till HOIS HISTORICAL SURV0< Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/manualofpresbyte00pres_3 • . - MAN UAL OF THE RESBYTERIAN + ThURCH Canton, Illinois. March. 1882. CANTON, ILL.: C. E. SNIVELY, STEAM PRINTER. *.*. S— C.L. ILL. ^*5.\ . H OFFICERS. Rev. A. R. MATHES, Pastor. Residence, Parsonage , Corner Jones and Walnut Sts. RULING ELDERS: JOHN BLACKADORE. J. C. RODENBAUGH. R. C. CULTON. SAMUEL BREARLEY. J. W. PROCTOR. R. B. STEVENSON. OSCAR VOORHEES. DEACONS: A. C. MOORE. GEORGE NAGEL. H. M. KLINE. JOHN WOLF. BOARD OF TRUSTEES: T. H. MOORE. A. C. MOORE. C. C. DEWEY. G. BARRERE. H. M. KLINE. TREASURER: H. M. KLINE. Applications for peivs may be made to either of the Deacons , and to the Treasurer. Y 46265 4 MANUAL. Officers of Sabbath School. Superintendent — J. W. Proctor. Assist a n t-Superi ntendent — O. Y oorhees. Sec ret a ry —W. Haynes. Librarians— J. Blackadore, Jr., Frank Suydam. Ladies’ Missionary Society. Mrs. A. R. Mathes .President Mrs. N. S. Wright .Vice-President Miss Annie Brearley .Secretary Miss Mary Blackadore .Treasurer Memoranda. The Church services on the Sabbath, at 11 o’clock a. m. ; in winter months at 7 p. m.; summer, 7.30 p. m. the change usually occurring in May and November. Weekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening, at 7.30 o’clock. Sabbath School at 9.30 a. m. Woman’s Missionary Meeting, first Wednesday of each month, at 3 o’clock p. m. The Pastor will receive calls at his residence every afternoon. Calls for religious conversation will be welcomed at anv time. Come! «/ It is earnestly requested that members of the Church desiring Pastoral attention in their homes, as in the case of affliction or religious inquiry, will at once communicate with the Pastor. He will always re¬ spond promptly to such requests. Do not regard such calls impositions. Historical Note. The First Presbyterian Church in Fulton County, Illinois, was organized September 13th, 1828, at Can¬ ton, Illinois. The Rev. John M. Ellis presided, and preached the sermon on the occasion from 2d Samuel, 6th chapter and lltli verse. The Church consisted of the following persons; Nathan Jones, Samuel Mal¬ lory, William Proctor, Robert Grant, Jane Grant, Ma¬ tilda Jones and Elizabeth Jacobs. The following day, Nathan Jones, Samuel Mallory and William Proctor were chosen ruling Elders. On the 16th of September—two days after, Mrs. Laura Proctor and Miss Emily Phelps were received into the Church at Lewistown, and the children of William and Laura Proctor were baptized. Of these children, two, Mrs. R. B. Stevenson and J. W. Proctor, Esq., are now members of the Canton Church. Miss Emilv •/ Phelps afterwards married Mr. Joel Wright, of Can¬ ton, and died--, in the communion of the Congre¬ gational Church of Canton. The original Church was made up of members from the villages of Canton and Lewistown, and services were held alternately at each place. On the 10th dav of Januarv, 1836, all the members living in or near Lewistown, were dismissed to form a Church at that place. On the 14th of July, 1838, the Canton Church was divided—a part going with the Old School and a part 6 MANUAL. with the New School Presbyterian Church of the United States. The members remaining with the Old School wing, were as follows: Alex. R. McPheeters, Elizabeth McPheeters, Mary McPheeters, John McPheeters, Win, McPheeters, Mary McPheeters, Sam’l Warnock, Marv Warnock, Rebecca Henderson, Julia Kelley, Martha J. Warnock, Joseph M. Kelso, Robert C. Cult on, Marv Ann Culton, John Culton, Abagail Culton, Archibald Henderson, Elizabeth Henderson, James McPheeters. The Session consisted of James McPheeters, Rob’t Taylor and Minor Sherwood. Two years after this, a call was made to Rev. S. C. McCune, to become Pastor of the Church, and he was installed Pastor Saturday, September 5th, 1840. Mr. McCune continued pastor until the spring of 1851. There w r ere added to the Church during his pastorate, on examination and certificate, ninety-five members. The Rev. Isaac Bennett was invited to supply the Church, and entered on his labors December 14th, 1851. Mr. Bennett continued to labor with the Church until his death, on the 16th day of June, 1856. The following ministers served the Church in this order: Rev. Geo. Stebbins, six months, from October, 1856. Rev. J. V. Dodge, six months, from May 24, 1859. Rev. John Cochran, ten months, from Nov. 6, 1859. Rev. S. M. Crissman, sixteen months, from August 2, 1863. Rev. Carson Reed, three and a half years, from Jan¬ uary 18, 1865. Rev. Josiah Moore,-September 4, 1868. MANUAL. 7 The Rev. S. C. McCune was recalled to the pastor¬ ate July 6, 1873, installed September 30. Mr. McCune was the first pastor of the Church, and the Canton Church was his first charge. Mr. McCune resigned the charge in March, 1880, and removed to Oskaloosa, Iowa. The Rev. A. R. Mathes became the supply of the Church in May, 1880; was elected Pastor in August following, and installed the 19th of October. At this writing, March, 1882, remains Pastor. The first church building was erected in 1832, and occupied until January, 1870, when the present struct¬ ure was dedicated to the service of God. ZF’O^IL/E THE Administration of the Sacrament of baptism OF THE CANTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Baptism was instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Great Head of the Church, to be a seal of the cov¬ enant of grace, and the ordinance of admission to a visible standing in his Church. It does not create, but simply declares the fact of which it is the symbol. The water in this ordinance implies guilt and pollu¬ tion; and represents to us justification by the blood of Christ, and regeneration and sanctification by his 8 MANUAL. Spirit. But you are not to conclude that this, or any outward ordinance whatever, will be sufficient for the salvation of the soul; it is the blood of Christ alone that cleanseth from all sin, and to this you are ex¬ horted ever to look for vour own salvation, and that of your children. If it should please God to spare your lives, and the life of your child, until it comes to years capable of receiving instruction, it will be your duty to teach it, or cause it to be taught to read God’s holy word; to instruct it in the great principles of the Christian religion, of which there is an excellent sum- marv in the Confession of Faith and Catechisms of •/ our Church, which are recommended to you for your own perusal, and to be diligently taught your child; to pray for it and with it; to set the example of piety and godliness before it; and by all the means of God’s appointment to bring it up in the nurture and admo¬ nition of the Lord. These duties, or whatever you are convinced, or shall be convinced from the word of God, to be binding on you as Christian parents, you do promise and covenant, in the presence of God and his Church, that as God shall give you strength you will endeavor to perform and do. [Here the parents bow assent.] Public Admission of all Members TO FULL COMMUNION IN THE CANTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. [The Members received on Examination will arise and make their public profession.] Do you believe in one only living and true God, in- MANUAL. 9 finitely excellent and glorious; and that there is a trinity of persons, the Father, the Son and the Spirit, in this divine essence? Do you believe in the Script¬ ures of the Old and New Testaments as the word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice? Do you believe you are sinners, and as such deserve the wrath of God forever? Do you believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior of sinners, the only mediator be¬ tween God and man? Do vou believe in the neces- t/ sity of the renewing and sanctifying operations of the Holv Ghost, and that vou must be holy, in order to be happy? Do you believe in the resurrection of the dead, in a general judgment and the life everlasting? [Here the Candidates bow assent. Baptism administered.] And now do you take this God—the Father, to be your Father—the Son to be vour Saviour—and the Spirit to be your Sanctifier; and do you receive these Scriptures as the rule of your faith and practice? Do you, as far as you know your own heart, unfeignedly repent of all your sins; and look and trust for salva¬ tion to the righteousness of Christ, received by faith in him? Do you engage to walk with God in the ways of new obedience? Do you promise subjection in the Lord, to the constituted authority of this Church, and to walk in brotherly love with its members? And do you engage to be diligent in the use of the means of grace, such as reading the Scriptures, prayer, self-ex¬ amination, and attendance on the public worship and ordinances of God’s house? And thus, through the grace of God, strengthening you, you engage to act until death? [Here the Candidates bow assent.] [The Members received on Certificates will also arise and make their Profession.] And do you, also, Christian friends, hereby signify your sincere desire to be united with this branch of the Church of Christ, in the work and hope of the gos- 10 MANUAL. pel; and on your part promise through the Divine as¬ sistance to aid in promoting the glory of God and the Spirituality of this Church: to seek the peace and ed¬ ification of its members; and cheerfully submit to, and assist in maintaining its government and discipline? [Candidates bow assent.] [Here the Church will rise.] The Miuister then addresses those received on Examination and Certificate Conjointly, as follows.] We the officers and members of this Church, do af¬ fectionately publicly welcome you, and in the name of the Lord -Jesus Christ, declare you entitled to its rights and privileges. We welcome you to this fellow¬ ship with us in the blessings and labors of the gospel; and on our part engage to watch over you and seek your edification. And now, beloved in the Lord, let it be impressed on your minds that vou have entered into a solemn and unchangeable covenant. You have unalterably committed yourselves, and you must be, as we trust you will desire to be, the servants of God. Remember, you walk in the presence of God, whose eyes are ever upon you, and to whom vou must render your account. Remember, the eyes of the world are upon you, and as you deport yourselves, so will religion be honored or disgraced. If you live according to the rules of the gospel, you will be a credit and comfort to us, but if otherwise, you will be to us a grief of heart, and to others a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence. Follow, then, we pray you, righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life whereunto vou are also called, and have professed a good profession be¬ fore many witnesses. And may the God of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Jesus Christ, after ye have suffered awhile, make you per¬ fect, establish, strengthen, settle you; and at last MANUAL/. 11 gather ns all from these scenes of trial and conflict, into the Church triumphant, where our communion and joy will be perfected forever. Amen. Members removing from the bounds of this church are requested to procure Certificates of Dismission, and promptly identify themselves with the Churches in the places to which they remove. No Certificate of Dismission is valid for more than one year; except where there has been no opportunity of presenting it to a Church. Members dismissed are under the care and subject to the discipline of the Church dismissing them, until received by the Church to w T hich they are dismissed. Members of the Church, who are habitually absent from the stated religious services, and especially the administration of the Lord’s Supper, are subjects of discipline,—liable to suspension and excommunication, except when their absence is strictly providential. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is observed by this Church the second Sabbath in January, April, July and October. Pastoral Letter. Dearly Beloved:— While vour homes resound •/ 'with joy and fond wfishes for 1882, your Pastor must add his Greeting to you all. “The Lord that made Heaven and Earth, bless thee out of Zion.” The year closed has only I trust, united our hearts more firmly in the fellowship of love. Blessings innumerable have been poured into our lap till our life may be called a doxologv. To home and Church the hand of the Lord has kindly added his benediction and peace. Troub- 12 PASTORAL LETTER. les, sickness, bereavements we have had. Yet never so dark the cloud but the shining of the light of God was seen beyond. He has been kind, faithful and true to us all. He has caused the fields and the flocks to yield their increase. The shop, store and office have returned the reward of diligence. Pestilence has not come nigh our dwellings. He has been with us in the home, the prayer circle and in the assembly on the Sabbath and breathed His blessing. Some of us may not be able to join in all these words because the dark shadow has fallen across our home. Sorrow has been mingled with our cup. Yet let the words of promise spoken by our Saviour keep our hearts “in the swell¬ ings of Jordan;” “I will not leave thee nor forsake thee.” “My grace is sufficient for thee.” We enter the year that opens before us with thanks¬ giving. The heart’s desire of your Pastor is, that it may be a year full of blessing to you. Especially may it be a year of the right hand of the Lord, when your soul shall be blessed in all spiritual good. May we be a happy family in the bonds of brotherly love; ever developing the graces of our Lord; zealous for His cause. We are His disciples. He sends us into His vineyard to work. Brethren, let us see that we are so familiar with our commission as not to be at a loss anywhere. Let us begin this New Year with renewed consecration to the Blessed Master. Then be constant upon the service of God’s worship. “Remember the Sabbath dav to keep it holv.” Find vour wav to the prayer meeting each Wednesday evening. It is here you may find the Lord you love. Seek to labor in the Sabbath School and lead the children to Jesus Christ. To the fathers and mothers of our number who are “well stricken in years,” we give a special Greeting. Your Pastor would sympathize with you in all your infirmities. It will give him special pleasure to see you in the house of God as often as the infirmities in - MANUAL. 13 cident to “length of days” will permit. If you may not be at the Sanctuary, will you, at this hour of serv¬ ice, in your prayer room remember us as we shall re¬ member? Your Pastor invokes upon you, fervently, the blessing of the “Ancient of Days,” that the prom¬ ise of His word may be fully verified to you, that “at even tide it shall be light.” The inspired prayer for the Ephesian Saints (Eplis. iii; 14-21), is his prayer for you all. Beloved Brethren, let us live nearer to God. Be more zealous in His service; more cheerful and hopeful; make more of our high relationship as “Sons of God;” trust more upon the bosom of infinite love. Your Pastor affectionately remembers all your kindness in the past, and will strive to serve you in the Gospel of God’s dear Son. I wish you a Happy New Y r ear. Grace be with you. Affectionately, vour Pastor, A. R. MATHES. List of Members. The resident membership, as nearly as can be ascer¬ tained, is given herein. Some names may have been inadvertentlv omitted, but the list is believed to be in */ * the main correct: Blackadore, John sr. Brearley, Mrs. Maria Y. C. Blackadore, Mrs. ElizabethBrearley, Miss Anna E. Blackadore, Miss Mary E. Brearley, Miss Anna Barrere, Mrs. Ellen R. Brokaw, Mrs. Mary S. Bell, Miss Ella Coyner, Mrs. Eliza E. Coyner, Miss Mary E. Caughey, Miss Fannie Dickey, Mrs. L. E, Brearley, Samuel sr. Culton, R. C. Culton, Miss Lida Coyner, John B. Cornelius, Miss Leona 14 MANUAL. Dorrence, Mrs. J. Dorrence, Miss Matie S. Dewev, Mrs. A. E. Dewey, Mrs. S. M. Dickev, Mr. John Gardner, Mrs. Mary Grimshaw. Mrs. Hannah Hurst, Mrs. Anna E. Hurst, Mrs. Anna M. Henderson, Mrs. Elizab’h Harter, Mr. Josiah, Johnson, Mrs. Julia Kline, H. M. Lewis, Mrs. Mary Ann Lewis, Miss Harriet Moore, A. C. Moore, Mrs. Jane Moore, John W. Moore, Thomas H. Moore, Mrs. Eachel Meek, Mrs. Anna R. McCullogh, Mrs. Susan McCullogh, Miss Mary J. Moir, Mrs. Eliza Moir, Miss Isabella Minnick, Miss Sarah J. Nagle, Mr. George Nagle, Mrs. B. K. Nagle, Miss Mary Navlor, Mrs. Hannah S. Proctor, J. W. Proctor, Mrs. Antoinetta Proctor, Miss Fannie Prentiss, Mrs. Martha A. Prentiss, Miss Erie A. Robison, John Robison, Eliza Dickey, Miss Carrie Y. Davis, Mr. R. F. Davis, Mrs. A. J. Drake, Mrs. Jane Drake, Miss Anna E. George, Miss Mary George, Miss Jane Harter, Mrs. Marian Higbie, Mrs. Dora Havnes, Mrs. Mary Johnson, Miss J. A. Johnson, Miss Lyda Kline, Mrs. Lucv Lane, Mrs. Elizabeth Messier, Mrs. Sarah E. McCune, Mrs. Mary J. Mavnard,Mrs Phoebe A. B. Monroe, John Monroe, Mrs. Margaret McKinstry, Mrs. Carrie Mathes, Mrs. A. R. Messier, Miss Bertie M. Messier, Miss Carrie B. Monroe, Miss Tenie Mathes, xArcliie D. Mathes, Adah M. Nagle, Miss Lulu Nagle, Miss Christine Nagle, Miss Lucetta Prentiss, Earnest A. Prentiss, Robert C. Plattenburg, Mrs. Susie G. Petty, Miss Isa I. Rodenbaugh, Mrs. L. A. Rainey, Marian S. Riffle, Mrs Marv Roos, Lena MANUAL. 15 Rodenbaugh, Mr. J. C. Stout, Mrs. Mary Stout, Miss Mollie M. Stout, Miss Sophie Shrader, Miss Eliza Seavev, Harriet vSavilh E. P. Snyder, L. G. Snyder, Addie Saville, Joseph Sexton, Eliza Snyder, M. J. Sperry, Jacob L. Thompson, James M. Thompson, Anna Thompson, S. McC. Thompson, Miss Kitty Thornton, Mrs. Mary Voorliees, Oscar Yoorhees, Mrs. Ella R. Voorhees, Peterson Wilis. Mrs. Eliza Will, Mrs. Eliza S. Wright, Mrs. L. K. Yauger, Nancy The following persons in this Church: Samuel Mallory, Wm. Proctor, Royal Wright, Peter Wester field, Ezra Fairchild, James McPlieeters, Samuel Miller, Dr. Wm. Sears, Samuel Warnock, John Blackadore, Sargent, S. M. Stevenson, R. B. Stevenson, Maria L. Speck, James R. Salisbury, S. J. Salisbury, M. E. Salisbury, Miss Sarah J. Salisbury, Miss T. B. Salisbury, Maggie Salisbury, Ida Salisburv, Charles Suydam, Calvin W. Taylor, Harriet, Taylor, Margaret Taylor, Charles E. Taylor, Andrew J. Underwood, Mrs. M. J. Yoorhees, Mrs. Ann R. Yansycle, Mrs. M. A. Wolf, John Whitehouse, Mrs. Hannah Will, Miss Lulu Whitehead, Savill Zimmer, Mrs. Marv. ■7 «/ have been, or are now 7 , Elders Nathan Jones, Robert Taylor, Asaph Rice, Samuel G. Wright, Geo. H. Briscoe, Ezra Fairchild, Minor Sherwood, R. C. Culton, Joseph Alward, Wm. McMullen, 16 MANUAL. J. H. Rodenbaugh, Samuel Brearlev, J. C. Rodenbaugh, A. DeClark, Christopher Saunders, J. W. Proctor, R. B. Stevenson, Oscar Yoorhees. Missionary Concerts January, Prayer for the Conversion of the World. February .China March. Mexico April .India May .Siam June .Western Africa July, .Mission among the Indians August .South Africa September .Japan October .Persia November .Papal Europe December .Africa Annual Contribution. 1. Foreign Missions.January 2. Bible Society.February. 3. General Assembly.March 4. SuSTENATION.APRIL 5. Publication.May. 6. Sabbath School.June. 7. Church Erection.July. 8. Miscellaneous...August. 9. Ministerial Relief. September. 10. Education .... October. 11. Home Missions.*.November. 12. Freedmen.December. 3 * ■ .