: This date is mistaken it should bee 26 Feb. 1619.) Which pat- tent is now resigned in reguard of the great danger of planting the same &c. EDWARD JOHNSON, Yeoman, of Eliz. Citty, 50 acs., being a parte of the Strawberry bancks, abutting Wly. upon Thomas his Creek parting the same from land of Edward Waters, gent., Ely. along the bancke of the greate river, Sly. upon the same & Nly. with a direct line striking up into the maine land. Lease: 10 years. Fee Rent: 50 Lbs. weight of tobacco. 24 Nov. 1627, p. 77. DAVID POOLE, of the Country of France, Vignorone, & now inhabiting Eliz. Citty, 60 acs. lying at Buck Roe, within sd. precincts, abutting N. on land of Richard Ball, S. on land of John Arundell, gent., E. on the Cr. parting same from Point Comfort Island. To have & to hold &c, unto the said David Poole for & to the only use benifitt & behoofe of his Master John Bonall of London, gent., &c. Lease: 10 years. 12 Dec. 1627, p. 80. JOHN ARUNDELL, Gent., 12 acs. lying at Buck Roe within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, N. on a Cr. parting same from land of David Poole, Frenchman, S. on another Cr. parting same from land of James Bonall, Frenchman & E. on the Cr. parting same from Point Comfort Island. Lease, (as above.) 12 Dec. 1627, p. 81. JOHN WEBB, Marriner, 50 acs. within the precincts of the plantation of Accomacke, N. on the maine river of sd. plantation, S. on the maine land, E. on land of Capt. Clement Dilke & W. upon land of Georg Med calf e. 10 year lease, as above. 13 Dec. 1627, p. 81. JAMES BONALL, Vignerone, 50 acs. within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, at Buck Roe, N. on a Cr. parting same from land of John Arundell, S. on an- other Cr. parting it from land of Wil- liam Hampton & E. upon the Cr. divid- ing it from point Comfort Island. 10 yr. Lease, as above. 12 Dec. 1627, p. 82. JOHN HEMY, Planter, (or Henry), 150 acs. at Buck Roe within the pre- cincts of Eliz. Citty, N. on land of William Hampton now William Fowler, extending S. 150 po., E. on the Cr. parting same from point Comfort Is- land. Lease, as above. 12 Dec. 1627, p. 83. (This name is indexed as Henry in the county index.) Marginal note: Now graunted to Henry Coleman. WILLIAM HAMPTON, Planter, 50 acs. at Buck Roe, within &c, abutting on a Cr. parting the same from land of James Bonall, Frenchman, extending S. to land of John Henry, (or Hemy), Planter, & E. upon Cr. parting same from point Comfort Island. Lease, as above. 10 Dec. 1627, p. 84. RICHARD BALL, Planter, 6 acs. at Buck Roe, within &c, abutting N. up- on a small marsh towards the wading place, S. upon land of David Poole, Frenchman, E. upon a Cr. parting same from Pt. Comfort Is. Lease, as above. 10 Dec. 1627, p. 84. ROBERT BROWNE, Planter, of Ac- comack, 20 acs. upon the E. shoare of the bay of Chesepeyack at Accomack, with all howses &c, abutting towards the S. W. upon land belonging to the place of Secretary, N. E. upon land late 12 Cavaliers and Pioneers in the tenure of Capt. Clement Dilke, S. W. upon land of John Home (?) & S. W. upon the maine land. Lease, as above. 20 Sept. 1628, p. 86. JOHN HOME (or Howe— name altered), Gent., of Accomack, 30 acs. with all howses &c, abutting N. on a Cr. parting the same from the land belonging to the late Company & graunted by lease to Capt. Clement Dilke, S. on a Cr. dividing this from the land belonging to the place of Secre- tary, W. on the mouth of the maine Cr. towards the bay of Chesepeiacke & E. upon land now in the tenure of Robert Browne. Lease, as above. 20 Sept. 1628, p. 87. WILLIAM HARRIS, Planter, of Warwick River, 100 acs. about 2 mi. below Blunt point, abutting W. on a Cr. parting same from land of Richard Tree, Ely. along the maine river &c. Lease, as above. 20 Sept. 1628, p. 88. LT. THOMAS PURFURY, 100 acs. within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, abut- ting W. on a Cr. which divides the same from the feilds called fort Henry, E. 50 po. unto the ground in like man- ner graunted unto Christopher Cal- thropp, Gent., S. on the maine river &c. Lease, as above. 20 Sept. 1628, p. 88. WILLIAM COX, of Eliz. Citty, Planter, 100 acs. within sd. precincts, abutting E. on land of Dictoris Christ- mas, Planter, extending towards ground now graunted to Christopher Calthropp, Gent., S. on the maine river &c. Lease, as above. 20 Sept. 1628, p. 89. CHRISTOPHER WINDMILL, Plan- ter, of Eliz. Citty, 60 acs. within sd. precincts, abutting Sly. on the planta- tion commonly called the Indian howse thickett & formerly in like manner graunted unto Lt. Thomas Flint, N. on ground of Jonas Stockden, Minister, dec'd., & W. upon Southampton Riv. Lease, as above. 20 Sept. 1628, p. 90. WALTER HEYLEY, an Ancient Planter, 50 acs. within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, abutting S. on ground of Jonas Stockton, Minister, N. towards the head of Southampton Riv. &c. Lease, as above. 20 Sept. 1628, p. 91. ROBERT MARSHALL, Planter, 10 acs. within the Island of James Citty, W. on land of Mary Bayly, E. on land of Thomas Passmore, Carpenter, S. on the highway adj. to the Marshes of Goose hill & W. upon the highway parting the same from land now in the occupation of Elmer Phillipps. 20 Sept. 1628, p. 92. LT. EDWARD WATERS, 100 acs. within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, being part of the Strawberry banckes, abutting E. on Thomas his Cr. towards the part of Buck Roe, W. along the banke of the river, S. upon the maine river & N. with a direct line up into the maine land. Lease, as above. 20 Oct. 1628, p. 93. CHRISTOPHER WINDMILL, Plan- ter, 50 acs. within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, S. on a Cr. which goeth toward the land of Walter Heley, W. on Southampton Riv. & E. on the maine land. Lease, as above. 30 Nov. 1628, p. 93. WILLIAM HARRIS, Planter, of Warwick River, 50 acs. about 2 mi. be- low Blunt point, W. upon land of sd. Harris, extending E. 25 po., S. on the maine river & N. into the maine woods. Lease, as above. 20 Nov. 1628, p. 94. WILLIAM COOKESEY, Planter, of Warwick Riv., 150 acs. on the E. side of Blunt point Cr., N. upon a Cr., S. 75 po. to land of John Layden &c. Lease, as above. 2 Dec. 1628, p. 95. NICHOLAS ROE, Planter, 43 acs. within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, W. on the long creek partng this from land of Giles Jones, S. 25 po., E. upon Point Comfort Cr. & W. upon the maine land. Lease, as above. 2 Dec. 1628, p. 96. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 13 By the Govern ' and Cap 1 Gener 11 of Virginia To all to whome these p(re)sents shall come I John Pott Esqr. Governor and Capt. Generll. of Virginia send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Whereas by an order of Court made the twelfth day of January one Thowsand six hundred twentie six It was thought fitt and accordingly ordered that such servants tennants and planters as have noe land belonging unto them by Adventure purchase or otherwise should have a Competent quantitie of ground graunted unto them in convenient and secure places Now Know yee that in consideration hereof I the said John Pott doe by these psents wth the consent of the Councell of State graunt devise and to farme lett unto * * * To have and to hold the said * * * acres of land wth the appertenances unto the said * * * his Executors Admrs. and assignes from the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle now last past for and during the terme of tenn yeares from thence next ensuing fully to bee Compleate and ended. Yeilding and paying therefore yearely unto the rent gatherers appointed for the publique use at the feast of St. Thomas the apostle three pownd weight of good and Merchantable Tobacco. Provided alwaies that the said * * * his Executors or assignes shall alwaies during the said terme sufficiently people and plant the said land that thereby the place may bee better strengthened and secured. In Witness &c. (P. B. 1, p. 97). By John Pott ROBERT SWEETE, Gent., of Eliz. Citty, 150 acs. lying below Waters Cr., abutting W. on land graunted to Robert Hutchins, Marriner, Ely. by the water- side, S. upon the maine river & N. upon the maine land. 14 Mar. 1628, p. 70. Due for trans, of 3 pers: Him- selfe in the Neptune in 1618, John Rutherford in the Warwicke 1621 & William Weaver in the John & Francis 1623. WILLIAM ANDREWES, Planter, of Accomack, 100 acs. on the Easterne shoare of the bay of Chesepeiacke, 14 Mar. 1628, p. 71. N. upon Capt. Wil- liam Epes, S. towards the pursimmond ponds, W. upon the main baye. Trans, of Robert Owles & John Holmes whoe came in the Southampton 1622 at the charges of William Ferrer, Esqr. & made over to sd. Andrewes by Act of Court 3 Mar. 1628. THOMAS GRAIES, (or Graves), An- cient Planter, 200 acs. on the E. side of the Shoare of the bay of Chesepeiacke butting Sly. on land of Capt. Henry Fleete, extending Nly. along the water side & Wly. on the bay. 14 Mar. 1628, p. 72. Due by vertue of an adv. of 25 Lbs. paid to Sir Thomas Smith, late Treasurer for the Co. of Va. MARY FLINT, Ancient Planter, now wife of Thomas Flint, Gent., of War- wick Riv., 100 acs. in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, commonly called Foxhill, being a neck of land abutting Ely. on the Cr. parting same from Point Com- fort Island, 14 Mar. 1628, p. 73. Due as her first per. devdt. ZACHARIAH CRIPPS, of Warwick Riv., 100 acs. lying at the mouth of sd. Riv., Sly. upon Saxons gaole, Nly. to- wards land of Lt. Gilbert Peppitt, dec'd., Ely. upon the maine river & Wly. upon a Cr. parting same from Colsonns Is- land. P. 74. (Date not given). Trans, of Thomas Dryhurst & Mathew Lyving whoe came in the Neptune 1618 at the charge of Capt. Samuell Mathews & made over to sd. Cripps by Act of Ct., 5 Mar. 1628. THOMAS DELAMAJOR, Joyner, of James Citty, a small slipe of land lying at Goose hill within the Island of James Citty, conteyning 3 acs., abutting W. upon land of Dame Elizabeth Dale, E. upon Goose hill Marsh, S. towards the maine river & N. on the Island. Lease: 10 years. 14 Mar. 1628, p. 97. ROGER SAUNDERS, Marriner, of Accomacke, 50 acs. upon the E. shoare of Chesepiacke Bay, abutting S. on ground of John Blore, dec'd., now in 14 Cavaliers and Pioneers possession of sd. Roger, N. along the water side to land of Capt. Henry Fleete & W. upon the maine bay. Lease, as above. 14 Mar. 1628, p. 98. ELI AS la GUARD, Vignerone, 100 acs. upon the Wly. side of Harris his Cr., Nly. on the first br. running out of same &c. Lease, 1628, p. 99. as above. 14 Mar. WILLIAM SMITH, Planter, of Acco- mack, 100 acs. Sly. on land of John Fulwood, Nly. along the water side, & Wly. upon Chesepeiacke Bay &c. Lease, as above. 15 Oct. 1629, p. 100. By the Govern ' and Cap 1 Gener 11 of Virginia To all to whome these p(re)sents shall come I Sr John Harvey Kt. Governor and Capt. Generll.. of Virginia send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Whereas by the ordinances and Constitutions formerly made and sett forth by the late Company for the affaires of this Colony It is ordeyned and appointed that all such devidents of Land as are due or belonging to any Adventurers or planters of what condicon soever they bee should bee laid out and assigned unto them by the Governor and Councell thereof established And whereas the same power and authoritie is Confirmed & graunted by his Majties. Letters Pattents directed to mee and the Councell of State bearing date the six and twentieth day of March in the third yeare of his Majties. raigne that now is one Thowsand six hundred twentie seaven Now Known yee that I the said Sir John Harvey doe by these psents wth the consent of the Councell of State give and graunt unto * * * and to his heires and assignes for ever * * * acres of land scituate lying and being &c. To have and to hold the said * * * acres of land wth the appurtenances wth his due share of all Mines and Minneralls therein Conteyned wth all &c. Yeilding and paying for every fifty acres of land herein by these psents given and graunted the fee rent of one shilling of lawfull mony of England. Provided &c. Dated at James Citty the * * * day of * * * in the * * * yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles &c. Anno Domini one Thowsand six hundred * * * (P. B. 1, P. 75). By Sir John Harvey RICHARD ATKINS, Planter, of Mulberry Island in Va., 100 acs. lying at the head of Kethes Cr., Sly. towards land of Mr. Thomas Harwood, the first bounds beg. aboute a mile from the same, extending Nly. &c. 27 Aug. 1632, p. 75. Due by order of Ct. dated 6 Mar. 1632, viz: 50 for his owne per. adv. in the Abigail 1621 at the charge of Capt. William Peirce, & 50 acs. in right of his wife whoe came in the Tyger 1621 at his owne charge. NICHOLAS BROWNE, Planter, 50 acs. within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, Sly. on land of Walter Heeley, N. to- wards the head of Southampton Riv. &c. Lease: 21 yrs. 6 June 1632, p. 101. JACOB AVERIE, 500 acs. on Skiffs Cr., stretching Nly. towards the Cr. to Martins Hundred, S. W. towards land of Thomas Nowell, E. upon the maine (river), beg. on E. side of a spring called Jacobs Well, measuring to the Wwd. 21 yr. Leas. Fee Rent: 500 Lbs. of good & merchantable tobacco yearly on the feast of All Saints. , 1630, p. 102. THOMAS PURIFOY, ESQR., of Eliz. Citty, 500 acs. upon a point called Cross quarter, bounded S. W. with the back river & goeth to a point called Willoughbys Neck E. & lyeth upon the Pocoson Riv., which runneth N. W. &c. Fee Rent: 1 Shilling yearely at feast of St. Michaell the Archangel! for every 50 acres. 10 May 1631, p. 103. CAPT. ROBERT FELGATE, Gent., 350 acs. lying at Kiskeyacke upon Pamunkey Riv., E. upon ground of Capt. John West, W. along the maine river &c. 25 Apr. 1632, p. 104. Trans. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 15 of himself e, his sonn & 4 servants,* whoe came in the William & John 1628, being graunted by order of Ct. 7 Dec. 1630. His first devdt., to be doubled, etc. CAPT. TOBYE FELGATE, Marriner, 150 acs. at Kiskeyacke upon Pamunkey Riv., abutting E. upon land of his brother Capt. Robert Felgate, W. along the maine river towards a small Cr. &c. Due unto him as an Adventurer into this Colony & graunted by order of Ct. 7 Dec. 1630. 25 Apr. 1632, p. 105. ROGER SAUNDERS, Gent., 300 acs. at Accomacke commonly called the In- dian feild, S. E. upon the Cr. that run- neth by the old plantation, N. E. on the Cr. running between this & land of Mr. Harman &c. Due by order of Ct. 6 Oct. 1631. 18 June 1632, p. 106. His first devdt., to be doubled, etc. WILLIAM DAWKES, Planter, 250 acs. in the upper part neare the neck of land commonly called Verinas, but- ting E. upon 2 Mi. Cr., W. towards land of Thomas Packer, (or Parker), S. upon a Swamp adj. to the maine river. 20 June 1632, p. 107. Due in right of his father Henry Dawkes & his uncle William Leigh for their per. adv. & by bill of adv. dated 14 July 1608 & granted to him by order of Ct. the 7 Oct. last past. His first devdt., to be doubled, etc. ROBERT BARRINGTON, of James Citty, 250 acs. within sd. Corp., 3 July 1631, p. 108. S. upon the back river, N. E. upon Powhetan Sw. & N. W. upon the fore great river. His first devdt, etc. JOHN ARUNDELL, Gent., of the lower parish of Eliz. Citty, 100 acs. within the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, upon the back river, 1 Aug. 1632, p. 109. Abutting W. upon land of Bartholo- mew Hoskins, E. towards land of John Chandler &c, S. towards the head of Southampton Riv. Due as one share in parte of a bill of adv. of 287 Lbs. 10 Shill. dated 4 Oct. 1617 signed David Watkins Cash. (Cashier.) THOMAS HARWOOD, of SkifTes Cr., Gent., 100 acs. upon sd. Cr., 1 Sept. 1632, p. 110. Abutting S. upon land of sd. Harwood, graunted in the right of Sergt. Hugh Heyward by pattern dated with these presents, N. towards the head of sd. Cr. &c. SAME. 140 acs. on Skiffes Cr., 1 Sept. 1632, p. 111. Abutting Sly. to- wards land of Mr. Avery &c. Due in the right of Hugh Heyward, being graunted to him by order of Ct. the 29 June 1631 & confirmed unto him with the acknowledgment of sd. Heyward. JOHN POTT, Doctor in Phisick, of Harrop within the Corp. of James Citty, 200 acs. upon Skiffes Cr. that parts the same from land of Mr. Thomas Nowell, Nly. towards land of Mr. Jacob Avery. 1 Sept. 1632, p. 113. Due for the adv. of 4 servants: John Milward, Randolph Holt, Ruth a maid servant & Thomas Popkin whoe came in the George 1621. WILLIAM DAWKES, of Verinas, within the Corp. of Chas. Citty, Planter, sonn & heire aparant of Henry Dawkes, dec'd., 200 acs. within sd. Corp., 7 Sept. 1632, p. 114. Ely. upon 2 mi. Cr., W. towards land of Thomas Packer (or Parker) & S. upon the Sw. adj. the maine river. Due as lawfull heire of his father, being an Ancient Planter, for his per. devdt., being 100 acs., & the other hundred acs. by bill of adv. of 12 Lbs. 10 Shill. in right of his father, dated 14 July 1608 & graunted him by order of Ct. 7 Oct. last past. Whereas Henry Dawkes now bound on the intended voyage to Virginia hath paid in read mony to Sir Thomas Smith, Kt. Treas. for Va., the sume of 12 Lbs. 10 Sh. for his Adv. in the voyage to Va. it is agreed that for the same the said Henry his heires &c. shall have rateably according to his Adv. his full parte of all such lands tenements &c. as shall from time to time bee there recovered planted and in- habited & of all such Mines & Min- neralls of Gould silver and other mettals or Treasures pearles precious stoanes or any kind of wares or merchandize &c. whatsoever which shall bee obtained or 16 Cavaliers and Pioneers gotten in the said voyage according to the portion of mony by him imployed to that use in as large and ample man- ner as any other Adventurer therein shall receave for the like some written this 14 of July 1608. (Signed) Richard Atkinson. Recorded 8 Sept. 1632. (Signed) Benj. Harrison. Page 115. JOHN ARUNDELL, of the back river, within the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, Gent., sonn & heire apparent to Peter Arundell, Gent., deed., 100 acs. lying at the sd. back river, abutting W. upon land of Bartholomew Hoskins, E. to- wards land of Capt. Richard Stephens, Esqr., now in tenure of John Chandler, Planter, &c. 7 Sept. 1632, p. 116. Due in right of his father for one share of a bill of Adv. of 287 Lbs. 10 Sh. dated 4 Oct. 1617 & signed by David Watkins, Cash, 2 other shares being graunted sd. Peter by pattern dated 8 Nov. 1624. BARTHOLOMEW HOSKINS, an Ancient Planter whoe came over to this country before the departure of Sir Thomas Dale, of the back river within the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, 100 acs. in the sd. Corp., 7 Sept. 1632, p. 117. W. upon a Cr. deviding this & land of Peter Arundell, Gent., E. towards land of John Arundell, Gent., N. upon the back river & S. towards the head of Hampton Riv. Due for his per. adv. & graunted to him by Sir Francis Wyatt 3 Nov. 1624. JOHN ROBINS, the younger, of the back river in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, Planter sonn & heire apparant unto John Robins the elder, ede'd., 300 acs. at sd. back river, 7 Sept. 1632, p. 119. Abut- ting E. upon land of Peter Arundell, deed., W. towards the head of sd. river &c. Due in right of his father for the adv. of 6 pers: himselfe the sd. John the elder, John Robins his sonn, Henry West, Peter Asheley, Joseph Moore, & William Davis his servants whoe came all over in the Margarett & John 1622. WILLIAM SPENCER, of James Is- land within the Corp. of James Citty, Yeoman, 250 acs. on the W. side of Lawnes Cr. at the mouth, 9 Sept. 1632, p. 120. Extending up the Cr. S. W;, 50 acs. accrewing due in the right of James Tooke whoe came in the George 1621 the charges of whose passage hee defrayed unto William Dum (?), Car- penter, of the sd. shipp; 100 acs. in right of Hugh Wynn & Robert Latchett whoe both came in the George 1621 at the charges of Capt. William Peirce whoe in open Ct. hath transferred the land accrewing by vertue of their pass- age unto sd. William Spencer; 50 acs. in right of James Robinson whoe came in the Charitie whose passage sd. Spen- cer defrayed unto Mr. Weston, Mer- chant of the sd. Shipp; & 50 acs. in right of Joseph Deane whoe came in the Abigail 1622 whose passage sd. Spencer defrayed unto John Tooke, Marriner. CAPT. WILLIAM TUCKER, ESQ. & one of the Councell of State of Va., 100 acs. at the back river within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, at or within the mouth of the broad Cr., 1 June 1633, p. 122. S. upon a br. of sd. Cr. parting it from land of Henry South- erne, Nly. up the Cr. towards land of Thomas Watts &c. Due for trans, of Richard Heale & William Elberry whoe came in the Elianor 1622. CAPT. WILLIAM TUCKER to LANCELOTT BARNES, 6 Feb. 1632, transfer of his right, title & interest in 100 acs. due for the trans, of said Heale & Elberry. Witnesses: John Utye & Francis Bolton. Page 123. ELMER PHILLIPPS, of Eliz. Citty, 100 acs. neare unto Foxhill knowe by the name of the Indian Spring, 5 June 1633, p. 123. Along bancke of point Comfort Cr. Trans, of himselfe & his servant Daniell Franck whoe came in the Southampton 1622. JEREMIAH CLEMENTS, sonn & heire to Elizabeth Clements, dee'd., 350 acs. upon the Ely. side of Upper Chip- poackes Cr., W. upon the same, extend- ing Ely. &c. 26 Aug. 1633, p. 124. Due in right of his mother for adv. of 7 pers: herselfe, Jerimiah Clements, Nicholas Clements, Ezechiell Clements her sonns, Elizabeth Clements her Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 17 daughter, Dorothy Greene & Jefferie Hull her servants, whoe came all over in the George 1617. JOHN SMITH, Planter, of Warwick- squeeke, 150 acs. upon the Swd. shoare over against Maries Mount, near unto the mouth of Nanzemund Riv., 26 Aug. 1633, p. 126. Abutting Ewd. upon a Cedar Island. 100 acs. for his per. adv. in the Shipp the Starr at the first come- ing of Sir Thomas Dale & 50 acs. for trans, of a servant named Reginald Griffin in the Bona Nova 1621. JOHN MOONE, Planter, of War- wicksqueicke, 200 acs. within the limitts of Warwicksqueick, on E. side of sd. Cr., W. on Virgoes Cr. & E. towards Pagan point Cr. 6 Mar. 1633, p. 127. Due for charge of trans, of 4 pers: himselfe, Giles Martin, Julian Hollier & Clement Thrush his servants whoe came in the Returne of London 1623. THOMAS DAVIS, Planter, of War- wicksqueick, sonn & heir apparant to James Davis, Gent., late of Henerico in Va., dec'd., 300 acs. abutting Ely. on Warwicksqueicke Cr. about 2 mi. from the mouth, beg. at a point of land called the redd point, extending Wly. up the Cr. &c. 6 Mar. 1633, p. 128. In right of his father, an Ancient Planter for his per. devdt; 100 acs. for trans, of 2 servts.: Georg Cooke, Alice Mulleines whoe came in the George 1617 & 100 acs. in right of Rachell Davis, Mother to sd. Thomas, for her per. devdt., whoe was an Ancient Planter. By the Govern or and Cap 1 Gener 11 of Virginia To all to whome these presents shall come I Sr. John Harvey Kt. Governor and Capt. Generll. of Virginia send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Where- as by an order of Court made the Eleaventh day of February one Thowsand six hundred thirtie twoe it was ordered that such psons as have noe lands due unto them by any Adventure or other wise might have a Competent quantitie of land graunted unto them for the terme of one and twentie yeares and alsoe that such men as have had former graunts or other rights of Leases may have them renewed accordingly Now Know yee that in consideration hereof I the said Sr John Harvey doe by these presents wth the consent of the Councell of State graunt devise and to farme lett unto * * * acres of land being parte of the land belonging to the late Company scituate lying & being &c. To have and to hold &c. from the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle last past for and during the terme of twentie and one years from thence next ensuing and fully yo bee compleate and ended. Yeilding and paying &c. the fee rent of twoe barrells of Corne. Provided &c. ROGER RACE, WALTER FLOYD, THOMAS SMITH & SILVESTER TATNAM, Ca(r)penter, 400 acs. in Martins hundred & Skiffes Cr., Wly. upon said land of Martins hundred, Ely. along the maine river towards Skiffe Cr. 24 Apr. 1632, p. 130. 21 yr. Lease from feast of St. Thomas the Apostle last past. Fee Rent: "In regard of the barrenesse of the land but the valuable rent of fower pence for every acre either in mony or corne according to the rates of money" &c. HENRY CONEY, Gent., 100 acs., 24 July 1632, p. 130. * * * In regard of the Extraordinary charge and labour of Henry Coney bestowed in building and clearing upon a parcell of land ly- ing towards the head of Archers Hope Cr. commonly called by the name of the Coney burrough" etc., abutting Sly. up- on land of John Johnson, planter, N. towards land of Robert Martin, E. upon sd. Creek & W. into the maine woods. 21 Yr. lease, from feast of St. Thomas the Apostle last past. Fee Rent: 3 bbls. of sound & sweete Indian Corne. ROBERT MARTIN, 30 acs. Sly. up- on land of Henry Coney, Gent., N. to land of John Milnehowse, E. on Archers Hope Cr. & W. into the woods. 24 July 1632, p. 131. * * * In reguard 18 Cavaliers and Pioneers to the labour of Robert Martin bestowed in building & clearing a parcell of land towards the head of Archers Hope Cr., commonly called by the name of Coney borough &c. 21 yr. lease, as above. JOHN MILNEHOWSE, 40 acs., Sly. on Robert Martin. 24 July 1632, p. 132. 21 yr. Lease. Consideration same as above. JAMES KNOTT, Planter, of Acco- mack, 50 acs., 12 Mar. 1632, p. 133. Desiring to keepe a howse of entertain- ment in the lower parte at the Mouth of Hampton Riv. within the precincts of Eliz. Citty whereby strangers & other may bee well accommodated with great ease to the inhabitants in those parts, etc. Abutting Sly. upon a Cr. parting the same from land of Capt. Francis West, Nly. upon the Gleab land & Wly. upon sd. Riv. To have & to hold the sd. 50 acs. togeather with the howse commonly called the great howse & all other howses edifices & buildings &c. 21 year Lease, as above. DICTORIS CHRISTMAS, Planter, of Eliz. Citty, to LYONELL ROULSTON, Gent., of the same place; assignment of title of lease under the hand of Sir Georg Yeardley, 20 Aug. 1627; 50 acs. upon the Strawberry banckes where "I now dwell." Signed by sd. Christmas, in the presence of: Will. Clayborne & Edwd. Cage. 29 Sept. 1628, p. 134. LYONELL ROULSTON, Gent., of Keskyake, "doe according to the tenor of this Assignment make over the same Lease for the full terme that I the said Lyonell had it to my Loveing friend JOHN NEALE this Act was made the 14th day of January 1630." Signed by sd. Roulston & witnessed by: Henry Hill & Henry Pumry. Page 134. JOHN NEALE, Merchant, 50 acs. upon the Strawberry banckes within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, E. upon land of Lt. Edward Waters, now in the tenure of Georg Downes, Gent., W. along the gr. Riv. &c. 12 Feb. 1632, p. 135. 21 yr. lease. (See two preceding abstracts.) Being the same land leased by Sir Georg Yeardlev to Dictoris Christmas, &c. WILLIAM HAMPTON, Planter, 50 acs. at Buck Roe within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, 12 Mar. 1632, p. 136. Abutting on a Cr. parting same from land of James Bonall, Frenchman, Sly. toward land of John Hayney, planter, & Ely. upon Cr. parting same from point Comfort Island. Which sd. 50 acs, was leased by Francis West 10 Dec. 1627. THOMAS SAVADGE, Carpenter, 100 acs. upon old plantation Cr., abut- ting W. upon land of Roger Saunders & Ely. toward the second Cr. 14 Mar. 1632, p. 137. 21 Yr. lease. BRIDGETT LOWTHER, Widdowe, of Pasbeyheys within the Corp. of James Citty, 250 acs. on W. side of Chicha- hominy, Riv., opposite land of Bridges Freeman, Gent., pointing S. E. upon the maine river, W. along the Cr. into the woods, neare adj. to the place called Juring point. 16 Mar. 1632, p. 137. 21 Yr. Lease. WILLIAM DAWKES, of Verinas within the Corp. of Chas. Citty, Planter, 50 acs. within sd. Corp., 15 Mar. 1632, p. 138. W. towards land of Thomas Packer (or Parker), Sly. upon a Sw. adj. the maine river, & adj. his own land. 21 yr. Lease. JAMES BONALL, Vignerone, 50 acs. at Buck Roe within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, 8 May 1633, p. 139. S. upon a Cr. parting this from land of William Hampton, N. upon a Cr. part- ing it from land of Elias la Guard & E. upon Cr. dividing it from point Comfort. 21 Yr. Lease. ELIAS la GUARD, Vignerone, 100 acs. upon W. side of Harris' Cr. &c. 8 May 1633, p. 140. 21 yr. Lease. SAME. 12 acs. at Buck Roe, within &c. 12 Apr. 1633, p. 141. N. on a Cr. parting this from land of William Croney, S. upon land granted by lease, bearing date herewith, unto James Bonall, which sd. 50 acs. was graunted to John Arundell, Gent., by lease & as- signed &c. (see first item below). 21 yr. Lease. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 19 JOHN ARUNDELL, of Hampton River, assignment of title of above mentioned land under lease, to ELIAS la GUARD, 29 Jan. 1629, p. 141. (Signed) John Arundell. THOMAS HARVEY, Taylor, of James Citty, 50 acs. Ely. upon a marsh part- ing it from the Swan howse Cr., ex- tending W. towards land of John Tyas & S. upon the maine river. 21 yr. Lease. 12 Apr. 1633, p. 142. Granted by order of Ct. dated 10 Dec. last past. LANCELOTT BARNES, Gent., 100 acs. within the precincts of Eliz. Citty, comonly called the Indian Thickett, 50 acs. whereof is now in the tenure of Samuell Bennett & the other in the oc- cupation of William Warren. 12 Apr. 1633, p. 142. 21 yr. Lease. DANIELL SHURLEY (Sherley), Planter, of the Neck of Land within the precincts of Chas. Citty, 50 acs., 12 Apr. 1633, p. 143. 21 yr. Lease. Bor- dering upon land of William Dawkes. Granted by order of Ct. 5 Dec. 1632. JACOB AVERIE, Gent., 500 acs. in Skiffes Cr. (that is to say) 250 acs. N. towards the Cr. to Martins hundred, S. W. towards land of Thomas Nowell, E. upon the maine beg. 50 po. on the E. side of a Spring called Jacobs Well; 250 acs. at the head of the same Cr., N. towards Martins hundred, S. to- wards the river & N. E. into the maine. 2 Feb. 1630, p. 144. 21 yr. Lease granted by order of Ct. 8 July last past. JOSEPH HATFEILD, Planter, of Eliz. Citty, 50 acs. within sd. precincts, Sly. on a Cr. towards land of Walter Heyley, extending Nly., & Wly. on Southampton Riv. & E. on the maine land, which sd. 50 acs. was granted to Christopher Windmill for the terme of 10 yrs. by lease dated 30 Nov. 1628 & assigned by deed to sd. Hatfeild by Francis Hough 29 Oct. 1632. 21 Yr. Lease. 31 Oct. 1633, p. 145. LEONARD MOORE, Planter, of the Necke of Land in the upper part, 100 acs. on W. side of the 4 Mi. Cr., W. towards 3 Mi. Cr. & S. upon the maine river. 21 Yr. Lease. 21 Mar. 1633, p. 146. JOHN WARD, Planter, of Verinas, 25 acs. E. upon his own land, W. to- wards land of Thomas Packer (or Parker), & S. upon the maine river. 21 yr. Lease. 21 Mar. 1633, p. 146. HENRY COLEMAN, Planter, of Eliz. Citty, 60 acs. within sd. precincts, abutting Sly. upon the plantation called the Indian Howse Thickett & formerly in like manner graunted unto Thomas Flint, N. upon land of Jonas Stockton, Minister, dec'd., & W. upon Southamp- ton Riv. Sd. land graunted to Christo- pher Windmill by lease for 10 yrs. dated 20 Sept. 1628 & assigned to sd. Coleman 3 Jan. 1633 by Francis Hough whoe married the relict & widdowe of sd. Windmill. 21 yr. lease. 30 May 1634, p. 147. FRANCIS HOUGH to HENRY COLEMAN, of Kickotan, assignment of all interest in sd. land. 3 Jan. 1633. Signed by sd. Hough & witnessed by: John Robins & Rich. Rutherford. Page 148. SEATH WARD, Planter, of Verina in the upper part, 60 acs. in the upper part within the Corp. of Henrico, abut- ting W. upon land of Daniell Sherley, E. towards a tree knowne as Powhetans tree, Sly. upon 3 Mi. Sw. & Nly. into the maine woods. 21 yr. Lease. 30 May 1634, p. 148. THOMAS WATTS, Planter, 50 acs. at the back river in the Corp. of Eliz. Citty, upon the broad Cr., abutting Sly. upon a br. of same parting it from land of Launcelott Barnes, dec'd., N. up the Cr. towards another br. deviding it from land of Owen Dawson. 21 yr. Lease. 30 May 1634, p. 149. JOHN TYAS, 50 acs. abutting^ Sly. on a Cr. parting it from land of Bridges Freeman, extending Nly. up Chicka- hominy Riv. &c. 21 yr. Lease. 30 May 1634, p. 150. MATHEW SMALLWOOD, Mer- chant, 500 acs. in Bicknes bay, Chas. 20 Cavaliers and Pioneers City Co., E. upon land of Capt. Nathaniel! Powell, deed, now in the occupation of William Barker, Marri- ner, Wly. towards a Cr. parting it from land called Chaplins Choice, Nly. on the maine river & Sly. into the maine woods. 21 yr. Lease. 30 Mar. 1634, p. 151. WILLIAM CONNER, Planter, of Eliz. Citty Co., 60 acs. aboute 2 mi. within the narrow of back river on E. side of the little Otterdams, Ely. to- wards land of Thomas Thornebury &c. 21 yr. Lease. 13 Aug. 1634, p. 152. WILLIAM HAMPTON, Planter, of Eliz. Citty Co., 100 acs. on the E. side of Harris his Cr. in sd. Co., adj. land of James Bonall. 100 year Lease. 13 Aug. 1634, p. 153. ABRAHAM ROOTE, of Hogg Is- land, James Citty Co., Planter, 50 acs. in Hog Island mayne at a place called the Rockes. 21 yr. Lease. 13 Aug. 1634, p. 153. WILLIAM STAFFORD, of Kethes Cr., Warwicke Riv. Co., Planter, 100 acs. on the W. side of sd. Cr. about a mile upwards from the mouth over against the plantation now in possession of William Rabnett, bounding N. on land of Francis Richbill, Planter, Sly. down towards the mouth of sd. Cr. &c. 21 yr. Lease. 23 Aug. 1634, p. 154. CHRISTOPHER BRANCH, Planter, of Arrowhattocks in Henrico Co., 100 acs., Nly. on land graunted to Thomas Sheffeild, E. upon the maine river Sly. on land graunted to John Griffin, & W. into the maine woods. 21 yr. Lease. 20 Oct. 1634, p. 155. GILBERT SYMONDS, Planter, of Eliz. Citty Co., 100 acs. lying at the old Pocoson Riv., abutting E. upon land of John Kadon, W. towards the head of sd. river &c. Lease, 21 Yrs. 20 Oct. 1634, p. 156. NICHOLAS HARWOOD, Cooper, 50 acs. on the Easterne Shoare within Accomack Co., abutting upon land of William Blore, now in possession of William Burditt &c. Which land was graunted unto Roger Saunders, dee'd. for the terme of 10 yrs., as by lease dated 14 Mar. 1628 & assigned to sd. Harwood by Georg Traveller, Planter. 21 yr. Lease. 20 Oct. 1634, p. 157. CAPT. HUGH BULLOCKE, 2,550 acs. lying & being from the runn that falleth downe by the Easter side of a peece of land knowne by the name of the Woodvard & soe from that runn along the side of the Pocoson or great Otter pond soe called N. W. & about the head of the sd. pond back S. E. leaving the Otter pond in the midle. 12 Mar. 1634, p. 158. By the Govern or and Cap 1 Gener 11 of Virginia To all to whome these presents shall come I Sr. John Harvey Kt. &c. Send &c. Whereas by Letters bearing date the twoe and twentieth day of July on Thowsand six hundre thirtie fower from the Rt. Honoble the Lords of his Majesties most Honoble, Privy Councell &c, their Lordshipps did authorize the Governor and Councell of Virginia to dispose of such proportions of lands to all planters being freemen as they had power to doe before the yeare one Thowsand six hundred twentie and five when according to divers orders and constitutions in that case provided and appointed all devidents of land any waies due or belonging to any Adventurers or planters of what conditions soever were to bee laid out and assigned unto them according to the severall conditions in the same mentioned Now Know yee &c. To have and to hold the said twoe hundred acres of land with his due share of all Mines and Minneralls therein conteyned and with all rights and priviledges of hunting &c. Yeilding and paying for every fifty acres of land herein by these presents given and graunted yearely at the feast of St. Michaell the Archangell the fee rent of one shilling &c. Provided alwaies that if the said &c. his heirs or assignes shall not plant or seate or cause to bee planted on the Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 21 said twoe hundred acres of land within the time and terme of three years now- next ensuing the date hereof that then it shall and may bee lawfull for any Adventurer or planter to make choice and seate upon the same. Given at James Citty &c. (P. B. 1, P. 158). MR. THOMAS EATON, 250 acs. lying towards the head of the back river within a mile of the wading place, Swd. to the lower part of Eliz. Citty &c. 11 Mar. 1634, p. 159. MR. ADAM THOROWGOOD (Thorrogood) 200 acs., 21 Mar. 1634, p. 160. Confirmation of 200 acs. pur- chased of Capt. Stephens, bounding W. upon the backe river, N. upon land of John Robinson, E. upon land of Thomas Boulding & his own, S. upon William Capps, to begin at a little otterdam be- ing Why. upon the back river & soe to run one-quarter of a mile into the woods &c, which land was due sd, Capt. Stevens as being a planter & adv. to this colony. SAME. 200 acs., 21 Mar. 1634, p. 161. Bounded Sly. upon the back river, Wly. upon the little Otterdam, Nly. into the land, Ely. upon land of Thomas Thornbury; the said 200 acs. accrewing due to him as being an Adventurer into this Colony. THOMAS CAUSEY, 150 acs. Chas. Citty Co. in the Indian feild, comonly soe called, 18 Apr. 1635, p. 162. Due N. upon Jordans Journy, W. upon the maine woods, S. upon Chaplins Choice & due E. upon the maine river. CAPT. THOMAS PURIFIE, 2,000 acs., 18 Apr. 1635, p. 163. 1,000 acs. beg. S. E. from the Pocoson river at Willoughby poynt, stretching along the back river S. W. to a point called Cross quarter, from thence to point called Topgallant quarter, thence to the broad creeke head lying N. W. into the woods towards the dams which land is now called by the name of Drayton; 500 acs. on this side the sd. dams abutting on John Laydens ground, W. to the head of the dams, S. upon Drayton & above the sams; the last 500 acs. adj. the dams upon the maine Cr. N. W. to the maine Creek, S. W. to a ridge of land & E. to the Cr. THOMAS SEAWELL, 400 acs., 20 Apr. 1635, p. 164. 350 acs. at the head of the old Pocoson on S. side adj. the great ridge &c. 50 acs. lying betweene Thomas Boulding on the W. and John Snede on the E., butting upon a Cr. lying N. parting this & Ben j amine Syms' Marsh. MR. FRANCIS TOWERS, 200 acs. in the W. br. of Eliz. Riv. one mile up the same, butting with a point upon the river S. & running N. into the woods with a Cr. on the upper side & a baye on the lower side. 21 Apr. 1635, p. 165. JOHN HILL, 350 acs. lying at a point of head land about 4 mi. up the W. br. of Eliz. Riv. &c, N. with a Cr. to the Ewd. named Clarkes Cr. & to the Wwd. a Cr. called Browns bay. 21 Apr. 1635, p. 166. RICHARD ROBINSON, 100 acs., 21 Apr. 1635, p. 167. 50 acs. on N. side of the great Pocoson Riv., butting S. on the entring of the narrow of the river, E. next to plantation of Mr. Sy- mons &c. 50 acs. lying Ewd. next the aforesd. devdt., the neck of land being called Monnack. MARTIN BAKER, 600 acs., 24 Apr. 1635, p. 168. Lying from Robert Bue upon Capt. Martins lands N. W. by W. into the woods, S. W. by S. By Capt. John West JOHN SLAUGHTER, 200 acs. Nly. on Wrights Cr., Mr. Thomas Wright haveing land next adj. sd. Cr., Sly. upon a Cr. called Brownes bay, E. upon the Westermost br. of Eliz. Riv. 30 May 1635, p. 169. Due for trans, of 4 ser- vants: Robt. Bennett, Wm. Dickenson, Adam Stevely, Jon. Day. Note: In the name of John Radford, renewed. JOHN PARROTT, 450 acs., Nly. up- on Nansamund Riv., W. upon a great 22 Cavaliers and Pioneers bay running from Paraketo point &c. 29 May 1635, p. 170. Trans, of 9 pers: John Parrott, Prunella Parrott, his wife, John Bodin, James Traneere (or Tra- veere), John Morgan, Tho. Banton, Georg Clarke, Georg Heele, Thomas Cottle. THOMAS LAMBERT, 100 acs. on E. side of the bay of Eliz. Riv., &c. 1 June 1635, p. 171. Trans, of 2 ser- vants.* MR. JOHN SIPSEY, 1500 acs. upon W. br. of Eliz. Riv., 1 June 1635, p. 172. Trans, of 30 servts.* SAME. 1500 acs. next adj. upon land of Mr. Francis Towers, S. upon the maine river, E. as farr as the part- ing of an Island called Craine poynt. 1 June 1635, p. 173. Trans, of 30 servts.* CAPT. JOHN UTYE, ESQR., one of the Councell of State, 1250 acs. at the head of Utyes Cr. in Charles Riv., to- wards James Riv. with a Swamp called the Midle way Sw. which is included herein, towards the Midle plantation with the woods towards sd. Riv. neare upon his own land. 24 June 1635, p. 174. Trans, of 25 pers.* HANNIBALL FLETCHER, 150 acs. in the lower Chippoakes Cr., between the two creeks, adj. land of John Rus- sell, running from the lower little Cr. Ely. towards Lawnes Cr., Wly. towards the great Cr. called Chippoakes Cr., & Nly. towards James Riv. 24 June 1635, p. 176. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Elizabeth Fletcher whoe came in 1634 in the Primrose of London; & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 servts: Tho. Owen whoe came in the Susan of Lon- don 1632, & Francis Francklin whoe came in the Revenge 1634. JOHN RUSSELL, 250 acs. in Lower Chippoakes Cr., beg. at the upper little Cr., running into the maine towards Lawnes Cr., bounding upon the gr. Chippoakes Cr. S. W. by W. & N. to- wards James Riv. 24 June 1635, p. 177. 50 acs. for his own per. adv., & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: John Webber, Rich. Deane, Willi. Exton, Jon. Asley. CAPT. ADAM THOROWGOOD, (Thoroughgood), 5350 acs. lying Nly upon Chesopean bay, to begin at the first Cr. of that river, running to a broad cr. that shooteth behind a long point of land Wly. into the maine land, Sly. up the Riv. to a little island shooting into Chesopean Riv., E. upon the same, this land lying upon the W. side & if in case these bounds or neck of land doe not include the sd. 5350 acs. then he shall measure upon the sd. first Cr. soe farr as the remainder of his sd. acres shall extend. Sd. land graunted at the especiall recomendation of him from their Lordshipps & others his Majesties most Honble. privie Councell to the Govr. & Councell of State for Va. 24 June 1635, p. 179. Also due as followeth: 50 acs. for his per. adv., 50 acs. for per adv. of his wife Sarah Thoroughgood & 5250 acs. for trans, of 105 pers: Trans, of himselfe, wife Sarah, and Thos. Thoroughgood, Francis Newton, James Leading, Stephen Bernard, Jon. Newarke, Edward Pitts, Rich. Jenerie, Wm. Edwards, Dennis Russell, Jon. Barnards, Jon. Waters, Jon. Leake, Thomas Johnson, Jon. Bradston, Richard Jego, Thomas Brooks, Jon. Moyse, John Penton, Edward Parish, Thomas Melton, Augustine Warner, Tho. Chandler, Andrew Chant, John Percie, Edmund Wallis, Thomas Boulton, Robert Heasell, Richard John- son, Margaret Bilbie, Jane Prosser, Jane Westerfield, Ann Spark, Susan, Colson, in the Hopewell in 1628, John Harris, John Lock, Andrew Boyer, Tho- mas Boyer, in the True Love in 1628, Thomas Keeling, Rachell Lane, in Hope- well in 1628, William Hines, Edward Reynolds, Wm. Hookes, Edward Palmer, Edward Jones, John Dyer, in the french ship in 1629, Victo Fraford, Casander Underwood, Merciful Halley, Ann Long, Dorothy Wheeler, Ann Allerson, in the Africa, Eliz. Gosmore in the Christopher & Mary, Francis Bramly in the Ark, John Writt, Wm. Fawne, Wm. Was, Georg Mee, Gilbert Gye, John Enies, James Wilsonn, Daniell Hutton, Wm. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 23 Gastrock, Wm, Speed, Jon. Reynolds, in the Hopewell in 1633, Jon. Wake- feild, James Belly, Patrick Blacock, Stephen Swaine, John Cowes, Ann Boulton, in the Bona Adventure in 1634, Wm. Fletcher, in Mr. Middleton, 1634, Robert Westwell in the Mer- chants Hope in 1634, Robert Spring in the Jon. & Dorothy, Adam Thorough- good, Edward Windam, Cob. Howell, Tho. Creaser, Henry Hill, Roger Ward, Jon. Withers, Wm. Holton, Wm. Kempe, Humphrey Heyward, Jon Al- porte, Symond Stanfeild, Robt. Gainnie, Thomas Smith, George Whitehead, Henry Franklin, Jon. Hill, Joseph Sedgwick, Arthur Eggleston, Richard Poole, Jon. Holton, Stephen Withers, Christ. Newgent, Jon. Brewton, Thomas Atmore, Mary Hill, Henry Wood in the Jon & Dorothy in 1634, Wm. Bur- roughs, Ann Burroughs, Ann White- thorne, Eliza. Creaser, Eliza Curtisse, Mary Hill, Jr., Wm. Atkins. WILLIAM ANDREWS, 100 acs. Accomack Co., 25 June 1635, p. 181. S. E. upon old plantation Cr., N. N. W. towards Kings Cr., abutting upon land of John Bloare W. S. W. Due by order of Ct. 9 Oct. 1627 & for trans, of 2 pers: Richard Evans, Zacharias Turner. SAME. 200 acs. Accomack Co., 25 June, 1635, p. 182. Nwd. side of the mouth of Hungers Cr., W. upon the bay, Ely. with the breadth up the maine Cr. & Slv. upon the point of the mouth of the Cr. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Susanna Andrews & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Robert Johnson, Andrew Sims, James Little John. DANIELL CUGLEY, 400 acs. Acco- macke Co., 25 June 1635, p. 183. Comonly knowne by the name of hogg pen necke; S. W. upon the maine Cr., E. into the woods, N. W. upon the Greene Sw. & S. by E. upon br. of the Frenchmans neck. Trans, of 8 pers: Pascall Crocker, Peter Varlow, Thomas Dyner, Georg Luckin, Thomas Peake, John Champion, Leonard Lenards, John Dennis. a Cr. on S. E. side of Nansamund Riv. about 3 mi. up the Cr., running Sly., beg. at a little Cr., running Ely., over against land of Richard Bennett & adj. land of Robert Bennett. 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for adv. of his wife Marie, 50 acs. for per. adv. of his sonn William & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: James Smith, Tho. Webb, John Morgan, Thomas Williams, Richd. Davis. RICHARD BENNETT, 2000 acs. upon Nansamund Riv. & neare adjacent to land granted to Georg Fawdon; be- ing a neck of land, the river on one side & on the other a Cr., beg. 3 miles up sd. Cr. &c. 26 June 1635, p. 186. Trans, of 40 pers: John Francis, Ann Atwood Alex. Garner, John Lane, Georg Locker, Eliz. Husley, jon. Peeters, Jon. Dee, Rich. Bird, Tho. Williams, Gilbert Lee, Tho. Jones, Ambro. Bennett, Rich. Cullumbine, vIb£ i _Luter, Robt. Moore, Hen. RutkirT, Rich. Morris, Ralph Hewes, Rich. Glascock, Rich. Glascock, Edw. Yorke, Wm. Quilmead, Peter Bay- ly, Robt. Rawson, Peter White, Wm. Fowler, Wm. Limpson, Wm. Durand, Ralph Compeere, Arthur Wood, Hen. Johnson, Grace, his wife, James Smith, Mary Harding, Arthur, Martin, Georg Bussey, Rich. Bennett, Augt. Negoe (or Negro), Tho. kild with a tree. ROBERT BENNETT, 700 acs. aboute V/i mi. up a Cr. neare the mouth of Nansamund Riv., beg. at a pine marked with the letters of his name & bordering land marked by Robert Newman, etc. 26 June 1635, p. 188. Trans, of 14 pers: James Leonard, Peter Rice, Eliz. Gil- bert, George Rawles, Robert Rabye, Rich. Hayes, Phill. Pharrin, Geo. Rotheram, Jon. Ford, Jon. Lee, Ann Busby, Richd. Smith, Edward Mayo, Eliz. Bussy. DANIELL CUGLEY, 400 acs. Acco- mack Co., 27 June 1635, p. 189. S. E. on Savages Cr., N. E. on the bay, S. W. on land of Mrs. Hannah Savage called by the name of Savages Choice. Trans. of 8 persons.* JOHN ARMIE, 400 acs. Warras- quioake Co., 26 June 1635, p. 185. In STEPHEN WEBB, 300 acs. neare the mouth of Chippoakes Cr., beg. at a 24 Cavaliers and Pioneers little valley butting upon a Reedy Sw., running Nly. towards James Riv., S. in- to the woods upon land of Hanniball Fletcher, E. towards Lawnes Cr. & W. upon the great Cr. called Chippoakes Cr. 30 June 1635. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Georg Nicholson, Roger Nichols, Richard Child, Tho. Glorie, Daniell Nurserie. JOHN SEAWARD, 300 acs. in Warrasquioake Co., 1 July 1635, p. 191. Upon the S. side of a Cr. running N. W. into the woods, W. S. W. into the woods with a Sw. running in the midle of the ground. Trans, of 6 pers: Henry Weblin, Thos. Woodcock, Wm. Tompson, Arth. Scott, Jon. Bruton, Edward Perkes. WILLIAM RANSHAW, 200 acs. Eliz. City Co., 1 July 1635, p. 193. N. upon the mouth of Eliz. Riv., S. into the maine woods, bounded W. upon a Cr. & E. on another Cr. 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for per. adv. of his wife Katherine Ranshaw & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: John Stephens, Tho. Pawford. JOHN SEAWARD, 100 acs. in Warrasquioake Co., 1 July 1635, p. 194. From a point of marsh by a small ridge of trees, running N. W. upon the river & S. W. into the woods, said land be- ing part of Ragged island. Trans, of 2 pers: Katherine Peircy, Henry King. WILLIAM CLARKE, 250 acs. in Warrasquioake Co., 1 July 1635, p. 195. On S. side of Nansamund Riv., running S. W. along same, E. S. E. into the woods, beg. at a great poplar tree marked with 3 notches, butting upon land of Georg Fawder. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 200 for trans, of 4 pers: Alex. Tucker, Franc. Costerdine, Tho- mas Southerne, Jos. Spring. woods S. by E. upon Nansamund Riv. Trans, of 5 pers: Francis Stefferton, John Rashe, Humphrey Broade, John Pumfrey, Willi. Empson. SAMUELL WEAVER, 650 acs. lying Ely. upon Capt. John Wests Cr., & Nly. upon Sergt. Weyne. 2 July 1635, p. 198. Trans, of 13 pers: Wm. Rawlins, Tho. Wills, Rich. Lacy, Tho. Darby, Rich. Powell, Tho. Wethersby, Grace Smith, Tho. Watkins, Jon. Joyce, Rich. Possin, Dennis Brotherton, Hen. Harris, Wm. Goulding. Note: This pattern is recorded in the name of Thomas Wes- ton, Marriner. Tho. Cooke, Clk. MR. GEORGE MINIFIE, ESQR., one of the Councell of State, 1200 acs. James Citty Co., 2 July 1635, p. 199. Being a neck of land comonly called the Rich Neck, bounded on W. with a br. of Archers Hope Cr. which parts this from the barren Neck, on E. with main br. of sd. Cr. to the head, thence W. on a direct line to the head of sd. br. Trans, of 24 pers: Edwd. Williams, Thomas Andrews, Anth. Skinner, Rich. Clarke, Symon Loram, Jon. Doe, Rich. Appleton, Tony (an) Eastindian, Wm. Sutton, Wm. Large, Jon. Abram, Wm. Stoddon, Jon. Bugbye, Jon. Ellis, Samll. Turner, Nich. Whoorewood, Jon. Baker, Jon. Grimes, Tho. Poole, Tho. Taylor, Lydian Price, Robt. Thomas, Tony a Turke, Jeffery Hatton. THOMAS GARNETT, 200 acs., 3 July 1635, p. 201. Bounding upon land of Dictoris Christmas, upon head of the little poquosun Cr. & due W. upon Georg Hull. Trans, of 4 pers.* JOHN MOORE, 200 acs., 3 July 1635, p. 202. N. upon little Poquoson Cr., E. upon land of Thomas Boulding, W. upon land of Thomas Garnett & S. towards the head of the broad Cr. Trans, of 4 pers.* WILLIAM HEIRES (Eyres), 250 acs. Warresquioake Co., 30 June 1635, p. 197. Beg. at a red point that is joyning upon a small Cr. which runneth from the great river called Warresquioake Cr. W. by S. & backwards into the GEORGE BURTCHER, 200 acs., James Citty Co., 3 July 1635, p. 203. Near the head of a little Cr. between the mouth of Hog Island Cr. & mouth of Lawnes Cr., Ely. from the first Cr. to the latter Cr., Wly. towards Chip- Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 25 poakes Cr., Sly. into the woods & Nly. towards James Riv. 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Anne Burtcher & 100 acs. for the per. adv. of his 2 children: John Jefferson & Jane Burtcher. Note: In the list of names at the end of record John Jefferson is given as "his wifes son." JOHN DAVIS, 100 acs. James Citty Co., 4 July 1635, p. 204. On Ely. side of land knowne as Jockeys Neck, Sly. upon John his Neck, extending Nly. up a Cr., Ely. upon Archers Hope Cr. & Wly. into the woods, the sd. land be- ing called the barren Neck. 50 acs. due by covenant from his late Master Mr. Richard Perry, of London, Merchant, & 50 acs. due for trans, at his owne costs of one servant called Richard Thomas. DAVID JONES, 300 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 4 July 1635, p. 206. Over against Tapahanna Marsh a little below the poynt butting S. S. W. upon the maine river, being bounded between 2 Crks. the second & third Cr. below Matticoe Cr. Trans, of 6 pers: Tobie Borke, Thomas Jones, Robert Scory (or Story), Jon. Cole, Jon. Harrison, 1 Negro woman. BENJAMINE HARRISON, 200 acs. Warresquioake Co., 7 July 1635, p. 207. About 2 mi. up Warresquioake Cr., beg. at a pine marked with 3 notches, extending N. W. &c, which land is now in the tenure of Thomas Jordan, Gent. Due by deed of sale from John Davis, of Kiskiake, 9 July 1633, being part of a devdt. graunted sd. Davis by order of Ct. 5 June 1633 as being heire to his uncle Walter Davis. THOMAS HARWOOD, 1500 acs., 7 July 1635, p. 208. At the head of Kethes Cr. adj. his own land. Due for trans, of 30 pers: Tho. Read, John Spiltimber, John Dennett, Silvester Totnam, Wm. Peters, Robt. Hudson, Thomas Parks, Robert Smith, Tho. Hinckly, Jon. Heyward, Wm. Darnely, Daniell Lane, Lewis Cocke, Thomas Smith, Mathews Burrows, Tho. Casson, Edw. Hall, Jon. Greene, Foulke Brasey, John Stockdell, Wm. Bell, Robt. Tep- pett, Tho. Lewis, Tho. Brownser, Blanch Braunes, Mary Eaworth, Joane Butler, Elianor Dunberbeach, Samll. Trigg, Jon. Eastcote. JOHN UPTON, 1650 acs., Warres- quioake L,o., 7 July 1635, p. 210. About 3 mi. up Pagan point Cr., bounding almost W. from the Cr. into the woods a little Cr. running in by the sd. land out of the Pagan Pt. Cr. to a great poplar tree. Trans, of 33 pers: Rich. Young, Antho. a Negroe, Mary a Negroe, Florence Richards, Roger Bag- nol, Ralph Harwood, Thomas Reevs, Rich. Spackman, Edward Burr, Savage Merrie, Wm. Scott, Rich. Jones, Fr. Savage, Owen Howell, Nich. Bushell, James Parsons, Jon. Parker, Lewis Phil- lipps, Morgan Roberts, Wm. Davis, John Fitchett, Morgan Evans, Christopher Lewis, Phillipp Jennersly, Eliz. King, Martha Swann, Mary Johnson, Jonas Sadlington, Anth. Tyler, Peter Heyes, Rich. Jackson, Wm. Pincher, Eliz. Larkin. JOHN RISHTON, 50 acs. Tames Citty Co., 8 July 1635, p. 211. Upon the gr. Cr. over against James Towne on the S. side of the Riv. neare upon the mouth of the first arme running W., called the Crosse Cr. Due by covenant from his late Master Richard Perry, of London, Merchant, 26 July 1628. JOSEPH STRATTON, 500 acs. at Nutmegg Quarter, within Denbigh Co., 8 July 1635, p. 212. S. E. upon land that did once belong unto Capt. John Smith, now in the occupation of Perci- vall Champion & John Slaughter, N. W. upon land of John Loyton, S. E. & N. W. along the river & S. W. & N. E. in- to the woods. Part of devdt. formerly belonging to Sir. Francis Wyatt & due sd. Stratton for a valuable consideration by bargaine from Capt. William Peirce, Atty. of sd. Wyatt, which sd. Peirce was to make an assurance by pattern ac- cording to order of Ct. dated 25 Feb. 1630. JENKIN OSBORNE, 400 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 9 July 1635, p. 214. Lying bet. land of Capt. Woodley & William Bayly, N. upon James Riv. & S. into the woods. Trans, of 8 pers: William Brock, Thomas Ashton, John Cugley, Tho. Bateman, Tho. Tyler, Georg Purser, Thomas Jones, Samll. Ramsey. 26 Cavaliers and Pioneers THOMAS BAILIE (Baylie), 150 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 9 July 1635, p. 215. On the S. & near the mouth of Baylys Cr., beg, at a small swamp with a little brooke running in the "middest" of it & extending S. into the woods. 50 acs. due unto him as heire of his father William Baylie who dyed possessed thereof & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Mary Welsh & Marv . THOMAS PHILLIPPS, 300 acs., James Citty Co., 9 July 1635, p. 216. S. side of Chichahominy Riv., beg. at a small cr., extending Sly. to a neck of land, Nly. up the Riv. unto an old Indian feild, Ely. upon the maine river butting upon the lowest of twoe islands of Sedge, neare adj. Wly. upon a marsh. 150 acs. for per. adv. of himself e, Eliza- beth Phillipps his wife & Elizabeth his daughter & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Robt. Greenefeild, Robert Mason, Solomon Dorillios a Negroe. ROWLAND CHAMBERS, 50 acs. James Citty Co., at peyny point in Chichahominy Riv., 10 July 1635, p. 218. W. upon the maine river, &c. Due for service by Covennt. from his Master, Thomas Phillipps. WILLIAM PILKINGTON, (Pilkin- ton), 300 acs., 10 July 1635, p. 219. N. W. upon the head of Lawnes Cr. S. W. upon a fresh brooke & E. to- wards James Riv. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & his wife Margarett Pilkinton, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Bellowes, James Pinkney, Tho. Stephens, 1 boy. ERASMUS CARTER, 100 acs. James Citty Co., 10 July 1635, p. 221. S. side of James Riv., a neck of land be- tween Smith his Mount & Capt. Browne his plantation comonly called the halfe way tree neck, Nly. towards sd. river, being bounded between two swamps. 50 acs. for per adv. of his wife Phillis Carter & trans, of 1 ser- vant: Thomas Cole. THOMAS BUTLER, Clarke & Pastor of Denbie, 1000 acs. Warrasquioake Co., 11 July 1635, p. 222. Within a small river falling into Nanzemund bay, running on back side of land of Georg Fawdon & John Parrott, the land beg. 2 mi. within the mouth & S. side of sd. river at a Cedar point, running Sly. to an Indian Towne & Wly. towards Nanzemund Riv. Said land being the right of John Brewer, Esqr., of which 50 acs. due for his owne per. adv. & 50 acs. for per. adv. of his wife Marie Brewer (also given as Mary Brewer) & 900 acs. for trans, of 18 pers., men- tioned below. Due sd. Butler as marry- ing with sd. Marie Brewer, relict of sd. John Brewer. John Potter, Rice Davis, Eliz. Rawell, Eliz. Wallis, Ann Wil- liams, Susanna Williamson, Dorias Hound, John Jordan, Dennis Mohonney, Edwd. Willis, Redman Fitzgarrett, Nich. Welsh, Tho. Ketle, John Langston, Michaell Babbington, Roger Williams, Rich. Johnson, Thomas Witney. WILLIAM PRIOR, 200 acs., 11 July 1635, p. 223. Lying N. by E. upon Charles Riv., E. by S. upon his own devdt., & W. by N. upon land of Lewis Cocke. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Prior, Wm. Norton, Ann Powell, Ann Cooke. JOHN WATSON, 150 acs. at the New Poquoson, 11 July 1635, p. 225. S. upon the river, N. into the woods, E. adj. land of Christopher Stoakes & W. upon land of Joseph Jolly. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & wife Elizabeth Watson & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servant called Richard . THOMAS VICOUNT, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 13 July 1635, p. 226. Butt- ing S. upon land of John Moore, N. upon John Garnett, S. S. W. into the woods & Nly. upon a Cr. between Tho- mas Bolden & Benjamin Simms, bet. two branches N. N. E. Trans, of 2 pers.* CAPT. CHRISTOPHER CAL- THORPE, 500 acs. at the New Poquo- son, Eliz. Citty Co., 13 July 1635, p. 227. E. upon Calthorps Cr., W. to- wards John Powells Cr., Nly. upon the river & Sly. into the woods. Sd. land graunted unto him by order of court 26 Apr. 1631 & due for trans, of 10 pers.* JOHN SPACKMAN, (Spakeman) 300 acs. Warrasquioake Co., 13 July Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 27 1635, p. 228. 2 mi. up on W. side of Pagan point Cr. 100 acs. for per. adv. of himselfe & Dorothy Spademan, his wife & 200 acs. for trans, of his chil- dren Joyce & Rosemond, & 2 servts: John Evans, John Wilsonn. JOHN CLAY, 1200 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 13 July 1635, p. 230. Bounding from land graunted by order of Ct. to Capt. Francis Hooke to the head of Ward his Cr., E. upon same, S. W. into the maine land & N. upon James Riv. 100 acs. due to him as being an old planter at or before the govmt. of Sir Thomas Dale &c. 1100 acs. for trans, of 22 persons.* CAPT. WILLIAM TUCKER, Esqr., one of the Councell of State, 200 acs., 14 July 1635, p. 231. Upon N. side of the Westermost br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. at Allingtons Cr., S. S. W. upon the same, N. N. E. upon Watton br. of sd. Riv. & W. N. W. into the woods. Trans, of 4 pers.* THOMAS JORDAN, 900 acs. War- rasquioake Co., 2 July 1635, p. 233. Near the head of Warrasquioake Riv., beg. on Wly. side of an old Indian Towne at an oake marked with 3 notches, being upon the N. W. side of the river, runin<* W. N. W. into the woods a mile, soe coming down the river to a Crosse Cr. a small oake be- ing there marked with twoe notches. Trans, of 18 pers.* MARTHA TOMLIN, (Tomlyn), Widdowe, 250 acs., 14 July 1635, p. 234. In a Cr. on the S. E. side of Nanzemund Riv., on the E. side & about 3 mi. up the Cr., running Sly. & adj. land graunted unto John Armie, beg. next above his land. Trans, of 5 pers.* Re- newed in the name of Epaproditus Law- son by Sir John Harvey. Rich. Kemp, Seer. THOMAS WRIGHT, 150 acs. in the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., 14 July 1635, p. 235. S. upon sd. branch, N. into the woods, adj. W. upon a Cr. about 3 mi. up the same & E. towards the mouth of sd. branch. Trans, of 3 pers.* Renewed by Sir William Berkeley 26 Apr. 1647 with additional 310 acs. Sam: Abbot, Clk. CORNELIUS LOYD, 800 acs., 2 July 1635, p. 237. Adj. upon Eliz. Riv. W. N. W., into the woods E. S. E., N. N. E. upon Merchants Cr. & S. S. W. upon Maddisses Cr. Trans, of 16 servants.* MR. ANTHONY JONES, 500 acs., 2 June 1635, p. 238. Upon E. side of Pagan point Cr., beg. at the Cross Cr., Sly. to land of John Sparkes, W. upon the river & E. into the woods a mile. Trans, of 10 servts: Nich. Lee, Michaell Brinckley, William Richards, John Weston, Jon. Aram, Edward Page, De- borah Merrard, Rich. Austin, Jos. Bech (?), Tho. Randall. JOHN SPARKES, 750 acs., 3 June 1635, p. 239. At the head of Pagan point Cr., butting Nly. upon land of Mr. Jones, Sly. upon the white marsh, W. upon the river & Ely. into the woods a mile. Trans, of 15 pers: John Sparkes. Grace Sparkes, Ellin Perkins, John Clarke, Robert Hopkins, Jon. Grandy, Wm. Peirce, Wm. Hurdis, Robt. Dugg, Stephen Banister, Christo- pher Tennant, Rich. Cole, Wm. Gallo- pin, Henry Taylor, Mary Sparkes. MR. GEORGE WHITE, Minister of the word of God, 200 acs., 3 June 1635, p. 240. Nly. upon Nanzemund Riv., S. into the woods, W. upon a Cr. devid- ing sd. land & James Knots land & Ely. upon the first Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: Georg White, Wm. Moore, John Joyce, Tho. Catchman. This pattent surren- dered & renewed by Sir John Harvey. Rich. Kempe, Seer. HENRY COLEMAN, 150 acs., 6 June 1635, p. 241. E. upon neck of land of Mr. Eaton, W. into the woods goeing up to Eliz. Citty, N. upon the Riv. & S. into the woods, running up to Hampton Riv. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Fann, Tho. Jones, Eliz. Smith. _ JOHN JACKSON, 100 acs. on S. side of Lt. Cheesemans Cr., 9 June 1635, p. 242. Trans, of 2 servants: Robt. Tassell, Peter Buck. MR. WILLIAM STONE, 1800 acs. 4 June 1635, p. 244. Beg. at the blunt point between Hungers Cr. & Matta- 28 Cavaliers and Pioneers womens, Wly. on the bay, Ely. towards the pynie swampe takein? in the Clap- board quarter. Due for the per. adv. of himselfe & his brother Andrew Stone & trans, of 34 servants: Hugh Hayes, Armstrong Foster, Wm. Hawkinson, Tho. Ward, Cha. Farrington, Edwd. Burt, Tho. Hatcock, Hen. Holland, Hen. Hartwell, Robt. Chessheire, An Irish- man, Tho. Chilcott, Wm. Bucher, Wm. Piss, Jon. Winnall, James Fletcher, Jon. Blackstone, Tho. Smith, Edwd. Allen, Math Scarbourgh, David Winley, Hen. Johnson, Richard Worster, Ann Light- foote, Hen. Armetrading, Richard Powell, Ann Smith, John Buffin, Wm. Davis, Thomas Connagrave, Sampson Robins, Wm. Matrun, Hen. Harris, Willi. Cole. CHARLES HARMER, 1050 acs., 4 June 1635, p. 245. S. by a pond called the deepe ditch W. by the shore of the main bav, S. by the old plantation Cr. mouth & E. by the maine woods adj. upon Eastermost bank of the great pond. Due for his own & the per. adv. of his wife Ann Harmer & trans, of 19 ser- vts: Evan Jones, Tho. Cole, James Courtney, Lazarus Maning, Tho. Davis, Rich. Wrych, Jon. Symon, Rich. New- ton, Samll. Lucas, Eliz. Bennett, Rebec- ca Slaughter, 8 Negroes named: Alexan- der, Anthony, Sebastian, Polonia, Jane, Palatia, Cassanga & John. Renewed 17 Sept. 1644 in the name of Eliz. Harmer, daughter of sd. Charles & 150 acs. added. Teste: Samll. Abbott, CI. MR. NATHANIELL HOOKE, 200 acs. 2^4 mi. up the Pagan point Cr. up- on the W. side, 5 June 1635, p. 247. For his own per. adv. & trans, of 3 pers: Tho. Boyer, Rich. Dunningham, Patrick Vaughan. MR. JERIMIAH CLEMENT, 500 acs. E. upon land formerly in his possession & N. upon James Riv. 11 June 1635, p. 248. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Edey Clements & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: John Clement, John Giles, John Dawtres, Christopher Abbott, Henry Tompson, John Taylor, Tho. Ashly (or Ashby), Wm. Stevens, Wm. Winter, Nathaniell Eaton. Re- newed by Sir John Harvey in the name of the patentee. Test, Tho. Cooke, Clk. WILLIAM SPENCER, 1100 acs. in Lawnes Cr., Wly. upon hog Island Cr. & Sly. upon a parcell of land he hath taken up neare the mouth of the Creek East. 19 June 1635, p. 249. Trans, of 22 servts: Robt. Stoakes, Edwd. Wil- mott, Robt. Arnall, Annanias Cople- stone, Geo. Prower, Nicholas Atwill, Evan Williams, Franc Pearle, Wm. Michaell, John Lewis, Katherine Perce, Ellen Alice, Antho. Streate, Hector Godbeare, Nicho. Spencer, Jon. Dod- man, John Holdin, Tho. Powell, Tho. Smith, Tho. Clayton, Jon. Mathews, Elizabeth Nicholson. This pattent re- newed. Tho. Cooke, Clk. ROBERT SHEPPARD, 300 acs. neare the head of Chippoakes Cr., beg. at the pond Sw., Nly. towards James Riv., E. upon sd. Cr. & W. towards the Sunken Marshes. 19 July 1635, p. 250. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Priscilla Sheppard & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 servts: Wm. Maulden, Jon. Shawbooke, Eliz. Bonne, Edwd. Owen. JOSEPH JOHNSON, 400 acs. Ely upon a Cr. about 3 mi. of Nanzemund Riv., extending Wly. Nly. upon sd. river. 19 June 1635, n. 252. Granted by order of Court 12 Dec. 1634 & due for trans, of Elizabeth Johnson his wife & 7 servts: Wm. Smith, Hen. Giles, Georg. Gilbert, Rebecca Crewe, Wm. Robinson, Fran. Gray, Alice Spore. WILLIAM BEARD, 450 acs. in Pas- byhayes within the Corp. of James Citty, 19 June 1635, p. 253. Beg. at a swamp parting this & land now in the tenure of sd. Beard. Ely. to land of Richard Barrington & extending from sd. Sw. N. W. & Wly. into the woods. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & his wife Joane Beard & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 servts: John Stoute, Hen. Meares, Fr. Withers, Tho. Lock, Nich. Midleton, Anth. Rockwood, Marg. Walton. This pattent was surrendered & never planted. Rich. Kemp, Seer. ALEXANDER STONAR, 350 acs. lying E. on a Cr. next to the Gleab land, N. W. upon a Cr. abutting upon the Otterdams, N. E. into the maine woods & S. E. upon the maine Cr. 22 Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 29 June 1635, p. 254. 100 acs. due for the per. adv. of John Cooke who was the first husband of Jane Stoner, the now wife of sd. Alexander Stonar, hav- ing been granted sd. Cooke according to the orders & constitutions of the late Treasurer & Company 18 Nov. 1618, hee havin°- accomplished his time of service to the sd. Co. as by certificate under the hand of Sir Georg Yeardly 20 June 1620; 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Jane Stonar & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 servts: Richard Venable Geo. Wal- ton, Richard Phillipps. Note: There being sould out of this pattent to Rich- ard Bell twoe hundred acres, there re- maines due to the Pattentee 150 acs. Rich. Kemp, Seer. CAPT. WILLIAM PEIRCE, Esqr., one of the Councell of State, 2000 acs. in Lawnes Cr., 22 June 1635, p. 255. Sly. upon land in the tenure of Alice Delke, widdowe, Nly. towards land of William Spencer, Ely. upon the Cr. & Wly. into the woods, towards Chip- poakes Cr. Trans, of 40 pers: Mary Peefe, Barbary Tanner, Tho. Dawson, James Harrison, Rich. Burthen, Wm. Tompson, Edwd. Cockshott, Tho. Rolfe, Jam. Eustis, Margt. Smally, Jon. Pawly, Wm. Allin, Ja. Legat, Edwd. Hamer, Niccodemus White Christ. Adkins, Ja. Smalledge, Wm. Short, Wm. Edwards, Greg. Wells, Alice Lawson, Hen. Harri- son, Wm. Weekes, Robt. Brittaine, Rich. Webber, Benj. Dodson, Jon. New- man, Jon. Browning, Geo. Eagle, Jon. Heath, Tho. Johnson, Jon. Sparks, Jon. Lowe, Peeter Willoughby, Edwd. Wil- ford, Math. Martledon, Alice King, Eliz. Adams, Ann Drawter, John Bayant. SILVESTER TOTNAM, 100 acs. in Martins hundred in the Co. of James, 21 July 1635, p. 257. Adj. W. unto land of Thomas Smith, Sly. upon a br. of Kethes Cr. Trans, of 2 pers: Rich- ard Ascough, Hen. Cooper. This pat- tent renewed in the name of Thomas Smith. Rich. Kemp, Seer. THOMAS SMITH, 250 acs. in Mar- tins hundred in James Co., 21 Tuly 1635, p. 258. Adj. Mr. Weaver's plan- tation, Sly. towards a br. of Kethes Cr., Ely. into the woods & on N. side of Edward Hales plantation. 50 for his per. adv. & 250 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Jon. Vining, Jon. Gass, Wm. Townend, Francis Coffin. Renewed. DAVID MANCELL (Mansell), 500 acs. in Martins Hundred, James Co., 22 July 1635, p. 259. Adj. the planta- tion or neck of land in his possession, N. E. towards the maine river & S. W. adj. Mr. Barhams land. Trans, of 10 pers: Fra. Sawyer, Rich. Kenscott, Jonas Evans, Jon. Smalledge, Phi. Powell, Wm. Crouch, Wm. Heyly, Geo. Bul- lock, Eliz. Lewis, Jon. Bennett. Renewed. EDWARD MINTER, 250 acs. James Co., over against Danceing poynt, on the Sly. side of the river & Ely. side of Sunken Marsh Cr. 22 July 1635, p. 261. Due unto him as sonn & heire of his father Richard Minter, deed., to whom it was due, viz: 50 acs. for his per. adv., 50 acs. for per. adv. of his wife Ann Minter, mother of sd. Ed- ward, & 150 acs. for trans, of his 2 sons Edward & John & one servant called William Browne. Note: This pattent surrendered & renewed in the name of Charles Foard. Tho. Cooke, Clr. THOMAS RANSHAW, 50 acs. Denby Co., 27 July 1635, p. 262. Up- on Warwick Riv. W., N. upon the Deepe Cr., E. into the forrest & S. upon land of one Burrows. Trans, of 1 servt.* SAME. 250 acs. Eliz. Co., 27 July 1635, p. 264. E. upon land of Christo- pher Stoakes & S. upon the new Poquo- son. Trans, of 5 pers.* CHRISTOPHER STOAKES, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 28 July 1635, p. 265. At the new Pocoson, Sly. upon the river, Ely. upon a small brooke betwixt sd. land & John Watsons land & running Wly. toward the Pocoson dams. Trans, of 6 pers: Mill. Freeman, Samll. Wat- son, Rich. Sharbou'e. (or Stratboule), Hen. Hickman, Wm. Wattye, Hen. Powell. MR. GEORG KETH, Clarke & Pastor of Kiskiake, 850 acs. Chas. River Co., 29 Julv 1635, P. 266. N. E. on Cheese- mans Cr.. S. W. on a running; brooke which falls into this Cr., this being the 30 Cavaliers and Pioneers breadth, on the W. & N. on a long dry marshe along the backside, on the E. & S. to run over the Cr. & about on the woods over the Cr. Granted by order of Ct. 26 Feb. 1634 & due, viz: 150 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe, his wife Martha Keth, & sonn John Keth & 700 acs. for trans, of 14 pers: James Whiting, Rebecca Whiting, Tho. Cupper- whaite, Robt. Derry, James Huggesson, Hen. Merrick, Tho. Jackson, Jon. Ger- rard, Mary Wilsonn, Mary a Negroe, Isaac Gargrave, Robt. Tempest, Elias Jones, Jon. Singcleare. SAMUELL SNEAD, (Sneade), 200 acs. in James Co., 4 Aug. 1635, p. 268. At the head of Keths Cr. beg. at a Crosse path which lyeth on the S. E. side of sd. land, running N. W. into the forrest towards Kiskiake between two swamps on the N. E. & S. W. sides, adj. Samuell Griges plantation, being alsoe parted with a sw. from the land of Thomas Smith. 150 acs. for per. adv. of himselfe, his wife Alice Sneade & his sonn William Sneade & 50 acs. for trans, of a servt. called Henry Vincent. GEORGE HOLMES, 150 acs. in James Co., 4 Aug. 1635, p. 269. At the head of a Cr. parting Archers hope & Jockes Neck, running Nly. into the woods & adj. on W. side to land of John Johnson commonly called Jockeys Neck. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & wife Rebecca Holmes & trans, of a servt. called Thomas Browne. WILLIAM BERRIMAN, 150 acs. Accomacke Co., 6 Aug. 1635, p. 270. In the old plantation Cr., bounding up- on land of Henry Careleys called by the name of fishing poynt neck, N. W. by N. running upon a Cr., S. E. by S. joyning on a runing spring, E. by N. into the woods & S. W. upon the Cr. parting Henry Bagnells land & sd. neck. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 servts. called John Causey & Edward Prince. JOHN DENNETT, 200 acs. Co. of James, 10 Aug. 1635, p. 271. On N. side of Mr. Thomas Kingstones land (only a barren ridge between), Nly. into the forrest betweene Martins hun- dred & Kiskiake by a br. of Capt. John West Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: John Ley, Jon. Rowland, Susan Richey, Ann Combey. MR. WILLIS HELY, Clarke & Pastor of Mulberry Island, 250 acs. in sd. parish, 17 Aug. 1635, p. 273. Beg. at a place called the Otterdams, running by a Sw. butting upon land of Thomas Harwood now in the occupation of Daniell Lane on the N. side, S. E. upon the Mills, W. upon land of Thomas Nowell (or Lowell), dec'd., & S. to- wards land of Capt. Thomas Flint. Granted by order of Ct. 6 June last past upon a twofold consideration, first in reward of his faithfull paines in the Ministrie exemplified by a Godly & quiet life thereby seconding his doc- trine, next as a spurr & encouragement for others of his calling to pursue soe faire & bright and example. RICHARD DURRANT, 250 acs. in James Co., 24 Aug. 1635, p. 274. To begin at the upper path that goeth to Jockeys Neck bounded with a valley parting sd. neck & this land, W. to the Midle plantation path. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & wife & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Walter Grimes, Tho. Benton, Mary Smith. MRS. HANNA SALVAGE, relict of Ensigne Thomas Savage, late of Acco- mack, planter, a parcell of land lying in Accomack, bounded with the Cr. of Accomack on the S., the great bay on the W., Wiscapanso on the N. & the main Ocean on the E. 24 Aug. 1635, p. 275. Which land was graunted unto her husband by the King of the East- erne shoare as by deed calling himselfe Esmy Shichans. Renewed in the name of John Savage. THOMAS HOLEMAN (Holman), 100 acs. in the Co. of James in Martins Hundred, 24 Aug. 1635, p. 276. Adj. on N. to land of John Dennett, Ely. into the woods by a br. of a Cr. called Capt. John Wests Cr. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 50 acs. as Admr. to Tho- mas Harvey, late of Martins hundred, dec'd., to whom it was due for his per. adv. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 31 WILLIAM DENHAM, 300 acs. in Warresquioake Riv. about 3 mi. up the same, N. W. from land of Mr. Thomas Jordan about a mile up a Cr., S. E. into the woods, N. W. upon sd. Cr., op- posite against land that Mr. Butler marked. Trans, of 6 pers.* 20 Aug. 1635, p. 278. CAPT. JOHN WOOD, 650 acs. in James Co., 26 Aug. 1635, p. 279. Beg. at Sandy poynt, Wwd. to the small Cr. by the maine river side, N. into the woods as farr as the sd. quantity will beare. Due by order of Ct. 4 June 1635 upon severall considerations & conditions. CAPT. FRANCIS EPPES, (Epes), 1700 acs. in the Co. of Chas., 26 Aug. 1635, p. 280. E. upon Bayly his Cr., S. into the maine land, W. upon Cason his Cr. up Appamattuck Riv. & N. upon the maine river. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 1650 acs. for trans, of 3 sons: Jon. Epes, Fr. Epes, Tho. Epes & 30 servts: Jon. Long, Jon. Baker, Tho. Warden, Jon. Joyce, Tho. Foanes, Tho. Cropp, Rich. Stayle, Rich. Huett, Geo. Addams, Sarah Hickmore, Thomas Pattison, Anth. Box, Jonath. Ellison, Barth. Swinborne, Sil- vester Atkins, Robt. Fossett, Ja. Row- land, Ann Turner, Geo. Archer, Hugh James, Jon. Nowells, Bashaw, Juliana, Andrea, Maydelina, Cessent, Negroes, Rich. Litchfeild, Edward Ames, Susan Mills, James Long. Note ; Surren- dered & renewed by Sir Georg Harvey. Rich. Kemp, Seer. HUGH COX, 500 acs. Chas. Citty Co., between Kimiges (?) Cr. & land in possession of Walter Ashton. 27 Aug. 1635, p. 282. Granted by order of Ct. to said Hugh Cockes, 6 Dec. 1634 & due for trans, of 10 pers: Hugh Powell, Hen. Crosbye, Hen. Pattison, Hen. Collins, James Fowler, Robt. Morris, Geo. Browning, Peter Holloway, Asher Joy, Francis Harper. THOMAS GRAY, 550 acs. James Co., 27 Aug. 1635, p. 283. On S. side of the maine riv. over against James Citty, adj. on the E. to the plantation now in his possession & to land of Capt. Perry, running along by Rolfes Cr. & S. into the woods upon the Cross Cr. 100 acs. due as an Ancient Planter at or be- fore the time of Sir Thomas Dale, ac- cording to a charter of orders from the late Treasurer & Co., dated 18 Nov. 1618; 50 acs. for the per. adv. of Anis (Annis) Gray his first wife, 50 acs. for the per. adv. of Rebecca Gray his now wife & 350 acs. for trans, of his 2 sons: Wm. Gray & Tho. Gray, & 5 servts: Jon. Bushopp, Robt. Browne, Robt. Welshe, Luke Misle, Jon. Banckes. HENRY HARTE, (Hart) 350 acs. on the S. side of the maine river over against James Towne Is., called the Pynie poynt, last day of Aug. 1635, p. 284. Bounded with Capt. Powells land on the W., E. upon land of John Long & S. into the woods. 100 acs. for his own & the per. adv. of his wife Rebec- ca Harte & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Rich. Milborne, Jon. Cooper, Hen. Drew, Sam. Eaton, James Burfe. Note: Renewed in the names of Edwd. Stephenson & Hen. Cookeney. WILLIAM GANY, 1250 acs. Acco- mack Co., 17 Sept. 1635, p. 286. On Nwd. side of the mouth of Hungar Cr., adj. land of William Andrewes, W. upon the Bay, E. with the breadth of the maine Cr., etc. 200 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Ann Gany, his two children: William & Ann; his brother Henry Gany & 1050 acs. for trans, of 21 servts: Edward Stockden, Roger Fearebrace, Jon. Collins, Tho. Collins, Samll. Wools, Jon. Hedlen, Jon. Pullapin, Robt. Browne, Thomasin Lux, Anthony a Negroe, Jon. Wright, Nicho. Clarke, Jon. Hether, Tho. Savage, Eliza. Browne, Wm. Baldwin, Jon. Sparkes, Jon. Evans, Nich. Jordan, Wm. Cole, Tymothy Joane; the name of Wm. Ganv is also included. Renewed by Sir John Harvey in the name of Thomas Burbage. Test: Tho. Cooke. THOMAS CROMPE, 500 acs. James Co., 28 Sept. 1633, p. 287. In the neck of land bounding E. on a Cr. which runs between the Gleab land & sd. neck, W. upon a Cr. between sd. neck & land in the tenure of Thomas Phillipps, S. 32 Cavaliers and Pioneers adj. land belonging to the Orphans & heirs of Mr. Richard Buck. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: Jon. Gowing, Roger Arn- wood, Robt. Ackerman, Fr. Peale, Jon. Abott, Lewis DepQma, Peter Brill, Wm. Mallett, Tho. Trunchfeild. JOHN TRUSSELL, 200 acs. neare the back river, Nly. upon land of John Grew, Sly. upon the Cr., S. W. upon a running brooke from the great Otter- dams & N. W. into the woods. 12 Oct. 1635, p. 289. Trans, of 4 pers.* Note: Surrendered & renewed in the name of John Graves. Tho. Cooke, Clk. ROBERT GLASCOCKE, 200 acs. Eliz. Co., 7 Oct. 1635, p. 290. Being a point of land on S. side the maine river bounded with a great Cr., N. upon land of Lt. Cheeseman & E. into the woods. Trans, of 4 servts.* JOHN MOONE, 900 acs. Warres- quioake Co., 21 Oct. 1635, p. 291. 300 acs. at the mouth of Pagan poynt Cr., Ely. on the W. side of same, Wly. to- wards Virgoz Cr., Nly. on Warresqui- oake great bay Cr. & Sly. into the woods; 600 acs. in the neck & branches of Virgos Cr., butting Ely. according to the marked trees &c. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Susan Moone & 850 acs. for trans, of 17 pers: Jon. Russell, Jon. Prise, Robt. Bard, Tho. Wernner, Jon. Silliward, Norman Wil- liams, Jon. Cloyes, Jon. White, Rich. Petway, Tho. Boy, Solon a Negro, Jon. Rowlett, Anth. Jordan, Rich. Banen, Tho. Warder, Jon. Neale. GEORG HULL, 450 acs., 12 Oct. 1635, p. 292. 200 acs. neare the head of the old Poquoson river, E. upon same, W. into the woods, N. upon a plantation of Thomas Saywells, S. upon the widdowe Tompsons plantation; 250 acs. S. upon sd. river, N. into the woods, E. upon Warwick Cr. & W. into the woods. (This name was first written Hall.) WILLIAM SWAN, 1200 acs. James Co., 5 Nov. 1635, p. 293. On S. side of James Riv., W. from Smiths Mount to the halfe way Neck. Trans, of 24 pers: Rich. Jones, Hen. Dawkes, Jon. Swan, Nich. Stalling, Jos. Manners, Kath. Crippin/^RfthT Maddison, Tho. Williams, Wm. Motts, Georg Yeomans, Jon. Flood, Edwd. Swan, Rich. Thim- bleby, Nicholas Foster, Edwd. Champin, Judith Greene, Nich. Barnett, Rich. Perry, Jon. Goodson, Rich. Flood, Alice Edes, Mary Hawkes, Andrew Jacob, Kath Cripps. Note: Renewed in the name of Thomas Swan. PEIRCE LENNON, 300 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 6 Nov. 1635, p. 295. Neare adj. to Weyenoake, bounded W. upon Matchocoes Cr., W. N. W. into the woods, S. upon James Riv. 50 acs. for per. adv. of his wife Rebecca Lennon & trans, of 5 pers: James Turner, Tho. Chote, Jon. Probat, Jon. Kerne, Georg . Note: Pattern surrendered & renewed in the name of Henry Rowen. Tho. Cooke, Clr. JAMES MERRIMAN, 150 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 6 Nov. 1635, p. 296. Adj. to Weyanoake, next alsoe adj. to land of Peirce Lennon, E. upon David Jones. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Sarah Merriman & trans, of 1 servt. called William Bird. JOHN GEORGE, 900 acs., 7 Nov. 1635, p. 297. E. upon land of William Bayly, W. S. W. upon the maine land, N. upon Baylys Cr. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Jane George & 850 acs. for trans, of 17 pers.* AUGUSTINE WARNER, one neck of ground called by the name of Pynie Neck conteyning by estimation 250 acs., lying at the new Poquoson, W. into the woods, E\ upon the bay, S. upon Samuell Bennetts plantation & N. upon Mr. Pettys land. Trans, of 5 pers.* 12 Oct. 1635, p. 298. Renewed & 200 acres added. THOMAS BAYWELL, 450 acs. upon Appamuttuck Riv., 7 Nov. 1635, p. 300. N. towards the Conjurers feild, E. upon the river, & W. into the maine woods. 100 acs. for his per. adv., be- ing a planter in the time of the Govern- ment of Sir Thomas Dale, 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife — Baywell & 300 acs: for trans, of 6 pers: Wm. George Sandys Patent. One of the oldest recorded patents, referring to lands included in more ancient patents which are not extant. Found in Patent Book 1, page 16. — Cavaliers and Pioneers, page 4. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 33 Wader, Walter Collins, Benis Bulmer, Jon. Weaver, Wm. . Gill. Note: Re- newed. Tho. Cooke, Clr. CHRISTOPHER WOODDARD, 300 acs. upon Appamuttuck River., 9 Nov. 1635, p. 301. N. upon the river, S. into the maine woods, E. upon Mr. Farrar & W. upon the winding river. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Thomas, Thomas Williams, Rich. Burpott, Tho. Jones. FRANCIS FOWLER, 800 acs. James Citty Co., 9 Nov. 1635, p. 302. On the Creek side against Juring poynt, beg. on N. side of land of Bridges Free- man, E. towards Chichahominy Riv. Trans, of 16 pers: William Frye, Jon. Smith, Jon. Mortlye, Anth. Jeggins, Susan Ward, Rich. Jones, Charles Rogers, John Taylor, Hen. Smith, Robt. Nash, John Tompkison, Robt. Lovell, Robt. Grace, Jon. Jennings, Robt. Purches, Richard West. THOMAS HARRIS, 750 acs. Henrico Co., within Digs his hundred, 11 Nov. 1635, p. 304. Swd. upon land of Ed- ward Virgany, thence extending Nwd. upon land of Joane Harris his wife, W. upon the river & E. into the woods. 100 acs. due him as being an Ancient planter & adventurer in the time of Sir Thomas Dale his Govmt., according to a Charter of orders from the late Treasurer & Co., 18 Nov. 1618, & 650 acs. for trans, of 13 pers: Wm. Purnell, Jon. Godfrye, Jon. Searle, Tho. Keane, Rich. Mascoll, Nath. Moore, Jon. Ed- wards, Ann Ridly, Wm. Jones, Tho. Morgan, Wm. Jones; 2 Negroes, a man & a woman. Note: Renewed & 70 acs. added. Tho. Cooke, Clr. WILLIAM STAFFORD, 300 acs. in Kethes Cr., 12 Nov. 1635, p. 305. N. & by E. upon land of Edward Hall, S. & by W. upon land of Edward Grimes, E. & by S. upon land of William Ravenett (or Rabenett), N. & by W. into the woods. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Rebecca Stafford & 250 acs. for the trans, of 5 pers: Christo. Stafford, Robert Martin, Robt. Wilkin- son, Fr. Reeve, John Farr, Servants. FRANCIS HOUGH, 800 acs., 12 Nov. 1635, p. 305. Beg. at the first Cr. of Nansamund Riv. on the S. side, extending towards the mouth of sd. river, Nly. up the same, Sly. into the woods, Wly. upon sd. Cr. & Ely. to- wards the maine river. Trans, of 16 pers.* HENRY DANIELL, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 13 Nov. 1635, p. 306. Adj. land of Alexander Stoner & running unto the woods E. & W. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & wife Eliza- beth Daniell & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Eliza. Hudson, Katherine Sanders. Note: Renewed in the name of Wil- liam Davis. Test: Tho. Cooke, Clr. JOHN GRINETT, 150 acs. neare the Deepe Cr. comonly knowne by the name of Harwoods Necke, bounded W. upon sd. Cr., E. into the woods, S. upon land of Thomas Ranshaw & N. upon land of Christooher Boyse. Due for trans, of Alice his first wife, Peter Hooper her sonn, "& Elizabeth Grinett his now wife. Note: This pattent surrendered & re- newed in the name of Peter Stafferton. Test: Tho. Cooke, Clr. 14 Nov. 1635, p. 306. THOMAS SHIPPEY, 250 acs., 14 Nov. 1635, p. 307. S. upon land of Robert Greene, W. upon the river over against the neck of land, N. upon the 4 Mi. Cr. & E. upon the maine land. Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Shippey, Elizabeth Shippey, Jeffery Brewer, Robt. Cole, Thomas Brooke, John Cawker. Note: Renewed by Sir John Harvey. Rich. Kemp, Seer. WILLIAM PILKINGTON, (Pilkin- ton) 200 acs. James Citty Co., 16 Nov. 1635, p. 308. S. upon Chippoakes Cr., W. into the maine woods, a small Cr. lying upon each side. Trans, of 4 pers.* Note: Renewed in the name of Sir John Harvey. Test: Tho. Cooke, Clr. ROGER BAGNALL, 350 acs. War- resquioake Co., 16 Nov. 1635, p. 308. Bounded on W. with land of Thomas Dangle, N. & N. E. with the Pagan Cr. & on S. & S. W. with the maine woods. 300 acs. by deed of sale from Wm. Clapham of Warresquioake, planter, 3 34 Cavaliers and Pioneers Aug. 1635 & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servt called John Slaughter. WILLIAM WOOLRITCH, 400 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 17 June 1635, p. 309. A ridge of land lying in the woods butting in length Wly. upon land of Capt. Christopher Calthroppe, Ely. upon Samuell Bennett & Robert Thresher, N. upon Mr. Phettiplace Cloyse & Sly. into the maine woods. Trans, of 8 pers: Joane Woolrich, Humphrye Edwards, Mar- garett Clement, Mark Foster, Robt Reeves, Jon. Hunt, Robt. Reeves, Wm. Jening. TOHN VASLER, 150 acs. Warresqui- oake Co., 18 Nov. 1635, p. 310. Being a necke of land lying up the maine Cr. of Warresquioake bay, next behind the land ofWarresquioake&Nathaniell Loyd, a back Cr. parting them, which Cr. runs up W. N. W. neare the maine Cr. & the sd. maine Cr. S. W. on the other side. Trans, of himselfe, his wife Eli- zabeth Vasler & 1 servt. called William Baker. WILLIAM CLARKE, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 18 Nov. 1635, p. 310. S.W. upon land of Mr. Georg White, Minister, E. into the woods, W. upon the New Pocoson Riv. & N. upon Clarkes Cr. Trans . of 2 pers : John Oker, Nich . Bennett . CAPT. THOMAS WILLOWBYE, 300 acs. adj. land now in his possession, 19 Nov. 1635, p. 311. N. upon the maine river, Sly. into the woods, & E. upon his now dwelling howse. Trans, of 6 pers: John Draper, Giles Collins, Theod. Loyd, Jon. Scot, Wm. Palmer, Walter Howell. Note: Renewed in his name 19 Mar. 1643. Test: Sam. Ab- bott, Clr. SAME. 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 19 Nov. 1635, p. 312. Upon the "hither" Cr. between Francis Mason & his own land, S. upon the woods, W. upon the Cr., N. upon land formerly taken up by him. Trans, of 6 pers: Jon. Pinches, Howell Hayward, Jon. David, Wey- mouth Vensey, Jon. Wood, Rich. Jack- son. Note: Renewed 19 Mar. 1643 in his name. Samll. Abbot, CI. SAME. 300 acs. in Eliz. Riv., being 2 or 3 small necks of land, W. upon a br. of Eliz. Riv., S. E. upon the maine land & N. upon the Sly. br. of Eliz. Riv. Same date & page. Trans, of 6 pers: Tymothy Barloe, Nich. Fortescue, Jon. Farrow, Mary Wormewell, Robt. Barkwith, Demis (or Dennis) Reeve. THOMAS KEELING, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 18 Nov. 1635, p. 313. Nly. upon land of Henry Southwell, Ely. up- on the back river, Sly. upon land of William Morgan & Wly. on the maine land. Trans, of 2 pers.* THOMAS WARREN, 300 acs., Chas. Citty Co., 20 Nov. 1635, p. 314. S. upon Bayliffs , E. upon the maine woods, W. upon the river, & N. upon 4 Mi. Cr. 150 acs. in right of his wife Susan Greeneleafe, the relict of Robert Greeneleafe; 50 acs. due for her per. adv. & 100 for sd. Robert her former husband, being an Ancient Planter in the time of Sir Thomas Dale; 50 acs. due sd. Warren for his own per. adv. & 100 acs. for the trans, of 2 servts: John Fouke, Rich. Whitfeild. EDWARD SPARSHOTT, 100 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 20 Nov. 1635, p. 314. At Merchants Hope Cr. at the parting of same, S. up the Cr., W. upon the maine woods, E. upon the Cr. & on the N. side of the Indian feild. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Maudelin (or Mandelin) Canes (or Caves) & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servt. called Robert Honyborne. Note: Renewed & 250 acs. added. WILLIAM WILKINSON, Minister, 700 acs. in Linhaven, comonly called Chisopeian river, upon a Cr., W. on Thomas Keeling & Georg Downes, S. into the woods, Ely. along the Cr., be- ing opposite to Capt. Thorrogoods plantation in Lynhaven & N. upon Chisopeian bay. 20 Nov. 1635, p. 315. 200 acs. due by assignment from Robert Newberke, 3 Oct. 1635, to whom it was due, viz: 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 servts, 500 acs. due sd. Wilkinson, viz: 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & wife Naomy Wilkinson & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers. (In addition to the above, the following names appear under this record, no distinction being made be- Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 35 tween the 3 servants & those transported by sd. Wilkinson): Robt Houghton, Jon. Goodwin, Thomas Preston, Edward Pearce, Hugh Jones, Martha Deacon, Tho. Craftin, Daniell Baker, John Boods, Jon. Johnson. WILLIAM DAWSON, 150 acs., 20 Nov. 1635, p. 316. Within the first small Cr. of Warresquioake Gr. Cr., N. W. between Henry Hoopers land & the first point within the Gr. Creek, sd. land lying S. E. upon the main river & N. W. into the woods. Due by deed of sale from Hugh Williams, 16 June 1635, to whom it was due for trans, of 3 pers: Hen. Reason, Jon. Walter, Jon. Boran. DICTORIS CHRISTMAS, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 21 Nov. 1635, p. 317. On the N. side of the old Poquoson Riv., joyning upon land of Gilbert Per- kins Eastward, W. upon Monack neck & N. into the woods. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & wife Isabell Christmas & 200 for trans, of 4 pers: William Gun, Rich. Combes, Israeli Atwell, Zachariah Foster. SAME. 50 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 21 Nov. 1635, p. 318. Ewd. upon the old Poquoson Riv., N. upon Benjamin Sims & W. into the woods. Trans, of 1 sen. called Roger Leach, (or Louch). WILLIAM RAVENETT, 150 acs. Denbigh Co., 21 Nov. 1635, p. 318. Lying at the end of Mr. Harwoods land, beg. at the Otterdamms, E. along the side of Mr. Heleys land into the maine woods & Nly. upon the land he is seated upon. Trans, of 3 pers: John Howe, Christopher Oxford, Vincent Woodyard (first written Woodward.) EPAPHRODITUS LAWSON, 200 acs. at the head of the back river, on the E. side of Scones damm, N. upon same & S. towards the narrow of sd. river. 25 Nov. 1635, p. 319. Due by deed of sale from John Davis as by order of St., 8 Oct. 1635. LT. JOHN CHEESEMAN, 600 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 21 Nov. 1635, p. 319. S. E. upon the New Poquoson Riv., N. W. into the woods by Oyster Cr., towards a ridge of land adj. S. W. upon the land of Thomas Hawkings. Trans, of 12 pers: Christo. Everitt, Phillipp Aunt, Mary a Negroe, Edwd. Cotterell, Jone Bolton, Robert Cockett, Rich. Dun- ing, Rich. Ward, Georg Costen, Rich. Banks, John Harwell, Mathias a Negroe. WILLIAM BARKER, Marriner, JOHN SADLER & RICHARD QUEYNING (Quyening), Merchants, & to their Associates & Company, 1250 acs. Chas. Citt" Co., 26 Nov. 1635, p. 320. Extending into the woods from a seate or tract of land called Marchants Hope, formerly graunted to sd. Barker, his Associates & Co. Due to them for the trans, of 25 pers: Georg Gregory, Tho. Peacock, Wm. Radway, Jane Rad- way, Wm. Strange, Jon. Yates, Jon. Minter, Dorothy Standish, Math. Robin- son, Danll. Godwin, Jon. Jones, Tho. Johnson, Geo. Brooks, Sarah Collybant, Eliz. Phillipps, Jon. Croft, Danll. Bromely, Wm. Woodgate, Step. Good- win, Robt. Yates, Wm. Griffin, Wm. Andrewes, Benj. Ragg, Wm. Jackson, Nath. Deane. Note: Renewed & 600 acs. added. WILLIAM BARKER, Marriner, 400 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 26 Nov. 1635, p. 321. Bounded upon Chappells Cr., S. into the woods, E. along the river adj. upon Merchants Hope. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 350 acs. for the trans, of 7 pers: Richard Hitchcox, Wm. Low, Wm. Wall, Tho. Bridges, Jon. Feild, Tho. Hooper, Antho. Browne. EDMOND SCARBOROUGH, 200 acs. in Accomacke, 28 Nov. 1635, p. 322. Wly. upon Maggitye bay, beg. to the Nwd. of a place called the Stages. 50 acs. in right of his late father Capt. Edmond Scarborough, 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his mother Hannah Scar- borough, 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 50 acs. for the trans, of 1 servt. called Robert Butler, (or Butter.) SAME. 200 acs. Accomacke Co., 28 Nov. 1635, p. 323. On the Seaboard side, Nly. to a Thickett & Dunn Cr., Sly. along the Seaboard side & Wly. into the woods. Trans, of 4 pers: 36 Cavaliers and Pioneers Roger Wright, Alice a maid servt., Ed- ward Agar, Eliza. Machin. CAPT. THOMAS PURIFYE, Esqr., 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 28 Nov. 1635, p. 323. N. W. upon a Cr. next upon the fort feild, S. upon the maine river, E. upon Thomas Oldis & N. E. upon land of John Neale. Due by assignment from Capt. Thomas Grayes as by order of court 29 Feb. 1631, to whom it was due for his per. devident as being an Ancient Planter. BRIDGES FREEMAN, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 1 Dec. 1635, p. 324. Bounded to the Nwd. of the W. upon Chicha- hominy Riv., to the Swd. of the E. into the maine woods close by a Cr. side next adj. to a sunken marsh, being a point of land. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Bridgett Freeman & 100 acs. for trans, of his brother Bennett Freeman & 1 servt. named Ellis Baker. MR. WILLIS HEYLEY (Hely— Heley), Minister, 250 acs. in the Parish of Mulberry Island, 8 Dec. 1635, p 325. Beg. at a place called the Ottedams abutting upon land of Mr. Thomas Har- wood, now in the occupation of Daniell Lane, on the N. side towards the Mills, S. E. towards land of Capt. Flint on the S., the lands of Mr. Thomas Nowell on the W. & adj. land formerly granted sd. Heyly. Due for the per. adv. of his wife Mrs. Elianor Heyly & his brother Robert Heyly & trans, of 3 pers: Roger Holliock, John Chawke, Mable Busher. CHRISTOPHER BRANCHE, 250 acs. Henricoe Co., 8 Dec. 1635, p. 326. At Kings land over against Arroehattocks, E. upon the maine river, bounded with the second Cr. on the W., adj. S. upon land of John Griffin, now in the tenure of sd. Branche, & thence Nly. towards land of Thomas Sheffeild. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv. & 200 acs. for the trans, of 4 pers: John Gibson, John Macham, William Butler, Wm. Possell MR. ROBERT CAVE (or Cane), 200 acs., 18 Dec. 1635, p. 327. Bounded Wly. upon Mr. Wilkeson, Nly. upon the Cr., Ely. alongst that Cr. & Sly. into the maine land. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv.& 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Joseph Richards, Morgen Huett, Samuell Ellis. CAPT. ADAM THOROGOOD ( Thorowgood — Thoroughgood ) , 600 acs. 18 Dec. 1635, p. 327. Lying N. upon the first or second little Cr. upon the Ewd. side of Lynn Haven alias Chesopeian Riv., Ely. into the maine land, Sly. up the maine river of Lynn haven & Wly. upon same. Trans, of 12 pers: Robt. Whetle, Choyce Johnson, Elisa. Lawcon (or Lawton), Tho. Met- hell (or Mechell), Jon. Phillipps, Jon. Crabb, Robert Bennett, Edward Blake, Jon. James, Edward Williams, Edward Strong, John Burges. MR. JOHN FELGATE, 1200 acs. up- on Checquers neck, 23 Dec. 1635, p. 328. N. N. W. upon the river, & from the Landing place the body of the land lyeth S. E. into the woods. Trans, of 24 persons.* JOSEPH SAMON, 150 acs. in Nanze- mund Riv. on the S. side, adj. land of Georg Fawdon, 14 July 1635, p. 329. Beg. at a point which butteth upon a red Clift on the N. side marked on a blacke wallnutt tree with JS & soe run- ning up the river. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers.* ELIZABETH PACKER, (or Parker), Widdowe, 200 acs. in Varinaes, Henri- coe Co., 12 Feb. 1635, p. 330. Between land granted to William Dawkes on the E. & the Gleab land on the W., abutting on the Long feild towards the maine river, Sly. Nly. into the woods & S. W. adj. (land) in the tenure of the sd. Elizabeth. 100 acs. in right of her first husband William Sharpe, an Ancient Planter in the time of Sir Thomas Dale, & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 servts. called Gilbert Piatt & John Newman. BRIDGES FREEMAN, 100 acs., 1 June 1635, p. 331. Upon the Ely. side of Chichahominy Riv. within the mouth, next adj. land in the tenure of sd. Free- man & Francis Fowler only a cr. & a marsh parting the same, Wly. upon the same river & Ely. into the maine woods. Trans, of 2 pers. Under this record ap- pears the following: "Hen. Scott Rich- Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 37 ard &c. certified to bee servant by Capt. Utye & Thomas Smith." SAME. 800 acs., yeare 1635, p. 331. On the Wly. side of Chichahominy Riv. Opposite land graunted to sd. Free- man & Francis Fowler, pointing S. E. up the maine river & extending N. W. along the Cr. into the woods next adj. unto the place comonly called Jurying point. Trans, of 16 pers: David Min- ter, William Wilshire, Jon. Bing, David Jones, Wm, Nutt, Fr. Aldrige, Mathew Williamson, Katherine Leonard, Jeri- miah Stone, Eliza. Hart, Richard Saun- ders, Tho. Smith. JOHN GARYE, 300 acs. on S. side of Nanzemund Riv., 13 Feb. 1635, p. 332. Neare adj. land of Joseph Samon, S. E. into the woods, N. W. upon the river, N. E. & S. W. along the banke of the maine river 150 po. up the river towards land of Daniell Tuggins. Trans, of 6 pers.* BENNETT BLEWITT, 50 acs. War- ricksqueick Co., at the mouth of sd. Cr., 15 Feb. 1635, p. 333. N. W. upon sd. Cr., running S. W. up into the woods &c. Due for the per. adv. of his now wife Elizabeth Blewitt. THOMAS NORMANTON, 50 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 1635, (no other date), p. 334. Between land of Robert Huett, beg. at a Swamp, running by the water side to the Indian Stone, up into the woods S.E. Due by deed of sale from John Ward, to whom it was due for trans, of 1 servt. by the name of Ann Ward. JAMES KNOTT, 1200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 24 Mar. 1635, p. 334. N. E. faceing upon Nanzemund Riv., S. into the woods, E. upon the second Cr. & W. by S. upon the third Cr. Due for the per. adv. of his wife Elianor Knott & trans, of 23 pers: Robert , Henry Yates, Ellin Williams, Ann Crawford, Lewis Vaughan, Tho. Taylor, Tho. Broad, Jno. Home, Franc. Bisley, Jno. Piper, Jon. Popeplewell, Tho. Brough, Richard Russell, Tho. Sparrow, Tho. Ferreby, Robt. Maxe, Robert Selby, Robt. Wooles, Rich. Wheeler, Ann Shaw & 2 Negroes. THOMAS NORMANTON, 250 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 11 Apr. 1635, p. 335. Nly. upon a br. of Harris his Cr., N. E. on the ground of William Hampton, S. W. to the end of Hampton Riv. & Sly. into the maine woods. Due by deed of sale from John Ward, 15 Feb. 1635, to whom it was due for trans, of 5 pers: Andrew Peterson, Jos. Browne, Eliz. Blackly, Eliza. Bently, Ann Ward. LT. JOHN CHEESEMAN, 200 acs. Chas. Riv., 23 Apr. 1636, p. 336. E. Sly. upon Chesepeiack bay, Nly. upon the back Cr., W. Nly. upon Cheesemans Cr. Trans, of 4 persons.* Renewed in the name of John Hollis & Richard Bennett. Test: Tho. Cooke, Clr. THOMAS CAUSEY, 300 acs. at the mouth of Appamattucks Riv. at the S. side, bounded W. upon a great Cr., S. into the maine woods, E. upon Castines feild Cr. 2 May 1636, p. 336. Trans, of 6 pers.* THOMAS HARRIS, 700 acs. called by the name of the long feild, with Swamp, Marshes & Creeks, 2 May 1636, p. 337. Beg. at a little Cr. over against Capt. Martins, bounded Nwd. on the back side of the Sw., Wwd. on the maine river, S. E. towards Bremoes devident. Trans, of 14 pers.* RICE HOW (Howe), 1200 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 2 May 1636, p. 338. Neare Martins brandon, W. upon the maine river to a Cr. parting the land of Martin Brandon & Capt. Wards land, S. upon Capt. Wards Cr., & E. into the woods along the maine river, all of which land is called Capt. Wards plan- tation. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & wife & 1100 acs. for the trans, of 22 pers.* WILLIAM NUSAM, 550 acs. James Citty Co., 3 May 1636, p. 338. To- wards the Sunken Marsh, Ely. upon a Sw., Sly. towards the lower Cr. & Wly. into the maine woods. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv., 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his first wife Penelope Ramsey, 50 acs. for per. adv. of his second wife Sarah Fisher, 50 acs. for per. adv. of his now wife Elizabeth Wilsonn & 3*>0 38 Cavaliers and Pioneers acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Cleer Rrein (?), Sarah Rider, Bridget* Fisher, John Barker, Tobias Waxell, William Wes- come, Jason Riveley. Note: Renewed 26 Aug. 1643. Samll. Abbott, CI. JOHN HACKER, 150 acs. upon the W. side of Upper Chippoakes, being a neck betwixt the branches of 2 small creeks, Ely. upon the maine Cr. of Chippoecks, Wly. into the woods &c. 3 May 1636, p. 339. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv. & 100 acs. for the trans, of 2 servts : Abraham Hill, Christopher Hould. JOHN YATES, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 4 May 1636, p. 340. Being a neck of land upon the W. side of the Swd. br. of Eliz. Riv., bounded S. Wly. & N. Wly. upon the maine riv. & Wly. into the maine woods. Trans, of 4 pers: Mary Yates, Nicholas Seaburne, John Seaburne, Richard Wright. SAME. 150 acs. Same County, date & page. Being a neck of land upon the E. side of Eliz. Riv. Trans, of 3 pers: Wil- liam Wheeler, Tho. Leager, Grace West. CHRISTOPHER BURROUGHS, 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 4 May 1636, p. 341. Nly. on land of Capt. Adam Thorroughgood, Ely. on the river Cheso- peiacke alias Lyn haven, Sly. along same & Wly. into the maine woods. 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for trans, of his brother William Burroughs, 50 acs. for trans, of his sister Ann Burroughs & 50 acs. for trans, of a servt. called John Phillipps. THOMAS WRAY, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 4 May 1636, p. 341. Upon the back Cr. of the new poquoson river, N. E. upon Humphry Loyds land, N. W. upon land of Thomas , S. W. upon land of Gilbert Symons. Due for his owne per. adv. ROBERT WEST, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Cr., 4 May 1636, p. 342. About 2 or 3 mi. up the narrow of the back river upon Ely. side of the little Otterdamm, Wly. upon same & land of John Graves, Ely. upon land of Capt. Adam Thorow- good, Slv. upon sd. river & Nly. into the maine woods. Trans, of 2 pers: John Reeves, Symon Mondye. THOMAS WATTS, 50 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 5 May 1636, p. 342. Upon the back river, Ely. upon the broad Cr. adj. Capt. Thomas Purifyes, Nly. upon land of Nicholas Hill a small cr. run- ning between, Sly. upon land of John Branch a small cr. running between & Wly. into the woods. Due for per. adv. of his now wife Lyddia Watts. GILBERT SYMONS, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 5 May 1636, p. 343. At the new Poquoson, E. upon Augustine Warner, W. uoon Mr. Worlidge, N. upon Phettiplace Cloyse & S. upon Samuell Bennett. Trans, of 2 pers.* JOHN LAYDON, 200 acs. Warwick Riv. Co., 5 May 1636, p. 343. 100 acs. adj. the persimmon ponds lying from the old Poquoson river, E. from the path going to the new Poquoson from Nut- meg quarter into the woods, W. from the persimmonds to the Otterdamms N. The other 100 acs. from the old Poquo- son damms to the new Poquoson N. from the old Poquoson Riv., E. from the path going from Nutmeg quarter to the new Poquoson into the woods W. Due for the per. adv. of himselfe & his wife, being Ancient Planters before the govmt. of Sir. Thomas Dale. SAME. 100 acs. Same Co. & date, p. 344. Bounded S. W. upon James Riv., N. E. into the woods, N. W. up- on Merrve point & S. E. along the water side. Trans, of 2 pers: Tho. Watts, Robert Newman. SAME. 250 acs., same Co. & page. 6 Mar. 1636. S. W. upon James Riv., N. E. into the woods, N. W. upon John Powells land & S. E. upon Mr. Strattons land. Trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Welbon (or Welton), Jonathan Wake, James an Irishman, Edward Walker, John Morris. SAME. 700 acs., 6 May 1636, p. 345. 500 acs. lying by Burrowes his neck, bearing Ewd. from it, joyning to the widdowe Tompsons land now in pos- session of Georg Hall, W. S. into the woods, & N. upon the old Poquoson river. 200 acs. upon the sd. river N., W. from Smiths neck, E. from the great Otterdamms, N. into the woods towards Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 39 the new Poquoson, S. towards the old Poquoson & against Burrows neck on the N. side of the river. 500 acs. due upon a consideration expressed in an order of Ct. dated 29 Feb. 1631 & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Virginia Lay- don, Tho. Clooke, Henry Bradly, Robt. Walton, Symon Abbott. NOTE: Re- newed by Sir John Harvey & but 500 acs. mentioned in the pattent. Test: Tho. Cooke. JOANE BENNETT, Widdow, 450 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 6 May 1636, p. 346. Upon the new Poquoson river, E. towards the Baye, W. into the woods, N. upon the Pinye Sw. & S. upon Robert Thresher. 50 acs. due for her per. adv. & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Ann Winter, Jon. Rocto, Jon. Marshall, Tho. Prewitt, Andrew Chant, Jon. Morris, Pole Carplights. RICHARD FREELAND, 200 acs. Warwicksquioake Co., 6 May 1636, p. 346. 100 acs. adj. land of Thomas Jor- dan on the N. side of Warresqueick Riv., running N. W. into the woods; the other 100 acs. on the S. side of sd. river adj. land of Edward Rogers. •» 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 150 acs. for trans, of his wife & 2 children.* CAPT. CHRISTOPHER CAL- THROPPE, 1000 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 6 May 1636, p. 347. At the new Poquoson, E. upon Calthropps Cr., Wly. toward John Powells Cr., N. upon the river & Sly. into the woods. 500 acs. graunted by order of court 29 June 1631 & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers: Robt. Lucas, Wm. Debnam, Tho. Powell, William Oakely, Henry Bullard, Christopher Copeland, Robert Seeker, Jon. Burges, Jon. Merler, Henry Goodson. WILLIAM WORLITCH, 150 acs. Warwick Co., comonly called the broad neck, 7 May 1636, p. 347. Sly. upon land of Edward Waters & Persivall lb- bison, W. upon the Otterdamms, N. in- to the woods & Ely. toward blunt point. Due by deed of sale from Edward Waters, Gent., late of Eliz. Citty, 15 Jan. 1629. The sd. 50 acs. being a second devdt. graunted unto Persivall Ibbison 6 Mar. 1620; the 100 acs. be- ing alsoe a second devdt. granted to sd. Waters 24 Aug. 1624. ELIZABETH HAWKINS & HAWKINS, her sonn, 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 9 May 1636, p. 348. 150 acs. lying S. E. upon the New Poquoson Riv., W. Nly. into the woods, N. E. upon the Cr. parting this & Mr. John Cheesemans land & W. Sly. upon the pinye baye. The other 150 acs. called the Nutt tree neck lying S. E. into the river, N. W. int othe woods & Wly. upon Harwoods Cr. Due according to the will of Thomas Hawkins, husband & father of the aforesaid parties, to whom it was due for trans, of 6 pers: Roger Blackwell, Richard Jennings, Richard Baker, Geo. Collect, Wm. Mitchell, Tho. Butlinge. SAMUELL EDMONDS, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 9 May 1636, p. 349. E. up- on land of Jerimiah Clements, Nly. up- on the mouth of upper Chippoecks neck, W.upon land of William Rookins, Sly. in- to the woods. Due for trans, of 7 pers: Robert Annis, Sarah Senior, John Senior, Alexander Osberton, William Cunning- ham, Roger Lucas, Joane Godbrey. WILLIAM ROOKINS, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 9 May 1636, p. 349. Lying Wly. upon the upper Chippoecks Cr., Nly. upon James Riv., Ely. upon land of Samuell Edmonds & Sly. into the maine woods. Said land called by the name of the flying point. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Jane Baxter & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Robert Risby, John Allen. Renewed by Sir John Harvey. Test: Tho. Cooke, Clr. JOHN OBERRY, 100 acs., 9 May 1636, p. 350. Neare the head of Kethes Cr., S. upon land of Edward Hall, W. by N. into the woods, N. upon the head & E. upon sd. Cr. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Rose Strechy (Stretchey) & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servant called Henry Smithock. Re- newed in the name of Rose Oberry, his wife. Test: Tho. Cooke, CI. ' EDWARD ROGERS, 300 acs. War- risquieke Co., 14 May 1636, p. 350. N. upon the Crosse Cr., butting upon land of Thomas Jorden a small Cr. run- 40 Cavaliers and Pioneers ing between & Sly. into the woods near unto a path that crosseth the head of sd. Cr. Trans, of 6 pers: Joane Davis, Christ. Thorpe, Nich. White, Jon. Bordman, John Home, Tho. Bulmer. ALICE EDLOE, Widdowe, 350 acs. Henrico Co., 10 Nov. 1635, p. 351. Between Harrow Attocks & the falls on the same side of the river that Harrow Attocks lyeth some 2 l / 2 mi. from thence or thereabouts joyning to the great Sw., N.W. upon the river & E. upon sd. Sw. towards the falls. 50 acs. for her owne per. adv. & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.* HANNAH BOYSE, daughter & heire of Luke Boyse late of Henrico, 300 acs. in sd. Co., 11 Nov. 1635, p. 351. Bounded upon the river N. W. & joyn- ing upon the land of Alice Edloe her mother E. 50 acs. due in right of her father for his per. adv., 50 acs. for her owne per. adv. & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 servts., by her sd. father: Tho. Lewis, Robert Hallum, Joseph Ryall, Edward Holland, Oliver Allen. CHENEY BOYSE, 1550 acs. Chas. Citty Co., last of May 1636, p. 352. N. upon the Lime hill Sw., W. upon Mer- chants Hope Cr., E. into the maine woods & S. towards the head of sd. Cr. 100 acs. due as being an Ancient Plan- ter before the time of Sir Thomas Dale, & 1450 acs. for trans, of 29 pers: Rich- ard Williams, Lawrence Woaker, Tho. Harris, Tho. Wheeler, Christ. Rippin, Jon. Tomlinson, Joane Tomlinson, Jon. Mason, Jon. Walker, Christopher Eusell, Jon. Liscott, Oliver Bishopp, Israeli Johnson, Humphry Jones, Gilbert Dow- son, Nicho. Shawe, Wm. Baxter, Daniel! Collier (or Coblier), Wm. Wale, Wm. Thorncomb, Jon. Cole, Eliz. Greene, Eliz. Phillipps, Katherine Yorke, Jon. Swifte, Margery Parr, Daniell Murry, Morgin Rosier, Wm. Holland. JOHN BAKER, 50 acs. in Varinae, upon the 2 mile Cr., Henricoe Co., last day of May 1636, p. 352. Butting S. W. upon land in possession of sd. Baker & William Dawkes parted with the sd. Cr., S. E. towards the maine river, adj. N. E. to land of Seath Ward & N. W. into the woods. Due for trans, of 1 servt. called John Baldwin (Baldwyn). Note: Renewed 17 Nov. 1643 in the name of Seth Ward & a pattern for 150 acs. dated 13 Feb. 1635 graunted to sd. Ward & 150 (acs.) added unto them. Test: Samll. Abbott, Clr. EDWARD MINTER, 300 acs., last day of May 1636, p. 353. At the upper Chippoecks Cr. on the W. side of a great Sw. parting this from land of Benjamin Harrison, Ely. upon sd. Sw., Wly. to land of Jerimiah Clements, abutting Nly. on the maine Riv. & Sly. into the woods. 50 acs. for trans, of his now wife Grace Minter & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servt. called Richard Hyfle (Hide) ; 200 acs. by deed of sale from Charles Foard (Ford), to whom it was due for trans, of 4 pers: Ann Emmerton, Hen. Patrick, Edward Young, Jon. Cooper, servants to Ch. Ford. Note: This pattent surrendered & renewed by Sir John Harvy. Rich. Kemp, Seer. WILLIAM HATCHJER, 200 acs. Henricoe Co., 1 June 1636, p. 353. S. E. upon Appomattuck River, S. W. with a small Cr., N. E. towards Pearse his stile Cr. & N. W. into the woods adj. neare to land of Elizabeth Ward, Widdowe. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Richard Radford, John Winchester, Alice Emmerton. JOHN DUNSTON, 250 acs. James Citty Co., 1 June 1636, p. 354. In Hogg Island maine, E. upon land of Robert Sheppard, beg. at a great Sw. N. upon Chippoecks Cr., S. into the woods & W. upon the head of sd. Cr. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Cicely Dunston, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Richard Wellman, Edward Ingle- ston, Garrett Hewes, Wm. Taylor. SAME. 600 acs. in same location, same date & page. Beg. upon a valley comeing out of the great swamp called the Arroe Reed Sw. lying N. W. above the head of Chippokes Cr., S. E. into the woods, Sly. by said Sw. & N. E. up- on sd. valley. Trans, of 12 pers: Tho. Woodall, John Garrett, Merma. Kitson, Fr. Furbush, Eliz. Sames, Winifrid Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 41 Newett, Rose Hill, Richard Sharp, Ed- ward Hunt, Wm. Hedge, Martin Ham- mon, Jon. Harcocke. PETER JOHNSON, 600 acs. War- risquicke Co., 1 June 1636, p. 354. Lying N. E. & S. W. along the S. side of Warrisquick Cr., upon the head of same & butting upon Nanzemund river. 100 acs. due by surrender from John Day for his owne per. adv. & trans, of 1 servant; 150 acs. by surrender from Ambrose Meader due to him for his per. adv., his wife & 1 servant ;150 acs. due sd. Johnson for trans, of 3 servts; 200 acs. by surrender from Gabriel 1 Wilsonn & due to him for trans, of 4 pers., the names of his & all the afore- said pers. being in the records enrolled under this pattent: Peter Johnson, Jon. Day, Jon. Powell. Ambrose Mader, Gabriell Wilsonn, Jon. Baker, Ann Sharp his wife. Note: Renewed in the name of Robert Brasseur & Peter Rey. Test: Tho. Cooke, Clr. MARY BOXE, Widdowe, 300 acs. Henrico Co., 1 June 1636, p. 355. S. E. upon Appamattock Riv., S. W. upon land of Elizabeth Ward, N. E. towards Pearse his stile Cr. & N. W. into the woods. 100 acs. in right of her late husband John Boxe as being an Ancient Planter & 200 acs. in right of her sd. husband to whom it was due for trans, of the sd. Mary & 3 servts: Thomas Neale, Edward , Holland Williams. Note: Renewed in the name of Mary Box the daughter. Rich. Kemp, Seer. WILLIAM WELLS, 50 acs. Eliz. Citty, last day of March 1636, p. 356. Neare the head of Hampton Riv., S. upon land of William Stafford, E. upon land of John Place. Due for his owne per. adv. JOHN PLACE, 150 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., last day of March 1636, p. 356. At the head of Hampton Riv., E. upon land of William Wells & W. upon land of Thomas Lully. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Mary Place & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Peter Beesely, Richard Freeman. NATHAN MARTIN, 500 acs. Hen- rico Co., being called the great feild. last day of May 1636, p. 356. S. upon the river, N. into the woods, E. upon a Cr. running by the great Swamp & W. upon the maine to a marked oake over against the fallen Cr. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv., 200 acs. by surrender from Benjamine Carrall, to whom it was due for trans, of 4 pers; 100 acs. by surrender from Robert Hollom, due to him for trans, of 2 servts., 50 acs. by surrender from Thomas Harris due for trans, of 1 servt., & 100 acs. by sur- render from William Farrer, Esqr., due for trans, of 2 servts., whose names as alsoe the aforementioned persons are mentioned under this pattent: Nathan Martin, Edward Ellis, Jonathan Daw- son, Eliza. Tally, Alex. Norey, Rich. Goodall, John Holloway, John North. THOMAS PRIVETT, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 2 June 1636, p. 357. Being a neck of ground upon the new poquo- son river, W. upon William Clerke, a Cr. parting them, E. upon Thomas Harwood, a Cr. parting them. Trans, of 1 servt.* JOSEPH MOORE, 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 2 June 1636, p. 357. At the old Poquoson Riv., bounded upon the W. side with footeball quarter Cr., adj. land of Thomas Symons on the E. side with Moores Cr., extending into the woods N. Wly. Trans, of 4 pers: Gil- bert Reynalds, Wm. Richards, Barbary Chapman, Mary Shorten. Note: This pattent surrendered & renewed by Sir John Harvey. ROBERT HOLLOM, 1000 acs. Hen- rico Co., 2 June 1636, p. 358. Sly. upon land of Edward Osborne, Wly. upon the maine river, Nly. towards the falls & Ely. into the maine woods,; said land lying right opposite against the fallen Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: James Place, Rich. Ferris, Noba Perfitt, Jon. Nicholas, Richard Baly, Edwd. Holland, Tho. Smith, Uriah Clarke, Francis Vissell, Humphry Grizell. John Read, Rich. Dixon, James Reddey, Barth. Cooke, Mary Allen, Humphry Cassell, James Hormer, Tho. More- thorpe, & 2 Negroes, all servants. EDWARD OSBORNE, Gent., 400 acs. Henrico Co., 2 June 1636, p. 358. 42 Cavaliers and Pioneers Sly. joyning upon the "Teat Sw., Wly. upon the maine river, Nly. towards the falls & Ely. into the maine woods. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv. & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Robert James, William Howe, Richard Hitchcox, Leon. Boloe, Robert Ellom, Charles Steward, Richard Bumpass. EDWARD LOYD, 400 acs. in the Westermost br. of Eliz. Riv., 30 Mar. 1636, p. 359. Bounding W. upon land of Cornelius Loyd, E. upon land of John Sipsey, S. into the woods & N. into the river. Trans, of 4 pers.* WILLIAM CARTER, 700 acs. James Citty Co., about 3 mi. from James Riv., 20 May 1636, p. 359; beg. at a reedy sv/ampe, butting Ely. upon same, Sly. into the maine woods, & Wly. upon the rich neck otherwise upon Sunken Marsh, & Nly. upon James Riv. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his first wife Avis Turtley, 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his second wife Ann Mathis & 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his now wife Alice Croxon & 550 acs. for trans, of 11 servts: Wm. Antherson, Andrew Robinson, Rich. Cooke, Fr. Bick, Rich. Bick, Alice Wat- kins, Alice Johnson, Eliza. Johnson, Henry Snow, Nich. Burnett, Edward Bland. Note: Surrendered & renewed by Sir John Harvey, Test: Tho. Cooke, Clr. WILLIAM CARTER, 100 acs. James Citty Co., 20 May 1636, p. 359. Being a neck of land neare unto the head of Lower Chippokes Cr., E. upon same, S. upon land of Robert Sheppard, & N. towards James Riv. Trans, of 2 servts: Michaell Siler, Rich. Crich. HENRY COLEMAN, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 10 Mar. 1635, p. 360. At the old Poquoson called by the name of the footeball quarter, S. upon the old Poquoson Riv., N. into the woods & E. upon boare quarter. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Katherine Coleman & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servt: Jaques Dela Rey. (Note: Marginal ref- erence and general index given this name as William Coleman). GEORG SALSBURY, 500 acs. War- risquick Co., last of Apr. 1636, p. 360. N. E. upon Warrisquick Riv., S. W. upon the same & S. E. into the woods. Graunted by order of Court dated at James Citty the 4 Dec. 1634. Note: Surrendered & renewed by Sir John Harvey. Rich. Kemp, Seer. ROBERT LUCAS, 150 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., last day of Aprill 1636, p. 360. N. upon the new Poquoson Riv., S. into the woods, E. upon the damms adj. land of John Powell, dee'd., & W. into the woods. Trans, of 3 servts: John Lewen, Richard Abberlyn, John Taylor. RICHARD CREEDLE, 150 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., last day of Aprill 1636, p. 361. Upon a br. of a Cr. of the new Poquoson, butting W. upon land of Thomas Wray, running to a Cr. upon the N. E. side & extending into the woods E. Sly. Due by deed of sale from Katherine Powell, widdow, 19 Apr. 1636, to whom it was due for trans, of 3 servts.* SAME. 100 acs. Same County, date & page. At the new Poquoson, Wly. upon a Cr. opposite to the plantation of Thomas Symons, bounded on the N. E. with land of Thomas Rey & ex- tending into the woods E. Sly. 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servt.*, and 50 acs. by surrender from Katherine Powell, wid- dowe, dated 19 Apr. 1636, to whom it was due for trans, of 1 servt.* JOHN BRIDGES, 200 acs. Warres- quick Co., 4 June 1636, p. 362. Run- ning from W. side of Warrisquick Riv. by a little Cr. that runneth by the land of Thomas Jordan towards the W. & N.W. into the woods. Trans, of 4 pers.* WILLIAM PARKER, 350 acs. War- risquicke Co., last day of May 1636, p. 362. Beg. at a little Cr. on the S. side of Nanzemund Riv., N. W. upon sd. river against Dumplinge Island & S. E. into the woods. Trans, of 7 pers: John Gately, John Middep, Jane Veale, Mary Harford, John Freethorne, Mary Waters, William Golding. JOHN DANSEY, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 4 June 1636, p. 362. A mile Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 43 up Chichahominy Riv. on the N. W. side called by the Clay banke, the point butting S. E. upon the sd. river right opposite against the sunken marshes, extending N. W. backward into the woods next adj. upon the W. side of Tanks Pasbye hayes Cr. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Alice & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: John Browne, John Crowelden, John Deane, Cutberd Rich, John Walers, Hester Brotherston. SAME. 100 acs. Same county & date, page 363. Being a point joyning to land graunted to him, pointing to Checkroes neck. Trans, of 2 servts: James John, John Way. JOHN LARTHROPPE, 250 acs. James Citty Co., last day of March 163.6, p. 363. Upon the head of Kethes Cr., Nly. from the Cr., Ely. from the maine br. & runing N. E. into the woods. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & his wife Bridgett Larthroppe & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 servts: Jon. Howgate, Hen. Jackson, Robert Jackson. LEWIN DENWOOD, 150 acs. Ac- comack Co., 18 June 1636, p. 364. W. upon land of Dennis Lane, E. & W. along the Northerne inside of the old plantation Cr. & runing Nly. into the woods. Trans, of 3 pers: William Alli- son, Thomas Harrison, Robert Lawson. GEORG TRAVELLOR, 500 acs. Ac- comack Co., 18 June 1636, p. 364. S. E. & by S. on the old plantation Cr., N. W. by N. into the woods, & Wwd. on land of John Jenkins. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Alice Travellor & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: John Browne, Alice Jones, Wm. Drew, John Ursly, Jon. Michell, Wini- frid Longrave, Wm. Sprason, John Essex. JOHN NEALE, 1500 acs. Accomack Co., 18 June 1636, p. 365. Beg. at the long point on the seaboard side, along the same in breadth abutting S. E. upon Smiths Island & N. W. into the woods. Trans, of 30 pers: Ann Alport, Rich- ard Wilsonn, John Manly (or Manby), Edward Paskins, Geo. Bowles, Jon. Curtis, Pearce Neale, Robert Pearce, Abra. Panthurst, Edwd. Gill, Gilbert Bennett, David Witherby, James Head, Phillipp Langfeild, James Pattison, Bryan Kelly, Rich. Smith, Katherine Smith, Eliz. Pistole, Robert Pistole, Wm. Parry, Edwd. Daniell, Tho. Addams, Wm. Pearce, Elias Harman, Ann Prosser, Eliz. Sherly, Wm. Shaw, Henry Robinson. SAME. 500 acs. Accomack Co. upon Smiths Island, same date & page. Adj. his own land. Trans, of 10 pers: John Hendrye, James Hutchinson, Henry War- ner, Richard Harris, Peter Warrenford, Antho. Stensby, Richard Grayes, Robert Stackhowse, Tho. Sadler, Tho. Michell. WILLIAM MELLING, 100 acs. Ac- comack Co., 20 June 1636, p. 366. At the head of the old plantation Cr., beg. at the Cabin branch, running Nly. along the same & Ely. along the head br. into the woods towards pynie swampe. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 50 acs. by as- signment from William Morton, to whom it was due for his per. adv. JAMES BERRY, 350 acs. Accomack Co., 20 July 1636, p. 366. At Magatie bay butting upon the lands of John Ascome, Swd. along the bay & Ewd. into the maine woods. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Elizabeth Berry & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Henry Lee, Mary Nelsom, Jos. Hally, Mary Nablett, Robert Man. JOHN FURBUSH (Forbush), 100 acs. Accomack Co., 20 June 1636, p. 366. Swd. along the bay, E. into the maine woods, & abutting upon land of Edmond Scarborrough. Trans, of 2 pers: John Lewis, Christopher Dixon. THOMAS SMITH, 150 acs. Acco- mack Co., 24 June 1636, p. 367. Upon the fishing point neck neare adj. to land of William Berryman, a small swamp between, N. W. by N. up a Cr. into the woods E. & N., & S. W. upon the Cr. parting the neck & Henry Bagwells land. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of him- self & wife Sarah Smith & 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his daughter Ann Smith. WILLIAM BIBBY, 400 acs. Acco- mack Co., 24 June 1636, p. 367. S. side of Kings Cr., Wly. on Capt. Epps 44 Cavaliers and Pioneers land, Ely. along the Cr. & Sly. towards the old plantation Cr. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Mary Bibby & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Jon. Leech, Chri. Colert, Wm. Steven, Arch Richards, John Fitz Garrell, Anne Gcdon. CAPT. CHRISTOPHER CAL- THROPP, 100 acs., being a second devdt., according to a graunt signed by Sir Georg Yeardly to John Hudleston, Marriner, 26 Apr. 1621 & assigned by Richard Cox, Atty. to sd. Hudleston, to sd. Calthropp. 5 July 1636, p. 368. Adj. to the first devdt., whose bounds were, viz: W. upon Waters his Cr., E. upon land of Robert Hutchins, S. upon the river & N. into the woods. SAME. 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., same date & page. Within the new Poquoson at the head of Powells Cr., Nly. upon sd. Cr., Sly. into the woods, Wly. upon a br. of said Cr. & Ely. to land formerly graunted to him. Trans, of 2 pers: Christopher Watts, Senr., Christopher Watts, Junr. JOHN CHANDLER, 1000 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 6 July 1636, p. 368. Bound- ed on W. with Harris his Cr., E. to- wards Point Comfort Cr., N. upon a bay being on the inside of the broaken Islands & S. into the maine woods. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his now wife Elizabeth Chandler & 950 acs. for trans, of 19 pers: Tho. Herrick, Senr., Tho. Herrick, Junr., Georg Chowning, Jon. Fisher, Sarah Hatcher, Joane Bayly, Robert Davis, John Udall, Wm. Blaye, Marga. Archellon, Eliz. Garrett, Tho. Bloyse, Jon. Roads, Wm. Whitfeild, Jon. Christer, Luke Richardson, Ralph Hunt, Tho. Bales, Jane Catesby. By the Govern ' and Cap 1 Gener 11 of Virginia To all to whome these p(re)sents shall come I Capt. John West Esqr. Governor &c. send greeting &c. Whereas the Usuall policy & Custome of all Nations but in more espetiall manner of the State of England have as well in antient as Moderne times for the safeguard and securitie of the Inland Country afforded & indued the frontier Inhabitants w(i)th diverse priviledges and imuni- ties tending to the inabling them to make the better resistance against both open invasions and sudden incursions of the neare confining and Contiguous Enemie according to the rules of Justice and Equity poising thereby and ballancing their greater & more immenent share of danger w(i)th the guerdon and reward of spetiall and p(ar)ticular & profitt in Imitacon whereof the Governor & Councell by order of Court bearing date at James Citty the 8th of October 1630 for the securing and taking in of a tract of Land called the forrest bordering upon the cheife residence of the Pamunky King the most dangerous head of the Indian Enemie did after much consultacon thereof had decree and sett downe severall p(ro)porcons of land for such Comaunder and fiftie acres by polle for all other p(er)sons whoe the first yeare and five and twentie acres by pole for all such whoe the second yeare should adventure or bee adventured to seate and inhabite on the Southerne side of Pamunkye river now called Charles river and then knowne by the Indian name of Chiscake as a reward and encouragment for such their undertaking as by the said order more at large appeareth NOW KNOW yee that I the said Capt. John West Esqr. doe w(i)th the consent of the Councell of State accordingly give and grant unto * * * P. B. 1, p. 369. JOHN CHEW, gent., 500 acs. pers. to the said Chas. Riv. 6 July Chas. Riv. Co. upon the maine river N. & by E., upon English his Cr. W. & by N., upon Clarksons Cr., S. & by W., upon a neck of land E. & by S. Due according to aforesd. order for adv. of himselfe & 9 1636, p. 369. SAME. 700 acs. Same location, & page, 7 July 1636. Adj. the above tract. Trans, of 14 pers: William Winifrett, Georg Goodin, Tho. Tomp- Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 45 kins, John Vaughan, Robert Parr, Chri. Evans, Ann Waterman, Arnall Freez, Walter Haslewood, John Weston, Tho. Winard, Jon. Chew, 1622, Jon. Chew, 1623, 1 Negro Woman. WILLIAM ARMESTEAD, 450 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 7 July 1636, p. 370. S. E. upon land of Mr. Southell, N. E. upon land of John Branch, E. upon the Cr. & W. into the woods. Trans, of 9 pers: Ann his wife, Rowland Owen, Rich. Clements, Robt. Glenister, Yorath Dane, Rich. Banks, Robt. Kendall, Andr. Strecher, Gilbert Guy. RICHARD BENNETT, Gent., 350 acs., 7 July 1636, p. 371. Being a neck of land lying neare a mile within Sandy Cr., being the first Cr. to the Wwd. of Craney point, S. W. into the woods, N. E. towards the maine river, beg. at 3 great pines, the Cr. goeing in or out of the maine river bet. Nanzemund & Elizabeth Rivs. Trans, of 7 pers: Tho. Jefferies, Wm. Ford, Jon. Jolly, Robt. Farthin, James Willett, Tho. Bennett, John Robinson. THOMAS MARKHAM, 300 acs. Henrico Co., 11 July 1636, p. 371. N. upon the 4 Mi. Cr., W. upon the river, E. upon the maine, S. upon Curies joyning upon Baylys land. 100 acs. in right of his wife Susan the relict of Robert Greenleafe, to whom 100 acs. was due as being an Ancient Planter before the govmt. of Sir Thomas Dale; 50 acs. for her own per. adv., 50 acs. for the per. adv. of sd. Markham & 100 acs. for his trans, of 2 pers: John Foker, Richard Wall. Renewed, by Sir John Harvey. EDWARD SPARSHOTT, 200 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 11 July 1636, p. 372. At Merchants Hope Cr., upon the S. side of his former pattern land. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe, & his son Edward Sparshott & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Jerimiah Hayles, Jeri- miah Watts. Note: Renewed & another pattern of 100 acs. with addition of 50 acs. in one pattern by Sir John Harvey. Rich. Kemp, Sec. HUMPHRY ENGLAND, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 12 July 1636, p. 372. Being a neck of land in Chichahominy Riv. adj. land of John Dancy pointing to Checkeroes necke, beg. at a reedy swamp, Nwd. up sd. river. Due for per. adv. of himselfe, his wife Mary England, his brother John England & his sonn Humphry England. ELIZABETH PACKER, (or Parker), Widdowe, 500 acs. Henrico Co., 12 July 1636, p. 373. Betweene Curies & Varinaes, S. upon the maine river, E. upon the 4 Mi. Cr., W. towards the 3 Mi. Cr. & N. into the woods. Due in right of her late husband Serjeant Wil- liam Sharpe, whoe, as by certificate from the Ct. of Henrico dated 25 Apr. 1636, transported 9 servants & 2 Negroes: Rich. Vase, John Thomas, Lewis Jones, Leon. Laughton, Willi. Cooke, Peter Whadsey, Edward Jones, Jon. Ward, Wm. Woolley. THOMAS CURTIS, 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 14 July 1636, p. 373. N. up- on the new Poquoson river, S. into the woods, W. upon John Hayney branch & E. upon the Gleabland. 200 acs. due by deed of sale from John Davis & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Jon. Hecher (or Hether), Jon. Roberts. WILLIAM EYRES, 150 acs. Warris- quicke Co., 14 July 1636, p. 373. Up- on the maine river, beg. at a Cr. & being an island called the long pond, runing by the river S. by E. downward & N. by W. upwards. 50 acs. graunted by order of Ct. 6 Dec. 1634 for his own per. adv. & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Robert Stanney, John Wood. JERIMIAH DICKINSON, (Dicken- son) 200 acs. James Citty Co., 14 June 1636, p. 374. Adj. lands of Benjamine Harrison & Jerimiah Clements & S. into the woods. Trans, of 4 pers.* SAME. 300 acs. Same county, date and page. Upon upper Chippoecks Cr., beg. at Swann Bay, joyning upon a swamp, runing E. into the maine woods, N. toward the river mouth & S. up sd. creek. Trans, of 6 pers.* Note: These 2 pattents renewed & graunted in one patent by Sir John Harvey. Rich. Kemp, Seer. to 46 Cavaliers and Pioneers HENRY WILLIAMS, 150 acs. Acco- macke Co., 6 Sept. 1636, p. 375. On the old plantation Cr., E. into the woods, W. on the maine Cr., N. on land of Henry Charlton & S. W. on the fishing point. 100 acs. as being an Ancient Planter in the time of Sir Tho- mas Dale & 50 acs. for trans, of Susan Andrewes. Note: Renewed & 50 acs. added. Test: Tho. Cooke. WILLIAM ROPER, 150 acs. Acco- mack Co., 6 Sept. 1636, p. 375. Being a small neck of land betweene lands of John Dennis & Henry Charlton, S. by E. upon the maine woods, & N. by W. into the maine Cr. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 servts: Wm. Jacob, Georg Cottington. ROBERT DRAKE, 200 acs. Acco- mack Co., 8 Sept. 1636, p. 376. Beg. from the half way tree, runing S. E. into the woods & W. upon the maine baye. Due in right of his late father Robert Drake whoe at his owne costs did transporte himselfe, the sd. Robert his sonn, Joane Drake his wife & Eliza- beth Drake his daughter. THOMAS HUNT, 50 acs. Accomack Co., 8 Sept. 1636, p. 376. Within the old plantation Cr., joyningWly. to land of Thomas Smith. Due for his per. adv. EDWARD DREW, 300 acs. Acco- mack Co., 8 Sept. 1636, p. 376. N. W. upon the river, Nly. upon land of Mr. John Howe, Sly. upon land of Thomas Powell & E. S. E. into the woods. Trans, of 6 pers: John Ripley, Peter Higgison, Richard Wanes, Georg Hall, Thomas Stidwell, William Carter. JOHN HARLOW, (Harlowe) 300 acs. Accomack Co., 9 Sept. 1636, p. 377. In the old plantation Cr. W. on the maine Cr., N. upon land of Henry Charlton, E. into the woods & S. on the fishing point Neck. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Ann Harlow his wife, Agnis Har- low his sister, Step. Harlow his son, Mathew Peake, William Cale. THOMAS GASKINS, 300 acs. Acco- mack Co., 9 Sept. 1636, p. 377. W. & N. on the maine Cr. of the olf planta- tion, N. from the fresh spring, E. into the woods & N. into the woods. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 250 acs. for the trans, of 5 pers: Josias Gambling, Josias Gaskins, Eliz. Gaskins, Alice Gaskins, Mary Gaskins. JOHN WILKINS, 1300 acs. Acco- mack Co., 9 Sept. 1636, p. 378. On the E. side of Nansamund Riv., beg. on the S. side of the first br., running S. W. by W. along the Cr., E. S. E. into the woods, N. E. upon land of Mr. White & butting W. upon land of James Knott. 50 acs. for his own per adv. & 1250 acs. for trans, of 25 pers: Bridgett Craft, Agnis Medlam Rosomae Yetman, Henry Medcalfe, Georg Lee, Paul Trendall, Tho. Vincent, Joane Har- man, Richard Ganes, Mary Wells, David Kiffin, Wm. Woolfe, Richard Leake, Wm. Hutchinson, Antho. Stensby, Robert Stackhowse, William Willbourne, Michaell Bryant, William Cozier, Row- land Raine, Edward Writt, Stephen Bar- nett, William Crossman, Thomasin, a maid, his Negroe. GEORG HOLMES, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 12 Sept. 1636, p. 378. Beg. at a great Sw. which lyeth on the N. side of the land of Samuell Snead, N. into the woods & joyning Wly. on land of Mr. Harwood. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Rebecca Holmes & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 servts: Tho- mas Browne, Robt. Sharpe. RICHARD PEIRCE, 600 acs. James Citty Co., 12 Sept. 1636, p. 379. Be- ing a neck of land on the S. side of Chichahominy Riv. neare Warrany old landing place, Nly., Wly. & Ely. upon the river & SI" into the maine woods. 50 acs. due in right of his now father Thomas Ward; & 550 acs. in right of his late father Richard Peirce, to whom sd. 550 acs. was due for trans, of 11 pers: Thomas Warne, Christo. Young, Thomas Causby, John Woodall, Georg Barker, Rich. Bucktrell, Jon. Carter, John Wright, Nich. Martin, Michaell Spurrier, Christ. Young. SAMUELL CURBY, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 12 Sept. 1636, p. 379. S. W. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 47 upon a Cr. called Tanks Pasby hayes Cr., bounded on the upper side with the mouth of a Cr. that runs crosse the neck, on the lower side with a peice of marsh runing into the woods & butting N. E. on Chichahominy Riv. 100 acs. by deed of sale from Alexander Stomer 9 July 1636, to whom it was due for trans, of 2 servants, & the other 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Alice Curby his wife, Rich. Pettit, Robert Pitwell, Sampson Doubte. JOHN BRIDGES, 250 acs. Warris- quick Co., 13 Sept. 1636, p. 380. Joyning to the N. side of his former pattern land, abutting on the N. W. side of Warrisquick Riv., & into the woods N. W. by N. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 200 acs. for the trans, of 4 pers.* Note: August the 12th 1663 this pattent was made over in John Gatlin his name. Test: Fr. Kirkman. JUSTINIAN COOPER, 1050 acs. Warrisquick Co., 13 Sept. 1636, p. 380. N. W. upon the head of Lawnes Cr., S. E. upon the back Cr., N. E. upon his dwelling howse & S. W. into the woods. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 1000 acs. for trans, of 20 pers: Justinian Cooper, Rich. Cosey, Nich. Man, John Curtis, John Coker, Henry Bonney, James Smith, Geo. Stacy, Wm. Redman, Geo. Archer, Wra. Bannister, Wm. Cooke, Samll. Eldrige, Wm. Nesse, Mary Clinton, Jon. Davis, Robert Radye, Rich. Smith, Wm. Under- wood, Henry Rouncifull, Clement Evans. CHRISTOPHER BRANCH, 100 acs. Henrico Co., 14 Sept. 1636, p. 381. Ely. upon the river over against Har- row Attocks, Wly. upon the head of Proctors Cr., Sly. upon the mouth of same & Nly. upon the second Cr. Due by exchange from James Place, to whom it was due for trans, of 2 servts: Rich- ard Peirce, James Hunt. Note: Re- newed & 350 acs. added. THOMAS ALLEN, 550 acs. Eliz. Cittie Co., 14 Sept 1630, p. 381. Beg. Ely. upon the first br. that extends Sly. out of the Long Cr. upon the E. side of Chisopeiacke Riv., up the sd. Cr. into the woods Sly., Wly. towards the great Indian feild & Nly. along sd. Cr. Trans, of 11 pers.* WILLIAM RAINSHAW, 150 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 14 Sept. 1636, p. 382. Being a neck of land some 3 mi. up Eliz. Riv., bounding Sly. into the woods, Nly. upon the maine river, Ely. & Wly. upon a Cr. Trans, of 3 pers: James Ashf eild, William Boyer, Nicholas Berrye. THOMAS BEAST, 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 15 Sept. 1636, p. 382. Bounding upon Harris Cr. W., beg. at a br. of a Cr. joyning land of Michaell Peasly, N. against land of Ralph Os- borne, S. to land of Mr. Bonall & E. into the woods. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Tho. Beast, Mary Beast his wife, Rich- ard Beast his son. CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS, 450 acs. Warrisquick Co., 15 Sept. 1636, p. 382. Bounded with a back Cr. runing Ewd. behind the Pagan shore some 3 mi. upwards the land lying on the S. side of the Cr. & old Indian feild be- longing to the land, also runing into the woods S. W. & lying on the main Cr. N. E. Trans, of 9 servants.* WILLIAM RAINSHAW, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 15 Sept. 1636, p. 383. Being a neck of land some 2 mi. up Eliz., Riv., Sly. upon same, Nly. into the woods, Ely. & Wly. upon a small Cr. Trans, of 2 pers: Christopher Hunt, Richard Snead. JOHN ROBERTS, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 16 Sept. 1636, p. 383. Being a neck of land bounding Ely. upon the S. br. of Eliz. Riv. Trans, of 2 pers: Dorothy Davis, Isaac Merry. HUMPHRY SCOWNE, 100 acs. Warrisquick Co., 16 Sept. 1636, p. 383. On S. side of Nanzamund Riv., be- tweene land of Joseph Sammond & John Gerry, runing S. E. into the woods, N. W. upon the river S. W. & N. E. along the banck of the maine river, the sd. land being a thickett. 50 acs. for his per. adv. & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servt: William Edwards. 48 Cavaliers and Pioneers SAME. 200 acs. Same Co. & date, p. 384. Betweene land of Mr. Richard Bennett & land of Francis Hoofe, Tun- ing W. into the woods, E. upon the river, & N. & S. along the Cr. side. Trans, of 4 pers.* OLIVER PR YE (also written Sprye), 50 acs. Warrisquick Co., 16 Sept. 1636, p. 384. Lying neare unto land graunted to him by pattent, extending toward the river mouth, riming N. E. along the banke of the maine river, N. W. into the woods, S. E. upon Nanzamund Riv. be- ing on the N. side. Due for his per. adv. THOMAS BURBAGE, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 16 Sept. 1636, p. 385. Join- ing upon land of John Sipsey in Eliz. Riv., lying N. upon sd. river & S. into the woods, being in twoe necks. Parte of 1000 acs. graunted sd. Burbage by ->rder of court the 11th June 1636. SAME. 200 acs. Warrisquick Co., 16 Sept. 1636, p. 385. About a mile up on the S. side of Nansamund Riv., beg. at a Cr., extending S. E. along the maine river towards Eliz. Riv. unto another Cr., S. W. into the woods & N. E. upon the river. Parte of 1000 acs., as above. Note: This pattent renewed & 100 acs. added. Tho. Cooke, Clr. WILLIAM MORGAN, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 18 Sept. 1636, p. 385. Being a small island in Chichahominy Riv., lying Ely. in the maine woods, W. upon the river, N. upon a creek, Sly. downe the river butting against the Poyney point. Due in right of his now wife Margarett Morgan late widdowe to Richard Sanders of Neck of Land, to whom it was due for trans .of sd. Mar- garett & 6 pers.* RANDALL HOLT, 400 acs. James Citty Co., 18 Sept. 1636, p. 386. Above the head of the lower Chippoecks Cr., Nly. upon a point of the wood on Chippoecks side, Sly. upon a Sw. with a small runn neare land of John Duns- ton, Ely. towards head of sd. Cr. & Wly. along a great Sw. into the woods. Trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Read, Willi. Lee, Ann Evans, John Harris. (Other names not given.) Note: Renewed by Sir John Harvey in his name. STEPHEN WEBB, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 18 Sept. 1636, p. 386. At the Lower Chippoecks Cr. neare upon a mile from the fore river, N. upon a Sw. towards sd. river, E. upon sd. Cr., S. upon land of William Carter & W. upon Sunken Marsh. Trans, of 3 pers: Richard Tarling, Georg Toulson, Wal- ter Lest. Note: This pattent renewed by sd. Webb wherein hee hath put a pattent bearing date the second of March 1638 for 250 acres & added to them 100 acs. more. Test: Samll. Abbott, Clr. SAMUELL STEPHENS, 2000 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 20 Sept. 1636, p. 387. Being a neck of land stretching Ewd. upon the maine baye of Chisopeian, bounded S. with Harris his Cr., Nly. with the back river & Wwd. upon land late in the tenure of Walter Hodgskins; said neck conteyning by estimation be- tween 1500 & 2000 acs. Due by right of descent from his father Capt. Rich- ard Stephens by order of Court, 27 of April 1630. Provided notwithstanding in this sd. graunt that according to the rules of justice & Equity & according to the course of the law of England Eliza- beth Stephens Mother of the sd. Samuell shall possess & enjoy her own proper use & benefltt the third of the sd. land by these presents graunted with all the profitts & revenues thereto be- longing during her naturall life. SAME. 500 acs. Warwick River Co., same date & page. Towards the head of Blunt point river, Sly. on land of John Bainham & Nly. toward the head of sd. river. Due as above mentioned & alsoe by deed of sale, dated 22 Nov. 1631 from Richard James, Clarke, then Atty. to Capt. Wm. Clayborne, which was alsoe graunted unto sd. Clayborne by order of Ct., 8 May 1626. Provided &c. as above. Note: Renewed by Rich- ard Kemp, Esqr., Governor, 24 Sept. 1644 in the name of sd. Stephens & 750 acres added. Test: Samll. Abbott, Clr. WILLIAM JULIAN, 600 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 4 July 1636, p. 388. Parte of same being 3 necks of land upon the entrance into Eliz. Riv. on the Eastern br. conteyning 400 acs., W. upon a Cr. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 49 joyning to Francis Mason, N. into the woods, S. upon the river & E. upon a small Cr. further up the br. Another neck conteyning 200 acs. upon the S. turning of sd. river, E. upon a Cr., S. upon a Cr. & N. into the woods. Due for trans, of 12 pers: Peter Payton, Ed- ward Clayborne, Ann Stephenson, Methew Wynn, William Crooke, Wil- liam Berry, Antho. Hewett, Rachell Freeze, Charles Rose, Wm. Hill, Ed- ward Owen, Sarah Leverick. JOHN GATER, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 21 Sept. 1636, p. 389. Being a neck of land on the E. br. of Eliz. Riv. upon the N. side, bounding Sly. on sd. river., Nly. into the woods, Wly. upon a Cr. & Ely. upon a Cr. called "dun out of the moier." 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 250 acs. for trans, of his wife Joane Gater & 4 pers: Tho. Hale, Christo. Burston, Edward Bosaker, Thomas Rouse. Renewed. SAME. 300 acs. Same county, date & page. Sly. upon the river, being a neck of land in Eliz. Riv., Nly. into the woods, Ely. & Wly. upon a Cr. Trans, of 6 pers: William Presbury, Richard Tysley, Thomas Merrideth, Francis Merrideth, Thomas Meades, Robert . Renewed. SAME. 200 acs. Same county, date & page. Being a neck of land upon the E. side of Eliz. Riv. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Henry Geiles. (Other names not given.) RICHARD VAUSON, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 22 Sept. 1636, p. 390. E. up- on the new Poquoson Riv., W. into the woods, N. upon Francis Laugher & S. upon the river. Due by covenant from his master Capt. Michaell Marshott, 10 bee performed by him after the expira- tion of his service. FRANCIS LAUGHER, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 22 Sept. 1636, p. 390. E. upon the New Poquoson Riv., W. into the woods, S. upon Richard Vauson & N. upon Hawkins his Neck. Due by covenant from his Master Capt. Michaell Marshott to bee performed by him after the expiration of his service. NATHANIELL CLARKE, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 22 Sept. 1636, p. 390. S. upon the New Poquoson Riv., N. into the woods, W. upon a Cr. adj. to William Clarke & E. upon a Cr. adj. Thomas Harwood. Due by right of descent from his father Edward Clarke, as being an Ancient Planter in the time of the govmt. of Sir Thomas Dale. WALTER HACKER, 600 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 23 Sept. 1636, p. 391. N. upon the New Poquoson Riv., S. into the woods, E. upon Thomas Curtis his Cr. & W. upon the land of Robert Lucas. Due for trans, of Alice Hacker his now wife & 11 pers: John Powell, Thomas Powell, Georg Haverell, Rich- ard Pate, 1 Negro, John Williams, John Figg, Thomas Jones, John Bradbury, Henry Crow, Thomas Wingfeild. JOSEPH JOLLY, 350 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 23 Sept. 1636, p. 391. S. upon the New Poquoson Riv., N. int othe woods, E. upon land of William Clarke & W. upon land of John Watson. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 300 acs. for trans, of Margery his wife & 5 pers: Andrew Howell, Nathaniell Clarke, John Boarne, Nicholas Porter, Sarah Jones. WILLIAM RAVENETT (Ravennett), 250 acs. Warwick Riv. Co., 23 Sept. 1636, p. 392. Sly. upon the land of Richard Wilcocks, S. E. upon the Mill at the head of Warwick Riv., Nly. along a great swamp called Hucklebury Sw. Trans, of 5 pers: George Olliver, Cle- ment Wheydon, John Owberry, John Read, John Evans. WILLIAM CLARKE, 450 acs. Henri- co Co., 29 Sept. 1636, p. 392. In Apa- mattuck Riv. on the Swife Cr., beg. at a little Cr. lying N. E. thereupon & S. E. into the river, N. W. into the maine woods; 50 acs. thereof being allowed for a small Island therein with a Swamp & Marsh thereunto belonging. Trans, of 9 pers: Ellins Burkett, Allen Tucker, Symon Richardson, Lawrence Farbarne, Hump. Bell^Laur^Jackson, Elizabeth Col- lins, Nicholas Browne, Samuell Church. SAME. 1100 acs. Same County & date, p. 393. Beg. at a little Cr. & lying 50 Cavaliers and Pioneers N. thereupon, E. upon the maine Riv. & W. into the woods; 100 acs. to be allowed for the marshes & swamps thereunto belonging. Due in right of his now wife Dorothy Garner, late widdowe to Edward Garner, to whom it was due for trans, of 22 pers: Eliz. Willis, Edmund Pullum, Thomas Law- ley, Thomas Somersale, John Humphry, Barr. Farthing, John Melder, William Everedge, John Wall, Nich. Pledge, Robert Currant, Thomas Cooper, Charles Maxney, Richard Jenings, Oliver Den- nington, Nich. Oliver, William & Teage, Irishmen, Joane Bullock, Eliz. Curtis, Izabell Stubbs, Hester Partridge. JOHN ORCHARD, 100 acs. James Citty Co., last day of Sept. 1636, p. 393. Upon the W. side of Chicka- hominy Riv. at Swan howse point, N.E. upon sd. Riv. & W. into the maine woods. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his now wife Ann Orchard & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servt. William Oxford. WALTER DANIELL, 100 acs. James Citty Co., last day of Sept. 1636, p. 394. In Martins Hundred, joyning W. upon land of Thomas Smith, S. upon a br. of Kethes Cr. & E. into the woods. Trans, of 2 pers: Thomas Jenings, Rich- ard Wright. Renewed. CORNELIUS LOYD, 800 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 2 June 1635, p. 394. Upon the S. side of the Westermost br. of Eliz. Riv., bounding Nly. into the woods, Sly. upon sd. Riv., E. upon Merchants Cr. & W. upon Muddy Cr. Trans, of 16 pers.* MR. FRANCIS TOWERS, 200 acs. in the Wwd. br. of Eliz. Riv., one mile up the same, butting with a point upon the Riv. South & runing N. into the woods with a Cr. on the upper side & a baye on the lower side. 16 Jan. 1636, p. 394. MRS. ELIZABETH STEPHENS, 1000 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 15 Oct. 1636, p. 395. Knowne & called by the name of Flowerdeu hundred, being bounded from the Cr. of the same name, downe the maine river unto the Spring Sw., being W. into the woods & lying alongst the S. side of the maine river over against Weyonoake. Due in right of descent from her father, Abraham Pear- sey, late of Va., and is a part of her share & portion of inheritance as coheir from her sd. father, to whom sd. land was due by purchase from Sir Georg Yeardley, as by deed dated 5 Oct. 1624. THOMAS BENSTEED (Beansteed), 50 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., comonly called Pascalls neck, 28 Sept. 1636, p. 395. Lying S. upon Point Comfort Cr., E. upon Fox hill, W. upon the Indian Stone (or Stove) & N. into the woods. Due for per. adv. of his wife Mary. JOHN GOOKIN, Gent., 500 acs, 17 Oct. 1636, p. 396. Beg. at Mossey point, W. upon Nanzamund river, E. into the woods, & S. adj. the Gleabland. Trans, of 10 pers: Thomas Box, Junr., Peter Norman, Mary Norman, John Butler, John Burden, Robert Hodges, John Carpenter, Edwd. Morgan, John London, Wm. Pensint (or Pensuit). Note: The whole quantitie renewd 18 Feb. 1638. Tho. Cooke, CI. JAMES VANERIT, 1000 acs. Eliz. Citty Co, 17 Oct. 1636, p. 396. For the breadth from Sandy Bay along point Comfort Cr. N. E. & into the woods S. W. Due by purchase from Stafferton (first name not mentioned) to whom it was due for trans, of 20 pers: Georg Woodcock, John Wilcocks, Abr. Iveson, Hugh Lawson, Hen. Jefferys, Jon. Haward, Tho. Martin, Wm. James, Hen. Walker, Chri. Ward, Jon. Holmes, Geo. Clarke, Wm. Whitehurst, Jon. Tingy, Jon. Sanders, Chr. Dawsey, Fr. Den- marke, Rowd. Vaughan, Rachell Adams, Jon. Newman. WILLIAM LAYTON, 200 acs. on the S. side of Chisapeian Baye within the Territorie of Lynhaven, N. upon land of Capt. Adam Thorogood, E. into the woods, S. up the main river of Lyn- haven alias Chisopeian & Nly. upon same. 18 Oct. 1636, p. 397. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Elizabeth Layton & for trans, of 3 pers: Isaac Woorgen, Samuell Ellis, John Baker. EDWARD TONSTALL, 450 acs. Henrico Co, 21 Nov. 1636, p. 397. In Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 51 Appamattock Riv., bounding N. upon Henry Miller, W. upon the river, E. upon the maine woods. 150 acs. for his own per. adv. & trans, of 2 pers., & 300 acs. in right of his now wife Martha, due to her from her former husband Nicholas Greenhill, whoe trans, for sd. Martha & 5 pers: Jon. Gill, Richard Clavton, Robert Rowden, James Barker, Tho. Thurten, James Morris, Joane Huggeson. EDWARD OLIVER, 50 acs. James Citty Co., 21 Nov. 1636, p. 397. In Tompsons baye, beg. beyond Pasbye hayes cleare ground lying N. upon the maine river, S. into the woods between twoe swamps. Due by gift from Sir John Harvey to Ann Cordwell his now wife. ROBERT NEWMAN, 50 acs., 22 Nov. 1636, p. 398. At Nanzamund River be- tweene his now dwelling howse & the land (or howse) of Francis Hoofe. Due for trans, of one servant named Job JefTerys. HANNIBALL FLETCHER, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 22 Nov. 1636, p. 398. At the lower Chippokes Cr. on the maine side, N. E. from 2 little creeks, Sly. towards Lawnes Cr., Nly. to Chip- pokes Cr., Wly. into the maine woods & Ely. towards James Riv. Trans, of 3 pers: Robert Tenman, Jarret Beckweth, Phillipp Oatelep. JOHN YATES, 150 acs., 24 Nov. 1636, p. 399. Being a neck of land upon the E. side of Eliz. Riv., the S. br. thereof, bounded S. W. to the woods towards the maine river & N. Wly. into the woods. Trans, of himselfe, wife Joane Yates & Richard Yates. WILLIAM FOOKES, 450 acs., 24 Nov. 1636, p. 399. At Nanzamund Riv., N. E. joyning to land of Mr. Daniell Gookins, S. W. upon a Cr. runing into the woods, S. E. upon sd. Riv. & N. W. into the woods. Trans, of 9 pers: William Harris, Ann Whit- acre, Chri. Whiting, Ann Westly, John Wood, James Abbott, Tho. Deason, Tho. Colly, Robert Stingsby. HENRY SOUTHELL, 700 acs. upon the Chesopeian shore, within the Terri- torie of Lyn Haven, butting Nly. upon land of William Layton, Wly. upon the river, Ely. into the woods & Sly. upon the river. 25 Nov. 1636, p. 399. Trans, of 14 pers: Elias Light, Richard Light, Wm. Layton, Geo. Lento, Wm. Basnett, Jathen. Right, Jon. Eves, Sarah Palmer, Jon. Duncome, Rowd. Buddy, Thomas Heath, Ralph Simpkins, Hannah Wad- dington, Alice (or Eliz.) Alcott. Note: Renewed in the name of Lt. Richard Popley. Rich. Kemp, Seer. FRANCIS MAULDEN, 400 acs., 25 Nov. 1636, p. 400. On N. side of Nanzamund Riv., S. E. upon Dumplin Island & N. W. into the woods. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Katherine Maulden & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Jos. Titloe, Robt. Sutton, Barbary Barnes, Humph. Browne, Fran- cis Hutchinson, Wm. Parry. RICHARD YOUNG, 350 acs. War- wicksquieck Co., 25 Nov. 1636, p. 400. Up the Riv. S. from the great Indian feild, beg. at an oake marked with 2 notches, Wwd. upon Thomas Jordan his land. Trans, of 7 pers: Henry Sneale (or Sueale), Elizabeth Sneale his wife, Elib. Sneale, John Sneale, Dorothy Sneale, Alice Sneale, Mary Sneale. Note: Renewed 24 Aug. 1643 by Sir William Berkeley & another pattern of 11 May 1638 added unto it. Test: SamlT. Abbot, Clr. (Note: Because of the similarity in the formation of the letters u and n there is some doubt as to whether this name is Sneale or Sueale.— N.M.N.) SAME. 100 acs. Same county & date, page 401. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of his wife Dorothy Young. GEORG SAPHEIR, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 26 Nov. 1636, p. 401. Joyn- ing upon the old Poquoson river, W. from land of John Laydon, E. from the otter damms, S. to the Riv. & N. into the woods. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 5 pers: Jon. Hencing, Mathew Gouch, Jon. Dennis, Thomas Body, Henry Pomery. ANTHONY JONES (Joanes), 100 acs. Warwicksquicke Co., 26 Nov. 1636, 52 Cavaliers and Pioneers p. 402. Butting on Pagan point baye Wwd., into the woods E. on N. side of sd. Cr. & on S. side of the river. Trans, of 2 pers: Richard Loe ((or Lee), Thomas Randall. HENRY BRADLY, 100 acs. War- wicksquicke Co., 28 Nov. 1636, p. 402. The river runing on N. W. side of it, beg. at a little Cr. upon the S. W. side & S. E. into the woods. Due for the per. adv. of his wife Francis Bradly & trans, of 1 servant called Walter Bill. Note: Renewed & 100 acs. added. STEPHEN GILL, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 28 Nov. 1636, p. 402. W. upon his former pattent land. Due for the per. adv. of his now wife Ann Gill & her late husband Henry Toppin. ALICE EDLOE, Widdowe, 50 acs. Henrico Co., 29 Nov. 1636, p. 403. At Harroe Attocks, bounding W. upon the maine river, Nly. to a little Cr. over against Kings land, adj. Sly. upon land of Georg Boate, runing Ely. into the woods. It being now in the tenure of sd. Alice Edloe. Due for trans, of Wil- liam Barton. WILLIAM COX, 150 acs. Henrico Co., 29 Nov. 1636, p. 403. Aboute 2^4 mi. above Harroe Attocks, W. by N. upon the maine river, Wly. upon the great swamp, Ely. into the woods & Sly. towards Harrow Attocks. Due for trans, of 3 pers: Thomas Braxston, Richard Bird, Richard Hewes. THOMAS ANDREWS, 50 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., upon the Schoole land, formerly called Benjamine Syms land, joyning N. upon land of Elizabeth Tompson, N. E. upon the great Poquo- son river & W. S. W. into the woods. 28 Nov. 1636, p. 403, 21 year lease. Fee Rent: 2 bbls. of sound & sweete Indian Come. RICHARD MILTON, 75 acs. at Westover, Chas. Citty Co., 29 Nov. 1636, p. 404. S. upon the maine river, joyning E. upon John Clay, W. upon land of William Tompson & N. upon Herring Cr., which land is one halfe part of a plantation formerly belonging to John Davis & John Clay in equall portions, with all buildings & howseing thereupon & sold by sd. Davis unto Thomas Stephens, Merchant. The sd. 75 acs. & his due share of building thereunto belonging being due unto sd. Milton by deed of sale from Thomas Stegg, Merchant, extant upon record. WILLIAM WILKINSON, Minister, 700 acs. in Lyn haven comonly called Chesopeian Riv., upon a Cr. W. on Capt. Adam Thorogood his land, N. upon the Cr., Ely. along the Cr. & Sly. into the woods. 20 Nov. 1635, p. 405. 200 acs. by assignment from Robert Newberke, 3 Oct. 1635, to whom it was due, vizt: 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.* The other 500 acs. due sd. Wilkinson, viz: 100 acs. for the per. adv. of him- self & wife Naomy Wilkinson & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers.* JAMES PLACE, 550 acs. Henryco Co., 1 June 1636, p. 405. Upon a small cr. by a cleare feild called Pimasioes (?) feild otherwise porridges feild, bounded upon the maine river S. W., Sly. & N. W. towards the falls of the great river & S. E. Ely. towards land of Robert Hollum, N. E. into the woods. Due in right of his now wife Elizabeth, to whom it was due, viz: 250 acs. in right of her first husband Georg Boates, to whom it was due for trans, of sd. Elizabeth & 4 servants; 300 acs. in right of her late husband John Ward, to whom it was due, viz: 100 acs. for his per. adv. as being an Ancient Planter in the time of Sir Thomas Dale, & 200 acs. for trans, of his first wife Grace Ward & 3 pers: Cornelius Dehull, Vin- cent Dehall, Rich. Tombs, Jon. Morgan, Tho. Robinson, Richard Greete. CORNELIUS LOYD, 100 acs. on the E. side of the baye of Eliz. Riv., Nly. upon Thomas Lambeths land, Sly. upon a Cr., Ely. into the woods & Wly. upon the maine river. Trans, of 2 pers.* 22 Dec. 1636, p. 406. FRANCIS STOCKLEY (Stockeley), 50 acs. Accomack Co., 22 Dec. 1636, p. 406. S. E. by S. on the old plantation Cr., N. W. by N. into the woods, Wly. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 53 on Henry Williams & Ely. on the Cr. Trans, of 1 servant named Francis Jarvis. LT. JOHN CHEESMAN, 200 acs. at the new Poquoson, S. W. upon land of Christopher Stokes & Thomas Ramshaw, N. E. into the woods on both sides the runn. Trans, of 4 pers.* 22 Dec. 1636, p. 406. ELLINOR DEY & THOMAS EM- MENSON, 300 acs. Warwick Riv. Co., 22 Dec. 1636, p. 407. Beg. Wly. upon Claybornes Neck pond, runing Ely., Sly. upon Thomas Attowells land, Nly. into the woods. Trans, of 6 pers: Edward Sandall, Jon. Foard, Robert Bentall, Nathan Gudle, Georg Johnson, William Osmotherly (?). RICHARD PRESTON, 150 acs., 22 Dec. 1636, p. 407. About 4 mi. up Warwickquick Riv., Sly. upon the N. side of same, Nly. into the woods, bounded with 2 creeks on each side & the land knowne by an Indian name of Husquamps. Due for trans, of his now wife & 2 pers.* EPAPHRODITUS LAWSON, 200 acs. Warwickquicke Co., 23 Dec. 1636, p. 407. Joyning upon William Parkers land on the E., N. W. upon Nanza- mund river & S. E. into the woods. Trans, of 4 pers: Jon. Dipple, Wm. Ewin, Rich. Williams, Jon. Smith. ARTHUR HASLINGTON, 200 acs. Warwicksquicke Co., 23 Dec. 1636, p. 408. Ely. upon land of Epaphroditus Lawson, N. W. upon Nansamund Riv. & S. E. into the woods. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 3 pers: Arthur Haslington, Thomas Morgan, John Banister. Note: This pattent re- newed in the name of Gresham Cofeild 18 July 1640. WILLIAM JOHNSON, 50 acs. War- wicksquicke Co., 23 Dec. 1636, p. 408. Joyning upon land of Arthur Hasling- ton Ely., N. W. upon Nansamund Riv. & S. E. into the woods. Due for his owne per. adv. NICHOLAS REYNOLDS, 1000 acs. at Lawnes Cr., S. S. E. up the same, N. N. E. upon Edward Rogers land, N. upon Capt. William Peirce, down the Cr. East & W. into the woods. 23 Dec. 1636, p. 408. The sd. 1000 acs. being given & graunted by Capt. Francis West late deceased to Roger Delke late alsoe deceased & now due to sd. Reynolds by intermarrying with Alice the relict & widdowe of sd. Roger. HENRY WILSON (Wilsonn), 50 acs. Accomack Co., 23 Dec. 1636, p. 409. S. E. by S. on the old plantation Cr., N. W. by N. into the woods, Wly. on land of William Blower & Ely. on land of Francis Stockeley. Due for trans, of one servant named Jasper Molton. WILLIAM MELLING, 100 acs. Ac- comack Co., 23 Dec. 1636, p. 409. 21 yr. lease. On the S. side of Kings Cr., abutting Wly. on land of William Bilby, Ely. along the Cr. & Sly. into the woods. Fee Rent: 4 bbls. Indian corne to be paid yearely. BY SIR JOHN HARVEY, KNIGHT, GOVERNOR AND CAPTAIN GENERAL OF VIRGINIA WILLIAM TUCKER, MAURICE TOMPSON, GEORG TOMPSON, WILLIAM HARRIS, THOMAS DEA- CON, JAMES STONE, CORNELIUS LOYD, of London, Merchants & JERE- MIAH BLACKMAN, of London, Mar- mas Pawlett, beg. at a small gutt that riner, & their Associates & Co., 8000 acs. Chas. Citty Co., being a tract of land comonly knowne by the name of Burckley hundred, 9 Feb. 1636, p. 410. Bounding E. upon land of Capt. Thomas Pawlett, beg. at a small gutt that runneth into the woods at the W. end of the Clift of Westover, W. upon Kimiges Cr. up to the head, N. into the woods & from the gutt from the water side. N. into the woods &c. Due by deed of sale from the Adventurers & Co. of Burckley hundred &c. 54 Cavaliers and Pioneers CAPT. THOMAS WILLOUGHBY, 100 acs. at Musketo point, E. upon the second Easterne br. of Eliz. Riv., W. upon Warwicksquike, S. upon the Southerne br. & N. upon James Riv. 13 Feb. 1636, p. 410. Trans, of 2 pers: Thomas Price, William Kelridge. SAME. 200 acs. upon the maine of Eliz. Riv., N. upon James Riv., S. upon the first Easterne br. of Eliz. Riv. & E. N. E. into the woods. 13 Feb. 1636, p. 411. Trans, of 4 pers: Jon. Arroe (?), Phillipp Stephens, Jon. Beadle, Ann Dawson. Note: Renewed by Sir William Berkeley 1 Apr. 1644 in the name of John Watkins. Test: Samll. Abbott, CI. ISSABELL THRESHER, Widdow, 450 acs. upon the back cr. of the new Poquoson river, Nly. upon Thomas Brice, Sly. towards the old Poquoson, Ely. upon the head of a small Cr. upon Thomas Symons & Wly. into the woods. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of her late husband Robert Thresher, 50 acs. for her own per. adv., & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Robt. Thresher, Jr., Jon. Billings, Wm. Chitwood, Roger Lewis, Abraham Pelhire, John Baker, Jon. Pigion. 16 Feb. 1636, p. 411. MR. GEORG MENIFYE, Merchant, 1200 acs. James City Co., 23 Feb. 1636, p. 412. A neck of land comonly called the Rich Neck from a Neck bounded on the W. with a br. of Archers hope Cr., parting the same from the barren Neck, on E. with the main br. of Archers hope Cr. to the head thereof, thence Wwd. on a direct line to the head of the aforesd. br. Trans, of 24 pers: Edward Williams, Tho. Andrews, Anth. Skinner, Rich. Clarke, Symon Lorum, Jon. Doe, Rich. Apleton, Antho. (an) Eastindian, Wm. Sutton, Wm. Large, John Abra- ham, Wm. Stodon, John Bagby, Jon. Ellis, Samll. Turner, Nich. Wherwood, John Baker, Jon. Grimes, Tho. Poole, Tho. Taylor, Letitian Price, Robert Tho- mas, Anth. (a) Turk, Jeffery Hatton. ELIZABETH BALLHASH, Widdow, 450 acs. at Curies, Henrico Co., 25 Feb. 1636, p. 412. At 4 Mi. Cr. lying N. & by W. upon the river, joyning to land late in possession of Nicholas Balling- ton Nwd. & running into the woods E. by N. Due by order of Ct. at James Citty 8 Dec. 1636. JOHN NEALE, Merchant, 1500 acs. Accomack Co., 18 June 1636, p. 413. Beg. at the long point on the seaboard side, abutting S. E. on Smith's Island & N.W. into the woods. Trans, of 30 pers.* RICHARD COCKE, 3,00 acs., March 6, 1636, Page 413. Easterly upon land granted to John Price now in the tenure of Robert Hallum, Westerly upon land of Thomas Harris & Southerly upon the main river. Due for the trans, of 3 score pers: Morrice Rose, Tho. Pearson, Sym. Morley, Eliz. Gargaine, Valent. Fletcher, Wm. Rogers, Tho. Love, Jon. Morlin, Dan. Evans, Ann Barfoote, Rich. Hill, Anth. Waklin, Eras. Harri- son, Jon. Hearne, Joane Ely, Jon. An- drews, Wm. White, Jon. Jones, Hum- phrey Burcher, Henry Powndle, Jon. Williams, Wm. Harris, Jon. Chapman, Nich. Oliver, Jon. Cooke, Tho. Parcost, Margaret Powell, Mary Huffe, Wm. Hastings, Isaac Horton, Georg Harrison, John Smith, James Tompson, John Hewett, Robert Cheyny, John Shore, Kath. Shore, James Shore, Richard Cooke, Antho. Wyyon, Thomas Turner, John Northerne, Robert Lewis, John Johnson, John Browne, John Browne, John Wattin, John Beadell, Robert Brewer, John West, Wm. Hinton, Phillip Foster, Margt. a Negroe. CHRISTOPHER WOODWARD, 350 acs. upon Appamattock Riv., bounded N. upon the river, S. into the maine woods, E. upon Mr. William Farrar & W. upon the winding river, 8 Mar. 1636, p. 414. 50 acs. due for his owne per. adv., 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his late wife Margarett Woodward & 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his now wife Dorothy Woodward, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* CAPT. JOHN HOBSON, Esqr. one of his Majesties Councell of State in Va., a tract of land bounded from Pagan point Cr., hereafter to bee called Hampstead point, downward unto War- wicksquike river, hereafter to be called Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 55 New Towne haven, which land is scit- uate within the Countie of Isle of Wight, upon the S. side of James River. 16 Mar. 1636, p. 414. Due as a share of his Adventure heretofore in the time of the Treasurer & Co., bearing date 2 May 1621. SYMON STURGES (also written Turges), JOHN SADLER & RICHARD QUYNYE, of London, Merchants, a scite or tract of land comonly called by the name of Martin Brandon, 16 Mar. 1636, p. 415. Beg. at the mouth of the upper Chippokes Cr. by the side of which Cr. the land lyeth nearest, Ely. from the mouth of sd. Cr. to the point of Tappahanna marsh Nly. & from the point of the sd. marsh by the maine river side up to the mouth of Wards Cr. W. Sly, the sd. Cr. setting nearest hand Sly. into the woods. Due by pur- chase from Capt. Robert Bargrave. PATRICK KENNEDE (Kennedye— Kennedeye), 600 acs. in the Upper Co. of New Norfolk, 13 Apr. 1637, p. 415. On the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., butting on the maine river runing S. S. W. & on the maine br. to the Swd. running W. N. W. on Kennedeyes Cr. &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Patrick Kennedye, Edmund Camell, Robert Perry, Phillipp Caudell (or Candell), John Waters, Robert Greene, Arthur Taylor, Harman Turner, Jerimiah Ward, Henry Baylye, John Garye, Tho. (first written Charles) Hayes. Note: Renewed in the name of Jonathan Langworth, Chirurgion & 600 acs. added. ROBERT PAGE, 500 acs. in the Westermost br. of Eliz. Riv., 13 Apr. 1636, p. 416. The S. E. side butting upon sd. branch, bounded within the 5 Mi. Cr. 5 mi. from the mouth of sd. br., bounded on N. E. side with the 4 Mi. Cr. & distant 4 mi. from the mouth of sd. br. Trans, of 10 pers.* EDMUND SCARBORROUGH, 200 acs. Accomack Co., 18 May 1637, p. 416. Wly. on Magaty Baye, beg. at the Nwd. of a place called the Stages, runing along the baye Nly. for breadth 6 Ely. for length into the woods. 50 acs. due in right of his late father Capt. Edmund Scarborough, 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his mother Hannah Scar- borough, 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 50 acs. for trans, of a servant called Robert Butter. EDWARD MAJOR, 450 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 May 1637, p. 416. At Nansamund Riv., N. E. joyning land of Daniell Gookin, Gent., S. W. upon a Cr. runing into the woods, S. E. upon sd. river & N. W. into the woods. Trans, of 9 pers: Edward Major, Tho. Terrell, William Beates, William Young, Arthur Purnell, John Ripple, Richard Grigson, Jone Grigson, John Griffitt. JOHN REDMAN, of London, Mer- chant, & JOHN NEALE, of Va., Mer- chant, an island called Smiths Island, with all meadows & marshes thereunto belonging, 500 acs. more or less, Acco- mack Co., 18 May 1637, p. 417. Abut- ting against land of John Neale upon the maine, the sd. island containing 500 acs., more or less. Due for trans, of 10 pers: John Headry, James Hutchison, Henry Warner, Richard Harris, Peter Warrenford, Anthony Stensbye, Richard Graves, Robert Stackhowse, Thomas Sadler, Thomas Mitchell. THOMAS MEERES, 300 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 17 May 1637, p. 417. 3 mi. up in Eliz. Riv., adj. land of William Ranshaw, Sly. into the woods, Nly. on the maine river, & Ely. up the river. Trans, of 6 pers.* FRANCIS HOUFGH, 800 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 17 May 1637, p. 418. Beg. at the first Cr. of Nansa- mund river on the S. side, extending towards the mouth of same, Nly. upon sd. river, Sly. into the woods, Wly. up- on sd. Cr. & Ely. towards the maine river. Trans, of 16 pers.* SAME. 100 acs. Same Co., date & page. On S. side of Nansamund Riv. between land of Joseph Sammon & John Gary, S. E. into the woods, N. W. upon the river & S. W. & N. E. along the banke of the maine river, sd. land be- ing a Thickett. Due by deed of sale from Humphry Scone. 56 Cavaliers and Pioneers SAME. 200 acs. Same Co., date & page. Lying betweene land of Mr. Rich- ard Bennett & his own land, riming W. into the woods, E. upon the river & N. & S. along the Cr. side. Due by deed of sale from Humphry Scone. SAME. 400 acs. Same Co. & date, page 419. Ely. upon a Cr. about 3 mi. from the mouth of Nanzamund Riv., extending Wly. upon sd. river & Sly. into the woods. Due by deed of sale as above. JOSEPH JOHNSON, of London, Merchant, to FRANCIS HOUFGH, of Va., Gent., assignment of his right & title of all land due unto him by order of Court for his adventure from 1618 until the present yeare, whereof is land wanting for 4 pers. transported this yeare in Capt. Tobias Felgates shipp the Defense &c. Consideration: The re- ceiving of certaine good & valuable con- sideration of sd. Houfgh. 25 Jan. 1634, p. 419. Signed: Joseph Johnson, in the presence of: Tho. Dewe. BENJAMINE HARRISON, 600 acs. James Citty Co., 18 May 1637, p. 420. S. of the Riv. about V/2 mi. up the Upper Chippokes Cr. upon the Ely. side neare land graunted unto Jerimiah Clements, bounding upon the Ely. side of a Sw. over against Sandy point. 500 acs. due by order of Ct. 3 June 1635 & alsoe due with 100 acs. for trans, of 12 pers: Robert Sorrell, Thomas Essing- ton, Richard James, Richard Court, Hen. Bagly, Humphry Campton, Mathew Hauton, John Resburye, David Vaughan, Mary , Mathew Rayson, Christo- pher Hargrave. JOHN WILKINS, 1300 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 May 1637, p. 420. E. side of Nansamund Riv. on the second Cr. on S. side of the first branch, runing S. W. by W. along the Cr., E. S. E. into the woods, N. E. upon Mr. Whites land & W. upon James Knotts land. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 1250 acs. for trans, of 25 pers: John Wilkins, Bridgett Craft, Agnis Medlam, Rosamar Yetman, Hen. Medcalfe, Georg Lee, Paule Trendale, Tho. Vincent, Jane Hurman, Richard Graves, Mary Wells, David Kiffin, William Woolfe, Richard Leake, William Hutchison, Anth. Stens- bye, Robert Stensbye (or Steusbye), William Wilborne, Michael Bysant, Wm. Cocker, Rowland Rayne, Thomasin his wife, A Negro, Stephen Barnett, William Crosman. THOMAS ADDISON, 150 acs. Up. of New Norf., in Nansamund Riv., 20 May 1637, p. 421. Bounded N. upon land of Daniell Gookin, Gent., S. upon the river, & W. into the woods. Trans, of 3 pers: Georg Borer, Gregory Pagrane (or Pagrave), Jon. Powell. WILLIAM FRYE, 250 acs. James Citty Co., 20 May 1637, p. 421. In Chichahominy Riv. about 4 mi. above Clay banke, Ely. upon the river & S. W. into the woods. Trans, of 5 pers: John Burden, Mathew Forden, Leon. Cham- berlain, Francis Burnett (altered to Barrett), Ursula Smith. Note: Re- newed 29 Aug. 1643 & 150 acs. added. Test: Samll. Abott, CI. THOMAS HAMPTON, 700 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 19 May 1637, p. 422. In Nansamund Riv., E. upon same, W. into the woods, S. upon two small Indian feilds near adj. unto Powells Cr. & Nly. downward the sd. river. Trans, of 14 pers: Georg Sheare, William Read, Richard Harris, Eliza. Harris, Thomas Thomas, Eliza. Thomas, Eliza. White, Robt. Nuttall (first writ- ten Thomas), John White, Edward White, Jarvis Smith, William Ward, Randall Browne, Ann Davenport. THOMAS HAMPTON, Clerke, 300 acs. same Co., date & page. Ely. upon Nansamund Riv., W. into the woods, S. upon land of Thomas Hampton & Nly. downward the sd. Riv. Trans, of 6 pers: John Bagworth, Edward Dudly, John Bass, Thomas Hampton, Jon. Browne, Richard Egleston. JOHN RADISH & JOHN BRAD- WELL, 16 acs. James Citty Island, 20 May 1637, p. 423. 12 acs. abutting E. upon land formerly in possession of Mary Holland, W. upon the bounds & limitts there determined, S. upto the highway runing close to Goose hill Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 57 marsh & extending Nwd. 40 pole, be- ing the breadth; the length from E. to W. 48 po; the other 4 acs. adj. sd. land, Edward Travis his land abutting Nly. upon it. The whole 16 acs. due sd. Radish by deed of sale from John Baldwin, late of James Island, Gent., & now the moitye due sd. Bradwell by contract & bargaine between sd. Radish & Bradwell. THOMAS HOLT, 500 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 22 May 1637, p. 423. N. side of the E. branch of Eliz. Riv., upon the maine river, Sly. into the woods, N. upon the head of the river, Ely. & downe the river lying upon a Cr. joyning upon land of Thomas Ran- shaw Wly. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: Thomas Marsh, James Arundell, Yeo- man Gibson, John Drake, Wm. Smith, Toby Smith, Samll. Taylor, Georg Tay- lor, Nathaniell Cordey. HENRY WOODHOWSE, Gent., 500 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 22 May 1637, p. 424. Within the mouth of the second baye from the Long Cr. of the Ewd. side of Chisopeiake Riv. N. & S. along the baye, E. upon the baye & W. into the woods. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himselfe & wife Mary Wood- howse, & 400 acs. for trans, of his daughter Elizabeth Woodhowse & 7 pers: Hen. Brightman, Laur. Wilson, Jacob Bradchater (or Bradwater), Jon. Symons, Tho. Symons, Kaemo of Camena, Thomas of Potuxon. THOMAS DAVIS, 300 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 22 May 1637, p. 424. Upon the S. side of the E. br. of Eliz. Riv. opposite land of Thomas Sawyer, 5 or 6 mi. up the river Ely. to the head upon a Cr., Nly. upon the maine river 6 a marsh, Wly. down the river & Sly. into the woods. Trans, of 6 pers: Joane Jobb, Ann Griffin, Geo. Tabott Susanna Bony (Bouy), Robert Pearse, Wm. Pett. THOMAS CODD, 300 acs. in the Up. Co. of New Norf., 22 May 1637, p. 425. Adj. Thomas Holt, lying upon E. branch of Eliz. Riv. 50 acs. due for his per. adv. & 250 acs. for the trans. of 5 persons. Georg Hockins is the only other name mentioned. THOMAS SAWYER, 300 acs. in the Up. Co. of New Norf., 22 May 1637, p. 425. Upon E. br. of Eliz. Riv. adj. Thomas Codd. Due for the trans, of his wife, Frances Sawyer & 5 pers: Thos. Kirke, John Sykes, Richard Gyl- yard, Christo. Hamon, Wm. Packford. THOMAS BRICE, 200 acs., 22 May 1637, p. 425. 100 acs. upon the back creek of the New Poquoson, Ely. to- wards the Bay & Nly. upon Samuel Bennett's first devident, and the other 100 acs. being upon the New Poquoson River Sly. into the woods, called the Black Walnutt Neck. Due by order of court dated Aug. 28, 1633, being part of 500 acs. by the said order granted in right and by guift from Sir John Danvers, Knight. WILLIAM MORGAN, alias Brookes, 100 acs. in Eliz. City Co., 22 May 1637, p. 426. Upon the narrow of the back river E. by S. into the main land, N. upon a creek which parts same from land of John Bowles & S. upon land of Robert Goodman. Due for the trans, of 2 servts:Jon. Constantine & John Pugsley. WILLIAM PARRY, 350 acs. in the Up. Co. of New Norf., 22 May 1637, p. 426. At the entering into the narrow of the Eastermost branch of Nansamond River. Due for the trans, of his wife Ann, & 6 pers: Eliza. Greenwoods, Rich. Ridges, Hugh Jones, James Mer- fee, Wm. Joanes, Joseph Crosia. THOMAS ALLEN, 550 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 6 May 1637, p. 427. To begin Ely. upon first br. extending Sly. out of the first baye from the Long Creek upon the E. side of Chisopeiack Riv., into the woods Sly., Wly. towards the great Indian feild &c. Trans. 11 pers.* WILLIAM PRIOR, Gent., 200 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 23 May 1637, p. 427. N. by E. upon sd. river, S. by W. into the maine woods, E. by S. upon his owne devdt. & W. by N. upon land of 58 Cavaliers and Pioneers Lewis Cocke. Trans, of 4 pers: Wil- liam Peirce, Wm. Norton, Ann Powell, Ann Cooke. JOHN GOOKIN, Gent., 350 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 23 May 1637, p. 427. Beg. at Mossey point, W. upon Nansamund Riv., E. into the woods & S. adj. the Gleab Land. Trans, of 7 pers: Thomas Box, Junr., Peter Nor- man, Mary Norman, Jon. Butler, John Burden, Robert Hodges, Walter Car- penter. RICHARD BELL & CHRISTOPHER LAWSON, 500 acs. James Citty Co., 23 May 1637, p. 428. Beg. at a little Indian feild over against land of John Dansey, N. E., into the woods S. W. 200 acs. purchased by sd. Bell of Alexander Stonner & 50 acs. purchased by him of Thomas Taylor, to whom it was due for his per. adv.; 250 acs. due sd. Lawson for trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Taylor, Willi. Reynolds, Willi. Coyte, Roger Andrewes, Anthony , Ann Drawater. THEODORE MOYSES, 2000 acs. James Citty Co., 23 May 1637, p. 428. Upon Tanks Pasbye hayes Cr., runing 2 mi. N. W. into the woods, butting on Chichahominy Riv. & bounded E. upon land of John Mendham. Trans, of 40 pers: Jon. Notton, Frances Latuer (or Lamer), Wm. Foster, Edward Tenches, Alice Fuller, Jon. Eles, Jon. Ferepoint, Rich. Gunny, Tho. Wake- feild, Arthur Patient, Jon. Winchester, Edward Branton, Rich. Thorneton, Joanna Michell, Richard Cock, William Drumond, Francis Edsonne, Fr. Turner, Robert Roles, Euge. Boles, Robt. Gaunt, Wm. Hawkins, Hen. Bradshaw, Rich. Weston, Lewis Abshere, Ann Belsome, Jon. Cooke, Robt. Asten, Adrey Garrett, Katherine Hockwell, Edward Bruton, Thomas Monday, Rich. Edwards, Wil- liam Pinnock, Jon. Hucock, Wm. Baker, Willi. Griffin, Wm. Smith, Thomas Cragg, Edward Simpkins. THOMAS SYMMONS ( Symons ) , 100 acs. Chas. River Co., 23 May 1637, p. 429. 50 acs. butting upon a Cr. neare adj. land of Humphry Loyd & 50 acs. neare land of Thomas Raye, bounded on N. E. with a Sedgie Cr. & on S. E. with a pynie Sw. Due for trans, of his wife Alice Robins (first written Dobins) & a servt. named Richard Key. JOHN BURNETT, of Edenborough, Merchant, 150 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 23 May 1637, p. 429. Adj. to Mossey point belonging to John Gookin, Gent. Due by purchase from sd. Gookin, to whom it was due for trans, of 3 pers: Edward Morgan, John Lon- don, William Pensint. ROGER SYMMONS, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 23 May 1637, p. 429. Butting upon the plantation of Oxford, bounded on S. with the old Poquoson & on N. with a Cr. extending Ely. Due for his own per. adv. GEORG UNWIN, 250 acs. James Citty Co. 25 May 1637, p. 430. Upon Checkros Cr., E. Sly., into the maine woods, Wly. upon a great deep Sw. & Nly. upon the Sunken Marshes. Trans, of his wife Katherine, his daughters: Katherine & Elizabeth, & 2 servts: William Seth (?), Dorcas ? THOMAS PAULE (Paul), 350 acs. James Citty Co., 25 May 1637, p. 430. Upon a great deepe Sw. in Chicha- hominy Riv., Sly. into the woods, Wly. upon the Pagan Cr. & Nly. upon the sunken marshes. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of his late father Francis Paule as being an Ancient Planter, 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his mother Mathew Paule, 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his sister Frances Paule & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Tho. Grindon, Andrew Hoer. JOHN DANSEY, 100 acs. James Citty Co., 25 May 1637, p. 431. Upon Tanks Pasbye hayes Cr. S. W., N. E. into the woods beg. at a little Cr. butt- ing upon Chichahominy Riv. lying in the neck of Clay banke. Trans, of 2 pers.* PETER REY & WILLIAM JACOB. 350 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 25 May 1637, p. 431. At the head of New Towne haven next adj. land of Edward Rogers, S. E. into the woods, N. W. upon the river. S. W. & N. E. along the banke of sd. river. 100 acs. for the Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 59 per. adv. of sd. Rey & Margarett his wife, 50 acs. for trans, of his son Henry Rey & 100 acs. by assignment from James Pointeau, to whom it was due for trans, of himself e & Anthony Lufurrier; 100 acs. for the per. adv. of sd. Jacob & trans, of 1 servt. called Samuell Hicks (Hickes). WILLIAM WILKINSON, 700 acs. in the Low. Co. of New Norf., 25 May 1637, p. 431. Within Lyn haven com- monly called Chesopeian River, W. up- on Capt. Adam Thorogood. 200 acs. due by assignment from Robert New- berke, Oct. 3, 1635, which land was due sd. Newberke for his own per. adv. & trans, of 3 persons. 100 acs. due for the per. adv. of himself & wife Naomy Wilkinson & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Edward Pearse, Hugh Jones, Martha Deacon, Thomas Craftin, Daniell Baker, John Boodes, John Johnson, Robert Newberke, Robert Laughton, John Goodwin, Thomas Preston. WILLIAM DENHAM, 300 acs. in Isle of Wight Co., 25 May 1637, p. 432. About 3 mi. up New Towne Haven River, N. W. from land of Thomas Jordan, & opposite land of Thomas Butler, Clerke. Due for the trans, of 6 persons.* RICHARD MILLTON, 75 acs. in Charles City Co., 26 May 1637, p. 432. Being at Westover, S. upon the main river, E. upon John Clay, West upon William Thomason & N. upon Herring Cr., which land is half of a plantation formerly belonging to John Davis & John Clay in equall portions with all buildings etc which sd. Davis sold to Thomas Stegg, Merchant. Due by deed of sale from sd. Stegg. ALICE EDLOE, Widdow, 350 acs. Henrico Co., 1 June 1637, p. 433. Be- tweene Harrow Attocks & the falls on the same side of the river that Harrow Attocks lyeth some 2^4 miles, from thence joyning to the great Swamp. 50 acs. for her own per. adv. & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Robert Castons, Robert Salsbury, Christopher Gosse, Thomas Burtlett, Thomas Wade, Sarah Glover. WILLIAM HATCHER, 850 acs. at Appamattock Riv., 10 July 1637, p. 433. 450 acs. upon the Swifte Cr., beg. at a little Cr. lying N. E. thereon &c, 50 acs. allowed for a small island therein with a Sw. & marshes; 400 acs. side- ing upon the sd. land. 450 acs. due by assignment from William Clarke & 400 acs. for his own per. adv. & trans, of 7 pers: Benjamine Gregory, Tho. Browne, Charles Howell, Eliza. Willis, Richard Radford, John Winchester, Alice Emmerton. WILLIAM COTTON, Clerke, 350 acs. called the old mans neck, bet. two maine branches of Hungars Cr., Ely. into the woods, Wly. down sd. Cr. & N. upon land of Capt. William Stone, parted from same by one of the sd. branches. 100 acs. for his own & the per. adv. of his wife Ann Graves & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Elianor Hill, Richard Hill, Edward Esson & 2 Negroes: 10 July, 1637, p. 434. JOHN BAKER, 200 acs. Henrico Co., 12 July 1637, p. 434. Neare unto Varinaes, Ely. upon the head of land of Seath Ward, Sly. upon land of sd. Baker & William Dauxe, & W. toward Capt. Davis his bottome. Trans, of 4 pers: John Clarke, Morgan Watkins, John Mills, Elizabeth Wright. HANNAH BOYES, daughter & heire of Luke Boyes, late of Henrico, 300 acs., 13 July 1637, p. 435. N. W. upon the river & joyning upon land of her Mother Alice Edloe on the E. 50 acs. due in right of her father, to whom it was due for his per. adv. & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 servts. by her father: Thomas Lewis, Robert Hallum, Joseph Ryall, Edward Holland, Oliver Allen. MATHEW EDLOE, (Edlowe), son & heir to Matthew Edloe, late of Va., deed., 1200 acs. upon the N. side of James Riv. over against the Upper Chip- pokes Cr., S. W. upon the maine river & N. E. into the woods towards Dance- ing point. 12 July 1637, p. 435. Due in right of 24 servts. trans, at the costs of his father: Math. Edloe, Hugh Tyd- der, Wm. Deane, Edwd. Tompson, Wm. Cox, Eliz. Jax (Jux ?). (Note: This 60 Cavaliers and Pioneers may be intended for "ux" — wife), Griff. Roberts, Fr. Roberts, Jon. Liches- ton, Peter Homes, Evans Kemp, Jon. Buxton, Tho. Crosby, Rand. Heyward, Hen. Croft, Tho. Morris, Tho. Rogers, Step. Pettis, Chri. Jones, Wm. Marsten, (or Marshen), Jon. Bethone, Tho. Martin, Jon. Seaton, Geo. Pricklove. THOMAS SHIPPEY, 300 acs. Henri- co Co., 11 July 1637, p. 436. About 2 mi. above Curies, S. upon a great br. of the 4 Mi. Cr., E. by S. upon the maine land, W. by N. by the side of sd. Cr. towards the head of the Cr. into the maine woods. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Eliza. Shippey, Jeffery Browne, Robert Cole, Thomas Brookes, John Cawker. THOMAS MARKHAM, 300 acs. Henrico Co., 11 July 1637, p. 436. N. upon the 4 Mi. Cr., W. upon the river, E. upon the maine & S. upon Curies joyning upon Baylys land. 100 acs. in right of his wife Susan Markham, the relict of Robert Greenleafe, to whom it was due as being an Ancient Planter & 50 acs. for her owne per. adv.; 50 acs. for the per. adv. of sd. Markham & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: John Foker, Richard Wall. WILLIAM FARRAR, sonne & heire to William Farrar, late of Henrico, deed., 2000 acs. Henrico Co., 11 June 1637, p. 436. Abutting Ely. upon the Gleab land of Varina, extending Wly. to the bottome of Island, Sly. upon the maine river & Nly. into the woods. Trans, at his owne costs of 40 pers: Tho. Williams, Rich. Johnson, Jon. Hely, Jon. Frame (or France), Eustace Downes, Jon. Pead, Edwd. Fewson, Rich. Greeke, James Rigsby, Jon. Pratt, Eliza. Foster, Jon. Hues, Hen. Gyllom, Wm. Thomas, Jon. Baker, Patrick Robinson, Christo. Penhorne, Math. Waraner, Jon. Smith, Wm. Towers, Wm. Baker, Edwd. Hooke, Mary Heynes, John Garner, Wm. Richardson, Jon. Howman, Math. Brownridge, Rich. Lewd, Jon. Gibson, Jon. Price, Fr. Posey, James Roberts, Robert Turner, William Dawson, Giles Crump, Rich. Garner, Howell Edmonds, Martin Dimock, Henry Howell, Robert Coleman. RICHARD GREETE, 300 acs. Henri- co Co., 11 July 1637, p. 437. S. upon land of Thomas Sheppey upon the 4 Mi. Cr., E. by S. upon the maine land & W. by N. by sd. Cr. to the head thereof. 50 acs. due in right of Sarah Dalahay, wife of Gringall Delahay, whoe surrendered his claim for her trans, to sd. Greete, & 250 acs. for the trans, of 3 wives & 2 servants: Elianor Greet, Alice Greete, Margarett Thomas, his 3 wives, John Howell & Richard servants; Sarah Delahay. MARY BOX, daughter & heire of John Box, 300 acs. Henrico Co., 12 July 1637, p. 438. N. W. upon the Swife Cr. by Appamattuck Riv. near the land of Charles Magnor, now in possession of William Hayward & Tun- ing S. E. into the woods. 100 acs. due in right of her father as being an Ancient Planter & 200 acs. for trans, of her mother Mary Box & 3 servts: Tho. Neale, Edward Holland, William . CAPT. THOMAS HARRIS, 700 acs. in Henrico Co., 12 July 1637, p. 438. Called by the name of the Long feild with Sw. & marshes, beg. at a little Cr. over against the land of Capt. Martin, bounded Nwd. on the backside of the Sw., Wwd. on the maine river, & S. E. towards Bremoes devident. Due as fol- loweth: 400 acs. graunted unto Edward Gurganey by order of Court 1 Oct. 1617 from the late Treasurer & Co. & bequeathed by Ann Gurganey, Widdowe of sd. Edward, to Thomas Harris as by her last will dated 11 Feb. 1619; 300 acs. for trans, of 8 pers.* FRANCIS POYTHERS, 400 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 13 July 1637, p. 439. N. upon his own land, S. into the maine woods, E. upon land of Capt. Woodliffe 6 W. of Baylyes Cr. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Richard Wells, Jone Lucas, Tho. Tompson, Rich. Fermer, Bryan Reycock, Francis Hewes, Richard Whiting. FRANCIS OSBORNE, 1300 acs. in Appomattuck Riv., bounding N. upon same, S. into the woods, W. upon land of Mr. William Farrar, butting Ely. on Charles Citty now in the tenure of Capt. Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 61 Francis Epes. 14 July 1637, p. 439. Due in right of his late father Jenkin Osborne, whoe trans. 26 pers: Mary Welch, Wm. Brock, Tho. Asson, John Congly (or Cougly), Thomas Batman, Thomas Tyler, Geo. Purser, Hannah May, Richard Gaily, Samll. Ramsby, Rich. Aboge (or A boye), Tho. Baylye, Wm. Waller, John Yeo, Joane Walters, John Tinwell, Wm. Wright, Symon Trencher, Wm. Lighthollier, Hen. Ward, Thomas Lewis, Wm. Austin, 2 Negroes, 1 Negroe more, Jon. Chamell. THOMAS CAUSSEY, 500 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 14 July 1637, p. 440. 300 acs. beg. at the mouth of Appamattuck Riv. at the S. side, bounded W. upon a great Cr., S. into the maine woods, E. upon Causey feild Cr. 200 acs. more beg. at sd. Cr. & adj. upon land of Capt. Francis Eppes. Trans, of 10 pers: Willi. Maurice (or Maunce), Jon. Chambers, Daniell Feild, Robert Boddi- cutt, Jon. Craft, Robert King, Jon. Barker, Jon. Bridges, Jon. Hodges, Lawrance Farburne. RICHARD WARD, 100 acs. in Varina, Henrico Co., 14 July 1637, p. 440. S. W. toward the 2 Mi. Cr., N. W. into the maine woods, Sly. upon land of John Baker & E. N. E. to the sd. Cr. 50 acs. due for his owne per. adv., & 50 acs. by purchase from Barth- lomew Farthing, to whom it was due for trans, of 1 servant called Sarah Breman. ALICE EDLOE, 100 acs. Henrico Co., 14 July 1637, p. 441. Lying 2% mi. above Harroe Attocks towards the falls on the same side of the River in a Sw. betwixt land belonging to William Coxe & 350 acs. graunted to sd. Alice, bounded W. by S. upon the maine river, E. by N. into the maine woods through sd. Sw., beg. 12 ft. on that side of a Cr. towards land of sd. Coxe, running up the river & abutting her own land. Trans, of 2 pers: John Williams, Wil- liam Attaway. CAPT. HENRY BROWNE, Esq., one of the Councell of State, 2250 acs. James Cittie Co., 14 July 1637, p. 441. On the S. side of James Riv., beg. at the halfe way tree, runing S. by W. into the woods, butting upon the maine river, N. by E., in breadth 1100 po., bounded on Westermost side with a small Sw. close to the river side, pass- ing through some part of the same a compleate mile into the woods with trees marked all the way. 2000 acs. graunted by order of court 12 Dec. 1634 upon such terms & conditions as is in the sd. order expressed & 250 acs. by purchase from Capt. William Perrye & Capt. Thomas Osborne, Overseers of the will of John Smith, whoe by sd. will did ordeyne the sd. overseers to make sale of sd. land. The following names appear under this record: Capt. Henry Browne, Laur. Bristoe, Wm. Packett, Tho. Hutt, Samll. Flood, Rich. Edwards, Robt. Jones, Samll. Burfoote, John Ratsham, Mingo a Negroe, Samll. Swam, (or Swane), Wm. Billbrough, Rich. Penill, Stephen Browne, Ralph Wood, Alice Mills, David Warner, Franc, a Negroe, Fr. a Negroe, Anth. a Negro, Alexander a Negro, Jon. a Negro, twoe women Negroes. These being transported at the charg of Capt. Browne. Mr. Tho. Hinton, Mrs. Ann Browne, Mr. Andrew Noyce, John More- cock, Georg Jordan, Amey Humphrey, William Berry, Hontford Stubbs, these being in right of his wife; Edward Lownes, Rich. Christmas, Wm. Bow, Rich. Makester, Henry Hart, Wm. Westwood. LT. RICHARD POPELEY, 700 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 14 July 1637, p. 442. Upon the Chesopeian shore within the Territory of Lyn haven, Nly. upon land of William Layton, Wly. up- on the river, Ely. into the woods & Sly. up the river. Due in right of marriage with Elizabeth Southell (or Stethell — name altered), the relict of Henry Southell (?), to whom it was due for trans, of 14 pers: Elias Light, Rich. Light, William Layton, Geo. Lentall, Willi. Bassnett, Jason Right, John Eves, Sarah Palmer, John Duncombe, Row- land Buckly, Tho. Heath, Ralph Simp- kins, Hanna Waddington, Eliza. Alcutt. WILLIAM MILLS, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 19 July 1637, p. 443. On S. side of James Riv., bounding N. upon Smiths fort, W. by N. upon the maine 62 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cr., E. by S. into the woods & up the maine Cr. S. by W. Trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Burges, Wm. Godfry, Wm. Holliday, John Garrett, Robert Bateman, John Grange, Nicholas Abdey. JOHN GRAVES, 600 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 9 Aug. 1637, p. 443. Neare unto the upper end of the back river, bounded upon Eastermost side of the land of Capt. Adam Thorogood, beg. to measure the breadth of 300 po. about a pole to the Ewd. of the now dwelling howse of Oliver Vanheck, runing W. S. W. up the river &c. Due in right of descent from his father Thomas Graves, whoe trans, at his own costs: himself e, Kath- erine Graves his wife, John Graves the pattentee & Thomas Graves, Junr. & 8 pers: Henry Singleton, Tho. Edge, Robt. Phillipps, Tho. Griggs, Tho. Phillipps, Franc. White, Wm. Symbee, Jone Packett. HENRY POOLE, Gent., 150 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 9 Aug. 1637, p. 444. Within the Territorie of Lyn haven, Nly. upon land late belonging to Henry Southerne, now in possession of Lt. Richard Popeley, Wly. upon the river, Ely. into the maine woods & Sly. upon the river. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv. & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Joseph Smith, James Cooke. LEONARD YEO, 850 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 9 Aug. 1637, p. 444. Upon the head of a br. of the old Poquoson Cr., S. E. upon land of Georg Hull & John Layden, Nly. upon the New Poquoson & Wly. upon the ridge of land. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv. & 800 acs. for trans, of 16 pers: Richard Gedley, John Moyes, Thomas Chapman, John Cole, Nathaniell Martin, Owen Haes (or Hues), 2 Negroes, Walter Bayne, Row- land Garrett, Nicholas Crouch, Thomas Lovell, John Spurway, Richard Stephens, John Oldis, John Cooper. WILLIAM PRIOR, Gent., 600 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 9 Aug. 1637, p. 445. Being a long sandy point to the Nwd. of Queens Cr., aboute 4 mi. from sd. Cr., N. upon a Cr., E. upon the maine river, & W. into the woods. Trans, of 12 pers: Robert Fossett, Stephen Benn, Grace Amison, Abraham Keene, Walter Downes, Jon. Burch, Barnaby Barnes, Anthony Grimston, Tho. Wilkinson, William Peirce, Cornelius Swillivan, Thomas Attera. Note: This pattern sur- rendered & renewed in the name of Joseph Croshaw by Sir John Harvey. Test: Tho. Cooke, CI. JOHN CHEW, Gent., 700 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 9 Aug. 1637, p. 445. Bounded W. by N. upon 500 acs. graunted to him 6 Aug. 1637, upon the maine river N. by E., upon a small baye S. by W. & upon the great baye E. by S. Trans, of 14 pers: William Winifrett, Geo. Goodwin, Thomas Tompkins, John Vaughan, Robt. Parr, Chri. Evans, Ann Waterman, Arnall Freeze, Walter Hazle- ward, Jon. Weston, Tho. Winard, 1 Negro woman, Jon. Chew 1622, Jon. Chew 1633. CAPT. FRANCIS HOOKE, Esqr., 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., upon the Strawberry bancks, 9 Aug. 1637, p. 445. Upon a Cr. next the fort feild, S. upon the maine river, E. upon Thomas Oldis land & N. E. upon land of John Neale. The sd. land being in the tenure & oc- cupation of Robert Partin & Gresham Covell. Due by assignment from Capt. Thomas Purifye, Esq., to whom it was graunted by pattent. Memord. It is agreed betweene Capt. Thomas Purifye, Esqr. on the one p(ar)te and Capt. Francis Hooke, Esqr. on the other pte that the said Capt. Thomas Purifye shall at all times here- after upon demaund assigne sell & sett over to Capt. Francis Hooke his heires or assignes all his estate right title in- terest and Claime which hee hath in or unto one hundred acres of Land lying upon the Strawberry banckes now in the occupation of Robert Partin and Gressam Covell togeather wth his pat- tent of the same free from all incum- brances and alsoe to deliver to Capt. Francis Hooke the possession thereof. In consideration whereof the said Capt. Francis Hooke is to give Capt. Purifye a bond for the paymt. of fower Thow- sand pounds of Tobacco in January next or threescore and tenn pownds sterl. in March next at the Choice of the said Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 63 Capt. Purifye for p ( er ) f ormance where- of the said (par) ties doe bind them- selves each to other their heires Execu- tors and Adminrs. in the sum of one hundred pownds sterl. In Witness whereof the said pties have hereunto put their hands this 16th of May 1637. (Signed) Tho. Purifye. Signed & de- livered in the presence of: Robert Evelin & John Redman. Page 446. CAPT. FRANCIS HOOKE, Esqr. one of the Councell of State, 50 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 10 Aug. 1637, p. 446. Comonly called Pascalls Neck, lying S. upon point Comfort Cr., E. upon Fox hill, W. upon the Indian Stone, N. into the woods. Due by assignmt. from Mary Beanstead, widdow of Thomas Beanstead. JOHN CHEW, Gent., 500 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 6 Aug. 1637, p. 447. Upon the maine Riv. N. by E., upon English his Cr. W. by N., upon Clarkson his Cr. S. by W. & upon a neck of land E. by S. Due according to aforesd. order for the adv. of himself e & 9 pers.* to the sd. Chas. River. WILLIAM PRIOR, Gent., 300 acs. Chas. River Co., 11 Aug. 1637, p. 447. N. & E. upon the sd. Riv., S. by W. into the woods, E. by S. upon the devdt. of Capt. Richard Townesend & W. by N. upon his own devdt. Due according to the aforesd. order for the Adv. of himselfe & 5 pers. the first year to the sd. Chas. River: William Prior, Mrs. Margarett Prior, uxor, Tho. Dilloe, Jef- fery Merchant, Georg Leigh, Rice Davis. BRIDGES FREEMAN, 900 acs. James Citty Co., 11 Aug. 1637, p. 447. On Wly. side of Chichahominy Riv., opposite land graunted to him & Francis Fowler, pointing S. E. upon the maine river & N. W. along the Cr. up into the woods next adj. place comonly called Juring Point. Trans, of 18 pers: David Minton, Wm. Wilshere, Jon. Bridge, David Jones, William Nutt, Fr. Aldrige, Mathew Williamson, Katherine Leonard, Jerimy Stone, Eliza. Hart (first written Hunt), Richard Sanders, Tho. Smith, James Redgison, Eliza. Hodges, Mercy Seawell, Jon. Burden, Robt. Flood, Wm. Elkton. SAME. 100 acs. James Citty Co., 12 Aug. 1637, p. 448. Upon the Ely. side & within the mouth of Chichahominy Riv., next adj. land in possession of sd. Freeman & Francis Fowler a Cr. parting the same. Trans, of 2 pers: Henry Scott & one Richard "testified to be his servt. by Capt. Uty." MARGARETT ROGERS, Widdowe, 500 acs. in the upper Co. of New Norf., 14 Aug. 1637, p. 448. 300 acs. Nly. upon Crosse Cr., butting upon land lately belonging to Thomas Jorden, a small Cr. runing between, Sly. into the woods neare unto a path crossing the head of the Cr. 200 acs. adj. sd. land towards the reedy Sw, & runing Sly. into the woods. Due for trans, of 10 pers. at the costs of her late dec'd. hus- band Edward Rogers. Provided never- thelesse that whereas the sd. Margarett Rogers is now with child by the sd. Edward Rogers that if the child bee borne with life that then the inheritance of the sd. land to belong to sd. child. The following names appear: Joane Davis, Christ Thorpe, Nicholas White, John Bordman, Jon. Home, Tho. Bul- mur, Randall Jackson, Peter Eaton, Eliza. Joanes, Francis Champins. SAME. 200 acs. same county & date, p. 449. Lying in the Crosse Cr. 100 acs. adj. land lately belonging to Tho- mas Jorden, on the N. side of the Cr. & runing N. W. into the woods. The other 100 acs. on the S. side the Cr., joyning upon her own land. Due by assignment from Richard Freeland to her late husband. Provided &c. as above. RICHARD FREELAND to ED- WARD ROGERS assignment of the above tract, 9 June 1636, p. 449- Signed Richard (his marke) Freeland. Witness: Tho. Cooke, John Home. HENRY HART, 250 acs. James Cit- tie Co., 15 Aug. 1637, p. 450. At the head & bounding upon the great Creek N. W., into the woods S. by E., upon a great Sw. N. W. Due for trans, of his wife Elizabeth Hart & 4 pers: Martin Ward, Phillipp Cleaver, Jone Walker, William Patrick. 64 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN HUCKS, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 15 Aug. 1637, p. 450. S. side of James Riv., N. on the Crosse Cr., on the W. side of land of Thomas Rey- nolds & upon the maine Cr. S. W. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv. & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Jon. Rawlings, Jon. Hodson, Jane Moore. JOHN ORCHARD, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 15 Aug. 1637, p. 450. Right against the further Gulfe on the E. side of Chichahominy Riv. a mile from the hether side of Warrany Landing place, W. N. W. upon the river, S. & W. down the river side for the breadth & E. S. E. into the maine woods. Trans, of his first wife Ann, deed., his now wife Mary, his owne per. adv. & 4 pers. transported: William Oxford, John Ward, Margary Price, Francis MufFett. WILLIAM CARTER, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 15 Aug. 1637, p. 451. Sly. upon land formerly graunted to him, Ely. towards Chippoecks Cr., Wly. upon sunken Marsh & Nly. into the bay tree. Trans, of 4 pers.* ROBERT CRADDOCKE & JOHN DAVIS, 600 acs. Henrico Co., 15 Aug. 1637, p. 451. 300 acs. Nly. upon a great Sw., Sly. towards land of Alice Edloe, Widdowe, Wly. over the river & Ely. into the woods called the Long- feild; & 300 acs. joyning upon the sd. Longfeild Nly. the land included in this pattent beg. next to land of sd. Alice Edloe. 300 acs. due by assignment from William Cooke & Richard Carpenter & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.* Memord: That I John Baugh of Varina, planter, hath assigned unto William Cooke & Richard Carpenter all my right and title that I have unto the land taken up by mee in this pattent being the 13th of June 1636. Signed: John Baugh. Witness: Benj. Carrill. Memord: That wee William Cooke & Richard Carpenter, planters, doth as- signe & sell unto John Davis & Robert Craddock, of Harihatoxs, planters, all the right and title that wee the above named hath according unto this pattent. In witness whereof wee have sett our hands the 29th July 1637. Signed: William Cooke, Richard Carpenter. Witness: John Baugh. Page 452. JOSEPH ROYALL, 300 acs. Henrico Co., 15 Aug. 1637, p. 452. At S. E. side of Turkey Island Cr., runing into the woods N. E. & to the mouth of the Cr. S. W. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv., 50 acs. for trans, of his first wife Thomasin, 50 acs. for his now wife Ann, 50 acs. for his brother Henry & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Robert Warwell, Jon. Wells. WILLIAM REYNOLDS, 200 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 15 Aug. 1637, p. 452. Beg. at Willsons point, runing into the woods S. W., abutting to Hatefeilds Cr. & N. E. upon Queens Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: Morris Jones, Richard Pew, John Butterum, Ann Banks. SAMUELL JONES, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 15 Aug. 1637, p. 453. Ely. on land of William Reynolds, N. E. upon Queens Cr. & S. W. into the woods. Trans, of 1 servt. called Thomas Hatt- feild. CAPT. JOHN SIBSEY, 1500 acs. Low. New Norf. Co., 17 Aug. 1637, p. 453. Upon the W. br. of Eliz. Riv. on the N. side thereof, E. upon a Cedar tree, N. W. upon the maine river & S. W. upon a br. of sd. river. Trans, of 30 pers.* SAME. 1500 acs. Same date & page. Next adj. land of Mr. Francis Towers, N. upon the maine river, E. as farr as the Westermost parting of Crany point Island & N. along the maine river as farr as the sd. 1500 acs. may conteyne. Due for trans, of 30 pers.* JUSTINIAN COOPER, 1050 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 16 Aug. 1637, p. 454. N. W. upon the head of Lawnes Cr., S. E. upon the back Cr., N. E. upon his dwelling howse & S. W. into the woods. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 1000 acs. for trans, of 20 pers: Richard Cosey, Nich. Mann, Tohn Cur- tis, John Coker, Henry Ronncifull, Patent Book No. 1 — Part I. 65 Clement Evans, Henry Boney (or Bouey), James Smith, Geo. Stacy, Wil- liam Redman, Georg Archer, William Bannister, William Cooke, Samuell Eldrege, William Nesse, Mary Clinton, John Davis, Robt. Rabye, Richard Smith, Wm. Underwood (first written Robert.) ELIZABETH PACKER, Widdowe, 950 acs. Henrico Co., 17 Aug. 1637, p. 454. E. upon 4 Mi. Cr., W. upon land of Seth Ward, S. upon the river & N. into the woods. Due in right of her late husband Serjant William Sharpe & Thomas Packer, whoe at their own costs & charges trans. 19 pers: Rich. Vase, John Thomas, Lewis Jones, Leonard Houghton, William Cooke, Peter Hud- sey, Edward Jones, Jon. Ward, William Wooley, 2 Negroe servts. to Serjt Wm. Sharp, Thomas Blancks, Jacob Dewitt, John Haman, Andrew Pratt, Christ. Stevenson, Christ. Beare, Jon. Shaddock, Francis Stone, servants to Tho. Packer. Note: Henrico County Index to Patents carried this name as Parker. EDWARD TUNSTALL, Gent., 400 acs. Henrico Co., 16 Aug. 1637, p. 455. In Appamattuck Riv., bounding N. up- on Henry Miller, W. upon the Riv., & E. upon the maine woods. 150 acs. due for his owne per. adv. & trans, of 2 servts., & 300 acs. due in right of his wife Martha, due to her from her former husband Nicholas Greenhill, whoe trans, the sd. Martha & 5 pers. Edward Tunstall, Martha his wife, Jon. Gill, Richard Clayton, Robert Rowden (or Rowder), James Barker, Thomas Thorneton, James Morris, Joane Higge- son. CHRISTOPHER STOKES (Stoakes), 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 16 Aug. 1637, p. 455. At the New Poquoson, Sly. up- on the river, Nly. into the woods, Ely. upon a small brooke between sd. land & land of John Watson & Wly. towards the Poquoson damms. Trans, of 6 pers: William Freeman, Samuell Waltham, Richard Shotbold, Henry Hickman, William Watty, Henry Powell. JOHN JACKSON, 250 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 17 Aug. 1637, p. 455. In the New Poquoson, on S. side of Capt. John Cheesemans Cr., N. E. upon same, S. into the woods with a br. on the W., S. W. into the woods with a Sw. butt- ing to Capt. Cheesemans land S. Trans, of 5 pers: Robert Tassell, Peter Buck, Peter Stephens, William Woorke, John Hill. PERCIVALL CAMPION (Champ- ion), 500 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 Aug. 1637, p. 456. W N. W. upon Nansamund Riv., E. S. E. into the woods, S. by E. upon a Cr. & N. by W. joyning land of Mathew Atkinson. 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for per. adv. of his wife Mary & 400 acs. due for trans, of 8 pers: John Pemy (?), Robert Caully, Nich. Gower, John Saye, John Laurwell, Jon. Price, Arche- lass Stephens, James Midleton. MATHEW ATKINSON, 200 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 Aug. 1637, p. 456. W. N. W. upon Nansamund Riv., E. S. E. into the woods, S. by E. upon land of Percivall Campion & N. by W. joyning to land of John Gookin, Gent. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 2 sonns & 1 servt: Mathew Atkinson, Junr., Thomas Atkinson, Tho. Towning. THOMAS TODD, 250 acs. New Norf. Co., 18 Aug. 1637, p. 457. Upon S. side of the E. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at a Cr., the land being a neck, bounded up the river E. Nly., down the river W. Sly., into the woods S. Ely. being distant from the mouth or en- trance of sd. branch about 6 mi. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Elizabeth Todd, his wife, Mary Whitmore, William Whiter- edge (or Witheredge), James Blesse. JAMES KNOTT, 1550 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 Aug. 1637, p. 457. N. E. faceing upon Nansamund Riv., S. into the woods, E. upon the second Cr. & W. & S. upon the third Cr. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Elianor Knott & 100 acs. by purchase from Maudlin Jones, due for her per. adv. & trans, of 1 servt. called Robert Bryan & 1400 acs. for trans, of 28 pers: Robert , Henry Yates, Ellin Williams, Ann Craford, Lewis Vaughan, Thomas Taylor, Thomas Broad, John Home, 66 Cavaliers and Pioneers Francis Bisley, John Piper, John Popel- well, Thomas Brough, Richard Russell, Thomas Sparrow, Tho. Ferreby, Robert Maxe, Robert Selby, Robert Wells, Richard Wheeler, & 2 Negroes, Rich- ard Nowell, Walter Blake, Richard Reynolds. ROBERT BENNETT, 700 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 Aug. 1637, p. 458. Aboute a mile & a halfe up a Cr. neare the mouth of Nansamund Riv., beg. at a pine marked with the letters of his name — RB — bordering up a par- cell of land marked by Robert Newman upon the E. side of sd. Cr., the Cr. runing up S. or neare thereabouts from the river. Trans, of 14 pers: James Leonard, Peter Rice, Elizabeth Gilbert, Georg Rowles, Robert Raby, Richard Haies, Phillipp Pharin, (or Phazin), Geo. Rotherum, John Ford, Jon. Lee, Ann Bussey, Richard Smith, Edward May, Elizabeth Russey. GEORG WHITE, Clerke, 150 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 19 Aug. 1637, p. 458. S. upon his own land, N. into the woods, E. upon land of John Wil- kins & W. upon land of Francis Hough. Trans, of his wife Blanch White & 2 pers: Peter White, Zachariah Taylor. Note: This pattern surrendered & re- newed with other bounds with an addi- tion of 150 acs. more. Rich. Kemp, Sec. SAME. 200 acs. Same Co. & date, p. 459. W. upon a Cr. deviding this from land of James Knott & E. upon the first Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: Georg White, William Moore, John Joice, Thomas Cutchman. RICHARD BENNETT, Gent., 2000 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 19 Aug. 1637, p. 459. Being a neck of land in Nansamund Riv. about 2 mi. from the point or beg., adj. land of John Parrott, beg. upon sd. Riv. at Parraketo point & upon the Cr. side at a greate Oyster bancke, runing from the Riv. to the Cr. N. W. & S. E. & up the same S. W. Trans, of 40 pers: Jon. Francis, Ann Atwood, Alex. Garner, Jon. Hane (or Have), Eliza. Husley, Geo. Lock, Rich. Bird, Jon. Peters, Jon. Dee, Tho. Wil- liams, Gilbert Lee, Tho. Jones, Ambrose Bennett, Rich. Cullumbine, Th(x_Luter, Robt. Moore, Henry Rutkin, Ricm Morris, Austin a Negroe, Ralph Hewes, Thomas "killed wth a tree," Rich. Glas- cock, Rich. Glascocke, Edward Yorke, Willi. Quillmead, Peter Bayly, Robert Rawson, Peter White, Willi. Fowler, Wm. Limpson, William Durand, Robert Campeere, Arthur Wood, Henry John- son, Grace his wife, James Smith, Mary Harding, Arthur Martin, Georg Bussey, Richard Bennett. SAME. 350 acs. Same Co. & date, p. 460. Being a neck of land neare a mile within Sandy Cr., being the first Cr. to the Wwd. of Crany point, sd. neck lying S. W. into the woods &c, sd. Cr. going in & out betweene Nansa- mund & Eliz. Rivers. Trans, of 7 pers: Thomas Jefferies, William Ford, John Jolly, Robert Farthing, James Willett, Tho. Bennett, John Robinson. ROBERT ROCKWELL, 250 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 19 Aug. 1637, p. 460. In Nansamund Riv., butting upon land of Edward Major, bounded by same Cr. binding his land, 50 acs. due for his owne per. adv. & 200 acs. for trans, of his wife Sarah Rockwell, 2 children: Mary Rockwell, Thomas Rock- well & 1 servt: Mary Hayes. THOMAS SMITH, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 21 Aug. 1637, p. 460. Adj. unto Weaver his plantation, Sly. to- wards a br. of Kethes Cr., a mile Ely. into the woods & on N. side of Edward Hall & William Shute (name altered — first written White), bounded on S. with the Beaver damms. 50 acs. for his owne per adv. & 100 acs. by purchase from Silvester Totnam & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* SILVESTER TOTNAM unto THO- MAS SMITH, 100 acs. (above), to- gether with all right and title &c. For good & valuable consideration. Dated 1635. Signed: Silvester Totnam, in the presence of John Dennett. Page 461. Patent Book No. l PART II. By Sir John Harvey WILLIAM CLARKE, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 21 Aug. 1637, p. 461. E. upon the New Poquoson Riv., W. into the woods, N. in breadth upon Oyster Cr. & S. upon the reach of sd. River. Due for trans, of 2 pers.* PETER HAYES, 350 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 21 Aug. 1637, p. 461. Bounded on W. with land of Thomas Davis, N. & N. E. with Pagan Cr. & on S. & S. W. with the maine woods. Due by purchase from Georg Hardye, who purchased from Roger Bagnall, to whom it was granted by pattent. Assignment of same from Roger Bag- nall to Georg Hardye, Shippright, 4 Dec. 1636, p. 462. Witnesses: Ann Jones, Richard Hart. Assignment from Georg Hardye to Peter Hayes, Planter, 11 Feb. 1636, p. 462. Witness: Tobias Hurst. ROBERT LUCAS, 150 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 21 Aug. 1637, p. 462. N. up- on the New Poquoson river, S. into the woods, E. upon the damms joyning up- on land of John Powell, & W. into the woods. Trans, of 3 pers.* THOMAS WEEKES, 100 acs. James Citty Co., 21 Aug. 1637, p. 462. Upon Chippokes Cr., S. into the woods, Wil- liam Rookins devdt. on the W. & on the E. the westermost br. of a little cr. Trans, of his wife Elizabeth Beardsty & a servt. called William Jones. HUMPHRY ENGLAND, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 21 Aug. 1637, p. 463. Up Chichahominy Riv. being a neck of land called the redbanke pointing to an island belonging to William Morgan, butting towards the E. upon the Riv. with a marsh before it & running Wwd. into the woods & upon S. side of sd. Neck. Trans, of 3 pers: John England, Humphry England, Junr., James Barnes. PETER MOUNTEGUE, 150 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 22 Aug. 1637, p. 463. S. into the woods, N. upon Eliz. Riv., E. upon the S. br. & W. upon a Cr. called the Oystershell Necke. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Jones, Tho. Redbye, Margt. Harford. Note: Assigned to Thomas Marsh alias Rivers & confirmed by Sir Francis Wyatt. Rich. Kemp, Seer. THOMAS BERNARD (Barnard), Gent., 500 acs. Warwick River Co., 22 Aug. 1637, p. 464. N. towards the Mills, S. upon the back Cr. towards land lately belonging to Capt. Richard Stevens, E. into the woods towards land of Zachar- iah Cripps & W. upon Warwick Riv. opposite land of Capt. Thomas Flint. Trans, of 10 pers: William Merrett, Jon. English, Grace Lee, Alex. Lownd, Thomas Taylor, John Flye, Ann Robin- son, Robert Prichard, Rich. Gilbert, Robert Browne. GEORG BURCHER, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 22 Aug. 1637, p. 464. Near the head of a little Cr., Ely. towards the mouth of Lawnes Cr., Nly. towards mouth of Hog Island Cr. Sly. towards Chippokes Creekes, Sly. into the woods & Wly. towards James Riv. 100 acs. for per. adv. of himself & wife Ann Burcher & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: John Jefferson, Joane Burcher. SAME. 300 acs. Same Co. & date, p. 465. At the upper Chippokes, Ely. upon land of John Hacker, Nly. upon Martins Brandon, Sly. upon the head of the little Cr. between land of William 68 Cavaliers and Pioneers Pilkinton & John Hacker, & Wly. into the maine woods. Trans, of 6 pers: Giles Harwood, Miles Sumers, v Tho. Jones, Jon. Love, Dorothy Andrews, Elianor Bound. JAMES BERRY, 350 acs. Accomacke Co., 22 Aug. 1637, p. 465. At Magaty baye, butting upon land of John Ascum, Swd. along the baye & E. into the woods. 100 acs. for per. adv. of him- self & wife Elizabeth Berry & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Henry Lee, Mary Nelson, Joseph Hally, Mary Nable, Robert Man. JOHN NEALE, Merchant, 200 acs. Accomack Co., 22 Aug. 1637, p. 465. At the head of Kings Cr., abutting on S. side of John Wilkins, running Sly. in breadth & Ely. in length into the woods. Sd. land purchased by Edward Bastwicke of William Melling by whom it was assigned to sd. Neale; being alsoe due for trans, of 4 pers: Francis Seamer, Rich. Hill, Edward Eason, Tho- mas Moore. WILLIAM MELLING, of Accomack, Gent., doe binde myselfe, my heirs, Exors. & assignes to procure a pattern for Edward Bestwicke, his heirs &c. for the above land; which sd. pattern to be procured upon all demaunds, in the meantime giving sd. Bestwicke full possession of the sd. plantation & howses, alwayes provided that hee medle not with the howses nor anything in the cleare ground untill such time as the Cropp is Cured strucke and carried away. 21 Oct. 1635, p. 466. Witnesses: Pascoe Crocker, Peter Varloe. Signed: William Melling. Assignment of the bill of Mr. Melling unto Mr. John Neale, 3 Dec. 1636, p. 466. Signed: Edward Bestwicke. ALEXANDER STOMAR (Stomer), Brickmaker, 1 acr. in James Island, near the brick kill, being 24 pearches in length & l l / 2 per. in breadth, bounded on W. with James Riv., N. with a little Sw., On East end with the back river & on S. with 2 persimon trees. 23 Aug. 1637, p. 466. Fee Rent: 1 Capon, provided that if sd. Stomer, his heirs &c. shall not build upon the sd. acre within 6 months then it shall bee law- ful for any other to make choice of & build upon the same, etc. JOHN WOODLIFE, 550 acs. Chas. City Co., 24 Aug. 1637, p. 467. 530 acs. in the Territorie of great Weya- noake neare the head land called Beg- gars bush bordering W. upon land formerly belonging to William Parrott, E. upon Samuell Jordans land, S. upon the maine land & N. upon James River; & 20 acs. in Charles hundred bordering E. upon James Riv., W. upon the place where the pale rann, S. upon sd. Jor- dans land & N. upon land of William Julian. Due in right of decent from his father Capt. John Woodlife, Esqr., of Charles Citty, to whom it was granted by Sir Georg Yeardly in the yeare of our Lord God 1620. GEORG HOLMES, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 24 Aug. 1637, p. 468. At the head of Kethes Cr., bounded bet. 2 swamps meeting both in one head, bear- ing N. W. into the woods, upon which land he is now seated & graunted unto him 12 Sept. 1636. 100 acs. for the per. adv. or himself & wife Rebecca & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Browne, Robert Sharpe, James Wambly, Jeffery Frye & Ann . CHENEY BOYES (Boys-Boyse), 1550 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 24 Aug. 1637, p. 468. N. upon lime hill Sw., W. upon Merchants hope Cr., E. into the woods & S. up towards the head of sd. Cr. 100 acs. due for his per. adv. as being an Ancient planter before the time of Sir Thomas Dale his Govmt., according to a charter of orders from the Late Treasurer & Co. dated 18 Nov. 1618, & 1450 acs. for trans, of 29 pers: Cheney Boyse, Rich. Williams, Lawr. Walker, Tho. Harris, Thomas Wheeler, Christ. Rippin, Jon. Tomlinson, Joane Tomlinson, Jon. Mason, Jon. Walker, Christ. Easill, Jon. Siscock, Oliver Bis- hoppe, Israeli Johnson, Humphry Jones, Gilbert Dowson, Nich. Shaw, Wm. Backster, Daniell Coblier (or Collier), Wm. Wale, Wm. Thorncombe, Jon. Cole, Eliz. Greene, Eliz. Phillipps, Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 69 Kath. Yorke, Jon. Swift, Margt. Parr, Daniell Murr, Morgan Rosier, Wm. Holland. CHRISTOPHER WOODWARD, 600 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 24 Aug. 1637, p. 469. Bounded N. upon Apamattuck Riv., S. into the woods, E. upon land lately belonging to William Farrar, Gent. & W. upon the winding river. 150 acs. for per. adv. of himself, his late wife Margarett, his now wife Dorothy Woodward & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: Georg Bassett, John Francklin, Phillipp Thomas, Henry Stevens, Ann Myner. (Other names not given.) JOHN BRODWELL, 300 acs. James Citty Co., 24 Aug. 1637, p. 469- Part being an Island lying W. upon Chicha- hominy Riv. against the place called the Gulfe, compassed with the River upon the N. & soe round with a Cr. from the river with a neck of land butting upon sd. Island lying S. W. upon the river & S. W. into the woods. Trans, of 6 pers: William Downes, Ambrose Eadly, David Williamson, Edward Browne, Jarvis Rewed (?) Henry Lawdeare. THOMAS ELLIS, 50 acs. James Citty Co, 24 Aug. 1637, p. 469- Butting N. E. upon Clay banck lying at the Cr. mouth runing up to old Pasbye Hayes called by the name of Trucking point. Due by assignment from Alexander Stomer for trans, of 1 servt.* JOHN SEAWARD, 600 acs. Isle of Wight Co, 8 Mar. 1636, p. 470. Joyn- ing upon Goose hill Cr. upon the N. side of the maine Cr, along upon the Cr. S. W. & running N. W. into the woods. Trans, of 12 pers: John Wal- ker, Tho. Belcher, Edwd. Bond, Charles Jones, Wm. Griffin, Kath. Person, Geo. Scales, Robt. Clarke, Guy Taylor, & "three others." JOHN GARYE, 300 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf, 25 Aug. 1637, p. 470. On S. side of Nansamund Riv. neare adj. land of Joseph Sammon, S. E. into the woods, N. W. upon the river, N. E. & S. W. along the banck of the maine river 150 po. in length up the river towards land of Mr. Daniell Gookins. Trans, of 6 pers.* LEIFT. JOHN UPTON, 1650 acs. Isle of Wight Co, 25 Aug. 1637, p. 471. About 3 mi. up Pagan point Cr, almost W. from the Cr. into the woods, a little Cr. runing in by sd. land out of Pagan point Cr. Trans, of 33 pers: Richard Young, Anthony & Mary, Negroes, Florence Richards, Roger Bag- nail, Ralph Harwood, Thomas Reeve, Richard Spademan, Edward Burr, Savage Merrie, Wm. Scot, Rich. Jones, Fr. Savage, Owen Howell, Nich. Bushell, James Parsons, Jon. Parker, Lewis Phil- lipps, Morgan Roberts, Wm. Davis, Jon. Fitchett, Morgan Evans, Christ. Lewis, Phill Kennersly, Eliz. King, Martha Snow, Mary Johnson, Jonas Sadlington, Anth. Tyler, Peter Hayes, Richard Jackson, William Pincher, Eliz. Larkin. CAPT. JOHN CHEESMAN, 600 acs. Chas. Riv. Co, 8 Mar. 1636, p. 471. S. E. upon the New Poquoson riv, N. W. into the woods by Cheesemans Cr, towards a ridge of land adj. S. W. on land of Thomas Hawkins. Trans, of 12 pers: Christo. Averitt, Phillip Averit, Mary a Negro, Edward Catterell, Joane Bolton, Robert Cockett, Richard During (or Dining), Richard Ward, Georg Costen, Richard Banks, John Harwell, Mathias a Negroe. SAME. Same county & date, p. 472. At the new Poquoson, S. W. upon land in possession of Christopher Stokes & N. Ely. on both sides the river (or run.) 300 acs. due by deed of sale from Edward Cheesman & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* JOSEPH JOLLY, 350 acs. Chas. Riv, 25 Aug. 1637, p. 472. S. upon the New Poquoson river, N. into the woods, E. upon land of William Clarke & W. upon land of John Watson. 50 acs. due for his per. adv. & 300 acs. for trans, of his wife Margery & 5 pers: Andrew Howell, Nathaniell Clarke, Jon. Bourne, Nicholas Porter, Sarah Jones. JOHN DAVIS, 250 acs. James Citty Co, 26 Aug. 1637, p. 472. In Chicha- 70 Cavaliers and Pioneers hominy Riv., N. E. into the woods, S. W. on a Cr. & on E. side adj. land of Samuell Kirby. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Samll. Fenn, Walter Willis, Tho- mas Lodge, Richard Price. NICHOLAS REYNOLDS, 1000 acs. at Lawnes Cr., S. S. E. upon same, N. N. E. upon land of Edward Rogers, upon land of Capt. William Peirce, N. down the Cr. & E. into the woods. Graunted by Capt. Francis West, deed, to Roger Delke, late alsoe dee'd., & now due sd. Reynolds by intermarrying with Alice the relict of sd. Roger. CAPT. FRANCIS HOOKE, Esq;., one of the Councell of State, & to him & his successors whoe shall bee Capt. of the fort after him for ever, a parcel of land comonly called by the name of the fort feild scituate upon the Straw- berry bancks in Eliz. Citty Co., beg. by the plackett well which is upon the Cr. side which runneth up by the Gate howse W. & soe to a place where a howse stood where one Powell lived, from thence directly to a Spring in the banck of the Cr. right against the howse of Thomas Oldis E. 28 Aug. 1637, p. 473. WILLIAM SPENCER, Gent., 550 acs. 28 Aug. 1637, p. 474. E. by N. between the mouth of hog Island Cr. & Lawnes Cr., towards the river, butt- ing S. by W. upon a small Cr. by the mouth of Lawnes Cr., into the woods Wly., being a neck of land bounded with hog Is. Cr. Trans, of 11 pers: Anthony Stoton, David Red, Anthony, Hill, Humphry Woollierine, Mary James, John Yepe, Roger Shelly, Robert Cornish, Richard Brett. ROBERT NEWMAN, 50 acs. in the Up. Co. of New Norf., 28 Aug. 1637, p. 474. At Nansamund Riv. bet. his now dwelling house & land of Francis Hough. Trans, of 1 servt., Jobe Jefferies. SAMUELL SNEAD, 200 acs. James Cittie Co., 28 Aug. 1637, p. 474. Beg. at the head of Kethes Cr., runing N. W. adj. land of Georg Holmes, S. W. to a Sw. neare adj. where a marked tree stands, S. W. one degree Wly. to place comonly called the meadowes, thence towards land of Thomas Smith to a marked tree neare the Cow pen thence N. E. to beg. Trans, of 4 pers.* Re- newed 19 Mar. 1643 in the name of Alice Snead. Test: Samll. Abbott, CI. WILLIAM BARKER, Marriner, 600 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 29 Aug. 1637, p. 475. Being a point of land called Bikers which was formerly bounded in Capt. Nathaniell Powells devdt. lying S. Ely. in the woods & Wly. upon Chapmans devdt. Trans, of 12 pers.* CAPT. ROBERT FELGATE, 250 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 29 Aug. 1637, p. 475. E. upon land of Capt. John West, N. upon the Gleabland, N. by W. upon land of John Waine, W. by S. into the woods & S. upon land of William Barber. Due for adv. of himself & 4 pers. the first year to the said planta- tion of Chas. River: Erasmus Felgate, Robert Syler, Mary Mooreland, Henry Thorne. JOHN GUNDRY, of Eliz. Citty, Labourer, an old planter who hath re- mayned 9 yeares compleate in this coun- try & performed to the Co. upon the comon land the full time of his service agreed on &c. for his first generall devdt., to be augmented &c, 150 acs. in the Territorie of Eliz. Citty, 6 Dec. 1620, p. 476. (By Sir George Yeard- lye.) (Note: The ground belonging to this pattent was measured by mee Wil- liam Clayborne, Surveyor & bounded from the within named great Cr. along the banck of the river 75 po. & soe endeth at a great white peeled tree & running into the woods with a right angle. William Clayborne.) Sd. land bordering E. upon Southampton Riv., W. upon the maine land, S. upon land in the occupation of William Capp & N. upon or towards the great Cr. of the same river. 100 acs. for his per. adv. & 50 acs. for the per adv. of Mary his wife, a new planter. Fee Rent: 1 shiling for every 50 acs., etc. JOHN GUNDRY (Gunnery-Gunery) of Kiquotan, Planter, to CAPT. ADAM THOROGOOD, Gent., of Kiquotan, Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 71 bill of sale of the abovementioned tract of land, 30 Dec. 1626, p. 477. Part of which land sd. Gundry hath lett & farmed out as followeth: To Thomas Thornborough 220 po. for 5 years yett to come, yeilding for rent every yeare a hen or a Capon, leaveing the sd. howse- ing tenntable. at the expiration of sd. terme; to Thomas Flint 22 po. for 4 yrs., 2 Capons for rent yearely, leaving &c, to Lancelott Barnes 25 po. for 5 yrs., 2 Capons &c, as above, which poles are by the river side. Sd. Thoro- good with 2 other sufficient sureties entered into bond to pay sd. Gundy 100 lbs. of lawful mony of England. Pro- vided that the tenants above named shall quietly enjoy, hold & keepe either the severall shares of land & their howses builded thereon the full terme as above expressed, etc. Signed: John Gundry. Witnesses: Tho. Crampe, Edward Cage, Esmer Phillipps. WILLIAM LANSDEN, of Kiquotan in the Corp. of Eliz. Cittie, Yeoman, an old planter, 100 acs. 3 June 1624, p. 479. For his first personall devdt., to be augmented &c. On W. side of Southampton Riv. within sd. Corp., E. upon sd. Riv., W. upon the maine land, N. upon a Cr. deviding this from land of William Cleyborne, Gent., Ewd. ex- tending 50 po. at 16^ ft. the pole unto other land of sd. Clayborne. (By Sir Francis Wyatt.) CAPT. ADAM THOROGOOD, Esqr., & one of the Councell of State, 5350 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 19 Sept. 1637, p. 480. Nly. upon Chiso- peian Bay, to begin at the first Cr. of that Riv., running to a broade Cr. that shooteth behind a long point of land, W. into the maine land, Sly. up the Riv. to a little Island shooting into the Riv. of Chisopeian. Due at the speciall recomendation of him from their Lord- shipps & others of his Majesties most Honoble. Privie Councell to the Govr. & Councell of Va., & alsoe, viz: 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for per. adv. of his wife Sarah Thorogood & 5250 acs. for trans, of 105 pers. Note: In addition to himself & wife, only the following names apear: Tho. Thorogood, Fr. Newton, James Lending, Stephen Barnard. SAME. 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 20 Sept. 1637, p. 481. Sly. upon land lately belonging to John Gundrye & now in possession of sd. Thorogood, W. into the maine land, N. upon land of Thomas Bolding & E. upon Hampton Riv. Due by purchase from Capt. William Clayborne, late one of the sd. Councell & Secretarie of State for Va. SAME. 200 acs., same Co., date & page. S. upon the back river, E. upon land of Thomas Thorneborough & W. upon the little Otterdam. Trans, of 4 pers: Edward Coleman, Robert Jackson, Tho. Love, William Stevens. RICHARD WELLS, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 12 Sept. 1637, p. 481. Lying from the river up into the woods N. & by W. betweene 2 Crks., one called Salvage Cr. & the other a small Cr. bet. the devident of Mr. William Prior & land of John Broch. Due for his per. adv. ROBERT NEWMAN, 150 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 21 Sept. 1637, p. 482. On S. side of Nansamund Riv. adj. land of John Parrott, beg. at Par- raketo point. Due by assignmt. from Lt. John Upton. THOMAS HAMPTON, Clarke, 100 acs. Up. Co. New Norf., 21 Sept. 1637, p. 482. Bounded N. Ely. with the part- ing of the S. & W. branches of Nansa- mund Riv., Sly. with a small Cr. or Sw. parting the sd. ground (being an old Indian feild) from the woodland ground & Wly. into the woods, most of sd. ground being an old Indian feild. Trans, of 2 pers: James Scott, Randall Browne. LEIFT. JOHN UPTON, 850 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 23 Sept. 1637, p. 482. Upon the head of a br. proceeding out of Warwicksquicke Riv. now knowne by the name of New Towne haven, ly- ing N. W. upon sd. br., S. W. into the woods, N. E. upon sd. br. which doth neare butt upon the head of Pagan point 72 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cr. Trans, of 17 pers: (Note: The names under this record are the same as the first seventeen names appearing un- der Upton patent in P. B. 1, p. 471.) SAME. 800 acs. Same location, & date, p. 483. Due for trans, of 16 pers. Note: These names are carried in his patent for 1650 acs. & include the last 16 names referred to in item just above, in P. B. 1, p. 471.) FRANCIS MORGAN, 50 acs. Chas. Citty (or Chas. River. — altered) Co., 23 Sept. 1637, p. 483. E. adj. Coxes Thickett. Trans, of 1 servt. named John Co veil. MRS. ELIZABETH STEVENS (Stephens), 500 acs. Warwick Riv. Co., 23 Sept. 1637, p. 484. Towards the head of Blunt Point Riv., abutting Sly. upon land of John Bayneham, extending Nly. toward the head of sd. Riv. Due for trans, of 10 pers.* by her father Abraham Peircie, late of Va., Esqr., which was taken up by her late husband Capt. Richard Stevens in Waters his Creeke & was exchanged with Richard James, Clerke Atty. for Capt. William Clayborne, etc. FRANCIS MORGAN, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 26 Sept. 1637, p. 484. Lying N. & by E. upon the river, S. by W. into the woods, W. by S. upon devdt. of Capt. John West, E. by N. upon Cox Thickett. Due for the adv. of him- self & Edward Cheeseman the first yeare to sd. Charles River. CAPT. FRANCIS HOOKE, 2000 acs., more or less, on Flowerdew hun- dred side by a Cr. & on Martins Bran- don side by Asheleys bay or Capt.. Wards Cr., the land being called Speilmans & lying over against Weya- noke. 26 Oct. 1637, p. 485. Granted by order of Ct., 6 Dec. 1634 which hee is alsoe to make apepare due after a survey of the sd. land taken by soe many persons transported according to the proportion of 50 acs. per pole, (or per person.) JOHN YATES, 250 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 6 June 1637, p. 485. Upon the E. br. of Eliz. Riv. on the S. side, beg. at a cr. on the W. end of sd. Neck, bounded up the Riv. E. Nly., down the Riv. W. Sly., into the woods S. Ely., distant about 7 mi. from the mouth of the Cr. Trans, of 5 pers. The only name appearing under this record is Vincent Coronell. Note: Renewed in the name of John Godfry & 50 acs. added, 22 July 1645. Test: Samll. Abbott, CI. FRANCIS FOWLER, 1200 acs. James Cittie Co., 25 Oct. 1637, p. 485. 1000 acs. on W. side of Juring point Cr., beg. at Crosse Cr. a mile above sd. point, sd. Cr. runing W. by N., the maine Cr. runing N., the land bearing into the woods W. on the maine Cr. side & N. towards the head of the Cr. 200 acs. beg. at the head of the same Cr., bearing into the woods E. & to- wards the mouth of the great Cr. S. Trans, of 20 pers: William Frye, John Motly, John Smith, Anthony Taylor, Jon. Jenkins, Susan Ward, Richard Jones, Charles Rogers, Henry Smith, Robert Nash, John Tomkeson, Robert Lovell, Roger Grace, John Jenings, Robert Purkeys, Richard West, John Wallford, Stephen Standish, Richard Coles, Edward Smith, Wm. Pate, Tho- mas Flexneye, Andrew Adams, Ann Goodrige. ZACHARIAH CRIPPS, Gent., 200 acs. Warwick Riv. Co., 25 Oct. 1637, p. 486. In the woods to the S. E. & by S. on land of Mr. Thomas Barnard, S. W. by S. on the woods joyning to the cleare ground of sd. Cripps, on N. W. by N. with an old fence perteyning to sd. cleare ground &c. Due by order of Ct., 21 Aug. 1633 & alsoe due for trans, of 4 pers: John Smith, Robert Read, Daniell Stubbs, Thomas Morgin. CAPT. JOHN HOWE, 1000 acs. Accomack Co., 24 Oct. 1637, p. 487. Upon Cherrystones Cr. to the Ewd. & at the head of same where it devides into 2 branches, bounding sd. land on the N. E. till it comes to the tenn pownds br. &c. crossing the head of the hog pen Cr. etc. Trans, of 20 pers: John How, Luke Aden, Nich. Searell, Tho. Yeoman, Rich. Moores, Jon. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 73 Bancks, Ralph Person, Tho. Nute, Winifred Nute, Wm. Croshen, 3 Negroes, Austin Revell (or Renell), 1 Negro, Rich. Hewitt, Rebecca Sharpe, Eliz. Kerfoote, Samuell Powell, Rich. Louder. OLIVER SPRYE, 300 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 24 Oct. 1637, p. 487. Being called by the name of the thicken, beg. upon land of Mr. Daniell Gookins, S. W. along the maine river, N. W. into the woods & S. E. upon the river. Due by order of Ct., 6 June 1635 & alsoe due for trans, of 6 pers: James Hicks, John Longworthy, Tho. Bush, John Dawson, Georg Wilcock, John Cherry. SAME. 300 acs. same Co., 24 Oct. 1637, p. 488. On Ewd. br. of Eliz. Riv. near the head, neare adj. land taken up in the right of Thomas Davis, upon S. side of sd. E. branch, E. up the river, S. into the woods & N. upon the river. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv., & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Richard Hues, Jasper Laflyn, Richard Vaus (or Vans), Wm. Wright, Jane Wright. Renewed in the name of Richard Parsons. Test: Tho. Cooke, CI. JOHN CLARKSON, 100 acs. Chas. Riv., 23 Oct. 1637, p. 488. On S. side of Willoughbys Neck, N. upon the Cr., E. upon the Baye, S. into the woods & W. upon land of John Thomas. Due for adv. of 4 pers.* the 2nd yeare of the plantation of sd. Chas. River. SAME. 150 acs., same Co., date & page. Butting upon his own land. Trans, of 3 pers: Peter Death, Jon. Bassnett, James Vocseen (first written Watson.) HENRY CATELYN (Catylin), 300 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 23 Oct. 1637, p. 489- In W. most br. of Eliz. Riv. in a Cr. runing N., the land on the W. side thereof, being bounded within 2 small branches & another small br. in the Middest. Trans, of 6 pers: John Musgrove, Jon. Tiffiney, Jon. Wyne, Leonard Richardson, Edward Lilly, Jon. Bond. ROBERT NEWMAN, 50 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 23 Oct. 1637, p. 489. S. side of Nansamund Riv., adj. land of John Parrott, beg. neare Parra- keto point & adj. his land purchased from Lt. John Upton. Due for his. owne per. adv. THOMAS EDGHILL, 100 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 23 Oct. 1637, p. 489. Upon a Cr. runing S. W. out of the maine Cr. of the Pagan Baye, adj. next to John Walkers devdt., Wwd. towards the head of Vasters (or Vaslers) Neck. 50 acs. due for his per. adv. & 50 acs. for the per. adv. of 1 servt. called Nicholas Byram. JAMES MILLER, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 23 Oct. 1637, p. 490. Upon the great Otterdamms at the head of the New Poquoson N., bounded on E. with land of Robert Lucas & Sly. into the woods. Due for per. adv. of himself & wife Mary. SAMUELL EDMONDS, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 23 Oct. 1637, p. 490. E. upon land of Jerimiah Clements, N. upon the mouth of Up. Chippokes neck, W. upon land of William Rookins & S. into the woods. Trans, of 7 pers.* HENRY WILSONN (Willson), 50 acs. Accomack Co., 29 Oct. 1637, p. 490. S. E. by S. on the old plantation Cr., N. W. by N. into the woods, Wly. on land .of William Blower & Ely. on land of Francis Stockely. Due for trans, of 1 servt: Jasper Molton. ROBERT HOLLOM, 1000 acs. Henrico Co., 1 Nov. 1637, p. 491. Butting Sly. upon land of Hannah Boyce, Wly. upon the maine river, Nly. up towards the falls & Ely. up into the maine woods, being right opposite against fallen Cr. Trans, of 20 pers.* WILLIAM EYRES, 250 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 1 Nov. 1637, p. 491. Beg. at a Red point that is joyning upon a small Cr., running up from the maine Cr. which runneth from the great river called Warwicksquicke Cr. W. & by S. & backwards into the woods, S. & by E. upon Nansamund Riv. Trans, of 5 pers.* 74 Cavaliers and Pioneers SAME. 150 acs., aame Co., date and page. Upon the maine river beg. at a Cr. & being an island called the Long pond, runing by the river S. & by E. downward & N. & by W. upwards. 50 acs. due by order of Ct., 6 Dec. 1634 being due for his per. adv. & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 servts.* WILLIAM COX, 150 acs. Henrico Co., 29 Oct. 1637, p. 492. About 2 J/2 mi. above Harrow Attocks, W. by N. upon the maine river, Wly. upon the great Sw., Ely. into the woods & Sly. towards Harrow Attocks. Trans, of 3 pers.* EPAPHRODITUS LAWSON, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 1 Nov. 1637, p. 492. Adj. land of William Parker on E., N. W. upon Nansamund Riv. & S. E. into the woods. Trans, of 4 pers.* CAPT. JOHN CHEESEMAN, 500 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 1 Nov. 1637, p. 492. At the New Poquoson, S. Wly. upon land of Thomas Ramsey & N. Ely. on both side of the River (or Run) 300 acs. by deed of sale from Edward Cheeseman & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* GEORG TRAVELLOR, 500 acs. Ac- comack Co., 1 Nov. 1637, p. 493. S. E. by S. on the old plantation Cr., N. W. by N. into the woods, Wwd. on land of John Jenkins. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Alice Travellor & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers.* WILLIAM JOHNSON, 50 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 29 Oct. 1637, p. 493. Adj. land of Arthur Haslington Ely., N. W. upon Nansamund Riv. & S. E. in- to the woods. Due for his own per. adv. SAMUELL CURBYE, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 29 Oct. 1637, p. 493. S. W. upon Tanks (or Tauks) Pasbye Hayes Cr., S. E. upon the end of John Dan- seys land, N. E. upon Chichahominy Riv. & N. W. into the woods halfe a mile. 100 acs. by deed of sale from Alexander Stomer, 9 July 1636 & 100 acs. due for trans, of 2 pers.* FRANCIS MAULDEN, 400 acs. in Nansamund Riv. on the N. side, beg. at a reedy br., extending up the Riv., S. E. upon Dumpling Island & N. W. into the woods. 1 Nov. 1637, p. 494. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Katherine Maulden & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.* JAMES WARRADINE, 350 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 3 Nov. 1637, p. 494. Butting Wly. upon Baylyes Cr. next above land of Mr. John Georg; beg. at the third island, along by the Cr. Ely. into the woods. Trans, of 7 pers: Elizabeth Collett, Elizabeth Carr, Row- land Cotton, Jacob Blight, John Hall, Jon. Grodson, Richard Langley. THOMAS WHEELER, 200 acs. Chas. Cittie Co., 29 Sept. 1637, p. 495. Be- ing a neck of land between two creeks, E. upon the Cr. that parteth Weyanoke land & W. upon Oldmans (or Old mans) Cr., N. upon the maine woods & S. upon land of Mrs. Perry. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Jone Colchester, Rich- ard Phillipps, William Matherell, Wil- liam Baker. HUGH WYNN, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 3 Nov. 1637, p. 495. About 2 mi. up the maine Cr. of the baye of New Towne haven, which land run- neth into the woods N. W. & up the Cr. S. W. Trans, of 4 pers: James Robinson, Douglas Clarke, Eliz. Revells, Charles Callahan. EDWARD STOCKDELL, 400 acs. Accomacke Co., 4 Nov. 1637, p. 495. Upon the second neck beyond William Andrews plantation, Sly. upon Hungars Cr. & Nly. into the woods. Trans, of 8 pers: Edwd. Phinly, his wife & 1 child, Jon. King, Robt. Dye, Hen. Stone, Thomas Moulton, Winifred Lovell. PHILLIPP TAYLOR, 500 acs. Acco- mack Co., 4 Nov. 1637, p. 496. Butt- ing upon a Cr. parting the land of Ed- ward Drew & Thomas Powell. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Tho. Willis, Jon. Charles, Fr. Bristoe, Symon Wright, Rebecca Bayly, Thomas Ed- wards, Eliza. Thomas, Francisco a Negroe. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 75 RICHARD KEMP, Esqr., Secretary of State, & to his Successors for ever 600 acs. in James Cittie Co., 14 Nov. 1637, p. 496. Bounded on the S. with Johnsons land, upon E. end with Archers hope Cr., upon the N. side at the end neare sd. Cr. with a point of land & a little Sw. & W. into the woods & part with a great deepe Sw. Whereas it was ordered by Act of Court, 5 Oct. 1631, that in respect of the necessary attendance of the Secretarie at James Citty in the execution of his place & office 600 acs. scituate as neare James Citty as might conveniently be found should bee laid out & taken upp to be- long to the place of Secretarie, etc Fee Rent: 4 pence yearly. EPAPHRODITUS LAWSON, 50 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 20 Nov. 1637, p. 497. At the mouth of Warwicksquike river alias New Towne haven, running N. W. into the woods &c. Due by as- signment from Ellis Dunridge, to whom it was due for his own per. adv. JOHN BAKER, 650 acs. Chas Citty Co., 20 Nov. 1637, p. 497. 150 acs. E. upon Causons feild Cr., N. upon Appamattock Riv., towards the Citty Cr. W. & S. into the maine woods; 500 acs. E. upon sd. River, N. upon a reach of same, W. into the woods & S. up along the Citty Cr. 50 due*in right of his first wife Priscilla Palmer, 50 acs. by deed of guift from his Mother in Law Jone Palmer 2 Jan. 1633 & 550 acs. due for his own per adv., the per adv. of his late wife Alice, of his wife Dorothy & for trans, of 8 pers: Kath. Henborne, Michaell Tibbs, Robt. Squire, Jon. Clason, Anthony Lee, Jervis Dick, Hugh Baker, Alice Drewrye. NATHANIELL FLOYD, 850 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 20 Nov. 1637, p. 498. 600 acs. being a neck about 4 mi. up the maine Cr. running up the baye of Warwicksquike, the sd. neck lying bet. 2 creeks &c. 250 acs. up towards the head of the maine Cr. over small crks. or brookes. Trans, of 17 pers: Christ. Denn, Robert Leaderd, Wm. Moyses, Ambrose Procter, Tho. Weare, Robt. Barton, Rober Joyce, Mathew Tomlin, Jon. Cox, Rich. Redock, David Hopkins, Flug Floyd, Wm. Cox, Katherin Folder, Rich. Carter, Jon. Gillett, Christ. Thomas. THOMAS HARWOOD, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 20 Nov. 1637, p. 498. E. upon the New Poquoson river, W. into the woods, N. upon Francis Laugher, & S. upon the river. 50 acs. by assignmt. from Richard Vauston & 50 acs. in right of John Taylor, due him for his per. adv. JOHN JUDSON, 225 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 21 Nov. 1637, p. 499. Being a neck of land N. into the woods, S. to Queens Cr. bet. 2 branches of same. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of William Geatley (also spelt Gatlett) the first yeare to Chiskeiake; 50 acs. for the per. adv. of Richard Bartlett the first yeare to Chiskeiake & 25 acs. for the per. adv. of sd. Judson the second yeare to Chiskeiake & 100 acs. for trans, into the Colony of 2 pers: Walter Goffe, Mary Reynolds. WILLIAM CROUTCH (Crouch), 50 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 21 Nov. 1637, p. 499. In the great Cr. on the left hand goeing into the mouth of Eliz. Riv. about 2 mi. on the N. side from Daniell Tanner butting on the face of the Cr. &c. Trans, of 1 servt: John Freeman. JOHN SALVAGE, sonn & heire to Ensigne Thomas Salvage, late of Acco- mack, dec'd., a tract of land bounded with the Cr. of Accomack on the S., the great bay on the W., Wiscaponson on the N. & the maine Ocean on the E. Due in right of descent from his sd. father & graunted by the King of the Easterne shore to sd. Thomas as by deed upon record under his hand call- ing himself e Lin (or Lui) Stuchans (?) 21 Nov. 1637, p. 499. CHRISTOPHER STOKES (Stoakes), 400 acs. Chas. Riv., 14 Aug. 1637, p. 500. Adj. land of Capt. John Chees- man, Sly. upon his own land, N. W. upon land of Thomas Ranshaw & into the woods on both sides of the Cr. Due by order of Ct. 12 March 1633, also due for his own per. adv., the adv. 76 Cavaliers and Pioneers of his wife Elizabeth Stokes & 4 chil- dren: Christopher Stokes, William Stokes, Henry Stokes, & Eliza. Stokes & trans, of 2 servts: Wm. Dickes, Hen. Waltham. JOHN TAYLOR, 50 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 22 Nov. 1637, p. 500. Be- ing an Island riming up the Pagan shore bet. 2 Crks., one runing S. E. & the other round the Island bearing to the S. W., opposite against land of Arthur Smith. Due for his per. adv. THOMAS POWELL, 100 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 10 June 1637, p. 501. S. side of Nansamund Riv., E. S. E. into the woods, Nly. into the marsh. 50 acs. for his own & 50 acs. for per. adv. of a servt. named Robert Floyd (changed to Lloyd.) SAME. 200 acs. Same Co., date & page. 1 mile from the plantation of sd. Powell, the river Wly. winding about a point of marsh, Sly. into the woods. Trans, of 4 pers: Geo. Castle, Robert Lowe, Francis Goodman, William Bracele. GEORG SAUGHIER (also written Slaughier), 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 23 Nov. 1637, p. 501. Ely. upon land of Robert Gould, S. upon the Otterdamms, N. into the woods & Wly. towards the head of the damms. Trans, of his wife Elizabeth Saughier, his daughter Eliza- beth Saughier, his brother Robert Saugher & 1 servt. Margery Hacker. HENRY SNAILE (Snayle) (or Suaile-Suayle), 50 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 23 Nov. 1637, p. 502. Nly. upon Pagan Cr., S. into the woods, W. upon land of Peter Hayes & E. upon Moones Cr. Due by assignmt. of the right of 1 servt. called William Taylor from Lt. John Upton. THOMAS DAVIS, 100 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 23 Nov. 1637, p. 502. Called the Oyster bancke Neck, joyning to land which Thomas Jorden lately lived upon in Warwicksquike river & now called New Towne haven, N. W. upon the Cr. & S. W. into the woods. Trans, of 2 pers.* RICHARD PRESTON, 100 acs. upon the uppermost end of Thomas Jordans great Indianfeild Neck, butting S. E. upon sd. Neck, beg. at the E. side of a small runing brooke knowne by the name of the Indian Snares, extending Ely. for breadth & N. N. W. up the sd. brooke into the woods. Trans, of 2 servts. called Michaell Vinkles & Wal- ter Brute. ROBERT PARTIN, 40 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 24 Nov. 1637, p. 503. Bet. the great howse & the Widdowe Tompson land, bounded E. by same, S. on the fort feild, W. on land of Robert Brasheare & N. to the Church. 21 yr. lease. Fee Rent yearely: 1 bbl. sound & sweete Indian Corne, provided dur- ing sd. term he shall sufficiently people & plant sd. land. JOHN BROCHE, 400 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 24 Nov. 1637, p. 503. Butting upon a point of Queens Cr., N. E. up- on the maine river & S. W. upon sd. Cr. 100 acs. for his own & per. adv. of his wife Barbery Broche & trans, of 6 pers: Adam — (fiist written Adam Oliver — altered), Chr. Cutler, Tho. Owen, Hen. Guy, Robert Ward, Eliz. Bennett. Note: Renewed in the name of Nicholas Parnew. Rich. Kemp, Seer. SAME. 300 acs., same Co. & date, p. 504. Bounded by a Sw. by the In- dian Cabin lying upon Queens Cr., run- ning N. E. into the forrest abutting upon a piny point. Trans, of 6 pers: Nicholas Bates, Thomas Sewell, Wil- liam Savary, Jon. Walton, Mary Os- borne, Francis Perris. DAVID MANSELL, 500 acs. in Martins hundred, within James Citty Co., adj. his own plantation or neck of land, 24 Nov. 1637, p. 504. Running backward into the forrest N. E. & to- wards the maine river S. W. adj. land of Mr. Warren. Trans, of 10 pers: Richard Kincott, Jonas Evans, John Smallwood, Phillipp Powell (or Pewell), Wm. Crouch, Willi. Hely, Geo. Bullock, Francis Segar, Eliza. Lewis, John Bennett. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 77 THOMAS SYMMONS, 450 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 25 Nov. 1637, p. 505. Butting upon footeball quarter Cr. S., running parallel to a br. of same, neare N. W. untill it meete with the planta- tion of sd. Symmons, the S. W. side bounded with land of William Freeman & W. side with land of Andrew Hunt- ington & what that parcel should want of 400 acs. is to bee supplyed bet. plantation of Gilbert Symmons & the sd. Thomas. Trans, of 9 pers: John Cortes, Geo. Habetill, Robt. Robins, Dorothy Glover, Rich. Tompson, James Lester, Rich. Winter, Emerie Ealerye, Wm. Madwell. HUMPHRY TABB, 50 acs. Eliz. Cittie Co., 25 Nov. 1637, p. 505. N. upon Harris his Cr., bounded by land of John Duckett on W. most side & running parallel to his own plantation. Trans, of 1 servt. called Richard Jen- kinson. JOHN WICKLIFE, 100 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 25 Nov. 1637, p. 505. Bounded on the N. E. with Chuck a Tuck river, S. W. upon the same & S. E. into the woods next adj. land of William Eyres. Trans, of 2 pers.* NICHOLAS HILL, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 25 Nov. 1637, p. 506. E. upon the broad Cr., S. upon a br. of same runing bet. land of sd. Hill & Thomas Watts, W. into the woods, & N. towards the head of sd. Cr. upon land of Capt. Purifye. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of a servt. called John Coffin (or Scofnn.) JOSEPH COBB (Cobbs), 400 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 4 Aug. 1637, p. 506. In a br. of Warwicksquike Riv., now called New Towne haven, Nly. on the back Cr. parting it from land of John Vaslers, Sly. & Wly. into the woods & Ely. upon sd. Cr. Due for per. adv. of himself, wife Elizabeth Cobb, 2 sons: Joseph & Benjamin Cobb & trans, of 4 servts: Martin Douflin, Jon. Norton, Jon. Manly, Jane Cooke (or Corke.) Renewed 1 Sept. 1643. DAVID WINLEY, 100 acs. Acco- mack Co., 27 Nov. 1637, p. 507 Butt- ing upon Cherry Stones, bounded on E. with a Cr. deviding this & land of Capt. John Howe, on W. with land of Mr. Drew & extending E. by S. into the woods. Due in right of his now wife Jone & her former husband Richard Young. Note: Renewed in the name of Pharoah Young, heire unto same, 30 Aug. 1643. SAME. 250 acs., Same Co., date & page. Bounded into the baye N. N. W., into the woods S. E. into Capt. William Stone his Cr. N. E. by N., upon the Cr. which is betweene the Indians & it S. E. by S. lying in an old Indian Towne called the Mattoones by Hungars. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 4 pers.* ROBERT THROCKMORTON, 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 24 Aug. 1637, p. 508. S. upon land of William Clarke, N. into the woods the white marsh be- ing in the midle of same. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 5 pers: John Bristoe, Robert Turner, Henry Warren, Thomas Clarke, Richard Bilcliffe. ELIANOR DAY & THOMAS EM- MENSON, 300 acs. Warwick Riv. Co., 27 Nov. 1637, p. 508. Beg. Wly. upon Claybornes neck pond, runing Ely. in breadth, Sly. upon Thomas Attowell his land & Nly. in length into the woods. Trans, of 6 pers: Edward Sandall, John Ford, Robert Beatall, Nathan Gadle, Georg Johnson, William Osmotherly. JOHN MOONE, Gent., 550 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 10 Oct. 1637, p. 509. Ely. upon Pagan point Cr., Wly. & Nly. upon land formerly graunted to him, & Sly. into the woods. Trans, of 11 pers: Thomas Hynes, Wm. Harris, Wm. Vinson, Peter Gleare, Robert Vir- gin, Rich. Bufort, Walter Norden, Hugh Press, Math. Bassett, Margarett Small, John Vanham. CAPT. ANDREW HASTLER, Esqr., & RICHARD WILSONN, Marriner, one whole intire neck of land in Chicha- hominy river comonly known by the name of Pease hill, the one side of which neck butteth downe the maine river Ewd. & the head of the neck up- 78 Cavaliers and Pioneers on the Ewd. side adj. to the land of William Beard, Marriner, & runneth from thence to the pt. of the neck of land & up to the first Cr. Sly, the which sd. Cr. maketh the aforesd. pt. of land a neck. Said Hastier & Wilsonn are to make appeare due to them by trans- porting soe many servants as there shalbee found upon survey to bee fiftie acs., vizt: for every 50 acs. one servant. 18 Dec. 1637, p. 509. JONATHAN LANGWORTH, Chy- rurgeon, 1200 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 Dec. 1637, p. 510. On the W. br. of Eliz. Riv. butting on the maine river runing S. S. W. & on the maine br. to the Swd. which runneth W. N. W. on Kennedey Cr. to the Nwd. &c. 600 acs. by assignment & warranty from Patrick Kennedey, Mar- riner, & 600 acs. for trans, of 12 pers: Thomas Ward, Jon. Kitchin, Greg. Oakes, Jon. Sanders, Daniell Audick, Evans Garraway, Richard Kenny, Rich- ard Osborne, Mary Hatred, Edward Griffin, Jon. Marsey, Edward Tomlinson. HENRY PERRY (Pery), sonn & heire to Capt. William Pery, late of Va. dec'd., 2000 acs. knowne by the name of Buckland, Chas. Cittie Co., 18 Dec. 1637, p. 510. Extending from the head of herring Cr. unto the Oldmans Cr. & soe high as it ebbs & flowes up these creeks. Bequeathed by will of his father 5 Aug. 1637; being alsoe graunted by order of Ct. 19 Sept. 1633. Note: The following names appear un- der this record: Joseph Jolly, Edward Percy, Wm. Lee, Walter Daukes, Eliz. Moore, Geo. Baker, Jon. Bearne, Edw. Clarke, Jon. Mace, Jon. Carpenter, Hugh Fox, Elias Wigmore, Jon. Radish, Robt. Mercer, Tho. Bembrige, Hen. Dix, Jone Freeman, Charles Mason, Dan. Scott, Rich. Smith, Ann Frisby, Symon Sym- mons, Jon. Harris, Jeffery Steele, Eliza. Bradly, Gilbert Mauckes, Tho. Reynolds, Phillipp Walker, Phillip Walter, Jon. Gill, Wm. Courtier, Jon. Reston, Ann Stanford, Eliz. Dauter, Daniell Lewellin, Charles Grene, Gabriel Adea, Wm. Geat, Jon. Sykamore, John Kingston. DANIELL GOOKINS, Esqr., 2500 acs. in Up. Co. of New Norf., 29 Dec. 1637, p. 511. Upon N. W. side of Nansamund Riv., beg. at S. E. side of a Cr. lying midway bet. the mouth of Nansamund & the mouth of Chuckatuck alias New Towne haven river. Granted by order of Ct. 25 Feb. 1634 & alsoe due for trans, of 50 pers: Tho. Curtis, Jon. Curtis, Wm. Smith, Wm. Mad- worth, Gilbert, Whitfield, Hugh Jones, Jon. Thomas, Henry Price, Wm. Rich- ards, Jon. Garner, Phill. Chapman, Wm. Hookes, Wm. Granger, Jon. Roe, Elias Keely, Griffin Murfin, Elias Griffin, Wm. Ellis, Jon. Hellier, Hugh Jones, Henry Casley, Jon. Scott, Jon. Burden, Jon. Buckland, Jon. Cox, Jos. Moseley, Edw. Burden, Edw. Morgan, Wal. Manet, Benj. Box, Tho. Browne, Aus- tice Norman, Hen. Norman, Peter Nor- man, Anth. Elsworth, Ann Elsworth, Geo. White, Tho. Addison, Roger Walker, Roger Blanch, Wm. Long, Tho. Feild, Robt. Smith, Wm. Pensint, Morgan Phillips, Robt. Jewell, Wm. Clarke, Daniel Hopkinson, Wm. Cor- ney, Esay Delaware. THOMAS OSBORNE, JUNR., 500 acs., Henrico Co., 16 June 1637, p. 512. Sly. upon fearing & Nly. into the woods, the whole tract of land to bee called by the name of Batchelers bancke. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 9 pers: Henry Kilbye, John Finch, Wm. Bur- ford, Samll. Thorneford, Edward Wil- liams, Jerimiah Hoveller, Agnes Sherly, Jon. Weyan, Richard Perrin. ARTHUR BAYLY, 200 acs. Henrico Co., 16 Jan. 1637, p. 512. Over against the upper end of Lord Island, Wly. on the river, Nly. towards the falls, Ely. into the woods & Sly. upon the upper- most Cr. next the falls. Trans, of 4 pers: Hen. Robins, Jon. Drinkwater, James Evans, Jonas Bowers. ARTHUR BAYLY & THOMAS CROSBY, 800 acs. Henrico Co., 16 Jan. 1637, p. 512. Sly. upon land of Samuell Allmond, Wly. upon the river, Nly. towards the falls & Ely. into the woods. Trans, of 16 pers: (Arthur Bayly his servts:) Jonas Bowers, Wm. Calfe, Jon. Duch, Wm. Greene, Mary Doubty, Jerimiah Burr, Tho. Busby, Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 79 Jon. Harris. (Thos. Crosby his servts:) Willi. Rider, Wm. Ridly, Rich. Childs, Robt. Phelps, Edward Evans, Jon. Ben- nett, Wm. Barker, Charles White. Note: Crosbye assigned 400 acs. of this pattent to Samuell Almond. ARTHUR BAYLY, 300 acs. Henrico Co., 15 Jan. 1637, p. 513. Bet. land of Samuell Almond & James Place, bounded S. upon James Place land, Wly. upon the Riv., Nly. upon sd. Al- mond & Ely. into the woods. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 5 pers: Arthur Bayly, Robert Spinke.* JOHN DENNETT, 400 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 15 Jan. 1637, p. 513. N. E. adj. land of John Burland, N. W. upon the head of Uteys Cr. a path goeing from little Towne to Chiskiake through the midle of the ground & upon the Swd. side the second Swamp from the path & S. E. upon a barren levell which goeth from Martins hundred to Chis- kiacke. Trans, of 8 pers: John Reeve, Robert Williamson, Edmund Andrewes, Eliza, his wife, Oliver Walker, Henry Mishew. STEPHEN CHARLTON, 200 acs. Accomack Co., 15 Jan. 1637, p. 514. Butting upon land of John Wilkinson, bounded on S. by land of my Lady Dale with a small br. of a Cr. deviding this & his own land. Trans, of 4 pers: John Wilton & John Ivell. (Other names not given.) CAPT. THOMAS PAULETT, 2000 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 15 Jan. 1637, p. 514. Bounding to the River S., N. W. to the maine, Ewd. to land of Capt. Perry, W. upon Berkeley hundred land & extending by the river side from herring Cr. to gutt of land deviding this from sd. Berkley hundred. Due for the per. adv. of himself & brother Chid- dock Paulett & trans, of 38 per: Jon Trussell, And. Hore, (or Hooe) Edw. Shippey, Tho. Cox, Wm. Havert, Evan Morgan, Jon. Lewellin, Walter Nichols, Jon. King, Phi. Major, Jon. Towell, Jon. Long, Rich. Carpenter, Jon. Cun- inghorm, Jon. Beldam, Eliz. Clarke, Elias Tally, Tho. Gregory, Wm. Cooper, Susan Hate, Wm. Rose, David Flood, Peter Low, Robt. Chaplyn. ROBERT HAYES, 100 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 10 Feb. 1637, p. 515. N. W. upon the river of Lyn haven, S. E. into the woods, S. W. & N. E. with a br. of the Riv. Due for trans, of himself & wife. GEORG HULL, 540 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 10 Feb. 1637, p. 515. 200 acs. neare the head of the old Poquoson Riv., E. upon same, W. into the woods, N. upon a plantation of Thomas Sewell & S. upon the Widdowe Tompsons plantation; 340 acs. more & 150 po. conteyned in a neck upon the old Poquoson, runing S. into the woods, on E. side joyning to Moanack N. W. a mile bounded on the S. W. side with a Cr. deviding this & land of John Lay- don, up the Cr. to the head, etc., W. & by N. & half a mile further into the woods all along the Master br. Trans. of 11 pers: Owen Macker, Garrett Farrell. (No other names appear.) CAPT. ADAM THOROGOOD, 200 acs., Low Co. of New Norf., 8 Feb. 1637, p. 515. Being a neck of land up Samuell Bennetts Cr., runing out of Lynn haven river, Ely. down the same &c. 150 acs. due for trans, of 3 Negroes; 50 acs. for part of the second devdt. due to John Gundrye &c. SAME. 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 10 Feb. 1637, p. 516. Lying upon Hamp- ton Riv., comonly called Capps his point, E. upon sd. Riv., Sly. upon a Cr. parting this & land now in the hands of William Parry, N. upon land of Capt. Willcox, now in the occupa- tion of Mr. John Woodall. 100 acs. for a second devdt. due John Gundrye & 100 acs. for a 2nd devdt. due to William Lansdall., which were con- signed to sd. Thorogood. " ROBERT TAYLOR, 100 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 8 Feb. 1637, p. 516. Being 2 necks of land in the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., bounded on the W. with Mathew Howard, runing Nly. into the woods & Sly. upon the River. Trans, of 2 pers: Thomas Smith, Peter Hill. 80 Cavaliers and Pioneers THOMAS WESTON, Marriner, 650 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 9 Feb. 1637, p 517. Upon Capt. John West his Cr. Wly. into the woods & Nly. upon Ser jeant Wayne. Trans, of 13 pers: Wil liam Rawlings, Tho. Willis, Rich. Lacy Jon. Darbye, Rich. Powell, Tho Wetherbye, Grace Smith, Thomas Wat kins, John Joyce, Richard Perrin Dennis Bretherston, Henry Harris, Wm Golding. CAPT. ADAM THOROGOOD, Esqr., 600 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 12 Feb. 1637, p. 517. Nly. upon the 1st or 2nd little Cr. upon the E. side of Lyn haven alias Chesopeian Riv., Ely. into the maine land, Wly. & Sly. upon the maine Riv. of Lynnhaven. Trans, of 12 pers: Robert Whetle, Choyse Johnson, Eliza Lawcon, Tho. Mitchell, Jon. Phillipps, Jon. Crabb, Robert Bennett, Edward Black, Jon. James, Edward Williams, Edwd. Strong, Jon. Burges. CHARLES BARCROFT, 350 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 10 Feb. 1637, p. 517. Lying behind the Pagan shore & bordering upon land of Christopher Reynolds, runing Sly. into the woods & soe up along the Cr. towards the Cy- press Sw. Due by assignment from Richard Death, to whom it was due for trans, of 7 pers: William Banton, Hen. Butler, James Cousens, Edwd. Gradin, Rich. Lucas, Rich. Mathews, Robert Steers. JOHN NEALE, 500 acs. Accomack Co., 18 May 1637, p. 518. Beg. from land of Edmund Scarbrough on one side & going in breadth on the baye side N. W. to land of Thomas Hunt & into the woods upon land formerly granted to him. Due in consideration of the sur- render of a pattern of Smithes Island, formerly graunted to him. CAPT. ADAM THOROGOOD, 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 12 Mar. 1634, p. 518. W. upon the back river, N. upon land of John Robinson, E. upon land of Thomas Bolding & his own land & S. upon William Capps. Due by pur- chase from Capt. Richard Stephens, Esqr., late of Va. CAPT. THOMAS OSBORNE, 1000 acs. Henrico Co., 6 Feb. 1637, p. 519. N. upon Procters Cr., E. upon the maine river, W. into the woods & S. upon Henrico Island called by the name of Fearing. Granted by order of Ct., 8 Oct. 1634 & due for trans, of 20 pers: Isaac Hutchins, Tho. Draywood, Jon. White, James Guterson (or Gaterson), Godfrey Lewis, Tho. Hunt, Jon. Beard, Rich. Arguse, Roger Humble, Robert James, Nath. Spackman, Richard Green- wood, Wm. Jones, Wm. Wicklesworth, Tho. Bartin, Charles Russell, James Wanton, Hen. Seale, Robert Cradock, Richard Hitchcox. This pattent graunted to Capt. Tho- mas Osborne of Fearing in the Countie of Henrico for 1000 acs., upon survey made by William Wigg, Apr. 26, 1638, but 800 acs. was found within the bounds of his sd. pattent, measured & bounded, vizt: N. upon Procters Cr., W. into the woods by the side of sd. Cr. & the Spring & extending Sly. upon the river towards Henrico Island by Mount my Lady. HUMPHRY HIGGENSON, Gent., 700 acs. called by the name of Tutteys neck, adj. to Harrop, 6 Feb. 1637, p. 519. E. S. E. upon a gr. swamp parting it from Harrop land, W. S. W. upon a br. of Archers hope Cr. parting it from Kingsmells neck, W. N. W. upon an- other br. of sd. Cr. parting it from land of Richard Brewsters called by the name of the great neck alias the barren neck & N. N. W. into the maine woods. Sd. land graunted unto Elizabeth his now wife by order of Ct., 4 Oct. 1637, whose right is transferred to sd. Hig- genson & alsoe due for the adv. of 14 pers: Eliza. Higginson, Edward Har- top, Anth. Lemon, Nowell Floyd, Tho. Rogers, Mary Robinson, Thomas Adams, John Turner, Henry Bower, John Hampton, Hen. Moone, Edward Gibson, Dorothy Pirn, Tho. Bullard. RICHARD BREWSTER, Gent., 500 acs. James Citty Co., 6 Feb. 1637, p. 520. Beg. at the great Neck alias the barren neck, adj. to Tutteys Neck a br. of Archers hope Cr. parting the same, Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 81 S. upon a br. of sd. Cr. parting it from Kingsmells Neck, W. upon sd. maine Cr. parting it from Jockeys Neck & E. upon a br. of Archers hope Cr. parting it from Tutteys Neck, N. into the woods & ending at a deep Sw. Graunted by order of Ct. 4 Oct. 1637 & alsoe due, vizt: 100 for his per. adv. being an ancient planter in the time of Sir Tho- mas Dale, & 400 acs. for trans, of his wife, 2 children, his brother Henry, 3 men servts. & a maid servt.* ARGOLL YEARDLEY, 500 acs. in the Up. Co. of New Norf., 6 Feb. 1637, p. 521. Upon Dumpling Is. Cr. in Nansamund Riv. on the S. side, adj. land of William Parker & E. N. upon sd. Cr. 50 acs. due for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Frances & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Susan Beale, Thomas Adderly, Rice Jones, Edward Kinsey, Christo. Graunt, Jon. Woodcocke, Andolo & Maria 2 Negroes. JOHN CORKER, 6 acs. in James Is- land neare unto Goose hill, called the midle ridge, bounded W. on James Riv., E. into the Island, N. with a marsh next to land of Richard Tree & S. with a marsh next to land of Wil- liam Spencer. 10 Feb. 1637, p. 521. WILLIAM SPENCER, 1350 acs. in Lawnes Cr., runing down same Sly., Wly. neare the mouth, bounded with a small Cr. to the Nwd., 250 acs. runing into the woods W. by N. & joyning altogether. 10 Feb. 1637, p. 521. Trans, of 27 pers: Robert Stokes, Ed- ward Wilmott, Robt. Arnold, Annias Copleston, Georg Prosser, Nicholas At- well, Evan Williams, Francis Pearle, Wm. Mitchell, Jon. Lewis, Katherine Pearce, Ellen Alice, Anth. Streate, Hec- tor Godbeare, Nich. Spencer, John Dod- man, Jon. Holden, Tho. Powell, Tho. Smith, Tho. Clayton, Jon. Mathews, Eliz. Nicholson, James Tooke, Hugh Wynn, Robert Latchett, James Robin- son, Joseph Deare. CAPT. THOMAS FLINT, 850 acs. Warwick River Co., 1 Mar. 1637, p. 522. Beg. from marked trees over against Major Thomas Barnards land, S. & N. upon the river, also upon sd. river which runs E. & W. towards Stanly hundred &c, E. toward the mills &c. to the head of a spring adj. land of Capt. William Perrie. Trans, of 17 pers: Jon. Stephens, Rich. Butress, Tho. Blancher (?), Edwd. Hudson, Wm. Strulton (or Strutton), Hen. Brother- ton, Jon. Farth, Jon. Roberts, Nich. Moore, Wm. Norcott, Daniell Peirce, Jon. Harratt, Fr. Miller, Jon. Mathw (Mathew ?), Jon. Hentlands, Robert Idam, Hen. Copeland. HUMPHRY LOYD, 250 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 6 Nov. 1637, p. 523. Being 2 ridges of land the one Nly. upon the Cr. parting Thomas Rayes land from the black Wallnutt Neck, the other upon the head of sd. Neck, extending Sly. into the woods; 50 acs. being in severall parcels of Hamocks of land be- tween sd. Neck, the baye & hogshead quarter. Due for trans, of 5 pers: Ed- ward Roberts, David Peirce, Michaell Garner, William Maurice, Geo. Calledge. JONATHAN LANGWORTH, Chi- rurgion, 400 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 7 Mar. 1637, p. 523. On the W. br. of Eliz. Riv. Trans, of 8 pers.* JOHN SLATER, 700 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 10 Mar. 1637, p. 523. E. S. E. upon Nansamund Riv., N. N. W. into the woods, S. upon land of Francis Maulden & N. upon a Cr. adj. land of Edward Major. Trans, of 14 pers.* CHRISTOPHER STOKES (Stoakes), 250 acs. Warwick Riv. Co., called Stokes Neck, 10 Mar. 1637, p. 524. Lying at the head of Blunt point Cr., beg. at a Cr. on the N. side of Har- woods Neck & runing all along Blunt pt. Cr. Nly. Trans, of 5 pers: Hen. Powell, Samuell Walton, Eliza. Dickes, Richard Symons, Lancellott Stokes. CHARLES MAGNER (Magnor), Planter, of Flowerde hundred unto WILLIAM HAYWARD, Gent, of Caw- seys Cleere, by deed of sale, 650 acs. more or less, lying & being upon Appa- mattock Riv., bordering E. upon the same, W. the maine land, S. upon Ap- pamattock Towne & N. upon Swift Cr. 82 Cavaliers and Pioneers 8 Feb. 1634, p. 525. Signed: Charles Magnor. Witnesses: Wm. Reynes & Daniell Lewellin. JOHN DAVIS, Planter, of Kise- keiake, to THOMAS CURTIS, 200 acs. of land upon the New Poquoson river, N. upon the same, S. into the woods next adj. land of John Powell of Bat- chelors hope. Consideration: 400 Lbs. of good & Merchantable Tobacco in leafe to bee paid the 20th day of Octo- ber next. Signed: John Davis. Wit- nesses: Joseph Ham & Epaphroditus Lawson. 20 July 1633, p. 525. MICHAELL RATCLIFFE, Gent., of Chisekiake, to JOHN BURLAND, Planter, of Chiskiake, 25 acs. of land, adj. land of Benjamin Cheyney, abutting upon Uties Cr. in sd. Chisekiake & is the same land due unto sd. Ratcliffe for his per. adv. unto Chisekiake, "for con- firmation whereof I have sett my hand and seale the 25th of May Anno Dom. 1634 and will bee ready at all times upon the request of the said John Bur- land to give as full assurance thereof as in mee lyeth." Signed: Michaell Ratcliffe. Witnesses: Thomas Ward & Benjamine Cheyney. Page 525. HUMPHRY SCONE, of Nansamund, to FRANCIS HOUGH, assignment of two pattents conteyning 300 acs. dated 16 Sept. 1636. Signed: Humphry Scone. Witnesses: Tho. Addison & Jon. Skinner. 26 Dec. 1636, p. 526. CHRISTOPHER BRANCH to JAMES PLACE, assignment of 3 score acs., part of his plantation at Kingsland, ly- ing N. upon his own land & S. upon Turloe (?) Kills Land; with the appur- tenances & priviledges thereunto be- longing, howsing now standing or to bee hereafter erected & built &c. Con- sideration: 100 acs. surrendered in Ct. by sd. Place. Provided sd. Place shall pay & discharge all such rents & taxa- tions &c. Signed: Christopher Branch. Witnesses: Francis Roberts, & William Woolley. 14 June 1636, p. 527. JAMES PLACE to THOMAS BAR- TON the above mentioned land, April 10, — Page 527. Consideration: 600 Lbs. tobacco & 3 bbls. corn. Witnesses: William Little & Robert Craddock. (Barton's name is also given as John). BENNETT FREEMAN, 450 acs. James Citty Co., 20 May 1638, p. 527. A neck of land on the Ely. side of Chichahominy Riv., opposite land of William Beard, S. upon the Riv. & N. into the woods. Trans, of 9 pers: John Abrall, Tho. Jenkins, Tho. Savell (or Sauell), Margarett Foster, William Abbeys, William Cole, Robert Barber, James Plunckett, Jervis Seawell. HENRY HAWKINS, 300 acs. in Lower Co. New Norfolk, May 24, 1638, Page 528. 6 mi. up the eastern branch of Elizabeth Riv., E. upon Rainshawes Cr., W. upon Hawkings Cr. Due by purchase from William Rainshawe. STEPHEN CHARLTON, 1,000 acs. Accomack Co., May 10, 1638, Page 528. N. E. upon main cr. of Nuswattocks, adj. William Andrewes and the main bay. Trans, of 20 pers: Alex Willin- son, Jon. England, Edwd. Ednall, Jon. Woodford, Tho. Symons, Jon. Collins, Wm. Davis, Edwd. Daniell, Tho. Bell, Wm. Moult, Wm. Williams, Jon. Robinson, James Blithe, Robt. Rhoades, Brice Marks, Chri. Moyses, Nich. White, Nich. Gower, Archelaus Ste- phens, Alex. Chapman. AMBROSE BENNETT, May 8, 1638, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Page 529- Between Reynolds Cr. & a br. of same. Trans, of 6 pers: Morris Bennett, Wil- liam Morris, Richard Jones, Anthony Cole, Henry Eaton, Humphry West. ARTHUR SMITH, 1,450 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 10, 1637, Page 529. Being a neck runing S. E. behind Pagan shore. Trans, of 29 pers: Richard Hughes, Moyses Stone, Wm. Jones, Jon. Auger, Wm. Chapman Tho. Gravis, Sampson Gross, Greg. Soper, Ann Tompson, Rich. Biggs, Jon. Roe, Jon. Newer, Alice Smith, Jon. Barcroft, Jane his wife, Thomas Wilkinson, Peter Lather, Roger Waters, James Roche, Thomas Coxson, Jonathan Fayden, Tho. Carter, Jon. Tomlinson, Lawrence Robins, Wm. Allumbly, Tho. Godbye, Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 83 Cicely Cotton, Mary Champion, & 1 negro. Renewed in the name of Arthur Smith, 21 Mar. 1643 & 100 acs. added. PETER KNIGHT, Merchant, 14 acs., being an island in Nansamund Riv., Up. Co. of New Norfolk, 10 April 1638, p. 529. S. side the Riv. opposite land of Oliver Sprye & adj. land of Robert Newman & Randolph Crew. Sd. 14 acs. & 36 acs. not yett taken up, due for his own per. adv. TRISTRUM NOSWORTHY, 100 acs. upon a place called by the name of the long pond, W. upon William Eyres land, E. upon John Seaward. 10 May 1638, p. 530. Trans, of 2 pers: Tho- mas Vaughan, John Hodges. SAME. 50 acs. Up. Co. New Norf., same date & page. Knowne by the name of Kennedyes Island, butting E. upon the maine Riv., S. towards the Ritch Island, N. towards the maine river, S. towards Chucka Tuck Riv. Trans, of a servt. called Robert Davis. SAME. 100 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 10 May 1638, p. 531. E. upon land of John Smith, W. upon John Sea- ward, N. upon the maine river & S. into the woods. Trans, of 2 pers: Robert Cooke, John Harwood. EDWARD TRAVIS, 900 acs. James City Co., Jan. 25, 1637, Page 531. Up- on the head of Upper Chippoaks Cr., adj. Jeremiah Dickenson. "200 acs. thereof due in right of John Johnson, his wife & 2 children the daughter & heire sd. Johnson, hee the sd. Travis marrying," 250 acs. for 5 servts. trans, by sd. Johnson & 450 acs. for the trans, of 9 pers. by sd. Travis. Walter Travis, Nich. Cosones, Walter Johnson, Doro- thy Barnett, Katherine Dowse, Thos. Bath, Tho. Huson, Robert Simpson, Peter John Turvey, Francis Chambers, Jon. Jenings, Richard New. Patent re- newed in the name of John Johnson & Edward Travis. SAME. 300 acs. in same county, same date, Page 532. At the upper Chippokes, adj. upon N. E. side of land of Jere- miah Dickinson. 50 acs. for his per. adv. and 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Ambrose Joyner, Rich. Sutton, Katherine Wilkins, Robert Pittway. This patent surrendered by Travis. PELEG BUCK, 500 acs. in James City Co., May 29, 1638, Page 532. Near the Gleab land & land lately in the tenure of Thomas Phillipps, adj. S. upon land belonging to the orphans & heirs of Mr. Richard Buck. Sd. land bequeathed unto him by his brother Gersham (or Gorsham) Buck, who pur- chased same of Sergt. Thomas Crumpe, (or Crompe) Sept. 1, 1636. THOMAS CROMPE, of Neck of land in the Colony of Va., to GER- SHON BUCK, of James Towne Island, 500 acs. of land within the precincts of neck of land, together with all howses &c, gardens, orchards, tenements &c. 1 Sept. 1636, p. 533. Signed: Thomas Crompe. Witness: Thomas Cooke. CAPT. WILLIAM BROCAS, Esqr., & one of the Councell of State, 1621 acs., 12 Apr. 1638, p. 533. At a meadow, adj. land belonging to the Mills on the E. side, runing to the head of the Otterdams & bounded on W. side 2 mi. in length, conteyning 1514 acs. Another parcel conteyning 107 acs. be- longing to the Mills, bounded on E. side with a Sw. at the howse of Thomas Henshawe, etc. Sd. land, & 29 acs. not yett taken up, due for trans, of 33 pers.* JOSEPH HARMON, 800 acs. James Citty Co., 21 May 1638, p. 534. On Wly. side of Chichahominy Riv., being the next land on this side to Pease hill marsh, Ely. upon the Riv. opposite to Warrany Cr. Trans, of 16 pers: Wil- liam Beard, Joane Beard, Tho. Stout, Hen. Meares, Fr. Withers, Tho. Lock, Nich. Midleton, Anth. Rockwood, Mar- garett Walton, Tho. Burther, (or Burcher) Jon. Kitchin, Ellin Rogers, Rich. Smith, Hen. Lee, Eliza. Blacker, Edward Griffin. THOMAS HARWOOD, Gent., 1850 acs. James Citty Co., 7 Nov. 1637, p. 534. 850 acs. Sly. upon land in possess- ion of William Rabnett, N. along Kethes Cr., E. into the maine woods 84 Cavaliers and Pioneers adj. land of Richard Atkins; 1000 acs. S. by E. upon land of sd. Atkins, N. by W. towards Chisekeiake & W. by S. upon Martins hundred. Trans, of 37 pers.* EDMOND MORECROFT, 500 acs. James Citty Co., in Chichahominy Riv., about 2 mi. up Pynie point Cr., W. upon the Cr. against 2 islands, &c. Trans, of 10 pers.* 29 May 1638, p. 535. EPAPHRODITUS LAWSON, 250 acs., in a Cr. on the S. E. side of Nansamund Riv., about 3 mi. up the Cr., runing Sly. & adj. land of John Armye. 29 May 1638, p. 535. Due by purchase from Martha Tomlin. WILLIAM DURFORD, 150 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 29 May 1638, p. 536. Lying half a mile up a Cr. against a place called Batrewhole some 6 mi. up the S. br. of Eliz. Riv. Trans, of 3 pers.* THOMAS LAMBETH, 200 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 29 May 1638, p. 536. Being a ridge of land lying up a Cr. called Dum out of the mire come- ing between land of Capt. Thomas Willoughby & John Gater. Trans, of 4 pers: Mathew Holmes, James Moun- cer (or Monncer), Degery Bond, Wm. Prosser (or Presser.) HENRY BRADLY, 200 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 22 Nov. 1637, p. 537. Upon Warwicksquike Riv. now called New Towne haven. Due for trans, of his wife Frances Bradly, & 3 pers: Walter Bill, Jon. Felton, Wm. Noble. ROBERT CRADOCK (Craddock), 300 acs. Henrico Co., 29 May 1638, p. 537. Nly. on a little Cr. towards Lilley Valley upon land of William Cox, & Isaac Hutchins & S. upon land of John Davis. Trans, of 6 pers.* CAPT. FRANCIS EPES, 1700 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 29 May 1638, p. 537. E. upon Bayly his Cr., S. into the maine land, W. upon Cason his Cr. & N. upon the maine Riv. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 1650 acs. for trans, of his 3 sons: Jon., Fr., & Tho. Epes & 30 servts: Jon. Long, Jon. Baker, Jon. Warden, Jon. Joyce, Tho. Foanes, (or Feanes) Tho. Cropp, Rich. Stayle, Rich. Hewett, Geo. Adams, Sarah Hutmore, Tho. Pattison, Anth. Box, Jonath. Elliser, Barthol. Swinborne, Silvester Atkins, Robt. Fossett, James Rowland, Ann Turner, Geo. Archer, Hugh James, Jon. Nowell, 5 Negroes: Bashaw, Jabina, Andrea, Magdilina, Cesent; Richard Litchfeild, Edward Ames, Susan Mills, Jane Long, in the Spanish fregat 1629 (or 1621). WILLIAM CRANAGE, 400 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 10 Feb. 1637, p. 538. Ely. side of Pagan point Cr., Nly. upon the red point, S. into the woods, W. upon the Cr. & E. upon James Riv. Due for his own per. adv., the trans, of his wife Elizabeth Cranage, 4 chil- dren: Margarett Cranage, Eliza. Cran- age, Mary Cranage, & Edmund Cranage, & 2 servts: Edward Sadler, Richard Garner. Note: This pattent surren- dered & another made for 300 acs. elsewhere. JOHN WILKINS, 500 acs. Acco- mack Co., 10 Mar. 1637, p. 539. Butt- ing upon the upper end of the Secre- taries Land joyning to Kings Cr., parallel with the same 1 mi. & extend- ing in breadth toward land of Obedience Robins, Gent. Trans, of 10 pers.* THOMAS SAWYER, 250 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 10 Mar. 1637, p. 539. About 2 mi. up the E. br. of Eliz. Riv., Nly. upon sd. br., Sly. into the woods, W. upon Nehuntas Cr. & E. up- on Billinsgate Cr. Due for trans, of 5 pers: Christopher Hamond, Wm. Spack- ford, Tho. Kirke, Tho. White, Isabell Ablesome. HUMPHRY SCONE, 200 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 10 Mar. 1637, p. 539. In the Cross Cr. adj. land of Margarett Rogers, now the wife of John Gerrard, on N. side of sd. Cr. Due by purchase from Francis Hough, to whom it was due for trans, of 4 pers.* Note: Pattent renewed & 100 acs. added. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 85 FRANCIS HOUGH, of Nansamund, to HUMPHRY SCOEN, assignment of full right, title &c. to 300 acs., which is for 6 servants belonging to sd. Hough. 26 Dec. 1636, p. 540. Signed: Francis Hough. Witnesses: Thomas Addison & Jon. Skinner. ROBERT PITTS, (Pitt) Merchant, 550 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 14 Feb. 1637, p. 540. About 3>4 mi. up New Towne haven Riv., opposite land of William Denham now in the occupa- tion of sd. Pitts, & near land of Tho- mas Bush. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 10 pers: William Denson, Edwd. Hartwell, Rich. Gaunt, Edward Butler, Francis Burly, Nath. Carter, Hen. Symons, Wm. Seldome, Richard Burges, Rich. Groves (first written Graves ) . EDWARD MORTH, 100 acs. James Citty Co., 16 Dec. 1637, p. 541. In Smiths fort Cr., Ely. into the woods & a great marsh or swamp to the S. S. W. & another marsh to the Nwd. comonly called Erasmus Carters his Neck. Due for trans, of himself & 1 servt. Richard Deane. HENRY TOMPSON, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 16 Dec. 1637, p. 541. Ely. upon Smiths Fort Cr., Sly. upon land now leased to John Buckmaster, W. in- to the woods & N. upon a reedy Sw. lying upon sd. Cr. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Jon. Gee, Robt. Medle. Note: Renewed 16 Apr. 1644 in the name of John Newman. THOMAS EATON, 400 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 5 June 1638, p. 542. S. W. towards the head of the back river. Due in the right of Mr. John Woodall according to an order of court 10 Dec. 1633. 250 acs. by certificate from the Monthely Court at Eliz. Citty. WILLIAM PARKER, 350 acs. Co. of Up. Norf., 18 June 1638, p. 543. N.W. upon Nansamund Riv., beg. at Powells Cr. & butting upon his own land. Trans, of 7 pers: Roger Salisbury, Richard Savage, Dorothy Cole, Edward Laughson, Walter Williams, Jon. Hat- ton, Robert May. PETER KNIGHT, Merchant, 400 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 Nov. 1618, p. 543. On S. E. side of Nansamund Riv., & about 3 mi. up the E. side of a Cr., lying over against land of Richard Bennett & adj. land of Robert Bennett. Due by assignment from Thomas Bur- bage. (Note: Evident error in date.) JOHN SEAWARD, 400 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 18 June 1638, p. 544. Up- on N. side of a Sw. or banck setting out of the maine Cr., lying N. W. upon the main Cr. comonly called Caryes Neck. Due for trans, of 8 pers: John Seaward, John Williams, Edward Brantly, Wm. Frye, Anth. Mathews, Gerson Gromwell, Jon. Lippett, Phillipp Plumblye. Note: This land surrendered & soe much taken up in another place. GEORG SALISBURY, 500 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 June 1638, p. 544. N. E. upon Chuckatuck Riv., S. W. upon the same &c. Granted by order of Ct. at James Citty 4 Dec. 1634. JOSEPH BOARNE, 500 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 6 May 1638, p. 544. In Apamattuck Riv., N. toward land of John Baker & S. towards land of Henry Miller. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 9 pers: Roger Crewe (or Crawe), John Clarke, Elizabeth Davis, Gilbert Dakins, Richard Delabeere, Tho. White, Daniell Keyes, Alex. Summers, Geo. Birch. SAME. 650 acs., same county, date & page. N. E. upon the Beaver Damms, W. towards the head of the back river & S. E. into the woods. 250 acs. due by patent dated 11 Mar. 1634 & 150 acs. by patent 6 June 1635, assigned to him by Henry Cotnam (or Totnam) & NICHOLAS JARNEW (Jernew), 400 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 6 May 1638, p. 545. E. upon sd. river, bounded S. E. with Queens Cr., runing parallel to same untill cutt of by a Cr. called Jar- newes Jorney. Due by assignment from John Brocke. 86 Cavaliers and Pioneers EDWARD STEPHENSON & HEN- RY COOKENEY, 350 acs. on S. side of the maine river over against James Citty called the pynie point, bounded with Capt. Powells land on the W. & E. upon land of John Long. Due by assignment from Henry Hart. 6 May 1638, p. 545. Note: This pattern sur- rendered the bounds being mistaken & renewed by Sir Francis Wyatt. JOHN RADFORD, 200 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 6 May 1638, p. 546. N. upon Wrights Cr., S. upon Brownes Baye & E. upon the Westermost br. of Eliz. Riv. Due by assignment from John Slaughter. JEREMIAH DICKENSON, 500 acs. James Citty Co., 6 May 1638, p. 546. W. upon upper Chippoeks Cr., beg. at Swann Baye, joyning upon a Sw. Tun- ing E. into the woods. N. towards the river mouth &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Eliza. Flinton, Henry Hayes, Elias Jue, James Hayes, Robert Newton, Robt. Muxford, Sarah Henchley, Eliza. Hayes, Wm. Gage, Symon Roufe (or Renfo.) EDWARD SPARSHOTT, 350 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 6 May 1638, p. 546. Beg. at the N. side of a small Indian feild some 2 mi. or more up Merchants hope Cr. at a small bottome on the N. side of sd. feild &c. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of his wife Mandelin (or Maudelin) Canes (or Caves), his son Edward Sparshott & 4 pers: Robert Honnywood, Jer. Hayles, Jer. Watts, Jonathan Grayne. Note: This pattent renewed & 50 acs. added. WILLIAM CLARKE, 1100 acs. Hen- rico Co., 6 May 1638, p. 547. Beg. at a little Cr., lying S. thereupon, E. up the maine river, W. into the woods, butting N. upon the Cominers; 100 acs. to be allowed for marshes & swamps. Due in right of his now wife Dorothy Gardiner late widdowe to Edward Gar- diner, to whom it was due for trans, of 22 pers: Eliza. Willis, Edmd. Pullum, Tho. Lawly, Tho. Somerdale, Jon. Humphry, Barth. Farthing, Jon. Meader, Wm. Everidge, Jon. Wall, Nich. Pleg, Robt. Currant, Tho. Cooper, Cha. Max- ney, Rich. Jenings, Oliver Dennington, Nich. Oliver, Wm. & Teage — Irishmen, Joane Bullock, Eliza. Curtis, Isabel! Stubbs, Hester Partridge. ANN HALLOM, Widdow, & the heires of Robert Hallom, deed., 1000 acs. Henrico Co., 6 May 1638, p. 547. Lying N. by E. into the woods, S. by W. upon the river, W. by N. toward Bremo joyning land of Mr. Richard Cocke, E. by S. toward Turkey Island Cr., joyning land of John Price, etc. Due by bargain & sale from Arthur Bayly, Merchant. JOHN FLUDD, Gent., 2100 acs. James Citty Co., 12 May 1638, p. 548. E. upon land of Capt. Henry Browne, N. upon the maine river, S. into the maine woods & W. upon Benjamine Harrisons marked trees being upon the W. side of Sunken marsh Cr. Trans, of 42 pers: John Fludd, Jon. Conna- way, Morgan Welch, Roger Horner, Rich. Thornbury, Thomas Wood, Jone Granley, Wm. Wood, Jon. Lawrence, Jon. Cole, Jon. Rubue, Jon. Auerine (Averine ?), Jon. Cooper, Joseph Marsh, Geo. Bell, Geo. Crossland, Willi. Arnold, Wm. Sarsonn, David Hayes, Rich. Hinde, Eliza. Browne, Rich. Bruse, Ann Rightsome, Thomas Toolye, Jon. White, Barth. Horton, Wm. East, Jon. Cooke, Rich. Hewes, Dorothy Bradly, Margt. his wife, Frances Finch her daughter, John Fludd, Junr., John Right, Fr. Shelton, Wm. Gage, Geo. Hilliard, Thomas Bramston, John Buck- worth, Geo. Watkins. JOHN MERRYMAN, 150 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 10 May 1638, p. 549. Adj. to Weyanoke, next alsoe adj. land of Perce Lennon, E. upon David Joanes, & N. N. W. into the woods. Due by assignment from James Merryman. RICE HOE, 700 acs. at a place called Capt. Martins shipps, James Citty Co., 9 May 1638, p. 549. S. upon land of Alice Edloe, beg. over against the mouth of upper Chippokes Cr. Granted by order of Ct., 5 June 1637 & due for trans, of 14 pers.* Note: This pattent renewed 16 Oct. 1643 & an- other patt. for 300 acs. dated 4 June 1639 & 969 acs. added to them. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 87 SAME. 1200 acs. Chas. Citty Co., same date & page. Neare Martin Brandon & Capt. Wards land, S. upon Capt. Wards Cr. &c, all which land is called Capt. Wards plantation. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife & 1100 acs. for trans, of 22 pers.* JAMES WARRADINE, 150 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 10 May 1638, p. 550. To begin next to 350 acs. granted to him 3 Nov. 1637. Trans, of 3 pers: Howell Palmer, Jon. Gosall, Margarett Sinckler. THOMAS BAGWELL, 450 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 12 May 1638, p. 550. In Apamattuck Riv., S. upon a Cr., N. towards the Connjurers feild, E. upon the river & W. into the maine woods. 100 acs. due as being an Ancient Planter, 50 acs. for his wife Joane & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: William Wayder, Walter Collins, Benis (or Bevis) Bulmer, Jon. Weaver, William Gill. Note: Renewed in the name of John Cookeney & the old pattern sur- rendered up into the office. ELIZABETH BALHASH, 300 acs. Henrico Co., 2 May 1638, p. 551. Within the 4 Mi. Cr. neare Curies, bounding S. by W. upon land of Wil- liam Vincent. Due in part of 100 acs. graunted by order of Ct. 9 Dec. 1636. WALTER CHILES, Merchant, 250 acs. in Apamattuck Riv. in Chas. Citty Co., 2 May 1638, p. 551. Nly. & Sly. upon the river, Wly. into the woods from a Sw. on this side a Cr. above land of Edward Tonstall. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 4 pers: Henry Tutton, Jon. Gerry, Jon. Shaw, Sarah Cole. Note: Renewed & 150 acs. added. BRYAN SMITH, 140 acs. at Curies within Henrico Co., 2 May 1638, p. 552. Adj. land of Thomas Markham, and E. by S. into the woods. Due for the per. adv. of himself & wife & trans, of 1 servt.: John Lupton. ROGER DAVIS, 550 acs. in Apamat- tuck Riv., Chas. Citty Co., 4 May 1638, p. 552. W. upon sd. river, abutting South upon the Swampe belonging to Henry Miller. Due for trans, of 3 servts. & the adv. of John Pasmore & Mary his wife, which sd. Mary is now wife to sd. Davis, & trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Serjeant, Jon. Panier (?), Alex. Brett, Rowland Williams, Jane Honine (?), Tho. Jent. Tho. Jennings, Alexan- der Maties, Oliver Simmons. (Note: No distinction is made between "ser- vants" & "persons.") WILLIAM HAYWARD, 200 acs. in Appamattuck Riv., Chas. Citty Co., 5 May 1638, p. 553. Being marsh & swamp lying before his plantation comonly called by the name of Conjurers feilde, beg. where the land of Mr. John Baug(h) ends. Due for his own per. adv., the adv. of his wife Ellen Hay- ward & trans, of 2 pers: John Kendall, James Hewes. Note: It appeareth by certificate from Edward Wigg, Surveyor, that this land conteyned but 130 acs. CHRISTOPHER BRANCH, 250 acs. Henrico Co., 8 May 1638, p. 553. At Kings land over against Arro Attocks, E. upon the maine river, bounded with the second Cr. on the W. & adj. Sly. upon land of John Griffin now in the tenure of sd. Branch & Nly. towards land of Thomas Sheffeild. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Jon. Gibson, Jon. Macham, Wm. Butler, Wm. Possell. WILLIAM ROOKINS, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 5 May 1638, p. 554. Wly. upon upper Chippokes Cr., N. upon James Riv. & E. upon land of Samuell Edmonds. Sd. land being called by the name of flying point. 50 acs. due for per. adv. of his wife Jane Baxter & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Robert Rigby, John Allen. WILLIAM PILKINTON, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 4 May 1638, p. 554. S. upon Chippokes Cr., W. into the maine woods a small cr. lying upon each side. Due for trans, of 4 persons.* Note: This pattent renewed by Rich- ard Kemp, Govr., in the name of Nicho. Perry & 950 acs. added, 18 Sept. 1644. 88 Cavaliers and Pioneers CAPT. WILLIAM BROCAS, Esqr., one of the Councell of State, 50 acs. Warwick River Co., 24 May 1638, p. 554. Bounded Nly. by a Cr. running into Warwick Riv. within a quarter of a mile of the Mills, more or less, at the head of a Greene Sw. close by the Brooke, etc. Due for trans, of 1 servt.* JOHN COOKENEY, 20 acs. Henrico Co., 17 May 1638, p. 555. Being a swamp within a neck of land. Due for trans, of 1 servt.* SAME. 150 acs., same Co. & page. 18 May 1638. S. upon land of Joseph Chadd, W. upon land of Richard Tay- lor, E. upon the maine river & N. to- wards the 4 Mi. Cr. Due for trans, of 3 pers: Robert Martin, Walter Brookes, Tho. Mitchell. HENRY ROWEN, 300 acs. Chas. Citty Co., neare adj. to Weyanoke, 22 May 1638, p. 555. W. upon Mathews Cr., N. N. W. into the woods & S. upon James Riv. Due by assignment from Perce Lemon. BENJAMINE CARRILL, 700 acs. James Citty Co., 16 May 1638, p. 556. Beg. at a sandy point, extending down the river to danceing point, bounded S. W. upon the Riv. & N. W. upon land of Mathew Edloe. Due for his owne per. adv., trans, of his wife Elizabeth & 12 pers: Henry Carrill, Ann Peterson, Rich. Reeks, James Whitehead, Wm. Hills, Edmond Camellin, Edwd. Ellis, Eliza. Talley, Humphry Williams, Jonathan Darson, Laur. Jackson, Alex. Norey. JOHN GRAVES, 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 15 May 1638, p. 556. Neare the back river, Nly. upon land of sd. Graves, S. E. upon the Cr. &c. Due by assignment from John Trussell. ABRAHAM WOOD, 400 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 14 May 1638, p. 557. In Appamattuck Riv., N. upon land of John Baker, E. into the maine woods, S. upon land of Joseph Bourne & W. upon the maine river over against Peircies Toyle Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Croiney, Robt. Powell, Nich. Meader, Jon. Baylye, Edmond Edwards, Jone Higgins, Allen Tucker, Roger Kenney. PETER STAFFERTON, 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 13 May 1638, p. 557. S. E. upon the head of the little Poquo- son Cr., on W. side of the land of Dictoris Christmas & bounded on E. with land of John Moore. Due by as- signment from John Trussell. CHARLES FOARD, 250 acs. James Citty Co., 19 May 1638, p. 557. Over against Danceing point on the S. side of the river, E. side of Sunken Marsh Cr., W. upon sd. Cr. &c. Due by as- signment from Edward Minter. JOHN HOLLIS & RICHARD BEN- NETT, 200 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 21 May 1638, p. 558. E. Sly. upon Chisopeian Baye, N. upon the back Cr., W. Nly. upon Cheesemans Cr. Due by assign- ment from Capt. John Cheesman. MATHEW PRICE, sonn & heire to John Price, late of Va., Labourer, 150 acs. Henrico Co., upon Turkey Island Cr., 23 May 1638, p. 558. E. by S. upon sd. Cr., W. by N. toward Bremo, S. by W. upon land granted to his late father, now in possession of his mother Ann Hallom, widdowe, towards the gr. river & N. by E. into the woods. Due in right of his father who had a pattent of 150 acs. graunted 20 Feb. 1619, by Sir Georg Yeardly. EDMOND MORECROFT & JOHN DANSEY, 700 acs. James Citty Co., 20 May 1638, p. 559- In Chichahominy Riv. some 4 mi. above Clay banck somewhat better than a mile from the river side, Ely. towards the river be- hind land of William Frye, W. above the head of Pasbye hayes Cr., S. upon a gr. Sw. full of dead trees neare land of Theodore Moyses. Trans, of 14 pers.* JOHN BAUGH, Gent, 250 acs. in Appamattuck Riv, Henrico Co, 11 May 1638, p. 559- N. E. by E. upon land lately belonging to Mr. Abraham Peircey, extending S. W. by W. up the river &c. Due for trans, of 5 pers: Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 89 Geo. Channon, Tho. Butler, Ann Streets, Rich. Plant, William Peterson. WILLIAM HATCHER, 150 acs. in Apamattuck Riv., Nly. upon the first Cr. by the wading place, E. upon land of Mary Box & S. into the maine woods. 29 May 1638, p. 559. Trans, of 3 pers: Nicholas Ison, Francis Dunell, Francis Dunell, Henry Lilley. SARAH CLOYDEN, Widdowe, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 28 May 1638, p. 560. Adj. land of Humphry Sconen. Due in right of trans, of 4 pers: Tobias Horton, Giles Taylor, John Taylor, Henry Symons. Note: This pattern as- signed to John Allen, who assigned to Humphry Scoen & by him to Henry Bradly, in whose name it was renewed 21 Nov. 1643. SAME. 150 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., same date & page. Adj. land of Peter Rey. Due in right of trans, of 3 pers: John Cole, Tho. Hart, Mould Snackson. Note: Assigned as above. This & the former pattern joyned & 100 acs. more added. MATHEW HAYWARD, 150 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 26 May 1638, p. 561. E. upon the W. br. of Eliz. Riv. & N. upon the broad cr. runing out of sd. branch. Due for trans, of his wife Ann & 2 pers.* JOSEPH FAR YE, 250 acs. in Apa- mattuck Riv., Chas. Citty Co., 27 May 1638, p. 561. W. upon the falls, N. upon land of Thomas Bagwell, a Cr. runing between, & upon the N. side of the Riv. opposite land of Nathaniell Tatum. Due for his own per. adv., his wife Ann Farye & trans, of 3 pers: Edward Hutchinson, Richard Sadd, John Lewis. EDWARD OLIVER, 500 acs. upon the E. side of Chichahominy Riv., called by the name of Pynie point, W. upon the Riv., N. by E. upon the upper Cr., & S. S. E. upon Chechqeroes Baye. 1 May 1638, p. 562. Due in right of trans, of 10 pers: Thomas Golding Dorothy Golding, John Smith, Thomas Grindall, John Turner, Francis Web- ster, Thomas Boaton, Georg Barber, Ann Edmonds, servts. to Xpher. Ed- wards, Thomas Edwards. Note: This pattent surrendered up & soe much taken in another place. GLOYD BLOYS alias St. Andrew, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 26 May 1638, p. 562. Adj. land of Joseph Croshawe upon Vincopo (?) Cr., & E. upon sd. River. Due for trans, of one servt. called Joseph Crashaw. ABRAHAM SPENCER, 150 acs. James Citty Co., called the Greene Swamp, 25 May 1638, p. 562. Adj. plantation in possession of Thomas Loveing, N. W. into the woods towards the midle plantation & S. E. upon the river. Trans, of 3 pers.* CHRISTOPHER STOAKES, 200 acs. Warwick River Co., 20 May 1638, p. 563. At the head of Blunt point Cr. Trans, of 4 pers.* JOHN CLARKSON, 400 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 7 May 1638, p. 563. At the back Cr. at the head of his first devdt., runing to a br. of Cheesmans Cr., thence E. Sly. three-quarters of a mile untill it meete with a Cr. out of the Baye, thence to the mouth of Chewes Cr. & thence to the midle of his first devdt. Due for trans, of 8 pers: William Allen, Wm. Hackney, Richard Hole, Elizabeth Huson, Ann Clarkson, Jane Clarkson, Ann Clarkson, Wid. JOHN POWELL, 50 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 2 May 1638, p. 564. Upon the narrow of the back river &c, between land of Thornborough on the S. W. & William Morgan alias Brookes on the N. E. Due in right of trans, of Wil- liam Taylor. CHRISTOPHER LAWSON, 400 acs. James Citty Co., 1 May 1638, p. 564. At the head of Rolphes Cr., beg. E. upon a reedy Sw. & into the woods W. Trans, of 8 pers: William Reynolds, William Coyt, Roger Aderson, Nicholas Williams, Anthony a boy, Thomas Wood, Georg Griffin, Thomas Womb- well (first written Rombwell). 90 Cavaliers and Pioneers WILLIAM ARMESTEAD, 300 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 16 May 1638, p. 564. E. upon the mouth of broad Cr., S. upon the back river, N. upon John Branch, a small Cr. runing between, & W. into the woods. Due by assignment from Leift. Richard Popeley, to whom it was due, viz: 200 acs. in right of Giles Jones for exchange of 100 acs. at Point Comfort Island & 100 acs. in right of Elizabeth, late wife to sd. Jones & now wife to sd. Popelev, which sd. Elizabeth lived here in the time of Sir Thomas Dale. WILLIAM RAINSHAW, 300 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 5 May 1638, p. 565. About 6 mi. up. the Ewd. br. of Eliz. Riv. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Cevell Gaskins, William Brewer, Henry Jones, Richard Sternall, Jon. Hackley, John Wells. COBB HOWELL, 400 acs. in Lynn haven, within the Low. Co. of New Norf., 7 May 1638, p. 565. N. E. upon Chesopeian river alias Lynn haven, N. W. upon a small Cr. &c. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 7 pers: Christopher Nugent, Edward Brough- ton, William Hunt, William Mathews, Charles Clarke, Edward Clarke, Robert Cape. RICHARD MAIOR, 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 12 May 1638, p. 566. S. up- on Queens Cr., bounded on the W. with a Sw. runing N. W. &c. Due in right of trans, of 6 pers: Georg Gaton, Ann Drake, James Holding, Thomas Breamer, Richard Miller, Margarett Miller. RICHARD YOUNG, 100 acs. in New Towne haven river, runing N. N. W. into the woods & adj. land of Richard Preston. 11 May 1638, p. 566. Due for trans, of 2 pers.* Renewed 24 Aug. 1643 & a pattern of 25 Nov. 1636 added. HENRY SENIOR & HENRY CAR- MAN, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 10 May 1638, p. 566. N. upon Up. Chip- pokes Cr., W. upon land of Thomas Weekes, E. on a little Cr. & S. into the woods. Due for trans, of 3 pers: William Lambdin, Martha Lambdin, Robert Lambdin. THOMAS SWAN, 300 acs. James Citty Co., 9 May 1638, p. 567. N. up- on James Riv., S. into the woods, W. upon land lately belonging to Capt. Ralph Hamer & now in possession of Jerimiah Clements & E. upon land of Edward Minter. Due in right of trans, of 6 pers.* by his late father Wm. Swan. THOMAS ELLIS, 50 acs. Henrico Co., 7 May 1638, p. 567. Between two brookes parting Neck of land from land lately belonging to Sir John Zouch, Kt., Nly. upon the maine river & Sly. into the woods lying next to Shipp Cr. Due in right of trans, of 1 servt: Richard Morris. HUMPHRY TABB, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 6 May 1638, p. 567. Beg. Nly. upon a br. of Harris his Cr. &c, runing to land lately belonging to Capt. Richard Stephens neare land of Ralph Fludd, W. Sly. adj. land leased to Elias Leguard, S. into the woods & E. upon that side of Harris his Cr. which James Vaberitt liveth. Due for trans, of 2 pers: Copeland, Richard Ball. JOHN MOYE, 300 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 5 May 1638, p. 568. With- in the second baye of a Cr. proceeding Ely. out of Chisopeian Riv. alias Lynn haven, N. upon land of Mr. Henry Woodhowse & W. into the woods. Due for his own per. adv., trans, of his wife Dorothy Moye & 4 pers: William Martin, Thomas Thorne, Christopher Wynn, William Titon. HENRY WALKER, 175 acs. Acco- macke Co., 17 May 1638, p. 568. Butt- ing upon the baye &c, bounded on N. by the deepe ditch & on S. by land of James Berry. Due for trans, of 4 pers.*, there being yett due 25 acs. JOHN UTYE, sonn & heire of Capt. John Utye, Esqr., late of Va., 1250 acs. at the head of Utye his Cr. in Charles Riv., 12 May 1638, p. 569. Bounded towards James Riv. with midle way Swamp, which sw. is included in this Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 91 grant, towards the midle plantation, with the woods towards sd. Riv. neare upon his own land & E. upon sd. Cr. Due in right of his father, 600 acs. whereof graunted by order of Ct., 8 Oct. 1630 for his per. adv. to the sd. Chiskiake; the other 650 acs. due for the adv. of 13 pers.* the first yeare to sd. Chiskiack. Note: "This pattern never passed the seale." JOHN WAYNE, 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 10 May 1638, p. 569. N. upon Utyes Cr., E. upon the Gleab land, S. upon land of Capt. Robert Felgate & W. by N. into the woods. Due accord- ing to the order for the adv. of him- selfe & 5 pers. the 1st yeare to sd. Chas. River: Ann Wayne his wife, Mary Ackland, Georg Ackland, Wm. Watts, Charity Ellerye. ABRAHAM ENGLISH, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 7 May 1638, p. 569. N. upon the Riv., bounded on W. with land in possession of Robert Todd & on E. with land of Francis Carter. Due ac- cording to order for his own per. adv. the first yeare to Charles Riv. NICHOLAS CLARKE, 150 acs. Chas. River Co., 11 May 1638, p. 570. N. upon the maine river, bounded on W. with land of Capt. Christopher Wormely & E. with land of Nicholas Cossin, S. S. W. into the woods a mile, crossing the back Cr. Due in right of adv. of 3 pers. the 1st yeare to sd. Chas. River: Nicholas Clarke, Robert Todd, Jeffery Powers. NICHOLAS COSSIN, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 9 May 1638, p. 570. N. upon the river, bounded on the W. by land of Nicholas Clarke, E. with land of Nicholas Dale &c. Due for his adv. the 1st yeare to sd. Chas. River. NICHOLAS DALE, 75 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 8 May 1638, p. 571. N. upon the Riv., bounded on W. with land of Nicholas Cossin, on E. with land of Robert Todd, S. S. W. into the woods &c. Due by order for the per. adv. of himself & wife the first yeare to sd. Chas. River, there being 25 yett due for sd. adv. LIVEING (orLineing) DENWOOD, 50 acs. Accomack Co., 15 July 1638, p. 571. E. upon Cabbin branch, W. on Georg Travellors plantation Cr. S. on the maine creek called the old planta- tion Cr., & N. into the woods. 21 yr. lease. Fee Rent: 2 bbls. Indian Corne. JOHN LEWIN, 500 acs. Co. of Up. Norf., 6 May 1638, p. 571. On the back side of land lately belonging to Thomas Jordan, bounded with a Cr. runing Nly. into the woods &c. Due in right of Mary his wife, late the wife of Thomas Butler, Clerke, whoe trans, himselfe & 9 pers.* WILLIAM CARTER, 1000 acs. James Citty Co., 21 May 1638, p. 572. About 3 mi. from James Riv., beg. at a Reedy Sw., W. into the woods, N. into the bay tree neck. Trans, of 20 pers: Avis Turtley, Ann Mathis, Alice Croxon, Wm. Atherson (or Acherson), Andrew Robinson, Richard Cooke, Fr. Bick, Richard Bick, Alice Watkins, Alice Johnsons, Eliz. Johnson, Henry Snow, Nich. Barnett, Edward Bland, Math Briste, John Bell, Hercules Messenger, Tho. Streete, Wm. Higgen- son, Rose Hill. WILLIAM MORGAN, 600 acs. in Chichahominy Riv. within half a mile of the head of the second Cr. below the Gulfe upon the E. side of the river, this br. of the Cr. lying N. into the woods bearing from the Cr. N. W. into the woods with a little Indian feild neare the Cr. side. 20 May 1638, p. 572. Trans. of 12 pers: Mathew Beaver (or Beaner), Leonard Clackett, Isabell Sanders, Margarett Wignoll, Melchesidec Lawrance, Susan Hare, John Cane (or Cave), Edward Lang- ford, David Mack Williams, James Taylor, Wm. Dorman, Lazarus Thomas. Note: Renewed 22 Oct. 1643 & 216 acs. added. THOMAS BURBAGE, Merchant, 600 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 7 May 1638, p. 573. Upon E. side of the mouth of Nansamund Riv., adj. land of John Parrott Westerly, & Ely. upon land of Capt. John Sibsey. Due for trans, of 12 pers: Thomas Burbage, 92 Cavaliers and Pioneers Christo. Young, Richard Goodman, William Hayes, Nicholas Troton, Tho- mas Deering, Patrick Wishart, 5 pers. assigned from Mr. Edward Cage. JONATHAN LANGWORTH, Chi- rurgion, 400 acs. at Lyn haven, Low. Co. of New Norf., 10 May 1638, p. 573. Upon Bennetts Cr. Due for trans, of 8 pers.* JOSEPH CROSHAW, 600 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 22 May 1638, p. 573. Being a long sandy point to the Nwd. of Queens Cr., about 2 mi. from same, N. E. upon the maine river &c. Due by assignment from William Prior, Gent. Note: This pattern surrendered & renewed in the name of William Allen. Test: Richard Lee. ROBERT FREEMAN, Merchant, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 8 May 1638, p. 574. In the New Poquoson, lying from the ponds in Brice his neck N. E. to the side of sd. river. Due in right of one servant trans.* SAME. 200 acs., same location, date & page. Due by assignment from Wil- liam Freeman. JOHN STRATTON, 200 acs. in Lyn haven, Low. Co. of New Norf., 9 May 1638, p. 574. Upon West his Cr., Tun- ing E. out of Lyn haven Riv. &c. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Olive Strey, James Walker, John Phillipps, Tho. Gregory. RICHARD HILL & ROGER ARN- WOOD, 300 acs. in Chichahominy Riv., James Citty Co., 4 May 1638, p. 575. Being a neck of land in the second Cr. below the Gulfe on the E. side of sd. river, beg. at the lower end of sd. Neck &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Katherine Hill, (his) wife, Richard Hill, John Davie, servt. to R. Hill; Roger Arnwood his own adv., Nicholas Martin, Thomas Smith, John Edlin, his NICHOLAS JARNEW, 500 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 15 May 1638, p. 575. E. upon sd. river, bounded on the S. E. with Queens Cr., parallel with same untill cut off by Jarnew Cr. 100 acs. being marsh land lying about his plan- tation. 400 acs. by deed of sale from John Broche 13 Mar. 1637 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: John Davis, Robert Arnoll. JOHN BROCHE to NICHOLAS JARNEW, 400 acs. (above land), 13 Mar. 1638, p. 576. Signed: John Broche. Witnesses: Fnces. Moryson & Tho. Clarke. MATHEW IRELAND, 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 23 May 1638, p. 576. About 2 mi. above Queens Cr., up the maine river, joyning upon 600 acs. pur- chased by Joseph Croshaw of Mr. William Prior. Due in right of descent from his father John Ireland, who trans, himself, his wife Martha Ireland, son John Ireland, Junr., Mathew Ireland, daughter Martha Ireland, & Thomas Reaves, a servant. AUGUSTINE WARNER, 450 acs. at the New Poquoson, within the Co. of Chas. Riv., called Pynie Neck, 13 May 1638, p. 577. E. upon the Baye, S. upon land of Samuell Bennett & Nly. upon Pettye his land. Due for his own. personal adv., the adv. of his wife Mary Warner & trans, of 7 pers: John Max- feild, Martin Tam. (Others not given). THOMAS TODD, 250 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 12 May 1638, p. 577. Being a neck of land lying up the back creek called the Little Cr., between the plantations of Capt. Adam Thorogood & Capt. Thomas Willoughby, about a mile up the Cr. on the W. side, N. Ely. above an Indian feild about the space of a mile, sd. feild haveing a fresh water pond joyning unto it. Due for trans, of 5 pers: John Williams, Rich- ard Wootton, John Withers, John Johnsons, John Fells. THOMAS WATTS, 150 acs. in Lyn haven, Low. Co. of New Norf., 26 July 1638, p. 577. N. W. upon land of Cobb Howell. Due for trans, of 3 pers: Jon. Rochester, Edward Morgan, Ellen Edwards. THOMAS BUSH, 100 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 26 July 1638, p. 578. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 93 In the river called Chuckatuck, S. upon the Cr. of sd. river. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of one servt: Peter Brookes. JOHN GATER, 800 acs. Low Co. of New Norf., 26 July 1638, p. 578. In the E. br. of Eliz. Riv., E. upon a Cr. called dum out of the Mire, Ely. & Sly. beyond Oyster shell point. Due for trans, of 16 pers: John Gater, Jane Gater, Tho. Hale, Christ. Barston, Ed- ward Besaker, Tho. Rouse, Wm. Ples- bery, Rich. Tisley, Thomas Merrideth, Fr. Merrideth, Tho. Meades, Robert , Wm. Goldsmith, Wm. Rice, Ed- ward Windett, Wm. Johnson. WALTER ASHTON, Gent., 590 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 26 July 1638, p. 578. Between land of Sherly hundred & land he purchased of Nathaniell Causey, Sly. upon Watkins his Cr., Wly. upon the head of land of Sherly hundred. Due for the per. adv. of himself & his wife Warbowe Ashton & trans, of 10 pers: James Jefferson, William Ward, Tho- mas Sheild, Richard Williams, Jon. Williams, Wm. Johnes, John Hobbs, John Esquire, Jon. Roberts, John Macey. EDWARD HILL, Gent., 450 acs. Chas. Cittie Co., neare unto a place called by the name of Jordans or Beg- gars bush, 25 July 1638, p. 579. N. upon the head of land called Jordans, towards the river, S., into the maine woods, West upon land of John Wood- liffe & E. towards Chaplins land. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 8 pers: Daniell Garner, Barbary Hale, Morris Bowen, Christ. South, Wm. Milton, John Frederick, Elias Collins, Nicholas Maton (or Matou). NATHANIELL TATUM, 100 acs. on Appamattucke Riv., Chas. Cittie Co., 25 July 1638, p. 579. S. into the woods, N. upon the river, E. upon a Cr. parting sd. land from his own 500 acs. & W. upon the river towards land of John Baker. Due for trans, of his wife Ann & his daughter Mary Tatum. JOHN WOODLIFFE, Gent., 200 acs. Chas. Cittie Co., neare unto a place called Jordans, 25 July 1638, p. 580. Upon the head of his former devdt. towards the river, S. into the woods, E. towards land called Beggars bush & W. upon land of Francis Poythers. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 3 pers: John Smith, Henry Stephens, Elizabeth Wills. Note: This pattern renewed & adj. to patt. of 750 acs. ELIZABETH GRAYNE, (orGrayve) Widdowe, 750 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 25 July 1638, p. 580. E. into the woods, W. upon the river, N. upon land of John Morgan, S. towards Doggins Cr., part of sd. land bounded with a br. of Turkey Island Cr. Due in right of trans, of 15 pers: Rowland Grayne, James Grayne, Nich. Cliffe, Hen. Bent- ly, William Rowly, Robert Holman, Martha Fludd, Jon. Parker, Robt. Fute, Fr. Downes, Daniell Arrye, Jon. Doo- bees, Sarah Keelin, Jon. Dale, Richard Falconer. JOHN GEORGE, 900 acs. in Baylyes Cr., Chas. Cittie Co., 25 July 1638, p. 581. N. by W. upon sd. Creek, E. by N. upon land of Thomas Bayle & W. by S. upon the head of sd. Cr. Trans, of 18 pers: Jane George his wife, Hugh Davie, Wm. Parsons, Jon. (or Tho.) Jones, Ellianor Clayden, Tho. Osben, Ralph Cony (or Covy — first written Long), Christ. Williams, Fran- cis Biggs, Tho. Head, John Vaus, Jeffery Evans, Richard Reynolds, John Annice, Mary Hodgkins, John Cooke, Georg Miller, Thomas Bernard. EDWARD SPARSHOTT, 400 acs. Chas. Cittie Co., 25 July 1638, p. 581. W. by S. into the woods towards the head of Merchants hope Cr., E. by N. upon same, N. by W. upon a tract of land called Merchants hope, S. by E. upon land of Sergeant Richard Tisdell. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 7 pers: Mandlin Caves, (or Canes) Edward Sparshott, Junr., Robert Honny- wood, Jerimiah Hayles, Jerimiah Watts, Jonathan Grayne, (or Grayve) Thomas Carter. JOHN UTYE, sonn & heire of Capt. John Utye, late of Va., Esqr., 1250 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 25 July 1638, p. 581. 94 Cavaliers and Pioneers At the head of Utye his Cr., bounded towards James Riv. with Midleway Sw., which is included in this grant, towards the midle plantation towards Chas. Riv. neare upon his own land & E. upon sd. Creek. Due in right of trans, of 25 pers.* by his father. WILLIAM BANNISTER, (Banister) 1000 acs., 25 July 1638, p. 582. 300 acs. butting upon Footeball quarter Cr. on the E. side, Ely. towards Tinkers- heires Neck; also a neck of land upon the old Poquoson called Tinkersheires Neck Nly. towards the New Poquoson. What these 2 parcels shall want of 1000 acs. to bee supplyed at Boare quarter at the head of the Great Marsh. Due in right of trans, of 20 pers. by Georg Downes, late of Va., Merchant, which right was purchased by sd. Banis- ter: John Patrick, Jon. Forbush, Wil- liam Cotton, Tho. Cadby (or Cadly), Jon. Baker, Mathew Morgan, James Harrison, Tho. Hewes, Tho. Trotter, Elias , Richard Bayly, William Banister, Jon. Cerye, Wm. Lethermore, "Bas a Negar", Anthony, William, Mary, John, Jacob, Negars. EDWARD MINTER, 300 acs. James Citty Co., 25 July 1638, p. 583. At the Up. Chippokes, bounded on the W. with a great Sw. next to land of Ben- jamine Harrison, runing along the S. side of James Riv. towards land of Jerimiah Clements. Trans, of 6 pers: Grace Minter his wife, Richard Hyde, Ann Emmerton, Hen. Patrick, Edward Young, John Cooper. JOHN HACKER, 150 acs., 25 July 1638, p. 583. Upon the W. side of the Up. Chippokes, being a neck of land betwixt 2 small creeks, Ely. upon the maine Cr. of Chippokes &c. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Abraham Hill, Christopher Hold. NATHANIELL TATUM, 500 acs. in Appamattuck Riv., W. upon a great Cr., S. into the maine woods, E. upon Causeys feild Cr. & N. upon sd. river. 24 July 1638, p. 583. Due by assign- ment from Thomas Causey. RANDALL CREW, 750 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 24 July 1638, p. 584. E. upon a Cr. in Nansamund Riv., N. upon the river, W. along same & S. into the woods, the land being called by the name of Georg his feild. 150 acs. due according to an order of court 5 Oct. 1631 in right of his wife Doro- thy Behethland & 650 acs. in right of trans, of 13 pers: Richard Manshipp, Lowry Thomas, John Johnes, (or Joines) Fr. Geere, Nich. Martin, Georg Lodg, Anth. Proctor, Edward Clarke, John Paine, Judith Tompson, Edward Oliver, Edward Luckston, Maria a Negroe. LEIFT. ROBERT SHEPPARD, 650 acs. James Citty Co., 26 July 1638, p. 584. S. side of James Riv., at the Low. Chippokes Cr. above the uppermost little Cr., between two branches thereof, bounding Wly., upon land of John Dunston, beg. at the head of the Westermost swamp. Due for trans, of 13 pers: Robert Swett, Robert Howse, Henry Middowes, Georg Griffin, John Hacherne, Phillipp Harringham, Jeri- miah Bridges, Joseph Spering, William Taylor, John Parson, Daniell Walton, Randall Whitley, Thomas Johnson. WILLIAM MORGAN, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 28 July 1638, p. 585. Being a small island in Chichahominy Riv., Sly. down the river butting upon the Pynie point. Due for trans, of his now wife Margarett, late the wife of Richard Sanders & 2 pers. trans, by sd. Sanders: Christ. Banckes, Richard Hill. THOMAS WALLIS, a practitioner of Physicke, 700 acs. called Juring point, James Citty Co., 28 July 1638, p. 585. Sly. upon James Riv., Nly. upon a Cr. parting land of Bridges Freeman, gent. 6 sd. Juring point, W. to land of Mr. Benjamine Carrill, N. upon land of Mr. Francis Fowler, runing bet. lands of sd. Carryls & Fowler. Due for trans, of 14 pers: John Hollingsworth, Sarah his wife, Thomas Wallis, Richard Foster, James Whiting, Thomas Davis, Samuell Hudson, Robert Allen, Melchesedick Floyd, Richard Weston, Margarett Sanders, William Worminger, Jon. Spencer, Katherine Harrison. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 95 NICHOLAS SABRELL, 150 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 30 July 1638, p. 586. Nly. upon land of Richard Davis, & William Watts, a small gutt between, E. upon Mayden Swampe, S. into the woods, & W. upon the Midle planta- tion, a great Sw. lying betweene. Due for trans, of 3 pers: Katherine Lewis, Dasey Baldock, Edward Phillipps. WILLIAM WATTS & RICHARD DAVIS, 75 acs. N. upon Queens Cr., bounded on E. with a Cr. deviding their land from land of Robert Booth, bounded on W. with a Sw. deviding their land from land of Leift. Richard Popeley & into the woods Y\ of a mi. 30 July 1638, p. 586. 50 acs. for the adv. of sd. Watts & his wife the second yeare to Chas. River & 25 acs. for adv. of sd. Davis the second yeare. THOMAS DEWE, 400 acs. in Nansamund River, Up. Norf. Co., 1 Aug. 1638, p. 587. Lying about one mile from the plantation of Thomas Powell. 200 acs. by assignment from Thomas Powell & 200 acs. due for trans, of 4 pers: Georg Castle, Robert Low, Francis Goodman, William Bessett. SAME. 150 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., same date & page. In Nansa- mund Riv., beg. at the first point next to land now seated by Thomas Powell. Trans, of 3 pers: William Brase, Eliz. Hutchinson, Eliz. Bayley. RICHARD KEMP, Esqr., a parcell of land in James Citty conteyning 10 pole in length towards the water side & 8 pole in breadth, the totall being 80 pole, bet. land of Mr. Thomas Hill & Richard Tree. 1 Aug. 1638, p. 587. Fee Rent: 1 Capon yearely at the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle. Provided &c. By Act. of Assembly 20 Feb. 1636. MR. THOMAS HILL, 6 po. in breadth & 8 po. in length., in a direct line on the W. side to land of Richard Kemp, Esqr. 1 Aug. 1638, p. 588. As above. GRESHAM (Gressom) COFFEILD & THOMAS STAMP, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 14 Aug. 1638, p. 588. Joyning upon land of Epaphroditus Lawson Ely., N. W. upon Nansamund Riv. Due by assignment from Arthur Haslington. RICHARD EWEN, 150 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 14 Aug. 1638, p. 588. Neare the head of the W. branch of Chuckatuck Cr., E. upon land of Tho- mas Bush, W. up towards the head of sd. creek &c. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 2 pers: Nicholas Ewen, Christopher Roades. GEORG WHITE, Clarke, 300 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 6 Mar. 1638, p. 589. E. into the woods adj. land of John Wilkins, gent., W. upon his own land, S. upon sd. Wilkins & N. upon land of John Parrott. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Blanka White & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Peter White, Zachariah Taylor, Joane Butler, Martha Smith, Edward Dicker. SAMUELL WATKEYES, 150 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 15 Aug. 1638, p. 589- In Queens Cr. & behind land now seated by John Bell, S. W. into the woods & land of John Hartwell on the N. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 2 pers: William Bembridge, Thomas Grayes. RALPH WYATT, Gent, to RICH- ARD JOHNSON, ROGER DAVIS & ABRAHAM WOOD, Planters, 21 year lease; last day of Dec. 1636, p. 590. One parcell of land lying & being from Sizemores Cr. & soe up the Cr. as farr as Capt. Buttons land doth extend, from thence up to the Rock in Apamattock Riv., thence along the river & soe into the Baye & from thence to Seizmore his Cr. againe. Said Wyatt, his assigns &c. shall possess & enjoy 10 acs. of the land aforesaid runing down from the Rock above mentioned. Signed: Ralph Wyatt. Witnesses: Joseph Fister, Daniell Lewellin. FRANCIS MORGAN, 100 acs. Chas. River Co., 20 Aug. 1638, p. 591. N. E. upon the river, S. by W. into the woods, betwixt land of Mr. William Pryor & his own land. Due by right of 96 Cavaliers and Pioneers adv. of 2 pers. the first yeare to the said Charles River: Lewis Cock, Arthur Grimes. JOHN CONGDON (Congden), 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 21 Aug. 1638, p. 591. Nly. upon the back Cr., S. upon Cheesmans Cr., E. upon a br. from the back Cr. comonly called Gwynn his Cr., W. upon the maine woods, the land being called Cooper his Neck. Due in right of adv. of 2 pers. the 2nd yeare to sd. Chas. River: Edward Palmer, Nicholas Gibson. THOMAS ILES, 75 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 21 Aug. 1638, p. 592. N. upon the back Cr., S. into the woods, E. upon John Clarksons land & W. upon a br. of sd. creek, called Gwyn his Cr. Due in right of adv. of 3 pers. the 2nd yeare to sd. Chas. River: Tymothy Stockden, Richard Roades & 1 Negroe. Note: This pattent surrendered up & renewed 2 Oct. 1640. Test: Richard Lee; Georg Read, deputy Seer. PERCIVALL CHAMPION, 250 acs. in Nansamund Riv., in Up. Co. of New Norf., 23 Aug. 1638, p. 592. Within Dumpling Island Cr. on the E. side, butting upon land of Epaphroditue Lawson, S. by W. upon sd. Cr. & N. by E. into the woods. Due for trans, of 5 pers: Humphry Trent, Edward Gibbs, James Midleton, Sibbill Walter, John Jones. WILLIAM HATFEILD, 300 acs. in Nansamund Riv., Up. Co. of New Norf., 22 Aug. 1638, p. 592. Adj. land of Percivall Champion, runing up the E. side of Dumpling Island Cr. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Samuell Firmant, Jon. Sheppard, Tho. Browne, Tho. Fisher, Jon. Sharpe, John Morgan. SAME. 100 acs., same Co. & page 593, 24 Aug. 1638. Upon S. br. of Nansamund Riv. Due by right of trans. of 2 pers: Symon Griffin, Ann Griffin. SAME. 200 acs., same location, date & page. Due in right of trans, of 4 pers: Joane Ashton, Eliza. Edes, Tho- mas Georg, Richard Walter. FRANCIS BARRETT, 600 acs. James Citty Co., 29 Aug. 1638, p. 594. S. W. upon Chichahominy Riv., N. E. into the woods & bounded on S. E. with land of John Robins. Due for trans, of his wife & 11 pers.* JOSEPH MOORE, 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., at the old Poquoson river, 28 Aug. 1638, p. 594. Bounded upon W. with footeball quarter Cr., adj. land of Thomas Symons on the E., With Moores Cr. & N. W. into the woods. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Gilbert Rey- nolds, William Richards, Barbary Chap- man, Mary Shorter (or Shorten). HUMPHRY SCOEN, 300 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 29 Aug. 1638, p. 594. In the Cross Cr. & adj. 100 acs. graunted to Margarett Rogers, now the wife of John Garrard. Due by purchase from Francis Hough, to whom it was due for trans, of 6 pers.* MR. GEORG LUDLOWE, Merchant, 500 acs. in Nansamund Riv., Up. Co. of New Norf., last day of Aug. 1638, p. 595. On the back side of Francis Maulden his land, S. upon the W. br. of the river & N. W. from land of sd. Maulden into the woods. Trans, of 10 pers.* ROBERT JOHNS, Merchant, 16 poles in James Citty, last of Aug. 1638, p. 595. Conteyning 4 poles on every side, S. upon the maine river, bounded on E. with land of Thomas Goulding & on W. with land not yett disposed of. 21 yr. lease. Fee Rent: 1 Capon on the feast of St. Thomas. ARGOLL YEARDLEY, Esqr., 3700 acs. Accomacke Co., 6 Sept. 1638, p. 595. On the E. side of Chisopeian baye, butting N. on the river of Hun- gars soe called by the Indians, S. upon a small river called Savages Cr., W. on the sd. baye & E. to the maine land towards the Sea. Said land being graunted to Sir Georg Yeardley, Kt., father to the sd. Argoll, by pattent from the late Treasurer & Co. & confirmed by order of Court 9 May 1623 & now due sd. Argoll in right of descent from his sd. father. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 97 JOHN MOORE & ROWLAND BURNAM, 200 acs. in Chichahominy Riv., James Citty Co., 4 Sept. 1638, p. 596. Near the head of the second Cr. belowe the Gulfe on the E. side of sd. river, toward the head of same br. that Richard Hill & Roger Armwoods land lyeth on. 100 acs. due for their own per. advs., & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 Negroes, one for each of them. THOMAS PLOMER & SAMUELL EDMONDS, 400 acs., James Citty Co., at the Up. Chippokes Cr., 7 Sept, 1638, p. 596. E. upon the maine Cr., &c. Due for trans, of 8 pers: Humphry Harwood, Katherin Adwell, Edwd. Dunckley, Wm. Midleton, Hen. Arden, Tho. Swaine, Ann his wife, servts. to Thomas Plommer; Wm. Chandler (or Chandley) servant to Samuell Edmonds. ROBERT FREEMAN, Merchant, 700 acs. in Chichahominy Riv., James Citty Co., 11 Sept. 1638, p. 597. S. W. upon sd. river, into the woods N. E., beg. where land of Francis Barrett ends. Due for trans, of 14 pers: John Moore, Wm. Rebell, Robert Drewry, Robert Haywood, Jon. Markedon, Jerimiah Slye, Robert Selbee, Math. Dixon, Tho. Moore, Georg Whitaker, William Charles, John Chappell, Tho. Besson, John Fricker. RICHARD WILCOX, 700 acs. in Chichahominy Riv., James Citty, 11 Sept. 1638, p. 597. N. E. adj. land of Robert Freeman. Due for trans, of 14 pers: John February, Wm. Lowder, Jon. Warren, Wm. Pippin, Rich. Ste- phens, William Hix, Jon. Butler, Humphry Blackman, Roger Crabbe, Humphry Dale, Jon. Chappell, John Richford, Tho. Fowler, Peter Willett. JOELL VINON, (or Union) 50 acs. in Martins Hundred Parish, James Citty Co., 21 Sept. 1638, p. 597. Sly. upon land of Thomas Smith & Nly, into the woods. Due unto him by deed guift from Thomas Smith, to whom it was due for trans, of 1 servant named John Greenfeild. WILLIAM PARRY, a parcel of land conteyning 6 po. in breadth & 4 po. in length, in James Island. 22 Sept. 1638, p. 598. Due by Act of Assembly, dated 20 Feb. 1636. Fee Rent: 1 Capon yearely at the feast of St. Thomas, etc. ARTHUR BAYLY, Merchant, halfe an acre of land, viz: 6 po. in breadth & 14 po. in length, in James Citty Island, 22 Sept. 1638, p. 598. Due as above. ALICE EDLOE, Widdowe, 150 acs. at Harrow Attocks, Henrico Co., 24 Sept. 1638, p. 599. W. upon the river, N. to a little creek over against Kings- land, adj. Sly. upon land of Georg Boate. Due for trans, of 3 pers: Tho. mas Ponder (or Pouder), Georg Phil- lipps, Mary Billan. SERJEANT ROBERT HUTCHIN- SON, 50 acs. James Citty Co., 24 Sept. 1638, p. 599. Sly. upon a Sw., W. upon the cleare ground of Pasbyhayes, E. upon the Cart way & N. into the woods. Due by Act of Court, 7 June 1638, providing that the maine land in Pasbyhayes on this side of Powhetan Sw. should be leased out in parcells of 50 acs. for & during the terme of 21 yeares from Michaellmas next, reserv- ing to the Govr. &c. the Annuall rent of 2 bbls. of Indian corne, with further provisoes that such lesseees doe plant & seate upon such land at Michaelmas next, with five men well armed, at the least, upon forfeiture of their lease &c. Note: May 20th 1642. This is sur- rendered upp. Test: John Meade, Clr. JOHN JACKSON & ELIZABETH KINGSMILL (Kingsmell) now the wife of William Taylor, 600 acs. James Citty Co., 26 Sept. 1638, p. 600. Be- ing a parcell of small islands upp Chichahominy river compassed round with a marsh, S. S. W. on land of Mr. Bridges Freeman, W. N. W. upon land of John Dansey & N. N. E. upon land of Mr. John Felgate, etc. Dut by right of trans, of 12 pers: Michael Batt, 100 acs. as being an old planter; John Gelding, Patrick Tailing, David Davis, Jon. Vaughan, Hen. Daniell, Edward Plowman, Alexander Stomer, Tho. Browne, Tho. Child, Jon. Nurton. 98 Cavaliers and Pioneers ROBERT WEST, 600 acs. in Lyn haven in the Low. Co. of New Norf., 15 May 1638, p. 600. Upon the second baye proceeding out of a Cr. riming Ely. out of Lyn haven river &c, Ely. to the Seaboard lying over against land of Mr. Henry Woodhowse. Trans, of 12 persons*. Note: This pattern surren- dered & renewed in the name of Georg Rutland & William Jacob, Nov. 1642. MR. JOHN FELGATE, 1200 acs. upon Checkeroes Neck, N. N. W. upon the river & from the Landing place the bodye of the land lyeth S. E. into the woods. Graunted by order of Ct. 23 Dec. 1635 & being due for trans, of 24 pers.* 26 Sept. 1638, p. 601. Note: This patt. is renewed by reason of a mistake in the bounds of this pattent. See July 1640. Test: Samll. Abbott, Clk. JOHN GIBBS, 300 acs. Eliz. Cittie Co., 27 Sept. 1638, p. 601. N. E. upon the old Poquoson, S. W. into the woods, bounded on S. by land of Thomas Purifye & on W. by land of Thomas Sewell now in possession of Henry Batt. Due for trans, of 6 pers.* THOMAS BOULDING, 200 acs. Eliz. Cittie Co., 27 Sept. 1638, p. 601. N. upon Benjamine Syms his Cr., S. into the woods, bounded on W. with land of John Moore, gent., & on E. with land of Thomas Sewell, now in possess- ion of Henry Batt. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Robert Clement, Nicholas Dale, John Davis, Edward Dobson. RICHARD MILTON, 400 acs. Chas. Cittie Co., 3 Oct. 1638, p. 602. Bounded N. by W. upon land of Ser- jeant Richard Tysdell & S. by E. upon great Weynoake Towne. Due for trans, of 8 pers: Andrew Parker, Christopher Stanton, Henry Palmer, William Deakes, Henry Foster, John Hammond, Eade Adams, Hanna Mawe. Note: Re- newed 23 Aug. 1643 & pattent of 200 acs. of Richard Tisdell of 10 Feb. 1635 added & 400 acs. more added to both these, all of which are in the name of Thomas Wheeler. THOMAS BURBAGE, Gent., 300 acs. in the Up. Co. of New Norf., 12 Oct. 1638, p. 602. E. S. E. upon a Cr. adj. land of Capt. John Sibsey & W. S. W. upon his own land. Due for trans, of 6 pers.* Note: 6 persons assigned to Mr. Burbage by the oath of Henry Poole from Mr. Georg Downes. DERRICK CORTSEN STAM & ARENT CORTSEN STAM, a parcell of land in James Island, conteyning 10 po. in breadth & 8 po. in length. 11 Oct. 1638, p. 603. Neare adj. to Capt. William Peirce his store. Graunted by Act of Assembly, 20 Feb. 1636 &c. Fee Rent: 1 Capon on the feast of St. Tho- mas, provided &c. ROBERT MARTIN (Martyn), 250 acs. Low. New Norf. Co., 12 Oct. 1638, p. 603. In Eliz. Riv., W. upon the Indian Cr., N. upon the river, E. upon a reedy swamp & S. into the woods. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of his wife Elizabeth Martin & 3 pers: Edward Wade, Robert Masters, Rebecca Smith. WILLIAM TAYLOR, 1200 acs. in Chichahominy Riv., James Citty Co., 9 Nov. 1638, p. 603. Beg. at the next point of land above Warrany Landing place, W. Sly. upon sd. river, E. Nly. into the maine woods & Warrany Cr. on the N. Trans, of 24 pers.* JOHN BISHOPP, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 9 Nov. 1638, p. 604. At the head of Tappahannock Cr., Northerly upon a path, Wly. towards a reedy swamp, E. towards a sunken marsh & Sly. into the woods. Due for trans, of 3 pers: John Tompkins, John Bonner, John Wright. THOMAS CROWTCH (Croutch), 150 acs. James Citty Co., 10 Nov. 1638, p. 604. Upon W. side of Tappa- hannock Cr., bounded by a reedy swamp to the S. W. & N. E. upon a path. Due for trans, of 3 pers: William Greene, Richard Preslee, James Mason. LEIFT. JOHN UPTON, 1500 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 10 Nov. 1638, p. 605. 1000 acs. Adj. Ambrose Bennetts land, 500 acs. of which lies on the other side of the branch opposite Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 99 against the aforesaid land, runing E. into the woods, beg. at an Indian path which goeth over the head of that branch &c. Due for trans, of 30 pers: James Parsons, John Parker, Lewis Phillipps, Tho. Gleed, Christ. Lewis, Phillipp Kennersbye, Morgan Evans, Andrew Perkins, John Fitchett, Patrick Vaughan, Morgan Roberts, Richard Baylye, James Tallock, John Gillgate, Thomas Willis, Edward Glover, Nathll. Fairebrother, Roger Williams, William Taylor, John Shallock, Francis Symons, Robert Sudbury, Francis Trick, Richard Summer, Georg Gillin, James Davis, David Clarke, John George, Augustine Skidmore, Thomas Welch. THOMAS CLIPWELL, 600 acs. James Citty Co., in Chichahominy Riv., 15 Nov. 1638, p. 605. Between land of Richard Bell & Theodore Moyses, N. E. over against land of John Dansey. Due for trans, of 12 pers: Amey (Anny) Cooke, Robert Madlock, Mary Johnsons, John Richards, Thomas Mash, John Shorter, Rowland Pricherd, Francis Rogers, Richard Baxter. OLIVER SPRYE, 600 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., being called by the name of the thickett, 26 Nov. 1638, p. 605. Beg. upon land of Mr. Daniell Gookins, extending S. W. up a long banck of the maine river & N. W. into the woods, etc. 300 acs. graunted by order of Ct., 6 June 1635 & 300 acs. due for trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Roberts, William Spencer, William Baker, Christopher Piddington, Abraham Burcher, William Collins. JONATHAN LANGWORTH, 600 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 6 Dec. 1638, p. 606. On the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., S. E. to the Riv. & N. E. to the woods with a creek on either side. 400 acs. part hereof by purchase from John Holmes being due in right of trans, of 8 pers.*, & 200 acs. for trans, by sd. Langworth (of 4 pers:) Jonathan Lang- worth, Thomas Evans, Richard Ragged, John Blunter. Note: Memo: That I John Holmes have bargained & sold unto Jonathan Langworth 400 acs. of land in Eliz. River now called New Norfolke, the which land I have taken up by pattent. 25 Dec. 1637. Signed: John Holmes. CAPT. CHRISTOPHER WORME- LEY, 1420 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 27 Jan. 1638, p. 607. N. upon sd. river, bounded with Wormeleys Cr., on E. with land of Nicholas Clarke &c, joyn- ing land formerly belonging to Mr. Lionell Roulston &c, crossing a ridge of land & the path leading to the new Poquoson &c, runing from the edge of the marsh to the head of the back creeke N. E. & downe the same untill it meete with land of sd. Clarke &c. Due by right of trans, of 16 pers. the 1st yeare: Henry Marshall, John Tho- mas, Stephen Losh, Richard Header, Morris Coleman, John Brownelofe, William Musgrave (or Musgrane), his wife & 2 children, Joe & Samboe Negroes, & 4 servants more. For the 2nd yeare: John Hampton, Morris Prosser, Jinkin Williams, William Baker, John Loyse, Samell. Jones, Tho- mas Sax, Edward Murfeild, Morris Walker, William Gingey (or Guigey), William English, Nicholas Raymon, Nicholas Welch (or Wise— altered ) , Dickery Newman, John Congden, Mar- garett Raw, Richard Lewis, Jerimiah Lynch, Thomas Skirrick, Richard Mar- maduke, Thomas Jenkin, Henry Hyves, John Poole, Peter , Leonard Reeves. CHRISTOPHER BRANCH, Gent., 250 acs. Henrico Co., 12 Mar. 1638, p. 608. At Kingsland over against the Long feild, E. upon the maine river, W. by S. into the maine woods & adj. Sly. upon land of John Griffin, now in the tenure of sd. Branch, & runing thence Nly. towards the feilds. 50 acs. due for his own per. adv. & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* HOWARD HORSEY, Gent., 1400 acs. Henrico Co., 12 Feb. 1638, p. 608. S. on land of Mr. Christopher Branch, E. on the river, W. into the maine woods & N. with a falling Cr. 1000 acs. graunted by order of Ct., 6 June 1635, being alsoe due with the other 400 acs. for the trans, of 28 pers.* GEORG LOBB, THOMAS PERCE (Peirce) & THOMAS WARNE, 1550 100 Cavaliers and Pioneers acs. in Chichahominy Riv., James Citty Co., 10 Feb. 1638, p. 608. Beg. next to land of William Taylor, E. S. E. down the river, Wly. up the river & Ely. into the woods, opposite to neck of land belonging to Richard Peirce. Due for trans, of 31 pers: Thomas Warne his servants names: Andrew Emery, John Grant, Mathew Langley, William Carter, John Dove, Francis Durish, Eliz. Bradin, Ann Waterman, Tho. Stephens, William Grymes. (Note: Other names not given.) WILLIAM BARKER, Marriner, his Associates & Co., 1850 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 12 Feb. 1638, p. 609. 600 acs. of sd. land being heretofore called by the name of Powlebrooke & now known by the name of Merchants Hope. Said land beg. at a Cr. that parts it from Salters hill, extending to the water side neare under the howse of one Richard Williams on the E. side thereof, bounded E. upon Merchants hope Cr., W. towards Chaplins, N. upon the river & S. into the woods. The other 1250 acs. acs. extending backwards into the woods & adj. upon the Cr. Due, vizt: 600 acs. conveyed & assigned over to sd. Barker & acknowledged by him equally to belong to his said Associates by John Taylor, Cittizen & Girdler of London, being purchased by him of Thomas Powell of Howlton in the Countie of SufTolke, yeoman, brother & lawfull heire of Capt. Nathaniell Powell late of Va., deceased, as by the deed of conveyance now upon record from sd. Taylor more at large appear- eth. The other 1250 acs. being due unto them for trans, of 25 pers: Georg Gregory, Tho. Percocks, Wm. Radway, Isaac Radway, Wm. Straing, Jon. Yates, Jon. Minter, Dorothy Standish, Mathew Robinson, Daniell Goodwin, Jon. Jones, Thomas Johnson, Georg Brookes, Sarah Collybancke, Eliz. Phillipps, Jon. Croft, Daniell Bromly, Wm. Woodgate, Step. Godwin, Robt. Yates, Wm. Griffin, Wm. Andrews, Benj. Ray, Nath. Deane, Wm. Jackson. CORNELIUS LOYD, 400 acs. some 10 mi. up the Westermost br. of Eliz. Riv., upon the S. side, Ely. upon a tree comonly called the Choice tree, W. up- on the river, S. into the woods &N. upon the river. Last of Nov. 1638, p. 610. Due for trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Bonner, Henry Cooke, John Brookes, William Woolly, Richard Day, Peter Sedberry, John Brittaine, Thomas Williams. WILLIAM CLARKE, 200 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 18 Feb. 1638, p. 610. E. upon the new Poquoson, bounded on the W. with the longreach of sd. river & on the N. E. with the Oyster Cr. &c. 100 acs. graunted 21 Aug. 1637 & with the other 100 acs. is due for trans, of 4 pers: Gerrard Cooke, Sarah Coggin, John Morgan, Georg Robison. MR. JOHN CHEW, 750 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 18 Feb. 1638, p. 610. Bound- ing Sly. on Cheesmans Cr., N. into the woods, E. on land of Thomas Attowell & Wly. by a ridge of land & crosse a runn of fresh water. Due by assign- ment from Mr. Georg Keth, Clerke. JOHN HARTWELL, 650 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 18 Feb. 1638, p. 611. N. upon Queens Cr., bounded on E. with land of John Bell, S. S. W. into the woods a mile, thence joyning land of Samuell Watkeyes, from thence runing down the Mayden Swamp untill it meete with Queens Cr. Due for trans, of 13 pers.* WILLIAM EYRES, 100 acs. in Chucatuck Riv. in the Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 Feb. 1638, p. 611. E. by N. upon land of Georg Salsbury now in his possession, S. upon his own land, &c. Due for trans, of 2 pers.* MR. JOHN GOOKINS, 500 acs. up- on W. side of Nansamund River alias Matrevers river, Up. New Norf. Co., 18 Feb. 1638, p. 611. Beg. at a point whereupon the channell of the river abutteth heretofore called by the name of Mossey point but at present Bet- sanger, downward upon the aforesd. river, E. by N. into the woods, S. by W. &c. Due for trans, of 10 pers: Thomas Box, Junr., Peter Norman, John Butler, John Burden, Robert Hodges, Walter Carpenter, Edward Morgan, John Lowden, William Peasant. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 101 MR. EDWARD SANDERSON, 200 acs. in Chichahominy river, James Citty Co., 18 Feb. 1638, p. 612. At the head of Piny point Cr., being severall small islands neare to Morgans Island & reaching from the head of Piny pt. Cr. to the maine river. Due in right of trans, of 4 servts., by Edward Morecroft, Merchant, & assigned to sd. Sanderson. MR. ROBERT BENNETT, 200 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 18 Feb. 1638, p. 612. In the second Cr. on the Ely. side of Matrevers river, behind his own land. Due for trans, of 4 pers: John Hodgen, Silvester Barker, Thomas Har- wood, Thomas Needham. JOHN MOONE, Gent., 400 acs. S. side of Warresquicke Riv., Wly. upon the back Cr., N. upon land of Thomas Davis, E. upon his own land & S. into the woods. 2 Nov. 1638, p. 613. Due for trans, of 8 pers: Richard Jones, Thomas Dawson, Georg Nicholson, Alice Newman, Lancelott Clay, Daniell Welch, Thomas Bourne, Mathew Bassett. HENRY CATELYN, 500 acs. Up. New Norf. Co., 18 Feb. 1638, p. 613. In the W. most branch of Eliz. Riv. 50 acs. due for his own per. adv., & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: Edward Silley, Leonard Richardson, John Bond, James Johnson, Jesper Hodgskins, John Tiffeney, John Musgrove, William Shap- well, Georg Blowe. WILLIAM RABNETT, 100 acs. Warwick Riv. Co., 20 Feb. 1638, p. 613. E. into the woods from the head of a spring called Jacobs well, S. upon land of Mr. Thomas Harwood. Bein^ part of land formerly leased to Jacob Avery & due sd. Rabnett for the trans, of 2 pers: John Lathropp, Hester Kasey (or Lasey.) WILLIAM BERRYMAN, 350 acs. Accomacke Co., 20 Feb. 1638, p. 614. S. Wly. bounded by the old plantation Cr., E. into the woods, & N. on land of Henry Williams. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 6 pers: William Berryman, William Povy, John Tru- herne, Bryan Kelly, Thomas Clifton. HENRY WILLIAMS, 200 acs. Acco- mack Co., 20 Feb. 1638, p. 614. On the old plantation Cr., W. on the maine Cr., N. on land of Henry Charleton & S. W. on the fishing point. 100 acs. being due as an ancient planter & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Susan An- drews, Margery Williams. WILLIAM COTTON, Clerke, 300 acs. Accomacke Co., 20 Feb. 1638, p. 615. W. upon the first devdt. of Mr. William Andrewes & Sly. upon the maine Cr. of Hungars. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 5 pers: Henry Pace, John Hayworth, Eliz. Harris, Domingo & Saconyo Negroes. EDMUND SCARBOROUGH, 400 acs. Accomacke Co., 21 Feb. 1638, p. 615. Beg. at a little br. to the Nwd. of Pemenoec Cr., Ely. on the Seaboard side & Wly. into the woods. Due for trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Hathaway, Thomas Sparks, Thomas Other, John Selly, John Hues, Christopher Dixon, Jerimiah Barker, Henry Tomlin. Note: This pattent assigned over to Thomas Savage, who assigned to Christopher Kirke in whose name it was renewed. CAPT. THOMAS HARRIS, 820 acs. comonly known by the name of the Long feild, Henrico Co., 25 Feb. 1638, p. 615. With Sw. & marsh, beg. at a little Cr. over against Capt. Martin, N. on the back side of the Sw., E. S. E. into the woods towards Bremo, W. N. W. on the maine river. 100 acs. for his own per. adv., 100 acs. for the per. adv. of his first wife Adry Harris, as being Ancient Planters, & 620 acs. for trans, of 13 pers: William Purnell, John Godfrye, John Searne, Thomas Kemp, Richard Mascoll, Nath. Moore, John Edwards, Ann Ridley, William Jones, Thomas Morgan, William Jones, 2 Negroes — a man & a woman. JOHN CHEW, Gent., 350 acs. James Citty Co., 22 Feb. 1638, p. 616. E. upon a Cr. next to the Gleab land & S. E. upon the maine Cr. &c. Due by assignment from Alexander Stomer. PETER MOUNTEGUE, 50 acs. in the Up. Co. of New Norf., 25 Feb. 102 Cavaliers and Pioneers 1638, p. 616. N. E. upon the Long pond Cr., S. E. upon land of William Eyres & S. W. into the woods called by the name of the Oyster banck. Due for trans, of Peter Cranfeild. WILLIAM CLOYS, the son of Phet- tiplace Cloys, 750 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 25 Feb. 1638, p. 617. N. upon the new Poquoson river, S. into the woods, E. upon the Bay & W. along the banck of the river. Due in right of trans, of 15 pers. by his father: William Bullock, Martin Demond, Thomas Beeke, Michaell Bartlett, Ann Fookes, Thomas Stokes, William , Susan , Thomas Seawell, Richard Bucher, Adrian Marner, Richard Feild, Sualter (or Snalter) Jellett, Tho. Long, Wil- liam Wheatly. JOHN ROBINS, 1200 acs. James Citty Co., 25 Feb. 1638, p. 617. S. W. upon Chichahominy Riv., N. E. into the woods, beg. at a Marish Island at pease hill point. 50 acs. due for the per. adv. of his first wife Dorothy, 50 acs. for the per. adv. of 2nd wife Alice & 1100 acs. for the trans, of 22 pers: Antho. Reboore, Marke Clevere, Nich. Stranger, Richard Bayly, Symon Drew, Tho. Morrell, Nath. Page, Rich. Beedham, Georg Spice, John Lawrence, Edward Wakins, 1 Negroe, Thomas Wrenn, Richard Hughes, Patrick Farrell, Tho- mas Tilsley, James Mitchell, 2 Negroes, Francis Sparks, David Loyd, John Seberry. STEPHEN HAMBLYN, 250 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 25 Feb. 1638, p. 618. Bounded N. by E. upon Queens Cr., W. into the woods upon land of Leift. Richard Popely, S. upon a Sw. parting it from land of sd. Popeley & E. upon a Marsh towards the Pallisadoes. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 4 pers: John Dixon, Oliver Juche, Eliz. Mar- more, 1 Negroe. WILLIAM WIGG, 300 acs. James Citty Co., 22 Feb. 1638, p. 618. About a mile up Chichahominy Riv. above the mouth of Warrany Cr., W. upon a Sw. or Cr. parting it from land of John Robins, E. upon land of Bennett Free- man, N. into the woods a little island joyning to it by part of a br. of War- rany Cr. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 5 pers: Robert Wigg, Hugh Hayward, Susan Hayward, Lawrance Pynion, Robert Woover. JOHN POTEET (Poteete), Chirur- gion, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 22 Feb. 1638, p. 619. Butting upon Mr. Roul- stons first devdt. N., bounded on the W. with land of Robert Bew & E. side with land of Hugh Allen. Due in right of trans, of 2 pers. by Edward Reynolds: Eliz. Reynolds Ux (wife), Edward Reynolds, George Hayly his servants. PHILLIPP CLARKE, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 10 Nov. 1638, p. 619. S. E. upon Sunken Marsh & Nly. upon land of Mr. Ewing. Due for his own. & per. adv. of his first wife Elizabeth, his now wife Mary & the trans, of one servt: Mary Thorrogood. GEORG HIGGINS, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 25 Feb. 1638, p. 619. N. upon the back Cr., bounding on both sides with land of John Clarkson. Due by right of trans, of William English the first yeare, & John Thomas & Henry Marshall the 2nd yeare to Chas. River. JOHN LAYDON, 500 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 3 Oct. 1638, p. 620. At the old Popuoson, lying by Burrowes his neck, Ewd. from it, joyning land of Georg Hull. Due upon a consideration expressed in an order of Ct., 29th Feb. 1631. ROBERT PITTWAY, (Pitway) 200 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 24 Feb. 1638, p. 620. Adj. land of John Utye, gent. Due for the per. adv. of himself, his wife Mary Pitway, Edward Pitway, his son & Mary Pitway his daughter. ABRAHAM PELTREE, 50 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., within Nansamund Riv. alias Matrevers Riv., 25 Feb. 1638, p. 620. S. upon Mr. Randall Crew his Cr., E. towards the Sw., W. towards the maine river & N. towards land of Tho- mas Powell. Due for his per. adv. THOMAS STAMP (Stampe), 500 acs. James Citty Co., 24 Feb. 1638, p. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 103 621. Upon a Sw. at the head of Lawnes Cr,, S. E. upon land of Nicho- las Reynolds. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: by Richard Tree: Charles Lockley, Hannah Jones, Christopher Feild, Rich- ard Sutton, John Markham, Walter Willis, Lawr. Littleboy, Edward Bryan, Richard Andrews. THOMAS WHEELER, 200 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 10 Nov. 1638, p. 621. At the head of Merchants Hope Cr., bounding N. by W. upon land of Ed- ward Sparshott. Due by assignment from Serjeant Richard Tisdell, (Tisdall) to whom it was due for trans, of 4 pers.* ROBERT BRASSURE & PETER REY, 600 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 24 Feb. 1638, p. 622. Upon Nansa- mund River alias Matrevers Riv. Due by assignment from Peter Johnson. WILLIAM BARKER, Marriner, 24 poles square, Ely. upon land of John Corker, W. upon land of William Parry & N. into the Island. 27 Feb. 1638, p. 622. Fee Rent: 1 Capon, etc. RICHARD BARNHOWSE, (Barne Howse), Marriner, 250 acs., James Citty Co., 27 Feb. 1638, p. 622. Butting upon a drye gutt or deepe hollow Sw. to the Swd. of William Berrys howse, runing S. W. from the path at the head of sd. gutt &c, crossing a runn of water into land that was cleared by George Holmes &c. to S. W. side Kethes Cr. Due by purchase from Jerimiah Blackman, Marriner, Admr. of Jacob Avery, dec'd., which land is part of 500 acs. leased to sd. Avery, & now confirmed by pattern. STEPHEN WEBB, 250 acs. James Citty Co., 2 Mar. 1638, p. 623. Neare the head of Sunken Marsh, E. upon land of William Nusam, N. upon the main Sunken Marsh Sw. & S. upon a Sw. 150 acs. for the per. advs. of himself, his wife Clare Webb, his son Robert & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Eliza. Morris, William Briggs. Note: Re- newed by sd. Webb & pattern dated 18 Sept. 1636 put unto it & 100 acs. more added. ELI AS HARTREE, 100 acs. Acco- mack Co., last of Feb. 1638, p. 623. S. upon the Gleab land, N. upon the persimon ponds & W. upon the Bay. 21 yr. lease. Fee Rent: 4 bbls. of Corne, etc. THOMAS SYMONS, 250 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 2 Mar. 1638, p. 624. E. upon Nansamund Riv., bounded on N. with Majors Cr. & on S. by land of John Slater. Due for trans, of 5 pers: David Lewis, Thomas Annis, Robert Sanders, Robert Coleman, Tho. Dickson. JOHN WATKINS, 150 acs. James Citty Co., at the Low. Chippokes, 2 Mar. 1638, p. 624. Upon N. side of Sunken Marsh & N. E. upon land of Phillipp Clarke. Due for trans, of 3 pers: Richard Austin, Richard Millard, Robert Knight. ROBERT HOLT & RICHARD BELL, 500 acs. James Citty Co., in Chicha- hominy Riv., 2 Mar. 1638, p. 624. Towards the head of Checqueroes Cr. & W., upon land of Mr. John Felgate. 50 acs. due to each for their own per. adv., & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: John Newhowse, Wm. Allin, Stephen Beane, Antho. Luco, Samuell Lucas, Robert Phillipson, Tho. Keyes, William Willeford. Note: Renewed 23 July 1640 in the name of Robert Holt. THOMAS SWANN, 1200 acs. James Citty Co., upon S. side of James Riv., 1 Mar. 1638, p. 625. Bounded W. from Smiths mount to the halfe way neck. Due in right of trans, of 24 pers. by his late father William Swan: Richard Jones, Henry Dawkes, John Swan, Nich. S talling, J oseph Momus, Kath. Crippin, "Richard Maddison, Tho. Williams, Willi. Motts, Georg Yeo- mans, John Fludd, Edward Swan, Rich. Thimbleby, Nicholas Foster, Edward Champion, Judith Greene, Nich. Bar- nett, Rich. Perry, John Goodson, Rich- ard Fludd, Alice Eeds, Mary Hawkes, Andrew Jacob, Kath. Cripps. WALTER CHILES, 400 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 1 Mar. 1638, p. 625. W. upon Apamattuck Riv., N. upon land 104 Cavaliers and Pioneers of Edward Tunstall & S. towards the falls. 200 acs. for the per. advs. of himself, his wife Elizabeth Chiles, his sons: William & Walter, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Hen. Tutton, Jon. Gerry, Jon. Shaw, Sarah Cole. RICHARD BENNETT, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 2 Mar. 1638, p. 626. 150 acs. butting upon the baye behind Ambrose Meders point & 150 acs. beg. at the miles end & upon the W. side of Thomas Davis his land. Due by right of trans, of 6 pers., by John Myles: John Myles, Tho. Whitlock, Silvester Fitcher (?), Robert Willey, William Harrison, Andrew Blackwell. EDWARD TRAVIS & JOHN JOHNSON, sonn of John Johnson, deed., 900 acs. James Citty Co., 25 Feb. 1638, p. 626. Upon the head of Up. Chippokes Cr. adj. upon S. W. side of land of Jerimiah Dickeson &c. 200 acs. due by right of adv. of his father, his wife & 2 children (also written 3 children) & 250 acs. for trans. of 5 pers. by sd. Johnson, the elder; 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers., by sd. Travis: (which names appear, viz:) Jon. Johnson, his wife & 3 children, Walter Travis, Nich. Cosons, Walter Johnson, Dorothy Bornett, Kath. Dowse, Tho. Hewson, Robt. Simpson, Peter Hill, Jon. Turvy, Fr. Camber, Jon. Jenings, Richard New, Tho. Bach, (or Bath). RICHARD KEMP, Esqr., 840 acs., called the meadowes neare unto the Rich Neck upon Archers hope Cr. pur- chased by sd. Kemp of Georg Minifye, Merchant; 4 Mar. 1638, p. 627. Beg. at the horse path over against part of the sd. Rich Neck, N. N. W. downe the side of the meadowes to a br. of Powhetan Sw. &c. 50 acs. due for his own per. adv. & 800 acs. for trans, of 16 pers: Henry Fenton, Thomas Cooke, Robert Sumers, John How, Georg Har- rison, Francisco, Mingo, Maria, Mathew, Peter, Cosse, old Gereene, Bass, young Peter, Paule, Emmanuell, Negroes. GEORG GRACE, Merchant, 1000 acs. James Citty Co., 7 Mar. 1638, p. 627. Within Chichahominy Riv., W. upon land of Bridges Freeman, runing down towards head of Pagan Cr., & S. W. towards sd. Freeman & Francis Fowlers Cr. Due for trans, of 20 pers.* PETER KNIGHT, Merchant, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 13 Mar. 1638, p. 628. S. E. Ely. upon the maine Cr., S. W. into the woods upon land of Leift. John Upton Sly., & upon the Batchelors plantation Nly. Due by as- signment & exchange to & with sd. Leift. Upton to & with Mr. Thomas Hill for 200 acs. in any other place ungraunted & by sd. Hill sold to sd. Knight for a valuable consideration. CHRISTOPHER BURROUGH, 200 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., 21 Feb. 1638, p. 628. E. upon the W. side of Lynhaven river, S. upon a Cr. of the same & N. W. into the woods. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Richard Gardiner. Note: Other names not given. SAME. 150 acs. Same Co., date & page. Nly. upon Bennetts Cr. Trans, of 3 pers: Thomas Francis, Andrew Bodman, Daniell Scott. JOHN BRADSTON, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 26 Sept. 1636, p. 629. On the S. side of the river in the bottome of Pipscoes Bay, E. upon the Sw. &c. 50 acs. for his own per. adv. & 300 acs. for trans, of his wife Dorothy Bradston & 5 pers.* Memo: That I John Brad- ston doe utterly disclaime and renounce all right & title of land that I have formerly laid claime to in Pipscoes Bay in the Co. of James Citty all of which right and title I have assigned over to John Fludd of Westover plantation in Va. Witness my hand this 20th of March 1638. Alwayes provided that I shall bee tolerated to take up the same proportion of land that I have dis- claimed elsewhere making the same to appeare to bee due. (Note: The fol- lowing names appear under this record: ) Thomas Hooker, John Hackworth. (By Capt. John West, Govr. &c.) ARON CORSESTAM & DERRICK CORSESTAM, 860 acs. Eliz. Cittie Co., 23 March 1638, p. 629. S. upon the maine river, into the woods N. parallel Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 105 to land of Bartholomew Wethersbye, bounded on the W. with Newport News Cr. &c. Graunted unto them upon con- sideration expressed in an order of Ct., 4 Oct. 1638. These presents witnes that whereas Capt. William Brocas, Esqr., Thomas Harwood, Gent. & Clement East, Chirurgion of the Gleabe of London, Attys. for Thomas Grindon, of London, Merchant, by virtue of their Letter (of) Atty., have bargained &c. to Capt. John Browning in consideration of 3000 lb. waight of good & Merchantable Tobacco in leafe due to bee paid at or on the 10 Nov. next after the date hereof, all the land lying in Mounts bay & be- longing to sd. Grindon, late in possession of John Warham, dec'd., & called by the name of Hampton Key. 12 Apr. 1638. It is likewise agreed that sd. Browning shall pay as much Caske as shall containe the sd. Tobacco. Signed: W. Brocas & Tho. Harwood. Witness: John Moore. Pa^e 630. JOHN NORTON, of James Island, Smith, unto EDWARD SANDERSON, Merchant, 1 howse & 12 acs. of land in James Island, bounded to the Ewd. of James Cittie, W. upon a marsh parting the same from land lately in possession of Edward Grindon, E. upon another marsh, S. upon the maine river & N. along a ridge of land between the two sd. marshes. Consideration: 2200 lbs. Tobacco. 1 Nov. 1638, p. 630. Signed: John Norton (his mark). Witnesses: Daniell Hill & Robt. Portman. JOSEPH ROYALL, 200 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 4 May 1638, p. 631. In Diggs hundred & S. upon land of Tho- mas Oggs. (Record incomplete.) Due for trans, of 4 pers: Robert Wornall, John Wells, Tho. Swift, Ralph. Higson. THOMAS GRAY, 550 acs. James Citty Co., 26 May 1638, p. 631. On S. side of the maine river over against James Cittie, adj. on N. side of land of Thomas Swan, E. upon Rolfes Cr. & S. W. into the woods towards the Crosse Cr. 100 acs. due as being an Ancient Planter, 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his first wife Avis Gray, 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his now wife Re- becca Gray & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Gray, Tho. Gray, Jon. Bis- hopp, Robt. Broome, Robt. Welch, Luke Mille, John Bancks. RICHARD KEMP, Esqr., 1200 acs, comonly called the Rich Neck, in Archers hope Cr; also 100 acs. more between the sd. 1200 acs. & the Pallisa- does of the Midle plantation; the whole 1300 acs. bounding N. W. into the woods, S. E. upon Archers hope Cr. & part of the Pallisadoes of the midle plantation, S. S. W. upon a gutt of marsh & swamp parting it from the barren Neck & N. N. E. upon land of John Saines. 1200 acs. purchased of Mr. Georg Minifye, Merchant & graunted to him 23 Feb. 1636 but not truly bounded as appeares by the survey of William Wigg, one of the Surveyors authorized by the Court; & the other 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Tonie & Gereene, Negroes. 3 Jan. 1638, p. 632. THOMAS STOWT, 300 acs. in Chichahominy Riv., N. upon land of John White, W. upon sd. river, S. upon a small Cr. & E. into the woods. 10 Apr. 1639, p. 632. Due for trans, of 6 pers: William Morgan, Jon. Badham, Richard Vardale, William Westwood, Elell Hackes, John Pargiter. THOMAS DEW, 300 acs. Up. Norf. Co., 10 Oct. 1638, p. 632. In Nansa- mund Riv., beg. at a small Cr. at the old Indian Towne, S. E. into the woods a small Island being opposite against sd. land. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Broughton, Peter Morgate, Brasen- burne Loyer, Nicholas "the surname out of the. Certificate." Note: Renewed 18 Jan. 1643 & 450 acs. added. NICHOLAS GEORGE & JOHN GRYMSDITCH, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 20 Feb. 1638, p. 633. Runing up Pagan Cr., & E. & W. at the head of Grymsditch his Cr. 200 acs. to sd. George by assignmt. from William Clapham, to whom it was due for trans, of 4 pers., John Munger, Rich. Shelton, Anthony Lee, John Evans, & 100 acs. due sd. Grymsditch for the per. adv. of himself & wife. 106 Cavaliers and Pioneers HUGH ALLEN, 225 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 18 Oct. 1638, p. 633. N. upon Mr. Roulstons first devdt., bounded on W. with land graunted to Martin Baker & on E. with land of Robert Beaw. 150 acs. in right of trans, of 3 pers. the 1st yr. to said Chas. Riv: John Potter, Thomas Jefferyes, Thomas Man; & 75 acs. for the adv. of himself & 2 pers: Abraham Caine, Charles Allen the 2nd yr. SAME. 100 acs. Same Co., date & page. Adj. the above tract & on the W. adj. land of John Poteete. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of his son Charles into this colony. JOHN SEAWARD, 400 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 18 June 1638, p. 634. Upon Warresquike Riv. now called New Towne haven, beg. at a pynie point by a little gutt runing into the woods right over against the land of Nathaniell Floyd & neare his former pattent. Due for trans, of 4 pers: John Seaward, John Williams, Edward Brantly, Wil- liam Winnfrye (the first syllable crossed out, leaving the name thus: frye), Anth. Mathews, Gersion Gromwell, John Lippett, Phillip Plumblye. CHRISTOPHER BRANCH, 450 acs. Henrico Co., 28 Feb. 1638, p. 634. E. by N. upon the great river, S. by E. upon Proctors Cr. etc., & N. by E. upon land graunted to John Griffin, now in the tenure of sd. Branch. 100 acs. due by exchange from James Place, to whom in was due in right of 2 servts., & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Richard Peirce, James Hunt, Edward Salter, Thomas Morgan, Samuell Fitch, Tho. Richardson, Robert Elam Charles Steward, Richard Bumpas. EDWARD WHITAKERS, (Whita- ker), 100 acs., 8 Feb. 1638, p. 635. Joyning upon the Pallisadoes of the midle plantation without the forrest, W. N. W. into the woods, S. E. upon the pallisadoes, S. W. upon land of Robert Guy & N. E. upon land of Leift. Rich- ard Popeley. Due for trans, of 2 pers.* DAVID MANSELL, 250 acs. James Citty Co., 10 Oct. 1638, p. 635. W. upon land of Thomas Loveing in Mar- tins hundred, N. by a ridge of land whereon the Church standeth, E. upon land of John Oberry & S. upon Keths Cr. Due for trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Armye, Robert Sharpe, Ralph Roberts, Robert Huett, Lewis Baker. THOMAS MELTON, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Feb. 1638, p. 635. At Lyn haven upon the E. side of the river at the head of a little cr. &c. 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for his wife Hannah Melton & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Edward Cooper, Gowin Laur (?). JOHN YATES, 100 acs. Low. New Norf. Co., 10 Mar. 1638, p. 636. On the S. br. of Eliz. Riv., up a Cr. on the E. side of the river &c. 50 acs. due for the per. adv. of his son Richard Yates & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servt: John Merriday. Note: Renewed 20 Feb. 1643 & 150 acrs. added. SAME. Same acreage, Co., date & page. Due for his owne & the per. adv. of his wife Joane Yates. CHRISTOPHER THOMAS, 200 acs. Accomacke Co., 10 Mar. 1638, p. 637. N. E. upon land of Capt. John Howe, W. on a br. of Cherrystones Cr. & S. upon land of Edward Drew. 50 acs. for his own & 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his father Christopher Thomas & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Georg Meuslye (or Menslye), John Greenfeild. EPAPHRODITUS LAWSON, 250 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 15 Mar. 1638, p. 637. N. side of Chuckatuck Riv., adj, his own land &c. Due for trans, of 5 pers: John Bebee, Mary Peirce, Ellen Quarrell, Edmund Knight, James Clansey (Clausey). JOHN WALTON, 200 acs. Acco- macke Co., 24 Mar. 1638, p. 637. E. upon the Seaboard side, W. into the woods with Peminoe Cr. runing in the midle. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Carter, Robert Munday, Wm. Glover, John Roberts. JOHN ROBINS, 200 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 1 Apr. 1639, p. 638. N. upon the Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 107 back river adj. land of John Robins &c. Due by right of trans, of 4 pers: John Holden (or Holder), Eliz. Holder, (his) wife, James Sampson, Jane Davis. JOHN ROBINS, 300 acs. in Chicha- hominy River, N. upon the same, beg. at a little Cr. above pease hill &c. 1 Apr. 1639, p. 638. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Georg Holliday, Jon. Charter, Alice Williams, Mary Garner, Wm. Cranfeild, Roger Rigby. Note: This pattern assigned to Edward Travis, re- newed in his name & his pattern of 800 acs., dated 15 Apr., added to it. JOHN BATTS & JOHN DAVIS, 750 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 2 Apr. 1639, p. 638. At the head of Queens Cr., W. N. W. into the woods, N. upon land of Richard Maior. 50 acs. each for their own per. adv. & 650 acs. for the trans, of 13 pers: Samll. Charywell, Wm. Thomas, Joseph Drewer, Edward Mar- shall, Tho. Lockly, John Fling, due to John Batts; Richard Thomas, Robert Freiston, Charles Lockley, Henry Low- der, Wm. Holman, Dorothy Skillorne, William Holland, due to John Davis. Note: Renewed in the name of John Davis for 450 acs. & 300 acs. in the name of Stephen Gill. WILLIAM CROUTCH, 250 acs. Low. New Norf. Co., 6 Apr. 1639, p. 639. Being a peece of land called the Woolfe Neck. Due for trans, of 5 pers: John White, John Watford, Tho. Smith, Peter Hill, William Minnokes. OWEN LANCASTER, 100 acs. at Lynhaven, Low. Norf. Co., 10 Apr. 1639, p. 639. Upon the E. side of the river neare the head of a salt Cr., beg. above a point called the Woolfes Snare. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of 1 servt: Robert Hawkin. EDWARD OLIVER, 450 acs. James Citty Co., 16 Apr. 1639, p. 640. S. side of Chichahominy Riv., S. E. & N. W. into the woods, S. W. Sly. called by the name of Mattahunck (or Matta- hauck). 150 acs. due by assignmt. from John Brodwell & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Golding, Dorothy Golding, John Smith, Thomas Grindall, Wm. Grames, Richard Baker. Note: Renewed & 300 acs. added. SAME. Same Co., date & page. At the head & upon the N. side of Chicha- hominy Riv. called by the Indians with the name Custipa, E. upon a great Sw. Due for trans, of 6 pers: John Turner, Francis Webster, Tho. Boughton, Georg Barker, Ann Edmonds, Thomas Edwards. Note: This pattern surrendered & land taken up to the former pattent. SAMUELL TRIGG & RAPHAELL JOYNER, 300 acs. in Chichahominy Riv., James Citty Co., 17 Apr. 1639, p. 640. E. into the woods, W. upon a br. of the Cr. parting it from land of Wil- liam Wigg & S. upon an Island of William Wigg, being neare 2 mi. with- in the mouth of Warranye Cr. towards the head. 50 acs. due sd. Trigg for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for his wife Ellianor Trigg, 50 acs. for his brother William Triggs; 50 acs. for the per. adv. of said Joyner & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Dorothy Rute (or Rule), Joane Graunt. Note: This pattent as- signed over wholy to Joyner & renewed in the name of Joyner & Porter & 50 acs. added. WILLIAM BASSETT, 150 acs. James Citty Co., 18 Apr. 1639, p. 641. E. & W. upon Chichahominy Riv., Nly. into the woods called by the Indians with the name of Pottacocock. 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for the adv. of his wife Iszabella Bassett & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 servt: Richard Sanders. JOHN OSBORNE, 300 acs. James Citty Co., 26 Apr. 1639, p. 641. At the upper Chippokes Cr., adj. N. E. upon land of Jerimiah Dickenson. 100 acs. due for the per. advs. of his wife Margarett Osborne, & his son John Os- borne, Junr., & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Walter Gibson, James Bad- worth, Susan Suelgreene (or Snel- greene), Eliza. Gellett (Sellett.) WILLIAM WIGG, 350 acs. upon the Nly. br. & at the head of Warrany Cr., adj. his pattent land &c. 13 Apr. 1639, p. 462. Due in right of trans, of 7 pers: Hugh Loyd, Ann Wooleston, 108 Cavaliers and Pioneers Susanna Jannaway, Hen. Harback, Nich. Watkins, Hector Godbere, Edward Smith. EDWARD TRAVIS, 300 acs. in Chichahominy Riv., James Citty Co., 25 Apr. 1639, p. 642. In Warrany Cr., W. upon land of Bennett Freeman, N. upon land of William Wigg, a Cr. be- tweene & S. upon the mouth of sd. Cr. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Edward Johnson, Luke Bromly (first written Barnaby), Tho. Croutch, Mary Jackson, Jonathan Addington, Bridgett Osborne. SAME. 800 acs. Same Co. & date, p. 643- In Chichahominy Riv., being a neck of land called pease hill ,one side butting downe the maine river Ely., & the head of the neck upon the Ely. side adj. land of William Beard &c. Due for his own. per. adv. & trans, of 15 pers: Ambrose Poyner, Richard Sutton, Katherine Wilkins, Robert Pittway, Francis Raison, Bryan Viccars, Evan Jones, John Sewell, Tho. Scarborough, John Higgins, Joseph Batts, Humphry Frey, Rebecca Leach, William Davis, Thomas Hill. Note: Renewed 17 Feb. 1643 & a pattent of John Robins as- signed to him, dated 1 Apr. 1639 of 300 acs., added. WALTER PAKES, 200 acs. on E. side of Chichahominy Riv., being a tract of land called by the name of Momtapweake, (?) lying N. & S. upon the river. 2 May 1639, p. 643. Due in right of trans, of 4 pers: Richard Baskirrel (? — first written Baskin, ) Tho. Hill, John Woodcocke, Nicholas Robinson. Note: Surrendered & land taken in another place. ALICE WILSONN, 200 acs. Acco- mack Co., 11 May 1639, p. 644. On the Seaboard side, N. to a thickett & donne Cr., runing Sly. &c. Due in right of assignmt. from Edmund Scarborough to her late husband, Henry Wilsonn. THOMAS CURTIS, 100 acs. at the head of the old Poquoson, Ely. towards land of John Laydon at the persimon ponds, N. upon a Sw. parting at the head of his plantation &c. Due for trans, of 2 pers: John Lether, John Roberts. 11 May 1639, p. 644. GEORG HIGGINS, 100 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 11 May 1639, p. 644. 30 acs. butting upon Cheesemans Cr. Wly., bounded on the N. with land of John Clarkson, S. with land of Richard Ben- nett, runing E. S. E. &c. 70 acs. butt- ing upon his first devdt., parallel to sd. Cr., to the poplar branch & thence to the head of Thomas Isles first devdt. Due for his own per. adv. & trans, of John Young. WILLIAM BARKER, Marriner, 1300 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 11 May 1639, p. 645. 500 acs. bounding upon land he purchased of Mrs. Elizabeth Stephens, now the Lady Harvey, lying up to the head of the Cr., & 800 acs. in the same Cr., being a Neck of Land adj. land lately belonging to Capt. Francis Hooke &c. Due for trans, of 26 pers: John Huffer, Edward Wilsonn, James Bagby (or Bayly) — first written Basty), Mar- garett Badham, Christopher Hargrave, Georg Waters, Thomas Fargason, Ed- mund Callaway, Mathew Pacen, Francis Assey, Robert Hudson, Richard Davey (or Daney), Ann Yorke, William Sanders, William Barwick, Morgan Glover. ROSE O'BERYE, widdowe of John O'berye, 100 acs. neare the head of Keths Cr., N. upon land of Edward Hall &c. 11 May 1639, p. 645. Due in right of a graunt made to her said late husband. (Note: the following names appear under this record & it is assumed this land was due said John for the trans, of the same: ) Rose Oberye, Henry Smithcock. RICHARD PRESTON, 150 acs. Up. New Norf. Co., 11 May 1639, p. 645. About 4 mi. up Chuckatuck River, a mi. from the Nly. side, upon the Wly. side of a small runing brooke knowne by the name of the Indian Snares, Sly. upon land of Samuell Onely & William Ticknard, runing Nly. &c. Due for trans, of 3 pers: Miles (? — altered) Collison, Lewis Long, Walter Jones. WILLIAM DAVIS, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 4 May 1639, p. 646. Adj. land lately graunted to Alexander Stomer & runing into the woods E. by Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 109 N. Due by assignmt. from Christopher Edwards. THOMAS MATHEWS, Chirurgeon, 1100 acs. Henrico Co., 11 May 1639, p. 646. Beg. at the falling creek, bearing Wly. on the falls, N. on the river, S. on the woods & E. upon the Cr. Due for trans, of 22 pers: Thomas Mathews, William Lawson, Edward Salter, Georg Grace, George Bull (first written Ball), Georg Broadie (or Broadue) (first written Browne), Georg Greene, Henry Castell, Roger Mathews, Robert Trustall, William Till, William Bowler, Morgan Russer, Richard Cooper, Mathew Mor- ton, Thomas Waplett, Robert Gammock, & 5 Negroes. WALTER COOPER, 350 acs. James Citty Co., last of Apr. 1639, p. 646. Lying due E. upon Powhetan Sw. bridge, N. & by E. up sd. Swamp, butting Sly. upon the neck of Land. Due by right of trans, of 7 pers: Wil- liam Barton, Jone Maylor, Garrett Sumerville, Richard Sutton, Sarah Woolgate, Robert Lucas, Thomas Taylor. JOHN WHITE, 350 acs. in Chicha- hominy Riv., James Citty Co., 29 Apr. 1639, p. 647. Beg. at the first point of wood on the hitherside of the Lower gulfe, S. by E. down the river, upon the river W. & by S. & E. by N. into the woods. Due for trans, of 7 pers: Richard Jenney, William Bridges, Jane Harris, Thomas Parsons, Richard Moore, Dorothy Rule, Christopher Bumbridge. JOHN DUNSTON, 250 acs. James Citty Co., in Hogg Island maine, 20 May 1639, p. 647. E. upon land of Robert Sheppard, beg. at a great Sw. N. upon Chippokes Cr. &c. 50 acs. for the per. adv. of his wife Cicely Dunston & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Richard Wellman, Edward Ingleton, Garrett Hewes, William Taylor. SAME. 600 acs. Same location, date & page. Beg. upon a Valley comeing out of the great Sw. called the Arrowe reed swamp lying N. W. above the head of Chippokes Cr. &c. Due for trans, of 12 pers: Thomas Woodall, Jon. Garrett, Marmaduke Kitson, Fr. Furbush, Eliz. Sames, Winifred Newell, Rose Hill, Rich. Sharp, Edward Hunt, Wm. Hodge, Martin Hamond, John Harcock. WILLIAM FAIREFAX, Yeoman of James Citty, 200 acs. in sd. county, Feb. 20, 1619, p. 648. (By Georg Yeardlye, Knight, Govr. &c.) "An Ancient Plan- ter who hath remained 8 years in the country & performed all services to the Colony that might any way belong to his charge," etc. "in consideration of his own per. adv. 100 acs. & 100 acs. more in the personal right of Margery his wife, an old planter also that came into the country married to the sd. William Fairefax." 12 acs. of which situated in the Island of James City about the mansion house of sd. Fairefax, E. upon Tuckers hole, near Mary Bay- ly's land now in possession of Robert Evans, S. towards Joakin Andrews & John Grubb, N. upon Richard Kings- mell's Cr., 188 acs. of same near Archers Hope, adj. William Cap, & Joakin An- drews, S. upon the great river & N. upon the maine land. Certain considera- tions, provisions, etc. Fee rent: 1 shill. for every 50 acs. etc. Signed: Georg Yeardly. Peery, (or Poory), Seer. JOHN PERROTT, of Marrys Mount, to ROBERT NEWMAN, Planter, of Blunt Point. 450 acs., in consideration of the full sum of 2,500 lbs. of good & merchantable tobacco with casque. Nov. 11, 1635, page 649. Witnesses: Mathew Plant & Tho. Leonard. Signed: John Perrott. ROBERT NEWMAN to RICHARD BENNETT, Merchant, assignment of the above land. Aug. 20, 1638, page 650. Witnesses: William Durant & John Gookin. Signed: Robert Newman. WILLIAM FAIRFAX to RICHARD BUCK, Minister, of James City, deed to "my dwelling howse and my other little howse thereto adjoining with twelve acres of land lying in James Cittie in the Island being my owne howse and land, etc." Consideration: Certain sums of money in hand paid. Dec. 18, 1620. Mr. Fairefax haveing left the pattent for 110 Cavaliers and Pioneers the above mentioned aboard ship pro- mised to send the same up from Kiquo- tan by William Perrye. Page 650. JOHN PAWLEY, Chirurgion, 600 acs. James City Co., June 18, 1639, page 651. Above the head of Lawnes Cr., N. upon Thomas Stamp, E. upon Mr. New- land. Trans, of 12 pers: Thomas Watton, Richard Newland, Geo. Arme- strong, John Price, Hugh Carron, Tho. Edwards, Arthur Hughes, Samll. Cockett, Eliz. Luckins, Rice Floyd, James Barnett (altered to Burnett), Ann Heyward. JAMES PERREN, 100 acs. Accomack Co., May 28, 1639, page 651. S. upon Marke Hammon, N. on Elias Taylor & W. on the Bay. 50 acs. due for per. adv. of himself & 50 acs. for per adv. of 1 servt: Robert Wyatt. FARMER JONES, 400 acs. Accomack Co., June 17, 1639, page 651. Due by assignment from John Ford & due sd. Ford for trans, of 8 pers.* THOMAS BURBAGE, 1,250 acs. Accomack Co., Mar. 10, 1638, page 652. On N. side of the mouth of Hungars Cr., adj. William Andrewes, etc. Sd. land formerly granted to William Gayny. Due sd. Barbage for trans, of 25 pers: William Burbage, Tompson Evan, (first written Swan) Hugh Price, Owen Doltie, David Williamson, Phil- lip Conner, Richard Hutchinson, John Dary, John Hvre, Robt. Young, William Sanders, William Brackett, Jane Bed- ford, Lawrance Evans 4 times, James Abbin, 3 times, William Waltham, Georg Brooke, Robert Plaine, John Goodman, Edward Craortt. RICE HOE, 300 acs. James City Co., June 4, 1639, page 652. S. upon his own land, E. upon David Jones. Trans, of 6 pers: John Thomas, John Rice, John (altered to Wm.) Lewis, Alice Jones, Thomas Williams, William Morrice. Note: Renewed 16 Oct. 1643 pattent of 9 May 1643 for 700 acs. and 969 acs. more added. ABRAHAM WOOD, 200 acs. Henri- co Co., June 8, 1639, page 653. Upon N. side of Appamattucke Riv., Ely. up- on a great bottome neare unto the great Rocke, W. up the river towards Mr. John Baugh, S. upon the river opposite John Baker. Trans, of 4 pers: John Evans, John Greene, Robert Taylor, Jacob Norris. HENRY WATSON, 200 acs. Low. Co. New Norfolk, June 10, 1639, page 653. In Eliz. Riv., at the head of the broad cr. Due by assignment from Francis Roulston alias Willcox, & as- signed to the sd. Francis by John Brockett, Esqr. son to Sir John Brockett, Knight, having been granted the sd. Sir John Brockett by bill of adventure from Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, late Treas- urer to the Company for Va. JOHN SAINES, 100 acs., May 29, 1639, page 653. Upon the Pallasadoes of the Midle Plantation, without the forrest, S. W. upon land of Mr. Richard Kemp & N. E. upon land of Robert Guy. Trans, of 2 pers: John Burges & John Dennes. GEORG HULL, 50 acs. Eliz. City Co., June 12, 1639, page 654. Upon the old poquoson, upon the broad Cr. adj. his own land & Richard Robinson, and on E. with Monack. Trans, of William Powell, a servant. WILLIAM BARKER, 100 acs. James City Co., June 6, 1639, page 654. S. upon the main river, E. on Skeths Cr. W. towards Randall Smallwood. Trans, of 2 pers: Robert Thomas & Thomas Robinson. CAPT. ADAM THORROGOOD, 400 acs., June 8, 1639, page 654. At the head of Samuel Bennett's Cr., W. towards a great reedy Sw., N. upon land of John Langfeild, E. upon sd. Creek which runs out of Chisopeake ah. Lynhaven. Due for trans, of 8 pers:* This patent renewed in the name of Adam Thorrogood, Jr. JOHN GRAVES, 150 acs. Eliz. City Co., May 29, 1639, page 655. At the head of the back river, E. upon his own land. Trans, of 3 pers: John Ander- son, John Sassell & Thomas Brigson. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. Ill ROBERT WEST, 600 acs. in Lyn- haven, Low. Co. New Norfolk, May 15, 1638, page 655. Over against land of John Stratton. Trans, of 12 pers.* THOMAS STEPHENS, (Steephens) 200 acs., July 18, 1639, page 655. At the head of the back river, on the E. side of Scones Dam, etc., E. by the side of the Poquoson. Formerly granted unto Epaphroditus Lawson & by him assigned to Samuell Grosse, who assigned it to John Davis, and by him assigned to sd. Stephens. RANDALL HOLT, 400 acs. James City Co., July 20 , 1639, page 656. Above the head of the Lower Chip- poakes Cr., S. near land of John Duns- ton. Due for trans, of 8 pers: Francis Holt, Robert Oliver, Hen. Grainger, Humphry Tompson, Tho. Read, Wil- liam Gee, Ann Evans, John Harris. TRISTRUM NOSWORTHY, 200 acs. Up. New Norf. Co., 5 June 1639, p. 656. Towards the head of a bay behind the ragged Islands, beg. at a small creek, extending N. Wly. upon same & running to a peece of land comonly knowne by the name of Poplar Neck. Trans, of 4 pers: Andrew Ed- wards, Mary Jackson, Barthol. Tucker, John Steward. SAME. 150 acs., same Co., date & page. Upon N. side of Nansamund Riv., adj. land of Mr. Daniell Gookin. 50 acs. for his own per. adv., 50 acs. for per. adv. of his wife Ann Nos- worthy & 50 acs. for trans, of a servt., Jone Bembricke. WILLIAM BURDETT, Gent., 200 acs., Accomack Co., June 20, 1639, page 657. Upon Johnny Boyes Cr., Trans. of 4 pers: John Stanbye, William Annis, Clement Doune, Owen Harris. THOMAS FAULKNER, 300 acs., June 5, 1639, page 657. A ridge of land behind Nutmeg Quarter between the Sw. and the Reedy damm & W. upon plantation of Joseph Stratton. 50 acs. due for per. adv. of himself & wife Margarett Faulkner & 200 acs. trans, of 4 pers: Robt. Richardson, Leo. Wood, Antonia de Grote, Tho. Vipon. Note: Renewed 12 Oct. 1642. ROBERT GLASCOCKE, 50 acs. Low. Co. New Norfolk, June 10, 1639, page 658. Up the Western branch of Eliz. River, above land of Jonathan Lang- worth. Trans, of Iszabella Dixon, a AMBROSE COBBS, 350 acs. Henrico Co., July 25, 1639, page 658. Upon Appamattuck Riv., adj. land of Mr. John Baugh & Mr. Abraham Wood. Trans, of 7 pers: Ambrose Cobbs, Ann, his wife, Robert his son, Margarett his daughter, Richard Barker, Hugh Barker, Thomas Harding. MATHEW GOUGH, Gent., 350 acs., Henrico Co., July 25, 1639, page 658. W. upon the river, & S. on land of Bal- hash. 100 acs. part formerly granted to William Vincent, deceased. Due in right of trans, of 7 pers: of whom only the following names appear: William Morgan, Francis Derrick, Nicholas Nett, Mathew Gough. JOHN WHITE, Gent., 50 acs. Low. Co. New Norfolk, June 10, 1639, page 659. Adj. land of Daniell Tanner, called Julian his neck. Due for his per. adv. EDWARD TUNSTALL, Gent., 150 acs., Henrico Co., June 5, 1639, page 659. S. upon the falls of Appamuttuck Riv. W. up the River, and N. into the woods including a meadow. Trans, of 3 pers.* GEORG GILES, 100 acs. Up. Co. New Norfolk, June 5, 1639, page 659. Upon N. side of Nansamund Riv., adj. Edward Maior & S. W. upon Robert Brassure. Due for trans, of 2 pers: Georg Giles & John Giles. GEORGE FAWDON, 200 acs., June 6, 1639, page 660. Upon Southern branch of Elizabeth River, adj. John Gates (changed to Yates). Due for trans, of 4 pers.* JEREMIAH CLEMENTS, 500 acs. James City Co., Mar. 10, 1638, page 112 Cavaliers and Pioneers 660. At Upper Chippoakes Cr., N. up- on James River. Trans, of 10 pers.* ROBERT NEWMAN, 650 acs. War- wick River. Co., 10 Mar. 1639, p. 660. A ridge of land bet. the persimon ponds & the gr. Poquoson damm at upper side of path from Nutmeg Quarter to the New Poquoson, etc. Trans, of 13 pers: Richard Sigmar, Symon Tillney, Robert Mouse, Job Jefferys, Balden Signett, Richard Leake, Geo. Taylor, Rebecca Pallington, Henry Brignell, Tho. Willoughby. WILLIAM DAVIS, 1,200 acs. James City Co., June 28, 1639, page 661. N. upon land of Lt. Richard Popely, S. up- on Capt. Humphry Higginson, W. upon head of Archers Hope Cr. E. toward bryery Swamp. Due for trans, of 24 pers: Sarah Browne, Isaac , An- drew Howell, Ann Keeding, Nicho. Goldsmith, Wm. Burfur, Thomas Thor- rogood, John Barker, Morgan Williams, Wm. Davis, Richard Shaw, John Bad- den, Abigail Drewry, Richard Vardall, Mathew Burrow, Tho. Floyd, John Peirce, Richard Prichard, Joan, a Negro. JOHN PAWLEY, Chirurgeon, 500 acs. James City Co., July 20, 1639, page 661. Binding E. & N. upon Justinian Cooper, N. E. upon land formerly granted sd. Pawley & S. W. above the head of Lawnes Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: John Gidney, Christobell Knight, Ann Purvey, Wm. Wilkinson, Mabell Rose, Thomas Raston, Kath. Arndall, Jon. Mathew, Tho. Preese, Rich. Rackly. JOHN HOWELL, 150 acs. Henrico Co., June 10, 1639, page 661. N. upon Robert Partin, S. towards Capt. Small's land. Trans, of 3 pers: John Fletcher, Tho. Gibson, Jane Price. WILLIAM CHAPMAN, 50 acs., Chas. River Co., July 20, 1639, page 662. S. E. upon the Bryery Swamp adj. Samuell Watkins on the N. Due for his per. adv. RICHARD JOHNSON, 350 acs., Henrico Co., at Neck of Land, June 20, 1639, page 662. N. upon land of James Usher, E. upon the main river, S. to- wards Godspeeds Forte. 50 acs. due for the per. adv. of his wife, Elizabeth Johnson, 50 acs. for his son Francis & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: William Mums, John Wattis, Robert Wiseman, Eliza. Boreman, William Bentleg (or Bentley). CHRISTOPHER DAWCEY (Daw- sey), 50 acs. Eliz. City Co., August 13, 1639, page 663. At Harris his creek, S. upon Humphry Meeres. Due for trans, of Mary his wife. (This name has been changed to Ann Dawcey). CAPT. WILLIAM BROCAS, Esq., one of the Councell of State, 600 acs. in Charles Riv. Co., Aug. 13, 1639, page 663. Upon S. side of the New Poquoson, E. towards Chesopeian Bay, bounded on S. W. by Raye his creek. For trans, of 12 pers.* EDWARD SANDERSON, Gent., 2,000 acs. Aug. 13, 1639, page 664. In Chickahominy Riv., 500 acs. about a mile above Pyny Point, about 5 mi. within the mouth of said river, etc., & near Robert Holt. 500 acs. by purchase from the Execors. of Edmond Morecroft, late of Va., & 1,500 for trans, of 30 pers: Edward Sanderson, Nathaniell Stiles, Humphry Price, Daniell Lile, Edward Haslewood, Humphry Evans, John Hill, Patrick Simpson, John Simp- son, Nicholas Davis, Edward Babb, John Winchester, Awdrey his wife, Theodor his child, William Wootton, James Hagate, John Sherwood, Henry Bryan, Nich. Bush, Edward Challis, Francis Fox, Mathew Nelson, John Onion, William Wood; 2 Negroes Thorn & Jane. HENRY BAGWELL, 400 acs., Acco- mack Co., Aug. 13, 1639, page 664. On old plantation cr. & Johnny Boyes branch, near William Berryman & 100 acs. adj. his first devident. Due for trans, of 8 pers: William Whitehart, Andrew Bashaw, Mich. Williams, John Cley, Thomas Evans, William Powell, Richard Smith, Mary Vaughan. THOMAS SHEPPEY, (Shippey) 250 acs. Henrico Co., Aug. 13, 1639, page Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 113 665. Adj. land of: William Sharpe, Thomas Rowse, Arthur Anthony & 4 score acres E. upon Godspeed Fort Cr. Due sd. Shippey for trans, of 5 pers: John Sebeard, Phillis Blackman, John Herbert, William Quelche, Thomas James. JOHN POTEETE, 50 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., Aug. 13, 1639, page 665. N. upon Aliens creek etc., adj. land of John Chew. Due by purchase from Nicholas Dale, and due sd. Dale for the adv. of Ann, his wife, & Nicholas Ryman. FRANCIS FOWLER, 1,600 acs. James City Co., 4 Aug. 1639, page 666. Lying on both sides of Juring point Creek, beg. a mile above at a small Cross Creek, bearing on E. side of Mrs. Edloe's land & N. side of Bridges Free- man. Trans, of 32 pers.* 900 acs. of the above was bequeathed to Capt. Henry Browne by will & renewed in said Browne's name Feb. 25, 1643. THOMAS HAWKINS, 300 acs., Chas. Riv. Co., Aug. 14, 1639, page 666. S. E. upon the New Poquoson River & E. upon Cr. that parts this & land of Capt. Cheesman & W. Sly. upon the pinye Bay. 150 acs. called the Nuttree Neck, Wly. upon Harwoods Creek. Due for trans, of 6 pers.*, by his father Thomas Hawkins. SAMUELL STEPHENS, Gent., son & heire of Capt. Richard Stephens, late of Va., 2,000 acs., Up. Co. New Nor- folk, in Nansemund Riv., July 20, 1639, page 667. Adj. Percivall Champion, William Sanders, William Parker & Thomas Powell. Due for trans, by his father, Capt. Richard Stephens, of 40 pers., whose names are not given. LT. RICHARD POPELEY, 1,250 acs., June 10, 1639, page 667. At tthe Midle Plantation upon the Pallisadoes, adj. Edward Whitakers and N. N. E. upon the head of Queens Cr. Due for trans, of 25 pers: Richard Budnye, William Medcalfe, Joseph Cox, John James, Hercules Price, John Jefferys, Crowder Joyce, Robert Halsey, Francis Viccars, Martin Church, John Say, Ed- ward Lincolne, Thomas Peirce, William Naylor, Henry Smith, Robert Braxton, Henry Carter, Robert Ward, Nicholas Keytin, Tho. Kirbye, James Stukely, Abraham Moone, Joane Gaily, Mary Grand. FRANCIS DERRICK to RICHARD JOHNSON, bill of sale for 30 acs., Oct. 14, 1638, page 668. "Whereas John Baker & Dorothy his wife, daugh- ter of the late deceased Serjeant John Harris, have by order of Court at Henri- co the 27th day of August last surren- dered unto mee Capt. Francis Derrick all the right and title which they and claime unto the devident of land be- longing to the late deceased Georg Cawcott which was given to the said Dorothy by the last will and testamt. of the sd. Cawcott as by the surrender in the said court and by the pattent and will recorded at James Cittie" etc. For good and valuable causes and considera- tions. Witnesses: Lawr. Hulett & John Owell. EDWARD OLIVER, 750 acs. James Cittie Co., 16 Apr. 1639, p. 668. S. side of Chichahominy Riv., etc., called by the name of Mattahuncke. 150 acs. due by assignment from John Brodwell & 600 acs. for trans, of 12 pers: Tho- mas Golding, Dorothy Golding, John Smith, Thomas Grindall, William Graves, Richard Baker, John Turner, Francis Webster, Tho. Boughton, Geo. Barker, Ann Edmonds, Thomas Ed- wards. THOMAS GREY (Gray), 400 acs., James City Co., upon the head of Greyes Cr., July 20, 1639, page 669. Trans, of 8 pers: Richard Deane, Fran- cis Fineash, Allen Sadome, William Short, John Hancoke & 3 Negroes. LANCELOTT DAMPERT, 50 acs., James City Co., July 20, 1639, page 669. W. upon land now planted upon by Thomas Grey. Due for his per. adv. JOHN LEWIN, Merchant, 200 acs., Isle of Wight Co., July 20, 1639, page 669. Adj. his own land. Trans, of 4 pers: Rowland Mortimer, Robert West, Cornelius Bradfeild, Henry Atkinson. Note: Renewed 20 Feb. 1643 in the 114 Cavaliers and Pioneers name of Moore Fontleroy and 200 acs. granted to Tristram Nosworthy 10 Aug. 1642 added to it. SAME. 50 acs., Isle of Wight Co., July 20, 1639, page 670. Trans, of Richard White, a servant. ROBERT ELEY, 600 acs., Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 17, 1639, page 670. Adj. land of John Pawley & Justinian Cooper. 50 acs. due for his per. adv. & 550 for trans, of 11 pers: William Warren, Henry Barnes, James Drake, Robert Parkes, William Cockerum, William Fisher, Eliza. Hestin, Robert Brouse, John Jones, Henry Boate, Elianor Rogers. JOHN VAUGHAN, 30 acs., Acco- mack Co., July 20, 1639, page 670. Adj. Clement Dilke & Robert Browne, formerly leased to Capt. John How, deceased. 21 yr. lease. Fee Rent: 20 Lbs. of Tobacco. JOHN BROCHE, 300 acs., Chas. River Co., Sept. 16, 1639, page 671. Upon Queens Cr. and at the head of Maiden Swamp, etc., 250 acs. due by assignment from Robt. Bouth & due him by assignment from Stephen Gill & due sd. Gill by right of trans, of 5 pers., whose names do not appear, & 50 acs. for the trans, of John Walbridge by sd. Broche. JOHN BROCHE, Chirurgion, in Vir- ginia, etc. "For diverse & good con- siderations mee thereunto moveing have freely given and bestowed upon my Godsonn John Major, sonne of Richard Maior of Queens Creeke, boate right, being aged the day of the date hereof three years three quarters (that is to say) one Cow one heifer and one yearl- ing, etc. To be delivered unto the sd. child when he shall have attained the age of eighteene yeares." etc. June 12, 1638, page 672. Witness: Row. Bur- nam & John Judson. PETER RIDLEY, 200 acs., James City Co., Sept. 23, 1639, page 672. In Martins Hundred, adj. Thomas Smith. Due for trans, of 4 pers: William Palmer, Robert Daricutt, Edward But- terworth, John Whitaker. JOHN HAYWARD, 150 acs., James City Co., Sept. 23, 1639, page 673. S. upon Kethes Cr., upon W. side of Wil- liam Stafford, the land called by the name of the Rich Necke. Due for the adv. of his brother Francis Hayward & for the trans, of 2 pers: Thomas Leigh & Humphry Gibbs. JOHN JACKSON, 300 acs., Chas. River Co., Sept. 10, 1639, page 673. At the New Poquoson, upon Cheese- man's Cr., bounded on the E. by land of John Jackson. Due by right of trans. of 6 pers: Christo. Bartlett, John Babbinton, John Hill, Richard Lucas, Peter Stephens, William Worke. WILLIAM CANHOOE, 300 acs., Chas. Riv. Co., Sept. 26, 1639, page 674. Adj. John Burland, John Dennett, Capt. Robert Felgate & land now in possession of Thomas Deacon. Due for trans, of 6 pers: William Canhooe, Thomas Hollingham, Thomas Buck, Agnis Martin, Peter Hanbury. (This name also spelt Cainhooe.) JOHN BURLAND, JR., 400 acs., Chas. River Co., Oct. 1, 1639, page 674. Son of John Burland, late of Chiskiacke, dec'd. Adj. land of Stephen Gill & William Canhooe. Due for the adv. of his father, his mother, Dorothy Burland & 6 pers: Joane Grove, Mary Loyd, Christo. Richett, John Haddy, William Locke, Willi. Bricketton, the 1st yr. to Chas. Riv. JOHN BELL, 100 acs., Chas. Riv. Co., Oct. 1, 1639, page 675. Upon Queens Cr., Adj. land of Henry Jones & John Hartwell. Due for trans, of 2 pers: John Jones & Thomas Perreene. WALTER PAKES, 400 acs., James City Co., Sept. 1, 1639, page 675. Near the head of Chichahominy Riv., adj. Edward Oliver. 200 acs. due by as- signment from William Hatfeild, to whom it was assigned by William Durand & due Durand for his per. adv. & trans, of 3 pers., & the other 200 acs. for the trans, of 4 pers.: William Durand, Alice Webb, Richard Beck, Georg Best, Richard Baskevill, Tho. Hill, John Woodcock, Nicholas Robin- son. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 115 WILLIAM PARRY, 350 acs. Eliz. City Co., Oct. 10, 1639, page 675. W. upon Hampton Riv., bounded on S. with a creek dividing this from land called the Indian Thickett, according to Mr. Stockdens lease, etc., and near land of John Baker. 100 acs. due by order of court dated June 5, 1639 & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Richard Ridges, John Badham, Sarah Chaplin, Robert Powell, Ann Badger. THOMAS SMITH, 300 acs., Acco- mack Co., Oct. 11, 1639, page 676. At Hungars Cr. upon land called the old mans neck, adj. William Cotton & Capt. William Stone. Due for trans, of him- self, wife Sarah, daughter Ann, & 3 pers: John Farmer, Richard Ganey, Katherine Jones. THOMAS STAMP, 500 acs. James Cittie Co., 24 Feb. 1638, p. 676. Sly. from the head of Lawnes Cr., N. upon land of Nicholas Reynolds &c. Due for his owne per. adv. & trans, of 9 pers: Charles Lockley, Hamon Jones, Christ. Feild, Richard Sutton, John Markham, Walter Willis, Lawrance Littleboy, Edward Bryan, Richard An- drewes. of himself & brother Henry Batts & 4 pers., 50 acs. by assignment from Wal- ter Worshipp, Gent., due for his per. adv., 200 acs. for the trans, of 4 pers. into the Colony & the other 250 acs. for the trans, of 5 pers. to Chicka- hominy Riv., according to an order of court in that case provided. (The fol- lowing names appear under this patent) : William Bletsoe, James Craven, George Smith, Robert Aunley, (or Annley) Walter Worshipp, William Madwell, Robert Coleman, Richard Donne, Elia- nor Deane, Richard Hughes, Thomas Warne, Thomas Andrews, Anthony a Negro. Note: This pattent relinquished & the rights made use of in a patt. of 800 acs. granted 18 Oct. 1643. JOHN WALL, 300 acs., Chas. City Co., Sept. 20, 1639, page 678. N. upon John Hacker, E. upon William Rookins & William Pilkinton, late deceased. Sly. toward certain high land called the hills, etc. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Mary Webb, Bryan Gardiner, John Abter- crume, Walter Marshall, Eliz. Mosse, Evan Joseph. Patent renewed by Govr. Berkeley 13 Aug. 1643 & 1,200 acs. purchased of Hoe May 2, 1636 & 291 acs. added to it. JOHN KEMPE, 500 acs., James City Co., Oct. 24, 1639, page 677. In Grayes Cr., over against James City, N. E. upon Henry Hart & S. W. upon Thomas Gray. Due by right of trans, of him- self and 9 pers: Tho. Clarke, Jane Moore, William Shorte, William Mad- well, John Harmon, William Havert, John Cole, John Searle, Henry Rose. ROBERT ROCKWELL, 250 acs., Up. Norfolk Co., Oct. 26, 1639, page 677. In Nansamund Riv., next to Edward Maior & S. upon the river and lying between Maior and John Slaughter. Due for trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Rock- well, Mary Roe, Martin Forscue, James Bagly, John Chambers. THOMAS SYMONS, 800 acs., James City Co., June 8, 1639, page 678. Up- on Chichahominy Riv., adj. John Robins. 50 acs. due for per. adv. of his wife Dorothy Castle, 300 acs. by assignment from William Batt, due him for the adv. JOHN SMITH & CHRISTOPHER BEA, 100 acs. Eliz. City Co., last day of Oct., 1639, page 679. At the head of the Old Poquoson Riv., W. upon land lately taken up by Thomas Say- well, now in the occupation of sd. Smith. Due for their per. advs. SAMUELL JACKSON, 200 acs., Isle of Wight Co., Oct. 11, 1639, page 679- E. upon Pagan Cr. or New Towne Haven, near land belonging to Capt. Basse called Cedall Island, now in possession of William Patteford, Southerly towards land of Hugh Wynn and William Taylor. Trans, of 4 pers: John Prowse, Richard Nicholas, John Grigs, Henry Smith. MARKE JOHNSON, 50 acs., Eliz. City Co. at the backe river, Oct. 4, 1639, page 680. Adj. land of Capt. William Tucker, E. upon Thomas Wasts, W. upon Christopher Wormley, S. upon Nicholas Hill & N. upon Capt. 116 Cavaliers and Pioneers Purifye, deed. (In 2 tracts of 25 acs. each.) Trans, of Georg Paverell, a THOMAS BOULDING, 400 acs. Eliz. City Co., upon the midle ridge, S. upon the persimon ponds, S. E. upon the Pynie swamp, etc., last of Oct., 1639, page 680. 50 acs. by assignment from William Baulk & due to him for his per. adv., & 350 acs. for the trans, of 7 pers. Leonard Slater, Mathew Gates, John Harris, Robert Davis, John Dayes, John Hitchcox, Robert Clements. CHRISTOPHER BOYSE, 300 acs., Chas. Riv. Co., Oct. 23, 1639, page 681. N. upon the head of the New Poquoson Riv., E. upon Georg Hadderill. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 5 pers: John Crispe, Mordecay Cooke, John Tiplady, William Venice, John Johnson. EDMOND PORTER, JR., 100 acs., Isle of Wight Co., Oct. 23, 1639, page 681. N. upon Joseph Cobb. By right of adv. of himself & father Edmond Porter, Sr. JUSTINIAN COOPER, 850 acs., Isle of Wight Co., Oct. 24, 1639, page 681. E. & W. upon land formerly granted unto him. Due by right of trans, of 17 pers: Henry Roberts, Robert Jeffer- son, William Starch, Eliza. Phillipps, Edward Roberts, Eliz. Small, Robert Kent, Edward Parsons, Teg. Audley, James Thrift, William Ducke, Joseph Loyd, Tymothy Johnson, Alice Webb, Richard Rible (or Kible), Owen Seamer, Henry Peadle. MAREENE DELANMUNDAYES, 200 acs. Up. Co. New Norfolk, Oct. 16, 1638, page 682. In New Towne Haven Riv., bet. land of Henry Hooper & the first point within the river adj. a cr. parting land of the sd. Hooper & this land, being known as Dawsons Neck. 50 acs. for his per. adv. ,& the residue by assignment from Epaphroditus Law- son, & due Lawson by assignment from William Dawson to whom it was granted 20 Nov. 1635. This pateent renewed in the name of Moore Fontle- roy Feb. 20, 1643 & 50 acs. added to it. Teste: Samll. Abbott, Clk. Lawson's assignment to Delanmun- dayes, who stated same was bought from John Gatling. Witness: Christopher Edwards. William Dawson, planter, of Isle of Wight Co., Va. assigns above patent to sd. Gatling of the same county, May 2, 1637. Witness: Richard Downes. p. 682. HANNAH BENNETT, 450 acs., Chas. River Co., Nov. 1, 1639, page 683. Daughter & heir of Samuell Bennett, dee'd. Upon the New Poquo- son River, N. upon the pinye swamp and S. upon Robert Thresher. Due by right of trans, by her father of 9 pers.* JOHN WRIGHT, 200 acs. Up. Co. New Norfolk, Oct. 10, 1638, page 683. Beg. at the miles end of land of Tho- mas Dewe, Gent. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 3 pers: Emblence Prouse, James Thrift, Edward Parsons. THOMAS CAUSEY, of Martins Hundred, to NATHANIELL TATUM, of Apamuttuck Riv, Oct. 10, 1639, page 683. Bill of sale for 500 acs. in Chas. City Co., as by patent dated July 14, 1637. Witnesses: Richard Webster & Walter Childs. GEORGE MALLEN (Marlin-Malen or Martin), 400 acs., James City Co., Oct. 10, 1639, page 684. In Chicka- hominy River, N. upon William Beard & S. upon Thomas Warne. Due for trans, of 8 pers: Georg Malen, Hanna Bayford, Robert Chamber, Eliza. Sale, John Harrison, John Huson, Stephen Beach. RICHARD BELL, 150 acs., James City Co., Oct. 7, 1639, page 684. Upon Checroes Cr., W. upon Georg Unwin. Due for trans, of 3 pers., of whom only Thomas Taylor is mentioned. RICHARD PARSONS, 450 acs. Low. Co. New Norfolk, Oct. 3, 1639, page 684. Near head of eastern branch of Eliz. Riv., adj. land taken up in the right of Thomas Davis. 300 acs. by assignment from Thomas Burbage, Mer- chant, & due him by assignment from Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 117 Oliver Sprie & due him for his per. adv. & trans, of 5 pers. & 150 for trans, of 3 pers. by sd. Parsons: Oliver Sprye, Richard Hawes, Jasper Laflyn, Richard Evans, William Wright, Jane Wright, John Morgan, Robert Young, John Davie (or Darie). THOMAS STOUTE, 300 acs., James City Co., Oct. 29, 1639, page 685. N. upon Richard Bell, W. upon George Unwin, etc. Due by assignment from John White & due sd. White for trans, of: William Bridges, Christopher Bambridge, Richard Moore, Richard Moore, Richard Finny, Dorothy Rule, Thomas Person. EDWARD DREW, 200 acs., Acco- mack Co., Oct. 10, 1639, page 685. W. upon land of Thomas Powell. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Edward Barnes, Georg Waterman, Jone Bayly, Edward Jones. JOHN WILSONN, (Wilson) 50 acs. in Chas. Riv. Co., Oct. 8, 1639, page 686. Upon Queens Cr., Adj. John Uty & John Bell. Granted by order of court at James City, Oct. 8, 1630 & due for his per. adv. the 1st year to Charles River. "On the southern side of Pamunkie River now called Charles River and then known by the Indian name of Chiskiake,'' etc. WILLIAM CRANNAGE, 300 acs., Isle of Wight Co., Oct. 1, 1639, page 686. E. upon Joseph Cobb, N. upon Vassalls Cr. & S. upon Mr. Arthur Smith. For trans, of 6 pers.: William Crannage, Eliza. Cranage, Margarett Cranage, Eliza. Crannage, Mary Cran- nage, Edmond Crannage. Note: "Six other names put in the new pattern for these." This pattent is renewed and the old surrendered upp. DAVID MANSELL of Va., gent., to WALTER PENROSE of Va., planter, bill of sale for his new plantation in Martins Hundred Parish in the rich neck. No date. Page 687. Witnesses: Robert Wild, & Ralph Roberts. RICHARD MAIOR, 150 acs., Chas. River Co., Nov. 5, 1639, page 687. W. upon land formerly granted him & adj. John Judson. Due by assignment from Joseph Croshaw (or Crashaw) & due sd. Croshaw for trans, of 3 pers: Robert Salter, John Prowse, Stephen Younge. SAMUELL WATKEYES, 250 acs., Chas. River Co., Nov. 5, 1639, page 688. Adj. John Utye. Wly. from the head of Kings Cr. to the Mayden Swamp, & adj. his own land. Due by assignment from Joseph Croshaw & due sd. Croshaw for trans, of 5 pers: Richard Quayles, Morgan Jones, Rich- ard Redman, Edward Fox & a maid servant. DICTORIS CHRISTMAS, 300 acs., Eliz. City Co., Oct. 24, 1639, page 688. Upon N. W. side of the Old Poquoson River, adj. Gilbert Perkins and W. upon Monack. 100 acs. for per. adv. of him- self & wife Isbell Christmas & 200 for trans, of 4 pers.* NICHOLAS COMEINGS (Comings) 200 acs., Chas. River Co., Sept. 1, 1639, page 688. Upon Utye's Cr., adj. Robert Pitway & Richard Ford. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 3 pers: Tho. Rogers, Benj. Hubbard, Robert Grin- feild. EDWARD PRINCE, Gent, 500 acs., Chas. City Co., Oct. 10, 1639, page 689. Upon S. side of Apamuttuck Riv., adj. Nathaniell Tatum, running up by the falls of the river one half mile. Due for trans, of 10 pers: Seth Briggs, John Allen, John Randall, Georg Spurjoye, John Adye, John Higgins, William Andrews, Herbert GrifTett, Thomas Masters, Christopher Rawlings. DOROTHY CLARKE, Widdow, 800 acs., Henrico Co, July 16, 1639, page 689. Beg. at a cr. formerly called Powells Cr, W. towards Sizemores Cr., S. towards the main river. 550 acs. due by assignment from Roger Davis & due sd. Davis for trans, of 11 pers., whose names are not given, & 250 acs. by right of trans, of 5 pers. by her late husband William Clarke, deceased: Thomas Banister, John Grane (or Grave), Rich- ard Davye, Georg Blankes, Jane Foster. 118 Cavaliers and Pioneers THOMAS HAMPTON, Clerk, a tract of land in James City Island on a ridge of land between 2 swamps behind the Church. Nov. 4, 1639, page 689. Due by virtue of an Act of Assembly at James City Feb. 20, 1636, as in other pattents. FRANCIS MARTIN, 50 acs., Apr. 19, 1638, page 690. (This patent in- complete. Evidently assigned to sd. Martin by Robert Swanson & due sd. Swanson for his per. adv., as the name of Robert Swanson appears under patent.) CAPT. CHRISTOPHER WORMELY, 500 acs., Apr. 7, 1638, page 691. (A great part of this patent has been omit- ted.) Near Thomas Watts, Nicholas Hill, Capt. Thomas Purifye, Thomas Bolden, Armestead, William Mor- gan & Thomas Thornbury. Trans, of 10 pers: William Griffin, John Hud- son, Roger Anderson, Tho. Dyer, Peter Richardson, Edward Jenkins, Christo- pher Bambridge, John Holliday, Tho. Dewe, Thomas Burrell. GEORG MYNIFIE, Merchant, 3,000 acs., Apr. 19, 1638, page 691. East- ward upon Porrengers Cr., up the river above the falls with all the islands & creeks upon the S. side of the river as far as the two branches of the river. (No mention of county or river). Due by order of court at James City, May 9, 1635. If, after survey has been made, more than 3,000 acs. is contained in the sd. tract sd. Mynifie is to bring in the name of a servant transported at his own charge for every 50 acres. Also due for trans, of 60 pers., following: Rebecca Edwards, Thomas Dinsdale, Alex. Clarke, Nich. Andrews, Tho. Newman, John Norway, William Harri- son, Peter Arpe, Garrett Farrell, John Rogers, Tho. Smith, Martin Kennett, Henry Haines, Tho. Loveing, Arthur Perrin, Margt. Cotton, Thomas Tarrey, John Shepperd, Owen Jones, John Tur- ner, Patrick Alexander, Benj. Dugdale, Thomas Lewis, Mark Haman, Thomas Hart, Edward Salsbury, Richard Shuter, Richard Ford, John Johnson, Robert Croffeild, Christopher Tilman, James Prince, Robert Edwards, Tho. Hatton, William Ellin, John Garrince, Robert Wilkinson. Note: In the foregoing list there apears 37 names, while this record states for transportation of three score. Before the list of names appears the following: "Negroes I brought out of England with me." (Presumably only the white persons were named, the unnamed Negroes making up the difference.) By Sir Francis Wyatt, Knight, Governor &c. THOMAS DEW, 250 acs., Up. Co. New Norfolk, Nov. 7, 1640, Page 692. Upon his own land, runing E. by S. through a great reedy Poquoson, etc 50 acs. for trans, of 1 per. & 200 acs. by assignment from John Wright. Witness: Thomas Brice. HENRY BRADLEY, 250 acs., Up. Norfolk Co., upon New Towne haven river, Nov. 7, 1640, page 693. Adj. land of Georg Salsburies & the sd. Henry Bradlie. Due sd. Bradlye as fol- loweth: 100 acs. part thereof by as- signment of pattent dated 25 Nov. 1637 from John Wickliffe and Michaell Rantow & 150 acs. for his own per. adv. & trans, of 2 pers: William Noble & John Felton. JOHN GARRETT, 150 acs. New Norfolk Co., page 693. Upon a branch of the W. branch of Nansamund River, adj. Mr. William Eyres. (Record un- finished, date not given.) WILLIAM YARRETT, 150 acs., Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 3, 1641, page 694. Upon a branch of the lower bay called Seaward's Cr. beg. at the mouth of a branch of Goosehill Cr, etc., adj. Hugh Wynn & John Seaward. Due for trans, of 3 pers: William Yarrett, John Snowson, Mary Moody. THOMAS STEGG, Merchant, 1,000 acs. Chas. City Co., 18th, 1640, page 694. Being a neck of land between the old mans Cr. & Queens Cr. on the Sly. side, etc. 200 acs. being formerly granted unto Thomas Wheeler & later assigned unto Patrick Kannaday, Mari- ner, by James Turner & Thomas Harris, Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 119 assignees & attorneys of sd. Wheeler, & by Kannaday to Stegg. Due by order of court dated Oct. 15, 1640 & for trans, of 8 pers: Richard How, Richard James, Thomas Robinson, John Gulton, Silvester Ward, Tho. Bessen, (or Beffen), Tho. Oliver, Richard Ricroft, Rich. Haslewood, Georg Potteete, Tho. Pattman, Nich. Woofed, Willi. Fanell, Humphry Chapman, Rowland Demson, Tho. Penton. CAPT. THOMAS WILLOUGHBY, 300 acs., Feb. 28, 1636, page 696. Upon the S. branch of Eliz. River beg. with the Ware neck, etc. Due for trans, of 6 pers.* SIR JOHN HARVEY, Knight, Gov- ernor &c. to WILLIAM UPTON, of Yarmouth, in the Isle of Wight, Mari- ner, deed of guift of 500 acs. of land in the Colony of Virginia. Due sd. Harvey for trans, of divers persons into the Colony. For divers good causes and considerations. Feb. 28, 1636, page 696. Witnesses: John Hobson, and George Donne (?). RICHARD TISDALL, 200 acs., Feb. 10, 1635, page 697. At the head of Merchants Hope Cr., 2^2 mi. from the dwelling house of Rice Hoe. Due by conveyance from Peter Hull, of Blunt Point, & due sd. Hull for the trans, at his own costs of 4 pers: John Mowser, James Lowden, Christopher Medcalfe, Manus Zacher (or Lacher). This patent renewed by Sir Wm. Berkeley Aug. 23, 1643 in the name of Thomas Wheeler having been purchased by him & a patent for 400 acres purchased of Rich- ard Milton added. (By Capt. John West, Govr.) By Sir Francis Wyatt JOHN MAIOR, 400 acs. Accomack Co., at Naswatocks Cr., Sept. , 1640, page 698. Due for trans, of 8 servts: Joane Filby, Henry Larramore, John Maior, Jane Maior (first written Henry), Anthony , Christian Fisher, Francis a Negro. CHRISTOPHER KIRKE, 300 acs. Accomacke Co., at Naswatocks Cr., 20 Oct. 1640, p. 698. Beg. at the E. side of land of Garrett Anderson &c. 50 acs. for his owne per. adv., & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: John Dolbin, John Geers, Christopher Barker, Henry Moorecroft, Georg Trevett. Note: Re- newed in 1643. ELIAS TAYLOR, 100 acs. Accomacke Co. at Nuswatocks Cr., 10 July 1640, p. 699. Beg. at a little branch parting this from land of John Towlson, N. W. along the broad Cr. &c. 50 acs. for the adv. of his now wife Anna Taylor & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 servts: Richard White, Edward Thornecroft. EDMUND SCARBURGH, 600 acs., Accomack Co., Aug. 3, 1640, page 699. Part thereof beg. at Cedar Island nigh Gogg on the Seaboard side, S. S. W. towards land formerly belonging to John Neale. The other part on the bay side at the southermost side of John Jenkin, along the bayside to his own land. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself & wife Mary, & the other 500 acs. for the trans, of 10 pers.: John Katherine, Alice Vaulx, Eliz. Mathin (or Machin), John Wright, Robert But- ter, Edward Agard, Thomas Orchard, Henry Tomlin, Jonathan Lewis, Edward Jennis. Note: Renewed 10 Apr. 1644 and 450 acres added. GEORG TRAVELLER, 200 acs. Ac- comack Co., Nov. 27, 1640, page 700. At the seaboard side, beg. at the land of Mr. William Burdett, N. N. E. to- wards land of Georg Smith. 150 acs. by right of a former patent & 50 acs. due for trans, of Nicholas Scott, a ser- JOHN GEARY, 250 acs. Up. Nor- folk Co., Apr. 22, 1640, page 700. Bet. land late in the possession of Mr. Tho- mas Dew & by him assigned to Thomas Davis & land now in possession of Thomas Powell bounded N. W. on the S. branch of Matravers. Due for trans. of 5 pers: Robert Ward, William Collins, Walter Gary, Richard Gooday, John Herst. PERCIVALL CHAMPION, 50 acs., Up. Norfolk Co., Oct. 12, 1640, page 120 Cavaliers and Pioneers 701. Upon Nansamund River, etc., by W. side of the Gleab Land, adj. his own 250 acs. & land of William John- son. Due by a former patent dated August , 1637 for 500 acs., 450 acs. of which was surveyed out for the Gleab land. THOMAS SPARROW, 300 acs. Low. Norfolk Co., upon western branch of Eliz. River. (Record unfinished.) Page 702. HENRY PERRY, 2,000 acs. known by the name of Buckland, Chas. City Co., extending from the head of Her- ring Cr. unto the old mans Cr. and so high as it ebbeth and floweth up these creeks. March 9, 1639, page 702. Son & heir of Capt. William Perry, late of Va., deceased. Bequeathed to sd. Henry Perry by will of his father dated Aug. 1, 1637. Granted to Capt. William Perry by order of court dated Sept. 19, 1633, and also by pattern to said Henry dated 18 Dec. 1637. GEORG MINIFYE, Esqr. & one of the Councell of State, 3,000 acs. upon N. side of Charles River, Mar. 9, 1639, page 704. Beg. at the Creek upon W. side of the Indian feilds. Opposite Queens Cr. & down the river to Tim- berneck Cr. To be augmented & doubled when he or his assignes shall have sufficiently peopled & planted the same. Due by order of court dated Oct. 11, 1639 & for trans, at his own costs of 60 pers.: Benjamine Pixley, Thomas Greene, John Chapman, Henry Martin, John Burgis, Mathew Ward, Thomas Prince, James Sheers, Richard Turner, 4 Negroes bought of Mr. Oldis, 2 Negroes bought of Randall Holt, William Menifie, Francis Garrett, Tho- mas Sharpies, James Sherbourne, Robert Williams, William Jones, John Wilkin- son, Joane Wilkinson, Thomas Wag- gatt, Georg Kennon, John Kennon, John Richards, Edward Andrewes, Francis Young, James Hawkins, Joseph Willis, Francis Blacke, Thomas Morter, 9 Negroes bought of Mr. Constable, John Brooke, Thomas Howler, Humphrey Dennes, John Tabor, Henry Ashwell, Robert Mason, Thomas Hearne, John Williiam, Thomas Holmes, Adam Key, Samll. Walker, Stephen Leech, Julian Reed, William Hill, William Munday, Adam Coote, William Powell, Humphry London. CAPT. RICHARD TOWNSEND, 650 acs., Charles River Co., Mar. 10, 1639, page 705. Bet. Martians (or Martiaus) & Townsend's Crks., N. W. upon William Prior, S. E. upon Capt. Martian, (or Martiau) & N. E. upon Charles River. To be augmented, etc. 350 Due for the adv. of himself, wife & 5 servants the 1st yr. to Chiskiake & the residue by grant dated last day of April, 1636 for the trans, of himself, wife & 4 pers. into the Colony. Capt. Richard Townsend, Frances Townsend, Henry Cuckney, John Painter, 3 Negroes adv. the 1st yr. to Chiskiake. Luce Duckley (?), Margarett Bayly, Hum- phry Buckley, Thomas Needham who with Capt. Townsend & wife adv. to the Colony. RICHARD COCKE, Gent., 2,000 acs. Henrico Co., Mar. 10, 1639, page 707. To be augmented, etc. 300 acs. lying at Bremo, E. & S. upon Turkie Island, S. by W. upon the river, W. by N. upon Curies, etc. 1700 acs. upon the head of Turkey Island Cr. called by the name of Mamburne hills, etc. W. by N. upon land of Mrs. Hallom, etc. Formerly granted sd. Cocke by patent dated March 8, 1636, 1,000 of which 3,000 acs. was surrendered unto Ann Hallom, widow of Robert Hallom. The sd. 2,000 acs. due by order of Ct. 1 Dec. 1639, and also due in right of trans, of 40 pers: Morrice Rose, Tho- mas Person, Symon Morley, a Negro woman, Ellis Gargame, Vallentine Fletcher, Wm. Rogers, Tho. Lowe, John Marlin, Daniell Evans, Ann Burfoote, Richard Hill, Anth. Wamblin, (or Wanklin) Erasmus Harrison, John Hearne, Joane Elye, John Andrewes, William White, John Jones, Humphry Burcher, Henry Pandle, Thomas Wil- liams, William Harris, Roger Chapman, Nicholas Oliver, John Cooke, Thomas Parcroft, Margarett Powell, Mary Luffe, William Hastings, Isaac Horton, Georg Harrison, John Smith, James Tompson, John Huett, Robert Cheyney, John Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 121 Shore, Katherine Shore, Jonas Shore, Richard Cooke. CAPT. NICHOLAS MARTIAN, (or Martiau) 1,300 acs. Chas. River Co., March 14, 1639, page 709. To be aug- mented, etc. S. E. towards land of Sir John Harvey, N. W. upon Capt. Rich- ard Townsend. 600 acs. due for the adv. of himself, his wife & 10 pers. the 1st yr. to Chiskiake, & 700 acs. due for the trans, at his own charges of 14 persons into this Colony: Capt. Nicho- las Martian, (or Martiau) Mrs. Jane his wife, Nicholas Martian his son, Eliz. Martian his daughter, Jane Barke- ley her daughter, Edward Bowles, Giles Tavernor, Robert Browne, Georg Brooke, Eliz. Sharpies, 2 Negroes (adv. to Cheskiake) Henry Cunney, Mark Leech, John Smith, Allin de Cude, John Galliott, William Turner, Tho. Cart- wright, John Cooper, Henry List, John Brouch, a Negro woman, Robert Ashly, John Felton, John Vallett, adv. to the Colony. Note: This pattern renewed without alteration in the name of sd. Capt. Nicholas Martian (or Martiau) 10 June 1651. EDWARD STEPHENSON & HENRY COOKNEY, 350 acs. James City Co., Mar. 16, 1639, page 710. To be augmented, etc. On S. side of the maine river over against James City called the Pyney Point, bounde on S. E. by land lately belonging to Capt. Powell, N. W. upon land of Thomas Rolfe. Due by assignment from Henry Hart. SAMUELL ALMOND (Allmond), 600 acs. Henrico Co., 16 Mar. 1639, p. 711. 200 acs. beg. at the cleare feild upon the E. side of the river over against the Lower Island about 2 mi. below the falls &c, running downward towards James Place his devdt. ; 400 acs. Sly. upon said land, W. upon the river, N. towards the falls & E. into the woods. 200 acs. graunted to him by pattern dated 21 Nov. 1637 & due for his owne per. adv. & trans, of 3 pers., & 400 acs. by bargain & sale from Thomas Crosby, 26 Feb. 1638, to whom it was graunted 16 Jan. 1637 & due for trans, of 8 pers. The follow- ing names appear: Samuell Almond, William Wood, Barnaby Richeson, Miles Cooke, William Rider, Edward Evans, William Ridley, John Bennett, Richard Childs, William Barker, Robert Phelps, Charles White. THOMAS CROSBY, of Curies Planter, 400 acs. to Samuell Almond. Feb. 26, 1638, page 712. One half of patent taken up by sd. Crosby & Arthur Bayly, of Curies, Merchant, in Henrico Co., S. upon Allmond, W. upon the river, & N. towards the falls. Wit- nesses: Richard Cocke & Christopher Branch. WILLIAM BURDETT, 1,050 acs. Accomack Co., Mar. 18, 1639, page 713. To be augmented, etc. E. upon the Sea- board side, N. upon Henry Wilsonn, S. upon Edmond Scarburgh & W. upon land lately belonging to Roger Sanders. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 20 pers: John Stanley, William Annis, Clemt. Donn, Owen Harris, Daniell Stocke, William Johnson, John Dallion, Arthur Raymond, John Johnson, Tho- mas Pagett, John Coss, Randall Renall, Giles Budd, Thomas Lancton, Annis Sutton, Thomas Browne, James Head, John Wallis, William Gelding, William Caper. CAPT. ROBERT FELGATE, 400 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., Mar. 18, 1639, p. 714. To be doubled, etc. Near William Bar- ber & adj. his former devident. For trans. 8 pers: of himself, Margarett Felgate, his wife, Erasmus, his son, Judith Felgate, his daughter, Robert Siler, James Giles, Richard Davis, John Jackgive. WILLIAM DENHAM, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Mar. 18, 1639, p. 714 To be doubled, etc. E. upon Pagan Shoare Baye against Butchers Island & Reed Pt., adj. William Puttivatts, Hugh Winn & W. into the woods. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Elianor Ellice, John Midleton, Edward White, John Waters. RICHARD NANCE, 300 acs. Henri- co Co., 18 Mar. 1639, p. 715. W. upon land of William Gates, S. upon Appa- mattuck Riv. etc. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Alice his now wife, Robert 122 Cavaliers and Pioneers Perry, Robert Chappell, Geo. Prebedy, Edward Rowlington, Mary Viccars. THOMAS MARSH alias RIVERS, 150 acs. Up. Co. of New Norfolke, Mar. 21, 1639, p. 716. To be doubled, etc. N. upon Eliz. Riv., & W. upon Oystershell Cr. Due by assignment from Peter Mountegue & due to him for trans, of 3 pers: William Jones, Thomas Kedbey, Margarett Starford. MR. THOMAS OLDIS, 50 acs. at the Strawberry banckes wherein he now liveth, Eliz. Cittie Co., 22 Mar. 1639, p. 716. 21 yr. lease. Paying to the Capt. of the Fort & his successors which shall bee from time to time Cap- tains of the sd. Fort at Point Comfort in Va., the annuall rent of 2 bbls. of Merchantable Indian Corne upon the feast of the blessed Apostle St. Thomas. JOHN UTYE, Gent. & Mary, his wife, of the one part, & William Tayloe, Gent., of the other part, witnesseth: For divers good causes, especially for a valuable consideration to them already paid &c. assign all their right &c. of 2 patents, unto Capt. Capt. John Utye, father of sd. John, dated 15 Mar. 1630 & 4 Mar. 1638; all howses, edifices, buildings, orchards, gardens &c. 8 Apr. 1640, p. 717. Signed: John Utye & Mary Utye. Witnesses: Nicholas (his marke) Jarnew, Jon. White, Abraham English, Richard Lee. CAPT. JOHN CHEESEMAN, of the New Poquoson in Va., "doe sell unto my brother EDMOND CHEESMAN" certain land upon the New Poquoson, adj. a neck of land cleared by John Cumber. Adj. the broad Necke. Con- sideration: 200 acs. of land by inden- ture which sd. Cheesman has taken up at a place called the Runney to the New Poquoson in Va. Nov. 19, 1638. Witness: Humphry Hammer. Page 718. JOHN MATROM, Gent, of Va. to NICHOLAS BROOKS, the younger, Merchant, of Va. his plantation in Chas. Riv. Co. in Capt. Wormeley's Cr., pur- chased of Mr. Jarnew. All buildings, etc. except one howse & 10 ft. of ground lett to Mr. Harris, Master of the Shipp Honour, for 7 yrs. to haile up his boate. Consideration: 6 servants & a bever, to bee delivered at the next yeares ship- ping & 4 servants more the yeare after at the said time of shipping. April 12, 1640, p. 719. Witnesses: Robert Hors- ley & Tho. Gate. WILLIAM ALLEN, of London, Mer- chant, 600 acs. in Chas. River Co., May 25, 1640. P. 719. Being a long sandy point about 2 mi. N. of Queens Cr., S. W. towards a cr. named Croshawes Desire, & adj. land of Thomas Savin. Assigned by Joseph Croshaw. To be doubled, etc. THOMAS ILES, 225 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 2 Oct. 1640, p. 720. N. upon the back Cr., E. upon land of John Clark- son, running to br. of Cheesemans Cr. &c. Due, vizt: 75 acs. & 50 acs. by 2 former patents, which were surrendered, & 100 acs. by assignment from Richard Roades of his right in the trans, of himself, his wife & 1 servt: Wm. Lasling. RANDALL CREW, 450 acs. Up. Co. New Norf., Nov. 13, 1640, p. 721. Upon a cr. issuing from the Southern br. of Nansamund Riv., opposite to Georges feild, behind land of Thomas Dew, bounded on W. by the maine Poquoson, etc. To be doubled, etc. Due for trans, of 9 pers: Ann Westlock, William Taylor, Thomas Taylor, John Cooper, John Jeffers, Ellis Rippon, Ann Rippon, William Bancroft, Thomas Garrett. THOMAS CAUSEY, 300 acs. May 10, 1638, p. 721. In Appamattuck Riv., E. upon Thomas Bagwell. W. upon the falls & S. upon the river. Trans, of 6 pers: John Pren, William Lucas, Nicholas Wattson, John Billins, Robert Whitcroft, Richard Brignall. (By Sir John Harvey). STEPHEN GILL, 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., July 3, 1640, p. 722. S. S. W. upon Queens Cr., & adj. Richard Maior E. N. E. Part of patent formerly granted unto John Batts & John Deines, for 750 acs. dated 2 Apr. 1639, which 300 acs. assigned by said Batts to sd. Gill. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 123 JOHN DAVIS, 450 acs. Chas. River Co., June 18, 1640, p. 722. To be doubled &c. N. W. upon head of Queens Cr., adj. Capt. Richard Popeles. Being part of 750 acs. granted sd. Davis & John Batts, as above. THOMAS HARVEY, 950 acs. James City Co., July 3, 1640, p. 723. To be doubled &c. Called Harveyes Necke, W. upon land of Bridges Freeman & Mr. Francis Fowler, N. upon Georg Grace unto a path leading to James Cittie from Chickahominy. For his per. adv. & for trans, of 18 pers: Mary, his wife, John Harvey his son, Jane Little, William Treble, Sr., William Treble, Jr., Robert Phillipps, Owin Madrin, Hen. Willett, Tho. Buck, Robert Brad- shaw, John Ireland, Tho. Cole, Peter Mudd, Barthol. Pelcock, Tho. Causey, (this name may be Jo. Causey) Jane his wife, Elizabeth Edwards, Robert Flake. MR. JOHN FELGATE, 1,200 acs. James City Co., July 3, 1640, p. 724. To be doubled &c. On E. side of Chichahominy Riv., part conteyning 2 Necks: Checroes Neck and Piney point Neck. Adj. his own & land of Edward Sanderson. Due by order of court Sept. 23, 1635, also for trans, of 24 pers.* WILLIAM JONES, 100 acs. Acco- macke Co., 20 Apr. 1640, p. 725. In Hungers Cr., being a little Neck be- tween Capt. Stone & Richard Smith. Trans, of 2 pers: Elizabeth, his wife, & Margarett Collett. FRANCIS MARTIN, 250 acs. Acco- macke Co., Oct. 24, 1639, p. 725. On Hungars Cr., adj. Edward Stockdale. Trans, of 5 pers: Edward Kinse, Sr., Edward Kinse, Jr., Elianor Kinse, Abi- gail Kinse, Eliza. Kinse. JOHN HOLLOWAY, 550 acs. Acco- macke Co., p. 726 (date not given). On Southermost side of the maine br. of Hungars Cr. For his per. adv. & trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Corke, Gabriell Searle, John Tylley, Jon. Halsey, Rich. Savage, Rich. Clement, James Barnaby, Sarah Barnaby, Henry Pacye, Jon. Ward. ROBERT HOLT, merchant, 700 acs. James Cittie Co., 23 July 1640, p. 727. On E. side of Chichahominy Riv. at the head of Checroes Cr. &c, E. from the bounds of land of Mr. John Felgate, crossing the Nly. br. of sd. creek &c, N. upon land of Edward Sanderson &c. 500 acs. by pattern graunted to sd. Holt & Richard Bell, 2 Mar. 1638 which said Bell hath since assigned his share unto sd. Holt, reserving his owne per. adv. & trans, of 1 servt. 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers. The following names appear: Robert Holt, John Newhowse, William Allen, Stephen Beane, Antho. Luco, Samll. Lucas, Robert Phillipson, Tho. Keyes, Tho. Bradford, Ralph Blakin, Richard Burgis, James Davis, John Budge. GRESHAM COFFEILD, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., July 18, 1640, p. 728. Adj. Epaphroditus Lawson. N. W. up- on Nansamund River, etc. Due by as- signment from Arthur Hallington of patent dated 23 Dec. 1636. JOHN RADFORD, 200 acs. Lower Norf. Co., Aug. 11, 1640, p. 728. On Western br. of Eliz. River, adj. patent lands assigned to him by John Slaughter & Thomas Browne. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Tross, John Gale, John William- son, Oliver Gibbins. Note: Renewed in the name of Richard Starnell, 24 Mar. 1647 and 150 acs. added. CAPT. WILLIAM PEIRCE of Mul- berry Island, Va. to ROBERT LAW- THEAT of Lawnes Cr., Va., planter, a neck of land conteyning 50 acs. in Lawnes Cr. towards Hogg Is. Cr., adj. land of William Spencer. Mar. 1, 1635, p. 729. Witnesses: Georg Lobb & John Hassord. GEORG MINIFIE, Esqr., 80 poles in James Cittie, Aug. 3, 1640, p. 730. "It was enacted at a grand Assembly holden the 20th Feb. 1636, that all undertakers to build upon James Island should be encouraged by a graunt of a convenient proportion of ground for howsing & a garden plott," etc. Between land of Sir Francis Wyatt & Capt. Francis Pott. Fee Rent: 1 Capon on the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle yearely. "Provided that if the sd. Minifie his heirs or as- signs shall not build upon the said par- 124 Cavaliers and Pioneers eel of land within the time or terme of 6 months after the date of these presents that then it shall be lawfull for any other to make choice of the same land and build upon the same." JOHN CORKER, 18 po., James Is- land, Aug. 3, 1640, p. 730. Same as above. PETER RIGBYE, (Rigby), 100 acs. Chas. River Co., Dec. 14, 1639, p. 731. In the parish of New Poquoson, near Arthur Seawell & Arthur Meckworth, adj. John Jackson. By certificate from a court held at Chas. River. Aug. 14, 1638 it appears this land is due for trans, of Dorothy, his wife, & Richard Washington; sd. Washington be- queathed the right of his per. adv. to John Jackson, who gave same to Rigbye. HENRY PORTER & RAPHAELL JOYNER, 350 acs. James Citty Co., 10 Aug. 1640, p. 732. In Chichahominy Riv. about 1^4 mi. within the mouth of Warricke Cr., adj. land of William Wigg & S. upon land of Edward Travis. 300 acs. graunted unto sd. Joyner & Samuell Triggs 17 Apr. 1639, which sd. Triggs wholly assigned unto said Joyner; 50 acs. for the per. adv. of said Joyner. The following names ap- pear: Henry Porter, Samll. Triggs, Elianor his wife, William Triggs, Raphaell Joyner, Dorothy Rule, Joane Graunt. STEPHEN WEBB, 500 acs. James Cittie Co., 6 Dec. 1639, p. 733. At a place called the Lower Chippokes neare the head of the run of the sunken marsh, E. upon land of William New- son & Sly. towards land of William Carter. 150 acs. by pattern dated 18 Sept. 1636 & 250 acs. by pattern dated 2 Mar. 1638 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: (The following names appear under this record:) Richard Tarling, Georg Toulson, Walter Rest, Stephen Webb, Clare Webb, Robert Webb, William Briggs, Eliz. Norris, William Drummond, Edward Hutchinson. Note: This pattent renewed. MR. BRIDGES FREEMAN, 100 acs. James City Co., Aug. 5, 1640, p. 734. Lying in the Woodyard, adj. S. 400 acs. in possession of sd. Freeman & Francis Fowler, N. upon his 100 acs. in the Woodyard, E. upon land of Mr. Georg Grace, W. upon Chichahominy Riv. with marsh & swamp. Trans, of 2 servts: Robert Mosely & Richard Brewer. WILLIAM CRANAGE, 700 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Aug. 8, 1640, p. 735. About Pagan Creek, ad. Joseph Cobb & his own iand. 300 acs. part of former patent dated 1 Oct. 1639 & 400 acs. for his per. adv. & trans, of 7 pers: Edmund Sadler, Sr., Eliz. Sadler, Sr., Edmund Sadler, Jr., Eliz. Sadler, Jr., Margt. Sadler, Mary Sadler, Peter Allerentia, Richard Garnum, Annis Page, David Powell, William Godfrey, William Atkins, Robert Parkin. ROBERT BRASSEUR, 100 acs. Co. of Up. Norfolk, Oct. 6, 1640, p. 736. Upon Western br. of Nansamund Riv. opposite 400 acs. of Mr. Lawrence Peters. Trans, of 2 pers: Peeter Be- sairdier & Reene Besairdier. EDWARD GOLDBOURNE & MARY, his wife, to ROBERT MILES, 100 acs. of land with all the howses, etc. thereon, lying & being at Archers Hope. Oct. 9, 1640, p. 736. Witnesses: Hen. Fenton & Tho. Cooke. WILLIAM ARMESTEAD, of Eliz. City Co. to JOHN BOWLES, 20 acs. of land in sd. county, running along N. side of Bowles' 50 acs. by deed of guift from Mrs. Elizabeth Southwell, & 16 acs. more lying Southerly upon William Morgan. Consideration: patent of 100 acs. granted unto Thomas Keeling, Nov. 18, 1635, accrewing due unto Thomas Cas- son in right of his wife Elizabeth, formerly wife and now relict of William Laighton, & since assigned by Casson unto sd. Bowles. Also certificate of 40 acs. to be delivered by sd. Bowles. June 11, 1641, p. 737. Witnesses: Samll. Abbott & John Mead. WILLIAM LAIGHTON & HENRY SOUTHELL, of the back river, to JOHN BOWLES, of the back river, all Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 125 that plantation whereon sd. Laighton now dwelleth, containing 50 acs., E. up- on the river, S. upon William Morgan & N. upon Henry Southell. Oct. 14, 1636. Page 738. Witnesses: Geo. Ward, Isaac Wongan, Tho. Heath & Tho. Milton. MICHAELL WILCOX, Planter, of Up. Norfolk, to GEORG WHITE, Minister, 142 acs. adj. land whereon sd. Michael liveth and land of John Wil- liams; dated Oct. 21, 1639. By order of court dated Oct. 3, 1638, some dif- ference haveing arisen between these parties, the land was equally divided. (Note: The name of said White is also written Jon.) By this instrument Wilcox conveys all his interest, except a tract of 18 h. by 35 ft. Witness: Tho. Sparrow & Lawr. Phillipps. Page 739. GEORG WHITE to JOHN ASH- COMB, of the county within mentioned, assignment of his interest in the above. Feb. 25, 1639. Page 740. Witnesses: William Read & Jane Perkins. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Gent, of Chi- kiake, & Elizabeth, now his wife, of the one part, & JOHN JACKSON, Gent, of the other part. Whereas by patent dated Sept. 26, 1638 unto sd. Jackson & sd. Elizabeth by the name of Kings- mill then, now wife of sd. Taylor, 600 acs. in James City Co., being a parcel of small islands lying up Chichahominy River adj. Bridges Freeman, John Dansy & John Felgate. For divers causes & considerations the sd. Taylor & Eliza- beth, his wife, grant sd. land unto sd. Jackson. Apr. 4, 1642. Witnesses: John Clarke & William Baulk, Not. Public. Page 740. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Gent, of Chiskiake, in Va., to AMBROSE HAR- MOR of Va., Esqr. & Jane, his wife. Conveys his patent of 1,200 acs. in Chichahominy Riv., James Citty Co., above Warrany Landing Place. Which land was due said Taylor for trans, of 20 pers. Nov. 9, 1638. Apr. 4, 1642, Page 742. Witnesses: Same as above. ROBERT BEW, 150 acs. granted in 1639. P. 744. (Record incomplete.) JOHN ROE, 150 acs. Isle of Wight Co. This patent purchased by Mr. Ar- thur Smith & renewed in his name Mar. 2, 1643. (Incomplete). P. 745. THOMAS CAUSEY, 300 acs. in Appamattuck River, Apr. 10th. "All the rest lost." P. 745. AMBROSE BENNETT, 1,150 acs. Isle of Wight Co., June 23, 1641, P. 746. Upon the maine head of the Lower baye Cr. called Cypress Swamp. Trans, of 23 servants: Richard Wil- liamson, Peter Harwood, Alice New- man, Richard Morrice, Rich. Death, Susan Death, Eliz. Death, Joane Hodges, Nath. White, Henry Nelsonn, Fr. Nichols, Wm. Junior, Peter Watter, Willi. Ellis, Meredith Morgan, Watkin Howell, Evan David, Antho. Cole, Wm. Wood, Georg Ashall, Hester Carter, David Cone, Eliz. Avery, Robert Medley. THOMAS MORREY, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 7, 1641, p. 747. Up- on a br. of Seawards Cr., sd. br. com- monly known by the name of Ashen Swamp; adj. Richard Jackson, etc. Due for his per. adv. & the first and second trans, of Elizabeth, his wite, & trans, of 3 pers: Ann Hale, Willi. Turbuck & Ralph Griffith. SAME. 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 20, 1641, p. 747. Beg. nigh per- simmond swamp, the head of a branch of Seawards Cr. etc. Adj. Capt. Nathaniell Bass, Mr. John Newland, Samuel Jackson, Hugh Winn & John Seaward crossing branches of Goose Hill Cr., etc. Trans, of 6 pers: Henry Stratton, Clemt. Bade, Rich. Rutland, William Bishopp, Patrick Bohonett, Daniell Washborne. JAMES HAWLEY, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 22, 1641, p. 748. Up- on the head of the Lower Baye Cr., adj. John Rowe. Due for the per. adv. of himself, Ann, his wife, & trans, of 4 pers: Francis Ann & Alice, his chil- dren, John Foster & Richard Darling. Patent renewed Sept. 27, 1643. TOBY SMITH, 650 acs. Warwick River Co., Feb. 15, 1640, p. 749. Place called Humberstone, upon head of the 126 Cavaliers and Pioneers back river called Smiths ford, adj. Tho- mas Faulconer & Thomas Boulding. For his per. adv. & trans, of 12 pers: Thomas Best, Mary his wife, Thomas Best, & John Best, 2 children; William Cade, Henry Harvey, Eliz. Fisher, Joyce Arnold, Daniell Hart, Alice King, Jere- miah Run & Margery Ceely. Renewed Sept. 16, 1644. THOMAS GRINWOOD, 150 acs. Isle of Wight Co., July 28, 1641, p. 750. Upon a br. of Seawards Cr., adj. John Seaward & Capt. John Upton. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 2 pers: Mary, his wife, & Dorothy Grinwood. ROBERT BURNETT, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 3, 1641, p. 751. Upon a br. of Seawards Cr., adj. Nicho- las Smith. For his per. adv. & trans, of 3 pers: Margarett Arnold, Alice John- son & Richard Cooper. Renewed Sept. 29, 1643. WILLIAM HAMPTON, 550 acs. Eliz. City Co., 11 Dec. 1640, p. 752. Per Adv. of himself & Joane, his wife, & trans, of 9 pers: Willi. Hampton, Grace Hampton, Eliza. Hampton, Alice Curtice, Children, Georg Hankin, Oliver Clifford, Mandelin Wosencroft, James Francis, Thomas Smith, Richard Cary, Hugh Bramley. WILLIAM WIGG, 250 acs. James City Co., Nov. 26, 1640, p. 753. Upon S. side of Tanckes Pasbyhaies Cr., op- posite William Frye & John Dancey, called Claybancke. Lying between land of Bridges Freeman, gent., & Thomas Rolfe. Adjoining to the high land upon Tanckes Pasbyhaies Cr. Trans, of 5 pers: James Barnes, Henry Crawes, Roger Anderson, Anthony Dickinson, Edward Watts. SAME. 650 acs. James City Co., Apr. 25, 1641. P. 754. In Chicka- hominy Riv., over against Pease Hill. Adj. John Robins, Bennett Freeman, Henry Porter & Raphaell Joyner, and upon Warwick Riv. creek. Confirmation of 2 former patents. JOHN SEAWARD, 1,300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 1, 1641, p. 755. Upon a branch of the lower bay called Sea- wards Cr., adj. William Yarrat & upon Goose Hill Cr., etc. Confirmation of 2 former patents for trans, of 12 pers. & 300 for trans, of 6 pers. Memo, at end of this record: "This by Assign- ment. Nicholas Morrice, his wife & one child. Peter Eaton, 2 servants. This order at James Citty Dec. 15th, 1635." RICHARD COLLINS, 150 acs. in Pasbyehaies, Dec. 3, 1641, p. 756. 21 yr. lease to begin at the Nativity of our Lord 1642. Near land of Edward Oliver. Annuall Rent: 6 Bbls. of Mer- chantable Indian Corne sheld at the State Howse in James Citty. HENRY WYATT, Esqr., eldest son of Sir Francis Wyatt, 50 acs., in Pas- byehaies, James City Co., Dec. 16, 1641, p. 757. 21 yr. lease. Beg. upon a high bancke in an old feild, etc., adj. land of Capt. Robert Hutchinson, etc., neare howse of Mr. John White, etc., to the mouth of the Swampe, etc. But the 3 acs. for the two pathes, one lead- ing to Powhetan bridge and the other to Chickahominy not respecting the variation. Annuall Rent 2 Bbls. of Merchantable Corne, for every 50 acs., etc. HATTILL POTT, 700 acs. James City Co., Dec. 4, 1641, p. 758. In Chickahominy Riv., adj. Robert Free- man. Due by virtue of patent assigned to him by Richard Wilcox, dated Sept. 11, 1638 & confirmed by order of court June 9, 1641. RICHARD WILCOX assignment to Hattill Pott. Witnesses: Georg Read & Richard Lee. P. 759. Record incom- plete. ARGOLL YEARDLEY, Esqr., 4000 acs. on N. side of Charles Riv., called Tindalls necke, beg. at Tindalls Cr., butting upon the most Wly. br. of same &c. & Nly. towards certaine branches of Mockjack bay. 12 Oct. 1640, p. 759. Due by order of Court, 12 Oct. 1640, in right of his father Sir Georg Yeardley, Kt., as parte of his devident in right of his adv. with the South Hampton hundred Company. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 127 THOMAS OLDIS, 50 acs. at the Strawberry banckes whereon he now liveth, for the terme of 70 yrs. with reservation of 100 lbs. of Tobacco for a fine & annuall rent of 20 lbs. of tobacco to bee paid the next Treasurer & his successors &c. 27 Jan. 1641, p. 760. Lease in Eliz. Cittie Co. THOMAS BERNARD, Gent., 1,050 acs. Warwicke River Co., Dec. 16, 1641, p. 761. At the mouth of the back creek, adj. Capt. Thomas Flint whereon stands dwelling howse of said Bernard. (Note: Record incomplete. Mention is made of Zachariah Cripp; the back creek devid- ing the land of Burdropp, formerly called Claybornes Neck, from land of said Bernard. Confirmation of former patent for 500 acs., & order of court for 200 acs. Feb. 24, 1631. 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Patrick Closse, William Ware, William Hopkin, John Gerrish, Robert Frere, Alice Havord, Tho. Howgate. RICHARD BROOKES, 189 acs. in Pasbyhaies, James City Co., Jan. 22, 1641, Page 762. From the mouth of a little swamp, near Mr. Batt's howse, running along Mr. White's land. 21 yr. lease. Annual rent: lY\ bbls. Mer. Indian corn, sheld at the State Howse, payment to begin at the Nativity of our Lord next ensuing the date hereof. JOHN GEORGE, 1,200 acs. Charles City Co., Oct. 11, 1640, Page 763. Adj. Thomas Bayley. 900 acs. by former patent & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.: John George, John Geabe, Richard Searle, William Trueman, Isaac Ellis, Mercy Lunmore. GARRETT STEPHENS, 400 War- wick River Co., Oct. 9, 1641, Page 764. Beg. at the path leading from the New Poquoson to Nutmeg quarter. 200 acs. by assignment of patent from John — (blank) dated 5 May 1636 & the resi- due 200 acs. for trans, of 4 servts: William Chigain, Thomas Roberts, William Sharpe, Patience Martyn. SAMUEL FIRMENT, 500 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Jan. 8, 1640, Page 765. At the head of Indian Cr. from the W. br. of Nansamund Riv. & adj. John Layden. 300 acs. by assignment from John Gar- rett of his right for trans, of 6 pers., & 200 acs. by assignment from Marke Gilla, who was assignee of Christopher Biffeild (or Bisfeild) for his right for trans, of 4 pers. (The following names appear under this patent): Henry Powell, Edward Roberts, Phillip Jones, Thomas Seymor, Humphry Cadwalla- der, Nicholas Barker, Sarah Biffeild, Ellen Garner. ("There are two of these names for which noe Land taken upp." George Read.) JOHN FLOYNE, 50 acs. Charles River Co., November 10, 1640. Page 766. Upon Cheesemans Cr. beg. at the fishing pointe, etc. Due for the per. adv. of his wife Joane Floyne. THOMAS PITT, 872^ acs. Charles City Co., Dec. 7, 1641, Page 767. At Appamattocks River, near land of Ed- ward Skyrnes (or Kyrnes). 500 acs. by assignment from Edward Prince at a Court held for Henrico Co., 1 Dec. 1641, & 372^ for trans, of 8 pers.: Thomas Pitt, Walter Johnson, Edwin Young, Thomas Browne, Samuell But- ler, William Price, William Strange, Penelope Laurell (or Lanvell). RICHARD PRESTON, 500 acs. Up. Norf. Co., 1641, Page 767. At the miles end of lands of Thomas Jorden & Richard Young on New Towne haven River. 250 acs. by two former patents in his name, & 250 for trans, of 5 servts: William Becham, Richard Petti- bone, Joane Carraway, Michaell Mor- phew, Edward Ratcliffe. THOMAS BABB, 100 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Oct. 12, 1641, Page 769. Upon W. branch of Nansamund River, on the S. side, about 2^4 mi. up the br. adj. Georg Ludlow. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of 1 servant: Eliza. Jones. CAPT. JOHN CHEESMAN, 300 acs. Charles Riv. Co., Dec. 4, 1641, Page 770. Upon Cheesman's Cr., Wly., etc., until it meets with a creek of Cheeso- pean bay, Sly., running parallel to the mouth of the New Poquoson Riv. 200 acs. by assignment from John Hollis & 128 Cavaliers and Pioneers Richard Bennett, to whom it had been assigned by sd. Cheesman, & 100 for trans, of 2 servts: Judeth Williams (& 1 per. unnamed.) By Sir William Berkeley, Knight, Govr. etc. HENRY PERRY, Gent., son & heire of Capt. William Perry, Esqr., late of Va., deceased, 3,500 acs. Charles Citty Co., known by the name of Buckland, May 10, 1642, Page 771. Being a neck of land bet. the old mans Cr. & Herring Cr. rising into the woods as farr as said Creeks ebb and flowe, as alsoe 227 acs. of Sunken Marsh and Swampe. 2,000 acs. thereof bequeathed to him by his father, Aug. 5, 1637. 1,500 acs. by assignment from Georg Minifie Esqr., of his right for trans, of 30 pers: Hugh Forshew, John Thomas, Hugh Seaver, John Weaver, Richard Newman, Tho. Lisle, James Smith, Geo. Abraham, Robert Barwood, Wm. Cooke, Patrick Cane (or Cave) John Garrett, Richard Flood, Ralph Harrington, William Hance, John Saltrea, Richard Williams, Richard Owen. 12 Negroes bought of Sr. John Harvey, Knt., Anno 1639- (Marginal note: These in the Shipp Dove of London Capt. Bicking Mr. (Master) 1638. CAPT. ROBERT HUTCHINSON, 100 acs. James Cittie Co., Sly. upon Sir Francis Wyatts lease, W. upon a swamp parting the upper cleare grounds of Pasbyhaies, Ely. upon Christian Wil- liams and John Edwards their lease. May 20, 1642, Page 772. Lease. An- nual Rent: 4 bbls. Mer. Indian corn, etc. RICHARD JACKSON, 450 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Mar. 13, 1641, Page 772. Upon Seawards Cr., adj. Thomas Marcy, Pharoe Flinton & Justinian Cooper. 350 acs. by assignment from Thomas Stamp & John Sweete, of their right for trans, of 7 pers., & 100 acs. for trans, at his own costs of 2 pers. The following names apear — record incomplete: Rich- ard Jackson, Nicholas Kinford (or Kin- seed), Roote, Sweete, Ray, Edmund Prynn, Mathew Bletstowe, Thomas Spaine, Georg Cockcroft. NATH. TATUM, 500 acs. Chas. Citty Co., Dec. 4, 1641, Page 773. N. upon Appamattock River, etc., Ely. up- on a creek parting his from land of John Baker. Due by his former patent & assignment from Thomas Causey. JOHN GARRETT, 400 acs. Up. Norf. Co., May 22, 1642, Page 774. Upon Indian Cr. issuing from the W. br. of Nansamund River, below land of William Hatfeild. Due for trans, of 8 Pers.: Mr. John Roger, Tho. , John , Richard , Allen Hayhes, Richard Eastwood, Susan Bird. FRANCES MAULDIN, 100 acs. Up. Norf. Co., May 22, 1642, Page 774. Upon W. br. of Nansamund Riv., adj. Thomas Emerson. Trans, of 2 servts: Thomas Serridon & John Carre. JEREMIAH GREY, 150 acs. James Citty Co., May 22, 1642, Page 775. On the S. side of James Riv., upon the head of land of Mr. Grindall called the old forte & Grindalls Hill, & lying bet. land of John Bishopp & Mr. Ewin called the Colledge land. Trans, of 3 pers: Rich- ard Harris, Luke Goodnought, Joane Harding. PETER JOHNSON, 200 acs. New Norf. Co., May 23, 1642, Page 775. Upon the head of New Towne haven river. Due by assignment from Peter Wrye of his right for trans, of 4 pers.: Susan Chandler, James Edwin, Thomas Edwin, Jaques Masgarke. RICHARD GREGSON, 400 acs. Eliz. Cittie Co., Dec. 8, 1642, Page 776. Beg. at the path leading from Nutmeg Quarter unto the Poquoson, adj. lands of Tobye Smith & William Hampton. Trans, of 8 pers: John White, Richard Long, John Rawlings, Michaell Clarke, Robert Powell, Edward Cole, Edward Williams. THOMAS MATHEWS, (Mathewes), 470 J /2 acs. (county not given) Oct. 10, 1641, Page 777. Adj. John Chaplin. Trans, of 10 pers.: John Harrison, Richard Canny, Alice Assine (or Assnie), Anne Wakeland, William Chandler, Rice Harvy, (?) came in the Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 129 Wm. 1638, John Jasper, came in Mary of Bristol 1634, William Garner, came in the David of Bristol 1635. Georg Lawrance, came in the Jonas, Tho. Tay- lor Mr. (Master) 1637. WILLIAM EYRES, 750 acs. Up. Norf. Co., May 23, 1642, Page 777. Upon an arm of the W. br. of Nansa- mund River., adj. John Garrett. Trans, of 15 pers.: Francis Speight, Thomas Bridwell, Robert Stany Sarah Sanner, (?) John Mondy, Walter Besley, John Blackburne, John Bay, William Nichols, William Fenn, Jeremiah Velayne, Ed- ward Thownsend, John Ray, Hugh Rout, Hugh Smithwicke. WILLIAM EYRES, 100 acs. Up. Norf. Co., May 22, 1642, Page 778. Upon N. side of the W. br. of Nansa- mund Riv., adj. John Sculler. Trans, of 2 pers.: Gilbert Brooke. (1 name miss- ing.) Record incomplete. PHILLIPP CLARKE, 300 acs. James Cittie, upon S. side of James River, 2 miles from the river side, Mar. 1, 1640, Page 779. S. upon the Colledge land, W. by N. from same, etc., N. W. up the reedy swamp and near land of John Bishopp. 200 acs. by patent 10 Nov. 1638 & 100 for trans, of 2 servts: Katherine White & Anthony Harris. ROBERT EYRES, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., May 22, 1642, Page 780. About 8 mi. up a Southern br. of Eliza. River. Trans, of 4 pers: Robert Eyres, Francis Poythres, William Brown, John Herring. THOMAS TODD, 50 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Oct. 2, 1640, Page 780. Upon S. side of the Eastern br. of Eliz. River. Trans, of: Edward Stone. RICHARD WILLIAMS, 250 acs. Charles Cittie Co., Mar. 10, 1640, Page 781. At a place called Chaplins land. Trans. 5 pers: John Brooke, William Bell, Patrick Jackson, David Pullock, David Deweex (?). Duewood, along the broad cr. towards land of Garrett Andrews. Due for trans. of himself, wife & 2 pers: Robert Salsbury & Symon Smith. WILLIAM STOREY, 600 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Nov. 17, 1641, Page 782. Upon an arm of the W. br. of Nansa- mund Riv., called Indian Cr., adj. land of John Garrett. Due for trans, of 12 servts: Nich. May, Ann Weslike, Tho- mas Bagly, Richard Stinett (or Shuett), Sanders Smith, Ellis Smith, John Griffin, Thomas Bagly, Richard Momford, Wil- liam Howard. STEPHEN CHARLETON, 500 acs. Accomacke Co., May 19, 1641, Page 783. In Nuswattocke Cr. Trans, of 10 pers.: Robert Berry, John Tixton, Alice Delvis, Elady Lanstones, Giles Browne, James Jones, Michaell Crawly, Leonard Petick, Eliza. Petick, Ralph Stowell. BRYANT SMITH, 100 acs. Henrico Co., Oct. 10, 1641, Page 783. Bounded W. upon the river, E. into the woods, S. on Capt. Harris' land & N. on An- thony Bodyes land. Trans, of 2 pers: Nicholas Perkins, Gringall Delayhaye. WILLIAM STOREY, 250 acs. Up. Norf. Co., May 22*, 1643, Page 784. Upon W. br. of Nansamund Riv. Trans, of 5 pers: Oliver White, John Skull, Karbery Kigan, Anthony Fletcher, Rich- ard Marbery. JOHN GOOKIN, Gent., 640 acs., Low. Norf. Co., Oct. 12, 1641, Page 785. Adj. Capt. Thorogood's land. Trans, of 13 pers.: John Mason, Rich- ard Bullock, John Covell, William Granger, Ann Wrench & 7 Negroes. GEORG ADKINS & WILLIAM FOSTER, 250 acs. (county not men- tioned) May 23, 1642, Page 785. Beg. on the reedy sw. which divides this from land of Thomas Woodhowse, adj. land of John Twy. Trans, of 5 pers: Mathias King, Tobias Tanner, John Ashe, Ellis Young, William Foster. JOHN BROWNE, 200 acs. Acco- WILLIAM BURDETT, 300 acs. Ac- macke Co., June 3, 1642, Page 782. At comacke Co., Oct. 3, 1641, Page 786. Nuswattocks Cr., beg. at land of Leving Bounded on the Northern part by old 130 Cavaliers and Pioneers plantation cr. 5 on W. & S. by a br. of sd. cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Charles Harmer. Trans, of 6 pers: William Knapp, Symon Coldron, Sarah Hickman, William Young, Nehemiah Cunningham, John Gibbons. THOMAS GREY, 100 acs. James Citty Co., June 7, 1642, Page 787. Up- on E. side of Greys Cr., adj. his own land. Trans, of 2 pers: Georg Graves & William Browne. JOHN GEORG, 144 acs. Chas. Citty Co., Aug. 11, 1642, Page 787. W. up- on land of Capt. Francis Eppes, N. upon Wattkins Cr., S. upon the river & E. upon land of Lady Dale. Trans, of 2 pers: Richard Webster, Sanders Black- haws, Wm. Haming. JOHN BROACH, 1,000 acs. Chas. River Co., Aug. 18, 1642, Page 788. Upon Chas. River & Ware Cr. Trans, of 20 pers.: Sarah Symons, Edward Watkins, Tho. Griffin, John Hickes, Nicholas Bannister, John Sheppard, 5 Negroes, & Antho. Packhurst (or Park- hurst) 3 times. 300 acs. by order of June 5, 1640 assigned unto him by Mr. Rosier. JOHN WOODLIFFE, 750 acs., Chas. City Co., Aug. 18, 1642, Page 788. 530 acs. Lyeing at a place called Jor- dens, bordering W. upon land of Wil- Jarrett (or Garrett), adj. Samuell Jor- den. 20 acs. part of a place now called Barmoodus hundred, bounding E. upon the great river & S. upon land of Samuell Jorden, running to land of William Julian; the other 200 acs. adj. the above. 550 acs. by patent to sd. Woodliffe dated Dec. 10, 1620, & the remainder by patent dated July 25, 1638. THOMAS EMERSON, 200 acs., up- on Western Br. of Nansamund River, adj. land of William Storey. Aug. 20, 1642, Page 789. Trans, of 4 pers: Edmund Knight, John Ellis, Nicholas Emerson, John Ellis. GEORG SMITH, 100 acs. Accomack Co., Aug. 20, 1642, Page 789. Beg. at the land of Georg Traveller, N. N. E. along the seaboard side & W. N. W. into the woods. Trans, of 2 pers: Peter Talbott & John Collett. JOHN HARLOW, 200 acs. Accomack Co., Aug. 26, 1642, Page 790. At the head of old plantation cr., adj. his former devident & land of Capt. Wil- liam Roper. Trans, of 2 pers: Stephen Harlow, Ann Harlow, Math. Pett, Wm. Car. JOSEPH ROYALL, 600 acs., Aug. 20, 1642, Page 790. Bounding on the land of Edward Madden above Sherley hundred, N. & by E. on the river to Dockmans Cr., adj. Daniell Lewellin W. & by N. Trans, of 12 pers.: Ralph Hexon, Thomas Sweft, Henry Smith, Katherine his wife, John Guilham, Martha Jacob, Nowell Hurim, Ann Cole, Stafford Barlow, Thomas Guilham. RICHARD HYNES, 200 acs. New Norf. Co., Dec. 16, 1640, Page 791. Upon W. branch of Nansamund Riv., adj. William Storey. Trans, of 4 pers: Marinus Hynes, Sarah Hynes, Georg Erwin, William Garrett. JOHN TOWLSON, 450 acs. Acco- macke Co., Aug. 25, 1642, Page 791. Beg. at land of Elias Taylor. Trans, of 9 pers.: John North, John Evans, Peter Higginson, Ann Harbard, Jeffery Gaunt, Tho. Keye, Alice Baker, Margarett (blank) Symon Foscett. BARTHOLOMEW KNIPE, 100 acs. Aug. 25, 1642, Page 792. W. N. W. upon land of Thomas Joanes, N. E. upon land of Mr. Wallis called Jouring point, & S. W. upon James River and compassed in from Danceing point with Epse Bay. Trans, of 2 pers: John Wade & Thomas Hughes. ROBERT LAWRANCE, 100 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Aug. 25, 1642, Page 793. In Lawnes Cr., adj. his own and land of Mr. Tooke. Trans, of 2 pers: James Long & Margerie Aldrige. ROBERT LAWRANCE, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Aug. 25, 1642, Page 793. W. upon Lawnes Cr., adj. Mr. Harding & the Widdow Bennett's lands. Trans. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 131 of 4 pers: Robert Lawrence, Eliza his wife, John Backwell, Edward Ison. HENRY BRADLEY, 450 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Aug. 25, 1642, Page 794. Lying S. E. upon Newtowne haven River, near John Jarrett (Garrett). By virtue of 2 former patents. (Record in- complete). JOHN WALTHAM, Junr., 300 acs. Accomack Co., Aug. 25, 1642, Page 794. At Nuswattocks Cr., adj. Mr. Charleton, James Perrin & Elias Harl- tree. Trans, of 6 pers: John Waltham, Senr., Thomas Wyatt, Richard Powell, Thomas Jones, Henry Evans, William Atkins. WILLIAM MORGAN, alias Brooke, (alias Jones), 50 acs. Eliz. City Co., Aug., 1642, Page 795. Adj. his first devident, near John Boules. Trans, of Arthur Hormebrooke (or Honne- brooke). THOMAS CURTIS, 400 acs., Aug. 15, 1642, Page 795. Lying in Mock- jack bay, beg. at marked trees in Ware River, in Brownes bay dividing this from land of John Harris. Trans, of 8 pers.: John Lether, John Roberts, James (or John) Berry, John Dyas, Tho. Peirce, Ellen Powell, Edward Marsam, John Jarre. WILLIAM WARREN, 650 acs. on the N. side of Charles River, running to Marsh on W. side of Mock Jack Bay. Aug. 10, 1642. Page 796. Trans, of 13 pers.: William Richards, Stephen Sandish, Tho. Paddison, Richard Powett, William Hinde, Lock, Michaell Ellis, John Langly, Amos Warren, Eliz. Hutchins, Ellen Fetherston, Oliver Gib- bons, Ann Grimes. RICHARD LEE, Gent., 1,000 acs. 10 Aug. 1642, on the N. side of Charles River, called by the name of the Indian Spring, in Poropotanck Cr., along Fran- cis Morgan's land. Due for his own per. adv., his wife Ann & John Francis, & by assignment from Mr. Thomas Hill, Florentine Paine & William Freeman of their right for trans, of 17 pers. Note: In addition to the above names, the fol- lowing appear under this patent: Joane Pickering & Thomas Hackett Florentine Paine, twice. 150 acs. for the 3 first name assigned to Mr. Dixon. Page 797. ARTHUR PRICE, 1,000 acs. 10 July 1642, p. 798. On the S. side of Peanckatancke River, adj. William Hockaday, crossing mouth of Tankes Cheskeyock Cr. Trans, of 20 pers., whose names are not given. WILLIAM BARNARD, Esqr., 1,200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Aug. 10, 1642, Page 798. At the head of Lawnes Cr., along land of Robert Elye, Mr. Cooper and Robert Lawrance, and running to Northermost br. of the Pagan Cr. Due for his owne per. adv. 4 times & trans, of 20 pers.: John Giles, William Wittington, Edward Ricketts, Eliza. Frowme, John Sutton, William Smar- lurt, Eliz. King, John , John Law- rance, Robert Lamb, Thomas , Eliz. Davis, Eliz. , John Hone (or Howe), John Morris, Tho. Sanderby, John Wesby, Francis Hickins, Richard Harris. (Record incomplete). ABRAHAM ENGLISH, 350 acs., "Beginning at a point of land right against the mouth of Milford haven up- on the South West side as you enter out of Chesipiacke bay," to a small cr. dividing this from land of Richard Bennett, etc., to English his creek, then down Milford haven to the beg. July 10, 1642, Page 799. Due for trans, of himself, wife & 5 pers.: John Temper- ance, Dennis Cicann (?), James Stanks, Wm. Neesum (?). JOHN BAYLY (also written Bayles) , 700 acs., on the N. side of Charles River, beg. at Indian Quarter Cr. Due sd. Baylie by assignment from Mr. Wil- liam Prior of his right to said land, the claime being entered by him 18 Oct. 1641, for trans, of 14 pers.: William Peirce, Robert Fossett, Ann Cock, John Atter, Roger Arteine, William Hopton, Walter Downes, Richard Adkins, Bar: Barnes, John Buck, Corn: Swilliams, Ann Powell, Stephen Sen: Antho. Guns- ton. Page 800. 10 Aug. 1642. 132 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN LYLLEY, 350 acs. on the S. W. side of Milford Haven, June 20, 1642, Page 800. Being a neck of land, near land of Peter Rigby & Edward Peircifull. Trans, of himself, wife, & 5 servts: William , Thomas Stoole, (or Steele) John Leake, Eliza. , Ellen Browne. JOHN CONNYDON (or Conng- don), 200 acs. in Pyankatanck Bay, July 1, 1642, Page 801. Near land of Wil- liam English, down the bay into the narrow or head of Milford Haven. Trans, of his wife & 3 pers.* WILLIAM PRIOR, Gent., 1,300 acs. on the North side of Charles River, Aug. 10, 1642, Page 802. On E. side of the great marsh at Hickmans point near land of John Jones, etc., down Priors Creek, etc. Trans, of 26 pers: himself, twice, his wife, John Perrin, Grace , 5 Negroes, Joane Eartes, Richard Errington, Gregory Bass, Michaell Sanders, Wm. Thorneton, Tho. Kingswell, Alex. Wike, Tho. Gumer (or Gunner), John Rutter, Wm. James, John Rutter, Wm. James, John Wood, Edward Braydon, Wm. Johnson, Henry Goodgaine, Thomas Jervis, Robert Kingsbury. CAPT. WILLIAM LEIGH, 1,000 acs. North side of Charles River in Porepo- tanke Cr., Aug. , 1642, Page 802. Adj. Capt. Wormeleye. Trans, of him- self, his wife Mary, daughter Mary & 17 pers.* JOHN MATRUM, Gent., 1,900 acs., called Matrums Mount, in Pyankatanke River, July 20, 1642, Page 803. Beg. at Materums Cr., towards the Gleab Cr., including a small island in a great bay on the N. side of Pyanketanke. Trans, of 38 pers.* THOMAS MOORELAND, 100 acs. Yorke Co., Aug. 10, 1642, Page 803. Upon Capt. West's Cr., adj. William Sawyer. Due for adv. of himself & Christopher Browne to Chiskiacke the first year. THOMAS CURTIS, 700 acs. in Mob- jack Bay, Aug. 15, 1642, Page 804. Beg. at the head of a br. of blackwater cr., near Thomas Sayes land. Trans, of 14 pers.* JOHN CARTER, 1,300 acs. in Rap- pahannock River, on Cossatomen Cr. now Carters Cr., Aug. 15, 1642, Page 804. Due by assignment from Capt. Daniell Gookins. (Record incomplete.) PERREGRIN BLAND, 1,000 acs. on the N. side of Pyanketancke River, in- cluding 2 small islands that lye before this land in the river. Trans, of 20 pers.* Aug. 10, 1642, Page 805. ROBERT VAUS, Merchant, 1,200 acs. in Poropotancke Cr., alias Fresh- water Cr., near land of Capt. Wormeley. Trans, of 24 pers.* Aug. 10, 1642, Page 806. HUGH GWIN, Gent., 1,000 acs. Aug. 10, 1642, Page 806. Due by order of Court dated Dec. 19, 1635, for trans, of 20 pers.* (Record incomplete). FRANCIS MORGAN, 1,000 acres in Freshwater Cr., near Morgans Cr., Aug. 10, 1642, Page 807. Trans, of 20 pers.* THOMAS TROTTER, 500 acs. On N. side of Pyanketanke River. Aug. 10, 1642, Page 807. Trans, of 10 pers.* THOMAS SAY, 350 acs. in Mob- jecke Bay at a point called Sayes Point that faceth Ely. down the baye, etc. to Wrights Cr., etc. S. E. to the head of Curtis branch, down the br. on Black- water Cr. to the beg. Aug. 20, 1642, Page 808. Trans, of 7 pers: Thomas Say, Henry Norman, Mathew Burras, Jon. Bullard, Charles Bater; 100 acs. by assignment from Rendall. JOHN TERRY, 300 acs. in Ware River, at the mouth of a cr. dividing this from land of William Clarke. Aug. 20, 1642, Page 808. Trans, of 6 servts: William Oliver, Mary Oliver, Thomas Hobbs, Andrew Huntington, Lydia Huntington, Phillipp Heanes. JOHN MEAKES, 200 acs. in Mob- jacke Bay, on the S. side of the south- ern br. of Severne, Aug. 20, 1642, Page Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 133 809. Trans, of himself, and 3 servts: Richard Carter, Robert Peircifull, Mathew Chapman. EDWARD WILLIAMS, 100 acs. on the N. side of Charles River, beg. on the W. bounds of John Jones' land & parallel to Mr. Priors land, etc., July 20, 1642, Page 809. Trans, of himself & 1 servt.* JOHN JONES, 150 acs. on N. side of Charles River, bet. 2 creeks. July 20, 1642, Page 810. Trans, of himself & 2 pers. JAMES WHITE & JOHN RICH- ERDSON (Richeson), 200 acs, in Mob- jecke Bay, on the N. side of the north- ermost br. of Severne where Stillwells land ends, running N. N. W. etc., Aug. 15, 1642, Page 810. Trans, of 4 pers.* PETER RIGBY, 450 acs. in Milford Haven, beg. at Rigby Point, running S. S. W. parallel to Lilleys Cr. Aug. 16, 1642, Page 811. Due by assignment from John Story & Thomas Jolly of their right of land for trans, of 9 pers.: John Harper, Tho. & Christopher Ad- kinson, Robert Hopkins, James Winders, John Pollard, Geo. Packman, John Batho, Eliz. Starr. WILLIAM HOCKADAY, 1,100 acs. on the S. side of Pyanketancke River, beg. at a cr. called Hockadays Harbour, running the creek etc. Aug. 11, 1642, Page 811. 350 acs. due by assignment & for trans, of himself & 11 servts.* WILLIAM IRELAND & ROBERT WALLIS, 700 acs. Yorke Co., July 13, 1642, Page 812. At the head of St. Andrews Creek, N. E. upon Joseph Croshaw & Richard Maior. Trans, of 14 pers.: Rebecca, wife of Robert Wallis, Emanuella a Negroe, Thomas Acone, James Newsum, John Hopkins, Francis Stee (or Slee), Robert James, Nicho. Offley, Thomas Kichley (or Kithley), Richard Robinson, Thomas Dyos, Barbara Miles, Robert Miles, Junr. GEORG BRAITHWAITE & THO- MAS PYKE, 750 acs. James City Co., last of August 1642, Page 812. On the S. side of Chichominy River S. E. and N. W. into the woods, S. W. Sly., called by the name of Mattahunke. Due by assignment from Edward Oliver. JOHN HARTWELL, 50 acs. Yorke Co., Aug. 25, 1642, Page 813. On the Bryery Swamp, adj. Samuell Watkins. Due by assignment from William Chap- man, of a patent dated 20 July 1639. JOHN DANCEY (Dancy), 700 acs. Aug. 19, 1642, Page 813. Adj. land of Theodorett Moyses. Formerly granted sd. Dancy & Edmond Morecroft May 20, 1638 and now due sd. Dancy by the death of sd. Morecroft. THOMAS RANSHA, 300 acs. War- wick Co., Aug. 25, 1642, Page 813. Being a neck of land called Harwoods Neck, butting upon the Deepe Cr., near land of William Coxe, to Stokes Cr. dividing this from land of Christopher Boyce. 150 acs. due by purchase of patent from John Garrett, & the other for trans, of 3 pers: Richard Puse, Georg Sutton, Michaell Slowly. CAPT. SAMUELL MATHEWES, Esqr., 3,000 acs., Aug. 20, 1642, Page 814. Butting upon Warwick River W., somewhat S. Bounded on N. with Pottash quarter Cr., adj. Christopher Boyce. Trans, of 60 pers: Robert Wil- liams, Mathew Jennings, Rog. Williams, Jon. Jones, Jon. Lewis, Jon. Thomas, Hen. Jones, Wm. Salsbury, Wm. Ed- wards, Nich. Bushell, Morris Loyd, Sam. Preston, Aron Conway, Samll. Ed- wards, William Sutton, Samll. Davis, Robt. Chappell, Wm. Parry, Nich. Dig- well, Tho. Evans, Senr., Rich. Hublard (or Hubbard), Howell Jones, Phillipp White, Thomas Shelley, Richard Pea- cock, Corn. Williams, Robert Wright, Eliza. , Richard Williams, John Hubberd, Rich. Thomas, Nich. Martin, Jon. Westake, Nich. Lingford, Gilbert Symons, Wm. Rood, Georg Jordan, Wm. Browne, Dorothy Crafford, Robert Wood, Roger , Wm. Cleveden, Eliz. Falston, Wm. Kingsley, Eliz. Button, Hen. Semaster, Wm. King, Hugh Orchard, Thomas Jones, Walter Holberton, John Bamforth, Hamlett, Haw, Jon. Hollis, Tho. Auer, Robert 134 Cavaliers and Pioneers Okeley, Wm. Urwin, Tho. Cooper, Haveha Beullitalby(?), Jon. Bersey, Hen. Witcher, Jon. Reeves, Allen Morg- gon (or Maggon). CAPT. SAMUELL MATHEWES, 200 acs. Aug. 20, 1642, Page 815. Beg. at Munie Point, near land of Francis Rice & Robert Draper. Trans, of 4 pers: John Mercer, James Rosse, Jon. Harris, Jon. Holleffe. EDWARD TUNSTALL, Gent., 150 acs. Henrico Co., Aug. 10, 1642, Page 815. Adj. Mr. Causeys land, bounded S. upon the falls of Appamattucks River, W. upon the river & N. into the woods including a meadow by the river side. Due by former patent dated 5 June 1639. Renewed 2 Aug. 1643 and 100 acres added. LIEUT. FRANCIS MASON, 1,250 acs. Last of August, 1642, Page 816. Beg. at Hoggpen Point, near land of Capt. Thomas Willoughbye, "near the howse of Man-ace' ' & adj. land of Downeman, now in the tenure of said Mason. Trans, of 25 pers: Francis Mason, Mary Mason his wife, Ann Mason, Alice Gany, Margery Gun, Tho. Walters, Merra Willow, Marke Lineer, Antho. Ribone, Jon. Johnson, Marke Provose, Jon. Kingsbury, Nich. Knowles, James Rabbish, Elias Harris, Richd. Martin, John Midleton, Alice Jenkins, Richd. Morris, Woodham Tuck, Hen. Jackson, Jon. Shaw, Edward Wheeler, Jon. Arris, Robert Hall. HENRY BRADLEY, 250 acs. Up. New Norf., Sept. 2, 1642, Page 816. Upon New Towne haven river, above Georg Salsbury, adj. his own patent land; 100 acs. by assignment of patent from John Wickcliffe, & the other 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Henry Brad- ley, William Neale (or Noale) John Felton. EDMUND SCARBURGH, 350 acs. Accomacke Co., Aug. 25, 1642, page 817. 100 acs. being part of survey called the long point. Adj. his own & land lately belonging to John Neale, bounded on E. by Smiths Island, etc. 50 acs. part hereof called the Sandy Island, bounded on N. by Maggetye Bay Cr., E. by Smiths Island, and the River on the S. Due for trans, of 7 pers: Jon. Truitt, Hugh Standy, Rich. Enn- good, Jon. Dolby, Jesper Morte, Jon. Crew, Jon. Booth. GEORG CHOWNING, 600 acs. Up. New Norf. Co., Aug. 28, 1642, Page 818. Upon the W. br. of Nansamund River, along land of Francis Maulden & Thomas Brice. 500 acs. by assign- ment from Georg Ludlow & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: William Amy & Maudlin Bennett. JOHN SMITH, 670 acs. James Citty Co., June 16, 1642, Page 818. Near the Upper Chippokes, adj. land of Henry White. Trans, of 13 pers: John Smith & his 3 wives: Eliza., Alice & Sarah, Anne Lyke, Rebecca Francis, Georg Luggett, Wm. Boone (or Borne), John Price, Wm. Miles, Jon. Williams. STEPHEN GILL, 1,000 acs. "at the head of Rosewell Creeke at a point called peach point where Mr. Menifies land ends," said creek & runn deviding this from land of Nicholas Jornian (or Jorniau ?), Apr. 24, 1642, Page 819. Trans, of 20 pers: John Dawson, John Chambers, Jon. Mills, Jon. Hunter, Eliz. Maior, Edward Fisher, Jon. Gruns- dich, Thomas Kembell, Hen. Shonelock, Jon. Cartright, Hen. Huntley, Jon. Benington, Wm. Cappell, Rich. Wade, Jon. Herring, William Smithell, Jon. Trollock, Rich. Burgeyny, Jon. Shutle- worth, Hen. Smithfeild. WILLIAM LAWSON, 491 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Aug. 25, 1642, Page 820. Bounded on W. with Lawnes Cr., E. & N. by James River & S. by land of Mr. Tooke. Trans, of 10 pers: Michaell Billin, Jon. Dix, Jon. Tomlin, James Greene, Jon. Adams, John Parker, Mary Smith, Tho. , Jon. Damson, (or Davison), Peter Greene. JOHN STOCKER, 200 acs., Isle of Wight Co., June 19, 1642, Page 820. Known by the name of Hoggpen Neck, adj. Mr. Hardinge & land of Widdow Bennett. Trans, of 4 pers: Francis Carpenter, Hen. Johnsons, twice, Mary Johnson. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 135 TRISTRAM NOSWORTHY, 150 acs. Up. Co. of New Norf., 9 Aug. 1642, p. 821. Upon N. W. side of Nansamund Riv., adj. land of Mr. Daniell Gookin. Due by pattern dated 5 June 1639. SAME. 100 acs., same Co., & page; 10 Aug. 1642. Butting E. upon land of John Smith, W. upon land of John Seaward, N. upon the maine river & S. into the woods. Due by pattern dated 10 May 1638. SAME. 200 acs., same Co., date & page. Lying towards the head of a bay behind the ragged islands &c, towards land called the poplar Neck. Due by pattern dated 5 June 1639. EPAPHRODITUS LAWSON, 1,400 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Feb. 15, 1642, Page 822. Upon New Towne haven River, running N. W. by a bay side called Mount Lawson, adj. More Fontleroy etc., S. S. E. by the side of a Cr. called Fant Ford, etc., N. E. by New Towne- haven River., etc. E. by the side of Baverly Cr., etc., & near John Lewin. 450 acs. by assignment from Bartholo- mew Hoskins, Admr. of John Bridges, of 2 patterns, 300 acs. by 2 former patterns, & 650 acs. for trans, of 13 pers: Epaphroditus Lawson, William Lawson, Lettice Lawson, Jno. Palmer, Abraham Moone, Robert Arden, Neale Fee, Jon. Cricklock, Neale Billahea, Rowland Lawson, Wm. Harper, Peter Taylor. JOHN HOLLOWAY, 1,300 acs. Northampton Co., Oct. 7, 1642, Page 823. At Hungars Cr., beg. at the old man's neck, separating this and lands of Capt. William Stone & William Jones. 350 acs. by assignment from Nathaniell Eaton, Clerke, due sd. Eaton by right of intermarriage with the wid- dowe of William Cotton, Clerke; 300 acs. by assignment from Thomas Smith 6 100 acs. by assignment from Richard Smith. The remainder due by a former patent. HUMPHRY TABB, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., June 19, 1642, Page 824. Upon Harris' Cr. Due for his per. adv. & trans, of: Andrew Powlter, a servant. WILLIAM ENGLISH, 100 acs. in Peankatanck Baye, near land of John Conden & Mr. Barland. Trans, of 2 pers: Henry Williams & Joane English. HUMPHRY TABB, 150 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., Jan. 6, 1642, Page 825. Adj. land of Dr. Calvert, bounding on Point Comfort Cr., & land of David Poole. Trans, of 3 pers: Robert Franke, Eliza. Woodbridge, Gyles Sallett. NICHOLAS STILLWELL, 202 acs. Charles River Co., Oct. 8, 1642, Page 826. On Frosbury Cr., a br. of Severne, near Richard Burtes land, 2 acs. of which is allowed for a path. Trans, of 4 pers.* WILLIAM TYMAN, 100 acs. Char- les River Co., Oct. 8, 1642, Page 826. Near Richard Bennett's land and into the second Creek from the mouth of Milford Haven. Trans, of 2 pers: William Tyman & Sarah, his wife. JOHN BEALE, 400 acs. on the N. side of Charles River. Oct. 10, 1642, Page 827. 200 acs. by assignment from Thomas Jefferyes; 100 acres from Tho- mas Deacon, 50 acs. from Thomas Ramsey & 50 from Francis Wheeler. As also by the names of the severall people mentioned: Margarett Robinson, John Willshaw, Tho. JefTers, Morgan Bryan, John Mason, Jon. Chapman, Eliza. Ramsey, Francis Wheeler. BERTRAM HOBERT, 650 acs. upon the N. side of Charles River, in Pean- petanke Creek, near land of Mr. Vaus, etc. and E. into the great creek from the Oystershell banck. Due for trans. of 13 pers: Bertram Hobert, himself e twice, Sarah his wife, Francis Pepper, Francis, Negro, Tho. Austin, his wife & 2 children, John Tredescant, Jon. Eyres, Edward Goldborne, Tho. Baw- cocke. 10 Oct. 1642, p. 827. ABRAHAM TURNER, 200 acs. in Mock Jack Bay, 10 Oct. 1642, p. 828. N. E. side of Ware River, adj. William Debnam, Richard Creedle & Turners Cr. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of him- self, twice, and 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Robert Carde & Thomas Harte. 136 Cavaliers and Pioneers WILLIAM CANNHOE, Clerke, 400 acs. Upon N. side of Charles River, in Peanckatancke Cr., near Mr. Oberts land, 10 Oct. 1642, p. 829. Trans, of 8 pers: Reynold Jones, William Lock, John Haddy, Morgan Floreday, William Woodhowse, Edward Blew, Capp Han- na a Negro, Christ. Kickett. ELLIS RICHARDSON, 150 acs. Yorke Co., in the Parish of Hampton, Oct. 13, 1642, Page 829. Upon a br. of Capt. West's Cr., Trans, of 3 servts: William Price, Tho. Burbage, Tho. Griffin. RICHARD BENNETT, 100 acs., 13 Oct. 1642, p. 830. Upon the second cr. of Milford Haven, adj. Abraham Eng- lish. Due unto him the said Edward Maulson, for trans, of 2 pers: John Hales & John Binsteed. (Note: This land was evidently issigned by Edward Maulson.) THOMAS SYMMONS, 350 acs. at the mouth of a small cr. of the North river in Mock jack baye, near Georg Levett, Oct. 10, 1642, Page 830. Due by assignment from Thomas Kerbye & Joseph Moore, to whom it was due for trans, of 7 pers: John Edden, Peter Baytes, Ellin Audry, Gilbert Reynolds, William Richards, Joseph Moore, Bar- bary Chapman. DICTORIS CHRISTMAS & FRAN- CIS FINCH, 300 acs., beg. at a small cr. called Finches Cr., which issues out of St. Michaells, Oct. 10, 1642, Page 831. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Dictoris Christmas & Izabell his wife, William Thomson, Carrington Banton, Francis Finch, Joane Glanfeild. ROGER SYMMONS, 250 acs. in the first river of Mock jack baye, called Severne, where the said river divides itself into twoe branches, including this Neck of Land called the Eagles Nest. Oct. 19, 1642, Page 831. Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Todd, Richard Cooper, James Sherborne, Robert George, Tho- mas Sadler. THOMAS RAY, 300 acs., adj. Roger Symmons, on a br. of Severne., a small branch dividing this & land of Thomas Williams, Oct. 13, 1642, Page 832. Trans, of himself, wife, & 4 pers: William Scott, John Barnes, Darby Ray, John May. JOHN ROBINS, 2,000 acs. in Mock- jack Baye, extending to the mouth of Ware River, up the Severne to Lucas, his Cr. Oct. 12, 1642, Page 833. 1,000 acs. by assignment from Capt. William Brocas, to whom sd. land was assigned by Argoll Yeardly, & 1,000 acs. for trans, of: William Jones, David Rad- dish, Thomas Horner, John Ondale, James Kenney, Francis Huett, Peter Roberts, Richard Love, Henry Gilling- ham, Jane Harris, Dyan Holleney, Lyonell Holley, Willi. Loftis, Robert Davis, Samll. Creame, Tho. Jenkins, Abraham Harmata, Thomas Civill (?), Robert Baskervile, Georg Brocas. ADAM THORROGOOD, Esqr., 400 acs. at the head of Samuell Bennetts Creek, N. upon land of John Langfeild, & E. upon the aforesd. cr. which run- neth out of Chisopeiacke alias Lynn haven river. Oct. 19, 1642, Page 833. Formerly granted unto Capt. Adam Thorrogood June 8, 1639 & now due sd. Thorrogood his son by descent. CAPT. HUMPHRY HIGGENSON, Esqr., 320 acs., at the mouth of Tutties Neck., Oct. 18, 1642, Page 834. Trans, of 7 pers: Anthony Williamson, Tho. Williams, Benj. Lawrance, Richard Turfry, Ann Freeman, Geo. Waters, Andrew Leake. HENRY POOLE, 116 acs. Eliz. City Co., Oct. 17, 1642, Page 834. Bounded on the W. by Hampton River, S. by the Gleab Land & N. by land of Henry Coleman. Formerly lease land but by order of June 17, 1642 granted to be held by patent & due sd. Poole for trans, of 3 pers.* WILLIAM HAYWARD, 780 acs., Oct. 16, 1642, p. 835. In Appamat- tucke River. 650 acs. bordering E. up- on sd. river, W. upon the main land, S. upon Appamattucke Towne & N. upon Swift Cr. The residue being marsh before the plantation of sd. Hay- Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 137 ward & commonly called the Conjurers Feild, beg. where land of Mr. John Baugh endeth. Swift Cr. parts this from land formerly belonging to Samuell Sharp. 650 acs. due by deed of sale from Charles Magnor, Feb. 8, 1634, to whom it was granted Dec. 1, 1620. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of himself, wife Ellin & trans, of 1 servt.* HENRY COLEMAN, 104 acs. Eliz. City Co., Oct. 17, 1642, Page 836. Bounded W. upon Hampton River, S. by land of Mr. Henry Poole & N. by land of Mr. Robert Speed. Formerly lease land. Due for trans, of 2 pers: Robert Peltriman & William Knight. THOMAS OSBORNE, 400 acs., Henrico Co., at the head of Coxendale, Aug. 20, 1642, Page 836. Bounded W. N. W. upon Christopher Branch's land, N. N. E. upon Mr. Osborne's land called Fearing, & S. S. W. into the woods. Being 200 po. in breadth from the head of Proctors Cr. towards the land called Mount my Lady, and a full mile into the woods. Trans, of 8 pers: Rich. Cock, Wm. Dixon, Christ. Pack, Jon. Bagly, Robt. Stanton, Tho. Wal- drom, Jon. Rush, Francis Quash. CAPT. JOSEPH JOHNSON, 567^ acs. Charles City Co., Sept. 14, 1642, Page 837. Bounding W. on land of Bikers, E. on the Merchants Land, S. on the ponds & N. on the River. Its breadth being from the howse of Rich- ard Williams unto the howse of Tho- mas East. Due sd. Johnson for his fourth part of the Merchants land as by order dated March 23, 1642. JOHN BENTON, 1,250 acs., about 15 mi. up the Southward side of Rappa- hannock River, etc., running to the mouth of a navigable cr. or branch, etc. Oct. 13, 1642, Page 837. 400 acs. by assignment from Samuell Davis, & the residue for trans, of himself, wife and 15 pers: Saml. Davis, Sr. & Eliza, his wife, Saml. Davis, Junr., Jon. Davis, David Ellis, David Rice, Jon. Dreaton, Jon. Cox, Jon. Benton, Joane his wife, Jon. Benton, Isabell Benton, Alice Benton, Rich. Grey, Robt. Thomas, Wm. Barnard, Abraham Coate, Abigail Benton, Geo. Hargas, Tho. Craven, Jon. Gerey, Ralph Tatum, Tho. Hughes, Georg Gumer, Jon. Wells. JOHN GRIVETT, 150 acs., Up. Norf. Co., Oct. 10, 1642, Page 838. Upon the S. W. side of the N. W. br. of Nanzamund Riv., adj. William Story. Due by assignment from Thomas Hill, to whom it was due for trans, of 3 pers.* ABRAHAM WOOD, 700 acs. Henri- co Co., Oct. 20, 1642, Page 839. E. upon Sizemores Cr., running towards Henrico river Northerly & the S. side butting upon Appamattocke River, in- culding all swamps, marshes & creeks conteyning 400 acs. 300 acs. the re- mainder lying within the county afore- said, W. upon land of John Zouch, upon the N. side of Appamattocke river & upon the great rock at the W. end of Kenecock Swamp. 600 acs. due by 2 former patents in his name & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Richard Lide & Thomas Griffin. TYMOTHY FENN, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Oct. 10, 1642, Page 840. Beg. at a cr. on Charles Barcroft's land. 200 acs. by assignment from Symon Cammock, to whom it was due for the per. adv. of himself, Mary Camock his daughter & 2 pers. The other 100 acs. due sd. Fenn for trans, of 2 pers.: Ed- ward Dale, Robert Oran, Bryan Abbott, Wm. Dracott. THOMAS LOVEING, 700 acs. James City Co., in Martins Hundred, Oct. 10, 1642, Page 840. Beg. at the Greene Sw. near Georg Holmes' land & Silvester Totman. This tract contains 664 acs., of which 150 belongs to Reynold Jones; 186 acs. more in the same location. Sd. land due for trans, of 14 pers: Thomas Rosse, William Spencer, Jon. Reeves, Richard Knott, Arthur Saylor (or Tay- lor) Robert Alexander, Clement Canna- day, Ann Mike, Jon. Evans, Arthur Bodely, Rebecca Palmer, Robert Poole, Michaell Fletcher, Thomas Baulke. HENRY BALLARD, 50 acs. War- wicke Co., Oct. 31, 1642, Page 841. Parallel to Gerrance Stephens Land. Trans, of Georg. Murcocke. 138 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN DAVIS, 200 acs. Henrico Co., last of Oct. 1642, Page 842. Adj. his former patent called the Longfeild, ex- tending N. W. towards land of Corne- lius de Hull. Due for trans, of his wife Mary Davis, and 3 servts: Jon. Devall, Jon. Talbott, Jon Cox. CORNELIUS, de HULL, Oct. 31, 1642, p. 842. 502 acs. known as Lilley Valley, beg. next to Mrs. Edlos Swamp, near his own land & S. E. upon John Davis. S. W. to the river, ending neare a place called the Seaven . 250 acs. of this land was granted to William Cox in 1637. Trans, of 10 pers: Thomas Blackston, Richard Bird, Richard Hewes, James Dupen, Mary Howtree, Jon. Dodd, Robert Hayes, Samll. Water- howse, Walter Jones, Wm. Thomas. FRANCIS BARRETT, 600 acs. in Chichahominy River, adj. John Robins, passing through a runn of water and certain Indian feilds near unto Fowlers Shambles alias the ridge, near land of Robert Freeman. Due by former patent. Oct. 29, 1642, Page 843. THOMAS PLUMMER, 207 acs., Oct. 28, 1642, Page 843. Bounding N. N. E. upon land of Edward Colles, E. S. E. upon Adam Cookes & S. S. W. upon land of Edward Prince. Trans, of 4 pers: Elizabeth Hatchett, Henry Bod- ney, Humphry Harwood, Mary Turner. RICHARD MORGAN, 200 acs. Charles Countie, Oct. 28, 1642, Page 844. N. upon land of Thomas Wheeler at the head of Powells Cr., Swd. unto the old Towne, Ewd. the upper part of Mr. Boyce's land & W. on the head of Samuell Walkers land. Trans, of 4 pers: John Baker, John Paine, Richard Morgan, Elias Barton. JOHN RESBURY, 150 acs. lying in Wards Cr. near the Mill, N. N. E. on Cross Cr. dividing same from land of John Freeman, E. S. E. on the cr. over against land of John Reddish & S. S. W. on Edward Collynes land. Trans. of 3 pers: William Sawyer, Lewis Mills, Hen. Bembridge. Oct. 29, 1642, Page 844. DANIELL LEWELLYN, Gent., 856 acs., the Northermost part beg. above Mrs. Heyman, N. on upper branches of Turkey Island Cr. & S. on the head of Mr. Astons land. The Southermost part extending on Mr. Aston & W. upon Joseph Royall bet. Dockmans Cr. & Sherly hundred. Trans, of 17 pers: Michaell Peacock, Charles Edgar, Tho. Morgan, James Foster, Robert Hopps, Tego Frayle, Hen. Hitchcox, Robert Ward, Tho. Richardson, Tho. Taylor, Marke Cheton, Mary Davis, John Tal- bott, John Devall, Robert Hallome, Frances Hallome, Eliza. Jackson. Page 845. Oct. 27, 1642. CAPT. ROBERT HUTCHINSON, 475 acs. James City Co., Nov. 2, 1642, Page 846. Within Chichahominy Riv., adj. Georg Unwyn, and part upon Checkroes Cr., 350 acs. by purchase from Thomas Paule & 125 acs. from sd. George Unwyn. ADAM COOKE, Gent., 1,000 acs. Charles Co., Nov. 5, 1642, Page 846. At the head of Wards Cr., adj. William Havett. Trans, of 20 pers: William Mosely, Richard Tye, Jon. Newman, Jon. Drew, Eliz. Wilsonn, Chrst. Judd, Eliza. Judd, Wm. Russe (or Ruffe), Tho. Jones, Charles Adwell, Barthol. Millen, John Haward, Samll. Smith, Edward Braugh, Tho. Child, Hen. Smith, Richard Maye, Edmond Wells, Robert Maior, Tho. Peake. CAPT. DANIELL GOOKIN, 1,400 acs. upon North side of Rappahannock River, Nov. 4, 1642, Page 847. Trans. of 28 pers. Assignment by sd. Gookin, late of Va., of the above to Capt. Thomas Bur- bage, Apr. 6, 1648. Witnesses: Jon. Stephens & Jon. Browne. Memo.: 900 acs. of the foregoing is due sd. Gookins by assignment from sd. Burbage for the servants mentioned: William Wildy, Christ. Vaughan, Jon. Morgan, Ferdinand Heath, Margarett Davis, Tho. Beede, William Paine, Roger Wilcox, Eliza. Brooke, Tho. Rin- gall, Robert Mason, Rich. Browne, Mar- sey Lammore, Robert Broward, William Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 139 Webb, James Perkins, Jon. Maddison, Tho. Perkins, himself (Daniell Gookins), 2 severall times into the colony, Mrs. Mary Gookins, Samll. Gookins, Thomas Warren, William Shepperd, Edward Cooke, Mary Codne, John Bright, & Jacob a Negro. JOHN VALLENTINE, 119 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Nov. 7, 1642, Page 848. Lying before the ragged Islands com- monly known by the name of the Long ponds, beg. at the main river side, adj John Seaward & William Eyres. By as- signment from James Arthurs & due sd. Arthurs for trans, of 3 pers: James Arthurs, Christ. Arthurs, Alice Arthurs. SAME. 50 acs. Isle of Wight Co., in an island called the long ponds, Nov. 7, 1642, Page 849- By assignment from James Arthurs, who trans. John Dayes, a servt. RICHARD BENNETT, Esqr, one of the Councell of State, 2,000 acs. about 35 mi. up the S. side of Rappahannock River. Nov. 4, 1642, Page 849. Trans, of 40 pers., of whom the following are mentioned: Phillipp Hyde, Hen. Bur- chell, William Margarett Robert (there is no punctuation to indicate whether these last three names refer to two or three individuals) Richard Clif- ton, Wm. Maston, Wm. Archer, Utye, Mary Utye, Richard Rasall, Leo- nard Bright. WILLIAM DURANT, 800 acs. in Rappa. River, about 35 mi. up the S. side thereof. Nov. 4, 1642, Page 850. Trans, of 16 pers.: William Tilcock, Francis Taverne, Peter Thunder, Mich- aell Wilcox, Eliza. Harris, Eliza. Tre- vell, Ann Playstow, Senr., Ann Play- stowe, Elianor Baxter, Grace Wilcox, Joane Cullin, James Feild, Jon. Rich- ards, John Corde, Robert Perkins, Jon. Ramsden. JOHN HARLOWE, 200 acs. North- ampton Co., Nov. 10, 1642, Page 851. Being a neck of land, adj. land late in the possession of Rowland Reyne, N. on land of Capt. William Roper & Wly. Old Plantation Cr. Due by assignment from John Corker, to whom it was due for trans, of 4 pers: John Plummer, Hen. Carleton, John Hinton, John Daniell. STEPHEN WEBB, 500 acs. James City Co., Nov. 10, 1642, Page 851. At a place called the Lower Chippokes, E. upon the Rich Neck, & N. towards land of William Carter. 400 acs. by 2 former patent & 100 for trans, of 2 pers.* CHRISTOPHER KIRKE, 400 acs. Northampton Co., late called Accomack Co., Nov. 11, 1642, Page 852. Beg. on the S. side of Penninoe Cr. By assign- ment from Thomas Savage, to whom it was assigned by Edmund Scarburgh, to whom it was granted by patent 21 Feb. 1638. JOHN FITCHETT, 32 acs. in Pasby- hayes, James City Co., Nov. 11, 1642, Page 853. Adj. land of Richard Brookes & Capt. Robert Hutchinson. 21 yr. lease. Due by virtue of an Act of Court, Feb. 7, 1638. JOHN EWENS, Junr., 460 acs. Charles City Co., Nov. 10, 1642, Page 854. In Appamattocks now called Bris- tal, bounding N. N. E. upon William Sanders, W. N. W. upon the river over against Thomas Causey & S. S. W. up on Thomas Pitt. 100 acs. for the per. adv. of his father John Ewens & Ann, his wife, & trans. 7 pers: John Reeves, Christo. Robinson, Mannering Raw- boord, Georg Cater, Richard Greene, Rachell Evans, Thomas Strowd, Richard Watts. JAMES PEREENE, 400 acs. North- ampton Co., Nov. 14, 1642, Page 854. At Naswattocks Cr., beg. at the E. side of the land of John Waltham, adj. Rich- ard Jacob. Trans, of 8 pers., of whom but 2 are mentioned: Henry Lilley, and Richard Buckley. STEPHEN WEBB, 128 acs. James City Co., Nov. 14, 1642, Page 855. Upon Lower Chippokes Cr., called by the Indian natives Potoback, & adj. land of Georg Powell. Trans, of 3 pers: Thomas Glight, Foulke Jones, Georg Donnings. 140 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN STYLES, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Nov. 17, 1642, Page 855. In Warresquicke, adj. Henry Heardes. 50 acs. by assignment from John White «& 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Thomas Badley, Humphrey West, Thomas Gar- diner. STEPHEN HAMBLYN, 400 acs. Yorke Co., Nov. 17, 1642, Page 856. At the head of Queens Cr., upon the W. side of the Mill Swamp, parallel to his old devident & land of Capt. Pope- ley. Trans, of 8 pers: Richard Oliver, Benj. Pillard, Ambrose Bewly, Jon. Harrison, Tho. Buller, Tho. Hynde, Sarah Bennett, Robert Tarbooke. LUCE WEBSTER, daughter & heire of Roger Webster, deed., 250 acs. Yorke Co., Nov. 19, 1642, Page 857. In the parish of Hampton, adj. land formerly taken up by Mr. David Man- sell for use of the sd. Luce Webster, & adj. land of Christopher Abbott. Trans, of 5 pers. by her father: Edward Spach, Stephen , Susan Webster, Tho. Webster. FRANCIS ENGLAND, 746 acs. Isle of Wight Co., June 20, 1642, Page 857. Adj. Capt. Peirce. Trans, of 15 pers: Robert Hill, Mary his wife, John Powell, Eliza Webb, Sarah England, Jon. Lip- pett, Jon. Sykes, Robert Davis, Hugh Brent, Edward Palmer, Jon. Acton, Thomas Coggin, James Piland, Alexan- dra his wife. JOHN SWEETE, 650 acs., Nov. 11, 1642, Page 858, Adj. land of Mr. Cooper and Francis England. Trans, of 13 pers: Alexandria Piland, Joane Piland, John Barrow, William White, Richard Gisfry (or Giffry), Israeli An- drews, John Marshall, William Henes (or Haves), himself e and his wife, Charles Deratt, Randall Clarke, John Berry. Renewed 16 Sept. 1643 and 890 acs. added. WALTER CHILES, 613 acs. Charles City Co., Oct. 20, 1642, Page 859. At Appamattocke River, beg. at the up- ward bounds of Mr. Tunstalls land & adj. William Sanders. Due by virtue of a former patent & trans, of 4 pers: William Webb, Stephen Gerris, Jon. Kimberlin, Ann Potery. GEORG HARDING, 300 acs. upon the Eastermost side of Lawnes Creek, adj. Mr. Tuke & Alice Bennett. June 10, 1642, Page 859. Trans, of 6 pers: Himselfe, Thomas Sabin, Thomas Hardy, Georg Netlefeild, James Strong, Jon. Laith. HENRY HIRD, 350 acs. Isle of Wight Co., (no date) Page 860. Adj. Mr. Flintons land. 175 acs. being the Eastermost parte of the Alpes. Trans, of 7 pers.* (Record incomplete.) JOHN MOONE, Gent., 2,250 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Nov. 20, 1642, Page 860. Between Pagan Cr. & the Back Bay Cr., and adj. Virgoes Cr., etc., near land of Thomas Davis, John Spackman, & Capt. John Uoton. 2,050 acs. by several former patents & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Francis Balding, Evan Jones, George Tyson, Clement Lattimore. THOMAS BAGWELL, 600 acs. Charles City Co., Nov. 11, 1642, Page 861. W. upon land of Capt. Harris, E. upon John Freeme towards Wards Cr., & N. on Sergt. Richard Morgan & branches of Powells Cr. Trans, of 12 pers.: Katherine Crosse, Tho. Richard- son, Rich. Balistocke, Tho. Butler, Benj. Wragg, Phillipp Silvester, Charles Nimfe, William Butcher, James Arthur, Beves Balver, Henry Tame, John Badge. JOHN PRATT, 298 acs. Henrico Co., Nov. 10, 1642, Page 862. Adj. N. E. upon Edward Hill's land & S. W. upon Christopher Woodward. Trans, of 6 pers: John Butler, Richard Hues, Tho. Reymond, John Jolly, Giles Right, Jon. Wellingworth. EDWARD HARRISON, 550 acs. in Rappahannock. (Record incomplete.) Page 862. JOHN KING, 300 acs. on the S. side of Charles River, upon Putanak Cr. Dec. 10, 1642, Page 863. The follow- ing names appear under this record: Ann his wife, Katherine Kallaway, Tho- mas Clary, Phillipp Wade, Alice Smith, Alice Cooke. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 141 GEORG BUSSE, 400 acs. at the head of Lawnes Cr., beg. at William Tro- loders, parallel to Mr. John Pauley & William Trolodore. Dec. 23, 1642, Page 863. The following names appear under this record: Lydia his wife, 2 times, Richard Collett, Robert Rigby, John Bell, William Mascall, John Shaw, John Evans. THOMAS GUYER, son & heir of Capt. Robert Guyer, 650 acs. at the mouth of Lawnes Cr., near John Snel- letts (Suellett) howse. Dec. 22, 1642, Page 863. Due by order of court dated 27 Oct. 1635 as alsoe for trans, of 13 pers: William Paine, John Willis, Elianor Salle, Kather. King, Wm. Booth, Jon. Ronston (or Rouston), Robert Taylor, Jon. Clay, Richard , Catta- lina a Negro, John Loyd, Alice Sprouse. MR. WILLIAM TUCKER, 250 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Jan. 6, 1642, Page 864. Upon Wd. side of the Southern br. of Nansimund Riv., adj. Thomas Hampton, Clerke. MR. WILLIAM BROOKES, 300 acs. Up. Co. New Norf., Jan. 6, 1642, Page 865. Upon the Wd. side of the South- ern br. of Nansamund River, beg. op- posite land of Thomas Dew & adj. Thomas Hampton. HUGH GWYN, Gent., 1,700 acs. near the mouth of Pyankatanke River. 200 acs. of marsh, beg. at a sandy point upon Chisopeiake Bay, extending up Milford Haven Bay, to the narrow, bounded by a great bay called Stengra- bay, being due E. from the mouth of said river, etc. parallel to Rappahan- nocke Bay, and Sly. parallel to Chiso- peiake Bay. The following names ap- pear: Christo. Higginson, twice, Wil- liam Parker, Francis Chambers, Rich. Bennett, Mrs. Ann Gwyn, Tho. Taylor, Jon. Knight, twice, Rich. Ingram, James Haire, Jon. Mills, Jon. Bradly, Sarah Allison, Tony a Negroe, Nich. Rey- nolds, Antho. Carr, David Jenkin, Ash- well Bird, Arundell Parris, Allen Ludd- ington, Nich. Gibson, Richard Kirby, Wm. Loyd, Hugh Gwyn, Tho. Dodd, Jon. Averry, Hen. Thacker, Nath. Webster, Hen. Crosby, Howell Powell, William Deane, Eliza. Higginson, Mar- garett Bivins, Isabell Richerson, Tho. Hartley, Nicholas Jones alias Bonds. Jan. 17, 1642, Page 865. EDMOND DAWBER, 2,400 acs. beg. on the S. side of a creek in the Norther- most river of Mockjack Bay, which cr. divides this from land of Georg Levitt. Nov. 28, 1642, Page 866. Part of devi- dent allowed him by order dated June 15, 1640. Renewed March 18, 1649. SAMUELL ABBOTT, Gent., 500 acs. in Rappahannock River some 14 mi. up the river, adj. John Benton. Dec. 22, 1642, Page 867. Trans, of 10 pers: Tho. Caslife, Isaac Southerwood, Jon. Tucker, Jon. Barshall, Georg Dunnings, Jon. Harrison, Nich. Bridges, Hen. Preston, Richard Haynes, Jon. Davis. EDMOND DAWBER, 1,600 acs. up- on N. side of Mockjack Bay, upon Sea- sand Cr., which divides same from land of Thomas Curtis. Nov. 28, 1642, Page 867. Part of divident allowed June 13, 1640. Note: Renewed in his name 18 Mar. 1649. GEORG RUTLAND & WILLIAM JACOB, 600 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Nov. 1, 1642, Page 868. Upon the second bay that runneth Easterly out of Lynn Haven, adj. John Stratton. Due by as- signment from Richard Hayes, assignee or Atty. of Robert West. 300 acs. with 100 acs. added renewed in the name of William Jacob Oct. 19, 1643, & 300 acs. renewed in the name of Georg Rutland. THOMAS SAVILL, 150 acs. Charles River Co. (Record incomplete.) THOMAS WOMBWELL, 650 acs. James City Co., Dec. 25, 1642, Page 868. Near the head of Checheroes Cr. in Chichahominy River, N. upon Rich- ard Bell, haveing a landing place & passage way bet. sd. Bell & Georg Un- wyn. 300 acs. by assignment from Tho- mas Stoute of a patent dated Oct. 29, 1639, & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers.: John Mathews, Jon. Badnall, John Cas- cill, John White, Hudson. RICHARD WYATT, 250 acs. in Mockjack Bay, butting upon the narrow of Ware River, bounded on the W. by 142 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cow Cr. Aug. 15, 1642, Page 869. Due for his own per. adv. thrice & trans, of 2 pers: Getrude Bedell & Ralph Taylor. CHRISTOPHER BOYCE, 2,000 acs. in Peankatanke River, about 3 mi. up the S. side at plumtree point. Dec. 21, 1642, Page 870. The following names appear under this record: Jon Crispe, Wm. Venice, Jon. Johnson, Christ. Boyce, Mordecay Cooke, Jon. Tiplad, Jon. Fells, Jas. Greenwill, Jon. Barlow, Walter Brace, Kath. Lewis, Jon. Wil- liams, Jon. Withers, Edmd. Porter & ux (wife) Edmd. Porter, Junr., Jon. Porter, Junr., Jon. Porter, Senr., Mar- maduke Atkinson, Manassa Porter, Eliza. Flowerdew, Thomas Simpson, Rich. Williams, Robert Fentrice, Jon. Carra- way, Robert Fentrice, Georg Harland, Jarman Connaway, Thomas Blatt, Rich. Wootton, Anne Marshall, Tho. Kemp, John Oliver, Tho. Cooper, Thomas Pit- cherd, Tho. Correll (or Sorrell), Joyce Stone, John Cannaday, William Jackson, John Nemo. WILLIAM PUDIVATT, 200 acs., Isle of Wight Co., May 16, 1642, Page 871. Facing E. on Pagan Cr. or New Towne Haven, near land of Capt. Basse called Cedar Island, now in possession of William Pateford, extending S. to- wards land of Hugh Wynn & William Taylor. Due by assignment of patent of Samuell Jackson, dated Oct. 10, 1639- SAME. 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., April 10, 1642, Page 871. Upon Pagan Cr. Bay, beg. at the mouth of a cr. on the N. side against a neck of land called Shorne brooke hill, near Cedar Island. Trans, of 4 pers: William Pudivatt, Jane his wife, Geo. Medland, Nicholas Browne. RICHARD BREWSTER, Gent., 500 acs. James City Co., no date, Page 872. Called the great neck alias the barren neck, adj. Tutties Neck a br. of Archers Hope Cr., parting the same from Jockeys Neck. Due by purchase from Capt. Francis Pott, the brother & heire of Doct. John Pott, dec'd., to whom it was due by order of June 6, 1632, & con- firmed 13 June 1642. RICHARD MAIOR, 350 acs., Charles River Co., Jan. 17, 1642, Page 872. Adj. his first devident & land of Joseph Croshaw. Trans, of 7 pers: Robt. Wherry, Wm. Sey, Charles Feild, Penri- gin Bland, Tho. Parker, Tho. Smith, Martin Shute. AUGUSTINE WARNER, 600 acs. lying in Severne in the first river in Mockjack Bay, beg. on the N. side of Severne called Austins Desire, N. to- wards land surveyed for John Robins, thence to a cr. dividing same from land of Humph. Hammore. Due for trans, of 12 pers., of whom only the following are mentioned: Martin Barnes, William Reynolds & others. day of 1642, p. 873. STEPHEN GILL, 2,500 acs. York River Co., Nev. 18, 1642, Page 873. Lying upon the N. side of York River, E. S. E. with Rosewell Cr., S. S. W. of Mr. Minifie & W. N. W. with Burn- hams Cr. Trans, of 30 pers.: William Walters, Stephen Gill, Rich. Hanby (or Hanly), Hen. Avery, Ann his wife, Eliza. , Tho. Rodgett, Hen. Tappin, Jon. Wright, Peter Stinger, Edward Plunknett, Tho. Watts, Eliz. Garrett, Mr. Jon. Sheppard, & Ann his wife, Sarah Hanby (or Hanly), Sarah Bond, Cornelius , Wm. Jenkins, Wm. Jackson, Peter Roberts, Hen. Line, Joseph Barnett, Jon. May, Maude Rich- ard, Bedford Francis, Mary Foster, Georg Turner, and Gilbert . WILLIAM SWEETE (altered to Smeete), 400 acs. Yorke Co., Feb. 4, 1642, Page 874. Near the head of Tym- ber Neck Creek on the N. side of Charles River, near land of Mr. Minifee. Trans, of 8 pers.* JUSTINIAN COOPER, Gent., 2,400 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Mar. 16, 1642, Page 874. 100 acs. due for per. adv. of Ann, his wife, in 1618, 500 acs. for her adv. of 50 Lbs. Sterling, & 200 acs. for the per. adv. of Robert OllifTe unto whom the sd. Anne was sister & heir, & for his ad. of 27 Lbs. into the Colony 300 acs. more; 1,300 acs. for the trans, of 26 pers.: Justinian Cooper, 4 times, Ann his wife, Clement Ewins, Wm. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 143 Bisley, Hen. Rownfifall (?), Georg Archer, Wm. Woodward, Samll. El- drege, Mary Veare, Eliza. Reades, Jon. Davis, Robert Feasly, James Smith, Wm. Cooke, Henry Bony, Ursula Waight, Wm. West, Wm. Redman, Robert Kenin, Geo. Stacie, Wm. Underwood, Nicholas Mann, Richard Coursie. ADAM THORROGOOD (Thoro- good), Gent., 5,350 acs. Low. Norf. Co., June 10, 1643, Page 875. Beg. at a little island in Lynn haven River, W. over Bennetts Cr., down sd. river along the bay, etc. Due as son & heir of Capt. Adam Thorrowgood, dec'd., to whom it was granted by patent dated June 19, 1635. CAPT. JOHN UPTON, 3,289 acs. Isle of Wight Co., July 10, 1643, Page 876. Lying upon branches of Pagan Point Cr. & New Towne Haven, adj. Mr. Sparkes, Anthony Jones, Mr. Nevill, Robert Pitt, Mr. Seaward, Ambrose Ben- nett & Mr. Moone. 139 acs. for trans. of 3 pers.,* the remainder by several former patents. RICHARD KEMP, Esqr., Secretarie & one of his Majesty's Councell of State, 4,332 acs. James City Co., Apr. 17, 1643, Page 877. Lying at the head of Archers Hope Cr., upon the Pallisa- does, adj. Georg Lake's land upon the horse path. N. W. by N. upon Powhetan Sw., and S. upon the Secretarys land. 1,200 acs. by purchase from Georg Minifie, Merchant, which was not truly bounded as appears by survey made by William Wigg, Surveyor authorized by the Court & 940 by several former patents. 2,192 acas. for trans, of 44 pers.: His own 2nd adv., Mrs. Eliza Littlewood, Samll. Abbott, Richard Rouch, Rich. Clarke, Tho. Eager (or Cager), Jon. Mead, Wm. Edwards, Tho. Griffith, John More, Sarah Ellis, Ellin Browne, Edward Smithnest, Wm. Goods, Wm. Lawrence, Jon. Moulder, Tho. Sutton, Robert Bateman, Wm. Poulton, Charles Dowse, Wm. Bone, Benj. Harkwood, Richard Norris, Jon. Shepperd, James Crispe, Jon. Lewis, Lawrence Herry, Anth. Rocks, Jon. Chamberlane, Leonard Hawly, Jon. Hall, Jon. Smart, Wm. Browne, Anth. Dratt, Jon. Remington, Wm. Dollin, Lawr. Batrum, Jon. Merry, Samll. Ethirton, Paule Brewer, Wm. Gallard, Gilbert Gerrard, Rose Poiden, Corbett Peadle. 600 acs. of sd. 1200 acs. granted to Mr. Thos. Hill & the rent to be paid by him; 50 acs. granted to Capt. Francis Pott, by order of June 13, 1642 & by him assigned to William Davis. JOHN WRIGHT, 250 acs. Up Norf. Co., July , 1643, Page 878. Up- on a br. of the S. br. of Nansamund River, opposite Thomas Adkinson. 150 acs. by assignment from Richard Ewin, & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers. by William Tucker: Richard Faire & Mathew Faire. CAPT. WILLIAM PEIRCE, Esqr., 360 acs. called Bakers Neck butting upon James River, beg. at a point S. of the plantation of Mr. Thomas Harwood called Queene hive, S. upon the great river, unto Capt. Peirce his Cr. unto a cedar tree somewhat from the bridge, etc., down Harwoods Creek, etc. Due for trans, of 8 pers.: William Sheers, Elianor Pooly, Thomas Colmer, Marke Avery, Jon. Magson, Jon. Snellocke, Domnick Lumbrey. Note: 40 acs. re- maining due. RANDALL HOLT, 710 acs. Aug. 1, 1643, Page 880. Sonn & Lawfull heire of Mary Bayley, late of Hogg Island, sole daughter and heire of John Bayly of the sd. Island. 700 acs. called Hogg Is. lying over against Archers Hope on the Tappahanna side of the river, & 10 acs. in James Island adj. the late dwelling howse of Robert Epers, to- wards Goose Hill, N. towards land late- ly belonging to William Fairefax & W. upon land lately belonging to Jenkin Andrewes. 490 acs. being expressly granted to the sd. Mary Bayly by the name of Mary Bayly Orphant, Feb. 20, 1619, with the special clause & pro- visoe that if upon due survey hereafter to be made the sd. island doe not amount to fower hundred and nyntye acres that soe much as it wanteth shall be supplyed to the said Mary Bayly in some other place and if the said Island doe conteyne above fower hundred and nyntye acres that then the said Mary doe 144 Cavaliers and Pioneers purchase the Surplusage from the Com- pany, etc. The surplus being 210 acs. is now due by trans, of 5 servts. in the Shipp William and Thomas Aug. 24, 1618 by John Bayly: Hugh Price, Wil- liam Done (or Dove), Phillipp Roper, Henry Broughton, Robert Reddinge. CAPT. SAMUELL MATHEWES, 4,- 000 acs. a neck of land on the N. side of Rappahannock River, bounded on the W. by Cassatawoman Cr. which runs E. N. E. towards head of Wiccokomoc- co River, on the N. by Wiccocomocco Riv., on S. by Rappa. Riv. & on the E. with the main bay. Aug. 1, 1643, Page 882. Trans, of fowerscore pers.: John Loyd, John Davis, Tho. Chambers, Edw. Clarke, Hen. Townson, Robert Graves, Joseph Jolly, Fr. Dowling, Henry Cos- sen, Fr. Rosser, Hopkin Griffin, Wm. Peake, John Drewett, Jon. Seager, Jon. Carrow, Jon. Lewis, Junr., Walter Powell, John Roch, Robert Walcoke, John Knighton, James Kate, Arthur Mackworth, Jossy (Jessy (?) Lasting, Silvester Smith, Henry Sanders, Jon. Bathropp (or Lathropp), Walter Jack- son, Jon. Pooly, Rich. Vanson, Wm. Thomas, Richard Bradshaw, John Tho- mas, Jr., John Phillipps, Walter Lang- ford, Andrew Hallack, Thomas Clocke, John Robins, Kather. Tresilian, Richard Stephens, Geor. Dowson (or Dawson), Geo. Browson, Christ. Chamberlin, Geo. Austin, Robert Ives, Tho. Beedle, Mathew Biscoe, Richard Christian, Richard Woodruffe, Walter Bowman, Richard Williams, Robert Parrey, Tho. Methold, Peter Fletcher, Georg Evans, Tymothy Ourton, Georg Harleston, James Jones, Christ. Evans, John Tur- ner, Isaac Hack, Tho. Evans, Junr., Geo. Read, Edward Harrington, Jon. Moore, Georg Austin, Bernard Gaying, Jon. Figg, Jon. Smith, Jon. King, Jon. Wil- liams, Jon. Williamson, Thomas , &c. MR. RICHARD RICHARDS, 1,000 acs. Charles Riv. Co., Aug. 2, 1643, Page 883. On the N. side of Charles Riv., N. W. by W. upon Tymber Neck Cr., S. W. by S. upon sd. River. Trans, of 20 pers.: Mr. Richard Richards, Eliza. Richards, 3 times, Wm. Dorrell, Richard Harbott, Edwd. Butcher, Tho. Butcher, Hen. Tompson, Jon. Mainson, Math. Isum, Jos. Winkeford, Ann Biker, Francis Moold, Tho. Hughes, Wm. Watkins, Tho. Dadson, Jane Evans, Henry Raye, Tho. Peeters. EDWARD TONSTALL, 250 acs., Aug. 2, 1643, Page 884. County not given. 150 acs. by patent dated Aug. 10, 1642, & 100 for trans, of 2 pers: John Astin (or Aston) & Eliza. Baker. ROWLAND BURNHAM, Gent., 450 acs. Yorke Co., Aug. 10, 1643, Page 884. Upon N. side of Yorke Riv., bounding S. E. upon Burnhams Cr., N. W. upon John Bayles, & N. E. upon Thomas Wilkinson & Robert Norrice. Due by order of Court 12 Oct. 1639 and for trans, of: Rowland Burnham, Tomasin Knight, James Uteley Martin Baker, Walter Wood, Tho. Wooldrige, Jon. Mason, Wm. Heyward, Wm. Peach. JAMES WHITING (Whiteing), 250 acs. upon N. side of Charles River, Aug. 10, 1643, Page 885. Upon Tim- ber Neck Cr., adj. James Besouth & Thomas Hughes. Trans, of 5 pers: Ann his wife, Evan Davis, Mathew King, Nehemiah Causon, Richard Addams. JAMES BESOUTH, 100 acs. Yorke Co., Aug. 10, 1643, Page 886. Upon N. side of Yorke River, near the head of Tim- ber Neck Cr., Trans, of 2 pers: Samuell Besouth, his brother & his own per. adv. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, 300 acs. James City Co., Aug. 20, 1643, Page 886. Lying on Hogg Island maine, on the S. of Mr. Thomas Stamp & N. to- wards Chippokes Cr. on E. with Mr. Butler. Trans, of 6 pers: William Law- rence, Joane his wife, Nath. Jennings, William East, John Eaton, Jon. Gosling. WILLIAM GAPINGE, 140 acs. James City Co., Aug. 22, 1643, Page 887. From Sunken Marsh near Upper Chippokes. W. N. W. towards Henry Neale & Henry White. Trans, of 3 pers: Robert Browne, Phillipp Haw- kins Henry Moore. JOHN WALL, 1,791 acs. in Chip- pokes Cr. between John Hacke & Wil- liam Pilkington. Aug. 23, 1643, Page 888. Upon Wards Cr., & adj. John Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 145 Clay & John Fr ernes Land. 300 acs. by patent dated 20 Sept. 1629, 1,200 acres by purchase from Rice Hoe & 291 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: William Pinion, John Brashridge, Richard Durrington, Eliza. Stacie, Edward Jenings, Ellianor Read. CAPT. ROBERT HUTCHINSON, 200 acs. James City Co., in Pasbyhaies, Dec. 30, 1643, Page 889. Bounded W. N. W. upon Edward Oliver, N. by W. upon land of Mr. John White, E. by N. upon Daniell Lyle & S. by E. upon Sir Francis Wyatt, and S. W. by W. upon the river. 21 yr. lease. Annual Rent: 8 bbls. Mer. Indian Corn shelled at the State House in James City, pay- ment to begin at Michaelmas 1645. JOHN WATTSON, 1 acre James Cittie, Sept. 20, 1643, Page 889. Near Brewers point along the side of Mr. Knight. Due by Act of Assembly "for the building and peopling of James Cit- tie." Fee Rent: 1 Capon yearly. THOMAS PAULE, 1 acre in James Cittie, lying near the Friggott in the Island., Sept. 20, 1643, Page 890. As above. MICHAELL BATT, 1 acre in James Cittie Island, Sept. 20, 1643, Page 890. As above. ADAM THORROGOOD, sonn & heire of Capt. Adam Thorrowgood, 200 acs., Elizabeth Cittie Co., Feb. 10, 1637, Page 890. Lying upon Hampton River, commonly called Capps , adj. William Parry, land of Capt. Wilcox now in tenture of John Woodall. Due "in right of discent," having been granted unto Capt. Adam Thorrowgood. ANTHONY COLEMAN, 82^ acs. in Pasbyhaies in James City Co., Sept. 21, 1643, Page 891. By order of Court, Dec. 3, 1639, "For the better strength- ening and securing of James Cittie," &c. Adj. Sir Francis Wyatt, Alexander Stoner, his own land & Mr. White's. 21 yr. lease from the feast of St. Michaell the Arch Angell 1649. An- nuall Rent: 3 bbls. & a bushell of Mer. Indian corne sheld at the State Howse in James Citty. Note: Renewed in the name of Tho. Ludwell, 11 July 1651. RICHARD YOUNG, 450 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Aug. 24, 1643, Page 892. Upon New towne haven river, near land of Richard Preston & Thomas Jordan. Due by virtue of 2 former patents, dated 25 Nov. 1636 and 11 May 1638. THOMAS WHEELER, 990 acs. Charles City Co., Aug. 23, 1643, Page 893. At the head of Powells Cr., S. to- wards the old towne, N. upon land of Merchants Hope & E. upon the upper part of Cheyney Boyce his land. Due by assignment from Richard Milton, and Richard Tisdale of 2 patents, for trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Smith, Jane Wright, Jon. Markes, Peter Markes, Jon. Hooper, Richard Carter, (altered) Ann Colches- ter, Margarett Cane. JAMES BAGNALL, 200 acs., Low. Norf. Co., Aug. 26, 1643, Page 894. Upon the head br. of Clarks Cr., be- longing to the W. br. of Eliz. River, adj. land of Mr. Georg White & to- wards Mr. Richard Bennett. For trans, of 4 pers., assigned to him by Arthur Haslington, vizt: Richard Leake, John Butler, Priscilla Hasleton, Thomas Bainham. ROBERT PITT, 209 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Aug. 28, 1643, Page 895. Upon the Wwd. side of a br. of New towne haven Riv., called Beverly Cr., adj. Capt. John Upton & John Seaward. Trans, of 5 pers.: Stephen Paule, John Williams, Thomas Patrick, William Powell, Ewen Roberts. THOMAS HILL, Gent, 3,000 acs. James City Co., Sept. 1, 1643, Page 896. Near the head of Up. Chippokes Cr. from the division of the maine middle run of sd creek, etc. Trans, of threescore pers.* JOHN FREEME, 1,198 acs. Charles Co., Sept. 1, 1643, Page 896. Near Flowerdy Hundred Cr., adj. Cheney Boyce. Trans. of 24 pers.: John Freeme, Anne his wife, Tho. Feild, Ann Feild, Geo. Dixon, Ewin Heily, Charles Carter, James Pinner, Cornelius Clements, James Melham, Jon. Markes, Wm. Pearepoint, Francis Richett, Jon. Roger, Wm. Elliott, Daniell Cormack, Rich. Bonner, Rich. Aron, Jon. Gibson, 146 Cavaliers and Pioneers Wm. Maior, Samll. Blear, Samll. Hide, Mary Silver, Wm. Kicke. THOMAS EVANS, 250 acs. about 22 mi. up the Northward side of Rappa- hannock River, Aug. 31, 1643, Page 897. Trans, of 5 pers., assigned to him: Roger Barly, Edward Smith, Roger Harris, Humphry Wilkins, Kather. Wygood. HENRY NEALE, 850 acs. James City Co., Aug. 31, 1643, Page 898. At the upper Chippokes, a line of trees devid- ing this and land of Henry White, etc. Due for trans, of 17 pers: Henrry Neale, Jon. Neale, Phillip Bowen, Samuel Bowen, Samuel Hall, Wm. Best, Tho. Flewellin, Ann Flewellin, Henry Maddin, Edward Miller, Tho. Musgrove, Ann Dyer, Wm. Jones, Tho. Adkins, Ellin Hawkes, Mary Hawkes, Andrew Asse, John Scricher (?). JOHN NURTON (Norton), 250 acs. James Cittie Co., 30 Aug. 1643, p. 898. Lying upon parte of the Nly. br. of the head of Checkeroes Cr., S. upon land of Richard Bell &c, down Sly. to sd. Nly. br. which devides it from land of Richard Holt. Due for trans, of 5 pers: Anne the wife of John Nurton, John Jackson, John Broadway, Georg Burford, John Nurton. JOHN CALVERT, 300 acs. on a small br. issuing out of Point Comfort Cr., a swamp dividing this from land of Nicholas Roe, commonly called Buck Rowe. Sept. 2, 1643, Page 899. Granted by order of court dated June 18, 1642 as brother & heir of Dr. Georg Calvert, deed., to whom it was due for his per. adv. of 5 pers.* Renewed in the name of Anthony Elliott, July 24, 1645. WILLIAM BUTLER, Gent., 700 acs. James City Co., Aug. 29, 1643, Page 900. Upon S. side of James River at the head of Lawnes Cr., adj. Mr. Wil- liam Lawrance, Capt. William Peirce, Mr. Reynolds & Mr. Stampe. Trans, of 14 pers.: William Butler, Jon. Butler, Eliza. Butler, Mary Butler, Ezekiell Perry, Jon. Leigh, Tho. Pembridge, Jon. Ireland, Lewis Cooper, Wm. Hooke, Tho. Dodsley, Edward Parramore, Ed- ward Johnson, Robert Gringer. WILLIAM BATT, 250 acs. on W. side the North River in Mockjack Bay, Sept. 1, 1643, Page 901. Trans, of 5 pers: Christopher Hooton, Edward Spicer, Richard Cheesome, Geo. Wye, William Smarte. JOSEPH COBB, 400 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 1, 1643, Page 901. Upon a br. of Warwicksquicke River bounded N. on the back cr. parting this from land of John Vasler. Due by patent, dated 4 Aug. 1637. FRANCES RICE, 200 acs. of land on the forrest of Warwicke River, beg. at his old devident, Aug. 29, 1643, Page 902. Trans, of 4 pers: Francis Hol- land, Alex. Fuller, James Sherman, Robert Maze. THOMAS GLASCOCKE, 130 acs. Warwicke River Co., Aug. 30, 1643, Page 902. Parallel to his own & land of John Leydon & adj. Thomas Davis. Trans, of 3 pers.: Thomas Trade & Bestney Brookes. SAME. 200 acs. a mile and a half upon the S. side of Peankatanke River, adj. Christopher Boyce. Aug. 30, 1643, Page 903. Trans, of 4 pers.: Thomas Glascocke, Jane his wife, William Charles, James Allen. ROBERT LAWRANCE, 150 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 28, 1643, Page 904. Near the mouth of Lawnes Cr., adj. John Stocker, Georg Hardie & Tho- mas Gyer. Trans, of 3 pers: Thomas Merrick, Wm. Penny, John Pond. WILLIAM EWINS, 1,100 acs., James City Co., Sept. 30, 1643, Page 904. At the head of Up. Chippokes. Trans, of 22 pers.: John Muxford, Jon. Coots, Adam Morgrave, Henry Parsons, John Williams, Griffith Georg, Wm. Mar- shall, Wm. Barwick, John Lane, Tho. Robinson, Daniell Bridgman, Richard Bradley, Morgan Glover, Samll. Huby, Francis Allen, Maurice Price, Lawr. Carver, Eliza, his wife, Michaell a Negroe, Katherine his wife, John Gras- heare a Negroe, Mathew a Negroe. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 147 Note: "I William Batt Wm. Ewin, Mercht. surrender upp and re- linquish the same to make good the right of another patent to bee renewed of fowerteene hundred acres." 18 July 1648. Signed: William Batt. GEORG GILBERT, 50 acs. James City Co., Sept. 29, 1643, Page 905. Running from Powhetan bridge along Walter Coopers marked trees to the back creek, thence to sd. bridge. Trans, of: William Shaw. WILLIAM FRYE, 500 acs. James City Co., Aug. 29, 1643, Page 906. Ly- ing upon the W. side of Chichahominy River, adj. Humphry England & Thomas Warden. Trans, of 5 pers.: Richard Dobson, Michaell (altered) Noble, Ed- ward Grimes, Isabell Haies, Robert Stiles. WILLIAM NEWSUME (Newsum), 550 acs. James Cittie Co., 26 Aug. 1643, p. 906. N. towards sunken marsh, E. upon a swamp, S. towards Lower Chippokes Cr. & W. into the maine woods. Due by vertue of pattern to him dated 3 May 1636. RICHARD JACKSON, 110 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Aug. 28, 1643, Page 907. Near the head of Seawards Cr., adj. his own & land of Farrer Flinton. Trans, of 3 pers: John Champion, Owen Whiting, Henry Pepper. THOMAS HUGHES, 400 acs. Charles River Co., Sept. 28, 1643, Page 907. Upon Tymber Neck cr. on the N. side of sd. river adj. Mr. Richard Richards. Trans, of 8 pers: Georg Burford, Senr., Geo. Burford, Junr., William Cox, Mary Cox, John Shell, Tho. Tapp, Wm. Thorpe. ROBERT HAIES, 750 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Aug. 29, 1643, Page 908. At the Little Creek, adj. John Gruns- ditch (Grimsditch) & land of Capt. Adam Thorrowgood, dec'd. Trans, of 15 pers.: Richard Fleming, John New- man, Nich. Robinson, Robt. Gilbert, Jane Wond, Ann Hayes his wife, Ann Wortman, Mary Wortman, Jon. Wort- man, Tho. Wortman, Alex. Haies, Nath. Haies, Humphry Castle, Nich. Cross, & his owne trans. THOMAS WILLIAMS, 450 acs. in Mock jack Bay, near land of Thomas Ray, running N. unto the Southern br. of Severne. Aug. 31, 1643, Page 909- Trans, of 9 pers: John Charnocke, Wm. Morris, Tho. Williams, Wm. Ediford, John Harsnett, Giles Foster, Christian Demacheto, John Compton, Grace Warkeham. PHAROE YOUNG, 100 acs. North- ampton Co., Aug. 30, 1643, Page 909. Butting upon Cherrystones, near land of Capt. John How & Mr. Drew. Due by descent from Richard Young, dec'd., to whom same was granted, 27 Nov. 1637. SYMON STURGES, JOHN SADLER & RICHARD QUINEY, of London, Merchants, 4,550 Acs. Charles City Co., Aug. 5, 1643, Page 910. Commonly called by the name of Martin Brandon, lying betwixt Chippokes Creek & Wards Cr., bounding S. E. by E. upon Chip- pokes Cr., S. W. & N. W. upon the Gleab Land, W. S. W. upon lands of Georg Burcher, John Hacker & William Pilkinton. Due by purchase from the heirs of Capt. John Martin, late of Va., & 4,050 acs. confirmed to the sd. pur- chasers by order of the Grand Assembly in March 1643 & 500 acs. order of court June 9, 1643. JOHN SWEETE, 1,540 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 26, 1643, Page 911. Lying upon the E. br. of Blackwater, adj. Francis England, Mr. Justinian Cooper & N. towards Capt. Peirce. Part by virtue of a former patent & for trans, of 18 pers., 10 remaining due upon last person mentioned: Joseph Medlecoe, Robert Davis 3 times, Robert Sanin, twice, Andrew Huckle, Ann Farly, Wm. Robinson, Ann Casson, Jon. Dorsett, Robert Trelawney, Francis Shaw, Robert Short, Thomas Parker, Rich- ard Haines, twice, Katherine his wife. CAPT. JOHN UPTON, 700 acs. up- on the Northermost side of Warras- quiake bay, Isle of Wight Co., 31 Oct. 1643, p. 911. 300 acs. being marsh. S. upon the bay, N. E. upon Hutchin- sons Cr., W. upon Butchers Island Cr. & N. N. W. into the woods. Trans, of 14 pers: Richard Bayly, William Peirce, 148 Cavaliers and Pioneers Sackford Brewster, Moses Carse, Tho- mas Kirke, Francis Barlee, John New- ton, William Thomas, Tho. Walsh, Eliza. Peirce, Jane Heath, Lasley, John Sherlacke, John Greene. HENRY WATTS, 157 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Oct. 18, 1643, Page 912. Being the plantation he lives upon, up- on Pagan Point Cr. & adj. land of Mr. Peeter Knight. 43 acs. remaining due. Trans, of 4 pers: Robert Long, his wife, Robert and John, his twoe sons. JAMES HAWLEY, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 28, 1643, Page 913. Upon the head of the lower bay cr., adj. John Row. By virtue of patent, dated 22 Apr. 1641. ROBERT BURNETT, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 29, 1643, Page 914. Upon a br. of Seawards Cr., adj. Nicho- las Smith. Due by former patent, dated 3 Apr. 1641. RICE HOE, Gent., 1,969 acs., Oct. 18, 1643, Page 914. Bounding E. upon Alice Edloe, N. towards David Joanes. 1,000 acs. by virtue of 2 former patents & for trans, of 20 pers.: Edward May, Edward Robinson, Sarah Goodwin, Robert Cloud, Wm. Ferynes, Georg Standish, Tho. Cann, Alice Apleton, Eliza. Dam, Wm. Morris, Evan Roberts, Symon Jennings, Tho. Archerday, Fran- cis Baskett, Wm. Phillipps, 4 Negroes. MR. JOHN BISHOPP, 891 acs. James City Co., Oct. 16, 1643, Page 915. Upon the head of David Jones' Cr., E. N. E. from Mr. Hoes uppermost plantation. Trans, of 18 pers.: Phillipp Pendergast, Robert Andrew, Tho. Hans- come, Eliza. Sidney, Symon Hasleton, Joyce Browne, William Andrews, Ralph Lester, Jeffery Denchfeild, Richard Smith, Tho. Warner, Adrian Foord, Robert Taylor, Symon Symonds, John Bis- hopp his wife. Note: Renewed in the name of Capt. Thos. Swann, 8 Apr. 1650. SIR FRANCIS WYATT, 2,000 acs. about 25 mi. up the S. side of Rappa. River, adj. land taken up and surveyed for the use of Mr. John Gookin, to Episkapanke Cr., Sept. 29, 1643, Page 916. Trans, of 40 pers.: John Cooke, Tho. Hooker, Margarett Spuer, Susan Bradford, Wm. Johnson, Roger Carpen- ter, Ferdinando Bishopp, Sr. Francis Wyatt, Michaell Lapworth, Tho. Forke, Jon. Gates, Christ. Cooke, Tho. Goard- lad, Wm. Lupo, Kath. Spencer, Edwin Wyatt, Sarah Stunnerson, Kath. Kayupp (?), Robert Mathews, Nicho. Colton, Jane , Walter Aston, Tho. Mabb, Hen. Iden, Edward Davenport, Robert Martin, Tho. Young, Robert Westwood, Robert Edwards, Richard Morris, Wm. Haywood, Roger Andrews, Eliza. Dent. Richard Norwood, Tho. Bridges, Robert Raynard, Morris Halmer, Mathew Grif- fin, Tho. Prichard, Senr. THOMAS BRICE, 150 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Oct. 29, 1643, Page 917. Lying on the Ewd. side of the N. W. Br. of Nansimund River against Indian Cr., adj. Georg Chowning & Francis Maul- den. 100 acs. by former patent & 50 acs. for trans, of: John Fisher. LT. WILLIAM WORLEIDGE, 550 acs., Oct. 16, 1643, Page 918. Beg. at Chessnutt Cr., running S. W. to Re- pulse Cr. unto mouth of Mockjack Bay. Trans, of 11 pers.: Georg Maior, Samll. James, Wm. Humphrey, Richard Gill, Francis Berry, Eliza. Curtis, Tho- mas Rimmington, John Tucker, Christ. Isaac, Robert Armeson, Christ. Keath (or Keach), Robert Large. MR. JOHN HODDIN, (Hodin) 150 acs., Oct. 17, 1643, Page 919. On a cr. on the N. W. side of Mockjack Bay. Trans, of 3 pers.: Thomas Morrey, Charles Sallett, Sanders Murrey. SAME. 950 acs. at the head of the North River in Mockjack Bay, Oct. 17, 1643, Page 920. Trans, of 19 pers.: Mary Thomas, John Tompsom, Hum- phry Gum, Christian his wife, his owne adv., Martin Skinner, John Barnes, Tho. Poynter, Tho. Fletcher, Jon. Fletcher, Wm. Blare, James Taylor, Sanders Allen, John Burnham, John King, Tho. Hopkins, Tho. Tompson, Henry Thomas. WILLIAM JACOB, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Oct. 19, 1643, Page 920. Lying in the second bay issuing into Lynhaven River, adj. Georg Keth. By virtue of a patent for 600 acs. granted Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 149 unto sd. Jacob & Georg Rutland, & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Thomas Baramus & John White. THOMAS CASSEN, 300 acs., Oct. 17, 1643, Page 921. County not given. Beg. at certaine trees deviding this & land of Peter Gaviott (?) etc. Trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Cassen, John Moore, Jane Gilbert, John Board, Richard Haw- ten, Robert Brintwell. SAME. 400 acs. Lower Norf . Co., Oct. 17, 1643, Page 922. Near land of Georg Rutland. Trans, of 8 pers: Georg Har- wood, Fr. Symons, Henry Gridwell, John Morris, Margett Ralfe, Tho. Richards, Richard Lee, Clemt. Theboult. GEORG RUTLAND, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Oct. 19, 1643, Page 923. At the head of the second bay issuing into Lynhaven River & adj. Georg Keth. Due by virtue of a share of a patent of 600 acs., 2 Mar. 1642, granted to sd. Rutland & William Jacob. THOMAS TAYLOR, Marriner, 350 acs. Warwick River Co., Oct. 23, 1643, Page 923. Butting S. W. upon War- wick River, bounded S. with Pottash Quarter Cr. & on the N. with Samuell Stephens' land. 300 acs. due by patent unto John Baynom, deed., Dec. 1, 1624, which sd. patent grew due unto Rich- ard Tisdall by marriage with Mary Bayn- ham, daughter & heir of sd. John, & by Tisdall assigned to sd. Taylor, 100 acs. of which 300 acs. was measured out by Elizabeth Lady Harvye, & 50 acs. due sd Taylor for trans, of Henry Hitton. SAME. Marriner, 250 acs. War- wicke Co., Oct. 23, 1643, Page 924. Beg. at Mr. Cripps' land, parallel to Edward Willis & Lady Harvy. Trans, of 5 pers: John Redicke, Alice Mor- gan, Arthur Sergent, Willi. Tandy, Gabriell Smith. MRS. ELIZABETH HULL, Wid- dowe, 850 acs. lying on the Swd. side of Potomack River, running S. W. parallel to land of Christopher Copeland & S. E. unto land of William Batt. Oct. 21, 1643, Page 925. Trans, of 17 pers: George Hull, per. adv., Eliza, his wife, Edward his son, David his son, Sabinia Jenkins, Mary Low, Jon. Dae- man, David Holmes, Edw. Mitchell, Nich. Fenman, Robt. Phillipps, Evan Morris, Anth. Atkins, Arthur Donn, Oliver Balfe, Richard Workman, Robt. Layne. WILLIAM MORGAN, 816 acs. James City Co., Oct. 25, 1643, Page 926. Upon the E. side of Chichahominy River upon the head of Morgans Cr., bounded by land of Mr. Filmer & Mr. William Edwards. 600 acs. due by virtue of a former patent 20 May 1638 & 216 acs. for trans, of 5 pers., 34 acs. remain- ing due: John Simpson, John Wilkinson, Ciceley Young, Katherine Jenkins. EDWARD DOBSON, 300 acs. lying on the Ewd. side of Yeokomico River, upon a branch of Mattapony & parallel to land of Mr. William Warder. Oct. 19, 1643, Page 926. Trans, of 6 pers: Katherine Minor, Henry Tane (or Lane), Tho. Hunt, John Budge, Bevis Belver, James Athor. CAPT. WILLIAM PEIRCE, 2,100 acs. beg. at the mouth of a cr. near the now dwelling howse of sd. Peirce, which cr. divides this land from Bakers Necke where the Church now standeth, along James River unto the old point, from thence to the water side unto Scotes quarter & the great Marsh which divides this land from Mulberry Island, into Meares Neck unto a certain oak marked by Capt. William Clayborne over aginst the Ewd. of Cedar Island, up the banke of Warwicke River & near land of Capt. Thomas Harwood to a great oak marked by Mr. Hawley. 650 acs. by patent to him dated 31 Dec. 1619, & 1,450 acs. due for the adventure of 29 pers.* Dec. 16, 1643, Page 927. TRISTRAM NOSWORTHY, 150 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 3 May 1643, p. 928. On Wwd. side of a great marsh behind an island called the long ponds &c. Due for trans, of 3 pers: William Webb, Richard Hooper, Antho. Branch. CAPT. HENRY BROWNE, one of his Majesties Councell of State, 2,450 acs. Nov. 2, 1643, Page 929. Beg. at the 4 Mile Tree, ending in a swamp to the Wwd. of Capt. Fludds howse, then down parallel to the bank of James 150 Cavaliers and Pioneers River unto the sd. tree. 2,000 acs. due by order of court dated Dec. 12, 1634 & 450 acs. by purchase in 1634 of the Overseers of the last will of John Smith, Planter, deed., & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* GEORG LEVITT, 1,000 acs. near the head of the North River in Mockjack Bay, near land of Richard Bayly & John Hoddin. Oct. 19, 1643, Page 930. Trans, of 20 pers: Alice his wife, John Jenings, Robert Tibaults, Elias Degaris, Tho. Tabb, Franc. Cherry, Jone Hobbs, Daniell Thorpe, Willi. Tompson, Theo- dor Moyses, Jon. Weeks, Nath. Wil- sonn, Jon. Jones, Richard Cooke, Geo. Wharton, Mary Fowler, Eliza, his wife, Robert her sonn, His (sd Levitt) owne per. adv. twice. v WILLIAM WARDER, 550 acs. lying on the S. E. side of Yokomoco River, beg. upon Potomack River side, parallel to land of Thomas Picknar (orTicknar). Oct. 19, 1643, Page 931. Trans, of 11 pers: Katherine Cross, Thomas Richard- son, Richard Babister, Tho. Buller, Benj. Rugg, Charles Minifie, Phillipp Silvester, Wm. Butcher, James Porter, Tho. Shirle, Roger Sillito. MR. PHILLIPP BENNETT, 515 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Dec. 20, 1643, Page 932. Lying on the E. side of Bennetts Cr., near land of Richard Bennett & Epa- phroditus Lawson. Trans, of 11 pers: John Hodges, Silvester Baker, Tho. Harwood, John Boid, William Turner, William Harris, Jon. Robinson, Tho. Chaddworth, Jon. Symons, Jon. Rich- ards, James Ahoshew (?). JAMES MERRYMAN, 100 acs. Charles City Co., Dec. 20, 1643, Page 933. Called by the name of Martin Brandon, opposite against Weyanoake, N. E. upon the Gleab land. Trans, of 2 pers: James Merryman & Ann Merryman. JOHN CARTER, 300 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Dec. 22, 1643, Page 934. Upon the Wwd. side of the Southern br. of Nansamund River over against land of Mr. Thomas Dew & near land of Wil- liam Tucker. Trans, of 6 pers: Mor- gan Williams, Rich. Parker, Robert Peirce, Thomas Norrice, Israeli Harris, Hen. Bartholmew. WILLIAM FOSTER, 250 acs., Jan. 6, 1643, Page 934. Near land of Tho- mas Woodhowse & John Troyes. By virtue of a joint patent dated 23 May 1642 with Georg Adkins who assigned his moyete to sd Foster. PHILLIPP TAYLOR, 1,000 acres in Northampton Co., Dec. 19, 1643, Page 935. On the Seaboard side, running Northward to the broad creek. 500 acs. due by order of court dated 14 Oct. 1640 & 500 for trans, of 20 pers: Hen. Robinson, Lawrance White, William Dickens, Phillipp Taylor, Senr., Jane Taylor, James Oldum, Pearcy his wife, John Allen, Peeter Cooper, Francis Brice, Eliz. Oldum, Wm. Casteele, Tho. Barfeild, Tho.Colkbrand, Rebecca Bayly, Tho. Smith, Thomas Willis, Sarah Morris, Jon. Cakebread, Eliza. Sanders. CESAR PUGGETT, 800 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Dec. 19, 1643, Page 936. On the N. side of Kirdy branch. Trans, of 16 pers: John Hatton, Marke Gina, Eliza. Oliver, Wm. Polewheele, Wm. Hadwell, Jacob Fybill, Grace Hardwin, John Peirce, Tho. Price, Susan Shepard, Eliz. Clewley, Walter Wells, Rich. Jackson, William Cole, Robert Towne- send. SILVESTER THACKER & AN- THONY FULLIAMB, 100 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Oct. 22, 1643, Page 937. Lying upon Pagan Point Bay, E. upon land of Mr. Thomas Davis & S. upon Mr. John Mahoone. Trans, of 2 pers: John Cockett & Sarah Robinson. HENRY BRADLEY, 450 acs. of land named Rainworth, Up. Norf. Co., Dec. 21, 1643, Page 938. At the head of the main br. of New towne haven river, adj. Humphry Scowen & Peter Ray. 350 acs. by assignment of 2 patents from sd. Scowen to whom it was assigned by John Allen, being first granted to Sarah Cloydon, Widdow, and 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: William Burton & John Bruton. Patent Book No. 1 — Part II. 151 RICHARD BELL, 560 acs. James City Co., Apr. 10, 1642, Page 939. Ly- ing near the head of Checkeroes Cr., towards land of Georg Vinon (or Union), adj. Mr. Robert Holt. ROBERT HOLT of Chichahominy Parish in Va., Merchant, to RICHARD BELL, Planter, of the same parish, 60 acres of land lying at the head of Checkeroes Cr. Deed of Guift. Oct. 2, 1640, Page 940. Witnesses: Tho. Womb well & John Phipps. MR. ZACHARIAH CRIPPS, 17 acs., being a neck of land, lying at the mouth of Warwick River, bounded on the S. E. side with James River, Jan. 10, 1643, Page 940. 33 acs. remaining due, for trans, of John Herricke (Herick). EPHAPHRODITUS LAWSON, 450 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Jan. 9, 1643, Page 941. Lying on W. side of Mount Law- son Bay Cr., adj. land of Moore Fontle- roy & Tristram Nosworthy. Due for trans, of 9 pers., & also by assignment from John Carter, to whom it was as- signed by Peeter Mountegue: Walter Bishopp, Edward Roberts, Richard Mathews, Peter Freind, Geo. Seeker, John Newby, Richard Webb, Angell Lesting. THOMAS DEW, Gent., 750 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Jan. 8, 1643, Page 942. Up- on the Ewd. side of the Swd. br. of Nansamund River, beg. at the mouth of Craney Cr. opposite to 2 small islands called Craney & New haven river, & adj. Mr. Randall Crew. 300 acs. by former patent & 450 acs. due for trans, of 9 pers.: His own per. adv., Georg Speevy, William Broughton, Robert Fleming, Samuell JefTery, Henry Browne, John Corne, Elizabeth Tock- wood. TOBY SMITH, 650 acs. of land called Humberston, Warwick River Cr., Jan. 10, 1643, Page 943. Upon the head of the back river called Smith's Foard, adj. Thomas Faulkner & towards Thomas Bouldings land. Due by former patent, dated 14 Feb. 1640. MR. HENRY HAWLEY, 50 acs. Elizabeth (City) Co., Oct. 20, 1643, Page 944. Bounded on the N. by the Glybe & on W. by Hampton River. Due for trans, of Thomas Hatchway. ROBERT HAYES, 450 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Sept. 28, 1643, Page 944. Beg. to the Wwd. of the dwelling howse of Robert Hayes, opposite Wm. Samuel (?) house, and running to a Cr. divid- ing this and land of Wm. Saucer (?). Trans, of 9 pers.* Memo attached: "The severall names I cannot reade they are soe defaced." CAPT. ROBERT HUTCHINSON, V/i acs. James City Island, Feb. 22, 1643. Page 944. Said land anciently belonging to Samll. Mole, bounded S. upon the river, N. towards Pasby Hayes, W. upon Jno. Osborne & towards the State Howse. Fee Rent: 1 Capon. JNO. BATT, 526 acs. James City Co., Nov. 7, 1643, Page 944. Lying at the head of the Easternmost br. of Back River called Drinking Swamp or Otter- dam Swamp, N. W. upon Walter Cooper, N. E. upon Mr. Secretary Kemp & S. E. towards Geo. Malen. Trans, of 11 pers., 24 acs. remaining due: Jno. Dawby, Eliz. Dawby, Dorothy Batt, Jno. Smyth, Marg. or Mary Atkinson, Jno. Gladston, Humph. Tree, Rich, ap Rich., Rich. Simson, Garret Bryan. ENSIGNE THOMAS KEELING, 200 acs. Low Norf. Co., alias Lynhaven, Nov. 9, 1643, Page 945. Near Fran. Land's plantation. Trans, of 4 pers.* Note: "The severall names I cannot reade they are soe defaced." LT. FRANCIS MASON, 200 acs. Low. New Norf. Co., Sept. 29, 1643, Page 945. (Record partially destroyed). Mentions Jno. Holmes howse, towards Gyles Collings. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Ward, Robert Penn (?), Oliver Craftt, Joyce Wiser. SETH WARD, 350 acs. Henrico Co., Nov. 22, 1643, Page 946. N. N. W. up the 2 Mi. Cr., S. S. W. over against Varina, E. S. E. upon 3 Myle Swamp, extending towards 4 Myle Cr. & bounded at the end with a running brook called roundabout. 150 acs. by former patent, 50 acs. by purchase from 152 Cavaliers and Pioneers Jno. Baker & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.: Jno. Wilkeson, Robt. Fleete, Jno. Miller. JOSEPH CROSHAWE, 350 acs. on the S. end of the Indian Feild, parallel with his own land until it meets with the land of Capt. Jno. West. Due sd. Crowshaw for trans, of 7 pers.: Jno. Pratt, Mary Green, Richd. Croshaw, Jos. Mesell, Wm, Large. (2 names de- stroyed). Oct. 19, 1643, P. 946. (Re- cord partially destroyed.) JOHN FOSTER, 300 acs. Northamp- ton Co., Oct. 23, 1643, Page 947. At the seaboard side, bounded on the S. by Mountwrys (or Mountneys) Cr. Trans. of 6 pers.: John Foster, Bridgett his wife, Geo. Exton, Francis Spencer, Richard Watkins, Gyles Hewet. MR. OBEDIENCE ROBINS, 2,000 acs. Accomac Co., Nov. 2, 1643, Page 947. Adj. land of Mr. Wilkins, John Major, Mr. Taylor & his own land. Due by virtue of former patent, dated 3 Dec. 1640. JOHN MAJOR, 200 acs., Northampton Co., Nov. 10, 1643, Page 947. On the N. side of Nuswattocks Cr., part there- of entitled the Sandy point. Due by former patent, dated 30 Jan. 1640. MR. JOHN WILKINS, 600 acs. Northampton Co., Page 948. (No date). On the Seaboard side, adj. Mr. Robins, Longborough Branch & land of John Waltham. By virtue of former patent, dated 8 Dec. 1640. WILLIAM BERRYMAN, 800 acs. Northampton Co., Page 948. Bounded on the N. by a branch of Nuswattocks Cr. & land of Francis Martyn, on the S. by John Tolston & on W. by Garrett Andrews. Due for trans, of 10 pers: & by assignment of 300 acs. by Christo- pher Kirke, dated Oct. 20, 1640: Jonah Jackson, Robt. Jackson, Jane Jackson, Tho. Stanton, Millecent Cole, Arthur Emerson, Edmund Prince, Jno. Free- horne, Abraham Kelly, Wm. Peirce. JOHN MAJOR, 400 acs. Northamp- ton Co., Sept. 4, 1643, Page 948. At Nuswattocks Cr. Due by former patent, dated 10 Sept. 1640. MR. THOMAS SYMONDS, 800 acs., Oct. 18, 1643, Page 949. Beg. at the head of John Terryes & Wm. Larke's land above the head of St. Michaells Cr., parallel to Christmas land, N. N. E. to George Worldridge before Graves Creek, E. to Snare Cr. By virtue of former patent, dated 8 Jan. 1639. Note: The following names appear under this record: Dorothy Castle, James Craven, Wm. Meadwell, Richd. Hughes, Geo. Smith, Wm. Batts, Robt. Coleman, Tho. Warne, Henry Batts, Robt. Auley, Richd. Drue, Tho. Andrews, Wm. Blettsoe, Walter Warship, Elinor Deane, Anth. Hayes. BENJAMIN HARRYSON, Gent., 500 acs. James City Co., March 21, 1643, Page 949. On the S. side of James River, on the Southerly side of Round Island Swamp. Due for trans, of 10 pers.: Watkin Downes, John Hely, Tho. Brooks, Mary Burges, Wm. Smith, Tho. Smith, Sarah Harding, John Davis, Jno. Clay, Peter , Negro. SAMLL. ABBOTT, Gent., 400 acs. James City Co., Apr. 10, 1644, Page 950. Near the head of Grays Cr., adj. land of Mr. John Corker, S. E. upon Smiths Fort Cr. Sd. land was formerly granted unto Thomas Gray & made void by not planting or seating the same. Due sd. Abbott for trans, of 8 pers: Hen. Hawkins, Wm. Johnson, John Johnson, Wm. Long, Richd. Philcock, Tho. Harris, James White, Eldred Thompson. PIERCE LENNON, 200 acs. Charles City Co., Feb. 28, 1642, Page 951. Between 2 creeks of Martin Brandon, near mouth of Wards Cr., opposite against Wayonoak Marsh, adj. James Merryman. Trans, of 4 pers: Pierce Lennon, Rebecca his wyfe, Edmund Lennon, Wm. Russell. (Note: On the last page, or end sheet, appears the following inscrip- tion: ) This Booke was Transcribed by Edward Harrison in the yeare 1683 Patent Book No. 2. By Sir William Berkeley, Knight, Governor, &c. EDWD. MURFREY & JOHN VAUGHAN, 1,200 acs. upon South- ward side of Potomack River, on the Eastermost side of Cedar Island Creek. 24 Feb. 1643. Page 1. Trans, of 24 pers: Thomas Denham, Eliz. Taylor. Eliz. , Win. Sorwell, Eliza, his wife, Fra. Harrison, John Readwood, Wm. Barrington, Isaac Jones, Eliz. Wotter, Robt. , John Povey, Edw. Samuell, Tho. Anderson, Ann Frank- lind, Ann Franklaine, Henry , Jone Reeves, Tho. Proper, James Sams, Mary Griffin, Crough. THOMAS WOODHOUSE, 200 acs. James City Co., 24 Mar. 1644, Page 1. Upon the Southerly side of James River, about 2 mi. from the river, N. E. upon land of Henry Short (or Hart). Due by virtue of former patent, dated 20 Mar. 1640, for the same land. WILLIAM MILLS, 450 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Feb. 10, 1643, Page 2. Up- on the maine head of the lower bay creek. Sd. land surveyed & proved due by Nathaniell White, dec'd., for trans, of 9 persons, & due sd. Mills by inter- marrying with the relict of sd. White. Pers. trans, by White: Richard Davis, Edwd. Walker, Eliza. Nitingale, Danll. Jenkins, Samll. Burnett, & 4 pers. more from the County Court of tlr* Isle of Wight due but noe name expressed. JOHN NEWMAN, 150 acs., James City Co., 1st Apr. 1644, Page 2. Near the head of Smiths Fort Cr., W. upon Xpher. Lawson, E. upon John Buckmas- ter. Said land first granted unto Stephen Thompson, Dec. 16, 1637, by him as- signed unto John Saind, by him assigned unto John Rawlins, by him unto Rich- ard Harris, by him unto John Esgrame, by him unto said Newman. STEPHEN TAYLOR, 200 acs. Hamp- ton Parish, at the head of the Norther- most br. of St. Andrews Cr., 10 Apr. 1644, Page 3. Trans, of 4 pers: Stephen Taylor, wife Margarett, Edwd. Rendrick (Kendrick ?), Wm. Praise. THOMAS STAINOE, 62 acs. called the Chestnutt Neck, adj. Garrett Ste- phens, parallel to land of Xpofer. Bare. Trans, of 2 persons: John Parkes, Benja. Tenner. Assigned to him by Ann Moore, wife and attorney of Joseph Moore. 13 June 1642, p. 3. JEREMIAH CLEMENT, 200 acs. James City Co., Jan. 10, 1643, Page 4. On Swd. side of James River, at the upper Chipoake, E. upon his former devident & W. upon land of Thomas Wixe. Importation of 4 pers: Amey Clements, Richard Boore, Ezekiel Cle- ment, Richd. . JOHN HILL, Gent., 200 acs. Upper Norfolke, Apr. 1, 1644, Page 4. Upon Ewd. side of N. W. br. of Nansimond River, adj. William Eyres. Due by as- signment from Apha. Lawson for trans, of 4 pers.: his own per. adv., Mr. Wm. Hill twice, Robt. Tows. JOHN HILL, Gent., 400 acs. Up. Norfolke, Co., Apr. 2, 1644, Page 5. On W. br. of Nansimond Riv., about the head of sd. br., near John Stalls. Due by assignment from Epha. Lawson & for trans, of 8 pers.: Edward Allen, Ralph Thamnes, George Turner, Jno. Brook's, Francis Vaughan, Edward Vaughan, William Rolles, Robt. Yenny. WILLIAM BROOKE, 250 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Feb. 24, 1643, Page 6. Ewd. side of the Swd. or mayne br. of Nansi- mond Riv. being the Indian Town beg. by the main br. side in an Indian feild, 154 Cavaliers and Pioneers etc. Trans, of 5 pers: his wife, 2 chil- dren, James Cicks, Ann Davis. MR. MOORE FANTLEROY, 1,400 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Feb. 20, 1643, Page 6. On the N. W. side of Beverly Cr., etc., to Otterhole Br., etc., running E. by S. etc. to a gutt on Mount Lawsons Bay, etc., S. W. through Poplar Neck Cr., etc. Due as follows: 200 acs. by patent unto John Lewin, deed., 20 July 1639, assigned by Thos. Lewin, brother & heir to sd. John; 200 acs. by patent to Tristrum Noseworthy, June 5, 1639, by him assigned to sd. Fantleroye, & 1,000 acs. for trans, of 20 pers: George Fantle- roy, Richard Lee, John Bayley, Richard Ellit, Richard Mercer, Joane Ball, John Lloyd, Evan Burgen, Wm. Freeland, Ann Perry, Martin, Negro, Francis Marsh, Lewis Marsh, John Marsh, John King, Richard Andrew, Joan Stanny, Javis Bell, Edward Gee, Moore Fantle- roy, his 2nd. trans. MOORE FANTLEROY, 250 acs. called Royes rest, Up. Norf. Co., Feb. 20, 1643. Page 8. Upon New Town "have been," commonly called Chuck- tuck, beginning at the mouth of a cr. or br. called Tentford, adj. Epha. Lawson, etc. 200 acs. due by appraisement from Mareen Delamde (?) of a patent of Oct. 16, 1638, & 50 acs. for trans, of Moore Fantleroy. CAPT. HENRY BROWN, ESQR., 900 acs. James City Co., Feb. 25, 1643, Page 8. Beginning at Journing poynt Cr., somewhat lower than plantation seated by Mr. Francis Fowler, & from the mouth of same to land of Mathew Edlowe, etc. Due by the will of Mrs. Antonia Fowler, the late relict of Mr. Francis Fowler, being part of a devdt. due sd. Fowler by patent dated Aug. 14, 1639; also due sd. Brown by order of court dated Nov. 21, 1643. WILLIAM WILKINSON, Minister of the word of God, 100 acs. Eliza. City Co., June 21, 1644, Page 9. In or neare Buckerowe, adj. land lately in possession of George Chowinge, now Capt. Wm. Claiborne's, towards land late in tenure of Doctor Casvert (Cal- vert ?) now in possession of Anthony Elliot and Wm. Leighe (changed to Leithe) near Point Comfort Cr. Due for trans, of: Henry Herrick & Ann Herick, his wife, by certificate from the Court of Eliz. City, Sept. 23, 1642 & transferred to sd. Wilkinson under the hand of sd. Herick Sept. 12, 1643. By Richard Kemp, Esq. JOHN WATSON, 1 acre, James City, 23rd (or 28) August, 1644, Page 10. Near the Brewere poynt, near land of Mr. Thomas Stegg & Isaac Wattson. Due by virtue of an Act of Assembly. MR. JOHN WHITE, 1 acre, James City, Aug. 28, 1644, Page 10. Bounded W. upon the Church Yard, East upon land appertaining to the State House, North towards land of Mr. Thomas Hampton & South upon James River. Due by virtue of Act of Assembly Mar. 2, 1642. Required to build within 6 months after the date hereof. Fee Rent: 1 Capon. RICHARD SANDERS, 1 acre, James Citty, Aug. 28, 1644, Page 11. Neare the Blockhouse bounded W. upon the river, E. upon the marsh, N. upon the blockhouse land & S. upon land of Edward Challes. Fee Rent: 1 Capon. RICHARD BROOKS, 1 acr. in James Citty, Aug. 28, 1644, Page 11. Bounded N. upon the Doctors Swamp, S. upon the Gallowes Swamp toward the back river & W. towards James River. Same as above. Fee Rent: 1 Capon. RADULPH SPRAGGON, 1 acr. in James Citty, Aug. 18, 1644, Page 11. S. upon land of Geo. Gilbert, E. to- wards Mr. Hampton, etc. As above. EDWARD CHALLIS, 1 acr. James Citty, Aug. 28, 1644, Page 12. W. up- on the river, E. upon the marsh, N. up- on the blockhouse land & S. towards land of Radolph Spraggon. As above. WALTER ASTON, Gent., 250 acs. Chas. Citty Co., p.12. (No date.) W. on the great river, E. on the plantation of Causeys Care (Cleare ?), S. on land of Capt. Epps (in the Island) & N. on Patent Book No. 2 155 land of Robert Martyn. Granted by order of court 15 Oct. 1641 & alsoe due for trans, of 5 pers: John Baily, John Bull, Hen. Bradshall, Eliza. Vaughan, Judith Settle. (By Wm. Berkley.) ROBERT LAWRENCE, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 12, 1644. Page 12. Upon Eastermost side of Lownes Cr., adj. Mr. Hardings land, and along land of Widdow Bennett. Due by patent dated Aug. 25, 1642 for trans, of 4 pers.* TOBY SMYTH, Gent., 150 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Sept. 25, 1644. Page 13. Upon the W. side of Nansimond Riv., 35 acs. called Raming Island, the rest being marsh & adj. the island opposite land of Francis Maldin, bounded Ewd. with Dumpling Island Cr., which parts it from land of William Parker. Due for trans, of 3 persons, 2 of whom are mentioned: Joane Corraway (or Carra- way) & Thomas Wilkins. TOBY SMITH, 650 acs. called Hum- berton, Warwick Co., Sept. 10, 1644, Page 13. Upon the head of the back river called Smiths foard being behind & adj. to the westward devident of Tho- mas Faulkner, and adj. Thomas Bould- ing. Due sd. Smith by patent dated Feb. 15, 1640 for his per. adv. & trans. of 12 pers.* THOMAS FAWKNER aged 43 yeares or there abouts sworne saith that about February last was twelve months to Mr. Smiths p(ro) cured Thomas Brise a Surveyor of land to come to Nansi- mond quarter for to survey a parcell of land there neare adjoyning called the name of Round Pond which land the said Smith then claimed to be rightly belonging to him, and this depont. be- ing in company with the said Smith and Brice and assisting the said Brice to survey the land, one Thomas Stephens came unto them about such time as the one fourth part of the land was sur- veyed, and p(ro)hibited the survey thereof any further alleidging that the land was his whereupon the said Smith and the Surveyor answered and said that if the said Stephens had any better title or grant then Mr. Smith had then the land should be his and fur- ther the said Smith requested Thomas Stephens that if he had any grant there- of hee wishing him to show it p(ro)- mising that if it could be made thereby to appeare that he had any right to the land the said Smith would desist and meddle not farther therewith, but the said Stephens did not shew him any at all, only he alleidged that he had and order of Court for Land but did not shew it neither though he was requested thereto by the said Smith and by the said Surveyor and more saith not. 30 May, 1642. Page 14. JOHN SYDNEY, Gent., 200 acs. Lower Norf. Co., Sept. 16, 1644, Page 15. Upon Nwd. side of E. br. of Eliz. River. Trans, of 4 pers: John Curra- way, John Clarke, Ann Robinson, Eliza. Flowerday. ELIZABETH HARMER, 1,200 acs. Northampton Co., Sept. 17, 1644, Page 16. Daughter & sole heir of Mr. Charles Harmer. Beg. at the S. side of a br. of the old Plantation Cr., bounded on the W. by the mayne bay, S. by Magetty Bay pond, & E. by land of Mr. Nathanll. Littleton. 1,050 acs. due by patent dated June 4, 1635 unto her father, & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Tho. Cole, John Stonner, Tho. Symmons. EDWYN CONAWAY, Clarke, (Clerk), 500 acs. Northampton Co., Oct. 8, 1644, Page 17. At Hungers Cr., E. upon land of Richard Smith. Trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Burrell, Elizabeth his wife, Fra. Harison, Richard Fixmus, Ja. Landwood, John Powell, Eliza. Potter, Edward Daniell. Note: Mr. Burrell have assigned his write to Edwyn Cona- way this 8th of October 1644. Thomas Knight, Mary Knight, Richard Lathberry. (This patent renewed July 22, 1645 in the name of John Severne. EDWARD MAJOR, 450 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Oct. 4, 1644, Page 17. Att Nansimond River, S. W. upon Majors Cr., adj. land claimed by Olliver Sprye. Due by patent (but misbounded) dated 18th of May, 1637, for trans, of 9 pers.* RICHARD LEE, Gent., 91 acs. Yorke Co., Dec. 2, 1644, Page 18. Upon the 156 Cavaliers and Pioneers ridge of the new Poquoson towards Yorke, sideing by the verry corner tree of Capt. Wormleys. Trans, of 2 pers.* JAMES TAYLOR & LAWRENCE BAKER, 500 acs. James City Co., Mar. 6, 1644, Page 18. Called Hogg Island Mayne, formerly granted to Thomas Stamp May 12, 1640. Due for trans, of 10 pers.: Richard Colles, Dilly Young, Jo. Humpries, Jno. Marshall, John Car- ter, Marry Middleton, Richard Shepperd, Hester Jones, Mary Yates, John Huck- ley. MR. TRISTRAM NOSWORTHY, 670 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Dec. 6, 1645, Page 19. In the mayne river behind Rugged Island Cr., down by a great marsh on Mount Lawsons Bay, etc., to an oyster poynt on the Rich Island, etc., along the New Town haven river Bay, crossing Cannada Island Cr. Said land commonly known by the name of the Ragged Islands. 100 acs. hereof former- ly granted to John Smith, Aug. 20, 1633 & purchased of sd. Smith; 50 acs. by patent to Nosworthy dated May 10, 1638 & the residue for the trans, of 9 pers.* THOMAS SYMONS, 450 acs. Charles River Co., Nov. 25, 1637, Page 20. Butting upon footeball quarter Cr., adj. his own plantation, land of William Freeman & Andrew Huntington. And what that parcell shall want of 450 acs. is to be supplyed between the plantation of Gilbert Symonds and the sd. Thomas Symons, etc. Trans, of 9 pers.* (By Sir John Harvey.) Assignment of the above unto THO- MAS KIRBYE, Planter, Dec. 28, 1642, Page 21. Witnesses: Peter Ransome & Edward Bereman. THOMAS DAVIS, 300 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Aug. 10, 1644, Page 21. Up- on a br. of Newtown haven river called Beverley Cr., adj. patent land of Mr. Thomas Jordens, dec'd., & Thomas Poole. 100 acs. by patent dated Nov. 27, 1637 & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Attwell Bestwicke, Richd. Goffe (or Gosse), Michael James & Jno. . Marginal note: This patent was fake in the old records and entered true in the 56th page of the said Booke. ROBERT LAWRENCE & ELLIS BROWN, 400 acs. Lower Norf. Co., Aug. 20, 1644, Page 22. Upon Nwd. side of the E. br. of Eliz. Riv., adj. John Sidney & Richard Woster. 300 acs. due by assignment of a patent dated May 22, 1637 from Thomas Sawyer, & the residue for trans, of 2 servants.* WILLIAM COCK, 100 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., June 5, 1645, Page 23. Said land late in the tenure of John Roberts, dec'd., abutting Westerly on the land late of Lieut. Albiano Lupo now in the occupation of John Chandler, E. upon a cr. parting same from land late of Tho- mas Spilman, now in occupation of Daniell Tanner. Trans, of 2 pers., as- signed by William Perry: John Saysill & Richard Diggs ( or Riggs ) . JOHN SHEPARD (Sheppard), 179 acs. York Co., June 5, 1645, Page 23. Betwixt land now in possession of Tho. Hudson on the E. & on W. bounded with land of Henry Bullard. Due sd. Sheppard for trans, of 7 pers: Richd. Haines, George Haynes, Hugh Aden, Charles Hill. JOHN BAKER, 175 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., June 5, 1645, Page 24. Adj. land formerly granted to Walter Hely, ex- tending towards Southampton Riv., 50 acs. formerly leased to Nicholas Brown, & by him assigned to sd. Baker. As alsoe 100 acs. formerly leased unto Christopher Windmill & by him as- signed unto William Lethermore & by him assigned unto sd. Baker, bounding W. upon Hampton Riv., & land in the possession of John Plaice; 25 acs. the residue bounding W. upon Hampton Riv., S. upon Nicholas Brown. Due for trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Lethermore & Elinor his wife, Robert Dutch, Wm. Dickinson, Tho. Hatcher. By Sir William Berkeley JOHN RODE, 1,000 acs. Warwick Co., July 27, 1645, Page 25. At the head of the deep Creeke, adj. Christo- pher Boyce. Due by purchase of sur- vey and rights from William Edwards, Patent Book No. 2 157 who first bought the same of sd. Boyce, & due Boice for trans, of 20 pers: Jeffery Medcalfe, Thomas Symson, Katherin Lewis, Robert Stiderick, Ro. Fentrice, John Fells, Chr. Rythe, Jno. Elwood, Tho. Adkinson, Willm. Hewe, Wm. Ollaver, Jno. Atkin, Anne Powell, Matt. Adkinson, Jno. Moor, Margery Underwood, Chr. Boyce, Jno. Chrisippe, Jno. Typladye, Willm. Evand. MICHAEL MASTERT, 413 acs. Hen- rico County, in Bermodo Hundred, July 24, 1645. Page 26. 390 acs. bounded E. S. E. upon James Riv., S. W. upon Pates Sw. & Court Sw., S. upon Lieut. Craddock, N. upon Thomas Sheppye, Mr. Baugh, James Usher & Robert Elam, S. by W. & E. by S. upon Capt. Wood- liffe, & S. by W., E. by S. & N. by E. upon Mr. Samuell Jordin. 12 acs. in Bermodo Hundred neck, formerly known as Capt. Martin land, N. W. upon James River, N. E. upon Mr. Samll. Jordin, S. W. upon Mr. Edward Gurgunye. Due sd Masters for trans, of 9 pers: Henry Lownee, James King, Tho. Page (?) George Wells, Thomas Wallis, Jane Price, John Manchest, James Mor- rice, Peter Maydley. JOHN BAUGH, Gent., 100 acs. Henrico Co., July 24, 1645, Page 27. Lyeing in Bermodo Hundred, bounded E. N. E. by land formerly belonging to John Arrundell, S. E. upon the Bay of Appomatock, W. S. W. upon Powell Cr. & N. W. upon Connecocke path; 4 acs. bounded N. N. E. upon James River, S. E. upon land of James Usher, S. S. W. upon Michaell Maystert & W. N. W. upon William Sharp. The other 16 acs. lying in Bermodo Hundred Neck, S. upon land of Joseph Royall & N. W. upon Michaell Maystert. Due for trans, of 2 pers: Michaell Woolfe, Elizabeth Cowell. MARKE JOHNSON, 198 acs. in Eliz. Citty Co., July 31, 1645, Page 27. Beginning at a br. dividing this from land of Thomas Watts, etc., to the broad cr. Due by assignment of the right of 4 pers. trans, by Robert New- man: Nicholas Rogers, Nicho. Hayle, Tho. Brooke, John Baker. ANTHONY ELLYOTT, Gent., 300 acs., 24 July 1645, Page 28. Beg. at a sw. or small branch issuing out of Poynt Comfort Cr., dividing this & land of Nicho. Roe, sd. land commonly called Buck Roe, running N. etc. Due by pur- chase of a patent of Richard Kemp (be- ing the Atty. of John Calvert) Sept. 2, 1643, due sd. Calvert by order of court dated June 18, 1642, as brother & next heir of George Calvert, Phisition (Phy- sician), dec'd. for his per. adv. & trans, of 5 pers.* WILLIAM JONES, 450 acs. North- ampton Co., July 22, 1645, Page 29. At Hungars Cr., bounded on the N. by land of Richard Smith, S. by Capt. William Stone, & on W. N. W. by a br. of sd. cr. Due by assignment of rights for trans, of 9 pers. from Comely. Lloyd: Thomas Turner, Richard Chap- man, Pascoe Chapman, Matt. Holt, Fickler Windeth, Henry Gutt, Weston Brow, Tho. Evans, Step. Collowes. JOHN GODFREY, 300 acs. Lower Norf. Co., July 22, 1645, Page 29. On the S. side of the Ewd. br. of Elizabeth River, adj. land of Richard White, and Henry Nicholas. Due as followeth: 250 acs. granted to John Yates, June 6, 1637, & by him sold to John Moores (or Meeres) & purchased by sd. God- frey of Nicholas Scuefeild, Atty. of sd. Moores, & 50 acs. for trans, of: John Farrarhoe. NICHOLAS SCUEFEILD to JOHN YATES of Eliz. Citty, the sd. 250 acs. Bond for 4,000 Lbs. Tobacco, Nov. 4, 1645. Page 30. Witness: Thomas Harrison. JOHN SEVERNE, 500 acs. North- ampton Co., July 22, 1645, Page 30. At Hungars Cr., adj. Richard Smith. Formerly granted to Mr. Edwin Conna- way Oct. 8, 1644 & assigned by him. EDWYN CONNAWAY, of North- ampton, Clarke, unto Mrs. Bridgett Charleton for the use of her child John Severne, to be seated and possession to be delivered unto him the sd. John Severne when he shall come to the age 158 Cavaliers and Pioneers of 18 yeares. Oct. 26, 1644, Page 31. Witnesses: Reynald Hawis & John Ellis. MR. JOHN NUTHALL, 300 acs. Northampton Co., July 27, 1645, Page 31. At the head of Hungars Cr., adj. land formerly belonging to John Halla- waye, runing Ely. etc. For trans, of 6 pers: John Nuthall, twice, Eliza, his wife, John Towson, Andrew Ditch, John Evere (?). JAMES JACKSON, 100 acs. North- ampton Co., July 27, 1645, Page 32. Bounded on the W. by the mayne bay, N. by Matthew Lett, S. by the Gleab land & E. by the woods. Trans, of 2 pers: James Jackson & Thomas Gilbert. JUSTINIAN COOPER, Gent., Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 10, 1645, Page 32. 2 devidents, the former containing 1,120 acs. & the latter 1,330 acs. Both near the head of Seawards Cr. Adj. his own land, Mr. Davis, Capt. Upton & Tho- mas Luther. Due as follows: 1,050 acs. & 850 acs. by two former patents, & 550 acs. for trans, of 11 pers: Sarah Fisher, Cor. Corhoon, Wm. Banister, Richd. Smith, Rati. (Rachel ?) Powell, John Parker, Mingo a Negro, France a Negro. ZACHARY CRIPPS, Gent., 1,050 acs. Warwick Co., Sept. 10, 1645, Page 33. Beg. near the nowe dwelling house of John Williams, unto the Mill land, S. & Wly. to Thomas Taylors. 200 acs. by patent dated Oct. 25, 1637, & 850 acs. for Trans, of 17 pers: John Smith, Robert Rede, Danll. Stubbs, Tho. Mor- gin, Xtopr. Taylor, Judeth Session, Hester Smith, John Richards, Eliza. Bridges, Andrew Westerin (?), Joyce Vessell, Wm. Morgan, Anthony, Robert, Jo. Solloman, Domingo, Scourgoa, Negroes. THOMAS DAVIS, 475 acs. War- wick Co., Sept. 10, 1645, Page 34. Up- on Waters Cr., S. W. upon James River, W. upon Richard Domellaws, & N. E. upon land of Mr. William Whitby. 50 acs. granted unto Percivall Elletson, Mar. 6, 1620, & by authority granted by him unto Edward Waters & sould unto William Worleich & by him unto sd. Davis. 100 acs. granted sd. Waters Aug. 20, 1624, by him sould to Wor- leich & by him to sd. Davis. 150 acs. granted sd. Worleich May 7, 1637 sold unto sd. Davis, all of which remayned upon record under his patent. 175 acs. the residue due for trans, of 4 pers: Thomas Davis, Richard Parker, Walt. Belcher, Thomas Trevannion. JOHN HACKER, 150 acs. Chas. Citty Co., Sept. 27, 1645, Page 35. On W. side of Chipoake neere Martin Brandon, near land of William Pilkin- ton, and George Bercher. Due by patent dated July 25, 1638 for his per. adv. & trans, of 2 pers.* THOMAS WATTS, 132 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., Aug. 2, 1645, Page 35. Beg. at a br. of the broad cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Johnson. 50 acs. by patent dated May 5, 1636, & 82 acs. for trans, of 2 pers.* ROBERT ROCKWELL, 250 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Sept. 14, 1645, Page 36. Upon N. side of Nansimond Riv., beg. at Majors Cr. Due by patent dated Nov. 16, 1638 for per. adv. of his brother Rockwell & trans, of 4 pers.* MR. DAVID MANSELL, 72 acs. York Co., in Kiskeake Parish, Sept. 8, 1645, Page 37. Adj. Christopher Ab- bott & his own land. Due by right of trans, of 2 pers.* WILLIAM SMITH, 700 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Sept. 29, 1645, Page 38. Lying near Pagan Poynt, adj. Anthony Jones, Tristrum Norsworthy, Nicholas Smith called Pagan Poynt & Capt. John Upton, S. W. upon Hutchinsons Cr. deviding the marsh from the marsh of Capt. John Upton, which said marsh is a perfect Isle. Also 225 acs. of marsh land. 500 acs. due for trans, of 10 pers. by his late father, William Smith, & 425 acs. by assignment of rights for trans, of 9 pers. unto him by Anthony Jones, 25 acs. still due upon one name in the certificate. Names not given. JOHN WILLIAMS, 250 acs. War- wick Co., Sept. 29, 1645, Page 38. Bounded on W. by land of Mr. Tol- Patent Book No. 2 159 bott, S. by George Cookes, N. by Chris- topher Boyce. 100 acs. due by assign- ment of rights from John Phillips & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.* CAPT. JOHN FLOWER, Marinor 500 acs. Chas. Citty Co., Sept. 30, 1645, Page 39. Lyeing opposite to Swann Bay in Upper Chipoakes Cr., S. W. upon George Sherbutt, N. E. upon land formerly in the houlding of Samuell Ed- munds. 200 acs. part of a patent granted unto Thomas Plumer & Samuell Edmunds, Sept. 7, 1638, & by Plumer assigned to Jeremiah Dickeson Oct. 14, 1639 & by sd Dickinson conveyed to Capt. Flower by deed dated Mar. 1, 1640, & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.* CAPT. THOMAS PETUS (Pettus) one of his Majesty's Councill of State, 886 acs. James City Co., Apr. 7, 1643, Page 40. Neere Jockeys Neck, E. & N. upon the Secretary's land, E. N. E. & N. N. E. upon land of Mr. Secretary Kemp, N. W. upon Mr. George Mal- lam, S. W. upon the Gleab land Cr., S. upon the Gleab land & S. E. upon a br. of Archers Hope Cr. 250 acs. due by intermarriage with the relict & Execu- trix of Richard Durant, Deed., who had a patent dated 24 Aug. 1635; & 350 acs. by purchase of a patent to Alexan- der Stoner, & 286 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.* 14 acs. still due upon the last person nominated. JEREMY DICKINSON to JOHN FLOWERS, Marrinor, assignment of 200 acs. Mar. 5, 1640. Page 40. Witnesses: Benjamin Harrison, Bartha. Knipe, Tho- mas Convirs. This act and deed ack- nowledged in court holden before Capt. Humphrey Higginson & the rest of his Majesties Commissioners 12th Apr. 1641. Test: Joshua Knight. Being part of a patent granted unto Thomas Plumer & Samuell Edmunds & assigned to sd. Dickinson; lying on the Sly. side of land in the tenure of Robert Newton, etc. JOHN INGRAME, 150 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., Sept. 24, 1645, Page 42. Butting upon Poynt Comfort Cr., beg. at the Indian Spring, to a br. of Harris Cr. dividing this & land now in posses- sion of Humphrey Tabb. 100 acs. by assignment from Ellinor Phillips, & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 pers.* JOHN ROBINS, 2,000 acs. in Mock- jack bay, at mouth of Sedgey Cr., Sept. 24, 1645, Page 43. Due by former patent & assignment from Capt. William Brocus. MR. EDWARD MAJOR, 300 acs. Warwick Co., Sept. 24, 1645, Page 43. W. upon land of John Salford, now in occupation of Thomas Falkener, adj. Thomas Godby. Due for trans, of 6 pers. Sd. land formerly granted to Severall pers: Pharoah Flinton, 150 acs., Giles Allington, 100 acs., & Wil- liam Bentley, 50 acs. (individually) & by them deserted. CAPT. THOMAS BERNARD, 300 acs. on the Southerly side of Warwick River, Sept. 24, 1645, Page 44. Abut- ting E. upon Lt. Gilbert Peppett, etc., towards the church there arrected & built, & bet. Colstones Is. & Cedar Is. Due for trans, of 6 pers.* Formerly granted to Robert Poole but being de- serted is now granted unted sd. Bernard according to the custom of the country. MR. PETER WALKER, 150 acs. Northampton Co., Page 44. (Not dated). S. upon old plantation Cr., along the back of the mayne bay. Trans, of 3 pers.* 140 acs. formerly granted unto John Blore, deed. & by him de- serted. RADULPH HUNT, 300 acs. War- wick Co., Nov. 28, 1645, Page 45. Beg. at the Myles End of a place called the Common Garden house, S. E. towards land of Mr. Wetheasbye & N. upon land commonly called Thomas Watts his plantation. Trans, of 6 pers.* RALPH BARLOWE, Merchant, 150 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., Mar. 18, 1645, Page 45. E. upon Richard Bolton, W. upon great swamp parting same from land of John Powell. Due by purchase from the lawfull Atty. of Capt. William Tucker to whom it was granted Sept. 20, 1624. THOMAS HILL, Gent., 600 acs. James Citty Co., Oct. 10, 1645, Page 46. 160 Cavaliers and Pioneers Lyeing at the Rich Neck, in two par- cells; part of same adj. Francis Peale & the Palisadoes. Due by purchase from Richard Kemp, being part of a 1,200 acr. patent purchased by Kemp of George Menefie. MR. WILLIAM DAYNES, 400 acs. Lower Norf. Co., Apr. 26, 1646, Page 46. Upon Ewd. side the mouth of Bullock Cr., down the Ewd. side of Sandy Point Creek, etc., running near the main river. Due for trans, of 8 pers: William Deynes, Phillis his wife, Richard Clerke, Joane Russell, Michael Webb, Abdala Moore, Hamurt Amore, John Branch. WILLIAM STOREY, 200 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Nov. 20, 1645, Page 47. Upon Ewd. side of the N. W. br. of Nansimond Riv. about 4 mi. up the br., bet. Thomas Emarson & Francis Maul- den. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Bayley, Wm. Story, John Scull, Harbor Kogan. RICHARD CLARKE, V/ 2 acs. in James Island, near the frigget, June 5, 1646. Page 47. The }4 acr. formerly granted to William Chapman & pur- chased by Clarke; the other acre a younger grant to sd. Clarke and adj. Wly. upon the halfe acre, which in- cludes the Cow penn. RICHARD BARTLETT, 200 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Sept. 27, 1645, Page 48. Lyeing at the head of Chuckatucke, adj. Humphrey Scowen, & Peter Rey. Formerly granted to said Bartlett & Henry Bradley by order of Court at James Citty dated Oct. 5, 1643, with this proviser: that it be not to the prejudice of any former grant and that they build a mill upon same. Bradley surrendered his moiety to sd. Bartlett, to whom it is due for his per. adv. & trans, of 3 pers.* Whereas there was this fifth day of June produced to the Board a Survey under the hand of James Cockett and John Senior, Surveyors, sworne, of the land belonging to the place of Gover- nour, being 3000 acres, as alsoe of 1090 acs. belonging to Sir William Berkeley, Km., the present Governour, etc. Lease of 70 acs. for 21 yrs. & confirmation of former patent for 1,090 acs. unto Sir William Berkeley, Govr., in right of trans, of 22 pers. Sd. 1,090 acs. adj. Robert Wetherell & William Edwards, E. upon Powehetan, S. S. E. upon land belonging to the place of Governour, W. towards Capt. Freeman, W. S. W. upon Chickahominie path, etc. Correc- ted survey made by James Cockett & John Senier. Grant signed by: John West, Richard Kemp, Samll. Matthews, W. Brocas, Tho. Pettid, Henry Brown, Hum. Higginson, Richard Townstend, Members of Councill. The names of the persons upon which the within men- tioned land containing 1,090 acs., is due was procured in court the 6th day of June, 1646, & are all hereunder written, there remayning due unto sd. Berkeley 13 pers. to take up land & 10 acs. of the last name to make good this right: Richard Polden, Thomas Bristow, John Williams, Robert Winscill, Robert Haines, Thomas Yealke, William Jack- son, Robert Jones, Roger Lynard, John Gullis, Bryan Burton, Edmd. Higbie, John Ashbifoote, Tho. Ethell, Richard Westbery, Eliza. Asselbie, Thomas Bas- sett, Tho. Griffith, Wm. Lamb, Jane Stockell, Robert Buxton, Geo. Hughes, Wm. Fowke, Tho. Mason, Leo. Patrick, Stephen Johnson, John Allingsworth (Attingsworth ?) Nicho. Dawbee, Alice Vynall, Mary Pearson, John Cole, Rich- ard Purdie, John Dasvie, Tho. Mallard, Richard Swann, 35 psons. EDWARD BLAND, of London, Merchant, 2,000 acs. Lawnes Creeke, July 7, 1646, Page 50. S. upon land of Alice Delke, widdow, N. upon William Spencer, E. upon sd. cr., & W. towards Chipoake Cr. Due by purchase from Capt. William Peirce & assignment of a patent dated June 22, 1635. MR. WILLIAM DAVIS, 500 acs. James Citty Co., June 2, 1646, Page 51. Lyeing betwixt the horse path & the head of Archers Hope Cr., S. S. W. upon an older devident purchased of Capt. Pott, N. N. W. upon George Lake & George Wyatt. Due by surren- der of patent, dated 28 June 1639, the rights being taken out of the same to make good this patent. ~;j»? l-~~J&:ML. m ./#. &z WU ...4*...* Ur >,.'//„ n.„* !<.,- ,.<..■ /A.,./,....,.. A...S*,,* «y*< /\^..» //;/,,..,» ty, ir) .,>, ' .,/s ,*-* .... . /,//../.>. ,.,.',;.., *. *., -.:;/>» ,../. *<< < fc£* ; 4^ -^^:4;;fe::;::?^:;:::r^ e\7 ►/rr. £,-. /■■^r-/"^-: .,»-...•... 4?JM1 ^r:;..^ . a**?*-^* - -.- vr*s These two facing illustrations show pages of the Nicholas Martiau Patent, proving the importation of Martiau, his wife and daughter, etc., to the colony. Martiau was , j / •». // /., . , ,.»^,.». •/•<""' /Jf* 3 ^ *%/*•*♦* •"** ' *f fii,' ^». \ • 7"7 '7' .*';t / //' "J r--r'- ^ ... I Patent Book No. 2 161 GEORGE LUDLOWE, Esqr., 1927 acs., Yorke Co., July 26, 1646, Page 51. Beg. at Wormeleys Cr. on the S. side of Charles Riv., etc., adj. Mill land belong- ing to Warwick River, and to land of Hugh Allen. Several tracts aggregating 475 acs. lately in the possession of: Henry Brook, Richard Kinsey, Richard Smith, Thomas Jolly, deed., & Jo. Mat- teram. 600 acs. part formerly granted unto Martin Boke, Apr. 24, 1637 & due Ludlowe by order of court; 750 acs. more called Yorke Plantation by pur- chase from George Menefye, to whom the same was morgaged by Sir John Harvey, as appeareth by deed. LUCY WEBSTER, JUDITH WEB- STER & JANE WEBSTER, 500 acs., commonly known by the name of Ar- chers Hope, in James Citty Co., July 20, 1646, Page 53. Bounding N. upon Archers Hope, S. upon maine river, W. upon Gleab Land Cr. & E. towards Far- lows Necke. 300 acs. part formerly granted unto William Spence & John Fowler, Jan. 20, 1619, & assigned by Thomas & Sarah Brice unto Roger Web- ster, father of sd. Lucy, Judith & Jane, & 200 acs. residue for trans, by Roger Webster of 4 pers: Elizabeth Clarke, Stephen , Edward Spatch, Susan Webster. LUCIE WEBSTER, 200 acs. Yorke Co., Apr. 20, 1646, Page 53. Daughter & heire of Roger Webster, deed. With- in the Parish of Hampton, beg. at 500 acs. formerly taken up by Mr. David Mansell for the use of the said Lucie Webster, adj. Christopher Abbott. Sd. 250 acs. formerly granted her Nov. 19, 1642, due for trans, of 5 pers.* by her father. GEORGE WIATT (Wyatt), 250 acs. James City Co., Oct. 4, 1645, Page 54. At the Middle Plantation, N. by E. along the Palisadoes & land of George Lake, S. by W. towards head of Archers Hope Cr. Due sd. Wyatt as followeth: 100 acs. purchased by Thomas Lucas & Tho. Gregorie of Capt. Popeley Feb. 1, 1641, by them sold to Thomas Heath, by him assigned to sd. Wyatt & George Lake, & 400 acs. purchased by sd. Wiatt & Lake of Capt. Popley Apr. 12, 1642, then equally divided between them, and the sd. 250 also due for trans, of 5 pers.* NICHOLAS WATTKINS, 130 acs. James City Co., Oct. 5, 1645, Page 55. Lyeing upon the head of Archers Hope Cr., adj. George Wyatt & land formerly belonging to Capt. Francis Potts. 100 acs. purchased from Capt. Richard Pop- ley July 13, 1642 & 30 acs. for trans, of 1 per.* CAPT. RICHARD POPELEY to NICHOLAS WATTKINS, 100 acs. up- on the Middle Plantation. Considera- tion: 875 Lbs. Tobacco. Page 55. Wit- ness: Thomas Heath. GEORGE LAKE, 250 acs. York Co., Oct. 4, 1645, Page 56. At the Middle Plantation, along the Pallisadoes, adj. land formerly belonging to Capt. Rich- ard Popeley, S. by W. towards Archers Hope Cr. (Same as Wiatt above). THOMAS CRAFTON, 670 acs. James City Co., Aug. 6, 1646, Page 57. At the head of the Sunken Marsh near the Up. Chipoake, adj. Henry White. Due by assignment of patent for the same by John Smith, dated 16 June 1642, to whom it was due for trans, of 13 pers.* CAPT. RICHARD POPELEY, of Va., Gent., to THOMAS GREGORY & THO. LUCAS, Planters, of Va., one plantation called by the name of the Middle House. Feb. 1, 1641. Page 58. Witness: John Shepard. THOMAS GREGORY & THOMAS LUCAS assignment to THOMAS HEATH of the above bill of sale. Aug. 19, 1642. Page 59. THOMAS HEATH assignment unto GEORGE LAKE & GEORGE WYATT, Jan. 29, 1643. Witness: Richard Pope- ley. Page 59. CAPT. RICHARD POPELEY of Va., Gent., sale to GEORGE LAKE & GEORGE WYATT, of Va., Coopers, 400 acs. Yorke Co., adj. the Midle House, (above) W. upon Richard Wat- 162 Cavaliers and Pioneers kins, & W. upon the Pallisadoes, etc. Apr. 12, 1642, Page 59. Witnesses: Thomas Heath & John Earle. PHILLIP BENNETT, Gent., 200 acs. Nansimond Co., Nov. 5, 1648, Page 60. On head branches of Robert Bennets Cr., adj. Antho. Weeles. Due by virtue of the rights of a grant made unto Robert Bennet, Feb. 18, 1638, & by sd. Phillip Bennet, Administrator of sd. Robert, re- signed into the office. THOMAS DAVIES, 600 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 9, 1648, Page 60. On black water branch, etc., and adj. land of Mr. John Seaward. Due sd. Davis as part of a former patent & 500 for trans, of 10 pers: Thomas Shipcot, Ed- mund Walter, Andrew Dickinson, Wal- ter Dale, Gilbert Fabian, Thomas Davis, John Edgcomb, Francis Howard, David Jerman, William May. JOHN LANDMAN, 300 acs. Nansi- mond Co., Apr. 9, 1648, Page 61. On E. side of the N. W. br. of Nansimond Riv. Trans, of 6 pers: Dorothy Cole, Edward Spencer, Richard Jones, Jno. Walton, Matt. Wallice, Tho. Brewer. JOHN LANDMAN, 250 acs. Nansi- mond Co., Apr. 9, 1648, Page 61. Adj. James Arthur & Peter Ells. Trans, of 5 pers: Edward Williams, Tho. Rich- ard, Patience Marken, John Read. THOMAS HINSON, 209 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Aug. 29, 1646, Page 62. Upon W. side of Beverley Cr. of New- town haven river, adj. Capt. John Up- ton. Due for trans, of 5 pers.* RICHARD LEE, Gent., "1,250 acs. of land being about six or seven miles up the narrows in Charles river alias York or Pomunkey river being a neck of land bounded between two branches or creek where the foot Company met with the Boats when they went pom- munkey March under the Command of Capt. William Claiborne," etc., upon the S. side of sd. river, extending itself towards Warranye Town. Due by as- signment from William Freeman of his right for trans, of 25 pers.* Aug. 20, 1646, Page 62. Note: This pattern surrendered & the names inserted under a patent for 1250 acres granted to said Lee 21 Dec. 1648. RICHARD PRESTON, Gent., 500 acs., Up. Norf. Co., Dec. 18, 1646, Page 63. Being upon the miles end of land of Thomas Jordan & Richard Young, on New Town haven River. 250 acs. by 2 former patents, & 250 by Caveat entered May 31, 1641, & con- firmed by order of a full Council Table, etc., for the trans, of 5 pers.* RICHARD GRIGSON, 400 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., Apr. 10, 1646, Page 64. Beg. at a ridge of land at a path leading from Nutmegg quarter to the poquoson, adj. Toby Smith & William Hampton. Due for trans, of 8 pers.* CAPT. THOMAS PETTUS, one of his Majesties Councill of State, 886 acs., James City Co., Apr. 11, 1643, Page 65. Lyeing near Jockeys Neck, bounded E. & N. upon Secretary's land, E. N. E. & N. N. E. upon Mr. Secretary Kemp, N. N. W. upon Geo. Mallen, S. W. up- on Gleab land Cr., S. upon the Gleab land & S. E. upon a br. of Archers Hope Cr. 250 acs. by intermarriage with the relict & Exix. of Richard Durrant, & 350 acs. by purchase of patent from Alexander Stoner, & 286 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.,* and 14 acs. remaining due. LANCASTER LEVILT, (or Levitt), 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Oct. 1, 1646, Page 66. Beg. at an island to the West- ward of John Martin's house where Bennets Cr. divides itself into 3 branches in Low. Norf. Co. the island being bet. the S. and W. branch, etc. The follow- ing names are mentioned under this patent: Thomas Thompson, George Smith, James Foster, Thomas Lorymore, James Allen, John Traviell. SAMUELL STOUGHTON, 800 acs. Nansimond Co., Mar. 10, 1645, Page 66. Upon the second creek on the E. side of Nansimond Riv., adj. James Knott on the W., & by the head of Mr. George White. Part of a patent granted unto John Wilkins, by him sold unto Michael Willcoxe, dec'd., who be- queathed same unto Ellinor, relict of sd. Patent Book No. 2 163 Wilcox, and since conveyed by the sd. Ellinor unto Stoughton, with whom he hath since intermarried, and due to him for his per. adv. and trans, of 25 pers.* JOHN BROWN, 200 acs. Northamp- ton Co., Oct. 26, 1646, Page 67. Lye- ing at Nutsawattocke Cr., N. \v. upon Levinge Denwood. For trans, of 4 pers: John Brown, Ursula his wife, Robert Salisbury, Symon Smith. WILLIAM SHRIMPTON, Gent., (one of the Exors. of Dame Elizabeth Dale, Relict & sole Exix. of Sir Thomas Dale,) 1,000 acs., Northampton Co., Nov. 26, 1645. Page 68. Bounded E. on the Seaboard side on the land of the Old Plantation Cr. & S. by Edward Dowglass. Due as surviving & sole Exix. of Dame Elizabeth Dale & due Sir Thomas Dale by bill of adventure. The Right Worshipfull SIR THO- MAS DALE, Knt., Marshall of Va. (be- ing the first man of his Rank & Degree that hath undertaken that charge & place) hath not only adventured his per- son in that service in time of greatest difficulty but alsoe being at a great charge both in futhering the action & furnishing himselfe, the Councill of Va. at there meeting on the 18th of this Instant (upon special trust & confidence that as he hath begun soe he will pro- ceed & continue in advancing soe Xpian & noble an action have with uniforme consent thought fit that verry Exterodi- nary consideration be now had of him and such as in futer times shall be no means be drawn unto president upon any occasion whatsoever they therefore agree that his person should be rated at the Summe of Seven hundred pounds and that he the said Sr Thomas Dale his heires Exors. & Admrs. or assignes shall have ratablv according to the said Summe his & their full part of all such Lands Tenements and hereditaments as shall from time to time be their re- covered planted and inhabited and of such mines & mineralls of gould and silver and other mettalls or treasur pearles precious stones or any kind of wares or merchandize, commodities or profits whatsoever wch. shall be obtained or gotten in the said Voyage in as am- ple manner as any other Adventurer therein shall peaceably receive for the like summe. Written this 25th of Feb- ruary Anno Domini 1610. Signed Ed- ward Mayer. Note: This copia agreeth with the originall under the Seale of the Vir- ginia Company Examined this 12th day of October 1643, by us under written. Signed Solo. Sebright Francis Mosse No. pub. Page 68. THOMAS JOHNSON, Gent., 600 acs. Northampton Co., June 4, 1646, Page 69. At Naswattock Cr., bounded on S. W. by a cr. separating same from James Bruse on the N. W. by the maine Cr. etc. Trans, of 12 pers.* MR. JOHN ROSYER, 200 acs. Northampton Co., neare Kings Cr., July 10, 1646, Page 69. Bounded on N. by part of an ancient grant made to Capt. Epps, on W. by the main bay, & on S. by land formerly belonging to Matthew Petts. 100 acs. hereof formerly granted unto William Andrews, Mar. 14, 1628, by him sold to Ellias Taylor July 6, 1640, & purchased by said Rosyer of Ann Taylor relict & Admx. of Ellias by deed dated 19 July 1641 ; 50 acs. pur- chased by sd. Taylor of Capt. William Stone, the lawfull Atty. of Capt. Wil- liam Epps, 3 June 1640, & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 per.* THOMAS DAVIS, 300 acs. Nansi- mond Co., Aug. 10, 1644, Page 70. On Beverley Cr. a br. of Newtown haven Riv., adj. patent land of Mr. Thomas Jordan, deed. & Thomas Poole, etc. 100 acs. by former patent dated 23 Nov. 1637, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* THOMAS DAVIS, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Nov. 12, 1646, Page 71. About 2 mi. up a cr. formerly called Warrasquiack. Due by purchase of a patent dated 7 July 1635 from Benja- min Harrison, & ack. in court for James City Co. June 8, 1646. JOHN GARRETT, 400 acs., Up. Norf. Co., July 25, 1646, Page 71. Up- on Indian Cr. issuing from W. br. of 164 Cavaliers and Pioneers Nansimum Riv., adj. William Hatfeild. Formerly granted unto him by patent dated 22 May 1642 for trans, of 8 pers.* WILLIAM JACOB, 232 acs., Up. Norf. Co., Feb. 10, 1645, Page 72. Up- on S. side of Newtown haven river, adj. John Garret & Henry Bradley. Trans, of 5 pers.: Robert Thrickmorton, Rich- ard Flint, Robert Caps, Ann Bridges, Henry Welchurch. ELIZA. AMBROSE, Widdow, 100 acs. Eliz. City Co., Aug. 6, 1646, Page 73. On the main river side, adj. lands of George Keth, Ralph Hunt & Bartho- lomew Wethersby. Trans, of 2 pers.* PETER MOUNTAGUE, 150 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Dec. 18, 1645. Page 73. Upon Ewd. side of the main head of New Town haven river, at miles end of land of Humphrey Scowen. Trans. of 3 pers.* GEORGE LUDLOWE, Esqr., 1,452 acs. York Co., 21 July 1646, Page 74. Beg. at the mouth of a cr. on the S. side of Charles River called Wormeleys Cr., adj. the mill land belonging to Warrick Riv. & Hugh Allen's land, parallel to land of the late Capt. Wormeley,etc. 600 acs. part thereof formerly granted unto Martin Vaker (Baker ?), 750 acs. called Yorke Plan- tation by purchase from George Menefie Esqr., to whom same was mortgaged by Sir John Harvey; & 102 acs. for trans. of 2 pers., & 750 acs. for trans, of 15 pers.: Phillip Bowden, John Nerve, Henry Davis, John Bemberry, Nicho. lego, Bassett Sax, Richard Oxon, Tho- mas Bacock, Mary Fitch, Jno. Fleet, Jno. Mission (?), Sarah Spittlewood, Rich- ard Collins, Tho. Lewis, John Gerford, William Berton, Robert Caldwell. JEREMY BLACKMAN, Marinor, 1,400 acs. Henrico Co., Mar. 14, 1646, Page 75. S. upon land of Mr. Christo- pher Branch, E. on the river, W. into the woods & N. with a falling creek. Due by purchase of patent from Howard Horsey, dated 12 Feb. 1638, to whom it was granted for trans, of 28 pers.* JOHN BROWN, 100 acs. Northamp- ton Co., Oct. 1, 1646, Page 75. At Naswattocke Cr., adj. his former devi- dent, land of Lenning Denwood & land of Garrett Andrews. Trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Heath, & Ann his wife. MICHAELL WILLIAMS, 250 acs. Northampton Co., Oct. 11, 1646, Page 75. At Naswattock Cr., adj. James Bruse & land formerly belonging to Henry Wede (or Neede). Trans, of 5 pers: Lewis White, Thomas Willson, Francis Stafford, Mary Pedenden, Sarah Williams. THOMAS JOHNSON, Gent., 1,000 acs. Northampton Co., Apr. 9, 1647, Page 76. At Occohannock Cr., beg. at the western part of Mattasip Neck. Due by assignment of William Waters Gent., for trans, of 20 pers: Edward Waters, Anthony Bruster, Pershiphall Bateman, Wm. Arnold, Jacob Ingleton, Wm. Rider, Henry (or Henryett) Barke, Samuell Nicholls, Wm. Cowley, Ed- ward Bryan, Wm. Warren, John Miles, Jno. Dyer, Catherine Middleton, Robert Todd, Richard Dickson, Christian Dick- son, Robert Hobson, Wm. Loftis, Wm. Wywell (or Wynell). LAWRENCE WARD & JOHN KING, 100 acs., Isle of Wight Co., 21 Nov. 1645, Page 76. Near head of a br. of New town haven river., adj. Mr. Seward & Capt. John Upton. Trans, of 2 pers: John Archer, Richard Markes. JAMES BRUSE, 500 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 21 Mar. 1645, Page 77. At Nasawattockes Cr., adj. Christopher Johnson. Trans, of 10 pers.: James Bruse, Wm. Wells, Katherin Parsons, Marke Bromfeild, Richard Buckland, Thomas Church, Jane Williams, David Wheatley, Henry King, Richard Mich- aell. ROGER TOHNS, 250 acs. Northamp- ton Co., Nov. 28, 1645, Page 77. At Naswattock Cr., adj. John Towlson. Trans, of 5 pers: Roger Johns, Richard Johns, Jacob Johns, John Adams, Mich. Curret. RICHARD JACOB, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., Nov. 28, 1645, Page 77. At Naswattock Cr., bounded on the N. Patent Book No. 2 165 by the broad creek, adj. Marke Hamon & James Perin. Trans, of 6 pers: Hun. Corbin, Sam. Ward, Sam. Gilbert, Sith Swayne, Tho. Cracker (or Crocker), Nazar. Attocke. WALTER ASTON, Gent., 1,040 acs. Charles City Co., Aug. 12, 1646, Page 78. 200 acs. near Sherley Hundred, S. upon a cr. formerly called Wattkins Cr., E. upon Hugh Coxe, dec'd. & W. upon land where sd. Aston now lives. 500 acs. upon Wattkins Cr., W. upon Sher- lye Hundred & E. upon land formerly belonging to Natha. Causesey, but now in possession of sd. Aston; 250 acs. on the great river, E. on Causeys planta- tion, S. upon Capt. Epps' land in the island & N. on land of Robert Partin. 200 acs. by patent dated Dec. 10, 1620 unto Natha. Cassey & due Aston by purchase from John Cassey by bill of sale Feb. 7, 1634; 590 acs. by patent for the per. adv. of himself & his wife Warbowe & trans, of 10 pers.* 250 acs. the residue for trans, of 5 pers.* JOHN CAWSEY, Planter, of Chas. City in Va., unto Walter Auston, Gent, of Causes Cleare, by estimation 200 acs. neare Sherley hundred, S. upon Henry Watkins Cr., N. upon the main land, E. upon the Company land & W. upon land of Robert Brown. Consideration: 1,000 wt. of Tobacco & 1 cowe already to him delivered. Feb. 7, 1634, Page 78. Signed: John Cawsey. Witnesses: Richard Milton, Daniell LLuellin. THOMAS SEAWELL, 300 acs. lying in the old poquoson forrest, near the head of a back river, adj. William Hampton, William Armestead, the land of Mr. Purifie now in the possession of sd. Seawell. Trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Rankins, Susan Holt, Wm. Palmer, Sam. Davis, Tho. Poole, Ailce Wilson. Sept. 30, 1646, Page 80. COL. HENRY BISSHOP (Bishop), 1,200 acs. James City Co., Oct. 20, 1646, Page 81. On the S. side of James River commonly called by the name of Lower Chipoak. Adj. lands of William Carter & William Nusum. Due sd. Bishop as followeth: 600 acs. part of a patent granted to Capt. William Powell, which land descended to George Powell, son & heir to sd. Capt. Powell, since deceased & afterwards for want of an heir was escheated, then granted to Sir William Berkeley, by whom it was as- signed with the rights thereunto belong- ing to Col. Bishop, & 600 acs. for trans, of 12 pers: Col. Henry Bishop, Willm. Martin, William Mason, Margaret Thompson, Nicholas Chilman, Robert Arey, Wm. Wheatley, Grace Aldersey, Tho. Spincke, Tho. Ludwell, Jno. Soaper, Tho. Price. ELIZABETH CLAIBORNE, wife of Capt. Wm. Claiborne, his Majesty's Treasurer of this Colony of Va., 700 acs. in the Corporation of Eliz. City, Nov. 26, 1647, Page 82. On the E. side of land commonly called the Strawberry Land, partly on the land of Buck Roe, adj. William Wilkinson, Clarke, Point Comfort Cr., & land in the possession of heirs of Thomas Oldis, & the Gleab Land. Due for trans, of 14 pers.,* made over and granted to her by her husband in nature and lieu of a jointure, accord- ing to a former order of Ct., 11 June 1644. THOMAS BABE, 300 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Oct. 6, 1646, Page 82. On S. side of Indian Cr., a br. of the Wwd. br. of Nansimum Riv. Trans, of 6 pers: Lawrence Peeters, William Poyter, Giles Webb, Ann Barnes, Richard Bernes, Tobias Stephens. THOMAS BABE, 150 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Oct. 6, 1646, Page 82. Adj. Tho- mas Hampton & his own land. Trans, of 3 pers: Henry Marriott, John Davys, Nicholas Dixson. JOHN ASHCOMB, 829 acs., Up. Norf. Co., Oct. 7, 1646, Page 83. Beg. at miles end of Michael Wilcox, adj. land of George White, E. to a place called Newgate, to Laughleys Cr. be- longing to the Wwd. br. of Elizabeth River. 250 acres due by virtue of the rights of a patent granted sd. Ashcomb Mar. 6, 1638, which patent is surren- dered, & 600 acres for trans, of 12 pers: John Ashcomb, Winifrid Ashcomb, John Ashcomb, Junr., Wm. Lasher, Richard Galloway, James Goodcross, 166 Cavaliers and Pioneers Madelew (or Madelene) Powell, Henry Jones, Edward Wood, Martha Lylls, Elizabeth Coram, John Moore, Winifrid Jones, Tho. Salsberry, Gilbert Lake, Ed- ward Prince, Mary Gallaway. THOMAS WRIGHT, 460 acs. Lower Norf. Co., Apr. 26, 1647, Page 84. Up- on the Northward side of the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. on an island, near mouth of Wrights Cr., to the Swd. side of Cowards Cr. & adj. John Ridford. Part due by patent to him dated 14 July, 1635 & assignment of 310 acs. from Cornelius Loyd of 6 pers. imported: Robert Smythwood, Thomas Lustcomb, Thomas Aston, John Leigh, Robert Sorrell, John Sorrell. ELIZABETH BARCROFT, 1,200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., June 17, 1647, Page 84. Near the head of Sewards Cr., Adj. Mr. Cooper & Capt. Barnard. Trans, of 24 pers: Char. Barcroft, Arth. Buckley, Alice Prichard, John Hardy, Elias Colewell, Eliz. Waters, Edmond Green, Geo. Minners, Owen Middleton, Jno. Godwin, Jon. Bilbey, Bridget Cal- cup, Cha. Barcroft, Jno. Lewis, Martin Crafford, Wm. Leur (Lour), John Big- hill, Wm. Downing, Fran. Anderson, Dorothy Darling, Edm. Graves, Garrett Wynn, Arth. Floyd, Charles Barcroft. LAWRENCE PEETERS, 300 acs. Nansimum Co., June 17, 1647. (Date erased). Upon head br. of N. W. br. of Nansimum Riv. called Indian Cr., adj. William Story & John Garwood. Trans, of 6 pers: Morgan Williams, Richard Parker, Robert Price, Thomas Norris, Israeli Harris, Hen. Berthole- mewe. Page 85. THOMAS PARKER, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Nov. 15, 1647, Page 85. On a br. of Edwards Cr. known as Ashen Swamp, adj. Richard Jackson. Due by assignment of patent from Tho- mas Morrey (Murrey). PEETER KNIGHT, 255 acs. Isle of Wight Co., called Basses Choice, May 10, 1643, Page 86. Near Pagan Bay & Dawsons Cr. & land of Mr. Peter Hall. Trans, of 6 pers: Peter Knight, Thomas Harris, James Foster, Edward Wells, William Nicholas, Thomas Cobb. MR. ROBERT VAUSE, 400 acs. Yorke Co., Sept. 17, 1647, Page 86. Upon Queens Cr., bounding along Hart- wells Cr. & Maiden Swamp Cr. Part of grant of 650 acs. to John Hartwell, as- signed to Vause & Tobias Freere, & by Nicholas Jernew, Atty. of sd. Freer, wholly assigned to sd. Vause. MR. GEORGE WHITE, Clerke, 900 Nansimond Co., & part in Low. Norf. Co., April 22, 1648, Page 87. Beg. at a place called Newgate, adj. lands of John Ashton, Thomas Brown, William Read & Capt. Thomas Barbage. On Browns bay, a Wwd. br. of Eliz. Riv. & nigh the head of Bullocks Cr. Trans, of 18 pers: George White, Margaret his wife, Wm. Boniday, Mich. Ware, William Waters, John Williams, John Hobson, Wm. Wright, Walter Harson, Mary Barkeley, Grego. Allen, William Len- non, Henry Morgan, Thomas Gastrey, Abra. Johnson, Xtopr. Norton, John Newman, Peter Raven. JOHN KING & LAWRENCE WARD, 500 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 19, 1648, Page 87. On the end of the br. of the Pagan Bay Cr. called the Freechat, beg. at Turkey Hill. Trans, of 10 pers: Thomas Reere, (or Reeve). Thomas Everard, Danll. Goulson, Robert Taylor, Rich. Andrewes, Thomas Fran- chiss, John King, Elizabeth his wife. Fortune the servt., John King the 2nd time. LIEUT. FRANCIS MASON, 200 acs. Low. Co. of New Norf., Mar. 22, 1645, Page 88. 150 acs. in Linn haven at a cr. to the W. of John Holmes' house, adj. Giles Collinns, & 50 acs. being 3 smaller hammocks of land joined to- gether upon Hogg Island in Little Cr. in Linn haven. Due by former patent & trans, of 4 pers.* JOSEPH CROSHAWE, 700 acs. Charles River Co., June 20, 1646, Page 88. Beg. at the Mill Sw., near lands of Richard Major & John Davis. Trans, of 14 pers: Thomas Cooper, Jno. Fletcher, Patent Book No. 2 167 Richard Page, Wm. Smith, Seath Patrick, Fra. Hofe, Susan Hall, Tho. Mors, Jno. Walker, Jno. Wright, Tho- mas Sanders, Ann Wilch, Tho. Hin- shaw, Richard Whitley. EDWARD MAJOR, Gent., 450 acs. with 50 acs. of marsh, Nansimum Co., Feb. 10, 1645, Page 89. On the N. side of Nansimum Riv., beg. on Ewd. side of the mouth of Majors Cr., etc., adj. land of Mr. Oliver Spry. 450 acs. by a former patent & 50 acs. for trans. of 1 per.* NICHOLAS BROOKE, the Younger, Merchant, 500 acs. commonly called the Middle Plantation, Yorke Co., Aug. 13, 1646, Page 90. Lying S. W. upon the Palisadoes, & land formerly belonging to Thomas Lucas, N. W. upon the great swamp. Formerly granted Capt. Rich- ard Popeley for his first seating, by him sold to Henry Brooke the younger, mer- chant, & since conveyed to sd. Nicholas. HENRY BROOKE, Jr., Merchant to NICHOLAS BROOKE, assignment of the above. Consideration: 7,000 Lbs. Tobacco with cask. Mar. 3, 1645, Page 90. Witnesses: Samll. Abbott & Edm. Mathewes, Possession of the above plantation was delivered to said Henry by Elizabeth, the relict & Admix, of said Popeley. ELIZABETH & RATCHELL ROB- BINS, Orphants of Edward Robins, 350 acs. in Northampton Co., June 4, 1646, Page 91. Adj. land of Samuell Scott, Mr. Taylor & Mr. John Salvadge. Trans, of 7 pers: Edward Robbins, Thomas Joyner, Oliver , Lawrence Stanfeild, Nicho. Rainhard, Abra. Boothes, An- thony James. RICHARD MOORE & WILLIAM WELTON, 250 acs. Up. Norf. Co.. Apr. 23, 1646, Page 91. Adj. land of Mr. Richard Bennet & Mr. Phillip Ben- net. Trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Johnson, Danll. Johnson, Richard Moore, James Daley, Thomas Moore. THOMAS TODD, 50 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Mar. 5, 1645, Page 92. Up- on Swd. side of the Ewd. br. of Eliza. River. Due by former patent & also for trans, of 1 pers.* JAMES HAWLEY, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 10, 1647, Page 93. Upon the head of the lower bay creeke, adj. land of John Rowe. By virtue of a former patent. WILLIAM HOCKADAY, 500 acs. Yorke Co., Aug. 6, 1646, Page 93. On the S. side of Charles River near the Narrowes, N. W. by W. upon Warrany Cr. N. E. by E. upon the river, and S. E. by E. towards Ware Creek. Trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Cartar, Rich. Parker, Jno. Sturrupp, Henry Mason, Ben. Haward, Morian Jones, Charles Brooke, Edmond Strechey, Henry Mason, Charles Engard. JOHN BROACH, 300 acs. York Co., July 9, 1646, Page 94. Neare the Midle Plantation, adj. Nicholas Brooke, S. S. W. upon the Horse path, W. by N. upon land of Nicholas Sabbrell N. by E. upon the Indian Spring and S. E. towards Samuell Mathewes. Trans, of 6 pers: Robert Hand, Antho. Shandall, Mathew Todd, Ann Richards, Mary Ed- wards, John Woldridge. DAVID JONES, 650 acs. Charles City Co., Nov. 20, 1646, Page 94. Bet. 2 creeks opposite against Taphanna Marsh upon the Northerly side of the River, being a neck of land E. S. E. upon David Jones Cr. 300 acs. by former patent & 350 acs. due for trans, of 7 pers: Richard Wolfe, Tho. Peacock, Peteer Debar, Ja. Thompson, Fra. Rocke, Margaret Weym'ke (Wey- marke), Mary Hunter. DANIELL LLUELLIN, 956 acs., June 4, 1645, Page 95. The Norther- most part. beg. above Mrs. Heymans, N. on the up. branches of Turkey Is. Cr., S. on the head of Mr. Astons land; the Southermost part extending on Mr. As- tons land & W. upon Joseph Ryalls bet. Dockham Cr. & Sherley Hundred; 100 acs. in Sherley Hundred, adj. Robert Bourne & John Harris. 100 acs. pur- chased of Robert Partin, the elder, granted sd. Partin Feb. 20, 1619, & conveyed by Robert Partin the elder & 168 Cavaliers and Pioneers Robert Partin the younger, his sonn, unto sd. Lluellin by deed dated Apr. 13, 1642. The residue by former patent for trans, of 17 pers.* JAMES BAGNOLL, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., July 25, 1646, Page 95. Up- on the head br. of the Clarkes Cr. be- longing to the W. Br. of Eliz. Riv., adj. land of Mr. George White & Mr. Rich- ard Bennet. Due by former patent for trans, of 4 pers.* CAPT. ROBERT HUTCHINSON, 475 acs. James City Co., Aug. 31, 1646, Page 96. 350 acs. within Chickahamo- nie Riv., adj. George Vinoyn (or Unwyn), & 125 acs. upon Checkroes Cr. 350 acs. by purchase from Thomas Paul & 125 by purchase from George Vunoyn ?. EDWARD HALL, Admr. of the es- tate of Thomas Cooper, June 10, 1646, Page 97. 200 acs. in Low Norf. Co., near the head of Chesepeian Riv. Due by assignment of patent of Lancaster Levet, and due for trans, of 4 pers.* THOMAS BRICE, 150 acs. Up. Norf. Co., June 6, 1646, Page 97. Upon Ewd. side of the N. W. br. of Nansimum Riv., against Indian Cr., adj. George Showning & Francis Maiden. 100 acs. due by former patent & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 person.* ROBERT BYRD, 150 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Mar. 4, 1646, Page 98. Up- on a br. of the lower baye called Se- wards Cr., beg. at the mouth of Goose Hill Cr., adj. E. S. E. upon Hugh Winn & W. N. W. upon John Steward (or Seward). Formerly granted to William Yarrett for trans, of 3 pers.* Due sd. Byrd "under the hands of Hugh Wynn & William Yarret, Oct. 20, 1641. THOMAS MOUNFORD, 200 acs. New Norf. Co., Mar. 5, 1646, Page 99. Upon W. br. of Nansimum Riv., adj. William Stories land. Formerly granted to Richard Heynes, by him sold to Tho- mas Hamond, by him sold to John Freebody, who conveyed same to sd. Mounford. Due Heynes for trans, of 4 pers.* WILLIAM LAWRENCE, 300 acs. James City Co., Apr. 6, 1647, Page 99. Lyeing on Hogg Island maine, bounded on the S. of Mr. Thomas Stamp, N. to- wards Shippeaks Cr. & on E. with Mr. Butler. Due by former patent for trans, of 6 pers.* JOHN GARRET, 232 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Mar. 5, 1645, Page 100. Upon the S. side of New town haven Riv., adj. John Garwood & Henry Bradley. Formerly granted unto William Jacob, by him assigned & due sd. Garret for trans, of 5 pers.* MR. WILLIAM BROWNING, 650 acs. James City Co., Apr. 10, 1646, Page 100. Within the limits of Archers Hope, E. upon the Ponds dividing this land from Martins Hundred. 400 acs. formerly granted unto George Sandis, Esqr., by patent dated 4 Dec. 1624, and by him sold to Edward Grindall who left it to his heir in England that con- stituted Capt. Brocas & Mr. Thomas Harwood his Attorneys to dispose of same, and who sold same unto Jno. Browning, father of sd. William. 250 acs. formerly granted unto John Jeffer- son in 1619, after granted unto Mr. John Uti by order of court, Oct. 16, 1628, & by sd. Uti for a valuable con- sideration sold unto sd. John Browning Nov. 27, 1629, unto all of which sd. William is now heir apparent by descent from the sd. John. JOHN UTY, of Hogg Is. in Va., Gent., have bargained and sold all the rights and interests of my plantation whereupon I am now seated, called Utopia, unto JOHN BROWNING, of Eliz. City, Gent. Consideration: 3,000 Lbs. Tobacco & 3,500 of (blank). Nov. 27, 1629, Page 101. Witnesses: Geo. Menefie & James Chambers. Signed: John Utye. JAMES WARRADINE, 470^4 acs., July 8, 1647, Page 101. Adj. John Chaplin. Formerly granted unto Tho- mas Mathewes and made void for want of seating within the time limited. Due sd. Warradaine for trans, of 10 pers. assigned unto him by James Powell: Robert Williams, Hugh Stile, Thomas Patent Book No. 2 169 Calton, Phillip Prendergast, Richard Smith, Tho. Warren, Eliza. Pall, Rach. Williams, 2 Negroes. JOHN SIDNEY, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Aug. 18, 1647, Page 102. Upon S. side of the Ewd. br. of Eliza. Riv., beg. at the mouth of Tomakins Cr. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Dunton, Thomas Wattkins, Daniell Maley, Mary Peirce, Sarah King, Margery Brough. NICHOLAS WILLIAMS, 50 acs., James Citty Co., Aug. 7, 1647, Page 103. Upon the N. side of Ralphs Cr. 21 yr. lease. Fee rent: 2 bbls. sound & sweet Indian corne, etc. SAMUELL ABBOTT, 400 acs. Nansi- mum Co., Oct. 10, 1646, Page 103. Up- on the head of Indian Cr., a br. of W. br. of Nansimum Riv., adj. William Story. Trans, of 8 pers: Tho. Johnson, Wm. Hewes, Richd. Webb, Tho. Thompson, Richard Smith, John Blend, Henry Foster, Richard Williams. WILLIAM LUCAS, 800 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Aug. 22, 1647, Page 104. Beg. 2 points below the place where the Bay devides itself into two branches, etc. Formerly granted unto Casar Huggett, Dec. 21, 1643, & due sd. Lucas by in- termarriage with the relict & Adm'x. of sd. Huggett, and taken up by said Lucas as deserted land. EDWARD HALL, 400 acs. Low. New Norf. Co., Sept. 18, 1646, Page 104. Upon the S. W. side of the mas- ter br. of Bennets Cr., about a mile above John Gookins Landing place. Trans, of 8 pers: John Clarke, Jno. Underwood, Hum. Hall, Thomas Clay, Robert Nigent, Richard Knight, Edward Cannon, Ann, his wife. THOMAS HAMPTON, Clerk, parcel of land in James Island behind the Church, June 12, 1644, Page 105. Con- taining from the Eastermost bounds Westerly 112 paces, 5 ft. to the pace, and running the same breadth Nly. to the back river, being 8 acres. Due by Act of Assembly, Feb. 20, 1636, con- cerning "Undertakers to build upon James City Island." JOHN WILLIAMS, 150 acres, War- wick Co., Aug. 30, 1647, p. 105. Near the head of Deep Cr., adj. James Merry- man. Part of a patent granted unto John Rodis, who assigned same to Merryman, who sold to sd Williams. JOHN LEWIS & RICHARD WOO- TON, 100 acs. Warwick Co., Aug. 30, 1647, Page 106. At the head of Deep Cr., upon Shotball quarter, adj. James Merryman. Due by purchase from sd. Merryman. JAMES STONE, Merchant & NICO- LAS JERNEW, Planter, 564 acs. Yorke Co., Nov. 4, 1647, Page 106. Upon Charles Riv. bet. Queens & Savages Crks. 500 acs. formerly granted sd. Jernew & 164 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* RICHARD WILKINSON, 236 acs., Isle of Wight Co., Aug. 13, 1646, Page 107. Opposite Pagan Point, N. W. up- on a swamp dividing same from land of Mr. John Moone. "100 acs. being granted unto Dorothy Woodward the Daughter Woodward, by order of Court at James City 29th Aug. 1633 & pur- chased by sd. Wilkinson of Richard Death." 136 acs. for trans, of 5 pers.* JOHN FLYNE, 50 acs. Yorke Cr., Aug. 20, 1646, Page 107. Upon Chees- mans Cr., adj. land upon which he lives. Due for trans, of: John Peagler. THOMAS HOLMES, 200 acs. in Yorke River, Oct. 7, 1647, Page 108. Oposite the mouth of Matapony, above land of Martin Westerlin. Due by as- signment from Thomas Heath of sur- vey & certificate for 4 pers.: Mary Me- land, Mary Heath, Nicholas Rogers, Tho. Griffeth. WILLIAM BLACKEY, 300 acs. Yorke Co., July 29, 1647, Page 108. Opposite to Pamunkee Landing place, S. E. & N. upon land of Martin Wester- lincke. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Brown, Eliza, his wife, Debora Brown, Richard Hopkins, Wm. Blackey, Step. Young. LEONARD PETTOCK, 500 acs. Ac- comack Co., July 7, 1647, Page 108. 170 Cavaliers and Pioneers At Naswattock Cr., beg. at westermost part of land of John Major. Due for trans, of 10 pers: Chr. Graves, William Wright, John Scearle, Roger Wormsley, Eliza. Richards, Fra. Harber, Jacob Mathews, Henry Frith, Henry Hans- horne. WILLIAM WHITTINGTON, 450 acs. Northampton Co., July 13, 1647, Page 109. Being a neck of land at Nas- wattocke Cr., bet. Daw's Neck & Major Neck. Due for trans, of 9 pers: William Whitington, Susan his wife, Edward Drew, Mary Uxer (uxor his wife ?), Richard Jacob, William Free- man, Peeter Nowell, William Barbeard, Thomas Parks. Note: This land being lost 8 of these rights are made use of in another patent of the said Whitting- tons. STEPHEN HARSEY (HARSLEY) NICHOLAS WADDELOW, 400 acs. Northampton Co., called by the name of Dawes Neck, July 13, 1647, Page 109. At Naswattock Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Nehemiah Coventon, Edward Southerne, Alice Stewardson, Toby Northon, Margaret Norton, Nicholas Wadlow, Ann Jackson. EDMOND SCARBROUGH, 100 acs. Northampton Co., Oct. 6, 1646, Page 110. On the northern part of an an- cient grant of 200 acs. of sd. Scarbrough, bounded W. by the main bay, E. by land formerly belonging to John Neale, now Mr. Deacons & Company. Due for trans, of 2 pers: Robert Harrison, Sisley Stratton. NICHOLAS GRANGER, 350 acs. Northampton Co., Sept. 20, 1647, Page 110. Near head of Naswattocks Cr., adj. land of Stephen Horsey. Trans, of 7 pers.* (Note: The name of Nicho- las Granger is the only name appearing under this record.) JOHN LITTLE, 100 acs. Northamp- ton Co., Sept. 20, 1647, Page 110. Near Cheristone Cr., adj. land commonly called the Companyes Land, the Secre- tarys Land, lands of Mr. Obedience Robbins & John Wilkins. Trans, of 2 pers: John Little & Eliza. Bacon. WILLIAM EGBEROW, 500 acs. James City Co., Aug. 20, 1647, Page 111. In up. Chipoaks Cr., next to land of William Rookins deed., and adj. his own land. 400 acs. by former grant unto Barradine Merter (Merler or Mer- cer), by whom it was assigned unto sd. Egberow, & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: William Egberow & Mathew Battle. JONATHAN GILLS, 450 acs. North- ampton Co., Mar. 6, 1647, Page 112. At Haigers Cr., adj. William Gayny. Trans, of 9 pers: Francis , Phillip Wattkins, Wm. Starling, Timothy Thrallop, Alex. Wignall, Thomas Wig- nail, William Smart, Roger Burrough, Elizabeth a Negro. RICHARD STARNELL, & GIDEON TILLISON, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Feb. 24, 1647. Page 112. Upon W. br. of Eliz. River, being a neck of land adj. the Clarks Cr. and bounded on E. by Wrights Creek. Due by former patent unto John Radford, who assigned same to Starnell & Tillison. This land is now divided into 2 parcels of 150 acs. each. THOMAS BROWN, 240 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Oct. 7, 1646, Page 113. On the S. side of the Clarks Cr. a br. of Eliz. Riv., adj. his own & land of George White. Due by assignment of the rights of 5 pers. trans, by Cornelius Loyd: Edward Dorsey, Richd. Starnell, John Stibbs, Tho. Parker, Richard Hunter. FRANCIS MARTIN, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., Oct. 10, 1645, Page 113. At Naswattock Cr., near land of Henry Pedendan & William Berryman. Trans, of 6 pers: Edward Major, Fra. Major, Eliza. Major, John Major, Tho. Major, Chr. Peirce. THOMAS STEPHENS, 300 acs. Eliz. City Co., Jan. 6, 1647, Page 114. 200 acs. beg. at the Bridge at the narrow of the back river, & 100 acs. beg. at the edge of the road, W. N. W. into the island. 200 acs. formerly granted unto Ephaproditus Lawson, by him assigned unto Samuel Groose (Grosse), by him unto John Davis, by Davis to Stephens. Patent Book No. 2 171 100 for trans, of 2 pers: James Bisole (or Bissill) & Peter Westhead. THOMAS TODD, 50 acs. Eliza. City Co., Mar. 6, 1647, Page 114. At the head of old Poquoson river bounding upon Mr. Saphers land. Formerly granted unto Robert Gold, who assigned same unto Richard Loyd, by him to Geoge Sapher, by him to Thomas Boss- well, by him to Thomas Williams, by him to Christopher Copeland, by him to Tho. Boswell & him unto the sd. Todd. EDWARD BLAND, Merchant, 1,300 acs. on the S. side of James River, about a mile from the head of Upper Chi- poaks, from the path leading from Swann Bay to the Indian Feilds. Due for trans, of 26 pers: Edward Bland, Ja. Bland, Wm. Beare, Eliza. Bland, Tho. Leigh, Geo. Proby, Richard Litler, Robt. Woodruffe, Jo. Smith, Lydia Emeroy, Mary Beard, Griffeth Davis, John Thomas, Anna Burk, Nich. Weather, Kat. Lands (?), Ann. Farrar, Geo. Marrow, Lucy Evans, Geo. Price, Tho. Dorwin, William Turke, Thomas Ridley, Richard Strader, Charles Bald- win. Mar. 10, 1647, Page 115. JOHN ELLIS, JAMES JOANES (JONES) & JOHN TAYLOR, 500 acs. Northampton Co., Apr. 9, 1648, Page 115. At Otchahannock Cr., bounded W. by land of Thomas Johnson. Due by as- signment from Edward Drew by & for trans, of 10 pers: John Jenkin, Alice Moye, Wm. Berriman, Giles Bashaw, John Saye, Edward Morris, William Carter, Peter Higginson, George Hill, Tho. Stidwell. JOHN SEWARD, 1,200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 15, 1648, Page 116. On a br. of Roynoak River called the black water. Trans, of 24 pers: Robert Partin, Margret his wife, Robert Partin, Junr., Avis, Rebecca, Debora, his Daughters, Richard Goldsmith, Abra. Shearman, James Parrit, Richd. Thom- kin, Geo. Duke, Wm. Jackson, Wm. Harris, Alice Edwards, James Pelard, Jo. Richards, John Richards, Richard Wakeing, Robert Dowen, John Seanoble (or Seavoble), Ann Yarner, Phillip Martin, Wm. Reynolds, Henry Knowells. JOHN SEWARD, 400 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 15, 1648, Page 117. Swd. side of a branch of Roynoak River. Trans, of 8 pers: Tho. Williams, Robt. Brice, Mary Evelin, Wm. Walter, Peter Guttrige, Jane How, Fra. Morgan, John Jones. GEORGE SALSBURY, 100 acs. Nan- simund Co., Apr. 15, 1648, Page 117. Upon S. W. side of New town haven river, adj. Thomas Brice & Henry Beadly. Trans, of 2 pers.* ROBERT PITT, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Apr. 17, 1648, Page 118. S. W. towards New town haven river. Trans, of 6 pers: Robert Horton, John Tiller, William Walter, Symon Cox, Margaret Orde, Thomas Blanch. HENRY PEDENDEN, 550 acs. Northampton Co., June 10, 1646, Page 118. At Naswattocks Cr. Trans, of 11 pers: Henry Heakley, Mary his wife, Xtopr. Bryan, Robert Camblett, Ja. Standish, Mary Foxly, Jno. Culpeper, Ja. Harden, Jno. Price, Nico. Crook- neck, Hen. Pedenden. THOMAS SAVEDGE, 50 Oacs. Northampton Co., June 20, 1646, Page 119. At Naswattock Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Seaverne, Bridgett his wife, Jno. Severne, Jr., Abra. Hargraves, Wm. Alleson, Wm. Stephens, Abra. Merifield, John Pott, Robert Satums, John Linch. THOMAS MILES, 150 acs. upon the Eastermost br. of Eliza. Riv. in Nehun- tas Cr., next above land of Robert Martin, Nov. 17, 1646, Page 119. Trans, of 3 pers: Francis Baker, Phillip Weston, John Ducket. MR. LEWIS BURWELL & THOMAS VAUSE, 2,300 acs., Apr. 18, 1648, Page 119. The lower part in Yorke Riv. about 7 mi. up the Narrow on the S. side thereof, along lands of Mr. Francis Fludd, Mr. Thomas Broughton and William Black. Trans, of 46 pers: Ed- ward Kingswell, Roger Wingatt, ,l the Minister, his Son" Anthony Kingswell, 172 Cavaliers and Pioneers Wm. Bradshaw, John Bell, Chastene (?) Burdett, William Spry, Arth. Wil- son, Samll. Mayne, James Cooke, Eliza. Letts, Elias Taylors wife, his daughter, Fra. Wilken (name altered), Tho. Adams, Jno. Hasting, Jno. Henman, Wm. Burtenwood, Fra. Barington, Rich. Hewitt, Uryas Smith, Antho. Waddy, Elias Taylor, Tho. Lee, Richard Smith, Tho. Lucas, Eliza. Bennison, Wm. Tay- lor, Jno. Tolson, Wm. Harmon, Jno. Mackreall, Char. Caterer, Alex. Rey- nold, the Lady Clifton, Eliza. Booth, Marg. Daton, Maids, Dorothy Sillingat, her Daughter, Sarah Dera. Coz. (?), Peter Banson, John Davis, Wm. Bur- well, Fra. Harrison, his wife. THOMAS BROUGHTON, 1050 acs., Apr. 19, 1648, Page 120. About 5 mi. up Pamunkey Riv. above the mouth of Matapony River, near Mr. Francis Fludd & along Mr. John Broach. 850 acs. by virtue of the rights of a patent granted unto Eliza. Hall (or Hull), assigned un- to sd. Broughton which patent is surren- dered, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers. (The following names appear) George Hall (or Hull), Eliza his wife, Edm. his son, David his son, Sibbella Jenkins, Mary Lowe, John Dorman, David Holmes, Edwd. Michaell, Nicho. Fen- nan, Robert Phillips, Evan Morris, Antho. Atkins, Arth. Donned, Oliver Balfe, Richd. Workman, Robert Layne, Wm. Burwell, Lewis Burwell, Geo. Bur- well, Elizabeth Burwell. These (4 last named) assigned by Mrs. Hall (or Hull). FRANCIS FLUDD, 300 acs. York Co., Apr. 19, 1648, Page 121. On the S. side about 7 mi. up the Narrow, along Thomas Vaus & Mr. Lewis Bur- well & adj. Mr. Thomas Broughton. Trans, of 6 pers: James Redwood, Isaac Jones, Elizabeth Potter, Robert Hixams, Edward Pancell, John Powell. JOHN SMITH, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Apr. 9, 1647, Page 121. On N. side of the head of a branch of Eliz. River, called Browns Bay, adj. George White. Due by assignment from Cor- nelius Loyd, by whom they were trans., 4 rights: William Willson, Ph. New- ton, Wm. Lemon, James Smith. JOHN HILL, 300 acs. Norfolk Co., Oct. 7, 1646, Page 122. On the S. side of the Wwd. br. of Eliz. River, on the E. side of the mouth of Gousse (or Gouffe) Cr. Trans, of 6 pers., two of whom are mentioned: John Marshall & John Resperry. THOMAS WELLS, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Mar. 14, 1647, Page 122. Upon N. side of the Wwd. Br. of Eliz. River, adj. John Watford. Trans, of 4 pers: John Trent, Fra. Barbar, John Brooke, Thomas Bonner. RICHARD STARNELL, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Feb. 25, 1647, Page 123. On Nwd. side of the Wwd. br. of Eliz. River, called Carter Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: Geo. Guest, Eliza. Malam, Ed- ward Webb, John Hill. RICHARD MORGAN, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Mar. 24, 1647, Page 123. On the Nwd. side of the head of the Wwd. br. of Eliz. River. Due by as- signment of the rights of 3 pers. by Thomas Godby, by whom they were trans.: Ann Gobby, Robert Porter, Tho- mas Radford. RICHARD STARNALL, 350 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Mar. 24, 1647, Page 124. On the Nwd. side of the Clarks Cr., a br. of the Wwd. br. of Eliz. River. 200 acs. formerly granted unto John Radford & 150 for trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Wolly, John Hues, John Hilton. THOMAS GODBY, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Mar. 2, 1647, Page 125. On the Clarks Cr. a br. of the Wwd. br. of Eliz. River. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Wright, James Stringer, Tho. Garret, Thomas Godby. SYMON SYMONS, 900 acs. Nanse- mund Co., Aug. 5, 1647, Page 125. On the N. W. side of Nansemund River. By assignment of 2 former grants from Mr. Thomas Hill, being granted unto John Hill, dec'd. & assigned by his Admr. the sd. Thomas Hill. 300 acs. residue for trans, of 6 pers: Nicho. Smith, Wm. Jones, Hugh Age, Tho. Symker (?), Edward Wood, Tho. Sea- well. Patent Book No. 2 173 JAMES MASON, 450 acs. Isle of Wight Co., Mar. 30, 1647, Page 126. Upon the main head of the lower bay cr. Formerly granted unto William Mills, 10 Feb. 1643, surveyed & proved due by Nathaniell White deed., for trans, of 9 pers.* MR. THOMAS LAMBERT, 750 acs. Low. Norf. Co., June 1, 1648, Page 126. Known by the name of Paggetts Neck, at the head of a Little Cr. in Linhaven Parish, beg. near the Indian Bridge, near land of Hen. Snayle, towards path lead- ing from Mr. Lidneys to Capt. Yardlys house, down a branch parting same from Capt. Thorowgood, dee'd. Trans, of 15 pers: Mr. Thomas Lambert, his trans- portation twice, William More, William Pavy, Robert Clarke, Eliza. Smith, John Garret, Thomas Hollis, John Jones, Ann Jones, Step. Robinson, Nicho. Cluly, Tho. Marchlam, Wm. Allenby, Thomason Wetts. MR. THOMAS BEST & CHRISTO- PHER ASHLEY, 200 acres, Nansimund Co., June 1, 1648, Page 127. At miles end of 900 acs. of Thomas Jurdens, de- serted &c, & running to miles end of Peter Montague. Trans, of 4 pers.* JAMES ARTHURS & PETER ELLIS (or Ells), 100 acs. Nansimum Co., Apr. 9, 1648, Page 127. On the N. W. br. of Nansimum Riv., opposite to an In- dian town. Trans, of 2 pers.* JAMES ARTHURS & PEETER ELLIS (or Ells), 450 acs. Nansimum Co., Apr. 9, 1648, Page 127. Same location. Trans, of 9 pers.* MAJOR RICHARD MORRISON, 110 acs. Eliz. City Co., commonly called fort feild, June 3, 1648, Page 128. S. upon the main river, from the mouth of a creek called Hooks alias Johns Cr. unto Sandy Point, near land of Thomas Conjers, the Gleab Land, & Thomas Oldis, Gent., and a bridge leading to the dwelling house of sd. Oldis. Trans, of 3 pers.: His own adventure, Wini- fred his wife & Henry Morrison. MAJOR RICHARD MORRISON, 160 acs. Eliz. City Co., commonly called Downes feild, June 3, 1648, Page 128. Being on the Strawberrie bank, beg. at a cedar stump formerly called the Look out tree by Point Comfort Creek neare the Round Mill, along land formerly Mr. Neales &c, to the Gleab Land, etc. to the mouth of Downs Creek. 10 acs. due upon the above patent & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Richard Morrison, Mary Sands, Thomas Smart. ROBERT WETHERALL, Gent., 1,000 acs. James City Co., May 20, 1648, Page 129. In Chickahominy; 700 acs. part thereof W. upon Thomas Stout & Rich- ard Bell, running by Poetan Swamp & land of William Stephens; 400 acs. adj. Richard Bell, Xpian William & John Edwards. 700 acs. assigned by sd. Wil- liams unto John Norton who assigned same to sd. Wetherall, & 300 acs. as- signment of patent by sd. Stephens to John Gayton, who assigned to sd. Nor- ton & by him assigned to Wetherall. MR. PETER MONTEGUE, 100 acres, Nansimum Co., Nov 3, 1647, Page 130. On N. side of New town haven River, on the Ewd. side of the mouth of Cross Cr., adj. Thomas Jordan, dee'd. & Hum- phrey Scownes. Trans, of 2 pers.* JOHN BROACH, 1,800 acs. in York River, opposite mouth of Matapony at the Narrows. Aug. 10, 1647, Page 130. Trans, of 36 pers: Thomas Rattam, Tho. Smalecomb, Thomas Gibson, Ann Williams, Richard White, Mary Wilson, William More, Randall Maudor, James Saiferne, Ma. Norts, Doro More, Fra. Morely, Nicho. Bradford, Anthony Parthurst, 3 tymes, Richd. Heather 2 tymes, John Guy, Eliza. Garret, Jos. Pouson (or Ponson), Alexander , Peter Wood, Anthony, Michaell, Mary, Luce, Anthony a child, (Negroes) John Wood. (6 pers. more by virtue of the rights of a patent granted to Anthon. Purchurst & surrendered up at a court at Yorke holden the 27 Aug. 1640 & assigned to Mr. John Broach). WILLIAM MANY, 150 acs. North- ampton Co., Mar. 20, 1647, Page 131. Beg. at land of George Traveler, run- ning N. to a place called the Muddy bite. 100 acs. due by patent to George 174 Cavaliers and Pioneers Smith, assigned to John Waltham, who assigned same to sd. Many, & 50 acs. for his own trans. THOMAS HALL, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Nov. 20, 1647, Page 131. Lying on the head of little creek, a br. of the southern br. of Eliz. River, adj. John Clarke. Trans, of 6 pers.* FRANCIS RICE, 200 acs. Warwick Co., Mar. 26, 1646, Page 131. At the miles end of his first devident, near Merry point, adj. Thomas Owen, etc. Mr. Thomas Davis, upon Deep Cr., and Natha. Eaton, Clerke. Trans, of 4 pers.* RICHARD BREWSTER, Gent., 750 acs. James City Co., called the great neck of the Barren Neck, July 19, 1646, Page 132. On a br. of Archers Hope Cr. parting same from the Kings Mill Neck, and near Jocqueys Neck. Due by virtue of 2 former patents, surrendered up, and 50 acs. yet due. THOMAS MILES, 50 acs. Lower Norf. Co., upon the S. side of the Ewd. branch of Eliz. Riv., Nov. 1, 1647, Page 132. By virtue of patent to Thomas Todd, assigned unto Richard Woolman & by him assigned unto sd. Miles. THOMAS ETHERIDGE, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Nov. 1, 1647, Page 133. At the head of Gaythers Cr., a br. of the Southward br. of Eliz. River, adj. Thomas Marsh. Trans, of 4 pers.* JOHN DAVIS, 150 acs. Yorke Co., Oct. 29, 1647, Page 133. Upon the up- per side of Queens Cr., adj. Mr. Jer- new, along John Judson & Joseph Cro- shaw. Trans, of 3 pers.* JOHN SLAUGHTER, 50 acs. Nansi- mund Co., Nov. 3, 1647, Page 134. On the N. side of Nansimund, bet. his own & land of Robert Rockholes. Trans, of 1 pers.* JOHN ROBBINS, 100 acs. North- ampton Co., Nov. 5, 1645, Page 134. At the head of the first br. on the Northern side of Naswattocks Cr., N. upon land of Mr. Charleton. Trans, of 2 pers.* CHARLES SCARBOURGH, 550 acs. Northampton Co., Nov. 23, 1647, Page 134. At Matchepungo Cr., on the S. side thereof. Trans, of 11 pers.* JOHN FOSTER, 450 acs. Northamp- ton Co., Nov. 23, 1647, Page 135. At the seaboard side, at the N. side of a former devident granted sd. Foster. Trans, of 9 pers.* THOMAS GIBSON, 600 acs. in Yorke River, Aug. 16, 1647, Page 135. About 25 miles up the Narrows of sd. River. Trans, of 12 pers.: Wm. Hinde, his 3 wives, his 3 children, Peter Peirce, John Williams, John Green, Henry Moryow, James Evans, Peter Richardson. HUGH ALLEN, 420 acs. Yorke Co., Mar. 7, 1647, Page 135. Adj. Mr. Roul- stons first devident, Martin Becker & Robert Braw. By virtue of former patent & trans, of 9 pers.* WILLIAM SHIPP, 200 acs. Lower Norf. Co., Nov. 1, 1647, Page 136. At a creek near Francis Land's plantation. By virtue of patent made to Ensigne Thomas Keelding, & by sd. Keeling as- signed to sd. Shipp. DOROTHY STORY, the Elder & DOROTHY STORY the Younger, 600 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Nov. 3, 1647, Page 136. On Indian Cr. of the Western br. Nansimund River, adj. miles end of land of John Garrett. Due by virtue of a patent granted to William Storry, 17 Nov. 1641. LEONARD GUINNS (or Gwinns), 150 acs. Nansimund Co., June 9, 1648. Page 137. Upon the Westward side of Nansimund Riv., 30 acs. being an island called Dumplinn Is., opposite to land of Francis Maiden Sc near Thomas Parker. Due by purchase from Toby Smith. TOBY SMITH to Leonard Guinns, of Nansemund, Planter, the above tract of land. Feb. 3, 1647, Page 137. Signed Toby Smith, and acknowledged before Toby Smith, Clk. Ct. in said county. Witnesses: George Gwillum & Robert Gibson. Patent Book No. 2 175 JOHN HEWITT (HOWITT) of Eliz. City, Carpenter, 204 acs. in sd. county, June 1, 1648, Page 138. On the S. side of the ould poquoson river, adj. land late of George Hall (Hull). Part due by former patent, of 500 acres in the name of John Laydon. RALPH HUNT, 300 acs. Eliz. City Co., May 30, 1648, Page 138. Near W. side of the head of Salfords Cr., S. up- on the head of Bartholomew Wethersbys land, Nly. towards Scowins Dam, and adj. Thomas Cely & William Holder. Due by former patent. JOHN HOULDER, 50 Eliza. City Co., Nov. 25, 1648, Page 138. Near head of Salfords Crr., dividing same from land of Mr. Thomas Cely, adj. land of Barthalomew Wethersby & Ralph Hunt. Trans, of: John Peikins. CAPT. FRANCIS POYTHRES, 750 acs. Charles City Co., May 8, 1648 Page 139. Near mouth of Baylyes Cr., adj. land belonging to the orphants of Jenkin Osborne, thence Wly. to land of Thomas Bayly, now in the tenure of John Butler. 350 acs. formerly granted to Jenkins Osborne & purchased by sd. Poythres of Jenkin Osborne, Mary Os- borne & Capt. Edward Hill by the right of Dictoris Christmas, confirmed by order of court 27 Feb. 1636. The other 450 acs. due by former patent. WILLIAM ap THOMAS, 335 acs. Eliza. City Co., June 2, 1648, Page 139. Adj. Thomas Watts, now in possession of Mrs. Lucy Purify. 100 acs. formerly granted unto Nicholas Hill & purchased by the sd. Thomas. 150 acs. assigned to sd. Thomas by Walter Cade for trans, of 3 pers: Walter Cade, his wife twice; and 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Wm. ap Thomas, Jane Killicke. JOHN INGRAM, 300 acrs. Elizabeth City Co., Nov. 23, 1647, Page 140. E. upon Point Comfort Cr., W. uoon land of Humphry Tabb, N. upon land now in possession of John Hawkins. 50 acs. due by right of patent granted unto Giles Jones, Oct. 29, 1628, assigned to sd. Ingram, & the other 250 acs. part of an order of court of 500 acs. granted to David Poole & by him assigned to sd. Ingram. EDWARD PARISH (Parrish), Plan- ter, of the County of Eliz. City Co., 200 acs. in sd. county, dated last of May, 1648, Page 140. Adj. land formerly be- longing to Robert West, & W. on Rich- ard Grigson, & Sly. on the back river. 200 acs. part of a patent to John Graves, purchased by sd. Parrish. JOHN SAYNES, 250 acs. James City Co., July 3, 1648, Page 140. Near Smiths Fort, Upon Powells Cr. & S. upon land of Thomas Hart, Orphant, and N. E. towards James River. Trans, of 5 pers: William Jones, John Pouis, Symon Atwell, John Burgis, Jos. Lawyer. THOMAS HILL, Gent., 3,000 acs. James City Co., April 28, 1648, Page 141. Near head of Upper Chipoaks Cr. Due by former patent & trans, of 60 pers.* THOMAS HILL, Gent., PLANTER, of Va. assignment unto EDWARD BLAND, Merchant, of the above tract, Dec. 23, 1649. Witnesses: Garret Cor- bitt, John Hill, Jos. Gobert. Page 141. WILLIAM BARRET, 700 acs. on the Eastermost side of Chickahominy River, commonly called by the name of War- rany ould town, bounded E. N. E. from the further end of the ridge, thence N. N. W. to a br. of Warrany Cr., along same W. S. W., thence along the Meadowes under the ridge, & S. S. E. to beg. June 7, 1648, Page 141. Trans, of 14 pers: Wm. Barret, Jno. King, Walter Price, Dav. Phillips, Robert Castle, Gabrell Thomas, John Greene, Sym. Thomas, Edm. Foxmond, Wm. Batts, Joice Farlo, Pat. Paul, Francis Story, Peeter Norrell. WILLIAM PARRY, 90 acs. Eliz. City Co., June 6, 1648, Page 142. Beg. at upper bounds of Florentine Paynes devident, near Daniell Tanners, near a great path leading from Kequotan to Mr. Eatons house. Trans, of 2 pers.* RICHARD MASFEILD, 50 acs. Up. Norf. Co., July 3, 1648, Page 142. At 176 Cavaliers and Pioneers the head of Chuckatuck, adj. Mr. Robt. Praiser & Mr. Rockwell. Due by his own trans. GEORGE HARDEY (Hardy), THO- MAS WOMBWELL & PETER HALL, 1,100 acs. called Timber Neck, Isle of Wight Co., (no date appears) Page 142. Bet the two S. W. branches by the side of black water. 650 acres in an abso- lute Necke belonging to said Hardy & said Wombwell, and 400 acrers without the Necke to Peter Hall, orphant. Trans, of 22 pers: Mr. Hardy himself the 2nd time, his wife 2d & 3d time, Xpian. Wilson, Thomas Green, William Tay- lor, Alexr. Hux, Richard Bell, David Greere, Thomas Claus, Eliz. Holmes, John Monser, Robert Ward, John Tay- lor, John Oliver, James Louder, Antho. Tyngle, Xtopr. Medcalfe, Edward Holt, Thomas Soopson, Mary Booth, Ann Garner. WILLIAM EWEN, Merchant, 1,400 acs. James City Co., July 8, 1648, Page 143. N. W. upon land of Mr. Green- don, N. E. upon the river. 400 acs. by a patent granted him Sept. 15, 1619 & 1,000 acs. by patent granted him — of Jany. 1621, also due for trans, of 28 pers.: His own per. right, John Munck, Wm. Garnett, Jno. Musquoy (?), Nicho. White, Anthony Young, Wm. Pugly, Hugh Chick, Lewis Elliot, Wm. Phillips, Richd. Auston, Wm. Knight, Phill. Rogers, Richd. Dareing, Nicho. Feeton, Richd. Penne, (or Peirce), Jno. Flaxton, Wm. Nuse, Peter Montegue, Jno. Muckeford, John Cootes, Ad. Mar- grand, Henry Persons, John Williams, Griffeth George, Wm. Marshall, Wm. Berwicke, John Layne. WILLIAM EDWARDS & RICE DAVIS, 1,080 acs., James City Co., July 10, 1648, Page 143. Along sunken marsh main runn, land of Mr. Grindon & Willm. Ewin to the passage over sunken marsh. Trans, of 22 pers.: William Edwards, Dorothy his wife, Robert Willson, Thomas White, Tho. Wombwell, Tho. Bryan, Christopher Weston, Fra. Hall, Jno. Mathews, Ann Hill, David Hussey, Henry Price, Bar- bery Hill, Gartwragh Eberomy, Hump. Sherwood, Jason Rovely, Mathew Hud- son, Sarah Srovell, Wm. Handley, Robt. Night, David Husey. JOHN TWY, 200 acs. James City Co., July 6, 1648, Page 144. Upon the main branch of Powells Cr., adj. lands of Thomas Hart, Orpht. & William Foster. Trans, of 4 pers: Henry Al- sopp, Rich. Rytherland, Henry Hill, Abbigall Jorden. JOHN WATKINS, 850 acs. James City Co., July 3, 1648, Page 144. Lye- ing above the head of Greys Cr., adj. Christopher Lawson. 350 acs. by former patent & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers. Only the following names are given under this patent: Christopher Barker, Nicho. Brown, Alice his wife, "one whose name is not known." THOMAS GIBSON, 1,000 acs. Charles River Co., May 2, 1648, Page 145. Upon the S. side of Chas. River, and running to the head of a swamp and along same to Ware Cr. Due by purchase of a former patent for sd. land made unto John Broach. THOMAS HART, sonn unto Henry Hart, deed., 100 acs. at Smiths Fort, James City Co., July 3, 1648, Page 145. Adj. land of William Milnes. Trans, of 4 pers: Robert Knight, Judith Greene, William Pierce, Phillip Clave. MR. THOMAS WARREN, 290 acs. at Smiths Fort, James City Co., July 3, 1648, Page 146. Adj. Goodman Spil- timber & John Corker. Part of a former patent for 450 acs. granted sd. Warren. THOMAS WOODHOUSE, 200 acs. James City Co., July 3, 1648, Page 146. About 2 mi. distant from James River on the S. side, adj. Henry Hart. By virtue of former patent. THOMAS WOODHOUSE, 400 acs. James City Co., July 3, 1648, Page 146. Near the head of the N. W. br. of Smith Fort Cr., along John Watkins' land. Trans, of 8 pers: Edm. Marshall, John Fludd, Edm. Tedmund (or Ed- mund), Samll. Cattan, William Russell, Willm. Savadge, Richard Browne, Ed- ward Buderhill. Patent Book No. 2 177 MR. GEORGE HARDY, 500 acs., July 17, 1648, Page 147. Lyeing on the E. side of Lawnes Cr., extending to the main river, along land reputed Tho- mas Gaynes, along the great river to a cr. dividing same from land of Alice Bennet. 300 acs. by former patent & 200 acs. for trans, of: 4 pers., 3 of whom are named: Ellin Sleeve, Ann Clarke, Ann Poorey. MR. WILLIAM BARRET, 850 acs. James City Co., June 7, 1648, Page 147. Upon the W. side of Chickahomany Riv., beg. at land of Edward Travers that he purchased of John Robins. 200 acs. part beg. at a small cr. deviding this from the Gleab. This land was assigned to sd. Barret by Thomas Symonds. MR. PHILLIP BENNET, 1,230 acs. Nancemund Co., Aug. 16, 1648, Page 148. Upon E. side of Bennets Cr., adj. land of James Knott, Anthony Weels & Epaphroditus Lawson. Due by former patents & as. Admr. of Robert Bennet, except 330 acs. due for trans, of 7 pers: Sibira, Negro, John Huse, William Thomas, Danll. Feild, William Peirce, John Richinson, Tho. Acreland. RANDALL CREW, 460 acs. Nance- mund Co., Sept. 9, 1648, Page 148. Up- on Ewd. side of the Southern br. of Nancemund Riv., beg. on Nwd. side of the mouth of Crany Cr., adj. land of William Hatfeild. Trans, of 10 pers: Jane Snape, John Barlo, John Preston, Jasper Pillary, Henry Hawkins, Wm. Johnson, John Johnson, Wm. Long. Richard Philpot, Thomas Harris. CAPT. ROBERT HUTCHINSON, 200 acs. James City Co., June 12, 1648, Page 149. In Pasbehayes, adj. lands of Edward Oliver, John White, Daniell Lyell & Sir Francis Wyatt. Lease for term of 21 years. Annual Rent: "8 bbls. Merchantable Indian Come Sheald at the State house in James City." Assignment of the above lease, to Sir Wm. Berkeley, June 13, 1648, Page 149. Witnesses: Samll. Abbott & Henry Fleet. Teste: Geo. Reade, Clk. Ct. WILLIAM DRUMOND, 25 acs. James City Co., Sept. 10, 1648, Page 150. Lease for 21 years. Annuall Rent: 1 bbl. Mer. Indian Corn sheld at the Statehouse at James City, payment to begin at the Nativity of our Lord 1649. MRS. JANE PIRKINS, 27 acs. James City Co., Sept. 9, 1648, Page 150. Adj. land of Anthony Coleman & near John Fitchett. This land was given to Alex- ander Stoner by Capt. William Peirce in open court and forfeited by sd. Stoner unto John Knight, who assigned to to William Edwards, who assigned it to Edward Prince, who assigned it to Robert Miles, who assigned it to the sd. Mrs. Pirkins. ROBERT THROGMORTON, 650 acs. Up. Norf. Co., Sept. 7, 1644, Page 151. Upon the W. side of Nansimund Riv. Due as followeth: 300 acs. part of a patent granted unto Francis Maiden; 100 acs. part of patent to George Lud- low; part of a patent to Geo. Chewning & 250 for trans, of 5 pers.* JAMES MASON, 60 acs. commonly called Smith Fort, James City Co., July 8, 1648, Page 151. Adj. William Mil- nes & Thomas Hart. Trans, of 2 pers: Richard Davis & Mary Mutton. 40 acs. remaining due. JAMES MASON, 250 acs. James City Co., July 8, 1648, Page 152. At the head of Greys Cr., adj. Thomas Grey. Trans, of 5 pers: John Newman, Eliz. Ebbell, Thomas Williams, John Watson. RICHARD PETTIBON, 700 acs. up- on Southward side of Rappahanock Riv.. Nov. 28, 1648, Page 152. Adj. land of John Benton, crossing Pettibon Cr. Due for trans, of 14 pers., assigned unto him by Thomas Sabin: Tho. Sabin, Phil. Smith, Geo. Vaughan, Tho. Pooe, Eliza. Blackman, John Dunery, John Jolly, Licha Jolly, Fran. Jolly, Tho. Jones, Ja. Pontian (or Pontiau), Gama Symons, Step. Laroch, Fran. Holmes. JOHN WILSON, 100 acs. Charles River Co., Oct. 1, 1648, Page 153. W. upon land formerly granted unto Ed- 178 Cavaliers and Pioneers ward Major and bounded on E. by land of John Judson. This land was granted unto Richd. Major, including 150 acs. assigned him by Joseph Croshaw to whom it was due for trans, of 3 pers.; the aforesd. 100 acs. was asssigned by Major to Thomas Lucas, who assigned it to William Roberts & Nicho. Davis, who assigned it to Henry Greborne & John Wilson by deed dated Feb. 23, 1642 & by the death of Henry Gre- borne, one of the joint tennants, the sd. 100 acs. is now due to John Wilson by Survivorship. RICHARD LEE, Gent., 1,250 acs., 21 Dec. 1648, p. 153. On the N. side of Yorke River, opposite to the poplar Neck on the S. side of the river, being land formerly possessed by John Bayles & George Knight & for want of an heir devolved to his Majesty. Due sd. Lee for trans, of 24 pers.: Wm. Craw- ford, Henry Hed (or Sled), Wm. Batchelor, Nicho. Merror, Mathew Lee, John Farror, George Way, Chris. Feathergill, Edward Dicks, Wm. David, Joane Peayler (or Peagler), John Lyne, Elizabeth Reds, John Hunt, John Tho- mas, James Ware, Mary Martin, Peter Parchmore, George Light, Fra. Newton, Geo. Lee, Tho. Kidd, Henry Cloyd, John Permeter. Note: 400 acs. sold to Ralph Green; 400 acs. to Geo. Austin, and 50 acs. to Antho. Savage). RICHARD WYATT, 500 acs. in Mockjack Bay, Aug. 20, 1645, Page 154. Upon the Eastermost side of Ware River, and running to Cow Cr. Trans, of 10 pers.: John Bandwick, Silvanas Ricraft, Thomas Wilmot, Samuell Sures, Ann GrifTen, Morcas Morgrave, Hen. Brightmon, Mary Wilkinson, Lydia Berry, (The 4 last names are yt due sd. Wyatt, which are assigned to Richd. Diminge). THOMAS LUDWELL, Gent., 500 acs., James City Co., June 16, 1648, Page 154. Upon the N. side of Jones Cr. in Chickahominy River. Trans, of 10 pers.: Elinor Bigg, Alice Jefferson, John Barker, Wm. Vicard, Adam Rich- ardson, John Daniell, John Chinley, John Newton, Wm. Druit, Henry Collier. FRANCIS CEELY, 600 acs. Mar. 2, 1648, Page 155. (County not given). At a long Cedar point where Seaverne divided itself into 2 branches. 300 acs. adj. land of Thomas Williams. Due for trans, of 12 pers., viz.: Fran. Ceely, Hills John, Carry Fitts, Richard Cooper, Walter Edward, Hen. Stipthorpe, Wm. Waters, Henry Steele, Humphry Wey- don, John Andrewes, Ralph Seane, Nathll. More. RICHARD RICHARDS, Gent, 350 acs. at Arches Hope, called by the name of Little town, Nov. 12, 1648, Page 155. W. upon land of Winster Fax (?), now in possession of Capt. Humphrey Higginson, E. upon John Jefferson, now in possession of Mary Williams. 250 acs. granted unto Capt. William Claiborne, Dec. 12, 1625, & 100 acs. granted unto John Comandres Feb. 20, 1619, and purchased by sd Richards. THOMAS BOURNE, 200 acs. Yorke Co, Feb. 10, 1648, Page 156. In Chis- kyak Parish, near head of Chiskyake Cr, adj. William Barber. Trans, of 4 pers.: John Wayne, Edward Cock, Tho. Bourne, Thomas Borne. "For his seat- ing Chesceake the first yeare." RICHARD THOMPSON, son of Richard Thompson, 560 acs. lyeing in little Wickocomoke Cr, Northumber- land Co., commonly known as Kings Neck, Apr. 5, 1649, Page 156. Beg. from the mouth of a branch called Old Mans Cr. Trans, of 11 pers.: Richard Russell, Tho. Griggs, Richard Ridges, Robert Gare, Patience Brown, John Daniell, Grace Goodriffe, John Ander- son, Ann Badger, John Bamfeild, Justin Davis. MR. ROBERT EYRES, 350 acs. on the Southward side of Rappahannock River, Jan. 1, 1645, Page 157. Trans, of 7 perrs.: Peter Welden, Bridgett Ellins, Symon Robinson, Pemett Foster, John Cooper, George Hudson, Henry Watson. MR. BARTHALOMEW HOSKINS, 800 acs. upon the Northward side of the Ewd. branch of Eliz. River, Jan. 1, 1645, Page 157. Near Hoskins Cr. Patent Book No. 2 179 Trans, of 16 pers: Richard Hoskins, Osmond Boardman, Joane Curtis, Bar- bara Douse, Alice Curtis, Tho. Cake- bread, Mary Richardson, Edward Spicer, Edmond , Sands Nicholls, Roger Gilbert, Sr., Roger Gilbert, Junr. Robert Body, Robert Harwood, Wm. Knowles, Masld Fisher. CAPT. JOHN SIBSEY, 80 acs. called the Thickett, Low. Norf. Co., Apr. 5, 1649, Page 158. Bounding on land of Mr. Sewell, dec'd. & on the main river. Trans, of 2 pers: John Peat & Arthur Watson. CAPT. JOHN SIBSEY, 240 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Apr. 5, 1649, Page 158. N. N. E. upon James River, Sandy point, Masons Cr., Watkins branch & land formerly granted to Capt. John Subsey — others. Trans, of 5 pers: Andrew Dolson, Ja. Millacha, Mary Evans, Barb. Carter, Tho. Sheriffs. JOHN BALDWIN, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., Mar. 18, 1648, Page 159. At Occohannocke Cr. & Compekeeke Cr. Trans, of 6 pers: John Baldwin, Wil- liam Holse, George Hall, Wm. Stanley, Thomas Key, Marg. Holmes. CAPT. JOHN SYBSEY, 50 acs. called by the name of Craney Island, Low. Norf. Co., Mar. 26, 1649, Page 159. At the mouth of Eliza. Riv., adj. on the W. end with an isthmus or narrow neck, unto Crany point, on all other parts surrounded and compassed partly with James river, Eliza. River & Crayny Br. Trans, of 1 person, Tho. Williamson. MR. THOMAS MEARES, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 26 Mar. 1649 (date erased), Page 159. Upon the N. side of Wwd. br. of Eliza. River, adj. John Watford. Trans, of 2 pers.* LIEUT. STEPHEN GILL, 25 acs. Yorke Co., Apr. 30, 1649, Page 160. Upon N. side of Charles River, E. S. E. with Rosewell Cr., W. S. W. on Burn- ham Cr. Due by former patent. RALPH GREEN, 50 acs. Charles River Co., Apr. 9, 1649, Page 160. Upon N. side of Queens Cr., near land of John Uty & John Bell. This land was part of a devident of Capt. John Uty, who assigned it to John Lylly & John Bell, who assigned it to . Richard Major, who assigned it Richard Jones, who assigned it to Robert Bouth, who assigned it to Owen Loyd, & by John Broach, Atty. for sd. Loyd, conveyed to John Hartwell. Due unto sd. Green by intermarriage with the relict of sd. Hartwell, who also dyed, and said land now becoming due to sd. Green. JOB. CHANTER, 240 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Mar. 7, 1648, Page 161. W. upon Linhaven River, unto mouth of Strattons Cr., adj. Capt. Francis Yard- ley. Trans, of 5 pers: Mary Francis, Rob. Bayly, Jno. Martiall, Mary Allen, Eady Creadell. MR. JOHN JENNINGS, 211 Acs! James City Co., Apr. 11, 1649, Page 161. Upon the two Northermost branches of Greys Cr., N. E. & S. E. upon land of Thomas Woodhouse, N. E. & S. E. upon John Watkins & S. E. upon James Mason. Trans, of 5 pers., there remaining 39 acres due upon the last name. (Names not mentioned). MR. WILLIAM BATT, 128 acs. James City Co., Apr. 11, 1649, Page 161. Upon Lower Chipokes Cr. called by the natives the Indian pacotacke, bounded from the head of Pond Swamp, along land of George Powell. Trans, of 3 pers., 22 acs. being due upon the last name: Ema. Lowrey, Elinor Lowrey, John Roseires. RICHARD WHITEHURST, 250 acs. Norf. Co., Oct. 20, 1648, Page 162. On Gaythers Cr. of the S. branch of Eliza. River. Trans. of 5 pers: Andrew Nichols, his wife Elizabeth, Andrew, William & Elizabeth, his 3 children. JOHN CLARKE, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Oct. 20, 1648, Page 162. N. side of Little Cr., a br. of the S. br. of Eliz. River, adj. land of Thomas Marsh. Trans, of 5 pers.: Jacob Atwack, Nathan Kingsland, Ann Broadfeild, Elizabeth Gelding. 180 Cavaliers and Pioneers CAPT. THOMAS BARBAGE, 614 acs. Upper Norfolke County, Page 163. (No date.) Lyeing at the miles end of a devident of land now in his tenure, on the westward side of Bullocks Creeke, crossing same & adjoining land of George White. Said land being due as followeth: 300 acs. by patent dated 12 Oct. 1638 which patent is surren- dered into the office & 314 acs. for trans. of 7 persons into the Colony,* there being due 36 acs. JOHN BIDE, 50 acs., Yorke Co., Feb. 6, 1648, page 163. Lyeing between the two main branches of St. Andrewes Creeke. Due by order of the Quarter Court, 7 Oct. 1646. STEPHEN GILL, 1150 Acs., Yorke Co., 30 Apr. 1649, p. 163. Lyeing on N. side of Yorke River up Rosewell Cr., part being a neck of land within the main branches of said Cr. & the rest S. E. upon a pocoson, S. upon land of Mr. Gouch & W. upon a former devi- dent of sd. Gills. Due for trans, of 23 pers: Francis James, Wm. Thomas, John Hart, Tho. Hollo well, Richd. Smith, Sarah Smith, Robert Cartar, An- drew Cobb, James Hunt, Edwd. Harvey, Wm. Roberts, Fra. Smith, Ja: Winchett, Edward Parr, Robt. Pinn, Tho. Hackery, Edwd. Nessum, James Wilson, Wm. Frost, Wm. Wright, Ralph Jarret, Alex. Downes, Peter Sterkey. ROGER NICHOLLS, 150 acs. James City Co., 17 Apr. 1649, p. 164. S. side James Riv. a mile from the river, N. W. by W. on land formerly Thomas Crouches, S. E. by E. on land of John Bisshop, N. N. E. upon land of John Seanor. Due for trans, of: Eliza. Col- lins, Elizabeth Blacke, John Carner. This is surrendered and the right to John Barker 28 Nov. 1649. Test: R. Huberd. CHRISTOPHERS BURRO WES, 150 acs., Low. Norf. Co., known by the name of Burrowes his old plantation, 8 Mar. 1648, p. 164. Beg. at a point next Burrowes Island, runing S. W. by S. Southerly along the marked trees and bounds of the Grand patent and now appearing to Bullocke, etc. Due for trans, of 3 pers: John Hungerton, Fardinn Fautres (or Fantres) Richard Costelford. JOHN MANNING, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 25 Oct. 1648, p. 165. Upon Northward side of Gaythers Cr., being a branch of the Southward br. of Eliza- beth Riv., runing unto land of Mer- madicke Merrington. Due unto said William for trans, of 4 pers: William Baxter, Chr. Collins, Martha Brice, Francis Robinson. GEORGE READ, Gent., 2,000 acs., 2 Nov. 1648, p. 165. On the S. side of Peanketanke and W. side of Chiskyake Creeke, beg. at the mouth. Due for trans, of 40 pers: Capt. Nich. Martin, Mrs. Jane Martin, Jane Bartlett, Eliza. Martin, Geo. Brookes, Eliza. Sharpless, Robt. Brown, Robert Awly, John Felton, Wm. Galipin, John Broach, 1 Negro, Ann Lockley, Charles Justion, Roger Leamin, John Fryer, Richard Haward, Jno. Jenerles (?), Jno. Corassue, Wal- ter Pitchfork, William Richard, John York, Peter Ford, Ann Hilton, John Shirt, Wassett Reyner, Jone his wife, Francis Compton, Mr. George Read, Sackford Brewster. These make good a pattent for said Geo Read dated 18 Oct. 1650. Mich. Gangrine, Tho. Nightingale, Owen Hughs, John Parvin, John Peirce, Jno. Humphrys, Jno. Wilks, Edward Mason, Geo. Smith, Fra. Batherp (or Batters). Note: These are assigned by Mr. Read to Edmd. Kemp & are to make good a patent of 500 acres granted to him the 18th of Oct. 1650. Test: R. Huberd. NICHOLAS DIXSON, 300 Acs. Nancemund Co., 20 Nov. 1648, p. 166. Lyeing on the Swd. side of the N. W. br. of Nancemund Riv. about 4 mi. up the br. Trans, of 6 pers: John Person, Christian Mann, Jane Ewen, John Ewen, John Davis, Mary Davis. THOMAS MORLAND, 100 Acs. Chas. River Co., 5 Mar. 1648, p. 166. In Chiskyake, butting upon Capt. Wests Cr., on N. side with land of William Sayor & on S. side with the master branch of Capt. Wests Cr. The sd. land being granted to Elizabeth Bayly in her Patent Book No. 2 181 right & her husbands as 2 of the first adventurers to seat upon Charles River & by the sd. Bayly assigned to Ellis Brown & by sd. Brown assigned unto William Reynolds & by Reynolds to Robert Cager, & by sd. Cager to sd. Morland. WILLIAM SHRIMPTON, Gent., 2000 acs., Northampton Co., 11 Apr. 1649, p. 167. Bounded on the E. with the seaboard side, W. by land of the old plantation Cr. & on S. by land of Edward Douglass. Due sd. Shrimton as being the survivor & sole Exor. of Dame Elizabeth Dale & due unto her as being the sole Exix. of Sir Thomas Dale to whom it was due by bill of adventure into this Colony. MR. HENRY WOODHOUSE, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 5 Apr. 1649, p. 167. Lyeing on the Swd. side of a bay issueing into Stratton Cr. which run- neth into Linhaven Riv. Beg. at a point on the Wwd. side of the mouth of Grigory Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: Thomas Watts, Susan his wife, Dennis Lyall, Richard Allen. MR. CHARLES SPARROW, 750 Acs., Chas. City Co., p. 168. Lyeing on W. side of Chipoaks Cr., N. E. by E. on Martins Brandon & Hackers Cr., S. E. upon Chipoakes Cr., S. W. on the Cross Cr. which separateth the land now set out for Samuell Williams, & the 750 acs. By assignment from Nicholas Perry, 30 Sept. 1645. MR. WILLIAM HOCCADAY, 1346 acs., whereof 246 acs. of marsh lyeing neare the narrow of Yorke river, N. E. by N. upon the river, S. & by W. & E. & by S. upon the Ware Cr. & N. W. by N A upon Warreny Cr. 500 acs. granted him by patent 6 Aug. 1646 & 846 acs. for trans, of 17 pers: Thomas Seawell, Hugh Smister, Hugh Jones, Junr., Edward Wood, Hugh Arther, Hugh (?), John Limicar (?), William Jones, Senr., Nicho. Smith, Edward Wood, Hen. James, Jno. Wil- liams, Mary Gardner, Peeter Green, John Arthur, William Richards, John Thomas. 10 Dec. 1648, p. 168. GEORGE BURCHER, 300 Acs. Chas. City Co. & part in James City Co., 6 June, 1649, p. 168. Lyeing at the head of up. Chipoaks Cr. 200 acs. by patent dated 22 Aug. 1637 & 100 acs. for trans, of: Dorothy Clarke, James Willis. MR. JOHN HILL, 300 Acs. Low. Norf. Co., 29 May 1649, p. 169. On Swd. side of the Wwd. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. on the Ewd. side of the mouth of Goose Cr. Due by vertue of patent granted him 7 Oct. 1646. WILLIAM HOCCADAY, 900 Acs., 6 June 1649, p. 169. Beg. at the S. E. of Chiskyake side at the head of Arth: Price, adj. his former patent & a cr. dividing this from land of George Read. Trans, of 18 pers: James Drapp, Richd. Moores, Fra. Pett, Tymo. Turton, Eliza. Avile, Joan Cannon, Fra. Crave, Tho. Inarnold (Juarnold ?), Edward Tybatts, John Pye, Peter Coge (?), Thomasin Drew, Richard Spence, Benja. , Mary Aswell, Robert Hill, Wm. Nurton, Fra. Rowland. GILES COLLINS & THOMAS ADAMS, 200 Acs. in Linhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co. No date. P. 170. Beg. neare Adams Cr. side. Trans, of 4 pers.* CAPT. RALPH WORMELEY, 3,200 acs., 16 June 1649, p. 170. On the S. side of Rappahanock Riv. about 10 mi. up the river, including the Indian Townes of old & new Nimcock, bounded N. W. upon Rosegill Cr., E. towards land of Thomas Trotter, N. E. & N. upon the river; Trans, of 3 score & 4 pers: John Price, Pet. Sterkey, Lewis Comquest, Xpian Frederick, John Styam, Mary Bennet, John Pinford, William Leigh, Saliman DeCarvalco (or Carvalox), (name altered), Margt. Savage, John Jackson, Fra. Ferewether, Eight Negroes — (Transported in Capt. Jno. Williams Shipp) — , John Hamp- ton, William English, Samll. Jones, Edwd. Murferry, Wm. Ginsey, Tho. Sackes, Richd. Marmaduke, Jere Linch, Richd. Lewis, Wm. Robinson, Erasmas Cole (or Cobe), Wm. Ginkin, John Cornish, Edward Gaprell, George Wil- son, Thomas Jackson, Cristian Best, Edward Tyball, Wm. Baycock, Andrew 182 Cavaliers and Pioneers Hancock, Tho. Allen, Wm. Midleton, Morris Walker, John Bennet, Arthur Lahay, Richard Smith, Glode Gallant, Andrew Carelesse, John Coleman, John Coleman, John Tap Lady, William Hodgkinson, Thomas Walker, Richard Watson, Hugh Higinson, 9 Negroes. MR. BENNET FREEMAN, 400 Acs., James City Co., 20 Dec. 1648, p. 171. Up Thomaham Cr., being part of the devident of Mr. Francis Fowler; bounded N. W. upon the sd. Cr., S. E. and S. W. upon land of Capt. Bridges Freeman. 200 Acs. being bequeathed to Capt. Bridges Freeman by Mrs. Antania Fowler, deed., & by Capt. Freeman given to sd. Bennet Freeman, & 200 acs. by the sd. Mrs. Fowler equally be- queathed to Richard Balfin & Thomas Dennington & by sd. Balfin & Dening- ton assigned severally to sd. Bennet Freeman, all which by deed appeareth. JAMES MILLER, 150 acs., butting upon Roulstons Cr. Sly, on two sides with two branches of sd. Cr. & from the place where the water mill should stand it runs up with the Southermost runns or water course untill it comes to Hugh Aliens land, & adj. his own land. Trans, of 3 pers: Anne Wille, John Chanelor, John Erett. 26 Jan. 1648, p. 171. BARTHOLOMEW HOSKINS, 1350 acs., lyeing on the Swd. side of Rappa- hanock Riv., First Jan. 1648, p. 172. Trans, of 27 pers: Mr. Barth. Hoskins, 5 times; 6 Negroes; Richard Harway, Richard Foster, 2 times; Richd. Winter, Abra. Thomas, Richd. Holmes, Richard Symonds, Fra. White, Margary Smith, Andrew Edwards. Renewed 12 Aug. 1651. SAME. 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Mar. 1648, p. 172. Lyeing on Nwd. side of the Broad Cr., being a br. of the Ewd. br. of Elizabeth River. Sd. land granted to Henry Watson, 10 June 1639 & by the relict of sd. Watson as- signed to Richard Foster, & by him as- signed to Richard Day & Richard Wood- man (or Woolman), & 200 acs. the residue due sd. Wolman for trans, of 4 pers: (& the whole 400 acs. pur- chased of Day & Woolman by sd. Hos- kins.) Walter Rash, Oliver Holliway, Ann Virosse, Phillip Land. MR. THOMAS MEARES, 400 acs., Low. Norf. Co., p. 173. (No date.) Lyeing on the Wwd. side of the Wwd. br. of Eliz. Riv, beg. at a point on Wwd. side of the mouth of Allinton Cr., running W. N. W. etc; and oppo- site to Goose Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Richard Danance (altered), John Hos- kins, John Harris, John Carliere, John Stawe, John Woolcot, Ann Askue, 1 Negro. MR. ROBERT HAYES, 500 acs., Low. Norf. Co., 22 Nov. 1648, p. 174. On the Southermost br. of Little Cr., in Linhaven Parish, beg. at Craine Marsh Point, etc., along land of Capt. John Gookin, dee'd., & by Adam Thorogoods land. 250 acs. by patent dated 28 Sept. 1643 & the other 50 acs. for trans, of 1 per.* RICHARD KEMP, Esqr., Secty. of State for this Colony, 3,500 acs., on Mockjack Bay in Ware River, 29 May 1649, p. 174. According to 2 surveys thereof made 3,000 acs. lyeing towards the narrow of the sd. river, beg. at Snare Cr. etc. crossing the mouth of Creans Cr. etc., which tract is called Hunting Dale. The other 500 acs. beg. at a small cr. dividing it from John Terry, joyning land of Dictoris Christ- mas, running due E. nye St. Michaells Cr. called by the name of the Meadowes. Due for trans, of 70 pers. into the Colony, assigned him by Capt. Ralph Wormeley, viz: Mrs. Agatha Worme- ley, Co: (Col.) Xtopher. Wormeley, Mrs. Mary Wormeley, Mr. Ralph Wormeley, Mr. William Littlewood, Richard Lewis, Robert Cheanine, Wil- liam Buttler, Teague Bryan, Doctor French, John Blacke, Robert Brown, 1 Negro woman, 1 Negro boy, 12 Negroes; Nicholas Clarke, Nicholas Jernew, Ryon Fletcher, Symon Byle, Robert Huett, A french man, John Losway, Cornelious , 4 Negroes; Hugh Gwyn, John Thomas, Henry Marshall, Thomason a Maid, Jenkin Williams, Morris Prower (or Procier) (?), Henry Hewes, William Watts, Patent Book No. 2 183 Charity his wife, Daniell Gale, Nicho- las . CAPT. JOSE JOHNSON, 639 acs., Chas. City Co., 6 June 1649, p. 175. On S. side James Riv. opposite to Weynoke, bounded N. W. upon the river, N. E. and N. W. upon the Gleab, N. E. upon Martins Brandon, S. S. E. upon George Birchers land & W. S. W. upon land of John Wall. Formerly granted by patent 29 June 1643. CHRISTOPHER LEWIS, 400 acs., James City Co., 4 July 1649, p. 176. Lyeing at blackwater upon Eastermost br. thereof, poynting up to Chipoakes Cr., bounded S. upon land of Francis England & N. upon sd. swamp. Trans, of 8 pers: Wm. Hunt, David Brumly, Thomas Guar 2, John Palmer, Kath. Nightingale, Humiliation Telgate, Jane Cross. HENRY WHITE, 200 acs., James City Co., 4 July 1649, p. 176. Lyeing at blackwater upon the Eastermost br. poynting up to Up. Chipoakes, bounded E. upon the said swamp, N. upon land of Francis England & S. towards land of Peter Hull. Trans, of 4 pers: Rich- ard Enbrooke, Eliz. Bussie, Digon Pal- lard (or Pollard), Richd. Conquest. ROBERT WARREN, 300 acs., James City Co., 6 Aug. 1649, p. 176. Lyeing bet. the heads of Lawnes Cr. & lower Chipoakes Cr., bounded E. upon land of Mr. William Buttler, N. towards Hogg Island & S. upon land of James Taylor. Formerly granted unto William Lawrence 6 Apr. 1647 & by him as- signed unto sd. Warren. JOHN WALTHAMS, 450 acs., Northampton Co., 15 Sept. 1649, p. 177. At Occahanock Cr., beg. at the Eastermost side of a devt. of 600 acs. granted to Richard Vaughan, extending Ely. upon the maine Cr. Due for trans, of 9 pers: Eliza. Wesson, Lake (Luke ?) Wilson, Dorothy Watkins, Jane Pupill, George Snow, Thomas Symson, Thomas Jones, Henry Pilsberry, Tho. Sheapheard. JOHN DENNIS, 350 acs., scituate at great Wicocomoco, 15 Sept. 1649, p. 177. Bounded on the Northern parts with a branch of sd. river, on the Southern part by a small br. parting same from land of Thomas Goscoigne & making this a neck of land. Trans, of 7 pers: Richard Parker, Chr. Wals- grave, Barbery Dennis, Robert Swanson, Thomas Long, Thomas Octies (Acties ?), a servant of Capt. Stoner. NICOLAS WADDILOW, 300 acs., Northampton Co., 15 Sept. 1649, p. 177. At Occhanock Cr., bounded on the W. with the land of Jno. Baldwin & Robert Marrett. (Note: The following names appear under this pattern): Ed- ward Morris, John Thompson, George Hall, Wm. Stanley, Thomas Key, Nehemiah Coventon. NICHOLAS WADDILOWE, 400 Acs., Northampton Co., 15 Sept. 1649, P. 178. At Occahannock Cr. & bounded on the Northern parts thereof on the Easterne by Compeekeeke Cr., extend- ing Wly. down the sd. great Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Edwd. Southerne, Alex Stewardson, Robert Spraklin, Richard Kellum, Ja. Adkinson, John Smite, John Davis, Nicho. Oyles. EDMOND SCARBURGH, JUNR., 2,000 acs. Northampton Co., 12 Aug. 1649, p. 178. Being at a little creek on the Ewd. side of an old Indian feild, running down Occahannocke Cr. bounded on the Swd. part therewith, W. part by the maine bay & on the Nwd. part by Craddockes Cr., formerly called Nundue. Trans, of 40 pers: John Thompson, Robert King, Roger Isham, Thomas Scott, Robert Huncer, Walter Laine, John Watts, George Nelson, John Marrell, Jane Styles, Mar- garett Cossens, Robert Harrison, Tho- mas Meere, Tymothy Gancer, Thomas Jones, Fra. Gardner, Dorothy Hosnard, Henry Bourne, Phillip Wattkins, Rich- ard White, James Corewell, Fenla mac- William, William Bane, Thomas Mas- grave, John Reny, George Frisell, John Forsith, John Thompson, Lacrecia Potts, John Booth, George Gorden, Richard Watson, Sisley Scratton, Ann Swann, Richard Radley, Thomas Jones, Mathew Overy, Robert Williams, George Nelson, Ann Winter. 184 Cavaliers and Pioneers RICHARD VAUGHAN, 300 Acs. Northampton Co., 15 Sept. 1649, P. 179. At Occahannock Cr., beg. on the Eastermost side of Edmond Scarburghs land, and Ely. upon the maine cr. Trans, of 6 pers: Richard Vaughan, John Shepway, William Jones, William Thresher, Herman Major, William Huttons. RICHARD BAYLY, 700 acs. North- ampton Co., 15 Sept. 1649, p. 179- At Cradicks beg. at Edmond Scarbrugh's land. Trans, of 14 pers: Eliza Lacy, Edwd. Tripp, Phill Landford, John Butcher, James Wren, Henry Wood, Fra. White, Wm. Wheeler, Hangatt Baker, Tho. Bournham, Willm. Howes, Eliza. Wheatley, Lydia Wheatly, Amb. Dixon. HENRY BISHOP, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., 15 Sept. 1649, p. 179. At Occahannock Cr., bounded on W. by a small branch parting this from the Batchelors Neck. Trans, of 6 pers: John Follard, Eliza Pedocke, Tho. Howell, Henry Haynes, Eliza Backen, Tho. Deanes. THOMAS GASCOYNE, 250 acs. scituated in great Wicocomoco river, 15 Sept. 1649, p. 180. Being a neck of land, bounded on the Northerne part by a br. parting this from land of John Dennis, on the S. from the land of Peeter Knight. Trans, of 5 pers.* Note: 150 acs. by right of a patent of 300 acs. dated 9 Sept. 1636 of which there can be but 150 acs. found the rest being taken up before by John Harloe, Wm. Waters, Kath: his wife. MR. EPAPHRODITUS LAWSON, 700 Acs. in Rappahanock River, 3 Sept. 1649, p. 180. In Rappahanock River, lying about 12 mi. upon the N. side, beg. on the Ewd. side of the mouth of Slaughters Cr. which parts this from the land of John Cartar. Trans, of 14 pers.* LEWIS BURWELL, Gent., 2,350 acs., 12 June, 1648, p. 181. Lying upon the N. side of York River up Rosewell Cr. on the Swd. side thereof, beg. at Bacon point, bounded for length up the cr. to the head or maine swamp &c, & for breadth beg. at sd. point running S. S. E. down the river along the land of Georg Menefy, Esq., until it meets the land of William Smoot. 900 acs. formerly surveyed by Nicholas Jernew; 400 acs. by Francis Cartar; & 1050 acs. by Symon Bosman. Due for trans, of 47 pers: Francis Burwell, Allis Atkin- son, Eliza Clap, Anthony Rock, Thomas Vand, Hump. Vand, Gerrard Hancorne, Robert Throndon, Susan Bayard, Henry Hubberd, William Cromp, Mary Wood, William Webb, Thomas Mase, William Pidd, John Axton, Kath. Key, Edward Croppage, Thomas Lane, Richard Howard, Thomas Reves, John Smith, William Lase, James Hume (or Hane), Robert Deby, Peter Lobbins, Eidith Taylor, Adam Finly (or Finby), Eliza. Clapp, Alice Adkinson, George Coudell, Gri. Condry, Dow. Cozens, Fra. Bur- well, Henry Brake, Wm. Andrewes, Nicho. Conell (or Covell), James Tyrrill, Michall Aldrop, Alex Grey, John Loppham, Mary Frisser, John Cordy, Edward Owley, Ferd. Foster, Ma. Hamilton, And. Adkinson (or Akinson.) JOHN GRAVETT (Grevett), 250 Acs. Nancemund Co., 12 Apr. 1649, p. 181. 150 acs. thereof lying on the Swd. side of the N. W. br. of Nancemund Riv., and adj. the other 100 acs. 150 Acs. formerly granted to the sd. John Grevett 10 Oct. 1642 & 100 acs. granted to Thomas Brice 18 July, 1640 & by him sold to sd. Gravet. MR. THO. CURTIS, 300 acs., 16 July 1649, p. 182. Beg. at the head of a br. of Fordes Cr. & down Mockjack Bay. Trans, of 6 pers: John Yates, Margaret Yates, Henry Bourne, Doro- thy Dile, Thomas Moore, & Tonny & Basse 2 Negroes, for whom land is due. PETER KNIGHT, Gent., 500 acs. 17 Oct. 1649, p. 183. On the S. of great Wicocomocoe, being a neck of land, bounded Ely. upon the great bay, Wly. on the Cr. that parts same from the Indian Town of Cattalowmen, N. & N. E. upon the mouth of sd. river. Trans, of 10 pers.* Patent Book No. 2 185 JOHN SPILTIMBER, 100 acs., James City Co., 16 Nov. 1648, p. 183. Lyeing about 1^4 mi. above the head of Smiths Fort Cr., bounded Wly. upon land of John Corker, Sly. upon a swamp that parts it from the land of Thomas Warren. 50 acs. formerly granted to William Coffer 10 Feb. 1640 & pur- chased of him, & 50 acs. for trans, of Dorothy Bishopp. ROWLAND BURNEHAM, Gent., 500 Acs., 16 Oct. 1649, p. 184. About 15 mi. up the S. side of Rappahanock River, bounded S. upon land of Capt. Wormeley & N. upon Abraham Eng- lish. Trans, of 10 pers: Katherin Burneham, Mary Richford (or Richard- ford), Aron Elrock (or Elcock), Rich- ard White, Owin Davis, 5 Negroes. (Note: This name has been altered and it is possible it should be Barneham.) MR. RALPH BARLOWE, 850 acs., Northampton Co., 5 Oct. 1649, p. 184. Lyeing N. N. W. upon great Noswat- tock Riv. from Arokoko Cr. Mouth, bounded W. S. W. with sd. Cr., E. N. E. with Mansotanzick Cr. Trans, of 17 pers: Himself "2 Severall tymes", Ann Parker, William Bosman, Walter Nor- ton, Bridgett Richardson, Abraham Mor- gan, Robert Parker, Thomas Daniell, James Kemp, George Parker, John Meller, Elinor Odait, John Peter, one Negro, Roger Hengan, Wm. Hopkin. MR. ROBERT PARKER, 500 acs. in Naswattock Riv., Northampton Co., 5 Oct. 1649, p. 185. Lyeing N. N. W. upon ereat Naswattock River from Mossacotanzick Cr. Mouth to Matta- wompson Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Ed- ward Preston, Robt. Speed, 3 tymes, Henry Hudson, John Spences (or Spen- cer), James CockDale, Henry Croopp, Robert Persivale, John Thomas. CAPT. RANDALL HERLE, Marri- ner, 600 acs. Northampton Co., 5 Oct. 1649, p. 185. Lyeing N. N. W. upon great Naswattock Riv. from Chineande- hee Cr. Mouth unto Arokoko Cr. Trans, of 12 pers: Anthony West, Ann his wife, William Bragg, John West, Kathe: West, Edward Clarke. (Other names not given.) MR. JOHN TRUSSELL, 400 acs. lyeing on the Southermost side of Chicokolne (or Chicokolue) River., beg. at a small cr. that devides this land & Mr. John Motrams land. 14 Oct. 1649, p. 185. Trans, of 8 pers: Henryr Nar- gatt, Robert Wild, Robert Honyborne, Wm. Crooke, Stephen Cockney, John Pitts, Nicho. Lancellot, John Eatere. MR. WILLIAM PRESLY, 1150 acs. Northumberland Co., 14 Oct. 1649, p. 186. Lyeing on Potomeck Riv. between Chingehan Cr. & Preslys Cr. mouth, over to the Codd point, Mattrams Cr. parting this from land of Mr. John Motrums, & Chingehan Cr. parting this from land of Mr. Robert Newman. Trans, of 23 pers: John February, Richd. Steevens, Robert Crabbe, John Ridford, William Louder, William Hicks, Hump. Dale, Tho. Fowler, John Warren, John Buttler, John Chappell, Peter Willet, William Pippin, Tho. Spalding, Humph. Blackman, Peter Callay, Jno. Wildblood, Henry Plump- ton, Wm. Presly, Jane his wife, Wm. Preslv, Payle (or Paule) Presly, Peter Presly. WILLIAM PEIRCE & FRANCIS SYMONS, 220 acs. Northumberland Co., 16 Oct. 1649, p. 187. Between Powells Cr. & Lees Cr. comeing out of Claytons Cr., beg. at a point next Ralph Horselys land. Trans, of 5 pers: John Clarkson, Geo. Wescomb, Thomas Buckham, Elizabeth Bowin, John Sooter. RALPH HORSLY, 130 Acs., North- umberland Co., 16 Oct. 1649, p. 187. On Lees Creek, being a branch come- ing out of Claytons Cr., beg. at a poynt parting this from John Earles land. Trans, of 2 pers: Richard Wall, Rich- ard Buckham. JOHN THOMAS, 350 acs. Yorke Co., 7 Oct. 1649, p. 188. Upon the N. side of Queens Cr., N. by W. upon land of Joseph Croshaw, S. by E. upon Queens Cr., W. by S. upon a little Cr. and swamp leading to the Indian Cabin & E. by N. upon the land of Mr. Jer- new. 300 acs. formerly granted unto John Broach & by him assigned unto Anthony Barckurst & purchased of him 186 Cavaliers and Pioneers by sd. Thomas, & 50 acs. for trans, of: Dorothy Wife. (It is assumed this means Dorothy, his wife.) LIEUT. WILLIAM WORLEICH, 150 acres in Eliz. City Co., 14 Oct. 1649, p. 188. Upon Cursons (or Car- sons Cr. in Hampton Riv., 100 acs. lye- ing Ely. upon Carsons Cr. from a red poynt at the 2nd br. mouth, bounded on W. with Capt. Thorowgoods, dec'd., land, N. with Capt. William Clayborne; and 50 acs. lyeing at the head of the devidends of Lansden, and Capt. Cley- borne; 100 acs. & part of Capt. Thorow- good bounded on the S. W. with Mr. Thomas Eatons land & W. N. W. with Mr. Tohn Robins land. Trans, of 3 pers: himself, Mary Worleich, Henry Wor- leich. FRANCIS BROWN (Browne), 500 acs. called Poplar Neck, Northumber- land Co., 14 Nov., 1649, p. 189- On the N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at the mouth of Shallo Cr., running N. by W. to Narrow Cr. parting this from land of Wm. Dounman (or Downman). Trans, of 10 pers: Xtoper. Garlington, John Mappine, Elizabeth Crane, Henry Barnes, Mary Blackford, John Read, William Smith, William Taylor, Tho- mas Hudson, Hester Heytens. BEN. HARRISON, the son of Ben. Harrison, Gent., dec'd., 500 acs. James City Co., 9 Oct. 1649, p. 189. On the S. side James River, beg. on the Sly side of the Round Island Swamp. Granted to Benja. Harrison, dec'd., by patent dated 21 March, 1643, "and now due unto the said Banja. Harrison Junr. by being his son in heir." THOMAS HARWOOD, 300 acs., 14 Nov. 1649, p. 190. Being a neck, adj. next John Merriman upon a br. of Island Neck Cr. called Grimes Crr. in Rappa. Riv. Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Compton, Nicho. Hare, Tho. Waldie, Nicho. Flower, Mary Sawyer, Robert Wilkinson. JOHN MERRIMAN, 500 acs., 14 Nov. 1649, p. 190. Being a neck, lye- ing on the N. side of Rappa. River, up- on Island Neck Cr., beg. at a poynt at Seymes Cr. Mouth, up Island Neck Cr. to the head, being Wm. Newsom's ut- most bounds, to the head of parting cr. dividing this from land of Thomas Har- wood. Trans, of 10 pers: Angle John- son, Elinor Gillis, Tho. Tuata (?), William Harrison, Heilton Arrens, Rebecca Fraine, Audry Merryman, Robert Adkins, his own adventure 3 tymes. His last adventure is yett due to him. Test: R. Huberd. WILLIAM CAPPS, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 10 Apr. 1649, p. 191. On Strattons Cr. issueing into Linhaven Riv. Trans, of 3 pers.* JOHN KING, 500 acs., York Co., 19 Nov. 1649, p. 192. On the N. side of York Riv. upon the W. side of the mouth of Poropotanke, bounded N. E. upon Kings Cr. Trans. 10 pers: Robert Lester, Geo. Littleton, Tho. Lomans, Thomas Mansfeild, John Boshoe, John Daniell, Morgan Joanes, John Williams, Henry Thompson. NICHOLAS BROOKE, Senr., Gent., 500 acs. Yorke Co., 12 July, 1649, p. 192. Commonly called by the name of Middle Plantation; bounded S. E. upon land formerly belonging to Tho. Lucas, N. W. upon the great swamp, & S. W. upon the Palisadoe. Formerly granted to Nicholas Brooke, Jr., 13 Aug. 1646 & purchased by sd. Brooke, Sr., of his NICHOLAS BROOKE, Junr. to NICHOLAS BROOKE, Senr., "for a valuable consideration to me in hand payd before the date hereof by Mr. Nicholas Brooke, Senr., my father", etc. 12 July 1649, p. 192. Witnessed by: Robert Huberd & Matt. Huberd. WALTER CHILES, Gent., 813 acs. Chas. City Co., 5 Nov. 1649, p. 193. Lyeing upon the Sly. side of Appomat- tuck Riv., 200 acs. thereof bounded N. W. upon the river, E. N. E. upon the other devidend of 600 acs., a deep bottom parting it W. S. W. unto a run of water that parteth this from land of Nath. Tatum; the other 613 acs. beg. at the upward bounds of Mr. Tonstalls land, & W. N. W. upon the river. 200 Patent Book No. 2 187 acs. granted to William Sanders, 10 Oct. 1640 & by him assigned unto Walter Brooke, & by Brooke to William Thomas alias Fluellin, & purchased by Chiles of sd. Thomas. The other 613 acs. granted to sd. Chiles 20 Oct. 1642. JOHN BARKER, 300 acs. James City Co., 29 Nov. 1649, p. 193. Lyeing at the verry head of the maine branch of Lower Chipoaks Cr., bounded upon land of Master Dunstan & N. W. upon land of William Cartar. Trans, of 6 pers:* Eliza. Blacker, John Carver, Elizabeth Collins, John Musgrove. JOHN VAUGHAN, 1200 acs. lyeing on the Swd. side of Potomack Riv on the Eastermost side of Cedar Island Cr. at the mouth thereof, running S. E. parallel to sd. river Formerly granted to Edward Murfrey & sd. Vaughan 24 Feb. 1643. Page 194. (No date.) WILLIAM MOORE, 300 acs. called Timber Neck, 17 Oct. 1649, p. 194. Lyeing some 18 mi. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., E. N. E. from mouth of Fishing Cr. to another small cr. to- wards Sandy poynt; bounded S. S. E. with Fishing Cr. parting this from Rich- ard Parret's land. Trans, of 6 pers: Nathan Barker, Jacob, Jordaine, John Green, Tho. Husband. COLL. PHILLIP HONNYWOOD, Esq., 3050 acs. 14 Mar. 1649, p. 194. 1550 acs. lying in York Riv. next above Warrannucock Island, & 1500 acs. lye- ing on S. side of Yorke Riv. neare sd. Is., bounded S. E. along marked trees of Mr. Jernew, S. W. by S. & W. by S. along the mountaynes, includeing two tongues of land running to the river containing 14 acs. Trans, of 61 pers.* MANWARRING HAMON, Esqr., 3,760 acs., Yorke Co., 15 Mar. 1649, p. 195. Lyeing up Yorke Riv. on the S. side thereof commonly called Fort Royall, bounded N. E., N. W., S. W., N. E. & N. upon the Riv., S. S. W. by S. upon the Mts. & N. W. by N. upon black cr., & S. E. upon the Bay, in- cludeing on the other side the sd. Bay one neck contayneing 350 acs. 600 acs. purchased of Capt. Roger Marshall to whom it was granted 14th of this In- stant March & 3160 acs. for trans, of 63 pers.* NOTE: Same page. Whereas by Act of Assembly dated at James City the 5th Day of October 1646 Fort Royall ah. Ricahock with Six Hundred acres of Land joyning upon the same with all Houses and Edifices belonging to the same was granted unto Capt. Roger Marshall upon Condition that he the said Capt. Marshall should Maynetayne ten men upon the Same dureing the tyme of three yeares which said Condi- tion being performed," etc. THOMAS BOURNE, 250 acs., being a neck of land called Store poynt Neck, lyeing on the N. side of Peanketanke Riv., bounded on S. & E. with Pyanke- tank Riv., on N. E. with Bornes Cr., on N. W. with a branch comeing out of sd. cr. & to the Bay side & on the W. with a deep bay or bite of Peanke- tank Riv. 20 Dec. 1649, p. 196. Due sd. Borne for trans, of 5 pers: James Clarke, John Bell, John Burd, Tho. Nurdon, John Johnson. JOHN CABBIDGE, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 13 Mar. 1649, p. 196. In Linhaven Parish, up the Little Cr. against Hogg Is. Trans, of 4 pers: Mary Erefined, Tho. Rennolds, Robert Winter, Joane Welch. ARTHUR ALLEN, 200 Acs, James City Co., 14 Mar. 1649, p. 197. Lye- ing bet. Lawnes & Chipoaks Crks., bounded N. upon land of Capt. Peirce now in possession of Edward Blane, E. towards Lawnes Cr. joyning with his Eastermost angle on the land of Mr. Rennolds. Trans, of 4 pers: Ailce Tucker, Wm. Eyres, Wm. Mors, Tho- mas Rastill. HENRY BRAKES, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 13 Mar. 1649, p. 197. In Lynhaven Parish, up a little cr. against Hogg Is., beg. at John Cabbidge's marked tree by Hogg Is. Cr. side. Trans, of 5 pers: Mary Elitherby, Dorothy Wyaneford, Robert Russell, Tho. Wards, Sarah Walker. 188 Cavaliers and Pioneers FRANCIS LAND, 270 acs. lyeing & being at the head of Francis Land devi- dent & along Thomas Watts devdt., in Linhaven parish, towards Lancaster Levites land, S. E. by S. to marked trees of Tho. Watts now Fra. Land's. 14 Mar. 1649, p. 198. Trans, of 5 pers: Jane Driver, Jane Ruddeford, Edward Long, John Johnson, Ailce Young. RICHARD WHITEHURST, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 15 Mar. 1649, p. 198. On the Swd. side of the Ewd. br. of Eliz. Riv., running S. S. W. on land of John Godfrey, through the maine poquoson, N. N. E. to a poynt on the Wwd. side of the Church Cr. Granted to Thomas Davis by patent 22 May 1637, by whom it was assigned to Law- rence Peters & purchased by sd. White- hurst of Peters. HENRY FENTON, Gent., 1500 acs. Yorke Co., 1 Dec. 1649, p. 199. Lye- ing within the mouth of Mattapony Riv., on the E. side thereof, bounded N. W. upon the Riv., & S. W. upon a cr. dividing this from land of Richard Major, & N. E. up the river including Fentons Cr. Trans, of 30 pers.* FRANCIS WILLIS, 450 acs., 29 Jan. 1649, p. 199. Beg. towards the head of the Eastermost br. of Severne at a point where that br. divides itself into two branches & measuring from the poynt unto marked trees that divides this from land of Richard Burt. Trans, of 9 pers.* MR. RICHARD TYE, 1450 acs., known by the name of the old Towne above Merchants Hope, beg. at a place called the great Market, extending in breadth at the head of Samuell Walker's land, due S. into the woods makeing a long square, W. towards the head of Jordaynes & Bayleys Cr., towards Wardes Cr. & N. on sd. Walker's & Richard Craven's lands; the height thereof into the maine woods is a mile all reduced into horizontall measure. Due bv vertue of the rights of a patent granted Chene Boys, 23 Aug. 1637 for 1500 Acs. & surrendered into the office by sd. Tye, who married the relict of sd. Chene Boys. 26 Oct. 1649, p. 199- JOHN SADLER & RICHD. QUYNY, Merchants, 1,140 acs. Chas. City Co., 11 Jan. 1649, p. 200. Lyeing from the head of Wards Cr. up the Eastermost br. of same the distance of 4 mi. or thereabouts, called by the name of the Pondes, bounded from the run below the Ponds S. E. by E. 80 chaines from thence S. W. by S. 240 chs., from thence N. W. by W. 190 chs., from thence N. E. by N. 240 chs. & from thence to the river S. E. by E. to place where it begun. Trans, of 23 pers.* RICHARD MAJOR, 300 acs. Yorke Co., lyeing at the verry mouth of Matta- pony Riv. on the E. side thereof & on N. side of Yorke Riv., bounded on the West by the River, S. & E. by Majors Cr. & on the N. by another cr. 17 Jan. 1649, p. 200. Trans, of 6 pers.* Note: This patent renewed in name of Edward Simpson, Junr. after the Court THOMAS CONIERS, 40 acs. Eliz. City Co., 30 July 1649, p. 201. Run- ning by the end of Basnets house to the cr. side that parts this from the Fort feild, bv marked trees, then N. N. E. along sd. cr. by Plackett Well, to a tree hard by Major Morrisons ground, N. N. W. to the Gleab land, to the per- sons (parsans) Ditch. Trans, of: Sarah Stratton. MR. JOSEPH CROSHAW, 1350 acs. Yorke Co., 27 Feb. 1649, p. 201. Lye- ing in Yorke Riv. on S. side thereof about 8 mi. above the Fort, bounded upon the river & upon Monke (or Mouke), Moggadegum Cr., & W. by S. upon the Mts. Trans, of 27 pers: Mary Sawford, John Proctor, John Peirce, Tho. Hartland, Samll. Wright, John Clare, Thomas Adams, Mary Williams, William Eye, Thomas Mor- ton, Ralph Spencer, William Dyon, Ed- ward Loes, Wm. Cartar, Richd. Hen- wath, John Sprons (of Sprous) Richd. Sharpe, Fra. Furboyes, Wm. Lodey, Robt. Salter, John Morne, Edward Fox, Ja. Crockell, Richd. Redman, Richard Hill, Wm. Hunt, John Jede. MR. RICHARD CROSHAW, 750 acs. Yorke Co., 27 Feb. 1649, p. 202. Lye- Patent Book No. 2 189 ing on N. side of Yorke Riv., called by the name of the Stayres, bounded N. N. W. upon the land of Tymothy Lodell. Trans, of 5 pers: Richard Finch, Mary Finch, Elizabeth Finch, Richard Saeton, John, William, & Mary Finch, Wm. Coote, Tho. Laramore, Ja. Clarke, John Elly (or Eley), Wm. Pountney, John Buckerin, Mart Lear, Walt. Tealter. MR. HENRY LEE, 247 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Mar. 1649, p. 202. Abutting N. W. upon a br. of Capt. West's Cr., S. W. upon land of Thomas Morley & N. E. upon land of William Sawyer. Trans, of 5 pers: Henrry Lee, John Lee, Eliza- beth Boshfeild, Ann Russell, Thomas Johnson. WILLIAM NESUM, THO. SAX, MILES BATTERSBY & JOHN PYNE, 800 acs. called the Island Neck, lyeing on N. side of Rappa. Riv. neare Curri- tomon Riv. mouth, Northumberland Co., 29 Jan. 1649, p. 202. Trans, of 16 pers: Richd. Mallery, Jno. Williams, Mary Cotterell, Richd. French, Joane Neale, Richd. Riley, Edward Thomas, Tho. Chenell (Chevell), Richd. Smyth, Edwd. Parke, Henrry Loady, Henry Biggs, Henry Abbs, Thomas Abbs, Mary Abbs, Tho. Steed. SAME. 550 acs. in same county & same date. On N. side the Rappa. Riv., adj. to the Island Neck, running N. N. W. to Marsh Poynt Cr., Page 203. Trans, of 11 pers: Richd. Pagget, Richd. Jones, Ja. Richardson, Wm. Horlson, Hugh Griffin, Tho. Griffin, Tho. Grimsditch, Edward Wright, John Gibbs, Richd. Ownes, Robert Poole. WALTER CHILES, Gent., 813 acs. Chas. City Co., 5 Nov. 1648, p. 203. Confirmation of pattern dated 20 Oct. 1642. STEPHEN DURDEN, 150 acs. Up. Norf. Co., 14 Mar. 1649, p. 204. Lve- ing on the Ewd. side of the N. W. br. of Nancimum Riv. at Indian Cr., adj. land of George Chewing & Francis Maiden. Formerly granted unto Tho- mas Brice, 19th Oct. 1643; 100 acs. of which was granted to him by patent dated 11 Nov. 1640 & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 per., whose name is not given. Assigned unto George Chewning, who assigned same unto sd. Durden. MR. RICHARD QUINEY, 300 acs. James City Co., 9 Feb. 1649, p. 205. Upon Up. Chipoakes, bounded S. E. upon land of Mr. William Egborough & W. Sly. upon land of Jerremy Dickinson. Trans, of 6 pers.* THOMAS WILLIAMS, 326 acs., Nansimund Co., 17 Oct. 1648, p. 205. On Swd. side & nigh the mouth of New Towne haven Riv., running S. E. unto land of George Salisbury deserted, butting the miles end of land of Capt. Daniell Grokin (Gookin), and crossing Island Cr. Trans, of 7 pers.* MR. JOHN ROBINS, 400 acs. Northumberland Co., called Indian Feild Necke, 15 Mar. 1649, p. 206. Lyeing on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at Narrow Cr. mouth parting this from land of Francis Brown, running N. by W. along the river unto a creek's mouth parting this from land of John Place. Due sd. Robbins for trans, of 8 pers.* RICHARD PARRETT, neck of land containing 450 acs., lyeing on the S. side of Rappa. Riv. some 18 mi. up, bee. N. E. on same at the mouth of Wadeing Madley Cr. to the mouth of Fishing Cr. Trans. 9 pers: Elizabeth Steele, Henry Armes, Henry Sharpe, Kath. Swadlin, Richard Case, Charles Jackson, Ellen Sheep, Wm. Dunstan, James Pettin. 13 Mar. 1649, p. 206. THOMAS SPAKE, Gent., 400 acs. Northumberland Co., 10 Jan. 1649, p. 206. Abutting N. E. upon Nomeny Bay, S. E. upon cr. dividing this from land of Walter Broadhurst & N. W. upon cr. dividing this from land of John Hollowes. Trans, of 8 pers: Mr. Tho. Spake, Ralph Sayler, Winter Chap- man, Robert Bolewell (or Bollwell) Richd. Biggs, Richd. Tonne, Pru. Dover. MR. THOMAS SPAKE, 600 acs. Northumberland Co., 10 Jan. 1649, p. 207. Abutting Nly. upon the mouth of a cr. issueing out of Nomeny Bay. 190 Cavaliers and Pioneers Trans, of 12 pers: Katherine Terrell, John Russell, Edward King, Tho. West, Ann King, Ann Chandler, Mr. Win. (ter) Chapman, John Towne, George Day, Richd. West, Henry West, Ailce Crooke. JOHN SENEOR, 100 acs. on S. side James River a little above the Colledge, bounded S. E. upon the land of Mr. Edwd. Grindon, N. W. of Mr. George Sandyes, N. E. upon the river & S. W. into the woods. 9 Apr. 1650, p. 207. Trans, of 2 pers: Elizabeth Barker, Mary Taylor. NICHO. JERNEW, 1,000 acs. Yorke Co., 27 Feby. 1649, p. 207. Joyneing upon Warranuncock Island on the N. side of Yorke Riv. Trans, of 20 pers., of which the following are mentioned: Paule Chiffton, Timo. Woldridge, 2 Negroes; Henry Smith, Francis Jernew, Eliza. Blanchett, Francis Coote, Edmd. & wife (?) (altered), Elinor Thomas, Masser William, Ann Burton, Wm. Wells. Note: This patent is relin- quished and the rights to make good a patent of 900 acres in the name of the said Jernew Dated the 18th Oct. 1650. NICHOLAS JERNEW, 200 acs. Yorke Co., 27 Feb. 1649, p. 208. S. side Yorke Riv. opposite to his other devdt. of 1,000 acs. on the N. side and bounded upon Col. Honnywood's land. Trans, of 4 pers.* Note: This alsoe relinquished. Teste: R. H. MR. JOHN HOLDING, 850 acs. known by the name of Warranuncock Island, Yorke Co., 27 Feb. 1649, p. 208. Lyeing in Yorke Riv., bounded round with two great swamps one of them dividing it from Col. Honny- wood's & the other from land of Mr. Jernew. Trans, of 17 pers.* TIMOTHY LODELL, 575 acs. Yorke Co., 27 Feb. 1649, p. 209. Bounded on N. side by Yorke Riv., S. S. W. upon Mr. Croshaw's land. Trans, of 12 pers., of whom only the follow- ing are mentioned: John Worker, 9 Negroes. WILLIAM DURAND, 800 acs. in Rappa. Riv. about 35 mi. up on the S. side. 15 Mar. 1649, p. 209. Formerly granted to sd. Durand by patent dated 4 Nov. 1642. Note: This is voyd the said Durand being a bannished man and soe uncapable of holding any land in this Colony and is granted unto Capt. William Brocas. BERTRAM OBERT, 200 acs. lyeing on S. side Rappa. Riv. about 14 mi. up the same, bounded N. E. by N. upon Sunderland Cr. 2 Oct. 1649, p. 210. Trans, of 4 pers: Ellin Robinson, Eustace Sanders, Joan Miller, Tho. Drew. THOMAS HAWKINS, 466 acs. Chas. River Co., 2 Apr. 1650, p. 210. Lyeing in the new poquoson, beg. at Hawkins Point, running parallel to Hawkins Cr. to the Bridg at the head of the Cr. which divides this from land of Capt. Cheesman. 300 acs. formerly patented him, 9 May, 1636, & 166 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: John Griffin, Richard Hews, Roger Thomas, James Aston. THOMAS DALE, son of Nicholas Dale, dec'd., 800 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., some 8 mi. up, lyeing E. N. E. upon sd. river from the mouth of Wadeing Cr. to mouth of Marsh Cr. 13 Mar. 1649, p. 211. Trans, of 16 pers: Dorothy Cole, Edward Spencer, Richd. Jones, John Walton, Mathew Wallis, Thomas Brewer, Edw. Williams, Tho. Richards, John Read, Patience Marken, Dan. Sympson, Jefferry Wat- son, Robt. Woodcroft, Sarah Key, Ann Fletcher, Fran. Hues. MR. JAMES WILLIAMSON, 1150 acs. In Rappa. Riv. on the N. side, 150 acs. being marsh. 22 May 1650, p. 211. Trans, of 23 pers: Silvester Thacher, Wm. Freeman, Robert Dunn, Wm. Harrison, Kath. Peirce, James Loyd, John Richardson, Henry Cromp- ton, Edward Hurt, William Jury, Me- thusalem Hart, Ralph England, Wm. Hutt (or Nutt), Robert Wildge, Mor- gan Davis, Eliza. Harton, Walter Owens, Jno. Cadin, Wm. Jefferson, John Fennell, Marg. Baker, John Davis, Tho. Whitlock. Patent Book No. 2 191 SAME. 1800 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on the N. side, 22 May 1650, p. 212. Beg. at a marked cedar tree nigh the mouth of Milleck Cr., running N. E. by E. on the land of Wm. Underwood, & to the mouth of Willing Cr., being above the land of Antho. Jackman. Trans, of 36 pers: John Jackson, Wm. Smarley, 2 children of John Marshalls, Ellen Sheen, Ann Yarnar, George Wye, Chrper. (?) Medcalfe, John Tingle, John Nouseir, Tho. Cooperson, Robt. Ward, Abigail Huse, Wm. Jackson, Nicholas Stone, Mary Powett, Mar. Williams, Alexr. Cammell, James Rogers, John Dickin- son, Leon. Jones, Richd. Thomas, Alexr. Rosse, Tho. Cartwright, Xtopr. Gran- feild, Mary Hudson, Mary Cripps, Wm. Jones, Hester Foord. 300 by vertue of a patent granted to Richd. Bennet 2nd Mar. 1638 & now deserted. WILLIAM UNDERWOOD, Gent., 1400 acs. in Rappa. Riv., lyeing on N. side, 22 May 1650, p. 212. Beg. at a poynt at the mouth of Mileck Cr., run- ning N. E. by E. above Mr. James Williamson, & to Brushwood Cr. Trans. 28 pers., whose names are not given. Note: "The rights that belongs to this patent is in the Old Booke in folio 146." SAME. 600 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on N. side, beg. at a poynt nigh the mouth of Indian Cr., running N. E. by N. & above land of Mr. James Williamson. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Moseley, Wm. Underwood 4 tymes, Mary his wife, Wm. Underwood his Son, Henry Succor & ux, George Bryer, Joseph Robins, Elizabeth Penn (or Prenn) 22 May 1650, p. 213. RICE JONES, 350 acs. in Rappa. Riv., about 9 mi. up the N. side, beg. on a poynt of an Island called Muskeeto poynt. Trans, of 7 pers.* 22 May 1650, p. 213. THOMAS BRICE, 200 acs. in Rappa. Riv., lyeing on N. side, adj. land of sd. Brice. Trans, of 4 pers.* 18 Apr. 1650, p. 213. ANTHONY JACKMAN, 550 acs. in Rappa. Riv. about 37 mi. up the N. side, beg. on Ewd. side of the mouth of Jackmans Cr., adj. above land of Capt. Moore Fantleroy. 18 Apr. 1650, p. 214. Trans, of 11 pers.* THOMAS PAYNE, 600 acs. in Rappa. Riv. about 43 mi. upon the S. side, about a mile above land of Rich- ard Bennett. 18 Apr. 1650, p. 214. Trans, of 12 pers.* HENRY DEADMAN, 350 acs. in Rappa. Riv., on S. side, below 600 acs. taken up by Thomas Payne, and S. W. towards land of Richard Bennett. 27 June 1650, p. 215. Trans, of 7 pers.* JOHN MANGOR, 800 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Corotoman Riv. on the N. side of the Eastermost br. thereof, bounded by a cr. that divides this from land of Ellyas Edmonds. 29 July 1650, p. 215. Due sd. Manger for trans, of 16 pers: Charles Barcraft the 4th tyme, George Moore, Anthony Peace, Hugh Cary, William Hadway, William Lucas, Jose Scriver, Garrett Williams, Zachary Pady, Henry Page, John Macduell, Walter Keyes, Walter King, James Price, John Tallott, Tho. Fry, Nicholas Hawkins, Robert Sidney, William Stalmy (or Salmy), John Hobbs, Mary Munday. Land due for Tho. Ailce, and Joane Williams (or Tho. Wms. (Williams) and Ailce Joane.) JOHN MANGER, 300 acs. on N. side Rappa. Riv., on W. side of the W. branch thereof. 24 July 1650, p. 216. Trans, of 6 pers., whose names doe not appear. Note: "The names are under the within written patent 5 more." WILLIAM YARRETT & FRANCIS WHITTINGTON, 660 acs. N. side of Rappa. Riv., next above land of Coleman. 29 July 1650, p. 216. Trans, of 14 pers: Fra. Wittington, Eliza, his wife, Mary Mares, Anne Dudifer, John her son, Mary Payton, George Bell, Hen. Palmer, Wm. Morris, Kath- erin Taylor, Rice Jones, Wm. Farra, Geo. Todd, Richd. Read. 40 acs. being still due upon the last name in the certificate. WM. YARRETT & FRANCIS WHITTINGTON, 580 acs. on N. side 192 Cavaliers and Pioneers of Rappa. Riv. next above land of Robert Bird. 29 July 1650, p. 216. 20 acs. still due upon last name in certifi- cate. Trans, of: 12 pers: Richard Read, Samll. Clarke, Antho. Little, wife of Amb. Procter, John Beife, Mary Bur- banck, Tho. Gwalpmey, Tho. Meares, Robert Perfect, wife of Robt. Perfect. JOHN BOND, 760 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Corotoman Riv., on the S. side of the Eastermost br., along land of Mr. Geo. Taylor. 29 July 1650, p. 217. Trans, of 15 pers: John Elliott, Joseph Oxford, Morgan Williams, Wal- ter Hart, John Neale, Jno. Lawrence, Henry Weblin, his wife, John White. ELYAS EDMONDES, 890 acs. lye- ing on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Coro- toman Riv., on the Eastermost br. on the N. side thereof. 29 July 1650, p. 217. Trans, of 18 pers: John Kendall, Nicho. Taylor, John Kesn (or Lesh), Duncom Grant, Rice Throughtgood, Ailce Dawes, Tho. Cuck, Ann Myller, Tho. Hobson, Kat. Geames, John Wake- feild, Richd. Embrock, Eliza. Bassye, Hellen Shore, Eliza. Stretton, Farrar Flinton, Jane his wife, Eliza. Flinton, Math. Harecastle, Hen. Nesfeild. ROBERT BIRD, 1400 acs. lyeing on N. side of Rappa. Riv., next above land of Silvester Thacker & Thomas Whit- lock, 29 July 1650, p. 218. Trans, of 28 pers: Perregrine Williams, Thomas Paine, William Edmonds, Robert Clerke, Wm. Banister, Eliza. Clubb, Hum. Clarke, Hen. Draper, Anne Guyne (or Gayne), Tho. Goardon, Wm. James, John Lane, Hugh Powell, James Davis, Richd. Steevens, Henry Barlye, Anne White, Wm. Wood, Geo. Ashall, Mase- lin Bennett, Ann Deany, William God- din, Hester Carrar, Mary Pitcher, Wal- ter Heard, Robert Medley, Richd. Down- ing, Jane Williams. THO. KIDBY & JOHN JOHNSON, 227 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 July 1650, p. 218. Abutting Sly. upon great Wickocomeco River. Trans, of 5 pers.* JOHN OLIVER, 300 acs. James City Co., 2 July 1650, p. 219. Lyeing upon the second br. of the black water poynt- ing towards head of the lower Chipoaks Cr., conteyning one neck of land joyn- ing upon the Beaver Dams. Trans, of 6 pers: Hugh Waydon, Antho. Hutton, Eliza Newman, Walter Apleby, Eliza Fleming. EDWARD JAMES, 350 acs. in Rappa. Riv. lyeing about 30 mi. up on the N. side, 22 May 1650, p. 219. Beg. on Ewd. side of Willing Cr., running to Wwd. side of the mouth of Newhaven Cr. Trans, of 7 pers: Walter Wyer, Alex Portus, William Phillips, Wm. Billingsley, Tho. Billingsley, Jane Funge, Ann Richardes. JOHN BAUGH, 100 acs. Henrico Co., 6 Aug. 1650, p. 219. Bounding E. N. E. upon land of George Brown- ing, S. E. upon the Bay of Appamattock, & W. S. W. upon land of John Baugh. Trans, of 2 pers.* ROGER NICHOLLS, 300 acs. James City Co., 6 June 1650, p. 220. Upon the S. side of the river 2 mi. from the river side, being a triangular peece of land, bounded Sly. upon the Colledge Land, Nly. upon the Reedy Swamp and the head of John Bisshops land. Formerly granted to Phillip Clarke, 1 Mar. 1640 & deserted for want of seat- ing, & due sd. Nicholls for trans, of 6 pers.* PHILLIP CHESLEY, 400 acs. James City Co., 7 June 1650, p. 220. Lyeing on the Ewd. side of Chickahominy Riv., bounded W. upon little Neck Cr., S. upon land of Mr. Robt. Holt & Mr. Felgatt & N. towards land of Mr. James Cockett, deed. Trans, of 8 pers.* JOHN COX, 1,000 acs., 150 acs. be- ing marsh, on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 22 May 1650, p. 220. Standing on a poynt of an island running to the mouth of Cedar Creek, etc. Trans, of 20 pers: John Cox twice, Eliza. Cox, Francis iStankey, Robert Lewis, Fra. Little, Richard Hickes, Edward Britton, Allen Mackbitt, Samll. Farmer, his wife , Hester Brown, James Goninon (or Gonnion), Mary Wilson, John Greene, Mary Rassell, Richard Shipp, Robert Gonnyon, Bennett Cooper, Xtophr. Patent Book No. 2 193 Holleman, Judeth Halloman, Ellis New- man. LAWRENCE BAKER & JAMES TAYLOR, 500 acs. James City Co., 11 June 1650, p. 221. Lyeing neere the head of Lawnes Cr. upon the Wester- most br. thereof, joyning upon their former devident, bounded N. upon land of William Lawrence, now in possession of Robert Warren. Due by the rights of another patent of 500 acs. granted them 6 Mar. 1644, which is relinquished & surrendered into the office and the certificate thereof taken to make good this patent. GEORGE PARKER, 450 acs. North- ampton Co., 5 June 1650, p. 221. Up- on Ockahannock Cr., lyeing S. S. E. upon sd. cr. from Shallow Br. to Cedar Br. Trans, of 9 pers.* Note: This land was recovered from the patent in Accomack Court & the rights to make good another of his Anno. 1655. JOHN BROWN, 200 acs. Low. Norf., 13 July 1650, p. 222. Upon Swd. side of the Ewd. br. of Elizabeth Riv., nigh Ewd. side of a small gutt called Smoggs hole, crossing branches of Billingsgate Cr., etc. Trans, of 4 pers.* CAPT. WILLIAM BROCAS, Esqr., and one of his Majesties Councill of State, 800 acs. in Rappa. Riv. about 35 mi. up the river on the S. side. 18 July 1650, p. 222. Formerly granted to William Durand, 14 Nov. 1642, which was made voyd etc. Trans, of 16 pers.* JOHN WATTS, Gent., 200 acs., be- ing a neck of marsh & wood land called Ducking Pond Cr., preceeding from Mockjack bay which bounds it on W., & on E. by a gutt dividing it from land of William Holder, and running on W. side of his mill. 13 Aug. 1650, p. 223. Trans, of 4 pers: himself, Martha his wife, Bernard Bradshaw, Edward Hollo- well. ROBERT MOSELY, Gent., 1100 acs. above the head of Upper Chipoakes about V/z mi. above the westermost br. thereof. 7 Jan. 1649, p. 223. Trans. of 20 pers: Gilbert Hurst, Robt. Powis, John Reason, Silvanus Griffeth, Tho. Foltham, William Short, Meacom (or Meawin) Cary, Robert Seullin, Xtopr. Flower, Ambroce Cottrell, Thomas Wilson, George Rey, Michaell Hoddon, Wm. Paggett, Joane Skinner, Jno. Spay- ford, Sara Barrett, Phillis Wright, Judeth Allen, Sara Watts, Joane Crosse, Dyana Sneldon. EDWARD HALL, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 24 Sept. p. 224. Lying to- wards the head of the master br. of Samuell Bennetts Cr., neare about a mile above John Gookins' Landing Place. Formerly granted sd. Hall 1 Sept. 1646. JOHN CATLETT & RALPH ROUSE Y, 400 acs. lyeing on the freshes upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a swamp which divides it from land of Geo. Eaton. 23 May 1650, p. 224. Trans, of 8 pers: Ralph Rousey, John Catlett, Valentine Allen, Nicholas Cat- lett, Peter Neale. MR. JOHN HALLOWES, 328 acs. Northumberland Co., 8 June 1650, p. 225. Abutting E. upon Potomock Riv., N. W. upon land of Andrew Monrow & S. W. upon his own Cr. Trans, of 7 pers: Joane Hungerford, Tho. Barefoot, Francis Heede, Wm. Skiffin, John Hunt, John Hughes, Wm. Hickman (or Thickman). ANDREW MUNROW, 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 8 June 1650, p. 225. Abutting N. E. upon a cr. issue- ing out of Potomeck Riv. dividing this from a neck of land late in possession of Thomas Sterman, S. E. upon land of John Hollowes, Gent., S. W. upon a great Indian Path neare Hallowes Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: Andrew Monrow, Sarah Hungerford, Christian Bell, Richd. Farmer. HENRY BROOKE, 658 acs. North- umberland Co., 31 May 1650, p. 225. N. E. upon Potomeck Riv., S. E. upon a cr. dividing this from land of Nath. Pope, Gent., N. W. upon a cr. dividing this from land of Hercules Bridges. Trans, of 13 pers: Henry Brooke, David 194 Cavaliers and Pioneers Whitliff, Eman. Brooke, Jane Brooke, Jane Brooke, Robt. Whitliffe, Lydia Brooke, Ailce Whitliffe. CAPT. HENRY FLEET, 1750 acs. Northumberland Co., 27 May 1650, p. 226. A neck of land lyeing on N. side of Rappa. Riv. at the mouth, beg. & poynting E. on the maine bay with a point called Windmill or Rappa. Point, bounded N. E. with Fleet's Bay from Windmill Pt. to Island Pt., Trans, of 35 pers.* WILLIAM HODGSON, 500 acs. Yorke Co., 7 June 1650, p. 226. In Yorke Riv. above the Narrowes, bounded N. N. E. upon land of Tota- potama, E. by S. upon Tanks Maccade- quin Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Hodgson, Anne Ashwell, Hannah Daurnport, (or Davenport), Grace White, Wm. Moore, John Pratt, Peter Wallis, Mary Greene, Richd. Croshaw, Jos. Moseley. Note: Adjudged voyd by order of the Governor & Councill dated the 8th of December 1652. Test: Robert Huberd, Clk. Councill. CAPT. JOHN FLOOD, Gent., 1100 acs. James City Co., 7 June 1650, p. 227. On S. side the river, bounded S. E. S. upon land of Capt. Henry Brown, N. W. by N. upon land of Mr. Charles Foord, and Richard Baven. Due by patent for 2100 acs. to sd. Flood, dated 12 May 1638, which is surrendered into the office and part of the rights maketh good this grant, whose names are men- tioned under this patent: John Flood, an Ancient Planter, Marg. Flood, Jno. Flood, Fra. Finch, John Connaway, Morgan Welch, Roger Harner, Richd. Thornbury, Wm. Wood, Joan Gravelin, John Biby, John Abry, John Cooper, John Cole, Richd. Bruce, Joseph Marsh, Barth Horton, John Wright, Eliza. Browne, John Lawrence. JOHN BROWN, 350 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 21 June 1650, p. 227. At Naswattock in the broad creek, bounded W. upon land of Liveing Denwood. Trans, of 7 pers: John Browne, his wife , Robt. Salisbury, Symon Smith, Wm. Heath, Amey his wife, John Heath. JOHN SMITH, 300 acs. lyeing with- in Home Harbor Cr., boundeth upon William Holder. 13 Aug. 1650, p. 227. Trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Purner, Senr., Dorothy his wife, Tho. Purner, Junr., Wm. Larkin, Arthur Cannanna, Mar- garet Morton. JOHN GUNDRY, 200 acs. on E. side of New Poynt Comfort Cr., 13 Aug. 1650, p. 228. Trans, of 4 pers: John Gundry, John Gundry his Brother, Jno. Gundry, Junr., Eliza. Gundry. WILLIAM HOLDER, 100 acs. upon Home Harbor Cr., 13 Aug. 1650, p. 228. Trans, of 2 pers: Richard James, Richard Jones. SAME. 200 acs. on N. side of Duck- ing Pond Cr. in Mockjack Bay, bounded on W. side by a small cr. which divides it from the land of John Watts. 13 Aug. 1650, p. 229. Trans, of 4 pers: Hugh Inman, John Cabboe (or Cab- bore), Edw. Roberts, Elizabeth Grant. CAPT. MOORE FANTLEROY, 350 acs. in Rappa. Riv., on S. side, running S. W. & adj. 200 acs. formerly taken up by sd. Fantleroy. 22 May 1650, p. 229. Trans, of 7 pers: Edmond Hamond, John Cable, Richard King, Wm. Lewellin, Eliza Warren, Antho. Aston, John Till. SAME. 5,350 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 22 May 1650, p. 230. 2600 acs. lyeth on the upper side of Farnham Cr., adj. land of Anthony Jackman; 2750 acres lyeth on lower side of sd. Cr., running nigh the mouth of New Mencococond Riv. Trans, of 107 pers: John Shaw, John Price, Tho. Golding, Pet. Swaine, Joseph Groomer, George West, John Wright, And. Bon- ner, Symon Taylor, Geo. Atten (or Allen) Hen. Bryan, Theo. Jones, Richd. Greenwell, Richd. Hooke, Maudlin Cartar, Jane Welch, Eliz. Ranson, Mary Bayle, Joane Moore, Eliz. Havant, Robt. Garlick, Xtopr. Miller, Jno. Welchman, Ri. Rice, Ri. Jones, Rich. Carrick, David Crisrall, Robt. Thomas, Tho. Poulter, Henrry Langley, Morgan Jones, Ri. Dixon, Aotan Hoord, Andrew Nokes, Lewis Hutchins, Wm. Mason, John Patent Book No. 2 195 Mixon, Tho. Richardson, Fra. Hill, Tho. Hill, Jno. Smellock (or Mellock) Peter Wilson, Banill Harris, John Den- ton, Giles Lactins, Dom. Lumby, John Skidd, Tho. Wariner, John Pope, Henry Fry, Step. Hall, Jam. Weston, Ben. Hayfeild, Wm. Watts, Geo. Walgrove, Peter Craner, Jno. Murrey, Wm. Valler, Jos. Cowling, Geo. Price, Wm. Hown- son, Richd. Smith, Tho. Stelet, Edw. House, John Collins, Joner Sharper, Law. Chiles, Hen. Grimes, Tho. Poult- ner, And. Holmes, Wm. Nusum, Mary Porten, Eliz. Rey, Matt. Whorson, Eliz. Turner, Fra. Carpenter, John Holly, Tho. Harding, Robt. Manker, Lawlin Rawkin, Alex. Camell, Tho. Mann, Mary Hill, Ann Demecry, Eliz. Barker, Marg. Cripps, Jno. Williams, Edw. Barber, Wm. Richards, Jno. Gouge, Marke Wight, Robt. Nuttall. SAME. 450 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on the N. side in Swan bay, beg. on Ewd. side of the mouth of Swan Cr., running N. E. by N. for length & nigh unto the maine river side for breadth. 22 May 1650, p. 231. Trans, of 9 pers: Gabriell Willson, Eliza, his wife, Henry Cox, George Dillard, Ann Vecery, Richd. Powell, Mr. Geo. Underwood, Mary his wife, Anne Underwood. Note: This patent is relinguished and the rights to make good the patent on the other side being 5350 acs. SAME. 1800 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on N. side; 500 being marsh & faceing the river & 1300 acs. of the high land beg. at a point on Wwd. side of the mouth of Bushwood Cr., running for length N. E. by E. & adj. land of William Underwood. 22 May 1650, p. 231. Trans, of 36 pers: Thomas Un- derwood, Elizabeth, William, Sarah, Margarett, Tho. Wright, his wife, Children 5, Maide, Nicho. Spakman, Fra. Moseley, Elizabeth Symon, Sarah Cade, Tho. Scott, Anthony Johnson, Walter Richards, Richard Smith, Rich- ard Davis, Alex. Leshley, Edward Skip- ner, Richard Hall, Wm. Everfleet, Ann Cooper, Ann Dennis, Ailce Williamson, Tho. Newman, Susanna his wife, David Johnson, Robert Nusser, Rice Adridge, William Davis, Geo. Day, Margarett Coward. SAME. 700 acs. in Rappa. River, on the N. side, adj. Anthony Jackman's 550 ac. patent, running unto the maine river side to a poynt on the W. side of the mouth of Newhaven Cr.; also adj. 350 ac. patent of sd. Jackman. 27 June 1650, p. 232. Trans, of 10 pers.* Note: This patent relinquished and the rights to make good the patent of 5320 acs. MRS. WINEFRID MORRISON, Widdow, 300 acs. lying upon the head of Pepper Cr., beg. at Southermost mile end of Richard Hull, running for her mile towards Town Harbor, bounding upon land of Richard Grigson. 13 Aug. 1650, p. 232. Trans, of 6 pers: Major Francis Morrison, twice, Thomas Jack- son, Wm. Thorpe, Robert Noble, Ann Darby. RICHARD HULL, 300 acs. lyeing within Peper Cr. on the N. side upon Mock jack Bay, bounded on S. by sd. Cr., W. side by small gutt parting it from land of William Morgan. 13 Aug. 1650, p. 232. Trans, of 6 pers: Richard Bundick, Temperance Hyer, Charles Williams, John Williams, Henry Church, John Paul. LIEUT. WILLIAM WORLEICH, 650 acs. being a neck of land called New Point Comfort Neck, bounded on E. by New Pt. Comfort Cr. & on W. side with the Eastermost side of Mock- jack Bay, running W. by S. to head of John Gundry's land. 13 Aug. 1650, p. 233. Trans, of 13 pers: Nicholas Guilt, 3 Negroes; Jno. Worleich, Joane Jones, Wm. Cadwell, Hump. Edwards, Wm. Humphryes, Henry Holt, John Evans, Elizabeth Curtis, Mary Blackford. LIEUT. WILLIAM WORLEICH, 300 acs. upon Mock jack Bay, beg. at the end of William Morgan & running N. by E. Nly., through Croynes quarter. 13 Aug. 1650, p. 233. Trans, of 6 pers: Francis Brown, John Thucker, (or Thacker), Christopher Leake, Tho- mos Binniton, Margery Clements, Wil- liam White. 196 Cavaliers and Pioneers SAME. 100 acs. upon Home Harbor Cr., beg. at a point at the W. side of William Holder's land. 13 Aug. 1650, p. 233. Trans, of 2 pers: Robert Arme- son, & James Foster. Note: Pages 234 and 235 are blank. MR. EPAPHRADITUS LAWSON, 2,000 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on the S. side, beg. on the lowermost point of a great Island, running S. S. W. crossing Law- son's Cr. 22 May 1650, p. 236. Trans, of 40 pers: Edward Stone, Tho. Mason, Theo. Thompsom, Jno. Johnson, Jno. Bowland, Tho. Thomas, Angues Soil, Wm. Gunnell, Ri. King, John Lewis, Edy Bradford, Ri. Bennett, Gab. Roberts, Eliza. Barnard, John Seemer, Symon Parrett, Charles Sybley, Wm. Dunbar, John Pinne (?), Kath. Hewitt, Edm. Sheerman, John Congdon, James Rich- ards, John Robinson, Marg. Davis, Mary Tocwrick, Tho. Rawley, Danll. Dickey, Rice Welch, Eliza. Ditch, Mary Chapleman, Edward Payne, Sarah Jones, Jno. Buckmanreyne, Mary Dewse, Wm. Bell, Alice Ryppin, Roger Hayes, Tho- mas Bates, Gabriell Golding. SAME. 1,000 acs. lyeing about 10 mi. up on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of John Slaughter. 22 May 1650, p. 236. Trans, of 20 pers.* SAME. 900 acs. in Rappa. Riv., on S. side, beg. at point on an island, adj. & above land of Mr. John Cox, and running to the mouth of Lawsons Creek. 22 May 1650, p. 237. Trans, of 18 pers: Francis Barloe, John Newton, Wm. Thomas, Tho. Watch, Eliz. Peirce, Jane Heath, Ann Halsey, Phill. Bagley, Eliz. Crossing, Ellis Dunrich, John Dunrich, John Dunrich, Hump. Sead- gall, Wm. Thomson, Adam Watson, Patrick Clarke, Eliza. Satchell, Henry Berry. FRANCIS HOBBS, 1,000 acs. on N. side of Rappa. River, along a creeke at the foot of a mountaine. 20 Aug. 1650, p. 237. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Loverton, David Meredith, Jane Fox, Richd. Staples, John Cox, David Ellis, David Rice, James Vargan, James Ennis, Robins Graves, Judith Robins, Julyan Cox, John Giller, John Reddock, Eliza- beth Davis, Mary Lovett. HENRY LEE & WM. CLAPHAM, 250 acs. in Corotoman Riv., being a branch of Rappa. Riv. 20 Aug. 1650, p. 238. Trans, of 5 pers: Elizabeth Sparkes, John Greene, John Benton, John King, John Walton. WILLIAM CLAPHAM, 1100 acs. on S. side Rappa. Riv. 20 Aug. 1650, p. 238. Trans, of 22 pers: John Salter, Cutbert Sparkes, Ri. Sturdge, Ri. Wes- son, Ri. Roe, John Mackfassum, Ann Barkeley, Eliz. Dyamond, Joane Persons, Wm. Perkins, Griffin Morgan, James Butt, John Mangor, Wm. Tandey, Ja. Bandleson, Isabel Walker, Eliz. Speedi- ly, Jane Turner, Sara Heleme (?). PHILLIP CHESLEY, 400 acs. James City Co., 7 June 1650, p. 238. Lyeing on E. side of Chicohominey Riv., bounded W. upon Little Neck Cr., S. upon land of Mr. Robert Holt & Mr. Felgatt & N. towards land of Mr. James Cockett, dec'd. Trans, of 8 pers.* HUMP. LYSTER, Merchant, 1,000 acs. within 2 mi. of the falls of James Riv. on the E. side thereof, bounded S. upon a gutt dividing this from land of James Place, dec'd., & opposite to the lower end of Princes Folly. 31 Aug. 1650, p. 239. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho- mas Sharpe, And. Steevenson, Ralph Nicholson, Hump. Lyster, John Gard- ner, Francis Brown, Daniell Stepping, Tho. Forville, Winckfield Bill, Ri. Up- rence, Lewis Price, Robt. Richards, Daniell Thomas, Jura Clarke, John Mathews, Francis Williamson, Edward Baldwin, Mary Farington, Tho. Arnee, Jane Dawson, Mary Barker, land due for. GEORGE GOLDSMITH, 600 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., upon the E. side of the W. branch of Corotoman Riv., running N. N. E. & W. N. W. to the head of Nicholls Cr. 20 Aug. 1650, p. 239. Trans, of 12 pers: George Gold- smith, his wife, 3 children, Lucretia James, Eliza. Pymm, Fra. Wrenn, Joseph Morris, Kath. Jones, Joane Prichett, John Poulton, Wm. Burges. Patent Book No. 2 197 GEORGE TAYLOR, 800 acs., ex- cluding the Marsh, in Rappa. Riv. on the N. side & crossing Taylor's Cr. 22 May 1650, p. 239. Trans, of 16 pers: Margarett Davis, Tho. Russell, John Mansell, Eliza. Hopkins, George Tay- lor, Tho. Cooper, James Merrott, Daniell Harris, James Danister, Samll. Perkins, the wife of Sil. Thacker, & her child, Richard Westall, John Macklayne, James Boyd, Ann Mathews. ROBERT BLAKE & SAMUELL ELDRIDGE, 560 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 20 Aug. 1650, p. 240. Lyeing up- on the third swamp S. W. by W. from Henrry White's plantation. Due unto sd. Flake & Eldridge for trans, of 11 pers: John Clemens, Edw. Alchard, Jo. Storrey, Wm. Batts, Eliz. Phillips, John Vassae (or Vassal), Richard Walton, Mary Martin, Martha Cole, Tho. Syer, Wm. Baldwinn. RANDALL HOLT, son & lawfull heire of Mary Baylye, late of Hogg Is- land, sole daughter and heyre of John Baylye, of the same island, 1022 acs. James City Co., known by the name of Hogg Is., adj. the late dwelling house of Robert Ewres, E. upon a marsh to- wards Goosehill, N. upon a green Thickett lately belonging to William Fairefax, E. upon another thicken, lately belonging to Jenkin Andrews. 6 Aug. 1650, p. 240. Note: Same conditions as noted in a former pattent. JOHN LANDMAN, 650 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on the S. side in Breack- neck Bay, adj. land of Richard Armond. 22 May 1650, p. 241. Trans, of: Wm. Cooke, Alex. Henderson, Dungue Kellester, Hugh Williams, Wm. Densby, Edw. Appes, Tho. Meechwell, Susan Maskall, Eliza. Allen, John Turner, John Hunt, Hen. Peirce, Jno. Quayle. JOHN PERROTT, 900 acs. Nance- mund Co., 2 July, 1650, p. 242. 800 acres beg. at the first cr., running parallel to the river untill it come to Pigg Point, & crossing Burbage's Cr. The residue butteth Mr. White's second devt. 800 acs. granted unto Mr. Francis Hough, 17 May 1637 & purchased by sd. Perrott 16 Aug. 1637; & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Robert Aldred & Ann Comes. FRANCIS HOUGH, Gent., of the Up. Co. of New Norf. to JOHN PERROTT, Gent., of Graungers Point, 16 Aug. 1637, conveys the beforemen- tioned 800 acs. Consideration: 4,000 Lbs. Tobacco. Witnesses: George Stretton, & Thomas Boulton. Page 242. ANDREW GILSON, 600 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on the S. side, beg. at a point by the N. side of Tigners Cr. 22 May 1650, p. 243. Trans, of 12 pers: Watt the Plowman, Ann Price, John Charles, Samll. Sloper, Wm. Wignall, Geo. Whitle, Jane Gaynes, Tho. Car- ter, Andrew Gilson, Mary Gilson, Wm. Spooner, Tho. Baylye, Elizabeth Peter, land due for the last name. RICHARD AXOM & THOMAS GODWIN, 550 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on the S. side, beg. at Troublesome Point, running S. S. W. to Axoms Cr. 22 May 1650, p. 244. Trans, of 11 pers: Nicho. Lawrey, Amos Hamelton, Morgan Tho- mas, Ann Paggett, Xtopr. Neate (or Neale), Richard Axom, Mary Carpen- ter, Ann Alderson, Richd. Harrow, John Giblin, Wm. Cottin. SYMON SYMONDS, 400 acs. Nance- mund Co., 10 Nov. 1649, p. 244. Lye- ing on the head of Indian Cr., a br. of the Western br. of Nancemund Riv., & adj. land of William Storrey. Pur- chased of Samuell Abbott, to whom it was granted 10 Oct. 1646. RICHARD AXOM & THOMAS GODWIN, 1,000 acs. S. side Rappa. Riv. in Breckneck Bay, & adj. on & below land of John Landman. 22 May 1650, p. 245. Trans, of 20 pers: Ro. Stephen, Tho. Godwin, Sara Thomlin, Richd. Lapham, Tho. Harlow, Robert Mosse, Tho. Molfe, Wm. Molfe, John Michell, Edw. Fisher, Ann James, Tho. Keator, Jno. Burdix, Jno. Kelman, Geo. 198 Cavaliers and Pioneers Kelman, Robert Koggan, Stoffle Staffle- son, Antho. Hunt, Susan Newman, Sara Thomblin. WM. TIGNER, 1150 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on S. side, beg. at the mouth of Lawsons Cr., adj. land of Epa. Lawson & nigh mouth of Tigners Cr. 22 May 1650, p. 245, Trans, of 23 pers.* Note: "Void by a ward of the Governor. The rights crost." JAMES METGRIGAR & HUGH FOUTCH, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 July, 1650. P. 246. On Poto- meck Riv., beg. from Sandy Point at Chetanck Cr. mouth, etc. Trans, of 6 pers: Richard Sparling, John Downes, John Cullam, Mary Benchamp (or Beuchamp), Richard Leake, Wm. Pike. WM. PRESLEY, Gent., 100 acs. Northumberland Co., 29 July 1650, p. 246. Butting Ely. upon Potemeck Riv. & Sly. upon land of John Earle. Trans. of 2 pers.* WM. EGBROUGH (Egbourne), 500 acs. James City Co., 6 Aug. 1650, p. 246. On S. W. side of Up. Chipoakes Cr., 100 acs. lying next to land of Wm. Rookins, (deed.), butting S. on the other land hereunder mentioned now taken up by the said Wm. Egbourne. 400 acs. formerly granted unto Barraine Mercer, 17 May, 1638, & purchased by sd. Egbourne, to whom it was later patented in addition to 100 acs., for trans, of 2 pers.* MR. JOHN MOTTRUM, 963 acs. Northumberland Co., 13 Aug. 1650, p. 247. Abutting Nly. upon Potomecke Riv., Wly. upon Nomeny Bay & Ely. upon Mackatix Riv., including a small island on the Wwd. side of sd. land. Trans, of 20 pers: Wm. Greested, Tho. Merideth, Wm. Bedlem, Eliz. Moore, John Parrfy, Israeli England, Fra. Pinke, Tho. West, Henry West, John Shakley, Wm. Key, Sara Thompson, John Persi- vall, John Mint, John Barnes, Rob. Halsworth, Grace Gining, Marg. Win- terton, Marg. Evans, Elinor Jones. RICHARD TYE & CHARLES SPAR- ROWE, 2,500 acs. Chas. City Co., 12 Aug. 1650, p. 248. Near the head of Powells Cr. adj. to the land called Weynoake old Town, beg. at certain trees called the great Maukes, etc., run- ning S. along Tye's old devdt., W. along land of Thomas Wheeler to beg. Trans, of 50 pers: Jane Peirce, Sara Cuddens, Edm. Pickery, Hen. Thurlby, Ja. Durant, Tho. Hill, Tho. Cooke, Hen. Cruthen, Fra. Hawkwood, Wm. Symonds, Robt. Scott, Bridgett Spheere, Alex. Eager, Wm. Smith 2, Geo. Duglass, Tho. Duglass, Jam. Duglass, Mich. Huey, Eliz. Hutchinson, John Wright, Walter Sheild, Wm. Longland, Samll. Aude, Tho. Pritchett, Ri. Young, Tho. Chap- pell, Walter Piegatt, Jno. Marshall, Pet. Stathard, Wm. Moyle, Tho. Taylor, Wm. Kirby, Jno. Hardway, Geo. Knigh- ton, Richd. Cooke, Robt. West, John Joyce, Jane Goulding, Kath. Cooke, John Harris, Baptiscoe Corbone, Wm. Tucker, Phillip Coltrey, John Gapper, John Grand, Ailce Coiby, John Septon, John Turner, John Blachard, Henry Turner, "Perfect." EDWARD WALKER, 900 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Sept. 1650, p. 248. Abutting Ely. upon Potomeck Riv., Nly. upon land of Thomas Hoyles (or Hoyley), Sly. towards Yeacomico Riv. & Wly. upon a br. issuing out of sd. River. Trans, of 18 pers: Himself, Sarah his wife, John Walker, Tho. Foote, Edw. Gaynes, Tho. Kerbys wife, Tho. Ball, Wm. Wood, Richd. Taylor, Richd. Hopkins, Nat. Moore, Jno. Greenfield, Richd. Holding, Grace his wife, Wm. Hinam, Mary Batts, Geo. Smith, Wm. Garnett. THOMAS GERRARD, Gent., 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 18 Oct. 1650, p. 249. Upon the S. side of Potomeck Riv., beg. at the mouth of Herring Cr. on the N. side, which issues out of Nomeny Riv. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho- mas Gerrard, Susana Gerrard, Susa. his daughter, Temp. Gerrard, Fra. Gerrard, Justinian Garrard, Henry Chesly and for adventure of a servt. ?, Cornelius Canedy, John Goldsmith, Mary Strong, John Shanks, Edw. Shelly, John Taylor, Fra. Hutton, John Gerrard, Richd. Wright, Tho. Downe, Richd. Patent Book No. 2 199 Walker, Joell Gibbs. Land due for 4 Indians. WALTER BROADHURST, Gent., 500 acs. on S. side of Potomeck Riv., beg. at a point on the W. side of Poore Jack Cr., extending nigh the main river course N. W. to a point on the mouth of Conawoman Cr., which divides same from land of William Hardigg etc. to an Indian cleerefield, etc. 18 Oct. 1650, p. 249. Trans, of 10 pers: Robert Beard, William Enson, Ann Knowles, Richard Broadman, Hump. Farmar, John Piper, John Goane, Richard Sabrell, 2 Indians. NICHOLAS JERNEW, Gent., 900 acs. upon S. side of Potomeck Riv., beg. on a point on the Ewd. side of Macho- tick Cr., S. E. along the river to W. side of Jernews Cr. 18 Oct. 1650, p. 250. Trans, of 18 pers: Paul Clifton, Timo. Woolrich, 2 Negroes; Henry Smith, Francis Jernow, Francis Cole, Edm. Williams, his wife Elinor, Tho- mas Masser, Ann Burton, Wm. Wells, Eliza. Blanchett. RICE JONES, 350 acs. lyeing about 9 mi. up on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at Muskeeto Point. 18 Apr. 1650, p. 250. Trans, of 7 pers: Rice Jones, Marg. Jones, Robert Heward, David Doge, Eliza. Plumly, John Bell, Wm. Breed. LEWIS BURWELL, Gent., 1,600 acs. Northumberland Co., 17 Oct. 1650, p. 250. Upon the S. side of Potomeck Riv. & E. side of Machotick River alias Trent, beg. on the S. side of a valley or marsh dividing this from land of William Gooch, up sd. river S. S. W. to a cr. issuing out of sd. River Trent dividing this from land of Mr. Richard Lee. Trans, of 32 pers: Thomas Wakin, Sam. Benford (or Beuford), Eliz. Wat- ley, John Jackson, 2 Negro men, one woman, Geo. Epherby, Henry Wright, Phan. Parney, Xtopr. Sadleway, Sara Cowley, Tho. Hardy, Symon Varly, Henry Sanderson, John Roggers, Eliz. Closby, Grigory Maine, Edward Digby, Mary Farr, Dyana Fryth, Samuell Mose- ley, Eliz. Moseley, Jone his daughter, Tho. Broughton, Ann Williams, Edw. Dawson, John Garner, James Parney, Tobyas Cowley. WILLIAM GOOCH, Gent., 1050 acs. upon S. side of Potomeck Riv. beg. at a point on the E. side & at the mouth of Matchotick Riv., running to the S. side of a vallie which divides this from land of Mr. Lewis Burwell. 18 Oct. 1650, p. 251. Trans, of 21 pers: Robert Crand, John Dome, Nicho. Littor, Jam. Spear- man, Barbara Hargrave, Richd. Lendall, Edward Gold, Robt. Beedman, Wm. Steevens, Hump. Street, Richd. Hunt, John Foules, Richard Clarke, Xpian. Johnson, Mary Morfey, Antho. Jackson, John Wood, Robt. Key, David Drinck- water, Abra. Flood. JOHN BROWNE, 350 acs. North- ampton Co., 21 June 1650, p. 252. At Naswattocks Cr. in the Broad Cr., W. upon land of Liveing Denwood, & E. upon Elyas Taylor's land. Trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Heath, Amey, his wife, John Heath, John Browne, his wife , Robt. Salisbury, Symon Smith. GEORGE PACE, 1700 acs. Chas. City Co., 1 Aug. 1650, p. 252. Lyeing on S. side of James Riv., commonly called Matocks, beg. at the mouth of a little swamp by the river side where Peirce his hundred takes ending, running etc., W. to a swamp which leads to Powells Cr. & along the cr. to the river. Trans, of 34 pers: Alexander Nicholson, Daniell Macklesby, Thomas Lome, Tho- mas Juston, Danll. Thompson, Thomas Wells, Eliz. Benson, Walter Norrell, John Warren, Freeman Anssell (or Aussell), Wm. Patridge, Dick, Negro, John Heywood, Tho. Ridding, Nicho. Hill, Jam. Thompson, Alex. Maxrell, John Lawmor, Neale Montgomery, Ja. Mackery, Eliza. Arator, Tho. Stroud, Benja. Bourne, Robert Dunham, Wil- liam Gryer, Thomas Cans (or Caus), Thomas Benton, Andrew Walker, Geo. Hollid?.y, Tho. Scott, Richd. Rawlins, Prudence Geby, Sara Marke, John Light- foot. JOHN SENIER, 700 acs. lyeing in Corotomen River, issueing out of the N. side of Rappa. Riv. about 12 mi. from the mouth; 200 acs. lyes within 200 Cavaliers and Pioneers the Bay of Cortoman bounded W. N. W. upon sd. bay & a little cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Cartar; 500 acs. lyeing upon the Westermost br. of sd. Carrotomon Riv., bounded N. upon John Mangor, S. upon a cr. called Seneor & Ely. upon the river. 9 Aug. 1650, p. 253. Trans, of 14 pers: Arthur Bradwell, Joseph Hunt, William Alcock, William Adridge, John Preston, Jos. Morton, Edw. Milday, Ann Ash- comb, Peter Beaumond, William Med- ley, John Axter, John Blow, Eliz. Treedle, Jacob Jacobson. STEPHEN CHARLTON, 1,000 acs. Northampton Co., 29 Aug. 1650, p. 253. At Matchepungo Cr., running Nly. along the seaboard side. Trans, of 20 pers: Patrick Cugley, Mich. Coriott (or Corcott), John Steevens, John the Negro, John Pacton, John Folland, Peter Dunstan, Henry Palmer, Henry Boston, Barbara Price, Charles Ratch- liff, Eliza. Pedocke, John Howell, Hen. Hayes (or Haynes), Eliz. a Scotchwench, Jeffery Jills, Mary a Scotchwench, Mary, S. woman, Eliza. Bacon, Tho. Deanes. Due for James Parker. RICHARD DANNING (Duning), 732 acs. lyeing on E. side of a swamp which runneth into Cow Cr. in Ware River on Mockjack Bay. 2 Oct, 1650, p. 254. Trans, of 15 pers., Richard Duning, Sara his wife, Richard Feild, Eliza. Hill, Richard George, Eliza. Crosse, Massey Smith, Robert Martin. 300 acs. by assignment of rights from Richard Smith. SIR THOMAS LUNTSFORD, Knight & barronett, 3,423 acs. Lyeing upon a bay on S. side Rappa. Riv. 24 Oct. 1650, p. 254. Trans, of 65 pers: Sr. Thomas Luntsford, Knt., The Lady Luntsford, Mrs. Elizabeth Luntsford, Mrs. Phillippa Luntsford, Mrs. Mary Luntsford, Wm. Luntsford, Esqr., Mr. Foster, Mr. Henry Buffkin, Mr. Bird, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Warren, Mr. Cart- wright, Mr. David Phillips, Mr. Wm. Caldwell, Mrs. Peirce, Mrs. Ann Brad- ley, Mr. Thomas Marshall, James Ran- dall, Robert Beard, Edmond Roberts, William Rush, Thomas Aludge (or Alridge), Thomas Davis, Valentine Harvey, Francis Roberts, Richd. Millard, Richd. Greene, Isabell Maidstone, John Butcher, John Beech, Nicholas Menloe, John Madby, Nicho. Church, Antho. Griffeth, Wm. Fletcher, Richard Hold- ich, Cassaiainrus (?) Smith, John Wil- liams, George Weedon, Edmond Hawkes, John Bradbury, Thomas Men- loe, Thomas Hodskins, William Velley, Tho. Maidstone, Yarmer Jones, Mrs. Jones, Jones his child, Jones his child, Robert Hallowes, Wm. Griffeth, Wm. Copeland, Mary Copeland, James Wheafeby, Old Buck, Wm. Harpay (?), Christofer Godson, Eliza. Scotchwoman, Martha, Isaac Cavalier, Gregory, Dan- dall, our (or one) Called the Indian, Penellope Harris, Mrs. Maidstones Child. MORDECAY COOKE, 1174 acs. lyeing neare the head of Ware Riv. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at a point of cleared land called Mordecays Mount, running up the W. side of Cow Cr. etc. 2 Oct. 1650, p. 255. Trans, of 24 pers: Ed- ward Bond, his wife, Wm. Sawyer, Charles King, Henry Corkett (or Cockett), Bart Lentill, Ann Winn, Thomas Parvoll, Phillip Garner, Mord. Cooke, Richard Viriam, Wm. Geey, Wm. Gillam, Edward Attore, Ja. Banks, twice, Alexander Green, twice, Jane his wife, Edward Greene. DAVID FOX, 372 acs. lyeing upon a branch of Morrattico Cr., binding upon Edward Miles. 23 May 1650, p. 256. Trans, of 7 pers.* WILLIAM PLUMER, 2 Necks of land, containing in all 400 acs., 200 acs. lyeing upon Ducking Pond Cr., pro- ceeding from Mockjack Bay by which it is bounded on the W. side. 7 Oct. 1650, p. 256. Part of 4,000 acs. granted unto Capt. Christopher Wormeley 25 Oct. 1639, & by Capt. Ralph Wormeley, Exor., assigned to sd. Plumer together with the rights. Due for trans, of 8 Negroes.* EDMOND KEMP, Gent., 500 acs. lyeing on S. side of Herring Cr., 18 Patent Book No. 2 201 Oct. 1650, p. 257. Trans, of 10 pers.* Note: "Take the rights from Mr. Reads Patent of 2000 acres." MR. JOHN WESTROPP, 1500 acs. Chas. City Co., 30 Aug. 1650, p. 257. Lyeing about the Mill at Wards Cr. Trans, of 30 pers.* THOMAS WILKINSON, 500 acs. on S. side of Potomeck Riv. at the mouth of Machotick Riv. Trans, of 10 pers: 4 Indians trans, by Mr. Gerrard; Joan Williams, James Parker due to Stephen Clarton (Charlton ?) Mary Parker by Mr. Lister; Judeth Hollo- man, Ailce Newman, Ailce Thomas. GEORGE LUDLOW, Esqr., 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 18 Oct. 1650, p. 258. On S. side of Potomeck Riv., lyeing S. & S. W. upon Machotick Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Svmon Land, Jeles Hincastle, David Fleetwood, Joan Mill- ington, Henry Rogers, Ralph Conte, Joan Evan, Hen. Hancklee, John Clarke, Edward Spragge, Nicho. Beven, Samll. Boswell, Eliza. Boswell, Edward. Greene, John Forbush, Joseph Chipnell, Hugh Forbush, Wm. Callender, Mary Pickers, Robt. Tustall. (Note: It is assumed this name should be Tunstall.) LAWRENCE PETERS (Peeters), 900 acs. Nansemond Co., 25 Oct. 1650, p. 258. On the Swd. side of Indian Cr., a N. W. branch of Nansemond River. Trans, of 18 pers: Anney Butcher, Ann Baskfeild, Mart Joyce, James Hutter, Robert Jenker, Wm. Harwood, Thomas Baynebridge, John Reaves, James Duf- fell, Wm. Rogers, Eliza. Pye, Henry Wilkinson, Elizabeth Smith, Miles Trelbeck, Marg. Jones, Andrew Boucher, Mathew Berry, Capt. Thomas Drew. THOMAS MULLFORD, 700 acs. Nansimond Co., 24 Oct. 1650, p. 259. Lyeing near the head of the Swd. br. Nansimund Riv., beg. nigh the branch side & crossing a great white marsh. Trans, of 14 pers: Lyon Brittin, Mary Jones, John Willis, Mary Evans, James Stretchleigh, Edmond Apps, Ann Rugg, Samll. Luddington, Thomas Hues, Honour Jones, Thomas Thorne, John Lloyd, Edward Windell, James Stretcher. ANTHONY FULJAM, 500 acs. lye- ing on N. side Rappa. Riv., next above the land of George Taylor. 5 Sept. 1650, p. 259. Trans. 10 pers: Stephen Chilton, Anne Venicomb, Hump. Jones T John Boein, George Minery, Owen Middleton, John Godwin, Wm. Bilby, Eliza. Waters, Charles Barcroft, "the 3d. tyme due for." GEORGE TAYLOR, 530 acs. lyeing on N. side Rappa. Riv. in Coritomen Riv., up the Eastermost br. & on the S. side thereof, bounded along the land of Henry Lee. 5 Sept. 1650, p. 259. Trans, of 11 pers: George Gwillin, Ailce Beedle, John Greenes (or Greeves), Thomas Athanes, Wm. Anderson, Eliza. Collison, Samll. Alcock, Richd. Fidings, Tho. Crucksance, Eliza. Firby, Eliza. Potter. GEORGE READ, Gent., 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 18 Oct. 1650, p. 260. Upon S. side of Potomeck Riv. & on S. side of Herrin Cr., next adj. land of Mr. Robert Yeo. Trans, of 10 pers.* Note: "Take the rights out a pattent granted to the said Geo. Read for 2000 acres in folio 107 relinquished by him." (Note: "Folio 107" evidently refers to an older book, of which this volume is a transcript.) SAMUELL ABBOTT, of James City, 775 acs. James City Co., 25 Feb. 1648, p. 260. 125 acs. upon Checkroes Cr., abutting Wly. upon a great deep swamp & Nly. upon sunken marshes; & 650 acs. neare unto the head of Checkroes Cr. in Chickahominy Riv., Nly. upon land of Richard Bell "haveing a land- ing place and passage way (between) the land of Richard Bell & George Unwinn at a little Creek and running Southerly into the woods by the land of Geo. Unwin" etc. The sd. 125 acs. be- ing the one moiety or halfe of a patent to George Unwinn 25 May 1637 & purchased of him by Robert Storey, who by his last will bequeathed to Grace the wife of Hopkin Powell & likewise pur- chased by sd. Powell for the better con- firmation of sd. Unwin, & by Powell & 202 Cavaliers and Pioneers wife conveyed unto Anthony Elliott who sold same to Abbott. 650 acs. granted unto Thomas Wombwell 25 Dec. 1642, 300 of which was granted to Thomas Stout 29 Oct. 1639, & purchased by Wombwell of Stout, all of which 650 acs. was purchased by William Edwards, who sold to Robert Holt, who sold same to sd. Elliott. DAVID PEOBLES (Peoples) 833 acs. Chas. City Co., 5 Aug. 1650, p. 261. Lyeing up Powells Cr. at the head thereof, bounded W. upon Birthin Swamp, S. & W. upon land of Mr. Richard Tye, N. E. upon land of James Ward & N. upon the Reedy Swamp. Trans, of 17 pers: David Peibles, Tho. Liddle, Marg. Keth, William Smith, Tho. Milner, Antho. Wright, Marg. Chambers, Jane Heyden, Marg. Daniel- ston, Barbara Keth, Thomas Biggs, Mary Bagon, Ailce Berry, Wm. Peirce, Hugh Roger, Tho. Paynes, Jane Thomp- son. EDMOND CHEESMAN, 50 acs. up- on Garden Patch Cr. issueing from Chisapeyak Bay, by which it is bounded on the E. & bounded upon a parcell of land which he bought of Peter Rigby. 16 Sept. 1650, p. 262. Trans, of: John Tuffnell. NICHOLAS PERKINS, 170 acs. Henrico Co., 30 Aug. 1650, p. 262. Lying in Bermuda hundred, beg. in Cole's Swamp, running along Cunicott Path W. N. W. by N., thence along the Cart Path to the head of sd. Swamp. Trans, of 4 pers.: Mary Perkins, Wil- liam Owen, Richard Hues. CAPT. ICHIELL (Ishiell) LINCH, 600 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., standing upon a small gutt dividing this from land of George Moseley. 14 Sept. 1650, p. 262. Due for his personal ad- venture & Blanch his wife & trans, of 10 pers: Blanch Grigg, Jane Garrett, John Roberts, Thomas Westwood, John Coope, Henry Bentley, George Peirce, William Bira, John Gurnett (or Gar- nett). RICHARD JONES, Clerk, 950 acs. Chas. City Co., 30 Aug. 1650, p. 263. Lyeing 2 mi. from the River on the back of Merchants Hope, bounded N. upon sd. Merchants Land, W. upon land of Richard Craven, S. upon the ould Towne being the land of Mr. Richard Tye & E. upon land of Mr. Thomas Wheeler. Trans, of 19 pers.* SILVESTER THATCHER & THO- MAS WHITLOCKE, 1,000 acs. lyeing on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., next above land of Mr. Wm. Yarrett. 29 Oct. 1650, p. 263. Trans, of 20 pers: William James, Anne Coffine, Thomas Fowler, Robert Gilley, John Green, Thomas Hodges, William Price, John Wheatly, Ann Wigg, Math. Mithell (or Michell), John Matlin, Dorothy Clarke, Wm. Gray, Thomas Wright, James Hall, John Smith, Richard Nicolson, John Thorowgood, Samuell Nichols, Jeffery Condy. EDWARD KNIGHT, 140 acs. James City Co., 25 Sept. 1650, p. 264. Lye- ing at the head of Chiskroes Cr. on the E. side of Chickahominy Riv., bounded N. upon land of Mr. Robert Holt, S. upon Mr. Samll. Abbott, W. upon the head of the Cr. & E. upon Mr. Robert Witherall. Being part of 560 acs. granted to Mr. Richard Bell, who by will bequeathed same to his sonn in Law Thomas Morecock, and due sd. Knight by purchase from Morecock. EDWARD KNIGHT, 400 acs. James City Co., 25 Sept. 1650, p. 264. Lye- ing neare the Southermost br. of War- reny Cr. on the E. side of Chicko- hamony Riv., beg. at the extreame of Joseph Knight, his father, running N. thence E. to Richahock Path. Trans, of 8 pers.* JOSEPH KNIGHT, 1600 acs. James City Co., 25 Sept. 1650, p. 264. Lyeing between the branches of Jones Cr., Mor- gans Cr. & Warrany on E. side of Chickohominy Riv., beg. close by Richa- hock Path. Trans, of 32 pers.* EDWARD OVERMAN, Gent., 500 acs. James City Co., 18 Dec. 1650, p. 265. Upon N. side of a cr. in Chico- hominy Riv., bounded W. upon a Patent Book No. 2 203 swamp between this & Cunisbyes land. Formerly granted to Thomas Ludwell 16 Jan. 1648 & purchased by Overman of Robert Wetherall, Gent., Atty. of sd. Ludwell. RALPH GREEN, 50 acs. being a neck of land upon the N. side of Yorke Riv., within Bennetts Cr. 8 July 1650, p. 265. Trans, of: Mary Gardner. SAME. 300 acs. lyeing upon the head of Jones' Cr. 8 July 1650, p. 265. Trans, of 6 pers: Gilbert Mace, George Turner, Mary Turner, Mary Foster, Tho- mas Williams. MR. STEPHEN HAMELIN, 1250 acs. Chas. City Co., 26 Oct. 1650, p. 266. Lyeing at the head of Weyonoke, bounded S. upon the heads of Wionoke, E. upon Matshcoes (or Matsrwes ?) Cr. & land of Mr. Cantrell, W. towards old mans Cr. and Queens Cr. Due sd. Hamblin for trans, of 25 pers: John Ray, Henry Rice, Arth. Chandler, Wm. Pylar, Wm. Cheldnedge, Richard Arun- dell, Thomas Mason, George Haynes, Samll. Parry, Thomas Powell, Peter Mason, Wm. Hurt, Tho. Howell, Samll. Goodwin, Thomas Harris, Robert Tay- lor, Tho. up Richard (Ap), Janos Al- pott, John Woodson, Edward Bucking- ham, Robert Fryth, Jab. Robinson, Cle- ment Whidow, Robert Crouch, Edward Thurston. JOHN TAYLOR, 150 acs. on N. side of Charles Riv., beg. at a point of land between two creeks. 7 Oct. 1650, p. 266. Formerly granted to John Joanes 20 July 1642, & by Edward William- son assigned unto James Johnson, who assigned same to William Tymon & accrueing due unto sd. Taylor by intermarriage with the relict of sd. Tymon. JOHN MAJOR, 400 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 24 Oct. 1650, p. 267. At great Naswattocks Cr., lyeing on S. side there- of, beg. at a little branch & running up the Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Susanah Smith, Tho. Hackerstone, John Cobb, Stephen Barnes, John Major, Eliza. Phillips, Mary Wilson, Wm. Glover. HEN. PEASELEY, 700 acs., lyeing upon a swamp which runs down Cow Cr. in Ware Riv in Mockjack, beg. at marked beech of Joseph Grigories on E. side of a branch, extending to Norther- most tree of Richd. Duning. 2 Oct. 1650, p. 267. Trans, of 14 pers: Rich- ard Tilson, Richard Rash, John Coates, John Crismass, Wm. Bruneall, Michael Peasly, Henry Peasly, Peter Jemons, Susan Peaseley, Michaell Peaseley, twice, Henry Shoute, James Wonell (or Wovell) Stephen Jones, Thomas Savidge. RICHARD JACOB, 250 acs. North- ampton Co., 4 Oct. 1650, p. 267. At Naswattocke Cr., bounded Nly. by the head of the broad Cr., Wly. by former devdt. of sd. Jacob, Sly. by the heads of the lands of Hungar Cr. Trans, of 5 pers: Tho. Clarke, Andrew Clavery, Thomas Green, Fra. Roberts, Ann Wil- mott. THOMAS DREW, Gent., 490 acs. Chas. City Co., 26 Oct. 1650, p. 268. Lyeing on N. side of Flower De Hun- dred Cr., bounded N. upon land pur- chased by Mr. Pace, S. upon sd. Cr. & N. E. upon Snow Cr. Trans, of 10 pers.* DANIELL LUELLIN, 270 acs. Chas. City Co., 26 Oct. 1650, p. 268. Lyeing on the head of Shirty (Shirly) hundred commonly known by the name of Rich- ard Levell, bounded W. upon the head of Shirly hundred, E. by S. upon land of Mr. Walter Aston & N. upon a former devdt. of his own. Trans, of 6 pers: Edward Sheppard, Sam. Pidiston, Edward Baker, Fra. Clarke, Kath. Allen, Wm. Breman, John Bull, Wm. Sucker. (Note: The last 2 names enclosed in brackets.) JOHN HOLMSWOOD, 300 acs. James City Co., 26 Oct. 1650, p. 268. Lyeing at the head of the Sunken Marsh, bounded E. N. E. upon land of Mr. Webb, deed. & Mr. William Ed- wards. Trans, of 6 pers.* FRANCIS SPIGHT & JAMES AR- RORKE, 50 acs. being on the Nwd. 204 Cavaliers and Pioneers side of Nansimond Riv., bounded on one side with sd. Riv., on the other side by 250 acs. taken by up Robert Rockhold & on the other by Majors Cr. 1 Nov. 1650, p. 268. Trans, of 1 per: James Mawgery (or Macogery). Land due for: Grace Heaward & Wm. Beadle. CAPT. ROBERT SHEPPARD, 1,000 acs. lyeing upon the mayne black water. 8 Oct. 1650, p. 269- 650 acs. part thereof by vertue of the rights of a patent for soe much formerly granted to sd. Sheppard & by him relinquished & surrendered into the office 26 July 1638; 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Priscilla, Dorothy, Mary Sheppard, Thomas Harecourt, Eliz. Davis, Jane Hemlocke. HENRY ASHWELL, 180 acs. near Queens Cr., on the N. side thereof, bounded E. upon land of Edward Sym- son, N. upon Joseph Croshaw, W. upon Smauell Snead & S. upon Richard Major. Trans, of 4 pers: William Hill, John Dawson (or Denoson), Tho- mas Cronall, Eliz. Beadman. 4 Nov. 1650, p. 269. WILLIAM MORGAN, 300 acs. lye- ing upon Mockjack Bay, by which it is bounded on the W. side for the mile in length, & on S. side lyeth parallel to the mouth on the N. side of Pepper Cr., for the breadth; bounded by a gutt dividing this from land of Richard Hull. 26 Oct. 1650, p. 270. Trans, of: Wm. Bilbrough, Robert Dye, Henry Moore (or Moone), Michaell White, Henry Hamond, Robert Grey. CAPT. CHARLES LEECH, 1250 acs. Yorke Co., 7 Nov. 1650, p. 270. Upon the head of one of the branches of Queens Cr. & the N. Eastermost br. of Powatan, part whereof is in Yorke & the latter in James City Co., bounded S. & by W. upon the Horse Path, S. W. upon land of Mr. Richard Kemp, Esqr., deed., N. N. E. upon land of Thomas Prise & E. N. E. upon land of Capt. Richard Popeley. Trans, of 25 pers: Nicolas Brooke, Senr., Nicholas Brooke, Junr., Nicholas Brooke Nephew to Senr., Edward Evans, Barnett Peterson, Charles Leech himselfe, Robert Tiskin (or Tilkin), Peter Leech, Peter Gar- land, Robert Thompson, Robert Smith, Thomas Hanson, John South, Richd. Chantry, Wm. Leach, John Benjon (or Benson), "by himselfe." BERTRAM OBERT, 550 acs. lyeing ing on S. side of Rappa. Riv., begin- ning at the mouth of a little creek neare above Nimcock Cr., running on the Westermost side thereof to the head, thence upon marked trees of John Pe- droes. 16 Nov. 1650, p. 271. Trans, of 11 pers: Eliza Bennett, Wm. Wil- don, Jno. Clarford, John Roberts, Richd. Watchshott, Tho. Leechman, Thomas Wells, Ed. Gresham, Thomas Hearne, John Thorpe, Stephen Danbury. THOMAS TILSEY, 300 acs. James City Co., 13 Dec. 1650, p. 271. Lying on the W. side of Chicohominy Riv. upon Moses Run, bounded S. by W. upon land of Mr. Theodore Moyses & E. by N. upon Mr. Foyes land. Trans, of 6 pers: Robert Arwin, Milliscent Tompson, Walter Villecott, Abraham Watson, Thomas Sawyer, Elinor Faning. WINGFEILD WEBB (Webbe), & RICHARD PATE, 1141 acs., lyeing up- on the N. side of Yorke Riv. & upon an Eastermost head branch of Poropo- tank River. 12 Dec. 1650, p. 271. Trans, of 23 pers: Richard Pate, twice; John Kedate, Wm. Beate, Thomas Stee- vens, Wm. Harrison, Winifred Webb, 3 times; Chris. Gallingson (or Calling- son), Ailce Jones, Andrew Sackhill, Wm. Bragg, Joseph Amber, Jno. Levis- ton, Isaac Richardson, Robert Myles, Senr., Robert Myles, Junr., Barbery Myles, Kath. Myles, Jane Perkins, Edwd. Madison, Tho. Perkins, Rose Allen, Wm. Lamb, land due for (the last name.) RICHARD SMITH, 500 acs. North- ampton Co., 24 Mar. 1650, p. 272. At the head of Accahannock Cr. beg. above the Indian Bridge bounding on the Southerne part of the Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Eliza. Bankes, Kath. Wood, Re- becca Moore, Ann Thrasher, David Williams, Owin Williams, Edward Patent Book No. 2 205 Martin, Ann Smith, Edward Reeves, Eliza. Jordaines. JOHN GARWOOD, 1,000 acs. Nansimund Co., 22 Mar. 1650, p. 272. Lyeing on the N. side of the head of Indian Cr., beg. at a point by the main branch. Trans, of 20 pers: John Gar- rett, Eliz. Palmer, Edw. Roberts, Jno. Birkett, Tho. Payne, Alexr. Frisall, Ann Thompson, Hump. Cordwallett, Wm. Balldershell, Wm. Hallaway, Edward Hutson, John Roberts, Patience Hall, John Johnson, Pat. Miller, Thomas Mann, Mary Davis, Africa Rhodes, John Plumer, Robert Harnings. JAMES CLOUGHTON, 250 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Dec. 1650, p. 273. On Cloughtons Cr., beg. at the head of a little branch comeing out of Monack branch, etc., along land of Mr. George Higgins, down the branch come- ing out of sd. Cr., parting this from the Gleab land. Trans, of 5 pers.* MRS. JOANE POWELL, 288 acs. Northumberland Co., 19 Dec. 1650, p. 273. Abutting Ely. upon Potomeck River, Nly. upon Matchoux lower Cr. & Sly. upon land of William Rennolds. Trans, of 6 pers.* at the cost of her late husband Robert Philpott, Gent, dec'd. EDWARD SANDERSON, Gent., 2,200 acs. in Chicohominy Riv., 20 June 1650, p. 273. 500 acs. lyeing about a mile above a neck of land commonly called Piny Point, about 5 mi. within the mouth of Chicohominy Riv. on the E. side thereof; 1500 acs. on Sander- sons Cr., W. upon Chicohominy Riv. & S. towards land of Robt. Holt; 200 acs. upon the head of Pyny Point Cr., being several small islands lyeing neare Morgans Islands reaching from Pyny Pt. Cr. to the maine river. Due by vertue of a former patents & trans, of 44 pers.* THOMAS PRESTON, 100 acs. Eliz. City Co., 19 Dec. 1650, p. 274. Abutt- ing S. upon Patch Tree Dam & N. to- wards the Long Pond. Due by assign- ment from John Atkins for the trans, of 2 pers.* WILLIAM ALLINSON, Senr., 150 acs. Northumberland Co., 21 Oct. 1650, p. 274. Abutting Ely. upon Cloughtons Cr., Nly. upon a branch of sd Cr. that divides this from land of George Crouch & Sly. upon a br. of sd. Cr. that divides this from the Gleab land. Trans, of 3 pers.* MR. JOHN ROSIER (Roseir), 550 acs. Northumberland Co., 23 Dec. 1650, p. 274. Abutting Nly. upon the Bay side that leads up a creek called by the natives Attapin Cr., and on Westermost side of the Eastermost Swamp next Petomeck River, etc. Trans, of 11 pers: Richard Whitting, Fra. Hues, Tho. Deane, John Grubb, Joan Harvey, James Taylor, Eliza. Beale, Jam. Tur- ner, Mary Dollar, Mary Burgis, Eliza. Rosier. HUGH LEE, 100 acs. Northumber- land Co., 21 Dec. 1650, p. 275. Abutt- ing Nly. upon his own land, Sly. upon an ould Indian feild & Wly. upon land of James Cloughton. due for trans, of 2 pers: "Hugh Lee his Importation from Maryland to this Colony, Rose Stockwell." JOHN TRUSSELL, Gent., 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 7 Mar. 1650, p. 275. Abutting W. upon Chicocone Riv., N. E. upon a cr. dividing this from land of sd. Trussell, granted by former patent. Trans, of 4 pers: Mr. Robert Higgin, twice, Mary Trussell, Joane Middleton. GERVACE DODSON, Gent., 1600 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Feb. 1650, p. 275. Abutting Ely. upon Potomeck Riv., Sly. upon mouth of Upper Macho- tiq Riv., etc. Trans, of 32 pers: Wil- liam Nutt, his wife, Richard Nutt, Tho. Phillips, Jno. Merey, Hum. Cambert (or Lambert), Amy Lloyd, Henry Buttler, Robert Steeres, William Banton, John Hogines, Richard Mathewes, Richard Lucas, James Cossin, Lawrence Davis, Bridgett Kirke, Xtopr. Griggs, Ann Stanmer, John Huttey (or Hattey), Marg. Jordaine, John Grimes, Samll. Dukes, Peter Leyes, Anne Leyes, John Grimes, Samll. Dukes, Hecton Leyes, 206 Cavaliers and Pioneers Amy Leyes, George Woolard, Ann Woolard, Samll. Wollard, Mr. Gervase Dodson. CAPT. RALPH WORMELEY, Esqr., one of his Majestie's Councill of State, 1645 acs., Yorke Co., 2 Oa. 1649, p. 276. 1420 acs. formerly granted unto Capt. Christopher Wormeley 27 Jan. 1638. Bounded on Eastermost side with land then in possession of Nicholas Creeke (Clarke), joyning land formerly belonging to Mr. Lyonell Rouston (Roulston), crossing a ridge of land and a path that leads to the New Poquo- son, including a small neck of land adj. Nicholas Jernew; 50 acs. granted unto Nicholas Cossin by patent dated May 9, 1638, bounded on the W. by land of Nicho. Clarke & on E. with land of Nicholas Dale; 75 acs. bounded on the E. by land late Robert Todds, crossing the Back Cr., which 75 acs. was granted unto Nico. Dale by patent May 8, 1638 & by him assigned unto Capt. Christo- pher Wormeley, deed., as also the 50 acs. granted sd. Cossin was assigned unto Robert NewKerke, who assigned to sd. Christopher Wormeley; 100 acs. abutting upon the mouth of Aliens Cr., bounded on W. side by land of Abra- ham English & some of it joyning land of Thomas Peteete, which 100 acs. was assigned by William Allen unto Ralph Read & Francis Carter & by sd. Read to Robt. Todd & by sd. Todd to Ralph Wormeley. The other 1545 acs. accrueing due to sd. Ralph as Exor. of the last will of Capt. Christo. Wormeley, by whom it was to him bequeathed. JOHN HULL, 200 acs. Northumber- land Co., 18 Oa. 1650, p. 277. Abutt- ing N. & Ely. upon Potomeck Riv. & N. W. upon land of John Cute. Trans, of 4 pers: John Hull, twice, Sarah his wife, Charles Parker. HENRY BERKELEY, Esqr., 2,400 acs. James City Co., 1 Apr. 1651, p. 277. Lyeing on N. side of Chicohomyny Riv., neare the head of sd. river, up the swamp which divides this and the land of Mr. Thomas Rolfe. Trans, of 48 pers.* SAMUELL SMITH, 529 acs. North- umberland Co., 18 Mar. 1650, p. 277. Abutting Nly. upon the mouth of Poto- meck Riv., Sly. upon Little Wicka- comicoe Cr., Ely. upon the mayne Bay & Wly. upon a branch that divides this from land commonly called the Kings Neck. Trans, of 11 perrs: Samuell Smith, thrice; Hannah Smith his wife, William Hill, Christopher Biddo, Henry Backham, Mathew Rowdon, Francis Boyes, Samuell Woodward, David Phillips. RICHARD HAWKINS, 100 acs. Northumberland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 278. Upon the W. side of Nominy, upon S. side of Potomeck Riv., on the Swd. side of a br. which divides this and the land of Thomas Waggett, thence to a marked oake dividing this & land of Thomas Ramsey. Trans, of 2 pers: James Knott, Tho- mas Jones. JOHN ARMESBEE, 250 acs. North- umberland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 278. Upon S. side of Potomeck Riv., beg. on W. side of a Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Joseph Mattrom, thence Wly. upon a small br. of a Cr. that divides this and land of Tho. Yowell. Trans, of 5 pers: John Davis, James Marsh, John Yowin, Will. Hogg, John Armsbee. JOHN BAYTES, 300 acs. Northum- berland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 279- Adj. to another parcell of land of the sd. John Bakes, upon the Ewd. side of Capitts Cr., extending nye Potomeck maine Riv. Trans, of 6 pers: Edward James, Joseph Benny, William Browne, William Margritts, William Barnes, Thomas Dunham. JEFFERIE GOOCH, 500 acs. North- umberland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 279. Upon the S. side of great Wicocomico Riv., beg. on the Ewd. side of Venas Cr. Trans, of 10 pers.* Note: This due by order from the Govr. & Coun- cill dated 30 Jan. 1651 in consideration of the surrender of a patent granted him at the falls of James River. Patent Book No. 2 207 RICHARD BUDD, 350 acs. North- umberland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 279- Abutting W. upon land of Mr. George Hatcher, N. E. upon Dinites Cr. which divides this & a tract surveyed for Tho- mas Prickett, E. against the mouth of great Wickcocomico Riv. & S. E. & S. W. upon aforesaid Davites Cr. Trans, of 7 pers: Richd. Budd, Eliza. Wilson, Budd, his wife, Tho. Cleake, Wil- liam Harpar, Henry Mayes, Symon Boule. Bartho. Bradley, Kath. a French maid, Tho. Morland, Leo. Kingman, Joseph Martin, Richd. Hayden, Antho. Stillger, Edward Clay, Thomas Catchman, Phil- lip Williams, William Cornish. Note: the uppermost 500 acs. of this patent lyeing next to the High Ponds is relin- quished by the said John Hany as ap- peareth from under his hand the 23 Aug. 1651 & the said rights to make good another patent for the said Hany. Test: R. Huberd. JOHN COOKE, 450 acs. Northum- berland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 280. Adj. land of Mr. James & Capt. Thomas Baldrige, to head of a branch issueing from the Ewd. side of Hollowes Cr. issueing upon the S. side of Potomeck Riv. Trans, of 9 pers: Edmond Townd, Mary Hogges, Elizab. Bridges, George Whittecur, Morris Oger, Edward Fro- well, James Dennett, Isaac Bratt, James Johnson. JOHN HOLLOWES, Gent., 600 acs. Northumberland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 281. Upon S. side of Potomeck Riv., upon E. side of Hollowes Cr., against a point called the Wadeing place. Trans, of 12 pers: John Thomlinson, Richd. Willis, John Symson, James Balleroe, Mary King, Restitute Hol- lowes, Senr., Wm. Freake, John Tew (?), John Knott, John Hawoes, Resti- tute Hollowes, Junr., Dan. Moore. THOMAS BLAGG, 500 acs. North- umberland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 280. Upon S. side of Potomeck Riv. abutting S. & S. W. upon Mattchotick Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: James Wilkinson, John Davis, William Brice, Edward Thomas, John James, William Lewis, David Bennett, James Alcocke, Nicholas Ketthin, (or Ketchin), Marke Sillis. JOHN ESSIX, 500 acs. Northumber- land Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 281. Abutt- ing W. upon a branch of Fishing Cr., which issues from the S. side of great Wickcocamaco Riv. Trans, of 10 pers: John Hunt, Richard Floyd, Tho. Williams, John James, William Browne, George Williams, Joseph Pagg, John Dinty, William Jones, John Henly. JOHN HANY, 950 acs. Northumber- land Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 281. Upon the N. side of the Dividing Cr., abutt- ing Wly. thereon, continued with a swamp at the head of land of George Waterman & James Willis. Trans, of 19 pers: Jo. Hanes, Eliza. Newman, Peter White, Edward A Cooper, (a cooper ?) Xtopr. Sarslett, Wm. Browne- ing, Edwd. Whitway, Thomas Miles, JOHN HOLLOWES, Gent., 1600 acs. Northumberland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 282. Beg. on the W. side of a cr. & extending nigh Potomeck Riv., to an- other tract, surveyed for sd. Hollowes upon the head of Canawoman Cr. Trans, of 32 pers: Robert Street, Edwd. Fryer, John Hanch, Wm. Weathers, And. Quinbrough, Mary Gray, Ailce Gray, Edwd. Tomson, Jane Tomson, Tho. Butler, Xtopr. Butler, Wm. Butler, John Butler, Nath. Butler, John Hol- lowes, John Tero (?), Wm. Freake, Robt. Street, Ann Marrowe, Tho. Yowill, Tho. Yowill, Junr., Ann Yowill, Junr., Wm. Yowill, Restitute Hollowes, Res. Hollowes, Junr., John Knott, Edward Fryer. SAME. 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p. 283. Beg. on Wwd. side of a marsh & swamp which divides this from land of Mr. Thomas Speake, N. W. next to another parcell of sd. Hollowes. Trans, of 4 pers.* NATHANIELL JONES, 600 acs Northumberland Co., 30 Jan. 1650, p 283. Upon S. side of Potomeck Riv. abutting Ely. & Sly. upon Upper Matt chotick Cr. & N. W. upon a small cr 208 Cavaliers and Pioneers which divides this from land of Mr. Hoccaday. Trans, of 12 pers: James Williams, Thomas Brett, James Davis, William Long, Henry Bennett, William Harper, John James, Daniell Gillins, John Brice, Andrew James, John Thorpe, John Blagg. THOMAS VAUS, Gent., 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 18 Oct. 1650, p. 283. On the S. side of Potomeck Riv., beg. at the mouth of a cr. that issueth out of Nomeny Riv. on the E. side, which divides this from land of John Tacker, N. & by E. to Nomeny Riv. Trans, of 10 pers: Phillip Foster, Hugh Say, Hump. Denison, Eliza. Cordevar, Susanna Mayne, Symon Bargine, Tymo- thy Clewmore, George Barnes, George Enhaynby (?), Hugh Marsh. MR. ANTHONY ELLYOTT, 1150 acs. lyeing on the N. W. side of the North Riv. in Mockjack Bay beg. on the N. E. side of a cr. which divides this from the land of Thomas Chap- mans, running up the cr. N. W. by N., thence N. E. by E., S. E. by S. to Mr. Holden's lands. 20 Mar. 1650, p. 284. Trans, of 23 pers: William Loe, Pet. Dowland, Tho. Peare, Richd. Nevil, Tho. Jarvis, Tho. Hensett, Jno. Ber- tram, Xtopr. Hughes, John Steed, Bryan Skarfe, Ralph Mines (or Mimes) Ann Masie, Ailce Toomes, Mary Cartar, Wm. Carney, Wm. Baskett. SAME. 100 acs: lyeing on N. W. side of the North Riv. in Mockjack Bay, running along markt trees dividing this from land of Abraham Iveson. 20 Mar. 1650, p. 284. Trans, of 2 pers: Overner Shadwell, Edward Skinner. GEORGE GILL, 700 acs. Yorke Co., 21 Jan. 1650, p. 285. Lyeing upon Yorke Riv. in the narrows, N. W. upon land of John Pounsey & S. E. upon Thomas Gibson etc., being the first red clift up the narrowes of said river. Trans, of 14 pers: Thomas Hackett, Math. Benstead, Robert Hudson, Jno. Seacraft. MRS. FRANCIS TOWNSHEND, Widdow, 2,200 acs. Northumberland Co., 7 Feb. 1650, p. 285. Upon S. side of Potomeck Riv., on E. side of Che- tanck & W. side of upper Mattchotick Neck, extending S. W. neare the Ewd. side of Chetank Towne. Trans, of 44 pers: Thomas Beddus, Jacob Hill, Jno. Perchin, Nico. Davis, Luke Haynes, Tho. Dunne, Tho. Austine, Walter Baker, Jno. Williams, Wm. Best, Lyonell Reale (or Beale), Nico. Lesley, Richard Adson, Tho. Browne, Law. Atherfold, Henry Hower, Nicho. Tur- ner, John Galy, Moyses Hoppards, John Budway, John Lynas (?), John Wil- liams, William Smith, Thomas Hill, John Corkeley, Eliza. Harrison, Joseph Forrest, Richard Wells, John Hudson, Wm. Lewis, James Austin, William Fauster, Francis Symons, William Jones, Tymothy Wilcocke, John Obed, Robert Butcher, Edward Barnes, William Tul- lenson, George Werden, Thomas Gard- ner, William Taylor, James Browning, Sarah & Susan, Negroes. BENEDICK BARBAR, Gent., 186 acs., 6 Mar. 1650, p. 286. Lyeing in Peanketank River, beg. on the S. side of a neck extending W. S. W. upon the river, etc. to Mat. Creeke, to the head of Uteys Cr. and crossing the neck S. by E. Trans, of 4 pers: Benedick Bar- ber, Anthony Willinger, John Cornish- by, Robert Butterfield. JOHN TACKER, 300 acs. S. side Potomeck Riv., & upon E. side of Nomeny Riv., butting N. E. upon a small cr. issueing out of sd. Riv. which divides this from land of Thomas Yowill, S. W. upon another small cr. which divides this from a parcell of land called Rich Neck. This tract being called Locust Neck. 18 Oct. 1650, p. 286. Trans. of 6 pers: William Clowdley, Robt. Fits John, Thomas Holliday, John Davis, Alexr. Stronge, Jane Say. LEWIS BURWELL, Gent., 500 acs. on S. side of Potomeck Riv., upon W. side of Nomeny Riv., beg. at br. of a cr. dividing this from land of James Hare, etc. 18 Oct. 1650, p. 286. Trans, of 10 pers: Richard Bayly, Henry Bayly, George Cooper, Fran. Snowe, Patent Book No. 2 209 Mary Snowe, Alex. Fry, Barna. Cobley, Jane Smith, Grigory Cordon, Timo. Selikley. SAME. 500 acs. beg. at a point which divides this from another patent of sd. Burwell, & running to the head of Nomeny River, etc. 18 Oct. 1650, p. 287. Trans, of 10 pers: Henry Gray, Edward Digg, Samll. Digg, Richard Gunther (or Guntler), Laves Mawfler, Walter Stroule, Jane his wife, Jane his daughter, Silvester George, Eman. Cow- den. JAMES HURD (Heard), 500 acs. on S. side of Potomeck Riv., beg. at the mouth of Hurds Cr. neare to Matchotiq Cr. 18 Oct. 1650, p. 287. Trans, of 10 pers: James Hurd, Ann his wife, Richd. Symons, George Poole, Tho. Hunckle, John Stogdell, George Hobbs, Miles Mills, Wm. Middlewood, Thomas Smith. SYMON THOROWGOOD, Eliz. City Co., 10 Mar. 1650, p. 288. Lye- ing Sly. upon the heads of the Long Ponds, Wly. upon Swanes Dames (Damms), Nly. upon land granted to Toby Smith. Trans, of Jane Lewis. (The marginal reference gives this as 50 acs. in the name of Saml. Thorow- good.) THOMAS POWELL, 500 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., about 3 mi. above Mr. Eatons Plantation, being a neck of land commonly called Powells Quarter, bounded on the westermost side with a cr. dividing this from land of Edward Mihill & on the Eastermost with Deep Cr. 24 Oct. 1650, p. 288. Trans, of 10 pers: Leonnidon Tucker, his wife , Elizabeth Wms. (Williams), Andrew Harman, Ann Linford, Thomas Ryland, Natha. Browne, John Sinycott, Thomas Bramley, George Velsey. CAPT. RALPH WORMELEY, Esq., 237 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at the mouth of Nimcock Cr. 23 Mar. 1650, p. 288. Trans, of 5 pers.* THOMAS PARKER, 380 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 18 Mar. 1650, p. 289. Beg. at a point of land called the Island neare Tapscers Cr., running S. W. Wly. to corner tree of Mr. Norsworthyes miles end. Trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Parker, John Mason, Sarah his wife, Joane, Elizabeth, Thomas, Francis, chil- dren; Mary Daulding. CAPT. RICHARD BOND, 950 acs. Chas. City Co., 10 Jan. 1650, p. 289. Lyeing neare the head of Wards Cr., along land of Edward Cawly. Trans. of 19 pers: Mary Alice, Lewis Wil- liams, Ann Sanders, Ann Green, Henry Cole, William Ricketts, James Barnes, Arnoll Mouse, Antho. Little, Lach. Little, John Right, Tho. Richards, Mary Jefferyes, Wm. Butler, John Feild, Ann Rennolds, Henry Offeild, Richard Han- cock, John Steevens. MR. THOMAS MANNING (Man- ninge), 150 acs. Warwick Co., 1 Apr. 1651, p. 289. Lyeing near Waters Cr., bounded S. E. along the river, to land of Mr. Thomas Davis, etc. to along land of Thomas Glascock. Said land granted unto Mr. William Whitby by order of the Govr. & Councill 11 Apr. 1649 & due unto him for trans, of 3 pers: (& by sd. Whiteby assigned unto sd. Manning.) Sarah Powell, Tho. Browne, Richard Dibbins. THOMAS ORLEY, 100 acs. North- umberland Co., 1 Apr. 1651, p. 300. Abutting N. E. upon Potomeck Riv., and S. E. upon land of William Med- calfe. Trans, of 2 pers: John Hawkers, Henry Wickers. ROBERT NEWMAN, 814 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Apr. 1651, p. 300. Abutting Nly. upon Potomeck Riv., Ely. upon a cr. dividing this from land of Hugh Finch & Wlv. upon a cr. dividing this from land of William Presly. Trans, of 16 pers: Marke Prous, Giles Tavernour, John Strathen (or Stratlen), Michaell Bemon, Peter Speed, Nicola Hana, Hen. Robinson, Wm. Bolton, Marg. Wood, Edw. Bowies, Jno. Lawren, Robt. Moreley, Marg. Robinson, Hump. Meares, Ann Meares, Coningham Banton. 210 Cavaliers and Pioneers SAME. 550 acs. in same county, date and page. Abutting Ely. upon the Gleab Land, and Nly. upon the head of Mattapony Riv. Trans, of 11 pers: Richard Pitts, 5 Negroes; John Lee, Geo. Rush, Joane Cooke, Xtopr. Hard, (or Hare), John Mare. (Note: Error in pagination by the person who transcribed this old volume.) JOHN PERINES (Perins) 400 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 301. Upon N. side of Charles Riv., abutting N. W. by N. upon Perins Cr. which divides this and the land of Ashwell Battin, adj. N. E. & E. upon land of Thomas Bell. Trans, of 8 pers: Capt. Rob. Felgate, his son Erasmus, his wife Sibbella, 3 Negroes. Assigned him by Abraham Moone, assignee of Capt. Nicolas Marteaw, whoe marryed the Exix. of Capt. Robt. Felgate. (Note: The 3 names mentioned are in brackets, outside of which is the word "twice.") RICHARD WOOTON, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Apr. 1651, p. 301. Sly. upon an Island of firme land in a marsh towards the head of the upper river. Trans, of 6 pers: Oliver Vanche, Kath. Vanche (or Vauche), Peter Vankes (or Vaukes), Will. Whitselwhite, John Turner, John Wase. CHRISTOPHER BOYCE, 1,250 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Apr. 1651, p. 301. Abutting Nly. upon Chotank Cr., & N. W. upon Potomeck Riv. Due by virtue of the rights of a patent formerly granted him which land was since seated and granted to the Indyans. PALMER HINTON, 300 acs. North- umberland Co., 25 Mar. 1651, p. 301. Upon upper Mattchotiq Riv., & Ely. up- on land of Peter Phipound (?). Due by order of the Govr. &c. 29 Oct. 1650 & alsoe for trans, of 6 pers: Palmer Hinton, Thomas Hinton, Ann Chadwell, Mary Smith. WILLIAM HOCCADAY, Gent., 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 302. Upon the S. side of Potomeck Riv., abutting N. & N. E. upon Matchotiq Cr. & opposite to land of George Ludlow, Esq. & E. S. E. towards land of Nicholas Jernew. Due by virtue of part of the rights of a former patent granted to him for 2,000 acs. in Peganketanke and since granted to the Indians. Renewed in the name of Wm. Hoccaday 14 Mar. 1653. THOMAS BELL, 200 acs. York Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 302. Upon the N. side of Charles Riv., abutting E. upon land of Joseph Hayes, W. & N. W. upon land of John Perin. Due by virtue of the rights of a patent of 2,000 acs. granted to William Hoccaday & since granted to the Indians & by said Hocca- day assigned to sd. Bell. JOHN STRATTON, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 27 Mar. 1651, p. 302. Lye- ing between the E. & S. bayes which belong to Stratons Cr. Trans, of 3 pers: John Franklin, Margarett Heath, Patience Thomlins. WILLIAM VINCENT, 640 acs. Northumberland Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 303. Upon the N. side of Dividing Cr., abutting Ely. upon the Bay, S. upon sd. Cr. & Wly. upon a small Cr. which towards the head divideth itselfe into two branches & devides this & the land of James Willis, and Nly. upon land of John Waddy. Trans, of 13 pers: Wm. Jones, Jno. Tresh, Alexand. Smith, James Hewitt, William Large, Wm. Downinge, John Weavor, James Smith. GEORGE COLCLOUGH, Gent. 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 303. Upon the S. side of Deviding Cr., abutting E. upon sd. Cr., S. S. W. along the land of Richard Jones, Gent., W. upon the Mountaynes & N. N. E. upon the land of Abraham Moone. Trans, of 10 pers: James Davis, Wil- liam Brent, John Lacke, William Den- nis, James Loen, John Curr, William Hunt, John Trenor (or Trevor.) THOMAS GIBSON, 900 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 304. About 5 mi. up the narrowes of Yorke Riv., upon a branch of a swamp called Queens Cr. Patent Book No. 2 211 includeing some Indian feilds, etc. Due by virtue of the rights of a patent granted to the sd. Gibson for 600 acs., 16 Aug. 1647 & by him surrendered into the office. 300 acs. for residue for trans, of 6 pers.* ROBERT TAYLOR, 500 acs. James City Co., 10 Apr. 1651, p. 304. Lyeing W. upon Chipoakes, beg. at Swann Bay, & N. towards the river mouth. Former- ly granted to Jeremy Dickinson by patent dated 6 May 1638 & granted to sd. Taylor by order of the Govr. & Councill 24 Oct. 1650 in the right of his wife the daughter in law of the sd. Dickinson. JOSEPH HAYES, Gent, 300 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 304. Up- on the N. side of Yorke Riv, beg. on Wwd. side of Bennets Cr. dividing this & the land of John Bennet & Tho- mas Litchman, running to head of sd. Cr, thence W. S. W. to an oake divid- ing this & the land of Thomas Bell, from thence S. S. E. upon land of John King. Trans, of 6 pers: Henry Newby, Tho. Allen, James Miller, Sarah Lee- man, Richard Goode, Walter Olives. Note: Assigned him by Bra. (Abra.) Moone, assignee of Tho. Bourne. DAVID PHILLIPS, 400 acs. North- umberland Co, 3 Apr. 1651, p. 305. 300 acs. thereof abutting upon the land of Henry Brooke, S. E. upon Fishing Cr; & 100 acs. upon the Ewd. side of Fishing Cr. Trans, of 8 pers.* HUGH FOUCH & JAMES MAGRE- GORY, 800 acs. Northumberland Co, 3 Apr. 1651, p. 305. Abutting E. along another tract of sd. Fouch & Magregory, W. upon the highlands & a br. of Chetanck Riv. Trans, of 6 pers: James Morrice, Wm. Evans, John Marogan, Wm. Jones, John Mathew, William Long. HENRY HUST, 350 acs. Northum- berland Co, 3 Apr. 1651, p. 305. Abutting N. E. E. upon great Wickco- comico Riv, S. upon an Island, & upon a cr. which divides this and the land of Thomas Brickett, otherwise called the Devells Neck, Nly. upon another cr. which divides this & land of Nicholas Morris. Trans, of 7 pers.* JOHN GAMLIN & ISAAC WEA- VOR, 150 acs, on the Wwd. side of Dennises Cr. which issues forth upon the S. side of Wicocomico and divides this and the land of John Dennis. 3 Apr. 1651, p. 306. Trans, of 3 pers.* Note: (The compiler believes the first mentioned name should be HAMLIN, as this spelling is used in the latter part of the patent herein abstracted, although when compared with the county index the name is entered as first given here- in.) MRS. ANNA BERNARD, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co, 3 Apr. 1651, p. 306. Upon S. side of Potomeck Riv, beg. on the S. side of a marsh & small cr. upon the Ewd. side of the Upper Matchotiq River, adj. land called Thomas Peabes (or Peakes) land. Trans, of 20 pers: Mr. Richard Ber- nard, Mrs. Anna Bernard, Mrs. Elinor Corderoy, Eliza. Barnett, Cordery Bar- nett, Richard Barnett, William Cordery, Edward Cordery, Wm. Ironmonger, Fra. Ironmonger, Eliza. Ironmonger, Eliza. Percy (or Perry), Eliza. Ashton, John Smith, Thomas Sheld, Joseph Bacon, Ann Whitlock, John Fuller, Leonard Lett, Henry Fabitt. JAMES BALDRIGE & CAPT. THO- MAS BALDRIDGE, 840 acs. Northum- berland Co, 3 Apr. 1651, p. 307. Up- on S. side of Potomeck Riv, beg. on the Ewd. side of the mouth of Hollys Cr, S. E. nigh with the main river course to a white oake which divides this and the land of Hercules Bridges, extending to the head of a small branch which divides this and the land of John Cooke. Trans, of 17 pers: Tho. Baldridge, James Baldridge, Bartho. Lewis, Robt. Mathew, Tho. Langford, Lorida Baldridge, Mary Baldridge, Edwd. Ryall, Robert Hutson, Grace Boman, Sarah Boman, William Bald- ridge, Wm. Humpheryes. PHILLIP CHARLES, 450 acs. James City, 7 Feb. 1650, p. 307. On W. side of Chickahominy Riv. upon Moses Run 212 Cavaliers and Pioneers next above Thomas Tilsey, and bounded W. upon land of Capt. Marshall. Trans, of 9 pers: John Bowles, Wm. Berrick, Dorothy Sternes, Martha Young, John Chaplin, Wm. Butler, Mary Smith. EDWARD GRIMES, 150 acs., a neck of land called Quiocomack lyeing at the head of Corytomon Riv. in Rappa- hanock, & lyeing S. E. upon sd. river mouth. 23 Mar. 1650, p. 308. Trans. of 3 pers: Thomas Atwell, his first wife, Susan Skery. SAME. 80 acs., being a neck of land, lyeing in Curytomon Riv., S. E. from Indian Spring to Narrow Neck Creekes mouth. 23 Mar. 1650, p. 308. Trans, of 2 pers: Robert Ellyott, Dan. Doller. THOMAS BREEMAN, 500 acs. lye- ing on the S. side of a run which falls into Crany Cr. in Ware Riv. in Mock- jack Bav. 23 Mar. 1650, p. 308. Due by purchase from Richard Kemp, Esqr., dec'd. & alsoe for trans, of 10 pers.* "The rights wch. belong to this patent is in the old Booke in folio 236." (This book is not believed to be ex- tant.) RICHARD DYER, 1,050 acs. about 5 mi. up Pamunkee Riv., 23 Mar. 1650, p. 309. Frt>m the bounds of Mr. Fran- cis Floods land upon Broughtons Cr., extending along marked trees of Mr. Broach, etc. Granted unto Thomas Broughton by patent dated 18 Apr. 1648 & by him assigned to Arthur Price, who assigned to sd. Dyer. ROBERT ABRALL, 300 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 309. Upon Wwd. side of Mattapony Riv., S. W. upon a branch issueing from sd. riv. which divides this & land of Capt. John West, Esqr. Trans, of 6 pers: Richard Riser, Richd. Smith, Thomas Gordiane, Wm. Fish, Joane Everett, Math. Cripps. ROBERT ABRALL, 200 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 309. Upon S. side of Charles Riv., N. W. & N. E. upon the head of a cr. dividing this & the late land of Mr. John Broach. Trans. of 4 pers: Ann More, Eliza. Hayes, Joseph Woodrow, Thomas Minnes. SAME. 900 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 310. Upon S. side of Chas. Riv., abutting N. & N. E. upon the Mountaynes, E. & S. E. upon land of Mr. Mannaring Hamond & N. W. upon the main swamp of Black Cr. Trans, of 18 pers: John Steevens, John John- son, Thomas Drone (or Drove), Wil- liam Home, Eliza. Richards, Elizabeth Walters, Robt. Breight, Thomas Weekes, Richard Bell, James Williams, Henry Walker, Joseph Grigory, Ann Steevens, Robt. Adkinson. WILLIAM GINSEY (GUINSEY), 300 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Apr. 1651, p. 310. Upon Swd. side of Mattapony Riv., which tract is about 10 mi. up the river. Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Guinsey, Geo. Talker, Thomas Ander- son, Ben. Dudley. ROBERT SORRELL, 800 acs. James City Co., 10 Apr. 1651, p. 310. Being an island within Warrany Cr., bounded S. by E. towards land of Edward Cole, N. towards Joyners Neck, S. towards the mouth of sd. creek & E. towards the land of Mr. Bennett Freeman. Trans, of 2 pers.* "Vid County Court Booke." THOMAS THORNBROUJH, 700 acs. Northumberland Co., 25 Mar. 1651, p. 311. Abutting Sly. upon a branch issueing out of Nomeny Riv., Ely. upon a small br. of sd. Riv. towards the land of James Hare. Trans, of 14 pers: William Clayton, Richd. Knott, Geo. Heigham, Wm. Knight, Danll. Pred- dery, Daniell Moore, Ralph Mooreton, Elizabeth Brewer, Jane Davis, Barton Reigner, Ailce Sadler, Maurice Baker, Peter Smith, Mary Blyth. THOMAS WATTS, Junr, 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Apr. 1651, p. 311. Abutting Sly. upon the land of Thomas Kedby, & Wly. upon a cr. issueing out of great Wicocomico Riv. Trans, of 4 pers: Susan Watts, Eliza. Watts, Margarett Sproud, Senr. (or Sprond), Margarett Sproud, Junr. Patent Book No. 2 213 WILLIAM HAMPTON, 700 acs. lye- ing on the E. side of the Easternmost river in Mockjack Bay, beg. on the S. side of a creeke. 25 Mar. 1651, p. 311. Trans, of 14 pers: Thomas Smith, Richard Cary, Hugh Bromly, Wm. Bore- man, Jeremy Edes, Philad. Hampton, John Ash, John Longford, Wm. Yate- man, Wm. Davis, Symon Vaughan, Wm. Boreman, John Wattkins, Ailce Walker. HENRY SINGLETON, 320 acs. on the E. side of the Eastermost Riv. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at Mr. Hampton's land. No. date. Page 312. Trans, of 6 pers: John Hilliard, Marke Nethrock, Thomas Newman, Susanna his wife, Anne Newman, Susan New- RICHARD WALKER, 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 6 May 1651, p. 312. Abutting Nly. upon a br. of Mattapony Riv., Sly. upon a br. of sd. river which divides this from the land of Jane Parry, Widdow. Trans, of 4 pers: Richard White, Mary White, Joseph White, John White. WILLIAM RENNOLDS, 650 acs. Northumberland Co., 6 May 1651, p. 312. Abutting Ely. upon Potomeck Riv., & Sly. upon land of Phillip Sil- vester. Trans, of 13 pers: Wm. Ren- nolds, Ann Rennolds, Wm. Jones, James Harry, Thomas Williams, William Robert, Ann Mason, Robt. Harrison, Richard Evans, Thomas Steed, Jone Smith, Ann Palmer, Henry Thucker (or Thacker.) CAPT. JOHN WEST, Esqr., 1550 acs. Yorke Co., 6 May 1651, p. 313. Lyeing about 6 mi. up Yorke Riv. up the fort (or fork) on the S. side of the river, bounded W. upon Mattadequain Cr., E. S. E. upon black cr. & S. W. upon the Mts. Trans, of 31 pers: Capt. John West, Esqr., 4 tymes, Mrs. Anne West, twice, John West, Junr., Cheny, a maide Servant, Joseph Gard- ner, Francis , 5 Negroes; Eliza. Coope, Richard Taylor, Joane Royly, John Royly, Ailce , Edward , Henry Millett, Wm. Parnell, Jno. Haninge (or Haninye,) Law. Triggs, Heebert Millen, Xtopr. Alwine, "one that dyed at Sea," Elinor Adkins Francis Millet. RICHARD COLEMAN, 320 acs. up- on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. upon the side of a marsh near land of Wil- liam Nusum, & running parallel with the river to a cr. that divides this from land now in possession of Rice Jones, etc. 6 May 1651, p. 313. Trans, of 7 pers: Thomas Hansworth, John Smith, William Thomas, Thomas John, John Chapman, Wm. Goodman, Andrew Carelesse. CAPT. STEPHEN GILL, 900 Acs. Northumberland Co., 6 May 1651, p. 314. Upon the Nwd. part of Fleets Bay, abutting N. N. E. upon Gills Cr., N. W. upon the head branch of sd. Cr. dividing this from land of Lewis Bur- well. Due for trans, of 9 pers: John Davis, Jno. Williams, Henry Hackett, Davy Perkins, Adam Thornton, Wm. Roberts, Thomas Hart, Grace Davis, James Hall, Alex. Smith, Tho. Brooke, Richd. Sewell, Robert Chapman, Edward Walden, Tho. Graves, Thomas Symson, Peter Richardson, Elyas Vincent. WILLIAM TAYLOR, 600 acs. Northamton Co., 21 May 1651, p. 314. Being a neck of land scituate at Occa- haincock Cr., bounded on N. W. part with a branch called the Lesser Otter- dams, & on S. W. with a branch called the great Otterdams. Trans, of 12 pers: Mathew Stone, John Stringer, Mary Feild, Maugeby Huges, John Pratt, Thorn. Meller, Richd. Partigg, Wm. Wilton, George Hardest, Mary Leeke, Robert Kinver (or Skinner), Edward Holt. Renewed 20 Oct. 1661. COLL. RICHARD LEE, Esqr., Secre- tary of State, 550 acs. on N. side of Yorke Riv., 350 acs. thereof bounded towards the head and S. E. side of a cr. which is the Wwd. bounds of another tract of land of sd. Lee. 200 acs. standing on the Wwd. side of a branch of Bennetts Cr. 21 May 1651, p. 314. Trans, of 11 pers.* 214 Cavaliers and Pioneers GEORGE LUDLOW, Esqr., one of his Majestie's Councill of State, 1,000 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on the S. side, beg. on the Swd. side of the mouth of Sandy Point Cr., adj. land of Randall Cam- blett & James Arrock. 22 May 1651, p. 315. Trans, of 20 pers: John Baxter, Edmond Stratchy, Fra. Higgins, Tho. Sabin, Tho. Cody, Robert Rundsay, Joane Walbrooke, Joane Shagbrough, Mary Dickors, Wm. Callender, Hugh Furbush, (or Farbush), & 7 Negroes: Robin, Stephen, James, Will, Mall, Susan & Joane. EDWARD DIGGS, Esqr., 1200 acs. in Hampton Parish, Yorke Co., 6 May 1651, p. 316. Upon S. side of Yorke Riv., beg. on a point at the mouth & Ewd. side of Wests Cr., E. & S. to point on Wwd. side of Millers Cr., S. E. to Morgans Cr. which divides this & land of Fra. Morgan, Gent., running S. W. then N. W. upon land of Wil- liam Sawyer over a swamp leading to the Indian Bridge. Due by purchase from Capt. John West & Ann his wife, 11 Dec. 1650, & also for trans, of 24 pers: Owen Maker, David Owen, Wm. Hunter, Fra. Millett, Dosabell Peach, Prist .Green, Hum. Sayle, Tho. Avery, Ro. Bulliford, Henry Barnes, Chr. Allen, Nico. Connaway, John Clarke, John Scales, John Pouncy, Geo. Sweetaple, Wm. Thomas, Wm. White, Ben. Roberts, Isaac Jones, Harbert Judd, Henry Adkins, Eliza. Pye, Joane Hutton. WILLIAM BARBER (Barbar), 50 acs. in Hampton Parish, abutting on land of Thomas Bourne, now in posses- sion of Richard Jones, adj. 2 tracts formerly granted unto sd. Barbar & Nly. upon late in possession of William Cainhoe. 6 May 1651, p. 316. Trans, of Mary Huses. MR. ARTHUR PRISE (Price), 1700 acs. Yorke Co., 6 May, 1651, p. 317. On S. side of Yorke Riv. & on N. side of Skimeno Cr. 800 acs. purchased by sd. Price from Mr. Robert Booth, & being joined together & bounded E. N. E. upon the river, W. S. W. upon head of sd. Cr. & S. by E. upon Kimeno &. N. W. upon the river towards land of John King. Trans, of 34 pers: John Williams, Richard Thomas, William Jones, John Freame, Edward Moore, Richard Mosse, Wm. Davis, Henry Arnold, Wm. Fryse, Thomas Parr, Elizabeth Hughes, Grace Parsons, Tho. Holland, Richard Kerby. "One Thou- sand Acres more for his Patent for Land in Payanketank Called in by Act the rights being still due." JOHN ADLESTON, 500 acs., 19 May 1651, p. 317. Beg. at tree of George Ludlow, Esqr., on S. side of Severne in Mockjack Bay, running N. E. to land of Francis Ceely. Trans, of 10 pers: William Scott, Tho. Ridley, Ed. Emerson, Thomas Cheverell (or Chen- erell), Patt. Omallin, Edw. Thomas, Richard Rilly (or Riley), Richard Kirke, Richard Smith, John Cooke. JOHN INGRAM & RICHARD FLINT, 406 acs. Northumberland Co., 15 Apr. 1651, p. 317. Abutting Sly. & Wly. upon the Deviding Cr. upon land of Wm. Vincent & Nly. upon land of John Waddy. Trans, of 8 pers.* JOHN HULL, 500 acs. Northumber- land Co., 5 June 1651, p. 318. Upon S. side of the Deviding Cr., abutting S. upon land of Geo. Colclough. Trans, of 10 pers: Francis Wheeler, Elinor Wheeler, John Mocoy, Fra. Hall, Robt. Timkins, John Martin, John Shresser, (or Shreffer), Wm. Surtue, Tho. Machin, John Turke. FRANCIS FLOOD, 300 acs. in Yorke Riv. on the S. side, about 7 mi. up the Narrowes, running along land of Mr. Thomas Vaus, Mr. Lewis Bur- well & Mr. Thomas Broughton. Form- erly granted sd. Flood 19 Apr 1648 & for trans, of 6 pers.* 1 Apr. 1651, p. 318. GEORGE EATON, 360 acs., being a neck of land between two creeks, lyeing on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at Eastermost Cr. dividing this from land of David Fox. 18 June 1651, p. 318. Trans, of 7 pers: Robert Spencer, Patent Book No. 2 215 Henry Hayler, Richard Jenings, Eliza. Staples, Kath. Piller, Fra. Bishell, Geo. Eaton. SAME. 304 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. River, beg. at a swamp dividing this from land of John Catlet & Ralph Rouzey, & E. S. E. to land of George Avery. 18 June 1651, p. 319. Trans, of 6 pers: John Eaton, James Riddle, Robt. Burrell, John Fookes, Peter Wood, Cor. Goverson, Note: "Wm. Harmans, Mary O Aver" "Land due for." ROWLAND BURNHAM, Gent., 850 acs. lying on S. side Rappa. Riv., 24 June 1651, p. 319. 500 acs. part thereof bounded S. upon land of Coll. Wormeley, N. upon Abraham English, & E. upon the river; 350 acs. bounded N. N. W. upon Worster Cr., & S. S. E. upon Coll. Ralph Wormeley. 500 acs. formerly granted him by patent 16 Nov. 1649 & due for trans, of 10 pers., & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers.* (Negroes.) JAMES ROE & PETER RICHESON, 1500 acs. Gloster Co., 21 May 1651, p. 320. Upon N. side of Yorke Riv., bounded along another devdt. of Capt. Stephen Gill lyeing bet. Rosewell Cr. S. E. and by S. till it come to the land of Mr. Lewis Burwell. 1150 acs. by vertue of patent granted to Stephen Gill 30 Apr. 1649, by him assigned unto sd. Roe, and the moiety thereof by Roe as- signed to sd. Richeson; & 350 acs. the residue for trans, of 7 pers.* ROBERT HOLT, 1560 acs. James City Co., 20 Jan. 1650, p. 320. Lying upon the head of Checkros Cr. on the E. side of Chicohamy Riv., near land of Sir William Berkeley, N. towards land of Edmond Sanderson & W. upon land belonging to the estate of Mr. William Felgate of London, Merchant, dec'd. 700 acs. due by former patent to him dated 3 July 1640, & 560 acs. being granted unto Richard Bell, 10 Apr. 1642 & by John Waddington whoe pur- chased it of John Allison & Dorothy his wife, sold unto sd. Holt, "reference being had to the said writeing from Alison to Wadilow and from Waddilow to sd. Holt." 300 acs. the residue for trans, of 6 pers: Ailce Holt, Wm. Smith, Joane Watson, Thomas Cobb, (or Cable), Edward , Charles Binion. MR. ROBERT HOLT, 470 acs. James City Co., 20 Jan. 1651, p. 321. Lyeing betwixt the two westermost branches of Jones Cr. on the E. side of Chicohominy Riv., beg. at the devision of sd. branches, up the mayne branch N. E. by E, along Ricahoc path. Trans, of 10 pers: Alexander Budle, Richard Godson, Wm. Allen, John Neane (or Weave), John Burgis, John Hambleton (or Hample- ton), Daniel Clarke, Geo. Woolaston, Gabriell Terry, Anne Danne, Hugh Michalla, Richard Smith, Hen. Barr- ier, Rob. Rowlinson. "Land due for four." JAMES DAVIS, 250 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 21 May 1651, p. 321. At Occahanock Cr., abutting on the land of William Taylor, bounded on the Southern part with a branch parting this from land of sd. Taylor, on the N. W. by another branch parting this from land of Richard Smith. Trans, of 5 pers: Peirce Neale, Richd. White, Ben. Home (or Home), Wm. Harvis (or Hawis), Mary Davis. EDWARD BOSSE (or Besse), 189 acs. running E. from the Creeke into the woods along by Phillip Chesly, to a creek known by the Indian name Chipeaks neare Mr. Felgates land on the S. side of Chickahominy Riv. 7 Apr. 1651, p. 321. Trans, of 4 pers.* WILLIAM NEWMAN & JOHN MEEKES, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 6 May 1651, p. 322. Upon the Ewd. side of Yeococomico Riv., oppo- site to the mouth of a swamp at the head of the sd. river. Trans, of 20 pers.* EDWARD GRIMES (Grymes), 240 acs., 21 May 1651, p. 322. On the N. side of Rappa. Riv., abutting N. upon land of David Fox, E. upon another tract of sd. Grymes, & S. & S. W. 216 Cavaliers and Pioneers upon a Cr. which divides this from land of Thomas Harwood. Trans, of 5 pers.* MR. ANTHO. STEEVENS, 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 26 Mar. 1651, p. 322. Lyeing on the N. side of Rappa. Riv. upon Deep Cr., running down a branch that parts this & land of John Place. Trans, of 10 pers: Tho. Taylor, Wm. Todd, Stephen Read, Tho. Har- bert, Fra. Holland, Richard Pagget, Eliza. Cooes, John Barnes, Mich. Dun- ington, William Brown. MR. JOHN BISHOP, 300 acs, lye- ing upon the S. side of Upper Chipoaks Cr., commonly called by the name of Swan Bay. Due sd. Bishopp for trans, of 6 pers: John Bishopp, Eliza. Bis- hopp, Mary Bishop, 1 Negro wench, Ann Ingleton, Jno. Bishop, Junr. 9 Apr. 1651, p. 323. JAMES WARD, 150 acs. Charles City Co, 7 June 1651, p. 323. Lyeing up Powells Cr. upon reedy swamp, is- sueing out of sd. Cr, bounded S. & W. upon land of Mr. David Peobles. Trans, of 3 pers: Ann Ward, James Wallis, John Cheetwood. ROBERT VAUS (or Vans), Gent, 150 acs. Yorke Co, 10 July 1651, p. 323. Upon S. side of Queens Cr, adj. another tract of sd. Vaus, along the land of Capt. Taylor, S. & by W. lead- ing along the Ewd. side of the Labor in Vain Spring upon the land of Rich- ard Jones, thence W. & by N. to the Maiden Swamp. Trans, of 3 pers: Mary Chubb, Ann Chamby (or Cham- bly), William North. ASHWELL BATTIN, 1,000 acs. Yorke Co, 3 Apr. 1651, p. 324. Upon N. side of Yorke Riv, extending alongst Perints Cr. dividing this & land of John Perrine. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Wil- liams, Mar. Williams, Judeth Green- wood, Law. Long, Gilbert Fabin, Richd. Woodford, Fayth Webb, Jno. Owme (?), Tho. Dane, George Lock, Geo. Chiles, Edward Cocks, Edwd. Hancock, Wm. Winifield, Richd. Trayillis, James Clarke, John Bell, John Bard, Tho. Nurdon, John Johnson. RICHARD SMITH, 500 acs. North- ampton Co, 24 July 1651, p. 324. At Accohanock Cr, bounded on Easterne part by the land of James Davis & on S. by the mayne cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Eliza. Ball, Kath. Wood, Rebecca Moore, Ann Thresher, David Williams, Owen Williams, Edwd. Martin, Ann Smith, Edwd. Reeves, Eliza. Jordain. EDWARD SYMPSON, 100 acs. Gloster Co, 2 Dec. 1651, p. 324. Up- on S. E. side of Mattapony Riv. 2 mi. up the river. Due sd. Symson for trans, of 2 pers: Margarett Takes, Ursula Perine. EDMOND WELCH, 400 acs. lyeing on the N. side of the North Riv. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at Saies point & running up sd. river Wly. to mouth of Wrights Cr, due N. & E. to Curtis' branch, & down black water Cr. unto sd. point. 10 Oct. 1651, p. 325. Trans, of 8 pers: Fran. Carr, 1 Negro, John Steward, Aug. (or Ang.) Hart, John Pate, Jno. Salvadge, Natha. Parker, Char. Riggan (or Kiggan). JAMES ALLEN, 300 acs. Northum- berland Co, 20 June 1651, p. 325. Abutting Ely. upon Wiccocomico Cr, & Sly. upon a branch of sd. Cr. Trans. of 6 pers: Andrew Brownes, John Selly, James Allin, Elizabeth Manger, Walter Copsas, Mathew Hinderson. ANTHONY JOHNSON, 250 acs. Northampton Co, 24 July 1651, p. 326. At great Naswattock Cr, being a neck of land bounded on the S. W. by the maine Cr. & on S. E. & N. W. by two small branches issueing out of the mayne Cr. Trans, of 5 pers: Tho. Bemrose, Peter Bughby, Antho. Cripps, Jno. Gesorroro (?), Richard Johnson. ROGER JOHNS, 300 acs. Northamp- ton Co, 24 July 1651, p. 326. At Occahannock Cr, beg. on the Easter- most part of Alexander Addisons land, extending up the mayne Cr. & bounded on the Northerne part therewith. Trans, of 6 pers: James Barnaby, Sara Barna- by, Edmd. Mathews, Eliza. Harris, Richard Clements, Giles Harris. Patent Book No. 2 217 TOBY NORTON, 500 acs. North- ampton Co., 24 July 1651, p. 326. At Corratock Cr., & bounded on the Southern part by sd. Cr. & land of Richard Bayley. Trans. 10 pers: Mathew Pett, Ann Bashaw, John Barbar, Mary Harloe, John Harloe, Ann his wife, David Wheatley, Step. Harloe, Edwd. Smith, Fra. Lyne. GEORGE TRUHETT, 200 acs. Northampton Co., 24 July 1651, p. 327. Neare the old plantation Cr., bounded on the W. by the mayne bay, on the S. by land of Jonathan Gills & on the N. by land of Geo. Smith. Trans, of 4 pers: Richard Cainhoe, Fran. Jefferys, Wm. Deaton, Richard Cox. MR. ABRAHAM IVESON, 655 acs. lyeing on the S. W. side of the North river in Mockjack Bay, beg. at a white oak which divides this from the land of Thomas Chapman, along the river side to marked trees dividing same from land of George Levitt, dec'd. 250 acs. part thereof due by patent dated 15 Aug. 1642 & surrendered; 200 acs. by assignment from Richd. Bayley & Tho- mas Wright & 205 acs. for trans, of 5 pers.* 10 June 1651, p. 327. JONAS JACKSON, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., 24 July 1651, p. 328. At Occahannock Cr., bounded on the W. by a little branch parting this from the land of William Mereday. Trans, of 6 pers: Phillip Jackson, Morris Mathews, Francis Stockley, Katherine Abbott, John Stockley, Xpian. Folly. RICHARD KELLUM, 300 acs. Northampton Co., 24 July 1651, p. 328. At Occahannock Cr., being a neck of land, bounded on the S. by the mayne Cr., etc. Trans, of 6 pers: Sara Ainsly, Ann Corbett, Mary King, John Tomp- son, Henry Worsley, Isaac Emersley. GEORGE TRUHETT & HENRY EDWARDS, 300 acs. Northampton Co., 24 July 1651, p. 328. At Occahannock Cr., bounded on the Eastern part by the first branch, and on the W. by the main bay. Due for trans, of 6 pers: Henry Edwards, John Allen, John Elinge, Mich. Clarke, Robert Powell, Robt. Blacke. RICHARD VAUGHAN, 350 acs. Northampton Co., 24 July 1651, p. 329. At Occahannock Cr., beg. at the Easter- most part of his former devdt. & bounded on the W. part therewith, on the S. by the main creek & on the E. by the land of John Waltham. Trans. of 7 pers: Rowland Evans, Edward Salmon, Tho. Musgrave, Andrew Henry, William Abdell, John Wand, David Reed. THOMAS CLIFTON, 400 acs. Northampton Co., 24 July 1651, p. 329- At Nuswattock Cr., abutting Wly. upon a branch of sd. creek, bounded on the N. by a small branch parting this from land of Henry Pedenden, and on the S. by another branch parting this from land of William Berriman. 300 acs. part hereof formerly granted to Francis Martin & by him assigned to sd. Clif- ton; & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Francis Lee, Virgill Thuck. MR. TOBY SMITH, 350 acs. James City Co., 7 June 1651, p. 329. Lyeing on the W. side of Chicohamony River neare unto Mattahunck, commonly called Wickwa bridge, bounded N. E. by N. upon land of Mr. Chassey, S. E. upon Weeks Cr. & N. W. upon Muttnate (or Muttuate) run. Trans, of 7 pers.* MR. ROWLAND LAWSON, 1300 acs. situated in Rappa. Riv., on the Nwd. side, beg. on the Ewd. side of the mouth of Cherry Point Cr., & adj. land of Richard Jones. 20 June 1651, p. 330. 900 acs. part formerly granted unto Epaphrd. Lawson & by him relin- quished and the rights assigned unto his brother, & the residue for trans, of 8 pers: Tho. Neegle, Richard Ball, James Fixer, Xpo. Dennis, John Copeland, Richard Jenkinson, Robert Smith, James Jacobson. PHILLIP HUNLEY, 613 acs., lyeing on the Ewd. side of the Eastermost river in Mockjack Bay; beg. at a small creek within Budden Cr. 29 June 1651, p. 218 Cavaliers and Pioneers 330. Trans, of 6 pers: James Steward, Thomas Jones, Ann Perry, Mary Hall, William Wells, John Owen, Henry Edwards, Tho. Dyer, Danll. Forrest, Jno. Huningford, Tho. Guige, Marg. Brookes. Note: "These rights belongs to Armisteads patent following." MR. WILLIAM ARMESTEAD, 600 acs. lyeing on the Ewd. side of the Eastermost river in Mockjack Bay; beg. above Pudden Cr. 1 July 1651, p. 331. Trans, of 12 pers: Elizabeth Hunly, Eliz. Bacon, James Beck, Flor. Jones, Charles Spratt, Matt. Lee, Thorn. Bacon, Thorn. Clapps, Jane Davis, Mary Blive (or Blith), Sil. Marston, Ralph Marton. Note: "These rights belonged to Phillip Hunlys patent aforegoing." WILLIAM ARMESTEAD, 1213 acs. at the head of the Eastermost river in Mockjack Bay. 1 July 1651, p. 331. Trans, of 24 pers: Elizabeth Price, John Crists, John Lanclott, Richard Gold, Robert Hunly, Wm. Frasey, Barbara Frasey, Edward Morgan, Theo. Frasey, John Frasey, Jose. Brewster, William Smith, Mary Rekey, Kath. Ayres, John Paptast, James Kittenue, Roger Paynter, Katherine Teye, Thomas Hudson, Wil- liam Taylor. JAMES FOSTER, 250 acs. Nanse- mond Co., 18 July 1651, p. 332. On the Swd. side of a branch of the Wwd. branch of Nansemond Riv., called the Indian Cr., beg. by the branch side & running S. by W. by the land of John Layden, & S. S. E. by the land of Tho- mas Babb. Trans, of 5 pers: James Bee, John Pee, Anna Thorne, Tho. Snowe, John Taylor. AUDERY (or Andery), BUNNEY, 700 acs. Nansemond Co., 18 July 1651, p. 332. Lyeing at the head of Indian Cr., beg. at a poynt by the branch side, running S. by W. & adj. land of Samuell Firment. Trans, of 14 pers: Jane Rice, James Kirtam, John Bishoop, Jane Wearott, Ringer English, Mathew Costons, Peter Rice, James Dicke, Mary Lisman, Seth Symson, Peter Vicaris, Eliz. Sumner, Elinor Robinson, Edward Glowers (or Glovers) (John Collis, and Tho. Glover, Land due for.) RICHARD TURNEY, 2,109 acs. Northumberland Co., 8 July 1651, p. 333. Abutting Sly. upon Potomeck Riv., Ely. upon a great marsh, Wly. up- on a bay, & Nly. upon a creek issueing out of sd. bay. This sd. tract of land being comonly called or known by the name of the Doggs Island. Trans, of 42 pers: Percy Hamor, Tho. Pluckett, Tho. Phillips, Tho. Griffeth, John Blitto, Samll. Welding, Thomas Jones, John Quesenbury, Elizabeth Wooton, Syon the Turke, Manuell the Negro, Joane the Negro. (Note: No other names appear under this record.) JOHN ROOKWOOD, Gent., 708 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Aug. 1651, p. 333. Abutting N. E. upon Potomeck Riv., N. W. upon land of Col. Giles Brent, S. E. upon Potomeck Cr. & S. W. upon a branch issueing out of sd. creek. Trans, of 14 pers: Daniell Gardner, Barbara Hayles, Morris Owen, Xtopr. Gouch, William Milton, Jno. Fredricke, William Williams, Dorothy Lewis, Henrry Biggs, Edwd. Huntless, Grace Browne, John Raven, Richard a Welchman, Joane . Marginal Note: "Jno. Rookwood being dead the Land is granted by Order of Court to Lt. Collo. Giles Brent and the rights are due to him as Administr." LIEUT. COL. GILES BRENT, 768 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Aug. 1651, p. 333. Abutting N. E. upon Potomeck Riv., S. W. upon a branch of Potomeck Cr., & Nly. upon Ocquiah river. Trans. of 15 pers: Dorothy Bottomly, Ellinor Colt, Marga. Carkawdy, Cor. an Ish- man, Kath. his wife, John Hutchinson, Wm. Cooper, 1 Negrowoman, Mr. John Underhill, Henry Jones, Giles Wright, Joseph Randall, Staynes , Clement Stell, Sanders Udday. MR. HENRY LEE, 126 acs. York Co., 12 Sept. 1651, p. 334. Opposite to the late land of Mr. William Pryon (Pryor) deceased; beg. on the Swd. side of the horse path. Trans, of 3 pers.* THOMAS BRIDGE, 100 acs. Lower Norf. Co., 12 Aug. 1651, p. 334. Lye- Patent Book No. 2 219 ing on Nwd. side of the mouth of Daniell Tanners Cr. Trans, of 2 pers: Mathew Phillips, Ann Phillips. HENRY HACKERY, 300 acs. 1 Sept. 1651, p. 335. Upon the Wwd. side of Corotomon Riv., which issueth forth upon the N. side of Rappa. Riv., abutting S. S. W. upon land of David Fox & W. upon Moratico path. Trans. 6 pers: Samuell Churchwell, William Smith, Xtopher Byrd, Francis Compton, Edward Beddins, Richard Quick. WILLIAM GAPEING, 250 acs. James City Co., 6 Dec. 1651, p. 335. Lyeing on the S. side of Burcher Swamp on S. side of Upper Chipokes Cr., along William Symonds land. Trans, of 5 pers.* Note: "Certificate in County Court book." WILLIAM BETTS, 100 acs. North- umberland Co., 12 Sept. 1651, p. 335. Beg. on Ewd. side of a branch of a creek that issueth out of great Wicoco- mico river, sd. creek dividing this and a parcell called by the name of Capt. Clayborns Land. Trans, of 2 servants: Will Betts, Robert Castleton. RICHARD GRIGSON, 300 acs. at Mockjack Bay on the E. side of the mouth of Pepper Cr. 13 Sept. 1651, p. 336. Trans, of 6 pers: Florentine Paine, John Grinfield, Rob. Gilford, Fra. Smith, Marg. Hasledine, Grace Lovell. SAME. 150 acs. Same location, date and page. Trans. 3 pers: Thomas Todd, Joane Backer, Richard Ford. THOMAS SPEAKE, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 16 Sept. 1651, p. 337. Upon N. W. side of Nomini Riv. including Sedar Island, bounding S. W. upon land of Mr. Lewis Burwell & N. W. upon land of William Harding. 600 acs. due by former patent & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers.* SAME. Same county, date and page. 900 acs., lyeing upon N. W. side of a creek which divides this and land of Mr. Walter Broadhurst, abutting N. W. upon a creek & swamp upon the land of Mr. John Followes & N. E. upon Con woman Bay. 400 acs. due by virtue of the rights of a former patent & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers.* THOMAS YOWELL, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 16 Sept. 1651, p. 338. On the S. side of Potomeck Riv., abutting Wly. upon Nomeny Bay, & Nly. upon a creek which divides this and the land of John Armsby. Due for trans, of 6 pers.* BARTHO. HOSKINS, 1350 acs. on the Swd. side of Rappa. River. 12 Aug. 1651, p. 338. Due by vertue of the rights of a former patent for trans, of 27 pers.* COL. RICHARD LEE, Esqr., 500 acres, Glocester Co., 18 Oct. 1651, p. 338. Upon the head branches of Poro- potank Swamp & upon the S. & N. side of Mattapony Path, bounded E. S. E. by a swamp and valley called the Spring Valley. Trans, of 10 pers: Mathew Peacock, Eliza. Hurrs (?), Roger Ash- by, Robt. Kemp, John Gray, John Smith, John Bright, William Mathews, Edward Haward, John Charles. THOMAS HALES & THOMAS SHEPPARD, 300 acs. in Northumber- land Co. 16 Sept. 1651, p. 339. Upon the S. side of Potomeck Riv. about 1^4 mi. from the Ewd. side Cappitts Cr., beg. on the S. E. side of a pond, ex- tending along Potomeck maine River course, S. E. to another pond & S. W. neare Hering Cr. Trans, of 6 pers: John Haies, William James, John El- cock, Fra. Barnes, Henry Grey, Tho. Morecock. MR. ROWLAND BURNHAM, 1400 acs. lyeing on the S. side of Rappa. Riv., about 20 miles up the same, bounded with Sunderland Cr. on the S. E. & S. W. & W. upon another devdt. of sd. Burnham's. 9 Jan. 1651, p. 339. Trans, of 28 pers: Rich. Wright, Owen Davis, Timo. Dover, Step. Webb, Jno. Ander- ton, Nicho. Lurks (?), Mr. Rowld. Burnham, Mrs. Alice Burnham, Joan Welch, Jno. Welch, Sus. Burnham, Enoch Downing, Dinah Perkins, Wm. 220 Cavaliers and Pioneers Hughs, Hen. Jones, Jno. Huchins; Kate, Mary, Tom, Negros; Anne Quim- bee, Ja. Land, Giles Mabor, Sa. Stoppee, Rt. Luellin, Anne Bore, Wm. Bernard, Ja. Harding (or Farding), Jno. Davis, Henry Gestee. COL. GUY MOLSWORTH, 750 acs., 20 Oct. 1651, p. 340. 350 acs. being part of' a patent of 650 acs. granted unto David Jones ,20 Nov. 1646, beg. at David Jones his creek and from thence upwards; and 400 acs. lyeing at the head of the former devdt., running along the same from the land formerly Mr. John Bishopps. The first mentioned 350 acs. being purchased of David Jones by Roger Lucas & of sd. Lucas together with the residue by sd. Moles- worth, it being due sd. Lucas for trans, of 8 pers: Roger Lucas, Jone Lucas, William North, Isaac Hobbs, James Arenden, Edward Salter, Marg. Cane, Elinor Thorowgd. (Thorowgood.) RICHARD HANSFORD, 22 Dec. 1651, p. 340. In Chickyack, Charles River Co. Abutting upon a branch of Capt. West's Cr. Wly., bounded on N. side with the land of the Widdowe Downe, & on the S. side with the land of Thomas Weston. Containing in breadth 75 Vz po. & extending S. 200 po. Trans, of 2 pers: John Hansford, Eliza. Hansford. ROBT. BRADSHAW, 400 acs. Northumberland Co., 18 Oct. 1651, p. 341. Abutting N. E. upon Mattapony Riv., & S. E. upon land of John Ben- nett. Trans, of 8 pers: Nicolas Brown, his wife, Kath. Browne, Robt. Peirce, Elizabeth Sanders, Ellinor Mathews, Richd. Steven, Richd. Sharpe. LANCASTER LOVETT, 200 acs. in Linhaven Parish, Lower Norf. Co., 21 Oct. 1651, p. 341. Beg. at a marsh joyneing upon his former land, running by Bennett Cr., South to corner tree of Halls Land, etc. Trans, of 4 pers: James Flaharty, Sara Thompson, John Kirke, Garratt Barry. ABRAHAM MOONE, & THOMAS GRIFFIN, 1400 acs .Lancaster Co., 16 Sept. 1651, p. 341. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., opposite to late land of Capt. Ralph Wormeley, deed., beg. on the S. side of a branch of Peanketank & N. N. W. upon Nymcock Cr. Trans, of 28 pers: James North, Jacob Gunter, Naul (or Paul) Fringworth, Samll. Hand, Fra. Sym. Tho. Scape, Christopr. Eley, Samll. Mugg, James Brock, Phill. Tennian, Edward Dawber, Grigo. Pewer (or Peaver), Tho. Reymor, Dorcas Moore, Richard Chandler, Lodwick Car- mew, Henry Cooke, John Mary, Francis Death, Cuthbert Chumer, Robt. Bel- mom, Grace Sarah, Marg. Hunt. Note: "The Remayner being by assignmt. from William Hoccaday of soe much rights due to him by Vertue of a Patent of Land granted him and regranted to the King of Chickyake." THOMAS KEELING, 700 acs. in Linhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 25 Oct. 1651, p. 342. Beg. on Oliver Van Hicks Cr., towards the head of the maine branch of Linhaven river. Trans, of 14 pers: James Lincey, Henry Bond, Robt. Sorrell, Fra. Seere, Eliza. Billings, Jane Latham, Ann White, Edward Nicholson, John Davis, John Moby, John Potter, John Read, Bridgett Hamp- son, Nich. Bray. JOHN MARTIN & LANCASTER LOVETT, 600 acs. in Linhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 21 Oct. 1651, p. 343. Beg. at a Piny Point at the mouth of the Eastern branch which is at the head of Bennets Cr. Trans, of 12 pers: Thomas Moore, Luke Levereman, James Stuard, Eliza. Brooker, John Bonering, Tho. Boxford, Job. Chandler, Alex. Symcocks, Danll. Gordan, Arch. Wahop, Rose Spring, Hum. Twilly. Note: "These six last was assigned by Mr. Job. Chandler." JOHN THOMAS, 450 acs. Gloster Co., 6 Nov. 1651, p. 343. Upon W. N. W. side of Poropotank Cr., about 3 mi. up the same, along the Cr. side opposite to land of Mr. Nicho. Jernew. Trans, of 9 pers: Edward Hide, Kath. Thomas, James Thomas, John Richards, George Locke, Wm. Peale, Abigale Longdale, John Brocas, Grace Mus- grove. Patent Book No. 2 221 MAJOR WILLIAM BELLEW, 406 acs. Henrico Co., 1 Oct. 1651, p. 344. On the N. side of Appomattock Riv. neare the falls, alongst Mr. Ridleys land. Trans, of 8 pers.* CAPT. GEORGE READ, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 22 Oct. 1651, p. 344. Upon the N. side of Peanketank Riv., beg. at the mouth of a small creek which divides this from the land of Perrigrins Bland, W. S. W. along sd. river to marked trees on the W. side of a small marsh dividing this & the Gleab land. Trans, of 12 pers: Capt. Nico. Marleaw, Mrs. Jane Marleaw, Eliza. Mar haw, Jane Bartlett, George Brookes, Eliza. Sharplesse Robt. Browne, Robt. Ashly, John Felton, Wm. Gallipin, John Booth, 1 Negro. Note: "These by as- signment from Capt. Nico. Marleaw." (The name Marleaw should undoubtedly be Marteaw.) JOHN KING, 200 acs. Gloster Co., 10 Oct. 1651, p. 345. Upon the N. W. side of Poropotank Cr. & upon the N. W. side & towards the head of Bennets Cr., extending E. by N. along a small swamp leading along upon the land of Thomas Litchman & John Bennett. Trans, of 4 pers: Ailce Kelley, Welts (or Wells) Mander, Francis Williams, James Town. JAMES THELABALL, 380 acs. in Linhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 15 Oct. 1651, p. 345. Adj. to a place called Woolfs Neck, beg. at Henry Hawkins his Easterly Marked tree, etc., W. S. W. &c. Trans. 8 pers: John Aris, Robert Winter, Willm. Armiger, Alexander Masse, Barah Pincher, John Glover, Ann Neale, John Melleger, Antho. Wilkinson, Alex. Mause. Note: Two last due for. JOHN SENIOR, 1200 acs. on N. side Peanketank Riv., beg. at Mattrums Cr., along the Westermost branch there- of N. by E., thence E. by S. towards the Gleab Land Cr. Trans. 24 pers.* 13 Oct. 1651, p. 346. The rights being as- signed unto sd. Senior by George Hardy & Thomas Wombwell & inserted under a patent granted them 3 July 1648 & by them relinquished and taken up by new rights, their patent being for 1100 acs. Ut Vid fol. 89. Test: R. Huberd. The following names appear under this record: Mary Glass, John Taylor. GILES LAWRENCE & JOHN TUR- NER, 200 acs. Nansemond Co., 6 Nov. 1651, p. 346. Lyeing on the Wwd. side of the maine head branch of Chuckatuck Riv. Trans, of 4 pers: Benja. Hill, Oliver Sharpe, Giles Lawrence, Joane Bates. CHRISTOPHER BURROUGHS, 354 acs. in Linhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 7 Nov. 1651, p. 347. Beg. on his land neare a marsh, running N. E. towards land of Thomas Davis, N. W. Nly. to land of Mary Googins, and W. Sly. to land of Mr. Thomas Lambert. Trans, of 7 pers: John Hungerton, Ferd Fan- tres, Richd. Castleford, Henrry Halsteed, Mary Tyler, John Townsend, Elizabeth Chuchett. SAME. 150 acs. 7 Nov. 1651, p. 347. Same parish & county. Bounded on the N. with Adam Thorogoods Tim- ber Necke, beg. near a branch runing W. by sd. Thorogoods land, thence S. & E. Trans. 3 pers: Thomas Lowton. Other names not given. ROWLAND MORGAN, 100 acs. Linhaven Parish, (Low. Norf. Co.) in the Dam. Neck, 8 Nov. 1651, p. 348. Bounded on the Western side with land of Nathaniell Hayes, on S. side with the Beaver Dam, & thence runing N. E. by E. etc. Trans, of 2 pers: Henry Merritt, Mary Roggers. THOMAS WILSFORD, Gent., 210 acs. lyeing upon a creek now called Perrys Cr., beg. thereon & runing N. E. to the head of the branch parting this from the land now in possession of Richard White, Carpenter. Due by pur- chase of Hugh Lee, Overseer of the Orphts. of Jane Perry, dec'd. & also for trans, of 5 pers: John Brown, Jacob Napleton, Isaac Harrison, Thomas Rul- ford, Joseph Calfe. 10 Nov. 1649, p. 348. WILLIAM PARRY, 550 acs. North- umberland Co., 11 Nov. 1651, p. 349. 222 Cavaliers and Pioneers Abutting upon Potomeck Riv., & Wly. upon land of George Fauster, Gent. Trans, of 11 pers: Thomas Graves, Katherine his wife, John Graves, Tho- mas Edge, Thomas Graves, Junr., Henry Singleton, Robert Phillips, Ailce Grin- der, John Peck, Francis White, William Onesby (or Onesly). EDWARD GREENWOOD, 281 acs. James (City) Co., 19 Nov. 1651, p. 349. Lyeing on N. side of Upper Chipoaks Cr. against Swann Bay. Trans, of 6 pers: George Price, Mary his wife, Dorothy Morgan, Paule Bennett, Jennett Forth, Elizabeth Calcott. RICHARD WHITEHURST, 700 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 22 Nov. 1651, p. 350. At the head of the Indian Cr., beg. neare a great swamp, runing N. by W., thence W. by S. by Lintons land & cross the Indian Cr. by a small branch thence S. by E. towards the great swamp. Trans, of 14 pers: Arghil Comoron, David Murrowes, Thomas Sanderson, William Castle, Barth. Ward, Mathew Mathias, Ann Lovell, John Bradwell, John Hebden, Wm. Burgisse, Joseph Miller, Richard Tinley, Robert Tinley, Debora Crostlewell. DAVID MURRAY, 300 acs. in Lin- haven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 22 Nov. 1651, p. 350. On the Easterne branch of Elizabeth Riv. at the head of Wil- sons Cr., beg. on the edge of a swamp. Trans, of 6 pers.* Note: "Vide Mr. Bridges Certificate in August last out of which take the rights." HENRY NICHOLLS, 100 acs. in Lynhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 22 Nov. 1651, p. 351. On the head of the Mile of Goldsmiths land. Trans, of 2 pers: Henry Nicols, Ann Harding. HENRY SOANE, 297 acs. James City Co., 24 Nov. 1651, p. 351. Lyeing on the E. side of Chicohominy Riv., comonly known & called Hoggs Land, Tras. 6 pers: Henry Soane, Senr., Henry Soane, Junr., Judeth Soane, Senr., Judeth Soane, Junr., John Soane, Eliza. Soane. JOSEPH CROSHAW, 750 acs. Yorke Co., 10 Dec. 1651, p. 352. Upon the S. side of Yorke Riv. whereof there hath been granted by patent 300 acs., 23 March 1638; also 450 acs. by another patent, dated 1637, which sd. tract is bounded as followeth: Beg. at a marked oake which divides this and the land of James Harris, extending E. S. E. upon land of Tho. Pointer, from thence S. E. to land of Mr. Vans (or Vaus), thence E. Nly. & E. Sly. upon land of John Davis, thence to the head of Salvadge Cr., N. E. upon Yorke Riv. & N. W. upon a Cr. called Croshaws Desire dividing this land from the Poplar Neck etc. Trans, of 15 pers: Richard Spen- cer, Mary Fitch, Richard Stratton, John Mould, Alexander , Wm. Sparkes, Jos. Hetherson, Wm. Ebnes (or Elves), James Newton, Wm. Asby, John Rosh, Jno. Shepping, Fra. Croxon, Thomas Grande, William . SAME. 1,000 acs. Yorke Co., 10 Dec. 1651, p. 352. Upon S. side of Yorke Riv., comonly known by the name of the Poplar Neck, abutting N. W. up- on the mouth of St. Andrews Cr., N. E. upon sd. Riv. & S. E. upon Croshaw Desire Cr., dividing this from land now in possession of Richard Croshaw., S. W. along the Indian feild upon land of James Harris & W. by N. upon land of Samuell Snead. Trans, of 20 pers: Thomas Smith, William Grinshaw, Robt. Burton, William Small, John Mouson (or Monson), Robt. Pead, Edwd. Nor- man, James Bateman, John Clare, Tho- mas Cater, Francis Newball, Mary Letts, John Nurte, John Letts, Abra. Armston, John Walker, Isaac Fletcher, James Williams, Eliza. Hendworth. ROBERT CADE, 300 acs. lyeing on the W. side of a branch which falleth into Cow Cr. into Ware River in Mock jack Bay. 9 Jan. 1651, p. 353. Trans, of 6 pers: Margarett Griff eth, Henry Freeman, Tho. Freeman, Samll. Walton, Phillip Nicholson, James Chovell. THOMAS BREMO, 1500 acs. Gloster Co., 9 Jan. 1651, p. 353. In Mockjack Bay, being a neck of land bounded with Crany Cr., continued with a run & swamp & on the N. E. side with Ware Riv. Due by purchase from Richard Kemp, Esqr., dec'd., as by deed of sale Patent Book No. 2 223 upon record in the Secretarys office may appeare. HUMPHRY TABB, 1,000 acs. North- umberland Co., 9 Jan. 1651, p. 354. In Fleets Bay abutting N. upon Haddaways Cr. dividing this & land of Abraham Moone, W. Nly .along sd. Cr., S. upon another Cr. about 4 mi. from land of George Taylor, Ely. down sd. Cr. to the maine bay. Trans, of 20 pers: Robert Frank, Elizabeth Woodbridge, Giles Sallett, John Patriack, Glogs Bayes, John Guy, Thomas Parteete, John Fisher, Thomas Maw, Wm. Angell, Richd. Norton, Edward Barnes, Richd. Dobbins, Abra. Paternoster (?), Kath. Siliston, Richd. Albett, Wm. Benley, Henry Belling, Andrew Felton, Thomas Minstrill. Note: This patent renewed 22 Mar. 1694. CAPT. THOMAS DAVIS, 600 acs. Northumberland Co., 26 Jan. 1651, p. 354. Abutting N. E. upon upper Matt- chotiqs Riv., N. W. upon upper Mat- chotiqs Town. Trans, of 12 pers: Capt. Tho. Davis, Susan Sheeres, Jacob Port, Fra. Armes, Edward Harris, Ann Aker- hill, And. Graham, John Rapwell, Ann Turner, Walter Busby, Richard Parker, Walt. Belcher, Jno. Treveman, John Cooke. THOMAS FOOTE & JOHN BAR- HAM, 200 acs. lyeing on the Swd. side of Home Harbor Cr. 26 Jan. 1651, p. 355. Trans, of 4 pers: Hump. Kirby, Ailce his wife, James Kirby. Note: "50 acres assigned him by Richd. Hall out of his relinquished patent" RICHARD HULL, 250 acs. lyeing on the N. side of Peper Cr. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at the mouth of sd. Cr. run- ning N. by E. Nly., E. N. Ely. to Tho- mas Footes marked trees. 26 Jan. 1651, p. 355. Due by vertue of the rights of a patent of 300 acs. granted to him 13 Aug. 1650 and surrendered into the office. (Note: This name has been al- tered & appears to have been written Hall.) WINIFRID MORRISON, 400 acs. on the Swd. side of Home Harbor Cr., 26 Jan. 1651, p. 356. 300 acs. pan thereof due by vertue of the rights of a patent granted her, 13 Aug. 1651, & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Major Richard Morrison, Ann White. MR. JOHN WALKER, 1000 acs. lyeing on the Ewd. side of a runn fall- ing into Ware Riv., beg. at a marked tree of Mr. Mordecay Cooks. 29 Jan. 1651, p. 356. Due by vertue of the rights of a patent of 1,000 acs. granted unto Jno. Chew, 10 Feb. 1641, by him assigned unto sd. Walker & by him sur- rendered into the office. SAME. 150 acs. lyeing in Ware River in Mockjack Bay, beg. on the Ewd. side of Deep Cr. & running Wly. up the creek to marked tree of George Beenes (or Beeues) land. 29 Jan. 1651, p. 357. Trans, of 3 pers: Joseph Blaiton, Leonard Ambrose, Henry Clarke. RICHARD BAYLY, 400 acs. lyeing towards the head of the North River in Mockjack Bay, beg. at a marked tree of William Debnams land. 29 Jan. 1651, p. 357. Trans, of 8 pers: Richard Richards, Peter Baker, Richard Newill, Hen. Burnett. "200 acres being granted unto the said Bayly by patt. dated 8 June 1643." RICHARD RIPLEY, 400 acs., 29 Jan. 1651, p. 357. Beg. at the head of a branch in Winter Harbor neare New Point Comfort & running to the bay side. Trans, of 8 pers: Mr. John Wal- ker, twice, Josias Lackly, Katherine , Danll. Tacker, John Singleton, Elizabeth Elderwell, John Golding, "These by assignmt. from Mr. Jno. Walker." LIEUT. COL. ANTHONY EL- LIOTT, 200 acs. lyeing at Ware point in Mockjack Bay, beg. at Mr. Boswells & running to marked tree of William Dudley, to the river side, thence to Ware point, includeing all the marshes. Trans, of 4 pers: Barnaby, Andrew Frimer, Wm. Morgan, Henry Pawlett. 29 Jan. 1651, p. 358. COL. WILLIAM CLAYBORNE, Esqr., 5,000 acs. lyeing between Great Wicomico Riv. & Little Wicomico Riv., 224 Cavaliers and Pioneers aboute a quarter of a mi. to the Wwd. of the Danceing place. Trans. 100 pers.* 5 Jan. 1651, p. 358. SAMUEL SALLATE & ROBERT TROLIVER, 800 acs. Gloster Co., 12 Feb. 1651, p. 359. 200 acs. upon the S. E. side of Poropotanke Cr. & upon the N. E. towards the head of Attopoto- moyes Cr. next & adj. upon land of Oliver Green. The other 600 acs. upon the S. W. side of a branch or swamp of the sd. Cr., upon the head thereof, extending itself along the swamp which divides this and the land of Isaac Richardson (Richeson). Trans, of 16 pers.* LIEUT. COL. GILES BRENT, 1,040 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Aug. 1651, p. 359. Abutting Ely. upon Potomeck Riv., Southerly towards the house of the sd. Brent. Trans, of 21 pers: Danll. Gardner, Barbara Hales, Mories Owin, Oplier Gouch, Wm, Milton, Jno. Frederick, Wm. Williams, Dorothy Lewis, Henry Biggs, Edw. Huntley, Grace Browne, John Raven, Richd. a Welchman, Joice , Do. Bottomly, Elinor Colt, Mary Cureday, Con: an irishman, Kath. his wife, John Hutchin- son. Note: "This patent was renewed on the 25th May 1657 and joyned to another tract of 300 acres Land." NICHOLAS BROOKE, the younger, Merchant, 500 acs. Yorke Co., 13 Aug. 1646, p. 360. Commonly called by the name of the Middle plantation, bounded S. W. upon the Pallisadoes, N. E. into the forrest, S. W. upon land formerly belonging unto Thomas Lucas, & N. W. upon the great swamp. The said 500 acs. being formerly granted unto Capt. Richard Popely for his first seating there & confirmed by order of Court 6 June 1639, & due unto Henry Brooke, Younger, Merchant, by bill of sale un- der the hand and seale of the said Capt. Popely bearing date 16 Mar. 1643, which deed remaineth upon record at James City, & since conveyed by the sd. Henry unto the sd. Nicholas Brooke by Bargain & Seale dated 3 Mar. 1645, which deed of sale remaineth upon re- cord under this patent. Wittness these presents that I Nicho- las Brooke Junr. for a Valueable Con- sideration to mee in hand paid before the date hereof of Mr. Nicholas Brooke Senr. my father doe bargaine sell, assign and sett over the within mentioned patent and the Land therein bounded being called the Middle Plantation to my said father his heires or assignes for ever, with Warrantee against all persons that shall lay any Claime to the premises. Wittness my hand this 12th of July 1649. Nicho. Brooke Junr. Witnessed by: Robert Huberd, Mathew Huberd. ALICE SNEAD, 200 acs., 19 Mar. 1643, p. 361. Record incomplete. Men- tions her husband Saml. Snead. CAPT. BRIDGES FREEMAN, 400 acs. lying at the mouth of Chikahomony. Mar. 1643, p. 361. Record incomplete. BENJ. HARRISON, 500 acs. James City Co., 21 Mar. 1643, p. 362. In- complete. THO. LOVING, 1500 acs. Incom- plete. Page 362. Mentions Martins hundred, Bedfords land, etc. Due for trans, of 30 pers.* & by order of Ct. dated 5 Oct. 1638. EDWARD TRAVIS, 1,080 acs. (James City Co.) upon Pease Hill Cr., 27 Feb. 1643, p. 363. Mentions land of Mr. William Parre and Pease Hill Creek. 300 acs. by vertue of a patent dated 1 April 1639 granted unto John Robins & by him (assigned) unto sd. Travis & 800 acs. by patent dated 25 Apr. 1639, 20 acs. still due. In- complete. CAPT. LEONARD YEO, 350 acs. Eliz. City Co., dated 1644, p. 363. At the head of Southampton Riv., abutting on a creek parting the same from land of Capt. Thorowgood, deed, now in the occupation of Tho. Oxley. Part of this patent was formerly granted to Maurice Thompson. Incomplete. OBEDIENCE ROBINS, Gent., 500 acs. Northampton Co., 25 Mar. 1643, p. 364. This land is in two parcels: one Patent Book No. 2 225 tract containing 292 acs., bounded on the Northern part of the land of Tho- mas Powell and a branch of Cherri- stones Cr., on the Eastern by the said branch which divides this from land of Mr. Taylor, on the Southern by land of Mr. John Wilkins, on the Western by a former devdt. of sd. Robins. The other parcel containing 208 acs. bounded on the N. W. by sd. 292 acs., on N. by Mr. Taylor & W. by Mr. Wilkins. Due by order of court dated 22 Mar. 1638, as also for trans, of 10 pers: Mr. Obedience Robins, Mrs. Grace Robins, Mary Sayer, Gregory Sage (or Sayer), James Austice (?), Richd. Jones, Margt. Waters, Wm. Brookes, Jonathan Voyce, Walter Vinquit. 365. At Maggetty Bay, beg. at a marked cedar tree parting this from the devdt. of Edmd. Scarburgh, thence run- ning Wly. along Craduck Cr. unto the main Bay, bounded on the W. by sd. bay, on the N. by the now claimed land of Peter Walker & finally on the E. by land of sd. Scarburgh & a former devdt. of sd. Neale. Trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Daniel, Richd. Miller, Fra. Carter, Tho. Perkins, Edward Ellis, Saml. Johnson. JOHN SENIOR, 150 acs. James City Co., 1 Ja. 1643, p. 366. Westermost side of Smiths fort Cr., adj. land of John Backmastr. (?) & John Huck. Incomplete. SAME. 450 acs. Northampton Co., 22 Mar. 1643, p. 364. Bounded by a former devdt. of sd. Robins on the S. Trans, of 9 pers: Jno. Coleman, Hen. Edwards. Arth. Whitehead, Nicho. Every, Jno. Ellis, Hen. Baston, Step. Horse, Tho. Chapman, Jno. Carter. CAPT. THOMAS PETTUS, 450 acs., 1 Jan. 1643, p. 366. Due by order of court & for trans, of 10 pers: John Fickling, Edwd. Wright, Tho. Sidley, Peter Talbott, Tho. Pettus, Junr., Geo. Codd, Tobias Cook, John Vaine, Cath. Barker. Incomplete. MR. EDMOND SCARBURGH, 1,050 acs. Northampton Co., 10 Apr. 1694, p. 365. 300 acs. lyeth on the Bay side bounding this land on the W., DroKee land on the North, the now inhabited 1 land of sd. Scarburgh on the S. & the main woods on the E. 50 acs. lying on the Bay^ bounded on the W. therewith, on the E. by land formerly belonging unto John Neale & on the N. by a former grant of sd. Scarburgh; 400 acs. on the Seaboard side; 250 acs. on Sea- board side, part whereof is called the long point, the other part bounded on the S. by Craducks Cr., on the N. by land formerly belonging unto John Neale; 50 acs. being a sandy Island bounded on the E. by Smith Island River on the S. by Maggetty bay Cr. & on the S. W. by another Cr. 600 acs. due by patent dated 3 Aug. 1640 & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: John Trewet, Hugh Stanly, Richd. Tengood, John Dobby, Jos. Marton, John Crew, John Booth, Tho. Young, Geo. Bordin. JOHN NEALE, Gent., 300 acs. Northampton Co., 10 Apr. 1643, p. WILLIAM DA VIES, 1200 acs. James City Co., 27 Mar. 1644, p. 367. Lying near the head of Archers Hope Cr., neare the horse path, W. & down a swamp parallel to Tuttyes neck, unto marked trees dividing this from the land of Mr. Richard Brewster, unto a branch near the head of Ware Cr. This tract runneth E. upon Deer bone Vally. Due by purchase of Capt. Francis Pott, brother & heire of Dr. John Pott, & due sd. Dr. Pott by act of court dated 6 1632 & confirmed to sd. Capt. (Francis Pott) — by act of court, 13 June 1642. Incomplete. CAPT. WILLIAM PIERCE, Esqr., one of the Councellors of State, 1170 acs., James City Co., 19 Mar. Page 367. Trans, of 24 pers.* "Twen- ty four names enter'd but very few to be read.'' Incomplete. THOMAS FAULKNER, of Warwick Co., 300 acs. beyond Nutmeg Quarter between the swamp and the Dam, com- monly known by the name of Reedy Dam, lying Wly. towards the planta- tion of Joseph Stratton. Due by vertue 226 Cavaliers and Pioneers of a former patent dated 5 June 1639. Alphabet to the same written by Mr. Page 368. 12 Feb. 1642. Incomplete. Edward Chilton formerly Clerk to this office, Vizt: ANTHONY LA-FURREER, 300 acs. acres fol. Upper Norf. Co., 1 Apr. 1641, p. 368. Samuell Abbott 25 po. 80 Upon the W. branch of Nansamond Thomas Cawsey. . . . 100.... 20 Riv., some 9 mi. up the branch, run- Edward Douglas. ... 1100. .. .20 ning by & on the side of a parcell of Thomas Home 100. .. . 5 land of Mr. Lawrence Peters. Due by John Watkins 200. ... 5 assignment from Mr. John Hill of a John Yartes 250.... 5 patent dated 11 Oct. 1640. Sq much ^^ of tfae fest a$ k ^ ««Tk/TT7A/rrvD A\m " /- nsr\\ possible to read is faithfully recorded MEMORAND: (p. 369) £ nd examined this 22th day y of Septem . "There are three Leaves not to be er ' found on which I find entered by an By me R BEVERLEY C. Sec. Off." By the Governour and Capt. Genii, of Virginia. To all to whom these presents shall come etc Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Know yee that I George Yardley Knight, Governor and Capt. Genii, of Virginia etc. by vertue of the great Charter of orders and lawes concluded on in a great and Genii. Quarter Court by the Treasurer Councill and Company of Adventurers and planters for this first Southern Colony of Virginia (according to the authority granted them by his Majtie. under the great Seal) and by them dated at London the Sixteenth of November 1618 and directed to myself and the Councill of Estate here resident, do with the approbation and consent of the same Councill who are joyned in Condicon with mee Give and grant to Samuel Jourdan of Charles Citty in Virga. Gent, an ancient planter who hath abode ten years Compleat in this Colony and performed all services to the Colony that might any way concern him etc and to his heirs and assignes for ever for part of his first genii, dividend to be augmented &c, 450 acs. in his own personall right etc., and out of the rules of Justice, equity and reason and because the Company themselves have given us president in the like kind in the personall claim of Cecily his wife an ancient planter also of nine years continuance, one hundred acres more and the other 250 acs. in recompence of his trans, out of England at his own charges of five servants, namely, John Davies, who arrived in 1617 for whose passage the sd. Samuel hath paid to the Cape Mercht., Thomas Matterdy bound apprentice to sd. Samuel by indenture in England dated 8 Oct. 1617; Robert Marshall brought out of England by Capt. Bargrave in May 1619, at the costs of sd. Samuel; Alice Wad the same year in the George; etc., & Thomas Steed in the Faulcon in July 1620; and maketh choice in 3 severall places: one house & 50 acs. called ilies Point in Charles hundred, bordering E. upon the gr. river, W. upon the main land, S. upon John Rolfe & N. upon land of Capt. John Wardeefe; 2ndly, 1 tenement containing 12 acs? etc., encompassed on the W. by Martins Hope, now in tenure of Capt. John Martin, Master of the Ordinance; & 388 acs. in or near upon Sandys his hundred, towards land of Temperance Baley, W. upon Capt. Woodlief etc. To have &c. Yeilding & paying to the sd. Treasurer & Company &c. Provided &c. Given at James City 10 Dec. 1620 &c. Signed, George Yardley. Fr. Pory, Seer. This patent certified to the Treasurer. Lawr. Hulett. At a Genii. Ct. held at James Citty Oct. 20, 1690, Present: The Right Honble. Francis Nicholson, their Maj. Lt. Govr. & Councill. The foregoing patent admitted to record at the request of Mr. Richard Bland, the patent being for 450 acs. in Chas. Citty Co. granted to Mr. Samuel Jordan in 1620, which is truely recorded. Test: R. Beverley, by W. Sowards, CI. Genii. Ct. P. B. No. 8, p. 125. Patent Book No. 3 By Richard Bennet, Esqr. &c. ROBERT TOMLIN, 528 acs. 13 Dec. 1653, p. 1. Lying upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. upon a Cr. that divides it from an Island, extending S. S. W., then W. N. W. Nly. to towards Mat- turn Sarkin (or Larkin), parallel to the Cr. & River &c. Trans, of 11 pers: Giles Webb, twice, Geo. Reignolds (Reynolds ?) twice, Wm, Eles, Tho. Coale, Eliz. Whitewell, Kath. Rice, Ann Harris, Wm. Thompson, Symon Hunt, 22 acs. due on the last. JOHN COX, 1,150 acs. Lancaster Co., 2 Feb. 1653, p. 1. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., on N. W. side of Pus- cation Cr., 100 acs. being marsh land. The other 1,050 acs. beg. on a point of a peninsula commonly called Coxes Is- land, lying at the mouth of the aforesd. Cr., running by the river side to N. W. side of Hodskins Cr., running S. W. & S. E. &c. to the mouth of a branch dividing this & the land of William Johnson. 1,000 acs. due by former patent of sd. Cox, dated 22 May 1650, & 50 acs. found to be wanting by virtue of resurvey of sd. land & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Judith Hollaman, Eliz. Newsam. ROGER WALTER, 600 acs. North- umberland Co., 31 Dec. 1653, p. 1. On the N. side of great Wiccocomico Riv., at the head of Thomas Saffrons land, bounding Wly. upon a swamp near the head of a creek which runneth into sd. river, above a point commonly called Perrots Point, over the head of another Cr. between the lands of Wm. Thomas & sd. Saffron &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Nath. Shepherd, Robt. Tracy, Jon. Parris, Jon. Foulsham, Robt. Paine, Jon. Clerke, Richd. Bradford, Fra. Gagen, Jon. Alexander, Edmd. Cuspe, Wm. Usklye, Jon. Sheeles. MR. JOSEPH CROSHAW, 700 acs. Yorke Co., 2 Mar. 1653, p. 1. Upon the S. & N. side of the old mill, bounded N. by E. along land of Thomas Pankman to Ricohock path, S. E. and N. E. upon land of Thomas Price. Trans, of 14 pers.* JOHN WHITE, 100 acs. lying on the head of the Upright Cr. of the Eastermost river in Mob jack Bay, beg. at marked white oake of Wm. Armi- stead's land &c. Trans, of 2 pers.* 25 Nov. 1653, p. 1. THOMAS MORRIS, 400 acs. upon the branch of Milford Haven, beg. at a tree of Richard Longs, running to the head of the green branch &c. 25 Nov. 1653, p. 1. Trans, of 8 pers.* JOAN CARELESSE, 450 acs. lying at the head of the North Riv. in Mob- jack Bay, beg. on the E. side of the Dammes & the N. side of a run which devides this & the land of Richard Tompkins, etc. 25 Nov. 1653, p. 2. Trans, of 9 pers.* GEORGE BILLOPS, 750 acs. lying upon the branch of Milford Haven, beg. at a deviding point, & running up a Cr. which devides this from the land of John Lillies, etc. 25 Nov. 1653, p. 2, Trans, of 15 pers.* SAME. 100 acs. upon the branches of Milford Haven, beg. at Peach Point & running up a Cr. Sly. to marked tree of Richard Longs land, etc. Same date & page. Trans, of 2 pers.* CAPT. AUGUSTINE WARNER, 80 acs. lying on the S. side of a run fall- ing into the head of Severne in Mob- jack Bay & beg. at his former devdt., etc. 6 Oct. 1653, p. 2. Trans, of 2 pers: John Haward, Mary Gragg. 228 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN DEBAR (DeBarr), 200 acs. in the Western branch of Elizabeth Riv. on the N. side of a branch, beg. at a point by a small creek side, running N. W. & joining to Thomas Wrights land, etc., and up Broad Cr. to the land of Richard Starlinge. 6 Nov. 1653, p. 2. Trans, of 4 pers: Hen. Clarke, Fra. Peircey, Ann Archer, James Roe. JOHN EDWARDS, 350 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 2. Upon the N. side of the Eastermost side of a branch of (blank) river, which devides this & the land of Elias Ed- monds. Trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Clarke, Morris Wms. (Williams), Natha. Wellington, Fra. Johnson, Geo. Hold- inge, Wm. Preston, Jon. "his sirname not in the Cert." WILLIAM DITTYE, 203 acs., Chas. City Co., 7 Oct. 1653, p. 2. Lying at the head of his own land which he bought of James Warrandine, common- ly called by the name of High Peake, on the S. side of Baylies Cr., running S. by E. by Mr. Jon. George, his land, etc. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Ditty, Jon. Ladd, Law. Biggens, Mary Pratt. JOHN BENNET, of Nomany, Car- penter, 150 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Aug. 1653, p. 3. On the E. side of Nomany Riv., bounding N. N. W. upon sd. Riv., E. N. E. upon land of Rice Maddocks, W. S. W. upon a small Cr. dividing it from the land of Goodman Tasker, &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Spence, Eliz. Bennet. ANTHONY LENTON, 1,025 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Aug. 1653, p. 3. Bounding Ely. upon land of John Meeks & William Newman, Nly. upon Yeocomico Riv., Sly. upon Broad Cr. Trans, of 21 pers: Roger Pullin, Tho. Jolly, Jam. Jolly, Jon. Hudson, Francis Baxter, Wm. Howed (?), Dor. Terry, Wm. Lafland, Francis Landye. JOHN WOOD, 600 acs. Northum- berland Co., 1 Aug. 1653, p. 3. Beg. where the land patented by Tho. Phil- lips ends upon a branch of Nomany Riv. opposite to Mr. Rossiers land, etc. Trans, of 12 pers.* NATHANIEL HICKMAN, 450 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Aug. 1653, p. 3. Bounding N. E. upon Matapony Riv., N. W. upon land of John Bennet & S. E. upon land of Mr. Newman, etc. Trans, of 9 pers: Natha. Hickman & his wife, Wm. Smith, John Eusworth (or Ensworth), Fra. Bittle, Jane Crowell. RICHARD WELLS, 500 acs. North- umberland Co., 1 Aug. 1653, p. 3. On the S. side of Armeslies Cr., bounding N. by E. towards the head of same & W. by N. upon a branch of the same. 300 acs. thereof formerly granted unto Wm. Loueden 16 Sept. 1651 & assigned unto sd. Wells by George Day, Admr. of sd. Loueden (or Loveden), 8 June 1653, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Jon. Hughes, Jon. Hawkins, Simon Morris, Ellen Wilson. JOHN FINCH, 480 acs. lying upon the Westermost branch of Eliz. Riv. up- on Muddy Cr., running along marked trees of Tho. Sparrow, S. E. to the main swamp, along same to the head of a reedy branch that runs N. W. to the River & along same N. N. E., etc. 1 Oct. 1652, p. 3. Trans, of 10 pers.* JOHN FLOOD, 1 Mar. 1652, p. 3. "A lease was granted unto John Flood for blank acres of land bounded vizt: Beginning at the round Meadow Spring East joining to Richard Egglestones South East joining to that which was Daniel Lyles West joining to that wch. was John Floods North West joining upon the End of the Green Swamp North joining out of the woods towards Pohatan Bridge North East." WILLIAM WALKER, 639 acs. Northumberland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 4. Abutting S. E. upon Yeocomico Riv. & S. W. upon land of Robert Smith, etc. Trans, of 13 pers: Edmd. Peters, Jon. Stubberd, Jon. Haman, Tho. Bur- badge, Tho. Placenett, Peircey Hamon, Modlin Burford, < Wm. Wood, Wm. Finch, Susan Collins, Eliz. Smith, Geo. Court. Note: "36 acres the overplus is in Jarnew's Pat." ROBERT PRIDDY, 377 acs. York Co., 1 July 1653, p. 4. In the narrows, Patent Book No. 3 229 running S. W. by land of George Chap- man, S. E. by E. to lands of Wm. Cox & land of Jon. Hope, etc. Trans, of 8 pers.* WILLIAM WYAT, 400 acs. Gloces- ter Co., 27 Apr. 1653, p. 4. Upon S. E. side of Matapony Riv., about 2 mi. above the Indian Ferry, bounding W. N. W. upon land of Mr. Richard Barne- house, etc. Trans of 8 pers: Wm. Wyat, Wm. Stone, Wm. Spicer, Trevor Floyd, James Kent, Fran. Bush, Step. Gardner, Richard Hodges. RICHARD HARGROVE, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 11 Mar. 1652, p. 4. 150 acs. lying on the Nwd. side of a branch of the Ewd. branch of Eliz. Riv. called Broad Cr. etc. 100 acs. on said creek & adj. marked trees of his former land. 150 acs. part granted to Jon. Watkins, 31 May 1644 & by him as- signed to sd. Hargrove 17 Oct. 1646, & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers.* MR. JON. LEWIS, 250 acs. at the head of a branch belonging to Poropo- tanke Cr. called Lewis Cr., but formerly Totopotomoys Cr., in Glocester County, 1 July 1653, p. 4. Running N. E. by N. by land of Capt. Francis Morgan, etc. and S. E. by E. by land of Saml. Sally, &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Jon. Lewis, Lidia Lewis, Wm. Lewis, Edwd. Lewis, Jon. Lewis, Junr. THOMAS WILSFORD, 26 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Aug. 1653, p. 4. Beg. upon a small swamp where his other land ends & running past the head of sd. swamp. Trans, of 1 per.* MR. WILLIAM WHITBYE (Whit- by), 1,800 acs. Northumberland Co., 13 July 1653, p. 5. Ely. upon Potomack Riv. & the mouth of Pasbytanzy Cr. & Nly. upon Potomack Cr., etc. Due by virtue of an agreement made with the Lady Elizabeth Lunsford in the presence of Sir William Berkeley and Col. Lud- low Esq., & alsoe for trans, of 36 pers.* JOSEPH KNIGHT, 2,000 acs. James City Co., 1 July 1653, p. 5. On the E. side of Chickahominy Riv.; 1600 acs. lying between the branches of Jones Cr., Morgans Cr. & Warrany; beg. close by Ricohoake path; the remainder lying neere the southermost branch of War- rany Cr., beg. at the extreame of a former devdt., running to Rickohoake path. 1600 acs. formerly granted to said Knight, 25 Sept. 1650; 400 granted to Edward Knight by patent of same date, and assigned by him unto Joseph Knight. THOMAS DUNKETON, 50 acs. York County, in Blissland Parish, 13 Oct. 1653, p. 5. Running from Mr. Barnehouse markt tree in Matchemeed Swamp, E. S. E. by a br. of the sd. swamp to the top of the hill, thence W. by North to the land of Mr. Barnehouse, thence N. N. E., etc. Trans, of 1 per.* JOHN NICHOLS, 50 acs. Lancaster Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 5. On the West- ermost side of Corotoman Riv., abutting N. E. upon his own land. Trans, of 1 pers.* GREGORY PERROT, 150 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 12 Oct. 1653, p. 5. With the main river on the N., land of Ed- ward Jones on the S., Walter Heard on the E. side & Thomas Greenwood on the W. Trans, of 3 pers: Richd. Wmson. (Williamson) twice, Wm. Thomas, by assignment from the sd. Williamson. RICHARD CAREY, 350 acs. on Wwd. side of the Eastermost river in Mobjack Bay, beg. at marked tree of Wm. Armisteads, running N. W. &c. 13 Oct. 1653, p. 5. Trans, of 7 pers: Sanders Mackell, Jon. Burlier, Lewis Burlier, Geo. Adams, Hen. Sudwell, Tho. Scarburgh, Derrick Henn RICHARD CAREY, 1000 acs. upon the Swd. side of Queens Cr. in Pyanke- tanck Riv., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 5. Beg. on the mouth of sd. Cr. & running Sly. up the same which divides this and the land of Congdells, thence W. by S. &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Fra. Hayes, Eliz. Smith, Geo. Baines, Wm. Wood, Jon. Brown, Derman Tahall, Mary Pomroy, Jerem. Coot (or Cook), Robt. Sorrel, Mary Rafe (or Rose), Wm. Mackery, Mary Jefferson, Moses Scarfe, Mary Bland, Tho. Edge, Gilbert Williams, Wm. Carey. 230 Cavaliers and Pioneers THOMAS DAVIS, Gent., 100 acs. Nanzemond Co., 16 Nov. 1653, p. 6. Bounded with land of Robert Cliff Easterly, Rice Younge Wly., Mr. Robert Pitt Nly. & with New Towne Haven Riv. Sly. The sd. land formerly taken up by Richard Preston & adjudged de- serted & granted to sd. Davis by of the Quarter Court, of Nov. 1653, as alsoe for trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Home, Tho. Manser. RICHARD LAKE, 950 acs. Lancaster Co., 23 Jan. 1653, p. 6. Upon the N. side of Pyanketanke Riv., beg. at a point opposite to Hoccadaies Cr., running N. W. by W. &c. 600 acs. part formerly granted to John Mottrom, Jr., 26 Sept. 1651 & assigned to George Colclough, by whom it was assigned to sd. Lake; 350 acs. due for trans, of 7 pers: Patrick White, Richd. Dixon, John a Moor, Danll. Daniels, Eliz. Wood, Millicent a Maid servant, Robert Bennet. DENNIS COMERS, 1,000 acs. Lan- caster Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 6. 700 acs. On the N. side Pyanketanke Riv. from a marked oake which standeth on the S. E. side of a valley neer an old Indian Quarter beneath an upper tract of land of Mrs. Ellinor Brocas, extending S. E. along the river &c. 300 acs. towards the head of sd. river, adj. Mrs. Brocas & extending N. W. upon land of Abraham Moon & the great swamp. 700 acs. by former patent dated 18 Nov. 1653 & residue for trans, of 6 pers.* WILLIAM TIDNER, 650 acs. Lan- caster Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 6. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded from a point on the S. S. E. side of Tidners Cr. which divides this & another tract in possession of sd. Tidner, extending S. S. E. along Dales land &c. Due for trans, of 13 pers: Jon. Mansel, Jon. Felix, Jon. Nicholas, Tho. Harebridge, Robt. Dale, Wm. White, Kath. Trayton, Neale Peterson, Tho. Powel, Fra. Ser- jeant, Geo. Scoggin, Fra. Thrush, Tho. Granger. HEN. FILMORE, 1,000 James City Co., 6 Feb. 1653, p. 6. Upon Chicka- hominy Riv., a mile from the hither side of Warrany landing place; 300 acs. part hereof bounded N. upon land of Jon. White. 350 acs. pan formerly granted to Jon. Orchard 15 Aug. 1637; 350 acs. to John White 29 April 1639, & 300 acs. to Thomas Stout 10 Apr. 1639 & purchased by sd. Filmore of the sd. parties. RICHARD FOARD, 679 acs. James City Co., last Nov. 1653, p. 7. Lying upon a N. E. branch of Powhetan Swamp, beg. neer the swamp, running N. N. E., thence W. by N. unto the land of Sir Wm. Berkeley &c. 200 acs. purchased of Richard Vardy (or Hardy) & John Barker; 167 acs. lately granted to him by patent dated 8 Nov. 1653 & 312 acs. for trans, of 12 pers.* RICHARD SMITH, 450 acs. North- ampton Co., 24 Jan. 1653, p. 7. 250 acs. part at Ocahannock Cr., butting on land of Wm. Taylor & bounded on the southern part by a branch parting this from land of sd. Taylor &c, and on N. by another branch parting this & his own land, etc., 200 acs. at the head of Occahanocke Cr. called Capt. Thomas his necke &c, & bounded on land that was James Davies. 250 acs. formerly granted unto James Davis 21 May 1651, & assigned unto sd. Smith, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Joseph Harrison, Kath. Harris, John Thomas, Hen. Scott. CAPT. THOMAS STEGG, son & heir of Thos. Stegg, Esq., dec'd., 1698 acs. Chas. City Co., 24 Nov. 1653, p. 7. 1,000 acs. part thereof being a neck of land lying upon the N. side of the old man's Cr. & upon Queens Cr. & 698 acs. at the head of Queens Cr. between Seder (or Seller) Run & Fishing Run. 1,000 acs. formerly granted unto his deceased father & descended unto him as sonn & heir, & the residue by order of the Quarter Court (blank) as alsoe for trans, of 14 pers.* WILLIAM HAWARD, 400 acs. Glocester Co., 5 June 1654, p. 7. Beg. by a little branch of Bennets Cr., run- ning W. by N. to Mobjack path, thence S. W. & N. W. by W. by fouer small springs, thence N. by W. 200 acs. by purchase from Col. Richard Lee, Esq., 21 Oct. 1653; & 200 acs. for trans, of fouer pers: Anne Excell (or Exall), Patent Book No. 3 231 Antho. Haines, Alex. Kimrose, John Page. THOMAS BINNS, 343 acs. Surry Co., 25 Feb. 1653, p. 8. On the S. side of James Riv., viz: from Mr. Bis- hops cor. tree N. W. along his marked trees, thence N. N. E. thence N. thence W. N. W. thence W. S. W. & thence S. E. bounding Nly. on John Bishops land, Nly. & Wly. upon the head of the reedy swamp & Sly. on Mr. Edwards land. The said land being formerly de- serted & ordered to be patterned in the name of sd. Binns & due for trans, of 7 pers: Alex. Hayes, Alex. Rose, Dan. Newel, Nic. Barber, Rich. Jarrel (or Jarret), Arche Mullekin, Step. Lyonel. MAJOR ROBERT HOLT, 1550 acs. James City Co., 6 Apr. 1654, p. 8. On the E. side of Chickahominy Riv., bounding upon the first westermost branch of Jones Cr. & running from the second S. S. E. &c. to the main branch opposite to the land of Sir Wm. Berke- ley, thence along the main swamp to the fourth little branch & along same N. to the head of a Spring, thence to Rickohauke path N. E., along same N. by W. & down the branch S. W. by S. 470 acs. granted sd. Holt 30 Jan. 1650 & 1,080 acs. for trans, of 22 pers: Jon. Somerton, Antho. Wade, Phill. Cheslye, Tho. Moor, Tho. Bush, Jon. Wilson, Edwd. Jordan, Tho. Stephens, Herbert Judd, Wm. Hudson, Jon. Chambers, Tho. Williams, Jon. Hawkins, Tho. Moor, Charles Cain, Sam. Paine, Hen. Williams, Richd. Anderson, Tho. Keys, Jon. Phipps, Wm. Court, Jon. Brown. RICHARD MAJOR, 1,000 acs. Glocester Co., 20 Mar. 1653, p. 8. 400 acs. upon the N. side of Charles Riv., abutting N. W. by N. upon Perringes Cr. which divides this & the land of Ashwell Batten, N. E. & E. up- on land of Thomas Bell. 600 acs. upon the head of another devdt. of sd. Major's & bounded on the N. W. side with a swamp upon the head of Perrins Cr. & from the S. E. side of a branch of sd. swamp extending S. E. neer a branch of Poropotancke Cr., S. W. upon land of John Major, & from thence N. W. upon the swamp upon the head of sd. Cr. which divides this and land of James Holdinge. 400 acs. granted unto John Perrin 3 Apr. 1651 & assigned unto sd. Richard Major; & 150 acs. by vertue of the rights of so much in a patent of 350 acs. granted 17 Jan. 1642 to sd. Major; & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: Tho. Parker, Robt. Wherry, Jon. Garret, Jane Bowden, Jane Moss, Ann Hinshaw, Richd. Tidderson, Kath. Goodman, Mary Hinshaw. MR. EDWARD TRAVIS, 326 acs. James City Island, near Black Point, 10 Mar. 1653, p. 8. 196 acs. N. upon the back river, E. upon the same, S. upon land of Mr. Chiles & Goose Hill marsh & W. upon land of David Ellis & Mr. Crosbies land; & 130 acs., more or less, being marsh land lying Sly. from his now dwelling house & devdt. of high land bounded by Parsimores Cr. & Cocketts neck; the remainder being high land lying Wly. from his house & devdt. & bounded on the westermost side with land of Lancelot Elay, Nly. with a swamp & Ely. with former devdt. of sd. Travis; 196 acs. part granted sd. Travis 10 Mar. 1652 & due by assign- ment of several persons; & 130 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.* CAPT. RICHARD BARNHOUSE, 250 acs. James City Co., 20 Mar. 1653, p. 9. Butting upon a dry gutt or deep hollow swamp to the Swd. of Wm. Berries house & from the path at the head of the dry gutt it runs S. W., etc thence N. E. crossing a run of water into the land that was cleared by George Holmes, thence S. E. until it meets with a run of fresh water, down the run & creek until it meets with aforesd. gutt on the S. W. side of Keths Cr. Due by purchase from Jeremiah Blackman, Adm'r. to Jacob Avery; being part of 500 acs. leased to sd. Avery & since con- firmed by pattent to sd. Barnhouse dated 27 Feb. 1638 & now retaken up by new rights by & for trans, of 5 pers:* 80 acs. rights due out of the surplus of 2 rights in other pattents. FRANCIS GREY, 750 acs. Chas. City Co., 24 Nov. 1653, p. 9. Being a mid- dle ground bet. the heads of Mr. Spar- row, Jon. Wall & Jon. Hackers land, 232 Cavaliers and Pioneers bounding S. E. on land of Mr. Sparrow, E. on the head of John Hacker & N. E. on Marke Averies land, N. on land of Joseph Johnson, and N. W. on the head of John Walls land. 300 acs. by bill of sale from John Wall, 4 Jan. 1649; & 450 acs. by order of the Govr. & Coun- cell 24 Nov. 1653 as also for trans, of 9 pers: Grace Singleton, Fra. Loveday, Robt. Lawrence, Ant. Allen, Marv Cesar, Morrice Sinckler, Tho. Southern. THOMAS WHITEHEAD, 162 acs. Hampton Parish, York Co., 6 Mar. 1653, p. 9. 112 acs. formerly taken up by John Dennet & 50 acs. now taken up. Beg. by a branch of Capt. John West's Cr., thence N. by W. down the run to a small spring, thence E. by a path, thence 5. to beg. Due by virtue of the rights of a pattent of 200 acs. formerly granted to John Dennet in James City Co., as- signed to Charles Green, who assigned to James Brooks, by whom it was as- signed to Capt. David Mansfeild & by him assigned to sd. Whitehead. 38 acs. remaining due. Marginal note: Origi- nal surrendered up to the King &c. by Joseph Walker in the General Court 29 Apr. 1718. Test C C Thacker, CI Sec. Off. JOHN FITCHETT, 8^ acs. lying in Pasbehaies near the Block house, June 6, 1654, p. 9. Bounded N. W. upon a ditch dividing this from land of Mrs. Perkins, S. E. towards the Block house, S. W. upon the river & N. E. upon a swamp dividing this from land of Mr. Coleman. Lease. Annual rent of one bushell and three pecks of merchantable corne sheld, to begin att Michaelmas in 1655. "Order granted for this land 3d of October 1643." THOMAS SAFFALL, 850 acs. North- umberland Co., 1 June 1654, p. 9. Up- on the N. side of great Wiccocomico river, abutting Wly. upon St. Johns Cr., E. & N. E. upon Saffals Cr., including St. Stephens Cr., etc. Formerly granted sd. Saffall 3 Sept. 1651. JOHN BARTEN, 200 acs. in Deep Cr. a branch of the Southern br. of Eliz. Riv. 10 Mar. 1653, p. 9. Trans, of 4 pers: Jane Harvey, Tho. Harvey, Jon. Hawley, Wm. Scott. LT. COL. JOHN CHEESEMAN, Esqr. & JOHN ADLESTON, 300 acs., 13 May 1654, p. 10. Lying on N. side of Cheesemans Cr. & on the Bay tree neck, beg. at corner tree of John Adles- tons devdt., running by marked trees being the deviding line bet. sd. Cheese- man & Adlestone & land of Mr. Beale & John Clerkson &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Jon. Woodhouse, Hen. Midlux, Jon. Binks, Tho. Peales, Jon. Anderson, Mary Streatly, John (land due for.) AUGUSTINE GILLET, 250 acs. Upper Norf. Co., 9 Mar. 1653, p. 10. Beg. at the miles end of a patent of Michael Wilcox & adj. land of Mr. Phillip Bennet. Trans, of 5 pers: Hugh Drew, Mary Stanton, Kath. Bryan, Wm. Phillips, Matt. Wilkinson. CAPT. JOHN WEST, Esqr., one of the Councell of State, 1,000 acs. Gloces- ter Co., 27 May 1654, P. 10. On the N. E. side of Mattapony Riv., beg. at upper westermost corner tree of Ralph Greens devdt., bounded on E. side with sd. Greens land, a creek & land of Tho- mas Bell, on S. W. with sd. Riv. & on N. W. side with land of Capt. Robert Abrahal. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Ball, Edwd. East, Richd. Drew, Edmd. Mash- feild, Richd. Cole, Alice Kelly, Richd. Ken, Richd. George, Geo. Slade, Elias Hoard, Hen. Ken, Edwd. Ken, Sarah Hazard, Geo. Lyddal, Robt. Priddy, Tho. Platford, Jon. Collet, Jon. Garraway, Sus. Barlow, Sarah Boyce. TOBY WEST, 500 acs. Glocester Co., 27 May 1654, p. 10. On the N. E. side of Mattapony Riv., N. side of Tho- mas Sanders land. Trans, of 10 pers.* WILLIAM MORGAN, 550 acs. on Mobjack Bay, beg. upon N. side of Peper Cr. running by marked tree of Richd. Hull, N. thence N. E., thence N. W. by marked trees deviding this & land of Hen. Singleton, to the Bay side including all the marsh, S. E. by S. to beg. 25 Feb. 1653, p. 10. Trans. 11 pers: Wm. Bilsbrough, Robert Dye, Patent Book No. 3 233 Hen. Moor, Murael White, Hen. Hamond, Robert Grey, The Husband of Eliz. Adison, Eliz. Adison herselfe. WILLIAM JOHNSON, 550 acs. Henrico Co., 12 Mar. 1653, p. 11. On the N. side the river, known by the name of Harrahadocks, beg. next to land of Capt. Edloe, thence S. S. E., thence W. S. W. to the river, thence as the river bayeth to the place of beg. Trans. 11 pers: Ed. Elton, Eliz. Pattern, Mary Franklin, Kath. Price, Jon. Philpot, Jon. Carter, Jon. Mayden, Danll. Berry, Jon. Wood, Tho. Lock, James Humphry. MR. THOMAS BREMAN (Bree- man), 300 acs. Glocester Co., 11 Mar. 1653, p. 11. Upon the head of another tract of land in possession of sd. Bre- man, beg. at the mouth of a small branch of the main swamp, upon the head of Ware Riv. near the Beaver Damm, etc. Trans, of 6 pers.* Note: 200 acs. by virtue of the rights of soe much in a Pattent of his in Mobjack Bay for wch. he procured a Certificate from the County of Glocester. The fol- lowing names appear hereunder: David Short, Jone Banton (or Panton.) CHRISTOPHER RIVERS, 150 acs. in the Westerne branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at the miles end of Capt. John Sipsey, running for breadth W. S. W. & for length S. S. E. into the maine Swamp, & again from beg. tree S. S. E. to land of Richard Pinner. 11 Mar. 1653, p. 11. Trans, of 3 pers: Ann Jackson, Wm. Morris, Tho. Morgan. ROBERT FLAKE, 600 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 10 Mar. 1653, p. 11. On the third swamo of the Black Water, beg. at the mouth of a small reedy branch, on Bushes neck, running by sd. swamp Sly. near a small run of water where the sd. Flakes former land first begins &c. Trans, of 12 pers: John Collet, Ann his wife, Jon. Collet, junr., Jer. Collet, Sam. Collet, Joan Martin, Ann Towerman, Moroco Mo — (record partially gone) Jon. Hawkins, Eliz. his wife, Elias Faslowe, Jer. Hayman. EDWARD HAMOND, son & heire of Marke Hamond, 250 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 10 June 1654, p. 11. At the head of the broad Cr., bounded on the N. & E. by land of Roger Jones, dec'd. & on W. by land of Richard Jacobs. Trans, of 5 pers: Ann Dennis, Mary Clerke, Tim. Parkenson, Micha. Curet„ Tho. Blittle. RICHARD KELLAM, 200 acs. Northampton Co., 10 June 1654, p. 11. On N. side of Occahannock Cr., bound- ing Sly. on the head of a former devdt. of sd. Kellam, and Ely. on a branch parting William Thorne. Trans, of 4 pers: Jon. White, Jon. Lawrence, Eliz. Percival, Rose Mc-Cloyden RICHARD JACOB, 200 acs. North- ampton Co., 10 June 1654, p. 12, Bet. Nuswattocks branches & Hungars branches "as by due consideration is manifest." Bounding Wly. parrtly on a former devdt. of sd. Jacob & partly on land of Elias Haretree, (North) on Richard Aliens. Trans, of 4 pers: Joan White, Morris Lyster, Amos Garryson, Ellis Goverty. ALEXANDER MADOCKS & JAMES JONES, 516 acs. Northampton Co., 10 June 1654, p. 12. At the head of Nus- wattocks Cr., bounding Wly. by a line of marked trees at the head of a former devdt. of sd. Jones. Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Leake, Dorcas Green, Peter Watts, Wm. Alesworth, Mary Bromfeild, Tho. Lentall, Jon. Devorax, Wm. Giles, Jon. Roberts, Geo. Hambleton. EDWARD REVELL, son of Randall Revell, 1,000 acs. Northampton Co., 10 June 1654, p. 12. On S. side of Pon- goteage Riv., being a neck of land parted by Whitsapenny Cr. from the land of Mr. Anthony Hoskins, bounding Sly. upon the Cr. making a point on the sd. Riv. & enlarging itselfe, Ely. to a tree by an Indian bridge &c. 500 acs. by patent dated 27 Nov. 1652 & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers: Fra. Wright, Hugh Loyd, Edwd. Loyd, Fra. Jones, Eliz. Thomas, Richd. Brown, Fra. Pope, Jon. Harwood, Tho. Whitinge, Nicho. Rice. EDWARD COLE, 300 acs. North- umberland Co., 9 Mar. 1653, p. 12. 234 Cavaliers and Pioneers (Record incomplete). Mentions land he sould to Mr. Mitchell. Trans, of 6 pers: Fra. White, Wm. Wheeler, Langag Baker, Tho. Burnham, Wm. Howse, Jon. Williams. RICHARD BUDD, 200 acs., bound- ing S. E. upon the head of great Wico- comico Riv., N. E. upon the main branch of sd. riv., & S. W. upon an- other branch. 9 Mar. 1653, p. 12. Trans, of 4 pers: Richd. Williams, Mary Smith, Danll. Fitzell, senr., Danll. Fitzell, junr. WM. BACON, 300 acs. Northumber- land Co., 9 Mar. 1653, p. 12. Bound- ing N. E. upon Broad Cr. betwixt Yeo- comico & Mattapony Rivers, N. Wly. upon land of Anthony Linton, and S. Ely. upon land of Lawrence Dameron. Trans, of 6 pers: Eliz. Lacey, Edwd. Tupp, Phill. Lanceford, Jon. Butcher, James Wren, Hen. Weed. THOMAS MORECOCK, 100 acs. James City Co., Mar. 1654, p. 13. On the E. side of Chickahominy Riv., beg. at the Bryery Swamp, running along Mr. Sandersons marked trees to a swamp E. N. N. E. &c. along Mr. Robert Holts trees to beg. Trans, of 2 pers: Winfred Matthews, Jon. Hewes. Note: This pattern is by sd. Morecock relinquished & the rights assigned to Wm. Hall. JOHN POUNCEY, 450 acs. on S. side of the freshes of Yorke Riv., in Blissland Parish, bet. Pounceys Cr. & Tanks Cr. & joining his own land. 7 June 1654, p. 13. Trans. 9 pers.* "The land being due by assign emt. from James Besouth of the overplus of a Certificate formerly brought into the office." JOHN DEBAR, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 10 Mar. 1653, p. 13. Joining Tho- mas Wrights land &c. to a great pond of water, S. to land of Richard Starnell, etc. Trans, of 4 pers: Susan Sheres, Edwd. Calvert, Abra. Peircey. RANDALL CHAMLY, 100 acs. Lan- caster Co., 10 May 1654, p. 13. On N. side of Coxes Cr., extending N. E. by N. towards trees of Trans, of 2 pers: Wilkinson. Wm. Johnson. - Wilson, JOHN HANEY, 500 acs. Northum- berland Co., 29 July 1652, p. 13. Upon S. side of the Dividing Cr. & upon head of the late land of Mr. Richard Jones, deed., Nly. upon a branch of sd. cr., near land of Mr. George Colclough. Due by virtue of rights of a patent granted sd. Haney 30 Jan. 1650 for 850 acs. reserving the residue bounding on George Waterman & James Willis for his own use. THOMAS ROLFE, 525 acs. lying up- on the N. side of Chickahominy Riv. commonly called and known by the name of James Fort, running from the river N., along the woods, W. from the woods to the river S. by W. 400 acs. granted sd. Rolfe by Act of Assembly dated 6 Oct. 1646 & 125 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.* THOMAS SHEPHERD, 66 acs. Northumberland Co., 5 July 1653, p. 14. Beg. at a marsh at a Cr. that issueth forth of Yeocomico Riv., extending N. E. upon land of Thomas Hayles, and thence N. W. to land of George Tom- son. Due by virtue of the rights of part of a patent of 850 acs. granted to Capt. Yeo, which being resurveyed was found to be wanting 107 acs. of the quantity patented. JAMES MASON, 250 acs. James City Co., 20 Apr. 1653, p. 14. Lying above the head of Greys Cr. upon the Sly. side of the main branch of same. Nly. upon land of Thomas Grev. The sd. land being formerly granted unto the sd. Mason by patent dated 8 July 1648 & now taken up by new rights by & for trans, of 5 pers: Robt. Lamb, Giles Flake, Wm. Savage, Wm. Francis. RICHARD NORMANSELL, 450 acs. lying on Wwd. side of the Eastermost river in Mobjack bay, 28 Nov. 1652, p. 14. 150 acs. beg. at a marked tree on the river side wch. divides this & land of John White, running W. S. W. etc. 300 acs. beg. at a marked pine of Wil- liam Holders in a small creek, running Patent Book No. 3 235 W. S. W. etc. 150 acs. by patent dated 15 Sept. 1651 & 300 acs. for tians. of 6 pers.* JOHN SHAKLY (Shakley, Shackly), 350 acs. Northumberland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 14. On the N. W. side & to- wards head of Yeocomico Riv., bound- ing S. E. upon land of Robert Smith and one Pullen, dec'd., N. E. upon land of Richard Holding & S. W. upon land of Mr. Peter Knight. Trans, of 7 pers.* MR. GERVASE DODSON, 1300 acs. in Northumberland, now Westmoreland, Co., in upper Machoticke Necke, 13 Oct. 1653, p. 14. Running Nly. from the corner tree wch. divides the land of Palmer Hinton from Mr. Christopher Boyce to the miles end of Mrs. Towns- hends land, Sly. upon land of sd. Boyce, Nly. upon land of Mrs. Townshend & Wly. upon the maine woods, called Nottingham Parke. Trans, of 26 pers.* THOMAS KIDBY, 300 acs. North- umberland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 14. On S. side of great Wiccocomico river, running N. N. E. upon the head of a Cr. running out of sd. river above land of Mr. Thomas Salisbury & W. N W. upon land of Martin Coale. Trans, of 6 pers: Susan Lawson, Jon. Price, Richard Percival, Lettice Stringer, Anne Ryley, Eliz. Drury. WM. REYNOLDS, 92 acs. Northum- berland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 15. Ly- ing at the very head of Mattapony Riv., abutting Wly. & Sly. upon the main branch thereof. Trans, of 2 pers: Kath. King, Wm. Hart. FRANCIS SYMONS, 91 acs. North- umberland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 15. Binding N. Wly. upon a branch of Mattapony Riv., N. Ely. on land of Thomas Wilsford, and S. Wly. upon land surveyed for John Earle. Trans, of 2 pers: Tho. Hart, Maudlin Hart. THOMAS SALISBURY, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 15. On the S. side of great Wiccoco- mico Riv., bounding N. N. E. upon Vulcans Cr. & the river, W. N. W. upon sd. river, a creek & a line of marked trees, and E. S. E. upon the land of Henry Weeker. Trans, of 6 pers: Danll. Poole, Sam. Ralph, Phill. Loe, Grizell Wise, Jon. Hassall, Wm. Hassall. RICHARD HOLDEN, 600 acs. Northumberland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 15. On N. W. side of Yeocomico Riv., abutting S. E. upon land of Wm. Wal- ker, & S. W. upon land of Jon. Shakly. Trans, of 12 pers.* THOMAS PHILPOT, 100 acs. North- umberland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 15. In Yeocomico Neck, beg. at the head & bet. lands of Wm. Reynolds & Mr. Nicholas Jarnew, running S. S. E. by sd. Jarnew &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Anne Thompson, Lyddy Hart. COLL. RICHARD LEE, 300 acs. Lan- caster Co., 14 Nov. 1653, p. 15. Upon the S. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded from a marked oak wch. standeth upon the head of a southerne branch of a Cr. commonly called Matchepungo Cr. which divides this & land of Dame Elizabeth Lunsford formerly Mr. Samuel Abbot & extending along the land of John Benton, dec'd. &c. W. by S. upon a branch of Pyanketanck &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Flabian, Wm. Snapes, Tho. Muns, Wm. Muns, Tho. Carey, Ed. Hampton. FRANCIS SYMONS, 224 acs. North- umberland Co., 29 July 1653, p. 15. N. W. upon Mattapony Riv., S. W. up- on land of John Chambers & N. E. upon land of John Earle. Trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Nichols, Richd. Bolton, Joan a maide, Robt. Davis. MAJOR WILLIAM LEWIS, 362 acs. on the S. side the freshes of York Riv. right against Totopotomoy his Fort called Asiskewincke, July 1, 1653, p. 16. Trans, of 8 pers: Fra. Chaters, Robt. Clerke, Robt. Holding, 2 Negroes, Abr. Coffall, Geo. Brorgin, Eliz. Atkins; 38 acres remaining due assigned by Mr. Jon. Underwood. OLIVER GREEN, 120 acs. Glocester Co., 24 July 1653, p. 16. Upon E. S. E. side of Poropotanke Cr., W. N. W. upon the same, N. N. E. upon a small 236 Cavaliers and Pioneers swamp wch. divides this & land of Mr. Nicholas Jarnew, E. S. E. upon a branch & swamp wch. divides this & land of Samuel Sallis & S. S. W. upon Atapo- tomays Cr. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Davis, Walter James. MR. EDWARD DIGGS, 2,350 acs. called Matapony Fort, Glocester Co., on N. side of Matapony Riv., 1 June 1653, p. 16. Beg. at a small run called Pockatamanio &c. Trans, of 47 pers.* JOHN HOPE, 537 acs. York Co., 1 July 1653, p. 16. On the S. side of Chas. River in the narrows, beg. S. W. upon the range of Wm. Cox, S. E. by S. along land of Robert Priddy, E. along land of Geo. Chapman, N. E. by land of Mr. Barnhouse & W. along land of Thomas Austine. Trans, of 11 pers.* JAMES MAGREGORY & HUGH FOUCH, 394 acs. Northumberland Co., 5 Apr. 1653, p. 16. Abutting Nly. upon Potomack Riv., Wly. upon their own land & Ely. upon Cupids Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Tho. Wilsford, Bridget his wife, Paul Spring, Cha. Barnes, Wm. Kendal, Mary Kendall, Cha. Kendall. JARVIS DODSON, 350 acs. North- umberland Co., 14 May 1653, p. 16. Bounding S. upon a seat of land which Stephen Norman lives on called Peter Phyponds necke, & E. upon his own land. Trans, of 7 pers.* CORBET PIDDEL, 1,000 acs. North- umberland Co., 14 May 1653, p. 17. S. Ely. upon Potomack Riv., S. W. upon a creek above Capt. Brents about 15 mile called Aquoconde & N. E. upon another creek. Trans, of 20 pers: Wm. Leigh, Jon. Jones, Tho. Davis, Mary Watson, Abr. Huffe, Richd. Hall, Su. Abbot, Joan Evans, Peter Johnson, Sa. Perry, Everard Rey, Jon. Lanson (or Lawson), Ann Pellet, Ja. Hart, Mary Dakins, Eliz. Singlehirst, An. Ballard, John Price, Jon. Davis, Tho. Longe. Note: This patent was assigned to Jarvis Dod- son & by sd. Dodson surrendered to make good another. MATTHEW TOMLIN, 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 14 May 1653, p. 17. S. E. upon Hollis Cr., & N. E. upon a branch of the same towards land of Wm. Freake. Trans, of 4 pers: Ellinor Wms. (Williams), Richd. Tid- ney, Richd. Jennings, James Vincent. DAVID PHILLIPS, 200 acs. North- umberland Co., 14 May 1653, p. 17. N. E. upon land of Herrals Bridges & N. W. upon land of Major Baldridge. Trans, of 4 pers: Evan Thomas, Timo. Felter, Wm. Symons, Jane Gabriel. JOHN WARE, 700 acs. lying upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. upon Clifts Cr. &c, & running S. by E. unto land of Anthony Fulgham. 14 May 1653, p. 17. Trans, of 14 pers: Jon. Ware, Senr. twice, Margaret his wife, Fra. Ware, Jon. Ware, junr., Kath. Ware, Tho. Speckman, Magd. Peasly, Tho. Weinne, Hen. Jordan, Edwd. Atwood, Wm. Mackenly, Eliz. Day, Anne Crofts. ROBERT CAPPS & ROBERT SPRING, 300 acs. situate in Western branch of Eliz. Riv., 30 May 1653, p. 17. Trans, of 6 pers: Richd. Halla- way, Jon. Jackson, Robt. Capps, Robt. Springe, Pable Kingle, Jon. Gregman. (Note: Record incomplete.) RICHARD SLAUGHTER, 200 acs. Nanzemond Co., 30 May 1653, p. 17. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Clarke, Samll. Crane, Richd. Patridge, Hen. Franke. HUMPHREY EDEY, 250 acs. in the N. W. branch of Nanzamond Riv., 27 Dec. 1652, p. 18. Butting on land of Mr. Robert Lawrence. Trans, of 5 pers: Hum. Edey, & his wife, Joan Barnes, Wm. Barlow, Eliz. Harwood. JOHN PHILLIPS, 240 acs. upon the N. side of Rappa. Riv., near land of Mr. George Eaton. 2 Mar. 1642, p. 18. Trans, of 5 pers: Hen. Kinsman, Ann Cowslan, Tho. Naylor, Hugh Jones, Richd. Smith. (Record incomplete.) SAME. 100 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. River, 3 Mar. 1652, p. 18. Beg. at a point on the Ewd. side of Powells Cr. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Peirce. THOMAS MALLERD, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 8 June 1653, p. Patent Book No. 3 237 18. Sly. upon Wicocomico Riv., Ely. upon a creek dividing this from land of Thomas Saffall. Trans, of 6 pers: Jon. Davis, Isab. (Isabel ?) Powell, Tho. Mallerd, Ann Bradly, James Westrill, Jon. Home; "Tho. Mallerd is wrong entered & instead there is Magdalen Roberts, Ed. Hitchcock land due for." SAMLL. BONAM, 300 acs. Northum- berland Co., bounding N. N. E. upon Potomack Riv., W. N. W. on land of Mr. Jon. Rosier. 4 July 1653, p. 18. Trans, of 6 pers: Anth. Harrison, Jon. Griffeth, Eliz. Burrowes, Eliz. Needum, Joan Pickering, Jon. Seabottom. MRS. MARGARET UPTON, 700 acs. Lancaster Co., on the N. side of Rappa. Riv. 4 July 1653, p. 18. Beg. on the upper side of a devdt. of land now in possession of John Edgecombe, running to a crerek dividing this & land of Anthony Jackman. Trans, of 14 pers: Wra. Merrit, Jon. Gill, Mich. Emerson, Tho. Holwell, Geo. Sheir, Eliz. Warington, Tho. Malford, Edwd. Godyal, Peter Raven, Richd. Player, Robt. Page, Hen. Emery. LAWRENCE PHILLIPS, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Eliz. River Parish, 8 June 1653, p. 19. Beg. at the second branch Swd. from Wm. Johnsons land upon Gaters Cr., running S. by E. along sd. creek &c. Trans, of 2 pers.* JOHN JOLLIFFE, 250 acs. Nanze- mond Co., 4 July 1653, p. 19. On the Wwd. side of the Wwd. branch of Nanzemond Riv., running S. W. by W. to land of James Arthur & Peter Ellis &c. Said land formerly unto John Landman, 9 Apr. 1648 & purchased by sd. Jolliffe. ROBERT SAVEN, 150 acs., lying in the Northwest branch of Nanzemond Riv., beg. by the branch side, running for length S. S. W. to land of Symon Symons thence E. S. E. &c. 11 June 1653, p. 19. Trans, of 3 pers: Jon. Bryan, Geo. Frost, Nath. Saintpere. MAJOR GEORGE READ, 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 9 June 1653, p. 19. Upon S. side of Potomacke Riv., upon S. side of Herring Cr. next & adj. land of Mr. Robert Yeo &c. Formerly granted sd. Read, 18 Oct. 1650 & re- newed by order of the Govr. & Coun- cell bearing date with these presents. THOMAS COWLINGE, 350 acs. in Matthews Cr., being a branch of the southern branch of Nanzemond Riv. 5 July 1653, p. 19. Trans, of 7 pers: Mary Ferr, Mary Bly, Arthur Hooper, Ann Padget, Robt. Westwood, Mary Smith, Robt. Hooker. ROBERT CHOWNINGE, 250 acs. Lancaster Co., last of June 1653, p. 20. Upon the N. W. side of the S. W. branch of Sunderland alias Burnham's Cr., extending from land of Henery Nicholls S. W., from thence N. W. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: 2 Negroes; Jon. Gum, Senr., Jon. Gum, junr., Jon. Pepper; assigned by Geo. Chowninge. HENERY LEE, 350 acs. in Hampton Parish, York Co., 5 July 1653, p. 20. Beg. at the miles end of Capt. Francis Morgans devdt., thence S. E. by E. &c. to the miles end of Mr. Lee's first devdt., thence N. by E. to Wm. Sawyer's plantation by the Cr. Trans, of 7 pers: Jon. Goffe, Jon. Win, Jon. Macoome, Jon. Bartwright, Richd. Fowke, Marg. Davis, Bar. Ramsey. WILLIAM THOMAS, 100 acs. Lan- caster Co., 13 July 1653, p. 20. On the N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at the head of Powells Cr. Due for trans, of 2 pers: himself & wife. MR. JOHN PHILLIPS, 400 acs. Lan- caster Co., 13 July 1653, p. 20. On the N. side of Rappa. Riv., running by the head of a devdt. formerly surveyed by Capt. Daniel Gookins by the side of the mountains, thence N. by W. &c. to a N. W. branch of Cossatowoman Riv. Trans, of 8 pers.* THOMAS YOUL (YOUEL), 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 20. Upon the Westermost side of Lower Machotick Riv. opposite land of Richard Cole, from a branch of sd. river near to land of George Watts, extend- ing N. W. along sd. river to a creek 238 Cavaliers and Pioneers dividing this & land of Thomas Wil- kinson. Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Peircey, Hen. Wilson. Note: 400 acs. by virtue of the rights of a pattent of soe much granted to Abra. in the County of Chas. Riv., 20 July 1649 & by him delivered up in the office. PATRICK MILLER, 150 acs. Lan- caster Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 21. Upon the S. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded on the W. & by N. with a creek dividing this & land of George Wading &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Foster. Note: 70 acs. by virtue of the rights remain- ing of a pattent to David Fox of 1050 acs. which is by sd. Fox relinquished and now all made use of. WILLIAM HARPER & HENRY RYE, 550 acs. Lancaster Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 21. Lying towards the head of Harpers Cr. near Fleets Bay &c. Trans, of 11 pers.* LEONARD CHAMBERLAINE, 300 acs. Glocester Co., 27 Oct. 1653, p. 21. Beg. by Ashwell Battins corner tree, running crosse Arracaico branch E. N. E. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Margt. Lewis, Jon. Atkins, Fra. Sharp, Patrick Harper, Mary Green. Jon. Williams. JOHN BEBEY, 700 acs. Lancaster Co., 4 Oct. 1653, p. 21. On S. side of Rappa. Riv. & about a mile up Puscati- con Cr., now called Coxes Cr., & on the Ewd. side thereof. 350 acs. granted him by patent dated 27 Oct. 16— , & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Jon. Bebey, Eliz. Nichols, Eliz. Brooks, Robt. Beacham, Jon. Jolly. THOMAS SMITH, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 15 Dec. 1653, p. 22. On the W. side of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. on a point at the mouth of Smiths Cr., running &c. to the mouth of Pussell Cr. etc. Trans, of 6 pers.* DAVID FOX, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 Nov. 1653, p. 22. Upon the Wester- most side of Corotoman Riv., being commonly known by the name of the Narrow Neck, beg. at a small branch which divides this & the land of Ed- ward Grimes, dec'd., extending along sd. Riv. N. to another branch thereof, along same W. to land of Wm. Raton & Richard Flint, etc. Trans, of 6 pers.* WILLIAM HUNT, 800 acs, at the head of Beaverdam branch, a branch of the Western br. of Nanzemond Riv, 14 Dec. 1635, p. 22. Trans, of 16 pers: Phill. Thomas, Evad. (?) Thomas, Sarah Thomas, Tho. Batmason, Anne Jackson, Hen. Miles, Fra. Coach, Jon. Longe, Wm. Hunt, Mich. Mackerye, Marry Matthews, Wm. Scot, Kath. Scot. ROBERT SAVEN, 650 acs, on a branch of Nanzemond Riv, called the Indian Cr, 11 June 1653, p. 22. Beg. at a point by the creek side, running S. W. &c. 400 acs. due by virtue of the rights of a patent 23 Dec. 1642; granted to George Busse, purchased by sd. Saven & by him relinquished into the office; & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Robt. Saven, Senr, 3 several times, Susan Sabin (or Savin), Geo. Marton. PETER R ANSON, 1100 acs. on the N. river of Mobjack bay, beg. at the Isle of Wight Cr, from thence Nly. parallel to the river, unto a Cr. which divides this & land now in possession of Richard Dudly, etc. This land was formerly granted unto Edmond Dawber & adjudged deserted by order of the Govr. & Councell bearing date with these presents & by sd. order granted unto sd. Ranson. 9 June 1653, p. 22. Trans, of 2 pers.* GREGORY RAWLINS, son of Greg- ory Rawlins, dec'd, 476 acs. Surry Co, 10 June 1653, p. 23. On S. side of James Riv, on E. side of Chipoacks Cr, bounded on the head of Richard Hides land from a marked tree on a point of Burchen Swamp, S. S. E. &c. along Wm. Symons marked trees &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Edwards, Richd. Roberts, Gilbert Assell, Adam Osman, Jon. Pickering, Jon. Lidell, Thomas Wright, Wm. Copeland, Adrian Poole, Eliz. Bostocke. WM. WORSNAM & GEORGE WORSNAM, 400 acs. Henerico Co, 15 Feb. 1652, p. 23. 200 acs. part here- Patent Book No. 3 239 of lying at the old Towne att Appa- mattox Riv., bounding Ely. upon sd. Riv., siding S. W. by the Old Towne Cr. upon John Coogneys land, extend- ing N. E. upon land of Mrs. Dorothy Clerk, widdow; & 200 acs. being part of the old Towne aforesaid, bounded from the S. by W. corner of sd. Wors- nams first 200 acs., upon the head of the sd. land N. by E. thence into the woods towards Swifts Cr. &c. 200 acs. being part of a patent granted unto Wm. Clarke, deed., 6 May 1638, & by sd. Clarke sould unto Seth Ward from whom it was purchased by Wm. Wors- nam, 2 Nov. 1640; & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Hen. White, Jo. Plummer, Sasan (or Susan) Chiles, Sarah Chiles; Oliver Green, land due for. COL. GEORGE LUDLOW, Esqr., one of the Councell of State, 2,000 acs. Glocester Co., 12 Mar. 1652, p. 23. Upon S. side of Pyanketanke Riv., beg. at the mouth & W. N. W. side of Gwins Cr., extending along the river W. N. W. & from Westermost side of Wading Cr. &c. and along land of Col. Gwin. Due by virtue of an exchange made with the King of Chiskyacke for the like quantity, wch. was granted un- to sd. Ludlow by patent 25 Oct. last past, wch. exchange was made & ac- knowledged before the Govr. & Coun- cell on the day of last, & allowed of by the Govr. & Councell as by order the same day. SAME. 1500 acs. in York Co., 12 Mar. 1652, p. 23. Beg. at the mouth of a creek on the S. side of Chas. River called Wormeleys Cr., running up the river &c. to the Green Swamp along marked trees dividing this & land of Capt. Nicholas Marteau, thence from sd. swamp S. W. by S., then S. adj. to the mill land belonging to Warwick Riv. &c. to Hugh Aliens land &c. parallel to land late Capt. Wormeleys. 1452 acs. granted him 26 July 1646, etc., & 48 acs. by order of the Govr. &c, & alsoe for trans, of 1 per.* THOMAS W ATKINS, 50 acs. lying on the Eastern branch of Eliz. Riv., 5 July 1653, p. 24. Beg. at corner tree, on the river side, of land of Abraham Thomas &c. Trans, of Susanna Foster. JOHN SLAUGHTER, 300 acs. in Matthews Cr., a branch of the southern branch of Nanzemond Riv., 5 July 1653, p. 24. Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Dixon, Adam Stanly, Joan Hixon, Jon. Wilson, Kath. Evans, Jon. Wilson. TOBY SMITH, Gentleman, 681 acs. Lancaster Co., 10 Mar. 1652, p. 24. On the W. side of Rappa. Riv. Beg. neer a wett slash, running N. N. W. to an Eastermost branch of Richard Cr., over the Cr. &c. Trans, of 14 pers: Ro. Spring, Geo. Marall, Ra. Broad- hurst, Ben. Forby, Ellinor Andry, Ann Burgesse, Hen. Foster. EDMOND BOWMAN, Merchant, 358 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 8 June 1653, p. 24. In the W. branch of Eliz. Riv., formerly land of Mr. Edward Loyd. Beg. on a point & running up Mr. Loyds Cr. S. S. E. &c, to head of Mer- chants Cr. &c. Trans, of 7 pers.* GEORGE KEMP, 400 acs. in Lyn- haven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 28 Apr. 1652, p. 24. Beg. at corner tree of Mr. Sidneys, now in possession of Jon. Porter &c, crossing the Eastern branch of Eliz. Riv. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Dorothy Wincock, Peter Joice, Jon. Blunt, Natha. Gibbs, Wm. Robinson, Senr., Wm. Robinson, Junr., Sarah Robinson, Danll. Makey. JAMES ALLEN, 300 acs. Northum- berland Co., 9 June 1653, p. 25. Ely. upon Wiccocomico Cr. The said land being formerly granted unto the said Richard ah. (alias) James Allen by patent 20 June 1651 & renewed by order of the Govr. & Councell bearing date with these presents. SYMON THOROGOOD, 200 acs., Eliz. City Co., 18 Apr. 1653, p. 25. 50 acs. abutting Sly. upon the head of the long pond, Wly. upon Scoones Da (Damm ?), Nly. upon land granted to Toby Smith; 100 acs. beg. at a notched gum tree & runs E. N. E. &c. butting Nly. upon land of sd. Smith, Ely. upon Walter Pritchard, Sly. upon 240 Cavaliers and Pioneers Thomas Preston & Wly. upon the long ponds. 50 acs. by patent dated 10 Feb. 1650, & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Ro. Newberry & his wife, Tho. Preston, Jon. Goddin; Robt. Howden, land due for. JOHN RIGGE, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 8 June 1653, p. 25. On the E. side of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at the mouth of Riggs Cr., running N. N. W. &c. Trans, of 4 pers.* THOMAS WILKINSON, 320 acs. lying on both sides of a creek upon the S. side of Rappa. Riv & distant about 2%. mi. from land of Richard Coleman &c. to a runn divding this & land of Mr. Tho. Lucas, thence W. by S. &c. Trans, of 7 pers.* No date. P. 25. THOMAS LUCAS, 647 acs. upon the freshes of Rappa. Riv., on the S. side thereof, beg. at a little creek about a mile above land of Richard Coleman's first devdt. & extendeth into the woods S. S. W. a mile parallel to the river &c. No date. P. 25. Trans, of 13 pers: 2 Negroes; Jon. Hawkins, Tho. Hawkins, Ra. Parry, Jon. Humphreys, Wm. Cooper, Phill Delpha, Wm. Cripps, Fra. Freeman, Ja. Charles, Tho. Butting. JOHN GARWOOD, 1,000 acs. Nanzemond Co., 4 July 1653, p. 25. Lying on the Nwd. side of the head of Indian Cr., beg. at a point on the main branch side &c. Trans, of 20 pers.* CAPT. DANIEL LUELLIN, 200 acs. lying in or neer Sherly hundred, which was late in the possession of Edward Gardner, deed., bounding E. into the woods, W. upon the river, N. upon 40 acs. purchased of Edward Maddin, and S. upon land lately belonging to Serjeant John Harris. Sd. land formerly granted unto sd. Luellin by order of the Quarter Court dated and alsoe for trans, of 4 pers: Jon. White, Geo. Midlemore. 11 July 1653, p. 26. ELIZABETH HUTTON, 136 acs. Surry Co., 29 May 1654, p. 26. Beg. at the halfe way tree, running S. by W., etc., joining to Coll. Browns devdt., then N. by E. to the river side & along bank of same to the halfe way tree. Formerly granted unto Col. Henry Brown by order of Quarter Court, 21, Nov. 1643, who then produced his right thereto for trans, of 3 pers., & by sd. Browne assigned to Richard Harris, who assigned same to David Ludicies (or Ludicres), by whom it was assigned to sd. Col. Browne, & by him assigned to Daniell Hutton & accruing due unto sd. Elizabeth Hutton as daughter & heire of sd. Daniel Hutton. The following names appear under this patent: Mary Temple, Tho. Wilcocks, John Wilcocks. ROBERT SORRELL (Sorrel), 700 acs. lying on the Southermost branch of Warreny Cr., beg. at the S. W. tree of Mr. Soanes, running S. by E. &c. along land of Mr. Hen. Soanes &c. 20 Nov. 1653, p. 26. Trans, of 14 pers: Jon. Brown, Richd. Downing, Richd. Tud- man, Ja. Brown, Wm. Lant, Ann Sters- more, Toby Bradly, Nich. Chenner, Mar. Bray, Ann Daberton, Kath. Mut- ton, Wm. Davis, Rob. Powel. MAJR. FRANCIS MORRISON, 24 acs., commonly knowne by the name of the Glasse House, James City Co., 1 June 1654, p. 26. The sd. land being formerly by Sr. John Harvey, Knt. by bill of sale assigned to Anthony Cole- man, & by Edward Knight & Joseph Knight the heires of sd. Coleman, as- signed to John Senior, who assigned same to John Fitchett, by whom it was assigned unto John Phipps & Wm. Harris, wch. sd. Phipps assigned his right & share unto sd. Harris, who wholly assigned the same unto Majr. Morryson. MR. HEN. SOANES, 1200 acs. on the N. E. side of Mattapony Riv., be- neath the land of Mr. Wm. Wyat, beg. at the mouth of a creek & running S. S. W. down the river to an ancient In- dian Ferry on the upper side a marsh, soe S. S. E. & S. E. by S. along the back of the marsh to the river &c. 10 Mar. 1653, p. 26. 700 acs. granted to Hen. Soanes last of July 1653 & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers: Negro wo- man; Kath. Yorkshire, Marv Wms., Tho. Knight, Mary Knight, Richd. Lathbury, Jon. Knight 3 times; assigned by Mr. Robert Ellyson. Patent Book No. 3 241 HEN. SOANES, Gentleman, 200 acs. Glocester Co., 10 Mar. 1653, p. 27. On the N. E. side of Mattapony Riv., beg. above the land of Mr. Wm. Wyat 6 running Wwd. up the river towards the land of Mr. Richard Barnehouse &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Robt. Ellyson, Gent., Jon. Walton, Wm. Morgan, Danll. Whitby. GREGORY WELLS & RICHARD WILLIAMS, 199 acs. James City Co., 7 Apr. 1654, p. 27. On the N. side of James Riv. on the W. side of Chicka- hominy Riv., bounding Nly. on Wm. Fry, Ely. on sd. Wells' devdt. of 600 acs., Sly. on sd. Fry & Wly. on Richard Williams. Trans, of 4 pers: David Wheatly, John Whaly, David Whitly, Tho. Bayly. JOHN FINCH, 450 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 11 Mar. 1653, p. 27. On the W. side of the southerne branch of Eliza- beth Riv. called by the name of High Piny Point, bounded Sly. with the broad creek, N. by James Warner, &c. Trans. of 9 pers.* (Record incomplete.) RICHARD JENNINGS, 100 acs. in Browns Cr., being a branch of the west- ern branch of Eliz. Riv., 10 Mar. 1653, p. 27. Joining land of Mr. Wm. Eyres &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Davis, Ellinor Dexton. COL. RICHARD LEE, 300 acs. Glocester Co., 20 Mar. 1653, p. 27. Upon the N. side of York Riv, abutting upon land of Richard Jones, dec'd., now in possession of Francis Jones, relict of sd. Richard Jones, & E. S. E. upon land of Robert Todd. Trans, of 6 pers.* ARTHUR PRICE, 300 acs. Glocester Co., 3 Apr. 1654, p. 27 ; Upon the N. E. side of Mattapony Riv., which land is about 10 mi. up the river. Formerly granted to Wm. Ginsey, 3 Apr. 165 — & by him assigned to Nath. Pindar, who assigned to Arthur Price & now retaken up by new rights and for trans, of 6 pers.* JOHN JOHNSON, 135 acs. James City Co., 25 Mar. 165—, p. 27. Bound- ing Swd. upon a small branch of Archers Hope Cr., N. upon another branch of sd. Cr., E. upon sd. cr. & W. upon a great swamp. 100 acs. granted to his father John Johnson, 12 Jan. 1624 & accrueth due unto him as being sonn & heir of the sd. John Johnson; & 35 acs. for trans, of 1 pers.* Note: This was made out againe & 15 acres added in James Island Eastward on the land of Wm. Spencer (or Spence), 150 acres, wch. makes it up. THOMAS HOLMES, 434 acs. York Co., 25 May 1654, p. 28. On the S. W. side of York Riv. on the back part of the land of Richd. Jackson, beg. on the head of a branch issueing into Pachi- mon tree branch &c, thence S. by an Indian path ah. Indian feild path &c. to the head of a branch issueing into Cattaile Swamp then to beg. 300 acs. by virtue of the rights of a patent for soe much dated 26 Mar. 1653; & 134 for trans, of 3 pers: Margt. Wedge, Abra. Lambe, Jon. Clerke. RAWLEIGH TRAVERS, 300 acs. on the S. side of Rappa. River., about 2 mi. Sly. from the plantation of Mr. James Bagnal, 9 Mar. 1653, p. 28. Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Marloe, Jon. Heath, Antho., Negro, Margt., Negro; & 100 acs. by assignment from Mr. Spry to Mr. Bagnall, wch. was found lesse than the bounds of a former pattern men- tioned. JAMES JOHNSON, 300 acs. Nanze- mond Co., 11 Mar. 1653, p. 28. Joining to Mr. Phillip Bennets land. Trans, of 6 pers: Margt. Guy, Eliz. Hugh's, Eliz. Wimbleton, Jon. Prescot, Richd. Jones, Jon. Owen. RICHARD JONES, 288 acs. James City Co., 6 Apr. 1654, p. 28. Bound- ing Wly. on John Merryman, Sly. on Mr. Overman, Ely. on William Smith's Swamp & Nly. on Nicholas Bush. Trans, of 6 pers: Hen. Wms. (Wil- liams), Tho. Dixon, Edmd. Parry, Fred. Jenkinson, Jon. Dany, Peter Reynold. MAJOR WM. LEWIS, 800 acs. Northumberland Co., last of March 1654, p. 28. Upon the Ewd. side & towards the head of upper Machoticks 242 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cr., neer land of Thomas Blagg, and Nly. into the woods, upon branches of Chotanke. Trans, of 16 pers.* HUGH LEE, 288 acs. Northumber- land Co., 22 Apr. 1654, p. 28. Abutt- ing S. E. upon the head of a swamp that cometh out of Kings Cr., and N. E. towards land of John Mottrom. Trans, of 6 pers: Edmd. Perry, Joan Perry, And. Bashaw, Wm. Bashaw, Jane Bashaw, Mary Bashaw. WILLIAM JOHNSON, 50 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 10 Mar. 1653, p. 29. In Eliz. River Parish, running by Daniel Tanners Cr. Trans, of Francis Thomp- FRANCIS PEALE, 50 acs. James City Co., & York Co., 21 May 1654, p. 29. Beg. at 2 cherry trees, running S. E. by E. 56 perches to the paile att a small walnutt tree, thence by the Pallisadoes S. W. by W. to an oake marked corner tree, thence N. N. W. to a hickory, thence N. by E. to beg. Trans, of 1 pers.* CAPT. NATHANIEL HURD, 380 acs. on the N. E. side of a Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Nowells & on S. E. side of Skeaths Cr. &c. running N. W. by W. to the Cr. dividing this from the land of Mr. Rabnets &c. 12 May 1653, p. 29. Trans, of 8 pers: Barth. Cheverel, Tho. Baker, Wm. Green, Tho. Newel, Jane Grace, Hen. Martin, Edmd. Charle, Geo. Lyons. SAME. 250 acs. att Queen Hith, on N. side of James River, beg. at a small creek which divides this from land of Mr. Burham, deed., along marked trees of land of Capt. Flint, dee'd., to head of run dividing land between Mr. Nowells & Mr. Hurd &c. Same date & page. Trans, of 5 pers: Anne Gamon, Kath. Dearing (or Deaning), Sampson Alkin, Richd. Howell, Geo. Blower. SAME. 144 acs. on S. E. side of Skeaths Cr. & running N. W. by W. alongst the side of a run which cometh from Jacobs well dividing this from land of Mr. Wm. Rabnetts &c. Same date & page. Trans, of 3 pers: Ed. Roberts, Ed. Simpson, Hen. Culpeper. SAME. 533 acs. at the head of Skeaths Cr. in Warwick Co., Same date & page. Beg. on the S. W. side of a swamp that falleth into the sd. cr. at the N. W. by N. corner tree of Capt. Tho. Harwood, running Nly. &c. Trans. of 11 pers: Jon. Gamon, Wm. Jones, Mary Helin, Tho. Fanch, Ja. Spragon, Isa. Emerye, Tho. Dale, Richd. Gowlate, Richd. Moreland, Jon. Smith, Dor. Eastern. THOMAS KIDD, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., last of Mar. 1653, p. 30. Upon the S. side of Rappa. Riv., & upon the N. W. side of a S. W. branch of Burn- hams Cr. & N. E. upon land of Robert Chouninge. Trans, of 4 pers: Xpher Morris, Nicho. Heath, James Green, Langham Mack-Person. CAPT. ROBERT ABRAHAL, 160 acs. York Co., 27 Apr. 1653, p. 30. Upon S. side of York Riv. opposite to Mattapony Riv., S. S. E. upon land of Thomas Holmes, N. N. W. upon Hanke (or Hawke) pine nest & E. N. E. upon the river. Trans, of 4 pers: Nicho. Watson, Wm. Lucas, Jon. Towneshend, Robert Bett. 40 acs. due to Capt. Barn- house who assigned these to the said Capt Abrahal. CAPT. ROBERT ABRAHALL, 400 acs. Glocester Co., same date & page. Upon S. E. side of Mattapony Riv., 9 mi. up the same, bounding S. E. upon land of Natha. Pindar alias Machepungo. Trans, of 8 pers: Jon. Egglestone, Nich. Mellon, Ja. Malton, Robt. Whitecraft, Jon. Billins, Nath. Chambers, Margery Donibell, Cor. Sanders, assigned by Capt. Barnehouse. WILLIAM COLBORNE, 350 acs. Northampton Co., at the head of Nus- wattucks Cr., 4 Mar. 1652, p. 30. Bounded on the W. by land of Nicho. Waddilow, and on S. by main branch of sd. Cr. Trans, of 7 pers: Howell Glading, Jon. Jones, Margt. Tillet, Joan Parrot, Tho. Pitcher, Owen Wms., Edmd. Sermoner, ROBERT WOODY, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., at the head of the Easterne branch of Daniel Tanners Cr., 16 Apr. Patent Book No. 3 243 1653, p. 30. Beg. by the branch side & running for length E. by N., joining to Jasper Hogkinsons land to a white oake & for breadth from the beg. point S. by E, &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Rob. Woody, Anne Finch, Mary Stanton, Art. Watson. THOMAS HOLMES, 300 acs. York Co., 26 Mar. 1653, p. 30. Upon the head of another devdt. of sd. Holmes, bounded on the N. N. W. with Cattaile Swamp on E. N. E. with his own land & S. S. E. with a branch of Hacadays Swamp. Trans, of 6 pers: Margt. Bridges, Richd. Jackson, Jon. Trotter, Richd. Harrison, Gabriel Wilson, Benj. Strange. (This name has been altered to HOMES.) THOMAS DODFORD, 100 acs. in the Easterne branch of Eliz. Riv. on the N. side of same. 11 Mar. 1652, p. 31. Trans, of 2 pers: Alex. Gwyn, Eliz. Browne. JOHN SPILTIMBER & JOHN BRADY, 325 acs., 15 Mar. 1652, p. 31. Record incomplete; mentions Greys Creek & Milne Swamp. 125 acs. pur- chased of John Ker unto whom it was formerly granted; and 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Hen. Latturd, Jon. Bryant, Jon. Richds., Mercht. GAWEN LANCASTER, 75 acs. Chas. River Co., in Cheesecake, first March 1652, p. 31. Butting upon Capt. Wests Cr. westerly, bounded on the N. with land of Thomas Mareland & on S. side with land of Wm. Reynolds. Trans, of 2 pers: Barnaby Litchcum, Mary Nicholls. RICHARD JACKSON, 400 acs. upon Yorke Riv., in a bay next beyond land of Wm. Hockaday, bounded E. by S. upon Warrany Cr. &c. 5 Apr. 1653, p. 31. Due by purchase of a survey & rights for trans, of 8 pers: Martin Westerlinckes his wife & child, Hum. Wms. (Williams), Alex. Gregory twice, the said Alexander again, Timothy Turton. SAMUEL ABBOT, 1177 acs. James City Co., 15 Mar. 1652, p. 31. Upon S. side of Cherkrose Cr., along land of Richard Bell & Sir Wm. Berkeley, W. to a swamp dividing this from the land of Geo. Union. (Record incomplete.) 775 acs. granted sd. Abbot 25 Feb. 1648; 402 acs. for trans, of 9 pers.* & 48 acs. due upon the last name. JOHN JOLLIFFE, 150 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 30 May 1653, p. 32. Join- ing to Mr. Nasworthies land & butting on land of Mr. Jones, and Mr. Oudlant. Trans, of 3 pers: Anne Marshall, Tho. Kemp, Reb. Bennet. SAME. 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., same date & page. Trans, of 4 pers: Jon. Corye, Ar. Lewis, James Hunter, Mary Cooper. RICHARD THOMAS, 185 acs. Henrico Co., on N. side of Appamat- tacks Riv., 24 Mar. 1652, p. 32. On the N. side of Cotnecocks (or Cone- cocks) brooke opposite to Scurvy (or Scurry) Hill, etc. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Blackman, Marg. Loyd, Tho. Dyar, Hen. Mitchell. EDWARD DIGGS, Gent., 700 acs. of land called Mantpoyick, Glocester Co., 18 Apr. 1653, p. 32. On N. side of Mattapony Riv., running from a small creek up by the river S. Ely. to Mattoones Cr. &c. Trans, of 14 pers.* COL. GEORGE LUDLOW, Esq, one of the Councel of State, Glocester Co. (acreage not given). 12 Mar. 1652, p. 32. Mentions Pyanketanck Riv, and Wading Creek. Record incomplete. MR. WM. DEYNES (Deines), 2,400 acs, beg. at the S. side of a creek in the Northermost river of Mobjack bay, which Cr. divides this from land of Geo. Levels, extending W. N. W. thence S. S. W. thence E. S. E. to the river, parallel to the same, and to the mouth of the creek where it began. Formerly granted unto Edmond Dawber 18 Nov. 1642; renewed in his name 18 Mar. 1649 & since deserted; granted by order of Assembly 1652 to sd. Deynes & also due him for trans, of 48 pers.* 19 Mar. 1652, p. 32. WILLIAM HAINES, 700 acs. neer the head of the Southerne branch of 244 Cavaliers and Pioneers Nanzemond Riv., 13 Apr. 1653, p. 33. Trans, of 14 pers: Morris Glyn, Tho. Davis, Tho. Carnal, Wm. Davis, Rowld. Hockly, Angel Carnall, Jon. Boardman, Roger Parry, Rothal Carnal, Eliz. Hinde, Hen. Edwards, Wm. Hynde, Mary Edwards, Jon. Edwards. ROBERT BRASSEUR, 1200 acs. Nanzemond Co., 12 Apr. 1653, p. 33. At the head of the southerne branch of Nanzemond Riv., 600 acs. lying on the S. side of the branch & the other 600 on the N. side. Beg. on the N. side &c. joining land of Adrian Buny. On the S. side, being an Indian Towne, beg. at a marked pine standing on a bancke by the branch side, joining land of Wm. Haines &c. Trans, of 24 pers: Marg. Stockwell, Geo. Juory (or Ivory), Robt. Brasseur, Florence his wife, Mary Brasseur, Persid (or Persie) Brasseur, Kathe. Brasseur, Bennet Brasseur, Wm. Wotton, Tho. Parker, Jon. Sutton, Jon. Stephens, Step Dordon, Jon. Loyd. Jon. Bott, Symon Iron, Jon. Barefeild, Eliz. Pateman, Geo. Daldye, Wm. Ball, Nicho. Moroise (?), Tho. Pursell, Ra. Ellis, Jon. Abby. RICHARD HAINES, 400 acs. neer the head of the Southerne branch of Nanzemond River, 12 Apr. 1653, p. 33. Beg. att a marked white oake standing by the branch side & running S. E. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Richd. Haines, Richd. Green, Jane Hains, Tho. Cowken, Nath. Wristone (?), Eliz. Johnson, Marg. Gosnell, Eliza. Gosnell. THOMAS WILLIS, 170 acs., Yorke Co., commonly called York ridge, 14 Apr. 1653, p. 33. Bounded on the E. by land of Thomas Jackson, dec'd., from thence parallel to Dead mans brooke & adj. land of Wm. Clarke, deed., W., thence N. & lastly adj. land of Edward Wright N. E. until it meets with land of sd. Jackson. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Willis, Mary Willis, Ed. Peirce, Eliz. Costen, Christian Varblow (or Vart- low), land due for. JOHN BLACKBORNE, 100 acs. Surry Co., 11 Mar. 1652, p. 34. Upon the head branches of the Suncken marsh, bounded S. S. W. along the land of Mr. Arthur Jordan, W. N. W., thence parallel to the first line N. N. E., thence along land of Mr. John Dibdal & his own former devdt. to beg. Trans, of 2 pers: Jon. Blackborne, Mary Banin (or Bavin). JOHN BANISTER, THOMAS FOOTE & JOHN BOARHAM, 350 acs. lying on the Swd. side of Home Har- bour Cr., beg. on the Cr. side & run- ning by markt trees deviding this from the land of Mrs. Morrison, S. W. by Mr. Armsteads markt trees, over the Cr. to Mr. Halls land thence S. by E. &c. to markt trees of Henry Singleton, N. to corner of John Teages & Edward Morgans land at the head of the Cr., & down the Cr. Wly. to the beg. 25 Nov. 1653, p. 34. Trans, of 7 pers.* FRANCIS HALE, 400 acs. on the N. side of Home Harbour, beg. on the side of same & running N. N. E. to the head of a creek, thence N. E. by E. to the S. side of Winter Harbour, thence Ely. &c. 25 Nov. 1653, p. 34. Trans, of 8 pers: Francis Hale, John Steere, John Turner, Anne Watson, Nathaniel! Parmeton, John Parmeton, Elizabeth Sadler, Sarah Palmeton. COL. WILLIAM CLAYBORNE, Esqr., Secretary of State of this Colony, 5,000 acs. lying on the N. side of Pamunkey Riv. in the Narrowes, abutt- ing on the mouth of a creek called Tanckes Maddaqume (or Maddaquine), parting same from land of Capt. John West, & thence running Westerly to a poynt of land where the sd. Col. Clay- borne landed the Army under his com- mand in 1644, & so running along ud the Banke of the sd. River to a small run at the mouth of Crany Island Reach there being a marked black walnutt tree & soe extending all along into the woods one myle from the sd. River side. Due unto sd. Clayborne for trans, of 100 pers.* 1st Sept. 1653, p. 34. Note: "This Pattent by reason of an Error is renewed and recorded under- neath this." SAME. 5,000 acs. of land at Pamun- key on the N. side of the freshes of Yorke River, bounded on the E. side Patent Book No. 3 245 with Tanx (?) Mattadaquin Cr. on the S. side of the Yorke Riv. & the marshes of the same, on the W. side with Cohoake Cr. & on the N. side with the maine woods running one mile into the same as appear es by the marked trees. Same date & page. Trans, of 100 pers: Arthur Figes, Thomas Bagwell, John Belson, John Poare, Henery East, Tho- mas Kendall, William Cooke, John Russell, Joane Younge, John Tompson, Phillipp Hamlin, John Donne, Christo- pher Fleminge, John Butler, Thomas Tripland, Robert Halsey, Henery Eu- bunke, Edward Breckler, William Col- lup, James Tenricke, Martin Male, Tho- mas Lester, Robert Lake, Mary Anthony, Joane Qually, Robert Coop (?), Thomas Youall, John Pumwell, Edward Tomp- son, Francis Hantrinpp (?), Richard Powell, William Lauc (?), George Perkins, Michaell Polentine, Edward Blunt, Edward Hale, Edmond Perry, Thomas Orly, Edmond Deering, Samuel Scifeild, Thomas Streete, Henery Hunt, Roger Backster, Originall Browne, John Morgan, Vincent Mansfeild, John Ackew (or Askew), Howell Morgan, John Neswid (?), Robert Tureton, Ann Waneman, Samuell Boict (?), William Edwards, Thomas White, Anne Linny, John English, Thomas Symds, John Bennett, Thomas Woodhouse, Richard Hill, Richard Hobeane, William Ellyus, John Reading, William Freeman, Rich- ard Raiman, Joane Vizard, Edward Guilfeth (?), John Glantum, Robert Turke, John Walker, Ann Baker, Tho- mas Steerman John Dendy, William Williamson, Ann Williamson, John Hobson, Phillipp West, Thomas Keene, William Porter, John Stare. CAPT. WM. BROCAS, Esqr., 190 acs., Lancaster Co., upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., 18 Nov. 1653, p. 34. Bounded N. N. W. upon land of Dennis Conniers & Evan Davis, N. N. E. along a swamp leading along upon the head of Obarts Cr., S. E. upon land of Mr. Bar. Obart & S. W. upon a White Marsh. 150 acs. part granted to Edward Boswell, 5 Mar. 1651 & as- signed to Evan Davis & John Pedro, who assigned to sd. Brocas; & 40 acs. for trans, of 1 per.* DENNIS CONNIERS, 700 acs. Lan- caster Co., upon the N. side of Pyanke- tanke Riv., towards the head of same. 18 Nov. 1653, p. 35. 300 acs. thereof bounded upon the S. W. side with Pyanketanke Riv., on the S. E. & N. E. with the land of Mrs. Elia. Brocas, ex- tending N. W. along land of Abraham Moon & upon the great swamp; said land being due for trans, of 6 pers; and 400 acs. bounded on the N. side with the land of Mrs. Elianor Brocas, on S. W. with the same &c. Due for trans, of 8 pers. The following names appear hereunder: John Seaden, John Thorpe, Henery Waldron, Charles Rawlins, Hugh Barres, Richard Woodsworth, Thomas Heashew, Francis Harrison, Mrs. Tabitha Brocas; Kate, Peeter, Grasheere, Dorothy, Xpher, Edward, Susan, Martha, Negroes; "by assign- ment from Capt. William Brocas. 150 acres unto the said Capt. Brocas viz. the 3 last and placed to Mrs. Elianor Brocas." MRS. ELIANOR BROCAS, 250 acs. Lancaster Co., upon the S. side of Rap- pa. Riv., 18 Nov. 1653, p. 35. Beg. at a S. E. corner of another tract of her land, extending S. W. &c. thence along Pianketank Riv. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Edward, Susan & Martha, Negroes, Robert Hill, William Narton. ABRAHAM MOONE, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 2 Jan. 1653, p. 35. Upon the head of Mrs. Brocas devdt., extend- ing S. W., thence S. E. & thence N. E. upon sd. devdt. Trans, of 8 pers.* HENRY DEADMAN, 400 acs. Lan- caster Co., upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., 18 Nov. 1653, p. 35. Bounded on the N. W. side with the land of Mr. James Bagnall, N. E. with Rappa. Riv., and S. E. with another tract now in possess- ion of sd. Deadman. 150 acs. by right of patent granted him for 350 acs. 21 June 1650, on the S. side of Rappp. Riv., which is relinquished to make this good; & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: William Cantry, James Bouce, George Apleton. "One hundred acres Rights assigned by Abraham Moone beeing pte. of a Pattent of Two hundred and nyne granted to Thomas Hinson and by the 246 Cavaliers and Pioneers said Thomas Hinson Assigned and sold to the said Moone." JOHN WOOD, 1200 acs. Northum- berland Co., 12 Oct. 1653, p. 35. 250 acs. upon the Eastermost side of Nomeny Riv. opposite to land of Mr. Lewis Burwell, beg. at a swamp divid- ing this & the land of Gabriel Odgir, extending nigh sd. river, W. upon a branch of same upon the S. side of Vasatican path, S. &c. 600 acs. beg. where the former land ends, upon a branch of Nomeny Riv., opposite to Mr. Rosiers land, & running W. &c, 350 acs. beg. at corner tree of sd. Odgier, running S. &c. 250 acs. formerly granted unto Tho. Phillips 16 Sept. 1651 & by him assigned to Tho. Haw- kins, who assigned to Francis Sherwood & John Wood, which sd. Sherwood as- signed his right to sd. Wood; 600 acs. granted sd. Wood 1st Aug. 1652, & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers.* GEORGE TAYLOR, 542 acs. Lan- caster Co., 20 Oct. 1653, p. 36. Upon the N. side of Rappa. Riv. adj. his former grant. 242 acs. pan hereof lyeth betwixt land formerly granted unto sd. Taylor & Wm. Moseley. Trans, of 11 pers: James Nayler, Ja. Rude, Jon. Wyld, Rob. Miles, Grace Simpson, Alex. Dampher. JOHN AYTON, 2,000 acs. James City Co., 15 Oct. 1653, p. 37. On the N. side of James River, N. E. side of Wallingford Riv. & E. side of Warrreny Cr. alias Tyascan, bounded S. E. by E. by Timber Swamp. Due by order of the grand Assembly, 20 Oct. 1650. JOHN ROSYER (Rossier), 700 acs. Northumberland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 37. Upon N. W. side of Nomeny Riv., beg. upon a small branch which divides this & land surveyed for Major Lewis Burwell, dec'd., extending W. by N. parallel to sd. Riv. upon a tract sur- veyed for Thomas Youl. 500 acs. there- of granted to Major Lewis Burwell, 17 Nov. 1650, who assigned same to Tho- mas Youl, by whom it was assigned to sd. Rosyer; & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Mrs. Marg. Booker, Mary her daughter, Phillip Williams, Elizabeth Hues. COL. GEORGE LUDLOW, Esqr., one of the Councill of State, 1,000 acs. on the S. side of Patowmack Riv., Northumberland Co., 10 Oct. 1653, p. 38. Lying S. & S. W. upon the Macko- tick Cr., N. W. upon Heards Cr. & N. E. upon Patowmack Riv. against a small sedgy island lying at the mouth of sd. Crr. Renewal of patent dated 18 Oct. 1650. RICHARD FOARD, 367 acs. James City Co., 8 Nov. 1653, p. 38. Upon a N. E. branch of Powhatan Swamp, run- ning N. N. E., thence W. by N. to land of Sir Wm. Berkeley, thence N. by E., etc. 200 acs. purchased by him of Richard Vardy (or Hardy) & John Barker, & 167 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* Note: This is relinquished. JOHN EARLE, 1,000 acs. Northum- berland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 38. Bounded S. W. & N. Wly. upon the several lands of one Bloyce & a Cooper on the N. W. side of Yeocomoco Riv. & a branch of the same towards land of George Knott. Trans, of 20 pers: John Evans, William Smith, Anne Harris, Mary Morris, Edmond Jones, John Roberts, Wm. Lepeat, Jone Howell, Richd. Moor, Tho. Thorpe, Walter Thorpe, John Knight, Mary Knight, Adam Hornett, Eliz. Langford, Abigail Evans, Anne Evans, Jno. Dale, Judith Dale, Susan Spencer. WILLIAM BEDLAM, 70 acs., 29 Nov. 1652, p. 39. Comonly known by the name of Yeocomoco Point. Bounded with a creek which divides this & land of Thomas Hayle, W. upon land of Edward Walker, N. N. E. upon Patow- meck Riv. & E. S. E. upon Yeocomoco Riv. Note: This record "torn away." JAMES BESOUTH, 98 acs. York Co., 19 Mar. 1652, p. 39. Upon S. W. side of the Briery Swamp, bounded N. by E. along land of Thomas Shaw & Richard Harris to the Indian Spring path, W. by N. upon land of Richard Jones & S. W. & S. upon a line of marked trees near the white Marsh. 50 acs. formerly granted unto John Hartwell, 25 Mar. 1642 & assigned unto Thomas Shaw, Patent Book No. 3 247 who renewed it by patent 25 Oct. 1652 & assigned to sd. Besouth. 48 acs. the residue for trans, of 1 per.* DENNIS CONIERS, 194 acs. Lan- caster Co., 30 Mar. 1653, p. 40. Beg. upon Sunderland Cr. at branch that divides this & land of Edward Boswell, extending itself parallel to the creek N. W. Wly., thence to land of Evan Davies &c. Trans, of 4 pers.* Richd. Willms (Williams) is the only name given. SAME. 223 acs. Lancaster Co., 30 Mar. 1653, p. 40. Butting upon land of Richard Lewis. Note: Record "torn away." Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Peach, William Peach, George Staimes (or Stannes), Thomas Sanders, Grace his wife. THOMAS WHITE & PETER SEX- TON, 450 acs. Norfolk Co., Last of March, 1653, p. 40. On the Ewd. side of the Swd. branch of Elizabeth Riv., beg. at the mouth of Gaythers Cr., run- ning up by same E., thence S. by W. &c. by the side of Little Cr., by the mouth of same &c. Trans, of 9 pers: 2 Negroes by assignment from Mr. Gutheridge; John Bigg, Geo. Goodman. HENRY LOWNE, 300 acs. Henrico Co., on the N. side of Appamattux Riv., Mar. 1652, p. 41. Beg. at Conecock Brook. 200 acs. boundeth from sd. brook N. N. E., thence W. N. W. &c. S. S. W. to the head of Major Woods land &c. 100 acs. lyeth next above this, bounded W. along head of Major Woods land that runeth to the Rocks &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Sale, Nichols, Jno. Antrobors (?), Will. Ridley, Wm. Webster, Tho. Lowe. Note: Record "Torn away." " shall come I Richard Bennett Greeting in our twelfth of March one thousand six hundred fifty by the consent authority of Parliament for the red and Governing Virginia It was pro- vided that the priveledge fifty acres of Land for every person trans- ported into this Colony should be con- tinued as formerly granted. And Where- as by Act of a Grand Assembly made the 26th of Aprill 1652 It was pro- vided that all should hereafter be signed under the Governrs. hand with the Secr'ys. and shall be accounted authen- tique and Valid in Law untill a Colony Seall shall be provided and appointed." (Signed) Ri. Bennett; W. Claiborne, Sec. Page 42. (Note: The foregoing is copied as fully as record permits and is quoted here because it relates to sub- sequent patents. — N. M. N.) THOMAS BOSWELL, 800 acs. on N. side of Ware River in Mock jack Bay, 6 May 1652, p. 42. Beg. upon the River side opposite to a piney island &c, E. S. E. by marked trees of Wil- liam Dudley &c. Trans, of 16 pers: Domine Cherrick, Eliza. Locker, Fra. Wiggan, Anne Lovell, two Negroes; Ann Tabrer, Eliza. Harrage, Jno. Howet & his wife, Margery Paine, James Kaiton, Miles Moor, John Boswell, Eliza. Wiggs, Jno. Adsdon. JOHN MARSHALL, of Lynnhaven parish, Low. Norf. Co., 250 acs., 4th May 1652, p. 43. Beg. near a branch coming out of the head of the dam of the broad Cr., running S. by E. &c. Trans, of 5 pers.* GEORGE THOMPSON, 400 acs. Glocester Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 44. Lying below the mouth of Pieanketank Riv., bounded on N. W. side with a tract of land surveyed for Richard Burton, N. E. upon Pieanketank River als. Sting rye Bay, and S. E. upon Queens Cr. Trans. 8 pers: Jno. Rich- ards, Wm. Bracon, James Lacy, James Leigh, David Donart, Richard Brent, Jno. Leech, Danll. Nash. GEORGE TOMPSON, 200 acs. upon the head of 1,000 acs. formerly known by the name of Col. Hugh Gwyns dividend of land in the main, upon S. side of Pieanketank Riv., beg. at a pockhiccory tree which divides this & land surveyed for Col. Higgenson, ex- tending E. S. E. &c. 26 Feb. 1653, p. 44. Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Bence, Patrick Manough, Mary Lewis, William Foard. 248 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN MEDSTARD & JOHN ED- WARD (Edwards), 300 acs. Northum- berland Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 45. On the N. side of Great Wicocomoco Riv. about 5 mi. up the same, beg. upon land of Martyn Coale, extend. W. N. W. &c. Due sd. Thomas Medstard & John Ed- wards for trans, of 6 pers: John Ed- wards, William Baley, John Cason (or Caton), Anne Mekins, Jenkin Edwards, Mary Novell. JOHN EDWARDS, 700 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 45. Upon the head of the Eastermost branch of Coro- toman Riv., beg. at N. E. side of a branch of sd. Eastern Branch, extending N. E. by N. to Moraticon and Wicoco- moco path, near the mouth of a swamp, thence E. S. E. to beg. Trans, of 14 pers: Jno. Nayler, Ja. Hatcher, John Gower, John Brice, Richd. Snelling, Eliza. Martyn, Mary Wilcox, Mary Clarke, Rey. Jones, Jno. Mader, Joane Kible, Jno. Edwards, Pat. MackManor, Mary Seeleyn. ROBERT PARFITT & WILLIAM THATCHER, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 45. Upon N. W. side of Corotomon Riv., bounded N. E. upon 250 acs. surveyed for John Nichols. S. E. upon the River & S. W. upon land of George Goldsmith. Due unto sd. Parfitt for trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Broughton, Wm. Lewis, Jno. Rice. Mary Farmer, Richd. Long, Anne Nusham. THOMAS BOURN (BOURNE), 220 acs. Lancaster Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 46. Upon N. side of Pianketank Riv., bounded upon S. W. side with a west- ern branch of Pianketank opposite to Store point divident, from the head of sd. branch extending N. by W. to a branch of Barbique Cr. upon Rappa- hanock Riv. Trans, of 5 pers: Arthur Newcomb, Margaret Powell, James Dunkin, Vincent Jones, Mary Lowell. 30 acs. due upon the last. TOHN MERRYMAN & MORGAN HEYNES (HAYNES), 700 acs. Lan- caster Co. upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 46. Lying near the mouth of the narrows, N. W. upon land of John Pain, S. E. upon the first clifts & S. W. upon sd. River. Trans, of 14 pers: Jno. Willett, Wm. Johnson, Richd. Barrett, Ja. Holding, Tho. Mash, Wm. Larrett, Ja. Attaway, Richd. James, Robt. Lane (or Land), Wm. Robinson, Tho. Harrison, Wm. Long, James West, Antho. Byfeild. COL. HUGH GWYNN, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., upon N. side of Piean- tank Riv., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 47. W. N. W. upon a creek dividing this from land of Col. John Mattron, S. E. upon land of Maj. George Read & S. S. W. upon the River. Trans, of 4 pers: Peter Cade, Hum. Higgens, Susan Barker, Susan Hillery. PETER KNIGHT, of Wicocomoco, 500 acs. Northumberland Co., on S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 47. Beg. at branch of sd. Riv. dividing this & land of Thomas Scoggin, extending E. S. E. to another branch of sd. Riv. to a point near or against the Island &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Fluellin, James Donnell, Marmad. At- kins, Wm. Saines, Silvester Jones, Wm. Jenkins, Mary Wilkey, James Traverse, Mary Sealing, John Allinton. FRANCIS EMPEROR, HUGH GALE & EDWARD MORGAN, 1,000 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in the S. branch of Eliz. Riv. at the head of Cypress Cr., 18 Feb. 1653, p. 47. Running N. N. W. by Peter Sextons line, thence W. S. W. & S. S. E. through the Cypress Swamp &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Marshall, Jno. Resbury, Jno. Trent, Fra. Barbar, Jno. Brooke, Tho. Bonner, Mr. (or Wm.) Woolly, Jno. Hues, Tho. Simpson, Tho. Gover, James Miller, Richd. Hitchcock, Cha. Flemin, Jno. Barnett, Nicho. Kent, Geo. Smith, Math. Lenn, Richd. Downes, Tho. God- by, Jno. Rowles. CAPT. FRANCIS POTT, 2,000 acs. Northampton Co., 15 Feby. 1653, p. 48. At Matchepungo Cr., bounded on the Eastern part by the Seaboard side &c. Trans, of 40 pers: Fra. Pott, Hattill Pott, Hen. Pott, Jno. Pott, Junr., Brid- ^.ett Pott, Richd. Townshend, Richd. Pritchard, Jno. Turner, Hen. Bowyer, Patent Book No. 3 249 Cornelius Mills, Ralph Partin, Richd. Britten, Eliza. Green, Eliza. Hill, Mary Booker, Jane Salmon, Edwd. Hartford, Edwd. Normansell, John Milshire, Robert Nelmes, Chr. Feild, Tho. Tutty, Arthur Jeffreys, Jno. Cittinge, Joseph Colston, Geo. Sweet, Mary Sumner. Note: 1,000 acs. the one moiety of this abovementioned patent relinquished as under his hand in this patent may ap- pear and the rights thereof transferred to another patent bearing date 14 Apr. 1657. Test: Griff. Standen. JOHN CO ALE, 200 acs. James City Co., 6 Feb. 1653, p. 48. Bounding N. & by W. upon a freshett called Moyses Run, E. by N. upon Moyses Cr., S. by E. upon land of Barthalomew Knise (or Kinse) & W. by S. upon land of John Clasey. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Prit- chett, Winifred Eaton, Eliza. Elsmore, Jno. Richards. CAPT. FRANCIS POTT, 1500 acs. Northampton Co., 24 Jan. 1653, p. 49. Beg. at the end of a point of land on the N. side of a branch runing out of Matchepungo Cr. &c. to land of Rich- ard Allen. 500 acs. by venue of an order of the Quarter Court, 7 Dec. 1633, and 1,000 acs. for trans, of 20 pers: Joseph Filch, Jno. George, Wal- ter Horton, Cha. Greene, Wm. Gapin, Richd. Osborne, Tho. Price, Wm. Price, Randall Holt, Walter Daniel, Joseph Hill, Edwd. Grimes, Richd. Taylor, Ed- ward Harryson, Nich. George, James Hall, Susan Wilson, Eliza. Blore, Susan Holston, Margery Little. RICHARD FOSTER, 250 acs. in Lyn- haven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 26 Nov. 1653, p. 49. Beg. at the head of the broad Cr., running S. S. W. near a swamp, thence W. N. W. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Dorcas Foster, Senr., Dorcas Foster, Junr., Richd. Foster, Richd. Street, Henry Williams. CHARLES EDMONDS, 350 acs. York Co., 8 Oct. 1653, p. 50. On the S. side of Charles Riv. on back side of Mount Holly, running bv land of John Holding, etc. Trans, of 7 pers.* JAMES BONNER, 650 acs. Lancaster Co., upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 50. Beg. at the mouth of a branch which divides this & land of Thomas Dale, son of Nicholas Dale, deed., extending along the river E. by S. to marked trees dividing this & land of George W ding &c. Trans, of 13 pers: James Mackmum, Tho. Smith, Eliza. Harwood, Wm. Cockman, Hugh Jones, Mary Rowles. FRANCIS CLAY, 200 acs. Northum- berland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 50. Upon S. W. side of Herring Cr., on the S. E. side of the western branch, which divides this & land of Mr. Yeo. & along head of Major George Reeds land, etc. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Cleaver (or Cleaner), Wm. Jones, Edward Sampson, Wm. Bethell. THOMAS YOUL, 150 acs. Northum- berland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 51. Upon S. side of Nomeny Riv., bounded on Westermost side with a creek which divides this & land of Mr. Thomas Vause, deed., & N. E. upon land of John Tasker. Trans, of 3 pers: Jno. Cleves (or Clenes), Jno. Camell, Jno. Wilson. JOSEPH CROSHAW, 1750 acs. York Co., 8 Nov. 1653, p. 51. On S. side of York Riv. behind land of Capt. John West called Cbeemockin, running by black Cr. unto Croshaws Extent. Trans, of 25 pers: Henry Banister, Michael Widnell, John Turpey, Ann Barden, Martin Palmer, Mary his wife, Mary Palmer, John Godsmen, Villemile Hughes, Edward Tirrell, John Daniell, John Fleming, John Miller, Richard Bayley, John Wlening (?), Sarah Boyce, George Smith, Hugh Stanfort, George Gymes. WILLIAM FREEKE, 300 acs. North- umberland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 52. Nly. upon Hollis Cr. & a creek dividing this from land of John Cooke. Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Davis, Fra. Coale, Henry Barnes; three Negroes; "by as- signmt. of Abrah. Moone.'' JOHN DAY, 400 acs. Glocester Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 52. Upon S. E. side of Poropotank Cr., upon head of Matto- pony Cr., upon N. E. side of a swamp 250 Cavaliers and Pioneers which divides this & land of Isack Richeson, extending along a branch of the swamp which divides this & land of Willm. Kinsey, W. & by S. upon land of Isaac Richeson & N. W. by W. upon land of William Bayley. Trans, of 8 pers: Mary Hockett, Elizabeth Hockett, Mary Clover (or Clever), Fra. Jacob, Thomas Lake, Thomas Clarye, Judith Laton, Ann Field. EDWARD DOBSON, 920 acs. on the S. side of Severn in Mockjack Bay, 4 Apr. 1653, p. 53. Beg. on Ewd. side of Burnt poynt, over the creeke & alongst markt trees of Mr. Cheleys &c. to S. side of Ceedar Island, incompass- ing the island. Trans, of 19 pers: Ed- ward Dobson, Fra. his wife, John Snellinge, Wm. Dorcye, Elizabeth Dod- berye, Richard Hagar, Richard Baker, John Broune, (Brown ?), Anne Kinge, Danl. Mackall, John Smith twice, Joane his wife, Richard Moseley, John Powell, Cor. Peterson, Wm. Townsend, Jane, Haslewood, Alexander Anderson, 30 acs. due upon the last name. ROGER WALKER, 600 acs. North- umberland Co., 31 Dec. 1653, p. 53. On N. side of great Wicocomico Riv. at the head of Thomas Saffrons land, Wly. upon a swamp near the head of a creek which runs into sd. river above Parrats poynt, running over the creek, along the head of Saffrons land and over the head of another Cr. which runneth into the sd. river betwixt the land of William Thomas & sd. Saffron. Trans, of 12 pers: Nath. Sheppd. (Shepperd ?), Robert Tracye, John Parris, John Fouesham, Robert Payne, John Clerke, Richard Bradfort, Fra. Cagen, John Alexander, Edmond Cuspe, Willm. Usklye, John Sheeles. MR. JOSEPH CROSHAW, 700 acs. York Co., 2 Mar. 1653, p. 54. Upon the S. & N. side of the old Mill, bounded N. by E. along land of Thomas Pankman to Ricohack path & S. E. & N. E. along land of Thomas Price. Trans, of 14 perrs.* MAJOR JOHN WESTHROPE, 600 acs. Chas. City Co., 24 Nov. 1653, p. 54. On S. side of James River upon branches of the Burchen Swamp run being part of the old towne, bounded from William Short W. thence N. to the head of Mr. Sparrows 400 acs., thence along sd. Sparrows & William Shorts markt trees. Trans, of 12 pers: William Hacro, Elizabeth Ray, David Sands, Marg. Franklin, Constant Basticks, Bridget Chudworth, Leo. Whalps, Thomas Smith, John Smart, Jane Aykins, William Marshall, Thomas Duncombe. JOHN DIPDALL, Clerk, 756 acs. Chas. City Co., 24 Nov. 1653, p. 55. On S. side of James River between the heads of Florida hundred & Powells Cr., bounded upon Capt. Frame, Capt. Rothewell, Mr. Sparrow & Harris' run. Due for trans, of 16 pers: Edward Beck, Per eg. (or Perey) Port, John Rogers, Henry Walker, Edmond Clarke, Wm. Edwards, William Bird, Ben. Gregory, Avis Barrett, George Boult, Mary Druell, Hugh Mohunharaga, Claus Mavellis, Pee. Hamer, John Rey- noll, John Hatton. WILLIAM DEBNAM, 1500 acs. in Mockjack Bay., 26 Dec. 1653, p. 55. Beg. at marked tree of George Ludlow, Esqr., a mile distant from a branch in Severne &c. through Cedar Island to the Bay, Sly. along the bay side including all the marshes to Oaken Island, to N. side of Shawes Cr. &c. to marked tree of sd. Squire Ludlow &c. Trans, of 30 pers: Robert Woodstock, John Butcher, George Marton (or Maston), Wm. Ash- well, Tho. Hedges, Richard Hobson, Wm. Booes, Fr. Willoughby, John Hamwood, Alice Curnock, Thomas Saker, Thomas Parry, Henry Noakes, Thomas Cure, James Hurst, James Rouse, Wm. Kempton, Thomas Lane, Xtopher Boone, Henry Walby, Wm. Crane, Thomas Warbeton, Nicho. Bot- cham, Thomas Passe, Robert Griggs, John Harvey, John Gurrington, Row- land Jones, Samuel Stephens, Bennedick Gracewood. HENRY CORBELL, 600 acs. Gloster Co., Mar. 1653, p. 56. Being on the N. & S. side of a path which lead- eth from the now plantation of Col. Richard Lee, Esqr., to the plantation of Patent Book No. 3 251 Mr. Thomas Breeman, beg. by Jeffery Bews land, running S. W. thence S. E. & N. W. Trans, of 12 pers: John Wrightwell, John Hudson, John Co- heane, Henry Elmore, Richard Baragan, Mary Bausworth, Littlefield, Follards. (4 blank lines for names.) FRAN. GOWER, 280 acs. Lancaster Co., 15 Nov. 1653, p. 56. S. side Rappa. Riv. on Ewd. side of Hodskins Cr., running W. by S. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: William James, Ann Bartlett, Alice Peeter, Ann Taylor. MR. JOHN CUSTIS, Merchant, 100 acs. Northampton Co., 15 Oct. 1653, p. 57. In the middle parish on S. side of Naswattocks Cr. by Fishing Hawke branch, adj. Mr. Charltons land. Trans, of 2 pers: Doll the Negro, Georg Sutch.. Assigned by Col. Yardly. JOHN CABLE, 250 acs. Lancaster Co., 4 Oct. 1653, p. 57. S. side of Rappa. Riv, on Ewd. side of Coxes Cr., beg. at devdt. of land formerly surveyed for Dan. Batts, and running by the side of a creek dividing this & land of Ralph Payne. Trans, of 5 pers.* FRANCIS FLEETWOOD, 250 acs. within the mouth of the Church Cr. in Eliz. Riv., running S. W. by S. &c. 15 Dec. 1653, p. 58. Trans, of 5 pers.* JOHN SHERLOCK, 200 acs. Lan- caster Co., 15 Nov. 1653, p. 58. In Rappa. Riv., on the head of a devdt. of land formerly surveyed for Mr. James Williamson, lyeing on Totaskey Cr., running N. E. by N. by the creek side to a small branch dividing this & the land allotted to the Rappahanock In- dians. Trans, of 4 pers: Judith Holli- man, Holliman, Robert Sutton, Christopr. Holliman. JOHN PAYNE, 940 acs. lying upon the N. side of Pepetick Cr. & a creek at the foot of certain white clifts. 15 Nov. 1653, p. 59. Said land formerly granted unto Fra. Hobbs, 20 Aug. 1650, & as- signed to sd. Payne. MAJOR WILLIAM LEWIS, 50 acs. Yorke Co., 14 Oct. 1653, p. 59. On S. S. W. side of Yorke Riv. freshes op- posite to land of John Pownsey, etc., & N. W. to Chohoake Cr., etc. Trans, of 1 pers.* RICHARD LONG (Longe),430 acs., 25 Nov. 1653, p. 60. Beg. upon branch of Milford haven, on Wwd. side of a small run dividing this & land of George Billups &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Edward Dymont, Henry King* THOMAS MORGAN, 200 acs. lying at the head of the North river in Mock- jack Bay, beg. at marked tree of Andrew Careless, running E. by N. &c. 25 Nov. 1653, p. 60. Trans, of 4 pers: Jona- than Harris, Joane Carelesse, John Grey, Elizabeth Williams. GEORGE CABLE, 200 acs. lying in Milford Haven, beg. at marked tree up- on Hollowing Poynt, running alongst a creek Wly. &c. 25 Nov. 1653, p. 61. Trans, of 4 pers: John Owen, Richard Clothier, Hugh A highlander, Edward Bambas. THOMAS KEENE, 527 acs. North- umberland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 61. Abutting N. W. upon the several lands of Ralph Horsly & Edward Coppedge, S. S. E. upon Cloughtons Cr. & N. E. upon Cherry Poynt. Trans, of 11 pers: Thomas Orley twice, Archibald Read, Thomas Watson, Margaret Brown, John Earle & his wife, Thomas Keene, Mary Keene, Wm. Keene. JOHN FAUCETT, FREEMAN CONNAWAY & JOHN HOWARD, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 62. Abutting Ely. upon land of Mr. George Fletcher, deed., and Sly. upon a branch of Dennis his creek dividing this from land of Mr. Richard Budd. Trans, of 20 pers.* WILLIAM HARDIDGE, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 62. Upon S. side of Potomeck River, beg. at an Oyster Shell poynt at the mouth of Poor Jack Cr., extending S. E. to another creek which divides this & land of Mr. Thomas Speake, thence S. W. upon land of Mr. John Rosyer, and N. E. along land of Mr. Walter 252 Cavaliers and Pioneers Broadhurst. 450 acs. granted sd. Hard- idge by patent 15 Sept. 1651; & 550 acs. on the S. W. & upon the head of sd. 450 acs. for trans, of 11 pers: James Wesh, John Jones, Patrick Ascott, Joane Lasey, William Neworth, Robert Jackson, Mary Howell, Frances Juett, Lucy Robinson, William Church, Tho- mas Vaughan. NICHOLAS MERIWETHER, 600 acs. Northumberland Co., 16 Nov. 1653, p. 63. At Wicocomico Riv., bounded N. E. by N. upon the head of Dennis Cr. opposite to land of Mr. Fletcher & Mr. Richard Budd, and S. E. by E. upon land of John Howell (or Howett — al- tered) ; Trans, of 12 pers: Henry Cockett, Thomas Hurt, William Ross, Joane Wright, Peter White, Edward Whiteing, John How, Edmond Wil- liams, William Clerke, Jeffery Moore, Charles Harward, Richard Perrin, James Bowles, Henry Walke. THOMAS SCOGGIN, 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 63. Upon the S. side of great Wicoco- mico Riv., extending to Scoggins Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: John Smith, Mary his wife, John Prosser, Thomas Goodale, Bartho. Blome, George West. COL. JOHN MOTTROM (Mat- trum), 1200 acs. Northumberland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 64. Upon S. side of Chickacone Riv., beg. from poynt on the Westermost side of the Bridge Cr., extending S. by W. to branches of great Wicocomico Riv., thence E. by S. upon branches of Chuckahann (Chickhan) &c. Due by assignmt. of Whittingham Fogg, assignee of Sir Thomas Wilford for 50 Lbs. Sterling for 400 acs. & 100 acs. by the partye abovesaid assigned to sd. Mattrum, & residue for trans, of 14 pers: Whittington Fogg & Wm. Bran- don* PETER KNIGHT, 1,000 acs. North- umberland Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 64. Upon N. W. side & on the head of Wicocomico Riv., 200 acs. part thereof S. E. on the head of sd. river, N. E. on land of one Pallen, dec'd. 450 acs. S. E. on the main branch of the head of Yeocomico Riv. & N. E. on sd. 200 acs., & 350 acs. S. E. upon this land & N. E. upon land of John Shakley. 200 acs. formerly granted unto George Knott & assigned to sd. Knight & 800 acs. for trans, of 16 pers: Charles Roe, John Roe, Edward Morris, Mary Morris, William Stephens, Nicho. Allen, Fra. Leake, John Skiddiner, Jane Stoe (or Sloe), Alice Howell, George Shaw, Ann Shaw, Marjary Green, Ralph Millett, Abraham Stronge, Robert Barnett. JOHN GOSLIN, 150 acs. lying near the head of Chuckatuck Cr., beg. at the Miles End of Peter Mountegues land. 13 Dec. 1653, p. 65. Trans, of 3 pers: William Donson, Mary his wife, Wm. Darrington. RICHARD RUSSELL, 150 acs., 27 Aug. 1653, p. 66. Adj. to Massey Poynt & divided from the land of John Gookin by the first runing gutt round about the sd. Mossey Poynt. Trans, of 3 pers.* JOHN PAGE, Merchant, 200 acs. on the N. side of Yorke Riv., beg. at a little run joyning to land of Col. Wil- liam Clayborne &c. 23 Aug. 1653, p. 66. Trans, of 4 pers: John Page, Mer- chant, twice, William Ore (or Ord), John Cox. MR. JOHN HOLLOWES, 2,400 ocs. on S. side of Potomeck Riv., bounding from the mouth of Connowoman Cr. N. W. to the Marsh, N. by E. on Conno- woman Bay, E. by S. on Nomany Bay, S. W. on sd. River, & S. E. on land of Mr. Speake. Due by vertue of 3 patents granted for the same land, all bearing date 30 Jan. 1650. 11 Sept. 1653, p. 67. MR. THOMAS DAVIS, 600 acs. ly- ing in Potomeck Riv., bounding S. E. on land of Mr. Fra. Jones Sec. 11 Sept. 1653, p. 67. Trans, of 12 pers: Anne Cooper, Martha Hill, Anne Roe, Natha. Hurisatt, Fra. Cooper, Antho. Wilkin- son, Mary Kirke, Anne Brown, Mary Lovell, Patrick Mackroe, Richard Col- lett, Math. Browning. MR. THOMAS SPEAKE, 1,000 acs. in Potomeck Riv., opposite against Patent Book No. 3 253 Miompses Island. 11 Sept. 1653, p. 68. Trans, of 20 pers: Henry Lilly, Nicho. Eison (or Euson), Fra. Durwell, Tho- mas Hamond, John Crosticke, Charles Hoell, Symons &c, George Abathon (?), Mr. Edward Tempest, Dan. Mack- danell, Edward Martaye, Thomas Mack- daniel, Richard Marsh, Lahawn (?) Mackdanna, Elisia Macartee, John Tovey, Marine Annoagan (?), Richard West, Galloway a Scotchman, Henrry Stanton (or Stinton). The abovesaid patent is granted unto THOMAS BREWERTON by order of the, Govr. & Councill, 4 Oct. 1657. P. 68. ROBERT WILD & PHILLIP CHES- LEY, 100 acs. York Co., in Hampton Parish, 11 Oct. 1653, p. 68. Beg. at marked ash tree in Mill Swamp at the head of Queens Cr., running up N. W. &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Thomas Makin, William Edwards. ABRAHAM MOON, 1700 acs. Lan- caster Co., last of Mar. 1653, p. 69. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv. oposite land of Lady Chichley; bounded S. E. along Lady Chisleys land till it cometh to land of Capt. William Brocas, Esqr. &c. N. W. & N. Upon Nyemcock Cr. & N. E. to beg., being down the sd. Cr. upon land of the aforesd. Lady Chisley alis. Sir Henry Chichley. Due for trans, of 34 pers: James Rods, John Pelam, John Brice, William Dray, James Brice, William Byer, John Roberts, James Williams, William Lendall, John Margaretts, Thomas Potts, Fra. James, James Morgan, Wil- liam Clarke, Morose a Scott, Mary Willington, Geo. Holding, Robert Weaborne, William Jefferys, James Mackmell, Robert White, William Newton, Marga. Browne, John Newton, Richard Groves, Thomas Donniell, Mary Light, Anne Slaughter, Michael Inges, Phillip Beadle, William Cantrey, James Bonner, Gregory Apliton. SAME. 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 69. Upon N. W. side of Nimcock Cr. opposite to another tract of land of sd. Moon, beg. at Cedar Poynt upon the head of Sir Henry Chichleys devdt. of 200 acs. now in possession of Thomas Kidd &c. Trans, of 6 pers.* THOMAS TODD, 600 acs. lying on Wwd. side of the Easternmost river in Mockjack Bay, beg. at Chesnutt Cr., running W. N. W. &c. to William Holder &c. 15 Oct. 1653, p. 70. Trans, of 12 pers: Thomas Uggins, John Torme (?), Mary Maddox, John Mar- tin, Sanders Mandrose, James Mackay, John Blake, John Neale. JOHN HILLIER, 920 acs. Northum- berland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 70. N. E. upon Potomeck Riv., W. upon land of Thomas Peake & a small branch of up- per Matchotique Riv. & S. E. upon land of Thomas Boyce. Trans, of 19 pers: Richard King, William Thomas, Rich- ard Dennett, John Hillier, his wife , Wm. Fossett, Fra. Jenkins, Joane Thomas, Sarah Wilsonn, William Beale, Math. Welbeloved, Andrew Dun- ston, Elizab. Parry, Lawrence Dawby, Fra. Morgan, Gent. Note 20 acres the overplush in Browns patent being at the disposall of Abra. Moone. 150 acres rights the overplush of a patent of 209 acres granted to Thomas Hinson and by his Assignee sold to Abra. Moone on which patent is 5 rights the residue made use of. GEORGE WADDING, 600 acs. Lan- caster Co., upon S. side of Rappa. River, 19 Oct. 1653, p. 71. Beg. upon land of James Bonner, extending along the river to a creek which divides this and land of Patrick Myler &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Geo. Wadding, Thomas Powell, Jno. Williams, Willm. Jones, Margaret Mounford, Abigail Gwynn, Thomas Littlepage, James Johnson, Robert Willett, Jane Hackett, William Rouse, John Linn. JOHN HILLIER, 100 acs. Northum- berland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 71. At the head of Attopinn Cr., bounding N. E. upon the lower part of the Dam, etc. Trans, of 2 pers: Richard Parker, Robert Border. GEORGE WATTS, 300 acs. North- umberland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 72. 254 Cavaliers and Pioneers On S. side of Lower Matchoticke Riv., beg. about 2 mi. up the sd. river near an Oyster Shell poynt &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Sarah Milford, David Maie (?), Makum Thompson, Robert Anderson, Henry Stuart, Henry Johnson. JOHN HOLDING, 389 acs. York Co., 1 Nov. 1653, p. 72. On S. side of Charles Riv., on the back side of Mount folly, running by land of Charles Ed- monds, &c. to a branch belonging to Ware Cr. Due sd. Houlding for trans. of 8 pers: Alexander Smith, R , John Fulcher, George Thomas, Thomas Bryan, John Hall, Catherine Huitt, Thomas Knap, Dorothy a maid servt. CHARLES GRYMES, Clerk, 960 acs. Lancaster Co., 26 Dec. 1653, p. 73. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv. & N. W. side of Corotoman Riv., beg. on N. W. side of a swamp which devides this & land of Mr. Hoane, extending W. & by N. to Chicokone Path &c. Trans, of 19 pers: Daniell Stammer, William Cooke, William Parsons, George Crane, Mathew Scrivener, William Byrd, Oliver Waytes, Gabll. Binion, Thomas Mullett, Richard Miller, Thomas Nel- son, Josias Vessell, Henry Blakinsop, Eleazer Ratford, Robert Savidge, Rich- ard Eccles, Edward Gibbs, Eliza. Sutton, Thomas Quiner (?). SAME. 1,000 acres. Same, county, date & page. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded S. W. upon the head of Fleets Cr. on the N. W. side of Rappa. Town &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Edmond Atwood, Thomas Sawyer, John Licer- more, George Torringe, Robert Haw- kins, Wm. Tinglebuge, Robert White- ing, Thomas Wilson, James Messer, Wm. Deare, John Watkins, William Mafield, John Armstrong, George Waines, Richard Ashton, Richard Arm- hurst, William Polly, Henry Hudsale, Thomas Bulling, John Catlett. SAME. 1,000 acres. Lancaster Co., 18 Oct. 1653, p. 74. Upon N. W. side of Moraticon Cr., beg. upon Eastermost side of a small branch which devides this & land of Thomas Steevens, ex- tending E. by N. &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Ralph Waddington, Thomas Sanders, Provess Nelson, Thomas Grymes, Ralph Dawbigg, Thomas Stretflld, Richard Stone, John Woodgear, John Willough- by, Anto. Hegnone (or Hegrove), John Workman, John Elcock, Mingoe a Negro, Tho. Faulkner, Wm. Miller, Marke Gasser, Lan. (or Law.) Stoakes, Sam. Spicer, John Rolland, Wm. Fore- man, John Robrisius (?). Land due for the last name. Renewed 3 Dec. 1656. JOHN BELL, 150 acs. Lancaster Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 74. Upon the S. W. side of Barbique Cr., beg. at the mouth of a branch which divides this & land of Thomas Bourne &c. Trans, of 3 pers: James Strong, William Lee, James Purt. JOHN PHILLIPS, 250 acs. Lancaster Co., 13 July 1653, p. 75. On N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a pine standing on a poynt of Johns Cr., running N. N. E. &c. Trans, of 5 pers.* Note: This patent surrendered 1st Nov. 1654. Teste: Robert Hubberd, Clk. SAME. 100 acs., same county, date & page. Being a neck of land on the N. side of Rappa. Riv. between 2 creeks, butting W. S. W. on a marsh dividing this & land of Evan GrifTeth &c. Trans, of 2 pers.* CHARLES KIGGEN, 100 acs. called the Pinny Ridge, Yorke Co., 1 July, 1653, p. 76. Adj. Wly. upon land of Wm. Clarke, dec'd., thence E. by N. upon land of Thomas Harwood, etc. Trans, of 2 pers: Elizabeth Turner, Francis Carr. MR. NICHOLAS PERRY, 250 acs. Chas. City Co., 11 Mar. 1652, p. 76. On S. side of James Riv., on the N. W. side of Upper Chipoakes Cr., alongst Thomas Colliers markt trees N. W., thence S. W. down to the Little Cr., S. E. to the great creek &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Nicholas Perry, John Sparrow, Barbary Keth, Elizabeth Butler, John Harris. THOMAS HAWKINS, 340 acs. upon N. side of Rappa. Riv. towards the head of Pepetick Cr., beg. where the Cr. first Patent Book No. 3 255 divides itself into two small branches, the maine branch extending N. W. parallel with the sd. land unto a marked tree standing by an Indian Path, thence N. E. &c. 1 July 1653, p. 77. Trans. of 7 pers: Thomas Hawkins, Senr. twice, and his wife twice, Thomas Haw- kins, Junr., James Challice, Thomas Browne. MAJOR ABRAHAM WOOD, 1557 acs. lying at Fort Henry in Chas. City Co., 9 June 1653, p. 77. On S. side of Appamattock Riv., bounded from a marked tree on the back of a little swamp on sd. Riv., S. by E. into the woods, W. by S., thence N. by W. on the river, E. by N. down the river to beg., including 1052 acs., from thence N. by W., W. N. W. along the river, thence W. S. W. along the poynt, cross- ing part of sd. Riv. to the lower end of an island called Flea Is., W. running upon a straight line along the run to poynt above tenement of John Yowens (or Yowers), including the islands & inletts of waters lands & rocks, being 49 acs. & 2 rood; & 456 acs. & 24 perch, the residue, bounded S. E. by S &c. 600 acs. part granted sd. Wood by Order of Assembly 1 Oct. 1646, & 957 acs. for trans, of 20 pers: Augustin Elsby, Charles Maguiry, Symon Cooper, George Hill, Tho. Linuse (or Lucuse), Daniell Lyres, Richard Collins, Edward Hayes, Jane Pryse, Ch. Fetherstone, Hen. Neucombe, Will. Mantone, Richd. Lloyd, John North, Ellin Parker, Bar- bary Richardson, Jenkin Leech, Thomas Field, Debo. Eldridge, John Joanes. JAMES WATSON, 345 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 11 June 1653, p. 78. At the head of one of the branches of Pagan Cr., beg. at an ash in the Deep Swamp, running S. E. &c. Trans, of 7 pers: James Watson, Mary his wife, John Edwards, John Higate, Ann Willis, Anne Cooke, Edward Kensick. THOMAS GRIFFIN, 1064 acs. Lan- caster Co., 4 July 1653, p. 79. On N. side of Rappa. Riv. & Wwd. side of Farnam Cr., beg. on Ewd. side of a branch that divides this & land of Capt. Moore Fantleroy, running N. E. &c. 350 acs. part hereof by virtue of the rights of a patent dated 22 July 1651 & by sd. Griffin relinquished and de- livered into the office; & 714 acs. for trans, of 15 pers: Henry Guttridge, Sarah Jarvis, Alex. Bartlett, John Welch, Bryan Turner, Evan Turner, Thomas Lowell, George Locus, Eliza- beth Grymes, Susan Newman, Richard Weavor, Mary Renolds, George Stone, John Mould. JAMES MAGREGORY & HUGH FOUCH, 450 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 July 1653, p. 79- Upon the S. W. side & towards the head of Lower Chetank Cr., beg. near the creek side & opposite to another tract of sd. Magre- gorys & Fouche, extending S. W. &c. Trans, of 9 pers.* WILLIAM JOHNSON, 350 acs. Lancaster Co., last of Mar. 1653, p. 80. Upon W. N. W. of Puscaticon Cr. op- posite land of John Burke, bounded on N. N. E. & S. S. E. with branches of sd. Cr. & S. W. upon the high lands, Cr. & land of Robert Young. Trans, of 7 pers: John Ware, Mary Walker, James Wilson, James Hunter, Andrew Alles- ton, Francis Colston. JOHN JENKIN, 1,000 acs. Northum- berland Co., 14 May 1653, p. 80. Bounding S. upon a little creek which parts it from the Doegs Island & upon the western branch, beg. above the mouth of said little creek, etc. Trans, of 20 pers.* RICHARD STARNELL, 200 acs., 20 Apr. 1653, p. 81. (Record incomplete.) Trans, of 4 pers: Blithe, Willis, Ann Frice, Geo. Smither. SAMUEL PARRY, 1250 acs. Lan- caster Co., 7 Feb. 1652, p. 81. Upon S. side of Pascation Cr., bounding on N. N. E. with sd. Cr. & on E. S. S. E. with land of Ralph Payne. Trans, of 25 pers: David Poole, Mary his wife, Martin his son, Jane his daughter, Robert Morley, Isabell Tassue (?), Xtopher. Vaughan, Tho. Hinton, Humph. Meares, Anne his wife, Richard Pitt, Elizabeth Granger, Robert Whit- more twice, his wife twice, John Thomp- son, John Bottomly, Mary Devine, Eliza- 256 Cavaliers and Pioneers beth Kelly, Thomas Goldcock, James Willis, Thomas Parce, Saml. Parry, Tho- mas Wagett, Anthony Hine (or Hive), Robert Young, Humph. , Dan. . Note: "200 acs. of these rights was formerly taken up by John Hawkins and instead thereof is " GERVASE DODSON, 1,300 acs. Northumberland Co., 14 May 1653, p. 82. Bounding S. upon the western branch of Potomeck & E. upon land of John Jenkin. Trans, of 26 pers: Anne George, Thomas Bacon, Alex. Blackhan, Kath. Walbeck, Kath. Lee, Mary Har- man, Cicily White, Walter Stuart, An- drew Hare, Mary Hardy, Jno. Red- chester, Ruth Neale, Richard Stuble, Susan Jones, Thomas Catchnett, Honor. Dureing, Susan Keene (or Kleene.) MR. THOMAS STAMPE (appears to have been first written John), 3 score & 10 acs., being an Island heretofore called Phillips his Island, on the W. side of Chicohamony Riv., butting N. on Phillips Bay, E. on certain drown'd marshes lying between the Island & sd. River, S. on a great tract of marsh & creekes & W. on a slip of marsh sepe- rateing the sd. peninsula or island from the high land then untaken up. Form- erly granted unto Thomas Dunington 20 Sept. 1647 & purchased by sd. Stampe & renewed by order of Govr. & Councill, bearing date with these presents. 8 July 1653, p. 82. EDMOND KEMP, GEO. CORT- LOUGH & JOHN MERADITH, 900 acs. Lancaster Co., 25 Nov. 1653, p. 83. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded upon S. side of an eastern branch of Corotoman Riv., beg. upon a poynt upon the Eastermost side dividing this & land of William Clapham, Senr. Trans. of 18 pers: James Johnson, William Jones, John Williams, Richard Willott, William Rouse, Jane Macklatt, John Lynar, Fra. Cole, Edmond Kemp, Wil- liam Leige, Charles Waldgrave, Edward Walgrave, Edward Kempe, Roury mac- Roury, David a Scott, John Wright, William Birkenhead, Mary Payton. THOMAS PAYNE, 200 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv.. 1 Aug. 1653, p. 83. Adj. a patent taken up by Ro. Eyres & running towards land of Mr. Richard Bennett. Trans, of 4 pers.* MARY PELLOE (BELLOE), 1,000 acs. On N. side of Charles Riv. in Poropotank Cr., running up sd. Cr. N. E. thence E. S. E. joyneing part on the way to Capt. Wormeleys. 8 Oct. 1653, p. 84. Formerly granted to Capt. Wil- liam Leigh, 1 Aug. 1642 & ordered to be renewed & patented in the name of sd. Mary Belloe, being the daughter & heir of sd. Leigh. ASHWELL BATTEN, 750 acs. Glocester Co., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 84. On both sides of Cheeskake path leading towards Mattapony Riv & between Pope- tyke & Araykaco branches, beg. from Leo. Chamberlaines W. S. W. line & running S. S. E., thence E. N. E. &c. 100 acs. by vertue of a patent formerly granted unto his predecessor in James City Co. & by sd. Ashwell relinquished, Sec. 650 acs. for trans, of 13 pers.* MARTIN COALE, 400 acs. North- umberland Co., 5 Oct. 1653, p. 85. Abutting Sly. upon Wicocomico Riv., Ely. upon land of George Heale. Trans, of 8 pers: John Essex, his wife, Tho- mas Swaine, his wife. THOMAS HARDING, 740 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 20 Oct. 1653, p. 85. Part lying on Nwd. side of Broad Cr., a branch of the Ewd. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at a marked white oake standing by the Valley side & running for length N. E. by N. &c, and 640 acs. the resi- due beginning at a great markt pine by a branch side, running into the Broad Cr., thence running N. N. W. &c. 100 acs. granted unto John Bolton 11 Sept. 1648 & assigned unto sd. Harding, & 640 acs. granted sd. Harding 22 Feby. 1652. MAJOR JOHN CARTER, 300 acs. on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., 13 Sept. 1652, p. 86. Beg. for breadth on the W. side of the land of sd. Carter & running along the main river _ side, & for length running a mile into the woods. Trans, of 6 pers.* EVAN DAVIS & HENRY NICHOLLS, 542 acs. Lancaster Co., 19 Patent Book No. 3 257 Oct. 1653, p. 86. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv. & upon the S. E. side of a S. W. branch of Sunderland Cr., beg. near the sd. branch, extending S. E. to land of Richard White & John Welsh, Ass. (assignees) of John Pedro & Evan Davis, Ass. of Edward Boswell, from thence S. W. &c. 300 acs. granted unto Dennis Conniers& Evan Davis 12 Feb. 1651, which sd. Conniers assigned to sd. Davis & Nicholls his right thereof, reserving for himself 100 acs., & 242 acs. due for trans, of 5 pers: Nicho. Chandler, Jeffry Williamson, Grace Tompson, Alexander Graves. Note: 42 acs. the overplush in John Meredith 10 Oct. 1652. NICHOLAS MERIWETHER, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 4 July 1653, p. 87. Upon S. E. side of Corotoman Riv. to- wards the head, bounded S. W. upon a branch dividing this from land of Mr. Edwynn Connaway. Trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Mannor, Thomas Webster, Eli- zabeth Phillips. Mary John & Mary by purchase. WILLIAM THOMAS, 400 acs. Northumberland Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 87. Upon S. side of great Wicocomico Riv., bounded on S. E. side with Fish- ing Cr., N. W. upon a branch of the river & N. E. upon the river opposite land surveyed for Thomas Saffall. Trans, of 8 pers: Mary Boone, John Newton, Richard Groves, Thomas Daniell, Mary Light, Anne Slaughter, Michael Inges, Phillip Beadle. MAJOR JOHN CARTER, 1600 acs. Lancaster Co., 19 Oct. 1653, p. 88. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., bounding upon the S. E. with Slaughters Cr. alias Johns Cr., along the river N. W. to the mouth & E. S. E. side of Corotoman Riv. &c. 1300 acs. granted him by patent 25 Mar. 1642 & confirmed 3 May 1652 & resurveyed 9 Oct. 1652; & 300 acs. by patent 13 Sept, 1652. WILLIAM BLACKEY, 100 acs. up- on a branch of little Queens Cr., 23 Apr. 1653, p. 88. Trans, of 2 pers: Robert Speare, John Young. WILLIAM COX, 312 acs. in Yorke Riv. behind land of Mr. Vause. 23 Apr. 1653, p. 89. Trans, of 7 pers: Richard Thorpe (or Thrope), Henry Greene, John Drinkwater, John Shelly, John Kerton, Mary Toprell, Katherine White. BENJAMIN BRASSEUR, 300 acs. at the head of Indian Cr., a branch of the Western br. of Nansemun Riv., joyning land of Mr. John Parrett (altered — may be Garrett). 12 Apr. 1653, p. 89. Trans, of 6 pers: Charles Drurey, Richard Bateman, Mary Richford, Humph. Evan, Hugh Edwards, John Harris. MR. WILLIAM HOCCADAY, 1000 acs. Yorke Co., 14 Apr. 1653, p. 89. Near the head of Ware Creek, N. W. by N. upon a former devdt. & N. W. by N. towards Waraney Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Alexander Watson, Wm. Mackgahye, Andrew Sharpe, Jane John- son, Randall , Isabell Grace, Mary Reeise (?), Tomasin Madero (or Maders), Mary Graham, James , Edward Hodge, Richard Gillman, Willm. Moline, Fra. Peppett, Richard Jones, Michaell Barrow, Richard Moore, Joane Rivers, Ja. Nicholson, Wm. Gowin. Renewed 20 Nov. 1654. WILLIAM LEECH, 300 acs. Lan- caster Co., last of March 1653, p. 90. Upon N. side of Peanketank Riv. about a mile above Cheskyacke & Rappa- hanock path, bounded S. upon the river against a small island &c. Trans, of 6 pers: James Rice, William Jones, John Report, James Price, William Browne, John Remorts. JOHN ROBINSON, 300 acs. Lan- caster Co., p. 90. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv. against land of Col. Bur- bage. (Record incomplete). The fol- lowing names appear: Richard Lambert, James Lewis, Jane Lewis, Will , Elias . MR. JOHN SHEPPERD (1,000) acs. Northumberland Co., 6 May 1652, p. 91. Upon N. W. side & near the mouth of a swamp upon the head of Jernews Cr. dividing this from land of John Powell (altered) & extending along land of Nicho. Jernew & William Hoc- 258 Cavaliers and Pioneers caday, N. W. to a branch of Matchoti- que Cr. Due sd. Sheppard for trans, of 20 pers: Capt. Leonard Yeo, Mrs. Clare Yeo, Temperancce Laner (?), John Smith, Richard Haines, George , Hugh Aden, Charles Hill, Wm. Wilson, Mr. Tho. Sheppard, Senr., John Sheppird, Thomas Sheppard, Junr., Daniell Shippe, Edward Sheppe, Geo. Thompson, Clare Thompson, Nathun Fletcher, Jane Hackley, Wm. Blackin, Susan Adams. MR. WILLIAM DEBNAM, 600 acs beg. at a marked tree of W. line of land formerly belonging to George Worleich against Crany Cr. in Ware Riv. in Mockjack Bay, S. &c. to corner tree of Mr. Breemans &c. 6 May 1652, p. 91. Trans, of 12 pers: Pallardary Pritchard, Francis Hemsly, Dickin- son, Isarell Gare, Geo. Jyllings, Roger Williams, John Winter, two Negros. LAWRENCE DAMERON, 340 acs. Northumberland Co., p. 92. No. date. Butting S. E. upon the head of Tanx Yeococomico Riv., &c. Trans. 7 ser- vants: John Meekes, Thomas Clarke, Edward Maddox, 3 tymes, Elizabeth Coringe, Barth. Wethersby, Dan. Piggin. MR. JOHN GRESHAM, 520 acs., 5 May 1652, p. 92. 320 acs. lyeing E. upon part of Greshams Cr. and the main bay, bounded on S. with Bakers Cr. & on N. by Greshams Cr. parting this from land of Peter Knight; & 200 acs. in Northumberland Co. S. upon Waddis Cr. & Nly. upon land of sd. Knight &c. Trans, of 11 pers: John Gresham, twice, Freeman Connaway, Anne Abbott, John Scarburgh, Christopr. Houghton, John Baker, John Lee, John Chamnis (or Charnis), Richard Davis, Jane Maning. CAPT. JOHN WEST, Esqr., 850 acs. at the mouth of the Narrowes of Yorke Riv., being a neck of land on the N. side thereof, the neck being made by Yorke Riv. on S. side thereof & a Cr. called Tancks Maccadegums issueing thereof, Mattaponye on the E. & Armo- gotegue (or Annogotegue) Cr. issueing thereout &c. 3 July 1652, p. 93. Trans. of 17 pers: John Baldwin, Elizabeth Powell, Anne Minefrid, Simon Turner, Joseph Warrall, John Seargent, Tho. Gilgraffe, Wm. Blackey, Wm. Ruck (Rush or Rusk), Wm. Wassail, Wm. Lacye, Elizabeth Hudson, Marmad. Made, Benja. Mann, Jacob Shure (Share), James Williams, John Dickin- EDWARD WRIGHT, 50 acs. Yorke Co., 3 July 1652, p. 93. Adj. to Southermost bounds of land first taken up by Mr. Richard Lee, Secre & Coll., commonly called the Ridge. Trans, of 1 pers: Jone the wife of the sd. Ed- ward Wright. RICHARD DUDLEY, 200 acs. on Ewd. side of the North River in Mock- jack Bay, beg. on the river side of Mr. Curtis' land near the black water Cr. mouth, running N. E. &c. 3 July 1652, p. 94. Trans, of 4 pers: William Morksly, Fr. Halliard, William Mash, Mary Andrews. GILBERT BLUNT, 320 acs. upon N. side of Yorke Riv. & Eastermost head branch of Poropotank Riv., bounded on the Eastermost side with the head run of sd. branch which divides it from land of Winfield Webb, beg. at Chiskayack path &c. 16 July 1652, p. 94. Trans, of 7 pers: Gilbert Blunt, his wife, his Brother, Wm. Jackman, Eliza. Wells, Anne Dodson, Ann , Wm. Blyth, Jone Blyth. 30 acs. due. MR. WILLIAM WHITBY, 1300 acs. Warwick Riv. Co., page 95. 800 acs. whereof surveyed Nov. 24, 1640 & the other 500 acs. Sept. 164 — by Mr. Tho- mas Symons but joyned together by John Senior. Beg. at mouth of Waters his Creek, running down the great river side &c. Note: "The rest is lost." PETER KNIGHT, 1,000 acs. Gloces- ter Co., 16 July 1652, p. 95. On S. side of Poropotank Cr., on N. side of York Riv., & bounded from the head of gutt issueing out of sd. Cr. dividing this from land formerly surveyed by Mr. Richard Lee &c. Trans, of 20 pers: William Vert (or Uert), Robert Young, Godfrid Niren (or Nixen), William Evans, Law. Evans, Humph. Hawoods, Patent Book No. 3 259 John Fulcher, John Knighthill, John Farmer, Wm. Chamberlin, Mathew Bradford, John Lastly, James Foster, Ursela Smith, William Right, John Smith, Thomas Jervis, Stephen Collin, Thomas Powell, Eliza. Monke, (or Mouke. ) ROBERT BAULDRY, 100 acs. York Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 96. Abutting N. upon the horse path dividing this & the late land of Mr. Win (or Wing) Prior, E. upon land of Capt. Richard Townsen, deed. & W. upon land of Mr. Henry Lee. Trans. of 2 pers: Thomas Mathews, James Austine. THOMAS DARROW, 100 acs. Northumberland Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 96. Upon little Wicocomico Riv., abutt- ing Sly. upon land of Edward Coles & Nly. upon land in possession of Rich- ard Spann (?). Trans, of 2 pers: Himselfe & Anne his wife. CAPT. HENRY FLEETE, 750 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 Aug. 1652, p. 97. Up- on N. side of Rappa. Riv. & S. W. of great Rappahanock Town where the In- dians are at present seated 2 miles up Fleets Cr. &c. Trans, of 15 pers: David Seavell, Roger Moyle, John Rosier, John Bircher, Bennet Bennet, Rich- ard Goodman, Thomas Smith, John Alewood, William Talbott, John Tal- bott, Richard Tufton, Chalice (or Chal- cie) Foard, Henry Islea, John Beamont, Thomas Boards. TEAGUE FLOYNE, 300 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 1 Aug. 1652, p. 97. On N. side of Rappa. Riv., upon the head & next to tract of Capt. Henry Fleet, bounding Nly. upon Fleets Cr. & Rappa. Riv. & Wlv. on land of John Taylor. Due sd. John alias Teague Floyne for trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Boards wife, Lawrence Hulett, Thomas Smith, Henry Barrett, Thomas Leech; in all six, as- signed by Capt. Fleet. MR. CLEMENT THRUSH, 500 acs. lying on S. side of Rappa. Riv. nigh the miles end of a patent of 1350 acs. taken up by Barth. Hoskins, beg. on top of a mountaine, E. by N. &c. 1st Aug. 1652, p. 98. Trans, of 10 pers: Henry Freestone, John Hunt, William Jacob, John Rumball, Alice Whiteworth. AMBROSE DIXON & STEPHEN HORSELY, Junr., 600 acs. Northamp- ton Co. at (or alias) Accomack, 12 Oct. , p. 98. Being a neck faceing the Cr. mouth & running to a poynt sepera- teing this from John Custis &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Christopher Stanley, Rich- ard Britten, Joane Holden, Thomas Ware, Ann Benbow, Mary Dixon, Hugh Yeo, Wm. Yeo, Edward Gunter, Eliza- beth Rossell, Oliver Soreland, Thomas Smith. ELIAS EDMONDS, 600 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 99. Upon the head of another tract of land lying on the N. side of the Easterne branch of Corotoman Riv. towards the head of a N. N. W. branch of same &c. Trans. of 12 pers: Needam, Prine, — -— Dilliard, Henry Bray, Elizabeth Phillips, Thomas Payne, Fra. Morgan; 3 Negroes; Elizabeth Perry, Lawrence Dawby. from Abra. Moone. JOHN CHAMBERS, 150 acs. North- umberland Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 99. Upon Metopony Riv., Wly. upon a branch of same. Trans, of 3 pers: Mary Beaushampe, John Phillips, Hugh Lattimore. JOHN SHARPE, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 99. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., abutting S. E. upon tract surveyed for Fra. Browne, upon N. W. side of Sandy Poynt Neck &c. Trans, of 6 pers: John Puller, John Grey, Mary Beadell. THOMAS HARWOOD, 150 acs. up- on the New Poquoson river, bounded upon Northermost bounds of his own land by former grant &c. unto a branch of his creek which divides it from land of John Potlin &c. 14 Oct. 1652, p. 100. Trans, of 3 pers: Jone Humphry, George Castleton, William Peirce. CAPT. HENRY FLEET, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 Aug. 1652, p. 100. In Fleets Bay, butting S. upon Haddaways Cr. &c. includeing the three Indian Cabins. Trans, of 4 pers: Phillip Tay- 260 Cavaliers and Pioneers lor, William Foy (or Joy), Thomas Joy, Henry Rice. MR. JOHN MOTTROM, 250 acs. comonly called the Widow Hills Thickett, Northumberland Co., 9 May 1652, p. 100. Abutting Nly. upon mouth of Potomeck Riv., Sly. towards land of George Colclough &c. Trans. of 5 pers: Hopkin Davis, John Hill, Nicholas Butler, Wm. Williams, Joane Kerle. JOHN JOHNSON, 550 acs. North- ampton Co., 10 May 1652, p. 101. At great Naswattocks Cr., adj. 200 acs. granted to Anthony Johnson. Trans, of 11 pers: John Edwards, Wm. Routh, Tho. Yowell, Fra. Maland, William Price, John Owen, Dorothy Rily, Rich- ard Hemstead, Law. Barnes, Row. Rith, Mary Johnson. THOMAS TEAKLE, 500 acs. North- ampton Co., 10 May 1652, p. 101. At Corattock, Wwd. of a branch parting land of John Norton & Richard Hill &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Hezekiell Allen, William Jack, Dan. Isham, Issa- bell Burton, Sanders Perterson, William Gray, William Michaell, James Browne, John Banister, Thomas . WILLIAM WATERS, 700 acs. Northampton Co., 10 May 1652, p. 102. Beg. at Harlowes holes near the head of old plantation creek &c. Trans. of 4 pers: Anthony Neale, Arthur Moone, Fra. Morris, Marga. Bolton, Lt. Edw. Waters, Jane Jackson, Anthony Brewster, "three men kild the first Massacree," William Soule, Edward Bryan, William Warren, John Miles. JOHN GODFREY, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 4 June 1652, p. 102. Lyin^ in Eliz. Riv., beg. on southern branch of Daniell Tanners Cr. &c. Trans, of 4 pers: William Lumbers, William Sherman, Samuel Alad (or A lad), Susan Hill. THOMAS DODFORD, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Eliz. Riv. Parish, 29 Apr. 1652, p. 103. On Ewd. side of Long Point Cr. & N. side of Eastern br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. on Muskmellon Poynt &c. to head of long Point Cr. Trans, of 2 pers: Anne Coleman, Sarah God- frey. EDWARD HALL, 250 acs. 3 rood & 1 pole, Low. Norf. Co., 24 June 1652, p. 103. Lyeing upon Samuel Bennets Cr. bounded down to Scull Neck branch &c, W. to the path on N. side of Sewell Goskins house &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Cox, Anne Chiter, Henry Conaway; John, Bittabby, Sambombo his wife, Negroes. MR. NICHOLAS JERNEW, 614 acs. Glocester Co., 3 July 1652, p. 104. Up- on E. S. E. side of Poropotank Cr., beg. at a small branch or swamp which divides this & land of Mr. Oliver Green, extending E. S. E. & N. N. E. upon land of Mr. Webb & Mr. Pate &c. Trans, of 11 pers: Richard Wright, Eliz. Thomas, Rob. Hendly, Tho. Wil- liams, Fra. Morgan, Thomas Wood, James Hinde, Henry Tomkins, Wm. Moore. JOHN ROGERS, 720 acs. on S. side of Yorke Riv. near Skimmino Cr., along land of Wm. (?) Greaves, along southermost branch of sd. creek to the very head, S. E. by S. thence E. by S. along land of Thomas Pilkerman &c. 12 Nov. 1652, p. 104. Trans, of 15 pers.* JOHN MERRADITH, 560 acs. Lan- caster Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 105. Upon W. side & towards head of St. Johns Cr. Trans, of 12 pers: Tho. Lee, John Leye, John Voyle, Nicho. Linfield, Richd. Linfield, Thomas Joules, Eliz. Armitage, George Sadler, Robert Wil- son, Fran. Parker, William Reynolls, Fra. Housward. JULY GARDNER, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., 12 Oct. 1652, p. 105. At the Eastermost part of Charles Scar- burgh's land, on N. side of Pungotege Cr. Trans, of 6 pers: Jenkin Lurtin, Lewis Rowland, Dorothy Bainer (or Barner), Thomas Comer, Kath. Blum- field, Jane Dame. NICHOLAS WADILOW, 600 acs. Northampton Co., 12 Oct. 1652, p. 106. Patent Book No. 3 261 At Anancocke, beg. at the South Poynt thereof; running Sly. towards Matcho- tanke. Trans, of 12 pers: Cornel. Cornel, Anthony Carpenter, John King, Susan Dowinge, Math Porter, John Greening, Christopr. Coxe, Alice Deane, Ral. Doe, Mary Joyner, Wm. Blingston, Mecum Mecunny. SAME. Same acreage, location, date, page & no. of pers. transported: Dor- mett Moreland, Anne Winn, Andrew Pedegrew, Roger Woodford, Jane Nicholson, Robert Gibson, Wm. Smith- son, Wm. Wilson, Mary Jones. SAME. 400 acs. same Co., date & page. Known by name of Gabriells Is- land, lying right over against Anon- cocke & environed of all sides with the Bay of Chesepiake. Trans, of 8 pers.* MR. THOMAS CURTIS, 670 acs. lying on S. side of the North Riv. of Mockjack Bay, beg. at a lone pine, run- ning Sly. by the Bay side to a small branch &c. to Ewd. corner tree of Basses Creeke devdt. &c. 20 Sept. 1652, p. 107. Trans, of 14 pers: Elizabeth Be- ing (or Bemy), one man servant, one maid servant, Eliza. Love, John Har- mar, Miller Turton, Millison Biggs, Kath. Scarburgh, Jane Knapton, Tony & Lawrence, Negroes, & 2 Negro SAME. 1150 acs. upon Black Water Cr. on the N. river in Mockjack Bay, beg. on N. W. side of Phesant Cr. &c. to head of the deviding Cr. &c. Same date & page. Due sd. Custis as fol- loweth: 700 acs. by patent dated 15 Aug. 1642; & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: Patrick Forgeson, Walter Michell, Alexander Marke, John Allen, William Knotts. MR. THOMAS PURIFYE & MRS. TEMPERANCE PEPPETT, 760 acs. lying on the Wwd. side of the N. Riv. in Mockjack Bay, 15 Sept. 1652, p. 108. Beg. on Swd. of a Cr. dividing this from land of Thomas Symons, dec'd., running up the Cr. Wly. &c. to trees of Joseph Gregorv & Duning &c. Trans, of 15 pers: Humphry Lee, John Lee, George Morey, James Andrews, Wm. Andrews, John Elsey, Wm. Chase, Robt. Lynsey, Elizabeth Thompson, Margt. Andrews, Susan Andrewes, Mary Wood- mint, Anne Shaw, Wm. Price. MR. PETER RANSON, 1100 acs. on Ewd. side of the N. Riv. n Mockjack Bay, 2 Sept. 1652, p. 108. Beg. by a creek dividing this from land of Rich- ard Dudley, Sly. to Isle of Wight Cr. &c. Trans, of 22 pers.* THOMAS LUCAS & JOHN CATT- LETT, 336 acs. running up the back side of their land by a former patent. (No definite location given.) 20 July 1652, p. 109. Trans, of 7 pers.* CHRISTOPHER LEWIS, 750 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 26 July 1652, p. 109. About a mile to the Swd. of Henry White's plantation at the black- water, etc. Trans, of 15 pers: John Harbottle, John Owen, Mary Redman, Phill. Thomas Amey Seagrasse, John Knight, Richard Weaver, Alexander Murry, Edward Yeomans, Richard Case, Joseph Burgess, James Wacmott, Henry Paine, George Giles, Mary White ah. Clinton. FRANCIS ENGLAND, 946 acs., 26 July 1652, p. 110. 746 acs. being in Isle of Wight Co., lying on a swamp running to black water, bounded along Capt. Peirces markt trees, due W. &c; 200 acs. lying at black water upon the Eastermost branch pointing to Upper Chipoaks in James City Co., bounded N. upon land of Francis England & Swd. to lands of Peter Hull. 746 acs. by patent 20 June 1642 & 200 acs. by vertue of patent to John White dated 4 July 1649 & assigned to sd. England. SAME. 120 acs. Same location, date & page. Isle of Wight Co., adj. his own & Richard Jackson's land. Trans, of 3 pers: Josse (Jesse ?) Ingland, Tob. Coke, Thomas Barrit. RICHARD HILL, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., 10 May 1652, p. 111. At Coratock Cr., beg. at a little branch parting this from land of Toby Norton &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Ed- wards, Henry Peters, Mary Hill, Senr., 262 Cavaliers and Pioneers Mary Hill, Junr., Richard Otteway, Thomas Hole. JOHN POTLIN, 50 acs. 12 May, 1652, p. 111. (Record incomplete). Mentions land of Thomas Harwood. Trans, of: Samuel Tucker. JOHN DIER, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 29 Apr. 1652, p. 111. In Linhaven Parish, bounded on S. with land of Thomas Allen, on N. by John Stratton, & on W. by his own land. Trans, of 2 pers: Francis Clewedge, Ellen Hudge. JEFFERY BEW, 600 acs. Glocester Co., 13 May 1652, p. 112. Towards head of the land of Mr. Thomas Bree- man in Mockjack Bay, beg. on W. side of Breemans Swamp upon the head of Cranie Cr. &c. Trans, of 12 pers.* THOMAS WILSFORD, 50 acs. Northumberland Co., 22 May 1652, p. 112. Upon N. W. side of Chetank Cr., beg. at a tree standing upon the N. W. side of a poynt opposite to mouth of sd. Cr., extending night Potomeck Riv. course N. W. &c. Trans, of 1 pers. ; WILLIAM MORGAN, 350 acs. James City Co., near head of Morgans Cr. on E. side of Chicohamony Riv., bounded from his old devdt., along land of Mr. George Lobb, N. E. to land of Joseph Knight &c. 8 June 1652, p. 113. Trans, of 7 pers.* THOMAS LUCAS, Gent., 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 7 June 1652, p. 113. N. W. along Popetick Cr. &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Peter Neale, Thomas Page, Nicho. Handly, Richard Green, Eliza- beth Worley, Elizabeth Billing, Eliza- beth Plaver, Thomas Lucas, Senr., his wife , Thomas Lucas, Jun., Kath. Rouzee, Sarah Rouzee. JOHN CATLETT & RALPH ROUZEE, 300 acs. adj. to their devdt. by a former grant. 7 June 1652, p. 114. Trans, of 6 pers: Edward Lucas, Sarah Rouzee, Mary Lucas, Edward Rouzee, Martha Lucas, Martha Rouzee. Assigned by Tho. Lucas. ROBERT ELAM, 503 acs. Henrico Co., 20 Nov. 1652, p. 114. S. side of James River, above Burmoda hundred, between Thomas Shippey and Richard Johnson. Trans, of 10 pers: Ann Elam, Richard Hudson, Geo. Smither, George Swann, Peter Drongcold, John Revell, Richard Heywood, John Parke, Wm. Partrige, Eliza. Bridges. MR. ROBERT WILDE & PHILLIP CHESLEY, 500 acs. upon the main branch of Skiminoe on the N. E. side thereof, bounded with a swamp issue- ing out called Crooked Swamp &c. 22 Nov. 1652, p. 115. Trans, of 10 pers.* JOHN BRYAN, 168 acs. on Indian Creeke, a branch of Nansemum Riv., joyneing to patent of Mr. John Garrett, running for length N., butting on line of William Storey &c. 15 Oct. 1652, p. 115. Trans, of 4 pers: William Scott, Grace Harris, John Merr, Anne Stone- hill. COL. GEORGE LUDLOW, Esqr., 2,000 acs. Glocester Co., 25 Oct. 1652, p. 116. Upon S. side of Peyanketank Riv., beg. upon the Westermost side of a swamp opposite land of Thomas Trotter, dec'd. &c. Trans, of 40 pers: William Wilcock, Fran. Taverne, Peter Thunder, Michael Wilcox, Eliza. Harris, Eliza. Trevill, Ann Playstow, Senr., Ann Playstow, Gabriell Ludlow, Tho- mas Ludlow, Katherine Ward, Elinor Buckster (or Backster), Grace Wilcoxe, Joane Cullin, James Field, John Rich- ards, John Covide, Roger Perkins, four Negros, vizt: Sarah, Frank, Bridgett, & George; John Rumsden, Saml. Car- rington, Bened. Grint, Wm. (?) Ed- wards, Senr., Wm. (?) Edwards, Junr., John Rop (?), Wm. Labor, Mary Woodnutt, Tho. Fabin, Archeball Doug- las, John Githred, John Pase, Antho. Grant, Robt. Wilson, Robt. Stuart, Wm. Dinglas, Danl., Hamilton, Thomas Joanes. MR. JOHN CHEESMAN, 200 acs. lying on Swd. side of Mr. Breemans land & Ewd. side of Lieut. Col. Chees- mans land upon a branch falling into Crany Cr. in Ware Riv. 25 Sept. 1652, p. 116. Trans, of 4 pers: William White, Lewis Roberts, John Clarke, Law. Plutt (or Piatt). Patent Book No. 3 263 JOHN SMITH, 150 acs. lying in Home Harbour by Mockjack bay, beg. at Swd. markt trees of a former devdt. of sd. Smiths & running Sly. into the Harbour. 8 Dec. 1652, p. 117. Trans, of 3 pers: Christopr. Wallis, John Nicholls, William Bandes. LT. COL. JOHN CHEESMAN, 943 acs. on S. side of a run which falleth into Crany Cr. in Ware Riv. in Mock- jack Bay; beg. upon S. side of sd. run, extending S. &c. 11 Sept. 1652, p. 117. Trans, of 19 pers: James Nicholls, Roger Worth, Richard Loude, John Peake, Mary Bind, Edmond Watts, Silvan. Prite, John Hill, Wm. Davis, John Jackson, John Haycocke (or Hayicke) Simon White, Roger , Richard Baines, Thomas Morris, James Robinson, Edward Everye, Rich. , Thomas Williams. MR. WILLIAM BAULDWIN, 600 acs. on S. side of Skiminoe Cr. on Charles Riv., in York Co., 26 Oct. 1652, p. 118. Bounded by a branch to Pinke- mans Pathes &c. E. by N. upon the river, S. by E. upon St. Andrews Cr. Trans, of 12 pers: William Allen, James Browne, William Grey, Thomas Bradnadge, John Loganell, Edward a boy, Nicho. Wrenn, Charles a man, Charles a boy, Samuel Wolstone, Kate, & Peter 2 Negros. TOBIAS HORTON, 500 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 29 Nov. 1652, p. 118. 200 acs. part upon the Southermost side of Fleets Bay, abutting N. upon a Cr. dividing this and land of Hump. Tabb & Ely. upon the bay. The remainder upon the head of the aforesd. Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Anne Powell, Henry Morgan, John Williams, John Morris, Thomas Dasker (or Darker), Susan Wariner, William Longe, Daniel Lewis, Thomas Todd, Wm. Greeting (or Greeling). MR. DAVID FOX, 800 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 29 Nov. 1652, p. 119. About 44 mi. up S. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded on S. E. side with land of Mr. Soanes & N. W. with Puscacon Cr. Trans, of 16 pers: William Davis, James Cox, James Cover, William Hewett, James Welsh, William Lucas, David Lee, James Norts, William Browne, James Oldis, John Linge, John Robinson, William Lewis, David Ash- ley, James Brite, John Purnell. JOHN TAYLOR, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 29 Nov. 1652, p. 119. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv. & upon the head of Fleets Neck, & S. upon a creek which lyeth upon Eastermost side of Musqui- to poynt. Trans, of 8 pers: John Haye, David Williams, James Richards, Wil- liam Thomas, John Harris, William Lanett, James Willett, James Hancocke. COL. HUGH GWIN (Gwyn) 300 acs. upon W. side of a tract called Gwins Island, being the surplusage of sd. Island, bounded S. W. upon the Narrowes, W. opposite to mouth of Peanketank Riv., S. upon Deep Cr. which lyeth toward S. side of sd. Island. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 120. Trans, of 6 pers: John Cookeley, Nathanl. Walters, Mary Joyce, Robert Wison al. Wiffon (or Wisson), George Pletsoe, Benja. Sar- row, Peter Cade, Humph. Higgins, Susan Parker, Susan Hillary, one Negro woman. Note: Land due for the last five. Land patented for four of the five, one remains still due being the Last. THOMAS STEEVENS, 1400 acs. Lancaster Co., 2 Sept. 1652, p. 120. Upon S. E. side of Farnom Cr., extend- ing N. N. E. from land of Leroy Griffin to the head of sd. Cr., to land of Tho- mas Griffin &c. Trans, of 28 pers: Robert Savidge, Richard Eules, Edward Gibbs, Ra. Waddington, Tho. Quinee, Elizabeth Sutton, Sarah Powell, Thomas Sanders, Provost Nelson, Frank Monkes, Henry Purchase, Alice Travabin (?), Symon Ogbourne, Thomas Browne, Richard Dibbins, Jane Fenton, John Miles, Thomas Hewes, Jane Willis, Grace Legg, Mr. Wm. Whitby. HENRY WEEKER, 250 acs. upon S. side of great Wicocomico Riv., upon the W. N. W. side of a maine branch of Ulikins (?) Cr., E. S. E. upon the head of sd. branch & upon land of Jeffery Gooch. 29 Nov. 1652, p. 121. Trans, of 5 pers: Robert Watts, Mar- tha Sewell, Sarah Inghram, James Lambstone, Bryan James. 264 Cavaliers and Pioneers CHARLES SCARBURGH, 400 acs. Northampton Co., 12 Oct. 1652, p. 121. At Pungotege Cr., bounded on W. side by land of Thomas Johnson, Junr. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Thomas West, Phill. Barricole, Cesar Yeoman, Ann Doeby, Mary Eddow (or Eddon), John Carye, Charles Scarburgh, John Cornish. WILLIAM OWEN & WILLIAM MORGAN, 360 acs. lying on N. E. side of Skiminoe Cr. &c. to little Cross Cr. &c. 17 Nov. 1652, p. 121. Trans, of 8 pers: Mary Morryson, William Read, Tho. Pumocke (or Pinnocke), Richard Wynn, Thomas Watts, Richard Lewis, William Carre. CAPT. AUGUSTINE WARNER, 2,500 acs. lying about the branches of old Cheescake town on S. side of Pean- ketank Riv., beg. at a marked tree of the Indians Land a little to the S. E. of old Chiscake, running W. N. W. &c. 26 Oct. 1652, p. 122. Trans, of 50 pers: Wm. Streues (?), Robt. Torring- ton, John Robinson, Richard Floyd, Kath. Pettibones, Wm. Hutcheson, John Wilkinson, Mary Thrope, Sands Knowles, John Mullins, Nath. Holding, Richard Davis, John Bradford, John Poulson, John Scales, Charles Reeves, Thomas Barretts, Edward Canes (or Caves), Henry Thacker, Saml. Pitts, Edmond Wallis, three Negros; William Skinham, Tho. Thornninge, George White, Henry Ells, Antho. a negro, Alex. Ray, Law. Smith, Wm. Bauld- win, Wm. Powell, Fra. Hurd, Peter Hopkins, Henry Naipes, Thomas Gray. Henry Burrage, Nicholas Hart, Robert Cade, Mary Warner, John Jakes (or Jakues), Elizabeth Hull, Fra. Hathaway. Anne Downing. Note: "four rights due to Thomas Chandiler by a Certifi- cate granted him in September 1640 at Yorke Court the said Warner being Administrator of the Said Chandiler." JOHN ROBINSON, Junr., 700 acs. Northampton Co., 12 Oct. 1652, p. 123. At Anancock, beg. at a poynt of land where Ambrose Dixon & Stephen Hors- ly doe end their devident, etc. Trans, of 14 pers: John Canady, Eustace Dane, John Custis, Aphrah Smith, Mrs. Anne Yardley, Dan. Jackson, James Stamfast, Mary Stanfast, Foulkerd Obbins, Ed- ward Sacker, Wm. the Smith, Eliza. Roberts, Elizabeth Moubert, George Greete. MR. THOMAS TEAGLE, Minister, 350 acs. Northampton Co., 12 Oct. 1652, p. 123. At Pongotege Cr., beg. at a little branch issueing out of Pocco- moke branch. Trans, of 7 pers: John Renney, Fra. Knight, Lucretia Pott, Katherine Smith, Susan Foster, Tho. Woodfield, Thomas Hews. JOHN BAYLES, 250 acs. Lancaster Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 124. Bounded on N. W. with Cappetts Cr., N. E. with Potomeck River, & on S. E. with an- other tract of his land. Trans, of 5 pers: Robert Welbourne, Willm. Jefferys, James Macknill, Robert White, Wm. Newton, Mar. Boone. ANTHONY HOSKINS, 700 acs. Northampton Co., 12 Oct. 1652, p. 124. Bounded on the E. & W. by two branches of Pongotege Cr. Trans, of 14 pers: Anthony Hoskins, Alice Hos- kins, Jeremy Allen, Thomas Evane, Mary Seale, Mary Arrundell, John Durren, Jane Wapshott, Thomas Brane (or Brand), Thomas Welch, Anne Cheffield, David Steward, John Gold- smith, Patrick Flemin. JOHN HOWETT, 650 acs. North- umberland Co., 29 July 1652, p. 124. Upon S. side of Dennises Cr. which issueth forth upon the S. side of great Wiccocomico Riv. & upon marked trees of John Gamlin & Isaac Weaver, etc. Trans, of 13 pers: John Peete, Wm. House, Mary Todd, Wm. Stone, Wil- liam Eaton, James Yates, Henry Cowd- well, John Powell, Richard Worthing, Henry Hasleworth. ISRAELL JOHNSON, 200 acs. upon N. W. branch of Nansemum Riv., 6 May 1652, p. 125. Trans, of 4 pers: Richard Masfield wife by assignment of the sd. Mr. Masfield, Jone Elly, Eliza. Johnson; one indenture by assignment of Richard Masfield. JOHN FLEET, 130 acs. Yorke Co., 22 Nov. 1652, p. 125. Upon S. side of Patent Book No. 3 265 a great swamp opposite another tract in possession of sd. Fleet. Trans, of 3 pers: Rebecca Nahan (or Vahan), Christopher Grey, Clothyer Lucas. RALPH PAINE, 250 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. upon Coxes Cr., 27 Oct. 1652, p. 126. Trans, of 5 pers: John Aldis, John Cox, Robert Rowne, George Wilson, Henry Purchass; by assignment from J. Aldis. RICHARD COLEMAN, 600 acs. up- on S. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of Howell Powell. 27 Oct. 1652, p. 126. Trans, of 12 pers: Mathew Hopkins, Hugh Eldrige, Elinor Palmer, John Clerke, Wm. Hammond, Thomas Savoy (or Savery), Thomas Berker, Edward Malliase (or Mallcase), James Law- rence, Phillip Vinson, Mary Langford, Watkin James; by assignment from Thomas Chapman. JOHN WAREHAM, 150 acs. North- umberland Co., 20 May 1652, p. 126. Ely. upon a creek issuing out of Yeoa- comico Riv. Trans, of 3 pers: Fra. Swan, Richard Watson, George Meggs. DR. GEORGE HACK (Hacke), 1000 acs. Northampton Co., 12 Oct. 1652, p. 127. At Pongotegue Cr., beg. at a little branch on the S. side thereof, Wly. down the same &c, on land of Sampson Robins &c. running towards Nondin (or Nondui) Cr. 100 acs. being 2 is- lands near N. point of Pongotegue Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: William Tomlin, Henry Willis, Thomas Browne, Alice Price, Thomas Collar, John Curdey, Row. Evans, Edward Evans, Mary Ed- gar, Edward Cowins, Wm. Holt, Mary Batchells, John Edwards, Wm. Rouen (or Roach), Mary Williams, Jonathan Shoud, Mary Purnell, Thomas Browne; Domingo, Siria & Patana 3 Negros. JOHN PEAD, 150 acs., beg. at marked pine of William Beartines Cr. (?), on S. side of Winter Harbour, running S. W., thence S. E. to the Bay side &c. 21 Sept. 1652, p. 127. Trans, of 3 pers: John Pead, Mary Pead, John Motley. THOMAS PRESTON, Junr., 200 acs. on Wwd. side of Eastermost Riv. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at the head of Chesnutt Cr., running N. W. to Tho- mas Todds land, S. W. to the Bay, S. E. to mouth of Repulse Cr. &c. 28 Sept. 1652, p. 128. Trans, of 4 pers: Henry Subtill, Sabina Davis, Richard Davis, Thomas Conyer; by assignment from Tho. Conyer. ISAAC RICHESON, 300 acs. Lancas- ter Co., alias Gloster, 10 Oct. 1652, p. 128. Upon head branches of Atapoto- moyes Cr., S. W. upon land of Samuell Sollis & N. E. upon land of John Day. Trans, of 6 pers: Isaac Richeson, Eli- zabeth Parker, Elizabeth Wells, Wm. Brown, John James, one Negro woman; from Col. Gwynns certificate. JOHN BEBEY, 350 acs., upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., up Coxes Cr. 27 Oct. 1652, p. 129. Trans, of 7 pers: "John Addis his transportation seven severall tymes and assigned by the said Addis to the said John Bebey." RICHARD HATTON & LAMBETT LAMBETTSON, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 14 Oct. 1652, p. 129. On S. E. side of Moratcon Riv., bounded W. by S. upon land of Mr. David Fox &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Richard Hatton, Reynold Pawre, Gart Pawre, Reynold Pawre, Junr., Peter Pawre, Richard Benne, John Younge, Elizabeth Gage, John Pawre, Lam. Lambettson, Eliz. Vansum (or Vausum), John Gillett. JOHN POUNSEY (or Ponnsey), 900 acs. commonly called the Hoggpen Neck, in Yorke Riv., 8 Dec. 1652, p. 130. Trans, of 18 pers: George Perkins, John Loyd, Richard Pulman, Mary Druery, Anpka (?) Pounsey, Ralph Jackson, Hall. George, Wm. Stannerd, Wm. Pepper, Henry Way, Henry All- ington, Lyon Cawch, William Seales, John Routh, Thomas Freeman, Willm. Adams, Edward Hust, Agnes ; 650 acs. by assignmt. from Antho. Packhurst. MRS. ELNOR BROCAS, wife of Capt. Wm. Brocas, Esqr., 800 acs. Lan- caster Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 130. Upon S. side & at the mouth of Rappa. Riv., bounded on E. S. E. with the main bay, Ely. & including Goates Island, upon 266 Cavaliers and Pioneers the S. S. E. with Pyancke bay, & W. N. W. with Wading Cr. &c. Trans, of 16 pers: John Juce (or Ince), Abell Bur- leigh, Mary Cornish, Walter Read, George Sable, Anne Dubes, Wm. Wal- ters, John Sneade, John Easton (al- tered), John Ridle, Robert Burwell, John Fookes, Peter Wood, Corn. Goverson, Nash Winly, Harman (no other name.) THOMAS HALLIARD, 450 acs. ly- ing on the Eastermost Riv., beg. at marked tree of Phill. Hunteys on the river side &c. to Marke Fosters land &c. 1 Nov. 1652, p. 131. Trans, of 9 pers: Thomas Halliard, Alice his wife, Fran. Spencer, Edey , Patr. James, John Hatt, Dor. Kemerley, Joell Gibbs, Adam Home. EDWARD COLES, 500 acs. North- umberland Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 131. Upon Southermost side of little Wecka- comco Riv. & upon the head of a devdt. in possession of Richard Spann, along his land Nly. to a branch of sd. Riv., S. W. to land of James Allen &c. to S. W. side of Chicacone Path. Trans, of 10 pers: Mr. Fra. Clay, Marke Lanere, Walter Read, Morgan Jones, William Talbott, Samuel Called, Wil- liam Smith, Mary Edwards. MR. GEORGE FOSTER, 1200 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 Sept. 1652, p. 132. Nly. upon Potomeck Riv. & Wly. upon Pesbetansey Cr. Trans, of 24 pers: Alexander Stonner, Thomas Browne, Thomas Child, Abra. Armitage, Thomas Symkins, Phillip Conack, Thomas Civill, Lyonell Holly, William Newman, Robert Jenkins, John Oldale, Edward Coles. MAJOR LEWIS BURWELL & LUCY, his wife, 200 acs., 100 acres of which lyes within the Pallisado at the Middle plantation, taken out of the land of Mr. Richard Brooks; & the other without the Pallisado, taken out of the land of John Clerk, dec'd. The former bounded S. E. upon land of Mr. John Broath (Broach), & N. W. upon the Pallisado ; the latter upon land of David Mansell, N. W. & S. E. upon the Pallisado. 8 Oct. 1652, p. 132. Trans. of 4 pers: (& alsoe by order of the Govr. & Councill dated 7 Oct. 1652). John Macargoe, Mrs. Lucy Burwell, Wm. Shurley, Gilbert Mackdull. NICHO. MORRIS, 182 acs. North- umberland Co., Nov. 1652, p. 133. N. E. upon a creek divding this from land of sd. Morris, S. E. upon land of John Essex, S. W. Wly. upon land of George Fletcher, Gent. &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Katherine Madix, Wlliam Nicholls, John Warner, John Michem. MR. RICHARD COCKE, 2,482 acs. Henricoe Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 133. On N. side of James River; I860 acs. near head of Turkey Is. Cr., bounded from corner tree of John Price S. & by W. &c. to head of Mr. Hallams land &c. 622 acs. commonly called by the name of Bremo, bounded along the heads of Capt. Harris' land & other devdts. belonging to Curies, N. & by E., thence along the Cart Path, along Mr. Hallams land to the river &c. 100 acs. due by patent to Temp. Bayley, 20 Sept. 1620; 2,000 acs. by patent to sd. Cocke 10 Mar. 1639; & residue for trans, of pers: Cornel. Canadia, Neale White, Luce Davis, David Clobe, Willm. Shoemaker, Robert Boane, Meredith Langford, Humph. Miles. JOHN EARLE, 200 acs. Northum- berland Co., Nov. 1652, p. 134. Ely. upon Potomeck Riv. & Sly. upon land of Thomas Hayles. Trans, of 4 pers: Mary Earle, Senr., Mary Earle, Junr., Mary Holder, Rachell Willis. RALPH HORSLEY, 495 acs. North- umberland Co., Nov. 1652, p. 134. Nly. upon Potomeck Riv., Ely. upon mouth of Checkakone Riv., Sly. upon Cabin Cr. & Wly. upon land now in possession of Henry Reyner. Trans, of 10 pers: Robert Sharpe, Jane Horsley, Joseph Horsley, Renold Younge, John Thompson, himselfe "that is to say" Wm. Medralfe, William, George and Charles MedrafFe by assignmt. of Wil- liam Medralfe, (or Medcalfe). MRS. MARY BRENT, 1,644 acs. Northumberland Co., 17 Nov. 1652, p. 134. Ely. upon Potomeck Riv., Sly. up- on Quiough Riv., Wly. upon a br. of same & Nly. upon Capt. Giles Brent. Patent Book No. 3 267 Trans, of 33 pers: Mr. Wm. Ayres, Richard Jones, Robert Comfrey, Wm. Audrey (or Andrey), 3 Negros; Joane Dennis, John Coventon, Richd. Water- man, John Norton, Eliza. Busby, Kath. Cordes, Joyce Pep, Cha. Chambeech, (or Chamleech), Wm. Martin, Stephen Benson, Phill. Paskall, Mathew Strotter, Wm. Bedham, Wm. Sebocke, Capt. Brent, Mrs. Mary Brent, Mrs. Marg. Brent, Mrs. Mary Brent wife to Capt. Brent, Mary Kendall, Thomas Foster, Wm. Clerke, John Williams, Richard Tarlinge (or Turlinge), Jane Gilpin, Mary Outsis (?), John Fleet. RICHARD LONGE, 350 acs. lying upon a branch of Milford haven, beg. on Wwd. side of a run dividing this & iland of George Billops &c. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 135. Trans, of 7 pers: Robert Mansfelld, Hanah Catton, Mary James, Thomas Hale, Lt. Col. Griffeth, his wife Anne. THOMAS MORRIS, 200 acs. lying upon a branch of Milford Haven, beg. at corner tree of Richard Longe, run- ning N. E. to mouth of the Green branch &c. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 135. Trans, of 4 pers: Joyse Escholl (or Echoll), John Preston, William Blades, John Blades his sonn. JOHNBAYWORTH (or Bagworth), 80 acs. lying on N. side of the Mill run at the head of Warwick Riv., beg. on land of Mr. Bullocke, dec'd., &c. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 136. Trans, of 2 pers: William Jones, Winfred Hunt. JOSEPH GREGORY, 500 acs. upon a branch which falleth into Cow Cr. in Ware Riv. in Mockjack Bay; beg. at marked trees deviding this & land of Richard Duninge &c. to Henry Peaslyes marked trees &c. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 136. Trans, of 10 pers: Alexander Mackarle, Za. Cripps, Mich. Smith, Alice Henvitt (or Hewitt). 300 acs. by surrender of a patent. HENRY PALIN & JOHN SWINGLETON, 300 acs. lying on the Eastermost side of a run which falleth into Ware Riv. at the head in Mock- jack Bay, beg. at head of John Walkers &c. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 137. Trans. 6 pers: Rebecca Browne, Thomas Lee, Thomas Fry, Rich. Reynolls, James Willimott, Richard Buckcocke. JOHN COOKE, 200 acs. on W. side of a run falling into Cow Cr. in Ware Riv. in Mockjack Bay &c, Ely. to Robert Cades trees &c. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 137. Trans, of 4 pers: John Cooke, Alice Little, Danl. Farbuth, Margaret a maid servant. JOHN THOMAS & WILLIAM LEITHERMORE, 400 acs. upon E. side of Eastermost Riv. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at Richard Ripleys on the River side, running E. &c. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 138. Trans, of 8 pers: Fra. Carr, Jno. Steward, one Negro, Aug. (Ang) Hart, Chris. Hurd, Robt. Fletcher, Thomas a Scott, Thomas a boy; by assignmt. of J. Walker. MR. JOHN BROWNE, 1,000 acs. Northampton Co., 27 Nov. 1652, p. 138. Near Matchepongo, bounded on E. by the seaboard side & S. by Phillips Cr. &c. Trans, of 20 pers: John Mar- veil, John Hordwell, Thomas Major, Mary Griffeth, Wm. Alsworth, John Martin, Walter Wood, Thomas Crew, James Hill, Timothy Coe, Robert Win- ley, Robert Mapps, Wm. Ebourne, Robert Hearne, Thomas Solbey, Prissell Feelee, Thomas Greene, Dan. Shet- worth, Millisent Green, Joseph Ingram. NICHO. SEBRELL (Sebbrell), 200 acs., York Co., near the Middle planta- tion, 30 Jan. 1652, p. 139. N. upon land of Richard Davis & William Watts, S. upon John Broach, W. upon the great swamp & E. upon Maiden Sw. 150 acs. by patent, 30 July 1638, & 50 acs. for trans, of Roger Sollis. SAME. 100 acs. Northumberland Co., same date & page. N. W. upon Mattapony Riv. & N. E. upon land of Jane Parry, Widow. Trans, of 2 pers: John Maple, Eliza. Street. NICHOLAS WILLIAMS, 200 acs. Surry Co., up Smiths Fort Cr., 12 Oct. 1652, p. 140. Along the Reedy Sw. &c. to marked trees of Luke Misen, &c. Trans, of 4 pers.* 268 Cavaliers and Pioneers WILLIAM MORTON, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Eliz. Riv. Parish, 26 Nov. 1652, p. 140. Near John Manings Cr., running W. to Marringtons land &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Anne Pates, Samuel Roberts, James Roberts. WILLIAM MOORE, 300 acs. in the Southerne branch of Nansemond Riv., by Arses Cr. &c, 6 Dec. 1652, p. 141. Trans, of 6 pers: Edward James, John Cockery, William Ceely, Tho. Wethell, Christopr. Batley, John Owen. ROBERT GRIMES, 300 acs. at the head of the Westermost br. of Eliz. Riv., along land of Peter Rigglesworth &c. 6 May, 1652, p. 141. Trans, of 6 pers.* RICHARD COLEMAN, 100 acs. up- on a Cr. proceeding out of Occapason Cr. 11 Jan. 1652, p. 142. Trans, of 2 pers: Jane Cranaway, Abraham Jones. (Relinquished to make good another.) SAME. 1300 acs. Same location, date & page. Trans, of 26 pers: John Lallifmore (?), Wm. Hallingham, John Ray, Thomas March, Thomas Tuknor (or Ticknor), Geo. Morecocke, Elizabeth , Thomas Chapman, James Hill, Edward Moor, Tho. Hart, Tho. Green- hoe, Richard Wilson, Thomas Parry, Mathew Hall, Mich. Wictor, James Hore, Rice Williams, Danl. Clarke, Richd. Hankins, Peter Dorman, Wil- liam Stone, James Wilson, Mary Jones, Phill. Starkey, Saml. Jones. JOHN GREENHOUGH, 400 acs. Henrico Co., on E. side of James Riv., known by the name of Smithes Bay, 6 Dec. 1652, p. 143. From the Riv. alongst Thomas Markhams devdt., to- ward four mile Cr. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Edward Palmer, Wm. Wright, John Lupton, Luke Anwell, James Dobbs, Sam. Fuer, Fra. Streete, John Greenhough. CLEMENT THRUSH, 164 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a Cr. by which is made a peninsula at the East- ermost end, extend, parallel to the river, N. W. to his land purchased of Barth. Hoskins &c. 11 Jan. 1652, p. 143. Trans, of 4 pers: Joane Flood, Joane Broadribb, John Flood, Alice Spencer. BARTH. KNIPE, 418 acs. James City Co., 6 Oct. 1652, p. 144. On N. side of James Riv. on S. side of a runn of Mosses Cr. &c. to sd. Moses Corkers trees, S. W. &c. to Mr. Bishops trees &c. Trans, of 9 pers.* (Note: Re- newed in her son's name 19 May 1655.) ROBERT WEST, 700 acs. upon branches of Bayleys Cr., in Chas. City Co., towards the S. side of the head of sd. Cr., 2 Aug. 1652, p. 144. Bounded S. by E. by James Warradins land comonly called by the name of High Peake & now in occupation of Mr. William Ditty & Robert Langman &c. Trans, of 14 pers: Robert West, Susanna West, John West, Dan. Evans, Thomas Bowman, Mary Owin, Saml. Garingoe, Hen. Wentworth, Jane Terrill, Robt. Ebernathell, John Toppin, George Willett, JefTery Philliph, John Reeves. DR. RICHARD HALL, 150 acs. in Deep Cr., bounding on land of George Cooksey, &c. 13 Jan. 1652, p. 145. Trans, of 3 pers: Richard Hall, Senr., Richard Hall, Junr., Samuel Hall, Joseph Hall, Kath. Hall. Note: Land due for 2 last. THOMAS GREENE, 270 acs. in Eliz. Riv. upon head of Loyds Cr., bounded from the great Swamp N. W. by W. &c. 11 Jan. 1652, p. 145. Trans, of 4 pers: Richard Owens, his wife, Milkey Hussey, Nicho. Caffeway, Henry Hills, Thomas Rope. By assignmt. from Richd. Owens. MR. EDWARD OVERMAN, 1,000 acs. Yorke Co., on W. side of the main Br. of Ware Cr., Nov. 9, 1652, p. 146. Beg. at the horse path near head of sd. branch &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Thomas Castle, Is. (or Js.) Southerwood, John Daynes, John Tucker, John Burshall, Geo. Downinge, John Harrison, Nicho. Bridges. WILLIAM up THOMAS, 700 acs. on the N. E. side of Mockjack Bay, beg. at markt trees of Mr. Ransons, running Patent Book No. 3 269 N. E. &c. to trees of Thomas Preston, deed., &c. 16 Nov. 1652, p. 146. Trans. 14 pers: Christopher Dorgle, John Rawlins, John Barlow, Thomas Bayley, John Nash, Win. Chichester, Joane Middleton. RICHARD NELMES, 400 acs. North- umberland Co., 25 Nov. 1652, p. 147. E. upon Yeocomico Riv., & S. W. upon land of William Walker. Trans, of 8 pers: Robert Thompson, Ralph Lowe, Tho. Lethrington, Morgan Davis, Susan Haynes, Walter Cooper, Math. Purnell, Maria a Negro; by assignmt. of Ralph Hunt. WILLIAM GANTLETT, 720 acs. on S. W. side of Skiminoe maine branch, beg. at cor. tree of William Greaves, running along land of Thomas Pinkerman &c, N. W. to land of Wm. Graves &c. 30 Nov. 1652, p. 147. Trans, of 15 pers: William Gantlett, his father, Thomas Halls, Thomas Smith, Xtopr. Hughes, Geo. Holt, George Keth, John Wood, Henry Franklin. JAMES STERLING, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Linhaven Parish, 10 May 1652, p. 148. Beg. at a point between Bennetts Cr. & Cattaile Cr., etc. Trans, of 3 pers: Ann Byard, Dunkin Glass, Margaret Hodges. THOMAS HOLLIWELL, 300 acs., being a neck of land on the W. branch of Eliz. Rv., bounded with Broad Cr. on the S. W. & a branch of same called the Sedgy Cr. on the N. E. &c. 11 Jan. 1652, p. 148. Trans, of 6 pers: Rich- ard Thompson, Richard Jones, Daniel Pulson, John Roge, William Rasfe (or Raffe,) Geo. Gosden. By assignmt. from Richard Starnell. RICHARD STARNELL, 350 acs. in Eliz. Riv., beg. at the miles end of Thomas Wright, running E. by S. &c. by Broad Cr., up the same N. E. etc. 11 Jan. 1652, p. 149. Trans, of 7 pers: Mary a Negro, Henry Lambert, Mary Goldsmith, Jno. Lownes & his wife, Rebecca Moore, Robert Serby. By assignment from Mr. Ro. Hubberd. SAME. Same date & page. 100 acs. on W. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at Clerkes Cr. & running for length N. N. E. &c. Trans, of 2 pers: William Rampsie, Samuel Quilt. By assignmt. as above. MR. THOMAS SAWYER, 500 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 2 June 1652, p. 150. Being 2 miles up the Eastermost br. of Eliz. Riv., W. upon Billingsgate Cr. & E. N. E. upon Nehuntas Cr. &c. 250 acs. by patent to him dated 10 May 1638 & the residue for trans, of 5 pers: Himselfe, Francis Sawyer, Francis Saw- yer, Robert Flitt, Eliza. Yellow. RICHARD POOLE, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 22 Aug. 1652, p. 150. Ly- ing towards the head of the master br. of Saml. Bennetts Cr., beg. on S. E. side thereof about a mile above John Gookins Landing place. Formerly granted to Edward Hall 1 Sept. 1646 renewed in his name 24 Sept. 1649, & assigned to sd. Poole. SAVILL GASKINS, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Linhaven Parish, 6 Dec. 1652, p. 151. Beg. at James Starlings land, running by the head of Strattons and Davis' land W. S. W. &c. by Bur- roughs land, thence by Marg. (or Mary) Gookins land & thence by Col. Yardleys land. 100 acs. granted to him by patent, 28 July 1648; & residue for trans, of 3 pers: Joseph Bowe, Allen Gallop, Elizabeth Hewes. By assign- ment of Tho. Lambert. JOHN PHILLIPS, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 2 Sept. 1652, p. 151. On S. side of Rappa. Riv. & upon S. side of Bar- ham ah. Burnham Cr. or Sunderland, lying at the head of land of Edward Boswell; N. upon lands of Evan Davis & Den. Conier &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Nathaniel Eaton, Charles Harris, Robert Drap: (may be abbreviation for Draper.) WILLIAM WOLFE, 613 acs. James City Co., lying at the head of Tamahun Cr. in Juringe point Necke, bounded from the Cr. by Mrs. Young, Widd: (widdow), S. W. by W. &c. 10 Jan. 1652, p. 152. Trans, of 13 pers.* JOHN HATTON, 300 acs. in the Westermost br. of Eliz. Riv., near the head of Browns Cr. 11 Jan. 1652, p. 270 Cavaliers and Pioneers 152. Trans, of 6 pers: John Harris, Edm. Yeomans, John Searle, Ja. Jen- kins, Xtopher Vaughan, Tho. Atkinson. THOMAS PAINE, 600 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 27 Jan. 1652, p. 153. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., & N. W. side of plantation of James Bagnell, about 43 mi. up the river, beg. upon N. W. side of a cr. dividing this & land of sd. Bagwell. Due by virtue of the rights of a patent for 600 acs., dated 10 Apr. 1650. NICHOLAS GEORGE, 700 acs. on the N. side of Rappa. River, on E. side of the W. br. of Corotoman Riv., 15 Feb. 1652, p. 153. 300 acs. by rights of a patent to sd. George & William Grindith, Feb. 28, 1638, & surrendered by him; & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Nicho. George, Marg. his wife, John Pinhorne, Neale Mackee, Tho. Bemrose, James Budford, Mary West, Richard Appletree, Stephen Norman, John Cassens. Land due for two last. MRS. ANN HARWOOD, 300 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., (no date) p. 154. N. upon Uteys Cr., E. upon the Gleab Land & S. upon land of Thomas Fel- gate. Formerly granted unto John Wayne, 10 July 1638, who assigned to Robert Bouth, (Booth), who assigned unto Capt. Gill & purchased of him by Capt. Thomas Harwood, as appeareth by deposition of Capt. Stephen Gill; & also by order of the Quarter Court, 13 Oct. 1652. THOMAS STEVENS, 600 acs. Lan- caster Co., 12 Feb. 1652, p. 154. Upon N. W. side of Moraticon Cr., opposite land of Richard Hatton & Lambert Lambetson, W. by S. against land of Nicho. Freeman &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Eight Negros; Tho. Mount Stevens, Mary West, Anne Downing, Holliday Chessee. MR. HENRY PITTS, 450 acs. on Pagan Cr., 13 Jan. 1652, p. 155. Run- ning to land of Mrs. Joane West, George Medlin, Mrs. Upton & Samuel Mathews. Trans, of 9 pers: Henry Pitt, Wm. Oakes, Chr. Jones, Jno. Dol- ton, Danl. Rooke, Sarah Payne, Tho. Forrest, Jam. Haynes, Thomas Jones, Wm. Dawson, Wm. Wincen, (or Vin- cen), John Gatehouse, Jane House, Segro and Mingo, Negroes. Land due for 6 last. THOMAS HOLME, 200 acs. Yorke Co., 15 Feb. 1652, p. 155. Upon S. side of Yorke Riv., opposite another of his tracts, Ewd. of Cattaile Swamp &c. to the head of a branch of Persimon Valley &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Gabriell Wilson, Benjamin Strange, Richard Harrison. Note: This land is included in a patent granted sd. Holmes, 26 Mar. 1653, & these rights to make that good. JOANE YATES, Widdow, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Eliz. Riv. Parish, 6 Dec. 1652, p. 156. Beg. at head of the W. Neck branch, which falls into the S. br. of sd. Riv &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Jonathan Barthram, Anne Wynn, Walter Causington, Mary Syarlocke. MR. JOHN FLEET, 200 acs. Lan- caster Co., 28 Jan. 1652, p. 156. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., N. W. upon land of David Fox & S. E. along Powells Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: George Light, Fra. Wheeler, their second ad- venture, Mathew Smalwood. NICHO. SEABORNE, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Eliz. Riv. Parish, 6 Dec. 1652, p. 157. Beg. on the head of the Wetneck branch &c. Trans, of 2 pers: John Arrundell, Margarett Greene. By assignment from Mr. Richard Conquest. HENRY SNAILE, 97 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 23 Aug. 1652, p. 157. Bounded with his own land on the S. side, land of Capt. Thorowghgood heir (?) on the N. side & the Little Cr. on the E. side. 50 acs. by virtue of the right of a patent granted him for soe much, dated 23 Nov. 1637, & surrendered; & 47 acs. for trans, of Henry Gordan. MR. EDWARD TRAVIS, 196 acs. in James City Island near black Poynt, 10 Mar. 1652, p. 158. Bounded N. upon the back river, E. upon the same, S. upon land of Mr. Chyles & Goose hill Marsh & W. upon David Ellis & Mr. Crossbys land. 24 acs. granted un- Patent Book No. 3 271 to John Southerne; 16 acs. formerly be- longing unto Thomas Passmore; 12 acs. formerly granted unto John Senior, in all 52 acs., which is since purchased by Travis; & 144 acs. adj. to the former land, due for trans, of 3 pers: Thomas Bryan, John Hall, George Thomas. THOMAS GREY, 800 acs. Surry Co., on S. side of James Riv. at the head of Smiths Fort Cr., 14 Mar. 1652, p. 158. Upon land of John Kemp. 400 acs. granted sd. Grey 30 July 1639 & 400 acs. formerly granted Samuel Abbott, 10 Apr. 1644 & purchased by sd. Grey. FRANCIS TOWNSHEND, 650 acres in Chas. Riv. Co., between Marteaws Cr. & Townshends Cr., 10 Mar. 1652, p. 159. N. W. upon land of Mr. Wil- liam Prior & S. E. upon land of Capt. Marteaw, the land marks for the division beg. at the S. W. branch of Capt. Marteaws Cr. butting N. E. upon Charles Riv. & S. W. into the main land. Granted Capt. Richard Town- shend, 10 Mar. 1639 & due sd. Francis as sonn & heire, & for trans, of 15 pers.* JAMES FOSTER, & ANDRY, (or Audry) BONNY, 800 acs. on the head of the S. branch of Nansemund Riv. 18 Feb. 1652, p. 159. Trans, of 16 pers: Thomas Best, Wm. Penington, John Lawrence, John Wilcockes, Michael Carrington, Mary Bacon. WILLIAM ROBERTS, 200 acs. Glocester Co., 29 Nov. 1652, p. 160. Upon N. side of York Riv. & N. W. side at the mouth of Joneses Cr. & N. upon land of Edward West. Trans, of 4 pers.* JOHN BUTLER, 470 acs. on S. side of Yorke Riv., behind John Murseries land, and abutting Mr. Croshaws land in the Narrows. 17 Feb. 1652, p. 160. Due by virtue of the rights of a patent granted unto Timothy Lodall, 27 Feb. 1649, which he assigned unto Joseph Croshaw, who assigned to James Turner & by Turner to sd. Butler & by him surrendered into the office. MRS. HANAH CLERKE, 800 acs. Yorke Co., 10 Feb. 1652, p. 161. Upon S. side & within the freshes of Yorke Riv., N. W. upon a swamp dividing this & land of Col. Phillip Huniwood, & S. E. upon land of Joseph Croshaw. Trans, of 16 pers.* SAME. 1300 acs. Same location, date & page. Upon a swamp divding this & land of Col. Phillip Hunnywood. Trans, of 26 pers.* MR. GEORGE CLAPHAM, 670 acs. on S. side of Yorke Riv., in the Nar- rowes, behind land of Mr. Vause. 24 Dec. 1652, p. 162. Trans, of 14 pers: Thomas Bridd, Eliza. Street, John Latham, Richard Hill, George Chapman, John Rosse, Reese Ruffe, Rog. Penn, John Westone, James Spencer, Mary Blake, Samuel Ellis, Israeli Ellis, John Crafford. RICE HUGHES, 200 acs. on N. side of Yorke Riv., behind land of George Gills & upon land of George Smith. 8 Mar. 1652, p. 162. Trans, of 4 pers: John Williams, Richard Symons, Tho- mas Price, Hugh Griffin. GEORGE SMITH, 200 acs. on S. side of Yorke Riv. behind land of George Gills & upon land of Rice Hutcheson. 8 Mar. 1652, p. 163. Trans, of 4 pers: George Smith, Phill. Crafford, John Crafford, Elizab. Craf- ford. MR. EDWIN CONNAWAY, 700 acs. lying on the Northermost side to- wards the head of Corotoman (?) River, beg. on a poynt at the mouth of Conna- ways Cr. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 163. Trans, of 14 pers: EdwinConnaway 3 tymes, Martha his wife, John Calvary, Dennis Lyell, John Roberts, Senr., John Roberts, Jr., Mary Garner, Wm. Lucas, William Roberts, John Walker, John Whoop, Math. Welbeloved, A child. SAME. 300 acs. on Cattatawoman Riv., on the Northermost side nigh the head, adj. his own tract of 700 acs. Same date, p. 164. Trans, of 6 pers: James Langworth, Eliza. Morris, Eliza. Savill, Richard Smith, John Sutton, Alice Ellis, Anne Roberts. Land due for the last name. 272 Cavaliers and Pioneers THOMAS BELL, 84 acs. Glocester Co., 6 Dec. 1652, p. 164. Upon N. W. side of Poropotanke Cr. & N. E. side of Bennetts Cr. ; & bounded with land of John King, John Bennett and Tho- mas Leechman. Trans, of 2 pers: Tho- mas Hickman, Thomas Wheeley, Wil- liam Watts. Land due for the last right. FRANCIS BROWN, 300 acs. Lan- caster Co., 1 Jan. 1652, p. 165. On S. side of Rappa. Riv., & bounded on the S. E. with Sandy Poynt Cr. Due by virtue of the rights of a former patent by him relinquished. HENRY TYLER, 254 acs. lying in the Middle plantation, Chas. Riv. Co., 7 Jan. 1652, p. 165. Bounded S. E. upon the Pallisadoes, S. W. upon land of George Lake & N. E. upon Capt. Popeley. Trans, of 6 pers: Henry Tyler, Mary his wife, Anne Sherman, Thomas Day, David Legume, Ja. Muskatina. 46 acs. remaining due upon the last name. THOMAS LEECHMAN & JOHN BENNETT, 200 acs. Glocester Co., 13 Jan. 1652, p. 166. Upon N. side of Yorke Riv., from S. E. side of a Cr. dividing this & land surveyed for Robert Huberd, and N. E. upon Tankes Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: William Jones, John Clerke, Richard James, Henry Lodwell. Note: "Wrong Enter'd instead thereof is Wm. Porter, Robert Dorfield, Rob. Lane, Richd. Wilkins." CAPT. FRANCIS MORGAN & RALPH GREEN, 500 acs. Gloster Co., 13 Jan. 1652, p. 166. Upon S. E. side of Mattapony Riv. & S. S. W. side of Arsantans Cr. running N. N. W. &c. to head of Aratoco Cr. &c. Trans. 16 pers: Gregory Bashpoole, Nicho. Heale, Tho- mas Morley, Symon Wady, George Evans, Peter Starky, Hump. Tompkins, Fra. Reade, Stephen Boyer, Dennis Connier, James Turney, (or Turvey), Wm. Jones, Joseph Clerke, Richd. James, Hen. Lodwell, Thomas Jarvis (or Harvis). MR. THOMAS BRICE, 1650 acs. Lancaster Co., 27 Oct. 1652, p. 167. On N. side of Rappa. Riv., being part of an Indian Habitation called Old Mora- ticond & on Nwd. side of the mouth of Harrises Cr., adj. Edward Harris &c. to the deviding Cr. of Cattowoman River, etc. to Faireweathers Cr. &c, crossing Brices Cr. &c. 700 acs. by patent dated 15 Aug. 1642, & 200 acs. by patent dated 18 Apr. 1650; & the residue for trans, of 15 pers: Christopher Jones, Richard Godfrey, George Beachly, Mary Hancocke, Phill. Chycott, James Beamast, Peirce Cornewall, John Pott, Martha Brice, Fra. Robinson, Thomas Barker. EDWARD WILLS, 200 acs. upon Deep Cr. in Ware Riv. in Mockjack Bay, adj. his own land. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 168. Trans, of 4 pers: Edward Wills, John Wills, Katherin Wills, Susana Wills. JOHN SMITHY, 100 acs. in a branch of Milford Haven, beg. at George Bil- lops land on the Cr. side, running S. S. W. &c. 6 Dec. 1652, p. 168. Trans, of 2 pers: Elizabeth a Maid servant, & Another maid servant. Assigned by Lt. Col. John Walker. WILLIAM RATTON & RICHARD FLINT, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 29 Nov. 1652, p. 169. Upon W. side of Coro- toman Riv., N. N. W. upon land of William White, S. S. E. upon land of Henry Hacker & E. N. E. upon a branch dividing this & land of William Jr. Trans, of 4 pers: Mary Flint, Marga. Leathott, Marga. Robinson, Job. Townsend. ANDREW MUNROW (MON- ROW), 440 acs. Northumberland Co., 29 Nov. 1652, p. 169. N. E. upon a Cr. issueing out of Potomack Riv. & S. E. upon his own plantation &c. Trans, of 9 pers: William Longe, James Brice, William James, George Dale, John Teagg, Edis Kleg, John Hodin, Wm. Brice, James Longe. EDWARD REVELL, 500 acs. North- ampton Co., 27 Nov. 1652, p. 170. A neck of land parted by a branch of Pongotege Cr. from land of Anthony Hoskins. Due by assignmt. from his father Randall Revell of the survey & Patent Book No. 3 273 trans, of 10 pers: Joyce Smith, Robt. Huston, James Gardner, George Dale, John Teagg, Edis Kleg, Wm, Fernice, Wm. Matter, Fra. Pope, Richard Browne. GEORGE PACE, 507 acs. Chas. City Co., 6 Dec. 1652, p. 170. On S. side of James Riv. & E. side of Powells Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Arkady, An- drew Gourd, Thomas Bigs, Ben. Bourne, Sa. Torner, Tho. Stroud, Andrew Walker, Thomas Bayley, Wm. Besse, Wm. Hencill. MR. JAMES WARRADINE, 1070^4 acs. Chas. City Co., 13 Oct. 1652, p. 171. On S. side of James Riv., next to John Chaplins, S. S. E. &c. to head of Richards land, bounded from his own land S. by W. &c. cross an Indian feild comonly called Mr. Mathews his upper Indian field &c. 470^4 acs. by patent July 8, 1647 & the residue for trans. of 12 pers: Robert Burgess, Thomas Hutt (or Hatt), Henry Barker, John Moore, Joyce Amis, (or Amis), Da. Ludicus, Eliz. Ludicus, Tho. Battle, Tho. Godson, John Harlow, Edward Gibson, Alex Davis. COL. THOMAS PETTUS, Esqr., one of the Councill of State, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 10 Feb. 1652, p. 171. Nly. upon Potomeck Cr. & Ely. upon land of Sir Thomas Lunsford. Trans, of 20 pers.* CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON & JOHN STURDEVANT, 600 acs. Hen- rico Co., 23 Feby. 1652, p. 172. Upon the heads of the Eastern run of Swift Cr. known by the name of Mr. Hatchers run &c, towards the Ashen Swamp, etc. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Hayward, Elianor his wife, John Kendall, James Hewes, James Sturdey, Robt. Kinge, Edward Bayle, Tho. Edwards, Hester Paulwin. 2 rights by assignmt. from Mihill Masters. MR. DAVID FOX, 600 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 25 Nov. 1652, p. 172. Upon S. S. E. side of Morroticon Cr. &c. S. W. upon land of Lam. Lambettson & Richard Hatton. Due by virtue of the rights of a former patent by him relin- quished. ROBERT LEND ALL, 150 acs. on N. side of the Eastermost river in Mock- jack Bay. 18 Oct. 1652, p. 173. (Re- cord incomplete) Trans, of 3 pers: Joane Maning, Anne Moseley. MRS. ELIANOR BROCAS, wife of Capt. Wm. Brocas, Esqr., 700 acs. Lan- caster Co., 2 Jan. 1652, p. 173. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., upon head of Lady Chichleys land, now in possession sd. Brocas. Trans, of 14 pers: James Draper, Richard Moore, Francis Pett, Tymothy Turton, Elizabeth Angle, Joane Cannon, Fra. Crame, Tho. Innervald, Edward Tiballs, John Pye, Peter Caper, Tomazin Drue, Benjamin , Mary Ashwell. TOBY SMITH, Gent., 900 acs. Lan- caster Co., 8 Feb. 1652, p. 174. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., near land of Thomas Payne &c. opposite Toteske Cr. 550 acs. formerly granted in two patents to Capt. Moore Fantleroy 200 acs. dated 18 Apr. 1650, & 350 acs. dated 22 May 1650, & assigned to sd. Smith; & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers.* EDWARD WILDER, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 9 Mar. 1652, p. 174. Beg. on a point in the broad Cr. & running N. &c. Trans, of 4 pers.* JOHN SOWSEY, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 9 Mar. 1652, p. 175. Trans, of 3 pers.* MRS. JOHANNA YATES, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., page 175. No date. Trans. 6 pers.* RICHARD KING. 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 9 Mar. 1652, p. 176. Adj. John Sowsyes land. Trans. 3 pers: John Chandler, Edmund Madgnell, Thomas Kelly. THOMAS BROWNE, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co.. in Linhaven Parish, on broad Creek, 9 Mar. 1652, p. 176. Trans, of 5 pers.* NICHO. SEABURNE, 170 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 9 Mar. 1652, p. 177. (Re- cord incomplete.) THOMAS GREENWOOD, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 23 Feb. 1652, p. 274 Cavaliers and Pioneers 177. Wly. upon land of John Oliver & Ely. on land of Pharo. Flinton. Trans, of 6 pers: John Gaylor, John Allen, John Mooringe, Thomas Whittngton, William Mason, Robert Scott. HENRY BARLOW, 350 acs. in the Southerne branch of Eliz. Riv., run- ning down Julians Cr. 9 Mar. 1652, p. 178. Trans, of 7 pers: Henry Barlow 3 tymes, Thomas Barlow, Abra. Pan- craft, Eliz. Pancraft, William Starky. MR. THOMAS GUTHERIDGE, 700 acs. Low. Norf. Co., up the S. branch of Eliz. Rv., Mar. 1652, p. 178. Trans, of 14 pers: Thomas Turner, Richard Chapman, Pascoe Champion, Ficler Windett, Math. Hall, Hen. Gutts, Weston Browe, Tho. Evans, Steph. Callowe, Tho. Luscome, Rob. Smith- wood, Tho. Austine. This patent is as- signed to Peter Sexton who hath relin- quished it and made use of the rights for another tract. GREGORY PARRETT, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 16 Mar. 1652, p. 179. Up the S. branch of Eliz. Riv. against John Maning, N. N. W. along Julians Cr. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Parker, Richard Hunter, Wm. Wilson, Phill. Weston, Will. Lemon, James Smith. FRANCIS FLEETWOOD, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 16 Mar. 1652, p. 179. Lying in Pussell Point Cr. over against William Robinsons land &c. Trans, of 6 pers: John Leidge, Robt. Sorrell, John Sorrell, Edward Dorsey, Richard Starnell, John Scibbs. WILLIAM ROBINSON, 500 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 10 Mar. 1652, p. 180. Up the S. branch of Eliz. Riv. nye Pussell Point &c. Trans, of 10 pers.* (Incomplete.) JOHN OLIVER, 100 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 23 Feb. 1652, p. 180. Bounded Wly. by land of Major Faw- den & Ely. with land of Thomas Green- wood. Trans, of 2 pers: John Can- ninge, John Dobson. THOMAS STEEVENS ( Stevens ) , 150 acs. lying in Nutmeg quarter, run- ning E. by the white Marsh &c. 5 Mar. 1652, p. 181. Trans, of 3 pers: Charles Walshway, Walter Rouse, Nicho. Netherwitt, (or Nethercott). THOMAS STEEVENS, 120 acs. War- wick Co., 5 Mar. 1652, p. 181. Bounded Wly. upon land of Robert Gillett. Trans, of 3 pers: William Kemp, John Barron, (or Barton), William Matham. HUMPH. HARWOOD, 2,070 acs. Warwick Co., 26 Nov. 1652, p. 182. On Skeaths Cr., near land of Capt. Nath. Hurd. 1350 acs. part of patent granted to Capt. Thomas Harwood, 7 Nov. 1637; the other 500 acs. now be- longing to sd. Hurd; 100 acs. by virtue of the rights of a patent for soe much granted to Richard Atkins & since pur- chased by Capt. Thomas Harwood; & 620 acs. for trans, of 13 pers.*, and descending to said Humph, as being son & heir to sd. Capt. Harwood. THOMAS TODD, 450 acs. lying in Winter Harbour, beg. at John Smiths land, running E. N. E. &c. 27 Oct. 1652, p. 182. Trans, of 9 pers: John Radford, John Rowlinson, Hen. Alwood, (or Atwood), Edmd. Morenhana, Tho- mas Hughes, Giles Webb, Richard Roote, Eliza. Cooper, Thomas Smith. SAME. Same date. Page 183. 150 acs. lying on Ewd. side of the Eastermost river n Mockjack bay, bet. William Hampton & Phill. Hunly. Trans, of 3 pers: Geo. Boore (or Boone), Hewett Gepperson. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 1 Dec. 1652, p. 183. Near the Eastern branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at miles end of John Porter near the main swamp, running W. bv S. by Humph. Belts &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Mathew Hones, Huldy Chase, Robert Lushby, (or Lashby), Wm. Nicholson, John Taylor, Eliza. Collins. MRS. ANNE HARWOOD, 150 acs. upon the Ewd. of Skeaths Cr., beg. at old Coxes Poynt &c. to the Green branch, etc. & to Humphry Harwood &c. 10 Mar. 1652, p. 184. Trans, of 3 pers.* Patent Book No. 3 275 MRS. JANE HARMER, 2,000 acs. Northumberland Co., date blank, 1652, p. 184. Nly upon Potomeck Riv. alias Potomeck Cr., Ely. upon a branch of same dividing this & land of John Rook- wood, Gent., commonly called the Fort land &c. Trans, of 40 pers: Charles Gregory, Elizab. Dobson, Sackfield Brew, John James, John Smith, Wm. Christian, Richard Ford, Roger Hobson, George James, Elizab. Richards, Lane. Sewell, Wm. Jackson, John Oxford, Mary Winchly, Wm. Abbeys, James Cunny, Fra. Hewett, Tho. Sharpe, Wm. Jones, Mich. Sawyer, James Cole, James Tute, (or Tate), Richd. Lowen, Wm. Farley, Wm. Hopkins, Arth. Collins, John Towmes, John Nurton, Mich. Batt, Hump. Adrey, John Goldings, Patr. Tallin, David Davis, John Vaughan Henry Daniell, Edmd. Clowman, Wm. Williams, John Metcalfe. LIEUT. COL. BELLEW & JEROM HAME (Ham), 1,050 acs. James City Co., 19 Feb. 1652, p. 185. N. E. upon Chicohamony Riv., S. E. upon land of Mr. Smith & N. W. upon land of Mr. William Fry, including the island in Otterahan Swamp. Trans, of 21 pers.* PETER SEXTON, 350 acs. in the Southern Br. of Eliz. Riv. adj. land called the Southerne plantation & adj. William Pell. Last of March, 1653, p. 185. Trans, of 7 pers: Tho. Goodrich, Anne Goodrich, five Negros. THOMAS SAWYER, 400 acs. in Pussell Poynt Cr., S. branch of Eliz. Riv., Last of Mar. 1653, p. 186. Trans, of 8 pers: Johan Bigg, Joseph Hutt, Marg. Yellow, Wm. Heath, Marg. Car- ter, John Beringe, Anne Sayer, Fra. Ellyott. WILLIAM MOSELEY, 540 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Linhaven Parish, 17 Feb. 1652, p. 186. Trans, of 11 pers: Wil- liam Moseley, Susanna Moseley, Wm. & Arthur his sonns, Susanna Robinson alis. Corker, Elizabeth West, Anne Lam- bert. 200 acs. purchased from William Julian. HENRY WATTS, 457 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 26 Nov. 1652, p. 187. 300 acs. on S. E. side of Pagan Cr., Sly. on land of Mr. John Moone, & 157 acs. being the plantation he lives on, N. W. upon land of Peter Knight. Said 300 lately belonging to John Speckman & now purchased, & 157 acs. granted sd. Watts by patent dated 18 Oct. 1643. THEO. HOANE, Gent., 130 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 22 Feb. 1652, p. 187. (Record incomplete). Trans, of 3 pers: Robert Gorsuch, Richard Gorsuch, Anne Gor- such. SAME. 720 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on Ewd. side of a branch run- ning out of the head of Cosotawaman Riv. &c. Same date, p. 188. Trans, of 15 pers: Elizabeth Gorsuch, Charles Gorsuch, Lovelace, Gorsuch, Kath. Gor- such, Sarah Chandler, Daniel Chandler, Alice Stanley, Mary Clerke, Elizabeth Kitchin, Thomas Penn, Daniel Smith, William Penn, Row. Beamond, Richard Smith, Tho. Forecraft. RICHARD ALLEN, 85 acs. Eliz. City Co., 10 Mar. 1652, p. 188. Beg. at utmost bounds of William Houlder &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Elizabeth Gillett, Susanna Haines. NATHANIEL BACON, 1,075 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 23 Mar. 1652, p. 189. Upon a branch of Pagan Cr., beg. at Southermost point of Cross Cr. where Anthony Jones land begins &c. to where William Smiths lands begins &c. to miles end of John Sparkes land &c. Trans, of 22 pers: Richard Morganson, William Harwood, Henry Bisshop, Robert Hall, Robert Glan, Thomas Hyett, Tho. Charles, John Grymes, Row. Happ, Hector Hutchinson, Wm. Crawle, Duning Glasse, Fra. Armstrong, James Wilson, Andre. Hutchinson, Oneale Stuart, John Ward, John Banks. Mary Walker, John Appleby, John Bridge, James Hunter, Dudgill Martin, William Parry. 125 acres due. m JOHN NEEDLES, 300 acs. on N. E. side of a Cr. near Home Harbour &c. to Mrs. Morrysons marked tree, etc. &c. 10 Mar. 1652, p. 190. Trans, of 6 pers: John Wiseman, Joane Curie, John 276 Cavaliers and Pioneers Needles, Abbalto a Negro, John Cooke, Eliza, his wife, John Cooke his sonn. Land due for last right. EDWARD CANNON & THOMAS ALLEN, 520 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Linhaven parish, 11 Mar. 1652, p. 190. Beg. on a branch of Mr. Woodhouse's dam. Trans, of 11 pers: Isaac Worgan, Mary Shewell, Anne Littleton, Tho. Allen, Griffin Gwin, Geo. Beasly, Henry Shade, Sarah a maid servant, John Maiden, Richard Lee, Thomas Anthony. COL. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Esqr., one of the Council of State, 1,050 acs. called Rocahock, Glocester Co., on N. side of Mattapony Riv. 18 Apr. 1653, p. 191. Trans, of 21 pers: Jane Pinor, Jno. Evans, Will. Cooke, Roger Win- shaw, John Stale, David James, Kath. Kinkee, Will. Smith, Leo. Hathorne, Henry Lambert, Robert Middleton, John Axtill, Peter Key, Sarah Ridmore, Mar- garet TENKIN PRICE, 100 acs. Northam- pton Co., 10 Mar. 1652, p. 191. Bounded on the N. by Nondui Cr., E. by his own land, W. by the main bay & runing Slv. towards land of Mr. Thomas Teagle. Trans, of 2 pers: Jenkin Price, John Drummen. "In the name of the Keepers of the Liberty's" &c. give &c. grant unto CAPT. GILES BRENT, 300 acs. North- umberland Co., 4 May, 1653, p. 192. Abutting N. E. upon Quiriough (Quini- cough) Riv. & S. E. upon his own land. Trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Conapsacke, Anne White, Fra. Kinge, Fra. Anchile, Richard Collesfored, John Bookwood. MR. WILLIAM FRY, 750 acs. near the head of Chichamony Riv. on S. W. side thereof, 7 Apr. 1653, p. 192. Beg. at Fleets quarter includeing a small In- dian feild &c. Trans, of 15 pers: Giles Carter, Ralph Spendlowe, Jane Walker, Miles Noble, Anne Williams, William Brooke, Ralph Burton, Andrew Miller, Alice Archer, the sd. Frys wife & his three children; Dorothy Miller, Wm. Hoccadie. MR. RICHARD BARNHOUSE, Jr., 200 acs. Glocester Co., 27 Apr. 1653, p. 193. On S. side of Mattapony Riv., 2 mi. above the Indian ferry, bounded upon land of Capt. Robert Abrahall, Apostique Cr. & Mr. William Wyatt. Trans, of 4 pers: William Allen, Mary Collier, Robert Yates, John Greenshan. FRANCIS JORDAN, 100 acs. Surry Co., 11 Mar. 1652, p. 193. Lying upon the river betwixt land of Mr. Charles Foard & Mr. Benjamin Harrison. Trans, of 2 pers: Richard Hewes, William East. Assigned by Col. Flood. ROBERT BOUTH, 880 acs. Yorke Co., 14 Apr. 1653, p. 194. Bounded from S. E. side of old Warrany Town &c. to land of Thomas Homes. Trans. of 18 pers: Man, John Wayne, Mary Wayne, Mary Turner, George Turner, Thomas Taylor, Francis (& or ux) , Mary Foster, Mary Deane, John Wright, John Hill, Eliza. Crouch, John Clarke, Tho. Sweno, John Wil- liams, Rob. Greenwill. CAPT. FRANCIS MORGAN, 510 acs. Gloster Co., upon E. side of Poro- potank Cr. 27 July 1652, p. 194. Adj. his own land, S. E. &c. to the head of Atapotamoies Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Henry Wilson, Wm. Porter, Ro. Dor- field, Rob. Lane, Richd. Wilkins, Eliza. Smith, Geo. Court, Jno. Parker, Richd. Parker, Robt. Borden, Eliza. Parry. THOMAS GLASCOCK. 600 acs. Lancaster, 28 July 1652, p. 195. Upon N. side of Morratico Cr., running to land of Nicholas Ferman, etc. 200 acs. by rights of a former patent, surren- dered; & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Fra. Brumly, Alice Bird, Henry Cosham, John Barrom, Thomas Dison, John Ingram, James Ororke, Thomas West; Sarah Parsons land due for. Note: The patent surrendered is dated 30 Aug. 1643 for land in Peyanketanke. DAVID FOX, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., upon S. side of Rappa. River, bounded on W. N. W. with a Cr. dividing this from land of Francis Browne & E. S. E. upon a Cr. dividing this from land of Richard Parrett. 27 July 1652, p. 195. Due by part of the rights of a patent granted him for 1,050 acs., dated 6 Apr. 1650, & relinquished. Patent Book No. 3 277 SAME. 80 acs., same county & date, p. 196. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. his devdt. of 1,050 acs., & running to the mouth of Farewethers Cr. Due as above. 670 acs. yet due. DANIELL WELCH, 530 acs. Lan- caster Co., 9 Aug. 1652, p. 196. S. side of Rappa. Riv. & N. side of Sun- derland Cr. & extending against land of Richard Lewis. Trans, of 11 pers: Magery Paine, James Katon, Miles Moore, John Boswell, Anne Taberer, Eliza. Harvey, Eliza. Wiggs, John Ads- don, Eliza. Bennell, Edward Gibbs, John Short. SAME. 600 acs., same Co. & date, page 197. Upon S. side of Parretts Cr., extending along land of Mr. David Fox to a Cr. opposite, dividing this & land of Richard Lewis. Trans, of 12 pers: John Sadler, Dorothy Sadler, Roger Sadler, John Sadler, William Denson. MR. PETER KNIGHT, 700 acs. Gloster Co., 25 Aug. 1652, p. 197. Cr. Upon Eastermost side of Poropo- tank Cr. towards the head of same, beg. at a branch dividing this & land of Mr. Blunt &c. Trans, of 14 pers: John Ball, Alex, and Richard Weston, John Henton, Thomas Cobb, Tho. Taberer, Richard Lathberry, James Clarke, Saml. Clarke, Margery Chamber, Thomas Miller, Kath. Huse, Arthur Carpenter, John Simson. THOMAS JOHNSON, JR., 450 acs. Northampton Co., 10 May 1652, p. 198. At Pongotegue Cr., beg. at Pocomoke Branch of the same. Trans, of 9 pers: Gilbert Henderson, James Camer (or Carner), John Elson, George Andrews, Debora Dutton, John Croply, William Croply, Joane Boote, Thomas Bullock. WILLIAM DUDLEY, 400 acs. on Wwd. side of the N. river in Mockjack Bay, 20 Sept 1652, p. 198. Beg. oppo- site five pine Island, running Sly. &c. to head of Ginger Cr. &c. Trans, of 8 pers:* Note: This patent by reason of a mistake is surrendered and relin- quished, and one for 350 acs. recorded in the name of the aforesaid Dudley dated as this above written. Test: R. Huberd Clk. GEORGE LIGHT, 200 acs. upon W. side of Porotanke Cr., 13 May 1652, p. 199. Beg. at the mouth of a small creek which devideth this from land of Tho- mas Leechman & John Bennett &c. Be- ing part of a patent granted unto Wil- liam Cainhoe & purchased by sd. Light of John Underwood, who married the relict of said Cainhoe, as by deed under his hand dated 6 Oct 1650 may appeare. MR. HENRY SOANE, 450 acs. in- cluding marsh, on S. side of Rappa. Riv., opposite land of Mr. James Wil- liamson. 3 Sept. 1652, p. 199. Trans. of 9 pers: William Glade, William Rilby, Thomas Woolest, Fra. Thomas, Dorothy Miller, "Dermon of Collum," John Mills, Sarah Anderson, Richard Reynolds. HENRY NICHOLLS, 200 acs. Lan- caster Co., 29 July 1652, p. 200. Upon N. W. side of the S. W. branch of Sunderland Cr. opposite land of Dennis Conniers & Evan Davis, & on S. side of Rappa. Riv. Trans, of 4 pers: Henry Covell, Edward Nash, Thomas Hard- inge, William Wright. Assigned by Mr. Moone. MRS. JANE BLAND, late the wife of Edward Bland, dec'd., 4,300 acs. James City Co., near the head of upper Chipoaks Cr. 9 May 1652, p. 200. Bounded from the division of the maine middle run of sd. Creek &c, & upon a path leading from Swann Bay to the Indian Feilds &c. 3,000 acs. granted unto Thomas Hill, Gent, 1 Dec. 1643 & purchased of him by sd. Edward Bland, Merchant; 1300 acs. granted sd. Bland 10 Mar. 1647, by order of the Govr. & Councill to be joined in one patent in the name of the sd. Jane. MR. ROBERT BOUTH, 400 acs. Yorke Co., p. 201. Being a neck of land upon S. side of Queens Cr. & a branch of same leading upon the land of Mr. Robert Vaus, Merchant. Record incomplete, "the same with that which followeth." (See second abstract follow- ing-) RICHARD RICKLESSE, 300 acs. on S. side of James Riv. at the head of 278 Cavaliers and Pioneers land of John Senior, & running along land of Henry Meadows &c. 1 July 1652, p. 201. Trans, of 6 pers.* MR. ROBERT BOUTH, 400 acs. Yorke Co., 3 July 1652, p. 202. Being a neck of land upon S. side of Queens Cr. & a branch of same leading upon land of Mr. Robert Vaus, Merchant, & a branch which divides this & land of John Uty, now in occupation of Robert Lewis, William Cooks & George Gill. Due as follows: 100 acs. by patent to John Bell 1 Oct. 1639; 200 acs. to William Rennolls 15 Aug. 1639; 50 acs. to John Wilson 8 Oct. 1639 & 50 acs. to Ralph Green 19 Apr. 1649, all of which were purchased by sd. Bouth. MR. PETER RANSON, 300 acs. East upon the broad Cr., S. upon land of Marke Johnson & N. upon Thomas Watts. 6 May 1652, p. 202. Trans, of 6 pers.* AUGUSTINE MOORE, 650 acs. on N. E. side of Peyanketank Riv., opposite to New Chiskack &c, 29 June 1652, p. 203. Trans, of 13 pers: His own, Anne his wife, Augustine his sonn, Henry Shevarne, Joane Newton, Anne White, Phill. Stevenson, Dennis Cole, Mathew Taylor, John Wilson, Daniell Vehen. By assignment from John Gibbs, one hundred acres. WILLIAM GINSEY, 302 acs. Gloces- ter Co., upon S. E. side of Porropotank Cr., 9 Sept. 1652, p. 203. Upon N. E. side of a swamp dividing this & land of Isaac Richeson & extending along same dividing this & land of John Day. Trans, of 6 pers: Patrick Criste, James Johnson, Gabriell Coox, Anne Burton, Thomas Williams, James Engler. MRS. ANNA BARNETT, 700 acs. Gloster Co., 2 July 1652, p. 204. Part thereof upon the head of Jones his Cr., Ely. upon Rappahannock horse path, Sly. upon land of Col. Richard Lee & Hugh Doudinge (?), & Wly. upon sd. Cr. & opposite land of Samuel Sollace; the other 300 acs. abutting N. W. upon land of Capt. Lee, dec'd., & S. W. upon Mr. William Prior, dec'd. Trans, of 20 pers: Mr. Richard Barnett, Mrs. Anna Barnett, Ellinor Corderoy, Eliza. Barnett, Corderoy Barnett, Richard Bar- nett, Wm. Cordroy, Edwd. Cordroy, Wm. Ironmonger, Fra. Ironmonger, Eliza. Ironmonger, Eliza. Parry, Isabell Ashton, John Smith, Thomas Feild, Joseph Bacon, Anne Whitelock, John Fuller, Leo. Lett, Henry Fablett. THOMAS PRESTON, son of Thomas Preston, dec'd., 500 acs. lying on W. side of the Eastermost river in Mock- jack Bay. 2 Aug. 1652, p. 204. Trans. of 70 pers: William Senter, Henry Barrow, Peter Farlin, James Land, John Groves, Richard Neale, Thomas Farnill, John Barber, Walter True, A negro child; by assignment from Thomas Conniers. NICHO. GEORGE, THOMAS TABERER & HUMPHRY CLARKE, 900 acs., Aug. 14, 1652, p. 205. Beg. at the mouth on N. side of a branch where Francis England's land endeth &c. cross the branch &c. to the great swamp, being the first branch of the black water, etc. Trans, of 18 pers: Jane Bayley, Willm. Thomas, John Mackan, Thomas Walker, Mary Burdy- ken (?), George Mountford, Robert Giles, Hannah his wife, Hannah his daughter, Thomas Holmes, Mary Johns, Thomas Gayne, John Corvent, Sarah Dugort, John Sheeres, Richard Dauson, John Dalton, Joshua Taberer. THOMAS HARRIS, 40 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 14 Aug. 1652, p. 205. At the head of one of the branches of Pagan Cr., bounded with his own land on N. E., Fran. Smith on S. W., Tho- mas Prichard on S. E. & John Davis on N. W. Trans, of Peeter Bell. THOMAS TABERER & FRANCIS HIGGINS, 250 acs. Isle of Wight Cr., on head of the first swamp of black- water, beg. at marked trees of Christo- pher Lewis; etc. 14 Aug. 1652, p. 206. Trans, of 5 pers.* CAPT. THOMAS HACKETT, 800 acs. Lancaster Co., 9 June 1652, p. 206. Upon N. W. side of Corotoman Riv., N. E. upon Mr. John Senior & S. W. upon William Ciapham, now in pos- Patent Book No. 3 279 session of Thomas Powell. Trans, of 16 pers: Elinor Ellis, John Middleton, Edward White, John Waters, Dudgell Martin, James Nutter, John Bridge, John Axelby, Mary Walker, John Banks, John Ward, Nell Stanford. JOHN SENIOR, 800 acs. upon heads of the main branches of Up. Chipoaks Cr. &c, along land late Mr. Edward Blands &c. 1 Sept. 1652, p. 207. Trans, of 16 pers.* MR. JOHN PHILLIPS, 200 acs. Lan- caster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 2 Sept. 1652, p. 207. Upon head of 300 acs. surveyed for Mr. David Fox, abutt- ing N. W. upon land of Fr. Browne & Oliver Carver & E. upon a creek divid- ing this & land of Mr. Richard Parrett. Trans, of 4 pers.* RICE JONES, 88 acs. Lancaster Co., 2 Sept. 1652, p. 208. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., N. & W. upon land of Edward Harris, decM. & S. & by E. upon a Cr. dividing this & land of Richard Coleman. Trans, of 2 pers: George Slight, Robert Parry. ENOCH HAWKER & ANTHONY DONEY, 1,000 acs. Lancaster Co., 29 July 1652, p. 208. Upon N. W. branch of Corotoman Riv. & S. E. along land of John Nichols. Trans, of 20 pers: William Powell, Mathia a Negro, Lan- cett Cocker, Tony, Negro, Maria, Negro, Mary Morgan, William Smith, Tytus Beckett, Anne Crew, Katherine Winne, Robt. Raynes, Geo. Reinolds, Phill. Stowther, Eliza. Lee, Symon Singlewood, Robert Cooper, James Neale, William Jones, Richard Smith, Thomas Williams. EVAN GRIFFETH, 100 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 2 Sept. 1652, p. 209. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., & E. S. E. upon a creek dividing this & land of Mr. David Fox, etc. Trans, of 2 pers: Evan Jones, William Humphry. MR. THOMAS CURTIS, 542 acs. lying on N. side of Ware Riv. in Mock- jack Bay, beg. at E. side of Browns Bay, running up same &c. to Basses Cr. &c. 20 Sept. 1652, p. 209. 400 acs. by patent, 15 Aug. 1642, & residue for trans, of 3 pers: John Trace, Joseph Pye, Anne Parry. MR. GILES BRENT, Junr., 800 acs., being on S. side of Potomeck Riv. op- posite against the Indian Town of Pus- cattaway. 11 Sept. 1653, p. 210. Trans. of 16 pers.* JOHN KNOTT, 130 acs. in Poto- meck Riv., about 2 mi. up Hallowes Cr., bounding N. by W. upon land of Wil- liam Freeke, E. by N. on land of An- drew Munrow & S. by E. on land of Mr. John Hallowes. 11 Sept. 1653, p. 210. Trans, of 3 pers: Michaell Phil- lips, Richard Hewes, Edward Daughly (?)• MR. ANTHONY LANGESTONE (Langstone), 1,303 acs. Gloster Co., 6 Sept. 1653, p. 211. On N. side of Yorke Riv., N. W. right against Ric- kocke, bounded N. E. by E. to Mr. Hammonds land. Trans, of 26 pers.* WILLIAM FREEKE, 100 acs. on Hollowes Cr. in Potomeck Riv., & N. W. upon his own plantation. 11 Sept. 1653, p. 211. Trans, of 2 pers.* SAME. 200 acs. Same location, date & page. Bounding on land of Vaughan. Trans, of 4 pers.* MRS. MARY BRENT, 600 acs. in Potomeck Riv., bounding N. W. by N. upon Mathias Poynt & S. W. by S. to land of Mrs. Jones. 11 Sept. 1653, p. 212. Trans, of 12 pers: John Saysell, Thomas Gugson, Richard Ridges, John Anderson, Gran: Woodroofe, Anne Bad- ger, John Coleman, Rachell Ashton. Renewed in a patent of 1150 acs. MR. JOHN PAGE, Merchant, 850 acs. situated on S. side the freshes of Yorke Riv., adj. land of Mr. Anthony Langstone. Date blank. Page 212. Trans, of 17 pers: Sam: Smith, Jno. Binias (?), Alice Page, Eliza. Page, Mary Page, Thomas Twinn, (or Winn), Thomas Wadlowe, Marius Garrett, An- drew Coster, George Beachill, Mary Middleton, Joane Vallin, Anne Hill, Anne Cooper, Eliza. Parsons. 280 Cavaliers and Pioneers MR. HENRY SOANES, 700 acs. Gloster Co., on Eastermost side of Mettapony Riv., last of July 1653, p. 213. Bounding from Capt. Abrahalls plantation, upon Matchepongo Cr. &c. to Mr. William Wiatts land &c. 160 poles of sd. land is called the White Marsh. Trans, of 14 pers: Antho. Carr, David Jenkin, Ashwell Batty, John Broadly, Arrundill Parris, Allin Cuddington, Richard Ingram, James Hare, Jane Hutcheson, Thomas Hackett, Kath. Davis, Peter Stafford. MR. JAMES TOOKE, 178 acs. Isle of Wight Co., upon head of one of the black water branches, 14 Sept. 1653, p. 213. Beg. near Thomas Pritchard's cartway. Trans, of 4 pers: Robert Reve (or Rene), Wm. Terry, Lydia Trinball, Jane Crosse. SAMUEL TAYLOR, 1,050 acs. Northumberland Co., 9 Sept. 1653, p. 214. Bounding Nly. upon Potomeck Riv, Sly. & Ely. upon Chotanke Cr. & S. W. upon land of John Waltham. Trans, of 21 pers.* WILLIAM MEMUX & DEMETRE MURREEN, 100 acs. in the W. branch of Eliz. Riv., 14 Dec. 1653, p. 214. Trans, of 2 pers: George Camnell, Elinor Sivilian. GEORGE ALLUMBY, 100 acs. in the Wester branch of Nansimum Riv., beg. near the Indian Point (or Path), running S. S. W. & adj. land of Michell Brinkly &c. and land of William Allum- by. 14 Dec. 1653, p. 215. Trans, of 2 pers: George Allumby & Diana his wife. PATRICK MAGRAFFE, 150 acs. at the head of Symons Cr., a branch of the Western branch of Eliz. Riv., 14 Dec. 1653, p. 215. Trans, of 3 pers: Wil- liam Webb, John Roose, Edward Cran- dell. JOHN BATTELL (BATTLE), 200 acs. in the W. branch of Nansimum Riv., adj. land of Thomas Babb. 14 Dec. 1654, p. 216. Trans, of 4 pers: John Battle, Elizabeth Battle, Thomas Nowell, Robert Wolfe. JOHN BLACK, 300 acs. in Mathews Cr., a branch of the Southern branch of Nansemum Riv., 14 Dec. 1654, p. 216. Trans, of 6 pers: John Blake, Willm. Blake, Tho. Woodyard, John Jenkins, David Kerny, Anne White. JOHN BOLES & THOMAS DYER, 400 acs. in the Wester branch of Eliz. Riv., adj. Mr. Thomas Brown. No date. Page 217. Record incomplete. JOHN MADDISON, 600 acs. Gloster Co., on N. side of Metopony Riv., 4 Jan. 1653, p. 217. Beg. at Col. Taylors Cr., running down the river E. to Mr. Adam Hollands Cr., thence N. N. E. etc. Trans, of 12 pers: Thomas Baker, Richard Griffin, Abra. Rigie, Tho. Tholinson (Thomlinson ?), Nicholas Hele, Robert Forst, Law. Baker, Thomas Wade, Robt. Wilson, Nicho. Webster, Robert Allen, John Madison. JOHN MADISON, 80 acs. on Ewd. side of Mundins (?) Cr., beg. at a marked pine & running to a small branch E. by N. &c. 23 Nov. 1653, p. 217. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Card, Mathew Everson (or Evason.) RICHARD BUDD, 400 acs. North- umberland Co., betwixt the two branches of the verry head of Dennis his Creeke, Nly. upon a branch of same, divding this & land of Mr. George Fletcher & Sly. upon another branch towards land of one Howett. 1 Dec. 1653, p. 218. Trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Blunt, James Scott, Peter Claton, Henry Castle, John Dalnies, Samuel Yates, Elizabeth Gray, Edy Legg. SAME. 150 acs. Same location, page & date. Ely. upon the bay towards the mouth of great Wicocomico Riv., Wly. adj. his own land & N. Ely. upon a creek dividing the same from land of one Prickett, and upon the woods & land of Abraham Bryan. Trans, of 3 pers: William Steevens, Joice Waldron, John Hoskins. THOMAS READ, 300 acs. Northum- berland Co., 1 Dec. 1653, p. 219. Adj. land of JefTery Gouch at Vulcanes Cr., on S. side of great Wicocomico Riv. & Patent Book No. 3 281 W. N. W. upon land of Henry Wicker. Trans, of 6 pers: William Bruham, Edmund Land, (or Lund,) Tower Hill, Edward Mothell, Oliver Daniell, Wil- liam Thomas. COL. FRANCIS EPPS, Esqr., one of the Councill of State, 280 acs. Chas. City Co. on S. side of James Riv. & S. side of Appamattock Riv., 23 Jan. 1653, p. 219. Bounded Sly. on Capt. Batts, Nly. on the heads of Walter Brookes, Natha. Tatum & John Bakers land & Ely. on his own 1700 acs. Trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Mather, Thomas Riplye, Fra. Price, William Johnson, Thomas Price, Avis Jealy. CHRISTOPHER BOYCE, 602 acs. Northumberland Co., 28 Nov. 1653, p. 220. Abutting S. E. upon Matchotique Riv. & Nly. upon land surveyed for An- drew Farmer. Trans, of 12 pers: George Holmes, Jane Holmes, David Carrell, Fra. Brooker, Kath. Kempe, Geo. Trut- ton, George Doller, Eliza. Burle, Eliza- beth , James, George, and Mary, Negroes. OLIVER SEGAR, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., last of Jan. 1653, p. 220. Towards the head of Coxes Cr. upon the N. side & beg. at a small branch dividing this & land of Robert Young. Trans, of 4 pers: Thomas Boare, Jame (Jane ?) Wood, James Lodwell, Thomas Harris. SAME. 250 acs. Same county & date, p. 221. Upon the head of Coxes Cr. running &c. to land of William Johnson, thence to Daniell Johnson &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Hine, (or Hive), John Bryant, Kath. Cullaine, Da. Morriell, William Tall. OLIVER SEGAR & FR. BROWN, 200 acs. lying on S. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of John Moore, running to Sandy Point Cr. &c. Last of Jan. 1653, p. 221. Trans, of 4 pers: Darby Hawranly, Hanafitts Charlett. Note: 100 acs. by virtue of soe much rights relinquished by Fra. Browne in a patent of 500 acs. ROBERT TOMLIN, 350 acs., lying on S. side of Rappa. Riv., between lands of Thomas Brice & Epaphraditus Law- son. 27 Apr. 1654, p. 222. Trans, of 7 pers: Burkett, Broad, Wm. Eailes, (or Earles), Miles Rich, Geo. Blackgrove, Jane Willis. JOHN BISHOP & JAMES MASON, 50 acs. Surry Co., on S. side of James Riv. & on S. E. side of Tapahanock Cr., 27 Feb. 1653, p. 222. Trans, of 1 per: Mary Wade. Mary Mason, land due for. JOHN HANSFORD, 950 acs. Glos- ter Co., on N. side of the Narrowes of Mettapony Riv., beg. at a Creek by Mr. Diggs lower devdt. &c. 16 Dec. 1653, p. 223. Trans, of 19 pers: John Hans- ford, Eliza. Hansford, Richard Hukes, (or Hickes), John Bide, Mannes Carew, Dan. Morrin, Patrick Allen, Hugh Horim, Thomas Hatfeild, Mary Pawan, Pru. Worshipp, Alice Taylor, Joseph Bates, Joane Trotter, Eliza. Search, Han- nah Stone, Joseph Tayloe, Peter Adams, Jonathan Higby, (or Higly). WILLIAM CO ALE, 100 acs. Gloster Co., 23 Nov. 1653, p. 223. On S. side of Mattapony Riv., upon the N. W. & Near land of Edward Simpson, etc. Trans, of 2 pers.* CAPT. WILLIAM BROCAS, 800 acs. Lancaster Co., 2 Feb. 1653, p. 224. Up- on S. side & at the mouth of Rappa. Riv., bounded on E. S. E. with the main bay & including Goat Island, S. S. E. with Pyanck bay, W. N. W. with Wadeing Cr. Formerly granted unto Mrs. Elinor Brocas, his wife, 10 Oct. 1652, & consented to by her to be al- tered & made in the name of sd. Brocas. SAME. 950 acs., same county, page & date. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., part of which adj. land of Lady Chich- ley, now in possession of sd. Brocas, etc., & part along Peyanketanke River, etc. Formerly granted, under two patents, as above. CAPT.. ROBERT ABRALL (Arall), 1010 acs. on the N. N. E. side of Mattapony, part above & part behind land of Mr. Richard Barnhouse, beg. at the mouth of Apostoquo Cr., running 282 Cavaliers and Pioneers up the river N. W. by W. to Quinte- nocke Cr. &c, to upper end of an In- dian feild &c. 23 Nov. 1653, p. 225. Trans, of 20 pers: Stafford Bilson, Dan: Mecannick, Henry Hall, Isabel! Patrick, Mathew Cripps, Anne Moore, Eliza. Haies, Jos. Woodrow, Thomas Minnies, (or Minines), John Steevens, John Johnson, Thomas Drout, William Home, Elizabeth Rich, Eliza. Walters, Robt. Bright. RICHARD VARDY, 650 acs. James City Co., last of Nov. 1653, p. 225. On N. E. branch of Powetan Swamp, beg. upon the bottom of the broad neck, running by Lady Lunsford's markt trees, etc., by Poetan Beaver Swamp, etc., to land of Mr. Richard Foard, to Price's corner & to Capt. Popelyes land. Being part of a patent granted unto John Shep- pard & Lucy his wife & by them as- signed unto John Bromfeld, who assigned same to sd. Vardy; & 250 acs., the resi- due, for trans, of 5 pers: Elizabeth Vardy, Mary Bloodstone, Rachell Brig- ton, Robert Markason, Henry Underhill. HOPKIN HOWELL, 400 acs. Nanse- mond Co., 12 Jan. 1653, p. 226. Upon the head of New Towne haven Riv. 200 acs. part near the beavor dams & bor- dering land hereafter mentioned, run- ning by John Thomas' land &c; and 100 acs. beg from the first mentioned, etc. 200 acs. granted unto Peter Johnson, 23 May 1642 & purchased of the as- signees of sd. Johnson; & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Andrew Pearle, Neale Mattrum (or Mattonn), John Vonibly (?), Henry Laine. JOHN LEVISTONE, 400 acs. Glos- ter Co., 16 Dec. 1653, p. 227. On the W. side of Poropotank Cr., behind land of John Thomas, etc. Trans, of 8 pers: Anne Silke, Jno. Backster, Barbery Scott, Ralph Bottock, James , Joane, , Rose Allen, Wm. Lamb. RICHARD BRAINE (BRAYNE) 300 acs. Chas. City Co., 25 Nov. 1653, p. 227. On S. side of James Riv. upon N. W. side of Upper Chipoaks Cr., running by George Burchers markt trees, & towards the head of Mr. Nicholas Perry's land &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Steeven Yates, Eliza. Bauldwin, Wil- liam Glendorier (or Glendoner), Mar- tin Williams, Alice Siropp, Thomas Lue. ( ? ) . Land due for the last. CHARLES GRIMES, 600 acs. Lan- caster Co., 16 Nov. 1653, p. 228. Bounded on N. W. side with Nyem- cock Cr., S. W. upon a swamp, etc. Trans, of 12 pers: William Ward, Henry French, Thomas Wells, Thomas Bauldwin, Henry Day, Richard Foard, Edward Ashbournham, And. Markinlton, (?), Arunges Whithorne, Mathew Wel- bourne, Richard Sexton, John Fowler. PETER KNIGHT & BAKER CUTT, 1850 acs., 13 Oct. 1653, p. 228. Bound- ing Sly. upon Capt. Brent's land, Ely. upon Potomeck Riv. & Nly. upon Chapawansick Cr. Trans, of 37 pers: William Clayre, John Sysone, (or Sip- sone), James Westbrooke, William Valence, Elinor Ramzee, John Fairbanke, Fra. Mott, Richard Spurnell, Rice Mor- rice, Robert Knott, Eliza. Lawrence, Eliza. Morrice, James Barber, John Drap, Toby Ingram, Wilmott Jones, Adam Daniell, Thomas Charnold, Mary Davis, Michael Poope, John Fuller, John Robinson, John Spreatt, Susan Pungly, Rice Thompson, Christopher Bennett, Eman. Wille, Elizabeth his wife, & 6 children; Wm. Murdure, Georg Airea (or Acrea), 3 Negros: Robt., Sampsons & Thorn, & one Indian Thomas. The three last names due. JOHN GILLETT, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., on S. E. side of Rappa. Riv., 4 Feb. 1653, p. 229. Near the head of Hoskins Cr., beg. on N. W. side thereof &c. by a line of markt trees dividing this & land of Bartho. Hoskins &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Sarah Gunney, Giles Webb, John Smith, Richard Reekes, Henry Michell, John Willis, Anne Willis, James Nailes, Anne Harris, Margarett Hamlin. Two last land due for. Marginal Note: "March the 18th 1663 this patent was renew'd in Thomas Buttons name marrying Gilletts " SAME. 200 acs. Same location, date & page. On S. W. of Gilsons Creek, etc. Trans, of 4 pers: Giles Webb, Wm. Eles, Neale Peeterson, Thomas Patent Book No. 3 283 Powell, Fra. Sagent, Geo. Cockham, Fra. Trush, (or Truth), Thomas Granger; Land due to him in all 300 acs. CAPT. RICHARD BARNHOUSE, 33 acs. James City Co., near head of Keths Cr. in Martins Hundred, comonly called by the name of Halls Land, 23 Nov. 1653, p. 230. Bounded N. & W. upon land of Robert Hudson, S. by W. upon Mr. Staffords land & E. upon Kifes Cr. Trans, of John Fisher. SAME. Same county, date & page. 160 acs. near the head of Kiffs Cr., N. E. upon land of George Holmes, W. upon Joell Unger, S. upon land of Mr. Peter Ridly & N. E. & S. E. upon his own former devdt. Trans, of 4 pers: Richard Brignoll, William White, Anne Coales, John Perrine. 40 acs. due. Assignment of the above patent unto his son, Law. Barnhouse, excepting par- cell sould to John Turner. 11 Mar. 1654, p. 230. Test: Henry Blagrave. FRANCIS EMPEROR, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 18 Feb. 1653, p. 231. Being a neck of land in Eliz. Riv. formerly called Watkins land. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Lock, Walter Meares, Richard Woolman, Anne Stoout. WILLIAM EGBROUGH, 300 acs. upon the heads of Upper Chipoakes devdt., beg. in a line of a former devdt. of sd. Egbrough & running N. E. by N. to Jeremy Clements &c. 24 Jan 1653, p. 231. Trans, of 6 pers.* GEORGE COLLINS, 350 acs. on E. side of the E. Riv. of Mockjack Bay, abutting Sly. upon Pudding Cr. and Nly. on a creek dividing this from land of Robert Langdall. 25 Nov. 1653, p. 232. Trans, of 7 pers: His own ad- venture twice; John Brown, Edward Uggins, Griff Richards, Richard Mort, Thomas Renells. WILLIAM KNOTT, 112 acs. Surry Co., 20 Nov. 1653, p. 232. On S. side of James Riv. & S. E. side of Up. Chipoaks Cr., bounded N. W. on Ed- ward Oliver, N. upon William Thomas, E. on George Gibson & S. E. on Mr. Fisher. Trans, of 3 pers: James Wat- son, Jno. Forehead, Anne Cranfeild. WILLIAM WYATT, 400 acs. Glos- ter Co., upon S. E. side of Mettapony Riv., 20 Dec. 1653, p. 233. About 7 mi. up the river, bounded from a branch dividing this & a tract surveyed for William Ginsey. Trans, of 8 pers: An- thony Parrs, Giles Dukenson (or Dickenson), Robt. Tompkins, George Littleton, James Hutton, Richard Dede- wate, John Sparks, Fra. Heynes, Sarah Palmer. Land due for the last. JOHN KING, 480 acs. Surry Co., 25 Nov. 1653, p. 233. On S. side of James Riv. & on S. E. side of Up. Chipoaks Cr., bounded Ely. on William Symons, Wly. on William Lees land & Nly. on William Gapeing. Trans, of 10 pers: Eman Gaudge, Geo. Watson, Peter Gil- ford, David Dyer, Bastian Degens, Miller Garrett, Jane Davis, Alice Rus- sell, Mary Morslay, Jane Stokes. RICHARD HACKER, 100 acs. Lan- caster Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 234. Bounded on W. N. W. with a branch dividing this & land known as Mr. Blands Land, W. S. W. against the mouth of Blands Cr. & Peyanketanke Riv. & E. S. E. upon another branch of sd. Riv., dividing this & another tract of sd. Hacker, assignee of Thomas Bourne. Trans, of 2 pers: Richard Kaddle, Robert Browne. ABRAHAM MOONE, 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 23 Feb. 1653, p. 234. Beg. towards the head upon N. side of great Wicocomico Riv., extend- ing to land of John Edwards, Cooper, & near land of Martin Coale. Trans, of 10 pers: Richard Welborough, James Hart, Thomas Davis, Anne Land, Ste- phen Watts, John Owen, Mary Wil- liams, Fra. Lambert, George Garrett, Anne Powell. SAME. 800 acs., same Co. & date, p. 235. Upon the head of Moraticon Cr., E. upon Matchemapps branch, dividing this & land surveyed for John Sharp &c. Trans, of 16 pers: James Brice, Richd. Hackley, James Welch, John Joanes, Patrick Scott, Joane Lacy 284 Cavaliers and Pioneers (or Lucy), Robt. Hackson, Mary Nowell, Fra. Jewett, Lucy Robinson, Wm. Church, Thomas Vaughan, Willm. Weworth, Wm. Steephens, Madg: Joanes, Henry Barnes. HUMPHREY HAGGETT, 450 acs. Lancaster Co., 30 May 1654, p. 235. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded on N. N. W. with land of William Tidner, E. N. E. with land of Thomas Dale, & S. S. E. with a branch of Bon- ners Cr. Which said land is by the said Humph. Haggett made choice of in 1200 acres, according to an order of the quarter Court of 10 Mar. 1653, & due for trans, of 9 pers: Anne Aucoate, John Right, Anne True, Susan Mascull, Richard Hendry, Thomas Hughes, Wil- liam Venner, John Dolton, William Nokes. THOMAS HAWKINS, 2,500 acs. Northumberland Co., 26 Feb. 1653, p. 236. Upon S. side of Potomeck Riv. Record incomplete, description, how- ever, mentions Herringe Creek & Major George Read. Part of this tract assigned by Kemp unto Mr. Nicho. Gerrard, who assigned same unto Thomas Haw- kins; and 1000 acs. part formerly granted unto Mr. Thomas Garrard & assigned to sd. Hawkins. 1000 acs. for trans, of 20 pers: Richard Bridge, Robert Landson, Joane Elcocke, William Daniell, John Jefferys, Mary Arnoll, Willm. Prout, Martha Brice, John Mar- tin, Mary Baker, James Loid, Wm. Powell, Winifred Powell, David Wil- kins, Richard Britts, John Smith, James Johnson, Wm. Reynolds, William Bur- ton, James Rash. MAJOR WILLIAM LEWIS, 640 acs. Gloster Co., 25 May 1654, p. 237. On N. E. side of Mettapony Riv. behind the land of Mr. Arthur Price & Mr. William Wyatt. Trans, of 13 pers.* SAME. 1200 acs. Same county, date & page. Trans, of 24 pers.* (Incom- plete). MR. ROBERT VAUS, 550 acs. Yorke Co., upon Queens Cr, 25 Ju: 1654, p. 238. 400 acs. along Hartwells Cr., up- on land formerly Mr. Boothes, divided from this land by Maiden Swamp Cr., which bounds are according to a bill of sale made to Robert Vaus & Tobias Freer by John Hartwell, deed.; 100 acs. adj. his own land, along land of Capt. Taylor, leading along Ewd. side of the Labour in Vaine Spring upon land of Richard Jones &c. 400 acs. by patent 17 Sept. 1647 & 150 acs. by patent dated 10 July 1651. MAJOR WILLIAM LEWIS, 200 acs. Gloster Co., 25 May 1654, p. 238. On N. E. side of Mettapony Riv., adj. land of Ralph Green. Trans, of 4 pers.* (Incomplete.) MRS. ANNE BARNETT, 900 acs. Gloster Co., on the N. E. side of Yorke Riv., date , p. 239. Extending along land of Hugh Doodinge to land of Samuel Sollis, to Rappahannock Path &c, to land of William Thorne, as- signee of Col. Richard Lee. Incomplete. JOHN ROBINSON, 250 acs. Lancas- ter Co., Nov. 1652, p. 239. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv. & unto land of John Sharpe. Trans, of 5 pers: James Murbee, Alex. Smith, Richard Hacke, Tho. Blancke. Incomplete. RICHARD LEWIS, 300 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 29 Nov. 1652, p. 240. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., upon the head of Bertram Oberts land, beg. upon the W. N. W. side of a path which goeth to head of Nimcock Cr. Trans, of 6 pers.* CAPT. THOMAS HACKETT, 400 acs. on Eastermost side of Corotoman River., bounded with land of Mr. Edwin Connaway & John Nicholls. Incomplete. 29 Nov. 1652, p. 240. Trans, of 8 pers: William Kendall, John Willett, Richard Bryan, John Thomas, John Joanes, Ed- ward Wilkins, Thomas Price, Wm. Knight. WILLIAM LANGLY, 200 acs. Nor- folke Co., in the head of Indian Town Branch, of Daniel Taners Cr. 16 Apr. 1653, p. 241. Incomplete. Trans, of pers: George Kempe, & Mary his wife, Lawrence Richard, Tho. Ash- brooke. Patent Book No. 3 285 THOMAS RENALLS, 100 acs. in the E. branch of Dan. Taners Cr., on the S. W. side thereof. 16 Apr. 1653, p. 241. Due sd. Rennells for trans, of 2 pers: William Hall, Thomas Dunton. SYMON PEETERS, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 16 Apr. 1653, p. 242. At the head of Daniel Tanners Cr., upon Indian Town Branch. Incomplete. Trans, of 2 pers: Alice Springwell. RICHARD PINNER, 150 acs. in Eliz. Riv., between the two main branches of Church Cr., bounded from the Timber Neck Swamp along the Northermost main branch of sd. Cr., N. E. thence S. E. parallel to the great swamp &c. 20 Apr. 1653, p. 242. Trans, of 3 pers: Richard Pinner, Sarah Terry, Milicent Simons. WILLIAM BEDLAM, 150 acs. lying on the N. side of Home Harbour Cr., beg. at marked tree of Fran. Hales, run- ning N. N. E. to Winter Harbour, thence E. &c. 1 July 1653, p. 243. Trans, of 3 pers.* THOMAS HOLMES (or HOMES), 25 acs. of marsh land opposite to plan- tation of sd. Homes, bounded N. E. towards the river, S. E. upon a Cr. dividing this & land of Richard Jackson, S. W. upon the high land & N. W. upon the Hauke pen Poynt. 3 July 1653, p. 243. Trans, of 1 pers.* GEORGE HACK, 400 acs. North- ampton Co., at Matchotank Cr., 1 July 1653, p. 244. Bounded on W. by land of Nicholas Waddilow, on S. by sd. Cr. & running Nly. towards Anancock. Trans, of pers: John Parsons, Will. Benge, Xpr. Achman, (?), Will. Combay, (or Conibay), George Davis, Thomas Crumpe, John Evans, Tho. Hickhocke. JENKIN PRICE, 150 acs. Northamp- ton Co. at Nondue Cr., 1 July 1653, p. 244. Beg. at land of John Major thence extending Wly. &c. Trans, of 3 pers: James Harris, Elizabeth Case, Tho. . GEORGE CLARKE, (Clark), son of George Clarke, dec'd., 100 acs. North- ampton Co., of 1653, p. 244. Bounding on land of Jarves Jackson & the Gleab Land. Trans, of 2 pers.* Incomplete. MR. THOMAS HAMPTON, 550 acs. upon E. side of Chichamony Riv., upon Tyescan Branch, toward Timber Swamp. 6 Apr. 1653, p. 245. Trans, of: Alex. Reddock, Neale Sunkler, (or Sinckler), Sam. Marecroft, Wm. Scott, John Wiloxes, Jane Crosse, Gilbert Johnson, Charles Rawlins, Richard Floyd, Isaac Williamson, Mary Downes. Incomplete. JOHN MASHALL, 50 acs., being a neck of land between Daniel Tanners Cr. & Queens grave Cr., abutting S. W. on land of William Johnson, etc. 16 Apr. 1653, p. 245. Trans, of 1 per.* EDWARD HARRINGTON (Haring- ton), 450 acs. Northampton Co., 4 July 1653, p. 246. Near Mathepongoe, bounded on the N. by Phillips Cr., etc. Trans, of 9 pers: Morrice Mathews, Edward Holt, John Joanes, Thomas Moore, Robert King, Henry Peare, John Peare, Elizabeth Peare, Edward Peare. Incomplete. SAMPSON ROBINS, 700 acs. North- ampton Co., 4 July 1653, p. 246. At Pongotegue Cr., beg. at a little branch on the S. side parting this from land of George Hack. Incomplete. Trans, of 14 pers: Sampson Robbins, Alice Rob- bins, Edward Moore, Phill. Mathews, Hugh Daniell, Sam. Robins, Tho. Phil- lips, John Nicholls, Nicho. Nicholls, Dan. Chadwell, Elinor Nicholls, Elinor Nicholls. RICHARD ALLEN, 100 acs. North- ampton Co., (no date), p. 246. Bounded Wly. on a great swamp be- tween Hungars Cr. & Nuswattock Cr. & Nly. on land of Roger Joanes. In- complete. Trans, of 2 pers.* ROBERT WARREN, 100 acs. North- ampton Co., (no date), p. 247. Incom- plete. Mentions Kings Cr. & Mr. John Cotton. Trans, of 2 pers: Jane Sher- wood, Rebecca Harswell. AGNES BARNES, 150 acs. North- ampton Co., 4 July 1653, p. 247. In- 286 Cavaliers and Pioneers complete. Wly. on land of Edmond Bebey, Ely. on William Mellinc & Nly. on Kings Cr. Trans, of 3 pers: Symon Foskett, Elizabeth Foskett, Anne Jordin. JOHN TOULSON, 400 acs. North- ampton Co., 4 July 1653, p. 247. On Matchepongo Cr. Trans, of 8 pers.* JASPER HOGKINSON, 500 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 16 Apr. 1653, p. 248. In the Eastern branch of Daniell Tan- ners Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Evans, Barbara Carter, Anne Blake, James Millicent, Dan. Southerby, Tho. Shrews, Allestred (?) , Andrew Walson, John Green, John Pate. JOHN BLACKBOURNE, 151 acs. Surry Co., 11 Mar. 1652, p. 248. Near Col. Flood's land, bet. Mr. Foards & the Sunken Marsh, etc., S. to the barren Neck Swamp, etc. Incomplete. Men- tions John Flood & Richard Baven. Trans, of 3 pers: Tho. Ackerman, Tho. Benleye. JOHN BARROW, 386 acs. Surry Co., 3 May 1653, p. 249. S. W. side of Upper Chipoakes Cr., S. side of James Riv., bounded from George Bur- chers markt trees &c. Trans, of 8 pers: William Murrall, Toby West, Antho. Borley, Richard Branie, (or Brame), Anne Morrall, Susan Harrington. WILLIAM HAVETT, 300 acs. upon the S. side of Wards Cr. above John Wall. 7 Apr. 1653, p. 249. Trans, of 6 pers: John Parker, Fra. Clerke, Richd. Buckham. CHARLES SCARBURGH, the sonn of Edmond Scarburgh, 3050 acs. North- ampton Co., 10 May 1652, p. 250. Beg. at first little branch of Pongotegue Cr. on the N. side, etc. Trans, of 61 pers., assigned him by his father: Rowland Evans, Edward Evans, John Jones, Mar- garett Tillett, William Tomlin, Tilley, Tho. Browne, Carev. Jone Parrett, John Pitcher, Thomas Wood- feild, Hewes , Mary Williams, Jonath. Showell, (or Stowell), Marga. Pannell, Hoell Gladeing, Jenkin Luel- lin, Lewis Rowland, Phill. Parricoat, Cesser Yeomans, Kath. Smith, Susan Foster, John Martin, Anne Doby, Mary Edaw, (or Edan), William Skinner, Mary Edger, Walter Wood, Alice Price, Tho. Coller, Fra. Knight, Lucretia Pott, Edward Cowen, William Hollis, Mary Bachelor, Owen Williams, Edward Ser- moner, Maurice Mathews, Edward Holt, Dorothy Barnes, Tho. up Williams, James Harris, Elizabeth Case, Thomas Browne, Domingo, Sarah, Paconia, Negros; John Jones, Thomas Moore, Robert King, John Renny, John Mar- veil John Hordwell, Thomas Major, Wm. Adsworth, (or Oldsworth), Mary Griffeth, Thomas West, Thomas Cowen, Kath. Brumfield, Jane Davis, John Carey. JOHN ROBINS, (ROBBINS), 700 acs. Northampton Co., 10 May 1652, p. 251. At Pungotegue Cr. 100 acs. by virtue of the rights of a patent of soe much, dated 15 Nov. 1654 & surren- dered; 600 acs. for trans, of 12 pers: Stephen Costen, Anne Costen, John Wilox, (or Wilcox), Marg: Courser, George Smith, Vernitt James, Anne Winn, Eliza. Winn, John Mauday, (or Munday), Elizabeth Barnett, Walter Hawes, James Virer, (or Viser). ARTHUR UPSHOTT, 300 acs. Northampton Co., 10 May 1652, p. 251. At the head of Occahannock Cr., bounded on N. upon land of William Tailor, on S. by a small branch parting this from land of Roger Johns. Trans, of 6 pers: John Roberts, George Roberts, Susan Dowrigg, Richard Star- nell, Mary Joiner, Mary Jones. ELIAS HARTREE, 200 acs. North- ampton Co., (no date), p. 252. Bounded Sly. on the main branch of Hungars Cr., N. upon Richard Jacobs land, etc. Trans. of pers: George Smith, John Dickeson, Richard Allen, Edw. Hassor. Incomplete. ROBERT BAYLEY, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., 4 July , p. 252. On N. side of Nuswattock Cr., Wly. on land of William C , & Sly. on land of James Joanes. Incomplete. Trans, of 6 pers: Robert Bayly, Anne Wilmott, Richard Custis, Henry Garrett, Susan , Marg. . Incomplete. Patent Book No. 3 287 WILLIAM MELLIN, 500 acs. North- ampton Co., July 1653, p. 252. Incomplete. Mentions Stubbins branch & Capt. Rooper. Trans, of 10 pers: William Melling, Anne Melling, Agnis Barnes, Mary , John , Hugh ROBERT BRADSHAW, 345 acs. Northumberland Co., 8 Mar. 165 , p. 253. Incomplete. Abutting upon Mattapony, tanx Yeocomico Riv., & his own land. Trans, of 7 pers.* BARTHOLOMEW HOSKINS, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 29 Apr. 1653, p. 253. In Broad Cr., a branch of the Eastern Br. of Eliz. Riv., & adj. his own land. Incomplete. Trans, of 8 pers: 2 Scotchmen, Walter Denham. MICHAEL RICKETT, 200 acs, July, 1653, p. 253. Incomplete. Wly. on land of Thomas Wyatt & mentions a branch of Hungars Creek. Trans, of pers.* EDWARD HALL, 390 acs. in Lin Haven parish, Low. Norf. Co, 11 May 1652, p. 254. Incomplete. Mentions Cypruss branch & William Dyer's land. Trans, of 8 pers: Daniel Needham, John Jenkins, Daniel Doone, Ann Graves, Wm. White, John White, Eliz. Huttibell, Kath Simpson. HENRY WOODHOUSE, 275 acs. in Linhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co, 11 May, 1652, p. 254. Beg. at the head of a Beavor damm, running E. N. E. &c. to his old ground &c. Trans, of 6 pers: John Smith, Peter White, Edw. Parrett, James Richards, Mary a Servt, Jno. Hopswood. WILLIAM CAPPS, (100) acs. in Linhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co, 11 May, 1652, p. 255. Incomplete. Men- tions Linhaven Riv, & adj. Hugh . Trans, of 2 pers: Dorcao Seyton, Hona Maria (?) Hendrickson. Assigned by Mr. Woodhouse. HENRY SMITH, Junr, 200 acs, (county blank) 5 May 1652, p. 255. Abutting Nly. upon land of Thomas Darrow, & S. E. upon Edward Coales. Trans, of 4 pers: Thomas Davis, George Pew, John Child, John Hill. WILLIAM KNOTT, 200 acs. in Surry Co, on S. side of James Riv, about V/i mi. from same. Last of Mar. 1653, p. 256. S. W. by S. into the woods, cross the reedy Swamp runn, on the N. W. by W. side of Mr. Benjamin Harrysons devdt, by the round island, and N. W. by W. towards upper Chip Oakes Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: William Rose, & his wife, Anto. Wightman, Dorothy Woofe. BEE it knowne unto all men by these presents that I Wm. Knott, of the par- rish of Southwark, in Virginia, planter, doe Acknowedge that I have Surveyed and Since patterned the Sum of two hundred Acres of Land through the mis- take of Certaine Marked trees within the bounds & Pattern of Mr. John Dib- dall, Minister, lying in the parrish of Southwark aforesaid, and to relenquish all pretence of right to the said two hundred Acres of Land by vertue of the said Pattent or Otherwise, and doe promise and Engage my Self to deliver to Mr. Dibdall or his Assignes the said Pattent to be anihilated and made void, and also doe by these presents before the partyes, whose names are under written, Certifye the Error and mistake in the said Survey and pattent, hereby humbly presenting to the right honble. the Governor and Councell, now setting at the Quarter Court at James Towne, my acknowledgmt. of my Error & mis- take, that the record of the said pattent in the Office of the said Court may be Oblicerated thereby to stay all further Suites which may happen between me and the said Mr. Dibdall or his As- signes by reason of the said land for the future. In Witness whereof I Subscribe my hand this sixth day of March 1653. The marke of Wm. Knott. Read, Sub- scribed & Delivered in the presence of Wm Gaping Rab: (or Rob.) Wood, George B Boucher. LITTLETON SCARBROUGH, 10 May 1652, p. 257. (Incomplete.) Mentions Curratuck Cr, & Occahannock Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Peter Cole, Wm. Chilcurne, John Gwin, Brian Clarke, 288 Cavaliers and Pioneers George Andrew, John Watson, Francis Knight, Thomas Edwards, Francis Gar- land, Wm. Reeves, Edward Yeomans, Robt. Huntley, John Thompson, Charles Barcrefe, Alexand. Matricks, William Branch, Thomas Moone, Tho. Mus- grove, John Younge, Walter Lane. JOHN ASHLY & HAMPER, 10 Mar. 1653, p. 258. Trans. 6 pers: Richard Stephens, Andrew Hogg, Ann Wyatt, Wm. Stephens, Rob. Armstronge, Matthew Wate. (Incomplete.) ALEXANDER ADDISON, 10 May, 1652, p. 258. Mentions Occahannock Cr. Trans, of 7 pers: Abm. Heath, Amey Heath, Jno. Heath, John Will- ford, John Osbourne, Robt. Higgenson, Richard Hewes. (Incomplete.) Pages 259, 260, 261 & 262 are blank. (Original record evidently too badly mutilated to transcribe.) ROBERT WILD, 800 acs. York Co., 10 June 1654, p. 263. Lying on E. N. E. side of the Old Mill Swamp at head of Queens Cr., running along the back of Mr. Davis' devdt., by Mr. Dan. Parks, to the Old Mill path, by land of Mr. Bourne, by Richohock path &c. 700 acs. granted to Joseph Croshaw, 20 June 1646 & assigned to sd. Wild; & 100 acs. granted to Phillip Chesly 11 Oct. 1653 & by him consented to be made in the name of sd. Wild. DAME ELIZ. LUNSFORD, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 8 June 1654, p. 263. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., & upon W. by S. side of Matchepungo Cr., run- ning to an oake dividing this & land of Col. Ralph Wormly, dec'd. & an oak on S. branch of said creek dividing this & land of John Benton, dec'd. Assigned by Samll. Abbott to whom it was granted 22 Dec. 1642 & confirmed by the Govr. Sec. MARY HEY & ROBERT HEY, 1200 acs., part being two necks comonly known as Pyny Point Neck, containing 408 acs., & Chekoes Neck containing 335 acs., the rest lying at the head of them, both in James City Co., on E. side of Chychohominy Riv., 6 Apr. 1654, p. 263. Bounded by Chekroes Cr. & land of Major Rob. (Robins ?). Granted unto John Felgate, 3 July 1640 & accrueth due unto Mary Hey, Wid. 6 Robert Hey, her son, as being Exors. of Wm. Felgate, who was Exor. of sd. John Felgate. FRANCIS LAND, 1020 acs. in Lyn Haven, Low. Norf. Co., 6 June 1654, p. 264. 400 acs. lying N. E. upon Chese- pian Riv. ah. Lyn Haven; 150 acs. N. E. upon a Cr. & N. W. upon land of Mr. Cob Howell; 270 acs. at the head of Francis Land's devdt., along Thos. Watts devdt. in Lyn Haven parish, etc., towards Lancaster Lemitts (or Levitts) Sec. 400 acs. granted to Cob: Howell, 7 May, 1638 & assigned unto sd. Land; 150 acs. granted unto Tho. Watts 26 July 1638, & assigned unto Tho. Keel- ing, by whom it was assigned unto sd. Land; 270 acs. granted sd. Land 14 Mar. 1649, & 200 acs. the residue for trans of 4 pers: Darby Browne, Tho- mas Wilson, William Sissell, Ann Gatricke. MARMADUKE MARRINGTON, 250 acs., Low. Norf. Co., on Gaythers Cr. a branch of the Swd. br. of Eliz. Riv., 6 June 1654, p. 264. Due by pur- chase from John Yates, to whom it was granted 20 Feb. 1643. FRA. GREY, 1,000 acs. on S. sideof of Potomeck Riv., 16 July 1654, p. 264. 675 acs. on the head of Rosyers Cr., abutting land of Tho. Bowyer & Mr. John Hillier; 250 acs. N. E. upon sd. Riv., & S. E. upon sd. Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Giles Tavernor, Marke Provo, John Patlyon, Nich. Reman, Peter Sneed, Nich. Hama, Hen. Robinson, Wm. Bolton, Marg. Wood, Edwd. Bowles, John Lawren, Robert Morley, Margaret Robinson, Humphrey Meares, Ann Meares, Conninghan Banton, Rich- ard Pitts, One Negro, John Lee, George Rush. ORPHENS OF JOHN DENNIS, 400 acs. Northumberland Co., 16 July 1654, p. 265. 350 acs. N. upon a branch of great Wicocomoco Riv., called Dennis his Cr., S. E. upon a branch dividing this from land of Tho. Gascoyne & N. An example of the present mutilated condition of many of the pages in the original Patent Books. Found in old Patent Book 5. This folio is one of several which, through error, has heen included hetween pages 64 and 65. This folio belongs in Patent Book 6, pages 22-23. — Cavaliers and Pioneers, page AoG. trp- Of **y Patent Book No. 3 289 W. upon land of Wm. Spicer; & 50 acs. bounding N. E. upon the same, etc. 350 acs. due by the decease of their father John Dennis who pattented it 15 Sept. 1649; & 50 acs. for trans, of William Dingley. RICHARD WALKER, 16 July 1654, p. 265. (Incomplete.) Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Pryce, Tho. Howard, Richd. Deane, Mary Deane, Gilbert Wright, Anto. Hill, John Rowlson, James Clerke, Peter Lee, Sarah Bagnall, Susan Evans, 1 Negro from Grayes certificate. TOBY HORTON, 350 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 Feb. 1653, p. 266. Betwixt two maine creeks issueing out of Fleetes Bay, next to land of John Taylor, dec'd., bounding S. W. upon one of the creeks deviding this from land of Eppy. Boni- son, etc., and bounding N. E. upon the one towards the Indian Towne. Trans. of 7 pers: Ann Thorp, Mary Parr, Susan Moore, Wm. Abbott, James Allen, Morrice Tirrall, Robert Massey. EPPY. BONISON, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 Feb. 1653, p. 266. Upon S. W. side of the main Cr. issuing out of Fleets Bay, dividing this from land of Toby Horton & John Taylor, S. E. upon a creek next to land "seated by Tho. Salisbury formerly but now Capt. Fleets people are there," S. W. etc. Trans, of 8 pers: Eppy Bonison, Ever. Peterson, Derrick Johnson, Silvester Liver, James Bonner, John Clerke, John Barrett, Richard Jones. THO. COMERS, 550 acs. Northum- berland Co., 8 June 1654, p. 266. Nly. upon Potomeck Riv. Granted unto Wm. Parry, 11 Nov. 1651, assigned to sd. Coniers, & ordered renewed by Govr. &c. (Incomplete). THO BROOKS, 500 acs. James City Co., 9 June 1654, p. 266. On Chycho- hominy Riv., S. W. upon land of Mar- garett Barrett, N. E. on Tvascun & N. W. etc . Trans, of 10 pers.* (Incom- plete.) COL. TRISTRUM NASWORTHY, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 10 June 1654, p. 267. Upon E. side of the S. E. branch of Eliz. Riv. Incomplete. JOHN HULL, 500 acs. Northumber- land Co., 6 June 1654, p. 267. Upon S. side of the deviding Cr., abutting S. upon land of Geo. Collclough. Former- ly granted to him by patent 6 June 1651, & order granting renewal thereof dated herewith. WILL: SMITH, 200 acs. James City Co., 8 Aug. 1654, p. 267. Upon E. side of Chycohominy Riv., bounded S. and E. on Major Holt, Nly. on Mathew Williams, & Wly. on Rich: Jones. Trans, of 4 pers.* EDWARD GILLA, 200 acs. James City Co., 6 June 1654, p. 267. Upon E. side of Chycohominy Riv., S. W. upon Tyascon & S. E. on Tho. Brooks. Trans, of 4 pers: Edward Harrison, John Bussen, Edward Jones, Susan Gilla. HUMPHRY BELT, 220 acs. Linhaven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 8 June 1654, p. 268. Beg. at Tho. Matins Cr., run- ning along by E. branch of Eliz. Riv., adj. to Goldsmith's land & by Mr. Sid- neys land. Trans, of 5 pers: Mary Craggs, Randall Hewett, John Cooper, Simon Robinson, Geo. Gay. WALTER PRITCHARD, 250 acs. in Winter Harbor, beg. on the bay side, running Wly. up the Cr., N. W. by markt trees dividing this from land of Robert Grigg & to markt trees of Charles Sallace. 6 June 1654, p. 268. Trans, of 5 pers: Rowland Ellis, Tho. Husman, Alice Watkins, Bridges Griffen, Tho. Russell. MARK FOSTER, 100 acs. upon the head of Pudden Cr. in the Eastermost River of Mockjack bay, beg. at tree of Phillip Hunleys &c. 6 June 1654, p. 268. Trans, of 2 pers: Rich: Rose, Ann Jnoson (Johnson or Iveson). PETER RIBGY, 186 acs. Lancaster Co., last day of July 1654, p. 269. On N. side of Pyanketank Riv., upon Mat- trons Cr. & running to the head of Uteys Cr. Trans, of 4 pers.* COL. ARGOLL YARDLY, 2,000 acs. in Ackomack in Northpton. Co., 290 Cavaliers and Pioneers 8 June 165 , p. 269. Bounded on the Westerne pts. on a former devdt. of sd. Yardly, S. on land of Lt. John Savidge & Nly. on land of Capt. Stone. Trans, of 40 pers: Scippia Hackerly, Wm. Band, Robt. Tower, James Pal- mer, Wm. Richards, And. Gread, Hen. Peirce, Nich. Graddon, John Wilson, Joan Packer, Thorand Thomas, Geo. Demey, Joan Demey, Edm. Krimy, Walter Blake, Roger Bushe, Mich. Hawkins, Wm. Lane, John Webber, John Poole, John Lee, Richard Phillips, Gilbert Welch, John Gill, Zach. Downman, Cressell Downman, Elias Hackerly, Wm. Mule, Hum. Jeckleston, John Beckett, Rice Rammell, Rob. Parra- more, Phil. Cantrel, Anto. Towton, Robt. Gayny, Samll. Sellick, Win. Sweet, Hum. Sayne, Howel Merrick, Rob. Roberts. RICHARD BURTON, 360 acs., on the N. side of Queens Cr., near the head, beg. at the mouth of Kings Cr., running to trees of Edm. Welch. 20 Dec. 1653, p. 269. Trans, of 8 pers: Benj. Mathews, John Lunn, Ann Glouce, John Smith, Eliz. Bristow, Ann Substance, Edw. Harbrough, Andrew Wmson. (Williamson), Ann Loyd, Wm. Latham. ED. WELCH, 900 acs. at the head of Queens Cr. in Pyan.(ketank) Riv., beg. at corner tree of Rich. Caryes devdt. &c. to land of Richard Burton. Date blank, 1654, p. 270. Trans, of 18 pers: Nich. Browne, twice, his wife, twice, Nich. Dean, John Bradshaw, Dan. Tavernor, John Thickpenny, Anto. Mark, Edwd. Jelfe, Robt. White, Eliz. Palmer, Dennis Mackernall, (or Mack- errall), Joseph Preston, Ann Aurllott, Wm. Smith, Sarah Browne, Anne Browne. THO. PRESTON & HENRY PRES- TON, 650 acs. on the W. side of the Eastermost Riv. in Mockjack Bay, 7 June 1654, p. 270. 500 acs. by patent to Thomas Preston 2 Aug. 1652, & sur- rendered into the office; 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Ed: Lucas, John Beard. LT. COL. ROB. PITT, 1200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 7 June 1654, p. 271. Beg. at branch of Newtowne haven Riv. &c. to Mr. Prestwoods corner tree, &c, to Mr. Seawards land & adj. his own land. 600 acs. granted to Thomas Davis, 19 Apr. 1648 & assigned unto Rob. Sharpe, who assigned same to sd. Pitt; 300 acs. by vertue of the rights of a patent granted unto him 3 July 1648 & by him relinquished, & 300 acs. by patent 19 Apr. 1648. ANDREW GILSON, 450 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. his patent land, & beg. at Westermost bounds of same. Last of July 1654, p. 271. Trans, of 9 pers: Watt the Plowman, Ann Price, John Clortes, Sam. Sloper, Will: Wignoll, Geo. Whitell, James Garves, Tho. Cartell, Walter Read. VALLENTINE PATTEN, 1000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 6 June 1654, p. 272. Upon the S. & N. at the head of Oqui River, W. S. W. along land of Richard Codsford, etc. Trans, of 20 pers: Gowry Macalster, John Macal- ster, Hector Macalster, Daniel Grey, John Wright, John Cook, Tho. Levin, Wm. Gage, Robt. Poynter, Joan Hoote, Henry Odell, Ann Childe (a Childe ?), Rich. Welch, Wm. Ginings, Mich. Up- church, Fra. Shelton, Tho. Green, John Barkeworth, James Collett, Thomas Wood. COLL. WILLIAM CLAYBOURNE, Secty. of State, 750 acs. Northumber- land Co., 14 June 1653, p. 272. Abutt- ing Sly. upon the severall plantations of Martine Cole, Geo. Heale, Tho. Saffron & John Larrett, &c, Nly. upon branches of Wicocomoco Cr. &c. Trans. 15 pers.* JOHN WALTON & JOHN BAG- NALL, 3,900 acs. Westmoreland Co., 10 June 1654, p. 273. 1600 acs. upon Petomack Riv., beg. at the mouth of Petomack Cr., 700 acs. bounding Nly. on sd. River, Wly. upon a line from the Riv. & dividing this from land of Nich. Merywether; & 1600 acs. adj. these two tracts, Ely. upon a line dividing same from land of Rob. Maphee & Mr. Turne & Sly. upon Matchotwick Towne. Trans, of 78 pers: Thomas Winn, Eliz. Renolls, Joseph Harry, Nich. Smith, Marg. Barton, Joseph Patent Book No. 3 291 Stonard, (or Steuard), Eliz. Yorke, Sarah Redder, Jane Colson, Johne Blay, Eliz. Johnson, John Knight, Robert Wright, Miles Grey, Jane Williams, Ann Smith, Marg. Manner, Eliz. Har- mon, Issabell Heath, Judith Dale, Lyd. Easterfeild, Eliz. Vincent, Fra. Eaton, John Hill, Hanna Pice, (or Tice), Sam. Jackson, Mar. Wilkenson, Wm. Russell, John Turner, Tho. Booth, Mabill Jones, Mary Heiward, Rich. Armstrong, Tho. Swindall, Sarah Cowles, John Fisher, Devorux Brown, Joan Armitage, Eliz. Clisse, Eliz. Neale, Fra. Tonevy, Wm. Eaton, Lewis Five, Fra. North, Ann North, Eliz. Wade, Robt. Jnoson (Johnson), Eliz. Hay, Jno. Truman, Denamere, Fra. Calvin, Ben. Jones, Mary Jnoson, Tho. Tull, Abra. Taylor, John Mill, Tho. Grimstone, John Elsey, Robert Hawkins, John Farmer, Brid: Easthop, Mary Palmer, Eliz. Dany, Alice Watson, Wm. Hemsley, Edward Whit- by, Sy. Carpenter, Jno. Pritchard, Eliz. Wright, Eliz. Pardy, Tho. Tucker, Mich. Hooton, Hen: Stott, (or Scott), Edw. Saunders, James Wells, Fra. Glissow. PHILLIP CHESLY & DAN. WILD, (Wilde), 750 acs. York Co., 10 June 1654, p. 274. On S. W. side of York Riv., beg. in Tho. Smiths line on the maine swamp branch of the old M (Mill) on Queens Cr., up Skemino Swamp to Ricohock path &c. Trans, of 15 pers: Eliz. Larkin, John Rabb, Wm. Snodell, Hen. Robins, Alice Sparrow, Tho. Wilkenson, Wm. Deane. SIR HENRY CHICKLY, Knight, 950 acs. Lancaster Co., 9 June 1654, p. 274. On S. side of Rappa. Riv. 450 acs. op- posite land of Mr. James Wmson (Williamson); 500 acs. at thehead of a devdt. of Toby Smith, running to a small creek dividing this & land of Mr. Soanes. 450 acs. granted unto Mr. Hen. Soane & assigned to sd. Chickly, & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers: 6 Negroes bought of Capt. Townsend & Mr. Burnham; John Smith, Mary Bar- tran, Nich. Sexton, Cuthberd Potter. RICHARD HAWKINS, 500 acs. Westmoreland Co., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 275. On S. side of Potemeck Riv., bounded on S. with Quancico Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Richard Hawkins, Kat. Willowby, Sam. Challenge, Margery Challenge, Edmd. Larkin, Eliz. Hart, James Hare, Tho. Green, Robt. Stone, Alex. Hinde. JOHN PHILLIPS & JOHN BATTS, 500 acs. Lancaster Co. on N. side of the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about 14 mi. above Nanzemum Towne, 7 Sept. 1654, p. 275. Beg. at a small gutt dividing this from land surveyed for John Weyre. Trans, of 10 pers: Eliz. Dutchfeild, Richard Thomas, Elin. Rich, Tho. Rogers, Jacob Bridgman, Use (?) Off- dale, Finla Heresa, Tho. Stockwell, John Cobb. MRS. MARGT. (Margaret) BRENT, 700 acs. Westmoreland Co., within the freshes of Potomack Riv., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 275. Beg. at mouth of Hunting Cr. Trans, of 14 pers: John Rainalls, Wm. Bence, Robt. Lawrence, David Kellin, Walter Donell, Wm. Burt, Bryan MarfTe, James Donnell, Wm. Wright, James Bryce, Rich. Conniers, Rich. Coleman, James Ramsy, John Major. EDWIN CONAWAY, 1250 acs. Lan- caster Co., at S. E. side of Corotoman Riv., 6 Apr. 1654, p. 276. Beg. at the mouth of a small creek which divides this & land of Capt. Tho. Hackett &c. to a hill of Iron Mine, etc. 1,000 acs. formerly granted by two patents dated 6 Dec. 1652; & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Collins, Edw. Bennett, Alice Elles, Ann Roberts, Samuel Coleman. LT. COL. SAM: MATHEWS, 2,000 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about a mile above Nansemum Towne, beg. at an oake standing by the river divid- ing this from 800 acs. surveyed for Vincent Stanford. 7 Sept. 1654, p. 276. Trans, of 40 pers.* RICHARD BROWNE, 200 acs. Westmoreland Co., 13 Sept. 1654, p. 276. Nly. upon Hollis' Cr., including a small island in a marsh, Wly. upon land of Tho. Blag, Ely. towards land of Little Browne & Sly. upon a swamp by Nungeocicoe path. Trans, of 4 pers.* 292 Cavaliers and Pioneers HEN. ROACH, 850 acs. upon Lower Matchotix Riv., towards land of John Wood & Geo. Watts. 13 Sept. 1654, p. 277. 300 acs. granted unto Richard Searle, 16 Sept. 1651 & assigned to Ri. Maddox, who assigned same to sd. Roach; & 550 acs. for trans, of 11 pers.* JOHN ROGERS, 50 acs. Northum- berland Co., 13 Sept. 1654, p. 277. Bounding Nly. upon Cloughtons Cr., issuing out of Chicokoone Riv., Ely. upon land sd. Rogers bought of the assignees of sd. Cloughton & Wly. upon the Gleab land, being 200 acres ap- poynted for a Church & Sly. upon land of Mr. Hugh Lee. Trans, of 1 per.* SAME. 250 acs. Same county, date & page. Near land of John Kent. Trans, of 5 pers.* MATH. RHODUM, 350 acs. North- umberland Co., 13 Sept. 1654, p. 278. 280 acs. N. E. upon a branch of a Cr. issuing out of Chycokoon Riv., called Kings Cr., adj. land of Mr. Hugh Lee; 6 70 acs. adj. the sd. land. Trans, of 7 pers.* THO. FRIZZ AR, 300 acs. Westmore- land Co., 13 Sept. 1654, p. 278. Bound- ing Sly. upon Hollis' Cr. & Ely. upon land of Wm. Freak. Trans, of 6 pers.* MARTIN CO ALE, 300 acs. Northum- berland Co., on the S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., at the head of a creek dividing the lands of Thomas Salisbury & Hen. Huss (or Hup) & E. S. E. upon land of Tho. Kidby. 1 July 1654, p. 278. Trans, of 6 pers: John White, Tho. Fawne, Geo. Middlemore, William Blunt, Reynard Anderson, Joseph Harper. THOMAS SALISBURY, 1100 acs. Northumberland Co., 13 Sept. 1654, p. 279. On S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., Nly. upon the same & Fishing Cr., Ely. upon a Cr. dividing this from land sd. Salisbury now lives on & land of Martin Coale & Wly. upon land of Gervace Dodson, bought of the as- signees of John Essex, & Sly. upon land of John Fawcett. 150 acs. granted to John Hawkins, 16 Sept. 1651 & as- signed to sd. Dodson by Abra. Byrum, legatee of sd. Hawkins; & 950 acs. for trans, of 19 pers.* NATH. (Nathaniel) POPE, 1000 acs. on S. side of Potomack Riv., West- moreland Co., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 279. Upon Chapawansick Cr., E. & N. upon land of Col. Mathews, etc. 500 acs. on the N. & 500 acs. on S. side of sd. Creek. Trans, of 20 pers: James John- son, Wm. Wright, James Blany, John Bratson, Wm. James, John Jones, James Floid, James Margret, Rob. Bouch, Mary Paine, Eliz. James, Tho. Jenkens, Wm. Fowkes, Wm. Browne, James Hart, James Hart, Rich. Rawlins, Rich. James, Wm. Hatton, Rich. Jones. ROBT. YEO, 650 acs. Westmoreland Co., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 280. N. W. upon land of Gabriel Odgar, N. E. & S. E. upon Herring Cr., which divides this & land of Major Geo. Read. Trans, of 13 pers: Mary Draper, Augimye a Scot, Dubo a Scotchman, Martha Wright, Sarah Sparke, Wm. Claybourn, Geo. the Smith, John Cosby, John Howard, Eliz. Shippard, Ann Grey, Step. Coree, Tho. Lewis. ABRA. MOONE, 2500 acs. Lancaster Co., within the freshes & upon the S. side of Rappa. Riv., opposite to Nanze- mum Neck &c. to head of Pasatinck Cr. 6 Sept. 1654, p. 280. Trans, of 50 pers: Tho. Webb, Rich. Wells, Davy Jones, James Jnoson, Grace Thomas. WM. WARREN, 650 acs. on N. side of Charles Riv., being a peninsula, beg. at the first Pyny Poynt &c. to marsh on W. side of the Cr. leading into Mock- jack Bay &c. 23 Jan. 1653, p. 281. Granted to Wm. Warren by patent 10 Aug. 1642 & assigned to Xphr. Allen & Rice Maddox; sd. Maddox assigned his share to Nath. Warren & becomes due to sd. Wm. as sonn & heir to Nath. The other half accruing due unto the said Wm. by intermarrying with Fra. Allen, the only heir now living of Xphr. Allen. JOHN SHARPE, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 7 Sept. 1654, p. 281. On N. side of Rappa. Riv. & on Wwd. side of Moraticon Cr., beg. on N. E. side of Patent Book No. 3 293 600 acs. surveyed for Mr. Tho. Glas- cock, extending to land of Mr. Wm. Withy, Nich. Ferman & Tho. Stephens. Trans, of 10 pers: Robert Hensly (or Horsly), John Fookes, Peter Shadock, Wm. Lenton, Mary Wilkenson, Rob. Peyston, Wm. Sharp, Rog. Rawlins, Wm. Wilson. FRANCIS PLASE (Place), 300 acs. on the N. side of the freshes of Rapp. Riv., about 10 mi. above Nanzemum Towne, S. W. upon a devdt. surveyed for Nich. Merywether & upon the main branch of dividing creek. 7 (Sept.) 1654, p. 282. Trans, of 6 pers.* CLEMENT THURUSH, 150 acs. Lancaster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., at the head of a devdt. surveyed for Barth. Hoskins, extending to trees dividing same from land of John Gillett &c. 7 Sept. 1654, p. 282. Trans of 3 pers: Wm. Jenison, Harbert Powell, James Atkins. JOHN GILLETT, 1,000 acs. on N. side of the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about 6 mi. above Nanzemum Towne, beg. at a creek dividing same from land of Vincent Stanford. 7 Sept. 1654, p. 282. Trans, of 20 pers.* JOHN HALLOWES, 300 acs. West- moreland Co., on S. side of Petomeck Riv., adj. his own land. 6 Sept. 1654, p. 283. Trans, of 6 pers: James Law- rence, Thomas Younge, Wm. Bryce, James Roe, Wm. Rennells, Wm. Lacke. JOHN WYRE, JOHN GILLETT, ANDREW GILSON & JOHN PHIL- LIPPS, 4,000 acs. on the S. side in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about 12 mi. above Nanzemum Towne, on Ewd. side of a navigable creek called Wyre Cr., 7 Sept. 1654, p. 283. Marginal Note: These bounds being now surveyed by Lt. Col. Toby Smith do not amount to above 2,000 acs. but was formerly granted to other men therefore 40 of these rights do not accrue due unto Jno. Wyer who hath sold them unto Jno. Gillett for 600 acs. & 400 acs. for Ed- ward Ruckly. Due for trans, of 80 pers: Lawrence Longe, Jonathan Bos- tock, Ann Taylor, Blanch Randall, Wm. Dingley, John Morris, Barth. Harrison, Joyce Treffe, Sam Newman, John Fisher, John Barrow, Jno. Hutchinson, Wm. Demster, John Crag, Tho. Grey, Sus. Lysemy, Eliz. Stiles, Ann Mason, Jno. Meekins, Alice Welby, Anthony Jeni- son, Tho. Atkins, John Green, Eliz. Green, Mary Tracy, Jeremiah Bendall, Steph. Donaway, Roger Mossey, Henry Wilson, Wm. Porter, Robert Dorfeild, Robt. Lane, Richard Wilkins, Eliz. Smith, Grace Court, John , Rich- ard Parker, Robert Border, Eliz. Perry, Lawrence, Fra. & Morgan, 3 Negroes; Edward Watkins, James Neal, Tho. Newton, Wm. Hallyson, Mary Harris, Joane Segrave, Dennis Johnson, JefTry Willson, Fra. Jenkenson, Robt. Wood- croft, Wm. Merreck, Martha Wiggen, William Hughes, Silvester Lyner, James Alerdine, Eyver Peterson, Derrick John- son, John Bonas, Eppy Berry, Wm. Roberts, Ja. Crofts, Jno. Medcalfe, Jacob Treamer, Wm. Newgent, Robt. Armstronge, Alex. , Ann New- combe, Walter Rouse, Robt. Sneade, Mary Crosly, Kath. Mealy, Wm. Batten, John Jeeves, John Phillips, Elin. & Sarah Phillips, George Cla (?), Geo. Alen, Wm. Clarke, Ann Bartlett. RICH. CODSFORD, 400 acs. West- moreland Co., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 284. On N. side of Petomeck Riv. known by the name of the Sandy or raggett poynt op- posite to the Doges Plantation. Trans, of 8 pers: Henry Willson, Wm. Porter, Robt. Dorfeild, Robt. Lane, Rich. Wil- kins, Eliz. Smith, Rich. Porter, George Colt. WILLIAM ROBINSON & CORNE- LIUS JOHNSON, 400 acs. Westmore- land Co., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 284. On S. side of Petomeck Riv. & N. E. side of Oquy Riv., bounded on E. side with land of Xph. Boory & N. W. upon Capt. Giles Brent. Trans, of 8 pers: Robt. Bord. (?), Eliz. Parry, Lawrence Dary, Fra. Morgan. 4 Negroes by asmt. of Capt. Morgan. RICHARD COLEMAN, 1400 acs. on N. side in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about 16 mi. above Nanzemum Towne; beg. at Hazeltree poynt, lying on Wwd. side of a navigable creek called Ware Cr. &c. 7 Sept. 1654, p. 284. Due by 294 Cavaliers and Pioneers virtue of the rights of two patents con- taining the same quantity granted to him, 11 Jan. 1652 & by him relin- quished, etc. THO. HARMANSON (Hermanson), 1300 acs. Northampton Co., being a neck or island, bounded Ely. by Matche- pungo Riv. &c. 12 June 1654, p. 285. Trans, of 26 pers: Wm. Gibbs, Jno. Square, Eliz. Arthur, Geo. Lemond, Hen. Corner, John Lemond, John An- drew, Jno. Waye, Joan Andrew & her sonn, Mary Lemond, John Wheeler, John Dowry, John Ball, Rich. Hornett (or Honnett), William Kayne, Pastrow Cornwall, James Seckbone, William Hill, Wm. Drye, Emanuel Cross, An- drew Lock, Biggony Praise, John Lemon, John Poole, John Keye. MAJOR MILES CAREY, 3,000 acs. in Westmoreland Co., 5 Oct. 1654, p. 285. Bounded on S. W. side with Oho- quin Riv., on S. E. with land of Mr. Drayton & N. W. upon a swamp near the falls of sd. river dividing this & land surveyed for Col. Hump. Higgen- son. Trans, of 6 pers: Roger Daniel, Sen., Roger Daniel, Junr., Ann Taylor, Thomas Heynes, Ro. Synsbury, Robt. Heynes, John Ledrick, John Squire, Ann Whitson, Marg. Creese, David Beoan, Evan Lewis, Martin Cheins, John Berreman, Ann Colton, Sam Wil- bourn, Andrew Wyatt, John Haynes, Mary Martin, Mary Cordecur, Mary Taylor, Ann Bennes, Jno. Fatherell, Jenken Wotten, Walter Johnson, John Clark, Ann Madoxs, Val. Prentice, James White, Eliz. Browne, Rich. Workman, Ann Tildamus. (Note: This should, no doubt, be for 60 pers., although but 32 names appear.) CAPT. WM. WHITTINGTON, 800 acs. Northampton Co., 11 Mar. 1653, p. 286. Beg. at N. end of land bought by him from Capt. Wm. Stone, to head of Mattawambs main branch &c. Trans, of 16 pers: Wm. Harrington, Sam Shewell, Wm. Sherland, Susan Fowler, Cor. the Sweed, Eliz. Godwin, Jo. God- win, Devorux Godwin, Wm. Whitting- ton, Mary his wife, Edward Dru, Mary Uxor (his wife), Richard Jacob, Wm. Freeman, Peter Nowell, Wm. Varbread. ANTO. HOSKINS, 400 acs. North- ampton Co., 11 Mar. 1653, p. 286. Beg. at the mouth of Kings Cr., adj. land of Edmd. Bibby &c. Granted unto Capt. Wm. Epps, 3 Feb. 1626, by him deserted & granted unto sd. Hoskins by order of Govr. &c.,6 Oct. 1653, & also due for trans, of 8 pers: Phillip Risden, Henry Vose, Mary Harding, Derrick Jnoson. (Johnson), Thomas Usher, Wm. Willis, Peter Derickson, Richard Turner. THO. LOVINGE (Loving), 400 acs. James City Co., behind another tract of sd. Loving, in Martins hundred Parrish, beg. at Northermost angle of George Holmes land, unto Capt. Harwood, in- cluding Abra. Baker's land, to York path. 5 July 1654, p. 286. Trans, of 8 pers.* RICH. EGLESTONE, 900 acs. James City Co., 9 Mar. 1653, p. 287. On N. side of James River, beg. Sly. on George Gilberts devdt., Wly. & Nly. on Poetan Swampe & Ely. on Lady Lunsfords land. Due by purchase of a survey & rights from Mrs. Eliza. Whetherell, the relict & admx. of Mr. Ro. Wetherell, for trans, of 18 pers.* JAMES BARNABY, 150 acs. North- ampton Co., 2 Oct. 1654, p. 287. Adj. to S. E. side of the land of Peter Lany, Orphant, extending along a main branch of Hungars Cr. unto a branch dividing same from land of Wm. Jones, gent. &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Ann Jorden, Simon Foskutt, Eliz. Foskutt. MR. WM. WESTERHOUSE, 500 acs. Northampton Co., 2 Oct. 1654, p. 287. Near Matchepungo, Ely. upon a creek issuing out of Matchepungo Riv., Nly. parted by marked trees from the land of John Towlson & Sly. from land of Stephen Charlton &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Westerhouse, Senr., Wm. Westerhouse, Junr, Ledia Westerhouse, Peter Westerhouse, Adrian Westerhouse, Barbery Westerhouse, Marg. Schin, Law. Schin, Winfred Schin, John Martine. BENJAMIN MATHEWS, 600 acs. Northampton Co., 2 Oct. 1654, p. 288. Upon S. side of Occohanock Cr., 300 Patent Book No. 3 295 acs. granted unto John Baldwin, 15 Sept. 1649 & assigned unto sd. Mathewes ; & 300 acs. lying at the head of sd. tract & due for trans, of 6 pers: James Towers, Danl. Martin, Wm. Grey, Mathew Garrett, Francis Evans. MR. NICH. JERNEW, 200 acs. on S. side Petomeck Riv., Northumberland Co., p. 288. (No date.) Beg. at a Persemon tree dividing this from land of Wm. Rennolls &c. to Pokikerry dividing this from land of John Earle, etc. Granted unto Thomas Wilkenson, 18 Oct. 1650, by him assigned to sd. Jernew & ordered to be renewed &c. RICHARD WILCHIN, 300 acs. Gloster Co., 30 Sept. 1654, p. 289. On N. E. side of Poropotank Cr., adj. land of John Thomas &c, to a Cr. dividing this & land of Mr. Canho & Mr. Vaus. 200 acs. by vertue of the rights of a bill of sale for so much from Mrs. Eliz. Vaus, the Atty. of Robt. Vaus, & con- firmed by Mr. Hump. Vaus & Mr. Joseph Croshaw; & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Richard Wilchin & his wife Rachell. THOMAS STRATTON, 257 acs. Northampton Co., 5 Oct. 1654, p. 289. Being a neck called Aqusca, Wly. upon Old Plantation Cr., & cr. Nly. on John Dennis, & Sly. on Henry Charlton. 150 acs. granted to Wm. Roper, 6 Nov. 1636 & assigned unto sd. Stratton, & 107 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Alice (or Alin — altered) Stratton, Tho. Stratton. PETER KNIGHT, 1200 acs. North- umberland Co., on the S. of great Wico- comoco Riv., 2 Oct. 1654, p. 290. On the head of the Swd. branch of sd. river, E. S. E. upon land of Tho. Cog- gen &c. Trans, of 24 pers: Robert Burrell, his wife & 3 children out of Holland; James Haly, Ann his wife; Fra. Ann & Alice, their children; John Foster, Ruth Darling, James Hill, James Lloyd, Deborah Come, James Jones, John Jerrell, Wm. Bradly, Wm. Slin- ton, Jno. Waddington. MATHEW WILLIAMSON, 150 acs. James City Co., 25 Feb. 1653, p. 290. On E. side of Chycohominy Riv., Sly. on Willm. Smith, Wly. on Joseph Kt. (Knight), & Nly. on the arrow reedy swamp. Trans, of 3 pers: Robert Jones, Roger Williams, John Paine. CAPT. JOHN WEST, Esqr., one of the Councell of State, 3,000 acs. on N. E. side of York Riv & S. W. side of Mettopony, beg. at the mouth of tanks Mattedequin, running up the main branch of same to Warranuncock path &c. to the mouth of a creek beneath the Ancient Indian Ferry on Mattapony &c, down the river to the point severing Mattopony from York River, etc. 6 Mar. 1653, p. 291. 850 acs. part granted by patent, & residue for trans, of 49 pers.* WM. WIGG, 250 acs. James City Co., 26 Sept. 1654, p. 291. Upon the S. Wly. side of tancks Pasbehaies Cr., opposite land of Wm. Fry & John Dan- sey called by the name of Claibanck; sd. land lying between land of Brid. Freeman, Gent. & Tho. Rolfe, adj. tanks Pasbehaies Cr., etc. Granted to his father Wm. Wigg, 26 Nov. 1640, & due him as son & heir. SAME. 650 acs. Same Co. and date, p. 292. In Chicihomminy Riv., over against pease hill, adj. upon Warrick Cr., land of Bennett Freeman, Job" Robins, Hen. Porter & Ralph Joyne\ Granted to his father 23 Apr. 1641 & due as above. MAJOR JOHN CARTER, 1600 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 292. From the mouth of Corotoman Riv. extending E. S. E. upon Slaughter ah. Johns Cr. N. N. W. upon a branch of Corotoman River, & near tract of Wm. Clapham, Senr. 1300 acs. by patent 25 Mar. 1642 & 300 acs. by patent 3 May 1652. JOHN GREY, 300 acs. Northampton Co., at Matchepongo, 21 Nov. 1654, p. 293. Bounding Sly. on land of John Towlson. Trans, of 6 pers: Daniel Chambers, John Rose, John Hartopp, John Jones, John Walerson, Wm. Con- nell. COL. GEORGE LUDLOW, Esqr., 186 acs. being a neck in Pyanketank 296 Cavaliers and Pioneers Riv., extending to Matrons Cr., & E. by N. to head of Utyes Cr., etc. Granted to Benedict Barber, 6 Mar. 1650, assigned to sd. Ludlow & re- newed by order of the Govr. &c. RANDALL CHAMBLETT, 500 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., upon head of Sharps Cr. & running behind land formerly taken up by John Sharpe. 22 Nov. 1654, p. 293. Trans, of 10 pers: Hen. Bore, Mary Wms. (Williams), Mary Fry, Jno. Haling, Robt. Thomas, Eliz. Collinge, Jno. Brathard, Fra. Bland, Tho. Land, Jeremy Hicks. As- signed by Capt. Fleet. THO. BELL, 350 acs. Northampton Co., 21 Nov. 1654, p. 294. Near Matchepongo, butting Ely. upon devdt. of Edwd. Harrington, late deed. Trans. 7 pers: Mary Saunders, Edward Barnes, John Williams, Eliz. Hobson, Robert Adkins, Tho. Broadway, Alexander Couch. RICH. BUNDUCH, 650 acs. North- ampton Co., 21 Nov. 1654, p. 294. On S. side of Pongotgue Cr., Ely. upon Pocomock Cr. & Nly. on land of Nicho- las Waddilow. Trans, of 13 pers: John Smith, Senr., John Smith, Junr., Rich- ard Harrison, John Clerk, Phillis Smith, Ann Smith, Jno. Margetts, Tea. Wright, Mary Randall, George Smith, Ann Hawes, Shela Dennis, Roger Spin, (last name abbreviated.) RICH. JNOSON (Johnson — also given as John), Negro, 100 acs. North- ampton Co., 21 Nov. 1654, p. 294. On S. side of Pongoteague Riv., Ely. upon Pocomock Nly. upon land of John Jnoson., Negro, Wly. upon Anto. Jno- son., Negro, & Sly. upon Nich. Waddi- low. Trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Ames, Wm. Vincent. JOHN CURTIS, 200 acs. Accomack Co., 24 Nov. 1654, p. 295. On N. side of Nuswattocks Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: John Wapp, Hugh Creeye, Alexander Hall, Jno. Glamfeild. Assigned to him by Capt. Wm. Whitington. LUKE BILLINGTON, 250 acs. in Accomack Co., 24 Nov. 1654, p. 295. On the bay side, bounded Sly. by a devdt. belonging to Col. Fra. Yardly, Nly. towards the Colemans branch, etc. Trans, of 5 pers: Mary Cunny, (or Curry), Morgan Mackland, Judith Gas- sett, Wm. Jack, Margt. Oshulivan. Note: This patent is relinquished and the rights assigned to Jno. Wms. (Wil- liams) Test: Tho. Brereton. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Merchant, Taylor, 400 acs. in Northampton Co., 24 Nov. 1654, p. 295. At Anancock, on W. side of a creek parting this from land of Nich. Waddilow & on E. with a branch parting same from land of John Browne. Trans, of 8 pers: Wil- liam Johnson, Symon Bringley, Robt. Parke, John Waller, Joan Parker, Joan Steare, Hen. Etheridge, John Holding. WM. THORNE, 387 acs. Northamp- ton Co., at Occahanock Cr., 21 Nov. 1654, p. 296. Adj. land of Richard Smith & Richard Kellam. Trans, of 8 pers: Joan Mills, Rich. Knight, Tho. Stratbridge, Dorothy Jordan, Wm. Jor- dan, Wm. Marloe, Sanders Mitchener, John Thompson. JOHN WILLIAMS, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., 21 Nov. 1654, p. 296. At the head of Hungars main branch, etc. Trans, of 6 pers: John Edwards, Mary Edwards, John Hazlewood, Robert Hart, Eliz. Razor, Margt. Edwards. RICHARD ALLEN, 500 acs. North- ampton Co., 21 Nov. 1654, p. 296. Near Matchepongo, called by the name of Aliens Quarter, Ely. on land of Tho. Harmison, Wly. towards Occahamack Cr., & Nly. upon a branch parting this from land of Capt. Fra. Pott. Trans, of 10 pers: Edward Stephens, Tho. Bul- lock, John Mapp, Joane Taffe, Sam. Young, Ann Johnson, Mary Union, John Curtis, James Edwards, Ralph Hacker- MR. CHARLES GRYMES, CI. (Clerk), 600 acs. Lancaster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 4 Sept. 1654, p. 297. Beg. at a Pequoson or sunken land over against the Douges land above Nanzemum. Trans, of 12 pers.* SAME. Same acreage, county, page & date. Trans, of 12 pers.* Patent Book No. 3 297 CAPT. DAVID MANSELL, 600 acs. Westmoreland Co., upon S. side of Pecomeck Cr., 6 Oct. 1654, p. 297. Beg. at a branch of sd. creek dividing this from land of Col. Tho. Pettus. Trans, of 12 pers: Fra. Hutchins, Tho. Newman, Ben. Venison, Eliz. Lucas, Eliz. Moales, Edw. Phipps, Hannah Huntly, Tho. Army, Clerepian, Ann Jones, Jane Mansfeild, Eliz. Mansfeild. THO. SALSBURY, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 10 Oct. 1654, p. 298. On S. W. side of Haddaways Cr. bounding N. Ely. upon sd. Cr. where Salisbury hath built, seated and cleared formerly, N. Wly. on land of Eppy Bonison & S. Ely. towards land of Humphry Tabb. Trans, of 6 pers: Hugh Yoe, Wm. Yoe, Eliz. Rosser, Oliver Soreland, Edwd. Gunter, Tho. Smith. By assignmt. from Steph. Horsey. CAPT. ROBERT HENFEILD, 500 acs. on S. side of Petomack Riv. & W. side of Nomeny Riv., beg. at a branch dividing this from land of John Hare. 24 Nov. 1654, p. 298. Granted unto Lewis Burwell, 10 Oct. 1650 & assigned unto Tho. Yowell, who assigned same unto sd. Henfeild & now renewed by order of the Quarter Court. JOHN DEBARR, 200 acs. in the W. branch of Eliz. Riv., 6 Oct. 1654, p. 298. Adj. Thomas Wrights land & Richard Starlinge. Granted unto sd. Debarr 6 Nov. 1653, & since proved deserted land, as appears by order of the Co. Ct. of Low. Norf., 21 Sept. 1654. THO. HUMPHREYES, 600 acs. Northumberland Co., upon Nwd. part of Fleets Bay, about half a mile up Haddaways Cr. Granted to Abra. Moone, 3 Aprl. 1651 & assigned unto Mr. Robt. Wetherell, & by Mrs. Eliza- beth Whetherell, Admx., assigned unto Tho. Duncomb, who assigned unto sd. Humphreyes, & now renewed by order &c. Sept. 1654, p. 299. R. (Rowland) LAWSON, 400 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at Eastmost extent of the land of Geo. Eaton, etc., unto sd. Lawson's former grant &c. 6 Oct. 1654, p. 299. Trans. of 8 pers: Bernard Geines, Eliz. Geines, Mary Palmer, Rose Love, Fra. Plumer, Thomas Jones, Roger Clatworth, Dennis Foard. WM. BEACH, 700 acs. Westmore- land Co., 10 June 1654, p. 299. On S. side of Petomeck Riv., & N. side of Petomeck Creek, against land of Mr. Robt. Yoe. Trans, of 14 pers: Wm. Rathbourne, James Hint, Wm. James, John James, Wm. Long, Geo. Saynes, Wm. Remmons, Rich. Burton, Jno. Penenton, Tho. Elnor, Tho. Durant, John Smith; 2 Negroes. Marginal Note: 7 June 1655 Mr. Fouke, the assignee of sd. Beach, ackd. the sale hereof to Wm. Earsby (or Earsly). ANTHONY STEPHENS, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 6 Oct. 1654, p. 300. On N. side of Rappa. Riv., upon Deep Cr., down a branch parting this & land of John Place. Renewal of patent granted 26 Mar. 1650. JOHN CARR, 150 acs. near the head of the Southern branch of Nanzemum River. 20 Nov. 1654, p. 300. Trans. of 3 pers: Wm. Hardy, David Carts, Edward Wirrall. JOHN THOMAS, 174 acs. Nanze- mum Co., 19 Nov. 1654, p. 300. Upon Ewd. side of New Towne Haven Riv. 150 acs. at miles end of Humph. Scoven, & 24 acs. adj. his own, lands Mr. Jordan & Tho. Best. 150 acs. granted to Peter Mountegue, 18 Dec. 1645 & assigned to sd. Thomas; & the residue for trans, of 1 pers: Wm. Skeed; Susan Jacob, Edward Powell, Mary Watkins, "3 last due." GEORGE LEDDALL, Gent., 1750 acs. York Co., 25 Nov. 1654, p. 301. On S. side of York Riv. behind land of Capt. John West called Chomocken, running by Black Cr. to Croshaws Ex- tent &c. Assigned by Mr. Joseph Cro- shaw, to whom it was granted 8 Nov. 1653. MR. THOMAS FOWKE, Merchant, 3,350 acs. Westmoreland Co., 10 June 1654, p. 301. Upon S. side of Peto- meck Riv. Upon the head of a branch 298 Cavaliers and Pioneers of Petomeck Cr. dividing this & a tract known by the name of the Fort land &c. 2,000 acs. granted to Mrs. Jane Harmer, 1 Dec. 1652 & assigned unto sd. Fowke; & 1350 acs. for trans, of 27 pers: Gerard Fowke, Tho. Fowke, John Bay- ley, Robt. Dycott, Rich. Holbar, John Halbar, Robt. Mosley, Wm. Newell, Edwd. Carey, Rich. Granger, Rob. Land, Tho. Grey, Ben. Price, Tho. Hankes (or Haukes), Charles Gregory, Hen. Hat- burn, Mary Joyner, John Haten, John Dryver, Hannah , Brid. Carey, Mary Peneales, Wm. Walden, Rich. Horton, John Martin, John Coule (or Conle). MR. BARTHOLOMEW HOSKINS, 800 acs. Low. Norf. Co., on Nwd. side of broad Cr., 1 Dec. 1654, p. 302. 400 acs. on sd. Cr., being an Ewd. branch of Eliz. Riv. The residue on the miles end of sd. tract. The first 400 acs. granted to sd. Hoskins 6 Mar. 1648, & the latter 400 acs. 29 Apr. 1653. COL. HUMP. HIGGENSON & ABRAHAM MOONE, 2,000 Westmore- land Co., on S. side of Petomeck Riv. & S. W. side of a N. W. branch known as Ohoquin Riv., 20 Sept. 1654, p. 302. Beg. at a swamp dividing this & land of Col. Thomas Burbage. Trans, of 40 pers: Mrs. Hegginson, Susan Russell, Tho. Owin, Do. Hanerly, Robt. Orrey, Wm. Price, Duntan (or Duncan) Grey, John Wooles, Eliz. Hutton, Tho. Reley, Wm. Wottson, Ja. Wmson. (William- son), Lucy Phillips, Tho. Pottblade, Tho. Clerk, Peter Hargrove, John Meares, And. Buttler, John Orton, Nich. Limbson, Rich. Sarson, Eliz. Jury, Dan. Rouse, Eliz. Barne, Rich. Bullerd, Tho. Bullerd, Wm. Furbusher, Negroes: John, Kate, Thorn., Jeny, Betty, Ann, Humphry, Franke, Mow., Sugar, Mihill, John & Madge. WALTER BROOKES, 460 acs. Charles City Co., 12 Mar. 1654, p. 303. In Bristoll Parish; 160 acs. on Ely. side of the Citty Cr. & N. on Appamatuck Riv; 300 acs. running E. along the head of Nath. Tatums land & N. to head of John Barkers (or Bakers) land. 160 acs. purchased by John Howell of Nath. Tatum, Sr. & sold to sd. Brooks; & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Peter Read, Eliz. Richeson. LT. COL. GILES BRENT, 1518 acs. Westmoreland Co., 27 Nov. 1654, p. 303. 768 acs. N. E. upon Petomeck Riv. & Nly. upon Oquioh Riv; & 750 acs. N. E. upon Petomeck Riv., & N. W. upon his own land. 768 acs. granted to him 20 Aug. 1651 & 750 acs. granted to John Rookwood, 20 Aug. 1651, by him deserted & granted to sd. Brent by order &c, & for trans, of 15 pers: Dan. Gardner, Barbara Hayles, Morris Owen, Xpher. Gouth, (or Gouch), Wm. Milton, John Fred- erick, William Williams, Dorothy Lewis, Hen. Biggs, Edw. Huntly, Grace Browne, John Raven, Richard a Welch- man, Jone , John Coleman. HENRY WALKER, 480 acs. James City Co., 16 July 1654, p. 304. Adj. land of Richard Vardy & Lady Lunsford. N. by Poetan Ponds up to his corner tree, etc. Trans, of 10 pers: Ann Ship- pard, Garrett Peggis, Tho. Pitts, Mat. Goodwin, Jacob Browne, Joan Wilcox, Tho. Wardly, Hen. Baxter, Henry Sherly. COL. HUMPHRY HIGGENSON, one of the Councill of State, & THO- MAS HIGGENSON, his sonn, 800 acs. Gloster Co., 20 Sept. 1654, p. 304. Upon S. side of Pyanketanck Riv., beg. at the mouth of a Cr. dividing this from land of Col. Hugh Gwin, now in pos- session of Wm. Armstead, 500 acs. by assignmt. from Col. Ludlow of a patent of 2,000 acres, & 3000 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.* JAMES ARTHURS & JOHN BAR- DON, 450 acs. Nanzemum Co., 24 Nov. 1654, p. 304. On the N. W. branch of Nanzemum Riv., being part of an In- dian Towne. Formerly granted unto sd. Arthurs & Peter Ells, 9 Apr. 1648, pur- chased by & renewed by order, etc., in name of sd. Arthurs & Bardon. SAME. 100 acs. Same county, date, page & consideration. MR. FRANCIS HAMON, (Hamond) 2,000 acs. York Co., 1 Nov. 1654, p. Patent Book No. 3 299 305. Bounded on N. by Metopony Riv., & lands of Wm. Lewis on E. S. E. Trans, of 40 pers: Robert Vaus, Eliz. Vaus, Susan Vaus, Hump. Vaus, Jane English, John Clint, Abig. Truce, Jane Hodges, Wm. Freeman, Fra. Lawrenson, Senr., Fra. Lawrenson, Junr., William Dru, Charles Edmonds, Richard Howell, Rich. No vis, Luke Peele, John Wood- ington, Giles Brook, Wm. Webb, Fra. Hamond, Mana. Hamond, Martin Clif- ford, Jno. Knatchpoole, John Baker, Ro. Parkenson, John King, Henry King, Richard Payne, Mary Paine, Cor. Dawl- ing, Wm. Greeman, Rich. Okell, Rich- ard Salter, Alex. Southerland, John Miller, Dave Bane, Alex. King, Jno. Robenson, Wm. Peasly, Thomas Free- man, COL. JOHN MATROM, 3,609 acs. Westmoreland Co., 7 Oct. 1654, p. 306. 2,109 acs. butting Sly. upon Petomeck Riv., this tract known as the Doegs Is- land. 1,000 acs. S. upon a creek parting it from sd. Island, Wly. upon land of John Jenkins, Ely. towards land of Mr. Tho. Speake. 2,109 acs. granted to Richard Twiney, 8 July 1651, & 1,000 acs. granted to John Jenkins, 14 May 1653, both of which patentees assigned to sd. Matrom & now renewed; & 500 acs. due for trans, of 10 pers: Rob. Page, Dan. Cortnake, (or Cormake), David Price James Savage, Anth. John- son, John Clay, Fra. Rickett, John Nor- man, Wm. Luke. JOHN CRUMP, 1250 acs. James City Co., 29 Nov. 1654, p. 306. By Mr. Batts landing, etc. On main branch of the Gleab land Cr., etc. 750, acs. granted to Rich. Buck, 20 Jan. 1619", 500 acs. granted to Peleg Buck 29 May 1638 & descended unto sd. Crump by inheritance; & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers.* Wm. Charly, which by purchase be- comes wholly to sd. Martin; & 150 acs. by patent to him dated 18 Sept. 1644; & 850 acs. by patent to him dated 20 Oct. 1651. CAPT. MORE FANTLEROY, 1800 acs. in Rappa. Riv. on the N. side., 6 Oct. 1654, p. 307. Beg. on the Wwd. side of the mouth of Bushwood Cr. & adj. land of William Underwood. Granted sd. Fantleroy, 22 May 1650 & by him assigned unto Michael Winds- more; purchased of sd. Windsmore & now renewed in his own name. LT. COL. BRIDGES FREEMAN, 1325 acs., known by the name of Tomahunn, in James City Co., on S. W. side of Chicihominy Riv., bounded from the mouth of Jureinge point Cr. N. W. &c. to Sam Payne Cr. &c. 20 Sept. 1654, p. 307. 900 acs. by patent dated 11 Aug. 1637 & 425 acs. for trans, of 9 pers.* SAME. 1011 acs. upon the S. side of the mouth of Chycohominy Riv., run- ning from his own landing down sd. Riv., S. S. E. to long point at the river's mouth, down James Riv. E. by S. to Mr. Harvys land &c. to Merrymans Cr., against the house in the Island &c. round the bay by the Woodyard to sd. landing. 400 acs. by patent 1 Oct. 1630, renewed 21 Mar. 1643; 100 acs. & 150 acs. by patents dated 11 & 12 Aug. 1637; 100 acs. by patent 5 Aug. 1640; 261 acs. for trans, of 5 pers.* CAPT. GILES BRENT, 300 acs. Westmoreland Co., 6 July 1654, p. 308. Bounded with land of Xpher. Booze, Oqui Riv. & his own land, including the great rock. Trans, of 6 pers: Rich- ard Aston, Richard Hampton, David Henry, Robt. Mathews, David Lamkin, Walter Rawlins. JOHN MARTIN, 1400 acs., Low. Norf. Co., in Lyn Haven Parish, 2 Oct. 1654, p. 307. Bounded on N. W. with Bennetts Cr., running to Symon Barrows land & adj. land Adam Thoroughgood. 400 acs. granted to Jonathan Langworth, Chyrurgeon, 10 May 1638 & by him assigned unto John Holmes, who as- signed to sd. Martin, Tho. Cheely & ROBERT, THOMAS & WILLIAM MOSS, Brothers, 800 acs. Lancaster Co. in the freshes of the Rappa. Riv. on the S. side; 20 Nov. 1654, p. 309. Beg. at a creek dividing this & land of John Wyere, etc. Trans, of 16 pers.* ALEX. PORTUS & THOMAS WILLIAMS, 271 acs. Lancaster Co., 20 300 Cavaliers and Pioneers Nov. 1654, p. 309. On N. side of Rappa. Riv., at the head of land of Rawleigh Travers, extending to Wwd. side of a Cr. dividing this & land of Thomas Powell &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Anth. North, John Smith, John Stainin- brow, Henry Carter, Eliz. Minshem. ARTHUR NASH, 950 acs. New Kent Co., 6 Dec. 1654, p. 309. 400 acs. beg. at Wly. branch of Propotanck main swamp on the head of Poropotanck Cr., & 550 acs. on S. side the main swamp adj. tract surveyed for Tho. Cox, etc. Trans, of 19 pers: William Long. James Lewis, John James, John Stow, Alex. Farlow, James Baxter, Robert Just, Abraham Warren, Joan Price, Robt. Catesby, James Cordell, Nich. Woodhouse, Fra. Statherd, JefTry Smith, Hercules Talbott, William Phillips, Alex. Sumpson, (or Sampson), David Welch, Sampson Carey. RICHARD WHITE, Cooper, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 12 Dec. 1654, p. 310. Within the freshes of sd. river opposite to Nanzemond Towne, adj. land of Charles Grymes & Abra. Moone. Trans, of 10 pers.* Renewed 2 Dec. 1657. EDWARD SIMPSON, 100 acs. New Kent Co., 15 Feb. 1654, p. 310. Beg. by Pepeticafcr. Trans, of 2 pers: Sarah Smith, Robert Spence. ROGER WALTERS, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 28 Feb. 1654, p. 311. On N. side great Wicocomoco Riv. upon two creeks of sd. Riv., the one above Larretts Point, commonly called St. Johns Cr., & the other, divid- ing lands of Thomas Saffall & William Thomas, called SafTells Cr., & towards land of Col. Claybourne. 600 acs. granted him last of Dec. 1653; & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Nath. Sheap- ard, Robert Trasey, John Parris, Rich. Bradfort, Fra. Gage, Jno. Alexander, Edmund Cuspe, (or Crispe), John Foulsham. MAJOR WILLIAM ANDREWS, 1500 acs. Northampton Co., at great Nuswattucks Cr., 24 Feb. 1654, p. 311. Beg. at the 4th neck up sd. Cr. & parted by a branch from land of Mr. Parker. Trans, of 30 pers: Guiles Cope, Eliz. Watkins, Tho. Norman, Tho. Morris, Nich. Squires, Mar. Ed- wards, Rob. Renolls, Y. Renolls. VINCENT STANFORD, 500 acs. on N. side the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about 6 mi. above Nanzemum towne; beg. at a swamp dividing this & land of John Gillett. 20 Nov. 1654, p. 311. Trans, of 10 pers.* SAME. 800 acs. Same location, & date, p. 312. Beg. at a marked oake dividing this & land of Col. Saml. Mathews. Trans, of 16 pers.* CAPT. NICHOLAS MARTEAW, 2,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 25 Oct. 1654, p. 312. On S. side of Petomack Riv., S. upon a creek dividing this & land of Col. Mathews, E. upon sd. Riv. & N. upon Quanticott Cr. Trans, of 40 pers: Edward Beedle, John Betts, James Jurne, John Beard, Wm. Whitby, Tho. Hull, William French, John Tay- lor, Hugh Rey, Sarah Ginsey, Ellinor Sheappard, John Jeffryes, Rich. Adams, Tho. Griffeth, Brd. Prenthrall, Sym. Penifell, John Dawson, Wm. Perrigoe, Godfry & Margery Willis, Rich. Whit- by, Hen. Ellyott, Eliz. Mucer, Margery Blewett, John Cox, Wm. Groves, Wm. & Eliz. Tyler, Tho. Caresy, Robt. Caresy, Tho. Cartwright, Peter Ingam (or Jugam), Jno. Penington, Tho. Ellmore, Tho. Durant, Hen. Plaine, Ann Smith, Tho. Curant, 2 Negroes. ROBERT HUBARD, 1600 acs. West- moreland Co., on S. side Petomack Riv., 12 Dec. 1654, p. 313. Beg. at a branch of Oqui Riv. extending W. along land of Capt. Mason &c. Trans, of 32 pers: Gowry Macalster, John Macalster, Hec- tor Macalster, Dan. Grey, John Wright, John Cook, Tho. Levin, Wm. George, Robt. Pointer, John Foot, Hen. Odell, Ann Child, Rich. Welch, Wm. Ginings, Mich. Upchurch, Fra. Shelton, Tho. Green, Jno. Barkworth, James Collett, Tho. Wood, Thomas Cuttler, Eliz. Wat- son, John Hall, Davy Marlett, Geo. Hilliar, Wm. Arnoll, Tho. Tooly, Eliz. Browne, William Cart, Wm. Sar, Mary Wells. Patent Book No. 3 301 RICHARD MARSHFEILD, 100 acs. in the W. branch of Nanzemum Riv., adj. his own land, 28 Nov. 1654, p. 313. Trans, of 2 pers: Eliz. Johnson, Wm. Grissell. JOHN DRAYTON, (Draton— Drai- ton), 2,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 25 Nov. 1654, p. 313. On S. side of Petomeck Riv., E. S. E. upon a branch dividing this & Doegs Island, N. E. upon a branch divid. this & land Mr. Tho. Speak, N. W. upon land of Mr. Miles Carey & S. W. upon Ohoquin Riv. Trans, of 40 pers: John Taylor, Robert Robinson, Xpher. Oxford, John Lathrop, Robert Crouch, Robert Freith, William Pue, Ann Saunders, James Hardway, Root. Levitt, John Ludson, John How,, Geo. Oliver, John Read, Hen. Hoopes, Clemt. Whidon, Richard Mogeredge, Robt. Case, Edward Lane, John Walton, Hester Lucye, Wm. Pur- nell, James Ball, Dorothy Dutton, John Draiton, Tho. Titus, Jeffry Monford, Jno. Gunsby, Isaac Towney, Fra. Ram. (or Rain), Adrell Shippard, Silvest. Remington, Neale St. Clare, Wm. Scott, Tho. Gilnett, Wm. Barker, Jno. Auston, John, Teague, & Nicholas Irishmen. THOMAS EVERIDGE, 200 acs. in Southern branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at miles end of Thomas White. 27 Mar. 1655, p. 314. Trans, of 4 pers: George Glayne, Mary his wife, George Glayne, Junr., Anthony Clerk. JAMES GEATES (GATES), 20^ acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on Wwd. side of a creek dividing this & land of John Phillips, W. N. W. upon Powells Cr. & by land of Thomas Cooper. 28 Nov. 1654, p. 314. 100 acs. granted to Evan Griffeth, 2 Sept. 1652; & 100 acs. granted to John Phillips, 8 Mar. 1652, both of which sd. Phillips assigned to Gates. JOHN GUTTERIDGE, 350 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 23 Mar. 1654, p. 315. Bounding from Mr. Flintons land &c, 175 poles being the Eastermost part of the Alpes. Granted to Henry Hurd, 11 Nov. 1642 & assigned by Walter Hurd, who is possest thereof, to sd. Gutteridge. ELIZABETH GWIN, 700 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 23 Mar. 1654, p. 315. About 2 mi. up the lower bay, on the W. side, beg. at a small Hand called Bennetts Park, adj. land of Sam Jackson &c, running to Goose Hill Cr. & to Seawards Cr. Due as Exix. of Hugh Gwin, who patented the land 3 Mar. 1640. SINKLER PAGETT, 200 acs. Nanze- mum Co., 17 Mar. 1654, p. 315. Trans, of 4 pers: Thomas Snow, John Bennett, Richard Powell, John Heifer. EDWARD COOK, 100 acs. in W. branch of Nanzemum Riv., adj. his own & land of William Parker. 17 Mar. 1654, p. 316. Trans, of 2 pers: James Cany, George Gourdon. ROBERT BOWERS, 100 acs. in the W. branch of Eliz. Riv., 17 Mar. 1654, p. 316. Trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Wash- brow, Edward Davis. SAME. 300 acs. at the head of Symons Cr., a branch of the W. branch of Eliz. Riv. Same date & page. Trans, of 6 pers: John Walker, Wm. Saunders, Elizabeth Saunders, Francis Harper, Symon Harper & his wife. FRA. SPIGHT, 300 acs. Nanzemum Co., 17 Mar. 1654, p. 317. Trans, of 6 pers: Abraham Standford, James Prouce, Alexander Dunbarr, John Jack- son, Thomas Lightoll, Mary Wells. JOHN SKERRETT, 300 acs. in the S. branch of Nanzemum Riv., on the N. side thereof, 17 Mar. 1654, p. 317. Trans, of 6 pers: John Bates, Joan GrifTen, Symon Sickard, John Gunn, William Ludlow, John Piper. CAPT. AUGUSTINE WARNER & MR. JOHN ROBINS, 594 acs. on N. side of Severnes, in Mockjack Bay; beg. at the mouth of Lutus (or Lucas) Cr. 14 Mar. 1654, p. 317. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Thomas, John Williams, Richard Williams, Mary Smith, Jno. Mockay, 1 Negro, Dan. Frissell, Senr., Dan. Frissell, Junr. Thomas MAJOR ABRAHAM WOOD, 406 acs. Henrico Co., on N. side of Appa- 302 Cavaliers and Pioneers mattuck Riv., near the falls, 6 Dec. 1654, p. 318. From the Riv. along Mr. Reelyes land. Formerly granted unto Major William Bellew, by him deserted & now granted by order of Court &c, & for trans, of 8 pers: Dunkin Makins, Elizabeth Phillips, Elizabeth Evans, Joan Evans, Sesly Evans, Thomas Barrow. WILLIAM SAVADGE, 100 acs. Lan- caster Co., 20 Nov. 1654, p. 318. On S. side of Rappa. Riv. & on Ewd. side of Puscaticond Cr., S. S. W. on land of John Caple & N. N. E. on land of John Bebey. Trans, of 2 pers.* CHRISTOPHER REGAULT, 600 acs. Glouster Co., 6 Mar. 1654, p. 318. Up- on Ewd. side of a main swamp of Crany Cr., upon the head of Breemans Neck & adj. devdt. of Mr. Breeman, etc. Trans, of 12 pers: Christopher Regault, William Frost, Symon Parrett, Joan Bugg, Wm. Woodars, John Brashere, Thomas Studdell, his wife & child, William Risbixt & his wife, William Todd. HUMPHRY GIBBS, 40 acs. War- wick Co., on Swd. side of the black water swamp, 10 Aug. 1654, p. 319. Beg. at Mr. Bullocks land, etc. Trans, of 1 pers: Elizabeth Dawkin. Assignee of Richard Shootboult. MRS. FRA. HARRISON, Widow, 1,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 6 Oct. 1654, p. 319. On N. E. side of Oquy Riv., W. upon land of Mr. Valentine Patten, N. E. upon a branch of Chapa- wasick Cr. & S. S. E. upon land of Capt. Giles Brent, being a devdt. of 300 acs. including the great Rock. Trans, of 20 pers: Dr. Jeremy Harri- son, Mrs. Fra. Harrison, Mrs. Elizabeth Andrews, Edward Moyle, Joyce Wilkin- son, Anna, Maria, Christiana, Steph. Gardner, Edwd. Stardy, Mary Derrell, Jonas Page, Thomas Bull, John Duran, Robert Clerke, Fra. Mallard, Henry Downer, James Wilkenson, Symon Roch. THOMAS FRAUNCES, 150 acs. at the head of Dumplen Hand Cr., a branch of Nanzemum Riv., at the miles end of his own land, & adj. land of John Oravin. 21 Nov. 1654, p. 319. Trans, of 3 pers.* WILLIAM CORDEROY, 150 acs. on W. side of the main swamp, upon the head of Crany Cr., adj. land of Jeffery Bew. 6 Mar. 1654, p. 320. Trans, of 3 pers: Daniell Cadbaty (?) & his wife, Ann Younge. EDWARD SIMPSON, 600 acs. Gloster Co., 4 Dec. 1654, p. 320. 300 acs. adj. his own, land of Ashwell Batten or Leo. Chamberlain & upon the head of Pepetico Cr. Trans, of 12 pers: George Atkins, Robert Weekes, William Wragg, John Powell, Ja. Muskatina, Robert Ward, James Wilson, Robert Foster, Fra. Wright, William Short, James Davis, Robt. Lamb. PETER ASHTON, 400 acs. North- umberland Co., Sly. upon Wicocomoco Riv. & Wly. upon a Cr. dividing this from land of Capt. Wm. Claibourne. 17 Nov. 1654, p. 320. Formerly granted to him, 15 Dec. 1651. CAPT. THOMAS WILLOUGHBY, 2,900 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 7 Oct. 1654, p. 321. In Lyn Haven Parish. Includ- ing 1500 acs. for which he has a patent. (19 Mar. 1643). 1400 acs. beg. at the dwelling house &c. against Hogg Island, to head of Mr. Mason Cr. Trans, of 28 pers: Mary Bennett, Alexand. Bell, John Bell, John Gore, Joseph Toogood, Peter Bandon, James Wichard, Richard Drap, Jno. Michallen, William Fell, Paul Trigg, John Sarrigg, Dan. Snoddy, Mat Hancock, George Hill, Mabell a woman, Tho. Puckerell, Willm. Griffen, Alice Willoughby, Tho. Willoughby, Eliz. Willoughby, Edward Fitcher, Ed- mund Dowland, Thomas Gee, Wm. Griffen, Jno. Mickey, Wm. Stanly, Geo. Armstrong. SARAH HANCOCK, of Lyn Haven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 300 acs., 29 Nov. 1654, p. 321. 200 acs. beg. at the head of Mr. Moselys land near the head of Faram Cr. &c, running N. N. E. etc. to Turkey ridge, & towards John Cara- ways land; & 100 acs. bought of Tho- mas Holt, which was granted to him 22 May 1637. 200 due for trans, of 4 pers: Mary Stout, Richard Belt, John Browne, William Piggett. Assigned by Mr. Emperor, assignee of Lt. Col. Lloyd. Patent Book No. 3 303 THOMAS FELTON, 150 acs. Chas. City Co., 6 Feb. 1654, p. 322. On S. side of James Riv. & W. side of an Indian Swamp called Ohoreek; beg. at his own plantation, running along Mr. Leas line &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Joan Binge, William Walker, Dorothy Upton. WILLIAM LEA, 500 acs. Chas. City Co., 6 Feb. 1654, p. 322. On S. side of James Riv. & W. side of an Indian Swamp called Ohoreek; beg opposite plantation of Thomas Felton. Trans, of 10 pers: John Trediskin, John Aires, Bertrum Obert, Thomas Austen, his wife, John Austin, Richard Austin, Ed- ward Golbourn, Jane Glinn, William Lea. HUMPHRY DENNIS, 200 acs. Gloster Co., 6 July 1654, p. 322. On S. side of Kings Cr. near Poropetanke (Creek). Trans, of 4 pers: Mary Smith, Tho. Bourne, Tho. Thraile, John Bootwright. DANIEL BOUCHER, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 21 Nov. 1654, p. 323. On third swamp of the black water, beg. at Humphry Clerks land. Trans, of 4 pers: Elizabeth Vaughan, John Bon- nall, Sarah Slaughter, Jonathan Bubith. THOMAS DEYNES, 500 acs. in Deep Cr., a branch of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., 6 June 1654, p. 323. Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Jackson, Edw. Dense, Robert Meal, Joan Porter, Thomas Potter, Edward Barnes, Humphry Hag- gist, Elizabeth Towers, Elizabeth Bevis, Elizabeth Mathy. WILLIAM HOCCADAY, 200 acs. York Co., on S. side of Charles Riv. upon head branches of Matchemeeds Cr. 9 Mar. 1654, p. 323. Granted to him, 8 June 1651. ROBERT YOUNGE, 400 acs. Lan- cester Co., 9 Nov. 1654, p. 324. Upon N. side of Puscaticond Cr., bounded on E. S. E. with land of William John- son & W. N. W. by an Indian path. Trans, of 8 pers: Anthony Tilly, Eliz. Morley, Ann Dowse, Hen. Gibett, George Peirce, Edward Steevens ; Prudux Wells "on right Assigned him by Sam. Parry long since Delivered into the Office." GREGORY RAWLINS, Junr., 326 acs. James City Co., 6 Feb. 1654, p. 324. At Upper Chipoakes Cr. 300 acs. adj. upon land of Jeremy Dickenson. 300 acs. granted unto John Osbourn, 26 Apr. 1639, & by John Osbourn, the son & heir, assigned unto Gregory Rawlins, Senr., & due sd. Gregory as son & heir. 26 acs. for trans, of 1 per.* JOHN COX, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 28 Nov. 1654, p. 325. On N. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., & bounded by land of John Weyr & Richard Cole- man. 50 acs. due by virtue of the rights of patent for so much, granted unto John Phillips in St. Johns Creek, by him relinquished & assigned unto sd. Cox; & 357 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: David Phillipps twice, Thomas Hum- phry, Elizabeth Collins, Tho. Smithson, Thomas Thorpe, Mr. John Cox. PETER RANSON, 950 acs. North- umberland Co., 20 Nov. 1654, p. 325. Upon the deviding Cr. & Sly. upon land of George Waterman & James Willes. Granted unto John Hany, 30 Jan. 1650, assigned unto Robert Phillips & ordered to be patented in Ransons name, as be- ing the Admr. of sd. Phillips, but be- fore this patent came to be renewed sd. Hany relinquished 450 acs. rights of sd. land & took up other by it, which 450 acs. rights is made good by sd. Ranson for trans, of 9 pers.* RICHARD BROWNE, 650 acs. West- moreland Co., upon Petomeck Riv., 22 Mar. 1654, p. 325. Beg. at the mouth of a gutt dividing this from land of John Jenkin. Trans, of 13 pers.* Re- newed into Mrs. Brents patent of 1150 acs., May 25 1657. MR. THOMAS BREEMAN, 600 acs. Gloster Co., 23 Mar. 1654, p. 326. Up- on N. side of Severne Riv., adj. land of Mr. Robins, Capt. Warner & It. Col. Waker (Walker). Trans, of 12 pers.* ABRAHAM MOONE, (Moon), 600 acs. upon S. side & head of Pyanketank 304 Cavaliers and Pioneers Riv., & N. W. upon land of Capt. Steph. Gill. 1 Nov. 1654, p. 326. Trans, of 12 pers: James Morth, John Phillipps, Peter Worth, Richard Heler, William Bryan, William Jones, Tho- mas Box, Mich. Floyd, James Harren, Wm. Newark, David Williams, Rich- ard Parrinter. SAME. 300 acs. in Gloster Co., upon the head of Fenton Cr., which issueth forth on the S. E. of Metopony Riv., 1 Nov. 1654, p. 326. Beg. on S. side of Aracyaco Swamp, extending S. W. upon land of Edwd. Simpson & S. E. upon land of Leonard Chamberlaine & Ash- well Batten. Trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Long, Richard Rawlins, Mary Browne, David Floyd, Richard James, William Browne; Walter Rawlins, land due for & placed to Lt. Col. Brents patt. of 300 acs. WALTER DICKENSON, 800 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 327. Beg. next to land of William Yarrett, along the Riv. to an oak dividing this from land surveyed for Mr. Toby Smith. Trans, of 16 pers: Ann Dixon, Tho. Whyting, Edwd. Willett, Timothy Blade, Walter Bading, Tho. Wynter, Richard Painter, Willm. Warrell, Richard Painter, David Browne, Wm. James, Ja. Williams, David Richard, Willm. Mansfeild, Renold James, Willm. Thomas. JOHN ROSYER, Clerk, 1,000 acs. beg. near a branch of Nomeny, dividing this & a tract surveyed for James Hare, now in possession of Richard Hawkins. 6 Sept. 1654, p. 327. 500 acs. granted to Major Lewis Burwell, 17 Nov. 1650 & assigned to Thomas Yowell, who as- signed to sd. Rosyer; 300 acs. granted to sd. Yowell & assigned to sd. Rosyer & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Mrs. Margarett Booker, Mary her daughter, Phillip Williams, Elizabeth Hues. EDWARD PARKER, 300 acs. West- moreland Co., 10 June 1654, p. 328. On S. side of Oquy Riv. & E. N. E. side with a swamp dividing this & land of Mr. Patten, & N. N. W. upon land of Richard Codsford. Trans, of 6 pers: Robert Bennett, Robt. Heeding, Thomas Cox, Rich. Orpwood, Roger a man ser- vant, George bullock. Note: Renewed in name of Henry Footman. CHRISTOPHER BOOR (Boore), 300 acs. Westmoreland Co., on N. side of Oquy Riv., 10 June 1654, p. 328. Bounded on S. E. with a branch of sd. Riv. dividing this & land of Capt. Giles Brent. Trans, of 6 pers: John Browne, Wm. Lawson, Richd. Bryan, David Willett, Hen. Powell, Ja. Hunt. TOBY SMITH, 1600 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 328. Along head of land of Walter Dickenson & William Yarrett, and opposite Colemans Marsh. Trans, of 32 pers: Henry Hawkins, John Cole- bourne, Phill. Wadingham, John Dix- son, John Dear, James Williams, Sarah Willett, Mary Fox, John Redd, Gyles Joyce, George Johnson, Willm. France, Kath. Ham, James Cade, Jno. Dellony, William James, Tho. Langlin, James Boner, Thomas Richard, William Row- sen, James North, John Lepord, Richard Bryan, Thomas Jones, William Kedd, Jno. Serjant, Tho. Symons, John Meekes, John Harper. MRS. ANN BERNARD, 1500 acs. Westmoreland Co., on S. side of Peto- meck Riv., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 329. Beg. at Eastermost side of Upper Matchotick Cr., adj. land of Tho. Peake (or Speake). 1,000 acs. granted her 3 Apr. 1651, & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers.* JOHN WILLIAMS, 550 acs. North- umberland Co., 27 Nov. 1654, p. 329. Ely. upon the Gleab land, Nly. upon head of Mettopony Riv. Granted unto Robert Newman, 1 Apr. 1651, by him deserted & granted unto sd. Williams by order of Court &c. The following names appear under this record: Henry Subtill, Sabina Davis, Richard Davis, Thomas Coniers, a Negro, Robert Smith, Mary Day, George Mettom, (or Met- torn), Adam Fawcett; due from the assignees of Thomas Stephens, the assignee of Thomas Coniers. John Wil- liams, Eliz. Williams. RICHARD EGGLESTON, 62^ acs. James City Co., in the maine, 27 Mar. Patent Book No. 3 305 1655, p. 330. Bounded on S. W. side with a line of trees belonging to Daniel Lyle, N. N. W. with land of John Flood, lately taken up, & with an Ely. line of Horsleys Swamp. Annual rent: 2 Bbls. 2 Bu. Indian Corn sheld at the State House, yearly at the Nativity of our Saviour. JOHN NEWMAN, 400 acs. Lancas- ter Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 20 Mar. 1654, p. 331. On the head of Moraticond Riv., N. by W. by the side of a branch dividing this & land of Mr. William Whitby, & S. by E. upon land of Mr. David Fox. Trans, of 8 pers: Bryan Turner, Em. Turner, Tho- mas Lonell, George Lovas, Elizabeth Grimes, Susan Newman, Richd. Neavor, Mary Reynolls. By Edward Diggs, Esq. Govt. &c. WILLIAM THATCHER, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., upon N. W. side of Corotoman Riv., 17 May 1655, p. 331. Upon land of John Nicholls & George Goldsmith. Granted to sd. Thatcher & Robert Parfitt, 26 Feb. 1653 "which said Robert Parfitt being dead, the said land according to the law of England is de- volved of right unto him the said Wil- liam Thatcher.'' ANN TALBOTT, 1 acr. lyeing Ely. with land of Thomas Bayly, Wly. with Mr. Watson, Sly. with the main river & thence Nly. to the path leading to Capt. Moone's house. 31 Mar. 1655, p. 331. Annual Rent: 1 Capon yearly at feast of St. Thomas the Apostle. COL. FRA. MORRISON, 120 acs. in the maine, known by the name of the Race feild, S. S. W. on Mrs. Perkins land, S. on William Harris, S. E. on the marsh, E. on Cawseys land, N. on A Hersolls & W. on the main river, 6 June 1655, p. 331. Leased for 21 yrs. Annual rent: 4 bbls., 4 bu. Indian corn &c, from the day of Nativity next en- suing, etc. GEORGE WHALLE, 500 acs. on S. side of Petomeck Riv., at the mouth of Matchotique Riv. &c, including two small creeks lying within the mouth of Matchotix Riv. 18 May 1655, p. 332. Granted unto Thomas Wilkenson 18 Oct. 1650, & assigned unto sd. Whalle. Renewal by order of Court & also re- taken up by new rights for trans, of 10 pers.,* the rights used to make good another patent of sd. Whalle. NICH. WADDILOW, 1300 acs. Northampton Co., on S. side of Pongo- tegue Riv., bounded Wly. on Pocomock Cr. & Nly. by land of John Robinson. 2 Apr. 1655, p. 332. 350 acs. granted unto John Robinson & assigned unto sd. Waddilow, & 950 acs. for trans, of 19 pers: Comely. Cornelison, Anthony Carpenter, John King, Susan Dowring, Mary Jones, William Brimstone, Mac- cum Macconey, Doc. Mackland, Ann Twinn, And. Pedigrew, Roger Wood- ford, Jane Nicholson, Mathew Porter, John Greening, Xper. Cox, Alice Deane, Ralph Doe, Mary Joyner, Robert Gibson. SAME. 600 acs. Same county & date. Page 333. On S. side of Pongotegue Riv., Ely. upon Pocomeck Cr., Nly. on land of Richard Johnson, Negro, & Sly. with land of Richard Bunduch. 350 acs. granted unto Nicholas Granger & as- signed unto sd. Waddilow; 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Roger Woodford, Jane Nicholson, Ann Borwell. 100 acs. by assignment of William Waters which is due to him by an Ancient Patent granted to his father. CHARLES SCARBURGH, son of Col. Edmund Scarburgh, 3,050 acs. North- ampton Co., at Pungotegue Cr., 3 Apr. 1655, p. 333. Renewal of patent, dated 10 May 1652, by order of the Quarter Ct., dated with these presents. CHRISTOPHER KNIPE, 418 acs. James City Co., 19 May 1655, p. 334. Renewal of patent granted his father, Bartholomew Knipe, & due him as sonn & heire. WILLIAM BAYLY, 400 acs. Chas. City Co., at Wards Cr., 1 May 1655, p. 334. Nly. on the lower Cross Cr. Part of a devdt. of 2,000 acs. granted to Capt. Fra. Hooke, 26 Oct. 1637, as- signed to John Clay & John Frame, & by inheritance descended unto William 306 Cavaliers and Pioneers Clay, son of sd. John, & by William Bayly purchased of sd. William Clay, the younger. FRA. RIPLY, 25 acs. 24 Mar. 1654, p. 334. 21 yr. lease from the Nativity of our Saviour. Annual rent: 1 bbl. Indian Corn &c. THOMAS BRIDGE, 256 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 26 Mar. 1655, p. 335. Near a branch coming out of the head of the broad Cr. &c. Granted unto John Mar- shall, 4 May 1652, & assigned unto George Heigham, who assigned unto sd. Bridge & now renewed &c. JOHN LYNGE, 300 acs. James City Co., on N. side of Chycohominy Riv., 1 Apr. 1655, p. 335. Beg. at the head of a branch of Tyascond, near the great Indian feild in the land of Margarett Barrett. Trans, of 6 pers: Ann Jones, Tho. Bromfeild, Rich. Scruggs, Sisly Chaloys, Gil. Southerland, James Tyler. RICHARD NEW, 750 acs. James City Co., on N. side of James Riv. & E. side of Chycohominy Riv., 6 Apr. 1655, p. 335. S. E. on Margaretts land, N. E. on Thomas Brookes & Sly. on Mr. Rolph's land. Trans, of 15 pers.* 15 Irishmen included in a certificate granted unto Capt. Barrett, March last, & assigned unto sd. New. RICHARD FOSTER, 200 acs. on the head of the Southerd Cr. in Severne, in Mockjack Bay, 1 Apr. 1655, p. 336. Adj. Col. Ludlow. Trans, of 4 pers: Ellen Foster, Mary Foster, Sarah Davis, Robt. Bynam; Fra. Bignall, land due for. NICH. BUSH, 317 acs. James City Co., on N. side of James Riv. & E. side of Chycohominy Riv., 6 Apr. 1655, p. 336. Beg. at a marked tree on the W. side of Jones his Swamp and along the head of the swamp until it meets with Old Knights line &c. to John Merryman &c. Trans, of 7 pers: James Hamilton, Wm. Poynter, Ann Stanning, Winfred Mathews, Jno. Hews. JOHN WYERE, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., in the freshes, last of Mar. 1655, p. 336. Beg. on N. W. side of Cliff ts Cr. & adj. his own land. Trans, of 6 pers: Robt. Chambers, twice, Rich. Williams, Ann Collins, Margt. Stephens, Mary Stephens. JOHN WOODWARD, 500 acs. Glouster Co., 17 May 1655, p. 337. Bounded on N. & N. E. side with Pyanketank Riv. & S. E. upon Abraham Moon. Trans, of 10 pers: Thomas Barrett, Roser Mallery, John Wale, Ed- mund Kenny, Teague Ottamon, Roger Donouge, Tho. O Derrick, William Dally, Connor O Morpher, Daniel Beane; Relinquished the rights to make good a patent for Col. Lee's children, viz: Wm. and Hancock Lee. Test: Tho. Brereton, Clk. COL. RICHARD LEE, 200 acs. Glouster Co., 17 May 1655, p. 337. Bounded on N. E. side with land of Henry Corbell, on S. E. side with trees dividing this & land of William Haward, S. & S. W. upon his own land, W. upon the Dogwood Springe branch & N. W. & N. upon land of William Thome. Trans, of 4 pers: Cormack O Mally, Teague Flanny, Richard O Harratt, Giles Peirce. CAPT. ROBERT ABRALL, 600 acs. Glouster Co., upon S. E. side of Meto- pony Riv., 20 Feb. 1654, p. 337. Upon a branch dividing this from land of Mr. William Wyatt. Trans, of 12 pers.* Joan Welch. (Granted by Richard Ben- nett.) GEORGE MOSELY, 100 acs. Glous- ter Co., 17 May 1655, p. 338. On E. side of Severne Riv., N. against land of Lt. Col. Walker, E. upon land of Mr. John Robins, S. upon Capt. Thomas Breman, & W. upon Capt. Warner. Trans, of 2 pers: Ann Ryalls, Sarah Ryalls. EDWARD MOORE, 200 acs. North- ampton Co., in Occahanock Cr., between lands of Jonas Jackson & Phillip Merri- day. 2 Apr. 1655, p. 338. Trans, of 4 pers: John Gourd, James Scott, Mark Hamond, Thomas Wyatt. MR. THOMAS PECK, 1,000 acs. Glouster Co., on N. E. side of Metto- Patent Book No. 3 307 pony Riv., behind land of Major Taylor & Mr. Edward Diggs. 6 Apr. 1655, p. 338. Trans, of 20 pers: John Lewellin, Edward Stone, Tho. Peckstone, Ursula Jackson, Mr. Tho. Peck, Elizabeth Peck, Walter Stratton, William Carter, Pe. Peterson, Alice Carpenter, John Wil- liams, 2 Negrowomen; Robt. Richard- son, Rich. Lyddeatt, David Hamilton, Margt. Cheines, Mary Farnell, Susan Dayson, Alice &c. MATILDA SCARBOURGH, the daughter of Lt. Col. Edmund Scar- bourgh, 500 acs. Northampton Co., at Pungotegue Cr., 31 Mar. 1655, p. 339. Bounded on E. by land of Charles Scar- bourgh, on W. by the main bay & run- ning Nly. towards Anancock. Trans, of 10 pers: David Relue, John Soaper, Tho. Reylue, Dermot Morane, Rich. Stanton, Teague Trassy, Robt. Candeale, Cormack Nelve, Teague Hart, Patrick Jordan. EDMUND SCARBOURGH, Junr., & LITTLETON SCARBOURGH, sons of Lt. Col. Edmund Scarbourgh, 800 acs. in Northampton Co., at Chyconnessecks Creek, being a neck of land on the mouth of sd Cr. Trans, of 16 pers: Donell Grecheare, Thomas Maway, Phillip Kahan, John Malladine, Ven Cunagky, John Keynan, Morkun Chunaghan, Mor. Kunnogh, Moragha Donell, Rich. Kuoyard, Coner Gillealew, Teague Neoly, Donell Lloyd, Brin Grangrave, William Brovek, Hugh Laffe. 31 Mar. 1655, p. 339. PETER FORD, 500 acs. (viz) Caca- mount in Glouster Co., on the N. E. side of Mettopony Riv., beg. at lower tree of Capt. Robert Abrall, behind land of Mr. Barnhouse & Mr. William Wyatt &c. 25 Mar. 1655, p. 340. Trans, of 10 pers: Patrack Napier, William Bel- cher, Robert Gibbs, Mary Roberts, Wil- liam Francis, John Nicholls, John Ware, Anne James, Elizabeth Walker, Eliza- beth Mackrell. Assigned to sd. Ford by Lt. Col. Abrall, assignee of Capt. Jno. Underwood. RALPH GREEN, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 13 May 1655, p. 340. Upon S. E. side of Mettopony Riv., S. W. with a branch of Arakico, near Leonard Cham- berlaine & Ashwell Batten & N. E. against a former tract taken up by Capt. Fra. Morgan & Ralph Green. Trans, of 10 pers: Joan Bugg, Mary Hamond, Edward Moss, James Monder, Roger Birth, John Belson, Adam Chapman, Isaack Rack, James Story, Alex Daniell. GEORGE PARKER, 1300 acs. North- ampton Co., at Anancock Cr., 31 Mar. 1655, p. 340. Beg. at land of Mr. William Walters. Trans, of 26 pers: John Parker, John Cole, John Mocellett, Joseph Deryell, Daniel Till, Farmer Jones, Senr., Ann Shaw, Farmer Jones, Junr., Sarah Jones, Farmr. Jones, Jane Nevera, Robert Hallow, Florence Cade, Marm. (Marmaduke ?) Wilkenson, Carona Cornelia, Kath. Mecane, Ed- mund Bryant. 450 acs. rights being due by patent of sd. Parker's, 5 June 1650 & adjudged lost in Northampton Court, only the rights reserved which was certi- fied by that court. JENKIN PRICE, 800 acs. Northamp- ton Co., on S. side of Anancock, being two necks of land, Wly. on Batchelors branch, parting it from land of Robt. King & Walter Taylor &c. E. upon the Spoone branch, etc. 26 Apr. 1655, p. 341. Trans, of 16 pers: Henry Darby William Whitehead, John Smith, Wil- liam Meadwell, Mary White, William Harris, One Dutch boy, Peter Clauce, Walter Danks, (or Dauks), Dorcas Hond, Walter Cooper, 1 Scotchman, 1 man servant bought out of a Burmodean, Jenkin Price, John Drummer. SAML. SOLLACE & ROBERT TRO- LIVER, 900 acs. Glouster Co., upon S. E. side of Poropotanck Cr., 200 acs. upon N. E. side of a branch of same called Attapotomays Cr., adj. land of Oliver Green &c, 700 acs. upon S. W. side of a branch or swamp, along the swamp dividing this & land of Isaac Richardson, etc. 26 Mar. 1655, p. 341. 800 acs. granted them 12 Feb. 1651 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: John Mattro, William Lewis. SAMUEL SOLLACE, 352 acs. Glos- ter Co., upon S. E. side of Poropotank Cr., upon N. E. side of a swampe divid- 308 Cavaliers and Pioneers ing this & land of Isaac Richardson & extending along a branch of the same dividing this & land of John Day &c. 26 Mar. 1655, p. 341. 302 acs. granted unto William Ginsey, 9 Sept. 1652 & assigned to sd. Sollace; & 50 acs. for trans, of Mary Land. JOHN BROWN, Gent., 1262 acs. Northampton Co., 13 June 1655, p. 342. 1000 acs. Ely. on the seaboard side, N. upon the Southermost branch of Robin Creek, Sly. upon Northermost br. of Phillips Cr. &c. 1,000 acs. granted sd. Browne 27 Nov. 1652, & 262 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Willm. Hogson, Peter Kennett, Oneath Mackdoneal, Jno. Ore- dan, Derman O Shalenan, (or O Shale- van). ROBERT PRIDDY, 400 acs. New Kent Co., on S. W. side of York Riv., 28 June 1655, p. 343. Bounded by land of John Butler, Mr. Anthony Langstone & Mr. Joseph Crowshaw. Trans, of 8 pers: Elizabeth Tawson, John Redman, William Jones, William Davis, Kath. Ellyotts, Mary Puckrell, John Frederick, Joane Carlington. JER. DODSON, Gent., 600 acs. Lan- caster Co., 4 June 1655, p. 343. N. E. upon a branch of Corocoman Riv., upon land of one Hawker, & S. E. upon land of William Thatcher. Trans, of 12 pers: Cutbert Benson, Elizabeth Popler, Rob. Margeson, Elizabeth Feathy, Thomas Robb, David Furbush, James Shaw, Nich. Richardson, James Barter, Thomas Bowles, George Lawson, Patraack Ste- ward. JOHN BELL, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 14 June 1655, p. 343. From the upper side of land in possession of Cyprian Bishopp, to land of Mr. James Bagnall. Part of a patent of 400 acs. of Henry Deadman, 18 Nov. 1653, & due sd. Bell by pur- chase. CYPRIAN BISHOPP, 200 acs. Lan- caster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 14 June 1655, p. 344. From land of Henry Deadman &c. Part of a devdt. of 400 acs. of sd. Deadman, and due as above. FRANCIS CLAY, Gent., 400 acs. Northumberland Co., on S. side of Chicokone Riv., E. S. E. upon land of Col. John Mattrom, etc. S. S. W. to- wards branches of great Wicocomoco Riv. 4 June 1655, p. 344. Trans, of 8 pers: Mary Edwards, Thomas Clever, Edward Simpson, William Jones, Wil- liam Bethell, Henry Evans, John Cess, Elizabeth Norman. HENRY BARLOW, 300 acs. in the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., down Ceder Island Cr. to mouth of broad Cr. 18 June 1655, p. 345. Trans, of 6 pers: Amy Jones, Tho. Bromfill, Rich. Scruggs, Sisly Chaloys, Gilbert Southerland, James Tyler. THOMAS ROOTS, 50 acs. Lancaster Co., 15 June 1655, p. 345. Ely. upon Corocomon Riv., Sly. upon Spring branch &. N. N. E. upon lands of Ed- ward Grimes, dec'd. Trans, of 1 per: Thomas Roots. WILLIAM LITTLE, 100 acs. North- umberland Co., on S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., 4 June 1655, p. 345. Adj. land of Daniel Crosby & towards land of William Thomas. Trans, of 2 pers: Martin Poole, Jane Poole. MAJOR WILLIAM LEWIS, 2,000 acs. New Kent Co., on N. E. side of Mettopony Riv., 28 June 1655, p. 345. Bounded with Mama Sheement on the N. W. & near the head of sd. river. Trans, of 40 pers.* LT. COL. JOHN WALKER, 1200 acs. on the Ewd. side of a runn falling into Ware Riv., beg. at Mr. Mordecay Cooks land & by marked trees of Zachery Cripps. 14 July 1655, p. 346. 1,000 acs. granted him, 29 Jan. 1651, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Ed- mund Orphew, Walter English, Thomas O Lyn, Mahan Carty. GERVACE DODSON, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 June 1655, p. 346. On N. Side of great Wicocomoco Riv., opposite Capt. Richard Bud, Ely. upon George Clerke & N. by E. & be- twixt lands of sd. Clerke, Mr. John Burton & Mr. Jeremy Dodson. Due by Patent Book No. 3 309 virtue of the rights of a patent to Cor- bet Pedwell, 14 May 1653, & assigned to sd. Dodson. MR. WILLIAM NUTT, 683 acs. Northumberland Co., on N. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., 4 June 1655, p. 347. S. S. W. upon sd. river from Lambdens Cr. to Hand Cr., Wly. upon same & land of William Thomas, E. N. E. upon Thomas Garrett, the land of Henry Smith, orphant, & towards land Richard Span bought of Edward Cole. 350 acs. granted to Robert Lambden & William Allen, & by the latter assigned to sd. Lambden, who assigned to sd. Nutt; & 333 for trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Goward, Jno. Hollaway, Geo. Picker- inge, Math. Wilcocks, Jno. Smith, Sarah Roberts, Wm. Nutt. GEORGE COLTCLOUGH, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 June 1655, p. 347. Sly. upon Wicocomoco Cr. & adj. his own land. Trans, of 6 pers: Robt. Morely, Xpr. Vaughan, Tho. Hinton, David Pool, his wife Mary, Margt. Buttey. JOHN HAMPTON, 150 acs. between Garden Cr. & the Eastermost Riv. 14 July, 1655, p. 347. Trans, of 3 pers: Edmund Walch, Abraham Barreb, Teague O Moulins ; assigned by Lt. Col. Walker. SAML. ELDRIDGE, 295 acs. on the main branch of the black water, bet. Mr. Seawards & Humphry Clerk's land. 8 June 1655, p. 348. Trans, of 6 pers: Job Bearley, 3 times; Richard Henry, James Mathewson, Christian Hygate. MR. THOMAS BROUGHTON, of Yeocomoco, 100 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 June, 1655, p. 348. N. W. upon Yeocomoco Riv., S. E. upon Mettopony Riv. & S. W. upon land of John Meeks & William Newman. Trans, of 2 pers: Alexander Cooper, Walter Clare. JOHN MOTLEY, of Wicocomoco, Carpenter, 600 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 June 1655, p. 348. Adj. land of John Allen & Roger Walters. Trans, of 12 pers: William White, Ann Foster, Martha Hunt, Stephen Johnson, John Rowland, James Powell, William Dea- con, Mory Deacon, Henry Wilcox, Triphany Deacon, Thomas Courtman, George Devell. JOHN GREEN, 200 acs. in W. branch of Eliz. Riv., adj. his own land., 1 June 1655, p. 349. Trans, of 4 pers: Richard Green, Kat. Green, Francis Teeling, Abigail Turner. LT. COL. ANTHONY ELLYOTT, 1,400 acs. adj. his own land & on Aliens Cr., etc. 14 July 1655, p. 349. Trans, of 28 pers: Margery Clapham, Neal Steward, John Mukee, John Ridue, John Robins, John Downton, Garratt Lid- with, Tho. Rowland, Susan Craven, Ann Kirby, William Knocks, Ann Toomes, Archibald Gardner, Thomas Turner, William Williams, Henry King, Wil- liam Cook, William Brookwood, Ann Steevens, Mary Stanton, Joseph Hooke, Sandie Issabell, John O Drenne, Edward Kenny, Rich. O Harrough, Tho. O Derruck, Dan O Carby, Owin O Lealy. MR. THOMAS BALLARD, 1,000 acs. Glouster Co., now called New Kent Co., on S. E. side of Mettopony Riv & along the head of Mr. William Wyatt's land. 16 July 1655. Trans, of 20 pers: James Cook, Robert Fisher, Thomas Crump, Wm. Johnson, Wm. Cuning- ham, Elizabeth Masterson, Grace Farloe, Thomas Pritchard, Grace Fisher, Ann Simpson, James Glover, Thomas Pratt, Toby. Forester, Richard Proby, Cuthbert Jackson, James Cooper, William Smith, Fra. Crosyer, James Smith, Sarah Tal- bott. Page 350. JOHN JOHNSON, 85 acs. North- umberland Co., on N. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., bet. Mr. James Haw- ley & William Betts & Sly. upon land called Peter Ashtons Neck. 4 June 1655, p. 350. Trans, of 2 pers.* WILLIAM RAWTON, 27 acs. Lan- caster Co., S. E. upon the mouth of Corotoman Riv., S. W. & N. W. upon Hand Neck Cr. & N. E. upon Edward Grymes. 15 June 1655, p. 350. Trans, of 1 pers.* "One man dead his name unknown assigned him by Nich. Mery- wether, Assignee of John Ling, the As- 310 Cavaliers and Pioneers signe of Peter Efford." 23 acs. remain- ing due. WILLIAM JOHNSON, 176 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv. & N. side of Puscation Cr., 14 June 1655, p. 351. Beg. on the N. W. side of a branch dividing this & land of Mr. John Cox &c, to the side of a branch dividing this & land whereon said Johnson now lives. Granted to him 10 Mar. 1653 & assigned unto Paul Brewer, & now due him as Admr. of sd. Brewer. JOHN SHARP, Junr., 400 acs. Lan- caster Co., in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about 14 mi. above Nanzemum Towne. 14 June 1655, p. 351. Beg. at a creek dividing this & land of Mr. John Batts & John Phillips. Trans, of 8 pers.* JOHN PHILLIPS, 1300 acs. upon a creek of Occapason Cr., beg. upon the Northermost branch of same called Wassanasson. 14 June 1655, p. 351. Granted to Richard Coleman, 11 Jan. 1652, relinquished, & now due sd. Phillips for trans, of 26 pers.* FRAUNCIS GOWER, 530 acs. Lan- caster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., on Ewd. side of Hodskings Cr., 14 June 1655, p. 352. 280 acs. granted him, 15 Nov. 1653; & 250 acs. granted unto Mr. Ja. Williamson, Nov. 15 1653, & assigned unto sd. Gower for the use of his son James Gower, which parcels are joined together at the request of sd. Fra. Gower. EDWARD LUCAS, 150 acs. on S. W. side of Garden Cr. 14 July 1655, p. 352. Trans, of 3 pers: John Mor- raine, Kennet Morraine, John Shalla- mine. JOHN SMITHEY, 300 acs. S. side of Garden Cr. 14 July 1655, p. 353. Trans, of 6 pers: Daniell Beaw, Morris White, Cormack Mallry, Teague Flanny, John Mathew, Jno. O Grangenes. As- signed by Lt. Col. Walker. THOMAS READ, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., next to land of Capt. Fleet & Wly. upon land of John Taylor. 6 June 1655, p. 353. Granted unto Teague Floyne, 1 Aug. 1652, assigned & renewed unto sd. Read. WILLIAM BLACKEY, Gent., 1,300 acs. New Kent Co., 9 June 1655, p. 353. Including the land he is now seated on, on S. side the Narrows of York Riv., bounded S. E. with land of Mr. Burnell, & N. W. with land of George Lyddall. 300 acs. granted him 29 July 1647; & 1,000 for trans, of 20 pers.* WILLIAM WYATT, 300 acs. New Kent Co., on N. E. side of Mettopony Riv., behind his own land & adj. land of Mr. Henry Soanes. 6 June 1655, p. 354. Trans, of 6 pers.* PHILLIP CHESLY & NICH. MERY- WETHER, 1,000 acs. on N. E. side of Skemeno Swamp, adj. land of Robert Wild & sd. Chesly, to Drinking Swamp &c. to Ricohock path. 7 June 1655, p. 354. Trans, of 20 pers.* JOHN MARSHALL, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 8 June 1655, p. 354. 120 acs. part of a devdt. purchased of John Valentine & assigned to sd. Marshall; 80 acs. adj. his own, land of George Midland & Richard Penny, & due for trans, of 2 pers: Edw. Wms. (Wil- liams), Jno. Wormington. MARTIN HAMOND, 300 acs. on S. side of James Riv., at the head of land of John Senior, & running along land of Henry Meddows. (Date blank). Page 355. Granted to Richard Rickless, 1 July 1652, by him deserted & granted by order of court unto Nich. Mery- wether, who assigned unto sd. Hamond, & due for trans, of 6 pers: Elizabeth Johnson, Robert Mason, Elizabeth Bent- ley, Kath. Mutton, Mary Langingham, John Glover. Note: This patent is come into the hands of Nich. Mery- wether and the rights due to him. Test: Tho. Brereton, Clk. JOHN HODSON & JOHN GAR- RATT, 300 acs. New Kent Co., 6 June 1655, p. 355. On N. E. side of Metto- pony Riv., bounded on Southermost corner of Thomas Saunders, unto Arakeyaco Sw. &c. Trans, of 6 pers.* Patent Book No. 3 311 MAJOR WILLIAM LEWIS, 400 acs. New Kent Co., 8 June 1655, p. 355. On N. E. side of Mettopony Riv., adj. his own land, N. E. with main swamp of Arsantans Cr. ah. Tarsantyan, & be- hind land of Capt. Robt. Abrall. Trans, of 8 pers: William Davis, John Mon- tra, Henry Lee, Wm. Dowglas, Ellin Taylor, Tho. Randoll, John Poole, Josuah Bigg; by assignment from Mr. James Herd. JOHN WATSON, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 12 June 1655, p. 356. Upon Occa- pason Cr. Trans, of 6 pers: Ralph Boerer, Rich. Toosly, Rich. Keniston, Gesper Vigeo, James Clerke, Wm. Lake. WILLIAM THATCHER, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., upon a branch of Coroto- man Riv., opposite land of one Hawker, & S. E. upon land of John Munger, sold to John Davis, & now in possession of Henry Davis. 4 June 1655, p. 356. Trans, of 4 pers.* GEORGE WALL, 1200 acs. West- moreland Co., on S. side of Petomeck Riv., 18 May 1655, p. 356. Beg. at a pochichery dividing this & land of John Miles, opposite tract surveyed for Tho. Broughton &c. Due by virtue of the rights of a patent of 500 acs. surren- dered, & 2 certificates for trans, of 14 pers: John Day, Margery his wife, Derman Absolon, Bess a Negro, Thomas Baxter, Alex. Delumaine, Ann Price, Sibill Coleman, 4 Irishmen, Thomas Wilkenson, George Wall. Assigned him by sd. Day. WILLIAM GOOCH, Esq., one of the Councell of State, & ROBT. VAULX, Merchant, 6,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 9 June 1655, p. 357. On S. side of Petomeck Riv, behind the cliffts of Corowoman, beg. at Wwd. side of a great deep run, being the head of great Rappa. Cr. & opposite lower end of 1200 acs. surveyed for Thomas Brough- ton &c. Trans, of 120 pers.* CAPT. HENRY FLEET, 347 acs. upon S. side of Pepetick Cr., 3 July 1655, p. 357. Adj. land of John Payne & divided by a creek from land of Tho- mas Hawkins. Trans, of 7 pers: John Smith, Isaac Holding, Henry Lisbourne, John Polwort, Teague O Fallo, David Wright, Hugh Budder. MAJOR WILLIAM HOCCADAY, 3,550 acs. New Kent Co., 1 Aug. 1655, p. 358. On S. side of Yorke Riv., adj. land he is now seated. Renewal of 2 former patents for 1346 acs., 10 Dec. 1648, & 1000 acs., 14 Apr. 1653, & 1200 acs. & for trans, of 25 pers.* JOHN BIGGS, 260 acs. Low. Norf. Co., on Ewd. side & near the head of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., 20 Aug. 1655, p. 358. Trans, of 6 pers: Wil- liam Stillard, William Rends, Piggott, Rich. Day, Thomas Brittaine, Tho. Buckmaster. 40 acs. of the last right due to Mr. Emperor, who assigned these rights to him. MATHEW HUBERD, Gent., 590 acs. York Co., on S. W. side of Yorke Riv., 18 Aug. 1655, p. 358. Beg. in Thomas Smiths line running Ewd. etc. to bounds of William Gantlett, to Spring run on the main swamp of Skemenoe, & Wly. to Phillip Chesly & Daniel Wylds line &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Parke, Senr., Wm. Parke, Junr. et uxor., Sarah Park, Wm. Swinburne, Edward Harris, Wm. Beamont, Rice a Welchman, Fra. Taylor, Ann Flower. MAJOR WILLIAM HOCCADAY, 640 acs. New Kent Co., on S. side of Yorke Riv., 1 Aug. 1655, p. 359. On S. E. side Warreny main branch, in- cluding the Indian Feilds on the S. E. side of the head of Warreny, commonly called sd. Hoccadies. Trans, of 13 pers: Fra. Ashton, Rich. Major, Tho- mas Delf, Judith Stanly, Mary Worth, James Blake, Phillip Waldon, Ann Colby. WILLIAM MORGAN, 1.166 acs. on E. side of Chicohomminy Riv. 1 June 1655, p. 359. 816 acs. upon the head of Morgans Cr., in James City Co., up- on land of Mr. Filmore, Mr. William Edwards & his own land; 350 acs. bounded from his old devdt., along land of Mr. George Lobb, to land of Joseph Knight &c. 816 acs. granted him 22 Oct. 1643, & 350 acs. granted 8 June 1652. 312 Cavaliers and Pioneers MR. ANTHONY LANGSTON, 1,000 acs. New Kent Co., on S. side of the freshes of York Riv., behind land of Col. Man. Hamond &c, including land now seated by William Stone. 26 Apr. 1655, p. 360. Trans, of 20 pers: Daniel Reverton, Hum. Chiverfall, Eli- zabeth Andrews, Ann Stanford, Ed. Simons, Roger Creeton, Mary Smith, Eliz. Kent, William Feild, Mary Puck- erell, William Davis, Richard Clerke, Richard Crouch, Eliz. Thompson, Hoell Thomas, Richard Johnson, Mary Clerke, Runberen Davis, Roger Jones, Robert Bridley. JOHN CATLETT & RALPH ROU- ZEE, 1542 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 July 1655, p. 360. 400 acs. beg. at a branch dividing same & land of George Eaton, now purchased by sd. John & Ralph; 304 acs. parted from the aforesd. tract by a branch; and the residue adj. both of sd. tracts, upon Occapason Cr., by land of Richard Lawson, Thomas Lucas, (purchased by Thomas Hawkins) &c. 400 acs. granted 23 May 1650; 304 acs. granted unto George Eaton 18 June 1651 & purchased by them & 336 acs. granted unto Thomas Lucas & sd. Cat- lett 20 July 1652 & purchased by them. 502 acs. for trans, of 10 pers. * EDWARD PETTAWAY, 500 acs. Surry Co., on S. side of James Riv., on the head of Lower Chipoaks Cr., last of Aug. 1655, p. 361. Being part of 1,000 acs. of William Carter's, Deed., beg. at the main branch of the reedy swamp, to Mr. Pettaways Springe, along Wil- liam Carter's line &c. Trans, of 10 pers: John Farly, Joyce Farly, Fra. Farly, Joseph Farly, William Workman, Samll. Hardy, James Mill, John Chal- lace, Mary Morian, Tho. Lewis; assigned him by Peter Green. HENRY HUBERD, (Hubert), 350 acs. Glouster Co., at the head of Poro- potank Cr., 25 Aug. 1655, p. 362. Adj. Mr. Blunt. Trans, of 7 pers: Robert Long, Jammay Long, Emma Brett, Tho- mas Nash, George Mutford, John Harri- son, Nich. Bridges. JOHN SHARPE, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. E. side of a S. E. branch of Moraticond Cr., & N. W. upon land of Abraham Moone. 4 Sept. 1655, p. 362. Trans, of 10 pers: Ralph Rowzey, Joseph Catt, Valentine , Nicholas &c. , Peter Neale, John Eaton, Geo. Eaton, Jno. Ridlys, Robt. Burwell, John Hookes. CAPT. NICH. MARTEAW, 2,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., upon S. side of Potomack Riv., 4 Sept. 1655, p. 363. Bounded E. upon sd. River, S. upon land of Richard Hawkins & N. upon land of Richard Codsford. Due by vir- tue of the rights of a patent for the same quantity granted him 25 Oct. last, which is relinquished, etc. Note: This never past, the former pattent to be of force. Test: Nich. Merewether, CI. RICHARD PRICE, son of Arthur Price, deed., 600 acs. on S. W. side of York Riv., New Kent Co., 28 Aug. 1655, p. 363. Adj. his own land, Hugh Dowdy &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Amy Lymon, Grace Hatfeild, Dorothy Richardson, Joan Wilson, John Miller, Jane Parker, Joan Bradwell, Marg. Biggs, Dennis Teague, John Moy. THOMAS WILSFORD, Gent., 50 acs. Westmoreland Co., on N. W. side of Hallows Cr., adj. his own & land of Andrew Munroe. 4 Sept. 1655, p. 363. Trans, of Sarah Southerne. JOHN WITHERS, 150 acs. West- moreland Co., upon a branch of Peto- meck Cr., & E. upon Capt. Brent's land. 4 Sept. 1655, p. 364. Trans, of 3 pers: James Lewis, John Jones, William Clerk. RICHARD CODSFORD, 400 acs. Westmoreland Co., 20 Aug. 1655, p. 364. On S. E. side of land of Edward Parker & N. E. upon a creek dividing same from land of Mr. Valentine Patten. Trans, of 8 pers: Richard Bew, John Willett, Robert Lawrence, William Tharpp, Tames Margaret, David Doug- hert, William Thomas, Richard Feild. Note: Renewed by order of Ct. in name of Isaac Watson & Saml. Mothershed. PATRICK MILLER, 350 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., Lancaster Co., 20 Patent Book No. 3 313 Aug. 1655, p. 364. Adj. land of Capt. Brocas, deed. & George Wadeing. Trans, of 7 pers: James Nutt, Thomas Bryan, William James, Ralph Cookely, Susanna Hillary, James Hart, William Jenkins. MRS. MARGARET BRENT, 1,000 acs. Lancaster Co., upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., 4 Sept. 1655, p. 365. About a quarter of a mile above the falls of the sd. River. Trans, of 20 pers: Richard Cherry, James Hamilton, John Martin, William Cooper, one Negro woman, Mr. John Underhill, Henry Jones, Giles Wright, John Ran- dall, John Hutchenson, Henry Newly, Thomas Allen, James Miller, Sar. Leman, Richard Good, Walter Oliver, Francis Grensly, Mary Wagstaff, John Mayne, Edward Cooke. THOMAS WILLESS, 450 acs. Lan- caster Co., 20 Aug. 1655, p. 365. Adj. land of Lady Chichly, Bertam Obert & Arthur Dunne, assignee of Abraham Moone. 300 acs. granted to Richard Lewis & assigned unto sd. Willis & Richard Watkins & 150 acs. for trans. of 3 pers: John Bell, John Nurden, John Johnson. WALTER DICKENSON, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., upon W. side of Coroto- man Riv., 20 Aug. 1655, p. 365. Adj. land of Thomas Hobkins, assignee of Thomas Burrows, assignee of David Fox, & a tract of William White. 300 acs. granted unto Henry Hacker, as- signed unto Thomas Borrows, who as- signed same to sd. Dickenson; & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Jenkin Morris, John Naylor, Richard Harper, James Clerke. THOMAS JONES, 400 acs. James City Co., 6 Aug. 1655, p. 366. On N. side of James Riv., bounded from Mr. Howes corner to the longe Thickett &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Ann Green, Richard Cole, Jane Stoute, Elizabeth Drooyt, Maudlin Jones. GEORGE KIBLE, 350 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Pyanketank Riv., 1 Apr. 1655, p 366. Trans, of 7 pers: Charles Hill, Andrew Perren, Jame (or Jane) Draper, Ann Jeffryes, Ann Beach, Xpher. Kelle, Thomas Williams. EDWARD GRIMES, 390 acs. Lan- caster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 15 June, 1655, p. 367. 150 acs. called Quiacomack, lying S. E. upon the mouth of Corotoman Riv., running from the Spring branch to a br. of the Island Neck Cr. 240 acs. adj. land of David Fox & a creek dividing same from land of Thomas Harwood. Granted unto Ed- ward Grimes in 2 patents, i. e. 23 Mar. 1650, & 21 May 1651. THOMAS HUNT, 1 acr. James City, bounded Sly. upon James Riv., Wly. upon land of Mr. Chiles, now in the occupation of Samll. Hart & Thomas Woodhouse, & Nly. upon the Path lead- ing from Capt. Websters to sd. Mr. Chiles. 1 Aug. 1655, p. 367. Half an acre of sd. land formerly granted unto Mrs. Elizabeth Fleet, which by her death accrued to her children, & now by Tho- mas Lyne, guardian, assigned unto Tho- mas Wilkenson, to whom sd. Hunt is successor, & the other half acre granted by order of the Quarter Ct. &c. COL. FRANCIS MORRISON, 24 acs. commonly known by the name of the Glass House, James City Co., 6 Sept. 1655, p. 367. Formerly by Sir John Harvey by bill of sale made over unto Anthony Coleman, & by Edwd. Knight his heir & Joseph Knight, Atty. of Wm. Coleman, joynt heir to sd. An- thony Coleman, assigned to John Senior, who assigned to John Fitchett, who as- signed same to John Phipps & Wm. Harris, which sd. Phipps assigned his part unto sd. Harris, who assigned the whole to sd. Morrison. Patterns granted in Governor Bennett's time formerly Omitted to be recorded. THOMAS PENCHERMAN, 80 acs. York Co., 24 July 1654, p. 368. Bounded on W. with a swamp dividing this & land of William Graves, N. by W. to Skemeno, upon land of William Gantlett & upon land of Phillip Taylor, deed., now in possession of William Heward & sd. Pencherman. Trans, of 2 pers: Johanna Stella, Richard Bul- lock. 314 Cavaliers and Pioneers RICHARD JAMES, 40 acs. James City, 6 June 1654, p. 368. On S. side of the back creek, beg. at Pyping point &c. Trans, of Richard James. NICHOLAS MORRIS, 512 acs. Northumberland Co., 1 June 1654, p. 368. Upon great Wicocomoco Riv., in- clud. a peninsula called the Hand. Trans, of 11 pers: Ann Evans, James Veach, Geo. Wakefeild, Rich. Bates, John Demaley, John Warner, John Bridge, Stephen Taylor, Dorothy Griffen, John Galler, Kath. Madix, Wm. Nicholls; Wm. Nicholls due. FIRDINANDO AUSTIN, 1200 acs. Chas. City Co., 25 Feb. 1653, p. 369- On N. side of James Riv. & E. side of Queens Cr., Ely. on Moses run, S. on Mr. Horsmandine & Mr. Hamblin. Trans, of 24 pers: John Smith, James Cockrum, Dan. Valker, Edward Smith, Wm. Rogers, Thomas Wilkes, William Brown, Ferd. Austin, Jos. Alcock, Fra. Allen, Jone , Allester , Tho. Gregory, Ja. Gregory, Tho. Kelway, Margt. Legg, Peter Gerrard, Thomas , John Griffen, Jone Irish, Teague Allen, Jone Bristoll, Thomas Green, Jo. Mitchell. THOMAS HANCKS, 100 acs. Glous- ter Co., 16 Feb. 1653, p. 369. N. E. side of the head of Arakiaco Swamp, upon S. E. side of Mettopony Riv., & S. W. upon Hanckes br. of said Swamp. Trans, of 2 pers: Joane Litefoot, John Range. RALPH GREEN, 400 acs. Glouster Co., 16 Feb. 1653, p. 369. Upon N. side of York Riv., beg. at the mouth of Jones Cr., E. upon a Cr. dividing this & land of Col. Richard Lee & N. W. upon land of William Thorpe, & which was assigned to him by said Col. Lee. Trans, of 8 pers: William Coldham, John Cranford, John Roberts, Rich. Rethstroote, John Glass, Henry Elcher, John Griffen, Richard Johnson. JAMES TURNER, 800 acs. on S. side of York Riv., in the Narrows, adj. lands of Mr. Joseph Croshaw, John But- ler & Mackadequin Cr. 17 July 1653, p. 370. Trans, of 16 pers: Nath. Hale, Thomas Hickman, Hump. Street, Xan. (Christian) Johnson, Thomas Baker, Eliz. Sadler, Antho. Jackson, Margt. Wilcox, Frederick Morris, William Stephen, Robert Kaas, Mary Turner, John Woodwar, Robert Winchell, Abraham Rich, William Peters. OBED. WILLIAMS, 440 acs. York Co., between land of Henry Ashwell & Richard Parthmore. 6 May 1654, p. 370. Trans, of 9 pers: Obed. Williams, Thorn. Williams, Robert Lilly, Benjamin Johnson, Nehemiah Cattan, Thomas Tuggell, John Pye, Elizabeth Davsell, William Waterhouse. MR. RICHARD PARKER, 400 acs. in the S. branch of Nanzemond Riv., adj. his own & land of Mr. William Wright. 5 Oct. 1654, p. 371. Trans, of 8 pers.* MR. EDMUND BOWMAN, 200 acs. at the head of Julions Creek, a branch of the S. branch of Elizabeth River. 9 Mar. 1653, p. 371. Trans, of 4 pers: Sarah Smith, Robert Peacock, Dan. Dowglass, Dan. Mackland. MR. EDMUND BOWMAN and RICHARD STARNELL, 1200 acs. in Deep Creek, a branch of the S. branch of Eliz. River Same date & page. Trans, of 24 pers: Richard Goldston, John Aylett, Richard Gardner, Margt. Bowman, Sarah Bowman, Garthred Bowman, Fra. Cutter, Elizabeth Dur- ham, John Agagin, Dary Line, Jane Miller, Mary Price. MR. RUSSELL, 150 acs., adj. Mossey Poynt, & near land of John Gookin. 27 Aug. 1653, p. 372. Trans, of 3 pers.* Note: "Formerly recorded.'' THOMAS COLE, 300 acs. Chas. City Co., 18 Apr. 1653, p. 372. On N. side of Wards Cr. near the mill, & on Cross Cr., which divides same from land of John Francis, opposite against John Redishes land & S. S. W. on Capt. Bond's land. Trans, of 6 pers:* 150 acs. granted unto John Rasbury, 29 Oct. 1642, & assigned to sd. Cole; & 100 acs. assigned to him by Edward Cole. Patent Book No. 3 315 WILLIAM MELLS, 400 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 372. On N. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., bounded on N. W. with land surveyed for Mr. Toby Smith & S. E. upon land of Mr. Thomas Hobkins. Trans, of 8 pers: James Bourne, William Poweil, David Hart, William Davis, Richard Williams, David Blagg, Richard Jones, Roger Wardy. JOHN WITHERS & STEPHEN GAREY, 1,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 6 Oct. 1654, p. 373. Bounded on N. E. with land of Capt. Brent & S. W. with a branch of Petomeck Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Cleare Browne, Lawrence Organ, Joane Macker, Thomas Simpson, Mary Batchelor, Hanna Fowler, Edmond Peters, John Stubberts, John Hamond, Thomas Burbadge, Thomas Blucknett, Perty Hamond, Emedlen Burford, Wil- liam Wood, William Finch, Susan Col- lins, Phillip Ellyott, Ann Ellyott, Ed- ward Ellyott. MR. GILES BRENT, son of Capt. Giles Brent, 1,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 373. On S. side of Petomeck Riv., in the freshes, beg. at the Ricohockian Stand & N. E. near the mouth of Hunting Creek. Trans, of 20 pers: Capt. Robert Felgate, his son Erasmus twice, his wife Sibilla, 3 Negroes: Tony, Bass & Maria; Thomas Hall, Willm. Burford, Richard Wells, Henry Morgan, Fra. Sharpe, Grace Head, Mary Hayes, Wm. Hillard, Tho- mas Bassett, Robert Tyler, Edward Fenner, Mary Peay, Fra. Hans worth. RICHARD COLEMAN, 600 acs. up- on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of Silvester Thatcher & Thomas Whit- lock & beg. upon the head of a branch of Mr. Smarts Creek. 9 June 1654, p. 373. Trans, of 12 pers.* THOMAS HOBKINS, 1400 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 374. Bounded on S. E. with Pepetick Cr., adj. land of William Mells & opposite land of Mr. John Catlett. Trans, of 28 pers: Wil- liam Wheeler, John Hallows, John Tue, William Freeke, Robert Street, Restitute Hollis, Sr., Restitute Hollis, Junr., John Knott, Edward Fryar, Tho- mas Youle, Ann Yowell, Senr., Ann Yowell, Junr., And. Munroe, Thomas Yowell, William Yowell, Tho. Brough- ton, Ann Williams, Edward Dawson, John Garner, John Eaton, Geo. Eaton, John Ridly, Rob. Burwell, John Hooks, Peter Ward, Con. Gamberson, Nath. Winly, Harry Renn; Assignee of A. Moon, assignee of Mr. Hollis & John Eaton. FRANCIS SMITH, Ingeenr. (Engi- neer) & MR. JOHN SMITH, of Stanly hundred, 3,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 10 Sept. 1654, p. 374. N. E. upon Up- per Machotix Riv., betwixt lands of Nich. Lambsen & Capt. Thomas Davis and John Williams & Stephen Norman, Nly. upon land of John Walton, Ely. upon land of Gervace Dodson & Nath. Jones. Trans, of 60 pers: William Cadagon, William Alliston, (or Alfis- ton), Henry Gwany, Richard Willard, Thomas Panckhest, Henry Nurton, Wm. Fothergale, John Peck, Peter Hogard, Thomas White, John Taylor, Richard Taylor, John Wimpey, Jobe Wardell, John Smith, David Hues, Bryan Canida, Richard Tinason, Elmor Lockington, John Giles, Charles Scott, James Mor- rice, Mrs. Kath. Whitby, Thomas Whit- by, Edward Gibbs, Phillip Farrant, Martha Sadler, Alice Standly, Thomas Edmonds, Ralph Weeks, John Arch, Margarett Nash, Margarett Jones, Wil- liam Hilton, William Bregat, Sarah Hutchins, James Husly, Andrew Browne, John Selly, Alex, a Scott, Saul a Scott, Daniel Smith, Rowland Beawmon, Eli- zabeth a maid servt., Mary a maid servt., Thomas Tervant, Francis Smith, Robt. Newman, 3 Negroes: Mathias, John & Susan. 150 acs. by assignment of a patent from Robert Newman to Mr. Whitby & by the said Whitby delivered up in the office for the above said Smith's use. ROBERT HUBERD, 300 acs. Glous- ter Co., upon N. side of York Riv., 6 June 1654, p. 375. Beg. on Wwd. side of Bennetts Cr. dividing this & land of John Bennett & Thomas Leechman &c, to a white oak dividing this & land of Thomas Bell, & S. S. E. upon land of John King. Granted unto Joseph Haies, 316 Cavaliers and Pioneers 3 Apr. 1651, by him deserted & now granted by order of court &c. MR. MORDECOY COOKE, 300 acs., upon the N. side of a swamp falling into Ware Riv., & opposite land of John Walker., 7 Sept. 1654, p. 375. Trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Seag (or Seay), Henry Norman, Mathew Borrowes, John Gassent, Thomas Cater, Richard Pevvis. JAMES YATES, 1,000 acs., on S. side of Rappa. Riv. & Wwd. side of land of John Gillett; beg. on Wwd. side of a creek dividing this & land of sd. Gillett. 7 Sept. 1654, p. 375. Trans, of 20 pers: James Yates, Eliza- beth Jones, William Keneis, Ralph Prichett, Margt. Lewellen, James Pren- ton, William Lewis, William Manahan, Andrew Elkeson, Mar. Wilson, Neal Hannah, Robert Akleson, John Green, Roger Harreson, Sarah Kegs, Dan. Simpson, William Dunston, Henry Sharpe, Francis Blany, Dan. Higgins. THOMAS MEADS & JOHN PHIL- LIPS, 1,000 acs., on S. side of the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about 16 mi. above Nanzemum Towne, opposite land of Richard Coleman. 7 Sept. 1654, p. 376. Trans, of 20 pers.* NICHOLAS MERYWETHER, 3,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 1 June 1654, p. 376. Upon W. branch of Petomeck Riv., N. Wly. upon the hills by the falls & S. E. upon land of Col. Bur- bage. Trans, of 60 pers: Elizabeth Hart, James Hare, Thomas Green, Robert Stone, Alexander Hind, Thomas Webb, Richard Wells, David Jones, James Johnson, Grace Thomas, Henry Cocket, William Rose, Thomas Hart, Joane Wright, Peter White, Edward Whiting, John How, Edmond Williams, William Clerke, Jeffry Moore, Charles Heiward, Richard Perren, James Bowles, Henry Walker, James Cocket, Arthur Cocket, Grace Noble, Ellynor Mathews, Thomas Hyupp, Agnis Melvice, Edward Saunderson, gent., Mountecue his brother. SAME. 1350 acs., same Co., date & page. Nly. upon Petomeck Riv. & Ely. upon land of John Walton. Trans, of 27 pers: Henry Kelly, Nich. Eusam, Fra. Durwell, Tho. Hamond, John Crostick, Charles Howell, Simon &c, George Abothon, James Forrest, And. Muber, Rich. Cowhead, Eliz. Willes, Eliz. Jackson, Eliz. Lucham, Thomas Duell, Tho. Crowder, Wm. Hutchinson. RICHARD JONES, CI. (Clerk), 1500 acs. Chas. City Co., 12 Mar. 1655, p. 377. 950 acs. being about 2 mi. from the River, at the back of Mer- chants Hope, W. upon land of Richard Craven, S. upon the Old Towne being the land of Mr. Richard Tye, & E. on land of Thomas Wheeler; & 550 acs. adj. this tract. 950 acs. by patent dated 30 Aug. 1650 & 550 by patent dated 1 Mar. 1651. By Edward Diggs, Esqr. JOHN BATES, 50 acs., 15 Sept. 1655, p. 377. Lying at the Middle plantation, butting Ely. upon the Old paile, Nly. upon Mr. Tyler & Sly. upon Fra. Peale. Due by purchase from George Lake. SYMONS SYMONS, 320 acs. Chas. City Co., on S. side of James Riv. & E. side of Powells Cr., about a mile from the creek, 15 Sept. 1655, p. 377. Bounded S. from the reedy swamp, up by James Ward, downe by Mr. Frame &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Bashaw, Negro; Joyce Downes, John Marks, Eliz. Noles, John Hull, Richard Arum. JOHN JOHNSON, 227 acs. North- umberland Co., Sly. upon great Wicoco- moco Riv. 24 Oct. 1655, p. 377. Granted to Thomas Kedby, & sd. John- son, 24 July 1650, & assigned unto sd. Johnson. CAPT. HENRY FLEET, 1,000 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 June 1655, p. 378. In Fleets Bay, S. upon a creek near land of Toby Horton, E. upon the Bay, & N. upon Hadawaies Cr. Trans, of 20 pers.* WILLIAM WALKER, 839 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 378. 639 acs., S. E. upon Yeocomoco Riv., S. W. upon land of Richard Patent Book No. 3 317 Holder; 200 acs. commonly called Bloyce, his land, S. E. upon sd. Riv. & N. E. upon a creek towards John Earles plantation. 339 acs. granted sd. Wal- ker, 19 Oct. 1653, & 300 acs. part of 600 acs. patent to Richard Holder, 13 Oct. 1653 & assigned by him to sd. Walker in leiu of 300 acs. remaining in Walkers patent &c; & 200 acs. due for trans, of 4 pers.* RICHARD HOLDER, 600 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 379. S. E. upon Yeocomoco Riv., S. W. upon land of Robert Smith & N. E. upon William Walker. Due as noted in Walker patent above. CAPT. DANIEL LUELLIN, 636 acs. Chas. City Co., 10 Mar. 1655, p. 379. 270 acs. on the head of Sherly hundred, commonly known by the name of rich Levell, E. upon land of Mr. Walter Aston, & N. upon his own land ; & 200 acs. in or near Shirly hundred, which was in possession of Edward Gardner, deed., N. upon 40 acs. of land purchased of Edward Madison, & S. upon land lately belonging to Serjant John Harris; 63 acs. in Sherly hundred, beg. at land of sd. Luellins, lately pur- chased of Robt. Partin, Senr. & Robt. Partin, Junr., & sold to Mr. John Meares; 63 acs. another part being in Sherly hundred or Bermuda hundred, lately belonging to Michael Turpin; 43 acs. next to land lately belonging unto Joseph Royall, deed., next towards Sherly hundred maine. 270 acs. by patent dated 26 Oct. 1650; 200 acs. by patent, 11 July 1653; 63 acs. purchased of Dorothy Baker, the relict of John Baker; 63 acs. purchased of Michael Turpin; 40 acs. purchased of Edward Maddin. All of which several parcels were ordered to be included in one patent. THOMAS WOODHOUSE, 1 acre, James City Co., 17 Oct. 1655, p. 380. Beg. at the Mulberry Tree &c. towards Mr. Chiles his Orchard &c. Due by order of Court, etc. LAZARUS THOMAS, 250 acs. New Kent Co., 12 Oct. 1655, p. 380. On N. E. side of Richohock Path, from a marked tree of Mathew Williamson to Charles Edmonds &c. Trans, of 5 pers.* Note: Assigned unto Step. Pettus & renewed in his name, 10 Mar. 1662. ALEXANDER PORTEU (POUR- TEU), 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 6 Oct. 1656, p. 380. On S. side of Morratticon Cr., W. S. W. upon land of Lambert Lambertson & Rich. Hatton. Granted to David Fox, 25 Nov. 1652, assigned to sd. Porteu & renewed by order of the Govr. &c. CAPT. WILLIAM WHITACRE, (Whittacre), 90 acs. James City Co., on N. E. side of James Riv., 5 June 1656, p. 381. Beg. in Mr. Lovings line behind Richard Lennarts house, running W. by N. etc. to York Path, etc. Trans, of 2 pers.* WILLIAM DORMER, 1100 acs. James City Co., on N. side of James Riv. & Ely. side of Chicohomminy Riv., 6 June 1656, p. 381. Beg. on Richard News land N. N. E. to Tyascum, to- wards Mr. Rolfes Indian feild, over two branches of Rabenetts run, to Squire Diggs' corner &c. Trans, of 20 pers.* SAME. 200 acs. Same county, date & page. In Harrop Parish, W. N. W. by land of Edward Besse to Ware Cr., S. by E. by land of William Davis, E. by N. by Tutties Neck Swamp & by land of Humphry Higgenson. Due by purchase from William Davis. SYMON SYMONS, 300 acs. in N. W. branch of Nanzemond Riv., 3 June 1656, p. 382. Trans, of 6 pers: Wil- liam Everat, Ann his wife, Richard Staples, Tho. Sterling, Alexander Linsey, Garrard Harrard. SAME. 100 acs. beg. by the Mill dam, S. E. butting on land of Peter Mallerus, etc. Same date & page. Trans, of 2 pers: Daniell Johnson. RICHARD MAJOR, 1,350 acs. New Kent Co., last of June 1656, p. 382. 400 acs. upon N. side of Chas. Riv., abutting N. W. upon Perrins Cr., which divides this & land of Ashwell Batten, & N .E. upon land of Thomas Bell; 318 Cavaliers and Pioneers 600 acs. adj. his own land, near a branch of Porotank Cr., S. W. upon land of John Major, and upon head of Perrens Cr., dividing this & land of James Holding; 350 acs. on E. side of Simpsons Swamp, etc. 1,000 acs. by patent, 20 Mar. 1653, & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers.* RICHARD LAWSON, 1400 acs. beg. at marked trees which run W. S. W. cross the upper of the great Island in Rapp. Riv. & the lower part of the neck of land upon which he lives, parallel to land of George Eaton &c. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 383. 1,000 acs. granted to Epaphra- ditus Lawson & assigned unto sd. Rich- ard, & 400 acs. assigned unto him by Rowland Lawson, to whom it was granted 6 Oct. 1654. GEORGE KIBBLE, 740 acs. on S. side of Peanketanke, beg. a mile or more from the river, &c, to an oak near Rappa. Path. 4 June 1656, p. 384. 350 acs. by patent dated 1 Apr. 1655; & 390 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Charles Leach, Robert Filkin, Peter Leach, Peter Garland, Robert Tompson, Robert Smith, Thomas Hansen, John South. MR. PETER RIGBY & GEORGE KIBBLE, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 8 Oct. 1656, p. 384. Upon N. side of Pyanke- tank River, opposite to land formerly Major William Hoccaday's. Trans, of 12 pers: Richard Chantry, William Leach, John Binion, Mary Stanton, Ed- ward Steevens, John Riggons, David Vause, John Wells, Barbary Shekells, Ann Tompson, Thomas Bond, Robert Thompson. JOB BEARLY, Gent., 600 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 6 June 1656, p. 385. Beg. near Capt. Wombnell's land & on the second swamp of the black water. Trans, of 12 pers.* GEORGE ABBOTT, 600 acs. in the Upper Parish of Nancemond, adj. land of Mr. Thomas Francis, 3 June 1656, p. 385. Trans, of 12 pers: George Abbott, Tho. Hanson, Wm. Harrison, John Quick, Ellice Denman, Mary Fisher, Eliz. Dixon, Luke Dixon, Robt. Whiteworth, Alice Maddox. RICHARD SLAUGHTER, 650 acs. Nancemond Co., 3 June 1656, p. 386. Running to the Horse bridge. 250 acs. by purchase from Epaphraditus Lawson; 200 acs. by former patent, dated 30 May 1653, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* DAVID FOX, Gent., 800 acs. Lan- caster Co., 7 July 1656, p. 386. Upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., about 44 miles up the same, adj. Mr. Soanes land & Puscaticon Creek. Renewal of patent dated 29 Nov. 1652, by order of Ct. &c. MR. THOMAS PURIFOY, 2,000 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., in the freshes, about 4 mi. above Nanzemum Towne., 13 Mar. 1655, p. 386. Trans, of 40 pers: William Elliott, George Pennell, Ann Freeman, Ann Tawney, John Byrom, Joseph Lansey, 3 times, Ann Bowles, Senr., Ann Bowles, Junr., Charles Aston, Issabell his wife, John his son, Elinor Steward, 4 Negroes; Wm. Underfeild, Mary Slaughter, Ed- mond Sweny, Senr., Eliz. his wife, Ed- mond Sweny, Junr., Elizabeth Sweney, Mary Sweney, Jane Richards, Augustine Johannes Van de Powke. (The lack of punctuation makes it difficult to deter- mine whether or not the last name re- fers to one or more persons.) LT. COL. WILLIAM BARBER, 538 acs. in Yorke Co., on S. W. side of Yorke Riv., 13 Sept. 1656, p. 387. Adj. land of Mr. Richard Jones, Mr. Thomas Whitehead, Mr. William Cain- hoe & Capt. Robt. Felgate. 125 acs. & 50 acs., part hereof, by two patents dated 10 Aug. 1642 & 6 May 1651, respectively, and 363 acs. for trans, of 8 pers.* FRANCIS BURNELL, Gent., 300 acs. New Kent Co., on S. W. side of York Riv., 10 Oct. 1655, p. 387. Adj. his own land at Warreny. Trans, of 6 pers.* SAME. 1,000 acs. Same county. 15 Dec. 1655, p. 388. Including new Warreny feilds beg. at Northermost corner marked trees by Warreny Path, running S. E. etc. 670 acs. granted to George Chapman & assigned unto sd. Burnell; & 300 acs. granted sd. Burnell, as above. 31 acs. for trans, of 1 pers.* Patent Book No. 3 319 SILVESTER THATCHER, 1,000 acs., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a creek dividing his own & land of Wil- liam Yarrett, parallel to land of Thomas Whitelock &c. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 388. 500 acs. being the moiety of a patent granted unto him & Thomas Whitelock, & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers: Wil- liam Bullock, Elizabeth Clerck, And. Mills, Roger Thomas. JOHN BROMFEILD, 650 acs. on S. W. side of Chycohomminy Riv., James City Co., last of Mar. 1656, p. 389. Behind land "sometimes" of Toby Smith & part of Mr. Haines, beg. at the head of Wickwaas &c. to Nicadawances path, etc. Trans, of 13 pers.* WILLIAM TIGNER, 750 acs., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. upon the E. side Troublesome point Creek & adj. his own land on Tigners Cr. 4 Nov. 1656, p. 389. 550 acs. purchased of Richard Axome & Thomas Godwin, to whom it was granted 22 May 1650; & 200 acs. assigned unto him by James Bonnor, (Bonner), to whom it was granted 15 Sept. 1651. HUGH LEE, 388 acs. Northumber- land Co., 4 June 1656, p. 390. 100 acs. adj. N. upon his own, W. upon land of James Cloughton & S. upon an Old Indian Feild; 288 acs. S. E. upon a swamp of Kings Cr. & N. E. towards land of Col. John Mattrom. Renewal of two former patents, dated 21 Dec. 1650, and 22 Apr. 1654. ROBERT HORSLY, 300 acs. North- umberland Co., 6 Oct. 1655, p. 390. On S. side of Petomeck Riv., Wly. upon Nomeny bay & Nly. upon a creek divid- ing this from land of John Armsby. Granted unto Thomas Yowell, 16 Sept. 1651, & by sd. Youle & Ann, his wife, assigned unto Rice Maddocks, by whom it was assigned unto sd. Horsly. SARAH PHILLIPPS & LT. COL. MOORE FANTLEROY, 250 acs. Lan- caster Co., 6 June 1656, p. 390. On N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at Johns Cr. running N. N. E. etc. Due by virtue of the administration granted them on the estate of John Phillipps, who patented same, 13 July 1653. DAVID PHILLIPPS, 400 acs. West- moreland Co., 10 Sept. 1656, p. 391. N. W. upon Chotank Cr. & N. E. upon land surveyed for Oliver Baulf. Trans, of 8 pers.* WILLIAM SARSON, 107 acs. James City Co., on N. side of James Riv & S. side of Parthmores Cr., 2 Oct. 1656, p. 391. Nly. on Goose Hill howse, & Ely., Sly. & Wly. on the main river. 7 acs. by purchase from Capt. Dowglass, Atty. of Lady Elizabeth Dale; & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers.* JOHN HARRISON, 1,000 acs. West- moreland Co., 4 Sept. 1655, p. 391. Upon the head of Oqui Riv., lyeing W. N. W. upon Mr. Payton's land & E. N. E. upon Chapawansick. "To have and to hold the said land to him the said John Harrison his Heyrs. for ever & for want of Heires to his Sister Mrs. Francis Harrison and the Heires of her body and for want of her Heires to Mr. Giles Brent of Peace in the County of Westmoreland his Heyrs. and Assignes for ever." THOMAS HARRIS, 650 acs. on the N. side of the head of Puscaticon Cr., Lancaster Co., 23 Aug. 1656, p. 392. Adj. land of Oliver Seger, & opposite an Indian feild. Trans, of 13 pers: Richard Dorman, Alexandr. Lawrence, Peter Tibball, Henry Jones, John Yate, Elenor Ogestor, Elinr. Harris, Law. Davis, Patrick Wishart, Peter Croleham, Dan. Coningham, Giles Dryver. WILLIAM WALKER, 839 acs., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 392. 630 acs. in North- umberland Co., S. E. upon Yeocomoco Riv. & S. W. upon land of Richard Holdin. 200 acs. S. E. upon sd. River & N. E. towards John Earles Plantation, which tract is comonly called Bloyses land. 600 granted him 10 Oct. 1653, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Wil- liam Tagle, Thomas Price, Elizabeth Sullivant, John . RICHARD HULL, 400 acs. on Swd. si de o f Home Harbour Cr., 9 Oct. 1655, p. 393. Granted unto Winnifred Mor- 320 Cavaliers and Pioneers rison, 26 June 1651, assigned unto sd. Hull & now renewed, by order &c. SAME. 116 acs. Eliz. City Co., 15 Oct. 1655, p. 393. Bounded on W. with Hampton Riv., on S. by the Gleab land & N. by land of Henry Coleman. Granted unto Henry Poole, 17 Oct. 1642 & assigned unto sd. Hull. GEORGE TAYLOR, 530 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., in Corotoman Riv., & running along land of Henry Lee. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 393. Renewal of patent dated 5 Sept. 1650. P. 394. MEMORAND: "The former part of this Book being transcribed out of loose Leaves, which were by me hung upon a string and alphabeted, when I was Deputy in this Office; By the said Alphabet I find there are three Leaves since that time on which by the Alphabet are enter'd the following patents." Vizt: Bebey, John . . 700 acs; Barnhouse, Richard . . 450 acs; Billips, George . . 100 acs; Blunt, Gil- bert . . 320 acs; Higgins, Charles . . 100 acs; Holt, Robert . . 1550 acs; Shaw of Northumb'land . . 345 acs. (Signed) R. Beverly. Patent Book No. 4 By Edward Diggs, Esqr., Governor & Captain General of Virginia. To all to whome these presents shall come I Edmond Diggs esqr., Govr. & Capt. Generell of Virginia send greetinge in Our Lord God everlastinge. Whereas by the articles dated at James Citty the 12th of March 1651 con- cluded & signed by the Comrs. appointed by Authority of Parliament for the reducinge, settlinge & goveringe of Virga. It was provided that the priviledge of fifty acres of Land for every person transported into this Colony should bee Continued as formerly granted And Whereas by act of a grand Assembly made the 26th of Aprill 1652 It was provided that all pattents should hereafter bee signed under the Governors hand with the Secretaries and shall bee accounted Authentique & vallid in Law untill a Collony seale shall bee provided and apointed Now know yee that I the said Edward Diggs esqr. doe with the Consent of the Councell of State accordingly give & grant unto (Here follows name of patentee and description of land.) To have & To hold the said Land with his due share of all mines & minneralls therein Conteyned with all rights & priviledges of huntinge hawkinge fishinge & fowleinge with all woods waters & rivers with all proffitts commodoties & hereditaments whatsoever in anie wise belonginge to the said Land to him the said his heyres or Assignes For Ever In as large & Ample Manner to all Intents and purposes as is exprest in a Charter of Orders from the late Treasurer & Company dated the 18th of November 16 18 or by Consequence may bee Justly Collected out of the same or out of the letters pattents whereon they are grounded. Yeildinge & payeinge unto the rent gatherers thereunto apointed for every Fifty acres of Land herein by these presents given & granted Yearely at the feast of Saint Michael the Arch Arigel the fee rent of one shillinge which payment is to bee made Seaven yeares after the first grant or seating thereof & not before. Provided that if the said his heyres or Assignes doe not plant or seate or Cause to bee planted or seated upon the said Land within three yeares next ensueinge that then it may & shall bee Lawfull for any Adventurer or planter to make Choice & seate thereon. Given under our hands at James Citty the day of (Old V, page 1.) NOTE: The following Abstracts of Patent Books Nos. 4 and 5 were made from "Old Volume 5", which has been transcribed into two volumes, and the old book withdrawn from general usage. "Old Volume 5" is unindexed and the pages do not correspond with the general index to patents or with the transcripts in Book 4 and 5, therefore, attention is called to the duplicate pagination.. The first page number refers to the old volume, while the numerals in brackets indicate pages in the transcripts. It is evident Old Volume 5 is an ancient copy and is used in this work because it gives the names of "headrights", with few exceptions, which are not carried in the copied books. JOHN NICHOLLS, 400 acs. North- MR. HUGH YEO, Merchant, 644 ampton Co., 2 Oct. 1655, p. 1, (1). acs. Northampton Co., 2 Oct. 1655, p. On the N. side of the maine S. branch 2, (2). On S. side of Pungoteage Riv., of Anancocke, Sly. on a small branch Nly. on land of Charles Scarbrough, be- called Ekeks (?) parting it from land ing 400 acs. purchased by sd. Yeo, Ely. of William Mellinge. Trans, of 8 pers: on land of Mr. Anthony Hoskins, Wly. Wm. Kendall, Mary Crumwell, John on land of John Robinson & part on Haner (or Haver), Richd. Johnson, land of Nicholas Waddilow. Trans, of Tho. Sledwell, James Lyna, Wm. Stan- 13 pers: Mary Risden, Jane Risden, ton, Rob. (?) Stanton. Blandma Risden, Henry Hunt, Wm. 322 Cavaliers and Pioneers Blades, Tho. Cope, Wm. O Naught, Kath. Helter, Richard Armstronge, Daniell Curtis, Anne Spilman, Tego OFahee, Donell O Graham (or Craham). JOHN HINMAN, 800 acs. North- ampton Co., 3 Oct. 1655, p. 2, (2). At Anancock Cr., bounded on the Southern parts by the head branch of sd. Cr. & on W. by line extending to- wards Chiccanssecks Cr. Trans, of 16 pers: John Knight, Eliz. Johnson, Ro. Wright, Miles Gray, Jane Williams, Rich. Gardner, John Dye, Richd. Gay- ney, Tho. Thorowgood, Alex. Bromley, John Farmer, Tho. Collier, Rob. Rose, Mary Poole, Joane Willms. (Williams), Joane Hodges. DANIEL BOUCHER, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 25 Jan. 1655, p. 2, (3). On a branch of Pagan Cr. against a neck of land called Shorne brooke hill & run- ning nigh Cedar Island. Trans, of 4 pers: Richard David, Mathew Harby, Veceto (or Vereto) Hugon, John Mack- JOHN HULET (Hulett), 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 3, (3). Sly. upon Wicocomoco Cr. & Ely. upon land of Mr. Geo. Coltclough. Trans, of 6 pers: John Hill, Tho. Holden, Wm. Pryce, John Evans, Nath. Jones, George Clearke. JOHN PALMER, 300 acs. Northum- berland Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 3, (3). Sly. upon Wicocomoco Cr. & Ely. upon land of John Hulet. Trans, of 6 pers: Peter Allott, Mary Greene, Anne Greene, Susan Starr, Rob. Ellyott, Moyses Thorpe. JOHN AYRES, 250 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. above the plantation of Mr. Wm. Smart. 24 Oct. 1655, p. 3, (4). Trans, of 5 pers: Barnaby John- son, James Pearson, Thomas Hart, Elnor Hart. DR. GILES MODE, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 15 Dec. 1655, p. 3, (4). On N. E. side of Mettopony Riv., adj. land of Mr. Tho. Dale on the one side; unto land of Major Wm. Lewis on the other side. Trans, of 20 pers: Dr. Giles Mode twice, Mr. Tho. Bowler foure times, Jane Salmon, Jno. Walker, Edward Phillips, Edwd. Waight, Wm. Griffin, Tho. Midleton, Wm. Augood (or Angood), Henry Wilcox, Wm. Morton, Joseph Tompson, 1 Negro, Amy Edwards, Grace Davis. These 7 land due for: Ellin Hamon, Jeremy Rawlins, Wm. Bradly (?), Kath. Burris, Rob. Smith, Richd. Leatcher (or Leather), John Glan, Roger Pidlers. THEOPHILUS HOANE, Gent., 720 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on Ewd. side of a swamp or branch running out of the head of Coratowamon Riv. 5 Oct. 1655, p. 4, (5). Renewal of patent dated 22 Feb. 1652. JOHN AYRES, 200 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. upon a branch near adj. land of William Clapham. 24 Oct. 1655, p. 4, (5). Trans, of 4 pers: John Taylor, John Ayres, Elinor Gill, Hen. Peeters. ROBERT JONES, Gent., 450 acs., Gloster Co., 24 Nov. 1655, p. 4, (6). On E. side of Propotanke Swamp, beg. by the beech spring & running E. S. E. &c. Trans, of 9 pers.* CHRISTOPHER CALVERT, 800 acs. Northampton Co., 2 Oct. 1655, p. 5, (6). On S. side of the maine S. branch of Anancock, bounded on the W. by a branch parting it from land of John Jenkins & on the E. part by another branch parting it from land of William Mellinge. Trans, of 16 pers: Denies Coxa (?), Rob. Harper, Jno. Owens, Mary Owens, Teage Shone, Mary Shone, John Doza, Mary Mackero, John Mackert, Wm. Mackery, Tho. Jonas, Wm. Coarde, Tho. Owens, Richd. Dyers, John Dyers, Mary Dyers. DAVID PHILLIPS, 600 acs. James City Co., 24 Jan. 1655, p. 5, (7). On N. side of James Riv., Wly. side of Chicohominy Riv. & N. E. side of Moses his Cr., bounded N. W. on John Williams, & S. E. on Willm. Fry. Due by purchase from Willm. Stronge. ROBERT VAULX, Merchant, 6000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 1 Mar. 1655, Patent Book No. 4 323 p. 5, (7). On S. side of Petomecke Riv. behind the cliffs of Corowoman, beg. on W. side of a great deep run being the head of great Rapahack. Cr. & opposite lower end of 1200 acs. of Tho. Broughton. Sd. land granted joint- ly with Major Gooch 9 June 1655, which sd. Gooch being since deceased the land according to the law of Eng- land is due sd. Vaulx. Renewed 28 Mar. 1662. WILLIAM FRY, 252 acs. James City Co., 6 Feb. 1655, p. 6, (8). On N. side of James Riv., S. E. on Capt. Ed- loe's land and neare Wm. Havats land. Part of patent granted unto Richd. Hoe 18 Oct. 1643 & by bill of sale made over to sd. Fry who purchased sd. land of Willm. Cradock & Tho. Drinker, as- signe of sd. Hoe. JOHN WILLIAMS, 600 acs. James City Co., 24 Jan. 1655, p. 6, (8). On N. side of James Riv., Wly. side of Chickohominy Riv., N. E. side of Moses his Cr., N. W. on Richd. Williams & S. E. on David Phillips. By purchase from William Stronge. JOHN LEWIS, Junr., 250 acs. Glos- ter Co, 29 Dec. 1655, p. 6, (9). Beg. at the main swamp of Poropotank, run- ning down same from land of Col. Richard Lee to Beech Springe &c. GILBERT DEACON, 324 acs. Henri- coe Co, 7 Oct. 1655, p. 6, (9). S. W. along land of Tho. Shepey &c. to Elams land. Trans, of 7 pers: Gilbert Deacon, Joseph Bourne, (or Bournie), Geo. Burcher, Richd. Delabere, Dan. Ruse, John Bagby, Eliz. Davis, Tho. Webs (?), Nich. Lacoom (?), Alex. Somers. In all 500 acs. 176 acs. remaining due. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. RICHARD HAMLETT, 497 acs. James City Co, 9 Mar. 1655, p. 7, (9). On N. E. side of Chichahominy Riv, E. side of Warreny Cr. alias Tyascun, Sly. on the longe necke run & opposite to Rob. Sorrells land, Wly. & Nly. on land of Mr. Hampton. Trans, of 10 pers: Phill. Prendergrast, Rob. Andrew, Tho. Hawstone, Eliz. Sidney, Symon Hazleton, Wm. Andrew, Jone Downes, John Gryme, John Browne, Xph. Bones (or Bowers). RICHARD WILLIAMS, 1550 acs. James City Co, 24 Jan. 1655, p. 7, (10). 800 acs. on N. E. side of Chicho- hominy Riv, S. E. on land of Capt. Barkly & N. W. upon the Indian Sw. 750 acs. on S. W. side of the head of sd. river, opposite the aforesd. tract, beg. at a little creek the uppermost bounds of William Fryes land, running to Namans feild &c. 800 acs. by patent, last of Nov. 1653 & 750 acs. for trans. of 15 pers.* SAMUEL SMITH, 100 acs. James City Co, 2 Dec. 1655, p. 7, (11). On N. side of James Riv, N. W. side of Chichohominy Riv, Nly. side of Moses run, along marked trees formerly be- longing to Phillip Charles now is pos- session of Tho. House, & along the sandy ridge to Tho. Tinslies line &c. Trans, of 2 pers: John Walker, Henry Soare. ROBERT NICHOLSON, 500 acs. Charles City Co, 3 Jan. 1655, p. 8, (11). On N. side of James Riv, op- posite to Tapahanna marsh, bounding S. & E. on Col. Melsworths land, N. on Moises run, W. N. W. on Warham Horsmondens (Horsmandin's) land &c. 300 acs. granted unto David Jones & purchased by sd. Nicholson of Roger Lucas, assignee, & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Henry Seares, James Hukes, John Webber, Peeter Jackson, NOTE: "wrong entered & instead thereof are": Arthur Slater, Henry Warner, (or Harmer), Geo. Noble, Abm. Turner (?). Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. JOHN COALE, 750 acs. James City Co, 3 Jan. 1655, p. 8, (12). On N. side of James Riv. & S. of Moses run, beg. at Mr. Knipes corner by the run side &c. to John Clacies (?) line, along his lyne to the Bishops lower cor. tree, S. by E. &c. to head of Jones his run, thence to Col. Molsworth cor. on Moses his run to beg. Trans, of 15 pers: Fra. Salter, Tho. Edes, Ger. Byham, Jere. Thorne, Jno. Fowler, Tho. Fay, James Frier, Rob. Fostly, Jeffery Speed, Bar. 324 Cavaliers and Pioneers Stilt, Hugh Jeffers. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. JOHN ADISTON, 300 acs. towards the head of Parrotts Cr. upon Rappa. Riv., 22 Nov. 1655, p. 8, (12). Trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Bincks, Jno. Anderson, Tho. Peele, Izable Huberd, Fra. Spencer, Wm. Reeves. THOMAS LETHERBERRY (Leather- berry) 600 acs. Northampton Co., 2 Oct. 1655, p. 9, (13). On S. side of the S. branch of Anancock & bounding Wly. on land of John Dorman. Trans. of 12 pers: Ellynor Leatherberry, Howell Gladeine, (or Gladenie), Owen Maturt, Dennis Solivart, Syfra Aubuff (?), Mary Gladen, Wm. Mitchell, Mary Batchellor, Teague Roane, Rob. Bright, Mary Fookes, Cha. Coonies (or Coomes). WILLIAM STEEVENS, 700 acs. Northampton Co., 2 Oct. 1655, p. 9, (13). On S. side of Matchotanke Cr. alias little Anancocke, Sly. towards Pungoteague. Trans, of 14 pers: Rob. Knowles, Jno. Hill, Rob. Elles, Jno. (Harris), Teague Owen, Wm. South, John Gillet, Jno. Wilkes, Wm. Stephens, Anne his wife, Tho. Nockey, Jno. Robotton, Roger Roades, Tho. Howlet. WILLIAM WRIGHT, Gent., 2250 acs. Nancemond Co., 15 Feb. 1655, p. 9, (13). Crossing a great white marsh into the maine Poquoson, etc., crossing Marracoones (?), Creek, etc. Trans, of 45 pers: Dan: Gimblet, Nehemiah Lynch, Tho. Poole, Tho. Pinkard, Nich. Chapman, Jno. Walker, Jno. Norris, Arth. Holden, Enoch Hutchinson, Doro- thy Westhrop, Xph. Cobin, Wm. Audrick, John Pryce, Edwd. Ruffe, Martha Phillips, Jno. Wenet, Tho. Moore, Jno. Edes, Rob. Jnoson (John- son), Hen. Roberts, Fra. Davis, Jno. Smith, Ralph Bastill, (or Bassill), Eliz. Hartly, Richd. Harman, Mich. Lynge, Mary Carter, Rob. Sapsoate, Henry Prescoate, Roger Steward, Richd. Safrell, Marth. Boswell, Hester Barker, Marg: Roberts, Eliz. Hartly, Mary Spencer, Anne Parker, Nich. Stallinge & his wife, Anth. Warren, Jno. Warren, Rob. Even, Leonard Stronge, Jno. Brown, Kath. Hector. MR. ROB. BOURNE & MR. DANIELL PARKE, 580 acs. Yorke Co., 8 Oct. 1655, p. 10, (14). Beg. on S. W. side of a branch of the old Mill Swamp in the line of Thomas Smith, running to Richd. Foards lyne &c. by Warreny path & hot water path, along Richohock path &c. to tree in Thomas Smiths lyne &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Daniell Parke, his wife, Peeter French, his wife, Tho. Bayly, Emanuell a Negro, Thomas Hayward, Richard Palmer, Jno. Newnham, Isabel! Fletcher, Eliz. Cona- way, Mary a Negro. GEORGE FRIZELL & THOMAS MOORE, 650 acs. Northampton Co., 2 Oct. 1655, p. 10, (15). On S. side of Pungotegue Riv., bounding Ely. to Randall Renells (or Revells) cor. tree by the bridge &c. Trans, of 13 pers: Tho. Boswell, Owen Read, Jno. Collins, Teague Row, Richd. Scot, Wm. Dennis, Richd. Drone, Rob. Downer, Fra. Downer, Jane Downer, Jno. Francis, Wm. Thompson, Charles Brissit (?). COL. EDWARD HILL, one of the Councell of State, 4000 acs. on the N. side & within the freshes of Rappa. Riv., opposite to Portobaccoe, bounded on S. by W. side with sd. Riv., on W. by N. with a creek upon the Ewd. side of Asasaticon (?) towne & on Wwd. of Warisqucock (?) Indian towne, S. & E. S. E. with Fallinge Cr. Trans, of 80 pers. Irish, assigned by Capt. Barret. 9 Oct. 1655, p. 10, (15). JOHN WESTLOCKE, 300 acs. Northampton Co., 2 Oct. 1655, p. 11, (16). On S. side of Anancocke, being a neck of land, Nly. against the mouth of Dymond branch, Wly. upon a small branch dividing it from land of Thomas Letherburry. Trans, of 6 pers: Rose Lyna, Jno. Holmes, Mary Lina, Arthur Lyna, William Mees, Jane Doe. JOHN BEBEY, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 4 Oct. 1655, p. 11, (16). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. Trans, of 6 pefs.* THOMAS GERRARD, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 11, (17). 200 acs. abutting Sly. upon land of Tho. Kedby, Wly. upon a creek issuing out of great Wicocomocoe Riv. Patent Book No. 4 325 &c. 100 acs. Sly. upon land sd. Kedby sold to John Johnson, Wly. upon land sd. Gar rat bought of Thomas Watts, Ely. upon land of Mr. James Hawly. 200 acs. granted unto Thomas Watts, Junr., 1 Apr. 1650 & assigned to sd. Gerrard & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Mary Wesson, Xpr. Peirce. THOMAS HALE, of Mettopony, Planter, 79 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 12, (17). Beg. by a branch of the great swamp which runs into Broad Cr., S. W. by Lawrence Damerons &c. Trans, of 2 pers: James Clere, Tho. Willis. WILLIAM BOTHAM, 500 acs. Westmoreland Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 12, (18). N. Ely. upon Petomecke Riv., S. Ely. upon land of Jno. Lancht (?), Wly. upon land of Sam. Bonam. Trans. of 10 pers: Peirce Morrice, Abagaill How, Mary Tanner, Jno. Ball, Wm. Hurpe, Geo. Dally, Nich. (or Nath.) Jones, Wm. Thrush, Anne Boswell, Jone Hartwell. WILLIAM HALL, Surveyor, 350 acs. New Kent Co., 6 Oct. 1655, p. 12, (18). On N. side of James Riv. & E. side of Richohock path, bounded from Wareny path to sd. path &c. to Wester- most branch of Ware Riv. &c. Trans. of 7 pers: Mary Ellice, And. Burchell, James Staples, Martha Wright, Fra. Reinolls, Jno. Feild, Ro. Garland. WILLIAM GRAVES, 80 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Oct. 1655, p. 12, (19). Bounded on W. side with a swamp dividing this & land of Tho. Pencherman, N. upon land of Wm. Gantlet, E. upon Skime- noe & S. upon his own land. Trans, of 2 pers: Bryan Coxon, Ellis Wheatly. CAPT. GEORGE FLOID (Floyd), 432 acs. New Kent Co., 6 Feb. 1655, p. 13, (19). On E. side of Richohock path, S. E. on Mr. Overmans land, and N. W. on S. W. branch of Ware neck. Trans, of 9 pers: Mary Joyner, Richd. Harper, Henry Hoffeild, Richd. Han- cock, Arthur Canneck, Anne Renolls, James Plunket, Jno. King, Dennock (or Dermock) Bearne. ELIZABETH GIBBS, the daughter of Jno. Gibbs, 150 acs. New Kent Co., 20 Nov. 1655, p. 13, (19). Upon S. E. of Mettopony Riv., N. & N. E. with a branch of Arakiaco Sw. Trans, of 3 pers.* MR. CUTHBERT POTTER, 1200 acs. Lancaster Co., 14 Dec. 1655, p. 13, (20). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. upon branches of Burnhams Cr. Trans, of 24 pers.* WILLIAM THOMAS, of Yeocomoco, 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 13, (20). N. Ely. toward land of John Earle & John Waram. Trans, of 4 pers: John Gibbins, Eliz. Glissen, Joane an Irish woman, Jane Brocket. JOHN EARLE, 100 acs. Northumber- land Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 14, (20). N. Ely. upon a creek issuing out of Yeocomoco Riv. & S. Ely. upon his own land. Trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Thomas.* JOHN LAWSON, the son of Row- land Lawson, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 22 Nov. 1655, p. 14, (21). On the N. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. about 12 mi. from the falls. Trans, of 10 pers: Henry Berry, Pa: Cleash, Sarah Turner, Eliz. Sethell, N: Mother- inge, Wm. Nicholson, Geo. Goodale, Jno. Mascale, Dan. Cooper, Kath. Eng- lish. Renewed 8 Jan. 1663. WILLIAM JOHNSON & STEPHEN HORSEY, 500 acs. Northampton Co., 28 May 1655, p. 14, (21). Being a neck of land, at Anancock, bounded on W. by a branch separating this from land of David Cuffin. Trans, of 10 pers: Tho. Denellin, Mary Denellin, Geo. Harrison, Ben. Sumer, Jno. Treddar, Wm. Jnson (Johnson), Symon Bronely, Tho. Wilson, Richd. Warren, Ellynor Walter. MR. HUGH KINSEY, 100 acs. Lan- caster Co., 8 Oct. 1655, p. 14, (22). On N. side of Rappa. Riv. & N. E. side of Corotoman Riv., on Wwd. side of a devdt. of 400 acrs. whereon sd. Kinsey now liveth, being half of a patent of 800 acs. granted to Jno. Mungor. Trans, of 2 pers: Paule Kinsey, Hugh Kinsey. 326 Cavaliers and Pioneers SAMUEL HUBY & JOHN CARTER, 500 acs. Surry Co., 25 Jan. 1655, p. 15, (22). On S. side of James Riv., on the Ely. & Wly. sides of the black water main branch towards Capt. Sheapards devdt., beg. below sd. Sheapards plan- tation, running to the cart path, over the bridge &c. over the Indian path &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Eliz. Duber, Jno. Henry, Fra. Hossier (?), Mary Holland, Dorothy Kew. RICHARD COALE & DAVID AN- DERSON, 150 acs. Westmoreland Co., 24 Oct. 1655, p. 15, (23). 100 acs. Wly. upon a creek dividing this from land of Hercules Bridges; 50 acs. Nly. upon sd. land & land of Henry Brookes. Trans, of 3 pers: Fra. Thomas, Jno. Frizzer, Anne Perry. JOHN LINGE, (Lynge) 350 acs. James City Co., 18 Nov. 1655, p. 15, (23). On S. W. side of Chichohominy Riv. behind land of Mr. Bromfeild, bounded on N. W. with Wickwaws run, by land surveyed for Mr. Jno. Bromfeild &c. Trans, of 7 pers.* CAPT. THOMAS DAVIS of Walters Creeke, 300 acs. Warwicke Co., 20 Jan. 1655, p. 16, (24). In the reedy Swamp at the upper end next the head of sd. Cr. Trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Morgan, Mary Goodman, Jno. Gullam, Phillip Baker, Phillip Parker, Robt. Reaves. MAIOR (Major) MILES CAREY, 94 acs. Warwick Co., 20 Sept. 1655, p. 16, (24). 38 acs. upon head of pott ash Cr. & 56 acs. being the outmost bounds of Mr. Thomas Taylor & adj. Sam. Mathews land. Trans, of 2 pers: Tho. Wilkinson, John Thomas, Margaret May, John Tistall. Land due for 2 last. LT. COL. THOMAS SWAN, 900 acs. Surry Co, 7 Feb. 1655, p. 17, (25). On S. side of James Riv. & upon E. side of the black water about 3 mi. Wly. from John Bradies, bounding N. W. upon land of Capt. Jordan. Trans, of 18 pers: Margarett Delton (or Deb- ton), Sarah Coe, Susanna Coe, Tho. Smith, Rich. Jacksall, Jno. Sinckler, Jno. Douglas, Mary Hawkins, Tegh & (an) Irish boy, James Seward, Michaell White, Jno. Long, Jno. Lewis, Jno. Pelloone, James Pelloone, Wm. Sanford, an Irish woman, Jane Sinckler. JOHN DORMAN, 850 acs. North- ampton Co., 2 Oct. 1655, p. 17, (26). On S. side of the S. branch of Anan- cock, Wly. on spoone branch parting it from land of Jenkin Pryce; trans, of 17 pers: Sarah Dorman, Wm. Hickman, Mary Owenton (or Overton), Ellenor Higgenson, James Murhead, Wm. Jones (or Jenks), Giles Pickfrizell, Job Ed- munds, Eliz. Holliday, Anne Haies, Rog. Amolachan (?), Elizabeth Haies, Tho. Younge, Marg. Cornelnia (?), John Toole, James Adwick, Grace Adwicke. "In all 17 psons." EDWARD COALE, 900 acs. James City Co., 16 Nov. 1655, p. 17, (26). On N. side of James Riv., N. W. side of Chickohominy River, N. upon Moses Cr., & bounded Nly. upon Pease hill run, Ely. on line formerly Phillip Charles now purchased & in possession of Thomas House, & on marked trees on both sides of Oaken Swampe now in possession of Edward Gravin. Trans, of 18 pers.* relation being had to an order of court dated 1655 granted unto Nich. Merywether & assigned unto sd. Coale. WILLIAM JENINGES, 251 acs. Surry Co, 1 Feb. 1655, p. 18, (27). S. side of James Riv. near Col. Floods, bounded N. on the main river, E. on Capt. Sidway (or Tidway) copied in new Bk. 4, p. 27 as Sidney) father in law to Peter Harrison son of Benjamin Harrison dec'd. & heir of the aforesd. land, E. & W. on Mr. Foards land, Ely. on Col. Floods land & S. on John Floods land. 151 acs. granted unto John Blackborne 11 Mar. 1652 & as- signed unto sd. Jenings; & 100 acs. granted unto Francis Jorden, same date, & assigned unto sd. Jenings. Marginal note: Renewed in name of Robt. Lane, being assigned to him by Thomas Cul- mer, who had order for same from Surry Court & granted to Lane 18 Mar. 1662. Fra. Kirkman, Clk. WM. WRIGHT, 200 acs. at the head of Parkers Cr. 15 Feb. 1655, p. 18, Patent Book No. 4 327 (27). Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Wright, Dorothy Hall, Alexander Flaminge, Marie Owen. Renewed in his name 18 Mar. 1662. ROBERT CASTLE, an island of marsh, 300 acs. James City Co., 11 Mar. 1655, p. 18, (28). On N. side of James River in the middle of Chicho- hominy Riv. commonly called the Lower Gulfe Marsh, butting on Nimoles (Nuncles ?) Neck & on Gregory Wells plantation. Trans, of 6 pers: John Nayler, Wm. Franklin, Kath. Brown- inge, Mary Cobb, Robt. Whitefare, John Hayall. PHILLIP CHARLES, 140 acs. upon the Southermost branch of Warreny Cr., on the E. side of Chichohominy Riv., bounded from corner tree of Mr. Wm. Strong, to marked trees of Mr. Soanes. 8 Apr. 1656, p. 18, (28). Trans, of 3 pers: Tho. Beggon, Eliz. Marin, (or Mavin), Hugh Hemecegga (?). SOUTHEY LITTLETON, 2,340 acs. Northampton Co., atNondris (Nondui) Cr., 25 Mar. 1656, p. 19, (29). Bounded by the main Bay of Chese- peack & Arracock Cr. & land of John Wise. Trans, of 47 pers: Richd. Smith, Geo. Daw, Sam. Lucas, Tho. Busfeild (Buffeild), Rob. Max, "Dicke of the Frigot", Eliner Glover, Dorothy Slaugh- ter, Fra. Rowles, Geo. Butcher, Phillip Gardner, Jno. Jackson, Richd. Johns, Margaret Alen, Eliz .Bond, Tho. New- ton, Geo. Freshwater, Tho. Blacklock, & his wife & child, Gabriell Powell, Mathew Pypinge, Step. Cowon (?), Richd. Pickeringe, Sanders Wilson, Tho- mas Hogg, Mathew Wardell, Xpher. Donoh, Richd., Conner & Daniel, Irish- men, John Pryer, Dan. Baker, Will Fisher, John Wyse, Mary Fleetwood, Wm. Smith, Geo. Smith, Mathy (Mathew ?) Bennet, Wm. Clerke, Richd. Smith, Jno. Symons, Jno. Mun- day, Tho. Fowler, Richd. Skinner, John Johnson. Renewed 26 Nov. 1661. JOHN SYMONS, 200 acs. in the Western branch of Nanzemond Riv., 26 Mar. 1656, p. 19, (30). Beg. at miles end of Mr. Geo. Ludlowes land & butt- ing on land of Jonathan Robinson. Trans, of 4 pers: John Aggor, John Morehead, Elizabeth Hatly, Mary Finch. Renewed 30 Oct. 1662. SYMON PEETERS (Peters), 500 acs. lyeing in Daniell Tanners Cr., being a branch of Elizabeth Riv., beg. at a pointe called the Indian Towne pointe. 26 Mar. 1656, p. 19, (30). Trans, of 10 pers.* JASPER HODGKINSON, 200 cs. Low. Norf. Co., at the head of the E. branch of Daniell Tanners Cr., 26 Mar. 1656, p. 20, (30). Adj. his own land. Granted unto Robert Woody 16 Apr. 1653 & by him assigned unto sd. Hodg- kinson. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. FRANCIS HUTCHINS, 200 acs. Nancemond Co., 26 Mar. 1656, p. 20, (31). At the head of beaver dam Cr., being a branch of the W. branch of Nansemond Riv., beg. at miles end of Wm. Stories land & adj. land of Mr. John Garrett & Tho. Powell. Trans, of 4 pers: Elizabeth Pye, Daniell Murrey, Mary Miffomer, Armagall Greenwood. CAPT. THOMAS GODWIN, 200 acs. Nansemond Co., 11 Mar. 1655, p. 20, (31). Near the head of the N. W. branch of sd. river, beg. at miles end of Symon Symons land. Trans, of 4 pers: Dorothy Loyd * Assigned to William Pope & renewed in his name 30 Oct. 1662. JOHN WYSE, 200 acs. Northampton Co. at Nondui Cr., 24 Mar. 1655, p. 21, (32). Adj. lands of Mr. Edwd. Littleton & George Truett. Trans, of 4 pers: Nohah Hibs, Lawrence Hillyer, Hannah Wise, Wently Macklayne (or Mackdayne). GEORGE TRUETT, 300 acs. North- ampton Co. at Nondui Cr., 24 Mar. 1655, p. 21, (32). Adj. lands of John Wyse & John Rogers (or Roisers). Trans, of 6 pers: Alice Watson, John Omarweare, Mack (or Mark) Wm. Owen, John Huntley, James Oger, Tho- mas Jones. DAVID WILLIAMS, 100 acs., lying on the S. W. side of James River, 328 Cavaliers and Pioneers bounded on the W. & N. W. side from a marked oake on Chipoakes Cr. & running to Nicholas Spencers cleare field. 25 Mar. 1656, p. 21, (33). Trans, of 2 pers.* Renewed 28 Jan. 1662. WILLIAM GOWERS, 300 acs. Northampton Co., 27 Mar. 1656, p. 21, (33). Ely. upon deepe Cr. & Sly. to- wards Chissenessecks. Trans, of 6 pers: Occome, Tonye, Duke, Robin, Tom, Brunke, Negroes, assigned by Col. Scar burgh. MR. RICHARD BARNHOUSE, Junr., 200 acs. Gloster Co., 17 Mar. 1655, p. 22, (33). Upon S. E. side of Metopony Riv., 2 mi. above Indian Ferry, bounded W. N. W. upon land of Lt. Col. Abrall, N. E. along Apostiquo Cr. & S. E. upon land of Mr. Wm. Wyatt. Granted sd. Barnhouse 27 Apr. 1653 & renewed by order of court. MARY LEWIS, 400 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 27 Mar. 1656, p. 22, (34). At Chichonessecks Cr. & Sly. towards Anancock Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Henery, Negro, Kath. Merifell, Anne Jones, Mary Allvit, Jno. Mackwilliam, Angora, Ape, Ottoms, Negroes, assigned by Col. Scarburgh. JOHN DYER, 109 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Lynhaven Parish, 14 Mar. 1655, p. 22, (34). Bounded on the South with land of Thomas Allen, on N. with land of John Stratton & on W. by his own. Granted unto sd. Dyer 29 Apr. 1652 & renewed by order of court. The following names appear: James Cole, Wm. Jackson. ABRAHAM IVESON, Junr., 100 acs. On N. W. side of the North Riv. of Mockjack Bay, 26 Mar. 1656, p. 22, (34). Granted unto Lt. Col. Anth. Ellyot 21 Mar. 1650, assigned unto sd. Iveson & now renewed by order of court. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. TABITHA & MATILDA SCAR- BURGH, 3,500 acs. Northampton Co., 27 Mar. 1656, p. 23, (35). Lying on the N. & S. sides of Deepe Cr. Trans, of 70 pers: 41 Negroes; (whose first names are given), & Mack William, Arinde Thomas, Jane o Tire, Turrell (?) Ogley, Murell Jones, Horly Kanny, Orsell Derry, Nella O Lanny, Morris Kiffe, Jno. Ockmond, Wm. Mory, Wm. Gowry ( ? ) , Jonny Wallon, Donio John, Fra. Smalewell, Calleat Moore, Morley Morry, Hareo. Kennell, Mutton Wrist, Jno. O William, Morcop Waffeild, Henry Carey, Tirish Mogon, Undell Illey, Glannell Jerrey, (or Terry), Cillina Clinn, Dollo O Melle, Gwallo O Loffe, Remor Wicke. EDWD. ROBINSON, & THOMAS HALL, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Lyn haven Parish, standing by a branch of Mr. Woodhouses damms, etc. 8 Apr. 1656, p. 23, (36). Trans, of 4 pers: Thomas Browne & Ann his wife, David Tompson, George Such. THOMAS ROLFE, Gent., 300 acs. James City Co., 25 Apr. 1656, p. 23, (36). On N. E. side of Wallingford Riv. alias Chichohominy. Adj. his own, land of Mr. Edward Digges & Richard New and on a branch of Ravenets Run. Trans, of 6 pers: Richd. Gummy, John Huson, Wm. Hollyman, Kath. Hock- well, Wm. Morley, Geo. Marler. ROGER WOLMSLY & RICHD. INGRAM, 200 acs. James City Co., 25 Apr. 1656, p. 24, (37). On N. side of James Riv., beg. at Bartholomew Knipes, running to Col. Swans line & along John Coale. Trans, of 4 pers: Herbert Margerom, John Eells, Rob. Bryer, David Roberts. GEORGE KEMPE, 400 acs. in Lyn haven Parish, 26 Mar. 1656, p. 24, (37). Beg. at Col. Sidneys, now in possession of John Porter, Senr., &c. Due by virtue of the rights of a patent granted him 28 Apr. 1652. THOMAS DODFORD, 100 acs. in the E. branch of Eliz. Riv. on the N. side thereof. 26 Mar. 1656, p. 22, (35). Renewal of patent dated 11 Mar. 1652. WILLIAM BIRD, 300 acs. upon the S. side of Wards Cr. above land of John Wall. 7 June 1656, p. 24, (37). Due by purchase from Wm. Havet, to Patent Book No. 4 329 whom it was granted 7 Apr. 1653, & for trans, of 6 pers: Anne Turk, Edwd. Clanterne, Jno. Kite, Jno. Chapman, Wm. Munteth, Margaret Sweetman. HENRY HUBERD, (Hubert) 250 acs. Gloster Co., 17 Mar. 1655, p. 24, (38). In the forke of Poropotanke Cr., adj. his own & Mr. Knights land. Being part of a patent granted unto Gilbert Blunt but deserted & granted sd. Huberd by order of court & for trans, of 5 pers.* LEWIS PERRY, 200 acs. on Indian Cr., being a branch of the W. branch of Nansemond Riv. & adj. land of Hum- phry Edey. 26 Mar. 1656, p. 25, (38). Trans, of 4 pers: John Marshall, James Yeoman, Eliz. Stiles, Mary Nicholls. NICHOLAS SMITH, Gent., 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 13 Mar. 1655, p. 25, (39). Beg. at the Indian Springe on James Riv. side, through a marsh & into a branch of Pagan Cr. 100 acs. granted unto Anthony Jones, 26 Nov. 1636 & assigned unto sd. Smith; 100 acres the residue for trans, of 2 pers: Nicholas Smith, & his wife Sarah. MAJOR THOMAS JOHNSON, 200 acs. Northampton Co., 14 Mar. 1655, p. 25, (39). At Occahannock Cr. at the head of Matachepeneck, bounded on W. by Cedar Branch separating this from land of Henry Edwds. & George Truett, N. by his own land & E. by pine bridge branch. Trans, of 4 pers.* JOHN RUTHERFORD & MYCUM CURRY, 500 acs. Chas. City Co., 17 Mar. 1655, p. 26, (40). On S. side of James Riv. & W. side of an Indian Swamp called by the name of Ohoreek Swamp, opposite Tho. Weltons planta- tion. Granted unto William Lea 6 Feb. 1654 & assigned unto the above named patentees. BENJAMIN BRASSEURE, 300 acs. at the head of Indian Cr., a branch of the W. branch of Nancemond Riv., adj. land of Mr. John Garrat. 26 Mar. 1656, p. 26, (40). Renewal of patent to him dated 12 Apr. 1653. WILLIAM JUSTICE, 1,198 acs. Chas. City Co., neare Flower de hun- dred Cr., 26 Apr. 1656, p. 26, (41). Adj. land of Cheney Boice. Granted Capt. John Frame, 1 Sept. 1643, & due sd. Justice as marrieinge the daughter & heyr. of sd. Frame, as also for trans, of 24 pers: Mary Sherwood, Rich. Lee, Jno. Barber, Edmond Joyner, Mathew Baile, Wm. Coleman, Wm. Phillips, Joseph Errence, Tho. Haistwood, Alice Michell, Rebecca Frame, Fra. Nelson, Wm. Price, Wm. Lawrence, Mary Law- rence twice, Anne Lawrence, Arthur Lawrence, Sarah Lawrence, Wm. Bal- lance, John Hatly, Eliz. Heath, Peeter Plumer, Tho. Whitter. WILLIAM MELLINGE, 600 acs. Northampton Co., 17 Mar. 1655, p. 26, (41). On S. branch of Anancock, W. on Ekeks branch. Trans, of 12 pers: Fra. Cutt, Roger Barr, Wm. Sterlinge, Timothy Trallop, Phillip Watkins, Alex. Wignall, Tho. Wignall, Wm. Smarth, Henry Mitchell, Grace Lewis. THOMAS WHITE, 300 acs. in Julians Cr., a branch of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv. 15 Mar. 1655, p. 27, (41). Trans, of 6 pers.* Renewed 29 Jan. 1663. JOHN WILLIAMS, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 16 Mar. 1655, p. 27, (42). Being a necke called Pochichery Necke; beg. neare Daniell Tanners Cr. running S. W. to Julians Swampe, etc. Trans. of 4 pers: Jno. Grey, Sarah Miller. BERTRAM OBART, 773 acs. Lan- caster Co., 26 Mar. 1656, p. 27, (42). On S. side of Rappa. Riv., 550 acres beg. at a Cr. next above Niemcock Cr., & adj. land of Jno. Pedros, etc; and 223 acs. adj. land of Richd. Lewis. & land formerly granted unto Edwd. Bos- well. 550 acs. granted sd. Obart 16 Nov. 1650 & 223 acs. unto Dennis Coniers 30 Mar. 1653 & by him assigned unto John Pedro, who assigned unto sd. Obart. THOMAS BEST & CHRISTOPHER ASHLY, 300 acs. Nancemond Co., 26 Mar. 1656, p. 28, (43). Beg. at miles end of Thomas Jordans land, adj. Giles Webb, their own & land of Mr. Peeter Mountegue. 200 acs. by patent to them 330 Cavaliers and Pioneers dated 14 Sept. 1653 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Jane Gittins, Wra. Grant. WILLIAM FRY, 750 acs. James City Co., 29 Apr. 1656, p. 28, (44). On W. side of Chichohominy Riv., 500 acs. part upon land of Humphry England & Thomas Warden. The residue along Mr. Fries line, thence to Richard Wil- liams, John Williams & David Phillips. 500 acs. by patent dated 29 Aug. 1643 & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers.* RICHARD DENNIS, 400 acs. North- umberland Co., 26 Apr. 1656, p. 28, (44). 350 acs. N. upon a branch of great Wicocomoco Riv. called Dennis' Cr., S. E. upon a branch dividing same from land of Tho. Gascoine & N. W. upon land of Wm. Spicer & 50 acs. adj. same. 350 acs. granted unto his father Jno. Dennis 15 Sept. 164 — & due him as son & heir; & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 pers.* WILLIAM CAPPS, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., last of Mar. 1656, p. 29, (45). 150 acs. on Ewd. side of the S. bay or head of Strattons Cr. issueing into Lyn haven Riv., & 100 acs. beg. on the second bay in sd. river & adj. Hugh Woods. Formerly granted sd. Capps by 2 patents dated 10 Apr. 1649 & 11 May 1652. THOMAS BROMFEILD, 315 acs. Yorke Co., 1 May 1656, p. 29, (45). Upon head of Queens Cr., bounded on N. N. E. with the milne Swampe, & adj. land of Capt. David Mansell. Said land formerly made over by sd. Mansell unto Thomas Pryce & by him bequeathed unto Hannah Price & due sd. Brom- feild by intermarrieinge with sd. Han- nah. DENNIS CONIERS, 1178 acs. Lan- caster Co., 4 Apr. 1656, p. 29, (46). 878 acs. on N. side of Pyanketanke Riv. running to land of Mrs. Elnor Bro- cas. 300 acs. upon N. side of sd. Riv., adj. sd. Brocas' & land of Abraham Moone & extending upon the great swamp. 1,000 acs. by patent dated 26 Feb. 1653 & 178 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* JOHN EVANS, 400 acs. Northamp- ton Co, 11 Mar. 1655, p. 30, (46). Near Matchepungoe & adj. land of Capt. Fra. Pott. Trans, of 8 pers: Kath. Gardner, Eliz. Johnson, John Knight, Rob. Wright, Miles Grey, Jane. Wms. (Williams), Lydia Easterfeild, Eliz. Vincent. COL. RICHARD LEE, 5 acs. Gloster Co., 4 June 1656, p. 30, (47). Towards head of Poropotanke Cr. whereon the store of sd. Col. Lee stands, & is part of a devdt. granted Peter Knight, mer- chant, 25 Aug. 1652 which is deserted. Trans, of 1 servant: Morris Plummor. WILLIAM & HANCOCK LEE, sonns of Col. Richd. Lee, 850 acs. Gloster Co., 2 June 1656, p. 30, (47). Upon a branch of Peanketanke Sw. 500 acs. due by rights of a patent to John Wood- ward, Atty. of Col. Lee, 17 May 1655, & relinquished by sd. Lee to make this good & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Roger Sheely, Jno. O Leally, Patrik O Crahan, John Mathew, David Mahoone, Douny (or Denny) Carby, Richd. Joy, Dermot O Fame, land due for. Note: Deserted by said Wm. & Hancock Lee & regranted to Thomas Brereton, 28 Mar. 1662. ROBERT BAYLY, 200 acs. North- ampton Co., 17 Mar. 1655, p. 30, (48). At the head of the S. branch of Anan- cock, Wly. upon a branch parting it from land of Christopher Calvert & Nly. on land of Mr. Wm. Mellinge. Trans, of 4 pers: Richard Perry, Jacobin Trevis, Wm. Trevis, Lydia Easterfield. ARTHUR UPSHOTT, 300 acs. Northampton Co., 11 Mar. 1655, p. 31, (48). Near the head of Occahannock Cr., near land of Wm. Taylor & adj. his own land. Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Risden, James Risden, Landma Risden, Arth. Carpenter, Phillip Soccohack, John Alber (or Albee). SAMPSON ROBINS, 350 acs. Northampton Co., 24 Mar. 1655, p. 31, (49). Beg. at the head branch of Hun- gars Cr., Sly. to William Jones' Cr. & Nly. towards land of Richard Jacobs. Trans, of 7 pers: John Hill, Danll. Patent Book No. 4 331 Denwood, Brian Teagle, Dun. (?) Ogre, Cur (?) Hoe, Annis Clerke, Joane Hewis. JOHN JENKINS, 400 acs. called Egg Necke, Northampton Co., 17 Mar. 1655, p. 31, (49). S. side main branch of Anancocke, bounded on W. by a branch parting same from land of Richard Wans worth. Trans, of 8 pers: Richd. Browne, Jno. Harrold, Wm. Farr, (or Harr), Jeffery Hughes, Toby Calgey, Ann Jordan, Marg. Willmude, Wm. Lemon. MR. JOHN MOTTROM (Mot- terom-Motron), 300 acs. Northumber- land Co., 4 Jan. 1655, p. 31, (49). Upon N. side of Wicocomoco Cr., Sly. upon same from land of Mr. Colt- cloughes, surveyed by Wm. Cocke, to the Bridge Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. George Coltclough and Nly. up- on a tract called Hulls Thickett. Trans, of 6 pers: Lidia Sawyer, Edwd. Gower, Tho. Glover, Lyonell Britten, Tho. Jones, John Motteron. EDWARD LITTLETON, 1200 acs. Northampton Co., 25 Mar. 1656, p. 32, (50). Bounded on S. by Magetty bay pond, W. by main bay, N. by old plantation Cr., & adj. land granted Nathaniell Littleton, Esqr. 1050 acs. granted unto Mr. Charles Harmar 4 Jan. 1635 & 150 acs. granted unto Eli- zabeth Harmar 17 Sept. 1644, to which was added said 1050 acs., she being the daughter & heir of sd. Charles Harmar, & by deed dated 1 May 1654 & signed by Tho. Harmar, sonne of Dr. John Harmar, heir to the sd. Charles Harmar & Elizabeth his daughter, made over to Nathaniell Littleton & due sd. Edwd. as his sonne & heir. WILLIAM MOORE, 200 acs. lyeing at the old Poquoson Riv., 25 Mar. 1656, p. 32, (50). Beg. at Burrowes' necke. Said land formerly assigned unto Joseph Moore by Lucy Purifoy, relict of Capt. Purifoy & allowed of by Tho. Purifoy, sonne & heir of sd. Capt. Purifoy, & now due sd. Wm. as sonne & heir of sd. Joseph. Renewed 29 Oct. 1662. NATHANIELL POPE, Gent., 1550 acs. Westmoreland Co., 24 Apr. 1656, p. 32, (51). On S. side of Petomeck Riv. 1050 acs. on the N. W. of a swampe dividing this & land of John Walton, Cooper, & adj. his own land; 500 acs. Wly. upon sd. Riv. & land of Mr. Tirrall, N. Wly. upon land of John Vaughan & S. Ely. upon Richd. Walker. 1050 acs. by patent, 19 May 1651 & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers: Jacob Cur- teanceaw, Anne his wife, John, Jacob & Willm., his sons, Rob. Davis, (or Dawes), Edmond Singlar, Rob. Sitch, Maudlin Hoskins, Susan Hart, assigned by Jacob Curteanceaw (?). Renewed 13 Jan. 1661. WILLIAM TAYLOR, 300 acs. North- ampton Co., 11 Mar. 1655, p. 33, (52). Near the head of Occahannock Cr. Trans, of 6 pers: Barth. Meares, Oneale Bulker.* PEETER STARCHEY, 100 acs. in the new Poquoson, comonly called Ox- ford, bounding Wly. upon land of Dictoris Christmas. 20 Mar. 1655, p. 33, (52). Trans, of 2 pers: Tho. Sutton, Nich. Press. WILLIAM PERRY, (Parry), 100 acs., Eliz. City Co., 6 May 1656, p. 33, (52). Lately belonging to Wm. Cocke, dec'd. Abutting Wly. upon land of Henry Withers & Ely. on land of Thomas Sherley, lately Daniell Tanners, & Sly. on or near mouth of Tuckers Creek. Trans, of 2 pers.* Renewed 13 Jan. 1661. ZACHARY CRIPPS, 300 acs. at the head of a branch falling into Ware Riv. in Mockjack bay, beg. at Capt. Breemans land & N. W. to land of Mr. Mordecoy Cooke. Trans, of 6 pers.* 24 Mar. 1655, p. 33, (53). MOSES LYNTON (Linton), 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., p. 34, (53). (No date) At head of the S. E. branch of Daniell Tanners Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: John Townshend, Charles Blanchernell, John Scoe, (or Scot), Eliz. Church. MR. ROGER FOUNTEINE, 600 acs. Low. Norf. Co., p. 34, (53). No date. In Lin haven parish on the Western shoare, bounded on S. W. by Mr. Rich ard Smithes Cr. & adj. upon Francis 332 Cavaliers and Pioneers Lands devdt. Trans, of 12 pers: James Flaharty, Garret Burry, Sarah Tompson, John Kirke, Job Chandler, Alex Simp- cock, Dan. Gerdan, Rose Springe, Gab. Johnson, Archiball Wahoope, Hum. Twillye, Archiball Hunter. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. HENRY WESGATE, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., p. 34, (54). No date. In lyn haven parish at the little creeke, bounded with the head of Henry Snailes land & Bart. Hoskins. Trans, of 5 pers: John Browne, Morgan Jones, Mathew Henderson, Ellen Wesgate, Tho. Woolmer. JOHN MARSHALL, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., p. 34, (54). No date. In the E. branch of Eliz. Riv., bounded on E. with Wm. Nicholls & on W. with Mr. Tho. Sawyers marked trees. Trans, of 2 pers: Timothy Ives & Margarett his wife. SAMUELL RUTLAND, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., p. 35, (55). No date. Up the Indian Cr., & alongst Richard Whitehursts line. Trans, of 4 pers: Penelope Gilbert, John Bradshew, Doro- thy Bright, Aug. (or Ang.) Addison. PEETER SEXTON, 700 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 20 Mar. 1655/6, p. 35, (55). Near the head of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv. & adj. Richd. Joanes. Due by vir- tue of the rights of a patent for the same quantity granted to Tho. Gutte- ridge, gent., assigned unto sd. Sexton & relinquished. Assigned by Ann the re- lict & Admx. of sd. Sexton & renewed in name of Rich. Jones, 11 Apr. 1663. MR. ISAACK FOXCRAFT, March. (Merchant), 2,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 Apr. 1656, p. 35, (56). On S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., upon Fishing Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Wm. Thomas, S. Ely. upon land of Martin Coale & a cr. dividing this from land of Tho. Salsbury & Wly. upon land of John Fawcet. 1100 acs. part granted unto Tho. Salsbury, 13 Sept. 1654, by whom it was assigned unto Gervase Dodson, who assigned to sd. Foxcraft; 900 acs. for trans, of 18 pers.* Assigned unto Tho. Prettyman & re- newed 18 Mar. 1662. DAME ELIZABETH LUNSFORD, 500 acs. 3 June 1656, p. 36, (56). On S. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of John Benton, on Wwd. side of Matchepungoe Cr., & near Col. Lees plantation. The sd. land by Lady Lunsford called Brandon. Granted unto her by patent dated 6 June 1654 & due by assignment from Samuell Abbot, who patented same 22 Dec. 1642. RICHARD JOANES, 350 acs. in the W. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at Ailing- tons Cr., & adj. Capt. Wm. Tuckers land. 8 Oct. 1655, p. 36, (57). 200 acs. part granted unto Capt. Wm. Tucker 14 July 1635 & by Lt Col. Cornelius Loyd, agent for sd. Tucker, assigned unto sd. Joanes & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Charles Hodges, Geo. Wahab, Jno. Makefashion. LAWRENCE DAMORON, 342 acs. Northumberland Co., 8 Oct. 1655, p. 36, (57). N. E. upon the head of tanx Yeocomoco Riv. Renewal of patent to him dated 12 May 1652. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. CAPT. GEORGE MASON, 900 acs. Northumberland Co., 26 Mar. 1656, p. 37, (58). N. E. upon Quiough Riv. & S. E. upon land of Richard Codsford. Trans, of 18 pers.* HENRY SMITH, Junr., 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 9 Dec. 1656, p. 37, (58). Nly. upon land of Thomas Dorrow & S. E. upon Edward Coles (or Toles.) Renewal of patent granted 5 May 1652. CAPT. HENRY FLEETE, 550 acs. 11 Sept. 1656, p. 38, (58). Beg. at the miles end of land of Mr. WmSons. (Williamsons), now called Mr. Hobkins land & adj. his own land. Trans, of 11 pers: Darby Howranley, Katherine Cullin, Wm. Tall, Daniell Morrell, Jno. Bryant, Tho. Hinde, James Ludwell, Tho. Harris, Joane Wood, Tho. Boane (or Boare), Bridges Lee. JOHN LEAR, 100 acs. Westmoreland Co., 4 Dec. 1656, p. 38, (59). In Oquiah Riv. on S. side of Capt. Giles (Brent) ; beg. at lowermost part of land Patent Book No. 4 333 sd. Lear bought of Capt. George Mason. Sd. land being deserted by the sd. Brent & due sd. Lear for trans, of 2 pers: himself & a servant, Xphian. Winkle. HUMPHREY TABB (Tab), gent., 900 acs. Eliz. City Co., 20 Sept. 1656, p. 38, (59). Bet. Harrises Cr. & Point Comfort Cr., beg. on a branch comonly called old wills canow, running by gut- ter swampe unto the place of the indian stone, to land of John Ducket. 100 acs. by patent dated 6 May 1638; 150 acs. by patent of Jno. Ingrames, dec'd, 24 Sept. 1645 & purchased by sd. Tab; 300 acs. by another patent of sd. Ingrams dated 23 Nov. 1647 and by him pur- chased; 100 acs. by patent, 19 June 1642; 50 acs. by patent dated 25 Nov. 1637; 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Rich. Lowe, Wm. Allen, Thomas Tomp- son, Andrew Blarke. JOHN KENT, 666 acs. Northumber- land Co., 30 Nov. 1656, p. 39, (60). Ely. towards the Gleabe land & Nly. upon the head of Matapony Riv. 550 acs. by patent granted to Mr. Rob. New- man, 25 Mar. 1651 & by John Hayne, assignee of sd. Newman, assigned unto sd. Kent; 116 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.* Renewed 31 Dec. 1662. CAPT. JNO. ROGERS, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., on Cloughtons Cr., 30 Nov. 1656, p. 39, (61). 250 acs. beg. at the head of a branch com- ing out of Monocke branch & along land of Mr. George Higgings; 50 acs. E. upon sd. land, Why. upon the Gleab & Sly. upon land of Mr. Hugh Lee. 250 acs. by patent to John Cloughton, 20 Dec. 1650 & assigned unto sd. Rogers; and 50 acs. his own patent dated 15 Sept. 1654. Renewed 29 Nov. 1662. THOMAS READE, 1,000 acs. North- umberland Co., on S. side of Wiccoco- moco Riv., 30 Nov. 1656, p. 40, (61). Bounding N. N. E. upon lands of Mr. Isaacke Foxecroft & David Kyffin & W. N. W. upon land of Jarvice Dodson which was surveyed for Jno. Palmer. Trans, of 20 pers.* This land deserted & granted unto James Austin, 3 Dec. 1659. Test: Tho. Brereton, Clk. RICHARD HOLDEN, 100 acs. Northumberland Co., 30 Nov. 1656, p. 40, (62). Ely. upon Potomack Riv., Sly. upon Yoacomacoe Riv., Wly. upon a creek dividing this from land of Tho- mas Hailes sold to Robt. Lord & Nly. upon his own land. Due by patent to William Bedlam, 29 Nov. 1652 & as- signed to sd. Holden. MR. CHARLES ASHTON & THO- MAS ADAMS, 300 acs. Northumber- land Co., in Cherry point Nicke, 30 Nov. 1656, p. 40, (62). Wly. on Matapony Riv., Sly. upon land of Ed- ward Henley & Nly. upon land of Willm. Warde. Trans, of 6 pers.* WILLIAM THATCHER, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 30 Nov. 1656, p. 41, (63). Upon N. W. side of Corotomen Riv., opposite land of Henry Davis, N. Ely. upon land surveyed for Jno. Nicholls, the forrest dividing this from land one Hale bought of one Hawker. 300 acs. by patent dated 17 May 1655 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers.* LT. COL. NATHANIELL POPE, 1,050 acs. Westmoreland Co., 30 Nov. 1656, p. 41, (63). 50 acs. Nly. upon a branch of the head of Hollis' Cr. at Apamatockes, Ely. upon land of Major John Hollis; & 1000 acs. adj. sd. 50 acs. Trans, of 21 pers.* This land was given by will of sd. Pope to his son Nathaniell & renewed in his name 13 Jan. 1661. ENOCKE HAWKER & ANTHONY DONEY, 1,000 acs. Lancaster Co., 6 Oct. 1656, p. 42, (64). Upon the N. W. branch of Corotomen Riv. & adj. land of John Nicholls. Granted to them by patent dated 29 July 1652. MR. JOHN PAINE, 610 acs. on the head of the Eastern Br. of Pepoticke Cr. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 42, (64). Trans, of 13 pers: Marga. Paine, Jno. Paine, Junr., Wm. Emaston, Morris Williams, Elizabeth Pusie, Jno. Capell, Raughley Travers, Rich. Pea- cocke, Mary Smith, Law. Thompson, Wm. Walker, Tho. Jelly. ISACKE HUTCHINGS, 378 acs. Henrico Co., known by the name of 334 Cavaliers and Pioneers Worricke, 14 Dec. 1656, p. 42, (65). Lyeing next to land of Peeter Lee, S. E. on the main river & N. E. to a place called Porringers Spring. Trans, of 8 pers.* HENRY CHICHLEY, Km., 2200 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., opposite to Port Tobacco, bounded on E. with Poytresses Cr. & land of Vincent Stan- ford, etc. 8 Dec. 1656, p. 43, (66). Trans, of 44 pers: Rich. Scarbrow, Tho. ap Thomas, James Howard, Antho. Caudell, Tho. Beardwell, Rob. Hane (or Hand), Jno. White, Jno. Ray, Henry Rice, Arthur Chandler, Wm. By- ler, Wm. Chelmedge, Rich. Arrundell, Tho. Mason, Georg Haynes, Sam. Parry, Tho. Pones, Peter Mason, Wm. Hurt, Tho. Howell, Samll. Goodwin, Tho. Harris, Rob. Taylor, Tho. ap Richd., Jones Alpott, Jno. Woodson, Edwd. Buckingham, Edward Freeman, Henry Lambert, Jost Wms. (Williams), Tho. Warrington. MYLES DIXON, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., 8 Dec. 1656, p. 43, (66). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. on N. side of the great swamp lyeing Wly. from land of Jno. Haywood. Trans, of 20 pers.* This land is granted to Jno. Apleton, gent., 15 May 1661. Teste: Tho. Brereton, Clk. PEETER LEE, 126 acs. Henrico Co., known by the name of Worricke, 14 Dec. 1656, p. 44, (67). Beg. at a small run & a place called London Bridge which divides it from land belonging to the orphans of William Cox, S. E. on the main river & N. E. on Isack Hutch- ings. Trans, of 3 pers.* DANIEL JAMES & JOHN JEN- INGS, 400 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of Thomas Wilkinson. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 44, (61). Trans, of 8 pers: Charles Leech, Robert Fillkin, Peeter Leech, Peter Garland, Robert Tompson, Robert Smith, Tho. Henson, John South. VINCENT STANFORD, 300 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of Jno. Robinson, parallel to lands of Mr. Fox & Fairewethers Neck. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 44, (68). Trans, of 6 pers: Rich. Colt twice, Thomas Flood, George Stanley, Grace Davis, Robert Newby, twice. WILLIAM JOHNSON, 550 acs. on N. W. side of Pasckataynon (Pashata- quon) alias Coxes Cr., parallel to land of Robert Yongue, & S. W. with land of Randall Chamlett, & another part of Paskato Creek. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 45, (68). 350 acs. by former patent & residue for trans, of 4 pers: Mr. Tho- mas Prettyman, Richard Redding, Fran- cis Coulston, Elizabeth Howman. Re- newed in his name 28 July, 1662; & in name of Wm. Johnson, his son, 25 Sept. 1671. HENRY CHICHLEY, Km., 800 acs. Lancaster Co., 7 Oct. 1656, p. 45, (69). At the head of Peankatanke Riv., and below the Horse path, etc. Trans, of 16 pers.* MR. CUTBERT POTTER, 1200 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., behind land of Mr. Rowland Burnham. No date; p. 46, (69). Formerly granted by patent. MINRED MINSON & ROBERT KEMPE, 200 acs. in Rappa. Riv., upon the head of Parratts Cr. where the Cr. divides itself into branches. 10 Dec. 1656, p. 46, (70). Trans, of 4 pers.* Assigned by them to Roger Harris, who assigned same to Tho. Warrick, in whose name it was renewed 19 Apr. 1664. Test: Fra. Kirkman, CI. JOHN CURTIS, 500 acs. on S. side Potomake Cr., opposite tract of land of Wm. Beeches. 10 Dec. 1656, p. 46, (70). Trans, of 10 pers.* MINRED MINSON & ROBERT KEMPE, 600 acs. in Rappa. Riv. upon Mr. Burnham's Cr. & N. N. E. along Copeland's land. 12 Dec. 1656, p. 47, (71). Trans. 12 pers.* Renewed in name of Robt. Kemp, 10 Dec. 1663, sd. Minson having relinquished his title. MARY STEPHENS, Widdow, 150 acs. Surrey Co., 17 Dec. 1656, p. 47, (71). On the E. side of a branch of Black Water, beg. on Capt. Jordans lyne, halfe a myle above the Indian Patent Book No. 4 335 path, etc., and butting on Benj. Dolls 300 acs. Trans, of 3 pers.* BENJAMIN DOLL, Negro, 300 acs. Surrey Co., 17 Dec. 1656, p. 47, (71). Beg. on the Sly. side of the Reeded Marsh on Capt. Jotdans lyne. Trans, of 6 pers.* JOHN COSBY, 760 acs. New Kent Co., 5 Jan. 1656, p. 48, (72). On the N. E. side of Mattepony Riv., beg. on the S. E. side of a branch of Aquin- tanocco Sw., N. E. to lines of Lt. Col. Robert Abraell's land. Trans, of 16 pers.* "Noe Rights never entered for this patent." SAME. 1000 acs. in same county, page and date. On S. side of York Riv., adj. land of Mr. Anthony Lang- stone. Trans, of 20 pers.* Noe rights, etc. SAME. 800 acs. in same county, and date, p. 48, (73). On S. side of Matta- pony Riv., on N. E. side of Arsantan maine swamp, beg. at Thomas Hancks & N. E. by land of Major Lewis. 100 acs. by purchase from Tho. Hanckes & 600 acs. by purchase from Major Lewis. Residue for trans, of 12 pers.* Noe rights, etc. GRIFFITH DICKINSON, 300 acs. James City Co., 5 Jan. 1656, p. 49, (73). On S. W. side of Moyses Cr., on the Nly. branch of Tomahack (or Tomahun) Cr. above Nickatounces (?) quarter, bounded Sly. on Capt. Bennett Freeman & Will. Wolfes, Wly. on Wm. Hitchman, Nly. on Wm. Phillips & Ely. towards his own land. Trans, of 6 pers: Himselfe twice, Eliz. Dickenson, Wm. Jones, Susan Crotch (or Croch). THOMAS BUSBIE (Busby), 400 acs. Surrey Co., 14 Jan. 1656, p. 49, (73). On S. side of the Western (branch) of the head of upper Chippoakes Cr., beg. on Mr. Moseleys line near the path that goes to Mr. Barkers &c. to John Bar- rowes line. Trans, of 8 pers: Peeter Spicer, Eliza. Paine, Wm. Gray, Jane Barker, Anth. Hulbunt, Tho. Busby, Rich. Ballard, Cicely More. WM. PULLAM, 334 acs. New Kent Co., 1 Jan. 1656, p. 49, (74). Beg. in Mr. Martin Baker's line, Sly. upon a branch of Skennow (Skeninow) Run & Wly. to Thomas Collins, etc. Trans, of 7 pers: Jno. Jennings, Wm. Walker, Wm. Richards, Tho. Tuffes, Anne Parker, Robert Morris, William Jackson. JOHN WOOD, 1,000 acs. on S. side of Potewmacke Riv., behind land of Mr. Roger Isham. 14 Jan. 1656, p. 50, (74). S. W. Va mi. beneath the dwell- ing house of sd. Isham. Trans, of 20 pers: Phillip Chester, Peter Browne, Robert Walker, Alexander Farrell, James Wms. (Williams), Andrew Berry, Jane Griffith, Tho. Senior, Tho. Pond, Jone Abbott, James Joyner, Fran. Gregory, James Kirke, Michaell Long, James Mackiney, Edward Allen, Ellis Bensom (Benison), Wm. Seale, Joseph Kent, John Moyses. JOHN ROSIER, Clerke, 1,050 acs. Westmoreland Co., 14 Jan. 1656, p. 50, (75). On N. W. side of Nominy Riv., neare a branch dividing this from land surveyed for Lewis Burrill, deed., now in possession of Capt. Robert Henfield. 500 acs. by patent to Major Lewis Bur- rell 17 Nov. 1650, assigned to Thomas Yeowell, who assigned to sd. Rosier; 300 acs. granted to sd. Yeowell & as- signed unto Rosier & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Tho. Ardington, Georg Spell, Wm. Cowdery, John Lawrence, Andrew Rayne. THOMAS STEPHENS, 100 acs. Surrey Co., 14 Jan. 1656, p. 51, (76). On S. side of the W. branch of the head of upper Chippoakes Cr., beg. on Mr. Moseleyes line, being the uppermost bounds of Thomas Busbyes land, run- ning to Jno. Barrowes corner &c. Trans, of 2 pers.* MAJOR WILLM. LEWIS, 1200 acs. Glocester Co., 14 Jan. 1656, p. 51, (76). On N. E. side of Mattapony Riv., beg. at upper Westermost tree of Mr. Hollands devdt. & along the back of Mr. Hansfords devdt. Granted by patent dated 25 May 1654. VINCENT STANFORD, 700 acs. at the head of Poytresses Cr. on N. side 336 Cavaliers and Pioneers of Rappa. Riv. neare Nansatiquon. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 51, (76). Trans, of 14 pers: Robert Newby twice, Antho. Bar- ly, Tho. Walgrave, Wm. Kinge, Richard Robison, Jno. Allen, Giles Robison, Margaret Gudloe, Mary Savory, Jone Barby, Margaret Arnoll, Constant Win- shew, Tho. Knowles. CAPT. WILLIAM CANFILL, (or Caufill), 550 acs. Surrey Co., 24 Jan. 1656, p. 52, (77). On Wwd.side of Lyons Cr., bounding on N. with Hog Is. Cr., on E. & Wwd. with James River & on S. side with his own land formerly patented & land of Lt. William Cocka- ram & Jno. Midemore. Trans, of 11 pers: Walter Taylor, Joane Gurney, Fran. Butler, Hugh Kennicke, Gillien Cornen (or Conners), Onory (or Onoris) Sullivan, Onory (or Onoris) Linsey, Joane Davis, Mary Hall, James Filline, Timothy Issall. WILLIAM CRUMPE & MR. HUM- PHRY VAULX, 1000 acs. James City Co., 26 Jan. 1656, p. 52, (77). Neare Richohock path & behind land somtimes of Thomas Gibson, deed., beg. in Kiseo- honsicke Sw., running S. E. by the head of Weekenoskeekicke (?) Sw. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Preston, Jno. Steevens, Jno. Lyon, Jno. Caldecock (?) Rebecca Molson, Tho. Ballister, Jane Goss, John Short, John Hort, Elinr. Flettcher, John Taylor, Anne Phipps, & 8 Negroes. All assigned by Maj. Chroshaw. MR. PEETER RANSON, 950 acs. Northumberland Co., 6 Dec. 1656, p. 53, (78). Upon N. side of the divid- ing creek, & Sly. upon land of George Waterman & John Willis. Renewal of patent dated 20 Nov. 1654. RALPH GREENE, 400 acs. Gloster Co., 15 Dec. 1656, p. 53, (79). Upon N. side of Yorke Riv., beg. at mouth of Joneses Cr., E. S. E. upon cr. dividing this & land of Col. Richard Lee, W. N. W. upon land of William Thorne, assigned to him by Col. Lee. Renewal of patent dated 16 Feb. 1653. MAJOR WILLIAM LEWIS, 2600 acs. on the S. W. side of the freshes of Yorke Riv., including halfe the devdt. comonly called portholy alias Chymaho- cans, purchased by sd. Lewis of Col. Jno. West containing 1550 acs; bounded from the mouth of Mattadequin Cr., S. S. W. towards head of Tanxe Weynoake Run &c. to Mr. Joseph Crawshawes line to Chimahocans devdt. &c. 775 acs. purchased of Col. Jno. West & 1825 acs. for trans, of 37 pers: John Smith, Junr., Tho. Holliday, Joseph Peasly, Isack Franklin, Xpr. Meadcroft, John Smith, Senr., Daniell Odaley, Abigail Millis, Mary Cuffin, Margaret Isom, Francis Barnell, Henry Barnell, (or Burnell), John Holley, John Brocas, Sarah Constable, Mary Bartlett, Tho. Younge, George Maurice; 16 persons upon certificate from Warwick Cr. & assigned to Major Lewis by Mr. Jerom Ham (or Hans). Assignees by Mr. Francis Burnell. 20 Jan. 1656, p. 54, (79). HENRY SOANE, gent., 2200 acs. James City Co., 10 Dec. 1656, p. 55, (80). On N. E. side of Chichohominy Riv. called by the name of Richahocke; beg. at Richahocke Cr. above Mattapony Necke &c. including John Lings planta- tion, running through Thomas Brookes corne field, by line of Richard New & including Nantupcoy (?) & Pemacrey (?) Necks with a small island called Papacoone (?). Due by purchase from Alexander Shepard & Margarett his wife, the daughter and heire of Francis Barrett, dee'd. JOHN BROMFIELD, 1200 acs. James City Co., near the head of Archers Hope Cr., 15 Dec. 1656, p. 55, (81). Running up deere bone Valley &c. to Tuttyes Necke, etc., unto trees dividing this from land of Mr. Richard Brewster &c. to the mouth of Weare Cr. Formerly granted unto Wm. Davis, 27 Mar. 1643, whoe dyeing intestate & noe heire apeareing, it was ordered by the Govr. &c. on the 15 Dec. 1656 that the sd. Bromefield, whoe marryed the relict of sd. Davis, should have a patent for the same & for trans, of 24 pers: Abraham Sinckler, Wm. Mosse, Sarah Allyson, Rebecca Bradshew, Francis Chambers, Sarah Allyson, Morgan Wil- liams, Rob. Paddison, Mathew Bur- rowes, Margarett Hilton (or Hibton). Patent Book No. 4 337 HESTER OAKHAM, 150 acs. James City Co., on N. side of James Riv., 30 Oct. 1656, p. 56, (81). S. E. on Matthew Warriners land, S. W. on Capt. Elice & Mr. Fry & N. E. on the heires of the land of Rice Wolfes. Trans, of 3 pers: Margarett Delton, Sarah Coe, Mary Hull. CAPT. JNO. SMITH, 400 acs. upon branches of Milford haven, beg. at Richd. Longs land. 8 Oct. 1656, p. 56, (82). Granted unto Thomas Mor- ris 25 Nov. 1655 & assigned unto James Foster, who assigned same unto sd. Smith, and now renewed etc. THOMAS BELL, 134 acs. Gloster Co., 10 Oct. 1656, p. 56, (82). Run- ning up from a small creek of Poropo- tanke, W. S. W. by Jno. Kings land, N. E. by land of Jno. Bennett & Tho- mas Leechman. 84 acs. granted unto him 6 Dec. 1652 & 50 acs. for trans, of Wm. Watts (altered to Witts.) THOMAS SALSBURY, 650 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 June 1656, p. 57, (83). 300 acs. on S. side of great Wicoeomico Riv., N. N. E. upon Vul- cans Cr. & E. S. E. upon land of Henry Weeker; 300 acs. along the head of sd. Weeker to Hulletts, to Faucett, Free- mans & Conowayes land, thence to land of Thomas Kedby sold to Tho. Bales (or Boles). 300 acs. granted sd. Sals- bury 13 Oct. 1653 & 350 acs. due for trans, of 7 pers: Francis Gray, Alice his wife, Mary Gray, Joshua Gray, Ann Gray, Wm. Butler. Note: Said Sals- bury gave 300 acs. first mentioned to his son Thomas, who had a patent for the same dated 28 Jan. 1662 & 350 acs. the residue to Andrew Pettigrew, who married Salsbury's widow. HERBERT SMITH, Gent., 500 acs. Westmoreland Co., 3 Oct. 1656, p. 57, (84). S. Wly. upon upper Matchoticke Riv. &c. to the head line of Thomas Peake, deed., now land of sd. Smith 250 acs. granted to him 15 Sept. 1651 & the residue for trans, of 5 pers: John Ingrum, John Varnham, John Simmes, Edward Stephens, Math Skipp. Renewed 18 Mr. 1662. MAJOR THOMAS CURTIS, 630 acs. on N. side of Ware River in Mocke Jack bay, beg. on E. side of Browns Bay, &c. by marked trees dividing this from land of Mr. Thomas Boswell. 8 Oct. 1656, p. 58, (84). 542 acs. granted him 20 Sept. 1652 & 88 for trans, of 2 pers: Elizabeth Boston, Hannah Blackwell. EDWARD MOORE, 200 acs. North- ampton Co., 9 Oct. 1656, p. 58, (85). At Occahannocke Cr., beg. at the head of a former devdt., bounded on the S. by lands of Nuswattocks. Trans, of 4 pers: Edward Moore, Senr., Mary Moore, Edward Moore, Junr., Rich. Moore. NICHOLAS WADDILOW, 350 acs. Northampton Co. at Nuswattocks Cr., 8 Oct. 1656, p. 58, (85). Bounded on W. with a branch of sd. Cr. dividing this from the land of Nicholas Grainger. Trans, of 7 pers: Geo. Johnson, Wm. Smithson, Wm. Willson, Cornelius Clinton, Derrick Arryson, Derrick Arb- son, John Willy (or Wilby). EDMOND KEMPE, gent., 1100 acs. on N. side of Peanketancke Riv., beg. on E. side of Blands Cr., parallel to land of Peregrin Bland, deed., &c. Crosse branches of Bonners Creek, etc. to Wwd. side of the Gleab land Cr. which divides this & land of Col. Jno. Matron, deed. 4 Nov. 1656, p. 59, (86). 600 acs. by patent to Capt. George Reade, 22 Oct. 1651; 186 acs. by patent to Col. George Ludlow 6 Oct. 1654, & 314 acs. for trans, of 7 pers.* GEORGE TAYLOR, 530 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Corrotoman Riv., along land of Henry Lee. 6 Oct. 1656, p. 59, (86). Renewal of patent dated 5 Sept. 1650. HOELL PRICE, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 5 Oct. 1656, p. 59, (87). Beg. on N. side of a branch of Poropotanke Swamp. Trans, of 20 pers.* MR. HENRY SOANES, 2800 acs. New Kent Co., 25 Mar. 1656, p. 60, (87). On N. side of Matapony Riv. beneath land of Mr. William Wiatt, running down the river to the Indian 338 Cavaliers and Pioneers Ferry, & adj. his own land. 1200 acs. by patent dated 10 Mar. 1653, & 1600 acs. for trans, of 32 pers: Robert Elly- son, Jno. Walton, Wm. Morgan, Daniell Whitby, Jno. Lirgson, Joane Cole, Henry Pate, Ann Hardin, Ann Mattocks, Tho. Torrowgood, Julian Allerweck (?), Robert Jermin, Eliz. Pate, Susan Knott, Anthony, Negroe, Katherine Pate, Jane, Negroe, Dorathy Miller, Jno. Hamellton, Derminuff (?) Galium, Robert Trueman, Wm. Jolly, Wm. Appellton, Abraham Harris, Thomas Peckin, Robert Cock, Jno. Hathrone, Wm. Stephenson, Jno. Whitty, (or Whitby), Jno. Hopkins, Wm. Sewins, Mathew, Negro. JNO. BAULDWIN, 15 acs. 69 perches, in James Island, between the main river & the back river, 4 Oct. 1656, p. 60, (88). 10 acs. Ely. upon Mr. James' land, N. upon the backe river & the land hereafter mentioned, W. upon the main river & S. upon the slash which lies between the State house & sd. Mr. James; 5 acs. & 69 perches at the old blocke house, etc. RALPH GREENE, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 13 Nov. 1656, p. 60, (88). Bounded on the S. S. W. with his own land, W. N. W. with Arakiaco Swamp & E. S. E. with land of Leonard Cham- berlaine. WILLIAM POPE, 190 acs. Nansi- mond Co., 8 Oct. 1656, p. 61, (89). Beg. at the miles end of Symon Simons &c. to Capt. Goodwin's land. Trans. of 4 pers: Obedience Perkins, John Godwin, Rob. Beadle. THOMAS MERRIDETH, 380 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Oct. 1656, p. 61, (89). On S. side the freshes of Yorke Riv by land of Mr. Richard Barnehouse. 200 acs. granted to Major William Hoccoday 9 Mar. 1654; & 180 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Parkes, Francis Webb, Margarett Feeres, Isaack Watson. JOHN WILLIAMS, 250 acs. North- ampton Co., 17 Mar. 1655, p. 61, (90). On S. side of Pungotegue Riv., Ely. up- on Pocomoke Cr., Nly. upon land of Thomas Teagle, Wly. upon land of An- thony Johnson, Negro, & Sly. upon land of John Johnson, Negro. Trans, of 5 pers: Jno. Williams, Eliz. Hobson, Rob. Atkins, Tho. Brodway, Alexander NICHOLAS MEREWETHER & JOHN LEACH, 200 acs. James City Co., 23 Oct. 1656, p, 62, (90). On N. E. side of Powhitan maine Swamp, beg. in Sir William Berkeley's line. Trans, of 4 pers: Eliz. Heines, Jno. Bradbury, Tho. Abreshall, Tho. Allen. RICHARD WHEELER, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 15 Dec. 1656, p. 62, (91). Joyneing to land of Robert Grimes. Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Bog- gis, Rob. Boggis, Jno. Boggis, Geo. Sheeres (or Sheevs), Eliz. Bond, Jno. Harris. JAMES PRICE, 300 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 9 Oct. 1656, p. 62, (91). At Matchotanke Cr., bounded on S. by land of Matilda Scarbrough. Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Hammack, Elder Adkin, Ann Smith, Barbara Mathewes, Eliz. Eaton, Wm. Barker. GEORGE ABBOTT, gent., 1000 acs. Nansemond Co., 4 Oct. 1656, p. 63, (91). Adj. land of Mr. William Wright & crossing Marrocone Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Ann Warburton, William Adams, Francis Croffa, Thomas Perry, Robert Bayly, John Jones, Tho. Dowde, John Bowinge, Maria (a) Negro, John an Irishman, Margarett an Irishwoman, Robert Murry, Tho. Ingan, Eliz. his wife, Wm. Moore. JNO. BILLIOTT, 1050 acs. North- ampton Co., 9 Oct. 1656, p. 63, (92). Near the seaboard side, Nly. on branch of forked Cr. parting this from land of Thomas Bell & to marked trees parting this from land of Robert Foster. Trans. of 21 pers: An Smith, Knora Nimca- hoe (?), Derreman Machoone, Eliza- beth Winn, Susan Dowridge, Alice Deane, Robert Bright, Mary Fawne, Charity Jenkins, Morrice WhitsorreH, Sarah Greene, Jno. Twoale, Dennis Mokezann (?), Edwd. Brockham, Mary LefTore, Joane Newes, Mary Joanes, Ann Winn, Xphr. Cox, Ann Benhowe. (?) Patent Book No. 4 339 RICHARD BAYLY (Baily), 100 acs. Northampton Co., 17 Mar. 1655, p. 63, (93). At the head of a branch of Nuswattocks Cr., Wly. on land of Stephen Horsey & Ely. on a ridge by Occahannocke path. Trans, of 2 pers.* MR. THOMAS BOSWELL, 972 acs. on N. side of Ware Riv. in Mock Jack bay, 8 Oct. 1656, p. 64, (93). Run- ning by marked trees dividing this & land of Major Curtis. 800 acs. by patent dated 6 May 1652, & 172 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* WILLIAM STEPHENS, son & heir of Wm. Stephens, Cooper, 320 acs. Warwicke Co., 18 Nov. 1656, p. 64, (93). Beg. at land formerly Mr. Bul- locks, running to trees of Humphrey Gibs & by Yorke path to Col. Ludlow's. 250 acs. by patent to Wm. Bullocke & residue for trans, of 2 pers.* MR. MARTIN BAKER, 1750 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Nov. 1656, p. 64, (94). Beg. by Henry Ashwells path to Jno. Basbyes path, thence to Thomas Collins corner, etc. Trans, of 35 pers: Robert West, William West, Mary West: twice transported; Henry West, Jno. Sell (?), Adam Miles, Margarett Turner, Nicholas Porter, Adam Miles, John Midleton, Tho. Stacy, Margarett Turner, John Smith, John Vaultres, Mathew Wilson, Elizabeth Porter, Jno. Smith, Robert Woodby, Nich. Porter, James Tanner, Wm. Sansons, Geo. Fisher, Tho. Jackson, David Ritch. RICHARD BARNEHOUSE, Gent., 380 acs. James City Co., 28 Oct. 1656, p. 65, (95). On W. side of Burchen Swamp. Trans. of 8 pers: Eliz. Bakone, Jno. Spencer, Edwd. Stringer, Tho. Jenkins, Robert Shoare, Wm. Squire, Hugh Lowell. JOHN GARNELL, 400 acs. North- umberland Co., 30 Mar. 1656, p. 65, (95). Upon S. side of great Wiccoco- moco Riv., bounded on S. E. with Fish- ing Cr., & opposite land of Thomas Sassall (or Salsall). Granted unto William Thomas 19 Oct. 1653. NICHOLAS WADDILOW, 350 acs. Northampton Co., 8 Oct. 1656, p. 65, (96). Bounded on S. with Nuswat- tockes Cr. Trans, of 7 pers: Alexan- der Coote, Derman Usshullevan, Daniell Ushullevan, Teague Longe, Nath. Broughoe, Tho. Southerne, Elizabeth Tarry. THOMAS BIRAM, 300 acs., S. Ely. upon the mouth of great Wicomoco Riv., N. Ely. upon a creek dividing this from land of John Essex & Henry Huft & S. W. upon a creek dividing this from land of Mr. Richard Bud (or Bird.) 11 Oct. 1656, p. 66, (96). Said land formerly belonged to Col. Wm. Claiborne, Secretary. JOHN CURTIS, 350 acs. at the head of the Backe Cr. in the North River in Mockjack bay, running by marked trees of Major Curtis & Mr. Harris. 8 Oct. 1656, p. 66, (97). Trans, of 7 pers: Silvanus Wood, John Snell, Dolla (a) Negro, 2 Negro women, 2 Negro men. RICHARD GIBLE, 800 acs. North- umberland Co., Dec. 1656, p. 66, (97). Ely. by S. upon a creek dividing this & lands of John Hull, Hugh Souch & James Magregor, N. by E. upon land of Robert Newman & W. by N. upon a creek dividing this & land of Mr. Pres- ley. Trans, of 16 pers: Robert New- man, Wm. Winterton, Mary Robinson, Ann Pettito, John Dunnidge, John Wilkenson, Anne Wilkenson, Vincent Stanford, Wm. Chapman, John Branch, Mary Branch, Mary Branch, Junr., Ed- ward Toogood, David Griffin, John Willis, Wm. Wade. Note: Renewed in the name of Danll. Holland & Wm. Cornish, to whom it was sold by sd. Gible, 9 Dec. 1662. MARGARETT MYLES, (Miles) 1200 acs. Westmoreland Co., 1 Feb. 1656, p. 67, (98). On S. side of Poto- make Riv., behind the cliffs of Cora- woaman, etc., opposite land of Mr. Thomas Broughton. Trans, of 24 pers: Margarett Miles, Francis Roland, Sarah Smith, Katherine Russell, Jane Leech, Abraham Feilds, John Tushan, Walter Morgan, Thomas Powell, George Watts & his wife, Xpian. Looker, Mundeff Leiby. 340 Cavaliers and Pioneers MR. CHARLES GRYMES, Clerk, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., 3 Dec. 1656, p. 67, (99). Upon N. W. side of Moraticon Cr., upon Ewd. side of a small branch dividing this & land of Thomas Stephens. Renewal of patent granted 18 Oct. 1653. SAME. 600 acs., same county & date, p. 68, (99). N. W. upon Myem Cocke Cr. Renewal of patent dated 16 Nov. 1653. MR. ROBERT HUBBERD & MAJOR WM. LEWIS, 2000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 6 Feb. 1656, p. 68, (99). Upon S. side of Pattewmacke Riv. behind the head of Nominy Riv. on back of land of John Rosier, Clerke. Trans, of 40 pers.* JNO. PAGE, gent., 2700 acs. Lan- caster Co., last, of Oct. 1656, p. 68, (100). 1350 acs. being 18 mi. above Nancemum Towne on N. side of Rappa. Riv. 1350 acs. residue about 18 mi. above sd. town on the S. side of sd. Riv., sd. 2700 acs. called Pages Pil- grimage. 1400 acs. by purchase from Nicholas Merrewether & 1300 for trans, of 26 pers.* JOHN PHIPS, (Phyps), 120 acs. James City Co., 23 Feb. 1656, p. 69, (101). Part thereof in "James Cittyes Lybertyes," beg. on the N. side of the backe street; formerly granted unto Dr. Jno. Potts, 20 Sept. 1628 & by Capt. Potts, heir of sd. Dr. Potts, assigned unto Robert Bristow & by Joane, the relict of sd. Bristow, assigned unto Ed- ward Prince, who assigned unto Wil- liam Parry, who assigned to Sir Wm. Berkeley, & by him assigned unto sd. Phips. 108 acs. on a new tytle, beg. at Eastermost cor. of the first survey, bounded by land of Mr. Richard James on the N. side & the branch of Pitch & Tarr Swamp, Ely. to a point of high land on Mr. Edward Travers land, on E. & S. with land of Lancelott Elay &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Eliz. Leichfeild, Jonas Page. THOMAS BINNS, 343 acs. Surry Co., no date, p. 70, (102). On S. side of James Riv., from Mr. Bishops cor- ner &c. to the Ready Swamp, etc., adj. Sly. on Mr. Edwards land. Renewal of patent dated 25 Feb. 1653 & due for trans, of 7 pers: Phillip Weyfield, Judith Ballard, Peeter Knowles, Wm. Pryde, Wm. Aman (a man), Rebecca Bullifant, Wm. Sincklar. ROBERT HUBERD, (Hubbard), 500 acs. Westmoreland Co., 10 June 1654, p. 70, (103). On the S. side of Peeto- make Riv., being known by the name of the Sandy point opposite to the Dauges present seate, & N. E. near land of Col. Thomas Burbadge. Trans, of 10 pers.* MR. ROBERT HUBBARD, 500 acs. Westmoreland Co., 10 June 1654, p. 71, (103). Upon the head of Chappawancy Cr., bounded on E. with land of Mr. Nathaniell Pope, on S. with a run divid- ing this & land of Mr. Walter Brod- hurst. Trans, of 10 pers.* MRS. ELIZABETH CUTTS, Wid- dow, late wife of Capt. Baker Cutts, 925 acs. in Petowmack Riv., adj. land of Capt. Giles Brent & is the moiety of a patent granted unto Peeter Knight & sd. Capt. Cutt, 13 Oct. 1653. Due by last will & testament of sd. Capt. Cutt & also for trans, of 19 pers.* Renewal. 26 Feb. 1656, p. 71, (103). MR. PEETER KNIGHT, 925 acs., in Petowmack Riv. adj. Chappawansicke Cr. 9 Oct. 1656, p. 71, (104). Moiety of patent for 1850 acs. (As above) Renewal. Retaken up by new rights & trans, of 19 pers: John Waddington, Andrew Cockerin, Wm. Ballingall, Edwd. Meeres, Wm. Mundy, Rich. Wall & 1 servt. named Thomas, James Hawly, Ann his wife, 3 children, Jno. Foster, Ruth Darlinge, James Hill, James Loyd, Jno. Seaman, Wm. Seaman, Gilbert Seaman. RALPH DUNSTON, 350 acs. Surrey Co., 27 Feb. 1656, p. 72. (105). S. side James Riv., Nly. from ^ Major Sheapards plantation about 3 mi., on a branch of Blackwater & N. W. from the Indian path. Trans, of 7 pers: Ralph Dunston, Ester Clarke, Robt. Wells, Johanna Mathews, Grace Harly, Tho. Busby, Ester Clarke. Patent Book No. 4 341 LT. WILLIAM COCKERAM, 1230 acs. Surry Co., 27 Feb. 1656, p. 72, (105). On S. W. side of James Riv., from a white oak behind Hog Island marsh &c. to John Blands lyne, with land of Capt. Wm. Canfills, to Tarrpitt Sw., thence to channel of Banfords Cr. &c. on Chipoakes Cr. to head of David Williams land, thence to Nicholas Spencers clerefield &c. to Jno. Mide- mores land &c. 1100 acs. due said Cockeram as marrying the daughter of Mr. Spencer (Nicholas) to whom it was granted, & 130 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Henry Armestrong, John Pinder, Robert Jenckinson. Renewed in sd. Cockram's name 18 Mar. 1662. CAPT. THOMAS BREAMOR, 300 acs. Gloster Co., 8 Dec. 1656, p. 73, (106). Adj. his own land. Trans, of 6 pers:* "The rights by venue of a pattent formerly granted to the sd. Bremor & received from him by Ann orphant." (Ann, his orphan ?). NICHOLAS MERIWETHER, 297 acs. James (City) Co., 15 Dec. 1656, p. 73, (107). On E. side of Chicohominy Riv., commonly called by name of Hogs Land. Granted to Mr. Henry Soanes 24 Nov. 1651 & deserted by John Merry- man, his assignee. Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Corker twice, Lewis De Courtier, Jno. MacLery, (or MacLeny), Jno. Giles, Jno. MacLenny. JOHN SHARPE, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 10 Oct. 1655, p. 73, (107). Upon W. N. W. side of Morraticon Cr. op- posite land of Edward Myles, abutting S. S. W. upon a branch of sd. Cr. dividing this from land of Capt. Moore Fanteleroy. Granted unto Nicholas Fer- man, 20 July 1652 & by him deserted. The following names appear under this record: Tho. Mawe, Charles Thorrow- good, Tobias Maynard, Jno. Macklayer, Jno. Rampe, James Rushy. ROBERT GRYMES, 200 acs. on the head of a creek, being a branch of the W. branch of Eliz. Riv., 5 Jan. 1656, p. 74, (108). 150 acs. granted unto Henry Hooper 13 Aug. 1640, who as- signed same to Francis Bright, who as- signed to James Mathews, by whom whom it was assigned to Wm. Titcocke & Wm. Bancroft, who assigned to sd. Grymes, & 50 acs. for trans, of Arthur Dennis. HENRY BERRY, 140 acs. Lancaster Co., 27 Feb. 1656, p. 74, (109). On S. side of Occapason Cr., running nigh miles end of Richard Lawson &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Jno. Humphreys, Peeter Hamlin, Ralph Perry. MR. RICHARD LAWSON, 640 acs. on S. side of Occapason Cr., beg. about V/z mi. from sd. Cr., extending near land of Richard Coleman &c. 27 Feb. 1656, p. 75, (109). Trans, of 13 pers: Rich. Cooper, Jno. Cornelis, Hen. Clay, Jane Bedicant, Eliza. Warner, Wm. Crispe, Jno. Browne, Francis Atkins, Jno. Dixon, Kath. Jones, Gilb. Broake- bank. MR. JOHN CHANDLER, 1500 acs. Northumberland Co., 28 Jan. 1656, p. 75, (HO). Upon certain branches of Wicocomico & Chichacone Rivers, on the left hand of a path that goes from Chichacone to Morraticon; 800 acs. bounding N. W. upon sd. path &c; 600 acs. Nly. upon a line which crosses a great branch of Chichacone called Snake Sw., Ely upon land of Francis Clay & 100 acs. adj. these two tracts. Trans, of 30 pers: Jno. Brigges, Anth. Taylor, Ja. Francis, Anne Stannenite, Jane Cates- by, Jno. Stubb, Marg. Francklin, Jno. Lea, Marg. Morfrey, Tho. Woodham, Roger Stilwell, Wm. Mace, Nich. Prichard, Nich. Thomas, Roger Moore, Wm. Morrice, Est. Fenton, Henry Stan- ley, Jno. Tucker, Charles Thompson, Marg. Long, Jere. Cottrell, Nich. Spront (or Sprout), Hen. Copley, Nich. Wazon, Hump. Smith, Zach. Foster, Wm. Robinson, Alice May, Samuell Dobson. Renewed 11 Jan. 1663. SAME. 350 acs. Same county & date, p. 76, (111). Trans, of 7 pers: David Watson, Dunken Ryd, Jno. Blacke, Thomas Kamp, Robt. Parry, Lewis Sheapard, Jno. Chickett. Renewed 11 Jan. 1663. MR. RICHARD RICE, 400 acs. Northumberland Co., 28 Jan. 1656, p. 342 Cavaliers and Pioneers 76, (111). On S. W. side of Matta- pony Riv., N. Ely. upon land of Robert Bradshaw & John Bradshaw, N. Wly. on land of Laurence Dameron & a branch of Broad Cr. & S. Ely. above the head of land of Mr. Thomas Broughton. Trans, of 8 pers: Morgan Rossers (or Roffers), Maudlin Allen, Ann Cooper, Sarah Bride, Robert Parkes, Giles Wilson, John Drunkin, Tho. Davis. Renewed in name of James Johnson, to whom it was as- signed, 18 Mar. 1662. MR. RICHMOND TERRILL, 640 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Nov. 1656, p. 76, (112). On S. W. side of Yorke Riv., from the N. E. side of Cattayle Sw., running by a branch of Diascun Sw., neare Richahock path & by Charles Edmonds lyne. Trans, of 13 pers: Richmond Terrell, Thomas Elsford, Nicholas Jarsey, (or Tarsey), Wm. Spiltamore, Thomas Knight, Marth. Kirke, Israeli Hardeman, Dorothy Gib- son, Francis Cole, David Causey, the trans, of Robert Terrell 3 severall tymes. MAJOR WM. HOCCADAY, 640 acs. New Kent Co., 2 Nov. 1656, p. 77, (113). Upon S. side of Yorke Riv., adj. the devdt. he is now seated on; beg. at Warreny Cr., running S. E. by S. to the Indian field path &c. Trans. of 13 pers.* MR. WILLIAM BLACKEY, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Nov. 1656, p. 77, (113). On E. side of Little Queens Cr., running by lands patented by Mr. Thomas Vause to land of Wm. Cox &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Joseph Stowell, Poare Leassure, Jno. Jackson, Jno. Lace, Michaell Lovett, Abra. Griffton, Jno. Proude, Edmond Machin, Jno. Dringe, Ro. Tard, James Fox, Tho. Abbott, Ed- ward Goodson, Henry Wassell, Rich. Carrott, Jno. Lareington, Eliz. Stokes. WILLIAM LACY (Lacey), 100 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Nov. 1656, p. 78, (114). On E. side of Little Queens Cr. branch, beg. at Wm. Cox, S. by land of Mr. Blackey &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Reeds, Thomas Jones. REES HUGHES, 410 acs. New Kent Co., 2 Dec. 1656, p. 78, (114). On S. W. side of Yorke Riv., from marked tree beneath George Smith, running in Mr. Langston's lyne &c. Trans, of 9 pers: John Morely, Eliz. Harwood, Griffith Jones, Jane Urlin, Martin Weele, Margarett & Jno. &c. By Samuel Mathews, Esqr. MR. HUMPHREY BOOTH, 50 acs. in Rappahannock Co., 3 Mar. 1656, p. 78, (115). On N. side of Rappa. Riv., about 30 miles up the same, beg. neare mouth of Morraticon Cr. & parallel to first line over a marsh parting this & land of Nicholas Firman. Trans, of David Jones. MR. ROBERT BOTT, 380 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 3 Mar. 1656, p. 79, (116). At the head of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., adj. land formerly taken up by Tristam Nazworthy. Trans, of 8 pers: Andrew Sheetes, Bartho. Batt, (or Pratt), Marg. Allen, Tho. Evered, Brid- gett Ellinor. (The last may refer to two persons.) CAPT. WM. CANFILL, 1230 acs. Surrey Co., 4 Mar. 1656, p. 79, (116). On S. W. side of James Riv., bounded from a white oak behind Hogg Is. Marsh to Lawnes Cr., dividing this & land of Mr. Jno. Bland &c, from Lieut. Wm. Cockeram's &c. with Tarr Pitch branch &c. 1100 acs. part of patent granted unto Wm. Spencer & afterwards in the tenure of Major Robert Sheapard & by him sold to sd. Canfill; 130 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Margery Webber, James Wilson, Thomas Bayly. JOHN SHELL, 300 acs. James City Co., 4 Mar. 1656, p. 80, (117). On the N. side of James Riv. & S. W. side of Moses Cr., bounde Nly. on Wm. Phillips land, S. E. on Wm. Wolfe's land, S. W. towards land formerly Rice Howes & N. W. towards land of Tho- mas Jones, & the Long Thicken. Trans, of 6 pers.* Renewed 18 Mar. 1662.* THOMAS WOLMESLEY, 450 acs. James City Co., 4 Mar. 1656, p. 80, (118). On N. side of James Riv., Ely. side of Chickohominy, Nly. on Tyascun Patent Book No. 4 343 Sw., Ely. on Edward Gillid & Thomas Brookes, Sly. on sd. Brookes & Richard New & Wly. on Mr. Dorman. Trans, of 9 pers.* MR. FRANCIS EMPEROR, Marcht. (Merchant), 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 3 Mar. 1656, p. 80, (118). In Eliz. Riv., being a neck of land called Wat- kins Land; Renewal of patent dated 18 Feb. 1653 by new rights & for trans, of 4 pers.* Renewal in name of Nich. Wise 18 Mar. 1662, who purchased same of Lewis Vandermillen to whom it was assigned by sd. Emperor. MR. WM. UNDERWOOD, Gent., 1400 acs., upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., upon Eastermost side of Milbecke Cr., adj. land of James Wmson. (William- son). 10 Mar. 1656, p. 81, (119). Renewal of patent dated 22 May 1650. MR. GERVASE DODSON, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 3 Mar. 1656, p. 81, (119). On S. side of Corrotomen Cr., issueing out of Fleets Bay, being the next creek Nly. to Haddywayes Cr., S. Ely. upon land surveyed for Toby Hor- ton by some called Mr. Wetherleys land & S. Wly. upon land of Jno. Taylor, deed. Trans, of 12 pers: Jno. Gland- feild, Jno. Newman, Tho. Blackborne, Walter Sparr, Wm. Greenhoure, Wm. Watts, Wm. Smoocker, Eliz. Hopkins, Abra. Watson, Tho. Priors, Jno. Bunch, Tho. Habe (or Hake). MR. EDWIN CONAWAY & MR. GERVASE DODSON, 1000 acs. Lan- caster Co., 3 Mar. 1656, p. 82, (120). Upon Corotomen Cr., where the Coro- tomen Indians lately seated on N. side of sd. Cr., & opposite land of said Dod- son. Trans, of 20 pers.* ROBERT WILSON, 400 acs. North- umberland Co., 3 Mar. 1656, p. 82, (120). Near the head of great Wicco- comoco Riv., S. Ely. on land of Capt. Richard Bud, and N. Ely. on land of Gervase Dodson. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Ball (only name appearing.) Re- newed 7 Apr. 1662. MR. JNO. BURTON, 900 acs. Lan- caster Co., 3 Mar. 1656, p. 82, (121). On branches of Corotomen Riv., S. Ely. upon land of Mr. Enoch Hawker & S. Wly. upon land of Thomas Harrisse. Trans, of 18 pers.* THOMAS CONIERS, 550 acs. Northumberland Co., 8 June 1657, p. 83, (121). N. upon Petomacke Riv. & Wly. upon land of George Foster, Gent. Granted unto Wm. Parry, 11 Nov. 1651, who assigned same unto sd. Coniers, who assigned unto Peter Ash- ton. WM. REYNOLDS, 650 acs. North- umberland Co., 2 Apr. 1657, p. 83, (122). Ely. upon Pattomake Riv. & Sly. upon land of Phill. Silvester. Re- newal of patent granted 6 May 1651. MR. PEETER KNIGHT, 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 30 Mar. 1657, p. 83, (122). On S. side of great Wicco- comico Riv., N. N. E. upon another seate belonging to him, formerly Mr. Flints, & S. E. upon a lyne dividing this from land of Gervase Dodson. Trans. of 10 pers: Robert Burwell, & his wife, 3 children, Wm. Bradby, Deborah Conne, James Jones, Jno. Gerrell, Wm. Flinton. OLIVER GREENE, 450 acs. Gloster Co., 30 Mar. 1657, p. 84, (122). Be- hind the land of John Day, on both sides of a great branch of a swamp that runs into Mock Jack Bay. Trans, of 9 pers.* Renewed 2 Mar. 1662. By Edward Digges, Esqr. COL. RICHARD LEE, 600 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 Mar. 1656, p. 84, (123). Upon S. side of the divid- ing creek, S. E. upon his own land & N. W. Nly. upon Freemans Ford. Trans, of 12 pers: Col. Richd. Lees 3d adventure, Mrs. Anne Lees 2nd adven- ture, John Roper, Nich. Britton, Owen Kelly, Richd. Porke, Walter English, Coniers Murally, Anne Firsh, Morris Roch, Doctar Goodrand (?), Alice Parker. MILES DIXON, Gent., 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 Mar. 1656, p. 85, ((124). Upon S. side of the Divid- ing Cr. & Sly. upon another creek divid- 344 Cavaliers and Pioneers ing this & land of Capt. Hugh Wilson, & N. W. upon a creek dividing this & land of Col. Richard Lee. Trans, of 10 pers: Anthony Alford, James Whit- tle, Richd. Goade, Tho. Lawson, Rob. Lipp, Geo. Shelly, Wm. Wilson, Geo. Everrett, Edwd. Flowers, Jno. Dule; the last 6 persons by assignment from Col. Richd. Lee. CAPT. HUGH WILSON, 4 Mar. 1656, p. 85, (124). 500 acs. Northum- berland Co., upon N. E. side of the Dividing Cr., S. upon Bluff Point Cr. & N. W. from a creek dividing this & land of Mr. Miles Dixon. Trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Thorpe, Tho. Robinson, Michaell Allen, Gowen Canada, Richd. Lilborne, Wm. Barefott, Lawrence Stockwell, Richd. Lee, Anne Lee, Clorentine Paine. By assignment of Col. Lee. By Samuel Mathews, Esqr. THOMAS GRAVES, 300 acs. West- moreland Co., 2 Mar. 1656, p. 86, (125). On S. W. side of Match Choaticke Riv., beg. at a marked ches- nut dividing this & land of Jno. Wood, formerly surveyed for George Watts, extending to a small creek dividing this & land of Henry Roach. Trans, of 6 pers. assigned by Thomas Broughton: Moore Lyon, Garrett Hamon, George Streaton, Jno. Canadie, Tho. Derricke, John Davis. PEETER GREENE, 200 acs. Surrey Co., 5 Mar. 1656, p. 86, (125). On S. side of James River, and S. E. side of the head of Sumpton Marsh, beg. about a quarter of a mile below the Mill. Trans, of 4 pers: John Wms. (Wil- liams), Rich. Henson, Thomas Sarson, Eliz. Sawer. OWEN HAES (or Hoes), 140 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Linn Haven parish, 26 Mar. 1656, p. 86, (126). Trans. 3 pers.* MR. ROBERT VAULX, 330 acs. York Co., 10 Apr. 1657, p. 87, (126). On S. side of York Riv. & N. side of Queens Cr. 225 acs. part granted unto Jno. Judson 21 Nov. 1637, assigned un- to Arthur Price 4 Mar. 1639, who as- signed unto Anthony Parckhurst 29 Aug. 1640, who assigned unto William Burwell 26 May 1643, assigned unto Jno. Davis 17 Dec. 1644, assigned unto Mr. James Stone 2 Apr. 1646 & unto sd. Vaulx as Admr. of sd. Stone; 105 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Mr. Charles Woodington, Ann Michell, Jno. Clarke. CAPT. FRANCIS POTT, 1000 acs. Northampton Co., 14 Apr. 1657, p. 87, (127). On Mockon Island, Sly. on a bay lying between Smiths Island & the Long point (which is part of sd. Pott's devdt. of Goulden Quarter) & running towards Matchepungoe. Due by virtue of moiety of patent for 2000 acs. by him relinquished. LIEUT. COL. EDWARD DOWG- LAS, 600 acs. Northampton Co., 16 Apr. 1657, p. 88, (128). On S. side of Old plantation Cr., Wly. on same & land of Thomas Burdett, Sly. on land of Mr. Edward Littleton & Nly. on his own land. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Prichard, Robt. Bowlson, Wm. Barrett, Alice Staples, Alice Alsop, Jno. Powell, Gilb. Couling, Hugh Eglestone, Charles Hollingworth, Marian Cole, Thomas Poynter, Wm. Miller. ROBERT, THOMAS & WILLIAM MOSSE, Brothers, 800 acs. Lancaster Co., 12 Apr. 1657, p. 88, (128). On S. side the freshes of Rappa. Riv., beg. on N. W. side of a creek dividing this & land of Jno. Wiere. Formerly granted unto sd. Brothers 20 Nov. 1654. Renewed 23 Mar. 1659 & again renewed 20 Feb. 1662. EDWARD RACKLEY, 400 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., behind land of Jno. Gilliott, about 12 mi. above Nanse- mond Towne. 21 Apr. 1667, p. 88, (129). Due by 8 rights taken from Jno. Weirs patent of 4000 acs. Re- newed 18 Mar. 1662. JNO. GILLIOTT, 600 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., opposite to lower part of Nanzimum Towne, bounded on N. W. by Bests Cr. & on S. E. with Cedar Cr. 21 Apr. 1657, p. 89, (130). Trans, of 12 pers.* Rights are to be taken from patent to John Weir & others for 4,000 acs. &c. Renewed 18 Aug. 1662 Patent Book No. 4 345 in name of Mr. Thomas Button, he hav- ing intermarried with the relict of Jno. Gillet. CHARLES SNEADE, 883 acs. Rappa. Co., 21 Apr. 1657, p. 89, (130). 800 acs. adj. his 700 acs. purchased of Jno. Meriman & Morgan Haines, & land of Jno. Wiere; beg. at an Indian path &c. adj. land of John Paine &c. Trans, of 18 pers: Geo. West, Rich. Rice, Rich. Jones, Jno. Price, Step. Hall, Anne Hall, Jno. Moore, Eliz. Moore, Giles Cooke, Gilb. May, Hanah Price, Ja. Toogood, Tho. Bird, Joane Griffith, Mary Jnoson (Johnson), Peeter Wild, Geo. Bucke, Edm. Herbert, David Jones. Note: The last right for 50 acs. for Humphrey Booths Patent. MR. THOMAS LUCAS, Senr., 1405^ acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 21 Apr. 1657, p. 90, (131). Beg. at a little creek about a mile above Richard Cole- man's first devdt. Including 647 acs. formerly granted unto him, 320 acs. purchased of Thomas Wilkinson & 438 acs. due for trans, of 9 pers.* Renewed 20 Feb. 1662. THOMAS PAGE, 281^ acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 21 Apr. 1657, p. 90, (132). Between two branches of a creek and nigh land of John Jennings. Trans, of 6 pers.* MRS. MARY BRENT, 1250 acs. Westmoreland Co., 25 May 1657, p. 91, (133). On S. side of Petomack Riv. 600 acs. part being a patent dated 11 Sept. 1653, bounded N. W. by N. upon Mathias Point, S. W. by S. to land of Mrs. Jones, etc. 650 acs. beg. at the mouth of a gutt in a marsh which divides this from land of Jno. Jenckin, which was granted unto Richard Browne 22 Mar. 1654 & assigned unto Giles Brent, Esqr., who assigned same unto said Mary Brent. Renewed 28 Nov. 1662. HENRY FOOTMAN, 300 acs. West- moreland Co., no date, p. 91, (134). On S. side of Oquio Riv., S. S. E. on a swamp dividing this & land of Mr. Pattent & W. S. W. upon land of Rich- ard Codsford. Granted unto Edward Parker 10 June 1654 & assigned unto sd. Footman, which assignment was acknowledged in Westmoreland Court on 31 Mar. last by Thomas Wilsford, Atty. of sd. Parker. Renewal. GILES BRENT, Esqr., 1340 acs. Westmoreland Co., 25 May 1657, p. 92, (134). 1040 acs. by patent dated 20 Aug. 1651 & 300 acs. by patent, 6 June 1654, which tract adj. land of Christo- pher Bowes. Renewed 3 Nov. 1662. MAJOR THOMAS CURTIS, 730 acs. upon N. side of Ware Riv. in Mock- jack bay, beg. on E. side of Browns Bay, to marked trees dividing this from land of Mr. Thomas Boswell &c. 3 June 1657, p. 92, (135). 542 acs. by patent dated 20 Sept. 1652 & 188 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Browne, Jno. Dowdy, Wm. Harman, & his wife Alice. WM, DUDLEY, 2000 acs. Lancaster Co., 21 June, 1657, p. 92, (136). On S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. by land of Cutberd Potter, N. W. to land of Mr. Jno. Haward & S. E. to land of sd. Potter. Trans, of 40 pers: Alice Smith, John Russell, Abraham Jones, Tho. Hooper, Wm. Overy, John Fletcher, Margarett Welton, Eliz. Forrest, Tho. Floid, Jno. Stoke, Wm. Jones, Tho. Machir, Tho. Farthinge, Tho. Clerke, John Wilson, Edwd. Hix (or Fox), Wm. Jones, Rich. West, Sarah Newell, Edward Wilson, Jno. Norman, Edwd. More, Henry Forrest, & his wife, John Brown, Joseph Wellman, Eliz. Hunt, Ann Kinge, Jno. Danse (or Dause), Jacob Jnoson (Johnson), Mary Horner, Mary Barnham (?). WILLIAM WHITE, Clerk, 1000 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., & on Wwd. side of John Gillet. 1 May 1657, p. 93, (136). Due by patent dated 7 Sept. 1654 unto James Yates, who assigned same unto Mr. Thomas Brice, now dec'd., who assigned unto Martha Brice & by her unto sd. White. GEORGE VEZIE & NATHANIELL BROWNE, 250 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 June 1657, p. 93, (137). On N. side of Rappa. Riv. at a place formerly 346 Cavaliers and Pioneers known by the name of Deepe Creeke, Sly. upon land of Mr. Thomas Powell. Due by part of the rights of a patent of 300 acs., dated 27 July 1652, unto David Fox, who assigned same to them. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. PETER KNIGHT, 1500 acs. North- umberland Co., 3 June 1657, p. 94, (138). Renewal of 2 patents for 500 acs. each. 700 acs. N. N. E. upon a cr<=ek deviding this & land of Mr. Nicholas Morrice, W. N. W. upon Scoggins Cr., etc. & 800 acs. N. N. E. upon said land, S. E. upon land of Thomas Read & David Kiffin, etc. 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers.* SAME. 1200 acs. Same county, date & page. Renewal of patent for 700 acs. granted him 2 Oct. 1654 & 500 acs. granted unto Thomas Scoggin, who de- serted same, and now due for trans, of 10 pers.* The name Rich. Shortland appears under this record. COL. RICHD. LEE, 1000 acs. upon S. side of Patomek Riv., beg. at the mouth of a creek issueing out of Matchotick Riv., dividing this from land of Mr. Lewis Burwell. 11 Oct. 1657, p. 95, (139). Trans, of 20 pers.* WILLIAM YARRET, 500 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 6 June 1657, p. 95, (140). Lying upon Pagan Cr. (350 acs. being the moiety of 700 acs. patented by Hugh Winne, Mar. 3 1640) By order of Govr. &c. repatented and the new patent for the whole 700 acs. granted unto Mrs. Elizabeth Winne since her husband's decease to be made voyd, for it is proved that sd. Yarrett had right to it by copartnership &c. 150 acs. Upon Pagan Cr., Seawards Cr. and Goose hill Creek & due for trans, of 3 pers: Fran- cis Short, Anne Morris, Edward Tyson. JNO. CUSTIS, Senr., 200 acs. Acco- mack Co., 8 Oct. 1657, p. 96, (141). Beg. at land of Wm. Burditt, dec'd., unto land formerly belonging to George Smith. Said land formerly belonged to George Travelor, dec'd., & by him & his heires deserted. Due for trans, of 4 pers.* CAPT. LEONARD CHAMBERLINE, 650 acs. New Kent Co., on branches of Arraciaco Sw., 22 May 1657, p. 96, (142). 300 acs. by patent dated 27 Oct. 1653; 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Mary Wooderd (?), Jno. Lee, Jno. Martin, Jno. Hooke, Rich. White, John Hogg, Tho. Maple. NICHOLAS HEALE, 500 acs. Lan- caster Co., 1 June 1657, p. 97, (143). Upon N. E. side of the N. W. branch of Corotoman Riv., opposite to planta- tion of Henry Davis. Being one-half of a patent granted unto Enoch Hawker, 29 July 1652 & purchased by sd. Heale. Renewed 9 Feb. 1663. WILLIAM STEPHENS, son & heir of William Stephens, Cooper, 570 acs., Warwick Co., 1 May 1657, p. 97, (144). 100 acs. from the N. side of the black Sw. running between Yorke path & the ponds; 150 acs. over against Capt. Brocas' land & 320 acs. on N. side of the black Sw., beg. on land formerly Mr. Bullocks, running to Humphrey Gibbs, by sd. path to Col. Ludlows. 250 acs. granted unto Willm. Bullock, assigned & made over by Mr. John Walker, assignee, to sd. Stephens, dec'd., & due sd. Stephens as above; 320 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: James Colles, Rich. Partlett, Math. Perry, Mary Purgrave, Edmund Ivory, Hen. a Negro. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. CAPT. LEONARD CHAMBERLINE, 70 acs. New Kent Co., adj. a former survey of 400 acs., beg. at corner of Ashwell Batten, to Aracaico Sw. &c. 22 May 1657, p. 98, (145). Trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Woodington, Charles Wood- ington. Renewed in John GofFes name, 5 Feb. 1663. CLEMENT HERBERT, 300 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., opposite to point between Nancemond & Nansatiquond towne, and N. W. upon Ceedar Cr., which divides this & land of John Gil- lett. 21 Apr. 1657, p. 98, (145). Trans, of 6 pers.* LT. COL. ROBERT ABRALL, 950 acs. New Kent Co., 8 June 1657, p. 98, (146). On N. side of the narrows of Patent Book No. 4 347 Mettopony River, beg. at Mr. Digges' lower devdt. Granted unto Mr. John Hansford 16 Dec. 1653, by him deserted & now granted by order of the Govr. &c. & retaken by new rights: James Tyler, Mary Rodes, David Otley, Roger Patter, Robert Mallett, Robert Wade, Eliza Ware, (or Ward), Tho. Parker, Jane Roper, Jacob Kickerley, George Mosse, Tho. Dissey, Jone Evans, John Okelly, Edward Cooke, Edmond Thacker, Jenkin Yearkey, Tho. Coury (?). Renewed 11 Mar. 1662. HENRY COLLIER, 50 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Aug. 1657, p. 99, (147). Beg. at cor. of land of Capt. Chamber- lines & Ashwell Batten, running N. to Araciaco Swamp &c. Trans, of John Rasly. Renewed in name of John Davies, 18 Mar. 1662, to whom it was assigned by sd. Collier. THOMAS DREW, Gent., 490 acs. Chas. City Co., on N. side of Flower de hundred Cr., 4 June 1657, p. 99, (147). N. upon land purchased by Mr. Pace, S. upon said Cr. & N. E. upon Snow Cr. Renewal of patent dated 26 Oct. 1650. The following names appear: Robert Bourne, Wm. Gabell, Wm. Peck, Arthur Perce, Archebald Sinclur, Hugh Coeman, Jno. Moore, Hen. Meccremore (?), Edward Lay, Rich. Mappin. Re- newed 26 Mar. 1666. MAJOR THOMAS GOODRICH, 600 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., near miles end of patent taken up by Bartho- lomew Hoskins, & running parallel to land of John Gillett. 10 June 1657, p. 99, (148). 500 acs. by patent dated 1 Aug. 1652 to Clement Thrush & as- signed unto sd. Goodrich 14 Apr. 1656 & 100 acres for trans, of 2 pers: John Gouldinge, Edmond Reeves. THOMAS MERREDITH, 420 acs. New Kent Co., on S. W. side of the narrowes of York Riv., 1 July 1657, p. 100, (148). Beg. at his own corner, by Mr. Hurds path, by a branch of War- reny Sw. and thence to Capt. Richd. Barnhouse. Trans, of 9 pers.* MR. HENRY RANDOLPH, 150 acs. Henrico Co., 22 July 1657, p. 100, (149). At Appamattock Riv., Nly. up- on the first creek by the wading place, adj. Ely. upon land of Mary Box, thence Sly. etc. Granted unto William Hatcher 29 May 1638, by whom it was deserted, & due sd. Randolph for trans, of 3 pers.* THOMAS WOODHOUSE & WIL- LIAM HOOKER, 100 acs. James City Island, below Goose hill house, 21 July 1657, p. 100, (150). Nly. upon land formerly Major Holts, now in possession of John Barber, & N. on John Pinhorne, N. E. on Parthmores Cr. & S. E. on Willm. Sarfnett (?). Trans, of 2 pers.* COL. JOHN WEST, Esqr., 1000 acs. Gloster Co., 2 June 1657, p. 101, (150). On the N. E. side of Mette- pony Riv., beg. at Westermost cor. of land of Ralph Greene, bounded on E. by land of Tho. Bell & on the N. W. with land of Capt. Robt. Abrall. Re- newal of patent dated 27 May 1654. Assigned by Capt. West, son of sd. West, & renewed in name of Mr. Tho. Ramsey, 10 Mar. 1662. RICHARD SPANN, 350 acs. North- umberland Co., last day of August, 1657, p. 101, (151). Nly. upon little Wiccocomoco Riv., opposite land of Mr. Coltclough, & S. upon Coales Cr. Renewal of patent dated 28 Oct. 1651, for 300 acs., & 50 acs. for trans, of Mary Alcock. Renewal 18 Mar. 1662. CHARLES EDMONDS, 730 acs. New Kent Co., 29 June 1657, p. 101, (151). Adj. his own land, running to land of Geo. Smith, by tancks Pasbe- haies feild & Cattaile Swamp. Trans, of 15 pers: Jno. Clerke, Tho. Maddin, Nicho. Dewes, Rebecca Clerke, Tho. Burton, Ra. Wms. (Williams), Ann Clerke, An Savage, Mary Savage, Ann Mitchell, Wm. Bartlett, Robert Tuck, Paul Ceser, Tho. Wms., Wm. Tuck. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. DOMINICK FERRIATT, of Coroto- man, in Lancaster Co., 1600 acs., 2 June 1657, p. 102, (152). At the head & upon main branch of Corotoman Riv. which divides this & land of Mr. Ed- win Connaway & S. W. upon Claphams 348 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cr. Trans, of 32 pers: Wm. Ball 4 times, Hugh Davis, Rich. Ball, Wm. Butler, Joane his wife, 2 maid servants, Wm. Perkins, John Jones, Sarah Lee, Ann Whone (?), Patience Martin, Nicho. Jackson, Francis Jackson, Wm. Sparrow, Rich. Franklin & Francis , Tho. Coote, Eliz. Blay, Judith Sewell. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. CAPT. ROBERT ELLYSON, 577 acs., 26 Aug. 1657, p. 102, (153). 377 acs. in New Kent Co., in the narrowes of York Riv., S. W. by land of George Chapman, & S. E. to land of Willm. Cox & John Hope; 200 acs. in James City Co. on E. side of a branch of Burchen Sw. 377 acs. granted unto Rob. Priddy, who sold same to Edward Waite, by whom it was deserted, & now granted by order of court, etc. The whole amount due sd. Ellyson for trans, of 12 pers.* CLEMENT HERBERT, 150 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 21 Apr. 1657, p. 103, (154). Trans, of 3 pers.* DAVID KIFFIN, 650 acs. North- umberland Co., last day of August 1657, p. 103, (154). On S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv. 400 acs. N. Ely. up- on sd. river opposite land of John Bar- don & Thomas Saffall & S. Ely. upon Fishing Cr. 30 acs. bet. this & land of Mr. Little; 220 acs. E. S. E. upon first mentioned land & Mr. Foxcraft & a branch of Fishinge Cr. & N. N. E. upon lands of Mr. Little, Mr. Morrice & Daniell Crosby. 400 acs. by purchase of John Garnell & 250 acs. for trans. of 5 pers.* Renewal 18 Mar. 1662. CLEMENT HERBERT, 150 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., in the freshes, 21 Apr. 1657, p. 103, (155). Part of sd. land begins against land of John Gillett. Trans, of 3 pers.* TOBY SMITH, Gent., 1350 acs., called by the name of Rockingham, in Rappa. Co., 10 June 1657, p. 104, (155). On S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at an oak dividing this from land of Thomas Paine. 900 acs. by patent dated 18 Feb. 1652, & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: Abigail Ridge, Tho- mas Crowd er, Seth Edwards, Tho. Bum- bridge, Wm. Swann, Wm. Talbott, Jno. Warner, Jno. Clowen, Katherine Ma- coughan. THOMAS BROUGHTON, 500 acs. in Patomeck freshes, beg. a mile above the first creek about the narrowes of Pascattaway on W. side of the Riv. where John Woods land ends. 7 Sept. 1657, p. 104, (156). Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Dibbin, Jno. Margarets, Joseph Bennett, Margarett Tucker, Ann Shepard, Mary Midleton, Tho. Meddars, Jno. Rose, Jno. Badworth, Eliz. Phillips. Assigned by Mr. Edward Sanderson. WILLIAM NEWMAN, 400 acs. Gloster Co., 20 Apr. 1657, p. 105, (157). Below land of Oliver Greene. Trans, of 8 pers: Robert Davis, Wm. Jenkins, Jno. Foster, Daniell , James Fisher, Tho. Jones, Adam Church, John Turbis. ANTHONY ARNELL, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 25 Oct. 1657, p. 105, (157). Beg. on N. E. side of a branch of Chicahominy Sw., running N. by Mary Cosbye. Trans, of 10 pers: John Roberts, Mary Evans, Tho. Kirby, John Dibbin, Wm. Tucker, Mary Rassey, John Holme, Tho. Daniell, Rich. Bud- worth, Wm. Adriggin (?). THOMAS BELL, 250 acs. New Kent Co., 29 June 1657, p. 105, (158). On N. side of Yorke Riv. & N. W. side of Bennetts Cr. Trans, of 5 pers: Hannah Howard, Edward Huntstone, Rich. Davis, Humphrey , John Hunter. SAMUELL MATHEWES, Govr., 5,211 acs., abutting E. on Potomeck Riv., S. on Chapawansick Cr. & N. on Quantecot Riv. or Cr. (Granted by the Council) 23 Nov. 1657, p. 106, (158). Trans, of 105 pers: Henry Peckett, Henry Lawrence, Edmond Potter, John Mather, Arthur Coventon, Lewis Beck- with, Richard Hand, Rich. Tiller, James Harris, Tho. Harris, Marmaduke Ladd, Jerem. Burditt, Wm. Richardson, Jane Bell, Rebecka Goldinge, Mary Killingell, Eliza. Bowyer, Mary Ramsey, Jone Wel- son, Andrew Keateley, Ambrose Parkes, James Wyner, James Hunt, Olliver Patent Book No. 4 349 Jewitt, Nich. Lawrence, Edward Arney, Samuell Jeffers, Richard Lacy, Anth. Barrwell, Robert Moores, Hugh Jones, Robert Whitelige, Bartho. Crosse, Peter Heath, John Smallwood, John Hancock, Martha Fryer, Fran. Rolls, Katherine Hart, Paul Cartwright, Benjamin Chand- ler, Robert Biggs, Lawrence Ashpoole, John Cornelius, Mary Cornelius, Adolph Johnson, Sarah Greene, Mary Lessford, Jone Heors, Ann Benbowe, Robert Masclaken, Fran. Gurman, Adrian Adrianson, Tho. Tawtan, Morris Vict- sorrell, John Corneliouson, John Slaitor, John Turner, John Gibbins, Robert Hig- ginson, Rich. Kent, Timothy Gunter, Daniell Ingoll, Richard Walton, Joane Palmer. ZACHERY CRIPPS, 800 acs. Ware necke, 6 June 1657, p. 107, (159). Beg. at Mr. Peaches land, running to a swamp dividing this & land of Mr. Mordecai Cooke. 300 acs. by patent dated 24 Mar. 1655 & residue for trans, of 10 pers: Charles Grimes, Ralph Dauby (or Danby), Rich. Stone, Tho. Faulkner, Jno. Woodgeare, Jno. Wil- loughby, Ann Hegnone, Jno. Worke- man, Jno. Elcock, Mingo — Negro. MAJOR EDWARD BRUMFEILD (Bromfeild), & MR. JOHN SNELL- INGE, 1100 acs. on W. side of Hocca- daies Cr. in Peanketank Riv., 6 June 1657, p. 107, (159). Trans, of 22 pers: Jno. Snellinge, Edward Brom- feild, Wm. Simpson, Wm. Feild, Jno. Mutton, Jno. Williams, Hen. Coniers, Georg. Harber, Sarah Mashy, Nath. Ruford, Nath. Pincon (?), Jno. Abbott, Ann Delue (?), Rob. Hollaway, Jno. Cranfeild, Xpher Hanes, Winifred James, Rob. Fletcher, Tho. a Scott, Thorn a Boy, a maid servant, James Hunts wife. JOHN HANY, 200 acs. Northum- berland Co., 5 Oct. 1657, p. 108, (160). Upon S. side of great Wiccoco- moco Riv., Sly. upon land of Geffery Goche & N. Wly. upon Vulcan Cr. which divides this from land of Thomas Salsbury. Part of a patent of 1000 acs., granted to Thomas Coniers, who as- signed same to Michaell Brookes, by whom it was assigned unto sd. Hany. SAME. 600 acs. Same county, date & page, (161). Adj. land of James Macgrigory & Hugh Fowch and Jno. Hulett. Part of a patent of 1000 acs., as above noted. HENRY LAYNE, (or Sayne), 150 acs. 10 Oct. 1657, p. 108, (161). 100 acs. granted unto John White, 25 Nov. 1653 & assigned unto sd. Layne, & 50 acs. for trans, of Wm. Miller. GEORGE SMITH, 850 acs. New Kent Co., 8 Sept. 1657, p. 109 (162). On S. W. side of Yorke Riv., running to a branch neere Richahock path to Chicahominy Fort & to Smith's now dwelling. 500 acs. granted unto Rees Hughes, 8 Mar. 1652 & assigned to sd. Smith; 200 acs. formerly granted unto him, & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: James Davis, Tho. Redinge, Roger Gibbs, Wm. Rogers, Edward Darry, Mary Crusty, Eliz. Smith, Mary Codin, Jone Walter. FRANCIS BURNELL, Gent., 312 acs. on S. W. side of Yorke Riv., 14 Oct. 1657, p. 109, (163). Behind land of Mr. Vaulx. Granted unto Wm. Cox, 23 Apr. 1653 & by him deserted. Now due for trans, of 7 pers: Margarett Boaton, Jno. Needham, Tho. Coppinge, Robert Craft, Rob. Allen, Jno. Clerke, Eliz. Railinge. GEORG CHAPMAN, Gent., 160 acs. New Kent, Blisland Parish, 12 Oct. 1657, p. 109, (163). Beg. at Tho. Holmes corner. Trans, of 4 pers.* FRANCIS BURNELL, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Oct. 1657, p. 110, (164). Adj. his own land. Trans, of 10 pers: Willmott Allinge, Elizabeth Holt, Rich. Needham, Kath. Bridge, Mary Holmsly, Mary Blunder, Mary Maues (?), Phillip Russell, Jno. Hoeman. WM. CLAPHAM, Junr.. 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 31 May 1657, p. 110, (164). On N. side of Rappa. Riv., neere the head of a creek which divides the land of Major Carter from land formerly belonging to Mr. Ephraditus Lawson, deed., now sd. Clapham's. Bounding N. W. upon the main branch 350 Cavaliers and Pioneers dividing this from lands of Mr. Thomas Carter & S. W. on Blunt point Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Clemt. Corbell, Angell his wife, Gabriell Corbell, Jno. Corbell, Rich. Masfell his wife, Georg Stubbs, Samll. Percy, Jno. Andrewes, Hannah Rogers, Jno. Heath. WILLIAM ALLEN, 250 acs. New Kent Co., on N. side of James Riv., 18 June, 1657, p. 110, (165). On E. side of Rickahock, Nly. upon land of Lazerus Thomas, & Wly. on sd. Ricka- hock path which divides this land of of Major Holt. Trans, of 5 pers: Georg Mosse, Tho. Smith, Wm. Cox, Davey (or Darcy) Murbey (or Markey), Horatio Vere. MR. GEORG MARSH, 1000 acs. Northampton Co., 13 Oct. 1657, p. Ill, (165). At Matchepungoe ; being a moiety of 2000 acs. granted to Capt. Francis Pott, 15 Apr. 1653, by him re- linquished & due sd. Marsh for trans, of 20 pers: David Miles, Andrew Scott, Hugh Percy, Jno. Allen, Rich. Grimes, Robert Peck, Tho. Powell, Tomboy & Maria — Negroes, Tho. Hat- ton, Nola Evorahoo (?), Geo. Hickson, Joseph Chizell, Tho. Cooke, Ralph Brickes, Jno. Parker, Daniell Cooper, Wm. Coll, Edward Foster, Jno. Walker. CLEMENT HERBERT, 500 acs. Rappa. Co., 8 Oct. 1657, p. Ill, (166). On N. W. side of Morraticon Cr., beg. at land formerly surveyed for Mr. Tho- mas Glascock, extending N. E. on land of Mr. Wm. Whitby, S. E. on land of Nicholas Ferman & Thom. Stephens. Granted unto John Sharpe, Senr., 6 Sept. 1654. Deserted & now due for trans, of 10 pers.* JOHN MADDISON, 800 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Aug. 1657, p. 112, (166). Upon N. side of Mattapony Riv., beg. at his own 600 acs., running E. to Mr. Hollands land &c. Trans, of 16 pers: Jno. Reynolls, Timothy Pell, Wm. Hardin, Tho. Ancell, Robert Titterton, Robt. Dale, Wm. Clerke, Lawrence Baker, Robt. Soale, Tho. Lee, Robt. Dart, Tho? Watkins, Nich. Parsins, Joseph Ridge, Robt. Wheelden. Re- newed 18 Mar. 1662. JOHN BARROW, 800 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., 13 Oct. 1657, p. 112, (167). Adj. land of Wm. Yarrett, running to an oake dividing this & land surveyed for Mr. Toby Smith. Former- ly patented by Walter Dickenson & de- serted. Due for trans, of 16 pers.* JAMES YEATES, 600 acs. Rappa. Co., 13 Oct. 1657, p. 112, (167). Up- on S. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. opposite to Nanzemum Towne, bounded on N. W. with a swamp which divides this & tract surveyed for Abra- ham Moone. Granted unto Nicholas Meriweather, 4 Oct. 1654, & assigned unto John Barrow, who assigned to sd. Yeates. JOHN EDWARDS, Chirurgion, 700 acs. Lancaster Co., 3 June 1657, p. 113, (168). Upon head of the Easternmost branch of Corotoman Riv., neere a path called Morattico or Wiccocomoco path. Renewal of patent dated 26 Feb. 1653. VINCENT STANFORD, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 6 June 1657, p. 113, (169). On N. side of Peanketanke Riv., on the head of devdt. of Col. John Mattrom. Granted unto JOHN ASH- LY & THOMAS HAMPIER 10 Mar. 1653 & by them assigned unto sd. Stanford. FRANCIS ROBERTS, 500 acs. be- yond Col. Speakes land & the Doegs Island, Ely. upon James Magregory's land & running to Mr. Jernews. 15 July 1657, p, 114, (169). Trans, of 10 pers: James Mac Donnell, Hugh Carty, Tho. Holder, Ro. Barnes, Rob. Huett, Edmond Taylor, Richd. Johnson, Peeter Edwards, Rob. Jones, Jane Bently. Re- newed 11 Mar. 1663 in name of Joseph Feilding & Jno. Gardner, to whom it was assigned by sd. Roberts. JOHN WOOD, of Wicocomocoe, 500 acs. Ely. upon Petomeck Riv., in the freshes above the Narrowes at Pus- cattoway, Sly. upon land of Mr. Hugh Lee. 15 July 1657, p. 114, (170). Trans, of 10 pers: Susan Bury, Jane Bluney, Rob. Jackson, Wm. Huntly, Roger Harlston (?), Judeth Page, Eliz. Weaver, Eliz. Maior, Mary Smith, Han- nah Dixon. Patent Book No. 4 351 MR. HUGH LEE, 1100 acs. in Peto- meck freshes above Puscatoway, on the Wwd. side of the river, bounding Sly. upon Mr. Claies land, Nly. along the river & parallel to Mr. Cley. 15 July 1657, p. 114, (170). Trans, of 22 persons: Jonathan Marrow, Mary Marrow, Dorithy Marrow, Wm. Browne, Wm. Hanniver, Geo. Wilson, Hannah Lee, Mr. David Linsey, Anne Murrall, Joshua Esto, Anne Moore, Junr., Anne Moore, Senr., Dan Lile, Jno. Carr, Eliz. Parry, Mary Harris, Eliz. Hardinge, Mary Barkinton, Anne Murrall, Joshua Estoe, Wm. May, Rob. Smart. EDWARD WILLIAMS, 500 acs. Ely. upon Petomeck freshes above Pus- catoway, Sly. upon land of Robert Brad- shew & James Cloughton. 15 July 1657, p. 115, (171). Trans, of 10 pers: WILLIAM DAVIS, 500 acs. Ely. up- on Petomeck Riv. in the freshes above Puscatoway & Sly. upon land called William Butler's. 15 July 1657, p. 115, (171). Trans, of 10 pers: Hen: Thornton, James May, James Jolly, Rob. Brooke, James Battin, John Covell, Edd. Mason, Sil. Baker, Edd. Snape, Mathew Shorte. JOHN WOOD, 300 acs. Nly. upon Yosococomoco Cr. in Petomeck freshes & adj. his own land. 15 July 1657, p. 115, (171). Trans, of 6 pers: Grace Harrison, Geo. Burton, James Davis, Nich. Coaleman, Hen. Rouse, Mary (or Marg.) Linton. JOHN RAVEN, 500 acs. on Wwd. side of Petomeck Riv. above Puscato- way., Ely. upon sd. river, Sly. upon land called Mr. Wm. Preslyes. 15 July 1657, p. 115, (172). Trans, of 10 pers: Lancelott Heines, Peeter Greene, Patrick Davison, Eliz. Norton, Prudence Neale, Diana Johnson, Margaret Bell, Jane Denny, Paule Hinson, Roger An- drews. MR. WILLIAM PRESLY, 1000 acs. in Petomeck freshes about 3 mi. above land called Mr. Robert Clerke's land, Ely. upon sd. river, Sly. upon land of Mr. Francis Grey & John Lancelott. 15 July 1657, p. 116, (172). Trans, of 20 pers: Roger Bell, James Arden, Ro. Rodes, Tim. Lawrence, Bernard Nash, Jno. Varnell, Edd. Cooper, Law. Seines, Dan. Armstronge, Hugh Davis, Tho. Madrin, Nich. Peake, Rand. Jackson, Tho. Beale, Peeter Hughes, Mary James, Martha Hiller, Judith Chroshaw, Wm. Batty, Corl. May. ROBERT CASTLETON, 1000 acs. in Petomeck freshes on the N. side of a creek below Puscatoway but on opposite side of sd. river & S. Wly. on Hopkins Cr. & N. Ely. towards land surveyed for Mr. Henry Vincent. 15 July 1657, p. 116, (172). Trans, of 20 pers: Wm. Gill, Richd. Heath, Eliz. Arnold, Rob. Stone, Jane Hunt, Avis Browne, Ales Tiller, Geo. Ray, Fra. Coney, Anth. Barwick, Walter Pratt, Jasper Grey, Arth. Newcombe, Tho. Farrington, Prudence Greene, Wm. Corey, James Slaner, Isabell Meldron, Jane Mount- ford, Willm. Holeman. JOHN WOOD, 300 acs. NEly. upon Yosococomocoe Cr. in Petomeck freshes, N. Wly. upon land by him called John Tingies. 15 July 1657, p. 116, (173). Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Jones, James Coxe, Edwd. Burly, Richd. Atkins, Richd. Alcock, Mich. Waller. JOHN WOOD, 500 acs. Westmore- land Co., 15 July 1657, p. 116, (173). Upon the head of Robert Yeo's land. Trans, of 10 pers: Walter Bird, Wm. Lacy, Wm. Lee, Jeremy Lawes, James Lewis, Rob. Haines, John Fryer, Ellinr. Read, Joane Sands, Jane Williams. JOHN HAYLES, 100 acs. N. Ely. upon Petomeck Riv. in the freshes above Anacosta Hand, S. Ely. upon Vincent Cockes land belonging to John Wood. 15 July 1657, p. 117, (174). Trans, of 2 pers: Tho. Fourty, James Wilkinson. PEETER SMITH, 500 acs. in Peto- meck freshes, N. Ely. upon a creek above Col. Speakes land & S. Ely. upon land called Gosnells land. 15 July 1657, p. 117, (174). Trans, of 10 pers: Rob. Clerke, Rob. Holmes, Math. Wardle, Anne Hamond, Tho. Dorwood, Anne Forty, John Ayres, Francis Ayres, Richd. Hardman, Tho. Webster. 352 Cavaliers and Pioneers RICHARD YOUELL, orphant son of Mr. Tho. Youell, of Nomeny, 500 acs. Ely. upon Petomeck Riv. in the freshes & Sly. on land called Richard Holden's. 15 July 1657, p. 117, (174). Trans, of 10 pers: Edmond Ayres, Richd. Ayres, Eliz. Swaney, Tho. Pope, Hen. Joice (?), Anne Williams, Mary Ellice, An- drew Burchett (or Burchell), James Staple, Martha Wright. WILLIAM THOMAS, 1000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 15 July 1657, p. 117, (175). On S. side of Petomeck Riv., beg. at Francis Jones corner & parallel to sd. River. Trans, of 20 pers: Fra. Low, Xph. Dancfeild, Wm. Hut- chins, Rob. Baymond, Wm. Salter, Wm. Smith, Barnaby French, Sam. Smith. Note: 600 acs. by certificate granted to Geo. Lob, who assigned to Jno. Wood & by him assigned unto sd. Thomas, the names being omitted to be inserted in the certificate. THOMAS ROWE, 500 acs. upon Petomeck in the freshes, Sly. upon land of Walter Dun. 15 July 1657, p. 118, (175). Trans. of 10 pers: Hen. Cockett, Wm. Rose, Tho. Hart, Joane Wright, Peeter White, Edward Whit- inge, John How, Edmond Williams, Wm. Clerke, Jeffery Moore. JOHN GOSNELL, 500 acs. beyond land of Col. Speake in Petomeck freshes, above the doegs Hand &c, Ely. upon land called Newberry's. 15 July 1657, p. 118, (175). Trans, of 10 pers.* The rights by assignment of Nich. Mery- wether being part of a pattern of 550 acs. purchased of John Williams, dec'd. This land was given by will of Jno. Gosnell to Elizabeth Ireland & renewed in her name 18 Mar. 1662. JOHN WOOD, 500 acs., Ely. in Petomeck freshes beyond land of Col. Speake, above the Doegs Hand & S. Ely. upon Philpotts land. 15 July 1657, p. 118, (176). Trans, of 10 pers: Edd. Spicer, Nich. Titbury, Mich. Waterford, Hugh Jeffers, Bar. Stilt, Jeffry Speed, Rob. Fostly, Tho. Tiller, Jno. Macko- mack, Marg. Merrick. ROGER WALTERS, 300 acs. on S. W. side of Aquaconde Riv., called the W. branch in Petomeck freshes, beg. where Mr. Vincent's land ends &c. 15 July 1657, p. 118, (176). Trans, of 6 pers: Joice Coventon, Andrew Moss, Hen. Walker, James Bowles, Richd. Perrin, Charles Howard. THOMAS MOLTEN, 500 acs. upon a branch of Petomeck freshes, beyond Col. Speakes land above the Doegs Hand, S. Ely. upon land called Peeter Smith's. 15 July 1657, p. 119, (177). Trans, of 10 pers: Tho. Hartly, Jno. Greene, Wm. Moore, Alex. Herringe, Jno. Barber, Richd. Packer, Jno. Chad- wick, Jno. Huckle, Eliz. Williams, Edwd. Gibbs. ROBERT BRADSHEW & JAMES CLOUGHTON, 600 acs. above Puscato- way in Petomeck freshes, Ely. upon sd. River, & Sly. upon land called Mr. James Ashton's. 15 July 1657, p. 119, (177). Trans, of 12 pers: Tho. Man- nor, Tho. Webster, Eliz. Phillips, Mary, John, & Mary, Eliz. Hartford, John Butcher, Tho. Rogers, Tho. Dixon, James Lessell, Wm. Collings. JOHN TINGY, 500 acs. Ely. upon Petomeck Riv. in the freshes & Sly. up- on land of Edward Williams. 15 July 1657, p. 119, (177). Trans, of 10 pers: Isack Hart, Wm. Hatly, Mary Merredith, Kath. Hermy, Alec. Foy, JefFry Munson, Tho. Dallison, John Hall, Dan Ross, Marmaduk Clanton. WILLIAM WALTHALL, Merchant, 1600 acs. Henericoe Co., 4 Oct. 1657, p. 120, (178). Upon N. side of Appa- mattock Riv. in Bristoll Parish. 550 acs. lying next above the land now in possession of Thomas Lyne, running W. N. W. &c, & E. S. E. on the Swift Cr; 250 acs. lyeth on the head of sd. tract of 550 acs; 850 acs. adj. said 250 acs., running N. W. thence N. E. on Ashen Swamp. 750 acs. by purchase from Mr. John Baugh & 850 acs. for trans, of 17 pers: Wm. Walthall, Anne Hughs, Joane Watts, Rob. Plaine, Geo. Dice, Ed. Markham, Jam. Ekin, Gab. Bolton, Edwd. Craford, Richd. Jamson, Joseph Parsons, Marg Heines, Eliz. Thomas, Hamond Woodhouse, Edwd. Atkins, Alice & Willm. Irish persons. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. w Patent Book No. 4 353 WILLIAM EDWARDS, Gent., 490 acs. Surry Co., 17 Sept. 1657, p. 120, (178). On S. side of James Riv., op- posite James Citty, W. upon Crouches Cr. dividing it from land formerly Mr. Tho. Rolfe's, E. upon the run of a little swamp dividing it from land of John Senior. 200 acs. being long since granted unto Capt. Powell & his heirs dying & leaving no heirs the sd. land escheated & granted unto Sir. William Berkly by order of court and he assigned same unto Col. Wm. Claiborne, who assigned unto sd. Edward. 290 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Avery, Mary Gonn, Jno. Hoskins, Eliz. Johnson, Marg. Maddison, Wethers Cocken. Note: June 12, 1657: Mr. Wm. Ed- wards had order from Govr. &c. to patent certaine marsh & wood land formerly granted to James Mason & John Bishopp & by them deserted which land is included in the above pattern. THOMAS BELL, 227 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 27 Nov. 1657, p. 121, (179). At the head of Nuswattock Cr., Sly. on a branch parting it from land of John Tilney & John Johnson, Jr. & Nly. by land of John Pepper. Trans, of 5 pers: Elinor Lathberry, Howell Gladinge, Wm. Mitchell, Mary Batch elor. ROBERT WARREN, 150 acs. North- ampton Co., 27 Nov. 1657, p. 121, (180). Nly. on land of John Wilkins & Sly. on John Many (?). Trans, of 3 pers: Susanna Spratlin, Wm. Rodul- phus, Kath. Rodulphus. MR. THOMAS STRATTON, 300 acs. Northampton Co., 27 Nov. 1657, p 121, (180). Sly. on Dun branch, Ely on land of Farmer Jones & Geo. Travel ler & Nly. on Major Willm. Walters Trans, of 6 pers: Ann Clay, Wm Collum (or Collins), John Denny, Marg. Irish (person ?), Darman Neheuallin, Mary Turrough. WILLIAM ROBERTS, 600 acs. Northampton Co., 27 Nov. 1657, p. 121, (180). Neare Matchepungoe, Ely. upon devdt. of John Browne, at Phil- lips' Cr. & Sly. upon a branch parting it from land of Thomas Bell. Trans, of 12 pers: Rich. Richard, Kath. Florra, Owen Adwin, Tonnath Dennis, Law. Stegg. JOHN CUSTIS, Jr., 250 acs. in old plantation creek, Wly. upon land of Willm. Burdett & Ely. on Bagwells Cr. 5 Oct. 1657, p. 122, (181). Trans, of 5 pers: Wm. St John, Wm. Marshall, George Wolfe, Joseph Curtis (or Cus- tis). Renewed 29 Oct. 1662. THOMAS HILL, 500 acs. in Peto- meck freshes, on S. W. side of Aqua- conde Riv., beg. about half a mile below the falls on S. W. side of John Wood's land assigned to a Scottish man & run- ning W. S. W. &c. 18 Sept. 1657, p. 122, (181). Trans, of 10 pers: Capt. Thomas Hill 3 times, Mary Bushrode twice, Jno. Hill, Georg Hill, Thomas Hill, Mary Hill, Francis Hill. HENRY VINCENT, 500 acs. in Petomeck freshes about halfe a mile be- low the falls of Aquacond Riv., called the western branch. 18 Sept. 1657, p. 122, (181). Trans, of 10 pers: Ann Leson, Elinor an Irish mayd, James WmSon. (Williamson), Tho. Lynard, Tho. Hackett, Rob. Hogg, Jno. Lucas, Eliz. Edom, Eliz. Pettus, Jno. Rookes. JOHN BARKER, Jr., 600 acs. Surry Co., 15 Oct. 1657, p. 122, (182). On S. side of James Riv. about 7 or 8 mi. from the head of upper Chipoakes Cr. Trans, of 12 pers: Edmond Jeneck (?), Tho. Wakefeild, Jno. Fairepoint, Anna de Wild, Roger Wmson. (Williamson), Wm. Foster, Petronella Jackson, Tho. Good, Rich. Bidolph, Arthur Patience, Jno. Staples, Fran. Lattur (?). LT. COL. HENRY FLEETE, 2000 acs. Rappa. Co., 25 Aug. 1657, p. 123, (182). On N. side of the river towards the head of great Rappa. Cr., adj. his own land, & towards the head of a creek called by the Indians Gibson. Trans, of 40 pers.* LT. COL. MILES CARY (Carey), 3000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 7 Oct. 1657, p. 123, (183). Bounded on S. W. with Ohoquin Riv. & on S. E. with land surveyed for Mr. Draiton & upon a swamp dividing this from land of 354 Cavaliers and Pioneers Col. Humphrey Higgenson. Renewal of patent 5 Oct. 1654, retaken by new rights for trans, of 60 pers.* WILLIAM GAPEINGE, 50 acs. Surry Co., 15 Oct. 1657, p. 124, (183). On S. E. side of Upper Chippoakes Cr. commonly called Swan Bay, S. W. on Capt. Bishopp & N. E. on Mary Em- mett. Trans, of Mary Willsford. Re- newed 15 Mar. 1663 in name of Tho. Clarke as marrying sd. Gapeing's widow. WILLIAM BACON, Gent, 390 acs, 28 Aug. 1657, p. 124, (184). Between land of Edward Walker & Richard Holdinge. Due by assignment from Edward Walker. CAPT. JOHN SMITH, 500 acs. Glocester Co, 14 Oct. 1657, p. 124, (184). Running Wly. down Poropo- tanke Cr. to the river &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Thomas Lacy (or Lucy), George Lacy, Jno. Drewe, Tho. Berry, Richard Langly, Wm. Pritchett, Katherine Rock, Margarett Watten, Jane Hutchison, Jno. Readman. CHARLES GRIMES, 1000 acs. Lan- caster Co, 8 Oct. 1657, p. 125, (185). Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv, S. W. upon the head of a Cr. upon N. side of Rappahanock Towne called Fleetes Cr. Renewal of patent dated 26 Dec. 1653. SAME. 960 acs. Same county, date & page. Renewal as above. SAME. 600 acs. Same county, date & page, (186). Renewal of patent dated 4 Sept. 1654. SAME. 600 acs. Same county & date. Page 126, (186). Renewal as above. THOMAS BALLARD, 600 acs. upon the head of Pyanketanke Riv. & W. N. W. upon land of Capt. Stephen Gill, dec'd. 15 Oct. 1657, p. 126, (186). Granted unto Abraham Moone 1 Nov. 1654, & by him assigned unto sd. Bal- lard. Renewed 2 Apr. 1662 in name of Major David Cant, assignee of sd. Ballard. MR. EDMOND AYRES, 500 acs. Northumberland Co, 28 Oct. 1657, p. 126, (187). Beg. at the W. corner of George Watts' land betwixt branches of the head of Machoatick & Nominy Rivers by land of Mr. Hawkins, dec'd. Trans, of 10 pers.* CHARLES KINGE, 40 acs. Lancaster Co, 1 Dec. 1657, p. 127, (187). On N. side of Rappa. Riv, near Corotoman Riv. mouth, beg. at land of John Merri- man on parting Cr. &c. along trees dividing this and land of Thomas Har- wood. Trans, of 1 per.* SARAH HANCOCK, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co, in Lyn haven Parish, 23 Nov. 1657, p. 127, (188). 200 acs. beg. at the head of Mr. Moselyes land neere the head of Faram Cr. & neer a place called Turkey ridge; thence S. S. W. to John Carrawaies land &c. 100 acs. part of a patent granted unto Thomas Holt 22 May 1637 & purchased by her hus- band Symon Hancock & due her as relict & Admx, and 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* JOHN JOHNSON, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co, in Linhaven parish, 24 Nov. 1637, p. 127, (189). Beg. at a red oake standing on the bay side &c. Trans, of 3 pers.* THOMAS TANNER, 250 acs. Charles Co, 27 Nov. 1657, p. 128, (189). On S. side of James Riv. & E. side of Powells Cr. neere the old Towne, bounded W. upon land of Charles Sparrow & Richard Tye, N. on head of sd. Cr. & E. on the Pynie Swamp. Trans, of 6 pers: Richard Hughes, Ed- ward Willson, Arthur Downes, Robert Wyes, John Price, Ann Tinker. MAURICE ROSE, 1400 acs. Chas. City Co, 10 Oct. 1657, p. 128, (189). On S. side of James Riv. & on Easter- most side of the head of Wards Cr. beg. on land formerly of William Haneat (?), &c. 1000 acs. granted unto Adam Coate (or Coale), by him deserted; granted unto Hoell Price who assigned his interest to sd. Rose together with rights to make the whole devdt. good for trans, of 28 pers: Herbert Greene, Patent Book No. 4 355 Elizabeth Tanner, Marg. Hally, Robert Bory (?), David Humphryes, John Elliott, Elinor Fowler, Alice Towardy, Bryan Watts, Wm. Whittingham, Tho. Beale, Robert Kerby, Antho. Royes, James Preston, Humphry Paine, Henry Speede, Edward Carrington, Robert Smith, Fran. Hull, Wm. Wells, Arth. Arnold, Archebell MacCraw, John Com- ings, Hueh Merrit, Sarah Lacie, Jane Mabbett, Henry Wench (or French), Tho. Wade, (or Wood). WILLIAM WHITE, Clerke, 1000 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. & Wwd. side of John Gillett. 5 June 1657, p. 129, (190). Granted unto John Yates 7 Sept. 1654, assigned unto Thomas Brice, who assigned unto his wife Martha Brice & by her assigned to sd. White. GEORG SEATON, 300 acs. West- moreland Co., 9 Oct. 1657, p. 129, (191). On N. side of Apamatuck Cr. comonly called Hollis' Cr. & Ely. upon land of William Freke. Trans, of 6 pers: Ann Kinge, Cary Fitts, Jno. Burton, Daniell Mokoy (?), John Hill, Hutton Tritter. EDMOND MOORE, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Lin haven parish, 24 Nov. 1657, p. 129, (191). Bounded on E. with Wm. Basnetts land & 50 acs. part W. by N. on Cypress branch issueing from William Capps' dams. Trans, of 4 pers: Black Jacke (?), Henrick Henderson. MR. GEORG KEMPE, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Linhaven Parish, 24 Nov. 1657, p. 130, (192). Beg. at corner of land whereon he lives. Trans, of 4 pers: Robert Buckler, Tho. Willmott, James Macoy, Phillip Browne. WILLIAM CORNIX, 500 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Linhaven Parish, 24 Nov. 1657, p. 130, (192). Called by the name of Salsbury Plaines, beg. at a Cy- presse branch running W. to aswamp &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Daniell Hoser, Rich. Midleton, Fran. Gray, Henry Smith, Symon Cooke, Dorathy Mason, Jno. Andersly, Wm. Blacke, David An- derson, Wm. Shawe. WM. SHORTE & WM. LIPPEATE, 400 acs. in Lancaster Co., 1 Sept. 1657, p. 130, (193). Upon Fleete's Bay, beg. at the mouth of Haddawaies Cr., run- ning to mouth of Corotomon Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Teage Flide & Eliz. his wife, Robert Milliscent, Jno. Braddie, Alice Juxon (?), Constant Harrwood, Henry Barten, Giles Kinge. Assigned unto Hugh Brent, who assigned one half to Eppy. Bonnison, & renewed in their names 18 Mar. 1662. MR. RICHARD FLINTE, 150 acs. Northumberland Co., 26 Sept. 1657, p. 131, (193). At N. W. side of Yoeco- mocoe Riv., N. Wly. upon land of Tho- mas Shepard & James Cloughton. Trans, of 3 pers: Elizabeth James, Margaret Davis, Joane Pawly. Assigned unto Thomas Beagles & renewed 18 Mar. 1662. WILLIAM EDWARDS, 1800 acs. Surrey Co., in Southwarke Parish, run- ning to Mr. Warren's path. 28 Sept. 1657, p. 131, (194). 1080 acs. granted to Rice Davis, & sd. Edwards, 10 July 1648, & 720 acs. due him for trans, of 14 pers: Mrs. Sarah Newton, Barnaby Goffe, Francis Warne, Teige OSwillan, Walter Rouse, Katherine a Negro, Wal- ter Lashley, Dorathy Moule, Elizabeth Bashwell, Geo. Harrison, Thomas Ben- son, Jane Watkins, Antho. Evans, Robert Willson. Renewed Mar. 6, 1662. EDWARD MOALSON, 50 acs. in County & Parish of Yorke, 25 Nov. 1657, p. 132, (194). Adj. land of Wm. Hawkins & Samuell Tucker. Trans, of 1 per.* Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. RICHARD WHITE, Cooper, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 2 Dec. 1657, p. 132, (195). Opposite to Nansemond Towne, N. E. upon land of Mr. Charles Grimes, S. W. upon Abraham Moone & S. E. upon Rappa. Riv. Renewal of patent dated 12 Dec. 1654. WILLIAM BACON, Gent., 250 acs. Northumberland Co., 28 Aug. 1657, p. 132, (195). In Yeocomocoe, running E. by N. to Richard Holdings land & to Knotts Cr. 110 acs. by assignment from Georg Knott; 65 acs. by assign- 356 Cavaliers and Pioneers ment from Edward Walker & 75 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: John Flincher, Robert Jaggins (?). WILLIAM JENNINGS, 350 acs. Surry Co., 8 Nov. 1657, p. 133, (196). On S. side of James Riv., beg. at Col. Browne's. Trans, of 7 pers: Mercy Briggs, Wm. Lewes, Abraham Land, Ann Wosye. MR. RICHARD JAMES, 150 acs. in James City Island, 5 June 1657, p. 133, (196). Beg. at Friggott Landing on back Cr., to branch of Pitch & Tarr Swamp, by Phipps' line & Mrs. Har- mers cart path to the slash behind Major Holt's house. Trans, of 3 pers: Rich. James twice, Phillip Minton. ROBERT WARREN, 150 acs. North- ampton Co., 27 Nov. 1657, p. 133, (197). Nly. on John Wilkins land & Sly. upon John Many. Trans, of 3 pers: Susanna Spratlin, Wm. Rodalphus, Renewed 9 Mar. 1663. WILLIAM ROBERTS, 600 acs. Northampton Co., 27 Nov. 1657, p. 134, (197). Near Matchepungo, Ely. upon a devdt. of John Brown at Phil- lipps Cr. & Sly. upon a branch parting it from land of Thomas Bell. Trans, of 12 pers: Richard Richards, Katherine Florra, Owen Adroune, Tonath Dennis, Lawrence Hogge (Or Hegge), Jno. Williams, Elizabeth Hobson, Robert At- kins, Tho. Broadways, Alexander , David Connawin, Jno. Derrowe, THOMAS BELL, 227 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 27 Nov. 1657, p. 134, (198). At the head of Nuswattocks Cr., Sly. upon a branch parting it from land of Jno. Tillney & Jno. Johnson, Junr. & Nly. on land of John Peper. Trans, of 5 pers: Ellinor Lashberry, Hoell Glade- inge, Wm. Mitchell, Mary Batcheller, Elizabeth Roseer. THOMAS STRATTON, 300 acs. Northampton Co., 27 Nov. 1657, p. 134, (198). Ely. on land of Farmer Joanes & George Traveller & Nly. on Major William Waters. Trans, of 6 pers: Ann Cley, Wm. Collum, John Densy, Darman Nehevellin (?), Mary Turrough, Margarett Irish. WM. DENSON, Gent., 450 acs. Nansamond Co., 6 Sept. 1657, p. 135, (198). Upon Indian Cr., a branch of the W. branch of Nansamond Riv., adj. land of John Garrett. Trans, of 9 pers: Peter Dunkey, Jno. Bevington, Elizabeth Ireland, Richard Wilden, Jno. Groome, Elizabeth White, Thomas Kinder, Fran- cis Kinder, Robert Arnold. Renewed 27 Mar. 1661. RICHARD HOLDINGE, 525 acs. Northumberland Co., 28 Aug. 1657, p. 135, (199). In Yeocomocoe Necke. 450 acs. by assignment from Edward Walker & residue for trans, of 2 pers.* Renewed 30 Oct. 1662. VINCENT STANFORD, 500 acs. on N. side in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about 6 mi. above Nanzemum Towne. 12 Oct. 1657, p. 135, (199). Beg. at a swamp dividing this & land of John Gillett. Renewal of patent dated 20 Nov. 1654. SAME. 12 Oct. 1657, p. 136, (200). Renewal of patent dated 20 Nov. 1654 for 800 acs. JOHN ROBISON, 360 acs. Lancaster Co., 5 June 1657, p. 136, (201). Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv. & running along land of Col. Burbage. Renewal of patent for 300 acs. dated last of Mar. 1653 & 60 acs. for trans, of 2 pers.* RICHARD COX, 809 acs. lyeing on a swamp which runneth down Cow Cr. in Ware Riv. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at marked tree of Joseph Gregories. 5 June 1657, p. 136, (201). 700 acs. granted unto Henry Peasley, 2 Oct. 1650 & assigned unto sd. Cox, & 109 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.* THOMAS BRERETON, 1000 acs. in Patomeck Riv., 8 Oct. 1657, p. 137, (202). Granted unto Mr. Thomas Speake, 11 Sept. 1653, by him deserted for want of seating & now due for trans, of 20 pers: Mr. Thomas Manninge, twice, Mr. Henry Bastard, Mr. Wm. Bastard, Jno. Abrams, Tannika Bastian, Arryanka Ariays (?), Peter Franke, Wm. Midleton, James Cunningham, Robert Raddocke, Henry Alexander, Patent Book No. 4 357 Wm. Millett, Robert Stedman, Tho. Wilson, Mr. Daniell, Mary Calloway, Susan Bennett, William , Mary Hamon; assigned by Mr. Thomas Manninge. THOMAS PICKLES, 150 acs. New Kent Co., 30 Oct. 1657, p. 137, (202). In the parish of Blisland, beg. at corner of Thomas Merridayes land & by Mr. Brushes swamp. Trans, of 3 pers.* Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. JOHN MAIOR (Major), 300 acs. on N. side of Yorke Riv., 28 Dec. 1657, p. 137, (202). 200 acs. abutting N. E. upon land of Joseph Haies & N. W. upon land of John Perine & 100 acs. adj. sd. tract. 200 acs. granted unto Thomas Bell, 3 Apr. 1651 & assigned unto sd. Maior & residue for trans, of 2 pers.* Renewed 9 Feb. 1663. THOMAS PATTISON, 200 acs. Lan- caster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 2 June 1657, p. 138, (203). Upon the head of a branch of Burnham Cr. Trans, of 4 pers.* SAME. 400 acs., same county, date & page. N. W. upon land of Robert Chowninge. 200 acs. granted unto Tho- mas Kidd last of Mar. 1653 & assigned unto sd. Pattison & 200 acs. for trans. of 4 pers.* CAPT. JOHN ROGERS, 200 acs., Northumberland Co., last of Aug. 1657, p. 138, (204). Nly. upon his own & land of Henry Toppin, Ely. upon land of Mr. Hugh Lee & the Gleabe & Wly. upon land of John Kent, and Mattapony Sw. Trans, of 4 pers: Abraham Joyce, Roro Molletta, John Roe, Rich. Smith. ALPHONSO BALL, 350 acs. North- ampton Co., 31 Mar. 1658, p. 139, (205). Wly. upon marked trees of Richard Smith in Capt. Thomas' Neck, Sly. upon land of Wm. Taylor & Nly. towards Pungoteague. Trans, of 7 pers: Ellinor Collins, Ann Cooke, Wm. Scott, Sam. Younge, Rich. Nuttingham, Eliz. Nuttingham, Step. Yeo. MR. THOMAS TEAGLE, Minister, 200 acs. Northampton Co., 31 Mar. 1658, p. 139, (205). Between Nan- dewe & Caratocke Creeks, the main bay on the W., land of Jenkin Price now in possession of John Milby on the N. & E. & his own land on the S. Trans, of 4 pers: Andrew Abernath, Arter Gillett, Patrick Comball, Thomas Davis. JOHN JOHNSON, Jr., 400 acs. Northampton Co., 31 Mar. 1658, p. 139, (205). S. W. upon the head of land of Jno. Williams & his own land & run- ning towards the seaboard side. Trans, of 8 pers: John Garnell, Walter Hawes, Tho. Willson. Renewed 29 Oct. 1662. WILLIAM JORDAN, (Jorden), 550 acs. Northampton Co., 31 Mar. 1658, p. 140, (206). 300 acs. granted unto Robert Jones, 24 July 1657,, being at Ocahanocke Cr., beg. on Eastermost part of Alexander Addison's land; which land was purchased of James Barnaby. The other 250 acs. bounded Nly. on Ochanocke Cr., Ely. on land of Arthur Upshott and John Toulson which lies on the seaboard side Wly. on land that was Roger Johns. Trans, of 5 pers: Alexander, Thomas & Roger Mountney; John & Leonard Mountny. PETER ASHTON, Gent., 550 acs. Northumberland now called Westmore- land, Co., 13 Mar. 1657, p. 140. (206). Nly. upon Patomeck Riv & Wly. upon land of George Foster, gent. Granted unto Thomas Coniers 8 June 1657 & assigned unto sd. Ashton. GEORGE THOMPSON, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 11 Mar. 1657, p. 140, (207). Wly. upon Tabbs Cr., Ely. up- on Fleets bay & Sly. upon Nantipolzey Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Robert Franke, Elizabeth Woolbridge, Giles Sallett, Jno. Patriarch, Gloys Blaze, Jno. Guy, Tho. Peteete, James Fisher. JOHN SMITH & & WM. SMITH, the sons of Robert Smith of Yeocomo- coe, 500 acs on S. W. side of Aqua- conde Riv. the W. branch of Patomacke Riv., N. Wly. upon land called Robert Lamden's. 25 Sept. 1657, p. 141, (207). Trans, of 10 pers: Mathew Hill, Ann Smith, Sarah Smith, Rose Gilbert, Jno. Clare, Wm. Stratford, Mary Strattford, Alike Rogers, Ralph Lee, Su. Lee. 358 Cavaliers and Pioneers HENRY VINCENT, 500 acs. in the freshes of Patomeck Riv., on N. E. side of a creek opposite to Chingomuxon. 25 Sept. 1657, p. 141, (208). Trans. of 10 pers: Jno. Watson, Moses Hill, Rob. Bryan, Arthur Kinge, Tho. Mor- rice, James JnoSon. (Johnson), Henry Boswell, John Berry, Mary Berry, Ruth Mason. CAPT. JOHN BLAKE, 150 acs. at the head of Parkers Cr., adj. land of Silvester Baker. 1 Apr. 1658, p. 141, (208). Trans, of 3 pers: Franciscoe a Negro, Francis Deplace, Jno. Carpen- ter. Renewed 30 Oct. 1662. SAME. 400 acs. In Mathewes Cr., a branch of the S. branch of Nansamond Riv. 1 Apr. 1658, p. 142, (209). Trans, of 8 pers: Susan Ashly, Wm. Jones, Tho. Peterson, Mary Corbett, Wm. Daniell, Andrew Ston, Tymothy Jones, Wm. Norcott. Renewed as above. SILVESTER BAKER, 250 acs., 1 Apr. 1658, p. 142, (209). Beg. at the head of Parkers Cr., joining his own land. Trans, of 5 pers: James Mote, Alexan- der Jemmison (or Jennison), Bryan Farrell, Margarett Farrell, Wm. Low- der. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. MR. THOMAS BRIDGE, 10 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 24 Nov. 1657, p. 142, (210). In Linn haven Parish, bounded W. S. W. with Mr. Hogskins Cr., N. W. upon land of Georg Ashwell & S. S. E. with Mr. Hogskins land. Trans, of 1 per.* Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. CAPT. EDWARD STREATER, 3000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 19 Mar. 1657, p. 143, (210). Upon S. side of Pato- meck Riv. at the head of Niopsco Cr., N. E. upon Ochaquim Riv., S. E. to Freston pointe, to Mussell Island. Granted unto Elizabeth Burbage 30 Mar. 1655 but now deserted for want of seating & now granted for trans, of 60 pers: Miles Atkinson, Wm. Brick- well, Rich. Hogson, Thompson Symons, Wm. Massinborne, Eliz. Hooper, Jno. Ward, Jno. Debarr, Mary Benfor, Rob. Niccolls, Rich. Goodman, Jno. Throught, Wm. Higginbottom, Jno. Morgan, Bryan Harkin, Rich. Stanton, Donaugho Bryan, Wm. Stephens, Wm. Sharpe, Eliz. Brooke, Dennis Shollman, Edwd. Jones, Edwd. Tanner, Roger Preston, Tho. Beedes, Robert Mason, Wm. Wildy (or Wildes), Andrew Bonny (?), Eliz. Ackers, Rob. Brenore, Wm. Mundy, Rowland Trevers, Edmond Methoe, Wm. Hurden, Clemence Herbert, Paul Waller, Garrett Sennett, Edwd. Legge, Wm. Paine, Roger Wilkins, Margarett Davis, Mary Leamore, Jno. Clerke, Jno. Henland, George Merritt, Rich. Browne, Rob. Younge, Tho. Ringe, Wm. Webb, Jno. Tunstead, Jno. Hackey, Fra. Ste- phens, Sam. Yates, Nath. Pally, Jno. Peury, Wm. Breeham, Wm. Greens, Richard Nelmes, Wm. Rayle, Wm. Clemence. JOHN TEAGE & EDWARD MOR- GAN, 150 acs. on the N. side of Home Harbour Cr., beg. on the river side at a former devdt. purchased by them of Lt. William Worlich. 16 Mar. 1657, p. 143, (211). Trans, of 3 pers: Jno. Peade, Richard Cherry, Wm. South. THOMAS GRAVES, 55 acs. about a mile beyond the head of Timber neck Cr., Glocester Co., 20 Mar. 1657, p. 144, (211). Beg. at a tree dividing this & land of Christopher Abbott, Trans, of 2 pers: Phillipp Stephens, Thomas Fear (or Feard). SAME. 240 acs. Same county, date and page, (212). On a swamp betwixt Severne & the Indian Path. Trans, of 5 pers: Edward Lasly, Sam. Claton, Phillipp Soloman, Judith Haselwood. MR. HENRY CORBYN, 800 acs. Lancaster Co., 28 Apr. 1658, p. 144, (212). At the head of Moratticoe Cr. in Rappa. Riv., beg. at an Indian Path that goes from Moraticoe to Corotoman. Trans, of 16 pers: Edmond Benson, Stephen Webb, Richard White, Susan Burham, Penelope Staples, Jo. Richings, Diana Perkins, Jno. Freeman, Gillam Parrett, Mary Molden, Martha Ludgford, Thomas White, 2 Negroes. COL. WILLIAM CLAIBORNE, 3 several parcels of marsh & sunken land on N. side York Riv., containing 1600 acs., adj. his plantation a devdt. of Patent Book No. 4 359 Ramongack, 24 Dec. 1657, p. 145, (213). 600 acs. at lower end of sd. devdt., lying above Col. West', adj. S. on the neck where Wm. Hodgson now lives & bounded by the Riv. & lands of John Austin, Francis Burnell & Wm. Blackey; the second parcel is all the marsh called Tococomans, containing 500 acs., over against land lately George Lyddall's; & 500 acs. called Cohoke. Trans, of 32 pers.* SAME. 5000 acs. between Mattapony & Rappa. Rivers, on both sides of Pean- ketanck main swamp. Same date, p. 146, (213). Trans, of 100 pers.* CAPT. GEORG LYDDALL, 2390 acs. New Kent Co., 27 Dec. 1657, p. 146, (214). 1750 acs. behind land of Capt. John West called Chamockin, run- ning to Croshawes extent; 640 acs. on S. side of Blacke Cr. behind land of Mr. Brookes. Renewal of patent for 1750 acs. granted him 25 Nov. 1654 & 640 acs. for trans, of 13 pers: Wm. Hill, Robert Harman, Francis Smith, Thomas Smith, Jno. Makepeace, Thomas Masque, Charles Havannest, Penelope Best, Michaell Tacker, Roger Parker, Daniell Welch, John Davis, Tho. Jones. WILLIAM PULLAM, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 20 Jan. 1657, p. 147, (215). On S. side of York Riv. & N. W. side of Black Cr., beg. at Southermost cor. of land surveyed for Mr. Joseph Cro- shawe. Trans, of 20 pers: George Morris, Ellianor Morry, Jno. Brame (or Braine), Katherine Baker, Robert Tucke, Elias Williams, Humphry Jones, Mary Clerke, Ann Clerke. Rowland Powell, Elliz. Pullum, Tho. Blake, Judith Row- lett, Fran. Falkner, James Hulett, Ste- phen Rogeris. Vallentine Morgan. Wm. Syacknell, Rebecca Cole, Henry Clavill. MRS. JANE CLAIBORNE, Spinster, 1450 acs. Northumberland Co., 10 Feb. 1657, p. 147, (215). On N. side of great Wiccocomocoe Riv., Sly. upon land of Mr. John Bardon, Mr. Radford, deed., & William Downeinge (bought of Martin Cole, Jno. Edwards & others) & Ely. upon land of Roger Walters & John Motley. 750 acs. granted to Col. William Claiborne, Secretary, her father, 14 June 1653, & 750 acs. for trans, of 14 pers: Tho. Mow, Rich. Dobbins, Wm. Bingly, John Edgcome, Wm. An- gell, Abra. Paternoster, Henry Bellamy, Walter Rich, Robert Norton, Kath. Sil- verton, Andrew Trelton, Edward Bar- nett, Rich. Albert, Tho. Minstrell. MR. EDWIN CONNAWAY, & MRS. HANNAH MOUNTNEY, Wid- dow, 1650 acs. Lancaster Co., 5 Feb. 1657, p. 148, (216). Near the head of Corrotoman Riv., S. W. upon land of sd. Connaway, a little below Moratticoe path, N. W. upon a branch dividing this from land of Mr. Dominick Theriott (Ferriott). Trans, of 33 pers: Henry Patten, Thomas Roffe, Griffin Thomas, Paul Harwood, Robert Wilson, Thomas Parrish, Robert Watts, Fortune Greene, Georg Hawkins, Alex Mountney, Tho- mas Mountney, Jno. Mountney, Leonard Mountney, Edward Jno. son (Johnson), Bryan Harris, Roger Mountney, Rich. Rostall, Georg Hewes, Nicholas Batt- inge, Nicholas Peryne, Wm. Berryman, Tho. Howell, Mary Linsey, Mary Hall, Henry Paulle, Wm. Edwinn, Roger Winter, Geo. Shabin, Wm. Duce, Edwd. Goodwinn, Ann Boyle, Ann Lightfoole, Rich. Ashworth. WM. WILDY, 1000 acs. on Wwd. side of Hopkins Cr. in Patomeck freshes. 27 Jan. 1657, p. 148, (216). Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Radly, Thomas Chester, Jno. Withers, Dorathy Jones, Eliz. Cook, Tho. Hopkins, John Hopkins, Richard Walter, Isaack Hill, Eliz. Briggs, Jno. Morgan, Jno. Tally, Robert Digby, Mary Sadler, Elizabeth James, Katherine Chester, Roger Poyton, David Lewellin, Richard Luckett, Jno. Adlome (or Adcome). Note: This patent is taken up in the name of Georg Col- clough. MR. GEORGE COLCLOUGH, 2266 acs. Northumberland Co., 25 Jan. 1657, p. 149, (217). Beg. at the head of Bridges Cr., running to a creek issueing out of Patomeck Riv. known by the name of Herring Cr. &c. 600 acs. by patent dated 3 Sept. 1651; 850 acs. granted unto Elizabeth Hull, Widdowe, 21 Oct. 1643, by her sold to Thomas Broughton & Richard Lake, both of 360 Cavaliers and Pioneers whom assigned unto sd. Colclough; 250 acs. granted unto Jno. Mattrom, Jr. 10 Dec. 1650, assigned unto Wm. Cocke & by Col. John Mattrom, admr. of sd. Cocke, assigned unto sd. Colclough; 300 acs. granted unto John Mattrom 4 Jan. 1655 & assigned unto sd. Col- clough; 266 acs. due for trans, of 6 pers.* WILLIAM DREWE, 500 acs. Lan- caster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv. about 14 mi. above Nanzemum Towne, 22 Mar. 1657, p. 150, (218). Beg. at a swamp dividing this & land of John Weyre. Granted unto John Batt & John Phillipps 7 Sept. 1654, by them deserted & granted unto sd. Drewe for trans, of 10 pers: Foule (?) Watkins, Tho. Udall, Rich. Smith, Stafford Billson, Katherine Capman. JOHN BAYLES, 550 acs. Northum- berland Co., 15 Mar. 1657, p. 150, (219). 300 acs. granted sd. Bayley 30 June 1650, adj. his own land on Ews. side of Cappetts Cr.; 250 on N. W. side of sd. Cr. & on N. E. side of Pato- meck Riv., which land was granted him 10 Oct. 1652. Renewed 9 Jan. 1662. RICHARD HEABERD, 250 acs. Westmoreland Co., 27 Mar. 1658, p. 151, (220). S. Ely. upon Anthony Munroes Cr. & N. Ely. upon land patented by William Botham, now in possession of sd. Heaberd. Trans, of 5 pers: Gerrott Bicker, (?) his wife, John, Ficlor (?), Katherine his children. CHARLES EDMONDS & WILLIAM PULLAM, 830 acs. New Kent Co., 4 May 1658, p. 151, (220). Near Mr. Ferrell's land, N. W. to Georg Smith's line & N. W. to Dieiscum Swamp. Trans, of 17 pers: Jane Blinde, Tho. Revells, Wm. Webb* Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. HENRY GOODGAME, 334 acs. New Kent Co., 1 Mar. 1657, p. 151, (221). Beg. at a small run by Mr. Martin Baker's land, Sly. upon a branch of Skiminoe & Wly. to Thomas Collins. Granted unto William Pullam 1 Jan. 1656 & by him assigned. Renewed in name of Henry Goodgaine 20 Oct. 1662. CHARLES EDMONDS & WILLIAM PULLUM, 2520 acs. New Kent Co., 4 May 1658, p. 152, (221). Beg. by Chickahominy Sw. Trans, of 51 pers.* ROBERT PRIDDY, 400 acs. on S. side of Yorke Riv, New Kent Co., 8 June 1658, p. 152, (222). Bounded with land John Butler, Mr. Joseph Croshaw & Mr. Anthony Langstone. Granted unto Robert Priddy 28 June 1655. Renewed 11 Feb. 1663 in name of Tho. Flaunders. FRANCIS CLAY, gent., 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 8 June 1658, p. 152, (222). Upon S. side of Herringe Cr., upon a Western branch dividing this & land of Mr. Yeo, & extending along head of Major Georg Read's land. Renewal of patent in his name dated 19 Oct. 1653. Renewed 9 Dec. 1662 in the names of Wm. Eaton & Adam Yarrett. SAME. 400 acs. Same county & date, p. 153, (223). On S. side of the head of Chickacone Riv., S. E. upon land of Col. John Matrom & S. S. W. towards branches of great Wiccocomo- coe. Renewal of patent dated 4 June 1655 . THOMAS POWELL, 700 acs. Lan- caster Co., 8 June 1658, p. 153, (223). Upon W. side of Corotoman Riv., 300 acs. granted unto William Clapham, Jr., 15 Sept. 1651, assigned unto sd. Powell, Sly. upon a creek dividing this & land of Anthony Doine; 400 acs. beg. at his own land, upon a branch of sd. river dividing this & land of Capt. Thomas Hackett (?). Renewal of patent dated 26 Feb. 1653. Renewed 11 Dec. 1663 in name of Wm. Claphame. WILLIAM CUSTIS, 200 acs. Acco- mack Co., 22 Mar. 1657, p. 153, (224). Bounded E. S. E. on land of Francis Stokely, deed., now in possession of sd. Custis, Sly. on Lt. Col. Edward Doug- lace & Wly. towards land of Thomas Hunt. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Custis, Wm. Hamorell, Elizabeth Bankes, Rich. Jones. THOMAS BRERETON, 500 acs. on S. side of Patomeck Riv. at the mouth Patent Book No. 4 361 of Machotick Riv. Granted unto Tho- mas Willkinson 18 Oct. 1650 & by him deserted. 8 June 1658, p. 154, (124). Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Broder, Jno. Multis, James Felton, George a Scotch- man, Francis , Symon Richardson, Mollettoe (Mulatto ?) Jno. Slattor, Jno. Fornor, Jno. Gibbnie. THOMAS PATTESON & ROBERT CHOWNINGE, 580 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. between the head of Mr. Burnhams Cr. & Pyancketank Sw. 4 Apr. 1658, p. 154, (225). Trans, of 12 pers.* LEONARD JOANES, 200 acs. Rap- pa. Co., 23 Nov. 1657, p. 154, (226). On Totoskies Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: John Smith, Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Williams. MAJOR JOSEPH CROSHAW (Chro- shaw), 500 acs. New Kent Co., 8 June 1659, p. 155, (226). On S. E. side of Mettepony Riv. on N. side of Thomas Sanders land. Granted unto Toby West 27 May 1654 & by him assigned unto sd. Croshaw & due for trans, of 10 pers: Tho. Wharton, Jno. Taylor, Jno. Fourth, Wm. Brown, Cuthbert Chro- shaw, Noy (?) Croshaw, Geo. Tomlin, Eliz. Broadert, Rob. Wigg, Timothy Wigg. MR. CHRISTOPHER HARRIS, 450 acs. James City Co., neare Richohock path, 21 Apr. 1658, p. 155, (227). Beg. at a devdt. of Mr. Sorrills by a branch of Timber Sw. Trans, of 9 pers: Clemt. Harris twice, Peeter Arbo, Hen. Richman, Alex. Rashbrook, Wm. Alden, Eliz. Burnet, Jane Fowke, Hanah Church. GEORGE MARSH, gent., 2000 acs. Northampton Co., 22 Mar. 1657, p. 155, (227). At Matchepungoe. Granted unto Capt. Francis Pott 13 Feb. 1653, by him deserted. 1000 acs. by patent dated 13 Oct. 1657 & 1000 acs. for trans, of 20 pers.* EDWARD WILLIAMS, sonn of Ed- ward Williams, 500 acs. 5 June 1658, p. 156, (228). In Potomeck freshes, above Puscatoway & adj. his own land. Trans, of 10 pers: Tho. Young, James Gainsbrooke, Abigail Wills, Edward Wale, Eliz. Dowseby, Tho. Shelton, Charles Blackmore, John Greenfell, Ro. Huffe, Elizabeth Sharpe. JAMES CLOUGHTON, 500 acs. in Petomeck freshes on Swd. side of the first Cr. above Puscatoway. 5 June 1658, p. 156, (228). Trans, of 10 pers.* EDWARD WILLIAMS, 500 acs. in Petomeck freshes, on the Nwd. side of the second Cr. above Puscatoway. 5 June 1658, p. 156, (229). Trans, of 10 pers.* FRANCIS CARPENTER, 1000 acs. in Petomeck freshes, extending N. by W. to the mouth of the second Cr. above Puscatoway & E. by S. along land of Mr. Randolph. 5 June 1658, p. 156, (229). Trans, of 20 pers.* CHRISTOPHER ABBOTT, 350 acs. Gloster Co., 20 Jan. 1657, p. 157, (229). Beg. by the great swamp, run- ning E. by N. &c. Trans, of 7 pers.* Note: "The Certificate for the sd Land was granted by the Cort of Gloster bearinge date the 16th of Aprill 1656 but it was soe torne that the names could not bee read." LT. WILLIAM NEWMAN, 575 acs. James City Co., 20 Apr. 1658, p. 157, (230). Near Ricohock path, running to Mr. Christopher Harris' corner tree &c. Trans, of 12 pers.* JOHN BENNETT, 150 acs. West- moreland, 27 Apr. 1658, p. 157, (230). At or near the head of the lower Matchotick Riv., bet. two main branches of same above the land of Mr. Henry Roach. Trans, of 3 pers.* THOMAS BREWER, 350 acs. North- umberland Co., 27 Apr. 1658, p. 157, (231). At or neare the head of devid- inge Cr., bounding N. Ely upon the head of same from the land of John Hull, N. Wly. towards land of Wil- liam Spicer & Mr. Garlington. Trans, of 7 pers: Tho. Pindleton, Geo. Pin- dleton, Wm. Harbutt, Eliz. Reinolls, 3 Negroes. 362 Cavaliers and Pioneers GEORGE BRYER, 400 acs. Rappa Co., 16 Mar. 1657, p. 158, (232). Up on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg above land of Mr. James Williamson Trans, of 8 pers: Wm. Demster, Sam Newman, Jno. Craig, Anne Willis, Tho Gregory, Tho. Grey, John Fisher, Jno Atheser. Renewed 3 Dec. 1663 in the name of Wm. Denby, assignee of Rich, James, to whom this land was granted 24 Mar. 1661, the same being deserted. RICHARD RUSSELL, 1000 acs. Northumberland Co., 25 Sept. 1657, p. 158, (232). Ely. upon Chinkahane Cr. or Mr. Preslyes Cr., Nly. upon land of Col Mattron, sd. Presly & Col. Trussell, Wly. upon land of Gervase Dodson & Sly. towards Col. Claiborne. Trans, of 20 pers: Richd. Eaton, Tho. Arnoll, Jno. Cross, Tho. Dakin, Wm. Cutts, Charles Addams, John Varny, Stephen Trapp, Hen. Bosworth, Jane Kinge, Wm. Wilson, Su. Wilson, Giles Abbot, Joane Emmett, Abagile Hare, Wm. Pot, Sarah Pott, 3 Negroes. NICHOLAS JERNEW, 1000 acs. in Petomeck freshes beyond Doegs Island & the land of Col. Speake, Sly. upon land of Robert Lord & James Magre- gory & Wly. upon a seate of land of John Woods. 22 Mar. 1657, p. 158, (232). Trans, of 20 pers: Peter Lefe- bur, Margaret Lefebur, Ab. Lefebur, Isaack Lefebur, Jacob Lefebur, Tho. Williams, Gilbert Coop, Anne Burton, Patrick Crispe, John Woodington twice, Hen. Hawkins, Jno. Reade, Phillip Wadden, Jno. Giles. FRANCIS BROWNE, 370 acs. Rappa. Co., 16 Mar. 1657, p. 159, (233). Upon S. side of Puscaticon Cr., adj. his own land. Trans, of 8 pers: James Hughes, Tho. Jumper, Mary Evelin, Wm. Brookes, Jno. Newburne, Fra. Cooke, Kath. Greene. MA TOR THOMAS GOODRICH, 400 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. in the freshes. 16 Mar. 1657, p. 159, (233). Trans, of 8 pers: 4 Negroes; Ann Blandon, Ann Higgins, Ann Hock- inge, Wm. Griffin. Assigned unto Antho. Stephens & renewed in his name 18 Mar. 1662. WILLIAM MARTIN, gent., 1000 acs. on S. side of Petomeck Riv., West- moreland Co., 15 Oct. 1657, p. 159, (234). On S. W. side of Quantecot Cr., behind land surveyed for Honorable Col. Samuell Mathews. Trans. 20 pers.* JOHN WALKER & WILLIAM PEN, 360 acs. in Corotoman Riv. to- wards the head of the N. W. branch, N. E. by a lyne of trees parting this & land of Nicholas Hale. 16 Mar. 1657, p. 160, (234). Trans, of 7 pers.* JOHN SHERLOCK, 210 acs. Rappa. Co. on Totoskey Cr., 23 Nov. 1657, p. 160, (235). Down a branch or gutt which divides this from the land of the Indians. Trans, of 4 pers.* JAMES HAWLY, 1000 acs. North- umberland Co., 13 Mar. 1657, p. 160, (236). On S. side of Petomeck, on head branches of Matchotick Riv., beg. at corner of George Watts. Trans, of 20 pers: Susan & Rebecca Orly, Jno. Hill, Dan. Ryly, Jno. Benton, Sarah Rasee, Mr. Geo. Coltclough, Mrs. Ursu- la Coltclough, Sarah Tompson, Phillip Nut, Ral. Stevenson, Wm. Osborne, Jno. HighLand (Highlander ?), Geo. Cuny, Amy Steevens, Amy Yeomans, Elizabeth Esex. Renewed 24 May 1664. COL. HUGH GWIN, 165 acs. Gloster Co., 11 Mar. 1657, p. 161, (236). Upon S. W. side of land of Edward Clersifull upon Milford Haven Cr., including a narrow ridge which runs through the land. Trans, of 4 pers: 4 Negroes: Antonio, Domingo, Calentia, Mamia. THOMAS LUCAS, Jr. & VALEN- TINE ALLEN, 640 acs. on the S. side of Rappa. Riv., 28 Sept. 1657, p. 161, (237). Beg. about 2 mi. above Nanze- mum Towne. Trans, of 13 pers: Joane Hopkins, Elizabeth Hopkins* WILLIAM BASNETT, 800 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 28 May 1658, p. 161, (237). Beg. on the seaboard side, running S. &c. Trans, of 16 pers: Rob. Perse- phers, & his sonne, Jno. Hasnet, Tho. Dickson, Martin Coale, Amy Morris, Eliz. Bonden, Gilbert Fouch, Richd. Patent Book No. 4 363 Satton, Jone Cornix, Martha Comix, Wm. Cornix, Tho. Cornix, Jane Symons. RICHARD PERROTT, 300 acs. in Rappa. Riv. upon the S. side & Ewd. side of Fisheing Cr. at the miles end of his own land. 6 Oct. 1657, p. 162, (238). Trans, of 6 pers: Richd. Per- rot, Mary Crow. ANTHONY LENTON, 400 acs. Northumberland Co., on the Souther- most branch of Yeocomocoe Riv., 1 Dec. 1657, p. 162, (239). Adj. his own & land surveyed for Mr. Bacon. Trans, of 8 pers.* RICHARD PERROTT, 850 acs. 31 Jan. 1657, p. 162, (239). 450 acs. about 18 mi. up Rappa. Riv. on the S. side thereof, N. E. from the mouth of Wading Muddy Cr. to mouth of Fishe- ing Cr., & 400 acs. at the miles end of sd. tract, between lands of Minor Min- sen & Robert Kempe on the N., & Wil- liam Copeland on the S. Renewal of patent dated 13 Mar. 1649 & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Sarah Keggs, Dan. Simpson, Wm. Dunston, Henry Sharpe, Jno. Hadly (?), John Hunt, Arthur Jackson, Jno. Scoldinge. JOHN GILLETT, 600 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at miles end of his own land. 28 Sept. 1657, p. 163, (240). Trans, of 12 pers: James the old Cooper, Wm. Cresby, Xpter. Heard, Jno. Atkins, Jno. Stead, Elizabeth Wood, Thomas Liddell, David Hopkins. Note: 200 acs. the remainder of rights of a patent of 1000 acs. relinquished. Note: Renewed in name of Mr. Tho. Button, Mar. 18, 1662, having married the relict of sd. Gillett. ANTHONY STEPHENS, 850 acs. Westmoreland Co., 1 Sept. 1657, p. 163, (241). S. Ely. upon lower Matchotix Riv., E. N. E. towards land of John Wood & George Watts. Granted unto Henry Roach 13 Sept. 1654, by him deserted & now due for trans, of 17 pers: Himself e 4 times, Jno. Pritchard, Wm. Dixon, Wm. Bridges. Note: This patent is recov- ered from sd. Stephens by sd. Roach by order of Govr. &c. & Stephens assigned the rights to Robert Armstrong & Robert Lynnee. GEORGE POYNDEXTER (Poindex- ter) & GEORGE TOMPSON, 350 acs. Gloster Co., 15 Mar. 1657, p. 163, (241). At the head of Eagle Nest Cr. in Milford Haven, beg. at marked trees of Richard Longe, running to the head of greene branch which lyes upon the back of Conglins land. Trans, of 7 pers: Mary Joanes 1 Negro, Eliz. Depthford, Jno. , Alex. Duncombe, Christian Bensly (?), James Knuckly. THOMAS BURDITT, 1050 acs. Northampton Co., 11 June 1658, p. 164, (242). Ely. on the seaboard side, Nly. on land formerly belonging unto Francis Stokely, now in possession of William Custis & Sly. on land of Wil- liam Emiss knowne by the name of Piminoe. Due by virtue of the rights of a patent granted unto his father William Burditt conteyning the sd. quantity & by him deserted. JOHN BASBY, 50 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Nov. 1657, p. 164, (243). Adj. his own land, running W. by N. to Arrow reed Swamp. Trans, of Ed- ward Taylor. CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS (Rei- nolds-Reynolls), 350 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 25 Nov. 1657, p. 164, (243). Beg. at miles end of land patented by Chris- topher Reynolds, deceased, running along Cypress Cr. to land lately in pos- session of Mr. Nutt. Trans, of 7 pers: Joseph Kerby, Jno. Becham, Jno. Moode, William Seller, Edmond Hows- den, Margaret Langridge, Susan Stub- bers. THOMAS BROUGHTON, 1000 acs. above the Doegs Hand & Col. Speakes land in Petomeck freshes, S. upon sd. river, Ely. upon land called Mr. Wm. Wildyes. 20 Nov. 1657, p. 164, (244). Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Rodman (or Redman) Ann Pomfrett, Mary Jess, Tho. Darley, Edward Hull, 4 Irish ser- vants, Roger Fishpoole, James Poppey, Wm. Clements, James Vazey, Wm. Daniell, Edward Cooke, Tho. Haydin, Mary Rutland, Ed. Arrundell, Tho. Adames, Prescilla Parkes. 364 Cavaliers and Pioneers THOMAS WRIGHT, 298 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. about a mile from same on the W. side of Pepetick Cr., extending E. by S. towards land of Tho. Hawkins. 26 Nov. 1657, p. 165, (244). Trans, of 6 pers.* JOHN PAYNE, 653 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at miles end of his land purchased of Fra. Hobbs. 2 June 1657, p. 165, (245). Trans, of 13 pers.* THOMAS BROUGHTON, 288 acs. Northumberland Co., 23 Mar. 1657, p. 165, (245). N. E. towards land of John Mattrom, gent. Granted unto Hugh Lee, 22 Apr. 1654, by him de- serted & now granted for trans, of 6 pers: William O Kelly, Mary Smith, Rich. Symons, one Irishman, Edward Darby. SAME. 300 acs. in same county. 1 Dec. 1657, p. 166, (246). Upon the head of the broad Cr., between Yeoco- moco & Metopony Rivers, N.Wly. upon land of Anthony Lenton & S. Ely. upon land of Lawrence Dameron. Granted unto William Bacon, deserted & now due for trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Davis, Wm. Richards, Mary Edwards, Kat. Chester, Edward Conny, Rebecca Haines. SAME. 100 acs. Same county, date & page. N. E. upon land of Jane Perry, Widdow, & N. W. upon Mettonpony Riv. Granted unto Nicholas Sebrell 30 Jan. 1652, deserted & due for trans, of 2 pers: Richard Cardy, Humphry Pes- ter. Renewed in name of Abraham Joyes 18 Mar. 1662. SAME. 70 acs. Same county, date & page, (247). S. W. upon a creek divid- ing this & land of Thomas Hayles & N. W. upon land of Edward Walker. Granted William Bedlam 29 Nov. 1652, deserted & now due for trans, of 2 pers: Roger Lar^e & John Tanner. JOHN STOELL, 1000 acs. upon a branch of Petomeck freshes beyond land of Col. Speake, Ely. upon Hand Cr. & Nly. by land of Mr. Jernew. 27 Nov. 1657, p. 166, (247). Trans, of 20 pers.* Assigned unto Phillip Carpen- ter & renewed in his name 1 Feb. 1663. ABRAHAM WATSON, 150 acs., called by name of Batchelours banke, James City Co., 10 Feb. 1657, p. 167, (248). E. by S. upon land of David Mansell, W. by N. upon the Gleab & S. by W. upon the back river. Trans, of 3 pers: Mary Goch, Tho. Carpenter. JOHN KNIGHT, 300 acs. James City Co., 20 Mar. 1657, p. 167, (248). On N. side of James Riv. & S. E. side of Chichohominy, beg. on the head of a path leading to Capt. Bennett Free- man & Edward Harrison, N. to Thomas Young, to Delonies marked trees, thence to Sir William Berkelyes &c. Trans, of 6 pers.* JOHN HANDKIN, 200 acs. New Kent Co., 16 Mar. 1657, p. 167, (249). Beg. at corner of Thomas Bigins, to Richohock path, to Henry Ashwells path, to Mr. Bakers corner tree &c. Trans, of 4 pers.* THOMAS CHRISTIAN, 100 acs. James City Co., 15 Jan. 1657, p. 167, (249). On N. side of James River & E. side of Chichohominy Riv., along trees of Capt. Bridges Freeman, S. W. on trees of Thomas Young & N. W. on Hand Cr. Trans, of 2 pers: Tho. Christian, John Wilkinson. DARCY OATLY, 350 acs. James City Co., 10 Feb. 1657, p. 168, (250). On N. side of James Riv., beg. at the main swamp & running along Edward Kinge (or Knight) marked trees &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Darcy Oatly, Jno. Bayly, Wm. Stronge, Xph. Wingfeild, Ralph Elkins, Math. Wms. (Williams), Phillip Gapper. Assigned unto Thomas Hollyday & renewed in his name. THOMAS YOUNGE, 250 acs. James City Co., 15 Jan. 1657, p. 168, (250). On N. side of James Riv. & E. side of Chichohominy Riv., N. on land former- ly Mr. James & now in possession of John Knight, E. on Pagan Cr., S. to- wards Thomas Harvyes land & Wly. on Capt. Bennett Freeman's land formerly Col. Bridges Freeman's. Trans, of 5 pers: Isabell Neale, Hen. Shiply, Jno. Cobb, Martha Homes. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. Patent Book No. 4 365 THOMAS HARRIS, 850 acs. Surry Co., 13 Feb. 1657, p. 168, (250). On S. side of James Riv. & on N. W. & S. E. sides of the head of the sunken marsh above & below the mill, Nly. on the rich Neck & land of Robert Webb & Mr. Edward's lands, Ely. on William Carter, Sly. on Chipoaks path to the mill & on Mr. Green's land. 300 acs. granted unto Mr. Jno. Holmwood 26 Oct. 1650 & by Homwood assigned to sd. Harris & 550 acs. for trans, of 11 pers.* ROBERT CHOWNINGE, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 8 Feb. 1657, p. 168, (251). Upon W. S. W. branch of Sunderland Cr. alias Burnham Cr., beg. at a small island running along land patented by Henry Nicholas, Ely. down Coplins branch &c. Trans, of 4 pers: John Connoland, Gill Hargessey, Will Sawyer, Math. Parry. GILES DRIVER, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 12 Mar. 1657, p. 169, (251). Beg. on the Cypress Swamp, corner to 750 acs. belonging to Ambrose Bennett's heyr. Trans, of 4 pers: Eliza- beth Williams, Elizabeth Renolds, Jno. Goodale, James Crow. SAME. 100 acs. Same county, date & page, (252). Beg. at the swamp which parts Christopher Reynolls & John Reynolls land. Trans, of 2 pers: Anne Jones, Thomas Butcher. This patent joined with the above 200 acs. renewed in his name 13 Jan. 1661. CAPT. AUGUSTINE WARNER, 348 acs. Gloster Co., 11 Feb. 1657, p. 170, (252). 200 acs. at the head of a branch issuing out of Pyanketank Riv., beg. at a tree dividing this and another tract belonging to him; 148 acs. upon the head of Seavern in Mockjack Bay, E. S. E. upon land of sd. Warner, N. N. W. to land of Col. Barnard &c. by the Indian path. Trans, of 7 pers: 5 Irish, John Watson, James Marrow. Renewed 29 Mar. 1662. LAWRENCE SMITH, 119 acs. Glos- ter Co., 11 Feb. 1657, p. 170, (253). Upon the head of a branch issuing into Ware Riv. in Mockjack Bay, running along trees of Lt. Col. Jno. Walker &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Geo. Musick, Rob. Cooper, Roger Greene. NICHOLAS OWEN & THOMAS JOANES, 26 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Nov. 1657, p. 170, (254). Beg. in a small swamp dividing this & land of Thomas Wilford & running to corner tree on land of Edward Henly. Trans, of 1 pers.* THOMAS HAWKINS, 621 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on upper side of land of John Catlett & Ralph Rowzee, bounding on land of Capt. Luich (or Linch), &c. 20 Nov. 1657, p. 170, (254). 600 acs. granted to Tho- mas Lucas, Sr. 7 Aug. 1650 & pur- chased by sd. Hawkins, & 21 acs. for trans, of 1 per.* HENRY PEYTON, 400 acs. West- moreland Co., 1 Nov. 1657, p. 170, (255). On S. side of Petomeck Riv. knowne by the name of Sandy or Rag- gett point opposite to the Doegs present plantation. Granted unto Richard Cods- ford 6 Sept. 1654 & assigned unto sd. Peyton & due by new rights for trans, of 8 pers.* Assigned unto Timothy Greene 18 Mar. 1662. EDWIN CONAWAY, gent., 2500 acs. Lancaster Co., (no date) p. 171, (255). On the S. E. side & nigh the head of Corotoman Riv., running to corner oake standing neare a run to- wards Jno. Merridow. Renewal of 2 former patents. PHILLIP CARPENTER, 480 acs. Northumberland Co., 29 Aug. 1657, p. 171, (256). 150 acs. Nly. upon Metto- pony Riv., & 330 acs. adj. land of John Chambers & N. W. by Henry Tappins land. 150 acs. granted unto sd. Cham- bers 10 Oct. 1652 & by George Colt- clough, his any., assigned unto sd. Car- penter. The residue for trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Hall, John Harris, Nicholas Wal- ter, Georg. Browne, Moses Turner, Prudence Lowe, Marmadick Allen. VINCENT STANFORD, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 6 June 1657, p. 172, (257). On N. side of Pyanketanke 366 Cavaliers and Pioneers Riv., beg. at the head of a devdt. of land of Col. John Mattrons &c. Granted unto John Ashly & Thomas Hamper 10 Mar. 1653, by them as- signed, & due for trans, of 6 pers.* ROBERT VAULX, Mercht., 2000 acs. Westmoreland Co., on S. side of Petomeck Riv. 16 Nov. 1657, p. 172, (257). Trans, of 40 pers: David Coard, Clemt. Spiller, Hum. Wheeler, Anne Cullin, Dan. Smith, Wm. Price, Wm. Tompson, Fra. Humphries, Cuth. Mollineux, Jno. Win, Eliz. Howard, Jone Greyhan, Wm. Steerman, David Jones., Tho. Howard. JOHN BENNETT, 500 acs. N.Ely, upon Petomeck Riv. in the freshes above Anacosta, S.Ely, upon land of Mr. Tho- mas Woodhouse & John Wood. 15 July 1657, p. 173, (258). Trans, of 10 pers.* VINCENT COCK (Cocke), 500 acs. N.Ely, upon Petomeck Riv in the freshes above Anacosta S.Ely, next above Jno. Wood & Mr. Woodhouse. 15 July 1657, p. 173, (258). Trans, of 10 pers.* WILLIAM KNOTT, 500 acs. N.Ely, upon Petomeck Riv. in the freshes above Anacosta, S.Ely, upon land called by him Vincent Cocks. 15 July 1657, p. 173, (258). Trans, of 10 pers: Ed- mond Ayres twice, Nicholas Megen, Peter Orfle, Wm. Eubanke, Jno. Squire, Jno. Corlis, Darby Stanlin, Ann Buckett, Ri. Harman. ROBERT CLERKE, 2000 acs. upon a creek issuing out of Petomeck freshes above the narrowes at Puscatoway which divides this from a tract aperteining to John Wood, Rob. Smith & John Ayres. 15 July 1657, p. 173, (259). Trans, of 40 pers.* LT. COL. ROBERT ABRALL & JOHN PIGG, 1280 acs. New Kent Co., 10 July 1658, p. 174, (259). On branches of Whorecock Sw., beg. by the path behind Tattopecksick feild. Trans, of 26 pers: Jno. Larrat, Randall Burne, Jno. Roberts, Anne Davenport, Edwd. Hudson, James Scot, James Patte- son, Rose Allin, Geo. Reniston, John Wenn, Hen. Ekine, Edward Byard, Tho. Blancher, Robt. Joanes, Mary Andersin, Sarah Williams, Richd. Branch, Robt. Harmon, Edwd. Roberts, Hen. Brother- ton, Tho. Cockerell, John Barchard, Geo. Lee, Ro. Pratt, Nicholas Moore, Wm. Norcot. LT. COL. ROBERT ABRALL, 550 acs. New Kent Co., 10 July 1658, p. 174, (259). On branches of Peanke- tanck Swamp; 300 acs. beg. at Capt. Claibornes corner by the swamp &c. The residue beg. by an Indian Path & running to sd. Clayborne's line &c. Trans, of 11 pers: Fra. Miller, Richd. Preston, John Mottron, Jane Bolt, John Mathew, John Patterson, Hen. Cope- land, John Base, John Sparke, Esebius Willms., Daniell Peirce. JAMES BAUGHAN, 250 acs. Rappa. Co., 9 June 1658, p. 174, (260). Adj. tract surveyed for Samuell Parry, run- ning to a small Indian feild &c. Trans, of 5 pers.* Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. THOMAS NO WELL, 700 acs. War- wick Co., 9 July 1658, p. 175, (260). Bounded W. with James Riv., S. with Queens Cr., Nly. with the mouth of Skiffs Cr. & the back Cr. & Ely. with Queene hive path which adj. land of Capt. Hurd. Trans, of 14 pers: Robert Kents, Robert Hudgson, Wm. Porter, Silvester Tatman, Tho. Bromsall, Georg. Hancock, Peter Adams, Jno. Spiltimber, Jone Butler, Mary Lustle, Wm. John- son, Richard Davis, Wm. Willie, Jno. Holdinge. FRANCIS BROWNE, 1100 acs. Rap- pa. Co., 9 June 1658, p. 175, (261). Upon S. side of Puscaticon alias Coxes Cr., towards the head thereof. 830 acs. by patent dated 10 May 1654 & 270 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.* Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. ALEXANDER SHEAPARD, 600 acs. in Chichohominy Riv. on N. side of James Riv., on N. E. side of Chicho- hominy Riv. called Mettopony, beg. at lower side of Richohock Cr. 10 July 1658, p. 175, (261). Due sd. Sheapard as marrying the daughter & heyr of Francis Barrett, deed. Patent Book No. 367 HENRY ROACH, 140 acs. West- moreland Co., 4 June 1658, p. 176, (262). Bounding on Matchotick Riv., extending from his own to land of Mr. Isaack Allerton. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Beasly, Jno. Draper, Eliz. Russell. JOHN BENNETT, 210 acs. West- moreland Co., 4 June 1658, p. 176, (262). Extending up a small creek dividing this & land of Henry Roach. Trans, of 5 pers: Stephen Banbury, Sam. Goslinge, Robert Warner, & Mable WILLIAM CORDEROY, 150 acs. on W. side of the main swamp upon the head of Crany Cr. on S. side of land of Jeffry Bew. 15 March 1658, p. 176, (262). Granted unto him 6 Mar. 1654 & renewed by new rights for trans, of 3 pers.* JOHN BISHOPP, son & heir of John Bishop, dec'd., 300 acs. James City Co., 25 Mar. 1658 ; p. 176, (263). Wly. upon land of Thomas Crouch, Nly. up- on land of George Powell. Granted to his father 4 July 1641, deserted & now renewed for trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Marriott, Georg Duell, Wm. Roberts, Joane Hill, Thomas Jarrell, Abigail Ad- cockes, Martin Johnson, Margery Long- S. W. side & towards head of Lower Chotanck Cr. & opposite another tract belonging to them. Granted to them 4 July 1653, assigned unto Dunkin Roy & Michaell Vanlondegon; assigned by sd. Roy unto sd. Vanlongdegon who as- signed unto sd. patentees & now re- newed by new rights for trans, of 9 pers.* MAJOR JAMES GOODWIN, 650 acs. in Petomeck freshes in the first Cr. above Col. Speakes point at a tree divid- ing this & land of John Stoile & extend- ing W. N. W. towards land of William Davis. 4 June 1658, p. 178, (264). Trans, of 13 pers: James Goodwin 4 times, Jno. Waler, Henry Molson, Nath. Smith, Eliz. May (a dash appears after this name which may indicate the same has not been completely given) Eliz. Blackburne, Henry Edge, Henry Baxter, Peter a Negroe, Eliz. Adams. WILLIAM SMITH, 300 acs. being a marsh known by the name of Ballase- Marsh, Isle of Wight Co., 17 Mar. 1657, p. 178, (265). Beg. at the mouth of Hughes Cr. running by James Riv., opposite to the mouth of the deepe swampe. Trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Younge & his wife, Alice Jeakins, Hannah White, Benjamin Pride, Edward Smith. GEORGE MORRIS, 208 acs. New Kent Co., 4 July 1658, p. 177, (263). On S. side of York Riv., running S. to Mr. Hoccadayes Swamp. 108 acs. by purchase from Thomas Holmes & 100 for trans, of 2 Negroes. Assigned by Mr. Thomas Holmes. RICHARD SEARLE & WILLIAM SPENCE, 60 acs. Westmoreland Co., 4 June 1658, p. 177, (263). Beg. at an oak dividing this & land of John Ben- nett, N. N. W. up Nomeny Riv., E. N. E. along land of Rice Maddock & W. along land of sd. Bennett. Trans, of 2 pers: Robert Rawson, Pearsie Wms. (Williams) JAMES MAGREGORY & HUGH FOUCH, 450 acs. Northumberland Co., 11 June 1658, p. 177, (264). Upon JOHN LEWIS & ROBERT JONES, Gent., 2000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 28 June 1658, p. 178, (265). At a small run on S. side of Chapawansick Cr. almost at the head. Trans, of 40 pers: Bernard Halliwell, John Nellson, Alice Mercer, Henry Hart, Andrew Stephen- son, Symon Johnson, Mary Rosser, Wm. Peynton, Phillip Bayly, Jane Hughes, Edmond Price, Thomas Barker, Wm. Treaton, Phillip Langham, Katherine Barditt, James Heyware, Roger Hide, Tho. Maye, Eliz. Morris, Jone Bennett, Wm. Cooper, Tho. Coleman, Step. White, Mary Ayres, Walter Ray, Tho. Jenkins, Rich. North, Marmaduk Keib- ler, Edward Hall, Roger May, Joseph West, Richard Grey, Math. Harrison, Peter Sherwood, Rebecca Maior (Major ?), Henry Mason Tho. Joll, Charles Morley, Rich. Lawrence, Martha Robin- 368 Cavaliers and Pioneers JAMES ALLEN, 450 acs. Northum- berland Co., 25 Nov. 1657, p. 179, (265). Ely. upon little Wicocomoco Riv. or Cr., Sly. upon a branch of same dividing this & land of Richard Span & Henry Watts, Nly. upon a lyne of marked trees parting this & land of John Motly & running "to a white oake being an Mkt corner tree knowne to divers besides them that have Land neare adjacent." Granted sd. Allen 20 June 1651, renewed 9 June 1653, for 300 acs; & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.* GILBERT MEDCALFE, Merchant, 500 acs. Gloster Co., 15 Mar. 1657, p. 179, (266). Bounded on N. & N. E. with Peanketanke Riv. & a great marsh, E. upon land of Abraham Moone & N. W. upon a swamp opposite sd. marsh. Granted unto John Woodward, dec'd., 17 May 1655 & by Joseph Woodward, brother & heir, assigned to sd. Med- calfe. Trans, of 10 pers.* Deserted & renewed in name of Major David Cant, 25 Mar. 1664 for trans, of 10 pers: 9 Negroes & Mary Vaughan. EDWARD PALMER, 400 acs. in Petomeck freshes, lyeing up a creek be- tween land of Capt. Brent called Pusca- toway Neck & land of Henry Vincent. 4 June 1658, p. 179, (267). Trans, of 8 pers: Mary Palmer, Roger Shackle- forth, Tho. Hall, Thomas Kibble, Guy Knight, Jane Annis, Richard Palmer. JOHN COX, 600 acs. Rappa. Co., 12 Oct. 1657, p. 180, (267). On N. side of the freshes of Rappa. Riv., N. N. E. by the upper side of land sur- veyed for John Weyre, W. N. W. on the head of land of Richard Coleman &c. to the beg. on N. E. side of Warr Cr. Renewal of patent dated 28 Nov. 1654, due by new rights for trans, of 12 pers.* ROBERT YOUNGE, 710 acs. Rappa. Co., being upp Puscaticon alias Coxes Cr., 9 June 1658, p. 180, (267). Adj. land of John Kilman; including an Hand lyeing at a small creek's mouth called Merry Bayle. 450 acs. granted to Samuell Parry, 7 Feb. 1652 & as- signed unto sd. Younge & 260 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: James Baggs, Wm. Morley, Thomas Haines, Anthony Rone, Wm. Syms, Mary Brockett. LT. COL. JOHN WALKER, 100 acs., 11 June 1658, p. 181, (268). Lye- ing in a branch of Milford Haven, beg. at George Billips land. Granted unto John Smith 6 Dec. 1652 & relinquished. Now due for trans, of 2 pers: Ellis Mackeneckhogah, Sander Mackonack. Assigned to George Billips & renewed in his name 18 Mar. 1662. PHILLIP HUNLY, 300 acs. on W. side of Budden Cr. in Mockjack Bay. 11 June 1658, p. 181, (269). Trans, of 6 pers: Sanders Blacke, Sanders Mackdowell, Wm. MackLoyd, Wm. Morrison, Mackin Mackloyd, Andrew Trumbell. RICHARD WILCHIN, 600 acs. New Kent Co., 26 July 1658, p. 181, (269). On N. E. side of Mettopony Riv., adj. land of Ralph Greene. 200 acs. on Wwd. side of the maine swamp of Arsantano Cr. 400 acs. on N. W. with land of Major Lewis, N. E. with maine swamp of Arsantane Cr. alias Tarsan- tyan & S. W. behind land of Capt. Robert Abrall. Granted by two patents unto Major Wm. Lewis, dated 25 May 1654 & 8 June 1655 & by him assigned unto sd. Wilchin. Renewed 20 Oct. 1662. JNO. WILLIAMS & STEPHEN NORMAN, 1200 acs. Westmoreland Co., 24 Nov. 1657, p. 182, (270). 800 acs. S. S. W. on land of Nicholas Lambsdon & running to upper head of Machotix Riv. 400 acs. adj. their own. land. Renewal of patent dated 16 July 1654. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662 in name of Jno. Williams & Edward Prescott, to whom it was assigned by sd. Norman. ANTHONY HAYNES, 640 acs. New Kent Co., 5 Oct. 1658, p. 182, (270). Beg. on S. W. side of Whorecock Sw., running W. by S. by William Goffes land &c. Trans, of 13 pers: David Steed, Fortune Perkins, Thomas Coates, Richard Lendy, Batt Ingerbanke. JOHN PIGGE, 300 acs. New Kent Co, 10 July 1658, p. 182, (271). On Patent Book No. 4 369 branches of Peanketanke, beg. at cor. of John Axoll's land. Trans, of 6 pers: Roger Denne (?), Jno. Younge, Wm. Bowyen, Tho. Hardicke, James Spritt, Rees Hughes. GEORG CHAPMAN, 1500 acs. New Kent Co., 9 Aug. 1658, p. 183, (271). On N. side of Mattopany Riv., beg. on E. side of Whorecock Sw. Trans, of 30 pers: Georg Morse, David Briggs, Richard Button, Andrew Morgan, Tho. Wasbrow, Thomas Doodinge, Wm. Haines, Wm. Hutton, Ro. Stoute, An- drewe Stellson, Jone Forrest, Mary Wasbrough Edmond Rutland, James Harris, Nicholas Fishpoole, Jno. Wm. (William), Dobson Whittson, Thomas Jones, Peter Redman, Tho. Parker, Tho. Payton, Ann Gibbs, Charles Merredith, James Martin, Andrew Rayne, Wm. Cowdery, Mary Cooper, Tho. Cawlins, Tho. Moody. JOHN AXOLL & ANTHONY HEYNES (Haines), 600 acs. New Kent Co., 10 July, 1658, p. 183, (271). Beg. in a valley of Peanketanke branches. Trans, of 12 pers: James Vauner (or Vanner), Tho. Jones, Sy- mon Perry, Bellinda Hayes, Edward Terrell, Georg Goddinge, Eliz. Panfack, Elizabeth Streete, Tho. Hinde, Rich. Hill, Jno. Rose, Jno. Lackham. Re- newed in name of John Axoll, 18 Mar. 1662, sd. Haines having assigned to him. NICHOLAS GIBSON, orphant of Tho. Gibson, 800 acs. New Kent Co., 13 Aug. 1658, p. 183, (272). Adj. his own land. Trans, of 16 pers.* RALPH LEFTWICH (Leiftwick), 300 acs. New Kent Co., 10 Aug. 1658, p. 184, (272). On branches of Peanke- tanke, beg. in John Pigges line. Trans, of 6 pers.* Renewed 8 Oct. 1662. HENRY CORBYN (Corbin), gent., 700 acs. on N. E. side of Mattapany Riv., about 25 mi. up the great swamp. 15 Sept. 1658, p. 184, (272). Trans. of 14 pers: Timothy Donir, Elizabeth Pickett, Henry James, Owen Davis, Richard Frassall, David Watkins, Jno. Henley, Francis Brooke, John Birke, Tho. Brookes, Jane Hornshey, Jno. Sleadman, Jno. Lewis, Jno. Hagg. JOHN MADDISON, 300 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Aug. 1658, p. 184, (273). On N. E. side of Mattapany Riv. & N. E. side of Whorecock Sw. Trans, of 6 pers: John Estowe, Jno. Durham, Lewis Montague, Mathew Nicholls, John Felkes, Tho. Bishopp. COL. SAMUEL SMITH, of Wicco- comoco, gent., 350 acs. Northumberland Co., 28 Sept. 1658, p. 185, (273). N. E. upon Patomeck Riv., running to land of Richard Tompson, N. W. upon Hulls thickett, S.Wly. upon land of Georg Coltclough. Trans, of 7 pers: Eliza- beth Read, Bryan an Irishman, Tony a Negro, Besse a Negro, Jone Kitchen- man, Mary Hutton, Ann Lever. ANTHONY HAYNES, 1000 acs. Rappa. Co., 5 Sept. 1658, p. 185, (273). On branches of Pascatticon Sw., beg. by an Indian path. Trans, of 20 pers: Mary Willis, Thomas Boyes, Margery Puttinge, Hurstwell, Tho. Bell, Rich. Damsies, Rich. Joy, Mary Joy, Jane Irish (Irish person ?), Georg Devarr, Georg Poole, Thomas Porter, Wm. Todd, Lawrence Yorke sheire, Mathew Pane, Richard Smith, Richard Steel, Asable Tutmarsh, Charles Quarles. ANTHONY HAINES, 500 acs. New Kent Co., Same page & date, (274). On N. side of Mattapany Riv. in the forke of Whorecock Sw., bounded N. with Martin Palmer's land. Trans, of 10 pers.* PETER FOARD & EDWARD RACLE, 640 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Aug. 1658, p. 186, (274). On N. side of Mattapany Riv. Trans, of 13 pers: Thomas Baile, Richard Drewe, Mary Willis, Benjamin Houlsworth, Margarey Partwerthy, Edward Howe, Jane Heire, Wm. Graves, Ann Graves, Wm. Tren- cher, Jno. Gilles, Tho. Bannister, & Elinor Rohoske. GEORG CHAPMAN, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 8 Aug. 1658, p. 186, (274). On N. side of Mattapany Riv.. Trans, of 20 pers: Walter Price, James Kinge, Tho. Talbott, John Fry, Nich. Richinge, Robert Munday, Marg. Hawkins, Alice Hobbs John Williams, Wm. Sidney, 370 Cavaliers and Pioneers John Padey, Anth. Moore, John Peace, Tho. Hadway, Joseph Lucas, Rich. Keyes, Mary Guny, Tho. Reekes, Wm. Mills, Tho. Shore. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. WM. HAY, gent., 250 acs. Yorke Co., 1 Sept. 1658, p. 186, (275). Wly. on land of John Hayward & the south- ern bounds running by a slash of water which parts the Co. of Yorke & the Co. of Denby. Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Stephens, Wm. Roberts, Edward Bray- brooke, Charles Perry, Richard Willson. Renewed 29 Oct. 1662. JOHN PIGGE, 700 acs. New Kent Co., 5 Sept. 1658, p. 187, (275). On N. side of Mattapony Riv. on branches of Winkepin Sw., beg. at corner trees in Ralph Leftwich's line. Trans, of 14 pers: Ann Berry, Henry Wills, Mar- garett Reynolds, Wm. Blease, Wm. Harmar, Robert Florine, Wm. Old, Alexander Gregory, Alice Potter, Elias Parkamore, James Sanders, Tho. Meeres, Alexander Baker, Tho. Dickson. THOMAS JONES, 1000 acs. Rappa. Co., 5 Sept. 1658, p. 187, (275). On branches of Pascatticon Sw. Trans, of 20 pers: Thomas Tipper, Tho. Redd- inge, Katherine Browne, James Clerke, Eliz. Jones, Thomas Gill, Wm. Boulin (or Bevlin) Edwd. Smith, Robert Abra- ham, Thomas Joines, Jno. Morgan, Wm. Corman. ROBERT JONES, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 14 Oct. 1658, p. 187, (276). On N. side of Mattapany Riv., beg. at land of John Exoll on N. side of a branch of Peanketanke Sw. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Clay, Jno. Norman, Jo. Parker, Wm. Luck, Robert Goswaine (or Gascoine), Ann Colchester, Wm. Florri- day, David Roberts, Gregory Nash, James Rounds. Assigned to Rowland Williams, who assigned to Edward Gresham in whose name it was renewed 18 Mar. 1662. MR. CUTHBERT POTTER, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 7 Oct. 1658, "about nine of the Clock in the morneinge'', p. 188, (276). On S. E. side of the Southermost branch of Burnhams Cr. alias Boswells Cr., and backing a parcell of land purchased by sd. Potter of one Evan Davis & towards Nimcock Cr. & adj. a tract formerly taken up by sd. Potter. Trans, of 12 pers.* GEORG CHAPMAN, 1500 acs. New Kent Co., 1 Sept. 1658, p. 188, (277). On N. side of Mattepany Riv. & on Ewd. side of Horecock Sw., beg. at his own land. Trans, of 30 pers: Mary Hewes, Charles Winterne, Mary Bate- man, John Bateman, Mabell Jones, John Knight, Wm. Hanwell, Robert Wright, Miles Grev, Fran. Acton, Tho. Winn, Thomas Willett, Richard Pery, Roger Stephens, Robert Wilson, Tho. Haw- kings, Mary Griggs, James Harcey, Rich. Willmod, Robert Brome, Tho. Franke, Mary Woodbridge, Robert Sallitt, John Fisher, Wm. Norton, Tho. Felton, Wm. Port, Walter Rigson, Sy- mon Heale, Tho. Edgcome. WILLIAM WOODLAND & BEN- JAMIN HOWARD, 280 acs. New Kent Co., 7 Oct. 1658, p. 189, (277). Adj. land of Georg Smith. Trans, of 6 pers: John Friske, Mary Knollinge, Thomas Sansom, Henry Wasborow, Ed- ward Parke, Eliz. Darry. RICHARD LEWIS, 500 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 7 Oct. 1658 "about eleaven of the Clock", p. 189, (278). Upon the head of Sunderland Cr. alias Burnhams Cr., beg. on the S. branch of the three runns, W. upon land of Thomas Paddi- son, S. W. to Mr. Tho. Wilby & Robert Midleton's land. Trans, of 10 pers.* Note: The rights of this patent are due by a former patent granted to John Sharpe, by him assigned to sd. Lewis & by him relinquished. Note: The rights of this patent are placed to another of sd. Lewis, Mr. Cuthbert Potter having a former grant to sd. land. 16 Jan. 1658. ROBERT YOUNGE, 200 acs. Lan- caster Co., 2 Dec. 1657, p. 189, (278). Towards the head of Coxes Cr., beg. at a branch dividing this & another tract of sd. Young's. Granted to Oliver Segar, last of Jan. 1653, assigned to Robert Armstrong, who assigned to sd. Younge. Patent Book No. 4 371 MAJOR JAMES GOODWIN, 1000 acs. Westmoreland Co., on S. side of Patomeck Riv., & upon S. & N. side of Chapawansick Cr., 15 Mar. 1657, p. 190, (279). E. upon land of Col. Mathewes. Granted unto Lt. Col. Nathaniell Pope, 6 Sept. 1654, by him deserted & due for trans, of 20 pers: Eliz. Turner, Eliz. Sparrow, Daniell Ocathame, Lem. Augulliott, Tho. Vin- cent, Jno. Faire, Mary Hudson,, Jno. Bartley, Jno. Greene, Jno. Hewett, Dennis Fother, James Shane, Darby Hoccaday, Heughes , Teague Grin- sin (?), Henry Hamond, Sarah Rose, Jno. Chesheire, Tho. Hardy, Abigail Cherrey. REES HUGHES, 860 acs. New Kent Co., 1 Mar. 1657, p. 190, (279). 410 acs. on S. W. side of Yorke Riv. From Georg Smith's N. corner tree, N. W. to Mr. Langstone's line &c. 410 acs. by patent dated 2 Dec. 1656 & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: Adam Denny, Robert Gray, Jno. Willins (or Willms.), David Morgan, Mary, Morgan, Mary, Martha, Ann Lerry (?), Robert Kiggs, Wm. Tiller. WILLIAM JACOB, 660 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 25 Aug. 1656, p. 191, (280). 400 acs. lyeing in a roade or bay being the second bay which issues into Lin- haven Riv. & adj. land of George Keth; 260 acs. in Linnhaven on the Eastern shore, running to Kemps line Sec. 400 acs. by patent dated 19 Oct. 1643 & residue for trans, of 6 pers: Wm. An- drewes, Darby Kelly, Ann Breakes, Christian Christians, Margarett Sibill, Wm. Hill. JOHN CURTIS, 2000 acs. in the freshes of Patomeck Riv. above Anno- costin, 3 Dec. 1657, p. 191, (281). Trans, of 40 pers.* SAME, 1200 acs. Lancaster Co., 15 Mar. 1657, p. 192, (281). Upon the head of Parrotts Cr. upon the S. side of Rappa. Riv.. Trans, of 24 pers.* JOHN DRAYTON, 2000 acs. West- moreland Co., 26 Nov. 1657, p. 192, (281). On S. side of Patomeck Riv., S. E. upon a branch dividing this & the Doages Island, N. E. upon a branch dividing this & land of Mr. Thomas Speake, N. W. upon land of Major Milles Carey & S. W. upon Ohaquinn Riv. Renewal of patent dated 25 Nov. 1654. JOHN GILLETT, 800 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., about 15 mi. above Nanzemum Towne, opposite to land purchased by him of Richard Coleman. Trans, of 16 pers.* 28 Sept. 1657, p. 192, (282). The rights are taken out of a patent of 1000 acs. granted to sd. Gillett, 7 Sept. 1654 which he hath relinquished. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662 in name of Mr. Tho. Button, he having married the relict of sd. Gillett. JAMES ALLEN, 450 acs. Northum- berland Co., 25 Nov. 1657, p. 193, (282). Ely. .upon Wiccomoco Riv. Cr., Sly. upon a branch of same divid- ing this from land of Richard Spann & Henry Watts & Nly. upon a line of trees dividing this & land of John Motly. 300 acs. by patent, 20 June 1657 & residue for trans, of 3 pers.* WILLIAM STROUDER, (Strowder), of Nomeny, Cooper, 500 acs. Westmore- land Co., 27 Apr. 1658, p. 193, (283). On S. side of Herring Cr. by some called Nominy Riv., running by a small branch where land of Mr. Wm. Peirce begins, S. by W. to an Indian feild &c. & opposite plantation of Mrs. Yoell. 450 acs. granted to Gabriell Odger 16 Sept. 1657, assigned unto sd. Stroudar & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 per.* LEUIT. DAVID PHILLIPPS, 350 acs. Westmoreland Co., 25 Sept. 1657, p. 194, (284). 250 acs. SIv. on Hollis' Cr., Wly. upon land of John Vaughan & N.Ely, towards land of Wm. Freake; 100 acs. S.Ely, upon sd. land, N.Ely. towards land of Lt. Col. Pope. 200 acs. granted to Mathew Tomlin 14 May 1653, assigned unto Gervase Dodson & by him assigned unto sd. Phillipps, & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.* CHRISTOPHER GARLINGTON, 1050 acs. Northumberland Co., 27 Apr. 1658, p. 194, (284). 650 acs. upon S. side of Dennisses Cr. which issues upon 372 Cavaliers and Pioneers S. side of great Wiccocomoco Riv., ex- tending upon marked trees of Jno. Gam- lin & Isaack Weaver; 400 acs. at the head of the aforesd. tract, S.Wly. to land of Tho. Brewer & N.Ely, upon land bought of Howett. 650 granted to John Howett 29 July 1652, assigned un- to sd. Garlington & residue for trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Harris twice, Mary Harris, Amy Hoskins, Mathew Harris, Wm. Allen, Dorothy Parke, Hugh Wattson. GERVASE DODSON, 2000 acs. in Petomeck freshes above Capt. Brent; 1500 acs. N.Ely, upon land of Mrs. Burbage or Capt. Streater & S.Wly. up- on land of one Codsford & others, run- ning N.Wly. betwixt two creeks called Yosococomocoe & Nyopscoe; 500 acs. S.Ely, upon land of Mr. Henry Vincent. 27 Aug. 1658, p. 195, (285). Trans, of 40 pers: Ann Starr. (No other names). Note: This patent assigned to Mr. Henry Corbyn & by him made over to his daughter Alice Corbyn as by deed dated 19 Oct. 1660. RICHARD SEARLE, 550 acs. West- moreland Co., 25 Sept. 1657, p. 195, (286). On N. side of Armsbyes Cr. Trans, of 11 pers: Wm. Watts, Hen. Martin, Tho. Harris, Arthur Shore, Tho. Attenborow, Rich. Peace, Mary Clare, Susan Browne, Rich. Searle twice, Jno. Barber. MR. HENRY VINCENT, 650 acs. in Patomeck freshes opposite (but some- thing below) Pascatoway Cr., upon the lower side of a small cr., S.Ely, upon sd. river, N.Ely, upn sd. small creek which "wee supposeth divides from the land of Capt. Brent or his sonne or sister" &c. 16 Sept. 1657, p. 196, (286). Trans, of 3 pers.* Note: This land is granted to Capt. Peter Jennings 17 Oct. 1660. CAPT. JOHN ENGLISH, 1000 acs. Northumberland Co., 25 Sept. 1657, p. 196, (286). N.Ely, upon the head of Broad Cr. between Yeocomoco & Matta- pany Rivers, N.Wly. upon land of An- thony Linton, S.Ely, upon land of Law- rence Dameron & Shepard & S. W. upon a branch which is included in Mr. Sackford Brewsters land &c. 300 acs. granted unto Mr. Wm. Bacon, 9 Oct. 1653, assigned to Mr. Gervase Dodson who assigned to sd. English & for trans, of 14 pers: Wm. Harris, Jno. Greene, Michaell Sparkes, Mary Hatton, Barna- by Sprigge, Tho. Spicer, Robert Watts, Oliver Kinge, Rice Jones, Jone Thorp, Dan. Wells, Wm. Alcock, Ann Hughes, Tabitha Collins. WM. LITTLE, 100 acs. Northumber- land Co., 4 June, 1655, p. 196, (287). On S. side of great Wiccocomicoe Riv., N. W. upon land of Daniell Crosby, E.S.E. towards land of Wm. Thomas, & S.S.W. towards Gervase Dodson. Trans, of 2 pers.* (Granted by Edw. Diggs, Govr.) WILLIAM LITLE to JOHN HUD- NALL (Hudnell), 8 Dec. 1658 & in- dorsed on back of pattern 20 May 1658, p. 197, (287). Assignment of above patent. Witnesses: Edward Cockshead & Henry Dawson. Rich. Felgat, Clk. Northumberland Co. By Richard Bennett, Govr. DANIELL CROSBY, 150 acs. North- umberland Co., 10 Sept. 1654, p. 197, (288). On S. side of great Wiccoco- micoe Riv., N. W. upon land of Mr. Nicholas Morrice. Trans, of 3 pers;* Note: Assigned to John Hudnall, 20 May 1657. Witness: John Haynes, Rich. Flinte, Clk. Assignment to Pall Bayley of 150 acs. in same county, 20 June, 1656, p. 197, (288). Witnesses: Clk. Acknowledged in court 21 July 1656. PALL BAYLEY, of Isle of Wight Co. to John Hudnall, assignment of the above. 20 Nov. 1656, p. 198, (289). Witnesses: Nicholas Cobb & Rich. Flinte, Clk. Ack. in Ct. 20 May, 1657. EDWARD COLES, 500 acs. North- umberland Co., 10 Oct. 1652, p. 198, (289). Upon Southermost side of Wiccocomicoe Riv., upon the head of a devdt. of Richard Span, running to land of James Allen & S. W. side of Chicka- cone Path. Trans, of 10 pers.* Patent Book No. 4 373 Assignment of the above to Richard Spanne, 20 Sept. 1653, p. 198, (290). Witnesses: Gervas Dodson & Charles Ashton. Rich. Flinte, Clk. Assignment of the above to Henry Watts, 20 Feb. 1655, p. 198, (290). Witness: John Motley. Rich. Flinte, Clk. By Samuell Mathewes, Esq. Govr. JERRARD ERRINGTON, 500 acs. on N. W. side in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., about 12 mi. above Nansemond Towne, beg. opposite to land of John Weyre. 6 June 1657, p. 199, (291). Renewal of patent dated 7 Sept. 1654. JOHN HUDNALL, 250 acs. North- umberland Co., 24 Aug. 1658, p. 199, (291). On S. side of great Wiccoco- mocoe Riv., 150 acs. N.N.E. upon sd. river near a place called the Hand, W.N.W. upon land of Mr. Nicholas Morris; 100 acs. N.Ely, upon the river, W.N.W. upon land of Daniell Crosby, E.S.E. towards land of Wm. Thomas & S.S.W. towards land of Gervase Dod- son. 150 acs. granted to Daniell Cros- by, 10 Sept. 1654, assigned to Paul Bayly, who assigned to sd. Hudnall & 100 acs. to William Little, 4 June 1655 & assigned to sd. Hudnall. HENRY WATTS, 650 acs. Northum- berland Co., 7 Sept. 1658, p. 200, (292). On S. side of great Wiccoco- mocoe Cr., Ely. upon land of Richard Spann, Nly. upon land of James Allen, Wly. upon land of John Moteley & Sly. upon land of Thomas Dorrow & Chick- acone path. 500 acs. granted to Ed- ward Coles, 10 Oct. 1652, assigned unto Richard Spann, who assigned to sd. Watts & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Henry Watts, Francis Berkeley, Rose Page. Renewed 13 Jan. 1661. WM. HALL, Senr., 200 acs. James City Co., 10 Feb. 1657, p. 200, (293). On the N. side of James Riv., E. on old Knights land, S. on Mr. Morgan, W. on Phillip Charles, Michaell Good- ale & John Merriman & N. on the main branch of Warraney Cr. Trans, of 4 pers.* LT. COL. NATHANIELL POPE, 1500 acs. Westmoreland Co., 31 Aug. 1657, p. 201, (293). On S. side of Pato- meck Riv. 1000 acs. on the S. & N. side of Chapawansick Cr., E. & N. on land of Coll. Mathewes &c. 500 acs. on N. side of sd. Cr., Wly. towards land of Mr. Walter Broadhurst & Nly. on land of Mr. Robert Huberd. 1000 acs. by patent dated 6 Sept. 1654 by him surrendered & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers: James Johnson, Jno. Ste- phens, Edward Conn, Abra. Jenman, Robert Jones, Jno. Browne, Margaret Warren, Hen. Cleborne, Patrick Spence, Tho. Butler. GERVASE DODSON, 5200 acs. Westmoreland Co., 16 Sept. 1657, p. 201, (294). Near the head of upper Machoatick Riv., Ely. adj. his own land & land of Nathaniell Jones & Xpher. Boyce, deed., Nly. upon Mr. Fowkes at Chetanke Cr., John Walton, Mr. Nicho- las Merriwether & others & soe running about the Indian Towne & lands of Jno. Williams, Stephen Norman, Nicholas Langsden, & Major Thomas Davis of Walters Cr; part of this land known by the name of Upper Machotick Towne. Due by purchase from Major Jno. Smith of Stanley Hundred as followeth: 3000 acs. granted sd. Smith & Mr. Francis Smith, engeeneer, (or engeeners), 7 Sept. 1654 by whose death it has fallen wholely to sd Major Smith & by him assigned unto sd. Dodson; & being found to be 2200 acs. more on the S. & W. side thereof, sd. Dodson hath produced rights to the same & due for trans, of 44 pers: Jno. Bell, Wm. Hoble, Wm. Buffett, Alexander Cooper, Wm. Langle, Jno. Butler, Daniell Dunn, David Norvey (?) Wm. Tett, Walter Blade, Easter Jury, Mary Bea- champe, Roger &c. Tabitha, Susan, Tho. Prickett, & his wife, Tho. Oliver, Wilkes Mander (?), James Willson, Antho. Watts, Nich. Hewes, Tho. Was- dall, Francis Pretloe, Robert Rigga, John Neale, Wm. Davis, Alexander Arthur, Jno. Bird, Wm. Armfeild, Wm. Ballard, Thomas Harris, Tho. (?) Lid- gitt, Jno. Griffin, Robert West, David Price, Fra. Stoakes, Jno. Mandergan, Mary Baker, Ann Nohum (?). 3 Negroes, Christopher Marlowe, Mary 374 Cavaliers and Pioneers Hix, Peter Ward (or Ware), Eliz. Butteresse, Nich. Buttresse, Nicho. Mason, Martin Wyatt, John Clarke, Jane Deepe, John Bunkley, Rolph Bur- corck (?), Alex Strahan, Daniell Ste- phens, Eliz. Willoughby, Rich. Bignall, John Darkeny, Edward Morkey, RAWLEIGH TRAVERS, 300 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., about 2 mi. from the plantation of Mr. James Bagnall. 15 Oct. 1657, p. 202, (295). Renewal of patent dated 9 Mar. 1653. The follow- ing names appear: Samuell Cole, Tho. Goodry, John Granger, Eliz. Packing- ton, Thomas Arther, Tho. Tillett. VINCENT STANFORD, 600 acs., 1 June 1657, p. 202, (296). From S. E. side of land of Wm. Clapham now in possession of Thomas Carter & upon N. E. side of a devdt. of Ephraditus Lawson, deed., now in possession of Wm. Clapham, Jr. Trans, of 12 pers.* JOHN NICHOLLS, of Corrotoman Riv., 900 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 May 1657, p. 203, (296). 450 acs. N. W. on sd. Riv., N.Ely, on land of Mr. Ed- win Connaway, S. W. upon Nicholas George & Andrew Boyer; S. E. along sd. Connaway & Georg Boyer; 450 acs. N.Wly. upon the head of sd. tract, S.Wly. upon Andrew Boyer & Georg Goldsmith, S.Ely, upon Mr. Kinsey & Ed. Edmonds, dee'd. 400 acs. granted unto Capt. Thomas Hackett 29 Nov. 1652, assigned unto sd. Nicholls; 50 acs. to sd. Nicholls 19 Oct. 1653 & the residue for trans, of 9 pers.* LT. COL. MILES CAREY, 344 acs. Warwick Co., 13 Mar. 1657, p. 204, (298). 250 acs. beg. at a corner of Mr. Cripps land, running parallel to Edward Wills land, N. W. to land of the Lady Harvey; 44 acs. beg. at uttermost bounds of Mr. Thomas Taylor &c. & adj. land of Col. Samuel Mathews &c to beg. at the head of Pottash Cr. 250 acs. by patent to Thomas Taylor, 28 Oct. 1643 & bequeathed to sd. Carey by will & 94 acs. by patent to sd. Carey, 30 Mar. 1655. MR. JOHN EDWARDS, 118 acs. Lancaster Co., 30 May 1657, p. 205, (299). Between Rappa. & Corotoman Rivers & running to marked trees of Capt. Hackett. Trans, of 3 pers: John Edwards, Mary Edwards, Leonard Cac- cott (?). Deserted by sd. Edwards & granted 14 Oct. 1665 in name of Mr. David Fox. Note: The 3 names fol- lowing appear on the margin of this record & no doubt represent the head- rights of sd. Fox. Symon Commick, Jno. Brooks, Wm. Cassell. VINCENT STANFORD, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 June 1657, p. 205, (300). Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., running by devdt. surveyed for Capt. Daniell Gookins, & on a N. W. branch of Corrotoman Riv. 400 acs. granted unto John Phillipps 13 July 1653 & by Col. Fontleroy, Adm'r., assigned to sd. Stanford & 600 acs. for trans, of 12 pers: Robert Cornelius, Tho. Mims, Roger Smith, Tho. Hubbard, 2 Negroes. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. GEORGE FRIZZELL, 600 acs. Northampton Co., 10 Oct. 1657, p. 206, (300). At Magaty Bay; 350 acs. butting upon land of John Ascum & 250 acs. beg. on N. side of land former- ly belonging to John Neale, Nly. to- wards land of Edmond Scarbroueh. 350 acs. granted unto James Berry 22 Aug. 1637 & 250 acs. by patent to him dated 10 Oct. 1640, assigned to Capt. Francis Pott & by him assigned unto sd. Frizzell. Renewed 10 Mar. 1663. JOHN CORKER, 1150 acs. Surry Co., 20 Mar. 1657, p. 206, (301). On S. side of James Riv. & S. side of the head of Grayes Cr. called the Wayer necke; beg. on the N. side of the Cr. opposite to the mill, over the swamp to Mr. Rolfes line &c. to the cart path & the path leading from Mr. Corkers to Spilltimbers &c. 500 acs. purchased of John Kempe 24 Oct. 1639 & 650 acs. to sd. Corker by patent 2 Dec. 1640. MR. DAVID LINDSEY, 236 acs. Northumberland Co. upon Perries Cr., 23 Mar. 1657, p. 207, (302). Beg. on sd. Cr., running to head of the branch parting this from land in possession of Richard White, Carpenter. 210 acs. granted unto Thomas Willford 10 Nov. Patent Book No. 4 375 1651, assigned to Edward Henly, reas- signed to sd. Wilsford, who assigned to sd. Lindsey; 26 acs. granted Thomas Wilsford 1 Aug. 1653 & assigned as above noted. Trans, of 1 pers.* Re- newed 18 Mar. 1662. JOHN STEPHENS, 1000 acs. Rappa. Co., 13 Mar. 1657, p. 208, (303). Op- posite land of Col. Henry Fleete, S.Ely, upon Manakin Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Mary Comings, John Mabett, John Hallwell, Mary Arnold, John Weston, Roger Burdett, Jane Raye, Roger Hey- ward, Marg. Robison, Jo. Browne, John Coleman, Tho. Mercer, Wm. Benson, Tho. Farrell, Wm. Longe, Robert Kirky, Wm. Sale, Roger Kenler (or Kenter), Wm. O Kery, James Fiskell. MR. WILLIAM THOMAS, 500 acs. Northumberland Co., 23 Mar. 1657, p. 208, (303). On N. side of great Wic- cocomocoe Riv., 250 acs. W.N.W. upon Saffalls Cr. & E. N.E. upon Island Cr., & 250 acs. adj. sd. tract, N.W. upon land of Roger Walters, N. E. upon the path that goes to Chickacone & divides this from land of Henry Watts & Tho- mas Darrell, S.E. upon land of Henry Smith, Orphant & land of William Nutt. 250 acs. by patent dated 16 July 1654 & residue for trans, of 5 pers: 3 Negroes; and Elizabeth Johnson, James Gaylord. JOHN CHAPMAN, 250 acs. Gloces- ter Co., in Kingstone Parish, 15 Mar. 1657, p. 209, (304). Upon S. side of Peanketanke Riv., beg. on the back of Mr. William Armsteads land, running N. by E. to Col. Gwinns marked trees. Granted to Col. Humphrey Higginson, 20 Sept. 1654 & deserted. Trans, of 5 pers.* THOMAS WOODHOUSE & JOHN WOOD, 6000 acs. N.Ely, upon Pato- meck Riv. above another seate of land of sd. Wood above land of Mr. Wm. Presly. Trans, of 120 pers: Phillip Harwood, Robt. Salter, Mararee Long, Tho. Warham, John Spone, Wm. Gay- ter, Roger Plumer, Edwd. Plaice, Jervis Wilkinson, Wm. Lancaster, Tho. Fockn- ham, Tho. Giles, Tho. Panton, Edward Bourne, Phillip Ashby, James Beare, Symon Salter, Henry Sterne, Roger Sy- mons, Jno. Wray, Jo. Coates, Tho. Preston, Abra. Jnoson (Johnson), Edwd. Jnoson, Jo. Philpott, Jo. Tyler, Morgan Lewis, Math. Hughes, James Roberts, Roger Clayton, Tho. Kniteley, Robt. Heme, Wm. Strood, Symon Allen, Jeremy Ware, Richard Core, Richard Smith, Sam. Warren, Ja. Bird, Tho. Davies, Edwd. Sneath, Wm. Tanner, Robt. Wheeler, Henry Weston, Isaack Scott, John Atkins, Jno. Sheffeild, Nich. Wilson, Ralph Sharpe, Wm. Batesman, Mich. Wills, Alex Mont, Marke Alester, Georg Rayman, Sam Burton, Cath. Fletcher, Ferd. Downies, Wm. Ed- monds, Joshua Gibson, Robt. Read, Hen. Harp (?), Tho. Duninge, Tho. Beale, John Marston, Roger Gray, Henry Talbott, Mich. Orton, James Neale, Tho. Murry, Luke Bayly, Tho. Beale. 29 May 1658, p. 209, (305). (Note:) Marginal notations: "The last 4 made use of Merrewether assigned them to Brady" ; "Mr. Merewether hath Certificate for the first halfe of these Rights" ; "White hath made use of 4 of the other halfe'' ; "5 more made use of" ; "4 more made use of." MR. RICHARD WRIGHT, 2200 acs. Westmoreland Co., 7 Oct. 1658, p. 210, (305). On S. W. side of Patomeck Riv., bounded from Sandy Point at the mouth of Armsbies Cr. unto Mattrons point, W. N. W. upon Nominy Bay, thence to Wright Virgin Cr. &c. 963 acs. granted unto Col. John Mottrom, 13 Aug. 1650 & due sd. Wright as marrieinge Ann the daughter of sd. Mottrom; 500 acs. granted to Thomas Wilkinson 10 Oct. 1650, afterwards granted to Thomas Brereton 8 June 1658 & assigned to sd. Wright. & 737 Acs. for trans, of 15 pers: John Bate- man, Edward Sanders, Jno. Knight, Richard Cox, Symon Carpenter, Joseph Hary, Rich. Wright, James & Patience, Negroes, Charles Winterne, Nich. Smith, Tho. Hansford, Wm. Churme, Margarett Donnell, Jno. Case. MR. CHRISTOPHER HARRIS, 2000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 7 Oct. 1658, p. 210, (306). On the S. side of Poto- meck on S. W. side of Yosockcocomo- coe Cr. Trans, of 40 pers: Jno. Snell- 376 Cavaliers and Pioneers inge, Nath. Pinion, Georg Covell, James Mahue, Wm. West, Edward Bromfeild, John Abbott, Jane Dawson, Theo. Cle- mente, Nath. Crosby, Wm. Symson, Ann Delue, Mary James, Hugh Thomas, Ja. Hollirosse (?), Wm. Feild, John Mutton, Robert Hollaway, Wm. New- come, Joseph Fairepointe, James Male, Jno. Williams, Jno. Cranfeild, Roger Sloe, Wm. Nicholls, Henry Coniers, Ed- mond Lucas, Jno. Trevett, Charles Davison, Georg Harper, Mathew Batts, Sarah Mashy, Margarett Munday, Sy- mon Hall, John Markhamm, Nath. Ruferd. (Note: In this list appears the following: "Assigned by Mr. Jno. Snellinge." ) JOHN SHAWE, 400 acs. Northum- berland Co., 17 June 1658, p. 211, (307). On S. side of great Wiccoco- mocoe Riv. at the head of a creek which divides the land of Mr. Thomas Sals- bury & Henry HufTes; 300 acs. betwixt the main branches of sd. cr., E. S. E. on land of Thomas Kidby; 1000 acs. adj. sd. tract, N. E. upon land of Tho- mas Bayles, S. S. W. upon land which was John Fawsetts, Freeman Conna- waies &c. & W. N. W. upon land of Mr. Isaack Foxcroft. 300 acs. granted to him 1 July 1654 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: John Robinson, Elizabeth Revells. JOHN SMART, 1400 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. next above the land of Silvester Thatcher & Thomas Whitelock, running along a little creek dividing their land. 15 Mar. 1657, p. 211, (307). Granted unto Robert Bird 29 July 1650 & assigned unto sd. Smart. THOMAS PECK, gent., 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 8 June 1658, p. 212, (308). On N. side of Mattapany Riv., behind land of Major Wm. Taylor & Mr. Edward Diggs, beg. at a creek dividing the land of the above named gentlemen. Renewal of patent dated 6 Apr. 1655 & due for trans, of 20 pers.* GARRETT PIGGE (Pigg), 350 acs. New Kent Co., 12 June 1658, p. 212, (308). On N. side of James Riv. & E. side of Rickahock Path, beg. at War- rany Path. Granted to Wm. Hall 6 Oct. & by him assigned. MR. CHARLES ASHTON, 400 acs. Westmoreland Co., 12 June 1658, p. 212, (309). Bounded on S.E. with land of Edward Parker, N.N.E. upon the head of a creek dividing this & land of Mr. Valentine Payton. Granted unto Richard Codsford, 20 Aug. 1655, as- signed unto sd. Ashton & due for trans, of 8 pers: John Whaley, Edward Wakeley, John Browne, Tho. Rogers, Edmond Macknee, Rice Jones, Tho. Morgan, Rich. Snead. MR. HENRY RANDOLPH, 500 acs. in Patomeck freshes above the first creek above Pascattaway, from the side of a swamp dividing this & land of Thomas Broughton & N.N.E. to land of Francis Carpenter. 7 June 1658, p. 213, (309). Trans, of 10 pers.* CAPT. WILLIAM CLAIBORNE, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 12 June 1658, p. 213. On S. side Peanketanke great swamp near the head thereof. 12 June 1658, p. 213, (309). Trans, of 20 pers.* (Duplicate page.) MR. CHARLES ASHTON, 100 acs. Northumberland Co., in Cherry pointe necke, 12 June 1658, p. 213, (309). Wly. adj. his own & land of Thomas Addams, Sly. upon Edward Henly & Francis Simons, Ely. upon land of Henry Mosely & Nly. upon land of William Warder, Thomas Orly & Wm. Medcalfe. Trans, of 2 pers: John Jenny, Wm. Longman. (Duplicate page.) MAJOR WILLIAM HOCCADAY, 1280 acs. New Kent Co., 12 June 1658, p. 214, (310). On S. side of Yorke Riv. 640 acs. on S.E. side of Warrany main branch, running to the head of the southermost branch thereof & includ- ing all the Indian feilds on the S. W. side of the head of Warrany; 640 acs. adj. the devdt. he is now seated on, beg. at sd. Cr., S.E. to the Indian feild path & adj. sd. tract. Renewal of 2 patents dated 1 Aug. 1655 & 2 Nov. 1656 for 640 acs. each. JOHN HOPSWOOD, 25 acs. Lease for term of 21 years. Last of July 1658, p. 214, (311). (County not mentioned.) Patent Book No. 4 377 GEORG AUSTIN, 950 acs. New Kent Co., 8 June 1658, p. 215, (311). 400 acs. beg. at a N.W. branch of Poropotanke maine swamp; 550 acs. neere the fork of sd. swamp, adj. a tract surveyed for Thomas Cox. Granted to Arthur Nash & sd. Austin, 6 Dec. 1654 & by sd. Nash wholly assigned to sd. Austin. CAPT. PETER ASHTON, 2000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 20 Aug. 1658, p. 215, (312). Nly. upon land sd. Ash- ton bought of Wm. Parry, lieing neer Patomeck Towne, Ely. towards land of Mr. Meriweather & Henry Eggerton. Trans, of 40 pers.* RALPH GREENE, 1000 acs. Gloces ter Co., last day of Aug. 1658, p. 216 (312). Upon N. side of Yorke Riv. from Jones Cr. to a Cr. dividing this & land of Col. Richard Lee, W. N. W upon sd. Cr. & land of Wm. Thorne 400 acs. granted him 16 Feb. 1653. 700 acs. due for trans, of 14 pers: Wm Turner, Henry Jones, John Haies, Ed ward Pinton, Geo. Foster, Jane Young Rober. Bellfinn, Roger Collins, John Logg, Andrew Pight, Rich. Foster, James Greene, Wm. Stiplee (?). RICHARD FLINTE, 394 acs. North- umberland Co., 7 Sept. 1658, p. 216, (313). N.E. upon Patomeck Riv., S. by W. upon little Wiccocomocoe Cr. & a branch of same dividing this & land of Richard Tompson, W. by N. & E. by S. upon land belonging to Mr. Samuell Smith. Granted unto John Hany, 6 Sept. 1654 & by him assigned unto sd. Flinte. JOHN CHAPMAN, 400 acs. Gloces- ter Co., 15 Sept. 1658, p. 217, (314). On S. side of Peanketanke Riv. Trans, of 8 pers.* HENRY FORREST, 700 acs. Gloces- ter Co., 15 Sept. 1658, p. 217, (314). Upon Milford Haven Cr., N.E. upon land of John Lylly, down Garden Cr. to land of Mr. Edward Cheeseman. 150 acs. granted unto Abraham Moone, as- signed to Thomas Borne, who assigned to Georg Billipps & by him assigned to sd. Forrest. 550 acs. for trans, of 11 pers: Alexander Hall, Richard Batchelor, John Butcher, John Cavelery, Edward Forrest, Rice Aldock, Henry Forrest, & his wife, Elizabeth Forrest. THOMAS WILLIS & JOHN MIDLE- TON, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 15 Sept. 1658, p. 217, (314). Beg. on head of Sanderland Cr., N.W. upon Thomas Paddison & S.W. upon the great swampe, Trans, of 12 pers.* Note: Sd. Midleton assigned his share unto sd. Willis & patent renewed 16 Feb. 1663. MR. MARTIN PALMER, 1300 acs. New Kent Co., 9 Aug. 1658, p. 218, (315). On N. side of Mattapony Riv. & both sides of Whorecock Swamp. Trans, of 26 pers: Jno. Thomas, Wm. Hollman, Fran. Powlett, Ed. Hopkins, Jno. Mitchell, Thomas Ware (or Ward), Jno. Burton, Henry Foard, Martin Wild, Mary Saveinge, Martin Walker, Wm. Browne, Ro. Bartlett, Jno. Clarke, Fran. Whitehead, Rich. Thomas, Robert Wagge, Timo. Wagge, Robert Carter, Tho. Adams, Robert Hilliard, Symon Farmer, Rich. Hickocke, Tho. Jones, Wm. Richards, Fran. Faulkner. MATHEW HUBERD, gent., 590 acs. Yorke Co., on S.W. side of Yorke Riv., 6 Oct. 1658, p. 218, (315). Beg. in Thomas Smith's line to bounds of Wm. Gantlett, running to a spring or run on the main swampe of Skiminoe, Wly. by land of Phillipp Cheslie & Daniel Wilds. Renewal of patent dated 18 Aug. 1655 & due for trans, of 10 pers.* THOMAS KIRKE, 110 acs. James City Co., 6 Oct. 1658, p. 219, (316). Bet. branches of Pohatan, extending N. by E. along land of Sir William Berke- ley, S.S.E. along land of Mr. Richard Ford, S.S.W. by land of Richard Vardy & finally along land of sd. Kirke & Henry Bradshawe (lately purchased of Mr. Nicholas Meriweather & Jno. Leech). Trans, of 3 pers: Thomas Kirke, Thomas Herman, Ellinor Wood- stock. WM. HEABERD & JOHN HEA- BEARD, 300 acs. Westmoreland Co., 4 Oct. 1658, p. 219, (316). Bet. 2 branches of Paspetanzey Cr., one ex- tending S.S.E. , dividing this & land of 378 Cavaliers and Pioneers Mr. Gerrard Fowke; the other branch dividing this & land of Sir Thomas Lunsford. Trans, of 6 pers: Ann Browne, Edward Browne, Rachell Wil- lis, Thomas Jones, Lafaland Foland, Jno. Haies. JOHN LINGE, 300 acs. James City Co., 6 Oct. 1658, p. 219, (316). On N. side of Chickahominy Riv., beg. at the head of a branch of Tyascond neere the great Indian feild nigh land of Margarett Barrett. Renewal of patent dated 1 Apr. 1655 & due for trans, of 6 pers.* Renewed 7 Feb. 1662 & 70 acs. added. WILLIAM BUCHER (Butcher), 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 5 Mar. 1658, p. 220, (317). On the head of Peanketanke Riv. Beg. by the great swamp side near a place known by the name of the deep Landing, running to land of Abraham Moone & S. E. near land of Mrs. Elinor Brocas alias John Jackson's. 150 acs. granted to Charles Hill 6 Mar. 1655 & assigned unto Thomas Harwood, who assigned to sd. Bucher & residue for trans, of 3 pers: Ann Forrest, Eliza- beth Forrest, Jno. Forrest. Renewed 29 Oct. 1662. JOHN WORTHAM, 400 acs. Lan- caster Co., 5 Mar. 1658, p. 220, (318). Beg. at tree of Mr. Abraham Moone & running to the great swamp. 300 acs. granted unto Dennis Coniers, assigned unto Charles Hill, who assigned to Tho- mas Harwood, & by him assigned unto sd. Wortham & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Alexander Hall, Jno. Caveley. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. RICHARD WELLS, 100 acs. West- moreland Co., 8 Oct. 1658, p. 220, (318). Beg. at an oake dividing this & land of sd. Wells & running Wly. along land of Richard Searle. Trans, of 2 pers.* GEORG BERRY, 500 acs. in Pato- meck freshes above Pascataway, 4 Oct. 1658, p. 221, (319). Beg. at a small swamp & extending S. along the river. Due by purchase of patent to Edward Williams dated 15 July 1657, who with Temperance, his wife, assigned to sd. Berry, 17 July 1658. SAME. 600 acs. Same location, page, & date. Granted unto Robert Bradshawe & James Claughton, 15 July 1657 & by them & their wives assigned unto Edward Williams, 14 Nov. 1657 & due sd. Berry as above. JOHN TINGEY, 67 acs. Northum- berland Co., 4 Oct. 1658, p. 221, (320). Beg. at the head of a creek & line of John Moseley, extending N.W. along land of Wm. Medcalfe, S.S.W. to land of Henry Moseley &c. Trans, of pers: Sarah Jackson, Dorathy Russell. Re- newed 18 Mar. 1662. THOMAS WILKINSON, 6000 acs. above the head of Patomeck Cr., beg. at westermost corner of land of Mr. Merriweather now in the tenure of Nicholas Russell. 10 June 1658, p. 222, (320). Trans, of 120 pers: Robert Dennett, Thomas Lyne, Susan Symson, Richard Jones, Sam. Jones, Jeffery Steele, Hum. London, Retrun Garrett, Sara Hanker (or Hauker), Easter Hauker (?), Prudence Moone, Frances Moone, 10 Negroes from Mr. Bennett, 6 Negroes in the Roe Bucke, Henrick Denton, James Roe, Joane Roe, Wm. Roe, Damascene Roe, Guy White, Peter Gambore, Henry Parson, Wm. Willblood, John Duffie, Wm. Collman (or Coleman), Mr. Geo Miniefie, Mrs. Mary Minifie, Mrs. Eliza. Miniiie, Mrs. Eliza Booker, Mrs. Eliz. Dolivell, Mr. John James, Nicholas Martiaw, Capt. Henry Perry, Silvester Stokes, Wm. Smith, Mich. Waller, Sam. Banier (?) Ann Taylor, John Williams, David Goodaile, Robert Breswell, Sara Mackore, John Madory, Ann Roe, Jno. Motis, Lucy White, Mary White, Jno. Muckully, Wm. Plumtree, Michaell Batts, Tho. Hindes, Terin. Hely, Jno. Davenant (?), Robt. Wegans, Wm. Frost, Thomas Page, Henry Roult, Wm. Eyres, John Murton, Rich. White, John Lee, Jno. Poison, Richd. Plaine, Richard Vennalls, John Williams, Sam. Hock- steed, John Osman, Sarah Dowdin, Jno. Lewis, Ralph Blessinge, Basill Alcocke, Tho. Wilkinson, Mary Willson, John Rolph, Wm. Horsley, John Sparrowe, Daniell Herriman, Francis Wheler, 11 times, Huntington Ayres, Henry Boul- ton, Richard Dolle, John Scott, John Patent Book No. 4 379 Carter, John Gault, Andrewes Smith, John Turke, Robt. Haynott, Rich. Shepard, Bernard Tynns (?), Stephen Hall, Robt. Sanders, Wm. Morris. Re- newed 18 Mar. 1662. JAMES BRENETT, 200 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. upon a branch near land of William Clapham. 6 Oct. 1658, p. 223, (320). Granted unto John Ayres 24 Oct. 1655, assigned unto sd. Brennett & Peter Johnson & now- renewed for trans, of 4 pers.* MR. GREY SKIPWITH, 900 acs. New Kent Co., 11 Oct. 1658, p. 223, (321). On N. side of Mattapany Riv., running down same to marked trees of Mr. Digges. Granted unto Thomas Dale, 4 Jan. 1653, by him deserted & now due for trans, of 18 pers.* JOHN LEWIS & JAMES TURNER, 1000 acs. of suncken land & marsh called Lewis Hand, New Kent Co., 8 Nov. 1658, p. 223, (321). Bounded by the river & on S. with Pouncies Cr., divding same from land of Jno. Pouncey. Trans, of 20 pers.* Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. THOMAS HICKMAN, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 6 Oct. 1658, p. 224, (322). On S. E. side of Mattappany Riv., beg. at the head of Mr. Wm. Wyatts lower devdt. Granted to Mr. Thomas Ballard 16 July 1655, by him deserted & now due for trans, of 20 pers.* Rights for 640 acs. granted to Mr. Wm. Lewis, 25 May 1654 & as- signed to sd. Hickman which patent & the land therein conteyned is relin- quished. CAPT. RICHARD BUDD, 200 acs. Northumberland Co., 6 Oct. 1658, p. 224, (322). S.E. upon the head of great Wiccocomocoe Riv. Renewal of patent dated 9 Mar. 1653, due for trans, of 4 pers.* Assigned to & renewed in name of Richard Lansdell 29 Jan. 1662. JOHN TINGEY, 50 acs. Northum- berland Co., 4 Oct. 1658, p. 224, (322). Extending along the head line of Henry Moseley, W.N.W. on Charles Ashton, W. by S. on Mr. Thomas Wilsford & S.S.E. on Francis Symons. Trans, of 1 pers: Maudlin Vanpuck. Renewed 30 Oct. 1662. JOHN LOWNES, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Oct. 1658, p. 225, (323). In Eastern branch of Eliz. Riv., bounded on E. with William Nicholls line of marked trees & on W. with Mr. Tho- mas Sawyers trees. Granted unto John Marshall 20 Mar. 1655, by him assigned unto Walter Costine who assigned unto sd. Lownes. Trans, of 2 pers.* MR. THOMAS HAMPTON, Clerke, 700 acs. on E. side of Chickahominy Riv. upon a branch of Warrany Cr. commonly called Tyascun Branch; 550 acs. from the timber swamp towards sd. branch &c. 150 acs. from sd. swamp, adj. his own land & thence towards land of Mr. Grimes. 11 Oct. 1658, p. 225, (323). 550 acs. by patent 6 Apr. 1653 & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Dor- man Kygan, Cornelius Nelsen (or Nehen), Wm. Dolly. HENRY ROACH, 1700 acs. West- moreland Co., 10 Oct. 1658, p. 226, (324). S.Ely, upon lower Machoatick Riv., E.N.E. towards land of Mr. Isaack Allerton & on backe of land of John Bennett. 850 acs. by patent dated 13 Sept. 1654 & 850 acs. for trans, of 17 pers.* JOHN VAUGHAN, 1400 acs. 8 Oct. 1658, p. 226, (324). 1200 acs. on Eastermost side of Ceder Hand Cr., beg. at the mouth thereof, running S.E. parallel to Patomeck Riv. &c. 200 acs. on S.E. side of Mr. Pope's Cr., N. E. upon land formerly patented by him & S. W. upon land of Mr. Tirrell. 1200 acs. by patent dated 19 Jan. 1649 & 200 acs. by patent dated 16 July 1654. Re- newed 18 Mar. 1662. JOHN EARLE, 1100 acs. Northum- berland Co., 7 Oct. 1658, p. 227, (325). 1000 acs. S.W. & N.W. upon severall lands of one Bloyce, a Cooper, on N.W. side of Yocomocoe Riv., & towards land of Georg Knott; the residue N.Ely, upon a creek issuing out of sd. river, S.Ely, upon his own land &c. 1000 acs. by patent dated 13 Oct. 1653 & 100 380 Cavaliers and Pioneers acs. by patent, 24 Oct. 1655. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Pitt, Roger Walker. Re- newed in name of John Earle, his son & heir, 12 Feb. 1662. ROBERT GRAY, 50 acs. Eliz. City Co., 7 Oct. 1658, p. 227, (325). S.E. from the Otterdams neere the Back river to a swamp called the Divilh Woodyard, E.N.E. on the head of John Robins & to land of Major Wm. Wor- leich. Trans, of John Farrast. MORGAN HAYNES, 400 acs. upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., extending E. & W. between a head branch of Parratts Cr. & a marsh proceeding from a head branch of Burnhams Cr. 8 Oct. 1658, p. 227, (326). Trans, of 8 pers.* WILLIAM BROOKE, 350 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 7 Oct. 1658, p. 228, (326). In Linn haven Parish beyond Roede, bounded on N.E. with Wm. Basnetts land. Trans, of 7 pers: Antho. Bell, Richd. Williams, Nicho. Williams, Sarah Edicke, Wm. Brooke, his wife & 1 child. THEOPHILIS HOANE (Hone), gent., 720 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at Ewd. side of a swamp or branch running out of the head of Cor- rotoman Riv. 6 Oct. 1658, p. 228, (326). Renewal of patent dated 5 Oct. 1655. WILLIAM GOFFE, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 7 Oct. 1658, p. 229, (327). Upon N.E. side of Mattopany Riv. & S.W. side of Whorecock Swamp, Trans, of 20 pers.* JOHN KINGE, 450 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Oct. 1658, p. 229, (327). Upon N.W. side of Poropotanke Cr., upon N.E. & towards head of Bennetts Cr. 200 acs. extending E.N.E. upon a swamp leading along land of Tho. Leechman & John Bennett &c. 250 acs. adj. land patented by sd. Kinge 10 Oct. 1651. Trans, of 5 pers.* Renewed in name of Richard King, his son & heir, 18 Mar. 1662. WILLIAM RADULPHUS, 300 acs. Northampton Co., 10 Oct. 1658, p. 230, (328). Nly. on marked trees of James Price, Wly. on Benjamin Mathewes, Sly. to line of James Jones & Ely. to- wards Ockahanock Path. Trans, of 6 pers: Anthony Longoe, Wm. Smith, Hannah Longoe, Nicholas Moyles, Phillis Ward, James Jackson. NATHANIELL BRADFORD, 400 acs. Northampton Co., 10 Oct. 1658, p. 230, (328). Between Ockahanock Cr. & Naswattocks Cr. on the Bay side, Nly. on land of Henry Edwards. Trans, of 8 pers: James Browne, Mary Chandler, Lidia Easterfeild, Roady Patriarke, Robert Hopkins, Mary Earle, Rich. Perry, Wm. Trennis. DANIELL LISTON, 400 acs. West- moreland Co., 10 Oct. 1658, p. 231, (329). 200 acs. on S. side of Patomeck Riv., beg. at a white oak dividing this & land of Capt. Thomas Baldridge & Mr. James Baldridge, S.E. to a creek dividing this & land of Henry Brookes &c. 200 acs. upon the head of another seate of land of sd. Liston purchased from Hercules Bridges & N.Wly. upon land of Major Baldridge, dec'd. 200 acs. granted unto Hercules Bridges 3 Sept. 1651 & assigned to sd. Liston, & 200 acs. granted to David Phillips, by him deserted & now due by order of Govr. etc. 12 Dec. 1656 and for trans, of 4 pers: Martha Jackson, Sarah South- erne, Judith Southerne, Paul Simpson. ROBERT WOOLLERTON, 128 acs. Lancaster Co., 3 Nov. 1658, p. 231, (329). In Rappa Riv., beg. on E. side of Barbacue Cr., extending E.S.E. to land of Henry Chichley, Knight, W. to land of Edward Webb &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Robinson, Henry Brookes, Ellinor Davis. MICHAELL GRAFTON, 200 acs. Gloster Co., 2 Nov. 1658, p. 232, (330). On the N. side of Yorke Riv. & E. side of Poropotanke Cr., bounding Wly. upon land granted to Mr. Jernew, Sly. upon Wm. Ginseys land & Nly. upon land of Mr. Pate (or Pace.) MR. THOMAS BALLARD, 1300 acs. New Kent Co., 6 Oct. 1658, p. 232, (330). Upon N. side of Mattapany Patent Book No. 4 381 Riv. & branches of Whorecock Swamp. Trans, of 26 pers: Wm. Reynolls, Hannah Reynolds, Abygoll Reynolls, Jno. Reynolls, James Glover, Cuthbert Jackson, James Smith, Hannah Reynolls, Deborah Reynolls, James Cooke, Robt. Fisher, Tho. Pratt, James Cooper, Sarah Talbott, Tho. Crumpe, Wm. Jnoson (Johnson), Wm. Cunningham, Eliz. Masterson, Toby. Forrester, Wm. Smith, Grace Farloe, Tho. Pritchard, Grace Fisher, Anna Sympson, Richard Proby, Francis Croper. LT. COL. JOHN WALKER, 1200 acs. on Ewd. side of a runn falling into Ware Riv., beg. at marked tree of Mr. Mordecoy Cooke & Nly. by land of Zachery Cripps. 9 Oct. 1658, p. 232, (331). Renewal of patent dated 14 July 1655 & due for trans, of 24 pers.* Renewed 14 Oct. 1663. JOHN SANDEVER & RICHARD ADDAMS, 200 acs. at the new Poquo- son, Yorke Co., 5 Oct. 1658, p. 233, (331). Beg. Nly. on land of John Hay- ward & adj. land of William Hay. Trans, of 4 pers: Henry Furr, Tho. Lucas, John Stevens. RICHARD WHITE, Cooper, EVAN DAVIS & SAMUEL MANN, 1000 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. Beg. at a run of a creek on the upper side of land of Abraham Moone & nigh head of the land of sd. White & Jno. Gillett. 6 Oct. 1658, p. 233, (332). Trans, of 20 pers: Wm. Tompson, Magdalin Robison, Isaack Stannopp, Mary Browne, Eliz. Bartlett, Tho. Warrwick, Robert Jad- win, Sisly Jadwinn, Rob. Jadwinn, Senr., Jno. Jadwinn, Jonathan Jadwinn, Jeremy Jadwinn, Eliz. Sanders, Mary Thomas, Cornelius Abreman, Thomas Eldridge, Rich. Sawer, Wm. Egres (Eyres), Jno. Pew, Rich. White. JAMES KINNYGAM & JAMES FULLERTON, 458 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of Puscattecond Cr., Rappa. Co., 24 Nov. 1658, p. 234, (332). Adj. Francis Browne & by line of trees divid- ing this & land of Thomas Harper, thence by land of Samuell Parry. Trans, of 9 pers: Thomas Parsons, Henry Jenings, Nich. Andrewes, James Bridg- man, Ann Worth, Peter Holden, Henry Benson, Rich. Wallis, Mary Hansin. JOHN COSSENS & THOMAS STEED, 600 acs. Northumberland Co., 24 Nov. 1658, p. 234, (333). Ely. up- on the Glade above Wiccocomocoe In- dian Towne. Trans, of 12 pers: Robert Davis, Miles Allen, Wm. Greene, Henry Clerke, John Allen, Tho. Dunn, Antho. Jones, Percy Evans, Arthur Longe, Francis Lee, Thomas Anthony Roe. Renewed 14 Oct. 1662. MR. THOMAS LULLAMAN, 400 acs. in Patomeck freshes, upon a creek by some called Yosococoemocoe being a faire navigable creek & the second Cr. above Chapawansick the next Cr. above Quanticotte, Sly. upon a seate surveyed for John Wood, being a mile above land of one Codsford & N.Wly. upon land of Gervase Dodson. 24 Nov. 1658, p. 235, (333). Trans, of 8 pers: Wm. Leprack, Jno. Parkes, Wm. Richer (or Rider), Nicho. Parr, Mary Atkins, Symon Shelton, Tho. Barker, Fran. Harrington. THOMAS ELLIOTT & ROBERT ELLIOTT, sons of Col. Anthony Elliott, 2000 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Co., beg. on the S. side of the river about 4 mi. above Nanzemum Towne. 25 Nov. 1658, p. 235, (334). Granted unto Thomas Purifoy 10 Mar. 1655, as- signed unto sd. Thomas & Robert Elliott & due for trans, of 40 pers.* ROBERT BOURNE & DANIELL PARKE, gent., 580 acs. Yorke Co., on S.W. side of Yorke Riv., 25 Nov. 1658, p. 236, (334). Beg. on S.W. side of old mill swamp in the line of Tho. Smith, to Richard Fords line, bv War- rany path, along Hottwater path & on Rickahock Path. Renewal of patent dated 8 Oct. 1655 & due for trans, of 12 pers.* MR. NATHANIELL BACON, 300 acs. New Kent Co., 9 June 1658, p. 237, (335). On N.E. side of Matta- pony Riv., bounded from Southermost corner of Thomas Sanders land, unto Arrakiacoe Swampe. Granted to John Hudson & John Garrett, 6 June 1655, 382 Cavaliers and Pioneers assigned by Hudson unto John Bull & by sd. Bull & Garrett assigned unto sd. Bacon. Trans, of 6 pers.* JOHN HULL, 694 acs. Northumber- land Co., 7 Aug. 1658, p. 237, (236). 300 acs. beg. N. upon Patomeck Riv. from Sandy point at Chetanks Cr. mouth &c. 394 acs. Nly. upon sd. river, Wly. upon sd. tract & Ely. upon Cupitts Cr. 300 acs. granted to James Magregory & Hugh Fouch 24 July 1650 & 394 acs. granted to the same 5 Apr. 1653, both of which tracts assigned unto sd. Hull. GERVASE DODSON, 500 acs. near the head of Chesticond or Corrotoman Cr. which issues out of Fleets Bay, S. Ely. upon his own land & land of John Taylor, deed. 29 Nov. 1658, p. 238, (337). Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Par- rott, Jno. Mason, Eliz. Attkeson, Ed- ward Harris, Barnaby Lowe, Ann Evans, Leonard Singlton, James Garrett, Tho- mas Morris, Peter Hughes. SAME. 600 acs. Westmoreland Co., same date & Page. N.Ely. upon Machoatick Riv., S.E. upon land of Mrs. Barnett & N.Wly. upon land of Capt. Thomas Davis. 300 acs. granted unto Peter Pheepound 16 July 1654 & as- signed unto sd. Dodson. 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Symon Pratt, Edward Merriman, Francis Wheeler, Elinor Wheeler, Jno. Mocoy, Francis Hall. Renewed 28 Jan. 1662 in name of An- drew Pettigrew, who married the widow of sd. Dodson. THOMAS KEDBY, 200 acs. North- umberland Co., 29 Nov. 1658, p. 238, (338). Betwixt two branches of Scotts Cr. & the land James Magregory now lives on & the land he sold to a dutch- man, Wly. & Sly. upon land of Col. Claiborne betwixt land of Mr. Jno. Hany, Jno. Hughlett & sd. Hughlett & sd. Dutchman. Trans, of 4 pers: Robert Tomkins, Jno. Martin, Jno. Srevin (?), Wm. Surtur. Renewed 9 Dec. 1662 in name of Moore Price, to whom it was assigned by Wm. Presly, Atty. of sd. Kedby. MR. JOHN ELLIS, 1400 acs. West- moreland Co., 29 Nov. 1658, p. 239, (338). Near the head of Appamattucks Cr. called Hollis Cr., Sly. upon land of Col. Nathaniell Pope, Ely. towards land of Mr. Georg Seaton formerly Thomas Frizers land. Trans, of 28 pers: Jno. Ellis, Henry Cooke, James Hill, Aron Hughes Charles Loyder, Everad Roberts, Jno. Roberts, Robert Greene, Wm. Leeke, Mary Thompson, Ann Jones, Katherins Wms. (Williams), Maudlin Evans, Ursula Clarke, Mary Willis, Alex. Ell- cock, Jane Harris, Jno. Moore, Tho. Atkins, Wm. Waters, Daniell Cole, Xpher. Granger, Rich. Kilbourne, Jno. Darsay, Wm. Charlton, Robt. Harwell, Walter Stoake, Hugh Lee. JOHN EVANS, 1650 acs. Westmore- land Co., 29 Nov. 1658, p. 239, (338). Among branches of Rosier Cr. above Apamattucks, Sly. towards land of Mr. John Ellis. Trans, of 33 pers: Jno. Evans, Jno. Evans, Jr., Timothy Hill, Robt. Lowe, Mary Evans, Step. Allen, Tho. Thorpe, Abigail Parker, James Allen, Barnaby Little, Rice Jones, Peter Lowe, Tho. Alstone, James Morrison, Leonard Stronge, John Batt, Edward Hill, John Moyses, John Clerke, Henry Kinge, Charles Hill, John Stoile, Arthur Shoare, Mary Lord, John Thorpe, Eliz. Lord, Sarah Vaus, Tabitha Hare, Ann Thompson, Ann Dakinn, Elinor Thomp- son, Edward Person, Rich. Allen. COL. JOHN TRUSSELL & GER- VASE DODSON, 1000 acs. Northum- berland Co., 29 Nov. 1658, p. 240, (339). On E. side of Chickacone Riv., N.Wly. upon land of Jacob Contancean & Col. Mattrom, dee'd., running by Mr. Chandlers land & N.Ely, upon a line dividing it from land of Doctr. Russell. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Williams, Henry Jones, Wm. Ashwell, Jno. Lay- ton, Nath. Coggin, Mary Greene, Tho. Hollis, Peter Neale, Ann Merriman, James Ashwell, Bartholomew How, Tho. Merriman, Peter Crosse, Wm. Chesley, Mary Goyse, Charles Smart, David Persan, Tho. Hall, Sarah Ash- well, Mary Horton. MR. ROBERT COLLINS, 1000 acs. Northumberland Co., 29 Nov. 1658, p. 240, (339). N.Wly. upon land of Mr. John Chandler, deed., at branches of Patent Book No. 4 383 greate Wiccocomocoe towards Corroto- man & Moratticoe. The following names appear under this record: Robert Collins, twice, Ann Collins, Robert Col- lins, Jr., Mary Collins, Rebecca Collins, Tho. Dunn, Ralph Lowe, Edward Hales, Francis Parker, Susan Parker, Sarah Holdin, Wm. Stone, Sam. Morris, Wm. Molton, Edward Davis, Mary Davis, Hugh Coates, Wm. Barrett, Ann Barrett. THOMAS DODSON, 1200 acs. Northumberland Co., 29 Nov. 1658, p. 241, (340). Ely. upon the head of lands of Col. Lee, John Hull, Thomas & others, Sly. upon land of Jno. Cos- sens & Tho. Steede, & Nly. upon land of Christopher Garlington. Trans, of 24 pers: Tho. Dodson, Jno. Palmer, David Jenkin, Mary Linton, Thomas Henly, Edward Dennis, Rich. Person, Abigail How, Wm. Gosnell, Tho. Arthur, Abreall Harvey, Ann Parker, Rice Jones, Richard Nealmes, Susan Roe, Tho. Addams, Richard Golbourne, Jno. Farmer, Wm. Weekes, Luke Mor- ris, Mathew Morris, Tabitha Hart, Jno. Addams, Bridgett Freman. MR. PETER MONTAGUE, 200 acs. adj. Oliver Segar, on S. side of Rappa. Riv. at the mouth of Sandy pointe Cr., running to land of Mr. Georg Ludlowe now in possession of sd. Montague. 16 Jan. 1658, p. 241, (340). Trans, of 4 pers: Peter Smith, Wm. Worrell, Jno. Sewell, Ann Bryan. Note: This patent hath a mistake in the recordinge which is rectified & recorded againe in folio 249. Tho. Brereton, C. Ct. MR. JOHN JADWIN, 650 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. upon the head of Sharpes Cr. 500 acs. beg. behind land of Jno. Sharpe & 150 acs. neare land granted sd. Sharpe & lately in possession of Wm. Thompson. 23 Nov. 1658, p. 242, (340). 500 acs. granted to Ran- dolph Chamlett 22 Nov. 1654 & by him sold to sd. Jadwin. 150 acs. granted to sd. Sharpe, by him assigned to Wm. Tompson, who assigned to sd. Jadwin. MATOR JAMES GOODWIN, 400 acs. Westmoreland Co., 24 Dec. 1658, p. 242, (341). Upon the head of a creek falling into Patomeck Cr. & upon land of John Withers. Trans, of 8 pers.* WM. WITHERS, 400 acs. West- moreland Co., 18 Dec. 1658, p. 243, (342). At the head of a small creek extending from land of Major James Goodwin W.N.W. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Davis, Rich. Symons, Wm. Harris, Mary Cooke, Doraty Harmer, Wm. Rideinge, Jno. Jnoson (Johnson), Robert Jones. JOHN WITHERS, 320 acs. West- moreland Co., 18 Dec. 1658, p. 243, (342). Beg. on land of Mr. Thomas Fowke at the head of a small creek falling into Patomeck Riv. Trans, of 6 pers: James Martinge, Wm. Fisher, Robert Dennis, John Roberts, Mary Wms. (Williams), Eliz. Gorting. Re- newed 20 July 1662. COL. MANNERINGE HAMOND, 600 acs. New Kent Co., 11 Nov. 1658, p. 243, (342). On S. side of Yorke Riv. bet. Col. Hamonds lower Cr. & Pouncyes Cr. Trans, of 12 pers.* MR. JOHN HANSFORD, 850 acs. Yorke Co., 13 Dec. 1658, p. 244, (343). 75 acs. upon a branch of Capt. Wests Cr., Wly. on N. side of land of the widow Downe, & on S. side with land of Thomas Weston, Marriner. 650 acs. Ely. upon sd. Cr. & Nly. upon Sergeant Waines land. 125 acs. adj. said tracts, land of Capt. Harrwood, dec'd. (now Capt. Hurd's) 725 acs. granted 10 June 1652 & the residue for trans, of 3 pers: Rowland Thomas, Charles Dunne, Tho. Symmons. JOHN WOODINGTON, 27 acs. Lancaster Co., 15 Jan. 1658, p. 244, (343). S.Ely, upon the mouth of Corro- toman Riv., S.Wly. & N.Wly. upon Hand Neck Cr. & N.Ely, upon land of Edward Grimes, dec'd. Granted to Wm. Rawton, 15 June 1655 & assigned unto sd. Woodington. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662 in name of Domingue (or Don- ninge) Thurriot to whom it was as- signed by Wm. Wranton (or Wrauton), assignee of sd. Woodington. 384 Cavaliers and Pioneers MR. WM. UNDERWOOD, 882 acs. Rappa. Co., 10 Sept. 1658, p. 245, (344). Bet. some of the head branches of Pepetick Cr. & Mr. Popes Cr., beg. near Rappa. path, extending to the head of lands of Silvester Thatcher & Thomas Whitlocke & adj. land of Thomas Wright. Trans, of 18 pers: Wm. Adage, Wm. Gooch, Vavastin Gould- ing, Henry Jarman, James Whitebone, Wm. Wignall, Robert Sheffeild, Mar- garet Johnson, Nicho. Glassian, Mathew Carrack, Sam. Vaughan, John Butt, Grace Tomkins, Georg Rooknee, Tho. Johnson, Marg. Hughes, Wm. Carter, Paul Wood. SAME. 2784 acs. Same county, date & page. Parallel to land of Thomas Whitlock, & Richard Coleman, by path leading to Nansatticoe. 1400 acs. granted to Wm. Smart 15 Mar. 1657, assigned to Wm. Clapham, Jr., who as- signed to sd. Underwood; the residue for trans, of 28 pers: Peter Leonard, Mary Hawkes, Maudlin Thomas, Jno. Roberts, Robert Smith, Fran. Settle, Jno. GofTell, Dan. Hunter, Jno. Stray, Math. Whaite, Hen. Carpenter, Tho. Stephen- son, Alice a maide, Jno. Hull, Robert Hull, Xpher. Browninge, Ja. Wmson (Williamson), Ann Lemon, Wm. Goffell, Tho. Chettwood 3 times, Nicho. Redferne, Rich. Walker, Step. Goffell, Zakery Efface, Mich. Filliott, Jeremy Hobert. Renewed 13 May 1679 in the name of Wm. Underwood, son of sd. Underwood. ROBERT ARMSTRONGE, 650 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., of 1658, p. 246, (345). About 3 mi. from the riverside & adj. land of Sir Henry Chichley, running to- wards a branch which runs into the eastermost maine branch of Ralphs Cr. running into Puscattecon. Trans, of 13 pers.* Jno. Prichard, Wm. Dixon, Wm. Bridges. ROBERT LINNEE, 200 acs. Rappa. Co., 1658 (date blank), p. 246, (346). About 3 mi. distant from the riverside adj. land of Robert Armstronge. Trans. of 4 pers: Antho Stephens 4 times. MR. THOMAS ROLFE, 50 acs. in Chickahomyny Riv. on the N.E. side, N.E. on Richard Newe & N.W. on his own land. 16 Sept. 1658, p. 247, (346). Trans, of 1 per.* ALEXANDER FLEMINGE, 250 acs. being part of a marsh called Parretts Marsh, on N. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded on S.E. with a Cr. opposite Pages land & N.E. with Colemans Thickett. of 1658, p. 247, (347). Trans, of 5 pers: Jno. Wright, Margarett Edderman, Finniell Danah (?), Jno. Mill, Phillip Pascall. MR. GEORGE WHALE, 300 acs. neere the Glade above Wiccocomocoe Indian Towne, adj. S. side of land of John Cossens & Thomas Steed & parallel to tract assigned sd. Whale by Gervase Dodson. 29 Nov. 1658, p. 247, (347). Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Baxter, Ann Wetherrell, John Dodd, Mary Nicholls, Roger Gain, Jno. Jack- son. JOHN GORE, 150 acs. Lancaster Co., 16 Jan. 1658, p. 248, (348). On N. side of Peanketanke Riv., S.E. upon land of Augustine Moore. Trans, of 3 pers: Sir Henry Chichley, Rich. Chamley, Jno. Layward. Assigned by Mr. Potter to Mr. Curtis, who assigned to sd. Gore. Renewed in his name 24 May 1662. ROBERT MIDLETON, 250 acs. Lan- caster Co., 16 Jan. 1658, p. 248, (348). On the head of Mr. Burnhams Cr. alias Sanderland Cr., beg. at his own line running to corner of Tho. Pattison & Robert Chowninge &c. Trans, of 5 pers:* Note: The rights due by a cer- tificate from Lancaster Ct., 6 Aug. 1653 granted to Wm. Newsam & assigned to sd. Midleton in which the names are omitted. Renewed 15 Dec. 1663 in name of Tho. Kidd. RICHARD LEWIS, 500 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 16 Jan. 1658, p. 248, (349). Running up branch of Copelands Cr. to land of Robert Kemp & Minord Minson. Trans, of 10 pers.* Note: The rights are due by a former patent granted him for 500 acs. for which Mr. Potter had a former grant. SAME. 200 acs. Same countv & date, page 249, (349). On the head of Patent Book No. 4 385 Sanderland Cr., beg. at white oak of Mr. Cuthbert Potter, running to land of Thomas Willis & Robt. Midleton. Trans, of 4 perS: Adry White, Tho. White, Tho. Surfleete, Jno. Castle. Re- newed in his name 11 Jan. 1663. MR. PETER MONTAGUE, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 16 Jan. 1658, p. 249, (350). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. adj. land of Randall Chamley & Oliver Seager. Trans, of 4 pers: Peter Smith, Wm. Worrall, Jno. Sewell, Ann Bryan. LAMBATH MOORE & BARTHO- LOMEW LINTON, 412 acs. Lancaster Co., 17 Feb. 1658, p. 249, (350). On N. side of Peanketanke Riv. about a mi. from same. Trans, of 7 pers: Tho. Okelly, Henry Tollock, John Cramer, Sam. Deluke, Jno. Savary, 2 Negroes. MR. EDWARD LOCKEY, 1600 acs. New Kent. Co., on N. side of Mattap- pany Riv., 25 Jan. 1658, p. 250, (350). Adj. Ahorecock branch, Swdly. upon land of Lt. Col. Abrall, crossing the swamp & along land of Richard Evans. Trans, of 32 pers: John Emerson, Rich. Cleaton, John Cole, Tho. Evans, Wm. Campion, Edmond Richeson, Wm. Lawrence, Wm. Shepard, Abraham Can- by, Edward West, Tho. Feverstone, Richd. Bennett, Jno. Sobderme, Jno. White, Abra. Preston, Wm. Hall, Jno. Walker, Thomas Hill, Jno. Townsend, Edmond Gosse, Clemolius Smith, James Morfrey, Georg Fendall, Peter Fisher, Richard Lucke, Richard Lendall, Xpher. Edy, Robt. Montgomery, Richard Jones, Menery Mells, Wm. James, John Cliford. CAPT. RICHARD BARNHOUSE, 900 acs. James City Co., 7 Feb. 1658, p. 250, (351). On W. side of Burchen Sw. 380 acs. by patent 28 Oct. 1656 & residue for trans, of 11 pers: Wm. Halliard, Mary Wild, Fran. Fulker, Rich. Adams, Tho. Warder, Tho. Jones, Edward Richards, Mary Surlinge, Mar- tin White, Rog. Walker, Wm. Clarke. Renewed 26 Feb. 1665. MR. JOHN VOSCOMBE, 961 acs. Nansamond Co., 5 Oct. 1658, p. 251, (352). 829 acs. beg. at miles end of land of Michill Wilcoxe, running E. & adj. land of Georg White, N. to a place called Newgate, S. through a great pecoson to Langleys Cr. belonging to Western branch of Elizabeth Riv. 102 acs. beg. at Newgate in the lower parish of Nansamond, beg. at Thomas Burbage's line, running by Georg White's & his own land. 829 acs. granted to John Ashcombe 7 Oct. 1646 & assigned to sd. Voscombe, & 132 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Hugh Bibion, David a Welchman, Wm. an Irishman. Assigned him by Mr. Wm. Deynes. Note: The word John put out & Wil- liam put in by order Genii. Ct. Apr. 19, 1687. By Wm. Edwards, Clk. Gen. Ct. JOHN CURTIS, 1300 acs. Westmore- land Co., 2 Dec. 1657, p. 251, (353). Nly. upon Patomeck Riv. & Ely. upon land of John Walton. Granted unto Nicholas Meriweather 1 June 1654 & assigned unto sd. Curtis, who assigned same to Edwa. Roe in whose name it was renewed 10 June 1664. CAPT. AUGUSTINE WARNER. 3000 acs. Northumberland or Lancaster Co., 7 Feb. 1658, p. 252, (353). Being in the borders of both, the destination being not yet made betwixt the counties. Bet. branches of Corrotoman & other branches of great Wiccocomocoe, butt- ing upon land of Robert Collins, to- wards land of Mr. John Chandler, to- wards land that was sometime patented for Tho. Coggin & upon some branches of Rappa. & Morratticoe. Trans, of 60 pers: John Haward, Mary Grey, Robert Bonnes, Tho. Ralph, Rich. Cockes, Wm. Smith, Jno. Seaton, Tho. Thompson, Robert Porter, Wm. Harfinch, Henry Tood, Sarah Moore, Tho. Alkenhead, James Baker, Peter Stoakes, Mary Hamilton, Mr. James Cant twice, Wm. Horsman, Wm. Travis, Jno. Watson, James Musson, Geo. Mussard, Robert Cooper, Roger Greene, Sam. Holland, Tho. Stare, Ardor Moucrony (?), Tohn Coldrin, John Marley, Tho. Gilbert, Francisco Martin, Wm. Downinge, Eliza. Jones, Mr. David Cant 6 voyages, Thomas Bashes, John Willis, 5 Irish servants, John Warner, John Robins, Dorothy Pope, David a Negroe, An- drew Stephens, John White, Wm. Smith, 386 Cavaliers and Pioneers Thomas Tlye, Tho. Chrightoane, Ed- mond Warren, John Lurensoe, Peter Jones, Homer Fitz-Symons. JOHN DORRANT, 150 acs. New Kent Co., 26 Feb. 1658, p. 253, (354). On N. side of Yorke Riv. & N.W. side of a branch of Montassup Sw. Trans, of 3 pers: John Hollman, Wm. Thomas, Henry Foard. THOMAS BELL, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 6 Mar. 1658, p. 253, (354). On N. E. side of Yorke Riv. behind land of Ashwell Batton. Trans, of 10 pers.* The rights due to this patent are as- signed to sd. Bell by Francis Morgan to whom they were due by patent dated 1652, which he relinquished. MARKE FOSTER, 500 acs. upon Ewd. side of Pudden Cr. in the eastern- most river in Mockjack Bay, running by marked trees of Goodman Halliard. 6 Mar. 1658, p. 253, (355). Trans, of 10 pers: Grace Farrwell, Eliz. Sternell, Robert Read, Jno. Correld, Robert , Silvester Wells, Jno. Mackdaniell, Geo. Burt (or Bart), John Ham, Wm. Ableck. Note: Renewed in name of Marke Foster his son, 13 Feb. 1661. THOMAS MERRIDITH, 450 acs. New Kent Co., 25 Feb. 1658, p. 254, (355). On both sides of Rickahock path, beg. by Burchen Sw., to land of Mr. Richard Barnhouse &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Jone Nicholls, Rich. Charl- wood, Robert Peacocke, Wm. Pott- powler, Nich. Hedge, Joane Rayman, Ann Cloomer, Joseph Morris, Wm. Newman. Assigned by Jno. Davis. JOHN FLEMINGE, 250 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Feb. 1658, p. 254, (355). On S. side of Yorke Riv. behind land of Reese Hughes & running to land of Wm. Pullam. Trans, of 5 pers.* CHARLES EDMONDS, 132 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Feb. 1658, p. 254, (356). On S. side of Yorke Riv., adj. the devdt. he lives upon. Trans, of 3 pers: Adam Walker, Peter Mackerell, Margarett Ibsam (or Ilsam). Assigned by Jno. Davis. SAME. 2750 acs. Same county & date, p. 255, (356). Beg. on N. side of Diascunn Sw. & running by Chicka- homyny Sw. Trans, of 55 pers: Tho. Holliday, Joseph Peese, Jno. Smith, Henry Bennett, Robt. Watts, Thomas Tilsby, Abigail Willis, Isaack Franklin, Fran. Faulkner, Tho. Parson, Fran. Warren, Tho. Blacke, Rich. Joy, Jude Rollett, Jones Howes, Edward Terrell, Mary Wilson, Eliz. Panton, Geo. Wood, Eliz. Peake, Villy Volly Howell, Peter Gill, Mary Gill, Phillip Gill, Eliz. Ro- hoke, Wm. Richards, Ann Parker, Jno. Jenings, Wm. Walker, Coner Cowe, Tho. TufTes — assigned by Jno. Davis. Jno. Leaper, Mary Bachelor, Georg Carter, Jno. Blosse, John Parke, Tho. Townell, Mary Coalter, (or Coulter), Richard Bayley, Jude Bryatt, Rockell Norman, Francis Grigges & 4 Negroes — assigned by Wm. Hughes to Jno. Davis & by him to Edmonds; Rich. Terrell, Jno. Wms. (Williams), Jane Bradman, Mary Snell (or Suell), assigned by Walter Dickenson to Jno. Woodington & by him to Edmonds. COL. THO. SWANN, 900 acs. Surry Co., 5 Mar. 1658, p. 255, (357). On S. side of James Riv. & E. side of the blackwater about 3 mi. Wly. from John Bradyes, N.W. upon land of Capt. Jor- dan & Sly. into the Pidgeon Sw. Re- newal of patent to him dated 7 Feb. 1655. THOMAS HARRIS, 1000 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 2 Mar. 1658, p. 256, (357). Upon a swamp running into the W. branch of Nansamond Riv., including 2 Indian feilds. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Hardy, Alexander Vaughan, Ann Lees, Wm. Todd, Eliz. Jones, Mary Wood, Jno. Davis, Jno. Griffin, Fran. Ander- son, Jno. Pew, Ann Greene, Eliz. En- some (or Eusome), Weltin Harris, Anth. Arnold, Sam. Trobury, Alexan- der Canill. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. MR. JOHN BROMFEILD, 1000 acs. James City Co., 5 Mar. 1658, p. 256, (358). On S. W. side of Chickahominy Riv., beg. at the mouth of Mattahuncks neck, over same to Webbs run, to Nickadewans path, along Toorihams branch to back of Mr. Ham's land, to Patent Book No. 4 387 head of Wickwas run, including a small Indian feild in the bottom of Musconte. 650 acs. granted last of Mar. 1656 & 350 acs. granted John Linge 1 Nov. 1655 & assigned to sd. Bromfeild. Re- newed 11 Feb. 1663 in name of Tho. Towner. PHILLIP CHARLES, 1690 acs. James City Co., 17 Mar. 1658, p. 257, (358). 1550 acs. in Chickahominy Riv., beg. next to land of William Taylor & run- ning to a neck of land belonging to Richard Price; 140 acs. upon Souther- most branch of Warrany Cr. on E. side of sd. river, from corner tree of land of Wm. Stronge, along trees of Mr. Soanes &c. 1550 acs, by patent to Georg Lobb, Thomas Peirce & Tho. Warne & by sd. Lobb assigned to sd. Charles & 140 acs. by patent to sd. Charles dated 8 Apr. 1656, surrendered & joyned in one patent. NICHOLAS SEABRELL, 150 acs. New Kent Co., 1 Mar. 1658, p. 257, (359) . On N. side of Yorke Riv. & N. side of a branch of Montesup Sw. Trans, of 3 pers: Andrew Pelch, John Bennett, Ralph Gandee. JOHN PETEETE, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 5 Mar. 1658, p. 258, (360). Upon N. side of Mattapany Riv., upon As- sanamayuscock Br. of sd. river, about 3 mi. from sd. river, running alongst land supposed to be surveyed for Georg Chapman. Trans, of 10 pers: Sarah Richeson, Richard Halliway, James Col- lins, Jeremiah Lerer (or Levar), Jane Cole, Owin Macar, Phillip Prosser, John Gouteer, Elianor Richeson, 1 Negroe. Renewed 10 May 1668. ROBERT TOMLIN, 400 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 7 Mar. 1658, p. 258, (360). Beg. at the head of a small creek dividing this & lands of Samuell Nicholls & Thomas & William Mosse, Trans, of 8 pers: Robert Foote, Jeremy Sparrow, Wm. Home, Wm. Fiddewent, Robert Aeon, Tho. Maulin, Jno. Cainn (?), An Coulton. Renewed 11 Feb. 1663. THOMAS CARTER, 220 acs. Nansa- mond Co., 4 Mar. 1658, p. 259, (361). At the head of land of Edward Carter, running E. by line of Wm. Tinse, Tho- mas Addison & Richard Russell. Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Carter twice, Wm. Read, Wm. Smith. EDWARD WINGATE, 200 acs. at the head of the Western branch of Eliz. Riv. 4 Mar. 1658, p. 259, (361). Adj. lands of Thomas Cottell, to land of John Golleffe. Trans, of 4 pers: Fran- cis Hynes, Math. Smith, Katherine Dob- day, Crane Collins. THOMAS DYER, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 4 Mar. 1658, p. 259, (361). At a place called Beech ridge, beg. at the head of Robert Capps land. Trans, of 6 pers: Ann Sedger, Wm. Shreive, Rich. Skegs, Rich. Reynolds, Wm. Merriday, Ann Craford. EDWARD VAUGHAN, p. 260. No record. Space left blank. Not recorded in new Book 4. THOMAS ROBBISON, FRANCIS GOWER, ROBERT SISSON & JOHN DE YONGE, 174 acs. in Rappa. Co. on N. side of sd. river, 11 Mar. 1658, p. 260, (362). Faceing the river & ex- tending along line of trees dividing this & land of the abovementioned, near the mouth of Wellinge alias Totoskin Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: John Fisher, Tho. Gray, John Ackuson, Mary Johnson. MR. WM. BLACKEY, 1400 acs. New Kent Co., 7 Mar. 1658, p. 261, (362). 1000 acs. on E. side of Little Queens Cr., beg. by the swamp, running by land patented by Mr. Tho. Vause to land of William Cox & 400 acs. beg. by sd. main swamp, Wly. along land of Tho. Gibson, S.Wly. by Georg Gills land & to sd. 1000 acs. including certain Indian feilds. 1000 acs. by patent dated 28 Nov. 1656 & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Symon Butler, Jno. Coocke, Jone Wheeler, James Carter, Jno. Lousell (or Lonsell), Jno. Rigbee, Jone Goldfinch, James Harvey. Assigned to John Dibdall, deed., who gave same to Joane Dibdall, his wife, by will, & re- newed in her name 15 Feb. 1663. MR. THOMAS HAMPTON, 400 acs. James City Co., 8 Mar. 1658, p. 388 Cavaliers and Pioneers 261, (363). On N. side of a branch of Tyoscun, bounded Ely. on Mr. Hurds land, Sly. on his own, Wly. towards Tyascunn & land of Robert Grimes. Trans, of 8 pers: Eliz. Sanders, Eliza- beth Dallinge, Tho. Gibson, Mary Loyd, Susan Duffell, John Rastin, Wm. Skame, Jane Cooke. THO. BOSWELL, 500 acs. in Pato- meck Riv. in the freshes above Anacosta Island, 9 Mar. 1658, p. 262, (363). S.Ely, upon a tract of 10,000 acs. be- longing to Jno. Wood. Trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Sanders, John Angell, Sarah Johnson, Ellinor Fishbrooke, John Perry, John Wotton, Georg Ball, Tho. Dauncy, Wm. Wilson, Georg Grey. ANTHONY STEPHENS, 650 acs. on N. side of Mattapany Riv., a mile from same & backing part of a devdt. of land of Edward Digges, Esq. 11 Mar. 1658, p. 262, (364). Extending along line of trees dividing this & land of Wm. Goffe. Trans. 13 pers: John Bright, Nicho. Jackson, John Wells, Wm. Symes, Wm. Woodward, Abra. Wood, Antho. Brookes, Mary Lewis, John Parmyter, Wm. Trevers, Ann Osborne, James Kiddington, Maudlin Thomas. JOHN WILLIAMS, 1800 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side sd. Riv., towards head of Farnham Cr., 11 Mar. 1658, p. 263, (364). 1000 acs. beg. on a point in a forke of the N.E. & N.W. branches of sd. Cr. & 800 acs. beg. at Norther- most tree of sd. tract. Trans, of 36 pers: Joseph Brooke, Tho. Wentworth, Bridgett Slaughter, Wm. Lucy, Edmond Tuke, Rich. Bladwell, Wm. Mynors, Tho. Perry, Jno. Loyd, James Freeman, James Bridgman, Wm. Curtis, Robert Smith, Martha Cox, Mathew Price, Henry Jenings, Peter Ward, Tho. Tar- ner, Jno. Higdon, Mathew Fowler, Tho. Hill, Rolph Cartwright, Tho. Winter, Ann Beare, Katherine Mosse, Eliz. Eaton, Elder Eldridge, Barbara Ma- thewes, Ann Smith, Judith Gascott, Wm. Jache, Mary Cunny, Morgan Mackland, Judith Gassett, Margett O Shulivan. MR. HENRY CORBYN & MR. GERRARD FOWKE, 3000 acs. in Patomeck freshes between the two main branches, 15 Mar. 1658, p. 264, (365). Extending towards Heme Island. Trans, of 60 pers: Andrew Bellarke, Wm. Allen, Jno. Powell, Bridgett Gardner, Rich. Hushly, Patrick Burser, Shadrack Wallinns (?), Rich. Lowe, Wm. Allen, Tho. Tompson, Andrew Blarte, Wm. Baily, Rich. Price, Rich. Page, Elinor Abbott, Jno. Cahowne, Alex. Nicholson, Jno. Makinney, Wm. Bourne, Wm. Corman, Dunkin Makeny, Alex. Mac- kenny, Tho. Jollity, Daniell Mackane, Fran. Lyelle, Susan Michell, Samuell Alexander, Margarett Rookesby, Chris- tian Dennis, Geo. Day, Jno. Moses, Robert Reyman, Dorcas Jones, Mr. Horsmandine, twice, Susanna Horsman- dine, Jno. Slich (?), Jane Sumer, Wm. Jane Thomas (Wm. & Jane Thomas?), Rich. Curd, Nich. Jenkins, Jno. Tarner, Ro. Brisly, Christian Anne (Anne Chris- tian ?), Hen. Wenne, Clemt. Mallin, Jno. Codier, Robt. Jones, Jno. Lock, Margt. Raymond, Mary Rolfe, Mary Bingley, Eliz. Hayes, Ann Jenkins, Geo. Walker. RICHARD HAMLETT, 497 acs. James City Co., 10 Mar. 1658, p. 264, (366). On N.E. side of Chickahominy Riv. on E. side of Warrany Cr. alias Tyascunn, bounding Sly. on the long- necke run & opposite to Robert Sorrell & Nly. on land of Mr. Hampton. Re newal of patent in his name dated 9 Mar. 1655. Renewed 21 Oct. 1662. FRANCIS SPIGHT, 300 acs. Nansa- mond Co., 21 Mar. 1658, p. 265, (366). Renewal of patent dated 17 Mar. 1654. Renewed 3 Apr. 1662. WILLIAM HARRIS, sonne of Wm. Harris of James City late deceased, 1/2 acre, Jas. City, 1 Oct. 1658, p. 265, (366). Beg. a little above the dwelling house of sd. Harris & running into the Island. Yearly rent: 1 Capon on feast of St. Thomas the Apostle. MR. RICHARD MAIOR (Major), Senr., 350 acs. New Kent Co., 29 Apr. 1659, p. 266, (367). On N. side of Yorke Riv. Trans, of 7 pers: Jone Cooke, John Wheler, Jno. Drumon, Mary Rigby, Mary Butler, Tho. Gold- Patent Book No. 4 389 smith, Mary Harris. Renewed 9 Feb. 1663. AUGUSTINE BLITHENBERGE, (Blitheberd) 375 acs. & 25 perches on S. side of Rappa. Riv. bet. lands of Mr. Brice & Mr. Richard Lawson. 7 Mar. 1658, p. 266, (367). 350 acs. granted to Robert Tomlinn 9 Mar. 1655 & assigned unto sd. Blithenbirge & 25 acs. for trans, of James Jones. Renewed 20 Feb. 1662 in name of Thomas Mosse, to whom it was assigned. WILLIAM SMITH, 400 acs. James City Co., 6 Apr. 1659, p. 267, (368). On E. side of Chickahominy Riv., S.Ely. on Maj. Holts land, Nly. on Mathewe Williams, E. & Nly. on Wm. Knights land, Wly. on branch of Morgans Cr. & Sly. on Mr. Manings land. 200 acs. by patent dated 8 Aug. 1654 & residue for trans, of 4 pers: his wife, Wm. Holliday. JAMES STRETTLE, 200 acs. James City Co., on W. side of Pohetan Swamp, 14 Apr. 1659, p. 267, (368). From the iron mine hill meadow to line of Sir William Berkeley. Trans, of 4 pers.* Renewed 10 Jan. 1661. GEORG BROWNE, 200 acs. New Kent Co., 29 Apr. 1659, p. 268, (369). On N. side of the head of Ware Cr., S. on William Gillman & Mr. Overman & S.E. on a branch parting it from Robert Harrison. Trans, of 4 pers: John Heynes, Sr., Evan Johannes, John Haines, Senr., Robert Scottell. JOHN ADKESON, 74 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Feb. 1658, p. 268, (369). On E. side of Rickahock path & E. & W. side of Mr. Bakers path, bounded Nly. on a swamp issuing out of Ware Cr. Trans. of 2 pers: Margarett Mathers, Margaret Aprickett (?) JOHN MADDISON, 300 acs. West- moreland Co., on S. side of Patomeck Riv., 5 Mar. 1658, p. 268, (369). Bounded on S.E. with another tract in occupation of the sd. John Hollowes, N.E. upon sd. river, N.W. upon the Clifts & S.W. into the woods. Granted unto John Hollowes 6 Sept. 1654, by him deserted & due by order of Govr. etc. for trans, of 6 pers: Symon Bow- man, Sarah Bowman, Grace Bowman 3 times, James Bowman. MR. PETER KNIGHT, 925 acs. in Patomeck river adj. Chapawansicke Cr., 7 Mar. 1658, p. 269, (370). Being the moiety of a patent granted to sd. Knight & Capt. Baker Cutts, 13 Oct. 1653, re- newed by order of court & for trans, of 19 pers.* Renewed 15 Mar. 1663. CHARLES HILL, 150 acs. (no county), 15 Mar. 1658, p. 269, (370). Lieing between Garden Cr. & the easter- nmost river. Granted unto John Hamp- ton 14 July 1655, by him deserted & now granted for trans, of 3 pers: Roger Smith, Tho. Allen, Wm. Jordan. SAME. 150 acs. Same location & date, p. 270, (370). Granted unto Edward Lucas, 14 July 1655, by him deserted & now due for trans, of 3 pers: James Hill, Wm. Rogers, Mary Jones. COL. THOMAS PETTUS, 1000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 15 Mar. 1658, p. 270, (371). Nly. upon Patomeck Cr., Ely. upon land of Sir Thomas Lunsford. Granted 10 Feb. 1652 & renewed for trans, of 20 pers: Jeninge Clauson, John Wyatt, John Harrwell, Nicholas Bond, Elizabeth Willett, Marg. Denby, Georg Huttons, Joseph Castle, James Clerke, John Doe, John Ponder, John Moodall, James Moore, Wm. Lenox, Andrew Marshall, Wm. Read, Robert Duckett, David Suddon, John Consider, Jellian Crone (or Crons). COL. GEORG READ, 2000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 3 Mar. 1657, p. 271, (371). On S. side of Patomeck Riv., S. upon a creek dividing this & land of Col. Sam. Mathewes, E. upon sd. Riv. & N. upon Quantecot Cr. Granted to Capt. Nicholas Marteau 25 Oct. 1654, deserted for want of seateing & now granted by order of court for trans, of 40 pers: Charles Bryant, Edward Creeke, Kath. Burrowes, Jno. Lewis, Mr. Tho. Bowler, 4 times, John Johnson, Anth. Loueseta (or Loneseta) Nich. Martin, Richard Ludlowe, Basill Alcox, Ralph Blessinge (or Blettinge), Wm. Carr, 390 Cavaliers and Pioneers John Freare, Ann Godgrave, Edward Pollinge, Henry Jones, Richard Hay- tree, Bryan Ellis, Jone Dukes, John Ladbrooke, Wm. Bradley, Tho. Hatton, John Wilkinson, Wm. Woodward, Richard Grindson, James Goslinge, Wm. Chartry (or Clartry), Tho. Perriman, Wm. Chatton, Ann Peteete, Wm. Con- stable, John Hust (or Hurst), Elizabeth Shellington, Joseph Oldfeild, John Burgis, Thomas Iken (?), Grace a Negroe. COL. WILLIAM BERNARD, 800 acs. Lancaster Co., 8 Oct. 1657, p. 271, (372). N.E. upon the divideing Cr., E. & S.E. upon the Bay, S.W. upon a Cr. on the S. sideof the BlufTe point necke, W. upon a white marsh & N.W. upon land of Col. Richard Lee. Trans. of 16 pers.* COL. RICHARD LEE, 2000 acs. upon S. side of Patomeck Riv., beg. at the mouth of a Cr. issuing out of Matchoa- tick Riv., dividing this from land of Mr. Lewis Burwell. 5 June 1658, p. 272, (372). Trans, of 40 pers: John Slatter, Jno. Formor, Jno. Gibbinne, Robert Higgison, Rich. Kent, Timothy Gunter, Daniell Guygoll, Rich. Wat- ton, Wm. Boughton, Tho. Dollings, Jone Palmer, Mary , Sarah Hick- man, Eliza. Persey, Eliz. Holladay, Susanna Roberts, Jno. Pashe, Peter Walker, Tho. Cooke, Peter Wade, Tho. Wade, Tho. Man (or Maw) Wm. Angell, Robert Norton, Edward Barnett, Rich. Dobbins, Abraham Patemaster, Kathe. Silverton, Rich. Albert, Robert Girringe, Wm. Bingly, Hen. Billany, Andrew Felton, Tho. Minstrell, Jno. Edgcombe, Waller Rich, Elias Port, Hugh Gouch, Samson Heale, Waller (or Walter) Rickson. MR. FRANCIS BURNELL, 900 acs. New Kent Co., 15 Aug. 1659, p. 272, (373). Beg. at Southermost cor. of his former devdt., S.E. to land sold to John Johnson, to path that goes to old War- rany, to Mr. Hurds upermost line of trees, to land of Mr. Thomas Hampton &c. Trans, of 18 pers: Marg. Boaten, Robert Crust, Jno. Needham, Robert Allen, Tho. Copinn, Eliz. Baileinge, Jno. Darken, Robert Miller, James Tan- ner, Rich. Smith, 2 Negroes, James Johnson, Robert Jinkins, Wm. Hazard, Mary Barnes, Geo. West, Jno. Clarkey. SIR WILLIAM BERKELEY, 5062 acs. James City Co., day of Mar. 1658, p. 273, (373). Betwixt the heads of Pohetan Sw. & Jones Cr. Trans, of 102 pers.* JOHN BARROW, 200 acs. Rappa. Co., 7 Mar. 1658, p. 273, (374). Beg. at land of Wm. Yarrett, running E., thence S. by E. to Cobbin Pointe. Granted to Richard Coleman, deserted & now due for trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Southerne, Daniell Usuliman (O'Sulivan ?), Teny (or Tony) Long, Derrick Arseson. Assigned to & renewed 11 Feb. 1663 in name of John Paine. SAME. 450 acs. upon Pepetticke Cr., 47 acs. beg. upon the creek side & bounding upon land of Jno. Paine. The residue neere unto the head of sd. Cr., beg. where the Cr. divides itself by which is made a swamp, dividing this & land of Tho. Hawkins. 6 Oct. 1658, p. 274, (374). 347 acs. granted to Lt. Col. Henry Fleete, deserted, & the whole 450 acs. due for trans, of 9 pers: Geo. Johnson, Wm. Smithson, Wm. Wilson, Cornelius Clinton, Eliz. Tarry, Derrick Aryson, Alex. Conte (or Coute), Derman Usulavan (?). COL. RICHARD LEE, Secretary of State, 800 acs. Northumberland Co., 21 May, 1657, p. 274, (375). Upon S. side of Divideing Cr., S.E. upon a cr. issuing out of sd. Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Tho. Wilson, Marriner, & N.W. upon a cr. dividng this & his own land. Trans. of 16 pers.* (Granted by Sir William Berkeley.) JAMES POPE, 512 acs. Northumber- land Co., 24 Sept. 1659, p. 275, (376). On S. side of great Wiccocomocoe Riv., opposite lands of Rich. Nealmes & William Downinge, Wly. upon a creek diving this from land of Mr. Peter Knight (formerly called Mr. Flints land) E.S.E. upon land of Edward Cock- head, S.S.W. to land of David Kiffinn, includeing a small peninsula upon the river called the Hand. Granted unto Patent Book No. 4 391 Nicholas Morris 1 June 1654, deserted & now due for trans, of 11 pers: Ed- mond Taylour, Wm. Partlett, Robert Midleton, Eliz. Clemens, Georg Watson, Wm. Maninge, & 5 Negroes assigned by Sir William Berkeley. SAME. 700 acs. in same county, date & page. Among certain branches of a great swamp belonging to the head of great Wiccomocoe Riv. above lands of Mr. Peter Knight & Capt. Bud. Trans, of 14 pers: 9 Negroes; Tho. Loveday, Tho. Williams, Mary Withall, Hamond Franklin, Sarah Wikell. By assignment. Renewed 28 Jan. 1662. MR. RICHARD DUDLEY, 639 acs. Glocester Co., 24 Sept. 1659, p. 276, (377). On the Ewd. side of the North river in Mockiack Bay, beg. at a small creeks mouth within Blackwaters Cr. called Pine Poynt Cr., along marked trees parting this & land of Mr. Peter Ranson &c. 140 acs. granted to Major Thomas Curtis in 1642 & by him as- signed unto sd. Dudley; 200 acs. granted to sd. Dudley 3 July 1652 & 299 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: John Everilla (or Emerilla), Tho. Kinge, John Bolton, John Cooper, Tho. Rey- land, Edward Smith. Renewed 18 Mar. 1662. THOMAS WOODWARD, 100 acs. Low. parish of Isle of Wight Co., 24 Sept. 1659, p. 276, (377). Adj. to E.S.E. parts of land of Thomas Jones & lately purchased by sd. Woodward. Bounded with lands patented by Capt. John Upton, Capt. John Moone & sd. Jones. Trans, of 2 pers: Jane Price, Mary Grimes. RICE JONES & ANTHONY JACK- MAN, 1040 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 17 May 1658, p. 277, (378). Beg. nigh the edge of the great swampe or main pacoson, part of same bounded with marked trees belonging to Mr. Miles Dixon, nigh Mattapany path, near head of Dedmans Cr. &c. Trans, of 21 pers: Edward Howgrave, John Anderton, James Payne, Christian Gorein, James Fossett, Tho. Bowman, Prescilla Hollaway, Alice Kinge, Mary Floyd, Mary , Eliz. Farme, Edward Allen, Tho. Gill, Robert Doore, John Cox, Fra. Overton, Susanna Nurse, Wm. Mathewes, Fran. Morgans, Doris (?) Williams, Adam Higgison. Renewed 13 Jan. 1661. MR. CUTHBERT POTTER, 5380 acs. on the N. & S. sides of the great swampe or Pacoson which divides the counteys of Lancaster & Glocester about 2 mi. above the horse path. 1300 acs. beg. on the N. side of sd. swamp by or nigh Mattapany path that goeth from the plantation of Jno. Curtis & adj. trees supposed to belong to Mr. Charles Grymes; 400 acs. on the S. side of the great swamp &c. 20 June 1659, p. 278, (379). Trans, of 108 pers.* By Francis Moryson, Esqr., Governor &c. GEORGE MORRIS & WM. LANE, 2500 acs. Rappa. Co., 20 July 1662, p. 278, (380). On N. side of the river on a great branch of Rappa Cr., opposite land of Thomas D. (blank) some 4 mi. behind land of Capt. Weir & Charles Snead & 3 mi. from Papaticke Cr. branches. Trans, of 50 pers: Wm. Young, John Marsh, Edmond Turner, John Carty, John (a) Negro, Wm. Marie, Fra. Freke, Fra. Hart, Edw. Mur:, Jno. Scot, John Hallis (or Wallis), Edw. Marie, Jos. Stratton, Wm. Wigg, Tho. Coniers, Ed. Martew, Mary Jackson, Wm. Sacom (?), Tho. Young, Wm. Flar, Wm. Joyner, Tho. Cooly, Tho. Wart, Jaco Jones, Wm. Mar, John Tooke, Edw. Ditty, Wm. Earle, Noah Turner, Nath. Haddon, Wm. Marter, Jno. Shaw, Tho. Fuell (?), Wm. Harvy, Tom Negro, Frank Negro, Jno. Bagby, Wm. Swann, Edw. Much, Tho. Tarvy, Wm. Fluell, Josiah Jackson, Mary Luell (?), Tho. Painer (?), Edw. Luell (or Linell), Fra. Car- ter, Emll. Negro, Cha. Collings, Cha. Macy, Tho. Blare, Edw. Williamson. ABRAHAM WEEKS,450 acs, on N. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded on the S. with a Cr. dividing this & land of Mr. Rowland Burnham, on N.W. with the Wading Cr. dividing this & land of Richard Perrott. 3 Apr. 1662, p. 279, (380). 300 acs. by assignment of patent from Mr. David Fox, dated 1 392 Cavaliers and Pioneers Nov. 1650 & the residue, added to the above, being renewal of patent to sd. Weeks dated 22 Nov. 1653. HENRY CORBIN, Esqr., 4000 acs. Rappa. Co., 5 Aug. 1662, p. 279, (381). 1500 acs. upon branches of Totoskey on N. side of sd. river, beg. at marked oak of Mr. Samuell Griffin in Machoticks path; 2500 acs. at the head of Totoskey, running W. from his own land &c. Trans, of fourescore persons.* ELIZABETH KEMP, 900 acs. New Kent Co., 20 Nov. 1661, p. 280, (381). On N. side of Mattaponie Riv., running down the River S. to Mr. Digges land. Granted to Thomas Dale 4 Jan. 1653, by him deserted & granted to Mr. Grey Skipwith 11 Oct. 1658 & by him as- signed to sd. Elizabeth Kemp. COL. ROBT. SMITH, 1299 acs. Lan- caster Co., 26 Feb. 1661, p. 280, (382). 412 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., & 887 acs. beg. on the W. side of a swamp & run that issues into Pyanka- tanck Riv. 412 acs. granted to Lambert Moore & Barthol. Linton 17 Feb. 1658. Sd. Moore assigned his share to sd. Linton who assigned to sd. Smith, & the residue for trans, of 18 pers: Peter Jennings, Jno. Riggs, Eliz. Ellmore, Jno. Green, Wm. Wood, Wm. Bann, An Raignett, Eliz. Ellis, Wm. Covenant, Mathew Morris, Abella Glover (Abell a Glover ?), Alex. Davis, Jno. Hawk- shead, Jno. Palmer, Jno. Hawkenett, Eliz. Turner, David Roch (or Rock), Ralph Parr. MAJOR JOHN DODMAN (or Ded- man), 350 acs. Westmoreland Co., 1 Apr. 1662, p. 281, (383). E. upon Patomack Riv., Sly. upon land of Gervas Bell & Nly. upon land of Richard Browne. 200 acs. part of patent to Gervas Dodson dated 1 Feb. 1650, by him sold to John Jenkins, who assigned to sd. Dodman, & 150 acs. to Gervas Bell & sd. Jenkins, by them deserted & granted to sd. Dodman by order of court dated 29 Nov. 1659. Trans, of 2 pers.* CAPT. JNO. UNDERWOOD, 1200 acs. James City Co., 25 Nov. 1661, p. 281, (384). On the Ely. side of Tyas- con, Ely. on Capt. Barnes & Thomas Meeredeth, Nly. on Rockahock path & Richard Terrell, N.W. on Charles Ed- monds & Pullam, Wly. on a branch of Tyascum & Sly. on Wm. Hitchman & a branch of the head of Burchen Sw. Trans, of 24 pers: Tho. Barnhouse, Eliz. Bacons, Robt. Hill, Rich. Barns, Tho. Agnes (?), Tho. Graggs, Vaux , Jno. Dawe (?), Fortune Perrin, An Dawe (?), Negro, Wm. Hill, James Johnson. 390 acs. the remainder being soe much relinquished of a pattern dated 7 Feb. 1658, the land being formerly taken up by another. SERGEANT MAJOR LEWIS BUR- WELL, 3200 acs. upon N. side of Yorke Riv. & S.E. side of Rosewell Cr., 26 Apr. 1654, p. 282, (384). Beg. 50 pole S. of Bacon poynt &c. by a marsh or pocoson &c. to the Ewd. side of Chis- cake path, S.W. along land of Wm. Smoot, by land of Mr. Mynyfie. 2350 acs. granted sd. Burwell 12 Jan. 1648 & 750 acs. to the S.E. of sd. tract to- gether with 100 acs. additional, & due for trans, of 17 pers.* (By Sir Wm. Berkeley). LEONARD JONES, 200 acs. in Rappa. Co., on Wwd. side of Totoskey Cr. about 3 mi. up the same. 19 July 1662, p. 282, (385). Beg. on a poynt by sd. Cr. side called Onachymoyes (?) quarter &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Jones, Ann Jones, 2 Negroes: Maria & Tony. WM. KILLMAN, 164 acs. on Ewd. side of Puscaticon Cr. in Rappa. Co., 15 June 1661, p. 283, (386). Adj. uppermost cor. of land of Jno. Capell & corner to Jno. & George Killman. Trans, of 4 pers: Mary Phillips, Wm. Wright, James Young, Wm. Long. ANDREW GILSON, 1277 acs. of wood & marsh land, 20 July 1661, p. 283, (386). 600 acs. beg. at a poynt on the N. side of Tigners Cr. &c. and 600 acs. upon the S.E. side of the lower- most course of land granted to Tho. Godwin & Rich. Axam & lying below the plantation of sd. Gilson; & adj. the above & 77 acs. adj. 600 acs. by patent dated 12 May 1650 & 677 for trans, of 14 Negroes. Patent Book No. 4 393 EDWARD VAHANE, 250 acs. in the Southerne branch of Nancimond Riv., 9 Apr. 1662, p. 284, (387). 200 acs. on the Eastern side of the sd. branch a corner of Thomas Harwoods land & by William Wrights land. 50 acs. at the Ewd. side of the river beg. at the marsh side of Hemlock Cr., running by Thomas Adkinson & sd. Harwoods line &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Ann James, Mary Stephens, Wm. Shinte (?), Peter Mills, Stephen Norman. EDMUND MACHEN (Machan), 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 20 July 1662, p. 284, (388). On S. the Narrows of Pomunkey Riv. above & adj. land of Capt. Anthony Langston, beg. at the S. of Tattapottomoyes. Trans, of 20 pers: Marginal Note: This land was sold to one Bompas & upon resurvey found to contain but 280 acs. & the rest of the rights trans, to Mr. Tho. Clayborne. Note: The following names appear: Susan Alcock, Samll. Hoocks, Fran. Glover, Dorathy Glover, Rich. Bullock, Thomas Man, Edwd. Evans, Robt. Evans, Tho. Poore, Joseph Hill, Edwd. Luckett (or Suckett), Wm. Clarke, Tho. Hye, James White, Jno. Giltoe, Tho. Hayly, Tho. Wood, Wm. Wood, Edwd. Morris, Wm. Salmon, Edwd. Young, Wm. Hay, Tho. Maples. WM. BODY, 550 acs. Isle of Wight Co., upon Cypresse Swamp, 20 Oct. 1661, p. 284, (89). Beg. on the N. side of sd. Swamp, running N.E. &c. Trans, of 11 pers: Wm. Young, Jno. Sharpe. Mary Stephens, Edward Wise, Edw. Marlow, Tho. Cawsey, James Hall, Tho. Turner, Ben. Jones, Tho. Smart, Alice Parr. NICHOLAS BUSH, 317 acs. James City Co., 21 Oct. 1662, p. 285, (389). On the N. side of James Riv. & E. side of Chikahomony Riv., beg. on W. side of Joanes his swamp & along the head of same until it meets with Old Knights lyne, over the swamp to John Merry- mans marked trees &c. Renewal of patent dated 6 Apr. 1655. JAMES WILSON, 700 acs. New Kent Co., 29 Jan 1661, p. 285, (390). On the head of Ware Cr. on the E. side, beg. at Mr. Stanawayes corner, S.W. on Mount Holly path, W. N. W. to a branch of Cowpen swamp, down same to Robert Harris lyne, &c. S.W. to the Reedy Swamp, to Gillmans land &c. Trans, of 14 pers: Wm. Lewis, Thomas Wood, Eliz. Wood, Lyddy How, Wm. Badger, Jno. Guffer, Danll. Merick, Jno. Jones, Edward Luc (?), Mary Wms. (Williams), Edward Webb, Abell Jason Wm. Richardson, Ann Robbinson. EDMOND PETERS, 442 acs. Gloces- ter Co., 22 Mar. 1659, p. 286, (391). At the head of Timber Necke Cr., 342 acs. beg. at Capt. Peryes land, adj. 100 acs. of his own land &c. running to Wm. Alsopps land. 100 acs. beg. on a branch of sd. creek, extending near land of Mr. Lewis Burrwell, deed. &c. 192 acs. part of 400 acs. granted to William Smoote 24 Feb. 1642 & as- signed to sd. Peters & 250 acs. for trans. of 5 pers: Wm. Peane, Henry Wattons, Henry Fuller, John Robison, Nicholas Chashey (or Chasley). By Sir Wm. Berkeley LITTLETON SCARBURGH, JOHN ALEXANDER & TABITHA SMART, 1500 acs. Northampton Co., 24 Mar. 1659, p. 287, (392). On the N. & S. sides of little Matomkin Cr. includeinge Wattchepreag on the S. & Little Matom- kin Towne on the N. & including all the necks & branches of sd. Cr. Trans, of 30 pers: John Watts, Jeffery Coote, Edmd. Cantwell, Tho. Stany, Hugh Bowin, Sarah Huitt, Susan Fletcher, Jane Gardner, Mary Hues, Sarah Gard- ner, Alice Roberts, Joseph Huitt, Nicholas Letchey, John Hapworth, Morris Savatt (?), Jane Gethinge, Tho. Davis, Darby Enns (?), John Davis, Edward Banbury, Robert Fookes, Jane Rogers, Ann Leitch, Tho. Warren, Henry Robins, James Hayes, Timothy Jones, Charles Mackworth, Mary Wil- liams, Tho. Morris. JOHN BARROW, 737 acs. & 145 perches in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. on S. side of Occapason Cr., beg. at lower end of land of Wm. Hall, S. neer land of Mr. Moseleye, nigh land of Mr. Augustine Brethenbird & nigh miles end 394 Cavaliers and Pioneers of Lawsons Island. 500 acs. by patent, 13 Oct. 1657 & renewed by new rights & the residue for trans, of 15 pers: Alexander Coote, Dorman Ussulevan, Derrick Arleson, Daniell Usulevan, Teage Longoe (or Longee). Rites for 500 acs. assigned by Robert, Tho. & Wm. Mosse. 24 Mar. 1660, p. 287, (392). WM. HALL, 573 acs. & 122 perches, in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. on S. side of Occapason Cr. & nigh land of John Barrow. 23 Mar. 1660, p. 288, (393). 300 acs. by purchase from Richard Law- son & residue for trans, of 6 pers: The rites being for 6 pers. assigned by Tho., Robert & Wm. Mosse. Due upon a patent renewed by new rites. ROBERT, THOMAS & WM. MOSSE, 800 acs. Rappa. Co., 24 Mar. 1660, p. 288, (393). On the S. side of the freshes of Rappa. Riv., beg. on N.W. side of a creek dividing this & land of John Weire. Granted them by patent dated 12 Apr. 1657, renewed & due for trans, of 16 pers: Georg Johnson, Wm. Smithson, Wm. Wilson, Cornelius Clynton, Elizabeth Turrey, Derrick Arrison. Note: 500 acs. assigned to John Barrow being due on a patent of 500 acs. renewed by new rites. CAPT. MARTIN PALMER, 400 acs. New Kent Co., 7 July 1660, p. 289, (394). Behind land of Thomas Hick- man, running to E. side of Assotiams Sw. &c. to his own land. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Tucker, Margaret Jones, Ed- ward Cooke, Daniell Parker, Tho. Scafe, Henry Pott, Tho. Luty (or Lucy) Jno. Sympson. RICHARD DAVIS, 660 acs. New Kent Co., 25 June 1660, p. 289, (394). On the N. side of Matapany Riv., upon Diggs Cr. Trans, of 14 pers: Tho. Johnson, Mary Davis, Wm. Rider, James Jones, Rich. Smith, Wm. Hickes, Roger Marley, Ed. Tressum, Wm. Jones, Tho. Rosser, Jenkin Jones, Ed. Tyler, Tho. Jonley (or Jouley), Mary Brookes. MR. THO. HOLMES, 1100 acs. New Kent Co., 6 July 1660, p. 289, (395). On S. side of Pyanketanke Sw., beg. by an Indian path. Trans, of 22 pers: James Morris, Wm. Robins, Edward Creeke, Jane Harris, Robert Rice, Rich. Hardy, Mary Wms. (Williams), Edward Cooke, Jone San- ders, Rebecca Garrett, Nich. Hutton, Jno. Fishpond, Edward Hickes, 2 Negroes, Edward Rose, Tho. Davis, Mary Bell, Jno. Ball, James Austin, Maurice Jones, Wm. Harrington. Page 290 is blank. By Francis Moryson, Gov't. MR. THOMAS HOLMES, 1024 acs. New Kent Co., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 291, (395). Upon N. side of Mattapony Riv., S. side of Peancketanck Sw., N.E. side of Cheescake path some 4 mi. into the woods behind land formerly Mr. Henry Soane. Renewal of patent to him dated 6 July 1660. THOMAS MARSTON, 1640 acs. James City Co., 31 Oct. 1662, p. 291, (396). On N. side the head of Chicka- hominy Riv., 640 acres beg. at Gerrard Johnson's corner upon the main swamp of sd. river, running N.E. & N. to his own 1000 acs., thence S.W. by S. &c, and 1000 acs. on E. & W. side of a branch about V/z mi. from Mr. Wiggs quarter &c. Renewal of patent dated 8 June 1660. NICHOLAS MERYWETHER, 80 acs. James City Island, 6 Nov. 1661, p. 292, (397). Sly. on Kings Mill Cr., Ely. on the main river, Nly. on the back Cr., & Nly. on a small cr. & Mr. James land. Formerly planted & seated by Richard Kingsmill, dec'd., who was an ancinet planter in this country, & by Nathanaell Bacon, Esqr. & Elizabeth, his wife, only daughter & heire of sd. Kingsmill, as- signed to sd. Merywether with rights for the same & for trans, of 2 pers: Thomas Dorr, Richard Ellis. DR. RICHARD HALL, 150 acs. on Deep Cr., bounding on land of George Cooksey. 13 Jan. 1661, p. 292, (398). Renewal of patent dated 13 Jan. 1652. PETER KNIGHT, 2700 acs. North- umberland Co., 26 Nov. 1661, p. 292, Patent Book No. 4 395 (398). 1200 acs. on S. side great Wic- cocomico Riv., E.S.E. upon land of Tho- mas Scoggin; 1500 acs. on S. side of sd. Riv., 700 acs. of which being N.N.E. upon sd. Riv., E. S. E. upon a Cr. dividing same & land of Mr. Nich. Morrice & W.N.W. upon Scoggins Cr. 800 acs. N.N.E. upon sd. land & S.E. upon land of Thomas Read & David Kiffin, part of which next to land of sd. Read formerly called Palmers land. Re- newal of patent dated 3 June 1657. JAMES ALLEN, 450 acs. Northum- berland Co., 26 Sept. 1661, p. 293, (399). Ely. upon little Wiccocomico Riv. or Cr., Sly. upon a branch of same dividing this & land of Richard Span & Henry Watts, S.W. from near the head of a branch & N. upon a line of trees parting this & land of Jno. Motly, &c. 300 acs. by patent 20 June 1651, re- newed 9 June 1653 & residue for trans, of 3 pers: Xtopher Wright, Nich. Spencer, Jno. Motrom. MR. WM. THOMAS, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 Mar. 1661, p. 293, (400). Wly. upon land of Danll. Neale, Sly. upon James Hawley, Ely. on Jno. Motley & Col. Wm. Clayborne & Nly. on Edward Coale. Trans, of 6 pers: Phill. Harwood, Jno. Wray, Roger Pinner, Robt. Salter, Thomas Panton, Edw. Plaice. SYMON RICHARDSON, 400 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Sept. 1662, p. 293, (400). Beg. on back lines of Bales & Richardson, S. W. to Cupids Cr., S.E. by S. to Hering Cr. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: 5 Negroes, Jno. Bateman, Symon Carpenter, Charges Wintell (?). JOHN MOTELY (Motly), of Wic- comico, Carpenter, 600 acs. Northum- berland Co., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 294, (400). On S. side of Wiccomico Cr. S. E. upon land of James Allen, up the horse path & S.Wly. upon land of Roger Walters &c. Renewal of patent dated 4 June 1655. JOHN HUGHLETT & THOMAS SALISBURY, 400 acs. Northumberland Co., 18 Aug. 1661, p. 294, (401). Upon the head of great Wiccomico Riv., Sly. upon Wickers branch. Trans, of 8 pers: Edward Sanders, Robert Wright, Joseph Hary, Myles Cray, Nich. Smith, Jno. Knight, Wm. Henrill (?), Francis Acton. WM. BALLINGALL, 400 acs. North- umberland Co., 30 July 1661, p. 294, (401). Beg. at Herring Cr. which divides this & land of John Bales & Symon Richardson, S.W. on the side of a glade which divides this & land of James Magregory & Hugh Fouch. Trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Winn, Tho- mas Gay, Jno. Moore, Wm. Peters, Robt. Burley, Jno. Arshwin, Robert Hampton, Henry Mayne. JAMES MAGREGOR & HUGH FOUCH, 1280 acs. Northumberland Co., 10 July 1661, p. 295, (402). Beg. up Chetanck Cr., extending along a line of trees dividing this & land of Jno. Hull to Cupids Cr., thence S. &c. 800 acs. granted to them by patent dated 3 Apr. 1651 & residue for trans, of 10 pers: Jos. Smith, Fran. Jones, Wm. Hacklett, Hen. Sentence, Ann Corbell, James Peirce, Angell Corbell, Margtt. Baleor, Samll. Nicholls, Hugh Fouch. THOMAS DORROW, 138 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 July 1661, p. 295, (402). Upon little Wiccocomico Riv., 100 acs. Sly. adj. land of Edward Coale, Nly. upon land now in posses- sion of Richard Spann &c. 38 acs. on Chikacone Path, S.E. by land of Hen. Smith & running to aforesd. 100 acs. 100 acs. by patent dated 10 Oct. 1652 & 38 acs. for trans, of James Herryfold (Haryfold). JNO. HUGHLETT, 400 acs. North- umberland Co., 17 Sept. 1662, p. 296, (403). At the head of great Wiccoco- mico Riv., Nly. on Wickars branch which divides this from land surveyed for sd. Hughlett & Thomas Salisbury, S.S.W. upon a path which goes out of Budds neck into the woods, crossing Machotick foot path, S.E. on land of Robert Wilson, Wly. upon part of a line of Robt. King &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Wm. Sandiford, Charles Winter, Manell (or Mavell) Jones, Mary Hewes, Jno. Bateman, Tho. Efford, Mary Bate- man, Sarah Bradford. 396 Cavaliers and Pioneers HENRY WATTS, 650 acs. Northum- berland Co., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 296, (404). On S. side of great Wiccoco- mico Riv., Ely. upon land of Richard Span, Nly. upon James Allen, Wly. up- on land of Jno. Mosely, Sly. upon Tho- mas Dorrow & Chickacone path from sd. Span & Dorrows land &c. 500 acs. granted unto Edward Cole 10 Oct. 1652, assigned to sd. Span, who assigned to sd. Watts and 150 acs. added & now renewed. JOHN HARRIS, 500 acs. Lancaster Co., 11 Jan. 1661, p. 297, (404). Beg. near a path leading from the great swamp to Mr. Parrots & running along his own land. Trans. 10 pers: An Harris, Margtt Tompson, Jno. Cole, Stephen Norman, Wm. Stephens, Han- nah Mills, Jno. Hunt, Mary Tye, Henry Nicholls, Thomas Norton. ABYA. BONYSON, 1300 acs. Lan- caster Co., 27 Nov. 1661, p. 297, (405). Beg. at Haddawayes Cr. at a branch, certain trees dividing this & a tract formerly seated by Thomas Salisbury, afterwards planted and possessed by Capt. Fleets people & since by Humphry Tabbs sonns & servants, running to- wards head of Harpers Cr. running over the same & neere the house where Henry Rye lived. 550 acs. granted to Wm. Harper & Henry Rye 19 Oct. 1652, by sd. Harper wholly assigned to sd. Rye, who assigned to sd. Bonyson; 400 acs. to sd. Bonyson dated 1 Feb. 1653 & 350 acs. due for trans, of 7 pers: Margtt. Grimes, Jno. Jones, Phill Norton, Stephen Win, Ann Harte, Mary Sharpe, Susan Jones. WM. POPE, 200 acs. Nancimond Co., 30 Oct. 1662, p. 298, (406). Beg. near the miles end of land of Symon Symons & running to Capt. Thomas God- wins land Granted unto Wm. Pope 8 Oct. 1656. Renewal. RICHARD NEAW, 750 acs. James City Co., 20 Oct. 1662, p. 298, (406). On N. side of James Riv. & E. side of Chikahominy Riv., bounding S.E. on Margt. Land, N. E. on Thomas Brookes Land & Sly. on Mr. Rolphs Land. Re- newal of patent dated 6 Apr. 1655. JAMES AUSTIN, 900 acs. Northum- berland Co., 28 Sept. 1661, p. 298, (407). Ely. upon land patented by Mr. Geo. Coldclough & Sly. upon Wicco- comico Cr. 300 acs. granted sd. Col- clough 4 June 1655 & assigned to sd. Austin & the residue by 2 patents to Jno. Hughlett & Jno. Palmer, 24 Oct. 1655, by them deserted & now due for trans, of 12 pers: 7 Negroes, Ann Young, Mary Tompson, Wm. Hill, Edw. Wiseman, Wm. Norgrove. JOHN GREEN, 350 acs. Gloster Co., at the head of Poropotanck Cr., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 299, (407). Beg. by the Eastern branch & running to Mr. Blunts corner &c. Granted to Henry Hubberd 25 Aug. 1655 & assigned to sd. Greene. WM. PULLAM & WM. WEBB, 580 acs. New Kent Co., 16 Sept. 1662, p. 299, (408). Upon the S. side of the Narrowes of Yorke Riv., Beg. in a branch of Mattedecum Cr., by an Indian feild & Ely. to land of Wm. Stone. Trans, of 12 pers: John Pashe, Job Turner, Pet(er) Hadaway, Roger Walke, Wm. Billingsly, Tho. Slattor, Wm. Broughton, Mary Percy, James Kent, Thomas Coocke, Tho. Gunt(er), Rebec- ca Harrison. JOHN FRUMPTON, 800 acs. Rappa. Co., 20 July 1662, p. 299, (408). On N. side the river & W. side of a branch on the main swamp of Rappa. Cr. adj. land of Wm. Lane & George Morris. Trans, of 16 pers: Jane Robinson, Eliz. Vaughan, Tho. Michell, Ann Burny, Henry Caple, Eliz. Morter, James Piget, Noble Martin, Rich. Archer, Walter Brookes, Abra. Law, Tho. Jarvis, Mary Young, Tho. Boote, James Hicton, Jno. Ingleton. DR. RICHARD HALL, 100 acs. Warwick Co., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 300, (409). S.W. on James Riv., N.E. into the woods beg. at a Cr. parting this from Merry Cr. poynt, ending at a small locus parting this & land of Mr. Tho. Owen &c. to Mr. Robt. Newman, his Dam etc. Granted to John Layden 5 May 1636, by him deserted & granted unto sd. Hall 23 Oct. 1650. Renewal. Patent Book No. 4 397 SAMUELL GRIFFIN, Merchant, 2200 acs. Rappa. Co., 6 Aug. 1662, p. 300, (409). Upon a great swamp issueing into the head of Totoskey alias Cross Cr. & near path going from Totoskey to Chikacone &c, along Machotickes path &c. Trans, of 44 pers: David Griffin, Bagnell Vincent, Wm. Benaden, Edw. Wetherhorne, Ambrose Clare, Wm. Gunter, Thomas Bell, Lewis Butler, Wm. Feild, Henry Margrett, Alice Arsly, Ellin Meredeth, Jno. Back, Robt. Sanders, Roger Barbar, Richd. Hartless, Emanuell Consues (?), Tho. Symmons, Richard Apleby, Richard Collins, Ed- ward Franclin, Rice Cookman, Tho. a Negro, Frank a Negro, Munky a Negro, Mary a Negro, 9 Negroes, Nathaniel! Medly, Henry Turner, Richard Wil- liams, William Conaway, Jno. Bagle, Mary Burd, Nicholas White, Francis Cossens, Christopher Walker. CAPT. THOMAS HAWKINS, 386 acs. & 40 perches, on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on the head of a branch called Popemans Cr., E.S.E. to Occopason Cr. &c. 20 Sept. 1661, p. 301, (410). Trans, of 8 pers: Maudlin Davis, Rice Harvy, Edwd. Porter, Giles Towning, Mary Howard, Hugh Weekes, Edwd. James, Elianore Parry. SAMUELL NICHOLLS, 688 acs. in the freshes & upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at Whitlocks Cr., running to a white oake dividing this from land of Thomas Whitlock, deed. &c. 20 Sept. 1661, p. 301, (411). Part of 1000 acs. granted to sd. Whitlock but belonging to sd. Nicholls by virtue of a copart- nership, as appear by records of Rappa. Co. Ct., & 238 acs. lately purchased of Major Wm. Underwood of the aforesd. county. JOHN BEBEY, 700 acs. Lancaster Co., 13 Feb. 1661, p. 301, (411). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. about 1 mi. up Coxes Cr., formerly called Pascaticon Cr. on the E. side thereof. Renewal of patent dated 4 Oct. 1653. ROBERT BAYLY, 300 acs. & 13 po. in Rappa. Co., 20 Sept. 1661, p. 302, (412). Beg. at the head of a branch of Farnham Cr. parting this & land of Col. More Fantleroy & Mr. Tho. Griff eth. Trans, og 6 pers: Sarah Bunny, Jno. Smith, Richd. Reekes, Henry Michaell, Ann Mills, James Nailor. CAPT. HUMPHRY BOOTH, 1000 acs. Rappa. Co., 20 Sept. 1661, p. 302, (413). On S. side the Riv., 200 acs. beg. at Eastermost cor. of land of Mr. Wm. White, Clerke, running to land of Augustine Blidenburd. Trans, of 20 pers: And. Davis, Mary Wild, Tho. Webb, Joane Webb, Wm. Jones, Giles Hope, Peter White, Jno. Gray, Geo. Wood, Jasper White, Wm. Cooke, Tho. Sherman, Wm. Gower, James Stevens, Walter Hoes, Xtop. Wilson, Rog(er) Evans, Tho. Wms. (Williams), Jane Welch, Machaell Grant. LT. COL. THO. GOODRICH, 1134 acs. 3 furlongs, 18 poles on S. side of Rappa. Riv. on the back of a devdt. of land belonging to Sr. Henry Chickeley, about 3 mi. from the river, running to eastermost main branch of Ralphs Cr. which runs into Puscatticon Cr. 20 Sept. 1661, p. 302, (413). 650 acs. granted unto Robt. Armstrong 10 Sept. 1658 & sold to sd. Goodrich & residue for trans, of 10 pers: Abigail Rige, Tho. Clowd, Seath Edward, Tho. Bun- bridge, Wm. Suran, Wm. Talbott, Jno. Warner, Jno. Clower, Kath. Moroughen, Nich. Stelman. JOHN FLEMING, 493 acs. New Kent Co. on S. side of Yorke Riv. 20 Mar. 1661, p. 303, (414). Lieing be- tween lands of Lt. Col. Gooch, Rice Hughes & Edmond Price. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Jones, Wm. Jacobs, Henry Linny, Denis Corbell, Doro. Farmer, Wm. Farmer, Jno. Shaw, Mary Spratt, Wm. Ward, Tho. Claughton, JOHN HALLOWES, 2400 acs. on S. side of Patomecke Riv., 28 July 1662, p. 303, (414). From the mouth of Cona- woman Cr., N.W. to the marsh, N. by E. on Conawoman bay, E. by S. on Nomeny bay, S.W., N.W. by N. on sd. Riv. & S.E. on land of Mr. Speake. Renewal of patent dated 11 Sept. 1653. RALPH HORSLEY, 495 acs. North- umberland Co., 30 Oct. 1662, p. 303, 398 Cavaliers and Pioneers (415). Nly. upon Petomecke Riv., Ely. upon mouth of Chickacoane Riv., S. upon Cabbin Cr. & Wly. upon land of Henry Rainer (or Ranier). Renewal of patent dated 16 Nov. 1652. THOMAS MORRIS, 670 acs. on S. side of the N. Riv. in Mockjack Bay,, running to Ewd. side of Basses Cr. 13 Feb. 1661, p. 303, (415). Granted to Thomas Curtis 20 Sept. 1652 & by sd. Curtis & Averilla, his wife, assigned to John Curtis, who assigned to sd. Morris. ROBERT TOMLYN, 528 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a creek dividing it from an island, extending to- wards Mattumsarkin. 29 Oct. 1662, p. 304, (416). Renewal of patent dated 13 Dec. 1653. WM. ap THOMAS, 700 acs. on N.E. side of Mockjack Bay, beg. at corner tree of Mr. Ranson, running to marked tree of Tho. Preston, deed. & S.W. by S. &c. 28 Oct. 1662, p. 304, (416). Renewal of patent dated 16 Nov. 1652. GYLES BRENT, Jr., son of Gyles Brent, Esqr., 1800 acs. Westmoreland Co., 3 Nov. 1662. p. 304, (417). 1000 acs. beg. at the Richahockian stands, ex- tending to near mouth of Hunting Cr. & E.S.E. along Petomake Riv. 800 acs. on S. side sd. river opposite against the Indian Towne of Pascatway. Renewal of patents dated 6 Sept. 1654 & 11 Sept. 1653. JOHN SHEPARD, 1,000 acs. North- umberland Co., 18 Oct. 1662, p. 305, (417). Upon the N.W. side near the mouth of a swamp upon the head of Jernews Cr. dividing this & land of John Powell, along land of Nich. Jer- new, Mr. Wm, Hockaday, N.W. to branch of Machoticke Cr. &c. Renewal of patent dated 6 May 1652. ALEX. MECANTER, 300 acs., N.Ely. on Yeocomoco Cr. in Patomecke freshes, N.Wly. upon a seate of 2000 acs. taken up by John Wood &c. 13 Jan. 1661, p. 305, (418). Renewal of patent dated 15 July 1657. CAPT. PETER ASHTON, 485 acs. Northumberland Co., 2 Apr. 1662, p. 305, (418). 400 acs. S. upon Wiccoco- moco Riv., Wly. upon a creek & Ely. upon a creek dividing this & land of Col. Wm. Claiborne; 85 acs. on N. side of sd. Riv. betwixt land of Mr. Hawly & Wm. Betts & Sly. upon the head of a tract of land called Peter Ashtons Necke. 400 acs. renewal of patent dated 17 Nov. 1654 & 85 acs. granted to John Johnson 4 June 1655 & by him assigned to sd. Ashton. SAMLL. PARRY, 1250 acs. Lancaster Co., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 306, (419). On S. side of Pascatticon Cr., bounded on E.S.E. with land of Ralph Paine &c. Renewal of patent dated 7 Feb. 1652. EDWARD WYATT, Gent., 1230 acs. Gloster Co., 20 July 1662, p. 306, (419). Upon Peanketanke Riv., a marked tree dividing this & land of Mr. Edw. Kemp, & along Wadeing Cr. Trans, of 25 pers: Wm. Jarvis, Tho. Jones, Mary Hart. (No other names appear.) DAVID THOMAS & RICHARD MACUBINS, 100 acs. Lancaster Co., 28 July 1662, p. 306, (420). On N. side of Coxes Cr. & running towards land of Wm. Johnson. Granted to Randall Chumbly, 10 May 1654, as- signed to John Henly, who assigned back to sd. Chambly, who assigned to Wm. Johnson, by him assigned to Rich- ard Stephens & by him assigned to sd. Thomas & Macubin. JOHN MOTTLY, 600 acs. Northum- berland Co., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 306, (420). On S. side of Wiccocomoco Cr., towards the horse path, S.E. upon land of James Allen & S.W. upon land of Roger Walters. Renewal of patent dated 4 June 1655. ARTHUR SHOORE (Shore) & HENRY COSSUM, 350 acs. Westmore- land Co., 4 Sept. 1661, p. 307, (421). Bounded N.W. with branch of upper Machoticks, beg. upon back line of Tho. Davis, extending S.E. &c. Renewal of patent dated 27 Mar. 1660. CAPT. GYLES BRENT, 312 acs. on S. side of Pamonkey Riv., bounding Patent Book No. 4 399 S.Ely, with a rivulett parting this from land of Capt. Anth. Langstone. 4 Sept. 1662, p. 307, (421). Marginal note: The true date appears to be 1661 as by order of the General Ct., 19 Apr. 1708. Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Harris, Tho. Martin, Mary Wood, Edw. Jones, Samll. Clay, Fra. Faire. WM. THATCHER & THO. CHET- WOOD, 800 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Lancaster Co., 16 June 1662, p. 307, (421). Trans, of 16 pers: Rich. Taner, Jno. (a) Frenchman, Jno. Can- ter, John King, Jno. Cotler, Henry Tailor, John Giden, Tho. Stephens, Jacob a Negro; 7 rights by a patent of 350 acs. granted to Toby Horton 1 Feb. 1653 & by him relinquished. THO. CHETWOOD, 300 acs, on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Lancaster Co, 16 June 1662, p. 307, (422). Upon Teages Cr, bounding upon land former- ly John Phillips. Trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Reynolds, Hen. Reynolds, Henry Parker, Jno. Aires, Joseph Baker. JOHN ASHLY (Ashley), 240 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Lancaster Co, 16 June 1662, p. 308, (422). Up- on the head of Nanbypoyson (?) Cr. Trans, of 7 pers: Jno. Cone, John Bolton, Jno. Pritchet, Eliz. Poore, Jacob (a) Negro. CAPT. DANIELL PARKE, 580 acs. Yorke Co, 20 Sept. 1662, p. 308 (422). On S.W. side of Yorke Riv, beg. on S.W. side of a branch of the old Mill Sw. in the line of Tho. Smith, running to Richard Foards line, by Warrany path, at hot water path, on Richahock path, to Thomas Smiths line &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Jarvis, Tho. Shawly, Wm. Murton, Mary Young, Tho. Cal- ver, Wm. Foster, Edward Hary, Tho. Stanly, Jane Ward, Tomasin Flint, Wm. Hart, Tho. Carew. JOHN FITCHETT, 1/2 acre in James City, 18 Oct. 1662, p. 308, (423). Beg. on N. side of the path that goes to Mr. Chiles next unto the office, N.E. by N. to the next path that goes to Mr. Chiles &c. Renewal of patent dated 8 June 1660. THOMAS BELL, 1100 acs. New Kent Co, 16 Oct. 1662, p. 309, (424). On N. side of Yorke Riv, beg. in Cattaile branch, running S.E. by land of Ashwell Battin to Mattassux Sw. &c. 600 acs. for trans, of 12 pers & the residue granted to him 6 Mar. 1658. Rebecca Newell, Fra. Drinkwater, Wm. Maior, Mary Bennett, Charles Nicholls, Jno. Tignall, Mary Nicholls, Mary Browning, Robt. Horsington, Edward Thompson, Wm. Ives, Isabell Taylor. RICH. SLAUGHTER, 650 acs. Nancemond Co, 30 Oct. 1662, p. 309, (424). Renewal of patent dated 3 June 1656. RICHARD NEW (Neaw), 750 acs. James City Co, 20 Oct. 1662, p. 309, (425). On the E. side of Chickhominy Riv, S.E. on Margt. Land, N.E. on Thomas Brookes land & Sly. on Mr. Rolphs land. Renewal of patent dated 6 Apr. 1655. MRS. MARGT. BRENT, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co. formerly, now Rappa. Co, 20 July 1662, p. 309, (425). Bounded upon N.N.E. side with Rappa. Riv, S.E. with a branch of same & N.W. upon a valley about a quarter of a mile above the beg. of the falls of James Riv. Renewal of patent dated 8 June 1658. JOHN SIMPSON, 600 acs. Lancaster Co, 28 July 1662, p. 310, (425). Up- on S.E. side of Moratticon Cr. & W.S. W. upon land of Lambert Lamberton & Rich. Hatton. Granted to Alexander Pourteous 6 Oct. 1656 & assigned to sd. Simpson. RICHARD DAVIS, 420 acs. Lancas- ter Co, 19 July 1662, p. 310, (426). On W. of Coratoman Riv, 300 acs. to- wards Mongars Cr, granted to John Monger 29 July 1650; 120 acs. towards Morattico path & in N.W. line of the aforesd. tract. Trans, of 9 pers: Tho. Joyner, Wm. Ward, Mary Farmer, Tho. Cartwright, Wm. Gulin (?), Tho. Wood, Jane Sherley, Kath Woold, James Coffer. COL. VALENTINE PAYTON, 1600 acs. Westmoreland Co, 20 July 1662, p. 400 Cavaliers and Pioneers 310, (426). On S. side of Patomecke Riv., beg. at a small branch of Oquia Riv., W.S.W. along land of Capt. Mason &c. Granted to Robert Hubberd 12 Dec. 1654 & by him assigned. WILLIAM WALKER, 839 acs. Northumberland Co., 30 Oct. 1662, p. 311, (427). 639 acs. S.Ely, upon Yeo- comoco Riv., S.Wly. upon land of Rich- ard Holder ;& 200 upon a creek towards John Earles plantation, which 200 acs. is comonly called Bloyces land. Re- newal of patent dated 24 Oct. 1655. MR. GEORGE WHALE, 1400 acs. Lancaster Co., 10 Oct. 1662, p. 311, (427). 600 acs. on S. side of Corato- man Cr. being the next Cr. Nly. to Haddawaies Cr., S. Ely. upon land sur- veyed for Toby Horton by some called Mr. Wetherlies land & S.Wly. upon land of John Taylour, dec'd. 300 acs. near the glade above Wiccocomoco In- dian Towne, adj. to S. side of land of Jno. Cossens & Thomas Steed, E. by S. to 500 acs. assigned to sd. Wale by Gervase Dodson; 300 acs. near the head of a Cr. by some called Chesticon & by others Coratoman, S.Ely, upon land of sd. Dodson & Taylour. 1100 acs. granted to sd. Dodson by patents dated 3 Mar. 1656 & 29 Nov. 1658 & 300 acs. renewal of patent dated 29 Nov. 1658. JOHN COX, 1150 acs. Lancaster Co., 28 Aug. 1662, p. 312, (428). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. & N.W. side of Piscaticon Cr., beg. on a peninsula called Coxes Island, running to N.W. side of Hodgkins Cr. & by the mouth of a branch dividing this from land of William Johnson. 1000 acs. granted him 1 May 1650 & 50 acs. found to be wanting within the same; & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Judeth Holman & Eliz. Newsom. MR. WM. DRUMMOND, 1200 acs. James City Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. 312, (429). In Chikahomany Riv., beg. at point of land next above Warreny Landing place. Granted to Wm. Taylor 9 Nov. 1638 & by him long since de- serted & now granted by order of court. (The following names appear under this patent) John Farsey, Petro Gillard, Eliz. ux (wife of Gillard ?), Jno. Ingram, Machaell Hamond, Abram Vodin, Marice Vodin, Jno. Vodin, Isack Vodin, Rich. Stanford, Abram Hill, Wm. Grum, Wm. Dabye, Susanna Childes (?), Susanna Catts (?), Susana Garment, Wm. Hearny, 2 Negroes, Jno. James, Wm. Wells, Susan Carter, Edwd. Wells, Jno. Turner. RICHARD BROWNE, 300 acs. Westmoreland Co., 4 Sept. 1661, p. 313, (430). 100 acs. on S. side of Hallowes Cr. & 200 acs. upon Hollis Cr. including a small island, Wly. upon land of Tho. Blagg, Ely. towards land of little Browne & Sly. upon a swamp by Nangatico path. 200 acs. by patend dated 13 Sept. 1654 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Mary Phillips & Susan Jones. THO. LETHERBURY & ALEX MATTOCKS, 516 acs. Northampton Co., 20 Oct. 1661, p. 313, (431). At the head of Naswattocks Cr., Ely. at the head of former devdt. of James Jones. Renewal of patent dated 10 June 1654. GEORGE PARKER, 1300 acs. North- ampton Co., 26 Sept. 1661, p. 313, (431). At Anancock Cr., beg. at land of Mr. Wm. Waters. Trans, of 26 pers: Peter Mills, 17 Negroes, Judeth Barber, An Barber, Henry Wms. (Wil- liams), Stephen Norgrove, Wm. Hart, An Stone, Wm. Norton, Mary Jones. WALTER ENGLISH, 360 acs. North- umberland Co., 20 Oct. 1661, p. 314, (431). On Lower Mechoticks opposite land of Henry Rocke (or Roche) run- ning nigh Nomany path N.N.E. along land of Thomas Atwell &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Mary English, Jno. English, Peter Mills, Tho. White, Andrew Stone, Roger Norton, Stephen Norman, a Negro. VINCENT COX, 346 acs. Northum- berland Co., 20 Oct. 1661, p. 314, (432). On N. side of little Wiccoco- mico, beg. on line of trees dividing this from land of Robt. Smith, S.E. &c. to trees dividing this & land of Robt. Ben- Patent Book No. 4 401 nett, son of Jno. Bennett, deed. Trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Jones, Thomas Cooper, Mary Coop(er ?), Wm. Peterson, Peter Stewart, Wm. Stephens, Wm. Stow. GEORG LIGHT & THO. SPENCER, 1127 acs. New Kent Co., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 314, (432). Upon N. side of Matta- pony Riv., beg. at Mr. Holmes lower corner tree in Chescake path, running to main swamp of Peancketanck &c. to marked trees dividing this & sd. Mr. Thomas Holmes land. Trans, of 23 pers: Wm. Maris, Mary Stephens, Ann Brodhurst, Jane Bandon, Wm. Sewell, Mary Jones, Jane Godlad, 16 Negroes. EDWARD REVELL, 1000 acs. Northampton Co., 26 Sept. 1661, p. 315, (433). On S. side of Pungotege Cr., being a neck of land parted by White Sapenny Cr. from land of An- thony Hoskins, running to an Indian bridge, Sly. to a swamp near head of a run of sd. Whitsapenny Cr. 500 acs. by patent dated 27 Nov. 1652 & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers: 5 Negroes; Ann Morris, Mary Wiggins, Wm. Ste- phens, Andrew Gadstone, Walter Jones. ISAAK ALLERTON, 500 acs. West- moreland Co., 28 Mar. 1662, p. 315, (434). 300 acs. on S. side of Lower Machotique River 2 mi. up the same & near Oyster Shell poynt & 200 acs. bounding S.Ely, towards sd. land &c, 2 white oaks being in a line of division between this & land of Mr. Henry Vin- cent, N.Ely, upon land of Capt. Richard Wright & S.Wly. on land of Jno. Haw- kins. 300 acs. granted to George Watts 19 Oct. 1653, assigned to Jno. Wood who assigned to sd. Allerton & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Anthony Harris, Stephen Harris, Peter Mackro, Wm. Andrewes. MR. OBEDIENCE ROBINS, 450 acs. Northampton Co., 22 Mar. 1643, p. 316, (434). (By Sir Wm. Berkeley) Bounded on S. by his own land, on N. by land of Samll. Scott, on E. by land of Mr. Taylor & on W. by the former grant of Cherristons. Trans, of 9 pers.* MONTOY EVELIN. Gent., 650 acs. James City Co., 20 June 1651, p. 316, (435). On S. side the Riv. 200 acs. adj. another parcel herein granted sd. Evelin formerly Mr. Edw. Gandons; 150 acs. divided on E. by a swamp from land of Wm. Ewens; 300 acs. opposite James Citty, Wly. upon land formerly Jno. Baynhams & extending on land of Ed- ward Grindon. 200 acs. granted unto John Baynham 17 Jan. 1619, 150 acs. granted to Edward Grindon 5 Dec. 1620 & 300 acs. granted to Mr. George Sands 4 Dec. 1624 & purchased of Thomas Grindon by Capt. Geo. Evelin 3 Aug. 1649 who gave same by deed to his son, the sd. Monjoy 28 Apr. 1650. (By Sir Wm. Berkeley) CAPT. JNO. UNDERHILL, 250 acs. Yorke Co. formerly called Charles River Co., 6 Aug. 1662, p. 317, (435). Beg. on W. side of Felgats Cr. at the mouth of a branch dividing this from the Gleabe Land of Hampton Parish, N. by W. upon the Pond (of) Col. John Waines, S. upon land of Wm. Barber & E. upon land of Capt. Jno. West. Granted to Capt. Robt. Felgate 29 Aug. 1637 for ventureing "to seate those fronteer parts" & now granted sd. Underhill by order of court & for trans, of 5 pers: Peter Cornhill, Andrew Stone, William Jackson, John Jackson, Mary Williams. JNO. JOLLIFFE. 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 13 an. 1661, p. 317, (436). Renewal of patent dated 30 May 1653. THOMAS DYER, 300 acs. in the Western branch of Eliz. Riv., called the brack rige, lying at the head of Robt. Capes land. 9 Apr. 1662, p. 318, (437). Trans, of 6 pers: Ann Love- ing, Peter Sutor, Andrew Jones, Mary Nitter, Wm. Holmes, Tho. Mines. THOMAS BELL, 1100 acs. New Kent Co., on N. side of Yorke Riv., 17 Oct. 1662, p. 318, (437). Beg. in Cattail branch, running S.E. by land of Ashwell Battin to Mattasup Swamp &c. Trans, of 22 pers: Tho. Bell twice, Andrew Bell, Susan Bell, Mary Jones, Georg Austin, Jno. Wms. (Williams), Wm. Pope, Thomas Stephens, Wm. Lewis, Wm. Caps, Roger Sheely, Jno. Mathews, Rich. Joy, 8 Negroes. 402 Cavaliers and Pioneers RALPH ELKINS, 30 acs. Yorke Co., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 318, (437). S.W. on the greate Horse path, S.E. on land of Goodman Jones, N.E. on Stephen Gar- ner, N.W. on Georg Wyatt & old Farr. Trans, of Peter Nicholls. MR. RICHARD PARROTT, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 20 Mar. 1662, p. 319, (438). Formerly granted unto Minor Minson, lately found to escheat & now granted sd. Parrott who hath made his composition to be paid according to act. SAME. 800 acs. Same county, date and Page. Formerly granted unto Tho- mas Dale &c. as above. SAME. 300 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a poynt on Ewd. side of Fishing Cr. & at the miles end of his own land. 16 Jan. 1661, p. 319, (438). Granted sd. Parrott 6 Oct. 1657 & by him sold to Minor Minson, who died without heir & sd. land escheated to his Majesty & bought of Sir William Berkeley, Treasurer, 13 May 1661. MR. ROBERT GRIGG & MR. ED- WARD WYATT, 370 acs. in Gloster Co., Kingston Parish, 19 Apr. 1662, p. 320, (439). Bounding upon land of Jno. Smithy & running from Garden Cr. upon the bay S.E. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Mary Jones, Wm. White, Jno. Tappin, Andrew Mayle, Jane Carter, Stephen Godlad, Wm. Hankin, Antho. Grigson. HENRY WATTS, 146 acs. North- umberland Co., 20 July 1661, p. 320, (439). At the head of Little Wiccoco- mico, beg. at a tree dividing this & land of Major George Colclough, extending along a branch falling into the Scotts Cr. & N.E. on land of Jno. Motley. Trans, of 3 pers: Henry Walker, An- drew Jones, Paul Hargrove. JAMES HILL, 350 acs. Northumber- land Co., 10 May 1661, p. 320, (440). On S. side of great Wiccocomico, be- tween lands surveyed for John Fawsett, Freeman Conaway & John Howard & lands surveyed for Jno. Hughlett & Tho- mas Read, patterned only for Thomas Read, bounding N.N.E. upon 2000 acs. patterned for Isaak Foxcroft, afterwards sold to Thomas Prittiman &c. Trans. of 7 pers: Susan Hunt, Timothy Cole, Wm. Seward Godale, Andrew Stevens, Henry Creighton, Walter Ashdowne. (By Sir Wm. Berkeley). SYMON RICHARDSON, 384 acs. Northumberland Co., 10 July 1661, p. 321, (440). Beg. on Herring Cr. divid- ing this & land of Major George Col- clough, extending along Patomeck Riv. N.W. by W. to a pond dividing this & land of John Bales &c. 300 acs. granted to John Hailes & Thomas Sheppard 16 Sept. 1651, by them assigned unto Cle- ment Carbill & Samll. Nicholls, by Nicholls assigned unto John Hany, who assigned to John Raven & Thomas Rowe; sd. Raven assigned his part to sd. Rowe, who assigned to Symon Rich- ardson & Richard Island; Island as- signed unto George Markes & Thomas Swan, who assigned to sd. Richardson. 84 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Peter Rich- ards (?), Susan Hardrop. (By Sir Wm. Berkeley). GILES BRENT, Esqr., 1000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 29 Nov. 1662, p. 321, (441). In Chapawansick Cr., beg. at the head of land of Mr. Walter Broadhurst, extending on both sides of the run of sd. Cr. &c. N.N.Wly. up the sd. run, including the Rock line to Caves called Machezan. Renewal of patent dated 24 Nov. 1658. (By Sir Wm. Berkeley). WILLIAM DEBNAM, 1500 acs. in Mock jack Bay, beg. at marked tree of George Ludlow, Esqr., a mile distant from a branch in Seaverne &c. through Cedar Island to the bay &c. 13 Jan. 1661, p. 322, (441). Renewal of patent dated 26 Dec. 1653. SAME. 600 acs. Same date & page, (442). Beg. on W. lines of land formerly belonging to George Warleich against Cranie Island in Ware Riv. in Mock jack bay &c. to Swd. corner tree of Mr. Breemans land &c. Renewal of patent dated 6 May 1652. JOHN NEWMAN, 400 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 22 July 1662, p. 322, (442). Patent Book No. 4 403 On N. side of Rappa. Riv. on the head of Moraticon Riv., bounded N. by W. by the side of a branch dividing this & land of Mr. Whitby &c. Renewal of patent dated 15 Mar. 1657. RICHARD NORMANSELL, 2550 acs. Staff. Co., 5 June 1666, p. 323, (443). On N.W. side of Potomack Riv. on the maine run of Pohick Cr. Trans, of 51 pers: Tho. Durant, James Banns, Jno. Stone, Robt. Durner, Wm. Castro (or Carter), Jno. Redock, Tho. James, Tho. Norrich, Edw. Cooke, Matt. Hutson, Stephen Coleman, Robt. Weddge, Wm. Dolton, George Greene, Wm. Bond, James Porter, Johannah Browne, May Birch, Tho. Metchalfe, Wm. Fox, Tho. Betchman, Tho. Dunce, Eliz. Gardner, James Harny, Xtopr. Wood, Patrick Miller, Jno. Davis, Tho. Godfrey, Tho. Watson, Abram Wright, Fran. Thomas, Wm. Price, Ann Clay, Robt. Browne, Walter Key, Wm. Knox, Eliz. Wren, Rich. Glover, Henry Foster, Antho. Thorpe, Mary Atkins, 2 Negroes, Wm. Jones, Xpr. Wood, Hump. Long, Eliz. White, Wm. Griffeth, Jno. Graves, Robt. More, Edward Tilson. (Granted by Sir Wm. Berkeley) MR. RICHARD COLE, Merchant, 1350 acs. Northumberland Co., 20 Aug. 1661, p. 323, (443). Be<*. at a poynt at the E. side of the mouth of Macho- ticque Riv., extending along Potomack E. by N. &c. to a tree divding this & land of James Hurd, to land of Mr. Isaak Allerton &c. 1050 acs. granted to Wm. Goower 18 Feb. 1650 & 300 acs. the residue for trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Edwards, Jno. Williams, Susan Edmond, Edwd. James, Peter Story, Hanah Dew. CAPT. GEORGE LYDDALL, 3306 acs. New Kent Co., 12 Oct. 1662, p. 324, (444). On both sides of Black Cr., running by land of Anthony Arnold &c. to Wanieoake (or Warrieoake) Sw, &c. over Maddicon path to the mountains & along Col. Jno. West back line. 2900 acs. granted to sd. Lyddall 27 Sept. 1657, 1750 acs. of which was granted to Joseph Cro- shall 8 Nov. 1653 & purchased of sd. Croshaw & patented in name of sd. Lyd- dall 25 Nov. 1654; 640 acs. by patent dated 27 Dec. 1657 & 916 acs. newly taken up & due for trans, of 19 pers: Charles Greene, Jno. Kippin, Wm. Sanders, Edward Frost, Will Jones, Thomas Core, Francis Jeffs (?), Edward Cooper, Francis Parker, Isaak Ball, Tho- mas Leonard, Wm. Addison, Wm. Leech, Alice Goodale, An Church, Charles Farthing, Richard White, Abram Iveson, Isaak Brumly. GEORGE SMITH, 592 acs. James City Co., 20 Oct. 1662, p. 325, (445). Before Westham path & adj. land of Tho. Meredeth upon branch of Chika- homany Sw. called Bever quarter, run- ning to land of Mr. Richmond Terrill &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Jno. Browne, Mary Gage, Tho. Webster, Wm. Tho- mas, Mathew Wms. (Williams), Jno. Short, Alexr. Davis, Charles Greene, Jno. Kippin, Wm. Sanders, Edward Froste, Wm. Jones. GEORGE SMITH & EDMOND PRICE, 800 acs. part in James City Co. & part in New Kent Co., 20 Oct. 1662, p. 325, (445). Upon S. side of the freshes of Yorke Riv., beg. on the S. side of the Ridge path bet. branches of Chikahomani Sw. & Black Cr. Trans, of 16 pers: Tho. Carr, Ed. Cooper, Fran. Parke, Isaak Bell, Tho. Leonard, Alice Goodale, Ri. White, Isaack Brumly, Wm. Addison, Ann Church, Jno. Rauling (?), Francis Jeffs, Wm. Leech, Charles Farthing, Fug. (?) Tompson, Wm. Tompson. GEORGE SMITH, 1020 acs. New Kent Co., 20 Oct. 1662, p. 326, (445). 850 acs. on S. side of Yorke Riv., run- ning to a branch near Rockahock path to Chikahomani fort & from sd. Smith's now dwelling house, & 170 acs. on N. side of Dyascun Sw, running to Pullams corner &c. 850 acs. by patent 8 Sept. 1657 & 170 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Nicholas Jnoson (Johnson), Joseph Cort, Peter Francklin, Jno. Lincolnshire. WILL DRUMMOND, Gent., 4750 acs. Westmoreland Co., 20 Sept. 1661, p. 326, (446). Beg. a mile from the Nominy Riv., S. & Wly. & on the back of land belonging to Jno. Wood. Trans. 404 Cavaliers and Pioneers of 95 pers: Samll. Howard, Jno. Thom- son, Wm. Cooke, Eliz. Smith, Jno. Warren, Fran. James, Richd. Harma, Jno. Cotton, An Dunbar, Wm. Worden, Marg. Rowlins, Geo. Howkett, Samll. Harford, Robt. Floring, Jno. Greene, Tho. Wood, Rich. Parker, Fran. Willis, Henry Mills, Alice Potter, Mary Hunt, Daniell Wms. (Williams), Dennis Shorpe, James Adkins, Jno. Poore, James Man, Erasmus Pewry (or Penry), Mary Smith, Wm. Cooke, Lawrence Hooker, Saml. Welch, Dennis Watkins, Danll. Dickins, Michaell Wadloe, Nich Spruce, Mary Spruce, Henrick Vandu- lett, Robt. Surlin, Elinor Woodbridge, James Bruce, Henry Sand (or Sanders), Silvest. Thacker, Dorothy Thacker, Jno. Deane, Wm. Hope, Francis Jones, Jno. Worlech, Nath. Spencer, Rich. Spicor, Mathew Hains, Wm. Thompson, Jane Salter, Mary Wood, Daniell Parker, Walter Wms. (Williams), Gartred Sparkes, Francis Spie, Martin Woodliffe, Robt. Savin, Rich. Palmer, Samll. Prime (or Prince), Nich. Wells, Wm. John- son, Isaak Rose, Patriak Wicks, Jno. Hobbs, Mary Hart, Samll. Davis, Tho. Portman, Nich. Smart, Danll. Wills, Rich. Forrest, Jno. Roak (?), Jane Wallis, Tim. Saltir, Robt. Datrill, Phill. Woodford, Wm. Garrett, Tho. Johnson, Ralph Mathew. Henry Betts, Mary Bateman, 8 Negroes, Robt. Serly, Davy Darlins, Roger Armes, Jno. Huger (or Hager), Tho. Keiton. Note. — The following patents are in- serted between pages 64 and 65, in old book, and pages are not numbered. By Sir William Berkeley COL. RICHARD LEE, Councillor of State, 4,000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 26 Nov. 166—, p. , (447). 1000 acs. behind land of Mr. Roger Isham, *** the dwelling house of sd. Isham; part thereof in Patomeck freshes on the N.E. of a creek below Pascattaway, but on the opposite side of the river, S.Wly. on Hopkins Cr., running towards land surveyed for Henry Vincent; 2,000 acs. Nly. on a creek issuing out of sd. river dividing this from tract of 2000 acs. *** John Wood, Robert Smith & John Eyres. 1000 acs. granted to John Wood 14 Jan. , part granted to Robert Cart(er) July 1657 ***lands due for want of seating &c. & due sd. Lee by order of the Gen'l. Ct. & trans, of 80 Negroes. Note: Record badly muti- lated. THOMAS WILLIAMS & GEORGE ENGLISH, 1000 acs. between Wiccoco- moco Indian Town & Miridiths River or branch, beg. at head of land of John Cossens, &c to head of land of Thomas Dodson & along Dodsons, Cosens & Steede. Trans, of 20 pers.* 26 Nov. 1660, p. , (448). (Mutilated). MR. JAMES HURD, 1770 acs. New Kent Co., 13 Dec. 1660, p. , (448). On S. side of York Riv. & commonly called Old Warraney Town, *** going across to a payth that goeth to Thomas Merydaies to a white oak standing on W. side of Brushes Sw. near the head thereof, E. to marked red oak that stands near the Percimon tree Plain, S. then Ewd. of a great Indian Field, &c. 880 acs. granted unto Mr. Robert Booth 14 Apr. 1653 & assigned to sd. Hurd & 890 acs. for trans, of 18 pers: Roger Barlow, Wm. Wilkin, James Payton, Jeremy Revet, Mary Martin, James Mallinge, Mary James, Rich. Scragg, John Hardy, Roger Lasley, John Dromer, Jacob Johnson, Susan Higley, James Hill, Patrk. Drunkee, Wm. Harris, James Varley, Hugh Newitt. MR. FRANCIS BURNELL, 2,000 acs. New Kent Co., on S. side of York Riv. Date & page missing. (449). Mentions Burchen Swamp, Warrany Swamp & Rickahock Path. (Mutilated.) GEORGE MORRIS & JOHN PIGGE, 1,000 acs. New Kent Co., 14 Dec. (1660), p. , (450). Trans, of 20 pers: Evan Walker, Roger Peirce, Katherine Prickett, Peter Grove, Wm. Barby, Roger Batman, Tho. Large, M Collins, Peter Arundell, Wm. Warrey, Tho. Hinkes, Ed. Tunstell, David Hoskins, Wm. Nicholas. Richd. Harvy, Tho. . (Mutilated.) MR. RICHARD BUSHROD, 2000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 15 Oct. 1660, p. , (450). Opposite against the Patent Book No. 4 405 Myampses Island, commonly called the Dogs Island, bounding W. & N. upon Potomeck Riv. 1000 acs. patented by Col. Speake 11 Oct. 1653 & granted sd. Bushrod by order of Councill & the residue for trans, of 40 pers.* (Muti- lated.) COL. EDWD. HILL, 2476 acs. Chas. City Co., 8 Dec. 1660, p. , (450). 416 acs. lying in Shirley Hundred, bounded S. on the swamp that parts *** Island, E. on Mrs. Aston, N. on Joseph Royall & W. on the main river. The following names and places are men- tioned in this record, which is badly mutilated: John Meeres, Cameages Cr., Mrs. Ashton, Lewellin, Turkey Island Cr., Mrs. Haymans land. 316 acs. by purchase; 850 acs. deserted by John Meeres was granted to sd. Hill 3 Oct. 1659, by order of the Quarter Ct., & due for trans, of 17 pers.* The residue likewise due for trans, of 26 pers.* WILLIAM HARRISON, 900 acs. Chas. City Co., last of Jan. 1660, p. (451). On S. side of James Riv. upon the head of Florida Hundred Cr. Trans, of 18 pers.* Mutilated. MATTHEW KEMP, Gent., 500 acs. in Petomack freshes, something above a half a mile below the Falls, *** run- ning S.W. to the Acquacond Riv., by land John Wood assigned to a Scotch- man. Granted to Henry Vincent 18 Sept. 1657. Trans, of 10 pers: Roger Greene, Wm. Standish, Han: Har , Jane Bauston, David Corke, Fra. French. (Badly mutilated) 15 Oct. 1660, (452). CAPT. PETER JENINGS, 650 acs. "something below Puscattaway. Oct. 1660," (452) Mutilated. MR. PETER EFFORD, 900 acs. in the Counties of James City & York, of Feb. 1660, p. (453). From the run side of Queens Creek, towards Bradshaws, thence to Mr. Kemps, take- ing in that Neck, &c. to division line between Efford and Vardy, etc. 400 acs. by purchase from John Baker, assignee of John Bromfield, who was assignee of Capt. John Shepard & Lucy Webster, the original patent for 1000 acs. granted *9 January, 1640, etc., & 500 for trans. of 10 pers.* JOHN WILLIAMS, 500 acs. North- ampton Co. at Anancock. 3 Nov. 1660, (454). Trans. 10 pers: Peter Cole, Wm. Chilturne, Jno. Gwinn, Bryan Clarke, Geo. Andrewe, Fran. Knight, Tho. Edwards, Francis Garland, Wm. Reeves, Edward . (Mutilated.) GEORG TREWETT, 500 acs. North- ampton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (454). At Anancock. Trans, of 10 pers: John Tompson, Charles Barcroft, Alexander Mottrick, Wm. Branch, Tho. Moore, Tho. Musgrave, Robert Huntley, Jno. Young, Walter Lane, Jno. Watson. RICHARD SMITH, 200 acs. at the head of Ockahanock Cr., Northampton Co., called by the name of Capt. Tho- mas' his neck, bounded Sly. on N.W. branch of William Taylour & W. on land that was William Davis. 3 Nov. 1660, p. (455). Trans, of 4 pers: Joseph Harrison, Jno. Thomas, Kather- ine Harris, Henry Scott. JOHN ELLSEY, 1200 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (455). Trans. of 24 pers: Benjamin Jones, Margarett Palmer, Elizabeth Davis, Mary Johnson, Alice Wattson, Tho. Tull, Ann Smith, Margarett Moyner (?), Abraham Tay- lour, Wm. Hemseley (or Hensseley), Tho. Tucker, Micha. Hooton, Henry Scott, Jane Webb, Elizabeth Hayman, Isabell Heath, Edward Sanders, Jose. Stonward, Eliz. Yorke, Sarah Rider, Jane Coalson, Jno. Blaye, Judith Dole, Samuell Jackson. Marginal note: This patent was by John Ellsey sold & as- signed to Thomas Leatherbury & granted since to Leatherbury by patent dated 10 Mar. 1663. (Mutilated.) JOHN, SARAH & MARGARETT MACHILL, 1000 acs., 500 acs. on S. side of Chiccanessecks Cr., bounded on W. by the main bay, on E. by land of William Waters & & S. towards Anan- cock Cr. 500 acs. on E. side of sd. Waters' land, bounded on N. by sd. Cr. & running S. towards Anancock Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Michaell, Senr., 406 Cavaliers and Pioneers Jno. Michaell, Junr., Lawrence Jacob, Wm. a Negro, Bando, a Negro, Row- land Irish (?) Derman Adonneway (?), John Flinte, Rachell Metkalfe, Elizabeth Bansby, Mary Teage, Abraham Rogers, Robert A Chewe (?), Jno. Jen- ings, Wm. Morgen, Jno. Cannedy, Ellis Appaie (?), Thomas Irish, Georg Scotch, (?),Mary Greenwood. P. (455). Note. — The following 54 abstracts are not found in Old Volume 5 and the pages here given refer to the copied Book 4. It is assumed this omission was due to the dilapidated condition of the original book, of which Old Volume 5 is a copy. PETER ASHTON, 2550 acs. W'more- land Co., 26 Mar. 1661, p. (456). N. on Patowmack Riv. Adj. land of Henry Eggerton. 550 acs. by patent dated 13 Mar. 1657 & 2000 acs. by patent dated 20 Aug. 1658 & now renewed by order &c. (Record Incomplete.) CAPTAIN WILLIAM CLAIBORNE, 4000 acs., 26 Mar. 1661, p. (456). Mentions Pyanketank Riv., Robins branch & Contrary branch. Trans, of 80 pers.* (Record incomplete.) GRIFFETH, 62 acs., 6 Apr. 1661, p. (457). Mentions a field called Scotch Quarter, Mulberry Island. & At- kins Neck. Trans, of 2 pers.* (Record incomplete. ) MRS. DOROTHY FOARD, Widow, 115 acs. James City Co., 28 Mar. 1661, p. (458). Upon E. side of drinking swamp & adj. land where she now lives 6 adj. land of Secretary Kemp. Trans, of 3 pers.* MRS. ANN TOFT, 800 acs. N'amp- ton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (458). At Chicanessecks Cr., being a neck facing the middle of same. Trans, of 16 pers.* JOHN PACKER (or Parker), 600 acs. N'ampton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (458). At Anancock & running Sly. towards Machotank. Trans, of 12 pers.* EDWARD SMITH, 300 acs. N'amp- ton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (459). At Matchepungo, bounded on E. by the Cattail br., on S. by land of John Crewe & on N. by land of John Sellby. Trans. of 6 pers.* JOHN MILBY (Millby), 700 acs. 3 Nov. 1661, p. (459). Bounded on N. with Nonduy Cr., on the W. by the main bay, on the E. by his former devdt. & on the S. by a little creek & great marsh. Trans, of 14 pers.* WILLIAM ANDERSON, 600 acs. N'ampton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (460). At Matchotank Cr., bounded on the W. by the main bay, on S. by the main br. of sd. Cr. & running N. towards Anan- cock. Trans, of 12 pers.* (Record in- complete). Note: 600 acs. by assign- ment of a patent & the rights of Nicho- las Waddilow bearing date the 12th of Oct. 1652 & by him relinquished. RICHARD SMITH, 500 acs. N'amp- ton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (460). Bounded on the S. by the head of Occa- hannock Cr., on W. by land of Richard Kellum. Renewal of patent dated 24 Mar. 1650. WM. BENSON, 300 acs. N'ampton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (460). Bounded on W. with a br. parting this from land formerly granted to Thomas Leather- bury, on the N. by the mouth of U branch & part of the main br. Df Anan- cock Cr. Granted to John Westlock, 2 Oct. 1655, by him assigned to John Williams, Jr., who assigned to sd. Benson. MR. ROBERT PARKER, 250 acs. N'ampton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (461)- At great Nuswattocks Riv., bounding Nly. at the head of his former devdt. lying in Macksoomuck Neck, Ely. upon a swamp &c. Trans, of 5 pers.* JOHN NICHOLLS, 400 acs. N'amp- ton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (461). At Anancock, bounded on the N. by the main S. br. of Anancock Cr., on the E. by a small br. called Ekeeks, parting this from land of William Mellings, Wly. down the cr. &c. Trans, of 8 pers.* Due by assignment of the rights of a patent granted unto John Jenkins, dated 17 Mar. 1655. Patent Book No. 4 407 RICHARD HINMAN, son of John Hinman, 800 acs. N'ampton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (462). At Anancock Cr. Due as heir of said John, to whom it was granted 3 Oct. 1655. CHARLES & MARY CALVERT, 800 acs., being a neck of land, in N'ampton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (462). Upon S. side of the main S. br. of Anancock, bounded on the N. by the main Cr., on the W. by a br. parting this & land of John Jenkins & on the E. by another br. parting it from land of William Mellings. Granted to Christopher Cal- vert, 2 Oct. 1655 & assigned to the abovenamed. JOHN JENKINS, 400 acs., called Egg neck, N'ampton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (463). On S. side of the main br. of Anancock, bounded on W. by a br. parting it from land of Richard Wans- worth, E. upon another br. &c. Trans, of 8 pers.* The rights are by assign- ment of a patent of 400 acs. granted to John Nicholls, 2 Oct. 1655 & by him relinquished. JOHN WEST, 800 acs. N'ampton Co., 3 Nov. 1660, p. (463). On the S. side of Anancock, being two necks of land, bounded Nly. on a small bay on the main cr., W. on Buttellers br. part- ing it from land of Robert King & William Taylour, Ely. on Spoon br. &c. Granted unto Jenkin Price, 26 Apr. 1655 & by him assigned. WALTER GRANGER, 2000 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side the river, to- wards the head of preat Rappa. Cr., 25 Mar. 1661, p. (464). Beg. at the miles end of a devdt. of land of Lt. Col. Henry Fleet of about 750 acs., running S.W. &c. & N.W. along the Cr. called by the Indians Gibsey. Granted to sd. Fleet 25 Aug. 1657, by him relapsed & now granted by order &c, & due for trans, of 40 pers.* Note: 800 acs. by an old patent granted to Captain An- thony Langsone & 1200 acs. by certifi- cate granted him in Kent Court in February, both which are assigned to sd. Granger by sd. Langstone in open court. Test: Thomas Brereton, Clk. MRS. AVARILLA CURTIS, 410 acs. Gloucester Co., 3 Apr. 1661, p. (464). Beg. upon the head of the Back Cr. in the North Riv. by Major Curtis & Mr. Harris's marked trees, N. &c. to the head of Whites Cr. &c. S. to the mouth of back Cr. 350 acs. granted to Mr. John Curtis, 8 Oct. 1656 & assigned to the said Avarilla & the whole now due for trans, of 9 pers.* COL. OBEDIENCE ROBINS, 1500 acs. N'ampton Co., 4 Apr. 1661, p. (465). On the S. side of Anancock, being two necks of land, bounded Nly. on the main br., Wly. on Diamond br. parting it at the mouth from land of Thomas Letherbury & towards the head from land of John Westlock, running Ely. upon Cabbin br. &c. Trans, of 30 pers.* JAMES PRICE, 400 acs. N'ampton Co., 12 Apr. 1661, p. (465). Bounded on the N. by Matchotank Cr., on the W. by the main bay, E. upon sd. creek & Sly. towards land of Matilda Scar- burgh. Trans, of 8 pers.* TIMOTHY COE (or Cox), 300 acs. N'ampton Co., 12 Apr. 1661, p. (466). Beg. Wly. at land of William Col- borne, bounded on the S. by the Otter- dams & on N. by lands of Occahannock. Trans, of 6 pers.* ROBERT BRACE, 800 acs. N'ampton Co., 12 Apr. 1661, p. (466). At Chu- canessecks Cr., bounded on the S. there- with, on the W. by the Bay & running Nly. towards Deep Cr. Trans, of 16 pers.* ROBERT WINDLEY, 500 acs. at the seaboard side, near Matchepungo, called by the name of Aliens Quarter, bound- ing Ely. on a neck of Thomas Hannans, Wly. towards Occahannock, Nly. on a br. of Matchepungo Riv. parting this from land of Capt. Francis Potts. 12 Apr. 1661, p. (466). Trans, of 10 pers.* THOMAS LEATHERBURY, 600 acs. N'ampton Co., 12 Apr. 1661, p. (467). At Anancock Cr., bounded on W. by land of John Williams, on N. by Wil- 408 Cavaliers and Pioneers Ham Robinson & on the S. by the main br. of Anancock. Trans, of 12 pers.* JOHN EVANS, 400 acs. N'ampton Co., 12 Apr. 1661, p. (467). Near Matchepungo Cr. & adj. Wly. on land of Captain Francis Potts. Trans, of 8 pers.* LT. COL. ROBERT ABRAHALL, 640 acs. New Kent Co., 9 Mar. 1660, p. (467). Upon N. side of Mattapony River, some 4 mi. from same, upon branches of Oppactenoke Cr. Trans, of 13 pers.* MR. FRANCIS BURNELL, 1000 acs. James City Co., 18 Feb. 1660, p. (468). Upon the main br. of Chickahominy Swamp, beg. at cor. tree of Capt. Gooch & William Pullams land, N.E.E. &c. over a branch called by the Indian name Toweywinch &c. MR. HUMPH, BOOTH, 620 acs., 20 Mar. 1660, p. (468). Beg. at the mouth of Ralph Warrens Creek, running N.W. &c. Trans, of 13 pers.* JAMES COLE, 661 acs. upon the Dragon Swamp, 15 Mar. 1660, p. (469). Trans, of 14 pers.* JOHN MASON, 325 acs. Up. Norf. Co., 24 Mar. 1661, p. (469). At the S. side of the W. branch of Nancemum River, beg. at a swamp side above the beaver Dams that is in James Foster & Andrew Bining's land &c. Trans, of 7 pers.* MAJOR GENERAL HAMOND, 850 acs. New Kent Co., 1 May 1661, p. (470). On S.W. side of York River & running to Eastern br. of black Cr. &c. Trans, of 17 pers.* PHILLIP FREEMAN, 1000 acs. James City Co., 2 May, 1661, p. (470). Upon N. side of Chickahominy main Swamp, beg. at Thomas Meridiths land, running E.N.E. &c. towards Powhite Swamp, thence W.S.W. to the main swamp &c. Trans, of 2 pers.* JOHN BADHAM, 150 acs., 12 Oct. 1660, p. (470). Sly. on the middle br. on the seaboard side, Nly. & Wly. on the patent land of Capt. William Stone &c. Trans, of 3 pers.* MR. ROBERT PYLAND, 250 acs. Warrick Co., 24 Nov. 1660, p. (471). On N. side of James River, beg. at Mr. Nowells marked trees, &c. over a branch dividing this & land of Mr. Nowell &c. over the marsh &c. to Capt. Flints marked trees &c. to the cart path, up the same to Capt. Harrads cor. tree by Mr. Stevens Fence, E. by N. &c. to the Church path &c. Granted to Capt. Nathaniell Heard, 12 May 1653, who assigned to said Pyland. HENRY GOOCH & WILLIAM PULLAM, 2500 acs. in Chickahominy Co., 16 Oct. 1660, p. (472). Beg. by Chickahominy Sw., S.Ely, down the main run of same &c. Trans, of 50 pers.* SAMUEL GRIFFIN, Gent., 1155 acs. Rappa. Co., 1 Jan. 1660, p. (472). N. side of Rappa. Riv. near the head of Farnhams Cr., beg. on the S. side of the Eastern br. by an Indian field side, run- ning E.S.E. near the head of a br. of Morrattaquond, thence N.N.E. &c. Trans, of pers.* SAME. 1046 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 1 Jan. 1660, p. (473). On branches of Totoskey Cr. near the head, beg. at a br. called Turkey Buzard br., running Ely. Trans, of 21 pers.* MR. JOHN APPLETON, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., 15 May 1661, p. (473). On the S. of Rappa. Riv. & N. side of the great swamp, Wly. from land of John Howard, N. towards the bay of Clifts & S.E. down the neck. Granted to Miles Dixon, gent., 8 Dec. 1656, by him relapsed for want of seating, & now granted by order &c, & due for trans, of 20 pers.* THOMAS BRERETON, 200 acs. N'umberland Co., 17 Oct. 1660, p. (474). On the S. side of great Wicco- comoco River, Sly. on land of Jeffery Gooch, Wlv. & Nly. on Vulcans Cr., which divides this & land of Thomas Salisbury. Granted unto John Hany, 5 Patent Book No. 4 409 Oct. 1657, by him relapsed &c. & now granted by order &c, & due for trans, of 4 pers.* CAPTAIN JOHN WHITTY, 1450 acs. N'umberland Co., 15 May 1661, p. (474). On N. side of great Wiccoco- moco River, bounding Sly. on land of Mr. John Bardon, Mr. Radford, dec'd., & William Downing (?), bought of Martin Cole, John Edwards & others, & Ely. on lands of Roger Walters & John Motley &c. Granted unto Jane, the daughter of Col. William Claiborne, 10 Feb. 1657 & now assigned unto sd. Whitty by Col. Wm. Claiborne, Capt. William Claiborne & Thomas Brereton, who married said Jane, & likewise con- firmed by order &c. Due said Whitty for trans, of 29 pers.* JOHN PHIPPS, half an acre in James City, 4 May 1661, p. (475). Beg. on a Ditch side, running S.W. &c. Lease. Fee Rent: 1 Capon, yearely at the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle. Provided if sd. Phipps, or his assigns, do not build within 6 months it shall be lawful &c. MR. WILLIAM MAY, half an acre, James City, 20 May 1661, p. (475). Bounded Sly. with land reputed (to be) Mr. Chiles, Wly. & Nly. on land of John Phipps &c. Lease, as above. EDWARD WELLS, 81 acs, 2 Mar. 1660, p. (475). On Swd. side of a br. of Deep Cr. Trans, of 2 pers.* JAMES JONES, 200 acs. N'umber- land Co, 27 Sept. 1660, p. (476). On Swd. side of 1000 acs. formerly patented by Thomas Read, lying near Turkey Cock hills at Wicocomoco, S. towards & among branches of Corotoman &c, including some indifferent good land lying upon & near said branches. Trans, of 4 pers.* LT. COL. ROBERT ABRALL. 500 acs. New Kent Co, 1 May 1661, p. (476). On branches of Aquintanio Swamp, beg. at Capt. William Clai- borne's lower corner of his 1000 acs, running down the swamp, joining to Anthony Haines' land &c. Trans, of 10 pers.* HENRY CORBIN, Gent, CAPT. PETER ASHTON & MR. WILLIAM THOMAS, 900 acs. N'umberland Co, 30 Sept. 1660, p. (476). Beg. on land of John Sheapard & Nicholas Jernew, N.W. on Major Hoccaday, N.Ely, on sd. Hoccaday & Ludlow, N.Wly. to land of Mr. Allerton & Swly. on Col. Lee. WILLIAM HICKMAN, 300 acs. James City Co, 9 Mar. 1660, p. (477). Upon N. side of Diascun Swamp. Trans, of 6 pers.* WILLIAM HICKMAN & PETER GILL, 1000 acs. James City & New Kent Counties, 9 Mar. 1660, p. (477). Beg. in the S.E. line of Mr. Charles Woodington, S.E. &c. to land of Mr. William Blackey &c. Trans, of 20 pers.* THOMAS BRERETON, 1500 acs. New Kent Co, 25 May 1661, p. (477). On N. side of Mattapony River & E. side of Hoarcock Swamp, beg. at a former dividend of Mr. Chapman, run- ning N. by W. &c. Granted to George Chapman, 1 Sept. 1658, by him assigned unto sd. Brereton. EDMUND PRICE, 600 acs. James City Co, 3 May 1661, p. (478). Nigh Toweywick (or Weywick) Swamp, nigh land of Mr. Francis Burnell, dec'd. Beg. at Richard Scruggs corner gum by an Indian path, running W.N.W. &c. Trans, of 12 pers.* PHILLIP FREEMAN, 100 acs. New Kent Co, 20 Apr. 1660, p. (478). Beg. by the path & running S.E. by E. &c. along land of William Cox, W. by S. &c. to a branch &c. to the swamp &c. to land of John Woodington &c. Trans. of 2 pers.* MR. DANIEL NEALE, 300 acs. N'umberland Co., 20 June 1661, p. (479). 200 acs. abutting Sly. upon land of Thomas Kedby, Wly. upon a creek of Wicocomoco River Sec. 100 acs. Sly. upon land of sd. Kedby, sold to John Johnson, Ely. upon land of John Haw- ley &c. Granted unto Thomas Garrett, 24 Oct. 1655 & assigned unto sd. Neale. 410 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN COBB, 600 acs. N'ampton Co., 8 June 1661, p. (479). Bounded on E. by land of Elizabeth Charlton, on W. by land of Occahannock & Nuswat- tocks Cr., Nly. by William Taylor & Sly. by a right line running from the Otterdams to the seaboard side. Trans, of 12 pers.* Note: — Pages 33 and 34 in old book, are left blank, with exception of the following names, space having been left to record the patents: NICH. MERI- WEATHER, 300 acs; RICH. SCRUGGS, 1000 acs; JAMES HILL, 1000 acs; WM. BANKES, 861 acs; MAJ. WM. ANDREWES. Marginal note states this last mentioned patent "Deserted by Major Andrews and granted to Coll. Wm. Kendall by order of the Quarter Court and by pattent Dated 1st September 1664." Test Fra. Kirkman. By Sir William Berkeley. FRANCIS BURNELL, Gent., 2,300 acs. New Kent Co., 1 Apr. 1661, p. 35, (479). The lower part lieth in Yorke about 7 mi. up the narrowes on the S. side, along land of Mr. Francis Flood, along land of Tho. Broughton, along tankes Queens Cr. & along land of William Blackey. Granted to Tho- mas Vaulx 20 Jan. 1650 & by order &c. dated 6 June 1657 granted to Robert Vaulx heir to sd. Thomas & by sd. Robert & Elizabeth, his wife, sold to sd. Burnell. WM. BLAZE, 250 acs. Lancaster Co., 31 Dec. 1662, p. 35, (480). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. adj. land of John Sharpe. Granted to John Robinson 29 Nov. 1652, assigned to John Hudson, who sold to sd. Blaze. To all &c. Whereas his most Ex- cellent Majty. did by his Letters patterns beareing date the 22th day of Septem- ber 1650 give & grant unto his Trusty Subject and Servt. HENRY NOR- WOOD, Esqr., the office of being his sd. Majtye. Treasurer of Virginia *** & whereas the sd. Henry Norwood hath by his deed beareing date the 17th of Oct. 1660 Given power & authority to me the sd. William Berkeley &c. to execute and doe all and every thing and things in the premisses by his sd. Sacred Majty. to him the sayd Henry Norwood, Esqr. in as ample manner as he the sayd Henry could have done if he had bin psonally present Now know yee &c. unto JULIAN ALLAIN (or Allam) 200 acs. according to ancient lawfull bounds thereof now in posses- sion of the sd. Julian att or neere Dancing poynt in James Citty Co., be- ing part of 700 acs. granted to Benja- min Carroll deed., 16 May 1638 & lately found to escheat &c, as by an in- quisition &c. under the hand & seales of the Jury sworne by Col. Miles Carey, Escheator Genii, for this contrey &c. and is now granted to the sd. Julian whoe hath made her composition &c. 18 June 1663. Marginal note: Mrs. Al- lain (or Allam) her pattent. P. 36, (480). WILLIAM BLAZE, 350 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 1 Sept. 1663, p. 36, (481). On S. side of Rappa. Riv., running to marked oak standing upon Rice Jones' clift & to land of sd. Blaze. Trans, of 7 pers: Jno. Lockey, Robt. Boke, Anne Townesend, Ed. Ranshow, Wm. Wicken- field, Jno. Harris, Eliz. Jnoson (John- son). THOMAS PAINE (Payne) & JOHN CHINLEY, 2100 acs. Rappa. Co., 4 Sept. 1663, p. 37, (482). Adj. land of Cha. Grimes. Trans, of pers. Rights out of a relinquished patent dated 29 July 1663 in their names for 2000 acs. Tho. Bacon, Will. North. (Note: These are the only names ap- pearing and presumably are for the 100 acs. remaining). SAME. 3100 acs. Same Co., page, & date. Rights for 3000 acs.to be taken out of patent relinquished, dated 29 July 1663. Margery Atkins, Tho. Webb. (Note: 100 acs. same as above). MR. DAVID FOX, Gent., 510 acs. Lancaster Co., 8 Sept. 1663, p. 37 (482). On N. side of Rappa. Riv, running W. along land of Coll % Bur- bage, to branch of Corotoman Riv, by another parcell of land of sd Fox called Patent Book No. 4 411 Poplar Neck. 360 acs. granted to Jno. Robinson 5 June 1657; 210 acs. to Vin- cent Stanford & afterwards by Robt. Pollard, whoe marryed the Relict of sd. Stanford, sold to sd. Fox, & 150 acs. sold by sd. Robinson to Edw. King, who assigned to sd. Fox & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 Negroes. NICHOLAS COCK & MAURICE COCK, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 25 Aug. 1663, p. 38 (483). 300 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. bounding on land of Randolph Chamlett, now in possession of Jno. Jadwin. 300 acs. granted to Fra. Browne 18 June 1652 & sold to sd. Nicholas & 300 acs. due for trans, of 6 pers:* Ellin Franklin, Eliza. King. MATHEW KEMP & PETER JEN- NINGS, Gent., 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., 10 Sept. 1663, p. 39 (484). Upon N. W. branch of Corotoman Riv. & S.E. along land of John Nicholls. Granted to Eanoch Hawker & Antho. Dony, 6 Oct. 1656, by them deserted & granted to sd. Kempe & Jennings by order of Quarter Ct. 25 Mar. 1661 & also due for trans, of 20 pers.* MR. MATH. KEMPE & CAPT. PETER JENNINGS, 1,000 acs. at the head of a Cr. in Potomecke freshes be- yond the Doegs Island & land of Coll. Speake, bounding Sly. upon the head of the N. branch thereof & land of Robt. Lord & James Magregory, Wly. upon a seate of Jno. Woods. 10 Sept. 1663, p. 39 (485). Granted to Nich. Jernew 22 Mar. 1657, by him deserted & granted &c. 26 Mar. 1661 & due for trans, of 20 pers.* JNO. ROBINSON, Junr., 700 acs. Northampton Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 40 (485). At Anancocke, beg. at a poynt where Ambrose Dixon & Steph. Horsley doe end for their devdt. Renewal of patent granted 12 Oct. 1652. COLL. ABRAHAM WOOD, 2073 acs. at Fort Henry, Chas. City Co., 16 Sept. 1663, p. 40 (486). On S. side of Appamatocke Riv., bounding from marked tree on the back of a little swamp on sd. river &c. to lower end of Flea Island, thence running upon a straight line along the dam to poynt above tenement of John Evens (?) in- cluding the island & inletts of water, dams & rocks within sd. line &c. being in 3 tracks, viz: 1502 acs; 49 acs. 2 R., & 456 acs. 24 p. Granted to Abrm. Wood 9 June 1653 & now renewed. Survey made by Tho. Lyon (?) 8 June 1663. Part of this land due for trans, of 10 servts.: Henry Manneringe, Mar- garett Farrer, Nicholas Brookes, Nichola Overbey, Robt. Harrison, Thom. Ed- wards, David Phillippe, Edw. Weascock, Willm. Fleminge, John Blackshaw. WILLIAM HITCHMAN, 1000 acs. James Citty Co., 24 Sept. 1660, p. 45 (487). On N. E. side of Tyascun Sw., beg. on David Cants marked trees &c. Trans, of 20 pers.* By Francis Moryson, Esqr. HENRY WATTS, 457, acs. Isle of Wight Co., 12 Feb. 1661, p. 41 (487). 157 being land & marsh N. upon a small creek, N.E. & S. upon Pagan Poynt Cr. & W.N.W. upon land of sd. Knight & Nly. on land of John Moone. 157 acs. renewal of patent dated 18 Oct. 1643 & 300 acs. granted to John Speck- man from whom it was purchased, & both parcels joined together & granted sd. Watts 26 Nov. 1652. ** **Pages 42, 43 and 44 in old book are left blank. THOMAS & ANTHONY STE- PHENS (Stevens), 1800 acs. Rappa. Co., 19 July 1662, p. 46 (488). Upon N.E. side of Rappa. Riv. at the head of Farnham Cr., running parallel to head line of land of Mr. Tho. Griffith & along land of John Williams. Trans, of 36 pers: Humph. Tompson, Wm. Gar- rett, Jos. Lambert, Tho. Briggs, James Baley, Christian Webb, Marv Brewer, James Hicks, Jno. Cheyney, Wm. Charl- ton, Susanna Smith, James Warner, Hen. Cobb, Grace Wilson, Ralph Prye, John Grymes, Anth. Kenston, Aug. (or Ang.) Withey, Sara: Watson, Margt. Grey, and 800 acs. more rights by a relinquished pattern. 412 Cavaliers and Pioneers DOCTOR GEORGE HACKE, 1000 acs. Northampton Co., 23 Sept. 1661, p. 46 (488). 900 acs. at Pungotegue Cr., beg. at a little branch on S. side of same, running Wly. &c. by land of Sampson Robins &c. towards Nondui Cr. The residue being 200 acs. con- teyned in 2 small islands neere N. poynt of Pungotegue Cr. invironed with water & marsh ground. Trans, of 20 pers: Cester Yeomans, Ann Dooly, Mary Edwards, Wm. Skiner, Mary Ed- ger, Wm. Tomlin, Henry Willis, Tho. Browne, John Cary, Mary Williams, Johna: Shewell, Margt. Purnell, Susan Foster, Jno. Martin, Howell Glading, Fra. Knight, Lucresa (?) Pott, Kath. Smith, Walter Wood, Mary Griffith. ROBERT CHUNING, 300 acs. Lan- caster Co., 16 June 1662, p. 46 (489). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. on branches of Sunderland Cr. upon Peanketan Sw. Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Young, Jno. Tanner, Wm. Murry, Jno. Silvester, Mary Jones, Jno. Farling. (Note. — In order to conserve space, the compiler has made the following abstracts, all of which are renewals of former patents, as brief as possible. The names and dates enclosed in brackets refer to former patents.) 20 Oct. 1661. THOMAS BELL, 350 acs. Northamp- ton, adj. Edward Harrington, dec'd. P. 47 (489). (20 Nov. 1654.) RICHARD BUNDUCKE, 650 acs. Northampton, adj. Nicholas Waddilow, p. 47 (490). (20 Nov. 1654.) NICHOLAS WADDILOW, 1300 acs. Northampton, adj. John Robingson, p. 47 (490). (2 Apr. 1655.) RICHARD PARKER, 350 acs. N'ampton, p. 47 (490). Granted to Mr. Thomas Teagle, Minister, 12 Oct. 1652, by him sold to said Geo. Parker & John Elzey & by Elzey wholly as- signed to sd. Parker. WM. RADULPHUS, 300 acs. N'amp- ton, adj. Richard Price, James Jones & Benjamin Mathews, running towards Occahanocke Path. P. 48 (491). (10 Oct. 1658.) JAMES BARNABY, 150 acs. N'amp- ton, adj. Peter Lang, Orphant, along a maine branch of Hungars Cr. dividing same from land of Mr. Wm. Jones, p. 48 (491). (2 Oct. 1654.) WM. OVERED (Evered ?), 400 acs. Westmoreland, adj. land of Col. Geo. Read. 15 Feb. 1661, p. 48 (492). (10 Sept. 1658.) EDWARD MOORE, 200 acs. N'amp- ton, p. 48 (492). (9 Oct. 1656.) ALEXANDER ADDISON, 350 acs. N'ampton, adj. Jonas Jackson, p. 49 (493). (10 May 1652.) EDWARD MOORE, 200 acs. N'amp- ton, bet. land of Jonah Jackson & Philip Merrday (or Merrdayth), p. 49 (493). (2 Apr. 1655.) WILLIAM STEVENS, 700 acs. N'ampton, p. 49 (493). (2 Oct. 1653.) WM. WESTERHOUSE, 500 acs. N'ampton, parted by trees from land of John Toulson & Stephen Charlton, p. 49 (494.) (2 Oct. 1654.) WILLIAM THORNE, 387 acs. N'ampton, adj. land of Richard Smith & Richard Kellam, p. 49 (494.) (21 Nov. 1654.) STEPHEN CHARLTON, 1700 acs. N'ampton, adj. his own land, p. 50 (495.) (16 Mar. 1653.) WILLIAM JORDAN, 550 acs. N'ampton, 300 acs. of which granted to Roger Johns, 24 July 1651, adj. Alexander Addison, & purchased of James Barnaby; 250 acs. adj. land of After Upshott & John Toulson. P. 50 (495). (3 Mar. 1658.) ARTHUR UPSHOTT, 700 acs. N'ampton, p. 50 (496). 300 acs. adj. Wm. Taylor, a branch dividing this from land of Roger Johns. 300 acs. by patent 10 May 1652, 300 acs. by patent 11 Mar. 1655 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers.* Patent Book No. 4 413 JOHN STUDSON (or Hudson), 250 acs. N'ampton, beg. at land of John Robins & running towards land of Tho. Johnson. P. 50 (496). (6 Mar. 1653.) WM. ROBERTS, 600 acs. N'ampton, adj. John Browne, a branch parting same from land of Thomas Bell, p. 51 (497) (27 Nov. 1657.) RICHARD KELLAM, 200 acs. N'ampton, a branch parting same from land of Win, Thorpe, p. 51 (497) (10 June 1657.) THOMAS LITTLEBERRY (Lether- berry) & ALLEXANDER MAD- DOCKS, 516 acs. N'ampton, along land of James Jones, p. 51 (497). Granted to sd. Maddocks & James Jones, the latter selling his part to Letherberry. (10 June 1654.) THOMAS BELL, 227 acs. N'ampton, a branch parting same from land of John Tilney & John Johnson, Jr. & Nly. by land of John Pepper. P. 51 (498). (27 Nov. 1657.) RICHARD HILL, 300 acs. N'ampton, a branch parting same from land of Toby Norton. P. 51 (498). (10 May 1652.) OBEDIENCE JOHNSON, son & heir of Thomas Johnson, 200 acs. N'ampton, a branch parting this from land of Henry Edwards & George Tuett (?), p. 52 (499). (14 Mar. 1655— Major Thomas Johnson). JOHN REYNEY, 250 acs. N'ampton, adj. land of Charles Scarburgh, p. 52 (499). Part of 500 ac. patent pur- chased by sd. Reyney of Matilda Scar- burgh, to whom it was granted 31 Mar. 1655. JOHN WEST, 250 acs. N'ampton, adj. land of Charles Scarburgh, p. 52 (499). Part of patent for 500 acs. granted to Matilda Scarburgh, 31 Mar. 1655 & due sd. West "as marrying with the said Scarburgh." JOHN WISE, 200 acs. N'ampton, adj. lands of Mr. Edward Littleton & George Truett, p. 52 (500.) (24 Mar. 1655.) JOHN BILLIOT, 1050 acs. N'amp- ton, a creek parting this from land of Thomas Bell & marked trees separating it from land of Robert Foster, p. 52 (500). (9 Oct. 1656.) WILLIAM TAYLOUR, 300 acs. N'ampton, p. 53 (501.) (11 Mar. 1655.) JOHN JENKINS, 250 acs. N'amp- ton, adj. lands of Tho. Teagle, Jno. Johnshon, Negro, & Anthony Johnson, Negro. P. 53 (501.) (17 Mar. 1655 to John Williams, who assigned same to sd. Jenkins.) MR. THO. TEAGLE, 700 acs. N'ampton, a branch parting this from land of John Norton & Richard Hill, 200 acs. being between Nondewee & Curratocke Creeks, adj. land of Jenkine Price, now in possession of John Milby. P. 53 (501.) (10 May 1652—500 acs., 31 Mar. 1658—200 acs.) MICHAELL RICKETTS, 300 acs. N'ampton, adj. lands of John Wise & John Rogers, p. 53 (502.) (24 Mar. 1655 to Geo. Truett & by him sold to sd. Ricketts.) ROBERT WATSON, 450 acs. N'ampton, p. 53 (502). (4 July 1653 to Edw. Harrington & by Thomas Bell, his Admr., sold to sd. Watson.) WM. TAYLOUR, 600 acs. N'ampton, p. 54 (503). ( of 1650.) WM. JORDAN, 400 acs. N'ampton, p. 54 (503.) (4 July 1653 to John Toulson, who assigned to sd. Jordan.) ANTHONY HOSKINS, 700 acs. N'ampton, p. 54 (503). (12 Oct. 1652.) CHRISTOPHER CALVERT, 700 acs. N'ampton, near lands of Georg Hack & Thomas Teagle, p. 54 (504). (4 July 1653 to Sampson Robins, who sold to Thomas Teagle, who assigned to sd. Calvert.) 414 Cavaliers and Pioneers EDWARD DOUGLAS, sonne & heire of Edward Douglas, deed., 3700 acs. N'ampton, adj. land of Mr. Shrimpton, Wm. Burdett & Mr. Edward Littleton. P. 54 (504). (27 Sept. 1644, 1100 acs.acs. to Edw. Douglas, dee'd., 2,000 acs. to Mr. Wm. Shrimpton, Exor. of Dame Eliz. Dale, sole Exix. of Sir Tho. Dale of whome sd. Douglas purchased this land.) THOMAS BOUTRACLE, 200 acs. N'ampton, adj. land of Thomas Wyatt & Elias Hartree. P. 55 (505). (4 July 1653 to Michaell Ricketts, who assigned to sd. Hartree, who resold to Ricketts who assigned to sd. Boutracle.) JOHN VINES, 300 acs. N'ampton, p. 55 (506). (21 Nov. 1654 to John Williams, assigned to Samll. Robins, who sold to sd. Vines.) WM. WHITTINGTON, sonne of Capt. Wm. Whittington, 800 acs. N'ampton, beg. at end of devdt. bought from Capt. Wm. Stone, p. 55 (506). (11 Mar. 1653.) SAMPSON ROBINS, 100 acs. N'amp- ton, in the Middle parish, adj. land of Mr. Charlton, p. 55 (507.) (15 Dec. 1653 to Mr. John Custis, who sold to sd. Robins.) JOHN VINES, 350 acs. N'ampton, adj. Wm. Jones & running towards Richard Jacobs, p. 55 (507). (24 Mar. 1655 to Sampson Robins, who assigned to sd. Vines.) JAMES KINE, 500 acs. N'ampton,, adj. land of Christopher Calvert, & land of Mr. Wm. Melling, p. 56 (507.) (17 Mar. 1655 to Robert Bayly, who assigned 200 acs.) & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Harwood, Ann Harwood, John Samon, Mich. Richard- son, Richard Nodes, John Lucas. EDWARD SMITH, 300 acs. N'amp- ton, adj. land of John Towlin. P. 56 (508). (21 Nov. 1654, granted to Jno. Grey, who assigned to John James, who assigned to Alex. Draper, who as- signed to Edward Southern, who as- signed to Robert Hart, who assigned to sd. Smith.) SIR WILLIAM BERKELEY, 5062 acs. James Citty Co., between the heads of Pohatan Sw. & Jones Cr. 27 Oct. 1662, p. 56 (508) (5 Mar. 1658.) COLL JOHN CARTER, Esqr., 450 acs. Lancaster Co., adj. land of Thomas Chetwood. 25 Sept. 1661, p. 56 (509.) Trans, of 9 pers.* EDWARD LITTLETON, 1200 acs. N'ampton, 26 Nov. 1661, p. 57 (509). (25 Mar. 1656). 26 Nov. 1661. PHILLIP FISHER, 100 acs. N'amp- ton, adj. land of Stephen Horsely, p. 57 (510). (17 Mar. 1655 to Richard Bayly, who sold to sd. Fisher.) SOUTHEY LITTLETON, 2300 acs. N'ampton, adj. land of John Wise, p. 57 (510). (25 Mar. 1656.) HENRY ARMITRADEING, 300 acs. at Accomake, N'ampton, S. side of Hungars Cr. by the bridge, p. 57 (511). (6 Mar. 1653.) NICHOLAS WADDILOW, 600 acs. N'ampton, by land of Richard Johnson, Negro, & adj. Richard Bunduck. P. 57 (511) (2 Mar. 1655.) JOHN DORMAN, Junr., 850 acs. N'ampton Co., a branch parting it from land of Jehnkin Price, p. 58 (511). (Due as heire of his father, John Dor- man, dee'd.) NICHOLAS WADDILOW, 700 acs. N'ampton, P. 58 (512). (10 May 1652 to John Robinson, who sold to sd. Waddilow.) JOHN BROWNE, Junr., 1262 acs. N'ampton, P. 58 (512) (13 June 1655 to John Browne, his father.) RICHARD JACOBS, 300 acs. N'amp- ton, adj. land of Roger Jones, Elias Hartree, & Richard Allen. P. 58 (513). (4 June 1653 to Richard Allen, who sold to sd. Jacobs & 200 acs. to sd. Patent Book No. 4 415 Jacobs 10 June 1654.) (Note: Re- newed in Wm. Jacobs' name 1 Nov. 1669.) SIR WILLIAM BERKELEY, Knt., 2090 acs. James Citty Co. 1000 acs. N. upon land formerly belonging to Mr. Robt. Wetherell & Mr. Wm. Edwards, S.S.E. upon land belonging to the Re- spective Governor, W. towards land of Capt. Freeman & W.S.W. upon Chicka- hominy path; 700 acs. W. upon Thomas Stout & part of land of Richard Bell, S. into Poetan Sw., running Nly. up the side of Poetan Sw. 1^4 mi. &c. by land of Wm. Stephens; 300 acs. upon head of the land of Richard Bell &c. upon Xtian Williams & Jno. Edwards. P. 59 (513). 1090 acs. knowne by the name of Greene Spring by patent dated 9 Oct. 1652; 1000 by purchase from Mr. Robert Wetherell who assigned his patent dated 20 May (Sixteen) fourty eight unto sd. Berkeley May 11 1652. 20 Oct. 1661. JOHN BARKER, Junr. 600 acs. Surrey Co., about 7 or 8 mi. from the head of Upper Chepoakes Cr. P. 59 (514) (15 Oct. 1657.) JAMES TURNER, 800 acs. on S. side of Yorke Riv. in the Narrowes, adj. land of Mr. Croshaw & John Butt- ler, p. 59 (515). (9 July 1653.) WILLIAM CORNIX, 390 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Linn Haven Parish, beg. on N.E. poynt of the Damm Necke &c. by William Dyers land; also 500 acs. adj. to the sd. land called by the name of Salisbury Plaines. P. 60(515). (25 Nov. 1657.) JOHN JOHNSON, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Linn haven Parish. P. 60 (516). (24 Nov. 1657.) LANCASTER LOVETT, 500 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Linn haven Parish; 300 acs. beg. at an island to the Wwd. of John Martins house where Bennetts Cr. divides itselfe into 3 branches, lieing bet. the S. & W. branch & from E. point of sd. island runs parallel to the W. branch of Bennetts Cr. &c. to a place called the Labour in Vaine Sec. P. 60 (516). (8 Mar. 1658.) THOMAS EVERIDGE, 200 acs. in S. branch of Eliz. Riv, beg. at the miles end of Tho. Wight. P. 60, (517). (27 Mar. 1655.) SAVILL GASKIN, 250 acs. Linn haven parish, Low. Norf. Co. Beg. at corner tree of James Starling, running along the head of his, Stratton's & Davis' land, N.W. by Burroughs, thence by Mary Gookins &c. S.S.E. to Col. Yardlies land &c. P. 61 (517) (6 Dec. 1652.) THOMAS HARDING, 740 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 100 acs. on the Nwd. side of broad Cr., P. 61, (518).) (20 Oct. 1653.) JOHANNA YATES, Widdow, 300 acs. in Eliz. Riv., Low. Norf. Co. P. 61 (518). (9 Mar. 1652.) WM. MORTON, 150 acs. Eliz. Riv. Parish, Low. Norf. Co., p. 61 (519). Neere John Mannings Cr. & running to Maringtons land. (6 Nov. 1652.) ROBERT BOTT, 380 acs. Low. Norf. Co., p. 62, (519). Adj. land formerly taken up by Trustrum Nazworthy. (3 Mar. 1656.) WM. JACOB, 660 acs. Low. Norf. Co., p. 62 (520) On the second bay issuing into Linn haven Riv., adj. Geo. Keth & running to Kempes line. (25 Aug. 1656) NICH: SEABURNE, 170 acs. Low. Norf. Co., p. 62 (520). (9 Mar. 1652). SYMON PEETERS, 500 acs. in Daniell Tanners Cr., a branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. the Indian Towne poynt. (26 Mar. 1656.) P. 62 (521). GEORGE KEMP, 500 acs. in Linn haven Par., Low. Norf. Co., p. 63 (521). Beg. at corner of Col. Jno. Sidneys land in possession or Mr. Jno. Porter. (24 Nov. 1657.) MARMADUKE MARINGTON, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., p. 63 (522). On 416 Cavaliers and Pioneers Gaythers Cr. } a branch of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv. (6 June 1654) WM. SMITH, 300 acs. being a marsh knowne by the name of Ballase Marsh, Is. of Wight Co., at mouth of Hughes Cr. & running along James Riv. oppo- site to mouth of the Deep Swamp. (17 Mar. 1657) P. 63 (522). THOMAS GRAVES, 55 acs. about a mile from Timber necke Cr., Gloster Co., a tree dividing this from land of Christopher Abbott. P. 63 (523). (20 Mar. 1657.) 20 Nov. 1661. ISAAC RICHESON, 300 acs. Gloster Co, upon head branches of Atapota- moyes Cr., S.W. upon land of Samll. Sollis & E. upon land of John Dav. P. 64 (523) (10 Oct. 1652.) JOANE CARELESSE, 450 acs. at the head of the N. Riv. in Mockjack Bay, on N. side of a run dividing this from land of Richard Tomkins. P. 64 (523). (5 Oct. 1653.) EDWARD DOBSON, 920 acs. on S. side of Seaverne in Mockjack Bay, beg. on Ewd. side of Burnt point, along trees of Mr. Ceely &c. to E. side of Cedar Is., incompassing the sd. island &c. P. 64 (524). (4 Apr. 1653.) JOHN SMITHEY, 300 acs. on S. side of Garden Cr. P. 64 (524). (14 July 1655.) JOHN CHAPMAN, 250 acs. Gloster Co., Kingstone Parish, upon S. side of Peanketanke Riv. on back of Mr. Wil- liam Armsteads land, running to Coll. Gwynns marked tree &c. P. 64 (525). (15 Mar. 1657.) JOANE CARLES (Careless) 200 acs. at head of the N. Riv. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at cor. tree of Andrew Care- less' land. P. 65 (525). (Thomas Morgan 23 Nov. 1653, assigned to Richard Wilshin, who sold to sd. Care- less.) HENRY HUBERD, 250 acs. Gloster Co. in the forke of Poropetanke Cr., beg. at his own land, running to land of Mr. Knight &c. P. 65 (525). (17 Mar. 1655) RICHARD CAREY, 350 acs. on W. side of eastermost river in Mockjack bay, beg. at marked tree of Wm. Armstead &c. P. 65 (526). (13 Oct. 1653.) JOHN BOORUM (Borum), 400 acs. on Swd. side of Home Harbour Cr. P. 65 (526). (Rich: Hull, 24 Nov. 1655, who assigned to sd. Boorum). PHILLIP HUNLEY, 300 acs. on W. side of Budden Cr. in Mockjack Bay. P. 65 (527). (11 June 1658.) WILLIAM MACKENNY, 450 acs. on Ewd. side of the Eastermost riv. (Mockjacke Bay), beg. at tree of Phil- lip Hunley, running to trees of Marke Foster &c. P. 66 (527). (Thomas Helliard, 3 Dec. 1652, assigned to John Singleton, who sold to sd. Mackenny.) MR. MATHEW KEMP, 1100 acs. on N. side of Peanketanke Riv., beg. on E. side of the mouth of Blands Cr., run- ning parallel to land of Perigreene Bland, deed., crossing branches of Bon- ners Cr. &c. to W. side of Gleabe land Cr., dividing this from land of Col. Jno. Mattron, dee'd. &c. P. 66 (528). (Ed- mond Kemp, Gent, father of sd. Mathew, 4 Nov. 1656.) MARKE THOMAS, 350 acs. on S. side of Home Harbour Cr., marked trees dividing this & land of Mrs. Morri- son, S.W. by Mr. Armstead's trees, over the creek to Mr. Hulls land, N.W. to trees of Henry Shingleton to cor. tree of John Teage & Edward Morgan. P. 66 (528). (John Bannister, Tho. Foote & John Borham, 25 Nov. 1653. Bannister & Borham wholly assigned to sd. Foot, who sold to John Thomas & due sd. Marke as sonne & heire.) ROBERT LEND ALL, 150 acs. on N. side of the E. Riv. in Mockjack bay, beg. at marked trees of Mr. Armstead. P. 66 (529). (18 Oct. 1652). Patent Book No. 4 417 RICHARD CAREY, 1000 acs. on Swd. side of Queens Cr. in Peanketanke Riv., running up Cr. dividing this from land of Conydell. P. 67 (529) (13 Oct. 1653.) THOMAS GRAVES, 240 acs. in a swamp betwixt Seaverne & the Indian path in Gloster Co. P. 67 (530). (20 Mar. 1657.) COLL. HUGH GWYNN, 2000 acs. Gloster Co., P. 67 (530). 1700 acs. near mouth of Peanketanke Riv. & 200 acs. of Marsh beg. at Sandy Poynt that butts upon Cheesepiake Bay, extending up Millford haven Bay unto the Narrows where it is bounded by Sting Graye Bay &c. 300 acs. S. side of Gwynns Island &c. (17 Jan. 1642 & 6 Dec. 1652.) JOHN MAN, 600 acs. on E. side of Eastermost Riv. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at Chesnutt Cr., running to marked trees of Wm. Holden. P. 67 (531). (Tho- mas Todd, 5 Oct. 1653 & assigned to sd. Man.) WM. SMART, 450 acs. in Winter Harbour, beg. at John Smith's land. P. 68 (532). (Thomas Todd, 20 Oct. 1652 & assigned to sd. Smart.) ELIZABETH KEMP, 900 acs. New Kent Co., on N. side of Mattapony Riv., running S. to trees of Mr. Diggs. P. 68 (532.) (Sir Grey Skipwith, 11 Oct. 1658 & assigned to sd. Kemp.) HENRY SINGLETON, 400 acs. on Ewd. side of Eastermost riv. in Mock- jack Bay, beg. at marked trees of Rich: Rapley (Ripley). P. 68 (532). (Wm. Leathermore, & John Thomas, 6 Dec. 1652, by Leathermore assigned to sd. Thomas, who assigned to sd. Singleton.) WM. ROBERTS, 150 acs. on W. side of the maine swamp upon the head of Crany Cr.., adj. land of Jeffrey Bew. P. 68 (533). (Wm.Cordery, 15 Mar. 1657, & by him assigned). SAME. 200 acs. Gloster Co., on N. side of Yorke Riv., N.W. side of Jones Cr., E. upon a white marsh. P. 68 (533). (29 Nov. 1652). Note. — Pages 69 to 74, inclusive, are missing in the old Book 5, and pages here given refer to the transcript in Book 4. MRS. ANN BERNARD, 900 acs. Gloucester Co., 27 Nov. 1661, p. (534). N. side of York Riv., near the main swamp upon the head of Jone's Cr., along land of Hugh Dowding, N.N.W. &c. against land of Samuel Sollis, E. to Rappa. path &c. to land of William Thorne, assignee of Col. Richard Lee, Esqr. Renewal of her patent dated 26 Feb. 1653. SAMUEL SOLLIS & ROBERT TOLLIVER, 900 acs. Gloucester Co., 27 Nov. 1661, p. (534). On S.E. side of Poropotanke Cr. 200 acs. upon N. E. side of a br. of sd. creek known by the name of Attapotamoy Cr., next & adj. land of Oliver Green &c. 700 acs. upon S.W. side of a br. of a swamp of sd. Cr., which divides this & land of Isaac Richeson &c. Renewal of their pattern dated 26 Mar. 1655. Note: Renewed in Tolliver's name, 1 Dec. 1662. MAJOR THOMAS CURTIS, 730 acs. on N. side of Ware Riv. in Mock- jack bay, 27 Nov. 1661, p. (535). Beg. on E. side of Browns bay &c. by marked trees dividing this & land of Mr. Tho- mas Boswell &c. Renewal of his patent dated 3 June 1657. MR. THOMAS CURTIS, 1150 acs. upon Black Water Cr. in the North Riv. of Mockjack bay, 27 Nov. 1661, p. (535). Beg. on N.W. side of Phesant Cr., running N.E. &c. Renewal of his patent dated 20 Sept. 1652. SAML. SOLLIS, son of Samuel Sollis, dec'd., 352 acs. Gloucester Co., 27 Nov. 1661, p. (536). Upon S.E. side of Poropotank Cr., upon N.E. side of a swamp dividing this & land of Isaac Richeson, along a br. of same dividing this & land of John Day, thence N.E. by N. &c. Granted Samuel Sollis, dec'd., 26 Mar. 1655, & now due the above- named as son & heir. WILLIAM WATERS, 1200 acs. N'ampton Co., 20 Feb. 1661, p. (536). 418 Cavaliers and Pioneers Beg. at a br. on the S. side of Anan- cock Cr., N. to Chichanesecks Cr. &c. Due said Major Waters for trans, of 24 pers.* LT. COLONEL JOHN STRINGER, 2900 acs. N'ampton Co., 13 Mar. 1661, p. (536). Part of a devdt. declined by Mr. John Savage, bounded on the E. by the Seaboard & on the N. S. & W. by land of John Savage. Trans, of 58 pers.* JOHN MILLBY (Milby), 100 acs. N'ampton Co., 20 Feb. 1661, p. (537). Bounded on N. by Nondices Cr., E. by land of Jenkin Price, W. by the main bay & Sly. towards land of Mr. Tho. Teagle. Granted to Jenkin Price, 10 Mar. 1652 & assigned to sd. Milby. SAME. 150 acs. Same Co., date & page. Beg. at land of John Major & extending Wly. down the Cr. Due as above. BENJAMIN STRATTON, son & heir of Thomas Stratton, 257 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (538). Being a neck of land called Acquasca, bounding W. upon the Old Plantation & Cr., N. on John Dennis, S. on Henry Charlton, E. between two branches &c. Granted to Thomas Stratton, 5 Oct. 1654. ROBERT THOMPSON, son & heir of Robert Thompson, 700 acs. N'amp- ton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (538). Beg. at Harlows holes near the head of Old Plantation Cr. &c. Granted to William Waters, 10 May 1652 & by him as- signed to sd. Thompson. BENJAMIN STRATTON, son & heir of Thomas Stratton, 300 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (538). On the ridge, bounding Sly. on Dunn branch, Ely. on land of Francis Jones & George Traveller & Nly. on Maj. William Waters. Granted to sd. Thomas, 27 Nov. 1657. JAMES NEVIL (Nevill), 1300 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (539). On the seaboard side, being a neck of land or Island, bounding Ely. by Matchepungo Riv., W. by creeks issu- ing out of sd. river & by cattle marshes or branches, Nly. & Sly. upon sd. creeks including all points, marshes & islands within said Neck or Island. Granted to Thomas Herman, 12 June 1654 & assigned to sd. Nevil. CHRISTOPHER KIRKE, son & heir of Christopher Kirke, 500 acs. N'amp- ton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (539). At Nuswattocks Cr., bounded on N.E. with land of Thomas Johnson &c. Granted to James Bruse, 21 Mar. 1645 & as- signed to the above. THOMAS LETHERBURY (Leather- bury), 600 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (539). On S. side of the S. br. of Anancock Cr. & adj. land of John Dorman. Renewal of his patent dated 2 Oct. 1655. JAMES PRICE, 600 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (540). Upon S. side of Occahannock Cr.. Granted to Benjamin Mathews, 2 Oct. 1654 & as- signed to the abovenamed. COLONEL EDMUND SCAR- BURGH, 600 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (540). N.W. upon great Nuswattoke Riv., from Chingandokee Cr. mouth unto Arakoke Cr. Granted to Randall Harle, 5 Oct. 1649, by him deserted & granted said Scarburgh by order &c, dated 28 Sept. 1661 & due for trans, of 12 pers.* WILLIAM SMITH, son & heir of Thomas Smith alias Hiniman, 400 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (541). At Nuswattocks Cr. Granted to John Major, 4 Sept. 1643 & by him assigned to Sarah Smith, the mother of said William. HUGH YEO, 450 acs. N'ampton Co., 28 Sept. 1661, p. (541). At Pungotea- gue Cr., beg. at a br. of same called Pocomoke branch. Due for trans, of 9 pers.* JOHN ROBINS, 550 acs. N'ampton Co., 28 Sept. 1661, p. (541). 300 acs. bounded on N. by land of William Sache (?), S. by Richard Patrick & on E. by the Seaboard, & 250 acs. adj. said tract. Due for trans, of 11 pers.* Patent Book No. 4 419 COL. EDMUND SCARBURGH, 2100 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (542). At Great Matomkin Cr. Due for trans, of 52 pers.* JOHN ROGERS, 200 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (542). At the head of the N. br. of Nondices Cr., bounded on W. by land of George Truett, E. by Anthony Johnson & N. by John Williams. Trans, of 4 pers.* WILLIAM TAYLOR & BARTHO- LOMEW MEARS, 500 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (542). Bounded on E. by land of John Evans & part of the Beaver Dams of Matchepungo Cr., on the W. by lands of the head of Occahannock Cr. &c. Trans, of 10 pers.* RICHARD KELLUM, 400 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (543). At the head of Matchepungo Cr., Sly. on land of John Evans & Wly. upon land of Pungoteague &c. Trans, of 8 pers.* NATHANIEL BRADFORD, 1000 acs. N'ampton Co., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (543). Near Matchepungo Cr., bounded on the S. by the N. line of 2000 acs. granted to Mr. Kendall, on the E. by the seaboard &c. Trans, of 20 pers.* JOHN, SARAH & MARGARET MITCHELL, 1000 acs. in Accomack, at Chichanessecks Cr., 26 Mar. 1662, p. (543). 500 acs .bounded on the W. by the main bay, on the N. by Che- chanesscks Cr., E. by land of Major Waters & running Sly. towards Anan- cock; the other 500 acs. bounded on W. by land of sd. Waters, N. by Chichanes- secks & running Sly. into the woods. Due for trans, of 20 pers.* JOHN, SARAH & MARGARETT MITCHELL (or MICHELL), 200 acs., Accomack Co., p. 75, (544). 26 Mar. 1662. Beg. at land of Wm. Burditt, along land formerly belonging to George Smith. (Granted to Mr. Jno. Custis, 8 Oct. 1657, by him deserted & granted by order of Gen. Ct., 16 Oct. 1660 to sd. Michell.) Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Appy, Tho. Irish, Geo. Stith, Mary Greenwood. (Multilated.) WALTER TAYLOUR, 400 acs. Northampton Co., being an island known as Gabriells Is., lieing over against Anancocke & environed on all sides with the bayes of Chesepiake. P. 75, (544). (Nicholas Wadilow, 12 Oct. 1652, by him assigned to Robt. King, Jno. Watts, Gilbert Henderson & Robt. Blake, & after severall other as- signments, sold to sd. Wa: Taylour.) 26 Mar. 1662. CAPT. JNO. CHEESMAN, 150 acs. includ. the ponds, beg. at his own land by the river coming out of the Pequo- son pond. P. 75, (544). 17 Oct. 1662. Trans. 3 pers: Richard Watts, Geo. Billops, Geo. Cable. PETER KNIGHT, 2700 acs. North- umberland Co., 23 Nov. 166 (2), p. 75, (545). 1200 acs. on S. side of great Wicocomoco Riv., adj. land of Thomas Seoggin; 1500 acs. on S. side sd. river, E.S.E. upon a branch dividing this & land of Nich. Morrice, adj. land of Tho. & David Kiffin. *** part of which land land next Tho. Read be- ing formerly called Palmer (Muti- lated.) (3 June 1657.) By Sir William Berkeley MR. ALEX: FLEMING, 650 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 9 Dec. 1662, P. 76, (546). 250 acs. being called Yar- retts Marsh, adj. Colemans Thickett; 400 acs. marsh & woodland, 108 acs. of the latter lieing bet. S. side of Silvester Thetchers Cr. & N. end of the land whereon the sd. Fleming now liveth. (250 acs. in 1658) & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 Pers: Tho. Stone, Jno. Mason, Wm. Taylour, Eliz. Weekes, Ann Stokes, Roger Reeves, Roger Read, Wm. Jones. (Mutilated.) JOHN CATTLETT, (Catlet), Gent., 1850 acs. Rappa. Co., bet. the river & Occapason Cr., adj. land of Mr. Tho. Hawkins. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 76, (546). 304 acs. granted to Geo. Eaton, after- wards purchased by sd. Cattlet in co- 420 Cavaliers and Pioneers partnership with Ralph Rowzee; 400 acs. in like manner; 336 acs. to sd. Cattlett & Tho. Lucas, Senr., 20 July 1652, since purchased by sd. Cattlett; 502 acs. by patent to Cattlett & Rowzey, 1 July 1655; 308 acs. for trans, of 6 pers.* SAME. 792 acs. Same Co. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 77, (548). Below the place where the path leadeth bet. Poretobacco & Mattapony crosseth Occapaton maine run. Granted 10 Sept. 1662 for 1100 acs. but upon resurvey found to be but 792 acs. THOMAS HANSFORD, 75 acs. in Hampton Parish, Yorke Co., 14 Jan. 1662, p. 77, (549). Beg. at corner of Mr. (or Mrs.) Ellice Richardson's land. Trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Harris, Wm. Whiteby. WM. HALL, 573 acs. 122 perches, in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. on S. side of Occapacon Cr. & nigh land of Jno. Barrow. (23 Mar. 1659.) P. 77, (549). THOMAS CHRISTIAN, 100 acs. more or less, James Citty Co., 18 Mar. 1662, P. 77, (549). On N. side of the James & E. side of Chickahominy Riv., upon marked trees of Thomas Young & on the Island Cr. (15 Jan. 1657). JNO. KILLMAN & GEO. KILL- MAN, 550 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. upon Pascaton Cr. alias Cox Cr. Part of sd. land formerly belonging to Ralph Paine. (Granted sd. Jno. & Geo. 4 Oct. 1655). P. 78, (550). 9 Dec. 1662. MR. WALTER BRODHURST, (Broadhurst) 300 acs. Westmoreland Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 78, (550) S. side Petomake Riv., bounded on N.W. side with the head of Conawoman Cr., S.E. upon land of William Hardish. (4 Sept. 1655.) WM. HARDIDGE (Hardridge), 1000 N'umberland Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 78, (551). S. side Petomake Riv., beg. at an Oyster Shell point at the mouth of Poore Jacke Cr., extending to another Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Tho. Speake, S.W. upon land of Mr. John Rosier, N.E. along land of Mr. Walter Broadhurst. (19 Oct. 1653.) THOMAS WOODWARD, 100 acs. in Low. Parish of Is. of Wight Co., 28 Feb. 1662, p. 78, (551). Adj. land now in occupation of Tho. Jones & lately purchased by sd. Woodward of Sd. Jones, bounded with patented lands of Capt. Jno. Upton, Capt. Jno. Moone & sd. Jones, (24 Sept. 1659). ROBT. GILLATT, (Gillat), 100 acs. bet. Newport Newes & Blunt point & Wly. upon land of Wm. Bentley, p. 78, (552). (Tho. Godbye, 1 Dec. 1624 & after severall sales, assigned to sd. Gillatt.) 9 Jan. 1662. CAPT. THO. HAWKINS, 627^acs., 16 perches on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 19 Feb. 1662, p. 79, (552.) 621 acs. beg. at upper end of land of Jno. Cat- lett & Ralph Rowsey; the residue adj. his own & land of Wm. Veale. (621 acs. 20 Nov. 1657.) Residue for trans, of Wm. West. GERRARD BROADHURST, 500 acs. Westmoreland Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 79 (553). Upon S. side of Petomake Riv. & upon N.E. side upon head of Chapa- wansick Cr., S.E. upon land of Mr. Nich. Pope. (Walter Broadhurst, deed., father of Gerrard, 4 Sept. 1655, & given by will to sd. Gerrard.) ROBT. JADWIN, 200 acs. North- umberland Co., 12 Feb. 1662, p. 79, (553). Ely. upon Petomake Riv.. Sly. upon land of Thomas Hayles. (John Earle, 16 Nov. 1652, assigned to Wm. Thomas & after severall sales assigned to sd. Jadwin.) WALTER BROADHURST, Junr., 500 acs. Ely. on Petomake Riv. in the freshes above the Narrowes of Pascata- way, Sly. upon land of Mr. Hugh Lee. 9 Dec. 1662, p. 79, (554). (Jno. Wood, 15 July 1657, assigned to sd. Broadhurst.) KATH: (Katherine) BRENT, daugh- ter of Ed: Brent, dee'd., 300 acs. North- umberland Co., N.E. upon Quiough Patent Book No. 4 421 Riv., S.E. upon land of Capt. Giles Brent. 9 Dec. 1662, p. 79, (554). (Capt. Gyles Brent, 4 May 1653, as- signed to sd. Edm: Brent & by him given by will to sd. Kath.) SAME. 1050 acs. Same Co. & date, P. 80 (555). On N.W. side of Nomeny Riv., a small branch dividing this & land surveyed for Lewis Burrell, deed., now in possession of Capt. Robt. Hen- feild. (Jno. Rosier, 14 Jan. 1656, as- signed to Edmond Brent, who by will &c. as above.) WILLIAM PEIRCE, 300 acs. North- umberland Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 80, (555). N.N.E. upon Petomake Riv. & adj. land of John Rosier. (Samll. Bon- man (Bowman ?) 4 July 1653, assigned to Rich. Heabeard, who assigned to Peirce.) WM. HALLOWES, 3900 acs. West- moreland Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 80, (555). 1600 acs. upon Petomake (Riv.), at the mouth of Poteseck Cr., N. W. on land of Pancake; 700 acs. Nly. on sd. Riv., Ely. on the aforesd. land at a great marsh, running to a line dividing this from land of Nicholas Merywether; 1600 adj. the 700 acs., a line dividing this from land of Ro. Maphee & Mr. Jarney, Sly. upon Macho- ticke Towne. (Jno. Walton & Jno. Bagnall, 10 June 1654 & by them as- signed to sd. Hallowes.) MAJOR WM. CANFEILD, 550 acs. of land and marsh, Surrey Co., 24 Jan. 1662, p. 80, (556). On Wwd. side of Lyons Cr., bounded on N. side with Hog Is. Cr., on S. side with his own land, formerly patented by Capt. Cockram & Jno. Medmore. (24 Jan. 1656). THOMAS BAYLES, 300 acs. North- umberland Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 80, (557). S. side of Great Wiccomoco Riv., N.N.E. upon the head of a creek above land of Tho. Salsbury & W.N.W. upon land of Martin Coale. (Tho. Kedby, 13 Oct. 1653.) MAJOR WM. CANFEILD, 1230 acs. Surrey Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 81, (557). Bounded from Hog Is. marsh to Launes Cr., which divides this from land of Mr. Jno. Bland, running to land of Capt. Wm. Cockram &c. to Banfords Cr., with Tarpitt branch &c. (4 Mar. 1656.) REES HUGHES, 860 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 81. (558) 410 acs. on S.W. side of Yorke Riv., adj. land of George Smith & running to Mr. Langstones line &c. (1 Mar. 1657.) JNO. MARSHALL, 200 acs. Is. of Wight Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 81, (558). 120 acs. part of land formerly belong- ing to Jno. Valentine; 80 acs. adj. George Midland & Richard Penny. (8 June 1655.) TOBIAS HANSFOARD (Hansford), 200 acs. upon Deepe Creeke in Ware Riv. in Mockjack Bay, beg. at corner tree of Edward Willis. 27 Feb. 1662, p. 81, (559.) (6 Dec. 1652.) ANTHONY LENTON, 1425 acs. Northumberland Co., 6 Dec. 1662, p. 82, (559). Upon land of Jno. Meekes & Wm. Newman, Nly. on Yeocomoco Riv., Sly. upon broad cr. &c, & adj. land surveyed for Mr. Bacon. (1025 acs. 1 Aug. 1653; 400 acs. 1 Dec. 1657.) MR. THO. BOSWELL, 972 acs. on N. side of Ware Riv. in Mockjack Bay, marked trees dividing this from land of Major Curtis. 28 Jan. 1662, p. 82, (560.) (8 Oct. 1656.) RICHARD LONG, 430 acs. on branches of Millford Haven, beg. at a run dividing this from land of George Billips. 28 Jan. 1662, p. 82 (560.) (6 Nov. 1653.) JOHN SANDAVOR & RICHARD ADAMS, 200 acs. at new poquoson in Yorke Co., 28 Tan. 1662, p. 82 (561). Adj. land of John Haward & Wm. Hay. (5 Oct. 1658.) MR. EDWARD LOCKE Y. 1600 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 83. (561.) N. side of Mattapony Riv., from Wwd. side of his plantation & a 422 Cavaliers and Pioneers maine run of Awhore Cock, &c. towards land of Col. Abrall & near land of Robt. Rolls. (25 Jan. 1650.) JOHN BARSBY, 350 acs. Yorke Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 83 (562). S. side Chas. Riv. on backe side of Mount Folly, run- ning by lands of John Welding (or Holding.) (Charles Edmunds, 8 Oct. 1653.) JAMES POPE, 700 acs. Northumber- land Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 83, (562). Among certain branches of the great swamp belonging to the head of Gr. Wiccocomoco Riv. above lands of Mr. Peter Knight & Capt. Budd. (27 Sept. 1659.) SAME. 1000 acs. Same Co., date & page. (563). Ely. on Chinkakun or Mr. Preslies Cr., Nly. on land of Coll. Matrom, sd. Presly & Coll. Trussell, Wly. upon Gervase Dodson & Sly. to- wards Coll. Claiborne. (Richard Rus- sell, 25 Sept. 1657, by him deserted & granted sd. Pope by order of Ct. &c.) JOHN LEGGATT, 376 acs. New Kent Co., 12 Jan. 1662, p. 83, (563). Upon branches of blacke Cr., beg. at corner of Tho. Londons in Westover path, running N. to land of John Hor- sington, thence to line of Edm. Price &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Barnaby Eaton, Wm. Bagly, Wm. Jent, Jno. Vaughan, Sarah Rose, Tho. Harding, Tho. Jackson. THOMAS PINKEMAN, 125 acs. Yorke Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 84, (564). 80 acs. bounded on E. with swamp dividing this & land of Wm. Graves, W. to Skimino to land of Wm. Gant- lett, S.E. upon land of Stephen Taylour, deed., now in possession of Wm. Heward; 45 acs. upon Skimino Cr., beg. at a landing by the Cr. &c. by Mr. Dipnalls landing, including a peece of marsh land &c. 80 acs. by patent dated 24 July 1654 & the residue for trans, of John Shaw. RICHARD LEWIS, 190 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 2 Feb. 1662, p. 84 (564). Up- on S. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of Dennis Conniers & Evan Davis, along head of Oberts Cr. & S.E. upon land of Mr. Bertrum Obert. Granted to Capt. Wm. Brocas 18 Nov. 1653, assigned to Sir Henry Chichly, who assigned to sd. Lewis. JNO. LEWIS & THOMAS MICHELL, 1680 acs. New Kent Co., 15 Jan. 1662, p. 84 (565). Beg. at Mr. Michells land, N.N.E. by Westover path, thence to Coll. Gooch's cor. tree &c. Trans, of: Wm. Thornton, Rich. Boyne, Tho. Shugge, Law. Baker, Tho. Walder, Ellen Harwod, Mary Stinson, Jane Mayson, Rich. Saucer, Jno. Tillett, Geo. Catleton, Bryan Hazlewod, Ann Lulow (?), Eliz. Palmer, Joane Madd, Hugh Davis, Jno. Gunne, Wm. Colvert, Eliz. Gittins, James Ridly, Mary Taylor, Eliz. Smith, Ann Norton, Bridg. Black, Nich. Hart, Nich. Flower, Wm. Pearce, Rich. Overton, Ann Shilooe (?), Tho. Hanson, Sarah Russell. JOHN PIGG, 300 acs. New Kent Co., 10 July 1658, p. 84 (565). On branches of Peanketanke, beg. at cor. of John Axolls land. (4 July 1658). WM. BLACKEY, Gent., 1300 acs., including the land he is now seated on, New. Kent Co., 12 Feb. 1662, p. 85 (566). On S. side the Narrowes of Yorke Riv., bounded on S. E. with land of Mr. Burnell & N.W. with land of Mr. George Lydall. (9 June 1655.) JOHN JADWIN, 650 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. upon the head of Sharpes Cr., 12 Feb. 1662, p. 85 (566). Adj. 300 acs. granted to Jno. Sharpe, lately in possession of Wm. Thompson. (23 Nov. 1658.) GEORGE PICKARIN, 450 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 Feb. 1662, p. 85 (567). Upon S.W. side & towards the head of lower Chotanke Cr., op- posite to land of James Magregorie & Fowches. Granted to James Magregory & Hugh Fowch, 11 June 1658; assigned to Allex. Macoter, who assigned to Charles Hoyle & by him to sd. Pickerin. ROGER WALTERS, 1,000 acs. Northumberland Co., 2 Mar. 1662, p. 85 (568). N. side of Wiccocomoco Riv. upon St. Johns Cr. dividing lands Patent Book No. 4 423 of Tho. Saffall & Wm. Thomas & on Saffalls Cr. & running towards land of Coll. Claiborne. (28 Feb. 1654.) JOHN HULL, 770 acs. Northumber- land Co., 21 Oct. 1659, p. 85 (568). Bet. Chetanke & Cupids Crs., abutting on Petomacke Cr. A line of trees divid- ing this & land of James Magregory & Hugh Fowch. (21 Oct. 1659). RICHARD HARGRAVE (Hargrove), 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 18 Dec. 1662, p. 86 (569). 150 acs. beg. on the N. side of a branch of the Eastermost Br. of Eliz. Riv., called broad Cr., running N.N.E. &c, & 100 acs. on said Cr. & adj. his former land. Renewal of patent dated 11 Mar. 1652. CAPT. JNO. ROGERS, 450 acs. 1 * N'umberland Co., 9 Jan. 1662, p. 86. (569). 250 acs. N. on Claughtons Cr., E. upon the Gleabe & W. upon a Sw. neer land of John Kent; & 200 acs. adj. his own, land of Henry Tompsin, John Kent, Mr. Hugh Lee, the Gleabe land & Mattapony Swamp. Renewal of 2 former patents. (13 Sept. 1654 — 31 Aug. 1657). WILLIAM GRIFFIN, 400 acs. N'umberland Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 86 (570). Betwixt two branches of the very head of Dennis his Cr., N. upon a br. dividing this & land of Mr. Geo. Fletcher & S. upon land of one Howett. Formerly granted to Richard Budd, 1 Dec. 1653 & assigned to sd. Griffin. JOHN CUTTEN, 350 acs. N'ampton Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 86 (570). At Nuswattocks Cr., bounded on W. by a br. parting same from land of Nich. Grainger &c. Granted to Nicholas Waddilow, 8 Oct. 1656 & by him as- signed. WILKES MAUNDERS, 1000 acs. in Petomake freshes, running N. by W. to the mouth of the second Cr. above Pas- cataway, W. by S. &c. along land of Mr. Randolph. 9 Jan. 1662, p. 87 (571). Granted to Francis Carpenter, 5 June 1658 & assigned tosd. Maunders. • HENRY VINCENT, 550 acs. W- moreland Co., 22 Dec. 1662, p. 87 (571). On N. side of Armsbies Cr., opposite Wells his point, running S.E. &c. Granted to Richard Searle, 25 Sept. 1657 & assigned to the above. JOHN KING, 480 acs. Surry Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 87 (572). S. side of James Riv. & S.E. side of Upper Chip- poakes Cr., E. on Wm. Simons, W. on Wm. Lee & N. on Wm. Gapeing. Re- newal of patent dated 25 Nov. 1653. AUGUSTINE HORTH, 350 acs., includeing 5 pine Islands, running N. N.E. by Mr. Thomas Curtis &c. Granted to Wm. Dudley, 20 Sept. 1652 & by him assigned. Dated 20 Sept. 1652, p. 87 (572). WILLIAM HARPER, 150 acs. Rap- pahanoke Co., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 87 (572). Beg. upon a point by a little Cr. of Occapacon Cr., butting upon land surveyed for Richard Coleman, parallel to line of Wm. Hall &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Jones, Jno. Jarman, Wm. Kid. SAME. 230 acs., same Co. & date, p. 88 (573). From Occapacon Cr. side S.E. by S. &c. to a swamp dividing this & land of Wm. Hall, thence N.E. by E. &c. Granted to Richard Lawson, 6 Oct. 1656 & after severall sales sold to sd. Harper. ELIZABETH LAWSON, 1400 acs. Gloster Co., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 88 (573). Beg. at marked trees running W.S.W. crosse the upper end of the great Island in Rappa. Riv., crosse the marsh & lower part of the Neck of Land upon which sd. Lawson liveth, running parallel to the river &c. to land of Geo. Eaton, E.S.E. to Lawsons Cr. &c. Granted to Richard Lawson, dec'd., 6 Oct. 1656 & given to said Elizabeth, his wife, by will. JOHN PAINE, 610 acs. en the head of the E. br. of Pepetick Cr.. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 88. (574). Renewal of pattern dated 6 Oct. 1656. 424 Cavaliers and Pioneers WILLIAM NUTT, 683 acs. N'um- berland Co., 4 Feb. 1662, p. 88. (575). On N.E. side of great Wiccocomoco Riv., from Lamdens Cr. to Island Cr., W. upon same & land of William Tho- mas, E.N.E. upon land of Tho. Garratt & Henry Smith, Orphant & towards land Richard Spann bought of Edw. Coles. Renewal of pattent dated 4 June 1655. RALPH GREENE, 350 acs. New Kent Co., 10 Feb. 1662, p. 89 (575). On branches of Assatiam Swamp. Trans. of 7 pers: Baker, Ann King, Carey Fitts, Jno. (or Jero.) Burton (or Bar- ton), Dan. Macoy, Jno. Browne, Jno. Hill. THO. POOLE, 100 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 16 Feb. 1662, p. 89 (576). Beg. at his own land, running N. &c. to land of Mr. Robt. Bracewell, then S.S.W. &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Tho. Harin, Robt. Marrwood. JOHN PAINE, 298 acs. & 44 perches on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 89 (576). About a mile from same on the W. side of Pepeticke Cr., E. by S. towards land of Tho. Hawkins &c. Granted to Thomas Wright, 26 Nov. 1657 & assigned to sd. Paine. RALPH GREENE, 1100 acs. Gloster Co., 10 Feb. 1662, p. 89 (577). S.S.W. upon Yorke Riv. from Jones Cr., divid- ing this & land of Coll. Richard Lee, W.N.W. upon land of Wm. Thorne &c. 400 acs. granted sd. Greene 16 Feb. 1653 & 700 acs. of waste land added. Renewal of patent dated last of August 1658. upon land of Nich. Jernew. Assigned by Major William Hockaday, to whom it was granted 3 Apr. 1651. MR. ALEXANDER FLEMING, 280 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., beg. neere land formerly called Yarratts Land, etc. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 90 (578). Granted to Walter Dickeson, 6 Sept. 1651 (or 1654), & after severall sales &c. sold by Jno. Barrow to sd. Fleming. CAPT. JOHN WEIR, 400 acs., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 90 (579). Adj. land of John Paine. Granted to John Paine, 15 Nov. 1653, who sold to Thomas Erwin & Tho. Wright, & afterwards sold to sd. Weir. SAME. 1200 acs. Rappa. Co., same date & pages. Upon N. side of Rappa. Riv., 500 acs. at the run next above land of George Taylour; 700 acs. upon ClifTts Cr. & running unto land of Antho. Fullgam. 500 acs. granted to sd. Fullgam, 5 Sept. 1650 & assigned to sd. Weir; 700 acs. granted sd. Weir, 14 May, 1653. JOHN GREENE, 200 acs. in the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. at the miles end of his own land &c. 1 June 1655, p. 90 (580). Renewal. RICHARD JONES & JOHNA. HIGLY (Higley), 640 acs. New Kent Co., 25 Jan. 1662, p. 91 (580). Run- ning Wly. along Westover path &c. Granted to William Pullam, 20 June 1661 & by him sold to Eliz. Jones & sd. Johna., which sd. Eliz. hath given to her sonn, the sd. Richard. SAME. 500 acs., same Co., date & pages. Upon S.E. side of Mattapony Riv., S.S.W. side of Arasantons Cr. & S. S. E. upon the head of Aratico Cr. Granted to Fra. Morgan, dec'd., & sd. Greene, 13 Feb. 1652 & due sd. Greene as being the survivor. MR. THO. GERRARD, 1000 acs. N'thumberland Co., 9 Jan. 1662, p. 90 (578). S. side of Petomecke Riv., N. & N. E. upon Machotique Cr., opposite land of Geo. Ludlow, Esqr., E. & S.E. JOHN ALEXANDER, one-half of 3,900 acs., formerly granted unto John Bagnall & John Wallton, & by Bagnall assigned unto Edmond Scarburgh, 13 Aug. 1656, who assigned to sd. Alexan- der, 10 Mar. 1659, both of which are recorded in the Secretaries Office; sd. land scituate in Potowmack Riv. att a place called Pochink (or Pochicck), Stafford Co., bounded according to the original pattent granted sd. Bagnall & Wallton & due for the rights there un- der written. 26 Sept. 1664, p. 91 (581). Patent Book No. 4 425 EDMOND SCARBURGH, 1450 acs. Accomack Co., 29 Sept. ■ 1663, p. 91 (581). Being a neck of land at the seaboard side, formerly elected by Rich- ard Burdock & by him againe Declined called Arcadia Neck, bounded on the N. by a Cr. & br. called by the Indians Amburrocomico, now Gargaphe, on the S. by Arcadia Cr. &c. Trans, of 29 pers: Edward Fleetewood, Roger Noell, Wm. Bannister, Henry Farrington, John Dickinson, William Ashley, Ralph Castleton, Robert Drury, Edward Mor- ris, Thomas Caros, John Byram, Henry Porter, Robert Fleetewood, William Wall, Nicholas Woodward, Thomas Crispe, Richard Mills, James Jolly, Thomas Perry, William Pearle, Robert Drury, Francis Cranly (or Crauly), Elizabeth Bydolph, James Silverlocke, Thomas King, Peter Solm, Robert Parker, John Hodge, John Angel. MRS. ANN TOFFT, 1200 acs. Acca- macke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 92 (582). At the seaboard side, to the Swd. of a Cr. called by the Indians Amburcomico, now Garpaghie, N. along the main br. of Kisquotan Cr. to the head of the main br. of same called Kisquotancke, now Arathusa, & Wly. to the head of Gargaphie Br. Trans, of 24 pers: Even Jones, Mary Esthop, James Knowles, Mary Willis, Thomas Shandler, Owin Williams, Richard Porter, Morgan Malin, Michaell Lues, Abraham Vincent, Peter Strong, Jeffry Wilkins, Mary Bridgnorth, Atlanta Hues, James West- gate, Tobias Dunster, John Hartford, William Outred, John Jones, John Smith, Thomas Messenger, Margaret Roxby, Michaell White, Thomas Rouse. NATHANIELL BRADFORD, 1400 acs., Accomack Co., assigned to him by Edmond Scarburgh, adj. his own & land of Richard Kellum on the S. & on N. by land of Jonah Jackson & Edward Revell. 26 Sept. 1664, p. 92 (582). Due for trans., & the following names listed: John Evans, John Smith, John Dry, John Casher, Robert Casher, John Courtney, Robert Turges. Samuell Short, Thomas Coles, John Cassick, John Han- cock, John Wells, Robert Masters, Jona- than Samuraies (?), John Tyzard, Jen- kin Morgan, John Difneth, John Sparkes, Ezard Paine, Ann Paine, Dammaris Worthy, Elinor. Puckett, Ann Found, Crestlean Wenters, Joane Ossett, Agnes Taylor, Joane Mazed. JOHN SHARPE, 210 acs. at the head of Seniors Cr., out of the S.W. side of Coratoman Riv., running along land of Thomas Hackett, bounded by land of Anth. Stephens, Moratico path & land of David Fox. 2 Mar. 1662, p. 92 (582). Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Waker- ly, Rich. King, Jno. Gable, Wm. Lewin. CAPT. THOMAS STEGG, Gent., 800 acs. Henrico Co., 29 Dec. 1662, p. 93 (583). N. side of James River be- low the falls, beg. at Chippiake Cr., running downe the river &c. Granted to Mr. Fra. Hammond, 28 Mar. 1660 & by Maj. Generll. Manering Hammond, Adm'r. & brother of sd. Francis, wholly assigned over to sd. Stegg. Assignment of the above, dated last day of Feb. 1660. Witness: Henry Pery. HENRY PALIN, 450 acs. at the mouth of New begin Cr., 25 Sept. 1653, p. 93 (584). Trans, of 9 pers: Wm. Gailer, Tho. Giles, Hen. Sterne, Roger Simons, Isaac Scott, John Atkins, John Sheffild, Nich. Wilson, Ralph Sharpe. Marginal Note: "Carolina." THOMAS HODGKIN, 1000 acs., in a bay of Carolina River, beg. at a small Cr. called Cannaughsaugh (?), running up same to a br. of Mattatomecke Cr. &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 93 (584). Trans. of 20 pers: John Philpot, Jno. Tyler, Mary Lewis, Samll. Burton, Math. Hewes, Wm. Bateman, Nich. Wills, James Rogers, Alex. Mont, Marke Allister, Geo. Rayman, Roger Cleyton, Tho. Kintly, Robt. Heme, Wm. Strood, Simon Allen, Ger. Ward, Rich. Card, Cutt. Fletcher, Fard. Downes. WILLIAM MUNDAY, 300 acs. in Carratucks Cr., falling into Kecoug- tancke River, which river falls into Carralina; beg. at the mouth of a swamp where John Harveys land ends, running E.S.E. &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 426 Cavaliers and Pioneers 94 (584). Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Ed- ton, Tho. Hill, Giles Wake, Hugh monds, Joseph Gibson, Robt. Read, Farthy, Sar. • Helier, Wm. Brickenton, Rich. Smith, Samll. Warren, James Jane Doughting. Marginal Note: Bard. "Carolina." THOMAS SHERWOOD, 880 acs. on the North side of Carolina Riv., running N.W. by trees of Samll. Davis, then E. by N. &c. 25 Sept. 1663,, p. 94 (585). Trans, of 18 pers: Tho. Davis, Edward Sneath, Wm. Tanner, Robt. Wheeler, Henry Weston, Wm. Lewis, Tho. Waad, Wm. Badger, Jno. Gafer, Eliz. Waad, Lydia How, Rich. Webb, Abell Jason, Sus. Alcocke, Sam. Francis, Wm. Glover, Fr. Glover. THOMAS KEELY (Keele), 800 acs. in a bay of Paspetanke River, 25 Sept. 1663, p. 94 (585). Trans, of 16 pers: Wm. Badger, Jno. Gaffer, Danll. Merick, Tho. Joanes, Ed. Seare, Margt. Williams, Ann Robinson, Abell Jason, Rich. Bullock, Tho. Mann, Rich. Evans, Edward Evans, Robt. Evans, Jno. Sharpe, Ja. Fuller, John Corey (or Carey). Marginal Note: "Carolina." JOHN BATTLE, 640 acs. on Wwd. side of Paspetanke River, beg. on a point which parts this & land of Mrs. Fortsen, running S.W. &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 94 (585). Trans, of 13 pers: John Garey, Ed. Maurice, Jno. Curtain, Tho. Cooly (or Ceely), Tho. Mory, Wm. Crow, Wm. Hutton, Samll. Cornix, Abra. Travers, Wm. Fowler, Jacob Carew, Wm. Hughes, Mary Stevens. Marginal Note: "Carolina." TAMES MURDAH, 420 acs. on W. side of Chowanoke Riv., 25 Sept. 1663, p. 95 (586). Trans, of 9 pers: Josias Pew, Jno. Boyce, Tho. Crafford, Wm. Morry, Nath. Bridges, Wm. Clarke, Hen. Kent, Ral. Bowles. Marginal Note: "Carolina." MR. JOHN LAURENCE. 625 acs. on W. side of Chawanoke Riv., running S.W. along land of Mr. Robert Lawrence &c. to land lately surveyed by James Murdah &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 95 (586). Trans. of 13 pers: Geo. Teague, Kath. Cornelius, Wm. Sharpe, Ann Bleach, Wm. Hare, Fen. Nacking- MR. THOMAS STAMPE & JAMES NOAKES, 300 acs. on the N. side of Carolina River, beg. at marked trees deviding this & land of Henry White, running E. &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 95 (587). Trans, of 6 pers: Hen. Lea- nord, Robt. Flake, Rich. Baker, Eliz. Hancoke, Wm. Preston, Duncumb Pantwell. LT. (or St.) MOUNT WELLS, 600 acs. on W. side of Chowanoake Riv., running by land lately surveyed for James Murdoh, running E. &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 95 (587). Trans, of 12 pers: Tho. Poore, Jos. Hill, Ed. Suckett, Wm. Clarke, Tho. High, James White, Jno. Giloe, Tho. Bayly, Tho. Wood, Wm. Wood, Jno. Marly (or Marky), Mary Fain. MR. ROBERT LAWRENCE, Junr., 625 acs. on W. side of Chowanoke Riv., 25 Sept. 1663, p. 96 (587). Trans, of 13 pers: Wm. Yelding, Wm. Hare, Jno. Shaply, Tho. Turner, Ed. Morgan, Jno. Goffe, Ed. Stephens, Wm. Chester, Mary Cant, Tho. Stroud, Ja. Smith, Ed. Hawly. KATHARINE WOODWARD & PHILARETE WOODWARD, her daughter, 750 acs. on W. side of Paspe- tanke River, beg. at a point above the mouth of a large Cr. falling into said river, etc. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 96 (588). Trans, of 15 pers: Fra. Ost, (?), Jno. Garnell, Mary Well, Alice Jeffry, Jno. Newton, Christian Grene, Jno. Barn- well, Mary Taylor, Robt. Cox, Ja. John- son, Ja. Corke (or Cocke), Rich. Har- man, Tho. West, Jno. Smith, Tho. Turvell. ROBERT PEELE. 350 acs. on S.W. side of Pasbetanke River, between land of Doctor Relfe & John Battle, running S.W. &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 96 (588). Trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Cornix, Jno. Shard, Mary Carter, Jno. Sarmar, Wm. Whiter, Mary Jones, Jno. Shalpe. Patent Book No. 4 427 MR. WILLIAM WEST, 2500 acs. on the E. side of Pequimmin River, about 6 or 7 miles up the same, beg. on a point of land neere the great Marsh nigh an Indian feild, running N.E. &c. to the mouth of a small creeke called Curraticke & from thence up the said river of Pequemim. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 96 (589). Trans, of 50 pers: Jno. Mison, Tho. Cox, Wm. Camp, Wm. Jones, Mary Yong, Tho. Carew, Ed. Frith, Wm. Stephens, Jno. Shans, Marke Williams,, Jno. Sarson, Tho. Cooly, Mary Karp, Jno. Sanders, Wm. Fewell, Marke Lun, Wm. Capp, Tho. Stone, "& 32 more." SAMUELL DAVIS, 950 acs. on the N. side of Carolina River, beg. at the mouth of a swamp, running N. by W. &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 97 (589). Trans, of 19 pers: Robt. Suite (?), Jno. Blete, Oliv. Williams, Tho. Soare, Eliz. Jones, Eliz. Smith, Eliz. Willmson (Williamson), Eliz. Kitchin, Wm. Turner, Jane Doughting, Geo. Oakely, Hen. Henre, Luke Lunn, Morg. Wms., Edw. Coll, Robt. Hughes, Tho. Holder, Ma. Carr. MR. THOMAS RELFE, 750 acs. on S.W. side of Paspetanke Riv., beg. at the mouth of a swamp & running by land of Thomas Keele &c. by Mr. Fortsons marked trees &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 97 (590). Trans, of 15 pers: Jno. Rouse, twice, Tho. Rouse, Steph. Harris, Jno. Shorebury, Kath. Dolbin, Percy Whitty, Ann Maine, Ann Joanes, Mary Bayly, Tho. Relfe, Wm. Blech, Mary Belson, Jos. Rogers, & his wife. MR. JOHN HARVEY, 600 acs. in a small creeke called Carrawtucks, falling into the river of Kecoughtanke, which river falls into Carolina River. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 97 (590). Trans, of 12 pers: James Harvy, Hump. Evans, Ann Wombwell, Jos. Poole, Seph. Farrell, Tho. Elmes, Tho. Poole, Wm. Basse, John Davis, Rich. Blunt, Sam. Jnkins (or Inkins), Art. Brown, Cha. Sawe ?. ROGER WILLIAMS, 350 acs. on N. side of Carolina River, 25 Sept. 1663, p. 97 (590). Trans, of 7 pers: Man. Rogers, Thos. Jones, Tho. Jeffries, John Rosse, Cha. Seward, Jno. Daniell, Jone Roper. WILLIAM JENNINGS (Jenings), 550 acs. in New begin Cr., beg. at the mouth of a great swamp, which parts this & land of Robert Lawry, running up the Cr. &c. to the mouth of a swamp which parts this & land of Phillip Evans &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 98 (591). Trans, of 11 pers: Samll. Henricke, Steph. Peirson, Samll. Moses, Tho. Peram, Tho. Richmond, Mich. Parram, Peter Janson, Sarah Marshall, Eliz. Jenuer, Peter Dennis. MR. JOHN HARVEY, 250 acs. on the River of Carolina, beg. by Roger Williams land, running down same to the miles end of sd. Williams &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 98 (591). Trans, of 5 pers: Vergis Smith, Steph. Johnsey, Geo. Moore, Jane Parnell, Tho. Poole. ROBERT LAWRY, 300 acs. in a bay at the mouth of New begin Creek, beg. at the mouth of a small swamp which parts this & land of Henry Palin, run- ning S.W. &c. up the said Cr. to a marked gum in the midst of the mouth of a great swamp which parts this & land of Mr. Jennings &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 98 (591). Trans, of 6 pers: Robt. Lawry, Jno. Maior, Rich. Woodart, Jude Wilson, Geo. Preston, Jno. Turfe. THOMAS WOODWARD, Senior, & THO. WOODWARD, Junr., his sonn, 2500 acs. on the N. side of Paspetanke River, beg. at the head of the eastermost br. of Aranews Cr. &c. towards the head of the North River. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 98 (592). Trans, of 50 pers: Eliz. Elaerton, Xpher. Davis, Richard Marr, Edw. Rycroft, Hen. Greene, Tho. Patman, Jno. Brathwite, Tho. Robinson, Morris, Hiliard, Tho. Oliver, Nich. Woford, Ja. Charlton, An. Bring, Wm. Lovet, Mary Spencer. Jno. Hol- lum. Rich. Wyatt, Mohan Hogan, Kat. Kadlin, Jno. Rich, Robt. Chambers, Tho. Hamton, Ma. Lenox, Row. Den- son, Rob. Shepard, Sil. Ward, Jno. Barker, Hum. Chapman, Tho. Beffin. Ja. 428 Cavaliers and Pioneers Murdah, Geo. Petit, Tho. Gilnett, Leo. Hathorne, Wm. Thomas, Rob. Walters, Jno. Simpson, Jno. Partridge, Tho. Car- ver, Jeff. Mumford, Mary Cross, Jno. Olton, Rich. Hamond, Rich. James, Mary Simons, Alex. Frizell, Wm. Hazlewood, Wm. Famill, Tho. Clement, Arspell Forstive, Dan. Fenny. ANTHONY STEPHENS, Gent., 400 acs. on the N. side of Rappa. River, opposite New Nimcoke, in the freshes thereof, &c. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 99 (592). Granted to Major Tho. Goodrich, 16 Mar. 1657, & assigned to sd. Stephens. THOMAS WARBURTON, 200 acs. James Citty Co., 1 Feb. 1664, p. 99 (593). On N. side of Poetan Swamp, beg. nere the Cart way from the Middle Plantation to James Citty in my Lady Lunsfords lyne, running along same into the Boyling Spring Swamp, &c. W. by S. to George Gilburts corner tree, thence N.W. to Richard Egglestons, thence N.W. by N. to the Cart way &c. Trans, of 4 pers.* PHILLIP EVANS, 300 acs. in New begin Creeke, beg. at the mouth of a swamp which parts this & land of Mr. Jenings &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 99 (593). Trans, of 6 pers: Richard Whitty, Henry Catchmaid, Dina Fames, Tony, Negro, Jno. Scott, Mary English. MRS. MARY FORTSON, 2000 acs. on W. side of Paspetanke River, beg. at the mouth of a swamp &o, N.E. by land of Thomas Keele &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 100 (594). Trans, of 20 pers: Wm. Welldon, Hen. Benns, Wm. Carne, Jno. Robinson, Ed. Hawley, Geo. Warter, Tho. Roberts, Amosse Damsy, Jno. Wright, Tho. Steward, Tho. Mountfort, Ben. Perey, Susan Johnson, Roger Stroake, Mary Adams, Robt. Melclaugh, Stephen Brewer, Edward Barrett, Mary Youn^, John Peeters, Tho. Starpe, Wm. Frizell. Tho. Marmaid, Thomas Hawley, Edward Moulson, Sarah Samwayes, Wm. Howard, Fra. Chalke, Tho. Baxton, twice, & his two wives, Tho. Harper, Jane Allen, No Brer (?), James Percy, Eliz. Steel, Abiather Flarrell, Mary Thurloe, & Eliz. Newcomb. THOMAS WOODWARD, Senr. & THOMAS WOODWARD, Junr., 2000 acs. on W. side pf Chawanoke Riv., beg. 50 poles below the small Creeke which is at the lower part of the old Indian Towne, running W.S.W. &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 100 (594). Trans, of 40 pers: Humph. Pawle, Tho. Pryer, Ann Sutten, Robt. Black, Arth. Holder, Jacob Browne, Symon Prichard, Ezekell Wil- liams, Wm. Miller, Wm. Holden, Robt. Corner (or Corver), John Stevenson, Anth. Wyn, John Hamlin, Xpher. Woodward, twice, Tho. Marshall, John Bird, Robt. Hancoke, Peter Dennis, twice, Eliz. Jemer (?), Sarah Marshall, Peter Janson, Ester Ruke, Mich. Talin, Tho. Richmond, Tho. Parin, Samll. Moses, Steph. Persian, & Samll. Henry. HENRY WHITE, Senr., 250 acs., on N. side of Carolina River, bounded on W. with John Harvies line, E. with Thomas Stamp & James Noakes, on N. with the woods & S. with the river. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 100 (595). Trans, of 5 pers: Ann Donkaster, Geo. Jenkin, Edward Barrett, Danll. Walker, Ann Jeakin (or Jenkin). HENRY WHITE, Junr., 750 acs. in a small creek called Corawtucks that falls into Kecoughtanke River, beg. to- ward the head of the same, running W. N. W. &c. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 101 (595). Trans. of 14 pers: Perry Greene, Eliz. Howson, John Brush (or Bruch), Richard Roods (or Reeds), Dan Walker, Edward Morgan, Rich. Staples, Ann Daser, Hester Morgan, Eliz. Emnes, (?), Edw. Parrett, Sarah Wadman, Danll. Walker, John Pine, James Rudder. MR. RICHARD BULLER, 1200 lie- ing in New begin Creeke, beg. at the mouth of Doctors Cr., running up the first mentioned Cr. &c, together with a small Island against the mouth of Doc- tors Cr. 25 Sept. 1663, p. 101 (595). Trans, of 24 pers: Math. Smith, Artick Slatter, Joane Risding, Richard Ward, John Carey, Hester Sarkett, Robt. Mason, James Cranedge, Thomas Home (or Heme), Robt. Marson, Henry War- ner, Thomas Turvor, John Mathews, Patent Book No. 4 429 John Pargetor, Sence Johnson, And. Armestrong, Dorothy Bankes, Tho. Rich, Edward Mosby, Tho. Read, Mary Memorish, Sarah Read, John Tapt, Wm. Sacum. THOMAS PAINE, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 101 (596). Up- on S. side of Rappa. Riv., & N.W. side of the present plantation of James Bag- nail, about 43 miles up the river, beg. upon the N.W. side of the Cr. dividing this & land of John Bagnall &c. Re- newal of patent dated 27 Jan. 1652. ROBERT KING, 250 acs.N'umber- land Co., 4 Feb. 1662, p. 102 (596). Bounded Ely. & Sly. by a br. of Wicco- comoco Riv., which devides this from the land of James Pope, running Nly. &c. to tree which cutteth Machoticke horse path at acute angles, ending at the head of a valley comeing up from branches of Moratico Cr. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Tho. Pryse, Fra. Osborne, John Young, John Debford, Timo. Rosse. MR. EDWARD SANDERS, 2900 acs. in the forrest between the Counties of Lancaster & N'umberland, 5 Mar. 1662, p. 102 (597). Beg. on a br. of Damarons Cr., at a cor. tree of 300 acs. pattented by John Hopper & sold to sd. Sanders, thence W. to the head of Cora- toman Riv. &c, Ewd. from Ma Choticke foot path &c. Trans, of 58 pers: Sam. Lunly, Fran. Weekes, Fran. Finch, John Freel, Wm. Carbill, Tho. Brookes, Abi- gail Sayer, Ann Elery, Margtt. Bassay, Francis Rosse, Mary Evans, Sumer. (?) Addams, Richard Harverd, Wm. Willis, Edward Peterson, Elizabeth Foy, Mary Hunt, Jno. Bennett, David Jones, Mary Crow, Peter Brookes, Rich. Foxon, Peter Storie, John Goodwin, Abraham Sanders, John Sanders, Edwd. Showdall, Tho. Arnall, Brown Hundrex (?), Simon Groves, Geo. Edmunds, Wm. Thomson, Henry Hunt, Edward Web, Edward Parslv, Hugh Taylor, Wm. Palmer, John Edger, Wm. Serch (?), Mathew a boy. MARGARETT & MARY WILLIAM- SON, 882 acs. Rappa. Co., 11 Mar. 1662, p. 102. (597). Between some of the head branches of Pepetick Cr. & head branches of Mr. Popes Cr., beg. nigh Rappa. path &c. to the head of land of Silvester Thatcher & Thomas Whitloke, thence N.W. &c. upon land of Tho. Wright &c. Granted to Wil- liam Underwood, Gent., 10 Sept. 1658 & given to the abovenamed by the last will of said Underwood. WILLIAM UNDERWOOD, sonn & heire of Coll. Wm. Underwood, 2561^4 acs. Rappa. Co., 11 Mar. 1662, p. 103 (598). Beg. on S. side of a small Cr. deviding this from land of Samuell Nicholls &c. to cor. tree of Roger Rich- ardson &c. to cor. tree of Capt. Wash- ington &c. to land of Mr. Nathan. Pope. 2784 granted Coll. Underwood 10 Sept. 1658, whereof 238 sold to Samuell Nicholls & 15^4 acs. now adjoined Due said William as sonn & heire of the abovesaid. THOMAS LUDWELL, Esqr., 961 acs., 1 furlong & 26 perches, being an irregular tract known by the name of Timber Slash, Henrico Co., 16 June 1663, p. 103 (599). Beg. at cor. tree between Mr. Cocke & Mr. Crewes, hard by a Cart path &c, E. by the 4 Mi. Cr. &c. W. up on land of Thomas Taylor, E. by land of Bryan Smith &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Phill. Ludwell, Wm. Broad- rib, Wm. Drakeford, Ann Drakford Wm. Hughlett, Robt. Jarrett, Rich. Crome, Rich. Talbot, 2 Negroes; Tho. Barton, James Duckett, Roger Heywood, Robt. Ward, John Venne, Dan. Cor- macke, Hugh Berry, Ralph Parkson, Seth Dobson. EDWARD REVELL, & JONAH JACKSON, 1000 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 104 (600). Beg. on S. side of Watcheprege, bounded on the E. by the Seaboard, N. by little Matom- kin Cr. & W. into the woods. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Elver, Henry Loyd, Tho. Smith, Nich. Walbroke, Thomas Griffin, Mary Thomas, Christian Morris, Jos. Johnson, Mary Harwood, Edwin Wal- singham, Mary Sewell, Ann Heath, Ja. Wellfleet, Tho. Lazingby, Edw. Griffith, Mary Williams, Wm. Morgan, Jeane Shelley, Margt. Powell, Joane Malford. 430 Cavaliers and Pioneers FENLAW MACKWILLIAM, 400 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Feby. 1663, p. 104 (600). At Hunting Cr., being a necke of land neere & the next necke unto John Lewis called Forke Necke in sd. Creek. Trans, of 8 pers: James Mullins, Lewis Herbert, Jno. Hartfort, Fra. Harwood, Jno. Smith, Tho. Mudge, James West, Jenkin Powell. JAMES ATKINSON, 500 acs. Acco- macke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 104 (600). At Hunting Cr., next above land of Wm. Browne, running Sly. toward Deepe Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Edw. Hepworth, Jane Mosely, Tho. Jenings, Ed. Rawlings, Wm. Eping, Anth. Wyatt, Jeffry Compton, Ann Morris, Mary Joanes, Ed. Conaway. JOHN SHARPE, 840 acs. Rappa. Co., 28 Nov. 1664, p. 104 (601). S. side of Rappa. Riv. about 2 mi. from the plantation of Mr. James Bagnall. 300 acs. granted to Mr. Rawleigh Travers, 9 Mar. 1653 & by him assigned unto sd. Sharpe; 540 acs. for trans, of 11 pers: Jno. Fookes, Anth. Webb. Tho. Mullen, Peter Foster, James Diap, Phil. Young, Mary Wilkinson, Jane Williams, Tho. Miles, Dorothy Ray, Martha Thornton. SILVESTER THATCHER, 1000 acs. N. side of Rappa. Riv., 18 Mar. 1660 p. 105 (601). Beg. at a little Cr. which devides sd. Thatcher & Wm. Yarratt, running N. along the river &c. to land of Thomas Whitlock &c. Re- newal of pattent dated 6 Oct. 1656. JOHN MILLS, 562 acs. Rappa. Co, 18 Nov. 1663, p. 105 (602). In Sittng- borne Parish, on S. side of Rappa. Riv., nere the head of Tignors Cr, beg. on a point of land on the lower side of the Mills floud gates &c. running nere a path that goeth from the said Mills house to the plantation of Jno. Gellett &c. 250 acs. granted to Andrew Gilson in a patent of 450 acs, dated 22 Nov. 1653 & sold to John Mills & 312 acs. for trans, of 7 pers.* GEORGE GILBERT & RICHARD SCRUDY, 1,000 acs. James City Co, 3 June 1663, p. 106 (602). On N. side of the Sw. of Chikahominy Riv, adj. land of sd. Scrudy & Mr. Charles Woodington, running N.N.E. to land of Capt. Richard Barnehouse, E.S.E. towards Westover, thence to land of Mr. Francis Barnhouse &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Batt, Tho. Crenson, Edw. Markham, Mary Wood, Hen. Dennis, Hen. Wood, Rich. Steed, Jno. Stroud, Wm. Crensher, Jno. Owin, Geo. Stanly, Wm. Carloe, Geo. Brigg, Kath. Jones, Wm. More, Mary Hart, Edw. Malin, Jno. Shaw, Wm. Tarp, Jno. Wood. MR. RICHARD WEBLEY, ROBT. DAVIS & THOMAS FRESHWATER, 7221 acs. in Rappa. & N'umberland Co, 24 Aug. 1664, p. 106 (603). Beg. up- on Eastermost br. of Totascay (Cr.) bounding upon land of Dennis Swell- fent & Henry Corbin, Esqr, Mr. Tingey & Mr. Jno. Hull. Trans, of 145 pers: Alex Puly, Francis Courtman, James Bayly, Cornelius Clifton, Sam. Dela- ware, Jonathan Culverton, Elnathan Bray, Thomas Jennings, Fritzwith Pars- ly, Ann Parsly, Robt. Culpepper, Rich- ard Welch, Elizabeth Dew, Samuell Huckett, Joseph Frith, Robt. Catfeild, Sivillius Orange, Samll. Sparke, Jno. Dubb, James Temple, Fran. Potts, Wm. Sabin (or Salin), Peter Cramp, Joseph Cranfeild, Xtopr. Holmes, Wm. Hunter, Jno. Swan, Rich. Foster, El- nathan Tart, Jo. Cogginton, Peter Palmer, Ma. Hopewell, Wm. Hartwell, Hen. Wms. (Williams), James Willis, Saml. Furton, Barnab. Wartrop, Elias Gurtfurd, Phillip Shotower, Tho. Parker, Rich. Dodford, Wm. Burton, Mary Painter, Jane Gouge, Sarah Smith, Eliz. Whitfeild, Susan Parrott, Rebecca Wotton, Dorothy Tortrutt, Mary Fristo, Prudence Bishop, Sarah Bishop, Alice Baker, Fran. Webb, Katharine Simpson, Henry Frith, Jno. Finch, Tho. West, Rich. Bateman, Peter Cottle, Jno. Cottle, Ralph Cottle, Marmaduke Waterford, Jno. Prince, Wm. Carpenter, Fran. Marsh, Martyn Jones, Jenken Powell, Harman Ruddock, Wm. Elder, Jno. Youngman Dennis Culpepper. Leo. Clemson, Stephen Wickes, Fardinando Dew, Robt. Hopkins, James Simproot, Tho. Hodkins, Hen. Mansfeild, Jno. Patent Book No. 4 431 Clifton, Peter Chinly, Edw. Smith, An. Borne, Thomas Brodhurst, Fran. Price, Rowland Walton, David Gressum, Jes- per Wright, Rich. Hampshire, Judeth Hampshire, Morrice Vaughan, Peter Bagshaw (or Bashaw), Rich. Lowdy, Jno. Goodtry, Robt. Stephens, Anth. Hudson, Saml. Meader, Peter Sca- broocke, James Tarpley, Martin Baxter, Wm. Thatcher, Sylvester Eales (or Eccles), Xtor. Colly, Luke Stoakes, Wm. Nicholls, Arthur Dawsey, Geo. Lane, Rich. Saffin, Jno. Turner, Miles Hobbs, Fran. Taslett, James Saunders, Peter Upton, Martin Hunt, Rich. Grandinson, Fran. Posnett, Mary Paine, Jane Goose, Charles Bryant, Sam. Pomphrett, Hannah Bacon, Susannah Martin, Constance Pullin, Frizyth Col- lins, Thomas Hope, John Downes, James Parker, Mary Parker, Francis Parker, Em. Puddyford, Jno. Prator (?), Robt. Tompson, Luke Manton, Saml. Jackman, Mary Sherlark, Jno. Griffin, Rich. Bullett, Jona. Colewright, Francis Palmer, Tymothy Forecaster, Jno. Bearin, Tho. Casse, Mary Cutfull, John Ellott, Silvester Cartbolde, Tymo- thy Overcott, Eliz. Salum, Jane Cullum, John Helson, Moses Buffolke, Rich. Howson, John Armestrong, Jo. Peterson, Tho. Gardworth, Symon Culberton (or Cubberton). JOHN JENNINGS, 300 acs., (being part of 600 acs. granted to Mr. Thomas Lucas), 11 Mar. 1662, p. 107 (603). N.E. from Pepetick Cr. &c. to land of Thomas Ervin, his being also a part of said 600 acs. Granted to Henry Berry, by order of Court, 3 June 1657 & by him sold to sd. Jennings. ROBERT DAVIS, 448 acs. Rappa. Co., 22 Sept. 1664, p. 107 (604). On S. side of Puscaticon Cr., adj. Easter- most tree of Francis Browne, marked trees deviding this & land of Thomas Harper, thence along land of Samuell Perry &c. Granted to Jno. Burrett (or Barrett), & James Fullerton, by them deserted & now granted unto said Davis. JOHN SMITH, of Rappa. Co., 473 acs. in Sittingborne Parish, in said Co., 19 Nov. 1663, p. 107 (604). On S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a branch deviding this & land of James Merriot, running S. by E. &c. by land of Mr. Andrew Gilson, thence N. &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Irish, Nich. Corman, Wm. Mackinny, Watkin James, Arthur Cox, Jane Crillig, Jno. Martin, Jno. Carter Michaell Flanders, Alice Fletcher. JOHN BARRROW, 943 acs. & 134 perches, 13 Nov. 1662, p. 108 (605). 643 acs. & 134 per. beg. on the W. side of a gutt & running on the N.W. side of Colemans thickett &c; 300 acs. being marsh land lying before & adj. said tract. The first mentioned tract granted to Walter Dickenson, 6 Sept. 1654 & sold to Alexander Fleming, who assigned to sd. Barrow; 600 acs. due for trans, of 6 pers: Edwd. Gooch, Mary Powell, Ann Wms., Tho. Carew, Jno. Martin, Edwd. Fouch. JOHN WEIR, Gent., of Rappa. Co., Sittingborne Parish, 1302 acs. & 32 per., in sd. Co., 26 June 1663, p. 108 (606). In the forrest (between) Rappa. & Potomack, beg. at cor. tree of land hee now lives upon & land of James Mathews, running E. by N. &c. to land of Mr. Robt. Tomlin, S. by W. &c. to land of Mr. George Taylour &c. Trans, of 26 pers.* THOMAS RASON, 518 acs. & 4 per., Rappa. Co., on S. side of sd. Riv., 18 Nov. 1663, p. 109 (606). On the head of Tignors Cr., beg. at John Mills nere floud gates &c. 200 acs. granted to Andrew Gilson, being part of a pattent dated 22 Nov. 1653; 318 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Tno. Smith, Tho. Smith, Richd. Dorefeild, Elia. Smith, Eliz. Smith, Henry Horton, Tho. Stone. WILLIAM MOSELEY (Mosely— Moselye), 1157 acs. on S. side of Rap- pa. Riv. in Sittingborne Parish, 18 Nov. 1663, p. 109 (607). Beg. at a poynt between two creeks by the W. Cr. &c, together with 150 acs. of marsh on both sides the Cr. that runneth to sd. Moselyes house from the miles end of land granted to Epaphroditus Lawson Sec. Trans, of 27 pers: Jno. Richards, James Cooper, Wm. Lee, Jno. Andrews, 432 Cavaliers and Pioneers Joseph Doemy, Wm. Cross, James Read, Geo. Humphries, Richard Granger, Wm. Hickes, Tho. Powell, Dorothy Wms., Ralph Hunt, Alex. Dale, Mary Searle, Humphry Gibbons, James Sanders, Roger Dale, Thomas King, Wm. Gadd, Tho. Strang, Humphry Gressam, James Arnold. MR. JOHN BEAUCHAMP, 65 acs. Henrico Co., 9 Mar. 1664, p. 110 (607). N. side of James Riv., bet. land of Thomas Markham & land formerly belonging to Edward Ballhash, E. on land of Mr. Cocke & S. on his own land. The following names appear un- der this record: Anthony Bridgman, Wm. Tomkins. JOHN PAINE, 406 acs. N'umberland Co., 1 June 1664, p. 110 (608). Beg. on the head of a small Cr. of Machotick Riv., bounding on E. with land of Coll. Lee, Esqr., S.S.W. &c. to land of Wal- ter English. 300 acs. purchased of James Hawley & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Young, Jno. Forby. HENRY CORBIN (Corbyn), Esqr., 3000 acs. in Potomack freshes, between the two main branches, towards Home Island, 27 Nov. 1663, p. 110 (608). Granted said Corbin & Gerrard Fowke, 15 Mar. 1658; Fowke relinquished his tytle & now due by order &c. & for trans, of 60 pers.* EDWARD BOSEWELL, (Boswell), 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 10 Dec. 1663, p. Ill (609). S. side of Rappa. Riv. & S. side of Burnham Cr. or Sunderland Cr., lying at the head of his own land, W. by N. upon land of Evan Davis & Dennis Conier, S. & E. Sly. upon his own land. Granted to John Phipps, 22 Sept. 1652 (or) 1662, & assigned to the abovenamed. Note: This with the pattent underneath joyned in one, 29 July 1666. SAME. 200 acs., same location & pages; 2 Dec. 1663. Granted to Bertram Obert, 2 Oct. 1649 & assigned to sd. Boswell. HENRY CORBIN (Corbyn), Esqr., 900 acs., 26 Mar. 1664, p. Ill (610). Beg. on Ewd. side of Machoatick Cr., along Potomack Riv. to W. side of Jarnews Cr. &c. Granted to Nicholas Jarnew, 18 Nov. 1650, by him assigned 6 now due for trans, of 18 pers: Wm. Gantlet, Jno. Young, Mary Farmer, Tho. Jones, Wm. Hardish, Fra. Parker, Tho. Tanco (?), Jacob Cotteen, Em. Frisby, Nath. Frisby, Rich. Baldin, Rich. Partner, Jacob Leech, Geo. White, Richard Martin, Tho. Wilkinson, Mary Fuell, Simon Sanders. GEORG MARISH, 420 acs. Rappa. Co., S. side of Rappa. Riv., 19 Aug. 1664, p. 112 (610). Backing land of Coll. Richard Lee & Anthony Jackman &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Rachaell Collins, Jno. Connagen, Ed. Overy, Do. Plum- mer, Hen. Pulman, Wm. Potter, Arthur Symons, Jno. Vaughan, George Price. WILLIAM CARDWELL (Cordwell), 330 acs. Stafford Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 112. (611). N.E. with land of Col. Gerrard Fowke & Mr. Richard Heaberd, S.E. with the Doegs Cr. &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Cordwell, Senr., Margarett Cordwell, Wm. Cardwell, Junr., Grace Cardwell, Henry Saynes, Jno. Ozzett, Jno. Twiggs. GEORGE WEADING (Wading), 600 acs. W'moreland Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 113, (611). Running S. W. to land of Wm. Courts, E. by S. &c. to Francis Grays line &c. to E. side of upper Machoatick Riv. &c. Trans, of 12 pers: John Watts, John Carpenter, John Hayle, Joane Charles, Tho. Floyd, Joane Powell, Sibill Press, Mary Smith, John Green, John Daby, Tho. Biggs, Martin Fisher. THOMAS BUTLER (Buttler), 391 acs. W'moreland Co., on S. side of Ap- pomattock Cr., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 113, (612). N.E. upon land of Mr. Thomas & James Boldridge, S.E. upon land of Daniell Kisson, & N.W. to land "some- tyme" in possession of Mr. Johnson & the land of Mr. Alex. Benum. 175 acs. by a former patent & 216 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Cymber, Jno. Vincent, Tymothy Benett, Mary Blackman, Daniell Atway. Patent Book No. 4 433 ROBERT BAYLY, 250 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side of sd. Riv., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 113, (612). Beg. upon Rich- ards Cr. which devides this & land of Luke Bullington &c. to John Edgcoms line &c. to Mr. Booths land &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Sarah Gunny, Jno. Smith, Rich. Reekes, Henry Michaell, Jno. Willis. COLL. ROBERT PITT & MR. WILLIAM BURGH, 1200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 18 Feb. 1664, p. 114, (613). On one of the br. of the Black Water, beg. at the mouth of a small valley &c. Trans, of 24 pers: Henry Cray, & his wife, Jno. & Richard, his children, George Edwards, Jno. Carrell, Eliz. his wife, Richard Carrell, Jno. Carrell, Mary Carrell, Mary Solitree, Richard Wood, Wm. Bullock, Ema. Merchant, Abrose Boseman, John Watts, Roger Tarlton, Tho. Aladry, Jeremy Edmonds, Henry Course, Wm. Poope, twice, & his wife, Edw. Tanner. SAME. 1800 acs. Same location & pages; 28 Feb. 1664. 1200 acs. due by above noted patent & 600 acs. for trans. of 12 pers: Barnsby Witwell, John Williams, Robt. Weir, Rich. Finch, Henry Clerke, Wm. Ford, Jno. Bond, Wm. Willard, Rich. Home, John Clarke, Rob. Floyd, Jno. Powell, Paul Bayly, Wm. Phillips, Henry Jones, James Haines, Math. Culland, Francis Sib- throp, Thomas Hall, Robt. Lewis, Tho- mas Forerast, Tho. Clerke, Joane Jayes, Georg Wastell. COLL. ROBERT PITT, CAPT. JOSEPH BRIDGER & MR. WILLIAM BURGH, 3000 acs. Isle of Wight Co., upon br. of the Blackwater, 21 Mar. 1664, p. 115, (614). 1200 & 600 acres granted sd. Pitt & Burgh by two former patents (above) & 1200 acs. due for trans, of 24 pers: Thomas Forrast, Joyce Jayes, Robt. Hewitt, Jane Poult- ney, Mathew Culmer, Richard Westray, Thomas Clerke, Wm. Phillips, Henry Jones, Sarah Paine, Wm. Thomas, Mary Clerke, Barneby Whitwell, Jno. Wil- liams, Robt. Wyatt, Richard Finch, Henry Clerke, Wm. Ford, John Bond, Wm. Milliard, Richard Home, John Clerke, Robt. Floyd, John Powell. JAMES SAMFORD, 400 acs. Rappa. Co., on S.E. side of Totoskey Cr., 18 Mar. 1663/4, p. 115, (615). Opposite land of Thomas Robinson, running S. by E. &c. to the folly land, unto an Indian feild, towards a br. of Richards Cr. &c, opposite the now plantation of Geo. Haselock. Trans, of 8 pers: Mary Broder, Francis Scott, Jno. Multis, A Malaton (?), James Felton, Geo (a) Scotchman, Symon Richardson, Mary Hamon. MILES REILY, 200 acs. Rappa. Co., on W. side of the N. br. of Totaskey Cr., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 116, (615). Adj. land of Robert Sisson, running N.N.E. &c. to to land of Tho. Robinson, thence S.W. &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Fletcher, Ed. Cannon, Edw. Birke, Wm. Ockford. THOMAS KIDD, 194 acs. Lancaster Co., 7 Apr. 1664, p. 116, (616). At the head of Burnhams alias Sunderland Cr., upon a br. of Peanketanke Sw. called White oake br., beg. on Matta- pony upper path, running N.E. &c. to land of Robt. Chowning & Tho. Patti- son, thence S. &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Bennett, Robt. Hooper, Robt. Sansnery, Samll. Peachy. EDWARD HARRIS, 730 acs. New Kent Co., 19 Dec. 1664, p. 117, (616). On S.W. side of Yorke Riv. By land of George Smith, by tankes Pasbehaies to Cattaile Sw. & adj. Edmonds land. Granted to Charles Edmonds, 29 June 1657, by him deserted & granted by order of court &c, 30 Sept. 1663 & due for trans, of 15 pers.* WILLIAM BROCH, 420 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 25 Feb. 1664, p. 117, (617). 320 acs. upon the great fresh pond &c, and 100 acs. being the S. part of an Hand, butting N. upon Owen Hayes & bounded round with the ponds. Trans, of 9 pers: Dennis Cragh, John Ber- wick, John Keene, Owen Kene, Darby Kenland, John Codall, Wm. Edwards, Denis Denby (or Denly), Edmond Power. SAME. 100 acs., same Co., date & page (618). Trans, of 2 pers: Denis Macragh, Alice Morton. 434 Cavaliers and Pioneers MR. WILLIAM BASNETT, 510 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 10 Sept. 1664, p. 118 (618). Upon the N. br. of Curratuck, known by the name of Colchester, run- ning up the same W., over a small gutt, including a neck of land called George Indian quarter, N. along the Cr. to a gr. White marsh, thence E. including a small neck divding this from land of Richard Selby. Trans, of 11 pers: Robert, Powes, Sr., Robert Powes, Jr., Mary Budman, Richard Hopham, Wm. Jeremie, John Wartan, Martha Fennell, Penelope Burk, Wm. Basnetts wife, James Miller, Will. Griffin. JOHN PORE, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 25 Feb. 1664, p. 118, (619). To the Swd. of Roede, beg. at the side of a white marsh, N.E. upon land of Owen Hayes, S.W. to the Cypress Sw. &c. along marked trees seperating this from land of Wm. Broch. Trans, of 8 pers: Alice Morton, Alice Yong, Gilbert Lewes, Mary Shoot, Jane Maxwell, Will Mercer, Elizabeth Blake, Isabell Peake. OWEN HAYES, 500 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 25 Feb. 1664, p. 118, (619). To the Swd. of Roede, comonly called Batts quarter &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Joseph Milboe, James Boy, Rich. Wright, and one Zambo, John Hewes, George Ben- ton, Will. Ruffell, Jane Greenfeild, Jone Addison, Mary Holyday. MR. JOHN CUSTIS, 400 acs. Acco- mack Co., 1 Oct. 1664, p. 119, (620). At the bay side, on S. side of Bolemans Br. &c, a cor. tree dividing this & land of Jno. Trotman &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Mary Knight, Jno. Norgood, Jane (a) Negro, Jno. Abram, Wm. Biggs, Tho. Somersett, Jno. Watts, Tho. Coleman. (Note: This name is also spelt "Curtis." COLL. PETER ASHTON, 2550 acs. Stafford Co., 27 Mar. 1665, p. 119, (620). Beg. on the W. side of a Sw. on the W. side of the Taylors feild, adj. land formerly in possession of the King of Potomack, E. to a br. of Potomack Riv., running S. to line deviding this & land of Mr. James Gaylor &c. to land of Mr. Robert Osborne, crossing Macho- tick dams &c. 550 acs. granted to Wm. Parry, 11 Nov. 1651, by him assigned unto Thomas Coniers & ordered to be pattented in his name, 'by order of the Quarter Ct., 8 June 1654, renewed in his name 8 June 1657 & by him sold to sd. Coll. Ashton & granted to him 13 Mar. 1657; 2000 acs. granted sd. Ashton 20 Aug. 1651, joyned into one pattern & renewed 26 Mar. 1661. LT. COLL. WILLIAM KENDALL, 600 acs. according to the ancient lawful! bounds, N'ampton Co., 11 Sept. 1663, p. 120, (621). Formerly belonging to Capt. Jno. How, dec'd., & lately found to escheat to his Majesty, as by an in- quisition recorded in the Secretaries office under the hands & seales of the Jury sworne before Lt. Coll. Jno. Strin- ger, Depty. Escheator for sd. county, dated 30 Sept. 1662 &c. MARY KENDALL, Daughter of Lt. Coll. Wm. Kendall, 300 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Sept. 1663, p. 120, (622). Bounded S. E. on the pattent land of Goulden Quarter, thence N.E. &c. Granted to sd. William Kendall, by him deserted & now granted by order of Court, dated herewith. Note: The fol- lowing names appear under this record: Henry Alexander, Wm. Millett, Robt. Stedman, Tho. Wilson, Mary Callaway, Susan Bennett. LT. COLL. WILLIAM KENDALL, 900 acs. between two branches of Cherristones Cr., N'ampton Co., 28 Sept. 1664, p. 120, (622). Bounded on N. by the Otterdam br. which is by some called Newports Cr., & part of Dolbyes br., which branches part this from land of Mr. Jno. How, W. up Cherristones Cr. & part by Troublesome br., parting this from land of Mrs. Powell & Mr. Jno. Robins, E. &c. to a Dyall sett up at the horse path &c. to the Swd. of the Negroes br. 500 acs. purchased of Thomas Taylour, heire to Capt. Phillip Taylour; 300 acs. pur- chased of Edw. Dolbey, heire to Mr, Edward Drue & 100 acs. purchased of Mr. John Robins. SAME. 300 acs. in same Co. 1 Sept. 1664, p. 121, (623). At the head of Cherristones Cr., W. on his Patent Book No. 4 435 own & land of Francis Pettit, N. on land of John Savidge, E. on Capt. Phillip Taylour, deed., & S. on lands of Major Wm. Andrews & former pattern of Coll. Obed. Robins, dated 20 Mar. 1643. Granted to sd. Andrews, 15 Oct. 1660, by him deserted & upon petiton of sd. Kendall granted to him by order &c. & due for trans, of 6 pers: John Abraham, Tanaka Bastiam, Peter Franke, Wm. Middleton, James Cuningham, Robert Raddocke. WILLIAM STROUDER, Cooper, of Nomany, 500 acs. W'moreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 121, (623). On Swd. side of Herring Cr., by some called Nomeny Riv., beg. at the mouth, run- ning Wly. along a br. by the old pattent called Nomany River &c, where Mr. Wm. Peirce his land begins &c. to an Indian feild, deviding this from land of sd. Peirce &c, being opposite Mrs. Youell her plantation. Renewal of patent dated 27 Apr. 1658. JOHN CANNIDA, 200 acs. on S. side of Totoskey Cr., Rappa. Co., 18 Mar. 1663/4, p. 121, (624). Adj. land of James Samford, opposite the new plantation of George Haselocke &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Golding, Ed. Reeves, Ann Blandon, Wm. Griffin. WILLIAM MELLING, Gent., 450 acs. N'ampton Co., 30 May 1663, p. 122, (624). Adj. two devidents granted to him, one dated 20 June 1636 lying on the head of the old Plantation Cr.; the other, dated 4 July 1653, on the head of Kings Cr., running Ely. with a small Slippett between sd. devdts. to the heads, thence Sly. to the head of the old plantation devdt. to the land late Thomas Strattons, Nly. &c. to land of Coll. Obedience Robbins &c. Trans. of 9 pers: Fran. Lewis (?), Phill. Watkins, Wm. Starling, Timothy Tral- lop, Alex. Wignall, Tho. Wignall, Wm. Smart, Roger Barron, Eliza, a Negro. JOHN PRITTIMAN, 200 acs. Acco- mack Co., 4 Sept. 1664, p. 122, (625). Being a neck of land nere the Seaboard side, bounded on W. by a br. parting this from land of Major John Tilney, on the S. by another br. parting this from land of Thomas Bacon &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Edward Kinastone, Joan Shaw, George Weld, Thomas Rock. WILLIAM TAYLOUR, 600 acs. Accomack Co., 12 Sept. 1664, p. 122, (625). Bounded on the E. with the Seaboard, N. by land of Coll. John Stringer, on the S. & W. by Corratta- women Cr. & br. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Weally, Jno. Wichkam, Phill, Harcourt, Walter Cane (or Cance), John Lamb, John White, Fran. Mack- worth, Edw. Faulkner, Frederick Thinn, Wm. Owen, Rich. Otley, Mary Scriven. MR. DAVID FOX, 800 acs. Rappa. Co., 44 mi. up the S. side of sd. river, 20 Mar. 1662, p. 123, (626). Bounded on S.E. with land of Mr. Soanes & on N.W. with Piscaticon Cr. Granted to sd. Fox 7 June, 1656, by him sold to John Richards (since dee'd.) & by Francis Overton & Mary, his wife, Exix. of sd. Richards, reassigned to sd. Fox. MR. JOHN APPLETON, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. & about 14 mi. above Nanzemon towne, 2 June 1664, p. 123, (626). Beg. at a Cr. divding this & land of Mr. John Batts & John Phillips &c. Granted to John Sharpe, 14 June 1655, but never seated & by him deserted; granted sd. Appleton by order &c, dated 29 Mar. 1664. Note: The fol- lowing names appear under this record: Richard West, Eliz. Wright, Ed. Per- kenson, Geo. Peirce, Mathew White, Margett Would, Eliz. Paine, Rich. Hanson. MR. ROBERT JONES, 400 acs. N. side of Lancaster Co., 8 June 1664, p. 123, (627). Bounding on land of Wm. Ironmonger, Tho. Chettwood & Wm. Thatcher. Trans, of 8 pers: Tho. Richman, Jeffry Chapman, Jane Thomas, Jane Bateman, James Mathewes, Robt. Jones, Wm. Lett, Jno. Smith. WILLIAM THATCHER & WIL- LIAM HUTCHESON, 500 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 4 Mar. 1662, p. 123, (627). 436 Cavaliers and Pioneers Upon Coratoman, beg. upon Eastermost side of a small Cr., S. by E. upon land of John Cusney & Tho. Stead &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. More, Jno. Ladmore, Wm. West, Tho. Carr, Fran. Clerke, Lawrence Batman, Henry Hudsoll, Wm. Batts, Rich. Lee, Mary White. HUGH BRENT, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., on Hadawaies Cr. & Corotoman Cr. in Fleets bay, 6 May 1664, p. 124, (627). Said land formerly joyned to a patent of 400 acs. in the names of sd. Brent & Eppha. Bonison, dated 10 Mar. 1662, & this 200 acs. being his part of sd. pattent. Marginal Note: This pattent with the other two underneath all passed in one, 29 June 1666. SAME. 100 acs. in same location. 10 July 1663, p. 124, (628). Trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Lumpton, Thomas Brom- stead. HUGH BRENT & TOBY HORTON, 200 acs., same location, 6 May 1664, p. 124, (628). Part of pattent granted sd. Brent & Eppha. Bonison & by the latter assigned to sd. Brent & sd. Horton, 8 Sept. 1662. JOHN WELLS, 200 acs. N. side of Lancaster Co., 18 July 1662, p. 125, (629). 100 acs. due for trans, of 2 pers.* and 100 acs. granted to Jno. Phillips, 23 July 1653 & by him as- signed to sd. Phillips. WILLIAM COOKE, TOHN POT- TER. FDWARD KING & SAMUELL GOUGH, 450 acs. on Eastermost br. of Corrotoman Riv., Lancaster Co., 12 Dec. 1663, p. 125, (629). Bounded upon land of Thomas Chetwood. Granted to Coll. John Carter, Esar., 25 Sept. 1661, by him assigned to Thomas Marshall 14 May 1662, who assigned one moiety to sd. Cooke & Potter; the other half assigned to Wm. Hutchins, who assigned to sd. King & Gooch. ( TOHN CHINN, 100 acs. Lancaster Co., 24 Aug. 1664, p. 125, (630). Upon Morrattico Cr., adj. his own & land of Henry Davis. Trans, of 2 pers: James Potter, Thomas Coate. WILLIAM THOMAS, 100 acs. Lan- caster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 11 Feb .1663, p. 126, (630). Beg. on the head of Powells Cr. Renewal of pattent dated 13 July 1653. (Marginal note gives this name as Wm. Thomas, Junior). WILLIAM THOMAS, Senior, 150 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., Lancaster Co., 10 July 1663, p. 126, (631). On the head of Powells Cr. Trans, of 3 pers: Kath. Jones, Jno. Brunstell, Ann Hyne. JOHN RAYNEY, 171 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 16 Dec. 1663, p. 126, (631). Beg. at the head of land of Rawleigh Travers, extending from W. side of a Cr. deviding this & land of Tho. Powell, running E. by N. &c. Said land granted to Alexander Portus & Tho. Williams, 20 Nov. 1654; sd. Williams assigned his interest to sd. Portus, who assigned same to Ben. Whiscomb & Joseph Allen, by whom it was assigned to sd. Rayney. JOHN CABLE, 250 acs. Lancaster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv. & on the side of Coxes Cr., 20 June 1664, p. 127, (631). Beg. at upper side of 150 acs. surveyed for Daniell Batts, running by the side of a Cr., deviding this & land of Ralph Payne, S. S. W. &c. Re- newal of his pattent dated 9 Oct. 1653. THOMAS HARRIS, 600 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 127, (632). Bounding N. E. upon a br. of Coroto- man River & upon land of one Hawkes, S.E. upon land of Wm. Thatcher &c. Granted to Gervase Dodson 4 June 1655 & by him sold to sd. Harris. TOHN PHILLIPS, 250 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 127, (632). Beg. at the N.N.W. side of a pond of water deviding this & land of Mr. George Eaton, N.N.W. along the river &c. Renewal of his pattent dated 2 Mar. 1652. RICHARD HACKER, 200 acs. Lan- caster Co., 15 Dec. 1663, p. 127, (633). On the W.N.W. side of a br. deviding Patent Book No. 4 437 this & Blands Cr. & Pyancketanck Riv. deviding this & other land of sd. Hacke, assigned by Thomas Browne, & N.N.E. into the woods. Renewal of pattern dated 26 Feb. 1653. HUGH BRENT, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 128, (633). In Fleets bay, S. upon Haddawayes Cr., W. upon sd. Cr., including three Indian Cabbins. Granted Capt. Henry Fleet, 1 Aug. 1652, assigned unto John Sharpe, who sold to sd. Brent. CHARLES HILL, 590 acs. Lancaster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 26 Jan. 1663, p. 128, (624). 450 acs. bounded on the N.N.W. side with land of Wm. Tidner, on the E.N.E. with Thomas Dale & S.S.E. with a br. of Bonners Cr; 140 acs. with a br. of Bonners Cr. &c. Renewal of his pattent dated 6 Mar. 1655. TOBIAS HORTON, 600 acs. Cum- berland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 128, (634). Upon the N. part of Fleets bay, about half a mile up Haddawayes Cr. Granted to Thomas Humphries, 1 Sept. 1654 & assigned to sd. Horton. JOHN TAYLOR (Taylour), 100 acs. Lancaster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 129, (634). E. upon a Cr. of Fleets bay, S. towards his own plantation &c. Renewal of pattent dated 17 Nov. 1652. SAME. 400 acs., same Co., date & page, (635). N. side of Rappa. Riv. upon the head of Fleets neck Renewal of pattent dated 29 Nov. 1652. SAME. 450 acs., same Co. & date. Page 129, (635). S.W. upon a main Cr. of Fleets bay & N.W. upon the path between Wiccocomico & Corroto- man. Renewal of his pattent dated 17 Nov. 1652. WILLIAM IRONMONGER, 700 acs. Lancaster Co., 12 Dec. 1663, p. 129, (635). Upon the head of the Easter- most br. of Corrotoman Riv., N.E. by N. to a path nere the mouth of a swamp, which is knowne by the name of Morratico & Wiccomcomico Path &c. Granted to Thomas Graves, 20 Mar. 1661, made over to John Edwards by bill of sale dated 14 May 1662, who assigned to sd. Ironmonger. MR. JOHN APPLETON, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 15 May 1661, p. 130, (636). On the N. side of the great Swamp lying Wly. from land of John Heyward & E. to- wards the Bay of Clifts. Granted to Miles Dixon, Gent., 8 Dec. 1656 & now relapsed for want of seating; granted sd. Appleton by order &c. due for trans. of 20 pers.* TOBIAS HORTON, 1200 acs. Lan- caster Co., 16 June 1662, p. 130, (635). (By Francis Moryson.) Between Tabb Cr. & Nanty poyson Cr., issuing out of Fleets bay &c. Trans, of 24 pers: Richard Tanner, Jno. Coller, 2 Negroes; Hen. Parker, John (a) Frenchman, Hen. Tailor, Jacob Tonie, Jno. Ayres, John Cartar, Jno. Gidin, Tho. Reynolds, Joseph Baker, John King, Tho. Stephens, Hen. Reynolds, Jno. Coane, Jno. Bolton, Jno. Pricket; & 7 Rights being for a relinquished pattent dated 5 Feb. 1663. WILLIAM MICHAELL, 50 acs. Lan- caster Co., on the N.W. side of Corro- toman Riv., 18 July 1663, p. 131, (637). Beg. upon N.E. side of land formerly in the occupation of Nicholas George. Trans, of: Jno. Stone. JOSEPH SMITH & HUMPHRY JONES, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 16 Feb. 1663, p. 131, (637). Beg. upon a br. of Powells Cr., running Ely. &c. to land of Robt. Kemp, thence due S.S.W. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Wise, Ann Hart, Wm. Broughton, Stephen Goodlad & 2 Negroes. EPPY. BONISON (Bonyson), 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 17 Aug. 1664, p. 131, (638). On S.W. side of a maine Cr. of Fleets bay, dividing this from land of Toby Horton & John Taylour, S. upon a small br. of sd. crrek next to land seated by Thomas Salisbury, but now Capt. Fleets people are there, thence S.W. &c. Renewal of former pattent, by order &c. 438 Cavaliers and Pioneers OLIVER SEGAR (Seger) & FRAN- CIS BROWNE, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 131, (638). Beg. by the river side, running W.S.W. &c. to land of John Moore, by the maine river to Sandy poynt Cr. &c. Renewal of pattern dated 31 Jan. 1653. ROWLAND LAWSON, 1000 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 132, (639). Beg. on the E. side of Cherry poynt Cr., N.N.E. &c. to S. side of a br. of a Cr. issuing into the bay behind Capt. Fleets land, thence S.E. by E. &c. to land of Bonyson &c. Being part of pattern of 1300 acs., the rest being cut off by pattern of sd. Bony- son, first granted to Rice Jones. Trans, of 20 pers.* DANIEL WELCH, 600 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 15 Dec. 1663, p. 132, (639). S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. upon the head of Parretts Cr., S.S.E. along land of Mr. David Fox to another Cr. op- posite & dividing this & land of Rich- ard Lewis, thence W. by S. &c. Renewal of pattern dated 9 Aug. 1652. JOHN BEAUFORD & FRANCIS BROUGHTON, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 17 Mar. 1663/4, p. 133, (640). On S. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of Rich- ard Lewis. Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Linton, Jane Flod, Robt. Foard, Robt. Napes, Mary Coleman, Jonathan Marrow. ROBERT GRIGGS, 250 acs. in Win- ter Harbour, beg. on the bay side, run- ning W. up the Cr. &c. to marked trees dividing this & his own land &c. to land of Charles Sallace (or Sallard), thence S.E. &c. Granted to Walter Prichard, 1 June 1654 & assigned to sd. Griggs. JOHN SIMPSON, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 28 July 1662, p. 133, (641). On S.S.E. side of Moratticon Cr. &c, W. S.S. upon land of Lambert Lamberton & Richard Hatton. Renewal of pattern dated 6 Oct. 1656. WILLIAM SMART, 450 acs. in Winter Harbour, 20 Nov. 1661, p. 133, (641). Beg. at John Smiths land. Granted to Thomas Todd, 27 Oct. 1652 & by him assigned to sd. Smart. MR. RICE JONES, 700 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of sd. River, 19 Sept. 1664, p. 134, (641). Beg. on N. side of a great swamp running into Peancke- tanck Riv., thence N.Ely. &c. 520 acs. due in tenure with Mr. Anthony Jack- man by pattern dated 17 May 1658 & renewed 13 Jan. 1661, & now by con- sent equally divided. The residue for trans, of 4 pers: Nich. Cartwell, Fra. Webbs, Jeremiah Griffith, Jacob (a) Negro. WILLIAM PRISE,, 356 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Co., 6 May 1664, p. 134, (642). Adj. land of Mr. Jones, Jack- man & Mr. Marish. Trans, of 7 pers: Grace Hill, Geo. Cladwite (?), Joane Est, Garrett Chresty, (or Cheesly), Wm. Gilbert, Nich. Sherly, Jno. Normington. MR. JOHN APPLETON, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., 3 Oct. 1664, p. 135, (642). On N. side of Peancketanck Riv., below the Horse poynt nere a small branch &c. to line parting this & land of Capt. Brocas' Timber necke, thence S.W. &c. to land of John Jack- son &c. 528 acs. purchased of Mr. Cut- bert Potter, who purchased of Dennis Coniers; & 472 acres for trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Read, Rich. Appleby, Wm. Blackford, Rich. Collins, James Tomp- son, Henry Piatt, Stephen Canon (or Canow), Rich. Pert, Isa. Howell, Margt. Davis. GEORG VEZEY & NATHANIELL BROWNE, 300 acs. upon N. side of Lancaster Co., 10 July 1663, p. 135, (643). From Wiccocomico path E. & by N. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Harris, Susan Harris, Mary Browne, Wm. Jones, Thomas Jones, Anthony Tinch. Patent Book No 5 By Sir William Berkeley THOMAS PINCKEMAN, 125 acs. Yorke Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 135, (l). 80 acs. on E. side of a swamp dividing this & land of Wm. Graves, N.W. to Skimino upon land of Wm. Gantlett, S.E. upon land of Stephen Taylor, deed., now in possession of Wm. Harwood & sd. Pinckeman; 45 acs. upon S. side of Yorke Riv. upon Skimino Cr., running &c. opposite Mr. Dipnells Landing. 80 acs. by patent dated 24 July, 1654 & 45 acs. for trans, of 1 per.* MR. NICHOLAS & MURICE (Maurice) COCKE, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 25 Aug. 1663, p. 136, (l). 300 acs. on S. side Rappa. Riv. bounded S. E. with Sandy Poynt Cr. & 300 acs. on S. side sd. Riv., bounding on 500 acs. granted to Randolph Camlett, now in possession of Jno. Jadwin. 300 acs. granted to Francis Browne 1 June 1652 & sold to sd. Nicholas & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Peche, Jno. Ran- dall, Jane Allan, Ann Swillevant, Tho- mas Cicell (?), Thomas Colcott. WM. WROUGHTON, 440 acs. Lan- caster Co., 2 Mar. 1662, p. 136, (2). 390 acs. as follows: Quiacomico neck containing 150 acs. at the mouth of Corrotoman Riv., from Grimes poynt spring branch or cove &c. to a branch coming out of Island Neck Cr. &c. 240 acs. upon W. side of sd. Riv., N. upon land of David Fox, E. upon land formerly in possession of Edward Grimes & S.S.W. upon a creek dividing this & land of Thomas Harwood; 50 acs. Ely. upon sd. Riv., Sly upon sd. cove or branch called Spring branch, N.N.E. upon a seate of 80 acs. granted to Edward Grimes, dee'd. & N.Wly. upon the other two tracts. 390 acs. granted to sd. Grimes 15 June 1657 & afterwards left the sd. Wroughton by will & 50 acs. granted to Thomas Rootes 15 June 1655 & by him sold to sd. Wroughton. MR. ROBERT GRIGGS, 640 acs. on N. side of Lancaster Co., 24 Mar. 1664, p. 137, (3). Beg. at a branch issuing out of Col. Carter's Cr. &c. Trans, of 13 pers: Richard Dace (?), Susan Drury, Daniell Monroe, Mat. Borroughs, Daniell Long, Thomas Martin, Thomas Taylor, Thomas Delahay, Richard Hues, Xtopher Lucas, Jane Lucas, Rich. Stock- dale, A Negro. MR. JOHN SEWARD, 1500 acs. named New Hemington, Is. of Wight Co., 1 Apr. 1665, p. 137, (3). Upon br. of the lower bay called Sewards Cr., adj. land of Wm. Yarrett, running to head of Goose Hill Cr. 1300 acs. granted to (John) Seward, dee'd., his father, 1 Apr. 1641 & 200 acs. be- ing found upon new survey within sd. bounds. Trans, of 4 pers: William Brotts, John Gamball, Robert Martin, William Thatcher. MR. THOMAS GAGECOMB, 150 A. 6 pers., Henrico Co., 30 Jan. 1664, p. 138, (4). Beg. at the river side by an oven at the hundred poynt, running W. into the woods 320 po. to the Court Swamp, S.S.E. along same 40 po., S.E. E. 112 po. to Church Yard, then S.S.E. 38 po. to Paces Swamp, S. by E. along same to Riv. 76 po., N. E. from sd. swamp to Paces poynt along Riv. 50 po., N. by E. from sd. poynt 10 po., N.N.E. 58 po., then N.E. N. 88 po. to beg. Part of patent dated 24 July 1645 granted to Michael Martin, who assigned to William Edes "wch Edes dyeing fell to his Daughter Martha Edes" who sold to Major William Harris, who sold to sd. Gagecomb 5 Mar. 1663. 440 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN PHIPPS, 600 acs. on S. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., 15 June 1665, p. 138, (4). Beg. at S.E. limit of land of Clement Herbert, cross- ing Puamunaremo (?) Cr. Granted to Henry Berry, by him deserted & now- granted by Genl. Ct. 28 Nov. 1663 & further due for trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Rosse (or Roffe), Jno. Jobson, Fenet Williams, Francis Newman, Jno. Hey- ward, Jno. Henrick, Robt. Stone, Mary Stone, Jno. Barnett (or Burnett), Samll. Emmett, Susan Hunt, Ann Plaistor. JOHN PROSSIER, 260 acs. New Kent Co., 21 Feb. 1663, p. 139, (5) Upon Tomacorecon & Powakei Swamps beg. by an Indian feild &c, joyning up on land formerly William Goffs. Trans of 5 pers: Wm. Mosse, Wm. Falim Jno. Scott, Mary Scott, Tho. Cruze, Wm Bead, Tho. Morris, Fra. Carpenter. JOHN ALFORD, 40 acs. Warwicke Co.. 5 Apr. 1664, p. 139, (5). Beg. at E. bounds of land of Tho. Hayles &c. to N. side of the horse path & adj. land of John Williams, Sr. Trans, of Ann Parry. THOMAS LIGGON, 800 acs. at Powells Cr., next to land of Thomas Jones, W.S.W. towards Sisemores & S.S.E. upon the Riv. 5 Apr. 1664, p. 139, (6). Trans, of: Capt. Upton, Wm. Prowting, Phugh Turke, Joseph Birk- head, Jno. Plinton, Thomas Williams, Thomas Ayres, Giles Dement, Wm. Cooper, Wm. Grigg, Tho. Coper, Tho. Palmer, Tho. Gundry, Mary Haines, Malhote Turke, Jno. Phillips. GYLES CURTIS, 300 acs. called Turkey Necke, Lancaster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 18 Nov. 1664, p. 139, (6). Bet. branches of Mr. Parrotts Cr. Tr^ns. of 6 pers: Tho. Maw (or Man), Edw. Barnett. Wm. Angle, Rich. Dobins, Robt. Morton, Abra. Patermastr. MILES REYLY, (Rely— Reily), 400 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., Ewd. side of Totoskey Cr., beg. on S. side of Crosse Cr.. being an Eastermost br. of Totoskey Cr., adj. land held in joynt tenture by Tho. Robinson & Quintaine Sherman, running to land of Edward Lewis &c. 3 Nov. 1664, p. 140, (6). Trans, of 8 pers: Hen. Nicholls, Alice Aldwin, David Geo: (George ?), Wm. Clarke, Tho. Fisher, Peter Bennet, Robt. Merce, Jane Tompson. MR. THO. GLASCOCKE, 280 acs. upon N. side of Rappa. Co., 9 Jan. 1662, p. 140, (7). Upon head of Morattico Cr., bounding upon land of Nich. Farmer, Mr. Tho. Stephens, & the land he now lives on. Trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Randall, Ann Scarton, Rich. Gares, Jno. Alexander, Patrick (a) Highlander, Ann Rowse (or Rowze). THO. MEEKINS, 125 A. 4 chs. & 25 decimal parts, 20 Mar. 1662, p. 140, (7). On N.E. side of the main branch of Mill Swamp &c. to N.E. side of Rickahock path from Queens Cr. &c. to fork of the run belonging to Wild & Alexander Walker. Formerly sold by Major Joseph Croshaw to James Harris, who assigned to sd. Meekins. PAUL WOODBRIDGE, 800 acs. Rappa. Co., 19 Sept. 1664, p. 141, (8). On N. side of Rappa. Riv. bet. Moratti- co & Farnham Creeks, beg. at head & bet. land now in possession of sd. Woodbridge & John Gladstone, N.W. by same & lands of Henry Wilson & the orphant of Tho. Stephens, on N. by sd. Willson & land of Tho. Griffith, Sly. by Thomas Bryant & Stephens' Orphant & Wwd. along line of Mich. Fornham to land of Tho. Glascock, etc. Due to sd. Newman & Woodbridge for trans, of 16 pers: Jno. Marshall, Wm. Marshall, Edw. Carman, Tho. Mull, Tho. Carl, Mary Young, Tho. Peters, laco Carr, Wm. Mullett, Tho. Tarp, Math. Youl, Tho. ?, Edw. Farr, Fra. Scott, Samll. Jackson, Sail. Sollis. (No men- tion previously made of Newman.) RICHARD BRIDGER (Bredgar), 428 acs. Rappa. Co., 19 Sept. 1664, p. 141, (8). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. & N. side of a great swamp running into Peanketanke Riv., adj. land of Anthony Jackman & Mr. George Marsh. Trans, of 9 pers.* Patent Book No. 5 441 RICHARD LAURENCE, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., 24 Sept. 1664, p. 141, (9). On the head of Fishing Cr. of Coratoman Riv., Nly. by land of Mr. Edwin Connaway, Ely. by Morattico path, Sly. by land of Tho. Chetwood, Tho. Marshall & Edward King. Trans. of 20 pers.* NOTE: The rights for this land is by vertue of a relinquished pattent for 1000 acres granted to the sd. Lawrence & Leanord Jones. ROBERT PRICHARD, 136 acs. beg. at the head of Mungars Cr., issuing out of S.W. side of Coratoman Cr., bounded by land of John Phillipps, now in possession of Robt. Pollard, & land of Jno. Mounger, now in possession of Henry Davis. 10 Feb. 1662, p. 142, (9). Trans, of 3 pers: Alice Browne, Stephen Wells, Henry Herse. WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, 200 acs. Rappa. Co., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 142, (10). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. near land taken up for Robt. Armestrong, on a branch of Ralphs Cr. running into Piscaticon. Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Snart, (or Suart), Ralph Mazon, Wm. Stamp, Mary Curtis. THOMAS GRIFFITH, 350 acs. Rap- pa. Co., on N. side of sd. Riv., 15 Apr. 1664, p. 142, (10). At the head of Farneham Cr., beg. near an Indian feild, adj. land of Samll. Griffin, extending S. to branch of Moratticoe Cr. Trans, of 7 pers:* Assigned by Mr. Geo. Marsh to sd. Griffith. GEORGE BRYER & RICHARD LAWRENCE, 1300 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side of sd. Riv. & Ewd. side of Rappa. Cr., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 143, (11). Adj. land of Charles Grymes, Clarke, dec'd. Trans, of 26 pers: Ed. Kemp, Jero. (or Jno.) Williams, Rich. Clack, Robt. Morton, Anth. French, Jno. Henes- ty, Ann Eldon, Eliz. Crosse, Rose White, Mary Jones, Jno. Kemp, Fra. Parham, Anth. Mann, James Nazareth, Guy Parry, Abra. Newton, Ann Nash, Mich. Elfe, Jno. Jones, Harry Lowe, Nich. Smith, 3 Negroes, David Marren. JOHN CHINLY, 200 acs. Rappa. Co., on Morattico Cr., 24 Aug. 1664, P. 143, (11). Bounding upon land of Mary Stephens & Mr. Grymes. Trans. of 4 pers: Peter Peterson, David War- ren, Tho. OfTeild (?), Roger Bracks. RICHARD COCKE, 180 acs., beg. at mouth of S.E. branch of Chickacone Riv., 24 Aug. 1664, p. 143, (12). Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Kendall, Tho Knight, Joshua Colbeck, Grace Wilson TOBIAS HORTON, 200 acs. on N side of Lancaster Co., 27 May, 1664, p 143, (12). Beg. at mouth of Nantypoy son Cr., N. E. upon Fleets bay. Trans of 4 pers: Walter Collings, Tho. Bun- bury, John Snoke, Alice Miller. SAMLL. GRIFFIN, 766 acs., adj. land of Tho. Griffin. 24 May 1664, p. 144, (12). Trans, of 15 pers: Bagnall Vincent Danll. Griffin, Wm. Benamin, Ed. Northerborne, Amb. Clare, Wm. Panter, Tho. Bell, Lewis Buttler, Wm. Feild, Henry Margaret, Alice Arsly, Ellen Meredith, Jno. Back, Robt. San- ders, Roger Barber, Rich. Hartees. GEO. BROYER (BRYER), 320 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Co., 24 Aug. 1664, p. 144, (13). Along trees of Mr. Ryles. Trans, of 7 pers: Emll. Conserves, Rich. Apleby, Edw. Frankling, Tho. Simons, Rich. Collings, Rice Coleman, Tho. a Negro. MAJOR ANDREW GILSON, 516 acs. & 300 acs. of marsh ground adj. same, beg. at mouth of Gilsons Cr., running by trees of Bartho. Hoskins & bounding on land of John Green. 5 Aug. 1664, p. 144, (13). Trans, of: Jno. Sharpe, Ralph Tyboll, Samll. John- son, Wm. Phillips, James Palmer, Judith Mackman, Robt. Thompson, Jno. Sweeting, Mary Harper, Eliz. Farmer, Kath. Motly, Samll. Dew, Jno. Dew, Eliz. Dew, Phill. Sheffeild, Danll. Curtis. RICHARD SEARLES, 150 acs. Northumberland Co., 10 Apr. 1665, p. 145, (14). On E. side of Nomany Riv., E.N.E. upon land of Mr. Rice Maddocks, W.S.W. upon a small creek dividing it from land of Goodman Tasker. Granted unto Jno. Bennett 1 Aug. 1653 & by sd. 442 Cavaliers and Pioneers John & Elizabeth, his wife, assigned to Wm. Spencer 19 Feb. 1658, who as- signed to sd. Searles 27 Nov. 1660. RICHARD BUSHROD, 2000 acs. Westmoreland Co., 10 Apr. 1665, p. 145, (14). In Potomack Riv. opposite against the Miompses Island, commonly called the Doegs Island, bounding S. on a great marsh. Granted sd. Bushrod 15 Oct. 1660 & upon his reasonable petition order was granted for renewing sd. pattent by a new grant; order dated 24 Mar. 1662. RICHARD BUSHROD & THOMAS BUSHROD, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 10 Apr. 1665, p. 145, (15). S. side Potomack Riv., Wly. upon Nomeny bay, N. upon Cr. dividing this from land of Jno. Armsby. Granted unto Thomas Youell 16 Sept. 1651, assigned to Rice Maddocks, who assigned to Ralph Horsly, who reassigned to sd. Maddocks, who sold to George Durant, by whom it was sold unto sd. Bushrod. THOMAS CHETWOOD, 500 acs. on N. side of Lancaster Co., 9 July, 1663, p. 145, (15). Trans, of 10 pers: John Lawrence, Geo. Spell, Andrew Rayney, Wm. Corderoy, Thomas Ard- ington, Edward Jenings, John Mumford, Wm. Edwards, Jno. Taylor. WM. DENBY, 400 acs. Rappa. Co. on N. side of sd. Riv., 3 Dec. 1663, p. 146, (15). Beg. at miles end of land of Mr. James Williamson. Granted to George Bryar 16 Mar. 1657, by him deserted & granted to Richard James by order of court 24 Mar. 1661, who sold to sd. Denby. JOHN INGRAM & WM. BARBER, 506 acs. Rappa. Co., 21 June 1664, p. 146, (16). Upon the head of Totoskey Cr. Trans, of 11 pers: Mary Fisher Ann Kingstone, Wm. Herbert, Robt Comton, (or Antom), Wm. Grafton Mary Norman, Robt. Dory, Wm. Floy ton, Maudlin Vaughan, Edw. Jory (?) THOMAS HARPER & THOMAS COOPER, 207 acs. Lancaster Co., 7 June 1664, p. 146, (16). S. side of Coxes Cr., bounded on S. by land of Francis Browne, extending to trees of Oliver Segar. Granted to Francis Browne 10 May 1654, & by him as- signed to sd. Harper & Cooper, 5 May 1659. JOHN GIBBS, 250 acs. Rappa. Co., 5 Apr. 1664, p. 147, (17). S. side Rappa. Riv., about 2 mi. into woods adj. branches of Pascataway Cr., beg. in N. by E. lyne of Evan Davis, running their lines N. by E. 11 po. &c. to land of Mr. Perry &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Robt. Franck, Eliz. Woodbridge, Giles Salem, John Patrack, Jno. Guy. HENRY BERRY, 600 acs. upon S. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., 8 Apr. 1664, p. 147, (17). Beg. at S.E. limit of land of Clement Herbert, ex- tending nigh the Riv., crossing Puamun- vein (?) Cr. &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Jno. Berry, Hump. Tabb, Wm. Cole, Mary Jones, Arthur Wise, Rich. Wright, A Negro, Wm. Stevens, Peter Newell, Mary Wms (Williams), Susan Stone, Peter Gill. JOHN GREEN, the son of Jno. Green, late of Rappa. Co., dec'd., 200 acs. in sd. Co., 10 Sept. 1663, p. 147, (18). S. side Rappa. Riv. & S.W. side of Gillsons Cr., dividing this from land of Bartholomew Hoskins. Granted to John Gillett 4 Feb. 1653, assigned to John Green, dec'd., 6 Oct. 1654 & now renewed. WILLIAM LANE, 940 acs. N. side of Rappa. Riv. bet. Pepetick Cr. & a Cr. at the foot of certain white cliff ts. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 148, (18). Granted to Jno. Paine 15 Nov. 1653, who sold to sd. Lane. MR. JOHN HULL, 500 acs. on N. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 148, (19). Beg. at land now in possession of Silvester Thatcher &c. running to Spanish Oake dividing land of sd. Thatcher & Tho. Whitlock. Sold to sd. Hull by Alex. Fleming & Eliz. his wife, being part of 1000 acs. granted to sd. Thatcher 6 Oct. 1656. Patent Book No. 5 443 SAME. 650 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side sd. Riv., 18 Mar. 1663/4, p. 148, (19). Bet. two main branches of Totos- key Cr. Beg. at poynt of land where sd. Cr. divides itself into two main branches, one running Nly., the other Ely. &c. to land of Michael Hugell, to trees of Dennis Swillivants, including all marshes between the water side of each branch & the firme land. Trans, of 13 pers: Peter Peterson, David Warren, Tho. Offeild, Roger Brack (or Beack), Jane Dunkin, Walter Wood, Phillip Cox, Edw. Norman, Walter Coale, Wm. Watkins, Jno. Charles, Hen. Moore, Eliz. Welch. THOMAS FRESHWATER, 200 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. on W. side of Totoskey Cr., adj. land of Leonard Jones &c. to branch of Mr. Williamsons Cr. 26 Sept. 1664, p. 149, (20). Granted to Robert Sisson, by him de- serted & upon petition granted to sd. Freshwater. The following names ap- pear: James Wms. (Williams), Tob (or Job) Lane, Bartholomew Lownes, Arthur Upshott. WM. BARBER & JOHN INGRAM, 464 acs. Rappa. Co., on Swd. side of E. most branch of Totoskey Cr., 22 June 1664, p. 149, (20). Adj. their own & land of Jno. Williams. Trans, of 10 pers: Robt. Bradly, Dorathy Perkins, Thomas Melford, John Little, Eliz. Hiorn, Mary Fisher, Jane Jolly, Ann Kingington, Wm. Bridgett. NICHOLAS WHITE, 176 acs. Lan- caster Co., 14 Feb. 1662, p. 149, (21). N. side of Rappa. Riv., N.W. side of Purcaticon Cr., beg. on N.W. side of a branch dividing this & land of Mr. Jno. Cox &c. to branch divding this & land whereon Wm. Johnson now liveth. Granted to Wm. Johnson 14 June 1655 & sold to sd. White. WM. GASKINS, 550 acs. Northamp- ton Co., 30 Mar. 1663, p. 150, (22). Bounded W. by land of Richard Wen- nell. Trans, of 11 pers: Henry, Joane, Bess, Oversee, Jack, Joane, Negroes; John Steward, John Warper, George Lilley, Wm. Rabishaw, Robt. Butter (or Butler). JNO. BLAK (Blake), Esqr., 300 acs. in Mathews Cr., a branch of the S. br. of Nancimond Riv. 30 Oct. 1662, p. 150, (22). Renewal of his patent dated 14 Dec. 1653. WM. HAINES, 700 acs. on the head of the S. branch of Nancimond Riv. 28 Oct. 1662, p. 150, (23). Renewal— 13 Apr. 1653. ROWLAND BEAMAN, 25 acs. Warwick Co., 26 Jan. 1663, p. 150, (23). Being barren poynts on E.most side of Waters Cr., beg. to the Wwd. of Mr. Whitbies house &c. towards Mr. Whitbys old landing. Trans, of Jno. Stuckey. SAME. 185 acs. & 40 po., same Co. & date. P. 151, (24). Beg. at W. bounds of 1300 acs. granted to Mr. Whitby, 27 July 1652, running to gum parting it from land of Major Thomas Davis. Trans, of 4 pers: Thomas Lewis, Wm. Endin, Hannah Custis, Jno. Walters. ROBERT CHAPPELL, 100 acs. War- wick Co., 26 Jan. 1663, p. 151, (24). Nly. on Piny Sw. & Ely. on Oaken Sw., & Sly. on land of Mr. Whitby. Trans, of 2 pers: Alice Thomas, Ann Hues. SAZvIUELL CHAPPELL, 78 acs. War- wick Co., 4 July 1664, p. 151, (24). Bounding on a branch parting this from land of Thomas Ramshaw, running to a swamp parting this & land of Henry Ewingtons (or Errington) land & run- ning near tree of John Williams. Trans, of 2 pers: Rich. Thomas, John Ross (or Rose). JOHN HULL, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 152, (25). Upon Occapason Cr. Granted to Jno. Watson 12 June 1655, by him sold to Vincent Stanford, who sold to Edward Hudson, THOMAS MARSTON & VINCENT ELLIOT, 340 acs. James City Co., 7 June 1664. P. 152, (26). On N. side of Chikahomany Riv., beg. at Mr. Williams' gum tree in a swamp which 444 Cavaliers and Pioneers makes part of long neck, running to- wards Barbadoes Runn. Trans, of 7 pers: Tho. Petite, Thomas May, Rich- ard Dobbins, Robt. Norton, James Fisher, Wm. Angle, Edward Barned. JAMES ALLYSON, 360 acs. Rappa. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 152, (26). S. side Rappa. Riv., running to a small creek dividing this from land of Mr. Henry Soanes. Part of 500 acs. belong- ing to Sir Henry Checkly & by Mr. Cut- bert Potter, his lawful Atty., assigned to sd. Allyson. MAJOR NICHOLAS HILL & SIL- VESTER, his wife, 750 acs. in the Up. Par. of Is. of Wight Co., 30 Sept. 1664, p. 153, (27). Being the moiety of 1500 acs. appertayning unto the sd. Silvester & her sister, who were daughters and Coheires to Mr. Edward Bennett, dec'd. Beg. upon the top of a bank of James Riv. &c. & running to place called the Rocks. Part of devdt. of 1500 acs. granted to Richard Bennett, Esqr., as- signed to Major Nicholas Hill as prop- erty belonging to Mary Bland & sd. Silvester, as by deed of partition dated 8 Apr. 1663 between Tho. Bland, Esqr. Atty of Thomas Bland & Mary, his wife, & Major Nicholas Hill & Silvester, his wife. ANTHONY MATHEWS, 640 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 1 Feb. 1664, p. 153. (27). Beg. at head of Cranages Sw. on W. side of Edmond Palmers land. Trans, of 13 pers: Mary Gray, Her sonn, Mathew Wakely, Mary Walkers, John Bunnell (or Burnell), Mary his wife, his son, Wm. Cotton, Mary Tom- lin, Peter Langleigh, Tho. Reighnolds, Rich. Lewes, a Negroe woman. AMBROSE CLARE, 300 acs. James City Co., 15 Oct. 1664, p. 153, (28). On the head of Spring branch on Hitch- mans lyne, E.N.E. to Mr. Spencers cor. tree, &c. to Tho. Merediths lyne &c. to a meadow of Marraquince Swamp. Part of patent sold unto Jonathan Townsend by Mr. Jno. Underhill & due sd. Clare as marrying the relict of sd. Towndsend. LT. COL. JNO. BLAKE & MR. ED- WARD ISON, 2500 acs. Nancimond Co., 20 Feb. 1664, p. 154, (28). Trans, of 50 pers: Jno. Holland, Jno. Gaye, Eliz. Ludloe, Ambrose Right, Jno. Members, Joyce Arnall, Maudlin Jones, Mathew Castome, Richard Harris, Peter Rich, Robert White, John Wale, James Diddicutt, A Negro boy, Henry Mills, Heny Stone, Wm. Warde, Wm. Harri- son, Xtopher Ashly, Eliz. Baly, Jane Fisher, Alice King, George Coales, Danll. Burton, Jno. Johnson, Richard Newman, John Hewes, Mary Cocke, Tho. Belcher, John Fowke, 3 Negroes, Arthur Hope, Alice Steward, Robt. Harrison, 2 Negroes, Giles Danby, Danll. Rock, John Steward, Wm. Jones, Thomas Spicer, James Kirkcome, Hen. Cutterbooke, John Dodd, A Negro, Mathew Holter, Thomas Mills, Wm. Jnoson. MR. WM. PEIRCE, (Perce), 4054 acs. Rappa. Co., Farnham Parish, 1 June 1663, p. 154, (29). On N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on E.most side of Rappa. main Cr., near the tripell dividing thereof, extending &c. over a branch called Herring Cr. &c. to neere the head of George Bryers Cr. &c. The following names appear under this re- cord: Mary Blunt, Mary Usher, Ann Jones, Fra. Preist, Wm. Rosse, Henry Martyn, Tho. Just, Philip Flower, Wm. Royden, Rachell Williams, Margaret Williams, Bridget Batcheller, August Withey, Wm. Lewis, Jno. Jones, Eliz. Wood, Lidia How, Wm. Badger, Jno. Gaffer, Daniell Merricke, Jno. Jones, Edward Seare, Marg. Williams, Rich- ard Webb, Abell Jason, Wm. Richard- son, Anne Robinson, Susanna Alcocke, Samll. Hookes, Fra. Glover, Dorothy Glover, Richard Bullocke, Jno. Mann, Edward Evans, Robt. Evans, Jno. Gould- ing, Edward Reeves, Ann Blandon, Ann Mason, Mary Miller, Mary Dunston, Wm. Peirce, Sarah Peirce, Jno. Ellison, Geo. Walker, Ann Leviton, Fra. Neson, Wm. Gilbert, Nich. Shirt, Jno. Nor- mingto, Rich. Founding, Mary Gore, Edm. Eacerman, Grace Hill, Geo. Clad- win, Joane East, Garrest Clesty, Jno. Wilcox, Tho. Wilcox, Jno. Tanner, Robt. Morris, Jno. Barlow, Jno. Middleton, Geo. Smith, Tho. Rogers, Susan Edwards, Garrett Bryan, Wm. Martin, Eliz. Wigg- Patent Book No. 5 445 more, Anth. Greenmay, & 12 persons. The residue by Certificate dated 23d June 1661 from Tho. Brereton. Marginal Note: This survey being re-surveyed and found to be but 3000 acres, the over plus of rights being past into Mr. Loyds patt. COL. EDWARD CARTER, Esqr., 1650 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 29 Apr. 1665, p. 155, (29). Part of an Indian Habitation called old Moraticond, beg. at a poynt on the Nwd. side of the mouth of Harrises Cr., adj. land of Edward Harris &c. to Swd. side of Swd. branch of the deviding Cr. belonging to Cottowoman Riv. &c. to the middle br. of Faire- waters Cr. &c. crossing Brices Cr. Granted to Mr. Thomas Brice 27 Oct. 1652, given by will to his wife Martha & by sd. Martha & her second husband, Wm. White, Clerke, mortgaged for a certain sum of tobacco unto Mr. John Jefferyes & Mr. Thomas Coldclough of London, Merchants; sd. land given by her will unto the orphants of sd. Wm. White & by order of the Govr. & Coun- cil put in possession of Col. John Car- ter, Atty of sd. Jefferyes & Coldclough for payment of the sd. debt, the over- plus to remaine to Mr. Jeremiah White & Mr. George Hewett, guardians of sd. Orphans for their use; sd. land after- wards sold unto sd. Col. Edward Carter & his heirs forever by the sd. John Carter, he being authorized by a Joynt letter of Atty. under the hands & seals of sd. JefFeries & Coldclough & the sd. Guardians. JOSEPH MILLER, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 28 Apr. 1665, p. 156, (31). 300 acs. on N. side of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. on a poynt at the mouth of Smithes Cr. &c. to mouth of Pusell Cr. &c; 100 acs. adj. his land, running from the mouth of Smiths Cr. on W. side of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv. into the mouth of Pusell Cr. &c. 300 acs. by pattent dated 1 Oct. 1661 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Martha Deare- Love, Isaak Dearelove (or Dearelow). MR. RICHARD JONES, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 28 Apr. 1665, p. 156, (32). At head of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv. Trans, of 6 pers: Alice Martin, Alice Young, Gilbert Lewis, Mary Shute, Wm. Odion the younger, Ellen Odion. THOMAS WILSON, 75 acs. Low. Norf. Co-., 28 Apr. 1665, p. 156, (32). N.Ewd. from the head of Deep Cr., running by the maine poquoson, by the Beare path &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Rich- ard Odeon, Mary Williams. MR. RICHARD JONES, Marriner, 280 acs. in Low. Norf. Co., 8 Apr. 1665, p. 157, (33). Trans, of 4 pers: Ellen Odion, Elizabeth Manning, Sarah Weaver, George Fardinando. EDMOND CREEKMAN, 230 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 28 Apr. 1665, p. 157, (33). E. side of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv. &c. nigh Alexander Ross' trees, nigh Riggs Cr. &c. 200 acs. by patent dated 1 Oct. 1661 & 30 acs. for trans, of Jane Wood. MR. RICHARD JONES, of Low. Norf. Co., 200 acs., 28 Apr. 1665, p. 157, (34). On W. side of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv. Trans, of 4 pers: James Damster, Wm. Nelson, Elizabeth Leess, Jno. White. THOMAS GODBY, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 28 Apr. 1665, p. 158, (34). 200 acs. on the head of Gaythers Cr., a br. of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv., running to land of Thomas Marsh; 50 acs. bounded from his marked trees, Ely. to Thomas Alexanders lyne &c. 200 acs. granted to Thomas Etheridge, 1 Nov. 1647, sold to sd. Godby 20 Nov. 1649, by him sold to Alex. Foreman & Robt. Peacock 1st Aug. 1659, who re-assigned to sd. Godby 1 Dec. 1659; 50 acs. for trans, of Susan White. MR. ROBERT BUTT, 1200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 28 Apr. 1665, p. 158, (35). E. side of S. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. on a poynt near the Nwd. side of a br. called the new discovery running &c. nigh a main poquoson, crossing severall branches &c. including a great marsh. Granted to Mr. Tristram Nasworthy 19 446 Cavaliers and Pioneers Aug. 1650, by George, his son, assigned to sd. Butt, Richard Whitby & Jno. Bright, 7 Jan. 1656, the two last men- tioned having sold their part, being 800 acs., to sd. Butt. ANTHONY ARNOLD, 500 acs. Westmoreland Co., 3 May 1665, p. 159, (36). Upon the head of Coss Coss Cr., lying at the head of Robert Yeos land. Granted to Thomas Brereton 20 Sept. 1661 & by him deserted. Granted sd. Arnold by order of Council 25 Nov. 1663. The following names appear un- der this record: Nicholas Browninge, Mary Page, Mary Anderson, Henry Browne, Tho. Eggerly, Wm. Lane, 3 Negroes, Marke Dawson. JOHN ALEXANDER, Senior, 550 acs. Westmoreland Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 159, (36). S. side of Attopin Cr. dam, bounded E. by land formerly in possession of John Vaughan & W. by tract of land surveyed for George Wed ing, Daniell White & Miles Phillips Trans, of 11 pers: Lawrence How Phill. Wilkenson, David Williams, Jno Woodruff, Ann Tanner, JefTery Sum mons, Margery Westinscott, Joan Donn Alex. Turner, Wm. Ackley, Wm. Cox JOHN BEARD, 245 acs. Westmore- land Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 159, (37). Bounded N.E. by land in possession of Mr. Anthony Bridges, W.S.W. by land surveyed for George Weading, S.S.W. by great swamp & S.S.E. by his own land & lyne of Roysier, now in posses- sion of sd. Bridges. Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Temple, Sarah Hawkins, Tho- mas Merchant, Howell Jones, Lazarus Owen. JOHN & THOMAS PALMER, 365 acs. Westmoreland Co., 23 Mar. 1664. p. 159, (37). Bounded N.Ely, by land of Mr. Robt. Howsing & Mr. Davis, E. Sly. by Mr. John Ashton & S.Wly. by land lately surveyed for Mr. Jno. Ben- ton (or Bruton). Trans, of 7 pers: Joane Egg, Sarah King, James Willett, Ann Clutterbook. Jno. Head, Thomas Daubles, Robt. Paine. ROBT. ALEXANDER, 500 acs. Staf- ford Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 160, (37). Upon br. of Up. Machotick Dam, beg. on the N. side of a br. thereof. Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Freeman, James Cater, Jno. Porter, Robt. Sheppard, Mar- garett Gay, Nicholas Perrom (?), Tho- mas Gore, Jane Nash, Henry Gerish, Judeth Pile. COL. GERRARD FOWKE & MR. RICHARD HAIBERD, 1680 acs. Staff. Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 160, (38). Beg. on a poynt at the head of a small cr. falling into Rappa. Riv. near the Doegs Towne. Trans, of 34 pers: Hannah Spender, Thomas Twiford, Susan Fox, Martha Shipman, Jno. Willshire, Ann Rose, Joane Smith, Law. Washington, Jno. Seaman, Jno. Empson, Maly Mason, Antho. & Ana, Negroes, Mathew Lewis, Jenkin Jones, Roger Williams, Margarett Price, Mary E , Elizabeth Baker, Anthony Sheppard, Isaac Cooke, Tymo- thy Baker, Wm. Davis, Jno. Beales, Wm. Ruffer, Jona. Statly, Ann Bellimer, Nath. Pope, Thomas Pope 3 tymes, Sarah Turner, Wm. Baltrop, Daniell Jones. MAJOR JOHN WASHINGTON, 320 acs. Westmoreland Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 161, (38). Upon S.E. side of Hollis Cr., beg. at an Oyster shell poynt, N.E. by N. upon Potomack Riv., N.W. by W. upon a cr. dividing this from land in possession of Mr. Daniell Lis- son, S.E. by E. upon a gutt dividing this & land in possession of Widdow Brookes &c. along Richard Hills lyne 228 perches till it falls on line of Mr. Daniell Lisson &c. 125 acs. granted to Henry Brooke 14 Oct. 1657 by him as- signed to Richard Coale, who sold to Davy Anderson & by him assigned to sd. Washington, & 195 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Ambrose Couch, Robt. Alexander, Jno. Alexander, Samll. Short. TOHN BIGGS, of Low. Norf. Co., 450 acs. 28 Apr. 1665, P. 161, (39). E. side of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv., run- ning W.N.W. &c. bounding on a draught of Tristrum Nasworthy &c. 100 acs. granted to Lt. Col. Tristrum Nas- worthy 10 June 1654 & by Thomas, his son. assigned to sd. Bi^gs 4 Tan. 1661 & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Peter Patent Book No. 5 447 Malbone, Margerett Wade, Eliz. Tomp- son, Jno. White, Jr., Solomon White, Hanah White, Thomas Browne. ROBT. ALEXANDER, JOHN ALEXANDER, JR., & XTOPHER LUND, 1464 acs. W'moreland Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 162, (41). S. side of Attapin Cr. Dam, beg. at cor. tree of George Weading, Daniell White & Miles Phillips, extend. W. by S. &c. to N. side of a small runn that falls into Appamattocks Cr. &c. Trans, of 29 pers: Roger Korman (or Norman), Ann Phillips, Edward Massey, Henry Coplyn, Charles Perches, John Ellis, Robet Franck, Lawrence Tomkins, Tho- mas Webb, Joyce Axell, Wm. Butler, Robt. Cockerell, Thomas Wilkenson, Daniell Liss, Thomas Moore, Wm. West, Rachaell Hailes, Richard Huff, John Gayle, Thomas Butler, Henry Vincent, Ellen Browne, Thomas Lund, Jno. Walton, Maurice Smith, Wm. Hills, Samll. Mottershead, Lucy Strat- ton, Judeth Beach. GEORGE WEADING, 212 A. 80 perches, W'moreland Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 162, (41). Near the head of Tappin Cr., beg. at cor. tree of Mr. John Rosier, Clk., &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Richard Nickolls, Mr. Foote, a Scotchman, Tho- mas Browne. WILLIAM VAUGHAN, 156 acs. W'moreland Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 163, (42). Ewd. side of Fishing Cr., beg. in a lyne dividing this & land of Mr. Thomas Pope &c. to branch dividing this & land of Arthur Terrill, now in possession of John Browne &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Robt. Casher, John Dey, John Sparke. THOMAS POPE, 2454 acs. W'more- land Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 163, (42). Beg. on N.W. side of a marsh & swamp in a valley bet. two hills wch. divides this & land formerly in possession of John Walton, Cooper, running near Fishing Cr. &c. to a branch falling into Potomack Riv. near a branch dividing this from land of Arthur Terrill & near land of John Vaughan &c. 1050 acs. granted to Nathall. Pope 19 May, 1651 & 550 acs. granted to sd. Pope 24 Apr. 1656 & since renewed in name of Mr. Tho. Pope, son & heire of sd. Pope, dec'd. 854 acs. for trans, of 17 pers: Rich. Paine, Damras Watney, Ell. Pickett, Jno. Cossick, Robt. Parker, Jno. Hancock, Robt. Glover, Jno. Aringell, Phill. Cole, Ann Found, Eliz. Alexan- der, Jno. Alexander, Jr., Jno. Courtney, Jno. Cosheir, Ann Paine, Jona. Sam- rayes, Robt. Hodges. MR. RICHARD WARD, 1337 acs. & 1 po. on S. side of James Riv., Henrico Co., 29 Mar. 1665, p. 164, (43). Beg. at cor. tree of upper end of Xtopher Branch, Sr. running along the river N.N.W. then N.W. by N. &c. to mouth of Falling Cr., up the Cr. W. N.W. &c. Granted to Jeremiah Black- man, dec'd., 14 Mar. 1646 & by Jere- miah, his son & heir, firmly sold to sd. Ward as by records in the Secretaryes office. JOHN COX, 550 acs. Henrico Co., on N. side the Riv., known by the name of Harristocks, beg. next to land of Capt. Edloe. 29 Mar. 1665, p. 164, (44). Granted to Arthur Bayly, who sold to Wm. Johnson, by whom it was assigned to sd. Cox. ALEXANDER BENUM, 257 acs. W'moreland Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 165, (45). At Appomattox Cr. Beg. at a small cr. issuing from Hollis Cr., divid- ing this & land of Jno. Cooke, running by the white marsh &c. to Johnsons cor. tree &c. to Hollis Cr. which divides this & land of Richard Browne, includ- ing a small island. Granted 18 of March 1662 supposed to be 300 acs. STEPHEN NORMAN, 443 acs., bounded Sly. by Up. Machotick Riv., Ely. upon land of Jonas Revett & Mrs. Dade, formerly Dodsons, & Wly. by land of Mr. Prescutt, formerly Lare- moores. 23 Mar. 1664, p. 165, (45). 400 acs. by patent dated 1 Apr. 1651 & 43 acs. for trans, of John Tizar. MR. ROBERT JONES & GEORGE FLOWER, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 28 June 1664, p. 165, (45). Being a neck 448 Cavaliers and Pioneers bet. two swamps of the E.most branch of Corotoman. Trans, of 8 pers: Rich- ard Merryman, Thomas Sampton (or Sampson), Edward Wood, Michael Jones, Mary Fletcher, Jno. Thorn- borough, Wm. Hide, Mathew Parker. MR. ROBERT JONES, 160 acs. Lan- caster Co., 28 June 1664, p. 165, (46). Trans, of 4 pers: Thomas Rine, Henry Dunnum, Mary Lovewell. ALEX. READE & JOHN NEDLE (Nedles), 220 acs. Lancaster Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 166, (46). Upon N. of Peanketanck Riv., bounded upon S.W. with a W. br. of sd. Riv. opposite to the Store poynt Devident &c. extend, to a br. of Barbary Cr. Granted to Thomas Bourne, 26 Feb. 1653, by him assigned to Edward Webb, who assigned to the above named. WM. BLAZE, 350 acs. Lancaster Co., S. side of Rappa. Riv., 1 Sept. 1663, p. 166, (47). Adj. Rice Jones & his own land. Trans, of 7 pers.* MR. EDWARD ROE, 375 acs. Glos- ter Co., 27 May 1664, p. 166, (47). Neer cor. tree supposed to be formerly Col. Lee's, adj. devdt. sd. Roe lives upon. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Smart, Wm. Stamp, Mary Curtis, Francis Black, Edward Mason, Symon Ash, Elizabeth Hubberd, Thomas Jenkins. MICHAEL ARMES, 80 acs. N. side of Lancaster Co., 12 Dec. 1663, p. 167, (48). Bounding upon land of Daniell Harrison. Trans, of 2 pers: James Jones, Ann Parsones. ROBERT KEMP, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 25 Feb. 1663/4, p. 167, (48). On the head branch of Parratts Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Mason, Edw. Wilson, Thomas Story, Wm. Rives. MR. CUTHBERT POTTER, 4000 acs. on S. side of Peanketanck maine swamp, beg. opposite white oak on N. side of sd. swamp being a cor. tree of 1380 acs. surveyed by sd. Potter. Part of patent of 5380 acs. granted to him 20 June 1659. 20 Sept. 1661, p. 157, (48). MAJOR JOHN WASHINGTON, 300 acs. N'umberland Co., alias West- moreland Co., on S. side of Hallowes Cr., towards the head thereof, adj. tract of Mr. John Hollowes. 1 June 1664, p. 167, (49). Granted to John Walton 15 Sept. 1641, assigned to Jno. Hal- lowes 20 Sept. 1652, who assigned to Nicholas Lansden 20 Oct. 1656 & by him assigned to sd. Washington 16 July 1659. MAJOR JOHN WASHINGTON & THOMAS POPE, 50 acs. more or less, being 10 Islands, W'moreland Co., 4 Sept. 1661, p. 167, (49). Situated in the mouth of Cedar Is. Cr., bounded E. by S. with land of Mr. Nat. Pope, N. bv E. with Potomack Riv., W. by N. with land of Henry Brookes. Trans, of Peter Renolds. (By Francis Moryson, Govr.) MAJOR JOHN WASHINGTON, 1700 acs., lying bet. the head branches of Powetridge & Appamattox Cr., the one falling into Rappa. Riv. & the other into Potomack Riv., beg. by Wariscreeke path at cor. tree that lyeth next to land belonging to Nat. Pope, over certain branches falling into Appamattox Cr., W. by br. of Porortridge Cr. &c. by land cleared by Wm. Freake. 600 acs. granted Wm. Freake 18 Mar. 1662 & assigned to sd. Washington 26 Mar. 1664. 1100 acs. for trans, of 22 pers: Jno. Sherman, Robert Baker, Ann Baker, Jno. Rowly, Susan West, Mary Godfry, David Lobdell, Susan Ripley, Luke Raven, Joan Swift, Robt. Glass, Abille Denny, John Dixon, John Heath, John Linton, Edward Morgan, John Mustran, Susan Sale, John Munday 3 tymes, Law- rence Hatch (or Falch). 1 June 1664, p. 168, (50). BRYAN STOTT (or Scott— Scot), 800 acs. N. side of Lancaster Co., 10 July, 1663, p. 168, (51). Bounding up- on land of John Simpson. Trans, of 16 pers: Tho. Joyner, Wm. Marcum, John Sanns (?), Nich. Watts, James Johns, Samll. Carter, Mary Wood, Jane Sharp, Tho. Vintner, Susan Colt, Emll. Harris, Tho. Should, John Harper, Wm. Waters, Fra. Farmer, Joseph Marlar. t^tf-f -wv^a i Xr$m$i-l .*& t /'wV a m^m =vir*> rj '3^ '" , fe": A w |i^M £ S' : < An example of the difference in recordation. Note five patents on one page, in old Patent Book 5, page 77. New Patent Book 4, pages 548-49.~-Cavdliers and Pioneers, page 420. - Patent Book No. 5 449 JULIAN ALLAM (Allain), 200 acs. beg. at Sandy poynt, bounding W. upon land of Major Edloe. Part of 700 acs. Granted to Benjamin Carroll, deed., 6 May 1638, lately found to escheat. 8 Feb. 1664, p. 169, (51). JAMES CLAYTON (Cleyton) & JAMES JOHNSON, 668 acs. N' umber- land Co., 21 Feb. 1664, p. 169, (51). Beg. nigh the maine br. of the broad Cr. Swamp &c, being a head line of Law- rence Damerons land. Trans, of 14 pers: Ann West, Andrew Skinner, Tho- mas Man, Isaack Edmonds, Mary Tab, Henry Preston, Tho. Edmons, Wm. Ivy, Mary Sweet, Jno. Jones, Wm. Coocke, Mathew Golden, Anthony Say, Sarah Cock (or Cook), Jno. Jnoson, Wm. Wms. (Williams). Note: "the two Last namd belong to the following pattent. JAMES CLAYTON, 72 acs. N'um- berland Co., 21 Feb. 1664, p. 169, (52). Beg. on maine S. br. of the head Cr. Swamp, adj. tract of sd. Clayton & James Johnson. Trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Jacobs, Mary Wilson. ANN POPE alias WASHINGTON, 700 acs. W'moreland Co., 13 Jan. 1661, p. 170, (52). Upon S. side of Poto- mack Riv. 600 acs. upon Ewd. side of a vally upon E. side of Hollawawes Cr., &c. to a creek called the Wading Place &c. 100 acs. bounding Nly. upon the aforesaid. 600 acs. granted to John Hollis, gent., 30 Jan. 1650; assigned to John King & by John Pitt, Atty. for sd. King, assigned unto John Dobman, who assigned to Nich. Heyward & granted with the aforesd. 100 acs. to Heyward 6 Oct. 1658. Jno. Dobman, Atty. for Mr. Nich. Heyward, assigned to Lt. Col. Nath. Pope, who assigned to sd. Ann. Note: By Francis Moryson. WM. COURT & ROBERT HUT- CHENSON (Hutcheson), 660 acs. W'moreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 170, (53). Nigh Up. Machotick Cr., extend. W. by N. along back line of Mrs. Ann Barnard, S.W. into the beaver dams be- longing to Rosiers Cr. &c. to land of Francis Grey. Granted to Nath. Jones & Abraham Jerman (or Jenman) 16 May 1660 & sold to the aforesd. patentees. MAJOR JOHN WASHINGTON & THOMAS POPE, 1200 acs. W'more- land Co., 4 Sept. 1661, p. 171, (54). S. side of Potomack Riv. upon branches of Appamattox, at N.W. cor. of land belonging to Mr. Nathaniell Pope &c. to E.most side of a run that falls into Rappa. Riv. &c. to poynt on the W.most side of a swamp, crossing branches of Appamattox Cr. to the beg. Trans, of 24 pers: Humphry Pope, Isaack Berkly, Rich Higsden, Wm. Buffett, Samll. Green, Eliz. Norton, Ann Clerke, Tho- mas Browne, Richard Taylor, Charles Colkett, Joseph Bennett, John Coffer, John Butler, Robert Owen, Edward Pickery, John Walker, Thomas Rose, Margt. Clerke, Darcus Rose, Ann Big- ney, Ann Shakelton, Mary Haggell (or Haggett), Elizabeth Powell, Joseph Jea (?). RICHARD HILL, 663^ acs. & 32 pearches, S. side of Potomack Riv., 4 Sept. 1661, p. 171, (54). 500 acs. on Fishing Cr. side adj. land of Henry Brooke &c, 300 acs. of which is now in possession of sd. Hill & one Griffin; 63^ acs - & 32 per. beg. at upper side of aforesd. cr. & 100 acs. on the back of aforesd. land. 563^ acs. 32 per. granted sd. Hill 23 Mar. 1659 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Richard Hill & Thomas Hill. (By Francis Moryson). DOROTHY BROOKES alias Butler, 650 acs. W'moreland Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 172, (55). Upon S.W. side of Ap- pamattox Cr. & Potomack Riv. running &c. to small gutt dividing this & part of pattent layd out for Major Washing- ton, thence to Bigwood Sw., extend, to head of same thence with trees which divides this & land now in possession of Higden & Lawrence Abington, & N. Wly. to land taken up by Richard Griffin & Major. Washington. Said land given by will from Henry Brookes to sd. Dorothy; 329 acs. of which is held by patent dated 14 Oct. 1657, 321 acs. found more due for trans, of 7 pers: Jno. Smith, Jno. Wells, Jno. Evans, 450 Cavaliers and Pioneers Tho. Coles, Jno. Devenith, Jno. Jenkins, Robt. Parker. MICHAELL GILL, 400 acs. Up. Parish of Nancimond Co., 18 Apr. 1664, p. 172, (56). Beg. at miles end of Walter Bestyes land &c. to the head of a Durty branch. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Porter Wife twice, Edward Aster, Wm. Porter, Hester Bennett, Jno. Edley, Wm. Edley, (Note: Immediately following this appears the name: Danne or Daniel F. Strowther, the chirography and ink being decidedly unlike the preceding.) THOMAS ATTAWAY, 300 acs. Nancimond Co., 18 Feb. 1664, p. 173, (57). Beg. in Cyprus Sw. Trans, of 6 pers: Joyce Hallaway, John Lankson, Pope Allen, John Aggor, Jno. More- head, Eliz. Hatby (or Hatly). JAMES SUER, 300 acs. Nancimond Co., 18 Feb. 1664, p. 173, (57). Beg. at a poplar by a greate Ciprus Sw. Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Finch, Tho- masin English, Eliz. Holman, Margrett Mathews, Rubert Balch (or Batch), Thomas Everard. ARTHUR HOOPER, 500 acs. Nanci- mond Co., 18 Feb. 1664, p. 173, (57). Beg. by the Sw. side. Trans, of 10 pers: Giles Webb, Wife twice, Thomas Shorte, Jno. Hendy, 3 Maides, Samll. Daines, Fran. Young. THOMAS MUMPFORD, 300 acs. Nancimond Co., 18 Feb. 1664, p. 173, (58). Beg. by a big Ciprus Sw. Trans, of 6 pers: John Rich, James Cressy (?), George Gladder, Arthur Holder (?), Mathew a Negro, Susan Norvill. GEORGE SPUY, 600 acs. Up. Parish of Nancimond Co., 28 Feb. 1664, p. 174, (59). Adj. Randall Crews land. Trans, of 12 pers: James Arthur, Jno. Lasher, Benja. Hill, Jeremiah Canadr (?), Jno. Thomas, Simon Cox, Tho. Driver, Cristoper. James, John Walters, Mary Williams, Abraham Crooke, Wm. Waiters (or Walters.) JOHN GATLIN, 250 acs. abutting on N.W. side of Warrisquock River, 12 Aug. 1663, p. 174, (59). Granted to John Bridges 13 Sept. 1636 & sold to sd. Gatlin. WM. CORDEROY, 400 acs. Gloster Co., 1 Feb. 1664, P. 174, (59). Beg. at mouth of a branch on N.W. side of Tottopottomoyes Sw. &c. by the Cross path to Mr. Buckners &c. to first great br. on S. E. side of the swamp &c. by Purton path &c. Trans, of 8 pers: An- thony Stevens, John Jones, Thomas Towers, Wm. Draper, John Browne, Francis Cooper, Wm. Cooke, Alice Swan. ABRAHAM WEEKES, 450 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 26 May 1665, p. 175, (60). Bounded on S.E. with a cr. dividing this & land of Mr. Rowland Burnham, on N.W. with Wading Cr. dividing this from land of Richard Parott. 300 acs. by assignment from Mr. David Fox, 1 Nov. 1650 & 150 acs. added & granted sd. Weekes 22 Nov. 1653 and now renewed. JOHN ROBBINSON, 1000 acs. N'umberland Co., 24 July 1664, p. 175, (61). On the head of Yoacomico Riv. where it divides into branches or swamps, bounding on S. E. with land of Anthony Lynton. Trans, of 20 pers: John West, Mary Wright, John Smith, John Price, Tho. Williams, James Smart, Jno. Eastland, Thomas Davis, Edward Travers, Wm. Richards. Tho- mas Jones, John Free, Henry Parker, Richard Saintloe, John Perkins, Samuel Castor, James Tompson, Richard Read, John Flash, Thomas Hoell. WM. STENTON (Stinton) & ROBT. NURSE, 204 acs. Henrico Co., 27 May, 1665, p. 175, (61). S. side of James Riv. on head of land called Warwick, bounded from Peter Lees land on head of land now in possession Henry Sher- man &c, N.N.E. to lyne of Robt. Huson, E.S.E. on the heads of Sherman & Robt. Bradway. Trans, of 5 pers: Francis Bennett, Wm. Sawer, Robt. Draper, Anthony Gunnell. MR. JOHN KNOWLES, 100 acs. Henrico Co., 6 May 1665, p. 176, (62). S. side of James Riv. on lower side of Patent Book No. 5 451 the falling Cr. &c. towards land of Jeremiah Blackma(n), now in posses- sion of Mr. Richard Ward. Trans, of 2 pers: John Mayson, Elizabeth Salter. SAME. 220 acs. Same county, date & page. S. side of James Riv. beg. at corner of Peter Lees 126 acs. at War- wick &c. to runn of the falling Cr. with- out a slash called Hog bed Slash & E.S.E. on head of land he purchased of Thomas Cox. Trans, of 5 pers: Mathew Richardson, Wm, Amman (?), Phillip Barker, Robt. Curtis. JOHN LEWIS & EDWARD ROE, 550 acs. Lancaster Co., 29 June 1663, p. 176, (63). On branches of Peanke- tancke Sw, running N. to trees of Mr. John Curtis by Mattapony path, then W. by N. inclining N. to Mr. Potters cor., then S.S.W. & S.W. to sd. Sw. &c. Trans, of 11 pers.* JOHN KNOWLES, 133 A. 35 chs. 9 decimall parts in James City Co., part within & part without the Lybertyes of sd. Citty, 6 Mar. 1665, p. 177, (63). Beg. by a ditch nere the house formerly belonging to John Phipps &c. nere a branch of Pitch & Tarr Sw. &c. upon a poynt against Mr. Nicholas Merry- wethers cleared ground, over a marsh &c. to W. side of a Cart path &c. to S. side of a Cart path to the Island House &c. to lower end of Mr. Walter Childes ditch &c. from S.W. end of Mr. Knowles dwelling house &c. to S.W. corner of his old Garden &c. next to Mr. Wm. May's house &c. 120 acs. purchased of Jno. Phipps, 13 Dec. 1663 recorded in James County; 3 A. 44 chs. 37 dec. parts by purchase from sd. Phipps, who purchased of the Relict of Jno Rix as land appertaining to a brick house now in James Citty, but sd. Knowles doubting Phips' sale made an humble motion to the Honble. Gov. & Councell who immediately confirmed that sale as by order dated 17 Oct. 1660, which sd. order was confirmed by an order of Assembly; 9 A. 71 chs. & 53 dec. parts due for trans, of Wm. Bigly. THOMAS DAVYES, 300 acs. Up. Parish of Nancimond, 11 Mar. 1664, p. 173, (66). Beg. on miles end of John Maysons land, butting on land of Henry Plumton (or Plunton) & James Foster. Trans, of: Mary Hopkins, Jno. OfTkair (?), Alice Carpenter, Mary Tyer, Ann & Jugg, Negroes. JAMES CANIDA, 400 acs. in Ma- thewes Cr., a br. of the S. br. of Nanci- mond Riv., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 178, (66). Adj. land of Humphry Griffin. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Odium, Wm. Carpenter, Rich. Williams, Tho^ Hinton, Jasper Lane, Nath. Jordan, Jno. Bouch, Sara Bebin. JOHN ODIUM, 500 acs. Nancimond Co., 21 Mar. 1664, p. 178, (67). Trans, of 7 pers: John Hayman, Daniell Flinge, Jno. Darbye, Eliz. Hollar, Katherine Kalin, Richard White, Danll. Kelly, Phillip Eson, Arthur Bryant, John Rich. HUMPHRY GRIFFIN, 200 acs. in Mathews Cr., a S. br. of Nancimond Riv., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 179, (67). Trans, of 4 pers: James Kirkkum, twice, Humphry Griffin, his wife . THOMAS DAVYES, 400 acs. Up. Parish of Nancimond Co., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 179, (68). Beg. by the South- ern br. side, adj. land of Richard Har- mon. Trans, of 8 pers: Henry Bonner, twice, his wife, once, 2 children, Ed- ward Joyner, Maid Servant, Thomas White. RICHARD GREEN, 400 acs. Nanci- mond Co., 25 Mar. 1665, p. 179, (68). Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Overton, Wm. Wms (Williams), Theodus Bean (or Bran), Tho. Smith, Robt. Hud, Wm. Thomas, Ann Cooper, Mary Phillips. JOHN HOGG, 140 acs. New Kent Co., 16 Mar. 1663, p. 179, (68). Upon Warrany branches, beg. at cor. of Mr. Hopes land &c. to Mr. Barnhouse &c. Renewal of patent dated 27 Aug. 1659. JOHN MAKERLAND, 150 acs. Up. Parish of Nancimond Co., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 180, (69). In the S. branch &c. butting on land of Jno. Harryson. 452 Cavaliers and Pioneers Trans, of 3 pers: Sara Gay, Wm. Hil- son, Susan Wilnutt. GEORGE ARCHER, 550 acs. Henri- co Co., 2 June 1665, p. 180, (69). In Bristoll Parish, on N. side of Appamat- tox Riv. next above the old towne land, running for breadth from a marked lyne of the old Towne at the mouth of a neck called Tunstalls, S.S.W. along the Riv. to the path at the poynt of Landing at the water side below & nere the dwelling house formerly sold by Wm. Ridly to Jno. Mudgett so directly as the path now is through the Meadow until it come to the foot of the hill to a tree by sd. path &c. to trees of Major Wm. Harris &c. to where Mudgett formerly & Archer now liveth. 250 acs. pur- chased of Edward Tunstall, but finding his tytle to bee invalid traversed (?) an office, by virtue of which office the said land was found to escheate to his Ma- jesty upon compositon made his said land was confirmed &c. 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Xtopher. Kennings, Thomas Moore, Wm. Traveler, Benja- min Vintua (?), Robt. Crimly (or Croinly), Richard Reade. JOHN STIRGIES, 200 acs. Accomack Co., 10 Apr. 1663, p. 181, (70). Nere Machepungo, bounded on N. by land of Thomas Selby, on S. by Edward Smith & on E. by Catt tale branch. Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Sanderson, Jane Murry, Joan Mills, Thomas Evans. MR. SOUTHBY LITTLETON, 850 acs. Accomack Co., 12 Sept. 1664, p. 181, (71). At Occocomson, bounded on E. by the seaboard side, N. by land of Samll. Taylor & S. by Edward Smith. Trans, of 17 pers: Peter Luevell, Jno. Goring, Thomas Dule (or Diche), Jno. Steward, Thomas Gray, Ralph Carr, Henry Chown, Henry Bill, Edward May, Stephen Elphich (?), Jno. Churle, (or Charle), Jno. Charles, Wm. Rye, Ed- ward Nott, Robt. Stoller, Lawrence Marsh, James Austin. JOHN RENNY, 400 acs. Accomack Co., 10 Jan. 1662, p. 181, (71). At N. branch of Muddy Cr., beg. at a great swamp, running Nly. towards Mesango Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Dalma, Rich. Heath, Anto. Street, James Copp- ing, Herbert Springer, Thomas Nutt, Jno. May. DORATHY JORDAN, 450 acs. Ac- comack Co., 10 June 1664, p. 181, (71). At Occahannock Cr., bounded on N.W. by a former devdt. granted to Wm. Jor- dan. Trans, of 9 pers: Jno. Yeo, Edw. Spicer, Jno. Surgis, Rich. Francklin, David Edwards, Thomas Glew, Wm. Tompkins, Jone Vina, Jacaminta Bodella. CORNELIUS WATKINSON, 450 acs. Accomack Co., 10 Sept. 1664, p. 181, (71). Bet. the lands of Occahan- nock & Machepungo, bounded by trees of Dorothy Jordan, Arthur Upshott, Jno. Salvadge, Jno. Stirgies, Edward Smith & Henry Bishop. Trans, of 9 pers: Xp. Browne, Fran. Lasley (?), Henry Vernon, Richard Prince, Wm. Cohild (?), Jane Hopkins, Robt. Leigh- ton, Samll. Wring, Robt. Berry. COL. EDMUND SCARBURGH, 1000 acs. Accomack Co., 21 June 1664, p. 182, (72). At middle br. of Muddy Cr., beg. at lyne of trees where the fresh water branch begins, on the N. & S. sides of same, extending Ely. to the head thereof. Trans, of 20 pers: Jonah Lord, Jane Grey, Jno. Carter, John Long, Jane Taylor, JefTry Wallington, Jno. Atterby, Jno. Martin, Jenken Morris, James Lolland, Thomas Locker, Edward Hollis, Roger Froth, Mathew Castleton, Susan Farmer, Francis Mur- ray, Abraham Short, Robt. Loring, Row- land Ashington, Ann Redland. SAME. Acreage, county & pages the same as above. 20 Apr. 1664. Lying on N. & S. sides of Timber Cr., extend, to head of the main branch thereof. Trans, of 20 pers: Mary Norwood, Rich. Johnson, Tho. Thoroughgood, William Moore, William Owen, Xtopher. Elfrid, Jno. Stelington (or Shelington), Eliz. Rathborne, Mary Roberts, Meredith Morgan, James Cutler, Eliz. Roules, Jno. Hedrington, James Wellington, Tho. Mathews, Ismael Watlins, Tho. King- ston, Wm. Marigold, Edm. Ordorne, James Godfry. Patent Book No. 5 453 SAME. 150 acs., 17 Aug. 1664. County & pages the same. Bounded on S. parts by Boulmans branch & N. by land of Nathanll. Bradford. Trans, of 3 pers: Jno. Crew, Mary Frost, Sarah Welch. SAME. 3000 acs., 22 June 1664, p. 183, (73). Same Co. At the seaboard side, bounded on E. therewith, S. by Gingotege Cr. & on N. by Swansicutts Cr. Trans, of threescore pers: Owen Morgan, Tho. Luellin, James Harris, Evan Jones, John Lewis, Henry Morris, Hup. Edwards, Joan Redman, Thomas Redman, Jno. Castleton, Edw. Millford, Margerett Jones, Hugh Horsington, James Pedly, Jno. Mort, Henry Out- wright, James Tuke, Jeffry Mosse, James Wright, Richard Wells, Mary Smith, Edward Speed, Thomas Read, Rich. Allgatt, Humphry Loyd, Thomas Ford, Edwin Loth, James Hurle, Ed- ward Shelly, Owen Pembroke, Thomas Rosse (or RofTe), Henry Ashton, Wm. Wright, Martha Grimes, Tobias South, Rowland Rivers, Mary Watkins, James Langly, John Moore, Edward Neale, Hump Cooke, Jenkin Jones, Martha Powell, Jane Mathews, JefTery White, Jno. Meares, Henry Swallow, Thomas Herring, Morgan Evans, Mary Moult, Jno. Jenken, Oliver Martin, Wm. Car- ter, Jno. Thorpe, Thomas Jenkle, Roger Osborne, David Thurle, Joane Taylour, Lewis Farthing, Edward Whally. SAME. 2000 acs., 10 Sept. 1664, p. 183, (73). Same county & pages. Near Pokomock Riv., being a neck bounded on S. by Crooked Cr., W. by the bay & N. by the Sack Cr., parting this from land of Mr. Robt. Pitts. Trans, of 40 pers: Elf rid Snow, Thomas Oxly, James Allin, George Radder, Ann Scarlett, Lewis Whaly, James Oxford, Miles Wrack, James Hay, Jervis Lock, Tymo- thy Redly, Michaell Rooke, Sarah Long, Henry Mallard, Ann Smith, Thomas Joy, James Moat, Rebecca Crow, Ismaell Holt, Edward Goslin, Rnndall Gaines, Thomas Luck, Mary Wood, Robt. Willoughby, Edward Moore, John Rosse, Roger Isham, Jane Shaw, Randall Willis, Jane Shelly, Mary Winter, Alex. Wallis, Martha Hill (or Hall), JefTery Mosse, John Wood, Joane Fox, John Osburne, Ralph Mew, James Nowell, Martha Arris. SAME. 2400 acs. 20 Oct. 1663, p. 184, (73). Same Co. At the seaboard side, bounded on N. by the maine Cr. & branch of a middle cr., lying bet. great & little Matomkins Cr. Trans, of 48 pers: James Seabott, Ellinor Roe, Mary Smith, Michaell Watkins, Thomas Ship, Roger Newcom, Jno. Lozen, Rich. Hollis, JefTery Roades, Jno. Holmes, Rowland Mills, James Sanderson, James Tuke, Roger Oheley, Ann Rivers, Henry Spur, Thomas Girdle, Lawrence Roe, Thomas Long, Joane Loftis, Rich. Rooke, Ann Clifton, Martha Fish, Mar- tha Rotoby (or Rokesby), Owen Carlow, Jane Weall, Edwin CrafTt, Wm. Wigg, An Carpenter, Edw. Firbush, Thomas Fly, Mathew Fly, Jno. Marwin ?, Henry Bloie (or Bloir), Margt. White, Sarah Basely, Robt. Rench, Thomas Bush, Jno. Roberts, Jonathan Barloe, Walter Eagle, James Ellis, James Miller, George Roe, Jno. Stow, Wm. King, Mary Short, Roger Jones. SAME. 1400 acs., 20 June 1664, in same Co. P. 184, (74). At the sea- board side on E., N. by Stokelyes branch & Cr., S. by Arathusa Cr. & main branch formerly called Kickcotanck Cr. Trans, of 28 pers: JefTery Sadler, Martha North, Lewis Wells, Jenkin Powell, Paul Wintrop, Rich. Wallford, James Richards, Edward Rury, Thomas Whar- ton, Jone Mellington, James Wrath (or Weath), Thomas Nowell, Rich. Carpen- ter, James Sands, Ruth Willis, Hen. Whitchurch, Thomas Owen, Mathew Rippon, Edw. Carter, Edm. Harrington, Thomas Williams, Jane Shall, Sarah Blackleech, Owen Makerly, James Tho- mas, Thomas Murray, Bartho. Edwards, Xtoper. Croply. WM. ONAUGHTON & TEAGE MISKELL, 400 acs. Acco. Co., 4 Aug. 1664, p. 185, (74). Part of a devdt. belonging to Col. Edmund Scarburgh, lying in the middle neck of Muddy Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Henry Porter, Wm. Turner, Thomas Smith, Jno. Tirrill (or Tirvill), Jno. Danvires (?) Edw. Browne, Robt. Carr, Mary Scroope. 454 Cavaliers and Pioneers JOHN DYE, 450 acs. Accomacke Co., 10 Aug. 1664, p. 185, (75). Near sea- board side at S. side of Mathomkin branch & bounded on E. by land of Coll. Edmond Scarburgh. Trans, of 9 pers: Walter Duble (or Dubte), Rich. Mills, Charles Brett, Thomas Seafort, George Joy, Tho. Stewkly, Richard Long, Jno. Bearecraft, Thomas Wild. MR. JOHN WEST, 1500 acs. Acco- mack Co., 10 Aug. 1664, p. 185, (75). S. side of Deep Cr., bounded on W. by land of Matilda Scarburgh, running Sly. towards Chucanesseks Cr. Trans, of 30 pers: Mathew Bennitt, Jno. Juell, Giles Boones, Jno. Wilton, Jno. Stephens, Teage Matarta, Wm. Abtill, Xtop. Moses, Jno. Say, Tho. Bell, Tho. Wms. (Williams), Rich. Fele, Tho. Palmer, Barbery Baty, Nicholas White, Nicholas Coward, Jno. Sixton, Owen Colona, Patriack Hare (?), Edw. Cuck, Jno. Rooe, Edw. Prestedge, Wm. Wms. Eliz. James, Hannah Knowell, Xtop. Stro- bridge, Wm. Palmy, Alex. Kinsman, Bous (?) Markes, Wm. Wms. JNO. RENNY, 500 acs. Accomack Co., 10 Sept. 1664, p. 185, (75). Bounded on N. with Crooked Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Peter HufTey, George Garth, Vincent Randall, Geo. Brothby Wm. Covert, Henry Pelham, Jno. Mor- ley, Henry Pecham, Jno. Farington, Tho. Middleton. MILES GRAY, 400 acs. Accomack Co., 12 July 1664, p. 186, (76). At Muddy Crr., beg. at land of Col. Ed- mond Scarburgh. Trans, of 8 pers: John Freeman, Ralph Brumfeld, Rich. Lenthall, Edm. Howard, Jno. Heyward, Nich. Brodrick, Edward Temple, Edw. Phillips. RICHARD KELLUM, 900 acs. Acco- mack Co., 10 May 1664, p. 186, (76). At head of Mathepungo Cr., beg. at N. side of his former devdt. Trans, of 18 pers: Jno. Tompson, Sarah Amsley, Ann Corbitt, Isaack Wilson, Hen. Mosely, Mary Kine, Jno. Walpole, Pres- cilla Fills, Eliza. Phillips, Danll. dermon, Sisley Brooks, Jno. Proctor, Jno. Kellum, Edw. Bird, Robt. Blinken- son, Doro. Churchill, Rich. Welch, Xtop. Yeomans. CHARLES RATCLIFFE, 600 acs. Accomack Co., 10 Sept. 1664, p. 186, (76). At Mesango Cr. & running Nly. towards Pocomoke. Trans, of 12 pers: Jno. Baker, Georg Easy, Peter Guard, Wm. Ire (?), Jno. Awbry, Tho. Street, Wm. Sheldon, Jno. Jones, Rich. West, Jno. Dawes, James Allett, Wm. Wright. ROBERT HILL, 400 acs. Accomack Co., 10 July 1664, p. 187, (77). At S. branch of Muddy Cr., bounded on E. by land of Col. Edmund Scarburgh & W. by land of Lawrence Robbinson. Trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Jones, James Will- brooke, Mary Tompson, Jeffery Whitly, Edward Wallis, John Jones, Henry Mathews, Mathew Williams. EDWARD SMITH, 1250 acs. Acco- mack Co., 12 Sept. 1664, p. 187, (77). At Occomcomson, bounded on E. by the seaboard, N. by land of Southby Little- ton & S. by Jno. Michaell. Trans, of 25 pers: Edward Wrath (or Weath), Mathew Roan, Jeffery Marsh, Wm. Manington, Jno. Blake, Hen. White- church, Rich. Snow, Roger Isam, Jacob Clakford, Paul Emerson, Jno. Mack- worth, Rich. Overbury, Roger Duncomb, Charles Ancram (?), Francis Weston, Benj. Angeir, Fran. Vincent. Thomas Trevor, Wm. Gresham, Marmaduke More, Jno. Onsloe, Charles Bowyer, Allen Carew, Jno. Parbeck, Robt. Bish. MR. JNO. STOKELEY, 2600 acs. Accomack Co., 2 Sept. 1664, p. 187. (77). Bounded E. with the seaboard side, N. by Corrattawaman Cr., S. by Stokeleyes br. & a right lyne parting tihs from land of Col. Edmond Scarburgh. Trans, of 52 pers: Edward Court, Jno. Smith, James Morgan, Martha Ellford, Archibald Allen, Reynoldes, Eliz. Stockeley, Abra. Hath (?), Jno. Smith, Peter Heyman, Thomas Brewer, Henry Hunt, Phillip Hitley, Thomas Owen, Rebecca Walbrook, Jno. Hopkins, Hast- ly (or Hartly), Wallington, Jno. Stuck- ley, Robt. Twiller, Benj. Hichman, Jno. Bowin, Peter Pett, Herbert Rye, James Bane, Jno. Newton, Jno. Palmer, James Patent Book No. 5 455 Hill, Michaell Lewis, Edward Wood, Jno. Thornbush, Thomas West, Margt. Carvill, James Owin, Jno. More, Wm. Radly, Rich. Leigh, Thomas Carus, Ester Bayly, Thomas Thorp, Jonah Price (?), Ann Delfe, Robt. Price, Floraine All- wood, Eliz. Stuckley, Jno. Stockeley, Eliza. Ashton, Robt. Lewkner, Jno. Cane (?), James Orton, Wm. Bent, Charles Bishop, John Boyes. TABITHA SMART, 1000 acs. Acco- mack Co., 10 July 1664, p. 188, (78). At Deep Cr., bounded by one half of a devdt. of 3000 acs. granted to Matilda & Tabitha Scarburgh. Trans, of 20 pers: Robt. Barnham, Phill. Packett, Henry Gilson, Jno. Culpepper, Hen. Washington, Wm. Boice (?), Rich. Head, Tho. Flind, Jno. Lake, Jno. Best, Rich. Masters, Hen. Thorne, Fran. Twi- man, Jno. Woodyer, Tobias Clere, Wm. Fooke, Geo. Curtice (?), Geo. May, Robt. Vivell, Jno. Parker. MAJOR JNO. TILNEY, 1000 acs. Accomack Co., 10 Sept. 1664, p. 188, (78). Bounded on E. with the sea- board, N. by Naswattocks Cr. & S. by land of Jno. Dolby. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Lockson, Mara. Jones, Hen. Stone, Jno. Dincock, Robt. Heath, Edw. Fell- more, Arnold Brams (or Beams), Wm. Hugeson, Wm. Meredath, Anto. Bate- man, Herbert Kendall, Danll. Maquillan, Jno. Maketrone, Elias Maconn, Phill. Jackman, Geo. Boaraham (?), Morris Mathews, James Taylor, Ann Showell, Rich. Archer. CAPT. EDMOND BOWMAN, 1200 acs., being the equall halfe of a neck of land, Accomacke Co., 10 Oct. 1664, p. 188, (78). Bounded on S. with great Matomkin Cr., E. by the seaboard & N. by line parting this from land of Lt. Col. Waters. Trans, of 24 pers: John Illes, Eliza. Atkenson, James Whettam, Jane Griffing, Danll. Neck, Robt. Bridges, Ellinor Lucas, Walter Marton, Ann Morcan, Dorothy Lamb, Eliza. Cooke, Benj. Scotch, Abra. Taylour, De- borah Catchmee, Morris Dennis, Joshua. Smith, Dennis Morris, Moore Dennis, Rich. Marrinor, Moses Burnell, Jane Sf.ffell, Ann House, Tho. Woodfeild, Elinor Jnoson (Johnson). JAMES GREY & ALPHONSON BALL, 900 acs. Accomack Co., 10 July 1664, p. 189, (79). Bounded on W. by land of Richard Smith in Capt. Thomas Neck, S. by William Taylor & N. by land formerly Rich. Bundocks. 350 acs. granted sd. Gray & Ball 3 Mar. 1658; 150 acs. granted them 29 May 1661 & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Coales (or Coates), Ann Morris, An- drew Hill, Thomas Hays, Robt. Forrest, Arthur Hincks, Edward Walker, Mary Rotherford. CAPT. WILLIAM JONES, 550 acs. N'ampton Co., 10 June 1664, p. 189, (79). At Hungers Cr., bounded on N. by land of Richard Smith & S. by Capt. Wm. Stone. 450 acs. granted sd. Jones 22 July 1645 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Robt. Anderson, Thomas Bickley. LAWRENCE ROBBINSON, 800 acs. Accomack Co., part thereof being a peninsula called Hills Choyce, the other part on S. side of the middle br. of Muddy Cr., 28 Nov. 1664, p. 189, (80). 500 acs. by patent dated 23 Feb. 1663 & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Mathew Aldridge, James (or Jane) Hollingford, Jno. Ashenhurst. (No other names.) ALEXANDER ADDISON, 700 acs. Accomack Co., 20 June 1664, p. 189, (80). Bounded on N. with Occahan- nock Cr. 350 acs. by patent 10 May 1652 & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Thomas Cox, Jno. Jones, Peter Clause, Samll. Banton, Wm. Bernard, Sara Mash (or Mask), Mary Parker. MR. JNO. DOLBY, 1000 acs. Acco- mack Co., 10 Sept. 1664, p. 190, (80). Bounded on E. with the seaboard & N. by land of Major John Tilney. Trans, of 20 pers: Wm. Shepard, Alex. Joyce, Jno. Webb, Jno. Osulvan, Edw. Han- cock, Wm. White, Mary Barell, Mary Vaughan, Wm. Morris, Eliza. Prame, Cornelius Morian, Tho. Greene, Derick Costeance, Peter Freeding, Hen. Mar- shall, Danll. Micant, Susan Thomas, Rich. Bently, Margt. Morgan, Jno. Clerke. JOHN WALLOP, 400 acs. Accomack Co., 10 June 1664, p. 190, (81). 456 Cavaliers and Pioneers Bounded on N. with Pocomock, on W. by E.most bounds of 3000 acs. of Mr. Robert Pitt. Trans, of 8 pers: Samll. Taylor, Robt. Atkins, Edw. Tompson, Jno. Windsor, Thomas Hunt, Jno. Medcap, Wm. Hopkins, Jno. Wallop. (Note: Later Accomack records give this name as Waddilow.) MR. ROBERT PITT, 3000 acs. Acco- mack Co., 2 Oct. 1663, p. 190, (81). Bounded on N. with Pokomoke Riv., W. by Bay of Chespiack & sunken marshes. 1000 acs. by patent 12 Mar. 1662 & 2000 by the Election of Col. Edmond Scarburgh & assigned to sd. Pitt. Trans, of 40 pers: Jno. Eloer (?), Tho. Griffin, Mary Harwood, James Wellfleet, Wm. Morgan, Henry Loyd, Mary Thomas, Edw. Washington, Tho. Lazengby, Jane Shelly, Thomas Smith, Crispian Morris, Mary Sewell, Edw. Griffeth, Margt. Powell, Nicho. Wal- brooke, Joseph Jnoson, An Heath, Mary Wms. (Williams), Joan Millford, Tho. Dunn, Tho. Whenham, Anto. Spencer, Tho. Cope, Jno. Norris, Jno. Robbinson, Wm. Clayton, James Fliers, David Lacy, Wm. Knowles, Jno. Tavernor, Wm. Ganock, Jno. Doyley, Rich. Crooke, Tho. Sanders, Wm. Wright, Samll. White, Math. Langley, Wm. Bayley, Edw. Heath. MRS. ANN TOFT, 1500 acs. (Acco- mack) at Manoakin, being halfe of the middle neck, on S. side thereof, Wly. on Manoaken Riv., bounded on S. by the Southern Cr. 2 Apr. 1664, p. 191, (82). Trans, of 30 pers: James Draper, Jno. Orbald, Vincent Barry, Anto. Libb, Robt. Parriot, Jno. Machen, Hen. Sil- vester, Rich. Miller, Roger Griffin, Rich. Wing, Abill Barker, Walter Acton, Tho. Whitmore. Jno. Weld, Jno. Charlton, Ann Phillips, Rich. Lister, Thomas Morefeild, Geo. Ludloe, Thomas Jones, Francis Smith, Mary Feild, Jno. Whit- taker, Rich. Rivers, Jno. Harding, James Dudly, Thomas Wells, Henry Lee, Tho. Fleetwood, Wm. Morton. SAME. 500 acs. Accomack Co., 12 July 1664, p. 191, (82). Beg. at S.W. angle of a former devdt. of 1200 acs., running N.W. to a swamp called Devills Den & bounded on N. by land of Col. Edmond Scarburgh. Trans, of 10 pers: Francis Hord, Edw. Bray, Fran. Tippin, James Jenkins, Tho. Setteplace, Rowland Walter, George Burry, Jno. Draper, Thomas Cobb, Charles Holloway. NICHOLAS HUDSON, 200 acs. N'ampton Co., 10 Oct. 1664, p. 191, (82). Bounded on S. by a branch of Broad Cr. & running Wwd. by land of Jno. Townsend. Trans, of 4 pers: Robert Blayes, Ann Waterson, Richard Ward, Ann Bryan. MR. CHARLES SCARBURGH, eldest sonn of Col. Edmond Scarburgh, 3050 acs. in Accomack Co., formerly N'amp- ton Co., 12 Nov. 1664, p. 191, (83). Beg. on N. side at first of the little branches of Pungoteage Cr., extend, up the main cr., including all the neckes & branches on the W. part by sd. Little Cr. or branch &c. Renewal of patent dated 10 May 1652. BALDWIN (Bauldwin) SHEP- PARD, Orphan, 1000 acs. N'umberland Co., 9 June 1665, p. 192, (83). Upon N. side & nere the mouth of a swamp upon the head of Jarnews Cr. dividing this & land of Jno. Powell, extend, along the head of Nicholas Jernew's land, upon Mr. Wm. Hockaday to br. of Machotick Cr. Due as son & heire of Jno. Sheppard, to whom it was granted 6 May 1652. PATRIACK JACKSON & RICHARD BAKER, 1500 acs. Chas. City Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 192, (83). 950 acs. about 2 mi. from the Riv. on back side of Merchants Hope, bounding N. upon same, W. on land of Richard Craven, S. upon the old towne, being the land of Mr. Richard Tye & E. upon Thomas Wheeler. 550 acs. E. upon the upper ponds adj. his former patent, S. upon Cravens land & N. upon the Merchants land. Granted to Richard Jones 12 Mar. 1655 & by him sold to the abovenamed. THOMAS ROYSTON, 270 acs. Gloster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 192, (84). On Chesecake br. behind land of Lt. Col. Warner &c. by Chesecake path. Patent Book No. 5 457 Trans, of 6 pers: Edw. Young, Jno. Forby (or Ferby), Tho. Fowler, Wm. Johnson, Tho. Carew, Fra. Fleet. MR. AUGUSTINE CANT, 750 acs. Lancaster Co., 12 June 1665, p. 193, (84). N. side of Peanketanck Riv., beg. at mouth of a small creek &c. run- ning to white oake parting this & land of Mr. Jno. Appleton. 500 acs. granted to Thomas Trotter 10 Aug. 1642 & purchased by Col. Augustine Warner & Major David Cant for use of sd. Augus- tine Cant; 250 acs. found within the bounds of aforesd. patent & due sd. Augustine Cant for trans, of 5 pers: Jno. Rumbald, Jno. Rawlings, Robert Passe, James Hopkins, Wm. Ardrey. JOHN CLARKE, 400 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 4 May 1665, p. 193, (85). Wwd. side of the third swamp of black water, beg. at mouth of Hubies br. &c. running nere mouth of a broad branch &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Tony, Cloyce, Tymothy, Palmer, Jane, Kate, Mary, and Maria. CAPT. ROBT. PRIDDY, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 7 June 1665, p. 193, (85). N. side of Mattapony Riv., upon S.E. side of Arratico Cr. &c. to white oake that stands by Tassiopumps &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Robert Dixon, Jno. Andrewes, Ann Cobb, Thomas Blake, Mary Jnoson, Edward Mills, Wm. Skill, Wm. Toffy, Jno. Morry, Jno. Morgan. CAPT. EDWARD HILL, 4000 acs. on N. side & within the freshes of Rappa. Riv., opposite to Poretobacco, bounded on S. by W. side with Rappa. Riv., on W. by N. with a cr. upon the Ewd. of Ausaticon Towne & on Wwd. of Warisquock Indian Towne &c. E. S.E. with cr. commonly known as fall- ing Cr. Granted to Edward Hill, Esqr., 10 Oct. 1655 & given by will to sd. Capt. Hill. 28 Sept. 1664, p. 194, (86). EDWARD COALE, threescore & 10 acs., heretofore called Phillips Island, on W. side of Chikahomany Riv., N. upon Phillips bay. 10 Feb. 1664, p. 194, (86). Formerly taken up by Tho- mas Donington, practitioner in phisick, who assigned to Thomas Stamp, who assigned to Samll. Paine, who sold to sd. Coale. WM. SEWARD, 300 acs., 29 Sept. 1664, p. 194, (87). Being part of a great quantity taken up by Tho. Swan, Junr., in Surry Co. ; beg. at mouth of the white marsh & Indian spring Sw. &c. to Col. Jordans cor. tree beside sd. marsh &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Thomas Gibson, Wm. Kytt (?), Jno. Hawkes, Henry Allen, Wm. Boyse, Wm. Spring. RICHARD KING, 200 acs. on S. side of S. br. of Eliz. Riv., 20 Sept. 1664, p. 195, (87). Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. King, Wm. Cutt, Anthony Williams, Robert Norgrove. SUSAN AUSTIN, 50 acs. New Kent Co., 23 Oct. 1664, p. 195, (88). Beg. at branch below an Indian feild called Rockahockaw, formerly belonging to Anthony Arnold & by him sold to Ed- ward Price, down sd. br. Sly. &c. Trans, of Jno. Browne. JOHN MASON, 300 acs. Nancimond Co., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 195, ( (88). In the Upper Parish, beg. at miles end of his own land & abutting on land of Michael Gill. Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Yeomans, Thomas Paine, Teague Wallis, Lawrence Petty, Jno. Wallis, Susanna Knott. JAMES COLLINS, 400 acs. Nanci- mund Co., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 195, (89). In the Up. Parish. Crossing the head of a small run nere land of Thomas Mayson. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Ben- nett, Rich. Harris, 1 name lost, Nathall. Gordon, Danll. Mackneal, "3 persons more dyed after their arrivall in Virga." MRS. MARY BAWD, the daughter & heire of Wm. Bawd, deed., 800 acs. Lancaster Co., 15 June 1665, p. 196, (89). Upon S. side & at the mouth of Rappa. Riv., bounded on E.S.E. with the maine bay, including Goate Island, upon S.S.E. with Peancketanck bay, W. N.W. with the Wading Cr. Granted to Capt. Wm. Brocas, Esqr., 2 Feb. 1653, & by John Jackson, heire apparent of 458 Cavaliers and Pioneers sd. Brocas, assigned to Sir Henry Chich- ly 13 Jan. 1656, & by Cuthbert Potter lawfully authorized by letter of Atty. from sd. Sir Henry, dated 24 Sept. 1661, assigned to sd. Mary Bawd, 24 Sept. 1663. MR. JOHN DRAYTON, 150 acs. Chas. City Co., 14 June 1665, p. 196, (90). Upon the Ready Swamp issuing out of Powells Cr., bounded S. & W. upon land of Mr. David Peoples. Granted to James Ward 7 June 1651, by him assigned to Mrs. Eliz. Peoples, 12 Jan. 1657, & now due sd. Drayton as marrying the sd. Elizabeth. THOMAS JONES, 420 acs. (margi- nal note calls for 450 acs.) Henrico Co., 17 Jan. 1663, p. 196, (90). S. side of James Riv. & on back of Barmoder hun- dred between land of one Arundell (or Arndell) & one Clerke where Powells Cr. divides them at the mouth; 200 acs. N.N.W. along line of Arundell, W. S.W. to sd. Cr. & S.S.E. on the river; 200 acs. on the heads hereof bounding N. along Court Swamp & the heads of the hundred; 20 acs. on the head of Arundell's land being a field & some thicketts called Epses, bounded N.N.W. as Claphams Slash windeth & W.S.W. towards sd. Swamp. Trans, of 9 pers: An Broadway, Margtt Sandrs., Jno. Amey, Wm. Flowers, Jane Ingle, Tho. May, Henry Avery, Alex. Arnold, Tymo- thy Roberts. THOMAS MEREDETH, 420 acs. on S.W. of the narrov/s of Yorke Riv., New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 197, (91). Beg. at S.most cor. of his own land &c. by Mr. Hurds path &c. by branch of Warriny Sw., by the run of same to Capt. Richard Barnhouse &c. Trans, of 9 pers: James Gorting (or Gosling), Wm. West, Edwd. Burgis, Margtt. Hamlin, Wm. Edes, James H-i?e, Mary Shaw, Tho. Sewell, Mary Gibbs. SAME. 380 acs. New Kent Co., Same date & pages. S. side of the freshes of Yorke Riv.. by land of Mr. Richard Barnehouse. 200 acs. granted to Major Wm. Hockady 9 Mar. 1654, assigned to sd. Thomas Meredeth & 180 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Smith, Jane Gadstone, Richd. Carter, Ann Littleton. SAME. 1370 acs. James City Co., 27 Apr. 1661, p. 197, (92). Upon N. side of Chikahomani maine swamp about l*/2 mi. from Poewhite Sw., beg. at a small br. upon the S. side of a small br. by the Sw. side &c. crossing Westham path &c. Trans, of 27 pers: James Otter- long, Fran. Powell, Neale Peterson, Tho. Powell, Fran. Sergeant, Geo. Corham (or Cocham), Francis Thrush, Tho. Granger, Jno. Gillett, twice, Will. Caw- ly, Jno. Robbinson, Wm. Cock, Giles West, Samll. Cornix, Wm. Dawsy, Tho. Gibbs, Jno. Wormslend, Geo. Dilton, Mary Lewis, Tho. Carter, Hugh Kit- chen, Jno. Jones, Mary Ward, Tho. Conell (or Covell), Tho. Joyner, Eliz. Gibbs. CAPT. JNO. JENNINGS, 100 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 29 Sept. 1664, p. 198, (92). Being all marsh land, bounded Wly. with Lownes Cr., Ely. by the land he now holds by right of his wife comprehending the great marsh & the Little Marsh &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Robt. Mosse, Thomas Ward. BRYAN SCOTT (or STOTT), 850 acs. Lancaster Co., 24 Aug. 1664, p. 198, (93). 800 acs. bounding upon land of Jno. Sympson & 50 acs. beg. at tree of sd. Sympson, running N.N.W. to Narra- tico Cr. 800 acs. by patent dated 10 July 1663 & 50 acs. for trans, of Paul Kinsey. THOMAS MADDISON & THOMAS ELVART, 606 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Co., 18 July 1663, p. 198, (93). Bound- ing upon land of Richard Merryman. Trans, of 13 pers: Margtt. Kinsey, Danll. Kinsey, Eliz. (Kinsey ?), Tho. Holding, Jone Taylor, Hannah Rogers, Rich. Mereday, Abram South, Jno. God- fry, Jane Nudigute (?), Jno. Jackson, Charles Seares, Magdalin Jones. ABRAHAM BUSH & PETER EL- MOR, 300 acs. on N. side of Lancater Co., 5 Apr. 1664, p. 199, (94). Trans. Patent Book No. 5 459 of 6 pers: Wm. Martin, Hen. Dame, Jno. Rogers, George Huis (or Avis), Edwd. Fitby, Jno. Pole. MR. RICHARD MERRIMAN, 1000 acs. upon N. side of Lancaster Co., 7 Apr. 1664, p. 199, (94). Upon the head of Morratico Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Abram Shaw, James Wilson, Jno. Jeames, Tho. Mason, Giles Tompson, Mary Fletcher, Wm. Ladmore, Susan Francklin (or Framblin), Jno. Gregory, Edwd. Wade, Richd. Smith, Jno. Thorngton, Wm. Hade, Mathew Parker, Hen. Dunning, James Cadmill, Anthony Lowell, Wm. Reve (or Rene), Joye Mason, Mary Snelling. Marginal Note: This land assigned to Wm. Hall, Marri- ner & renewed 5 Dec. 1666. THOMAS BRYAR, 300 acs. in Rappa. Co., 14 Mar. 1663, p. 199, (94). Upon outermost lines of marked trees of Mr. Charles Grimes. Trans, of 6 pers: Eliz. Wms. (Williams), Wm. Wms., Seth Browne, Samll. Cherid ?, Mary Kinsey, Sarah Kinsey. BRYANT & THOMAS STOTT (or Scott), 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 199, (95). Upon S.E. side of Morraticon Riv., bounded W. by S. up- on land of Mr. David Fox. Granted to Rich. Hotton & Lambert Lamberton 14 Oct. 1652 & after several sales assigned by Alex. Porter to sd. Stotts. MR. THOMAS CHETWOOD & GEORGE HASELLOCK, (Haslelocke), 2250 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Co., 9 July 1663, p. 200, (95). Running along a maine br. at the head of Totoskey Cr. called the Cross Cr. &c. to chestnutt dividing this & land of Mr. Samll. Griffin. Trans, of 45 pers: Ed. Ben- nett, Jno. Iriby, Nicho. Paris, Tho. Lane, Robt. Foster, Peter Rowen, Tho. Warren, Walter Horton, Lowry Stafford, Eliz. Lane, Katha. Streate (or Skeate), Noy (?) Burford, Wm. Attaway, Mary Price, Ann Burslitt, Henry Clay, Mary Loyd, Rich. Wait, Xtop. Rogers, Antho. Apostingall, 3 Negroes, Jno. Pitt, Jno. George, Sara Plumson, Demingo Brass (?), Demingo Demerense (?), Kate Phelpley, Jno. Young, 6 rights assigned by Michael Armes, Edw. Man, Jno. Wms., Tho. Travis, Wm. Tavernor, Jno. Harwell, Wm. Rauley, Wm. Cock, Eliz. Growndy, Eliz. Morry. THOMAS CHETWOOD, Gent., 250 acs. N. side of Lancaster Co., 9 July 1663, p. 200, (96). Trans, of 5 pers: James Potter, Thomas Colt, Richard Hopkins, Ann Hopkins, Judith Hopkins. ADD AM YARRETT, 400 acs. N'um- berland Co., 24 Aug. 1664, p. 200, (96). Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Poore, James Man, Erasmus Perry, Mary Smith, Wm. Cock, 3 Negroes. SAMUELL GRIFFIN, 260 acs. Rap- pa. Co., 24 May 1664, p. 201, (96). Bounding Wly. upon his own land, run- ning S. from Chikacone path to path called Square Jnos. (Johns) Trans, of 6 pers: David Griffin, Bagnall Vincent, Wm. Benjamin, Edwd. Wetherbat, Am- brose Clare, Wm. Gunter. DENNIS EYES & DENNIS CON- WAY, 390 acs. N'umberland Co., 24 Aug. 1664, p. 201, (97). By Chikacone path. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Watford, (or Walford), Ralph Spickman, An- thony Smithy Timothy Godheard, Fran- cis Armor, Peter Dule, Ralph Palmer, Jno. Smith. RICHARD NELMES, 525 acs. N'um- berland Co., 4 Feby. 1662, p. 201, (97). N. side of great Wiccomico Riv., beg. at head lyne of land formerly taken up by sd. Nelmes, running Nly. to branch of Chinghohan Cr. &c. by Scotts Cr. Trans, of 11 pers: Tho. Smith, Henry Jordan, David Carter, James Barnes, Johanna Smith, Richard Harryson, Eliz. a servant, Jno. Dugen, Joyce Mattocks, (?), Jno. Bond, Mary Floyd. JNO. WILLIAMS, 350 acs. Rappa. Co., 18 Mar. 1663/4, p. 201, (98). Beg. at a marked tree joyning upon land of Col. More Fantleroy, running W. N.W. along land of Luke Billington, S. Wly. along land of Giles Webb, & thence N.Ely, along land of sd. Fantle- roy. Trans, of 7 pers: Hoell Waters, 460 Cavaliers and Pioneers Jno. Godfry, Geo. Robbinson, Bartholo- mew Sims, Tho. Vicares, Danll. Smith, Ann Warrin. MR. THO. CHETWOOD, 700 acs. N. side of Lancaster Co., 14 Mar. 1663, p. 202, (98). 200 acs. thereof running along Chikacone path. 500 acs. by- patent dated 9 July 1663 & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Mary Smith, Fran. Peoble, Joane Smart, Richd. Povey. CLOUD TVLOS (or Tulos), 100 acs. N'umberland Co., 27 June 1665, p. 202, (99). In Chikacone Riv., bound- ing upon lands of Robt. Lick, Capt. Rogers, Mr. Roddam & Jno. Kent. Trans, of 2 pers: Dorcas Hinton, Jno. RofFe (or Rosse). JNO. OVEDDAM, 600 acs. N'thum- berland Co., 27 June 1665, p. 202, (99). Running E.S.E. from main branch of Wiccomico &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Sergeant, Jno. Price, Susan Ward, Jno. Greenwood, Jno. Warner, Mary Warn- (er), Rich. Simpson, Wm. Grimble, Ann Browne, Nich. Jones, Tho. Taylor, Toby. Rogers. JNO. SHURLOCK, 600 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., upon Totoskey Cr., bounding upon land of Jno. Hull & Dennis Swillivant. 27 June 1665, p. 203, (100). Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Bright, Sarah Meade, Jno. Kemp, Judeth Olive, Mary Hopkins, Sarah Milbridge, Roger Waterford, James Love, Patriack Love, Symon Georg, Edith Taylor, Mor- gan Jones. JOSEPH BAYLY, 1215 acs. N. side of Lancaster Co., 27 June 1665, p. 203, (100). Upon a main branch of Corro- toman. Trans, of 25 pers: Jno. Ben- nett, Jno. Carter, James Blackman, Robert Clanck, Edward Hill, Wm. Hackney, Valentine Vallys, Samll. Ever- ton, Jno. Gutteridge, Robt. Norman, Wm. Rann, George Baker, Wm. Miller, Rich. Wells, George Dyer, Eliz. Woods, Mary Martin, James Porter, Jno. Scold, Rich. Parrett, 3 Negroes; Wm. Evans, Jno. Jones. PETER KNIGHT, JR., 925 acs. in Potomack Riv., adj. to Chapawansick Cr. 15 Mar. 1663, p. 203, (101). Re- newal of his patent dated 8 Mar. 1658. WM. FLOWERS, 250 acs. 4 Mar. 1662, p. 204, (101). Upon S. side of great Wiccomico Riv., upon W.N.W. side of a branch of Vulkons Cr., E.S.E. upon the head of same & land of Jeffery Bocke (?) 150 Granted 9 Nov. 1652 to Henry Weekes & after several sales & assignments sold to sd. Flowers & 100 acs. lying upon Vulcans Cr. & Goches land properly belonging to David Or- land & his heirs & assignes for ever, as by assignment of Gervase Dodson. JNO. & HENRY BRADLEY, 300 acs. Northumberland Co., 4 Feb. 1662, p. 204, (102). Sly. upon Wiccocomico Riv., Ely. upon a Cr. dividing this & land of Thomas Saffall. Granted to Thomas Mallard 8 June 1653 & after several sales & assignments sold to sd. patentees. ANDREW PETTEGREW, 1000 acs. N'thumberland Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 204, (102). S. side of Chikacone, Wly. upon land of Jacob Cortanecan & Col. Mattron, dec'd., by land of Mr. Chand- ler & N.Ely, upon a lyne dividing it from land of Dr. Russell. Granted to Jno. Trussell & Gervase Dodson, & the former dying it came due to the latter, who gave it by will to his wife who married sd. Pettegrew. GEORGE CLARKE, 100 acs. N'th- umberland Co., 4 Feb. 1662, p. 205, (102). Upon S. side of great Wiccoco- mico Riv. at the head of 150 acs. now in the occupation of sd. Clarke &c, following a line of trees belonging to Gervase Dodson, dec'd., Nly. then Ely. to land of Richard Nelmes. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Hewes, Edward Lawson (or Lanson). JNO. HUGHLETT, 900 acs. N'thum- berland Co., 3 June 1663, p. 205, (103). N. by E. upon 1200 acs. formerly patented by Col. Jno. Matrom, dec'd., Ely. upon land of Jno. Hainye, Sly. & S.Wly. upon a branch dividing this from his own land & land of Tho. Salisbury &c. to a tree upon a branch of Chika- cone Riv., N.N.W. & W.S.W. upon Patent Book No. 5 461 land of Adam Yarrett & Rich. Eaton. Trans, of 8 pers: Robt. Lawson, Tho. More, Jacob Willoughbie, Ed. Roe, George Slitham, Edw. Mills, Mary Doughty, Tho. Connaway, An Leech, Wm. Foster, Robt. Hutson, Tho. Pen- ning, Edw. Goodlin, Tho. Moby (?), Ann Clayton, Edw. Cordin, Mary Yates, Wm. Murry. GEORGE CLARKE, 150 acs. N'th- umberland Co., 30 Jan. 1662, p. 205, (103). Bounding S. by W. upon great Wiccocomico Riv. at the head thereof, E. by S. upon land surveyed for Rich- ard Nelmes, W. by N. upon land sur- veyed for Mr. Knight. Renewal of patent dated 14 July 1654. WM. BETTS, 300 acs. N'thumber- land Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 206, (104). S.S.E. upon a Cr. issuing out of great Wiccocomico Riv., E. N. E. upon the main br. of same called Betts Cr., dividing this from land of Coll. Clay- borne, W. S. W. upon br. dividing this from land of Peter Ashton & upon the land of Goodman Johnson & Mr. Haw- ley, & N.N.W. towards land of Edward Coale. Renewal of patent dated 16 July 1654. EZEKEALL GENESIS, 300 acs. N'thumberland Co., 4 Feb. 1662, p. 206, (104). Bounding N.N.E. upon land of Mr. Jeffery Gough at Vulcans Cr. on S. side of great Wiccocomico Riv., W. N. W. upon land of Henry Wicker. Granted to Thomas Read 1 Dec. 1653, assigned to Jno. Hughlett, who sold to Ezekiell Genesis. JNO. WOOD, 350 acs. N'thumber- land Co., 4 Mar. 1662, p. 206, (105). Upon N. side of Gr. Wiccocomico Riv., being part of 850 acs. granted to Tho- mas Saffall, 1 June 1654 & after several sales & assignments sold to sd. Wood. Bounding N.W. upon a Cr. formerly called St. Jnos. Cr., dividing this from land of Henry Bradly, S.W. upon Wic- cocomico Riv., E. by S. upon a line of marked trees dividing this from the other 500 acs. included in the above mentioned patent that Jno. Hudnall now hath. THOMAS SALISBURY, son of Tho- mas Salisbury, dec'd., & ANDREW PETTEGREW, 650 acs. N'thumberland Co., 12 Oct. 1663, p. 207, (106). 300 acs. on S. side of Gr. Wiccocomico Riv., N.N.E. upon Valkan Cr., W.N.W. upon a cr., E.S.E. upon land of Henry Weeker; 350 acs. W.N.W. upon sd. Cr., running along the head of the sd. 300 acs. & along head of land of Henry Hicker, bounding upon Weekers to Huletts, S.S.W. &c. to land of Thomas Kedby, sold to Thomas Ball &c, mak- ing an entire tract of 650 acs. 300 acs. granted to Tho. Salisbury, dec'd., 13 Oct. 1653, & 350 acs. joyned to same & granted sd. Salisbury 4 June 1656; 350 acs. due sd. Pettegrew as marrying Isa- bell, former wife of sd. Salisbury, & 300 acs. being given by will to the sd. Thos. Salisbury by sd. Tho. dec'd. JAMES JONES & JNO. TAYLOR, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., 22 June 1664, p. 207, (107). Bet. great Wiccocomico Riv. & branches of same & branches of Corrotoman Riv. Granted to Jno. Hughlett, who sold to Thomas Gascome 28 May 1658 & by him assigned to sd. Jones & Taylor 24 Oct. 1659. MR. GEORGE WADING, 600 acs. N'thumberland Co., 18 Aug. 1664, p. 208, (107). Upon S. side of Rappa., beg. upon land of James Bonner, extend- ing to cr. dividing this from land of Patriack Miles. Renewal of patent dated 19 Oct. 1653. ANN TABB, 66 acs. N'thumberland Co., 28 June 1664, p. 208, (108). Beg. upon a marsh at a Cr. issuing out of Yeocomico Riv., extending N.E. upon land of Thomas Hayles, N.W. to land of George Tompson. Granted to Tho- mas Sheppard 5 July 1653 & by Rich. Flynt, Atty., assigned to Jno. Garnoll & Jno. Palmer 14 Sept. 1657; reassigned to sd. Flint 7 Dec. 1658, who assigned to sd. Sheppard & by him assigned to Ann Tabb 27 Dec. 1659. XTOPHER HARRIS & WM. BEAD, 1040 acs. on S. side of Potomack Riv., 16 June 1664, p. 208, (108). Bounded Nly. with a branch of Chappawansack 462 Cavaliers and Pioneers parting this & land of Lt. Col. Na- thanaell Pope, running Sly. on back line of Peter Knight, Tho. Fowkes & Wm. Mumford. Granted to Abram Rouse 19 Aug. 1659, one-half of which assigned to sd. Harris 4 Oct. 1659 & the other part assigned to Capt. Giles Brent 20 Feb. 1659, who assigned to sd. Bead, 19 Aug. 1662. THOMAS WILLIAMS, 1000 acs. between Wiccocomico Indian Towne & branches of Corrotoman called Mere- deths Riv. or Cr., beg. at head of land of Jno. Cossens & Thomas Heed &c. to head of land of Thomas Dodson, &c. Granted to George English & Tho. Williams 26 Nov. 1660 & by English assigned to sd. Williams. 11 Feb. 1663, p. 209, (109). RICH. GIBLE, 500 acs. N'thumber- land Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 209, (HO). N. side of Gr. Wiccocomico Riv. 250 acs. Wly. & N.Wly. upon Saffalls Cr., E. N. E. upon Island Cr. &c. 250 acs. S.Wly. upon land of Wm. Thomas, N.Wly. upon Roger Walker, N.Ely, up- on the path that goes to Chikacone & divides this from land of Henry Watts & Tho. Dorrell, S.Ely, upon lands of Henry Smith orphant & land of Mr. Wm. Nutt. Granted to Wm. Thomas & assigned to sd. Gible. WM. HUCHESON, 300 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 31 Oct. 1664, p. 209, (HO). Upon Corotoman Riv., upon the back of a devdt. of Wm. Hucheson & Wm. Thatcher, S.S.E. upon land of Thomas Steares & Jno. Cusens. Trans. 6 pers: Elizabeth Grime, Mary Maine, George Huson, James Mann, Ralph Woodford, Richard Adams. MR. WM. LECH, 250 acs. Lancaster Co., 17 July 1665, p. 210, (111). On the S. side of sd. County, upon the Green Sw., bounding upon land of Col. Elliot, running N.E. by N. &c. & E. by S. to land of Wm. Tignor, S. by W. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Poole, George Finch, Henry Sturman, George Gaunt, Richard Picknell (or Pickrell). WM. TOMPSON, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 19 July 1665, p. 210, (111). Upon S. of Rappa. Riv., abutting S.E. upon land surveyed for Francis Browne, upon N.W. side of Sandy poynt Neck. Granted to Jno. Sharpe 10 Oct. 1659 & sold to sd. Tompson. PAUL LUKE, 750 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 21 July 1665, p. 210, (ill). Upon head of the branch of Pagan Cr., beg. on the Swamp side, running to an old poplar &c. Formerly belonging to Wm. Crannidge & after his decease to Tho- mas Luellin & both dying without issue now liveing, land was granted after it escheated to sd. Luke, who married the relict of sd. Luellin. MR. RICHARD YOUNG, SR., 1700 acs. Gloster Co., 20 June 1665, p. 211, (112). 900 acs. part in Waire Parish, beg. at marked tree of Thomas Todd on W. side of Cow Cr. on the head of Waire Riv. in Mockjack Bay, running S.S.W. &c. 800 acs. in sd. parish upon the No. River in sd. Bay, beg. at mouth of back Cr., running W.N.W. until it meets sd. 900 acs. &c. The sd. 1700 acs. found to be within the bounds of 2400 acs. granted to Edmond Dawber 28 Nov. 1642 & by his heir sold to sd. Young & John Price, both of London, 17 June 1659; Sd. Price dying, sd. Young as survivor received the whole patent, due for trans, of 34 pers: Isaack Stephens, Wm. Lannaman, Jno. Thoroughgood, Humphry Buckley, Tho- mas Jones, Jno. Nelson, Job Sutton, Margtt. Kate (or Kale), Thomas Bayly, Jno. Aiden (or Hiden), Edw. Smith, James Simmons, Tho. Greene, Rich. Mannering, Jno. Bearls (or Bearts), James Goodwin, 8 Negroes; Wm. Smith, Ralph Elkins, Jonathan Mott, Ann Harper, Mary Harper, James Nelson, Augustine Skiner, Wm. Ayhurt, Gabriell Norton, Jno. Hay. JNO. HAYNIE, 350 acs. at the head of Wiccocomico Riv., bounded S. & E. upon land of Gervase Dodson, dec'd., & Henry Wickars branch, & Nly. on land of Col. Jno. Matrom, dec'd. 10 Mar. 1662, p. 212, (113). Trans, of 7 pers: Jno. Edwards, Mary Jones, Susan Avery, Wm. Michell, Andrew Stephens, Charles Haynes, Thomas Norton. Patent Book No. 5 463 THOMAS LANE, 1000 acs. N'thum- berland Co., 26 July 1665, p. 212, (113). Ely. upon land of Mr. George Fletcher, dec'd., Sly. on branch of Den- nis Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Rich. Badd. Granted to Andrew Bayer (or Boyer) 21 Oct. 1662 & assigned to sd. Thomas Land. MR. WM. POPE, 950 acs. Nanci- mond Co., 25 July 1665, p. 212, (114). Beg. at corner tree of Symon Symons, running N.E. by E. &c. 400 acs. by patent dated 30 Oct. 1662 & 550 acs. for trans, of 11 pers. Negroes.* JOHN HUDNALL, 250 acs. N'thum- berland Co., 25 July 1665, p. 213, (115). S. side gr. Wiccocomico Riv. 150 acs. N.N.E. upon sd. river at a place called the Island, W.N.W. upon land of Mr. Nicholas Morrice &c. 100 acs. N.N.E. upon sd. Riv., W.N.W. upon land of Daniell Crosby, E.S.E. towards land of Wm. Thomas & S.S. W. towards land of Gervase Dodson. Granted to John Hudnall, dec'd., 24 Aug. 1658 & now due the patentee as son & heire. JOHN HAMPSHIRE, 100 acs., being part of a tract formerly belonging to Mr. Samll. Parry, on Swd. side of Pus- caticon Cr., beg. at an old decayed red oake by a corner side at a landing known by the name of Coops Landing, extending S.S.W. &c. Granted to Samll. Parry & by him assigned unto David Thomas 9 Dec. 1659, by whom it was assigned to sd. Hampshire 7 July 1660. 26 July 1665, p. 213, (115). WM. THOMAS, 300 acs. N'thumber- land Co., 26 July 1665, p. 213, (116). Beg. at the head of the land sold to Mr. Michaell at a marked tree of Henry Smiths, running S.W. &c. Granted to Edward Cole 9 Mar. 1653, assigned to Jenkin Morgan 4 Aug. 1657, by him sold to Tho. Moulton & Tho. Tripe 24 Feb. 1661. Sd. Tripe sold his part to sd. Moulton 9 Feb. 1662, who sold to sd. Thomas 20 June 1664. JNO. HUGHLETT, 900 acs. N'thum- berland Co., 3 June 1663, p. 214, (117). Bounding N. by E. upon 1200 acs. patented by Col. Jno. Matrom, dec'd., Ely. upon land of Jno. Haynie, Sly. S.Wly. upon a branch dividing this from land of sd. Hughlett & Thomas Salisbury, running W.N.W. &c. to branch of Chickacone Riv., N.N.W. & W.S.W. upon land of Adam Yarrett & Rich. Eaton, including within this tract an acute angle of land lying bet. land of sd. Yarrett, Eaton & Matrom poynt- ing on Chikacone aforesd. to the place called black poynt. Trans, of 18 pers: Mary Grimes, Wm. Jnoson, Hen. Stevens, Margtt. Wilson, 3 Negroes, Antho. James, Wm. Bigly, Stephen In- gram, Wm. Betts, Ann Say, Jno. Savadge, Mary Jones, Wm. Peters, Jonathan Allen, Andrew Towers, Wm. Towers. MR. THOMAS WRIGHT, 1000 acs. on S. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., bounding upon land of Mr. Wm. Trawers. 1 Aug. 1665, p. 214, (117). Trans, of 20 pers: Ri. Lors (?), Sath. Holder, Math. Fletcher, Jno. Faror, Peter Ellis, Thomas Smith, Tho. Cary, Edw. Haile, Mary Clerke, Jno. Edmonds, Tho. Watson, Hen. Willis, Wm. Leach, Wm. Roberts, Robt. Carter, Tho. Sutton, Jarrett Hill, Tho. Cocke, Ri. Holden, Wm. Starkey, MR. THOMAS CHETWOOD, 2000 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. in the freshes thereof, beg. at the head of Munns Cr. 1 Aug. 1665, p. 214, (118). Trans, of 40 pers: 23 Negroes; Jno. Marton (or Maston), Geo. Tree, Tho. Bochen, Ri. More, Fra. Bourne, Robt. Teexwell (?), Hen. Ford, Randall Morris, Abram Snow, Jno. Green, Tho. Prior, Robt. How, Jno. Aires, Rebecca Webnott, Thomasin Haines, Susan Pattison, Eliz. Growndy. RICHARD HINMAN, 100 acs. Acco- mack Co., 1 Aug. 1665, p. 215, (118). Granted to Wm. Cole, dec'd., & lately found to escheat as by inquisition re- corded in the Secretary's office under the hand & seale of Coll. Jno. Stringer, by virtue of a deposition from Col. Myles Cary, Escheator Generall of this county, & jury sworne before him 15 Sept. 1664. 464 Cavaliers and Pioneers JNO. GREENHOUGH, 400 acs. on E. side of James Riv. in Henrico Co., 5 Aug. 1665, p. 215, (119). Commonly called & knowne by the name of Smiths Bay; bounded from the river into the woods along Thomas Markhams devdt., E. &c. towards 4 mi. Cr. Renewal of patent dated 6 Dec. 1652. MR. THOMAS DENNETT, 700 acs. James City Co., 8 Aug. 1665, p. 215, (119). Beg. at Mr. Grimes corner by Dyascun Sw.. Part of a devdt. of 1000 acs. belonging to Wm. Hitchman, who sold to sd. Dennett. ROBERT SELFE, 300 acs. Westmore- land Co., 20 May 1665, p. 215, (120). On N. E. side of Bloys Swamp, beg. at a white oak dividing this from land of Vincent Cox, extending N. E. &c. Trans. of 6 pers: Tho. Hawkins, Senr., Tho. Hawkins, Junr., Wm. Harper, Abigail Hawkins, Danll. Stepping, Jonathan Stepping. JOHN HOSKINS, 40 acs. N'thum- berland Co., 4 June 1663, p. 216, (120). Bounding upon Yeocomoco Riv., S. E. upon land of Wm. Warder & S. W. upon a creek dividing this from land of Mr. Charles Ashton. Trans, of Wm. Farmer. JOHN WHISTON, 1000 acs. on S. side Patomeke Riv. at the head of Nomeny Riv. nigh Herring Cr., bounded N. E. with the main swamp thereof, N.W. with land of Tho. Hawkins, deed., &c. 9 Apr. 1663, p. 216, (120). Trans, of 20 pers: Isaac Whittacars, Tho. Johnson, Wm. Guest, Ja. Burges, Jno. Turner, Joane Jones, Walter Pye, Ismaell Foard, Judith Horsing, Marg. Taner, Anth. Blood, Jacob Strange, Wini- fred Blevin, Samll. Ward, Johna. Merin, Teague Mathone (or Machone), Patrick Kelly, Wm. Stubbs, Jno. Billett, Marke Fisher. WM. JONES, 150 acs. New Kent Co., 1 Feb. 1663, p. 216, (121). On E. side of Mattopony Riv., bounded N.E. on land Ralph Greene, E.N.E. on his own 350 acs., S.E. on Oapt. Cham- berlines & W.S.W. on John Gosse. Trans, of 3 pers: Edw. Mathews, Tho. Jones, Edw. Moreland. EDWARD CHEESMAN, 50 acs. of marsh land at the mouth of New Poquo- son Riv., bounding Wly. on his land, N. E. on Bay tree Cr., Ely. on Chisa- pian bay & Sly. on sd. Riv. 23 Dec. 1662, p. 216, (121). Trans, of Wm. Young. MR. THOMAS MICHAELL, 1500 acs. New Kent Co., 15 Jan. 1662, p. 217, (122). On branches of Chickahominy Sw., beg. at corner of Lt. Col. Gooch & Wm. Pullams land &c. 1000 acs. granted to him 1 Dec. 1660 & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 pers.* LUKE BULLINGTON (Billington), 329 Ac. & 50 po., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 217, (122). Beg. at miles end of Col. Fantlaroy on Farnham Cr., at a corner tree of Robt. Bayly, running S.W. &c. to head of a branch of Gyles Webbs Cr., E. by N. &c. to land of sd. Bayly &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Harvey, Jno. Young, Thomas Martin, Mary Taylor, Edw. Farr, Thomas Wise, Fra. Williams. JAMES BRADBURY, 250 acs. GIos- ter Co., 31 Dec. 1662, p. 217, (123). Beg. at corner of Oliver Greenes land, running S. by E. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: John Coniers, Wm. Marting, Sarah Glover, Wm. Hopes, Jno. Dancy. JOHN BRYAN, 200 acs. in Up. Norf. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 217, (123). At S. side of the W. branch of Nanci- mond Riv., lying at S. side of Indian Cr., running by Mr. Wm. Densons &c. Renewal of patent dated 20 Mar. 1659- THOMAS GARDNER, & John Cocker, 187 acs. in New Kent Co., 15 Feb. 1662, p. 218, (123). Bounded Wly. on John Barsby & Robt. Harris, N.E. on James Wilson, S.E. on Mount Follie path & S.W. on path that goes from John Barsbies to John Hankins (or Hawkins). Trans, of 4 pers: James Harris, Joseph Miller, Wm. Bur- ton, Tho. Trewell. JOHN VAUGHAN & JOHN REA, 130 acs. & 50 po. in New Kent Co., Patent Book No. 5 465 15 Jan. 1662, p. 218, (124). Beg. at corner Spanish Oak, thence by Mr. Burnells line of marked trees, S.W. &c. to N.W. side of Burchen Swamp &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Murry, James Hailing, David Cromy. THOMAS MIMES (or Mines), 800 acs. James City Co., 3 Feb. 1662, p. 218, (124). Upon branches of Chicka- hominy Sw., beg. at corner oak in West- ham path about a mile from sd. swamp in the head of Thomas Merediths land, running by his line 86 po. to land of Mr. George Smith E. by N. &c. by line of Mr. Richmond Terrell & along line of Edmond Price &c. Trans, of 16 pers.* WM. HUMPHRIES, 200 acs. Chas. City Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 218, (125). Upon Ely. side of Turkey Island Cr. opposite to the great or long meadow. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Humphries, Wm. Humphries, Fra. Humphries, Edward Ward (or Ware). GEO. BROWNING, 400 acs. lying between the land of one Clarke, Henry Lowne, Gilbert Deacon & Robt. Elam. 10 June 1663, p. 219, (125). Trans, of 8 pers.* RICHARD EGGLESTONE, 1377 acs. & 58 chs. in James City Co,, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 219, (125). Beg. on N. side of a branch of Poetan Sw. called the Hay Meadow, up sd. Poetan Sw. neere the third branch &c. neer the second branch &c. to Lady Lunsfords line &c. to the Cart path &c. to Thomas War- berton &c. to Mr. Hunts line &c. 900 acs. granted 9 Mar. 1653 & 477 acs. & 58 chs. for trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Far- low, Jno. Shaw, Edward Luell (?), Tho. Wills, Mary Fuller, Samll. Greene, Ed. Oliver, Tho. Cary, Xpher Young, Jno. Sanvill. ROBT. PITT, 1000 acs. Accomacke Co., 12 Mar. 1662, p. 219, (129). At Pohomoke Riv., bounded on N. part by sd. Riv., on W. by a small branch part- ing this from land of Edm. Scarburgh. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Rilie, Jno. Rodes, Jno. Cremer, Eliz. Doughty, Tho. Smith, Jno. Willis, Jno. Browne, Ed- ward Ward, Robt. Yallop, Garrard Mourtny (?), Clemt. Only, Wm. Clava- tor, Susan Berry, Edward Steward, Peter Baxton, Paul Lambert, Ann Foard, Jno. Spilman, James Cooke, Moris Neane. EVAN WATERS, 50 acs. Warwick Co., 6 Mar. 1662, p. 220, (126). Sly. on head of Newmans Dam & Ely. on land of Francis Rice. Trans, of Margt. Priddock. MATHEW HOGSON, 361 acs. Charles Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 220, (127). On W, most side of upper Chippokes Cr., runing along Edward Greenwoods marked trees. Trans, of 8 pers: Leonard Sanders, Wm. Gaultny, Anth. Lewis, Robt. Turner, Mary Whit- loke, Peter Phillips, Jno. Howson, Elli- nor Garton. THOMAS SWANN, Junr., 248 acs. Surry Co., 28 Sept. 1664, p. 220, (127). About 3 mi. Wwd. from John Bradies, beg. at a white oake standing in a readie branch issuing out of the Sipres Sw., thence S. to red oak standing by the path that goes to Capt. Corkers &c. to S.most side of the Pegion Sw. Trans, of 5 pers.* DANIELL HALLES, 150 acs. James City Co., 27 Jan. 1663, p. 221, (128). Upon a branch of Poetan Sw., beg. by the path side that goeth from the Green Spring to the Hott Water &c. to Sir William Berkelies marked trees & over the Cart path. Trans, of 3 pers.* CAPT. JOHN WEIR, 660 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. next above land called Colemans &c. 26 Mar. 1664, p. 221, (128). Granted to Wm. Yearwood & Fra. Whitton, 29 July 1650 & granted to sd. Weir as deserted land by order of Court dated 25 Nov. 1661. 14 Negroes by certificate dated 2d Nov. 1661. 40 acs. being still due in the certificate. JNO. CURTIS, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 5 Mar. 1662, p. 221, (129). On the head of Nimcock Cr., beg. at a small cr. known by the name of Holo- bush Sw. Cr. &c. down Hollowbush 466 Cavaliers and Pioneers E. N. E. &c. Granted to Charles Grymes, by him deserted & granted sd. Curtis by order of the Gen. Ct. SAME. 560 acs. Same date & pages. On N.E. side of the great Swamp, beg. at a white oake standing by the path side that goeth over sd. Swamp, N.W. to land of Mr. Cuttbert Potter &c. Trans, of 11 pers: Wm. Hay, Tho. Wright, Robt. Onsby, Tho. Deareham, Tho. Turner, Robt. Norman, Gregory Okley, Tho. Ravenall, Jno. Watson, Ann Goade (or Goode), Mary Birch. RICHARD GRIFFIN, 57 acs. Wmoreland Co., 30 Sept. 1664, p. 222, (129). Being a triangular parcel, bounded N.E. with land of Henry Brookes, S.S.W. with land of Richard Hill, etc. Trans, of Wm. Coles. JOHN NEWMAN, 480 acs. on the lower or Ewd. side of Moratticon Cr. in Lancaster Co., 26 Mar. 1663, p. 222, (130). Adj. land formerly belonging to Mr. David Fox. Trans, of 10 pers: Tho. Crow, Wm. Morton, Margt. Web- ster, Jane Edwards, Hen. Webster, Danll. Stanton, Mary Wakeman, Hen. Creton, Hump. Lambert. WILLIAM LUDFORD, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 1 June 1663, p. 222, (130). On head of Parrates Cr. Trans. of 6 pers: John Sales, Edw. James, Jacob Laramore, Tho. Court, Wm. Simons, Mary Jackson. THOMAS WILLIAMS, 66 Acs. 4 chs. 7 dec. parts, in James City Co., 10 Nov. 1663, p. 223, (131). Upon branches of Archers Hope Cr., beg. on N.E. side of a branch dividing this from Harrop & Littletowne devdts. &c. to branch dividing this from Col. Humph. Higgensons devdt. &c. near the path to Col. Higgensons Quarter &c. Trans, of 2 pers.* JOHN MADDISON, 320 acs. New Kent Co., 4 July 1664, p. 223, (131). Adj. land of Mr. Lockey upon Horecock Sw., beg. at Richard Morleys cor. tree on W. side his devdt. &c. Trans, of 7 pers.* JOHN PIGG & JOHN MADDI- SON, 1050 acs. New Kent Co., 4 July 1664, p. 223, (132). Upon a branch of the main swamp of Pianketanke & the Sw. itself, beg. at a corner poplar in a small branch, runing thence S. by E. &c. to Timber branch &c. Trans, of 21 pers.* LT. JOHN HOWELL, 212 acs. on S. side of Appamatocks Riv. in Bristoll Parish, bounding E. by S. on Capt. Epps land called Casons (or Cosens), W. by N. on Nathanll. Tatums land & N. by E. on the River. 25 Mar. 1663, p. 224, (132). Trans, of 5 pers: Marma. Young, Edw. Sands, Tho. Cart- wright, Jno. Harmar, Mary Finch. MIHILL HUGILL, 591 acs. Rappa. Co., 27 Jan. 1663, p. 224, (133). On N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on a branch at a red oake the branch bearing E. & thence running S. &c. on the head of a branch of Farnham Cr., thence N to land of John Williams &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Gyles Fettyplace, Wm. Graves, Jane Hobson, Mary Hicks. (Other names not given.) GEO. BULLINGTON, 503 acs. Henrico Co., 21 June 1664, p. 224, (133). On N. side of James Riv., beg. at Thomas Feelds Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: James Crews, Jno. Tomson, Mary Huffe, Wm. Harding, Eliz. Arnell, Wm. England, Negro, Margaret, Eliz. Hart, Edw. Cooke. JOHN DAVIS, 200 acs. Low. Parish of Isle of Wight Co., last of June 1664, p. 224, (133). Beg. at a poynt of land called the Goatepen Neck at the mouth of Taberers Cr., running up Pagan Cr. to mouth of Hudnalls Cr., including Buchers Island, up Hudnalls Cr. to land of Thomas Elmes, along same & land of Wm. Dawson to Taberers Cr. formerly called Hutchinsons Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Jones, Jno. Farmer, Wm. Towne, Mary Williams. GEORGE KEIBLE, 390 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 29 Jan. 1663, p. 225, (134). On N. side of Peanketanke Riv., 210 acs. beg. on the back side of a devdt. Patent Book No. 5 467 of 700 acs. of sd. Keibles, running N.W. to a branch called the Greane Glead &c. 180 acs. beg. on N. side of sd. 700 acs. running W. &c. alongst land of Moore &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Hen. Herbert, James Price, Jno. Arthur, Jno. Gibson, Sam. Cox, Wm. Phenix, Ann Stephens, Mary Corbet. MATHEW HILL, 470 acs. New Kent Co., 24 Feb. 1663, p. 225, (134). Bet. Chickahominy Sw, & Pamunkey Riv., beg. at a corner tree by Westover path, running E. by S. to Mr. Breretons land &c. to sd. path dividing this from land of Mrs. Joanes & Johna. Higby & Robt. Garrett. 337 acs. granted to John Hodg 11 Oct. 1662 from whom it was purchased by sd. Hill, & 133 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Math. Hill, Johna. Norcott, Doro. Diccars. STEPHEN BENBRIDGE, 250 acs. New Kent Co., 4 July 1664, p. 225, (135). N. side of Mattapony Riv., beg. by a branch of Peanketank Sw., near land of James Coale formerly but now in the tenure of Gabriell Hill, running to land of Col. Robt. Abrahall, formerly Capt. Wm. Claiborne &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Wallis, Mary Salter, Jno. Edwardson, Wm. Simpson, Tho. Turner. Note: Patent relinquished & the rites transferred 29 Apr. 1670. Test: R. Awborne. EDWARD ROE, 150 acs. Lancaster Co., 2 Dec. 1663, p. 226, (136). Beg. on the head of branches of the beaver damms that issue out of Peanketanke Riv., running N.W. along Chesecake path towards Matchapungo, thence S. W. towards marked trees of Col. Robt. Smith. Trans, of 3 pers: Ann Stephens, Wm. Phenix, Mary Corbett. CHRISTOPHER GARLINGTON, 150 acs. N'thumberland Co., 4 June 1663, p. 226, (136). Upon a Cr. issu- ing out of the S. side of Gr. Wiccoco- moco Riv., bounding S.Ely, upon land of John Dennis, dec'd., N.Wly. upon tract whereon sd. Garlington now liveth. Trans, of 3 pers: Jno. Hacney, Sarah Howard, Doro. Yeomans. BENJAMIN STRANG & JOHN BROCKHURST (Brokhurst), 200 acs. New Kent Co., 11 Mar. 1663, p. 226, (136). Ely. side of the head of Ware Cr., bounded W.N.W. on the Cow pen Sw., S. upon a branch & marked trees of James Wilson & Thomas Gardner, E.N.E. on Mrs. Higgens & N. on John Brokhurst. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Hartwell, Jno. Sargent, Edw. Williams, Mary Jones. MICH. HUGILL, 664 acs. Rappa. Co., Farnham Parish, 20 Feb. 1662, p. 226, (137). N. side of Rappa. Riv. at the head of Totoskey Cr., running S.E. &c. to Sellevants Gutt, S. neere an In- dian path &c. Trans, of 14 pers: Wm. Bateman, Alex Menc: (name abbre- viated), Marke Alexander, Geo. Bay- mun, Samll. Burton, Mich. Wills, Cutt. Fletcher, Fardin Downes, Wm. Ed- monds, Jos. Gibson, Robt. Read, Wm. Lewis, Tho. Waad, Wm. Badger. THOMAS MEADER, 320 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of Hoskins Cr., 2 June 1663, p. 227, (137). Nigh a path that goeth over the main runn of sd. Cr. unto the plantation of John Gillett &c. to W.most trees belonging to John Gre- gory. Trans, of 7 pers: Henry Holm- wood, Lewis Williams, Walter Price, Easter Watson, Thomas Paggitt, Ann Austin. CAPT. GEORGE BRYER & RICH- ARD LAWRENCE, 3000 acs. Rappa. Co., 17 Mar. 1663, p. 227, (138). Ewd. side of Rappa. Cr., beg. on the creek side, adj. land of Col. More Fantleroy opposite to the new planta- tion of Col. Walker, extending along the creek side to the head of Parson Grymes, by land of of sd. Grymes, Mr. John Hull & Capt. Geo. Bryer until it comes to a marked white oak standing on a br. of Capt. Bryers Cr. & adj. land of Col. Moore Fantleroy &c. Note: "The rights for this 3000 acs. are by a certificate from Mr. Jno. Edwards as- signed to Laurence." GOZEN DELONIE, alien, 50 acs. Yorke Co., 19 Oct. 1664, p. 228, (139). Adj. to S.most bounds of land first taken 468 Cavaliers and Pioneers up by Mr. Rich. Lee, Secretary, and is commonly called the Ridge. Granted to Edw. Wright 3 July 1654 & by him assigned to sd. Delonie. THOMAS ILES, 225 acs. Yorke Co., formerly called Charles River, 19 Oct. 1664, p. 228, (139). Bounded N. up- on the back creek, E. with land of Jno. Clearkson &c. running S. till it meets with a branch of Chesmans Cr. Re- newal of patent dated 2 Oct. 1640. JOHN BARBER, halfe an acre in James Towne, bounding Sly. on the maine Riv., Ely. on Mr. Childes, Nly. on Jno. Phipps & Wly. on Wm. Wood. Renewal of patent dated 14 May 1656. 19 Apr. 1664, p. 228, (140). MR. HENRY WATTS, 125 acs. N'thumberland Co., 20 May 1665, p. 229, (140). Beg. on the head of a branch of Little Wiccocomoco extend- ing N.N.E. &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Anderson, Xtop. Seagreene, Henry Dennis. VINCENT COX, 400 acs. W'more- land Co., 20 May 1665, p. 229, (141). Beg. at white oak dividing this & land of Robt. Selfe, thence N.W. &c. to nigh a branch of Nomeny, S.E. to the head of a br. of Yeoacomico Riv. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Serviant, Thomas Sy- mons, Jno. Meekes, Thomas Watson, James Jnoson, Thomas Barwick, Tho. Bauldwin, Martha Dell. WM. MOSELEY & JOHN HULL, 5798 Acs. 2 rodds & 13 perches, Rappa. Co., Farnham Parish, 20 Feb. 1662, p. 229, (141). N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at land of Mich. Hugill &c. to N.W. side of a branch of Totoskey &c. to lands of Tho. Robinson & Edward Lewis &c. Trans, of 116 pers: Jno. Hull 3 times, Eliz. Hull, Eliz. Hull Junr., Tim. Sorrell, Geo. Watson, Wm. Tuny, Wm. Brewer, Wm. Hodgkins, Geo. Andrews, Jno. Beard, Wm. Parker, Wm. Caple, Jno. Savage, James Bankes, Robt. Cleavor, Rich. Walton, Benj. Henshaw, Jno. Mason, Jno. Walton, Sam. Farmer, Eliz. Wilson, Jane Den- nett, Marg. West, Jno. Neves, Jno. Parsons, Wm. Barksdall, 4 Negroes, Rich. Herbert, Adam Higeson, Isham Withey, Wm. Edwards, Wm. Ethey, Wm. Jones, John Thomas, Tho. An- drewes, Rich. Andrewes, Aug. Withey, Robt. Walton, Miles Riles, Nich. Col- burne, Geo. Foot, Richard Munt, Roger Read, Wm. Jones, Ellinor Carey, Jno. Cane, Christo. Lewis, Wm. Holding, James Norman, Jno. Redding, Zach. Langly, Humph. Robins, Miles Parnis (or Parvis), Jno. Crow, James Morton, Wm. Lewis, Eliz. Waad, Wm. Badger, Jno. Jones, Lidia How, Jno. Gafer, Edw. Seare, Abell Jason, Danll. Mer- ricke, Margt. Williams, Samll. Hooke, Fra. Glover, Tho. Mann, Edw. Evans, Jno. Garey, Wm. Gutton, Samll. Cornix, Wm. Hughes, Mary Stephens, Jno. Cur- tam, Wm. Crow, Abra. Travers, Wm. Carman, Steph. Wells, Jno. Philpot, Wm. Taylor, Wm. Strood, Simon Allen, Jeremy Ward, Rich. Card, Cuttbert Fletcher, Fard. Downes, Wm. Edmonds, Jos. Gibson Robt. Read, Rich. Smith, Sam. Warren, Ja. Bird, Isaac Scott, Jno. Attkins, Jno. Field, Nich. Wilson, Ralph Sharpe, Wm. Bateman, Mich. Wills, Alex. Mont, Marke Allister, Geo. Rayman, Sam. Burton, Richard Webb, Susan Alcocke, Rich. Bullocke, Jno. Sharpe, James Fuller, Jacob Cary. JOHN ROSIER, sonne of John Rosier, dec'd., 1450 acs. W'moreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 230, (142). S. side of Potomake Riv., vizt: Rosiers Refuge, bounded vizt, on S. by sd. Riv. from the mouth of Attopin Cr. to mouth of E.most branch next Bluffe point, on E. with E.most branch & a Sly. & Ely. line of marked trees to a cor. white oak in Huttlebury thickett, etc. on S. side with certain lines of marked trees including all the falling branches belonging to the head of the ponds to marked white oak at the head of Attopin Cr. & on W. with the chan- nel of sd. Cr. unto the mouth thereof. Granted to sd. Jno. Rosier, dec'd., 28 Nov. 1657. FARDINANDO AUSTIN, 1200 acs. Chas. City Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 230, (142). N. side of James Riv., E. side of Queens Cr., bounded Ely. on Moses Patent Book No. 5 469 run, S. on Mr. Horsmandine & Mr. Hamlin & Wly. on sd. Cr. run &c. Re- newal of patent dated 25 Feb. 1654. WALTER BROOKES, 460 acs. Chas. City Co., Bristoll Parish, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 230, (143). 160 acs. on Ely. side of the Citty Cr. & where it bounds S. into the woods &c, N. on Appamatocke Riv. 300 acs. at the head thereof, running E. along the head of Nath. Tatums land &c. to head of John Bakers land. Re- newal of patent dated 12 Mar. 1653. THO. HOBSON, 500 acs. Rappa. Co., 26 June 1663, p. 230, (143). N. side of Rappa. River, beg. at upper cor. tree of the miles end of Capt. Weirs land &c. E. by N. to & over an Indian path &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Har- vey, Mary Wells, Tho. Gray, Jane Wil- liams, Jno. Hawley, Sarah Pead, Wm. Walker, Fra. Farlow, Wm. Young, James CrafTord. THO. WHITE & THOMAS BLANCH, 450 acs. Norfolk Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 231, (144). Ewd. side of S. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at mouth of Gathers Cr. &c. down by the side of the little Cr. &c. Granted to sd. White & Peter Saxton, last day of March 1653; & by Ann Saxton, the Widdow of sd. Saxton, sold her part to sd. Blanch. WM. SARSON, 107 acs. James Citty Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 231, (145). N. side of James Riv. & S. side of Parch- mores Cr., Nly. on Goose hill house, &c. Ely., Sly. & Wly. on the maine river. Renewal of patent dated 2 Mar. 1656. PETER MILLS, sonne & heire of Wm. Mills, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 6 Sept. 1654, p. 231, (145). On N. side & within the freshes of Rappa. Riv., bounded on N. with land surveyed for Toby Smith & S.E. upon land of Tho- mas Hobkins. Granted to said Wm. Mells 6 Sept. 1654. LT. COL. JNO. CHEESMAN, Esqr. & JOHN ADLESTONE, 300 acs. 18 Mar 1662, p. 231, (l45~). On N. side of Cheesmans Cr. & on the bay tree necke, beg. at corner tree of sd. Addle- stones 70 ac. devdt., running by marked trees dividing their lands & land of Mr. Beale & Jno. Clerkton &c. Renewal of patent dated 13 May 1654. RICHARD DAVIS, 660 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 232, (146). N. side of Mattapony Riv. upon the main swamp of Esqr. Diggs Cr. Re- newal of patent dated 25 June 1660. JOHN M ADDISON, 300 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 232, (147). N. side of Mattapony Riv., beg. at a red oake corner of Jno. Piggs land, running W. joyning to another devdt. of sd. Maddison, thence N., thence E. to sd. Piggs land, thence S. to beg. Renewal of patent dated 9 Aug. 1659. MR. RAWLEIGH TRAVERS, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 29 Dec. 1662, p. 232, (147). Upon W.N.W. side of Morattico Cr., opposite land of Edward Myles, abutting S.W. upon a branch of sd. Cr. dividing this & land of Capt. Moore Fantleroy &c. Granted to Mr. Henry Corbyn 30 Nov. 1659 & by him assigned to sd. Travers. DAVID FOX, Gent., 350 acs. called the Poplar Necke, on N. side of Lan- caster Co., running Ely. upon land of Capt. Hacket, W. Nly. upon land formerly John Robinsons. 21 Aug. 1663, p. 232, (147). Trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Jarvis, Jno. Jaret, Edw. Marma- duke, Jno. Snowdell, Wm. Fry, Jaco Tall, Nath. Knot. WM. WILTON & JOHN SPEED, 400 acs. S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at marked oake adj. land of Thomas Wil- kingson, extending W. by S. cross the head of a Cr. &c. Renewal of patent dated 15 Aug. 1660. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 233, (148). WM. TILT, 400 acs. W'moreland Co., 6 Dec. 1662, p. 233, (148). Bounding Wly. with W.most branch of Pasbetancy Cr., beg. nigh the back line of William & John Heaberd. Granted to Thomas Frissell 19 Aug. 1659, by him sold to Abra. Rowse, & by him sold to Gerrard Fowke, who assigned to sd. Tilt. 470 Cavaliers and Pioneers CAPT. GYLES BRENT, 1000 acs. Wmoreland Co., 29 Nov. 1662, p. 233, (149). In Chapawansicke Cr., beg. at head line of Mr. Walter BroaHhurst, extending on both side of the run of two sd. Cr. &c. including the Rocke and two Caves called Machezan. Re- newal of patent dated 24 Nov. 1658. THO. ROBINSON & EDWARD LEWIS, 1140 acs., Rappa. Co., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 233, (149). Beg. on a long point of land extending itself E. into Totoskey Cr., on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Farnham Parish. Trans, of 23 pers: Edw. Moulson, Wm. Jarvis, Jno. Sea, Mary Frith, Tho. Warlett, Mary Marlow, Ed. Faulkner, Jane Smart, Ben Broad, Lawrence Fowke, Mary Calvert, Jacob Jenman, Samll. Cranz (?), Wm. Lever, Tho. Power, Sarah Salmon, Tho. Makerland, Emll. Martin, Thomas Truloe, James Falow, Tho. Spann, Fra. Chowning, Wm. Glover. THOMAS OSWILLIVANT (O'Swil- livant ?), 200 acs., part of patent of 1000 acs. granted to Mr. Fra. Harrison 6 Oct. 1654, N.N.W. upon land of Valentine Peyton. Granted to Capt. Gyles Brent 8 June 1658 & by him as- signed to sd. Oswillivant. 28 Nov. 1662, p. 234, (150). WM. SNOWDELL, 100 acs. N'thum- berland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 234, (150). N.Wly. upon Yeocomoco Riv., S.Ely, upon Mattapony Riv., N.Ely, where the two Rivers meet & S.Wly. on land patented by John Meekes & Wm. Newman. Renewal of patent dated 15 Mar. 1658. EVAN WILLIAMS, 200 acs. called the New Discovery, Low. Norf. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 234, (150). On E. branch of Eliz. Riv. &c, including Pillatory Ridge. Renewal of patent dated 24 Nov. 1659. WM. LEWER, 350 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 235, (151). Bounding from Mr. Flintons marked trees &c. Granted to John Gutteridge 23 Mar. 1654, by him assigned to Peter Bagly (or Bagby), who assigned to sd. Lewer. (blank) ARMEFEILD, 400 acs. Glocester Co., 24 Nov. 1663, p. 235, (152). Beg. at John Greens cor. tree by Mr. Pates Swamp, running W. by N. &c. by land of Mr. Peter Knight. Granted to Thomas Curies 28 Apr. 1659, by him sold to Mr. John Pate, who assigned to sd. Armefeild. JOHN BUNCH, 450 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 235, (152). On both sides of Rickahock Path, beg. by Burchen Sw., running W. N. W. &c. to land of Mr. Richard Barnehouse, thence E.N.E. &c. Granted to Thomas Merreday 25 Feb. 1658, by him sold to Phillip Freeman, who assigned to sd. Bunch. CHARLES EDMONDS, 2750 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 235, (153). S. side Yorke Riv., beg. on N. side of Tyascun Sw., running down same &c. by Chickahominy Sw., .up the same to corner of his own devdt. &c. to Diascan Sw, where it began. Granted to sd. Edmonds 28 Feb. 1658, one-half of which he assigned to John Davies (Davis) who reassigned to Edmonds. THOMAS HUMPHRIES & THO- MAS TYPPER, 547 acs. Westmoreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 236, (153). Beg. at corner of land of Gerrard Fowke, extending up S.most branch of Paspe- tanke Cr. S. by W. to white oake in Roger Perfetts line &c. by a path that leads from Nanzaticun unto Mr. Fowkes house &c. Renewal of patent dated 30 July 1660. MARY PATE, 300 acs. Wmoreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 234, (151). On E.most br. of Pasbetanke Cr., on back of Wm. & John Heaberd &c. Granted to Roger Perfitt 31 Mar. 1660 & by him given by will to sd. Mary Pate. VINCENT YOUNG, 200 acs. Wmoreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 236, (154). Near Chotanke, extending on branches of Mattapony, on lands of Gervase Dodson & David Phillips. Re- neal of patent dated 15 Aug. 1660. Patent Book No. 5 471 JAMES HARRIS, 60 acs. W'more- land Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 236, (154). Being a point of land bounded Ely. with land of James Harris, North Wly. & S.Wly. with Hallowes Cr. & a small br. called Morakswee ( ? ) . Granted to Thomas Buttler 16 May 1660 & by him sold to sd. Harris. RICHARD KELSON, 250 acs. War- wicke Co., 29 Jan. 1662, p. 236, (155). S.Ely, upon Warwicke Riv. near the head, S.Wly. upon land of Thomas Flint, deed., N.Ely, upon land of Wm. Bullocke, dee'd. & N.Wly. upon the maine woods, Capt. Nath. Hurds &c. other lands. Renewal of patent dated 20 Oct. 1659. THOMAS TAYLOUR, 281 acs. Henrico Co., 20 Mar. 1662, p. 237, (155). N. side of James Riv., common- ly called Harrahatocks, over against Kings land, bounded from the Riv. a little below the Orchard by land of Mr. Arthur Bayly &c. Granted to Mathew Edlow 8 Dec. 1653 & by him assigned to sd. Taylour. MR. GEORGE MARSH, 750 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side the River, 24 Mar. 1662, p. 237. (156). Upon N. side of a great swamp running into Pyanketanke Riv., beg. on S.E. side of a branch running into sd. Sw. at an oak on S.W. side of an Indian path that cometh from Pyanketanke & goeth to Mattapony, thence S.W. &c. Renewal of patent dated 29 Nov. 1659. CAPT. WM. WHITTICAR, 90 acs. James City Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 237, (157). On N.E. side of James Riv., beg. in Mr. Loveings line behind Rich- ard Leonards house, running W. by N. &c. by Yorke path &c. Renewal of patent dated 5 June 1656. EDWARD BOWMAN, Merchant, 600 acs. on W. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. on a poynt & running up side of Mr. Loyds Cr. &c. to head of Mar- chants Cr. &c. Renewal of patent dated 24 Nov. 1654. 28 Jan. 1662, p. 238, (157). JOHN & THOMAS BUCKOCKE, 350 acs. W'moreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 238, (158). 250 acs. bound- ing S.Ely, on Hollis Cr., S.W. upon land of John Vaughan & N.Ely, towards land of William Freake; 100 acs. S. Ely. upon sd. land, N.Ely, towards land of Lt. Col. Pope. Granted to David Phillips 25 Sept. 1657, by him sold to Jno. Washington, who sold to Nich. Sexton, who sold to John Buckocke, and one-half thereof by him sold to the sd. Thomas. JOHN STANUP, 1350 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 238, (158). S. side of Yorke Riv., beg. at corner by Henry Ashwells path, running S.W. by S. &c. to corner by John Basbies path, thence S.Ely, to Thomas Collings cor- ner &c, including 1750 acs. granted to Martin Baker 28 Nov. 1658, 300 acs. of which sd. Baker sold to Tho. Tilsey & 100 acs. to Jno. Gynes (?), which is excepted out of the bounds according to the bills of sale from Baker; 1350 acs. assigned sd. Stanup by sd. Baker. ANDREW PETTIGREW, 2000 acs. upon great Wiccocomoco Riv., Sly. upon a main br. at the head thereof, Ely. upon land of George Clarke, the sd. branch dividing this from land of Capt. Bond (or Bud) & Robt. Wilson. Granted to Gervase Dodson, deed., 27 Apr. 1658 & due sd. Pettigrew as marrying the relict of sd. Dodson. 28 Jan. 1662, p. 239, (159). WM. BROWNE, DANIELL WHITE & WM. BOLTROP (Baltrop), 744 acs. in the forrest between the Rivers Pato- mecke & Rappahanocke, W'moreland Co.. 3 Mar. 1664, p. 239, (160). Beg. in the back line of land surveyed for Henry Pate, extending W. by S. &c. Trans, of 15 pers: Wm. Barlow, Tno. Browne, Mary Partin, Jno. Shaw, Tho. Holmes, Jane Smart. (Other names not given.) JOHN CARTWRIGHT. 100 acs. on S. side in E. branch of Elizabeth Riv., bounding on E. side of Henry NicHolls. 14 July 1664, p. 239, (160). Trans, of 2 pers.* 472 Cavaliers and Pioneers GEORGE BRYER & RICHARD LAWRENCE, 1000 acs. Rappa. Co., 26 Sept. 1664, p. 239, (161). N. side of Rappa. Riv., S.W. upon the head of Fleets Cr. upon N. side of Rappa- hanocke Towne. Granted to Charles Grymes 8 Oct. 1657, by him deserted & now granted by order of the Genii. Ct., & due for trans, of 20 pers: Wm. Furmis, Wm. Matter, Fra. Pope, Rich- ard Browne, Edie Kegg, Jno. Teague, George Gale, James Gardiner, Robt. Huston, Joyce Smith, Ann Jordan, Toby Culgy, Jeffry Hewes, Wm. Tix, Jno. Harrold, Rich. Browne, Ed. Loyd, Fra. Jones, Nich. Rice, Eliz. Thomas. MR. JOHN UNDERHILL & WM. BASSETT, 463 Acs. New Kent Co, 3 July 1664, p. 240, (161). S.W. side of Weyanoke Sw., beg. at cor. poplar be- longing to Peter Adams, by line of Stephen Tarlton &c. to S.W. branch of black Cr. down same &c. to line of John Horsidens &c. to a corner Highland Gum &c. to a br. of sd. swamp divid- ing this & land called Chamokins Sec. Trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Dickes, James Bessett, Nich. Hull, Nan a Negro, Edw. Ward, Jno. Martin, Mary Pearman, Tho. Carew, Tho. Simons, Wm. Feild. JOHN UNDERHILL, 309 acs. New Kent Co, 3 July 1664, p. 240, (162). On branches of black Cr. maine Sw, beg. at cor. of S.most end of land of UnderHill & Bassett, in John Horsen- dons line &c. to land of Stephen Tarlton Sec. Trans, of 6 pers: Rich. Harrison, Eliz. Harrison, Jno. Morepent, Peter Plumer, Tho. Shaw, Jane Bone. GEO. BRYER, 500 A. 2 R. 20 Po. Rappa. Co, 20 Feb. 1662, p. 240, (162). Farnham Parish on N. side of Rappa. Riv, beg. at the head of a br. arising out of the head of Oatspekety Cr. (?). trans, of 10 pers: Wm. Bromwell, Jno. Letherland, Rob. Browne, James Ballware, Wm. Bolware, Tho. Strange, Wm. Langly, Miles Para- more, Rich. Hasting, Tho. Shory. THOMAS SPENCER, THOMAS BROOKES & WM. HITCHMAN, 3300 acs. James City Co, 27 Apr. 1664, p. 241, (163). N. side of James Riv. & Sly. side of the head of Chickahominy Riv. above Westover path, beg. on Mr. Brumfeild cor. tree &c. to the maine Sw. &c. including a smallneck of 150 acs. &c. Trans, of 66 pers.* JOHN KILLMAN, 150 acs. Rappa. Co, 2 Dec. 1663, p. 241, (163). Adj. land of sd. John & George Killman, upon Piscattaway Cr, beg. at an ancient red oake, running S.E. Sec. to Neele Petersons cor. white oake upon Green branch, down the same W. Sly. divid- ing this from land of sd. Peterson &c to W. side of the swamp called by the name of Killmans Beaver Dam Sw. Sec. Trans, of 3 pers.* ROBERT DAVIS, 700 acs. at the head of Poytresses Cr. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. near Nanzatticon. 6 Apr. 1664, p. 241, (164). Granted to Vin- cent Stanford 16 Oct. 1656, by him de- serted & granted sd. Davis by order of the Genii. Ct. & due for trans, of 14 pers.* JOHN JOHNSON, 155 acs. James City Co, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 242, (165). Sly. upon a small br. of Archers Hope Cr. Renewal of patent dated 25 Mar. 1654. DAVID FOX, 80 acs. Lancaster Co, 20 Mar. 1662, p. 242, (165). N. side of Rappa. Riv. & S.E. side of 1050 acs. granted to him 2 Apr. 1650, running to mouth of Faire wether Cr. Renewal of former patent. JOHN COLEMAN, 813 acs. Chas. City Co, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 242, (166). S. side of Appamatocke Riv, 200 acs. thereof upon N.W. of Riv, E.N.E. upon the other devdt. of 600 acs, Deepe Bottom parting it, W.S.W. unto a run of water parting this from land of Na: Tatum; 613 acs. beg. at upper bounds of Mr. Tunstalls land Sec. Granted to Col. Water Giles 25 Oct. 1652 & by him assigned. FRA. SHERWOOD, 400 acs. N'amp- ton Co, 14 Jan. 1663, p. 242, (166). At Matchotanke Cr, bounded on W. by Patent Book No. 5 473 land of Nich. Wadilow, S. by maine Cr. & running Nly. towards Anancocke. Granted to Dr. George Hacke, 23 Sept. 1661, by him sold to Edward Baker, who reassigned to sd. Hacke, who as- signed to sd. Sherwood. THOMAS DYER, 100 acs. in W. branch of Eliz. Riv., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 243, (167). Granted to Wm. Memax & Demetree Moreene 14 Dec. 1653 & as- signed to sd. Sherwood. GEORGE BILLIPS, 750 acs. upon branches of Millford Haven, beg. at dividing point & running up a Cr. dividing this & land of John Sillis. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 243, (167). Renewal of patent dated 5 Nov. 1653. HENRY CORBELL, 600 acs. Gloster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 243, (168). On N. & S. side of a path leading from the now plantation of Col. Richard Lee to plantation of Mr. Bremar, beg. at cor. by Jeffery Bews land. Renewal of patent dated 6 Mar. 1653. WM. GANTLETT, 920 acs. Yorke Co., 22 Dec. 1662, p. 243, (168). S. side of Yorke Riv. & S. side of Skimi- noe, bounded by sd. Skiminoe maine Sw. & Cr. to the channell from the mouth of Beech Spring run on the N., by the side of Gantletts Landing, by Thomas Pinkemans path on the E. &c. Renewal of patent dated 6 May 1654. RICHARD FOSTER, 250 acs. in Linn haven Parish, Low. Norf. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 244, (169). Beg. at the head of the broad Cr. Renewal of patent dated 25 Nov. 1653. WM. & JOHN HEABERD, 350 acs. Wmoreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 244, (169). 300 acs. bet. two branches of Pasbitansy Cr., the one extending S.S.E. dividing this & land of Gerrard Fowke &c, the other branch dividing this & land of Sir Thomas Lunsford commonly called Otter Hill; 50 acs. on S.E. side of W.most bnmch of Pasbetancy at N.most cor. of land of Tho. Frissell & adj. his own land. Renewal of their patent dated 30 July 1660. JNO. BRYAN, 200 acs. Upper Norf. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 244, (170). S. side of the W. branch of Nancimum Riv. on both sides of the Indian Cr., running by Mr. William Densons line &c. Renewal of patent dated 20 Mar. 1659. HENRY SMITH, Jr., 200 acs. N'umberland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 245, (170). Nly. upon land of Thomas Darrow, S.E. upon Edward Coale. Re- newal of patent dated 9 Dec. 1656. RICHARD HEARBERD (Heaberd), 480 acs. Wmoreland Co., 20 Nov. 1662, p. 245, (171). Nigh unto Pasbe- tancy Cr., N.W. by N. by land of Tho. Frissell, N.E. by E. by land of Wm. & John Heabeard & S.E. by S. with land of Roger Perfitt. Renewal of patent dated 31 Mar. 1660. JOHN GREENE, 200 acs. in W. branch of Eliz. Riv, beg. at the miles end of his own land. 9 Jan. 1662, p. 245, (171). Renewal of patent dated 1 June 1655. HENRY BROOKES, 1020 acs. Wmoreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 245, (171). S. side of Petomecke Riv., on N.W. side of a Cr. dividing this from land of Danll. Liston & S.E. with Cr. dividing this from land of Lt. Col. Henry Pope. Renewal of patent dated 14 Oct. 1657. WM. HAYWARD, 400 acs. Gloster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 246, (172). Beg. by a little branch of Bennetts Cr. Re- newal of patent dated 5 June 1654. HENRY WALKER, 480 James City Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 246, (172). Adj. land of Richard Vardy, running S.W. by S. to land of Lady Lunsford, thence W. by S. to Poetan Sw. &c. Renewal of patent dated 16 July 1654. SARAH, MARGTT., JUDETH & ELIZ. JONES, 100 acs. Wmoreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 246, (173). S.Ely, upon upper Machotix Riv., N.Ely upon land of Mr. Xtopher Boyce, S.Wly. upon land formerly patented by 474 Cavaliers and Pioneers sd. Jones &c. Granted to Nathaniell Jones, deed., 16 July 1654 & by will given to the abovenamed. WM. GREEN, 250 acs. Wmoreland Co., 12 Jan. 1662, p. 246, (173). On a branch of Oquina Riv., opposite land of Samll. Mattershead &c, & extending to back line of Thomas Hyett. Renewal of patent dated 15 May 1660. ROBERT WEEKES, 50 acs. James City Co., & part in Yorke Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 247, (174). Beg. at 2 cherry trees & Walnutt tree, thence by the Palisadoes S.W. by W. &c. Granted to Francis Peale 21 May 1654 & by him assigned to sd. Weeks. ANDREW MONROW, 440 acs. N'umberland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 247, (174). N.E. upon a Cr. issuing out of Potomack Riv., S.E. upon his own plan- tation. Renewal of patent dated 9 Nov. 1652. MR. JOHN DRAYTON, 2000 acs. Wmoreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 247, (174). S. side of Potomacke Riv., E. & S. upon a Cr. dividing this & the Doegs Island, N.E. into the woods upon a branch dividing this & land of Mr. Thomas Speake, N.W. upon land of Major Miles Cary & S.W. upon Ohoquin Riv. Renewal of patent dated 25 Nov. 1654. WM. CORDEROY, 120 acs. Gloster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 247, (175). Up- on E.S.E. side of Poropotancke Cr., W. N.W. upon the same, N.N.E. upon a small swamp dividing this & land of Nich. Jarnew, E.S.E. upon a branch & swamp dividing this & land of Samll. Sollis & S.S.W. upon Tottopottomoyes Cr. Granted to Oliver Green 24 July 1653, assigned to Edward Corderoy, who sold to sd. Wm. GEORGE GOURDEN, 100 acs. on W. branch of Nancimond Riv., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 247, (175). Adj. land of Wm. Parker & his own land. Granted to Edward Cooke 17 Mar. 1654 & as- signed to sd. Gourden. ARTHUR MOSELY, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 248, (176). Beg. on a poynt in the broad Cr. Granted to Edward Wilder 6 Mar. 1662, sold to Nich. Freeman, who assigned to sd. Mosely. PHILLIP CHESLY, 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 248, (176). On Rockahock path, on Nly. side of the main br. of Skimeno Cr., beg. at the drinking swamp &c. opposite the hott water path &c. to corner tree of Jno. Hawkins &c. Renewal of patent dated 5 Apr. 1660. JOHN FLEET, 300 acs. Gloster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 248, (177). N. side of Yorke Riv., W.N.W. upon land of Mr. Rich. Jones, dee'd., now in posses- sion of Mrs. Francis Jones, the relict of sd. Jones & S.E. upon land of Robt. Todd. Granted to Col. Richard Lee 20 Mar. 1653, sold to Rich. Beadle, who sold to sd. Fleet. RICHARD ANDERSON, 200 acs. Gloster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 248, (177). N. side of Yorke Riv., extend- ing from S.E. side of a small Cr. divid- ing this from land surveyed for Robt. Hubbard &c. N.E. upon Tancks Cr. &c. Granted to Tho. Leechman & Jno. Ben- nett 13 Jan. 1652, sold to Robt. Jones, who sold to sd. Anderson. DANIELL WILD, 800 acs. Yorke Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 249, (178). On E.N.E. side of the old Mill Swamp be- ing the head of Queens Cr., running Ely. along the back of Mr. Davis' devdt. &c. by land of Mr. Daniell Parkes to the old Mill path &c, W. Nly. by Rockahock path &c. Granted to Robt. Wild, 16 June 1654 & given by will to sd. Daniell. MR. WM. DUDLY, 3000 acs. Lan- caster Co., 10 Oct. 1664, p. 249, (178). On N. side of the great Sw., beg. at an Indian bridge & a great run issuing into the swamp, running N. upon land of Cutberd Potter, W. upon land of Jno. Howard or Jno. Curtis, &c. 2000 acs. by patent dated 2 June 1657 & 1000 acs. upon new survey found with- Patent Book No. 5 475 in the bounds thereof & due for trans. of 20 pers: Thomas Modd (or Mode), Wm. Gray, Wm. Young, Elizabeth Bed- well, Thomas Watson, James Jnoson, Tho. Berwicke, Thomas Baldwin, Martha Dell, Mary Bog, An Ellis, Jno. Ackey, Angelo Jacobus, Jeremiah Wale, George Singleton, Susan Hide, Jone Rowse, John Ale (?), Wm. Griggs, James Mosely. ISRAELL JOHNSON. 200 acs. near the head of the N.W. branch of Nanci- mum Riv., butting on land of Symon Simons & land of Rich. Staples. Re- newal of patent dated 6 May 1652. 15 Feb. 1663, p. 249, (179). JOHN SOWSEY, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 250, (179). Renewal of patent dated 9 Mar. 1652. ELIZABETH & JOHN ROSIER, 920 acs. N'umberland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 250. (180). N.E. upon Peto- mecke Riv., N.W. upon land of Tho- mas Peaks & small branch of Up. Machotick Riv. & S.E. upon land of Thomas Boyce. Granted to John Hillier 19 Oct. 1653 & by his will given to the abovenamed. ROBERT BURRELL, 257 acs. N'um- berland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 250, (180). 182 acs. upon a Cr. dividing this from land of Nich. Morris, S.E. upon land of John Essex, S.W. upon land of Geo. Fletcher, Gent., &c. N.W. upon the main woods. 75 acs. upon his own land & a line of trees of John Hewlett. 182 acs. granted to Nich. Morris 17 Nov. 1652, by him sold to sd. Burrell & Jno. Fawsett, who wholly assigned to sd. Burrell, & 75 acs. due for trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Gibson, Wm. Young. ROGER WOMSLEY, 900 acs. in James City Co. & Chas. City Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 250, (181). Both sides of Nickadewans path above Pease hill run, bounded from Edw. Coales corner tee S.E. &c. Trans, of 18 pers: Samll. Corbell, Wm. Lott, Mary Jones, John Salmon, Tho. Carey, Edw. Land, Tho. Sampson, Wm. Jones, Math. Crouch, Wm. Jackson, Sarah Martin, John Chin, James Hart, Tho. Ward, Nath. Bell, Walter Coale, Jno. May, Kath. Ball. CAPT. MARTIN PALMER, 608 acs. New Kent Co., 21 Aug. 1665, p. 251, (181). Upon branches of Black Cr. Beg. at cor. tree of Capt. Rich. Barn- house, running W.N.W. to land of George Smith & Edmond Price &c, W.N.W. near Westham path, N.N.E. to sd. Cr. main run, down same to Capt. Lyddalls corner &c. Trans, of 13 pers: Rebecca Moore, Richd. Wms (Wil- liams), Sarah Hulett, Susan Farsen, Frederick Fartsen, 6 Negroes, Jane Parre. THOMAS PRICKETT, 137 acs. Rappa. Co., 21 Aug. 1665, p. 251, (182). N. side of Dragon Sw. about 3 mi. from Capt. Wm. Clayborne quar- ter, adj. land of Evan Davis & Jno. Coale &c. running by Bestland path &c. Trans. 3 Negroes. ROBT. JARRATT, 322 acs. New Kent Co., 24 Aug. 1665, p. 251, (182). Beg. at cor. of Mr. Jones & Jonathan Higly, formerly granted to Wm. Pullam, running W. by N., thence W. by S. to land of Rich. Scrudy & Geo. Gilbrit (or Gilbert) &c, along lyne of Mr. Tho. Michell &c. near a branch of Muskemino Sw. between Westover path & path leading to Mr. Jonathan Newills' (or Nevills) thence N.E. to beg. Trans. of 7 pers: Jno. Thomas, Wm. Holman, Jno. Burton, Henry Ford, Wm. Browne, Robt. Bartlett, Robt. Wagg. MR. WM. BODY, 3350 acs., Isle of Wight Co., 12 July 1665, p. 252, (183). At the head of the Cyprus & western branches, beg. by the Beaver Dam, running N.E. &c. to the Meadow which makes the head of the western branch &c. to Colemans corner, E. by N. Nly. to corner of Tho. Joyner near the head of the Elme Sw. 550 acs. by patent dated 20 Oct. 1661 & 2800 for trans, of 56 pers: Jno. Horsmans, Wm. Roberts, Jno. Dizen. Wm. Painter, Ed- ward Mumpford, Rich. Foxen, Hen. Hunt. Samll. Lucas, Fra. Weekes, Wm. Evans, Jasper Fisher, Jno. Dan, Jno. Taylor, Wm. Hancock, Evan Haines (or 476 Cavaliers and Pioneers Hames), Abram Andrews, Hugh Taylor, Wm. Ranson, Jno. Walters, Jno. Bun- zey, Sarah Adams, Thomas Demor, Robt. Welch, Jno. Rousee, Hen. Her- bert, Jno. Morgan, Jacob Willoughbie, Wm. Browne, Jacob Taylor, Francis Fletcher, Wm. Body, Ann Body, Mary Body, Jno. Downe, twice, Mathew An- drews, Wm. Wenham, Robt. Elkes, Francis Heymore, Eliz. Wood, Eliz. Wms. (Williams), Jno. Taylor, Jno. Cocer, Samll. Porter, Ed. Hilman, Jno. Branson, Wm. Rickett, Henry Homes, Mary Codner, James Knott, Nathall. Sharpe, Wm. Tinzey, Tho. Bugg, Tho. Gorne, Isaak Prosser, Mathew North, Susan Nore, Jane Charratt, Fortune Trevett, Wm. Bough, Eliz. Lees, Robt. Gues. MR. JNO. MARSHALL, 700 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 12 July 1665, p. 252, (184). W. side of the Wester Sw., beg. at lower cor. tree of Capt. Fulghams land, extending down Sw. to land of Tho. Harris &c. Trans, of 14 pers: "Six Rights due from the above- said pattern, vizt:" Susan Nore (or Noree), Jane Charratt, Fortune Trevett, Wm. Bough, Eliz. Lees, Robt. Gues, Danll. Murfery, Ed. Cooke, Tho. Wat- son, James Jnoson, Tho. Bawd (?), Tho. Bauldin, Martha Dell. CAPT. ANTHONY FULGHAM, 1600 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 12 July 1665, p. 253, (184). Beg. at W. side of a Meadow at the head of the W. branch, running W. by Mr. Bodyes marked trees &c. Trans, of 30 pers: Wm. Bressie, Susan his wife, Eliz. Powell, Jno. Trupsha, Ruben Gladill, Jno. Warborton, Richd. Avery, Thomas Walter 8 times, his father & mother, Wm. & Jane Walter, Jno. Holly, Jno. Collins, Richard Bennett, Richd. Seward, Anthony Fulgham, Jno. Fulgham, Joane a Negro, Ann White, Thomas Cheny, Robt. Edwards, Jane Morgan, Mary Harris, Blanch Harding. EVAN DAVIS & JNO. COLE, 356 acs. Rappa. Co., 24 Aug. 1665, p. 253, (184). N. side Peancketancke about 2 mi. from Capt. Wm. Claybornes quar- ter. 300 acs. granted them 20 July 1662 & 56 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Tymothy Wagg, Symon Former. JOHN GARRATT & NICHOLAS WARE, 386 acs. New Kent Co., 21 Aug. 1665, p. 253, (185). N. side Mattapony Riv. upon head branches of Hartequack Sw., beg. at mouth of Cat- taile br. & crossing Wolfe Br. Trans, of 8 pers: Sarah Dibdall, Tim. White, Rowland Lurs, (?), Sa. Boucher, Wm. Byran, Fran. Cooke, Agnes Buck, James Haines. MR. ROBT. PYLAND & MAJOR JOHN SMITH, 380 acs. on N.E. side of a Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Nowell & S.E. side of Skithes Cr. &c. running W. by N. to Cr. dividing same from land of Mr. Rabnett. 16 Feb. 1663, p. 254, (186). Granted to Capt. Nath. Hurd, 12 May 1653 & by him sold to abovenamed. ISRAELL JOHNSON, 200 acs. on N.W. branch of Nancimond Riv., 15 Feb. 1663, p. 254, (187). Renewal of patent dated 6 May 1652. ROBT. HUBBERD & ROBT. WALFE (or Wolfe), 533 acs. War- wick Co., 21 Feb. 1663, p. 254, (187). At the head of Skethes Cr., beg. at S.W. side of a Sw. falling into same at N.W. by N. cor. tree of Capt. Tho. Harwood. Granted to Capt. Nath. Hurd 12 May 1653 & by sold to above- named. SAMUELL COGHILL, 400 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Farnham Parish, beg. at miles end of land of Jno. Meader. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 254, (188). Trans. of 8 pers: Wm. Meader, Mary Fowles, Tho. Fourson, John Martin, Edward Mills, Samll. Pur- ton, Samll. Turner, Joseph Marlow. EVAN DAVIS & THO. WILLIAM- SON, 550 acs. on S. side Rappa. Riv., bounding upon land of Cyprian Bushop. 16 Dec. 1663, p. 255, (188). Trans, of 11 pers: Jno. Turner, Wm. Hobbs, Fra. Tablet, James Saunders, Peter Up- ton, Martin Hunt, Rich. Granson, Fra. Basnett, Mary Paine, Jno. Gose, Charles Bryant. Patent Book No. 5 477 MILES REILY, 400 acs. N. side of Rappa. Co., 24 Aug. 1664, p. 255, (189). Bounding upon land of Capt. Geo. Bryer, Thomas Robinson, Robt. Sissell & his own land. Trans, of 8 pers: Richard Price, Wm. Page, Ellinor Abbot, Jno. Cabowne, Alexander Nicholson, Jno. Machany, Wm. Bourne. RICH. WHEELER, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 28 Jan. 1663, p. 255, (189). Adj. land of Robt. Grymes. Renewal of patent dated 15 Dec. 1656. MRS. MARY BRENT, 1644 acs. N'umberland Co., 28 Nov. 1662, p. 255, (190). Ely. upon Petomecke Riv., Sly. upon Quinough Riv. & Nly. upon land of Capt. Gyles Brent, Esqr. Re- newal of patent dated 17 Nov. 1652. EDWARD BROWNE & RICHARD STERNELL, 1200 acs. in Deepe Cr., a branch of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. on a point at the parting of the Cr., running S. by W. by Bowmans run &c. Granted to Edward Bowman & sd. Stur- nell 9 Mar. 1653 & the part of sd. Bowman assigned to sd. Browne. MR. ANTHONY JACKMAN, 700 acs. Rappa. Co., 21 Sept. 1664, p. 256, (191). S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on N. side of a great swamp running into Peanketanke Riv. &c. 520 acs. due sd. Jackman in joint tenure with Rice Jones by patent dated 17 May 1658, & re- newed 12 Jan. 1661 & by consent of both sides equally divided; 108 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Kath. Jones, John Bruntell. MR. DAVID FOX, 238 acs. N. side of Lancaster Co., 18 Mar. 1663/4, p. 256, (191). Bounded Ely. by land of Capt. Hackett, John Senior's Orphant & Henry Davis, Nly. by his own land, Sly. by land of Anth. Stephens & Wly. by Morattico path. Sd. land entered in the office 26 Mar. 1662, granted sd. Fox 21 Aug. 1663 & since resurveyed, an error being in the first survey. NOTE: Pages 257 to 262, inclusive, have been cut out of Old Volume 5 and the following abstracts are made from New Book 5. HENRY AWBERRY, 1050 acs. Rappa. Co., 9 Apr. 1664, p. (192). On the S. & at the head of Hoskins Cr., beg. on the run side at the uppermost extant of land of Thomas Browning. Trans, of 21 pers.* ROGER OVERTON & JOHN LARY (or Lacy), 100 acs. Rappa. Co., 18 Mar. 1663/4, p. (192). Adj. land formerly belonging to Mr. James Bagnall now in possession of sd. Overton & Lary &c, running near a branch of Mr. Tobias Smiths Cr. Trans, of 2 pers.* LUKE BULLINGTON, 250 acs. Rappa. Co., 18 Mar. 1663, p. (193). N. side of Rappa. Riv. on Richards Cr., beg. at Cedar point where the Cr. divides this & land of Robert Bayly, running along N. side of the dividing branch to the head thereof &c. to Mr. Gyles Webbs Nwd. line of trees lead- ing to the mountains &c. by trees run- ning by house of James Samford & dividing this & Samfords land &c. Trans, of 4 pers.* FRANCIS IRONMONGER, 660 acs. Gloucester Co., 21 Aug. 1665, p. (194). Near head branches of Totopotomoy Cr. & Join's Cr., beg. at corner tree of Major John Smith, running to land of William Corderoy &c. over a path thence S. by W. to Richard Barnards corner tree, up line of Purton's devdt. &c. Trans, of 13 pers.* WILLIAM CARVER, 500 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 4 July 1664, p. (194). 300 acs. in S. branch of Eliz. Riv., running to mouth of the broad Cr; 200 beg. near the mouth of Julians Cr. Renewal of patent dated 15 June 1659. JOHN RICHINS, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 15 June 1663, p. (195). Beg. up- on a small branch of Briery Sw. Trans, of 7 pers.* MR. RICHARD HALL, 150 acs. Warwick Co., 16 Aug. 1664, p. (195). 100 acs. S.E. on James Riv., beg. at a creek parting this from land of Merry Point, running along the river N.W. to a locust parting this from land of 478 Cavaliers and Pioneers Mr. Thomas Owen, thence into the woods to Mr. Robert Newmans dam; 50 acs. at Merry Point, bounding S.W. on James Riv., joining Ely. to his patent of 100 acs. & Wly. on land of sd. Owen. 100 acs. renewal of patent dated 13 Jan. 1661 & 50 acs. for trans, of 1 pers.* THOMAS MEADER, Orphan, 450 acs. Lancaster Co., 9 Apr. 1664, p. (196). S. side of the head of Hoskins Cr., beg. near an Indian path. Granted to Thomas Browning 30 Nov. 1657, as- signed to John Cooke, who assigned to Thomas Meader, dec'd., & given by will to abovenamed patentee. WILLIAM CARVER, 890 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Sept. 1664, p. (197). 865 acs. in the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., 500 acs. thereof granted to Thomas Holt by patent, beg. at the river side near a Cr. running S.W. by W. &c .to the head of Church Cr. &c. to part of the Old field &c. 25 acs. on N.E. side of his former land in the Church Cr. 500 acs. pur- chased of sd. Holt & 390 acs. for trans. of pers. RICHARD LAWRENCE, 10 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 15 June 1663, p. (198). Bounded on S. with a branch of Grymes' Cr. dividing this & land of Dominick Farriott, on W. with sd. Cr., on N. with branch of same dividing this & land of Edward Grymes now in possession of William Wroughton & on E. with marked trees dividing this & other land of sd. Grymes in possession of sd. Wroughton called Quiaccomake. Trans, of 1 pers.* RICHARD LAWRENCE & GEORGE BRYER, 1000 acs. Rappa. Co., 26 Sept. 1664, p. (198). Upon Rappa. Cr. op- posite land of Col. Henry Fleete, bound- ing S.Ely, upon Manakin Cr., a br. of Rappa. Cr. Granted to John Stephens 18 Mar. 1657 by him deserted & granted to sd. patentees by order of the General Ct. DANIEL BOUCHER, 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 24 May 1664, p. (199). On the third swamp of Black Water, beg. at cor. of Humphrey Clarkes land in a bottom near the swamp, running down W. by S. &c. Renewal of patent dated 20 Nov. 1654. EVAN DAVIS & THOMAS WIL- LIAMSON, 900 acs. Rappa. Co., 16 June 1663, p. (199). Beg. on Ewd. side of a white marsh at the head of a branch issuing out of the Dragon Sw., crossing Mattopony upper path, run- ning Sly. &c. Trans, of 18 pers.* THOMAS STEGG, 1280 acs. on N. side of James Riv., 25 Jan. 1663, p. (200). Beg. about a mile above the falls, running into the woods N. by E. 320 perches to a slash named Wood- wards labour &c. Trans, of 26 pers.* COL. NATHANIEL BACON, Esq., 1075 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 16 Feb. 1663, p. (200). Upon a br. of Pagan Cr., beg. at S.most part of Cross Cr. where Anthony Jones' land begins, over the Cr. N.E. by N. & to where William Smiths line begins, thence N.E. bv N. &c. to miles end of John Sparks land. Renewal of patent dated 23 Mar. 1652. RICHARD LAWRENCE & WIL- LIAM BALDWIN, 300 acs. Rappa. Co., 15 June 1663, p. (201). Beg. on Wwd. side of the white marsh at the head of a branch issuing out of the Dragon Sw., crossing Mattopony upper path & run- ning W.N.W. &c. Trans, of 6 pers.* JOHN PATE, 1000 acs. Rappa. Co. 31 Dec. 1662, p. (201). On S. side of the main swamp of Mr. Andrew Gilsons Cr. Trans, of 20 pers.* ROBERT SMITH & NICH. SMITH, 225 acs., in the forest bet. Rappa. & Patomeck Rivs., beg. on a point bet. two branches of Nominy Riv. The sd. land being surveyed for John Ayres, by him assigned to sd. patentees & due for trans, of 5 pers.* 28 Jan. 1662, p. (202). JOHN HORSINGTON, Gent., 1750 acs. New Kent Co., 17 Apr. 1663, p. 263, (202). Upon branches & main swamp of Black Cr., beg. in the line of Patent Book No. 5 479 Thomas London by Westover path, run- ning nigh an Indian field &c. to Mr. Hubberds land &c. Trans. 35 pers: Robt. Horsington, Thomas Horsington, Dorothy Cannon, Dorathy Horsington, Thomas Millisent, Wm, Peirce, Wm. Hemmings, Jno. Watts, Eliz. Frey, Jno. Iron, Eliz. Miles, Mary a Negro, Joane Carter, Johannah Rawlings, Abraham Knowles, Lewis Griffin, Joseph Flower, Fran. Denoware, Nathaniell Barker, Thomas Williams, Dall. Merrick, Wm. Richardson, Robt. Bowene, George Robts. (Roberts), Joseph Blayton, Jno. Adams, Richd. Price, Wm. Parke, Sarah Parke, Wm. Parke, his wife, Wm. Swinborne, Edwd. Harris, Wm. Bea- mond, Rice a Welchman. SAME. 350 acs. Yorke Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 263, (203). 300 acs. in the parish of Marston, on N. side of the maine Sw. of St. Andrews Cr. by land of Tho. Pankerman &c. by Rockahock path &c. & 50 acs. on main br. of sd. Cr., beg. at his own land. 300 acs. as- signed to him by Henry Tyler & Danll. Parke & 50 acs. for trans, of Francis Taylor. JOHN BAREFEILD, 150 acs. in S. branch of Nancimond Riv., 30 Oct. 1662, p. 263, (204). Trans, of 3 pers: Susan Haynes, Mary Trotter, Wm. Arnold. RICHARD YATES, 350 acs. in Deep Cr., in the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. by the creek side, running for length N. by E. &c, butting on land of Jno. Wilkerson. 11 Mar. 1664, p. 264, (204). Trans, of 7 pers: Sail. Robts., Joane Robts. (Roberts), Martha Holmes, Huddy Chase, Robt. Lusby, Wm. Nicholson, Jno. Taylor. MR. JOHN HINTON, 1000 acs. in the upper parish of Nancimond Co., 10 Apr. 1665, p. 264, (205). On the head of Mather Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Hinton, Wm. Walter, Ch. Tones, Wm. Fuller, G. Fretwell, Tho. Hill, Bl. San- ders, Ri. Loyd, Wm. Brae (?), Wm. Green, Jno. Harris, Grace ReacT, Math. Nickolls, Tho. Curie, Walt. Thomas, Edwd. Watson, Tho. Elkenton, Jno. Ellis, Wm. Bateman, Danll. O hind. MR. FRANCIS SPIKE, 700 acs. Up. Parish, Nancimond Co., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 264, (205). On the head of Ma- thewes Cr., butting on land of Wm. Eason. The following names appear, without stating due for trans, of same: Eliz. Hamack, Eliz. Edins, Ann Say, Sym. Haymon, Jno. Wms. (Williams), Ann Moore, Antho. Welden, Walter Hedges, Mary Stevens, Walter Miles, Wm. Henning, Jane Harte, Tho. Wil- liams, Jude Hans. JOHN TURNER, 300 acs. Nanci- mond Co., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 265, (206). 200 acs. on Wwd. side of the main head branch of Choketuck Cr. & 100 acs. near the head of sd. Cr., & adj. his own land. 200 acs. granted sd. Turner & Giles Lawrence 6 Nov. 1651 & by Peter Mountacue, Atty. of sd. Lawrence, as- signed his part to sd. Turner & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Phillip An- drews, Mary Home. JNO. WILKENSON, 700 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 265, (207). 350 acs. in S. branch of Eliz. Riv., run- ning by Julian s Cr; 350 acs. in Deep Cr. a branch of the S. branch of Eliz. Riv. & adj. the aforesaid tract; abutting land of Tho. White. 350 acs. renewal of patent dated 1 Oct. 1661 & 350 for trans, of 7 pers: Eliz. Collins, Jos B , Ellen Gallop, Eliz. Hones, Tho- mas Abbott, Jno. Morley, Joseph Mor- ley. Marginal Note: "This pattent made in Wilkensons name now made in Herberts being his true name hee have- ing assumed the name of Wilkenson falsly." MR. JEREMIAH RUTTER, 300 acs. Nancimond Co., 21 Apr. 1665, p. 265, (208). Beg. by Hopkin Hoells marked trees, running N.N.E. &c. to Mr. Bests trees &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Richard Marston, Constance Sampson, Elizabeth Hoock, Jno. Griffell, Alexander Allen, Nancy a Negro. MR. XTOP. (Christopher) ACHEL- LY, 450 acs. Nancimond Co., 10 Apr. 1665, p. 266, (208). Adj. land he lives on, beg. at cor. tree of Mr. Spikes land. Trans, of 9 pers: Xtop. Achelly, Richd. 480 Cavaliers and Pioneers Peirce, fra. Watts, Tho. Prest, May Jones, Ann Strong, Jno. Smallwood, Jno. Hart, Wm. Tabb. MR. HUGH SANDERS, 400 acs. Up. parish of Nancimond Co., 8 Mar. 1664, p. 266, (209). Butting on land of Wm. Denson. Trans, of 8 pers: Sa. Norville, Eliz. Sanders, Jno. Roberts, Mary San- ders, Joane Rogers, Henry Sanders, Hugh Sanders, Ann Sanders. COL. EDWD. CARTER, Esqr., Councellor of State, 220 acs. Nanci- mond Co., 1 Sept. 1665, p. 266, (209). Lying at the head of the sd. Col. Carter &c. running E. by line of Wm. Twice (or Trice), Tho. Addison & Rich. Rus- sell &c. Granted to Tho. Carter 20 Sept. 1661, by him deserted & upon petition of sd. Col. Edwd. Carter granted to him by order of Court 30 Mar. 1664 & due for trans, of 5 pers: Richard Jones, Jno. Cooper, Anthony Cooper, Abram Strand, Henry Moon. JOHN MOORE, 300 acs. on S. side of the W. branch of Nancimond Riv., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 267, (210). 200 acs. on both sides of Indian Cr., running by Mr. Wm. Densons lyne &c. 100 acs. adj. the aforesaid tract. 200 acs. granted to John Bryan 18 Mar. 1662, who. sold to sd. Moore, & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Moores Wife, & Jno. Clarke. FRANCIS HUTCHINS, 400 acs. Nancimond Co., 11 Mar. 1664, p. 267, (210). 200 acs. at the head of Bever Cr., a branch of the W. branch of Nancimond Riv., beg. at miles end of Wm. Stories land, running S. by E. &c, butting on land of Mr. Jno. Garrett & Mr. Tho. Powell; 200 acs. adj. sd. tract. 200 acs. renewal of patent dated 26 Mar. 1656 & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Henry Chutterbuck, Robert White, Richard Harris, Rich. Newman. WM. STONE, 750 acs. New Kent Co., 15 Apr. 1663, p. 267, (211). S. side of the freshes of Pomunkey Riv., beg. at Mattedecon Cr., running S.S.W. &c. to the devdt. of Chemokins &c. Trans, of 15 pers: Jno. Thomas, Robt. Jones, Mr. Hary, James Rador, Mary James, Margtt. Ham, Jonathan Harrison, Ralph Robts. (Roberts), Jno. Webb, Rice Jones, William Hardick, James Radner, Jno. Wise, Mary Tompson, Wm. Webberton. JAMES PYLAND, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 19 Feb. 1662, p. 268, (212). Bounded Wly. with land of John Olliver & Ely. with land of Xpher. Flinton. Granted to Thomas Green- wood 23 Feb. 1652 & due sd. Pyland as marrying the relict of sd. Greenwood. VALENTINE ALLEN, 438 acs. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 268, (212). On S. side of Rappa. Riv. between two branches of a creek, running nigh land of John Jenings &c. One-half of same granted to Tho. Page 21 Apr. 1657, who assigned to sd. Allen & 157 acs. due for trans, of 3 pers: Jno. Spurstoe, Edward Vard- true, Mary Jennings. LT. COL. WM. BARBER, 596 acs. Hampton Parish, Yorke Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 268, (213). S.W. side Yorke Riv., beg. on N.W. side of the head of Felgates Marsh &c. by the Indian feild &c. next Canoes land, by Creekes path &c. next the French Ordnary &c. to cor. tree called Mile tree by John Overstreet, belonging to land of Mr. Richard Jones, down Barbers Cr. to the mouth &c. 125 acs. by patent dated 6 May 1651, & 363 acs., 13 Sept. 1656, for trans, of 2 pers., as alsoe by patent dated 29 Nov. 1659: Wm. Johnson, Tho. Carpenter. CHRISTO. BOOZE, Junr., 300 acs. W'moreland Co., 13 Nov. 1662, p. 269, (214). N. sid of Oquy Riv., bounded on S.E. by a branch of same which divides this & land of Capt. Gyles Brent & N.W. by br. of same dividing this & land of sd. Brent. Granted to Christo. Booze, deed. & due sd. patentee as son & heir. GABRIELL JONES, 300 acs. neere the Middle Plantation, Yorke Co., 8 Sept. 1664, p. 269, (215). N.W. upon land of Mr. Nich. Broach, S.W. upon the horse path, E. by N., S.W. & W. by N. upon land of Nich. Sabrell, N. Patent Book No. 5 481 by E. upon the Indian Spring & S.E. towards land of Samll. Watkins. Granted to John Broach 9 July 1646, by him sold to Wm. Newman, who sold to Richard Jones, dec'd. the father of sd. Gabriell. "And whereas the said Broach dieing as Alien the said land was found to Escheate to his Majestie as by an Inquisition recorded in the Secretaries office under the hand & seale of Coll. Myles Carey Esqr. his Maties. Escheator Genii, for this coun- try And the Jury sworne before him for that purpose dated the 23d Decbr. 1662 recorded in the Secretaries office may appeare And is now granted to the said Gabriell Jones, his Mother Elizabeth Jones haveing made her composition ac- cording to Act on her sonnes behalfe." WM. HEABERD & WM. HORTON, 1600 acs. W'moreland Co., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 269, (215). S. side Patomeck Cr., beg. at N.W.most cor. of land belong- ing to Edward Carey & John Axton &c, N. to land of Coll. Yeo. Trans, of 32 pers: Tho. Young, Nich. Read, Jno. Vintner, Milred May, Oliver Druett (or Pruett), Hugh Broadwater, Nich. Chad- well, Jno. Chadwell, Tho. Collis, Nich. Ruckston, Ann Williams, Mary Oder- way, Quinton Behanon, Mary Skinner, Elinor Greene, Jno. Noble, Margt. Ed- wards, Grace Watkins, Adam Greene, Henry Milby, Martha Newman, Jno. Curtis, Tho. Barefoot, Ann Underwood, Fra. Gaston, Edw. Stephens, Geo. Peirce, Henry Tibbut, Wm. Tilnsy, Humph. Peck, Mary Carter, Mary Jones. JOHN WALKER, 238 acs. 2 R. 58 P. Rappa. Co., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 270, (216). S. side the Riv. in Farnham Parish, beg. at cor. tree of Mr. John Cattletts land, running S. E. by E. &c. to Occupation Cr. &c. including a point of land extending into the Cr. opposite the house of Henry Berry, containing 10 acs. Assigned to him by Richard Lawson. JOHN SUCKETT, 250 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at miles end of land of Tho. Robinson, running E. by S. &c. by land of James Samford. Due said Hugill for trans, of 5 pers: Humph. Booth, twice, Math. Hoare, Ann Redding, Edw. app Lewis. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 270, (217). SAME. Same date & pages. 300 aa>. S.W. side of Farnham Cr., running S. W. by land of John Williams, thence by land of Luke Bullington, thence by land of Mr. Griffith. Due said Hugill for trans, of 6 pers: Abra. Stephens, John Sucket, Tho. Freshwater, Gowyn Young, Mary Fisher, Jacob (a) Negro. JOHN MARTYN, 268 acs. Rappa. Co. in Sittenburne Parish, 26 June 1663, p. 270, (217). N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at corner tree of Capt. John Weir, running E. by N. &c. by miles end of sd. Weir, thence to his own land pur- chased of Cha. Snead. Trans, of 7 pers: Tho. Fuller, Mary Pate, Jno. Young, Edw. Ward, Walter Hardy, James Tooke, Jno. Callamy. JOHN CARY, 400 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 271, (218). At Hunting Cr., being part of the forked Neck granted to Fenlaw Mackwilliam. Trans, of 8 pers: Math. Morgan, Jane Grey, Tho. Powell, Mary Williams, Phillip Farrar, Jos. Farnham, Ed. Rock- by, Tho. Mary. FRANCIS HEALE & WM. HEA- BERD, 1300 acs., bet. Petomecke & Rappa. Rivs., nigh branches of Pasby- tansee Cr., extending to land surveyed for Wm. & John Heaberd, crossing the Doeggs path, crossing branches of Rap- pa. Riv. 9 Feb. 1663, p. 271, (218). Trans, of 26 pers: Eliz. Philips, Susan Porter, Eliz. Simmons, Maudlin Jones, John Wallis, Hannah Morgan, Geo. Bitch, Isaac Starling, Ann Burditt, Ja. Stanes, Ann Morgan, Joyce Hales, Ed- ward Foster, Ellinor Mellett, Mary Essex, Anth. Crisp, Gerrard Erington, Anth. Daid, Ellinor Sagar, Edw. Burris- ton, Ann Berry, Fra. Hailes, James Hailes, Mary Sandy, Isabell Morgan, Samll. Grymes. JOHN SAVIDGE, 250 acs. Acco- macke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 271, (219). Bounding on W. part of land formerly granted to Col. Francis Pott, then to 482 Cavaliers and Pioneers Lt. Col. Wm. Kendall, now in posses- sion of John Smith & running towards land of Arthur Upshot. Trans, of 5 pers: Jno. Watson, James Morecraft, Jno. Howell, Wm. Hadlington, Mich. Lulifild. JOHN, SARAH & MARGT. MICHAELL, 150 acs. N'ampton Co., 11 Mar. 1663, p. 271, (219). Wly. on land of Edward Bibbey, Ely. on Wm. Mel ling, Nly. on Kings Cr. & Sly. on land of Capt. Reaper. Granted to Agnes Barnes 4 July 1653 & sold to sd. patentees. JOHN BUTTLER, 359 acs. Wmore- land Co., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 272, (220). Beg. on S.W. side of the branches of Beaver Dams of Popes Cr., upon S. side of land of Tho. Pope, Gent., extend- ing S. &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Ann Vaughan, Mary Sharp, Tho. Joyner, Jacob Hart, Tho. Sherly, Edw. Farlow, Samll. Jackson. ELIAS HARTREE, (Haretree), 600 acs. in Accomacke, 10 Feb. 1663, p. 272, (220). 200 acs. at the head of Hungers Cr., bounded on W. by land of Johna. Gyles, extending E.N.E. along the Cr. &c. 400 acs. at Nuswattocks Cr., beg. at E.most side of land of John Walt- ham, extending 150 po. to land of Rich. Jacobs, bounded on the N. by land of sd. Nuswattocks Cr. called the broad br. or Cr. 200 acs. granted to James Pereene 14 Nov. 1642 & by him sold to sd. Haretree; 400 acs. granted to Tho. Wyatt 21 July 1640, by him sold to Richard Smith, who assigned to Mich. Richards, who assigned to sd. Haretree. THO. ORILY, 600 acs. Accomacke Co., at Hunting Cr., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 272, (221). Beg. at E.most part of land of John Lewis &c. running Ely. up sd. Cr. Trans, of 12 pers: Edw. Hart- fild, Magdalin Worship, Rich. Hogsden, Mary Long, James Druryford, Geo. Midleton, Wm. Drury, Jane Mathews, Ed. Mosely (or Moseby), Phil. Everthet, Wm. Stanley, Jno. Kirchey. RICHARD HILL, Senior, 1000 acs. Accomack Co., at Hunting Cr., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 273, (221). Bounded on N. by sd. Cr., running Wly. down the same & Sly. towards Deep Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Ayres, Hugh Turpin, Geo. Quier, Henry Dunster, Tho. Lilly, Jno. , Charles Middleton, Nora. Mor- gan, Mary Hatchworth, Edm. Townshed, Wm. Browne, Robt. Davis, Ralph Ratsell, Joane Evans, Leo. George, Jno. Daniell, Isaac Dickes, John Sanders, Mary Bacon, Oliver Herbert. ROBT. MARRIOT, 450 acs. N'amp- ton Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 273, (221). At the old plantation Cr., adj. to the head of land which Capt. Wm. Rooper lived on & bounded on the other parts by the "Ancient Adjacent devidents." Trans, of 9 pers: Wm. Salt, Morras Mathews, Theo. White, Jone Mills, James Southfeild, Mary Williams, John Turner, JefTry Marlin, Tho. Spann. ALEX. MASSY, 400 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 273, (222). At the head of the N. branch of Muddy Cr., beg. at E. side of a great swamp & running towards Kecotanke. Trans, of 8 pers: Tho. Jones, Wm. Willbrooke, Mary Thompson, JefTry Whitby (or Whitly), Edw. Wallis, Jno. Jones, Henry Mathews, Mathew Williams. LAWRENCE ROBINSON, 500 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 273, (222). Part thereof being an Island called Hills Choyce, the other being upon the S. branch of Muddy Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Mallowes, Ed- win Mountfort, Marth. Milford, Easter Phillips, Tho. Mallowes, James Trussell, Jonas Robinson, Wm. Wright, John James, John Apinall. WM. GOWERS, 600 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 274, (222). At Hunting Cr., bounding on land of Rich- ard Hill, Senr., running Ely. up the Cr. & Sly. towards Deep Cr. Trans, of 12 pers: Tho. White, JefTry Moore, Margt. Mathews, Evan Powell, Tho. Smith, Owin Hopkins, Alice Wilson, Martha Atkins, John Walford, Jone Powell, John Mackton, Jno. Evans. CAPT. WM. JONES, 300 acs. N'ampton Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 274, Patent Book No. 5 483 (222). Near head of Hungers Cr., beg. & bounding on the head of a former devdt. of sd. Jones, bounded on N. by a branch next to John Vines & on E. & S. by former adjacent devidents. Trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Dickeson, Fra. Branson, Mary Trotman, Ellin Porkett, John Celly, Sarah Gill. JOHN LEWIS, 1000 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 274, (223). At Hunting Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Ryle, Jno. Rhodes, Jno. Creamer, Eliz. Doughty, Tho. Smith, Jno. Willis, Jno. Browne, Edw. Ward, Robt. Yallop, Gartrad Morkey, Clemt. Onely, Wm. Clavator, Susan Berry, Edw. Steward, Peter Baxton, Paul Lambert, Ann Fourd, Jno. Spillman, James Cooke, Maurice Peane. JOHN RENNY, 400 acs. Accomacke Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 274, (223). At the N. br. of Muddy Cr., beg. at a great swamp, running N. towards Messango Cr. Trans, of 8 pers: Tho. Midleton, Wm. Freeman, Abra. Dotson, Hen. Ellens, Marth. Eyres, Ellinor Jackson, Margt. Hall, Jno. Mettick. FRANCIS GREY, 374 acs. W'more- land Co., 16 Nov. 1664, p. 275, (224). Bounded N.E. with land of Capt. Jno. Ashton, Wm. Northall, Garrard Foard & his own land. Trans, of 8 pers: Wm. Jones, Wm. Rastell, John Barber, Jane Cassy, Tho. Bright, Tho. Ipley, Mary Hart, Jno. Farr. CAPT. JOHN ASHTON, 783 acs. W'moreland Co., 16 Nov. 1664, p. 275, (224). Bounded N. with the beaver dams of Attopine Cr., S. by Naniatico path. Trans, of 16 pers: Wm. Okey, Rice James, Jno. Shaw, Tho. Fuller, Mary Yates, Wm. Everad, Tho. Sharpe, Dorothy House, Wm. Markland, Rich. Howden, Theo. House, Tho. Hughlett, Samll. Finch, Mary Hartwell, Jno. Put- ner, Samll. Craw. SAME. 543 acs. same Co., date & pages. Nigh to Upper Machotick & up- on branches of the beavor dams of Her- ring Cr., near his other land & running N.W. along land of Henry Cossum. Trans, of 11 pers: Johna. Martmore, Fra. Fowler, Tho. Young, Jervas Downe, Wm. Snead, Wm. Jones, Tho. Causey, Sarah Jones, Margt. Fuller, James Wil- son, Samll. Rotland. JOHN FRISSELL, 104^ acs. W'- moreland Co., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 276, (225). 63^4 acs. beg. nigh the head of Fishing Cr., extending W.N.W. along land of Richard Griffin; 41 acs. bounded S. with his own land. Part of 663 acs. granted to Richard Hill 4 Sept. 1661 & by him sold to sd. Frissell & 41 acs. due for trans, of Wm. Mallard. MAJOR WM. ANDREWS, 1500 acs. N'ampton Co., 4 Mar. 1663, p. 276, (226). At Great Nuswattocks Cr., beg. at the 4th necke up sd. Cr., parted by a small (creek) from land of Mr. Parker. Renewal of patent dated 24 Feb. 1654. THO. SMITH, 400 acs. N'ampton Co., 10 Mar. 1663, p. 276, (226). S.W. upon part of the head of land of John Williams & part upon head of land of John Johnson. Granted to sd. Johnson 29 Oct. 1662 & by him assigned to sd. Smith. CHRISTOPHER BUTTLER, 150 acs. W'moreland Co., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 277, (227). Beg. at corner of land surveyed for John Buttler, extending W. by S. &c. to branch & swamp of Popes Cr. &c. to land of sd. Buttler & Abra. Field &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Robt. Page, Robt. Turner, Rich. Hartgrave. JOHN LORD & WILLIAM HOR- TON, 2500 acs. W'moreland Co., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 277, (227). Nigh to Nomeny, beg. at S.most cor. of land formerly belonging to Major Wm. Lewis & Mr. Robt. Hubberd, deed., ex- tending along same N.W. &c. finally by a line of Katharin Brent, Orphan. Trans, of 50 pers: Jno. Norwood, Mary Wrong, Jos. Hartree, Christo. Rivers, Wm. Marloe, Tho. Shaw, Fra. Fletcher, Tho. Cranew, John Smith, Ed. Peeters, Jno. Lord 3 times, Wm. Trewit, Margt. Basse, Jno. Bennet, Tho. Gib- bins, James Goodacre, James Winter- come, Jno. Thompson, David Chitley, Jno. Marshall, Minion Young, Ann 484 Cavaliers and Pioneers Young, Robt. Whitehead, Tho. Smith, James Valeire, And. Hanson, James Costring, Jno. Small, Tho. Allen, Henry Smith, Wra. Brookes, Fra. Carter, Wm. Faulkner, Tho. Shaw, Edw. Spight, Wm. Upton, Fra .Killagrew, Tho. Hawley, Mary Young, Susan Mason, Tho. Tow- ner, Wm. Fulgam, John Cave, Gilbert Cooper, Charles Cogam, Mary Spencer, Tho. (a) Negro, Wm. Hawley (or Shawley) . JOHN BUTTLER, Carpenter, 165 acs. W'moreland Co., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 277, (228). Beg. at land of Christo. Buttler & Abra. Field, on S.W. side of a run that falls into the head of Popes Cr. &c. crossing a branch thereof & Managirack path &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Jacobs, Tho. Parke, Wm. Martin. THOMAS TOOKE, 178 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 9 Mar. 1662, p. 278, (228). Upon the head of one of the black water branches, beg. neere Tho. Prich- ards Cart Way &c. Granted to James Tooke, deed., 14 Sept. 1653 & due sd. Thomas as son & heire. JOHN LEWIS, 1700 acs. at the head of Poropotanke Cr., on both sides of the swamp, beg. at the mouth of a br. near the head of sd. Cr., running W. up a little br. to the head of the Swd. forke of sd. br. &c. to land of Mr. Major &c. to Papatico br., thence E. by N. to land of Tho. Hanckes, down a br. dividing this & land of sd. Hanckes, S.E. by E. to Poropotanke Sw. &c to land ofGeorge Austin &c. up Coales br., S.W. to Col. Richard Lees land &c. to the bridge swamp &c. 22 Nov. 1663, p. 278, (229). 120 acs. granted to Timothy Lowdwell & Tho. Broughton 13 Sept. 1651 & assigned to sd. Lewis & 1000 acs. patented by Mr. Howell Price 5 Oct. 1656 & assigned to sd. Lewis; & 600 acs. for trans, of 12 pers: David Jones, Mary Crow, Peter Brookes, Richard Foxon, Peter Story, Edw. Thonall, Tho. Arnoll, Symon Groves, Geo. Edmonds, Wm. Tompson, Henry Hunt, Wm. Webb. GEO. MORRIS & RICH. SCRUDGE, 740 acs. James City Co., 16 Apr. 1663, p. 278, (230). Upon branches of Chickhomeny Sw., beg. at tree in the line of Gooch & Pullam below the dwelling house or Quarter of Mr. Michell, running along land of Mr. Fra. Burnell N.W.N, to land of Edw. Price, thence takeing his N.N.E. line to corner of sd. Scrudge &c. downe Towyent Sw. &c. Trans, of 15 pers: Wm. Jones, Jno. Harvy, Mary Hart, Tho. Sewell, Wm. Fuller, Da. Young, Tho. Parker, Richard Dodford, Sarah Jones, Wm. Walter, Tho. Cary, Samll. Young, Rich. Saffin, Jane Harmer, Wm. Lovell. JOHN TINGEY, 1000 acs. Cumber- land Co., 1 Dec. 1664, p. 279, (230). S. side of Yeocomoco Riv., running by a swamp dividing this & land of Anth. Lenton, &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Bateman, Robt. Michell, Simon Walker, Peter Richards, Mary Harwood, Alice Howell, Tho. Mathews, 3 times, Tho. Mathews, Junr. 5 times, Pluto, Toby, Fryer, Jack, Negroes; Jno. Houghton, Mathew Beale. JAMES SAMFORD, 736 acs. Rappa. Co., 8 Apr. 1662, p. 279, (231). On. N. side of Rappa. Riv. & Ewd. side of Totuskey Cr., beg. near N.E. corner of land which Thomas Robinson now lives on, running N.E. &c. Trans, of 15 pers: Edw. Parsly, Hugh Taylour, Wm. Palmer, Jno. Edger, Wm. Serah, Math. Abrall, Sam. Lunley, Fra. Weekes, Fra. Finch, Jno. Treale, Wm. Corbell, Tho. Brookes, Abigail Seere, Ann Elery, Eliz. Stoy (or Story). THOMAS HOLMES, 25 acs. marsh land, opposite his present plantation, bounded N.E. towards the river, S.E. upon a Cr. dividing this & land of Richard Jackson, & N.W. upon the Hunkepen poynt. Renewal of patent dated 3 July 1653. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 279, (232). CAPT. JOHN WEIR, 200 acs. Rappa. Co., Sittenborne Parish, 26 June 1663, p. 279, (232). Beg. at upper corner tree of land of Ja. Mathews by N. side of Rappa. Riv. &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Marlow, Jno. Finch, Edw. Bowdge, Charles Harrow. Patent Book No. 5 485 THOMAS PRESTON, 200 acs. on Wwd. side of the E.most Riv. in Mock- jack Bay, beg. at 3 chessnutt trees at the head of Chesnutt Cr., running W.N.W. to land of Thomas Todd &c, along the bay side including the marsh to the mouth of Repulse Cr. &c. Renewal of patent dated 28 Sept. 1652. 28 Jan. 1662, p. 280, (232). DANIELL CLARKE, 1698 acs. Chas. City Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 280, (233). 1000 acs. being a neck of land lying be- tween Old Mans Cr. on N.Ely, side & Queens Cr. on the Sly. side; 698 acs. at the head of Queens Cr. between Seller run & fiishing run in Charles Co. Granted to Capt. Tho. Stegg, 24 Nov. 1653 & by him sold to sd. Clarke. CAPT. JNO. WEIR & THO. EWRIN, 250 acs. 18 po. Rappa. Co., 26 June 1663, p. 280, (234). In Sit- tingborne Parish, on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on N.E. side of a poquoson, running by land of John Jennings &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Powell, Samll. Young, Tho. Winslow, Edw. Jackson, Tho. Carter. DAVID MANSFEILD & ROBERT FRISTOW, 654 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Co., 7 Nov. 1664, p. 281, (235). 342 acs. coming upon a former devdt. of sd. Fristow, beg. at a white oak & running N.E. &c, & 312 acs. bounding upon sd. devdt. running N.W. &c. Trans, of 13 pers: Jno. Mansfeild, Margt. Biggs, Benj. Vinson, Eliz. Mould, Tho. Newmon, Margt. Johnson, Anth. Davis, Mich. Jones, Mary Bryan, Tho. Scott, Wm. Fowles, Edward Young, Jno. Savin. JOHN NEWMAN, 600 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side the river, 28 Nov. 1664, p. 281, (235). Betwixt Moratico Cr. & Farnham Cr; adj. land of Paul Wood- bridge, running S.Ely, to head of land belonging to Thomas Stephens' Orphan &c, adj. land of Charles Grymes, Tho- mas Griffith, & Henry Wilson. 400 acs. in joynt tenure with Paul Woodbridge by patent dated 19 Sept. 1664 & by consent equally divided & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Ann Bryant, Sarah Martin, Wm. Feild, Eliz. Parker. MR. ARTHUR ALLIN, 1000 acs. Surry Co., 24 Aug. 1665, p. 282, (236). Lawnes Cr. Parish; W. upon a branch issuing out of the second swamp of Black water which is the division be- tween Robt. Flakes land & sd. Allin. Trans, of 20 pers: Wm. Dolding, Tho. Smith, Wm. Morgan, Jno. Leeke (or Lecke), Tho. Covington, Edm. Howell, Wm. Roswell, Rich. Ewcon (?), Wat Holland, Dall. Webster, Jno. Kelbye, Tho. Taylor, Jno. Dawkes, Ri. Cart- wright, Tho. Cletter, Jno. Jones, Robt. Lacye, Cha. Corbett, Robt. Cartwright, Wm. Hayward. MR. THO. MICHAELL, 740 acs. James City Co., 23 June 1664, p. 282, (237). Upon branches of Chickahominy Sw., beg. in line of Gooch & Pullum below the dwelling house or quarter of sd. Michell, running along land of Mr. Francis Burnell, N.W. by N. land of Edmond Price, N.N.E. to line of Rich- ard Scrudg, extending Nly. thence downe Towyent Sw. &c. Granted to Geo. Morris & Richard Scrudg 16 Apr. 1663 & by them assigned to sd. Michaell. WM. COLEBURNE, 350 acs. N' amp- ton Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 282, (237). At the head of Nuswattocks Cr., bounded on W. by land of Nich. Wad- dilow. Renewal of patent dated 4 Mar. 1652. WILLIAM AP THOMAS, 300 acs. lieing in the Poquoson in Eliz. City Co., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 283, (238). Abutting Nly. upon land of Tho. Purifoy, Sly. & Ely. upon the several lands of Wm. Hampton & Wm. Armestead. Sold by Tho. Seawell to Thomas Harris, who assigned to Wm. ap Thomas. LT. COL. ROBT ABRALL, 1010 acs. on N.N.E. sicTe of Mattapony Riv., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 283, (238). Above & behind land of Mr. Richard Barnehouse, beg. at the mouth of Apotosque Cr., running up the river N.W. by W. to Acquintimack Cr., W. to upper end of an Indian field &c. Renewal of patent dated 23 Nov. 1653. LT. COL. GYLES BRENT, 1518 acs. W'moreland Co., 20 Nov. 1662, p. 283, 486 Cavaliers and Pioneers (239). 768 acs. N.E. upon Petomeke Riv., S.W. upon a branch of Petomeck Cr. & Nly. on Oquio River; 750 acs. N.E. upon Petomeck Riv. & N.W. upon his own land. Renewal of patent dated 27 Nov. 1654. DANIELL WILD & FRANCIS KIRKMAN, 2000 acs. W'moreland Co., 27 Oct. 1663, p. 283, (239). S. side of Petomeck Riv., S.W. side Yeocomoco Cr. Granted to Christopher Harris 7 Oct. 1658, by him deserted & granted to the abovenamed by order of the Genrll. Ct. 21 Sept. 1663 & due for trans, of 40 pers: Wm. Young, Jno. Taner, Wm. Manson, Sarah Jones, Jno. Cornix, Edw. Wills, Tho. Salter, Mary Partin, Tho. Powell, Wm. Ward, James Pally, Joseph Wells, Marmaduke Hart, Jno. Puell, Simon Tarpin, Wm. James, Mary Carter, Wm. Morgan, Tho. Wood, James Sampson, Wm. Morgan, Fra. Warner, Tho. Callop, Wm. Partner, Stafford Wood, James Camdin, Wm. Palmer, Jno. Thomson, James Fry, James Martin, Jno. Marshall Wm. Mar- shall, Cornelius Wallop, Tho. Melling, Wm. Willis, Nath. Slaughter, Theop. Pallinton, Joseph Marler, Jacob Marma- duke, Wm. Slaughter. DANIELL CLARKE, 200 acs. on N. side of Northermost br. of Seaverne in Mockjack bay, running N.N.W. to land of Nich. Stillwell &c. 17 Mar. 1663, p. 284, (240). Granted to Abra. Moone 20 July 1652 & by him sold to sd. Clarke. MARGARETT BRENT, 700 acs. W'moreland Co., 20 Nov. 1662, p. 284, (240). In the freshes of the Petomacke Riv., beg. at the mouth of Hunting Cr., extending W. by N. &c. Renewal of patent dated 6 Sept. 1654. WM. FREEKE, 100 acs. in Hallowes Cr. in Petomecke Riv., bounding N. by W. on his plantation. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 284, (241). Renewal of patent dated 11 Sept. 1653. JOHN WHETSON, 140 acs. S. side Petomecke Riv. N'umberland Co., 9 Apr. 1663, p. 284, (241). On Upper Machoticke Riv., bounded N.E. & S.E. with land of Nath. Jones, S.W. with Tho. Blagg. Trans, of 3 pers: Noah Enoch, Robt. Colstone, Robt. Day. EDWARD LEWIS, 498 acs. about a mile up the Ewd. main br. of Totoskey Cr., on Swd. side thereof commonly called the Crosse Cr., 1 June 1663, p. 285, (242). Running to line of James Samford. Trans, of 10 pers: Edw. Shewce, Tho. Sherwin, Francis Phillips, Wm. Fletcher, Mary Marthas, Jno. Goodson, Mary Horrod, Tho. Jones, Wm. Sauell (or Savell), Tho. Paulet. RICHARD NELMES, 400 acs. N'um- berland Co., 29 Jan. 1662, p. 285, (242). S. upon Yeocomoco Riv., S.W. upon land of Wm. Walker. Renewal of patent dated 25 Nov. 1652. WM. WILLKINS, 886 acs. lieing neere Jockeys necke in James City Co., 4 Feb. 1662, p. 285, (243). Bounded E. & N. upon the Secretaries land, E.N.E. & N.N.E. upon land of Mr. Secretarie Kemp, N.W. upon land of Mr. Geo. Malum, S.W. upon the Gleabe land Cr., S. upon the Gleabe land & S.E. upon a cr. of Archers Hope Cr. Granted Capt. Tho. Pettus 11 Apr. 1643 & by him sold to sd. Wilkins. JACOB COURTANCON, 200 acs. abutting W. upon Chikacone Riv., N.E. upon a Cr. dividing this from land of Jno. Trussell. 29 Dec. 1662, p. 286, (243). Being part of his patent of 600 acs. dated 25 Nov. 1654 & now renewed. JOHN COURTANCEON, 400 acs. on S.most side of Chickacone Riv., beg. at a Cr. dividing this & land of John Matrom. 29 Dec. 1662, p. 286, (243). Being part of 600 acs. granted to Jacob Courtanceon 25 Nov. 1654 & by him sold to sd. John. JAMES POPE, 1000 acs. N'umber- land Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 286, (244). Bounding Ely. on Chinkahun or Mr. Preslies Cr., Nly. on land of Col. Matrum, sd. Presly & Col. Trussell, Wly. upon land of Gervase Dodson & Sly. towards Col. Claybornes land. Patent Book No. 5 487 Granted to Richard Russell 25 Sept. 1657, by him deserted & granted sd. Pope by order of the Genrll. Ct. 10 Oct. 1660 & due for trans, of 20 pers: John Martin, Sam. Court, Mary Ward, John Hughes, Wm Frett, Samll. Abbott, Mary Fowles, Tho. Turner, Leo. Young, Jno. Spann, Tho. Crouncher, Jacob Newell, Jacob Lewis, Fra. Parker, Tho. Kirby, Wm. Moulson, Samll. Johnson, Tho. Truett, Jane Moulson. WM. MICHAELL & WM. THAT- CHER, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., on N. W. side of Corotoman Riv., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 287, (245). S. upon sd. River, S.Wly. upon a br. or Cr. issuing out of sd. Riv. opposite land now in tenure with Henry Davis, N.Ely upon land surveyed for John Nichells called Now Perfect his land, etc., the aforesaid parallel line dividing this & land one Hale bought of one Hawker. Granted to sd. Thatcher last of Nov. 1656, part of which he assigned to sd. Michaell. DANIELL WHITE, Gent., 69 acs. at a place called the round hill nigh Up- per Machotick Riv., W'moreland Co., 4 Sept. 1661, p. 286, (244). Beg. in head line of land formerly belonging to Tho. Boyce, deed., N.W. to land form- erly belonging to John Hillier, dee'd. Trans, of 2 pers.* JAMES CLAUGHTON & ANN BRADSHAW, 500 acs. in Patomeck freshes on Swd. side of the first Cr. above Pascataway. 28 June 1664, p. 287, (245). Formerly granted to sd. Claughton, 5 June 1658 & the moyety or halfe part thereof assigned by him to the sd. Ann Bradshaw. MAJOR ROBERT HOLT, 1550 acs. James City Co., 8 Jan. 1662, p. 287, (246). E. side of Chickahominy Riv., beg. at W.most branch of Jones Cr., running to E.most br. of the maine swamp to main br. opposite land of Sr. Wm. Berkeley, to the 4th little br., N. to head of a Spring, thence to Ricka- hock path &c. Renewal of patent dated 6 Apr. 1654. THOMAS PAGE, 600 acs. S. side of Rappa. Riv., adj. land of Howell Powell, 20 Feb. 1662, p. 288, (246). Granted to Richard Coleman 7 Oct. 1652, as- signed to John Cattlett, who assigned to sd. Page. JOHN PAINE, 88 acs. Lancaster Co., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 288, (247). N. side of Rappa. Riv., abutting N. & by W. upon land of Edward Harris, deed., S. by E. upon a Cr. dividing this from land of Richard Coleman. Granted to Rice Jones 2 Sept. 1652, sold to Howell Powell & George Harris, who assigned to Charles Snead & by him assigned to sd. Paine. JOHN BENNETT & VINCENT COCKE, 600 acs. N'umberland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 288, (247). S.Ely, upon Yeocomoco Riv., S.Wly. upon land of Robt. Smith & N.E. upon land of Wm. Walker. Granted to Richard Holder 24 Oct. 1655 & assigned to sd. patentees. ELLINOR & MARY OLLIVER, 100 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 288, (248). Wly. by land of Major Fawdon, Ely. with land of Tho. Green- wood &c. Nly. with the main river. Granted to John Olliver, late dee'd., 20 Feb. 1652 & given by his will to the sd. Ellinor & Mary. MATHEW RHODEN, 350 acs. N'- umberland Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 289, (248). 280 acs. part thereof N.E. upon a swamp being a br. of a Cr. of Chicka- coone Riv., called Kings Cr., N.W. upon land of Mr. Hugh Lee, & 70 acs. S.E. upon same. Renewal of patent dated 13 Sept. 1654. NICH. JERNEW, 200 acs. N'umber- land Co., 29 Nov. 1662, p. 289, (249). S. side Petomake Riv., beg. at a persy- mon tree dividing this from land of Wm. Renolls, extending up the main river E.S.E. & Sly. to a pehickery which divides this & land of John Earle. Re- newal of patent dated 5 Oct. 1654. NICHOLAS WILLIAMS, 200 acs. lieing up Smiths fort Cr., neere the head, in Surry Co., 9 Jan. 1662, p. 289, (249). Running along the reedy Sw. &c. to trees of Luke Misen &c. Renewal of patent dated 12 Oct. 1652. 488 Cavaliers and Pioneers GEORGE BILLIPS, 250 acs. Gloster Co., 27 Jan. 1663, p. 289, (250). On the head of Gording Cr. & on S. side opposite to land of Forrister &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Fra. Blagrave, Robt. Severall, Jno. Bayly, Mary Bayly, Hen. Brand. WM. FREEKE, 600 acs. W'moreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 290, (250). S. E. side of the head of Appamatock Cr. behind land of Lt. Col. Nath. Pope, beg. by Warwicke Cr. Path, running W. by N. by E. &c. to sd. Warwicks quick path. Renewal of patent dated 14 Oct. 1657. GEO. KEIBLE, 740 acs. on S. side of Peanketanke Riv., beg. a mile & more from the river, running N.E. &c. to an oak neere Rappahanock path, thence S. by W. &c. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 290, (251). Renewal of patent dated 4 June 1656. RICHARD ILIFFE, 248 acs. N'um- berland Co., 4 Feb. 1662, p. 290, (252). Wwd. side of the S. branch of Great Wiccocomoco Riv., Sly. & S.Wly. upon a small branch issuing out of sd. branch &c, bounded E.S.Ely. & Wly. by land claimed by Mr. Peter Knight & Wly. by land of James Pope. Trans, of 5 pers: Edw. Jenings, Tho. Stow, Richard King, Danll. Nibbs, Hanah King. WALTER WEIR & JAMES MA- THEWS, 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 291, (252). On N. side & in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., beg. on N. side of Clifts Cr. which divides this & 700 acs. in the occupation of John Weir, extending nigh the Riv. N. by W. &c. Granted to John Weir, the last of Mar. 1655 & by him sold to the abovementioned. EDWARD TEALE, 180 acs. Gloster Co., 27 Jan. 1663, p. 291, (252). S. side of Weir Riv. Swamp, beg. on E. side of a little br. dividing this from land of Oliver Greene, running down same N.N.E. &c. to the Indian branch &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Brasset, Stephen Johnson, Doro. Goswell, Tho. Henly. GEO. MARBLE, y 2 ac. in James Citty, 25 Feb. 1663, p. 291, (253). Beg. at high water marke neere the Mulberry, then betweene sd. Mulbury & sd. Marbles now dwelling house, N.E. & N. 5-5/7 chains to cor. stake within the Garden, S.E. by E. 3^4 chs. to corner Locust stake in the paled fence, then S.W. by S. 5-5/7 chs. to the River & then N.W. by W. y/ 2 chs. to beg. Granted to Thomas Woodhouse 17 Oct. 1655, sold by him to Ann Tal- bot 1 Sept. 1657 & purchased by sd. George of the heirs of sd. Ann. ROBT. KING, 100 acs. N'umberland Co., 4 Feb. 1662, p. 291, (254). S. side of Great Wiccocomoco Riv. at the head of 150 acs. in the occupation of Geo. Clarke, running to land of Ger- vase Dodson, deed., Nly. thence Ely. to land of Richard Nelmes &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Robt. King, Sr., Robt. King, Jr. LT. COL. ROBERT PITT, 1200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 292, (254). Beg. at a branch of New Towne haven Riv., running &c. W. by S. to Mr. Prestwood corner tree &c. to cor. tree of Mr. Sewards line &c. Re- newal of patent dated 7 June 1654. JOHN MATROM, sonne & heire of Col. Jno. Matrom, 1200 acs. N'umber- land Co., 31 Mar. 1662, p. 292, (255). S. side of Chickacone Riv., beg. from a poynt on the W. side of the bridge Cr., extending S. by W. to branches of Gr. Wiccocomoco Riv., & E. by S. upon branches of Chinkahunn Riv. Granted to Col. Matrom 19 Oct. 1653. NICHOLAS GEORGE, 700 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., up Coratoman Riv. on the E. side of the W. branch thereof, bounded up Nicholls his creek N.N.E. &c. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 292, (256). Renewal of patent dated 15 Feb. 1652. JOHN WILLIAMS, 100 acs. Nance- mond Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 293, (256). Bounded Ely. with land of Robt. Clift, Wly. land of Richard Young, Nly. with Robt. Pitt & Sly. with New Towne Patent Book No. 5 489 Haven Riv. Granted to Thomas Davis 16 Nov. 1653 & assigned to sd. Wil- liams. ROBT. HARRISON, 389 acs. Yorke Co., 6 Dec. 1662, p. 293, (256). S. side of Charles Riv., on the back side of Mount Holly, running by land of Charles Edmond W. by N. &c. & by a branch of Ware Cr. Granted to John Houlding 1 Nov. 1653, assigned to Richard Croshaw, who assigned to sd. Harrison. GEORGE BRYER, 700 acs. more or less, being the moyety or halfe of patent of 1400 acs., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 293, (257). Beg. at a cedar tree on a poynt at the mouth of Millbeck Cr., running N.E. by E. by & above land of Mr. James Williamson &c. & including the plantation. Sold to sd. Bryer by Tho. Mead, who purchased the same of Wm. Underwood. RENATUS LAND, eldest sonne & exor. of Fra. Land, 1020 acs. in Lin- haven, Low. Norf. Co., 4 Mar. 1662, p. 293, (257). 400 acs. N.E. upon the Chespian Riv. alias Lynhaven, N.W. upon a small cr. &c. 150 acs. N.E. upon a Cr., N.W. upon land of Mr. Cobb Howell; 270 acs. at the head of Francis Land's devdt. of 400 acs. &c, running W. by S. towards land of Lan- caster Lovett, S.E. by S. to Tho. Watts' devdt., now Fra. Land's; 200 acs. adj. same on N.W. & S.W. Granted to Fra. Land 6 June 1654 & now due as abovementioned . JOHN DEBARR, 200 acs. in W. branch of Eliz. Riv., on the N. side thereof beg. at a poynt by a small creek, running N.W. & adj. land of Thomas Wright &c, up broad Cr. to land of Rich. Starling. 9 Jan. 1662, p. 294, (258). Renewal of patent dated 6 Oct. 1654. MAJOR JOHN SMITH, 602 acs. N'thumberland Co., 8 Dec. 1662, p. 294, (259). S.E. upon upper Machotix Riv., Ely. upon land surveyed for An- drew Farmer. Granted to Christopher Boyce 28 Nov. 1653 & granted to Mr. Robt. Pyland, for a debt due from sd. Boyce his estate, by the Genii. Court 9 Oct. 1655 & by sd. Pyland sold to sd. Smith. WM. COLEMAN & ROBT. BAYN- HAM, 300 acs. N'umberland Co., 29 Jan. 1662, p. 294, (259). N.E. upon the head of the plantation of Wm. Preslie, S.E. upon the head of a Cr. of Yeocomoco Riv. Granted to Tho. Shep- pard & James Claughton 6 May 1652 & after severall sales, assigned to the abovenamed. MR. GERARD FOWKE, 3650 acs., part thereof in Wmoreland Co. on S. side of Patomacke Riv., bounded S. & S.W. upon Patomecke Cr. &c. N.E. up- on a maine Sw. upon the head of a br. of sd. Cr. dividing this & land com- monly called the fort land; 300 acs. more or less in sd. county, upon the head of a branch of sd. Cr., N.E. against land of Capt. Brent, S.E. upon land of John Withers. 28 Nov. 1662, p. 295, (260). 3350 acs. granted to Mr. Tho. Fowke 6 June 1654 & 300 acs. granted to sd. Gerrard 30 Mar. 1660 & now renewed. WALTER FOWKE, 1200 acs. N'um- berland" Co., 23 Dec. 1662, p. 295, (260). N. upon Patomecke Riv., Wly. upon Pasbetancy Cr. Granted to Geo. Foster 1 Sept. 1652 & by him assigned to sd. Walter. THO. GALE, WM. POWELL & ROBT. HORNING (or Herning), 168 acs. on Indian Cr. a branch of Nanzi- mum Riv., joyning land of Mr. John Garret & land of Wm. Story. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 295, (261). Granted to John Brian 15 Oct. 1652 & by him assigned to the abovenamed. COLL. VALL. (Vallentine) PEY- TON, 650 acs. Wmoreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 295, (261). 500 acs. on N. side of the br. of Patomecke Cr. & on N.E. side of the land of Capt. Brent; 150 acs. upon head of a br. of sd. Creek & E. upon land of Capt. Brent. 500 acs. being the moyety of 1000 acs. granted to John Withers & Stephen 490 Cavaliers and Pioneers Gary & 150 acs. granted sd. Withers 4 Sept. 1655, both of which were sold to sd. Payton. RICHARD FOSTER, 200 acs. on the head of the Southerne Cr. in Severne in Mockjack bay, running to marked trees of Coll. Ludlow. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 296, (262). Renewal of patent dated 1 Apr. 1655. MAJOR THO. DAVIS, 500 acs. in Warwick Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 296, (262). 100 acs. at the head of his patent granted 10 Sept. 1645, adj. 300 acs. granted him 20 Jan. 1655, running S.W. towards James Riv. 300 acs. being a ridge of land within the Reedy Sw. at the upper end next the head of Walters Cr. at the innermost end of sd. Sw. &c. 300 acs. granted him 20 Jan. 1655 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Powell, Tho. Partin. ANDREW PETTIGREW, 5200 acs. W'moreland Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 296, (263). At or neere the head of upper Machotix Riv., Ely. upon 1300 acs. due by purchase & patent unto Gervase Dodson & upon land of Nath. Jones & Christo. Boyce, dec'd., Nly. upon land called Turvey (or Turney) his land, now in the tenure of Mrs. Fowke, & upon land of John Walton, Mr. Merry- wether & others, running about the In- dian Towne & lands of John Williams, Stephen Norman & Nich. Langsden & Major Tho. Davis of Walters Cr. &c, part of which land is known by the name of Upper Machotix Towne. Granted to Gervase Dodson 16 Sept. 1657 & now due sd. Pettigrew as marry- ing the relict of Dodson to whom the land was given by will. HENRY BRADSHAW, 255 A. 59 Chs., on E. side of the main branch of Poetan Sw. & in Sir Wm. Berkeley's line &c. to Mr. Effords line &c. Due by purchase from Tho. Kirke. 12 Mar. 1662, p. 297, (264). LT. COL. ROBT. ABRAHALL, 1550 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 297, (264). 550 acs. on branches of Peanketanke Sw., 300 acs. part thereof beg. at Capt. Claibornes corner, run- ning S. by E. &c; 250 acs. beg. by an Indian path, running N.N.W. &c. 1000 acs. on S. side of Peanketanke great swamp near the head thereof &c. 550 acs. granted him 10 July 1658 & 1000 acs. granted to Capt. Wm. Claiborne 12 June 1658 & assigned to sd. Abra- hall. JOHN MATROM, sonne & heire of John Matrom, dec'd., 3609 acs. W'more- land Co., 1 Apr. 1662, p. 297, (265). 2109 acs. Sly. upon Petomake Riv., Ely. upon a great marsh, Wly. upon a bay & Nly. upon a Cr. issuing out of sd. bay, this tract being known by the name of the Doegs Island; 1000 acs. S. upon a little Cr. parting same from the sd. Island upon the western branch &c. 500 acs. Sly. upon sd. Island, Wly upon land of John Jenkins, Ely. upon or to- wards land of Tho. Speake. Granted to Col. John Matrom, dec'd., 7 Oct. 1654 & due to sd. John as son & heir. SYMON IRONS, 650 acs. on In- dian Cr., a branch of Nancimum Riv. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 298, (266). Granted the sd. Saven 11 June 1653 & now re- newed. THO. HANKES (Hanckes), 527 acs. New Kent Co., 8 Apr. 1663, p. 298, (267). On head branches of Poropo- tanke Sw., beg. at a poplar standing on the S. side of sd. swamp &c. Trans, of 11 pers: David Jones, Mary Crow, Peter Brookes, Rich. Foxon, Peter Story, Edward Thordall, Tho. Arncell, Brown Undrix, Symon Groves, Geo. Edmonds, Wm. Tompson. THO. HANCKES, 530 acs. New Kent Co., 8 Apr. 1663, p. 298, (267). On branches of Peanketanke Sw., beg. at the head of Col. Lees land, running W.N.W. &c. by Colliers branch &c. Trans, of 11 pers: Phill. Marrin, Henry Benson, Edw. Downes, Jos. Gregory, Wm. Gray, Rabecca Hubberd, Math. Abrall, Samll. Linlesse, Fra. Weekes, Francis Finch, Jno. Freeke. JOHN STITH & SAMLL. EALE, 500 acs. Chas. City Co., 15 Feb. 1663, p. Patent Book No. 5 491 299, (268). Being an irregular tract of land without the land of Capt. Henry Perry called Herring Cr. or Brockland & on N. side of James Riv., bounding S.E. by E. &c. along line of Capt. Perry &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Clarke, Robt. Symons, Watt Daux, Alice Gibson, Nicholas Whiskin, Alice Roomes, Sam. Ward, John Arro, Jone Makew (or Maken), Marice Browne. THOMAS TOVER, 450 acs. Cum- berland Co., 4 July 1664, p. 299, (268). Beg. at a cor. oak & running along line of John Pers (?), N. by E. to Kings Cr. &c. to another main br. of Chickacone &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Jno. Webb, Hen. Clifford, Jno. Baker, Peter Bragg, Thomas Stephens, Jno. Ruttler Jno. Lewis, Sarah South, Faith Cocke. JOSEPH STRATTON, 100 acs. Den- by Co., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 299, (269). Neere Grangers poynt, beg. at a run issuing out of a marsh, S.E. on the banke of the River &c, S.E. on land of John Browne, N.W. on land of Walter Padgett & S.W. on James Riv. Trans, of 2 pers: Martha Hill, Margt. Munn. LUKE DINE, THO. BEADLE & JOHN WARD, 330 acs. Cumberland Co., 1 Aug. 1663, p. 299, (269). N.W.. side of Yeocomoco Riv., bounded S. & S. W. upon a creek dividing this & land of Jno. Earle, deed., N.W. upon a horse & foot path which goeth to Yeocomoco Church, N.E. & N.W. upon land of sd. Beadle now lives on & N.E. & E. upon a Cr. dividing this & land patented by Ed. Walker, dee'd. Trans, of 7 pers: Samll. Cary, Edw. Walding, Mary Parker, Jno. Wood, Wm. Walker, Nath. Shaw, Wm. Cally. CAPT. MATHEW EDLOW, 850 acs. James City Co., & part in Chas. City Co., 16 Feb. 1663, p. 300, (270). S.W. side of the head of Chickahominy Riv., beg. on Namans Runn, N.E. on Richard Williams land, W. on the Celler Run, S. on Mumfords path, E. on Robt. Peakes land &c. E.N.E. to the poplar br. of Namans Run. 550 acs. purchased of Robert Peake & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Rich. Elliot, David Gray, James Gentleman, Elizabeth Scott, Jobit Applefoard, Edward Francis. MR. WM. BALL, 300 acs. at the head of a small br. proceeding out of the S.W. side of Narrow Neck Cr., both of which divides this & land in posses- sion of Tho. Rootes formerly belonging to Edward Grimes, dee'd. &c. to next Cr. proceeding out of Coratoman Riv. &c. Granted to David Fox 1 Nov. 1653, assigned to Tho. Hobkins, & by him sold to sd. Ball. 18 Jan. 1663, p. 300, (270). RALPH ELLIS & ANDREW WALL- WOOD, 792 acs. between Eackatoncke & W. branch of Nansimum, beg. at corner tree of Effin Griffin, running N.E. &c. by Francis Spikes head line, thence by Margt. Ryes side line &c. to Thomas Mallards cor. tree &c. to Wm. Popes line &c. 23 Nov. 1663, p. 300, (271). Trans, of 16 pers: Margary Cope, Jno. Cope, John Adam, Hugh Mackdunah. (Other names not listed.) ROBT. TOMLYN & WM. MOSSE, 600 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side Rappa. Riv., 25 May 1663, p. 301, (271). Beg. on Swd. side of a slash behind land of Mathias Tomlyn, dee'd., running over several branches that runs into Mr. Taylors Beavor Damms &c. to br. be- longing to Chestuxen run &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Langdaule, Edw. Blackburne, Jno. Mainyard, Jno. Meed- grew (?), Wm. Gunn, Jno. Harris, Elizabeth Fosseting, Geo. Morrell, Tho. French, John Catten, Jno. Murr, Diana Mainshaw. ROBT. CASTLE, 1/2 ac. James Citty, 25 Feb. 1663, p. 301, (272). Beg. at high water mark neere the S.E. end of a 15 ft. house, up James Riv. N.W. by W. 3^2 chs., thence N.E. by N. 5-5/7 chs. to cor. locust stake in the paled fence, thence S.E. by E. 3^ chs. to cor. stake against Mr. Fitchets house, then S.W. by S. 5-5/7 chs. to beg. Granted to Thomas Woodhouse 17 Oct. 1655 & sold to sd. Castle 6 Feb. 1662. WM. HEATH, 250 acs. Chas. City Co., 5 Mar. 1663/4, p. 301, (273). 492 Cavaliers and Pioneers Beg. at white oak standing in the Swamp which parts Surry & Chas. City Co., thence N.W. &c. Granted to Wm. Lee 6 Feb. 1654, assigned to Rutherford & Micum Curry & granted by patent 17 Feb. 1659 & by sd. Ruther- ford assigned to sd. Heath. THOMAS HARRIS, 40 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 9 June 1664, p. 302, (273). At head of one of the branches of Pagan Cr., his own land on N.E. & land of Francis Smith on theS.W. Re- newal of patent dated 19 Aug. 1652. JAMES LONG, 300 acs. in W. branch of Nancimum Riv., beg. at a marked Sipris standing by the branch side &c. 8 Feb. 1663, p. 302, (274). Trans, of 6 pers: Hen. Gay, Simon Lee, Jno. Ardy, Robt. Briggs, Eliz. Collings, Jno. Williams. JAMES SYMONS, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 22 Mar. 1663, p. 302, (274). Trans, of 2 pers: James Towerson, Jno. Webster. GODFERY HUNT, 600 acs. Nanci- mum Co., 5 Apr. 1664, p. 302, (274). Beg. at miles end of Jno. Turnes land, W.N.W. joyning miles end of Andrew Walwood, Ralph Ellis & Wm. Poopes land, butting on land of Richard Staples. crossing a white marsh, butting on land of Hopkin Howell &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Wm. Sneed, Susan Jacob, Edw. Powell, Mary Watkins, Geo. Duram, Jno. Street, Eliz. Lewis, Wm. Jones, Hugh Frerick, John Huchins, Eliz. Phillips, James Pemount. RICHARD STURMAN, 2000 acs. W'moreland Co., 4 Oct. 1664, p. 303, (275). Upon branches of Nomeny, bounded W. with land of Col. Val. Peyton, N.W. with branches of Coss Coss, N.E. with land of Danll. Hutt, Tho. Dyous & Mrs. Ann Brodharst. Trans, of 40 pers: Patrick Wilky, Wm. Blake, Wm. Walker, Joane Hoben, Robt. Clarke, Mary Colloway, Tho. Abbott, John Harris, Christo. Laquire, Martha Redford, Mary Thompson, Robt. Berry, Joseph Godard, Tho. Sturman, Ann Sturman, Richard Sturman 3 times, Jack a Negro, Jno. Brent, Edward Gray, Mary Fuell, Tho. Gray, Samll. Jones, Jane Shaw, Jno. Faulkner, Tho. Mul- lerd, Edw. Williams, Rich. Parker, Wm. Hart, Tho. May, Sarah Walfe, Fra. Carter, Wm. Youl, Tho. Turner. CAPT. DANLL. PARKE, 528 acs. James City Co., 24 Mar. 1662/3, p. 303, (275). W. side of Rickahock path, Nly. on the Cart path that goes from Mr. Sorrells to Mr. Bakers, Ely. on Rickahock path, S.E. on Col. Pettus & S.W. on the path that goes to Chicka- hominy Gate & on Mr. Sorrells land. Part thereof sold by Christopher Harris & the residue assigned to him by Mr. Robt. Sorrell. HENRY VINCENT, 400 acs. W'- moreland Co., 3 Oct. 1664, p. 303, (276). 200 acs. beg. at a pehickery dividing this & his other land, extend- ing S.E. &c. to branch of a Cr. of Machotix Riv. &c. 200 acs. N.W. upon a devdt. upon which he now lives, S.E. upon land of Mr. Isaac Allerton, S.Wly. & N.Wly. upon land of Mr. John Hos- kins & Richard Wells, deed., & N.Ely, upon land of Capt. Richard Wright. 200 acs. renewal of patent dated 20 July 1660 & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Harvy, Tho. Jarvis, Ed- mond Morgan, Mary Wells. DENNIS EYES & DENNIS CON- NAWAY, 270 acs. N'umberland Co., 11 Mar. 1662, p. 303, (276). N. side of the main br. of Great Wiccocomoco Riv. about halfe a mile distant from same, thence S. by W. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Wm. Jolly, Mary Turner, Ed- ward Card, Samll. Partin, Robt. Ivey, Wm. Hallowes. COL. JOHN BLAKE, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 8 Mar. 1663, p. 304, (277). In Deep Cr., a br. of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. at Manimass Cr., running E. by S. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Pound, Mich. Armategue, Wm. Zaines (or Eaines) twice, Tho. Gaines, Wm. Rawlings. MAJOR WM. HARRIS, 450 acs. Henrico Co., 22 Jan. 1663, p. 304, Patent Book No. 5 493 (278). N. side of James Riv., Ewdly. side of the Poplar Cr. & Ewdly. run of 4 Mi. Cr. & called by the name of the Slashes, bounded S. on the head of land formerly in possession of Danll. Lewel- lin, E. on Maborne hills & S.W. on land of Brian Smith, Trans, of 9 pers: Morgan Williams, Adam Rosse, Mar- gary Forgott, Mary Bourne, Nich. Gyles, Tho. Deere, Wm. Blackman, Margt. Floyd, Ann Gay. JOHN STITH, 550 acs. Chas. City Co., 29 July 1664, p. 304, (278). N. side of James Riv. & Wly. side of Colemans run. Trans, of 11 pers: Hen. Cheseman, Eliz. Whitehead, Roger Bell, Tho. Greene, Jno. Chambers, Richard Walker, Teague Hinsha, Ralph White, Alice Smith, Wm. Mahitt, Eliz. Probatt. THO. MUDGETT, 520 acs. Chas. City Co. & part in Surry Co., 19 Dec. 1663, p. 305, (278). Upon W. br. of upper Chapojces Cr., beg. at a great poplar in sd. br., thence S.E. by S. at the head of George Burchers land 320 po. to red oak nigh the Spring Bottom, thence S.W. by W. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Jno. Brasbridge, Richard Dorrington, Wm. Pinion, Eliz. Stacey, Edw. Genings, Ellinor Read, Tho. Gre- gory, Rose Bird, Wm. Gregory, Roger Best, Mary Fluell. THOMAS BLAKE, 240 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 8 June 1664, p. 305, (279). Beg. at a br. of a swamp that falls into the first swamp of the Blackwater, run- ning N.E. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Christo. Pembrooke, Tho. Ratcliffe, James Poster (or Pester), Edith Patch, Wm. Taylour. SAMUELL PARRY, 200 acs. lieing backwards in the woods on S.E. side of Pascatticon Cr., beg. at upper cor. of his own land. 2 Jan. 1663, p. 305, (279). Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Webb, Mary Garret, Jane Hornesby, Wm. Jones. Cow Cr., running W. by trees of An- thony Gregories land, then S. by land of Mr. Francis Camfeild & adj. land sd. Read lives on. Trans, of 3 pers: Robt. Edge, Wm. Rand, Tho. West. RICHARD JONES, 100 acs. 1 R. 5 Po., Eliz. City Co., 5 Feb. 1663, p. 306, (280). Bounded Ely. on land purchased of Thomas Ceely, Wly. on land of Rich. Allen, Nly. on land of Edw. Riddle, Sly. on the Poquoson to a pine neere a branch of the Drinking place. Trans, of 2 pers: Rich. Jones, Jane Jones. FRANCIS FLEETWOOD, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 7 Apr. 1663, p. 306, (281). Up Puzzell Point Cr. on the W. side called Jacobs Well. Trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Buck, Morgan Watkins, Eliz. Wastcoat, Jno. Harris. DENNIS EYES & DENNIS CONA- WAY, 400 acs. N'umberland Co., 11 Mar. 1662, p. 306, (281). Nwd. side of the main br. of great Wiccocomoco Riv. Trans, of 8 pers: Tho. Fuell, James Duke, Tho. Carter, Math. Wood, Jane Marsh, Tho. Tally, Tom & Wm., Negroes. WILLIAM CALVERT, 300 acs. at the head of the New Poquoson Riv., Chas. River Co., 26 Jan. 1663, p. 307, (282). Bounding Sly. on head of John Heaward, dec'd., running Wly. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: James Lisburne (or Cisburne), Wm. Marchant, Robt. Cockner, Morter Sillimore, Ellinor Jenings, Eliz. Dittford. PETER ADAMS, 594^ acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 307, (282). N.W. side of the main br. of blacke water Cr., including Thomas Maskes 100 acs., making 594^ acs., beg. in sd. br., thence up Waynoke Sw. N.W. by N. &c. to hickory dividing this from Henry Patemans land &c. Purchased of Wm. Pullam out of a grand pattern of 1000 acs. granted 20 Jan. 1657. JOHN READ, 145 acs. Gloster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 306, (280). In Ware Parish. Beg. by the main branch of RICHARD KING, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 5 Dec. 1662, p. 307, (283). 150 acs. beg. at corner tree of John 494 Cavaliers and Pioneers Johnsies land, running S. by W. &c. 50 acs. running Sly. up to Wm. Wil- sons stake & Wly. along Dann. Mur- ries trees, &c. Renewal of patent for 150 acs. dated 9 Mar. 1652 & 50 acs. for trans, of Robt. Mackrery. HENRY BOGGUS, 130 acs. N'um- berland Co., 24 Aug. 1664, p. 307, (283). From a poynt by a main br. of Wiccocomoco, Sly. along trees of Mr. Knight, Wly. to James Popes Swamp &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Cooke, Wm. Griffin, Geo. Norman. HENRY NICHOLAS, 580 acs. more or less, S. side of Rappa. Riv. between the head of Mr. Burnhams Cr. & Pyanketanke Sw. 11 Dec. 1663, p. 308, (284). Granted to Tho. Pattison & Robt. Chowning & assigned to sd. Nicholls. THO. GASCOM & HENRY MOYSE (Moye), 512 acs. N'umberland Co., 14 Jan. 1663, p. 308, (284). S. side of Gr. Wiccocomoco Riv., opposite land of Richard Nelmes & Wm. Downeing, W.N.W. on a creek dividing this from land of Mr. Peter Knight, formerly called Mr. Flints land, E.S.E. upon the land of Edw. Cockshead, running S.S.W. to land of David Kyffin, including a small peninsula commonly called the Iseland. Granted to James Pope 27 Sept. 1659, assigned to Nich. Morris, who assigned to sd. Gascome & Moys. MARY CAPPS, 300 acs. at the head of W'most br. of Eliz. Riv., running along land of Peter Rigilsworth &c. to a reedy swamp &c. 16 Mar. 1663, p. 308, (285). Granted to Robt. Grymes 6 May 1652, assigned to Robt. Capps & due sd. Mary as daughter of sd. Robt. JOHN ADAMS, 220 acs. New Kent Co., 16 Feb. 1662, p. 308, (285). 50 acs. adj. devdt. of John Basbies (or Busbies) of 350 acs., running W. by N. to Arrow Reed Sw., thence N.N.E. &c. 170 acs. N.E. on sd. Basbies land, E. & S.E. on Stephen Pettus land, S.W. on Mathew Williams land & N.W. on Rickahock path & the young Knights land & N.Ely, on the reedy swamp. 50 acs. granted to Jno. Barsby 28 Dec. 1657 & 170 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Young, Jno. Taylor, Mary Ward, Wm. Hart. WM. WYATT, 400 acs. Gloster Co., 16 Mar. 1663, p. 309, (286). S.E. side of Mattapony Riv., 7 mi. or thereabouts up the same, bounded from a br. which divides this & tract surveyed for Wm. Guisey (or Ginsey) &c. Renewal of patent dated 20 Dec. 1653. THOMAS GLASCOCK, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 11 Mar. 1663, p. 309, (286). N.W. side of Moratico Cr., about a mile up the same, beg. on N.E. side at the mouth of N.N.W. br. of Moratico Cr. &c. S.E. parallel to the branch upon land of Nicholas Ferman (or Forman), Sec. Renewal of patent dated 20 July 1652. MR. JAMES WARRADINE, 1070^ acs., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 309, (287). 470^ acs. of land & swamp W.S.W. upon the woods next Jno. Chaplins &c, N.E. to a bottom which lyeth at the head of Richards land &c. 600 acs. 34 po. on S. side of James Riv. in Chas. City Co. from his own trees S. by W. &c, cross an Indian feild commonly called Mr. Mathews upper Indian feild &c. Renewal of patent dated 13 Oct. 1652. JNO. BUTLER, 475 acs. on S. side of Yorke Riv., behind Jno. Nursires land, abutting Mr. Choshaws land in the Narrows &c. Renewal of patent dated 17 Feb. 1652. 18 Nov. 1663, p. 309, (288). ROBERT LOVELL & PATRICK NORTON, 1000 acs. W. side of Rappa. Cr. nigh land of Lt. Col. Henry Fleet, beg. by a branch side, extending itself W. a mile &c. 2 Dec. 1663, p. 310, (288). Renewal of patent dated 26 May. 1660. EDWARD SIMPSON, 100 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 310, (288). Beg. by Pepetico Cr. Renewal of patent dated 15 Feb. 1654. Patent Book No. 5 495 EDW. BOSWELL, 200 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., about 14 mi. up the same, bounded N.E. by N. upon Sanderland Cr. &c. Dated 2 Dec. 1663, p. 310, (289). Granted to Betram Obert 2 Oct. 1649 & assigned to sd. Boswell. CAPT. THOMAS HACKETT, 800 acs. Lancaster Co., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 310, (289). N.W. side of Corrotoman Riv., abutting N.E. upon land of Mr. Jno. Senior & S.W. upon land of Wm. Clapham, now in possession of Tho. Powell. Renewal of patent dated 9 June 1652. JNO. JOHNSON, 737 Acs. 145 perches, lying in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. on S. side of Occpason Cr., beg. on the lower end of land of Wm. Hall, extending S.W. &c. nigh land of Augus- tine Blithenbird &c. nigh miles end of Lawsons Island. Granted to Jno. Bar- row 23 Mar. 1659, who sold to sd. Johnson. 10 Dec. 1663, p. 311, (290). HENRY PAYTON, 1000 acs. W- moreland Co., 6 June 1664, p. 311, (290). Upon the head of Oquy Riv. upon S. & N. sides thereof &c, W.S.W. along land of Richard Codsford &c. Granted to Valentine Payton 6 June 1654, who sould to sd. Henry. THOMAS KEENE, 527 acs. Cum- berland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 311, (291). N.W. upon the severall lands of Ralph Horsley & Edw. Coppedge, S.S.E. upon Claytons Cr. & N.E. upon Cherry poynt. Renewal of patent dated 13 Oct. 1653. JOHN DAVIS, 750 acs. Gloster Co., 24 May 1664, p. 311, (291). On both sides of Chescake path leading towards Mattapony Riv. & between Poqueto & Raqueto branches, beg. from Leonard Chamberlines W.S.W. line & running S.S.E. &c. Granted to Ashwell Batten 13 Oct. 1653 & by him sold to sd. Davis. ROBT. PYLAND & MAJOR JNO. SMITH, 144 acs. on S.E. side of Skeates Cr., running N.W. by W. along side of a run which cometh from Jacobs Well dividing this from land of Mr. Wm. Rabnett. 16 Mar. 1663, p. 312, (292). Granted unto Capt. Nathaniel! Hurd 12 May 1653 & by him assigned to the abovenamed. SYMON SYMMONS, 100 acs. in the N.W. branch of Nancimond Riv., beg. by the Mill dam &c, butting on land of Peter Mallerus (or Mallerns) land &c. 15 Feb. 1663, p. 312, (293). Renewal of patent dated 3 June 1656. JAMES CLAUGHTON (Clayton), 345 acs. N'umberland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 312, (293). N.E. on Matta- pony Riv., Nly. upon Tanx Yeocomico Riv., N.W. upon land of Law. Dameron, S.E. upon land of Robt. Bradshaw (or Bradshall). Granted to Robt. Bradshall 29 Nov. 1657 & sold to Edw. Williams, who sold to sd. Clayton. GEORGE BARKER, 51 acs. in Jock- ies Neck in James (City) Co. in Vir- ginia, now in the occupation of sd. Barker, 27 Oct. 1663, p. 312, (293). Beg. at a persimon tree standing on a poynt & extending along a small swamp N.N.W. to the Secretary's Land &c. Granted to Col. Tho. Pettus, who sold to sd. Barker. GEORGE HASPLOCK, 200 acs. Lancaster Co., 17 Mar. 1663, p. 313, (294). On Rappa. Riv., on head of land formerly surveyed for Mr. James Williamson, & on Totoskey Cr., run- ning for breadth from a marked white oak 100 po. N.E. by N. by the Cr. side to a small branch deviding this & the land allotted to the Rappa. Indians, & thence for length &c. Granted to Jno. Surlock 15 Nov. 1653, who sold to sd. Hasplock. LAREY GRIFFIN, 1064 acs. Lan- caster Co., 10 Feb. 1663, p. 313, (295). N. side of Rappa. Riv. & W. side of Farnham Cr; beg. on Ewd. side of a branch dividing this & land of Col. More Fantleroy, running N.E. for breadth &c. Granted to Thomas Griffin, dec'd., 4 July 1653, & now due sd. Larey as his son & heire. 496 Cavaliers and Pioneers REBECCA JACKSON, 400 acs. Yorke Co., on S.W. side of Yorke Riv., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 313, (295). Beg. at the mouth of the Channell of Taskanosk Cr. &c. Granted to Wm, Gantlett 4 Apr. 1654 & by him sould to sd. Rebecca. SAMUELL HAYWARD, 200 acs. Wmoreland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 313, (296). On the head of Choe- tanck, beg. at a pockhikery deviding this & land of Jno. Waken (or Walter) & Richard Turney &c, W. to land of Mr. Fowke &c. Granted to Robt. Maple 25 June 1660, who sould to Oliver Bolfe, who sould to sd. Hayward. MR. ROBT. BRYAN, 276 acs. Glos- ter Co., p. 314, (296). No date given. On N. side of Burts Cr., beg. at a little branch, running N.W. by N. &c. MARTHA GOFFE, 650 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Feb. 1663, p. 314, (297). N. side of Mattapony Riv. &c, behind and backing a pine neck parte of a great devdt. belonging to Mr. Edwd. Diggs, Esqr. &c. Granted to Wm. Goffe 22 July 1659, assigned unto John Maddi- son, who assigned to sd. Martha. THOMAS FLAUNDERS, 50 acs. Yorke Co., 18 Nov. 1663, p. 314, (297). In Blisland Parish, beg. from Mr. Barnhouse his marked maple in Mathemeed swamp &c. Granted to Tho. Dunkerdun, 13 Oct. 1653 & now due sd. Flaunders as marrying the Relict of sd. Dunkerdun. EDMOND PETEERS, 442 acs. Glos- ter Co., 16 Mar. 1662, p. 315, (298). At the head of Timber Neck Cr., 342 acs. beg. at Capt. Perries land, running N.W. &c, adjoining 100 acs. patented by sd. Peteers, thence E.S.E. &c. to Wm. Alsops land &c. 100 acs. beg. on S.E. side of a branch of the sd. creek, S.E. by E. &c. nere land of Mr. Lewis Bur- well, dec'd. Renewal of patent dated 22 Mar. 1659. MR. ROBT. VAULX, 6000 acs. Wmoreland Co., 24 Mar. 1662, p. 315, (299). S. side of Petomecke Riv. be- hind the Clifts of Curawoman, beg. on W. side of a great deep run being the head of Gr. Rappa. Cr., opposite to 1200 acs. surveyed for Tho. Broughton &c. Renewal of patent dated 1 Mar. 1655. THO. DISTON, 386 acs. 3 R. & 16 po. Surry Co., 5 Mar. 1662, p. 315, (299). S. side of James Riv. & S.W. side of upper Chepokes Cr., bounded from Geo. Burchers trees along the western branch &c. to the southern runn &c. Granted to Wm. Lowedan (or Lovedan), 15 May 1660 & by him as- signed to sd. Diston. MAJOR DAVID CANT, 912 acs., 1 Oct. 1663, p. 316, (300). 600 acs. on S. side of Peanketanke Riv., bounded on E.S.E. with br. of same, W.N.W. upon land of Capt. Stephen Gill, dec'd., &c. 312 acs. on S. side of sd. Riv., adj. devdt. he is now seated on, beg. at the mouth of the Stoare (or Score) branch &c. to Stephen Gills land &c. to Mr. Ludlowes corner Sickamore tree &c. 600 acs. granted to Thomas Ballard 14 Oct. 1657 & assigned to sd. Cant & 312 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Fra. Hart, Wm. Callis, Mary Partin, Tho. Jones, Wm. Crump, Edw. Lewre. ROBT. CHOWNING, 448 acs. 16 Dec. 1663, p. 316, (301). Beg. at his own & land of Tho. Pattison, running E. &c. Part hereof containing 53 acs. granted to sd. Chowning in joynt tenure with Thomas Pattison, & 300 acs. part belonging to sd. Chowning by patent not yet taken out of the records "but entered as I am informed in the yeare 1658 or in the beginning of the year 1659" & 95 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: James Power, Tho. Delke (or Deske). SAME. 550 acs. Lancaster Co.. 16 Dec. 1663, p. 317, (302). S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on a poynt where Burnhams alias Sunderland Cr. devides itself into 2 branches, running up the S.W. br. &c, adj. land of Henry Nicholls, N.W. &c. to cor. tree of Tho- mas Pattyson, thence N.W. &c. to land of Richard Lewis upon a br. of Cope- lands Cr. 450 acs. formerly belonging Patent Book No. 5 497 to sd. Ch owning by two patents, dated the last day of June 1653 & 8 Feb. 1658 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Jones, Tho. Tarley. THOMAS LUCAS, JR., 934 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on E. side of a Cr. about 2 mi. above Poretobacco towne; 640 acs. thereof granted sd. Lucas & Valentine Allen 28 Sept. 1657 & by Allen wholly assigned to sd. Lucas & 294 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Barker, Tho. Coleman, Peter Shewood, And. Young, Ed. Hill (or Hall), Wm. Jones. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 317, (302). HENRY NICHOLLS, 194 acs. Lan- caster Co., 15 Aug. 1663, p. 317, (303). Beg. upon Sunderland Cr. at a branch dividing this & land of Edw. Boswell, &c. to land of Evan Davis. Granted to Dennis Coniers 30 Mar. 1653, assigned to sd. Nicholls & Evan Davis & by Davis sould to sd. Nicholls. THO. EVERIDGE, 450 acs. in the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 318, (304). 250 acs. on Nwd. side of the head of little Cr., a br. of the S. Br. of sd. Riv. &c. running on land of Tho. Marsh &c. 200 acs. beg. at miles end of Thomas Wight &c. 250 acs. granted to John Clarke 20 Oct. 1648, assigned to Jno. Browne, who assigned to Everidge, & 200 acs. granted to sd. Everidge 20 Oct. 1661. PATRICK MILLER, 400 acs. Lan- caster Co., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 318, (305). S. side Rappa. Riv. about 6 mi. up the same, bounded E.N.E. on the Riv., W.N.W. on land of Nich. Dale & E. S.E. on a Cr. dividing same from land of James Bonner. Granted to Nicholas Merryweather 10 Feb. 1653, assigned to Humphrey Hagget, who assigned to Cuttbert Potter, who assigned to James Marman & by him assigned to sd. Myler. JOHN BOWLES, 350 acs. on W. br. of Eliz. Riv., 15 Feb. 1663, p. 318, (305). Beg. by Allingtons Cr., run- ning W.N.W. &c. adj. Capt. Wm. Tuckers land &c. 15 Feb. 1663, p. 318, (305). Granted to Richard Jones 18 Oct. 1655, assigned to Robt. Peele (or Poole) & Jno. Waite (or Watte) & then assigned to sd. Bowles. Renewed 12 Oct. 1675. ISRAELL JOHNSON, 400 acs. neere the head of the W. br. of Nancimun Riv., 100 acs. on Ewd. side of the branch & 300 on W. side of the branch, beg. at a Cypresse standing by the br. side, running for length Ely., adj. land of Simon Symons &c. 23 Jan. 1664, p. 319, (306). 200 acs. granted sd. Johnson 15 Feb. 1663 & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Underwood, Rich. Walter, James Pricklow, Simon Fussell. THO. ROBINSON, 700 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side of sd. Riv., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 319, (307). S. side of Totos- key Cr., beg. on a poynt by sd. Cr., run- ning E. by S. &c. to an Indian field, then N. by E. &c. Assigned to sd. Robbinson by Col. Moore Fantleroy. THOMAS HOLLOWELL, 450 acs. 300 acs. being a neck of land on the W. Br. of Eliz. Riv., S.W. on broad Cr. & a br. of same called sedge br. on the N.E., running to a reedy swamp which twarts the sd. necke; 150 acs. in Allentons Cr. a br. of the W. br. of sd. Riv., running N.E. &c, adj. land of Richard Jones & his own land. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 319, (307). 300 acs. granted sd. Holloway, 11 Jan. 1652 & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Alice Coly, Sarah Nemerall, Margtt. Royall. ROGER DELKE, 1000 acs. at Lawnes Cr., Surry Co., 15 Feb. 1663, p. 320, (308). Nly, upon land of Wm. Peirce. Granted to Nich. Reynolds 26 Aug. 1637 & "since become justly due to the said Delke." THOMAS WILLIAMS, son & heire of Obedience Williams, 440 acs. Yorke Co., 18 Nov. 1663, p. 320, (309). Beg. between land of Henry Aswell & Richd. Parchmouth on a poynt bet. two bot- toms, running up. sd. Riv. N.W. by W. &c. Granted to Obed. Williams 6 May 1654 & due sd. Thomas as above. 498 Cavaliers and Pioneers WM. COOKE, JNO. POTTER, ED- WARD KING & SAMUELL GOOCH, 450 acs. Lancaster Co., on E.most br. of Corotoman Riv., 12 Dec. 1663, p. 320, (309). E. upon land of Tho. Chet- wood, running E. &c. Granted to Col. Jno. Carter, Esqr., 20 Sept. 1661, as- signed to Tho. Marshall, who assigned to Wm. Cooke, Jno. Potter & Wm. Hutchins, & by Hutchins assigned to sd. King & Gooch. THOMAS PATTISON (Patteson), & WM. DENBY, 504 acs. Rappa. Co., 3 Dec. 1663, p. 321, (310). S. side of Rappa. Riv., part thereof lying by the river side & part upon the back line of Mr. Thomas Paine & Mr. James Bagnall, deed., beg. at Mr. Tobyas Smiths cor. tree by the river side, run- ning W.S.W. &c. along land of Jno. Sharpe &c. Trans, of 10 pers: James Kirke, Wm. Sale, Jane Griffith, Fra. Gregory, Tho. Pond, Mich. Long, Wal- ter Ray, Rebecca Major. HENRY NEWCOMB, 387 A 2 R., Chas. City Co., on S. side of Appomat- tox Riv., along line of Samll. Woodward, S. by E. &c. to W. br. of Baylies Cr., thence N. by W. to a swamp called the head of the Citty Cr., thence W. &c. 15 Feb. 1663, p. 321, (311). Trans, of 8 pers: Alice Cammell, Wm. Bacon, Jno.- Murry, Edwd. Davis, Tho. Cran- nidge, Jno. Luen, Thomas Young. EDWARD CO ALE, three score & ten acs., heretofore called Phillips Island, on W. side of Chickhomeny Riv., N. on Phillips bay, E. on certain drowned marshes lieing bet. the Island & sd. River, S. on a great tract of marsh & Creekes & W. on a slipp of marsh separating sd. peninsula or island from the high land then untaken up. Granted to Thomas Stampe 8 July 1653, assigned to Samll. Paine, who assigned to sd. Coale. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 321, (311). ISAAK WATSON, & SAMLL. MOTTORSHED, 400 acs. bee it more or less, Wmoreland Co., 1 June 1663, p. 322, (312). Bounded on S.S.E. side with land of Edward Parker, N.N.E. upon the head of a Cr. dividing this from 1000 acs. of Mr. Valentine Payton & down the Cr. to beg. Granted to Rich. Codsford, 20 Aug. 1655, since deserted & granted the above by order of court, 31 Mar. 1662. WM. BURFORD, JR., 640 acs. New Kent Co., 3 Feb. 1663, p. 322, (312). N. side of Mattapony Riv. upon Tymber Br. of Peancketanck, beg. at a poplar belonging to land of Jno. Pigg & Jno. Maddison upon N.W. of sd. branch, running W. by S. along land of David Dale &c. Trans, of 13 pers.* Mar- ginal note: Relinquished. Six of the sd. rights transferred to John Coles patt. in the year 1667. Phil Ludwell. CAPT. JNO. LEAR, 18 acs. at the head of Majors Cr., lying between land of Edward Major & Mr. Jno. Garratt. 29 Nov. 1663, p. 322, (313). Due in right of his wife Mrs. Mary Bastard (or Baslard) & for trans, of Wm. Dawly. THOMAS WILLIS, 300 acs. Lancas- ter Co., last of August 1664, p. 323, (314). N.E. side of a great swamp, beg. on upper side of land of Wm. Dudly, S.E. upon same, N.E. upon Tho. Pattison & Robt. Chouning &c. Trans. of 6 pers: Jno. Randall, Rich. Gold- stone, Doro. Blunt, Marg. Holden, Ann Lockey, Edw. Morgan. SAME. Same county, date & pages. 700 acs. beg. on S. side of Bryry Br., running N.N.E. &c. Trans, of 14 pers: 5 Negroes ; Tho. Shirt, Mary Ward, Fra. Freeman, Tho. Tourner, Edward Fowles, Jno. Ward, Kath. Cooper, Wm. Follor, Tho. Canter. COL. GUY MOULSWORTH, Esqr., 1465 acs. — 1015 acs. part in Chas. City Co. & part in James City Co., beg. at land formerly Mr. Jno. Bisshops, run- ning along the back of his own first devdt. &c. by an ancient line of trees dividing this from land of Nicholson, to Mosses run &c, trees dividing this from land of Jno. Cole &c; 450 acs. of land, marsh & creeks in Chas. City Co., on N. side of James Riv. & W. side of Jones Cr., beg. at the mouth of sd. Cr., Patent Book No. 5 499 running up the Riv. to division line bet. his own & land of Robt. Nicholson &c. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 323, (314). 750 acs. by patent 30 Oct. 1651 & the resi- due for trans, of 15 pers: Robt. Mead, Samll. Pomfrett, Jno. Smith, Jno. Farro (or Farrs), Tho. Wms., (Williams), Tho. Faikes, James Banborne, Abram Starkey, George Bayly, Samll., Reforma- tion, Hoby, Peter & Wm., Negroes, Jno. Burman. WM. COOKE, Jr., 360 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 3 Feb. 1664, p. 324, (315). Beg. in a meadow at the head of a br. of the black water, running S.W. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Ann Dichfeild, Jno. Wall, James Turpin, Jno. Legar, Wm. Jordan, Tho. Harper, Wm. Fuell, Jone Legg. MR. HENRY SOANES, 500 acs. James City Co., 28 Mar. 1662, p. 324, (316). At the head of Chickahominy Riv., beg. on a great run, down the same W. & S.W. thence to Rich. Williams &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Nich. Read, Jno. Vintner, Mihill May, Olliver Druett, Hugh Water, Mich. Chad well, Tho. Collis, Moses Skinner, Ellinor Greene, Jno. Noble. MR. HENRY RANDOLPH, 800 acs., beg. at a white oak marked 4 ways, running E. & by S. 320 po. to the Swift Cr. on S. side of Appamatock Riv., S. by W. along John Wilson to a pohikery marked 4 wayes hard by a great Rock upon an Elbow of the old Towne Cr., W. by N., N. by E. to Swift Cr., con- tinuing the same course 180 po. to beg. 29 Jan. 1663, p. 324, (316). Trans, of 16 pers: Jno. Taylor, Robt. Robinson, Xtoper. Oxfor, Jno. Latrop, Robt. Crouch, Robt. Freith, Wm. Pue, Ann Sanders, James Hardware (?), Jno. Ludson, George Oliver, Henry Hoper, Robt. Levitt, Jno. How, Jno. Read, Clemt. Whidon. ABRAHAM ELLETT, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 25 Mar. 1664, p. 325, (317). Nly. upon land of Wm. Ship, Wly. crossing a small Cr., butting the Gleab Land &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Abra. Ellett, Alice Ellett his wife, Alice Ellett his daughter, Eliz. Ellett, Wm. Ligsby. THOMAS DIOS (Dyos), 450 acs. N'umberland Co., 9 Apr. 1663, p. 325, (317). S. side Potomack Riv. nigh Nomeny, beg. at S.most cor. of land of Daniell Hutt, Merchant, S.E. along back line of Wm. Overred, thence W.S.W. &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Jane Moses, Ann Lewis, Margaret Colly, Tom, Tom, Jno. Negroes; John Sussett, Fra. Newman. STEPHEN NORMAN, 750 acs. S. side of Potomack Riv., nigh to Nomeny, upon branches of Harring (Herring) Cr., beg. on S. side of the E. br. of same which divides this from land of Mr. Hawlie, extending up same E. &c. 27 Mar. 1663, p. 325, (318). Trans, of 15 pers: James Orland, Fra. Bruton, John Homes, Mary King, Edward Ward, Mary Kemp, Samll. Slaughter, Wm. Jones, Tho. Munson, Simon Hart, Jno. Bowles, Thomas Hallowes, Wm. Fruell. JOHN CURTIS, 420 acs. Lancaster Co., 19 Nov. 1664, p. 325, (318). N. side of Rappa. Riv. at the head of Morattico Cr., beg. on main br. side thereof &c. S.S.E. on land formerly Tho. Chetwoods, thence 220 po. to John New- mans &c. Trans, of 9 Negroes. THOMAS SMITH, 480 acs. up the W.most br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. at Muddy Cr., running along trees of Thomas Sparrow S.E. to the main swamp &c. 11 Feb. 1663, p. 326, (319). Granted to John Finch 1 Oct. 1652 & by sd. Finch & the Court of Lower Norf. as- signed to sd. Thomas. WM. TOWNSEND, 33 acs. James City Co., neere the head of KifTs Cr. in Martins hundred, commonly called Halls land, 11 Feb. 1663, p. 326, (319). Bounded N. & W. upon land of Robt. Hudson, S. by W. upon Mr. Staffords land & E. upon sd. Cr. Granted to Richard Barnehouse 23 Nov. 1653, as- signed to sd. Townsend, who assigned to John Coale & by him reassigned to sd. Townsend. JAMES & GEORGE RANSON, sonns of Peter Ranson, dec'd., 1100 acs. on the North River in Mockjack bay, at the Isle of Wight Cr, Nly. parallel to the 500 Cavaliers and Pioneers River, unto a Cr. dividing this & land in possession of Richard Dudley. 10 Feb. 1663, p. 326, (320). Granted to sd. Peter 9 June 1653 & given by will to the abovenamed. THOMAS ADAMS & RICHARD RISE, 700 acs., 2 June 1664, p. 326, (320). 400 acs. bet. two main branches at the head of Chickacone Riv. & 300 acs. beg. by the main branch called Tuckahow Swamp. Trans, of 14 pers: Jno. Poore, James Man, Erasmus Penny, Mary Smith, Wm. Cooke, Jno. Jenny, Samll. Parks, Mary Jones, James Ward, & 6 Negroes. WM. MOSELY, 1300 acs. at Occu- pation Cr., beg. upon N.most br. there- of called Wassananson. 20 Jan. 1663, p. 327, (321). Granted to John Phillips 14 June 1655, assigned to Richard Cole- man, who assigned to sd. Mosely. Note: "This land was by Col. Moore Fantlaroy, Admr. of the abovesaid Phillips, assigned to sd. Robt. Coleman & by Coleman (as above) to Mosely." JOHN POTLING, 50 acs. upon the New Poquoson Riv., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 327, (321). Bounded by a br. of Har- woods Cr. which divides it from land of Tho. Harwood &c. & a br of sd. Cr. dividing from land of Tho. Jackson, deed. Renewal of patent dated 12 May 1650. ANN REYNOLLS, daughter of Wm. Reynolls, 92 acs. N'umberland Co., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 327, (322). At the verry head of Mattapony Riv., Wly. & Sly. upon the main br. of same & Nly. upon another br. of sd. Riv. Granted to Wm. Reynolds 13 Oct. 1653, & by Richard Clare, Exor., assigned to sd. Ann. LT. COL. THO. GOODRICH, 600 acs. S. side of Rappa. Riv., neere miles end of a patent of 1350 acs. taken up by Bartho. Hoskins, beg. on the side of Hoskins Cr., parallel to land of John Gillet &c. 18 Sept. 1663, p. 327, (322). 500 acs. by patent 1 Aug. 1652 to Clement Thrush & 100 acs. by patent 10 June 1657, for trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Golding, Tho. Reeves. RICHARD PARKER, 400 acs. on S. Br. of Nancimum Riv., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 328, (323). Adj. land of Wm. Wright. Renewal of patent dated 4 Oct. 1654. ANTHONY NORTH, 200 acs. Rap- pa. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 328, (324). On the head of Hoskins Cr., beg. by the Poquoson of sd. Creek at or nigh the miles end of land of Clement Thrush. Trans, of 4 pers: Jane Willis, Alice Thompson, Lidia Sares, Jno. Rumball. HUMPHRY GIBBS, 40 acs. War wicke Co., 11 Feb. 1663, p. 328, (324) On Swd. side of the blacke Swamp, beg at tree of Mr. Bullocks, running S.S.W &c. Renewal of patent dated 10 Aug 1654. THOMAS BRERETON, 1500 acs. New Kent Co., 28 Nov. 1662, p. 328, (325). N. side Mattapony Riv. upon a br. of Whore Cocke Cr. on the W. side thereof, adj. land formerly belonging to Anthony Haines. Trans, of 30 pers: Wm. Young, Sail. (Samuell ?) Sherly, Mary Harper, Tho. Wood, Jane Pike, Samll. Partin, Nath. Burd, Jno. Woad (?), James Newton, Tho. Courtman, Wm. Snelling, Francis Puel, Tho. Billips, Mary Turner, James Wood (or Woad), Jacob Young, Emll. Wallop, Jno. Pallin, Wm. Fuell, Edward Read, Charles Harlow, Sarah Spratt, Wm. Watson, James Cander, Simon Andrews, Joseph Bake, Wm. Baker, Thomas Mar- shall, Wm. Farmer, Joseph Marlow. DANIELL HUTT, 850 acs. N'umber- land Co., 9 Dec. 1662, p. 329, (325). 500 acs. on S. side of Petomake Riv., upon S. side of Herring Cr., adj. land of Mr. Robt. Yeo; 350 acs. nigh Nomeny, beg. at W.most corner of land of sd. Hutt & on S.E.most side & nigh the head of Coss Coss &c. 500 acs. Granted to Mr. Geo. Read 9 June 1653, assigned to Margt. Myles & afterward sold to sd. Hutt, & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Tho. Rosewell, Ellinor Bur- ton, Tho. Morris, Margt. Lewis, Thomas Burton, Jno. Wood, Jno. Snoke. Patent Book No. 5 501 ROWLAND WILLIAMS, 300 acs., 150 acs. part purchased by Charles Hill of Edward Lucas & assigned to Samll. Hattaway, being on S. side of Garden Cr. Granted to Samll. Hattaway by patent dated 15 Mar. 1658 with 150 acs. residue granted to Jno. Hampton, by him & his heires deserted & granted sd. Hill by order of court 15 Mar. 1658 & assigned to Geo. Mosely, who assigned to Robt. Jones & by him assigned to sd. Williams. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 329, (326). WM. LANDMAN, 200 acs. N'um- berland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 329, (327). S.E. side Yeocomoco Riv., bounding N.E. upon land of the Orphants of George (or John) Knott, deed. & S.W. upon land of Anthony Lenton. Being part of a patent of 400 acs. granted to Hugh Lee 28 Mar. 1660, since sold to John Landman & now due sd. William as brother & heire to sd. John. THO. WILSFORD, Gent., 50 acs, be it more or less, Wmoreland Co, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 330, (327). N.W. side of Hallowes Cr, adj. his own & land of Andrew Munrow. Renewal of patent dated 4 Sept. 1655. FRANCIS GREY, 1000 acs. on S. side of Petomake Riv, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 330, (328). 675 acs. on the head of Rosiers Cr, running N.E. to the round hill, abutting land of Mr. Tho. Boyer & Mr. John Hillier; 250 acs. N.E. upon sd. Riv, S.E. upon sd. Cr, 75 acs. Ely. upon sd. 250 acs, Wly. upon sd. 675 acs. & Sly. upon sd. Cr. Renewal of patent dated 16 July 1654. ALEX. BAYNHAM, 300 acs. N'um- berland Co, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 330, (328). Nly. upon Hollis Cr, N.E. up- on a small Cr. dividing this from land of Jno. Cooke. Granted to Wm. Freeke 19 Oct. 1653, assigned to Tho. Hawkins & by his Atty. Seth Foster assigned to Wm. Willdey, who assigned to sd. Baynham. HENRY WILSON, 450 acs. Rappa. Co, 15 June 1664, p. 330, (329). N. side the river at the head of Farnham Cr. & on the S. side of the E. main br. of same, beg. neere the side of a small Indian feild, adj. land of Samll. Griffin & Tho. Griffith. Trans, of 9 pers: Eliz. Tofthead, Tho. Newman, Wm. Miller, Mary Harry, Jone West, Wm. Hebditch, Sarah Wilson, Eliz. Wilson, Tho. Tof- head. GREGORY RAWLINGS, sonne of Gregory Rawlings, deed, 476 acs. Surrey Co, 12 Feb. 1663, p. 331, (330). S. side of James Riv. & S.E. side of Chapokes Cr, bounded on the head of Richard Hides land from a poynt of the Burchen Sw, S.S.E. &c. along Wm. Symons trees &c. Renewal of patent dated 10 June 1653. GEO. CATCHMAID, 3333 acs. on the N. side of Roanoke, abutting Sly. on sd. Sound, Ely. on Katotin Riv, Wly. on Pequimons Riv. which issueth out of the sd. Sound & Nly. on Owaseake Cr. which issueth out of Pequimons Riv. 1 Apr. 1663, p. 331, (330). Trans, of 67 pers: Wm. Gwin, Rich. Purden (or Purdew), Arth. Burnell, Wm. Young, Jos. Parry, Jno. Wickam (or Witham), Jno. Lee, Sam. Denies (or Deins), Gyles Prout, Jarvis Dodridge, Roger Up Robt. (Roger ap Robt.), Jno. Sale, Jno. Gallile, Nich. Stall, Wm. Folke, Henry Goodman, Tho. Terrall, Edward Higby, James Harrison, Edw. New, Em. Absolon, Geo. Gore, Jno. Cutts, Tho. Powell, Hen. Aires, Charles Druit, Wm. Blucke, Rich. Bancks, George Thomp- son, Jno. White, Samll. Baker, Rich. Jones Anth. Winckle, Peter Blething, Walter Laramore, Gyles Pitt, Edw. Curman, Jno. Griffin, Za. South, Jane Martin, Eliz. Parker, Mary Price, Doro- thy Parrott, Ann Sills, Jane Wood, Mary Fleet, Robt. Beall, Humph. Poole, Kath. Stoakes, Han. Snow, Mary Staines, Dan. Floyd, Jno. Barton, Wm. Fletcher, Geo. Gray, Danll. Humber, Edw. Hum- phries, Edw. Humphries, Rich. Young, Rich. Flewelling, Morg. Paile, Ann Jones, Eliz. Bembridge, Margt. Jones, Sarah Barnes, Jno. Tyler, Jno. Sharpe, Wm. Power, Mary Watts. ROBERT BOWERS, 100 acs. in the W. br. of Eliz. Riv, 28 Jan. 1663, p. 502 Cavaliers and Pioneers 331, (330). Renewal of patent dated 17 Mar. 1654. WM. PEAWDE & GEORGE SAN- DERS, 1000 acs. James City Co., 11 Feb. 1663, p. 332, (331). S.W. side of Chickahominy Riv., beg. in the mouth of Mattahancks Necke, over the same to Webbs Run &c. to Nickadewans path &c. along Teakins br. to the back of Mr. Hains land &c. to head of Nicka- was run &c. to edge of Muskowt run to E. side of a little Cr. which includes a small Indian feild in the bottom of Muskowt. Granted to Tho. Towner 18 Mar. 1662 & given by his will to the abovenamed. DENNIS SWILLIVANT, 1446 acs. Rappa. Co., 2 Feb. 1663, p. 332, (332). On S.most br. of Totoskey Cr. Renewal of patent dated 23 May 1660. ROBT. CHOWNING, 300 acs. Lan- caster Co., 26 Feb. 1663, p. 332, (332). On the head of Sanderland Cr. alias Barneham Cr., beg. at a Sly. cor. tree of his own & land of Tho. Paddison, running E. along land of Robt. Middle- ton &c. Renewal of patent dated 21 Jan. 1652. PETER GILL & HENRY WHITE, 1,000 acs. Chas. City Co., 15 Feb. 1663, p. 333, (333). S. side of Chickehominy Maine Sw., beg. at upper Westover path by a great branch, running down the same &c. to upper side of land of Tho. Spencer & Hickman &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Gregory, Jane Aldridge, George Williams, Sarah Barlow, Wm. Jones, Wm. Robinson, Fra. Stagg, Lewis Davis, Jno. White, Tho. White, Hersy (?) Jones, Tho. Lee, Jno. Russell, Wm. Alexander, Jno. Cobbett, Geo. Dawson, Tho. Parford, Edw. Scarfe, Tho. Bettford, Wm. Brittlin. ROBT. LEE, 542 acs. Gloster Co., 23 Dec. 1662, p. 333, (333). Beg. by Mr. Thorntons path, running S.S.E. &c. by Col. Lees horse path, then S.W. by W. to the barrens by sd. path, then W.N.W. to the Dogwood valley &c. to a branch by sd. Lees plantation, down the same to a little fork & up the br. that makes the forke to Mr. Thorntons land. Granted to Col. Rich. Lee 17 May 1655, assigned to sd. Robt. 25 Feb. 1657 & 340 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Jno. Bucknell, Eliz. Williams, Valent. Smith, Abra. Smith, Jno. Folcner (?), Tho. Roulston, Robt. Haniger, Tho. Clay. COL. ROBT ABRALL, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 26 Apr. 1664, p. 333, (334). N. side of Mattapony Riv., adj. his an- cient devdt., beg. at Anth. Haines cor. tree in Acquintenokes Swamp opposite land of Richard Tunstall, running down the same &c. to land of Johna. Parsons, formerly Major Lewis', &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Tho. Gregory, Susan Wood, Fra. Bloys, Jno. Lilley, Jno. Massey, Jno. Bird, Giles Rogers, Wm. Ball, 2 Negroes. MR. WM. THOMAS, 250 acs. N'umberland Co., 30 Mar. 1663, p. 334, (335). In Yeocomoco Neck, run- ning E. by N. to Richard Holdings land &c. W. by S. to Knotts Cr. Granted to Mr. Wm. Bacon 28 Aug. 1657 & as- signed to sd. Thomas. THOMAS RIVES, 300 acs. Gloster Co., 18 Feb. 1663, p. 334, (335). Up- on the head of Fentons Cr. issuing out on S.E. side of Mattapony Riv, beg. on S. side of Araciaco Sw., extending S.W. upon land of Edward Simpson, S.E. up- on land of Leonard Chamberline & Ash- well Batten &c. Granted to Abraham Moone 1 Nov. 1654 & assigned to sd. Rives. Marginal Note: "Examined with the Book Transcribed July 17, 1796." JOHN MARTIN, 1400 acs. in Lyn- haven parish, Low. Norf. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 334, (336). Bounded on N.W. with Bennetts Cr., on W.S.W. with a small branch, on S. with line of trees running to Symon Barrows land, on N.E. with land of Adam Thorogood &c. Renewal of patent dated 2 Oct. 1654. FRANCIS CARPENTER, 1000 acs. N'umberland Co., 2 Dec. 1662, p. 334, (336). N. side Kings Cr. Swamp. Re- newal of patent dated 24 Sept. 1664. Patent Book No. 5 503 JAMES PADDAM, 203 acs. Chas. City Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 335, (336). At the head of Wm. Ditties (Ditty) land which he bought of James Warra- dine commonly called & known by the name of the high peake on S. side of Baylies Cr., running S. by E. by Mr. Jno. George. Granted to Wm. Ditty 7 Oct. 1653, assigned to Joseph Parsons, who assigned to sd. Paddam. PETER GREENE, 350 acs. Surrey Co., 21 Feb. 1663, p. 335, (337). S. side of James Riv. & W. side of the head of Lawnes Cr. (This said land being formerly old trees & purchased of Wm. Leas & now in possession of sd. Greene), beg. at Maj. Buttlers line of trees, running up the head of sd. Cr. &c. Said land assigned as abovementioned. ROBT. BEDWELL, 640 acs. Rappa. Co., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 335, (337). In Farnham Parish, on N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. on N.E. side of land of John Williams, running N.E. &c. to a br. of Totoske called the Beavor Dams Br. &c, including some certain poynts of land between this land & the sd. branch con- taining 87 acs., making in all 727 acs. 640 acs. granted to sd. Bedwell & Rich- ard Powell 10 Sept. 1661 & since wholly due sd. Bedwell & 87 acs. due for trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Parson, Mary Wood, (or Waad.) CAPT. WM. HAY, 1695 acs. 48 chs. 52 dec. points at the Paquosons in Yorke Co., 16 Dec. 1663, p. 336, (338). Beg. at N.W. end of a ridge butting upon Smoake Hamack on E. side of Rays Cr. &c. to a percimon at the bottom of the ridge butting upon Black- walnut Necke &c. between long Hamocke & Lewis' Necke, up the same N.E. by S. &c. to a Mirtle bush neere the edge of the main branch &c. to the horse path at the head of Ravs Cr. marsh &c. to a pine in a homack of 5 remarkable pines &c. neere the bancke of Chesapiake bay &c. to mouth of Bennetts & Rays Creeks &c. 100 acres of sd. land being due by assignment of a patent dated 27 May 1637 & knowne by the name of black Walnutt necke & sev- eral hamocks upon the Maine Marsh ; 600 acs. by assignment of patent dated 13 Aug. 1639 & 995 Acs. 48 chs. 52 dec. pts. due for trans, of 20 pers.* SIMON SIMONS, 300 acs. on N.W. branch of Nancemun Riv., beg. by a reedy branch, running for length N.W. &c. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 336, (340). Re- newal of patent dated 3 June 1656. ROAREE MACOTER & ARGABELL READ, 224 acs. N'umberland Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 337, (340). N.W. upon Metapony Riv., S.E. upon land of John Chambers, N.E. upon land of John Earle. Granted to Francis Symons 9 July 1653 & by him assigned to sd. Macoater & Read. RICHARD POOLE, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., towards the head of the master branch of Sam. Bennets Cr., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 337, (341). Beg. at a small reedy br. on S.E. side of the master br. of Bennetts Cr. neere about a mile above John Gookins Landing place &c. Renewal of patent dated 22 Aug. 1652. MR. ALEX. FLEMING, 800 acs. Lan- caster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 337, (341). On. N. side & within the freshes of Rappa. Riv., beg. next to land of Wm. Yarrett, extending E. S. E. & E. by S. along the river to an oak dividing this & land surveyed for Toby Smith &c. Granted to Walter Dickeson 6 Sept. 1654 & by Tohn Merredith, his Any., sold to sd. Fleming. EDWARD GILL A. 200 acs. Tames City Co., 18 Jan. 1663, p. 337, (342). On E. side of Chickahominy Riv., bounded S.W. on Tyascun & S.E. on land of Thomas Brookes. Renewal of patent dated 6 June 1654. EDWARD TRAVERS, (Travis), sonne & heire of Edward Travers, dec'd., 326 acs. James City Is., 10 Feb. 1663, p. 338, (342). Lying neere black noynt; 196 acs. N. upon the backe river, E. upon the same, S. upon land of Mr. Chiles & Goose hill Marsh & W. upon David Elliott & Mr. Crosbies land. 130 acs. more or less, part beinrr marsh, lie- ing Sly. from his now dwelling house & 504 Cavaliers and Pioneers devdt. of his land, bounded by Pars- mores Cr. & Cockets neck & the residue being high land lieing Wly. from his house & bounded on Wwd. with land of Lanselet Eley &c. Granted to sd. Ed- ward Travels, deed., 10 Mar. 1653 & now due as above. GEORGE GILL, JR., 2000 acs. New Kent Co., last of Mar. 1663, p. 338, (343). 1100 acs. on the S. side the freshes of Yorke Riv., bounded on the N.N.E. with sd. Riv., on N.W. with Pouncies line of trees from an old Spanish oak on the cliffe of the Riv. to a new marked maple &c. to chesnutt in Mr. Tho. Gibsons line of trees neere peach tree field path; 900 acs. common- ly called the Hogg Penn Neck in Yorke Riv., 300 acs. being a necke bounded with the river on the S.E. side, on the N.W. by the Cr. from the necke along the river &c. 700 acs. granted him 21 Jan. 1650; 900 acs. granted to John Pownsey 8 Dec. 1652 & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Robt. Waller, Rich. Hull, David Landon, Rich. Hodson, Math. Collins, Joane Holding, Ellinor Harris, Ann Dods. JOHN FEILD, 400 acs. Henrico Co., known by the name of Cham, 24 Mar. 1662/3, p. 338, (344). Bounded from Almonds Cr. "upwards to Chenck Cr. or farther soe far forth as the land shall extend upwards towards the falls of James River." Being part of 1000 acs. granted to John White, by him sold to Tho. Fry & by the sd. Fry his Exors. sold to sd. Feild. THOMAS BRICE, 1650 acs. Lan- caster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 339, (344). N. side of Rappa. Riv., being part of an Indian habitation called old Moratti- con; beg. at a red oak standing on a poynt on the river side & on Nwd. side of the mouth of Harris Cr., running E. N. E. adj. land of Edward Harris &c. to Swd. br. of dividing Cr. which be- longs to Cottawoman Riv., running down the same to the first dividing poynt &c. to Ewd. side of the middle br. of Fairewethers Cr. &c, crossing Brices Cr. to beg. Renewal of patent dated 27 Oct. 1652. COL. JNO. CARTER, Esq., 2160 acs. Lancaster Co., 24 June 1663, p. 339, (345). 1600 acs. upon N. side of Rap- pa. Riv. from the mouth of Corrotoman Riv., extending along Rappa. Riv. S.E. & E.S.E. upon a Cr. commonly known as Slaughers (Slaughters) alias Johns Cr. &c, N.W. upon a br. of Corroto- man Riv. near a tract of land in posses- sion of Wm. Clapham, Sr., &c. 560 acs. upon N. W. side & towards the head of St. (?) Johns Cr. &c. 1600 acs. by patent dated 6 Sept. 1654 & 560 acs. granted to Jno. Meredeth 10 Oct. 1652 & by him sold to George Marsh, who sold to sd. Carter. JAMES JONES, 250 acs., Chas. City Co., 1 Mar. 1663, p. 340, (346). S. side of James Riv. & on E. side of the head of Powells Cr. neere the old Towne, bounding W. on land of Charles Sparrow & Richard Tie, N. on head of sd. Cr. & E. on the pine Sw. Granted to Thomas Tanner 27 Nov. 1657 for the importation of 5 pers.*, & by him transferred to sd. Jones. NICH., GEO., & THO. TABERER & HUMPHRY CLARKE, 900 acs. at the mouth of the N. side of a branch where Francis Englands land endeth at a little oak & running up the sd. branch E. &c. 5 Feb. 1663, p. 340, (347). Renewal of patent dated 14 Aug. 1652. JOHN BAREFEILD, 150 acs. in the S. branch of Nancimum Riv., 30 Oct. 1662, p. 340, (347). Beg. by the branch side, running for length S.W. bv S. &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Martha Rice, John Bird, Ellinor Bird. Note: "The abovesaid pattern was granted to Barefeild by Coll. Fra. Moryson esqr. Governor &c, Sr. Wm. Berkeley not being in the Countrey at the Date thereof." WM. HANDCOCKE, 300 acs. in Lvnhaven Parish in Low. Norf. Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 341, (348). 200 acs. beg. at the head of Mr. Moselies land neere the head of Fareham Cr.. runnins; N.N.E. &c. nere a place called Turkey ridge, thence S.S.W. towards John Carrawaies land &c. 100 acs. as by bill Patent Book No. 5 505 of sale being bought of Tho. Moult. Granted to Sarah Handcocke 23 Nov. 1657 & assigned to sd. Wm. COL. FRA. EPPS, 280 (or 285) acs. Chas. City Co., 17 Feb. 1663, p. 341, (349). S. side of James Riv. & S. side of Appamatuck Riv., Sly. on Capt. Batts, Nly. upon the head of Walter Brooke, Nath. Tatum & John Bakers land & Ely. to the head of his own 1700 acs. Granted to sd. Epps 23 Jan. 1653 & now renewed. RALPH GREENE, 650 acs. New Kent Co., 24 Jan. 1663, p. 341, (349). S.E. side of Arrakieco Sw., running up the same N.E. &c. 500 acs. by patent dated 13 Nov. 1656 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers.* CHARLES EDMONDS & WM. PULLAM, 2520 acs. in New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 341, (350). Beg. by Chickahominy Sw., running N.E. by E. &c. Renewal of patent dated 4 May 1658 ("And since by consent, Charles Edmonds hath made choyce of the lower pt. of this Devident and Wm. Pullam, of the upper pt. bounding on Wm. Smith" ) . RALPH HARWOOD & BENJAMIN BIRCH, 600 acs. Gloster Co., 5 Feb. 1663, p. 342, (350). S.W. side of Crany Cr. Swamp, running up the same Nly. &c. to trees dividing this from land of Geo. Pole & Edward Freman &c. Granted to Jeffry Bew 13 May 1652 & by him assigned to the abovenamed. MR. EDWARD WAAD (or Wood), 150 acs. according to the ancient lawful bounds thereof, in Yorke Co.. 18 June 1663, p. 342, (351). Sd. land lately in possession of Wm. Cainhoe, dec'd. & by an inquest found to escheat to his Majesty & now granted sd. Waad who hath made his composition according to Act. MR. ROBT BRISTOW, 1000 acs. Lancaster Co., 29 Sept. 1663, p. 342, (351). In Fleets Bay, abutting Nly. upon Haddawaies Cr. dividing this & land of Abra. Moone, S. upon another Cr. about 4 mi. from the land of Jno. Taylor & Wly. down sd. Cr. till it cometh to the maine bay. Granted to Humph Tabb 22 Mar. 1654 & by Tho. Tabb, his son & heir, assigned to Mr. Phill. Mallory, who assigned to sd. Bristow & Edm. Welch & sd. Welch wholly assigned to sd. Bristow. GEORGE GILBERT, (Gilburt), 400 acs. James City Co., 10 Oct. 1664, p. 342, (352). Beg. at a cor. tree on the head of the Spring br. on Hickmans line, W. S. W. &c. to Dyascun (Tyas- cun), up the same to Mattaquince Swamp &c. 300 acs. being part of a patent of 1200 acs. granted to Capt. Wm. Underwood, 25 Nov. 1661 & by him sold to sd. Gilbert, & 100 acs. due for trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Hany, Wm. Bucke. JOHN BRADY, (Braddy), 180 acs. Surry Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 343, (352). Bounded from the Mill Sw. side W. by S. to the head of Besses Sw., along same N.N.E. &c. Granted to sd. Braddy & Jno. Spiltimber in a joynt patent for 325 acs 15 Mar. 1653 & now equally divided between them. CHARLES WOOD, 268 acs. Wmore- land Co., 1 Feb. 1663, p. 343, (353). Wly. with land of John Axton & John Browne, Sly. with Patomecke Cr., Ely. with a Sw. parting same from land of Tho. Fowke, Gent. Granted to Mr. Gerrard Fowke 15 May 1660, assigned to John Rosier & by him assigned to sd Wood. JOHN SHURLOCKE (Sherlocke), 410 acs. Rappa. Co., 14 Mar. 1663, p. 343, (353). 210 acs. at Totoskey Cr., running for breadth W.N.W. &c. to a branch dividing this from land of the Indians Sec. & 200 acs. lieing at Totoskey Cr. beg. on a point at a gutt or small Cr. mouth, running for breadth parallel with the Cr. &. &c. by Indian feilds. W. N. W. &c. 200 acs.' granted him 23 Nov. 1657 & 200 acs. granted Lennord Jones 23 Nov. 1657 & assigned to him. PETER FORD & EWARD (Edward), RACLE (Rackley), 640 acs. New Kent Co., 18 May 1663, p. 344, (354). N. 506 Cavaliers and Pioneers side of Mattapony Riv., upon Timber branch of Draggon Sw. beg. near the head of same, running S.E.E. &c. over Chespaiack path &c. Trans, of 13 pers: Mary Yeomans, John Span, Edw. Mar- low, Jno. Crantle, Wm. Hawlet, Wm. Johnson, Fra. Cotten, Jaco Labour, Wm. Frich, Jane Sampson, Tho. Walker. JOHN PIGG, 365 acs. Rappa. Co., 11 Mar. 1662, p. 344, (355). In a fork of Pianketanke Sw. some 4 mi. from Rappa. Riv., adj. land of Capt. Wm. Claiborne called Bestland. Trans. of 8 pers: Eliz. Langfree, Jno. Greene, Dan. Clemens, Wm. Rivers, Gill De Leere, Fra. Potter, Wm. Parsons, Margt. Steele. WM. PEIRCE, 1200 acs. N'umber- land Co., 31 Dec. 1662, p. 344, (356). 250 acs. on E.most side of Nomeny Riv. opposite land of Mr. Lewis Bur- well, beg. at a swamp dividing this & land of Gabriell Odier &c. 600 acs. beg. where the former land ends upon a br. of Nomeny Riv. opposite to Mr. Rosiers land running W. &c. & 350 acs. beg. betwixt land of sd. Odier & this land, running S. &c. Granted to John Woodby 12 Oct. 1653 & renewed in name of sd. Peirce. LUKE BULLINGTON & JAMES TUNE, 386 A. 2 R. & 20 P. "to which since added 270 acs. (in the County of Rappahanocke at the head of Farnham Creeke") lieing between this & land of Ro. Bedwell, the bounds of which joyntly are: beg. at cor. tree of Robt. Bayly & on the land of John Williams, running S. &c. neere branches of Totos- key Cr. &c. 18 Nov. 1663, p. 345, (357). Trans, of 14 pers: Jno Searle, Wm. Partin, Jno. Young, Fra. Clay, Wm. Wroth, Mary Shell, Jno. Tune, Cornelious Young, James Short, Tho. Ceely, Jno. Mount, Mary Hartwell, Sam. Cornix, Jane Fisher. MAJOR DAVID CANT, 100 acs. Lancaster Co., 13 Oct. 1663, p. 345, (357) . Upon the head of Nimcocke Cr. about V/z mi. from the water, beg. at tree of Mr. Potter standing by Matta- pony path side, running N. E. &c. to land of Abraham Moone &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Tobias Ceely, Tho. Boone. WM. JONES, 353 acs. New Kent Co., Stratton Parish, 1 Jan. 1663, p. 345, (358). Beg. on N.W. side of Arrakeco Sw., joyning land of Leanord Chamber- line, running N.W. &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Edw. Mathews, Tho. Jones, Ed. Morland, Wm. Anderson, Jno. Ellies, Jno. Thompson, Tho. Langley. WM. CRUMPE (Crump), 300 acs. Lancaster Co., 16 Feb. 1663, p. 346, (359). N. side of the E. branch of Coratoman Riv., beg. on E.most side of a small creek of same dividing this & land of Elias Edmonds. Trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Wood, Wm. Purton, Mary Badg, Jno. Fawden, Sarah Johnson, Tho. Ward. HENRY SOANES & JOHN LING, 600 acs. James City Co., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 346, (359). N.E. side of Chick- hominy Riv. & on S.W. side of Tyas- cunn main Sw., bounding N.W. on John Lings devdt., N.E. on sd. swamp, S.E. on Hickory Quarter land & S.W. on Mr. Henry Soanes devdt. purchased of Alex. Shephard. Trans, of 12 pers: Tho. Morgan, Jno. Bell, Robt. Man- nings, Jno. Slaughter, Martin Coale, Jno. Tompson, Tho. Langley, Wm. Linsey, Ann Thomas, Ann Peeter, Ja. Hart, Jno. Marlow. FRANCES PRICHARD, 700 acs. on N. side of Lancaster Co., 29 Oct. 1663, p. 346, (360). Running to a main br. of Curratoman Riv., thence to a pehick- ery which was formerly a corner tree of one Dennis Hackers. Trans, of 14 pers: Fra. Weekes, twice, ; Sam. Weekes, Ann Barlow, Anth. Reily, Jno. Hunt, Peter Smith, Sam. Hardacur, Eliz. Browne, Alice Hollick, Wm. Ran, Jno. Marshall, Wm. Barbery, Lea. Yeo. STEPHEN TARLTON, 394 acs. 2 R. New Kent Co., 30 Aug. 1664, p. 346, (360). N. side main br. of black water Cr., beg. neer the run of sd. branch, N.W. by N. to a hickory dividing this from land of Peter Adams &c. Due by purchase from Henry Pateman dated 19 Patent Book No. 5 507 Nov. 1663, who purchased of Wm. Pullam out of a patent of 1000 acs. dated 20 Jan. 1657. JOHN HUDNALL, 500 acs. N'um- berland Co., 4 Mar. 1662, p. 347, (361). N. side of Gr. Wiccocomoco Riv., being part of a devdt. of land granted to Tho. Saffall 1 June 1654; upon resurvey beg. at the mouth of a small cr. formerly styled St. Stephens Cr., which divides this from 350 acs. being the residue of the sd. former patent, "of which John Wood hath the fee Simple," running E.S.E. to Saffalls Cr. which divides this from land of Math. Wilcocks &c. Assigned by sd Saffall. THO. GREENE, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 18 Mar. 1663, p. 347, (362). S. side of the W. branch of Eliz. Riv., between land of Capt. John Sibbs & Mr. Cornelious Loyd. Granted to Edward Loyd, who assigned to Richard Owens & by him assigned to sd. Greene. ARTHUR UPSHOTT, 2000 acs. in Matchapungo Neck, Accomack Co., 29 Sept. 1664, p. 348, (362). Bet. the sea on the S. side & sd. neck on the N.W. side beg. at the S. point or bottom of the Neck, running thence N.E. towards Matchepungo unto N.E. side of Ann Dimons (?) feild &c. including all the feme & Pastoridge Marsh. Granted to Lt. Col. Kendall 29 May 1661 & as- signed to sd. Upshott. JOHN LEVISTON, 453 acs. New Kent Co., 30 Aug. 1664, p. 348, (363). N.W. side of Poropotanke Cr., adj. John Thomas' land, running S.W. by S. &c. to Timothy Landells land, thence W. by N. &c. 400 acs. granted him the 16 Dec. 1653 & 53 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Joane Browne, Henry Pratt. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, 300 acs. neere the E. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. at a red oak double markt, being one of Jno. Porters trees at the miles end neere the main swamp, running W. by S. by sd. Porter & Humph. Belts miles end &c. 21 1664, p. 348, (363). Re- newal of patent dated 1 Nov. 1652. GEO. BAYLY, 50 acs. James City Co., 12 Mar. 1662, p. 348, (364). Run- ning from Poetan Bridge along Walter Coopers trees E.S.E. &c. to the back river Cr. &c. Granted to Geo. Gilbert 29 Sept. 1643 & afterwards became due to Sir Wm. Berkeley, Knight, & by him assigned to sd. Bayly. MR. JOHN BREWER, 300 acs. in Stanly hundred, vizt: 180 acs. between the miles end of the land of sd. Brewer & James River, & 120 acs. of marsh land bet. sd. Brewer & Warwick Riv. 18 Mar. 1663, p. 349, (364). Granted to George Lobb 12 Mar. 1653 & as- signed to sd. Brewer. WM. HITCHMAN, 1000 acs. more or less, James City Co., 18 Dec. 1663, p. 349, (365). Nly. side of the head of Chickahomany Riv., Nly. on Charles Freeman, Ely. on Wm. Wigg, S.W. on Mr. Goug (?), & Wly. on Mr. Thomas Marston. Trans, of 20 pers: Mary Gardner, Maudlin Irish, Francis Smith, Eliz. Smith, Mary Curly (or Curby), Elinor Palmer, jane Fowby, Sibilla Darby, Margtt. Powell, Jno. Fulcher, Robt. Atkins. Rice Rogers, Tho. Fufflett, Jno. Rudds, Jno. Hoyles, Robt. Wittaker, Robt. Porter, Tno. Watley, Samll. Jor- dan, Stephen Cowgell. THOMAS WILLIS, 450 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 5 Feb. 1663, p. 349, (365). S.E. & E. on land of the Ladv Chechlv, N. upon land of Bertrum Obert, W. upon the hills. S. upon land of Arthur Donn (?), assignee of Abram Moone. Renewal of patent dated 20 Aug. 1655. TOHN PORTER, Sr., 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Lvn haven parish, 16 Mar. 1663, p. 349, (365). S. side of the E. branch, beg. at cor. of land he now seates, running E. by N. to Jno. Carra- wayes land, thence S. by E. &c. Renewal of patent dated 8 June 1653. RICHARD HILL, 200 acs. Accomack Co., 23 Feb. 1663, p. 350, (366). In the woods neere the head of Occahan- nock Cr. adj. a great swamp separating this from land of Wm. Tavlor. Trans. of 4 pers: George Glascocke, Thomas 508 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cambell, Jno. Stenninns (?), Andrew Reynolds. HERCULES FLOOD, 72 A 3 R. 24 P., on S. side of Appomattox River, beg. nigh the line of Samuel Woodward, running S.S. E. 56 perch, thence E. 186 per. to Jno. Sturdivant his lyne which runneth to the head of the Citty Cr., then N.W. & by N. 96 per., then W. & by S. 178 per. to beg. 29 Nov. 1663, p. 350, (366). Trans, of 2 Negroes. JACOB SMITH, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 25 May 1663, p. 350, (367). Bounded with a br. of Smiths Cr. that parts it from land of Xtopher. Wil- liams, formerly the land of Thomas Sayer, at the head of the S. branch &c. Trans, of 6 pers: James Wilson, Sr., Johanna Ives, James Wilson, Jr., Ellen his wife, Ann Wilson, Arthur Isam ( ? ) . JOHN TAYLOR, 50 acs. Yorke Co., 18 Nov. 1663, p. 351, (367). On N. side of the Mill Swamp beg. on a small run &c. Trans, of 1 per.* MR. EDWARD WADE (Waad), 350 acs., being part of a devdt. of 2000 acs. belonging to Mr. Francis Burwell, beg. at a tree adj. land of John Johnson & Adam Miles, running S.W. by S. &c. Due by assignment from Burwell. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 351, (368). RICHARD MAJOR, 1350 acs. New Kent Co., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 351, (368). N. side of Yorke Riv., 400 acs. N.W. by N. upon Perrings Cr. which divides this & land of Ashwell Batton, N.E. & E. upon land of Tho. Bell & S.E. & S.W. upon the river; 600 acs. upon the head of another devdt. of sd. Major, N.W. with a swamp upon the head of Perrins Cr. &c. extending S.E. near a br. of Poropotancke Cr., S.W. upon land of Jno. Major & from thence N.W. upon sd. swamp upon the head of sd. Cr., dividing this & land of James Hold- ing; 350 acs. on E. side of Sympsons Sw., beg. at a corner of same, running S. by E. &c. Renewal of patent dated last of June 1656. ROBT. COLEMAN, 110 acs. Gloster Co.. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 352, (369). On main branch of Burts Cr., beg. at Danll. Clarkes land, running N.W. by N. &c. to Richard Fosters land, then N. &c. to another devdt. of his own &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Gabriell Bradmeed, Tho. Follit, Ann Madden. JOHN LEWIS, 137 acs. Warwick Co., 10 Dec. 1663, p. 352, (370). Beg. at Cuckold quarter, Sly. on land of Col. Mathews, running N.E. on main br. of sd. quarter, Ely. towards land of Jno. Hayward & Wly. on land of Col. Cary. Trans, of 3 pers: Tho. Hayles, George Haynes, Jno. Robbinson. GEORGE BLOW, 600 acs. Surry Co., 3 Aug. 1663, p. 352, (370). Beg. on S. most side of the bridge swamp nigh unto the bridge that leads to Major Sheppards plantation, thence S. by W. &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Garratt Hewes, Wm. Hedge, Eliz. James, Wm. Taylor, Edwd. Ingleton, Marm. Kittson, Edw. Hunt, Mary Gibson, Susan Luggett, Robt. Ingersell, Sarah Inkersell, Wm. Hinderson. RALPH AMBREY (Ambery), 183 acs. in Gloster Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 353, (371). On branches of Poropo- tancke Sw., beg. at the mouth of a little branch on the N. side of Coles br., run- ning N.E. by E. &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Tassy, Gabriell Michaell, George Webb, Samuell Cunny. ROBERT BALIS (Ballis), 153 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. betwixt Totoskey & the head of Richards his Cr., Rappa. Co., 3 Dec. 1663, p. 353, (371). Beg. from a stump in an Indian feild, being the beg. corner land marke of land belonging to Thomas Robyson &c. running to land of Jno. Canida. Trans, of 4 pers: James Wilkeson, Antho. Browne, Ann Wms. (Williams), Jno. Baker. GEORGE PLEY, 225 acs. Rappa. Co., upon Occupason Cr., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 353, (372). Beg. by the Cr. side, run- ning S.E. by S. &c. to land of Wm. Hall, thence S.W. by W. &c. Said land purchased of Henry Berry. Patent Book No. 5 509 JAMES POPE, 1000 acs. W'moreland Co., 28 Jan. 1662, p. 354, (373). Near a creek commonly called And. Iviunrows Cr. at Appomattock, bounding E.N.E. upon land of Andrew Munroe, running from his Wwd. corner tree W.N.W. from the run &c. "including the tymber Land white oakes and others and some plantable good Land" &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Hen. Dallison, Jno. Fleet,, Robt. Cooke, Sarah Wright, Jno. Erlby, Rich. Johnson, Tho. Yarnell, Wm. Mathews, Tho. Wright, Eliz. Wright, Tho. Wright, Wm. Frissell, Eliz. Nicholls, Susan Nicholls, Ann Michell, Wm. Follow, Samll. Share, Tho. Tooke, Jno. Lover, Jno. Sampson. ALEX. TIRE & JAMES READ, 313 acs. New Kent Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 354, (373). Beg. in Warreny lyne, run- ning N.E. &c. to near Rockahoe path, thence along lyne dividing this from Mr. Burwells land S.W. &c. near Edwd. Reeads Spring, thence N.W. by N. &c. Due by purchase from Wm. Agakee & Jno. Jopson, who purchased it of Fran. Burwell, to whom it was granted in 1655. MR. JOHN PATE, 1000 acs. in Patomeke freshes, 31 Dec. 1662, p. 354, (374). 500 acs. part thereof about Pascataway, bounding upon land of Ed- ward Wms. (Williams), extending up the river N.E. &c. 500 acs. on the Nwd. of the Cr. above Pascattaway, ex- tending along the river N. by E. &c. Granted to Edward Williams, Sr. & Ewd. Williams, Jr., by two patents dated 5 June 1658, by them deserted & granted to sd. Pate by order of the Genrll. Court 27 Sept. 1661 & due for trans, of 20 pers: Tho. Crone, Jno. Conier, Tho. Fisher, Jno. Creed, Danll. Jones, Rich. White, Simon Stubb, Jno. King, Mary Bates, Eliz. White, Geo. Staines, Walter Brad (or Brae), Wm. Farmer, Susan Time, Mary Grone, Timothy Fines, Anth. West, Wm. Crone, Ralph Lenor, Anth. Jones. HENRY BRADLY, 450 acs. Nanci- mond Co., 6 Mar. 1662, p. 355, (375). On E. side of the N.W. branch of Nancimond Riv., being part of an In- dian Towne, beg. by the branch side & running for length S.W. by W. &c. Granted to James Arthur & John Bran- don 24 Nov. 1654 & by the latter sold to sd. Bradly. SAME. 100 acs. in same county, 6 Mar. 1662, p. 355, (376). Opposite to an Indian Towne. Granted &c. as above. RICHD. LITTLEPAGE & JAMES TURNER, 400 acs. New Kent Co., 14 Mar. 1663/4, p. 355, (376). Upon S. side of the freshes of Pomunkey Riv., beg. at a cor. hickory belonging to land of Capt. Anthony Langstone in the main swamp of Tottopottomoyes Cr. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Ellin Ward, Judith Turner, Jno. Dike, Grace Hues, Ann Browne, Gregory Perry, Wm. Hard, Mary Jones. MR. JOHN PATE, 200 acs. in Glos- ter Co., on N. side of Yorke Riv. & E. side of Porototanke Cr., 31 Dec. 1662, p. 355, (377). Bounding Wly. on land formerly granted to Mr. Jernew, Sly. on Wm. Ginseys land & Nly. on his own land. Granted to Michaell Grafton 2 Nov. 1658, by him deserted, & granted sd. Pate by order of court & due for trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Mobbs, Geo. Ceely, Henry Chittwood, Fra. Michaell. PETER HULL, 400 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 17 Dec. 1663, p. p. 356, (377). On the W. side of the first branch of the black water, beg. at the swamp side which line parts this & land of George Hardies & Tho. Womball, running N. &c. Part of a patent of 1100 acs. granted sd. Hull, Geo. Hardy & Tho. Womball, dated 15 July 1651. EDWARD PITTA WAY, 250 acs. in Surrey Co., Southwarke Parish, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 356, (378). Betwixt the two main branches of Crouches Cr. Sold to sd. Pittaway by Richard Hart & further due for trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Andrews, Alex. Browne, Anth. Wmson (William- son), Robt. Brookes, Tho. Attkins. RICHARD JONES, 750 acs. in the Southerne Cr., a br. of the S. br. of Eliz. River, running S. by E. &c. by the 510 Cavaliers and Pioneers Poquoson side, thence W. N. W. &c 3 Apr. 1663, p. 356, (378). 350 acs. part granted to Peter Sexton, the last of March 1653 & assigned to sd. Jones; 200 acs. granted to Robt. Eyre 22 May 1642 & by him assigned to Wm. Pell, who assigned to sd. Jones; & 200 acs. due for trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Taylour, Mary Jones, Edw. Partin, Tho. Spann. JAMES TURNER & RICHARD LIT- TLEPAGE, 1143 acs. New Kent Co., 24 Mar. 1663, p. 357, (379). Upon S. side the freshes of Pamonkey Riv., be- tween an ancient devdt. of sd. Turner & Capt. Anth. Langstones path, White- ings Sw. & Matterdam Cr; beg. by sd. Swamp on the S.W. of sd. path, run- ning up the swamp W. by S. &c. Trans, of 23 pers: Jno. Bradly, Jno. Harelin (?), Arth. Crompton, Luke Harper, Jane Langly, Sarah Langley, Agnes Langly, Ralph Langly, Jr., Joseph Lang- ley, Jane Langley, Jno. Dicke, Wm. Walker, Humph. Williams, James SherifFe, Geo. Jones, Ann Browne, Geo. Perry, Wm. Ward, Mary Jones, Robt. Harris, Thomas Hutchinson, Rich. Lit- tlepage 5 times, Ralph Ranley (this, no doubt, should be Langley) . MATHEW RHODAM, 393 acs. N'umberland Co., 8 June 1664, p. 357, (380). 100 acs. Nly. upon Hugh Lees land. Sly. upon an old Indian feild & Wly. upon land of James Clayton; 288 acs. S.E. upon the head of a swamp of Kings Cr., N.E. toward land of Col. John Matrom; & 5 acs. at the head of the aforesd. land & betwixt land of Capt. Rogers called Col. Matroms land & land of Col. Jno. Trussell. Granted to Hugh Lee 5 Apr. 1660 & assigned to sd. Rhodam. JOHN STAKES & WM. SMITH, 189 acs. N'umberland Co., 2 Tune 1664, p. 357, (380). Nly. upon Hollis Cr., Ely. upon land of John Tomkinson & Wly. upon land of Tohn Hallows. Granted to Tho. Blagg 15 Sept. 1651, by him as- signed to John Knott, who assigned to Tohn Walton, who assigned to John Dinely & by him assigned to sd. Wal- ton, who assigned to Tho. Frissell & by him assigned to the abovenamed. ALEXANDER WALKER & RICE JONES, 94 acs. 17 chs. in Yorke Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 358, (381). Beg. in the forke of the main br. of the Mill Swamp, S.E. by S. to the mouth of an- other br. on the S.W. side of the main branch, up the same W. by S. &c. to cornet of Daniell Wilds land &c. Due by conveyance from Tho. Smith, being part of a grand patent to Major Joseph Croshaw for 700 acs. dated 2 Mar. 1653. ROBERT PEAKE, 1600 acs. James City Co., 26 May 1663, p. 358, (382). At the head of Chickhomeny Riv., beg. on Rich. Williams line, S.E. &c. to head of Lees Run, down the same to the head of Wm. Frys land, thence to Rich- ard Williams cor. tree to beg. Trans, of 32 pers: Edw. Wallis, Mary Young, Tho. Carter, Wm. Far, Jno. Hart, Samll. Waller, Edward Harlow, James Safeild, Anth. Horton, Jacob Lagon, Charles Ward, Wm. Snallop, Emll. Jones, Symon Irons, Tho. Ward, Jno. Marlow, Wm. Fuell, Samll. Cornix, James Lan- ton, Robt. Yeoe, Martin Moone, Wm. Fuell, Tho. Salton, Wm. Hunt, James Young, Tho. Cant, Arth. Sherlow, Mary Fowke, Wm. Harper, Tho. Shaw, Jane Marke, Fra. Fleet, Edw. Sheerman, Sam. Cornix, Edward Jones, Tho. Carpenter, Fardinando Floyd. THO. SPERY, 100 acs. Eiiz. City Co., 30 Aug. 1664, p. 358, (382). Sly. up- on the head of the long ponds. Part of 200 acs. granted to Symon Thorow- good -8 Apr. 1653 & assigned to sd. Spery. WILLIAM WHITE, 172 acs. Lan- caster Co., on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 18 Tan. 1663, p. 359, (383). Beg. at the head of Parting Cr. on the W. side, running W.N.W. alongst land of John Merriman, thence N.E. &c. along part of Tho. Hewards land which now be- longs to Charles King Orphant. Part of this land surveyed for Wm. Wroughton & assigned to sd. White & 26 acs. resi- due for trans, of Tho. Young. NEALE PETERSON, 220 acs. Rappa. Co., 2 Dec. 1663, P. 359, (383). To- wards the head of a br. that runneth Patent Book No. 5 511 into Ralphs Cr. issuing from Pascatti- con, nigh adj. to the Swd. line "of Killmans outward or Eastward Devi- dent," thence S. &c. to Burchen br., down the same &c. to the Greene Sw. Trans, of 5 pers: Tho. Corben, Jno. Edlington, Wm. Legg, Files Croffts, Barnaby Wills. LT. COL. WM. HOCKADAY, 5470 acs. New Kent Co., 3 June 1663, p. 359, (384). 3550 acs. on S. side of Yorke Riv., (the devdt. he is now seated on) bounded on N. by N.E. with the main river, S.E. with Ware Cr. to the mouth of the third branch &c. to Indian feild path, thence N.W. by N. line to Wareny Cr. &c, 1920 acs. on S. side sd. Riv. &c. 3350 acs. granted him 1 Aug. 1655 & 1920 acs. 15 Apr. 1661, 1280 acs. of sd. 1920 acs. granted to Francis Kirkman by order of the Gen. Ct. & by him assigned to sd. Hockaday. ANDREW ROBINSON & PELEG DUNSTAND, 30 acs. more or less, Surry Co., 20 July 1663, p. 360, (386). Nly. from Major Sheppards plantation about 3 mi., being on a br. of the black water, from the Indian path N.W. &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Easter, Jno. Rowell, Jno. Smith, Sarah Adimore, Danll. Prichard, Samll. Elery, Hen. Garrard. EDMOND PALMER, 900 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 21 June 1664, p. 360, (386). Beg. at his own cor. tree which parts his from land of Anthony Mathews, running W. by N. &c. to a line of trees marked for a path, by the same N.E. by N. &c. 700 acs. by former patent (no date) & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Sebastian Nero (a Negro ?), Jno. Prest, Ann Badlam, Richd. Harvy. MARY CURRY, daughter to Macum (?) Curry, dec'd., 250 acs., being one- half of a parcel of land granted sd. Curry & Jno. Rutherford, Chas. City Co.. 5 Mar. 1663, p. 360, (387). Beg. on W.most side of a swamp that parts Chas. City Co. & Surry Co., opposite to Tho. Feltons plantation, thence N.W. by W. &c. Granted to Wm. Lee 6 Feb. 1654 & sold to sd. Currv as by patent 17 Mar. 1659 & now renewed. NICHOLAS SABRELL, 200 acs. nere the Middle plantation, Yorke Co., 10 Feb. 1663, p. 361, (387). Nly. upon land of Richd. Davis & Wm. Watts, S. upon land of Mr. Jno. Broach, W. upon the greate swamp & E. upon the Maiden Sw. 150 acs. granted sd. Sabrell 30 July 1638 (or 1658) & 50 acs. adj. by patent dated 30 Jan. 1652. NICHOLAS CUMMINGS (Com- ings), sonn of Nicholas Cummings, 400 acs. Chas. River Co., 25 Apr. 1663, p. 361, (388). Beg. near the head of Uties Cr., running N. by W. &c. unto the Horse path &c. 200 acs. granted sd. Cummings 1 Sept. 1659 & 200 acs. granted to Robt. Pittawy (Pitway) 24 Feb. 1638, by him sold to Jno. Mendam, who assigned to sd. Cummings. THOMAS ERVIN, 230 acs., beg. where land of Jno. Jennings endeth by or nigh Petetick Cr. &c, running to land of Jno. Paine. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 361, (389). Part of 600 acs. granted to Mr. Thomas Lucas & part of 340 acs. granted to Mr. Tho. Hawkins, & due by purchase from them. JOHN PAINE, 200 acs. upon Pepe- tick Cr., from the place called the deviding to land of Thomas Ervin. 20 Feb. 1662, p. 361, (389). Part of patent of 340 acs. of Tho. Hawkins, who sold to sd. Paine. RICHARD PINNER, 500 acs. Eliz. Citty Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 362, (389). 150 acs. between the two main branches of Chruch Cr., from Tymber Neck Sw. along the N.most main br. of sd. Cr. N.E. &c, S.E. parallel to the great swamp &c. 150 acs. on the W. br. of sd. River, beg. at miles end of Capt. John Sipley, running W.S.W. &c, & 200 acs. lying N. upon the mouth of Eliz. Riv. &c. The first 150 acs. granted sd. Pinner the 20 Apr. 1653; 150 acs. granted to Xtop. Rivers 11 Mar. 1653 & sold to sd. Pinner, & 200 acs. granted to Wm. Ramshaw 1 July 1635 & after severall sales, sold to sd. Pinner. MILES HUGILL, 277 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side of sd. River, 3 Dec. 512 Cavaliers and Pioneers 1663, p. 362, (391). Beg. on Nwd. side of a main br. of Richards Cr. to- wards the head thereof, extending the course S. &c. to his own land, thence N. &c. to land of James Samford & with his line S.E. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Eliz. Hix, Tho. Evans, Eliz. Hobson, James Atkinson, Finolia Williams, Edw. Waid. NICHOLAS COBB, 202 acs. Isle of Wight Co, 21 Feb. 1663, p. 363, (392). Beg. on Swd. side of Floyds Cr. issuing out of Pagan Cr. &c. to Galcknie Sw, thence along Jno. Crews Sw. &c. adj. Mr. Nich. Smith &c. & from Major Jno. Bond N. W. along a path &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Susan Cobb, Sr, Mary Cobb, Susan Cobb, Jr., Jane Cobb, Jane Howard. RICHARD AYLIFFE, 800 acs. N'umberland Co, 4 Feb. 1662, p. 363, (392). S. side of Wiccocomoco Riv. in the branches thereof, running Wly. &c. to about a quarter of a mile to the Swd. of Col. Lees horse path, thence Ely. &c. Trans, of 16 pers: Jno. English 4 times, Francis, Ellin & Ann, his 3 wives, Fra. and Ann his 2 daughters, John Melling- ham, Tristram Knoles, Mary Conway, Geo. Allyson, Richard Redding, Tho. Hosman, Susan Young. THOMAS DIOS (Dyos), 500 acs. W'moreland Co, 24 Nov. 1664, p. 363, (393). S. side of Patomeke Riv, butt- ing on the N.E. side & towards the head of Quanticoke Cr, beg. at the upper- most marsh of sd. Cr, running E.N.E. &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Blanch Randall, Ann Willis, Eliz. Willom, Jno. Brookes, Joyce Trace, Mathew Heweat (or Haveat), Wm. Askin (or Atkins), Joane Linsey, Rich. Harman, Eliz. Staple. ISAAC WATSON, & SAMLL. MOTTERSHED, 300 acs. on S. side of Aquia Riv, beg. at the head of a seat of land that was formerly Henry Hutt- mans, runningly Nly, thence S.W. upon a run dividing this & land of Wm. Grimes. 7 Jan. 1662, p. 364, (393). Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Dorcestor (?), Richard Owin, Dunkin Conerke, Margt. Peirson, Patrick Flood, Sarah Ocquell. THOMAS DIOS, 1200 acs. W'more- land Co, 15 Apr. 1664, p. 364, (394). S. side of Patomeck Riv. behind the Clifts of Curawoman, beg. on the Ewd. side of a great swamp & run falling into Rappa. the head of Gr. Rappa. Cr. opposite 600 acs. surveyed for Mr. Tho. Broughton. Granted to Wm. Overet (or Everet), by him deserted & granted sd. Dios by order of court & due for trans, of 24 pers: Wm. Peirce, Sarah Peirce, Jno. Ellyson, Geo. Walker, Ann Leviton, Fra. Neson, Wm. Gilbert, Nich. Short, Jno. Worton, Rich. Fawd- ing, Mary Core, Edm. Sturman, Grace Hill, Robt. Farr, Jone East, Gerrard Crosby, Tho. Carew, Mary Ward, Jane Shaw, Wm. Porton, Jacob Mallew, Ed. Wills, Tho. Turner, Mary Seward. CAPT. GEORGE LOYD, 350 acs. James City Co, 20 Apr. 1664, p. 364, (395). Neere the head of Morgans Cr, bounded from his old devdt. along land of Mr. George Lobb, N. E. &c. to land of Joseph Knight &c. Granted to Wm. Morgan 8 June 1652, by him deserted & now renewed in the name of sd. Loyd by order of court & due for trans, of 7 pers: Jno. Johnson, David Thomas, Tho. Ask, Nath. Sutton, Jno. Sheeres, Tho. Fitcher, Jno. James. MICH. GOODALL, 300 acs. James City Co, 30 June 1664, p. 365, (395). E. side of Chickhomeny Riv, N.W. on Taylors Neck, N. & N.E. on land of the relict of John Merriman, & the division line S.E. on Phillip Charles land. 150 acs. purchased by sd. Goodall of Henry Soanes, Gent & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Math. Munck, Jane Newdigate, Tho. Webber. WALTER GRAINGER, 2000 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Riv, beg. on S. side of the River about 4 mi. above Nanzimum Towne &c. 26 Sept. 1663, p. 365, (396). Granted to Mr. Thomas Purefoy 13 Mar. 1655, by him assigned to Tho. & Robt. Elliot, sons of Anth. Ellyott & renewed in their names 25 Nov. 1658, by them deserted & granted sd. Grainger by order of court dated herewith & due for trans, of 40 pers: 20 Negroes; James Trew, Tno. Jordan, Phil. Wright, Roger Phillips, Jervis Patent Book No. 5 513 Salmon, Fra. Plowman, Fra. Fisher, Wm. Mead, Emll. Umpton, Sarah Waite, Tho. Carier, John Card, Step. Rogers, Charles Smart, Jno. Sims, John Mahew, Rich. Hollis, Eliz. Tatlar, Tho. Jones, Jno. Taylor. JOHN LING, 370 acs. James City Co., 7 Feb. 1662, p. 365, (396). 300 acs. on N. side of Chickhomeny River, beg. at the head of Tyascum neere the great Indian feild nigh land of Margt. Barret, running E. by N. to the main Sw. of Tyascum &c, 70 acs. upon sd. swamp, N.W. on land of Tho. Brookes alias Joseph Wade & S.E. on his own land. 300 acs. by patent dated 6 Oct. 1658 & 70 acs. for trans, of 2 pers. Note: The following names appear: Wm. Marmaduke, Ann Franks, Abra. Battam, Mary Clue, Wm. Ward, Sam. Flower, Wm. Jarvis. Marginal note: 5 rights due. JNO. NAS WORTHY (Naseworthy), 985 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 28 Mar. 1663, p. 366, (397). Beg. at the mouth of Ragged Island Cr., running up the head of the same thence through the Marsh to the head of Parkers Cr., down the same to the mouth of James Riv., down the same to the mouth of Ragged Is. Cr. 150 acs. granted to Wm. Ayres 1 Nov. 1637; 100 acs. granted to Tris- triam Nasworthy 10 Aug. 1642 & now become due the sd. John; 735 acs. for trans, of 15 pers: Wm. Eaton, Mary Lord, Sam. Eller, Jno. Card, Geo. John, Jno. Calwell, Sam. Flower, Wm. Wood, Jane Furnis, Jno. Marke, Wm. Simons, Jos. Moore, Ed. Loyd, Tho. Cagg, Wm. Simons. MR. HUGH YEO, 1044 acs. N'amp- ton Co., 26 Mar. 1664, p. 366, (398). 644 acs. on S. side of Pungotegue Riv., Nly. upon land of Charles Scarburgh being 400 acs. purchased by sd. Hugh Yeo, Merchant, Ely. on land of Anth. Hoskins, Wly. part on land of Jno. Robinson & part on land of Nich. Wad- dilow; 400 acs. at Pungotegue Cr., bounded on W. by land of Tho. John- son, N. by main creek of Pungotegue &c. 644 acs. granted by patent 20 Oct. 1661 to sd. Yeo. & 400 acs. granted Charles Scarburgh 12 Oct. 1652 & as- signed to sd. Yeo 27 Sept. 1653. MR. JOHN BEACHAMP & MR. RICHARD COCKE, Sr., 2994 A. 2 R. 35 P. 2093 acs. part on S. side of Chickahomeny Sw., running S. &c. to a run called Col. Owins Quarter, W. by S. to a run above the Pamunkey path &c. over the run called Cow taile Quar- ter &c. 901 acs. 1 rod in Henrico Co. on N. side of James Riv. knowne by the name of the forke of the Cattaile Run & bounded N. & by W. to the head of land formerly surveyed for Mr. Rich. Cock, Sr., along his line over the Western br. W.S.W. &c. to line of Mr. Greene &c. 21 June 1664, p. 367, (399). Trans, of 60 pers: Corn. Canida, Neale White, Lucy Davis, David Gload, Wm. Shewmaker, Robt. Browne, Mary Deth Langford, John Elkes, Jno. Gunter, Jno. Beachamp, Wm. Andrews, Henry Bullocke, Humph. Miles (or Mills), Rich. Hayward, Jno. Parke, Wm. Partridge, Eliz. Bridges, Rabecca Moore, Robt. Sherly, Rich. Dennis, Henry , Jno. Sanders, Timothy Isar, Robt. Marsh, Wm. Ram- sey, Samll. Knibb, Geo. Price, Ester Barfeild, Henry Watkins, Kath. Smith, Wm. Baldin, James Foster, Jno. Hine (or Hind), Robert , Ann Thomp- son, Simon Owin, Jno. Myles, Salsbury Land, Geo. Hinton, Ed. Lester, Jno. Smith, Henry Flag, Owin Davis, Wm. Lowder, James Hickman, Wm. Coxon, Mary Crews, Margery Baker, Edw. Crump, Wm. Walkner, Margery Spen- cer, Mary Sotone, Danll. Jordan, Ann Jordan, Gilbert Jones, Clemt. Bayly, Tho. Gully, Richard Varling, Phill. Sparkes, Tho. Read. BURTH (or Barth) INGOBRICK- SON, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 18 Oct. 1664, p. 367, (400). E. side of Puzle Cr. in the S. branch of Eliz. Riv. Trans. of 2 pers: Edw. Martin, Jno. Edwards. BARTHOLOMEW INGOBRICK, SON, TOHN PRESCOTT, THOMAS BLANCH (or Branch), NICHOLAS & ROBERT JORDAN, 1,000 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 29 Sept. 1664, p. 368, (400). Wly. from a devdt. of land called the Mill Land at the head of Puzle Cr. in the S. Br. of Eliz. Riv. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. North, Wm. Battery, Edw. Feild, Mary Clarke, Jno. Turner, Wm. 514 Cavaliers and Pioneers Rider, Mathew Allen, Ann Guy, Nich. Gyles, Jno. Moone, Win. Morgan, Wm. Linsey, Wm. Scott, Mary Ward, Ellin Parker, Wm. Mincher, Tho. Ward, Wm. Jones, Amey Tarton, Jno. Wood. ROBT. DIGBY, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 18 Oct. 1664, p. 368, (401). S. side of the W. br. of Eliz. River. Trans, of 3 pers: Robt. Digby, Ann Digby, Jno. Digby. JOHN JOLLY, 267 acs. At the head of Broad Cr. in the W. Br. of Eliz. Riv., 18 Oct. 1664, p. 368, (401). Trans, of 6 pers: Fra. Digby, Mary Robins, Alice Fame, Mathew Smith, Jno. Magdawell, Jane Rutte, Math. Rhods, Robin a Negro. THO. SENIOR, 800 acs. upon the heads of the main branches of Upper Chepokes Cr.; 350 acs. at the heads of the br. issuing out of the head E.most of the two main branches of sd. Cr., bounded along land late Mr. Edw. Blands &c; 50 acs. a little remote in the pines, & 400 acs. beg. at sd. E.most br. running along sd. Blands land &c. to an Indian path &c. 6 Apr. 1664, p. 368, (402). Granted to John Senior 1 Sept. 1652 & given by will to sd. Thomas. ALEXANDER FOREMAN, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 18 Oct. 1664, p. 369, (403). About 2 mi. Sly. from the S. branch of Eliz. Riv., beg. in a necke formerly called the Poplar Necke at the Cypresse Swamp &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Stephen Markes, Henry Meers, Wm. Flake, Martha Druen, Mary Drana, Jno. Reech, Anne James, Mary Relph. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, 260 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 18 Oct. 1664, p. 369, (403). N. side of the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. nigh Starlings poynt &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Tho. Wright, Fardi- nando Straine, Katharine Devedon, Mary Parish, John Home. JOHN DEYOUNG, 450 acs. Rappa. Co., 3 Nov. 1664, p. 369, (404). N. side of sd. county upon Totoskey Cr., running W. by S. &c. to trees dividing this & land of John Sherlocke, bound- ing upon land of Leonard Jones &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Jane Burt, Wm. Capell, Fra. Slaughter, Wm. Fawden, Tho. Carew, Jno. Temple, Sam. Cortlet, Wm. Hay, Mary Spell. JOHN PRESCOTT, 400 acs. in the S. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. at a poynt by a creek called Ridge his Cr., running E.S.E. &c. 5 Apr. 1664, p. 370, (405). Trans, of 8 pers: Barbara Sidny, Robt. Sidny, Roraman Browne, Christian Wickam, Jone Griffin, Danll. Neach, Robt. Briggs, Walter Turner. ELIAS COBSON, 300 acs. Gloster Co., 6 July 1664, p. 370, (405). On head branches of Coxes Swamp, beg. by Rappa. path, running E.S.E. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Eliz. Jenkins, Jno. Champ- ion, Lidda Buttler, Tho. Cooke, Jno. Godwin, Gerard Mart, Marma. Shawly, Samll. Turner. CORNELIUS DEBANY, 200 acs. New Kent Co., 27 Sept. 1664, p. 370, (406). Beg. at the mouth of Totopo- tomoys Cr. upon the S. side of Yorke Riv. a little below the fort of Manaskin, running up the river, bounding on same N.W. &c. Part of patent of 312 acs. granted to Capt. Gyles Brent, by him deserted & now granted sd. Debany by order of court dated herewith & due for trans, of 4 pers: Fra. Marlow, Wm. Luelin, Tho. Spann, Mary Forte. GEORGE VEZEY, NATHANIELL BROWNE & STEPHEN TOMLING, 480 acs. N. side of Lancaster Co., 1 Nov. 1664, p. 371, (406). Bounding upon land of Wm. Thomas, Brian Stott (or Scott) & Tho. Chetwood and land which was formerly Parson Grimes. Trans, of 10 pers: Xpher. Young, Robt. Stagg, John Penn, Ann (or Wm.) Price, Mary West, Jno. Copping, Rich. Merri- man, his wife twice, Rabecca Patent. WM. IRONMONGER, 350 acs. Glos- ter Co., 3 June 1664, p. 371, (407). On a br. on the head of Ware Riv. called Beech Swamp, adj. land of Col. Jno. Walker, Esq. Trans, of 7 pers: Henry Peasly twice, Jeremy Persons, Jno. Hall, Martha Robertson, Thomas Knight, Jno. Lincolne. Patent Book No. 5 515 JOHN COCKER, 100 acs. New Kent Co., 14 June 1664, p. 371, (407). S. on Jno. Adams land, E. on Jno. Barsbie & Nich. Commings, N. on Tho. Gard- ner & James Wilson & W. on the ready swamp, of Ware Cr. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Hadly & Jno. Hayle. CORNELIUS REYNOLDS, 640 acs. New Kent Co., 6 June 1664, p. 372, (408). N. side of Mattapony Riv. & upon a br. of Peancketanck main sw. about 2 mi. from land of Mr. Thomas Holmes, beg. in a dry branch which extends Nly., thence S. by E. cutting Tymber br., along line of Jno. Pigg & Jno. Maddison, thence W. by S. &c. Sd. land was taken up by Jno. Pigg, as- signed to David Dale, who assigned to sd. Reynolds & further due for trans, of 13 pers: Cornelius Reynolds, Margtt. Reynolds, Wm. Reynolds, Ann Reynolds, Cornelius Reynolds, Susan Reynolds, Tho. Hall, Mary Tramwell, Lodowick Higgins, Jno. Hayward, Tho. Booker, Robt. Morris, Eliz. Wood. JNO. MADDISON, 200 acs. New Kent Co., in Stratton Major Parish, 13 Sept. 1664, p. 372, (408). Upon N. side of Mattapony Riv. & back in the woods joyning on a devdt. called Tower Hill belonging to Mr. Edward Lockey; beg. at cor. tree of Robt. Bagbyes that stands in sd. Mr. Lockeyes lyne bound- ing the S. side of his devdt., from thence S. by sd. Bagbyes land, W. by same, S. by sd. Maddisons land to a br. of Whorecock Cr., thence E. by sd. Maddi- sons land & N. by W. to beg. by land sd. Maddison now lives on. Trans, of 4 pers: Row. Baltemore, Kat. Balte- more (or Battemore), Martha Holgate, Tho. Sadler. JAMES BONNER, 650 acs. Lancaster Co., 8 June 1664, p. 372, (409). S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at the mouth of a br. dividing this & land of Tho. Dale, the son of Nich. Dale, dec'd., extending along the Riv. E. by S. to trees dividing this & land of George Wading, S. by W. &c. Renewal of patent dated 19 Oct. 1653. THOMAS & ROBT. ELLIOT, sons of Col. Anthony Elliot, 2000 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Riv., beg. on S. side thereof about 4 mi. above Nanzemun Towne &c. 26 Apr. 1664, p. 373, (410). Renewal of patent dated 25 Nov. 1658. MARY LEWIS, 400 acs. Accomack Co., 12 Sept. 1664, p. 373, (410). Near the seaboard side, being a neck between two branches of Nuswattocks Cr. Due for rights recorded under patent granted sd. Mary 7 Mar. 1656 "which land being not to bee found ac- cording to the bounds by reason of some older grant this 400 acs. instead thereof is granted." JOHN SAVADGE, 350 acs. Acco- mack Co., 12 Sept. 1664, p. 373, (411). Nere Machepungo, Ewd. on land of Tho. Selby, Wwd. part on land that was Arthur Upshotts & parted by a line of trees running from sd. Upshotts cor. tree &c. to land of Jno. Smith, Nly. by sd. Smiths land & Sly. part on land of Jno. Stirgies & parted by trees from cor. tree of Stirgies unto land of sd. Up- shott. 250 acs. by patent dated 23 Feb. 1663 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Ann Willis, Eliz. Jones. LEWIS DAY, 400 acs. Gloster Co, 12 Sept. 1664, p. 373, (411). S.E. side of Poropotancke Cr, upon the head of Tottopottomoyes Cr. & N.E. side of a swamp dividing this & land of Isaak Richeson, along a br. of same dividing this & land of Wm. Kinsey N.E. by N. &c. N.W. by W. upon land of Wm. Ginsey. Granted to Jno. Day, dec'd, 19 Oct. 1653 & due sd. Lewis as his son. WM. SMITH, 50 acs. James City Co, 30 Aug. 1664, p. 374, (412). S.W. side of Tyascum Cr. & Sw, beg. at the bridge foot (or fort) & measuring on travers on the N. side the Path up to Mr. Mannings cor. tree, thence on same to a meadow which is Mr. Wiggs bounds, down the same E. by S. & E &c. Trans, of Jno. Discon. WM. SALE, 130 acs. James City Co, 30 Aug. 1664, p. 374, (412). E. side of Chikahomany Riv., beg. on a br. parting this from land of Wm. Smith, along ancient marked trees of Rich. 516 Cavaliers and Pioneers Jones to the head of a branch &c. to main br. of Jones Cr. &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Edw. Wilmot, Eliz. Dobson, Mary Partin. RICHD. HILL, Jr., 650 acs. Acco- mack Co., 2 Sept. 1664, p. 374, (413). Near head of Occahannock Cr., bounded on W. by land of Alphuso. Ball & James Grey, Ely. by part of a Beaver Dam br. & part by land of Wm. Taylor & Bar- tholomew Meares. 200 acs. granted sd. Hill 23 Feb. 1663 & 450 acs. for trans, of 9 pers: Charles Bauldin, Wm. Okely, Richd. Fowlor, Richd. Walker, Andrew Clarke, Ri. Taylor, Jno. Baugh, Jane Hawly, Francis Penestore (?). BENJAMIN STRANG & JNO. BROCKHURST, 450 acs. New Kent Co., 28 June 1664, p. 375, (413). E. side of the head of Ware Cr., N.W. by W. upon Cowpen Sw., S. upon a br. & trees of James Wilson & Tho. Gardner, E. & N.E. on trees of Mr. Giggins & N. on sd. Brockhurst. Trans, of 9 pers: Tho. Makins, Rich. Greedall, Hen. Palmer, Jno. Bull, Mary Lovell, Edw. Evans, Wm. Griffin, Ellinor Stephens, Joseph Munns. WM. MOSSE, 500 acs. Rappa. Co., 22 June 1664, p. 375, (414). In the freshes of Rappa. Riv. beg. at N.W. end of 1000 acs. taken up by Epaphro- ditus Lawson, N. W. upon land of Wm. Hall & W. upon Mr. Moselys lyne, in- cluding the Marsh. Granted unto Jno. Barrow 13 Oct. 1657 & by him sold to sd. Mosse. ROBT. FLACK (Flake), 200 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 18 Oct. 1664, p. 375, (414). On the Wwd. side of the sec- ond swamp of the black Water beg. at a marked white oake "by John a Pough his Indian Quarter" & running up S.W. &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Agg, Wm. Musgrove, Jno. Bush, Eliz. Morgan. MR. THO. PHILPOTT, 500 acs. Wmoreland Co., 1 Oct. 1664, p. 375, (415). Beg. on N.W. side of land of Jno. Shepard, extending S. by E. &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Mills, Geo. Brighton, Fran. Newnam, Rich. White, Wm. Skip, Ed. Jennings, Gwin Canody, Jno. Wilson, Jenken Thomas, Hen. Maunder (?). HENRY PLUMTON (Plumpton), 500 acs. in Nancimond Co., 5 Apr. 1664, p. 376, (415). Beg. at miles end of Michaell Brinkleys land, running S.S.E. &c, butting on land of Wm. Moore &c. to myles end of land of James Foster. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. B. ■ (abbreviated), Jno. Kened (?), Tho. Gaule, Jno. Clerke, Eliz. Hide, Dawson, Wm. Hunt, Samll. Dyres (?), Emanuell Absalon. THO. WILLIAMS, 500 acs. N'umber- land Co., 17 June 1664, p. 376, (416). 350 acs. W. upon land of Mr. George Fletcher, N.E. upon a br. of a Cr. comonly called Derries Cr. which divides this & land surveyed for Tho. Prichett, E. against the mouth of Gr. Wiccocomico Riv. & S.E. & S.W. on sd. Derises (or Devises) Cr. ; 150 acs. on N. side of Dennis his Cr. &c. Ely. upon the bay towards the mouth of sd. Riv., N.Ely. & Nly. upon a Cr. dividing this from land of one Prickett & land of Abram Byran. Granted to Richd. Budd & now due sd. Williams as marrying the relict of sd. Budd. THO. LIGON & CAPT. WM. FARRAR, 375 acs. Henrico Co., 3 Oct. 1664, p. 376, (416). N. side of James Riv., beg. at the Round aboute slash, adj. Morgan Price & running through another br. of sd. slash W.N.W. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Walter Felkes, Sam. Rigot, Ellinor Wallis, James Hickton, Ann Armestrong, Jone Davis, Tho. Peldon, Wm. Dodson. CAPT. WM. FARRAR & THOMAS LIGON (Liggon), 335 acs. 25 po. Hen- rico Co., 3 Oct. 1664, p. 377, (417). S. side of James Riv., beg. at a white oake upon the River in Mont Malada (Mount my lady) feild, against a place where an old Oven had stood, running N.W. by W. to the red Water Slash &c. downe the falling ground of Proctors &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Phillis (a ?) Servant, Robt. Winter, Danll. Fishes, Tho. Morsey, Jane Holmes, Wm. Young, Mary Worts. Patent Book No. 5 517 GILBERT HENDERSON, 500 acs. in Accomack, formerly called N'ampton Co., 10 Oct. 1664, p. 377, (418). Near Machepungo Riv., Nly. parted by a poplar br. from the land of Henry Bis- hop, formerly Jno. Toulsons, Sly. by trees separating this from land formerly granted to Mr. Stephen Charlton &c. Granted to Wm. Westerhouse 20 Oct. 1661, by him deserted & now granted sd. Henderson. MR. PETER PLOUVIER (Plovier), 196 acs. 16 ch. in Yorke Co., 15 Feb. 1663, p. 377, (418). Beg. in a lyne of trees belonging to a former devdt. pur- chased of Mr. Tho. Kerby &c. along Mr. Freemans lyne &c. to Anthony Francklins lyne &c. to white oak nere the Church path &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Peter Plouveir, Fran, his wife, Ellis Plouvier, Peter Purrell. RICHD. WHITE, 300 acs. Rappa! Co., 8 Apr. 1664, p. 378, (419). N. side of Hoskins Cr., towards the head thereof, beg. by E.most side of a marsh, parallel to land of Jno. Gillett, dec'd. &c. to br. of sd. Cr. dividing this from land of Anthony North. Trans, of 6 pers: Danll. Tignor, Marg. Collier, Hen. Howard, Walter Pine, Lewis Wms. (Williams), Hester Watson. THOMAS COLLINS (Collings) & THO. BAGNESS (Bignes), 500 acs. upon the main br. of Skimeno on the N. side, bounded with sd. branch & a swamp called Crooked Sw., running S.W. to drinking Sw. &c. Granted to Robt. Wild & Phil. Chesly 22 Nov. 1652 & by them sold to the abovenamed. 6 June 1664, p. 378, (420). JOHN GOFFE, 400 acs. New Kent Co., 5 Apr. 1664, p. 378, (420). Beg. at cor. oak of his old devdt., running N.N.W. nigh Arracaico Sw. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Aaron Goffe, Roger Jones, Wm. Bengoe, Tho. Smith, Jane Wene- frith, Peter Hunt, Mary Davis. WM. HORTON, 600 acs. Wmore- land Co., 9 Feb. 1663, p. 379, (421). N.Ely, upon Machoatick Riv., S.Ely, upon land of Mrs. Barnett (or Barrett), N.Wly. upon land of Capt. Tho. Davies. Granted to Gervase Dodson 29 Nov. 1658 & by his will given to Isabella, his relict. Said land purchased by sd. Horton of Andrew Petteygrew & sd. Isabella his wife. COL. WM. WATERS, 1350 acs. Accomack Co., 12 June 1664, p. 379, (421). Beg. at the poynt on the S. side of Gintotege Cr. & running up the middle br. of same &c. Trans, of 27 pers: Dorothy Marrott, Rich. Hack- worth, Mary Pryor, Henry Meld, Samll. Michaell, Jacob Barber, Rich. Lewis, Jacob Bond, Morgan Jones, Bess a Negro, Eliz. Pord, Wm. King, Alice Michaell, Stephen Hues, Peter Richar- son, Jacob Childman, Edw. Jones, Rich. Tull, Miles Stope, Eliz. Hickman, Henry Wilkins, Joane Ore, Alice Rimmer, Tho. Collier, Anth. Taylor, James Collier, Jno. More. LT. COL. THOMAS GOODRICH, 2000 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 28 Mar. 1664, 379, (422). Beg. at a white oak adj. land of Jno. Mills, bounded on the N. by sd. Mills & Tho. Rawson &c. to land of Anthony North on the S. to land of the Orphant of Clement Thresh &c. Trans, of 40 pers: Fra. Bell, Sam. Graves, Peter Grub, Ja. Piper, Roger Manley, Susan Fletcher, Jno. Wms. (Williams), Alex. Wood, Timothy Jackson, Robt. Smith, Edw. Shuffman, Eliz. Mackman, Mary Tibols, Jane Spike, Jane Pratt, Jno. Ding, Johna. Dew, Robt. Stapler, Tho. Danieli, James Parker, Rich. Price, Jno. Collings, Richd. Clarke, Samll. Thistle- wite, Joseph Webster, Martin Simons, Sam. Dearing, Judeth Bruton, Fra. Bell, Sam. Graves, Peter Grubb, James Piper, Roger Manley, Susan Fletcher, Jno. Williams, Alex. Wood, Timothy Jack- son, Robt. Smith, Edw. Young, Wm. Makerland. WM. WESTWARY (Westwray), 750 acs. of Wight Co., 26 Sept. 1664, p. 380, (422). Upon a branch of the Black Water, beg. on the brow of a hill by the swamp side, E. by Mathew Tomlins land, then S.S.E. &c. Trans, of 15 pers: Jno. Goales, Jno. Dewe, George Gren- way, Mary Jones, Mary Pitt, Jno. Par- fitt (or Panfitt) & his wife, Phillip 518 Cavaliers and Pioneers Chester, An Chester, Robt. King, Ralph Taylor, Robt. Taylor, 3 Negroes. CAPT. ALEXANDER FLEMING, 250 acs. N. side of Rappa. Riv. above the plantation of Mr. Wm. Smart. 6 Apr. 1664, p. 380, (423). Granted to Jno. Aires 24 1655 & by him & upon petition of sd. Fleming granted to him by order of the Govr. & Councell 30 Mar. 1664. (Note: ) The following names appear under this record: Tho. Daniell, Robt. Goodlad, Jno. Sharman, Rich. Stephens, James Goffe. JOHN BRYAN, 168 acs. on a branch of Nancimond Riv. called the Indian Cr., 17 Aug. 1664, p. 380), (423). Joyn- ing to patent of Mr. Jno. Garrett, butt- ing on land of Wm. Story &c. Renewal of patent dated 15 Oct. 1652. RICH. PAGE, 100 acs. Yorke Co., 13 Sept. 1664, p. 381, (424). Beg. at S. most end of Smith line nere a br. of the Mill Swamp, up the same S.E. by E. &c. to Mr. Fords line, thence N.N.W. &c. nere the falls of the branches of Powe- tan &c. Granted to Danll. Wild, who sold to sd. Page. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, 220 acs. in Lynhaven Parish in Low. Norf. Co., 17 June 1664, p. 381, (425). Beg. at Thomasins Cr. & running by E. br. of Eliz. Riv. W. by S. &c. joyning to Goldsmiths land, thence S. by E. &c. along Mr. Sidnies land N.W. to beg. Granted to Humphry Bell 8 June 1654 & by him sold to sd. Cartwright. JOHN CARTER & HENRY HEARD, 100 acs. N'umberland Co., 10 June 1664, p. 381, (425). Ely. upon Potomack Riv., Sly. upon Yeocomico Riv., Wly. upon a Cr. dividing this from land of Tho. Hayles sould to Robt. Lord, Nly. upon another tract belonging to Rich. Holder (or Holden). Granted sd. Holden last of Nov. 1656 & assigned to the abovenamed. HUMPHRY HARWOOD, 1070 acs. Warwick Co., on N. side of Skeale (or Skeate) Cr., 15 Mar. 1663, p. 381, (426). Beg. on the Cr. side, running N.E. by E. &c. to markt trees dividing this from land of Capt. Nathaniell Hurd &c. Renewal of patent dated 26 Nov. 1652. ANTHONY BRANCH, 150 acs. in the N.W. br. of Nancimond Riv., butt- ing on land of Symon Symons &c. 16 Aug. 1664, p. 382, (426). Granted to Robt. Sabin 11 June 1653, by him sold to Mr. Thos. Ballard, who sold to sd. Branch. CHARLES EDGERTON, 200 acs. in Linhaven parish in Low. Co. of New Norf., 14 June 1664, p. 382, (427). 150 acs. at a small cr. on Wwd. side of Jno. Holmes' house, running up the cr. S.S.W. joyning land of Giles Collins, then E.S.E. &c. 50 acs. being 3 small hammocks joyned together by small ostums (?) upon Hog Island in little cr. in Lynhaven. Granted to Lemll. Mayson 18 Feb. 1653, by him sold to Tho. Bridge, who sold to Edgerton. MR. THO. LUCAS, 1677 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a cr. divid- ing this from land of Tho. Page, ex- tending by & through the same S.S.W. &c. to a cr. dividing this from land of Valentine Allen &c. Marginal Nota- tion: "Nil. This pattent recorded al- ready in folio 390." LT. COLL. ELLYOTT (Elliot), 1400 acs., beg. at N.E. cor. of his former devdt., running N.W. Sec. to Allins Cr., up the same Ely. Sec. 6 June 1664, p. 383, (428). Renewal of patent dated 14 July 1655. CHARLES ROANE, 200 acs. Gloster Co., 13 Sept. 1664, p. 383, (428). Beg. at Col. Lees land, running N. by W. &c. by the marshy branch &c. by Peancketanck Sw. &c. by Rappa. Road path Sec. Trans, of 4 pers: Edwd. Fox, Jno. Browne, Tho. Jordan, Elizabeth Hayes. CAPT. ANTHONY FULGHAM, 1000 acs. Is. of Wight Co., 28 June 1664, p. 383, (429). On a br. of the Black Water., beg. at S.W. cor. of Mathew Tomlins land, running Wly. &c. Patent Book No. 5 519 by a meadow &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Daniell Wilson, his wife, Edwd. At- wood, Robt. Cole, Katharine Diamant, Martha Greene, Wm. Lewis, Robt. Ed- wards, Jno. Browne, Jno. Fulgham, An- thony Fulgham, Jno. Boron, Eliz. Day, Joseph Butler, Hen. Gough, Jno. Who- man, Eliz. Barnett (or Barrett), Susan Smith, Tho. St. Jno., Jno. Wilson. THOMAS UNDERWOOD, 200 acs., 15 June 1664, p. 384, (430). Beg. by the ready swamp, thence S. by E. &c. Granted to Thomas Woodhouse 4 Sept. 1651 (or 1654) & sold to John Zaizes & by Col. Swan, Atty. of sd. Zamis, sold to sd. Underwood. MR. PETER STARKEY, 377 acs. Yorke Co., 20 Sept. 1664, p. 384 (430). Upon N.W. end of a ndg of land butting upon Smoak homoak & ly- ing upon Rayes Cr., up the same &c. to E. side of Lewis' Neck, down the same &c. to bottom of Mr. Wm. Travernors Ridg, thence over the marsh &c. to beg. 250 acs. by patent 6 Nov. 1637 & 127 acs. for trans, of 3 pers.* CAPT. ALEXANDER FLEMING, 300 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. on the upper side of the Cod of the bay opposite to a poynt between Nanzemond & Nansatequond towne, adj. upon the N.W. with Cedars Cr., which divides this & land of John Gillett &c. Mar. 1664, p. 384, (431). Granted to Clemt. Herbert 21 Apr. 1657, by him deserted & granted sd. Fleming upon petition, by order of Govr. &c. 28 Mar. 1664. MR. JOHN GRESHAM, 520 acs., 10 June 1664, p. 385, (431). 320 acs. beg. at the poynt neere Greshams Cr. mouth towards Mr. Knights land, running S. to Bakers Cr. mouth & W. by N. along same; 200 acs. in N'umberland Co., S. upon Waddy Cr., Nly. upon Peter Knight & Ely. upon his own land. Re- newal of patent dated 5 May 1652. WM. CAPPS, 250 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Apr. 1664, p. 385, (433). 150 acs. on Ewd. side of the Swd. bay or head of Strattons Cr. issuing into Lyn- haven river, beg. by the bay side & run- ning E.S.E. &c. & 100 acs. beg. on poynt on the second bay in sd. river, adj. Hugh Woods land & running W. &c. Renewal of patent dated last of Mar. 1656. MR. RICHARD FLINT, 480 acs. N'umberland Co., 28 June 1664, p. 385, (434). 150 acs. abutting Nly. upon Mattapony Riv. & Wly. upon a br. of same. 330 acs. adj. 150 acs. pattented by Jno. Chambers in 1652, beg. at a cor. of same by sd. Riv., running Sly. up the river, thence by Jno. Kents land, thence E. by N. &c. to Henry Tappins lyne & thence N. by E. &c. Granted to Phillip Carpenter 29 Aug. 1657 & by James Clayton, his Atty., sold to sd. Flint. HENRY & WM. SMITH, 1600 acs. Lancaster Co., 24 Sept. 1664, p. 386, (435). On N. side of Rappa. Riv., ex- tending E.S.E. &c. to a small marsh op- posite Colemans Marsh, thence N.E. &c, N.W. along Walter Dickensons & Wm. Yarratts lands & N.E. upon the hills or high land. Granted to Mr. Tobv Smith 6 Sept. 1654 & given by his will to the abovenamed. THOMAS DALE, 350 acs. Gloster Co., 24 May 1664, p. 386, (435). On N. side of Mattapony Riv., running down the same E. by S. to Col. Taylors markt gum tree, thence N.E. by N. &c. Renewal of patent dated 4 Jan. 1653. MR. HUGH NEWETT (or Nevett), 1800 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side of sd. Riv. at the head of Fornham Cr., 6 Sept. 1664, p. 386, (436). Running for breadth according to the course &c, parallel with the head lyne of land of Mr. Tho. Griffeth, adj. land of Jno. Williams &c. Granted to Tho. & An- thony Stephens, by them deserted, then granted to Mr. Francis Kirkman & by him sould to sd. Nevett. THO. ROBBINSON & QUINTAINE SHERMAN, 800 acs. in Rappa. Co. on N. side of sd. Riv., 3 Nov. 1664, p. 387, (436). On Ewd. side of Totoskey Cr., beg. on a poynt on the Cr. side, adj. his own land &c, to nere mouth 520 Cavaliers and Pioneers of the Cross Cr. being an E. br. of Totoskey Cr. &c. Trans, of 16 pers: Jno. Goodman, Thomas Sitfore, Robt. Foster, Richd. Phelps, Martin Smart, Jona. Potter, Samll. Flariott, Alex. Jor- dan, Danll. Hopkins, Barnabe Kemp, Marmaduke Hatton, Jud. Palmer, Fran. Wood, Fran. Morris, Abigail Parsons, John Darby. JOSEPH SMITH, 134 acs. Gloster Co., 9 June 1664, p. 387, (437). Come- ing up from a small Cr. of Poropo- tancke, W.S.W. by Jno. Kings land & N. & E. by E. by land of Jno. Bennett & Tho. Leechman where it began. Granted to Tho. Bell 10 Oct. 1656, by him sould to Robt. Jones, who sould to sd. Smith. JOHN TAYLOR, 50 acs. beg. at an ash in the Mill Swamp, running W. by S. for length upon the land of Thomas Smith & for breadth upon S. side of sd. Sw., running down into land of sd. Taylor as farr as 50 acs. 17 Aug. 1664, p. 387, (438). Granted to Robt. Tay- lor, who sould to Andrew Leather & by him assigned to sd. Taylor. RICHARD HARRISON, 400 acs. New Kent Co., 6 July 1664, p. 388, (438). On N. side of Mattapony Riv. about 5 mi into the woods & upon a br. of the Dragon Sw., beg. neare the mouth of Coles Br., running S. inclining Ely. towards land of Thomas Holmes, thence parallel with Jno. Exolls Sw. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Ann Tappin, John Tappin, John White, Wm. Exoll, Mary Jones, Susan Tops, Andrew Harris, Stephen Person. ELI AS HARTERY (HARETREE), 600 acs. N'ampton Co., 29 Mar. 1665, p. 388, (439). 400 acs. thereof lying at Nunswattox Cr. beg. at a little br. on W.most side of the land of Jno. Waltham, extending 150 po. to land of Richd. Jacob, bounded on N. by a br. of sd. Cr. called the broad cr. or branch & Sly. into the woods; 200 acs. at the head of Hungers Cr., bounded on W. by land of Jonathan Gilles (or Giller), thence E.N.E. &c. to sd. 400 acs. 400 acs. granted to James Pereen 14 Nov. 1642 & by him assigned to sd. Hartery, & 200 acs. granted to Thomas Wyatt 21 July 1640, assigned to Richd. Smith, who assigned to Michaell Richards & by him assigned to sd. Hartery. MAJOR WM. WYATT, 1940 acs. New Kent Co., 20 May 1664, p. 388, (429). N.E. side of Mattapony Riv., bounded W.N.W. on land of Richard Barnehouse, N.N.E. &c. includeing the whole marsh, being 850 acs. of land & marsh, thence into the woods adj. sd. Barnehouse, N.N.E. along his head line &c. to marked beach in Aposcoke Swamp, adj. land of Jno. Cosby &c. 400 acs. granted sd. Wyatt 27 Apr. 1653; 640 acs. granted to Col. Robt. Abrall 19 Mar. 1660 & sold to sd. Wyatt; 450 acs. granted sd. Wyatt 1 Apr. 1661 ; 350 acs. assigned by Ralph Masey to Tho. Pluckett, who sold to sd. Wyatt, & 100 acs. the residue for trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Jarvis, Tho. Parker. JOHN BRUERTON, 1456 acs. in Wmoreland Co., 1 Nov. 1664, p. 389, (440). Beg. at a marked pochikery on S.E. side of Potomack path, thence S.S.E. &c. to a vally on N.W. side of Attopin Cr. dam &c. crossing the first great branch, thence W. by S. &c. Trans, of 29 pers: Robt. Turner, Jno. Sparkes, Symon Drew, David Stevenson, Jno. Walker, Tho. Dawson, Tho. Jor- dan, Robt. Dier, Jane Steele, Ann Heard, Michaell Owen, Richard Stanton, Wm. Bond, Jno. Robbinson, Rich. Webb, Tho. Swan, Jno. Travillian, Jno. Bruer- ton, Xtop. Withnell, Jane Bruton, Charles Crestin, Tho. Tucker, Samll. Flanard, Tho. Frith, Tho. Kason, Wm. Lockram, Hugh Edmonds, Arthur Berry, Mary Andrews. LT. COL. WM. HARDICH (Har- dick). 1000 acs. Wmoreland Co., 25 Nov. 1664, p. 389, (449). On Nomeny bay, beg. at an oyster shell poynt at the mouth of poore Jack Cr., extending S.E. along the bay to another Cr. dividing this & land of Thomas Speeke, thence S.S.W. &c. along head lines of Robt. Henfeild & Jno. Rosiers &c. to E. side of a vally nere a poynt by the S.E. br. of Corewoman Cr., thence along line of Patent Book No. 5 521 Mr. Walter Brodhurst N. E. &c. 450 acs. granted to him the 15 Sept. 1661; 550 acs. by patent dated 19 Oct. 1653 & 6 acs. due for trans, of 1 pers.* RICHARD VARDIE (Vardy), 850 acs. in James & Yorke Counties, 28 Mar. 1664, p. 390, (442). On Powetan branches & head branches of Queens Cr. branches, beg. at cor. tree of "my Ladies" land adj. to the Hoppole Sw., the land purchased of Jno. Brumfeeild, along the branch side S.E. 50 chs., thence E. by S. 20 chs. to the br. that makes the Little Neck, then S.S.E. &c. to sd. Vardies 400 acs. purchased, then S.S.E. &c. along my Ladies line to the cart path, E.N.E. along same &c. to James Wilkesons bounds, N.E. to Capt. Poplyes cor. tree &c. to the run of a sw., it being the division between Mr. Efford & sd. Vardie &c. to Mr. Lewis' survey of 250 acs. Sec, includeing the Indian Cabbin Neck & meadow & swamp. 650 acs. by patent dated last of Nov. 1653 & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers.* MR. THO. LUCAS, Sr., 1677 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a little cr. dividing this from land of Tho. Page, extending through sd. Cr. &c. to a W. br. thereof &c. to another cr. divid- ing this from land of Valintine Allen &c. including all poynts of land adj. to sd. river or cr. &c. 1405^2 acs. granted sd. Lucas 20 Feb. 1662 & 271^ acs. due for trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Robbinson, Richard Burton, Nicholas French, Eliza- beth Smith, Hellin Whiteside, Robt. Tidy. 16 Dec. 1663, p. 390, (444). ABYA. BONYSON, 1300 acs. Lan- caster Co., 16 Oct. 1664, p. 391, (445). Beg. at Haddaways Cr. at a branch by trees deviding this from land "formerly seated by Thomas Salisbury afterwards possessed and planted upon by Capt. Fleets people" & since by Humphry Tabbs sons & servants & by many called the said Tabbs Land, running up the maine Cr. by the water courses being towards the head of Harpers Cr., run- ning over the same nere the house where Henrry Rye lived Sec. 550 acs. granted to Wm. Harper & Henry Rye 19 Oct. 1653, by sd. Harper assigned to Rye, who assigned to sd. Bonyson; 400 acs. granted sd. Bonyson 1 Feb. 1653 & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers.* PAUL WOODBRIDGE, 600 acs. in Rappa. Co., on the N. side of sd. River, 18 Nov. 1664, p. 391, (446). Between Moratico Cr. & Farnham Cr., beg. in the main woods & adj. land of Mr. Jno. Newman, thence N.Wly. Sec. to head of Mr. Thomas Glascocks land, thence N.W. along same &c. to a poquoson, thence N.Ely, along land of Mr. Henry Wilson, thence N.E. by N. along land of Thomas Stephens Orphant to the head of a deep valley &c. 400 due in joynt tenure with Mr. Jno. Newman by patent the 19 Sept. 1664 & by consent of both parties thus equally divided & upon new survey thereof 200 acs. found within the bounds & due for trans, of 4 pers: William Juce (or Ince) 4 tymes. PETER MILLS, sonn & heire of Wm. Mills, 400 acs. Lancaster Co., 20 Feb. 1662, p. 392, (447). On N .side & within the freshes of Rappa. Riv., bounded on N.W. side with land sur- veyed for Toby Smith & S.E. upon land of Thomas Hobkins. Granted to sd. Wm. Mills 6 Sept. 1654, now due sd. Peter as above. JAMES BROWNE, of the Co. of Rappa., 346 acs. & 125 perches on S. side of sd. Riv., 28 Sept. 1664, p. 392, (447). Beg. at lower side of land of Wm. Grey by a branch side, running W. Sec. S.S.E. parallel to land of Jno. Ayres &c. 200 due by former grant & the residue adjoining due for trans, of 3 pers: Tho. Daniell, Rob. Godwin, Mary Taylor, Eliz. Ward, Amy Stoakes, Roger Reves, Jno. Sammon. RICHARD WEST & WM. FOGG, 444 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 28 July, 1663, p. 392, (448). Beg. a little beyond the miles end of Jno. Watson, running S. by E. Sec. Trans, of 9 pers: Tho. Strang, Rebecca Browne, Wm. Landall, James Ballard, Edw. Parramore, James Careless, Francis , Georg Fawne, Richd. Hasting (or Harting), Jno. Shory. 522 Cavaliers and Pioneers COL. RICHARD LEE, Esqr., 1 Dec. 1664, p. 393, (448). 2600 acs. Cum- berland Co., on S. side Potomack Riv. 2200 acs. beg. at the mouth of a Cr. issuing out of Machotick Riv., E.S.E. up the Cr. & crossing the beaver dams to W. side of Peckatowns feild, thence S.S.W. to head of swamp issuing into the head of Nomany Riv., thence W. N.W. &c. 400 acs. at the mouth of a small creek of Machoatick Riv., running up sd. Riv. W.N.W. &c. 2000 acs. by patent to him dated 5 June 1658 & 600 acs. for trans, of 12 pers.* FRANCIS CLAY, 1000 acs. N'um- berland Co., last of June 1663, p. 393, (449). 200 acs.. S.E. on the heads of Yeocomico Riv., N.E. upon land of Roger Pullin, dec'd., & 450 acs. S.E. on the main br. of the head of sd. Riv., N.E. on sd. 200 acs., & 350 acs. S.E. upon this land, N.E. upon land of Jno. Shakly. Assigned to him by Mr. George Colclough. HENRY FREEMAN, 274 acs. at the New Poquoson, 20 Sept. 1664, p. 393, (450). 200 A. Beg. at a rownd headed pine on a poynt between two creeks, running S.W. Wly. &c. to a pond in Bryces neck, the E.most bounds being the main Cr. that goeth to Giles Taver- nors; 74 acs. the residue bounded Nly. with a Cr. & the S.most bounds is the land patented by Tho. Symmons, now in possession of sd. Freeman. 200 acs. by patent dated 11 Feb. 1635 to sd. Sym- mons & 50 acs. granted Robt. Freeman 8 May 1638, both of which parcels are now due by purchase of sd. Freeman from Col. Francis Willis, and 24 acs. for trans, of 1 per.* WM. DOWNING, 700 acs. N'um- berland Co., 24 June 1664, p. 394, (451). 300 acs. upon N. side of Gr. Wiccocomico Riv. about 5 mi. up the same, beg. upon land of Martin Cole, extending along the river W.N.W. &c. 400 acs. Sly. upon Wiccocomico Riv., Ely. upon land of George Hayle &c. 300 acs. granted to Thomas Metstard & Jno. Edwards 26 Feb. 1653 & sould to sd. Downing & 400 acs. granted to Martin Cole 5 Oct. 1653, assigned to sd. Edwards, who sould to sd. Downing. NICHOLAS COBB, 900 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 17 June 1664, p. 394, (452). Upon a br. issuing from Pagan bay Cr., sd. branch running through land of Mr. Nathaniell Floyd; sd. land beg. in a swamp & running S. E. &c. from sd. land to pattent of Mr. Nicholas Smith &c. Granted to Mr. James Tuke 11 Nov. 1640 & assigned by Wm. Tuke, his son & heire, to sd. Cobb 3 Jan. 1661. PETER PRESTLEY, 300 acs. Cum- berland Co., 4 Oct. 1664, p. 394, (452). Sly. upon Wiccocomico Cr., Ely. upon land pattented by Geo. Colclough at a branch called Bridg Cr. Granted sd. Colclough 4 June 1655, by him deserted & granted to Eliz. Tompson by order of the Gen. Ct. & due sd. Prestly as marry- ing sd. Eliz. MAJOR WM. WYATT, 300 acs. New Kent Co., 28 June 1664, p. 395, (453). On N.E. side of Mattapony Riv. behind his own land, beg. at his own uppermost corner tree, running Ely. &c. adj. land of Mr. Henry Soane, &c. Trans, of 6 pers.* MR. DANIELL HUTT (or Hull) Merchant, 250 acs., parte upon the River of Nomany & the Cr. called by the Indian name of Cose Coss & is part of 500 acs. which was formerly George Reads & afterwards sould to Jno. Michaells as by the marraidge of sd. Michaells Widdow unto Wm. Overett became the sd. Overetts land & bounded on the E. with his other 250 acs. The sd. land formerly sould by sd. Overett to Jno. Biddle, who sould to sd. Hutt. Last of June 1664, p. 395, (453). BARRENDINE MERCER, 2 parcels of land; the one parcell given unto sd. Mercer & the other given unto Edward Harrisonn by Col. Bridges Freeman in his last will & testament; the one par- cell Dead mans poynt & the other par- cell Graces poynt, adj. together, the latter parcell purchased by Mercer of sd. Harrison conteyning 245 acs., in all 420 acs., bounded N.E. on Moses Cr., S.E. on Bridges Freemans land, S.W. on Tomahun Cr. & N.W. on Capt. Bennett Freemans land. 10 Aug. 1664, p. 395, (454). Patent Book No. 5 523 WM. HARDITCH (Hardich), 450 acs. N'umberland Co., 7 May 1664, p. 395, (455). S. side of Potomack Riv., beg. at an oyster shell poynt on Ewd. side of poore Jack Cr. upon Nomany bay, running S.E. &c. to Wwd. side of a small Cr. dividing this & land of Mr. Thomas Speake &c. to br. of Poore Jack Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Walter Broadhurst. Renewal of patent dated 15 Sept. 1651. GILBERT METCALFE (Medcalfe), of London, Merchant, 810 acs., 650 acs. taken upon Peancketancke in Gloster Co., beg. at the water side at a marked tree of John Chapmans, running E. &c, the survey of same having been made Oct. 12 1663; 250 acs. purchased of Mr. Edwd. Wyatt, adj. land of Mr. Wm. Armstead, beg. at the old marked trees of Col. Hugh Gwin in the Pinnace (?) neck, over the Cr. & woods, including a neck of land being most of it Indian feilds, as will appeare by bill of sale in the Gloster records. 25 Sept. 1664, p. 396, (455). JOHN AYRES, 378 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. in the freshes, beg. at S.W. corner of land belonging to Jno. Meder, running S.S.W. &c. to trees dividing this & land of Robt. Davies, thence N. 42 perches, W. 80 perches to a br. of Potobaco Cr., thence N.N.E. to land of Jno. Medar &c. 25 Sept. 1665, p. 396, (455). Trans, of 8 pers: Wm. Brum- well, Wm. Bowlewar, Jno. Leatherland, Tho. Strange, Rebecca Browne, Wm. Langdale, James Bush, Michaell Parra- more. NICH. COPELAND & WM. WEST, 1589 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Co. about 2 mi. from the river side, 25 Sept. 1665, p. 396, (456). Beg. at corner of Capt. Weires land & land of Tho. Hob- son nere a branch side, extending to land of Mr. Wm. Lane, N.E. &c, cross- ing Rappa. path, thence S.E. &c. Trans, of 32 pers: Wm. Sergiant, Jno. Price, Susan Ward, Jno. Greenwood, Jno. Warner, Mary Warner, Rachiell Simp- son, Wm. Grimble, Ann Browne, James Nicholls, Tho. Taylor, Toby Rogers, Wm. Bright, Sarah Meade, Jno. Kemp, Judith Olive, Mary Hopkins, Sarah Milbridge, Roger Waterford, James Cone, Patrick Love, Symon Grey, Edith Tyler, Morgan Jones, Jno. Barron, Jno. Staples, Jno. Rowley, Law. Hawlee, Luke Ravew, Jno. Swift, Susan Riply, Jonathan Dollatree. MR. ROBT. DAVIES (Davis), 2580 acs. Rappa. Co., 25 Sept. 1665, p. 397, (457). In the freshes of the River; 2164 acs. on the S. side thereof about 1^2 mi. from the same & on S.E. side of the head of a Cr. of Mr. Thomas Lucas, Sr., beg. at S.E. end of Peter Cornwells land &c. to white oake dividing Cornwell & Mr. Daniell Gaines standing nere Cattaile br. made by Mr. Thomas Lucas, Sr. Creek, thence N.N.E. by sd. Mr. Games lyne &c. crossing Cockle Cr., thence W.N.W. &c. to a white oake nere Chikahomani path &c. towards land of Robt. Tomlin &c. 416 acs. beg. nere land of John Ayres, run- ning with his trees S.S.W. 100 per. to stake at his miles end, thence W. &c. to corner of Henrick Lucas, thence N.W. &c. to land of James Coghill, thence S.W. &c. to Potobacco path, thence N. &c. 2164 acs. being taken up in the name of sd. Davies & Wm. Hogdson but never pattented & by sd. Hogdson with the free consent of Orah (?) his wife, as- signed to sd. Davies & 4l6 acs. taken up in his own name, the sd. 2580 acs. due for trans, of 52 pers: Samll. Parrott, Joseph Parrott, Francis Parrott, James Culpepper, Roger Bainard, Samll. Mason, Tymothy Jnoson, Judith Stan- ford, Robt. West, John Fish, Marma- duke Pikman, Geor(g)e Parsons, Fran- cis Partin, 6 Negroes, Timothy Jnoson, Mary Bennett, Ann Jones, Alice Eston, Phillip Flower, Tho. Watts, Robt. Mer- cer, Patience Darkwell, Obedia Robins, Jno. Elton, Tho. Newcock, Richd. Wooton, Bartholomew Feild, Ellen Wescott, Eliz. Cofeild, Jno. Brumly, Jno. Baker, Francis Peterson, Ralph Hopkins, Samll. Glower, Jane Stand- fast, Wm. Porter, Nathaniell Garford, Joseph Copton, Tho. Hoskins, Tho. Story (or Skory), Mary Bonner, Mar- tha Pallett, Mary Potts, Samll. Johnson, Walter Price, Edward Munt, Jno. Tye. 524 Cavaliers and Pioneers Assignment of the above survey in consideration of 1200 Lbs. of tobacco & caske. Signed: William Hodgson & Onah (or Oran) Hodgson. (Witnesses: Perilla Callihan, Lawrence Hookes. Test: Alex. Fleming. 15 Sept. 1665, p. 397, (458). MR. EDWARD SANDERSON, 3000 acs. James City Co., 27 Sept. 1665, p. 398. In Chikahomany Riv. 2300 acs. being maine land & 700 acs. including 3 islands of Wood & Marsh, bounding N. on Sandersons Cr. to marked tree on Sir William Berkelyes line, S. upon gutt parting the land of Jno. Felgate & Col. Robt. Holt, E. upon the head of sd. gutt, between trees of sd. Holt & San- derson to main br. of Chekerors Cr., along sd. br. Nwd. until it comes to trees of sd. Berkely which crosseth a ridge between their lands, thence to head of Sandersons Cr. & W. upon Piny Poynt Cr. 2200 acs. granted sd. San- derson 20 Jan. 1650; 400 acs. granted to Phillip Chesly 7 June 1650 & as- signed to sd. Sanderson 6 Aug. 1652; 150 acs. granted to Wm. Morgan, who assigned to Jno. Browning & by him as- signed to James Cockett (Cocquett), & upon petition of sd. Sanderson, hee hav- ing an order of the County Court granted for an extent against the land of sd. Cocquett for the satisfaction of a certaine summe of mony due from sd. Cocquett; the residue 250 acs. due for trans, of 5 pers: Robt. Colby, Jno. Wms. (Williams), Evan Waters, Peter Williamson, Margarett Jones. Marginal Note: "This pattern received false." (Note: While this patent is not re- corded in New Book 5, it is here in- serted because of description of land & the names mentioned.) FRANCIS OVERTON & WM. CHARLTON, 410 acs. Rappa. Co. on S. side of sd. River, 21 Aug. 1663, p. 399, (459). Beg. by a slash or pond side aboute a mile from the river & backing the land of Mr. David Fox &c, turning in an oak swamp &c. nigh adj. Kylman miles end &c. over branches of a Beavor Dam proceeding from a small Cr. behind the plantation of Sir Henry Chickly &c. Trans, of 9 pers.* WM. MILES & WM. COOKE, Sr., 1100 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 29 Sept. 1664, p. 399, (460). On the second br. of the Black Water, beg. at upper cor. tree of Jno. Olivers land, running down the swamp S.W. &c. to Mr. Englands cor. tree, thence S. &c. Trans, of 22 pers: Henry Wilson, Job Virgin, Wm. Gobson, Jno. Jnoson, Arthur Jones, Samll. Jenkins, Edward Miller, Sampson Clarke, Arthur Jones, Peter Plumer, John Harris, Margtt. Jones, Hanay Boyce, Jno. Jackson, Stephen Pettus, Wm. Stephens, Wm. Edwards, Edward James, Tho. Petegrew, Stephen Wms., Edwd. Williamson. RICHARD BUNDICK (Bunduck), 1400 acs. Accomack Co., 12 July 1664, p. 400, (460). At the seaboard side, beg. at land of Col. Edmond Scarburgh, bounded on S. by Longtone branch &c. Trans, of 28 pers: Richard Holmden, Edward Thurland, William Thinn (or Thrim), William Charlton, John Mal- lowes, Edwin Monfort, Martha Millford, Easter Phillips, Thomas Mallowes, James Trussell, Jonas Robinson, Wm. Wright, Jno. James, Jno. Aspinall, James Mathews, Hen. Horsington. CAPT. JOHN SAVADGE (Savage), 9000 acs. N'ampton Co., 2 Oct. 1664, p. 401, (461). Bounded on W. by Ches- piack Bay, E. by the seaboard side, S. by Cherristones Cr., formerly called Accomacke Cr. the maine branch thereof &c. & on N. by Savadges Cr. formerly called Wiscoponson &c. Granted 21 Nov. 1637, & due for trans, of 122 pers. & trans, of 58 pers. & granted to Col. Jno. Stringer 13 Mar. 1661 & by sd. Stringer & Ann his wife assigned to sd. Capt. Jno. Savage 11 Aug. 1663 & by them acknowledged in open court the 28 Apr. 1664. Tho. Coffin, Edward Pike, Robt. Chandler, Peter Kebble, Jeffery Pennull, Jno. Sarum, Tho. Oriott, Eliz. Berkin, Joane Greene, Jno. Busshell, Walter Savage, Tho. Wild, Wm. Kite (or Kibe), Jno. Nauson, Anto. Crump, Samll. Sanders, Jno. Draper, Robt. Sollers, Edward Tryar, Francis Hughes, Jno. Kilving, Jno. Elliot, Ri. Greene, Paul Methum (?), Rich. White, Xtopr. Gardner, Stephen Fox, Tho. Ray, Joane Patent Book No. 5 525 Rader (?), Martha Elmes, James Shel- don, Edward Pennull, Rich. Dowd, Tho. Watson, Phill. Person, Wm. Rauldin, Jno. Hancock, Wm. Morton, Jno. Hig- gins, James Hall, Henry Francks, Rich. Loftis, Edward Berry, Rich. Callway, Jno. Ferres, James Croutch, Jno. Holt, Wm. Joyce, Joane Greene, Sarah Nor- ton, Joseph Wash, Jno. Bread, Tho. Jolliff, John Beare, James Sheldon, Ed- ward Vernon, Jno. Andrews, James Charles, Rich. Carwar, Jno. Croft, Jno. Harris, Jno. Beverly, Wm. Wade, Ma- thew Raye, Robt. Challes, Charles Yorke, Edward Westby, Rich. Danry, (or Daney), Edward More, An. Jnoson, Mary White, Edward Carew, Wm. Mux, George Sandes, Tho. Foley, Jno. Abert, Phill. Bruce (or Brace), Jno. Finch, Tho. Street, Jno. Hening, Tho. Street, Tho. Vaultry (or Taultry), James Norton, Jane Shaw, Robt. Jones, Wm. Evans, Jude Morgan, Henry White, Wat Bruer, Judeth Maze, Hany Due, Evan Jones, Peter Gore, Wm. Stevens, Mu. (?) East, Henry Phillips, Hannard Wms., Aug. Skiner, Peter Francklin, Jno. James, Symon Dudly. Wm. Coates, Edward Coates, Walter Heard, Tho. Morray, Symon Evans, Mary Francklin, Tho. James, Peter Plumner, Edward Ives, Henry Walker, Mary Milles, James Milles (or Miller), 12 Negroes, Tho. Edwards, Jno. Ed- wards, Wm. Edwards, Mary Stone, Susan Hart, Martha Due, Wm. White, Ed- ward James, Mary Wms, Tho. Norton, Gabriell, Jacob Ashly, Edward Say, Tho. Nappier (or Napper), Robt. Whittle, An Whittle, Tho. Mun, Tho. Knotch- bull, Wm. Ayhurst, Tho. Twisden, Wm. Meares, 7 Negroes, Arthur Pond, Wm. Sweett, Margtt., Rachaell Coe, Henry Phillmott, Edward Grace, Susan Peters, Martha Goodland, Edward Ives, Martha Black, Walter Black, Edward Preston, Tho. Edmonds, Jane Edmonds, Wm. Edmonds, Henry Biggs, Tho. Rason, Peter Plovier (?), Jno. James, Tho. Holmes, Wm. West, Jno. Gore, Edwd. Stamford, 6 Negroes, Jno. Edward, Mary Cole, Hanah Driver, Martha Short. FRANCIS ENGLAND, 2366 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 29 Sept. 1664, p. 402, (462). 946 by former patent & 120 acs. by another patent, both dated 13 Jan. 1661. 400 acs. of the residue beg. at his own land, running S. &c. & adj. 200 acs. he purchased of Jno. White, both of these beg. in the mouth of Hills branch &c. 700 acs. beg. at his 120 ac. patent, running N.E. by N. &c. to Robt. Elys corner tree, then N.N.W. &c. nere the head of Tabers branch, down the same to Xtopr. Lewis' land, then to beg. Trans, of 26 pers: Francis Eng- land, Joyce his wife, Fran. Masters, Bartho. Devonshire, Edward Davis, George Cripps, Jno. Godbere, Eliz. Halfpenny, Bath. Man, Jno. Wigginton, Fran. Jones, Walter Hoell, 2 Negroes, Barth (a) man, Rich. Powell, Jno. Bruer, Tho. Huse, Tho. Griffin, Jon. Birge, Jno. Ross, Rich. Barber, Paul Snarsdell, Joane Heath, Cornelius Cully, Jno. Morgan. Page 403 is blank. CAPT. WM. BROADRIB, 595 acs. James City Co., 6 Sept. 1665, p. 404, (463). S. side of Chikahomini Riv., beg. in Mr. Brumfeilds line of marked trees standing nere a br. that runs into sd. river called the greate run where Francis Story now lives &c. to Shad- docks br. &c. to former devdt. of Mr. David Newills, then S.E. by E. &c. Sd. land taken up by sd. Newell 3 Sept. 1664 & assigned to sd. Broadrib 22 Aug. 1665, sd. Newell having never patterned the land, being due for trans, of 12 pers: Jno. Ackey (or Atkey), Robt. Saxton, Bryan Bream (?), Richd. Morgan, Tho. Ashly, An Jacobus, Jer. Wate (or Wale), Geo. Singleton, Susanah Hide, Joane Rouse, John Ale, Will. Griggs. MRS. ANN HACKE, GEORGE NICH. HACKE & PETER HACKE, 1000 acs. N'ampton Co., 11 Sept. 1665, p. 404, (464). 900 acs. at Pungotegue Cr. beg. at a little branch on the S. side, extending Wly. down same, bounded on E. by sd. branch & land of Sampson Robins, on N. by the main Cr., W. by the bay & S. towards Nondui Cr; 100 acs. contained in 2 small islands neere the N. point of Pungotegue Cr. Granted to Dr. George Hacke, deed., 526 Cavaliers and Pioneers late husband of sd. Ann & father of sd. Geo. Nich. & Peter Hacke, which sd. George dieing & being an alien sd. land fell to his Majestie & upon petition of sd. Ann to the Rt. Honble. Govr. was granted & confirmed to the abovenamed. WM. NUSUM & WM. RATTON, (Raton), 640 acs. Lancaster Co., 18 Sept. 1665, p. 405, (465). On N. side of sd. Co. upon a br. of Corratoman Riv. which divides this from land of Dominick Ferriat & bounded upon land taken up by sd. Nusum, & Garrett Rey- nolds. Trans, of 13 pers: Wm. De- will, Jno. Bootes (or Booles), Ann Pharoah, Margtt. Nusum, Michaell Willington, Richd. Stephens, Wm. Parr, Susan Farnell, Edw. Tisoe, Roger Sid- well, Robt. Sisson, Wm. Percivall, Ann Akeford. WM. TABOTT (Tabolt) & JNO. CHENEY (Cheyney— Chenny), 265 acs. S. side of Rappa. Co., 18 Sept. 1665, p. 405, (465). Bounding upon land of Mr. Antho. Stephens, Major Tho. Gutrich (or Gulrich) & Roger Overton & Jno. Lacey. Trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Robin- son, Edw. Newman, Ann Mace, Jno. Williams, Margarett Maurice. JOHN LACY, 28 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Co., 18 Sept. 1665, p. 405, (466). Bounding upon his former devdt. & Roger Overton. Trans, of Jno. Jnoson. JNO. SYMMONDS (Symons) & GEORGE GILHAM (Gillam), 65 acs. on N. side of Lancaster Co., 18 Sept. 1665, p. 405, (466). Trans, of James Jnoson. RICHARD KING, 32 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Co., 18 Sept. 1665, p. 405, (466). Upon Puscaticon Cr., bounding upon his own devdt. Trans, of Henry Woodnoale. GEORGE VEZEY, 85 acs. on N. side of Lancaster Co., 18 Sept. 1665, p. 406, (467). Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Jones, Susan Godlad. WM. WROUGHTON, 400 acs. on N. side of Lancaster Co., 18 Sept. 1665, p. 406, (467). Beg. at a marked pine standing by an Eagle Nest, running W.S.W . bounding upon the Court House land & land of Wm. White, then N.N.W. &c. upon Mr. Jno. Merri- man, N.W.Nly. upon land of Mr. Nusum, Michael Arms, Danll. Harris & Richd. Merryman, N.E. upon land of Doctor Edwards & Tho. Marshall, E.Ely, on land of Jno. Nicholls, Wm. Abby, Wm. Lynhall, Mr. Balls & a former devdt. of sd. Wroughton. Trans, of 8 pers: Ann Wilson, Wm. Kett, Antho. Lancaster, Jacob Cooper, Hen. Clerke, Hen. Davis, George Holland, Xtian. Marland. JOHN WILLIAMS, 600 acs. N. side of Rappa. Co., upon Farnham Cr., 18 Sept. 1665, p. 406, (468). Beg. by the White oake swamp, running N.W. &c. down a line of marked trees dividing this & his former devdt. &c. Due by order of the Genii. Ct. dated 23 Nov. 1664 & for trans, of 12 pers: Tho. Colly, George Powell, George Glass, George Jenkins, Richard Pantry, George Smith, Jno. Williams, Nicho. Rawlins, George Smee, Jno. Chamberline, Francis Symmons, William Abram. JNO. BARROW, 600 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. on S.W. side of Powmansend Cr. next the land of Cle- ment Herbert & running to white oake that parts this from land of Jno. Prosier nere sd. Cr. &c. 25 Sept. 1665, p. 407, (468). Trans, of 12 pers: James Wood, Mary Jones, Arthur Smith, Alexander Jenkins, Willim Godale, Jonathan Williams, Ann Barrow, Ste- phen Watts, Henry Nicholls, Mary Hues, Anthony Young, Mary Toms. HENRY JARMAN, JNO. POWELL, WM. COPPIN & CORNELIUS NEALL, 1097 acs. & 27 per. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. in the freshes, about 4 mi. from the river side & on main br. of Occu- pare Cr., 25 Sept. 1665, p. 407, (469). Beg. at the head of a vally on the N. side of the branch, running cross the same &c. over Chikahomani Path &c. Trans, of 22 pers: 7 Negroes; Wm. Stephens, Mary Stephens, Ann Stephens, Thomas Wright, Hannah Dew, Andrew Patent Book No. 5 527 Morgan, Judeth Prin, Anthony Philmore, Susanna Norcott, Margtt. Wmson (Wil- liamson), Richard Harris, Mary Jones, Alice Paramont, Stephen Willis, Henry Clerke. JAMES COGHILL, 246 acs. Rappa. Co. on S. side of sd. Riv. in the freshes of sd. Co., 24 Mar. 1664/5, p. 407, (470). Beg. at the head of Mr. Lucas' Cr. & the branch side, running with a line of trees formerly Vallentine Allins, N.W. by W., thence N. by E, butting on land of Henrick Lucas, thence S.W. butting on land of Daniell Games (?), along same thence S.S.E. &c. to Mr. Games land that joynes to Peter Corn- well &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Stetting (or Shetting), John Doncomb, Mary Herbert, Paul Woodbridge, Mary Woodbridge. GEORG BRYAR & RICH. LAW- RENCE, 3000 acs. Rappa. Co. on Ewd. side of Rappa. Cr., 16 Mar. 1663/4, p. 408, (470). Beg. on sd. Cr. side adj. land of Col. More Fantleroy & opposite to the now plantation of Col. Walker, extending along the Cr. side to land of Charles Grimes, dec'd., bounded by same, land of Mr. Jno. Hull & his own to white oak in his Cr. &c. Trans, of 60 pers: Jno. Cole, Wm. Williams, Mary Jones, Wm. Wright, 7 Negroes, Ann Jones, Andrew Jones, Stephen Waters, Richard White, Nathall. Pine, Henry Addison, Jno. Martin, Mary Cole, Mary Wise, Peter Ware, Jno. Pigg, Jno. Garratt, Mary Stone, Ann Stone, Tho- mas Harris, Ann Harris, Susan Harris, Margtt. Williamson, Richard Mines, Mary Orchard, thrice, Wm. Stephens, Mathews Peters, Stephen Margetts, Timothy Collins, Robt. Collingworth, Peter Gage, & his wife, Wm. Norton, Warwick Pett, James Stone, Francis Skinner, Andrew Foreman, Norton Jones, Henry Etmore (or Elmore), Peter Rix, Susan Lawnes, Mathew Tom- lin, Richd. Everdew, Susan Pike, 5 Negroes; Thomas Atkins, Andrew Joyner, Thomas Wms. (Williams), Margtt. Jones. RICH. LAWRENCE, EVAN DAVIS & THOMAS WILLIAMSON, 900 acs. Rappa. Co., 16 June 1663, p. 408, (471). Beg. at Ewd. side of a white marsh at the head of a br. issuing out of the Dragon Sw., crossing Mattapony upper path, running Sly. along sd. branch to sd. Swamp, Ely. along same to another br. thereof, along the same to Mattapony path, along sd. path 24 degrees N.Wly. 85 po., N.N.W. 298 po., W.N.W. 51 po., W. by N. 204 po. to beg. Trans, of 18 pers: Ann Stevens, Mary Tye, Nathaniell Atkins, Susanna Stone, Richard Lawne, Peter Stoner, Margtt. Andrewes, Wm. Peterson, Daccy (?) Anderson, Wm. Norton, Peter Pope, Peter Andrewes, Henry Hart, Rich. Wiseman, Stephen Pine, Hannah Dew, Margtt. Tollon, Mathew Stevens. MR. EDWARD SANDERSON, Mer- chant, 3000 acs. James City Co. 27 Sept. 1665, p. 409, (472). (Note: No ab- stract is made because it is the same as abstract noted on page 398, with the exception of marginal note therein mentioned.) THOMAS TODD, 700 acs. Gloster Co., 9 Oct. 1665, p. 410, (473). 400 acs. in Mockjack bay in the No. River, beg. at & running along a small creek N.W. &c. 300 acs. lying a mile from the river, beg. at the head of Edward Rawlins land at an ash standing in the glead below Joseph Gregories planta- tion, running W.S.W. &c. 400 acs. part of a patent of 2400 acs. granted to Mr. Wm. Davies (?) & by him assigned to sd. Todd & 300 acs. likewise assigned. RICHARD TODD, 600 acs. Eliz. City Co., 9 Oct. 1665, p. 410, (474). 350 acs. beg. by the water side, extend- ing from land of Edward Paices (?), up the Cr. Wwd. &c. & Nly. upon land formerly John Graves &c. 350 acs. granted to John Graves 9 Aug. 1637, who sould to Richd. Grigson, who gave the same by will to sd. Todd; 250 acs. purchased of Thomas & Henry Preston by Mr. Tho. Todd & given to sd. Rich- ard, his son. PLOMER BRAY, 570 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in Lynhaven Parish, 9 Oct. 1665, p. 410, (475). Beg. at the head of land 528 Cavaliers and Pioneers of Wm. Dyer, running S.S.E. to the swamp, thence W.S.W. to the side of Van-hicks branch, soe N.N.W. along same to the Wolfe Snare, thence E. N.E. to the beg. Trans, of 12 pers: Jno. Atkey, Robt. Sixton, Bryan Breeme, Richd. Morgan, Tho. Ashly, Jeremiah Wale, Susan Hide, Jno. Ale, Angelo Jacobus, George Singleton, Jone Rouse, Wm. Griggs. JOHN MARTIN, 578 acs. Low. Norf. Co., Lynhaven Parish, 9 Oct. , p. 411, (476). Beg. at Indian Cabbin Br. of Lynhaven Riv., E. &c. to side of the Beaver dams parting this from land of Jno. Woodhouse &c. 150 acs. part of a greater devdt. granted to Tho- mas Allen, by him assigned to Isaack Morgan, who sold to Richd. Dudly, who sold to James Shuile (?), who sold to Jno. Brumfeild & by him sold to sd. Martin; 350 acs. granted sd. Martin 6 Nov. 1663 & 78 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: James Madsly, Robert Scott. JNO. KEETING (or Keeling), 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co. in Lyn haven Parish, 9 Oct. 1665, p. 411, (476). Granted to Adam Keeting (or Keeling) 20 Sept. 1661 & given to sd. Jno., his son. JNO. CATLETT (Cattlett), Gent., 500 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side of sd. Riv., & parish of Sittngborne, 3 Aug. 1663, p. 411, (477). Beg. by the river side, a line of trees dividing this from land of Peter Mills, the heire of Wm. Mills, dec'd., N.E. &c. butting upon land of Mr. Toby Smith, S.W. &c, Trans, of 10 pers: Mary Jones, Wm. Wittington, Susan Steward, 3 Negroes; Anthony Due, Wm. Peters, Suan Tye, Richard Joyce. DANIEL GAINES, 400 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of sd. Riv., 28 July, 1663, p. 412, (478). On both of the main br. of Aliens Cr., under and above a body of hills in which is included 350 acs. by patent dated 21 of June 1661, & beg. nigh unto the path leading be- tween Potobacco & Chikahomani &c, butting upon Cattaile Sw. &c. 350 acs. by patent dated 20 Sept. 1661 & 50 acs. for trans, of Mary Tatton. MR. RICHARD DUDLY, 455 acs. Gloster Co., 4 Sept. 1665, p. 412, (479). On E.most side of the E. river, beg. on N.W. side of Pudding Cr., N.W. along sd. E.most river &c. to mouth of a Cr. dividing this from land of Robt. Landall &c, along land of Phillip Hinly &c. 350 acs. granted to George Collins 25 Nov. 1653 & 105 acs. upon survey newly taken up but never pattented & due for trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Story, Peter Oliver, Andrew Jones. JOHN PROSSER, 4892 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. above Nanzaticon next the land of Mr. Jno. Paine on the S. side of the Riv., 8 Oct. 1665, p. 413, (479). Beg. at an oake parting his & land of Mr. Jno. Paine, running down the river, over the Goulden Vale Cr. to cor. of Jno. Gilletts land, dec'd., &c. S.E. on back line formerly Clement Her- berts to a pochikery nere Pwomansend Cr. &c. to head of Muzazin Sw. &c. Trans, of 90 pers: Harman Ford, Henry Kelderkin, Richd. Bartlett, Abraham Packford, Richd. Downer, Francis Clif- ton, Robt. Clifton, Francis Coniers, Tymothy Holt, Rich. Hudson, Robt. Chambers, Richd. Eay, James Clayson, Tho. Portman, Jno. Bawdon, Giles Burd, Tho. Moone, Jesper Arnold, Jonathan Dew, Joseph Axon, Thomas Carvile, Wm. Lampert, Wm. Roberts, Wm. Courte, Jno. Foreman, Tho. Corken, Jno. Ashford, George Farrar, Jno. Sherman, Ann Tawkerd, Ann Collins, Mary Cart- wright, Mary Harper, Judith Teakby, Tho. Tart, Jno. Cole, Em. Porte (or Porter), Hannah Spike, Fred. Clowder- son, Jeremiah Frett, Jno. West, James Stone, Richd. Wells, Tho. Wms. (Wil- liams), Mary Samper, Jane Hofer, Ste- phen Howard, Jno. Reeve, Tho. Adam, Brigett Drothers, 13 Negroes; Georg Gwilliford, Tho. Davis, Gilbert Geny (or Gery), Eliz. Edwards, Jno. Evans, Jno. Hosnell (or Hosnett), Wm. Trea- son, Edwd. Rich, Jno. Chart, Abigail Tee (?), Tho. Right, Tho. Merreday, Joane Cotton, Mary Jones, Wm. Tye, Henry Lee, Peter Stevens, Andrew Good- lad, Peter White, Susan Hide, Tho. Yong, Jno. Mayson, Andrew Jones, Wm. Patent Book No. 5 529 Wright, Stephen Goodlad, Mary Jones, Susan King. ROBERT HEGES (Heggs), 200 acs. on the head of Hollowes Cr., bounding on land of Jno. Vaughan. 18 Mar. 1662, p. 413, (480). Granted to Wm. Freeke 11 Sept. 1653, assigned to Jno. Beard, who assigned to Thomas Moulton & sd. Moulton & Jane his wife assigned to Thomas Carvell, who assigned to sd. Heggs. WM. PEIRCE (Pierce), 1200 acs. N'umberland Co., 31 Dec. 1662, p. 414, (481). 250 acs. on E.most side of Nomani Riv., opposite land of Mr. Lewis Parrell (or Parrett), beg. at a sw. dividing this & land of Gabriell Odier, nigh sd. river, W. upon a branch of same upon S. side of Vasaticon path &c. 600 acs. beg. where the former land ends upon a br. of sd. river opposite land of Mr. Rosier &c. & 350 acs. be- twext land of sd. Odier & this land, running S. &c. Granted to Jno. Wood 12 Oct. 1653 & by him assigned to sd. Peirce. MR. JNO. MOTTROM, 1550 acs. N'umberland Co., 13 Oct. 1665, p. 414, (482). 1150 acs. on S.E. side of Chikacone Riv. nigh the mouth, along the bay side S.E. by E. to mouth of a little Cr., S.W. up the same &c. 400 acs. on S.E. side of sd. Riv. adj. his own land &c. 800 acs. granted Jno. Mottrom, Gent., 16 Sept. 1651 & 400 acs. by patent 16 Sept. 1651 & now due sd. Jno. as sonn & heire, & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Roger, Maria, Erra, Nan, Will, Jone, Negroes; Jno. Yates. RICHARD WHITE, Cooper, 1500 acs. Rappa. Co., in the freshes of the Riv., 13 Oct. 1665, p. 415, (483). 1000 acs. beg. nigh a run proceeding out of a Cr. on the upper side of the land of Abraham Moone, N. by E. &c. nigh land of Jno. Gillett, E. by S. Sec. to his patent land, S. by W. &c. 500 acs. opposite to Nanzemond towne, N.E. upon land of Mr. Charles Grimes, S.W. upon land of sd. Moone & S.E. on the River. 1000 acs. granted sd. White, Evan Davis & Samll. Mann 6 Oct. 1658, who assigned to White & 500 acs. by patent to him dated 2 Dec. 1657. MR. WILKES MAUNDERS, 1000 acs. W'moreland Co., 13 Oct. 1665, p. 415, (484). Beg. on S.W. side of a great swamp that falleth into Roatank Cr., extending up the Sw. S.W. &c. to head of a branch which falleth into Yeocomico Riv., N.E. to an oake in a great swamp between this & land of Jno. Ward &c. 400 acs. granted Robt. Coleman 30 June 1661 & by him de- serted; 300 acs. granted to Wm. Clemms (or Clemmis), who sould to Wm. Jollings & deserted; 300 acs. part of a patent of 600 acs. granted to Tho. Mar- tin, who sold to Martin Cole & by him deserted; & granted sd. Maunders upon petition by order of the Gov'r. &c. dated with these presents & further due for trans, of 20 pers: 15 Negroes; Jno. Cole, Mary Stannop, Judeth White, An- drew Peters, Wm. Wright. MR. MOYSES DAVIES (Davis) & THOMAS BIGGINS, 1620 acs. New Kent Co., 13 Oct. 1665, p. 416, (485). S. side of Yorke Riv. nere adj. to land called Mohixen, Beg. on the head of Mathews br., which divides this & land taken up in the narrowes by Mr. Tho- mas Brereton & Charles Edmonds, thence S.S.E. Ely. to the main run of a swamp called Tottopottomoyes Cr., bounding on sd. run upwards to an oake by Powhite path &c. Trans, of 33 pers: Moyses Davies, Henry Drakes, Mary Mosly, Wm. Mosly, Tho. Brokes, Wm. Lewis, Tho. Wood, Eliz. Wood (or Woad), Lidia How, Wm. Badger, Jno. Gaffer, Daniell Merwick, Jno. Jones, Edw. Seare, Margtt. Wms. (Wil- liams), Rich. Webb, Abell Jason, Wm. Richards, Ann Roberts, Susan Aleak, Samll. Hooks (or Hooes), Francis Grover, Dorotha Glover, Ri. Bullock, Thomas Man, Edwd. Evans, Robt. Evans, Jno. Cawsey, Kath. Aires, Jno. Gage, Eliz. Mallard, Richard Harvy, Jno. Bradly. MR. STEPHEN CHARLTON, 1700 acs. at Machepungo, N'ampton Co., 14 Oct. 1665, p. 417, (486). Ely. in part of a creek issuing out of Machepungo 530 Cavaliers and Pioneers Riv. & upon another tract of land of sd. Charlton &c. Renewal of patent dated 16 Mar. 1653. MARTIN JOHNSON, of Rappa. Co. & Parish of Sittingborne, 326 acs. & 40 po. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 12 Oct. 1665, p. 417, (487). Beg. at devdt. of land of Jno. Ayer, S.S.W. to W. side of a creek dividing this from land of Valentine Allen &c. Granted to Jno. Ayres 13 Nov. 1662 & by him sould to Henry Lucas of the same Co. & by him sould to sd. Johnson. MILES REILY, 1100 acs. Rappa. Co. on N. side of the Riv., 12 Oct. 1665, p. 417, (487). 200 acs. beg. at marked red oak of Tho. Robinsons, running S. &c. 900 acs. N. from a red oake, E. to land of Mr. Jno. Hull &c. Trans, of 22 pers: Jno. Hull, Eliz. Hull, Mary Hull, An Baker, Jno. Beard, Wm. Hos- kins, Richd. Tinston (?), Jno. Davis, Peter Waterford, Tho. Wilkes, Mary French, Andrew Hooper, Cornelius Glover, Samll. Tompson, 6 Negroes, Mary Jones, Ann Jones. MILES REILY, 1000 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 12 Oct. 1665, p. 418, (488). Trans, of 20 pers: An White, Susan Sted (or Steal), Wm. Griffin, Jno. Jones, Peter Fore, Mary Knott, Jno. Tye, Wm. Norcott, Ant. Jones, Margtt. Stephens, Wm. Titton, Margtt. Jones, Tho. Morris, Wm. Stone, Wm. Peters, An Keling, Wm. Jones Margtt. Pope, An Pope, Mary Best. RALPH MAZEY, 600 acs. New Kent Co., 12 Sept. 1665, p. 418, (488). 100 acs. on N. side of Mattapony Riv. beg. at Mr. Frederick Fartsons cor. at the extent of his EN.E. line, running along same &c. 500 acs. upon N. side of sd. Riv., beg. at Mr. Fosons cor. tree stand- ing nere a br. of Hartquack Cr. & adj. land of Tho. Hickman &c, parallel with back line of Foson & Wm. Henderson, E.N.E. &c. to land of Peter Ford & along back line of Ford, Haines, Hen- derson & Foson to beg. 100 acs. by patent dated 1 Oct. 1661 & 500 acs. for trans, of 10 psons: An Melling, Mary Melling, Susan Milling, Mary Jones, Andrew Peters, Wm. Story, Peter White, Phillip Jones, An Hart, Wm. Hart. MR. JNO. EDWARDS, 530 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Corratoman Riv. upon S. side of the E.most branch thereof, 22 Mar. 1663/4, p. 419, (489). Bounded along land of Henry Lee E. by N., thence N.E. by N., thence to a creek running to sd. Riv., thence W.N.W. & along river side to beg. Granted to George Taylor 5 Sept. 1650, by him de- serted & upon petition of sd.. Edwards granted to him by order of Govr. &c. dated herewith, & further due for trans, of 11 pers: Jno. Gibson, Tho. Staple- ton, Jno. Crady, Mary Dempton, Jno. Bradford, Jane Bandon, Susan Bell, Tho. Clifton, Blanch Randall, Samll. New- man, Tho. Dickenson. JNO MEREDETH (Merrideth— Meredith), 600 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. in Corrotoman Riv., in the E.most br. on S. side thereof, 14 Oct. 1665, p. 419, (490). Beg. on E. side of the mouth of a small Cr. on sd. River side, E.S.E. along land of George Tay- lor &c. to head of Wm. Hutchins land, thence N.W. along same &c. Part of 760 acs. granted to Major Jno. Bond 29 July 1650 & by him assigned to sd. Meredith. JNO. BERRY, 350 acs. Lancaster Co., 14 Oct. 1665, p. 419, (491). On W. side of Corrotoman Riv., being part of a tract commonly known by the name of Powells neck; beg. on the river side & adj. Dogwood Spring, then extending W. &c. Part of 700 acs. granted to Wm. Clapham 11 Dec. 1663 & assigned to sd. Berry. JNO. SHARPE, 800 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of sd. Riv., 14 Oct. 1665, p. 420, (492). About 2 mi. Sly. from plantation of Mr. James Bagnall, beg. nere a branch issuing into the great swamp, running E.N.E. &c. Granted to sd. Snarpe 28 Nov. 1664, "the course and distances not agreeing with the naturall situation (?) of the place, are now newly rectified." MR. RICHARD LAWRENCE, 450 acs. Lancaster Co., 11 Oct. 1665, p. 420, Patent Book No. 5 531 (493). On E.most br. of Corrotoman Riv., bounding upon land of Thomas Chetwood, running E. &c. Granted to Col. Jno. Carter, Esq., 25 Sept. 1661 & upon petition of sd. Lawrence it was granted to him by order of the Govr. &c, dated with these presents & further due for trans, of 9 pers: Mathew Bow- man, Jno. Chambers, Eliz. Mills, Wm. Jackson, Jno. Pike, Jno. Read, Thomas Baker, Eliz. Hobbart, Mathew Harrett. MR. JNO. PINE, 600 acs., being a neck of land called the Island Neck, on N. side of Rappa. Riv., nere Corroto- man Riv. mouth, N'umberland (now Lancaster) Co., 14 Oct. 1665, p. 421, (493). S.E. upon Rappa. Riv. from Island Neck Cr. mouth to the utmost Island poynt, bounding on S.W. with Rappa. Riv. from the Is. poynt to the Is. Neck back Cr. mouth &c. Granted to Wm. Nesum, Thomas Sax, Miles Batersby & sd. Pine in joynt tenure the 29 Jan. 1649 containing 800 acs., "the said pattent being Casually burnt and the said Land thereupon strictly sur- veyed it is found to containe but 600 acres as abovesaid. The said land like- wise by the naturall deaths of Tho. Sax and Miles Batersby and the assignment of Wm. Nesum now belongs wholy to Jno. Paine" etc. (Note: This last ref- erence gives this name as Paine.) COL. PETER ASHTON, 500 acs. W'moreland Co., 12 Oct. 1665, p. 421, (494). S. side of Potomack Riv. & N.E. side of the head of Chappawansick Cr. &c. S.E. upon land of Nathaniell Pope. Granted to Walter Brodhurt 4 Sept. 1655 & by him deserted & upon petition of sd. Col. Austin it was granted to him by order &c. & further due for trans, of 10 pers: Peter Laper (?), Wm. Barker, Eliz. Bundy, Mary Wills, Jno. Whitcroft, John Simson, John Leaves, Robt. Atkins, Wm. Aldrige, Eliz. Peirce. EDWARD ROGERS, 600 acs. W'- moreland Co., 14 Oct. 1665, p. 421, (495). S. side of Potomack Riv., on N. side of Potomack Cr. towards the head thereof, beg. against land of Mr. Robt. Yeo, extending E. &c. Being part of a patent for 700 acs. granted to Wm. Beach 10 June 1654 & sould to Coll. Gerrard Fowke, who sold to Nich. Russell, by him assigned to sd. Fowke, who assigned the above to sd. Rogers. WM. WILDY (Weldy), 1450 acs. N'umberland Co., 14 Oct. 1665, p. 422, (495 ) . On N. side of Gr. Wiccocomico Riv., Sly. upon land of Mr. Jno. Bar- don, Mr. Radford (or Rapford) dec'd. & Wm. Downing bought of Martin Cole, John Edwards & others & Ely. upon land of Roger Walters & Jno. Motly. Granted unto Jane the daughter of Col. Wm. Clayborne 10 Feb. 1657 & assigned to Capt. Jno. Whitty by Col. Wm. Clayborne, Capt. Wm. Clayborne & Tho. Brereton who marryed the sd. Jane & then likewise confirmed by order of the Govr. &c. dated with these pre- sents to sd. Whitty & due for trans, of 29 pers., the sd. land being granted to sd. Whitty 15 May 1661 & assigned by him to sd. Weldy. STEPHEN ROBINSON, 500 acs. bounding N.Ely, upon a br. of Potomack freshes nere the head of a great Cr. beyond Col. Speakes land above the Doege Island, S.Ely, upon land called Peter Smiths & running N.Wly. &c. Granted to Tho. Moulton 15 July 1657, by him assigned to Jno. Wood, who as- signed to Wm. Thomas & by him as- signed to Wm. Betts, who gave & as- signed to sd. Robinson, Orphant. 14 Oct. 1665, p. 422, (496). RICHD. BRAMHAM, 240 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side of sd. Riv. & W. side of Totoskey Cr., 14 Oct. 1665, p. 423, (497). Beg. at head of land belonging to George Haslock (Haslelock), dec'd., on the side of a small swamp dividing sd. land & land of Jno. Sherlock, run- ning N.W. &c. to land of Samll. Cockin, 170 po. to land of James Williamson &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Symon Corneck, Wm. Cisell, John Brookes, Sarah Davies, Marke Hill. JAMES BROWNE, 346 acs. 125 per. in Rappa. Co., on S. side of sd. Riv., 28 Sept. 1664, p. 423, (498). Beg. at lower side of land of Wm. Gray by a 532 Cavaliers and Pioneers branch side, running W. &c. to land of Jno. Ayres, thence to a Cr. &c. 200 acs. due by former grant & the residue ad- joining due for trans, of 4 pers: Ma- thew Bowman, Jno. Chambers, Eliz. Miller, Wm. Jackson. MR. NICHOLAS JARNEW, 178 acs. W'moreland Co., on S. side of Poto- mack Riv., 14 Oct. 1665, p. 423, (498). Adj. land of Wm. Clements, extending N.N.W. &c. to a gum dividing this & land of Mr. Tho. Philpott, thence S.S.E. &c. 200 acs. by patent dated 29 Nov. 1662 to sd. Jarnew but upon strict sur- vey found to contain 178 acs. SAMUELL BONAM, 99 acs. W'more- land Co., on S. side of Potomack Riv., 13 Oct. 1665, p. 424, (499). Adj. land of Richard Holding, extending W. &c. nigh the little creek, thence S.E.Ely, nigh Yeocomico Riv. &c. Granted to sd. Holding, by him deserted, then sup- posed to contain 112 acs. but upon strict survey found to contain 99 acs., & now granted by order &c. & further due for trans, of 2 pers: Henry Lacashire, Jane Castle. FRANCIS PETTETT, 300 acs. N'- ampton Co., 14 Oct. 1665, p. 424, (500). Near the head of Cheristones Cr. on S. side of Hogpen Cr. & main br. thereof, bounding on the N. part therewith dividing this from land of Capt. Jno. Savidge, on S. parte by Snag pine br. & trees running from the head thereof E.N.E. to marked tree parting this from land of Lt. Col. Wm. Kendall &c. 200 acs. formerly belonging to Capt. Jno. How, since escheated to his Majestie & granted to Maj. Wm. An- drews, who sold to sd. Pettett 4 Sept. 1664 & 100 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Migo & Charles, Negroes. THOMAS GERRARD, 1000 acs. N'umberland Co., 16 Oct. 1665, p. 425, (500). S. side of Potomack Riv., E.N.E. upon Natchosiq Cr. opposite land of George Ludlow, Esqr., E.S.E. upon land of Nicholas Jornew &c. 16 Oct. 1665, p. 425, 500. Granted to Wm. Hoccady 3 Apr. 1651 & by him assigned to sd. Gerrard. GEORGE PARKER, 350 acs. N'amp- ton Co., at Pungoteage Cr., 20 Oct. 1661, p. 425, (501). Beg. at a small branch issuing out of Pocomeck Br. &c. Granted to Mr. Thomas Teagle 12 Oct. 1652 & by him assigned to sd. Parker & Jno. Elzey, who assigned his right to sd. Parker. FRANCIS & MARY VINCENT, 100 acs. N'ampton Co., 20 Mar. 1660, p. 425, (501). S. side of Pungotege Riv., Ely. upon a br. of same called Pocomock, Nly. upon land of Jno. Jnoson, Negro, Wly. upon land of Anthony Jnoson, Negro, & Sly. upon land of Nicholas Waddilow. Granted to Richard Jnoson, Negro, 21 Nov. 1654 for trans, of 2 pers.* & due the abovenamed by assign- ment from Mathew Pepin 26 Dec. 1660, to whom it had been assigned by sd. Richard Johnson, Negro, 2 Mar. 1657. MR. WM. THOMAS, 608 Acs. N'umberland Co., 19 Oct. 1665, p. 426, (502). 560 acs. in Little Wiccocomico Cr. & commonly known by the name of Kings Neck, beg. S.S.E. on sd. Creek from the mouth of a cr. or br. commonly called old Mans Cr. to mouth of Kings Cr. &c. to a cr. dividing this from land of Michaell Brooke, S.W. on land of George Colclough &c. Granted to Richd. Tompson by patents dated 4 Apr. 1649 for 560 acs. & 48 acs. dated 15 Dec. 1651 & after sd. Tompson's de- cease became due unto Sarah & Eliz. Tompson, his heires, & by Mr. Tho. Willoughbie & Mr. Peter Presly, who marryed sd. Sarah & Eliz., with their free consents assigned over to sd. Thomas. RICHARD RENSHAW, 300 acs. Gloster Co., 23 Mar. 1664, p. 426, (503). On the Bryre br. which issueth into the head of Ware Riv. in Mock- jack bay, beg. by the branch side run- ning N.W. by same &c. to Mrs. Cooks land &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Picker- ing, Wm. Jones, Jno. Isbell, Jno. Darly (or Darby), Alice Wellmay, Richd. Dirbishire. MRS. MARY FANTLEROY, Wid- dow, 2600 acs. in Rappa. Co., according Patent Book No. 5 533 to the antient bounds thereof, 20 Oct. 1665, p. 427, (504). Granted to Miles Dixon & lately found to escheate to his Majestie as by an Inquisition recorded in the Secretaryes Office under the hands & seals of Mr. Cuthbert Potter by virtue of a deputation from Col. Miles Cary, Esqr., his Majestie's Escheator Genl. for this county & the Jury sworne to him for that purpose dated 25 Oct. 1665 may appear, & now due sd. Mrs. Mary who hath made her composition to bee paid according to act. COL. WM. KENDALL, 600 acs. ac- cording to the antient lawfull bounds thereof in N'ampton Co., 18 Oct. 1665, p. 427, (504). Formerly belonging to Capt. Jno. How, dec'd. & lately found to escheate &c, the Jury sworne before Col. Jno. Stringer, Dep. Escheator for that Co., dated 30 Sept. 1662 &c. & now granted sd. Kendall who hath made his composition &c. Also 300 acs. more joyning upon the sd. land, bounded Wly. on his own & land of Francis Pettit, Nly. on Jno. Savidge, Ely. on Capt. Phill. Telyo, (?) deed., Sly. on land of Maj. Wm. Andrewes and a former pat- tent of Col. Obedience Robbins dated 20 Mar. 1643. Granted to Major Wm. An- drewes 15 Oct. 1660, by him deserted & upon petition of sd. Kendall granted him by order &c. & due for trans, of 6 pers: Mary Barnes, Walter Banington, John Hawkins, Tho. Hemence, Eliz. Merrick, Hester Ridly. COL. GARRARD FOWKE, 1050 acs. N'umberland Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 427, (505). Nly. upon Potomack Riv., S.Ely, upon Chotanck Cr. & S.W. upon land of Jno. Waltham. Granted to Samll. Taylor 9 Sept. 1653, by him sould to Richard Turney & by him as- signed to sd. Fowke. SAME. 925 acs. in Potomack Riv. adj. land of Capt. Giles Brent, 20 Oct. 1665, p. 428, (505). Being the moyety of a pattent granted to Peter Knight & said Capt. Cutt 13 Oct. 1653. Granted to Mrs. Eliz. Cutts 26 Feb. 1656 & by Capt. Jackson, who marryed sd. Eliza- beth, sould to Capt. Tho. Fowke & now become due to sd. Col. Gerrard as heire to sd. Thomas, dec'd. COL. MILES CARY, Esqr., Counci- lor of State, a neck of land conteyning 92 acres, 79 chs. & 71 dec. pts., in Warwick Co., on W.S.W. side of War- wick Riv., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 428, (506). Beg. at the mouth of sd. neck S. by W. &c. to S.E. end of Hawkes Nest ridge, thence E. by N. &c. to Canny poynt, thence N. by W. &c. to the Marsh be- tween sd. river & sd. neck &c. Granted unto Zachery Cripps 14 Mar. 1628 & by him assigned to sd. Col. Cary, the pattent being then for 100 acres but upon strict survey found to containe the quantity aforesaid. SAME. 103 acs. 57 chs. 58 dec. pts. of land, being high land & marsh on N. side of James Riv. & to Wwd. of the mouth of Worwick Riv. in War- wick Co., knowne by the name of Joyle Neck, 20 Oct. 1665, p. 429, (507). Beg. on E.most end of a ridge nere a small creeke, thence N. by E. &c. to corner locust nere Pooles Island Cr. by the same S.E. &c. to Colsons Island, thence S.E. &c. 17 acs. granted unto Zachery Cripps 10 Jan. 1643 & assigned to sd. Col. Cary & the remainder due for trans, of 2 pers: Mary Williams, John Short. THOMAS MORRIS, 50 acs. upon Ware neck in Gloster Co., adj. a parcel of land called Bassetts Creeke devdt., 11 Oct. 1665, p. 429, (508). Beg. at the head of his own land, running through Turtons feild N.N.E. &c. to corner tree of Mr. Boswell by Turtons fence &c. Trans, of Richard Spragg. MR. WM. WOODWARD, 2100 acs. New Kent Co., 23 Feb. 1664, p. 430, (509). N. side of Yorke Riv., beg. at the mouth of Mr. Johns Cr., running up the river, including a neck of sunken ground &c. to a creeke nere against Capt. Bassetts now dwelling house, which Cr. is the lower bounds of land of Mr. Samuell Snead, Sr. whereon he now lives, thence E.S.E. &c. Said land was purchased by sd. Woodward of Cocka Coeske, Queene of Pomunke, 27 534 Cavaliers and Pioneers Sept. 1664 & "upon desire of the said Queene that the said Mr. Woodward might seate upon the said Land by her assigned and sett over to him the said Woodward, it was accordingly granted by order of the Govr. and Councell dated the 24th of November 1664." EDWARD RAWLINGS, 164 acs. upon the N. River in Mockjack bay, beg. at a small Cr. parting this from land of George Levitt, running from the mouth of same W.N.W. &c. to land of Mr. Tho. Todd, E.S.E. &c. 20 Oct. 1665, p. 430, (510). Being part of a devdt. of 2400 acs. granted to Mr. Wm. Daines, who assigned to sd. Rawlings. ANTHONY WYATT, 282 acs. Chas. City Co., 13 Oct. 1665, p. 430, (511). Beg. at a poynt between the dry bottome & the deep bottome, running N.N.W. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: "Edmond Vickory (or Vikory), James King, Wm. Cooper, Rich. Newman (or Newain), Tho. Morris, James Drischell. JNO. COGAN (Coggan), 650 acs. Chas. City Co., 12 Oct. 1665, p. 431, (511). S. side of James Riv., beg. on the N. of the ponds as by agreement of sd. Cogan & Patriak Jackson, bounding W. on the poplar br. by the side of Jones his Levell &c. Granted to Mr. Rich. Craven, dec'd. & by lineall decent from him to his grandchild Emelia, now the wife of Thomas Boyce, who with his wife's consent transferred to sd. Coggan & his heirs. MORGAN JONES, 100 acs. Chas. City Co., 13 Oct. 1665, p. 431, (511). S. side of James Riv., S. along line of Thomas Crooke, E. 50 po., N. 320 po. crossing the greate swamp at the mouth of the Cross Sw. &c. Part of devdt. granted to Richd. Baker & Patriak Jackson. MR. ISAAK ALLERTON, 1600 acs. Northumberland County, 20 October 1665, page 431, (512)'. South side of Potomack River & Ewd. side of Macho- tigue River alias Trent, beginning on the South side of a vallie or m^rs!" 1 de- viding this & land of Wm. Gooch, up the river S.S.W. to a Cr. issuing out of sd. Riv. Trent deviding this from land of Mr. Richd. Lee &c. Granted to Lewis Burwell 17 Oct. 1650 & assigned to Richd. Turny 4 Sept. 1651, who as- signed to the above. MR. HENRY MEESE, 1000 acs. Stafford Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 432, (513). S. side of Potomack Cr., beg. on E. side of a swamp & small gutt de- viding this & another tract in possession of sd. Meese, extending S. &c. to greate Eastern br. of Wipsewasin Cr. includ- ing a poynt of land on the W. side of sd. Cr. abutting upon Potomack Cr. &c. Granted to Col. Thomas Pettus, Esqr., 15 Mar. 1658 & by him & Eliz. his wife assigned to sd. Meese & ack'd. in court by Major Edward Griffeth, Atty. of sd. Pettus & wife, as by records of W'moreland Co. will more fully appear. ROBERT FOSTER, son & heire of Jno. Foster, dec'd., 750 acs. N'ampton Co., at the seaboard side, 20 Oct. 1665, p. 432, (513). Bounding on S. by Mountaines' Cr., extending N.N.E. along the seaboard &c. Granted to sd. Jno. Foster, viz: 300 acs. dated 23 Oct. 1643 & 450 acs. 23 Nov. 1647 & now due as abovementioned. MAJOR WILLIAM ANDREWS, 500 acs. N'ampton Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 433, (514). N. side of the old planta- tion Cr., bounding Sly. & Ely. on same, Wly. parte by the maine bay & a line of trees running Nly. from the Cowpen Br. deviding it from land of Wm. Starling & others &c. to land of George Travilor, dec'd. 200 acs. granted to Mr. Peter Walker 28 Sept. 1645, who sould to Thomas Letherbury 7 May 1652 & by him sould to sd. Andrews 26 Nov. 1662; 100 acs. granted to Henry Fleet & by him sould to Jonathan Gylls 20 Sept. 1634 & lately become the inheri- tance of Francis Gylls, the only daugh- ter & heire of sd. Jonathan, & by her sould to sd. Andrews 20 Sept. 1665; 100 acs. granted to Capt. Thomas Graves & since found escheated to his Majestie & granted to Mr. Wm. Melling 1 Sept. 1663, who sould to Mr. Robt. Hutchenson 20 Jan. 1663 & by him Patent Book No. 5 535 sould to sd. Andrews 5 Apr. 1665; 100 acs. granted to Francis Stockey & Henry Wilson by patterns the one dated 22 Dec. 1636 & the other 29 Oct. 1637 & at length became the inheritance of Obedience Johnson, son & heire of Lt. Col. Thomas Johnson, deed., who sould to Mr. Robt. Hutchenson & by him as- signed to sd. Andrews. DAVID JONES, 479 acs. 2 R. & 19 P., with marsh adj., at the upper end of Weynock in Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 434, (516). N. side of James Riv., beg. at a stake that parts Joseph Harwood & David Jones, S. by E. along the marsh &c. to a br. that runs in Kittawan Cr., W. to sd. Riv., S.S.W. along same &c. 279 A. 2 R. & 19 P- due & confirmed unto sd. Jones by order of the Gen'l. Ct. dated 16 Sept. 1663 & 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: "Brine of Channell," Mary Gosling, George Houghton, James Graunt. JAMES AKIN, 250 acs. Henrico Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 434, (517). N. side of Appamattock Riv., beg. at corner tree at the head of land of Tho. Wells, into the woods N. 160 po. to Flintons run, then W. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: John Jones, Thomas Moore, Rebecca Warrin, Robt. Fuller, Charles Webb. THOMAS WEBSTER, 251 acs. & 28 pole, Henrico Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 435, (517). N. side of Appamattox Riv. & at the head of the old Towne land, extending into the woods W.N.W. &c. to the Stony run. Trans, of 5 pers: Bredgett Treverton, Presilla Colto (or Cotto), Capt. Upton, Wm. Prowling, Jno. Plinton. JOSEPH HARWOOD, 42 A. 2 R. & 25 P., Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 435, (518). N. side of James Riv. in Weynock, beg. at a stake that parts Hammon Woodhouse & sd. Harwood, N. by W. 294 po. to Kittawan Br. &c; also another parcell of land in sd. Co. & belonging to the bounds of Weynock conteyning 120 acs., beg. at the river, extending into the woods E. */£ Nly. 240 po., abutting upon Fardinando Fustins land &c. Said land due & con- firmed unto sd. Harwood by order of the Genl. Ct. dated 16 Sept. 1663. JOHN TATE, 80 acs. Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 435, (518). N. side of James Riv. & along line that parts this & land of Peter Plummer, N. &c. Due & confirmed &c. as above. ROBERT COLEMAN, Junr., 450 acs. Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 435, (519). S. side of Appomattox Riv., beg. at head line of land of Robt. Cole- man, Sr., extending N.E. by N. &c. over the branch of Baylies Wly. run, S.W. along same &c. Due for trans, of 9 pers: Tho. Williams, Giles Dement, Wm. Cooper, Tho. Cooper, Tho. Palmer, Martha Jeffurd (or Jessurd), Mary Homes, Motshooto Turke, Phaugh Turke. (Note: These last two may be Turks.) RICHARD & HENRY BLANKES, 150 acs. at the mouth of Queens Cr. in Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 436, (519). N. side of James Riv., along same N. by W. &c. to the cleare ground, N.W. 20 po., N. to the house of sd. Richard & Henry Banks 9 po. then up the Cr. E. &c. Due & confirmed by order &c. dated 16 Sept. 1663. THOMAS CHAPPLE (Chaple), 80 acs. Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 436, (520). N. side of James Riv. & N. side of Kittawan Cr., beg. at a line parting this & land of Jno. Tate, into the woods N. &c. Due & confirmed as above. HAMMON WOODHOUSE, 42 A. 2 R. & 25 P. in Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 436, (521). N. side of James Riv. in Weynock, beg. at a stake part- ing this, land of Tho. Cable & Margtt. Hoes (Hues-Hives ?), N. by W. to sd. br. &c. Due & confirmed as above. MR. RALEIGH TRAVERSE, 3650 acs. Wmoreland Co., 24 Oct. 1665, p. 437, (521). 3350 acs. on S. side of Potomack Riv., S.S.W. on Potomack Cr. &c. N.E. upon a maine Sw. upon the head of a br. at sd. Cr. which divides this & land commonly knowne by the name of the fort land, E.S.E. &c; 300 536 Cavaliers and Pioneers acs. upon the head of a br. of Potomack Cr. &c. N.E. against land of Capt. Brent, S.E. upon land of Jno. Withers. Granted unto Col. Gerrard Fowke 18 Nov. 1662 & assigned to sd. Travers 11 Nov. 1663. COL. EDMOND SCARBURGH, 1000 acs., parte of a greater devdt. formerly elected by sd. Scarburgh, situate at Little Matomkin Cr., bounded on S. therewith, E. by the seaboard side, W. by the maine woods & Nly. towards greate Matomkin. 12 Nov. 1664, p. 437, (522). Trans, of 20 pers: Mary Williams, Ann Ste- phens, Thomas Atkins, James Williams, Gabriell Norton, Phillip Towne, An- drew Jones, Peter Stephens, Ann Jones, Wm. Trotter, Martha Godale, Jonathan Drew, Wm. Anderson, Tymothy Elton, Anthony Stone, Doratha Stead, Wm. White, Matha Nott, Jno. James, Wm. Peterson. LITTLETON SCARBURGH, 1000 acs. Accomack Co., formerly N'ampton Co., 12 Nov. 1664, p. 437, (522). Bounded on W. by the maine bay, S. by a right line running between Occa- hannock & Curratuck Cr., N. by sd. Currotuck Cr. & E. by a line drawn from the middle line to a br. of sd. Cr. Granted to sd. Scarburgh by pattent de- rived from the first entry (of) his sur- vey & rights in the office being the 4 Sept. 1651 & now renewed. MR. ROBT. BRISTOW, 398 acs. Gloster Co., 25 Oct. 1665, p. 438, (523). On the N. River in Mockjack bay, beg. at a tree parting this & land of Thomas Morris, W. along land of Major Curtis & land of Harris &c. to the mouth of the Back Cr. being parallel with land of Mr. Rich. Young, thence crossing the back Cr. mouth to beg. 288 acs. granted unto Mrs. Averilla Curtis 4 Apr. 1661, being parte of a devdt. of 410 acs. & by her assigned to sd. Bristow her husband, & 110 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: "3 rights due for a former pattent granted to Mrs. Averilla Curtis in folio 15." JAMES HARRIS, 60 acs. W'more- land Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 438, (523). Being a poynt of land bounded Ely. with his own land, Nly., N.Wly., Wly. & Sly. with Hallowes Cr. & with a br. of same called Morotsny. Granted to Tho- mas Butler 26 May 1660 & sould to sd. Harris. COL. JNO. CARTER, Esqr, Coun- cilor of State, 4000 acs. being a neck of land on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., bounded on Wwd. side with Cassatta- woman Cr. which runneth N. & E.N.E. towards the head of Wiccocomico Riv. &c. Granted to Capt. Samll. Mathews 1 Aug. 1643, by him deserted & upon petition of sd. Carter granted to him by order of the Genrll. Ct. bearing date with these presents, 12 Oct. 1665, & further due for trans, of 80 pers: John Carter, John Carter, Eliz. Carter, Symon Kerby, Martha Jane, Mathew Mason, Jno. Morgan, Ned (a) Welchman, Jno. Cooper, Thomas & Peter — Frenchmen, Henry Harmond, Edward Carter, Rich. Townsin, Jno. Malby, Batt. Willmouth, Robin, Jno., Candee, Chubb — Negroes, Jno. Vincle (?), Jno. Bum, Lakins Jno. Shore, Jno. Persie, Wm. Harmond, 1 died on board, Wm. Farecloth, Jno. Mann, Thomas Holmes, 4 Cast away in the Virga. Merchant, Francis Dolman, Edw. Coock, Wm. & Ralph Scotts, Lawrence , Henry Bell, Jno. Daniell, Pitcher , Jno. Wms (Wil- liams), Robt. Busbury, Kingsmell, Ste- phen Thomas, Tho. Jackson, Tho. Or- ford, Tho. Marly, Ed. Purnell, Ri. San- derson, Jno. Bumwell, Sarah Edes, Edw. Westly, Peter Mosher, Jno. Bennett, Jno. England, Tho. Sherwood, Geo. Maples, Wm. Colon, Jno. Freeman, Isaak Aller- ton, Peter Shanack, Dole, Ned, Mingo, Raw, Bosse, Joane, Nan, Kate, Margtt., Betty, Susan, Phillip, Jane, Anthony, Jude, Besse, Symon, Negroes. P. 439, (524). STEPHEN WARMAN, 750 acs. W- moreland Co., on S. side of Potomack Riv., 27 Mar. 1663, p. 439, (525), Nigh to Nomany upon branches of Herring Cr., beg. on S. side of the E. br. of said Cr. dividing this from land of Mr. Haw- ley, extending up the br. E. &c. Trans, of 15 pers: Dorathy Warman, Wm. Watson, Henry Nicholls, Mary Stevent, Peter Andrews, Jno. Argoll, Andrew Patent Book No. 5 537 Jones, Tho. Norcott, Wm. Norcott, Margtt. Tye, Richd. King, Richd. Wil Hams, Andrew Morris, Thomas Norton, Thomas Skinner. DANIELL CLARKE, Gent., 2029 A. 2 R. & 20 P., Chas. City Co., 25 July 1665, p. 440, (525). 1000 acs. being a neck, lying in between Old Mans Cr. on the Nly. side & Queens Cr. on the Sly. side, crossing the head thereof, running N.Wly. &c; 698 acs. at the head of sd. Cr. between Sellar run & Fishing run; & 331 A. 2 R. & 20 P. on N. side of James Riv. at the head of his own land, beg. on Sellar run, running W. along the head to nere the ponds of the Old mans Cr. run, then N. &c. 1698 A.cs. granted to Capt. Thomas Stegg, Esqr., 24 Nov. 1653, assigned to sd. Clarke & granted to him 28 Jan. 1662 & the resi- due for trans, of 7 pers: Peter Harding, Wm. Stevens, Mary Stone, Anthony Knott, Jno. Goffe, Tho. White, Maria a Negro. JNO. WARD, 150 acs. N'umberland Co., according to ancient bounds thereof, 18 June 1663, p. 441, (527). Granted to Lewis Gilman & lately found to escheate as by an inquisition dated 23 Oct. 1662 & now granted sd. Ward who hath made his composition &c. GEORGE ARCHER, 250 acs. Henrico Co., according to the ancient bounds thereof, 30 Dec. 1663, p. 441, (527). Formerly granted to Edward Tunstall & lately found to escheate to his Majestie as by inquisition etc. CAPT. THOMAS STEGG, 1850 acs. Henrico Co., according to ancient bounds thereof, 29 Dec. 1663, p. 441, (528). Granted to Capt. Mathew Goffe & lately found to escheate as by in- quisition &c. MR. JNO. KNOWLES, 100 acs. Henrico Co., according to ancient bounds thereof, 30 Dec. 1663, p. 441, (528). Granted to Capt. Mathew Goffe, dec'd. & lately found to escheate etc. (as above). WM. LENNULL (Lenawell), 500 acs. Lancaster Co., according to the an- cient bounds thereof, 2 Sept. 1663, p. 441, (528). Granted to Jno. Frish (or Fish) & lately found to escheate & by inquisition dated 14 Oct. 1662 etc. EDWARD WYATT, 850 acs. Yorke Co., 3 Sept. 1663, p. 442, (529). Granted to Jno. Clarke & lately found to escheate &c. & by inquisition dated 15 Oct. 1662 &c. JNO. COX, 737 acs. Rappa. Co., according to the ancient bounds thereof, 3 Apr. 1664, p. 442, (529). Granted to Jno. Johnson etc., by inquisition dated 11 Mar. 1663 &c. AUGUSTINE HULL & JNO. WIL- SON, 750 acs. W'moreland Co., 21 Oct. 1665, p. 442, (529). S. side of Poto- mack Riv. nigh to Nomany, upon branches of Herring Cr., beg. on the S. side of the E. br. thereof dividing this from land of Mr. Hawly extending E. &c. to branch dividing this & land of Mr. Jno. Whiston &c. Granted to Stephen Warman 27 Mar. 1663, assigned to Augustine Hull, who had assigned halfe of same to sd. Wilson. MR. JNO. LORD, 1200 acs. W'more- land Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 443, (530). At the head of Mr. Popes Cr., 600 acs. parte N. upon same, Ely. upon land of Mr. Tyrrill &c. and 600 acs. bounding N. with the aforesd. land, Ely. with land of sd. Tyrrill, Swly. with branches of the Bevor Dams that cometh up behind sd. Tyrrills land, W.S.W. with land of Abraham Feild & Christopher Butler & N.W. with land of Richard Griffin. 600 acs. granted to Richard Walker 16 July 1654, assigned to Samll. Bonam, who assigned halfe of same to Jno. Boocock, who assigned to sd. Lord & the other halfe of sd. 600 acs. was assigned by Bonam to sd. Lord. 600 acs. the re- mainder due for trans, of 12 pers: 9 Negroes; Mary Jones, Susan Totnam, Walter Peters. XTOP. (Christopher) BUTLER, 123^4 acs -> being the Northwestermost moyte or halfe of 247^2 acs. in W'more- land Co., 18 Mar. 1662, p. 443, (531). Beg. on S. side of a run that falls into 538 Cavaliers and Pioneers the head of Popes Cr., S. by W. up a vally to branches of Rappahannock, thence W. by N. &c. 247^4 acs. granted to sd. Xtop. & Jno. Butler 30 July 1660, the sd. moyety assigned by sd. Jno. & is devided from the other moyety now in possession of Abraham Feild by a line of marked trees which run E. & W. upon the head of a branch on the N. side of the house of sd. Feild. WM. HORTON, 100 acs. W'more- land Co., formerly N'umberland Co., 23 Oct. 1665, p. 444, (532). At the head of Attopin Cr., N.E. upon the lower part of the Dams next sd. Cr. &c. Granted to Jno. Hiliar 19 Oct. 1653 & by him not seated according to law now granted by order of the Genii. Ct. & due for trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Hallowes, Mary Wiseman. MR. WM. CRUMP, MR. CHARLES EDMONDS & MR. ROBT. WHITE- HAIRE, 2700 acs. New Kent Co., 9 Nov. 1665, p. 444, (532). On S. side & in the freshes of Yorke Riv. above Mohixenn, beg. at upper bounds of land taken up by Mr. George Smith, up the river &c, being bounded by the river & marked trees on all sides. Trans, of 54 pers: Wm. Dyer, Richd. Greme (or Grome), Wm. Langaster, Wm. Harvey, Wm. Henning, Fran. Cory, Phillip Watson, Tho. Leads, Tho. Cox, Job Doegood, Charles Price, Edm. Bell, Eliz. Fry, Jos. Norman, Jno. Bowden, Edm. Tapper, Robt. Pedly, Hump. Beale, Jno. Heritick, Abiah Coll, Joane Andrewes, Wm. Dawson, Jno. Boswell, Margtt. Watson, Tho. Taylor, Tho. Saunders, Edward Beale, Wm. Chester, Thomas Motley, Hen. Beardsby (or Beardsly), Jno. Gunting, Susan Gentell, Mary Peake, Jos. Benthall, Rich. God- fry, Robt. Walker, Jno. Watts, Danll. Rolph, Wm. Parker, Jno. Worthington, Wm. Phillips, Thomas Skinner, Jno. Sayle, Tobias Goulding, Sarah Bridges, Jane (or Jones) Fearne, Simon Chap- man, Zachary Sharpe, Tho. Shelton, Jno. Trilly, Rich. Godard, Jno. Grout, Mary Underwood, Dorothy Vickars. MR. ROBERT FLACK, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 18 Oct. 1664, p. 445, (533). At the mouth of a Br. on the W. side of the third swamp at Black- water, running up the same W. by N. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Sweet, Robt. Tatton, Andrew Steward, Stephen Norman, An. Charnock, Henry Preston. SAME. 600 acs. Is. of Wight Co., same date & pages. On the second sw. of Black water, whereof 200 acs. lyeth on the E. side between land of Jno. Olliver & Mr. Thomas Wombrell op- posite to the lower parte whereof be- ginneth the other 400 acs. on W. side of sd. swamp, beg. at the mouth of a reedy Br. Trans, of 12 pers: Jno. Tomlin, Mathew Tomlin, Jno. Rutter, Isaak Ed- wards, Jno. Tappin, Wm. Coock, Wm. Aghurt, Jno. Goddin, Samll. Bickford, Wm. Twysden, Henry Tylor, Wm. Wilcox. OWEN MORRIS, 130 acs. Yorke Co., 12 Oct. 1664, p. 445, (534). S. side of the greate swamp opposite to another tract of land of Jno. Fleet, & extending W.S.W. by S. &c. Granted to Mr. Jno. Fleet 22 Nov. 1652; sould to Thomas Rascall, 10 Jany. 1652, who assigned to sd. Morris, 11 Nov. 1654, who assigned to Lewis Atkins 9 Jan. 1655, who as- signed to Jno. Berriman 5 Mar. 1656 & by him assigned to sd. Morris 5 Oct. 1663. JOHN BROWNE & EDWARD HATCHER, 500 acs. Henrico Co., ac- cording to the ancient bounds thereof, 30 Dec. 1663, p. 446, (534). Granted unto James Place & lately found to escheate to his Majestie as by inquisi- tion dated 5 Sept. 1663 & now granted the abovenamed who hath made their composition to bee paid according to act. NICHOLAS OWEN, 318 acs. N'um- berland Co., according to the ancient bounds, 23 Sept. 1663, p. 446, (535). Sd. land granted unto Richard Clare & lately found to escheate &c, by inquisi- tion dated 23 Oct. 1662 & now granted to sd. Owen who hath made &c. ADAM MILES, 300 acs. Yorke Co., according to the ancient bounds thereof, 18 June 1663, p. 446, (535). Granted Patent Book No. 5 539 to Mr. Wm. Caynhoo, lately found to 1663, p. 448, (539). Granted unto escheate &c, by inquisition dated 23 Sergt. Wm. Williams & found &c, as Dec. 1662 & now granted &c. by inquisition dated 8 May 1663 &c. HENRY WHITE, 100 acs. Yorke Co., according &c, 18 June 1663, p. 446, (536). Granted unto Jno. Utton (?), found to escheate &c, as by in- quisition dated 15 Oct. 1662 & now granted &c. GEORGE FOWLER, 180 "or ninty ' acres, Low. Norf. Co. according &c, 26 Nov. 1663, p. 447, (536). Granted unto George Hyam, found to escheate &c. as by inquisition dated 12 Aug. 1663 & now granted &c. USTUS SANDERS, 150 acs. N' amp- ton Co. according to the ancient bounds, 1 Sept. 1663, p. 447, (536). Granted unto Jno. Nanry &c, as by inquisition dated 17 Apr. 1663 &c. GEORGE VEZEY, 200 acs. Lancas- ter Co. according &c, 2 Sept. 1663, p. 447, (537). Granted unto Tho. Cooper &c, as by inquisition dated 14 Oct. 1662 &c. NATHANIELL EDWARDS, 100 acs. Warwick Co. according &c, 26 Nov. 1663, p. 447, (537). Granted unto Jno. White &c, as by inquisition dated 30 July 1663 &c. MAJOR WM. ANDREWS, 400 acs. N'ampton Co., according &c, 10 Sept. 1663, p. 447, (538). Granted unto Capt. Jno. How &c, as by inquisition dated 6 Nov. 1662 &c. WILLIAM MELLING, 200 acs. N'- ampton Co., according &c, 1 Sept. 1663, p. 448, (538). Granted unto Frances Trevitt &c, as by inquisition dated 17 Apr. 1663 &c. AMEY BUTLER, 400 acs. Henrico Co., according &c, 30 Dec. 1663, p. 448, (538). Granted unto John Cock- ney &c, as by inquisition dated 5 Sept. 1663 &c. SAME. Same county, acreage, date & pages. Formerly granted unto Capt. Clemt. Delke &c, as by inquisition dated as above. JOSIAS TOWNSEND (Tounesend), 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co., according &c, 26 Nov. 1663, p. 449, (540). Granted unto Thomas Chely &c, as by inquisi- tion dated 9 Apr. 1663 &c. JOHN MARTIN, 350 acs. Low. Norf. Co., according &c, 26 Nov. 1663, p. 449, (540). Granted unto John Dyer &c, as by inquisition dated 9 Apr. 1663. WM. CAPPS, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., according &c, 26 Nov. 1663, p. 449, (540). Granted unto Hugh Wood &c, as by inquisition dated 9 Apr. 1663. WM. GRIMES, 100 acs. Yorke Co., according &c, 18 June 1663, p. 449, (541). Granted unto Wm. Caynhoo &c, as by inquisition dated 23 Sept. 1662, &c. JOHN LYMAN, 50 acs. Yorke Co., according &c, 2 Sept. 1663, p. 449, (541). Granted unto John Orchard &c, as by inquisition dated 15 Oct. 1662. MRS. ANN WILCOX, 400 acs. N'ampton Co. according &c, 3 Sept. 1663, p. 450, (542). Granted unto Jno. Corneliuson &c, as by inquisition dated 8 May 1663 &c. MRS. MARY BROUGHTON, 240 acs. N'umberland Co., according &c, 21 Sept. 1663, p. 450, (542). Granted un- to Henry Raynor &c, as by inquisition dated 23 Oct. 1662 &c. SAME. 300 acs. in same county, date, pages. Granted unto Thomas Broughton &c, as by inquisition dated as above. MRS. GRACE ROBBINS, 100 acs. CHARLES DRURY, 100 acs. Nanci- N'ampton Co., according &c, 3 Sept. mond Co., according &c, 23 Sept. 1663, 540 Cavaliers and Pioneers p. 450, (543). Granted unto Benors Brasheire &c, as by inquisition dated 23 Feb. 1662 &c. MAJOR THEOPHILUS HONE, 1000 acs. Eliz. City Co., according &c, 21 Sept. 1663, p. 451, (543). Granted unto James Vanerick &c, as by inquisi- tion dated 13 Feb. 1662, &c. RICHARD BACHELOR (Batchelor), 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 27 Sept. 1665, p. 452, (546). In the S. br. of Eliz. Riv. on S. side of deep Cr., running along the Cr. S.W. to a marked pine on E. side of Mannings Cr., S.E. into the woods &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Arthur Long, An Pine, Wm. Joyner, Susan Norton, Stephen Hardich, Henry Skin- SAME. 50 acs., same county, date & page, (544). Granted unto Henry Withers &c, as by inquisition dated as above. THOMAS ADAMS, 103 acs. N'um- berland Co., according &c, 21 Sept. 1663, p. 451, (544). Granted unto Henry Toppin &c, as by inquisition dated 23 Oct. 1662 &c. JOHN PANNULL, 260 acs. N'amp- ton Co., according &c, 24 Dec. 1663, p. 451, (544). Granted unto Kathar- ine Pannull &c, as by inquisition dated 4 Aug. 1663 &c. MR. JNO. LORD, 100 acs. W'more- land Co., according &c, 30 Apr. 1664, p. 451, (545). Granted unto Wm. Loveden (or Loneden) &c, as by in- quisition dated 14 Oct. 1663 &c. WM. KNIGHT, 809 acs. 16 chs. 5 dec. pt., James City Co., 14 Sept. 1665, p. 452, (545). Beg. on N. side of the old Rockahoc path to James Citty, thence by a line of marked trees running W. &c. to corner stake nere Mr. Bush his fence, being the end of a deviding line between sd. Knight & his brother Joseph Knight, along same &c. to line deviding this from Ellen Bush, thence E. &c. to W. side of the greate marked road, downe the same severall courses 92 chs. to the sd. path, down same S.S.E. to the old path tending toward James Citty, down same several courses 70 ch. on a forke of Arrow reade Sw., along sd. path S. by W. to the greate cart Road to Yorke, over the same & along sd. path S. 1/3 Wly. 21 ch. to beg. Part of 2000 acs. granted unto Mr. Joseph Knight, deed., 1 July 1653, who gave by will to his son Will. JOSEPH KNIGHT, 809 acs. 16 ch. 5 dec. pt., James Citty Co., 14 Sept. 1665, p. 453, (547). Beg. nere Mr. Bush his fence, running W. &c. to W. side of a branch of Morgans Cr., N. &c. to hickory on S. side of the South- ermost br. of Warrany Cr., thence E. &c. to red oake at the Northermost end of line dividing this & land of his brother Wm. Knight, along same So. &c. Part of 2000 acs. granted to Joseph Knight, dee'd., 1 July 1653 & given by will to his son, the sd. Joseph. THOMAS HORNE, 300 acs. nere the head of the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., adj. land of Jane Rigglesworth ; 27 Sept. 1665, p. 453, (548). Granted unto Robt. Capps & Robt. Spring 30 May 1653, & by them sould to sd. Home. JOHN CARTWRIGHT, 100 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 27 Sept. 1665, p. 453, (548). S. side of the E. br. of Eliz. River, nigh unto the E. side of Henry Nicholls marked trees &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Williams, Anthony Coates. THOMAS ALEXANDER, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 27 Sept. 1665, p. 454, (549). 250 acs. parte lying on Nwd. side of a br. of the Southern br. of Eliz. Riv. called Gathers Cr. &c. 150 acs. in the S. br. of sd. Riv. on Gathors Cr., bounding on his former grant, running E.S.E. &c. 250 acs. granted unto Richd. Whitehurst 20 Oct. 1648 & assigned to sd. Alexander, & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Andrew Jones, Thomas Goodale, Mary Wiseman. WALTER CUSSENS (Cozens), 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 27 Sept. 1665. p. 454, (550). On E. side of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv., running S. by W. &c, Patent Book No. 5 541 N.W. on Robt. Butts line, E.N.E. &c. through a swamp, thence W., bounding on Thomas Everidge, thence S. by E. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Thomas Griffin, Jno. Edwards, Dennis Murrah, Ed. Power, Tho. Kely, Ed. Follett, Tho. Norcott, Wm. Peters. DANCIE ATTLO, 150 acs. being marsh called by the name of the Lower Gulf, in Chikahomani Riv., James City Co., 9 Nov. 1665, p. 455, (550). Bounding W. & N. on Gregory Wells land, E. on Nunckles neck & S. on Phillips Island. Trans, of 3 pers: Ma- thew Phillips, Wm. Whiting, Andrew Stevens. MR. DAVID FOX, 200 acs. on N. side of Lancaster Co., 29 Dec. 1665, p. 455, (551). Beg. by the side of a main br. of the N.W. branch of Corrotoman, running down same S.S.W. 240 po. from a red oake, N. & by W. bounding upon land of Robert Pollard &c, bound- ing upon land of Capt. Jennings & Mr. Mathew Kemp &c. Trans, of 4 pers: James Johnson, Mary Stevens, Abram Vines, Wm. Phillips. MR. THOMAS CLAYBORNE, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 455, (551). Upon N.E. side of Exolls Swamp which falleth into Peancketanck Riv., beg. on the side of same &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Stephen Norman, Thomas Stills, Thomas Tatton, Mary Willis, An Whithorne, Peter Goodlad, Susan Swart (or Smart), Rebecca Yates, Wm. Yates, Henry Gibson. GEORGE DILLARD, 250 acs. New Kent Co., 29 Nov. 1665, p. 456, (552). Upon branches of Tassitiomp Sw., bounded on N. by land of Ralph Green & E. br. of sd. Sw., E. by land known as Persons land, S. by land of Thomas Sanders, W. by land of sd. Green & W. br. of sd. Sw. & N.W. adj. land sd. Dillard lives upon. Trans, of 5 pers: Jno. Richardson, Peter Stone, Margtt. Williams, Martha Wms. (Williams), Wm. Worts. 661 acs. parte lying upon a br. of the Dragon Sw., beg. by the br. side, run- ning S. by W. into the woods, W. by N. by a dry branch &c. 66 acs. beg. at a marked ash standing in a br. that cometh up by sd. Hills house, thence E. Nly. &c. bounding on a devdt. he pur- chased of James Cole & now liveth up- on. 661 acs. granted to James Cole 15 Mar. 1660 & sould to sd. Hill & 66 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Mary Jones, Peter Evans. SAME. 134 acs. in same county, same date. Page 457, (553). Beg. in the forke of a br. that runneth into Exolls br. &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Susan Cotton, Wm. Wright, Andrew Murrey. EDWARD DENNIS & SAMLL. MOTTERSHOTT, 500 acs. New Kent Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 457, (553). Beg. at a pine standing in a Meadow, being the S.most cor. tree of a devdt. of land of Capt. Martin Palmer, thence N.E. &c. to land of Mr. Edward Diggs, thence N. by E. &c. across a branch &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Margtt. Spire, Eliz. Morgan, Alice White, Hannah Rump, David Spire, Eliz. Miles, George Barker, Mary Goodwin, Georg Demount, Jno. Barker. SHIRLY MANDITT, 100 acs. New Kent Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 457, (554). On N.E. side of Exalls Sw., beg. at the forke of a small br. running into same about one-half mile above land of Gabriell Hill, running N.W. &c. Trans of 2 pers: Wm. Travers, Arthur Powell WM. BIRCH, 345 acs. New Kent Co. 20 Oct. 1665, p. 458, (555). On N side of Mattapony Riv., about 2 mi. in the woods upon the W. br. of Hark quack Sw. back from Peter Ford, beg nere the head of a vally that runneth W.S.W. into the W. br. of sd. Sw. thence W.S.W. Sly., crossing sd. br. &c to path that goes to sd. Fords house unto Jno. James house &c. Trans, of 7 pers: George Heath, George Slaughter, Mary Holding, Isaack Newton, Rice Williams, Thomas Wms., Jno. Martin. GABRIELL HILL, 727 acs. New GEORGE MORRIS, 1350 acs. New Kent Co., 29 Nov. 1665, p. 456, (552). Kent Co., 19 July 1663, p. 459, (555). 542 Cavaliers and Pioneers N. side of Mattapony Riv., part thereof upon branches of Horecock & parte up- on Aquintenocoe Sw., beg. by an Indian path called Cheskaack path, running E. by & nere sd. path &c. thence N. devid- ing this from land of Anthony Arnold to corner by a branch, thence cutting certaine branches of a sw. &c. cutting a path, S.S.E. &c. to Jno. Exolls path, along same S. by W. &c. down Ches- caack path to & over Aquintenockcoe Sw. &c. to Mr. Rich. Tunstalls line, over Mr. Thomas Holmes Cart path &c, adj. land of Coll. Robt. Abrahall formerly Mr. Haines land &c. to Tattapaixsack spring &c. to trees belonging to land formerly Jonathan Parsons, along that line to land of Jno. Maddison, & along his line of marked trees to beg. 600 acs. granted to Col. Robt. Abrahall, be- ing the moyety of a joynt pattern to sd. Abrahall & Jno. Pigg, dated 10 July 165-, & 750 acs. for trans, of 15 pers: George Bryar, Wm. Stevens, Andrew Strong, Peter Short, Wm. Anthrop, Susan Island, Mary Winter, Hannah Clarke, Thomas Finch. Gabriell Norton, Tymothy Swart, Jane Swan, Francis Mil- burn, Thomas Clinker, Jno. Evans. Note: There appeareing but 860 acs. upon a resurvey the last ten rights are withdrawn & transferred to other patt. this 29th Aprill 1670. Test: Rich. Awborne, Clk. SAME. 933 acs. New Kent Co., 19 July 1663, p. 460, (557). S. side the narrowes of Yorke Riv., upon branches of black Cr., beg. at cor. tree by West- over path belonging to land of Mr. Jones & Jonathan Higly (or Higby), formerly Wm. Pullams, along land of Mr. Brereton & Anthony Arnold, N.W. &c. downe a br. of Stones Sw. to Jno. Mores & Wm. Peaslyes land &c. to Mr. Nappers (Nappires) corner by the br. &c. to Capt. George Lyddalls cor. tree &c. over the Ridge path to land of Mr. Jones & Jonathan Highlies, thence to beg. Trans, of 19 Negroes. of Trotter. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Hansford, Will. Neale (or Neate). RICHARD DIXON, 300 acs. War- wick Co., 17 Jan. 1665, p. 461, (558). Beg. on N. side of a br. of Deep Cr=, E. into the woods to an oak parting this from land of Mr. Richard Hale, Sly. to land of Evan Waters, joyning to Newmans dun (dam ?), Wly. to mouth of Little Cr., thence to an oak parting this from land of Mr. Thomas Owens, Nly. on the banck of Warwick river 150 po. to beg. 50 acs. granted to Richard Ramshaw 27 July 1635 & assigned to sd. Dixon & 250 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: John Mahaw, Katharine Carragon, Giles Underwood, Jone Evans, Wm. Cashley. ROBT. EVANS, 80 acs. in Weynock in Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 461, (559). N. side of James Riv. & N. side of Kittawan Cr., beg. at a line parting Thomas Chappie & Robt. Evans, running into the woods N. &c. Said land due & confirmed by order of the Genii. Court 16 Sept. 1663. ROBERT EVANS, 41 acs. & 23 po., in Weynock in Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 461, (559). N. side of James Riv., beg. at a stake parting Francis Radford & Robt. Evans, running N. by W. &c. Due & confirmed as above. SAME. 60 acs., 3 R. & 9 P., same location, date & page, (560). Beg. at a stake parting Thomas Cable & Robert Evans, running N. by W. to Kittawan, then W. &c. Due as above. WM. & JAMES LAWRENCE (Laur- ence), 95 A. 16 P., Chas. City Co., at the lower end of Weynock, next to land formerly known to bee Wm. Clayes on N. side of James Riv., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 462, (560). Beg. at a stake by the Persimon Island Sw. & running N. by W. to Kittawan Cr., thence W.N.W. &c. Due &c. as above. THOMAS HICKES, 100 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 2 Feb. 1664, p. 460, (558). N. side of Peancketanck Riv., beg. at land of Mr. Jno. Appleton & S.E. upon land SAME. 240 acs. Chas. City Co., same date & page, (561). Joyning to David Jones upon an Ash Sw., beg. at the river, running E. &c. abutting upon Patent Book No. 5 543 Fardinando Astins land, thence N. Sec. Due &c. as above. PETER PLUMMER (Plumer), 80 acs. Chas. City Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 462, (561). N. side of James Riv. Se on N. of Kittawan Cr., beg. at a line that parts Rice Hoe & sd. Plummer, running into the woods N. Sec. Due &c. as above. ANTHONY BRANCH, 300 acs. in upper parish of Nancimond, 20 Oct. 1665, p. 463, (562). Beg. at miles end of Israeli Johnsons land, adj. his own & land of Symon Symmons. Trans, of 6 pers: George Durant, thrice, An Durant, Thomas Keile, George Richards. FRANCIS WELLS, 600 acs. nere the head of the S. br. of Nancimond Riv., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 463, (562). Beg. by the br. side, running for length N. &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Tho. Harris, Samll. Slotum, Silas Hayward, George Blake, his wife, Jno. Fisher, Eliz. Moore, Tho. Brookes, An Morris, Jno. Bullard, Eliz. Tyler, Jno. Boyce. DAVID FLOYD, 200 acs. in upper parish of Nancimond, 20 Oct. 1665, p. 463, (562). Beg. at a pine & soe N.W. Sec. Trans, of 4 pers: David Floyd, his wife & child, Richard Teddy. WM. EASON, 700 acs. in upper parish of Nancimond Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 463, (563). Beg. on a poynt by Mathews Cr., running W. Sec. Trans, of 14 pers: Hester Bennett, Blanch Clarill, Jno. Smith, Thomas Light, Roger Perry, Wm. Eason, his wife, Henry Dutton, James Dutton, Mary Dotton, Jno. Surly, Jno. Irisman, Teage Irishman (Irish- men), Richard Bishop. ELIZABETH, ANN & SUSANNA FRANCIS, Orphants of Mr. Tho. Fran- cis, dee'd., 900 acs. Nancimond Co., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 464, (563). Beg. at miles end of William Sanders land, run- ning N. & joyning same, butting on land of Gressum Cofeild, E. 80 po. to sd. Cofeilds land, butting on land of the Widdow Elwood &c. through a greate Arrow Reed Sw. &c. to land of Thomas Tomlinson &c. Granted to Samuel Ste- phens 20 July 1639, the pattern being then for 2000 acs. but upon strict sur- vey found to contain the quantity afore- said; by Stephens sould unto Nathanll. Batts, who sould to sd. Francis. WM. WRIGHT, 100 acs. Nancimond Co., 11 Oct. 1665, p. 464, (564). Joyning to his fathers land, crossing a marsh to the S. br. side Sec. to poynt of marsh opposite Wm. Harrisons Landing place Sec, butting on the Indian feild of Titus Carly (Carty or Carby) Sec. Trans. of 2 pers: George Banton, Doll Dugrace. THOMAS CALLAWAY, 766 acs. Chas. City Co., 27 Feb. 1665, p. 465, (565). N. side of James Riv. between the heads of Florida hundred & Powells Cr., bounded upon Capt. Frame N. & N.E., upon Capt. Rothwell W. & N.W., upon land of Mr. Sparrow S.W. & upon Harris his run S.E. Granted unto Jno. Dibdall, Cleeke (Clerke ?), 24 Nov. 1653, by him deserted & upon petition of sd. Callaway granted to him by order of the Genii. Ct. 28 Sept. 1664 Se fur- ther due for trans, of 16 pers: Mary Hart, Wm. Jones, Stephen Peters, An Jones, James Story, Peter Godlad, An- thony Horns, Wm. West, Eliz. Toms, Susan Armes, Thomas Gore, George Harris, George Seward, Peter Mason, Henry Wise, Wm. Wise. JOHN COLCLOUGH, 500 acs. Staf- ford Co., 22 Oct. 1665, p. 465, (565). N.E. side of Quanticutt Cr., N.W. upon a greate br. deviding this & land of Henry Walker &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Robt. Jones, George Grissell, Henry Lane, Nich. Racholins, Wm. Jackson, Teage O Comly (or Conily), Eliz. Quome, Joane Somerdon, Ann Bayly, Hugh Richards. CHRISTOPHER LUM (or Lunn), 800 acs. Stafford Co., 22 Oct. 1665, p. 465, (565). S.W. side of Quonticutt Cr., S.E. upon land surveyed for Henry Walker, S.W. upon back line of Mr. Richard Haiberd, & N.E. by the Cr. & maine run. Trans, of 16 pers: Anthony Bridges, Henry Haughto (Haughton ?), Tho. Houghton, Mary Webb, Jone Traverse, Andrew Langly, James Langly, 544 Cavaliers and Pioneers Rachell Jones, Hen. & Eliz. Pate, Wm. Plumpton, Joseph Tucker, Mary Jones, Wm. Jones, Susan Hatsell, Mary Wms. (Williams.) JOHN BATES, 50 acs. at the middle plantation, 5 Mar. 1665, p. 465, (566). Butting Ely. upon the old paile, Wly. into the woods, Nly. upon Mr. Tyler & Sly. on Francis Peale. Renewal of pattern dated 15 Sept. 1655. HENRY WALKER, 500 acs. Stafford Co, 22 Oct. 1665, p. 466, (566). N.E. side of Quanticutt Cr, beg. upon a poynt on N.W. side of a greate br. nere a sunken marsh, NfW. by land of Thomas Dios & S.W. by sd. Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Mathew Fearson, Ant. Royly, Alice Rigg, Jno. Wells, Jane Fish, Jno. Hibit, Ann Sheppard, Danll. Stephens, Jno. Cawson, Jno. Frevitt (?). PETER SMITH, 200 acs. Low. Norf. Co, 9 Dec. 1665, p. 466, (567). In a br. of the W. br. of Eliz. Riv, beg. on E. side of the head of Loyds Cr. at a marked hickory standing by Edmond Bowmans marked trees &c. to poynt at the mouth of the Reedy Br. &c. Trans, of 4 pers.* ROBT. ABERNATHE, 100 acs. Chas. City Co, 7 Mar. 1665, p. 466, (567). S. side of James Riv. on the head of the poplar runn where it boundeth on land of James Wallis, S. on land of Thomas Duglas & the quarter land &c. Part of a greater devdt. granted to Patriack Jackson & Richard Barker & by sd. Jackson out of his parte sould to sd. Abernathe. WILLIAM CLAW, 220 acs. Gloster Co, 4 Jan. 1665, p. 467, (568). Upon branches of Peancketanck Riv, beg. at a white oake parting this & land of Major Cant, running along same &c. to land of Stephen Gill, dec'd. Trans, of 5 pers: Jone Jenkins, Anthony Prior, Mary Rason, Wm. Smett, (or Sinett). JOHN COLDCLOUGH, 200 acs. Stafford Co, 10 Nov. 1665, p. 467, (568). S.W. side of Quanticutt Cr, beg. on N.W. side of a run of water adj. to a marsh with marked trees, S.W. with back line of Richard Hayberd, N.W. with land of Xtophr. Lun &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Thomas Crouch, Ann Seate, Mary Baker, Eliz. Watkins. THOMAS WATKINS, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co, (no date), p. 467, (569). 150 acs. beg. on Swd. side of the E. br. of Eliz. Riv. &c. joyning land of Jno. Godfry, W.N.W. &c; 150 acs. adj. the same, beg. on S. end of his land, running S. &c. 150 acs. granted to Henry Nicholls 10 Aug. 1646 & sould to Humphry Belt (or Bett), who sould to Thomas Cartwright, who sould to Abram Thomas, who sould to sd. Wat- kins & by him sould to Thomas Steere. DENNIS EYES & DENNIS CON- WAY, 400 acs. N'umberland Co, 11 Mar. 1662, p. 468, (570). Upon Nwd. side of the maine br. of Greate Wicco- comico Riv. Trans, of 8 pers: Mary Stevens, Susan Parriott, Wm. Susan, Anthony Godlad, Mathan (Nathan ?) Bats, Mary Stores, Wm. Wilson, An- drew Jones. SAME. 270 acs. Same location, date & page. Trans, of 6 pers: Peter An- drewes, Wm. Archer, Jno. Cole, Mary Cole, Wm. Stevens, Mary Carisbrook. ROBERT BURRELL (Burwell), Gent, 250 acs. N'umberland Co, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 469, (571). 132 acs. N.E. upon a cr. deviding this from land of Nicholas Morris, S.E. upon land of John Essex, S.W. & Wly. upon land of George Fletcher, Gent, & 75 acs. bound- ing upon land of sd. Burwell & by line of trees of Jno. Huletts running N.E. &c. 182 acs. the first part granted to Nich. Morris 17 Nov. 1652 & assigned to sd. Burwell & Jno. Fawsett & interest of Fawsett sould to sd. Burwell; 75 acs. for trans, of 2 pers: Wm. Sanders, Peter Stuarson. RICHARD AYLIFE (Ayliffe), 248 acs. N'umberland Co, 4 Feb. 1662, p. 469, (572). Upon Wwd. side of the Swd. br. of greate Wiccocomico Riv, Sly. & Swly. upon a small br. of sd. river &c. bounded by land claimed by David Williamson Patent. An example of the penmanship of the period and the extraordinary preservation of the ink. Found in old Patent Book 5, page 499. New Patent Book 5, page 611. — Cavaliers and Pioneers, page 554. Of Patent Book No. 5 545 Mr. Peter Knight & Wly. with land of James Pope. Trans, of 5 pers: Wm. Haines, Andrew Jones, Paul Stan, Susan Petegrew, Wm. Alford. HENRY BOGGUS, 130 acs. N'um- berland Co., 24 Aug. 1664, p. 469, (572). From a poynt on the maine br. of Wiccocomico, Sly. along trees of Mr. Knight &c. to James Popes Sw. &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Martha Peters, Wm. Stone, A (n) drew Peters. MAJOR JOHN SMITH, 500 acs. of marsh, Gloster Co., 8 Feb. 1665/6, p. 470, (575). Adj. land upon which he lives, beg. at a poynt, running N.W. to little Poropotanck, downe the Cr. to the River S.S.E. & E.S.E. to Purton Bay, & N. by E. by Purton Cr. to beg. Trans. of 10 pers: Peter Goffe, Martha Stan- ford, Wm. Steward, Susan Hart, An Jones, Mary Filmore, Thomas Norton, Jno. Toms, Arthur Upshott, Wm. Stevens. MR. WM. THORNTON, 164 acs. Gloster Co., in Petsoe Parish, 16 Feb. 1665/6, p. 470, (573). Joyning land he now lives on, beg. in the old line, running E.N.E. &c. to old line of Mr. Richard Barnard, N.E. by N. by a branch, S.E. to Rappahannock path &c. to Robert Lees land &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Wm. West, Mary Shepard, Row- land Cornelius, Nich. Corker. MR. THOMAS VICARS, Clerke, 650 acs. Gloster Co., 16 Feb. 1665/6, p. 471, (574). Beg. on S. side of a little br. deviding this from land of Mr. Richard Barnard & Mr. Wm. Thornton, S.E. to Rappa. path, S. by W. &c. to a br. deviding this from Wm. Roberts land &c. to little br. on N. side of the swamp deviding this from land of Mr. Xtopr. Regall (or Regalt) &c. Trans, of 13 pers: An Crosser (?), Rich. Finch, David Thomas, Wm. Pilgrim, James Couchman, Richard Knott, Tho- mas Crane, Jno. Conier, Thomas Fisher, Jno. Greene, Danll. James, Rich. White, Samll. Stub. WILLIAM HUNT, 346 acs. 1 R, 4 P., Chas. City Co., 21 Mar. 1665/6, p. 471, (574). Beg. at a pochikery marked with 4 chops by a small Indian feild about a mile from the river on the N. side, adj. Jno. Stiff, running W. &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Italy Hopkins, Jno. Pennull, Jno. Shorne, Jno. Taylor, Jane Long, Edmond Jenkins, Georg Medly. HENRY CREIGHTON (Crightoun), 321 acs. Rappa. Co., 20 Mar. 1665/, p. 472, (575). In the freshes on the N. side of Rappa. Riv., beg. at a swamp nere the head of a cr. deviding the lands of Samll. Nicholls & Thomas & Wm. Mosse, running N.W. &c. nere a poquo- son &c. to corner tree of Mr. Grangers land, formerly Robt. Tomlins & now in possession of sd. Creightoun, S. &c. to a pochikery in line of Robt. Hopkins, thence N. by E. Ely. &c. to beg. Trans, of 7 pers: Thomas Cort, John Dike, Robt. Davies, Eliz. Davies, Joane Weeler, Abram Humphries, Francisco Swarfe. RICHARD BREDGAR, ROBT. HILL & JOHN MAYHEW, 1200 acs. Rappa. Co., 20 Mar. 1665/6, p. 472, (576). Beg. at the Wwd. side of a white marsh at the head of a br. issuing out of the Dragon Sw. & crossing Mattapony upper path, running W.N.W. &c. 300 acs. formerly belonging to Mr. Rich. Law- rence & Wm. Bauldine by pattent dated 15 June 1663 & by sd. Lawrence (the whole remaining in him after the death of Bauldine) assigned to sd. Mayhew; 900 acs. granted to Mr. Rich. Lawrence, Evan Davies & Tho. Williamson 16 June 1663 & now by severall assign- ments made over to sd. Bredgar & Hill. JAMES SAMFORD (Sandford), 800 acs. Rappa. Co., on N. side of sd. River, 20 Mar. 1665/6, p. 473, (577). E. side of Totoskey Cr., beg. on the back line & nere S.E. cor. tree of land which Tho- mas Robbinson now lives on, running N. by E. &c, along the joynt land of Quantillian Sherman & sd. Robbinson, along Miles Reileys land, thence E. &c. to land of Edward Lewis, thence S.W. by S. &c. to land of Wm. Barber, thence S.Wly. along land of Jno. Williams, N.Wly. &c. along land of Michaell Hugell, thence N.W. by N. to beg. 736 546 Cavaliers and Pioneers acs. granted to him 8 Apr. 1662 & 64 acs. due for trans, of 2 pers: Margtt. Holford, Susanna Stevens. MR. JOHN WHETSTONE (Whet- ston), 250 acs. Wmoreland Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 473, (578). Upon Nomeny bay, on back line of land of Jno. Hollis, extending N.W. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Thomas Holmes, Alexander Wright, Humphry Thomas, Alice Grey, Lucy Hollis. RALPH & THO. BLAG (Blagg), 209 acs. Wmoreland Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 474, (578). S. side of Ap- pomattox Cr., bounded N. on their 100 acs, W. by land of Major Underwood, E. by the greate branch whereby the other 100 acs. is divided from land of Thomas Johnson. 100 acs. part granted unto Thomas Blag 23 Sept. 1654; 109 acs. due for trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Bunch, Sarah Wells, Mary Jones. WM. OVERETT & GEORGE BROWNE, 400 acs. Wmoreland Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 474, (579). Upon branches of Nomeny Riv., beg. at corner tree of land surveyed for Thomas Dias standing in Mr. Richard Steremans line, running S.W. &c. to red oake in line of land surveyed for Wm. Basely & Edwd. Haly, N. E. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Joseph Green, Jno. Milsop, Jno. Little, Henry Wms. (Williams), Xtopr. Tomp- son, Hen. Tompson, Jone Lucas, Hanah Gray. RANDOLPH KIRKE, 1000 acs. W- moreleand Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 475, (579). Bet. Potomack & Rappa. Rivers on branches of Nomany, beg. in line of Mr. Rich. Sturman the cor. tree of 400 acs. surveyed for Thomas Dias & as- signed to Wm. Overett & George Browne, S.E. by a great br. in the line of land of Wm. Basely & Edward Haelly, thence S.W. &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Jones, Jno. Bardell, Wm. Grimes, Thomas Legerton, George Many, Wm. Burton, Robt .Pack, Fran. Weekes, Walter Birch, Thomas Monkes, Richd. Foron, Henry Hunt, Mathew Alger, Samll. Lamb, Wm. Thwats (?), George Denton, Wm. Jones, Wm. Pack, Jno. James, Mary Suer. WM. BASELY & EDWARD HAEL- LY, 1000 acs. Wmoreland Co., between Rappa. & Potomack Rivers, upon branches of Nomany, 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 475, (580). Beg. at land surveyed for Thomas Dios, in line of Mr. Jno. Whetstone, running S.W. &c. Trans, of 20 pers: James Turner, Robt. Cole, Jno. Yates, Henry Biggs, Wm. Wms., Robt. Dent, Mary Wms., Susan Hunt, An Toft, Jno. Browne, Nicho. Browne, Rose Plevin, Robt. Day, Morgan Thomas, Robt. Colton, Noah Edrop, Wm. Bock, Robt. Johnson, Mary Jacob, Tho. Ecalfe (?), Cicely Poole, Eliz. Wood- ward. JAMES GREEN, FRANCIS LEWIS & WM. BALDROP, 1050 acs. Wmore- land Co., bet. Rappa. & Potomack Rivers, 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 475, (580). Beg. at back line of Robt. & Jno. Alex- ander & Henry Pate, extending W. &c. Trans, of 21 pers: Jno. Thomas, 7 Negroes ; Mary Johnson, Precilla Parker, An Frankes, Roger Eglestone, Wm. Peirce, Sarah Peirce, Jno. Elston, (or Eliton), George Walker, Ann Leviton, Francis Nelson, Wm. Gilbert, Nicholas Short. RICHARD STERMAN (Sturman), 2000 acs. Wmoreland Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 476, (581). Upon branches of Nomeny, beg. at cor. tree of land of Coll. Valentine Payton, N.E. &c. to cor. tree of Mr. Danll. Hutt, S.E. &c. to land of Mrs. Ann Brodhurst ,S.S.E. &c. to N. side of a run deviding this land of the sd. Mrs. Broadhurst, thence S.E. &c. Said land formerly granted to him 4 Oct. 1664. WM. BEACH & RICHARD HAT- TOFT, 2200 acs. Stafford Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 476, (582). Upon main run of Quanticutt Cr. 1200 acs. extending N. by E. &c. & 1000 acs. beg. at Xtopr. Luns cor. tree, running S.S.W. &c. Trans, of 44 pers: Jno. Wormenton, Rich. Founding, Mary Core, Edmond Eterman, Grace Hill, George Chadwin, Tone East, Garat Christi, Isaak Hannock, Jno. Bowler, Cunny Benigham, Isaak Reynolds, Abigail Short, Susan Core, Tonr(?) Evans, Thomas Durly, Jno. Patent Book No. 5 547 Stone, 4, Humphry Mead, Jno. Machary, Isaak Grethwait, Jno. Bourn eby, Henry Cole, Jno. Blagrave, Dorathy Spilmore, Tho. Bland, Jno. Waters, Mary Wms. (Williams), Peter Johnson, 7 Negroes; Mary Thomas, Phillip Corwell, Johanna Yates, Francis Willis, Susan Hart, Timothy Gore. WILLIAM OVERETT, 590 acs. W- moreland Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 477, (582). S.W. side of Nomany Riv., beg. at a poynt of a small br. & swamp called the old feild Sw., up the same S.W. to a red oake deviding this & land of Mr. Daniell Hutt, S.E. to an Indian feild, S.S.W. &c. to marked chesnutt deviding this & land of Ann Hutt, E.S.E. &c. to an Indian feild deviding this & land of Mrs. Ann Broadhurst, N.W. &c. to the N.W. poynt of Her- ring Cr. which devides this & land of Coll. Nicholas Spencer, finally down Nomeny Riv. to beg. 400 acs. by pattent dated 15 Feb. 1661 & 190 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Tart, Francis Nelson, Mary Thomas, Grace Hill. WM. PEARCE (Perce-Peirce), 1810 acs. W'moreland Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 477, (583). 250 acs. on E. side of Nomany Riv., opposite land of Mr. Lewis Parrell, beg. at a sw. deviding this & land of Gabriell Odier, extend- ing nigh the river, W. upon a br. of same & upon S. side of Vasatiacon path &c. 600 acs. beg. where the former land ends upon a br. of sd. river opposite to Mr. Rosiers land, running W. &c. 350 acs. beg. betwixt land of sd. Odier & this land, running S. &c. Granted to Jno. Wood 12 Oct. 1653, who sould to sd. Pearce & renewed in his name 31 Dec. 1662. 610 acs. beg. at a Spanish oak in the abovesaid tract of sd. Pearce, extending N.W. &c. to side of a hill deveiding this & land of Katharine Brent, S.W. &c. to N.W. side of a br. nere the horse path which devides this & land claimed by Mr. Jno. Lord & Wm. Horton, thence E. &c. to sd. 1200 acs. 610 acs. due for trans, of 13 pers: Edmd. Eterman, Joane East, Jno. Kelson, Wm. Peirce, Peter Massey, Mary Core, Richd. Fonding, Susan Hunt, Wm. Gil- bert, George Gilbert, Susan Shore, Mary Pitman, An Kelson. MR. THOMAS MORRIS, 1280 acs. Stafford Co., 24 Mar. 1665/6, p. 478, (584). Upon the maine run of Quanti- cutt Cr., beg. at the line of Mr. Wm. Beck & Mr. Richard Hatoft, S.Wly. &c, crossing sd. run &c. Trans, of 26 pers: Jno. Grey, George Smith, Wm. Ester, George Michell, Jno. Scull (or Snell), Mary Nox, Edwd. RatlifTe, Wm. Nor- man, George Fleet, Humphry Minor, Wm. Burby, Robt. Warren, Arthur Wright, Robt. Wedge, Wm. Dolton, Xpian. (Christian) Wood, Patriack Miller, Jno. Davis, Tho. Godfrey, Tho. Wharton, Abram Wright, 2 Negroes; Wm. Wilson, Mary Wilson, Peter Stow (or Stone), Wm. Wright. THOMAS WELLS, 260 A. 2 R. & 24 P., Henrico Co., 24 Mar. 1665/6, p. 478, (584). N. side of Appomattox Riv. at the head of sd. Wells old pat- tent, extending from Flintons Sw. at a great pine, running N.N.E. &c. to side line of James Akin, E. along same &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Susan Francis, Wm. Gore, Jno. Gore, Timothy Markham, Andrew Stevens, Wm. Price (or Prie). JNO. BURTON, 700 acs. Henrico Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 479, (585). 300 acs. Nly. on a great swamp. Sly. to- wards land of Alice Edlowe, Widdow, Wly. over the river & Ely. into the woods, called by the name of the old feild; 300 acs. another parte joyning on the head of the Long feild pattent, beg. at a white oake marked 4 wayes at the extent of the deviding line of Jno. Bur- ton & Jno. Davies. running along the greate slash S.E. by S. &c. 600 acs. granted to Robt. Craddock & by Hoell Prise, his Atty., sould unto Jno. Cox, who Tssfaned to sd. Burton, & 100 p.cs. due for trnns. of 2 pers: Ann Coleman, Mark Wms. (Williams). COLL. NATHANIELL BACON, Esor., 2000 acs. New Kent Co., 22 Mar. 1.665/6, p. 479, C585>. S. side of Yorke Riv. upon the freshes thereof, beg. at a marked poplar being the unper bounds of land belonging to Capt. Wm. 548 Cavaliers and Pioneers Bassett & Capt. Phillip Ludwell, bound- ing upon the river up unto a marked red oak by the river side, thence into the woods W.S.W. 345 po., thence S. &c. to upper line of sd. land of Bassett & Ludwell, thence downe sd. line 345 po. to beg. Trans, of 40 pers: Peter Key, Ann Browne, Tho. Hancock, Jno. Morgan, Jno. Senton, Margtt. Wilson, Wm. Floyd, Rachaell Boras, Jno. Run- ner, Richd. Taylor, An Owen, Henry Norman, Jno. Fisher, Wm. Thomas, David Hamlett, Tho. Lawrence, Faith Chaire, Evan (a) Welchman, 7 more by assig'mt. from Capt. Gunnell, Jno. Birch, 9 Negroes; Thomas Cort, Eliz. Davies, Eliz. , Roman Barboe, Tho- mas Michell. JOHN READ, 300 acs. Gloster Co., 26 Mar. 1666, p. 479, (586). W. side of Cow Cr. Being part of a pattern of 800 acs. granted unto Richard Cox, 5 June 1657, who sould to sd. Read. ABRAHAM IVESSON, Senr., 985 acs. Gloster Co., 10 Oct. 1665, p. 480, (586). Upon the N. Riv. of Mobjack bay, beg. by the river, running N.N.W. &c. to a branch of the No. river mill Sw., down sd. branch to the maine run, up same to a hickory, thence S.S.W. &c. thence S. deviding this from land of Richard Cox, thence W. &c. to the horse path, thence S. S.E.Ely, to an ancient marked line &c. 655 acs. parte granted to sd. Ivesson 10 June 1651 & 100 acs. granted unto Coll. Anthony Elliot & as- signed to Abram Ivesson, Junr. & 230 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: An Key, Mary Jones, Wm. Steward, Peter Hart, An- thony Jackson. MRS. JUDETH SOANES, Widdow, 450 acs. Jas. City Co., 26 Mar. 1666, p. 480, (587). N. side of James Riv., Ely. side of Chikahomani, bounded Nly. on Tyascun Sw., Ely. on Edward Galla & Thomas Brookes, Sly. on Thomas Brookes & Richard New & Wly. on Mrs. Dormans land. Granted unto Thomas Womesly 4 Mar. 1656 & bv sd. Wolmes- ly sould unto Mr. Henry Soanes, by him deserted & upon petition of sd. Judeth granted unto her by order of the Gov. &c. the 20th Mar. 1661 & further due for trans, of 9 pers: Wm. Neale, Jno. Store, Wm. Watson, Jno. Watson, Mary Hosier, Peter Neale, Jno. Stuart, Wm. Smart, Andrew Rider. ROBERT TALIAFRO (Tallifro) & LAWRENCE SMITH, 6300 acs. Rappa. Co., 26 Mar. 1666, p. 481, (587). In the freshes, on S. side & about 4 mi. above Waire Cr., beg. on the E. side of Snowe Cr., running up sd. river on the N. side of sd. Cr. &c. to a vale nere the mouth of Nusaponucks Cr. &c. Trans, of 126 pers: Samuell Ratcliffe, Nathaniell Mott, William Lobb, Danll. Anderton, Robt. Thruston, Thomas Morgan, Samll. Burgis, Edward Sadler, Edward Graves, Jno. Seniore, Tom — Negro, Wm. Trewin, Robt. Hull, Arthur Poell, Ambrose Hamon, James Walker, Xtopr. Tharnam, Richd. Mould, Abram Watts, Wm. Brett, Giles Lovell, Benj. Hall, Jno. Edwards, Thomas Jackson, Jno. Griffen, 8 Negroes; Jno. Jackson, Peter Malborne, Jno. Gore, Mary Williams, Thomas Hix, Jno. Burby, Georg Young, Georg Baker, Mary Parker, Robt. Merham, Ann Hardware (?), Jno. Davies, Dorcas, Young, Danll. Gouch (or Grouch), Eiz. Sharp, Wm. Gratwich, Georg Roke James Harrison, James Sewill, Thomas Bone, Wm. Pratt, Jno. Robertson, Leon- ard Cooke, 3 Negroes; David Jones, Jno. Motley, Jno. Hamerson, Jno. Lew- cas, Peter Frissoll, Mary Bake, Eliz. Griffin, 5 Negroes; Henry Cassell Jno. Hayward, James Berkert, Henry Powell, Humphry Thomas, Wm. Greene, Jno. Hunt, Peter Cozon, (or Cozin), Tho- mas Cheny, Mary Cheny, Robt. Edwards, Blanch Harding, Xpr. Edee, Arabella Singleton, Lawrence Smith, Tho. Ed- ward, Jno. Edwards, Wm. Greene, Peter Smith, Wm. Thomas, Jno. Nutt, Eliz. Humphries, Henry Johnson, Anthony Baker, Martha Jones, Susan Hunt, An- thony Jones, Mary Greefore, Ann Town- send, Jno. Frissell, Mursin Lilly, Jno. Jones, Margtt. Tompson, Jno. Wray, Wm. Wright, Robt. Pate, Jno. Kelly, Jno. Farrell, Griffeth Pratt, Edwd, Hoyte, Danll. Adler (or Adlen), Eliz. Tooth, Samll. Baker, Arthur Skinner, Margtt. Tompson, Jno. Wray, Wm. Wright, Abram Stone, Martha Haimon Patent Book No. 5 549 (?), Wm. Batten, Wm. Stanly, Silvester Sparrow, Jno. Boucher, Wm. Thomas, Jonathan Nutt, Peter Wms. (Williams). WILLIAM KNOTT, 312 acs. Surry Co., 28 Mar. 1666, p. 482, (588). 112 acs. on S. side of James Riv., on S. side of upper Chipoake Cr., bounded N.W. on land of Edward Oliver, N* upon Wm. Thomas, E. on George Gibson & S.E. on Mr. Fisher; 200 acs. on S. side of sd. Riv., Wly. on Jeremiah Clements, N.W. on Edward Oliver, Nly. on Wm. Thomas, George Gibson & Edward Minter, Ely. on Wm. Gapins land & Mr. Thomas Busbie & S.E. on Mr. Rich- ard Hill. 112 acs. granted to Wm. Knott, dec'd., 20 Nov. 1653 & 200 acs. in sd. Knotts name 14 Oct. 1657 & now due him as son & heire of sd. Wm. Trans, of 4 pers: Peter Bray, Wm. Hawking, Sarah Willis, Mary Jones. MR. JNO. POCKETT, an Erregular tract of land conteyning 500 acs., Henri- co Co, 27 Jan. 1665, p. 482, (589). Bristoll Parrish next above land of Mr. Wm. Baugh on Perristoyle Cr, 300 acs. beg. on head of sd. Cr. at a place called the spring bottome where it boundeth N.W. &c, S.W. to the Ashen Sw, E. 6 E. by N. as sd. Sw. & line of Mr. Walthall windeth; 200 acs. beg. at the upper side of the 3 chops & extendeth W. over the Ashen Sw. 160 ch. at a tree next above land of Mr. Wm. Wal- thall on sd. Sw. &c. Trans, of 10 pers: 7 Negroes; Wm. Store, Mary Kemp, Peter Stone. MR. XTOPHER. BRANCH, Senior, an Erregular tract of land in Henrico Co, on S. side of James Riv, commonly knowne & called by the name of Kings land, conteyning 1380 acs, 20 Oct. 1665, p. 483, (590). Beg. 93/4 chs. above a remarkable greate stone lying above the house of Mr. Wm. Baugh, Jr., runneth W. by S. into the woods 160 chs. each conteyning 2 pearchs & E. by N. on the maine Riv, extending S. by E. 295 chs. for the breadth of the whole tract to a marked tree on Proc- tors Cr. or run whence it runneth as the sd. run & Cr. windeth to the Riv. 250 acs. by pattern 12 Feb. 1638; 450 acs. by pattern 28 Feb. 1638; 50 acs. granted to Jno. Griffin 25 Feb. 1619 & lately found to escheate &c. by inquisition dated 5 Sept. 1663 & now granted sd. Branch &c. 630 acs. for trans, of 13 pers: Mary Stevens, Jno. Jones, 5 Negroes; Andrew Many, Peter Ashley, Jno. Stany, Henry Stany, Wm. Goate, Wm. Potter. ROBERT ALEXANDER & GEORGE WEEDING, 800 acs. W'moreland Co, 24 Mar. 1665/6, p. 483, (590). In the forrest bet. Potomack & Rappa. Rivs, beg. at cor. tree of the back line of land of Robt. & Jno. Alexander & Xtopr. Lunn &c. Trans, of 16 pers: Jno. Cod, Wm. Cole, Anthony Larton (or Laeton), Walter Stevens, Tho. Norton, Gabriell Norton, Austin Skinner, Wm. Peters, Jonathan Higly, Wm. Start, Mary Nor- tant, Peter Wms.^ Susan Goodale, Mar- tha Wms, Hanah Tart, Richard Hans. JAMES MILLICENT, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co, 20 Oct. 1665, p. 484, (591). Beg. on a poynt at the mouth of Tan- ners Cr, running S.S.W. 480 po. by the river to a poynt by the mouth of a cr. &c, joyning land of Mr. Thomas Lam- bard & land of George Tatne &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Enoch Wines, Wm. Skinner, Timothy Hart, Andrew Jones, Wm. Stevens, Jno. Jones, Peter Store, Susan Wms. MR. ARGOLL YARDLY, 2000 acs. in Accomack in N'ampton Co, 28 Mar. 1666, p. 484, (591). Bounded on W. on a former devd't. of sd. Yardlyes, Sly. on land of Lt. John Savidge, Nly. on land of Capt. Wm. Stone & Ely. to the Seaside. Granted to Col. Argoll Yardly, Esqr. 8 June 1654 & now due the above as sonn & heire. JOHN WILLIAMS, 100 acs. accord- ing to the ancient bounds thereof, Acco- mack Co, 28 Mar. 1666, p. 484, (592). Granted to Francis Martin, dec'd. & lately found to escheate &c. by inquisi- tion dated 24 Aug. 1665 by Col. Jno. Stringer, Escheator for sd. county, & now granted &c. MAJOR JOHN TILNEY, 100 acs. according &c, Accomack Co, 28 Mar. 550 Cavaliers and Pioneers 1666, p. 485, (592). Granted unto Francis Martin, dec'd., lately found to escheate &c. inquisition dated 24 Aug. 1665 & now granted &c. JOHN HAGGAMAN, Junr. & ISAAK HAGGAMAN, 200 acs. accord- ing &c, in N'ampton Co., 28 Mar. 1666, p. 485, (593). Granted unto Capt. Tho- mas Burbage, deed., lately found to escheate &c, by inquisition dated 19 Jan. 1665 & now granted &c. WM. GELDING, 400 acs. according &c, in N'ampton Co., 28 Mar. 1666, p. 485, (593). Granted to Wm. Birditt, dec'd. , found to escheate &c. by inquisi- tion dated 11 Jan. 1665 & now granted &c. WILLIAM GASKING (Gaskin), 550 acs. according &c, in N'ampton Co., 28 Mar. 1666, p. 485, (594). Granted to Thomas Burbage, dec'd., lately found Sec. by inquisition dated 19 Jan. 1665 & now granted &c. MR. JOHN PATE, 200 acs. Gloster Co., 31 Dec. 1662, p. 486, (594). N. side of Yorke Riv. & E. side of Poropo- tank Cr., Wly. upon land granted to Mr. Jarnew, Sly. on Wm. Ginsies land & Nly. on his own. Granted to Michaell Grafton 2 Nov. 1658, by him deserted & granted sd. Pate 27 Mar. 1661 by order of court. Trans, of 4 pers: Jno. King, Eliz. White, Mary Bates, George Steines. SAME. 300 acs. Gloster Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 486, (594). On a br. of Ware Riv. in Mockjack bay, beg. at the head of another tract, running up a br. or swamp Wly. &c. to br. that cometh uo by Robbinhoods Well & down sd. br. to beg. Granted unto Mor- decay Cooke 31 Mar. 1662, by him de- serted & upon petition of sd. Pate granted to htm by order of the Govr. &c. bearing date with these presents & further due for trans, of 6 pers: Walter Bradley, Wm. Farmer, Susan Tine, Mary Groome, Timothy Fine, Anthony West. MR. TOHN OKEHAM. 200 acs. Gloster Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 486, (595). N. side of Yorke Riv. & E. side of Poropotanck Cr., bounding Wly. up- on land of Mr. Jarnew, Sly. on Wm. Ginseyes land & Nly. on land of Mr. Pate. Granted to Mr. Jno. Pate 31 Dec. 1662, by him deserted & upon petition granted to sd. Okeham &c, & further due for trans, of 4 pers: Wm. Crone, Ant. Jones, Ralph Lenor, Timothy Flips. STEPHEN HAMELYN (Hamlyn), 1400 acs. Chas. Citty Co., according Sec. 29 Mar. 1666, p. 487, (595). Granted unto Mr. Stephen Hamelyn, dec'd., late- ly found &c. by inquisition dated 3 Nov. 1665 under the hand & seale of Mr. Henry Randolph, by virtue of a deputa- tion from Col. Miles Cary, Escheator, Genr'l. &c. & now granted &c. Provided that the Widdow & Relict of sd. Stephen Hamlyn, dec'd., bee noe way prejudiced in her thirds & that shee enjoy the same in as full & ample manner to all intents & purposes as any other Widdow of his Maties. (Majesties) naturall borne sub- jects by the lawes of England or this Country may or can enjoy the same as if the land had bin Escheated. MR. DAVID FOX, 860 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Riv. between sd. River & Corrotoman Riv., 29 Mar. 1666, p. 487, (596). Beg. on the brow of a hill & running N.W. along land of Col. Bur- bage &c, along the severall lands of Henry Davis, John Senior's orphant, & Capt. Hackett &c, adj. land of Anthony Stephens to marked tree nere Moratico path, thence N.Wly. to beg. 350 acs. by pattent dated 21 Aug. 1663 & 510 acs. by pattent dated 8 Sept. 1663. CHARLES ROANE, 100 acs. Gloster Co., 6 Dec. 1665, p. 488, (597). Upon branches of Peancketanck Riv., beg. at the side of a br. &c, N.E. along land of Col. Warner &c. Trans, of 2 pers.* THOMAS SAMPSON, 202 A. 64 P., James Citty Co., 10 Apr. 1666, p. 488, (597). Beg. nere a br. of Coxes Sw., thence bv line of trees deviding this from land of Richard Smith, running S. &c. to N.W. side of Capt. Ellysons Sw., being lower cor. tree of Richard Brusters line, thence N.W. by W. to Brusters Patent Book No. 5 551 path, thence downe a bottome & br. of Ware Cr. W.N.W. &c. to br. of the Plantation (Cr.) &c. Part of 750 acs. granted to Wm, Davis & lately found to escheate &c, by inquisition dated 12 Apr. 1664 by Col. Myles Cary, Escheator &c. and now granted &c. 490, (600). E. side of Machepungo Bever Dam branch, bounded on W. by W. side of sd. branch, S. by lands of Richard Kellum &c. Trans, of 6 pers: James Pewring, David Lucas, Edmond Croffs, Jno. Duckett, Alice Gwilford, Sarah Powell. MR. JUSTINIAN AYLMER, 495 acs. Gloster Co., 4 Apr. 1666, p. 489, (598). 300 acs. at Mockjack bay on E. side of the mouth of Pepper Cr; 120 acs. on Ewd. of sd. Cr. & 75 acs. in Mockjack bay, beg. at S.W. cor. tree of a former devdt. at sd. Cr. &c. by Mr. Plummers trees to the bay side &c. 300 acs. granted to Richard Grigson 13 Sept. 1651, assigned to Wm. Armistead & by Jno. Armistead his lawfull heire as- signed to sd. Aylmer; 120 acs. & 75 acs. granted, assigned & sold as abovestated. Further due for trans, of 2 pers: Margtt. Jones, Wm. Stevenson. THOMAS RIDEING (Riding), 1000 acs. Accomack Co. at Occocomson, 5 Apr. 1666, p. 489, (599). Bounded Swd. by trees of Col. John Stringer, W. by Curratowoman br. & E. by Seaboard side. Trans, of 20 pers: Thomas Ride- ing, Charles Gerrard, Walter Mathews, Katharine Ellis, Eliz. Gilford. Sarah Knight, Wm. Vaughan, Henry Mather, Thomas Travis, Mary James, Alice Turner, Griffin Morgan, Thomas Roach, Samll. England, Hester Davis, Henry Moore, Thomas Turry. Michll. Lingsly, Jno. Morefeild, Sara Wittaker. TOBIAS SELVEY, 600 Accomacke Co., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 490, (599). On the head of land of Robt. Parker, bounded S.W. partly by the valley of a br. & a line of marked trees running from sd. valley S. 300 po. to land of Dorman Swillivant &c, N.N.W. by land formerly Mr. Richard Bundocks &c. Trans, of 12 pers: Alex. Clarke, Ed. Clarke, Jeff Daniell, Tho. Bassett, Hen. Trenchard. Giles Manning, Rowland Ash, Walter Stricland, Joan Ramsey, Barbery Fisher, Wm. Vaughan, Sisly Okely. BARTHOLOMEW ME ARES (Mews), 300 acs. Accomacke Co., 5 Apr. 1666, p. JOHN SMITH, 500 acs. Accomacke Co., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 490, (600). Bounded on S. & E. by two branches of Machepungo Cr. & on the N. by a right line parting this from land of Timothy Coe. Sd. land being a Southern parte of 1500 acs. granted to Capt. Francis Potts 24 Jan. 1653 & since confirmed to Lt. Col. Wm. Kendall 29 May 1661, who assigned to sd. Smith. MR. JOHN FAWSETT (Fawcett), 937 acs. Accomacke Co., on N. side of Occohanneck Cr., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 491, (601). Bounded on W. by land of Richard Kellum, E. by land of Dorman Swillivant & N. by land of Mr. Jno. West. 250 acs. parte hereof being one- halfe of land granted to Richard Smith 24 Mar. 1650; 387 acs. another parte granted to Wm. Thorne, 21 Nov. 1654 & by their heires conveyed to sd. Faw- cett; 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Henry Merrell, Wm. Landers, George Canneck, Elizabeth Moulton, Ann March, Mary Gilman. WILLIAM CHASE, 650 acs. Acco- macke Co., S. side of Pocomooc Riv., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 491, (601). Bounded on N. by sd. Riv., &c. marked trees separating this from land of Jno. Renny 6 land of Charles Ratcliff &c. Trans. of 13 pers: 7 Negroes; Jno. Dickeson (or Dukeson), Francis Branson, Mary Trotman. Ellinore Pockett, Jno. Celly, Sarah Gill. MR. JOHN MICHAELL, 500 acs. Accomack Co., at Occocomson, 5 Apr. 1666, p. 491, (602). Bounded Swd. by trees of Mr. Rideing, running from the Sea alongst his line N.W. &c. to the sea separating this from land of Edward Smith, Milriaht &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Michaell, Senr., Wm. Gray, Peter Fantaine, Jno. Aleworth, Jno. Michaell, Jr., 5 Negroes. 552 Cavaliers and Pioneers ROBERT HOUSTONE, 500 acs. Ac- comacke Co., on S. side of Pocomook Riv., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 492, (602). Bounded on W. by sd. Riv. & Hous- tones Cr., S.Ewd. by trees of Jno. Wil- liams &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Robt. Crumpton, Jno. Ventris, James Eveling, Jno. Cow, Rich. How, Henry Baniton (or Bainton), Tho. Wanklin, Wm. Grubb, Thomas Kent, Mary Pithouse. RICHARD ROBINSON, 150 acs. Accomacke Co., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 492, (602). At the bay side of N. side of Muddy Cr. branch, bounded on S. by sd. br. & lands of Samll. Jones & Wm. Smith, W. by the bay & N. by lands surveyed for Mr. Jno. Custis, now in possession of Benjamin Lawrence. Trans, of 3 pers: Thomas Joy, Edwd. Lewis, Jno. Nordett (or Nordell). NICHOLAS LAYTER, 200 acs. Ac- comack Co. on N. side of Mesango Cr., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 492, (603). Bounded on S. therewith, W. by land of Charles Radcliffe & E. by trees running from a little gutt on the marsh issuing out of sd. Cr. Trans, of 4 pers: Will. Winn, Martha East Court, Tho. Carne, Jane Vaughan. JAMES TAYLER (Taylor), 200 acs. Accomack Co., on N. side of Mesango Cr., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 493, (603). Bounded on S. therewith, E. bv land of Charles Ratcliff &c. Trans, of 4 pers: George Lore (?), Jno. Foyle, Will. Hawlis, Jane Southby. WILLIAM AYLWORTH (Ayle- worth), 400 acs. Accomack Co., on S. side of Mesango Cr., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 493, (603). Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Risby (or Rislv), Robt. Bute, James Herbert, Oliver Evans, Rebecca Wallmg- ford, Alice Roberts, Edwd. Gannes, Robt. Bedford. JOHN WILLIAMS, 500 acs. Acco- mack Co., on S. side of Pocomook River, 5 Apr. 1666, p. 493, (604). Bounded S.Ewd. bv Kings Cr. & a bever Dam br., N.Wwdly. by land of Robt. Hous- tone &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Francis Bruse, Lodwick Browne, Tho. Winch, Samll. Palmer, Wm. Beverly, Heny Blundell, Oliver Osborne, Francis Tay- lor, James Cotton, Jno. Roll. THOMAS DAVIS, 400 acs. Acco- mack Co., S. side of Pocomook Riv., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 493, (604). Beg. at Davis Br. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Browne, Roger Nuppar, Jno. Chester, Wm. Warden, Jno. Armiger, Step. Tompson, Wm. Dines (?), Wm. Snagy. JOHN PRETIM AN ( Prettiman ) , 200 acs. Accomack Co., at Matchepungo, 5 Apr. 1666, p. 494, (604). On head of the lands of Thomas Browne, bounded on S. by land of Wm. Robbin- son &c, on N. by br. deviding this from land of Major John Tilney. Trans, of 4 pers: James Boone, Jno. Kendall, Jane Shepard, Tho. Ayres. JAMES HENDERSON, 400 acs. Ac- comack Co., on S. side of Pocomooke Riv., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 494, (605). Bounded on E. by land surveyed for Thomas Davis. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Long, James Collins, Edwd. Top, Eliz. White, Jno. Price, Jno. Aubry, Alice Stewkly, Florence Evans. ROBERT RICHARDSON, 500 acs. Accomack Co., at the head of Occa- hannock Cr., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 494, (605). Bounding Swd. of 450 acs. that was formerly Richard Smiths, now in possession of the sd. Robert &c, run- ning N. by E. unto land formerly Rich- ard Budicks (or Birdick) &c. to the slashes at the head of James his br. unto land now in possession of sd. Richard- son. Trans, of 10 pers: 3 Negroes; Robt. Richardson, Tobias Bull, Eliz. Passell, Sarah Passell, Katharine Stubbs, Wm. Fetherstone, Sebilla Bullock. DORMAN SUELLIVANT, 450 acs. Accomack Co. at Occahannock Cr., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 495, (606). Bounded on W. by land of John Fawcett, E. by a br. & trees deviding this from land in possession of Robt Richardson &c. 250 acs. being parte of 500 acs. granted to Richard Smith 24 Mar. 1650 & by his relict assigned to sd. Suellivant. 200 acs. for trans, of 4 pers: Tho. Gabell, Rich. Archer, Tho. Gibbs, Edwin Males. Patent Book No. 5 553 TIMOTHY COE, 1000 acs. Acco- mack Co., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 495, (606). Bounded on E. by the greate N. br. of Machepungo Cr., on S. by a right line parting this from land of Jno. Smith &c. Parte of 1500 acs. granted to Capt. Francis Pott, 24 Jan. 1653 & since con- firmed unto Lt. Col. Wm. Kendall 29 May 1661, who assigned to sd. Coe. JOHN WALLOP alias WADLOW, 1700 acs. Accomack Co. nere Occocom- son at the seaboard side, 5 Apr. 1666, p. 495, (606). Lying between his line & Gingoteage Riv., bounded on E. by the seaboard, Swd. along same to a Cedar br. on N. side of Samll. Taylor &c. 100 acs. granted unto him 12 June 1664 & 700 acs. for trans, of 14 pers: Tho. Mackrell, Edgar Halsey, Margtt. Hill, Roger Draper, Jno. Cotswell, Robt. Horton, Jean Stanly, Jeames Huberd, Luke Roe, Abraham Willett, Jno. Gold- ing, Jeames Weatly, Ed Long, Walter Booth. MR. ROBT. BRISTOW, 184 acs. Gloster Co. in Mocjack bay, upon N. side of Ware Riv., 7 May 1666, p. 496, (607). Beg. at a white oake parting this & his own land & the head of Harris' land &c. to an Oyster Shell poynt &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Eliz. Bos- ton, Wm. Browne, Doll a Negro, Jno. Dowdy. MR. WM. PORTEEN, 500 acs. Low. Norf. Co., in the E. br. of Eliz. River, 9 May 1666, p. 496, (607). Running along marked trees seperating this from land of Jno. Gater &c. alongst a branch side to the mouth of the broad Cr. Trans, of 10 pers: Isaack Barrington, Edward Gage, Jno. the Indian, Wm. Porteen, Mary Boddin, Joane Ravening, Wm. Vahan, Eliz. Gwin, James Car- penter, Mary Jones. SAME. 200 acs., same county, date & page. S. side of Daniell Tanners Cr., beg. at Jno. Wms. (Williams) cor. tree, running S.S.E. &c, being severall necks of land. Trans, of 4 pers: Susan Mason, Martha Williams, Peter Store, Wm. Thomas. THOMAS WYATT, 500 acs. in Mockjack bay; 9 May 1666, p. 497, (608). 250 acs. on Eastermost side of Ware Riv., beg. nere a little poynt (of) Oyster shell, running N. &c; & 250 acs. abutting upon the narrow of Ware Riv. &c. unto Cow Cr. &c. Granted to Rich- ard Wyatt, deed. 20 Aug. 1645 & now due sd. Thomas, his son & heire. JOHN WILLIAMS, 500 acs. in Acco- mack, formerly N'ampton Co., at Anan- cock Cr., being the one-half of an neck faceing the mouth of sd. Cr., lying be- tween the N. & S. branches thereof, 5 Apr. 1666, p. 497, (609). Bounding on S. by land of George Truitt, on N. by main br. of sd. Cr. &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Jude Morgan, Benj. Pride, Wm. Seward, Arthur Shore, Wm. Fennett, Mary Tye, Peter Scott, Ann Morgan, Judith Smart, Wm. Stevens. CHARLES RATCLIFF, 500 acs. Acco- mack Co., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 497, (609). On the head of the lands of Crooked Cr., bounding Nwd. by land of John Renny &c. Trans, of 10 pers: James Duncomb, George Peggott, Jno. Ander- son, Richard Crawley, Thomas Ceety (?), Walter Neale, Thomas Chandy, Walter Cary, Jno. Denton, Edwd. White. ROBERT JOHNSON, 600 acs. Acco- mack Co., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 498, (610). Bounded on S. by Mesango Cr. Trans, of 12 pers: John Vann, James Dalston, Jno. Ottowaes, Thomas Rouse, Jno. Freeman, Ralph Bromfeild, Rich. Lent- hall, Edmond Howard, John Haward (or Howard), Nich. Broderick, Ed. Temple, Ed. Phillips. JNO. WALLOP alias WADLOW, 300 acs. Accomack Co., On S. side the head of Mesango Cr., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 498, (610). Trans, of 6 pers: Mary Jones, Susan Trott, Wm. Evans, Jno. Evans, Margtt. Johnson, Peter Plummer. JOHN DAVIS, 700 acs. Accomack Co., on S. side of Pocomook Riv., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 498, (610). Trans, of 14 pers: Miles Seyes, Ri. Wartrop, Jno. Pile, Ri. Holt, Ed. Jarvis, Wm. Orly, Jno. Harvy, 554 Cavaliers and Pioneers Wm. Sunden, Robt. Spencer, Jno. Wingatt, Jonah Wallis, Henry Corker, Jno. Pleydell, Thomas Gore. DAVID WILLIAMSON, 6000 acs. Accomack Co., beg. at a right line drawn from Crooked Cr., running alongst side of Col. Edmond Scarburgh s land to land of Mr. Henry Smith, bounded on W. by land of the Ratcliffs & Nicholas Layter (or Layler), S. by Mesango Cr., lands of Robert Johnson & Germon Gilliot & Ely. to land of Jno. Stockly. 5 Apr. 1666, p. 499, (611). Trans, of 120 pers: Rich- ard Combs, William Maston, Robt. Sadler, Thomas Oxton, John Bristoll, Algerwell Cecill, Thomas Cotton, John Coltrop, Robt. Apreetee, Nicholas Pedly, Jno. Heron, Robt. Paine, Richard Nay- lor, Richard Ashley, Maurice Digg, Tho- mas Hardess, Rich. Masters, Jno. Marsh, Nicholas Tooke, Jno. Zouch, Wm. Flud, Jno. Smith, Jno. Mason, Francis Twis- den, Thomas Breader, Xp. Allenson, Robt. Oliver, Francis Baston, Henry Pettis, Thomas Fortree, Edward Mastor, Richard Masters, Jacob Eaton, Jno. Sacker, Jeremy Stanford, James Pashly, Robt. Watson, Tho. Brett, George Midleton, Roger Bradshaw, Jno. Nowell, James Bracke, Jno. Bowes, Anto. Fowte, Wm. Rooke, Robt. Larker, Thomas Belois, James Albester, George Curtis, James Troutts, Rich. Manly, George May, Peter Pett, Edward Wyatt, James Newman, Jno. Cason, Fortree Stephen, Herbert Randall, Thomas Peale, James West, Lewis Price, Ri. Amhust, (or Amherst), Ri. Duck, Thomas Hinman, James Brooke, Edwd. Marlington, Walter Gilson, Roger Wye, Ralph Massy, Thomas Stanny, Wm. Bur- ford, 9 Negroes; Susan Williams, Jane Cole, Ann Jones, Peter Plumer, Alex. Edwd., Wm. Stone, Stephen Cher (or Chore), Peter Store, Susan Hart, Henry Cary, Henry Wms., Jno. James, Jno. Johnson, James Stoner, Peter Corton, Edwd. Watters, Sarah Jackson, Jno. Tatton, Jno. Tart, Edmd. Williams, Peter Norton, Thomas Norton, Thomas Coulson, Edward Say, Wm. Saver. Nor- ton Phillips, Jno. Evans, Robr. Coleman, Henry Creeke, Peter Plumer, Eliz. Hart, Mary Jones, Wm. Tony, Susan March, Alex Mecanter, Edwd. Seward, Thomas Nort, Thomas Coleby, Thomas Pewter, Edward Jones. JNO. WALLOP alias WADLOW, 800 acs. in Accomack Co. at Pocomook, 5 June 1666, p. 499, (611). Wwd. by the head of Mr. Pitts 3000 acs., Nwd. by Kings Cr. & a Beverdam br. of fresh- water running into sd. Cr., Swd. by a right line from land of Mr. Robt. Pitts &c. Granted 10 June 1664, 400 acs., & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Margtt. Jones, Wm. Seward, Andrew Jones, An- thony Sewes (?), Wm. Harris, Edward Williams, Peter Stone, Walter Granger. MR. JOHN ROBINS, 3150 acs. N'ampton Co., at the Seaboard side, 5 Apr. 1666, p. 500, (612). Bounded on S. by a br. parting this from land of Mr. Wilkins &c, unto land of Mr. Wm. Mel ling, which was formerly Jno. Ma- jors, on W. by sd. Major, Wilkins's former grant, Mr. Taylor & lands of Mr. Robins former grant, on S. by the Otterdam branch &c. running to cor. tree of Jno. Harmanson &c. 2000 acs. granted to Mr. Obedience Robins 3 Dec. 1640 & since come to sd. John by descent; & 1150 due for trans, of 23 pers: 8 Negroes; Wm. Story, Susan Knott, Edw. Stone, Wm. Edwards, Susan Edwards, Peter Kellum, Edm. Norton, Nathan Jones, Edw. Stevens, Wm. Skinner, Robt. Evans, Walter Jones, Jno. Allum, James Ettrig, Peter Core. (Note: Marginal reference gives this name as Robinson). ELIZ., SARAH & MARGTT. DYE, children of John Dye, deed., 600 acs. Accomack Co., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 600, (612). At Metomkin, beg. (at a place) commonly called & knowne by the name of Dyes Bridge, &c, nere land of Col. Edmond Scarburgh &c. 450 acs. granted sd. Dye 10 Aug. 1664 & now descended to the abovenamed in partnership & 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Thomas Nor- cott, Wm. Monrow, Edward Walker. LAWRENCE ROBINSON. 1200 acs. Accomack Co., part hereof being a peninsula called Hills Choyce, the other part lying on the S. side of the middle branch of Muddy Cr., bounded on the Patent Book No. 5 555 N. therewith, on the E. by a right line parting this from land of Robt. Hill &c, on W. by the bay & Sunken Marshes; 5 Apr. 1666, p. 501, (613). 500 acs. by pattern dated 23 Feb. 1663 ; 300 acs. by pattern 29 Nov. 1664 & 400 acs. for trans, of 8 pers: Edward Rice, Owin Williams, Rebecca Moore, Martha Morris, Thomas Mouse, Mary Gibbons, Mathew Gosling, Thomas Stanly. SAMUELL TAYLOR, 950 acs. Acco- mack Co., nere Occocomson, 5 Apr. 1666 p. 501, (613). Running from the head of a Cedar br. &c. to a line deviding this from land of Mr. Southby Littleton. 600 acs. by pattern dated 12 Sept. 1664 & 350 acs. for trans, of 7 pers: Francis Clacke (or Clarke), Edward Master, Tho. Godfry, Edm. Pirce, Richard Gray, Wm. Orton, James Luellin. MR. HENRY SMITH, 1700 acs. Ac- comack Co. nere branches of Pocomook Riv., 5 Apr. 1666, p. 501, (614). Bounded on W. by land of Col. Ed- mond Scarburgh & David Williamson, N. by land of Mr. Robt. Pitts & a br. of sd. Riv. & on S. by land of sd. Wil- liamson. Trans, of 34 pers: Henry Smith, Phillip Smith, Wm. Hately, James Angle, Jno. Astope, Thomas Wheeler, Jno. Higgs, David Hamleton, Margtt. Ray, Eliz. Carter, Margtt. Fartree, Mary Jones, Edward Ludlow, Alice Hunt, Arthur Robins, Mary Lewis, James Powell, An Ossipe (?), Ann Frowne, Jno. Will- mott, Andrew Rider, Heugh Yeo, Jno. Browne, Wm. Twisden, Henry Parker, Robt. Bowman, Isaak Hillier, Ri. Barnes, Henry Rider, Peter Browne, Susan Coates, Jonas Smelt, Edward Filmore, Susan Carter. ROBERT BEVERLY, 165 acs. Lan- caster Co., N. side of Peancketanck, 12 Apr. 1666, p. 502, (614). Beg. at a small Cr. mouth, running N.W. by W. &c. to marked tree of Mr. George Keibles, late deed., thence E.N.E. &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Hanah Wild, Ann Trotter, Wm. Tompson, Margtt. Jones. WALTER AUSTON, Gent., 200 acs. according to the ancient lawfull bounds thereof in James Citty Co., 23 Sept. 1663, p. 502, (614). Formerly belong- ing to Benj. Carroll, deed., lately found to escheate & by inquisition dated 27 Mar. last, under hands & seals of Col. Myles Cary, Esqr., Escheator & a Jury sworne &c. & now granted &c. HENRY BIGGS, -100 acs. of wood land & 40 acs. of marsh land, New Kent Co., 20 Nov. 1665, p. 502, (615). N.E. side of Mattapony Riv. about 2 mi. up the same, W.S.W. upon the Riv &c. by line of marked trees keeping equall dis- tance from Tassiatums Cr. &c. 100 acs. granted to Edmond Simpson 2 Oct. 1651 & sould to Thomas Bell, who sould to Phineas Gibson, by whom it was sould to sd. Biggs; 40 acs. for trans, of Ann Harloe. WM. TODD, 500 acs. Gloster Co., 7 May 1666, p. 503, (615). N. side of Chas. Riv. & commonly called by the name of Tindalls neck. Being parte of 4000 acs. granted to Col. Argold Yardly, Esqr. & purchased of him by George Ludlow & Mr. Wm. Whitby, & by Lud- low, Esqr. sould to Thomas Beale, Esqr. who sold unto Robert Todd, dee'd. & now becoming due unto sd. Wm. as sonn & heire of sd. Robt. ROBERT HARMON, 800 acs. New Kent Co., 27 Mar. 1666, p. 503, (615). Beg. by Mattadecum Cr., being the upper bounds of a devdt. belonging to Wm. Stone &c, bounding on land of Jno. Garraway. Trans, of 16 pers: Jeremy Graves, Jno. Garraway, Wm. Ashton, Jno. Wouden, Arthur Young, Susan Jones, Peter Gore, Andrew Wms., Ed- ward Masters, Wm. Whiting, Margtt. Childers, Andrew Gibson, Jno. Jones, Susan Godlad, Hanah Boyce, Hannah Coates. MAJOR THOMAS WALKER. 2350 acs. called Mattapony fort in Gloster Co., 26 Feb. 1665, p. 503, (616). N. side of Mattapony Riv. bee. at a small run called Potataweno, S.E. by E. &c. Granted to Edward DI^s, Esqr. 1 June 1653. bv him deserted & upon petition of sd. Walker it was granted unto him by order of the Govr. &c, dated with 556 Cavaliers and Pioneers these presents. Further due for trans, of 47 pers: Will. Carvill, And. Jenkins, Thomas Holt, Mary Castle, Jno. Nor- cott, Andrew Jones, Susan Carry, Mary Tye, Wm. Crump, Antho. Longman, Margtt. Twisden, An Langston, Ann Bray, Peter Sacott, Jno. Evans, Wm. Castle, Jno. Parson, Antho. Jones, Arthur Upshott, Margtt. Light, Wm. Tompson, Edward Trott, Edward Wms., An Longman, Edm. Pratt, Wm. Senior, James Store, Wm. Harrer, David Wms., Jno. Harris, Arthur Cort, Wm. White, Mary Strang, (or Strong), Wm. Strong, An Lovell, Susan Sparshott, Ed. Trottham, Norton Wms., Phillip Lang- stone, Margtt. Hart, Susan Strang, Ed- ward Wms., Margtt. Jones, Edward Walker, Jno. White, Susan Wms., Ann Toft. JOHN WILSON, 100 acs. Henrico Co., N. side of Appomattox Riv., 6 June 1666, p. 504, (616 V Part of 1100 acs. purchased of Wm. Clarke which was granted by pattent 6 May 1638 & by him sould to Leonard Laughton 29 Oct. 1638, who sould to Seath Ward 3 Jan. 1639, as by record of sd. deed at James Citty 24 Sept. 1640 & assignments thereon endorsed may appeare; & for better confirmation the Widdow Dora- thy Clarke surrendered the land to sd. Seath Ward at a Court held at Veriana 25 Mar. 1640, who at a Ct. held at Variana 9 Nov. 1640 surrendered to Wm. Worsnam 200 acs. being part of 300 acs. at the Ould Towne Cr. as bv the records of that Ct. & by a deed of sayle thereof dated 2 Nov. 1640 & as- signment thereon doth appeare; sd. Seath Ward for good consideration as- signed the other 100 acs. to Michaell Masters at a Ct. held at Variana 28 Oct. 1642 & sd. Masters at the same Ct. sur- rendered the 100 acs. to Henry Rowen, who at the same Ct. in like manner as- signed same to Peter Feepond, who at the same Ct. assigned sd. 100 acs. to sd. Wilson: beg. at the river side, running W. bv N. 1/3 NIv. along an old knnwne fence being the line parting sd. Wilson & the Orphants of George & Wm. Worsnam &c: 631 acs. 25 po. beg. about 100 paces above Mr. Randolphs Mill, extending E. by S. 51 po. by same, S.E. by S. 88 po. to a greate black oake at the Cr. side &c. to the old line of sd. Wilsons first grant where there is a greate pine marked for a cor. tree of this new survey which place is called the Sv/ift Cr. round aboute, W.N.W. 237 po. against the second fall of sd. Cr. &c. THOMAS WEBSTER, 251 A. 20 P., Henrico Co., N. side of Appomattox Riv., 6 June 1666, p. 505, (618). Granted unto sd. Webster 20 Oct. 1665 & now augmented as followeth: at the heads of the old Towne Land, extend- ing into the woods W.N.W. 204 po., S.S.W. 197 po., E.S.E. 204 po., N.N.E. 197 po. to the Stony run, the place aforementioned; 76 A. & 27 P. adj. &c, being in all 327 A. 1 R. & 15 P. Trans. of 2 pers:- Edward Holmewood, Francis Bland. WM. RICHARDSON, 700 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 29 Sept. 1664, p. 505, (619). On the 3rd Sw. of the Black water beg. at a marked greate Cyprus for 350 acs. at the mouth of a br. part- ing this from Mr. Bouchers land, run- ning down the Sw. &c. The other 350 acs. being opposite this on the other side of the Sw. Trans, of 14 pers: Jno. Archer, Susan Jones, Peter Pluit, Edw. Morris, Jno. Rigby, Wm. Stone, Mary Wise, Ed. Godson, Henry Filpot, Jno. Jones, Ed. Achely (or Ackely), Wm. White, Peter Rigby, Tristrum Eaton. RICHARD LYNNY, 1200 acs. N'- umberland Co., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 505, (619). Upon the high lands above the head of Deviding Cr., Ely. upon the head of lands of Col. Lee, Jno. Hull (or Hutt), Thomas & others & the glade, Sly. upon land of Jno. Cussens & Tho- mas Steed & Nly. upon land of Mr. Xtopr. Garlington. Granted unto Tho- mas Dodson 29 Nov. 1658, by him de- serted & upon petition of sd. Lynny it was granted to him by order of Govr. &c, dated with these presents & further due for trans, of 24 pers: Will. Water- ton, Jno. Jackson, Margtt. Jones, Susan Evans, Wm. Wilson, Jonathan Tye, J. fary Jones, Edward Ison. Abram More, Edward Wms., Jno. Godlad, Marg. Wms, Peter Plumer, Edwd. Jenkins, Jno. Patent Book No. 5 557 Stone, Wm. Peterson, Edward Jackson, Susan Williams, Edward Hart, Edward Jons, Susan Margetts, Edwd. Jnoson, Peter Story, Edwd. Wms. ROGER RICHARDSON, 600 acs. upon N. side of Rappa. Riv. at miles end of Silvester Thatcher & Thomas Whitlock, 6 June 1666, p. 506, (620). Beg. at the head of a br. of Mr. Wm. Smarts Cr., extending E.N.E. &c. Granted to Richard Coleman 9 June 1654 & renewed in his name 9 May 1655 & since assigned to sd. Richardson. USTUS SANDERS, 150 acs. N'amp- ton Co., at the seaboard side, 6 June 1666, p. 506, (620). Ewd. by the sea, Nwd. from a line of trees from a poynt at Muddy Byte, W. &c. Granted to Jno. Manny, sonn to Wm. Manny, dec'd., & lately found to escheate &c. By inquisi- tion recorded under the hands & seals of Col. Jno. Stringer, deputy Escheator for sd. county, & a Jury, dated 17 Apr. 1663 &c, now granted unto sd. Sanders. WM. DUDLY, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., N. side of Peancketank Riv., 5 Sept. 1665, p. 506, (621). Opposite land formerly in the occupation of Mr. Wm. Hackady, beg. at the mouth & upon S.E. side of a small Cr., extending along sd. Riv. S.E. by E. to poynt opposite Hoccadyes Cr. &c. Granted to Peter Rigby & George Keible 8 Oct. 1656 & by them assigned to the abovenamed. JOHN WEIRE (Weir), Gent., 2502 acs. Rappa. Co., Sittingborne Parish & on N. side of the River, 6 June 1666, p. 507, (621). 1200 acs. granted sd. Weir 20 Feb. 1662, beg. upon a poynt on the upper side of Clifts Cr., E. by N. &c. to miles end of Mr. George Taylor, thence W. by S. &c. 1302 acs. in the freshes between Rappa. & Potomack Rivs., beg. at cor. tree parting this & land he now lives on & land of James Mathews at their miles end, thence E. bv N. &c. to land of Robt. Tomlin &c. Granted sd. Weire, 20 June 1663. CAPT. THOMAS HAWKINS. 81254 ncs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv., bee;, at the lowest fall thereof &c. 2 June 1666, p. 507, (622). Transs. of 17 pers: Martin Jnoson, Jno. Evans, Edwd. Wil- liams, Peter Plummer, Stephen Har- wood, Jno. Jones, Wm. Spite, Edw. Davis, Mary Core, Wm. Conton, Edward Harris, Mary Stephens, Eliz. Newhous, Faith Edwards, Eliz. Senior, Jno. Gore, Wm. Whiting. DANIELL GAINES & NICHOLAS WILLARD, 1376 acs. Rappa. Co. in the freshes & on the S. side of Rappa. Riv., 24 Jan. 1665, p. 508, (623). Aboute 5 mi. from the river side, beg. nere a br. falling into Occupason Cr., across same S.W. &c. to Mattapony path, thence S. by W. &c. Trans, of 28 pers: Samll. Gibbs, Jno. Downham, Nicholas Web- ster, Margtt. Webster, Pat Webster, Paule freebody, Martin Hawwood, James Gas- kins, Peter Warman, David Warman, Mar. Hopkins, Jno. Tramps, Jo. Wil- mott, Sarah Wilmott, Mary Wilmott, Jane Wilmott, Fran. Pine, Tim Clarke, Ralph Wood, Rich. Pecock, Robt. Frap- ney, Peter West, Thomas Holly, David Griffin, Samll. Peach, Red. Holt, Mary Fisher, James Jelly (or Jolly). COL. JOHN CATLETT (Cattlett), 200 acs. N. side of Rappa. Riv., 2 June 1666, p. 508, (623). Aboute 3 mi. be- low the lowest fall. Trans, of 40 pers: An Kingstone, George Norman, Jno. Packwood, Ann House, Robt. Mada- vile, Row. Vaughan, Katharine Peirce, Jno. Smithhouse, Mary Smithhouse, Susan Smithhouse, Francis Hooper, Cor. Pemberton, Joseph Phills, Barnaby Forston, Peter Matson, James Coleman, Samll. Plainton, Tymothy Hobson, Sampson Pallin, Tho. Sheppard, Martin Jnoson, Thomas Goodman, George Jones, Ralph Crompton, Hugh Serjant, Jno. Parsons, Edward Mason, Wm. Kellum, Jno. Harwood, Thomas Jones, Peter Godson, Henry Nicholls, Thomas Hart, Peter Hone, Wm. Massy, Susan Harmon, Thomas Norton, Ed- ward Moore, Judeth Sones, Mary Forston. PETER CORNEHILL, 947 acs. Rap- pa. Co., S. side of Riv., 24 Mar. 1664/5, p. 509, (624). Aboute V/ 2 mi. from the Riv. & on the head of Mr. Lucas 558 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cr., adj. land of Thomas Wilkenson, extending W. by S. &c. across the head of sd. Cr. to cor. tree of Mr. Daniell Gaines, thence W.S.W. &c. 400 acs. purchased of Jno. Speed & Wm. Wilton & 547 acs. for trans, of 11 pers: Ed- ward Hopkins, Jno. Jnoson, Rebecca Peake, Wm. Short, Edmond Norm (?), Stephen Nicholls, Thomas Norton, Henry Michaell, Thomas Nelmes, Wm. Sanders, Samll. Peterson. CORNELIUS DEB ANY (Debney), 640 acs. upon the lower side of Totto- potomoys Cr., beg. at upper line of land of Root. Henderson & Jno. Fleming, purchased of Mr. Littlepage & James Turner, running to the extent thereof, S.S.E.Ely. &c. 7 June 1666, p. 509, (625). Trans, of 13 pers: Grace Andrews, Benj. Daniell, Thomas Moss, Roger Meakes, Symon Gray, Wm. Crofts, Jno. Grant (or Grout), Jno. Sexton, Jno. Huchenson, Jno. Brenner, Stephen Michell, Jno. Mullins, Jarvis Robert. COL. JOHN CATLETT, 500 acs. within the mouth of Omen Cr. upon the N. side of Rappa. Riv. &c. through parte of the Doeggs Cleare ground &c. 2 June 1666, p. 509, (625). Trans, of 10 pers: Jno. Steed, Sarah Goodard, Eliz. Lellett (?), Mary Wilkins, Walter Holliday, Francis Deford, Calet Lyon, Stephen Twelves (?), Jno. Garwood, Samll. Gamefield (or Garnefield). MR. JOHN SIMPSON, 2100 acs. in the freshes & on N. side of Rappa. Riv., 6 June 1666, p. 510, (626). Bounding on land of Mr. Charles Grimes, running S.S.E. &c. Trans, of 42 pers: Wm. Watts, Jno. Dawling, Wm. Deane, Tho. Rogers, Jno. Saxby, Robt. Staple, George Fuller, Jno. Dent, Thomas Wells, Ralph Tedman, Samll. Raynolds, Wm. Wise, Edw. Godlar, Jno. Lambe, Joane Mead, Thomas Tolter, Jno. Well, Jos. Farrant, Tho. Twig, George Stead, Jno. Maning, Charles Bray, An Belthar, Jno. Traram (?), Eliz. Paine twice, Jno. Harmon, Jno. Jones, Jno. James, Henry Woolock, Robert Broker, Margtt. Pol- lard, James Jnoson, 2 Negroes; Wm. Watts, Peter Bray, Susan Cant, Mary Adams, Peter Store, Wm. White, Tob. Short. CAPT. DANIELL PARKE, 700 acs. on Eastermost side of Chickahomany Riv., commonly called by the name of Warrany Old Towne, E.N.E. 180 ch. from the further end of the Ridge, thence N.N.W. 160 ch. to a br. of Warreny Cr. &c. 7 June 1666, p. 510, (626). Granted unto Nicholas Mere- wether last day of July 1656 & sould to Danll. Sommerton, who sould to Xtoper. Harris & by sd. Parke purchased of Harris. DOCTOR ROBERT WILLIAMSON, 3350 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 6 June 1666, p. 511, (626). On the greate sw. of the Black Water, beg. at a greate Cyprus in the Sw., running S.S.E. &c. by Sewards br., crossing the same &c. 295 acs. granted sd. Williamson 26 Apr. 1661 & 3055 acs. for trans, of 62 pers: Joane Williamson, Herbett Richardson, Edw. Robbinsonn, Ann North, Connise Tonge (?), Tristram Estan, Luke Man- sens, Merrick Edwards, Jane Edwards, Nathaniell Simonds, Rich. Morgan, Hester Northern, George , John Johnson, Edw. Sanders Edwd. Morgan. Edward Dover (or Douer), Henry Baker, Katherine Langford, Ri. Jenkins, Simon , Robt. Sampson, Merlin Cant, Joseph Baker, Wm. Downham, Silvester Hill, Winefre Evans, Tane Wheler, Wm. Stephens. Jno. Williams, Peter Jnoson, Jno. Jenkins, James Legee, Mary Estwood. Wm. Carpenter, Emanuell , Fran. Reppington, Ann Chew, Ann Thomas, Wm. Tucker, Jno. Browne, Jno. Wilson, Wm. Axum (?), Sarah , Peter Nicholls, Peter Harris, Susan Hunt, Charles Dennison, Mary Wannan, Jno. Sheppard, Peter Laster, 4 Negroes; Abigail Counter, Grace Bul- lock, Wm. Love, Eliz. Hill, Jno. Barnes, Jno. Hilliard. Wm. Stone, Edward Tones, Wm. Thomas, Jno. Wms., David Jolis (?). THOMAS ADDAMS (Adams) & RICHARD RICE, 700 acs. N'umberland Co., 4 July 1664, p. 511, (627). 400 acs. betwext two main br. at the head of Chikacone Riv., running up the Patent Book No. 559 br. W.S.W. &c. & 300 acs. beg. at Tuccasion (?) Sw., running S. by W. &c. Trans, of 14 pers: Jno. Gore, Wm. Greene, Jno. Wise, Edw. Story, Wm. Jones, Jno. James, Margtt. Seward, Ed- ward Miles, Nathan Edwards, Jno. Jno- son, Edward Ison, Mary Wms., Jno. Scott, Jno. North. CAPT. JOSEPH BRIDGER & MR. WM. BURGH, 7800 acs. Isle of Wight Co., or Nancimond Co., 7 June 1666, p. 512, (628). Beg. by a White Marsh, a Medow aboute halfe a mile from the maine run of the Black Water, running up S.E. 860 po. by a sw. side, S.E. by S., thence N.E. by E. &c. Trans, of 156 pers: James Barrett, Wm. Jnoson, Jno. Jnoson, Henry Mason, Edward Jones, Phillip Trott, Ann Lewis, Wm. Spigh, Jane Wright, Edward Cole, Margtt. Jones, Peter Plum, Jno. Jnoson, Ant. Mathews, Ann Turner, Marke Clary, Row. Handy, Har. Keely, Jno. Crofts, Charles King, Jno. Clother, Ann Collins, Ri. Robbins, Jno. Hacker, Roger Larriner, Rich. Terry, Ann Nicholls, An Jones, Edward Harris, Wm. White, Ed. Godlad, Mary Jones, Susan Edwin, Wm. Bray, Edm. Nicholls, Norton Charlton, Ed. Filmott, Nicho. Sabrell, Nicho. Smith, Wm. Tatton, Jno. Powell, Stephen Might, Jane Spencer, Robert Collier, Andrew Rogers, Susan Norton, Henry Mason, Isaak Edmonds, Tristrum Knowles, Jno. Haris, Toby Keeble, Evan Tones, Walter Cole, Eliz. Hobson, Wm. Ward, Jno. Seriant, Peter Lugg, Ann Beiford'(or Berford), Wm. Lewis. Eliz. Losse, Mathew Filton, Maria Cooke, EhVabeth , Isee , Nicholas DofTell, Tno. Gusere, Danll. Murry. Jno. Sandv, Wm. Hampton, Lidia Dickeson, George Harmor, Walter Spencer. Mary Lott, Sarah Cooke, John Greene. 8 Negroes; Wm. Hunt. 9 Negroes; Wm. Thomas, Edw. Thomas, Antho. Tov. Tho. Evans, Peter Plumer. Susan Cooke, Marstt. Tames, Peter Godson, Edward Pearson, Tho. Callowav, W^. Thomas, Ed. Mav. Thomas Story. Wm. Hart, Henrv Stephens, Margtt. Harw, Sarah CoMiVr. Jno. Jones. Thomas Pitt, Tames Brideer. Jno. Menlock. Susan Tacob, Wm. Lewin, Daniell Dennv, Mirina Nicholas, Jnoson Spencer, Patriak Allen, Edmd. Froland, Alexander Anderson, Teage O Kenedy, Thomas Martin, Marke Clary, Amy Skewes, Jno. Drink- water, Mary Drinkwater, Walter Turner, William Bellew, Rich. Fryar, Ab. Bumstone (or Burnstone), Eliz. Taylor, Walter Weekes, Tho. Reding, Ann Penogee, Henry Hart, Edw. Summers, Ed. Sanders, Susan Mason, Peter Major, Walter Edward, Jno. Harris, Edward Thomas, Norton Wms., Jno. Gore, Wm. Ayherst (or Ayhust), Jno. Ackdon, Tho. Guy, Margtt. May, Wm. Tompson, Leo. Snow, Wm. Harris, Mary Jones, Jno. Evans, Wm. Evans, Edw. Major, Josep Bridger. MR. DAVID NEWELL, 324 acs. New Kent Co., 6 Sept. 1665, p. 513, (628). Beg. at Southermost cor. tree of land of Robt. Garrett, thence S. & by W. &c. cross the Indian path &c. to Westover path &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Hanah Wms., Jno. Harker, Wm. John- son, Peter James, Henry Tyler, Wm. Maunders, Susan Harrison. MR. JOHN TATEM, 160 acs., 21 May 1666, p. 513, (629). 50 acs. beg. on Mr. Wms., running W.N.W. &c. & 110 acs. beg. at cor. tree of Sandburnes 40 acs. standing in Mr. Birds line, thence N.N.W. Nly. &c, parallel to the first line upon Mr. Birds land that was formerly Hackers &c. to the first station scituate in Martins Brandon Neck. 50 acs. granted to Capt. Francis Grey 20 Aug. 1663, who assigned to sd. Tatem & 110 acs. by purchase from Marke Avory. XTOPR. (CHRISTOPHER) WADE, 300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 12 May 1665, p. 513, (630). Beg. nere Jno. Nevills land, running E. by Robt. Cole- man, then E. by Jno. Garners marked trees &c. to a white oake in a Medow br., &c. Trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Wms., Walter Grimes, Mary Stone, Hanah Watson, Peter Store, Jno. Gore. LT. COL. HENRY MEESE, 2000 acs. Stafford Co., 7 Tune 1666, p. 514, (630). S. side of Potomack Cr., 1000 acs. beg. on E. side of a Sw. & small gutt deviding this & land now in 560 Cavaliers and Pioneers possession of sd. Meese, extending S. &c. to a greate E. br. of Whiptewasin Cr. & 1000 acs. bounded N. by sd. 1000 acs., E. by land of Thomas Griggs, W. by land now in possession of Mr. Wm. Horton & Mr. Wm. Heaberd. 1000 acs. by pattern dated 20 Oct. 1665 & 1000 acs. due for trans, of 20 pers: Jno. Hale, Neale O dannell, Wm. Rushton, Andrew Lewis, Richd. Cole, Andrew Dollert, Charles Elliott, ABram Beching- ton, Peter Codring, Robert May, Roger Collingwood, Richd. Plimridg, Jno. Plason, Jno. Barrett, Ri. Thorpe, An Hayes, Jno. Mader, Gabriell Thorpe, Wm. Wmson, Jno. Scolcroft. WM. SANDBURNE, 40 acs. in Mar- tins Brandon Necke, 21 May 1666, p. 514, (631). Bounded S.S.E.Sly. upon Mr. Birds land, formerly Jno. Haskers, running N.N.W. Nly. &c. Granted to Marke Avery & by Wm. Radway pur- chased of Avery & "since falling to Escheate it was granted unto the Chil- dren of Wm. Sandburne" by the Govr. &c. LT. COL. THOMAS BROWNE, 1210 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 7 June 1666, p. 515, (631). 800 acs. upon the W. br. of Eliz. Riv. being a necke of land, bounded on E. by Clarkes Cr. which runneth N. &c, bounding on S.W. by a Cr. or br. called Browne bay which runs N.W., &c. adj. to mouth of br. on land of Thomas Sparrow; 240 acs. on Clarkes Cr. on Swd. side of Eliz. Riv., adj. sd. 800 acs. & adj. land of George White &c. to the Indian path &c. 800 acs. by pattern dated 27 Nov. 1640 & 240 acs. granted 7 Oct. 1646. 170 acs. the residue by purchase from Jno. White. THOMAS GREEG (Greg), 450 acs. W'moreland Co., upon branches of Pass- betansee, 18 Mar. 1662, p. 515, (632). S.E. with the main br. or run of sd. creek, which devides this & land of Wm. & Jno. Heaberd, &c. to land form- erly belonging to Jno. Bainely, N.W. with land of Henry Meese, Merchant, & N.E. with a tract called Whitbyes land. Trans, of 9 pers: Jno. Nicholls, Wm. Jones, Susan Hamon, Edward Niker (?), Jno. Harvey, Wm. Daines, Jno. Gore, Edward Wms., Peter Store. ELIZABETH & SUSAN WILLIAMS, Orphants of Thomas Williams, deed., 326 acs. Nancimond Co., 9 June 1666, p. 516, (632). On SwcL side nere the mouth of New Towne haven river, beg. on a poynt by the river side, running S.E. 129 po. to land of George Salis- bury deserted &c, butting on the miles end of land of Capt. Danll. Gookin, cross the Island Cr. &c. Granted to sd. Thomas 17 Oct. 1648 & now due as above. THOMAS ATWELL alias COLLINS, 462 acs. N'umberland Co., 29 June 1666, p. 516, (633). On Lower Macho- tick; 212 acs. opposite to land of Henry Roach, beg. at a small cr. deviding this & land of Jno. Bennett, dee'd., extend- ing along the head br. of Machoatick Riv. S.E. over a small cr. to land of Walter English; & 250 acs. S.S.W. &c. 212 acs. granted sd. Atwell alias Collins 20 Dec. 1661 & 250 acs. purchased of Walter English & Alice his wife. HARMAN KELDERMAN, 800 acs. Rappa. Co., according to the ancient lawfull bounds thereof, 11 July 1666, p. 517, (634). Granted to Jno. Frumpton, lately found to escheat &c, as by in- quisition under the hands & seals of Major Jno. Weire, Dep. Escheator, & the Jury sworne &c, dated 17 Mar. 1665, & now granted sd. Kelderman who hath made his composition according to act. &c. ELIZABETH HAMPSHIRE, 100 acs. Rappa. Co., according &c, 11 July 1666, p. 517, (634). Granted to Jno. Hampshire & lately found to escheate &c, as by inquisition dated 2 Nov. 1665 &c. SARAH DRUMMOND, halfe an acre in James Citty, 20 Mar. 1662, p. 517, (634). N.W. on Mr. Randolph, E. on the Church Yard,' S.E. on Mr. Warren & S.W. on the maine river to beg. Granted to Edwd. Prescott 4 Apr. 1661 & given by will to sd. Sarah & also granted by order of Court &c. Patent Book No. 5 561 CAPT. LAWRENCE BAKER, 350 acs. Surry Co., Lawnes Cr. Parish, 11 Dec. 1665, p. 517, (635). Beg. in a br. of the black water Sw. &c. Trans, of 7 pers: Mary Wms., An Baker, Jno. Evans, Edward Colles, Jno. Jobson, An- drew James, Mary Sturdivant. DAVID LUELLIN (Lewellin), 636 acs. Chas. Citty Co., 15 May 1666, p. 518, (635). 270 acs. commonly knowne by the name of Rich Levell, bounding W. upon the head of Shirly Hundred, E. & S. upon land of Mr. Walter Ash- ton & N. upon his own land; 200 acs. in or nere Shirly Hundred, which was late in the possession of Edward Gard- ner, deed., bounding W. upon the River, N. upon 40 acs. purchased of Edward Maddin & S. upon land lately belong- ing to Serj. Jno. Harris; 63 acs. in Shirly hundred, beg. at land sd. Luellin lately purchased of Robt. Partin, Sr. & Robt. Partin, Jr. & sould to Mr. Jno. Meres,; 63 acs. another part in Shirly or Burmody hundred lately belonging to Mr. Michaell Turpin; & 40 acs. being next to and lately belonging to Joseph Royall, deed., next towards Shirly hun- dred. Granted unto Capt. Danll. Luel- lin, deed., 10 Mar. 1655 & now become due sd. Danll. as son & heire. MR. NICHOLAS HEALE (written Nathaniell & erased), 738 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 18 May 1666, p. 518, (636). Upon N.W. br. of Corrotoman Riv. up- on the N.E. side, beg. at the mouth of a small cove which runs up to sd. Heales house &c. Being one-halfe of land granted to Enoch Hawker & Anthony Doney (or Dowey) 29 July 1652 con- teyning 1000 acs. & sould to sd. Heale by sd. Hawker, soe that more land be- ing conteyned within the bounds of sd. pattent then the pattent expresseth the residue above the one moyety thereof being 238 acs. is due sd. Heale for trans. of 5 pers: Jno. Jancy, Mary Wms., Ann Hubberd, James Hawley, Will. Miles. WALTER HEARD, 350 acs. Lancas- ter Co., 1 June 1666, p. 519, (636). On the head of the E.most br. of Corroto- man Riv. &c. S.W. to the Deviding br. &c. Part of a pattent of 700 acs. granted to Wm. Ironmonger 12 Dec. 1663 & 300 acs. parte thereof sould to sd. Heard by sd. Ironmonger &c. but upon new survey there being 50 acs. more, which is due sd. Heard for trans, of Walter Young. ANTHONY MATHEWES, 1300 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 10 July 1666, p. 519, (637). Upon Sewards Sw., beg. at cor. tree of Robt. Williamson &c. Trans, of 26 pers: Lawrence Baker, Lawrence Baker, Elizabeth Baker, John Baker, James Baker, Joseph Baker, Jno. Ma- coms, James Wilson, Robt. Bruce, Jno. Stoops, Jno. Phillips, James Clarke, And. Overing, Wm. Heate (or Heale), Tho. Powell, James Richards, Ann Reeve, Alice Lee, An Milington, James Downes, Robt. Bennett, Rich. Miller, Jane Good- man, Jno. Dobson, Edwd. Poynter, Rich. Luas. DAVID MILLES (Mills), 600 acs. Lancaster County, 1 June 1666, page 520, (638). Upon the head of the Eastermost br. of Corrotoman River, beginning at the mouth of a main br. thereof &c, along N.E. side of De- viding br. &c. to S.W. side of a path knowne by the name of Moratico & Wiccocomico path &c. Parte of a pat- tent of 700 acs. granted to Wm. Iron- monger 12 Dec. 1663 & 400 acs. parte thereof sould to sd. Milles; and there being more land found within the bounds thereof which is due sd. Milles for trans, of 4 pers: Jno. Jones, Wm. Ivery, Edward Wilson, Peter Shepherd. MRS. ANN PITT, 150 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 19 Oct. 1665, p. 521, (639). Upon a br. of Pagan Cr., beg. at the mouth of a small br. which parts this from land of Thomas Grosse &c. then N.E. to Capt. Pitts former line &c. Be- ing parte of 750 acs. granted to Mr. Jno. Sparkes, 3 June 1635. MR. THOMAS BUTTON (Butten), 3650 acs. Rappa. Co., on S. side of sd. Riv., about 5 mi. back into the woods, 19 July 1666, p. 521, (639). Beg. in the N.N.W. line of Mr. Daniell Gaines, N.N.W. to Occupation Cr. &c. to maine 562 Cavaliers and Pioneers run of Major Gilsons Cr. &c. Trans, of 73 pers: Wm. Stevens, Ed. Thomas, Mary Cutts, John Evans, Ed. Taylor, Thomas Norton, Jno. Edwards, Anthony Wmson., Peter Seward, Susan James, Timothy Cole, Henry Filmore, Henry Thomson, Mary Andrewes, Edmond Walton, Samll. Newman, Wm. Dennis, Jno. Cray, Edmond Boulton, Jno. Steed, Sarah Godard, Eliz. Lettett, Mary Wil- liams, Walter Holladay, Francis Deford, Richard Silvester, Calett Lyon, Stephen Twelves (?), Jno. Garwood, Samll. Garnefeild, Susan Stewards, Jno. Jno- son, Edmd. Ivery, Jno. Fisher, Thomas Cray, Susan Lidmy, Peter Nicholls, Tho. Lellett, Jno. Edwards, Thomas Say, Xtopr. Wills, Mary Jones, Henry Store, Henry Tyler, Mary Thomas, Wm. Fox- croft, Jonathan Towne, Margtt. Wilard, Nicholas Wilard, Edward Harris, Jno. Bauford, Ed. Sanders, Jno. Barow, Eliz. Stiles, An Mason, Andrew Goodman, Edward Silvester, Mary Grove, Wm. Jordan, Susan Coates, Jno. Tilney, Peter Baucomble, Edward Henderson, Laur- ence Long, Jonathan Burlock, (or Bur- rock), An Taylor, Blanch Randall, Wm. Dingly, Jno. Morris, Barth. Harrison, Joyce Belfe, Tno. Hutchenson, Jno. Meekins; 19 of these rights taken out of a pattent of Jno. Weir & others, dated 7 Sept. 1654. PHILLIP HUNIFORD. 800 acs. in Surry & Isle of Wight Co.. 14 May 1666. p. 522, (640). 400 acs. beg. at the Ewd. side of the 3rd Sw. of the Black Water, running up E. 160 do. &c; & 400 acs. on the W. side of the third Sw., thence W. 160 po. &c. Trans, of 16 pers: Jno. Mears, Tames Leach, Hen. Bi£gs. twice. Tho. Rovall, Robt. Harris, Jno. Evans, Jno. Floon. Tno. Phillips, Tane Steele, Margtt. Phillips, Hannah Ery, Wm. Cockerham, Tno. Charles, Abram Odion, Jno. Trewicks. CAPT. WM. COCKERHAM & MR. CHARLES BARHAM, 850 acs. Surry Co., 14 May 1666. p. 522, C640). Ewd. side of the third Sw. of the Bhck Water. Trans, of 17 pers: Jonane Rav, Fllinor Wms., Ri. Huees (or Hueer), Cor. Watkenson. Tno. Mayo. Katharine Mathew, Hugh Kettle, Robt. Minson, Jno. Cockerham, Mary Cockerham, Ed. Tanner, Michll. Perott, Jonas Wms., Jno. Woodward, Ed. Browne, Eliz. Browne, Edward Bray. JOHN ROGERS, 200 acs. Surry Co., 14 May 1666, p. 523, (641). Beg. on S. side the Cyprus Sw., S.S.W. along Danll. Regans land, N.W. over sd. Swamp, N.N.E. upon a Reedy br. issu- ing out of sd. Sw. & along same to the beg. Trans, of 4 pers: Ellinor Bray, Ri. Shelly, Mary Edridge, Eliz. More. ANTHONY SPILTIMBER, 460 acs. Surry Co., 14 May 1666, p. 523, (641). Beg. in a greate Cyprus Sw., E.S.E. along Mr. Merewethers line, thence S. &c. Trans, of 10 pers: Ann Cooke, Roger Davis, Owin Griffith, Robt. Hues, Ri. Cheston, Joane Froast, Margtt, Stainer, Joseph Patridg, Jno. King, Eliz. his wife. THOMAS GAULTNEY (Gualtney), 200 acs. Surry Co., 14 May 1666, p. 523, (641). Bounded upon Major Sheppards land N., beg. on the E. side of the maine Black water swamp, thence E. &c. Trans, of 4 pers: Henry Neale, Margtt. Bush, Jno. Jones, Wm. Evans. ANN & MARY JONES, Orphants of Richard Jones, dec'd., 596 acs. 40 chs., 30 Aug. 1665, p. 524, (642). Beg. in Capt. Floyds line, on S. of Nicholas Bush his Swamp & nere a br. thereof, up the same &c. to Stampes Sw. &c. to N. side of the head of Jones his Cr. &c. to nere the cleare ground of the planta- tion of sd. Ann & Mary &c. 288 acs. granted sd. Richard Jones 6 Apr. 1654 & given by will to his abovenamed daughters. The remainder due for trans, of 7 pers: Wm. Everidge, Jno. Als- worth, Peter Maynard, Ed. Hayman, Susan Edwards, John Johnson, Sarah Cooke. FRANCIS SOWERBY, 211 acs. Surry Co., 21 May 1666, p. 525, (643). Up- on heads of the two northermost branches of Greyes Cr., N.E. & S.E. upon land of Thomas Woodhouse, N.E. & S.E. upon Jno. Watkins & S.E. upon James Mason. Granted unto Mr. Patent Book No. 5 563 Jno. Jennings 11 Apr. 1649, assigned to Wm. Rose, who assigned to Mathew Bade & Richard Tyas; Bade assigned his moyety, being 105^4 acs. to sd. Sowerby; the other halfe thereof sould by sd. Tyas to Daniell Massengall,_ who sould to James Sowerby, who assigned to Mr. Wm. Tompson & by sd. Tomp- son assigned to Francis Sowerby, all of which assignments are recorded in Surry County. MR. JOHN TATEM, 110 acs. 21 May 1666, p. 525, (643). Beg. at cor. tree of Sandburnes 40 acs. in Mr. Birds line, thence N.N.W.Nly. &c, conteyning 100 acs; the other 10 acs. butting upon the end of sd. Sandburnes 40 acs., S.S.E. Ely. &c. parallel to the second line to the first scituate in Martins Brandon necke. 50 acs. granted to Capt. Francis Grey 20 Aug. 1663 & assigned to sd. Tatem; 60 acs. by purchase from Marke Avery. JOHN MERRYMAN, 300 acs. James Citty Co., 24 May 1664, p. 525, (644). E. side of Chikahomany Riv., bounded N. on Warrany Sw., N.W. by W. on Taylors neck, S.E. on Michaell Goodale & the Demension line, S.E. on Tho. Tarins (?) line; 150 acs. purchased of Henrry Soane bv Jno. Merryman, father to sd. John, 5 Dec. 1656; 150 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Henry Rye, Jno. Chouninge, Edward Young. LT. COL. WM. HOCKADY (Hocka- day), 1000 acs. New Kent Co., 31 Mar. 1664/5, p. 526, (644) . N. side of Matta- pony Riv. & S. side of the maine sw. of Peanketank Riv., beg. at a cor. red oak at the maine sw., being Jno. Pig & Evan Davis their corner, running W. in- clining Sly. &c. to Jno. Exolls Br. &c. Granted to Jno. Roberts 28 Sept. 1661, by him deserted & granted sd. Hockaday upon petition by order of the Govr. &c, dated with these presents, & fur- ther due for trans, of 20 pers: Mary Wiseman, Hanah Boyce, Peter Store, Jno. Evans, Peter Evans, Wm. Gosling, Ed. Ivery, Jno. Simons, Edward Jones, Mary Wms., Jno. Simpson, Edw. Vaughan, Jno. Townes, Matha Evans, Sarah Cooke, Tho. ap Tho., Mathew Beavis, Francis Deane, Jno. Tray, Henry Godyer. WM. BOREN, 1000 acs. Stafford Co., 5 June 1666, p. 526, (644\ N.E. side of Accaquon Cr. Trans, of 20 pers: Wm. Prohing (?), Jno. Plinton, Tho. Williams, Giles Dement, Presilla Cotto, Rebecca Warrin, Bridgett Teverton, Wm. Cooper, Tho. Cooper, Tho. Palmer, Mar. JefTurd, Wm. Frissell, Tho. Downes, Tho. Allen, Mary Holmes, Tho. More, Robt. Fuller, Charles Webb, James Miller, Henry Oride (?). MR. DANIELL HUTT, 875 acs. Wmoreland Co., 5 June 1666, p. 527, (645). S.W. side of Nomenie Riv., beg. at the mouth of a Cr. commonly knowne as Coss Coss on the S.E. side thereof, extending up the same S.W. by S. 320 per. to a poynt on the same (on) S.E. side which devides this & land in possession of Wm. Robertson &c. to N.W. poynt of the old feild Sw. which devides this & land of Wm. Overett & N.W. by W. &c, including 525 acs; 350 acs. running to S.E. side of a br. & greate Sw. falling into Coss Coss, thence N.E. &c. 850 acs. granted to sd. Hutt 9 Dec. 1662 & 25 acs. for transs. of John Jnoson. ANDREW READ, 400 acs. Wmore- land Co., bet. Rappa. & Potomack Rivs., nere branches of Nomeny Riv., 5 June 1666, p. 527, (645). Beg. at cor. tree of land of Randolph Kirke, N.W. 56 per. to land of Col. Payton, dec'd., thence S.W. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Wm. James, James Clarke, Andrew Strong, Edward Davis, Mary Wms., Fran. Toms, Hardrop Wilson, Jno. Tomlin. ANDREW READ, 400 acs. Wmore- land Co., nere head of Nomany Riv., on the E. side of the W.most Herring Cr., 5 June 1666, p. 527, (646). Beg. on Ewd. side of the maine br. of sd. Cr., extending W.S.W. &c. to white oak de- viding this & land of Ann Hutt, S. &c. to red oak nere sd. maine br. which devides this & land of Mr. Richard Sterman, & finally down same N.E.Nly. which br. devides this & tract surveyed for Tho. Dyos. Trans, of 8 pers: Ste- 564 Cavaliers and Pioneers phen Warman, Ed. Willison, Jno. Jno- son, Everd Edmonds, Tho. Brewer, Henry Nicholls, Jno. James, Mary Hart. FARDINANDO AUSTIN, 1500 acs. in Chas. Citty & James Citty Counties, 5 Jan. 1664, p. 528, (646). On N. & S. side of the head of Moyses Run, bounding S. on Henry Cantrells land, now in possession of Mr. Horsmanden, S. on Mr. Hamlins land, Wly. on Queens Cr. run & Nly. on the head of Pease hill Sw. 1200 acs. by pattern 25 Feb. 1653 & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Jno. Roberts, Wm. Thomas, Evan Davis, Jno. Hogg, Wm. Frisell, Jno. Morecroft. THO. MORE (Moore), 400 acs. Surry Co., Lawnes Cr. Parish, 6 June 1666, p. 528, (647). E. on the third sw. of the Black Water, S. upon the br. that parts Tho. Atkinsons land, N. upon the br. that boundeth Jno. Clarkes land & W. upon the Barrens. Trans, of 8 pers: Edw. James, Sam Haward, Jno. Godale, James Bancks, Henry Creeke, Ed. Ivory, Mary Jones, Sarah Simons. MR. ROBERT SPENSOR, 300 acs. Surry Co., 22 Aug. 1666, p. 528, (647). 150 acs. on S. side of James Riv. aboute a mile up Chrouches Cr., bounded S.E. by E. from the same, thence S.S.W. &c. N.W. by W. to the Reedy Sw. &c. 150 acs. lying at the head of the former tract. Granted to Henry Meadowes 28 Sept. 1649 & by him assigned to sd. Spensor. THOMAS SMITH, 100 acs. upon branches of Milford Haven, beg. at Peach poynt, running up a Cr. Sly. to trees of Rich. Long, thence N.W. by W. to another br. or Cr. &c. Granted to George Billips 20 Nov. 1653, assigned to Roger Lennalls, who assigned to sd. Smith. 27 Aug. 1666, p. 529, (647). MR. GUY KNIGHT, 400 acs. Gloster Co., on Milford Haven, knowne by the name of the Egles Nest, 27 Aug. 1666, p. 529, (648). Beg. on land of Abram English, running W. by N. up the Cr. called the Western Br., thence upon land of Jno. Smith &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Sam Bridges, John Begg, Will. Martin, Will. Groves, Thomas Stint, Hugh Row, Thomas Monke, Jno. Stores. WILLIAM WHITEHURST, 1000 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Nov. 1665, p. 529, (648). At the head of the Indian Cr., beg. nere a greate swamp, running N. by W. &c. 700 acs. granted to Richard Whitehurst, dec'd., 22 Nov. 1651 & now due sd. William as his son & heire, & 300 acs. for trans, of 6 pers: Alexan- der Rose, Daniell Maswello, Donagh Conah, Jno. Stephens, Margtt. Souleman (?), Peter Edwards. WILLIAM DAVENALL, 150 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Nov. 1665, p. 529, (648). S. side of the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. on the E. side of the Muddy Br., running E.S.E. along the Riv. to the W. side of Goose Cr. &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Edward James, Mary Jones, Jno. Harris. THO. GREENE, 520 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Nov. 1665, p. 530, (649). S. side of the W. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg. on a poynt at the mouth of Loyds Cr., run- ning along the maine Riv. E. by N. &c. to poynt on the W. side of Greenes Cr. &c. 400 acs. granted sd. Green 18 Mar. 1662 & 120 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Grindon, Robt. Watson, Edward James. WILLIAM GOULDSMITH, 300 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Nov. 1665, p. 530, (649). S. side of the E. br. of Eliz. Riv. &c, bounding on Tho. Cartwrights marked trees &c, running by land of Henry Nicholls &c. 160 acs. purchased of Richard Acton & 140 acs. for trans, of 3 pers: Wm. Gouldsmitbs wife; Lidia Richardson, Thomas Standley. THOMAS EVERIDGE, 430 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Nov. 1665, P. 531, (650). On Swd. side of Robt. Butts devdt., at the bead of the S. br. of Eliz. Riv. be- ing formerlv called bv the name of the Northward Neck Thickett; bounding on his former *?rant called the povnt Corner, thence S.W. by S. on John Brights erant &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Henrv Piatt, Richard Bacheler. Stephen Powre, Negro Yoake, Richard Hartwell, Jno. Patent Book No. 5 565 James, Eliz. Sedcott, Polack Jack, Jno. Edwards. THO. NASH & RICHARD TAY- LOR, 446 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Nov 1665, p. 531, (651). Nere the head of Julians Cr. in the Swd. br. of Eliz. Riv., beg on a poynt on the S. side of the Cr. &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Jno Knowles, Jno. Browne, Mary Gage, Tho. Web- ster Wm. Thomas, Mat. Wms, Jno. Short, Alex. Davis, Charles Greene. ANTHONY BENFORD, 320 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 5 Nov. 1665, p. 531, (651). On Ewd. side of Robt. Butts land. Trans, of 7 pers: Jno. Kippm, Wm. Sanders, Edward Frost, Wm. Jones, Tho. Carr, Edw. Cooper, Francis Parker. FRA. PRESCOTT, 400 acs. Low. Norf. Co., 6 Nov. 1665, p. 532, (652). E side of the Swd. br. of Eliz. Riv., bounding Nly. upon Edmond Creek- mans markt trees &c, Sly. on Jno. Biggs line &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Barbara Sidnv. Robt. Sidny. Rose Browne, Xpian. Wickham, Joane Griffin, Daniell Neach, Robt. Briggs, Walter Turner. CAPT. GILES BRENT, 1000 acs. bee it more or less, W'moreland Co., 29 Mar. 1666. p. 532, (652). Upon the head of Oqui Riv., lying W.N.W. upon Mr. Pavtons land &c, E.N.E. upon the head of Chapawansick &c. Granted un- to John Harrison 4 Sept. 1655 "and for want of heires of his body to his sister Mrs. Francis Harrison, and for want of heires of her body to Capt. Giles Brent" &c. EDMOND COWLES & PHILLIP CHARLES, 242 A. 1 R. of Marsh Land, being a neck lving in Chikahomany Riv. on the N. side of James Riv. in James Citty Co., 6 Aug. 1666, p. 532, (652). Beg. over against a Clay poynt of Gri- gory Wells land next towards Old feild, running N.W. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Toane Lucas, Hanah Grev, John Jones, Tno. Bardell, Wm. Graynes, Tho. Layerton. ELIZABETH WAREHAM. 150 acs. Cumberland Co., 14 May 1666, p. 533, (653). Ely. upon a Cr. issueing out of Yeocomico Riv. &c. Granted to Jno. Wareham, deed., 20 May 1652 & now become due sd. Elizabeth as his daugh- ter & heire. JNO. PROSSER, 418 A. 56 per. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. in the freshes, beg. aboute a quarter of a mile from Nanzenin Sw., being the miles end of Mr. Jno. Paine & Abram Moone, run- ning thence E. &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Ed. Jones, Symon Earle, Jno. Johnson, Wm. Thomas, Mary Miles, Hanah Due, Timothy Coale, Edward James, Jno. Goodale. 3 Apr. 1666, p. 533, (653). RICHARD SMITH, 300 acs. Cum- berland Co., 19 Oct. 1666, p. 533, (653). Wly. upon land of Daniell Neale, Sly. upon land of James Hawley, Ely. upon land of Jno. Motly & Col. Wm. Clayborne & Nly. upon land of Edward Coale. Granted unto Wm. Tho- mas 4 Mar. 1661 & by him assigned to sd. Smith. COL. FRANCIS WILLIS, Esq., 100 acs. Gloster Co., 11 July 1666, p. 533, (654). S.W. side of Ware Riv., beg. at Tho. Tracyes corner, by sd. Terry es trees &c. up the same to Snare Cr. & up the same to the head. Trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Bryant, Wm. Bush. JOHN MADDISON, 350 acs. New Kent Co., 19 Oct. 1666, p. 534, (654). Upon N. side of Mattapony & upon br. of Whorecock Sw., beg. at Richard Morlyes cor. tree next the land of Mr. Lockey, running up his line N. 160 po., E. with the head line of Morley & Arnoll 320 po., S. 160 po. to land of Anthony Arnoll, W. bv his head line & the head of Morly to beg. Trans, of 7 pers: Ellinor Brvant, Howell Window (or Windon). Wm. Berry, Tho. Broad- hurst, Jno. Farrall. Samson Meredeth, Tho. Orburns (or Osburns). ROBERT MIDDLETON. 700 acs. W'moreland Co., 26 Sept. 1665, p. 534, (654). Beg. on a br. of Yeocomico by a vally side, running S.W. &c. 300 acs. bv pattent 17 Mav 1662 & remainder due for trans, of 8 pers: Jane Harris, 566 Cavaliers and Pioneers Giles Allin, Tho. Martin, Jno. Ellis, his Wife & Child, Mary Simonds, Elnor Ewins, Wm. Copes. RICHARD COX, 375 acs. beg. on W. side of Chicacone Riv., extending W.N.W. &c. to W. side of Machotick path, thence N. by E. &c. to the head of the Bevor dam swamp, E. by S. 140 po. to Tho. Towers land &c, E. by S. to Tho. Adams land, thence S. by W. to the beg. 19 Oct. 1666, p. 534, (655). Trans, of 8 pers. Barbary Churchyard, Eliz. Duffeild, Dorothy Milles, Jno. Jnoson, Pope Alby, Tho. Loveless, Wm. Symonds, Robt. Booker. JOHN MADDISON, 280 acs. Rappa. Co., upon the N. side of a greate br. of Peanketanck Swamp, 2^4 mi. from Capt. Claybornes quarter, 18 Feb. 1663, p. 535, (655). Beg. in the br. a little above another br., running N. 92 po. over the path leading to Mr. Paines of Rappa. &c. Trans, of 6 pers: James Sampson, Stephen Hardick, Xtopr. Charleton, Henry Bayly, Thomas Wigg, Sarah Willus. HENRY BRADLY, 58 acs. Cumber- land Co., on S. side of greate Wiccoco- mico Riv., 19 Oct. 1666, p. 535, (655). Beg. in Mr. Weldyes line on the E. side of the greene Sw., extending E.S.E. &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Mary Bradly, Eliz. Bembow. RICHARD LYNNY, 950 acs. Cum- berland Co., on the N. side of the De- viding Cr., 22 Mar. 1665/6, p. 535, (656). Abutting Sly. upon land of George Waterman & James Witty. Granted to Mr. John Hany 30 Jan. 1650, by him deserted & upon petition granted to sd. Lynny by order of the Govr. &c, dated with these presents & further due for trans, of 19 pers: David Davis, Jno. Bowles, Tho. Bryars, Hester Haily, Wm. Reaid, Henry Fisher, Nathanll. Ward, Edwd. Morris, Wm. Casewell, Jno. Casewell, Wm. Hutfeild, Marke Fossick, George Mundan, Phillip Evans, Benj. Busshell, Jane Wiggin, Wm. James, Edward Jones, Symon Overett. THOMAS HANCOCKE, 350 acs. New Kent Co., 6 Apr. 1666, p. 536, (656). Beg. on Wm. Halls cor. tree on Rockahock path, up the same to James Hurds line, down the same E. S.E. untill it meets with Lt. Col. Hockady his land, along his bounds to the path that goeth to sd. Hockadyes & Bakers, Sly. down the path to Hancocks spring, thence S.W. to the beg. 120 acs. purchased of Jno. Atkins & Benja- min Strang & 230 acs. for trans, of 5 pers: Wm. James, Edw. James, Peter Store, Wm. James, Edw. Manning. WM. JUSTICE, 21 A. 2 R. 11 P. in Weynock in Chas. Citty Co., on N. side of James Riv., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 537, (657). Beg. at a stake parting his own & land of Margarett Hewes, run- ning N. by W. 300 po., then S.W. along Kittawan Br. &c. Being due & con- firmed by order of the Genii. Ct. etc., dated 16 Sept. 1663. JOHN CANNON, 80 acs. upon Kittawan Cr. on the back of Weynock in Chas. Citty Co., on N. side of James Riv., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 537, (658). Running along head line of David Jones N. &c. Due & confirmed as above. MR. NICHOLAS MEREWETHER (MERRIWEATHER), 430 acs. Surry Co., 14 May 1666, p. 536, (657). Beg. on the S. side of the Pigeon Sw., thence S.S.E. &c. to the greate Cyprus Sw. &c. Trans, of 9 pers: Jno. Alsop, Wm. Meredeth, Hanah Due, Arthur Cossum, Wm. Wildy, Jno. Wright, Henry Meares, Edwd. Iveson, Hanah Boyce. NEDD GUNSTOCKER, Indian, 150 acs. Rappa. Co., N. side of the Riv. in the freshes, 14 Oct. 1665, p. 536, (657). Beg. nere a branch called Comi- stanck on the Eastermost side, running N. by E. &c. to a marked ash nere a branch called Weequionedike &c. Granted by order of the Govr. &c. bear- ing date herewith, & further due for trans, of 3 pers: Henry Bardell, Tho. Cooper, Jno. Fowke. WM. TUSTICE, 143 A. 24 po. in Wevnock at the heads on the other side of Kittawan in Chas. Citty Co., 20 Oct. Patent Book No. 5 567 1665, p. 537, (658). Beg. at a stake parting Wm. Justice & Wm. Laurence, running N. by W. &c, joyning Jno. Cannon, thence E. &c. Due & confirmed by order of the Genii. Ct. &c, dated 16 Sept. 1663. MR. JNO. CURTIS, 250 acs. Lan- caster Co., on S. side of Rappa. Riv., 8 Mar. 1665/6, p. 537, (659). Beg. at land of Mr. Henry Corbin & against the land of Wm. Copelin, running W. to land of Robt. Price, thence W. &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Mary Cliffe, Mary Baldine, Eliz. Smith, Robt. Hailes, Robt. Cliffe. JOHN BOWIN, 550 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Co., on the maine br. of Rappa. Cr., 20 Oct. 1665, p. 538, (659). Adj. land of Mr. Wm. Lane, running up the br. N.N.W. &c. to a poplar, supposed to be a line tree of Mr. Vaus standing nere the run or beavor dam side, thence S.W. by S. &c. Trans, of 11 pers: Phillip Wading Thomas Jones, Ralph Walding, Mary Dudly, James Walding, Jane Walding, Mary Wotton, Peter Axtin, Wm. Ser- jant, Edmd. Pagget, Jno. Dudly. ROBERT HOPKINS, 100 acs. in the freshes of Rappa. Riv. on the N. side, adj. land he now liveth on, 20 Oct. 1666, p. 538, (660). Beg. nere the river side, running to Rappa. Cr. S.S.E. &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Tho. Smart, Wm. Hobbs. CHARLES SNEAD, of Rappa. Co., 1933 acs. in sd. Co., on the N. side thereof, 20 Oct. 1666, p. 539, (660). 700 acs. beg. at a marsh N.W. upon land of Jno. Paine, N.E. into the woods &c; due by purchase from Jno. Paine, who purchased the same from Jno. Merryman & Morgan Haines the first proprietors hereof, to whom it was granted 26 Feb. 1663. 800 acs. bounded by miles end of the sd. 700 acs. & land of Maj. Jno. Weire, beg. nere an In- dian path, over the sd. path &c. 83 acs. beg. at the E.most extent of sd. 700 acs., parallel to the river &c. Said 883 acs. granted to sd. Snead 21 Apr. 1657 & renewed in his Majesties name by order of the quarter Ct., 18 Mar. 1662; as alsoe 350 acs. more making up the full quantity of 1933 acs., being aboute a mile from the mouth of a Cr. that parts the said Paine, now Mr. Wm. Lane, & sd. Snead, beg. at S.W. cor. of sd. 883 acs. &c. nere land of David Warrin &c. Trans, of 3 pers: Daniell Willis, Jno. West, Samll. Watts, Ann Wilson, Eliz. West, Ri. Clifton, Henry Martin. WM. SERJANT & EDMOND PAG- GETT, 707 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. on the head of Mill Cr. alias Tig- nors Cr., beg. at cor tree of Jno. Dan- gerfeild alias Andrew Gilsons, W. by N. &c. to line of trees belonging to Lt. Col. Guterige (Guttredge), N.E. by E. &c. to line trees of Tho. Rauson (or Ranson), N. bv E. &c. 20 Oct. 1666, p. 540, (661). Trans, of 15 pers: Wm. Farmer, Tno. Bowin, Robt. Bowin, Mary Bowin, Fran. Bowin, Wm. Atkins, Tho. Sharpe, Robt. Walton, Samll. Parker, Danll. Hudson, James Hudson, Mary Wms., Margtt. Willis (or Wilbis), Charles Cough (or Couch), Wm. Adson. PHILLIP WADDING. 300 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Co. aboute \ T / 2 mi. from the head of Popes Cr. nere a path side that goeth from Rappa. Co. to Popes Cr. in Potomack Riv., beg. at cor. tree of Major Jno. Weire & Tho. Vein, running N. &c. to line trees of Tho. Pheos &c. 20 Oct. 1666, p. 540, (662). Trans, of 6 pers: Tho. Dallv. Marv Wallett, Tane Davis. Henry Wilton, Francis Dumott, Charles Goach. NATHANIELT. BAXTER, 500 acs. Rappa. Co., S. side of Purcaticon Cr., 20 Oct. 1666, p. 541, (662). 200 acs. bounded from the upoer & outward cor. tree of land of Mr. Samuell Perry, S.S.W. &c. on Swd. side of the maine br. or run of Perrves Cr., E.S.E. &c. Said 200 acs. granted to sd. Perry 2 Tan. 1663 & sould to sd. Baxter 29 Dec. 1664. 300 acs. being the upper part of a devdt. of 1250 acs. granted sd. Perry 7 Feb. 1652 & since renewed by pattern 13 Jan. 1661; adj. upon upper line of Richard Hawkins, with the breadth upon Puscaticon Cr., extending 568 Cavaliers and Pioneers for length with a line of Francis Brownes land & Tho. Cooper, & soe with the upper line of the grand pattern. Conveyed as beforementioned. THOMAS FRESHWATER & THO- MAS CEELY, 126 acs. on N. side of Rappa. Co., at the mouth of Totaskey Cr., 22 Oct. 1666, p. 541, (663). Run- ning N.W. & bounding on land of Tho- mas Robbinson & Francis Gower. Trans, of 3 pers: Henry Walton, Mary Tho- mas, Peter Evans. JOHN ELLIS, 550 acs. Nancimond Co., 29 Mar. 1666, p. 542, (664). Beg. in a greate Sw. & running for length 320 po., joyning land of Mr. Wm. Wright, & soe again for breadth S.W. 275 po. &c. Trans, of 11 pers: Eliz. Billinsley, Lewis Denners, Purger (?) Vandsable, Annes (?) Addersy, Rendry Wates, Francis Grimes, Margtt. Allis, Mary Alexander, Tho. Johnson, Row. Tobate, Peter Jude. CHARLES CAMELL, 150 acs. in the S. branch of Nancimond Riv., 29 Mar. 1666, p. 542, (664). Beg. in a greate arrow read Swamp, running for length W. by S. &c, butting on land of Mr. Wm. Wright &c. Trans, of 3 pers: James Young, Xtian. Cornixe, Ralph Loyd. THOMAS MASON, 1000 acs. in the upper parrish of Nancimond Co., 29 Mar. 1666, p. 542, (665). Beg. nere the head of the Southern Br., running S. by E. &c. Trans, of 20 pers: Marcus Clares, Senr., Marcus Clares, Junr., Charles Ling, Jno. Cross, Eliz. Ball, Susan James, George Feete (or Feele), Robt. Hudd, Patrick Allin, Jno. Nichola (or Nicholas), George Davis, Alexr. Williams, Robt. Stoicks, Richard, Laur- ence, Andrew, Thomas, Peeter, Francis, Margarett — Negroes . EDWARD HUDSON, 356 acs. Rappa. Co., upon branches of the Dragon Swamp, adj. land of Robt. Davies & Tho. Prickett, 24 May 1666, p. 543, (665). Beg. by a br., running N. to Davies land, along same N.N.E., thence E. over certaine branches by land of Evan Davies, S.E. by S. &c. Trans, of 8 pers: Jno. Smithouse, Mary Smith, Susan Smithous, Francis Hooper, Cornelius Pemberton, Joseph Phelps, Barneby Forstan, Mary Forstan. EVAN DAVIES (David), 861 acs. in Rappa. Co. upon branches of the Dragon Sw. & Puscaticon, 24 May 1666, p. 543, (666). Beg. by Mr. Evans path, running S.S.W. &c. to Edward Hudsons line, along same E. &c, N.W. by W. over certaine branches cf Oascation (?) Cr. to an ancient devdt. belonging to sd. Davies (or Davids) & Jno. Coale, W. by S. inclining Wly. &c. Trans, of 18 pers: Peter Watson, James Coleman, Samll. Payton, Tim. Hobson, Samp. Pullin, Tho. Sheppard, Martin Jnoson, Thomas Godman, George Jones, Ralph Crompton, Hue Serjant, Jno. Parsons, Jno. Bowin, Rebecca Bowin, Mary Bowin, Francis Bowin, Wm. Atkins, Tho. Sharpe. JNO. OVERSTREET, 37 A. 77 Ch. in Hampton Parish, Yorke Co., 7 Sept. 1667, p. 543, (666). Beg. at land of Jeoffry Moore, thence along Thomas Dennets & Zachary Padeyes (?) lyne &c. to corner hickery near Edward Wades line &c. Trans, of 1 per.* RICHARD HOLT, 400 acs. on N. side of Puscaticon Cr., upon S. side of Rappa. Riv., 24 May 1666, p. 544, (667). Extending along land of Oliver Segar for breadth 400 po., by or nigh the side of the maine Br. of said Cr. W. by N. &c. Granted to Wm. Denby 1 Aug. 1661 & sould to Edward Hudson & Rich. Holt, & by sd. Hudson his part thereof sould to sd. Holt. THO. BOSWELL, 100 acs. Gloster Co., 10 June 1666, p. 544, (667). On N. poynt of Ware River, running S.E. by S. to a small Cr. or gutt on the poynt of marsh of Ware poynt, thence S.E. &c, including Racoune Island, thence S.W. to pine tree of Nathanll. Fletcher &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Mathew Hutson, Stephen Coleman. EDWARD VAUGHAN, 100 acs. in the upper parrish of Nancimond Co., Patent Book No. 5 569 29 Mar. 1666, p. 544, (668). Beg. at cor. tree of Silvester Bakers land, run- ning S.W. 320 po. on the miles end of Randolph Crewes land, butting on land of Rich. Parker, S.E. &c. joyning land of Mr. Wright & Tho. Harrowes &c. Trans, of 2 pers: Jno. Olliver, Walter Brookes. NICHOLAS HALE, 234 acs. Lancas- ter Co., upon N.E. side of the N.W. branch of Corrotoman Riv., 18 May 1666, p. 545, (668). Beg. at the mouth of a small cove which runs up to the house of sd. Hale, running N.E. &c, bounded by other land sd. Hale bought of Enoch Hawker, S.Ely. &c, bounded by joynt land of Wm. Thatcher & Wm. Michaell, now in the tenure of Henry Davies (&) Jno. Arnold &c. Trans, of 5 pers: Jno. Carrington, Jno. Pery, Daniell Lawrence, Tho. Jnoson, Jno. Wms. MR. JOHN HARDIE (Hardy), 1150 acs. Isle of Wight Co., 5 June 1666, p. 545, (669). Beg. at upper cor. tree of Mathew Tomlins old land, running S.S.E. by Wm. Westwrayes land &c, S.W. on Mathew Tomlins new land, then S. &c. Trans, of 23 pers: Jno. White, 4, Erasmas Harris, Henry Baker, Charles Baker, Joane Baker, Jno. Hardy, Oliver Hardy, An Quimby, William May, Roger Wright, Jno. Edwards, Rich. Powell, Roger Peele, Jno. Dockstone, Jno. Cooke, Xtopr. Marshamp, Wm. Walker, Eliz. Ruffin, 2, Rich. Lannum. Greatest Number of Acres in a Single Patent YEAR ACRES P B. PAGE C.&P. YEAR ACRES P. B. PAGE C.&P. 1619— 200 L 648 109 1643—4550 1 910 147 1620— 450 i ? 125 226 1644 — 1200 2 16 155 1621— 200 L 1 2 1645—2450 2 32 158 1622* 1646—2000 2 50 160 1623— 60 rods ' L 1 2 1647—1800 2 130 173 1624— 400 L 16 4 1648—2350 2 181 184 1625* 1649—3760 2 195 187 1626— 450 L 49 7 1650—5350 2 230 194 1627— 300 1 L 49 8 1651—5000 2 358 223 1628—1000 L 59 9 1652 — 4300 3 200 277 1629* 1653—5000 3 34 244 1630— 500 1 102 14 1654 — 4000 3 283 293 1631— 500 L 103 14 1655—3550 3 328 311 1632— 350 L 104 14 1656—3500 4 35 328 1633— 350 ] L 124 16 1657—5211 4 158 348 1634—2550 ] L 158 20 1658—6000 4 305 375 1635—5350 1 L 178 22 1659—5380 4 379 391 1636—8000 ] 410 53 1660—2476 4 450 405 1637—5350 ] L 480 71 1661—4750 4 446 403 1638—3700 ] L 595 96 1662—5798 5 141 468 1639—3000 ] L 704 120 1663—4054 5 29 444 1640 — 4000 ] L 759 126 1664—9000 5 461 524 1641—1300 ] L 755 126 1665—4892 5 479 528 1642—3500 1 771 128 1666—7800 5 628 559 'Leases Index to Introduction Governors, Deputy Governors and Officials* Argall, Samuell xiv, xv, xvi, xxi. Bennett, Richard xx. Berkeley, Sir William xix, xx. Clayborne, Wm. xviii, xix, xxiii. Dale, Sir Thomas xiii, xiv, xv, xx, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxx, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiv. Digges, Edward xx. Gates, Sir Thomas xi, xiii, xiv, xv, xx, xxvii, xxix, xxx. Hackluit, Richard xi. Harvey, Sir John xix. Kemp, Richard xix. Mathews, Samuel xx. Morryson, Francis xx. Percy, Capt. George xii, xiv. Pott, D*. John xviii, xix. Sandys, Sir Edwin xvi, xviii, xxil, George xviii, xxiv. Smith, Capt. John xii. Smith-Smyth, Sir Thomas xii, xvi, xviii, xxvi Somers, Sir George xi. Warr, de la, Thomas, Lord xiii, xiv, xx, xxxi. West, Capt. Francis xiii, xix, xxxi, xxxiii, Capt. John xix. Wingfield, Edward Maria xi, xii. Wyatt, Sir Francis xviii, xix, xxx. Yeardley, Sir George xiv, xvi, xvii, xix, xxi, xxiv, xxvii, xxix, xxxii. PERSONS Allington, Lt. Giles xxxiii. Andrews, Wm. xxxiii. Askew, Wm. xxix. Bacon, Nath. xxiv. Bagwell, Henry xxviii, Robt. xxviii, Thomas xxxiii. Bainham, John xxxiii. Baker, Wm. xxix. Baltimore, Lord xix. Banum, Eliz. xxxiii, John xxxiii. Barker, Wm. xxv. Bayley, Wm. xxix. Baynham, Mary xxxiii. Baywell, Thomas xxxiv. Beriston, Theophilus xxxii. Biggs, Richd. xxix, xxxiii, Sarah xxix. Booth, Reynold xxix. Bouldin, Mary xxix, Wm. xxix. Boulding, Thomas xxix, Wm. xxix. Boulton, Richd. xxix. Boyes, Cheney xxxiv. Boyse, Cheney xxxiv. Brookes, Wm. xxxi. Brown, Alexander xxi. Burchitt, Wm. xxxii. Burras, Ann xxvii. Burrows, John xxxii. Bush, Susan xxxiii. Capps, Wm. xxxiv. Causey, Nathaniel xxviii, Thomasine xxviii. Cawsey, Nathaniel xxviii, Thomasine xxviii. Cawsy, John xxviii. Chandler, John xxix. Chaplaine, Isaak xxxi, John xxxi. Chapman, Francis xxviii. Clarke, Edward xxxiv, Nathaniel xxxiv. Clause, Phettiplace xxviii. Claye, John xxxii. Close, Phettiplace xxviii. Cole, Francis xxxiii. Collins, John xxxii, Susan xxxii. Coltman, Henry xxix. Coxe, Wm. xxix. Crawshaw, Raleigh xxviii. Davis James xiv, xxxiv, Rachel xxxiv, Thomas xxxiv. Dawkes, Henry xxvii, xxviii, Wm. xxvii, xxviii. Dixon, Adam xxxii, Agnes xxxii, Eliz. xxxii. Dodds, John xxviii. Downeman, John xxxi. Dunthorne, Eliz. xxix, Thomas xxix. Epes, Capt. xxxii. Evand, Clement xxxiii. *Names in italics indicate the Governors, or Deputies, who executed patents abstracted in this volume. 572 Cavaliers and Pioneers Fairefax, Margery xxxi, Wm. xxiv, xxv ii, xxxi. Farmer, Thomas xxxiii. Farrar, Wm. xxx. Felgate, Capt. Robert xxxiii. Fisher, Robt. xxxi. Flint, Mary xxxiv, Thomas xxxiv. Fllinton, Farrar xxxii, Joane xxxii, Pharoah xxxii. Flood, John xxx. Fludd, John xxx. Forrest, Mrs. xxviii. Gany, William xxxiii. Garnett, Thomas xxx. Godby, Thomas xxviii. Graies, Thomas xxviii. Graves, Thomas Capt. xxviii. Grayes, Capt. Thomas xxviii. Gray, Thomas xxviii. Greenleafe, Robt. xxx, Susan xxx. Grendon, Edward xxiv. Gundry, John xxxi, Mary xxxi. Harris, Capt. Thomas xxxiv. Harrison, Edward xxiii. Harvard, John xxv. Hatton, John xxxii. Hobert, Bertram, xxiv. Hodgskines, Nicholas xxxiii. Hospkins, Bartholomew xxxiv. Hoskines, Nicholas xxxiii. Hutchinson, Sergt. James xxii. Jenkines, Oliver xxxi. Johnson, John xxxiv, Richard xxxii. Joones, Eliz. xxix. Jordan, Cicely xxx, Samuel xxx, Sisley xxx. Julian, William xxviii. Key, Martha xxxiv, Thomas xxxiv. Lane, Thomas xxxii. Lansden, Wm. xxxiv. Laydon, John xxviii. Lea, Wm. xxv. Leyden, John xxviii. Lunsford, Sir Thomas xxiv. Lupo, Albiano xxx, Elizabeth xxxiii. Lytefoote, John xxx. Markham, Mr. xvii, Susan xxx, Thomas xxx. Martian, Capt. Nicholas xxv. Martiau, Elizabeth xxv, Capt. Nicholas xxv. Martin, Capt. John xiii, xiv. Mason, Anne xxxii, Francis xxxii. Maye, Cornelius xxxiii. Morgan, Wm. xxxi. Mountney, Alexr. xxx. Old, Susan xxxiii. Opachankano, xvii. Opechancanough, xviii. Pace, Richard xxxi. Parker, Wm. xxxiii. Partin, Margt. xxix, Robert xxix. Paule, Francis xxxiv, Thomas xxxiv. Percy, Abraham xxxiii. Perry, Henry xxxi, Izabella xxxi, Wm. xxxi. Perse, Capt. William xxx. Pierce, Capt. Wm. xxx, Jane xxx. Piercey, Abraham xxxiii. Place, James xxxiv. Pocahontas, xii. Powhatan, xviii. Powell, John xxix, xxxi, Capt. Wm. xxx. Prickett, Miles xxxi. Proctor, Alice xxx, John xxx. Quiney, Richd. xxv, Thomas xxv. Reade, George xxv. Reynold, Nicholas xxxi. Rolfe, John xii, xxx. Sadler, John xxv. Safford, Christopher xxxii. Salford, Joane xxxii, John xxxii, Robert xxxii, Sarah xxxii. Savage, Hannah xxix, Thomas xxix. Sharpe, Samuel xxx. Sleight, John xxx. Smith, John xxxii. Smythe, John xxxii. Sparkes, Wm. xxxiii. Sparshott, Edw. xxxiii. Spelman, Thomas xxxiii. Spencer, Wm. xxx. Stepney, Thomas xxx. Stevens, Eliz. xxxiii. Sulley, Thomas xxxii. Sully, Thomas xxxii. Taylor, John xxx, Thomas xxxiii, Richard xxix. Thornbury, Thomas xxxiii. Tisdale, Richd. Sergt. xxxiii. Tredescant, John xxiv. Index to Introduction 573 Tredeskin, John xxv. Truelove, Mr. xviii. Tucker, Wm. xxxi. Turner, Henery xxxii, Thomas xxxiii. Ward, Capt. xxi, Elizabeth xxxiv, John xxxiv. Washington, George xxv. Waters, Lt. Edwd. xxix. Wayne, Amyle xxxi. West, Nathaniel Capt. xxxiii. Williams, Henery xxxii, xxxiv. Willoby, Tho. xxix, xxxi. Willoughby, Thomas xxxi. Wright, Robt. xxix. Wyatt, Rev. Haute xviii. Yeardley, Lady Temperance xxix. Yonge, Richard xxxiii. PLACES Accomac, xxi, xxxiii, Plantation of xxviii, Shore xx. Argall's Gift xvi, xxi. Arrahattock, xvi. Brandon, xxv. Bermuda, xiii. Burroughs, four old xvi, xxi, xxvi. Burrough of: Charles City xxii, Hen- rico xxii, James City xxii, Kiccotan xxii. Burrows Hill, xxxii. Cape Charles, xx. Causey's Care, xxviii. Chaplaine's Choice, xxxi. Cornwall, xxxiii. Counties: Accomack xxxiv, Charles City xxiv, xxxiii, Elizabeth City xxxiii, Isle of Wight xxxii, Nansi- mond xx, Northampton xx, Lower Norfolk xxxi xxxiv, Warwick xx, Warwick River xxi, Warwicksqueake xxi. Coxendale, xv. City, the chief xxvi. Cities: Charles xvi, xxi, xxvi, xxx, xxxii, Elizabeth xxi, xxvi, xxix, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, James xvi, xxi xxix, xxx, xxxii. Corporations: Elizabeth City xxiv, xxix, xxxiv, James City xxiv, xxxiii. Curls, xv. Denbigh, xx, xxviii, xxxiv. Dutch Gap xiv. England, xii, xiii, xiv, xvi, xix, xx, xxii, xxxi. Forts: Algernourne xiv, Charles xiv, Henry xiv. Greenspring (Berkeley's estate) xx. Hampton River xiv. Henrico, xvi, xxvi, xxxiv, Towne xiv. Henricopolis xiv, xv. Henricus xxi. Hundreds, xx, xxi, xxii, Bermuda xiv, Charles City xiv, xvi, Flower de xvi, Flowerdieu xxi, Flower Dew xxx, Martin's xvi, xxi, xxii, Maycock xvi, Piercey's xxx, Shirley xv, xvi, West Shirley xxix, Smith's xvi, Smythe's xxi, xxviii, Southampton xvi, xxii. Island: Hogg xxxi, Kent xix, Mulberry xxviii, Shirley Hundred xxiv, Smythe xxxi, Sommer xiii . Jamestown, xii, xiii, xiv, xviii, xix, xx, xxiv, xxvi. Jordan's Journey, xxviii, xxx. Kiccoughtan, xvi, xxi, xxvi, xxviii, xxix, xxx, xxxii, xxxiv. Lands End, xiv. Lawnes Plantation, xxi. London, xi, xvi, xxxi. Marie's Mount, xxix. Martin, Brandon xvi. Merchants Hope, xxv. Merry Point, xxxiii. Nansamun, xiii. Neck of Land, xxx. Newfoundland, xiii. Newport Newes, xxix. Pace's Paines xxxi, xxxii. Pasbehay, xxxiii. Philpott Lane xvi. Point Comfort, xiii, xiv, xx. Proctor's Creek, xxx. Ships: Blessinge xxix, Charles xxxiii, Deliverance xxviii, xxix, Discovery xii, Dutch xvii, Edwin xxxiii, Eliza- beth xv, xxxi, xxxii, Faulcon xxix, George xxx-, xxxii, xxxiii, Godspeed, xii, xxix, Hercules xiv, xxviii, xxix 574 Cavaliers and Pioneers John & Francis xii, xxix, xxxi, xxxiii, Jonathan, Lyon xxviii, Marygold xxxiii, Mary & James xxix, xxx, xxxi, MaryMargett xii, MaryMargrett xxviii, xxix, Mary & Margarett xxviii, Mary Ann Margett xxxi, Noah xxix, Patience xxix, Phenix xii, xxviii, Prosperous xxix, xxxiv, Providence xxxiii, Sarah xv, Sea Adventure xiii, xxx, Starr xxviii, xxxi, xxxii, Susan xv, xxxii, xxxiii, Susan Constant xii, xxviii, Swallow xxix, Swan xxix, xxx, xxxi, xxxii, Treasurer xxxii, Tresorer xv, Tryall xxix, xxx, the Companies xxvi, Private xxvi. Truro, xxxiii. Verinas, xxvii, xxviii. Warrisquyoake xxi. Warwicksqueake, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiv. Warwick River, xxxiv. Waters Creek, xxviii. West Indies, xiv. Westminster, xi. Westover, xxx. Weyanoke, xvi. TOPICAL Adventurers, xi, xix, xxi, xxxiv. Adventure, bill of xxvii, xxviii. Ancient Planters, xxvi, xxviii. Assembly, xvii, xviii, xx, General xx, of 1623/4 xx, xxvii, of 1619 xxxiv, xxi, xxii. Barbarians, xv. Barques, two xiii. Burgesses, people to choose xviii. Burgesses mentioned xxviii, xxix xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii. Cattle, goats, kine etc. xv. Caulker, a Master mentioned xxxiii. Charters, the First xii, Second xii, xiii, the Great of 1618 xxii, the Great of Privileges, orders & Laws xxii, of Orders xxvi, Abrogated by Courts xviii. Church, Plan for erection of xix. Churches, Twenty in Va., xx. Civil War in Britain, xx. Colonists, 120 mentioned xii. Colony, Population of in 1621 xviii, Senle of xvii, xviii. Chief Commander, xx. Commissioner of Plantattion, xxi. Commissioners, xxi xxxi. Commodities of Va., xxii. Commonwealth, establishment of in England xx. Convention of 1625, xxviii, Members of xxix, xxxi. Conversion of Infidels, xvi. Council of Va., xii, Presidents of under 1st Charter xii, Action in rating the person of Sir Tho. Gates, xiv Mem- ber of xxxiv. Councillors, xxx, xxxi. Counties, 12 in Va., xx. Court, Quarter held for Va. in London, xvi; Monthly held xxi; General Quarter xxi, xxii. Declaration, a Briefe, xv. Description of Va. mentioned xx. Emigration from England, xviii; of Royalists to Va., xx. Eastern Shore, the, xxi, xxxii, Militia xxxiii. Fort, Captain of, xiv. Godby, Thomas, killing of mentioned, xxviii. Governmental Divisions, xx. Governor, power of ministerial officer, xvii; Deposed xx; the first xiii. Grocer, a, xxv. Headrights, classes included in, xxiv; transportation of xxv. Harvard College, mentioned xxv. Houses in Jamestown, addition of xix. Indian, reference to xiv, xviii, Chanco, the Christian xviii; the Massacres, xix, xxiv; Incorporations, the great xxi. Justice, the presiding, xxxi. King, the, xviii; Charles the 1st, xix, execution of xix, Charles II, xx, James the 1st xi. Labourer, a xxxi. Land, the Common, xvi, xxii, division of xxi, xxvi, the Company's xxvi, disposal of under control of the Crown, xviii, the Common Garden xv, Letters Patent, xi, duplicate of Index to Introduction 575 xxxiii, distribution by xxiii, assign- ment of xxiii, for support of Church xxii, for College xvi, xxii, 300 acs. for the Governor xvi, for support of Magistrate xxii. For the University to be planted at Henrico xvi, two sorts of grants xxii, allowance of xxii, Private Planters survey xxiii, Dif- ference of rent xxii, Annual Rent of corne xv, Fee Rent xxvi, Sea Captains active in acquiring xxv, Rate of share in Company xii, Tenants xxvi. Legislative body, the first to meet on American soil xvii. London Company, xxi, xxii, xxv, xxviii, xxxi, the xii, xiv, xv, instructions of xvi, Court of xviii, members of xxviii, Treasurer of xxi. Magazin, the first, mentioned xv. Maides, young & unccrrupt mentioned xvii. Marriage, the first solemnized in English America xxviii. Massacre of 1622 xviii, the Indian xxiv, xxvii. Merchant, Cape xxxiii, of London xxv. Michaelmas, Feast of (Sept. 29), xiv, xxii, pavments on xxvi. Ministers, duties of xxi. Mint, xxii. Muster of 1624/5, xxvii. Navigation Act, the, referred to xx. Negroes, xx, the first in the Colony xvii. Northumberland, Earl of xii. Parishes, xxi. Parliament xx. Parliamentary Fleet, arrival of xx. Physician-General xviii, xix. Pinnaces, two mentioned xiii. Polanders, xii. Political Division, Eight the xxi. Planters, xi, xix, xxi, xxii, xxvi, Ancient xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, Old xxix, xxxii. Plantations, xiv, xx, xxi, xxii. Establish- ment of equal xxvi, Against James City xxxiv, Capt. Ward's xxxiv. Population of Va. in 1616, xv. Prebendary, xi. Publique Works xv. Pocahontas, xii. Puritan, the — Richard Bennett, xx. Royalists, mentioned xx. Salt Works, the xv. Sawyer, a xxix. Secretary of State, xix. Servants, xv, xx. Settlers, Planting of xiii. Service, seven years xxvii. Shakespeare's son-in-law mentioned, xxv. Shires, the eight xxi. Slavery, peneral referred to xxvii. Southampton, Earl of xviii. Statehouse, plans for erection of xix. Supply, the first xii, xxviii, the Second xii, xxviii, the Third xiii. Surgion, a xxxii. Surveyor-General, the xviii, xxiii. Tobacco, value of xxii. "Tragicall Relacon" the, referred to xix. Treasury, the xxii. Treasurer, xviii, xxii, the first of the Company xii, the new xviii, the late xxvi, petition for appointment of sub- Treasurer, xxii, & Company of the City of London xii, Councill & Co. xxii. Truro, xxxiii. Warr, De La, Lord — death of xvi. Warwick, Earl of xviii. Will, a noncupative. mentioned xxx. Women, transportation of at charge of Company xvii ; to be paid by husbands xvii; a fit hundred of xvii. York, settlement of the shores of xix. General Index Abathon, Geo. 253. Abberlyln, Richd. 42. Abbeys, Wm. 82, 275. Abbin, James 110. Abbott, Anne 258; Bryan 137; Christo. 28, 140, 161, 168, 358, 361, 416; Elinor 388, 477; Geo. 318, 338; Giles 362; James 51; Jon. 32; Jno. 349, 376; Jone 335; Kath. 217; Nicho. 5; Saml. 4, 27, 28, 34, 40, 56, 70, 72, 98, 116, 124, 141, 143, 152, 167, 169, 177, 197, 201, 202, 226, 235, 243, 271, 288, 332, 487; Su. 236; Symon 39; Tho. 342, 479, 492; Wm. 289. Abbs, Henry, Mary, Thos. 189. Abby, Jon. 244; Wm. 526. Abdell, Wm. 217. Abdey, Nicholas 62. Abernath, Andrew 357. Abernathe, Robt. 544. Abert, Jno. 525. Abington, Lawr. 449. Ableck, Wm. 386. Ablesome, Isabell 84. Aboge, Rich. 61. Abraell, Robt., 335. Abrahall, Capt. 280; Robt. 232, 242, 276, 408, 467, 490, 542. Abraham, Geo. 128; John 54, 435 Robt. 370. Abrall, Col. 422; Lt. Col. 328; John 82 Math. 484, 490; Robt. 212, 281, 306 307, 311, 335, 346, 347, 366, 368 385, 409, 485, 502. Abram, Jon. 24; Jno. 434; Wm. 526. Abrams, Jno. 356. Abreman, Cornelius 381. Abreshall, Tho. 338. Abbry, John 194. Absalon, Derman, 311; Emanuell 516. Abshere, Lewis 58. Absolon, Em. 501. Abtercrume, John 115. Abtill, Wm. 454. Accomacke 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 414, 549. (See Counties). Accomack Court 193. Achely, Ed. 556. Achelly C,hristo. 479. Acherson, Wm. 91. Achman, Xpr. 285. Ackdon, Jno. 559. Ackely, Ed. 556. Ackerman, Roger 32 ; Tho. 286. Ackers, Eliz. 358. Ackew, John 245. Ackey, Jno. 475, 525. Ackland, Geo. 91; Mary 91. Ackley, Wm. 446. Ackomack 289. Ackuson, John 387. Aeon, Robt. 387. Acone, Tho. 133. Acre, Geo. 282. Acreland, Tho. 177. Acties, Thos. 183. Acton, Fran. 370, 395; Jon. 140; Richd. 564; Walter 456. Adage, Wm. 384. Adam, John 491 ; Tho. 528. Adams, Andrew 72; Eade 98; Eliz. 29, 367; Geo. 84, 229; Jon. 134; John 164, 479, 494, 515; Mary 428, 558; Peter 281, 366, 472, 493, 506; Rachell 50; Rich. 300, 385, 421, 462; Sarah 476; Susan 258; Tho. 80, 172, 181, 188, 333, 363, 377, 500, 540, 558, 566; Wm. 265, 338. Adcockes, Abigail 367. Adcome, Jno. 359. Addams, Chas. 362; Geo. 31; Jno. 383; Richd. 144, 381; Sumer 429; Tho. 43, 376, 383, 558. Adderly, Thos. 81. Addersy, A. 568. Addington, Jonathan 108. Addis, John 265. Addison, Alexr. 216, 288, 357, 412, 455; Ang. 332; Aug. 332; Henry 527; Jone 434; Thos. 56, 78, 82, 85, 387, 480; Wm. 403. Adea, Gabriel 78. Aden, Hugh 156, 258; Luke 72. Aderson, Roger 89. Adimore, Sarah 511. Adison, Eliz. 233. Adiston, John 324. Adkeson, John 389. 578 Cavaliers and Pioneers Adkin, Elder 338. Adkins, Christ. 29; Elinor 213 ; Geo. 129, 150; Henry 214; James 404 ;Richd. 131; Robt. 186, 296; Tho. 146; Wm. 23. Adkinson, Alice 184; And. 184; Christo. 133; Ja. 183; Matt. 157; Robt. 212; Tho. 133, 143, 157, 393. Adler, Danll. 548. Adleston, John 214, 232. Adlestone, John 469. Adlome, Jno. 359. Adonneway, Derman 406. Adrey, Hump. 275. Adrianson, Adrian 349. Adridge, Rice 195; Wm. 200. Adriggin, Wm. 348. Adroune, Owen 356. Adsdon, Jno. 247, 277. Adson, Richd. 208: Wm. 567. Adsworth, Wm. 286. Adventurer 15, 16, 21, 163. Adventurer & Co. 53. Adwell, Chas. 138; Kath. 97. Adwicke, Grace 326; James 326. Adwin, Owen 353. Adye, John 117. Agagin, John 314. Agakee, Wm. 509. Agar, Edw. 36. Agard, Robt. 119. Age, Hugh 172. Agg, Wm. 516. Aggor, John 327, 450. Aghurt, Wm. 538. Agnes, Tho. 392. Ahoshew, James 150. Aiden, Jno. 462. Ailce, Tho. 191. Ainsly, Sara 217. Airea, Geo. 282. Aires, Jno. 303, 399, 463, 501, 518. Akeford, Ann 526. Akerhill, Ann 223. Akin, James 535, 547. Akleson, Robt. 316. Alad, Saml. 260. Aladry, Tho. 433. Albee, John 330. Alber, John 330. Albert, Rich. 359, 390. Albester, James 554. Albett, Richd. 223. Alby, Pope 566. Aleak, Susan 529. Alchard, Edw. 197. Alcock, Jos. 314; Mary 347; Richd. 351; Saml. 201; Susan 393; Wm. 200, 372. Alcocke Basill 378; James 207; Susan 426, 468; Susanna 444. Alcott, Alice 51. Alcox, Basill 389. Alcutt, Eliza. 61. Alden, Danll. 548; Wm. 361. Alderson, Ann 197. Aldersey, Grace 165. Aldis, John 265. Aldock, Rice 377. Aldred, Robt. 197. Aldridge, Jane 502; Math. 455. Aldrige, Margerie 130; Fr. 37, 63; Wm. 531. Aldrop, Michaell 184. Aldwin, Alice 440. Ale, John 475 525, 528. Alen, Geo. 293, Margaret 327. Alerdine, James 293. Alester, Marke 375. Alesworth, Peter 233. Alewood, John 259. Aleworth, Jno. 551. Alexander, Eliz. 447; Henry 356, 434; Jon. 227; John 250, 300, 393, 424, 440, 446, 447, 546; Marke 467; Mary 568; Patrick 118; Robt. 137, 446, 447, 546, 549; Saml. 388; Tho. 445, 540; Wm. 502. Alford, Antho. 344; John 440; Wm. 545. Alfiston, Wm. 315. Alger, Mathew 546. Alice, Ellen 28, 81 ; Mary 209. Alkenhead, Tho. 385. Alkin, Sampson 242. Allain, Julian 410, 449. Allam, Julian 410, 449. Allan, Jane 439. Allen, Alexr. 479; Ant. 232; Archibald 454; Arthur 187; Chas. 106; Chr. 214; Edw. 28, 153, 335, 391; Ellen 197; Francis 146, 292, 314; Geo 194 293, 166; Hez. 260; Hugh 102, 106 161, 164, 174, 182, 239; Henry 457 James 146, 162, 216, 239, 266, 289 368, 371, 373, 382, 395, 396, 398 Jane 428; Jeremy 264; John 39, 87 89, 117, 150, 217, 261, 274, 309, 336 350, 381; Jonathan 463; Joseph 463 Jodeth 193; Kath. 203, Marma. 365 Marg. 342; Mathew 514; Maudlin 342; Mary 41, 179; Michaell 344 Miles 381; Nicho. 252; Oliver 40 59; Patrick 281, 559; Pope 450 Richd. 181, 233, 239, 249, 275, 285 286, 296, 382, 414, 493; Robt. 94 General Index 579 280, 390, 349; Rose 204, 282; San- ders 148; Simon 425, 468; Step. 382, 375; Teague 314; Tho. 47, 57, 182, 211, 262, 276, 313, 328, 338, 389, 484, 528, 563; Valentine 193, 362, 480, 497, 518, 521, 530; Wm. 89, 92, 122, 123, 206, 215, 263, 276, 309, 333, 350, 372, 388; Xpher. 292. Allen's Quarter 407. Allenby, Wm. 173. Allenson, Xp. 554. Allerentia, Peter 124. Allerson, Ann 22. Allerton, Mr. 409; Isaack 367, 379, 401, 403, 492, 534, 536,. Allerweck, Julian 338. Alleson, Wm. 171. Alleston, Allen 255. Allett, James 454. Allgatt, Rich. 453. Allin, Arthur 485; Giles 566; James 216, 453; Patrick 568; Rose 366; Wm. 29, 103; Valentine 527. Allinge, Willmott 349. Allingsworth, John 160. Allington, Giles 4, 5, 159; Henry 265. Allinson, Wm. 205. Allinton, John 248. Allis, Margtt. 568. Allison, Dorothy 215; John 215; Sarah 141; Wm. 43. Alliston, Wm. 315. Allister, Marke 425, 468. Allmond, Saml. 121. Allmons, Saml. 78. Allott, Peter 322. Allum, Jno. 554. Allumby, Diana 280; Geo. 280; Wm. 82, 280. Allvit, Mary 328. Allwood, Floraine 455. Allyson, Geo. 512; James 444; Sarah 336. Almond, Saml. 79, 121. Alpes, the 140, 301. Alport, Ann 43. Alporte, Jon. 23. Alpott, Janos 203; Jones 334. Alridge, Tho. 200. Alsop, Alice 344, Jno. 566; Wm. 496. Alsopp, Henry 176; Wm. 393. Alstone, Tho. 382. Alsworth, Jno. 562; Wm. 267. Aludge, Tho. 200. Alwine, Xtopr. 213. Alwood, Hen. 274. Aman, Wm. 340. Amber, Joseph 204. Ambrey, Ralph 508. Ambrose, Eliza. 164; Leonard 223. Ames, Edward 31, 84; Wm. 296. Amey, Jno. 458. Amherst, Ri. 554. Amis, Jovce, 273. Amison, Grace 62. Amolachan, Rog. 326. Amore, Hamurt 160. Amsley, Sarah 454. Amy, Wm. 134. Anacosta, 366. Anancocke, 261, 264, 285, 296, 307, 321, 322, 324, 325, 326, 329, 330, 331, 405, 406, 411, 419, 473. Ancell, Tho. 350. Anchile, Fra. 276. Ancient Planter, 2, 3, 6, 15, 16, 17. Ancram, Chas. 454. Andersin, Mary 366. Andersly, Jno. 355. Anderson, Alexr. 250, 559; Daccy, 527; David 326, 355; Davy 446; Fran. 166, 386; Garrett 119; John 110, 178, 232, 279, 324, 553; Mary 446. Anderson, Reynard 292; Richd. 231, 474; Robt. 254, 455; Roger 118, 126; Sarah 277; Tho. 153, 212; Wm. 201, 406, 468, 506, 536. Anderton, Daniell 548; Jno. 219, 391. Andrew, Geo. 288, 405 ; Joan 294 ; John 294; Richd. 154; Robt. 148, 323. Andrews, Abram 476 ; Dorothy 68 ; Eliz. 302, 312; Garrett 129, 152, 164; Geo. 277, 468; Grace 558; Israeli 140; James 261; Jenkin 197; Joakin 109; Jno. 431, 525; Jon. 54; Margt. 261; Mary 258, 520; Mathew 476; Nich. 118; Peter 536; Phillip 479; Richd. 103; Roeer 148, 351; Simon 500; Susan 101; Susanna 23; Thomas 24, 52, 54, 115, 152; Wm. 23, 74, 100, 117, 148, 163, 261, 300, 435, 483, 509, 513, 532, 534, 539. Andrewes, Edmund 79; Edw. 120; Eliza. 79; Jenkin 143; Joane 538; John 120, 178, 350, 457; Margtt. 527; Mary 562; Nich. 381; Peter 527, 544; Richd. 115, 166; 350, 457; Margtt. 527; Mary 562; Nich. 381; Peter 527, 544; Richd. 115, 166; 468, Roger 58; Susan 46, 261; Tho. 468; Wm. 13, 31, 35, 82, 101, 110, 184, 371, 401, 410, 533. Andry, Ellinor 239. Angeir, Benj. 454. 580 Cavaliers and Pioneers Angel, John 425. Angell, John 388; Wm. 223, 359, 390. Angle, Eliz. 273; James 555; Wm. 440, 444. Angood, Wm. 322. Annice, John 93. Annis, Jane 368; Robt. 39; Tho. 103; Wm. Ill, 121. Annocostin, 371. Anno Domini 1610, 163. Annley, Robt. 115. Anssell, Freeman 199. Antherson, Wm. 42. Anthony, Arthur 113; Mary 245; Thos. 276. Anthrop, Wm. 542. Antom, Robt. 442. Antrobors, Jno. 247. Anwell, Luke 268. Ap, Roger, Roger 501. Ap, Lewis, Edw. 501. Ap Thomas, Tho. 334; Wm. 175, Richd. Apinall, John 482. Apleby, Richd. 397, 441; Walter 192. Apleton, Alice 148; Geo. 245; Jno. 334; Richd. 54. Apliton, Gregory 253. Apostingall, Antho. 459. Appaie, Ellis 406. Appamattocks 139, 333, 382, 509. Appamattock Towne 81. Appellton, Wm. 338. Appes, Edw. 197. Appleby, John 275 ; Rich. 438. Appleford, John 491. Appleton, John 408, 435, 437, 438, 457, 542; Richd. 24. Appletree, Richd. 270. Apps, Edmond 201. Appv, Wm. 419. Apreetee, Robt. 554. Aprickett, Margaret 389. Aquintanocco 335. Arakico 307. Aram, John 27. Arator, Eliza. 199. Arbo, Peeter 361. Arbson, Derrick 337. Arch, John 315. Archellon, Marga. 44. Archer, Alice 276; Ann 228; Geo. 31, 47, 65, 84, 143, 452, 537; John 164, 556; Rich. 396, 455, 552; Wm. 139, 544. Archerday, Tho. 148. Archers Hope, 2, 109, 124, 143, 161, 168, 178. Arden, Hen. 97; James 351; Robt. 135. Ardington, Tho. 335, 442. Ardrey, Wm. 457. Ardy, Jno. 492. Arenden, James 220. Arey, Robt. 165. Argoll, Jno. 536. Arguse, Rich. 80. Ariays, Arryanka 356. Aringell, Jno. 447. Aris, John 221. Arkady, 273. Arleson, Derrick 394. Armateague, Mich. 492. Armefeild, 470. Armes, Fra. 223; Henry 189; Michaell 448, "459; Roger 404; Susan 543. Armesbee, John 206. Armestead, Ann 45; Wm. 45, 90, 124, 165, 218, 227, 229, 298, 375, 416, 485, 523, 551; Mr. 244. Armestrong, And. 429; Ann 516; Dan. 351; Fra. 275; Geo. 110, 302; Henry 341; John 254, 431; Richd. 291, 322; Robt. 277, 293, 363, 370, 384, 397, 441. Armsby, John 219, 319, 442. Armeson, Robt. 148, 196. Armetrading, Henry 28. Armfeild, Wm. 373. Armhurst, Richd. 254. Armie, John 23, 27. Armiger, Jno. 552; Wm. 221. Armistead, Jno. 551. Armitage, Abra. 266; Eliz. 260; Joan 291. Armitradeing, Hen. 414. Armond, Richd. 197. Armor, Francis 459. Arms, Michael 526. Armston, Abra. 222. Armwood, Roger 97. Armye, John 84; Tho. 106, 297. Army, the 244. Arnall, Joyce 444; Robt. 28; Tho. 429; Wm. 4. Arncell, Tho. 490. Arndall, Kath. 112. Arndell, 458. Arnell, Antho 348; Eliz. 466. Arnee, Tho. 196. Arney, Edw. 349. Amis, Joyce 273. Amman, Wm. 451. Arnold Alex. 458 ; Anth. 386, 403, 446, 457, 542,; Arth. 355; Eliz. 351; Henry 214; James 432; Jesper 528; General Index 581 Jno. 569; Joyce 126; Margt. 126; Mary 375; Robt. 81, 356; Wm. 86, 164, 479. Arnoll, Antho. 565; Margaret 336; Mary 284; Robt. 92; Tho. 362, 484; Wm. 300. Arnwood, Roger 32, 92. Aron, Rich. 145. Arpe, Peter 118. Arrens, Heilton 186. Arris, Jon. 134; Martha 453. Arrison, Derrick 394. Arro, John 491. Arro Attocks, 87. Arrock, James 214. Arroe, Jon. 54. Arroehattocks, 36. Arrorke, James 203. Arrowhattocks, 20. Arrundell, Ed. 363; John 157, 270; Mary 264; Rich. 334. Arrye, Daniell 93. Arryson, Derrick 337. Arseson, Derrick 390. Arshwin, Jno. 395. Arsly, Alice 397, 441. Arteine, Roger 131. Arter, John 131. Arther, Thomas 374. Arthur, Alexr. 373; Eliz. 294; Hugh 181; James 140, 162, 237, 450, 509; John 181, 467; Tho. 383. Arthurs, Alice 139; Christ. 139; James 139, 173, 298. Arum, Richard 316. Arundell, James 57; John 11, 15, 16, 18, 19; Peter 6, 7, 16, 404; Richd. 203 ; 458. Arwin, Robt. 204. Aryson, Derrick 390. Asby, Wm. 222. Ascome, John 43. Ascott, Patrick 252. Ascough, Richard 29. Ascum, John 68, 374. Ash, John 213; Rowland 551; Symon 448. Ashall, Geo. 125, 192. Ashbifoote, John 160. Ashbournham, Edw. 282. Ashbrooke, Tho. 284. •Ashby, Phillip 375 ; Roger 219; Tho. 28. Ashcomb, Ann 200; John 125, 165, 385; Winifrid 165. Ashdowne, Walter 402. Ashe, John 129. Asheley, Peter 16. Ashenhurst, Jno. 455. Ashfeild, James 47. Ashford, Jno. 528. Ashington, Rowland 452. Ashley, Christo. 16, 173; David 263; John 399; Peter 549; Richd. 554; Wm. 425. Ashly, Christo. 329; Jacob 525; John 288, 350, 366, 399; Robt. 121, 221; Susan 358; Tho. 28, 525, 528; Xtoper. 44. Ashpoole, Lawr. 349. Ashton, Chas. 333, 373, 376, 379, 464; Eliza. 211, 455; Fra. 311; Henry 453; Isabell 278; James 352; Joane 96; John 166, 446, 483; Peter 302, 309, 343, 357, 377, 398, 406, 409, 434, 461, 531; Rachell 279; Richd. 254; Tho. 25; Walter 31, 93, 561; Warbowe 93; Wm. 555. Ashwell, Ann 194; Geo. 358; Henry 120, 204, 339, 364, 471; James 382; Mary 273; Sarah 382; Wm. 250, 382; 314. Ashworth, Rich. 359. Asiskewincke, 235. Ash, Tho. 512. Askew, John 245. Askin, Wm. 512. Askue, Ann 182. Asley, Jon. 22. Aspinall, Jno. 524. Asse, Andrew 146. Asselbie, Eliza. Assell, Gilbert 238. Assembly, Grand the 123, 147. Assey, Francis 108. Assine, Alice 128. Assnie, Alice 128. Asson, Tho. 61. Asten, Robt. 58. Aster, Edw. 450. Astin, Fardinando 543 ; John 144. Aston, Antho. 194; Chas. 318; Issabell 318; James 190; John 144, 318; Richd. 299; Tho. 166; Walter 148, 154, 165, 203, 317; Warbowe 165; Mrs. 405; Mr. 138, 167. Astope, Jno. 555. Aswell, Henry 497; Mary 181. Athanes, Tho. 201. Atherfold, Law. 208. Atherson, Wm. 91. Athester, Jno. 362. Athor, James 149. Atkenson, Eliza. 455. Atkey, Jno. 525, 528. 582 Cavaliers and Pioneers Atkin, Jno. 157. Atkins, Antho. 149, 172; Edw. 352; Eliz. 235; Francis 341; Geo. 302; James 293; John 205, 238, 363, 375, 425, 566; Lewis 538; Margery 410; Marmad. 248; Martha 482; Mary 381, 403; Nathl. 527; Richard 14, 84, 274, 351; Robt. 338, 356, 456, 507, 531; Silvester 31, 84; Tho. 293, 382, 527, 536; Wm. 124, 131, 512, 567, 568. Atkinson, Allis, 184; And. 184; Henry 113; James 430, 512; Marg. 151; Marmaduke 142 ; Mathew 65 ; Miles 358; Richd. 16; Tho. 65, 270, 564 Atmore, Thomas 23. Attaway, Ja. 248; Tho. 450; Wm. 61, 459. Atten, Geo. 194. Attenborow, Tho. 372. Atterby, Jno. 452. Attera, Thomas 62. Attings worth, John 160. Attkeson, Eliz. 382. Attkins, Jno. 468; Tho. 509. Attlo, Dancie 541. Attocke, Nazar. 165. Attore, Edw. 200. Attorney, 503, 519, 534, 547. Attowell, Thos. 8, 53, 77, 100. Atwack, Jacob 179. Atwell, Israeli 35; Nicho. 81; Symon 175; Tho. 212, 400, 560. Atwill, Nicho. 28. Atwood, Ann 23, 66 ; Edwd. 236, 519; Edmond 254; Hen. 274. Aubuff, Syfra 324. Aubry, Jno. 552. Aucoate, Anne 284. Aude, Saml. 198. Audick, Daniell 78. Audley, Teg. 116. Auer, Tho. 133. Audrey, Wm. 267. Audry, Ellin 136. Audrick, Wm. 324. Auerine, Jon. 86. Auger, Jon. 82. Augood, Wm. 322. Augulliott, Lem. 371. Aunley, Robt. 115, 152. Aunt, Phillip 35. Aurllott, Ann 290. Aussell, Freeman 199. Austen, Tho. 303. Austice, James 225. Austin, Ann 467; Col. 531; Fard. 564; Ferd. 314, 468; Fird. 314; Geo. 144, 178, 377, 401, 484; James 208, 333, 394, 396, 452; John 303, 359; Rich. 27, 103, 303; Susan, 457; Tho. 135; Wm. 61. Austine, James 259; Tho. 208, 236, 274, Austin's Desire 142. Auston, Jno. 301; Richd. 176; Walter 165, 555. Averie, Jacob 14, 19; Marke 232. Averine, Jon. 86. Averitt, Christo. 69; Phillip 69. Avery, Ann 142; Eliz. 125; Geo. 215; Hen. 142, 458; Jacob 15, 101, 103, 231; John 141 ; Marke 143, 560, 563; Mr. 15; Richd. 476; Susan 462; Tho. 214; Wm. 353. Avile, Eliza. 181. Avis, Geo. 459. Avory, Marke 559. Awberry, Henry 477. Awborne, R. 467; Rich 542. Awbry, Jno. 454. Awly, Robt. 180. Axam, Rich. 392. Axelby, John 279. Axell, Joyce 447. Axoll, John 369. Axolls John 422. Axom, Richd. 197. Axome, Richd. 319. Axon, Joseph 528. Axter, John 200. Axtin, Peter 567. Axtill, John 276. Axton, John 184, 481, 505. Axum, Wm. 558. Ayer, Jno. 530. Ayherst, Wm. 559. Ayhurt, Wm. 462. Ayhurst, Wm. 525. Ayhust, Wm. 559. Aykins, Jane 250. Aylett, John 314. Ayleworth, Wm. 552. Aylife, Richard 544. Ayliffe, Richd. 512. Aylmer, Justinian 551. Aylworth, Wm. 552. Ayres, Edmond 352, 354; Edw. 366; Francis 351; Huntington 378; John 322, 351, 366, 379, 437, 478, 482, 521, 523, 530, 532; Kath. 218; Mary 367; Richd. 352; Tho. 440, 552; Wm. 267, 513. Ayton, John 246. General Index 583 B. Babb, Edw. 127; Tho. 112, 218, 280. Babbington, John 114; Michael 26. Babe, Tho. 165. Babister, Richd. 150. Bach, Tho. 104. Bacheler, Richd. 564. Bachelor, Mary 286, 386; Richd. 540. Back, Jno. 397, 441. Backen, Eliza. 184. Backer, Joane 219. Backham, Henry 206. Backmaster, John 225. Backster, Elinor 262; John 282; Roger 245; Wm. 68. Backwell, John 131. Bacock, Tho. 164. Bacon, Mr. 363, 421; Eliza. 170, 200, 218, 392, 394; Hannah 431; Joseph 211, 278; Mary 271, 482; Nathl. 275, 381, 382, 394, 478, 547; Tho. 218, 256, 410, 435; Wm. 234, 354, 355, 364, 372, 502. Badd, Richd. 463. Bade, Clemt. 125. Badden, John 112. Badg, Mary 506. Badge, John 140. Badger, Ann 115, 178, 279; Wm. 393, 426, 444, 467, 468. Badham, Jon. 105; John 115, 408; Margaret 108. Bading, Walter 304. Badlam, Ann 511. Badley, Tho. 140. Badnall, Jon. 141. Badworth, James 107; Jno. 348. Bagby, James 108; John 54, 323, 391; Peter 470; Robt. 515. Baggs, James 368. Bagle, Jno. 397. Bagley, Phill. 196. Bagly, Hen. 56; James 115; Jon. 137; Peter 470; Tho. 129; Wm. 422. Bagnall, Geo. 67; James 145, 241, 245, 308, 374, 429, 430, 477, 530; John 290, 421, 424, 429; Roger 33, 69; Sarah 289. Bagnell, Henry 30; James 270. Bagness, Tho. 517. Bagnoll, James 168; Roger 25. Bagon, Mary 202. Bagshaw, Peter 431. Bagwell, Henry 43, 112; Tho. 87, 89, 122, 140, 245. Bagworth, John 56, 267. Baile, Mathew 329; Tho. 369. Baileinge, Eliz. 390. Bailie, Tho. 26. Baily, John 155; Wm. 388; Richd. 339. Bainard, Roger 523. Bainely, Jno. 560. Bainer, Dorothy 260. Baines, Geo. 229; Richd. 263. Baineham, John 1, 3, 4, 48; Tho. 145. Bainton, Henry 552. Baites, John 206. Bake, Mary 548; Joseph 500. Baker, Abra. 294; Alexr. 370; Alice 75, 130, 430; Ann 245, 448, 530, 56l;Antho. 548; Chas. 569; Danl. 35, 59, 327; Dorothy 75, 113, 317; Edw. 203, 473; Ellis 36; Eliza. 144, 446, 561; Francis 171; Geo. 78, 460, 548; Hangatt 184; Henry 558, 569; Hugh 75; James 385, 561; Joane 569; Jon. 24, 31; John 40, 41, 50, 54, 59, 60, 61, 75, 84, 85, 88, 93, 94, 110, 113, 115, 128, 138, 152, 156, 157, 258, 281, 298, 299, 317, 405, 454, 469, 491, 505, 508, 523, 561; Joseph 399, 437, 558, 561; Kath. 359; Langag. 234; Lawrence 156, 193, 280, 350, 422, 561 ;Lewis 106; Marg. 190; Margery 513; Martin 21, 106, 144, 164, 335, 339, 360, 471; Mau- rice 212; Mary 284, 544, Peter 223; Philip 326; Richd. 39 107, 113, 250, 426, 456, 534; Robt. 448; Saml. 501, 548; Silvester 150, 351, 358, 569; Tho. 242, 280, 314, 531; Timothy 446; Walter 208; Wm. 34, 58, 60, 74, 99, 319, 500; Mr. 364, 389, 424, 492. Bakone, Eliz. 339. Balch, Robt. 450. Baldin, Rich. 432. Baldine, Mary 567. Balding, Frances 140. Baldock, Dasey 95. Baldrige, James 211. Baldridge, James 380; Lorida 211; Major 236, 380; Mary 211; Tho. 207, 211, 380; Wm. 211. Baldwin, Chas. 171, Edw. 196, John 40, 57, 179, 183, 258, 295; Tho. 475; Wm. 31, 197, 478, 513. Baldrop, Wm. 546. Badwyn, John 40. Baleor, Margtt. 395. Bales, John 395, 402; Tho. 44, 337. Baley, James 411; Temperance 226, Wm. 248. 584 Cavaliers and Pioneers Balfe, Oliver 149, 172. Balfin, Richd. 182. Balhash, Eliz. 87, 111. Balis, Robt. 508. Balistocke, Rich. 140. Ball, Alphoso 357, 455, 516; Eliz. 568, Geo. 109, 388; Isaak 403, J 301, Joane 154, John 277, 294, 343, 394; Kath. 475, Richd. 11 217, 348; Tho. 232, 461; Wm. 348, 502, 491; Mr. 526. Balance, Wm. 329. Ballard, An 236; Henry 137, James Judith 340, Richd. 335; Tho. 354, 379, 380, 496, 518; Wm. Balldershell, Wm. 205. Balleroe, James 207. Ballhash, Edw. 432, Eliz. 54. Ballingall, Wm. 340, 395. Ballington, Nicho. 54. Ballis, Robt. 508. Ballister, Tho. 336. Ballware, James 472. Baltemore, Kat. 515, Row. 515. Baltrop, Wm. 446, 471. Balver, Beves 140. Baly, Eliz. 444, Richd. 41. Bambridge, Christo. 117, 118. Bambas, Edw. 251. Bamfeild, John 178. Bamforth, John 133. Banborne, James 499. Banbury, Edw. 393, Steph. 367. Bancks, James 564, John 73, 105. Banckes, Jon. 31, Christo. 94, Richd. Bancroft, Wm. 122, 341. Band, Wm. 290. Bandes, Wm. 263. Bandon, Jane 401, 530, Peter 302. Bandleson, Ja. 196. Bandwick, John 178. Bane, Dave 299, James 454, Wm. Banen, Rich. 32. Banier, Sam. 378. Banin, Mary 244. Banington, Walter 533. Banister, Henry 249, John 53, 244, Steph. 27, Tho. 117, Wm. 94, 192. Baniton, Henry 552. Banks, Ann 64, Henry 535, Ja. John 275, 279, Richd. 35, 45, 69, Bankes, Dorothy 429, Eliz. 204, James 468, Wm. 410. Bann, Wm. 292. Bannister, John 416, Nicho. 130, 369, Wm. 47, 65, 94, 425. 216, ames 325, , 90, 244, 521, 309, 373. 501. 183. 260; 158, 200, 535. 360, Tho. Banns, James 403. Bansby, Eliz. 406. Banson, Peter 172. Banton, Carrington 136, Coningham 209, 288, Geo. 543, Jone 233, Samll. 455, Tho. 22, Wm. 80, 205. Baords, Tho. 259. Baragan, Richd. 251. Baramus, Tho. 149. Barbage, Tho. 166, 180. Barbar, Benedick 208, Fra. 172, John 217, Roger 397, Wm. 214. Barbeard, Wm. 170. Barber, An 400, Benedict 296, Fra. 248, Edw. 195, Geo. 89, Jacob 517, James 282, John 278, 329, 347, 352, 372, 468, 483, Jedeth 400, Nic. 231, Rich. 525, Robt. 82, Roger 441, Wm. 70, 121, 178, 214, 318, 401, 442, 443, 480, 545. Barbery, Wm. 506. Barboe, Roman 548. Barby, Jone 336, Wm. 404. Barchard, John 366. Barckurst, Antho. 185. Barcrefe, Chas. 288. Barcroft, Chas. 80, 137, 166, 191, 201, 405, Ehz. 166, Jane 82, Jon. 82. Bard, James 426, John 216, Robt. 32. Bardell, Henry 566, Jno. 546, 565. Barden, Ann 249. Barditt, Kath. 367. Bardly, Henry 84. Bardon, John 298, 348, 359, 409, 531. Bardwell, Joan 312. Bare, Xpofer. 153. Barefeild, Ester 513, Jon. 244, John 479, 504, Tho. 150. Barefoot, Tho. 193, 481. Barefott, Wm. 344. Barell, Mary 455. Barfoote, Ann 54. Bargine, Symon 208. Bargrave, Robt. 55, Capt. 226. Barham, Chas. 562, John 223. Barington, Fra. 172. Barke, Henry 164. Barker, Abill 456, Cath. 225, Christo. 119, 176, Eliz. 190, 195, Geo. 47, 107, 113,495, 541, Henry 273, Hester 324, Hugh 111, James 51, 65, Jane 335, Jerimiah 101, John 7, 38, 61, 112, 178, 180, 187, 230, 246, 298, 353, 415, 427, 541, Mary 196, 373, Nathan 187, Nathl. 479, Nicho. 127, Philip 451, Richd. Ill, 544, Silvester 101, Susan 248, Tho. 272, 367, 381, General Index 585 497, Wm. 20, 35, 70, 79, 100, 103, 108, 110, 121, 301, 338, 531, Mr. 335. Barkeley, Ann 196, Jane 121, Mary 166. Barkly, Capt. 323. Barkington, Mary 351. Barksdall, Wm. 468. Barkwith, Robt. 34. Barkeworth, Jonn 290, 300. Barland, Mr. 135. Bar lee, Francis 148. Barlo, John 177. Barloe, Francis 196, Jonathan 453, Tymoth. 34. Barlow, Ann 506, Henry 274, 308, Jon. l42John 269, 444, Roger 404, Sarah 502, Stafford 130, Sus. 232, Tho. 274, Wm. 236, 471. Barlowe, Ralph 159, 185. Barly, Antho. 336, Roger 146, Henry 195. Barmodue Hundred 130. Barnaby, James 123, 216, 294, 357, 412, Luke 108, Sarah 123, 216. Barnard, Ann 449, Eliza. 196, Jon. 22; Richd. 477, 545, Stephen 71, Tho. 67, 72, 81, Wm. 131, 137, Col. 365, Capt. 166. Barne, Eliz. 298. Barned, Edw. 444. Barnell, Francis 336, Henry 336. Barner, Dorothy 260. Barnes, Agnes 285, 287, 482, Ann 165, Barbary 51, Barnaby 62, Bar. 131, Chas. 236, Dorothy 286, Edw. 117, 208, 223, 296, 303, Fr. 219, Geo. 208, Henry 114, 186, 214, 249, 284, James 67, 126, 209, 459, Joan 236, John 136, 148, 198, 216, 558, Martin 142, Mary 390. 533, Lancelott 16, 19, 71, Law. 260, Ri. 555, Ro. 350, Sarah 501, Step. 203, Wm. 206, Capt. 392. Barnett, Anne 278, 284, Corderoy 211, 278, Dorothy 83, Edw. 359, 390, 440, Eliz. 211, 278, 286, 519, James 110, Jno. 248, 440, Joseph 142, Nich. 32, 91, 103, Richd. 211, 278, Robt. 252, Stephen 47, 56, Mrs. 517. Barnham, Mary 345, Robt. 455. Barnhouse, Francis 430, Law. 283, Richd. 231, 281, 283, 320, 328, 339, 347, 385, 386. Barnhowse, Richd. 103. Barnehouse, Richd. 229, 241, 276, 338, 430, 458, 470, 475, 485, 499, 520, Tho. 392, Capt. 242, Mr. 229, 236, 307, 451, 496. Barnwell, Jno. 426. Barr, Roger 329. Barreb, Abra. 309. Barrens, the 502, 564. Barres, Hugh 245. Barret, Capt. 324, Margt. 513, Wm. 175, 177. Barrett, Ann 250, 383, Edw. 428, Eliz. 519, Francis 56, 96, 97, 138, 336, 366, James 559, John 289, Jno. 431, 560, Henry 259, Margt. 289, 306, 378, Richd. 248, Sara 193, Tho. 306, Wm. 344, 383, Mrs. 517, Capt. 306. Barretts, Tho. 264. Barricole, Phil. 264. Barrington, Isaack 553, Richd. 28, Robt. 15, Wm. 153. Barrit, Tho. 261. Barrom, John 276. Barron, John 274, 523, Roger 435. Barrow, Ann 526, Henry 278, John 140, 286, 293, 335, 350, 390, 393, 394, 420, 424, 431, 495, 516, 526, 562, Mich. 257, Symon 299, 502, Tho. 302. Barrwell, Anth. 349. Barry, Garratt 220, Vincent 456. Barsbie, Jno. 515. Barsby, John 422, 464. Barshall, Jon. 141. Barston, Christ. 93. Bart, Geo. 386. Barten, Henry 355, John 232. Barter, James 308. Bartin, Tho. 80. Bartlet, Henry 215. Bartlett, Alex. 255, Ann 251, 293, Christo. 114, Eliz. 381, Jane 180, 221, Mary 336, Michael 102, Richd. 160, 528, Ro. 377, Robt. 475, Wm. 347. Bartley, Jno. 371. Barton, Elias 138, John 82, 274, 424, 501, Marg. 290, Robt. 75, Tho. 82, 429, Wm. 52, 109. Bartholomew, Hen. 150. Barthram, Jonathan 270. Bartran, Mary 291. Bartwright, Jon. 237. Barwick, Anth. 351, Tho. 468, Wm. 108, 146. Barwood, Robt. 128. Basbie, John 494. Basby, John 363. Basbye, Jno. 339. Base, John 366. Basely, Sarah 453, Wm. 546. Bashaw, Andrew 112, 242, Ann 217, Giles 171, Jane 242, Mary 242, Peter 431, Wm. 242. 586 Cavaliers and Pioneers Bashes, Tho. 385. Bashfeild, Eliz. 189. Bashpoole, Gregory 272. Bashwell, Eliz. 355. Baskevill, Richd. 114. Baskerville, Robt. 136. Baskett, Francis 148, Wm. 208. Baskfeild, Ann 201. Baskin, Richard 108. Baskirrel, Richard 108. Basnett, Fra. 476, Wm. 51, 355, 362, 380, 434. Bass, Gregory 132, John 56, Nathl. 125. Basse, Capt. 115, 142, Margt. 483, Nathl. 10, Wm. 427. Basses Choice 166. Bassett, Capt. 533, Geo. 69, Iszabella 107, Math. 77, 101, Tho. 160, 315, 551, Wm. 107, 472, 548. Bassill, Ralph 324. Bassnett, Jon. 73, Willi. 61. Bassay, Margt. 429. Bassye, Eliza. 192. Bastard, Henry 356, Wm. 356. Bastian, Tannika 356, 435. Basticks, Constant 250. Bastill, Ralph 324. Baston, Francis 554, Hen. 225. Bastwicke Edw. 68. Basty, James 108. Batch, Robert 450. Batcheller, Bridget 444. Batcheller's Bancke 78, 364. Batchelor, Mary 315, 324, 353, 356, Richd. 377, 540, Wm. 178. Batchelor's Hope, 82, Plantation 104. Batchells, Mary 265. Bateman, Anto. 455, Jane 435, James 222, John 370, 375, 395, 484, Mary 370, 395, 404, Pershiphall 164, Richd. 257, 430, Robt. 62, 143, Tho. 25, Wm. 375, 425, 467, 468, 479. Bater, Chas. 132. Batersby, Miles 531. Bates, Joane 221, John 301, 316, 544, Joseph 281, Mary 509, 550, Nicho. 76, Rich. 314, Tho. 196. Bath, Thos. 83, 104. Batherp, Fra. 180. Batho, John 133. Bathropp, Jon. 144. Batle, Mathew 563. Batley, Christo. 268. Batman, Lawrance 436, Roger 404, Tho. 61. Batmason, Tho. 238. Batrewhole, 84, a place called. Batrum, Lawr. 143. Batt, Bartho. 342, Dorothy 151, Henry 98, Jno. 151, 360, 382, Michael 97, 145, 275, Tho. 430, Wm. 115, 146, 147, 149, 179. Batts, Capt. 281, 505, Dan. 251, 436, Henry 115, 152, John 107, 122, 123, 291, 310, 435, Joseph 108, Mary 198, Mathew 376, Michael 378, Nathl. 543, Wm. 152, 175, 197, 436, Mr. 127. Battam, Abra. 513. Battell, John 280. Batten, Ashwell 231, 256, 302, 304, 307, 317, 346, 347, 495, 502, 508, Wm. 293, 549. Battemore, Kat. 515, Row. 515. Batters, Fra. 180. Battersby, Miles 189. Battery, Wm. 513. Battin, Ashwell 210, 216, 238, 399, 401, James 351. Battinge, Nicholas 359. Battle, Eliz. 280, John 280, 426, Mathew 170, Tho. 273. Batton, Ashwell 280, 386. Batty, Wm. 351. Baty, Barbery 454. Baucomble, Peter 562. Bauford, Jno. 562. Baugh, John 64, 87, 88, 110, 111, 137, 157, 192, 352, 516, Wm. 549. Baughan, James 366. Bauldin, Chas. 516, Tho. 476, Wm. 545. Bauldry, Robt. 259. Bauldwin, Eliza. 282, Jno. 338, Tho. 282, 468, Wm. 263, 264. Baulf, Oliver 319. Baulk, Wm. 116, 125. Baulke, Thos. 137. Bauston, Jane 405. Bausworth, Mary 251. Baven, Richd. 194, 286. Bavin, Mary 244. Bawcocke, Tho. 135. Bawd, Mary 457, 458, Tho. 476, Wm. 457. Bawd on, Jno. 528. Baxter, Elianor 139, Francis 228, Hen. 298, 367, Jane 39, 87, James 300, John 214, Martin 431, Mary 384, Nathl. 567, Richd. 99, Thos. 311, Wm. 40, 180. Baxton, Peter 465, 483, Tho. 428. Bay, John 129. General Index 587 BAYS: (Note: Space does not permit giving variations of spelling.) Appomattock 157, 192; Ashleys 72. Bicknes 19; Breckneck 197; Browne's 86, 131, 166, 172, 279, 337, 345, 417, 560. Chechqeroes 89; Chesepeiacke 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 37, 131, 141, 202, 261, 327, 417, 419, 456, 503, 524. Chesopean 22, 48, 71, 88, 96, 112, 127, 464. Clifts 408, 437. Conn ow oman 219, 252. Corotoman 200. Fleete's 194, 213, 223, 238, 259, 263, 289, 297, 343, 355, 357, 382, 436, 437, 441, 505. Lower 126, 148. Magaty 35, 43, 55, 68, 134, 331, 374. Milford Haven 141, 417. Mockjack-Mobjack 126, 131, 132, 135, 136, 141, 142, 146, 147, 148, 150, 159, 178, 182, 184, 193, 195, 200, 203, 204, 208, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 227, 229, 232, 233, 234, 238, 243, 247, 250, 251, 253, 258, 261, 262, 263, 265, 267, 268, 272, 273, 274, 277, 278, 279, 283, 289, 290, 292, 301, 306, 328, 331, 337, 339, 343, 345, 356, 365, 386, 391, 398, 402, 416, 417, 421, 462, 485, 486, 490, 499, 527, 532, 534, 536, 548, 550, 551, 553. Mounts 105. Mount Lawson 151, 154, 156. Nanzemund 26. Nomany 189, 198, 219, 319, 375, 397, 442, 520, 523, 546. Pagan 166, Pagan Point 62, 150, Pagan Shoare 121. Peankatanck 132, 135. Phillips 256, 457. Pinye 113. Pipscoes 104. Purton 545. Pyanck 266, 281. Rappahannock 141. Sandy 50. Smiths 268, 464. )Stengray-Stingraye 24, 141, 417. Swann 45, 86, 159, 171, 195, 211, 216, 277, 354. Tompson, 51. Warrasquiake 147. Bayant, John 29. Bayard, Susan 184. Baycock, Wm. 181. Bayer, Andrew 463. Bayford, Hanna 116. Bayle, Edw. 273, Thos. 93. Bayles, James 264, John 144, 178, 360, Tho. 376, 421. Bayley, Eliz. 95, Jane 278, John 154, 298, Mary 143, Pall 372, Paul 373, Richd. 217, 249, 386, Robt. 286, Temp. 266, Tho. 127, 160, 269, 273, Wm. 250, 456. Baylie, John 131, Tho. 26. Bayly, Ann 543, Arthur 78, 79, 86, 97, 121, 447, 471, Clemt. 513, Eliz. 180, Ester 455, Geo. 499, 507, Henry 208, 566, James 108, 430, Joane 44, John 131, 143, 144, 364, 488, Jone 117, Joseph 460, Lewis 10, Luke 375, Margt. 120, Mary 12, 109, 427, 488, Paul 433, Peter 23, 66, Phillip 367, Rebecca 74, 150, Richd. 94, 102, 147, 150, 184, 208, 223, 339, 414, Robt. 179, 330, 338, 397, 414, 433, 464, 477, 506, Tho. 175, 241, 305, 324, 342, 426, 462, Wm. 25, 32, 305, 306. Baylye, Henry 55, John 88, 197, Mary 194, 197, Richd. 99, Tho. 61, 197. Baymond, Rob. 352. Baymun, Geo. 467. Bayne, Walter, 62. Baynebridge, Tho. 201. Bayneham, John 72. Baynham, Alex. 501, Jno. 401, Mary 149, Robt. 489. Baynom, John 149. Baytes, John 206, Peter 136. Baywell, Tho. 32. Bayworth, John 267. Bea, Christo. 115. Beach, Ann 313, Judeth 447, Roger 443, Stephen 116, Wm. 297, 531, 546. Beacham, Robt. 238. Beachamp, John 432, 513, Mary 373. Beachill, Geo. 279. Beachly, Geo. 272. Bead, Wm. 440, 461. Beadell, John 54, Mary 259. Beadle, Jon. 54, Phillip 253, 257, Rich. 474, Rob. 338, Tho. 491, Wm. 204. Beadly, Henry 171. Beadman, Eliz. 204. Beagles, Tho. 355. Beale, Mr. 232, 469, Edw. 538, Eliza. 205, John 135, 446, Humph. 538. Lyonell 208, Mathew 484, Susan 81, Tho. 351, 375, 355, 555, Wm. 253. 588 Cavaliers and Pioneers Beall, Robt. 501. Beaman, Rowland 443. Beamast, James 272. Beamond, Row. 275, Wm. 479. Beamont, John 259, Wm. 311. Beams, Arnold 455. Bean, Theodus 451. Beane, Danl. 306, Stephen 103, 123. Beaner, Mathew 91. Beanstead, Mary 63, Tho. 63. Beansteed, Tho. 50. Beard, Joane 28, 83, Jon. 80, John 290, 300, 446, 468 530, Mary 171, Robt. 199, 200, Wm. 28, 78, 82, 83, 108, 116. Beardsby, Hen. 538. Beardsly, Hen. 538. Beardsty, Eliz. 67. Beardwell, Tho. 334. Beare, Ann 388, Christ. 65, James 375, John 525 Wm. 171. Bearecraft, Jno. 454. Bearin, Jno. 431. Bearls, Jno. 462. Bearley, Job 309. Bearly, Job 318. Bearne, Dermock, 325, Jon. 68. Beartine, Wm. 265. Bearts, Jno. 462. Beasly, Geo. 276, Wm. 367. Beast, Mary Richd., Thos. 47. Beatall, Robert 77. Beate, Wm. 204. Beates, Wm. 55. Beauford, John 438. Beaumond, Peter 200. Beaushampe, Mary 259. Beaver, Mathew 91. Beavis, Mathew 563. Beaw, Danl. 310, Robt. 106. Beawmon, Rowland 315. Bebee, John 106. Bebey, Edmond 286, John 238, 265, 302, 320, 324, 397, Bech, Jos. 27. Becham, Jno. 363, Wm. 127. Bechington, Abram. 560. Beck, Edw. 250, James 218, Richd. 114, Wm. 547. _ Becker, Martin 174. Beckett, John 290, Tytus 279- Beckweth, Jarret 51. Beckwith, Lewis 348. Beddins, Edw. 219. Beddus, Tho. 208. Bedell, Gertrude 142. Bedford, Jane 110, Robt. 552. Bedham, Wm. 267, 333. Bedicant, Jane 341. Bedlam, Wm. 198, 246, 285, 364. Bedwell, Eliz. 475, Robt. 503, 506. Bee, James 218. Beech, John 200. Beeches, Wm. 334. Beede, Tho. 138. Beedham, Rich. 102. Beedle, Ailce 201, Edw. 300, Tho. 144. Beedman, Robt. 199. Beeke, Thomas 102. Beffen, Tho. 119. Baffin, Tho. 427. Begg, John 564. Beggars Bush 68, 93. Beggon, Tho. 327. Behanon, Quinton 481. Behethland, Dorothy 95. Beife, John 192. Beiford, Ann 559. Bein, Sara 451. Belcher, Tho. 69, 444, Walt. 158, 223, Wm. 307. Beldam, Jon. 79. Belfe, Joyce 562. Bell, Alexr. 302, Andrew 401, Antho. 380, Christian 193, Edm. 538, Fra. 517, Geo. 86, 191, Gervas 392, Henry 536, Hump. 49, 518, Isaak 403, Jane 348, Javis, 154, John 91, 95, 100, 114, 117, 141, 172, 179, 187, 199, 216, 254, 278, 302, 308, 313, 373, 506, Margt. 351, Mary 394, Nath. 475, Peeter 278, Richd. 29, 58, 99, 103, 116, 117, 123, 141, 146, 151, 173, 176, 201, 212, 215, 243, 415, Roger 351, 493, Susan 201, 530, Tho. 82, 198, 210, 211, 231, 232, 272, 296, 315, 317, 337, 338, 347, 348, 353, 356, 357, 369, 386, 397, 399, 401, 412, 413, 441, 454, 508, 520, 555, Wm. 25, 129, 196. Bellimer, Ann 446. Bellowes, Tho. 26. Belly, James 23. Bellamy, Henry 359. Bellarke, Andrew 388. Bellew, Wm. 221, 302, 559, Col. 275. Bellfinn, Robt. 377. Belling, Henry 223. Belloe, Mary 256. Belmon, Robt. 220. Belois, Thomas 554. Belsome, Ann 58. Belson, John 245, 307, Mary 427. Belt, Humph. 274, 289, 507, 302, 544. General Index 589 Belthar, An 558. Belver, Bevis 149. Bemberry, John 164. Bembow, Eliz. 566. Bembricke, John 111. , Bembridge, Eliz. 138, 501, Hen. 138, John 4, Tho. 78, Wm. 95. Bemon, Michaell 209. Bemrose, Tho. 216, 270. Benaden, Wm. 397. Benbow, Ann 259, 349. Benbridge, Stephen 467. Bence, Jno. 247, 291. Benchamp, Mary 198. Bendall, Jeremiah 293. Benett, Tymothy 432. Benfor, Mary 358. Benford, Antho. 565, Sam. 199. Benge, Wm. 285. Bengoe, Wm. 517. Benhowe, Ann 338. Benigham, Cunny 546. Benington, Jon. 134. Benison, Ellis 335. Benjamin, Wm. 441, 459. Benjon, John 204. Benley, Wm. 223. Benleye, Tho. 286. Benn, Stephen 62. Benne, Richd. 265. Bennell, Eliza. 277. Bennes, Ann 294, Geo. 223. Bennet, Bennet 259, Eliz. 228, John 182, 228, 483, Mary 181, Mathy. 327, Peter 440, Phil. 167, 177, 232, 241, Richd. 167, 168, Robt. 162, 177, 230, 243, Mr. 378. Bennett, Alice 140, Ambrose 23, 66, 82, 98, 125, 143, 365, Christo. 282, David 207, Edw. 291, 444, 459, Eliz. 28, 76, 204, 442, Francis 450, Gilbert 43, Gov'r. 313, Hannah 116, Henry 208, 386, Hester 450, 543, Joane 39, Jon. 29, John 76, 79, 121, 211, 220, 221, 245, 272, 277, 301, 315, 337, 361, 366, 367, 379, 380, 387, 401, 429, 441, 457, 460, 474, 487, 520, 536, 560, Jone 367, Joseph 348, 449, Marie 23, Mary 302, 399, 523, Maselin 192, Maudlin 134, Morris 82, Nich. 34, Phillip 150, 162, Rich- ard 23, 37, 45, 48, 56, 66, 88, 104, 108, 109, 128, 131, 135, 136, 139, 141, 145, 150, 191, 196, 247, 256, 306, 372, 385, 476, Robt. 21, 23, 36, 66, 80, 85, 101, 304, 400, 561, Saml. 19, 32, 34, 38, 57, 79, 92, 116, 193, Sarah 140, Susan 357, 434, Thomas 45, 66, Widow 130, 134, 155, Wm. 23, 433. Bennison, Eliza. 172. Bennitt, Mathew 454. Benns, Hen. 428. Benny, Joseph 206. Bensly, Christian 363. Benson, Cutbert 308, Edmond 358, Eliz. 199, Ellis 335, Henry 381, 490, John 204, Stephen 267, Thomas 355, Wm. 375, 406. Benstead, Math. 208. Bensteed, Mary 51, Thomas 50. Bent, Wm. 455. Bentall, Robert 53, Jos. 538. Bentleg, Wm. 112. Bentley, Eliz. 310, Henry 202, Wm. 5, 112, 159, 420. Bently, Eliza. 37, Hen. 93, Jane 250, Richd. 455. Benton, Abigail 137, Alice 137, George 434, I s abell 137, Joane 137, John 137, 141, 177, 196, 235, 288, 332, 362, 446, Tho. 30, 199. Benum, Alex. 432, 447. Beoan, David 294. Bereman, Edw. 156. Berford, Ann 559. Beringe, John 275. Berkeley, Francis 373, Henry 206, Wil- liam 27, 54, 115, 119, 128, 155, 156, 160, 165, 177, 215, 229, 230, 231, 243, 246, 338, 340, 353, 364, 377, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 401, 402, 403, 404, 410, 414, 415, 419, 465, 487, 490, 504, 507, 524,. Berkeley, Sir Wm., absence from Colony 504. Berker, Tho. 265. Berkert, James 548. Berkin, Eliz. 524. Berkly, Isaack 449. Bernard, Anna 211, Ann 304, 417, Richd. 211, Stephen 22, Thomas 67, 93, 127, 159, Wm. 220, 390, 455. Bernes, Richd. 165. Berreman, John 294. Berrick, Wm. 212. Berrie, Wm. 231. Berriman, Jno. 538, Wm. 30, 171, 217. Berryman, Wm. 43, 101, 112, 152, 170, 359. Berry, Ailce 202, Andrew 335, Ann 370, 481, Arthur 520, Danll. 233, Edw. 525, Eliz. 43, 68, Eppy 293, Francis 148, Geo. 378, Henry 196, 325, 341, 590 Cavaliers and Pioneers 431, 440, 442, 481, 508, Hugh 429, James 43, 68, 90, 131, 374, John 140, 358, 442, 530, Lydia 178, Mary 358, Mathew 201, Robt. 129, 452, 492, Susan 465, 483, Tho. 354, Wm. 49, 61, 103, 565. Berrye, Nicholas 47. Bersey, Jon. 134. Bertholomew, Hen. 166. Berton, Wm. 164. Bertram, Jno. 208. Berwick, John 433, Tho. 475, Wm. 176. Besairdier Peter 124, Reenee 124. Besaker, Edward 93. Besley, Walter 129. Besouth, James 144, 234, 246, 247, Saml. 144. Besse, Edw. 215, 317, Wm. 273. Bessely, Peter 41. Bessen, Tho. 119. Besson, Tho. 97. Bessett, James 472, Wm. 95. Best, Christian 181, Geo. 114, John 126, 455, Mary 126, 530, Penelope 359, Roger 493, Tho. 126, 173, 271, 297, 329, Wm. 146, 208, Mr. 479. Bestland, 506, a placed called. Bestwicke, Attwell 156, Edward 68. Bestye, Walter 450. Betchman, Tho. 403. Bethell, Wm. 249, 308. Bethone, Jon. 60. Betsanger, 100, a placed called. Bett, Humphry 544, Robt. 242. Bettford, Tho. 502. Betts, Henry 404, John 300, Wm. 219, 309, 398, 461, 463, 531. Beuchamp, Mary 198. Beuford, Sam. 199. Beullitably, Haveha 134. Beven, Nicho. 201. Beverly, Jno. 525, Robt. 555, Wm. 552. Beverley, R. 226, 320. Bevington, Jno. 356. Bevis, Eliz. 303. Bevlin, Wm. 370. Bew, Jeffery 251, 262, 302, 367, 417, 473, 505, Richd. 312, Robt. 102, 125. Bewly, Ambrose 140. Bibbey, Edw. 482, Edmd. 294. Biby, John 194. Bibby, Mary 44, Wm. 43. Bibion, Hu?h 385. Bick, Fr. 42, 91, Richd. 91. Bicker, Ficlor, Garrott, Katherine, John 360. Bickford, Samll. 538. Bicking, Capt. 128. Bickley, Tho. 455. Biddo, Christo. 206. Bide, John 180, 281. Biddle, Jno. 522. Bidolph, Rich. 353. Biffeild, Christo. 127, Sarah 127. Bigg, Elinor 178, Johan 247, 275, Josuah 311. Biggs, Francis 93, Henry 189, 218, 224, 298, 525, 546, 555, 562, John 311, 446, 565, Marg. 312, 485, Millison 261, Rich. 82, 189, Robt. 349, Thos. 202, 273, 432, 434. Bigin, Thomas 364. Biggens, Law. 228. Bighill, John 166. Bigly, Wm. 451, 463. Bignall, Fra. 306, Rich. 374. Bignes, Tho. 517. Bigney, Ann 449. Bikers, land called 70, 137. Biker, Ann 584. Bilbev, Jon. 166. Bilbie, Margaret 22. Bilbrough, Wm. 204. Bilby, Wm. 53, 201. Bilcliffe, Richdi. 77. Bill, Henrv 452, Walter 52, 84, Winck- field 196. Billahea, Neale 135. Billan, Mary 97. Billany, Hen. 390. Billbrough, Wm. 61. Billett, Jno. 464. Billin, Michaell 134. Billing, Eliz. 262. Billings, Eliza. 220, Jon. 54. Billins, John 122, 242. Billinsley, Eliz. 568, Tho. 192, Wm. 192, 396. Billington, Luke 296, 459, 464. Billiott, Jno. 338, John 413. Billips, George 320, 368, 377, 421, 473, 488, 564, Tho. 500. Billops, Geo. 227, 267, 272, 419. Billson, Stafford 360. Billups, Geo. 251. Bilsbrough, Wm. 232. Bilson, Stacord 282. Bincks, Jno. 324. Bind, Mary 263. Bing, Jon. 37. Binge, Joan 303. Bingley, Mary 388. Bingly, Wm. 359, 390. Binias, John 279. General Index 591 Binion, Chas. 215, Gabll. 254, John 318. Bining, Andrew 408. Binks, Jon. 232. Binns, Tho. 231, 340. Binniton, Tho. 195. Binsteed, John 136. Bira, Win, 202. Biram, Thomas 339. Birch, Benj. 505, Geo. 85, Jno. 548, Mary 403, 466, Walter 546, Wm. 541. Bircher, Geo. 183, John 259. Birchett, Richard 6. Bird, Alice 276, Ashwell 141, Edw. 454, Ellinor 504, Ja. 375, 468, Jno. 373, 428, 502, 504, Rich. 23, 52, 66, 138, 339, Robt. 192, 376, Rose 493, Susan 128, Tho. 345, Walter 351, Wm. 32, 250, 328, Mr. 200, 559, 560, 563, Birdick, Richard 552. Birditt, Wm. 550. Birge, Jon. 525. Birke, Edw. 433, John 369. Birkenhead, Wm. 256. Birkett, Jno. 205. Birkhead, Joseph 440. Birth, Roger 307. Biscoe, Mathew 144. Bisfeild, Christo. 127. Bish, Robt. 454. Bishell, Fra. 215. Bishop, Chas. 455, Cyprian 308, Doro- thy 185, Eliz. 216, Ferdinando 148, Henry 165, 184, 275, 452, 517, John 98, 105, 128, 129, 148, 180, 192, 216, 218, 220, 231, 281, 353, 367, 498; Mary 216, Oliver 40, 68, Pru- dence 430, Richd. 543, Sarah 430, Tho. 369, Wm. 125, Walter 151, Capt. 354, Mr. 268, 340. Bishop, the 323. Bisley, Frans. 37, 66, Wm. 143. Bisole, James 171. Bissill, James 171. Bitch, Geo. 481. Bittle, Fra. 228. Bivins, Margt. l4l. Blachard, John 198. Black, Bridg. 422, ..aw. 80, Eliz. 180, Francis 120, 448, John 182, 280, 341, Martha 525, Robt. 217, 428, Tho. 386, Wm. 171, 355. Blackborne, John 244, 326, Tho. 343. Blackbourne, John 286. Blackburne, Eliz. 367, Edw. 491, John 129. Blacker, Eliza. 83, 187. Blackford, Mary 186, 195, Wm. 438. Blackgrove, Miles 281. Blackhan, Alex. 256. Blackhaws, Saunders 130. Blackey, Eliza. 169, Wm. 169, 257, 258, 310, 342, 359, 387, 409, 410, 422. Blackin, Wm. 258. Blackleech, Sarah 453. Blacklock, Tho. 327. Blackly, Eliz. 37. Blackman, Eliza. 177, Humphry 97, 185, James 460, Jeremiah 53, 103, 231, 447, 451, Jeremy 164, Mary 432, Phillis, 113, Wm. 243, 493. Blackmore, Charles 361. Blackshaw, John 411. Blackston, Tho. 138. Blackstone, Jon. 28. Black Water 147, 162, 171, 176, 183, 192, 204, 233, 261, 278, 280, 303, 309, 334, 386, 433, 457, 478, 485, 493, 499, 509, 511, 516, 518, 524, 525, 538, 556, 558, 559. Blackwell, Andrew 104, Hannah 337, Roger 39. Blacock, Patrick 23. Blade, Timothy 304, Walter 373. Blades, John 267, Wm. 267, 332. Bladwell, Rich. 388. Blagg, David 315, John 208, Ralph 546, Tho. 207, 242, 291, 400, 486, 510, 546,. Blagrave, Fra. 488, Henry 283, Jno. 547. Blaiton, Joseph 223. Blake, Anne 286, Edw. 36, Eliz. 434, George 543, James 311, John 253, 280, 358, 443, 444, 454, 492, Mary 271, Robt. 197, 419, Tho. 359, 457, 493, Walter 66, 290, Wm. 280, 492. Blakin, Ralph 123. Blakinsop, Henry 254. Blanch, Roger 78, Tho. 171, 469, 513. Blancher, Tho. 81, 366. Blanchernell, Charles 331. Blanchett, Eliza. 190, 199. Blancke, Tho. 284. Blancks, Thomas 65. Bland, Edw. 42, 91, 160, 171, 175, 277, 279, 514, Eliza. 171, Fran. 296, Fran- cis 556, Ja. 171, Jane 277, John 341, 342, 421, Mary 229, 444, Mr. 283, Perregrin 132, 142, 221, 416, Richd. 226, Tho. 444, 547. Blandon, Ann 362, 435, 444. Blane, Edw. 187. Blankes, Georg 117, Henry 535, Rich- ard 535. 592 Cavaliers and Pioneers Blaney, Edward 10. Blany, Francis 316, James 292. Blare, Tho. 391, Wm. 148. Blarke, Andrew 333. Blarte, Andrew 388. Blatt, Tho. 142. Blay, Eliz. 348, John 291. Blaye, Jno. 405, Wm. 44. Blayes, Robt. 456. Blayton, Joseph 479. Blaze, Gloys 357, Wm. 410, 448. Bleach, Ann 426. Blear, Saml. 146. Blease, Wm. 370. Blech, Wm. 427. Blend, John 169. Blesse, James 65. Blessinge, Ralph 378, 389. Blete, Jno. 427. Blething, Peter 501. Blettinge, Ralph 389. Bletsoe, Wm. 115. Blettsoe, \vm. 152. Bletstowe, Mathew 128. Blevin, Winifred 464. Blew, Edw. 136. Blewitt, Bennett 37, Elizabeth 37, Mar- gery 300. Blidenburd, Augustine 397. Blight, Jacob 74. Blinde, Jane 360. Blingston, Wm. 261. Blinkenson, Robt. 454. Blith, Mary 218. Blithe, James 82. Blitheberd, Augustine 389. Blithenberge, Augustine 389. Blithenbird, Augustine 495. Blittle, Tho. 233. Blitto, John 218. Blive, Mary 218. Bloare, John 23. Blockhouse, the 3, 154. Blockhowse Feild, the 3. Bloie, Henry 453. Bloir, Henry 453. Blome, Batho. 252. Blood, Anth. 464. Bloodstone, Mary 282. Blore, Eliza. 249, John 13, 159, Wm. 20. Blosse, John 386. Blowe, Georg 101, 508, John 2, 200. Blower, Geo. 242, Wm. 53, 73. Bloyce, 246, 379, Plantation of, 319, 400. Bloys, Fra. 502, Gloyd 89. Bloyse, Tho. 44. Blucke, Wm. 501. Blucknett, Thomas 315. Blumfield, Kath. 260. Blundell, Henry 552. Blunder, Mary 349. Bluney, Jane 350. Blunt, Doro. 498, Edw. 245, Gilbert 258, 320, 329, Jon. 239, Mary 444, Rich. 427, Tho. 280, Wm. 292, Mr. 277, 312, 396. Blunter, John 99. Blyth, Jone 258, Mary 212, Wm. 258. Bly, Mary 237. Boane, Robt. 266, Tho. 332. Boaraham, Geo. 455. Board, John 149, Tho. 259. Boardman, Jon. 244, Osmond 179. Boare, Tho. 281, 332. Boarham, John 244. Boarne, John 49, Joseph 85. Boate, Georg 52, 97, Henry 114. Boaten, Marg. 390. Boaton, Thomas 89. Bochen, Tho. 463. Bocke, Jeffery 469, Wm. 546. Boddicutt, Robert 61. Bodella, Jacminta 452. Bodely, Arthur 137. Bodin, John 22. Boddin, Mary 553. Bodman, Andrew 104. Bodney, Edw. 138. Body, Ann 476, Mary 476, Robert 179, Thomas 51, Wm. 393, 475, 476. Bodye, Antho. 129, Mr. 476. Boein, John 201. Boerer, Ralph 311. Bog, Mary 475. Boggis, John, Mary, Robert 338. Boggus, Henry 494, 545. Bohonnett, Patrick 125. Boice, Cheney 329, Wm. 455. Boict, Saml. 245. Boid, John 150. Boke. Martin, 161, Robt. 410. Bolden, Thomas 10, 26, 117. Bolding, Thomas 71, 80. Boldridge, James, Thomas 432. Boles, Euge. 58, John 280, Thomas 337. Bolewell, Robt. 189. Bolfe, Oliver 496. Bollwell, Robt. 189. Boloe, Leon. 42. Bolt, Jane 366. Bolton, Francis 16, Gab. 352, John 256, 391, 399, 437, Jone 35, 69, Marga. General Index 593 260, Richd. 159, 235, Wm. 209, 288. Boltrop, Wm. 471. Bolware, Wm. 472. Boman, Grace 211, Sarah 211. Bompas, 393. Bonall, James 11, 18, 20, John 11, Mr. 47. Bonam, Samll. 237, 325, 532, 537. Bonas, John 293. Bond, Capt. 314, 471, Edw. 69, 200, Eliz. 327, 338, Degery 84, Henry 220, Jacob 517, Jon. 73, John 101, 192, 433, 459, 512, 530, Nicho. 141, 389, Richd. 209, Sarah 142, Thomas 318, Wm. 403, 520. Bonden, Eliz. 362. Bone, Jane 472, Thomas 548, Wm. 143. Boner, James 304. Bonering, John 220. Bones, Xph. 323. Boney, Henry 65. Boniday, Wm. 166, Bonison, Eppy. 289, 297, 436, 437. Bonman, Samll. 421. Bonnall, John 303. Bonne, Eliz. 28. Bonner, And. 194, James 249, 253, 289, 319, 461, 497, 515, John 98, Henry 451, Mary 523, Richd. 145, Thomas 100, 172, 248. Bonnes, Robt. 385. Bonney, Henry 47. Bonnison, Eppy. 355. Bonnor, James 319. Bonny, Andry. 271, Andrew 358. Bony, Henry 143, Susanna 57. Bonyson, Abya. 396, 521, Eppy. 437, 438. Boocock, Jno. 537. Boodes, John 59. Boods, John 35. Booes, Wm. 250. Booker, Eliz. 378, Marg. 246, 304, Mary 246, 249, 304, Robt. 566, Tho. 515. Bookwood, John 276. Booles, Jno. 526. Boone, Geo. 274, James 552, Mar. 264, Mary 257, Tho. 506, Wm. 134, iXtopher. 250. Boones, Giles 454. Boore, Christo. 304, Geo. 274, Richd. 153. Boorum, John 416. Boory, Xph. 293. Boote, Joane 277, Tho. 396. Booth, Eliza. 172, Humphrey 345, 397, 408, 481, John 183, 221, 225, Jon. 135, Mr. 433, Mary 176, Robt. 95. Boothe, Mr. 284. Boothes, Abr. 167. Bootwright, John 303. Booze, Christo. 480, Xpher. 299. Boran, Jon. 35. Boras, Rachell 548. Bord, Robt. 293. Borden, Robt. 276. Border, Robt. 253, 293. Bordin, Geo. 225. Bordman, Jon. 40, 63. Bore, Anne 220, Hen. 296. Boren, Wm. 563. Boreman, Eliza. 112, Wm. 213. Borer, Georg 56. Borham, Wm. 563. Borke, Tobias 25, Borley, Antho. 286. Borne, An. 431, Tho. 178, 377, Wm. 134. Bornett, Dorothy 104. Boron, Jno. 519. Borroughs, Mat. 439. Borrows, Thomas 313. Borrowes, Mathew 316. Borum, John 4l6. Borwell, Ann 305. Bory, Robt. 355. Bosaker, Edw. 49. Boseman, Ambrose 433. Boshoe, John 186. Bosman, Symon 184, Wm. 185. Bosse, Edward 215. Bostocke, Eliz. 238. Bostock, Jonathan 293. Boston, Elizabeth 337, 553, Henry 200, Margt. 349. Boswell, Anne 325, Eliz. 201, Edw. 245, 247, 257, 269, 329, 432, 495, 497, Henry 358, John 247, 277, 538, Marth 324, Samll. 201, Tho. 171, 247, 324, 337, 339, 345, 388, 417, 421, 568, Mr. 223, 533. Bosswell, Thos. 171. Bosworth, Hen. 362. Botcham, Nicho. 250. Botham, Wm. 325, 360. Bott, Jon. 244, Robt. 342, 415. Bottock, Ralph 282. Bottomly, Dorothy 218, 224, John 255. Bouce, James 245. Bouch, Jno. 451, Rob. 292. Boucher, Andrew 201, Danl. 303, 322, 478, Geo. 287, Jno. 549, Sa. 476, Mr. 556. 594 Cavaliers and Pioneers Bouey, Henry 65. Bough, Wm. 476. Boughton Tho. 107, 113, Wm. 390. Bouldin, Mary 6, Thomas 6. Boule, Symon 207. Boules, John 131. Boulin, Wm. 370. Boulding, Thos. 21, 22, 24, 98, 116, 126, 151, 155. Boult, Geo. 250. Boulton, Ann 23, Edmond 562, Henry 378, Richd. 5, Tho. 197. Bound, Elianor 68. Bourn, Tho. 248. Bourne, Benja. 199, 273, Edw. 375, Fr. 463, Henry 183, 184, James 315, John 69, Joseph 88, 323, Mary 493, Mr. 288, Robt. 167, 324, 347, 381, Tho. 101, 178, 187, 211, 214, 248, 254, 283, 303, 448, Wm. 388, 477. Bourney, Jno. 547. Bournham, Tho. 184. Bournie, Joseph 323. Bouth,Robt. 114,179,270,276, 277, 278. Boutracle, Thomas 414. Bouy, Susanna 57. Bow, Wm. 61. Bowden, Jane 231, Jno. 538, Phillip 164. Bowdge, Edw. 484. Bowe, Joseph 269. Bowen, Morris 93, Phillip 146, Saml. 146. Bowene, Robt. 479. Bower, Henry 80. Bowers, Jonas 78, Robt. 301, 501, Xph. 323. Bowes, Christo. 345, Jno. 554. Bowin, Eliz. 185, Fran. 567, 568, Hugh 393, Jno. 454, 567, 568, Mary 567, 568, Robt. 567,Rebecca 568. Bowinge, John 338. Bowland, Jno. 196. Bowler, Jno. 546, Tho. 322, 389, Wm. 109. Bowles, Ann 318, Edw. 121, 209, 288, Geo. 43, James 252, 316, 352, John 57, 124, 212, 497, 499, 566, Ral. 426, Tho. 308. Bowlewar, Wm. 523. Bowlson, Robt. 344. Bowman, Edmond 239, 314, 455, 471, 477, 544, Garthred 314, Grace 389, James 389, Margt. 314, Mathew 531, 532, 555, Samll. 421, Sarah 314, Symon 389, Tho. 268, 391, Walter 144. Bowyen, Wm. 369. Bowyer, Chas. 454, Eliz. 348, Hen. 248, Tho. 388. Box, Antho. 31, 84, Benj. 78, John 41, 60, Mary 41, 60, 89, 347, Tho. 50, 58, 100, 304. Boxford, Tho. 220. Boy, James 434, Tho. 32. Boyce, Cheyney 145, Christo. 133, 142, 146, 156, 157, 159, 210, 235, 281, 373, 489, 490, Emelia 534, Hanah 73, 563, 566, 524, 555, Jno. 426, 543, Sarah 232, 249, 253, 475, 487, 534, Xtopner. 473. Boyd, James 197. Boyer, Andrew 22, 374, 463, Geo. 374, Steph. 272, Thomas 22, 28, 501, Wm. 47. Boyes, Cheney 68, Francis 206, Hannan 59, John 455, Luke 59, Tho. 369. Boyle, Ann 359. Boyne, Rich. 422. Boys, Chene 68, 188. Boyse, Cheney 40, 68, Christo. 33, 116, Hannah 40, Luke 40, Wm. 457. Boys, Cheney 68. Brace, Phill. 525, Robt. 407, Walter 142. Bracle, Wm. 76. Bracewell, Robt. 424. Brack, Roger 433. Bracke, James 554. Brackett, Wm. 110. Bracks, Roger 441. Bracon, Wm. 247. Brad, Walter 509. Bradbury, James 464, John 49, 200, 338. Bradby, Wm. 343. Bradchater, Jacob 57. Braddie, Jno. 355. Braddy, John 505. Bradfeild, Cornelius 113. Bradford, Edy 196, John 10, 264, 530, Math. 259, Nathl. 419, 425, 453, Nicho. 173, Richd. 227, Sarah 395, Susan 148, Tho. 123. Bradfort, Richd. 250, Rich. 300. Bradie, John 326, 465. Bradin, Eliz. 100. Bradley, Ann 200, Bartho. 207, John 460, Henry 118, 131, 134, 150, 160, 164, 168, 460, 509, Richd. 146, Wal- ter 550, Wm. 390. Bradlie, Henry 118. Bradly, Ann 237, Dorothy 86, Eliz. 78, Frances 84, Francis 52, Henry 39, 52, 89, 461, 509, 566, Jon. l4l, Jno. 510, Mary 566, Robt. 443, Toby 240, Wm. 295, 322. General Index 595 Bradlye, Henry 118. Bradman, Jane 386. Bradmeed, Gabriell 508. Bradnadge, Tho. 263. Bradshall, Hen. 155, Robt. 495. Bradshaw, Ann 487, Bernard 193, Hen. 58, 490, John 290, 342, Richd. 144, Robt. 123, 220, 287, 342, 495, Roger 554, Wm. 172. Bradshawe, Henry 377, Robt. 378. Bradshaws, 405. Bradshew, John 332, Rebecca 336, Robt. 351, 352. Bradston, Dorothy 104, Jon. 22, John 104. Br ad water, Jacob 57. Bradway, Robt. 450. Bradwell, Arthur 200, John 56, 57, 222. Brady, John 243, 386, 505. Brae, Walter 509, Wm. 479. Bragg, Peter 491, Wm. 185, 204. Braine, Jno. 359- Braithwaite, Geo. 133. Brake, Henry 184, 187. Brame, Jno. 359, Richd. 286. Bramham, Richd. 531. Bramley, Hugh 126, Tho. 209. Bramly, Francis 22. Brams, Arnold 455. Bramston, Thomas 86. Bran, Theodus 451. Branch, Antho. 149, 518, 543, Christo. 20, 36, 47, 82, 87, 99, 106, 121, 137, 164, John 38, 45, 90, 160, 339, Mary 339, Richd. 366, Tho s . 513, Wm. 288. 405, Xtopher. 447, 549. BRANCHES: Ahorecock, 385, 408. Arracaico, 238. Araykaco 256. Assanamayuscock, 387. Batchelors, 307, Beavor Dams, 503. Black Water, 484, Bolemans, 434, 453. Broad, 482. Bryry, 498. Burchen, 511. Buttellers, 407. Cabbin, 91, 407. Cattail, 399, 401, 406, 452, 476, 523. Cedar, 329, 553. Chesecake, 456. Coales, 484, 520. Colemans, 296. Colliers, 490. Comistanck 566. Contrary 406. Coplins, 365. Cowpen, 534. Curratowoman 551. Cypruss, 287, 355. Davis' 552. Deviding, 561. Diamond, 407. Dogwood Spring, 306. Dolbyes, 434. Dun, 353. Dunn, 418. Dymond, 324. Ekeeks, 321, 329, 406. Exolls, 541. Fishing Hawke, 251. Greane Glead, 467. Green, 267, 363, 472. Grimes Poynt Spring, 439. Hanckes', 314. Hubies, 457. Hungars, 296. Indian, 488. Indian Cabbin, 528. Indian Town, 285. Kirdy, 150. Kittawan, 535, 566. Longborough, 152. Longtone, 524. Matchemapps, 283. Matchepungo, 551. Mathomkin, 454. Mattawambs, 294. Monocke, 333. Morakswee, 471. Morotsny, 536. Morrattaquond, 408. Muddy, 564. Negroes, 434. Newports, 434. Old Wills Canow, 333. Otterdam, 434. Papatico, 484. Pine Bridge, 329. Poccomoke, 264, 277, 418, 532. Popetyke, 256. Poplar, 491. Poqueto, 495. Powetan, 521. Raqueto, 495. Robins, 406. Score, 496. Scull Neck, 260. Seward's, 558. Skiminoe, 269, 360. Snag Pine, 532. Spoon, 307, 326, 407. 596 Cavaliers and Pioneers Spring, 439, 444. Stoare, 496. Stokeleyes, 454. Tarr Pitch, 342, 421. Teakins, 502. Timber, 466, 506. Toorihams, 386. Totoske, 503. Toweywinch, 408. Troublesome, 434. Turkey Buzard, 408. Tyascun, 285, 379, 388. Tymber, 515. Van-Hicks, 528. Warreny, 311, 451. Wassanasson, 310, 500. Weequionedike, 566. Wetneck, 270. White Oak, 433. Wickars, 395. Wolfe, 476. Brand, Hen. 488, Tho. 264. Brandon, John 509, Wm. 252. Brandon, 332. Brane, Tho. 264. Branie, Richd. 286. Brans, Rich. 392. Branson, Fra. 483, 551, Jno. 476. Brantly, Edw. 85, 106. Branton, Edward 58. Brase, Wm. 95. Brasey, Foulke 25. Brasheare, Robert 76. Brashere, John 302. Brasheire, Benore 540. Brasfiridge, John 145. Brasbridge, Jno. 493. Brass, Demingo 459. Brasset, Tho. 488. Brasseur, Benj. 257, Bennet 244, Flor- ence 244, Kathe. 244, Mary 244, Persie, 244, Robt. 41, 124, 244. Brasseure, Benj. 329. Brassure, Robt. 103, 111. Brathard, Jno. 296. Brathwite, Jno. 427. Bratson, John 292. Bratt, Isaac 207. Braugh, Edw. 138. Braunes, Blanch 25. Braw, Robt. 174. Braxton, Robt. 113. Braxston, Thomas 52. Bray, Ann 556, Chas. 558, Edw. 456, Edw. 562, Ellinor 562, Alnathan 430, Henry 259, Mar. 240, Nich. 220, Peter 549, 558, Plomer 527, Wm. 559. Braybrooke, Edw. 370. Brayne, Richd. 282. Braydon, Edw. 132. Bread, Jno. 525. Breader, Thomas 554. Breakes, Ann 371. Bream, Bryan 525. Breamer, Thomas 90. Breamor, Tho. 341. Breckler, Edw. 245. Bredgar, Richard 441, 545. Breed, Wm. 199. Breeman, Capt. 331, Mr.258, 262, 302, 402, Tho. 251, 262, 303, 306, Wm. 358. Breeme, Bryan 528. Bregat, William 315. Breight, Robt. 212. Breman, Sarah 61, Tho. 233, Wm. 203. Bremar, Mr. 473. Bremor, Tho. 341. Bremoes Devident, 37, 60. Bremo, 86, 88, 101, 120, 266. Bremo, Thomas 222. Brenett, James 279. Brenore, Rob. 358. Brenner, Jno. 558. Brent, Capt. 236, 267, 282, 312, 315, 368, 372, 489, 536, Ed. 420, Edm. 421, Giles, 218, 224, 266, 276, 279, 293, 298, 299, 302, 304, 315, 319, 332, 333, 340, 345, 398, 402, 421, 462, 470, 477, 480, 485, 514, 533, 565, Hugh 140, 355, 436, 437, Jno. 492, Kath 420, 421, 483, 547, Lt. Col. 304, Marg. 267, 291, 313, 399, 486, Mary 266, 267, 279, 345, 477, Mrs. 303, Richd. 247, Wm. 210. Brer, No., 428. Brereton, Thomas 296, 306, 310, 330, 333, 334, 356, 360, 375, 383, 407, 408, 409, 445, 446, 500, 531, Mr. 467, 542, Jane 531. Bressie, Susan, William 476. Breswell, Robert 378. Brethenbird, Augustine 393. Bretherston, Dennis 80. Brett, Alex. 87, Chas. 454, Emma 312, Richd. 70, Tho. 308, 554, Wm. 548. Brew, Sackfield 275. Brewer, Eliz. 212, JefTery 33, John 26, 507, Marie 26, Mary 26, 411, Paul 143, 310, Richd. 124, Robt. 54, Stephen 428, Tho. 162, 190, 361, 373, 454, 564, Wm. 90, 468. General Index 597 Brewerton, Tho. 253. Brewster, Antho. 260, Henry 81, John 218, Richd. 80, 142, 174, 225, 336, Sackford 148, 180, 372. Brewton, Jon. 23. Brian, John 489, Richd. 282. Brice, Francis 150, James 253, 272, 283, John 208, 248, 253, Martha 180, 272, 284, 345, 355, 445, Mr. 389, Robt. 171, Sarah 161, Tho. 54, 57, 118, 134, 148, 161, 168, 171, 184, 189, 191, 272, 281, 345, 355, 445, 504, Wm. 207, 272. Brickerton, Wm. 114, 426. Brickes, Ralph 350. Brickett, Tho. 211. Bridewell, Wm. 358. Brick Kill, the 68. Brickmaker, 68. Bridd, Tho. 271. Bride, Sarah 342. Bridge, Jon. 63, John 275, 279, 314, Kath. 349, Richd. 284, Tho. 218, 306, 358, 518. Bridge, Horse the 318, Poetan's 507. Bridge, a 414. Bridger, James 559, Joseph 433, 559, Richd. 441. Bridges, Ann 164, Antho. 446, 543, Eliza. 158, 207, 262, 513, Hercules 211, 326, 380, Herrals 236, Jerimiah 94, John 42, 47, 61, 135, 450, Margt. 243, Mr. 222, Nath. 426, Nich. 141, 268, 312, Robt. 455, Sarah 538, Sam 564, Tho. 35, 148, Wm. 109, 117, 363, 384. Bridgett, Wm. 443. Bridley, Robert 312. Bridgman, Anthony 432, Danll. 146, Jacob 291, James 381, 388. Bridgnorth, Mary 425. Bridwell, Tho. 129. Brigg, Geo. 430. Brigges, Jno. 341. Briggs, David 369, Eliz. 359, Mercy 356, Robt. 514, Seth 117, Wm. 103, Tho. 411, Robt. 492, Robt. 565, Wm. 124. Bright, Dorothy 332, Francis 341, John 139, 219, 388, 446, 564, Leonard 139, Robt. 282, 324, 338, Tho. 483, Wm. 460, 523. Brightman, Hen. 57, 178. Brighton, Geo. 516. Brignall, Richd. 122. Brignell, Henry 112. Brignoll, Richd. 283. Brigson, Thomas 110. Brigton, Rachell 282. Brill, Peter 32. Brimstone, Wm. 305. Brinckley, Michaell 27. Bring, An 427. Bringley, Symon 296. Brinkley, Michaell 280, 516. Brintwell, Robt. 149. Brine of Channell 535. Brise, Tho. 155. Brisly, Ro. 388. Brissit, Charles 324. Briste, Math. 91. Bristoe, Fr. 74, Laur. 61, John 77. Bristol, 139. Bristoll, John 554, Jone 314. Bristow, Averilla 536, Eliz. 290, Joane 340, Robt. 505, 536, 553, Tho. 160, Robt. 340. Brite, James 263. Brittaine, John 100, Robt. 29, Thomas 311. Britten, Lyonell 331, Richd. 249, 259, Lyon 201. Brittlin, Wm. 502. Britton, Edw. 192, Nich. 343. Britts, Richd. 284. Broach, John 130, 167, 172, 173, 176, 179, 180, 185, 212, 266, 267, 481, 511, Nicho. 480, Mr. 212. Broad, Ben. 470, Tho. 37, 65. Broade, Humphrey 24. Broaden, Eliz. 361. BroadfeiFd, Ann 179. Broadhurst, Ann 547, Gerrard 420, Ra. 239, Thomas 431, 565, Walter 189, 199, 219, 252, 373, 402, 420, 470, 523. ; Broadie, Georg 109. Broadly, John 280. Broadman, Richd. 199- Broadrib, Joane 268, Wm. 429, 525. Broadue, Georg 109. Broadwater, Hugh 481. Broadway, John 146, An 458, Tho. 296, 356. Broadebank, Gilb. 341. Brocas, Ellinor 230, 265, 273, 281, 330, 378, Eliza. 245, Georg 136, John 220, 336, Tabith. 245, Wm. 83, 88, 105, 112, 136, 159, 160, 190, 193, 245, 253, 265, 273, 281, 422, 457, Capt. 168, 313, 346, 438. Broch, John 71, Wm. 433, 434. Broche, Barbery 76, John 76, 92, 114. Brock, James 220, Wm. 25, 61. 598 Cavaliers and Pioneers Brocke, John 85. Brocket, Jane 325. Brockett, Sir John 110, Mary 368. Brockham, Edwd. 338. Brockhurst, John 467, 516. Brockland, 491. Broder, Mary 361, 433. Broderick, Nich. 553. Brodhurst, Ann 401, 492, 546, Walter 340, 420, 521, 531. Brodrick, Nich. 454. Brodwell, John 69, 107, 113. Brodway, Ino. 338. Broker, Robert 558. Brokhurst, John 467. Brome, Robert 370. Bromely, Danll. 35. Bromfeild, Edward 349, 376, John 282, 319, 326, 336, 386, 387, 405, Marke 164, Mary 233, Ralph 553, Tho. 306, 330, Mr. 326. Bromfill, Tho. 308. Bromley, Alex. 322, Daniell 100, Hugh 213, Luke 108. Bromsall, Tho. 366. Bromstead, Thomas 436. Bromwell, Wm. 472. Brooke, Chas. 167, Eliza. 138, 358, Eman. 194, Francis 369, Georg 110, 121, Gilbert 129, Henry 161, 167, 193, 211, 224, 446, 449, Jane 194, James 554, John 120, 129, 172, 248, Joseph 388, Lydia 194, Michaell 532, Nicho. 167, 186, 204, 224, Rob. 351, Tho. 33, 157, 213, Walter 187, 505, Wm. 10, 131, 153, 276, 380, Dead Man's 244. Brooker, Eliza. 220. Brookes, Antho. 388, Bestney 146, Cut- bert 7, Dorothy 449,Georg 100, 180, 221, Henry 380, 448, 466, 473, John 100, 512, 531, Marg. 218, Mary 394, Michael 349, Mr. 359, Nicholas 411, Peter 93, 429, 484, 490,Richd.l27,139, 509, Thomas 60, 306, 336, 343, 369, 396, 429, 472, 484, 503, 513, 543, 548, Walter 88, 281, 298, 396, 469, 569, Widow 446, Wm. 141, 225, 362, 484. Brooker, Fra. 281. Brooks, Eliz. 238, Geo. 35, Giles 299, James 232, John 153, 374, Nicho. 122, Richd. 154, 266, Sisley 454, Tho. 22, 152, 289. Brookwood, Wm. 309. Broome, Robt. 105. Bronely, Symon 325. Brogin, Geo. 235. Brothby, Geo. 454. Brotherton, Dennis 24, Hen. 81, 366. Brotherston, Hester 43. Brotts, Wm. 439. Brouch, John 121. Brough, Margery 169, Tho. 37, 66. Broughoe, Nath. 339. Broughton, Edward 90, Francis 438, Henry 144, Jno. 248, Mary 539, Tho. 171, 172, 199, 212, 214, 309, 311, 315, 323, 339, 342, 344, 348, 359, 363, 364, 376, 410, 484, 496, 512, 539, Wm. 105, 151, 396, 437. Broune, John 250. Brouse, Robt. 114. Brovek, Wm. 307. Brow, Weston 157, 274. Broward, Robt. 138. Brown (Browne) Alex. 509, Alice 176, 441, Andrew 216, 315, Ann 61, 164, 252, 290, 328, 378, 460, 509, 510, 523, 548, Antho. 35, 508, Art. 427, Avis 351, Christo. 132, Cleare 315, Col. 240, 356, Darby 288, David 304, Debora 169, Devorus 291, Edw. 69, 453, 477, 562, Ellen 132, 143, 447, Ellis 156, 181, Eliz. 31, 86, 194, 243, 294, 300, 506, 562, Francis 186, 189, 195, 196, 259, 272, 276, 279, 281, 362, 366, 381, 411, 431, 438, 439, 442, 462, 568, Georg 109, 218, Grace 224, 298, 365, 389, 546, Giles 129, Henry 61, 86, 113, 149, 151, 154, 160, 194, 240, 446, Hester 192, Humph. 51, Jacob 298, 428, Ja. 240, James 260, 263, 521, 531, Joane 507, Jeffery 60, Johannah 403, John 43, 54, 56, 129, 138, 163, 164, 193, 194, 199, 221, 250, 267, 283, 296, 302, 304, 308, 323, 324, 332, 341, 345, 353, 356, 373, 376, 403, 413, 4l4, 424, 447, 450, 457, 465, 471, 483, 491, 497, 505, 518, 519, 538, 546, 552, 555, 558, 565, Jo. 375, Jon. 229, 231, 240, Jos. 37, Joyce 148, Kath. 220, 370, Little 291, 400, Lodwick 552, Margt. 251, 253, Marice 491, Mary 304, 381, 438, Natha. 209, Nathl. 345, 438, 514, Nicholas 14, 49, 142, 156, 176, 220, 290, 546, Originall 245, Patience 178, Peter 335, 555, Phillip 355, Randall 56, 71, Rebecca 267, 521, 523, Rich. 138, 176, 233, 273, 291, 303, 331, 345, 358, 392, 400, 447, 472, Robert 6, 11, 12, 31, 67, 114, 121, 144, 165, 180, 182, 221, 283, 403, 472, 513, Rora- General Index 599 man 514, Rose 565, Sarah 112, 290, Seth 459, Stephen 61, Susan 372, Tho. 30, 47, 59, 68, 78, 96, 97, 121, 123, 127, 166, 170, 208, 209, 255, 263, 265, 266, 273, 280, 286, 328, 412, 437, 447, 449, 552, 560, Ursula 163, Wm. 29, 129, 130, 133, 143, 169, 206, 207, 216, 257, 263, 265, 292, 304, 314, 345, 351, 361, 377, 430, 471 ,475, 476, 482, 553, Xp. 452. Browing, Geo. 31, 192, 465, James 208, Jon. 29, John 105, 168, 524, Kath. 327, Math. 252, Mary 399, Nicholas 446, Tho. 477, 478, Wm. 168, 207, Xpher. 384. Brownelofe, John 99. Brownridge, Math. 60. Brownser, Tho. 25. Brownson, Geo. 144. Broyer, Geo. 441. Bruce, James 404, Phill. 525, Richd. 194, Robt. 561. Bruch, John 428. Bruer, Jno. 525, Wat. 525. Bruerton, John 520. Bruham, Wm. 281. Brumfeild, Edw. 349, Jno. 521, 528, Kath. 286, Mr. 472, 525, Ralph 454. Brumly, David 183, Fra. 276, Isaak 403, Jno. 523. Brumwell, Wm. 523. Bruneall, Wm. 203. Brunstell, Jno. 436. Bruntell, John 477. Bruse, Francis 552, James 163, 164, 418, Richd. 86. Brush, John 428, Mr. 357. Bruster, Antho. 164. Richd. 550. Brute, Walter 76. Bruton, Edward 58, Fra. 499, Jane 520, Jon. 24, John 150, 446, Judeth 517. Bryan, Abra. 280, Ann 383, 385, 456, Donaugho 358, Edw. 4, 103, 115, 164, 260, Garret 151, 444, Henry 112, 194, Jon. 237, 243, John 262, 464, 473, 480, 518, Mary 232, 485, Morgan 135, Richd. 284, 304, Robert 65, 358, 496, Teague 182, Tho. 176, 271, 313, Wm. 304, 476, Xtopr. 171. Bryar, George 442, 527, 542, Tho. 459, 566. Bryant, Ann 485, Arthur 451, Chas. 389, 431, 476, Edmund 307, Ellinor 565, John 281, 332, 565, Michaell 47, Thomas 440. Bryatt, Jude 386. Bryce, James 291, Wm. 293. Bryer, George 191, 362, 441, 467, 472, 477, 478, 489, Rob. 328. Bubith, Jona. 303. Bucher, Richard 102, Wm. 28, 378. Buck, Agnes 476, Geo. 345, Gersham 83, John 131, Old 200, Peleg 83, 299, Peter 27, 65, Richd. 32, 83, 109, 299, Tho. 114, 123, 493, Wm. 505. Buckcocke, Richd. 267. Buckerin, John 189. Buckett, Ann 366. Buckham, Richard 185, 286, Thos. 185. Buckingham, Edw. 203, 334. Buckland 78, 120, 128. Buckland, Jon. 78, Richd. 164. Buckler, Robert 355. Buckley, Arth. 166, Humph. 120, 462, Richd. 139. Buckly, Rowd. 51, Rowland 61. Buckmanreyne, John 196. Buckmaster, John 3, 85, 153, Tho. 311. Bucknell, Jno. 502. Buckner, Mr. 450. Buckocke, John 471. Buckrell, Rich. 47. Buck Roe 6, 7, 11, 12, 18, 146, 154, 157, 165, 378. Buckster, Elinor 262. Buckworth, John 86. Budd, Giles 121, Richd. 207, 234, 251, 252, 280, 308, 339, 343, 379, 423, 516, Capt. 391, 422, 471. Budder, Hugh 311. Buderhill, Edw. 176. Budford, James 270. Budge, John 123, 149. Budick, Richard 552. Budle, Alexr. 215. Budman, Mary 434. Budnye, Richd. 113. Budway, John 208. Budworth, Rich. 348. Bue, Robert 21. Buffeild, Tho. 327. Buffett, Wm. 373, 449. Buffin, John 28. Buffkin, Henry 200. Buffolke, Moses 431. Bufort, Rich. 77. Bugbye, Jon. 24. Bugg, Joan 302, John 307, Tho. 476. Bughby, Peter 216. Bulker, Oneale 331. Bull, Georg 109, John 155, 203, 382, 516, Tho. 302, Tobias 552. Bullard, Henry 39, 156, Jon. 132, Jno. 543, Tho. 80. 600 Cavaliers and Pioneers Buller, Richard 428, Tho. 150. Bullerd, Rich. 298, Tho. 298. Bullett, Rich. 431, Geo. 304, Henry 513. Bullifant, Rebecca 340. Bulliford, Ro. 214. Bulling, Tho. 254. Bullington, Geo. 466, Luke 433. 464, 477, 481, 506. Bullock, Geo. 29, 76, 304, Grace 558, Henry 513, Hugh 20, Joane 50, 86, Richd. 129, 313, 393, 426, 468, Sebilla 552, Tho. 277, 296, Wm. 102, 319, 339, 346, 433, 471, Mr. 267, 302, 339, 346, 500. Bulmer, Benis 33, 87, Tho. 40, 63. Bum, Jno. 536. Bumbridge, Christo. 109, Tho. 348. Bumpass, Rich. 42, 106. Bumstone, Ab. 559. Bumwell, Jno. 536. Bunbridge, Tho. 397. Bunbury, Tho. 441. Bunch, Jno. 343, 470, Wm. 546. Bundick, Richd. 195, 296, 524. Bundock, Rich. 455, 551. Bunduch, Richd. 305. Bundock, Richd. 412, 414, 524. Bundy, Eliz. 531. Bunkley, John 374. Bunnell, John 444, Mary 444. Bunney, Audery 218. Bunny, Sarah 397. Buny, Adrian 244. Bunzey, Jno. 476. Burbadge, Tho. 228, 315, 340. Burbage, Col. 257, 316, 356, 410, 550, Eliz. 358, Mrs. 372, Tho. 31, 48, 85, 91, 98, 110, 116, 136, 138, 298, 385, 550, Wm. 110. Burbanck, Mary 192. Burby, Jno. 548, Wm. 547. Burch, Jon. 62. Burchell, And. 325, 352, Hen. 139. Burcher, Abraham 99, Ann 67, Georg 67, 147, 181, 282, 286, 323, 493, 496, Humph. 54, 120, Joane 67, Tho. 83. Burchett, Andrew 352 . Burcorck, Rolph 374. Burd, Giles 528, John 187, Mary 397, Nath. 500. Burden, John 50, Edw. 78, John 56, 58, 63, 78, 100. Burdett, Chastene 172, Roger 375, Tho. 344, Wrm 111, 119, 121, 129, 353, 414. Burditt, Ann 481, Jerem. 348, Thomas 363, Wm. 20, 346, 363, 419. Burdix, Jno. 197. Burdock, Richard 425. Burdropp, 127. Burdyken, Mary 278. Burfe, James 31. Burfoote, Ann 120, Saml. 61. Burford, Emedlen 315, Georg 146, 147, Modlin 228, N. 459, Wm. 78, 315, 554. Burfur, Wm. 112. Burgh, Wm. 433, 559. Burgen, Evan 154. Burges, Ja. 464, John 36, 80, 110, 152, Richd. 85, Roger 39, Wm. 62, 196. Burgess, Ann 239, Joseph 261, Robt. 273. Burgeyny, Rich. 134. Burgis, Edw. 458, John 120, 175, 215, 390, Mary 205, Richd. 123, Samll. 548. Burgisse, Wm. 222. Burham, Susan 358. Burk, Anna 171, Penelope 434. Burke, John 255. Burkett, Ellins 49, 281. Burland, Dorothy 114, John 79, 82, 114. Burle, Eliz. 281. Burleigh, Abell 266. Burley, Robt. 395. Burlier, Jon. 229, Lewis 229. Burlock, Jonathan 562. Burly, Edwd. 351, Francis 85. Burman, Jno. 499. Burnam, Rowland 97, Row. 114. Burne, Randall 366. Burnell, Mr. 310, 422, 465, Arth. 501, Francis 319, 336, 349, 359, 390, 404, 408, 409, 484, 485, Henry 336, John 444, Mary 444, Moses 455. Burnett, Eliz. 361, Francis 56, Hen. 223, James 110, John 58, 440, Nich. 42, Robt. 126, 148, Samll. 153. Burnham, Mr. 242, 291, 334, Alice 219, John 148, Katherin 185, Rowland 144, 185, 215, 219, 334, 391, 450, Sus. 219, Tho. 234. Burnstone, Ab. 559. Burny, Ann 396. Burpott, Rich. 33. Burr, Edw. 25, 69, Jeremiah 78. Burrage, Henry 264. Burras, Mathew 132. Burrell, Eliz. 155, Lewis 335, 421, Robt. 215, 295, 475, 544, Tho. 118, Wm. 155. Burrett, Jno. 431. Burrill, Lewis 335. General Index 601 Burris, Kath. 322. Burriston, Edw. 481. Burroughs, 269, 415, Ann 38, Christo. 38, 104, 221, Roger 170, Wm. 23, 38. Burrowes, Anthony 11, Christo. 180, Eliz. 237, John 10, Kath. 389, Mathew 25, 112, 336, Thomas 313, Old Plantation 180. Burser, Patrick 388. Burshall, John 268. Burslitt, Ann 459. Burston, Christo. 49. Burt, Edw. 28, Geo. 386, Jane 514, Richard 188, Wm. 3, 291. Burtcher, Ann 25, Georg 24, Jane 25. Burtenwood, Wm. 172. Burtes, Richd. 135. Burthen, Rich. 29. Burther, Tho. 83. Burtlett, Thomas 59. Burtock, Jonathan 562. Burton, Ann 190, 199, 278, 362, Bryan 160, Danll. 444, Ellinor, 500, Geo. 351, John 308, 343, 355, 377, 424, 475, 547, Ralph 276, Richd. 247, 290, 297, 521, Robt. 222, Sam. 375, 425, 467, 468, Tho. 347, 500, Wm. 150, 284, 430, 464, 546. Burwell, Mr. 509, Eliz. 172, Francis 184, 508, 509, Geo. 172, Lewis 171, 172, 184, 199, 208, 213, 214, 215, 219, 246, 266, 297, 304, 346, 390, 392, 393, 496, 506, 534, Lucy 266, Robt. 266, 312, 315, 343, 544, Wm. 172, 344. Bury, Susan 350. Burry, Garret, 332, Geo. 456. Busbie, John 494, Thomas 335, 549. Busbury, Robt. 536. Busby, Ann 23, Eliz. 267, Tho. 78, 335, 340, Walter 223. Busfeild, Tho. 327. Bush, Abra. 458, Eliz. 5, Ellen 540, Fran. 229, James 523, John 5, 516, Mr. 540, Margt. 562, Mary 5, Nicho. 112, 241, 306, 393, 562, Tho. 73, 85, 92, 95, 231, 453, Wm. 565. Bushe, Roger 290. Bushell, Nich. 25, 69, 133. Busher, Mable 36. Bushop, Cyprian 476, Jon. 31. Bushrod Richd. 404, 405, 442. Bushrode, Mary 353. Busse, Geo. 141, 238, Lydia 141. Bussen, John 289. Bussey, Ann 66, Georg 23, 66. Busshell, Benf. 566, Jno. 524. Bussie, Eliz. 183. Bussy, Eliz. 23. Butcher, Anney 201, Edwd. 144, Geo. 327, John 184, 200, 234, 250, 352, 377, Robt. 208, Tho. 144, 365, Wm. 140, 150, 378. Bute, Robt. 552. Butler, Amey 539, Christo. 537, Doro- thy 449, Edw. 85, Eliz. 146, 254, Fran. 336, Hen. 80, Joane 25, 95, 348, John 50, 58, 97, 100, 140, 145, 146, 175, 207, 245, 271, 308, 314, 360, 373, 449, 494, 538, Jone 366, Joseph 519, Lewis 297, Mary 91, 146, 388, Nath. 207, Nicho. 260, Robt. 35, 443, Saml. 127, Symon 387, Tho- mas 26, 59, 89, 91, 140, 207, 373, 432, 447, 536, Wm. 36, 87, 146, 207, 209, 212, 337, 348, 351, 447, Xtopr. 207. Butlinge, Tho. 39. Butlocke, Richard 444. Butress, Rich. 81. Buttresse, Eliz. 374, Nich. 374. Butt, James 196, John 384, Robt. 445, 446. Butten, Thomas 561. Butter, Robt. 36, 55, 119, 443. Butterfeild, Robt. 208. Butterum, John 64. Buttey, Margt. 309. Butterworth, Edw. 114. Butting, Tho. 240. Buttler, And. 298, Christo. 483, 484, Henry 205, John 185, 415, 482, 483, 484, Lewis 441, Lidda 514, Major 503, Tho. 471, Wm. 182, 183. Button, Eliz. 133, Richd. 369, Tho. 282, 345, 363, 371, 561, Capt. 95. Butts, Robt. 541, 564, 565. Buxton, Jon. 60, Robt. 160. Byard, Ann 269, Edward 366. Bydolph, Elizabeth 425. Byer, Wm. 253. Byfeild, Antho. 248. Byham, Ger. 323. Byle, Symon 182. Byler, Wm. 334. Bynam, Robt. 306. Byram, John 425, Nicholas 73. Byran, Abram 516. Byrd, Robt. 168, Wm. 254, Xtopr. 219. Byrom, John 318. Byrum, Abra. 292. Bysant, Michael 56. Byte, Muddy the 557. 602 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cabbidge, John 187. Cabboe, John 194. Cable, Geo. 251, 419, John 194, 251, 436, Tho. 215, 535, 542. Cabowne, Jno. 477. Cacamount, 307. Cacott, Leonard 374. Cadagon, Wm. 315. Cadbaty, Danl. 302. Cadby, Tho. 94. Cade, Florence 307, James 304, Peter 248, 263, Robt. 222, 264, 267, Sarah 195, Tho. 175, Wm. 126. Cadin, Jno. 190. Cadly, Tho. 94. Cadmill, James 459. Cadwallader, Humph. 127. Cadwell, Wm. 195. Caffeway, Nicho. 268. Cage, Edw. 18, 71, 92. Cagen, Fr. 250. Cager, Robert 181, Tho. 143. Cagg, Tho. 513. Cahowne, John 388. Cain, Chas. 231. Caine, Abraham 106. Cainhoe, Richd. 217, Wm. 114, 214, 277, 318, 505. Cainn, Jno. 387. Cakebread, Jon. 150, Tho. 179. Calcup, Bridget 166. Caldecock, Jno. 336. Caldwell, Robt. 164, Wm. 200. Cale, Wm. 46. Calfe, Joseph 221, Wm. 78. Calgey, Toby 331. Callamy, Jno. 481. Callaway, Edmund 108, Mary 434, Tho- mas 543. Callay, Peter 185. Called, Saml. 266. Calledge, Geo. 81. Callender, Wm. 201, 214. Callihan, Perilla 524. Callingson, Christ. 204. Callis, Wm. 496. Callop, Tho. 486. Calloway, Mary 357, Tho. 559. Callowe, Steph. 274. Callum, Derminuff 338. Calton, Tho. 169. Calvary John 271. Calver, Tho. 399. Calvin, Fra. 291. Callway, Rich. 525. Calwell, Jno. 513. Cally, Wm. 491. Calthorpe, Christo. 12, 26, 34, 39, 44. Calvert, Chas. 407, Christo. 322, 330, 407, 413, 414, Dr. 135, 154, Edwd. 234, Geo. 146, 157, John 146, 157, Mary 407, 470. Cambell, Thos. 508. Camber, Fr. 104. Cambert, Hum. 205. Camblett, Randall 214, Robt. 171. Camdin, James 486. Camell, Alex. 195, Chas. 568, Edmund 55, Jno. 249. Camellin, Edmond 88. Camer, James 277. Camfeild, Francis 493. Camlett, Francis 439. Cammell, Alexr. 190. Cammock, Symon 137. Camnell, Geo. 280. Camock, Mary 137. Camp, Wm. 427. Campeere, Robert 66. Campion, Mary 65, Percivall 65, Wm. 385. Campton, Humphry 56. Canada, 10. Canada, Gowen, 344. Canadia, Cornel. 266. Canadie, Jno. 344. Canady, John 264. Canby, Abra. 385. Cance, Walter 435. Candeale, Robt. 307. Candell, rnillip 55. Cander, James 500. Cane, John 91, 455, 468, Margarett 145, 220, Patrick 128, Robert 36, Walter 435. Canes, Edw. 264, Maudelin 34, 86, 93. Canedy, Cornelius 198. Canfeild, Jno. 376, Wm. 421. Canfill, Wm. 336, 341, 342. Canho, Mr. 295. Canhooe, Wm. 114. Canida, Bryan 315, Corn 513, James 451, Jno. 508. Canill, Alexr. 386. Cann, Tho. 148. Cannaday, Clement 137, John 142. Cannanna, Arthur 194. Canneck, Arthur 325, George 551. Cannedy, Jno. 406. Canhhoe, Wm. 136. Cannida, John 435. Canninge, John 274. General Index 603 Cannon, Ann 169, Dorothy 479, Edw. 169, 276, 433, Joan 181, 273, John 566, 567. Canny, Richd. 128. Canody, Gwin 516. Canoes land, 480. Canon, Stephen 438. Canow, Stephen 438. Cans, Tho. 199. Cant, Augustine 457, David 354, 368, 385, 411, 457, 496, 506, James 385, Major 544, Mary 426, Merlin 558, Susan 558, Tho. 510. Canter, Jno. 399, Tho. 498. Cantrel, Phil. 290. Cantrell, Henry 564, Mr. 203. Cantrey, Wm. 253. Cantry, Wm. 245. Cantwell, Edmd. 393. Cany, James 301. Cape, Robert 90. Capell, Jno. 333, 392, Wm. 514, Peter 273, Wm. 121. Capes, Robt. 401. Caple, Henry 396, John 302, Wm. 468. Capp, Willia, 70, 109, 427. Cappell, Wm. 134. Capps, Mary 494, Robt. 164, 236, 387, 494, 540, Wm. 6, 21, 80, 186, 287, 330, 355, 401, 519, 539. Captain of the Fort, 122. Car, Wm. 130. Caraway, John 302. Carbill, Clement 402, 429. Carby, Denny 330, Titus 543. Card, Edw. 492, Jno. 513, Mary 280, Richd. 425, 468, Robt. 135. Cardwell, Grace 432, Wm. 432. Cardy, Richard 364. Carelesse, Andrew 182, 213, 251, 416, Joan 227, 251, 416, James 521. Careleys, Henry 30. Caresy, Robt. 300, Tho. 300. Carey, , 286, Brid. 298, Edwd. 298, 481, Ellinor 468, Henry 328, John 286, 426, 428, Miles 294, 301, 326, 353, 371, 374, 410, 481, Richd. 229, 416, 417, Sampson 300, Tho. 235, 475, Wm. 229. Carew, Allen 454, Edward 525, Jacob 426, Mannes 281, Tho. 399, 427, 431, 457, 472, 512, 514. Carier, Tho. 513. Carisbrook, Mary 544. Carkawdy, Marga. 218. Carl, Tho. 440. Carles, Joane 416. Carleton, Hen. 139. Carliere, John 182. Carlington, Joane 308. Carloe, Wm. 430. Carlow, Owen 453. Carly, Titus 543. Carman, Edw. 440, Henry 90, Wm. 468. Carmew, Lodwick 220. Carnal, Rothal 244, Tho. 244, Angel 244. Carne, Tho. 552, Wm. 428. Carner, James 277, John 180. Carney, Wm. 208. Carolina, 425, 426. Caros, Thomas 425. Carpenters, 3, 4, 16, 17, 18, 175, 221, 228, 309, 374, 395, 484. Carpenter, Alice 307, 451, An 453, Antho. 261, 305, Arthur 277, 330, Francis 134, 195, 361, 376, 423, 440, 502, Hen. 384, James 553, John 50, 78, 358, 432, Mary 197, Phillip 364, 365, 519, Richard 64, 79, 453, Roger 148, Sy. 291, Symon 375, 395, Tho. 364, 480, 510, Walter 58, 100, Wm. 430, 451, 558. Carplights, Pole 39- Carr, Anth. l4l, 280, Eliz. 74, Fran. 216, 254, 267, Jaco. 440, John 297, 351, Ma. 427, Ralph 542, Robt. 453, Tho. 42, 403, 436, Wm. 389. Carrack, Math. 384. Carragon, Kath. 542. Carrall, Benj. 41. Carrar, Hester 192. Carrawaie, John 354, 504. Carraway, Joane 127, 155, Jon. 142, Jno. 507. Carre, Wm. 264. Carrell, David 281, Eliz. 433, Jno. 433, Mary 433. Carrick, Rich. 194. Carrill, Benj. 64, 88, 94, Eliz. 88, Henry 88. Carrington, Edw. 355, Jno. 569, Michael 271, Saml. 262. Carroll, Benj. 410, 449, 555. Carron, Hugh 110. Carrott, Rich. 342. Carrow, Jon. 144. Carry, Suusan 556. Carse, Moses 148. Cart, Wm. 300. Cartar, Francis 184, John 184, 437, Mr. 200, Mary 208, Maudlin 194. Robt. 180, Wm. 167, 187, 188. Cartbolde, Silvester 431. 604 Cavaliers and Pioneers Carte, John 128. Cartell, Tho. 290. Carter, Barb. 179, 286, Chas. 145, David 459, Edw. 387, 445, 453, 480, 536, Eliz. 536, 555, Erasmus 26, Francis 91, 206, 225, 391, 484, 492, Georg 386, Giles 276, Henry 7, 113, 300, Hester 125, Jane 402, James 387, Joane 479, Jon. 47, John 132, 150, 151, 156, 225, 233, 256, 257, 295, 326, 379, 414, 431, 436, 445, 452, 460, 504, 518, 531, 536, Major 349, Marg. 275, Mary 324, 426, 481, 486, Nath. 85, Phillis 26, Rich. 75, 133, 145, 458, Robt. 377, 404, 463, Samll. 448, Susan 400, 555, Tho. 82, 93, 106, 197, 350, 374, 387, 458, 480, 485, 493, 510, Wm. 42, 46, 48, 64, 91, 100, 124, 139, 165, 171, 307, 312, 365, 384, 403, 453. Cartright, Jon. 134. Carts, David 297. Cart way, the 428. Cartwell, Nich. 438. Carty, Hugh 350, John 391, Mahan 308, Titus 543. Cartwright, John 471, 540, Mary 528, Mr. 200, Paul 349, Ri. 485, Robt. 485, Rolph 388, Tho. 121, 190, 274, 300, 399, 466, 507, 514, 518, 544, 564. Carus, Tho. 455. Carver, Eliza. 146, John 187, Lawr. 146, Oliver 279, Tho. 428, Wm. 477, 478. Carvile, Thomas 528. Carvill, Margt. 455, Will. 556. Carwar, Rich. 525. Cary, Col. 508, Henry 554, Hugh 191, Jacob 468, John 412, 481, Meacom 193, Miles 353, 463, 474, 533, 550, 551, 555,Richd. 126, 213, 290, Samll. 491, Tho. 463, 465, 484, Walter 553. Carye, John 264. Cascill, John 141. Case, Eliz. 285, 286, Jno. 375, Richd. 189, 261, Robt. 301. Casewell, Jno. 566, Wm. 566. Caslife, Tho. 141. Casher, John 425, Robt. 425, 447. Cashley, Wm. 542. Casley, Henrv 78. Cason, John 248, 554. Casons, 466. Casse, Tho. 431. Cassell, Henry 548, Humph. 41, Wm. 374. Cassen, Tho. 149. Cassens, John 270. Cassey, John 165, Nath. 165. Cassick, John 425. Casson, Ann 147, Eliz. 124, Tho. 25, 124. Cassy, Jane 483. Casteele, Wm. 150. Castell, Henry 109. Castle, Dorothy 115, 152, Geo. 76, 95, Henry 280, Humph. 147, Jane 532, John 385, Joseph 389, Mary 556, Robt. 175, 327, 491, Tho. 268, Wm. 222, 556. Castleford, Richd. 221. Castleton, Geo. 259, Jno. 453, Mathew 452, Ralph 425, Robt. 219, 351. Castome, Mathew 444. Castons, Robert 59. Castor, Saml. 450. Castro, Wm. 403. Casvert, Dr. 154. Catchmaid, Henry 428, Geo. 501. CatcHman, Tho. 27, 307. Catchmee, Deborah 455. Catchnett, Thos. 256. Catelyn, Henry 73, 101. Cater, Geo. 139, James 446, Tho. 222, 316. Caterer, Char. 172. Catesby, Jane 44, 341, Robt. 300. Catfeild, Robt. 430. Catleton, Geo. 422. Catlett, John 193, 215, 262, 312, 315, 365, 419, 528, 557, 558, Nicholas 193. Caton, John 248. Catt, Joseph 312. Cattalowmen, 184. Cattan, Nehemiah 314, Saml. 176. Catten, Jno. 491. Catterell, Edward 69. Catton, Hanah 267. Cattlett, John 254, 261, 419, 420, 481, 487, 528, 557. Catts, Susanna 400. Catylin, Henry 73. Caudell, Antho. 334, Phillipp 55. Caufill, Wm. 336. Caully, Robert 65. Caus, Tho. 199. Causby, Tho. 47. Causey, David 342, Jane 123, John 3U, Mr. 134, Nathaniell 93, 165, Tho. 21, 37, 61, 94, 116, 122, 123, 128, 139, 483. Causey's Care, 154. Causey's Clear e 81, 154, 165. General Index 605 Causey's Feild, 94. Causington, Walter 270. Causon, Nehemiah 144. Causon's Feild, 75. Cavalier, Isaac 200. Cave, John 91, 484, Patrick 128, Robt. 36. Cavelery, John 377. Caveley, Jno. 378. Caves, Edw. 264, Maudelin 86, Man- delin 93. Caves, two, 470. Caves, called Machezan 402. Cawch, Lyon 265. Cawcott, Georg 113. Cawker, John 33, 60. Cawlins, Tho. 369. Cawly, Edw. 209, Wm. 458. Cawsey, John 165, Tho. 226, 393. Cawson, Jno. 544. Caynhoo, Wm. 539. Cecill, Alegerwell 554. Ceely, Francis 178, 214, Geo. 509, Mar- gery 126, Mr. 416, Tho. 426, 493, 506, 568, Tobias 506, Wm. 268. Ceety, Thomas 553. Cely, Tho. 175. Celly, John 483, 551. Cerye, Jon. 94. Cesar, Mary 232, Paul 347. Cess, John 308. Chadd, Joseph 88. Chaddworth, Tho. 150. Chadwell, Ann 210, Dan. 285, Jno. 481, Mich. 499, Nich. 481. Chadwick, Jno. 352. Chadwin, George, 546. Chaire, Faith 548. Chalke, Fra. 428. Challace, James 312. Challenge, Margery 291, Sam. 291. Challes, Edw. 154, Robt. 525. Challice, James 255. Challis, Edw. 112, 154. Chaloys, Sisly 306, 308. Cham, 504. Chambeech, Cha. 267. Chamber, Margery 277, Robt. 116. Chamberlaine, Leon. 56, 238, 256, 302, 304, 307, 338. Chamberlane, Jon. 143. Chamberlin, Christ. 144, Wm. 259. Chamberline, Jno. 526, Leon. 346, 495, 502, 506, Capt. 347, 464. Chambers, Danl. 295, Francis 83, 141, 336, James 168, Jon. 61, 115, 134, 231, 235, 259, 365, 493, 503, 519, 531,Marg. 202, Nath. 242, Rich. 528, Robt. 306, 427, Rowland 26, Tho. 144. Chamlett, Randall 296. Chambly, Ann 216, Randall 398. Chamby, Ann 216. Chamell, John 61. Chamleech, Cha. 267, Randall 334, Ran- dolph 383, 411. Chamley, Randall 385, Rich. 384. Chamly, Randall 234. Chamnis, John 258. Chamockin, 359. ChamokTns, 472. Champin, Edw. 32. Champins, Francis 63. Champion, Edw. 103, John 23, 147, 514, Mary 83, Percivall 25, 65, 96, 113, 119, Pascoe 274. Chandiler, Tho. 264. Chandler, Ann 190, Arth. 203, 334, Benj. 349, Danl. 275, Eliz. 44, Job. 220, 332, John 15, 16, 44, 156, 273, 341, 382, 385, Mr. 382, 460, Nicho. 257, Richd. 220, Robt. 524, Sarah 275, Susan 128, Tho. 22, Wm. 97, 128. Chandley, Wm. 97. Chandy, Thomas 553. Chanelor, John 182. Channell, Brine of 535. Channon, Geo. 89. Chant, Andrew 22, 39. Chanter, Job. 179. Chantry, Richd. 204, 318. Chaple, Thomas 535. Chapleman, Marv 196. Chaplin, John 128, 168, 212, 273, 494, Sarah 115. Chaplins, 100. Chaplin's Choice 20. Chaplin's Land, 93, 129. Chaplyn, Robt. 79. Chapman, Adam 307, Alexr. 82, Barbary 41, 96, 136, Francis 10, Geo. 229, 236, 271, 318, 348, 349, 369, 370, 387, 409, Humph. 119, 427, Jeffry 435, Jon. 54, John 120, 135, 213, 329, 375, 377, 416, 523, Mathew 133, Mr. 409, Nich. 324, Pascoe 157, Phill. 78, Richd. 157, 274, Robt. 213, Roger 120, Simon 538, Thomas 62, 208, 217, 225, 265, 268, Wm. 82, 112, 133, 160, 339, Winter 189, 190. Chapman's devident 70. Chappawansick, 319, 461. Chappell, Jon. 97, John 185, Robt. 122, 133, 443, Tho. 198, Samuel 443. 606 Cavaliers and Pioneers Chappie, Thomas 535, 542. Charle, Edmd. 242, Jno. 452. Charles, Ja. 240, James 525, Joane 432, Jon. 74, John 197, 219, 443, 562, Phillip 211, 323, 326, 327, 373, 387, 512, 565, Tho. 275, Wm. 97, 146. Charlett, Hanafitts 281. Charleton, Bridgett 157, Henry 101, Mr. 131, 174, Stephen 129, Xtopher. 566, Norton 559, Stephen 79, 82, 200, 201, 294, 412, 517, Wm. 382, 411, 524. Charlwood, Rich. 386. Charly, Wm. 299. Charnis, John 258. Charnock, An 538, John 147. Charnold, Tho. 282. Charratt, Jane 476. Chart, Jno. 528. Charter, Jon. 107. Charter of Orders 1, 321. Chartry, Wm. 390. Charywell, Saml. 107. Chase, Huldy 274, 479, Wm. 261, 551. Chashey, Nicholas 393. Chasley, Nicholas 393. Chassey, Mr. 217. Chaters, Fra. 235. Chatton, Wm. 390. Chawke, John 36. Cheaning, Robt. 182. Chechly, Lady 507. Checkly, Sir Henry 444. Checkroes Neck 43. Cheely Tho. 290. Cheemockin, 249. Cheeseman, Edward 377, John 35, 37, 39, 65, 74, 122, 232, 263, Lt. 32. Cheesly, Garrett 438. Cheesman, Capt. 113, 190, Edw. 69, 74, 464, Edmond 122, 202, John 7, 53, 69, 88, 127, 128, 262, 419, 469. Cheesecake, 243. Cheesome, Richd. 146. Cheetwood, John 216. Chesley, Phillip 253, 262. Cheffield, Anne 264. Cheines, Margt. 307, Martin 294. Cheldnedee, Wm. 203. Cheley, Mr. 250. Chely, Thomas 539. Chelmedge, William 10, 334. Chemokins Devident, 480. Chenell, Tho. 189. Chenerell, Tho. 189, 214. Cheney, Jno. 526. Chenner, Nich. 240. Chenny, Jno. 526. Cheny, Mary 548, Tho. 476, 548. Cher, Stephen 554. Cherid, Samll. 459- Cherrey, Abigail 371. Cherrick, Domine 247. Cherriston, 401. Cherry, Franc. 150, John 73, Richd. 313, 358. Cherrystones 77, 147. Chescake 178. Cheseman, Hen. 493. Chesheire, Jno. 371, Robt. 28. Cheskiake, 121. Chesley, Phillip 192, 196, Wm. 382. Cheslie, Phillipp 377. Chesly, Henry 198, Phillip 231, 215, 288, 291, 310, 311, 474, 517, 524. Chessee, Holliday 270. Chester, An 518, Jno. 552, Katherine 359, 364, Phillip 335, 518, Thomas 359, Wm. 426, 538. Cheston, Ri. 562. Chetanck 208. Chetank Towne 208. Cheton, Marke 138. Chetwood, Tho. 399, 414, 436, 441, 442, 459, 460, 463, 499, 514, 531. Chettwood, Tho. 384, 435. Chevell, Tho. 189. Cheverel, Barth. 242, Tho. 214. Chew, Ann 558, John 2, 3, 44, 62, 100, 101, 113, 223. Chewing, Geo. 189. Chewning, Geo. 177, 189. Cheyney, Benj. 82, Jno. 411, 526, Robt. 120. Cheyny, Robt. 54. Chichester, Wm. 269. Chichley, Sir Henry 253, 291, 334, 380, 384, 397, 422, 458, 524, Lady 253, 273, 281, 313. Chick, Hugh 176. Chickahominy 123, 126, 173, 364, 528. Chickahominy Gate 492. Chickacone 375, 397, 462, 491. Chickett, Jno. 341. Chickyake 220, King of 220. Chiffton, Paule 190. Chigain, Wm. 127. Chilcott, Tho. 28. Chilcurne, Wm. 287. Child, Ann 290, 300, John 287, Richd. 24, Tho. 97, 138, 266. Childers, Margtt. 555. Childes, Mr. 468, Susanna 400, Walter 451. Childman, Jacob 517. General Index 607 Childs, Richd. 79, 121, Walter 116. Chiles, Eliz. 104, Geo. 216, Law. 195, Mr. 231, 313, 317, 399, 409, 503, Sarah 239, Susan 239, Walter 87, 103, 104, 140, 186, 189, Wm. 104. Chilman, Nicho. 165. Chilton, Edw. 226, Stephen 201. Chilturne, Wm. 405. Chinn, John 436, 475. Chingomuxon, 358. Chinkahun, 486. Chinley, John 178, 410, 441, Peter 431. Chipnell, Joseph 201. Chippoakes, 94, 112, 146, 153, 158, 165, 211, 215. Chirurgion, 55, 78, 81, 92, 299, 350. Chiskeiake, 75, 79, 82, 84, 91, 114, 117, 120, 125, 132, 180; King of 239, New 278, Old 264, Towne 79- Chissenessecks, 328. Chiter, Anne 260. Chitley, David 483. Chittwood, Henry 509, Wm. 54. Chiverfall, Hum. 312. Chizell, Joseph 350. Choetanck, 496. Chomocken, 297. Chore, Stephen 554. Chotanke, 242, 470. Chote, Tho. 32. Chouninee, Jno. 563, Robt. 242, 498. Chovell, James 222. Chown, Henry 452. Chowning, Fra. 470, Geo. 44, 134, 148, Robt. 433, 494, 496, 497, 502. Chowninge, Geo. 154, 237, Robt. 237, 357, 361, 365, 384, 502. Chresty, Garrett 438. Chrightoane, Tho. 386. Chrisppe, Jno. 157. Christer, Jon. 44. Christi, Garat 546. Christian, Anne 388, Christian 371, Richd. 144, Thomas 364, 420, Wm. 275. Christmas, Dictoris 8, 12, 18, 24, 35, 88, 117, 136, 175, 182, 331, Isabell 35, 117, 136, Rich. 61, land of 152. Chroshaw, Cuthbert 361, Judith 351, Major 336, Joseph 361. Chubb, Mary 216. Chuchett, Eliz. 221. Chudworth, Bridget 250. Chumbly, Randall 398. Chunahan, Morkum 307. Chuning, Robt. 412. Churme, Wm. 375. Chumer, Cuthbert 220. Church, Adam 348, An 403, Eliz. 331, Hannah 361, Henrv 195, Martin 113, Nicho. 200, Samuell 49, Tho. 164, Wm. 252, 284. Church, tne 8, 76, 106, 118, 149, 159, 169, 292, Yeocomoco 491, Yard 154, 439, 560. Churchyard, Barbary 566. Churchill, Doro. 454. Churchwell, Saml. 219. Churle, Jno. 452. Chutterbuck, Henry 480. Chycott, Phil. 272. Chyles, Mr. 270. Chymahocans, 336. Cicann, Dennis 131. Cicks, James 154. Cicell, Thomas 439. Cisburne, James 493. Cisell, Wm. 431. Cittinge, Jno. 249. City, Charles: 60, 165, 226; Elizabeth 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 27, 175; James 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 31, 85, 86, 96, 105, 113, 115, 117, 121, 123, 126, 129, 145, 154, 160, 169, 177, 187, 201, 224, 226, 313, 314, 321, 340, 353, 388, 409, 451, 488, 491, 540, 556, 560. Civill, Tho. 136, 266. Clacie, John 323. Clack, Rich. 441. Clacke, Francis 555. Clackett, Leonard 91. Cladwin, Geo. 444. Cladwite, Geo. 438. Claiborne, Capt. 366, 490, Col. 362, 382, Eliz. 165, Jane 359, 409, Wm. 154, 162, 165, 178, 247, 302, 339, 353, 358, 359, 376, 398, 406, 409, 422, 423, 467, 490, 506, (See Clayborne). Claie, Mr. 351. Clakford, Jacob 454. Clanck, Robt. 460. Clansey, James 106. Clanterne, Edwd. 329. Clanton, Marma. 352. Clap, Eliz. 184. Clapham, Geo. 271, Margery 309, Wm. 33, 105, 196, 256, 278, 295, 322, 349, 360, 374, 379, 384, 495, 504, 530. Clapham's Slash 458. Clapp, Eliza. 184, Thorn. 218. Clare, Ambrose 397, 441, 444, 459, John 188, 222, 357, Mary 372, Richd. 500, 538, Walter 309. 608 Cavaliers and Pioneers Clarford, Jno. 204. Clarill, Blanch 543. Clarke, Alex. 118, 551, Andrew 516, Ann 177, Brian 287, 405, Charles 90, Daniell 215, 268, 485, 486, 508, 537, David 99, Dorothy 86, 117, 181, 202, 556, Douglas 74, Edmond 250, Ed- ward 49, 78, 90, 94, 144, 185, 551, Eliz. 79, 102, 161, Ester 340, Fra. 203, 555, Georg 22, 50, 285, 460, 461, 471, 488, Hannah 542, Henry 223, 228, Hump. 192, 278, 478, 504, James 187, 189, 216, 277, 561, 563, Jon. 27, John 59, 85, 125, 155, 169, 174, 179, 201, 214, 262, 276, 294, 344, 374, 377, 433, 457, 480, 491, 497, 537, 564, Jura. 196, Mary 102, 248, 513, Michael 128, 217, Nathl. 49, 69, Nicholas 31, 91, 99, 182, 206, Patrick 196, Phillip 102, 103, 129, 192, Randall 140, Richd. 24, 54, 143, 160, 199, 517, Robt. 69, 173, 492, Sampson 524, Samll. 192, 277, Tho- mas 77, 92, 115, 203, 258, 354, Tim. 557, Uriah 41, Ursula 382, Wm. 24, 34, 49, 59, 67, 69, 77, 78, 86, 100, 117, 132, 228, 236, 239, 244, 253, 254, 293, 385, 393, 426, 440, 556. Clarkey, Jno. 390. Clarkson, Ann 89, Jane 89, John 73, 89, 96, 102, 108, 185. Clarton, Stephen 201. Clartry Wm. 390. Clary, Marke 559, Tho. 140, 250. Clasey, John 249. Clason, Jon. 75. Claton, Peter 280, Sam. 358. Clatworth, Roger 297. Clauce, Peter 307. Claughton, James 378, 487, 489, 495, Tho. 397. Claus, Tho. 176. Clause, Peter 455, Phettiplace 10, 11. Clausey, James 106. Clauson, Jenings 389. Clavator, Wm. 465, 483. Clave, Phillip 176. Clavery, Andrew 203. Clavill, Henry 359. Claw, Wm. 544. Clay, Ann 353, 403, Edw. 207, Francis 249, 266, 308, 341, 360, 506, 522, Henry 341, 459, John 27, 52, 59, 141, 145, 152, 299, 305, 306, 370, Lan- celot 101, Samll. 399, Tho. 169, 502, Wm. 306, 542. Clay Banke 43, 58, 69, 88, 126, 295. Clayborn, Capt. 219, Col. 300, 461, 486, Wm. 531. Clayborne, Edw. 49, Jane 531, Tho. 393, 541, Wm. 2, 3, 4, 6, 18, 48, 70, 72, 149, 186, 223, 244, 252, 290, 292, 395, 475, 476, 565. Clayden, Ellianor 93. Clayre, Wm. 282. Clayson, James 528. Clayton, Ann 461, James 449, 495, 510, 519, Richd. 51, 65, Roger 375, Tho. 28, 81, Wm. 212, 456. Cleake, Tho. 207. Cleaner, Tho. 249. Clearke, George 322. Clear kson, Jno. 468. Cleash, Pa. 325. Cleaton, Rich. 385. Cleaver, Phillip 63, Tho. 249. Cleavor, Robt. 468. Cleborne, Hen. 373. Clemence, Wm. 358. Clemens, Dan. 506, Eliz. 391, John 197. Clement, Ezekiel 153, Jeremiah 28, 153, John 28, Margarett 34, Rich. 123, Robert 98, Tho. 428. Clements, Amey 153, Cornelius 145, Edey 28, Eliz. 16, Ezechiell 16, Jere- miah 16, 39, 40, 45, 56, 73, 90, 94, 111, 283, 549, Mary 195, Nicholas 16, Rich. 45, 216, Robt. 116, Wm. 363, 532. Clemson, Leo. 430. Clenes, Jno. 249. Clerepian, 297. Clere, James 325, Tobias 455. Clerifull, Edward 362. Clerke, Ann 347, 359, 449, Annis 331, Antho. 301, Dorothy 239, Eliz. 319, Fra. 286, 436, Geo. 308, Hannah 271, Henry 381, 433, 526, 527, Humph. 303, 309, James 289, 311, 313, 370, 389, Jon. 227, 241, John 250, 265, 266, 272, 289, 296, 347, 349, 358, 382, 433, 455, 516, Margt. 449, Mary 233, 275, 312, 359, 433, 463, Rebecca 347, Rich. 160, 312, Robt. 192, 235, 302, 351, 366, Tho. 298, 345, 433, Wm. 41, 252, 267, 312, 316, 327, 350, 352. Clerkson, John 232. Clerkton, Jno. 469. Clesty, Garrest 444. Cletter, Tho. 485. Cleveden, Wm. 133. Clever, Mary 250, Tho. 308. Clevere, Marke 102. General Index 609 Cleves, Jno. 249. Clewedge, Francis 262. Clewly, Eliz. 150. Clewmore, Symon 208. Cley, Ann 356, John 112, Mr. 351. Cleyborne, Capt. 186, Wm. 71. Cleyton, James 449, Roger 425. Cliff, Robt. 230. Cliffe, Mary 567, Nich. 93, Robt. 567. Clifford, Hen. 491, Martin 299, Oliver 126. Cliford, John 385. Clift, Robt. 488. Clifton, Ann 453, Cornelius 430, Francis 528, Jno. 431, Lady 172, Paul 199, Richd. 139, 567, Robt. 528, Tho. 101, ,217, 530. Clinker, Thomas 542. Clinn, Gillina 328. Clint, John 299. Clinton, Cornelius 337, 390, Mary 47, 65, 261. Clipwell, Thomas 99. Clisse, Eliz. 291. Clobe, David 266. Clocke, Thomas 144. Clooke, Tho. 39. Cloomer, Ann 386. Clones, John 290. Closby, Eliz. 199. Closse, Patrick 127. Clother, Jno. 559. Clothier, Richd. 251. Cloud, Robt. 148. Cloughton, James 205, 319, 351, 352, 355, 361, John 333. Clover, Mary 250. Clowd, Tho. 397. Clowderson, Fred. 528. Clowdley, Wm. 208. Clowen, Jno. 348. Clower, Jno. 397. Clowman, Edmd. 275. Cloyd, Henry 178. Cloyden, Sarah 89, 150. Cloyes, Jon. 32. Cloys, Phettiplace 102, Wm. 102. Cloyse, Phett. 34, 38. Clubb, Eliza. 192. Clue, Mary 513. Cluly, Nicho. 173. Clutterbrook, Ann 446. Clynton, Cornelius 394. Coach, Chas. 567, Fra. 238. Coard, David 366, Wm. 322. Coale, Adam 354, Edw. 326, 395, 457, 461, 473, 565, Fra. 249, Geo. 444, James 467, John 249, 323, 328, 455, 475, 499, 568, Martin 235, 248, 256, 283, 292, 332, 362, 421, 506, Richd. 326, 446, Timothy 565, Tho. 227, Walter 443, 475, Wm. 281. Coaleman, Nich. 351. Coales, Ann 283, Edw. 287, 475. Coalson, Jane 405. Coalter, Mary 386. Coane, Jno. 437. Coate, Abraham 137, Adam 354, Thomas 436. Coates, Anthony 540, Edw. 525, Hanah 555, Hugh 383, John 203, 375, 455, Susan 555, 562, Thomas 368, Wm. 525. Cobb, Andrew 180, Ann 457, Benj. 77, Eliz. 77, Hen. 411, Jane 512, John 203, 291, 364, 410, Joseph 77, 116, 117, 124, 146, Mary 327, 512, Nicho- las 372, 512, 522, Susan 512, Tho. 166, 215, 277, 456. Cobbett, Jno. 502. Cobbs, Ambrose 111, Ann 111, Mar- garet 111, Robt. 111. Cobin, Xph. 324. Cobley, Barna. 209. Coblier, Daniell 68. Cobson, Elias 514. Cocer, Jno. 476. Cocham, Geo. 458. Cock, Ann 131, Edw. 178, Lewis 96, Maurice 411, Nicholas 411, Richd. 58, 137, 513, Robt. 338, Sarah 449, Vincent 366, Wm. 156, 458, 459. Cocka Coeske, Queen 533. Cockaram, William 336. Cockdale, James 185. Cocke, Faith 491, Ja. 426, Lewis 25, 26, 58, Mary 444, Murice 439, Nicho. 439, Richard 54, 86, 120, 121, 266, 441, 513, Tho. 463, Vincent 351, 366, 487, Wm. 331, 360, Mr. 429, 432. Cocken, Wethers 353. Cocker, John 464, 515, Lancett 279, Wm. 56. Cockeram, Wm. 341, 342. Cockerham, Jno. 562, Mary 562, Wm. 562. Cockerell, Robt. 447, Tho. 366. Cockerin, Andrew 340. Cockerum, Wm. 114. Cockery, John 268. Cockes, Hugh 31, Rich. 385. Cocket, Arthur, Henry, James 316. Cocket, Henry 200, 252, 352, James 160, 192, 196, 524, John 150, Robt. 35, 69, Samll. 110. 610 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cockham, Geo. 283. Cockhead, Edward 390. Cockin, Samll. 531. Cockman, Wm. 249. Cockner, Robt. 493. Cockney, John 539, Stephen 185. Cockram, Wm. 421. Cockroft, Geo. 128. Cockrum, James 314. Cocks, Edw. 216, Vincent 366. Cockshead, Edw. 372, 494. Cockshott, Edw. 29. Cocquett, James 524. Co cs en, James 73. Cod, Jno. 549. Codall, John 433. Codd, Geo. 225, Thomas 57. Codier, Jno. 388. Codin, Mary 349. Codne, Mary 139. Codner, Mary 476. Codring, Peter 560. Codsford, Richd. 290, 293, 304, 312, 332, 345, 365, 376, 495. Cody, Tho. 214. Coe, Rachaell 525, Sarah 326, 337, Susanna 326, Timothy 267, 407, 551, 553. Coeman, Hugh 347. Coffall, Abr. 235. Cofeild, Eliz. 523, Gresham 53, 543. Coffeild, Gresham 95, 123. Coffer, James 399, John 449, Wm. 185. Coffin, Francis 29, John 77, Tho. 524. Coffine, Anne 202. Cogam, Charles 484. Cogan, Jno. 534. Coge, Peter 181. Coggan, Jno. 534. Coggen, Tho. 295. Coggin, Nath. 382, Sarah 100, Thos. 140, 385. Cogginton, Jo. 430. Coghill, James 523, 527, Saml. 476. Coheane, John 251. Cohild, Wm. 452. Cohoke, 359. Coiby, Alice 198. Coke, Tob. 261. Coker, John 47, 64. Colbeck, Joshua 441. Colborne, Wm. 242, 407. Colburne, Nich. 468. Co%, Ann 311, Robt. 524. Colchester, Ann 145, 370, Jone 74, 434.. Colclough, Geo. 210, 214, 230, 260, 359, 360, 396, 402, 522, 532, John 543. Colcott, Thomas 439. Coldclough, Geo. 234, John 544, Tho- mas 445. Coldham, Wm. 314. Coldrin, John 385. Coldron, Symon 130. Cole, Ann 130, Anthony 82, 125, Da- niell 382, Dennis 278, Dorothy 85, 190, Edw. 128, 212, 233, 259, 309, 314, 396, 463, 559, Erasmus 181, Francis 199, 256, 342, Henry 209, 547, James 275, 408, 541, Jane 387, 554, Jon. 25, 40, 68, 86, John 62, 89, 115, 160, 194, 307, 385, 396, 476, 498, 527, 528, 544, James 328, Joane 338, Marian 344, Martha 197, Martin 290, 359, 409, 522, 531, Mary 525, 527, 544, Millicent 152, Peter 287, 405, Phill. 447, Rebecca 359, Rich. 27, 232, 237, 313, 403, 560, Robt. 33, 60, 519, 546, Saml. 374, Sarah 87, 104, Thos. 26, 28, 123, 155, 314, Timothy 402, 562, Walter 559, Wm. 6, 28, 31, 82, 150, 442, 463, 549. Colebourne, John 304, Wm. 485. Coleby, Thomas 554. Coleman, Ann 260, 547, Anthony 145, 177, 240, 313, Edward 71, Henry 11, 19, 27, 42, 136, 137, 320, James 557, 568, John 182, 225, 279, 298, 375, 472, Kath. 42, Mary 438, Mr. 232, Morris 99, Rice 441, Richd. 213, 240, 265, 268, 279, 291, 293, 303, 310, 315, 316, 341, 345, 368, 371, 384, 390, 423, 487, 500, 557, Robt. 60, 103, 115, 152, 500, 508, 535, 554, 559, Saml. 291, Sibill 311, Stephen 403, 568, Tho. 367, 434, 497, Wm. 42, 313, 329, 378, 489, 475, Coleman's land 465, Marsh 304, Thickett 384, 419, 431. Colert, Chri. 44. Coles, Edw. 266, 332, 372, 373, 424, Richd. 72, Tho. 425, 450, Wm. 466. Colewell, Elias 166. Colewright, Jona. 431. Colmer, Tho. 143. Colkbrand, Tho. 150. Colkett, Chas. 449. Coll, Abiah 538, Edw. 427, Wm. 350. Collar, Tho. 265. Collclough, Geo. 289. Collect, Geo. 39. Colledge, the 190, Land 128, 129, 192. Coller, Jno. 437, Tho. 286. General Index 611 Colles, Edw. 138, 561, James 346, Richd. 156. Collesford, Richd. 276. Collet, Ann 233, Eliz. 74, James 290, 300, Jer. 233, John 130, 232, 233, Margt. 123, Richd. 141, 252, Sam. 233. Collier, Daniell 40, 68, Henry 178, 347, James 517, Marg. 517, Mary 276, Robt. 559, Sarah 559, Tho. 254, 322, 517. Collin, Steph. 259. Colline, Crane 387. Collingworth, Robt. 527. Collinge, Eliz. 296. Collins, Ann 306, 383, 528, 559, Arth. 275, Chr. 180, Elias 93, Eliz. 49, 180, 187, 274, 303, 479, 492, Ellinor 357, Frizyth 431, Geo. 283, 528, Giles 34, 166, 181, 518, Hen. 31, James 387, 457, 552, Jon. 31, 82, 195, 324, 476, M. 404, Mary 383, Math. 504, Rachaell 432, Rebecca 383, Richd. 126, 164, 255, 397, 438, Robt. 382, 383, 385, Roger 377, Susan 228, 315, Tabitha 372, Timothy 527, Tho. 31, 335, 339, 360, 471, 499, 517, 560, Wm. 119, Walter 3, 87, Wm. 99, 291, 353. Collings, Chas. 391, Gyles 151, Jno. 517, Richd. 441, Tho. 517, Walter 441, Wm. 352. Collingwood, Roger 560. Collis, John 218, Thos. 481. Collison, Eliza. 201, Miles 108. Colloway, Mary 492. Collowes, Step. 157. Collman, Wm. 378. Collum, Wm. 353, 356. Collup, Wm. 245. Colly, Margaret 499, Tho. 51, 526, Xtor. 431. Collybancke, Sarah 100. Collybant, Sarah 35. Collynes, Edw. 138. Colona, Owen 454. Colson, Jane 291, Susan 22. Colston, Francis 255, Joseph 249, Robt. 486. Colt, Elinor 218, 224, Geo. 293, Susan 448, Rich. 334, Thomas 459. Coltclough, Geo. 309, 322, 331, 362, 365, 369, Mr. 331, 347, Ursula 362. Colto, Presilla 535. Colton, Ann 294, Nicho. 148, Robt. 546. Coltrey, Phillip 198. Coltrop, John 554. Coly, Alice 497. Comandres, John 178. Comball, Patrick 357. Combay, Will. 285. Combes Rich. 35. Combey, Ann 30. Combs, Richard 554. Come, Deborah 295. Comeings, Nicho. 117. Comer, Tho. 260. Comes, Ann 197. Comfrey, Robt. 267. Cominers, 86. Comings, John 355, Mary 375, Nicho. 117. Commings, Symon 374. Commick, Nicholas 511, 515. Commissioners 159- Comoron, Arghil 222. Company, land of the 8, 9, 12, 165, 170. Compeere, Ralph 23. Compton, Francis 180, 219, Jeffry 430, John 147, Mary 186, Robt. 442. Comquest, Lewis 181. Conack, Phillip 266. Conah, Donagh 564. Conapsacke, Tho. 276. Conaway, Dennis 493, Edwin 291, 343, 365, 430, Eliz. 324, Freeman 402, Henry 260, Tho. 155, Wm. 397. Conden, John 135. Condry, Gri. 184. Condy, Jeffery 202. Cone, David 125, James 523, John 399. Conecock Brooke, 243, 247. Conell, Nicho. 184, Tho. 458. Conerke, Dunkin 512. Coney, Fra. 351, Henry 17. Coney Borough, 17, 18. Congden, John 96, 99. Congdon, 96, 196. Congdell, land of 229. Conglin, 363. Congly, John 61. Conibay, Will. 285. Coniers, Dennis 230, 247, 269, 329, 330, 378, 432, 438, 497, Francis 528, Henry 349, 376, John 464, 509, 545, Tho. 173, 188, 289, 304, 343, 349, 357, 391, 434. Coningham, Dan. 319. Conjurer's Feild, 32, 87, 137. Conley, John 298. Conn, Edward 373. Connagen, Jno. 432. Connagrave, Wm. 28. Connawaie, Freeman 376. 612 Cavaliers and Pioneers Connaway, Dennis 492, Edwin 157, 257, 271, 284, 347, 359, 374, 441, Freeman 251, 258, Jarman 142, Jon. 86, 194, Martha 271, Nico. 214, Tho. 461. Connawin, David 356. Conne, Deborah 343. Connell, Wm. 295. Conner, Phillip 110, Wm. 19. Conngdon, John 132. Conniers, Dennis 245, 257, 272, 277, 422, Rich. 291, Tho. 278. Connoland, John 365. Conners, Gillien 336. Conny, Edward 364. Connydon, John 132. Conon, Wm. 536. Conquest, Richd. 183, 270. Conserves, Emll. 441. Consider, John 389. Constable, Mr. 120, Sarah 336, Wm. 390. Constantine, Jon. 57. Consues, Emanuell 397. Contancean, Jacob 382. Come, Alex. 390, Ralph 201. Conton, Wm. 557. Convirs, Tho. 159. Conway, Aron 133, Dennis 459, 544, Mary 512. Cony, Ralph 93. Conydell, 417. Conyer, Tho. 265. Coock, Edw. 536, Wm. 538. Coocke, Jno. 387, Wm. 449. Cooes, Eliz. 216. Coogney, John 239. Cook-Cooke, Adam 138, Alice 140, Amey 99, Ann 26, 58, 255, 357, Barth. 41, Christ. 148, Edw. 139, 313, 347, 363, 394, 403, 466, 474, 476, 301, Eliz. 276, 359, 455, Fra. 362, 476, Geo. 17, 159, Gerrard 100, Giles 345, Henry 100, 220, 382, Hump. 453, Isaac 446, James 62, 172, 309, 381, 465, 483, Jane 77, 388, Jerem. 229, Joane 210, John 29, 54, 58, 86, 93, 120, 148, 207, 211, 214, 223, 249, 267, 276, 290, 300, 447, 478, 501, 569, Jone 388, Kath. 198, Leonard 548, Maria 559, Mary 383, Miles 121, Mordecay 116, 142, 200, 223, 308, 316, 331, 349, 381, 550, Mr. 200, 532, Rich. 42, 54, 91, 121, 150, 198, Robt. 83, 509, Sarah 449, 559, 562, 563, Susan 559, Symon 355, Tho. 24, 28, 31, 32, 62, 63, 83, 104, 124, 198, 350, 390, 396, 514, Tobias 225, Willi. 45, Wm. 47, 64, 65, 128, 143, 197, 245, 254, 276, 309, 397, 404, 436, 450, 494, 499, 500, 524. Cookely, Ralph 313. Cookeley, John 263. Cookeney, Hen. 31, 86, John 87, 88. Cookesey, Wm. 12. Cookman, Rice 397. Cookney, Henry 121. Cooks, Wm. 278. Cooksey, Geo. 268, 394, Wm. 11. Cooly, Tho. 391, 426, 427. Coomes, Cha. 324. Coops landing, 463. Coop, Gilbert 362, Robt. 245. Coope, Eliz. 213, John 202. Cooper, Alex. 309, 373, Ann 142, 195, 252, 279, 342, 451, Antho. 480, Ben- nett 192, Dan. 325, 350, Edw. 106, 207, 351, 403, 565, Eliza. 274, Fr. 252, 450, Geo. 208, Gilbert 484, Hen. 29, Jacob 526, James 309, 381, 431, John 6, 31, 40, 62, 86, 94, 121, 122, 178, 194, 289, 391, 480, 536, Justinian 47, 64, 112, 114, 116, 128, 142, 147, 158, Kath. 498, Lewis 146, Mary 243, 369, 401, Mr. 131, 140, 166, Peeter 150, Richd. 109, 126, 136, 178, 341, Robt. 279, 365, 385, Symon 255, Tho. 50, 86, 134, 142, 166, 168, 197, 301, 401, 442, 535, 539, 563, 566, 568, Walter 109, 147, 151, 269, 307, 507, Wm. 79, 218, 240, 313, 367, 440, 534, 535, 563. Coopers, 20, 161, 246, 283, 300, 331, 339, 346, 355, 363, 371, 379, 381, 435, 447. Cooperson, Tho. 190. Coot, Jerem. 229. Coote, Adam 120, Alexr. 339, 394, Francis 190, Jeffery 393, Tho. 348, Wm. 189. Cootes, John 176. Coox, Gabriell 278. Cope, Guiles 300, Jno. 491, Margery 491, Tho. 322, 456. Copeland, Christo. 39, 149, 171, Hen. 81, 366, John 217, Mary 200, Nich. 523, Wm. 200, 238, 363, 90, 334. Copelin, Wm. 567. Coper, Tho. 440. Copes, Wm. 566. Copinn, Tho. 390. Copley, Hen. 341. Coplestone, Annanias 28, 81. Coplyn, Henry 447. General Index 613 Coppedge, Edw. 251, 495. Coppin, Wm. 526. Copping, James 452, Jno. 514, Tho. 349. Copsas, Walter 216. Copton, Joseph 523. Coram, Eliz. 166. Corassue, Jno. 180. Coratoman, 436. Coratock, 260. Corbell, Angell 395, Ann 395, Clemt. 350, Dennis 397, Henry 250, 306, 473, Jno. 350, Samll. 475, Wm. 484. Corben, Tho. 511. Corbet, Mary 467. Corbett, An 217, Cha. 485, Mary 358, 467. Corbin, Henry 369, 392, 409, 430, 432, 567, Hum. 165. Corbitt, Ann 454, Garrett 175. Corbone, Baptiscoe 198. Corbyn, Alice 372, Henry 358, 369, 372, 388, 432, 469. Corcott, Mich. 200. Corde, John 139. Cordecur, Mary 294. Cordell, James 300. Corderoy, Edw. 474, Elinor 211, 278, Wm. 302, 367, 442, 450, 474, 477. Cordery, Edw. 211, Wm. 211, 417. Cordes, Kath. 267. Cordevar, Eliz. 208. Cordey, Nathaniell 57. Cordin, Edw. 461. Cordon, Grigory 209. Cordroy, Edw. 278, Wm. 278. Cordwallett, Hump. 205. Cordwell, Ann 51, Margaret 432, Wm. 432. Cordy, John 184. Core, Mary 512, 546, 547, 557, Peter 554, Richd. 375, Susan 546, Tho. 403. Coree, Step. 292. Corestam, Aron 104, Derrick 104. Corewell, James 183. Corey, John 426, Wm. 351. Corham, Geo. 458. Corhoon, Cor. 158. Coringe, Eliz. 258. Coriott, Mich. 200. Corke, David 405, Ja. 426, Jane 77, Wm. 123. Corkeley, John 208. Corken, Tho. 528. Corker, Capt. 465, Henry 200, 554, John 81, 103, 124, 139, 152, 176, 185, 374. Corker, Moses 268, Nich. 545, Susanna 275, Wm. 341. Corlis, Jno. 366. Cormack, Daniell 145, 429. Cormake, Dan. 299. Corman, Nich. 431, Wm. 370, 388. Corne, John 151. Corneck, Symon 531. Cornel, Cornel 261. Cornelia, Carona 307, Marga. 326. Cornelis, Jno. 341. Cornelison, Comely 305. Cornelius, John 349, Kath. 426, Mary 349, Robert 374, Rowland 545. Corneliuson, John 349, 539. Cornehill, Peter 557. Cornen, Gillien 336. Corner, Hen. 294, Robt. 428. Cornewall, Peirce 272. Corney, Wm. 78. Cornhill, Peter 401. Cornwall, Pastrow 294. Cornwell, Peter 523, 527. Cornish, John 181, 264, Mary 266, Robert 70, Wm. 207, 339. Cornishby, John 208. Cornix, Jno. 486, Jone 363, Martha 363, Samll. 426, 458, 468, 506, 510, Tho. 363, Wm. 355, 363, 415, 426, Xtian. 568. Coronell, Vincent 72. Corotoman, 347, 358, 383. Corotomen, Indians, 343. Corowoman, cliffs of 311, 323. Corporation of, Charles City: 15, 18, 19, Elizabeth City: 2, 5, 6, 7, 13, 16, 19, 71, 165, Henrico 19, James City: 3, 8, 10, 15, 16, 18, 28. Corraway, Joane 155. Correld, Jno. 386. Correll, Tho. 142. Cort, Arthur 556, Joseph 403, Thomas 545, 548. Cortanecan, Jacob 460. Cortes, John 77. Cortlet, Sam. 514. Cortlough, Geo. 256. Cortsenstam, Arent 98, Derrick 98. Corvent, John 278. Corver. Robt. 428. Corwell, Phillip 547. Cory, Francis 538, Jon. 243. Cosby, John 292, 335, 520, Mary 348. Cosham, Henry 276. Cosheir, Jno. 447. Cosens, place called 466. Cosons, Nich. 83, 104. 614 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cosey, Rich. 47, 64. Coss, John 121. Coss Coss, 500. Cossen, Henry 144 . Cossens, Francis 397, John 381, 383, 384, 400, 404, 462, Margt. 183. Cossick, Jno. 447. Cossin, James 205, Nicholas 91, 206. Cossum, Arthur 566, Henry 398, 483. Costeance, Derrick 455. Costelford, Richard 180. Costen, Anne 286, Eliz. 244, Geo. 35, Georg 69, Steph. 286. Coster, Andrew 279- Costerdine, Franc. 24. Costine, Walter 379- Costons, Mathew 218. Costring, James 484. Cotler, Jno. 399. Cotnam, Henry 85. Cotswell, Jno. 553. Cottell, Tho. 387. Cotteen, Jacob 432. Cotten, Fra. 506. Cotterell, Edwd. 35, Mary 189. Cottin, Wm. 197. Cottington, Georg 46. Cottle, Jno. 430, Peter 430, Ralph 430, Thomas 22. Cotto, Presilla 535, 563. Cotton, Cicely 83, James 552, Joane 528, John 285, 404, Margt. 118, Peter, 554, Rowland 74, Susan 541, Thomas 554, Wm. 59, 94, 101, 115, 135, 444. Cottrell, Ambro. 193, Jere 341. Couch, Alexr. 296, Ambrose 446, Chas. 567. Couchman, James 545. Coudell, Geo. 184. Cough, Chas. 567. Cougly, John 61. Coule, John 298. Couling, Gilb. 344. Coulson, Thomas 554. Coulter, Mary 386. Coulston, Francis 334. Coulton, An 387. Councill, Member of 160. Councell of State 324, 480, 533, 536. Councell Table, 162. Counter, Abigail 558. COUNTIES: Accomac: 20, 23, 30, 31, 35, 43, 46, 52, 53, 54, 55, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 82, 84, 90, 91, 96, 101, 103, 106, 108, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 119, 121, 123, 129, 130, 131, 134, 139, 152, 169, 259, 296, 346, 360, 419, 425, 429, 430, 434, 435, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 463, 465, 481, 482, 483, 507, 515, 516, 517, 524, 536, 549, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555. Chickahominy: 408. Charles: 145, 354, 465, 485. Charles City: 21, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 34, 35, 40, 45, 50, 52, 53, 59, 60, 61, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 78, 79, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 98, 100, 103, 105, 108, 116, 118, 120, 127, 128, 129, 130, 137, 139, 140, 145, 147, 150, 152, 154, 158, 159, 165, 167, 175, 181, 183, 186, 189, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 209, 216, 226, 228, 230, 231, 250, 254, 255, 268, 273, 281, 282, 298, 303, 305, 314, 316, 317, 323, 329, 347, 354, 405, 411, 456, 458, 465, 468, 469, 472, 475, 485, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 498, 502, 503, 504, 505, 511, 534, 535, 537, 542, 543, 544, 545, 550, 561, 564, 566. Charles River: 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45, 49, 52, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 99, 100, 102, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 130, 132, 135, 138, 142, 144, 147, 156, 166, 176, 177, 180, 190, 220, 238, 243, 270, 271, 272, 401, 468, 493, 511. Denby— Denbigh: 25, 29, 35, 370, 491. Elizabeth City: 20, 24, 26, 29, 32, 34 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 57, 62, 63, 70, 76, 77, 79, 80, 85, 88, 90, 96, 98, 102, 106, 110, 112, 115, 116, 117, 122, 124, 126, 127, 128, 131, 135, 136, 137, 145, 151, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 162, 164, 168, 170, 171, 173, 175, 186, 205, 209, 224, 239, 275, 320, 331, 333, 380, 485, 493, 510, 511, 527, 540. Gloucester — Gloster: 215, 216, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 238, 239, 241, 242, 243, 247, 249, 250, 256, 258, 260, 262, 265, 271, 272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 295, 298, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 309, General Index 615 312, 314, 315, 322, 323, 328, 329, 330, 335, 336, 337, 341, 343, 347, 348, 354, 358, 361, 363, 365, 368, 375, 377, 380, 391, 393, 396, 398, 402, 407, 416, 417, 423, 424, 448, 450, 456, 462, 464, 470, 473, 474, 477, 488, 493, 494, 495, 496, 502, 505, 508, 509, 514, 515, 518, 519, 520, 523, 527, 528, 532, 533, 536, 544, 545, 548, 550, 551, 553, 555, 564, 565, 568. Henrico: 20, 33, 36, 40, 45, 47, 49, 50, 52, 54, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 99, 101, 106, 109, 110, 111, 112, 117, 120, 121, 127, 134, 137, 138, 140, 151, 157, 164, 192, 202, 221, 233, 238, 243, 247, 262, 266, 268, 273, 301, 323, 333, 334, 347, 352, 425, 429, 432, 439, 447, 450, 451, 452, 458, 464, 466, 471, 492, 504, 513, 516, 535, 537, 538, 539, 547, 549, 556. Isle of Wight: 55, 58, 59, 64, 67, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 82, 85, 89, 95, 98, 104, 105, 106, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 134, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 155, 158, 162, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 173, 176, 197, 229, 233, 243, 255, 261, 273, 274, 275, 278, 280, 290, 301, 303, 310, 316, 318, 322, 329, 346, 363, 365, 367, 372, 386, 391, 393, 411, 420, 421, 424, 433, 439, 444, 457, 458, 462, 466, 470, 475, 476, 478, 480, 484, 487, 488, 492, 493, 499, 509, 511, 512, 513, 516, 517, 518, 522, 524, 525, 538, 556, 558, 559, 561, 562, 569. James City: 20, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 54, 56, 58, 61, 63, 64, 66, 61, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, HO, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 168, 169, 170, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 186, 187, 189, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 211, 212, 215, 217, 219, 222, 224, 225, 229, 230, 231, 232, 234, 240, 241, 242, 243, 246, 249, 256, 261, 262, 268, 269, 275, 277, 282, 283, 288, 289, 294, 295, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305, 306, 311, 313, 317, 319, 322, 323, 326, 327, 328, 330, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 348, 361, 364, 367, 373, 377, 378, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 393, 394, 396, 399, 400, 401, 403, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 411, 414, 415, 420, 428, 430, 443, 444, 451, 458, 464, 465, 469, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 484, 485, 486, 487, 491, 492, 495, 498, 499, 502, 505, 506, 507, 510, 512, 513, 515, 521, 524, 527, 540, 541, 548, 550, 555, 563, 564, 565. Lancaster: 220, 221, 227, 228, 229, 230, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 270, 272, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 288, 289, 291, 293, 295, 296, 297, 299, 300, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 324, 325, 329, 333, 334, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 347, 349, 350, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 365, 370, 371, 374, 378, 380, 383, 384, 385, 390, 391, 392, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 402, 408, 410, 411, 412, 414, 422, 429, 432, 433, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 445, 447, 448, 451, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 465, 466, 461, 469, 472, 474, 477, 478, 487, 488, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 510, 514, 515, 519, 521, 526, 530, 531, 537, 539, 541, 542, 555, 557, 561, 567, 569. Nansemond: 162, 163, 166, 167, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 177, 180, 184, 189, 197, 201, 205, 221, 230, 236, 237, 240, 241, 244, 282, 290, 298, 301, 318, 324, 327, 329, 338, 356, 385, 387, 388, 396, 399, 444, 450, 451, 457, 463, 479, 480, 488, 492, 509, 516, 539, 543, 559, 560, 568. New Kent: 300, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 317, 322, 325, 335, 337, 338, 339, 342, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 357, 359, 360, 361, 363, 364, 366, 616 Cavaliers and Pioneers 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 376, 377, 379, 380, 381, 383, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 396, 397, 399, 401, 403, 404, 408, 409, 410, 417, 421, 422, 424, 433, 440, 451 457, 458, 464, 466, 461, 469, 470, 471, 472, 474, 475, 476, 478, 480, 490, 493, 494, 496, 500, 502, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 514, 515, 516, 517, 520, 522, 530, 533, 538, 541, 542, 547, 555, 559, 563, 565, 566. Norfolk: 172, 179, 247, 284, 469. New Norfolk: 65, 99, 118, 128, 130, 168. Lower New Norfolk: 57, 59, 61, 62, 64, 71, 72, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 89, 90, 92, 93, 98, 99, 104, 106, 107, 110, 111, 116, 120, 123, 129, 141, 143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 157, 160, 162, 166, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 179, 180, 181, 182, 186, 187, 188, 193, 210, 218, 220, 221, 222, 229, 234, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 247, 248, 249, 256, 260, 262, 268, 269, 270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 283, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 297, 298, 299, 302, 306, 311, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 338, 342, 343, 344, 354, 355, 358, 362, 371, 379, 380, 387, 401, 415, 423, 433, 434, 445, 446, 470, 473, 475, 477, 478, 479, 489, 492, 493, 499, 502, 503, 504, 507, 508, 513, 514, 518, 519, 527, 528, 539, 540, 544, 549, 553, 560, 564, 565. Upper New Norfolk: 55, 56, 57, 58, 63, 65, 66, 61, 69, 70, 73, 76, 77, 78, 81, 83, 84, 85, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 111, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 131, 134, 135, 137, 141, 143, 145, 148, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 165, 167, 168, 174, 175, 177, 180, 189, 197, 226, 232, 408, 464, 473. Northampton: 135, 139, 147, 150, 152, 155, 157, 158, 159, 163, 164, 167, 170, 171, 173, 174, 179, 181, 183, 184, 185, 193, 194, 199, 200, 203, 204, 213, 215, 216, 217, 224, 225, 230, 233, 242, 259, 260, 261, 264, 265, 267, 272, 276, 277, 285, 286, 287, 289, 294, 295, 300, 305, 306, 307, 308, 321, 322, 324, 325, 326, 327, 329, 330, 331, 337 339, 344, 350, 353, 357, 361 374, 380, 393, 400, 401, 405 407, 408, 410, 411, 412, 413 417, 419, 423, 434, 435, 443 456, 472, 482, 483, 485, 513 520, 524, 525, 532, 533, 534 539, 540, 549, 550, 553, 554. Northumberland: 178, 185, 186 192, 193, 194, 198, 199, 201 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220 223, 224, 227, 228, 229, 232 235, 236, 237, 239, 241, 242 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262 265, 266, 267, 269, 272, 273 276, 280, 281, 283, 284, 287 289, 290, 292, 295, 297, 302 304, 308, 309, 314, 316, 317 324, 325, 330, 331, 332, 333 337, 339, 341, 343, 344, 346 348, 349, 354, 355, 356, 357 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365 368, 369, 371, 372, 373, 375 377, 378, 379, 381, 382, 383 390, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398 402, 403, 408, 409, 419, 420 422, 423, 424, 429, 430, 432 441, 442, 448, 449, 450, 456 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 467 470, 473, 474, 475, 477, 484 487, 488, 489, 491, 492, 493 495, 499, 500, 502, 503, 506 510, 512, 516, 518, 519, 522 531, 532, 534, 537, 538, 539 544, 545, 556, 558, 560, 565 Rappahannock: 251, 342, 345, 350, 353, 361, 362, 366, 368 370, 375, 381, 384, 387, 388 391, 392, 394, 396, 397, 399 408, 419, 429, 430, 431, 432 435, 438, 441, 442, 443, 444 459, 466, 461, 468, 469, 471 475, 476, 477, 478, 481, 484 491, 497, 500, 502, 503, 505 508, 510, 511, 514, 516, 517 521, 523, 524, 526, 527, 528 531, 532, 537, 545, 548, 557, 561, 566, 567, 568. Stafford: 403, 424, 432, 446, 543, 544, 546, 547, 559, 563 SufTolke: 100. Surry: 231, 238, 240, 244, 267, 281, 283, 286, 287, 312, 326, 335, 336, 340, 341, 342, 344, 354, 355, 356, 365, 374, 386, 534, 276, 334, 353, 415, General Index 617 421, 423, 457, 465, 485, 487, 492 493, 496, 497, 503, 505, 508, 511 549, 561, 562, 563, 564, 566. Warrasquioake: 23, 24, 25, 26, 32 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45, 47, 48 51, 52, 53. Warwick: 38, 39, 133, 137, 149, 155 156, 158, 159, 209, 225, 242, 274 302, 326, 339, 366, 374, 396, 408 440, 443, 465, 471, 476, 477, 490 500, 508, 518, 533, 539, 542. Warwick River: 48, 49, 53, 67, 72 77, 81, 88, 89, 101, 125, 126, 127 146, 149, 151, 258. Westmoreland: 290, 291, 292, 293 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302 303, 304, 311, 312, 315, 316, 319 322, 325, 326, 331, 332, 333, 335 337, 339, 340, 344, 345, 351, 352 353, 355, 357, 358, 360, 361, 362 363, 365, 366, 367, 368, 371, 372 373, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380 382, 383, 385, 389, 392, 398, 399 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406, 412 420, 421, 423, 432, 435, 442, 446 447, 448, 449, 464, 466, 468, 469 470, 471, 473, 474, 480, 481, 482 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489 490, 492, 495, 496, 505, 509, 512 516, 517, 520, 531, 532, 534, 535 536, 537, 538, 540, 546, 547, 549 560, 563, 565. Yorke: 132, 133, 136, 140, 142, 144 155, 156, 158, 161, 164, 166, 167 169, 172, 174, 178, 179, 180, 185 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 204, 206 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216, 218 224, 227, 228, 229, 232, 237, 239 242, 243, 244, 246, 249, 250, 251 253, 254, 257, 258, 259, 263, 264 267, 268, 270, 276, 277, 278, 288 297, 298, 303, 311, 313, 314, 318 324, 325, 330, 344, 355, 370, 377, 381, 383, 399, 401, 402, 405, 410 420, 421, 422, 439, 467, 468, 473 474, 479, 480, 489, 496, 497, 503 505, 508, 510, 511, 517, 518, 519 521, 537, 538, 539, 568. Course, Henry 433. Courser, Margt. 286. Coursie, Richd. 143. Court, Edw. 454, Geo. 228, 276, Grace 293, Richd. 56, Sam. 487, Tho. 466, Wm. 231, 449, 528. Court, General the 399, Rappahannock 397, Henrico 113, James City 8. Court House land, 526. Courtanceon, John 486, Jacob 486. Courtier, de Lewis, 341. Courtier, Wm. 78. Courtman, Francis 430, Tho. 309, 500. Courtney, James 28, John 425, 447. Courts, Wm. 432. Coury, Tho. 347. Cousens, James 80. Coute, Alex. 390. Covell, George 376, Gresham 62, Henry 277, John 72, 129, 351, Tho. 458. Covenant, Wm. 392. Coventon, Arthur 348, John 267, Joke 352, Nehemiah 170, 183. Cover, James 263. Covert, Wm. 454. Covide, John 262. Covington, Tho. 485. Covy, Ralph 93. Cow, Jno. 552. Cow Pen, the 70, 160. Coward, Margt. 195, Nicholas 454. Cowden, Eman. 209. Cowdery, Wm. 335, 369. Cowdwell, Henry 264. Cowe, Coner 386. Cowell, Eliz. 157. Cowen, Edw. 286, Tho. 286. Cowes, John 23. Cowgell, Stephen 507. Cowhead, Rich. 316. Cowins, Edw. 265. Cowken, Tho. 244. Cowles, Edmond 565, Sarah 291. Cowley, Sara 199, Tobyas 199, Wm. 164. Cowling, Jos. 195, Tho. 237. Cowon, Step. 327. Cowslan, Ann 236. Cox, Arthur 431, Eliza. 192, James 263, 551, Henry 195, Hugh 31, Jon. 75, 78, 137, 138, John 192, 196, 227, 252, 265, 300, 303, 310, 368, 391, 400, 443, 447, 537, 547, Joseph 113, Julyan 196, Martha 388, Mary 147, Phillip 443, Richard 44, 217, 356, 375, 548, 566, Robt. 426, Sam. 467, Simon 171, 450, Timothy 407, Tho. 79, 260, 300, 304, 377, 427, 451, 455, 538, Vincent 400, 464, 468, Wm. 12, 52, 59, 74, 75, 84, 138, 147, 229, 236, 257, 334, 342, 348, 349, 350, 387, 409, 446, Xper. 305, 338. Coxa, Denies 322. Coxe, Christo. 261, Hugh 165, Wm. 61, 133. 61 Cavaliers and Pioneers Coxendale, 137. Coxes Thickett 72. Coxon, Bryan 325, Wm. 513. Coxson, Thomas 82. Coyte, Willi. 58, 89- Cozens, Dow. 184, Walter 540. Cozier, Wm. 47. Cozin, Peter 548. Crabb, Jon. 36, 80, Robt. 185, Roger 97. Cracker, Tho. 165. Craddtock, Lt. 157, Robt. 04, 82, 84, 547. Cradock, Robt. 80, 84 Wm. 323. Crady, Jno. 530. Crafford, Dorothy 133, Eliz. 271, James 469, John 271, Martin 166, Phill. 271, Tho. 426. Craford, Ann 65, 387, Ed. 352. Craft, Bridget 46, 56, Edwin 453, Jon. 61, Oliver 151, Robt. 349. Craftin, Tho. 35, 59. Crafton, Tho. 161. Crag, John 293, Thomas 58. Craggs, Mary 289. Cragh, Dennis 433. Craig, Jno. 362. Crame, Fra. 273. Cramer, John 385. Cramp, Peter 430, Tho. 71. Cranage, Edmund 84, Eliz. 84, 117, Margaret 84, 117, Mary 84, Wm. 84, 124. Cranaway, Jane 268. Crand, Robt. 199. Crandall, Edw. 280. Crane, Eliz. 186, Geo. 254, Samll. 236, Thos. 545, Wm. 250. Cranedge, James 428. Craner, Peter 195. Cranew, Tho. 483. Cranfeild, Anne 283, Jno. 349, Joseph 430, Peter 102, Wm. 107. Cranford, John 314. Cranly, Francis 425. Crannage, Edmond 117, Eliz. 117, Mary 117, Wm. 117. Crannidge, Wm. 462. Crantle, Jno. 506. Cranz, Samll. 470. Craortt, Edward 110. Crashaw, Joseph 89, 117, 188. Crauly, Francis 425. Crave, Fra. 181. Craven, Emelia 534, James 115, 152, Richd. 4, 188, 202, 316, 456, 534, Susan 309, Tho. 137. Craw, Samll. 483. Crawe, Roger 85. Crawes, Henry 126. Crawford, Ann 37, Wm. 178. Crawle, Wm. 275. Crawley, Richard 553. Crawly, Michaell 129. Crawshaw, Rawleigh 2, Joseph 336. Cray, Henry 433, John 433, 562, Myles 395, Richard 433, Thomas 562. Creadell, Eady 179. Creame, Saml. 136. Creamer, Jno. 483. Creaser, Eliza. 23, Tho. 23. Creed, Jno. 509. Creedle, Richard 42, 135. Creeke, Edward 389, 394, Henry 554, 564, Nicho. 206. Creekman, Edmond 445, 565. CREEKS: Accahannock, 204, 216. Accaquon, 563. Acquintimack, 485. Adams, 181. Aliens, 113, 206, 309, 518, 528. Allingtons, 27, 182, 332, 497. Almonds, 504. Amburcomico, 425. Anancock, 307, 322, 328, 400, 405, 407, 418, 553. Annogotegue, 258. Apostique, 276, 281, 328, 485. Apamatuck, 355, 382, 432, 447, 448, 449, 488, 546. Aquoconde, 236. Arakoke, 185, 418. Aranews, 427. Arsantons, 272, 311, 368, 424. Arathusa, 425, 453. Aratico, 272, 424. Archer Hope, 4, 17, 18, 24, 25, 30, 54, 75, 80, 81, 104, 105, 112, 142, 143, 159, 160, 161, 162, 174, 225, 241, 336, 472, 466, 486. Armeslies, 228. Armogotegue, 258. Armsbies, 372, 375, 423. Arses, 268. Arracock, 327. Arratico, 457. Attapin, 205, 253, 446, 441, 468, 483, 520, 538. Attopotomoyes, 224, 236, 265, 276, 307, 416, 417. Awhore Cock, 422. Axoms, 197. Back, 101, 102, 122, 127, 146, 147, 206, 339, 356, 407, 462, 468, 536. General Index 619 Back Bay, 140. Bagwells, 353. Bakers, 519. Banfords, 341, 421. Barbacue, 248, 254, 380. Barbary, 448. Barbers, 480. Barneham, 502. Barnes, 187. Basses, 261, 279, 398. Bassetts, 533. Baylyes, 60, 74, 84, 93, 175. Baylys, 26, 31, 32, 188, 228, 268, 503. Bay Tree, 464 . Beaver Dam, 327. Bennetts, 79, 92, 104, 136, 143, 150, 162, 169, 177, 193, 203, 211, 213, 220, 221, 230, 260, 269, 272, 299, 315, 348, 380, 415, 473, 502, 503. Bests, 344. Betts, 461. Beverly, 135, 145, 154, 156, 162, 163. Bever, 480. Billinsgate, 84, 193, 269. Black, 212, 213, 249, 297, 359, 403, 408, 422, 472, 475, 478, 542. Blackwater, 132, 258, 261, 391, 417, 493, 506. Blands, 283, 337, 416, 437. Bluff, 344. Blunt Point, 11, 81, 89, 350. Bonners, 284, 337, 416, 437. Boswells, 370. Brices, 445, 504. Bridge, 252, 331, 488, 522. Bridges, 359. Broad, 6, 16, 110, 119, 129, 150, 158, 165, 182, 228, 229, 233, 234, 241, 247, 256, 269, 273, 278, 287, 298, 306, 308, 325, 342, 372, 415, 423, 449, 456, 474, 477, 489, 497, 514, 520, 553. Broughtons, 212. Browns, 241, 269. Browns Bay, 21. Bryers, 444, 467. Budden, 217, 416. Bullocks, 160, 166, 180. Burbage, 197. Burnhams, 142, 144, 179, 237, 242, 269, 325, 334, 357, 365, 370, 380, 384, 432, 433, 494, 496. Burts, 496 r 508. Bushwood, 195, 299. Butchers Island, 147. Cabin, 266, 398. Calthorps, 26. Cameages, 405. Canawoman, 207. Cannada Island, 156. Cannaughsaugh, 425. Capitts, 206, 219, 264, 360. Caratocke, 357. Carsons, 186. Carters, 132, 172, 439. Casons, 84. Cassatowoman, 144, 536. Castinesfeild, 37. Cattaile, 269. Causey Feild, 61. Cedar, 344, 346, 519. Cedar, Island, 153, 187, 192, 379, 448, 308. Chapawansick, 282, 292, 302, 340, 348, 367, 371, 373, 381, 389, 402, 420, 460, 470, 531, 565. Chappells, 35. Checroes, 58, 103, 116, 123, 138, 141. Cheesmans, 29, 88, 89, 96, 100, 108, 114, 122, 127, 146, 151, 168, 169, 201, 215, 232, 243, 288, 468, 469, 524. Chenck, 504. Cherry Point, 217, 438. Cherrystone, 72, 106, 170, 225, 434, 524, 532. Chesnutt, 148, 253, 265, 417, 485. Chesticond, 382, 400. Chetanck, 198, 255, 262, 373, 382, 395, 423. Chews, 89 . Chiccanessecks, 322, 328, 405, 406, 407, 418, 419, 454. Chigandehee, 185, 418. Chingehan, 185. Chickhan, 252. Chinkahane, 362, 422, 459. Chippoakes, 3, 8, 16, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 33, 38, 39, 40, 42, 45, 48, 51, 55, 56, 59, 64, 67, 83, 86, 87, 90, 94, 97, 103, 104, 107, 109, 111, 124, 134, 139, 144, 145, 146, 147, 159, 160, 161, 168, 170, 171, 175, 179, 181, 183, 187, 189, 192, 193, 198, 216, 219, 238, 254, 261, 277, 279, 282, 283, 286, 287, 303, 312, 328, 335, 341, 353, 354, 415, 423, 425, 465, 493, 496, 501, 514, 549. Chohoake, 251. Chiskyake, 178, 180. Chotank, 210, 280, 319, 367, 422, 533. Chuckahann, 252. Chuckatuck, 221, 252, 479,. 620 Cavaliers and Pioneers Church, 6, 188, 251, 285, 478, 5 Chyconnessecks, 307. Citty, 298, 469, 508. Claphams, 347. Clarkes, 21, 34, 145, 168, 170, 560. Clarksons, 44, 63. Claughtons, 423. Claytons, 185, 495. Clerkes, 269. Clifts, 236, 306, 424, 488, 557. Cloughtons, 205, 251, 292, 333. Coales, 347. Cocke, 523. Cohoake, 245. Compekeeke, 179, 183. Conawoman, 199, 252, 397, 420, Connaways, 271. Copelands, 384, 496. Cording, 488. Corratock, 217, 261. Coratoman, 343, 355, 382, 400, Corrattawoman, 435, 454. Coss Coss, 446, 492, 522, 563. Cossatomen, 132. Cow, 142, 178, 200, 203, 222, 356, 462, 493, 548, 553. Cowards, 166. Coxes, 234, 238, 251, 265, 281, 366, 368, 370, 397, 398, 420, 442. Craddocks, 183, 184, 225. Craney, 151, 177, 212, 222, 258, 263, 302, 367, 417, 505. Creans, 182. Crooked, 453, 454, 553, 554. Cross, 25, 27, 31, 63, 64, 96, 173, 181, 264, 275, 305, 314, 440, 459, 478, 486, 520. Crouches, 353, 562, 509. Cupids, 236, 382, 395, 423. Cursons, 186. Curratuck, 287, 413, 425, 427, 536. Curtaile, 9. Cypress, 248, 363. Damarons, 429. Davites, 207. Dawsons, 166. Dedmans, 391. Deep, 6, 29, 33, 133, 156, 169, 209, 216, 223, 232, 263, 268, 297, 303, 314, 328, 346, 394, 409, 421, 430, 445, 455, 477, 482, 492, 540, 542. Dennis, 211, 251, 252, 264, 280, 330, 371, 423, 463, 516. 11. 172, 520. 436. 267, 334, 436, 262, 105, 397, 428, 174, 272, 407, 479, 288, Derries, 516. Dinites, 207. Dividing, 207, 210, 214, 234, 293, 303, 343, 344, 504, 556, 566. Diggs, 394, 469. Dockham, 167. Dockman, 130, 138. Doctors, 428. Doegs, 432. Doggins, 93. Donne, 108. Downs, 173. Ducking Pond, 193, 194, 200. Dum out of the Mire, 84, 93. Dumpling Island, 81, 96, 155, 302. Dunn, 35. Eagle Nest, 363. Edwards, 166. Englishs, 44, 63. Episkapanke, 148. Faireweather, 272, 277, 445, 472, 504. Falling, 41, 73, 99, 109, 324, 447, 451, 457. Faram, 302, 354. Farnham, 194, 255, 263, 388, 397, 408, 411, 441, 464, 466, 485, 495, 501, 504, 506, 519, 521, 526. Feelds, 466. Felgates, 401. Fentons, 188, 304, 502. Fishing, 187, 189, 207, 211, 257, 292, 332, 339, 348, 363, 402, 441, 447, 449, 483. Fleets, 254, 259, 354, 472. Flower de Hundred, 145, 203, 329, 347, 405. Floyds, 512. Footeball Quarter, 41, 94, 96, 156. Fords, 184 . Forked, 338. Freshwater, 132. Frosbury, 135. Garden, 309, 310, 377, 389, 402, 416, 501. Garden Patch, 202. Garpaghie, 425. Gaythers, 174, 179, 180, 237, 247, 288, 416, 445, 469, 540. Gibson, 353. Gills, 213 . Gilsons, 282, 441, 442, 562. Ginger, 277. Gingotege, 453, 517. Gleab, 132. Gleab Land, 159, 161, 221, 299, 337, 416, 486. Godspeed Fort, 113. General Index 621 Goose, 172, 182, 564. Goose Hill, 69, 81, 118, 125, 126, 168, 301, 346, 439. Goulden Vale, 528. Graves, 152. Grayes, 115, 152, 374. Greenes, 564. Gresham, 258, 519. Greyes, 113, 130, 176, 177, 179, 234, 243, 562. Grigory, 181. Grimes, 186, 478. Gwynns, 96, 239. Hackers, 181. Haddaways, 223, 259, 297, 316, 343, 355, 396, 400, 436, 437, 505, 521. Haigers, 170. Hallowes, 193, 279, 312, 400, 448, 471, 486, 501, 536. Harpers, 238, 396, 521. Harris, 14, 18, 20, 37, 77, 90, 112, 135, 159, 272, 333, 445, 504. Hartquack, 530. Hartwell, 166, 284. Harwood, 39, 113, 143, 500. Hatefeild, 64. Hawkins, 82. Heard, 246. Hemlock, 393. Herring, 59, 120, 128, 198, 200, 201, 219, 237, 249, 284, 292, 359, 371, 395, 402, 435, 444, 464, 483, 491, 499, 500, 536, 537, 547, 563. Hoccadies, 230, 349, 557. Hodskins, 227, 251, 309, 358, 400. Hog Island, 24, 28, 67, 70, 123, 187, 336, 421. Hogpen, 532. Hollawayes, 449. Hollins, 333, 355. Hollis, 236, 249, 291, 292, 371, 382, 400, 446, 447, 471, 501, 510. Hollowes, 207, 279. Hollys, 211. Holobush Swamp, 465. Hooks, 173. Hopkins 351, 359, 404. Horecock, 542. Home Harbor, 194, 196, 223, 244, 285, 319, 358, 416. Hoskins, 178, 282, 467, 477, 478, 500, 517. Houstones, 552. Hudnalls, 466. Hughes, 367. Hungers, 23, 27, 31, 59, 77, 101, 110, 115, 123, 135, 155, 157, 158, 203, (233, 285, 286, 287, 294, 330, 412, 414, 455, 482, 483, 520. Hunting, 291, 315, 398, 430, 481, 482, 483, 486. Hurds, 209. Hutchinsons, 147, 158, 466. Indian, 98, 127, 128, 129, 148, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 174, 189, 191, 197, 201, 205, 218, 222, 240, 257, 262, 329, 332, 356, 464, 473, 480, 489, 490, 518, 564. Indian Quarter, 131. Island, 364, 375, 420, 424, 462, 560. Island Neck, 186, 309, 313, 383, 439, 531. Isle of Wight, 238, 261, 278, 499. Jackmans, 191. Jarnews, 92, 199, 257, 398, 432, 456. Johns, 173, 254, 257, 295, 319, 504, 533. Johnny Boyes, 111, 112. Jones, 148, 178, 202, 215, 229, 231, 271, 278, 314, 317, 330, 336, 390, 414, 417, 424, 487, 498, 516, 562. Jordaynes, 188. Julians, 274, 314, 329, 477, 479, 565. Juring Point, 72, 113, 154, 299. Kennedeyes, 55, 78. Kethes, 14, 20, 25, 29, 30, 33, 39, 50, 66, 68, 70, 83, 103, 106, 108, 114, 231, 283. Kickotanck, 453. KifTs, 283, 499. Kimeno, 214. Kimiges, 31, 53. Kings, 7, 23, 43, 68, 84, 117, 163, 186, 242, 285, 290, 292, 294, 303, 319, 435, 482, 487, 491, 510, 552, 554. Kings Mill, 174, 394. Kisquotan, 425. Kittawan, 535, 542, 543, 566. Knotts, 355, 502. Lambdens, 309, 424. Langleys, 385. Laughleys, 165. Lawnes, 16, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 47, 51, 53, 64, 61, 70, 81, 103, 110, 112, 115, 123, 130, 131, 134, 140, 141, 146, 155, 160, 177, 183, 187, 193, 342, 421, 458, 497, 503. Lawsons, 196, 198. Lee, 185. Lewis, 229 . Little, 147, 182, 247, 270, 332, 456, 469, 542. Little Neck, 192, 196. 622 Cavaliers and Pioneers Lilleys, 133. Long, 9, 57. Long Point, 260. Long Pond, 102. Lower Bay, 125, 153. Loyds, 239, 268, 471, 544, 564. Lucas, 301, 527, 557. Lutus, 301. Lyons, 336, 421. Matchocoes, 32. Matchotanke, 285, 324, 338, 407, 432. Machotick, 199, 207, 209, 246, 258, 304, 398, 424, 432, 449, 456, 483, 532. Maccadegums, 258. Maccadequin, 194, 244, 314. Maddisses, 27. Maggety Bay, 225. Maiden Sw. 166, 284. Majors, 103, 155, 158, 167, 188, 204. Manakin, 375, 478. Manimass, 492. Mannings, 41 5, 540. Mansotanzick, 185. Marteaws, 271. Martiaus, 120. Marsh, 190. Marsh Poynt, 189. Marracoones, 324, 338. Masons, 179, 302. Matchemeeds, 303. Matchepungo, 174. 200, 235, 248, 249, 280, 286, 288, 332, 408, 419, 454, 551, 553. Matchoux Bower, 205. Mather, 479. Mathews, 280, 358, 443, 451, 479, 543. Matomkin, 393, 419, 429, 453, 455, 536. Matrons, 296. Matshcoes, 203. Mattadequain, 213, 245, 295, 396, 425, 480, 555. Mattapony, 249. Mattawomens, 27. Mattawompson, 185. Mattrons, 289. Matthews, 237, 239. Mattoones, 243. Matticoe, 25. Mattrams, 185. Merchants, 27, 50, 239, 471. Merchants Hope, 34, 40, 45, 68, 86, 93, 100, 103, 119. Meredeths, 462. Merry, 396. Merryman, 299. Mesango, 452, 454, 483, 552, 553, 554. Milbecke, 191, 343, 489. Mile, Five 55; Four Mile 19, 33, 45, 55, 60, 65, 87, 88, 151, 268, 464, 429, 493, Three Mile 33, Two Mile 15, 61, 151. Milford Haven, 362, 377. Mill, 567. Millers, 214. Moggadegum, 188. Mongars, 399. Moones, 76. Moores, 96. Morratico, 276, 358, 429, 436, 440, 441, 469, 485, 494. Morraticon, 254, 270, 273, 283, 292, 312, 317, 340, 341, 342, 350, 399, 438, 459, 466, 499, 521. Morgans, 132, 149, 202, 214, 229, 311, 389, 512, 540. Moses, 322, 326, 342, 522. Mosses, 268. Mossacotanzick, 185. Mountaines, 534. Mountneys, 152. Moyses, 249, 335. Muddy, 50, 228, 452, 453, 455, 454, 482, 483, 499, 552, 554. Mundins, 280. Mungars, 441. Munns, 463. Munroes, 360, 509. Myem Cocke 340. Narratico, 458. Narrow, 186, 189. Narrow Neck, 212, 491. Nandewe, 357. Nantypoyson, 357, 399, 437, 441. Naswattocks, 139, 163, 164, 170, 171, 174, 199, 203, 216, 251, 260, 400, 455. Nehuntas, 84, 171, 269. New Begin, 425, 427, 428. Newhaven, 192, 195. Newports, 434. Newport News, 105. Nicholls, 196, 488. Nimcock, 204, 253, 284, 329, 370, 465, 506. Niopsco, 358, 372. Nondewee, 413. Nondui, 265, 276, 285, 327, 406, 412. Nondices, 418, 419. Nusaponucks, 548. General Index 623 Nuswattocks, 82, 119, 129, 131, 163, 233, 242, 285, 286, 296, 337, 339, 353, 356, 410, 418, 482, 483, 485, 515, 520. Nyemcock, 220, 253, 282. Oatspekety, 472. Obarts, 245, 422. Occahannock, 164, 171, 179, 183, 193, 213, 215, 216, 217, 230, 286, 287, 288, 294, 296, 306, 330, 331, 337, 357, 405, 406, 418, 419, 452, 455, 507, 516, 551. Occapason, 268, 310, 311, 312, 393, 394, 397, 419, 420, 423, 481, 495, 500, 508, 557, 561, Occupare, 526. Oldmans, 74, 78, 118, 120, 128, 203, 230, 485, 532, 537. Old Plantation, 18, 23, 28, 30, 43 46, 53, 73, 74, 91, 101, 112, 139, 155, 159, 163, 181, 217, 295, 331, 344, 353, 418, 482. Old Towne, 239, 499, 556. Omen, 558. Oppactenoke, 408. Owaseake, 501. Oyster, 35, 67, 100. Oystershell, 122. Pachimon Tree, 241. Pagan, 33, 58, 67, 76, 104, 105, 124, 131, 140, 142, 255, 270, 278, 322, 329, 346, 364, 462, 478, 492, 512, 561. Pagan Bay, 166, 522. Pagan Point, 17, 25, 27, 28, 32, 69, 77, 84, 143, 148, 411. Papatricke, 391. Parchmores, 469. Parkers, 326, 359, 513. Parsimore, 231. Parthmores, 319, 347, 504. Parretts, 277, 324, 334, 371, 438, 440, 448, 466. Parting, 510. Pasatinck, 292. Pasbye, Hayes, 58, 88, 295. Pasbetanke, 470. Pasbetanzey, 266, 377, 469, 473, 489, 560. Pascatoway, 372, 442. Pascatticon, 297, 398, 420, 493. Paschataynon, 334. Paskato, 334. Patomac, 290, 297, 298, 312, 378, 383, 423, 481, 486, 489, Paynes, 299. 152, 300, 423, 184, 233, 329, 410, 536, 341, 443, 562. 178, ,44, 130, 260, 115, 275, 466, 54, 380, 481. 315, 505. Peanckatancke, 135, 136. Pearses Stile, 40, 41. Pease Hill, 224. Peircies Toyle, 88, 549. Pemenoc, 101. Peminoe, 106. Penninoe, 139. Pepper, 195, 204, 219, 223, 232, 551, Pepetick, 251, 254, 262, 311, 315, 333, 364, 384, 423, 424, 429, 431, 442, 511. Pepetico, 300, 302, 494. Perins, 210, 216, 231, 317, 318, 508. Perrys, 221, 374, 567. Perringes, 231. Pettibon, 177. Phesant, 261, 417. Phillips, 267, 285, 308, 353, 356. Piny Point 84, 101, 205, 391, 524. Piscaticon, 400, 435. Piscattaway, 472. Plantation, 435, 534, 551. Pocomeck, 296, 305, 338. Pohick, 403. Point Comfort, 12, 16, 44, 50, 63, 135, 146, 154, 157, 159, 165, 173, 175, 194, 195, 333. Pongotegue, 260, 264, 265, 272, 277, 285, 286, 296, 307, 401, 412, 418, 419, 456, 513, 525, 532. Pooles Island, 533. Poore Jack, 199, 251, 420, 520, 523. Popes, 279, 384, 429, 482, 483, 484, 537, 538, 567. Popemans, 397. Poplar, 493. Poplar Neck, 154. Poquoson, 24, 62, 88. Poropotanck, 131, 132, 220, 221, 224, 229, 231, 235, 249, 256, 260, 272, 276, 277, 278, 282, 295, 303, 307, 309, 312, 318, 329, 330, 337, 354, 380, 396, 416, 417, 474, 484, 507, 508, 509, 515, 520, 545, 550. Porortridge, 448. Porrengers, 118. Poteseck, 421. Potobaco, 523. Potomeck, 210, 218, 273, 275, 334, 531, 534, 535, 559. Pot Ash, 326, 374. Pounceys, 234, 379, 383. Powells, 56, 85, 117, 138, 140, 145, 157, 175, 176, 185, 198, 199, 202, 236, 237, 250, 270, 273, 301, 316, 354, 436, 440, 458, 504, 543. Powell's, John: 26, 39. 624 Cavaliers and Pioneers Powetridge, 448. Powmansend, 526, 528. Poytresses, 334, 335, 472. Preslys, 185, 362, 422. Priors, 132. Proctors, 47, 80, 106, 137. Puamunaremo, 440. Puamunvein, 442. Pudden, 218, 283, 289, 386, 528. Purton, 545. Puscaticon, 227, 238, 255, 263, 302, 303, 310, 318, 319, 362, 366, 368, 381, 392, 397, 431, 443, 463, 526, 567, 568. Pussell, 238, 445. Pussell, Point, 275, 493. Putanak, 140. Puzle, 513. Quantico, 291, 300, 362, 389, 512, 543, 544, 546, 547. Queens, 62, 64, 76, 85, 90, 92, 95, 100, 102, 107, 113, 114, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 140, 166, 169, 174, 179, 185, 203, 204, 210, 216, 229, 230, 247, 253, 257, 277, 278, 284, 288, 290, 291, 314, 330, 342, 344, 366, 387, 405, 410, 417, 440, 468, 474, 485, 521, 535, 537, 564. Queens Grave, 285. Quintenocke, 282. Ragged Island, 156, 513. Rainshawes, 82. Ralphs, 169, 384, 397, 441, 511. Rappahannock, 311, 323, 353, 391, 396, 407, 423, 444, 467, 478, 494, 496, 512, 567. Rayes, 112, 503, 519. Repulse, 148, 265, 485. Reynolds, 82. Richards, 239, 433, 477, 508, 512. Rickahocke, 336, 366. Ridges, 514. Riggs, 240, 445. Robin, 308. Rolfes, 31, 89, 105. Rosegill, 181. Rosewell, 134, 142, 179, 180, 184, 215, 392. Rosiers, 288, 382, 449, 501. Roulstons, 182. Sack 453. Saffalls, 232, 300, 375, 423, 462. Salfords, 5, 10, 175. Salvadge, 222. Sanderland, 377, 384, 385, 495, 502. Sandersons, 205, 524. Sandy, 45, 66. Sandy Point, 160, 214, 272, 281, 383, 438. Savages, 23, 96, 169, 524. Scoggins, 252, 346, 395. Scotts, 382, 402, 459. Seasand, 141. Seawards, 118, 125, 126, 128, 147, 148, 158, 166, 168, 301, 346, 439. Sedgey, 159, 269. Seniors, 425. Seymes, 186. Shallo, 186. Sharps, 296, 383, 422. Shawes, 250. Shipp, 90. Sizemores, 95, 117, 137. Slaughters, 184, 257, 295, 504. Skeale, 518. Skeaths, 110, 242, 274, 495, 518. Skiffs, 14, 15, 17, 19, 366, 476. Skimeno, 214, 260, 262, 263, 264, 310, 422, 474, 517. Smarts, 315. Smiths, 238, 331, 445, 477, 508. Smith's Fort, 85, 152, 153, 176, 185, 225, 267, 271, 487. Snare, 152, 182, 565. Snow, 203, 347, 548. Southern, 456, 490. St. Andrew, 133, 153, 180, 222, 263, 479. St. Johns, 232, 260, 300, 303, 422, 461, 504. St. Michaels, 136, 152, 182. St. Stephens, 232, 507. Stokes, 133. Strattons, 179, 181, 186, 210, 330} 519. Stokelyes, 453. Sunderland, 190, 219, 237, 247, 257, 269, 277, 365, 370, 412, 432, 433, 496, 497. Sunken Marsh, 88. Swan, 195. Swan House, 19. Swaniscutts, 453. Swifte, 49, 59, 60, 81, 136, 137, 239, 273, 352, 499, 556. Swifte Round Aboute, 556. Symons, 280, 301. Tabb, 357, 437. Taberers, 466. Tamahun, 269. Tanks, 234, 272, 474. Tanks Pasbye Hayes, 43, 47, 58, 126. Tankes Cheskeyock, 131. Tanners 219, 242, 260, 284, 285, 286, 327, 329, 331, 415, 549, 553. General Index 625 Tappahannock, 98, 281. Tappin, 447. Tapscers, 209- Tarsantyan, 311, 368. Taskanock, 496. Tassiatums, 555. Taylors, 197, 280. Teages, 399. Thomaham, 182 . Thomasins, 518. Thomas, 11, 12. Timber, 452. Timber Neck, 120, 142, 147, 358, 393, 416, 496. Tidners, 230. Tigners, 197, 198, 319, 392, 430, 431. Tindalls, 126. Tomahack, 335. Tomahun, 335, 522. Tomkins, 169. Totopotomoyes, 229, 474, 477, 509, 514, 515, 558. Totoskey, 251, 273, 361, 362, 387, 392, 397, 408, 430, 433, 435, 440, 442, 443, 459, 460, 467, 468 ,470, 484, 486, 495, 497, 502, 505, 506, 514, 519, 520, 531, 545, 568. Townsends, 120, 271. Troublesome Point, 319. Tuckers, 331. Turkey Island, 64, 86, 88, 93, 120, 138, 167, 266, 405, 465. Turners, 135. Tyascan, 246, 323, 388, 515. Ulikins, 263. Upright, 227. Uteys, 22, 79, 82, 90, 91, 94, 117, 208, 270, 289, 296. Vassalls, 117. Venas, 206. Vincopo, 89. Virgoes, 17, 32, 140. Vulcan, 235, 280, 337, 349, 408, 460, 461. Waddis, 258. Waddy, 519. Wadeing, 190, 239, 243, 266, 281, 391, 398, 450, 457. Wadeing Madley, 189. Wading Muddy, 363. Wading Place, 449. Waire, 548. Walters, 326, 373, 490. Wards, 27, 37, 55, 72, 87, 138, 140, 144, 147, 152, 188, 201, 209, 286, 305, 314, 328, 354. Ware, 130, 167, 176, 181, 225, 254, 257, 268, 293, 317, 389, 393, 467, 489, 511, 515, 516, 531. Warrany, 83, 98, 107, 108, 167, 175, 181, 202, 212, 229, 240, 243, 246, 257, 323, 327, 342, 373, 379, 387, 388, 511, 540, 558. Warrens, 408. Warwick, 32, 124, 295, 336. Warwicksqueicke, 17, 25, 35, 41, 73. Waters, 4, 13, 44, 72, 158, 209, 258, 443. Watkins, 93, 130, 165. Weare, 336. Webbs, 464. Weeks, 217. Wellinge, 387. West's, 24, 30, 80, 92, 132, 136, 180, 189, 214, 220, 232, 243, 383. Whiptewasin, 560. Whitsapenny, 233, 401. Whitlocks, 397. Whites, 407. Whore Cock, 500, 515. Wiccocomico, 178, 206, 216, 309, 322, 331, 377, 395, 396, 398, 532. Williamsons, 443. Willing, 191, 192. Wipsewasin, 534. Wiscapanso, 30. Wiscoponson, 524. Wormeleys, 99, 122, 161, 164, 239, 215. Wrights, 21, 86, 132, 166, 170, 216, 375. Wyre, 293. Yeocomoco, 351, 372, 375, 381, 398, 486. Creese, Marg. 294. Creeton, Roger, 312. Creeye, Hugh 296. Creighton, Henry 402, 545. Cremer, Jno. 465. Crensher, Wm. 430. Crenson, Tho. 430. Cresby, Wm. 363. Cressy, James 450. Crestin, Charles 520. Creton, Hen. 466. Crew, Anne 279, Jon. 134, John 225, 406, 453, 512, Randall 95, 102, 122, 151, 177, 450, Randolph 83, 569, Rebecca 28, Roger 85, Tho. 406, 267. Crews, James 466, Mary 513, Mr. 429. Crich ,Rich. 42. Cricklock, Jon. 135. Crightoun, Henry 545. 626 Cavaliers and Pioneers Crillig, Jane, 431. Crimly, Robt. 452. Crippin, Kath. 32, 103. Cripps, Antho. 216, George 525, Kath. 32, 103, Marg. 195, Mary 190, Math. 212, 282, Mr. 149, 374, Wm. 240, Zachariah 13, 67, 72, 127, 151, 267, 308, 331, 349, 381, 533. Crispe, Anth. 481, Edmund 300, James 143, John 116, 142, Patrick 362, Thomas 425, Wm. 341. Crismass, John 203. Crisrall, David 194. Criste, Patrick 278. Crists, John 218. Crockell, Ja. 188. Crocker, Pascall 23, 68, Tho. 165. Croffa, Francis 338. Croffeild, Robt. 118. Croffs, Edmond 551. Croffts, Files 511. Croft, Jon. 35, 100, 525, Hen. 60. Crofts, Anne 236, Ja. 293, Jno. 559, Wm. 558. Croiney, Thomas 88. Croinly, Robt. 452. Croleham, Peter 319. Crome, Rich. 429. Cromp, Wm. 184. Crompe, Tho. 31, 83. Crompton, Arth. 510, Henry 190, Ralph 557, 568. Cromy, David 465. Cronall, Tho. 204. Crone, Jellian 389, Tho. 509, Wm. 509, 550. Croney, William 18. Crooke, Abra. 450, Ailce 190, Rich. 456, Tho. 534, Wm. 49, 185. Crookneck, Nico. 171. Croopp, Henry 185. Croper, Francis 381. Croply, John 277, Wm. 277, Xtoper. 453. Cropp, Tho. 31, 84. Croppage, Edw. 184. Crosbie, Mr. 231, 503. Crosby, Danl. 308, 348, 372, 373, 463, Gerrard 512, Hen. 31, 141, Nath. 376, Tho. 60, 78, 79, 121, Mr. 270. Croshall, Joseph 403. Croshaw, Joseph 62, 89, 92, 117, 122, 133, 142, 152, 166, 174, 178, 185, 204, 222, 227, 249, 250, 271, 288, 295, 308, 314, 359, 360, 361, 403, 510, Mr. 271, 415, Richd. 152, 188, 194, 222, 489. Croshaw, Maj. Joseph 440. Croshaw's Desire 122, 222. Croshaw's Extent 249, 297. Croshen, Wm. 73. Crosia, Joseph 67. Crosly, Mary 293. Crosman, Wm. 56. Cross, Emmanuel 294, Jane 183, Jno. 362, 568, Kath. 150, Nich. 147, Mary 428, Wm. 432. Crosse, Bartho. 349, Eliza. 200, 441, Jane 280, 285, Joane 193, Kath. 140, Peter 382. Crosser, An 545. Crossing, Eliz. 196. Crossland, Geo. 86. Crossman, Wm. 47. Crosticke, John 253, 316. Crostlewell, Debora 222. Crosyer, Fra. 309. Crotch, Susan 335. Crouch, Eliza. 276, Geo. 205, Math. 475, Nicholas 62, Richd. 312, Robt. 203, 301, 499, Thomas 367, 544, Wm. 29, 75, 76. Crouches, Thomas 180. Crough, 153. Crouncher, Tho. 487. Croutch, James 525, Thos. 98, 108, Wm. 75, 107. Crow, Henry 49, John 365, 468, Mary 363, 429, 484, 490, Rebecca 453, Tho. 466, Wm. 426, 468. Crowder, Tho. 316, 348. Crowelden, John 43. Crowell, Jane 228. Crowtch, Thomas 98. Croxon, Alice 42, 91, Fra. 222. Croynes Quarter 195 . Crucksance, Tho. 201. Crump, Anto. 524, Edw. 513, Giles 60, John 299, Tho. 309, Wm. 496, 506, 538, 556. Crumpe, Thomas 83, 285, 381, Wm. 336, 506. Crumpton, Robt. 552. Crumwell, Mary 321. Crust, Robert 390. Crusty, Mary 349. Cruthen, Hen. 198. Cruze, Tho. 440. Cubberton, Symon 431. Cuck, Edw. 454, Tho. 192. Cuckney, Henry 120. Cude, de Allin 121. Cuddens, Sara 198. Cuddington, Allin 280. Cuffin, David 325, Mary 336. General Index 627 Cugley, Daniell 23, John 25, Patrick 200. Culberton, Symon 431. Culgy, Toby 472. Cullaine, Kath. 281. Cullam, John 198. Culland, Math. 433. Cullin, Anne 366, Joane 139, 262, Kath. 332. Cullumbine, Rich. 23, 66. Cully, Cornelius 525. Culmer, Mathew 433, Thomas 326. Culpeper, Dennis 430, Henry 242, James 523, Jno. 171, 455, Robt. 430. Culverton, Jonathan 430. Cumber, John 122. Cummings, Nicholas 511. Cunagky, Ven. 307. Cunicott Path, 202. Cunningham, James 356, 435, Nehemiah 130, Wm. 39, 309, 381. Cunninghorm, Jon. 79. Cunny, Henry 121, James 275, Mary 296, 388, Saml. 508. Cuny, Geo. 362. Cupperwhaite, Tho. 30. Curant, Tho. 300. Curawoman, cliffs of 496, 512. Curby, Alice 47, Mary 507, Saml. 47, 74. Curd, Rich. 388. Cure, Thos. 250. Curdey, John 265. Cureday, Mary 224. Curet, Micha. 233. Curie, Joane 275, Tho. 479. Curies, 45, 54, 60, 87, 120, 121, 266. Curies, Tho. 470. Curly, Mary 507. Curman, Edw. 501. Curnock, Alice 250. Curr, John 210. Currant, Robert 50, 86. Curraway, John 155. Curratuck, 434. Curret, Mich. 164. Curry, Macum 329, 492, 511, Mary 296, 511. Curtain, Jno. 426 . Curtam, Jno. 468. Curteanceaw, Anne, Jacob, John Wm. 331. Curtice, Alice 126, Geo. 455. Curtis, Alice 179, Averilla 398, 407, 536. Curtis, Daniell 322, 441, Eliza. 23, 50, 86, 148, 195, George 554, Gyles 440, Joane 179, John 43, 47, 64, 78, 296, 334, 339, 371, 385, 391, 398, 407, 434, 451, 465, 466, 474, 481, 499, 567, Joseph 353, Major 407, 421, 536, Mary 441, 448, Mr. 258, 384, Robt. 451, Thomas 45, 49, 78, 82, 108, 131, 132, 141, 184, 261, 279, 337, 339, 345, 391, 398, 417, 423, Wm. 388. Cusens, Jno. 462, 556, Walter 540. Cusney, Jno. 436. Cuspe, Edmd. 227, 250, 300. Custipa 107. Custis, Hannah 443, John 251, 259, 264, 346, 353, 414, 419, 434, 552, Joseph 353, Mary 267, Richd. 286, Tho. 261, Wm. 360, 363. Cutchman, Thomas 66. Cute, John 206. CutfuII, Mary 431. Cutler, Chr. 76, James 452. Cutt, Capt. 533, Baker 282, Fra. 329, Wm. 457. Cutter, Fra. 314. Cutten, John 423. Cutterbrooke, Hen. 444. Cuttler, Tho. 300. Cutts, Baker 340, 389, Eliz. 340, 533, Mary 562, Jno. 501, Wm. 362. Cymber, Wm. 432. Daberton, Ann 240. Daby, John 432, Wm. 400. Dace, Richard 439. Dade, Mrs. 447. Dadson, Tho. 144. Daeman, John 149. Daid, Anth. 481. Daines, Samll. 450, Wm. 534, 560. Dakin, Tho. 362. Dakinn, Ann 382. Dakins, Gilbert 85, Mary 236. Dalahay, Sarah 60. Daldye, Geo. 244. Dale, Alex. 432, Ann 113, David 515, Edw. 137, Eliz. 13, 163, 181, 319, 414, Geo. 272, 273, Hump. 97, 185, Jno. 93, 246, Judith 246, 291, Lady 79, 130, Nicholas 91, 98, 113, 190, 206, 249, 497, 515; Thomas 3, 7, 8, 16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 45, 68, 81, 90, 163, 181, 190, 242, 249, 284, 322, 379, 392, 404, 414, 437, 515, 519, Robt. 230, 350, Roger 432, Walter 162. Daley, James 167. 628 Cavaliers and Pioneers Dallinge, Eliz. 388. Dallion, John 121. Dallison, Hen. 509, Tho. 352. Dally, Geo. 325, Tho. 567, Wm. 306. Dalma, Thomas 452. Dalnies, John 280. Dalston, James 553. Dalton, John 278. Dam, Eliza. 148. Dame, Hen. 459, Jane 260. Dameron, Lawr. 234, 258, 325, 332, 342, 364, 372, 449, 495. Dampen, Lancelott 113. Dampher, Alex. 246. Damsies, Rich. 369. Damson, Jon. 134. Damster, James 445. Damsy, Amosse 428. Dan, Jno. 475. Danah, Finniell 384. Danance, Richard 182. Danbury, Stephen 204. Danby, Giles 444, Ralph 349. Danceing Place, the 224. Dancey, John 126, 133. Dancfeild, Xph. 352. Dancy, John 45, 133, 464. Dandall, Gregory 200. Dane, Eustace 264, Tho. 216, Yorath 45. Daney, Richd. 108, 525. Dangerfeild, Jno. 567. Dangle, Thomas 33. Daniel, Roger 294, Tho. 225, Walter 249. Daniell, Adam 282, Alex. 307, Benj. 558, Edwd. 43, 82, 155, Eliz. 33, Henry, 33, 97, 275, 285, Jeff. 551, John 139, 178, 186, 249, 427, 482, 536, Mr. 357, Oliver 281, Tho. 185, 257, 348, 517, 518, 521, Walter 50, Wm. 284, 358, 363. Daniels, Danll. 230. Danielson, Marg. 202. Danister, James 197. Danks, Walter 307. Danne, Anne 215. Danning, Richd. 200. Danry, Rich. 525. Danse, Jno. 345. Dansey, Alice 43, John 42, 58, 74, 88, 97, 99, 295. Dansy, John 125. Dansye, John 4. Danvers, John Sir 57. Danvires, Jno. 453. Dany, Eliz. 291, John 241. Darby, Ann 195, Edward 364, Henry 307, John 520, 532, Sibilla 507, Tho. 24. Darbye, Jno. 80, 451. Dareing, Richd. 176. Darken, Jno. 390. Darkeny, John 374. Darker, Tho. 263. Darkwell, Patience 523. Daricutt, Robt. 114. Darie, John 117. Darley, Tho. 363. Darling, Dorothy 166, Richd. 125, Ruth 295, 340. Darlins, Davy, 404. Darly, Jno. 532. Darnely, Wm. 25. Darrell, Thomas 375. Darrington, Wm. 252. Darrow, Anne 259, Tho. 259, 287, 473. Darry, Edw. 349, Eliz. 370. Darsay, Jno. 382. Darson, Jonathan, 88. Dart, Robt. 350. Dary, John 110, Lawr. 293. Daser, Ann 428. Dasker, Tho. 263. Dasvie, John 160. Daton, Margt. 172. Datrill, Robt. 404. Daubles, Thomas 446. Dauby, Ralph 349. Daughly, Edw. 279. Daukes, Walter 78, 307. Daulding, Mary 209. Dauncy, Tho. 388. Daurnport, Hannah 194. Dause, Jno. 345. Dauson, Richd. 278. Dauter, Eliz. 78. Daux, Wat. 491, Wm. 59. Davey, Richard 108. David, Evan 125, Henry 333, Jon. 34, John 311, Rice 355, Richard 322, Robt. 331, Runberen 312, Thomas 326, 489, Wm. 178, 311, 312. Davie, Hugh 93, John 92, 117. Davies, Eliz. 545, 548, Evan 247, 545, 568, Henry 569, James 230, John 226, 347, 470, 548, Robt. 523, 545, 568, Sarah 531, Tho. 162, 375, 517, Wm. 227, 527. Davis, Alex. 273, 392, 403, 565, And. 397, Ann 154, Anth. 485, David 97, 275, 566, Dorothy 47, Edw. 301, 383, 525, 557, 563, Eliz. 85, 131, 137, 196, 204, 323, 405, Ellinor 380, Evan General Index 629 144, 245, 256, 257, 269, 277, 370, 381, 422, 432, 442, 475, 476, 478, 497, 527, 563, 564, 568, Fra. 324, Geo. 285, 568, Grace 213, 322, 334, Griffith 171, Henry 164, 346, 436, 441, 477, 487, 526, 550, Hester 551, Hopkin 260, Hugh 348, 351, 422, James 17, 99, 123, 192, 208, 210, 215, 216, 230, 302, 349, 351, Jane 107, 212, 218, 567, 283, 286, Joane 40, 63, 336, John 25, 35, 45, 52, 59, 64, 65, 69, 82, 84, 92, 98, 107, 111, 112, 123, 138, 144, 152, 166, 170, 172, 174, 180, 183, 190, 206, 207, 208, 213, 220, 222, 278, 344, 359, 383, 386, 393, 403, 427, 466, 495, 470, 530, 547, 553, Jon. 47, 137, 141, 143, 236, 237, Jone 516, Justin 178, Kath. 280, Lawr. 205, 319, Lewis 502, Luce 266, Lucy 513, Margt. 138, 196, 197, 237, 355, 358, 438, Maud- lin 397, Mary 87, 138, 180, 205, 515, 241, 249, 282, 383, 394, 517, Mor- gan 190, 269, Mr. 158, 446, 474, Nicho. 112, 178, 208, Owen 185, 219, 369, 513, Rachell 17, Rice 26, 63, 176, 355, Richd. 23, 153, 177, 195, 258, 264, 265, 267, 304, 322, 348, 366, 394, 399, 469, 511, Robt. 44, 83, 95, 116, 121, 136, 140, 147, 177, 235, 348, 381, 430, 431, 472, 482, 523, Roger 87, 95, 117, 562, Sabina 265, 304, Samll. 133, 137, 165, 404, 426, 427, Sarah 306, Tho. 6, 17, 28, 57, 67, 73, 76, 94, 101, 104, 116, 119, 140, 146, 150, 156, 158, 162, 163, 174, 188, 200, 209, 221, 223, 230, 236, 244, 252, 283, 287, 298, 315, 342, 357, 364, 373, 382, 393, 394, 398, 426, 443, 450, 490, 528, 552, Walter 25, William 16, 25, 28, 33, 69, 82, 108, 112, 143, 160, 195, 213, 214, 236, 240, 344, 263, 308, 315, 317, 336, 351, 367, 373, 405, 446, 551, Xpher. 427. Davenall, Wm. 564. Davenant, Jno. 378. Davenport, Ann 56, 366, Edw. 148, Hannah 194. Davidson, Charles 376. Davison, Jon. 134, Patrick 351. Davsell, Eliz. 314. Davye, Rich. 117. Davyes, Thomas 451. Davys, John 165. Daw, George 327. Dawbee, Nich. 160. Dawber, Edmond 141, 238, 243, 462, Edw. 220. Dawbigg, Ralph 254. Dawby, Eliz. 151, Jno. 151, Lawr. 253, 259. Dawcey,Ann 112,Christo. 112, Mary 112- Dawe, An. 392, John 392. Dawes, Ailce 192, Jno. 454, Rob. 331. Dawkin, Eliz. 302. Dawkes, Henry 15, 32, 103, Jno. 485, Wm. 15, 18, 19, 36, 40. Dawling, Cor. 299, Jno. 558. Dawsey, Arthur 431, Chr. 50, 112. Dawson, Ann 54, Edw. 199, 315, Georg 144, 502, Henry 372, Jane 196, 376, John 73, 134, 204, 300, Jonathan 41, Marke 446, Owen 19, Tho. 29, 101, 520, Wm. 35, 60, 116, 270, 466, 538, 516. Dawsy, Wm. 458. Dawtres, John 28. Day, Elianor 77, Eliz. 236, 519, Geo. 190, 195, 228, 388, Henry 282, 311, Jon. 21, John 41, 249, 265, 278, 308, 311, 343, 416, 417, 515, Lewis 515, Margery 311, Mary 304, Richd. 100, 182, 311, Robt. 486, 546, Tho. 272. Dayes, James 139, John 116. Daynes, John 268, Wm. 160. Dayson, Susan 307. Deacon, Gilbert 323, Martha 35, 59, Mr. 170, Thomas 53, 114, 135, Tri- phany 309, Wm. 309. Deadman, Henry 191, 245, 308. Deakes, Wm. 98. Deane, Alice 261, 305, 338, Elinor 152, Eliz. 115, Francis 563, John 43, John 404, Joseph 16, Mary 276, 289, Nath. 35, 100, Nich. 290, Rich. 22, 85, 113, 289, Tho. 184, 200, 205, Wm. 59, 141, 291, 558. Deaning, Kath. 242. Deany, Ann 192. Dear, John 304. Deare, Joseph 81, Wm. 254. Deareham, Tho. 466. Dearing, Kath. 242, Sam. 517. Dearelove, Isaak 445, Martha 445. Deason, Tho. 51. Death, Eliz. 125, Francis 220, Peter 73, Richard 80, 125, 169, Susan 125. Deaton, Wm. 217. Debany, Cornelius 514, 558. Debar, John 228, 234, 297, 358, 489, Peeter 167. Debnam, Wm. 39, 135, 223, 250, 258, 402. 630 Cavaliers and Pioneers Debney, Cornelius 558. Debford, John 429. Debton, Margarett 326. Deby, Robt. 184. De Carvalco, Saliman 181. Dedewate, Richd. 283. Dedman, John 392. Dee, Jon. 23, 66. Deepe, Jane 374, Deere, Tho. 493. Deering, Edm. 245, Thomas 92. Deford, Francis 558, 562. Degaris, Elias 150. Degens, Bastian 283. Dehall, Vincent 52. Dehull, Cornelius 52. Deines, John 122, Wm. 243. Deins, Sam. 501. Delabeere, Richard 85, 323. Delahay, Gringall 60, Thomas 439. Delamajor, Thomas 13. Delamde, Mareen 154. Delanmundayes, Mareene 116. Delaware, Essay 78, San. 430. Delayhaye, Gringall 129. Delf, Thomas 311. Delfe, Ann 455. Delke, Alice 29, 53, 70, 160, Clemt. 539, Roger 53, 70, 497, Tho. 496. Dell, Martha 468, 475, 476. Dellony, John 304, 364. Delonie, Gozen 467, 468. Delpha, Phill. 240. Delton, Margarett 326, 337. Delue, Ann 349, 376. Deluke, Sam. 385. Delumaine, Alex. 311. Delvis, Alice 129. Demacheto, Christian 147. Demaley, John 314. Demecry, Ann 195. Dement, Giles 440, 535, 563. Demerense, Domingo 459. Demey, Geo. 290, Joan 290. Demond, Martin 102. Demount, George 541. Dempton. Mary 530. Demor, Tho. 476. Demson, Rowland 119. Demster, Wm. 293, 362. Denamere, 291. Denbie, 26. Denbv. Denis 433, Margt. 389, Wm. 362, 442, 568. Denchfeild, Jeffery 148. Dendy, John 245. Denellin, Mary 325, Tho. 325. Denham, Tho. 153, Walter 287, Wm. 31, 59, 85, 121. Denis, Sam. 501. Denison, Humph. 208. Denly, Denis 433. Denman, Ellice 318. Denmarke, Fr. 50. Denn, Christ. 75. Denne, Roger 369. Denners, Lewis 568. Dennes, Humph. 120, John 110. Dennett, Jane 468, James 207, John 25, 30, 66, 79, 114, 232, Richd. 253, Robert 378, Tho. 464, 568. Dennington, Oliver 50, 86, Thos. 182. Dennis, Ann 195, 233, Arthur 341, Barberry 183, Christian 388, Edw. 383, 541, Henry 430, 468, Humph. 303, Joane 267, John 23, 46, 51, 183, 184 211, 288, 289, 295, 330, 418, 467, Moore 455, Morris 455, Peter 427, 428, Richard 330, 513, Robt. 383, Shela 296, Tonnoth 353, 356, Wm. 210, 324, 562, Xpo. 217. Dennison, Charles 558. Denny, Abile 448, Adam 371, Daniell 559, Jane 351, John 353. Denoson, John 204. Denoware, Fran. 479. Dense, Edw. 303. Denson, Row. 427, Wm. 85, 277, 356, 464, 473, 480. Densby, Wm. 197. Densy, John 356. Dent, Eliza. 148, John 558, Robt. 546. Denton, George 546, Henrick 378, John 195, 553. Denwood, Danll. 331, Lewin 43, Lev- inge 163, 164, 194, 199. Depoma, Lewis 32. Deplace, Francis 358. Depthford, Jno. 363. Deratt, Chas. 140. Derickson, Peter 294. Derrell, Mary 302. Derrick, Francis 111, 113, Tho. 344. Derrowe, Jno. 356. Derry, Orsell 328, Robt. 30. Deryell, Joseph 307. Deske, Tho. 496. Devarr, George 369. Devall, John 138. Davedon, Kath. 514. Devell, Geo. 309. Devenith, Jno. 450. Deverell, George 10. Deviding, the 511. General Index 631 Devill's Den, the 456. Devine, Mary 255. Devonshire, Bartho. 525. Devorax, Jon. 233. Dew, Eliz. 430, 441, Fardinando 430, Hannah 403, 526, 527, Johna. 517, 528, Jno. 441, 517, Saml. 441, Tho. 105, 118, 119, 122, 141, 150, 151. Dewe, Tho. 56, 95, 116, 118. Dewes, Nicho. 347. Deweex ,David 129. Dewill, Wm. 526. Dewitt, Jacob 65. Dewse, Mary 196. Dexton, Ellinor 241. Dey, Elinor 53, John 447. Deynes, Phillis 160, Tho. 303, Wm. 160, 243, 385. Deyonge, John 387. Deyoung, John 514. Diamant, Katherine 519. Diap, James 430. Dias, Thomas 546. Dibbin, John 348, Mary 348. Dibbins, Rchd. 209, 263. Dibdal, Joane 387, John 244, 287, 387, 543, Sarah 276. Diccars, Doro. 467. Dice, Geo. 352. Diche, Tho. 452. Dichfeild, Ann 499. Dick, Jeris 75, James 218, Jno. 510. Dickens, Wm. 150. Dickenson, Eliz. 335, Giles 283, Jeri- miah 45, 83, 86, 107, Jeremy 303, Tho. 530, Walter 304, 313, 350, 386, 431, 519, Wm. 21. Dicker, Edward 95. Dickes, Eliza. 81, Isaac 482, Wm. 76, 472. Dickerson, Jerimiah 104, 159, John 286, 483, 551, Lidia 559, Peter 7, Walter 424, 503. Dickey, Danll. 196. Dickens, Danl. 404. Dickinson, Andrew 162, Antho. 126, Griffith 335, Jeremy 159, 189, 211, John 190, 258, 425, Wm. 156. Dickors, Mary 214. Dicks, Edw. 178. Dickson, Christian 164, Richd. 164, Tho. 103, 362, 370. Diddicutt, James 444. Dier, John 262, Robt. 520. Difneth, John 425. Digby, Ann 514, Edw. 199, Fra. 514, Jno. 514, Robert 359, 514. Digg, Edw. 209, Maurice 554, Samll. 209. Diggs, Edward 214, 236, 243, 305, 307, 316, 321, 328, 343, 372, 376, 388, 496, 541, 555, Edmond 321, Mr. 281, 347, 379, 392, 417, Richd. 156, Squire 317. Diggs' Hundred, 105. Digwell, Nich. 133. Dike, Jno. 509, 545. Dile, Dorothy 184. Dilke, Clement 8, 9, 11, 12, 114, Eliza- beth 9. Dillard, Geo. 195, 541, 259. Dilloe, Tho. 63. Dilton, Geo. 458. Diminge, Richd. 178. Dimock, Martin 60. Dimon, Ann 507. Dincock, Jno. 455. Dine, Luke 491. Dinely, John 510. Dines, Wm. 552. Ding, Jno. 517. Dinglas, Wm. 262. Dingley, Wm. 289, 293, 562. Dining, Richard 69. Dinsdale, Thos. 118. Dinty, John 207. Dios, Thomas 499, 512, 544, 546. Dipdall, John 250. Dipnell's Landing, 439. Dipple, Jon. 53. Dirbishire, Rchd. 532. Discon, Jno. 515. Dissey, Tho. 347. Dison, Tho. 276. Diston, Tho. 496. Ditch, Andrew 158, Eliza. 196. Dittford, Eliz. 493. Ditty, Edw. 391, Wm. 268, .503. Dittye, Wm. 228. Dix, Hen. 78, Jon. 134. Dixon, Adam 8, Ambrose 184, 259, 264, 411, Ann 8, 304, Christo. 43, 101,Eliz. 8, 318, Geo. 145, Hannah 350, Izabella 111, John 102, 341, 448, Luke 318, Mary 259, Math. 97, Miles 343, 344, 391, 408, 437, 533, Mr. 131, Rich. 41, 194, 230, 542, Robt. 457, Tho. 241, 352, Wm. 137, 239, 363, 384. Dixson, John 304, Nicho. 165, 180. Dizen, Jno. 475. Dobbins, Richd. 223, 359, 390, 444. Dobbs, James 268. Dobby, John 225. 632 Cavaliers and Pioneers Dobday, Kath. 387. Dobins, Alice 58, Richd. 440. Dobman, John 449. Dobson, Edward 98, 149, 250, 416, Elizab. 275, 516, John 274, 561, Richd. 147, Saml. 341, Seth 429. Doby, Anne 286. Dockstone, Jno. 569. Doctors: 3, 10, 15, 154, 182, 265, 268, '302, 322, 331, 340, 382, 394, 396, 412, 426, 460, 473, 525, 526, 558. Dodberye, Eliz. 250. Dodd, Jon. 138, 384, 444, Tho. 141. Dodford, Rich. 430, 484, Tho. 243, 260, 328. Dodman, John 28, 81, 392. Dodridge, Jarvis 501. Dods, Ann 504. Dodsley, Tho. 146. Dodson, Ann 258. Benj. 29, Gervase 205, 206, 235, 236, 256, 292, 308, 315, 332, 343, 362, 371, 372, 373, 381, 382, 384, 392, 400, 422, 436, 460, 462, 463, 470, 471, 486, 488, 490, 517,Isabella 517, Jarvis 236, 333, Jeremy 308, Tho. 383, 404, 462, 556, Wm. 516, 447. Doe, Jane 324, Jno. 24, 54, 389, Ral. 261, Ralph 305. Doeby, Ann 264. Doeggs Cleare Ground, the 558. Doegood, Job. 538. Doegs, the 365, Plantation 293. Doemy, Joseph 432. Doffell, Nicholas 559. Doge, David 199. Dogwood Spring, 530. Doine, Anthony 360. Dolbey, Edw. 434. Dolbin, John 119, Kath. 427. Dolby, Jon. 134, Jno. 455. Dolding, Wm. 485. Dole, Judith 405. Dolivell, Eliz. 378. Doll, Benj. (Negro) 335. Dollar, Mary 205. Dollatree, Jonathan 523. Dolle, Richard 378. Doller, Dan. 212, Geo. 281. Dollert, Andrew 560. Dollin, Wm. 143. Dollings, Tho. 390. Dolly, Wm. 379. Dolman, Francis 536. Dolphenby, Rchard 10. Dolson, Andrew 179. Doltie, Owen 110. Dolton, Jno. 270, 284, Wm. 403, 547. Domellaws, Richd. 158. Donart, David 247. Donaway, Step. 293. Doncomb, John 527. Done, William 144. Donell, Moragha 307, Walter 291. Doney, Antho. 279, 333, 561. Donibell, Margery 242. Donington, Thomas 457. Donir, Timothy 369. Donkaster, Ann 428. Donn, Arthur 149, 507, Clement 121, Joan 446. Donne, Geo. 119, John 245, Richd. 115. Donned, Arth. 172. Donnell, James 248, 291, Margarett 375. Donniell, Tho. 253. Donnings, Geo. 139. Donoh, Xpher. 327. Donouge, Roger 306. Donson, Mary 252, Wm. 252. Dony, Antho. 411. Doobees, Jon. 93. Doodinge, Hugh 284, Thomas 369. Dooly, Ann 412. Doone, Danl. 287. Doore, Robert 391. Dorcestor, Mary 512. Dorcye, Wm. 250. Dordon, Step. 244. Dorefeild, Richd. 431. Dorfeild, Robt. 272, 276, 293, Wm. 293. Dorgle, Christo. 269. Dorillios, Solomon 26. Dorman, John 172, 324, 326, 414, 418, Mrs. 548, Mr. 343, Peter 268, Richard 319, Sarah 326, Wm. 91. Dormer, Wllam 317. Dome, John 199. Dorr, Thomas 394. Dorrant, John 386. Dorrell, Tho. 462, Wm. 144. Dorrington, Richd. 493. Dorrow, Thomas 332, 373, 395, 396. Dorsett, Jon. 147. Dorsey, Edw. 170, 274. Dorwin, Tho. 171. Dorwood, Tho. 351. Dory, Robt. 442. Dotson, Abra. 483. Dotton, Mary 543. Doubte, Sampson 47. Doubty, Mary 78. Doudinge, Hugh 278. General Index 633 Douer, Edward 558. Douin, Martin 77. Douges land, the 296. Doughert, David 312. Doughting, Jane 426, 427. Doughty, Eliz. 465, 483, Mary 461. Douglace, Edward 360. Douglas, Archeball 262, Edw. 181, 226, 414, John 326. Dounman, Wm. 186. Doune, Clement 111. Douse, Barbara 179. Dove, John 100, 144. Dover, Edward 558, Pru. 189, Timo. 219. Dowd, Rich. 525, Tho. 338. Dowdin, Sarah 376. Dowding, Hugh 417. Dowdy Hugh 312, Jno. 345, 553. Downeinge, William 359, 494. Dowen, Robt. 171. Dowey, Anthony 561. Dowglas, Edw. 344, Wm. 311. Dowglass, Capt. 319, Dan. 314, Edw. 163. Downie, Ferd. 375. Dowinge, Susan 261. Dowland, Edm. 302, Pet. 208. Dowling, Fr. 144. Downe, Jervas 483, Jno. 476, Tho. 198, Widow 383. Downer, Fra. 324, Jane 324, Henry 302, Richd. 528, Rob. 324. Downes, Alex. 180, Arthur 354, Edw. 490, Fard. 425, 467, Feild 173, Fr. 93, Fred. 468, Geo. 18, 34, 94, 98, James 561, John 198, 431, Jane 323, Joyce 316, Eustace 60, Mary 285, Richd. 116, 248, Tho. 563, Walter 62, Watkin 152, William 69, 131. Downham, John 5, 557, Wm. 558. Downing, Anne 264, 270, Enoch 219, Richd. 192, 240, Wm. 166, 409, 522, 531. Downinge, Geo. 268, Wm. 210, 385, 390. Downman, Cressell 290, Zach. 290, Wm. 186. Dowridge, Susan 338. Dowrigg, Susan 286. Dowring, Susan 305. Dowry, John 294. Dowse, Ann 303, Chas. 143, Kath. 83, 104. Dowseby, Eliz. 361. Dowson, Georg 144, Gilbert 40, 68. Downton, John 309. Doyley, Jno. 456. Doza, John 322. Dracott, Wm. 137. Draiton, John 301, Mr. 353. Drake, Ann 90, Eliz. 46, James 114, Joane 46, John 57, Robt. 46. Drakford, Ann 429, Wm. 429. Drana, Mary 514. Drap, John 282, Richd. 302, Robt. 269. Draper, Alex. 4l4, Hen. 192, James 273, 313, 456, Jane 313, John 34, 367, 456, 524, Mary 292, Robt. 4, 134, 269, 450, Roger 553, Wm. 450. Drapp, James 181. Draton, John 301. Dratt, Anth. 143. Drawater, Ann 58. Drawter, Ann 29. Dray, Wm. 253. Drayton, 21. Drayton, John 301, 371, 458, 474, Mr. 294. Draywood, Tho. 80. Dreaton, Jon. 137. Drew, Edward 46, 74, 106, 117, 170, 171, Henry 31, Hugh 232, Jon. 138, Jonathan 536, Mary 170, Mr. 77, 147, Richd. 232, Symon 102, 520, Tho. 190, 201, 203, 347, Thomasin 181, Wm. 43. Drewe, John 354, Richard 369, William 360. Drewer, Joseph 107. Drewett, John 144. Drewry, Abigail 112, Robt. 97. Drewrye, Alice 75. Drinckwater, David 199. Dringe, Jno. 342. Drinker, Tho. 323. Drinkwater, Fra. 399, Jon. 78, John 257, 559, Mary 559. Drinking Place, the 493. Drischell, James 534. Driver, Giles 365, Hanah 525, Jane 188, Tho. 450. Drokee, land of 225. Dromer, John 404. Drone, Richd. 324, Tho. 212. Drongold, Peter 262. Drooyt, Elizabeth 313. Drothers, Brigett 528. Drout, Tho. 282. Drove, Tho. 212. Dru, Mary 294, Wm. 299. Drue, Edward 434, Richd. 152, Toma- zin 273. Druell, Mary 250. 634 Cavaliers and Pioneers Druen, Martha 514. Druery, Mary 265. Druett, Oliver 481, 499. Druit, Chas. 501, Wm. 178. Drummen, John 276. Drummer, John 307. Drummond, Sarah 560, Will. 403, Wm. 124, 400. Drumon, Jno. 388. Drumond, William 58, 177. Drunkee, Patrk. 404. Drunkin, John 342. Drurey, Chas. 257. Drury, Charles 539, Eliz. 235, Robert 425, Susan 439, Wm. 482. Druryford, James 482. Dry, Edw. 294, John 425. Drye, Wm. 294. Dryhurst, Thomas 13. Dryver, Gles 319, John 298. Dubb, Jno. 430. Duber, Eliz. 326. Dubes, Anne 266. Duble, Walter 454. Dubte, Walter 454. Duce, Wm. 359. Duch, Jon. 78. Duck, Ri. 554. Ducke, W., 116. Ducket, John 171, 333. Duckett, James 429, John 77, 551, Robt. 389. Duckley, Luce 120. Dudifer, Anne 191, John 191. Dudley, Ben. 212, Richd. 258, 261, 391, 500, Wm. 223, 247, 277, 345, 423. Dudly, Edward 56, James 456, Jno. 567, Mary 567, Richd. 238, 528, Symon 525, Wm. 474, 498, 557. Due, Anthony 528, Hanah 565, 566, Hany 525, Martha 525. Duell, Georg 367, Thomas 316. Duewood, Leving 129. Duffle, John 378. Duffeild, Eliz. 566. Duffell, James 201, Susan 388. Dugdale, Benj. 118. Dugen, Jno. 459. Dugg, Robt. 27. Duglas, Thomas 544. Duglass, Geo. 198, Jam. 198, Tho. 198. Dugort, Sarah 2'78. Dugrace, Doll. 543. Duke, Geo. 171, James 493. Dukes, Jone 390, Samll. 205. Dukenson, Giles 283. Dukeson, Jno. 551. Dule, Jno. 344, Peter 459, Tho. 452. Dum, William 16. Dumott, Francis 567. Dun, Walter 352. Dun out of the moier, 49, 93. Dunbar, An. 404, Wm. 196. Dunbarr, Alexr. 301. Dunberbeach, Elianor 25. Dunce, Tho. 403. Dunckley, Edward 97. Duncomb, James 553, Roger 454, Tho. 297. Duncombe, Alex. 363, John 61, Tho. 250. Duncome, Jon. 51. Dunell, Francis 89. Dunery, John 177. Dunham, Robt. 199, Tho. 206. Duning, Richd. 35, 200, 203, Sara 200. Duninge, Richd. 267, Tho. 375. Dunington, Mich. 216, Tho. 256. Dunkerdun, Tho. 496. Dunketon, Thos. 229. Dunkey, Peter 356. Dunkin, James 248, Jane 443. Dunn, Daniell 373, Robt. 190, Tho. 381, 383, 456. Dunne, Arthur 313, Chas. 383, Tho. 208. Dunnidge, John 339. Dunning, Hen. 459. Dunningham, Rich. 28. Dunnings, Geo. 141. Dunnum, Henry 448. Dunrich, Ellis 196, John 196. Dunridge, Ellis 75. Dunstan, Master 187, Peter 200, Wm. 189. Dunstand, Peleg 511. Dunster, Henry 482, Tobias 425. Dunston, Andrew 253, Cicely 40, 109, John 40, 48, 94, 109, 111, Mary 444, Ralph 340, William 316, 363. Dunthorne, Elizabeth 6, Thomas 6. Dunton, Tho. 169, 285. Dupen, James 138. Duram, Geo. 492. Duran, John 302 . Durand, Wm. 23, 66, 114, 190, 193. Durant, An. 543, George 442, 543, Ja. 198, Richd. 159, Tho. 297, 300, 403, Wm. 109, 139. Durden, Stephen 189. Dureing, Honor. 256. Durford, Wllam 84. Durham, Elizabeth 314, Jno. 369. During, Richard 69. General Index 635 Durish, Francis 100. Durly, Thomas 546. Durner, Robt. 403. Durrant, Richard 30, 162. Durren, John 264. Durrington, Richard 145. Durwell, Fra. 253, 316. Dutch, Robt. 156. Dutchfeild, Eliz. 291. Dutchman, a 382. Dutton, Debora 277, Dorothy 301, Henry 543, James 543. Dyamond, Eliz. 196. Dyar, Tho. 243. Dyas, John 131. Dyascun, 505. Dycott, Robt. 298. Dye, Eliz. 554, John 322, 454, 554, Margtt. 554, Robt. 74, 204, 232, Sarah 554. Dyer, Ann 146, David 283, Geo. 460, John 22, 164, 328, 539, Richard 212, Tho. 118, 218, 280, 387, 401, 473, Wm. 287, 415, 528, 538. Dyers, John 322, Mary 322, Richd. 322. Dymont, Edw. 251. Dyner, Thos. 23. Dyon, Wm. 188. Dyos, Thos. 133, 492, 499, 512, 563. Dyres, Samll. 516. Eacerman, Edm. 444. Eackatoncke, 491. Eadly, Ambrose 69. Eager, Alex. 198, Tho. 143. Eagle, Geo. 29, Walter 453. Eagles Nest, the 136, 564. Eailes, Wm. 281. Eaines, Wm. 492. Eale, Samll. 490. Eales, Sylvester 431. Ealerye, Emerie 77. Earle, John 162, 185, 198, 235, 246, 251, 266, 295, 317, 319, 325, 379, 380, 400, 420, 487, 491, 503, Mary 266, Symon 565, Wm. 281, 391. Earlsby, Wm. 297. Earsby, Wm. 297. Eartes, Joane 132. Easill, Christ. 68. Eason, Edward 68, Wm. 479, 543. East, Clement 105, Edw. 232, Henry 245, Joane 438, 444, 512, 546, 547, Mu. 525, Tho. 137, Wm. 86, 144, 276. Eastcote, Jon. 25, Martha 552. Eastern, Dor. 242. Easthop, Brid. 291. Easter, Wm. 511. Easterfeild, Lyd. 291, 330. Eastern Shoare 7, 9, 13, 20, 30, 75, 371, Kng of the 30, 75. Eastindian 24, 54. Eastland, Jno. 450. Easton, John 266. Eastwood, Edward 4, Richd. 128. Easy, Geo. 454. Eatere, John 185. Eaton, Barnaby, 422, Eliz. 338, 388, Fra. 291, Geo. 193, 214, 215, 236, 297, 312, 315, 318, 419, 423, 436, Henry 82, Jacob 554, John 144, 215, 312, 315, Mr. 27, 175, 209, Nathl. 28, 135, 174, 269, Peter 63, 126, Richd. 362, 461, 463, Sam. 31, Thomas 21, 85, 186, Tristrum 556, Wm. 264, 291, Winifred 249, Wm. 360, 513. Eaworth, Mary 25. Eay, Richard 528. Ebbell, Eliz. 177. Ebernathell, Robt. 268. Eberomy, Gartwragh 176. Ebnes, Wm. 222. Ebourne, Wm. 267. Ecalfe, Tho. 546. Eccles, Richd. 254, Sylvester 431. Echoll, Joyce 267. Edan, Mary 286. Edden, John 136. Edderman, Margt. 384. Eddon, Mary 264. Eddow, Mary 264. Edenborough 58. Edes, Alice 32, Eliza. 96, Jeremy 213, Jno. 324, Martha 439, Sarah 536, Tho. 323, Wm. 439, 458. Edee, Xpr. 548. Edey, Himph 236, 329. Edgar, Chas. 138, Mary 265. Edger, John 429, 484, Mary 286. Edge, Henry 367, Robt. 493, Tho. 62, 222, 229. Edgecomb, John 162, 237, 359, 390, 433, Tho. 370. Edgerton, Charles 518. Edghill, Thomas 73. Edicke, Sarah 380. Ediford, Wm. 147. Edin, John 92. Edins, Eliz. 479. Edley, Jno. 450, Wm. 450. Edlington, Jno. 511. Edrop, Noah 546. 636 Cavaliers and Pioneers Edloe, Alice 40, 52, 59, 61, 64, 86, 97, 148, 547, Capt. 233, 323, 447, Major 449, Mathew 59, 88, 154, 471, 491, Mrs. 113. Edmonds, Ann 89, 107, 113, Chas. 249, 254, 299, 317, 342, 347, 360, 386, 392, 422, 433, 470, 489, 505, 538, Edm. 176, 374, Ellyas 191, 192,228, 259, 506, Everd 564, Geo. 429, 484, 490, Howell 60, Hugh 520, Isaack 449, 559, Jane 525, Job 326, Jeremy 433, John 7, 463, Samll. 39, 73, 87, 97, 159,Susan 403, Thos. 315, 449, 525, Wni. 192, 375, 426, 467, 468, 525. Ednall, Edwd. 82. Edom, Eliz. 353. Edridge, Mary 562. Edsonne, Francis 58. Edwards, Alex. 554, Alice 171, Amy 322, Andrew 111, 182, Bartho. 453, Christo. 109, 116, David 452, Doro- thy 176, Dr. 526, Edmond 88, Eliz. 123, 528, Ellen 92, Faith 557, George 433, Henry 217, 218, 225, 244, 329, 413, Hugh 257, Humph. 34, 195, 453, Isaak 538, James 196, Jane 466, 558, Jenkins 248, Jon. 33, John 101, 128, 173, 228, 244, 248, 255, 260, 283, 296, 350, 359, 374, 403, 409, 415, 437, 462, 467, 513, 522, 525, 530, 531, 541, 548, 562, 565, 569, Margt. 296, 300, 481, Mary 167, 238, 244, 266, 296, 308, 364, 374, 412, Merrick 558, Mr. 231, 340, 365, Nathl. 539, Nathan 559, Peeter 350, 564, Rebecca 118, Rich. 58, 61, Robt. 118, 148, 476, 519, 548, Saml. 133, Seth. 348, 397, Susan 444, 554, 562, Thomas 74, 89, 107, 110, 113, 261, 273, 288, 405, 411, 525, 548, Walter 178, 559, Wm. 22, 29, 47, 133, 143, 149, 156, 160, 176, 177, 202, 203, 245, 250, 253, 262, 311, 353, 355, 385, 415, 433, 442, 468, 524, 525, 554, Xpher. 89. Edwardson, Jno. 467. Edwin, James 128, Susan 559, Thomas 128, Wm. 359. Edy, Xpher. 385. Eeds, Alice 103. Eells, John 328. Efface, Zach. 384. Efford, Mr. 490, 521, Peter 310, 405, Tho. 395. Egberow, Wm. 170. Egborough, Wm. 189. Egbourne, Wm. 198. Egbrougn, Wm. 198, 283. Egg, Joane 446. Eggerly, Tho. 446. Eggerton, Henr* 377, 406. Eggleston, Arthur 23, Jon. 242, Richd. 228, 294, 304, 428, 465. Egleston, Hugh 344, Richd. 56, Roger 546. Eison, Ncho. 253. Ekin, Jam. 352. Ekine, Hen. 366. Elaerton, Eliz. 427. Elam, Ann 262, Robert 106, 157, 262, 465, 323. Elay, Lancelott 231, 340. Elberry, William 16. Elcher, Henry 314. Elcocke, Joane 284, John 219, 254, 349. Elder, Wm. 430. Elderwell, Eliz. 223. Eldon, Ann 441. Eldridge, Debo. 255, Elder 388. Eldrige, Hugh 265, Saml. 47, 65, 143, 197, 309, Thomas 381. Elery, Ann 429, 484, Samll. 511. Eles, Jon. 58, Wm. 227, 282. Eley, Christo. 220, John 189, Lanselett 504, Robert 114. Elfe, Mich. 441. Elfrid, Xtopher. 452. Elice, Capt. 337. Elinge, John 217. Elitherby, Mary 187. Eliton, Jno. 546. Elkenton, Tho. 479. Elkes, John 513, Robt. 476. Elkeson, Andrew 316. Elkins, Ralph 364, 402, 462. Elkton, Wm. 63. Ellcock, Alex. 382. Ellens, Hen. 483. Eller, Sam. 513. Ellerye, Charity 91. Elles, Alice 291, Robt. 324. Elletson, Percivall 158. Ellett, Abraham 499, Alice 499, Eliz. 449. Ellford, Martha 454. Ellice, Elianor 121, Mary 325, 352. Ellin, Wm. 118. Ellinor, Bridgett 342. Ellins, Bridgett 178. Elliott, Antho. 146, 154, 202, 223, 381, 515, 548, Charles 560, Col. 462, 518, David 503, John 192, 355, 431, 524, Lewis 176, Rich. 491, Robert 381, General Index 637 512, 515, Thomas 381, 512, 515, Vincent 443, Wm. 145, 318. Ellis, Alice 271, An 475, Bryan 390, David 137, 196, 231, 270, Edw. 41, 88, 225, Elinor 279, Eliz. 392, Israel 271, Isaac 127, James 453, Jon. 24, 54, John 130, 158, 171, 225, 382, 447, 479, 566, 568, Kath. 551, Michaell 131, Peter 173, 237, 463, Ra. 244, Ralph 491, 492, Richard 394, Row. 289, Saml. 36, 50, 271, Sarah 143, Thomas 69, 90, Wm. 78, 125. Ellies, Jno. 506. Elliser, Jonath. 84. Ellison, Jonath. 31, Jno. 444. Ellit, Richd. 154. Ellmore, Tho. 300. Ellom, Robt. 42. Ells, Henry 264, Peter 162, 173, 298. Ellsey, John 405. Elly, John 189, Jone 264. Ellyott, Ann 315, Antho. 157, 208, 309, 328, 512, 518, Edward 315, Fra. 275, Hen. 300, Kath. 308, Phillip 315, Robt. 212, 322. Ellyson, Capt. 550, Jno. 512, Robt. 240, Robt. 240, 241, 338, 348. Ellyus, Wm. 245. Elmes, Martha 525, Tho. 427, Tho. 466. Elmor, Peter 458. Elmore, Eliz. 392, Henry 251, 527. Elnor, Tho. 297. Eloer, Jno. 456. Elrock, Aron 185. Elsby, Aug. 255. Elsey, John 261, 291. Elsford, Tho. 342. Elsmore, Eliza. 249. Elson, John 277. Elston, Jno. 546. Elsworth, Ann 78, Anth. 78. Elton, Ed. 233, Jno. 523, Tymothy 536. Elvart, Tho. 458. Elver, Jno. 429. Elves, Wm. 222. Elwood, Jno. 157, Widdow 543. Ely, Joane 54, 120, Robt. 131, 525. Elzey, John 412, 532. Emarson, Tho. 160. Emaston, Wm. 333. Embrock, Richd. 192. Emerilla, John 391. Emeroy, Lydia 171. Emersley, Isaac 217. Emerson, Arthur 152, Ed. 214, John 385, Mich. 237, Nicho. 130, Paul 454, Tho. 128, 130. Emery, Andrew 100, Henry 237, Isa. 242. Emiss, William 363. Emmenson, Thomas 53, 77. Emmerton, Ann 40, 95, Alice 40, 59. Emmett, Joane 362, Mary 354, Saml. 440. Emnes, Eliz. 428. Emperor, Francis 248, 283, 343, Mr. 302, 311. Empson, Jno. 446. Enbrooke, Richard 183. Endin, Wm. 443. Engard, Chas. 167. Engineer, 315, 373. England, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 71, 168, 226, 305, 550. England, Francis 140, 147, 183, 261, 278, 504, 525, Humphry 45, 67, 147, 330, Israel 198, John 45, 67, 82, 536, Joyce 525, Mary 45, Mr. 524, Ralph 190, Samll. 551, Sarah 140, Wm. 466. Engler, James 278. English, Abraham 91, 122, 131, 136, 185, 206, 215, 564, Alice 560, Ann 512, Ellin 512, Francis 512, Geo. 404, 462, Jane 299, Joane 135, Jon. 67, John 245, 372, 400, 512, Kath. 325, Mary 400, 428, Ringer 218, Thomasin 450, Walter 308, 343, 400, 432, 560, William 99, 102, 132, 135, 181. Enhaynby, Geo. 208. Enies, John 22. Enngood Richd. 134. Ennis, James 196. Enns, Darby 393. Enoch, Noah 486. Ensome, Eliz. 386. Enson, Wm. 199. Ensworth, John 228. Entertainment, house of 18. Epers, Robt. 143. Epes, (Epps) Capt. 43, 154, 163, 165, 466, Francis 31, 61, 84, 130, 281, 505, Jon. 31, 84, William 7, 13, 163, 294. Epses' Thickett 458. Epherby, Geo. 199. Eping, Wm. 430. Erefined, Mary 187. Erett, John 182. Erington, Gerrard 481. Erlby, Jno. 509. Errence, Joseph 329. 638 Cavaliers and Pioneers Errington, Henry 443, Gerrard 373, Richd. 132. Ervin, Tho. 431, 511. Erwin, Geo. 130, 424. Ery, Hannah 562. Escheator 463, 481, 533, 549, 550, 551, 555, 557, 560. Escholl, Joyce 267. Esgrame, John 153. Esmy Shichans, 30. Eson, Phillip 451. Esquire, John 93. Essex, Elizabeth 362, John 43, 207, 256, 266, 292, 339, 475, 544, Mary 481. Essington, Thomas 56. Esson, Edward 59. Estan, Tristram 558. Ester, Wm. 547. Esthop, Mary 425. Esto, Joshua 351. Eston, Alice 523. Estowe, John 369. Estwood, Mary 558. Eterman, Edmond 546, 547. Ethell, Tho. 160. Etherid^e, Hen. 296, Tho. 174, 445. Ethey, Wm. 468. Ethirton, Saml. 143. Etmore, Henry 527. Ettrig, James 554. Eubanke, Wm. 366. Eubunke, Henry 245. Eules, Richd. 263. Eusam, Rich. 316. Eusell, Christo. 40. Euson, Nicho. 253. Eustis, Jam. 29. Eusworth, John 228. Evand, Wm. 157. Evans, Abigail 246, Ann 48, 111, 246, 314, 382, Anthony 355, Clement 47, 65, Chri. 45, 62, 144, Dan. 54, 120, 268, Edward 79, 121, 204, 265, 286, 393, 426, 444, 468, 516, 528, Eliz. 302, Florence 552, Francis 295, Georg 144, 272, Henry 131, 308, Humph. 112, 257, 427, James 78, 174, Jane 144, Jeffery 93, Joan 201, 236, 302, 482, John 27, 31, 49, 105, 110, 130, 137, 141, 195, 246, 276, 285, 322, 330, 382, 408, 411, 419, 425, 449, 482, 528, 542, 553, 554, 556, 557, 559, 561, 562, 563, Jonas 29, 76, Jone 347, 542, Kath. 239, Lawrance 110, 258, Lucy 171, Marg. 198, Mary 179, 201, 286, 348, 382, 429, Matha 563, Maudlin 382, Morgan 25, 69, 99, 453, Mr. 568, Oliver 552, Percy 381, Peter 541, 563, 568, Phillip 427, 428, 566, Rachell 139, Richd. 8, 23, 117, 213, 385, 426, Robt. 109, 324, 393, 426, 444, 528, 542, 554, Roger 397, Rowland 217, 265, 286, Sesly 302, Susan 289, 556, Symon 525, Thomas 99, 112, 133, 144, 146, 157, 264, 274, 385, 452, 512, 559, T. 546, Tompson 110, Wm. 211, 258, 460, 475, 525, 553, 559, 562, Winefre 558. Evason, Math. 280. Evelin, Geo. 401, Mary 171, 362, Mon- joy 401, Robert 63. Eveling, James 552. Everad, Wm. 483. Everard, Tho. 166, 450. Everat, Ann 317, William 317. Everdew, Richd. 527. Evere, John 158. Evered, Tho. 342, Wm. 412. Everedge, William 50. Everfleet, Wm. 195. Everet, Wm. 512. Everett, Geo. 344, Joane 212. Everson, Math. 280. Everthet, Phil. 482. Everton, Samll. 460. Everidge, Tho. 301, 415, 497, 541, 564, Wm. 86, 562. Everilla, John 35. Everitt, Christo. 35. Everye, Edw. 263, Nicho. 225. Eves, Jon. 51, 61. Evorahoo, Nola 350. Ewcon, Rich. 485. Ewen, Jane 180, John 180, Nicholas 95, Richd. 95, Wm. 176, 401. Ewens, Ann 139, John 139. Ewin, Richd. 143, Wm. 53, 147, 176. Ewing, Mr. 102. Ewington, Henry 443. Ewins, Element 142, Elnor 566. Ewres, Robt. 197. Ewrin, Tho. 485. Exall, Anne 230. Excell, Anne 230. Exoll, John 370, 520, 563, Wm. 520. Exton, Geo. 152, Willi. 22. Eye, Wm. 188. Eyes, Dennis 459, 492, 493, 544. Eyre, Robt. 510. Eyres, Jon. 135, John 404, Marth. 483, Robt. 129, 178, 256, Wm. 24, 45, 73, 74, 77, 83, 100, 102, 118, 129, 139, 153, 187, 241, 378, 381. General Index 639 Fabian, Gilbert 162. Fabin, Gilbert 216, Tho. 262. Fabitt, Henry 211. Fablett, Henry 278. Faikes, Tho. 499. Fain, Mary 426. Fairbanke, John 282. Faire, Fra. 399, Jno. 371, Mathew 143, Richd. 143. Fairebrother, Nathll. 99. Fairefax, Margery 109, William 109, 143, 197. Fairepoint, Jno. 353, Joseph 376. Falch, Lawr. 448. Falconer, Richard 93. Falim, Wm. 440. Falkener, Tho. 159. Falkner, Fran. 359. Falow, James 470. Falston, Eliz. 133. Faltham, Tho. 193. Famill, Wm. 428. Fanch, Tho. 242. Fanell, Willi. 119. Faning, Elinor 204. Fann, Wm. 27. Fantaine, Peter 551. Fantleroy, Geo. 154, Mary 532, Moore 114, 116, 135, 154, 191, 194, 255, 273, 299, 319, 341, 397, 459, 464, 467, 469, 495, 497, 500, 527. Fantrees, Fardin. 180, Ferd. 221. Far, Wm. 510. Farbarne, Lawrence 49, 61. Farbush, Hugh 214. Farbuth, Danl. 267. Fardinando, Geo. 445. Fared oth, Wm. 536. Fargason, Thomas 108. Farington, Jno. 454, Mary 196. Farley, Wm. 275. Farlin, Henry 278. Farling, Jno. 412. Farloe, Grace 309, 381, Joice 175. Farlow, Alex. 300, Edw. 482, Fra. 469, Wm. 465. Farly, Ann 147, Fra. 312, John 312, Joseph 312, Joyce 312. Farmar, Humph. 199. Farme, Eliz. 391. Farmer, Andrew 281, 489, Doro. 397, Eliz. 441, Fra. 448, John 115, 259, 291, 322, 383, 466, Mary 248, 399, 432, Nich. 440, Richd. 193, Samll. 192, 468, Susan, 452, Symon 377, Wm. 397, 464, 500, 509, 550, 567. Fame, Alice 514. Farnell, Mary 307, Susan 526. Fames, Dina 428. Farnham, Jos. 481. Famill, Tho. 278. Faror, Jno. 463. Farr, Edw. 440, 464, John 33, 483, Mary 199, 402, Robt. 512, Wm. 331. Farra, Wm. 191, 516. Farrahoe, John 157. Farrall, Jno. 565. Farrant, Jos. 558, Phillip 315. Farrar, Ann 171, George 528, Mr. 33, Phillip 481, William 41, 54, 60, 69, 516. Farrast, John 380. Farrell, Alexr. 335, Bryan, 358, Garrett 79, 118, Jno. 548, Margarett 358 Patrick 102, Seph. 427, Tho. 375. Farrer, Maret. 411. Farrington.Cha. 28, Henry 425, Tho. 351. Farriott, Dominick 478. Farro, Jno. 499. Farror, John 178. Farrow, Jon. 34. Farrs, Jno. 499. Farrwell, Grace 386. Farsen, Susan, 475. Farsey, John 400. Farston, Frederick 530. Farth, Jon. 81. Farthin, Robt. 45. Farthing, Bar 50, 61, 86, Charles 403, Lewis 453, Robt. 66. Farthy, Hugh 426. Fartree, Margtt. 555. Fartsen, Frederick 475. Farye, Ann 89, Joseph 89. Faslowe, Elias 233. Fatherell, Jno. 294. Fathinge, Tho. 345. Faucett, John 251, 337. Faulconer, Tho. 126. Faulkner, Edw. 435, 470, Fra. 377, 386, Jno. 492, Margaret 111, Thos. Ill, 151, 155, 225, 254, 349, Wm. 484. Fauster, Geo. 222, Wm. 208. Fautres, Fardin. 180. Fawcett, Adam 304, John 292, 332, 551, 552. Fawden, Jno. 506, Major 274, Wm. 514. Fawdon, Georg 23, 26, 36, 111, Major 487. 640 Cavaliers and Pioneers Fawder, Georg 24. Fawding, Rich. 512. Fawkner, Tho. 155. Fawne, Geor. 521, Mary 338, Tho. 292, Wm. 22. Fawsett, John 276, 402, 475, 551, 544. Fay, Tho. 323. Fayden, Jonathan 82. Feanes, Tho. 84. Fear, Thomas 358. Feard, Thomas 358. Fearebrace, Roper 31. Fearing 78, 80, 137. Fearne, J. 538. Fearson, Mathew 544. Feasly, Robt. 143. Feathergill, Chris. 178. Feathy, Eliz. 308. February John 97, 185. Fee, Neale 135. , Feele, Geo. 568. Feelee, Prissell 267. Feepond, Peter 556. Feeres, Margarett 338. Feete, Geo. 568. Feeton, Nicho. 76. Feild, Abraham 339, 537, 538, Ann 145, Bartholomew 523, Chas. 142, Christo. 103, 115, 249, Daniell 61, 177, Edw. 513, James 139, Jon. 35, John 209, 325, 504, Mary 213, 456, Richd. 102, 200, 312, Tho. 78, 145, 278, Wm. 312, 349, 376, 397, 441, 472, 485. Feild: the great 41, Old 478, 547, Race 305, Scotch Quarter 406. Feilding, Joseph 350. Fele, Rich. 454. Felgate, Erasmus 70, 121, 210, 315, John 36, 97, 98, 103, 121, 123, 125, 288, 524, Judith 121, Margt. 121, Mr. 192, 196, 215, Robt. 14, 15, 70, 91, 114, 121, 210, 315, 318, 372, 401, Sibbella 210, 315, Tho. 270, Toby 15, Tobias 56, Wm. 215, 288. Felix, Jon. 230. Felkes, John 369, Walter 516. Fell, Wm. 302. Fellmore, Edw. 455. Fells, John 92, 142, 157. Felter, Timo. 236. Felton, Andrew 223, 390, James 361, 433, Jon. 84, John 118, 134, 180, 221, Tho. 303, 370, 511. Fendall, Georg 385. Fenman, Nich. 149. Fenn, SamlP. 70, Tymothy 137, Wm. 129. Fennan, Nicho. 172. Fennell, John 190, Martha 434. Fenner, Edward 315. Fennett, Wm. 553. Fenny, Dan. 428. Fenton, Est. 341, Henry 104, 124, 188, Jane 263. Fentrice, Ro. 157, Robt. 142. Ferby, Jno. 457. Ferepoint, John 58. Ferewether, Fra. 181. Ferman, Nicho. 276, 293, 341, 350, 494. Fermer, Rich. 60. Fernice, Wm. 273. Ferr, Mary 237. Ferreby, Tho. 37, 66. Ferrer, William 13. Ferres, Jno. 525. Ferriatt, Dominick 347, 526. Ferriott, Dominick 359. Ferris, Rich. 41. Ferynes, Wm. 148. Fetherston, Ellen 131. Fetherstone, Ch. 255, Wm. 552. Fettyplace, Gyles 466. Feverstone, Tho. 385. Fewell, Wm. 427. Fewson, Edwd. 60. Fickling, John 225. Fiddewent, Wm. 387. Fidings, Richd. 201. Field, (See Feild) Abra. 483, 484, Ann 250, James 262, Jno. 468, Tho. 255. Figes, Arthur 245. Figg, John 49, 144. Filch, Joseph 249. Filby, Joan 119. Filkin, Robert 318. Filline, James 336. Filliott, Mich. 384. Fillkin, Robert 334. Fills, Prescilla 454. Filmer, Mr. 149. Filmore, Edward 555, Hen. 230, 562, Mary 545, Mr. 311. Filmott, Ed. 559. Filpot, Henry 556. Filton, Mathew 559. Finch, Anne 243, Eliz. 189, Frances 86, Francis 136, 194, 429, 484, 490, Geo. 462, Hugh 209, John 78, 189, 228, 241, 430, 484, 499, 525, Mary 189, 327, 450, 466, Richard 189, 433, 545, Samll. 483, Thomas 542, Wm. 189, 228, 315. Fine, Timothy 550. General Index 641 Fineash, Francis 113. Fines, Timothy 509. Finly, Adam 184. Finny, Richd. 117. Firbush, Edw. 453. Firby, Eliza. 201. Firman, Nicho. 342. Firmant, Samuell 96, 127, 218. Firsh, Anne 343. Fish, Jane 544, John 523, 537, Martha 453, Wm. 212. Fishbrooke, Ellinor 388. Fisher, Barbery 551, Bridgett 38, Chris- tian 119, Edw. 134, 197, Eliz. 126, Fra. 513, Geo. 339, Grace 309, 381, Henry 566, James 348, 357, 444, Jane 444, 506, Jasper 475, John 44, 148, 223, 283, 291, 293, 362, 370, 387, 543, 548, 562, Marke 464, Martin 432, Mary 318, 442, 443, 481, 557, Masld. 179, Mr. 283, 549, Peter 385, Phillip 414, Richd. 414, Robt. 309, 381, Sarah 37, 158, Tho. 96, 440, 509, 545, Wm. 114, 327, 383. Fishes, Danll. 516. Fishpond, Jno. 394. Fishpoole, Nicholas 369, Roger 363. Fiskell James 375. Fiskins, Nicholas 8. Fister, Joseph 95. Fitby, Edwd. 459. Fitch, Mary 164, 222, Saml. 106. Fitcher, Edw. 302, Silvester 104, Tho. 512. Fitchet, Mr. 491. Fitchett, John 25, 69, 99, 139, 177, 232, 240, 313, 399. Fits, Robt. 208. Fitts, Carey 424, Carry 178, Cary 355. Fitzell, Danll. 234. Fitzgarrell, John 44. Fitzgarrett, Redman 26. Fitz-Symons, Homer 386. Five, Lewis 291. Fixer, James 217. Fixmus, Richd. 155. Flabian, Wm. 235. Flack, Robt. 516, 538. Flag, Henry 513. Flaharty, James 220, 332. Flake, Giles 234, Robt. 123, 197, 233, 426, 485, 516, Wm. 514. Flaminge, Alexr. 327. Flanard, Samll. 520. Flanders, Michaell 431. Flanny, Teague 306, 310. Flar, Wm. 391. Flariott, Samll. 520. Flarrell, Abiather 428. Flash, John 450. Flaunders Tho. 360, Tho. 496. Flaxon, Jno. 176. Fleet, Fra. 457, 510, George 547, Mary 501. Fleete, Henry 13, 14, 177, 194, 259, 311, 316, 332, 353, 375, 390, 407, 437, 478, 494, 534, John 164, 264, 267, 270, 474, 509, 538, Robt. 152, Capt. 289, 296, 310, 396, 438, 521. Fleete's, Capt. "people", 521. Fleetwood, David 201, Edward 425, Francis 251, 274, 493, Mary 327, Robt. 425, Tho. 456. Flemin, Cha. 248, Patrick 264. Fleming, Alexr. 384, 419, 424, 431, 442, 503, 518, 519, 524, Christo. 245, Eliza. 192, 442, John 249, 386, 397, 558, Richd. 147, 151, Wm. 411. Fletcher, Alice 431, Ann 190, Antho. 129, Cath. 375, Cutt. 425, 467, 468, Elinor, 336, Eliz. 22, Francis 476, 483, Geo. 251, 266, 280, 423, 463, 475, 516, 544, Hanniball 22, 24, 51, Isaac 222, Isabell 324, James 28, John 112, 148, 166, 345, 433, Mary 448, 459, Math. 463, Michaell 137, Mr. 252, Nathanll. 568, Nathun 258, Peter 144, Robt. 267, 349, Ryon 182, Susan 393, 517, Tho. 148, Valent. 54, 120, Wm. 23, 200, 486, 501. Flewellin, Ann 146, Tho. 146. Flewelling, Rich. 501. Fleyneye, Thomas 72. Flide, Eliz. 355, Teage 355. Fliers, James 456. Flincher, John 356. Flind, Tho. 455. Fling, John 107. Flinge, Daniell 451. Flint, Capt. 36, 242, 408, John 406, Lt. 10, Mary 13, 272, Mr. 343, 390, 494, Richd. 164, 214, 238, 272, 355, 372, 373, 377, 461, 519, Tho. 8, 9, 12, 13, 19, 30, 67, 71, 81, 127, Tomasin 399. Flinton, Eliz. 86, 192, Farrar 147, 192, Jane 192, Mr. 140, 301, 470, Pharoah 4, 5, 128, 159, 274, Wm. 343, Xpher. 480. Flips, Timothy 550. Flitt, Robt. 269. Floid, Geo. 325, James 292, Tho. 345, (See Floyd). 642 Cavaliers and Pioneers Flood, (See Fludd) Col. 276, 286, 326, Abra. 199, David 79, Francis 212, 214, 410, Hercules 508, Joane 268, Jon. 32, John 194, 228, 268, 286, 305, 326, Mary 194, Patrick 512, Rich. 32, 128, Robt. 63, Samll. 61, Thomas 334. Floop, Jno. 562. Floreday, Morgan, 136. Florine, Robert 370. Floring, Robt. 404. Florra, Kath. 353, 356. Florriday, Wm. 370. Flower, Ann 311, George 447, John 159, Joseph 479, Nicho. 186, 422, Phillip 444, 523, Sam. 513, Xtopher. 193. Flowerday, Eliza. 155. Flowerdew, Eliza. 142. Flower de Hundred, 72, 81, 250. Flowers, Edwd. 344, John 159, Wm. 458, 460. Floyd, Anth. 166, Capt. 562, Dan. 501, David 304, 543, Fardinando 510, Flug. 75, George 325, Margt. 493, Mary 391, 459, Melchesedick 94, Mich. 304, Nathl. 8, 75, 106, 522, Nowell 80, Rice 110, Richd. 207, 264, 285, Robt. 76, 433, Tho. 112, 432, Trevor 229, Walter 17, Wm. 548. Floyne, Joane 127, John 127, Teague 259, 310. Floyton, Wm. 442. Fludd, Capt. 149, Francis 171, 172, John 86, 103, 104, 176, Martha 93, Ralph 90, Richd. 103, Wm. 554. Fluell, Mary 493. Fluellin, Wm. 187, 248. Flye, John 67, Math. 453, Tho. 453. Flyne, John 169. Flynt, Rich. 461. Foanes, Tho. 31, 84. Foard, Ann 465, Chas. 29, 40, 88, 246, 259, 276, Dennis 297, Dorothy 406, Garrard 483, Henry 377, 386, Ismaell 464, Jon. 53, Mr. 286, 326, Peter 369, Richd. 230, 282, 324, 399, Robt. 438, Wm. 247. Focknham, Tho. 375. Fogg, Wm. 521, Whittingham 252. Foker, John 45, 60. Foland, Lafaland 378. Folcner, Jno. 502. Folder, Katherin 75. Foley, Tho. 525. Folke, Wm. 501. Folland, John 200. Follard, John 184. Follett, Ed. 541. Follit, Tho. 508. Follor, Wm. 498. Follow, Wm. 509. Followes, John 219. Folly, Xpian. 217. Fonding, Rich. 547. Fontleroy, Col. 374, Moore 151, (See Fantleroy). Fooke, Wm. 455. Fookes, Ann 102, John 215, 266, 293, 430, Mary 324, Robert 393, Wm. 51. Foord, Adrian 148, Chas. 194, Hester 190. Foot Company, the 162. Foot, Geo. 468, John 300. Foote, Robt. 387, Tho. 198, 223, 244, 416, Mr. 447. Footman, Henry 304, 345. Forbush, Hugh 201, John 43, 94, 201. Forby, Ben. 239, Jno. 432, 457. Ford, Chas. 40, Harman 528, Hen, 463, 475, Jon. 23, John 66, 77, 110, Mr. 518, Peter 180, 307, 505, 530, 541, Richd. 117, 118, 219, 275, 377, 381, Thomas 453, Wm. 45, 66, 433. Forden, Mathew 56. Fant, Ford 135. Fore, Peter 530. Forecaster, Tymothy 431. Forecraft, Tho. 275. Forehead, Jno. 283. Foreman, Alex. 445, 514, Andrew 527, Jno. 528, Wm. 254. Foreast, Tho. 433. Forester, Toby 309. Forgeson, Patr. 261. Forgott, Margary 493. Forke, Tho. 148. Forman, Nicholas 494. Former, Symon 476. Formor, Jno. 390. Fornham, Mich. 440. Fornor, Jno. 361. Foron, Richd. 546. Forrast, Thomas 433. Forrest, Ann 378, Danll. 218, Edward 377, Eliz. 345, 377, 378, Henry 345, 377, James 316, Jno. 378, Joseph 208, Rich. 404, Robt. 455, Tho. 270. Forrester, Jone 369, Toby 381. Forrister, 488. Forscue, Martin 115. Forshew, Hugh 128. Forsith, John 183. Forst, Robt. 280. General Index 643 Forstan, Barneby 568, Mary 568. Forstive, Arspell 428. Forts: 188, Old 128, Bridge 515, Chica- hominy 349, 403, Godspeeds 112 Henry 12, 255, 411, James 234, Manaskin 514, Matapony 236, 555, Point Comfort 122, Royall 187 Smith's 61, 175, 176, 177, Totopo- tomoy 235. Fort, Capt. of the: 70, 122. Fort Feilds: 36, 62, 70, 76, 173, 188. Fort Land, the: 275, 298, 489, 535. Forte, Mary 514. Fortescue, Nich. 34. Fortree, Thomas 554. Fortsen, Mrs. 426. Fortson, Barnaby, 557, Mary 428, 557, Mr. 427. Forty, Anne 351. Forville, Tho. 196. Foscutt, Symon 130. Foskett, Eliz. 286, Symon 286. Foskutt, Eliz. 294, Simon 294. Foson, Mr. 530. Fossett, James 391, Robt. 31, 62, 84, 131, Wm. 253. Fosseting, Eliz. 491. Fossick, Marke 566. Foster, Ann 309, Armstrong 28, Brid- get! 152, Dorcas 249, Edw. 350, 481, Eliza. 60, Ellen 306, Ferd. 184, Geo. 266, 343, 357, 377, 489, Giles 147, Henry 98, 169, 239, 403, James 138, 162, 166, 196, 218, 259, 271, 337, 408, 451, 513, 516, Jane 117, John 125, 152, 174, 295, 340, 348, 534, Margarett 82, Mark 34, 266, 289, 386, 416, Mary 142, 203, 276, 306, Mr. 200, Nicholas 32, 103, Pemett 178, Peter 430, Phillip 54, 208, Rich- ard 94, 182, 249, 306, 377, 430, 473, 490, 508, Robt. 302, 338, 413, 459, 520, 534, Seth. 501, Susan 264, 286, 412, Susanna 239, Tho. 267, Wm. 58, 129, 150, 176, 238, 353, 399, 461, Zachariah 35, 341. Fostly, Rob. 323. Fother, Dennis 371. Fothergale, Wm. 315. Fouch, Edwd. 431, Gilbert 362, Hugh 211, 236, 255, 367, 382, 395. Fouesham, John 250. Fouke, John 34, Mr. 297. Foules, John 199. Foulsham, Jon. 227, 300. Found, Ann 425, 447. Founding, Rich. 444, 546. Founteine, Ro^er 331. Fourd, Ann 483. Fourson, Tho. 476. Fourth, Jno. 361. Fourty, Tho. 351. Foutch, Hugh 198. Fowby, Jane 507. Fowch, Hugh 349, 422, 423. Fowke, Gerard 298, 378, 388, 432, 469, 470, 473, 489, 5.05, 531, 533, 536, Jane 361, John 444, 566, Lawr. 470, Mary 510, Mr. 373, 496, Mrs. 490, Richd. 237, Tho. 297, 298, 383, 489, 505, 533, Walter 489, Wm. 160. Fowkes, Tho. 462, Wm. 292. Fowler, Antania 154, 182, Elinor 355, Francis 33, 36, 37, 63, 72, 94, 104, 113, 123, 124, 154, 182, 483, George 539, Hanna 315, James 31, John 161, 282, 323, Mary 150, Mathew 388, Susan 294, Tho. 97, 185, 202, 327, 457, William 11, 23, 66, 426. Fowler's Shambles 138. Fowles, Edw. 498, Mary 476, 487, Wm. 485. Fowlor, Richd. 516. Fowte, Anto. 554. Fox, David 200, 214, 215, 219, 238, 263, 265, 270, 273, 276, 277, 279, 305, 313, 317, 318, 346, 374, 391, 410, 425, 435, 438, 439, 450, 459, 466, 469, 472, 477, 491, 524, 541, 550, Edw. 117, 188, 345, 518, Francis 112, Hugh 78, James 342, Jane 196, Joane 453, Mary 304, Mr. 334, Stephen 524, Susan 446, Wm. 403. Foxcraft, Isaac 332. Foxcroft, Mr. 348, Isaac 333, 376, 402, Wm. 562. Foxhill: 13, 16, 50, 63. Foxen, Rich. 475. Foxly, Mary 171. Foxmond, Edm. 175. Foxon, Rich. 429, 484, 490. Foy, Alec. 352, Eliz. 429, Wm. 260. Foye, Mr. 204. Foyle, Jno. 552. Fraford, Victo 22. Fraine, Rebecca 196. France: 11. France, Jon. 60, Wm. 304. Francis, Ann 543, Bedford 142, Edw. 491, Eliz. 543, James 126, Ja. 341, Jon. 66, John 23, 131, 314, 324, Mary 179, Rebecca 134, Sam. 426, Susan 547, Susanna 543, Thomas 104, 318, 543, Wm. 234, 307. 644 Cavaliers and Pioneers Franchiss, Tho. 166. Franck,Daniell l6,Robt. 442, Robet. 447. Francklin, Anthony 517, Francis 22, John 69, Marg. 341, Mary 525, Peter 403, 525, Rich. 452, Susan 459. Francks, Henry 525. Franclin, Edward 397. Franke, Hen. 236, Peter 356, 435, Robt. 135, 223, 357, 370. Frankes, An. 546. Franklin, Ellin 411, John 210, Hamond 391, Henry 23, 269, Isaack 336, 386, Marg. 250, Mary 233, Rich. 348, Wm. 327. Franklind, Ann 153. Frankling, Edw. 441. Franks, Ann 513. Frame, Capt. 250, 543, Jon. 60, John 305, 329, Mr. 316, Rebecca 329. Framblin, Susan 459. Frapney, Robt. 557. Frasey, Barbara 218, John 218, Tho. 218, Wm. 218. Frassall, Richard 369. Fraunces, Tho. 302. Frayle, Tego 138. Freak, Wm. 292. Freake, Wm. 207, 236, 371, 448, 471. Freame, John 214. Freare, John 390. Frederick, John 93, 218, 224, 298, 308, Xpian. 181. Free, John 450. Free Man, a 4. Freebody, John 168, Paule 557. Freechat, the 166. Freeding, Peter 455. Freehorne, Jno. 152. Freeke, Jno. 490, Wm. 249, 279, 486, 488, 501. Freel, John 429. Freeland, Richard 39, 63, Wm. 154. Freeman, Ann 136, 318, Bennett 36, 82, 102, 108, 126, 182, 212, 295, 335, 364, 522, Bridges 18, 19, 33, 36, 63, 94, 104, 113, 123, 124, 125, 126, 182, 224, 295, 299, 364, 522, Bridgett 36, Captain 160, 415, Charles 507, Edward 334, Fra. 240, 498, Henry 222, 522, James 388, John 75, 138, 358, 454, 536, 553, Jone 78, Mary 446, Mill. 29, Mr. 517, Nicho. 270, 474, Phillip 408, 409, 470, Richard 41, Robert 92, 97, 138, 522, Tho. 222, 265, 299, William 77, 92, 131, 156, 162, 170, 190, 245, 294, 299, 483, 337. Freeman, William 65. Freeman's Ford, 343. Freeme, Anne 145, John 140, 145. Freer, Tobias 166, 284. Freestone, Henry 259. Freethorne, John 42. Freeze, Arnall 45, 62, Rachell 49. Freind, Peter 151. Freiston, Robt. 107. Freith, Robt. 301. 499. Freke, Fra. 391, Wm. 355. Freman, Bridgett 383, Edw. 505. Fremes, John 145. French, Anth. 441, Barnaby 352, Dr. 182, Fra. 405, Henry 282, 355, Mary 530, Nicholas 521, Peeter 324, Richd. 189, Tho. 491, Wm. 300. French Ordnary, the 480. Frenchmen, 536. Frere, Robt. 127. Frerick, Hugh 492. Freshwater, Geo. 327, Thomas 430, 443, 481, 568. • Frett, Jeremiah 528, Wm. 487. Fretwell, G. 479. Frevitt, Jno. 544. Frey, Eliz. 479, Humphrey 108. Frice, Ann 255. Frich, Wm. 506. Fricker, John 97. Frie, Mr. 330. Frier, James 323. Friggett, the 145, 160. Friggott Landing, the 356. Frigot, Dicke of the 327. Frimer, Andrew 223. Fringworth, Paul 220. Frisby, Ann 78, Em. 432, Nath. 432. Frisall, Alexr. 205, Geo. 183, Wm. 564. Frish, Jno. 537. Friske, John 370. Frissell, Dan. 301, John 483, 548, Tho. 469, 473, 510, Wm. 509, 563. Frisser, Mary 184. Frissoll, Peter 548. Fristo, Mary 430. Fristow, Robt. 485. Frith, Ed. 427, Henry 170, 430, Joseph 430, Mary 470, Tho. 520. Frizell, Alexr. 428,'George 324, Wm. 428. Frizer, Thomas 382. Frizzar, Jno. 326, Tho. 292. Frizzell, George 374. Froast, Joane 562. Froland, Edmd. 559. Frost, Edward 403, 565, Geo. 237, Mary 453, Wm. 180, 302, 378. General Index 645 Froste, Edward 403. Frostly, Rob. 352. Froth, Roger 452. Frowell, Edw. 207. Frowne, Ann 555, Eliza. 131. Fruell, Wm. 499. Frumpton, John 396, 560. Fry, Alex. 209, Eliz. 538, Henry 195, James 486, John 369, Mary 296, Mr. 337, Tho. 191, 267, 504, Wm. 241, 275, 276, 295, 322, 323, 330, 469, 510. Fryar, Edward 315, Rich. 559. Frye, Jeffery 68, Wm. 33, 56, 72, 85, 88, 106, 126, 147, 323, Edw. 207. Fryer, Edw. 207, John 180, 351, Martha 349. Fryse, Wm. 214. Fryth, Dyana 199, Robt. 203. Fuell, Mary 432, 492, Tho. 391, 493, Wm. 391, 499, 500, 510. Fuer, Sam. 268. Fufflett, Tho. 507. Fulcher, John 254, 259, 507. Fuljam, Antho. 201, 236. Fullgam, Antho. 424. Fulgham, Antho. 476, 518, John 476, 519, Wm. 484. Fulker, Fran. 385. Fuller, Alex. 146, Alice 58, George 558, Henry 393, Ja. 426, James 468, John 211, 278, 282, Margt. 483, Mary 465, Robt. 535, 563, Tho. 7, 481, 483, Wm. 479, 484. Fullerton, James 381. Fulliamb, Antho. 150. Fulwood, John 14. Funge, Jane 192. Furboyes, Fra. 188. Furbush, David 308, Fr. 40, 109, Hugh 214, John 43. Furbusher, Wm. 298. Furmis, Wm. 472. Furnish, Jane 513. Furr, Henry 381. Furreer, la Antho. 226. Furton, Saml. 430. Fussell, Simon 497. Fustin, Fardinando 535. Fute, Robt. 93. Fybill, Jacob 150. Gabell, Tho. 552, Wm. 347. Gable, Jno. 425. Gabriel, Jane 236. Gadd, Wm. 432. Gadle, Nathan 77. Gadstone, Andrew 401, Jane 458. Gafer, Jno. 426, 468. Gaffer, John 426, 444. Gage, Edward 553, Eliz. 265, Fra. 300, Jno. 444, Mary 403, 565, Peter 527, Wm. 86, 290. Gagecomb, Thomas 439. Gagen, Fra. 227. Gailer, Wm. 425. Gain, Roger 384. Gaines, Daniell 523, 528, 557, 558, 561, 562, Randall 453, Tho. 492. Gainnie, Robt. 23. Gainsbrooke, James 361. Gainye, William 6. Gale, Daniell 183, Geo. 472, Hugh 248, John 123, Tho. 489. Galipin, Wm. 180. Galla, Edward 548. Gallant, Glode 182. Gallard, Wm. 143. Gallaway, Mary 166, Wm. 7. Gailer, John 314. Gallile, Jno. 501. Gallingson, Chris. 204. Galliott, John 121. Gallipin, Wm. 221. Gallop, Allen 269, Ellen 479. Gallopin, Wm. 27. Galloway, Richd. 165. Gaily, Joane 113, Richard 61. Galy, John 208. Garlington, Mr. 361. Gamball, John 439. Gamberson, Con. 315. Gambling, Josias 46. Gambore, Peter 378. Gamefield, Samll. 558. Games, Daniell 527, Mr. 523. Gamlin, John 211, 264, 372. Gammock, Robert 109. Gamon, Anne 242, Jon. 242. Gancer, Tymothy 183. Gandee, Ralph 387. Gandons, Edw. 401. Ganes, Richard 46. Ganey, Richd. 115. Gangrine, Mich. 180. Ganlett, Wm. 377. Gannes, Edwd. 552. Ganock, Wm. 456. Gantlet, Wm. 325, 432. Gantlett, Wm. 269, 311, 313, 422, 439, 473, 496. Gantlett's Land, 473. Gany, Alice 134, Ann 31, Henry 31, Wm. 31. 646 Cavaliers and Pioneers Gapeing, Wm. 219, 283, 354, 423. Gapin, Wm. 144, 249, 287. Gapins, Wm. 549. Gapper, John 198, Phillip 364. Gapps, Wm. 6. Gapreil, Edw. 181. Garden, the 2, 488. Gardiner, Bryan 115, Dorothy 86, Edw. 86, James 472, Richd. 104. Gardner, Archibald 309, Bridgett 388, Danll. 218, 224, 298, Edw. 240, 317, 561, Eliz. 403, Fra. 183, James 273, Jane 393, John 196, 350, 559, Joseph 213, July 260, Kath. 330, Mary 181, 203, 507, Phillip 327, Richd. 314, 322, Sarah 393, Step. 229, 302, Tho, 140, 208, 464, 467, 515, 516, Xtopr. 524. Gardworth, Tho. 431. Gare, Israel 258. Gares, Rich. 440. Garey, John 426, 468, Robt. 178, Stephen 315. Garford, Nathaniell 523. Gargaine, Eliz. 54. Gargame, Ellis 120. Gargrave, Isaac 30. Garingoe, Saml. 268. Garland, Francis 288, 405, Peter 204, 318, 334, Ro. 325. Garlick, Robt. 194. Garlington, Christo. 371 , 383, 467, Xtoper. 186, 556. Garment, Susana 400. Garnefield, Samll. 558, 562. Garnell, John 339, 348, 357, 426. Garner, Alex. 23, 66, Ann 176, Daniell 93, Dorothy 50, Edward 50, Ellen 127, John 60, 78, 199, 315, Mary 107, 271, Michaell 81, Phillip 200, Richard 60, 84, Stephen 402, Wm. 129. Garnett, John 26, 202, Thomas 24, Wm. 176, 198. Garnoll, Jno. 461. Garnum, Richd. 124. Garrard, Hen. 511, John 84, 96, Mar- garet 96, Tho. 284. Garratt, John 329, 310, 476, 518, 527. Garraway, Evans 78, 232, 555. Garret, Eliza. 173, John 168, 173, 231, 489, Mary 493, Tho. 172. Garrett, Adrey 58, Eliza. 44, 142, Fran- cis 120, Geo. 283, James 382, Jane 202, John 40, 62, 109, 118, 127, 128, 129, 131, 133, 163, 164, 174, 205, 257, 262, 327, 356, 381, 382, 480, Henry 286, Marius 279, Miller 283, Rebecca 394, Retrun 378, Robt. 467, 559, Rowland 62, Tho. 122, 309, 409, 424, Wm. 130, 404, 411. Garrince, John 118. Garryson, Amos 233. Garth, Geo. 454. Garton, Ellinor 465. Garves, James 290. Garwood, John 166, 168, 205, 240. Gary, John 55, Stephen 490, Walter 119. Garye, John 37, 55, 69. Gascoigne, Thos. 183. Gascoine, Robert 370, Tho. 330. Gascom, Tho. 494, 461. Gascott, Judith 388. Gascoyne, Thos. 184, 288. Gaskin, Savill 415, William 550. Gaskins, Alice 46, Cevell 90, Eliz. 46, James 557, Josias 46, Mary 46, Savill 269, Thomas 46, Wm. 443. Gass, Jon. 29. Gassent, John 316. Gasser, Marke 254. Gassett, Judith 296, 388. Gaston, Fra. 481. Gastrey, Tho. 166. Gastrock, Wm. 23. Gate, Tho. 122. Gatehouse, John 270. Gately, John 42. Gater, Jane 93, Joane 49, John 49, 84, 93, 555. Gates, James 301, John 111, Jon. 148, Mathew 116, Thomas 3, 121. Gaterson, James 80. Gatlett, Wm. 75. Gatlin, John 47, 450. Gatling, John 116. Gaton, Geo. 90. Gatricke, Ann 288. Gatwood, Jno. 558, 562. Gaole, Saxon's 13. Gaudge, Eman. 283. Gaule, Jno. 516. Gault, John 379. Gaultney, Thomas 562, Wm. 465. Gaunt, Geo. 462, Jeffery 130, Rich. 85, Robt. 58. Gaviott, Peter 149. Gay, Ann 493, Geo. 289, Hen. 492, Margarett 446, Sara 452, Thomas 395. Gaye, Jno. 444. Gaying, Bernard 144. Gayle, John 447. Gaylor, James 434, John 274. Gaylord, James 375. Gayne, Anne 192, Tho. 278. General Index 647 Gaynes, Edw. 198, Jane 197, Tho. 177. Gayney, Richd. 322. Gayny, Robt. 290, Wm. 110, 170. Gayter, Wm. 375. Gayton, John 173. Geabe, John 127. Geames, Kat. 192. Geary, John 119. Geat, Wm. 78. Geates, James 301. Geatley, William 75. Geby, Prudence 199. Gedley, Richard 62. Gedon, Ann 44. Gee, Edw. 154, Jon. 85, Tho. 302, Wm. 111. Geere, Fr. 94. Geers, John 119. Geiles, Henry 49. Geines, Bernard 297, Eliz. 297. Gelding, Eliza. 179, John 97, Wm. 121, 550. Gellett, Eliza. 107, Jno. 430. Genesis, Ezekiell 461. Genings, Edw. 493. Gentell, Susan 538. Gentlemen, James 491. Geny, Gilbert 528. George, Anne 256, Griffith 146, 176, Hall. 265, Jane 32, 93, John 32, 74, 93, 99, 127, 130, 228, 249, 459, 503, Leo. 482, Marg. 270, Nicholas 105, 249, 270, 278, 374, 437, 488, 504, Richd. 200, 232, Robt. 136, Silvester 209, Symon 460, Thomas 96, Wm. 300. George's Feild 122. Gepperson, Hewett 274. Gerdan, Dan. 332. Gerey, Jon. 137. Gerford, John 164. Gerish, Henry 446. Gerrard, Charles 551, Fra. 198, Gilbert 143, Jon. 30, John 198, Justinian 198, Mr. 201, Nicho. 284, Peter 314, Susana 198, Temp. 198, Tho. 198, 324, 325, 424, 532. Gerrell, Jno. 343. Gerris, Stephen 140. Gerrish, John 127. Gerry, John 47, 87, 104. Gery, Gilbert 528. Gesorroro, Jno. 216. Gestee, Henry 220. Gethings, Jane 393. Gibbinne, Jno. 390. Gibbins, John 325, 349, Olliver 123, Tho. 483. Gibbons, Humphrey 432, John 130, Mary 555, Oliver 131. Gibbnie, Jno. 361. Gibbs, Ann 369, Edward 96, 254, 263, 277, 315, 352, Eliz. 325,458, Humph. 114, 302, 339, 346, 500, Joell 199, 266, John 98, 189, 278, 325, 442, Mary 458, Nath. 239, Robt. 307, Roger 349, Samll. 557, Tho. 458, 552, Wm. 294. Gibett, Hen. 303. Gible, Richard 339, Rich. 462. Giblin, John 197. Gibsey, a place called by Indians 407. Gibson, Alice 491, Andrew 555, Doro- thy 342, Edward 80, 273, Geo. 283, 549, Henry 541, Jon. 60, 87, 145, John 36, 467, 475, 530, Joseph 426, 468, Joshua 375, Mary 508, Nicholas 96, 141, 369, Phineas 555, Robt. 174, 261, 305, Tho. 112, 173, 174, 176, 208, 210, 336, 369, 387, 388, 457, 504, Walter 107, Yeoman 57. Giden, ohn 399. Gidin, Jno. 437. Gidney, John 112. Giffry, Richd. 140. Giggins, Mr. 516. Gilbert, Eliz. 23, 66, Georg 28, 147, 154, 294, 430, 475, 505, 507, 547, Jane 149, Penelope 332, Rich. 67, 147, Roger 179, Rose 357, Sam. 165, Tho. 158, Tho. 385, Wm. 438, 444, 512, 546, 547. Gilbrit, Geo. 475. Gilburt, George 428, 505. Giles, Georg 111, 261, Hannah 278, Hen. 28, James 121, John 28, 111, 131,, 315, 341, 362, Robt. 278, Tho- mas 375, 425, Wm. 233, 472. Gilford, Eliz. 551, Peter 283, Rob. 219. Gilgraffe, Tho. 258. Gilham, George 526. Gill, Ann 52, Capt. 270, Edw. 43, Elinor 322, Geo. 208, 271, 278, 387, 504, Jon. 51, 65, 78, 237, John 290, Michaell 450, 457, Peter 386, 442, 502, Phillip 386, Richd. 148, Sarah 483.Stephen 52, 107, 114, 122, 134, 142, 179, 180, 213, 215, 270, 304, 354, 496, 544, Sarah 551, Thomas 370, 391, Wm. 33, 87, 351. Gilla, Edw. 289, 503, Marke 127, Susan 289. Gillam, George 526, Wm. 200. Gillard, Eliz. 400, Petro 400. Gillatt, Robt. 420. 648 Cavaliers and Pioneers Gillealew, Coner 307. Giller, John 196, Jonathan 520. Gilles, Jonathan 520, Jno. 369. Gillett, Arter 357, Augustine 232, Eliz. 275, Jon. 75, John 265, 282, 293, 300, 316, 324, 345, 346, 347, 348, 355, 356, 363, 371, 381, 442, 458, 467, 500, 517, 519, 528, Robt. 274. Gilley, Robt. 202. Gillgate, John 99. Gillid, Edw. 343. Gillin, Georg 99. Gillingham, Henry 136. Gillins, Danl. 208. Gilliot, Germon 554, Jno. 344. Gillis, Elin 186. Gillman, Richd. 257, Wm. 389, 393. Gills, Jonathan 170, 217. Gilman, Lewis 537, Mary 551. Gilnett, Tho. 301, 428. Giloe, Jno. 426. Gilpin, Jane 267. Gilson, Andrew 197, 290, 293, 392, 430, 431, 441, 478, 567, Henry 455, Mary 197, Walter 554. Giltoe, Jno. 393. Gimblet, Dan. 324. Gina, Marke 150. Gingey, William 99. Gining, Grace 198. Ginings, Wm. 290, 300. Ginkin, Wm. 181. Ginsey, Sarah 300, Wm. 181, 212, 241, 278, 283, 308, 380, 494, 509, 515, 550. Ginsie, Wm. 550. Girdle, Thomas 453. Gire, Robert 6. Girringe, Robert 390. Gisfry, Richd. 140. Githred, John 262. Gittins, Eliz. 422, Jane 330. Gladder, Geo. 450. Glade, Wm. 277. Gladeinge, Hoell 356. Gladeine, Howell 286, 354. Gladen, Mary 324. Gladiil, Reuben 476. Glading, Howell 242, 353, 412. Gladson, Jno. 151, 440. Glamfeild, Jno. 296. Glan, John 322, Robt. 275. Glanfeild, Joane 136, John 343. Glantum, John 245. Glascocke, Geo. 507, Jane 146, Rich. 23, 66, Robt. 32, 111, Thos. 146, 209, 276, 293, 350, 440, 494, 521. Glass, Dunkin 269, Geo. 526, John 314, Mary 221, Robt. 448. Glass House, the 240, 313. Glasse, Duning 275. Glayne, Geo. 301, Mary 301. Gleab Lands: 6, 18, 28, 31, 36, 45, 50, 58, 60, 70, 83, 91, 101, 103, 120, 136, 147, 150, 151, 158, 159, 162, 165, 173, 177, 183, 188, 205, 210, 221, 270, 285, 292, 304, 320, 333, 357, 364, 401, 423, 486, 499. Gleare, Peter 77. Gleed, Tho. 99. Glendoner, Wm. 282. Glendorier, Wm. 282. Glenister, Robt. 45. Glew, Tho. 452. Glight, Thos. 139. Glinn, Jane 303. Glissen, Eliz. 325. Glissow, Fra. 291. Gload, David 513. Glorie, Tho. 24. Glouce, Ann 290. Glover, Abella 392, Cornelius 530, Dorothy 77, 393, 444, 530, Edward 99, 218, Elinor 327, Fran. 393, 426, 444, 468, James 309, 381 John 221, 310, Morgan 108, 146, Rich. 403, Robt. 447, Sarah 59, 464, Tho. 218, 331, Wm. 106, 203, 426, 470. Glower, Samll. 523. Glowers, Edw. 218. Glyn, Morris 244. Goade, Ann 466, Richd. 344. Goales, Jno. 517. Goane, John 199. Goardlad, Tho. 148. Goardon, Tho. 192. Goate, Wm. 549. Gobert, Jos. 175. Gobson, Wm. 524. Goch, Mary 364. Goche, Geffery 349. Godale, Jno. 564, Martha 536, Mary 402, (Note: First name omitted in abstract) Wm. 526. Godard, Joseph 492, Rich. 538, Sarah 562. Godbeare, Hector 28, 81, 108, Jno. 525. Godbery, Joane 39. Godby, Ann 172, Tho. 159, 172, 248, 445. Godbye, Thos. 5, 82, 420. Goddin, Jon. 240, Jno. 538, Wm. 192. Goddinge, George 369. General Index 649 Godfry, James 452. Jon. 33, John 72, 101, 458, 460, 544, Mary 448, Rich. 538, Tho. 555, wm. 62. Godfrey, John 157, 188, 260, Richd. 272, Sarah 260, Tho. 403, 547, Wm. 124. Godgrave, Ann 390. Godheard, Timothy 459. Godlad, Anthony 544, Ed. 559, Jane 401, Jno. 556, Peter 543, Susan 526, 555, Stephen 402. Godlar, Edw. 558. Godman, Thos. 568. Godsmen, John 249. Godson, Christo. 200, Ed. 556, Peter 557, 559, Richd. 215, Tho. 273. Godwin, Danll. 35, Devorux 294, Eliz. 294, Jo. 294, Jno. 166, 201, 338, 514, Rob. 521, Tho. 197, 319, 327, 392, 396, Step. 100. Godyal, Edwd. 237. Godyer, Henry 563. Goffe, Aaron 517, Barnaby 355, James 518, Jon. 237, John 346, 426, 517, 537, Martha 496, Mathew 537, Peter 545, Richd. 156, Walter 75, Wm. 368, 380, 388, 496. Goffell, Jno. 384, Step. 384, Wm. 384. GofTs, William 440. Gold, Edw. 199, Richd. 218, Robt. 171. Goldborne, Edw. 124, 135, 303, Mary 124, Richd. 383. Goldcock, Tho. 256. Golden, Mathew 449. Goldfinch, Jone 387. Golding, Dorothy 89, 107, 113,Gabriell 196, John 223, 275, 435, 500, 553. Rebecks 348, Thomas 89, 107, 113, 194, Wm. 42, 80. Goldsmith, Geo. 196, 248, 305, 374, John 198, 264, Mary 269, Nicho. 112, Richd. 171, Tho. 388, Wm. 93, 289. 518. Goldston, Richard 314. Goldstone, Rich. 498. Golleffe, John 387. Gones, William 7. Gonn, Mary 353. Gonnion, James 192. Gonnyon, Robt. 192. Gooch, Capt. 408, Col. 422, Edwd. 431, Henry 408, Jefferies 206, 263, 408, Lt. Col. 397, 464, Major 323, Wm. 199, 311, 384, 534, 484, 485. Good, Richard 313, Thomas 353. Goodacre, James 483. Goodale, Alice 403, David 378, Geo. 325, Jno. 365, 565, Michael 373, 563, Susan 549, Tho. 252, 540. Goodall, Mich. 512, Rich. 41. Goodard, Sarah 558. Gooday, Richd. 119. Goodcross, James 165. Goode, Ann 466, Richd. 211. Goodgaine, Henry 132, 360. Goodgame, Henry 360. Goodin, Georg 44. Goodlad, Andrew 528, Peter 541, Robt. 518, Stephen 437. Goodland, Martha 525. Goodlin, Edw. 461. Goodman, Andrew 562, Francis 76, 95, Geo. 247, Henry 501, John 110, Jane 561, John 520, Kath. 231, Mary 326, Richd. 92, 259, 358, Robt. 57, Tho. 557, Wm. 213. Goodnought, Luke 128. Goodrand, Doctar 343. Goodrich, Anne 275, Tho. 275, 347, 362, 397, 428, 500, 517. Goodriffe, Grace 178. Goodrige, Ann 72. Goodry, Tho. 374. Goods, Wm. 143. Goodson, Edw. 342, Henry 39, Jon. 32, John 103, 486. Goodtry, Jno. 431. Goodwin, Capt. 338, Daniell 100, Edw. 359, Geo. 62, James 367, 371, 383, 462, Jon. 35, John 59, 429, Mary 541, Mat. 298, Samll. 203, 334, Sarah 148, Steph. 35. Googins, Mary 221. Gookins, Daniell 51, 55, 56, 69, 73, 78, 99, 111, 132, 135, 138, 139, 189, 237, 374, 560, John 50, 58, 65, 100, 109, 129, 148, 169, 182, 193, 252, 269, 314, 503, Marg. 269, Mary 139, 415, Saml. 139. Gookins' Landing Place 193, 503. Goose, Jane 431. Goose Hill, 3, 12, 13, 81, 143, 197. Goose Hill Howse, 319, 347, 469. Goose Hill Marsh, 56, 231. Goower, Wm. 403. Gordan, Danll. 220, Henry 270. Godaine, Tho. 212. Gorden, Geo. 183. Gordon, Nathll. 457. Gore, Geo. 501, John 302, 384, 525, 547, 548, 557, 559, 560, Mary 444, Peter 525. 555, Thomas 446, 543, 554, Timothy 547, Wm. 547. Gorein, Christian 391. 650 Cavaliers and Pioneers Goring, Jno. 452. Gorne, Tho. 476. Gorsuch, Anne, Chas. Eliz., Kath. Richd., Robt. 275. Gorting, Eliz. 383, James 458. Gosall, Jon. 87. Gosden, Geo. 269. Gose, Jno. 476. Goskins, Sewell 260. Goslin, Edw. 453, John 252, James 390, 458, Jon. 144, Mary 535, Mathew 555, Sam. 367, Wm. 563. Gosmore, Eliz. 22. Gosnell, Eliz. 244, John 352, Marg. 244, Wm. 383. Gosnell's land 351. Goss, Jane 336. Gosse, Christo. 59, Edmond 385, Richd. 156. Goswaine, Robert 370. Goswell, Doro. 488. Gouch, Danll. 548, Hugh 390, Jeff. 280, Mathew 51, Mr. 180, Oplier 224, Xtopr. 218, 298. Goug, Mr. 507. Gouge, Jane 430, Jno. 195. Gough, Hen. 519, Jeffery 461, Mathew 111, Samuell 436. Gould, Robert 76. Goulding, Jane 198, John 347, 444, Tobias 538, Thomas 96, Vavastin 384, Wm. 24. Goulson, Danll. 166. Gouldsmith, Wm. 564. Gourd, Andrew 273, James 306. Gourden, Geo. 474. Gourdon, Geo. 301. Gouteer, John 387. Gouth, Xpher. 298. Gover, Tho. 248. Governor, place of the 160, 415. Goverson, Cor. 215, 266. Goverty, Ellis 233. Goward, Wm. 309. Gower, Edward 331, Fran. 251, 310, 387, 568, James 310, John 248, Nich. 65, 82, Wm. 397. Gower, Wm. 327, 482. Gowin, Wm. 257. Gowing, Jno. 32. Gowlate, Richd. 242. Gowry, Wm. 328. Goyse, Mary 382. Grace, Edw. 525, Georg 104, 109, 123, 124, Isabell 257, Jane 242, Robt. 33, Roger 72. Gracewood, Bennedick 250. Graddon, Nich. 290. Gradin, Edw. 80. Grafton, Michaell 380, 509, 550, Wm. 442. Gragg, Mary 227. Graggs, Tho. 392. Graham, And. 223, Mary 257. Graies, Thomas 13. Grainger, Hen. Ill, Nicholas 337, 423, Walter 512. Grand, John 198, Mary 113, Tho. 222. Grandinson, Rich. 431. Grandy, Jon. 27. Grane, John 117. Granfield, Xtopr. 190. Grange, John 62. Granger, Eliz. 255, John 374, Mr. 545, Nicholas 170, 305, Rich. 298, 432, Tho. 230, 283, 458, Walter 407, 554, Wm. 78, 129, Xpher. 382. Grangrave, Brin. 307. Granley, Jone 86. Granson, Rich. 466. Grant, Antho. 262, Duncom 192, Eliza- beth 194, John 100, 558, Michaell 397, Wm. 330. Grasheare, John 146. Gratwich, Wm. 548. Graunt, Christo. 81, James 535, Joane 107, 124. Graunger's Point 197. Grave, John 117. Gravelin, Joan 194. Graves, Alexr. 257, Ann 59, 287, 369, Chr. 170, Edward 548, Edm. 166, Georg 130, Jeremy 555, John 32, 38, 62, 88, 110, 175, 222, 403, 527, Katherine 62, 222, Richd. 43, 55, 56, 85, Robt. 144, Robins 196, Sam. 517, Thomas 13, 62, 213, 222, 344, 358, 416, 417, 437, 534, Wm. 113, 269, 313, 325, 369, 422, 439, 466. Gravett, John 184. Gravin, Edward 326. Gravis, Tho. 82. Gray, Alice 207, 337, Ann 337, Anis 31, Avis 105, David 491, Edw. 492, Eliz. 280, Fran. 28, 337, 355, 432, Geo. 501, Hanah 546, Henry 209, John 219, 397, Joshua 337, Mary 207, 337, 444, Miles 322, 454, Rebecca 31, 105, Richd. 555, Robt. 371, 380, Roger 375, Symon 558, Tho. 31, 105, 113, 115, 152, 264, 387, 452, 469, 492, Wm. 31, 105, 202, 260, 335, 475, 490, 531, 551. Grayes, Thomas 36, 95. General Index 651 Grayne, Elizabeth 93, John 93, Jonathan 86, 93, Rowland 93. Graynes, Wm. 565. Grayve, Eliz. 93, Jonathan 93. Gread, And. 290. Greaves, Wm. 260, 269. Greborne, Henry 178. Grecheare, Donell 307. Gredall, Rich. 516. Greefore, Mary 548. Greeg, Thomas 560. Greeke, Rich. 60. Greeling, Wm. 263. Greeman, Wm. 299. Green, Adam 481,Alexr. 200, Ann 209, 313, 322, 386, Cha. 249, 232, 403, 565, Dorcas 233, Dorothy 17, Edw. 200, 201, Eliz. 40, 68, 249, 293, Elinor 481, 499, Edmond 166, For- tune 359, Georg 109, 403, Henry 257, 427, Herbert 354, James 134, 242, 377 546, Jane 200, Joane 524, 525, Jon. 25, John 110, 148, 174, 175, 187, 192, 196, 201, 202, 286, 293, 309, 316, 352, 371, 372, 392, 396, 404, 424, 432, 441, 442, 463, 470, 473, 506, 545, 559, Joseph 546, Judith 32, 103, 176, Kath. 362, Kat. 309, Margt. 270, Margery 252, Martha 519, Mary 152, 194, 238, 322, 382, Millisent 267, Mr. 365, 513, Oliver 224, 235, 239, 260, 307, 343, 348, 417, 464, 474, 488, Percy 428, Peeter 181, 134, 312, 344, 351, 503, Prist. 214, Prudence 351, Ralph 178, 179, 203, 232, 272, 278, 284, 307, 314, 336, 338, 347, 368, 377, 424, 464, 505, 541, Richd. 139, 200, 244, 262, 309, 451, 524, Robt. 33, 55, 382, Roger 365, 385, 405, Saml. 449, 465, Sarah 338, 349, Tho. 120, 176, 203, 267, 268, 290, 291, 300, 314, 316, 455, 462, 493, 507, 564, Timothy 365, Wm. 78, 98, 242, 358, 381, 474, 479, 548, 559. Greendon, Mr. 176. Greenfeild, Jane 434, John 97, 106, 198, Robt. 26. Greenfell, John 361. Greenhill, Nicholas 51, 65. Greenhoe, Tho. 268. Greenhough, John 268, 464. Greenhoure, Wm. 343. Greening, John 261, 305. Greeneleafe, Robt. 34, 45, 60, Susan 34, 45. Greenmay, Antho. 445. Greenshan, John 276. Green Spring, the 415. Greenwell, Richd. 194. Greenwill, Jas. 142, Robt. 276. Greenwood, Armagall 327, Edw. 465, Eliz. 57, Jno. 460, 523, Judeth 216, Mary 406, 419, Richard 80, Tho. 229, 273, 274, 480, 487. Greere, David 176. Greested, Wm. 198. Greete, Alice 60, Elianor 60, Geo. 264, Richd. 52, 60. Greeting, Wm. 263. Greeves, John 201. Greg, Thomas 560. Gregman, Jon. 236. Gregorie, Antho. 493, Joseph 356, 527, Tho. 161. Gregory, ^lexr. 243, 370, Benj. 59, 250, Chas. 275, 298, Fran. 335, Geo. 35, 100, Ja. 314, Jno. 459, 467, Joseph 261, 267, 490, Richd. 10, Tho. 79, 92, 161, 314, 362, 493, 502, Wm. 493. Gregson, Richard 128. Greme, Rich. 538. Grene, Charles 78, Christian 426. Grensly, Francis 313. Grenway, Geo. 517. Gresham, Ed. 204, 370, John 258, 519, Wm. 454. Gressam, Humphrey 432. Gressum, David 431. Grethwait, Isaak 547. Gretwell, G. 479. Grew, John 32. Grey, Alex. 184, Alice 546, Ann 292, Christo 265, Danl. 290, 300, Duncan 298, Francis 231, 288, 351, 449, 483, 501, 559, 563, Georg 388, Hanah 265, Henry 219, James 455, 516, Jane 452, 481, Jasper 351, Jeremiah 128, John 251, 259, 295, 329, 414, 547, Margt. 411, Mary 385, Miles 291, 330, 370, Rich. 137, 367, Robt. 204, 233, Symon 523, Thomas 113, 130, 177, 234, 271, 293, 298, 362, Wm. 200, 263, 295, 521, (See Gray). Greyhan, Jone 366. Gridwell, Henry 149. Griffell, Jno. 479. Griffen, Ann 178. Bridges 289, Joan 301, John 314, 548, Wm. 302. Griffeth, Anne 267, Antho. 200, Col. 267, Edw. 456, 534, Evan 254, 279, 301, Jon. 237, Margt. 222, Mary 267, 286, Silvanus 193, Tho. 218, 300, 652 Cavaliers and Pioneers 397, 519, Wm. 200, 403, 406. Griff ett, Herbert 117. Griffin, Ann 57, 96, David 339, 397, 459, 557, Danll. 441, Dorothy 314, Edward 78, 83, Effin 491, Eliz. 548, Elias 78, Georg 89, 94, Hopkin 144, Hugh 189, 271, Humph. 451, Joane 565, Jno. 20, 36, 87, 99, 106, 129, 190, 314, 373, 386, 431, 501, 549, Jone 514, Larry 495, Leroy 263, Lewis 479, Mary 153, Mathew 148, Reginald 17, Richd. 280, 449, 466, 483, 537, Roger 456, Samuel 392, 397, 408, 441, 459, 501, Symon 96, Tho. 130, 136, 137, 189, 220, 255, 429, 441, 456, 525, 541, Wm. 35, 58, 69, 100, 118, 322, 362, 423, 434, 435, 494, 516, 530. Griffing, Jane 455. Griffith, Edw. 429, Jane 335, Jeremiah 438, Joane 345, John 55, Mary 412, Mr. 481, Owin 562, Ralph 125, Tho. 143, 160, 169, 411, 440, 441, 485, 501. Griffton, Abra. 342. Griges, Samuell 30. Grigg, Blanch 202, Robt. 289, 402, Wm. 440. Grigges, Francis 386. Griggs, Mary 370, Robt. 250, 438, 439, Tho. 62, 178, 560, Wm. 475, 525, 528, Xtopr. 205. Grigorie, Joseph 203. Grigory, Joseph 212. Grigs John 115. Grigson, Antho. 402, Jone 55, Richd. 55, 162, 195, 219, 527, 551, Robt. 175. Grimble, Rich. 460, Wm. 523. Grime, Eliz. 462. Grimes, Ann 131, Arthur 96, Chas. 282, 349, 354, 355, 410, 459, 527, 558, Edw. 33, 147, 212, 215, 238, 249, 308, 313, 383, 439, 491, Eliz. 305, Francis 568, Hen. 195, Jon. 24, 54, John 205, Margtt. 396, Martha 453, Mary 391, 463, Mr. 379, 464, Parson 514, Rich. 350, Robt. 268, 338, 388, Walter 30, 559, Wm. 512, 539, 546, (See Grymes). Grimsditch, John 147, Tho. 189. Grimston, Anthony 62, 291. Grindall, Edw. 4, 168, Mr. 128, Tho. 89, 107, 113. Grindall's Hill 128. Grinder, Ailce 222. Grindith, Geo. 270, Wm. 270. Grindon, Edward 1, 3, 8, 105, 190, 401, Mr. 176, Tho. 58, 105, 401, Wm. 564. Grindson, Richard 390. Grinett, Alice 33, Eliz. 33, John 33. Grinfield, John 219, Robt. 117. Gringer, Robt. 146. Grinshaw, Wm. 222. Grinsin, league 371. Grim, Bened. 262. Grinwood, Dorothv 126, Mary 126, Tho. 126. Gripps, Zachary 158. Grissell, George 543, Wm. 301. Grivett, John 137. Grizell, Humph. 41. Grodson, Jon. 74. Grokin, Daniell 189. Grome, Richd. 538. Gromwell, Gerson, 85, 106. Grone, Mary 509. Groome, Jno. 356, Mary 550. Groomer, Joseph 194. Groose, Saml. 170. Gross, Sampson, 82. Grosse, Saml. Ill, 112, 170, Thomas 561. Grote, de Antonia 111. Grouch, Danll. 548. Grout, Jno. 538, 558. Grove, Joane 114, Mary 562, Peter 404. Groves, John 278, Rich. 85, 253, 257, Simon 429, 484, 490, Wm. 300, 564. Growndy, Eliz. 459, 463. Grubb, John 109, 205, Peter 517, Wm. 552. Grum, Wm. 400. Grunsditch, Jon. 134, John 147. Gryer, Wm. 199- Grymes, Chas. 254, 296, 300, 340, 391, 441, 466, 472, 485, Edw. 215, 309, 478, Eliz. 255, John 275, 323, 411, Parson 467, Robt. 341, 477, 494, Saml. 481, Tho. 254, Wm. 101. Grymsditch, John 105. Gualtney, Thomas 562. Guard, la Elias 14, 18, 19. Guard, Peter 454. Gudle, Nathan 53. Gudloe, Margaret 336. Gues, Robt. 476. Guest, Geo. 172, Wm. 464. Guffer, Jno. 393. Gugson, Tho. 279. Guige, Tho. 218. Guigey, Wm. 99. Guilfeth, Edw. 245. General Index 653 Guilham, John 130, Tho. 130. Guilt, Nicho. 195. Guinns, Leonard 174. Guinsey, Wm. 212. Guisey, Wm. 494. Gulfe, the 69, 91, 92, 97, 109, 541. Gulin, Wm. 399. Gullam, Jno. 326. Guillis, John 160. Gully, Tho. 513. Gulrich, Tho. 526. Gulton, John 119. Gum, Humph. 148, Jon. 237. Gumer, Geo. 137, Tho. 132. Gummy, Richd. 328. Gun, Margery 134, Wm. 35. Gundry, Eliza. 194, John 70, 71, 79, 194, 195, Mary 70, Tho. 440. Gunery, John 70. Gunn, John 301, Wm. 491. Gunne, Jno. 422. Gunnell, Antho. 450, Capt. 548, Wm. 196. Gunner, Tho. 132. Gunnery, John 6, 70. Gunny, Rich. 58, Sarah 282, 433. Gunsby, Jno. 301. Gunstocker, Nedd 566 . Gunston, Antho. 131. Gunter, Edwd. 259, 297, Jacob 220, Jno. 513, Tho. 396, Timothy 349, 390, Wm. 397, 459. Gunther, Richd. 209. Gunting, Jno. 538. Guntler, Richd. 209. Guny, Mary 370. Gurganey, Ann 60, Edward 60. Gurgunye, Edw. 157. Gurman, Fran. 349. Gurnett, John 202. Gurney, joane 336. Gurr, Georg 3. Gurrington, John 250. Gurtfurd, Elias 430. Gusere, Jno. 559. Guterige, Lt. Col. 567. Guterson, James 80. Gutheridge, Mr. 247, Tho. 274. Gutrich, Tho. 526. Gutt, Henry 157. Gutteridge, John 301, 460, 470, Xho. 332. Gutton, Wm. 468. Guttredge, Lt. Col. 567. Guttridge, Henry 255. Guttrige, Peter 171. Gutts, Hen. 274. Guy, Ann 514, Hen. 76, John 173, 223, 357, 442, Margt. 241, Robt. 106, 110, Tho. 559. Guyer, Robt. 141, Tho. 141. Guygoll, Daniell 390. Guyne, Anne 192. Gwalpmey, Tho. 192. Gwany, Henry 315. Gwilford, Alice 551. Gwilliford, Georg 528. Gwillin, Geo. 201. Gwillum, Geo. 174. Gwin, Col. 239, Eliza. 301, 553, Griffin 276, Hugh 132, 263, 298, 301, 362, 523, John 287. Gwinn, Col. 375, Jno. 405, Wm. 501. Gwinns, Leonard 174. Gwynn, Abigail 253, Alex. 243, Ann 141, Col. 265, 416, Hugh 141, 182, 247, 248, 263, 417. Gye, Gilbert 22. Gyer, Tho. 146. Gyles, Johna. 482, Nich. 493, 514. Gyllom, Hen. 60. Gylls, Francis 534, Jonathan 534. Gylyard, Richard 57. Gymes, Geo. 249. Gynes, Jno. 471. H Habe, Tho, 343. Habitill, Geo. 77. Hacherne, John 94. Hack, Ann 525, Geo. 265, 285, 412, 413, 473, 525, George Nicholas 525, Isaac 144, John 144, Peter 525, Richd. 284, 437. Hackady, Wm. 557. Hacker, Alice 49, Dennis 506, Henry 272, 313, John 38, 67, 68, 94, 115, 147, 158, 231, 232, 559, Margery 76, Richd. 283, 436, Walter 49, 559. Hackerly, Elias 290, Scippia 290. Hackerstone, Tho. 203. Hackerton, Ralph 296. Hackery, Henry 219, Tho. 180. Hackes, Elell 105. Hackett, Capt. 469, 477, 550, Henry 213, James 253, 280, Tho. 131, 208, 278, 284, 291, 353, 360, 374, 425, 495. Hackey, Jno. 358. Hackley, Jane 258, Jon. 90, Richd. 283. Hackney, Wm. 89, 460. Hacney, Jno. 467. Hackson, Robt. 284. 654 Cavaliers and Pioneers Hackworth, John 104, Rich. 517. Hacro, Wm. 250. Hadaway, Peter 396. Hadderill, Georg 116. Haddon, Nath. 391. Haddy, John 114, 136. Hade, Wm. 459. Hadlington, Wm. 482. Hadly, Jno. 363, Mary 515. Hadway, Tho. 370, Wm. 191. Hadwell, Wm. 150. Haelly, Edward 546. Haes, Owen 62, 344. Hagar, Richd. 250. Hagate, James 112. Hager, Jno. 404. Hagg, James 458, John 369. Haggaman, Isaak 550, John 550. Haggell, Mary 449. Haggett, Humph. 284, 497, Mary 449. Haggist, Hump. 303. Haiberd, Richd. 446, 543. Haies, Alex. 147, Anne 326, Eliza. 282, 326, Isabell 147, John 219, 377, 378, Joseph 315, 357, Nath. 147, Richd. 66, Robt. 147. Haile, Edw. 463. Hailes, Fra. 481, James 481, John 402, Rachaell 447, Robt. 567, Tho. 333. Haily, Hester 566. Haimon, Martha 548. Haines, Antho. 231, 369, 409, 500, 502, Evan 475, Henry 118, James 433, 476, Jane 244, John 389, Kath. 147, Mary 440, Mathew 404, Morgan 345, 567, Mr. 319, 502, 542, Rebecca 364, Richd. 147, 156, 244, 258, Robt. 160, 351, Susanna 275, Tho. 368, Tho- masin 463, Wm. 243, 244, 369, 443, 545. Hainye, John 213, 460. Haire, James 141. Haistwood, Tho. 329. Hake, Tho. 343. Halbar, John 298. Hale, Ann 125, Barbary 93, Edward 29, 245, Francis 244, Jno, 560, Nath. 314, Nicholas 362, 569, Richd. 542, Tho. 49, 93, 267, 325, 487. Hales, Barbara 224, Edw. 383, Fra. 285, John 136, Joyce 481, Tho. 219. Halfpenny, Eliz. 525. Haling, Jno. 296. Hall, Alexr. 296, 377, 378, Anne 345, Benj. 548, David 172, Dorothy 327, Edw. 25, 33, 39, 66, 108, 168, 169, 172, 193, 260, 269, 287, 367, 497, Eliza. 172, Fra. 176, 214, 382, Georg 38, 46, 172, 175, 179, 183, Henry 282, Hugh 4, Hum. 169, James 202, 213, 249, 393, 525, John 74, 143, 254, 271, 300, 352, 514, Joseph 268, Kath. 268, Margt. 483, Martha 453, Mary 218, 336, 359, Mathew 268, 274, Mr. 244, Peter 166, 176, Patience 205, Richd. 195, 223, 236, 268, 394, 396, 477, Robt. 134, 275, Saml. 146, 268, Step. 195, 345, 379, Susan 167, Symon 376, Thos. 174, 269, 315, 285, 325, 365, 373, 376, 385, 393, 394, 420, 423, 459, 495, 508, 516, 566. Hall's Land 283. Hallack, Andrew 144. Hallawaye, John 158, Joyce 450, Richd. 236, Wm. 205. Hailes, Danl. 465. Halley, Mercifull 22. Halliard, Alice 266, Fr. 258, Goodman 386, Tho. 266, Wm. 385. Hailing, James 465. Hallingham, Wm. 268. Hallington, Arthur 123. Hallis, John 391. Halliway, Richd. 387. Halliwell, Bernard 367. Hallom, Ann 86, 88, 120, Francis 138, Mr. 266, Mrs. 120, Robt. 86, 120, 138. Hallum, Richd. 54, Robt. 40, 59. Hallow, Robt. 307. Hallowes, John 193, 279, 293, 315, 397, 448, 510, 538, Robt. 200, Tho. 499, Wm. 421, 492. Hallwell, John 375. Hally, Jos. 4~3, 68, Marg. 355. Hallyson, Wm. 293. Halmer, Morris 148. Halsey, Ann 196, Edgar 553, Jon. 123, Robt. 113, 245. Halstead, Henry 221. Halsworth, Robt. 198. Haly, Alice 295, Ann 295, Edw. 546, Fra. 295, James 295. Ham, Jerom 275, 336, John 386, Joseph 82, Kath. 304, Mr. 386, Margt. 480. Hama, Nich. 288. Hamack, Eliz. 479- Haman, John 65, Jon. 228, Marke 118. Hambleton, Geo. 233, John 215. Hamblin, Mr. 314, Stephen 203. Hamblyn, Stephen 102, 140. Hame, Jerom 275. Hamelin, Stephen 203. General Index 655 Hamelton, Amos 197. Hamellton, Jno. 338. Hamelyn, Stephen 550. Hamer, Edw. 29, Pee. 250, Ralph 90. Hamerson, Jno. 548. Hames, Evan 475. Hamilton, Danl. 262, David 307, James 306, 313, Ma. 184, Mary 385. Haming, Wm. 130. Hamleton, David 555. Hamlett, David 548, Richard 323, 388. Hamlin, John 211, 428, Margt. 282, 458, Mr. 469, 564, Peeter 341, Phillip 245. Hamlyn, Stephen 550, Widdow 550. Hamocke, long the 503, Smoake 503. Hamon, Ambrose 548, Christo. 57, Ellin 322, Francis 298, Garrett 344, Man- warring 187, Marke 165, Mary 357, 433, Peircey 228, Susan 560. Hamond, Anne 351, Christopher 84, Edmond 194, Edw. 233, Francis 298, 299, Henry 204, 233, 371, John 315, Maj.Genrl. 408, Mannaring 212, 299, 312, 383, Marke 233, 306, Martin 109, 310, Mary 307, Machaell 400, Perty 315, Rich. 428, Tho. 168, 253, 316. Hammer, Humph. 122. Hammock, Wm. 338. Hammon, Marke 110, Martin 41. Hammond, Fra. 425, John 98, Manering 425, Mr. 279, Wm. 265. Hammore, Humph. 142. Hamor, Capt. 3, Percy 218, Ralph 2, 9, Thomas 4. Hamorell, Wm. 360. Hamper, Thomas 366, 288. Hampier, Tho. 350. Hampleton, John 215. Hampson, Bridgett 220. Hampshire, Eliz. 560, John 463, 560, Judeth 431, Rich. 430. Hampton, Ed. 235, Eliza. 126, Grace 126, John 80, 99, 181, 309, 389, 501, Joane 126, Mr. 323, 388, Philad. 213, Richd. 299, Robert 395, Thomas 56, 71, 118, 141, 154, 165, 169, 285, 379, 387, 390, 427, William 11, 18, 20, 37, 126, 128, 162, 165, 213, 274, 485, 559. Hampton Key, 105. Hamwood, John 250. Hana, Nicola 209. Hanbury, Peter 114. Hanby, Sarah 142, Rich. 142. Hance, Wm. 128. Hanch, John 207. Hanckes, Tho. 484, 490. Hanckles, Hen. 201. Hancks, Thomas 314, 335. "Hancock, Andrew 181, Edw. 216, 455, Eliz. 426, George 366, James 263, John 349, 425, 447, 525, Mary 272, Mat. 302, Richd. 209, 325, Sarah 302, 354, Symon 354, Tho. 548, 566, Wm. 475. Hancoke, John 113, Robt. 428. Hancorne, Gerrard 184. Hand, Richd. 348, Robt. 167, 334, Saml. 220, Thomas 5. Handcocke, Sarah 505, Wm. 504, 505. Handley, Wm. 176. Handly, Nicho. 262, Row. 559. Hane, James 184, Jon. 66, Rob. 334. Haneat, William 354. Haner, John 321. Hanerly, Do. 298. Hanes, Jo. 207, Xpher. 349. Haney, John 234. Haniger, Robt. 502. Haninge, John 213. Hanker, Sara 378. Hankes, Tho. 298, 490. Hankin, Geo. 126, John 364, Wm. 402. Hankins, John 464, Richd. 268. Hanly, Rich. 142, Sarah 142. Hannah, Neal 316. Hannan, Thos. 407. Hanniver, Wm. 351. Hannock, Isaak 546. Hans, Jerom 336, Jude 479, Richard 549. Hanscome, Tho. 148. Hansen, Thomas 318. Hansfoard, Tobias 421. Hansford, Eliza. 220, 281, John 220, 281, 347, 383, Mary 542, Richd. 220, Tho. 420. Hanshorne, Henry 170. Hansin, Mary 381. Hanson, And. 484, Rich. 435, Tho. 204, 318, 422. Hansworth, Fra. 315, Tho. 213. Hantrinpp, Francis 245. Hanwell, Wm. 370. Hany, John 207, 303, 349, 377, 382, 402, 408, 505, 566. Happ, Row. 275. Hapworth, John 393. Harback, Hen. 108. Harbard, Ann 130. Harber, Fra. 170, Geo. 349. Harbert, Tho. 216. 656 Cavaliers and Pioneers Harbott, Richard 144. Harbottle, John 261. Harbrough, Edw. 290. Harbutt, Wm. 361. Harby, Mathew 322. Harcey, James 370. Harcock, John 109. Harcocke, Jon. 41. Harcourt, Phill. 435. Hard, Wm. 509, Xpher. 210. Hardacur, Sam. 506. Hardeman, Israeli 342. Harden, Ja. 171. Hardess, Thomas 554. Hardest, Geo. 213. Hardey, Geo. 176. Hardich, Stephen 540, Wm. 520, 523. Hardick, Stephen 566, Tho. 369, Wm. 480, 520. Hardidge, Wm. 251, 252, 420. Hardie, Geo. 146, 509, John 569. Hardin, Ann 338, Wm. 350. Harding, Ann 222, Blanch 476, 548, Eliz. 351, Geo. 140, Ja. 220, Joane 128, Jno. 456, Mary 23, 66, 294, Mr. 130, 134, 155, Peter 537, Sarah 152, Tho. Ill, 195, 256, 277, 415, 422, Wm. 199, 219, 466. Hardish, Wm. 420, 432. Harditch, Wm. 523. Hardman, Richd. 351. Hardridge, Wm. 420. Hardrop, Susan 402. Hardware, Ann 548, James 499. Hardway, James 301, Jno. 198. Hardwin, Grace 150. Hardy, Georg 67, 176, 177, 221, 509, John 166, 386, 404, 569, Mary 256, Oliver 569, Richd. 230, 246, Rich. 394, Samll. 312, Tho. 140, 199, 371, Walter 481, Wm. 297. Hare, Abagile 362, Andrew 256, James 208, 212, 280, 291, 304, 316, John 297, Nicho. 186, Patriack 454, Susan 91, Tabitha 382, Wm. 426, Xtopr. 210. Harebridge, Tho. 230. Harecastle, Math. 192. Harecourt, Thos. 204. Harelin, Jno. 510. Haretree, Elias 233, 482, 520. Harfeild, Wm. 177. Harfinch, Wm. 385. Harford, Margt. 67, Mary 42, Samll. 404. Hargas, Geo. 137. Hargessey, Gill 365. Hargrave, Abra. 171, Barabry 199, Christo. 56, 108, Richd. 423. Hargrove, Paul 402, Peter 298, Richd. 229, Richd. 423. Harin, Tho. 424. Harker, Jno. 559. Harkin, Bryan 358. Harkwood, Benj. 143. Harland, Geo. 142. Harle, Randall 418. Harleston, Georg 144. Harloe, Ann 217, 555, John 184, 217, Mary 217, Step. 217. Harlow, Agnis 46, Ann 46, 130, Charles 500, Edward 510, John 46, 130, 139, 273, Step. 46, 130, Tho. 197. Harlowe's Hole 260, 418. Harlston, Ro^er 350. Harlltree, Elias 131. Harly, Grace 340. Harma, Richd. 404. Harman, Alice 345, Andrew 209, Elias 43, Joane 46, Mary 256, Mr. 15, Richd. 324, 366, 426, 512, Robert 359, Wm. 215, 345, 266. Harmanson, Jno. 554, Tho. 294. Harmar, Charles 331, Elizabeth 331, John 261, 331, 466, Thomas 331, Wm. 370. Harmata, Abra. 136. Harmer, Ann 28, Charles 28, 130, 155, Doraty 383, Eliz. 155, Henry 323, Jane 275, 298, 484. Harmison, Tho. 296. Harmon, Eliz. 291, John 115, 558, Joseph 83, Richd. 451, Robt. 366, 555, Susan 557, Wm. 172. Harmond, Henry 536, Wm. 536. Harmor, Ambrose 125, George 559, Jane 125. Harner, Roger 194. Harnings, Robt. 205. Harny, James 403 . Harp, Hen. 375. Harper, Ann 462, Francis 31, 301, George 376, John 133, 304, 448, Joseph 292, Luke 510, Mary 441, 462, 500, 528, Patrick 238, Richd. 313, 325, Rob. 322, Symon 301, Tho- mas 381, 428, 431, 442, 499, Wm. 135, 200, 207, 208, 238, 396, 423, 464, 510, 521. Harr, Wm. 331. Harrad, Capt. 408. Harrage, Eliz. 247. Harrard, Garrard 317. Harratt, Jon. 81. General Index 657 Harren, James 304. Harrer, Wm. 556. Harreson, Roger 316. Harrett, Mathew 531. Harringham, Phillip 95. Harrington, Edward 144, 285, 296, 412, 413, Edm. 453, Fran. 381, Ralph 128, Susan 286, Wm. 294, 394. Harris, Abraham 338, Adry 101, Andrew 520, An. 396, Ann 227, 246, 282, 527, Anthony 129, 401, Banill 195, Bryan 359, Capt. 129, 140, 266, 269, Christo. 361, 375, 486, 492, Clemt. 361, Danl. 197, 526, Edw. 223, 272, 279, 311, 382, 433, 445, 479, 487, 504, 557, 559, 562, Eliz. 56, 101, 134, 139, 216, 262, Elinor 319, 504, Emll. 448, Erasmus 569, Geo. 487, 543, Giles 216, Grace 262, Hen. 24, 28, 80, Israeli 150, 166, James 222, 285, 286, 348, 369. 440, 453, 464, 471, 536, Jane 109, 136, 382, 394, 565, Joane 33, John 22, 48, 111, 113, 116, 131, 167, 182, 198, 240, 254, 257, 263, 270, 317, 324, 338, 365, 396, 410, 420, 438, 479, 491, 492, 493, 524, 525, 556, 559, 561, 564, Jon. 78, 79, 134, Jonathan 251, Kath. 230, 405, Mr. 122, 339, 407, Mary 293, 351, 372, 389, 476, Mathew 372, Owen 111, 121, Penelope 200, Peter 558, Robert 393, 510, 562, Roger 146, 334, Richd. 43, 55, 56, 128, 131, 153, 240, 246, 444, 457, 480, 527, Robt. 464, Stephen 401, 427, Susan 438, 527, Thomas 10, 33, 37, 40, 41, 54, 60, 68, 101, 118, 120, 152, 166, 177, 203, 278, 281, 319, 332, 334, 343, 348, 365, 372, 373, 386, 436, 476, 485, 492, 527, 543, Wm. 6, 11, 12, 51, 53, 54, 77, 150, 171, 240, 305, 307, 313, 372, 383, 388, 399, 404, 439, 452, 492, 554, 559, Xtopher. 461, 462, 558, Weltin 386. Harrison, Anth. 237, Barth. 293, 562, Benj. 16, 25, 40, 45, 56, 86, 94, 152, 159, 163, 186, 224, 276, 287, 326, Daniell 448, Edw. 140, 152, 249, 289, 364, 522, Eliza. 208, 472, Eras- mus 120, Fra. 54, 153, 155, 172, 245, 302, 319, 470, 565, Georg 54, 104, 120, 325, 355, Grace 351, Hen. 29, Isaac 221, Jas. 29, 94, 501, 548, Jeremy 302, John 116, 128, 268, 312, 319, 565, Jon. 25, 140, 141, Jonathan 480, Joseph 230, 405, Katherine 94, Math. 367, Peter 326, Rebecca 396, Richd. 243, 270, 296, 459, 472, 520, Robt. 170, 183, 213, 389, 411, 444, 489, Susan 559, Tho. 43, 157, 248, Wm. 104, 118, 186, 190, 204, 318, 405, 444, 543. Harrold, Jno. 331, 472. Harrop, place called 15, 80, 466. Harrow, Charles 484, Richd. 197, Tho. 569. Harrow Attocks 40, 47, 52, 59, 61, 64, 74, 97, 233, 447, 471. Harry, James 213, Joseph 290, Mary 501. Harryson, Benj. 152, 287, Edw. 249, Jno. 451. Harsey, Stephen 170. Harsley, Stephen 170. Harsnett, John 147. Harson, Wm. 166. Harswell, Rebecca 285. Hart, Ann 396, 437, 530, Aug. 216, 267, Danl. 126, David 315, 557, Eliza. 37, 63, 291, 316, 466, 554, Elnor 322, Fra. 391, 496, Henry 31, 61, 63, 86, 115, 121, 153, 176, 367, 527, 559, Isack 352, Ja. 236, 506, Jacob 482, James 283, 292, 313, 475, Jane 479, John 180, 480, 510, Kath. 349, Lyddy 235, Margtt. 556. Marma- duke 486, Mary 398, 404, 430, 483, 484, 543, 564, Maudlin 235, Methu- salem 190, Nicho. 264, 422, Peter 548, Rebecca 31, Richard 67, 509, Robt. 296, 414, Samll. 313, Simon 499, Susan 331, 525, 545, 547, 554, Tabitha 383, Teague 307, Tho. 89, 118, 135, 175, 176, 213, 235, 268, 316, 322, 352, 557, Timothy 549, Walter 192, Wm. 235, 399, 400, 492, 494, 530, 559. Hartees, Rich. 441. Hartery, Elias 520. Hartfild, Edw. 482. Hartford, Eliz. 352, Edwd. 249, John 425. Hartfort, Jno. 430. Hartgrave, Rich. 483. Harting, Richd. 521. Hartland, Tho. 188. Hartless, Richd. 397. Hartley, Tho. 141. Hartly, Eliz. 324, Tho. 352. Harton, Eliza. 190. Hartop, Edward 80, John 295. Hartree, Elias 103, 286, 414, 482, Jos. 483. 658 Cavaliers and Pioneers Hartsford, Tho. 375. Harvard, Richard 429. Harvey, Abreall 383, Edw. 180, Eliz. 149, 277, Sir Georg 31, Henry 126, James 387, 427, Jane 232, John 2, 14, 17, 20, 27, 28, 45, 51, 53, 119, 121, 122, 123, 128, 156, 161, 164, 205, 240, 250, 313, 425, 427, 428, 484, 553, 560, Lady 108, 149, 374, Margtt. 559, Mary 123, Mr. 299, Rice 128, 397, Richd. 404, 511, Tho. 19, 30, 123, 232, 364, Valentine 200, Wm. 391, 464, 469, 492, 538. Harvis, Wm. 215, 399. Hartwell, Edwd. 85, Hen. 28, John 95, 100, 114, 133, 166, 179, 246, 284, Mary 483, 506, Richd. 564, Wm. 467. Harway, Richard 182. Harward, Chas. 252, Mary 429. Harwell, John 35, 69, 389, 459, Jone 325, Robt. 382, Wm. 430. Harwood, Ann 270, 274, 4l4, Capt. 294, 383, Constant 355, Ellen 422, Eliz. 236, 249, 342, Fra. 430, Geo. 149, Giles 68, Humphry 97, 138, 274, 518, John 83, 233, 414, 557, Joseph 535, Mary 456, 484, Nicholas 20, Paul 359, Peter 125, Phillip 375, 395, Ralph 25, 69, 505, Robt. 179, Stephen 557, Thomas 14, 15, 25, 30, 36, 41, 49, 75, 83, 101, 105, 143, 149, 150, 168, 186, 216, 242, 254, 259, 262, 274, 313, 354, 378, 393, 439, 476, 500, Wm. 201, 275, 439. Hary, Edward 399, Joseph 375, 395, Mr. 480. Haryfold, James 395. Hasellock, Geo. 433, 435, 459. Haselwood, Judith 358. Hasker, Jno. 560. Haslelock, Geo. 459, 531. Hasledine, Marg. 219. Hasleton, Priscilla 145, Symon 148. Haslewood, Edw. 112, Jane 250, Rich. 119, Walter 45. Hasleworth, Henry 264. Haslington, Arthur 53, 74, 95, 145. Hasnet, Jno. 362. Hasplock, Geo. 495. Hassall, Jon. 235, Wm. 235. Hassor, Edwd. 286. Hassord, John 123. Hasting, Jno. 172, Rich. 472, 521. Hastings, Wm. 54, 120. Hastier, Andrew 77. Hatburn, Hen. 298. Hatby, Eliz. 450. Hatch, Lawr. 448. Hatcher, Edward 538, Geo. 207, Ja. 248, Sarah 44, Tho. 156, Wm. 40, 59, 89, 347. Hatchett, Edw. 138. Hatchway, Tho. 151. Hatchworth, Mary 482. Hate, Susan 79. Hately, Wm. 555. Hatfeild, Grace 312, Joseph 19, Tho. 281, Wm. 96, 114, 128, 164. Hath, Abra. 454. Hataway, Fra. 264, Thomas 101. Hathorne, Leo. 276, 428. Hathrone, Jno. 338. Hatly, Elizabeth 327, 450, John 329, Wm. 352. Hatock, Tho. 28. Hatoft, Richard 547. Hatred, Mary 78. Hatsell, Susan 544. Hatt, John 266, Tho. 273. Hattaway, Saml. 501. Hatton, Jefferv 24, 54, Jon. 85, John 150, 250, 269, Marmaduke 520, Mary 372, Richd. 265, 270, 273, 317, 399, 438, Tho. 118, 350, 390, Wm. 292. Hattey, John 205. Hattfeild, Thomas 64. Hattoft, Richard 546. Haughton, Henry 543. Hauker, Easter 378, Sara 378. Haukes, Tho. 298. Hauton, Mathew 56. Havannest, Charles 359. Havant, Eliz. 194. Havat, Wm. 323. Haveat, Mathew 512. Haver, John 321. Haverell, Georg 49. Havert, Wm. 79, 115. Havett, Wm. 138, 286, 328. Havord, Alice 127. Haw, Hamlett 133. Haward, Ben. 167, Edw. 219, Grace 204, Jon. 50, John 138, 227, 345, 385, 421, 553, Richard 180, Sam. 564, Wm. 230, 306. Hawes, Ann 296, Walter 286, 357. Hawis, Reynald 158, Richard 117, Wm. 215. Hawker, Enoch 279, 333, 343, 346, 411, 561, 569, 311, 487. Hawkers, John 209. Hawkes, Edmond 200, Ellin 146, Jno. 457, Mary 32, 103, 146, 384, 436. General Index 659 Hawkes Nest Ridge, 533. Hawke Pine Nest 242. Hawkenett, Jno. 392. Hawking, Wm. 549. Hawkins-Hawkings, Abigail 464, Eliza- beth 39, 233, George 359, Henry 82, 152, 177, 221, 304, 362, James 120, John 175, 228, 231, 233, 240, 256, 292, 401, 464, 474, 533, Marg. 369, Mary 326, Mich 290, Mr. 354, Nicholas 191, Phillipp 144, Richd. 206, 304, 312, 567, Robt. 107, 254, 291, Richd. 291, Sarah 446, Tho, 35, 39, 69, 113, 190, 240, 246, 254, 255, 284, 311, 312, 364, 365, 370, 390, 397, 419, 420, 424, 464, 501, 511, 557, Wm. 58, 355. Hawkinson, Wm. 28. Hawkshead, Jno. 392. Hawkwood, Fra. 198. Hawlee, Law. 523. Hawlet, Wm. 506. Hawley, Alice 125, Ann 125, Ed. 428, Francis Ann 125, Henry 151, James 125, 148, 167, 309, 325, 395, 432, 561, 565, John 409, 469, Jon. 232, :Mr. 149, 461, 536, 537, Thos. 428, 484, Wm. 484. Hawlie, Mr. 499. Hawlis, Will. 552. Hawly, Ann 340, Ed. 426, James 340, 362, Jane 516, Leonard 143, Mr. 398. Hawoes, John 207. Hawoods, Humph 258. Hawranly, Darby 281. Hawstone, Tho. 323. Hawten, Richd. 149. Hawwood, Martin 557. Haxom's Gaole 4. Hay, Eliz. 291, James 453, John 263, 462, Wm. 370, 381, 393, 466, 503, 514. Hay Meadow, the 465. Hayall, John 327. Hayberd, Richard 544. Haycocke, John 263. Hayden, Elizabeth 6, Richd. 207. Haydin, Tho. 363. Hayes, Alex. 231, An. 560, Ann 147, Anth. 152, Bellinda 369, Charles 55, David 86, Edw. 255, Eliz. 86, 212, 388, 518, Fr. 229, Henry 86, 200, Hugh 28, James 86, 393, John 5, Joseph 210, 211, Mary 66, 315, Nathl. 221, Owen 433, 434, Peter 67, 69, 76, Richd. 23, 141, Robt. 79, 138, 151, 182, Roger 196, Tho. 55, Wm. 92. Hayfeild, Ben. 195. Hayhes, Allen 128. Hayle, Nicho. 157, Tho. 246. Hayler, Henry 215. Hayles, Barbara 218, 298, George 522, Jeremiah 45, 86, 93, John 351, 432, 515, Tho. 234, 266, 364, 420, 440, 461, 508, 518. Hayly, Georg 102, Tho. 393. Hayman, Ed. 562, Eliz. 405, Jer. 233, John 451, Mrs. 405. Haymon, Sym. 479. Haynes, Anthony 368, 369, Chas. 462, Geo. 156, 203, 334, Henry 184, 200, Jam. 270, John 294, 372, Luke 208, Morgan 248, 380, Richd. 141, Susan 269, 479. Hayney, John 18, 45. Haynie, John 462, 463. Haynott, Robt. 379. Hays, Tho. 455. Haytree, Richard 390. Hayward, Ann 89, Ellen 87, Ellin 137, Elianor 273, Francis 114, Howell 34, Hugh 102, John 114, 370, 381, 508, 515, 548, Mathew 89, Rich. 513, Samll. 496, Silas 543, Susan 102, Thomas 324, William 60, 81, 87, 136, 273, 421, 473, 485. Haywood, Jno. 334, /Robert 97, Wm. 148. Hayworth, Henry 101. Hazard, Sarah 232, Wm. 390. Hazleton, Symon 323. Hazleward, Walter 62. Hazlewood, Bryan 422, John 296, Wm. 428. Heabeard, John 377, Rich. 471. Heaberd, John 469, 470, 473, 560, Richard 360, 432, 473, Wm. 377, 469, 470, 473, 481, 560. Head, Grace 315, James 43, 121, John 466, Rich. 455, Tho. 93. Header, Richard 99. Headry, John 55. Heakley, Henry 171, Mary 171. Heale, Francis 481, Geo. 256, 290, Nathl. 561, Nicho. 272, 346, 561, Richard 16, Samson 390, Symon 370, Wm. 561. Heanes, Phillip 132. Hearberd, Richd. 473. Heard, Ann 520, Henry 518, James 209, Nathl. 408, Walter 192, 229, 525, 561, Xpher. 363. Heardes, Henry 140. Hearne, Jon. 54, John 120, Robt. 267, Tho. 120, 204. 660 Cavaliers and Pioneers Hearny, Wm. 400. Heasell, Robert 22. Heashew, Tho. 245. Heate, Wm. 561. Heath, Abm. 288, Amey 194, 199, 288, Ann 429, 456, Edw. 456, Eliz. 329, Ferdinand 138, George 541, Isabel! 291, 405, Jane 148, 196, Joane 525, John 194, 199, 241, 288, 350, 448, Jon. 29, Margt. 210, Mary 169, Nicho. 242, Peter 349, Richd. 351, 452, Robt. 455, Thomas 51, 61, 125, 161, 162, 169, Wm. 164, 194, 199, 275, 491, 492. Heather, Richd. 173. Heaward, John 493. Hebden, John 222. Hebditch, Wm. 501. Hecher, Jon. 45. Hector, Kath. 324. Hed, Henry 178. Hedge, Nich. 386, Wm. 41, 508. Hedges, Tho. 250, Walter 479. Hedlen, Jon. 31. Hedrington, Jno. 452. Heed, Tho. 462. Heede, Francis 193. Heeding, Robt. 304. Heele, Georg 22. Heeley, Walter 14 . Hegge, Lawrence 356. Hegginson, Mrs. 298. Hegnone, Ann 349, Antho. 254. Heifer, John 301. Heigham, Geo. 212, 306. Heily, Ewin 145. Heines, Eliz. 338, Lancelott 351, Marg. 352. Heire, Jane 369. Heires, Wm. 24. Heiward, Charles 316, Mary 291. Hele, Nicho. 280. Heleme, Sara 196. Heler, Richd. 304. Heley, Walter 12, Willis 36. Helier, Sar. 426. Helin, Mary 242. Helliard, Thomas 416. Hellier, Jon. 78. Helson, John 431. Helter, Kath. 322. Hely, John 152, Jon. 60, Terin 378, Walter 156, Willis 30, 36, Willi. 76. Hemecegga, Hugh 327. Hemence, Tho. 533. Hemington, New place called 439. Hemlocke, Jane 204. Hemmings, Wm. 479. Hemseley, Wm. 405. Hemsley, Francis 258, Wm. 291. Hemstead, Richd. 260. Hemy, John 11. Henborne, Kath. 75. Henchley, Sarah 86. Hencill, Wm. 273. Hencing, Jon. 51. Henderson, Alex. 197, Edw. 562, Gil- bert 277, 419, 517, Henrick 355, Hona 287, James 552, Mathew 332, Robt. 558, Wm. 530. Hendly, Rob. 260. Hendry, Richd. 284. Hendrye, John 43. Hendworth, Eliza. 222. Hendy, Jno. 450. Henes, Wm. 140. Henesty, Jno. 441. Henfeild, Robt. 297, 335, 421, 520. Hengan, Roger 185. Hening, Jno. 525. Henland, Jno. 358. Henley, Edward 333, Jno. 369. Henly, Edward 365, 375, 376, John 207, 398, Tho. 383, 488. Henman, Jno. 172. Henning, Wm. 479, 538. Henre, Hen. 427. Henrick, Jno. 440, Samll. 427. Henrill, Wm. 395. Henry, Andrew 217, David 299, John 11, 326, Richd. 309, Samll. 428. Hensett, Tho. 208. Henshawe, Benj. 468, Thomas 83. Hensly, Robt. 293. Henson, Rich. 344, Tho. 334. Hensseley, "Vc m. 405. Hentlands, Jon. 81. Henton, John 277. Henwath, Richd. 188. Heors, Jane 349. Hepworth, Edw. 430. Herbert, Clemence 358, Clement 346, 348, 350, 440, 442, 519, 526, 528, Edm. 345, Hen. 467, 476, James 552, John 113, 479, Lewis 430, "Mary 527, Oliver 482, Rich. 468, Wm. 442. Herd, James 311. Heresa, Finla 291. Herick, Ann 154, John 151. Heritick, Jno. 538. Herle, Randall 185. Herman, Thomas 377, 418. Hermanson, Tho. 294. Hermy, Kath. 352. General Index 661 Heme, Robert 375, 425, Thomas 428. Herning, Robt. 489. Heron, Jno. 554. Herrick, Henry 154, John 151, Tho. 44. Herriman, Daniell 378. Herring, Alex. 352, John 129, 134, Thomas 453. Herry, Lawrence 143. Herryfold, James 395. Herse, Henry 441. Hersoll, A. 305. Herst, John 119. Hestin, Eliza. 114. Hether, Jon. 31. Hetherson, Jos. 222. Heughes, 371. Heward, Robt. 199, Tho. 510, Wm. 313, 422. Hewe, Wm. 157. Heweat, Mathew 512. Hewes, Eliz. 269, Francis 60, Garrett 40, 109, 508, George 359, Henry 182, James 87, 273, Jeffry 472, John 8, 306, 434, 444, Jon. 234, Margtt. 566, Mary 370, 395, 460, Math. 425, Nich. 373, Ralph 23, 66, Richard 52, 86, 138, 190, 276, 279, 288, Tho. 94, 263, 264, Wm. 169. Hewett, Antho. 49, Fra. 275, Geo. 445, Gyles 152, John 54, 371, Randall 289, Rich. 84, Wm. 263. Hewis, Joane 331. Hewitt, Alice 267, James 210, John 175, Kath. 196, Rich. 73, 172, Robt. 433. Hewelett, John 475. Hewson, Tho. 104. Hexon, Ralph 130. Hey, Mary 288, Robt. 288. Heyden, Jane 202. Heyes, Peter 25. Heyly, Elianor 36, Robt. 36, Walter 12, 19, Wm. 29, Willis 36. Heyman, Mrs. 138, 167, Peter 454. Heymore, Francis 476. Heynes, Anthony 369, Fra. 283, John 389, Mary 60, Margan 248, Richd. 168, Robt. 294, Tho. 294, Wm. 3. Heytens, Hester 186. Heyward, Ann 110, Hugh 15, Humph- rey 23, Jon. 25, 437, 440, 454, Nich. 449, Rand. 60, Roger 375, Wm. 144. Heyware, James 367. Heywood, John 199, Richd. 262, Roger 429. Hibit, Jno. 544. Hibs, Nohan 327. Hibton, Margaret 336. Hicker, Henry 461. Hickes, Edward 394, John 130, Richard 281, Samuell 59, Thomas 542, Wm. 432. Hickhocke, Tho. 285. Hickins, Francis 131. Hicklett, Wm. 395. Hickman, Eliz. 517, Hen. 29, 65, James 513, Nathl. 228, Sarah 130, 390, Tho. 272, 314, 379, 394, 530, Wm. 193, 326, 409, 502, 505. Hickmore, Sarah 31. Hickocke, Rich. 377. Hicton, James 396. Hicks, James 73, 411, Jeremy 296, Mary 466, Richd. 192, Samuell 59, Wm. 185, 394. Hickson, Geo. 350. Hickton, James 516. Hide, Edw. 220, Eliz. 516, Richard 40, 238, 501, Roger 367, Samuel 146, Susan 475, 528, Susannah 525, Wm. 448. Hiden, Jno. 462. Higate, John 255. Higbie, Edmd. 160. Higby, Jonathan 281, 542, John 467, 501. Higdon, Jno. 388. Higeson, Aaam 468. Higgenson, Col. 247, Elizabeth 80, Ellenor 326, Humphry 80, 136, 294, 298, 317, 354, 466, Robt. 288, Tho. 298, Wm. 91. Higgens, Hump. 248, Mrs. 467. Higgeson, Joane 65. Higgin, Robt. 205. Higginbottom, Wm. 358. Higgings, George 333. Higgins, Ann 362, Charles 320, Dan. 316, Fra. 214, 278, Georg 102, 108, 205, Humph. 263, John 108, 117, 525, Jone 88, Lodowick 515. Higginson, Christo. 141, Eliza. 80, 141, Humph. 112, 159, 160, 178, 375, Peter 130, 171, Robt. 349. Higgison, Adam 391, Peter 46, Robert 390. Hig^s, Jno. 555. High, Tho. 426. Highland, Jno. 362. Highlander, a 251, 362. High Peake, the 228, 268, 503. High Wav, the 2, 4, 8, 12, 56. Higinson, Hugh 182. Highley, Johna. 424, Susan 404. 662 Cavaliers and Pioneers Highlie, Jonathan 542. Highly, Jonathan 281, 475, 542, 549. Higsden, Rich. 449. Higson, Ralph 105. Hill, Abram 400, Abraham 38, 94, Andrew 455, Ann 176, 279, Anthony 70, 289, Barbery 176, Benja. 221, 450, Chas. 156, 258, 313, 378, 382, 389, 437, 501, Daniell 105, Edward 6, 93, 140, 175, 324, 382, 405, 457, 460, 497, Elianor 59, Eliza. 200, 249, 558, Fra. 195, 353, Gabriell 467, 541, Geo. 171, 255, 302, 353, Grace 438, 444, 546, 547, 512, Henry 18, 23, 176, 268, Isaack 359, Jacob 208, James 267, 268, 295, 340, 382, 389, 402, 404, 410, 455, Jarrett 463, Joane 367, John 21, 65, 112, 114, 153, 172, 175, 181, 226, 260, 263, 276, 287, 291, 322, 324, 330, 353, 355, 362, 424, Jon. 23, Joseph 249, 393, 426, Katherine 92, Margtt. 553, Marke 531, Martha 252, 453, 491, Mary 23, 140, 195, 261, 262, 353, Mathew 357, 467, Moses 358, Nicholas 38, 77, 115, 118, 175, 199, 444, Peter 79, 104, 107, Richd. 54, 59, 68, 92, 94, 97, 120, 188, 245, 260, 261, 271, 369, 413, 446, 449, 466, 482, 483, 507, 516, 549, Robt. 140, 181, 245, 392, 454, 545, 555, Rose 41, 91, 109, Silvester 444, 558, Susan 260, Thomas 95, 104, 108, 114, 131, 137, 143, 145, 159, 172, 175, 195, 198, 208, 277, 353, Timothy 382, 385, 388, 426, 449, 479, Wm, 49, 88, 120, 153, 204, 206, 294, 359, 371, 392, 396, 447. Hill's Choyce 455, 482, 554. Hill's Thickett 260. Hill, the Tower 281. Hill, Shorne brook 322. Hillard, Wm. 315. Hillary Susan 263, 313. Hiller, Martha 351. Hillery, Susan 248. Hilliar, Geo. 300, Jno. 538. Hilliard, Geo. 86, John 213, 558, Robt. 377, 427. Hillier, Isaak 555, John 253, 288, 475, 487, 501. Hillyer, Lawrence 327. Hilman, Ed. 476. Hilson, Wm. 452. Hilton, Ann 180, Margaret 336, Wm. 315. Hinam, Wm. 198. Hincastle, Jeles 201. Hichman, Benj. 454. Hinckly, Tho. 25. Hincks, Arthur 455. Hind, Alexander 316, Jno. 513. Hinde, Alex. 291, Eliz. 244, James 260, Rich. 86, Tho. 332, 369, Wm. 131, 174. Hinderson, Mathew 216, Wm. 508. Hindes, Tho. 378. Hine, Antho. 256, Jno. 513, Tho. 281. Hines, William 22. Hiniman, Tho. 418. Hinkes, Tho. 404. Hinly, Phillip 528. Hinman, John 322, 407, Richd. 407, 463, Thomas 554. Hinsha, Teague 493. Hinshaw, Ann 231, Mary 231, Tho. 167. Hinson, Paule 351, Tho. 162, 245, 246, 253. Hint, James 297. Hinton, Dorcas 460, Geo. 513, John 139, 479, Palmer 210, 235, Tho. 61, 210, 255, 309, 451, Wm. 54. Hiorn, Eliz. 443. Hird, Henry 140. Hitchcock, Ed. 237, Hen. 138. Hitchcox, John 116, Richd. 35, 42, 80, 248. Hitchman, Wm. 335, 392, 411, 464, 472, 507. Hitley, Phillip 454. Hitton, Henry 149. Hive, Tho. 281. Hives, Margtt. 535. Hix, Edw. 345, Eliz. 512, Mary 374, Thomas 548, Wm. 97. Hixams, Robt. 172. Hixon, Joan 239. Hoane, Mr. 254, Theophilus 322, 380, Tho. 275. Hoard, Elias 232. Hoare, Mich. 481. Hobbart, Eliz. 531. Hobbs, Alice 369, Francis 196, 251, 364, Geo. 209, Isaac 220, John 93, 191, 404, Jone 150, Miles 431, Tho. 132, Wm. 476, 567. Hobeane, Rich. 245. Hoben, Joane 492. Hobert, Bertram 135, Jeremy 384, Sarah 135. Hobkins, Mr. 332, Thomas 313, 315, 469, 491, 521. Hoble, Wm. 373. General Index 663 Hobson, Eliz. 296, 338, 356, 512, 559, jane 466, John 54, 119, 166, 245, Richd. 250, Robt. 164, Roger 275, Timothy 557, 568, Tho. 192, 469, 523. Hoccadie, Wm. 276. Hoccaday, Darby 371, Major 409, Mr. 208, 367, Wm. 181, 210, 220, 257, 303, 311, 318, 338, 342, 376, 532. Hockadav, Wm. 131, 133, 167, 243, .398, 424, 456, 458, 511, 563, 566. Hockadayes Harbour 133. Hockett, Eliz. 250, Mary 250. Hockinge, Ann 362. Hockins, Georg 57. Hockly, Rowld. 244. Hocksteed, Sam. 378. Howell, Katherine 58, 328. Hoddin, Christian 148, John 148, 150. Hoddon, Michaell 193. Hodge, Edw. 257, John 425, 467, Wm. 109. Hodges, Charles 332, Eliza. 63, Jane 299, Joane 125, 322, John 83, 150, Jon. 61, Margt. 269, Richd. 229, Robert 50, 58, 100, 447, Tho. 202. Hodgen, John 101. Hodgkin, Thomas 425. Hodgkins, Jesper 101, Mary 93, Wm. 468. Hodgkinson, Jasper 327, Wm. 182. Hodgskins, Walter 48. Hodgson, Onah 524, Wm. 194, 359, 524. Hodin, John 148, 272. Hodkins, Tho. 430. Hodskins, Tho. 200. Hodson, John 310, Jon. 64, Rich. 504. Hoe, Cur. 331, Rice 86, 87, 110, 119, 145, 148, 543, Richd. 323. Hoell, Chas. 253, Hopkin 479, Tho. 450, Walter 525. Hoeman, Jno. 349. Hoer, Andrew 58. Hoes, Margtt. 535, Owen 344, Walter 397. Hofe, Fra. 167. Hofer, Jane 528. Hoffeild, Henry 325. Hogan, Mohan 427. Hogard, Peter 315. Hogdson, Oran 523, Wm. 523. Hogg, Andrew 288, John 346, 451, 564, Rob. 353, Thomas 327, Will. 206. Hogge, Lawrence 356. Hogges, Mary 207. Hogg's land, 222, 341. Hogines, John 205. Hogkinson, Jasper 243, 286. Hogsden, Rich. 482. Hogskin, Mr. 358. Hogskins, John 4. Hogson, Mathew 465, Rich. 358, Wm. ;308. Holbar, Rich. 298. Holberton, Walter 133. Hold, Christopher 94. Holden, Arth. 324, Joane 259, John 107, Jon. 81, Marg. 498, Mr. 208, Peter 381, Richd. 235, 333, 352, 463, 518, Tho. 322, Wm. 417, 428. Holder, Arth. 428, 450, Eliz. 107, John 107, Mary 266, Richd. 317, 400, 487, 500, Sath. 463, Tho. 350, 427, Wm. 175, 193, 194, 196, 234, 253. Holdich, Richd. 200. Holdin, John 28, Richard 319, Sarah 383. Holding, Geo. 228, 253, Grace 198, Isaac 311, James 90, 231, 248, 318, 508, Joane 504, John 190, 249, 254, 296, 366, 422, Mary 541, Nath. 264, Richd. 198, 235, 354, 356, 532, Robt. 235, Tho. 458, Wm. 468. Holdings, Richd. 355, 502. Hole, Edward 89, Tho. 262. Holeman, Tho. 30, Wm. 351. Holford, Margtt. 546. Holgate, Martha 515. Holladay, Eliz. 390, Walter 562. Hollaman, Judith 227. Holland, Adam 280, Danll. 339, Edward 40, 41, 59, 60, Francis 146, 216, Gabriel 3, 8, Geo. 526, Hen. 28, Jno. 444, Mary 3, 8, 56, 326, Mr. 335, 350, Sam. 385, Tho. 214, Wat. 485, Wm. 40, 69, 107. Holland,_295. Hollar, Eliz. 451. Hollaway, Jno. 309, Precilla 391, Robt. 349, 376. HollefTe, Jon. 134. Holleman, Xtopr. 193. Hollenby, Dyan 136. Hollick, Alice 506. Holliday, Eliz. 326, Geo. 107, 199, John 118, Tho. 208, 336, 386, Walter 558, Wm. 62, 389. Hollier, Julian 17. Holliman, Christopher 251, Judith 251. Hollingford, Jane 455, James 455. Hollingham, Tho. 114. Hollingworth, Chas. 344. Hollingsworth, John 94, Sarah 94. 664 Cavaliers and Pioneers Holliock, Roger 36. Hollirosse, Ja. 376. Hollis, Edw. 452, John 37, 88, 127, 333, 449, 546, Jon. 133, Lucy 546, Mr. 315, Rich. 453, 513, Tho. 173, 382, Wm. 286. Holliway, Oliver 182. Holliwell, Thos. 269. Hollman, John 386, Wm. 377. Hollom, Robert 41, 73. Holloman, Judeth 193, 201. Holloway, Chas. 456, John 41, 123, 135, Peter 31, Tho. 497. Hollowell, Edw. 193, Tho. 180, 497. Hollowes, John 189, 207, 252, 389, Restitute 207. Hollum, Eliz. 52, Jno. 427, Robt. 52. Holley, John 336, Lyonell 136. Holly, John 195, 476, Tho. 557. Hollyday, Thomas 364. Hollyman, Wm. 328. Holman, Eliz. 450, Judeth 400, Robert 93, Tho. 30, Wm. 107, 475. Holmden, Richard 524. Holmes, And. 195, David 149, 172, Eliz. 176, Fran. 177, Georg 30, 47, 68, 70, 103, 137, 231, 281, 283, 294, Jane 281, 516, John 13, 99, 151, 166, 299, 324, 348, 453, 518, Jon. 50, Marg. 179, Martha 479, Mary 563, Mathew 84, Mr. 401, Rebecca 30, 47, 68, Richd. 182, Rob. 351, Tho. 120, 169, 241, 242, 243, 270, 278, 285, 349, 367, 394, 401, 471, 484, 515, 520, 525, 536, 542, 546, Wm. 401, Xtopr. 430. Holmsly, Mary 349. Holmewood, Edward 556. Holmwood, Henry 467, Jno. 365. Holmswood, John 203. Holse, Wm. 179. Holston, Susan 249. Holt, Ailce 215, Edw. 176, 213, 285, 286, Eliz. 349, Francis 111, Geo. 269, Henry 195, Ismaell 453, Jno. 525, Major 289, 347, 350, 356, 389, Matt. 157, Randolph 15, Randall 48, 111, 120, 143, 197, 249, Red. 557, Richard 146, 553,568, Robt. 103, 112, 123, 151, 192, 196, 202, 205, 215, 231, 234, 320, 487, 524, Susan 165, Thomas 57, 302, 354, 478, 556, Tymothy 528, Wm. 265. Holter, Mathew 444. Holton, Jon. 23, Wm. 23. Holwell, Tho. 237. Holyday, Mary 434. Home, Ben. 215, John 12. Homes, Henry 476, John 499, Martha 364, Peter 60, Tho. 243, 276, 285. Horns, Anthony 543. Homwood, John 365. Hond, Dorcas 307. Hone, John 131, Feter 557, Theophilis 380, 540. Hones, Eliz. 479, Mathew 274. Honine, Jane 87. Honnebrooke, Arthur 131. Honnett, Rich. 294. Honnywood, Phillip 187, Robert 86, 93. Honyborne, Robt. 34, 185. Hoock, Eliz. 479. Hoocks, Samll. 393. Hooe, And. 79. Hoofe, Francis 48, 51. Hooke, Luwd. 60, Francis 27, 62, 70, 72, 108, 305, John 346, Joseph 309, Nathl. 28, Richd. 194, Samll. 468, Wm. 146. Hooker, Lawr. 404, Robt. 237, Thomas 104, 148, Wm. 347. Hookes,John 312, Lawrence 524, Samll. 444, Wm. 22, 78. Hooks, John 315. Hoomes, Mary 535. Hooper, Andrew 530, Arthur 237, 450, Eliz. 358, Francis 557, 568, Henry 35, 116, 341, Jon. 145, Peter 33, Tho. 35, Richd. 149, Robt. 433, Tho. 345. Hoopes, Hen. 301. Hoord, Aotan 194. Hoote, Joan 290. Hooton, Christo. 146, Mich. 291, 405. Hope, Arthur 444, Giles 397, John 236, 348, Jon. 229, Mr. 451, Thomas 431, Wm. 404. Hopes, Wm. 464. Hoper, Henry 499. Hopewell, Ma. 430. Hopham, Richard 434. Hopkin, Wm. 127, 185. Hopkins, Ann 459, Danll. 520, David 75, 363, Ed. 377, 558, Eliza 197, 343, 362, Italy 545, Jane 452, James 457, Joane 362, John 133, 338, 359, 454, Judith 459, Mar. 557, Mary 451, 460, 523, Math. 265, Owen 482, Peter 264, Phoebus 4, Ralph 523, Richd. 169, 198, 459, Robert 27, 133, 430, 545, 567, Tho. 148, 359, Wm. 275, 456. Hopkinson, Daniell 78. Hoppards, Moyses 208. Hopper, John 429. General Index 665 Hopps, Robt. 138. Hopswood, Jno. 287, 376. Hopton, Wm. 131. Hord, Francis 456. Hordwell, John 267, 286. Hore, And. 79, James 268. Horim, Hugh 281. Horlson, Wm. 189. Hormebrooke, Arthur 131. Hormer, James 41. Home, Adam 266, Ben. 215, Jon. 37, 40, 63, 65, 237, 514, Mary 479, Richard 433, Tho. 226, 428, 540, Wm. 212, 230, 282, 387. Home Harbour 263, 275. Horner, Mary 345, Roger 86, Tho. 136. Hornesby, Jane 493. Hornett, Adam 246, Richd. 294. Horning, Robt. 489. Hornshey, Jane 369. Horrod, Mary 486. Horse, Step. 225. Horsely, Ralph 185, Steph. 259, 414. Horsey, Howard 99, 164, Stephen 170, 297, 325, 339. Horsidens, John 472. Horsington, Dorothy 479, Hen. 524, Hugh 453, John 422, 478, 479, Robt. 399, 479, Tho. 479. Horsing, Judith 464. Horsley, Jane 266, Joseph 266, Ralph 266, 397, 495, Robt. 122, Steph. 411, Wm. 378. Horsly, Ralph 185, 251, 442, Robt. 293, 319, Steph. 264. Horsman, Jno. 475, Wm. 385. Horsmanden, Mr. 564. Horsmandine, Mr. 314, 388, 469, Sus- anna 388, Warham 323. Hon, John 336. Horth, Augustine 423. Horton, Anth. 510, Barth. 86, 194, Henry 431, Isaac 54, 120, Mary 382, Rich. 298, Robt. 171, 553, Tobias 89, 263, 437, 441, Toby 289, 316, 343, 399, 400, 436, Walter 249, 459, Wm. 481, 483, 517, 538, 547, 560. Hoser, Damiell 355. Hosier, Mary 548. Hoskins, Alice 264, Amy 372, Antho. 233, 264, 272, 294, 321, 401, 413, 513, Bartholomew 7, 15, 16, 135, 178, 182, 219, 259, 268, 282, 287, 293, 298, 332, 347, 441, 442, 500, David 404, John 182, 280, 353, 464, 492, Maudlin 3 31,. Nicholas 9, Richd. 179, Tho. 523, Wrn. 530. Hosman, Tho. 512. Hosnard, Dorothy 183. Hosnell, Jno. 528. Hosnett, Jno. 528. Hossier, Fra. 326. Hothersall, Francis 2, Mary 2, Richd. 2, Thomas 2. Hott Water, 465. Hotton, Rich. 459. Houfgh, Francis 55, 56. Hough, Francis 19, 33, 66, 70, 82, 84, 85, 96, 197. Houghton, Christo. 258, George 535, Jno. 484, Leonard 65, Robt. 35, Tho. 543. Hould, Christo. 38. Houlder, John 175, Wm. 275. Houlding, John 489. Houlsworth, Benjamin 369. Hound, Dorias 26. House, Ann 455, 557, Dorothy 483, Edw. 195, Jane 270, Theo. 483, Tho. 323, 326, Wm. 264. House, Block the 232, 338, Common Garden 159, of Entertainment 18, Gate 70, Glasse 240, 313, Goose Hill 319, 347, 469, the Great 18, 76, the Middle 161, the State 126, 127, 151, 154, 338. Houstone, Robt. 552. Housward, Fra. 260. Hoveller, Jerimiah 78. How— Howe: Abigail 325, 383, Edward 369, Jane 171, John 12, 35, 46, 72, 77, 104, 106, 114, 131, 147, 252, 301, 316, 352, 434, 499, 532, 533, 539, Jones 386, Lawrence 446, Lyddy 393, Lydia 426, 444, 468, Mr. 313, Rice 37, 342, Richd. 119, 552, Robt. 463, Wm. 42. Howard, Benj. 370, Chas. 352, Edm. 454, 553, Eliz. 366, Francis 162, Hannah 348, Hen. 517, James 334, Jane 512, John 251, 292, 402, 408, 474, 553, Mary 397, Mathew 79, Richd. 184, Samll. 404, Sarah 467, Stephen 528, Tho. 289, 366, Wm. 129, 428. Howden, Rich. 483, Robt. 240. Howed, Wm. 228. Howell, Alice 252, 484, Andrew 49, 112, Charts 59, 316, Cob 23, 90, 92, 288, 489, Edw. 485, Henry 60, Hop- kin 282, 492, Isa. 438, John 60, 112, 200, 252, 298, 466, 482, Jone 246, Mary 252, Owen 25, 69, Richd. 242, 666 Cavaliers and Pioneers 299, Thomas 8, 184, 203, 334, 359, Villy Volly 386, Walter 34, Watkin 125. Hower, Henry 208. Howes, Wm. 184. Howett, John 247, 252, 264, 372, 280, 423. Howgate, Jon. 43, Tho. 127. Howgrave, Edward 391. Howitt, John 175. Howkett, Geo. 404. Howler, Tho. 120. Howlet, Tho. 324. Howlton, a place called 100. Howman, Elizabeth 334, Jon. 60. Hownson, Wm. 195. Howranley, Darby 332. Howsden, Edmond 363. Howse, Robert 94, Wm. 234. Howsing, Robt. 446. Howson, Eliz. 428, Jno. 465, Rich. 431. Howtree, Mary 138. Hoyle, Chas. 422. Hoyles, Jno. 507, Tho. 198. Hoyley, Tho. 198. Hoyte, Edwd. 548. Hubard, Robt. 300. Hubbard, Benj. 117, Rich. 133, Robt. 340, 474, Tho. 374. Hubberd, Ann 561, Eliz. 448, Henry 184, 396, John 133, Mr. 479, Rebecca 490, Robt. 254, 269, 340, 400, 476, 483. Huberd, Henry 329, 416, Izable 324, Jno. 553, Mathew 186, 224, 311, 377, R. 180, 186, 207, 221, 277, Robt. 186, 194, 224, 272, 315, 340, 373. Hubert, Henry 312, 329. Hublard, Rich. 133. Huby, Samll. 146, 326. Huchenson, Jno. 558. Hucheson, Wm. 462. Huckett, Samuell 430. Huchins, Jno. 220, 492. Huchison, James 55. Huck, John 225. Huckle, Andrew 147, Jno. 352. Huckley, John 156. Hucks, John 64. Hucock, Jon. 58. Hud, Robt. 451. Hudd, Robt. 568. Hudge, Ellen 262. Hudgson, Robert 366. Hudleston, John 44. Hudnall, John 372, 373, 461, 463, 507. Hudnell, John 372. Hudsale, Henry 254. Hudsey, Peter 65. Hudsoll, Henry 436. Hudson, Anth. 431, Danll. 567, Edw. 81, 366, 443, 568, Eliz. 33, 258, Geo. 178, Henry 185, James 567, John 118, 208, 251, 381, 382, 410, 413, Jon. 228, Mary 190, 371, Mathew 176, Nicholas 456, Richd. 262, 538, Robt. 25, 108, 208, 283, 499, Samuell 94, Tho. 156, 186, 218, Wm. 231, 141. Hues, Ann 443, Atlanta 425, David 315, Eliz. 246, 304, Fra. 190, 205, George 509, Jon. 60, John 101, 248, Margtt. 535, Mary 393, 526, Owen 62, Richd. 73, 140, 202, 439, Robt. 562, Stephen 517, Tho. 201. Huett, Francis 136, John 120, Morgan 36, Rich. 31, Robt. 37, 106, 182, 350. Huey, Mich. 198. Huff, Richd. 447. Huffe, Abr. 236, Mary 54, 466, Ro. 361. Huffer, John 108. Huffes, Henry 376. Huffey, Peter 454. Huft, Henry 339. Hugell, Michael 443, 545. Huger, Jno. 404, Ri. 562. Huges, Maugeby 213, Ri. 562. Hugeson, Wm. 455. Huggesson, James 30, Joane 50. Huggett, Cesar 169. Hughes, Ann 372, Aron, 382, Arthur 110, Eliz. 214, Francis 524, Geo. 160, James 362, Jane 367, Jeffery 331, John 193, 487, Jon. 228, Marg. 384, Math. 375, Peeter 351, 382, Rees 342, 349, 369, 371, 386, 421, Rice 271, 397, Richd. 82, 102, 115, 152, 354, Robt. 427, Tho. 130, 137, 144, 147, 274, 284, Villemile 249, Wm. 293, 386, 426, 468, Xtopr. 208, 269. Hugill, Mihill 466, Miles 511, Mich. 467, 468, 481. Hughlett, Jno. 382, 395, 396, 402, 460, 461, 463, Tho. 483, Wm. 429. Hughs, Anne 352, Eliz. 241, Owen 180, Wm. 220. Huitt, Catherine 254, Joseph 393, Sarah 393. Huis, Geo. 459. Hukes, James 323, Richd. 281. Hulbunt, Anth. 335. General Index 667 Hulett, John 322, James 359, Lawr. 113, 226, 259, 349, 544, Sarah 475. Hull, Augustine 537, Daniell 522, David 149, 172, Edw. 149, 363, Edm. 172, Eliz. 149, 172, 264, 359, 468, 530, Fra. 355, Georg 24, 32, 62, 79, 102, 110, 149, 172, 175, JefTerie 17, John 206, 214, 289, 316, 339, 361, 382, 383, 384, 395, 423, 430, 442, 443, 460, 467, 468, 527, 530, 556, Mary 337, 530, Nich. 472, Peter 119, 183, 261, 509, Richd. 195, 204, 223, 232, 319, 320, 416, 504, Robt. 384, 548, Sarah 206, Tho. 300. Hull de, Cornelius 138. Hullett, 337. Humber, Danll. 501. Humberstone, place called 125, 151. Humberton, place called 155. Humble, Roger 80. Hume, James 184. Humphrey, Amey 61, Wm. 148. Humphreyes, Tho. 297, Wm. 211. Humphries, Abram 545, Eliz. 548, Edw. 501, Fra. 366, 465, Geo. 432, Jo. 156, Tho. 437, 465, 470, Wm. 465. Humphryes, David 355, Jon. 240, Jno. 341, Wm. 195. Humphry, James 233, John 50, Jon. 86, Jone 259, Tho. 303, Wm. 279. Humphrys, Jno. 180. Huncer, Robt. 183. Hunckle, Tho. 209. Hundred: Berkeley 53, 79, Bermuda 130, 157, 202, 262, 317, 458, 561, Charles 68, 226, Dig's 33, Florida 543, Martin's 4, 14, 17, 21, 29, 30, 50, 76, 79, 84, 97, 106, 114, 116, 137, 168, 224, 283, 499, Shirley 405, 561, Stanley 373, 507. Hundrex, Brown 429. Hungerford, Joane 193, Sarah 193. Hungerton, John 180, 221. Huniford, Phillip 562. Huningford, Jno. 218. Huniwood, Phil. 271. Hunley, Phillip 217, 289, 416. Hunly, Eliz. 218, Phillip 218, 274, Robt. 218. Hunnywood, Phil. 271. Hunt, Alice 555, Antho. 198, Christo. 47, Edw. 41, 109, 508, Eliza. 63, 345, Godfrey, 492, Henry 245, 321, 429, 454, 475, 484, 546, James 47, 106, 180, 304, 348, 349, Jane 351, Jon. 34, John 178, 193, 197, 207, 259, 363, 396, 506, 548, Joseph 200, Margt. 220, Martha 309, Martin 431, 476, Mary 404, 429, Mr. 465, Peter 517, Radulph 159, Ralph 44, 164, 175, 269, 432, Richd. 199, Susan 402, 440, 546, 547, 548, 558, Symon 227, Thomas 46, 80, 149, 313, 360, 456, Wm. 90, 183, 188, 210, 238, 510, 516, 545, 559, Winfred 267. Hunter, Archiball 332, Dan. 384, James 243, 255, 275, Jon. 134, John 348, Mary 167, Richd. 170, 274, Wm. 214, 430. Huntey, Phill. 266. Hunting Dale, placed called 182. Huntington, Andrew 77, 132, 156, Lydia 132. Huntless, Edwd. 218. Huntley, Edw. 224, Hen. 134, John 327, Robt. 288, 405. Huntly, Edw. 298, Hannah 297, Wm. 350. Hunstone, Edw. 348. Hup, Hen. 292. Hurd, Ann 209, Capt. 366, 383, Chris. 267, Fra. 264, Henry 301, James 209, 403, 404, 566, Mr. 347, 388, 390, 458, Nathl. 242, 274, 471, 476, 495, 518, Walter 301. Hurden, Wm. 358. Hurdis, Wm. 27. Hurim, Nowell 130. Hurisatt, Natha. 252. Hurle, James 453. Hurman, Jane 56. Hurpe, Wm. 325. Hurrs, Eliza. 219. Hurst, Gilbert 193, John 390, James 250, Tobias 67. Hurstwell, Benj. 369 (Note: Given name omitted in abstract). Hurt, Edward 190, Tho. 252, Wm. 203, 334. Husband, Tho. 187. Huse, Abigail 190, John 177, Kath. 277, 525. Huses, Mary 214. Husey, David 176. Hushly, Rich. 388. Husley, Eliz. 23, 66. Husly, James 315. Husman, Tho. 289. Huson, Elizabeth 89, Geo. 462, John 116, 328, Robt. 450, Tho. 83. Husquamps, called by Indians, 53. Huss, Hen. 292. Hussey, David 176, Milkey 268. Hust, Edw. 265, Henry 211, John 390. 668 Cavaliers and Pioneers Huston, Robt. 273, 472. Hutchenson, John 313, 562, Robt. 449, 534, 535. Hutcheson, Jane 280, Rice 271, Robt. 449, Wm. 264, 435. Hutchings, Isacke 333, 334. Hutchins, Jbliz. 131, Fra. 297, 327, 480, Isaac 80, 84, Lewis 194, Robt. 13, 44, Sarah 315, Wm. 352, 436, 530. Hutchinson, Andre. 275, Edward 89, 124, Eliz. 95, 198, Enoch 324, Francis 51, Hector 275, James 43, John 218, 224, 293, Richard 110, Robt. 97, 126, 128, 138, 139, 145, 151, 168, 177, Tho. 510, Wm. 47, 316. Hutchison, Jane 354, William 56. Hutfeild, Wm. 566. Hutmore, Sarah 84 Hutson, Edw. 205, Matt. 403, 568, Robt. 211, 461. Hutt, Ann 547, 563, Danll. 492, 499, 500, 522, 546, 547, 563, Jno. 556, Joseph 275, Nathaniel 3, Tho. 61, 273, Wm. 190. Hutter, James 201. Huttey, John 205. Huttibell, Eliz. 287. Huttman, Henry 512. Hutton, rmtho. 192, Danielll 22, 240, Eliz. 240, 298, Fra. 198, James 283, Joane 214, Mary 369, Wm. 369, 426. Huttons, Georg 389, Wm. 184. Hux, Alexr. 176. Hyam, George 539. Hyde, Phillipp 139, Richard 40, 94. Hye, Tho. 393. Hyer, Temperance 195. Hyett, Tho. 275, 474. Hygate, Christian 309. Hynde, Wm. 244. Hyne, Ann 436. Hynes, Francis 387, Marinus 130, Richd. 130, Sarah 130, Thomas 77. Hyre, John 110. Hyupp, Thomas 316. Hyves, Henry 99. I Ibbison, Percivall 4, 39. Ibsam, Margt. 386. Icory Edm. 346. Idam, Robert 81. Iden, Hen. 148. lego, Nicho. 164. Iken, Thomas 390. lies, Thomas 96, 122, 468. Iliffe, Richd. 488. Illes, John 455. Illey, Undell 328. Ilsam, Margt. 386. Inarnold, Tho. 181. Ince, John 266, Wm. 521. INDIANS: 96, 107, 139, 179, 199, 210, 259, 264, 282, 353, 362, 407, 408, 505, 522, 553, 566, Corotomen 343, Rappahannock 251, 495. Bridge, 173, 204, 214, 233, 401, 474. Cabins, 76, 259, 437. Creeks, ( See Creeks ) . Feilds, 15, 21, 26, 34, 47, 51, 56, 57, 71, 76, 86, 91, 92, 120, 138, 152, 153, 171, 183, 199, 205, 211, 222, 273, 276, 277, 282, 306, 311, 319, 366, 371, 376, 378, 386, 387, 396, 404, 408, 427, 433, 435, 441, 457, 479, 480, 485, 494, 497, 502, 505, 508, 510, 513, 523, 543, 545, 547. Ferry, 229, 240, 276, 295, 328, 337. Habitation, 272, 445, 504. Patent to, 566. Paths, 99, 241, 246, 303, 342, 345, 369, 394, 409, 417, 490, 567. Point, 280, 415. Snares: 76, 108. Springs,l6, 131,159,167,212,457,481. Stone, 37, 50, 63, 333. Thicketts, 8, 9, 12, 19, 115. Towes, 26, 27, 77, 105, 153, 173, 181, 244, 279, 289, 298, 324, 373, 381, 384, 398, 400, 404, 415, 428, 457, 462, 490. Ingam, Peter 300. Ingan, Eliz. 338, Tho. 338. Ingerbanke, Batt. 368. Ingersell, Robt. 508. Inges, Michael 253, 257. Inghram, Sarah 263. Ingland, Jesse 261. Ingle, Jane 458. Ingleston, Edw. 40. Ingleton, Ann 216, Edward 109, 508, Jacob 164, Jno. 396. Ingobrickson, Barth. 513. Ingoll, Danl. 349. Ingram, John 175, 214, 276, 400, 442, 443, Joseph 267, Rich. 141, 280, 328, Stephen 463, Toby 282. Ingrame, John 159, 333. Ingrum, John 337. Inkersell, Sarah 508. Inkins, Sam. 427. Inman, Hugh 194. General Index 669 Innervald, Tho. 273. Ipley, Tho. 483. Ire, Wm. 354. Ireland, Euz. 352, 356, John 92, 123, Jon. 146, Martha 92, Mathew 92, Wm. 133. Iriby, Jno. 459. Irish,Jno.431,Margarett356,Maudlin507. Irishmen, 543. Irish servants, 385. Irnest, Richard 10. Iron, Jno. 479, Symon, 244. Iron, Mine an 291. Iron Mine mill meadow, 389. Ironmonger, Eliza. 211, 278, Fra. 211, 278, 477, Wm. 211, 278, 435, 437, 514, 561. Irons, Symon 490, 510. Isaac, Christ. 148. Isam, Arthur 508, Roger 454. Isar, Timothy 513. Isbell, Jno. 532. Isham, Roger 183, 335, 404, 453. Island, Richard 402, Susan 542. ISLANDS: 103, 154, 373, 433, 463, 494, (un- named ) . Anacosta, 351, 388, Butchers 121, 466, Bennetts Park 301, Burrowes 180, Cedall 115, Cedar 8, 17, 119, 142, 149, 159, 250, 322, 402, 416, Colston 8, 13, 159, 533, Coxes 227, 400, Coxendale 11, Craney 179, 244, 402, Crane Poynt 22, Doegs 218, 255, 299, 301, 350, 352, 362, 363, 1371, 405, 411, 442, 474, 490, 531, Dumpling 42, 51, 74, 174, Flea 255, 411, Gabriells 261, 419, Goates 265, 281, 457, the Great 423, Gwins 263, Gwynns 417, Henericus 11, Henrico 80, Heme 388, Hogg 3, 20, 40, 109, 143, 156, 166, 168, 183, 187, 197, 302, 341, 342, 518, Home 432, House 451, James 16, 57, 68, 81, 97, 98, 105, 123, 124, 143, 160, 169, 241, 338, James City 3, 8, 10, 12, 13, 56, 97, 109, 118, 145, 151, 231, 270, 347, 356, 388, 503, James Towne 31, 83, Kennedyes 83, Lawsons 394, 495, Lewis 379, Long Pond 74, Lord 78, ,Merry Bayle 368, Miompses, 253, 442, Mockon 344, Morgans 101, 205, Myampses 405, Mulberry 14, 30, 123, 149, 406, Mussell 358, Oaken 250, Papacoone 336, Point Comfort 10, 11, 13, 18, 90, Phillips 256, 457, 541, Ra- coune 568, Ragged 24, 111, 135, 139, 156, Raming 155, Rich 156, Ritch 83, Round 287, Sandy 134, Sedar 219, Smiths 43, 54, 55, 80, 134, 225, 344, Sumer 3, 4, Turkie 120, War- rannucock 187, 190. Islea, Henry 259. Isles, Thomas 108. Isom, Margaret 336. Ison, Edw. 131, 444, 556, 559, Nicholas 89. Issabell, Isham 260, Sandie 309. Issall, Timothy 336. Isum, Math. 144. Ivell, John 79. Ivery, Edmd. 562, 563, Wm. 561. Ives, 525, Johanna 508, Margaret 332, Robert 144, Timothy 332, Wm. 399. Iveson, Abr. 50, 208, 217, 328, 403, Ann 289, Edwd. 566. Ivesson, Abraham 548. Ivey, Robt. 492. Ivory Ed. 564, Geo. 244. Ivy, Wm. 449. J Jache, Wm. 388. Jack, Wm. 260, 296. Jacke, Black 355. Jackgive, John 121. Jackman, Antho. 191, 194, 195, 237, 391, 432, 438, 441, 477, Phill. 455, Saml. 431, Wm. 258. Jacksall, Rich. 326. Jackson, Ann 170, 233, 238, Antho. 199, 314, 548, 557, Eliza. 138, 316, 533, Ellinor 483, Francis 348, Hen. 43, 134, 158, Jane 152, 260, Jarves 285, Jonah 152, 429, Jonas 217, 306, 412, Josiah 391, John 27, 65, 97, 114, 124, 125, 146, 181, 191, 199, 263, 301, 327, 342, 384, 401, 438, 457, 458, 524, 548, 556, Jon. 236, Laur. 49, 88, Martha 380, Mary 108, 111, 303, 391, 466, Nicho. 348, 388, Patriack 129, 534, 544, Peeter 323, Petronella 353, Phillip 217, Ralph 265, Randall 63, 351, Rebecca 496, Rich. 25, 34, 69, 125, 128, 147, 150, 166, 241, 243, 261, 285, 484, Robert 43, 71, 152, 252, 350, Saml. 115, 125, 142, 291, 301, 405, 440, 482, Sarah 378, 554, Tho. 30, 181, 195, 244, 339, 422, 500, 536, 548, Timo- thy 517, Ursula 307, Walter 144, Wm. 35, 100, 142, 160, 171, 275, 328, 335, 380, 401 v 475, 531, 532, 543. 670 Cavaliers and Pioneers Jacob, Andrew 32, 103, Fra. 250, Lawr. 406, Martha 130, Marv 546, Richd. 139, 164, 170, 203, 233, 294, 520, Susan 297, 492, 559, Wm. 46, 58, 141, 148, 149, 164, 168, 259, 371, 415. Jacobs, Richd. 233, 286, 330, 414, 415, 482, Wm. 297, 415, 449, 484. Jacobs Well 14, 19, 101, 242, 493, 495. Jacobson, Jacob 200, James 217. Jacobus, Angelo 475, 525, 528. Jadwinn, Jeremy 381, John 383, 411, 422, 439, Jonathan 381, Robt. 381, 420, Sisly 381. Jaggins, Robert 356. Jakes, John 264. Jakues, John 264. James, Andrew 208, 561, Ann 197, 307, 393, 514, Antho. 167, 463, Bryan 263, Christo. 450, Daniel 334, 545, David 276, Edw. 192, 206, 268, 397, 403, 466, 524, 525, 564, 565, 566, Eliz. 292, 355, 359, 454, 508, Francis 180, 253, 404, Geo. 275, Henry 181, 369, Hugh 31, 84, Jon. 36, 80, John 113, 207, 208, 265, 275, 297, 300, 378, 400, 414, 482, 512, 524, 525, 536, 541, 546, 554, 558, 559, 564, 565, Lucretia 196, Margtt. 559, Mary 70, 267, 351, 376, 404, 480, 551, Michael 156, Mr .207, 338, 364, 394, Patr. 266, Peter 559, Renoll 304, Rice 483, Richard 48, 56, 72, 119, 194, 248, 272, 292, 304, 314, 340, 356, 362, 428, 442, Robt. 42, 80, 133, 148, Susan 562, 568, Tho. 113, 403, 525, Vernitt 286, Walter 236, Watkin 265, 431, Wm. 50, 132, 192, 202, 219, 251, 272, 292, 297, 304, 313, 385, 486, 563, 566, Wini- fred 349. Jamson, Richd. 352. Jancy, Jno. 561. Jannaway, Susanna 108. Janson, Peter 427, 428. Jarnew, Mr. 122, 550, Nicholas 85, 92, 122, 235, 236, 432, 474, 532. Jarnew's Journey 85. Jarney, Mr. 421. Jarman, Henry 384, 526, Jno. 423. Jarratt, Robt. 475. Jarre, John 131. Jarrell, Thomas 367, Richd. 231. Jarrett, John 131, 290, 469, Ralph 180, 231, Robt. 429, Wm. 130. Jarsey, Nicho. 342. Jarvis, Ed. 553, Francis 53, Sarah 255, Tho. 208, 272, 396, 492, Wm. 398, 469, 470, 513, 520. Jason, Abell 393, 426, 444, 468. Jasper, John 129. Jax, Eliz. 59. Jaxon, 2. Jayes, Joane 433, Joyce 433. Jea, Joseph 449. Jeakin, Ann 428. Jeakins, Alice 367. Jealy, Avis 281. Jeames, Jno. 459. Jeckleston, Hum. 290. Jede, John 188. Jeeves, John 293. Jefferies, Jobe 70, Tho. 45, 66. Jeffers, Hugh 324, 352, John 122, Saml. 349, Tho. 135. Jefferson, Alice 178, James 93, John 4, 25, 67, 168, 178,, Mary 229, Robt. 116, Wm. 190. JefTery, Saml. 151. Jefferyes, John 445, Mary 209, Tho. 106, 135. Jefferys, Fran. 217, Hen. 50, Job. 51, 112, John 113, 284, Wm. 253, 264. Jeffreys, Arthur 249, Ann 313. Jeffries, Tho. 427. : Jeffry, Alice 426. Jeffs, Francis 403. Jeffurd, Martha 525, Mar. 563. Jeggins, Ann 33. J ego, Richard 22. Jelfe, Edwd. 290. Jellett, Snalter (or Walter) 102. Jelly, James 557, Tho. 333. Jemer, Eliz. 428. Jemmison, Alexander 358. Jemons, Peter 203. Jenckin, Jno. 345. Jenckinson, Robt. 341. Jeneck, Edmond 353. Jenerie, Rich. 22. Jenerles, Jno. 180. Jenman, Abra. 373, 449, Jacob 470. Jening, Wm. 34. Jenings, Edw. 145, 442, 488, Ellinor 493, Henrv 381, 388, John 72, 150, 334, 386, 406, 480, Jon. 83, 104, Mr. 428, Peter 405, Richard 50, 86, 215, Thomas 50, 430, William 326. Jenison, Antho. 293, Wm. 293. Jenken, Jno. 453. Jenkenson, Fra. 293. Jenker, Robt. 201. Jenkin, Ann 428, David 141, 280, 383, General Index 671 Geo. 428, John 119, 171, 255, 256, 303, Thomas 99. Jenkins, Alexr. 526, Alice 134, And. 556, Ann 388, Charity 338, Danll. 153, Edw. 118, 556, Edmond 545, Eliz. 292, 514, Fra. 253, George 526, Ja. 270, James 456, John 43, 74, 280, 287, 299, 322, 331, 392, 406, 407, 413, 450, 490, 558, Jone 544, Jon. 72, Katherine 149, Nich. 388, Ri. 558, Robt. 266, Sabina 149, Samll. 524, Sibella 172, Tho. 82, 136, 339, 367, 448, Wm. 142, 248, 313, 348. Jenkinson, Fred. 241, Richd. 77, 217. Jenkle, Tho. 453. Jenks, Wm. 326. Jenney, Richard 109. Jennings, Capt. 541, Ed. 516, John 179, 335, 345, 431, 458, 485, 511, 563, Jon. 33, Mary 480, Mathew 133, Mr. 427, Nath. 144, Peter 372, 392, 411, Richard 39, 236, 241, Symon 148, Tho. 87, 430, Wm. 356, 427. Jennis, Edw. 119. Jennison, Alexr. 358. Jenny, John 376, 500. Jenuer, Eliz. 427. Jent, Tho. 87, Wm. 422. Jeremie, Wm. 434. Jereman, Abra. 449, David 162. Jermin, Robert 338. Jernew, Francis 199, Mr. 174, 187, 350, 364, 380, 509, Nicholas 85, 166, 169, 182, 184, 190, 199, 206, 210, 220, 257, 260, 295, 362, 398, 409, 411, 424, 456, 487. Jerrell, John 295. Jerrey, Glannell 328. Jervis, Tho. 132, 259. Jess, Mary 363. Jessurd, Martha 535. Jewell, Robt. 78. Jewett, Fra. 284. Jewitt, Olliver 348. Jills, Jeffery 200. Jinkins, Robert 390. Joane, Tymothy 31. Joanes, Ann 427, David 86, 148, Eliz. 63, Farmer 356, James 286, John 203, 255, 283, 284, 285, Leonard 361, Madg. 284, Marv 338, 363, 430, Mrs. 467, Richd. 332, Robt. 366, Roger 285, Thomas 130, 365, 426, Wm. 57. Jobb, Joane 57. Jobson, Jno. 449. John, Donio 328, Geo. 513, Hills 178, James 43, Tho. 213. Johannes, Evan 389. Johnes, John 94, Wm. 93. Johns, Jacob 164, James 448, Mary 278, Richard 327, Roger 164, 216, 286, 357, 412, Robert 96. Johnsey, Steph. 427. Johnsie, John 494. Johnson, Abra. 166, 375, Adolph 349, Alice 42, 91, 126, Angle 186, Ann 289, 296, Antho. 195, 216, 260, 296, 299, 338, 413, 419, 525, 532, Barnaby 322, Benjamin 314, Choyce 36, 80, Christo. 164, Cornelius 293, Danl. 167, 281, 317, David 195, Dennis 293, Der. 293, 294, 389, Diana 351, Edward 11, 108, 146, 359, 375, 557, Ellinor 455, Elizabeth 28, 42, 91, 112, 244, 264, 291, 301, 310, 322, 330, 353, 375, 410, Evan 28, Francis 112, 228, Gab. 332, Georg 53, 77, 304, 337, 390, 394, Gerrard 394, Gilbert 285, Goodman 461, Grace 23, 66, Hen. 23, 28, 66, 134, 254, 548, Israeli 40, 68, 264, 475, 476, 297, 543, Jacob 345, 404, James 101, 203, 207, 241, 253, 256, 278, 284, 292, 316, 342, 358, 373, 390, 392, 426, 449, 468, 475, 476, 526, 541, 558, Jane 257, John 4, 8, 17, 30, 54, 59, 83, 92, 104, 116, 118, 121, 152, 177, 187, 188, 192, 196, 205, 212, 216, 241, 260, 282, 296, 309, 313, 316, 327, 338, 353, 354, 356, 357, 378, 383, 389, 390, 398, 409, 413, 415, 444, 449, 472, 483, 495, 508, 512, 524, 526, 532, 537, 554, 558, 559, 561,562, 563, 564, 566, Jon. 35, 104, 134, 142, 565, Joseph 28, 56, 137, 183, 232, 429, 456, Margt. 384, 485, 553, Marke 115, 157, 278, Martin 367, 530, 557, 568, Mary 25, 69, 99, 134, 260, 291, 345, 387, 405, 457, 546, Mr. 158, 432, Nicholas 403, Obedience 413, 535, Peter 41, 103, 128, 236, 282, 379, 547, 558, Richd. 22, 26, 60, 95, 112, 113, 216, 262, 296, 305, 312, 314, 321, 350, 414, 452, 509, 532, Robt. 23, 291, 324, 546, 553, 554, Saml. 225, 441, 487, 523, Sarah 388, 506, 532, Robt. 23, 291, 324, 546, 553, 554, Saml. 225, 441, 487, 523, Sarah 388, 506, Sence 429, Stephen 160, 309, 488, Susan 428, Svmon 367, Thomas 22, 29, 35, 94, 100, 163, 164, 169, 171, 189, 264, 277, 329, 384, 394, 404, 413, 418, 464, 513, 535, 546, 568, 569, 672 Cavaliers and Pioneers Tymothy 116, 523, Wm. 53, 74, 83, 93, 120, 121, 132, 148, 152, 167, 177, 227, 233, 234, 237, 242, 248, 255, 281, 285, 296, 303, 309, 310, 325, 334, 366, 381, 398, 400, 404, 443, 444 ,447, 457, 463, 480, 506, 559, Walter 83, 104, 127, 294, Xpian. 199, 314. Joice, Hen. 352, John 66, Peter 239. Joiner, Marv 286. Joines, John 94, Thomas 370. Jolis, David 558. Joll, Tho. 367. Joliffe, John 237. Jolliffe John 243, 401, Tho. 525. Jollity, Tho. 388. Jolly, Fra. 177, Jam. 228, James 351, 425, 557, Jane 443, John 66, 111, 514, Jon. 45, 140, 238, Joseph 26, 49, 69, 78, 144, Licha 177, Margery 49, 69, Tho. 133, 161, 228, Wm. 338, 492. Jonas, Tho. 322. Jones, Abra. 268, 345, Alice 43, 110, 204, Amy 308, Andrew 401, 402, 527, 528, 536, 537, 540, 544, 545, 549, 554, 556, Ann 67, 173, 297, 306, 328, 365, 382, 392, 444, 523, 527, 530, 536, 554, 559, 562, Anthony 27, 51, 143, 158, 275, 329, 381, 478, 509, 530, 543, 548, 550, 556, Arthur 524, Ben. 291, 393, 405, Ch. 479, Charles 69, Chri. 60, 270, 272, Daniell 446, 509, David 25, 32, 37, 63, 110, 167, 220, 292, 316, 323, 342, 345, 366, 429, 484, 490, 535, 542, 548, 566, Dorathy 359, Dorcas 388, Ed. 565, Edmond 246, Edward 22, 45, 65, 117, 229, 289, 358, 399, 510, 517, 554, 557, 558, 559, 563, 566, Elias 30, Elinor 198, Eliz. 10, 90, 123, 127, 316, 370, 385, 386, 424, 427, 473, 481, 515, Emll. 510, Evan 108, 140, 279, 425, 453, 525, 559, Farmer 110, 307, 353, Foulke 139, Flor. 218, Fra. 233, 252, 352, 395, 404, 418, 472, 474, 525, Gabriell 381, 480, Geo. 510, 557, 568, Gilbert 513, Giles 10, 12, 90, 175, Goodman 402, Griffith 342, Hamon 115, Hannah 103, Henry 90, 114, 133, 166, 218, 220, 313, 319, 277, 382, 397, 433, Hersy 502, Hester 156, Honour 201, Howell 133, 446, Hugh 35, 57, 59, 78, 181, 236, 249, 349, Humphry 40, 68, 201, 359, 437, Isaac 153, 172, 214, Jaco 391, James 129, 144, 171, 233, 295, 343, 380, 389, 394, 400, 409, 412, 413, 448, 461, 504, Jane 493, Jenkin 394, 446, 453, Joane 195, 464, John 96, 114, 120, 132, 133, 171, 173, 252, 286, 292, 295, 312, 338, 348, 393, 396, 397, 425, 441, 444, 449, 450, 454, 455, 458, 460, 468, 482, 485, 530, 535, 546, 548, 549, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 561, 562, 565, Jon. 35, 54, 93, 100, 133, 150, 236, 242, Judeth 473, Kath. 115, 196, 341, 430, 436, 477, Leon. 190, Leonard 392, 441, 443, 505, 514, Lewis 45, 65, Mabell 370, Mabill 291, Magdalin 458, Manell 395, Mara. 455, Marg. 199, 201, Margarett 315, 394, 453, 473, 524, ■527, 530, 551, 554, 555, 556, 559, Martha 548, Martyn 430, Mary 201, 261,, 268, 286, 305, 351, 389, 400, 401, 402, 412, 426, 441, 442, 462, 463, 467, 475, 481, 500, 509, 510, 517, 520, 526, 527, 528, 530, 537, 541, 544, 546, 548, 549, 553, 554, 555, 556, 559, 562, 564, Maudlin 65, 313, 444, 481, Maurice 394, Mavell 395, May 480, Michael 448, 485, Morgan 117, 186, 194, 266, 332, 460, 517, 523, 534, Morian 167, Morris 64, Murell 328, Mr. 243, 438, 475, 542, Mrs. 200, 279, Nathan 554, Nath. 315, 322, 325, 449, 486, 490, Nathl. 207, 373, 474, Nicho. 141, 325, 460, Norton 527, Owen 118, Peter 386, Phillip 127, 530, Rachell 544, Rey 248, Reynold 135, 137, Rice 10, 11, 81, 191, 199, 213, 279, 372, 376, 382, 383, 391, 410, 438, 448, 477, 480, 487, 510, Rich. 25, 32, 33, 69, 72, 82, 101, 103, 162, 179, 189, 190, 194, 202, 210, 214, 216, 217, 225, 234, 24-1, 246, 257, 267, 269, 284, 289, 292, 315, 316, 318, 332, 345, 360, 378, 385, 424, 445, 456, 474, 480, 481, 493, 497, 509, 516, 562, Robt. 61, 160, 295, 322, 350, 357, 367, 370, 373, 383, 388, 435, 447, 448, 480, 501, 520, 525, 543, Roger 233, 312, 4l4, 450, 517, Rowland 250, Samuell 64, 99, 181, 268, 378, 492, 552, Sarah 49, 69, 196, 307, 483, 484, 486, Silvester 248, Stephen 203, Susan 256, 396, 400, 555, 556, Theo. 194, Tho. 23, 25, 27, 33, 49, 66, 68, 93, 131, 133, 138, 177, 183, 206, 218, 262, 270, 297, 304, 313, 327, 331, 342, 348, General Index 673 359, 369, 370, 377, 378, 385, 391, 398, 420, 427, 432, 438, 440, 450, 454, 456, 458, 462, 482, 486, 496, 506, 513, 557, 567, Tymothy 358, 393, Vincent 248, Walter 108, 138, 401, 554, Wm. 3, 7, 33, 67, 80, 82, 101, 120, 122, 123, 131, 135, 136, 146, 157, 172, 175, 181, 184, 190, 207, 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 242, 249, 253, 256, 257, 267, 272, 275, 279, 294, 304, 326, 330, 335, 345, 358, 392, 394, 397, 401, 403, 412, 414, 419, 423, 427, 438, 444, 455, 464, 466, 468, 475, 482, 483, 484, 492, 493, 497, 499, 502, 506, 514, 530, 532, 543, 544, 546, 559, 560, 565, Wilmott 282, Winifrid 166, Yarmer 200. Jonley, Tho. 394. Jopson, Jno. 509. Jordain, Eliz. 216. Jordaine, Jacob 187, Marg. 205. Jordaines, Eliza. 205. Jordan, Alex. 520, Ann 331, 472, 513, Anth. 32, Arthur 244, Capt. 326, 334, 335, 386, Cecily 226, Col. 457, Danll. 513, Dorothy 296, 452, Edwd. 231, Francis 276, Georg 61, 133, Hen. 236, 459, John 26, 512, Mr. 297, Nath. 451,Nich. 31, 513, Patrick 307, Robt. 513, Samuell 68, 226, 507, Thomas 25, 27, 31, 39, 42, 52, !59, 76, 91, 145, 162, 163, 173, 329, 518, 520, Wm. 296, 357, 389, 412, 413, 452, 499, 562. Jordan's 93, 130. Jordan's Journey 21. Jorden, Abbigall 176, Ann 294, Francis 326, Saml. 130, Thomas 39, 63, 76, 127, 156, William 357. Jordin, Anne 286, Saml. 157. Jornew, Nicholas 532. Jornian, Nicho. 134. Jorniau, Nicho. 134. Jory, Edw. 442. Joseph, Evan 115. Joules, Tho. 260. Jouley, Tho. 394. Jourdan, Samuel 226. Joy, Antho. 559, Asher 31, Geo. 454, Mary 369, Richard 330, 369, 386, 401, Tho. 260, 453, 552, Wm. 260. Joyce, Abraham 257, Alex. 455, Crowder 113, Gyles 304, John 27, 80, 198, Jon. 24, 31, 84, Mart 201, Mary 263, Richard 528, Robert 75, Wm. 525. Joyes, Abraham 364. Joyner, Ambrose 83, Andrew 527, Edmond 329, Edw. 451, James 335, Mary 261, 298, 305, 325, Raphaell 107, 124, 126, 295, Tho. 167, 399, 448, 458, 475, 482, Wm. 391, 540. Joyner, a 13. Jouarnold, Tho. 181. Juce, John 266, Wm. 521. Juche, Oliver 102. Judd, Christ. 138, Eliz. 138, Harbert 214, Herbert 231. Jude, Peter 568. Judson, John 75, 114, 117, 174, 178, 344. Jue, Elias 86. Juell, Tho. 454. Juett, Francis 252. Jugam, Peter 300. Julian, Wm. 5, 48, 68, 130, 275. Jumper, Tho. 362. Junior, Wm. 125. Juory, Geo. 244. Jurden, Tho. 173. Jurne, James 300. Jury, Easter 373, Eliz. 298, Wm. 190. Just, Robert 300, Tho. 444. Justice, William 329, 566, 567. Justion, Charles 180. Juston, Tho. 199. Jux, Eliz. 59. Juxon, Alice 355. Jyllings, Geo. 258. K Kaas, Robert 314. Kaddle, Richd. 283. Kadlin, Kat. 427. Kadon, John 20. Kaemo of Camena, 57. Kahan, Phillip 307. Kaiton, James 247. Kale, Margt. 462. Kalin, Kath. 451. Kallaway, Kath. 140. Kamp, Tho. 341. Kannaday, Patrick 118, 119. Karp, Mary 427. Kasey, Hester 101. Kason, Tho. 500. Kate, James 144. Katherine, John 119. Katon, James 277. Kayne, Wm. 294. Kayupp, Kath. 148. Keach, Christ. 148. Keane, Tho. 33. Keateley, Andrew 348. 674 Cavaliers and Pioneers Keath, Christ. 148. Keator, Tho. 197. Kebble, Peter 524. Kecotanke, 482. Kedate, John 204. Kedbey, Tho. 122. Kedby, Tho. 212, 316, 324, 325, 337, 382, 409, 461. Kedd, Wm. 304. Keeble, Toby 559. Keeding, Ann 112. Keelding, Tho. 174. Keele, Thomas 426, 427, 428, Xpher. 313. Keelin, Sarah 93. Keeling, Adam 528, Jno. 528, Thomas 22, 34, 124, 151, 174, 220, 288. Keely, Elias 78, Har. 559, Thomas 426. Keene, Abraham 62, John 433, Mary 251, Susan 256, Tho. 245, 251, 495, Wm. 251. Keeting, Adam 528, Jno. 528. Kegg, Edie 472. Kegs, Sarah 316. Keggs, Sarah 363. Keible, Geo. 466, 467, 488, 555, 557. Keibler, Marmaduk 367. Keile, Thomas 543. Keiton, Tho. 404. Kelbye, Jno. 485. Kelderkin, Henry 528. Kelderman, Harman 560. Keling, An 530. Kellam, Richd. 233, 296, 412, 413. Kellester, Dungue 197. Kellin, David 291. Kellum, Jno. 454, Peter 554, Richard 183, 217, 406, 419, 425, 454, 551, Wm. 557. Kelly, Abraham 152, Alice 221, 232, Bryan 43, 101, Danll. 451, Darby 371, Eliz. 256, Henry 316, Jno. 548, Owen 343, Patrick, 464, Tho. 273. Kelman, Geo. 198, Jno. 197. Kelridge, William 54. Kelson, An 547, Jno. 547, Richd. 471. Kelway, Tho. 314. Kely, Tho. 541. Kembell, Tho. 134. Kemerley, Dor. 266. Kemp, Barnabe 520, Edmd. 180, 200, 256, 416, Edward 398, Ed. 441, Eliza- beth 392, 417, Evans 60, Geo. 239, 415, James 185, John 271, 441, 460, 523, Mary 499, 549, Mathew 405, 411, 416, 541, Mr. 405, Rich. 27, 28, 31, 45, 67, 75, 87, 95, 104, 105, 110, 143, 154, 157, 160, 182, 204, 212, 219, 222, 384, 437, 448, Secre- tary 151, 159, 162, 406, 486, Thomas 101, 142, 243, Wm. 274. Kempe, Edmond 337, Geo. 284, 328, 355, John 115, 374, Kath. 281, Mary 284, Robert 334, 363, Wm. 23. Kempton, Wm. 250. Ken, Edwd. 232, Hen. 232, Richd. 232. Kendal, Wm. 236. Kendall, Cha. 236, Herbert 455, John 87, 192, 273, 552, Lt. Col. 507, Mr. 419, Mary 236, 267, 434, Robt. 45, Tho. 245, 441, Wm. 284, 321, 410, 434, 435, 482, 532, 533, 551, 553. Kendrick, Edwd. 153. Kene, Owen 433. Kened, Jno. 516. Keneis, William 316. Kenin, Robt. 143. Keniston, Rich. 311. Kenland, Darby 433. Kenler, Roger 375. Kenede, Patrick 55. Kennedye, Patrick 55. Kenned ey, Patrick 78. Kennell, Hareo 328. Kennersbye, Phillip 99. Kennersly, Phillipp 25, 69. Kennett, Martin 118, Peter 308. Kenney, James 136, Roger 88. Kennicke, Hugh 336. Kennings, Xtopher. 452. Kennon, Geo. 120, John 120. Kenny, fcdm. 306, Edw. 309, Horly 328, Richard 78. Kenscott, Rich. 29. Kensick, Edw. 255. Kenston, Anth. 411. Kent, Eliz. 312, Hen. 426, James 229, 396, John 292, 333, 357, 423, 460, 519, Joseph 335, Nicho. 248, Rich. 349, 390, ,Robt. 116^366, Thomas 552. Kenter, Roger 375. Kequotan, 175. Kerby, Joseph 363, Richd. 214, Robert 355, Symon 536, Tho. 136, 198, 517. Kerfoote, Eliz. 73. Kerle, Joane 260. Kerne, Jon. 32. Kerny, David 280. Kerton, John 257. Kesh, John 192. Ketchin, Nicho. 207. Keth, Barbara 202, Barbery 254, Georg 29, 100, 148, 149, 164, 269, 371, 415, John 30, Marg. 202, Martha 30. General Index 675 Ketle, Tho. 26. Kett, Wm. 526. Ketthin, Nicholas 207. Kettle, Hugh 562. Kew, Dorothy 326. Key, Adam 120, An 548, Kath. 184 Martha 10, Peter 276, 548, Richard 58, Robt. 199, Sarah 190, Thomas 10, 179, 183, Walter 403, Wm. 198. Keye, John 294, Tho. 130. Keyes, Daniell 85, Richard 370, Tho. 103, 123, Walter 191. Keys, Tho. 231. Keytin, Nicho. 113. Kibble, George 318, Thomas 369. Kibe, Wm. 524. Kible, George 313, Joane 248, Richd. 116. Kiccoughtan, a place called 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 19, 175. Kichley, Tho. 133. Kicke, Wm. 146. Kicker ley, Jacob 347. Kickett, Christ. 136. Kid, Wm. 423. Kidby, Tho. 192, 235, 292, 376. Kidd, Tho. 178, 242, 253, 357, 384, 433. Kiddington, James 388. Kiffe, Morris 328. Kiffin, David 47, 56, 346, 348, 390, 395, 419. Kigan, Kath. 129. Kiggan, Char. 216. Kiggens, Chas. 254. Kiggs, Robert 371. Kilbourne, Rich. 382. Kilbye, Henry 78. Killagrew, Fra. 484 . Killicke, Jane 175. Killingell, Mary 348. Killman, George 392, 472, 420, Jno. 392, 420, 472, Wm. 392. Killman's Devident 511. Kilman, John 368. Kilving, Jno. 524. Kimberlin, Jon. 140. Kimrose, Alex. 231. Kinastone, Edward 435. Kincott, Richard 76. Kinder, Francis 356, Thomas 356. Kine, James 414, Mary 454. Kinford, Nicho. 128. King, Alex. 299, Alice 29, 126, 444, Ann 140, 190, 345, 424, Chas. 200, 510, 559, Edw. 190, 411, 436, 441, Eliz. 24, 69, 131, 166, 411, 562, Hanah 488, Henry 24, 164, 251, 299, 309, James 157, 534, Jon. 74, 79, John 140, 144, 148, 154, 164, 166, 175, 186, 196, 211, 214, 221, 261, 272, 283, 299, 305, 315, 325, 337, 399, 423, 437, 449, 457, 509, 520, 550, 562, Kath. 141, 235, Mary 207, 217, 499, Mathew 144, Mathias 129, Richard 194, 196, 253, 273, 380, 425, 457, 488, 493, 526, 537, Robert 61, 183, 285, 286, 307, 395, 407, 419, 429, 488, 518, Sarah 169, 446, Thomas 425, 432, Walter 191, Wm. 133, 453, 517. Kings, James 1, of Eastern Shore 30, Chiskyacke 220, 239, Potomack 434. Kinge, Alice 391, Anne 250, 355, Arthur 358, Charles 354, Edward 364, Fra. 276, Giles 355, Henry 382, James 369, Jane 362, John 380, Oliver 372, Robt. 273, Tho. 391, Wm. 336. Kingington, Ann 443. Kingle, Pable 236. Kingman, Leo. 207. Kingsbury, Jon. 134, Robt. 132. Kingsland, Nathan 179. Kingsland, place called 36, 82, 87, 97, 99, 471, 549. Kingsley, Wm. 133 . Kingsmell, Elizabeth 97, 125, Richard 109, 536. Kingsmill, Elizabeth 97, Richard 394. Kingston, John 78, Tho. 452. Kingstone, Ann 442, An. 557, Tho. 30. Kingswell, Antho. 171, Edw. 171, Tho. 132. Kinkee, Kath. 276. Kinnygam, James 381. Kinse, Abigail 123, Barthol. 249, Edw. 123, Elianor 123, Eliz. 123. Kinseed, Nicho. 128. Kinsey, Danll. 458, Edward 81, Eliz. 458, Hugh 325, Margt. 458, Mary 459, Mr. 374, Paul 458, Richd. 161, Sarah 459, Wm. 250, 515. Kinsey, Paule 325. Kinsman, Alex. 454, Hen. 236. Kintly, Tho. 425. Kinver, Robt. 213. Kippin, Jno. 403, 565. Kiquotan, place called 70, 71, 110, (See Kiccoughtan). Kirby, Alice 223, Ann 309, James 223, Hump. 223, Richd. 141, Samuell 70, Tho. 348, 487, Wm. 198. Kirbye, Tho. 113, 156. 676 Cavaliers and Pioneers Kirchey, Jno. 482. Kirkcome, James 444. Kirke, Bridget! 205, Christo. 101, 119, 139, 152, 418, James 335, John 220, 332, Martha 342, Mary 252, Randolph 546, 563, Richd. 214, Tho. 57, 84, 148, 377, 490. Kirkman, Francis 47, 326, 334, 410, 486, 511, 519. Kirkkum, James 451. Kirky, Robert 375. Kirtam, James 218. Kiskeyacke, placed called 14, 15, 18, 25, 29, 30, 82. Kisson, Daniell 432. Kitchen, Hugh 458. Kitchenman, Jone 369. Kitchin, Eliz. 275, 427, Jon. 78, 83. Kite, Jno. 329, Win. 524. Kithley, Tho. 133. Kitson, Marmaduke 109, Merma. 40. Kittson, Marm. 508. Kittenue, James 218. Kleene, Susan 256. Kleg, Edis 272, 273. Knap, Tho. 254. Knapp, Wm. 130. Knapton, Jane 261. Knatchpoole, Jno. 299. Knibb, Samll. 513. Knight, Christobell 112, Edw. 202, 229, 240, 313, 364, Edmund 106, 130, Fra. 264, 286, 288, 405, 412, Geo. 178, Guy 368, 564, Jon. 141, 240, John 177, 246, 261, 291, 322, 330, 364, 370, 375, 395, Joseph 202, 229, 240, 262, 295, 311, 313, 512, 540, Joshua 159, Marv 155, 240, 246, 434, Mr. 329, 416, 461, 494, 545, 373, 393, Old 306, Peter 83, 85, 104, 148, 340, 184, 235, 248, 252, 258, 275, 277, 282, 295, 330, 343, 346, 389, 390, 391, 394, 419, 422, 460, 462, 470, 488, 494, 519, 533, 545, Richd. 169, 296, Robt. 103, 176, Sarah 551, Tho. 155, 240, 342, 441, 514, Tomasin 144, Wm. 137, 176, 212, 284, 389, 540. Knighthill, John 259. Knighton, Geo. 198, John 144. Knipe, Bartholomew 130, 159, 268, 305, 328, Christo. 305, Mr. 323. Knise, Barthol. 249. Kniteley, Tho. 375. Knocks, Wm. 309 . Knoles, Tristram 512. Knollinge, Mary 370. Knotchbull, Tho. 525. Knot, Nath. 469. Knots, James 27. Knott, Anthony 537, Elianor 37, 65, Geo. 246, 252, 355, 379, 501, James 18, 37, 46, 56, 65, 66, 162, 177, 206, 476, John 207, 279, 315, 501, 510, Mary 530, Richd. 137, 212, Robt. 282, Richard 545, Susan 338, 554, Susanna 457, Wm. 283, 287, 366, 549. Knotts, Wm. 261. Knowell, Hannnah 545. Knowells, Henry 171. Knowler, Thomas 4. Knowles, Abra. 479, Ann 199, James 425, John 450, 451, 537. 565, Nich. 134, Peeter 340, Rob. 324, Sands 264, Tho. 336, Tristrum 559, Wm. 179, 456. Knox, Wm. 403. Knuckly, James 363. Kogan, Harbor 160. Koggan, Robt. 198. Korman, Roger 447. Krimy, Edm. 290. Kuoyard, Rich. 307. Kunnogh, Mor. 307. Kyffin, David 333, 494. Kygan, Dorman 379. Kyrnes, Edw. 127. Kytt, Wm. 457. Labor, Wm. 262. Labor in Vaine 216, 415. Labour, Jacob 506. Labourer a 70, 88. Lacashire, fienry 532. Lace, Jno. 342. Lacey, Eliz. 234, Jno. 526, Wm. 342. Lacie, Sarah 355. Lacher, Man us 119. Lacke, John 210, Wm. 293. Lackham, Jno. 369. Lackly, Josias 223. Lacoom, Nich. 323. Lactins, Giles 195. Lacy, David 456, Eliza. 184, George 354, James 247, Joane 383, John 477, 526, Rich. 24, 80, 349, Thomas 354, Wm. 342, 351. Lacye, Robt. 485, Wm. 258. Ladbrooke, John 390. Ladd, Jon. 228, Marma. 348. Ladmore, Jno. 436, Wm. 459. Laeton, Anthony 549. General Index 677 Laffe, Hugh 307. Lafland, Wm. 228. Lafly, Jasper 73. Laflyn, Jasper 117. Lagon, Jacob 510. Lahay, Arthur 182. Laighton, Eliz. 124, Wm. 124, 125. Laine, Henry 282, Walter 183. Laith, Jon. 140. Lake, Geo. 143, 160, 161, 272, 316, Gilbert 166, Jno. 455, Richd. 230, 359, Robt. 245, Tho. 250, Wm. 311. Lallifmore, John 268. Lamb, Dorothv 455, John 435, Robt. 131, 234, 302, Samll. 546, Wm. 160, 204, 282. Lambard, Thomas 549. Lambe, Abra. 241, Jno. 558. Lambden, Robt. 309. Lambdin, Martha 90, Robert 90, Wil- liam 90. Lambert, Anne 275, Fra. 283, Henry 269, 276, 334, Hum. 205, 466, Jos. 411, Paul 465, 483, Richd. 257, Thomas 22, 173, 221, 269. Lamberton, Lambert 399, 438, 459. Lambertson, Lambert 317. Lambeth, Thomas 52, 84. Lambettson, Lam. 265, 270, 273. Lambsen, Nich. 315. Lambsdon, Nich. 368. Lambstone, James 263 . Lamden, Robert 357. Lamkin, David 299. Lammore, Marsey 138. Lampert, Wm. 528. Lancaster, Antho. 526, Gawen 243, /Owen 107, Wm. 375. Lanceford, Phil. 234. Lancelott, John 351, Nicho. 185. Lancht, Jno. 325. Lanclott, John 218. Lancton, Tho. 121. Land, Abraham 356, Anne 383, Edw. 475, Edm. 281, Fran. 151, 174, 188, 288, 332, 489, Ja. 220, James 278, Margt. 396, 399, Mary 308, Phillip 182, Renatus 489, Robt. 248, 298, Salisbury 513, Symon 201, Tho. 296, 463. Land, the Common, 70, My Ladies 521. Landall, Robt. 528, Wm. 521. Landell, Timothy 507. Landers, Wm. 551 . Landing, the Deep 378. Landing Place 98, 269. Landford, Phill. 184. Landman, John 162, 197, 237, 501, Wm. 501. Landon, David 504. Lands, Kat. 171. Landson, Robt. 284 Landwood, Ja. 155. Landye, Francis 228 . Lane, Daniell 25, 30, 36, Dennis 43, Edw. 301, Eliz. 459, Geo. 431, Henry 149, 543, Jasper 451, Job. 443, John 23, 146, 192, Rachell 22, Robt. 248, 272, 276, 293, 326, Tho. 184, 250, 459, 463, Tob. 443, Walter 288, 405, Wm. 290, 391, 396, 442, 446, 523, 567. Laner, Temp. 258. Lanere, Marke 266. Lanett, Wm. 263. Lang, Peter 412. Langaster, Wm. 538. Langdale, Wm. 523. Langdall, Robt. 283. Langdaule, Wm. 491. Langestone, Antho. 279. Langfeild, John 110, 136, Phillipp 43. Langford, Edward 91, Eliz. 246, Kath. 558, Mary 265, 513, Meredith 266, Tho. 211, Walter 144. Langfree, Eliz. 506. Langham, Phillip 367. Langingham, Mary 310. Langleigh, Peter 444. Langle, Wm. 373. Langley, Henry 194, Jane 510, Joseph 510, Mathew 100, 456, Sarah 510, Richard 74, Tho. 506. Langlin, Tho. 304. Langly, Agnes 510, Andrew 543, James 453, 543, Jane 510, John 131, Ralph 510, Richard 354, Wm. 284, 472, Zach. 468. Langman, Robt. 268. Langridge, Margaret 363. Langsden, Nicholas 373, 490. Langston, An. 556, 312, 393, John 26, Mr. 342. Langstone, Anthony 305 335, 360, 399, 407, 509, 510, Mr. 371, 421, Phillip 556. Langworth, James 271, Jonathan 55, 78, 81, 92, 99, 111, 299. Lankson, John 450. Lannaman, Wm. 462. Lannum, Rich. 569. Lansdall, William 79. Lansdell, Richard 379. Lansden, Nicholas 448, William 6, 71. 678 Cavaliers and Pioneers Lansey, Joseph 318. Lanson, Edw. 460, Jon. 236. Lanstone, Elady 129. Lant, Win. 240. Lanton, James 510 . Lanvell, Penelope 127. Lany, Peter 294. Laper, Peter 531. Lapham, Richd. 197. Lapworth, Michaell 148 . Laquire, Christo. 492. Laramore, Jacob 466, Tho. 189, 447, Walter 501. Lareington, Jno. 342. Large, Robt. 148, Roger 364, Tho. 404, Wm. 24, 54, 152, 210. Larke, Wm. 152. Larker, Robt. 554. Larkin, Edmd. 291, Eliz. 25, 69, 291, Mattum 227, Wm. 194. Laroch, Step. 177. Larramore, Henry 119. Larrat, Jno. 366. Larrett, Wm. 248. Larriner, Roger 559. Larthroppe, Bridgett 43, John 43. Larton, Anthony 549. Lary, John 477. Lase, Wm. 184. Lasey, Hester 101, Joane 252. Lashberry, Ellinor 356. Lashby, Robt. 274. Lasher, Jno. 450, Wm. 165. Lashley, Walter 355 . Lasley, Fran. 452, Roger 404, 148. Lasling, Wm. 122. Lasly, Edward 358. Laster Peter 558. Lasting, Jessy 144. Lastly, John 259. Latch ett, Robert 16, Robert 81. Latham, Jane 220, John 271, Wm. 290. Lathberry Elinor 353, Richd. 155, 240, 277. Lather, Peter 82. Lathropp, John 101, Jon. 144, 301. Lamer, Frances 58. Laton, Judith 250 . Latrop, Jno. 499. Lattimore, Clement 140, Hugh 259. Lattur, Fran. 353. Latturd, Hen. 243. Latuer, Frances 58. Lauc, Wm. 245. Laugher, Francis 49, 75. Laughson, Edward 85. Laughton, Leon. 45, 556, Robert 59. Laur, Gowin 106. Laurell, Penelope 127. Laurence, James 542, John 426, Wm. 542, 567. Laurwell, John 65. Law, Abra. 396. Lawcon, Eliza. 36, 80. Lawdeare, Henry 69. Lawes, Jeremy 351 . Lawley, Thomas 50. Lawly, Tho. 86. Lawmor, Jonn 199. Lawne, Richard 527. Lawnes, Susan 527. Lawrance, Benj. 136, Geo. 129, 131, Melchesidec 91, Robt. 130, 131, 146, Wm. 146. Lawren, Jno. 209, 288. Lawrence, Alexr. 319, Anne 329, Arthur 329, Benj. 552, Daniell 569, Eliz. 131, 282, Giles 221, 479, Henry 348, James 265, 293, 542, Joane 144, John 102, 192, 194, 271, 335, 442, Jon. 86, 233, Mary 329, Nich. 349, Rich. 367, 441, 467, 472, 478, 527, 530, 545, Robt. 131, 155, 156, 232, 236, 291, 312, 426, Sarah 329, Tho. 548, Tim. 351, Wm. 143, 144, 168, 183, 193, 329, 385, 542. Lawrenson, Fra. 299. Lawrey, Nicho. 197. Lawry, Robt. 427. Lawson, Alice 29, Apha. 153, Christo. 58, 89, 176, George 308, Edw. 460, Eliz. 423, Epaphroditus 27, 35, 53, 74, 75, 82, 84, 95, 96, 106, 111, 112, 116, 123, 135, 150, 151, 153, 154, 170, 177, 184, 196, 198, 217, 281, 318, 349, 374, 431, 516, Hugh 50, Jon. 236, John 325, Lettice 135, R. 297, Richard 312, 318, 341, 344, Wil- liam 109, 134, 135, 304, Xpher. 153. Lawson, Mount, place called 135. Lawtheat, Robt. 123. Lawton, Eliza. 36. Lawyer, Jos. 175. Lay, Edw. 347. Layden, John 12, 21, 62, 127, 218, 396. Laydon, John 38, 51, 79, 102, 108, 175, Virginia 39. Layerton, Tho. 565. Layler, Nicholas 554. Layne, Henry 349, John 176, Robt. 149, 172. Layter, Nicholas 552, 554. Layton, Elizabeth 50, John 382, William 50, 51, 61. General Index 679 Layward, Jno. 384. Lazenby, Tho. 456. Lazingby, Tho. 429. Lea, Jno. 341, Mr. 303, Wm. 303, 329. Leach, Charles 318, James 562, John 338, Peter 318, Rebecca 108, Roger 35, Wm. 204, 318, 463. Leaderd, Robert 75. Leading, James 22. Leads, Tho. 538. Leager, Tho. 38. Leake, Andrew 136, Christo. 195, Fra. 252, Jon. 22, 132, Mary 233, Richard 47, 56, 112, 145, 198. Leamin, Roger 180. Leamore, Mary 358. Leanord, Hen. 426. Leaper, Jno. 386. Lear, John 332, 333, Mart. 189. Leas, Wm. 503. Lease, for 100 yrs., 20. Leassure, Poare 342. Leatcher, Richd. 322. Leather, Andrew 520, Richd. 322. Leatherberry, Ellynor 324, Thomas 324. Leatherbury, Thomas 405, 407, 418. Leatherland, Jno. 523. Leathermore, Wm. 417. Leathott, Marga. 272. Leaves, John 531. Lech, Wm. 462. Lecke, Jno. 485. Leddall, Geo. 297. Ledrick, John 294. Lee, Alice 561, Ann 131, 343, 344, Anthony 75, 105, Bridges 332, Col. 306, 332, 383, 409, 432, 448, 490, 512, 518, 556, David 263, Eliz. 279, Francis 217, 381, Georg 46, 56, 178, 366, Gilbert 23, 66, Grace 67, Han- nah 351, Hancock 306, 330, Henry 43, 68, 83, 189, 196, 201, 218, 237, 259, 311, 320, 337, 456, 528, 530, Hugh 205, 221, 242, 292, 319, 333, 350, 351, 357, 364, 382, 420, 423, 487, 501, 510, Humph. 261, Jon. 23, 66, John 189, 210, 258, 261, 288, 290, 346, 378, 501, Kath. 256, Mathew 178, 218, Nich. 27, Peter 289, 334, 450, 451, Richard 52, 92, 96, 122, 126, 131, 149, 154, 155, 162, 178, 199, 213, 219, 230, 235, 241, 250, 258, 276, 278, 284, 306, 314, 323, 329, 330, 336, 343, 344, 346, 377, 390, 404, 417, 424, 432, 436, 468, 473, 474, 484, 502, 522, 534, Ralph 357, Robt. 502, 545, Sarah 348, Simon 492, Su. 357, Tho. 172, 260, 267, 350, 502, Wm. 48, 78, 254, 283, 306, 330, 351, 423, 431, 492, 511. Leech, An. 461, Chas. 204, 334, Jacob 432, Jane 339, Jenkin 255, Jon. 44, Jno. 247, 377, Mark 121, Peeter 204, 334, Stephen 120, Tho. 259, Wm. 257, 403. Leechman, Tho. 204, 272, 277, 315, 337, 380, 474, 520. Leeke, Jno. 485, Mary 213, Wm. 382. Leeman, Sarah 211. Leere de, Gill 506. Lees, Ann 386, Eliz. 476. Leess, Eliz. 445. Lefebur, Ab. 362, Isaack 362, Jacob 362, Margaret 362, Peter 362. Leflore, Mary 338. Leftwich, Ralph 369, 370. Lefrwick, Ralph 369. Legar, Jno. 499. Legat, Ja. 29. Legee, James 558. Legerton, Thomas 546. Legg, Edy. 280, Grace 263, Jone 499, Margt. 314, Wm. 511. Leggatt, John 422. Legge, Edwd. 358. Leguard, Elias 90. Legume, David 272. Leiby, Mundeff 339. Leichfeild, Eliz. 340. Leidge, John 274. Leige, Wm. 256. Leigh, Georg 63, James 247, Jon. 146, John 166, Mary 132, Rich. 455, Tho. 114, 171, William 15, 132, 181, 236, 256. Leighe, Wm. 154. Leighton, Robt. 452. Leitch, Ann 393. Leithe, Wm. 154. Lellett, Eliz. 558, Tho. 562. Leman, Sar. 313. Lemon, Perce 88, Wm. 172, 274, 331. Lemond, Geo. 294, John 294, Mary 294. Lenards, Leonard 23. Lenawell, Wm. 537. Lendall, Richd. 199, 385, Robt. 273, 416, Wm. 253. Lending, James 71. Lendy, Richard 368. Lenn, Math. 248. Lennalls, Roger 564. Lennarts, Richard 317. Lennon, Edmund 15£ r -4 > eirce 32, 86, 152, Rebecca 32, 152, Wm. 166. 680 Cavaliers and Pioneers Lennull, Wm. 537. Lenor, Ralph 509, 550. Lenox, Ma. 427, Wm. 389. Lentall, Geo. 61, Tho. 233. Lenthall, Rich. 454, 553. Lentill, Bart. 200. Lento, Geo. 51. Lenton, Ann 384, Antho. 80, 228, 363, ;364, 421, 484, 501, Wm. 293. Leonard, James 23, 66, Kath. 37, 63, Peter 384, Richard 471, Tho. 109, 403. Lepeat, Wm. 246. Lepord, John 304. Leprack, Wm. 381. Lerer, Jeremiah 387. Lerry, Ann 371. Leshley, Alex. 195. Lesley, Nico. 208. Leson, Ann 353. Lessell, James 352. Lessford, Mary 349. Lest, Walter 48. Lester, Ed. 513, James 77, Ralph 148, 186, Tho. 245. Lesting, Angell 151. Letchey, Nicholas 393. Lether, John 108, 131. Letherberry, Thomas 324, 413. Letherbury, Tho. 324, 400, 407, 418, 534. Letherland, Jno. 472. Lethermore, Elinor 156, Wm. 94, Wm. 156, 267. Lethrington, Tho. 269. Lett, Leonard 211, 278, Mathew 158, Wm. 435. Lettett, Eliz. 562. Letts, Eliza. 172, John 222, Mary 222. Leullin, Danll. 561. Leur, Wm. 166. Levar, Jerimiah 387. Level, Geo. 243. Levell, Richard 203. Lever, Ann 369, Wm. 470. Levereman, Luke 220. Leverick, Sarah 49. Levet, Lancaster 168. Levett, Geo. 136. Levin, Tho. 290, 300. Leviston, Jno. 204, 507. Levistone, John 282. Levite, Lancaster 188. Leviton, Ann 444, 512, 546. Levitt, Alice 150, Eliza. 150, Geo. 141, 150, 217, 534, Lancaster 162, 288, Robt. 150, 301, 499. Lewcas, Jno. 548. Lewd, Rich. 60. Lewellin, Daniell 78, 82, 95, 130, 138, 493, David 359, 561, Jon. 79, 307, Margt. 316, Wm. 194, 405. Lewen, John 42. Lewer, Wm. 470. Lewes, Gilbert 434, Rich. 444, Wm. 356. Lewin, John 91, 113, 135, 154, Mary 91, Tho. 154, Wm. 425, 559. Lewis, Andrew 560, Ann 499, 559, Anth. 465, Ar. 243, Bartho. 211, Christo. 25, 69, 99, 183, 261, 278, 468, Danl. 263, David 103, Dorothy 218, 224, 298, Edw. 229, 440, 468, 470, 486, 545, 552, Eliz. 29, 76, 492, Evan 294, Fran. 435, 546, Gilbert 445, Godfrey 80, Grace 329, James 257, 300, 312, 351, Jacob 487, Jane 209, 257, John 28, 43, 89, 110, 166, 169, 196, 323, 326, 367, 369, 378, 379, 389, 422, 430, 451, 453, 482, 483, 484, 491, 508, Jon. 81, 133, 143, 144, 229, Jonathan 119, Kath- erine 95, 142, 157, Lidia 229, Major 335, 368, 502, Margt. 238, 500, Mary 247, 328, 388, 425, 458, 515, 555, Mathew 446, Michaell 455, Morgan 375, Mr. 521, Richard 99, 181, 182, 247, 264, 277, 284, 313, 329, 370, 384, 422, 438, 496, 517, Robert 54, 192, 278, 433, Roger 54, Tho. 25, 40, 59, 61, 118, 164, 292, 312, 443, Wm. 110, 207, 208, 229, 235, 241, 248, 251, 263, 284, 299, 307, 308, 311, 316, 322, 335, 336, 340, 368, 379, 393, 401, 426, 444, 467, 468, 483, 519, 559, Xtopher. 525. Lewkner, Robt. 455. Lewre, Edw. 496. Ley, John 30. Leyden, John 11, 146. Leyes, Ann 205, Amy 206, Hecton 205, Peter 205. Libb, Anto. 456. Libertty's, Keeper of the 276, 340, 451. Licermore, John 254. Licheston, Jon. 60. Lick, Robt. 460. Liddle, Tho. 202. Liddell, Thomas 363. Lide, Richd. 137. Lidell, Jon. 238. Lidgitt, Tho. 373. Lidmy, Susan 562. Lidney, Mr. 173. General Index 681 Lidwith, Garratt 309. Light, Elias 51, 61, Geo. 178, 270, 277, 401, Margtt. 556, Mary 253, 257, Richard 51, 61, Thomas 543. Lightfoole, Anne 359. Lightfoot, John 199. Lightfoote, Ann 28. Lighthollier, Wm. 61. Lightoll, Tho. 301. Liggon, Thomas 440, 516. Ligon, Tho. 516. Ligsby, Wm. 499. Lilborne, Richd. 344. Lile, Danl. 112, 351. Lilley, George 443, Henry 89, 139, Jno. 502. Lillies, John 227. Lilly, Edward 73, Henry 253, Mursin 548, Robert 314, Tho. 482. Lilley Valley, the 84, 138. Limbson, Nich. 298. Limicar, John 181. Limpson, Wm. 23, 66. Lina, Mary 324. Lincey, James 220. Linch, Blanch 202, Capt. 365, Ichiell 202, Jere. 181, John 171. Lincolne, Edw. 113, Jno. 514. Lincolnshire, Jno. 403. Lindsey, David 374, 375. Line, Dary 314, Hen. 142. Line, the Dimension 563. Lineer, Marke 134. Lineing, Denwood 91. Linell, Edw. 391. Linfield, Nicho. 260, Richd. 260. Linford, Ann 209. Ling, Chas. 568, John 309, 336, 506, 513. Linge, John 263, 326, 378, 387. Lingford, Nich. 133. Lingsly, Michll. 551. Linlesse, Samll. 490. Linn, John 253. Linnee, Robt. 384. Linny, Anne 245, Henry 397. Linsey, Alexander 317, David 351, Joane 512, Mary 359, Onoris 336, Wm. 506, 514. Linton, Antho. 234, 372, Barthol. 385, 392, John 448, Mary 351, 383, Moses 331, Wm. 438. Linuse, Tho. 255. Lipp, Robt. 344. Lippeate, Wm. 355. Lippett, Jon. 85, 106, 140. Lirgson, Jno. 338. Lisbourne, Henry 311. Lisburne, James 493. Liscott, Jon. 40. Lisle, Tho. 128. Lisman, Mary 218. Liss, Daniell 447. List, Henry 121. Lister, Mr. 201, Rich. 456. Liston, Daniell 380, 446, 473. Litchcum, Barnaby 243. Litchfeild, Rich. 31, 84. Litchman, Tho. 211, 221. Litefoot, Joane 314. Litler, Richd. 171. Little, Alice 267, Antho. 192, 209, Barnaby 382, Fra. 192, Jane 123, John 170, 443, 546, Lach. 209, Margery 249, Mr. 348, Wm. 82, 308, 372, 373. Littleberry, Tho. 413. Littleboy, Lawr. 103, 115. Littlefield, 251. Littlejohn, James 23. Littlepage, Mr. 558, Richd. 509, 510, Tho. 253. Littleton, Anne 276, 458, Edwd. 327, 331, 344, 413, 414, Geo. 186, 283, Nathl. 155, 331, Southey 327, 414, 452, 454, 555. Littlewood, Eliz. 143, Wm. 182. Littor, Nicho. 199. Liveing, Denwood 91. Liver, Silvester 289. Loady, Henry 189. Lobb, Georg 99, 123, 262, 311, 352, 387, 507, 512, William 548. Lobbins, Peter 184. Lobdell, David 448. Lock, Andrew 294, Geo. 66, 216, Jervis 453, John 22, 388, Tho. 28, 83, 233, 283, Wm. 136. Locke, Geo. 220, John 7, Wm. 114. Locker, Eliz. 247, Georg 23, Tho. 452. Lockey, Ann 498, Edw. 385, 421, 515, Jno. 410, Mr. 466, 565. Lockington, Elmer 315. Lockley, Ann 180, Charles 103, 107, 115, Tho. 107. Lockram, Wm. 520. Lockson, Jno. 455. Locus, Geo. 255. Lodall, Timothy 271. Lodell, Tymothy 189, 190. Lodey, Wm. 188. Lodge, Georg 94, Thomas 70. Lodwell, Henry 272, James 281. Loe, Phill. 235, Richard 52, Wm. 208 682 Cavaliers and Pioneers Loes, Edw. 188. Loen, James 210. Loftis, Joane 453, Rich. 525, Willi. 136, Wm. 164. Logg, John 377. Loganell, John 263. Loid, James 284. Lloyd, Amy 205, Cor. 157, Donell 307, James 295, John 154, 201, Richd. 255, Robert 76, Lt. Col. 302. Lluellin, Danl. 165, 167. Lolland, James 452. Lomans, Tho. 186. London, 1, 11, 25, 53, 55, 56, 100, 105, 122, 147, 160, 215, 334, 445, 462, 523. London, Humph. 120, 378, John 50, 58, Tho. 422, 479. Loneden, Wm. 540. Lonell, Tho. 305. Loneseta, Arth. 389. Long, Ann 22, Arthur 540, Daniell 439, Edw. 188, 553, Humph. 403, James 31, 130, 492, Jammay 312, Jane 84, 545, Jon. 31, 79, 84, John 31, 86, 148, 326, 452, 552, Laurence 562, Law. 216, Lewis 108, Marg. 341, Mararee 375, Mary 482, Michaell 335, Ralph 93, Richd. 128, 227, 248, 251, 337, 421, 454, 564, Robt. 148, 312, Sarah 453, Teny 390, Tho. 102, 183, 304, 453, Wm. 78, 152, 177, 208, 211, 248, 297, 300, 392. Longdale, Abigale 220. Longe, Arthur 381, James 272, Jon. 238, Lawr. 293, Richd. 267, 363, Teague 339, Tho. 236, Wm. 263, 272, 375. Longee, Teague 394. Long Feild, the 36, 37, 60, 64, 99, 101, 138. Long Ponds, the 43, 64, 74, 83, 139, 209, 510. Longford, John 213. Longland, Wm. 198. Longman, An. 556, Antho. 556, Wm. 376. Longnan, Margery 367. Longoe, Anthony 380, Teage 394. Longrave, Winifrid 43. Longworthy, Jon. 73. Lonsell, Jno. 387. Looker, Xpian. 339. Look Out Tree, the 173. Loppham, John 184. Loram, Symon 24. Lord, Jonah 452, John 483, 538, 540, 547, Mary 382, 513, Robert 333, 362, 411, 518. Lore, George 552. Loring, Robt. 452. Lome, Tho. 199. Lors, Ri. 463. Lorum, Symon 54. Lorymore, Tho. 162. Losh, Stephen 99. Losse, Eliz. 559. Los way, John 182. Loth, Edwin 453. Lott, Mary 559, Wm. 475. Loueden, Wm. 228. Louesta, Anth. 389. Louch, Roger 35. Loude, Richard 263. Louder, James 176, Rich. 73, Wm. 185. Lour, Wm. 166. Lousell, Jno. 387. Love, Eliz. 261, James 460, Jon. 68, Patriack 460, 523, Richd. 136, Rose 297, Tho. 54, 71, Wm. 558. Lovas, Geo. 305. Loveday, Fr. 232, Tho. 391. Loveden, Wm. 228, 496, 540. Loveing, Ann 401, Mr. 471, Thomas 89, 106, 118, 137, 294. Lovell, Ann 222, 247, An. 556, Giles 548, Grace 219, Mary 252, 516, Robt. 33, 72, 494, Thomas 62, Wm. 484, Winifred 74. Loveless, Tho. 566. Lover, Jno. 509. Loverton, Tho. 196. Lovett, Lancaster 220, 415, 489, Mary 196, Michaell 342, Wm. 427. Lovewell, Mary 448. Loving, Mr. 317, Tho. 224. Low, Fra. 352, Mary 149, Peter 79, Robert 95, Wm. 35. Lowden, James 119, John 100. Lowder, Henry 107, Wm. 97, 358, 513. Lowdwell, Timothy 484. Lowdy, Rich. 431. Lowe, Barnaby 382, Harry 441, Jon. 29, Mary 172, Peter 382, Prudence 365, /Ralph 269, 383, Rich. 333, 388, Robert 76, 382, Tho. 120, 247. Lowell, Antho. 459, Hugh 339, Mary 248, Tho. 30, 255. Lowedan, Wm. 496. Lowen, Richd. 275. Lownd, Alex. 67. Lowne, Henry 247, 465. Lownee, Henry 157. Lownes, Bartholomew 443, Edward 61, Jno. 269, 379. Lowrey, Elinor 179, Ema. 179. General Index 683 Lowther, Bridget* 18. Lowton, Tho. 221. Loyd, Ann 290, Cornelius 27, 42, 50, 52, 53, 100, 166, 170, 172, 332, 507, David 102, Dorothy 327, Edw. 42, 233, 239, 472, 507, 513, George 512, Henry 429, 456, Hugh 107, 233, Humphry 38, 58, 81, 453, James 190, 340, John 141, 144, 265, 388, Jon. 244, Joseph 116, Mr. 445, Marg. 243, Mary 114, 388, 459, Morris 133, Nathl. 34, Owen 179, Ralph 568, Richd. 171, Ri. 479, Theod. 34, Wm. 141. Loyder, Charles 382. Loyer, Brasenburne 105. Loyse, John 99. Loyton, John 25. Lozen, Jno. 453. Luas, Rich. 561. Luc, Edward 393. Lucas, Cloyther 265, David 551, Edw. 262, 290, 310, 376, 389, 501, Eliz. 297, Ellinor 455, Henrick 523, 527, Henry 530, Jane 439, Joane 565, Jno. 353, Jone 60, 220, 546, Joseph 370, John 414, Martha 262, Mary 262, Richd. 80, 114, 205, Robt. 39, 42, 49, 67, 73, 109, Roger 39, 220, 323, Samll. 28, 103, 327, 475, Tho. 161, 167, 172, 178, 186, 224, 240, 261, 262, 312, 345, 362, 365, 381, 420, 431, 497, 511, 518, 521, 523, Wm. 122, 169, 191, 242, 263, 271, Xtopher. 439. Lucham, Eliz. 316. Luck, Thomas 453, Wm. 370. Lucke, Richd. 385. Luckett, Edwd. 393, Richard 359. Luckin, Georg 23. Luckins, Eliz. 110. Luckston, Edward 94. Luco, Antho. 103, 123. Lucuse, Tho. 255. Lucy, Joane 284, Thomas 354, 394, Wm. 388. Lucye, Hester 301. Luddington, Allen 141, Saml. 201. Ludford, Wm. 466. Ludgford, Martha 358. Ludices, David 240. Ludicres, David 240. Ludicus, Da. 273, Eliz. 273. Ludloe, Eliz. 444, Geo. 456. Ludlow, Col. 229, 298, 306, 339, 346, 490, Edward 555, Gabriell 262, Georg 127, 134, 177, 201, 210, 214, 239, 243, 246, 250, 262, 295, 296, 337, 402, 424, 532, 555, Squire 250, Tho. 262, Wm. 301, 409. Ludlowe, Georg 96, 161, 327, 383, Mr. 496, Richard 389. Ludson, John 301, 499. Ludwell, James 332, Phillip 429, 548, Tho. 145, 165, 178, 203, 429. Lurks, Nicho. 219. Lue, Tho. 282. Luelin, Wm. 514. Luell, Edw. 391, 465, Mary 391. Luellin, Daniel 203, 240, 317, 561, James 555, Jenkin 286, Rt. 220, Tho. 453, 462. Luevell, Peter 452. Lues, Michaell 425. LufTe, Mary 120. Lufurrier, Anthony 59, Lugg, Peter 559. Luggett, Geo. 134, Susan 508. Luich, Capt. 365. Luke, Paul 462, Wm. 299. Lullifild, Mich. 482. Lullaman, Thomas 381. Lulow, Ann 422. Lully, Thomas 41. Lum, Christo. 543. Lumbers, Wm. 260. Lumbrey, Domnick 143. Lumby, Dom. 195. Lumpton, Wm. 436. Lun, Marke 427, Xpher. 544, 546. Lund, Edm. 281, Thomas 447, Xpher. 447. Lunley, Sam. 484. Lunly, Sam. 429. Lunn, Christo. 543, John 290, Luke 427, Xpher. 549. Lunmore, Mercy 127. Lunsford, Eliz. 229, 235, 282, 288, 332, Lady 294, 298, 428, 465, 473, Tho- mas 273, 378, 389, 473. Luntsford, Eliz. 200, Lady 200, Mary 200, Phillippa 200, Thos. 200, Wm. 200. Lupo, Albiano 5, 6, 156, Elizabeth 5, 6, Wm. 148. Lupton, John 87, 268. Lurensoe, John 386. Lurs, Rowland 476. Lurtin, Jenkin 260. Lusby, Robt. 479. Lushby, Robt. 274. Lustcomb, Tho. 166. Luscome, Tho. 274. Lustle, Mary 366. 684 Cavaliers and Pioneers Luter, Tho. 23, 66. Luther, Tho. 158. Luty, Tho. 394. Lux, Thomasin 31. Lyall, Dennis 181. Lydall, Geo. 232, 310, 359, 403, 422. Lyddall, Capt. 475, Geo. 542. Lyddeatt, Rich. 307. Lyell, Danl. 177, Dennis 271. Lyelle, Fran. 388. Lyke, Anne 134. Lyle, Daniell 145, 228, 305. Lylley, John 132. Lylls, Martha 166. Lylly, John 179, 377. Lyman, John 539. Lymon, Amy 312. Lyna, Arthur 324, James 321, Rose 324, Lynar, John 256. Lynard, Roger 160, Tho. 353. Lynas, John 208. Lynch, Jerimiah 99. Lyne, Fra. 217, John 178, Tho. 313, 352, 378. Lyner, Silvester 293. Lynge, John 306, 326, Mich. 324. Lynhall, Wm. 526. Lynhaven 51, 61, 90, 92, 98, 106, 107, 111, 151, 288. Lynnee, Robert 363. Lynny, Richard 556. Lynsey, Robt. 261. Lynton, Antho. 450, Moses 331. Lyon, Calet 558, 562, John 336, Moore 344, Tho. 411. Lyons, Geo. 242. Lyonel, Step. 231. Lyres, Danl. 255. Lysemy, Sus. 293. Lyster, Humph. 196, Morris 233. Lytefoote, John 3. Lyving, Mathew 13. M Mabb, Tho. 148. Mabbett, Jane 355, John 375. Mabor, Giles 220. Maborne Hills, a place called 493. McCloyden, Rose 233. Macalster, Gowry 290, 300, Hector 290, John 290. Macar, Owin 387. Macargoe, John 266. Macartee, Elisia 253. Macconey, Maccum 305. MacCraw, Archebell 355. MacDonnell, James 350. Macduell, John 191. Mace, Ann 526, Gilbert 203, Jon. 78, Wm. 341. Macey, John 93. Macgrigory, James 349. Macham, John 36, Jon. 87. Machan, Edmund 393. Machany, Jno. 377. Machary, Jno. 547. Machen, Edmund 393, Jno. 456. Machezan Caves 402, 470. Machill, John 405, Margt. 405, Sarah 405. Machin, Edm. 342, Eliza. 36, 119, Tho. 214. Machir, Tho. 345. Machoone, Derreman 338. Machotick Dam, 446. MacLenny, Jno. 341. MacLery, Jno. 341. Machone, Teage 464. Macogery, James 204. Macoms, Jno. 561. Maconn, Elias 455. Macoome, Jno. 237. Macoter, Alex. 422, Roaree 503. Macoughan, Kath. 348. Macoy, Dan. 424, James 355. Macragh, Denis 433. MacRoury, Roury 256. Macubins, Richard 398. Mackall, Danl. 250. Mackan, John 278. Mackane, Danl. 388. Mackarle, Alexr. 267. Mackay, James 253. Mackbett, Allen 192. Mackdaniel, Tho. 253. Mackdaniell, Jno. 386. Mackdanna, Lahawn 253. Mackdanell, Dan. 253. Mackdayne, Wendy 327. Mackdoneal, Oneath 308. Mackdull, Gilbert 266. Mackdunah, Hugh 491. Mackee, Neale 270. Mackeneckhogah, Ellis 368. Mackenly, Wm. 236. Mackell, Sanders 229. Mackenny, Alex. 388, Wm. 416. Macker, Joane 315, Owen 79, Roger 10. Mackerell, Peter 386. Mackernall, Dennis 290. Mackerrall, Dennis 290. Mackero, Mary 322. Mackert, John 322. Mackery, Ja. 199, Wm. 229, 322. General Index 685 Mackerye, Mich. 238. Mackfassum, John 196. Mackgahye, Wm. 257. Mackiney, James 335. Mackinny, Wm. 431. Mackland, Dan. 314, Doc. 305, Mor- gan 296, 388. Macklatt, Jane 256. Macklayer, Jno. 341. Macklayne, John 197, Wently 327. Macklesby, Daniell 199. Mackloyd, Mackin 368. MackLoyd, Wm. 368. Mackman, Eliz. 517, Judith 441. MackManor, Pat. 248. Mackmaroe, John 322. Mackmell, James 253. Mackmum, James 249. Mackneal, Danll. 457. Macknee, Edmond 376. Macknill, James 264. Mackomack, Jno. 352. Mackonack, Sander 368. Mackore, Sara 378. MackPerson, Langham 242. Mackreall, Jno. 172. Mackrell, Eliz. 307, Tho. 553. Mackrery, Robt. 494. Mackro, Peter 401. Mackroe, Patrick 252. Mackton, John 482. Mackwilliam, Fenlaw 481, Jno. 328. Mackwilliams, David 91. Mackworth, Arthur 144, Charles 393, Fran. 435, Jno. 454. MacWilliams, Fenla 183, 430. Macy, Cha. 391. Madavile, Robt. 557. Madby, John 200. Madd, Joane 422. Madden, Ann 508, Edward 130. Maddin, Edw. 240, 317, 561, Henry 146, Tho. 347. Maddison, Jon. 139, John 280, 350, 369, 389, 466, 469, 496, 515, 542, 565, 566, Marg. 353, Rich. 32, 103, Tho. 458. Maddock, Rice 367. Maddocks, Alexr. 413, Rice 228, 319, 441. Maddox, Alice 318, Edw. 258, Mary 253, Ri. 292, Rice 292. Made, Mar mad. 258. Mader, Ambrose 41, Jno. 248, 560. Madero, Tomasin 257. Maders, Tomasin 257. Madgnell, Edmund 273. Madison, Edw. 204, 317, John 280. Madix, Kath. 266, 314. Madlock, Robert 99. Madocks, Alexr. 233. Madory, John 378. Madoxs, Ann 294. Madrin, Owin 123, Tho. 351. Madsly, James 528. Madwell, Wm. 77, 115. Madworth, Wm. 78. Mafield, Wm. 254. Magdawell, Jno. 514. Maggon, Allen 134. Magnor, Charles 60, 81, 82, 137. MagrafTe, Patrick 280. Magregor, James 339. Magregorie, James 422. Magregory, James 211, 236, 255, 350, 362, 367, 382, 395, 411, 422, 423. Magson, Jon. 143. Maguiry, Chas. 255. Mahaw, Jno. 542. Mahew, John 513. Mahitt, Wm. 493. Mahoone, David 330, John 150. Mahue, James 376. Maidstone, Isabell 200, Tho. 200. Maie, David 254. Maine, Ann 427, Grigory 199, Mary 462. Mainshaw, Diana 491. Mainson, Jon. 144. Mainyard, Jno. 490. Maior, Edw. 115, Eliz. 134, 350, Geo. 148, Henry 119, Jane 119, John 119, 357, 427, Rebecca 367, Richard 90, 107, 117, 122, 133, 142, 388, Robt. 138, Wm. 146, 399. Major, Edward 55, 66, 81, 111, 155, 159, 167, 170, 178, 559, Eliz. 170, Fra. 170, Herman 184, John 114, 152, 170, 203, 231, 285, 291, 318, 357, 418, 508, 554, Mr. 484, Peter 559, Phi. 79, Rebecca 367, Richd. 114, 166, 179, 188, 204, 231, 311, 317, 388, 508, Tho. 170, 267, 286. Makefashion, Jno. 332. Ma ken, Jone 491. Makeny, Dunkin 388. Makepeace, Jno. 359. Maker, Owen 214. Makerland, John 451, 452, 453, Tho. 470, Wm. 517. Makerly, Owen 453. Makester, Rich. 61. Maketrone, Jno. 455. Makew, Jone 491. 686 Cavaliers and Pioneers Makey, Danll. 239. Makin, Tho. 253. Makinney, Jno. 388. Makins, Dunkin 302, Tho. 516. Malam, Eliza. 172. Maland, Fra. 260. Malaton, A. 433. Malbone, Peter 447. Malborne, Peter 548. Malby, Jno. 536. Maiden, Francis 168, 174, 177, 189, John 276. Maldin, Francis 155. Male, James 376, Martin 245. Malen, Geo. 116, 151. Males, Edwin 552. Maley, Danl. 169. Malford, Joane 429, Tho. 237. Malin, Edw. 430, Morgan 425. Malladine, John 307. Mallam, Geo. 159. Mallard, Eliz. 529, Fra. 302, Henry 453, Tho. 160, 460, 491, 483. Mallcase, Edw. 265. Mallen, Geo. 116, 162. Mallerd, Tho. 236, 237. Mallerns, Peter 495. Mallerus, Peter 317, 495. Mallery, Richd. 189, Rose 306. Mallett, Robt. 347, Wm. 32. Mallew, Jacob 512. Malliase, Edw. 265. Mallin, Clemt. 388. Mallinge, James 404. Mallory, Phill. 505. Mallowes, Jno. 482, 524, Tho. 482, 524. Mallry, Cormack 310. Malton, Ja. 242. Malum, Geo. 486. Mamburne Hills, 120. MaMa Sheement, 308. Man, Bath. 525, Edw. 459, James 404, 459, 500, Nich. 47, John 417, Robert 43, 68, Tho. 106, 390, 393, 440, 449. Manahan, William 316. Mancell, David 29. Manchest, John 157. Mander, Wells 221, Wilkes 373. Mandergan, Jno. 373. Manditt, Shirly 541. Mandrose, Sanders 253. Manet, Wal. 78. Manger, Eliz. 216, John 191. Mangor, John 191, 196, 200. Maning, Jane 258, Joane 273, John 268, 274, 558, Lazorus 28, Mr. 389, Wm. 391. Manington, Wm. 454. Manker, Robt. 195. Manley, Roger 517. Manly, John 43, 77, Rich. 554. Mann, Anth. 441, Benja. 258, Christian 180, James 462, Jno. 444, 536, Nicholas 64, 143, Samuell 381, 529, Thomas 10, 195, 205, 426, 468. Manner, Marg. 291. Mannering, Henry 411, Rich. 462. Manners, Jos. 32. Manning, Edw. 566, Eliz. 445, Giles 551, John 180, Tho. 209, 356, 357, Wm. 180. Mannings, Mr. 515, Robt. 506. Mannor, Tho. 257, 352. Manny, Jno. 557, Wm. 557. Manoakin, place called 456. Manough, Patrick 247. Mansell, David 29, 76, 106, 117, 140, 158, 161, 266, 297, 330, 364, John 197, 230. Mansens, Luke 558. Manser, Tho. 230. Mansfeild, David 232, 485, Eliz. 297, Hen. 430, Jane 297, Jno. 485, Robt. 267, Thos. 186, Vincent 245, Wm. 304. Manshipp, Richard 94. Manson, Wm. 486. Manton, Luke, 431. Mantone, Will. 255. Mantpoyick, place called 243. Many, Andrew 549, George 546, John 353, 356, Wm. 173. Maphee, Rob. 290, Ro. 421. Maple, John 267, Robt. 496, Tho. 346, 393. Maples, Geo. 536. Mapp, John 296. Mappin, Rich. 347. Mappine, John 186. Mapps, Robt. 267. Maquillan, Danll. 455. Marall, Geo. 239. Marbery, Richd. 129. Marble, Geo. 488. March, Ann 551, Susan 554, Tho. 268. Marchant, Wm. 493. Marchlam, Tho. 173. Marcum, Wm. 448. Marcy, Tho. 128. Mare, John 210. Marecroft, Sam. 285. Mareland, Tho. 243. Mares, Mary 191. Marffe, Bryan 291. General Index 687 Margaret, Henry 441, James 312. Margaretts, John 253, 348. Margerom, Herbert 328. Margeson, Rob. 308. Margetts, Jno. 296, Stephen 527, Susan 557. Margrand, Ad. 176. Margrett, Henry 397, James 292, Wm. 206. Marigold, Wm. 452. Marington, Marmaduke 415. Maris, Wm. 401. Marish, Georg 432, Mr. 438. Marin, Eliz. 327. Mark, Anto. 290. Markason, Robt. 282. Marke, Alexr. 261, Jane 510, Jno. 513, Sara 199. Markedon, Jon. 97. Marken, Patience 162, 190. Markes, B. 454, George 402, Jon. 145, Peter 145, Richd. 164, Stephen 514. Market, the great 188. Markey, David 350. Markham, Ed. 352, 430, John 103, 115, 376, Susan 45, 60, Thomas 45, 60, 87, 268, 432, 464, Timothy 547. Markinlton, And. 282. Markland, Wm. 483. Marks, Brice 82, John 316. Marky, Jno. 426. Marland, Xtian. 526. Marlar, Joseph 448. Marie, John 391, Wm. 391. Marleaw, Eliza. 221, Jane 221, Nico. 221. Marler, Joseph 486. Marlett, Davy 300, Geo. 328. Marley, John 385. Marlin, Geo. 116, Jeffry 482, John 120. Marlington, Edwd. 554. Marloe, Mary 241, Wm. 296, 483. Marlow, Edwd. 393, 506, Fra. 514, Jno. 506, 510, Joseph 476, 500, Mary 470, Wm. 484. Marlowe, Christo. 373. Marly, Jno. 426, Tho. 536. Marmaduke, Edw. 469, Jacob 486, Richd. 99, 181, Wm. 513. Marmaid, Tho. 428. Marman, James 497. Marmore, Eliz. 102. Mamer, Adrian 102. Marogan, John 211. Mar, Wm. 391. Marr, Richard 427. Marrace, howse of 134. Marren, David 441. Marrell, John 183. Marrett, Robt. 183. Marrin, Phill. 490. Marriners: 6, 11, 13, 15, 20, 24, 35, 70, 77, 78, 80, 159, 164, 185, 383, 390, 445, 459. Marrington, Marma. 288, 268. Marriott, Henry 165, Robt. 482, Wm. 367. Marrott, Dorothy 517. Marrow, Dorithy 351, Geo. 171, James 365, Jonathan 351, 438, Mary 351. Marr owe, Ann 207. Marrwood, Robt. 424. Marsam, Edw. 131. Marsey, Jon. 78. Marsh, Francis 154, 430, Geo. 350, 361, 441, 471, 504, Hugh 208, James 206, Jane 493, Jeffery 454, John 154, 391, 554, Joseph 86, 194, Lawr. 452, Richd. 253, Robt. 513, Thomas 57, 67, 122, 174, 179, 445, 497. Marshes: Ballase 367, 416, Cattle 418, Coleman's 519, Felgate's 480, Goose Hill 503, the Great 94, 458, Little 458, Lower Gulfe 327, Pastoridge 507, Pease Hill 83, Sumpton 344, Tapahanna 323, Tococomans 359, White 280, 434, 457, 478, Yarrett's 419. Marshall, Andrew 389, Ann 142, 243, Capt. 212, Edw. 107, Edm. 176, Henry 99, 102, 182, 455, Jon. 39, John 140, 156, 172, 191, 198, 247, 248, 285, 306, 310, 329, 332, 379, 421, 440, 441, 476, 483, 486, 506, Robert 12, 226, Roger 187, Sarah 427, 428, Tho. 200, 428, 436, 500, 526, Walter 115, Wm. 146, 176, 250, 353, 440, 486. Marshall of Virginia, 163. Marshamp, Xtoper. 569. Marshen, Wm. 60. Marshfeild, Richd. 301. Marshott, Michaell 49. Marson, Robt. 428. Marsten, W. 60. Marston, John 375, Richard 479, Sil. 218, Thomas 394, 443, 507. Mart, Gerard 514. Martarta, Teage 454. Martaye, Edw. 253. Marteau, Nicho. 239, 389. Marteaw, Nicho. 210, Eliza, 221, Jane 221, ,300, 312, Capt. 271. Marter, Wm. 391. 688 Cavaliers and Pioneers Mar tew, Ed. 391. Martha, Mary 371. Marthas, Mary 483. Martiall, Jno. 179. Martian, Capt. 120, Eliza. 121, Jane 121, Nicho. 121. Martiau, Capt. 120, Eliz. 121, Jane 121, Nicho. 121. Martiaw, Nicholas 378. Martin, Agnis 114, Alice 445, Arthur 23, 66, Capt. 60, 86, 101, 157, Danl. 295, Dudgill 275, 279, Edw. 205, 216, 513, Eliz. 98, 180, Emll. 470, Francis 118, 123, 170, 217, 549, 550, Francisco 385, Giles 17, Henry 120, 242, 372, 567, James 369, 486, Jane 180, 501, Joan 233, John 8, 147, 162, 214, 220, 226, 253, 267, 284, 286, 298, 299, 313, 346, 382, 412, 415, 431, 452, 472, 476, 487, 502, 527, 528, 539, 541, Mary 178, 197, 294, 404, 460, Michael 439, Nathan 41, Nathaniell 62, Nich. 47, 92, 94, 133, 180, 389, Noble 396, Oliver 453, Patience 348, Phillip 171, Richd. 134, 432, Robert 17, 18, 33, 88, 98, 148, 171, 200, 439, Sarah 475, 485, Susannan 431, Tho. 50, 60, 399, 439, 464, 559, 566, Wm. 90, 165, 267, 362, 444, 459, 484, 564. Martin Brandon: 37, 55, 67, 72, 87, 147, 150, 152, 158, 181, 183. Martin's Hope, 226. Martin's Ship, Capt. 87. Martine, John 294. Marting, Wm. 464. Martinge, James 383. Martledon, Math. 29. Martley, Roger 394. Marton, Geo. 238, 250, Jno. 463, Jos. 225, Ralph 218, Walter 455. Martyn, Eliz. 248, Francis 152, Henry 444, John 481, Patience 127, Robert 98, 155. Mascale, Jno. 325. Mascall, Wm. 141. Masclaken, Robt. 349. Mascoll, Richd. 33, 101. Mascull. Susan 284. Mase, Tho. 184. Masefeild, Richd. 175. Masey, Ralph 520. Masfell, Rich. 350. Masfeild, Richd. 264. Masgarke, Jaques 128. Masgrave, Tho. 183. Mash, Sam. 455, Thomas 99, 248, 258. Mashfeild, Edmd. 232. Mashy, Sarah 349, 376. Masie, Ann 208. Mask, Sam, 455. Maskall, Susan 197. Maske, Thomas 493. Mason, Ann 10, 134, 213, 293, 444, 562, Capt. 300, 399, Charles 78, Dorathy 355, Edd. 351, Edw. 180, 448, 557, Eliz. 209, Francis 34, 49, 134, 151, 166, 209, George 332, 333, Henry 167, 367, 559, James 98, 173, 177, 179, 234, 281, 353, 562, Joane 209, Jon. 40, 68, John 129, 135, 144, 209, 382, 408, 419, 448, 457, 468, 554, Joye 459, Maly 446, Mary 134, 281, Mathew 536, Nich. 374, Peter 10, 203, 334, 543, Robt. 26, 120, 138, 310, 358, 428, Ruth 358, Samll. 523, Sarah 209, Susan 484, 553, 559, Tho. 160, 196, 203, 334, 459, 568, Wm. 165, 194, 274. Masque, Thomas 359. Massacree, the first 260. Masse, Alexr. 221. Massengall, Daniell 563. Masser, Tho. 199. Massey, Edw. 447, Jno. 502, Peter 547, Robt. 289. Massinborne, Wm. 358. Massy, Alex. 482, Ralph 554, Wm. 557. Master, Edward 555. Masters, Edward 555, Fran. 525, Michaell 556, Mihill 273, Rich. 455, 554, Robert 98, 425, Tho. 117. Masterson, Eliz. 309, 381. Mastert, Michaell 157. Maston, Geo. 250, Jno. 463, Wm. 139, ■554. Mastor, Edward 554. Maswello, Daniell 564. Matachepeneck 329. Matchepungo: 242, 267, 285, 294, 295, 296, 330, 344, 350, 353, 356, 361, 406, 407, 452, 467, 507, 515, 552. Matchotanke, 261. Match oticks, 398. Matham, Wm. 274. Mather, Henry 551, John 348, Tho. 281. Matherell, William 74. Mathers, Margarett 389. Mathew, Jon. 112, John 211, 310, 330, 366, Kath. 562, Ralph 404, Robert 81, 211. Mathewes, Anthony 561, Benj. 295, 380, Barbara 338, 388, Col. 371, 373, Edm. 167, James 435, Richd. 205, Samuell General Index 689 8, 133, 134, 144, 167, 348, 373, 389, Tho. 128, 168, Wm. 391. Mathews, Ann 197, Anth. 85, 106, 444, 511, 559, Benj. 290, 294, 412, 418, Col. 292, 508, Edmd. 216, Edw. 464, 506, Ellinor 219, 316, Henry 454, 482, Jacob 170, James 341, 431, 484, 488, 524, 557, Jane 453, 482, Johanna 340, Jon. 28, 81, John 141, 176, 196, 401, 428, Margt. 450, 482, Maurice 286, Mr. 273, 494, Morras 482, Morrice 285, Morris 217, 455, Phill.- 285, Rich. 80, 151, Robt. 148, 299, Roger 109, Saml. 4, 13, 270, 291, 300, 326, 374, 342, 344, 362, 536, Thomas 109, 128, 259, 452, 484, 551, Winfred 306, William 90, 219, 509. Mathewson, James 309. Mathin, Eliz. 119. Mathis, Ann 42, 91. Mathias, Mathew 222. Mathone, Teague 464. Mathy, Eliz. 303. Maties, Alexander 87. Matin, Tho. 289. Matlin, John 202. Matocks, a place called 199. Maton, Nicholas 93. Matou, Nicholas 93. Matravers, 119. Matricks, Alex. 288. Matrom, Col. 422, John 122, 462, 463, 486, 488, 490, 510. Matron, John 299, 337. Matrum, Col. 486, John 132, Wm. 28. Matson, Peter 557. Mattahunck, place called 107, 113, 133, 217. Mattapony: 325, 366, 420, 470, 471. Matter, Wm. 273, 472. Matteram, Jo. 161. Matterdy, Tho. 226. Mattershead, Samll. 474. Matthews, Mary 238, Saml. 160, Win- fred 234. Mattocks, Alex. 400, Ann 338, Joyce 459. Mattro, John 307. Mattrom, John 308, 319, 350, 360, 364, 366, 460, Joseph 206, Col. 382. Mattron, Col. 362, 460, John 248, 416. Mattrum, John 252, Neale 282. Mattumsarkin, place called 398. Maturt, Owen 324. Marvell, John 267, 286. Marwin, Jno. 453. Mary, John 220, Tho. 481. Maryland, 205. Mauckes, Gilbert 78. Mauday, John 286. Maudor, Randall 173. Maues, Mary 349. Maukes, the great 198. Maulden, Francis 51, 74, 81, 96, 128, 134, 148, 160, Katherine 51, 74, Wm. 28. Maulin, Tho. 387. Maulson, Edw. 136. Maunce, Willi. 61. Maunder, Hen. 516, Wilkes 423, Wm. 559. Mause, Alex. 221. Maurice, Ed. 426, George 336, Mar- garett 526, Willi. 61, William 81. Mavellis, Claus 250. Mavin, Eliz. 327. Maw, Tho. 223, 390, 440. Maway, Tho. 307. Mawe, Hanna 98, Tho. 341. Mawfler, Laves 209. Mawgery, James 204. Max, Rob. 327. Maxe, Robert 37, 66. Maxfeild, John 92. Maxney, Charles 50, 86. Maxrell, Alex. 199. Maxwell, Jane 434. May, Alice 341, Cornelius 2, 351, Ed- ward 66, 148, 559, Eliz. 367, Geo. 455, 554, Gilb. 345, Hannah 61, James 351, John 136, 452, 475, Jon. 142, Margaret 326, 559, Mildred 481, Hihill 499, Nich. 129, Robert 85, 560, Roger 367, Richd. 138, Tho. 367, 444, 458, 492, Wm. 162, 351, 409, 451, 569. Mayden, Jon. 233. Maydley, Peter 157. Mayer, Edw. 163. Mayes, Henry 207. Mayhew, John 545. Mayle, Andrew 402. Maylor, Jone 109. Maynard, Peter 562, Tobias 341. Mayne, Henry 395, John 313, Samll. 172, Susanna 208. Mayo, Edw. 23, Jno. 562. Mayson, Jane 422, John 451, 528, Lemll. 518, Tho. 457. Maze, Judeth 525, Robt. 146. Mazed, Toane 425. Mazey, Ralph 530. Mazon, Ralph 441. 690 Cavaliers and Pioneers Mead, Humphry 547, John 124, Joane 558, Jon. 143, Robt. 499, Tho. 489, Wm. 513. Meadcroft, Xpr. 336. Meade, John 97, Sarah 460, 523. Meader, Ambrose 41, Jon. 86, Jno. 476, Nich. 88, Saml. 431, Tho. 467, 478, Wm. 476. Meades, Thomas 49, 93, 316. Meadowes, Henry 564. Meadows, Henry 278. Meadow, the great 465, the 104, 182, 475. Meadow Spring, the 228. Meadwell, Wm. 152, 307. Meakes, John 132, Roger 558. Meal, Robt. 303. Mealy, Kath. 293. Meares, Ann 209, 255, 288, Barth. 331, 419, 516, 551, Hen. 28, 83, 566, Humph. 209, 255, 288, John 298, 317, 453, 562, Tho. 179, 182, 192, Walter 283, Wm. 525. Mecane, Kath. 307. Mecannick, Dan. 282. Mecanter, Alex. 398, 554. Meccremore, Hen. 347. Mechell, Tho. 36. Meckworth, Arthur 124. Mecunny, Mecum 261. Medar, Jno. 523. Medcalfe, Chape. 191, Christo. 119, Georg 11, Gilbert 368, 523, Henry 46, 56, Jeffery 157, Jno. 293, Wm. 113, 209, 266, 376, 378, Xtopr. 176. Medcap, Jno. 456. Meddars, Tho. 348. Meddows, Henry 310. Meder, Jno. 523. Meders, Ambrose 104. Medlam, Agnis 46, 56. Medland, Geo. 142. Medle, Robt. 85. Medlecoe. Joseph 147. Medley, Robt. 125, 192, Wm. 200. Medlin, Geo. 270. Medly, Georg 545, Nathaniell 397. Medmore, Jno. 421. Medraffe, Chas. 266, Wm. 266. Medralfe, Wm. 266. Medstard, John 248, Tho. 248. Mee, Georg 22. Meechwell, Tho. 197. Meedgrew, Jno. 491. Meekes, John 215, 258, 304, 421, 468, 470. Meekins, Jno. 293, 562, Tho. 440. Meeks, John 228, 309. Meere, Thos. 183. Meeres, Edwd. 340, Humph. 112, John 157, 405, Thomas 55, 370. Meers, Henry 514. Mees, William 324. Meese, Henry 534, 559, 560. Megen, Nicholas 366. Meggs, Geo. 265. Mekins, Anne 248. Meland, Mary 169. Melclaugh, Robt. 428. Meld, Henry 517. Melder, John 50. Meldron, Isabell 351. Melford, Thomas 443. Melham, James 145. Meling, Wm. 482. Melleger, John 221. Meller, John 185, Tho. 213. Mellett, Ellinor 481. Mellin, Wm. 287. Melling, Anne 287, An 530, Mary 530, Susan 530, Tho. 486, William 43, 53, 68, 286, 287, 414, 435, 534, 539, 554. Mellinge, William 321, 322, 329, 330. Mellingham, John 512. Mellings, Wm. 406, 407. Mellington, Jone 453. Mellock, Jno. 195. Mellon, Nich. 242. Mells, Menery 385, Wm. 315, 469. Melsworth, Col. 323. Melton, Hannah 106, Thomas 22, 106. Melvice, Agnis 316. Members. Jno. 444. Memax, Wm. 473. Memux, Wm. 280. Memorish, Mary 429. Mendham, John 58, 511. Menefey, Georg 2. Menefie, Geo. 160, 164, 168. Menefy, Geo. 184. Menefye, Geo. 3, 161. Menifie, Mr. 134, Wm. 120. Men if ye, Georg 54. Menlock, Jno. 559. Menloe, Nicholas 200, Thomas 200. Menslye, Geo. 106. Meradith, John 256. Merce, Robt. 440. Mercer, Alice 367, Barradine 170, 198, 522, John 134, Richd. 154, Robt. 78, 523, Tho. 375, Will. 434. Merchant, Jeffery 63, Tho. 446. Merchants: 2, 3, 25, 35, 53, 54, 55, 56, General Index 691 58, 68, 83, 85, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 132, 143, 159, 160, 167, 169, 171, 175, 176, 188, 196, 215, 224, 239, £43, 251, 252, 277, 278, 279, 297, 311, 321, 322, 330, 332, 343, 352, 366, 368, 397, 403, 433, 445, 471, 499, 513, 522, 523, 527, 560. Merchant, Cape 4, 226. Merchants Hope: 35, 93, 100, 145, 188, 202, 316, 456. Merchants Land: 137, 456. Merchant Taylor, a 296. Merham, Robt. 548. Meredath, Wm. 455. Mereday, Rich. 458, Wm. 217. Meredeth, Ellin 397, Jno. 504, 530, Samson 565, Thomas 392, 403, 458, Wm. 566. Meredith, David 196, Ellen 441, John 257, 530, Thomas 444, 465. Meres, Jno. 561. Merewether, Mr. 375, 562, Nich. 312, 338, 558, 566. Merey, Jno. 205. Merriweather, Mr. 378. Merfee, James 57. Merick, Danll. 393, 426. Merideth, Tho. 198, 408. Merifell, Kath. 328. Merifield, Abra. 171. Meriman, Jno. 345. Merin, Johna. 464. Meriweather, Mr. 377, Nicholas 350, 377, 385, 410. Meriwether, Nicholas 252, 257, 341. Merler, Barradine 170, Jon. 39. Merr, John 262. Merradith, John 260. Merrard, Deborah 27. Merrday, Phillip 412. Merradayth, Phillip 412. Merreck, Wm. 293. Merreday, Tho. 470, 528. Merredith, Charles 369, John 503, Mary 352, Tho. 347. Merrell, Henry 551. Merrett, William 67. Merrick, Danll. 479, Eliz. 533, Hen. 30, Howell 290, Marg. 352, Tho. 146. Merricke, Danll. 444, 468. Merridav, John 106, Phillip 306, Tho. 357, Wm. 387. Merrideth, Francis 49, Jno. 530, Tho- mas 49, 93, 338, 386. Merridow, Jno. 365. Merrie, Savage 25, 69. Merriman, Ann 382, Edward 382, James 32, John 186, 354, 373, 510, 512, 526, 459, Richd. 514, Sarah 32. Merrington, Mermadicke 180. Merrit, Hugh 355, Wm. 237. Merritt, George 358, Henry 221. Merriwether, Nicholas 340, 373, 566. Merriot, James 431. Merror, Nicho. 178. Merrott, James 197. Merry, Isaac 47, Jon. 143. Merryman, Ann 150, Audry 186, James 86, 150, 152, 169, John 86, 241, 248, 306, 341, 393, 563, 567, Richd. 448, 458, 526. Merrywether, Mr. 490, Nicholas 451, 497. Merter, Barradine 170. Merydaies, Tho. 404. Merywether, Nich. 290, 293, Nich. 309, 310, 316, 326, 352, 394, 421. Mesell, Jos. 152. Messenger, Hercules 91, Thomas 425. Messer, James 254. Metcalfe, Gilbert 523. Metchalfe, Tho. 403. Metgrigar, James 198. Methell, Tho. 36. Methoe, Edmond 358. Methold, Tho. 144. Methum, Paul 524. Metkalfe, Rachell 406. Metomkin, 554. Metstard, Thomas 522. Mettick, Jno. 483. Mettom, Geo. 304. Mettorn, Geo. 304. Meuslye, Georg 106. Mew, Ralph 453. Mews, Bartholomew 551. Micant, Danll. 455. Michaell, Alice 517, Edw. 172, Francis 5, 509, Gabriell 508, Henry 397, 433, 558, Jno. 405, 406, 454, 482, 551, Mr. 463, Margt. 482, Rich. 164, Samll. 517, Sarah 482, Thomas 464, '485, Wm. 28, 260, 437, 487, 569. Michaells, Tno. 522. Michalla, Hugh 215. Michallen, Jno. 302. Michell, Ann 344, 509, George 547, Henry 282, Johanna 58, John 197, 419, Jon. 43. Margt. 419, Math. 292, Robt. 484, Sarah 419. Stephen 558, Susan 388, Tho. 43, 396. 422, 475, 548, Walter 261, Wm. 462. Michem, John 266. Mickey, Jno. 302. 692 Cavaliers and Pioneers Middep, John 42. Middle Plantation, the 22, 89, 91, 94, 95, 105, 106, 113, 161, 167, 186, 224, 266, 267, 272, 316, 428, 480, 511, 544. Middle Ridge, the 81, 116. Middlemore, Geo. 292. Middleton, Catherine 164, Chas. 482, Joane 205, 269, John 279, 444, Mary 156, 279, Owen 166, 201, Robt. 276, 565, Tho. 454, Wm. 435. Middlewood, Wm. 209. Middowes, Henry 94. Midleton, George 482, 554, James 65, 96, John 121, 339, 377, Mary 348, Nich. 28, 83, Rich. 355, Robt. 370, 384, 385, 391, Tho. 322, 483, Wm. 97, 182, 356. Midemore, Jno. 336, 341. Midland, Geo. 310, 421. Midlemore, Geo. 240. Midlux, Hen. 232. Miffomer, Mary 327. Might, Stephen 559. Mihill, Edw. 209. Mike, Ann 137. Milboe, Joseph 434. Milbome, Rich. 31. Milbridge, Sarah 460, 523. Milburn, Francis 542. Milby, Henry 481, John 357, 406, 413. Milday, Edw. 200. Miles, Adam 339, 508, 538, Barbar 133, David 350, Edward 559, Eliz. 479, 541, Hen. 238, Humph. 266, 513, John 164, 260, 263, 311, Mary 565, Patriack 461, Robt. 124, 133, 177, 246, Tho. 171, 174, 207, 430, Walter 479, Wm. 134, 524, 561. Milford, Marth. 482, Sarah 254. Milford Haven, place called: 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 227, 251, 267, 272, 337, 363, 368, 421, 473, 564. Mill, James 312, Jonn 291, 384. Millacha, Ja. 179. Millard, Richard 103, Richd. 200. Millby, John '418. Mille, Luke 105. ' Millen, Barthol. 138, Herbert 213. Miller, Alice 441, Andrew 276, Doro- thv 276, 277, 338, Edw. 146, 524, Eliz. 532, Fr. 81, 366, Georg. 93, Henry 51, 65, 85, 87, James 73, 182, 211, 248, 313, 434, 453, 525, 563, Jane 314, Joan 190, Jno. 152, 249, 299, 312, Joseph 222, 464, 445, Mar- garett 90, Mary 73, 444, Pat. 205, 238, 312, 403, 497, 547, Richd. 90, 225, 254, 456, 561, Robert 390, Sarah 329, Tho. 277, Wm. 254, 344, 349, 428, 460, 501, Xtopr. 194. Milles, David 561, Dorothy 566, James 525, Mary 525. Millett, Francis 213, 214, Henry 213, Ralph 252, Wm. 357, 434. Millford, Edw. 453, Joan 456, Martha 524. Milliard, Wm. 433. Millicent, James 286, 549. Millington, An. 561, Joan 201. Millis, Abigail 336. Millisent, Robt. 355, Tho. 479. Mills, Alice 61, And. 319, Ann 397, Cornelius 249, David 561, Edw. 457, 461, 476, Eliz. 531, Hannah 396, Henry 404, 444, Humph. 513, Joan 296, 452, 482, John 59, 277, 430, 431, 516, 517, Jon. 134, 141, Lewis 138, Miles 209, Peter 393, 400, 469, 521, 528, Richard 425, 454, Rowland 453, Susan 31, 84, Thomas 444, Wil- diam 61, 153, 173, 370, 469, 521, 528. Mills, the: 30, 36, 49, 67, 81, 83, 88, 138, 158, 161, 201, 227, 250, 291, 344, Randolph's 556, the Round 173, Swamp 510, the Mill dam 495, Mills flood gates 430, 431, the Mill land 164, 513. Milnehowse, John 17, 18. Milner, Tho. 202. Milnes, Wm. 176, 177. Millright, a 551. Milshire, John 249. Milsop, Jno. 546. Milton, Richard 52, 59, 98, 119, 145, 165, Tho. 125, Wm. 93, 218, 224, 298. Milward, John 15. Mimes, Ralph 208, Thomas 465. Mims, Tho. 374. Mincher, Wm. 514. Minefrid, Anne 258. Minery, Geo. 201. Mines, Ralph 208, Richard 527, Tho. 401, 465. Minifie, Chas. 150, Eliz. 378, Georg 24, 123, 128, 143, 378, Mary 378, Mr. 142. Minifye, Georg 104, 105, 120. Ministers: 9, 19, 27, 34, 36, 52, 154, 171, 264, 287, 357, 412. Minners, Geo. 166. Minnes, Tho. 212. General Index 693 Minnies, Tho. 282. Minnokes, Wm. 107. Minor, Humphry 547, Kath. 149. Minson, Minor 363, 402, Minred 334, Minord 384, Robr. 562. Minshem, Eliz. 300. Minstrell, Tho. 359, 390. Minstrill, Tho. 223. Mint, John 198. Minter, Ann 29, David 37, Edward 29, 40, 88, 90, 94, 549, Grace 40, 94, John 29, Jon. 35, 100, Richard 29. Minton, David 63, Phillip 356. Misen, Luke 267, 487. Mishew, Henry 79. Miskell, Teage 453. Misle, Luke 31. Mison, Jno. 427. Mission, Jno. 164. Mitchell, Alice 329, Ann 347, Edw. 149, Hen. 243, 329, James 102, Jo. 314, Jno. 377, 419, Margt. 419, Mr. 234, Sarah 419, Thomas 55, 80, 88, Wm. 39, 81, 324, 353, 356. Mitchener, Sanders 296. Mithell, Math. 202. Mixon, John 195. Moales, Eliz. 297. Moalson, Edward 355. Moanack, place called, 79. Moat, James 453. Mobbs, Jno. 509. Moby, John 220, Tho. 461. Mocellett, John 307. Mockay, Jno. 301. Mocoy, John 214, 382. Modd, Tho. 475. Mode, Giles 322, 475. Mogeredge, Richd. 301. Mohixen, place called, 529, 538. Mohonney, Dennis 26. Mohunharaga, Hugh 250. Mokezann, Dennis 338. Mokoy, Daniell 355. Molden, Mary 358. Mole, Saml. 151. Molfe, Tho. 197, Wm. 197. Molletta, Roro 357. Mollineux, Cuth. 366. Moline, Wm. 257. Molson, Henry 367, Rebecca 336. Molsworth, Col. 323, Guy 220. Molten, Tho. 352, Jasper 53, 73, Wm. 383. Momford, Richd. 129. Momtapweake, place called, 108. Momus, Joseph 103. Monack, place called 21, 110, 117. Moncer, James 84. Monday, Thomas 58. Monder James 307. Mondy, John 129. Mondye, Symon 38. Monford, Jeffry 301. Monfort, Edwin 524. Monger, John 399. Monke, Eliz. 259, Thomas 564. Monkes, Frank 263, Thomas 546. Monroe, Daniell 439. Monrow, Andrew 193, 272, 474, Wm. 554. Monser, John 176. Monson, John 222. Mont, Alex. 375, 425, 468. Montague, Lewis 369, Peter 173, 383, 385. Montegue, Peter 176. Montgomery, Neale 199, Robt. 385. Montra, John 311. Moodall, John 389. Moode, Jno. 363. Moody, Mary 118, Tho. 369. Moold, Francis 144. Moon, Abra. 230, 245, 253, 306, A. 315, Henry 480. Moone, Abraham 113, 135, 210, 211, 220, 223, 245, 246, 249, 250, 283, 292, 297, 298, 300, 303, 304, 312, 313, 330, 350, 354, 368, 377, 378, 381, 486, 502, 505, 506, 507, 565, Arthur 260, Capt. 305, Frances 378, Hen. 80, 204, John 17, 32, 77, 101, 140, 169, 275, 391, 411, 420, 514, Joseph 136, Susan 32, Prudence 378, Martin 510, Mr. 277, Tho. 288, 528. Moor, Edw. 268, Henry 233, Jno. 157, Miles 247, Richd. 246, Tho. 231. Moore, Abdala 160, Ann 153, 278, 282, 351, 479, Anth. 370, Augustine 278, 384, Calleat 328, Capt. 191, Dan. 207, 212, Dorcas 220, Edw. 214, 285, 306, 337, 412, 453, 557, Edmond 355, Eliz. 78, 198, 345, 543, George 191, 427, Henry 144, 204, 443, 551, James 389, Jane 64, 115, Jeffery 252, 316, 352, 482, 568, Joane 194, John 24, 26, 88, 97, 98, 105, 149, 166, 273, 281, 345, 347, 382, 395, 438, 453, 480, Jon. 144, Joseph 16, 41, 96, 153, 331, 513, Lambath 385, Lambert 392, Leonard 19, Mary 337, Miles 277, Nath. 33, 101, 198, Nich. 81, 366, Rebecca 204, 216, 269, 475, 513, 555, Richard 109, 117, 167, 257, 273, 337, 694 Cavaliers and Pioneers Roger 341, Robt. 23, 66, Sarah 385, Susan 289, Thomas 68, 97, 167, 184, 220, 285, 286, 324, 405, 447, 452, 535, 564, Wm. 276, 187, 194, 260, 268, 331, 338, 352, 452, 516, 467. Moorecroft, Henry 119. Mooreland, Mary 70. Moores, John 157, Richd. 72, 181, Robt. 349. Mooreton, Ralph 212. Mooringe, John 274. Moose, Thomas 389. Morane, Dermot 307 . More, Abram 556, Ann 212, Cicely 335, Doro. 173, Edw. 345, 525, Eliz. 562, John 143, 455, 517, 542, Marmaduke 454, Nathl. 178, Tho. 436, 461, 563, 564, Ri. 463, Robt. 403, Wm. 173, 430. Morraticon, place called, 272, 341, 383, 445, 504. Morecock, Geo. 268, Jno. 61, Tho. 219, 234. Morecraft, James 482. Morecroft, Edmond 88, 112, 133, Edw. 84, 112, Jno. 564. Moreene, Demetree 473. Morefeild, Jno. 551, Thomas 456. Morenhana, Edmd. 274. Morehead, John 327, 450. Moreland, Dormett 261, Edw. 464, Richd. 242, Tho. 132. Morely, Robt. 209, Fra. 173, John 342. Morepent, Jno. 472. Morethorpe, Tho. 41. Morey, Geo. 261. Morfey, Mary 199. Morfrey, James 385, Marg. 341. Morgan, Abra. 185, Alice 145, Andrew 369, 527, Ann 455, 481, 553, Capt. 293, David 371, Edw. 50, 58, 78, 92, 100, 218, 244, 248, 358, 416, 426, 428, 448, 492, 498, 558, Eliz. 516, 541, Evan 79, Francis 72, 95, 131, 132, 171, 214, 229, 237, 253, 259, 260, 272, 276, 293, 307, 386, 391, 424, Griffin 196, 551, Hannah 481, Henry 166, 263, 315, Hester 428, Howell 245, Isaack 528, Isabell 481, James 253, 454, Jane 476, Jenkin 425, 463, John 22, 23, 93, 100, 117, 245, 358, 359, 370, 467, 476, 525, 536, 548, Jon. 52, 96, 138, Jude 525, 553, Margarett 48, 94, 455, Mary 279, 371, Mathew 94, 481, Meredith 125, 452, Mr. 373, Nora 482, Owen 453, Richd. 138, 140, 172, 525, 528, 558, Robert 7, Rowland 221, Tho. 33, 53, 101, 106, 138, 233, 251, 326, 376, 416, 506, 548, Vallentine 359, Wm. 34, 48, 57, 67, 89, 91, 94, 105, 111, 118, 124, 125, 131, 149, 158, 195, 204, 223, 232, 241, 262, 264, 311, 338, 429, 456, 485, 486, 512, 514, 524, Walter 339. Morganson, Richd. 275. Morgate, Peter 105. Morgen, Wm. 406. Morgin, Thomas 72, 158. Morgon, Allen 134. Morgrave, Adam 146, Morcas 178. Morian, Cornelius 455, Mary 312. Morkey, Edward 374, Gerrard 483. Morksly, Wm. 258. Morland, Ed. 506, Kath. 207, Thomas 180. Morley, Charles 367, Eliz. 303, Jno. 454, 479, Joseph 479, Richd. 466, Robt. 255, 288, 309, Sym. 54, 120, Tho. 189, 272, Wm. 328, 368. Morlin, Jno. 54. Morlye, Richd. 565. Morne, John 188. Moroise, Nicho. 244. Moroughen, Kath. 397. Morphew, Michaell 127. Morraine, John 310 ,Kennet 310. Morrall, Anne 286. Morray, Tho. 525. Morrell, Daniell 332, Geo. 491, Tho. 102. Morrey, Eliz. 125, Tho. 125, 148, 166. Morrice, Eliza. 282, James 157, 211, 315, Mr. 348, Nich. 126, 346, 372, 395, 419, 463, Peirce 325, Rice 282, Richd. 125, Tho. 358, William 110, 341. Morriell, Da. 281. Morrin, Dan. 281. Morris, Amy 362, Andrew 537, Anne 346, 401, 430, 455, An 543, Christian 429, Crispian 456, Dennis 455, Edw. 171, 183, 252, 393, 425, 556, 566, Eliza. 103, 271, 367, Evan 149, 172, Fra. 260, 520, Frederick 314, George 359, 367, 396, 391, 404, 484, 485, 541, 542, Henry 453, James 51, 65, 394, Jenkin 313, 452, John 38, 131, 149, 263, 293, 562, Jon. 39, Joseph 196, 386, Luke 383, Martha 555, Mary 246, 252, Mathew 392, Nicho. 211, 266, 314, 373, 391, 475, 494, 544, Owen 538, Randall 463, Rich. General Index 695 23, 66, 90, 134, 148, Robt. 31, 335, 444, 515, Sam. 383, Sarah 150, Simon 228, Tho. 60, 227, 263, 267, 300, 337, 382, 393, 398, 440, 500, 530, 533, 534, 536, 547, William 6, 82, 147, 148, 191, 233, 379, 455, Xpher. 242, 427. Morrison, Francis 195, 240, 305, 313, Henry 173, James 382, Major 188, Mrs. 244, 4l6, Richard 173, 223, Wm. 368, Winifred 173, 195, 223, 319. Morry, Eliz. 459, Ellianor 359, Jno. 457, Morley 328, Wm. 426. Morryson, Mary 264, Mrs. 275. Mors, Tho. 167, Wm. 187. Morse, Georg 369. Morsey, Tho. 516. Morsley, Mary 283. Mort, Jno. 453, Richd. 283. Morte, Jesper 134. Morter, Eliz. 396, Tho. 120. Morth, Edward 85, James 304. Mortimer, Rowland 113. Mortlye, Jon. 33. Morton, Alice 433, 434, James 468, Jos. 200, Margaret 194, Mathew 109, Robt. 440, 441, Thos. 188, Wm. 43, 268, 322, 415, 456, 466, 525. Mory, Tho. 426, Wm. 328. Moryow, Henry 174. Moryson, Francis 92, 391, 394, 411, 437, 448, 449, 504. Mosby, Edward 429. Moseby, Edw. 482. Mosher, Peter 536. Moseley, Anne 273, Arthur 275, Eliz. 199, Fra. 195, Geo. 202, 501, Henry 378, 379, Jos. 78, 194, John 378, Jone 199, Mr. 335, Richd. 250, Robt. 193, Saml. 199, Susanna 275, Wm. 191, 246, 275, 431, 468. Moseleye, Mr. 335, 393. Moselie, Mr. 504. Mosely, Arthur 474, Ed. 482, Geo. 306, Henry 376, 454, James 475, Jane 430, Jno. 396, Wm. 431, Mr. 302, 516, Robt. 124, 298, Wm. 138, 431, 500. Moselye, Mr. 354. Moses, Jane 499, Jno. 388, Samll. 427, '428, Xtop. 454. Moss, Andrew 352, Edw. 307, Jane 231, Robt. 299, Tho. 299, 558, Wm. 299. Mosse, Eliz. 115, Francis 163, Geo. 347, 350, Jeffery 453, Kath. 388, Richd. 214, Robt. 197, 344, 394, 458, Tho. 344, 387, 394, 545, Wm. 336, 344, 387, 394, 440, 491, 516, 545. Mossey, Roger 293. Mote, James 358. Moteley, John 373, 395. Mothell, Edw. 281. Motheringe, N. 325. Mothershed, Saml. 312. Motis, Jno. 378. Motley, John 265, 309, 359, 373, 395, 402, 409, 548, Thomas 538. Motly, John 72, 368, 371, 395, 531, 565, Kath. 441. Motram, John 185. Motron, John 331. Motrum, John 185. Mott, Fra. 282, John 4, Jonathan 462, Nathaniell 548. Motterom, John 331. Mottershead, Saml. 447, 512. Mottershott, Samll. 541. Mottly, John 398. Mottrick, Alexr. 405. Mottrom, John 230, 242, 252, 260, 331, 375, 395. Mottron, John 366. Mottrum, John 198. Motts, Wm. 32, 103. Moubert, Eliz. 264. Moucrony, Ardor 385. Mouke, Eliz. 259. Mould, Eliz. 485, John 222, 255, Richd. 548. Moulder, Jon. 143. Moule, Dorathy 355. Moulson, Edward 428, 470, John 487, Wm. 487. Moulsworth, Guy 498. Moult, Mary 453, Tho. 505, Wm. 82. Moulton, Eliz. 551, Jane 529, Tho. 74, 463, 529, 531. Mouncer, James 84. Mounford, Margt. 253, Tho. 168. Mounger, Jno. 441. Mount, Jno. 506, Tho. 270. Mounts: Folly 249, 489 (Note: Errone- ously written Holly) 254, 422; My Lady 80, 137, 516, Malada 516, Law- son 135, Mordecays 200, Maries 17, Mary's 109, Matrum's 132. Mountford, Geo. 278, Jane 351. Mountfort, Edw. 482, Tho. 428. Mountacue, Peter 479- Mountague, Peter 164. Mountegue, Peter 67, 122, 157, 252, 297, 329. Mountney, Alexander 6, 357, 359, Han- nah 359, Jno. 357, 359, Leonard 357, 696 Cavaliers and Pioneers 359, Roger 357, 359, Thomas 357, 355- Mourtny, Gerrard 465. Mouse, Arnoll 209, Robt. 112, Thomas 555. Mouson, John 222. Mow, Tho. 359. Mowser, John 119. Moy, John 312. Moye, Alice 171, Dorothy 90, John 62, 90. Moyer, John 10. Moyle, Edw. 302, Roger 259, Wm. 198, Moyles, Nicholas 380. Moyner, Margt. 405. Moyse, Henry 494, Jon. 22. Moyses, Chri. 82, John 335, 382, Theo- dore 58, 88, 99, 133, 150, 204, Wm. 75. Muber, And. 316. Mucer, El'iz. 300. Much, Edw. 391. Muckeford, Jno. 176. Muckully, Jno. 378. Mudd, Peter 123. Mudge, Tho. 430. Mudgett, Jno. 452, Tho. 493. Muffett, Francis 64. Mugg, Samll. 220. Mukee, John 309. Mule, Wm. 290. Mull, Tho. 440. Mulleines, Alice 17. Mullekin, Arche 231. Mullen, Tho. 430. Mullerd, Tho. 492. Mullett, Tho. 254, Wm. 440. Mullford, Tho. 201. Mullins, James 430, John 264, 558. Multis, Jno. 361. Mumford, Jeff. 428, John 442, Wm. 462. Mumpford, Edw. 475, Tho. 450. Mums, Wm. 112. Mun, Tho. 525. Munck, John 176, Math. 512. Mundan, George 566. Mundin, John 286. Munday, Jno. 327, 448, Margarett 376, Mary 191, Robt. 106, 369, Wm. 120, 425. Mundy, Wm. 340, 358. Munger, John 105, 311, 325. Munn, Margt. 491. Munns, Joseph 51*6. Munroe, Andrew 312, 315, 360, 509. Munrow, Andrew 193, 272, 279, 501. Muns, Tho. 235, Wm. 235. Munson, Jeff. 352, Tho. 499. Munt, Edward 523, Rich. 468. Munteth, Wm. 329. Mur, Edw. 391. Murbee, James 284. Murbey, Davey 350. Murcocke, Geo. 137. Murdah, James 426, Ja. 428. Murdure, Wm. 282. Murfeild, Edward 99. Murfery, Danl. 476. Murferry, Edw. 181. Murfin, Griffin 78. Murfrey, Edwd. 153, 187. Murhead, James 326. Murr, Daniell 69, Jno. 491. Murrah, Dennis 541. Murrall, Anne 351, Wm. 286. Murally, Coniers 343. Murray, David 222, Francis 452, Tho- mas 453. Murreen, Demetre 280. Murrey, Andrew 541, Daniell 327, Jno. 195, Sanders 148, Tho. 166. Murrie, Dann 494. Murrowes, David 222. Murton, John 378, Wm. 399. Murry, Alexr. 261, Daniell 40, 559, Jane 452, Robert 338, Tho. 375, Wm. 412, 461, 465. Musconte, place called 387. Musgrave, Tho. 217, 405, William 99. Musgrove, John 73, 101, 187, Grace 2 2 0. Tho. 146, 288, Wm. 516. Musick, Geo. 365. Muskatina, Ja. 272, 302. Muskowt, place called 502. Musquoy, John 176. Mussard, Geo. 385. Musson, James 385. Mustran, John 448. Mutford, George 312. Mutton, Jno. 349, 376, Kath. 240, 310, Mary 177. Mux, Wm. 525. Muxford, John 146, Robt. 86. Myler, Patrick 253, 497. Myles, Barbery 204, Edw. 341, 469, John 104, 513, Kath. 204, Margarett 339, 500, Robt. 204. Myller, Ann 192. Myner, Ann 69. Mynifie, Geo. 118. Mynors, Wm. 388. Mynyfie, Mr. 392. General Index 697 N Nable, Mary 68. Nablett, Mary 43. Nackington, Fen. 426. Nahan, Rebecca 265. Nailes, James 282. Nailor, James 397. Naipes, Henry 264. Namans feild 323. Nance, Alice 121, Richard 121. Nanry, Jno. 539. Nansamund: 82, 85, 296. Nansatiquon, place called 336, 384, 470, 472, 528. Napes, Robt. 438. Napier, Patrick 307. Napleton, Jacob 221. Napper, Tho. 525. Nappers, Mr. 542. Nappier, Tho. 525. Nappires, Mr. 542. Nargatt, Henry 185. Narrows, place called 494. Narton, Wm. 245. Nash, Ann 441, Arthur 300, 377, Bern- ard 351, Danl. 247, Edw. 277, Gregory 370, Jane 446, John 269, Margarett 315, Robt. 33, 72, Thomas 312, 565. Naswattock, place called 194. Nasworthie, Mr. 243. Nasworthy, Geo. 446, Jno. 513, Tho. 446, Tristram 289, 445, 446, 513. Natives, the (Indians) 205. Nauson, Jno. 524. Nayler, James 246, John 248. Naylor, John 313, 327, Richard 554, Tho. 236, Wm. 113. Nazareth, James 441. Nazworthy, Trist. 342, 415. Neach, Danll. 514, 565. Neale, Ann 221, Antho. 260, Danll. 395, 409, 565, Edw. 453, Eliz. 291, Henry 144, 146, 562, Isabell 364, James 279, 293, 375, Joane 189, Jon. 32, John 18, 36, 43, 54, 55, 62, 68, 80, 119, 134, 146, 170, 192, 225, 253, 373, 374, Mr. 173, Pearce 43, 215, Peter 193, 262, 312, 382, 548, Pru. 351, Richd. 278, Ruth 256, Tho- mas 41, 60, Walter 553, Wm. 134, 542, 548, Xtopr. 197. Neall, Cornelius 526. Nealmes, Richd. 383, 390. Neane, John 215, Morris 465. Neate, Wm. 542, Xtopr. 197. Neavor, Richd. 305. Neaw, Richard 396, 399. Neck, Danll. 455. Neck of Land, place called: 3, 19, 48, 83, 90, 109, 112, 423. Necks: Acquasca 418, Aqusca 295, Ar- cadia 425, Ashtons 398, Atkins 406, Bakers 143, 149, Barren 25, 54, 80, 105, 142, 174, Batchelors 184, Bay Tree 91, 232, Bermodo Hundred 157, Black Walnutt 57, 81, 503, Breemans 302, Broad 39, 122, 282, Brices 92, Brocas' Timber 438, Bryces 522, Budds 395, Burrowes 38, 102, 331, Bushes 233, Erasmus Carter's 85, Caryes 85, Checquers 36, Checkroes 43, 45, 98, 123, 288, Cherry Point 333, 376, Chesnutt 153, Chippokes 39, 73, Cocketts 231, Coopers 96, Claybornes 53, 77, 127, Damm 415, Dawes 170, Dawsons 116, Devells 211, Egg 331, 407, Fairewethers 334, Farlows 161, Fishing Point 30, 43, Forke 430, 481, Fleets 263, 437, Frenchmans 23, Goatepen 466, Great 80, 142, Half Way 32, 103, Halfe Way Tree 26, Harveys 123, Har- woods 33, 81, 133, Hawkins 49, Hogg Pen 23, 134, 265, 504, Indian Cabin 521, Island 189, 531, Jockeys 25, 30, 81, 142, 159, 162, 174, 486, 495, John's 25, Joyle 533, Joyners 212, Julians 111, Juringe Point 269, Kings 178, 206, 532, Kingsmell 80, 81, Lewis 503, 519, Little 521, Locust 208, Long 388, 444, Macho- ticke 235, Macksoomuck 406, Major 170, Martins Brandon 559, 560, 563, Matchapungo 507, Mattahuncks 386, 502, Mattapony 336, Mattasip, 164, Mattchotick 208, Meares 149, Monack 35, Nantupcoy 336, Nanzemum 292, Narrow 238, New Point Comfort 195, Nimoles 541, Nutt Tree 39, 113, Nunckles 541, Old Mans 59, 115, 135, Oyster Bancke 76, Oystershell 67, Pascalls 50, 63, Pease Hill 77, Pemacrey 336, Peter Phyponds 236, Piney Point 123, Pochichery 329, Poplar 111, 135, 178, 186, 222, 411, 469, 514, Powells 530, Puscatoway 368, Pyanketank 295, Pynie 32, 92, Pyny Point 288, Quiacomico 439, Quio- comack 212, Rich 24, 54, 104, 105, 114, 117, 139, 160, 208, Sandy Povnt ,259, 462, Stokes 81, Store Poynt 187, Taylors 512, 563, Thomas' 230, 357, 405, 455, Tymber 144, 176, 187, 221, 698 Cavaliers and Pioneers Tindalls 126, 555, Tinkersheires 94, Tunstalls 452, Turkey 440, Tutteys 80, 81, 136, 142, 225, 336, Walnutt 81, Ware 119, 325, 349, 533, Wayer 374, Willoughbys 14, 73, Woolfe 107, 221, Yeocomico 235, 356, 502. Nedle, John 448. Nedles, John 448. Needam, 259. Neede, Henry 164. Needham, Danl. 287, John 4, 349, 390, Rich. 349, Thomas 101, 120. Needles, John 275, 276. Needum, Eliz. 237. Neegle, Tho. 217. Neesum, Wm. 131. Nehen, Cornelius 379. Neheuallin, Darman 353. Nehevellin, Darman 356. Nellson, John 367. Nelmes, Robt. 249, Richd. 269, 358, 459, 460, 461, 488, 486, 494, Thomas 558. Nelson, Cornelius 379, Fra. 329, 546, 547, Geo. 183, Henry 125, James 462, Jno. 462, Mary 43, 68, Mathew 112, Provess 254, Provost 263, Tho. 254, Wm. 445. Nelve, Cormack 307. Nemerall, Sarah 497. Nemo, John 142. Neolly, Teague 307. Nero, Sebastian 511. Nerve, John 164. Nesfeild, Hen. 192. Neson, Fra. 444, 512. Nesse, Wm. 47, 65. Nessum, Edwd. 180. Nesum, Wm. 189, 531. Neswid, John 245. Nethercott, Nicho. 274. Netherwitt, Nicho. 274. Nethrock, Marke 213. Netlefeild. Geo. 140. Nett, Nicholas 111. Neucombe, Hen. 255. Nevera, Jane 307. Neves, Jno. 468. Nevett, Hugh 519. Nevil, James 418, Richd. 208. Nevill, James 418, Jonathan 475, Jno. 559, Mr. 143. New, Edward 501, Richard 83, 104, 306, 328, 336, 343, 399, 548. Newain, Rich. 534. Newarke, Jon. 22. Newark, Wm. 304. Newball, Francis 222. Newberke, Robt. 34, 52, 59. Newberry, Ro. 240. Newberry's land, 352. Newburne, Jno. 362. Newby, Henry 211, John 151, Robert 334, 336. Newcock, Tho. 523. Newcombe, Ann 293, Arthur 248, 351, Eliz. 428. Newcom, Roger 453. Newcome, Wm. 376. Newdigate, Jane 512. Newe, Richd. 384. Newel, Dan. 231, Tho. 242. Newell, David 559, Jacob 487, Peter 442, Rebecca 399, Sarah 345, Wm. 298, Winifred 109. Newer, Jon. 82. Newes, Jeane 338. Newett, Hugh 519, Winifrid 41. Newfound Land, 7, 8. Newgate, place called 165, 166, 385. Newgent, Christo. 23, Wm. 293. Newhous, Eliz. 557. Newhowse, John 103, 123. Newill, David 525, Jonathan 475, Richd. 223. Newitt, Hugh 404. Newkerke, Robt. 206. Newland, John 125, Mr. 110, Richard 110. Newly, Henry 313. Newman, Alice 101, 125, 201, Anne 213, Dickery 99, Edw. 526, Eliza. 192, 207, Ellis 193, Francis 440, 499, 516, James 554, Jon. 29, 50, 138, Jno. 521, 36, 85, 147, 153, 166, 177, 305, 343, 402, 466, 485, 499, 521, Martha 481, Mr. 228, Richd. 128, 444, 480, 534, Robert 23, 38, 51, 66, 70, 71, 73, 83, 109, 112, 157, 309, 210, 304, 315, 339, 396, 478, Sam. 293, 362, 530, 562, Susan 198, 213, 255, 305, Susanna 195, 213, Tho. 118, 195, 213, 297, 501, Wm. 215, 228, 266, 309, 348, 361, 386, 421, 470, 481. Newman's Dam, 465, 542. Newmon, Tho. 485. Newnham, Tno. 324. Neworth. Wm. 252. News, Richard 317. Newsam, Eliz. 227, Wm. 384. Newsom, Eliz. 400, John 186. Newson, Thomas 10, Wm. 124. Newsum, James 133, Wm. 147. General Index 699 Newton, Abra. 441, Francis 22, 71, 178, Isaack 541, James 222, 500, Joane 278, John 148, 178, 196, 253, 257, 426, 454, Ph. 172, Rich. 28, Robert 86, 159, Sarah 355, Tho. 293, 327, Wm. 253, 264. New Discover, place called 445, 470. New Nimcoke, place called 428. Newport News, 4, 5, 420. New Perfect, place called 487. New Towne Haven, place called 74. Nibbs, Danll. 488. Niccolls, Rob. 358. Nichells, John 487. Nichola, Jno. 568. Nicholas, Henry 157, 365, 494, Jon. 41, 230, Jno. 568, Mirina 559, Richd. 115, Wm. 166, 404. Nichols, 247, Andrew 179, Eliza. 179, 238, Fr. 125, John 229, Roger 24, Saml. 202, Walter 79, Wm. 129, 179, 235. Nicholls, Ann 559, Charles 399, Edm. 559, Elinor 285, Eliz. 509, Henry 222, 237, 256, 277, 396, 440, 471, 496, 497, 526, 536, 540, 544, 557, 564, James 263, 523, John 263, 279, 284, 285, 305, 307, 321, 333, 374, 406, 407, 411, 526, 560, Jone 286, Mary 243, 329, 384, 399, Mathew 369 479, Nich. 285, Peter 402, 558, 562, Richard 447, Roger 180, 192, Saml. 164, 387, 395, 397, 402, 429, Susan 509, Stephen 558, Sands 179, Wm. 266, 314, 332, 376, 379, 431. Nichols, Henry 222. Nicholson, Alexr. 199, 388, 477, Edw. 220, Elizabeth 28, 81, Francis 226, Georg 24, 101, Ja. 257, Jane 261, 305, Phillip 222, Ralph 196, Richd. 202, Robert 323, 499, Wm. 274, '325, 479, 498. Nigent, Root. 169. Night, Robt. 176. Nightingale, Kath. 183, Tho. 180. Niker, Edward 560. Nimfe, Chas 140. Nimcahoe, Knora 338. Nimcock, New 181, Old 181, places called. Nitter, Mary 401. Nitingale, Eliza. 153. Nixen, Godfrid 258. Noakes, Henry 250, James 426, 428. Noale, Wm. 134. Noble, Geo. 323, Grace 316, Jno. 481, 499, Michaell 147, Miles 276, Robt. 195, Wm. 84, 118. Nockey, Tho. 324. Nodes, Richd. 414. Noell, Roger 425. Nohum, Ann 373. Nokes, Andrew 194, Wm. 284. Noles, Eliz. 316. Nomeny, place called 206, 228, 352, 371, 435, 483, 499, 500, 536, 537, 546. Norcott, Johna. 467, John 556, Susanna 527, Tho. 537, 541, 554, Wm. 81, 358, 366, 530, 537. Nordell, Jno. 552. Norden, Walter 77. Nordett, Jno. 552. Nore, Susan 476. Norey, Alex. 41, 88. Norgood, Jno. 434. Norgrove, Robt. 457, Stephen 400, Wm. 396. Norm, Edmond 558. Norman, Austice 78, Edw. 222, 443, Eliz. 308, Geo. 494, 557, Hen. 78, 132, 316, 548, James 468, John 299, 345, 370, Jos. 538, Mary 50, 58, 442, Peter 50, 58, 78, 100, Robt. 460, 466, Rockell 386, Roger 447, Steph. 236, 270, 315, 368, 373, 393, 396, 400, 447, 490, 499, 538, 541, Tho. 300, Wm. 547. Normansell, Edwd. 249, Richd. 234, 403. Normanton, Thomas 37. Normington, Jno. 438, 444. Norrell, Peeter 175, Walter 199. Norrice, Robert 144, Tho. 150. Norrich, Tho. 403. Norris, Eliz. 124, Jacob 110, Jno. 324, 456, Richd. 143, Tho. 166. Norsworthy, Mr. 209, Tristrum 158. Nort, Thomas 554 . Nortant, Mary 549- North, Ann 291, 558, Anth. 300, 500, 517, Fra. 291, James 220, 304, John 41, 130, 255, 559, 513, Martha 453, Mathew 476, Tho. 367, Wm. 216, 220, 410. Northall, Wm. 483. Northerborne, Ed. 441. Northerne, John 54. Northon, Toby 170. Norton, Ann 422, Edm. 554, Eliz. 351, 449, Gabriell 462, 536, 542, 549, James 525, Jon. 77, John 105, 146, 173, 260, 267, 413, Margt. 170, Patrick 494, Peter 554, Phill. 396, Richd. 223, Robert 359, 390, 444, 700 Cavaliers and Pioneers Roger 400, Sarah 525, Susan 540, 559, Thomas 396, 462, 525, 537, 545, 549, 554, 557, 558, 562, Toby 217, 261, 413, Walter 185, Wm. 26, 58, 370, 400, 527, Xtopr. 166. Norts, James 263, Ma. 173. Norvey, David 373. Norville, Sa. 480. Norvill, Susan 450. Norway, John 118. Norwood, Henry 410, Jno. 483, Mary 452, Richd. 148. Nosworthy, Ann 111, Tristrum 83, 111, 114, 135, 149, 151, 154, 156. Notary Public, a 163. Nott, Edw. 452, Matha 536. Nottingham Park, place called 235. Notton, Jon. 58. Nouseir, John 191. Novell, Mary 248. Novis, Rich. 299. Nowell, James 453, Jon. 31, 84, John 554, Mary 284, Mr. 242, 408, 476, Peeter 170, 294, Richard 66, Thomas 14, 15, 19, 30, 36, 280, 366, 453. Nox, Mary 547. Noyce, Andrew 61. Nudigute, Jane 458. Nugent, Christopher 90. Nuppar, Roger 552. Nurden, John 313. Nurdon, Tho. 187, 216. Nurse, Robt. 450, Susanna 391. Nurserie, Daniell 24. Nurseries, John 271. Nursires, Jno. 494. Nurte, John 222. Nurton, Anne 146, Henry 315, John 97, 146, 275, Wm. 181. Nusam, William 37, 103. Nuse, Wm. 176. Nusham, Anne 248. Nusome, Eliz. 386. Nusser, Robt. 195. Nusum, Margt. 526, Wm. 165, 195, 213, 526. Nuswattock, place called 337. Nut, Phillip 362. Nute, Tho. 73, Winifred 73. Nuthall, Eliz. 158, John 158. Nutt, James 313, Jonathan 549, Mr. 363, Richd. 205, Thomas 452, Wm. 37, 63, 205, 309, 375, 424, 462. Nuttall, Robt. 56, 195, Thomas 56. Nutter, James 279. Nuttingham, Eliz. 357, Rich. 357. O'Aver, Mary 215. Oatelep, Phillipp 51. Oakely, Geo. 427, Wm. 39. Oakes, Greg. 78, W., 270. Oakham, Hester 337. Oatly, Darcy 364. Obart, Bar. 245, Bertram 329. Obbins, Foulkerd 264. Obed, John 208. Oberry, John 39, 106, Rose 39. Obert, Bertram 190, 204, 284, 303, 313, 422, 495, 507, Mr. 136. O'Berye, John 108, Rose 108. Occahannock, place called 407. O'Carby, Dan. 309. Ocathame, Daniell 371. Occocomson, place called 452, 454, 551, 553, 555. Ockford, Wm. 433. Ockmond, Jno. 328. O'Comly, Teage 543. O'Conily, Teage 543. Ocquell, Sarah 512. O'Craham, Donell 322, Patrik 330. Octies, Thomas 183. Odait, Elin. 185. Odaley, Daniell 336. O'Dannell, Neale 560. Odell, Henry 290, 300. Odeon, Richd. 445. O'Derrick, Tho. 306. O'Derruck, Tho. 309. Odgar, Gabriel 292. Odger, Gabriell 371. Odier, Gabriell 506, 529, 547. Odion, Abram 562, Ellen 445, Wm. 445. Odium, John 451. O'Drenne, John 309 . O'Fahee, Tego 322. O'Fallo, Teague 311. O'Farne, Dermot 330. Offdale, U. 291. Offeild, Henry 209, Tho. 441, 443. OfTkair, Jno. 451. Offley, Nicho. 133. Odgir, Gabriell 246. Ogbourne, Symon 263. Oger, James 327, Morris 207. Ogestor, Elenor 319. Oggs, Thomas 105. Ogley, Turrell 328. O'Graham, Donell 322. O'Grangenes, Jon. 310. Ogre, Dun. 331. General Index 701 O'Harratt, Richd. 306. O'Harrough, Rich. 309. Oheley, Roger 453 . O'Hind, Danll. 479. Okeham, John 550. Okeley, Robt. 134. Okell, Rich. 299. Okelly, John 347, Tho. 385. O'Kelly, William 364. Okely, Sisly 551, Wm. 516. O'Kenedy, Teage 559. Oker, John 34. O'Kery, Wm. 375. Okey, Wm. 483. Okley, Gregory 466. Old, Wm. 370. Oldale, John 266. Oldis, James 263, John 62, Mr. 120, Thomas 36, 62, 70, 122, 127, 165, 173. Oldsworth, Wm. 286. Oldum, Eliz. 150, James 150, Pearcy 150. Oldfeild, Joseph 390. O'Lanny, Nella 328. O'Leally, Jno. 330. O'Lealy, Owin 309. Oliffe, Robt. 142. Olive, Judith 460, 523. Oliver, Adam 76, Edward 51, 89, 94, 107, 113, 114, 126, 133, 145, 177, 283, 465, 549, Eliza. 150, Geo. 301, 499, John 142, 176, 192, 274, 524, Mary 132, Nich. 50, 54, 88, 120, Peter 528, Richd. 140, Robt. Ill, 554, Tho. 119, 373, 427, Walter 313, Wm. 132. Olives, Walter 211. Ollaver, Wm. 157. Olliver, Ellinor 487, Georg 49, John 480, 487, 538, 569, Mary 487. O'Loffe, Gwallo 328. Olton, Jno. 428. O'Lyn, Tho. 308. Omallin, Pat. 214. O'Mally, Cormack 306. Omarweare, John 327. O'Melle, Dollo 328. O'Morpher, Connor 306. O'Moulins, Teague 309. O'Naught, Wm. 322. O'Naughton, Wm. 453. Ondale, John 136. Onely, Clemt. 483, Samuell 108. Onesby, Wm. 222. Onesly, Wm. 222. Onion, John 112. Only, Clemt. 465. Onsby, Robt. 466. Onsloe, Jno. 454. Oran, Robt. 137. Orange, Sivillius 430. Oravin, John 302. Orbald, Jno. 456. Orburns, Tho. 565. Orchard, Ann 50, 64, Hugh 133, John 50, 64, 539, Jon. 230, Mary 64, 527, Tho. 119. Orchard, the 471. Orde, Margt. 171. Ordinance, Master of the 226. Ordnary, the French 480. Ordone, Edm. 452. Ore, Joane 517, Wm. 252. Oredan, John 308. Orfle, Peter 366. Orford, Tho. 536. Organ, Lawrence 315. Oride, Henry 563. Orily, Tho. 482. Oriott, Tho. 524. Orland, David 460, James 499. Orley, Tho. 209, 251. Orly, Rebecca 362, Tho. 245, 376, Susan 362, Wm. 553. Orphew, Edmund 308. Orpwood, Rich. 304. Ororke, James 276. Orrey, Robt. 298. Orton, John 298, James 455, Mich. 375, Wm. 555. Osben, Tho. 93. Osberton, Alexr. 39. Osborne, Ann 388, Bridgett 108, Edward 41, Francis 60, 429, Jenkin 25, 61, .175, John 107, Jon. 151, Margarett 107, Mary 76, 175, Oliver 552, Ralph 47, Richard 78, 349, Robert 434, Roger 453, Thomas 61, 78, 80, 137, Wm. 362. Osbourne, John 288, 303. Osburne, John 453. Osburns, Tho. 565. O'Shalenan, Derman 308. O'Shalevan, Derman 308. Oshulivan, Margt. 296. O'Shulivan, Margett. 388. Osman, Adam 238, John 378. Osmotherly, William 53, 77. Ossett, Joane 425. Ossipe, An. 555. Ostums, place called 518. O'Sulivan, Daniell 390. Osulvan, Jno. 455. 702 Cavaliers and Pioneers O'Swillan, Teige 355. O'Swillivant, Tho. 470. Other, Thomas 101. OTire, Jane 328. Otley, David 347, Rich. 435. Ottamon, Teague 306. Otter Hill, land called 473. Otterlong, James 458. Otteway, Richd. 262. Ottowaes, Jno. 553. Oudlant, Mr. 243. Ourton, Tvmothy 144. Outred, William 425. Outwright, Henry 453. Oveddam, Jno. 460. Oven, an old 439, 516. Overbey, Nichola 411. Overbury, Rich. 454. Overcott, Tymothy 431. Overed, Wm. 412. Overett, Symon 566, Wm. 512, 522, 546, 547, 563. Overing, And. 561. Overman, Edw. 202, 268, Mr. 241, 325, 389. Overred, Wm. 499. Overstreet, John 480, 568. Overton, Fra. 391, 435, 524, Jno. 451, Mary 326, 435, Rich. 422, Roger 477, 526. Overy, Ed. 432, Mathew 183, Wm. 345. Owberry, John 49. Owell, John 113. Owen, An 548, David 214, Edwd. 28, 49, John 218, 251, 260, 261, 268, 283, Jon. 241, Lazarus 446, Mack Wm. 327, Marie 327, Michaell 520, Morris 218, 298, Nicholas 365, 538, Richd. 128, Robt. 449, Rowland 45, Teague 324, Tho. 22, 76, 174, 396, 453, 454, 478, Wm. 202, 264, 435, 452. Owens, John 322, Mary 322, Richd. 268, 507, Tho. 322, 542, Walter 190. Owenton, Mary 326. O'William, Jno. 328. Owin, James 455, Jno. 430, Mary 268, Mories 224, Richd. 512, Simon 513, Tho. 298. Owles, Robert 13. Owley, Edw. 184. Owme, John 216. Ownes, Richd. 189. Oxford, Christo. 35, James 453, John 275, Joseph 192, William 50, 64, Xtopher. 301, 499. Oxford, place called 331. Oxford Plantation 58. Oxley, Th. 224. Oxly, Thomas 453. Oxon, Richd. 164. Oxton, Thomas 554. Oyles, Nicho. 183. Oyster Banck, the 102. Oystershell Banck, the 135. Ozzett, Jno. 432. Pace, Georg 10, 199, 273, Henry 101, Mr. 203, 347, 380, Richard 10. Pace's Paines Plantation, 10. Pack, Christ. 137, Robt. 546, Wm. 546. Pacen, Mathew 108. Packer, Eliz. 36, 45, 65, Joan 290, John 406, Richd. 352, Thomas 15, 18, 19, 65. Packett, Jone 62, Phill. 455, Wm. 61. Packford, Abraham 528, Wm. 57. Packhurst, Antho. 130, 265. Packingtton, Eliza. 374. Packman, Geo. 133. Packson, Wm. 190. Packwood, Jno. 557. Pacotacke, place called 179. Pacton, John 200. Pacye, Henry 123. Paddam, James 503. Paddison, Rob. 336, Tho. 131, 370, 377, 502. Padey, John 370. Padeyes, Zachary 568. Padget, Ann 237. Padgett, Walter 491, Wm. 193. Pady, Zachary 191. Pagan Shore, the 76, 80, 82. Page, Alice 279, Annis 124, Edward 27, Eliza. 279, Henry 191, John 231, 252, 279, 340, Jonas 302, 340, Judeth 350, Mary 279, 446, Nath. 102, Richd. 167, 388, 518, Robert 55, 237, 299, 483, Rose 373, Tho. 157, 262, 345, 378, 480, 487, 518, 521, Wm. 477. Page's Pilgrimage, place called 340. Pagett, Sinkler 301, Thomas 121. Pagg, Joseph 207. Pagget, Edmd. 567, Richd. 189, 216. Paggett, Ann 197, Edmond 567. Paggett's Neck, 173. Paggitt, Tho. 467. Pagrane, Gregory 56. Pagrave, Gregory 56. Paice, Edward 527. Paile, More. 501. General Index 703 Paile, the old 316, 544. Paine, Ann 425, 447, Clorentine 344, Eliz. 335, 435, 558, Ezard 425, Florentine 131, 219, Henry 261, Humphry 355, John 94, 138, 248, 295, 333, 345, 390, 423, 424, 432, 442, 487, 511, 528, 531, 565, 567, Mr. 566, Margery 247, 277, Marga. 333, Mary 292, 299, 431, 476, Ralph 265, 398, 420, Richd. 447, Robt. 227, 446, 554, Sam. 231, 457, Sarah 433, Thomas 192, 270, 348, 410, 429, 457, Wm. 138, 141, 358, 391. Painter, John 120, Mary 430, Richd. 304, Wm. 475. Pakes, Walter 108, 114. Palin, Henry 267, 425, 427. Pall, Eliza. 169. Pallard, Digon 183. Pallett, Martha 523. Pallin, Jno. 500, Sampson 557. Pallington, Rebecca 112, Theop. 486. Pallisadoes, the 102, 105, 106, 110, 113, 143, 160, 161, 162, 167, 186, 224, 242, 266, 272, 474. Pally, James 486, Nath. 358. Palmer, Ann 213, Daniel 5, Edmond 444, 511, Edward 22, 96, 140, 268, 368, Elinor 265, 507, Eliz. 205, 290, 422, Francis 431, Henry 98, 191, 200, 516, Howell 87, James 290, 441, Joane 349, Jno. 135, 183, 322, 333, 383, 392, 396, 446, 454, 461, Jone 75, 390, Jud. 520, Margt. 405, Martin 249, 369, 377, 394, 475, 541, Mary 249, 291, 297, 368, Peter 430, Priscilla 75, Ralph 459, Rebecca 137, Richard 324, 368, 404, Samll. 552, Sarah 51, 61, 283, Tho. 440, 446, 454, 535, 563, Wm. 34, 114, 165, 429, 484, 486, 395. Palmeton, Sarah 244. Palmy, Wm. 454. Pamunkey, 244. Pamunky, King of 44. Pamunkee Landing Place, 169. Pancake, place called 421. Pancell, Edw. 172. Panckhest, Thomas 315. Pancraft, Abra. 274. Pandle, Henry 120. Pane, Mathew 369. Panfack, Eliz. 369. Panfitt, Geo. 517. Pankerman, Tho. 479. Pankman, Tho. 227, 250. Panier, Jon. 87. Pannell, Marga. 286. Pannull John, 540, Katherine 540. Panter, Wm. 441. Panthurst, Abra. 43. Panton, Eliz. 386, Jone 233, Tho. 375, 395. Pantry, Richard 526. Pantwell, Duncumb 426. Paptast, John 218. Paquosons, the 503. Paramont, Alice 527. Paramore, Miles 472. Parbeck, Jno. 454. Parce, Tho. 256. Parchmore, Peter 178. Parchmouth, Richd. 497. Parckhurst, Antho. 344. Parcost, Tho. 54. Parcroft, Tho. 120. Pardy, Eliz. 291. Parfitt, John 517, Robt. 248, 305. Parford, Tho. 502. Pargiter, John 105. Pargetor, John 429. Par ham, Fra. 441. Parin, Tho. 428. Paris, Nicho. 459. Parish, Edward 22, 175, Mary 514. PARISHES: Blissland, 229, 234, 349, 357, 496; Bristoll, 298, 352, 452, 466, 469, 549. Chichahominy, 151; Chiskyak 178. Eliz. Citty, 15; Eliz. River, 237, 242, 260, 268, 270, 415. Farnham, 444, 467, 468, 470, 472, 476, 481, 503. Hampton, 136, 140, 153, 161, 214, 232, 237, 253, 401, 420, 480, 568, Harrop, 317. Isle of Wight, Lower: 391, 420, 466; Upper 444. Kiccoughtan, 5; Kingstone, 375, 402, 416; Kiskeake, 158. Lawnes Creek, 485, 561, 564; Lin- haven 173, 181, 182, 187, 188, 220, 221, 222, 239, 247, 249, 262, 269, 273, 275, 276, 287, 288, 289, 299, 302, 328, 331, 332, 344, 354, 355, 358, 380, 415, 473, 502, 504, 507, 518, 527, 528. Marston, 479; Martins Hundred, 97, 117, 294; Middle 251, 414; Mul- berry Island, 30, 36. Nancimond, Upper: 318, 450, 451, 453, 457, 479, 480, 543, 568; 704 Cavaliers and Pioneers Lower: 385; New Poquoson, 124. Petsoe, 545. Sittingborne, 430, 431, 481, 484, 485, 528, 530, 557; Southwark 287, 355, 509; Stratton, 506; Stratton Major 515. Waire, 462, 493. York, 355. Parkamore, Elias 370. Parke, Daniell 324, 381, 399, 479, 492, 558, Dorothy 372, Edwd. 189, 370, Fran. 403, John 262, 386, 513, Robt. 296, Sarah 311, 479, Tho. 484, William 311, 479. Parkenson, Ro. 299, Tim. 233. Parker, Abigail 382, Alice 343, Andrew 98, Ann 185, 324, 335, 383, 386, Chas. 206, Daniell 394, 404, Edw. 304, 312, 345, 376, Ellin 255, 514, Eliz. 36, 45, 265, 485, 501, Fran. 260, 383, 403, 431, 432, 487, 565, Geo. 185, 193, 307, 400, 412, 532, Henry 399, 437, 450, 555, James 200, 201, 431, 517, Jane 312, Joan 296, Jon. 25, 69, 93, John 99, 134, 158, 276, 286, 307, 350, 406, 455, Jo. 370, Mary 201, 431, 455, 491, 548, Mathew 448, 459, Mr. 300, 483, Natha. 216, Phillip 326, Precilla 546, Richd. 150, 158, 166, 167, 183, 223, 253, 276, 293, 314, 404, 412, 492, 500, 569, Robt. 185, 406, 425, 447, 450, 551, Roger 359, Samll. 567, Susan 263, 383, Thomas 15, 18, 19, 65, 142, 147, 166, 170, 231, 244, 274, 347, 430, 484, 520, Wm. 5, 42, 53, 74, 81, 85, 113, 141, 155, 301, 468, 474, 538. Parkes, Ambrose 348, Danll. 474, John 153, 381, Precilla 363, Robt. 114, 342, Wm. 338. Parkhurst, Antho. 130. Parkin, Robt. 124. Parks, Dan. 288, Samll. 500, Thomas 25, 170. Parkson, Ralph 429. Parlett, Wm. 391. Parliament, 247. Parmeton, John 244, Nathl. 244. Parmyter, John 388. Parnell, Jane 427, Wm. 213. Parnew, Nicholas 76. Parney, James 199. Parnis, Miles 468. Parott, Richd. 450 . Parr, Alice 393, Edward 180, Margery 40, Mary 289, Nicho. 381, Ralph 392, Robt. 45, 62, Tho. 214, Wm. 526. Parram, Mich. 427. Parramore, Edw. 146, 521, Michaell 523, Rob. 290. Parre, Jane 475, Wm. 224. Parrell, Lewis 529, 547. Parett, Edw. 287, 428, Gillam 358, Gregory 274, John 257, Jone 286, Lewis 529, Richd. 187, 189, 276, 279, 460, Symon 196, 302. Parrett's Marsh, 384. Parrey, Edward 8, Robert 144. Parrfy, John 198 . Parricoat, Phil. 286. Parrinter, Richd. 304. Parriot, Robt. 456. Parriott, Susan 544. Parris, Arundell 141, 280, Jon. 227, John 250, 300. Parrish, Edw. 175, Thomas 359. Parrit, James 171. Parrott, Dorothy 501, Francis 523, Joan 242, John 21, 22, 26, 66, 71, 73, 91, Joseph 523, Mary 382, Mr. 396, Prunella 22, Richard 402, Samll. 523, Susan 430, William 68. Parrs, Antho. 283. Parry, Ann 57, 279, 440, Edwd. 241, Elianore 397, Elizab. 253, 276, 278, 293, 351, Guy 441, Jane 267, John 213, Jos. 501, Math. 365, Richd. 279, Ro. 240, Robt. 341, Roger 244, Samll. 203, 255, 256, 303, 334, 366, 368, 381, 398, 463, 493, Tho. 250, 268, Wm. 43, 51, 57, 79, 97, 103, 115, 133, 145, 175, 221, 275, 289, 331, 340, 343, 377, 434, 501. Parsly, Ann 430, Edward 429, 484, Fritzwith 430. Parsons, Abigail 520, Ann 448, Edw. 116, Eliza. 279, George 523, Grace 214, Henry 146, 378, Kath. 164, James 25, 69, 99, John 94, 285, 468, 556, 557, 568, Johna. 502, 542, Joseph 352, 503, Nich. 350, Richd. 116, Sarah 276, Thomas 109, 381, 386, Wm. 93, 254, 503, 506. Partin, Avis 171, Debora 171, Edw. 510, Francis 523, Margt. 171, Mary 471, 486, 496, 516, Ralph 249, Rebecca 171, Robert 62, 76, 112, 165, 167, 168, 171. 317, 561, Samll. 492, 500, Tho. 490, Wm. 506. Parteete, Tho. 223. Parthurst, Antho. 173. Partlett, Rich. 346. Parthmore, Richard 314. General Index 705 Partigg, Richd. 213. Partner, Rich. 432, Wm. 486. Partridge, Hester 50, 86, Jno. 428, Wm. 262, 513. Parrwerthy, Margarey 369. Parvin, John 180. Parvis, Miles 468. Parvoll, Tho. 200. Pasbehay, 2. Pasbyhayes, place called, 18, 28, 51, 69, 74, 97, 126, 127, 128, 139, 145, 151, 177, 232, 433. Pasbyhaies Feild, 347. Pascall, Phillip 384. Pascattaway, place called 348, 376, 378, 404, 420, 423, 487, 509, 511. Pase, John 262. Pashe, Jno. 390, 396. Pashly, James 554. Paskall, Phill. 267. Paskins, Edw. 43. Pasmore, John 87, Mary 87. Passe, Robt. 457, Tho. 250. Passell, Eliz. 552, Sarah 552. Passmore, Thomas 3, 8, 12, 271. Pastor, 26, 29, 30. Patch, Edith 493. Patch Tree Dam, 205. Pate, Eliz. 338, 544, Henry 338, 471, 544, 546, John 216, 286, 470, 478, 509, 550, Katherine 338, Mary 470, 481, Mr. 260, 380, 550, Richard 49, 204, Robt. 548, Wm. 72. Pateford, Wm. 142. Pateman, Eliz. 244, Henry 493, 506. Patemaster, Abraham 390. Patent, the Grand 180. Patent, Rabecca 514. Patermastr, Abra. 440. Paternoster, Abra. 223, 359. Pates, Anne 268. PATHS: Ashwell's 339, 364. Basbyes, 339, Beare 445, Bestland 475. Cart 202, 266, 408, 429, 451, 465, 484, 492, 521, 542; Cheescake 256, 257, 392, 394, 401, 456, 467, 495, 542; Cheskyacke 257, 258; Ches- piack 506; Chickahominy 160, 415, 523, 526;Chicokone 254, 266, 372, 373, 395, 396, 459, 460; Chipoaks 365; Church 408, 517; Corroto- man 437; Cross 450; Cunicott 202. Doeggs 481. Exolls 542. Foot 491. Horse 204, 225, 259, 268, 334, 402, 440, 480, 491, 503, 511, 512, 547, 548; Hot Water 324, 381, 399, 474. Indian 193, 255, 326, 334, 340, 358, 365, 366, 369, 457, 469, 471, 478, 511, 514, 542, 559, 560, Indian Feild 376, 511. Langstone's 510, Col. Lee's Horse 502. Machoticks 392, 397, 395, 429, 566; Maddicon 403; Managirack 484; Mattapony 219, 391, 433, 451, 478, 506, 527, 545, 557; Midle planta- tion 30; Mobjack 230; Morattico 219, 248, 350, 359, 399, 425, 437, 441, 477, 550, 561, Mount Folly 393, 464; Mumford's 491. Nangatico 400, 483; Nicadawance's 319, 386, 475, 502; Nomany 400, Nungeocicoe 291. Occahannocke 339, 380, 412; Old Mill 288, 474. Pamunkey 513, Peach Tree Field 504, Pinkeman's 263, Potobacco 523, Potomack 520, Powhite 529, Pur- ton 450. Queen Hive 366. Rappahannock 257, 278, 284, 318, 384, 417, 429, 488, 514, 523, 545; Rickahock 215, 227, 229, 231, 288, 291, 310, 317, 324, 325, 336, 342, 349, 350, 361, 364, 376, 386, 389, 392, 399, 403, 404, 440, 470, 474, 479, 487, 492, 494, 509, 540, 566, Ridge 542. Square John's 459. Thornton's 502. Vasaticon 529, 547. Warranuncock, 295, Warren's 355, Warreny 318, 324, 325, 355, 376, 381, 399; Wariscreeke 448, War- wicke 488, Warwicksquick 488; Westham 403, 458, 465, 475, Westover 422, 424, 467, 472, 475, 479, 502, 542, 559; Wiccocomico 350, 437, 438, 561. York 294, 317, 339, 346, 471. Patience, Arthur 353. Patient, Arthur 58. Patlyon, John 288. Patman, Tho. 427. Patrack, John 442. Patriack, John 223. Patriarch, Jno. 357. Patrick, Hen. 40, 94, Isabell 282, Jno. 706 Cavaliers and Pioneers 94, Leo. 160, Richd. 418, Seath 167, Thomas 145, William 63. Patridg, Joseph 562. Patridge, Richd. 236, Wm. 199. Patteford, Wm. 115. Patten, Henrv 359, Mr. 304, Valentine 290, 302, 312. Pattern, Eliz. 233, Mr. 345. Patter, Roger 347. Patterson, John 366. Patteson, James 366, Thomas 361. Pattison, Hen. 31, James 43, Susan 463, Tho. 31, 84, 357, 384, 433, 494, 496, 498. Pattman, Tho. 119. Pattyson, Tho. 496. Paul, John 195, Pat. 175, Tho. 58, 168. Paule, Frances 58, Francis 58, Mathew 58, Stephen 145, Thomas 58, 138, 145. Paulet, Tho. 486. Paulett, Chidock 79, Thomas 79. Pauley, John 141. Paulle, Henry 359. Paulwin, Hester 273. Paverell, Geo. 116. Pavy, Wm. 173. Pawan, Mary 281. Pawford, Tho. 24. Pawle, Hump. 428. Pawlett, Henry 223, Thomas 53. Pawley, John 110, 112, 114. Pawly, Joane 355, Jon. 29- Pawre, Gart. 265, John 265, Peter 265, Reynold 265. Payanketank, place called 214. Payne, Edw. 196, Florentine 175, James 391, John 251, 311, 364, Ralph 251, 255, 436, Richd. 299, Robt. 250, Sarah 270, Thos. 191, 205, 256, 259, 273, 410. Paynes, Tho. 202. Paynter, Roger 218. Payton, Col. 563, Henry 495, James 404, Mary 191, 256, Mr. 319, 565, Peter 49, Samll. 568, Tho. 369, Valentine 376, 399, 495, 546. Peabes, Tho. 211. Peace, Antho. 191, John 370, Rich. 372. Peach, Dosabell 214, Mr. 349, Samll. 557, Tho. 247, Wm. 144. Peachy, Samll. 433 . Peacock, Mathew 219, Michaell 138, Richd. 133, 333, Robert 314, 386, 445, Tho. 35, 167. Pead, Jon. 60, John 265, Mary 265, Robt. 222, Sarah 469 . Peade Jno. 358. Peadle, Corbert 143, Henry 116. Peagler, Joane 178, John 169. Peake, Eliz. 386, Isabell 434, John 263, Mary 538, Mathew 46, Nich. 351, Rebecca 558, Robt. 491, 510, Thomas 23, 138, 253, 304, 337, Wm. 144. Peakes, Tho. 211, 475. Peale, Francis 32, 160, 242, 316, 474, 544, Wm. 220. Peales, Tho. 232. Peancketancke, place called 180, 210, 220, 276, 318, 369, 523. Peane, Maurice 483, Wm. 393. Pearce, Edw. 35, Katherine 81, Robert 43, Wm. 43, 422, 547. Peare, Edw. 285, Eliz. 285, Henry 285, John 285, Tho. 208. Pearepoint, Wm. 145. Pearle, Andrew 282, Franc. 28, Francis 81, William 425. Pearman, Mary 472. Pearse, Edward 59, Robert 57. Pearse's Stile, place called 41. Pearsey, Abraham 50. Pearson, Edward 559, James 322, Mary 160, Tho. 54. Peasant, William 100 . Peaseley, Hen. 203, Michaell 203, Susan 203. Peasly, Henry 203, 356, 514, Joseph 336, Madg. 236, Michaell 47, 203, Wm. 299, 542. Peaslye, Henry 267. Pease Hill, place called 77, 107, 108, 126, 295. Pease Hill Marsh, 83. Peat, John 179. Peaver, Grigo. 220. Peawde, Wm. 502. Peay, Mary 315. Peayler, Joane 178. Pecham, Henry 454. Peche, Wm. 439. Peck, Eliz. 307, Humph. 481, John 222, Peter 315, Robt. 350, Tho. 306, 307, 376, Wm. 347. Peckatowns Feild, place called 522. Peckett, Henry 348. Peckin, Thomas 338. Peckstone, Tho. 307. Pecock, Rich. 557. Pedegrew, Andrew 261. Pedendan, Henry 170, 171, 217, Mary 164. Pedigrew, And. 305. Pedly,. James 453j(Nicholas 554 : Robt.538. General Index 707 Pedocke, Eliza. 184, 200. Pedro, John 245, 257, 329. Pedroes, John 204, 329. Pedwell, Corbett 309. Pee, John 218. Peefe, Mary 29. Peele, Luke 299, Robert 426, 497, Roger 569, Tho. 324. Peese, Joseph 386. Peete, John 264. Peeter, Alice 251, Ann 506. Peeters, Ed. 483, Hen. 322, Jon. 23, John 428, Lawrence 165, 166, Symon 285, 327, 415, Tho. 144. Peeterson, Neale 282. Peggis, Garrett 298. Peggott, George 553 . Peibles, David 202. Peikins, John 175. Peirce, Capt. 123, 147, 187, 261, Chr. 170, Daniell 81, 366, David 81, Eliza. 148, 196, 531, Ed. 244, Geo. 202, 303, 435, 481, Giles 306, Hen. 197, 290, James 395, Jane 198, John 112, 150, 180, 188, Kath. 190, 557, Mary 106, 169, Mrs. 200, Peter 174, Richard 47, 100, 106, 176, 480, Robt. 150, 220, Ro^er 404, Sarah 444, 512, 546, Thomas 99, 113, 131, 387, William 9, 14, 16, 25, 27, 29, 53, 58, 62, 70, 98, 131, 143, 146, 147, 149, 152, 160, 177, 185, 202, 225, 259, 371, 421, 435, 444, 479, 497, 506, 512, 529, 546, 547, Xpr. 325. Peircey, Abraham 88, 234, Fra. 228, Katherine 24, Mary 238. Peircie, Abraham 72. Peirson, Margt. 512, Steph. 427. Pelam, James 171, John 253. Pelch, Andrew 387. Peldon, Tho. 516. Pelham, Henry 454. Pelhire, Abraham 54. Pell, Timothy 350, Wm. 275, 510. Pellett, Ann 236. Pelloe, Mary 256. Pelloone, James 326, Jno. 326. Pelock, Barthol. 123. Peltree, Abraham 102. Peltriman, Robt. 137. Pemberton, Cor. 557, 568. Pembridge, Tho. 146. Pembrooke, Christo. 493. Pembroke, Owen 453 . Pemount, James 492. Pemy, John 65. Pen, William 362. Pencherman, Thomas 313, 325. Pendergast, Phillipp 148. Peneales, Mary 298. Penenton, Jno. 297. Penestore, Francis 516. Penhorne, Christo. 60. Penifell, Sym. 300. Penill, Rich. 61. Penington, Jno. 300, Wm. 271. Peninsula, a 314. Perm, Elizabeth 191, John 514, Rog. 271, Robt. 151, Tho. 275, Wm. 275. Penne, Richd. 176. Pennell, George 318. Penning, Tho. 461. Pennull, Edward 525, Jeffery 524, Jno. 545. Penny, Erasmus 500, John 10, Richd. 310, 421, Wm. 146. Pen ogee, Ann 559. Penrose, Walter 117. Penry, Erasmus 404. Pensint, Wm. 50, 58, 78. Pensuit, Wm. 50. Penton, John 22, Tho. 119. Peoble, David 202, Fran. 460. Peobles, David 216. Peoples, David 202, 458, Eliz. 458. Pep, Joyce 267. Peper, John 356. Pepin, Mathew 532. Pepper, Francis 135, Henry 147, Jon. 237, John 353, 413, Wm. 265. Peppett, Alice 8, Fr. 257, Gilbert 7, 159, Temp. 261. Peppitt, Gilbertt 13. Peram, Tho. 427. Perce, Arthur 347, Katherine 28, Tho- mas 99, Wm. 444, 547. Perches, Charles 447. Perchin, Jno. 208. Percie, John 22 . Percifull, Edw. 132, Robt. 133. Percival, Eliz. 233, Richd. 235, Wm. 526. Percocks, Tho. 100 . Percy, Edward 78, Eliza. 211, Hugh 350, James 428, Mary 396, Saml. 350. Percye, Abraham 4. Pereene, James 139, 482, 520. Perey, Ben. 428. Perfect, Robt. 192. Perfitt, Noba 41, Roger 470, 473. Perin, James 165, John 210. Perine, John 357, Ursula 216. Perkes, Edward 24. 708 Cavaliers and Pioneers Perkenson, Ed. 435. Perkins, Andrew 99, Davy 213, Dinah 219, Diana 358, Dorathy 443, Ellin 27, Fortune 368, Geo. 245, 265, Gilbert 35, 117, James 139, Jane 125, 204, John 450, Mary 202, Mrs. 232, 305, Nicho. 129, 202, Obedience 338, Robt. 139, Roger 262, Saml. 197, Tho. 139, 204, 225, Wm. 196, 348. Permeter, John 178. Perott, Michll. 562. Perreene, Thos. 114. Perren, Andrew 313, James 110, Richard 316. Perrie, Capt. 496, William 81 . Perrigoe, Wm. 300. Perriman, Tho. 390. Perrin, Arthur 118, Fortune 392, James 131, John 132, 231, Richard 78, 80, 252, 352. Perrine, John 216, 283. Perris, Francis 76. Perrom, Nicholas 446. Perrott, Gregory 229, John 109, 197, 491, Richard 363, 391. Perry, Ann 154, 218, 326, Capt. 79, 491, Charles 370, Edmd. 242, 245, Eliza. 211, 259, 293, Erasmus 459, Ezekiell 146, Geo. 510, Gregory 509, Henry 78, 120, 128, 378, 491, Izabella 10, Jane 221, 364, Joan 242, John 388, Lewis 329, Math. 346, Mr. 442, Mrs. 74, Nicho. 87, 181, 254, 282, Ralph 341, Richard 25, 32, 103, 330, Robert 55, 122, Roger 543, Sa. 236, Samuell 431, 567, Symon 369 Tho- mas 338, 388, 425, William 10, 120, 128, 156, 331. Perrye, William 61, 110. Pers, John 491. Persephers, Rob. 362. Persey, Eliza. 390. Persian, Steph. 428. Persie, Jno. 536. Persimon Island 542, Persimon Tree Plain 404, Persimon Swamp 125. Persival, Robt. 185. Persivall, John 198. Persan, David 382. Person, Edward 382, John 180, Kath. 69, Phill. 525, Ralph 73, Rich. 383, Stephen 520, Tho. 117, 120. Persons, Jeremv 514, Joane 196, Henry 176. Pert, Rich. 438. Perterson, Sanders 260. Pery, Henry 78, 425, Jno. 569, Richard 370, William 78. Perye, Capt. 393. Peryne, Nicholas 359. Pester, James 493, Humphry 364. Peeteers, Edmond 496. Peteete, Ann 390, John 387, Tho. 206, 357. Petegrew, Susan 545, Tho. 524. Peter, Eliz. 197, John 185. Peters, Andrew 529, 530, 545, Edmd. 228, 315, 393, Henry 261, Jon. 66, Lawr. 124, 188, 201, 226, Martha 545, Mathew 527, Stephen 43, Susan 525, Symon 327, Tho. 440, Walter 537, Wm. 25, 314, 395, 463, 528, 530, 541, 549. Peterson,Andrew 37, Ann 88, Barnett 204, Cor. 250, Edward 429, Ever. 289, 293, Francis 523, Jo. 431, Neale 230, 458, 472, 510, Pe. 307, Peter 441, 443, Samll. 558, Tho. 358, William 89, 401, 527, 536, 557. Petick, Eliza. 129, Leonard 129. Petit, Geo. 428. Petite, Tho. 444. Pett, Fra. 181, 273, Math. 130, 163, 217, Peter 454, 554, Warwick 527, Wm. 57. Pettaway, Edward 312. Pettegrew, Andrew 460, 461. Pettett, Francis 532. Petteygrew, Andrew 517. Pettibone, Kath. 264, Rich. 127, 177. Pettid, Tho. 160. Pettigrew, Andrew 337, 382, 471, 490. Pettin, James 189. Pettis, Henry 554, Step. 60. Pettit, Rich. 47, Francis 435, 533. Pettito, Ann 339. Pettock, Leonard 169. Pettus, Col. 492, Eliz. 353, 534, Steph. 317, 494, 524, Tho. 159, 162, 225, 273, 297, 389, 486, 495, 534. Petty, Lawrence 457. Petty s, Mr. 32. Petus, Tho. 159. Petway, Rich. 32. Peury, Jno. 358. Pewis, Richard 316. Pew, Geo. 287, Jno. 386, 381, Josias 426, Richard 64. Pewell, Phillipp 76. Pewer, Grigo. 220. Pewring, James 551. Pewry, Erasmus 404. Pewter, Thomas 554. General Index 709 Peynton, Wm. 367. Peyston, Robt. 293. Peyton, Henry 365, Val. 470, 489, 492. Pharin, Phillipp 66. Pharney, Phan. 199. Pharoah, Ann 526. Pharrin, Phill. 23. Phazin, phillipp 66. Pheepound, Peter 382. Phelpley, Kate 459. Phelps, Joseph 568, Richd. 520, Robt. 79, 121. Phenix, Wm. 467. Pheps.Tho. 567. Philcock, Richd. 152. Phillippe, David 411. Phillips, Ann 219, 447, 456, David 175, 200, 206, 211, 236, 303, 319, 322, 323, 330, 371, 380, 470, 471, Easter 482, 524, Edward 95, 322, 454, 553, Elinor 159, 293, Elizabeth 26, 35, 40, 68, 100, 116, 197, 203, 257, 259, 302, 348, 352, 454, 481, 492, Elmer 12, 16, Esmer 71, Francis 486, Georg 97, Henry 525, Jeff. 268, John 10, 38, 92, 144, 159, 236, 237, 254, 259, 269, 279, 291, 293, 301, 303, 304, 310, 316, 319, 374, 399, 435, 436, 440, 441, 500, 561, 562, Jon. 36, 80, 360, Lawr. 125, 237, Lewis 25, 69, 99, Lucy 298, Margtt. 562, Martha 324, Mary 392, 400, 451, Math. 219, 541, Michael 279, Miles 446, 447, Morgan 78, Norton 554, Peter 465, Richard 29, 74, 290, Robt. 62, 123, 149, 172, 222, 303, Roger 512, Sarah 293, 319, Thomas 26, 31, 62, 83, 205, 218, 228, 246, 285, Wm. 148, 176, 192, 232, 300, 329, 335, 342, 433, 441, 538, 541. Phillmott, Henry 525. Philmore, Anthony 527. Philpot, John 425, 468, Jon. 233, Richd. 177, Tho. 235. Philpott, Jo. 375, Robt. 204, Tho. 516, 532. Philpott's land 352. Phinly, Edwd. 74. Phipound, Peter 210. Phipps, Anne 336, John 151, 240, 297, 313, 340, 409, 432, 440, 451, 468, Jon. 231, 356. Phillipson, Robert 103, 123. Phills, Joseph 557. Physician 157. Physicke, Dr. of 3, 10, 15, Practitioner of 94. Phyps, John 340. Pice, Hanna 291. Pickarin, Geo. 422. Pickering, Joane 131, 237, Jon. 238, Jno. 532. Pickeringe, Geo. 309, Richd. 327. Pickers, Mary 201. Pickery, Edm. 198, Edw. 449. Pickett, Elizabeth 369, Ell. 447. Pickfrizell, Giles 326. Pickles, Thomas 357. Picknar, Tho. 150. Picknell, Richd. 462. Pickrell, Richd. 462. Pidd, Wm. 184. Piddel, Corbet 236. Piddington, Christopher 99. Pidiston, Sam. 203. Pidlers, Roger 322. Pierce, Wm. 176. Pig, Jno. 563. Piget, James 396. Pigg, John 366, 422, 466, 469, 506, 515, 527, 542. Piggatt, Walter 198. Pigge, Garrett 376, John 368, 370, 404. Piggett, Wm. 302. Piggin, Dan. 258. Piggott, 311. Pight, Andrew 377. Pigion, Jon. 54. Pike, Edward 524, Jane 500, Jno. 531, Susan 527, Wm. 198. Pikman, Marmaduke 523. Piland, Alexandra 140, James 140, Joane 140. Pile, Jno. 553, Judeth 446. Pilgrim, Wm. 545. Pilkington, William 26, 33, 87, 144. Pilkinton, Margaret 26, Wm. 26, 33, 67, 115, 147, 158. Pillard, Benj. 140. Pillary, Jasper 177. Pillatory Ridge, place called 470 . Piller, Kath. 215. Pilkerman, Tho. 260. Pilsberry, Henry 183. Pirn, Dorothy 80. Pimasioes, place called 52. Piminoe, place called 363. Pinces, Jon. 34. Pincher, Barah 221, Wm. 25, 69. Pinckeman, Thos. 439. Pincon, Nath. 349. Pindar, Nath. 241, 242. Pinder, John 341. Pindleton, Geo. 361, Tho. 361. 710 Cavaliers and Pioneers Pine, An. 540, Fran. 557, John 428, 531, Nathll. 527, Stephen 527, Wal- ter 517. Pinford, John 181. Pinhorne, John 270, 347. Pinion, Nath. 376, Wm. 145, 493. Pinkard, Tho. 324. Pinke, Fra. 198, Wm. 3. Pinkeman, Tho. 422, 473. Pinkerman, Tho. 269. Pinkney, James 26. Pinn, Robt. 180. Pinnace, place called the 523. Pinne, John 196. Pinner, James 145, Richd. 233, 285, 511, Roger 395. Pinnock, William 58. Pinnocke, Tho. 264. Pinor, Jane 276. Pinton, Edward 377. Piper, James 517, Jon. 37, John 66, 199, 301. Pippin, Wm. 97, 185. Pipps, John 6. Pirce, Edm. 555. Pirkins, Jane 177. Piscaticon, place called 441. Piss, Wm. 28. Pistole, Eliz. 43, Robt. 43. Pitcher, John 286, Mary 192, Tho. 242, 536. Pitcherd, Tho. 142. Pitchfork, Walter 180. Pithouse, Mary 552. Pitman, Mary 547. Pitt, Ann 561, Capt. 561, Gyles 501, Henry 270, John 449, 459, Mary 380, 517, Richd. 255, Robert 85, 143, 145, 171, 230, 290, 433, 456, 465, 488, Thos. 127, 139, 559. Pittaway, Edward 509, Robt. 511. Pitts, Edward 22, Henry 270, John 185, Mr. 554, Richd. 210, 288, Robert 85, 453, 554, 555, Saml. 264, Tho. 298. Pitway, Edward 102, Mary 102, Robert 102, 117, 511. Pittway, Robert 83, 102, 108. Pitwell, Robert 47. Pixley, Benj. 120. Place, Francis 293, James 41, 47, 52, 79, 82, 106, 121, 196, 538, John 41, 189, 216, 297, Mary 41. Placenett, Tho. 228. Plaice, Edwd. 375, 395, John 156. Plaine, Hen. 300, Richd. 378, Robt. 110, 352. Plainton, Samll. 557. Plaistor, Ann 440. Plant, Mathew 109, Rich. 89. Planters: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 40, 41, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 81, 82, 87, 95, 97, 156, 161, 165, 169, 174, 175, 194, 226, 287. Plantations: Accomac 7, 9, 11; Charles River 70; Indian Howse Thickett 19; Middle 22, 89, 91, 94, 95, 105, 106, 113, 161, 167, 182, 186, 224, 266, 267, 272, 316, 428, 486, 511, 544, Old 15, Oxford 58, Paces Pains 10, Southern 275. Plase, Francis 293. Plason, Jno. 560. Platford, Tho. 232. Piatt, Gilbert 36, Henry 438, 564, Law. 262. Plaver, Eliz. 262. Player, Richd. 237. Playstow, Ann 139, 262. Pledge, Nich. 50. Pleg, Nich. 86. Plesbery, Wm. 93. Pletsoe, Geo. 263. Plevin, Rose 546. Pley, George 508. Pleydell, Jno. 554. Plimridg, Richd. 560. Plinton, Jno. 440, 535, 563. Plomer, Thomas 97. Plommer, Thomas 97. Plouvier, Ellis 517, Fran. 517, Peter 517. Plovier, Peter 517, 525. Plowman, Edward 97, Fra. 513. Plowman, Watt the 197. Pluckett, Tho. 218, 520. Plum, Peter 559. Plumblye, Phillipp 85, 106. Plumer, Fra. 297, John 205, Peeter 329, 472, 524, 554, 543, 556, 559, Roger 375, Tho. 159, Wm. 200. Pluit, Peter 556. Plumly, Eliza. 199. Plummer, Do. 432, Jo. 239, John 139, Peter 525, 535, 543, 553, 557, Mr. 551, Tho. 138. Plummor, Morris 330. Plumpton, Henry 185, 516, Wm. 544. Plumson, Sara 459. Plumton, Henry 451, 561. Plumtree, Wm. 378. Plunckett, James 82. General Index 711 Plunket, James 325. Plunkett, Edw. 142. Plunton, Henry 451. Poare, John 245. Pochicck, place called 424. Pochink, place called 424. Pockett, Eliz. 551, Jno. 549. Pocomoke, place called 454, 456. Poell, Arthur 548. Poiden, Rose 143. Poindexter, George 363 . POINTS: Bacon 184, 392; Black 4, 8, 231, 270, 463, 503; Bluff 390, 468; Blunt 2, 4, 5, 12, 27, 39, 109, 119, 420; Brewers 145, 154; Burnt 250, 416. Canny 533, Capp's 79, Cedar 178, 253, 477, Cobbin 390, Codd 185, Coxes 274, Craney 45, 64, 66, 179, Craine Marsh 182, Cherry 251, 495. Danceing 8, 29, 59, 88, 130, 410, Dead Man's 522, Dividing 473. Flying 39, 87, Fishing 46, 101, 127, Freston 358. Graces 522, Grangers 491. Hampstead 54, Hauke Pen 285, Haw- kins 190, Hazeltree 293, Hickmans 132, High Piny 241, Hoggpen 134, Hollowing 251, Horse 438, Hun- dred 439, Hunkepen 484. Indian Towne 327, Island 194. Juring 18, 33, 37, 63, 94, 130. Landing 452, Larretts 300, Long 134, 225, 344. Mathias 279, 345, Mattron's 375, Merrye 38, 174, 396, 477, 478, Mossey 58, 100, 252, 314, Munie 134, Musketo 54, 191, 199, 263, Muskmellon 260. Old Point Comfort 2, 18, 149, New Point Comfort 223, Oyster Shell 93, 251, 254, 401, 420, 446, 553. Pace's 439, Pagan 71, 158, 169, Paraketo 22, 66, 71, 73, Parrat 250, Pease Hill 102, Peach 134, 227, 564, Perrots 227, Pigg 197, Plumtree 142, Pynie 26, 31, 86, 89, 94, 112, 121, 220, Pyping 314. Ragged 293, Raggett 365, Rappa- hannock 194, Red 17, 84, Reed 121, Rigby 133. Saies 216, Sandy 56, 152, 173, 179, 187, 198, 293, 340, 365, 375, 382, 417, 449, Sayes 132, Starlings 514, Store 248, 448, Swan House 50. Trucking 69. Ware 223, 568, Wells 423, Wil- loughby 21, Willson's 64, Wind- mill 194. Pointeau, James 59. Pointer, Robt. 300, Tho. 222. Polack Jack, 565. Poiden, Richd. 160. Pole, Geo. 505, Jno. 459. Polentine, Michaell 245. Polewheele, Wm. 150. Pollard, Digon 183, John 133, Margtt. 558, Robt. 411, 441, 541. Pollinge, Edward 390. Poison, Jno. 378. Polwort, John 311. Popler, Eliz. 308. Polly, Wm. 254. Pomery, Henry 51. Pomfrett, Ann 363, Sam. 431, 499. Pomroy, Mary 229. Pomunke, Queen of 533. Pomunkey March, the 162. Pond, Arthur 525, John 146, Thomas 335. Ponder, John 389, Thomas 97. PONDS: Great fresh, 433, High 207, Long 149, 205, 240, Maggetty Bay 155, Persimon 38, 103, 108, 112, 116, Poetan 298 Round 155. Pones, Tho. 334. Ponnsey, John 265. Ponson, Jos. 173. Pontian, Ja. 177. Pontiau, Ja. 177. Pool, David 309, Mary 309. Poole, Adrian 238, Cicely 546, Danl. 235, David 11, 135, 175, 255, Geo. 209, 369, Henry 62, 98, 136, 137, 320, Humph. 501, Jane 255, 308, John 8, 99, 290, 294, 311, Jos. 427, Martin 255, 308, Mary 255, 322, Richard 23, 269, 503, Robert 8, 9, 137, 159, 189, 497, Tho. 24, 54, 156, 163, 165, 424, 427, 462. Pooly, Elianor 143, Jon. 144. Poope, Michael 282, Wm. 433, 492. Poore, Eliz. 399, Jno. 404, 459, 500, Tho. 393, 426. Poorey, Ann 177. Poory, Secty. 109. Pope, Ann 449, An 530, Dorothy 385, Fra. 233, 273, 472, Henry 473, Humph. 449, James 390, 422, 429, 486, 488, 494, 509, 545, John 195, 712 Cavaliers and Pioneers Lt. Col. 371, 471, Margtt. 530, Mr. 379, 429, Nathan. 429, Nath. 292, 331, 333, 340, 371, 373, 382, 446, 447, 448, 449, 462, 488, 531, Nich. 420, Peter 527, Tho. 177, 352, Thomas 446, 447, 448, 449, 482, William 327, 338, 396, 401, 463, 491. Popele, Richd. Capt. 123. Popeley, Capt. 140, 161, 272, Elizabeth 90, 167, Richard 61, 62, 90, 95, 106, 113, 161, 167, 204. Popelwell, John 66. Popely, Richard 102, 112, 224. Popelye, Capt. 282. Poplewell, Jon. 37. Popkin, Thomas 15. Popley, Richard 51, 102. Poplye, Capt. 521. Poppey, James 363. Poquosons: 94, 128, 162, 165, 188, 206, 324, 331, 381, 391, 392, 419, 421, 445, 485, 493, 500, 510, 521, 522, 545. Pord, Eliz. 517. Pore, John 434. Porke, Richd. 343. Porkett, Ellin 483. Porridges Feild 52. Port, Elias 390, Jacob 223, Perey 250, Wm. 370. Portobacco, place called 139, 324, 334, 420, 457, 528. Porte, Em. 528. Porteen, Wm. 553. Porten, Mary 195. Porter, Alex. 459, Edmond 116, 142, Tdwd. 397, Elizabeth 339, Em. 528, Henry 124, 126, 295, 425, 453, James 150, 403, 460, Joan 303, John 142, 274, 328, 446, 450, 507, Jon. 239, Manassa 142, Math. 261, 305, Nicholas 49, 69, 339, Richd. 293, 425, Robt. 172, 385, 507, Samll. 476, Susan 481, Thomas 369, Wm. 245, 272, 276, 293, 366, 450, 523. Potery, Ann 140. Porteu, Alexander 317. Portholy, place called 336. Portman, Robt. 105, Tho. 404, 528. Porton, Wm. 512. Portus, Alex. 192, 299, 436. Pory, Fr. 226. Posey, Fr. 60. Posnett, Fran. 431. Possell, Wm. 36, 87. Possin, Rich. 24. Poster, James 493. Pot, Wm. 362. Poteete, Geo. 119, John 102, 106, 113. Potlin, John 259, 262. Potling, John 500. Pott, Bridgett 248, Capt. 160, Dr. 3, Francis 123, 142, 143, 225, 248, 249, 296, 330, 344, 350, 361, 374, 481, 553, Hattill 126, 248, Hen. 248, 394, John 3, 10, 13, 15, 142, 171, 225, 248, 272, Lucretia 264, 286, 412, Sarah 362. Pottacocock, place called 107. Pottblade, Tho. 298. Potter, Alice 370, 404, Cuthberd 291, 325, 334, 345, 370, 385, 391, 438, 444, 448, 458, 466, 474, 497, 533, Edmond 348, Eliz. 155, 172, 201, Fra. 506, James 436, 459, John 26, 106, 220, 415, 436, Jona. 520, Mr. 384, 451, 506, Tho. 303, Wm. 432, 549. Pottpowler, Wm. 386. Potts, Capt. 340, Dr. 340, Francis 161, 407, 408, 430, 551, Lacrecia 183, Mary 523, Tho. 253. Potuxon, Thomas of, 57. Pouder, Thomas 97. Pouis, John 175. Poulson, John 264. Poulter, Tho. 194. Poultner, Hen. 195. Poultney, Jane 433. Poulton, John 196, Wm. 143. Pouncy, John 214, 234, 379. Pound, Jno. 492. Pounsey, A. 265, John 208, 265. Pountney, Wm. 189. Pourteu, Alexander 317. Pourteous, Alexander 399. Pouson, Jos. 173. Povey, John 153, Richd. 460. Povy, William 101. Powhetan, 160, 204, 377, 518, Bridge 109, 126, 147, 228, Swamp 465, Tree 19. Powell, Ann 26, 58, 131, 157, 263, Arthur 541, Capt. 31, 86, 121, 353, David 124, Edw. 297, 492, Eliz. 258, 449, 476, Ellen 131, Evan 482, Fran. 458, Gabriell 327, Georg 139, 165, 179, 367, 526, Grace 201, Harbert 293, Hen. 29, 65, 81, 127, 304, 548, Hopkin 201, Howell 141, 265, 487, Hugh 31, 192, Isab. 237, James 168, 309, 555, Jenkin 430, 453, Joane 205, 432, 482, Jon. 41, 56, John 38, General Index 713 42, 49, 67, 82, 89, 140, 155, 159, 172, 250, 264, 302, 344, 388, 398, 433, 456, 526, 559, Kath. 42, Made- lene 166, Margaret 54, 120, 248, 429, 456, 507, Martha 453, Mary 431, Mrs. 434, Nathaniell 20, 70, 100, Phi. 29, Phillip 76, Rati. 158, Rich. 24, 28, 80, 131, 195, 245, 301, 503, 525, 569, Robt. 88, 115, 128, 217, 240, Rowland 359, Samuell 73, Sarah 209, 263, 551, Thomas 8, 9, 28, 39, 46, 49, 74, 76, 81, 95, 100, 102, 113, 117, 119, 203, 209, 225, 230, 253, 259, 279, 283, 300, 327, 339, 346, 350, 360, 432, 436, 458, 480, 481, 486, 495, 501, 561, Walter 144, Wm. 110, 112, 120, 144, 145, 165, 264, 279, 284, 315, 485, 489, 490, Winifred 284. Power, Ed. 541, Edmond 433, Innocent 7, James 496, Tho. 470, Wm. 501. Powers, Jeffery 91. Powes, Robert 434. Powett, Mary 190, Richd. 131. Powis, Robt. 193, Thomas 10. Powlebrooke, place called 100. Powlett, Fran. 377. Powlter, Andrew 135. Powndle, Henry 54. Pownsey, John 251, 504. Powre, Stephen 564. Poyndexter, George 363. Poyner, Ambrose 108. Poynt Corner Grant, the 564. Poynter, Edwd. 561, Robt. 290, Tho. 148, 344, Wm. 306. Poyter, Wm. 165. Poythers, Francis 60, 93. Poythres, Francis 129, 175. Poyton, Roger 359. Practer, Thomas 5. Praise, Biggony 294, Wm. 153 . Praiser, Robt. 176. Prame, Eliza. 455 . Prator, Jno. 431. Pratt, Andrew 65, Bartho. 342, Edm. 556, Griffeth 548, Henry 507, Jane 517, John 140, 152, 194, 213, Jon. 60, Mary 228, Ro. 366, Symon 382, Tho. 309, 381, Walter 351, Wm. 548. Prebedy, Geo. 122. Preddery, Danll. 212. Preese, Tho. 112. Preist, Fra. 444. Pren, John 122. Prendergast, Phillip 169. Prendergrast, Phill. 323. Prenn, Elizabeth 191. Prenthrall, Brd. 300. Prentice, Val. 294. Prenton, James 316. Presbury, Wm. 49. Prescoate, Henry 324. Prescot, Jon. 241. Prescott, Edward 368, 560, Fra. 565, John 513, 514. Prescutt, Mr. 447. Preslee, Richard 98. Presley, Mr. 339, Wm. 198. Preslie, Mr. 486, Wm. 489. Presly, Jane 185, Mr. 422, Paul 185, Payle 185, Peter 185, 532, Wm. 185, 209, 351, 375, 382. Preslye, Mr. 362. Press, Hugh 77, Nich. 331, Sibill 432. Presser, Wm. 84. Prest, Jno. 511, Tho. 480. Prestedge, Edw. 454. Prestly, Eliz. 522, Peter 522. Preston, Abra. 385, Edw. 185, 525, Geo. 427, Hen. 141, 290, 449, 527, 538, James 355, John 177, 200, 267, Joseph 290, Richard 53, 76, 90, 108, 127, 290, 336, 375, 398, 485, 527, Wm. 228, 426. Prestwood, Mr. 290, 488. Pretiman, John 552. Pretloe, Francis 373. Prettiman, John 552. Prettyman, Tho. 332, 334. Prewitt, Tho. 39. Price, Alice 265, 286, Ann 197, 290, 311, 514, Arthur 131, 181, 212, 241, 284, 312, 344, Barbara 200, Ben. 298, Charles 538, David 299, 373, Edmond 367, 397, 403, 409, 422, 465, 475, 485, Edw. 457, 484, Eliz. 218, Fra. 281, 431, Geo. 171, 195, 432, 513, Hannah 330, 345, Henry 78, 176, Hercules 113, Hoell 337, 354, Howell 484, Hugh 110, 144, Humph. 112, James 191, 257, 338, 380, 407, 418, 467, Jane 112, 157, 391, Jenkin 276, 285, 307, 357, 407, 413, 414, 418, Joan 300, Jon. 60, 65, 235, John 54, 86, 88, 110, 134, 171, 181, 194, 236, 266, 345, 354, 450, 460, 462, 523, 552, Jonah 455, Kath. 233, Letitian 54, Lewis 196, 554, Lydian 24, Margarett 446, Mar- gery 64, Mary 314, 459, 501, Mathew 88, 388, Maurice 146, Moore 382, Morgan 516, Richard 70, 312, 387, 714 Cavaliers and Pioneers 388, 412, 477, 479, 517, Robt. 166, 455, 567, Thomas 54, 150, 165, 227, 249, 250, 271, 281, 284, 319, Walter 175, 369, 467, 523, Wm. 127, 136, 202, 249, 260, 261, 298, 329, 366, 403, 514, 547. Prichard, Alice 166, Danll. 511, Frances 506, Jno. 384, Nich. 341, Richard 112, Robert 67, 441, Symon 428, Tho. 278, 280, 484, Walter 438, Wm. 344. Pricherd, Rowland 99. Prichett, Joane 196, Ralph 316, Tho. 198, 516. Pricklove, Geo. 60. Pricklow, James 497. Prickett, Jno. 437, Kath. 404, Miles 5, 10, Robt. 568, Tho. 207, 373, 475, Wm. 5, 280. Pride, Benjamin 367, 553. Priddock, Margt. 465. Priddy, Robert 228, 232, 236, 308, 348, 560, 457. Prie, Wm. 547. Prime, Samll. 404. Prin, Judeth 527. Prince, Edmund 152, Edward 30, 117, 127, 138, 166, 177, 340, James 118, Jno. 430, Richd. 452, Samll. 404, Tho. 120, 259. Princess Follv. place called 196. Prior, Anthony 544, Margaret 63, Mr. 133, Tho. 343, 463, William 26, 57, ,62, 63, 71, 92, 120, 131, 132, 259, 271, 278. Prise, Arthur 214, Hoell 547, Jon. 32, Tho. 204, William 438. Pritchard, Jno. 291, 363, Pallarday 258, Richd. 248, Tho. 309, 381, Walter 239, 289. Pritchett, Tho. 249, Wm. 354. Prite, Silvan 263. Prittiman, John 435, Thomas 402. Privett, Thomas 41 . Probat, Jon. 32. Probatt, Eliz. 493. Proby, Geo. 171, Richd. 309, 381. Proctor, Ambrose 75, 192, Anth. 94, John 188, 454, Thomas 5. Proctors, place called 516. Prohing, Wm. 563. Proper, Tho. 153. Prosser, Ann 53, Georg 81, Isaak 476, Jane 22, John 252, 528, 565, Morris 99, Phillip 387, Wm. 84. Prosier, Jno. 526. Prossier, John 440. Prouce, James 301. Proude, Jno. 342. Prous, Marke 209. Prouse, Emblence 116. Prout, Giles 501, Wm. 284. Provo, Marke 288. Provose, Marke 134. Prower, Geo. 28, Morris 182. Prowling, Wm. 535. Prowse, John 115, 117, William 8. Prowting, Wm. 440 . Pryce, Jenkin 326, John 324, Thomas 330, Wm. 289, 322. Pryde, Wm. 34b. Prye, Oliver 48, Ralph 411. Pryer, John 327, Tho. 428. Prynn, Edmund 128. Pryon, Wm. 218. Pryor, Mary 517, William 95, 218. Pryse, Jane 255, Tho. 429. Pruett, Oliver 481. Puckerell, Mary 312, Tho. 302. Puckett, Elinor 425. Puckrell, Mary 308. Puddyford, Em. 431. Pudivatt, Jane 142, Wm. 142. Pue, Wm. 301, 499. Puel, Francis 500 . Puell, Jno. 486. Puggett, Cesar 150. Pugly, Wm. 176. Pugsley, John 57. Pullapin, Jon. 31. Pullam, Wm. 335, 359, 360, 386, 396, 408, 424, 464, 475, 493, 505, 507, 542, 392, 484, 485. Pulle, Bennett 10. Pullen, 235. Puller, John 259. Pullin, Constance 431, Roger 228, 522, Samp. 568. Pullipen, Richard 7. Pullman, 403. Pulman, Hen. 432, Richd. 265. Pullock, David 129. Pullum, Edmund 50, 86, Eliz. 359. Pulson, Danl. 269. Puly, Alex. 430. Pumfrey, John 24. Pumocke, Tho. 264. Pumry, Henry 18. Pumwell, John 245. Pungoteague, place called 324, 357. Pungly, Susan 282. Pupill, Jane 183. Purchase, Henry 263, 265. Purches, Robt. 33. General Index 715 Purchurst, Antho. 173. Purden, Rich. 501. Purdew, Rich. 501. Purdie, Richd. 160. Purefoy, Thomas 512. Purgrave, Mary 346. Purifie, Mr. 165, Thomas 21. Purifoy, Capt. 331, Lucy 331, Thomas 14, 318, 331, 381, 485, Wm. 331. Purfury, Thomas 12. Purify, Lucy 175. Purifye, Capt. 77, 116, Thomas 36, 38, 62, 63, 98, 118, 261. Purkeys, Robert 72. Purnell, Arthur 55, Ed. 536, John 263, Margt. 412, Mary 265, Math. 269, Wm. 33, 101, 301. Purner, Dorothy 194, Tho. 194. Purrell, Peter 517. Pursell, Tho. 244. Purser, Georg 25, 61. Purt, James 254. Purton, Samll. 476, 477, Wm. 506. Purvey, Ann 112. Puscattaway, place called 279, 350, 351, 352, 361, 366, 384, 405. Puse, Richd. 133. Pusie, Elizabeth 333. Putner, Jno. 483. Puttinge, Margery 369. Puttivatt, Wm. 121. Pyanketanck, place called 235, 276. Pye, Eliza. 201, 214, 327, John 181, 273, 314, Joseph 279, Walter 464. Pyke, Tho. 133. Pyland, James 480, Robt. 408, 476, 489, 495. Pylar, Wm. 203. Pymm, Eliza. 196. Pyne, John 189. Pynion, Lawrance 102. Pypinge, Mathew 327. Qually, Joane 245. Quanticotte, place called 381. Quarles, Charles 369. Quarrell, Ellen 106. QUARTERS: Allen's 296, 407. Batts, 434, Bever 403, Boare 42, 94. Clapboard 28, Clayborne's 475, 476, 566, Cow taile 513, Cross 14, 21, Croynes 195, Cuckold 508. Fleets 276, Footeball 77, 94. Goulden 344, 434. Hickory 506, Higgenson's 466, Hogs- head 81. Indian 230, 434, 516. Michell's 484, 485. Nansimond 155, Nickatounce's 335, Nutmegg 25, 38, 111, 112, 127, 128, 162, 225, 274. Onachymoyes 392. Pottash 133, 149, Powell's 209, Land, the 544. Roedes 434. Scotes 149, Shotball 169. Topgallant 21. Wiggs 394. Quash, Francis 137. Quayle, Jno. 197. Quayles, Richd. 117. Quelche, Wm. 113. Queen, of Pomunke 533, Cocka Coeske 533. Queen Hith 242, Hive 143. Quesenbury, John 218. Queyning, Richard 35. Quiacomack, place called 313, 478. Quick, John 318, Richd. 219. Quier, Hugh 482. Quillmead, Willi 66. Quilmead, Wm. 23. Quimbee, Anne 220. Quimby, An 569. Quinbrough, And. 207. Quilt, Saml. 269. Quinee, Tho. 263. Quiner, Tho. 254. Quiney, Richd. 147, 189. Quome, Eliz. 543. Queyning, Richard 35. Quyny, Richd. 188. Quynye, Richard 55. R Rabb, John 291. Rabbish, James 134. Rabenett, Wm. 33. Rabishaw, Wm. 443. Rabnet, Mr. 242 . Rabnett, Mr. 476, William 20, 83, 101, 242, 495. Raby, Robert 66. Rabye, Robert 23, 65. Race, Roger 17. Racholins, Nich. 543. Rack, Isaack 307. Rackley, Edw. 344, 505. 716 Cavaliers and Pioneers Rackly, Rich. 112. Racle, Edw. 369, 505. Radcliffe, Charles 552. Radder, Geo. 453. Raddish, David 136. Raddocke, Robert 356, 435. Rader, Joane 525. Radford, Francis 542, John 21, 86, 123, 170, 274, Mr. 359, 409, 531, Richard 40, 59, Thos. 172. Radish, John 56, 57, Jon. 78. Radley, Richard 183. Radlyr Tho. 359, Wm. 455. Radner, James 480. Rador, James 480. Radulphus, Wm. 380, 412. Radway, Isaac 100, Jane 35, Wm. 35, 100, 560. Radye, Robt. 47. Rafe, Mary 229. Raffe, John 269. Ragg, Benj. 35. Ragged, Richard 99. Raignett, An. 392. Railings, Eliz. 349. Raiman, Rich. 245. Rain, Fra. 301. Rainalls, John 291. Raine, Rowland 47. Rainer, Henry 298. Rainhard, Nicho. 167. Rainshaw, William 47, 90. Rainshawe, William 82. Rainworth, land called 150. Raison, Francis 108. Ralfe, Margt. 149. Ralph, Sam. 235, Tho. 385. Ram, Fra. 301. Rammell, Rice 290. Ramongack, land called 359. Rampe, Jno. 341. Rampsie, Wm. 269. Ramsby, Samll. 61. Ramsden, Jon. 139- Ramsey, Bar. 237, Eliza. 135, Joan 551, Mary 348, Penelope 37, Samll. 25, Thomas 74, 135, 206, 347, Wm. 513. Ramshaw, Richard 542, Thomas 53, 443, Wm. 511. Ramsy, James 291. Ramzee, Elinor 282. Ran, Wm. 506. Rand, Wm. 493. Randall, Blanch 293, 512, 530, 562, Herbert 554, James 200, John 117, 313, 439, 440, 498, Joseph 218, Tho. 27, 52, Mary 296, Vincent 454, Tho. 311. Randolph, Henry 347, 376, 499, 550, Mr. 361, 423, 556, 560. Raner, Rich. 399. Range, John 314. Ranier, Henry 398. Rankins, Tho. 165. Ranley, Ralph 510. Rann, Wm. 460. Ransha, Tho. 133. Ranshaw, Katherine 24, Thomas 29, 33, 57, 75, William 24, 55. Ranshow, Ed. 410. Ransom, Mr. 398, Peter 391. Ransome, Peter 156. Ranson, Eliz. 194, George 499, James 499, Mr. 268, Peter 238, 261, 278, 303, 336, 499, Tho. 567, Wm. 476. Rantow, Michaell 118. Rapford, Mr. 531. Raply, Rich. 417. Rappahannock 212. Rappahannoc, Indians 251. Rapwell, John 223. Rasall, Richd. 139. Rasbury, John 314. Rascall, Thomas 538. Rasee, Sarah 362. Rasfe, John 269. Rash, James 284, Richd. 203, Walter 182. Rashbrook, Alex. 361. Rashe, John 24. Rashly, John 347. Rason, Mary 544, Thomas 431, 525. Rassell, Mary 192. Rassey, Mary 348. Rastell, Wm. 483. Rastill, Tho. 187. Rastin, John 388. Raston, Tho. 112. RatchlifT, Chas. 200. RatclifT, Charles 551, 552, 553, Land of 554. Ratcliffe, Chas. 454, Edw. 127, Michaell 82, Samuell 548, Tho. 493. Ratford, Eleazer 254. Rathborne, Eliz. 452. Rathbourne, Wm. 297. Ratliffe, Edwd. 547. Raton, Wm. 238, 526. Ratsell, Ralph 482. Ratsham, John 61. Rattam, Tho. 173. Ratton, Wm. 272, 526. Rauldin, Wm. 525. General Index 717 Rauley, Wm. 459. Rauson, Tho. 567. Raven, John 218, 224, 298, 351, 402, Luke 448, Peter 166, 237. Ravenall, Tho. 466. Ravenett, Wm. 33, 35, 49. Ravening, Joane 553, Rebecca 5. Ravew, Luke 523. Raw, Marparett, 99. Rawboord, Christo. 139. Rawell, Eliz. 26. Rawkin, Lawlin 195. Rawles, Gilbert 23. Rawley, Tho. 196. Rawling, Johannah 479. Rawlings, Christo. 117, Ed. 430, 534, Gregory 238, 303, 501, Johannah 479, Jon. 64, John 128, 457, William 80, 492. Rawlins, Chas. 245, 285, Edward 527, Gregory 238,303, Jeremy 322, John 153, 269, Nich. 526, Richd. 199, 292, 304, Rog. 293, Walter 299, 304, Wm. 24. Rawson, Robt. 23, 66, 367, Tho. 517. Rawton, Wm. 309, 383. Ray, Alex. 264, Benj. 100, Darby 136, Dorothy 430, Eliz. 250, Geo. 351, Joane 562, John 129, 203, 268, 334, Margrt. 555, Peter 150, Tho. 136, 147, 524, Walter 367, 128. Raye, Henry 144, Jane 375, Mathew 525, Thomas 58, 81. Rayes, Glogs 223. Rayle, Wm. 358. Rayman, Geo. 375, 425, 468, Joane 386. Raymon, Nicholas 99. Raymond, Arthur 121, Margt. 388. Raynard, Robt. 148. Raynbeard, Nicholas 7. Raynbeare, Nicholas 7. Rayne, Andrew 335, 369, Rowland 56, Thomasin 56. Raynes, Robt. 279. Rayney, Andrew 442, John 436. Raynolds, Samll. 558. Raynor, Henry 539. Rayson, Mathew 56. Razor, Eliz. 296. Rea, John 464. Read, Archibald 251, Argabell 503, - Andrew 563, Edward 500, 509, Eliza- beth 369, Ellianor 145, 351, 493, Georg 96, 126, 127, 144, 180, 181, 201, 221, 237, 248, 284, 292, 360, 389, 412, 500, Grace 479, James 432, 509, John 41, 49, 162, 186, 190, 220, 301, 438, 493, 499, 531, 548, Mr. 201, Nich. 481, 499, Owen 324, Peter 298, Ralph 206, Richd. 191, 192, 450, Roger 419, 468, Robt. 72, 375, 386, 426, 467, 468, Stephen 216, Tho. 25, 48, 111, 280, 310, 346, 395, 402, 409, 419, 429, 453, 461, 513, 514, William 56, 125, 166, 264, 387, 389, Walter 266, 290. Reade, Alex. 448, Fra. 272, Geo. 177, 337, 522, Jno. 362, Richd. 452, Thomas 333. Reades, Eliz. 143. Reading, John 245. Readman, John 354. Readwood, John 153. Reaid, Wm. 566. Reale, Lyonell 208. Reaper, Capt. 482. Reason, Hen. 35, John 193. Reaves, John 201, Robt. 326, Thomas 92. Rebell, Wm. 97. Reboore, An tho. 102. Red, David 70. Redbye, Tho. 67. Redchester, Jno. 256. Redd, John 304. Redder, Sarah 291. Reddey, James 41. Redding, Ann 481, Jno. 468, Richd. 512, Robt. 144, Tho. 370. Reddish, John 138. Reddock, Alex. 285, John 196. Rede, Robt. 158. Redferne, Nicho. 384. Redford, Martha 492 . Redgison, James 63. Redicke, John 149. Reding, Tho. 559. Redinge, Tho. 349. Redishes, John 314. Redland, Ann 452. Redly, Tymothy 453. Redman, Joan 453, John 55, 63, 308, 363, Mary 261, Richd. 117, 188, Tho. 453, Wm. 47, 65, 143. Redock, Jno. 403, Rich. 75. Reds, Eliza. 178. Redwood, James 172. Reech, Jno. 514. Reed, David 217, Geo. 249, Julian 120. Reeding, Richard 334. Reeds, Mary 342, Richd. 428. Reeise, Mary 257. Reekes, Richd. 282, 397, 433, Tho. 370. 718 Cavaliers and Pioneers Reeks, Rich. 88. Reelyes, Mr. 302. Reene, Richard 7. Reere, Tho. 166. Reeve, Ann 561, Dennis 34, Fr. 33, John 79, 528, Richard 7, Thomas 69, 166. Reeves, Chas. 264, Edw. 205, 216, 435, 444, Edm. 347, John 38, 139, 268, Jon. 134, 137, Jone 153, Leonard 99, Robt. 34, Roger 419, Tho. 500, Wm. 288, 324, 405. Reevs, Thomas 25. Regall, Xtopr. 545. Regans, Danll. 562. Regalt, Xtopr. 545. Regault, Christo. 302. Reign er, Barton 212. Reighnolds, Geo. 227, Tho. 444. Reiley, Miles 545. Reily, Anth. 506, Miles 433, 440, 447, 530. Reinolds, Christopher 363, Fra. 325, Geo. 279. Reinolls, Eliz. 361. Rekey, Mary 218. Reley, Tho. 298. Relfe, Dr. 426, Thomas 427. Relph, Mary 514. Relue, David 307. Rely, Myles 440. Reman, Nich. 288. Remington, Jon. 143, Silvest. 301. Remmons, Wm. 297. Remorts, John 257. Renall, Randall 121. Renalls, Tho. 285. Rench, Robt. 453. Rendrick, Edwd. 153. Rends, William 311. Rene, Wm. 459. Renell, Austin 73. Renells, Randall 324, Thos. 283. Renfro, Symon 86. Reniston, Geo. 366. Renn, Harry 315. Rennells, Tho. 285, Wm. 293. Renney, John 264. Rennolds, Ann 209, 213, Tho. 187, Wm. 205, 213. Rennolls, Wm. 278, 295. Renny, John 286, 452, 454, 483, 551, 553. Renolds, Elizabeth 365, Mary 255, Peter 448. Renolls, Anne 325, Eliz. 290, Rob. 300, Wm. 487, Y. 300. Renshaw, Richard 532. Reny, John 183. Report, John 257. Reppington, Fran. 558. Resbury, John 138, 248. Resburye, John 56. Resperry, John 172. Rest, Walter 124. Reston, Jon. 78. Rethstroote, Rich. 314. Reve, Robt. 280, Wm. 459. Revell, Austin 73, Edw. 233, 272, 401, 425, 429, John 262, Randall 233, 272. Revells, Eliz. 376, Randall 324, Tho. 360. Reverton, Daniel 312. Reves, Roger 521, Thos. 184. Revet, Jeremy 404. Revett, Jonas 477. Rewed, Jarvis 69. Rey, Eliz. 195, Everard 236, Geo. 193, Henry 59, Hugh 300, Margarett 59, Peter 41, 58, 89, 103, Thos. 42. Rey, Dela, Jaques 42. Reycock, Bryan, 60. Reyland, Tho. 391. Reylue, Tho. 307. Reyly, Miles 440. Reyman, Robt. 388. Reymond, Tho. 140. Reymor, Tho. 220. Reynalds, Gilbert 41. Reyne, Rowland 139. Reyner, Henry 266, Jone 180, Wassett, 180. Reynes, Wm. 82. Reyney, John 413. Reynold, Alex. 172, Peter 241. Reynolds, Andrew 508, Ann 515, Christo. 47, 80, 363, Cornelius 515, Edward 22, 102, Eliz. 102, Garrett 526, Geo. 227, Gilbert 96, 136, Hen. 399, 437, Isaak 546, Jon. 23, Margt. 381, 515, Mary 515, Nicholas 53, 70, 103, 115, 141, 497, Richard 66, 93, 277, 387, Susan 515, Thomas 64, 78, 399, 437, Willi. 58, 64, 89, 142, 171, 181, 235, 243, 284, 343, 500, 515, 454. Reynoll, John 250. Reynolls, Abygoll 381, Ann 500, Chris- topher 36:3, 365, Deborah 381, Hannah 381, John 350, 365, 381, Mary 305, Rich. 267, Wm. 260, 381, 500. Rhoades, Robt. 82. Rhodam, Mathew 510. Rhoden, Mathew 487. General Index 719 Rhodes, Africa 205, Jno. 483. Rhods, Math. 514. Rhodum, Math. 292. Rible, Richd. 116. Ribone, Antho. 134. Rice, David 137, 196, Edward 555, Frances 146, Francis 134, 174, 465, Henry 203, 260, 334, James 257, Jane 218, John 110, 248, Kath. 227, Martha 504, Nicho. 233, 472, Peter 23, 66, 218, Ri. 194, Richd. 341, 345, '558, Robert 394, Wm. 93. Rich, Abraham 314, Cutberd 43, Edward 528, Elin 291, Elk. 282, Jno. 427, 450, 451, Miles 281, Peter 444, Thomas 429, Walter 359. Rich Levell, the 317, 561. Rich Neck, the 24. Richards, Ann 167, 192, Arch. 44, David 304, Edw. 385, Eliza. 144, 170, 212, 275, Florence 25, 69, George 543, Griff. 283, Hugh 543, James 196, 263, 287, 453, 561, Jane 318, Jo. 171, John 99, 120, 158, 171, 220, 247, 249, 262, 431, 435, Jon. 139, 150, 243, Joseph 36, Lawr. 284, Maude 142, Mich. 482, 520, Peter 402, 484, Richard 10, 144, 147, 178, 223, 353, 356, Robt. 196, Tho. 149, 162, 190, 209, 304, Walter 195, Wil- liam 27, 41, 78, 96, 131, 136, 180, 181, 195, 335, 364, 377, 386, 450. Richardson, Adam 178, Barbary 255, Bridgett 185, Dorothy 312, Ellice 420, Ellis 136, Herbert 558, Isaac 204, 224, 307, 308, Ja. 189, John 190, 541, Leonard 73, 101, Lidia 564, Luke 44, Mary 179, Mathew 451, Mich. 414, Nich. 308, Peter 118, 174, 213, 517, Robt. Ill, 307, 552, Roger 429, 557, Symon 49, 395, 402, 433, Tho. 106, 138, 140, 150, 195, Wm. 60, 348, 393, 444, 479, 556. Richbill, Francis 20. Richerdson, Isabell 141, John 133. Richeson, Barnaby 121, Edmond 385, Elianor 387, Eliz. 298, Isaac 224, 250, 265, 278, 416, 417, 515, John 133, Peter 215, Sarah 387. Richett, Christo 114, Francis 145. Richey, Susan 30. Richford, Jon. 97, Mary 185, 257. Richings, Jo. 358, Nich. 369. Richins, John 477. Richinson, John 177. Richman, Henry 361, Tho. 435. Richmond, Tho. 427, 428. Rickett, Fra. 299, Michael 287, Wm. 476. Ricketts, Edw. 131, Michaell 413, 414, Wm. 209. Rickless, Richd. 310. Ricklesse, Richd. 277. Rickson, Walter 390. Ricraft, Silvanas 178. Ricroft, R. 119. Rickahock, place called 187, 202, 250, 276, 279, 336, 350, 381, 398. Ricohockian Stand, place called 315. Riddle, Edw. 493, James 215. Ridding, Tho. 199. Rideing, Mr. 551, Thomas 551, Wm. 383. Rider, Andrew 548, 555, Henry 555, Sarah 38, 405, Willi. 79, 121, 164, 381, 394, 514. Ridford, John 166, 185. Ridge, Abigail 348, Joseph 350. Ridge, the 258, 468, 558, Beech 387, Piny 254, Turkey 354. Ridges, Rich. 57, 115, 178, 279. Riding, Thomas 551. Ridle, John 266. Ridley, Ann 101, Mr. 221, Peter 114, Tho. 171, 214, Wm. 121, 247. Ridly, Ann 33, Hester 533, James 422, John 312, 315, Peter 283, Wm. 79, 452. Ridmore, Sarah 276. Ridue, John 309. Rigbee, Jno. 387. Rigby, Jno. 556, Mary 388, Peter 124, 132, 133, 202, 289, 318, 556, 557, Robert 87, 141, Roger 107. Rigbye, Dorothy 124, Peter 124. Rige, Abigail 397. Rigg, Alice 544. Rigga, Robt. 373. Riggan, Char. 216. Rigge, John 240. Rigglesworth, Jane 540, Peter 268. Riggons, John 318. Riggs, Jno. 392, Richd. 156. Right, Ambrose 444, Giles 140, Jason 61, Jathen 51, John 86, 209, 284, Tho. 528, William 3, 259. Rightsome, Ann 86. Rigie, Abra. 280. Rigilsworth, Peter 494. Rigot, Sam. 516. Rigsby, James 60. Rigson, Walter 370. Rilby, Wm. 277. Riles, Miles 468. 720 Cavaliers and Pioneers Riley, Richd. 189, 214. Rilie, Tho. 465. Rilly, Richd. 214. Rily, Dorothy 260. Rimmer, Alice 517. Rimmington, Tho. 148. Rine, Tho. 448. Ringall, Tho. 138. Ringe, Tho. 358. Ripley, John 46, Richd. 223, 267, 417, Susan 448. Riply, Fra. 306, Susan 523. Riplye, Tho. 281. Rippin, Christ. 40, 68. Ripple, John 55. Rippon, Ann 122, Ellis 122, Mathew 453. Risbixt, Wm. 302. Risby, Jno. 552, Robt. 39. Risden, Blandma 321, James 330, Jane 321, Landma 330, Mary 321, 330, Phil. 294. Risding, Joane 428. Rise, Richard 500. Riser, Richd. 212. Rishton, John 25. Risly, Jno. 552. Ritch, David 339. Rith, Row. 260. Riveley, Jason 38. Rivers, Ann 453, Christo. 233, 483, Joane 257, Rich. 456, Rowland 453, Thomas 67, 122, 502, Wm. 506, Xtop. 511. RIVERS: Appamattocks: 31, 32, 33, 37, 40, 41, 51, 54, 59, 60, 61, 65, 69, 75, 85, 87, 88, 89, 93, 94, 103, 110, 111, 116, 117, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 134, 136, 137, 140, 186, 221, 239, 243, 247, 255, 281, 298, 301, 347, 352, 405, 411, 452, 466, 469, 472, 499, 505, 508, 535, 547, 556. Aquaconde: 352, 353, 357. Aquia: 512. Back: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20, 32, 62, 80, 85, 107, 110, 111, 115, 124, 126, 151, 231, 270, 380, 503, 507. Blunt Point: 72. Carolina: 425, 426, 427, 428. Cattatawoman: 271, 272, 445, 504. Charles: 22, 26, 37, 44, 90, 94, 96, 102, 106, 114, 117, 120, 124, 126, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 140, 141, 144, 161, 162, 164, 167, 169, 176, 179, 181, 203, 210, 212, 231, 236, 239, 249, 254, 256, 263, 271, 292, 303, 317, 422, 489, 555. Chesopeian: 22, 34, 36, 59, 80, 90, 168, 288, 489. Chetanck: 211. Chickacone: 205, 252, 266, 292, 308, 341, 360, 382, 398, 441, 460, 463, 486, 487, 488, 500, 558, 566. Chickahominy: 18, 19, 26, 33, 37, 43, 47, 50, 56, 58, 63, 64, 67, 69, 77, 82, 83, 84, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 123, 124, 125, 126, 138, 141, 147, 149, 168, 175, 177, 178, 192, 196, 201, 204, 205, 206, 211, 215, 217, 222, 224, 229, 230, 231, 234, 256, 262, 275, 276, 285, 288, 289, 295, 299, 306, 311, 317, 319, 322, 323, 326, 327, 328, 330, 336, 341, 342, 364, 366, 378, 379, 384, 386, 387, 388, 389, 393, 394, 396, 399, 400, 420, 430, 443, 457, 472, 487, 491, 499, 502, 503, 506, 507, 510, 512, 513, 515, 524, 525, 541, 548, 558,563, 565. Chiscake: 44. Chisopeiacke: 47, 57, 110, 136. Chowanoke: 426, 428. Chuckatuck: 77, 78, 83, 85, 93, 95, 100, 106, 108, 154, 160, 176. Corrotoman: 189, 191, 192, 196, 199, 200, 201, 212, 219, 229, 238, 248, 254, 256, 257, 259, 270, 271, 272, 278, 279, 284, 291, 295, 305, 308, 309, 311, 313, 320, 322, 325, 333, 337, 346, 347, 350, 354, 359, 360, 362, 365, 374, 380, 383, 385, 399, 409, 411, 425, 429, 436, 437, 439, 441, 448, 460, 461, 462, 487, 488, 491, 495, 504, 506, 526, 530, 531, 541, 550, 561, 569. Cossatowoman: 237, 275. Elizabeth: 21, 22, 24, 27, 34, 38, 42, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 64, 65, 67, 72, 73, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 89, 90, 93, 98, 99, 100, 101, 106, 111, 116, 119, 122, 123, 129, 155, 156, 157, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 188, 193, 222, 228, 229, 232, 233, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, '243, 247, 248, 251, 256, 260, 268, 269, 274, 275, 280, 283, 285, 287, 288, 289, 297, 298, 301, 303, 308, 309, 311, 314, 327, 328, 329, 332, General Index 721 341, 342, 343, 379, 385, 387, 401, 415, 416, 423, 424, 445, 446, 457, 469, 470, 471, 473, 477, 478, 479, 489, 492, 494, 497, 499, 501, 507, 509, 511, 513, 514, 518, 540, 544, 553, 560, 564, 565. Gingoteage, 553. Great, the: 2, 5, 9, 11, 106, 130. Hampton: 16, 18, 19, 27, 37, 71, 79, 115, 136, 137, 145, 151, 156, 186, 320. Henrico: 137. Hungars: 96. James River: 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 38, 42, 54, 55, 59, 61, 64, 68, 81, 87, 90, 91, 94, 103, 112, 129, 130, 134, 141, 143, 146, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 157, 158, 165, 171, 175, 176, 179, 180, 183, 186, 190, 196, 199, 206, 231, 238, 241, 242, 246, 250, 254, 262, 266, 268, 271, 273, 277, 281, 282, 283, 286, 287, 294, 299, 303, 306, 310, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317, 319, 323, 325, 326, 327, 329, 336, 340, 341, 342, 344, 350, 353, 356, 364, 365, 366, 367, 374, 376, 386, 393, 396, 399, 405, 408, 416, 420, 423, 425, 432, 444, 450, 451, 458, 464, 466, 469, 471, 472, 477, 478, 490, 491, 493, 494, 496, 498, 503, 504, 505, 507, 513, 516, 533, 534, 535, 537, 542, 543, 544, 548, 549, 564, 565, 566. Katotin, 501. Kecoughtancke: 425, 427, 428. Lynhaven: 34, 36, 59, 79, 80, 90, 92, 98, 104, 111, 136, 141, 143, 148, 149, 179, 181, 287, 288, 330, 371, 415, 489, 519. Machotick: 198, 201, 205, 210, 211, 223, 237, 253, 254, 281, 292, 305, 315, 337, 344, 346, 354, 361, 362, 363, 367, 368, 373, 379, 382, 390, 400, 401, 403, 432, 447, 473, 475, 486, 487, 489, 490, 492, 517, 522, 534, 560. Maine, the: 2, 6, 8, 9, 52, 99. Manoaken: 456. Matchepungo: 294, 407, 418, 517. Matrevers: 100, 101, 102, 103. Mattapony: 149, 169, 172, 173, 188, 210, 212, 213, 216, 220, 229, 232, 234, 235, 236, 240, 241, 242, 243, 256, 258, 259, 267, 272, 276, 280, 281, 283, 284, 287, 295, 299, 304, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 314, 322, 325, 328, 333, 335, 337, 342, 347, 350, 359, 361, 364, 365, 369, 370, 372, 376, 377, 379, 381, 385, 387, 388, 392, 394, 408, 409, 417, 421, 424, 457, 467, 469, 470, 476, 485, 494, 496, 500, 502, 503, 506, 515, 520, 522, 530, 541, 542, 555, 565. Mencococond: 194. Meredeth: 462. Milford Haven: 564. Morraticon: 265, 305, 385, 403, Nansamund: 17, 21, 23, 24, 27. 33, 36, 37, 41, 50, 51, 53, 55. 57, 58, 65, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74 78, 81, 83, 84, 85, 91, 94, 95 100, 102, 103, 111, 113, 115, 120, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128, 130, 134, 135, 137, 141, 143, 150, 153, 155, 158, 160, 162, 165, 166, 167, 168, 172, 173, 177, 180, 184, 189, 197, 201, 218, 226, 236, 237, 238, 239, 257, 264, 268, 271, 280, 297, 301, 302, 314, 317, 327, 329, 358, 386, 393, 408, 443, 451, 473, 474, 475, 476, 479, 480, 491, 492, 495, 497, 500, 503, 509, 518, 543, 568. New Towne Haven: 55, 58, 71 76, 77, 78, 84, 85, 90, 106, 116, 118, 127, 128, 131, 134, 142, 143, 145, 150, 151, 154, 162, 163, 164, 168, 171, 173, 230, 282, 290, 297, 488, 560. Nomeny: 198, 208, 209, 212, 228, 246, 249, 297, 304, 335, 354, 367, 371, 403, 421, 435, 464, 468, 478, 492, 506, 522, 547, 563. North: 136, 146, 148, 150, 339, 427. Northampton: 296. Nuswattocks: 185, 406, 418. Oquioh: 218, 290, 293, 298, 300, 302, 304, 319, 332, 345, 474, 480, 495, 565. Ohoquin: 294, 298, 301, 353, 371, 474. Pamunkey: 14, 15, 44, 117, 172, 212, 393, 398, 467, 480, 510. Pasbetanke: 426, 427, 428. Peankatancke: 131, 132, 133, 142, 146, 187, 208, 221, 229, 239, 243, 245, 247, 248, 257, 263, 278, 281, 283, 289, 290, 368, 380, 401, 464, 495, 519, 563, 459. 28, 56, 76, 96, 118, 129, 148, 164, 174, 204, 244, 298, 356, 464, 489, 504, , 75, 115, 135, 156, 189, 219, 340, 441, 546, 328, 299, 400, 358, 162, 509, 141, 230, 262, 298, 722 Cavaliers and Pioneers 303, 306, 313, 318, 330, 334, 349, 350, 354, 365, 368, 369, 377, 378, 384, 385, 392, 398, 416, 417, 422, 437, 438, 441, 457, 471, 476, 477, 488, 496, 542, 544, 550, 555, 557, 563. Pequimons: 427, 501. Pocomook: 453, 456, 465, 551, 553, 554, 555. Poquoson: 14, 21, 331. Poquoson, new: 26, 29, 34, 35. 39, 42, 53, 54, 57, 62, 65, 67 75, 82, 92, 99, 100, 102, 112, 114, 116, 122, 127, 156, 190, 464, 493, 500. Poquoson, old: 20, 32, 35, 51, 79, 94, 96, 98, 102, 108, 110, 117, 122, 171, 175. Poropotanke: 186, 204, 258. Potomack: 149, 150, 153, 185, 193, 198, 199, 201, 205, 206, 208, 209, 211, 213, 218, 219, 224, 229, 236, 237, 246, 251, 253, 256, 260, 262, 264, 266, 275, 279, 280, 282, 284, 288, 290, 291, 293, 295, 297, 298, 300, 301, 303, 304, 305, 311, 315, 316, 319, 323, 325, 331, 335, 339, 340, 343, 345, 346, 350, 351, 352, 353, 356, 357, 359, 360, 362, 365, 366, 367, 369, 371, 372, 373, 375, 376, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 388, 389, 390, 392, 397, 398, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 411, 421, 423, 424, 431, 432, 442, 447, 448, 449, 460, 461, 464, 471, 473, 474, 475, 477, 478, 486, 487, 489, 490, 496, 499, 501, 512, 518, 522, 523, 531, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 546, 557, 563, 567. Pungotegue: 233, 305, 321, 324, 513, 532. Quantecot: 348. Quiough: 266, 332, 420, 477. Quinicough: 276. Rappahannock: 132, 137,138, 139, 141, 144, 146, 148, 177, 178, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 230, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 245, 246, 248, 253, 255, 256, 257, 259, 263, 265, 269, 270, 272, 273, 275, 276, 337, 375, 406, 448, 541, 552, 38, 69, 113, 259, 54, 115, 187, 207, 222, 252, 272, 289, 299, 312, 333, 348, 358, 368, 377, 385, 400, 420, 446, 468, 481, 500, 532, 549, 338, 140, 181, 190, 197, 209, 227, 240, 254, 268, 277, 279, 281, 282, 284, 288, 290, 293, 295, 296, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 310, 313, 315, 316, 318, 319, 320, 324, 325, 329, 332, 334, 335, 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 349, 350, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 368, 370, 371, 373, 374, 376, 380, 381, 383, 384, 385, 387, 391, 392, 393, 394, 397, 398, 400, 402, 403, 408, 410, 411, 419, 420, 422, 423, 424, 428, 430, 431, 432, 433, 436, 437, 439, 440, 442, 443, 444, 445, 448, 449, 450, 457, 460, 461, 463, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 471, 472, 476, 477, 478, 480, 484, 485, 487, 488, 494, 495, 499, 500, 501, 503, 504, 506, 510, 512, 515, 516, 517, 518, 521, 523, 524, 526, 528, 530, 536, 538, 545, 546, 549, 550, 558, 561, 563, 565, 567, 568. Roanoke (Roynoak): 171, 501. Severne: 132, 133, 136, 142, 178, 214, 250, 303, 306, 486, Southampton: 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 70, 71, 156, 224. Trent: 199, 534. Wallingford: 246, 328. Ware: 132, 135, 136, 141, 178, 200, 203, 212, 222, 223, 233, 258, 262, 263, 267, 272, 279, 315, 325, 331, 337, 339, 345, 365, 381, 402, 417, 421, 514, 550, 553, 565, 568. Warwicke: 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13. 49, 67, 81, 88, 112, 133, 146, 151, 159, 161, 164, 174, 239, 471, 507, 533, 542. Warwicksqueick: 10, 11, 27, 31 42, 53, 54, 71, 75, 76, 77, 84, 106, 146, 450. Wiccocomocco: 144, 183, 184, 206, 207, 211, 219, 227, 223, 234, 235, 237, 239, 248, 250, 256, 257, 259, 263, 264, 266, 283, 288, 290, 292, 295, 300, 308, 309, 314, 316, 324, 330, 333, 337, 339, 341, 343, 347, 349, 359, 360, 368, 371, 372, 375, 376, 379, 385, 390, 391, 398, 400, 402, 408, 409, 419, 422, 424, 429, 459, 460, 461, 463, 467, 468, 471, 488, 492, 291, 302, 312, 322, 337, 348, 358, 365, 379, 389, 399, 412, 429, 438, 446, 462, 470, 481, 497, 508, 519, 531, 557, 147, 490. 14, 182, 247, 308, 356, 532, , 29, 149, 267, , 39, 101, 192, 232, 252, 280, 302, 332, 348, 373, 395, 421, 462, 493, General Index 723 494, 507, 512, 516, 522, 531, 536, 544, 545, 566. Yeocomico: 149, 150, 198, 215, 228, 234, 235, 246, 252, 258, 265, 269, 287, 316, 317, 319, 325, 332, 333, 355, 363, 364, 372, 379, 400, 421, 450, 461, 464, 468, 470, 484, 486, 487, 489, 491, 495, 501, 518, 522, 532, 565. Yorke: 142, 144, 162, 169, 171, 173, 174, 178, 180, 181, 184, 186, 187, 189, 190, 203, 204, 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 222, 234, 235, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 249, 251, 252, 258, 260, 265, 270, 271, 272, 279, 284, 291, 295, 297, 308, 310, 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 335, 336, 338, 342, 344, 347, 348, 349, 357, 358, 359, 360, 367, 371, 376, 377, 380, 381, 383, 386, 387, 388, 392, 396, 397, 399, 401, 403, 404, 408, 415, 417, 421, 422, 424, 433, 458, 470, 471, 473, 474, 480, 494, 496, 504, 508, 509, 511, 514, 533, 538, ,542, 547, 550. Rives, Tho. 502, Wm. 448. Rix, Jno. 451, Peter 527. Roach, Hen. 292, 344, 361, 363, 367, 379, 560, Thomas 551, Wm. 265. Road, to York 540. Roades, Christopher 95, Jeffery 453, Richard 96, 122, Roger 324. Roads, Jon. 44. Roak, Jno. 404. Roan, Mathew 454. Roane, Charles 518, 550, Teague 324. Robb, Tho. 308. Robbinhoods Well 550. Robbins, Alice 285, Edw. 167, Eliza. 167, Grace 539, John 7, 174, 286, Obedience 170, 435, 533,~Ratchell 167, Ri. 559, Sampson 285. Robbinson, Edw. 558, Geo. 460, John 450, 456, 458, 508, 520, 521, Lawr. 454, 455, Tho. 497, 519, 545, 568, Wm. 552. Robbison, Ann 393, Tho. 387. Robenson, Jno. 299. Robert, Antho. 158, Jarvis 558,'Wm. 213. Roberts, Alice 393, 552, Anne 271, 291, 529, Ben. 214, David 328, 370, Ed. 242, Edmond 200, Edward 81, 116, 127, 151, 194, 205, 366, Eliz. 264, Evan 148, Everard 382, Ewen 145, Fr. 60, Francis 82, 200, 203, 350, Gab. 196, Geo. 286, 479, Griff. 60, Henry 116, 324, James 60, 268, 375, Joane 479, Jon. 45, 81, 93, 233, John 47, 106, 108, 131, 156, 202, 204, 205, 246, 253, 271, 286, 314, 348, 366, 382, 383, 384, 453, 480, 563, 564, Lewis 262, Magdalen 237, Marg. 324, Mary 307, 452, Morgan 25, 69, 99, Peter 136, 142, Ralph 106, 117, 480, Richd. 238, Rob. 290, Saml. 268, 479, Sarah 309, Susanna 390, Thomas 99, 127, 428, Tymothy 458, Wm. 178, 180, 213, 271, 293, 353, 356, 367, 370, 413, 417, 463, 475, 528, 545. Robertson, Jno. 548, Martha 514, Wm. 563. Robingson, John 412. Robins, Alice 58, 102, Arthur 555, Dorothy 102, Grace 225, Hen. 78, 291, 393, Humph. 468, John 16, 19, 96, 102, 106, 107, 108, 115, 126, 136, 138, 142, 144, 159, 177, 186, 189, 224, 286, 295, 301, 306, 309, 380, 385, 413, 418, 434, 554, Joseph 191, Judith 196, Lawrence 82, Maj. 288, Mary 514, Mr. 303, Obedia 523, Obedience 84, 152, 224, 225, 401, 407, 435, 554, Robt. 77, Sampson 28, 265, 285, 330, 412, 413, 414, 525, Sam. 285, Samll. 4l4, Wm. 394. Robinson, Andrew 42, 91, 511, Ann 67, 155, 426, 444, Christo. 139, 273, Edw. 148, 328, Elinor 218, Ellin 190, Francis 180, 272, Henry 43, 150, 209, 288, James 16, 74, 81, 203, 263, Jane 396, John 21, 45, 66, 80, 82, 196, 257, 263, 264, 282, 284, 305, 321, 334, 376, 410, 411, 428, 469, 513, Jon. 150, Jonas 482, 524, Jonathan 327, Tho. 526, Lawr. 482, 554, Lucy 252, 284, Margt. 135, 209, 272, 288, Martha 367, Mary 80, 339, Math. 35, 100, Nicholas 108, 114, 147, Patrick 60, Richd. 21, 110, 133 552, Robt. 301, 499, Sarah 150, 239, Simon 178, 289, Steph. 173, 531, Susaan 275, Tho. 52, 110, 119, 146, 344, 427, 433, 440, 468, 470, 477, 481, 484, 497, 530, Wm. 28, 147, 181, 239, 248, 274, 293, 341, 380, 408, 502. Robison, Georg 100, Giles 336, John 356, 393, Magdalin 381, Marg. 375, Richard 336. Robotton, Jno. 324. Robrisius, John 254. Robyson, Thomas 508. Roch, David 392, John 144, Morris 343, Symon 302. 724 Cavaliers and Pioneers Roche, Henry 400, James 82. Rochester, Jon. 92. Rock, Anthony 184, Danll. 444, David 392, Katherine 354, Thomas 435. Rockahockaw, 457, a place called. Rockby, Ed. 481. Rocke, Fra. 167, Henry 400. Rockhold, Robt. 204. Rockholes, Robt. 174. Rockingham, place called 348. Rocks, Ann 143. Rocks, the 20, 247, 402, 444, in Appa- mattocks River 95, the great 110, 137, 299, 302, 499. Rockwell, Mr. 176, Mary 66, Robert 66, 115, 158, Sarah 66, Thomas 66, 115. Rockwood, Anth. 28, 83. Rocto, Jon. 39. Rodalphus, Wm. 356. Roddam, Mr. 460. Rode, John 156. Rodes, Jno. 465, Mary 347, Ro. 351. Rodgett, Tho. 142. Rodis, John 169. Rodman, Jno. 363. Rods, James 253. Rodulphus, Kath. 353, Wm. 353. Roe, Ann 252, 378, Anthony 381, Chas. 252, Damascene 378, Ed. 461, 385, 448, 451, 467, Elliott 453, Geo. 453, James 215, 228, 293, 378, Joane 378, Jon. 78, 82, John 125, 252, Lawrence 453, Luke 553, Mary 115, Nicholas 12, 146, 157, Ri. 196, Susan 383, Wm. 378. Roede, 380, 434. Roffe, Jno. 460, Thomas 359, 453, Wm. 440. Roge, John 269. Roger, Jon. 145. Roger, ap Robt. 501. Rogeris, Stephen 359- Rogers, Abra. 406, Alice 357, Andrew 449, Capt. 460, 510, Chas. 33, 72, Edward 7, 39, 53, 58, 63<, 70, Elianor 114, Ellin 83, Francis 99, Giles 502, Hannah 350, 458, Henry 201, Hugh 202, James 190, 425, Jane 393, Joane -480, John 118, 128, 199, 250, 260, 2>2, 327, 357, 413, 419, 423, 459, 562, Jos. 427, Man. 427, Margarett 63, 84, 96, Mary 221, Nicho. 157, 169, Phill. 176, Rice 507, Step. 513, Toby 460, 523, Tho. 60, 80, 117, 291, 352, 376, 444, 558, Wm. 54, 120, 201, 314, 349, 389, Xtop. 459. Rohoke, Eliz. 386. Rohoske, Elinor 369. Roisers, John 327. Roke, Georg 548. Rokesby, Martha 453. Roland, Francis 339. Roles, Robert 58. Rolfe, John 9, 226, Mary 388, Mr. 317, 374, Tho. 29, 121, 126, 206, 234, 295, 328, 353, 384. Rolfe's Indian Feild 317. Roll, Jno. 552. Rolles, Wm. 153. Rolland, John 254. Rollett, Jude 386. Rolls, Fra. 349, Robt. 422. Rolph. Danll. 538, John 378, Mr. 306, 396, 399. Rombwell, Thomas 89. Rone, Antho. 368. Ronston, Jon. 41. Rood, Wm. 133. Roods, Richard 428. Rooe, Jno. 454. Rooke, Danl. 270, Michaell 453, Rich. 453, Wm. 554. Rookes, Jno. 353. Rookesby, Margt. 388. Rookins, Wm. 39, 67, 73, 87, 115, 170, 198. Rooknee, Geo. 384. Rookwood, John 218, 275, 298. Roomes, Alice 491. Rooper, Capt. 287, Wm. 482. Roose, John 280. Roote, Abraham 20, Richd. 274, 128. Rootes, Thomas 439, 491. Roots, Tho. 308. Rop, John 262. Rope, Tho. 268. Roper, Jane 347, John 343, Jone 427, Phillip 144, William 46, 130, 139, 295. Rose, Alex. 231, 564, Ann 446, Charles 49, Darcus 449, Edward 394, Henry 115, Isaak 404, John 295, 348, 369, 443, Mabell 112, Mary 229, Maurice 354, Morrice 54, 120, Rich. 289, Rob. 322, Sarah 371, 422, Tho. 449, Wm. 79, 287, 316, 352, 563. Roseer, Elizabeth 356. Roseires, John 179- Rosewell, Tho. 500. Rosh, John 222. Rosier, Eliza. 205, 475, Jon. 237, John 205, 335, 340, 420, 421, 447, 468, General Index 725 475, 505, 520, Mr. 130, 246, 506, 529, 547, Morgin 40, 69. Rosier's Refuge, place called 468. Rosier, John 259. Ross, Alexr. 445, Dan. 352, John 443, 525, Wm. 252. Rosse, Adam 493, Alexr. 190, Francis 429, James 134, John 271, 427, 453, 460, Timo. 429, Tho. 137, 453, Wm. 440, 444. Rossell, Eliz. 259. Rosser, Eliz. 297, Fr. 144, Mary 367, Morgan 342, Tho. 394. Rossier, Mr. 228. Rostall, Rich. 359. Roswell, Wm. 485. Rosyer, John 163, 246, 251, 304. Rotheram, Geo. 23, 66. Rotherford, Mary 455. Rothewell, Capt. 250, 543. Rotland, Samll. 483. Rotoby, Martha 453. Rouch, Rich. 143, Wm. 265. Roufe, Symon 86. Roules, Eliz. 452. Roulston, Francis 110, Lyonell 18, 99, 206, Mr. 102, 106, 174, Tho. 502. Roult, Henry 378. Rouncifull, Henry 47, 64. Round Hill, the 487. Round Mill, the 173. Roundabout, the, place called 151. Round about Slash, the 516. Rounds, James 370. Rouse, Abram 462, Dan. 298, Hen. 351, James 250, Jno. 427, Joane 525, Jone 528, Thomas 49, 93, 425, 427, 553, Walter 274, 293, 355, Wm. 253, 256. Rousee, Jno. 476. Rousey, Ralph 193. Rouston, Jon. 141, Lyonell 206. Rout, Hugh 129. Routh, John 265, Wm. 260. Rouzee, Edw. 262, Kath. 262, Martha 262, Ralph 262, 312, Sarah 262. Rouzey, Ralph 215. Rovely, Jason 176. Row, Hugh 564, John 148, Teague 324. Rowden, Robert 51, 65. Rowder, Robert 65. Rowdon, Mathew 206. Rowe, John 125, 167, Tho. 352, 402. Rowell, Jno. 511. Rowen, Henry 10, 32, 88, 556, Peter 459. Rowland, Fr&. 181, Ja. 31, James 84, Jon. 30, John 309, Lewis 260, 286, Tho. 309. Rowles, Fra. 327, Georg 66, Jno. 248, Mary 249. Rowlett, Jon. 32, Judith 359. Rowley, Jno. 523. Rowlington, Edw. 122. Rowlins, Marg. 404. Rowlinson, John 274, Rob. 215. Rowlson, John 289. Rowly, Ann 448, William 93. Rowne, Robt. 265. Rownfifall (Or Rownsifall) Hen. 143. Rowse, Abra. 469, Ann 440, Jone 475, Tho. 113. Rowsen, Wm. 304. Rowzee, Ann 440, Ralph 420. Rowzey, Ralph 312, 365, 420. Roxby, Margaret 425. Roy, Dunkin 367. Royall, Henry 64, Joseph 64, 105, 130, 138, 157, 317, 405, 561, Margaret 497, Thomasin 64, Tho. 562. Royden, Wm. 444. Royes, Antho. 355. Royes Rest, place called 154. Royly, Anth. 544, Joane 213, John 213. Royston, Thomas 456. Rubue, Jon. 86. Ruck, Wm. 258. Ruckly, Edw. 293. Ruckston, Nich. 481. Ruddeford, Jane 188. Rudder, James 428. Ruddock, Harman 430. Rudds, Jno. 507. Rude, Ja. 246. Ruferd, Nath. 376. Ruffe, Edwd. 324, Reese 271, Wm. 138. Ruffell, William 434. Ruffer, Wm. 446. Ruffin, Eliz. 569. Ruford, Nath. 349. Rugg, Ann 201, Benj. 150. Ruke, Ester 428. Rule, Dorothy 107, 109, 117, 124. Rulford, Tho. 221. Rumbald, Jno. 457. Rumball, John 259, 500. Rump, Hannah 541. Rumsden, John 262. Rundsay, Robt. 214. Runner, Jno. 548. Runney, Place called the 122. RUNS: Barbadoes 444, Baylies 535, Beech Spring 473, Bowmans 477. 726 Cavaliers and Pioneers Cattaile 513, Cellar 491, Chestuxen 491, Coleman's 493. Fishing 230, 485, 537, Flinton's 535. Harris' 250, 543, Hatcher's 273. Jones 323. Lee's 510. Mill, 267, Moses 314, 323, 468, 498, Moyses 249, 564, Muttnate 217. Namans 491, Nickawas 502. Occapason 420. Pease Hill 326, 475, Pockatamanio 236, Poplar 544, Potataweno 555. Rabennetts 317, Ravenets 328. Sedar 230, Seller 230, 485, 537, Skennow 335, Stony 535, 556. Tanxe Weynoake 336. Webbs, 386, 502, Wickwas 326, 387. Rury, Edw. 453. Rushy, James 341. Ruse, Dan. 323. Rush, Geo. 210, 288, Jon. 137, Wm. 200, 258. Rushton, Wm. 560. Rusk, Wm. 258. Russe, Wm. 138. Russell, Alice 283, Ann 189, Charles 80, Dennis 22, Doctor 382, 460, Dorathy 378, Eliz. 367, Joane 160, Jon. 32, John 22, 190, 245, 345, 502, Katherine 339, Mr. 314, Nicholas 378, 531, Phillip 349, Richard 37, 66, 178, 252, 362, 387, 422, 480, 487, Robt. 187, Sarah 422, Susan 298, Tho. 197, 289, Wm. 152, 176, 291. Russer, Morgan, 109. Russey, Elizabeth 66. Rute, Dorothy 107. Rutherford, John 13, 329, 511, Rich. 19, 492. Rutkin, Hen. 23, 66. Rutland, Edmond 369, George 98, 141, 149, Mary 363, Rich. 125, Samuell 332. Rutt, Jerimiah 126. Rutte, Jane 514. Rutter, Jeremiah 479, John 132, 538. Ruttler, Jno. 491. Ryall, Edwd. 211, Joseph 40, 59, 167. Ryalls, Ann 306, Sarah 306. Rycroft, Edw. 427. Ryd, Dunken 341. Rye, Henry 238, 396, 521, 563, Herbert 454, Margt. 491, Wm. 452. Ryland, Tho. 209. Ryle, Tho. 483. Ryley, Anne 235. Ryly, Dan. 362. Ryman, Nicho. 113. Ryppin, Alice 196. Rythe, Chr. 157. Rytherland, Rich. 176. Sabbrell, Nicho. 167. Sabin, Susan 238, Robt. 518, Tho. 140, 177, 214, Wm. 430. Sable, Geo. 266. Sabrell, Nicholas 95, 480, 511, 559, Richd. 199. Sache, Wm. 418. Sacker, Edw. 264, Jno. 554. Sackes, Tho. 181. Sackhill, Andrew 204. Sacom, Wm. 391. Sacott, Peter 556. Sacum, Wm. 429. Sadd, Richard 89. Sadler, Ailce 212, Dorothy 277, Edmund 124, Edward 84, 548, Eliz. 124, 244, 314, Geo. 260, JefTery 45.^ John 35, 55, 147, 188, 277, Margt. 124, Martha 315, Mary 124, 359, Robt. 554, Roger 277, Tho. 43, 55, 136, 515. Sadleway, Xtopr. 199. Sadlington, Jonas 25, 69. Sadome, Allen 113. Saeton, Richd. 189. Safeild, Ja. 510. Saffall, Tho. 232, 237, 257, 300, 348, 423, 460, 461, 507. Saffell, Jane 455. Saffin, Rich. 431, 484. Safrell, Richd. 324. Saffron, Tho. 250, 290. Saffrons, Tho. 227. Sagar, Ellinor 481. Sage, Gregory 225. Sagent, Fra. 283. Saind, John 153. Saines, John 105, 110, Wm. 248. Saiferne, James 173. Saintloe, Richd. 450. Saintpere, Nath. 237. Saker, Tho. 250. Sale, Eliz. 116, Jno. 501, Susan 448, Wm. 375, 515, 247. Salem, Giles 442. Sales, John 466. Salford, Joane 5, John 4, 5, 159, Robert 5, Sarah 4. Salin, Wm. 430. Salisbury, Georg 85, 189, 560, Roger General Index 727 85, Robt. 163, 194, 199, Tho. 235, 292, 395, 396, 408, 437, 460, 463, 521. Sallace, Chas. 289, 438. Sallard, Charles 438. Sallate, Saml. 224. Salle, Elianor 141. Sallett, Chas. 148, Giles 135, 223, 357. Sallis, Saml. 236. Sallitt, Robert 370. Sally, Saml. 229. Salmon, Edw. 217, Jane 249, 322, Jervis 513, John 475, Sarah 470, Wm. 393. Salmy, Wm. 191. Salsberry, Tho. 166. Salsburie, Georg 118. Salsbury, Edw. 118, Georg 42, 100, 134, 171, Hen. 133, Robert 59, 129, Tho. 297, 332, 337, 349, 376, 421. Salsbury Plaines, place called 355, 415. Salsall, Thomas 339. Salt, Wm. 482. Salter, Edw. 106, 109, 220, Eliz. 451, Fra. 323, Jane 404, John 196, Mary 467, Richd. 299, Robt. 117, 188, 375, 395, Symon 375, Tho. 486, Wm. 352. Salters Hill, place called 100. Saltir, Tim. 404. Salton, Tho. 510. Saltrea, John 128. Salum, Eliz. 431. Salvage, John 75, Hannah 30, Thomas 75. Salvadge, John 167, 216, 452. Sames, Eliz. 40, 109. Samford, James 433, 435, 477, 481, 484, 486, 512, 545. Sammon, Jno. 521, Joseph 55, 69. Sammond, Joseph 47. Samon, John 414, Joseph 36, 37. Samper, Mary 528. Sampson, Alex. 300, Constance 479, Edw. 249, James 107, 486, 566, Jane 506, Jno. 509, Robt. 558, Tho. 448, 475, 550. Sampton, Tho. 448. Samrayes, Jona. 447 . Sams, James 153. Samuel, Wm. 151. Samuell, Edw. 153. Samuraies, Jonathan 425. Samwayes, Sarah 428. Sand, Henry 404. Sandall, Edward 53, 77. Sandavor, John 421. Sandburne, Wm. 560, 559, 563. Sanders, Abraham 429, Ann 209, 480, 499, Bl. 479, Cor. 242, Edw. 375, 395, 405, 429, 558, 559, 562, Eliza. 150, 220, 381, 388, 480, Eustace 190, Geo. 502, Grace 247, Henry 144, 404, 480, Hugh 480, Isabell 91, James 370, 432, Jon. 50, 78, Jone 394, John 427, 429, 482, 513, Katherine 33, Leonard 465, Margarett 94, 458, Mary 480, Richard 48, 63, 94, 107, 154, Robt. 103, 379, 397, 441, Roger 121, Samll. 524, Simon 432, Tho. 167, 232, 247, 254, 263, 361, 381, 541, 456, Ustus 539, 557, William 108, 110, 113, 139, 140, 388, 187, 403, 543, 544, 558, 565. Sanderby, Tho. 131. Sanderson, Edward 101, 105, 112, 123, 205, 348, 524, 527, Edmond 215, Henry 199, James 453, Jno. 452, Mr. 234, Ri. 536, Tho. 222. Sandes, Georg 525. Sandford, James 545. Sandever, John 381. Sandiford, Wm. 395. Sandis, Geo. 168. Sandish, Stephen 131. Sands, David 250, Edw. 466, George 401, James 453, Joane 351, Mary 173. Sandy, Jno. 559, Mary 481. Sandyes, Geo. 190. Sandys, Georg 1, 3, 4. Sandys Hundred, place called 226. Sanford, Wm. 326. Sanin, Robt. 147. Sanner, Sarah 129. Sansnery, Robt. 433. Sansom, Thomas 370. Sansons, Wm. 339. Sanvill, Jno. 465. Sapher, Geo. 171, Mr. 171. Sapheir, Georg 51. Sapsoate, Rob. 324. Sar, Wm. 300. Sares, Lidia 500. Sarfnett, Wm. 347. Sargent, Jno. 467. Sarkett, Hester 428. Sarkin, Mattum 227. Sarmar, Jno. 426. Sarrigg, John 302. Sarrow, Benja. 263. Sarslett, Xtopr. 207. Sarson, Jno. 427, Rich. 298, Tho. 344, William 319, 469. Sarsonn, Wm. 86. Sarum, Jno. 524. 728 Cavaliers and Pioneers Sassall, Thomas 339. Sassell, John 110. Satchell, Eliz. 196. Satton, Richard 363. Satums, Robt. 171. Saucer, Rich. 422, Wm. 151. Sauell, Tho. 82, Wm. 486. Saugher, Henry 76. Saughier, Elizabeth 76, Georg 76. Saunders, Ann 301, Edw. 291, Eliz. 301, James 431, 476, Mary 296, Michaell 132, Rich. 37, Roger 13, 15, 18, 20, Tho. 310, 538, Wm. 301. Saunderson, Edward 31 6, Montecue 316. Savadge, Jno. 463, 515, 524, Hannah 9, Thomas 9, 18, Wm. 176, 302. Savage, An 347, Antho. 178, Fr. 25, 69, Hannah 23, James 299, John 30, 418, 468, 524, Mart. 181,. Mary 347, Richard 85, 123, Thomas 9, 30, 31, 101, 139, Walter 524, Wm. 234. Savage's Choice, place called 23. Savary, Jno. 385, William 76. Savatt, Morris 393. Savedge, Bridgett 171, Tho. 171. Saveinge, Mary 377. Savell, Tho. 82, Wm. 486. Saven, Robt. 237, 238, Susan 238. Savery, Tho. 265. Savidge, John 290, 435, 481, 532, 533, 549, Robt. 254, 263, Thomas 203. Savill, Eliza. 271, Tho. 141. Savin, Edw. 485, Robt. 404, Tho. 122. Savory, Mary 336. Savory, Tho. 265. Sawe, Cha. 427. Sawer, Eliz. 344, Richd. 381, Wm. 450. Sawford, Mary 188. Sawyer, Fra. 29, 57, 269, Mary 186, Lidia 331, Mich. 275, Thomas 57, 84, 156, 204, 254, 269, 275, 332, 379, Wm. 132, 138, 189, 200, 214, 237, 365. Sax, Bassett 164, Thomas 99, 189, 531. Saxby, Jno. 558. Saxon's Gaole, 13. Saxton, Ann 469, Peter 469, Robt. 525. Say, Ann 463, 479, Antho. 449, Edward 525, 554, Jane 208, John 113, 454, Hugh 208, Tho. 132, 562. Saye, John 65, 171. Sayer, Abigail 429, Anne 275, Gregory 225, Mary 225, Thomas 508, Wm. 554. Sayes, Tho. 132. Sayle, Humph. 214, Jno. 538. Sayler, Ralph 189. Saylor, Arthur 137. Sayne, Henry 349, Hum. 290. Saynes, Geo. 297, Henry 432, John 175. Sayor, William 180. Saysell, John 279. Saysill, John 156. Saywell, Tho. 32, 115. Scabroocke, Peter 431. Scales, Geo. 69, John 214, 264. Scafe, Tho. 394. Scape, Tho. 220. Scarborough, Chas. 174, Edmond 35, 43, 55, 101, 109, Hannah 35, 55, Matilda 307, Tho. 108. Scarborrough, Edmund 43, 55. Scarbourgh, Chas. 307, Litt. 307, Math. 28, Matilda 307. Scarbrough, Charles 321, Edmund 80, 170, 374, Littleton 287, Matilda 338. Scarbrow, Richd. 334. Scarburgh, Chas. 260, 264, 286, 305, 413, 456, 513, Col. 328, Edmund 119, 121, 134, 139, 183, 184, 225, 286, 305, 418, 419, 424, 425, 452, 453, 454, 456, 465, 524, 536, 554, 555, John 258, Kath. 261, Littleton 393, 536, Mary 119, Matilda 328, 407, 413, 454, 455, Tabitha 328, 455, Tho. 229. Scarfe, Edw. 502, Moses 229. Scarton, Ann 440. Scarlett, Ann 453. Scearle, John 170. Schin, Law. 294, Marg. 294. Schoole land, the 52. Scibbs, John 274. Scifeild, Saml. 245. Scoe, John 331. Scoen, Humphry 85, 89, 96. Scone, Humphry 55. Scoffin, John 77. Scoggin, Geo. 230, Tho. 248, 252, 346, 395, 419. Scolcroft, Jno. 560. Scold, Jno. 460. Scoldinge, Jno. 363. Scone, Humphry 82, 84. Scone's Dam, place called 111. Scory, Robert 25. Scot, James 366, Jon. 34, Jno. 391, Kath. 238, Richd. 324, Wm. 69, 238. Scotch, Benj. 455. Scott, Andrew 350, Arth. 24, Barbery 282, Bryan 448, 458, 459, 514, Charles 315, Daniell 104, Dan. 78, Eliz. 491, Francis 433, 440, Henry General Index 729 63, 230, 291, 405, Isaack 375, 425, 468, James 71, 280, 306, Jon. 78, John 378, 428, 440, 559, Mary 440, Nicho. 119, Pattrick 283, Peter 553, Robt. 198, 274, 528, Saml. 167, 401, Thomas 183, 195, 199, 459, 485, Win. 25, 136, 232, 214, 262, 285, 301, 357, 514. Scots: Alex 315, Saul 315, John 331, George 361, 536. Scottell, Robert 389. Scowne, Humphry 47, 48. Scowen, Humphry 89, 150, 160, 164, 173. Scoven, Humph. 297. Scragg, Rich. 404. Scratton, Sisley 183. Scricher, John 146. Scriven, Mary 435. Scrivener, Mathew 254. Scriver, Jose 191. Scroope, Mary 453. Scrudge, Rich. 484, 485. Scrudy, Richard 430, 475. Scruggs, Nich. 410, Richd. 306, 308, 409. Scuefeild, Nicho. 157. Scull, John 160, 547. Sculler, John 129. Scurry Hill, place called 243. Scurvy Hill, place called 243. Sea, Jno. 470. Seaborne, Nich. 270. Seabott, James 453. Seabottom, Jon. 237. Seabrell, Nicho. 387. Seaburne, John 38, Nicholas 38, 273, 415. Seacraft, Jno. 208. Seaden, John 245. Seadgall, Humph. 196. Seafort, Tho. 454. Seag, Thomas 316. Seager, Jon. 144, Oliver 385. Seagrasse, Amey 261. Seagreene, Xtop. 468. Seale, Hen. 80, Mary 264, Wm. 335. Seale of the Va. Company mentioned 163, the Colony 247. Seales, Wm. 265. Sealing, Mary 248. Seaman, Gilbert 340, John 340, 446, Wm. 340. Seamer, Francis 68, Owen 116. Seane, Ralph 178. Seanoble, John 171. Seanor, John 180. Search, Eliz. 281. Seare, Ed. 426, 444, 468. Searell, Nich. 72. Seares, Chas. 458, Henry 323. Seargent, John 258. Searle, Gabriell 123, Jon. 33, John 115, 270, 506, Mary 432, Richd. 127, 292, 367, 372, 378, 423. Searles, Richard 441, 442. Searne, John 101. Seate, Ann 544. Seaton, George 355, 382, Jon. 60, John 385. Seavell, David 259. Seaver, Hugh 128. Seaverne, Jno. 171. Seaverne — Severne, place called: 135, 188, 227, 301, 358, 365, 402, 416, 417. Seaward, John 24, 69, 83, 85, 106, 118, 125, 126, 135, 139, 145, 162, 168, Mr. 143, 290, 309. Seawell, Arthur 124, Jervis 82, Mercy 63, Thomas 21, 102, 165, 172, 181, 485. Seay, Thomas 316. Sebbrell, Nicho. 267. Sebeard, John 113. Seberry, John 102. Sebocke, Wm. 267. Sebrell, Nicho. 267, 364. Sebright, Solo. 163. Seckbone, James 294. Seeker, Geo. 151. Secretary, place of the 7, 11, 12, 75, 84, 143, 159, 162, 170, 486, 495. Secretary of State, 213, 244, 339, 359, 390. Sedberry Peter 100. Sedcott, Eliz. 565. Sedger, Ann 387. Sedgwick, Joseph 23. Seeker, Roger 39. Seeleyn, Mary 248. Seemer, John 196. Seere, Abigail 484, Fra. 220. Segar, Francis 76, Oliver 281, 319, 370, 383, 438, 442, 568. Segrave, Joane 293. Seines, Law. 351. Selbee, Robert 97. Selby, Richard 434, Robt. 37, 66, Tho. 452, 515. Seldome, Wm. 85. Selfe, Robt. 464, 468. Selikley, Timo. 209. Sell, John 339. 730 Cavaliers and Pioneers Sellby, John 406. Seller, Wm. 363. Sellett, Eliza. 107. Sellevants Gutt, place called 467. Sellick, Saml. 290. Selly, John 101, 21*6, 315. Selvey, Tobias 551. Semaster, Hen. 133. Sen, Stephen 131. Senior, Eliz. 557, Henry 90, John 39, 160, 199, 221, 225, 240, 258, 271, 278, 279, 310, 313, 353, 477, 495, 514, 548, 550, Sarah 39, Tho. 335, 514, Wm. 556. Sennett, Garrett 358. Sentence, Hen. 395. Senter, Wm. 278. Senton, Jno. 548. Septon, John 198. Serah, Wm. 484. Serby, Robt. 269. Serch, Wm. 429. Sergeant, Fran. 458, Wm. 460. Sergent, Arthur 149. Sergiant, Wm. 523. Serjant, Hugh 557, Hue 568, Jno. 304, 559, Wm. 567. Serjeant, Fra. 230, Wm. 87. Serly, Robt. 404. Sermoner, Edmd. 242, 286. Serridon, Tho. 128. Servant, Phillis 516. Serviant, Jno. 468. Session, Judeth 158. Seth, William 58. Sethell, Eliz. 325. Setteplace, Tho. 456. Settle, Fra. 384, Judith 155. Seullin, Robt. 193. Seveor, John 190. Several", Robt. 488. Severne, John 155, 157. Seward, Cha. 427, Edw. 554, George 543, James 326, John 171, 439, Margtt. 559, Mary 512, Mr. 164, 488, Peter 562, Richd. 476, Wm. 320, 402, 457, 552, 554. Sewell, John 108, 383, 385, Judith 348, Lane. 275, Margt. 263, Mary 429, 456, Mr. 179, Rich. 213, Thomas 76, 79, 98, 458, 484, Wm. 401. Sewes, Anthony 554. Sewill, James 548. Sewins, Wm. 338. Sexton, Ann 332, Jno. 558, Nich. 291, 471, Peter 247, 248, 274, 275, 510, Richd. 282. Sey, Wm. 142. Seyes, Miles 553. Seymor, Thos. 127. Seyton, Dorcas, 287. Shabin, Geo. 359. Shackleforth, Roger 368. Shackly, John 235. Shade, Henry 276. Shaddock, Jon. 65. Shadock, Peter 293. Shadwell, Overner 208. Shagbrough, Joane 214. Shakelton, Ann 449. Shakley, John 198, 252. Shakly, John 235, 522. Shall, Jane 453. Shallamine, John 310. Shallock, John 99. Shalpe, Jno. 426. Shanack, Peter 536. Shandall, Antho. 167. Shandler, Thomas 425. Shanks, John 198. Shane, James 371. Shans, Jno. 427. Shaply, Jno. 426. Shapwell, William 101. Shard, John 426. Share, Jacob 258, Samll. 509. Sharman, Jno. 518. Sharp, Ann 41, Eliz. 548, Fra. 238, Jane 448, John 283, 310, Mary 482, Richard 41, 109, Saml. 137, Wm. 157, 293. Sharpe, Andrew 257, Elizabeth 361, Fra. 315, Henry 189, 316, 363, John 68, 259, 284, 292, 296, 312, 341, 350 370 383 393, 410, 422, 425, 426, 430, 435, 437, 441, 462, 468, 501, 530, Jon. 96, Mary 396, Nathll. 476, Oliver 221, Ralph 375, 425, 468, Rebecca 73, Richd. 188, 220, Robt. 47, 106, 266, 290, Tho. 196, 275, 483, 567, 568, Wm. 36, 45, 65, 113, 127, 358, 426, Zachary 538. Sharper, Joner 195. Sharpies, Eliz. 121, Tho. 120. Sharpless, Eliza. 180. Sharplesse, Eliz. 221. Shatboule, Richd. 29. Shaw, Abram 459, Ann 37, 261, 307, Francis 147, Geo. 252, James 308, Jane 453, 492, 512, 525, Jon. 87, 104, 134, Joan 435, John 141, 194, 376, 391, 397, 422, 430, 465, 471, 483, Mary 458, Nath. 491, Nich. 40, 68, Richd. 112, Tho. 246, 472, 483, General Index 731 484, 510, Wm. 43, 147, 355, 320. Shawbooke, Jon. 28. Shawley, Wm. 484. Shawly, Marma. 514, Tho. 399. Sheare, Georg 56. Sheapard, Alexander 366, John 409, Lewis 341, Robt. 342, Nath. 300. Sheapheard, Tho. 183. Sheappard, Ehanor 300. Shearman, Abra. 171. Sheeles, Jon. 227, John 250. Sheely, Roger 330, 401. Sheen, Ellen 191. Sheep, Ellen 189. Sheeres, Geo. 338, John 278, 512, Susan 223. Sheerman, Edm. 196, Edw. 510. Sheers, James 120, Wm. 143. Sheetes, Andrew 342. Sheevs, Geo. 338. ShefTeild, Jno. 375, 425, Phill. 441, Robt. 384, Thomas 20, 36, 87. Sheild, Thomas 93, Walter 198. Sheir, Geo. 237. Shekells, Barbary 318. Sheld, Tho. 211. Sheldon, James 525, Wm. 454. Shelington, Jno. 452. Shell, John 147, 342, Mary 506. Shelley, Jeane 429, Tho. 133. Shellington, Elizabeth 390. Shelly, Edw. 198, 453, Geo. 344, Jane 453, 456, John 257, Ri. 562, Roger 70. Shelton, Fr. 86, 290, 300, Rich. 105, Symon 381, Tho. 361, 538. Shepard, Alexander 336, Ann 348, Capt. 326, Jane 552, John 156, 161, 398, 405, 516, Major 340, Margaret 336, Mary 545, Rich. 379, Rob. 427, Susan 150, Thomas 355, Wm. 385, 455, 372. Shepey, Tho. 323. Shephard, Alex. 506. Shepherd, Nath. 227, Peter 561, Tho. 234. Sheppard, Ann 142, 544, Antho. 446, Baldwin 456, Edw. 203, Jon. 142, John 96, 118, 130, 156, 282, 456, 558, Lucy 282, Major 508, 511, 562, Mary 204, Priscilla 28, 204, Robert 28, 40, 42, 94, 109, 204, 446, 219, 258, 402, 461, 489, 557, 568. Sheppe, Edw. 258. Shepperd, Jon. 143, John 118, 257, Nath. 250, Richard 5, 156, Wm. 139. Sheppey, Thomas 60, 112. Shepping, Jon. 222. Sheppye, Tho. 157. Shepway, John 184. Sheppird, John 258. Sherborne, James 136. Sherbourne, James 120. Sherbutt, Geo. 159. Shere, Strength 10. Sheres, Susan 234. Sheriffe, James 510, Tho. 179. Sherlacke, John 148. Sherland, Wm. 294. Sherlark, Mary 431. Sherley, Daniell 19, Thomas 331. Sherlock, John 251, 362, 531. Sherlocke, John 505, 514. Sherlow, Arth. 510. Sherly, Agnes 78, Eliz. 43, Henry 298, Jane 399, Nich. 438, Robt. 513, S. 500, Tho. 482. Sherly Hundred, place called (Note: Look under Hundred) 93, 130, 138, 165, 167, 240, 317. Sherman, Anne 272, Henry 450, James 146, Jno. 448, 528, Quintaine 440, 519, 545, Tho. 397, Wm. 260. Sherwin, Tho. 486. Sherwood, Francis 246, 472, 473, Humph. 176, Jane 285, John 112, Mary 329, Peter 367, Thomas 426, 536. Shetting, Thomas 527. Shetworth, Dan. 267. Shevarne, Henry 278. Shewce, Edw. 486. Shewell, Johna. 412, Mary 276, Sam. 294. Shewmaker, Wm. 513. Shewood, Peter 497. Shilooe, Ann 422. Shinte, Wm. 393. Ship, Tho. 453, Wm. 499. Shipcot, Tho. 162. Shiply, Hen. 364. Shipman, Martha 446. Shipp, Richard 192, Wm. 174. Shippard, Adrell 301, Ann 298, Eliz. 292. Shippe, Danl. 258. Shippey, Edw. 79, Eliz. 33, 60, John 6, Tho. 33, 60, 112, 262. Shipright, a 67. Ships: Abigail 14, 16, Africa 22, Anne 7, Ark 22, Bona Nova 2, 4, 17, Bona Adventure 23, Bonny Besse 3, 5, Charitie 16, Charles 4, 5, Christopher 732 Cavaliers and Pioneers & Mary 22, David of Bristol 129, Defense 56, Dove of London 128, Elianor 16, Elizabeth 7, Ellins 10, Faulcon 226, Flying Hart 7, French 22, George 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 226, Great Hopewell 3, Guift 5, Honour 122, Hopewell 22, 23, Jacob 4, 5, James 7, Jon & Dorothy 23, John & Francis 10, 13, Jonas 129, Jonathan 8, London Merchant 6, Margarett & John 4, 8, 16, Marma- duke 10, Marrigold 6, Mary of Bristol 129, Mary Providence 5, Merchants Hope 23, Neptune 5, 8, 13, Primrose of London 22, Returne 7, Return of London 17, Revenge 22, Samuell 2, Seaflower 4, 9, Sea Venture 3, South- ampton 3, 7, 13, 16, Starr 8, 17, Susan of London 22, Swann 7, Tem- perance 8, 10, Treasurer 6, True Love 22, Tyger 3, 4, 6, 14, Virga. Merchant 536, Warwick 5, 7, 13, William 129, Wm. & John 15, Wm. & Thomas 5, 144. Shirle, Tho. 150. Shirly Hundred, place called 203, 317. Shirt, John 180, Nich. 444, Tho. 498. Shoare, Arthur 382, Robert 339. Shoemaker, Wm. 266. Shollman, Dennis 358. Shone, Mary 322, Teage 322. Shonelock, Hen. 134. Shoore, Arthur 398. Shoot, Mary 434. Shootboult, Richd. 302. Shore, Arthur 372, 398, 553, Helen 192, James 54, John 54, 121, 536, Jonas 121, Kath. 54, 121, Susan 547, Tho. 370. Shorebury, Jno. 427. Shorne, Jno. 545. Shorne Brook Hill, place called 142. Shorpe, Dennis 404. Short, Abigail 546, Abra. 452, David 233, Francis 346, Henry 153, James 506, John 277, 336, 403, 533, 565, Martha 525, Mary 453, Nich. 512, 546, Peter 542, Robt. 147, Samuell 425, 446, Tob. 558, Wm. 29, 113, 193, 250, 302, 558. Shone, Mathew 351, Tho. 450, Wm. 115, 355. Shorten, Mary 41, 96. Shorter, John 99, Mary 96. Shortland, Rich. 346. Shory, Jno. 521, Tho. 472. Shotbold, Richard 65. Shotower, Phillip 430. Shoud, Jonathan 265. Should, Tho. 448. Shoute, Henry 203. Showdall, Edw. 429. Showell, Ann 455, Jonath. 286. Showning, Geo. 168. Shreffer, John 214. Shreive, Wm. 387. Shresser, John 214. Shrews, Tho. 286. Shrimpton, Mr. 414, Wm. 163, 181, 414. Shuett, Richd. 129. Shuffman, Edw. 517. Shugge, Tho. 422. Shuile, James 528. Shure, Jacob 258. Shurley, Daniell 19, Wm. 266. Shurlock, Jno. 460. Shurlocke, John 505. Shute, Martin 142, Mary 445, William 66. Shuter, Richd. 118. Shutleworth, Jon. 134. Sibbs, John Capt. 507. Sibill, Margaret 371. Sibsey, John 64, 91, 98, 179. Sibthrop, Francis 433. Sickard, Symon 301. Sidley, Tho. 225. Sidney, Col. 328, Eliza. 148, 323, John 156, 169, 415, Mr. 239, 289, Robt. 191, Wm. 369. Sidnie, Mr. 518. Sidny, Barbara 514, 565, Robt. 514, 565. Sidway, Capt. 326. Sidwell, Roger 526. Sigmar, Richd. 112. Signett, Balden 112. Siler, Michael 42, Robt. 121. Siliston, Kath. 223. Silke, Anne 282. Silley, Edward 101. Sillimore, Morter 493. Sillingat, Dorothy 172. Sillis, John 473, Marke 207. Sillito, Roger 150. Silliward, Jon. 32. Sills, Ann 501. Silver, Mary 146. Silverlocke, James 425. Silverton, Kath. 359, 390. Silvester, Edw. 562, Hen. 456, Jno. 412, Phillipp 140, 150, 213, 343, Richd. 562. Simmes, John 337. Simmons, Ed. 312, Eliz. 481, James 462, Oliver 87. General Index 733 Simms, Benjamin 26. Simnell, John 3. Simonds, Mary 566, Nathaniell 558. Simons, Francis 376, Jno. 563, Martin 517, Mary 428, Milicent 285, Roger 425, Sarah 564, Symon 338, 475, 503, Tho. 441, 472, Wm. 423, 466, 513. Simpcock, Alex. 332. Simpkins, Edward 58, Ralph 51, 61. Simproot, James 430. Simpson, Ann 309, Dan 316, 363, Ed. 242, Edmond 555, Edw. 188, 281, 300, 302, 304, 308, 494, 502, Grace 246, John 112, 149, 399, 428, 438, 448, 558, 563, Kath. 287, 430, Patrick 112, Paul 380, Rachell 523, Rich. 460, Robert 83, 104, Tho. 142, 248, 315, Wm. 349, 467. Sims, Andrew 23, Bartho. 460, Benj. 35, Jno. 513. Simson, John 277, 531, Rich. 151. Sinckler, Abraham 336, Alex. 285, Jane 326, John 326, Margaret 87, Morris 232, Wm. 340. Sinclur, Archebald 347. Sinett, Wm. 544. Singcleare, Jon. 30. Singlar, Edmond 331. Singlehirst, Eliz. 236. Singleton, Arabella 548, Geo. 475, 525, 528, Grace 232, Henry 213, 222, 232, 244, 416, 417, John 62, 223, 416, Leonard 382. Singlewood, Symon 279. Sinycott, John 209. Sipley, John 511. Sippey, John 6. Sipsey, John 7, 22, 42, 48, 233. Sipsone, John 282. Siropp, Alice 282. Siscock, Jon. 68. Sisemores, place called 440. Sissell, Robt. 477, Wm. 288. Sisson, Robt. 387, 433, 443, 526. Sitch, Rob. 331. Sitfore, Thomas 520. Sivilian, Elinor 280. Sixton, Jno. 454, Peeter 332, Robt. 528. Skame, Wm. 388. Skarfe, Bryan 208. Skeate, Kath. 459. Skeed, Wm. 297. Skegs, Rich. 387. Skerrett, John 301. Skery, Susan 212. Skewes, Amy 559. Skidd, John 195. Skiddiner, John 252. Skidmore, Augustine 99. Skiffin, Wm. 193. Skill, Wm. 457. Skillorne, Dorothy 107. Skimino, place called 313, 325, 422, 439, 473. Skiner, Augustine 462, 525, Wm. 412. Skinham, Wm. 264. Skinner, Andrew 449, Anth. 24, 54, Arthur 548, Austin 549, Edw. 208, Francis 527, Henry 540, Joane 193, Jon. 82, John 10, 85, Martin 148, Mary 481, Moses 499, Richd. 327, Robt. 213, Thomas 537, 538, Wm. 286, 549, 554. Skip, Wm. 516. Skipner, Edw. 195. Skipp, Math 337. Skipwith, Grey 379, 392, 417. Skirrick, Thomas 99. Skory, Tho. 523. Skull, John 129. Skyrnes, Edw. 127. Slade, Geo. 232. Slaitor, John 349. Slaner, James 351. Slash, dividing York & Denby Counties 370. Slashes: the 493, Hog Bed 451, Water 516. Slater, Arthur 323, John 81, 103, Leonard 116. Slatter, Artick 428, John 390. Slattor, Jno. 361, Tho. 396. Slaughier, Georg 76. Slaughter, Anne 253, 257, Bridgett 388, Dorothy 327, Fra. 514, George 541, John 5, 21, 25, 34, 86, 115, 123, 174, 196, 239, 506, Mary 318, Nath. 486, Rebecca 28, Richd. 236, 399, Robt. 318, Samll. 499, Sarah 303, Wm. 486. Sleadman, Jno. 369. Sled, Henry 178. Sledwell, Tho. 321. Slee, Francis 133. Sleeve, Ellin 177. Slich, Jno. 388. Slight, Geo. 279. Slinton, Wm. 295. Slippett, a 435. Slitham, Geo. 461. Sloe, Roger 376. Sloper, Samll. 197, 290. Slotum, Samll. 543. Slowly, Michaell 133. 734 Cavaliers and Pioneers Slye, Jeremiah 97. Smalecomb, Tho. 173. Smalewell, Fra. 328. Small, Capt. 112, Eliz. 116, Jno. 484, Margaret 77, Wm, 222. Smalledge, Ja. 29, Jon. 29. Smallwood, John 76, 349, 480, Mathew 19, 270, Randall 110. Smally, Margt. 29. Smarley, Wm. 191. Smarlurt, Wm. 131. Smart, Charles 382, 513, James 450, Jane 470, 471, Joane 460, Jon. 143, John 250, 376, 448, Judith 553, Martin 520, Nich. 404, Rob. 351, Susan 541, Tabitha 393, 455, Tho. 173, 393, 567, Wm. 170, 322, 384, 417, 435, 438, 518, 548, 557. Smarte, Wm. 146. Smarth, Wm. 329. Smee, George 526. Smeete Wm. 142. Smellock, Jno. 195. Smelt, Jonas 555. Smett, Wm. 544. Smister, Hugh 181. Smite, John 183. Smith, Abra. 502, Alex. 210, 213, 254, 284, Alice 82, 134, 140, 345, 493, Andrewes 379, An. 338, Ann 28, 43, 115, 205, 216, 291, 296, 300, 338, 357, 388, 405, 453, Antho. 459, Arthur 76, 82, 83, 117, 125, 526, Bryan 87, 429, 493, Bryant 129, Ca. 200, Clemolius 385, Danl. 275, 315, 366, 460, Edward 72, 108, 146, 217, 314, 367, 370, 391, 414, 431, 452, 454, 462, 551, Eliz. 27, 134, 173, 201, 228, 229, 276, 293, 349, 361, 404, 422, 427, 431, 507, 521, 567, Ellis 129, Fra. 180, 219, 278, 315, 359, 373, 456, 492, 507, Gabriell 149, Geo. 115, 119, 130, 152, 162, 174, 180, 198, 217, 248, 249, 271, 286, 296, 327, 342, 346, 347, 349, 360, 370, 371, 403, 419, 421, 433, 444, 465, 475, 526, 538, 547, Grace 24, 80, Hannah 206, 380, Hen. 33, 72, 113, 115, 130, 138, 190, 199, 287, 309, 332, 355, 375, 395, 424, 462, 463, 473, 484, 519, 554, 555, Herbert 337, Hester 158, Hump. 341, Jacob 508, James 23, 47, 65, 66, 128, 143, 172, 210, 274, 309, 381, 426, Jane 209, Jarvis 56, Jeffry 300, Jone 213, Joane 250, 446, Jo. 171, Jon. 33, 53, 60, 144, 242, John 10, 17, 25, 54, 61, 72, 83, 89, 93, 107, 113, 115, 120, 121, 134, 135, 150, 156, 158, 161, 172, 184, 194, 202, 211, 213, 219, 250, 252, 258, 259, 263, 274, 275, 278, 282, 284, 287, 290, 291, 296. 297, 300, 307, 309, 311, 314, 315, 324, 336, 337, 339, 354, 357, 361, 368, 373, 386, 397, 417, 425, 426, 430, 431, 433, 435, 438, 449, 450, 454, 458, 459, 476, 477, 482, 483, 489, 495, 499, 511, 513, 515, 543, 545, 551, 553, 554, 564, Johanna 459, Joseph 62, 395, 437, 520, Joshua 455, Joyce 273, 472, Kath. 43, 264, 286, 412, 513, Law. 264, 365, 548, Margery 182, Martha 95, Mary 30, 134, 210, 212, 234, 237, 252, 301, 303, 312, 333, 350, 364, 404, 432, 453, 459, 460, 500, 568, Massey 200, Math. 387, 428, 514, Maurice 447, Mich. 267, Mr. 155, Nath. 367, Nicho. 126, 148, 158, 172, 181, 290, 329, 375, 395, 441, 478, 512, 522, 559, Peter 212, 351, 352, 383, 385, 506, 531, 544, 548, Phil. 177, Phillipp 10, 555, Phillis 296, Rebecca 98, Robert 25, 78, 204, 217, 228, 235, 304, 317, 318, 322, 334, 355, 357, 366, 384, 388, 392, 400, 404, 467, 478, 487, 517, Roger 2, 374, 389, Richd. 23, 43, 47, 65, 66, 78, 83, 112, 123, 135, 148, 155, 157, 158, 161, 169, 172, 180, 182, 195, 200, 204, 212, 214, 215, 216, 230, 236, 271, 275, 279, 296, 327, 331, 357, 360, 369, 375, 390, 394, 405, 406, 412, 426, 455, 459, 468, 482, 520, 550, 551, 552, 565, Samll. 138, 206, 279, 323, 352, 369, 377, Sanders 129, Sarah 43, 115, 134, 180, 300, 314, 329, 339, 357, 418, 430, Silvester 144, Sph. 264, Susan 519, Susannah 203, 411, Symon 129, 163, 194, 199, Thomas 13, 15, 17, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 37, 41, 43, 46, 50, 63, 66, 70, 79, 81, 92, 97, 107, 110, 114, 115, 118, 126, 135, 142, 145, 150, 152, 209, 213, 222, 238, 249, 250, 259, 269, 274, 291, 297, 311, 324, 326, 350, 359, 377, 381, 399, 418, 429, 431, 436, 451, 453, 456, 459, 465, 482, 483, 484, 485, 499, 510, 517, 520, 564, Tobias 477, Toby 57, 125, 128, 151, 155, 162, 174, 209, 217, 239, 273, 291, 293, 304, 315, 319, 348, 350, 469, 503, 519, 521, 528, Ursula 56, 259, General Index 735 Uryas 172, Valent. 502, Vergis 427, William 3, 14, 28, 57, 58, 78, 152, 167, 168, 186, 198, 202, 208, 215, 218, 219, 228, 241, 246, 266, 275, 276, 279, 289, 290, 295, 309, 327, 352, 357, 367, 378, 381, 385, 387, 389, 416, 418, 462, 478, 505, 510, 515, 519, 552. Smith's Ford 126, 151, 155 . Smith's Fort, 175, 176, 177. Smith's Mount, 26, 32, 103. Smithcock, Henry 108. Smithell, Wm. 134. Smither, Geo. 255, 262. Smithey, John 310, 416. Smithfeild, Hen. 134. Smithouse, Jno. 557, 568, Mary 557, Susan 557, 568. Smithock, Henry 39. Smithnest, Edw. 143. Smithson, Tho. 303, Wm. 261, 337, 390, 394. Smithwicke, Hugh 129. Smithwood, Rob. 274. Smithy, John 272, 402. Smoggs Hole, place called 193. Smoocker, Wm. 343. Smoot, Wm. 184, 392, 393. Smyth, Jno. 151, Richd. 189, Toby 155. Smythwood, Robt. 166. Snackson, Mould 89. Snagy, Wm. 552. Snaile, Henry 76, 270, 332. Snallop, Wm. 510. Snape, Edd. 351, John 177. Snapes, Wm. 235. Snarsdell, Paul 525. Snart, Jno. 441. Snayle, Henry 76, 173. Snead, Alice 70, 224, Charles 391, 481, 487, 567, Richard 47, 376, Samuell 30, 47, 70, 204, 222, 224, 533, Wm. 483. Sneade, Alice 30, Chas. 345, John 266, Robt. 293, Samuell 30, Wm. 30. Sneale, Alice 51, Dorothy 51, Eliz. 51, Henry 51, John 51, Mary 51. Sneath, Edwd. 375, 426. Sneed, Peter 288, Wm. 492. Snede, John 21. Sneldon, Dyana 193. Snelgreene, Susan 107. Snell, John 339, 547, Mary 386. Snellen, John 141. Snelling, Mary 459, Richd. 248, Wm. 500. Snellinge, John 250, 349, 375, 376. Snellocke, Jon. 143. Snoddy, Dan. 302. Snodell, Wm. 291. Snoke, John 441, 500. Snow, Abram 463, Elfrid 453, Fran. 208, Geo. 183, Han. 501, Henry 42, 91, Leo. 559, Martha 69, Mary 209, Rich. 454, Tho. 218, 301. Snowdell, Jno. 469, Wm. 470. Snowson, John 118. Soale, Robt. 350. Soane, Eliz. 222, Henry 222, 240, 277, 291, 336, 394, 522, 563, John 222, Judeth 222, Mr. 387, William 8. Soanes, Henry 241, 280, 310, 337, 341, 444, 499, 506, 512, 548, Judeth 548, Mr. 263, 318, 327, 435. Soaper, Jno. 165, 307. Soare, Henry 323, Tho. 427. Sobderme, Jno. 385. Soccohack, Phillip 330. Solbey, Tho. 267. Solitree, Mary 433. Solivart, Dennis 324. Soil, Angues 196. Sollace, Saml. 278, 307, 308. Sollers, Robt. 524. Sollis, Roger 267, Saml. 265, 284, 416, 417, 440, 474. Solloman, Jo. 158. Solm, Peter 425. Soloman, Phillipp 358. Somerdon, Joane 543. Somers, Alex. 323. Somersale, Thomas 50, 86. Somersett, Tho. 434. Somerton, Jon. 231. Somerton, Danll. 558. Sones, Judeth 557. Soopson, Tho. 176. Sooter, John 185. Soper, Greg. 82. Soreland, Oliver 259, 297. Sorrell, John 166, 274, Robert 56, 166, 212, 220, 229, 240, 274, 323, 388, 492, Tho. 142, Tim. 468, Mr. 361, 492. Sorwell, Eliz. 153, Wm. 153. Sotone, Mary 513. Souch, Hugh 339. Soule, Wm. 260. Souleman, Margt. 564. South, Abram 458, Christ. 93, John 204, 318, 334, Sarah 491, Tobias 453, Wm. 324, 358, Za. 501. South Hampton Company 126. Southby, Jane 552. 736 Cavaliers and Pioneers Southell, Elizabeth 61, Henry 51, 61, 124, 125, Mr. 45. Southerby, Dan. 286. Southerne, Edw. 170, 183, 414, Henry 16, 62, John 8, 271, Judith 380, Sarah 312, 380, Thomas 24, 232, 339, 390. Southerne Colony of Va. 1. Southerland, Alex. 299, Gilbert 306, 308. Southerwood, Isaac 141, 268. Southfeild, James 482. Southwell, Henry 34, Eliz. 124. Sowards, W. 226. Sowerby, Francis 562, 563, James 563. Sowsey, John 273, 475. Spach, Edw. 140. Spackford Wm. 84. Spackman, Dorothy 27, Jon. 140, John 26, Joyce 27, Nath. 80, Rich. 25, 69, Rosemond 27. Spaine, Tho. 128. Spake, Thos. 189. Spakeman, John 26. Spakman, Nicho. 195. Spalding, Tho. 185. Span, John 506, Richd. 309, 368, 372, 395. Spanish fregat, the 85. Spann, Jno. 487, Richd. 259, 266, 347, 371, 373, 395, 424, Tho. 470, 482, 510, 514. Spark, Ann 22. Sparke, John 366, 447, Samll. 430, Sarah 292. Sparkes, Cutbert 196, Eliz. 196, Gartred 404, Grace 27, Jon. 31, John 27, 275, 425, 520, 561, Mary 27, Michaell 372, Mr. 143, Phill. 513, Wm. 222. Sparks, Francis 102, Jon. 29, John 283, 478, Thomas 101. Sparling, Richd. 198. Sparr, Walter 343. Sparrow, Alice 291, Chas. 181, 354, 504, Eliz. 371, Jeremy 387, John 254, Mr. 231, 232, 250, 543, Silvester 549, Tho. 37, 66, 120, 125, 228, 499, 560, Wm. 348. Sparrowe, Chas. 198, John 378. Sparshott, Edward 34, 45, 86, 93, 103, Susan 556. Spatch, Edw. 161. Spayford, Jno. 193. Speake, Col. 350, 351, 352, 362, 363, 364, 367, 405, 411, Mr. 252, 397, Tho. 207, 219, 251, 252, 299, 301, 304, 356, 371, 420, 474, 490, 523. Speare, Robt. 257. Spearman, Jam. 199. Speckman, John 275, 411, Tho. 236. Speechly, Eliz. 196. Speed, Edw. 453, Jeffery 323, 352, John 469, 558, Peter 209, Robt. 137, 185, Wm. 23. Speede, Henry 355. Speeke, Thomas 520. Speevy, Georp- 151. Speight, Francis 129. Speilmans, place called 72. Spell, Georg 335, 442, Mary 514. Spence, John 185, Patrick 373, Richard 181, Robt. 300, Wm. 161, 228, 241, 367. Spencer, Abraham 89, Alice 268, Anto. 456, Edw. 162, 190, Francis 152, 266, 324, James 271, Jane 559, Jon. 94, Jno. 339, Johnson 559, Kath. 148, Margery 513, Mary 324, 484, 427, Nath. 404, Nicho. 28, 81, 328, 341, 395, 547, Ralph 188, Richd. 222, Robt. 214, 554, Susan 246, Tho. 401, 472, 502, Walter 559, William 3, 4, 16, 28, 29, 70, 81, 99, 123, 137, 160, 241, 342, 442. Spencer's Hole, place called 3. Spender, Hannah 446. Spendlowe, Ralph 276. Spensor, Robt. 564. Spering, Joseph 94. Spery, Tho. 510. Spheere, Bridgett 198. Spice, Georg 102. Spicer, Edw. 146, 179, 352, 452, Peeter 335, Sam. 254, Tho. 372, 444, Wm. 229, 289, 330, 361. Spicor, Richd. 404. Spickman, Ralph 459. Spie, Francis 404. Spigh, Wm. 559. Spight, Edw. 484, Francis 203, 301, 388. Spike, Francis 479, 491, Hannah 528, Jane 517, Mr. 479. Spiller, Clemt. 366. Spillman, Jno. 483. Spilman, Anne 322, Jno. 465, Thomas 6, 156. Spilmore, Dorothy 547. Spiltamore, Wm. 342. Spiltimber, Antho. 562, Goodman 176, John 25, 185, 243, 366, 505, 374. Spincke, Tho. 165. Spinke, Robert 79. General Index 737 Spire, David 541, Margtt. 541. Spite, Wm. 557 . Spittlewood, Sarah 164. Spooner, Wm. 197. Spone, John 375. Spragge, Edw. 201, Richard 533. Spore, Alice 28. Spraggon, Radulph 154. Spragon, Ja. 242. Spraklin, Robt. 183. Sprason, Wm. 43. Spratlin, Susanna 353, 356. Spratt, Chas. 218, Mary 397, Sarah 500. Spreatt, John 282. Sprie, Oliver 117. Sprigge, Barnaby 372. Spring, Jos. 24, Paul 236, Ro. 239, Robert 23, 236, 540, Rose 220, 332, Wm. 457. Spring Bottom, the 549. Springs: Beech 323, Green 465, Han- cock's 566, Indian 329, Labour in Vaine 284, Porringers 334. Springer, Herbert 452. Springwell, Alice 285. Spritt, James 369. Sprond, Margt. 212. Sprons, John 188. Spront, Nich. 341. Sproud, Margt. 212. Sprous, John 188. Sprouse, Alice 141. Sprout, Nich. 341. Spruce, Mary 404, Nich. 404. Spry, Oliver 167, Mr. 241, Wm. 172. Sprye, Oliver 48, 73, 83, 99, 117, 155. Spuer, Margt. 148. Spur, Henry 453. Spurjoye, Geo. 117. Spurnell, Richd. 282. Spurrier, Michaell 47. Spurstoe, Jno. 480. Spurway, John 62. Spuy, Geo. 450. Square, John 294. Squire, John 294, 366, Robt. 75, Wm. 339. Squires, Nich. 300. Srevin, Jno. 382. Srovell, Sarah 176. Stacey, Eliz. 493. Stacie, Eliza. 145, Geo. 143. Stackhowse, Robt. 43, 47, 55. Stacy, Geo. 47, 65, 339. Stafferton, Peter 33, 88, 50. Staffleson, Stoffle 198. Stafford, Christo. 33, Francis 164, Mr. 283, 499, Peter 280, Rebecca 33, William 20, 33, 41, 114. Stages, place called 35, 55. Stagg, Fra. 502, Robt. 514. Stainer, Margtt. 562. Staines,Geo.247,509,Mary501,Tho.l53. Staininbrow, John 300 . Stainoe, Tho, 153. Stakes, John 510. Stale, John 276. Stall, Nich. 501. Stalling ^ Nich. 32, 103. "Stallinge, Nich. 324. Stalls, John 153. Stalmy, Wm. 191. Stamfast, James 264. Stamford, Edwd. 525. Stammer, Danll. 254. Stamp, Thomas 95, 102, 110, 115, 128, 144, 156, 168, 428, 457, Wm. 441, 448. Stampe, Thomas 102, 256, 426. Stan, Paul 545. Stanawayes, Mr. 393. Stanbye, John 111. Standen, Griff. 249. Standfast, Jane 523. Standford, Abra. 301. Standish, Dorothy 35, 100, Geo. 148, Ja. 171, Stephen 72, Wm. 405. Standley, Thos. 564. Standly, Alice 315. Standy, Hugh 134. Stanes, Ja. 481. Stanfast, Mary 264. Stanfeild, Lawr. 167, Symon 23. Stanford, Ann 78, 312, Jeremy 554, Judith 523, Martha 545, Nell 279, Rich. 400, Vincent 291, 293, 300, 334, 335, 339, 350, 356, 365, 374, 411, 443, 472. Stanfort, Hugh 249. Stankey, Francis 192 . Stanks, James 131. Stanley, Alice 275, Christo. 259, George 334, Hen. 341, John 121, Wm. 179, 183, 482. Stanlin, Darby 366. Stanly, Adam 239, Geo. 430, Hugh 225, Jean 553, Judith 311, Tho. 399, 555, Wm. 302, 549. Stanmer, Ann 205. Stannenite, Anne 341. Stannerd, Wm. 265. Stannes, Geo. 247. Stanney, Robt. 45. Stanning, Ann 306. Stannop, Mary 529. 738 Cavaliers and Pioneers Stannopp, Isaack 381. Stanny, Joan 154, Thomas 554. Stanton, Christopher 98, Danll. 466, Henry 253, Mary 232, 243, 309, 318, Rich. 307, 358, 520, Robt. 137, 321, Tho. 152, Wm. 321. Stanup, John 471. Stany, Henry 549, Jno. 549, Robt. 129, Tho. 393 . Stanly Hundred, (See Hundreds) 81, 315. Staple, Eliz. 512, James 352, Robt. 558. Stapler, Robt. 517. Staples, Alice 344, Eliza. 215, James 325, Jno. 353, 523, Penelope 358, Richd. 196, 317, 428, 475, 492. 4 Stapleton, Tho. 430. Starch, Wm. 116. Starchey, Peeter 331. Stardy, Edwd. 302. Stare, John 245, Tho. 385. Starford, Margt. 122. Starkey, Abram 499, Peter 519, Phi. 268, Wm. 463. Starky, Peter 272, Wm. 274. Starling, Isaac 481, James 269, 415, Rich. 489, Wm. 170, 435, 534. Starlinge, Richd. 228, 297. Starnell, Richd. 123, 170, 172, 234, 255, 269, 274, 286, 314. Starpe, Tho. 428. Starr, Ann 272, Eliz. 133, Susan 322. Start, Wm. 549. St. Andrew, Gloyd 89. St. Clare, Neale 301. St. John, Tho. 519, Wm. 353. State Howse, (See Houses) 177, 305. Stafford, Lowry 459. Stathard, Pet. 198. Statherd, Fra. 300. Statly, Jona. 446. Stayle, Rich. 31, 84. Stayres, the, place called 189. Stead, Doratha 536, Geo. 558, Jno. 363. Steal, Susan 530. Steare, Joan 296. Steares, Tho. 462. Sted, Susan 530. Stedman, Robert 357, 434. Stee, Francis 133. Steed, David 368, John 208, 558, 562, Rich. 430, Thos. 189, 213, 226, 381, 384, 400, 556. Steede, Tho. 383. Steel, Eliz. 428, Richard 369. Steele, Eliz. 189, Henry 178, Jane 520, 562, Jeffery 78, 378, Margt. 506, Tho. 132. Steephens, Thos. Ill, 284. Steere, John 244, Thomas 544. Steeres, Robt. 205. Steerman, Tho. 245, Wm. 366. Steers, Robert 80. Steevens, Amy 362, Ann 212, 309, Antho. 216, Edw. 303, 318, John 200, 209, 212, 282, 336, Richd. 185, 192, Tho. 204, 254, 263, 274, Wm. 199, 280, 324. Steevenson, And. 198. Stefferton, Francis 24. Stegg, Law. 353, Thomas 52, 59, 118, 119, 154, 230, 425, 478, 485, 537. Steines, George 550. Stelet, Tho. 195. Stell, Clement 218. Stella, Johanna 313. Stellson, Andrewe 369. Stelington, Jno. 452. Stelman, Nich. 397. Stenninns, Jno. 508. Stenton, Wm. 450. Stensby, Antho. 43, 47. Stensbye, Anthony 55, 56, Robert 56. Stephens, Abra. 481, Andrew 385, 462, Anne 324, 467, 526, 536, Antho. 297, 362, 363, 384, 388, 411, 425, 428, 477, 519, 526, 550, Archelass 65, 82, Capt. 21, Daniell 374, 544, Edw. 296, 337, 426, 481, Ellinor 516, Elizabeth 48, 50, 72, 108, Fortree 554, Fra. 358, Garrance 137, Garrett 127, 153, Henrv 93, 559, Isaack 462, Jon. 81, 138, 244, John 24, 373, 375, 454, 478, 564, Margt. 306, 530, Mary 306, 334, 393, 401, 441, 468, 526, 557, Peter 65, 114, 536, Phillipp 54, 358, Richard 2, 3, 16, 48, 62, 80, 90, 97, 113, 144, 288, 398, 518, 526, Ro. 197, Robt. 431, Roger 370, Samll. 48, 113, 149, 250, 543, Tho. 26, 52, 100, 111, 112, 155, 170, 231, 293, 304, 335, 340, 350, 370, 399, 401, 411, 437, 440, 485, 491, 519, 521, Tobias 165, Wm. 171, 173, 252, 288, 314, 324, 339, 346, 358, 396, 401, 415, 427, 524, 526, 527, 558. Stephenson, Andrew 367, Ann 49, Edw. 31, 86, 121, Tho. 384, Wm. 338. Stepping, Danl. 196, 464, Jonathan 464. Stereman, Richard 546. Sterkey, Peter 180, 181. Sterling, James 269, Tho. 317, Wm. 329. Sterman, Richard 546, 563, Thos. 193. Sternall, Richard 90. Sterne, Henry 375, Hen. 425. General Index 739 Sternell, Eliz. 386, Richd. 477. Sternes, Dorothy 212. Stersmore, Ann 240. Stethell, Elizabeth 61. Stetting, Thomas 527. Steuard, Joseph 291. Stevely, Adam 21. Steven, Richd. 220, Wm. 44. St event, Mary 536. Stevens, Andrew 402, 541, 547, Ann 527, Antho. 411, 450, Edw. 554, Elizabeth 72, Henry 69, 463, James 397, John 381, Mary 426, 479, Mathew 527, Mary 541, 544, 549, Mr. 408, Peter 528, Richard 67, 72, Susanna 546, Tho. 270, 411, Walter 549, Wm. 28, 71, 412, 442, 525, 537, 542, 544, 545, 549, 553, 562. Stevenson, Christ. 65, David 520, John 428, Phill. 278, Ral. 362, Wm. 551. Steward, Alice 444, Andrew 538, Chas. 42, Chas. 106, David 264, Edw. 465, 483, Elinor 318, James 218, John 111, 168, 216, 267, 443, 444, 452, Neal 309, Pat. 308, Roger 324, Susan 528, 562, Tho. 428, Wm. 545, 548. Stewardson, Alice 170, Alex. 183. Stewart, Peter 401. Stewkly, Alice 552, Tho. 454. Stibbs, John 170. Stiderick, Robt. 157. Stidwell, Thomas 46, 171. Stiff, Jno. 545. Stile, Hugh 168. Stiles, Eliz. 293, 329, 562, Nathl. 112, Robt. 147. Stillard, William 311. Stillger, Antho. 207. Stills, Thomas 541. Stillwell, Nicholas 135, 486, land of 133. Stilt, Bar. 324, 352. Stilwell, Roger 341. Stinett, Richd. 129. Stinger, Peter 142. Stingsby, Robert 51. Stinson, Mary 422. Stint, Thomas 564. Stinton, Henry 253, Wm. 450. Stiples, Wm. 377. Stipthorpe, Hen. 178. Stirgies, John 452, 515. Stith, Geo. 419, John 490, 493. Stoakes, Amy 521, Christopher 26, 29, 65, 75, 81, 89, Fra. 373, Kath. 501, Law. 254, Luke 431, Peter 385, Robt. 28, Walter 382 . Stockdale, Edw. 123, Rich. 439. Stockdell, Edward 74, John 25. Stockden, Edw. 31, Jonas 9, 12, 19, Tymothy 96. Stocke, Danll. 121 . Stockeley, Eliz. 454, Francis 53, 73, Jno. 455. Stockell, Jane 160. Stocker, John 134, 146, Wm. 3. Stockey, Francis 535. Stockley, Francis 52, 217, John 217. Stockly, Jno. 554. Stockton, Jonas 12. Stockwell, Lawr. 344, Margt. 244, Rose 205, Tho. 291. Stoddon, Wm. 24. Stodon, Wm. 54. Stoe, Jane 252. Stoell, John 364. Stogdell, John 209. Stoicks, Robt. 568. Stoile, John 367, 382. Stoke, Jno. 345. Stokeley, Jno. 454. Stokely, Francis 360, 363. Stokes, Ann 419, Christo. 53, 65, 69, 75, 76, 81, Eliz. 76, 342, Henry 76, James 283, Lancellott 81, Robert 81, Silvester 378, Thomas 102. Stoller, Robt. 452. Stomer,Alexr.47,68,69,74, 97, 101, 108. Ston, Andrew 358. Stonar, Alexr. 28, 29. Stonard, Joseph 291. Stone, Abram 548, Andrew 28, 400, 401, Ann 527, Anthony 536, Capt. 123, 290, Edw. 129, 196, 307, 554, Elizabeth 10, Francis 65, Geo. 255, Hannah 281, Hen. 74, 444, 455, James 53, 169, 344, 527, 528, Jere- miah 37, Jerimy 63, John 4, 403, 437, 547, 557, Joyce 142, Mary 440, 525, 527, 537, 559, Mathew 213, Maxmillian 10, Moyses 82, Nicholas 190, Peter 541, 547, 549, 554, Richd. 254, 349, Robt. 291, 316, 351, 440, Susan 442, Susanna 527, William 27, 59, 77, 115, 135, 157, 183, 229, 264, 268, 294, 312, 383, 396, 408, 414, 419, 427, 431, 455, 480, 530, 545, 549, 554, 555, 556, 558. Stonehill, Anne 262. Stoner, Alexr. 33, 145, 159, 162, 177, 183, James 554, Jane 29, Peter 527. Stonner, Alexander 58, 266, John 155. Ston ward, Jose. 405. Stoole, Tho. 132. Stoops, Jno. 561. 740 Cavaliers and Pioneers Stoout, Anne 283. Stope, Miles 517. Stoppee, Sa. 220. Store, Henry 562, James 556, John 548, Peter 549, 553, 554, 558, 559, 560, 563, 566, Wm. 549. Store, Col. Lee's 330. Stores, Jno. 564, Mary 544. Storey, Wm. 129, 130, 160, 262, Robt. 201. Storie, Peter 429, Wm. 168, 327, 480. Storrey, Jo. 197, Wm. 197. Story, Dorothy 174, Edw. 559, Eliz. 484, Francis 175, 525, James 307, 543, John 133, Peter 403, 484, 490, 557, Robert 25, Tho. 448, 523, 559, Wm. 137, 160, 166, 169, 174, 489, 518, 528, 530, 554. Stoton, Anthony 70. Stott, Brian 514, Bryan 448, 458, Bryant 459, Hen. 291, Tho. 459. Stout, Mary 302, Tho. 83, 173, 202, 230, 415. Stoute, Jane 313, John 28, Ro. 369, Tho. 117, 141. Stoughton, Samuell 162, 163. Stow, John 300, 453, Peter 547, Tho. 488, Wm. 401. Stowe, John 182. Stowell, Jonath. 286, Joseph 342, Ralph 129. Stowt, Thomas 105. Stowther, Phill. 279. Strader, Richd. 171. Strahan, Alex. 374. Straine, Fardinando 514. Straing, Wm. 100. Strand, Abram 480. Strang, Benj. 467, 516, 566, Mary 556, Susan 556, Tho. 432, 521. Strange, Benj. 243, 270, Jacob 464, 472, 523, Wm. 35, 127. Stranger, Nich. 102. Stratboule, Rich. 29. Stratbridge, Tho. 296. Stratchy, Edmond 214. Stratford, Wm. 357. Strathen, John 209. Stratlen, John 209. Strattford, Mary 357. Stratton, A. 295, Benj. 418, Eliza. 192, Henry 125, John 92, 111, 112, 141, 210, 262, 328, Joseph 25, 111, 225, 391, 491, Lucy 447, Richd. 222, Sarah 188, Sisley 170, Tho. 295, 353, 356, 418, 435, Walter 307, 269, 415. Strawberry Bancke, place called: 8, 11, 12, 18, 62, 70, 122, 127, 173. Strawberry Land, the 165. Stray, Jno. 384. Streate, Antho. 28, 81, Kath. 459, William 7, Capt. 372. Str eater, Edward 358. Streatly, Mary 232. Streaton, Geo. 344. Strecher, Andr. 45. Strechey, Edmond 167, Rose 39. Stretcher, James 201. Stretchleigh, James 201. Stretfild, Tho. 254. Strettle, James 389. Stretton, Geo. 197. Streues, Wm. 264. Strey, Oliver 92. Street, Antho. 452, Eliza. 267, 271, Humph. 199, 314, Jno. 492, Robt. 207, Richd. 249, Tho. 454, 525. Streete, Elizabeth 369, Fra. 268, Tho. 91, 245. Streets, Ann 89. Stricland, Walter 551. Stringer, Ann 524, Edwd. 339, James 172, John 213, 418, 434, 435, 463, 524, 533, 549, 551, 557, Lettice 235. Strulton, Wm. 81. Strutton, Wm. 81. Stroake, Roger 428. Strobridge, Xtop. 454. Strong, Andrew 542, 563, Ann 480, Edw. 36, 80, James 140, 254, Mary 198, 556, Peter 425, Wm. 327, 556. Stronge, Abra. 252, Alexr. 208, Leonard 324, 382, William 322, 323, 364, 387. Strood, Wm. 375, 425, 468. Strotter, Mathew 267. Stroud, Jno. 430, Tho. 199, 273, 426. Strouder, Wm. 371, 435. Stroule, Jane 209, Walter 209. Strowd, Tho. 139. Strowder, Wm. 371. Strowther, D. 450. Stuard, James 220. Stuarson, Peter 544. Stuart, Henry 254, Jno. 548, Oneale 275, Robt. 262, Walter 256. Stub, Samll. 545. Stubb, Jno. 341, Simon 509. Stubberd, Jon. 228. Stubbers, Susan 363. Stubbert, John 315. Stubbs, Daniell 72, 158, Georg 350, General Index 741 Honford 61, Izabell 60, 86, Kath. 552, Wm. 464. Stuble, Richd. 256. Stuchans, Lin (King of Eastern Shore) 75. Stuckey, Jno. 443. Stuckley, Eliz. 455, Jno. 454. Studdell, Tho. 302. Studson, John 413. Stukely, James 113. Stunnerson, Sarah 148. Sturdevant, John 273. Sturdey, James 273. Sturdivant, Jno. 508, Mary 561. Sturdge, Ri. 196. Sturges, Symon 55, 147. Sturman, Ann 492, Edm. 512, Henry 462, Richd. 492, 546, Tho. 492. Sturrupp, Jno. 167. Styam, John 181. Styles, Jane 183, John 140. Suaile, Henry 76. Sualter, Jellett 102. Suart, Jno. 441. Suayle, Henry 76. Substance, Ann 290. Subtill, Hen. 265, 304. Succor, Henry 191. Such, George 328. Sucker, Wm. 203. Suckett, Edwd. 393, 426, John 481. Sudbury, Robert 99. Suddon, David 389. Sudwell, Hen. 229. Sueale, Alice 51, Dorothy 51, Eliz. 51, Henry 51, John 51, Mary 51. Suelgreene, Susan 107. Suell, Mary 386. Suellett, John 141. Suellivant, Dorman 552. Suer, James 450, Mary 546. Suite, Robt. 427. Sulley, Thomas 10. Sullivan, Elizabeth 319, Onory 336. Sully, Thomas 3. Sumer, Ben. 325, Jane 388. Sumers, Miles 68, Robert 104. Sumerville, Garrett 109. Summer, Richard 99. Summers, Alex. 85, Edw. 559. Summons, Jeff. 446. Sumner, Eliz. 218, Mary 249. Sumpson, Alex. 300. Sunden, Wm. 554. Sunkler, Alex. 285. Suran, Wm. 397. Sures, Saml. 178. Surfleete, Tho. 385. Surgis, Jno. 452. Surlin, Robt. 404. Surlinge, Mary 385. Surlock, Jno. 495. Surly, Jno. 543. Surtue, Wm. 214. Surtur, Wm. 382. Surveyors: 70, 105, 143, 155, 160, 325, 331. Susan, Wm. 544. Sussett, John 499. Sutor, Peter 401. Sutten, Ann 428. Sutton, Annis 121, Eliza. 254, 263, Geo. 133, John 131, 271, 462, Jon. 244, Nath. 512, Rich. 83, 103, 108, 109, 115, Robt. 51, 251, Tho. 143, 331, 463, Wm. 24, 54, 133. Sutch, Geo. 251. Swadlin, Kath. 189. Swaine, Ann 97, Pet. 194, Stephen 23, Tho. 97, 256. Swallow, Henry 453. Swam, Samll. 61. SWAMPS: Acquintenokes 502, Aposcoke 520, Aquintanio 409, Aquintenocoe 542, Araciaco 347, 502, Aracyaco 304, 310, 314, 325, 338, 346, 517, Arrakeco 381, 505, 506, Arrow Reed 40, 109, 295, 363, 494, 540, •543, 568, Arsantan 335, Assatiam 394, 424, Ashen 125, 166, 273, 352, 549. Barren Neck 286, Beech 514, Besses 505, Bigwood 449, Birthin 202, Blacke 500, Black Water 302, 517, 561, 562, 564, Bloys 464, Boyling Spring 428, Breeman's 262, Bridge 484, 508, Briery 246, 477, Brushes 357, 404, Bryery 112, 133, 234, Burchen 238, 250, 339, 348, 385, 386, 392, 404, 465, 470, 501, Burcher 219. Cattaile 241, 243, 270, 347, 433, 528, Cattayle 342, Chichahominy 348, 360, 386, 403, 408, 458, 464, 465, 467, 470, 484, 485, 502, 505, 513, Cole's 202, Court 157, 439, 458, Cowpen 393, 467, 516, Coxes 514, 550, Cranage's 444, Crany 505, Crooked 262, 517, Cross 534, Cypress 80, 125, 248, 365, 393, 434, 450, 475, 514, 562, 566. Deep 255, 416, Diascan 342, 360, 386, 403, 409, 464, 470, Divills 742 Cavaliers and Pioneers Woodyard 380, Doctors 154, Drag- gon 408, 475, 478, 506, 520, 527, 541, 545, 568, Drinking 151, 310, 406, 474, 517. Elme 475, Exalls 541, Exolls 541. Flinton's 547. Galcknie 512, Gallowes 154, Great 391, 408, 474, Green 88, 89, 137, 228, 239, 462, 511, 566. Gutter 333. Hackadays 243, Hartquack 476, 541, Hoarcock 370, 409, 466, Hocca- dayes 367, Hoppole 521. Horseleys 305, Hucklebury 49. Indian 303, 323, 329. Julians 329. Kenecock 137, Killmans Beaver Dam 472, Kings Creek 502, Kiscohonsicke 336. Lime Hill 40, 68. Maiden 141, 216, 267, 511, Marra- quinoe 444, Matchemeed 229, 496, Mattapony 357, 423, Mattaquinces 505, Mattassux 399, 401, Mayden 95, 100, 117, Middle Way 22, 90, 94, Mill 140, 166, 253, 324, 399, 440, 505, 508, 518, 520, 548, Milne 243, 330, Montassup 386, 387, Muskemino 475, Muzazin 528. Nansenin 565. Oaken 326, 443, Ohoreek 303, 329, Old Feild 547, 563, Old Mill 288, 474, Otterdam 151, 275. Paces 439, Pascatticon 369, 370, Pates 157, 470, Peanketanke 330, 359, 366, 370, 376, 394, 401, 412, 433, 448, 451, 467, 490, 515, 518, 566, Pease Hill 564, Pegion 465, Pid- geon 386, 566, Pine 504, Piny 116, 443, Pitch & Tar 340, 356, 451, Poetan 173, 282, 294, 415, 428, 473, 490, Pohatan 389, 390, 414, Pond 179, Pope's 545, Poropotancke 219, 300, 322, 323, 337, 377, 484, 490, 508, Powakei 440, Powetan 15, 97, 104, 143, 230, 246, 282, 338, Powhite 408, 458, Pyanke- tanke 361, 394, 466, 494, 506, Pynie 116, 354. Rappa Cr. 396, Reedy 202, 267, 340, 393, 458, 490, 515, 519, 564, Round Island 152, 186, the Great 511. Seward's 561, Simpson's 318, Sipres 465, Skemino 291, 311, 377, 473, Snake 341, Stones 542, Sympson's 508. Tarpitt 341, Tassitiomp 541, Three Myle 151, Timber 246, 285, 361, Tomacorecon 440, Tottopottomoyes 450, Toweywick 409, Towyent 484, 485, Tuccasion 559, Tuckahow 500, Tutties Neck 317, Tyascun 342, 411, 470, 506, 513, 548, Tymber Neck 285, 511. Wanrrieoake 403, Warreny 347, 404, 458, 563, Waynoke 493, Weeke- noskeekicke 336, Weir River 488, Weyanoke 472, Weywick 409, Whiteings 510, White Oak 526, Whorecock 366, 368, 369, 377, 380, 381, 565, Winkepin 370. Swamp parting Charles City & Surry Counties 511. Swamp parting Surry & James City Counties 492. Swan, Alice 450, Col. 519, Edwd. 32, 103, Fra. 265, Jane 542, Jon. 32, John 103, 430, Thos. 32, 90, 105, 326, 402, 457, 520, Tompson 110, Wm. 90, 103. Swane, Samll. 61. Swaney, Eliz. 352. Swann, Ann 183, Geo. 262, Martha 25, Richd. 160, Thomas 103, 148, 386, 465, 348, 391. Swanson, Robt. 118, 183. Swarfe, Francisco 545. Swart, Susan 541, Tymothy 542. Swayne, Sith 165. Sweet, Geo. 249, Jno. 538, Mary 449, Wm. 290. Sweetaple, Geo. 214. Sweete, John 128, 140, 147, Robert 13, Wm. 142. Sweeting, Jno. 441. Sweetman, Margaret 329. Sweett, Wm. 525. Sweft, Tho. 130. Swellfent, Dennis 430. Sweney, Elizabeth 318, Mary 318. Sweno, Tho. 276. Sweny, Edmond 318, Eliz. 318. Swett, Robert 94. Swife, Jon. 40. Swift, Joan 448, Jon. 69, Jno. 523, Tho. 105. Swillevant, Ann 439. Swilliams, Corn 131. Swillivan, Cornelius 62. Swillivant, Dennis 443, 460, 502, Dor- man 551. Swinborne, Barth. 31, Barthol. 84, Wm. 479. General Index 743 Swinburne, Wm. 311. Swindall, Tho. 291. Swingleton, John 267. Syacknell, Wm. 359. Syarlocke, Mary 270. Sybley, Chas. 196. Sybsey, John 179. Sydney, John 155. Syer, Tho. 197. Sykamore, Jon. 78. Sykes, John 57, Jon. 140. Syler, Robert 70. Sym, Fra. 220. Symbee, Wm. 62. Symcocks, Alex. 220. Symds, Thos. 245. Symes, Wm. 388. Symker, Tho. 172. Symkins, Tho. 266. Symmonds, Jno. 526. Symmons, Edw. 136, Francis 526, Gil- bert 77, Roger 58, 136, Symon 78, 495, 518, 543, Thomas 58, 77, 155, 383, 522. Symon, Eliz. 195, Jon. 28. Symonds, Gilbert 20, 156, Richard 182, Symon 148, 197, Thos. 152, 177, Wm. 198, 219, 566. Symons, Arthur 432, Francis 99, 149, 185, 208, 235, 379, 503, Gama. 177, Gilbert 38, 133, Hen. 85, 89, Jane 363, James 492, Jon. 57, 150, John 327, 526, Richard 81, 209, 271, 364, 383, Robt. 491, Roger 375, Sarah 130, Symon 172, 237, 316, 317, 327, 396, 463, 497, Thos. 41, 42, 54, 57, 58, 82, 96, 103, 115, 156, 258, 261, 304, 397, 468, Thompson 358, Wm. 236, 238, 283, 501. Sympson, Anna 381, Dan. 190, Edw. 204, Jno. 394, 458. Syms, Benjamin 21, 52, 98, Wm. 368. Symson, Edw. 216, John 207, Seth 218, Susan 378, Thos. 157, 183, 213, Wm. 376. Synsbury, Ro. 294. Sypsey, John 7. Sysone, John 282. Tab, Humphrey 333, Mary 449. Tabb, Ann 461, Humphry 77, 90, 135, 159, 175, 223, 263, 297, 333, 396, 442, 505, 521,Tho. 150, 505, Wm. 480. Taberer, Anne 277, Joshua 278 ,Tho. 277, 278, 504. Tablet, Fra. 476. Tabolt, Wm. 526. Tabor, John 120. Tabott, Geo. 57, Wm. 526. Tabrer, Ann 247. Tacker,Danll.223John208,Michaell359. Taffe, John 296. Tagle, William 319. Tahall, Derman 229- Tailor, Henry 399, 437, Wm. 286. Takes, Margt. 216. Talbot, Ann 488, Rich. 429. Talbott, Ann 305, Henry 375, Hercules 300, John 138, 259, Peter 130, 225, Sarah 309, 381, Tho. 369, Wm. 259, 266, 348, 397, Jon. 138. Taliafro (or Talifer) Robert 548. Tallifro, Robert 548. Talin, Mich. 428. Talker, Geo. 212 . Tall, Jaco. 469, Wm. 281, 332 . Tallin, Patr. 275. Talley, Eliza. 88. Tailing, Patrick 97. Tallock, James 99. Tallott, John 191. Tally, Elias 79, Eliza. 41, Jno. 359, Tho. 493 . Tarn, Martin 92. Tame, Henry 140. Tanco, Tho. 432. Tandey, Wm. 196. Tandy, Willi. 149. Tane, Henry 149. Taner, Jno. 486, Marg. 464. Tanner, Ann 446, Barbary 29, Daniell 75, 111, 156, 175, 327, 329, 331, Edwd. 358, 433, 562, Elizabeth 355, James 339, 390, John 364, 412, 444, Mary 325, Richard 437, Thomas 354, 504, Tobias 129, Wm. 375, 426. Taplady, John 182. Tapp, Tho. 147 . Tappahannah, place called 8, 143. Tappahanna Marsh 25, 55, 167. Tappahannah, Territorie of 8. Tapper, Ed. 538. Tappin, Ann 520, Hen. 142, 365, 519, Jno. 402, 520, 538. Tapt, John 429. Taram, Jno. 558. Tarbooke, Robt. 140. Tard, Ro. 342. Tarin, Tho. 563. Tarley, Tho. 497. Tarling, Richard 48, 124. Tarlinge, Richd. 267. Tarlton, Roger 433, Stephen 472, 506. 744 Cavaliers and Pioneers Tarner, Jno. 388, Tho. 388. Tarp, Tho. 440, Wm. 430. Tarpin, Simon 486. Tarpley, James 431. Tarrey, Tho. 118, Elizabeth 339, 390. Tarsey, Nicho. 342. Tart, Elnathan 430, Hanan 549, Jno. 554, Tho. 528, Wm. 547. Tarton, Amey 514. Tarvy, Tho. 391 . Tasker, Goodman 228, 441, John 249. Taslett, Fran. 431. Tassell, Robt. 27, 65. Tassiopumps, 457. Tassue, Isab. 255. Tassy, Wm. 508. Tate, James 275, John 535. Tatem, John 559, 563. Tatlar, Eliz. 513. Tatman, Silvester 366. Tatnam, Silvester 17. Tatne, George 549. Tattapottomoyes, 393. Tattapaixsack Spring, 542. Tattopecksick Feild 366. Tatton, Mary 528, Jno. 554, Robt. 538, Thomas 541, 559. Tatum, Ann 93, Mary 93, Nathaniell 89, 93, 94, 116, 117, 128, 186, 281, 298, 466, 469, 472, 505, Ralph 137. Taultry, Tho. 525. Taverne, Francis 139, 262. Tavernor, Dan. 290, Giles 121, 209, 288, 522, Jno. 456, Wm. 459. Tawkerd, Ann 528. Tawney, Ann 318. Tawson, Eliz. 308. Tawtan, Tho. 349. Tayloe, Joseph 281, Wm. 122. Taylor, Abra. 291, Agness 425, Alice 281, An 562, Anna 119, Ann 163, 251, 293, 294, 378, Anthony 72, 341, Arthur 55, 137, 517, Capt. 216, 284, Col. 519, Ed. 562, Edith 184, 460, Edmond 350, Elias 110, 119, 130, 163, 172, 199, Ellin 311, Eliz. 125, 153, 559, Fra. 311, 479, 552, Georg 57, 112, 192, 197, 201, 223, 246, 320, 337, 530, 557, Giles 89, Guy 69, Henry 27, Hugh 429, 476, Isabell 399, Jacob 476, James 91, 148, 156, 183, 193, 205, 455, 552, Jane 150, 452, John 5, 28, 33, 42, 75, 76, 89, 100, 171, 176, 198, 203, 218, 221, 259, 263, 274, 289, 300, 301, 310, 315, 322, 336, 343, 361, 382, 437, 442, 461, 475, 476, 479, 494, 499, 505, 508, 513, 520, 545, Jone 458, Katherin 191, Major 307, Margt. 153, Mary 190, 294, 422, 426, 464, 521, Mathew 278, Mr. 167, 225, 401, 491, 554, Nicho. 192, Peter 135, Phil. 150, Phillip 74, 259, 313, Ralph 142, 518, Richard 88, 198, 213, 249, 315, 449, 516, 548, 565, Robert 79, 110, 141, 148, 166, 203, 211, 334, 518, 520, Samll. 57, 280, 452 ,456, 533, 553, 555, Stephen 153, 314, 439, Symon 194, Thomas 4, 24, 37, 54, 58, 65, 67, 109, 116, 122, 129, 138, 141, 149, 158, 198, 216, 276, 326, 374, 429, 439, 460, 485, 523, 538, Walter 307, 336, Wm. 40, 76, 89, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 109, 115, 122, 125, 142, 172, 176, 186, 208, 213, 215, 218, 230, 276, 330, 331, 357, 376, 387, 400, 410, 412, 419, 455, 468, 507, 508, 516, Xtopr. 158, Zachariah 66, 95, 434. Taylor, a 19. Taylor's Feild 434. Taylour, Abra. 405, 455, Edmond 391, Edw. 484, George 424, 431, John 400, 437, Joane 453, Phillip 434, 435, Stephen 422, Thomas 434, 471, 510, Walter 419, Wm. 405, 407, 413, 419, 435, 493. Teage, John 358, 416, Mary 406. Teagg, Geo. 272, John 273 . Teages, John 244. Teagle, Brian 331, Tho. 264, 276, 338, 357, 412, 413, 418, 532. Teague Dennis 312, Geo. 426, Jno. 472. Teakby, Judith 528. Teakle, Tho. 260. Teale, Edw. 488. Tealter, Walt. 189. Tedman, Ralph 558. Tedmund, Edm. 176. Teddy, Richard 543. Tee, Abigail 528. Teeling, Francis 309. Teexwell, Robt. 463. Telgate, Humiliation 183. Telyo,, Phill. 533. Temperance, John 131. Tempest, Edw. 253, 454, Robt. 30. Temple, Ed. 553, James 430, Jno. 514, Mary 240, Thomas 446. Tenches, Edward 58. Tengood, Richd. 225. Tenman, Robert 51. Tennant, Christopher 27. Tenner, Benja. 153. General Index 745 Tennian, Phill. 220. Tenricke, James 245. Tentford, Br. 154. Teppett, Robt. 25. Tero, John 207. Terrall, Tho. 501. Terrell, Edward 369, 386, Katherine 190, Rich. 386, 392, Richmond 465, Robt. 342, Tho. 55. Terrill, Arthur 447, Jane 268, Rich- mond 342, 403. Terry, Dor. 228, Gabriell 215, Glan- nell 328, John 132, 152, 182, Richd. 559,Sarah285,Thos.565,Wm.280,315. Tett, Wm. 373. Teverton, Bridgett 563. Tew, John 207. Teye, Kath. 218. Thacker, C. C. 232, Dorothy 404, Edm. 347, Hen. 141, 213, 264, John 195, Silvester 150, 197, 404. Thamnes, Ralph 153. Tharnam, Xtopr. 548. Tharpp, William 312. Thacher, Silvester 190, 192, 202, 315, 319, 376, 384, 429, 430, 442, 557, Wm. 248, 305, 308, 311, 333, 399, 431, 435, 436, 439, 462, 487, 569. Theboult, Clemt. 149. Thelaball, James 221. Theriott, Dominick 359. Thetcher, Silv. 419. Thicketts: Hull's 331, 369, Huttlebury (or Hucclebury) 468, the Long 342, Northward Neck 564, the 179. Thickpenny, John 290. Thinn, Frederick 435, William 524. Thimbleby, Rich. 32, 103. Thistlewite, Samll. 517. Tholinson, Tho. 280. Thomas, Abra. 182, 239, 544, Ailce 201, Alice 443, Ann 506, 558, Arinde 328, Capt. 357, Christ. 75, 106, Danl. 196, David 398, 463, 512, 545, Edmd. 190, Edwd. 189, 207, 214, 559, 562, Elin 190, Eliza. 56, 74, 260, 352, 472, 233, Evan 236, 238, Fra. 277, 326, 403, Gabrell 175, Geo. 254, 271, Grace 292, 316, Griffin 359, Hen. 60, 148, Hoell 312, Hugh 376, Humphry 546, 548, James 220, 453, Jane 435, Jenken 516, Joane 253, John 45, 65, 73, 99, 102, 110, 128, 144, 171, 178, 181, 182, 185, 220, 230, 267, 282, 284, 295, 297, 326, 377, 405, 416, 417, 450, 468, 475, 480, 507, 546, Jon. 78, 133, Kath. 220, Lazarus 91, 317, 350, Lowry 94, Marke 41 6, Margaret 60, Mary 148, 381, 429, 456, 547, 562, 568, Maudlin 384, 388, Morgan 197, $46, Nath. 10, Nich. 341, Phillipp 69, 238, 261, Richard 25, 107, 133, 190, 214, 243, 291, 377, 443, Robt. 24, 54, 110, 137, 194, 296, Roger 190, 319, Rowland 383, Sarah 238, Stephen 536, Susan 455, Sym. 175, Thomas 56, 196, Tho. ap 563, Thorand 290, Walt. 479, Wm. 33, 107, 138, 144, 148, 175, 177, 180, 187, 196, 213, 214, 227, 229, 237, 250, 253, 257, 263, 268, 278, 281, 283, 300, 301, 304, 308, 309, 312, 325, 332, 339, 352, 372, 373, 375, 386, 395, 398, 403, 409, 420, 423, 424, 428, 433, 436, 451, 462, 463, 485, 502, 514, 531, 532, 548, 549, 553, 558, 559, 564, 565. Thomason, William 59, 196. Thomblin, Sara 198. Thomkin, Richd. 171. Thomlin, Sara 197. Thomlins, Patience 210. Thomlinson, John 207, Tho. 280. Thompson, Alice 500, Ann 205, 235, 318, 382, 513, Chas. 341, Clare 258, Danll. 199, Edward 399, Eldred 152, Elinor 382, Eliz. 261, 312, Francis 242, Geo. 247, 258, 357, 501, Henry 186, 562, Ja. 167, Jam. 199, Jane 202, John 183, 255, 266, 288, 296, 483, 506, Lawrence 333, Makum 254, Margt. 165, Mary 382, 482, 492, Maurice 224, Rice 282, Richd. 178, 269, Robt. 204, 269, 318, 418, 441, Sara 198, 220, Stephen 153, Theo. 196, Tho. 162, 169, 385, Wm. 227, 324, 383, 404, 422. Thomson, Jno. 404, 486, Wm. 136, 429. Thonall, Edw. 484. Thordall, Peter 490. Thornborough, John 448, Thomas 71, 212. Thornbury,Rich.86, 194,Thomas21, 118. Thornbush, Jno. 455. Thorncomb, Wm. 40, 68. Thorndon, Robt. 184. Thorne, Ann 218, Henry 70, 455, Jere. 323, Thomas 90, 201, Wm. 233, 284, 296, 306, 336, 377, 412, 417, 424, 551. Thorneborough, Thomas 71, Land of 89. Thornebury, Thomas 20. Thornecroft, Edw. 119. Thorneford, Samll. 78. 746 Cavaliers and Pioneers Thorneton, Rich. 58, Thomas 65, Wm. 132. Thorngton, Jno. 459. Thornninge, Tho. 264. Thornton, Adam 213, Hen. 351, Martha 430, Wm. 422, 545. Thorogood, Adam 36, 50, 52, 59, 62, 70, 71, 79, 80, 92, 182, 221, 502, Capt. 129, Sarah 71, Symon 239. Thorowgood, Adam 21, 22, 38, Capt. 173, 186, 224, 270, Elinor 220, John 202, Saml. 209, Symon 209, 510, Tho. 322. Thoroughgood, Adam 22, 23, 299, Jno. 462, Sarah 22, Tho. 22, 452. Thorp, Ann 289, Jone 372, Tho. 455. Thorpe, Antho. 403, Christo. 40, 63, Danl. 150, Gabriell 560, John 204, 208, 245, 453, Moyses 322, Richd. 257, Ri. 560, Tho. 246, 303, 382, Walter 246, Wm. 147, 195, 314, 344, 413. Thorrogood, Adam 21, Capt. 34, 110, 136, 143, 145, Mary 102, Tho. 112. Thorroughgood, Adam 38. Thorrowgood,Adam 143, l47,Chas. 341. Thowsend, Edw. 129. Thraile, Tho. 303. Thrallop, Timothy 170. Thrasher. Ann 204. Thresh, Clement 517. Thresher, Ann 216, Issabell 54, Robert 34, 39, 54, 116, Wm. 184. Thrickmorton, Robt. 164. Thrift, James 116. Thrim, Wm. 524. Throckmorton, Robert 77. Throgmorton, Robt. 177. Thrope, Mary 264. Throught, Jno. 358. Throughtgood, Rice 192. Thrush, Clement 17, 259, 268, 293, 347, 500, Fra. 230, 458, Wm. 325. Thruston, Robt. 548. Thuck, Virgill 217. Thucker, Henry 213, John 195. Thunder, Peter 139, 262. Thurland, Edward 524. Thurlby. Hen. 198. Thurle, David 453. Thurloe, Mary 428. Thurriot, Dom. 383. Thurston, Edw. 203. Thurten, Tho. 51. Thwats, Wm. 546. Tiballs, Edw. 273. Tibaults, Robt. 150. Tibball, Peter 319. Tibbs, Michaell 75. Tibbut, Henry 481. Tibols, Mary 517. Tice, Hanna 291. Ticknar, Tho. 150. Ticknard, William 108. Ticknor, Tho. 268. Tidderson, Richd. 231. Tidner, Wm. 230, 284, 437. Tidney, Richd. 236. Tidway, Capt. 326. Tidy, Robt. 521. Tie, Richd. 504. Tiffeney, John 101. Tiffiney, Jon. 73. Tignall, Jno. 399. Tigner, Wm. 198, 319. Tignor, Danll. 517, Wm. 462. Tilcock, Wm. 139. Tildamus, Ann 294. Till, Daniell 307, John 194, Wm. 109. Tiller, Ales 351, Rich. 348, Tho. 352, Wm. 371. Tillett, John 171, 422, Margt. 242, 286, Tho. 374. Tillison, Gideon 170. Tillney, Jno. 356, Symon 112. Tilly, Antho. 303, 286. Tilman, Christo. 118. Tilney, John 353, 413, 435, 455, 549, 552, 562. Tilnsy, Wm. 481. Tilsby, Tho. 386. Tilsey, Tho. 204, 212, 471. Tilsley, Thomas 102. Tilson, Edward 403, Richd. 203. Tilt, Wm. 469. Time, Susan 509. Timber Slash, the 429. Timkins, Robt. 214. Tinason, Richard 315. Tinch, Anthony 438. Tine, Susan 550. Tingey, John 378, 379, 484, Mr. 430. Tingie, John 351. Tingle, John 191. Tinglebuge, Wm. 254. Tingy, Jon. 50, 352. Tinker, Ann 354. Tinley, Richd. 222, Robt. 222. Tinse, Wm. 387. Tinslie, Tho. 323. Tinston, Richd. 530. Tinwell, John 61. Tinzey, Wm. 476. Tiplad, Jon. 142. General Index 747 Tiplady, John 116. Tipper, Thomas 370. Tippin, Fran. 456. Tire, Alex. 509. Tirrall, Mr. 331, Morrice 289. Tirrell, Edw. 249, Mr. 379. Tirrill, Jno. 453. Tirvill, Jno. 453. Tisdale, Richard 145. Tisdall, Richard 103, 119, 149. Tisdell, Richard 93, 98, 103. Tiskin, Robt. 204. Tisley, Rich. 93. Tisoe, Edw. 526. Tistall, John 326. Titbury, Nich. 352. Titcocke, Wm. 341. Titloe, Jos. 51. Titton, William 90. Titterton, Robt. 350. Titton, Wm. 530. Titus, Tho. 301. Tix, Wm. 472. Tixton, John 129. Tizar, John 447. Tobate, Row. 568. Tockwood, Eliz. 151. Tocwrick, Mary 196. Todd, Elizabeth 65, Geo. 191, Mary 264, Mathew 167, Richard 527, Robert 91, 164, 206, 241, 474, 555, Thomas 65, 92, 129, 136, 167, 171, 174, 219, 253, 263, 265, 274, 417, 438, 462, 485, 527, 534, Wm. 216, 302, 369, 386, 555. Toffy, Wm. 457. Toft,, Ann 406, 425, 456, 546, 556. Tofthead, Eliz. 501, Tho. 501. Toles, Edward 332. Tolliver, Robt. 417. Tollock, Henry 385. Tollon, Margtt. 527. Tolson, Jno. 172. Tolston, John 152. Tolter, Thomas 558. Tomahun, place called 299. Tombs, Rich. 52. Tomkeson, John 72. Tomkins, Grace 384, Henry 260, Law- rence 447, Richd. 416, Robt. 382, Wm. 432. Tomkinson, John 510. Tompkins, Hump. 272, John 98, Richd. 227, Robt. 283, Tho. 44, 62, William 452. Tompkinson, John 33. Tomlin, Geo. 361, Henry 101, 119, Jon. 134, Jno. 538, 563, Mary 444, Martha 27, 84, Mathew 75, 236, 371, 517, 518, 527, 538, 569, Robt. 227, 281, 387, 389, 431, 523, 545, 557, Wm. 265, 286, 412. Tomling, Stephen 514. Tomlinson, Edward 78, Joane 68, Jon. 40, 68, 82, Thomas 543. Tomlyn, Martha 27, Mathias 491, Robert 398, 491. Tompson, Ann 82, David 328, Edwd. 59, 207, 245, 456, Elizabeth 52, 447, 522, 532, Fug. 403, Georg 4, 5, 53, 234, 247, 363, 461, Giles 459, Grace 257, Henry 28, 85, 144, 423, 546, Humph. Ill, 411, James 54, 120, 438, 450, Jane 207, 440, John 148, 217, 245, 405, 454, 466, 506, Judith 94, Joseph 322, Margt. 396, 548, Mary 396, 454, 480, Maurice 4, 53, Millisent 204, Paule 5, Rich. 77, 369, 377, 532, Robert 318, 334, 431, Samll. 530, Sarah 332, 362, 532, Step. 552, Tho. 60, 148, 333, 388, the Widdow 32, 79, William 5, 7, 24, 29, 52, 150, 366, 381, 383, 403, 462, 484, 490, 555, 556, 559, 563, Xttopr. 546. Toms, Eliz. 543, Fran. 563, Jno. 545, Mary 526. Tonevy, Fra. 291. Tonge, Connise 558. Tonie, Jacob 437. Tonne, Richd. 189. Tonstall, Edward 50, 87, 144, Martha 51, Mr. 186. Tony, Wm. 554. Tood, Henry 385. Toogood, Edward 339, Ja. 345, Joseph 302. Tooke, James 16, 81, 280, 481, 484, John 16, 391, Mr. 130, 134, Nicholas 554, Tho. 484, 509. Toole, Jno. 326. Toolye, Thomas 86, 300. Toomes, Ailce 208, Ann 309. Tooslv, Rich. 311. Tooth, Eliz. 548. Top, Edwd. 552. Toppin, Henry 52, 357, 540, John 268. Toprell, Mary 257. Tops, Susan 520. Torme, John 253. Torner, Sa. 273. Torringe, Geo. 254. Torrington, Robt. 264. Torrowgood, Tho. 338. Tortrutt, Dorothy 430. 748 Cavaliers and Pioneers Totnam, Henry 85, Silvester 25, 29, 66, 137, Susan 537. Totapotama, land of 194. Totopotomoy Fort, 235. Totoskey, place called 392, 508. Toulson, Georg 48, 124, John 286, 357, 412, 413, 517. Tounsend, Josias 539. Tourner, Tho. 498. Tover, Thomas 491. Tovey, John 253. Towardy, Alice 355. Towell, Jon .79. Tower, Robt. 290, Tho. 566. Tower Hill, place called 515. Towerman, Ann 233. Towers, Andrew 463, Eliz. 303, Francis 21, 22, 50, 64, James 295, Tho. 450, Wm. 60, 463. Towerson, James 492. Towlin, John 414. Towlson, John 119, 130, 164, 294, 295. Towmes, John 275. Town, James 221. Town Harbor, the 195. TOWNS: Appamattucke 136, Assaticon 324, 457. Cheescake 264, Chetank 208, Chis- kiake 79. Doegs, 446. Indian 77, 279, 509. James 25, 287, 468. Little, the 79, 178, 466. Mattchotiq 223, 290, 373, 421, 490, Matomkin 393, Mattoones Indian 77. New, the 2, 3, Nansatiquond 346, 519, Nanzemond 291, 293, 300, 310, 316, 318, 340, 344, 346, 350, 355, 356, 360, 362, 371, 373, 381, 435, 501, 512, 515, 519. Old, the 138, 145, 188, 202, 239, 250, 316, 452, 504, 535, 556. Patomeck 377, Poretobacco 497. Rappahannock 254, 259, 354, 472. Warisquock 324, 457, Waranye 162, 558. (See Towns under Indians). Townd, Edmond 207. Towne, John 190, Jonathan 562, Phillip 536, Wm. 466. Townell, Tho. 386. Townend, Wm. 29. Towner, Tho. 387, 484, 502. Townes, Jno. 563. Towney, Isaac 301. Towning, Giles 397, Tho. 65. Townesend, Anne 410, Richard 63. Townsen, Richd. 259. Townsend, Ann 548, Capt. 291, Frances 120, Job 272, John 221, 385, 456, Jonathan 444, Josias 539, Richd. 120, 121, 160, Robt. 150, Wm. 250, 499. Townshed, Edm. 482. Townshend, Francis 208, 271, Jon. 242, John 331, Mrs. 235, Richd. 248, Richd. 271. Townsin, Rich. 536. Tows, Robt. 153. Towson, Hen. 144, John 158. Towton, Anto. 290. Trace, John 279, Joyce 512. Tracy, Mary 293, Robt. 227, 250, Tho. 565. Trade, Tho. 146. Trallop, Timothy 329, 435. Tramps, Jno. 557. Tramwell, Mary 515. Traneere, James 22. Trapp, Stephen 362. Trasey, Robt. 300. Trassy, Teague 307. Travabin, Alice 263. Traveere, James 22. Traveler, Geo. 173, Wm. 452. Traveller, Georg 20, 119, 130, 353, 356, 418. Travel or, Geo. 346. Travellor, Alice 43, 74,, Georg 43, 74, 91. Travernor, Wm. 519. Travers, Abra. 426, 468, Edward 340, 450, 503, 504, Rawleigh 241, 300, 374, 430, 436, 469, Raughley 333, Richd. 177, Wm. 463, 541. Traverse, James 248, Jone 543, Raleigh 535. Traviell, John 162. Travillian, Jno. 520. Travilor, George 534. Travis, Edward 57, 83, 104, 107, 108, 124, 224, 231, 270, 503, Tho. 459, 551, Walter 83, 104, Wm. 385. Tray, Jno. 563. Trayillis, Richd. 216. Trayton, Kath. 230. Treale, Jno. 484. Treamer, Jacob 293. Treason, Wm. 528. Treasurer of Va., 1, 13, 15, 127, 165, 226, 321, 402, 410. Treasurer Councell & Co. of Adven- turers 1, 2. Treasurer, place of 8. Treaton, Wm. 367. General Index 749 Treble, Wm. 123. Treddar, Jno. 325. Tredescant, John 135. Trediskin, John 303. Tree, Geo. 463, Humph. 151, Richard 4, 12, 81, 95, 103. Tree, the Choice 100, Four Mile 149, Look out 173, the Mile 480, Pow- hetan's 19. Treedle, Eliz. 200. TrefTe, Joyce 293. Trelbeck, Miles 201. Trelawney, Robt. 147. Trelton, Andrew 359. Trenchard, Hen. 551. Trencher, Symon 61, Wm. 369. Trendall, Paul 46. Trendale, Paul 56. Trenor, John 210. Trent, Humphrey 96, John 172, 248. Tresh, Jno. 210. Tresilian Kather. 144. Tressum, Ed. 394. Trevannion, Tho. 158. Trevell, Eliza. 139. Treveman, Jno. 223. Trevett, Fortune 476, Geo. 119, Jno. 376. Treverton, Bredgett 535. Trevers, Rowland 358, Wm. 388. Trevill, Eliza. 262. Trevis, Jacobin 330, Wm. 330. Trevitt, Frances 539. Trevor, John 210, Tho. 454. Trew, James 512. Trewell, John 225. Trewett, Geo. 405. Trewicks, Jno. 562. Trewin, Wm. 548. Trewit, Wm. 483. Trice, Wm. 480. Trick, Francis 99. Trigg, Ellianor 107, Paul 302, Samll. 25, 107. Triggs, Elianor 124, Law. 213, Saml. 124, Wm. 107, 124. Trilly, Jno. 538. Trinball, Lydia 280. Tripe, Tho. 463 . Tripland, Tho. 245. Tripp, Edwd. 184. Tritter, Hutton 355. Trobury, Sam. 386. Troliver, Robt. 224 307. Trollock, Jon. 134. Troloders, Wm. 141. Trotman, Jno. 434, Mary 483, 551. Troton, Nicholas 92. Tross, Tho. 123 . Trott, Edward 556, Phillipp 559, Susan 553. Trotter, Ann 555, Joane 281, Jon. 243, Mary 479, Tho. 94, 132, 181, 262, 457, Wm. 536, 542. Trottham, Ed. 556. Troutts, James 554. Troyes, John 150. Truce, Abig. 299 . True, Anne 284, Walter 278. Trueman, Robert 338, Wm. 127. Truett,Geo.>4l3, 327, 329, 4l9,Tho.487. Truherne, John 101. Truhett, Geo. 217. Truitt, George 553, Jon. 134. Truloe, Thomas 470. Trumbell, Andrew 368. Truman, Jno. 291. Trunchfeild, Tho. 32. Trupsha, Jno. 476. Trush, Fra. 283. Trussell, Col. 362, 422, 486, James 482, 524, John 32, 88, 185, 205, 382, 460, 486, 510, Jon. 79, Mary 205. Trustall, Robert 109. Truth, Fra. 283. Trutton, Geo. 281. Tryar, Edward 524. Tuata, Tho. 186. Tuck, Robt. 347, Wm. 347, Woodham 134. Tucke, Robert 359. Tucker, Ailce 187, Alex. 24, Alice 49, Allen 88, Barthol. Ill, Jon. 141, John 148, 268, 341, 394, Joseph 544, Leonnidon 209, Margt. 348, Saml. 262, 355, Tho. 291, 405, 520, Wm. 5, 7, 10, 16, 27, 53, 115, 141, 143, 150, 159, 198, 332, 348, 497, 558. Tucker's Hole, place called 8, 109. Tucknor, Tho. 268. Tudman, Richd. 240. Tuett, Geo. 413. Tuffes, Tho. 335, 386. Tuffnell, John 202. Tuffy, Wm. 468. Tufton, Richd. 259. Tuggell, Thomas 314. Tuggins, Daniel 37. Tuke, Edmond 388, 453, James 522, Wm. 522, Mr. 140. Tull, Rich. 517, Tho. 291, 405. Tullenson, Wm. 208. Tulos, Cloud 460. Tune, James 506, Jno. 506. Tunstall, Edward 65, 104, 111, 134, 750 Cavaliers and Pioneers 404, 452, 537, Martha 65, Mr. 140, 472, Rich. 502, 542, Robt. 201. Tunstead, Jno. 358. Tupp, Edwd. 234. Turbis, John 348. Turbuck, Willi. 125. Tureton, Robt. 245. Turfe, Jno. 427. Turfry, Richd. 136. Turges, Robert 425, Symon 55. Turk, Anne 329. Turke, John 214, 379, Malhote 440, Motshooto 535, Phugh 440, 535, Robt. 245, Wm. 171. Turks: 24, 218. Turkey Hill, place called 166. Turkey Cock Hills, place called 409. Turkey Ridge, place called 302, 504. Turlinge, Richd. 267. Turloe Kill, land of 82. Turne, Mr. 290. Turner, Abigail 309, Abraham 135, 323, Alex. 446, Alice 551, Ann 31, 84, 223, 559, Bryan 255, 305, Edmond 391, Eliz. 195, Eliz. 254, 371, 392, Em. 305, Evan 255, Fr. 58, Geo. 142, 153, 203, 276, Harman 55, Henry 198, 397, James 32, 118, 205, 271, 314, 379, 415, 509, 510, 546, 558, Jane 196, Job. 396, John 80, 89, 107, 113, 118, 144, 197, 198, 210, 221, 244, 248, 283, 291, 349, 400, 431, 464, 476, 479, 482, 513, Judith 509, Margarett 339, Martin 4, Mary 138, 276, 314, 492, 500, Moses 365, Noah 391, Nicho. 208, Richd. 120, 294, Robert 60, 77, 465, 483, 520, Samll. 24, 54, 476, 514, Sarah 325, 446, Simon 258, Thomas 54, 157, 274, 309, 393, 426, 466, 467, 487, 492, 512, Walter 514, 559, 565, Wm. 121, 150, 377, 427, 453, Zacharias 23. Turnery, James 272 . Turnes, Jno. 492. Turney, Richd. 218, 496, 533, land called 490. Turny, Richd. 534. Turpin, Hugh 482, James 499, Michaell 317, 561. Turpey, John 249. Turrey, Elizabeth 394. Turrough, Mary 356. Turry, Thomas 551. Turtley, Avis 42, 91. Turton, Miller 261, Tymo. 181, Timothy 243, 273. Turton's Feild 533. Tute, James 275. Tutmarsh, Asable 369. Tutton, Henry 87, 104. Tutty, Tho. 249. Turvell, Tho. 426. Turvey, James 272, Peter John 83. Turvey, Land of 490. Turvor, Thomas 428. Turvy, Jon. 104. Tushan, John 339. Tustall, Robt. 201. Twelves, Stephen 558, 562. Twice, Wm. 480. Twiford, Thomas 446. Twig, Tho. 558. Twiggs, Jno. 432. Twiller, Robt. 454. Twilly, Hump. 220. Twillye, Hum. 332. Twiman, Fran. 455. Twinn, Ann 305, Tho. 279. Twiney, Richd. 299. Twisden, Francis 554, Margt. 556, Tho. 525, Wm. 555. Twoale, Jno. 338 . Twysden, Wm. 538. Twy, John 176, 129. Tyas, John 19, Richd. 563. Tyascond, place called 289, 306, 317, 378, 388, 392, 503, 505, 513. Tyball, Edw. 181, Ralph 441. Tybatt, Edward 181. Tydder, Hugh 59. Tye, John 523, 530, Jonathan 556, Margtt. 537, Mary 396, 451, 527, 553, 556, Richd. 138, 188, 198, 202, 316, 354, 456, Suan 528, Wm. 528. Tyler, Ann 25, Anth. 69, Ed. 394, Edith 523, Eliz. 300, 543, Henry 272, 479, 538, 559, 562, James 306, 308, 347, Jo. 375, Jno. 425, 501, Mary 221, 272, Mr. 316, 544, Robt. 315, Tho. 25, 61, Wm. 300. Tylley, John 123. Tyman, Sarah 135, Wm. 135. Tymon, Wm. 203. Tyngle, Antho. 176. Tynns, Bernard 379. Typladye, Jno. 157. Typper, Tho. 470. Tyrrill, James 184, Mr. 537. Tysdell, Richard 98. Tysley, Richard 49. Tyson, Edw. 346, Gregory 140. Tyzard, John 425. General Index 751 U Udall, John 44, Tho. 360. Udday, Sanders 218. Uert, Wm. 258. Uggins, Edw. 283, Tho. 253. Umpton, Emll. 513. Underfeild, Wm. 318. Underhill, Henry 282, John 218, 313, 401, 444, 472. Underwood, Anne 195, 481, Cassander 22, Geo. 195, Giles 542, Jon. 235, John 169, 277, 307, Major 546, Margery 157, Mary 191, 195, Robert 65, Sarah 195, Tho. 195, 497, 519, Wm. 47, 65, 143, 190, 191, 195, 299, 343, 384, 392, 397, 429, 489, 505. Undrix, Brown 490. Unger, Joell 283. Union, Geo. 151, 243, Joell 97, Mary 296. Upchurch, Mich. 290, 300. Uprence, Ri. 196. Upshott, Arthur 286, 330, 357, 412, 443, 452, 482, 507, 515, 545. Unwin, Elizabeth 58, Georg 58, 116, 117, 201, Katherine 58. Unwyn, Geo. 138, 141, 168. Upton, Capt. 158, 440, 535, Dorothy 303, John 25, 69, 71, 72, 73, 76, 98, 104, 126, 140, 143, 145, 147, 158, 162, 164, 391, 420, Margt. 237, Mrs. 270, Peter 431, 476, Wm. 119, 484. Urlin, Jane 342. Ursly, John 43. Urwin, Wm. 134. Usher, James 112, 157, Mary 444, Tho. 294. Ushullevan, Daniell 339, Derman 339. Usklye, Wm. 227, 250. Ussulevan, Dorman 394, Daniell 394. Usulavan, Derman 390. Uteley, James 144. Uti, John 168. Utopia, place called 168. Uty, Capt. 63, John 117, 168, 179, 278. Utye, Capt. 37, John 3, 16, 22, 90, 93, 102, 117, 122, 168, Mary 122, 139. V Vaberitt, James 90. Vahan, Rebecca 265, Wm. 553. Vahane Edward 393. Vaine, John 225. Vaker, Martin 164. Valence, Wm. 282. Valentine, John 310, 421. Valerie, James 484. Valker, Dan. 314. Vallentine, John 139. Valler, Wm. 195. Vallett, John 121. Vallin, Joane 279. Vallys, Val. 460. Valleys: Deer Bone 225, 336, Dog- wood 502, Persimon 270, Spring 219. Vanche, Kath. 210, Oliver 210. Vand, Hump. 184, Thos. 184. Vandermillen, Lewis 343. Van de Powke, Augustine Johannes 318. Vandsable, P. 568. Vandulett, Henrick 404. Vanerick, James 540. Vanerit, James 50. Vanham, John 77. Vanheck, Oliver 62. Van Hicks, Oliver 220. Vankes, Peter 210. Vanlondegon, Michaell 367. Vann, John 553. Vanner, James 369. Vanpuck, Maudlin 379. Vans, Mr. 222, Richard 73, Robt. 216. Vanson, Rich. 144. Vansum, Eliz. 265. Varblow, Christian 244. Varbread, Peter 294. Vardale, Richard 105. Vardall, Richd. 112. Vardie, Richard 521. Vardtrue, Edw. 480. Vardy, Eliz. 282, Richd. 230, 246, 282, 298, 377, 473, 521. Vargan, James 196. Varina — Verina, place called: 15, 18, 19, 36, 40, 45, 59, 60, 61, 64, 151. Varina Court, 556. Varley, James 404. Varling, Rich. 513. Varloe, Peter 68. Varlow, Peter 23. Varly, Symon 199. Varnell, Jno. 351. Varnham, John 337. Varny, John 362. Vartlow, Christian 244. Vasatican Path, the 246. Vase, Rich. 45, 65. Vasler, Eliz. 34, John 34, 77, 146. Vasler's Neck, place called 73. Vassae, John 197. Vassal, John 197. Vaughan, Alexr. 386, Ann 482, Christ. 752 Cavaliers and Pioneers 138, David 56, Edwd. 153, 387, 563, 568, Eliza. 155, 303, 396, Francis 153, Geo. 177, Jane 552, John 45, 62, 114, 153, 187, 275, 331, 379, 422, 432, 446, 447, 464, 471, Jon. 97, Lewis 37, 65, Mary 112, 368, 455, Maudlin 442, Morrice 431, Patrick 28, 99, Richard 183, 184, 217, Row. 50, 557, Sam 384, Symon 213, Thomas 83, 252, 284, Wm. 447, 551, Xtopher. 255, 270, 309, 279. Vauche, Kath. 210, Oliver 210. Vaukes, Peter 210. Vaultres, John 339. Vaultry, Tho. 525. Vaulx, Alice 119, Eliz. 410, Humphry 336, Mr. 349, Robert 311, 322, 344, 410, 496, Thomas 366, 410. Vauner, James 369. Vaus, Eliza. 295, 299, Hump. 295, 299, John 93, Mr. 222, 295, 567, Richard 73, Robt. 132, 216, 278, 284, 295, 299, Sarah 382, Susan 299, Tho. 208, 214. Vause, David 318, Mr. 257, 271, Robt. 166, 277, Tho. 171, 172, 249, 387, 342. Vauson, Richard 49. Vauston, Richard 75. Vazey, James 363. Veach, James 314. Veale, Jane 42, Wm. 420. Veare, Mary 143. Veceto, Hugon 322. Vehen, Danl. 278. Vein, Tho. 567. Velayne, Jeremiah 129. Velley, Wm. 200. Velsey, Geo. 209. Venable, Richard 29. Venison, Ben. 297. Venne, John 429. Venner, Wm. 284. Venice, Wm. 116, 142. Venicomb, Anne 201. Vennalls, Richard 378. Vensey, Weymouth 34. Vere, Horatio 350. Vereto, Hugon 322. Vernon, Edward 525, Henry 452. Vert, Wm. 258. Vessell, Josias 254, Joyce 158. Ventris, Jno. 552. Vevery, Ann 195. Vezie, Geo. 345. Vezey, Georg 438, 514, 539, 526. Viccars, Bryan 108, Francis 113, Mary 122. Vicard, Wm. 178. Vicares, Tho. 460. Vicaris, Peter 218. Vicars, Thomas 545. Vickars, Dorothy 538. Vickory, Edmond 534. Vicount, Thomas 26. Victsorrell, Morris 349. Vigeo, Gesper 311. Vignorones: 11, 14, 18. Vikory, Edmond 534. Villecott, Walter 204. Vina, Jone 452. Vincen, Wm. 270. Vincent, Abraham 425, Bagnell 397, 441, 459, Eliz. 291, 330, Elyas 213, Fran. 454, 532, Henry 30, 351, 353, 358, 368, 372, 401, 404, 405, 423, 447, 492, James 236, Jno. 432, Mary 532, Mr. 352, Tho. 46, 56, 371, William 87, 111, 210, 214, 296. Vines, Abram 541, John 414, 483. Vining, Jon. 29. Vinkles, Michaell 76. Vinon, Geo. 151, Joell 97. Vinoyn, Geo. 168. Vinquit, Walter 225. Vinson, Benja. 485, Phill. 265, Wm. 77. Vintner, Jno. 481, 499, Tho. 448. Vintua, Benj. 452. Virer, James 286. Virgany, Edw. 33. Virgitt, Job 524. Virgin, Robert 77. Viriam, Richd. 200. Virosse, Ann 182. Viser, James 286. Vissell, Francis 41. Vivell, Robt. 455. Vizard, Joane 245. Vodin, Abram 400, Isack 400, Jno. 400, Marice 400. Vonibly, John 282. Voscombe, John 385, Wm. 385. Vose, Henry 294. Voyce, Jonathan 225. Voyle, John 260. Vynall, Alice 160. W Waad, Edward 505, 508, Eliz. 426, 468, Mary 503, Tho. 426, 467. Wacmott, James 261. Wad, Alice 226. Waddelow, Nicho. 170. General Index 753 Wadden, Phillip 362. Waddilow, Jno. 456, Nicholas 183, 242, 285, 296, 305, 321, 337, 339, 406, 412, 414, 423, 485, 513, 532. Waddington, Hanna 61, John 215, 295, 340, Ralph 254, Ra. 263. Waddilowe, Nicholas 183. Wadding, Geo. 253, Phillip 567. Waddy, Antho. 172, John 210, 214. Wade, Antho. 231, Christo. 559, Edward 98, 459, 508, 568, Eliz. 291, John 130, Joseph 513, Margarett 447, Mary 281, Peter 390, Phillipp 140, Rich. 134, Robt. 347, Thomas 59, 280, 355, 390, Wm. 339, 525. Wadeing, George 313. Wadeing Place, the 11, 21, 89, 207, 347. Wader, Wm. 33. Wadilow, Nicholas 260, 419, 473, 215. Wading, Geo. 238, 432, 461, 515, Phillip 567. Wadingham, Phill. 304. Wadloe, Michaell 404. Wadlow, John 553, 554, Nicholas 170. Wadlowe, Tho. 279. Wadman, Sarah 428. Wady, Symon 272. WafTeild, Morcop (or Morcos) 328. Wagett, Tho. 256. Wagg, Robt. 475, Tymothy 476. Waggatt, Tho. 120. Wagge, Richard 377, Timo. 377. Waggett, Tho. 206. Wagstaff, Mary 313. Wahab, George 332. Wahoope, Archiball 332. Wahop, Arch. 220. Waid, Edw. 512. Waight, Edwd. 322, Ursula 143. Waine, John 70, 401, Sergt. 383. Waines, Geo. 254. Wait, Rich. 459. Waite, Edw. 348, Jno. 497, Math. 384, Sarah 513. Wake, Giles 426. Wakefeild, Geo. 314, Jno. 23, 192, Tho. 58, 353. Wakeing, Richard 171. Wakeland, Anne 128. Wakeley, Edward 376. Wakely, Mathew 444. Wakeman, Mary 466. Waker, Lt. Col. (or Walker) 303. Wakerly, Tho. 425. Wakes, Jonathan 38. Wakin, Tho. 199. Wakins, Edward 102. Waklin, Anth. 54. Walbeck, Kath. 256. Walbridge, John 114. Walbroke, Nich. 429. Walbrooke, Joane 214, Nicho. 456, Rebecca 454. Walby, Henry 250. Walch, Edm. 309. Walcoke, Robert 144. Walden, Edw. 213, Wm. 298. Walder, Tho. 422. Waldie, Tho. 186. Walding, Edw. 491, James 567, Jane 567, Ralph 567. Waldon, Phillip 311. Waldrom, Tho. 137. Waldron, Henry 245, Joice 280. Wale, Edward 361, Jeremiah 475, 525, 528, John 306, 444, Wm. 40, 68. Waler, John 367. Walers, John 43. Walerson, John 295. Walfe, Robt. 476, Sarah 492. Walford, Jno. 459, 482. Waldgrave, Chas. 256. Walgrave, Edw. 256, Tho. 336. Walgrove, Geo. 195. Walke, Henry 252, Roger 396. Walker, Adam 386, Alexander 440, 510, Ailce 213, Andrew 199, 273, Chris- topher 397, Col. 467, 527, Danll. 428, Edw. 38, 153, 198, 246, 354, 356, 364, 455, 491, 554, 556, Eliz. 307, Evan. 404, Geo. 388, 444, 512, 546, Henry 50, 90, 212, 250, 298, 316, 352, 402, 473, 525, 543, 544, Isabel 196, James 92, 548, Jane 276, Jon. 40, 68, John 69, 73, 167, 198, 222, 223, 245, 267, 271, 272, 301, 308, 316, 322, 323, 324, 346, 350, 362, 365, 368, 381, 385, 449, 481, 514, 520, Jone 63, Joseph 232, Lawr. 68, Lt. Col. 303, 306, 309, 310, Martin 377, Mary 255, 275, 279, 444, Morris 99, 182, Oliver 79, Peter 159, 225, 390, 534, Phillipp 78, Richd. 199, 213, 289, 331, 384, 493, 516, 537, Robert 335, 538, Roger 78, 250, 380, 385, 462, Samll. 120, 138, 188, Sarah 187, 198, Simon 484, Thos. 182, 278, 506, 555, Wm. 228, 235, 269, 303, 316, 317, 333, 335, 386, 400, 469, 486, 487, 491, 510, 569. Walkner, Wm. 513. Wall, George 311, Jon. 86, 231, John 754 Cavaliers and Pioneers 50, 115, 144, 183, 232, 286, 328, 499, Richard 45, 60, 185, 340, Wil- liam 35, 425. Waller, John 296, Mich. 351, 378, Paul 358, Robt. 504, Samll. 510, Wm. 61. Wallett, Mary 567. Wallford, John 72, Rich. 453. Wallice, Matt. 162. Wallingford, Rebecca 552. Wallington, H., 454, Jeffry 452. Wallinns, Shadrack 388. Wallis, Alex. 453, Christo. 263, Edmund 22, 264, Edw. 454, 482, 510, Ellinor 516, Eliz. 26, James 216, 544, Jane 404, John 121, 391, 457, 481, Jonah 554, Mathew 190, Peter 194, Rebecca 133, Rich. 381, Robt. 133, Teague 457, Thomas 94, 157, Wm. 467. Wallon, Jonny 328. Wallop, Cornelius 486, Emll. 500, John 455, 456, 553, 554. Wallton, John 424. Wallwood, Andrew 491, 492. Walpole, Jno. 454. Walsgrave, Chr. 183. Walsh, Tho, 148. Walshway, Chas. 274. Walsingham, Edwin 429. Walson, Andrew 286. Waken, Jno. 496. Walter, Ellynor 325, Edmund 162, Jane 476, Jon. 35, Jone 349, Jno. 496, Nicholas 365, Richard 96, 359, 497, Roger 227, Rowland 456, Sibbill 96, Tho. 476, Wm. 171, 307, 476, 479,484. Walters, Elizabeth 212, 282, Joane 61, John 443, 450, 476, Major 353, Nathl. 263, Rob. 428, Roger 300, 309, 352, 359, 375, 395, 398, 409, 422, 531, Tho. 134, Wm. 142, 266, 450. Walthall, Mr. 549, Wm. 352, 549. Waltham, Hen. 76, John 131, 139, 152, 174, 183, 217, 280, 482, 522, 520, Samuell 60, Wm. 110. Walton, Daniell 94, Edmond 562, Geo. 29, Henry 568, John 76, 106, 162, 190, 196, 241, 290, 301, 315, 316, 331, 338, 373, 385, 421, 447, 448, 468, 490, 510, Marg. 28, 83, Richd. 183, Richd. 197, 349, 468, Robt. 39, 468, 567, Rowland 431, Samuell 81, 222. Wamblin, Anth. 120. Wambly, James 68. Wand, John 217. Waneman, Ann 245. Wanes, Richard 46. Wanklin, Anth. 120, Tho. 552. Wannan, Mary 558. Wansworth, Richard 331, 407. Wanton, James 80. Waplett, Thomas 109. Wapp, John 296. Wapshott, Jane 264. Waram, John 325. Waraner, Math. 60. Warberton, Tho. 465. Warbeton, Tho. 250. Warborow, Henry 370. Warborton, Jno. 476. Warburton, Ann 338, Thomas 428. Ward, Ann 37, 216, Barth. 222, Capt. 37, Charles 510, Chri. 50, Edw. 465, 472, 481, 483, 499, Eliz. 40, 41, 347, 521, Ellin. 509, Geo. 125, Ger. 425, Grace 52, Hen. 61, James 202, 216, 3J6, 458, 500, Jane 399, Jerimiah 55, Jeremy 468, John 19, 37, 52, 64, 275, 279, 358, 491, 498, 529, 537, Jon. 45, 65, 123, Kather. 262, Law- rence 164, 166, Martin 63, Mary 458, 487, 494, 498, 512, 514, Mathew 120, Nathl. 566, Peter 315, 374, 388, Phillis 380, Rich. 35, 61, 69, 428, 447, 451, 456, Robt. 76, 113, 119, 138, 176, 190, 302, 429, Roger 23, Sam. 165, 464, 491, Seath 19, 40, 59, 556, Seth 65, 151, 239, Silvester 119, 427, Susan 33, 72, 460, 523, Tho. 28, 47, 78, 82, 151, 187, 377, 458, 475, 506, 510, 514, William 56, 93, 282, 333, 397, 399, 444, 486, 510, 513, 559. Wardeefe, John 226. Wardell, Jobe 315, Mathew 327. Warden, Jon. 84, Thomas 7, 31, 147, 330, Wm. 552. Warder, Tho. 32, 385, Wm. 149, 150, 376, 464. Wardle, Math. 351. Wardly, Tho. 298. Wardy, Roger 315. Ware, Edw. 465, Eliza. 347, Fra. 236, James 178, Jeremy 375, John 236, 255, 307, Kath. 236, Margt. 236, Mich. 166, Nicholas 476, Peter 374, 527, Tho. 259, 377, Wm. 127. Wareham, Eliz. 565, John 265, 565. Warhamjohn 105, Tho. 375. Wariner, Susan 263, Tho. 195 . Warington, Eliz. 237. Warkeham, Grace 147. Warleich, George 402. General Index 755 Warlett, Tho. 470. Warman, David 557, Dorathy 536, Peter 557, Stephen 536, 537, 564. Warne, Francis 355, Tho. 47, 99, 100, 115, 152, 387 . Warner, Augustine 22, 32, 38, 92, 142, 227, 264, 301, 365, 385, 457, Capt. 303, 306, Col. 550, David 61, Eliza. 341, Fra. 486, Henry 43, 55, 323, 428, James 241, 411, John 266, 314, 348, 385, 397, 460, 523, Lt. Col. 456, Mary 92, 264, 460, 523, Robert 367, Tho. 148. Warper, John 443. Warradin, James 268. Warradine, James 74, 87, 168, 228, 273, 494, 503. Warrall, Joseph 258. Warrell, Wm. 304. Warren, Abra. 300, Amos 131, Anth. 324, David 441, 443, Edm. 386, Eliza. 194, Fra. 386, Henry 77, Jon. 97, John 185, 199, 324. 404, Margaret 373, Mr. 76, 200, 355, 560, Nath. 292, Robt. 183, 285, Richd. 325, 353, 356, 547, Sam. 375, 426, 468, Tho- mas 34, 139, 169, 176, 185, 393, 459, William 19, 114, 131, 164, 260, 292. Warrenford, Peter 43, 55. Warrany-Warreny, place called 318, 376, 390, 509. Warreny, feilds 318, old landing place 47, 64, 98, 125, 230, 400, Towne 162, 175, 276, 404, (see Towns). Warrey, Wm. 404. Warrick, Tho. 334. Warrin, Ann 460, David 567, Rebecca 535, 563. Warriner, Matthew 337. Warrington, Tho. 334. Warrwicke, Tho. 381. Warship, Walter 152. Wart, Tho. 391. Wartan, Tohn 434. Warter, Geo. 428. Wartrop, Barnab. 430, Ri. 553. Warwell, Robt. 64. Warwick, place called 450, 451. Warwicksqueeke, place called 17, 33, 34, 54, 140, 163. Was, Wm. 22. Wasdall, Thos. 373. Wase, John 210. Wash, Joseph 525. Washborne, Daniell 125. Washbrow, Tho. 369, Wm. 301. Washbrough, Mary 369. Washington, Ann 449, Capt. 429, Edw. 456, Hen. 455, John 446, 448, 449, 471, Law. 446, Richd. 124. Wassail, Wm. 258. Wassell, Henry 342. Wastcoat, Eliz. 493. Wastell, Georg 433. Wasts, Tho. 115. Watch, Tho. 196. Watchepreag, place called 393, 429. Watchshott, Richd. 204. Wate, Jer. 525, Math. 288. Water, Hugh 499, Wm. 305. Waterford, Marmaduke 430, Mich. 352, Peter 530, Roger 460, 523. Waterhouse, William 314. Waterhowse, Samll. 138. Waterman, Ann 45, 62, 100, Georg 117, 207, 234, 303, 336, 566, Richd. 267. Water Mill, a 182. Waters, Edward 4, 8, 11, 12, 18, 39, 158, 164, 260, Eliz. 166, 201, Evan 465, 524, 542, Georg 108, 136, Hoell 459, Jon. 22, John 55, 121, 279, 547, Kath. 184, Lt. Col. 455, Major 418, 419, Margt. 225, Mary 42, Roger 82, Stephen 527, Wm. 164, 166, 178, 184, 260, 356, 382, 400, 405, 417, 418, 448, 517. Waterson, Ann 456. Waterton, Will. 556. Wates, Henry 568. Watford, John 107, 172, 179, 459. Watkenson, Cor. 562. Watkeyes, Samuell 95, 100, 117. Watkins, Alice 42, 91, 289, David 7, 15, 16, 369, Dennis 404, Dorothy 183, Edw. 130, 293, Eliz. 300, 544, Foule 360, Grace 481, Henry 513, Jane 355, John 54, 103, 176, 179, 226, 254, 562, Jon. 229, Mary 297, 453, 492, Michaell 453, Morgan 59, 493, Nich. 108, Phillipp 329, 435, Richd. 152, 161, 313, Saml. 112, 133, 481, Tho. 24, 80, 239, 350, 544, Wm. 144, 443. Watkinson, Cornelius 452. Watley, Eliz. 199, Jno. 507. Watlins, Ismael 452. Watney, Damras 447. Watson, Abraham 204, 343, 364, Adam 196, Alexr. 257, Alice 291, 327, Ann 244, Arthur 179, 243, David 341, Easter 467, Edwd. 479, Elizabeth 26, 300, Geo. 283, 391, 468, Hanah 559, Henry 110, 178, 182, Hester 517, 756 Cavaliers and Pioneers Isaac 312, 338, 512, James 73, 283, Jeffery 190, Joane 215, John 26, 29, 49, 65, 69, 154, 177, 288, 255, 311, 358, 365, 385, 405, 443, 466, 482, 521, 548, Margt. 538, Mary 236, 255, Mr. 305, Nicho. 242, Peter 568, Phillip 538, Richard 182, 265, Robt. 413, 554, 564, Saml. 29,Sara 411, Tho. 251, 403, 463, 468, 475, 476, 525, Wm. 500, 536, 548. Watte, Jno. 497. Watten, Margaret 354. Watter, Peter 125. Watters, Edwd. 554, Wm. 450. Wattin, John 54. Wattis, John 112. Wattkins, John 213, Nicho. 161, Phillip 170, 183, Tho. 169. Watton, Henry 393, Rich. 390, Thomas 110. Watts, Abram 548, Antho. 373, Bryan 355, Charity 183, Christo. 44, Edm. 263, Edw. 126, Eliza. 212, Geo. 237, 253, 292, 339, 344, 354, 362, 363, 401, Henry 148, 275, 368, 371, 373, 375, 395, 396, 402, 411, 462, 468, Jeremiah 45, 86, 93, Joane 352, John 183, 193, 194, 393, 419, 432, 433, 434, 479, 538, Lyddia 38, Mary 501, Nich. 448, Peter 233, Richd. 139, 419, Robt. 263, 359, 372, 386, Saml. 567, Sara 193, Steph. 283, 526, Susan 181, 212, Thomas 16, 19, 38, 77, 92, 118, 142, 157, 158, 159, 175, 181, 188, 212, 264, 278, 288, 325, 489, 523, Wm. 91, 95, 182, 195, 267, 272, 337, 343, 372, 480, 511, 558. Watt, the Plowman 197, 290. Wattson, Alice 405, Hugh 372, Isaac 154, John 145, Nicho. 122. Wattye, Wm. 29, 65. Way, Geo. 178, Henry 265, John 43. Wayder, William 87. Waydon, Hugh 192. Waye, John 294. Wayne, Ann 91, John 91, 178, 270, 276, Mary 276, Serjeant 80. Waytes, Oliver 254. Waxell, Tobias 38. Wazon, Nich. 341. Weaborne, Robt. 253. Weading, George 432, 446, 447. Weall, Jane 453. Weally, Wm. 435. Weare, Tho. 75. Wearott, Jane 218. Weascock, Edw. 411. Weath, Edw. 454, James 453. Weather, Nich. 171. Weathers, Wm. 207. Weatly, James 553. Weave, John 215. Weaver, Eliz. 350, Isaac 264, 372, Jon. 33, 87, John 128, Richd. 261, Samuell 24, Sarah 445, William 13. Weavor, Isaac 211, John 210, Richd. 255. Webb, Alice 114, 116, Anth. 430, Charles 535, 563, Christian 411, Clare 103, 124, Edw. 172, 380, 393, 429, 448, Eliza. 146, Francis 338, 430, 438, Fayth 216, George 508, Giles 27, 165, 274, 282, 329, 450, 459, 464, 477, Jane 405, Joane 397, John 11, 435, 480, 491, 493, Mary 115, 543, Michaell 160, Mr. 203, 260, Richd. 151, 169, 426, 444, 468, 520, 529, Robert 103, 124, 365, Stephen 23, 48, 103, 124, 139, 219, 358, Thomas 292, 316, 397, 410, 447, Wm. 139, 140, 149, 184, 280, 299, 358, 360, 396, 484, Winifred 204, Wingfield 204, Winfield 258. Webber, John 22, 290, 323, Margery 342, Rich. 29, Tho. 512. Webberton, Wm. 480. Webley, Richard 430. Weblin, Henry 24, 192. Webnott, Rebecca 463. Webs, Tho. 323. Webster, Capt. 313, Danll. 485, Francis 89, 107, 113, Hen. 466, Jane 161, Jno. 492, Joseph 517, Judith 161, Luce 140, Lucy 161, 405, Margt. 466, 557, Nath. 141, Nicho. 280, 557, Pat. 557, Richd. 116, 130, Roger 140, 161, Susan 140, 161, Tho. 140, 257, 351, 352, 403, 535, 556, 565, Wm. 247. Weddge, Robt. 403. Wede, Henry 164. Wedge, Margt. 241, Robt. 547. Weding, Geo. 446. Weed, Hen. 234. Weeding, George 549. Weedon, Geo. 200. Weeker, Henry 235, 263, 337, 461. Weekes, Abra. 450, Eliz. 419, Fran. 429, 475, 484, 490, 506, 546, Henry 460, Hugh 397, Robt. 302, 474, Sam. 506, Thomas 67, 90, 212, Walter 559, Wm. 29, 383. General Index 757 Weeks, Abraham 391, 392, Jon. 150, Ralph 315. Weele, Martin 342. Weeler, Joane 545 . Weeles, Antho. 162, 177. Wegans, Robt. 378. Weinne, Tho. 236. Weir, Capt. 469, Jno. 344, 424, 431, 465, 481, 484, 485, 488, 557, 562, Robt. 433, Walter 488. Weire, Capt. 523, John 394, 557, 560, 567. Welbeloved, Math. 253, 271. Welbon, Wm. 38. Welborough, Richd. 283. Welbourne, Math. 282, Robt. 264. Welby, Alice 293. Welch, Daniell 101, 277, 359, 438, David 300, Edmond 216, 290, 505, Elk. 443, Gilbert 290, James 383, Jane 194, 397, Joane 187, 219, 306, Jno. 219, 255, Mary 61, Morgan 86, 194, Nicholas 99, Rice 196, Rich. 290, 300, 430, 454, Robt. 105, 476, Saml. 404, Sarah 453, Thomas 99, 264. Welchman, Jno. 194. Welchman, a: 311, 385, 536, 548. Welchurch, Henry 164. Weld, George 435, Jno. 456. Welden, Anth. 479, Peter 178. Welding, John 422, Saml. 218. Weldy, Mr. 566, Wm. 531. Welldon, Wm. 428. Wellfleet, Ja. 429, James 456. Wellington, James 452, Natha. 228. Wellingworth, Jon. 140. Wellman, Joseph 345, Richard 40, 109. Wellmay, Alice 532. Wells, Dan. 372, Edward 166, 400, 409, Edmond 138, Eliz. 258, 265, Francis 543, Geo. 157, Greg. 29, 241, 327, 541, 565, James 291, Jon. 64, 137, John 90, 105, 318, 388, 425, 436, 449, 544, 558, Joseph 486, Lewis 453, Mary 46, 56, 300, 301, 426, 469, 492, Mount 426, Nich. 404, Pru. 303, Richard 60, 71, 208, 228, 292, 315, 316, 378, 453, 460, 492, 528, Robert 66, 340, Sarah 546, Silv. 386, Stephen 441, 468, Tho. 172, 199, 204, 282, 456, 535, 547, 558, Walter 150, Wm. 41, 164, 190, 199, 218, 355, 400 . Well, the Plackett, a place called 70, 188. Welsh, James 263, John 257, Mary 26, Nich. 26. Welshe, Robt. 31. Welson, Jone 348. Welton, Margt. 345, Thomas 329, Wm. 38, 167. Wench, Henry 355. Wenefrith, Jane 517. Wenet, John 324. Wenham, Wm. 476. Wenn, John 366. Wenne, Hen. 388. Wennell, Richard 443. Wenters, Crestlean 425. Wentworth, Hen. 268, Tho. 388. Werden, Geo. 208. Wernner, Tho. 32. Wesby, John 131. Wescomb, Geo. 185. Wescome, Wm. 38. Wescott, Ellen 523. Wesgate, Ellen 332, Henry 332. Wesh, James 252. Weslike, Ann 129. Wesson, Eliza 183, Mary 325. West, Ann 185, 213, 214, 449, Anthony 185, 509, 550, Col. 359, Edw. 271, 385, Eliz. 275, 567, Francis 9, 10, 18, 70, Geo. 194, 252, 345, 390, Giles 458, Grace 38, Henry 16, 190, 198, 339, Humphry 82, 140, James 248, 430, 554, John 14, 21, 44, 54, 70, 72, 80, 104, 119, 152, 160, 185, 212, 213, 214, 232, 244, 249, 258, 268, 295, 297, 336, 347, 359, 401, 403, 407, 413, 450, 454, 528, 551, 567, Joane 270, 501, Joseph 367, Kath. 185, Marg. 468, Mary 270, 339, 514, Peter 557, Phillip 245, Richard 33, 72, 190, 253, 345, 435, 454, 521, Robert 38, 98, 111, 112, 113, 141, 175, 198, 268, 339, 373, 523, Susan 448, Susanna 268, Tho. 190, 198, 264, 276, 286, 426, 430, 455, 493, Toby 232, 286, 361, Wm. 143, 339, 376, 420, 427, 436, 447, 458, 523. 525, 543, 545. Westake, Jon. 133. Westall, Richd. 197. Westbery, Richd. 160. Westbrooke, James 282. Westby, Edward 525. Westerfield, Jane 22. Westerhouse, Adrian 294, Barbery 294, Ledia 294, Peter 294, Wm. 294, 412, 517. Westerin, Andrew 158. Westerlin. Martin 169. Westerlincke, Martin 169, 243 . 758 Cavaliers and Pioneers Westgate, James 425. Westhead, Peter 171. Westhrop, Dorothy 324. Westhrope, John 250. Westinscott, Margery 446. Westlock, Ann 122, John 406, 407. Westlocke, John 324. Westly, Ann 51, Edw. 536. Weston, Alex. 277, Christo. 176, Francis 454, Henry 375, 426, Jam. 195, John 27, 45, 271, 375, Jon. 62, Mr. 16, Phillip 171, 274, Rich. 58, 94, 196, 277, Thomas 24, 80, 220, 383. Westover, place called 52, 53, 59, 104, 430. Westray, Richard 433. Westrill, James 237. Westropp, John 201. Westwary, Wm. 517. Westwell, Robert 23. Westwood, Robt. 148, 237, Tho. 202, Wm. 61, 105. Westwray, Wm. 569. Wethell, Tho. 268. Wetherall, Robt. 173, 203. Wetherbat, Edwd. 459. Wetherhorne, Edw. 397. Wetherley, Mr. 343. Wetherlie, Mr. 400. Wetherrell, Ann 384, Robt. 160, 294, 297, 415. Wethersby, Barthol. 164, 175, 258, Tho. 24. Wethersbye, Bartholomew 105. Wetheasbye, Mr. 159 . Wetherbve, Tho. 80. Wetts, Thomason 175. Weworth, Wm. 284. Weyan, Jon. 78. Weydon, Humph. 178. Weyfield, Phillip 340. Weymarke, Margt. 167 . Weyne, Sergt. 24. Weyr. John 303 . Weyre, John 291, 360, 368, 373. Weyanoake, place called 32, 50, 72, 74, 86, 88, 150, 183, 203, 535, 542, 566. Weyanoake, place called 32. 50, 72, 74, 86, 88, 150, 183, 203, 535, 542, 566. Weyanoake Marsh 152, Town of 98, 198, (See Towns). Weyanoake. Territory of 68. Whadsey, Peter 45 . Whale, Geo. 384, 400. Whaley, Tohn 376. Whalle, Geo. 305. Whallv, Edw. 453. Whalps, Leo. 250. Whaly, John 241. Whalye, Lewis 453. Wharton, Geo. 150, Tho. 361, 453, 547. Wheafeby, James 200. Wheatley, David 164, 217, 241, Eliza. 184, Wm. 165. Wheatly, Ellis 325, John 202, Lydia 184, William 102. Wheelden, Robt. 350. Wheeley, Tho. 272 . Wheeler, Dorothy 22, Edw. 134, Elinor 214, 382, Francis 135, 214, 270, 382, Hester 5, Hum. 366, John 294, Jone 387, Richd. 37, 66, 338, 477, Robt. 375, 426, Tho. 40, 68, 74, 98, 103, 118, 138, 145, 198, 202, 316, 456, 555, Wm. 38, 184, 234, 315. Wheler, Francis 378, Jane 558, John 388. Whenham, Tho. 456. Wherwood, Nich. 54. Wherry, Robt. 142, 231. Whetherell, Eliza. 294, 297. Whetle, Robt. 36, 80. Whetson, John 486. Whetston, John 546. Whetstone, Jno. 546. Whettam, James 455. Wheydon, Clement 49. Whidon, Clement 203, 301, 499. Whiscomb, Ben. 436. Whiskin, Nicholas 491. Whiston, John 464, 537. Whitacre, Ann 51, William 317. Whitaker, Edw. 106, 113, Georg 97, John 114. Whitbie, Mr. 443. Whitby, Danll. 241, 338, Edw. 291, Jeffry 482, Jno. 338, Kath. 315, Mr. 403, Richd. 300, 446, Tho. 315, Wm. 158, 209, 258, 263, 300, 305, 350, 555. Whitby's old landing, 443. Whitbye, Wm. 229. Whitchurch, Hen. 453. Whitcroft, Jno. 531 . White, Adry 385, Alice 541, Anne 192, 220, 223, 276, 278, 280, 476, 530, Blanch 66, Blanka 95, Charles 79, 121, Cicily 256, Daniell 446, 441, 471, 487, Edward 56, 121, 279, 553, Eliza. 56, 356, 403, 509, 550, 552, Francis 62, 182, 184, 222, 234, George 27, 34, 66, 78, 95, 125, 145, 162, 165, 166, 168, 170, 180, 264, 385, 432, 560, Grace 194, Guy 378, General Index 759 Hanah 367, 447, Henry 134, 144, 146, 161, 183, 197, 239, 261, 426, 428, 502, 525, 539, James 133, 152, 294, 393, 426, Jasper 397, Jeffery 453, Jeremiah 445, Jon. 32, 80, 86, 122, 230, 233, 240, John 56, 105, 107, 109, HI, 117, 126, 128, 140, 141, 145, 149, 154, 177, 192, 213, 227, 230, 234, 261, 287, 292, 334, 349, 385, 435, 447, 501, 502, 504, 520, 525, 539, 556, 560, 569, Joan 233, Jos. 213, Judeth 529, Richard 529, Kath. 129, 257, Lawr. 150, Lewis 164, Lucy 378, Margt. 166, 453, Martin 385, Mary 213, 261, 307, 378, 436, 525, Mathew 435, Michaell 204, 326, 425, Mr. 127, Morris 310, Murael 233, Nath. 125, 153, 173, Neale 266, 513, Niccodemus 29, Nicholas 40, 63, 82, 176, 397, 443, 454, Oliver 129, Patrick 230, Peter 23, 66, 95, 207, 252, 287, 316, 352, 397, 528, 530, Phillip 133, Ralph 493, Richd. 114, 119, 157, 173, 183, 185, 213, 215, 221, 257, 300, 346, 355, 358, 374, 378, 381, 403, 451, 509, 516, 517, 524, 527, 545, Robt. 122, 253, 264, 290, 444, 480, Rose 441, Saml. 456, Simon 263, Solomon 447, Step. 367, Susan 445, Theo. 482, Tho. 84, 85, 119, 176, 245, 247, 301, 315, 329, 358, 385, 400, 451, 469, 479, 482, 502, 537, Tim. 476, Wm. 54, 66, 120, 140, 195, 214, 230, 262, 272, 283, 287, 309, 313, 345, 355, 397, 402, 445, 455, 510, 525, 526, 536, 556, 558, 559, 375. Whitebone, James 384. Whiteby, Wm. 420. Whitechurch, Hen. 454. Whitecraft, Robt. 242. Whitefare, Robt. 327. Whitehaire, Robt. 538. Whitehand, Georg 10. Whitehart, Wm. 112. Whitehead, Arth. 225, Eliz. 493, Fran. 377, George 23, James 88, Robt. 484, Tho. 232, 318, Wm. 307. Whitehurst, Richd. 179, 188, 222, 332, 540, 564, Wm. 50, 564. Whiteing, James 144, Peter 252, Robt. 254. Whitelige, Robt. 349. Whitell, Geo. 290. Whitelock, Anne 278, Thomas 319, 376. Whiter, Wm. 426. Whiteredge, William 65 . Whiteside, Hellin 521. Whitethorne, Ann 23. Whitewell, Eliz. 227. Whiteworth, Alice 259, Robt. 318. Whitfeild, Eliz. 430, Gilbert 78, Rich. 34, Wm. 44 . Whithorne, An. 541, Arunges 282. Whiting, Ann 144, Chri. 51, Edw. 316, James 30, 94, 144, Owen 147, Re- becca 30, Richard 60, Wm. 541, 555, 557. Whitinge, Edw. 352, Tho. 233. Whitington, Wm. 296. Whitle, Geo. 197. Whitley, Randall 94, Richd. 167. Whitliffe, Alice 194, David 194, Robt. 194. Whitlock, Ann 211, Tho. 104, 190, 192, 315, 397, 430, 442, 557. Whitlocke, Tho. 202, 384. Whitloke, Mary 465, Thomas 429. Whitly, David 241, Jeffery 454, 482. Whitmore, Mary 65, Robt. 255, Tho. 456. Whitselwhite, Will. 210. Whitson, Ann 294. Whitsorrell, Morrice 338 . Whittacre, Capt. 8, Isaac 464 . Whittaker, Jno. 456. Whittecur, Geo. 207. Whitter, Tho. 329. Whitticar, Wm. 471. Whitting, Richd. 205. Whittingham, Wm. 355. Whittington, Eliza. 191, Francis 191, Mary 294, Susan 170, Tho. 274, Wm. 170, 294, 414. Whittle, An. 525, James 344, Robt. 525. Whittson, Dobson 369. Whitty, Jno. 338, 409, 531, Percy 427, Richard 428. Whitton, Fra. 465. Whitway, Edwd. 207. Whitwell, Barneby 433. Whoman, Jno. 519. Whone, Ann 348. Whoop, John 271. Whoorewood, Nich. 24. Whorson, Matt. 195. Whyting, Tho. 304. Wiatt, Geo. 161, Wm. 280, 337. Wiccocomoco, place called: 248, 309 350, 369, 383, 384, 400, 404, 462^ (See Towns). Wichard, James 302. 760 Cavaliers and Pioneers Wichkam (or Wickkam), Jno. 435. Wickam, Christian 514, Jno. 501. Wickars, Henry 462. Wicke, Remor 328. Wickenfield, Wm. 410. Wickham, Xpian 565. Wicker, Henry 281, 461. Wickers, Henry 209. Wickes, Stephen 430. Wicklesworth, Wm. 80. Wicklife, John 77. Wickliffe, John 118, 134. Wicks, Patriak 404. Wickwa Bridge, 217. Wictor, Mich. 268. Widnell, Michaell 249. Wiere, Jno. 344, 345. Wiffon, Robt. 263. Wigg, Ann 202, Edward 87, Robert 102, 361, Thomas 566, Timothy 361, William 80, 102, 105, 107, 108, 124, 126, 143, 295, 391, 453, 507. Wiggan, Fra. 247 . Wiggen, Martha 293 . Wiggin, Jane 566. Wiggins, Mary 401. Wigginton, Jno. 525. Wiggmore, Eliz. 444. Wiggs, Eliza. 247, 277, Mr. 394, 515. Wigmore, Elias 78. Wignall, Alex. 170, 329, 435, Tho. 170, 435, Wm. 197, 384. Wignoll, Margarett 91, Wm. 290. Wight, Marke 195, Tho. 415, 497. Wightman, Anto. 287. Wike, Alex. 132. Wikell, Sarah 391. Wilard, Margtt. 562, Nicholas 562. Wilbis, Margtt. 567. Wilborne, William 56. Wilbourn, Sam. 294. Wilby, John 337, Tho. 370. Wilch, Ann 167. Wilchin, Rachell 295, Richd. 295, 368. Wilcock, Georg 73, Wm. 262 . Wilcocke, Tymothy 208. Wilcocks, John 8, 50, Jon. 240, Math. 309, 507, Richd. 49, Tho. 240. Wilcockes, John 271. Wilcox, Ann 539, Cap. 9, 145, Elianor 162, 163, Grace 139, 262, Henry 309, 322, John 286, 298, 444, Margt. 314, Mary 248, Michaell 125, 139, 165, 232, 262, 385, Richard 97, 126, Roger 138, Tho. 444, Wm. 538. Wild de, Ann 353. Wild, Dan. 291, 474, 486, 510, 518, Hanah 555, Martin 377, Mary 385, 397, Peter 345, Robt. 117, 185, 253, 288, 310, 474, 517, Tho. 454, 524. Wildblood, Jno. 185. Wilde, Robt. 262. Wilder, Edw. 273, 474. Wilden, Richard 356. Wildes, Wm. '358. Wildey, Wm. 358, 501. Wildge, Robt. 190. Wildon, Wm. 204. Wilds, Daniel 377. Wildy, Wm. 138, 358, 359, 531, 566. Wildyes, Wm. 363. Wilford, Edwd. 29, Tho. 252, 365. Wilken, Fra. 172. Wilkenson, Anne 339, James 302, John 339, 479, Mar. 291, Marm. 307, Mary 293, Phill. 446, Robt. 33, Tho. 291, 295, 305, 311, 313, 447, 558. Wilkerson, Jno. 479. Wilkes, Jno. 324, Thomas 314, 530. Wilkeson, James 508, 521, Jno. 152. Wilkey, Mary 248. Wilkin, Wm. 404. Wilkins, David 284, Edw. 284, Henry 517, Humph. 146, Jeffry 425, John 46, 56, 66, 68, 84, 95, 162, 170, 225, 353, 356, Katherine 83, 108, Mary 558, Mr. 152, 554, Richd. 272, 276, 293, Roger 358, Tho. 155, Wm. 486. Wilkinson, Antho. 221, 252, Henry 201, James 207, 351, Jervis 375, Joane 120, John 79, 120, 149, 264, 364, 390, Joyce 302, Mary 178, 430, Matt. 232, Naomy 34, 52, 59, Robt. 118, 186, Richd. 169, Tho. 62, 82, 144, 201, 238, 240, 326, 334, 361, 375, 378, 432, 469, William 34, 52, 59, 112, 154, 165, 345. Wilks, Jno. 180. Wilky, Patrick 492. Willard, Nicholas 557, Richard 315, Wm. 433. Willblood, Wm. 378. Willbourne, Wm. 47. Willbrooke, James 454, Wm. 482. Willcox, Capt. 79, 110. Willcoxe, Michael 162. Willdey, Wm. 501. Wille, Anne 182, Eliz. 282, Eman. 282. Willeford, William 103 . Willes, Eliz. 316, James 303. Willess, Thomas 313. Willett, Abraham 553, David 304, Edw. 304, Elizabeth 389, Geo. 268, Hen. 123, James 45, 66, 263, 446, Jno. General Index 761 248, 284, 312, Peter 97, 185, Robt. 253, Sarah 304, Thomas 370. Willey, Robert 104. Willford, John 288, Thomas 374. Williams, Alexr. 568, Alice 107, An- drew 555, Ann 26, 173, 199, 276, 315, 352, 431, 481, 508, Antho. 457, Chas. 195, Christ. 93, 128, 142, Corn. 133, Danl. 404, David 204, 216, 263, 304, 327, 341, 446, 556, Doris 391, Dorothy 432, Edm. 199, 316, 352, 554, Edwd. 24, 36, 54, 78, 80, 128, 133, 162, 190, 252, 310, 351, 352, 361, 378, 467, 492, 495, 509, 554, 556, 557, 560, Elias 359, Elinor 199, 236, 562, Ellin 37, 65, Eliz. 209, 251, 304, 352, 365, 459, 476, 502, 560, Esebius 366, Evan 28, 81, 470, Ezekell 428, Fenet 440, Finolia 512, Francis 221, 464, Garnett 191, Geo. 207, 502, Gilbert 229, Hanah 559, Hannard 525, Henry 45, 46, 53, 101, 135, 231, 241, 249, 400, 430, 546, 554, Holland 41, Hugh 35, 197, Humphry 88, 243, 510, Ja. 304, James 208, 212, 222, 253, 258, 304, 335, 443, 536, Jane 164, 192, 291, 322, 330, 351, 430, 469, Jenkin 182, Jero. 441, Jinkin 99, Joan 191, 201, 322, 562, John 49, 61, 85, 92, 106, 120, 125, 145, 146, 158, 160, 166, 169, 174, 176, 181, 186, 189, 195, 200, 208, 213, 214, 253, 256, 263, 267, 271, 276, 296, 301, 304, 307, 315, 322, 323, 329, 330, 338, 344, 349, 352, 356, 357, 368, 369, 373, 376, 378, 386, 388, 401, 403, 405, 406, 407, 411, 413, 414, 419, 433, 440, 441, 443, 459, 466, 479, 481, 483, 488, 489, 490, 492, 503, 506, 517, 519, 524, 526, 536, 545, 549, 552, 553, 558, 559, 569, Jona- than 526, Jon. 54, 93, 134, 142, 144, 234, 238, Jost 334, Judeth 128, Katherine 382, Lewis 209, 467, 517, Mack 328, Mar. 190, Margaret 426, 444, 468, 529, 541, 556, Margery 101, Marke 427, 547, Martha 541, 549, 553, Martin 282, Mary 178, 188, 240, 244, 265, 283, 286, 296, 383, 393, 394, 401, 412, 429, 442, 445, 450, 456, 466, 481, 482, 525, 533, 536, 540, 544, 546, 547, 548, 559, 561, 562, 563, 567, Masser 190, Math. 289, 364, 389, 403, 454, 482, 494, 565, Michaell 112, 164, Mr. 443, Morgan li2, 150, 166, 192, 336, 427, 493, Morris 228, 333, Nicholas 89, 169, 267, 380, 487, Norman 32, Norton 556, 559, Obed. 314, 497, Oliv. 427, Owen 204, 216, 242, 286, 425, 555, Pearsie 367, Perregrine 192, Peter 549, Phillip 207, 246, 304, Ra. 347, Rach. 169, 444, Rice 268, 541, Richard 40, 53, 68, 93, 100, 128, 129, 133, 137, 144, 169, 234, 241, 247, 301, 306, 315, 323, 330, 380, 397, 451, 475, 491, 499, 510, 537, Robt. 120, 168, 183, Roger 26, 99, 133, 258, 295, 427, 446, Rowland 87, 370, 501, Samuell 181, Sarah 164, 366, Stephen 524, Susan 549, 554, 556, 557, 560, Tem- perance 378, Thomas 23, 32, 33, 60, 66, 100, 103, 110, 120, 136, 147, 171, 177, 178, 189, 203, 207, 213, 1216, 231, 244, 260, 263, 278, 279, 286, 299, 313, 314, 347, 361, 362, 382, 391, 397, 404, 436, 440, 450, 453, 454, 462, 466, 479, 497, 499, 516, 527, 528, 535, 541, 560, 563, Walter 85, 404, Wm. 82, 218, 224, 260, 275, 298, 309, 449, 451, 454, 459, 527, 539, 546, Xpher. 508, Xpian. 173, 415. Williamson, Alice 195, An 245, Andrew 290, Antho. 136, 509, 562, David 69, 110, 554, 555, Edw. 203, 391, 524, Eliz. 427, Francis 196, Isaac 285, James 190, 191, 251, 277, 291, 298, 310, 343, 353, 362, 384, 442, 489, 495, 531, Jeff. 257, Joane 558, Jon. 144, John 123, Jos. 190, Mathew 37, 63, 295, 317, Margarett 429, 527, Mary 429, Mr. 332, Peter 524, Richd. 125, 229, Robert 79, 558, 561, Roger 353, Susanna 26, Tho. 179, 476, 478, 527, 545, Wm. 245, 441, 560. Willie, Wm. 366. Willimot, James 267. Willinger, Antho. 208. Willington, Mary 253, Michaell 526. Willins, John 371. Willis, Abigail 386, Ann 255, 282, 362, 512, 515, Daniell 567, Edw. 26, 149, 421, Eliz. 50, 59, 86, Francis 188, 404, 522, 547, 565, Godfry 300, Henry 265, 412, 463, James 181, 207, 210, 234, 256, 430, Jane 263, 281, 500, John 141, 201, 282, 336, 339, 385, 433, 465, 483, Joseph 120, Margery 300, Margt. 567, Mary 369, 382, 425, 541, Rachell 266, 378, Randall 453, Richd. 207, Ruth 453, 762 Cavaliers and Pioneers Sarah 549, Stephen 527, Tho. 74, 80, 99, 150, 244, 325, 377, 385, 498, 507, Walter 70, 103, 115, Wm. 294, ,429, 486. Willison, Ed. 564. Willmod, Rich. 370 Willmott, Jno. 555. Willmouth, Bart. 536. Willmude, Marg 331. Willom, Eliz. 512. Willott, Richd 256. Willoughby, Alice 302, Eliz. 302, 374, Fr. 250, John 254, 349, Peter 29, Robt 453, Thomas 10, 54, 84, 92, 112, 119, 134, 302. Willoughbie Jacob 461, 476, Tho. 532. Willow, Merra 134. Willowby, Kath. 291. Willowbye, Thomas 34. Wills, Abigail 361, Barnaby 511, Danll. 404, Edw. 272, 374, 486, 512, Eliz. 93, Henry 370, John 272, Kath. 272, Mary 531, Mich. 375, 467, 468, Nich. 425, Susana 272, Tho. 24, 465, Xtopr. 562. Willsford, Mary 354. Willshaw, John 135. Willshire, Jno. 446. Willson, Edward 354, Eliza. 195, Gab- riell 195, Henry 73, 293, James 373, Jeffry 293, Mary 378, Robert 176, 355, Richard 370, Tho. 164, 357, Wm. 172, 337. Willus, Sarah 566. Willy, Joan 337. Wilmot, Ann 203, 286, Edwd. 28, 81, 516, Jane 557, Jo. 557, Mary 557, Sarah 557, Tho. 178, 355. Wilnutt, Susan 452. Wilox, John 286. Wiloxes, John 285. Wilsford, Bridget 236, Tho. 221, 229, 235, 236, 262, 312, 345, 375, 379, 501. Wilshere, Wm. 63. Wilshin, Richd 416. Wilshire, Wm. 37. Wilson, Alice 165, 482, Ann 508, 526, 567, Arth. 172, Daniell 519, Edw. 345, 448, 561, Ellen 228, 508, Eliza. 207, 468, 501, Gabriel 243, 270, Geo. 181, 265, 351, Giles 342, Grace 411, 441, Hardrop 563, Henry 53, 238, 276, 293, 440, 485, 501, 521, 524, 535, Hugh 344, Isaack 454, James 180, 255, 268, 275, 302, 342, 393, 459, 464, 467, 483, 516, 561, John 117, 177, 178, 249, 278, 290, 345, 499, 508, 515, 516, 519, 537, 556, 558, Joan 312, Jon. 231, 239, Jude 427, Laur. 57, Luke 183, Mar. 315, Margtt. 463, 548, Mary 173, 192, 203, 386, 449, 547, Mathew 339, Nich. 375, 425, 468, Peter 195, Richd. 268, Robt. 260, 262, 263, 280, 343, 359, 370, 395, 471, Sanders 327, Sarah 501, Su 362, Susan 249, Thos. 193, 254, 288, 325, 357, 390, 434, 445, Wm. 258, 261, 274, 293, 344, 362, 388, 390, 394, 494, 544, 547, 556, Xpian. 176, Xtop. 397. Wilsonn, Alice 108, Edward 108, Eliz. 37, 138, Gabriel 41, Henry 53, 73, 109, 121, James 22, John 27, 117, Mary 30, Nath. 150, Richard 43, 77, Sarah 253. Wilton, Henry 567, John 79, 454, Wm. 213, 469, 558. Wimbleton, Eliz. 241. Wimpey, John 315. Win, Jon. 237, John 366, Stephen 396. Winard, Tho. 45, 62. Wincen, Wm. 270. Winch, Tho. 552. Winchell, Robert 314. Winchester, Awdrey 112, John 40, 59, 112, Theodor 112, Jon. 58. Winchett, Ja. 180. Winchly, Mary 275. Wincill, Robt. 160. Winckle, Anth 501. Wincock, Dorothy 239. Windam, Edward 23. Windell, Edw. 201. Winders, Jane 133. Windeth, Fickler 157. Windett, Edward 93, Ficler 274. Windley, Robt. 407. Windmill, Christopher 12, 19, 156. Windon, Howell 565. Window, Howell 565. Windsmore, Michael 299. Wines, Enoch 549. Windsor, Jno. 456. Winfield, Wm. 216. Wing, Rich. 456. Wingate, Edw. 387. Wingatt, Jno. 554, Roger 171. Wingfield, Thomas 49, Xph. 364. Winifrett, Wm. 44, 62. Winkeford, Jos. 144. Winkle, Xphian. 333. Winley, David 28, 77, Jone 77, Robt. 267. General Index 763 Winly, Nash 266, Nath. 315. Winn, Ann 200, 261, 286, 338, Eliz. 286, 338, Hugh 121, 125, 168, Tho. 279, 290, 370, 395, Will. 552. Winnall, Jon. 28. Winne, Eliz. 346, Hugh 346, Kath. 279. Winnfrye, Wm. 106. Winshaw, Roger 276. Winshew, Constant 336. Winslow, Tho. 485. Winster Fax, land of 178. Winthrop, Paul 453. Wintell, Charees 395. Winter, Ann 39, 183, Charles 395, John 258, Mary 453, 542, Rich. 77, 182, Robt. 187, 221, 516, Roger 359, Tho. 388, Wm. 28 Winter Harbor, place called 223, 244, 265, 274, 285, 289, 417, 438 Winterne, Charles 370, 375. Wintercome, James 483. Winterton, Marg. 198, Wm. 339. Wirrall, Edw. 297. Wiscaponson, place called 75. Wise, Arthur 442, Edward 393, Grizell 235, Hannah 327, Henry 543, John 327, 413, 414, 480, 559, Mary 437, 527, 556, Nicholas 99, 343, Tho. 464, Wm. 543, 558. Wiseman, Edwd. 396, John 275, Mary 538, 540, 563, Rich. 527, Robt. 112. Wiser, Joyce 151 Wishart, Patrick 92, 319. Wisson, Robt. 263. Witby, Wm. 293. Witcher, Hen. 134. Withall, Mary 391. Witham, Jno. 501. Witherby, David 43. Witheredge, William 65 Withers, Fr. 28, 83, 331, Henry 540, Jon. 23, 142, John 92, 312, 315, 359, 383, 489, 536, Stephen 23, Wm. 383. Withey, August. 411, 444, 468, Isham 468. Withnell, Xtop. 520. Witney, Thomas 26 Wittaker, Robt. 507, Sara 551. Wittingington, Wm. 131, 528. Witts, Wm. 337. Witty, James 566. Witwell, Barnsby 433. Wixe ,Tho. 153. Woad, Eliz. 529, James 500, Jno. 500, Tho. 529. Woaker, Lawrence 40. Woford, Nich. 427. Woldridge, John 167, Timo. 190. Wolfe, Geo. 353, Rice 337, Richd. 167, Robt. 280, 476, Wm. 269, 335, 342. Wolfe's Snare, the 107, 528, a place called. Wollard, Saml. 206. Wolly, Wm. 172. Wolman, Richd. 182. Wolmesley, Tho. 342, 548. Wolmsly, Roger 328. Wolstone, Saml. 263. Womball, Tho. 509. Wombnell, (or Wombwell) Capt. 318. Wombrell, Thomas 538. Wombwell, Ann 427, Thomas 89, 141, 151, 176, 202, 221. Womesly, Thomas 548 . Womsley, Roger 475. Wond, Jane 147. Wonell, James 203. Wongan, Isaac 125. Wood, Abraham 88, 95, 110, 111, 137, 255, 301, 388, 411, Alex. 393, 517, Arthur 23, 66, Charles 505, Edw. 166, 172, 181, 448, 455, 505, Eliz. 230, 363, 444, 476, 515, 529, Fran. 520, Geo. 386, 397, Henry 5, 23, 184, 430, Hugh 519, 539, James 500, 526, Jane 281, 445, 501, Joane 332, John 31, 45, 51, 132, 199, 228, 233, 246, 269, 292, 335, 344, 348, 350, 351, 352, 353, 362, 363, 366, 375, 381, 388, 398, 401, 403, 404, 420, 430, 453, 461, 491, 500, 507, 514, 529, 531, 547, Jon. 34, Kath. 204, 216, Leo. Ill, Marg. 209, Major 247, Mary 184, 386, 404, 430, 448, 453, 503, Marg. 288, Math. 493, Paul 384, Peter 173, 215, 266, R. 287, Ralph 61, 557, Richard 433, Robt. 133, Silvanus 339, Stafford 486, Susan 502, Thomas 86, 89, 172, 260, 290, 300, 355, 393, 399, 404, 426, 486, 500, 506, 529, Walter 144, 267, 286, 412, 443, Wm. 86, 112, 121, 125, 192, 194, 198, 228, 229, 315, 392, 393, 426, 468, 513, Xpian. 547, Xpr. 403. Woodall, John 47, 79, 85, Tho. 40, 109. Woodars, Wm. 302. Woodart, Rich. 427. Woodbridge, Elinor 404, Eliza. 135, 223, 442, Mary 370, 527, Paul 440, 485, 521, 527. Woodby, John 506, Robert 339. 764 Cavaliers and Pioneers Woodcock, Georg 50, John 114, Tho. 24. Woodcocke, Jon. 81, John 108. Woodcroft, Robt. 190, Robt. 293. Wooddard, Christo. 33. Wooderd, Mary 346. Woodfield, Tho. 264, 286, 455. Woodford, Jon. 82, Phill. 404, Ralph 462, Roger 261, 305, Richd. 216. Woodgate, Wm. 35, 100. Woodgear, John 254, 349. Woodham, Tho. 341. Woodhouse, Hamond 352, 535, Henry 181, 287, Jon. 232, Jno. 528, Mr. 276, 328, Nich. 300, Tho. 153, 176, 179, 245, 313, 317, 347, 366, 375, 488, 491, 519, 562. Woodhowse, Elizabeth 57, Henry 57, 90, 98, Mary 57, Tho. 129, 150, Wm. 136 Woodington, Chas. 344, 346, 409, 430, John 299, 346, 362, 383, 386, 409. Woodland, William 370. Woodley, Capt. 25. Woodlief, John 226. Woodliffe, Capt. 60, 157, John 93, 130, Martin 404. Woodlife, John 68. Woodman, Richd. 182. Woodmint, Mary 261. Woodnoale, Henry 526. Woodnutt, Mary 262 . Woodroofe, Gran. 279. Woodrow, Joseph 212, 282. Woodruff, Jno. 446, Richard 144. Woodruff e, Robt. 171. Woods, Eliz. 460, Hugh 330, Jno. 411. Woodson, John 203, 334. Woodstock, Ellinor 377, Robt. 250. Woodsworth, Richd. 245. Woodwar, John 314. Woodward, Christopher 54, 69, 140, Dorothy 54, 69, 169, Eliz. 546, John 306, 330, 368, Joseph 368, Katherine 426, Margaret 54, 69, Nicholas 425, Philarete 426, Saml. 206, 508, Tho- mas 391, 420, 427, 428, Vincent 35, Wm. 143, 388, 390, 533, 534, Xpher. 428. Woodward's Labour, place called 478. Woody, Robt. 242, 243, 327. Woodyard, Tho. 280, Vincent 35. Woodyard, place called the 20, 124, 299. Woodyer, Jno. 455. Woofe, Dorothy 287. Woofed, Nich. 119. Woolard, Ann 206, Geo, 206. Woolaston, Geo. 215. Woolbridge, Elizabeth 357. Woolcot, John 182. Woold, Kath. 399. Wooldrige, Tho. 144. Wooles, John 298, Robt. 37. Woolest, Tho. 277. Wooleston, Ann 107. Wooley, William 65. Woolfe, Michael 157, Wm. 47, 56. Woolgate, Sarah 109. Woolierine, Humphry 70. Wollerton, Robert 380. Woolley, Wm. 45, 82. Woolly, William 100, 248. Woolman, Richd. 174, 182, 283. Woolmer, Tho. 332. Woolock, Henry 558. Woolrich, Joane 34, Timo. 199. Woolritch, Wm. 34. Wools, Saml. 31. Woorgen, Isaac 50. Woorke, William 65. Wooton, Eliza. 218, Richd. 169, 210, 523. Wootton, Richard 92, 142, Wm. 112. Woover, Robert 102. Worden, Wm. 404. Worgan, Isaac 276. Worke, Wm. 114. Workeman, Jno. 349 . Worker, John 190. Workman, John 254, Richd. 149, 172, 294, William 312. Worldridge, Geo. 152. Worlech, Jno. 404. Worleich, Geo. 258, Henry 186, John 195, Mary 186, Wm. 158, 186, 195, 380. Worleidge, Wm. 148. Worley, Eliz. 262. Worlich, Wm. 358. Worlidge, Mr. 38. Worlitch, Wm. 39. Wormeley, Agatha 182, Capt. 132, 156, 164, 239, 256, Coll. 215, Christopher 99, 200, 206, Mary 182, Ralph 181, 182, 200, 206, 215, 220, Xtopher. 182. Wormley, Capt. 185, Christopher 91, 115, 118, Ralph 288. Wormenton, Jno. 546. Wormewell, Mary 34. Worminger, William 94. Wormington, Jno. 310. Wormslend, Jno. 458. General Index 765 Wormsley, Roger 170. Wornall, Robert 105. Worrall, Wm. 385. Worrell, Wm. 383. Worricke, place called 334. Worshipp, Magdalin 482, Pru. 281, Walter 115. Worsley, Henry 217. Worsnam, Geo. 238, 556, Wm. 238, 239, 556. Worster, Richard 28. Worth, Ann 381, Mary 311, Peter 304, Roger 263. Wortham, John 378. Worthing, Richd. 264. Worthington, Jno. 538. Worthy, Dammaris 425. Wortman, Ann 147, Jon. 147, Mary 147, Tho. 147. Worton, Jno. 512. Worts, Mary 516, Wm. 541. Wosencroft, Mandelin (or Maudeiin) 126. Woster, Richd. 156. Wosye, Ann 356. Wotten, Jenken 294. Wotter, Eliz. 153. Wotton, John 388, Mary 567, Rebecca 430, Wm. 244. Wottson, Wm. 298. Wouden, Jno. 555. Would, Margarett 435. Wovell, James 203. Wrack, Miles 453. Wragg, Benj. 140, Wm. 302. Wranton, Wm. 383. Wrath, Edw. 454, James 453. Wrauton, Wm. 383. Wray, Jon. 10, Jno. 375, 395, 548, Thomas 38, 42. Wren, Eliz. 403, James 184, 234. Wrench, Ann 129. Wrenn, Fra.l96,Nicho.263,Thomas 102. Wright, Abram 403, 547, Alexander 546, Antho. 202, Arthur 547, David 311, Edw. 189, 225, 258, 468, Eliza- beth 59, 244, 291, 435, 509, Fra. 233, 302, Gilbert 289, Giles 218, 313, Henry 199, James 453, Jane 73, 117, 145, 559, Jesper 431, Jon. 31, Joane 252, 258, 316, 352, John 47, 98, 116, 118, 119, 143, 167, 194, 198, 256, 276, 290, 300, 384, 428, 566, Martha 292, 325, 352, Mary 450, Mr. 569, Phillis 193, Phil. 512, Roger 36, 569, Richd. 38, 50, 198, 219, 260, 375, 401, 434, 442, 492, Robert 8, 133, 291, 322, 330, 370, 395, Samll. 188, Sarah 509, Symon 74, Tea. 296, Thomas 21, 27, 166, 172, 195, 202, 217, 228, 234, 238, 269, 297, 364, 384, 424, 429, 463, 466, 489, 509, 514, 526, Wm. 61, 73, 117, 166, 170, 268, 277, 291, 292, 314, 324, 326, 327, 338, 392, 393, 453, 454, 456, 482, 500, 524, 527, 529, 541, 543, 547, 548, 568, Win. 180, Xpher. 395. Wrightwell, John 251. Wring, Samll. 452. Wrist, Mutton 328. Wristone, Nath. 244. Writt, Edw. 47, John 22. Wrong, Mary 483. Wroth, Wm. 506. Wroughton, Wm. 439, 478, 510, 526. Wrych, Rich. 28. Wrye, Peter 128. Wyaneford, Dorothy 187. Wyat, Wm. 229, 240, 241. Wyatt, Andrew 294, Ann 288, Anth. 430, 534, Edward 398, 402, 523, 537, 554, Edwin 148, Francis 1, 2, 16, 25, 67, 71, 86, 118, 119, 123, 126, 145, 148, 177, Geo. 160, 161, 402, Henry 126, John 389, Martin 374, Ralph 95, Richd. 141, 178, 427, 553, Robert 110, 433, Thos. 131, 287, 306, 414, 482, 520, 553, Wm. 276, 283, 284, 306, 307, 309, 310, 328, 379, 494, 520, 522. Wye, Geo. 146, 191, Roger 554, Walter 192. Wyere, John 299, 306. Wyes, Robert 354. Wygood, Kath. 146. Wyld, Jon. 246. Wylds, Daniel 311 . Wyn, Anth. 428. Wyne, Jon. 73. Wynell, Wm. 164. Wyner, James 348. Wynn, Anne 270, Christopher 90, Gar- rett 166, Hugh 16, 74, 81, 115, 118, 142, Mathew 49, Richd. 264. Wynter, Tho. 304 . Wyre, John 293. Wyse, John 327. Wywell, Wm. 164. Wyyon, Antho. 54. Yallop, Robt. 465, 483. Yardley, Anne 264, Col. 269, Francis 179, Geo. 226. 766 Cavaliers and Pioneers Yardlie, Col. 415. Yardly, Argoll 289, 549, 555, Capt. 173, 251, Fra. 296. Yarmouth, place called 119. Yarnell, Tho. 509. Yarnar, Ann 171, 191. Yarratt, 424. Yarrett, Adam 360, 459, 461, 463, Wm. 118, 126, 168, 191, 202, 304, 319, 346, 350, 390, 430, 439, 503, 519. Yartest, John 226. Yateman, Wm. 213. Yates, James 264, 316, 345, Johanna 273, 415, 547, Joane 51, 106, 270, Jon. 35, 100, John 38, 51, 72, 106, 111, 157, 184, 288, 319, 355, 529, 546, Henry 37, 65, Margaret 184, Mary 38, 156, 461, 483, Rebecca 541, Richard 51, 106, 479, Robt. 35, 100, 276, Saml. 280, 358, Steeven 282, Wm. 541. Yealke, Tho. 160. Yeardley, Argoll 81, 96, 126, Francis 81, Georg 7, 10, 11, 18, 50, 70, 96, 126. Yeardly, Argoll 136, Georg 2, 4, 8, 29, 44, 68, 88, 109. Yearkey, Jenkin 347. Yearwood, Wm. 465. Yeates, James 350. Yelding, Wm. 426. Yellow, Eliz. 269, Marg. 275. Yenny, Robt. 153. Yeo, Capt. 234, Clare 258, Coll. 481, Heugh 555, Hugh 259, 297, 321, 418, 513, John 61, 452, Lea. 506, Leonard 62, 224, 258, Mr. 249, 360, Robt. 201, 237, 292, 351, 446, 500, 510, 531, Step. 357. Yeocomoco, place called 246, 309, 325, 357. Yeoman, Cesar 264, James 329, Tho. 72. Yeomans, Amy 362, Cesser 286, 412, Doro. 467, Edw. 261, 270, 288, Georg 32, 103, Mary 457, 506, Xtop. 454. Yeomen: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 71. Yeowell, Thomas 335. Yepe, John 70. Yetman, Rosamar 56, Rosomae 46. Yoe, Robt. 297, Wm. 297. Yoell, Mrs. 371. Yong, Alice 434, Mary 427, Tho. 528. Yonge de, John 387. Yongue, Robert 334. York, John 180. Yorke, Ann 108, Charles 525, Edw. 23, 66, Eliz. 291, 405, Katherine 40, 69. Yorke, 156, 194. Yorke Court, 173, 264. Yorke Plantation, 161, 164, Yorke Ridge 244. Yorkshire, Kath. 240. Yorkesheire, Lawrence 369- Youall, Thos. 245. Youel, Tho. 237. Youell, Mrs. 435, Richd. 352, Tho. 352, 442. Youl, Math. 440, Tho. 237, 246, 249, Wm. 492. Youle, Thomas 315. Young, Ailce 188, 445, And. 497, Ann 396, 483, 484, Antho. 176, 526, Arthur 555, Christo. 47, 92, Ciceley 149, Cornelius 506, Da. 484, Dorcas 548, Dorothy 51, Dilly 156, Edward 40, 94, 393, 457, 485, 517, 563, Edwin 127, Ellis 129, Francis 120, 450, Georg 548, Gowyn 481, Jacob 500, James 392, 510, 568, Jane 377, John 108, 257, 405, 429, 432, 459, 464, 481, Leo. 487, Marma. 466, Martha 212, Mary 396, 399, 428, 440, 484, 510, Minion 483, Mrs. 269, Pharoah 77, 147, Phill. 430, Rich. 25, 51, 69, 77, 90, 127, 145, 147, 162, 198, 462, 488, 501, 536, Robt. 110, 117, 255, 256, 258, 281, Sam. 296, 484, 485, Step. 169, Susan 512, Tho. 148, 225, 361, 364, 391, 420, 481, 483, 510, Vincent 470, Walter 561, William 55, 130, 391, 393, 412, 432, 464, 469, 475, 486, 494, 500, 501, 516, Xpher. 465, 514. Younge, Ann 302, Joane 245, John 265, 288, 367, 369, 506, Renold 266, Rice 230, Robt. 303, 358, 368, 370, Sam. 357, Stephen 117, Tho. 293, 326, 336. Youngman, Jno. 430. Yowell, Ann 315, 319, Tho. 206, 219, 260, 297, 304, 315, 319, William 315. Yowens, John 255. Yowers, John 255. Yowill, Ann 207, Tho. 207, Wm. 207. Yowin, John 206. Zacher, Manus 119. Zaines, Wm. 492. Zaizes, John 519. Zamis, John 519. Zouch, John 90, 137, 554. Addenda 767 Addenda CORRECTIONS Page 46 3rd Line: Under Thomas Gaskins: olf should be old plantation. Page 137 5th Line: Under Abraham Wood: inculding should be including. Page 139 3rd Line: Under John Ewens: Bristal should be Bristoll. Page 201 Under Thomas Wilkinson: 18 Oct., 1650, page 257. Page 203 1st Line: Under John Holmswood: should be Holmewood. Page 203 15th Line: Under Stephen Hamelin: Janos Alport should be Jonas. Page 203 17th Line: Under Stephen Hamelin: Jab. Robinson should be Gab. Page 203 19th Line: Under Stephen Hamelin: Edward Thurston should be Thruston. Page 216 last Line: Under Anthony Johnson: Jno. Gesorroro should be Gesorrow. Page 362 10th Line: Under Nicholas Jernew: Gilbert Coop should be Cooper. Page 368 5th Line: Under Lt. Col. Walker: John Smith should be Smithy. Page 427 8th Line: Under Wm. Jennings: Samll. Henricke should be Henrike Page 430 12th Line: Under Richd. Webley et als: Fritzwith Parsly should be Frizwith. Page 431 last Line: Under Richd. Webley et als: Symon Culberton should be Tubberron. ADDITIONS TO INDEX Page 50 4rh Line: Under Mrs. Eliz. Srephens: Flowerdeu Hundred. Page 202 lasr Line: Under Edward Knighr: Richahock Parh. Page 513 5rh Line: Under John Beachamp er als: Col. Owins Quarrer. Page 513 7rh Line: Under John Beachamp er als: Cow Taile Quarrer Run. Page 538 lasr Line: Under Wm. Crump er als: Mary Underwood. Page 539 3rd Line: Under Henry Whire: John Urron. Page 556 18rh Line: Under Major Thos. Walker: Arrhur Upshorr. Page 250 5rh Line: Under Joseph Croshaw: Ricohack Parh. Negroes: 23, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 41, 45, 46, 54, 56, 61, 62, 65, 66, 69, 73, 81, 83, 84, 94, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 104, 105, 109, 112, 113, 115, 118, 120, 121, 129, 130, 132, 133, 135, 139, 141, 146, 148, 152, 154, 158, 169, 170, 173, 181, 182, 185, 190, 195, 199. 200, 208, 210, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 220, 221, 235, 237, 240, 245, 247, 249, 251, 254, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267, 269, 270, 275, 276, 278, 279, 281, 282, 286, 288, 289, 291, 293, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 305, 307, 311, 313, 315, 316, 318, 322, 324, 328, 335, 336, 338, 339, 346, 349, 350, 355, 358, 361, 362, 363, 367, 369, 373, 374, 375, 378, 385, 386, 387, 390, 391, 392, 394, 395, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 403. 404, 406, 411, 413, 414, 428, 429, 435, 437, 438, 439, 441, 443, 444, 446, 450, 451, 459, 460, 462, 463, 465, 466, 468, 472, 475, 476, 479, 481, 484, 492, 493, 498, 499, 500, 508, 511, 512, 514, 517, 518, 523, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 532, 536, 537, 542, 547, 548, 549, 551, 553, 554, 558, 559, 564, 568. Servanrs: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 61, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97, 99, 100, 102, 106, 107, 110, 114, 117, 119, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 144, 156, 166, 213, 219, 226, 230, 254, 261, 272, 276, 287, 304, 315, 330, 333, 340, 348, 349, 363, 385, 411, 451, 516 521. Of this, the First Edition, One Thousand Copies have been printed, and this Copy is No. ?& 3 . ■:; ^ ■■'■:-.;;.i!.v;^:;;s UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA ■m 1N894C C0Q1 V001 CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS RICHMOND VA. mini 1 1 ii hi i ii n !'ii in i hi 1 1 3 0112 025291482