ALUMNI RECORD Mercersburg College. .1865-1880.... T- T V ^ W ^ ^ ^ -^ x ^ i ^T T T ' V* ~ ^ T^ W W "T W- *' f * 4 # # * * * I | jj ajt, - 4 mlmm * * * * * | | | | # - a ** ^ ^ J; * # * * I * ' + j #• * * * * ■■+ # * i ip I I I * * *t -t m m m m I # 4-4 § # * * * .* ip a £ * # _* * . ^ framing anb Cabor. LIBRARY OF THE W | Universityof Illinois. ^ A CLASS. BOOK. VOLUME. & T? # p I i Accession No. JL 4 4 4 4 t- T T 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4* -f 4 4 4 4 r 4 4 f 4 + 44 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 f •4 &J . r f 4 4 # * ■* * 7T 7- JT> T* W : "~w- "W'-- : , ] . 'W ■■-..< # * * * * * I ^ ** »£. ^l j! „>■ "T T* T -T" f f ****** I * J ** i * * i # fe * * *.■■# T* ^ ^ f * * m T~ #" ^ ^ # I # # m * i i * -#: * m #■ pi * * # I * * ■■=# |i i§ # * p || i *- # * # ; - 1 * * *;.. mim^ * m -.# m ** #: -* ;# : .*.• ..*. ^ ^1 j^p .#:; #-. Iff # * lj§ ap *-' * § * # --* * ■+' *- ; * * # * p: * + # * # # .#' *N '# :# P * # P * ^ ,4 |f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 /*/r% PA MPH LET OF INFORMATION CONCERNING THE 5 STUDENTS 5 WHO ATTENDED MERCERSBURG £ £ £ COLLEGE UNDER THE ADMINISTRATIONS OF T, G, APPLE AND E, E, 1865 to 1880 A. D. ■ PREFACE. In October, 1900, when the Potomac Synod met in Mer- cersburg, the Mercersburg students who were present voted to hold a Reunion in June, 1901. The Committees ap- pointed decided, in connection with this Reunion, to unveil the portraits of Dr. Apple and Dr. Higbee, to place a memorial window to Dr. Higbee in Keil Hall and to publish this pamphlet. The records of the alumni herein contained are verv , imperfect. The alumni are widely scattered and for more than twenty years no systematic record of their move- ments has been kept. Many of the former students are dead, some have been tardy in answering our questions, and a large percentage of those whose addresses are known have not taken any notice of the circulars sent to them. These conditions have made it extremely difficult to com- pile a full and correct record. We hope, however, that ^ this pamphlet, in spite of its mistakes, will receive a . hearty welcome, not only from the Apple and Higbee students, but from all the friends of dear old Mercersburg. Mercersburg, Pa., June /, ipoi. -^ *r> v Mercersburg College Students. 1865—1880. ABBOTT, CARL, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1871. ABBOTT, IRVING, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1871. When last heard from Mr. Abbott was a lawyer in Washington, D. C. AGNEW, W. C, Hibbing, Minn. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. Mr- Agnew is at present General Manager of the Mahoning Ore and Steel Company. ALLEN, A. W. , (Address not known. ) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1866 Is reported as being dead, but the report cannot be confirmed. ALLEN, MISS EMMA, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1866. Miss Allen died in Chambersburg, Pa., about 23 years ago. ALLEN, MISS LAURA J., St. Thomas, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. Has since taught school. ALLEN, THOMAS J., Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in I86 5 . ANDERSON, EDWARD. Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, Pa., in 1866. Mr. Anderson died at his home in Bedford. For some years before his death he had charge of the estate of the Anderson heirs. ANDERSON, MISS SUE B., Hedgesville, W. Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Hedgesville, W. Va. , and continued in attendance for two years. Since leaving Mercersburg, Miss Anderson has been engaged in teach- ing. In 1867 she was a student in a female seminary at Hagerstown, Md., and graduated in 1868. Later she was a member of the faculty of that institution. In 1872 Miss Anderson accepted the principalship of a Select School in Uniontown, Pa., which position she held for five years. Since then she has lived a retired life. ANKENY, LOUIS C, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Clear Spring, Md., in 1870. / ANTRIM, B. B., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Danville, Pa., in 1867. APPLE, MISS ANNIE M., Lancaster, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. Wife of Mr. Edward McKinstry. APPLE, MISS IDA C, Westminster, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1867. Married to the Rev. C. S. Slagle, Westminster, Md APPLE, JOHN W., Lancaster, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 65, Mr. Apple is at present a prominent lawyer of the firm of Apple & Apple, Lancaster, Pa. APPLE, ELIZABETH GILMORE, Dead. Elizabeth Gilmore Apple, daughter of Thomas G. Apple, entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. She removed to Lancaster, Pa., with her father's family and died there January 31, 1876. AUGHINBAUGH, CHARLES HIGBEE, Dead. Charles Higbee Aughinbaugh, son of Geo. W. Aughin- baugh, entered Mercersburg College from Riegelsville, Pa. After leaving Mecersburg, Mr. Aughinbaugh entered the Philadelphia college of pharmacy and was a Regis- tered Pharmacist. He died in Clearfield, Pa., in 1890. BAER, E. H., Denver, Col, Entered Mercersburg College from Ursina, Pa., in 1872. Is now engaged in newspaper work in Denver, Col. BAKER, C. P., (Address not known ) The catalogue record shows that Mr. Baker entered Mercersburg College from Mercer county, Pa M but gives no postoffice address. BARNDOLLAR, MISS A. C, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Ft. Littleton, Pa., in 1865. Miss Barndoilar left college in 1867, an( i with her father's family settled in Lanark, 111. Was married to Mr. Geo. W. Ashton, July 7, 1868. Died at her home in Lin- coln, Neb., January 7, 1900. Her husband is still living in Lincoln. BASSLER, C. W., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Sunbury, Pa., in 1869. BAUMAN, D. T., Maquoketa, Iowa. Entered Mercersburg College from Zwingle, Iowa, in 1876. Mr. Bauman is now an Attorney-at-law. BAUMAN, THE REV. JOHN NEVIN, Jeamiette, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Zwingle, Iowa, in 1877, and continued in attendance for onevear. Mr. Bau- man is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College and the Reformed Theological Seminary at Lancaster, Pa. The degree of A. M. was conferred upon him in course. Has been in the ministry since 1886. BENEDICT, DANIEL TRITLE, Lemasters, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Bridgeport, Pa , in 1866, and continued in attendance for one year. Since leaving Mercersburg, Mr. Benedict has been engaged in teaching and farming. BENFORD, C. H., Dead. C. H. Benford, son of Geo. W. Benford, of Somerset, Pa., entered Mercersburg College in 1872. After leaving Mercersburg he entered a medical college, but was never graduated. He entered his father's drugstore, and died in Somerset, Pa. BENNET, CALVIN, Harrisburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Boiling Spring, Pa., 1866. Mr. Bennet is now a flagman at the Philadelphia and Reading railroad depot, Harrisburg, Pa. BESORE, A. N., Baltimore, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro in 1867. BESORE, C. E., Waynesboro, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro in 1873. BENTZ, L. E., Martinsburg, W. Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Martinsburg, W. Va., in 1868. Since leaving Mercersburg Mr. Bentz has been en^a^erl in the grocery and queensware business. BLACK, THE REV. ALBERT A., Boalsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg from Huntingdon, Pa., in 1872. Mr. Black spent six years at Mercersburg — two in the pre- paratory department and four in college. Since leaving Mercersburg he has been in the ministry. BLATTENBERGER, WILLIAM., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Lemaster, Pa., in 1878. BOKUM, RICHARD, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Jonesboro, Tenn., in 1868. BOMBERGER, HARVEY SMITH, Boonsboro, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Boonsboro, Md., in 1877, and attended one year. Later graduated from Franklin and Marshall College as valedictorian of his class. Since then has been engaged in business, was elected to the Maryland Legislature in Nov. 1897. BONEBREAK, JACOB M., (Address not known ) Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro, Pa., in 1871. BOOTH, D. S., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Breathedsville, Md., in 1868. Died December 25, 1878. BOSSERMAN, JOHN, (Address not known.) Is catalogued as having entered Mercersburg College in 1865 fr° m Franklin county, Pa. BOSSERMAN SAMUEL HENRY, Cearfoss, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1867. Since leaving Mercersburg Mr. Bosserman has been engaged in farming. BOSSERT, J. W., Edenville, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Chambersburg, Pa., in 1867. Mr. Bossert is a Justice of the Peace at Eden- ville, Pa. Since leaving Mercersburg he has been engaged in farming. BOWMAN, THE REV. DR. JOHN CALVIN, Lancaster, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Chambersburg, Pa., fall of 1865 — ln attendance four years — from Mercersburg entered junior class of Franklin and Marshall College, hav- ing been graduated in 187 1. Three years later was gradua- ted from the Theological Seminary at Lancaster; served sev- 6 eral pastoral charges in the Reformed church; was called to professorship of New Testament Exegesis in the Re- formed Theologicnl Seminary at Lancaster, Pa., which position he now holds. BOWMAN, DR. JACOB Z., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Chambersburg, Pa., in 1877. From Mercersburg Dr. Bowman went to Frank- lin and Marshall College and spent two years, after which he attended the University of Pennsylvania medical department. After graduation he practiced medicine in Meyersdale, Pa., for several years. During the sum- mer of 1888 he was married to a daughter of Mr. J. J. Hoblitzell. He died at Chambersburg, Pa., while on his wedding trip. BOWERS, O. C, Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas, Pa., in 1866. Is now a prominent Attorney-at-law. BOVEY, S. S., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Clear Spring, Md., in 1874. The postmaster at Clear Spring returned letter sent to him marked "dead." BOYD, E. M., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Upton, Pa., in 1872. BOYD, THOMAS A., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Eewistown, 111., in 1877, an( * is said to be living there at present. BRADLEY, MISS KERIE A., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and continued in attendance for three years. BRADLEY, THE REV. MATTHEW HENRY, Painesville, Ohio. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865, and continued in attendance until December, 1868. Leaving Mercersburg Mr. Bradley entered Lafayette Col- lege, being graduated from that institution in 1871; en- tered the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny, Pa., and was graduated in 1874. Was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Carlisle, and served in succession the following charges: Chartiers, Pa., Mt. Pleasant, Pa , Lima, Ohio, and Kinksville, Mo. During the last six years of Rev. Bradley's pastorate he was stated clerk of the Presbytery of Palmyra, and chairman of its standing committee on Home missions; was also President of the Board of Trustees of Brookfield college and moderator of the Synod of Missouri in 1896. BRADLEY, THOMAS O., Foltz, Pa., Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865, and continued in attendance for one year. Since leaving Mercersburg Mr. Bradley has been engaged in merchandizing. BRANDT, GEORGE M., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Allen P. O., Pa., in 1867. The postmaster at Allen says that he now lives at Brandtsville, Cumberland county, Pa. BRENDLE, JAMES F., St. Louis, Mo. 4251 Ashland Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Greencastle, Pa., in 1 87 1. No report. BRENDLE, J. S., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from SchaefFerstown, Pa. , in 1872. BREWER, MISS CARRIE, Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and continued for a short time under Dr. Apple's Admin- istration. BREWER, F. P., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1873, and attended for two years. Is now a retail dry goods merchant. 8 BRIDENBAUGH, P. H., Hollidaysburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Arch Spring Pa., in 1874. No report. BRIDENBAUGH, DR. S. R., Reading, Pa. Sonth 6th street. Entered Mercersburg College from Arch Spring, Pa. , in 1866. Dr. Bridenbaugh is now pastor of the 6th street Reformed Church, Pleading, Pa. BROWN, CHRISTIAN G., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Milton, Pa., in 1866. BROWN, MISS LIZZIE B., Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. Miss Brown was married to a Mr. Ritchey. BROWN, THE REV. FRANKLIN W., Aaronsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Lewisburg, Pa., in 1872 and continued in attendance for two years, receiving the degree of A. B., and later A. M. After leaving Mercersburg, Mr. Brown entered the Theological Semi- nary at Lancaster, Pa. His first pastoral work consisted in serving Missions in Iowa and Ohio for three years. Later Rev. Brown served the following charges in Penn- sylvania, Schellsburg, North Washington, Nittany Valley and Aaronsburg. BROWN, WILSON N., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Milton, Pa., in 1865. Is at present living in New Jersey. BEOWN, ZACHARIAS T., Alamosa, Col. Entered Mercersburg College from Boonsboro, Md., in 1868. No report. BRUBAKBR, JOHN, Waynesboro, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1869. Mr. Brnbaker is a grocer in Waynesboro, Pa. BRUM BACK HENRY K., Dead, Entered Mercersburg College from St Thomas, Pa., in 1869. M n Bruinback was by occupation a farmer, and died at St. Thomas in 1875. BURKE, J. W., Austin, Texas. Entered Mercersburg College from Greencastle, Pa., in 1865. No report. BURKE, WILSON J., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Greencastle, Pa., in 1866. CALLENDER, CORNELIUS T., Rockingham, Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Pleasant Valley Depot, Va., in 1878, and continued in attendance for two years. Since leaving Mercersburg, Mr. Callender has been engaged in farming — also held the office of County Justice of the Peace, CARNAHAN, THE REV. RICHARD BARTON, Keedysviile, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Zwiugle, Iowa, and continued in attendance at the Academy, College and Theological Seminary for nine years. In 1878 received the degree of A. M. Since leaving Mercersburg, Mr, Carnahan has served two charges in Virginia, Mill Creek and Rockingham, and now serves the Mt. Moriah, Md. charge. CAROTHERS, A. R., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Yellow Spring, Pa., in 1866. Mr. Carothers died in Huntingdon, Pa., in 1871. CARPENTER, E. W., Rockingham, Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Pleasant Valley Depot, Va., in 1878, and attended one year. Since leav- ing Mercersburg has been engaged in Mercantile pursuits, was twice elected County Supervisor, and is now County Treasurer. IO CAUFMAN, MISS A., Denver, Col. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1869 — * s now the w ^ e °f ^ ie & ev - Bridewell, a Methodist minister. CARSON, T. P., Ellensburg, Wash. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellsburg, Pa., in 1868. No report. CHRISTMAN, DR. C. K., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Claytonville, Pa., in 1866. After leaving Mercersburg, Mr. Christman took a medical course — practiced for several years, but later went into the drug business at Allentown. Practiced medicine again in vicinity of Claytonville, and died in Reading in 1899. CLOUSER. GEORGE B., Reading, Pa, 15 13 Perkiomen Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Reading, Pa., in 1871, and continued in attendance for two and a half years. Since leaving Mercersburg, Mr. Clouser has been engaged in the manufacture of bricks. Has been a coun- cilman of the city of Reading for the past eleven years. For two terms has been President of Select council and one term of Common council. CLOUSER, THE REV. WILLIAM W., White Deer, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Reading, Pa., in 1867. Mr. Clouser is at present the pastor of the White Deer, Pa. charge. COCKPIELD, JOSIAH WASHINGTON, Clontierville, La. Entered Mercersburg College from Clontierville, La M in [866, and continued in attendance for three years. After leaving Mercersburg Mr. Cock field attended King's Moun- tain Military School, at Yorkville, JSoutli Carolina, for two years. Since then lie has been engaged in farming; II was ward constable and deputy sheriff of Natchitoches parish for four years. COCKFIELD, T. J., Ball, La. Entered Mercersburg College from Clontierville, La., in 1866. No report. COMFORT, H. G., Arendtsville, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Cashtown, Pa., in 1875. No report. COOK, FREDERICK CARSON, Minneapolis, Minn. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1977, and continued in attendance for two years — gradu- ated from Franklin and Marshall college, class of '84 — be- gan the study of law at Hagerstown, Md., and was ad- mitted to the bar of that state in 1886. Shortly thereafter removed to Minneapolis, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. COOK, H. E., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1867. COOK, MISS IDA, Wichita, Kansas. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1872. Is now the wife of Mr. Maloy, of Wichita. COOK, J. W., Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1877, and continued in attendance for two years. Is now a druggist in Hagerstown. COOK, NEWTON S., Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1866, and continued in attendance for four years. Since leaving Mercersburg Mr. Cook has been engaged in the practice of law — is ex-Supervisor of Eastern Hagers- town, ex-member of the Maryland legislature, and at present one of the school commissioners of Washington county, Md. 12 COOPER, G. W M McConnellsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellsburg, Pa., in 1S79. Is now a hotel keeper at that place. COOPER, THE REV. JEREMIAH Pittsburg, Pa. 3107 Penn Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro, Pa., in 1866. Mr. Cooper is now a minister in the Episcopal church. COOPER, S. C , (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Landisburg, Pa., in 1868. COPENHAVER, A. T., Sunbury, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Jonestown, Pa., in 1866. Is now a teacher of music. CORT, A. J. R., Denver, Col. Entered Mercersburg College from Irwin's Station, Pa., in 1866. No report. CORT, D. D., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Zwingle, Iowa, in 1876. CRAIG, DR. CLARK R., Philadelphia, Pa. 341 South 1 2th street. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and continued in attendance for two years. Mr. Craig gradu- ated in Pharmacy in 1883 and in Medicine ten years later. CRAIG, JESSE, Welsh Run, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1874. Is now engaged in farming. CRAMER, D. K., Mt. Pleasant. Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Walkersville, Md., in 1872. Is now engaged in farming and stock raising. CRAMPTON, J. I). GARROTTE, Colorado Springs, Col. Entered Mercersburg College from Burkettsville, Md., in 1873 and is now in the coal business. *3 CRAMPTON, MAJOR, L. W., Philippine ; Islands. Entered Mercersburg College from Knoxville, Md., in 1866. Major Crampton is a surgeon in the U. 3. army, now in the Philippines. His home is in Baltimore. CRAVEN, C. F., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Philadelphia, Pa., in 1868. CROMER, MISS KATE, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg Pa., in 1865, and attended for three years. Is now the wife of Charles Rench McKinstry. CRONISE, C. L., Frederick, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Frederick, Md. , in 1867. Since leaving Mercersburg has been engaged in farming. CRONISE, J. F., Harmony Grove, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Frederick, Md., in 1868. No report. CROSS, C. M, Indianapolis, Ind., ig}4 N. Madison St. Entered Mercersburg College from Alexandria, Pa., in 1873. Since leaving Mercersburg, Mr. Cross has been engaged in Real Estate, Rentals, Loans and Insurance. CUSHWA, CLINTON, Pittsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Clearspring, Md., in 1865. No report. CUSHWA, GEORGE C., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Clearspring, Md., in 1871. After leaving Mercersburg Mr. Cushwa studied pharmacy. Died at Clearspring, Md., in 1874. CUSHAW, MISS UNNIE, Kasiesville, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Shimpstown, Pa., in 1866. Is now the wife of Emanuel Bucker. H DAVIS, C. E., Westville, N. J. Entered Mercersburg College from Boonsboro, Md., in 1874. No report. DAVIS, G. A., (Address unknown.) Entered Mercersburg College from Boonsborc, Md., in 1871. DAVIS, HARRY N., Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Boonsboro, Md., in 1865. No report. DAVIS DR. SMITH SEIBERT, Boonsboro, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Boonsboro, Md., in 1 87 1 and continued in attendance for three years. After leaving Mercersburg Mr. Davis entered the University of Virginia and graduated in medicine in 1875. Has prac- ticed his profession at the following places : Keedysville, Md., Minneapolis, Minn., and Boonsboro, Md. DEATRICK, THE REV. EDWARD RANSON, Baltimore, Md., 342 3d Ave., Woodberry. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa , in 1874, and continued in attendance for four years. After leaving Mercersburg Mr. Deatrick entered the Theological Seminary at Lancaster, Pa., being graduated in 1884. From June, '8i, to Oct. '83, he was principal of public schools in Milton, Pa. Degree of A. M., was conferred upon him by Mercersburg and that of B. D. by Franklin and Marshall. Was stated clerk of Maryland Chassis in '91 and Assistant Stated Clerk of Synod of Potomac in C900. \ TRICK, THE REV. W. W., Kutztown, Pa. '•red Mercersburg College from Charlesville, Pa., in 1872. Is at present an instructor in the Kutztown State Norma] School. 1j1 : A-'R, JAMES X., Joliet, 111., 613 Clinton St. Entered Mercersburg College from Louisville, Ohio, in 1870. Xo report *5 DICE, A. K., Walla Walla, Wash. Entered Mercersburg College from Scotland, Pa,, in 1870, and continued in attendance for three years. Since leaving Mercersburg Mr. Dice has practiced dentistry, and is now manager of a Safe Deposit and Trust Company in Walla Walla. DICE, T. F., Prescott, Wash, Entered Mercersburg College from Chambersburg, Pa., in 1874, and continued in attendance for three years. Since leaving Mercersburg Mr. Dice has been engaged in engi- neering and farming. DIEHL, EPHRAIM C, Conemaugh, Pa, Entered Mercersburg College from Charlesville, Pa., in 1867, and continued in attendance for two and one-half years. After leaving Mercersburg Mr. Diehl entered Franklin and Marshall College, being graduated in 1874. Later he spent eighteen months traveling in the Western States. He was admitted to the Lancaster, Pa. , bar in 1875, and engaged in the profession for three and one-half years. Was prominent as a young attorney, but health failed him and he was compelled to give up the practice of his pro- fession. DIEHL, W., Kansas City, Kansas. Entered Mercersburg College from Walkersville, Md. , in 1872. Is now engaged in real estate business. DIETRICH, JOHN CALVIN, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas, Pa., in 1868. Before entering Mercersburg College, Mr. Diet- rich had served in the 102nd regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers during war of rebellion. After leaving Mer- cersburg he established a select Normal School at St. Thomas, Pa., and conducted same very successfully for many years. Died of peritonitis in August, 1896, after an operation in the Chambersburg hospital. i6 DITTMAR, THE REV. DAVID N., Jefferson, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Platonviile, Pa., in 1865, and continued in attendance for two and one-half years. Mr. Dittmar has been in the ministry since 1875. DIXON, D. J., Hoboken, N. J., 106 1st street. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas, Pa., in 1871. No report. DOUGLAS, J. B., Osceola Mills, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnelistown, Pa., in 1874. Is at present engaged as book-keeper for Berwin, White & company. EBERLY, ALBERT, Seattle, Wash. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1873. No report. EBERLY, MISS ALICE, Cumberland, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1866. Is the wife of Prof. White. EBERLY, Cecil, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1866. __ EBERLY, J. EDGAR, St. Joseph, Mo. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 187 1, and continued in attendance for two years. Since leaving Mercersburg has been a merchant. Mr. Eberly is now Treasurer of the Amherst, Eberly Arms Company. EISENBERG, THE REV. DR. S. H., Millersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnelistown, in 1872, and continued in attendance for seven years. Mr. Eisenberg was licensed to preach the gospel in May, 1879, and entered the active work of the ministry in 1880 at Latrobe, Pa., where he served the Latrobe Mission. His of labor were Greenville, Pa,, Centre Ha ;. Pa., and Millersburg. I? EMMERT, CHARLES, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Martinsburg, W. Va., in 1869. EMMERT, FRANKLIN, (Address not known,) Entered Mercersburg College from Martinsburg, W. Va., in 1870. ENFIELD, DR. AMERICUS, Somerset, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Somerset, Pa., in 1868, and continued in attendance for two years. Since leaving Mercersburg Mr. Enfield has practiced medicine in Bedford and Somerset, Pa. Was Sheriff of Bedford county, Pa., nominated for Congressman in the Twentieth Pennsylvania district in 1874, and delegate to Democratic national convention held in Chicago in 1896. ENYEART, J. L., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Shirleysburg, Pa., in if 7* EYSTER; GEORGE L., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1869. FAHRNEY, E. C, Boonsboro, Md, Entered Mercersburg College from Boonsboro, Md., in 1875. No report. FAHRNEY, L. W., Boiling Springs, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Boonsboro, Md., in 1874. Is at present a chicken fancier. FALLON, CHAS. H., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865, anc * continued for three years. Is now a dealer in hardware and agricultural implements. FALLON, JAMES, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1867. Engaged in jewelry business in Frostburg, Md , formerly, and now in Mercersburg. i8 FAUST, WILLIAM B., Mt. Carmel, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Sunbury, Pa., in 1S69, and continued in attendance for four years. Is at present an attorney-at-law. FENDRICK, CHRISTIAN F M Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1872. Is at present engaged in the grain elevator business. FENDRICK, JACOB, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1878, and continued in attendance for two years. Is now proprietor of the Mansion House. FENSTERMACHER, J., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Danville, Pa., in 1869. Postmaster at Munsdale, Pa., says that he lives in California. FURGESON, MISS ANNA MARGARET, North Platte, Neb. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. Since leaving Mercersburg Miss Ferguson has studied and practiced medicine. Her husband is the Hon. Judge Church, a member of the G. A. R. —0 FERGUSON, MISS EMMA BELLE, Colorado Springs, Col. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in in 1865. Was twice married. Her present husband is a Mr. Ormsby. FERGUSON, THE REV. THOMAS, Hoagstown, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Dry Run, Pa., in So report FERGUSON, DR. WILLIAM N., Philadelphia, Pa. 116 West York street. Entered Mercersburg College from Dry Run, Pa., in and Continued in attendance for six years. Gradu- from University of Pennsylvania in 1879. Was elected school director 19th ward Philadelphia 1886-1894. i 9 After graduating in medicine was appointed assistant phy- sician to the House of Correction, Philadelphia, for eighteen months. Was married in 1882, FICKES, DR. FRANKLIN, Tyrone, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Clairsville, Pa., in 1873. Is at present a physician in Tyrone. FIROR, THE REV. MARION LEVI, Scranton, Pa, 911 Monroe Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Fairfield, Pa., in 1873, and continued in attendance for five years. Served St Paul's Reformed church, Baltimore, Md., for eleven and one-half years, and has since been at Williamsport and Scranton — built two churches and two parsonages, receiv- ed about fifteen hundred people into church membership. FLETCHER, WILLIAM WALLACE, Carlisle, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Chambersburg, Pa., in 1878, and continued in attendance for three years. Re- ceived from Dickinson College the degree of Bachelor of Laws. Was newspaper reporter and editor for some time before beginning the practice of law. Is now serving sec- ond term as referee in bankruptcy in the eastern district of Pennsylvania. FOLTZ, W. E., Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Chambersburg, Pa., in 1877, and continued in attendance for three years. Since leaving Mercersburg Mr. Foltz has been appointed railroad clerk, and is now assistant postmaster in Cham- bersburg. FOREMAN, B. F,, Upton, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Franklin county, Pa., in 1865. His present occupation is farming. FOUSE, LEVI GARNER, Philadelphia, Pa. 3613 Baring St. Entered Mercersburg College from James Creek, Pa., in 1868, and continued in attendance for two years. After 20 leaving Mercersburg was engaged in commercial pursuits for eight years, then took up life insurance in which he has succeeded in making a splendid reputation throughout this country, Britain and Germany, both as an Actuary and an Executive. Mr. Fouse has been a contributor to Insurance Literature in this and other countries ; has also written on Economics, Statistical and Sociological prob- lems. He was the founder of the Fidelity Insurance Com- pany of Philadelphia, of which institution he is also the President. FOUSE, F. S M (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from James Creek, Pa., in 1865. FOUT, H. N., Fargo, North Dakota. Entered Mercersburg College from Burkettsville, Md., in 1873. * s now i n the retail drug business at Fargo. FRANK, A. B., James Creek, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Huntingdon, Pa., in 1867. After leaving Mercersburg was engaged in farming, but was compelled to retire on account of poor health. GARLING, C. H., (Address not/known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1874. GARLINGER, D. N., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md. , in 1873. GARNER, THE REV. HENRY S. Greensburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from James Creek, Pa , in 1868. Is now pastor in a Reformed church at Greens- bun^ Pa, GARRETT, H. C, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Brownsville, Md., in 21 GASSAWA, A. A.. (Address not known.} Entered Mercersburg College from Damestown, Md., in 1873- GASSAWA, J. H., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1874. GEHR, JOHN BALSER, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Smithburg, Md., in 1870. GEISSINGER, SAMUEL, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellstown, Pa., in 1870. Is said to be a physician in New Jersey in the employ of the Pennsylvania railroad company. GEISSINGER, E. S., Huntingdon, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellstown, Pa., in 1868. Is now an Attorney-at-Eaw. GEEWICKS, CYRUS, St. Thomas, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas in 1868. No report. GELBACH, GEORGE F., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Philadelphia, Pa., in 1870. Died there about three years ago. GEORGE, EDGAR, Northfield, Minn. Entered Mercersburg College from Eovettsville, Md., in 1872, and graduated in 1877. Taught from '75 to y jj. In 1880 received the degree of A. M. from Mercersburg. After leaving Mercersburg went west and taught in public schools of Moukato, Minn., under Superintendent A. F. Bechdolt. Mr. George was Superintendent of schools of Blue Earth City, Minn., from 1878 to 1884, then gave up school work for a year on account of ill health. Was Su- perintendent of schools of St. Charles, Minn., from 1885 to 1889. Superintendent of schools of St. Peter, Minn., from 1889 to 1900, and is at present Superintendent ot schools of Northfield. 22 GEORGE, S. D. y (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Huntingdon, Pa., in 1873. GERHART, MISS GRACE, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1868. Miss Gerhart was the daughter of Dr. E. V. Ger- hart, of Lancaster, Pa. She became the wife of Paul EL Gaither, Esq., of Latrobe, Pa., October 17, 1876. Her husband now lives in Greensburg, Pa. She died May 24th, 1885, at Latrobe. GERHART, PAUL, Lancaster, Pa- Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1868, and was in attendance for four years. Graduated from Franklin and Marshall College in 1875. Is a whole- sale dealer in coffee and tea. GERHART, VIRGINIA, Lancaster, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1868, and continued in attendance for two years. For the past nine years she has been teacher of drawing and painting at Linden Hall Seminary, Lititz, Pa. GEST, JOSEPH G., Washington C. H., Ohio. Entered Mercersburg College from Dayton, Ohio, in 1868, and continued in attendance for one year. After leaving Mercersburg he engaged in newspaper work, then practiced law, and is now postmaster at Washington C. H., Ohio. GETZENDANNER, C. C, Kearneysville, W. Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Kearneysville, W. Va., in 1872, and is now engaged in cattle raising at that place. GILBERT, BENJAMIN S., York, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Jonestown, Pa., in [s now a druggist at York, Pa. rGRICH, JOHN W., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Hummelstown, Pa., ^3 hi 1865- Died of consumption at Staunton Station, Pa., September 12, 1877. GILLAN, JAMES RUSH, Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas, Pa M in 1870. No repoit. GILLAN, G. E., Auburn, Nebraska. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas, Pa., in 1876. No report GILLAN, JOHN W., (Address not known. ) Entered Mercersburg College from Mt. Parnell, Pa., in 1877. GILLAN, R. M., Auburn, Nebraska. Entered Mercersburg College from Mt. Parnell, Pa., in 1876. No report. GILLAN, THOMAS HOLMES, Auburn, Nebraska. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas, Pa., in 1876, and continued in attendance for two years. After leaving Mercersburg farmed for five years, clerked in drug store one year, conducted a hardware and furniture store for five years. Since then Mr. Gillan has been engaged in abstracting land titles, negotiating loans and writing in- surance. Has received nomination for County Treasurer and State Senator. Was County Clerk of Nemaha county, Nebraska, for four years. GILLAN, WILLIAM RUSH, Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas, Pa., in 1871, and continued in attendance for three months. After leaving Mercersburg Mr. Gillan was engaged in merchan- dising for two and a half years, then served as Clerk of the Courts of Franklin county. Since then has been practic- ing law. Served two terms as member of the school board of Chambersburg, one term as a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, has been Vice-President of the Pennsylvania State Bar Association, is at present President H of the Board of Regents of Mercersburg Academy, Presi- dent of the Reformed Church Publication Board, President of the Franklin Electric Company, President of the Mutual Savings Association of Chambersburg, Vice-Presi- dent of the National Bank of Chambersburg, and has been for twelve years a member of the Board of Examiners of the Chambersburg Bar. GOBRECHT, NEANDER A., Altoona, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Adarns county, Pa., in 1867. ^ s now employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. GORDON, H. A., Waynesboro, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro, Pa., in 1865. I s now a machinist in the Geiser works. GRAVER, W. H., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Pittsburg, Pa., in 1874. Died several years ago. GEISSINGER, THE REV. DR. DAVID H., Pittsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from. James Creek, Pa., in 1866, and continued for one year. Before entering Mer- cersburg Mr. Geissinger was in Civil war, served from '61 to '65, was discharged as Brevet, First Lieutenant, and Aide to General John F. Hartranft's Staff. After leaving Mercersburg he studied Theology, and served the follow- ing charges in the Lutheran church : Lancaster, Pa., New York, N. Y., Easton, Pa., and now Pittsburg. THE REV. A. D., Syracuse, N. Y. 409 Howard Street. Entered Mercersburg College from Shrewsbury, Pa., in a missionary to Japan for many years, but is in Syracuse, N Y.. at the present time. GROSS, BUTLER, Punkstown, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Middletown, Md., in Studied medicine and located at Funkstown. 25 GROVE, JAMES, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1871. Died in Los iVngeles, California. GUMBERT, THE REV. CHRISTIAN, Fort Loudon, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College in 1870, and continued in attendance for nine years in Preparatory Department, College, and Theological Seminary, receiving the degree of A. B. and A. M., in course. Has been engaged in the active work of the ministry ever since graduation, with- out a single interruption. HADERMAN, M. IRWIN, Washington, D. C. Entered Mercersburg College from New Enterprise, Pa., in 1865. No report. HADERMAN, RUFUS C, Bedford, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from New Enterprise, Pa., in 1870. No report. HAHN, THE REV. FREDERICK, B., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Wind Gap, Pa. , in 1870, and continued in attendance for one year. After leaving Mercersburg Mr. Hahn entered Franklin and Marshall College, and then the Theological Seminary at Lancaster. Died of neuralgia of the heart, May 16, 1901. HALL, THE REV. GEORGE CALVIN, Wilmington, Del. Entered Mercersburg College from Landisburg, Pa., in 1866. Is now a minister in the Episcopal Church. HAMAR, SAMUEL, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellstown, Pa., in 1869, an( i continued in attendance for one and one-half years. Took sick and was removed to his home where he died. HAMMOND, JAMES, Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1866. No report. 26 HAMMOND, WILLIAM L., Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Benevola, Md., in 1865, and continued in attendance for six years — received the degrees of A. B. and A. M. After leaving Mercers- burg Mr. Hammond served three years with United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, then settled down to hardware merchandising, Is now Judge of Orphans' Court of Washington county, Md. HARNISH, THE REV. DANIEL NEFF, Butler, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Alexandria, Pa., in 1874, and continued in attendance for five years. Re- ceived the degrees of A. B. and A. M. Was stated clerk of Allegheny Classis since January, 1887. Elected Presi- dent of Pittsburg Synod, October, 1900. HARNISH, E. P., (Address unknown.) Entered Mercersburg College from Alexandria Pa. HARBAUGH, H. L., (Address unknown.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1872. HARBAUGH, J. F. LINN, Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and continued in attendance for three years. Graduated from Franklin and Marshall College in the class of '82. Admitted to the bar in December, 1884 Mr. Harbaugh is the author of " The Life of Rev. Henry Harbaugh, D. D., n his father. HARBAUGH, MISS MARGARET A., Chester Springs, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. After leaving Mercersburg Miss Harbaugh attended school at Lewisburg, Pa., and later the College of Commerce in Philadelphia, Pa. Began teaching in 1883, an( i has taught almost continually in Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties, and for the last four years at the Soldiers' Orphans 1 School at Chester Springs, Pa, In 27 i888 received a permanent certificate from Dr. Higbee, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Pennsylvania, HARBAUGH, THEODORE A., Dead, Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro, Pa., in 1865, and continued in attendance for two years. Gradu- ated from Franklin and Marshall college in 1872. After graduation he taught school and clerked in a bank. After an illness of a few days he died, in October, 1890. HARBAUGH, WILSON L., Haverford, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865, and continued in attendance for four years. Is now a druggist at Haverford. HARTMAN, LAWTON M , York, Pa., 144 South Duke street. Entered Mercersburg College from York, Pa., in 1870 and continued in attendance for three years. Has since been engaged as a wholesale merchant of notions and dry goods. HASSLER, THE REV. EDGAR SCHAFF, Keim, Pa, Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1873. Spent one year in the preparatory department and four years in College. Later attended the Theological Seminary at Lancaster. Taught in Butler, Pa. , for three years, one in Orphans' Home and two years in High School. Has served pastoral charges in Pennsylvania at St. Clairsville, Braddock and Turtle Creek, and Keim, Somerset county. HASSLER, WILLIAM, Fort Loudon, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1874. Is now a miller at Fort Loudon. HAULM AN, A. M., Lemasters, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Lemasters, Pa., in 1878. No report. HAUSE, MISS ALICE PAULINA, Keedysville, Md. 28 Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1866 and continued in attendance for three years. Was married to the Rev B. R. Carnahan, May 28th, 1878. HAY, WILLIS, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Berlin, Pa., in 1869: HAYS, MISS ANNIE M., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. Is reported to be dead. HAYS, MISS M. KATE, Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. Is now married to a Wm. Spangler. HECKERMAN, M. P., Boston, Mass. Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, Pa., in 1865. The father of Mr. Heckerman attended Marshall College at Mercersburg, his brother Mercersburg College, two sonc attended at Mercersburg under Dr. Aughinbaugh, and a third son attended the Academy under Dr. Irvine. Mr. Heckerman is now a druggist and soap manufacturer. HECKERMAN, W. BRUCE, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, .Pa. , in 1868 and continued for three years. After leaving Mer- cersburg was engaged in the drug business. HEGE, THE REV. GEORGE, Williamson, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Franklin county, Pa., in 1867. Is now a minister in the Dunkard church, HEIL, HENRY L., (Address not known.) Entered Mecersburg College fromTremont, Pa., in 1870. HEISLER, N. C, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mont Alto, Pa., in 1875. The postmaster at Mont Alto writes that Mr. Heis- k-r enlisted in the United vStates Navy and was at Aspla Samoa, on the Nipsic when the vessel was in that harbor and struck by a typhoon. FIKKR, Y>. F., Dell Rapids, S. Dakota. 29 Entered Mercersburg College from Clearspring, Md., in 1865. Is now a carriage builder. HEISTER, HARRY M., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa, , in 1866. Graduated from Princeton, read law, practiced for a number of years in New York, has traveled extensively, is now living retired on his estate near Mercersburg. HENDERSON, J. M., (Address not known,) Entered Mercersburg College from Washington, D. C. , in 1873. HENKLE, THE REV. WILLIAM, Broadway, N. Y. City, Rector's office, St. Andrew' S. C. Entered Mercersburg College from Welsh Run, Pa., in 1879. No report. HENSELL, LAURENCE M., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Martinsburg, W, Va., in 1876. HENSELL, SAMUEL. New Orleans, La. Entered Mercersburg College from Mt. Crawford, Va., in 187 1. Since leaving Mercersburg has been engaged in merchandising. HEYSER, WILLIAM L., Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Chambersburg, Pa., and continued in attendance for five years. Is now in the freight department of the Cumberland Valley R. R., is the only living member of the first graduating class of Mercersburg College. HIGBEE, HERBERT M., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Emmittsburg, Md., in 1877, was the oldest son of Dr. E. E. Higbee, died in 1887 a t the age of twenty. HIGBEE, MISS FANNIE, Lancaster, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1867. Is now the wife of Prof. Geo. F. Mull. 3 o HIGBEE, W. L., Visalia, CaL Entered Mercersburg College from Beaver Dam, Wis. T in 1875. Has been engaged in railroading most of the time since he left Mercersburg, also served in the Philip- pines. HILL, CHARLES, (Address not known.) Is catalogued as having entered from Berks County, Pa. ? in 1867. HILL, EPHRAIM, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Kutztown, Pa., n 1865. Left there about twenty years ago (says post- master), and has not been heard from since. One reputed that he was dead but report has not been verified. HILL, J. W. NEV1N, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Sunbury, Pa., in 1869. Studied for the Episcopal ministry. Gave up the study of theology and read law. Was practising at Sun- bury up to the time of his death, occurred about eight years ago. HOCH, JOHN, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. 7 in 1878. Is now a butcher in the village. HOFFEDITZ, ADAM, Markes, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. Since leaving Mercersburg has been a farmer. HOFFEDITZ, CHARLES F., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. Was in the coach making business with his father when he died. BOFFEDITZ, RAUCH, Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1 87 1. No report. HOKE, WILLIAM, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 3 1 1867. Was a Methodist minister, subject to epileptic fits, died in his father's home in Mercersburg. HOLLINGER, D. B. St. Joseph, Mo, Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1878. Is now a mail clerk in Station C on the railroad HOLLINGER, DR. IRA W., Des Moines, Iowa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg > Pa., in 1874 Is now connected with the Des Moines Drug Co. HOLMAN, AMBROSE SCHAFF, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1873 and continued in attendance for one year. While on a pleasure trip to the South he was found dead in his room in a hotel in Jacksonville, Fla. HOWELL, HENRY N., Lancaster, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Lancaster, Pa., in 1866 and remained one year. In 1882 Mr. Howell orga- nized the paid Fire Department of Lancaster and was chief engineer for six years. Since then he has been en- gaged in the fire insurance business. HOLLIDAY, J. W., Waynesboro, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Dry Run, Pa., in 1866. Since leaving Mercersburg he has kept store and farmed. HOUDER, S. M., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Sinking Springs, Pa., in 1874. HOY, THE REV. WILLIAM E., Sendai, Japan. Entered Mercersburg College from Mifflinsburg, Pa., in 1876. After graduating from the Theological Seminary at Lancaster, Mr. Hoy was sent as a missionary by the Reformed church into Japan. Is now opening up a mis- sionary field in China. HUBER, REV. THOMAS A., South Bethlehem, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Bethlehem, Pa., in 1869. No report. 32 HUNTER, PROF. D. M. ? Neb, Entered Mercersburg College from Webster Mills, Pa., in 187 1. Is now Superintendent of Public Schools of Webster county, Neb. HURST, ELIZABETH RODGERS, Baltimore, Md. 21 17 Druid Hill Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1868. January 30, 1878, she became the wife of the Rev. W. I. Stewart. HUYETT, W. S., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Huntingdon, Pa., in 1867. IMBRIE, EDWARD R., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Greencastle, Pa., in 1865. After leaving Mercersburg was engaged in the com- mission business with his father at Greencastle for many years. Later held a position with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. in their main office at Baltimore. Died in 1900. IMBRIE, MISS MAUD, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Greencastle, Pa., in 1865, an d continued in attendance for two years. , After leaving Mercersburg Miss Imbrie spent two years at a young ladies Seminary at Beam, Pa., being graduated in 1870. In October, 1877, was married to Rev. Samuel McLanahan who now lives in Lawrenceville, N. J. She left one son, J. C. McLanahan, now a senior in Princeton University. JEFFRIES, MISS ELMIRA, (Address not known.) Bntered Mercersburg College from Chambersburg, Pa. JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER M. ; Council Bluffs, Iowa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 7. Is now a real estate dealer. JOHNSTONJ JOHN A., (Address not known). 33 Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro, Pa., in 1868. JOHNSTON, DR. WALTER, Seattle, Washington, Entered Mercersburg College from Webster Mills, Pa., in 1879. No report. JORDAN, JOHN M., Dead, Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. Alter leaving Mercersburg was a farmer. Died at Middletown, Pa., February 26, 1871, of typhoid pneu- monia, at the age of twenty-one. JORDAN, MISS JENNIE PARKER, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and is at present matron of Mercersburg Academy. JORDAN, MISS ELIZABETH, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered from Mercersburg in 1865 an( ^ continued in attendance for two years. Is now the wife of Mr. Van F, Bradley. JORDON, MISS M., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa M in 1869. Died August 1, 1873, at Mercersburg. KEIL, J. T., Pittsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Pittsburg, Pa., in 1869 and continued in attendance for two years. Since leaving Mercersburg has been inteiested in gold mines and oil wells in Colorado. Mr. Keil gave the first and largest subscription to Keil Hall, the beautiful new dining hall, in loving memory of his mother, Sarah Salome Keil. KELLER, J. L., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Woodstock, Va., in 1877. Postmaster says that he lives at Amarillo, Potter county, Texas. KELLEY, REV. JAMES M., Clintonville, Pa, Entered Mercersburg College from Middle Lancaster, Pa., in 1876 and continued in attendance for two years. 34 Mr. Kelley received the degrees of A. B. and A. M. from Mt. Union College, and that of D. D. from the Western Theological Seminary in 1882 as a minister in the Presby- terian church and has served in the following charges, Dayton, Pa., and Manor, Pa., served as Church Committee of Home Missions, and as Editor Record of Blairsville Presbytery. KELLY, O. B., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Burnt Cabins, Pa., in 1866. KEMP, D. C., Williamsport, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Middletown, Md., in 1876. No report. KERSCHNER, E. M., Pittsburg ; Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1879. Continued in the preparatory department for one year. Is now connected with the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company. KESSLER, REV. CHRISTIAN, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Reading, Pa., in 1866. Was pastor of St. John's Reformed Church of Reading and later of the Lehighton charge, where he died. Is buried in Charles Evan's cemetery, at Reading. KESSLER, J. M., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Reading, Pa., in 1869. KEYSER, Rev. H. A., Fredericksburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Welsh Run, Pa., in 1868. Is now in the work of the ministry. KEYSER, OLIVER M., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Welsh R.1111, Pa., in 1865. KIEPFKR, S. J., (Address not known.) Is catalogued as having entered Mercersburg College from Franklin county, Pa., in 1867. 35 KIEHL, GEORGE, Dead Entered Mercersburg College from Hickory Corner, Pa., in 1S66. Died there about thirty years ago. KIES ACKER, CLIFTON K., Philadelphia, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Newcastle, Pa., in 1871. No report. KILLINGER, C. J., Lebanon, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Lebanon, Pa., in 1867. Mr. Killinger has changed his given name from Charles J. to Charles H on account of there being another by that name. After leaving Mercersburg spent two years at Franklin and Marshall, then went to Yale and graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School with the degree of Ph. B. Has since been an Attorney-at-law. KIMMEL, JACOB P., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Somerset, Pa., in 1868. After leaving Mercersburg was manager of Somer- set and Cambria Railroad. Died at Somerset, Pa., March 12, 1884. His father, the venerable John O. Kimmel, Esq., of Somerset, is eighty-seven years old, and is still engaged in he practice of law. KIMMEL, W. A., Pittsburg, Pa. 1041 Penn Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Somerset, Pa., in 1868. Is a brother of the above Jacob P. Kimmel. His sister is the Mrs. George F. Baer, of Reading, Pa. Mr. Kimmel is at present in the rate department of the Penn- sylvania Railroad Company. KING, JOHN HARVEY, Pittsburg, Pa. 4414 Fifth Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, Pa., in 1866, and continued in attendance for one year. Then en- tered Franklin and Marshall College. Had been in mer- cantile business until 1896, and since then has been in fire insurance. 36 KING, WILLIAM J., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Chambersburg, Pa., in 1875, an d continued for one year. Then went to Rens- seleer Polytechnic Institute of Troy, N. Y., and was grad- uated June 16, 1880, with the degree of civil engineer. Mr. King immediately entered the service of the Penn- sylvania Railroad Company, in the Altoona office. Held the position of assistant supervisor on the middle division at the time of his death, which occurred November, 25, 1 88 1. Death resulted from being struck by an engine while walking on the track. KNEPPER, JAMES A. Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mont Alto, Pa., in 1866. KNODE, EDWARD, Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Funkstown, Md., in 1868. No report. KOOGLE, WILLIAM. (Address unknown.) Entered Mercersburg College from Middletown, Md., in 1868. KRALL, JOHN M., Sehaefferstown, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from SchaefFerstoWn, Pa., in 1866, and continued in attendance for one year and one half. Since leaving Mercersburg has been engaged in mercantile pursuits. Is at present Mercantile Appraiser of Lebanon county. KRAMER, S. H. L., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Franklin, Pa., in 1872. LOUDERBAUCH, MISS A., Ramey, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1869, an d continued in attendance for seven years. Is now the wife of Mr. W. W. Reese. LOUDERBAUCH, SERAPHINE, Chattanooga, Tenn. 625 W. 6th St. 37 Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. No report. LEADER, THE REV. D. H., New Kensington, Pa, Entered Mercersburg College from Altoona, Pa., in 1873 and continued in attendance for six years. Since leaving Mercersburg, Mr. Leader has been largely engaged in Mission work in the Reformed church, having served Mis- sions at Dubois, Sabula, and Williamsport, Pa., at all of which places he erected or completed churches. Served also at Saegertown and Elk Lock, Pa. At the latter place he erected a fine church. LEIDY, MISS LOUISA, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. Was married to a Mr, Sass, LEITER, JAMES CADWALLADER, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Leitersburg, Md., in 1877. Is a nephew of Levi Z. Leiter, the Washington, D. C, millionaire. LEITER, LEVI ZEIGLER, (Address not known. ) Entered Mercersburg College from Frederick, Md., in 1877. Was also a nephew of the Washington millionaire, after whom he was named. Is reported to have died at Williamsport, Md., a few months ago. LEITER, T. BENTON, De?d. Entered Mercersburg College from Leitersburg, Md., in 1873. Interested with his uncle, L. Z. Leiter, in min- ing in Montana for a number of years. During World's Fair at Chicago he was proprietor of the "Michigan-Co- lumbian' ' hotel. Died in the spring of 1899. LEINBACH, JACOB L., Reading, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Reading, Pa., in 1872. No report. LESCHER, G. C, Galesburg, 111. 38 Entered Mercersburg College from Millersburg, Pa., in 1869. Is at present a druggist. LEVY, L. G., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Baltimore Md., in 1866. LICHUTER, JACOB HENRY, Washington, D. C. 470 Louisiana Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Woodstock, Va., in 1868. Graduated from Franklin and Marshall College in 1873, receiving the degrees of A. B. and later A. M. Columbia University conferred upon him the degree of LL. M. Is now an Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, op- posite City Hall. LICHLITER, THE REV. WILLIAM F., Lancaster, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Woodstock, Va., in 1866, and was graduated with the class of 1872. Mr. Leichter studied theology, received the degree of A. M. in course, and is now a clergyman in the Reformed church. LIGHT, AMOS, Lemasters, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in the spring of 1875, and continued in attendance 16r one term. Since leaving Mercersburg has been engaged as a teacher, farmer and farm implement merchant. LIGHT, JEREMIAH H., Greencastle, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in ring of 1875, and attended for one term. Since leaving Mercersburg has been a teacher and Attorney-at-law. Taught school for six years, and read law with F. T. Mc- Comas, Esq., and the Hon. Louis E. McComas, now Uni- Senator from Maryland. Was admitted to the Hagerstown, Md., Bar in 1886. Elected District Attorney .iklin county, Pa., in 1895. LITTLE, MISS ISAIJKL, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. 39 LITTLE, MISS SARAH. (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Ohio. LOCHLAND, JOHN, Dead, Entered Mercersburg College from Greencastle, Pa. , in 1867. LONG, THE REV. SAMUEL CRAIG, Jennerstown, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Huntingdon, Pa., in 1869, and continued in preparatory, college and seminary departments for nine years. Received the degree of A. M., in course. Mr Long has been president of Iowa, Ju- niata, Allegheny and Somerset Classis. Spent seven years in mission work in Iowa. Built two churches and remod- elled four; also one parsonage and remodelled one. LAUCKS, G. W., York, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from York, Pa., in 1873. No report. LOOSE, OTHO B., New York City, 49 W. 12th St. Entered Mercersburg College from Dayton, Va., in 1875, and attended for one year. Is now in the mercan- tile businecs, being European buyer of siks and ribbons for Charles Broodway Rouss, of 549 Broadway, N. Y. LOWE, MISS ALICE, Shippensburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. No report. Is now the wife of a Mr. Rummell. LOWE, MISS ELIZABETH, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. I s now the wife of Mr. C. H. Fallon, hardware merchant. LOWER, G. Z., Gettysburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Gettysburg, Pa., in 1873. Nc report. McAFEE, SCOTT, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. Was engaged with his brother as proprietor of a 4o hotel for a number of years. Died in Mercersburg, Jan, 12, 1892, at the age of forty-four years. McCLELLAND, HARRY KINZER, Minneapolis, Minn. Entered Mercersburg College from Gap P. 0., Pa., in 1866, and continued for two years. After leaving Mer- cersburg was engaged as Civil Engineer until 1878. Since then has been a merchant. McCLELLAND, GEORGE, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Gap P. O., Pa., in 1866. McCLINTOCK, W. H., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Ft. Loudon, Pa., in 1875. Read Medicine with his father. Attended Jeffer- son Medical College for two years, was graduated in Spring of 1882. Died in October of same year aged 23 years. McCOMAS, FREDERICK FECHTIG, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1865, and attended two years. Then entered Dickinson College and was graduated in 1870. Read law with his brother, L, E., and the Hon. Judge Heisel. Was admit- ted to the bar in 1873. Was counsel for theJWestern Maryland R. R. for sixteen years. Died Maxell 27th, 1897, aged 47 years. McCOMAS, EDWARD M., Washington, D. C, 14th and L Sts., N. W. Kntered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1865, an d attended for two years. Since leaving Mercers- burg has been a druggist. McCONKEIX, JOHN L., Altoona, Pa., Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1872, and attended one year. Is now secretary of Young Men's Christian Association. Mr COY, J. Iv, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from MeConnellstown, Pa., in 1869. 4i MCDOWELL, MISS LILLIE, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and attended for one year. McFARLAND, B. F., Holyoke, Col. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1878. Assistant Superintendent of Burlington Railroad. McFARLAND, VIRGINIA M., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865, and attended one year. Was married to Mr. Benja- min L. Jordan, December 30, 1880. McFARLAND, MISS MARY L., Los Angeles, Cal. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and attended for three years. McFARLAND, R., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1872. McGOVERN, WILLIAM, Bristol, Tenn. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellsburg, Pa., in 1872. Is now a prominent Attorney-at-Law. McKINSTRY, MISS ANNA M., Lancaster, Pa. 535 Lancaster Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and attended for five years. Has since been a teacher of music in Mercersburg Female Seminary, under the Rev. Dr. Hassler, and also in the Allentown Female Seminary. McKINSTRY, CHARLES RENCH, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865, an d attended three years. Has since been engaged in merchandising. McKINSTRY, MISS MARY S., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and attended for five years. McNAUGHTON, MISS LILLIE W., Harrisburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865 and prepared for Mt Holyoke Seminary. Was mar- 42 ried to a Mr. Thurman, and is now chief nurse at Harris- burg hospital. McNAUGHTON, MISS ROSANNA, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. In 1876 she was married to W. H. Harbaugh, Esq., oldest son of Dr. Henry Harbaugh. Died at her home in Ardmore in March, 1894. McNAUGHTON, Miss S. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1869. Is reported as being dead, but report is not con- firmed. MACKEY, PROF. EBENEZER, Reading, Pa. Perkiomen Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Butler, Pa., in 1873, and attended for five years. Graduated from Franklin and Marshall College, and has since been engaged in teaching. Is at present Superintendent of the public schools of Reading. MARKELL, L., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Frederick, Md., in 1873. Died there April 19, 1888. MARTIN, J. C, Waynesboro, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Welsh Run, Pa , in 1868. Is now engaged in newspaper work. MARTIN, J. F., Trinidad, Col. Entered Mercersburg College from Martinsburg, Pa., in 1866. Is now an Attorney-at-Law. MARTIN, X. BRUCE, Waynesboro, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Welsh Run, Pa., in 1868. Is now an Attorney-at-Law. MARTIN, THOMAS, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Middleburg, Pa., in 1866. District Attorney. No report. 43 MAXWELL, FRANK K., Memphis, Tenn., Equity Building. Entered Mercersburg College from Marion, Pa., in 1867. After leaving Mercersburg he was engaged in the drug business in Champaign, 111., but for some years past has been in the real estate business in Memphis. MEILY, JAMES, Philadelphia, Pa., Betz Building. Entered Mercersburg College from Lebanon, Pa., in 1867, ^ s now engaged in electrical business. MICHAEL, JACOB A., Milnesville, Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Mt. Crawford, Va M in 1872, and attended for three years. Has since been en- gaged in teaching and mercantile business. MICKLEY, D. W., Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Upton, Pa., in 1879. Is now connected with the offices of the Cumberland Val- ley Railroad Company at Chambersburg. MIDDLEKAUFP, J. H., Hays City, Kansas. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1873. No report. MILLER, A. B., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg in 1879. MILLER, DR. DANIEL REUTCH, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Greencastle, Pa., in 1865, and attended one year. iVfter leaving Mercersburg he entered Washington and Lee University and spent two years there. Later studied medicine at Jefferson Medical College and the hospitals of Philadelphia. Practiced medicine and managed a drug store at Greencastle Died Oct. 13, 1888. MILLER, F. H., St. Thomas, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas, Pa., in 1879, Is now proprietor of hotel at that place. MILLER, G. D., Frederick, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from St, Thomas, Pa., in 1876. No report. 44 MILLER, THE REV. JONATHAN W., Frackville v Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from St. Thomas, Pa., in 1876, and attended four years. Became an Episcopal clergyman in 1897, being ordained Deacon in St. John's church, Hagerstown, Md., by the Right Reverend Bishop of Maryland. Advanced to Priest's order in 1898 by the Right Reverend Bishop of Central Pennsylvania. MILLER, J. H., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro in 1874. MILLER, LEVI, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Pine Grove, Pa., in 1868. MILLER, S. M., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Pine Grove, Pa., in 1878. MILLER, W. BIGLER, Philadelphia, Pa., 514 Market St. Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, Pa., in 1866 and attended fall term. Later attended State Normal School of Maryland at Baltimore, and State Normal School of Pennsylvania at Millersville. Received provis- ional, professional and permanent certificates, the last be- ing granted by the Hon. J. P. Wickersham, State Super- intendent of public schools. Has since been engaged in teaching and mercantile pursuits of various kinds. Was a member of the committee from Philadelphia, selected by the Mayor to aid the Johnstown sufferers. MIXXICH, LUTHER W., Philadelphia, Pa., 2428 North 1 8th St. Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, Pa., in 1866, and attended one year. Was valedictorian of the closing exercises of the class of 1867. After leaving Mer- cersburg took commercial course at Crittendon College. Later entered the mercantile drug business. Was a mem- ber of the Independent Republican State Committee from 45 Bedford and Somerset counties in the campaign of 1882. MOORE, PROF. W. W., Lancaster, Pa, Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellstown, Pa., in 1869. Was later principal of Franklin and Marshall Academy at Lancaster, and is now President of Madame Cotta College, Lancaster. MORGAN, G. P., (Address not known.) Is catalogued as having entered Mercersburg College in 1867, but no state or post office address is given. MORTIMER, MISS AMANDA, Bedford, Pa. " The Willows, " Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, Pa., in fall of 1867, and attended four months. Was later married to W. S. Clark. MOTTER, THE REV. ISAAC M., Frederick, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Emmittsburg, Md., in 1866. Completed a Theological course and entered the Gospel ministry of the Reformed church. MOTTER, JOSHUA SAMUEL, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Emmittsburg, Md., in 1869, an d attended three years. After leaving Mercers- burg was engaged in farming. Died in St. Joseph's hos- pital, Baltimore, Md., June 13, 1899, of necrosis of bone in left leg. MOTTER, L. E., Kansas City, Mo. Entered Mercersburg College from Emmittsburg, Md., in 1869, atl d attended for two years. Is at present a stock broker. MULL, THE REV. PROFESSOR GEORGE FULMER, Lancaster, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Pine Grove, Pa., in 1866, and attended for six years. Was Instructor in Latin and Greek in Mercersburg College from 187a to 1876. Took Post Graduate course in Theology at Mercersburg from 1873 to 1876. Attended University of Leipsig, Ger- 4 6 many, from June, 1876, to September, 1877. From 1877 to 1880 was Professor of Latin at Mercersburg College. Since then he has held the following positions : Record- ing Clerk State Department of Public Instruction, Rec- tor Franklin and Marshall Academy* Professor of English Literature Franklin and Marshall College, and is now Professor of Latin at Franklin and Marshall College. MULL, ROBERT FULTON, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Pine Grove, Pa., in 1870, and attended six years. Took post-graduate course, at University of Michigan, obtaining the degree of gradu- ate of pharmacy. Conducted a drug store for several years in Phillipsburg, Pa. Then entered a bank and was cash- ier of the 1st National bank of Phillipsburg, when he died> Dec. 14, 1895, aged forty years. MUMMERT, W. A., (Address not known.) Is catalogued as having entered Mercersburg College from Franklin county, Pa., in 1867. MURRAY, MISS ADA. Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1865, and attended two years. Was married to Mr. John Rhea. ~7 MURRAY, CHARLES A. Phillipsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1874. No report. MURRAY, MISS HETTIE, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1866. Later became the wife of a Mr. Pollock. Died at Cannonsburg, Pa., in 1893. MURRAY, L. D., Shippensbnrg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in r. No report. MURRAY, M., Aurora, 111. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. No report. 47 MYERS, J. M., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mt Jackson, Va. , in 1868. MYERS, JACOB, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1871. Is reported to live near Shimpstown, Pa. NEPF, JACOB C, Alexandria, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Huntingdon, Pa., in 1866. Is now a farmer near Alexandria. NEGLEY, C. C, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1873. NEGLEY, J. R., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1869. NEGLEY, MISS MARY IDA, Waynesboro, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and attended four years. Attended the University at Law- rence, Kansas, for a short time. Now holds two diplomas from the Shippensburg State Normal School, that of B. E. and M. E. Also received a diploma from Chatauqua, 1899. Has held the position of assistant teacher in the Waynesboro high school for several years as teacher of English and Mathematics. NEGLEY, WALTER, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1865. Was in the stock business in Western Texas after leaving Mercersburg. Died in the summer of 1890 while on a visit to his sister, Mrs. S. B. Loves at Hagerstown, Md. NETCHER, Dr. CHARLES E., Lancaster, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1870. Is now a physician in Lancaster. No report. NEWKIRK, T. E., (Address not known.) Is catalogued as having entered from Virginia in 1867. 4 8 NOBLE, JOSEPH ELLIOTT, New Hampton, Iowa- Entered Mercersburg College from Waterside, Pa., in 1866, and attended for about six months. Graduated from Eastman College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1867. ^ as since been engaged in woolen manufacture. Has served as county recorder and justice of the peace. NORTH, B. F. Covington, Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1872. Is now Superintendent of a tannery in Covington. NORTH, CHARLES H., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1866. NORTH, THE REV. JOHN MYERS, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and attended for three years. Also took his Theological course at Mercersburg. Was licensed to preach in the Re- formed church, but on account of ill health never took a charge. Died in Berkley Springs, Va., June 1, 1899. NOVINGER, J. A., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Ninevah, Mo., in 1866. OHL, THE REV. JEREMIAH F., Philadelphia, Pa. 28 North 50th Street. Entered Mercersburg College from Cherry ville, Pa., in 1866. No report. OELIG, J. F., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Woodbury, Pa., in 1866. PAGE, D. N., Frederick, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Frederick, Md., in i87> PALMER, DR. C. F., Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercer:;bur^ College from Chambersburg, Pa., in 1867. Is now one of the leading physicians of Cham- bersburg. 49 PALSGROVE, MISS SUSAN ELIZABETH, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa M and attended for four years. PALSGROVE, THOMAS, Anaconda, CoL Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1870. Since leaving Mercersburg has been interested in gold and silver mining in Colorado, first at Half-way, and now with the Anaconda Mining Company. PARKER, MISS SADIE M., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., and attended only a very short time on account of the ill- ness of her mother. Has since been engaged in teaching. PATTERSON, J. ELLIOTT, Philadelphia, Pa., Franklin Building, 12th St Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellsburg, Pa., in 1868, and attended three years. Is now an Attor- ney-at law. PAWLING, FRANCIS F., Rockford, Kansas. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa M in 4 i866, and continued in attendance for three years. Since leaving Mercersburg has been engaged in teaching, farm- ing and stock raising. PAWLING, JOHN T., Martinsburg, W. Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1866. No report. PEIGHTEL, THE REV. ISAAC NEWTON, Greencastle, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellstown, Pa., in 1869, an d continued in academy, college and The- ological Seminary for nine years, receiving the degrees of A. B. and A. M., in course. Has been in the a6live work of the Gospel ministry in the Reformed church from June 12, 1878, to present date without interruption, and is now serving his third charge. 50 PEIGHTEL, SAMUEL C, Huntingdon, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellstown, Pa., in 1870. Is at present traveling salesman for the Mc- Cormick machine company. PHILLIPS, J. A., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1879. PHILLIPPY, M. A., Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1879. PLASTERER, P., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Shippensburg, Pa., in 1865. POFFINBERGER, THE REV. JOHN W., Vandergrift, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Big Cove, Pa., in 1867, and attended for one year. Later spent seven years at Gettysburg, four in college and three in Theological Seminary. Licensed by West Pennsylvania Synod of the Lutheran church. Has served in the following charges : Berlin, Leechburg, and Vandergrift, Pa. POTTEIGER, CHAS. W., Reading, Pa.» Entered Mercersburg College from Licking Spring, Pa. , in 1872, and attended for two years. After leaving Mer- cersburg was a cattle dealer until 1888, and since then has been in the wholesale and retail tobacco and cigar business. Was Deputy Internal Revenue Collector from 1888 to 1892. Was elected to the Board of Public Works of the city of Reading in 1897, and is now president of that body. POTTEIGER, DANIEL, (Address not known. ) Entered Mercersburg College from Sinking Spring, Pa., in 1870. Is said to be in Amarillo, Pa. RAY, W. II., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Shepherdstown, W. Va., in 1872. Died of typhoid fever Jan. 18, 1877, at that place. 5* RAUCH, THE REV. JOHN WILLIAM, Martinsburg, W. Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Martinsburg, W.Va., in 1868, and attended one year and two months. Since leaving Mercersburg has been engaged in farming and teaching. Has been in the Gospel ministry since 1880. READ, CARLTON, Huntingdon, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Huntingdon, Pa., in 1865. Is now a druggist. No report. REAMER, MARK M., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Philadelphia, Pa., in 1877. Was reading law in Pittsburg, Pa., at the time of his death, which occurred about 1881, REARICK, HARRY F., Galesburg, 111. Entered Mercersburg College from Beardstown, 111., in 1871. Is at present engaged in the hardware business. REARICK, J. F., Dillsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1872. No report. .REARICK, J. WILLIAM, Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1872, and attended one year. Since leaving Mercersburg has been a merchant. REBER, THE REV. THOMAS N., Sittler, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Reading, Pa., 1867, and attended one term. Was confirmed in the Reformed church by the Rev. Dr. Thomas Apple. Was graduated in the Reformed Theological Seminary at Lancaster in 1876, REED, EDWARD H., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, Pa., in 1865. Is reported to be living in Liberty township, Bed- ford county, Pa. 5? REED, JOSEPH A., Philadelphia, Pa. 320 Go wen Ave. , Mt. Airy- Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, Pa., in 1865, and continued in attendance for one and one-half years. Delivered the valedictory oration on leaving Mer- cersburg. An extract from a lengthy complimentary arti- cle in a Philadelphia paper of November, 1900, gives the following : " Mr. Reed in early youth attended the well- known Mercersburg College, in the mountain town of that name. He entered and graduated from the Franklin and Marshall College with his friend, the Hon. W. U. Hensel, ex- Attorney General of Pennsylvania. He attended the Columbia Law School of New York, and was admitted to practice in the supreme court of that state, and on June 9, 1877, was admitted to practice in the several courts of Philadelphia. » REED, J. PRANK, Winber, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Bedford, Pa., in 1865. ^ s now engaged in the insurance business. RESSER, THE GEORGE BESORE, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro, Pa., in 1874, and attended five years. Was graduated from the Theological Seminary at Lancaster in 1881. Has served the following charges in the Reformed Church : St. John's Marietta, Pa. ; The Incarnation, Emmittsburg, Md. ; St. John's, Lebanon, Pa. ; Emanuel, Hanover, Pa. At the time of his death was erecting a beautiful stone church in Hanover, and while supervising the placing of a cupola cross fell from the scaffolding and was killed. REYNOLDS, DR. A. S., Shepherdstown, W. Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Shepherdstown, W. Va., in 1872. No report. REYNOLDS, CIIALES W., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Shepherdstown, W. Va., in 1870. 53 RHEA, JOHN L., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1878. Is now a merchant in the village. RHEA, JOHN T., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1865, and attended two years. Is now a merchant. RICE, JOHN F., Auray, Colorado. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1867. Is at present a lumber dealer in Auray. RICE, MISS SARAH PINDI.AY, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1869, and attended four years. After leaving Mercersburg entered Coe College, Cedar Rapids, and received the de- gree of A. M. from that institution. Has been a teacher in Iowa schools since then, at Osceola from 188 r to 1887, at Boone from 1887 to 1898. Is now in the History De- partment of the State Normal school. RIDDEIvL, P. S., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mt. Jackson, Va., in 1867. RIDER, JOHN A., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Franklin county, Pa., in 1865. °i e d in Philadelphia, Pa. Was Professor of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania at the time of his death. RIDER, JACOB F., Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College in 1865, and attended for a few weeks only. RINKER, P. S.' U., Rinkerton, Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Mt. Jackson, Va., in 1873. No report. RINKER, R. R., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mt. Jackson, Va., in 1869. 54 RITCHEY, RICHARD B., Mercersburg, Pa, Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1873, and attended for two years. Is now an agent in the office oi the Cumberland Valley railroad. ROBERTS, MISS CHARLOTTE. Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1866. RODGERS, S., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in I865. ROLLER, THE REV. ROBERT DOUGLAS, Charleston, W. Va. Entered Mercersburg- College from Mt. Crawford, Md., in 1866, and attended one year. Was a student in College and Theological Seminary until 1876, and received the de- gree of D. D. from the University of W. Va., in 1894. Has been Secretary of the Diocese of West Virginia since 1887. Was Deputy from W. Va, to the general conven- tions of the Episcopal churches of 1886, 1889, 1892 and 1895. I s secretary of the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society. Vice President of the Children's Home Society, and President of the West Virginia Miner's Hospital No. 2. ROMAN, BENJAMIN R, Baltimore, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1870. No report ROMAN, J. D., New York City, 62 William St. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1876. No report. RUMMELL, GEORGE W., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1873. After leaving Mercersburg was a merchant. Died in Newville, Cumberland county, Pa., in 1879. 55 RUPLEY, GEORGE, Duluth, tf Minn. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1869. No report. RUPLEY, THEODORE N., Dayton, Ohio, 8072 East 5th street. Eutered Mercersburg College from Middletown, Md., in 1867, and attended for two years. Is now engaged in mer- cantile pursuits. RUSSELL, A. N., Waynesboro, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro, Pa., in 1871. Is now justice of the peace. Secretary and Treas- urer for several local corporations. RUSSELL, JOHN B., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Waynesboro, Pa., in 1865. Was a magistrate at the time of his death, which occurred February 19, 1898. SANGREE, THE REV. MILTON H., 1 6th and Market Sts , Harrisburg, Pa Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellstown, Pa , in 1869, and attended for three years. Received from Franklin and Marshall College the degree of A. M. Was chaplain of the House of Representatives of Pennsylva- nia during- the sessions of 1897-1899. SANGREE, THE REV. HENRY H., Easton, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from McConnellstown, Pa., in 1869, and attended for seven years. Was the last gradu- ate of Mercersburg College, being the only member in the class. SCHALL, CHARLES, (Address not known. ) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1873- SCHEIBLE, H. W., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg- College from Buena Vista, Pa., in 1868. 56 SCHICK, THE REV. DR. JOHN M., Washington, D. C, 1405 15th St., N. W. Entered Mercersburg College from Pittsburg, Pa., in 1868, and attended eight years, including post-graduate work in Theology. Was licensed to preach by Allegheny Classis, Pittsburg Synod, in 1876 Has labored in the fol- lowing fields : Orbisonia, 1876 to 1881; Meyersdale, 1881 to 1888; Shenago charge, Mercer county, 1888 to 1894; First church, Tiffin, Ohio, 1894 to 1900. Is now pastor of Grace Reformed mission, Washington, and is engaged in raising funds for a memorial church. Received the de- gree of D. D., from Heidelberg in 1891. Was a member of the committee to prepare the church Hymnal, and is now court preacher to Vice-President Roosevelt and family. SCHINDLE, J. E., Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1873. No report. SCHINDLE, L. F., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1874. SCHNEBLY, I. R., Beaman, Iowa. Entered Mercersburg College from Downsville^ Md., in 1874. No report. SCHNEBLY, DAVID, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Downsville, Md., in 1868. SCHMIDT, PROF. COOPER DAVIS, Kuoxville, Tenn. Entered Mercersburg College from Woodstock, Va., in 1876, and attended tor three years, receiving the degree of A. B. in 1879. In l88 4 received the degree of M. A. from the University of Virginia. From 1884 to 1889 taught in Ltope Academy, Virginia. Since then has been Profes- . of Mathematics in University of Tennessee, Kuoxville. SCOTT, THE HON. NORMAN BRUCE, JR., Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 57 1872. and attended five years. Taught Latin and Greek in Preparatory at Mercersburg in '77-' 78. Graduated from Law Department University of Maryland in 1881. Member of House of Delegates from Washington county during session of the general assembly in 1894. Elected to the Senate of Maryland in 1895, and served as such in sessions of '96 and '98. Was chairman of the Republican State Central Committee in 1897, and on July 1, 1898, be- came naval officer of the Port of Baltimore, under ap- pointment from President McKinley, which office he still holds. SCULLY, CHAS., Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1873. Is now a carriage builder. SEIBERT, A. K., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Clearspring, Md., in 1865, SEIBERT, C. T., Pittsburg, Pa., Staunton, Ave. Entered Mercersburg College from Pittsburg, Pa., in 1869. ^ s now a mercantile florist. SIEBERT, HENRY, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Clearspring, Md., in 1871. SIEBERT, J. C., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Pittsburg, Pa., in 1874. Died in Pittsburg in 1878. SEIBERT, W. W., Clearspring, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Clearspring, Md., in 1873, and attended four years. Since leaving Mercersburg lias been engaged in farming SHAFER, THE REV. SOLOMON B., Martinsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Kierdlersville, Pa., in 1867. No report. 5» SHANNON, MISS NETTIE, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. Was a student under Miss Annie Beall. SHANNON, MISS NELLIE K. (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. SHANNON, O. E., Philadelphia, Pa., 603 Hale Building. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1875. No report. SHANNON, W. A., Philadelphia, Pa., 8th and Spring Garden Sts. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa,, in 1873. No report. SHARPLESS, H. Clay, (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Williamsport, Pa. in 1865. SHIELDS, B. M., Winfield, Kansas. Entered Mercersburg College from Franklin county, Pa., in 1865. SHINDEL, Norman, Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1867. ' SHINDEL, OSCAR, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1867. SHIRK, PRANK G M Bird-in-Hand, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Bird-in-Hand, Pa., in 1874, and attended four years. Since leaving Mercers- burg has been in business. SHIRK, HARVEY H., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Bird-in-Hand, Pa., in 1875, and attended for one year. SHIRTS, MISS LIZZIE, Winfield, Kansas. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 18^5. Was married to Mr. Banner Shields. 59 SHIVELY, G. G., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Fairfield, Pa., in 1871. SHONTZ, THE REV. JONAS B., Chambersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Markelsburg, Pa., in 1869. Graduated in Mercersburg Theological Seminary in 1871. Served a charge in Towa from 1871 to 1876; in Wilkesbarre, 1876-' 77; was chaplain Maryland Peniten- tiary, 1877-1882. Again served the following charges as pastor: Shippensburg, Pa,, 1882-1886; Akron, Ohio, 1887-1888; Chambersburg, Pa., since 1888. Was President of the Pennsylvania Sunday School Association, 1892-3. Is now a member of the Board of Regents of Mercersburg Academy. SHRADER, MISS JENNIE, Mercersburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa. , in 1865, an( i attended two years. Was married to Mr. Bristor. SHUEY, ALLEN P., Green Point, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from East Hanover, Pa., in 1868, and attended for one year. After leaving Mercersburg attended school at Myerstown, and at Franklin and Mar- shall College through the Sophomore year. Taught dur- ing the winter months for twelve years and traveled during the cummer — visited almost every state in the Union. Later kept store and is now farming. Was elected justice of the peace for three successive terms. SHUEY, THE REV. DENNIS BESHORE, Iola, Kansas. Entered Mercersburg College from East Hanover, Pa., in 1867, and attended two years. Graduated from Frank- lin and Marshall College in 1873, and received the degree of A. M. in 1876. Went to Kansas in 1883 as pioneer missionary and superintendent of missions of the Reformed church. Was instrumental in organizing Wichita and Lincoln Classis and the Synod of the Interior. Has served on all the boards of the Synod, and as President of same. 6o Is now stated clerk and Treasurer. Was President of the Board of Trustees of the Wichita University from its or- ganization to its close. Is author of "The History of the Shuey Family in America," 279 pp. SHUFFORD, MISS ANNIE, Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Boonsboro, Md., in 1865. Was married to Mr. Charles Walk. SHULENBERGER, THE REV. ANTHONY, Ediuburg, Va. Entered Mercersburg College from Newburg, Pa., in 1868. No report. SIEDLE, ALBERT R., Mars, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Pittsburg, Pa., in 1872, and attended one year. Health has been very poor since leaving Mercersburg, and was compelled to spend eight years in a hospital. Is engaged in mercantile jew- elry business. SIMPSON, MISS BESSIE, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1865. Was the oldest daughter of Dr. R. Simpson, U. S. A. Taught in the preparatory department of Mercers- burg College for several years. Was married iu April, 1882, to Mr. J. S. Stewart, of Salt Lake City, Utah. Died in same city, Feb. 13, 1884. SIMPSON, MISS EMILY P., Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1870. SIMPSON, S. NOLAN, Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1867. Died in vSalt Lake City, Utah. SIMPSON, R. F., Wichita Falls, Texas. Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1873. Druggist. (?) No report. SIPE, GEORGE E., Harrisonburg, Va. Entered Mercersburg College from McGaheysville, Va., in 1869. No report. 6i SMELTZ, THE REV. DANIEL, (Address not known.; Entered Mercersburg College from Frostburg, Md., in 1870. Is now a minister in the Lutheran church. SMITH, C. L., (Address not known. Entered Mercersburg College from Farmington, Pa., in 1869. SMITH, CHARLES R., Latrobe, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Latrobe, Pa., in 1870. No report. SMITH, DAVID A., Texarkana, Ark. Entered Mercersburg College from Fort Loudon, Pa., in 1 87 1. No report. SMITH, H. E., Scranton, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Taneytown, Md., in 1867. Is now a druggist. SNIVELY, DR. JOSEPH L M Shady Grove, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Shady Grove, Pa., in 1866, and attended two years. Graduated from Franklin and Marshall in 1874, and from the Jefferson Medical Col- lege, Philadelphia, in 1879. SNYDER, J. H., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Fairfield, Pa., in 1871. SPANGLER, W. H., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Penningtonville. Pa., in 1868. STAHL, W. G., Pittsburg, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Pittsburg, Pa., in 1868. Is now connected with the Tarentum, paper com- pany. STALEY, EDWARD GARRET, Baltimore, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Petersville, Md., in 1870, and attended for five years. Graduated from Frank- lin and Marshall College in 1876. Started to read law but was compelled to abandon same. Is now a traveling sales- 62 man. Is Eminent Commander of Knight Templars in Bal- timore. STALEY, DANIEL HOWARD, Hagerstown, M in 1874. ZELLER, I). E., Broadfording, Md. rcl .Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 67. No report. ZELLER, -MISS MARY, Hagerstown, Md. I Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1867, and attended one year. Became the wife of Mr. Bruce S. Zeller. 73 ZELLER, W. M., Los Angeles, Cal. Entered Mercersburg College from Hagerstown, Md., in 1869. No report. ZIEGLER, CHARLES CLAYTON, Leitersburg, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Leitersburg, Md., in 1870, and attended one year. Held for a number of years a position in the U. S. Internal Revenue service. ZEIGLER, HENRY, Freeport, Pa. Entered Mercersburg College from Pittsburg, Pa., in 1868. No report. ZIEGLER, FREDERICK SCOTT. Dead. Entered Mercersburg College from Leitersburg, Md., in 1870, aud attended one year. Died June, 16, 1893. ZEIGLER, LEWIS F, Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Leitersburg, Md., in 1870, and attended one year. After leaving Mercersburg farmed for a number of years. Is now crippled with rheumatism. ZIMMERMAN, M. S., Hagerstown, Md. Entered Mercersburg College from Walkersville, Md., in 1872. No report. ZIMMERMAN, W. H., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Sylvan, Pa., in 1866. ZOOK, E., (Address not known.) Entered Mercersburg College from Mercersburg, Pa., in 1874. Is reported to live in u The Corners," near Mer- cersburg. it **, ^ ^ ^i * * *L Jl * I I ^f^ ^jp| /; ^^ ^ ^ ;; ^F * *. •# I ^ ^P * m w WM0m mm # 7* ^^ ^f^r;; -^ W^V ^j^ 7* ^ § # * i i | * -* ^ %* f , # ± iHk *jL ^k- -^k m ^i ^i ^ ^T »■ ^--. -1p-;: lp< ;^p ■■-.- ^^N: : : ^- ^ tJL M ^r * ~ If r Up " "^ lP ^i ^ yL - ^Jtr- ^ ^JiK t ^ ^p -^ pjR : ^p r ?* ^ ^ « dl J^ ^ A A • ^ # ># # #■ ^ afc ^ iM ^L ^1 ^* ~ ^r - ** fR ^* t ^r # # # # # ** Jt *± *L *t ^t # * i ^ i 1 ****** * # # * pi I ^ ^ # ^ ^ * * * * * # # * # * If: i i i i ♦;%*»:*/>.';•; # * * * f 4 * * * * *• t * 4 * + * f ^ * 1 t \ ^ id. Ji M *& M m M A M >ti t ~ T T w t- ip ir gp y , ^r f ^ * 4 # . # 4 w f . 1; ~w' : * 4 I i *'. I ' t ■ # cv# * # I * ^ # ' 4 ■ 4 # ' ' I 1 * * * * I > i p I | i # * $ * i i p * # # # ■ # # * # I * I 4 4 m * * *- * * I # P #■ .#■: * * ; | I f , § §§ #* I # . # ;.*.". i * * . 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