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To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 ^VHRSiTV OF tumOKUn™*^^™; 2 1968 L161— O-1096 UIUCDCS-R-77-872 cm UILU-ENG 77 1721 1 BURSTLOCK: A DIGITAL PHASE-LOCKED LOOP USING BURST TECHNIQUES by COLAN MICHAEL ROBINSON May 1977 y Libra DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/burstlockdigital872robi UIUCDCS-R-77-872 BURSTLOCK: A DIGITAL PHASE-LOCKED LOOP USING BURST TECHNIQUES BY COLAN MICHAEL ROBINSON May 1977 This work was supported in part by Contract No. N00014-75-C-0982 and was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at the University of Illinois. Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his appreciation to his advisor, Professor W. J. Poppelbaum, for proposing and supporting this research, and to the members of the Information Engineering Laboratory, who were unfailingly generous with their time, advice and friendship. Thanks are also due to Al Irwin for his experienced advice, Tom Kingery for packaging the project, June Wingler for the typing, and Stan Zundo for drafting lessons. Finally he would like to thank the National Research Council of Canada, which has supported his studies for the past two ii in II years. ii iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 . INTRODUCTION 1 2 . THE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP 2 2 . 1 Introduction and Background 2 2 . 2 PLL Components 5 2 . 3 PLL Parameters 6 2 . 4 Capture Behavior 8 2 . 5 Further Considerations 12 3 . BURST REPRESENTATION 13 4. THE BURSTLOCK CIRCUIT 17 4.1 BURSTLOCK Operation 17 4 . 2 BURSTLOCK Parameters 22 4.3 The BURSTLOCK Receiver 26 5. COMPARISON OF BURSTLOCK AND THE CONVENTIONAL PLL 30 LIST OF REFERENCES 32 APPENDIX 33 1. INTRODUCTION The past two decades have seen a revolution in the way in which information is processed. Today computers and computer technology are involved in almost every facet of our daily lives. The design simplicity, low cost and high reliability of digital circuitry developed for computer systems have produced an increasing trend towards the use of digital circuits in real-time applications, long the sole province of analog circuit techniques. As a result, there has ;been a search for methods of digital data representation which can combine high speed and reliability with noise tolerance and low-cost processing elements. One proposed solution is that of unary processing, in which the value contributed by a bit of data is independent of its position. The data may be encoded either in a stochastic or deterministic manner. In unary processing, it is typical to employ averaging to improve the precision and noise immunity of the encoding. This thesis will describe BURSTLOCK, a digital phase-locked loop implemented using a deterministic subclass of unary processing called Burst Processing. It is employed in a receiver to demodulate commercial FM broadcasting. It will be shown that BURSTLOCK provides a number of advantages over conventional phase-locked loops, both practically, as it consists of only a small number of digital components, and theoretically, by reducing the interdependence of loop parameters to provide a broader range of design tolerance when attempting to maximize conflicting quantities. 2. THE PHASE-LOCKED LOOP 2.1 Introduction and Background A phase-locked loop (PLL) is a feedback system which attempts to synchronize a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with an input signal. Figure 2.1 gives a basic block diagram of the PLL, which consists of a phase comparator (PC), low pass filter, amplifier and VCO. With zero input, the VCO operates at a set frequency referred to as the "quiescent frequency" (f n ) . The phase comparator produces an output that is proportional to the phase difference between the input and VCO signals. This output is filtered, amplified and applied to the control input of the VCO, forcing the VCO frequency to vary in the direction that will decrease the phase difference between the two signals. If the difference between the input frequency and the quiescent frequency is sufficiently small, the VCO will be forced closer to the input frequency until the two frequencies are equal. When this occurs the loop is said to be "in lock." The range of frequencies over which this locking behavior can occur is called the "capture range." If the input frequency changes once the loop is locked, the VCO will follow the change due to the feedback properties of the system, as long as the deviation of the input is not too large. The range of frequencies over which the PLL will remain locked is called the "lock range." I l is necessary that a phase difference between the input and VCO signals Ls maintained in order to generate a control voltage sufficient /A i i 1 1 Lowpass Filter F(s) o o > i i u o u CU CO CO U B o c_> a- o o ►J CU A! O O t-J I CU CO co X. Ph CJ •H CO CO « CN cu bO •H 3 a. to shift the VCO from f to the lock, frequency. This static phase error is inversely proportional to the gain around the loop, represented in the diagram hy an amplifier with gain A, where A represents the change in VCO frequency per unit phase error. Descriptions of phase-locked loops can be found dating back to the twenties and thirties. However, the first important practical application came in the early fifties, when PLL's were used to reconstitute the color subcarrier in color television signals. "Flywheel" synchronization used the property that if the input is removed, the VCO will drift away only slowly from the lock frequency. Thus the color oscillator at the receiver can be synchronized to that at the transmitter by locking on to a short color burst transmitted once each frame, and relying on the memory of the loop to coast through the period between bursts [9]. The application of the PLL to radio reception became important with the inception of the American space program. Narrow band signals trans- mitted from a satellite could be received despite uncertainty about the signal frequency, which could range over a frequency interval 1000 times the signal bandwidth due to transmitter drift and Doppler shift, because of the tracking action of the PLL. At the present time the PLL is widely used for demodulation in high quality FM receivers due to its superior performance over a conventional discriminator. In this application the output of the system is the filtered output of the phase comparator, which corresponds to the program signal as it forces the VCO to follow the modulation of the carrier. By inserting a frequency divider in the feedback loop between the VCO and the phase comparator, the PLL functions as a frequency multiplier. It can also act as a frequency translator by adding an offset voltage to the VCO control input. The PLL can be made to lock on to only one of several signals at its input by setting f~ of the VCO correspondingly. The undesired frequencies are attenuated, thus improving the signal-to-noise ratio. 2.2 PLL Components The phase comparator closes the feedback loop, producing an output which depends on the phase difference between the input and the VCO signal. Since it cannot distinguish between different cycles of the signals, its output must be a periodic function of the phase difference, with period equal to 2tt radians. Most practical phase comparators have an output that is directly proportional to the sine of the phase error. However, the sinusoidal nonlinearity of the phase error <$> is usually disregarded by Ei assuming a small so that the loop operates in the region where sin <\>„ it, Ei is approximately equal to . This assumption is accurate to within 5% for < tt/6. Since the PC converts a frequency difference into a phase Ei difference, and phase is the integral of frequency, the PC functions as an integrator. It is necessary that the VCO be highly linear over a wide range, with high phase stability. Depending on the application certain requirements may be sacrified to improve others, as there is conflict between them. The order of the loop is equal to the number of finite poles in the open-loop transfer function. A first-order loop contains no filter. (The integrating action of the PC contributes one pole.) Second-order loops, which contain one integrator, are the most common. High-order loops are very sensitive to circuit parameter changes, difficult to stabilize and unnecessary in most PLL applications. The lowpass characteristic of the filter F(s) attenuates fast changes in the phase error due to noise or phase jitter in the input signal. The amplifier shown in Figure 2.1 may or may not be physically present and simply represents the combined dc gain of all the components in the loop. 2.3 PLL Parameters The lock range R^ is the distance from f that the VCO, once locked, can be moved while still maintaining lock. For a linear phase comparator, the lock range is equal to ttA radians per second [5]. For a sinusoidal phase comparator, since the sine function cannot exceed 1, the lock range is equal to A radians per second [2], This value will be used for further derivation, following the convention in the literature [2,5,12]. The capture range R is the maximum distance from f that the loop will lock on to an input signal from an unlocked state. R is always less than or equal to R . L It should be pointed out that when a frequency step is applied to the input of a locked loop, the loop may lose lock for a few cycles if the frequency variation is too large, even though it remains within R^ . There is a maximum rate of input frequency change for which the loop will not lose lock temporarily. For a second-order loop, by applying the final value theorem to the expression for the phase error, this rate may be shown to be equal to the square of the natural frequency of the filter (units of radians per second per second) [2]. As mentioned above, when the loop is locked, there is a static e error required to keep the VCO at the lock frequency. In many cases a small phase error is desired, but for discriminators, where this phase error is the output, this is not necessarily the case. For a first-order loop with a lock frequency f and a quiescent VCO frequency f , the static L Q phase error is (f -f )/A. The phase error can be reduced to zero by using a third-order loop [12]. Another useful loop parameter is the loop bandwidth B , which is Li defined as the dB frequency of the open-loop gain. For a first-order loop or a second-order loop with cutoff frequency greater than B , the gain Li decreases with frequency at 6 dB/octave due to the 1/s term provided by the integrating action of the PC, and thus B = A. In this case R = R . For FM detection, B must be large enough to track the modulation. J_i However, the bandwidth should be as small as possible to attentuate noise in the input. Any change in B will also affect R^ and R r , since all these quantities depend on A. If the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter is reduced below A, the attenuation of noise can be increased while keeping R^ the same. How- ever, there is a penalty to be paid for the decrease in B . The system L» response to an input frequency change becomes an underdamped ringing. Also R is reduced. For a simple RC filter the reduction in R is approximately equal to the reduction in B caused by the decrease in filter bandwidth. Li Using a lag network filter the reduction in R is approximately equal to the square root of the B reduction [5]. Moschytz [7] has derived a Li general parametric approximation to R : R = A|F(R )|. Since F(R C ) cannot be greater than unity, R cannot be greater than R^ (R, =A) . Note that the gain of an active filter is included in A. 8 It is often convenient to think of a PLL as acting as a bandpass filter on the input signal, as in the satellite communications application described above. The filter has a center frequency equal to the input frequency and a noise bandwidth B„, on each side. For a first-order loop N B = A/4 Hz. For a second-order loop with F(s) = 1 + a/s, B = (A+a)/4 [12]. In most applications it is desirable to have both a wide R and a narrow B . It can be seen, however, that these requirements conflict with each other. 2.4 Capture Behavior The capture behavior of a PLL is extremely complicated and difficult to describe mathematically. However, it may be easily understood in a qualitative manner. Consider a first-order loop with a linear phase detector. For the first-order loop R = R . Figure 2.2 describes the operation of the loop [5]. The VCO frequency appears on the vertical axis and the phase difference between the VCO and the input signal on the horizontal axis. Each curve represents the VCO frequency as a function of the phase difference for a particular choice of f , and is periodic in 2tt . The horizontal axis represents the frequency of the input signal. Thus locking can occur only if the curve for a given f intersects the axis. For example, the curve for f _ crosses the axis twice in the interval to 2tt . As shown, only one of these intersections is stable, the other corresponding to positive rather than negative feedback. The distance from the vertical axis to the intersection is the static phase error. The lock range can be seen to be (f .-f „)/2. If the VCO operates at t M , lock cannot be achieved. Q4 Q2 Ql' The operating point will move along the curve in the direction of the arrow, prodn' Lng frequency modulation. o C o) a; en m-i o c 3 cr o •H a; cu o •J a) M •H ft* 10 It is instructive to consider the operation of the loop when the input frequency is outside the capture range, as on the f curve. Since the VCO and input frequencies are different, the output of the phase comparator is a beat frequency. If the VCO is modulated away from the input frequency the beat frequency increases and the operating point moves rapidly, whereas if the VCO is modulated toward the input frequency the beat frequency decreases and the operating point moves more slowly. The output of the phase comparator can be shown [5] to be a series of back-to-back exponential curves with flat regions as the operating point hesitates at its closest approach to the input frequency, and sharp cusps as the VCO moves rapidly at its furthest excursion. When the more common sinusoidal phase comparator is used, the triangular shape of the curves becomes sinusoidal, but the operation will be similar otherwise [2,12]. So far, the first-order loop, in which IL = R = B , has been described. The discussion may be extended to the second-order loop. If the frequency difference between the VCO and input signals is less than B , locking will proceed directly and almost J_i instantaneously, as in the first-order loop [2]. When the operating point does not intersect the input frequency axis the phase error looks like a series of cusps as before. Because of the asymmetrical shape of the waveform, it contains a dc component. This was why the first-order loop tended to linger at its closest approach to lock. The filter in the second-order loop integrates this dc component, pushing the VCO closer to the input frequency. For a second-order loop with a perfect integrator the capture range is theoretically infinite. With a more normal type of loop filter the capture range is proportional to the filter response as a 1 ready descr i bed . 11 Viterbi [12] has used an analog computer to produce a number of curve families of the type in Figure 2.2 for second-order loops with different filter characteristics. These curves show a spiral tendency in the path the operating point takes due to the underdamped ringing described above. A study of the capture behavior of a PLL leads to another quantity used to characterize the loop: the "capture time" T . This is the time taken for the loop to lock once the input signal is applied. For a first- order loop, if capture is possible, T will be on the order of 1/A seconds [2]. For a second-order loop with a loop filter characterized by a natural frequency w and a damping factor £ , if the input signal is within B T then T_ is of the order of l/w„ seconds. If this condition is L C N not true, an explicit formula for the capture time is somewhat difficult to derive. Gardner [2] gives an approximation derived by Viterbi for a difference between input frequency and VCO frequency of Aw radians/second: 2 3 T = Aw /(2Cw ). Thus acquisition is faster with a wider loop bandwidth. L* IN Note that if the VCO had previously been tracking another frequency, Aw would be measured from the VCO frequency, not from f . Thus R extends on either side of the current VCO frequency, but cannot exceed the limits of R, which is centered on f . L Q The capture time can be exceedingly long if Aw is large compared with A or B . As an example [2], consider a high-gain second-order loop with C = 0.707, a commonly selected value, and a frequency difference of 2 3 Af Hz. Gardner shows that T is approximately equal to 4.2 (Af) /B seconds. For a narrow-band loop with Af = 1 KHz and B. T = 10 Hz, N T = 1 hr. 10 min. ! Because of such long capture times a commonly used technique in this type of situation is to apply a sweep voltage to the VCO to search 12 for the input frequency. The maximum sweep rate is limited by B [12]. Once lock has occurred the sweep voltage must be removed. Otherwise, if the input signal fades out momentarily, the VCO will be carried away from the lock frequency. Locking during sweep is by no means certain and the loop must be designed carefully to give a high probability of capture [2], 2.5 Further Considerations If the input signal to a first-order loop fades out, the VCO will return to f . In a second-order loop, because of the integration of the filter, the VCO frequency will tend to remain the same. Thus the loop may be said to have memory. With a perfect integrator, the frequency will never change. Using a realistic filter, the holding time is proportional to the gain of the filter. This property is used in flywheel synchroniza- tion as described above. Some mention should be made of the relatively uncommon third-order loop. Analysis is much more complex than the second-order case. Design is also more complicated as the third-order loop is only conditionally stable, whereas first and second-order loops are unconditionally stable. However, the third-order loop is advantageous in some applications. The addition of a second integrator also gives the loop an acceleration memory. If the input signal has a constant acceleration, such as a Doppler shift, when the signal fades out the loop will continue to track at the same rate of change of frequency. This is particularly useful in space communications. A PLL is by no means the best way to measure the frequency of a constant input. Its principal advantages are its ability to track the 'juency of a varying input and to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. 13 3. BURST REPRESENTATION Burst representation is a method of encoding information in pulse form proposed by Professor W. J. Poppelbaum as a middle ground between weighted binary and stochastic representations [10]. It retains the noise tolerance and processing simplicity of stochastic schemes while offering increased precision and speeds approaching that of weighted binary. In essence, Burst representation is a unary (unweighted) encoding. A serial pulse stream is viewed as a sequence of n-bit blocks. The value of each block is defined to be the fraction of the number of l's in the block to the total number of slots, and can vary between and 1. If negative numbers are required, they may be mapped into the range of the representation, as in two's complement binary encoding, or a sign bit may be transmitted separately. As the blocks pass through an n-bit shift register, the value represented in the register provides an interpolation between the values of successive blocks and thus is valid at all times. No synchronization is necessary. By selecting a value of n, the designer may trade off precision and speed. The philosophy behind Burst processing is to select a low n (typically 8 or 10) so that processing elements are simple and inexpensive, and to obtain increased accuracy by averaging the result. The practic- ability of this technique in a number of applications has been demonstrated by members of the Information Engineering Laboratory. 14 Decoding of Burst encoded information is accomplished by a block sum register (BSR) , which is an n-bit shift register, each stage of which controls a unit current source. The currents are summed on the output bus to provide a quantized analog output proportional to the Burst value contained in the register. Figure 3.1 shows a 5-bit BSR which contains the value 0.6. Bursts may also be converted into weighted binary by the use of a simple up-down counter. As the BSR acts as an integrator with a finite memory, it is not surprising that higher frequencies are attenuated by a low pass filtering action. Obviously, with a clock frequency of f , frequencies higher than f r /2 cannot be represented at all. Since the value in the BSR is constrained to change by only 1/n in each clock period, a limit is placed on the maximum amplitude at a given frequency. The cutoff frequency of a BSR has been defined by Taylor [12] to be f /2n. At the cutoff frequency the maximum amplitude of a signal is 2/tt . There is no requirement that the l's in a block be contiguous, although this may be advantageous in certain applications. If this is so, it is termed a "compacted" Burst. A particular class of uncompacted Bursts which will be of interest is Delta Block Encoding (DBE) , which is analogous to conventional delta modulation. In this case the serial inputs of a bidirectional BSR are tied to logical one and logical zero, and the Burst input controls the direction in which the BSR shifts. In each clock period the value in the BSR is either increased or decreased by 1/n to correspond to the changing value of the encoded signal. One obvious disadvantage of this scheme is that there is no way to encode a constant value — the closest approximation gives granular noise with an amplitude of 1/n. This can be remedied by providing two 15 BURST INPUT SOURCE ( VOLTAGE ( ANALOG OUTPUT Figure 3.1 A 5-bit BSR K IvW— | UJ * So s^M' 1 O-AA/V — 1| ho c ■H O U c w 3 c o H Pi pa 01 u 3 t>0 28 The FM signal is applied to one input of a comparator, the other input of which is a dc level adjusted to the middle of the FM sinusoid. The comparator output drives the input of a D flip-flop. The Q output of the flip-flop is ANDed with the input. The output of the flip-flop will be a pulse that occurs only when the input changes from zero to one, that is, when the input signal passes through zero with a negative slope. A second D flip-flop synchronizes the pulse with the system clock. An analog audio output is provided by the output BSR of the BURSTLOCK circuit. If the BSR has a length of n_ bits, its signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) will be 2n. . This assumes that the signal varies from zero to the maximum value. If the signal has a smaller amplitude, since the quantization noise is constant, the SNR will deteriorate. If the signal amplitude is larger than the register length, clipping will occur. Thus it is of interest to discover how to obtain the optimum amplitude of the BURSTLOCK output. This may be simply calculated as follows. Suppose that the input signal is being modulated between the frequencies f and f~, f < t y with periods p and p respectively. Then with an output BSR of length n bits, the optimum amplitude may be obtained by setting f = n_/(p -p 9 ) Hz. Since the frequency of the receiver IF output is difficult to set exactly at 10.7 MHz without monitoring it with a frequency counter, the BURSTLOCK receiver is provided with a variable- frequency clock so that fine adjustments may be made aurally. The BURSTLOCK circuit demodulates a frequency-modulated input by integrating the corrections needed to keep the local oscillator tracking the input frequency. A single correction pulse produces a change in local oscillator period equal to one clock cycle, rather than a standard step 29 frequency change. Thus the output represents the period change of the input rather than the frequency change. Since period is inversely related to frequency, this will cause distortion in the output signal. However, by operating over only a limited range a close approximation to linearity may be obtained. In the BURSTLOCK receiver, a 200 KHz input signal is modulated up and down 15 KHz. This modulation is derived from the transmitting station's modulation of its carrier frequency, as detected by the monaural FM receiver. Over the given range the relationship between frequency f in KHz and period p in microseconds may be linearly approximated by the relationship p = 10. 035-0. 02511f with an error of less than 0.5%. The relationship was found using a simple linear regression. In general, the departure from linearity increases with wider modulation and decreases as the signal frequency is increased. 30 5. COMPARISON OF BURSTLOCK AND THE CONVENTIONAL PLL In addition to the well-known practical advantages of digital designs over analog designs in many applications, the BURSTLOCK circuit embodies a number of theoretical advantages over the conventional PLL. In some ways, BURSTLOCK, a second-order (single integrator) loop, may be said to combine advantages of first, second and third-order conventional loops . Like the first-order loop, R and R are the same. However, they may be altered simply by changing the number of bits used by the local oscillator, with no effect on any other properties of the loop. Thus R is not reduced as the filter bandwidth is decreased. Like the third-order loop, the static phase error is zero. The response to a change in input frequency can never develop underdamped ringing, again like the first-order loop. As BURSTLOCK expects the frequency of the input to continue changing in the same direction, its action somewhat resembles the acceleration memory of the third-order loop. The capture time of a second-order conventional loop is proportional to the square of the initial frequency difference if it is larger than the loop bandwidth. In contrast, T of BURSTLOCK depends only linearly on the initial frequency difference. Furthermore, decreasing the loop band- width increases only a constant term in the T value, while the same action affects T of the conventional loop by a cubic term. Therefore, it is less likely that sweeping will be needed to obtain rapid locking. This 31 improvement may be ascribed to the fact that the phase comparator does not have a periodic response. Since BURSTLOCK contains only a small number of components, it is well suited for integration. In an integrated form it would not require the connection of external components as is usual in currently available integrated PLL's. In the design of conventional PLL FM discriminators, it is usual to employ a post-detection filter, often a five or six-pole Bessel or Butterworth design [2]. In the BURSTLOCK receiver, only a simple RC filter might be desired to smooth out the sharp edges of the BSR output. Due to the limitations on loop memory and the lack of a quiescent oscillator frequency, BURSTLOCK is not suitable for applications which are based on these properties, such as flywheel synchronization or the selection of one of several signals by setting f close to that of the desired signal and using a small R . Without any f , the R^ of BURSTLOCK ^ L Q L is an absolute range rather than a deviation to either side of f . It has been seen that the signal distortion encountered in BURSTLOCK FM demodulation is inversely proportional to the filter band- width. This is not an unreasonable result, as it must be expected that some penalty be paid for a decrease in bandwidth. Distortion is encountered in the conventional PLL also, due to a sinusoidal phase comparator characteristic and VCO nonlinearity . 32 LIST OF REFERENCES [1] Byrne, C. J., "Properties and Design of the Phase-Controlled Oscillator with a Sawtooth Comparator," The Bell System Technical Journal , March 1962, pp. 559-602. [2] Gardner, F. M., Phase-Lock Techniques , Wiley, New York, 1966. [3] Goldstein, A. J., "Analysis of the Phase-Controlled Loop with a Sawtooth Comparator," The Bell System Technical Journal , March 1962, pp. 603-633. [4] Grebene, A. B., Analog Integrated Circuit Design , Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 19 72. [5] McAleer, H. T., "A New Look at the Phase Locked Oscillator," Proceedings of the IRE , June 1959, pp. 1137-1143. [6] Mohan, P. L., "The Application of Burst Processing to Digital FM Receivers," Department of Computer Science Report No. 780, University of Illinois, January 1976. [7] Moschytz, G. S., "Miniaturized RC Filters Using Phase-Locked Loop," The Bell System Technical Journal , May 1965, pp. 823-870. [8] Poppelbaum, W. J., "Application of Stochastic and Burst Processing to Communication and Computing Systems," proposal for the Office of Naval Research, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, July 1975. [9] Poppelbaum, W. J., Computer Hardware Theory , Macmillan, New York, 1972, [10] Poppelbaum, W. J., "Statistical Processors," Advances in Computers , Vol. 14, Academic Press, New York, 1976. [11] Taylor, G. L., "An Analysis of Burst Encoding Methods and Transmission Properties," Department of Computer Science Report No. 770, University of Illinois, December 1975. [12] Viterbi, A. J., Principles of Coherent Communication , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966. 33 APPENDIX RECEIVER DESCRIPTION Figure A.l shows a photograph of the BURSTLOCK receiver. The front panel controls consist of a clock frequency control, clock enable and on/off switch. Mounted inside the cabinet and accessible through a port in the rear panel is an inexpensive analog radio, which provides the IF input to the BURSTLOCK circuit. To tune in a station the clock enable switch should be set to the off position and the volume control on the radio turned up. When the desired station is tuned on the radio, the volume control should be reduced to zero and the clock enable switch set to the on position. The output from BURSTLOCK will then be audible from the speaker in the front panel. The clock frequency should be adjusted to give the best possible output. It is necessary to use this method for tuning because it is difficult to tune the analog radio to the exact station frequency. An acceptable audio output from the analog tuner will be produced when the IF is within approximately 10% of its nominal value of 10.7 MHz. Even when monitoring the IF signal with a frequency counter, exact tuning is a time-consuming process since the frequency count deviates about the nominal value due to the modulation, and the tuning control is affected by body capacitance when adjustments are made. It is far easier to compensate for tuning errors by adjusting the clock frequency in the manner described. 35 The components of the BURSTLOCK circuit are mounted on three printed circuit cards. The first card contains all the components shown in Fig. 4.2, with the exception of the analog tuner. The IF input is buffered with a unity-gain operational amplifier to avoid the adverse effects of loading on the tuner. Mixing is done with a 76514 doubly balanced mixer, and a 10116 comparator is used. The second card contains all of the components shown in Fig. 4.1 except the output BSR, which is mounted on the third card. Since the BSR output produces a relatively low volume when operating directly into a speaker, a 386 audio amplifier on the same card is used to boost the signal to a more useful level. The clock generator, consisting of two 74121 monostable multivibrators and a 7406 open-collector inverter to increase the fanout, is also mounted on this card. The clock frequency is controlled by the dual 50 KT2 potentiometer on the front panel, and is variable from approximately 50 KHz to 5 MHz. The clock enable switch is connected to the enable pin of all shift registers and counters in the system. A +5V and a -5V power supply are mounted inside the cabinet to make the receiver self-contained. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 4. Tide .ind Subtitle 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-77-872 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date May 1977 7. Author(s) Colan Michael Robinson 8- Performing Organization Rept. No UIUCDCS-R-77-872 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. N000-14-75-C-0982 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Office of Naval Research 219 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60604 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Master's Thesis 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstracts BURSTLOCK is a digital phase-locked loop implemented using Burst Processing. It is used in a receiver perform FM demodulation of commercial broadcast signals. It is also shown that BURSTLOCK has some theoretical advantages over conventional phase-locked loops. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17o. Descriptors Burst Processing Burst Phase-Locked Loop Block Sum Register Digital Receiver 17b. Identifiers /'Open-Ended Terms 17c. COSATI Fie Id/Group 18. Availability Statement Release Unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Payes 35 22. Price FORM NTIS-35 ( 10-70) USCOMM-DC 40329-P7I ■* '*> AUG liw}