■>'r- f^ 1 \i VSv.iVC4 ^^\i -x 1 '^ r ii-« No. 3€SO UNIVERSJTYOF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBAN A CHAMPAIGN '^ OAK STREET LIBRARY FACIUTY Corner Book Shop 102 Fourth Ave. New York 3, N. Y. Original Recipes Good things to eat Logan Square Chapter Number Five Hundred Sixty Order of the Eastern Star INDEX Page Soups 7- 13 Fish and Oysters : 15- 21 Meats 23- 37 Dumplings 38- 39 Vegetables 41- 45 Vegetarian Dishes 46- 48 Salads 49- 57 Salad Dressings 57- 59 . Bread 61- 66 Biscuits, Muffins, etc ..— : 67- 70 Coffee Cakes 73- 75 Pies 77' 81 Puddings 83- 89 . Desserts and Ice Cream 91- 97 Confections 99-103 Cakes -....: 105-129 Cookies, Jumbles, etc 131-140 Doughnuts 141-143 Griddle Cakes 145-146 Pickles, Jellies and Preserves 148-165 Beverages 167-168 Sandwiches 169-171 Household Hints, Tables of Weights and Measures and Time of Cooking 173-177 OFFICERS FOR 1919 Mrs. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron Mr. Thomas B. Torgerson, Worthy Patron Mrs. Lillian Yerger, Associate Matron Miss Alice Gambles, Secretary Mrs. Julia Paulson, Treasurer Mrs, Anna Enke, Conductress Mrs. Euphemia Hocker, Associate Conductress Mrs. Tillie Campbell, Chaplain Mrs. Carrie Hansen, Marshal Miss Charlotte Dortmund, Organist Mrs. Carrie Antonini, Adah Mrs. Martha Alberti, Ruth Mrs. Ella Riedel, Esther Mrs. Ella Jensen, Martha Miss Florence Nelson, Electa Miss Signa Johnson, Warder Mr. Thomas F. Otley, Sentinel Mr. Charles Ohlson, Stereoptician Logan square chapter, o. e. s. Good friends, Fm placed here in your view To introduce myself to you. Between my covers you will find. Choice Recipes of every kind. You need not be a third-rate cook, For all you have to do is look. ril teach you how to mix and bake The things that mother used to make. Good things to drink and things to eat x\nd hard and soft and sour and sweet. All credit goes, I must confess, To LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, O. E. S. They put me here to tell you why This splendid COOK-BOOK you should buy. Compiled by members of LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560 Order of the Eastern Star To Our Friends: i( But for lifcy the universe were nothing; and all that has life re- quires nourishment ' Cookery is the art of preparing food for the nourishment of the body. In preparing this book we wish that it may not only be looked upon as a compilation of tried and tested recipes, but that it may awaken a deeper in- terest in our friends and a broader study of what to eat. 66 // Pays to Advertise'^ ^ is an old adage, and let us make it a true one by patronizing the advertisers in this book, and by so doing we will show our apprecia- tion for their courtesy to us. THE COOK BOOK COMMITTEE LILLIAN YERGER, Chairman GRACE BRADWAY CLARA KISTNER MARY BLOHM. EMMA BOETTCHER ELIZABETH DEGEN HANNAH ALIE HANNAH SCHMIDT CHARLES TRODSON LILLIE TRODSON, Worthy Matron THOMAS B. TORGERSON, Worthy Patron "Diet cures mair than doctors." (An old Scotch proverb.) Tomato Soup Boil 12 tomatoes until they are soft, run through a sieve and add a teaspoon of soda to a quart of pulp. Put a tablespoon of butter in a sauce pan; when it melts add a teaspoon of flour. Add a pint of hot milk, salt, cayenne pepper, and cracker crumbs. When it boils, add the tomatoes. Do not let it boil after the tomatoes have been added. Serve at once. Mrs. Wilhelmina Albrecht. Potato Soup . Four medium sized potatoes, 2 medium sized onions, 1 slice bacon or salt pork, salt and pepper to taste; 2 quarts of water. Dice potatoes, onions and bacon, put on to cook in hot water, boil one hour. Serve with bread and butter. Serves five people. Nellie Gray. Split Pea Soup One cup dried split peas, 4 cups water, 1 cup milk, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoon salt, ^ teaspoon ground mixed spices, % teaspoon curry powder. Melt butter in a pot, add onion, minced fine, and spices; stir in hot butter for three minutes. Now add peas and water and boil one hour in a covered pot or until peas will pass through a sieve. Add milk. Bring all to a boil and serve hot. Mrs. Fox. 8 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Phone Humboldt 1027 All Departments Hollander Warehouses FIREPROOF Moving, Packing, Shipping of Household Goods Warehouse A Warehouse B 1616-18 Milwaukee Ave. 2418 Milwaukee Ave. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 9 Creamed Fish Soup One and one-half pounds of perch or any soHd fish, 1 tea- spoon salt, 2 quarts of water, Yz onion, 1 bayleaf, 4 whole spices, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 cup of cream, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 1 ^%g. Cook the onion, salt, butter, spice and bayleaf in 2 quarts of boiling water, then add the fish. When all are done, put on a platter. Pour soup through strainer, add vinegar to taste and the cornstarch dissolved in the cup of cream. Let come to a boil, take from stove. Have ready one or two eggs well beaten, add to the soup, stirring all the time. Be careful not to have it boiling hot or the zgg will curdle. Add teaspoon of chopped parsley. Bertha E. Samlow. Cream of Tomato Soup One-half can tomatoes, 1 small tablespoon sugar, ^ tea- spoon soda, Yx cup butter, 1 quart milk, 1 slice onion, 4 table- spoons flour, 1 teaspoon salt, and y% teaspoon of pepper. Scald milk with onion, remove onion and thicken with flour mixed with cold water until smooth enough to pour. Cook twenty minutes, stirring constantly at first. Cook tomatoes and sugar fifteen minutes. Add soda and rub through a strainer. Combine mixtures and strain into a heated dish over butter, salt and pepper. Mrs. Anna Shaberg, P. M. Oxtail Soup One small oxtail, 6 cups stock, ^A cup each carrots, tur- nips, onions and celery cut fine, ^ teaspoon salt, few grains cayenne, J4 cup Madeira wine, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Cut oxtail in small pieces, wash, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour and fry in butter ten minutes. Add stock and simmer one hour, then vegetables. When soft add salt, cayenne, wine, sauce and lemon juice. Clara Mack. 10 LOGAN SQUAR? CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Lima Bean Soup Two cups lima beans, 4 quarts water, 1 large onion minced fine, 4 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 teaspoon celery seed, ^ teaspoon pepper, 2 small teaspoons salt. Wash beans and soak over night. Pour ofif the water and put them on to boil in 3 quarts of water. As soon as they boil, add 1 teaspoon of soda and drain. Add 4 quarts of boiling water to the beans and place them where they will simmer for four hours. Add celery seed the last hour of cooking. Cook the onion and butter in stewpan about fifteen minutes and add to the soup. Cook a few minutes together then rub through a sieve. Add cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. Pep- per and salt to taste. Cook twenty minutes and serve. Mrs. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. Thick Rice Soup Two pints of water or stock, salt and pepper to taste; 2 small onions, 2 tablespoons of crisco, 1 cup of rice, 1 cup of canned tomatoes, or 4 fresh ones. Wash and drain rice. Heat crisco in saucepan, add rice and stir constantly until a golden brown. Now add water or stock, onions and tomatoes cut in small pieces, and seasonings. Cook slowly for one hour. Mrs. Ethel Sorensen. Peanut Soup One tumblerful peanut butter, 1 pint water, 1 quart milk, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 2 small teaspoons salt, 1 sliced onion, 1 cup chopped celery. Put all together in double boiler, ex- cept cornstarch. When soup reaches scalding point, mix corn- starch with a little cold milk and add, stirring for fiYt minutes, when it is ready to serve. Mrs. Lillie Trodson, Worthv Matron. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. U Soup of Za Beans Place 2 ounces of olive oil in stewpan, 1 onion chopped fine and cook until slightly brown. Add 1 can kidney beans, 1 pint of water and cook for thirty minutes with seasoning to taste. Without disturbing ingredients add ^ pound of noodles and cook until noodles are tender. Mrs. B. Koch. Vegetable Soup Three pounds fresh beef, 4 quarts water (cold), 1 large onion, 1 large carrot, 1 stalk celery or celery root, 3 leaves of cabbage, J^ cup lima beans, Y^ cup navy beans, 1 tablespoon salt. Put meat and cold water on to boil. Soon as it starts to boil skim. Add beans and vegetables, cut as for vegetable soup, add salt, cover and let boil slowly for three hours. Strain off half the clear soup and set aside to cool. Add 1 cup of canned tomatoes to the remaining vegetables and let come to a boil. This makes good vegetable soup. Then use the strained, clear soup for next day and add noodles or boiled rice. Mrs. Louis Ziv. Cream of Tomato Soup Peel and cut up a dozen ripe tomatoes, stew until tender in a cup of water, put through a colander or vegetable press, and thicken with 3 teaspoons of cornstarch, rubbed to a paste with a heaping tablespoon of butter, season to taste with salt, butter, onion juice, and enough sugar to correct the acid taste of the tomatoes. Pour slowly into a quart of un- skimmed milk scalding hot, to which a pinch of soda has been added. The mixture added to the milk should be brought to a boil before it goes into the sauce pan containing the milk. Serve at once before the foam induced by the boiling subsides. If you can have the milk one-quarter cream, the soup will richly deserve its name. Marian Krueger. 12 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Resources Over $4,000,000.00 Under Direct Supervision of the State of Illinois North Avenue State Bank NORTH AVE.& LARRABEE ST CHICAGO A Safe Bank for Your Savings Savings Deposits in sums of One Dollar or more to any amount are received on which three per cent interest is allowed, com- puted semi-annually. Money deposited on or before the Tenth of any month will re- ceive interest from the first of that month. Safe Deposit Vaults. The most spacious and complete Safe De- posit Vaults on the North Side are operated in connection with this Bank. Boxes, $3.00 per year upwards. OFFICERS Landon C Rose President Charles E. Schick. „ Vice President Otto G. Roehling Cashier Victor H. Thiele Ass't Cashier Open Saturday Evening 6:00 to 9:00 YOUR BUSINESS IS CORDIALLY INVITED LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 13 Clam Chowder One pound of bacon cut in small pieces. Fry brown. Three quarts of water, J4 peck potatoes cut small, 3 onions cut small, 1 can tomatoes, 1 can of corn, 1 can of clams, chopped. Boil until potatoes are tender. A Friend. Tomato Bouillon With Oysters One can tomatoes, 1^^ quarts bouUion, 1 tablespoon chopped onions, ^ bay leaf, 6 cloves, ^ teaspoon pepper corns, ^ teaspoon celery seed, and 1 pint oysters. Mix all ingredients except oysters and boil twenty minutes. Strain and cool. Add par-boiled oysters and serve in cups with crotons. Mrs. Mary Vitou. Spinach Soup Boil 2 pounds of beef and ^ pound of salt pork. Then add 1 cup of oatmeal, onion, potatoes and 2 cups of chopped spin- ach. Veda Torgerson. Soup Consomme Regale Put 2 tablespoons of butter in kettle, add 2 pounds of beef and 2 pounds veal cut up fine; stir until brown, add little water and stew for half hour. Add 2 quarts cold water and simmer for two hours. Then add 1 onion, 1 carrot and celery cut up with bayleaf, parsley, seasoning, etc. Cook until done, strain and cool. When ready for use, remove fat on top, boil up, add white of tgg beaten and mixed with 1 cup cold water. Boil hard ten minutes. Throw in another }4 cup cold water. Boil again five minutes, strain and serve. This is a delicious, clear, bouillon. Mrs. Bessie Sings. 14 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Betty and Her Daddy It's two in the morning and the house is cold. Out of the darkness comes a cry — "Daddy! Daddy!* Oh, Daddy!" And Daddy is up. He doesn't mind the cold if the little hand that pats him is warm. That was ten years ago — happy, short years, working for the baby and her mother. It is two in the morning again — and out of an awful dark- ness comes the cry — "Daddy! Daddy! Oh, Daddy!" But Daddy will never jump up again — and he does not know that Betty's hands are warm over his cold ones. * :► It's two years later, and the little cash balance is gone. Mother is a forewoman in an overall factory. Betty is a cash girl. She will be an uneducated woman. "Daddy" and Mother had planned college and a happy life for her. The cash balance would have paid for an income for life for wife and daughter. Go, story from life, and save other fathers from making the same economic mistake ! BENJAMIN BRADFORD. OFFICE 414 Monadnock Bldg. 53 W. Jackson Blvd. Tel. Harrison 4031 RESIDENCE 2610 No. Sawyer Ave. Td. Albany 6580 GILBERT SAMUELSON Special Agent for the Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. Founded 1846 Hartford, Conn. It has been observed that "Change is the sauce that sharpens appetite." Fish Croquettes To lyz cups cold flaked halibut or salmon add 1 cup thick white sauce. Season with salt and pepper, and spread on a plate to cool. Shape, roll in crumbs, tgg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Drain, arrange on hot dish for serving, and garnish with parsley. If salmon is used, add lemon juice and finely chopped parsley. Mrs. Golden. Steamed Salmon (Very good for luncheon.) One large can of salmon, 2 eggs beaten lightly, 2 table- spoons melted butter, }4 cup bread crumbs, little lemon juice, pepper and salt. Pour oflf the juice, pick out bones and chop fine. Beat crumbs in eggs and butter. Steam one hour in round tins. Two 1 -pound baking powder tins will answer the purpose. Sauce for Salmon Make milk gravy of 1 cup milk, add liquid from salmon; lastly add 1 egg beaten lightly. Do not let boil after adding egg. This recipe will serve ten persons and served with mashed potatoes and the sauce makes a very nice luncheon. Deborah Hirschberg. 16 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. ~~ Baked Halibut Put in baking pan 3 thin slices of fat salt pork about two inches square, 3 slices of onion and a bit of bayleaf. On lop of these lay your halibut, spread over it a tablespoon of butt ir and flour creamed together, cover with buttered cracker crumbs, small strips of salt pork and bake twenty to thirty minutes. Cooked this way it is delicious. Garnish with lemon and parsley. Mrs. Bradway. Flounders Clean fish and let stand in cold water one hour. Drain, salt and let stand one hour. Add 1 ^ tablespoons vinegar in water to cover fish. Boil about three minutes over a slow fire. Serve with a gravy made of butter, flour, chopped parsley and liquid from fish. Mrs. Betty Sorenson. Salmon Puff One large can salmon, 2 eggs, 1 cup bread crumbs, 2 cups milk (salt and pepper), 1 onion and a little butter. Bake half hour. Mix salmon, bread crumbs, onion and seasoning and milk together. Beat eggs until light and add to above ingredients. Mrs. Joseph Balassa. Halibut Steak Two halibut steaks, ^ pint oysters, a few thin slices salt pork, 1 cup cracker crumbs, % cup melted butter, salt, pap- rika. Put slices of pork in a pan, then one steak seasoned and covered by oysters which have been rolled in butter ed_ cracker crumbs, then put on the other steak, with slices of pork on top. Bake thirty-five minutes in hot oven, basting every ten minutes. Delicious. Mrs. Rae Franknecht. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 17 Creamed Salmon Separate canned salmon into rather large pieces and heat without breaking very much, in white sauce. Serve on hot buttered toast and season with salt and pepper. Mrs. D. Dindinger. Herring Two fat salt herring (best). Soak over night, clean, re- move bone and skin, cut in inch pieces and cover with the following: One cup vinegar, 6 teaspoons sugar, 2 large onions. Mrs. Betty Sorenson. Codfish Balls One cup of codfish, 2 cups potatoes, ^ tablespoon butter, 1 egg. Cover the codfish with boiling water. When it is slightly cool, drain, shred and add to mashed potatoes, add butter and beaten tgg. Mix thoroughly, shape into balls and fry in deep fat. Drain and serve with white sauce. Lillie Zoelck. Creamed Lobster One large can lobster, 1 pint milk, 3 tablespoons butter, 2yi tablespoons flour, paprika, salt and pepper, 1 green pep- per sliced. Remove bones from lobster and all hard portions. Melt butter in a skillet, add flour and stir until smooth. Then add milk which has been warmed. Stir till it is creamy and all lumps disappear. Add seasoning and finally lobster. Let the mixture boil, and when it reaches the desired con- sistency serve in ramkins or patty shells. Place one or two rings of green pepper on each portion. Mrs. Christine Branding. la ' LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Fish Pudding Mix 1 tablespoon of flour with 1 teaspoon of butter ; when melted add 1 cup of milk, and when thick add the beaten yolks of 2 eggs and cook one minute. Remove from fire and add 1 cup of cold cooked fisli chopped fine. Season with salt and pepper and mix in whites of eggs beaten stiif. Bake about one hour. Ethel M. Davis. Baked Halibut Steak Trim the steaks, lay them on a roasting pan and for 2 pounds use 1 cup of cream, 1 teaspoon salt and ^ teaspoon of pepper. Dredge the steaks with flour, add the seasoning, then pour over the cream and bake fifteen minutes in a quick oven. Mrs. F. Moenck. Broiled Finnan Haddie Broil in a greased broiler until brown on both sides. Re- move to a pan and cover with hot water, let stand ten minutes, drain and place on a platter. Spread with butter, and sprinkle with pepper. Mrs. Golden. *- White Fish Croquettes Boil 1^ pounds of white fish until done. Cool and pick meat off bones. Make a sauce of 5^ cup butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 cup milk. Beat until smooth, add a little grated onion, parsley. Pepper and salt to taste. Make day before using. Next morning cut and shape any way you desire. Beat 3 eggs. About 1 loaf of bread crumbs so dry you can sift them. Dip in eggs, then bread crumbs and let stand for a little while. Fry in deep hot fat, in a wire basket. Lilh> Trodson, Worthy Matron. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER. No. 560, O. E. S. 19 imnHNHiiiHniiuntWNUiiiuiHnimmmHtutniiiNUHiiiniiHmnNHUumimiHHHUHHiiiNHmiinHHUiiinRHHiHmHmnintmiHUuuiuiw Quality Diamonds Reliable Watches Standard Jewelry Olsen Ebanng 414^18 Republic Building Fourth Floor Open tilt 9 P. M Saturdats Corner 209 S. State St. aSS Phone Harrison 1006 Salesman Will Call BRANCH STORES 209 E. Main St.. Benton Harbor. Mich. 152 S. Burdick St., Kalamazoo, Mich. 319 W. State St.. Rockford. 111. 414 Sixth St., Racine, Wis. 165 Main St., Kenosha, Wis. Ill W. Wayne St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 216 S. Michigan St., South Bend, Ind. Cor. 8th & Wabash, Tere Haute. Ind. tkz ARISTOCRATS OF CREDIT JEWELERS J^ fVe ha-ue a most at- tractive and refined credit plan for those nvho Tvant a charge account of more than 30 days. We operate 9 stores njohich gi-ves us a great 'purchasing poiver and price concessions. You 'will find these reflected in our reasonable prices. ^niMiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiinuiiiiiiiiiinininiMiiiinHiiiniiiHfiuuiiniinHiuiHiHinninnnmuMiuniniiniinimiiiiiHiHiHHiiuiHUHiiMiiHHiuniuniuiunimiHiin Oysters Escalloped Oysters One pint oysters, 4 tablespoons oyster liquor, 2 tablespoons cream, Yz cup stale bread crumbs, 1 cup cracker crumbs, J4 cup melted butter, salt and pepper. Mix bread and cracker crumbs and stir in butter. Put a thin layer in bottom of baking dish, cover with oysters and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add ^ each oyster liquor and cream. Repeat and cover top with remaining liquor, cream and crumbs. Bake thirty minutes in a hot oven. Lydia Patterson. Fried Oysters Clean and dry selected oysters. Season with salt and pep- per, dip in flour, tg'g and cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat. Drain on brown paper, garnish with parsley and serve with or without sauce. Ella Patterson. Oyster Cocktail Eight raw oysters, 1 tablespoon tomato catsup, ^ table- spoon lemon juice, 2 drops Tabasco, salt, 1 teaspoon celery chopped very fine, and ^ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. Mix ingredients, chill thoroughly, and serve in cocktail glasses. Bessie Shipley. Coddled Oysters Melt 1 tablespoon butter in pan and add enough tomato catsup to cover the amount of oysters used. When bubbling, add oysters and cook two minutes. Serve on toast. Mrs. Elizabeth Cramer. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 21 Oyster Toast Serve broiled oysters on small pieces of milk toast. Sprinkle with finely chopped celery. Mrs. Golden. Lemon Butter One-quarter cup of butter, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Cream the butter and add slowly the lemon juice. White Sauce Two tablespoons butter, Ij^ tablespoons flour, 1 cup scalded milk, J4 teaspoon salt, few grains pepper. Put butter in a saucepan, stir until melted and bubbling, add flour mixed with seasonings, and stir until thoroughly blended, then pour on gradually the milk, bring to a boiling point and let boil two minutes. Tartar Sauce One tablespoon vinegar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, ^ teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, l/o cup butter. Mix vinegar, lemon juice, salt and Worcestershire sauce in a small bowl and heat over hot water. Brown the butter in a pan and strain into first mixture. Mrs. Golden. "If you attempt the boiling to hurry, the gas only is wasted; but in attempting the roasting to hurry, the food as well, isn't fit to be tasted." Many Husbands are utterl}^ spoiled by mismanagement in cooking and so are not tender and good. Some women go about it as if their husbands were bladders, and l^low them up; others keep them constantly in hot water; others let them freeze 5y their carelessness and indifference. Some keep them in a stew by irritating ways and words, others roast them, and others keep them in a pickle all their lives. It cannot be supposed that any husband will be tender and good, managed in this way, but they are really delicious when properly treated. In selecting your husband you should not be guided by the silvery appearance as in buying mackerel, nor by the golden tint, as if you wanted salmon. Be sure to select him yourself, as tastes differ. Do not go to the market for him, as the best are always brought to the door. It is far better to have none unless you will patiently learn how to cook him. A preserving kettle of the finest porcelain is best, but if you have nothing better than an earthen- ware pipkin, it will do with care. See that the linen in which you wrap him is nicely washed and mended, with the required number of buttons and strings nicely sewed on. Tie him in a kettle by a strong silken cord called Comfort. as the one called Duty is apt to be weak. He is apt to fly out of the kettle and be burned and crusty on the edges, since, like crabs and lobsters, you have to cook him while alive. Make a clear, steady fire out of love, neatness and cheerfulness, set him as near this as seems to agree with him. If he sputter and fizz, do not be anxious about him. some husbands do this until they are quite done.' Add a little sugar in the form of what confectioners call ;kisscs, but ,iTo vinegar or pepperxnust be used on any account. A little spice improves them, but it must be used with care and judgment. Do not stick ■any sharp instrument into him to see if he is becoming tender, stir him gently, watch the while, and you cannot fail to know when he is done. If thus treated you will find him very digestible, agreeing nicely with you and the children, and he will keep as long as you wish, unless you become careless and set him in too cold a place. "If you attempt the boiling to hurry. The gas only is wasted; But in attempting the roasting to hurry The food as well, isn't fit to be tasted." Veal Loaf One and a half pounds ground veal, J^ pound ground salt pork, 1 can tomato soup, 1 stalk celery, 1 green pepper cut fine, 1 large onion, cut fine, salt and pepper. Mix all together and roast about one hour. Mrs. Elizabeth Kreuter. Chop Suey One pound shoulder pork and 1 p(Aind veal, cut small. Fry slowly half hour. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons New Orleans molasses. Fry ten minutes more. Add 1 cup sliced onions, 2 cups celery, cut small. Fry twenty minutes. Sprinkle with flour three times. Boil a few minutes, then add pepper, paprika and Chili sauce. Serve with boiled rice. Mrs. Bessie Sings. English Beef Tenderloin sliced ^-inch thick and flattened, salt and pep- per and a little flour. Brown in hot butter both sides. Fry eggs, place on slices of beef and serve hot. Mrs. Bettie Sorenson. 24 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. MORMS Supre TESTED FOODS Satisfying Food Products Bear This Label HAMS BACON EGGS BUTTER LARD Canned Meats, Fruits, Vegetables of All Kinds Morris & Company, U. S. A. Packers and Provisioners LOGAN SQuXrE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 25 Jellied Chicken Three pounds chicken and 1^ pounds lean veal. Cook until tender. While cooking add salt and pepper, parsley, ^ lemon and 1 onion. Remove meat, strain liquor about 1 quart. Add 2 tablespoons gelatine dissolved in small cup of water. Remove meat from bones, cut in pieces and add to liquor. Pour in a mold and let stand a day. Cut in slices and garnish with thin slices of lemon. Mrs. Sarah Mack. Beef a la Mode Three pounds beef from round, ^ doz. ripe tomatoes or 1 can, 2 onions. Place tomatoes and onions in skillet, add salt and pepper. Place meat on vegetables, add 1 cup hot water, and y^ cup vinegar. Cover tightly and cook slowly about three hours. Thicken gravy when ready to serve. . Mrs. F. Caldwell. . Chicken Terrapin Cut up left-over cold chicken into small pieces. Put in skillet 1 cup rich milk. Mix 1 tablespoon of flour and butter, and when milk boils stir it in. Add salt and pepper. Chop 2 hard boiled eggs, add to chicken and stir together into thickened cream. Let come to boil and serve. Ham and Pork Loaf Two pounds pork from shoulder, 2 pounds cottage ham ground together, 3 eggs beaten, % cup sweet milk, 1 cup cracker crumbs, pepper, no salt. Mix well together. Form in loaf. Bake in bread pan with one small can Campbell's tomato soup poured over top. Mrs. Bessie Sings. 26 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Hungarian Goulash Cut 2 pounds of beef into 2-inch pieces and dredge with flour. Fry 2 ounces of salt pork until light brown, add the beef and cook slowly for thirty-five minutes, stirring occasion- ally. Cover with water and simmer two hours. Season with salt and paprika. Cook 2 cups of tomatoes, 1 stalk celery, 1 onion, 2 bay leaves, 6 whole cloves, 6 pepper corns about thirty minutes. Press through sieve and add to some of the stock in which the meat was cooked. Thicken with flour, season with salt and pepper and serve meat on platter with sauce poured over it. Mrs. Loges. Meat Balls En-Casserole One pound round steak, ^ pound pork put through meat chopper twice, 1 egg^ 1 onion chopped fine, 2 tablespoons bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons milk; salt and pepper to taste. Form in balls and fry in deep fat. Place in casserole. Gravy — 1 heaping tablespoon flour mixed with fat remaining in frying pan. Brown. Pour small can tomatoes into pan, stir until thickened. Season with pepper and salt, pour over meat balls in casserole, and place in oven for half hour. Mrs. B. Koch. Breast of Veal With Peas The best part for this is the thick end of the breast. Cut into lengths about two or three inches thick. Place them in a casserole with 1 or 2 onions cut in small pieces, and 1 ounce of fat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover. Put on fire and let steam until veal begins to fry, turn pieces. Add dry peas (soaked over night). Cover with water. Season to taste. Cover and let simmer until tender. Mrs. Lottie Holmes. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 27 Creamed Meats One teaspoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 cup . water. Brown the butter, add flour, then water. Let boil, then add cold meats. Mrs. F. Lehmann. Armenian Rolls One and one-half pounds round steak, ground, 1^ cups of rice, 1 can tomatoes, 2 large onions chopped fine, small bunch of parsley, 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of lard, pepper and salt-to taste, 1 large head of cabbage. Way to prepare: Drain the tomatoes, save the juice, mix ground meat, raw rice, onions and parsley (do not cut too fine), and thick part of tomatoes, salt and pepper all together. Cut heart out of cabbage, but do not cut in half. Drop in boiling water, boil ten minutes. Take apart and roll 1 teaspoon of the mixture in a part of cabbage leaf until all of the mixture is used up. Makes about fifty rolls. Take juice of tomatoes, add juice of 1 lemon, dash of red pepper and salt, pour over rolls when laid very close together in a stew kettle. Put a light weight on when cook- ing, and cook about four hours over a very slow fire. Melt lard in stew kettle before adding rolls. Mrs. Joseph Shindoler. East India Chop Suey Five pounds of chicken cut in small pieces and fried in butter. Fry ^ pound salt pork cut in chips, with 6 large onions and garlic, separate from chicken. Cut 6 stalks of celery, 2 leaks, put in large kettle half filled with water, add chicken and other mixture, 1 can of mushrooms, boil together until chicken is tender. When done, thicken with 3 table- spoons curry powder and flour, add 1 can of French peas. Cook rice separately. Serves twelve people. Mrs. Marie Pearson. 28 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. KeepuptheTMHabit $1.00 or More Starts a Savings Account 3 Per Cent Interest Paid Make Our Bank Your Bank Under State Government Supervision SQUARE BANK. A STATE BANK tOGAW SQ =?' CTERMINUS Capital and Surplus, $225,000 GENERAL BANKING Safe Deposit Vaults Boxes $3.00 and up LOGAN SQUARE JJ"i'TN*2? BANK Milw^aukee Avenue at Logan Square YOUR PATRONAGE INVITED LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 29 Meat Dish One and a half pounds of round steak, chopped; 1 cup un- cooked rice, washed; 1 small onion grated, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all together and form into meat cakes. Roll in flour on both sides, put in butter or dripping. Then pour a can of tomatoes over cakes and cook one hour. After they cook down a little add water to keep from burning. Mrs. Martha Donovan, Past Matron. Flank Steak With Tomato Sauce One tablespoon butter,- one large onion. Fry together until a golden brown. Take a medium sized flanked steak and brown well on both sides in the onion and butter. Pour over it a very little water and let simmer down. Then add a can of tomato soup. Cover and let simmer for twenty minutes. Mrs. D. Dindinger. Meat Balls Grind pieces of meat left from any roast. Fry small onion in fat. Add meat mixed with softened stale bread, salt and pepper. Add yolks of two eggs. Mix well. Add beaten whites of eggs. Roll in bread crumbs and flour. Fry to a nice brown. Mrs. Betty Sorenson. Hamburg Steak One pound round steak, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, ^ cup milk, 2 teaspoons salt, small spoon of pepper. Beat well. Drop with tablespoon on greased frying pan, brown both sides, add 1 cup of water, cover and let simmer over very slow fire. Mildren Watson. 30 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Chopped Beef and Green Peppers One-half pound round steak ground, ^ cup uncooked rice, 1 small onion cut up fine, 1 egg, salt and pepper, 6 sweet green peppers. Mix beef and uncooked rice and add onion, salt and pepper and bind with egg. Cut the stem end off the green pep- pers and clean out seeds and fibre and stuff with meat mix- ture. Stand erect in small kettle and just cover with water boiling. Cook slowly for about half hour or until rice is cooked. Brown some butter, add good tablespoon tlour and brown. Remove peppers carefully from kettle, and add browned flour to liquid left and cook until thickened. Pour over peppers and serve hot. Mrs. Agnes M. Johanson. Chop Suey One pound round steak, 1 pound pork shoulder or veal, 5 onions, 2 stalks celery, 3 tablespoons molasses, 2 tablespoons chop suey sauce. Cut meat into small oblong pieces and flour same. Then brown in suet, salt and pepper, and add enough water to about cover. Then add molasses and sauce and let simmer until almost tender. Add cut up onions and celery (do not cut too small) and simmer until all is tender. Serve with steamed rice. Gertrude Bergslien, Past Worthy Matron. Chile Con Carni One pound kidney beans soaked over night. Cook in morn- ing with 1 large onion, a small stalk of celery and a small can of tomato pulp. When done add 7 potatoes cut up in small pieces; a small package of spaghetti cooked separately: add a pound of chopped beef, a little at a time, and a pinch of red and black pepper. Cook until potatoes are soft. Mrs. Loges. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. 5. 61 Meat Balls With Celery Cream One pound beef chopped fine, J4 ^^^^ ^^ bread soaked in water (do not use crust). Season with salt and pepper, onion and nutmeg. Beat 1 egg, add a cup of milk gradually and mix well with the above. Shape in balls. Boil tops of celery stalks about half hour, salt, strain and add meat balls. Cook until they come to the top. Celery Cream — Cream 1 table- spoon of butter and 2 tablespoons of flour. Add liquid from meat and milk to make a gravy. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and pieces of celery cut fine. Boil ten minutes, add meat balls and let simmer a few minutes. Mrs. Emma Johnson. ' Goose Dressing Four onions and 1 ounce green sage chopped fine, 1 large cup of stale bread crumbs, same of mashed potatoes, 1 cup raisins, 1 cup chopped apples, 1 teaspoon butter, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper, 2 eggs. Mix well and stuff goose. Mrs. Elizabeth Cordes. Pork Tenderloin Roast and Dressing Take 2 tenderloins of even size. Split down lengthwise but not quite through. Flatten out, rub with salt and pepper, fill with sour apples or dressing. Fold the two together, i'ut with white cord, lay sliced onions on, half hour before serv- ing surround wath sour apples. Roast in oven about one and a half hours. Dressing — 2 cups of soaked bread crumbs, 1 small onion, J tablespoon of butter, 1 tgg, }4 teaspoon salt, few shakes of pepper. Pour water on stale bread, when soft press dry. Beat the egg well, stir in the seasoning. Mince the onion. Put in frying pan with butter. Cook a little, not brown. Add the bread, turn a few times and take from stove. Mrs. Moenck. 32 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Macaroni Chop Suey One small box elbow macaroni boiled in salt water until tender. Cool in cold water. Take 3 medium sized carrots, 1 onion, 1 green pepper and boil all until tender. Mix with macaroni, add 1 pint of tomatoes, 1 pound of chopped beef, salt and pepper to taste. (Use cooked beef.) Mrs. Emma Ross. Veal or Lamb Souffle Two cups ground meat, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup sweet milk, 2 eggs, j)arsley (ground), salt and pepper to taste. Cook milk, flour and yolks of eggs until thick. Stir meat in and set aside to cool for twenty minutes. Beat white of tgg stiff and mix all together, and then place into medium hot oven for twenty minutes. Mrs. Elizabeth Kreuter. Cold Meat Balls Mix together, lj4 pounds chopped beef, 2 eggs, 2 table- spoons flour, 1 cup rice (uncooked), 1 small onion chopped fine. Pepper and salt to taste. Form in balls. Have ready one can tomatoes with water added which has cooked for five minutes hard. Then add balls and cook for one hour. Very delicious. Will serve about eight people. Julia Paulson. Creole Steak Place a nice slice of round steak in frying pan and brown on both sides. Then smother same with onions and one green pepper cut fine. Add salt and pepper, cover with one can of tomatoes, and simmer slowly until tender. This can also be baked in oven. Gertrude Bergslien, Past Worthy Matron. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. ^3 Fried Chicken Wash and cut chicken into small pieces. Boil until tender in water to cover. Drain and fry brown in frying pan with 1 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon lard, salt and pepper. The liquid chicken which has been boiled can be used for soup, stock. Miss Nellie Gray. Chicken a la King Stew a chicken, about 4 pounds, in salt water until tender. Pick meat from bones and cut in pieces, not too small. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter, blend wath 4 tablespoons of flour, add gradually 1 quart of milk, cook, add chicken, 1 green pepper, 3 pimentoes cut in pieces. Cook about one-half hour and add one can mushrooms. Serve on toast. Mrs. Lydia Patterson. Baked Ham and Potatoes Place slices of raw ham, not too thin, in baking dish, cut potatoes in cubes and arrange around ham, add dabs of but- ter, salt and pepper. Add enough milk to cover and bake about forty-five minutes. Marie Keller. Hassenpfeffer or Pickled Rabbits Wash clean and cut in pieces two rabbits. Place in stone jar, cover with layer of onions, sliced, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover with vinegar and let stand two days. Then take out the rabbit and when a little dry, fry out bacon and put the rabbit in. Fry a little brown and then let it boil in the same brine it was pickled in. Add about 3 ginger snaps. When done, thicken the gravy as you like it. Serve with mashed potatoes. Mrs. Conrad Giese. 34 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Telephone Belmont 6933 Thompson & Moeller Undertaking Free Use of Chapel Automobiles for All Occasions n 3429 FuUerton Avenue CHICAGO LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, r^u. 560, O. E. S. 35 Pickled Cabbage or Sauer Kraut One quart pickled cabbage, 1^ pounds of spare ribs, J4 pound fat bacon. Put cabbage in a stone bowl, place spare ribs on top. Cut up the bacon in pieces, strew over top, cover with 1J4 cups of water and bake in hot oven one and a quarter hours. Serve with mashed potatoes. No odor in the house this way. Mrs. Conrad Giese. Baked Ham and Potatoes Take sHce of raw ham any thickness and set in shallow pan. Slice raw potatoes very thin and throw over ham. Cover all with milk and bake slowly about three-quarters to one hour. Potatoes will be brown and will absorb salt from ham. Do not salt potatoes. Simply add pepper, if desired. Mrs. Agnes M. Johansen. Beef Loaf Three and one-half pounds round steak, ground, 1 tgg beaten and mixed with the meat; salt and pepper to taste; 2 onions, chopped, 4 crackers, rolled. Mix well and form in a loaf. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. Albrecht. Bordeau Sauce One quart tomatoes chopped fine, 2 quarts cabbage chopped fine, 5 medium sized onions chopped fine, 2 green peppers chopped fine, 2 stalks of celery chopped fine, 2 cups sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon celery seeds, ^ tablespoon white mustard seeds, % tablespoon turmeric powder, 1 quart vine- gar. Boil twenty minutes. Deborah Hirschberg. # 36 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Smoked Butts and Lima Beans One pound lima beans, 3 pounds smoked butts. Soak beans over night. Cook slowly one and a half hours. Season to taste just before cooked. Mary Blohm. Escalloped Eggs and Meat Boil 6 eggs twenty minutes. Make 1 pint of white sauce with cream and milk, seasoning to taste. Moisten 1 cup of fine bread crumbs in melted butter the size of a walnut. Chop fine 1 cut of ham, tongue, fish or poultry. Remove the yolks of eggs and put through a fine sieve. Chop whites fine. Put a layer of the crumbs in a buttered dish, then a layer of the chopped whites, then the white sauce mixed with the meat, a layer of yolks, a layer of whites and on top a layer of buttered bread crumbs. Put in oven until brown on top. Mrs. Mohs. Vegetable Stew One-quarter pound of bacon cut in pieces and fried brown. Cut medium sized onion and fry in above. Add 3 cups of hot water, 2 cups of diced carrots, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer until nearly done. Add 3 cups diced potatoes. When soft, add a can of peas, drained and heated and a lump of butter. Serve hot. Mrs. Emma Johnson. Spanish Goulash One pound raw ham cut in cubes, 2 green peppers (remove seeds), fry lightly. Add 1 can tomatoes, seasoning, Yz pound package noodles (cooked). Add boiling water to suit. Martha Alberti. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 37 Cabbage Roulades From a medium head of cabbage cut off 10 to 12 nice solid leaves, being careful not to break them. Trim off the thick part of the ribs. Make a filling of about 1 pound chopped round steak and a little pork and 2 eggs. Salt and pepper to taste, then sweat some fine chopped onions in butter, adding parsley and mix with filling. After scalding the cabbage leaves to make them soft, put one tablespoon of filling or more into each leaf and roll. Then lay them side by side into frying pan in which the butter has been heated almost brown and brown them on either side, turning or rather roll- ing them with a spoon so as not to break them. Then spread a good handful of flour all over them and when brown add water and let them simmer slowly. This makes a very good gravy. Add enough water to cover them and in about twenty minutes they are done. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. Porcupines One pound round steak ground, J4 pork with it, ^ rice (raw). Season with salt, pepper, onion, make into balls. Cook in the following: One can Campbeirs tomato soup, 2 cans hot water. Boil for one and a half hours. Mrs. Mary Hollison, Ben Hur Chapter. Dumplings Soda Cracker Dumplings Eight crackers rolled fine, 1^ tablespoons of flour, J/^ tea- spoon salt, yolk of 1 tgg. Mix cracker with the beaten yolk, add milk and then the beaten white. Drop in ball form in boiling broth. Mrs. Anna Schaberg, Past Matron. Dumplings for Stew Two heaping cups of flour, 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup milk. Sift dry ingredients four times, pour in milk and stir. Boil ten minutes in tight covered pan. Do not remove cover until done. Deborah Hirschberg. Farina Dumplings Into one cup boiling milk add 1 teaspoon butter and pinch of salt. Add slowly ^ cup farina, let boil a few minutes, stirring constantly. When cool, add egg and beat well. Drop into soup or stew, with a teaspoon. Mrs Elizabeth Freyermuth. Rice Pins One-quarter cup of rice, 1 quart of milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of butter, 10 or 12 almonds, 5 walnuts, 2 tablespoons raisins. Grind 8 cardimum seeds and 2 whole cloves together. Blanch almonds and cut in half the long way. Cut walnuts in small pieces. Melt butter, add rice and fry a few minutes; do not brown. Add milk and sugar, boil twenty-five minutes without cover, add nuts, raisins and spices. Boil two minutes longer and serve hot. Mrs. Anna Fox. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 39 Butter Dumplings Take a lump of butter size of an Qgg and beat with 2 eggs until light, then stir in 4 tablespoons of flour. Drop from a teaspoon into the boiling broth and cook five minutes. Mrs. Anna Schaberg, Past Matron. Potato Dumplings Two eggs, about 8 large potatoes, boiled and grated. Mix tggs, potatoes and salt to season. Knead in enough flour to handle easily, or so it will not cling to hands. Fry small squares of white bread in butter until light brown. Pack two or three of these pieces in center and make into balls. Place in boiling salt water and boil about thirty minutes. To be eaten with gravy. Mrs. Anna Householder. Fish Dumplings One tgg, 1 teacup flour, pinch of salt, a little sweet milk. Make this into a thin batter. One and a half pounds of fish, boned, halibut is fine. Cut in pieces, add a little salt, and dip in batter. Fry in deep fat thirty minutes very slowly. Mrs. Daisy Illingsworth. » Dumplings Sift 2 cups of flour, 2 heaping teaspoons Dr. Price's baking- powder and ^ teaspoon of salt. Add 1 cup of milk or water, stir and drop from spoon into a kettle in w^hich meat is boil- ing. Now comes the secret of success of these dumplings. Have plenty of water over the meat before dropping in the dumplings and boil moderately with cover off for fifteen min- utes, then cover and boil five minutes longer. Olive Burnett. 40 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Look fo^ f^^ Emblem Ta? : it is your Buarantee of Master Service. Expert Cleansing THERE is more to the proper cleansing of your suit than removing the surface soil. We CLEAN them through and through, inside and out. They are sterilized, pressed and finish- ed. This is why our service always means quality. TELEPHONE US Two Telephones Irving 8197 AND Irving 737 We Desire to be Known As the Best Rather Than the Largest With our years of experience we ought to know and we do know that our method is the right way. Gowns and fancy trimmed dresses, no matter how expensive or what the material, beautifully cleaned. Our method is the only one by which men's clothing should be cleaned ; keeps them new. We have a tremendous number of satisfied patrons. Why not you? Satisfaction is all in all and we give it. We clean rugs, carpets, portieres and house furnish- ings. Once tried, always satisfied. Salzman-Peisert Co. L'^youT di'r 4032-K)40 Elston Ave. Chicago, IlL % Beets With Dressing One teacup vinegar slightly diluted with water, 1 table- spoon butter, - 1 tablespoon flour. Rub butter and flour to- gether and add to the heated vinegar. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour over the sliced beets. Mrs. Olive Burnett. Carrots Lyonnaise Cut cold boiled carrots into slices and then into narrow strips. Put butter in a pan, add a small onion chopped fine and cook until it begins to brown. Add the carrots, cook without browning for about five minutes. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with finely minced parsley just be- fore serving. Drain well and serve very hot. Mrs. E. Schmidt. Cabbage Souffle Cut a medium sized cabbage in quarters, put on in cold water, let boil fifteen minutes. Drain, cover with hot water and cook until tender. Drain dry, chop fine, season with salt, pepper and butter. Beat 2 eggs until light, add 4 teaspoons of cream, put into a greased baking dish, sprinkle top with bread crumbs and bake. Mrs. Holden. Candied Cranberries Two cups of sugar, 1 cup water, boil to syrup. Wash 2 cups of cranberries, pour syrup over them and bake twenty minutes. Lillie Trodsen, Worthy Matron. 42 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. String Beans and Bacon Fry carefully about 5 slices of bacon. Add 1 quart beans with enough boiling water to keep from burning. Cook slowly until tender and when done add a little cream. Mrs. Baker. Peas and Carrots Cook together until tender in boiling salted water. Drain and add a piece of butter, 1 teaspoon sugar, chopped parsley and thicken with flour. Mrs. Mabel Jones. Corn a la Southern To 1 can chopped corn add 2 eggs slightly beaten, 1 tea- spoon salt, j4. teaspoon pepper, 1^ tablespoons melted butter, and 1 pint scalded milk. Turn into a buttered dish and bake in a slow oven until firm. Mrs. Lydia Patterson. Spinach Clean and drop in boiling salt water. When tender, drain, chop and serve with a dressing of milk, little flour, butter, pinch of sugar, salt, and a dash of nutmeg. Cook three min- utes. Betty Sorenson. Egg Plant Cut the plant into slices % of an inch thick without remov- ing the skin. Sprinkle salt over each piece, pile them and cover with weight to press out the juice. Drain and dip each slice first in fine cracker crumbs, then in beaten tgg, and again in crumbs and fry in hot fat, turning so as to brown on both sides. Mrs. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 43 Spanish Onions in Casserole Butter casserole. Place first a layer of onions, then cracker crumbs with small bits of butter, salt and pepper. Fill the dish in this way. Make top layer of crumbs, cover with milk and bake in moderate oven. Hannah Schmidt. Spaghetti (Italian style) One pound of spaghetti or macaroni. Cook twenty-five minutes. One-quarter pound of grated cheese (Swiss or American), gravy. Cook fifty minutes. Gravy. In about % of a cup of butter, fry a medium sized onion and V2 pound of ground beefsteak, until light brown. Then add 2^ cups stewed tomatoes, 1 teaspoon salt, ^ teaspoon pepper, ^ tea- spoon cayenne pepper, 6 bay leaves. Mushrooms, either fresh or dried if obtainable. Gravy can be made without mush- rooms. Boil this gravy until thick and rich (slowly) about forty minutes, and then remove the bay leaves. When spa- ghetti is cooked and drained, sprinkle platter with cheese, then spread a layer of spaghetti, a layer of gravy, a layer of cheese and so on until material is evenly used, having cheese on top. Serve hot. If you have gravy from roast beef, pork or veal, you can use this also, boiling it in with the other gravy. Mrs. Carrie Antonini. Saratoga Chips Peel potatoes, cut into very thin slices and keep in cold water over night, drain off water and rub potatoes between napkins until thoroughly dry, then throw a handful at a time into a kettle of very hot fat, stirring with a fork so that they may not adhere to the kettle or to each other. As soon ^^ as they become light brown and crisp remove quickly with a skimmer and sprinkle with salt as they are taken up. Mrs. Jessie Glad. 44 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Do Your Dusting and Cleaning With SEMDAC Liquid Gloss SEMDAC is a quick and effective cleaning preparation — better than soap and water on highly finished surfaces — removes finger marks — covers scars and mars — collects and holds the dust. Use SEMDAC on your automobile — it w^ill impart a refreshing brightness to the body, wrheels, guards, and other finished surfaces. SEMDAC Saves Time and Labor and Makes Old Things Look Like New Sold by Dealers Everywhere Standard Oil Company (Indiana) Chicago Illinois LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 45 Duchesse Potatoes Half dozen potatoes boiled, mashed and rubbed through a sieve. Add some cream, well beaten yolks of 2 eggs, salt and a very little pepper. Beat together and make into balls, and brown quickly in a hot oven. Mrs. Alice Morey. Baked Beans Wash and soak one pound navy beans over night. Boil slowly twenty minutes and drain. Add ^* pound salt pork cut in thick slices, ^ cup molasses or brown sugar, salt to taste. Cover with water and bake in slow oven about six hours. Add water, a little at a time as needed. Mrs. A. Smith. Creamed Asparagus Clean asparagus, wash and boil until tender. Brown slightly 1 tablespoon of flour, the same of butter, stir in enough of the water in which the asparagus was boiled to make a smooth gravy. Put asparagus in this gravy and before serving add the beaten yolk of 1 tgg and 2 tablespoons of cream. A pinch of nutmeg may be added if desired. Veda Torgerson. Potatoes Au Gratin Take 3 cups of mashed potatoes left from dinner. Put them into a dish over the stove with half a cup of milk and salt to season. Stir until warm. Then beat until white and foamy. Add to this the whites of 3 eggs, well beaten. Put into "a baking dish and scatter over the top cracker crumbs and small pieces of butter. Bake for twenty minutes until nicely brown over top. Serve at once. Veda Torgerson. Vegetarian Dishes Spinach and Potatoes One pound of spinach, 2 potatoes, medium, 1 small onion, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoon of salt, J^ teaspoon ground mixed spices, J4 teaspoon curry powder. Chop spinach while it is raw. Dice potatoes without peeling. Place butter in a kettle, add onion minced fine, and spices. Fry for two min- utes, add potatoes dried, fry three minutes; add spinach, cook for fifteen minutes, stirring often. Do not cover while cook- ing. Serve hot. Mrs. Anna A. Fox. Egg Nests Toast a slice of bread for each person to be served. Beat the white of an tgg to a stiff froth for each slice. Put this on the top of the toasted bread. Make a little depression in the center of each, in it drop a tiny piece of butter, salt and pepper to taste, and the whole yolk of the egg. Place the slices in the oven until the egg is cooked. Serve hot. Mrs. D. Dindinger. Cauliflower and Potatoes One head of cauliflower, 1 large onion, 3 potatoes, 3 table- spoons of butter, ^ teaspoon of ground spices, ^ teaspoon of curry powder, J4 cup of milk, 1 cup of water (hot). Cut cauliflower in small pieces and dice potatoes without removing skins. Cut onion fine. Place butter in a kettle, add onion and spices, fry two minutes, add potatoes and cauliflower, fry three minutes more. Add just enough hot water to cover all and cook until water has evaporated, add milk, cook a few minutes and serve hot. Mrs. Anna Fox. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 47 Bean Fluff One pint cooked seasoned navy beans run through a colan- der, add 2 tablespoons cream and the well beaten whites of 2 eggs. Bake a light brown in a pudding dish. Mrs. Olive Burnett. Spanish Rice Boil 1 large cup of rice in salt water until tender, then add ^ pound of bacon cut in pieces and fried crisp. Take out bacon. Fry an onion in above, also 1 pound of ground beef until brown. Add a can of tomatoes and water. Let simmer. Salt and pepper to taste. Butter a casserole, mix rice, bacon, beef and tomatoes together, place in casserole, scatter bacon crisps over the top, put in oven and brown. Mrs. Emma Johnson. A Spanish Dish One-half pound of dried beef, 1 can of tomatoes, 3 green peppers cut fine. Cook altogether until tender. Mrs. Tillie Campbell, Past Matron. Spanish Rice Two and a half cups rice cooked twenty minutes; 4 pounds of chicken and 1 pound of veal cooked together. Pick from bones and cut in 1-inch squares. Three slices of bacon, 1 large onion cut in small pieces and fried until brown. Boil chicken stock down until quite thick and add 1 can of tomatoes, 3 peppers cut fine, dash of cayenne pepper; salt and pepper to taste; 1 large pimento. Mix all ingredients, except rice, and cook well. Add rice, heat thoroughly and serve. Mrs. George Fristoe. 48 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Nut Loaf One cup of boiled rice, 2 cups toasted bread crumbs, Ij/^ cups of peanuts ground fine, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of butter, yi green pepper chopped, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley. Cook rice, drain, add butter, other ingredients, thinning with rice water if needed. Bake about half an hour and serve with tomato sauce. Mrs. W. J. Reading. Spanish Rice One large onion, 1 sweet pepper cut fine, ^ pound of bacon cut in cubes. Fry altogether until bacon is crisp. Add 1 can of tomatoes, simmer ten or fifteen minutes. Add 2 or 3 cups of boiled rice, salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and put in casserole to bake thirty to forty-five minutes. Mrs. Barbara Eckstedt. Potato Puffs Use mashed potatoes while hot, forming balls about the size of an tgg. Place on a buttered tin. Brush all over with beaten eggs and set in oven to brown. Serve immediately on hot platter, garnished with parsley. Veda Torgerson. Deviled Tomatoes Take 6 large red tomatoes. Pour boiling water over them and peel. Remove the inside, being careful not to break the outside. Take out the seeds and to the pulp add a bunch of chopped celery, 1 hard boiled tgg, salt and pepper, y^ of head of cabbage, and ^^ cup of English walnuts. Pour over this yi cup mayonnaise dressing. Fill each tomato shell and se4-ve. Leave tomato shell otj ice until ready to serve. Veda Torgerson. "The real science of cooking is to be able to cook a good meal or dish, with but little out of which to make it." Date Salad One package of dates, 1 pound of green grapes, 3 medium sized apples, 1 cup of walnuts. Cut the grapes into halves and remove stones, quarter dates and cut apples into small pieces. Add the nuts and mix with following dressing: Dressing — One tgg, 1 teaspoon of mustard, J4 cup of sugar, ^4 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon butter. Beat the egg and add the other ingredients. Then add J4 cup vinegar, and yi cup of milk. Cook until thick. Arrange salad on lettuce leaves. Rose Zoelck. Pimento Salad One package lemon jello, 1 pint boiling water, 1 cup finely shredded cabbage, 1 cup chopped celery, yi green pepper, }^ pimento sliced, Yz teaspoon salt, ^ teaspoon pepper, yi tea- spoon mustard, J4 teaspoon paprika, 2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice. Prepare jello and water and when it commences to congeal, add mixture. Put in mold and allow to harden and serve with mayonnaise dressing. Edith M. Olsen. Cheese Balls One cup grated cheese, whites of 3 eggs, pinch of salt and red pepper. Let stand fifteen minutes, then mould into balls the size of a walnut, and fry in deep fat. Serve immediately. Lillie Trodson, Worthv Matron. 50 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Creamy SNOWDRIFT , re vegetable J X shortening /^ SNOWDRIFT Pure Vegetable Shortening ll ALL shortening is fat and is better when it is fresh. Snowdrift is always sweet and fresh. It is fresh as fresh eggs are fresh. It is sweet as sweet cream is sweet. It is put up in airtight tins — the only package that insures absolute freshness. Made from Wesson Oil LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 51 Cabbage Salad One large head of cabbage, 1 can oi pimentoes, 1 small onion and 1 dozen sweet pickles. Chop cabbage, cut pimentoes, pickles and onions, add J4 cup of vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar and Yi teaspoon salt. Mix well. This will keep a long time. Mrs. Lillian Yerger. Kidney Bean Salad One can beans, 1 cup of chopped celery, ^ dozen small sweet pickles, 1 small onion, 2 or 3 olives (added just before serving). Mix with plenty of dressing. Salad Dressing — Beat yolks of 2 eggs well and add 34 cup of vinegar, stir gradually into the following which has been thoroughly mixed: One-half cup flour, ^ cup sugar, 1 tea- spoon salt, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, ^ teaspoon paprika. Add 1 pint of hot water and a good I/3 cup of butter. Cook in double boiler until thick. Mix with cream when used. Mrs. F. E. Cooley. Veal Salad Chop very fine 1 pound of cold veal, 1 pound cold boiled pork, 4 hard boiled eggs, 1 bunch celery and ^ .dozen sweet pickles, adding salt and pepper to taste. Make a dressing- of 1 cup of vinegar, 1 beaten ^^^ and ^ teaspoon dry mustard. Boil until it thickens. Pour over salad, mix well and garnish with parsley. Mrs. Loges. Delicious Salad One cup kidney beans (cooked), 1 cup celery, 1 cup walnuts chopped, 6 olives minced. Serve on lettuce with mayonnaise dressing. Mrs. Lena Sloan. 52 . LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Fruit Salad Three-fourths cup chopped marshmallows, J4 cup sliced pineapple, 1% cups grapes, ^ cup of orange sections, ^ cup walnut meats. Spread with cream dressing. Cream Dressing — Mix ^ teaspoon salt, J^ teaspoon pap- rika, add 2 eggs well beaten, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, % cup milk. Stir constantly, and ^ pint cream beaten stiff. Margaret DeFlon. Shrimp Salad One can of shrimps, 1 teacup chopped celery, 3 hard boiled eggs, a few walnut meats, and pour mayonnaise over all just before serving. Be sure to rinse shrimps in ice water before using and keep all thoroughly chilled. Serve on lettuce leaf. Fresh shrimps may be used. Anna Shaberg, Past Matron. Fruit Salad One cup diced pineapple, 1 cup diced oranges, 1 cup dic^d dates, \y2 cups chopped walnuts. Dressing — One-fourth cup pineapple juice, ^ lemon juice, M^ sugar 1 tgg beaten. Beat all together and cook until thickens. Mrs. Bradway. • Potato Salad Eight large potatoes, 3 hard boiled eggs, 1 large onion, parsley and salt to taste. Dressing: Two eggs beaten light, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, J4 cup sugar, % cup vinegar, and ^ teaspoon of salt. Add piece of butter size of a walnut. Cook all together until thick. Stir while cooking. Mrs. Elizabeth Weber. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S, 53 Combination Salad One can corn, 1 can peas, 1 stalk celery, 2 hard boiled eggs sliced. Dressing — Two eggs, beat until light, 1 teaspoon ground mustard, a little salt and pepper, ^ cup vinegar, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 cup milk. Boil these ingredients together. If dress- ing is too thin add a little flour. Mix with the salad and serve. Mrs. D. Dindinger. * Tuna Fish Salad One large can tuna fish, 1 Spanish onion (can be omitted), 2 cups celery (cut up), 3 hard boiled eggs (cut up), J4 cup walnut meats if desired. Pour mayonnaise dressing over all and serve on lettuce leaf with olives and salted wafers. A Friend. Chicken Mousse One cup cooked chicken, 1 cup chicken stock, yolks of 2 eggs, % teaspoon salt, J4 teaspoon paprika, speck of celery salt, 2 teaspoons gelatine, 1 teaspoon cold water, 1 cup whipped cream, 3 egg whites. Soften gelatine in cold water. Beat yolks slightly, add seasoning and hot stock, cook over hot, water until thickened. Add to gelatine and when dissolved, strain, cool, add chopped chicken and beat until thick. Add whipped cream and beaten whites, pour in mold or indi- vidual molds. Mrs. Christine Branding. Calcutta Salad One small can peas, 1 small can corn, 1 small stalk of cel- ery cut fine, Yi dozen green peppers, 1 tablespoon onion juice. Cover with ^mayonnaise dressing. ' Mrs. B. Koch. 54 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Bean Salad One large head cabbage, 3 good sized onions. Chop to- gether, not too fine. Salt to taste, then mix 5 cups of beans that have been cooked and cooled. Salad Dressing: 1 scant cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons mustard mixed, add 5 wel' beaten eggs, 2 cups of vinegar (not strong), drop 2 tablespoons olive oil in the vinegar. Stir all together and boil until it creams. Add a little butter. Pour over cabbage and beans while dressing is hot. Serve cold.- Mrs. Frances Willson. Vegetable Salad One box of jello, 1^4 cups boiling water, J4 cup vinegar. Let stand about 20 minutes. Chop and add 3 sweet pickles, 2 stalks of celery, 2 green sweet peppers, and ^ pound of walnuts. Pour into individual molds and let stand over night. Mrs. Marie Pearson. Bean Salad Three cups boiled navy beans, 3 hard boiled eggs, 1 chopped onion, 2 slices of bacon cut in small pieces and fried brow^n, Yz teaspoon dry mustard, 1 teaspoon flour, 2 tablespoons sugar, J4 cup vinegar, J4 cup water, pepper and salt to taste. The last 6 ingredients to be mixed together with the bacon fat for dressing. Mrs. B. Koch. Sardine Salad Bone and flake drained sardines and put in tissue paper until the oil is absorbed. Mix with three times the quantity of finely cut celery and marinate in French dressing. Drain and serve on lettuce or cress with mayonnaise. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 55 Shrimp Salad One can of shrimps, 4 medium sized potatoes, 1 onion, 1 cup of ripe oHves, 2 stalks of celery, 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley, 2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 cup of mayonnaise dressing. Wash and dry the shrimps. Boil the potatoes and when cold, peel and cut into small dice. Dice the onion and celery, cut the olives from the stone and slice the hard-boiled eggs. Mix the shrimps and the potatoes with the mayonnaise, add the onion, celery and olives. Chill and serve, garnished with the eggs, parsley and a few whole olives. Mrs. D. Dindinger. Strawrberry Salad Part 1 — Six slices of pineapple, 6 slices of oranges, 1 pint of sweet strawberries and lettuce hearts. Part 2 — Two egg yolks well beaten, J4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup sifted confectioner's sugar, juice of 1 lemon. Prepare part 2 by combining the ingredients in the order given. Place the orange and pineapple in the hearts of lettuce with straw- berries on top. Pour over the dressing and serve at once. This is a dessert salad. Mrs. Rae Franknecht. Grapefruit and Pineapple Salad Peel and seed four grapefruits and take out pulp. Add 1 can pineapple cut in small pieces. Put in dish and let stand a few minutes, then drain off all the juice. Serve on lettuce leaves with sauce made as follows: Juice of the grapefruit and pineapple, adding juice of one small bottle of marschino cherries, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 cup of sugar. Cook all together until thick, adding about 10c walnuts chopped fine. Put cherries on top of each plate, of salad. Very good. Julia Paulson. 56 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Phones, Irving 666 and 514 Only One Office Wm. E. Schmidt Undertaker 3960 Elston Avenue Near Irving Park Boulevard Lady Assistant LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 57 Beet Salad Mix 2 cups of cooked string beans and a cup of cooked kidney beans with 4 or 5 diced cooked beets. Serve on let- tuce with French dressing. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. Chicken Salad One cold boiled chicken, 2 cups celery, 6 large olives, 2 teaspoons capers. Mayonnaise dressing. Cut celery and chicken in dice. Mix well with dressing. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. Salad Dressing Fruit Salad Dressing Two eggs well beaten, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons sugar, pinch salt, ^ teaspoon mustard, juice of ^ lemon. Mix together and bring to a boil slowly, stirring until it thickens. When cold add Yi pint bottle of cream, whipped until stiff. Olive Norwood, Past Worthy Matron. Salad Dressing One t^%, 1 teaspoon butter ; 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon prepared mustard, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, ^ teaspoon salt (scant), 1 cup vinegar. Beat all together and boil until thick. Thin with cream if so desired. Mrs. A. Eggert. 58 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Fruit Salad Dressing One tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, ^ teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon butter, two eggs beaten separately, •)4 cup pine- apple juice, juice of one lemon. Cook in double boiler and beat well when cool. Add whipped cream just before serving. Mrs. Ethel McKibben. Thousand Island Dressing One cup Mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, Yx cup Chili sauce. 2 pimentoes, j^ cup French dressing. Chop pimentoes and combine ingredients just before serving. Mrs. Dagmar Stevens, Past Matron of Humboldt Park Chapter. Boiled Salad Dressing- Two teaspoons sugar, ^ teaspoon salt, ^ teaspoon mus- tard, 2 teaspoons flour, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 tgg, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons vinegar. Melt butter, add dry ingredients, then % cup of the milk and cook until creamy, then remainder of milk, add vinegar hot and stir. Add this mixture to slightly beaten tgg, put on stove again and cook until creamy. Mrs. Ethel Forster. Salad Dressing One teacup vinegar, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons sugar, yolks of 2 eggs, ^ teaspoon mustard and ^ teaspoon of salt. When vinegar boils add butter, then the sugar, eggs and mustard well beaten together. Cook and stir until smooth. Mrs. Lois E. Gray. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 59 Salad Dressing Four tablespoons vinegar, 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 eggs well beaten. Add 1 cup whipped cream just before serving. Mrs. Alice Morey. Roquefort Cheese Dressing One tablespoon cheese, cream with fork, paprika, mustard salt and pepper to taste, 1 teaspoon sugar, 3 tablespoons olive oil to 6 tablespoons vinegar. Mrs. Edna Christiansen. Fruit Salad Dressing One tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 table- spoons vinegar and 2 w'ell beaten eggs. Beat all together. Put in double boiler and boil until it thickens. Stir all the time. When cool add J4 pint of whipped cream. Very good. Mrs. Emma Ross. French Dressing One-quarter teaspoon sugar, pinch salt, pinch paprika and ^ teaspoon of mustard. Mix well. Add 7 teaspoons olive oil and then 3 tablespoons vinegar. Mrs. Elizabeth Pool. Mayonnaise Dressing One egg, yi teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 teaspoon sugar, small pinch of pepper. Beat thoroughly when done, keep adding Mazola oil to it until thick. Keep beating while adding oil, then add 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Mrs. Edith Jensen. 60 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. FULLERTON P A I IN ' INSURED FOR FIVE YEARS THOS. F. OTLEY, Pre*. CHICAGO, ILL. SAFETY AND SERVICE SAFE because you get a written insurance policy that un- conditionally guarantees the paint to give five years of service. SERVES because it is composed of White Lead, Oxide of Zinc and a small percentage of necessary inert material, triple ground in and reduced with Pure Linseed Oil, Tur- pentine and Oil Japan. Tinted with the pure color neces- sary to produce the various tints and shades. Paint with Fullerton and you protect your home against decay and depreciation. It's the "big gun" that guards your home from the effects of exposure. S1LI\-T0NE GEJKUTIF'Ul^^ A washable wall finish that can be kept as clean and sanitary as the dishes from which you eat. SILK-TONE "The Beautiful" is an oil paint that dries with a dull finish and combines the soft, rich effect of water colors with the smooth, sanitary surface of enamel. Spong- ing removes grease and. ather marks and when a change of color is desired it may be fecoated like any other paint. SILK.-TONE; "The Beautiful" has taken the place of wall paper, calcimine, aiid gloss paints because it is more sani- tary, more durable, and more beautiful. Indiana Indestructible Paint G). 864-872 West North Avenue Chicago, Illinois See that your kitchen be clean and bright, And your hands be neat and skilled; For the love of man oft takes its flight If his stomach be not well filled. Oatmeal Bread Four cups water, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon lard, 1 cup molasses. Place on fire and when it begins to boil add 2 cups rolled oats. Boil about 3 minutes. When cool add 1 cake yeast dissolved in 1 cup lukewarm water. Add 2 quarts (or more) of wheat flour. Stir thoroughly, knead, and let rise over night. Shape into loaves, let rise and bake one and one- half hours. Mrs. E. E. Hobbs. Potato Raisin Bread One yeast cake, ^ cup warm water, lyi cup sweet milk, 2 tablespoons corn syrup, 1^ cups mashed potatoes, 4^ cups wheat or barley flour, 4 tablespoons shortening, }i cup raisins, 1 teaspoon salt. Dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon corn syrup in lukewarm water, add 1 cupful flour and milk, the potatoes, shortening and corn syrup well creamed. Cover and set in warm place to raise. When light, add raisins that have been well floured, and salt. Knead lightly and let rise again until double its bulk. Mold into loaves and when light, glaze with egg diluted with water and bake about forty-five minutes. Agnes Hoyt. 62 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Graham Bread — Two Loaves Four cups of sour milk, 1 cup of "C" sugar, 2 tablespoons of melted lard, 3 even teaspoons soda, salt, two cups of wheat flour, Graham flour to make thick enough to drop from spoon. Mrs. Phelps. Baking Powder Whole Wheat Bread Two cups whole wheat flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, 3 heaping teaspoons baking powder, 1^ cups sweet milk. Make into loaves, let stand ten minutes. Bake forty- five minutes in moderate oven. Mrs. James Stott. Nut Bread Three cups milk, 2c yeast, 1 teaspoon salt. Add enough flour to make a soft batter. Let raise for one hour before adding 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 cup raisins, ^ cup butter, ^ cup sugar. Add more flour till the mixture is stiff enough to handle on bread board and knead. Cover and let rise till it doubles its size. Divide into two parts and shape into loaves and let rise until it again doubles its bulk. Bake about forty- five minutes. Hannah Nelson. English Scones One pound flour, 1 dessert spoon butter, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, 2 teaspoons sugar, milk to make soft dough. Rub butter in dry ingredients, add milk, remove to bread board and knead a little. Roll out about ^ inch thick, rub flour over and cut with round cutter. Put scones on a floured oven shelf, brush them over with milk and bake in a quick oven about ten minutes. Mrs. Joseph Carter. . LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 63 Nut Bread Two and one-half cups white flour, 2^ level teaspoons bak- ing powder, ^ cup sugar, ^ teaspoon salt, % cup nuts, 1 tgg beaten light, and 1 cup milk. Sift together three or four times baking powder, sugar, flour and salt. Add nuts. Then add milk to the beaten Qgg and stir the liquid into the dry ingredients. Bake in a bread pan for 1 hour in a rather slow oven. Mrs. Tillie Buerger. Nut Bread Four cups flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 tgg, 1 cup walnut meats, 1 cup sugar, lyi cups milk, ^ teaspoon salt. Sift dry ingredients together, beat tgg, add sugar and milk. Add nuts to dry ingredients first. Mix well, let rise in pan thirty minutes. Bake in moderate oven. Pearl Ludolph. Steamed Brown Bread Two cups corn meal, 2 cups rye meal, 1 cup flour, yi cup molasses, 3 cups sweet milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt. Put in small cans and place in steamer or kettle. Steam three hours. Mrs. Holden. Whole Wheat Nut Bread Take about 2 cups of sponge made for ordinary bread which has been previously seasoned with salt, sugar, shortening, yeast, etc. Add ^ cup walnuts cut fine, then add enough whole wheat flour to make a stift* loaf. Let rise and bake. This makes one loaf. This recipe of Mrs. Sings took the first prize at the whole wheat cooking contest. Mrs. Bessie Sings. 64 . LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Raisin Bread Sift 4 cups flour into a basin with 4 teaspoons of baking powder, add 1 cup raisins, 1 teaspoon salt, ^ cup sugar, 1 teaspoon grated nutmeg, 1 well beaten tgg and 2 cups milk. Mix well, turn into well-greased bread pan and let rise for 15 minutes. Bake in a moderate oven for one hour. Mrs. Dindinger. Quick Brown Bread Two cups graham flour, 2 cups whole wheat flour, 1^ cups milk, yi cup brown sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1^ cups raisins, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 4 teaspoons melted butter. Mix dry ingredients. Flour the raisins. Add butter and milk. Mix quickly. Pour into a well-greased bread pan and bake in a moderate oven. Clara Kistner. Nut Bread One egg, 1 cup light brown sugar, lj4 cups sweet milk, 1 cup ground walnuts, 2 teaspoons cream of tartar, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt. Add to this 4 cups of flour. Put in two small bread pans. Let stand twenty minutes in a warm place and bake in a rather slow oven about one hour. Lillian 'A. Scmidt. Currant Bread Dissolve 1 cake of yeast in warm water, 1^ cups sugar, \y2 cups currants, ^ cup lard and butter, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, flour to stiffen as for bread. Let rise until light, then put in pan to rise for half hour. Bake one hour. B. Rietz. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 65 White Bread Boil 4 small potatoes. Drain, add about 2 tablespoons of butter or shortening and mash or beat to a cream. Add a quart of warm water, sift 2 quarts of flour in a large bowl, ridge flour on the side of the bow4 leaving a good pint of flour in center. Add a handful of salt, then add potatoes, butter and warm water that has been mixed together. . Mix a cake of yeast in a little warm water and add to sponge. Beat sponge a little. Cover and let rise for two hours or until light. Add 3 teaspoons sugar. Add a good quart of flour or enough so dough does not stick to fingers. Knead for about fifteen minutes. Set to rise again until twice its size. Form into loaves and rise again. Bake thirty to thirty-five minutes. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. Raisin Bread One cup raisins, ^ yeast cake dissolved in % cup water, ^ cup sugar, coffee cup water, 1 tgg, 1 tablespoon butter, add flour enough for stiff* dough. Let rise twenty minutes. Bake in moderate oven. Dora Lund. Nut Bread K One tgg, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 teaspoon salt, ^ cup sugar, i^ cup chopped walnuts, 4 cups flour, 4 teaspoons baking pow- der. Let rise twenty minutes and bake one-half hour. Ada Pray. Graham Bread One Qgg, butter size of an tgg, ^ cup brown sugar or molasses, 1 cup sour milk, %. teaspoon baking soda, 1 cup white flour, 1^ cups graham flour. Double recipe makes 3 loaves. Mrs. Thomas Otley.; 66 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Raymond G. Kimbell Lily M. Hansen Edward H. Olsen President Cashier Vif:e-President Keep Your Family Checking Account With Kimbell Trust & Savings Bank 3538 Fullerton Avenue Organized as Raymond G. Kimbell & Co. 1909 Incorporated 1919 GENERAL BANKING n % on Savings Checking Accounts Invited Delicate Rolls Part 1 : One cup of sweet milk, 2 cups of flour, 1 cake of yeast. Warm milk, dissolve yeast in J4 cup of water. Mix together. Let rise two hours. Part 2 : One cup sweet milk, 3^^ cup lard, ^ cup sugar. Melt lard, add milk and sugar. Flour to make a paste, beaten whites of 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon salt. Add all to Part 1. Add enough flour to mold, not too stiff. Let rise until double its size. Knead down, roll out and cut with biscuit cutter. Spread with butter and fold over. Let rise and bake. Mrs. Bessie Sings. Potato Biscuit Three potatoes mashed, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 of lard, 1 tablespoon butter and 1 sugar, 2 eggs well beaten, y2 cake yeast. Have this lukewarm and mix in flour to make as stiff as bread dough. If wanted for supper mix about 11 a. m. and let rise until 4 p. m. Roll out about 1 inch thick, cut with biscuit cutter and let rise again. When light, bake in a hot oven about ten minutes. Serve hot. Mrs. Anna Schmidt. Muffins One tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 cup milk, Ij^ cups flour, 1 or 2 eggs and 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder. Miss Hannah Schmidt. 68 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Muffins -■■ T\vo cups flour, 1 tablespoon lard, 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder, pinch of salt, 2 eggs well beaten. Pour eggs in cup and fill cup with milk. Mrs. Jennie Nachtweih. Bran Muffins One egg well beaten, butter size of a walnut melted, 1 cup sweet milk, cup flour (wheat), 1 cup bran flour, 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder and a pinch of salt. Makes deli- cious and light muffins. Mrs. Edith Jensen. Mother's Swiss Buns Cream together 1 egg, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, pinch of salt, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 teaspoons cream of tartar, 2 cups (or more) of flour. Mix to a stiff dough, roll, cut, and bake. Mrs. King. Corn Bread or Muffins Cream 1 tablespoon butter and ^ cup of sugar. Add yolks of 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon salt (scant), 1 cup corn meal, 1 cup white flour and 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder. Add the beaten whites of eggs last. Mrs. Betsy Whitely. Graham Muffins Three tablespoons sugar, 1 large tablespoon butter, 1 tgg^ pinch of salt, }i cup milk, 1^ cups graham flour, yi cup white flour, and 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder. Mrs. Elizabeth Pool. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 69 Whipped Biscuits Two large potatoes cooked and mashed, 1 pint potato water, 1 pint milk (scalded), 1 cup butter, y^ ^^P sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 3 eggs, cake yeast. Mix together and add flour to make a soft sponge. When light add flour and mix the same as bread and let rise. Then roll into long finger rolls and let rise twice their size and bake. Olive Norwood, Past Matron. Three Day Biscuits One-half yeast cake, ^ pint warm water, ^ tablespoon sugar, y2 teaspoon salt, flour to make stiff batter. Let rise till morning. Boil Yz pint milk and melt Yz cup lard in milk. Let cool, add yeast batter, 1 ^gg and ^ cup sugar. Stir until hard to handle, then knead eight minutes. This dough will keep three days in a cool place. Make biscuits as one wants them. Mrs. C. A. Anderson. Potato Flour Muffins Four eggs, pinch of salt, ^4 cup white potato flour, 1 tea- spoon baking powder, 2 tablespoons ice water, 1 tablespoon sugar. Method : Beat w^hites of eggs very stiff and dry. Add salt and sugar to beaten yolks and fold into whites. Sift flour and baking powder twice and thoroughly beat into ^gg mix- ture. Add ice water last. Bake in a moderate oven from fifteen to twenty minutes. Miss Edgar. Soft Ginger Bread One-half cup butter or lard, ^ cup sugar, 1 cup molasses, 1 teaspoon of ginger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon soda in a cup of boiling water, 2^^ cups flour. Add 2 eggs well beaten last before baking. A Friend. 70 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Delicious Quick Rolls One-half pint warm milk, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon lard, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 egg well beaten, 1 cake compressed yeast, ^ teaspoon salt, flour, 3^ cup lukewarm water. Heat milk until it steams, then add sugar, butter and lard. Dis- solve yeast cake in the water. When the milk is cooled suffi- ciently, add the yeast and tgg. Beat the mixture well. Stir in sufficient flour to make a dough which can be rolled out, add the salt and beat again. Cover and put in a warm place for two or three hours, until it has risen and is very light. Roll out and cut with a small biscuit cutter. Butter the tops and lay one on top of another. Let stand in a warm place for another hour, and bake in a quick oven for fifteen or twenty minutes. Mrs. Mary Hollison, Ben Hur Chapter. Ginger Bread One-half cup New Orleans molasses, yi cup sugar, I/3 cup milk, % cup butter, 1 egg, y^ teaspoon of soda dissolved in the molasses, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 scant teaspoon salt, 2 cups flour. Beat all together thoroughly, bake in flat pan and cut with heated knife. Clara Kistner. Ginger Bread One cup molasses, ^ cup brown sugar, 1 cup sour milk, }i cup lard, 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon soda (scant), allspice and ginger to taste, 2 cups flour. Mrs. Elizabeth Cramer. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 71 PRINTING Pu blications Catalogues Com mercial Book Work ED J. NICKERSON Phone Wabash 6429 54-2 So. Dearborn Street Chicago 72 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Established 20 Years Always Reliable Telephone Armitage 2929 Louis P. Mann Cloaks and Suits LATEST STYLES OF DRESSES !#/ 1258 Milwaukee Avenue Near Ashland Avenue Coffee Cakes Quick Coffee Cake One-half cup butter and a little lard, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, lj4 cups milk, % cup raisins, 3 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, vanilla or nutmeg for flavoring. Heaping tablespoon butter, ^ cup sugar, % cup flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Work between fingers and sprinkle oven top of cakes. This will make two coffee cakes. Miss Emma Boettcher. Coffee Cake Two cups flour, y^ teaspoon salt, 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons melted butter, y^ cup milk (a good half), and 1 tgg. Bake 35 minutes. Mrs. J. W. Thomas. Coffee Cake With Baking Powder Three cups flour, j^ teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons sugar, 2^ teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons butter or lard, 2 eggs, % cup of milk. Mix all ingredients together. Bake in a mod- erate oven. Mrs. S. Schmidt. Coffee Cake Two cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter. Mix in- gredients like you would make pie crust. Take % cup of this mixture for top of cake. Add to mixture above: 1 egg, 2 tea- spoons baking powder, ^. cup milk. Bake 15 or 20 minutes in quick oven. Mrs. Ida Hawkins. 74 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Blitz Kucken One tablespoon butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 1 heaping cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Mix well. Pour in pan and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon on top. Nuts may be added. Bake in a moderate oven fifteen min- utes. Mrs. Tillie Buerger. Coffee Cake One cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 egg^ 1 cup milk, 21/^ cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, salt. Cover with sugar and cinnamon. Bake in a slow oven. Florence Larsen. Quick Coffee Cake One piece of butter size of a large egg, ^ cup sugar, 2 eggs (drop in one at a time), J4 cup milk, lj4 cups of sifted flour, 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder sifted in flour. Pour in pan and sprinkle 3 teaspoons of sugar mixed with yi tea- spoon of cinnamon over the top of cake. Bake about twelve to fifteen minutes. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. Sour Cream CofFee Cake . Two cups flour, 1 tablespoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 1 tablespoon each of lard and butter. Thin with milk so you can roll easily about yi inch thick. Put in coffee cake pan. Make a custard of Ij^ cups sweet milk and butter size of walnut. Thicken with Ij^ tablespoons of cornstarch. After this has cooked let cool. Add 2 eggs beaten, sugar to taste and lyz bottles of sour cream. Beat this together well. Spread a quart can of strained, home made canned cherries and pour custard over the cherries. Bake in slow oven. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 75 Coffee Cake Three cups flour (sifted), 1 cup warm milk, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 cake yeast dissolved in milk. Make a sponge and set in warm (not hot) place to rise. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 2 beaten eggs, 3 tablespoons soft shortening and let rise again. Put in pans, let rise third time and put bits of butter on top. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and bake in quick oven. Mrs. LeGros. Coffee Cake Two eggs, U/8 cups sugar, 3 cups flour, 3 level teaspoons baking powder, 1 cup milk, ^ cup butter, pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon almond extract. Mrs. Jennie Nachtweih. 76 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. An organization with higher ideals in the coal business. Our rapid growth has been due to Honest W^eight Service Quality n Max Tauber Sons Corp. Main Office and Rail Yards: FuUerton and Crawford Avenues Phone Belmont 480 Pineapple Pie Stir \y2 cups of sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour, butter size of an egg together. Add 1 cup of boiling water and cook until it thickens. When cool add 1 can shredded pineapple and 3 eggs. Bake with an upper crust. Mrs. Rose Thorndike. Mock Mincemeat Eight pounds of green tomatoes (chopped), 8 pounds of apples, 4 pounds of sugar, 3 pounds of seedless raisins, 1 cup butter and suet (or suet alone), 1 level tablespoon salt, 1 of ground cloves, 2 of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon allspice, and 1 cup of vinegar. Let chopped tomatoes stand over night, drain, add sugar, and cook one and one-half hours. Cook raisins separately in a little water. Mix all together, boil and can. Mrs. Anna Nelson. Green Tomato Mincemeat One peck green tomatoes chopped fine, retaining the juice, 2 tablespoons salt, 1^ cups of vinegar. Boil together 2 hours then add 5 pounds 'brown sugar, 1 pound raisins, 1 pound currants, 1 tablespoon cloves, 1 tablespoon cinnamon. Let come to a boil and put in jars while hot. Add a bowl 'of chopped apples when ready to make pies. Mrs. Wilhelmina Albrecht. Banana Pie Make a crust and bake. Slice 3 bananas to fill crust, then add custard as follows: One cup milk, yolk of 2 eggs, yi cup sugar, pinch salt, 3 tablespoons flour. Boil until thick enough. Pour over bananas. Beat whites of eggs until light. Cover custard and put in oven to brown. Bertha Hofif. 7^ LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Pumpkin Pie One quart pumpkin, 1 quart milk, 4 eggs, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 cup sugar. Enough for three pies. Ethel Forster. Lemon Cream Pie Into a cup of boiling water stir a heaping tablespoon of cornstarch dissolved in a gill of cold water. Stir until smooth, take from fire and pour over a tablespoon of butter and a cup of powdered sugar that has been rubbed to a cream. Mix thoroughly and set aside until cool. Add the grated rind and juice of a large lemon and yolk of two eggs beaten light. Pour the mixture into a pan lined with pastry and bake until set. . Make a meringue of the whites of the eggs whipped stiff with two tablespoons of powdered sugar. Spread this thickly on pie and brown. » Clara Kistner. Lemon Cream Pie Filling: One cup w^ater, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 cup sugar and three lemons. Boil together and add 3 eggs and 1 large teaspoon of butter. Crust: 1 cup flour, 2 tablespoons lard, 3 tablespoons cold water. Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas. Pieplant Meringue Pie One-half pieplant, 1 heaping teaspoon Kingsford corn- starch, 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, pie shell (already baked). Mix cornstarch, yolk of eggs and butter. Stir mixture into boiling pieplant; turn into pie crust. Add meringue made of whites of eggs and 2 tablespoons sugar. Brown in oven. Serve cold. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 79 Raisin Pie Filling One pound seeded raisins, 1 quart water, 1 cup molasses, 1 teaspoon of cloves, cinnamon, and Yi teaspoon of salt, 1 ' heaping tablespoon butter. Boil together until raisins are plump, then add enough flour to thicken. Mrs. Thomas Otley. Butterscotch Pie One cup brown sugar, 1 cup water. Boil to a syrup. When cold add 1^4 cups milk, yolk of 1 ^gg, 1 heaping tablespoon flour, pinch of salt. Cook in double boiler. When cool pour into baked crust. Whip white of tgg with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Spread on pie and brown. Ada G. Pray. Chocolate Pie One cup of rich milk, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons grated chocolate, yolks of 3 eggs. Heat chocolate and milk together, add sugar and eggs beaten to a cream. Flavor with vanilla. Bake with under crust. Spread with a meringue of the whites of the eggs. Mrs. Henry Cordes. Lemon Cream Pie One and one-half cups water, Xy^ cups sugar, pinch salt, 2 heaping tablespoons cornstarch, 2 eggs, juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar for meringue. Boil the water and sugar, add the cornstarch moistened with a little cold water and cook 5 minutes. Then put in the beaten yolks, lemon juice, rind and salt. Cool slightly and pour into a previously baked crust. Cover with a meringue made by beating the whites of the eggs with powdered sugar. Set in oven till brown. , Mrs. Elizabeth Pool. 80. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. * Raisin Pie • One cup seeded raisins, one cup sugar, one cup sour cream (or milk), yolk of two eggs, ^ cup walnut meats, 1 tablespoon .vanilla, pinch of salt. Chop raisins and nuts, stir all together, put in an unbaked crust and bake about twenty minutes. Whip the whites of eggs with two tablespoons powdered sugar. Spread on pie and brown. * Bella Bawden. Mincemeat Twelve apples chopped, 2 pounds lean beef cooked and chopped, 1 pound of currants, 1 pound of raisins, 1 pound of sugar, Yz pound orange peel cut small, 1 nutmeg, 1 tea- spoon each of allspice and cinnamon, ^ teaspoon cloves, grated rind and juice of 1 lemon and 1 quart of boiled cider. Add more cider if too dry. Cook until well heated through. Mrs. Thomas Otley. Prune Pie One-half pound prunes, ^ cup sugar (scant), 1 tablespoon lemon juice, Yz teaspoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour. Remove stones from cooked prunes, cut in pieces, and mix with sugar and lemon juice. Reduce juice to 1^ tablespoons. Place in crust, dot with butter, sprinkle with flour, and bake with upper crust in a moderate oven. Jennie Yerger. Date Pie J^wo cups milk, % pound dates, 2 eggs, ^ t^poon salt, few gratings nutmeg. Cook dates with milk twenty minutes in double boiler. Strain and rub through sieve, then add eggs and salt. Bake same as custard pie. Mrs. LaMoine. LOGAN SQUAkE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 81 Custard Pie Beat yolks of 3 eggs to a cream. Stir together 1 tablespoon of sifted flour and 3 tablespoons of sugar and add to the yolks. Add a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of vanilla, and a little grated nutmeg. Add the beaten whites of the eggs, and lastly a pint of scalded milk (not boiled) which has been cooled. Mix together and bake in deep pie tin lined with crust. Bake about half hour. Mary Blohm. ^ Butterscotch Pie Two cups milk, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, butter size of a walnut. Beat the yolks of eggs, add the sugar, cornstarch and butter. Add tb- boiling milk and cook until thick. Pour into baked crust. Make a meringue \ of the whites of eggs^and spread on top. LiUie Zoelck. \ S Pumpkin Pie One anck one-half cu()s steamed and strained pumpkin, % cup brown sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, ^ teaspoon ginger, ^ teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, lj4 cups milk and ^^ cup cream. Mix ingredients in-order given and bake in one crust. _ . I Mrs. Laura Shadle. Apple Pie ' . Four or five sour apples, % cup sugar, ^ teaspoon grated nutmeg, I/3 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon butter, 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Line pan with paste. ^ Cut apples and fill pan. Mix sugar, nutmeg, salt, lemon juice and sprinkle over apples. Dot with butter. Wet edge of under crust. Cover with upper crust and bake foity-five minutes in moderate oven. ' •*^•'-^t^^;.. . ^:-' Mrs. Laura Shadle. ^ "^ Cream Pie 1 Bake crust. gFill with whipped cream flavored. Carrie Yerger^^-^ 82 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. THE beautiful women of An- cient Egypt were well versed in toilet arts, but they knew that radiant cleanliness was the crowning art of all. They chose Palm and Olive Oils their most important toilet re- quirements. Modern women, equally fastidious, also are lavish in the daily use of these great natural cleansers. Their combination in famous Palmolive produces the most popu- lar toilet soap measured by sales volume. Palmolive Soap is sold by dealers everywhere and supplied by popu- lar hotels in guest-room size. THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY Milwaukee, U. S. A. CHICAGO BRANCH 190 No. State Street Puddings "Your dressing, dancing, gadding, where's the good in? Sweet lady, tell me, can you make a pudding?" Brown Betty Pare and core 1 dozen large juicy apples, chop fine. Butter a deep pudding dish, place first a layer of chopped apples, some bits of butter over them, then sprinkle with white sugar and grate a little nutmeg over it, next a layer of bread crumbs and chopped walnuts, then a layer of apples and so on until the dish is full. Finish with a layer of bread crumbs. Bake in oven until thoroughly cooked. Serve with cream sauce. A Friend. Pudding One tgg, 2 tablespoons cream or milk, 1 cup or less of sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup chopped walnuts (not too fine), 1 cup bread crusts cut in pieces. First beat the tgg and 1 teaspoon baking powder, then add the sugar, bread crusts. When well mixed add nuts, dates and lastly cream. (This does not raise very much). Bake in a greased and floured pan in a moderate oven until firm, about thirty-five minutes. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Edith Jensen. Date Pudding Three eggs, 1 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons flour, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 cup chopped dates, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Beat yolks, add sugar, then flour and baking powder. Fold in the beaten whites of eggs. Add floured dates and nuts. Bake twenty to thirty minutes in a slow oven. Serve with cream. Mrs. Victoria Peters. 84 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Rice Pudding One-half cup raisins, l/;» cup rice, 3 cups milk, 1 cup water, 2 eggs, ^ cup sugar. Put rice in double boiler with water, cook till water is absorbed, add 2 cups of milk, cook till rice is tender. To remaining cup of milk add sugar, flavoring, and well beaten eggs, add to rice and bake until custard is set. Mrs. Holmes. Tapioca Cream Put 1 cup of tapioca in 1 quart of milk in a double boiler with a little salt; let boil about 15 minutes. Then add the yolks of 2 eggs and 1 cup of sugar beaten together. Stir well. Boil 15 minutes, remove from fire, beat in the whites and flavor. Mrs. Veda Torgerson. Lemon Pudding One and one-half cups of water, 1 }4 cups of sugar, 3 table- spoons cornstarch dissolved in cold water. Pour into boiling water; cook five minutes. Beat whites of 3 eggs, stir into the cornstarch, add juice of 2 large lemons. Pour into molds and serve with soft custard. Mrs. Bert Hutchinson. Strawberry Jelly Three pints ripe strawberries, a box of gelatine, 1 pint of sugar, Yz pint of cold water, 1 pint of boiling water, and the juice of 1 lemon. Mash the berries in the sugar, let stand 2 hours. Cover the gelatine wath the cold water, soak for one-half hour, add the boiling water and pour this over the fruit and sugar, add the lemon juice and strain through a cloth. Pour into glasses to cool. Top with whipped cream and strawberries. Mrs. Anna Shaberg, Past Matron. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 85 Date Pudding One cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup dates, 1 cup walnuts, 3 level tkblespoons flour, 2 tablespoons water, 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder, pinch of salt. Beat yolks of eggs well, add sugar, then beaten whites, adding nuts, dates, water, flour, salt and baking powder last. Do not stir more than neces- sary. Bake twenty minutes. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Barbara Eckstedt. Suet Pudding One cup chopped suet, 1 cup New Orleans molasses, 1 Qgg, 1 cup boiling w^ater poured over suet, 1 cup raisins, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Put ^ teaspoon soda in the molasses ; 3 cups flour". Steam three hours. Mrs. Phelps. Chocolate Pudding Boil 4 oz. of chocolate in 1 quart sweet milk. When quite dissolved, pour over 1 pint bread crumbs and let stand for 1 -hour. Mash bread until it becomes smooth. Add 4 well- beaten eggs, yi cup butter, 2 cups sugar, a little grated nut- meg, 1 cup raisins, 1 cup currants. Steam 1 hour. : Mrs. Phelps. Christmas Pudding Sift and mix with lyi pounds of flour 3 teaspoons baking powder. Chop fine 1 pound suet and mix with it 10 well- beaten eggs, 1 teacup of milk, }^ pound sugar, 1 pound of raisins (seeded and chopped), 1 pound currants, 1 teaspoon each" of cinnamon, allspice and ground cloves, the grated rind and juice of a lemon and 2 ounces of chopped citron. Boil five hours. ' Mrs. Elizabeth Cordes. 86 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Prune Pudding One pound cooked prunes (chopped fine), whites of 4 eggs beaten stiff, 1 cup powdered sugar. Put sugar with eggs, add prunes and a few nuts. Do not bake. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. D. Dindinger. Snow Balls One-half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, ^ cup milk, 2^ cups flour, whites of 4 eggs, 3^4 level teaspoons baking powder. Cream butter and sugar, add milk, then flour sifted with baking pow- der, whites of eggs last. Steam in individual cups (not too full) for 35 minutes. Serve with mashed strawberries and cream. Mrs. Bessie Sings. Date Custard Ten cents worth almond macaroons, 10c worth of dates. Crush macaroons. Cut up dates. Put in buttered baking dish. Cover with the following mixture: Beat 2 eggs, 2 cups milk, J4 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons cornstarch. Flavor with vanilla and bake until set. Mrs. Marion Krueger. Bread Pudding Two cups stale bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 cup hot water, 1 cup raisins in J4 cup flour, 1 cup molasses, 1 egg beaten well, 1 cup flour, ^ teaspoon cinnamon, ^ tea- spoon cloves, J4 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon soda sifted with flour. Mix bread crumbs, molasses and raisins with % cup of flour then the eggs well beaten. Melt the butter in the hot water and add. Sift the spices, salt, soda with flour and beat thoroughly. Steam one hour and serve hot. Steam with low gas. Mrs. Marie Wilhelmy. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 87 Date Pudding Three tablespoons flour, 3 eggs, 1 very scant cup of sugar, 1 pound of dates cut up fine, 1 cup of nut meats cut fine, 1 tea- spoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix beaten yolks and sugar, add sifted flour, dates, nuts, * then baking powder, whites of eggs beaten very stiff last. Bake one-half hour or more in a slow oven. Serve cold with whipped cream. Franc Watson. Prune Pudding One cup chopped pork, 1 cup chopped raisins, 1 cup molasses, 2 cups sweet milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 4 cups flour. Steam 4 hours. Serve with sugar and cream. Mrs. Rose Thorndike. Suet Pudding Two-thirds cup chopped suet, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg (beaten), 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 teaspoons baking powder mixed with the flour, ^ cup cold water, 1 cup raisins chopped, 2 cups flour, pinch salt. Mix in order given. Steam 2 hours. Good and ine:??pensive. Mrs. Bessie Sings. A Delicious Pudding One quart of milk, 3 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons corn- starch, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and a pinch of salt. Sep- arate the eggs, beat the yolks, add the milk, sugar and corn- starch which has been wet with 2 tablespoons cold water. Boil for a minute, stirring constantly. Take from the fire, add the vanilla and salt. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, beat 3 teaspoons of sugar into them and fold in the hot mix- ture. Serve very cold with plain or whipped cream. Mrs. D. Dindinger. B8 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. "A Treat Indeed" 1901-192S Webster Avenue Phones Armitage 2747-8 A few places around Logan Square where they serve CHAPELL'S Quality Ice Cream John Levy, Druggist Graves* Nut Shop Stine's Drug Store Jacobs' Drug Store Huebner's Drug Store Special Ice Cream and Ices for Social Gather- ings, Weddings, Receptions, Etc. deliv- ered to your door LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 89 Prune Pudding One-half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs (beaten), 1 cup cooked prunes (chopped), Yz cup sweet milk, Yz cup sour milk with 1 teaspoon soda (scant), 2 cups flour with 1 tea- spoon baking powder, 1 cup chopped nuts. Bake in muffin tins and serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Laura Swanson. ' Cocoa Pudding 1 tablespoon Bunte's cocoa, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 pint milk, 1 ^gg, butter size of walnut. Mix flour, cocoa, and sugar, then add milk. After it has boiled about twenty minutes add butter and beaten t-gg. Serve with cream. Mrs. Victoria Peters. A \ Spice Pudding One cup brown sugar, 1 cup butter, L egg, l;cup milk, 3 •cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon cinnarnoti, .1 teaspoon cloves, Yi teaspoon allspice, pinch of salt. Add nuts or raisins. Mix dry ingredients together, then add milk.- Steam 3 hours. Mr^.; Harriet Huehl. Lemon Pudding Juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 ^gg, 1 cup sugar, -l cup cold water, 6 tablespoons cornstarch, 4 tablespoons powdered sugar, 3 cups boiling water, 1 tablespoon mar- garine. Mix lemon juice and grated rind, tgg yolks, sugar, cornstarch and cold water. Have ready Mri the double boiler the boiling w^ater, into which stir this mixture, and cook until thick and free from any raw taste. Turn out into glass bowl, and when cold, frost with a meringue made of the whites of the eggs beaten stiff with powdered sugar. Euphemia M. Hocker. 90 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Totally DtfferentI The Bountiful Breakfast What 23 Children Said THIS test was made in Denver , Colorado. Twenty-three children sat around the table. Four dishes of steaming rolled oats In front of each, — one of Purity, the other three of different brands. The children were asked to point out the dish which tasted best. By means of secret markings on the various dishes, — the count showed that 19 of the 23 chose Purity. Purity turns the good old breakfast cereal into a brand new delight. Mothers, make this test yourselves. Let the fresh, unspoiled tastes of your children decide which is the best rolled oats. • Purity Oats Co. Keokuk and Davenport, Iowa DESSHRTS ^fRfe /Tn>A "^ ybk g^ lMm!iLfMJn Jim ( Allegrette H Two cups granulated sugar, yi cup milk, about ^ cate Baker's bitter chocolate. Cook sugar and milk together slowly until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Then b6at until hard enough to roll in balls about the size of a hickoi^ nut. Place these on a buttered platter and let cool. Stea6i chocolate over teakettle until soft. Use small fork for dipping fondant in chocolate. Then place each one on oiled papef. Lhjpp y2 walnut on top of each candy before chocolate -dries. 104 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Every Woman Knows —that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder makes delicious, appetizing food — unquestionably wholesome. Some women, however, do not know that food made with cheaper baking powders, containing alum and phosphate compounds, is often in- ferior in taste and texture; — many of the highest food authorities have declared alum baking powders to be unwhole;3ome and injurious. The safe and sure way is to use Dr. PRICE'S CREAM Baking Powder Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Contains No Alum — Leaves No Bitter Taste Cake is to the appetite what mirth is to the melancholy. Spice Cake One cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, 3 eggs, 1 cup milk, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon allspice. Use method for ordinary cake. Elizabeth Pool. Orange Torte Two cups sugar, 5 eggs, save white of one for frosting, 1 orange rind and juice, J4 cup cold water, Ij^ teaspoons baking powder, 2 cups flour. Bake forty-five minutes. Frosting — White of 1 egg, 6 tablespoons pulverized sugar, rind and juice of 1 orange. Barbara Eckstedt. Blitz Kuchen No. 1 — One-half cup sugar, ^ cup butter, 4 eggs (yolks), 4 tablespoons milk, 1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder. No. 2 — Four eggs (whites) beaten stiff, 1 cup sugar, va- nilla. Mix batter No. 1 in order given, put in two cake tins, and spread No. 2 (white) over each, then sprinkle chopped nuts over this and bake in a moderate oven. Filling — One and one-half cups water, 2 teaspoons corn- starch, 1 egg, }i cup sugar, little vanilla. Boil the above until it thickens. Olga Barthel. 106 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Three Minute Cake One and one-third cups brown sugar, I/3 cup soft butter, 2 eggs, y2 cup milk, U/^ cups flour, 3 level teaspoons baking powder, 1 package stoned dates, ^ cup chopped waliluts. Put all together in a bowl and beat three minutes. Bake in a" loaf. Mrs. Ida Haussen, Past Matron. Affinity Cake One-third cup of butter, 1 cup of light brown-sugar, 1 cup of milk, 2 cups of flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 cup chopped walnuts. Frosting- Boil a few minutes 2 cups light brown sugar, 3 tablespoons water. Beat whites of eggs and then beat syrup and whites together. Excellent. Mrs. Conrad Giese. Weary Willie's Cake Whites of 2 eggs in a cup, add melted butter until cup is half full, then sweet milk to fill cup. One and one-half cups of flour, pinch of salt, 2 teaspoons of Dr. Price's baking powder, 1 cup sugar. Mix liquid and dry ingredients. Add flavoring. Mrs. Ida Haussen, Past Matron. Layer Cake With Orange Filling Yolks of 4 eggs well beaten. Add 4 tablespoons water, 1 cup sugar and keep beating. Then add gradually 1 cup flour and 1^ tablespoons cornstarch with 1 teaspoon baking pow- der, and last add the whites of 4 eggs well beaten. Flavor to suit. Orange Filling — One cup powdered sugar, piece of but- ter the size of a walnut, ^ orange and about J4 lemon juice. Stir all together and add more sugar until thick enough to spread between layers and on top. Julia Paulson. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 107 Christmas Fruit Cake Two pounds flour browned evenly, 1 pound butter, 2 pounds raisins, seeded, 1 pound currants, 2 pounds brown sugar, ^i cup New, Orleans molasses, 10 eggs, ^ pound each of ""figs^ citron, orange and lemon peel chopped fine, 1 package dates, 1; pound nut meats, 2 small nutmegs, grated, 2 teaspoons each of cinnamon and allspice, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 pint sour milk with 2 small teaspoons soda, 2 teaspoons baking powder4 ghake the fruit with flour before adding it. Bake two hours )n slow oven. This makes four loaves. • Mrs. Elizabeth Degen. 'V. Monroe St. Telephone Randolph 1013 ■jWle&ejjr^^ Milliner '.y^-^ 6624 Sheridan Road 3141-43 Logan Boulevard LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 151 Pear Marmalade Eight pounds of pears, 8 pounds of sugar, 2 ounces candied ginger root, 4 lemons. Peel and slice pears very thin, also cut ginger root thin. Boil with the sugar one hour slowly. Wash the lemon and boil the whole in clear water until tender. Do not pierce with a fork. Slice the lemon, remove the seeds, add the pears and boil one hour longer. Mrs. Loges. Grape Fudge Marmalade Three and one-half pounds of grapes. Squeeze out pulp and boil until seeds loosen, then sift. Mix skin, sifted pulp, 3^ pounds of sugar, ^ pound of seedless raisins and boil fifteen minutes. Then add 2 cups walnuts and boil five min- utes longer. Can in pint jars as you would any preserves. Mrs. Hannah Nelson. Cranberry Jelly Pick over and wash 4 cups of cranberries. Add 2 cups boil- ing water and boil twenty minutes. Rub through a sieve and add 2 cups of sugar and cook five minutes. Turn into glasses. Mrs. Sarah Mack. Wild Grape Jelly One peck wild grapes, 1 quart vinegar, % cup each of whole cloves and stick cinnamon, and 6 pounds of sugar. Put first four ingredients into a kettle, heat slowly to the boiling point and cook until grapes are soft. Strain through a jelly bag and boil liquid twenty minutes. Then add heated sugar and boil five minutes. Turn into glasses. Mrs. Laura Shadle. 152 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. The Good House keeper WiU Find in POLAR ENAMELED WARE the ideal cooking utensils for sanitary, beauty and durabil- ity. For sale in all leading house fur- nishing departments. Manufactured by Porcelain Enameling Association WE DELIVER ANYWHERE E. C. Evensen's Grocery and Market The Store of Ex- clusive Quality and Splendid Service TELEPHONE Belmont 4083 2500 No. Sawyer Ave. CHICAGO LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 153 Tomato Preserve One pound yellow tomatoes, 1 pound sugar, 2 ounces pre- served ginger, 2 lemons. Remove skin from tomatoes, add sugar, cover and let stand over night. In the morning, pour off the syrup and boil until thick. Skim, add tomatoes, ginger and lemon with seeds removed and sliced. Cook until clear. Jennie Yerger. Tutti-Frutti Put 1 pint brandy into a stone jar, add the various fruits as they come into market. To each quart of fruit add the same quantity of sugar and stir the mixture each morning until all fruit has been added. Raspberries, strawberries, apricots, peaches, cherries and pineapples are the best to use. Nettie Worley. Pear Chips Eight pounds pears, 4 pounds sugar, % pound ginger, 4 lemons. Remove stems, quarter and core pears and cut in small pieces. Add sugar and ginger and let stand over night. In the morning add lemons cut in small pieces and cook slowly three hours. Put in a stone jar. Grace Bradway. Sliced Pickles One dozen pickles (sliced), sprinkle with salt, let stand one hour then drain; 4 small onions (cut thin), and sprinkle with salt and let stand one hour, drain. One pint vinegar, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon celery seed, 1 teaspoon ginger (ground), 1 teaspoon white mustard seed, Yt, teaspoon pepper, ^ teaspoon salt, small teaspoon tumeric powder. Let boil up and seal hot. Mrs. Jennie Nachweih. 154 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Telephone Belmont 1172 From Maker to Wearer The Knit Shop Carl F. Schuessler, Prop. High Grade Sweaters Jerseys Hosiery 3546 Fullerton Avenue CHICAGO Boiler Piano Company Gavels and Ballot Boxes D 2375-81 Milwaukee Avenue 2853-59 Fullerton Avenue Phone Belmont 3387 Logan Square Dairy Co. Certified and Pasteurized Milk and Cream 3563-65 Palmer Street LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 155 Rhubarb Marmalade Slice 2 quarts of rhubarb, sprinkle 3 pints of sugar over same. Let stand over night, then add juice of 2 oranges, grated rind of one, 1 cup chopped raisins and boil until thick. Pour into glasses. Mrs. Anna Nelson. Carrot Marmalade One pound raw carrots, 1 orange, 1 lemon, put through a food chopper. Add water to cover and cook until tender. To each quart of pulp, add 1 pound of sugar and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Cook until it jells or thickens. Ada G. Pray. Chow Chow One-half peck green tomatoes, 2^ onions, Ij^ heads of solid cabbage, ^ dozen green peppers. Chop separately, then mix, salt well, and drain over night. One-half pound brown sugar, ^ cup grated horseradish, 1 teaspoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 tablespoon white mustard seed, 1 tablespoon celery seed. Cover with vinegar and let come to a good boil. Pour on the pickles in a jar. Do this for three days, then put away in glass jars. Ethyl Sorenson. Pottsfield Pickles One quart green tomatoes, 1 quart ripe tomatoes, 1 quart cabbage, 1 quart onions, 2 red peppers, 1 stalk celery, ^ cup of grated horseradish. Chop, do not grind. Add Yi cup salt and drain over night. In the morning add 1 quart vinegar, Yz cup mustard seed, 1 quart granulated sugar and cook fifteen minutes. Five minutes before removing add J4 t^^- spoon ground cinnamon and J4 teaspoon cloves. Mrs. Marie Larson. 156 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Sunlight — Fresh Air — Modern Sanitary Conditions Truly * *A Laundry of Superior Service ' ' Our Ironing Room WHiMdH^i^Mi 27/D-272J FULLLFfTON AVE. J Bowman Dairy Company PERFECTLY PASTEURIZED MILK BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRY PURE CREAM BUTTER 4452-4466 CuUom Ave. Telephone Irving 818 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 157 Quince Honey Pare and grate 5 large quinces. To 1 pint of boiling water add 5 pounds of sugar. Stir over fire until sugar is dissolved, add quinces and cook fifteen or twenty minutes. Turn into glasses. When cold it should be about the color and consist- ency of honey. Mrs. Minnie Mengel. Rhubarb Jam Six pounds rhubarb, 2 lemons, 5 pounds sugar, 1 pound figs or strawberries. Cut rhubarb, mix with sugar and let stand over night. In the morning, cut figs or berries, and lemons in small pieces, add to rhubarb and sugar and cook very slowly over slow fire. Anna Shaberg, Past Matron. Little Jerkin Sweet Sour Wash pickles (be sure they are fresh), and put in salt water, strong enough to hold an tgg, for 24 hours. Then dry each pickle. Boil 1 pound sugar and 1 quart of vinegar, adding 2 tablespoons of mixed spices. Put pickles in jar, pour the hot vinegar over, then put in a few slices of green and red pep- pers and a piece of dill. In three days pour ofif liquid and boil again and pour over. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. Tomato Catsup One bushel tomatoes, 1 cup sugar (heaping), 3 pints vine- gar, 1 cup salt, 4 tablespoons black pepper, 4 tablespoons ground mustard, 4 tablespoons cinnamon, 2 tablespgons cloves, 2 tablespoons allspice, % tablespoon red pepper. Boil toma- toes and strain, add sugar, salt and vinegar, tie spices in bag and boil until thick, about two or three hours. Mrs. Thomas Otley. 158 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Edward Albert! Diamonds fl Registered Optometrist in charge of Optical Depart- ment. Thorough examina- tion given free of charge. 1246 Milwaukee Ave. CHICAGO Phone Belmont 9635 Venetian Beauty Parlor Mrs. A. Deering Jane T. Price ^ Permanent hair waving, hair tinting and dyeing with harmless vegetable dye. Marcelling 3207 Fullerton Avenue CHICAGO Telephone Humboldt 890 Edward Fox Photographer Enlargements From Any Photo Picture Frames D 2003 Milwaukee Avenue Corner Armitage Avenue CHICAGO LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 159 Dill Pickles One-half peck of pickles. Soak pickles over night in water with 2 tablespoons of salt in water. Dry pickles in morning; ^ gallon water, 2 cups vinegar, 1 cup salt, 5 cents mustard seed, 5 cents dill, alum as big as hazelnut, 2 pieces horse- radish as big as finger. Mix all together and put in vv^ith pickles. Seal in small jars. Mrs. Harriet Huehl. Chicago Hot One peck of half ripe tomatoes chopped fine and drained • well, 3 cups of chopped celery, 2 cups of chopped white onions; 4 medium size red ripe peppers and 2 green peppers chopped, 2 cups of white sugar, 1 cup of salt, 2 tablespoons of whole mixed spices, 6 cups cider vinegar. Mix all together and seal. * Green Tomato Relish Chop 2 quarts green tomatoes, 1 quart cabbage, 1 pint of onions, 3 green peppers and 1 red pepper, 1 tablespoon mus- tard seed, 1 tablespoon celery seed and % cup salt. Mix well and drain over night. Add Ij^ pints of vinegar, 1 cup sugar and cook until cabbage is transparent (one hour or more). Seal. Mrs. H. H. Whiteley. Chili Sauce One-half peck tomatoes, 10 large onions, 3 red peppers, 3 green peppers. Grind separately, then mix and add Yz cup salt, Ij^ cups sugar, 1^ pints vinegar, 1^ teaspoons cinna- mon, Vz teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon ginger, 1 teaspoon nut- meg. Boil slowly for three hours. Stir often. Ethyl Sorensen. 160 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Chili Sauce One box tomatoes, ^ peck onions, 6 green peppers, 8 red peppers, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons cloves, 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper, ^ cup salt, 3 cups sugar, 1 quart vinegar. Wash and peel tomatoes and boil two hours. Mrs. J. W. Thomas. Sliced Cucumbers One quart cider vinegar, 1 large cup sugar, 1 tablespoon celery seed, 2 tablespoons of mustard seed. Peel and slice cucumbers, add salt and let stand for one hour, then drain them well. Boil vinegar, sugar and seed a little, then add the cucumbers. Let come to a boil and seal hot. Mrs. Schneider. Spiced Pears Seven pounds of fruit, 4 pounds of light brown sugar, 1 pint of good vinegar, cloves and cinnamon to taste. Wash the pears well, but do not remove skin or stems. Let vinegar and sugar come to a boil. Put in fruit and slowly boil until tender. Seal while hot. Mrs. Bradway. Mustard Pickles One-half peck onions, 4 heads cauliflower, 2 quarts yellow beans, I3/2 dozen pickles. Soak in strong salted water over night. Drain and cook until tender in 2 quarts water and 1 quart vinegar. Dressing — Six tablespoons mustard, 1 table- spoon tumeric powder, 1 tablespoon curry powder, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup flour, 5 pints vinegar, 1 pint water. Pour over pickles while hot and add 4 green and 4 red peppers chopped fine. Mrs. Olga Barthel. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 161 Dill Pickles Wash pickles and lay in fresh water over night. Pack tightly in jars putting stalks of dill between and on top of pickles, over which pour a brine made as follows: Three quarts of water to 1 quart of vinegar. Boil together and while hot pour over pickles. Seal jars good and tight. Mrs. A. Eggert. Piccalilli One peck of green tomatoes, ^ peck of onions, 3 large stalks of celery, 1 cabbage, 12 peppers. Grind together through a coarse grinder, add % cup salt and let stand eight hours. Drain, boil ten minutes with enough cider vinegar to cover. Add 2 cups sugar, 1 ounce celery seed, ^ ounce mus- tard seed. Mrs. J. W. Thomas. Com Salad Twelve large ears corn, 13 large onions, 1 large stalk celery, 4 green peppers, 4 red peppers, ^ cup salt, 1 small cab- bage, 3 pints cider vinegar, 1^ pounds brown sugar. Cut corn from cob with sharp knife, grind the other ingredients. Boil all together for twenty minutes. Take from lire and add two heaping teaspoons mustard dissolved in cold water. Mix thoroughly, can and seal. Mrs. S. Thomas. L. i Dill Pickles Lay pickles in salt water for 24 hours. Then wash them. Put one layer of pickles and one of dill into jar until full. Use plenty of dill. To 1 cup of vinegar, 4 cups of water. Fill jars with pickles and put the boiling vinegar and water over them. Seal air tight. Mrs. G. Samuelson. 162 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Tel. Humboldt 9335 Kuehn Brothers, inc Retail Meats 2142-46 Milwaukee Avenue CHICAGO 3240 ARMITAGE AVE. 4142 ARMITAGE AVE. 3520 ARMITAGE AVE. Tel. Belmont 7832 Tel. Albany 7024 Tel. Albany 4666 4816 MILWAUKEE AVE. 3854 FULLERTON AVE. 2717 W. NORTH AVE. Tel. Kildare 6719 Tel. Albany 572 Tel. Humboldt 1557 United States Food Administration License No. G-26971 Phone Belmont 6133 ANDERSON'S Home Bakery * 3309 Fullerton Ave. CHICAGO Telephone Humboldt 5067 Emil H. Dortmund Milk and Cream Bottled in the Country 2623 North Richmond St. D Distributer for Spring Valley Sanitary Milk Co. Kansasville, Wisconsin LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 163 Sweet Pickle Peach To 6 pounds of fruit use 1 quart vinegar, 3 pints sugar, Yz pint water, 1 tablespoon allspice, mace, cinnamon, cloves, 1 teaspoon of celery seed and 2 ounces of cinnamon stick. Put vinegar, sugar, water and cinnamon stick into kettle to boil and tie ground spices in a bag and let boil fifteen minutes. Seal hot. Mrs. Thomas Otley. Yellov^ Cucumbers (Pickled) One dozen medium sized yellow cucumbers, peel, scrape out seed and cut in pieces about three inches long, cover with cold water to which a large cup of salt has been added. Let stand for about 48 hours, drain off this brine, rinse in clear water, drain and wipe with cloth. Mix 2 quarts white vinegar, 1 quart water, 2^ cups granulated sugar, 1 small handful mus- tard seed, 1 cheesecloth bag filled with mixed spices, 2 or 3 sticks cinnamon. Boil cucumbers in this mixture until tender. Place in jars while hot and seal. Mrs. Anna Householder. Pickled Cherries Pit cherries and pour vinegar over them. Let stand 24 hours then drain and to each cup of cherries take 1 cup of sugar. Mix well and let stand until dissolved, then put in jars and seal. Mrs. Conrad Giese. Boada Sauce One quart green tomatoes, 2 quarts cabbage (shredded), 5 onions, 2 green peppers, % tablespoon Tumeric powder, % tablespoon white mustard seeds, 2 small stalks of celery, 1 tablespoon celery seeds, 2 cups sugar, 2 tablespoons salt, 1 quart vinegar. Boil tw'enty minutes. Christine Peterson. 164 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Chili Sauce One peck of tomatoes, 3 teacups each of peppers and sugar, 2 teacups of onions, % teacup of salt, 3 pints of vinegar, ?. teaspoons of cloves, 3 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 each of nutmeg and ginger. Boil three hours. Christine Peterson. Pickled Cucumbers Make a brine of 1 i)int of salt to 4 of water, and pour it boiling over the cucumbers. Let them stand over night and pour off the brine. Repeat three times making fresh brinfe each time, after which wash off in cold water. Put in a kettle enough vinegar to cover the pickles, 2 tablespoons mixed spices, a piece of alum the size of a pea. Let boil and potu* over pickles. Mrs. E. Hawekotte. Beet Relish Chop equal parts of boiled beets and raw cabbage together until quite fine. Season with salt and pepper, add hot vine- gar which has been sweetened to taste, a few whole mustard seed and a small amount of shredded horseradish. Seal hot. This relish will keep indefinitely. Hannah Schmidt. Chili Sauce Twenty-four tomatoes, 2 ounces ground ginger, 2 ounces ground cinnamon, 1 nutmeg grated, 1 dozen onions, 2 ounces mustard seed, 1 cup sugar, 4 tablespoons of salt, 8 red pep- pers, 8 cups of vinegar. Chop tomatoes, onions and peppers. Boil one hour, stirring well, and bottle. Martha Donovan, Past Matron. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 165 Celery Sauce Twenty-four tomatoes, 10 stalks celery, 10 onions, 6 pep- pers (3 red and 3 green), 1 pound brown sugar, 3 teaspoons salt, 5 cups vinegar. Boil about two hours and can in glass jars. Hannah Nelson. Beet Relish One cup chopped onions, 1 quart chopped cooked beets, 1 quart chopped cabbage, 2 cups sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tea- spoon black pepper, % teaspoon red pepper, 1 cup prepared horseradish. Mix with cold cider vinegar diluted with 3 parts water. Ada Pray. Yellow Cucumber Pickles Pare and quarter, remove seeds, soak over night in salt water. Take white vinegar and sugar to taste. Drop in pickles, boil till glossy, then bottle. Put white mustard seed and stick cinnamon in jar. Mrs. Phelps. Canning The proportions of sugar and fruit used in canning and preserving vary greatly. The amount of sugar given below is about an average for canning when a very rich preserve is .not desired. These canned fruits are excellent for pies, etc. : Sugar to a quart jar — Cherries, 6 ounces; strawberries, 6 to 8 ounces; raspberries, 4 ounces; blackberries, 5 to 6 ounces; quinces, 8 to 10 ounces; pears, 4 to 6 ounces; grapes, 6 to 8 ounces; peaches, 4 ounces; pineapples, 4 to 6 ounces; crab- apples, 6 to 8 ounces; plums, 4 ounces; pieplant, 8 to 10 ounces. Here's to your health, your family's good health ; may you live long and prosper. 166 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Telephone Monticello 800 Henry Frerk Sons Fuel, Building Material, Feed «f 3101-3135 Belmont Avenue GAINER & KOEHLER Home Outfitters VS^^^JE^ 1209-13 Milwaukee Ave. Phone Monticello 4 Avondale Sash & Door Co. Incorporated Everything in Millwork 3509-15 Belmont Ave. Beverages Lemonade One cup of sugar, y^ cup lemon juice, 1 pint water. Make syrup by boiling sugar and water twelve minutes. Add fruit juice, cool and dilute with ice water to suit taste. Mrs. Harry Keller. Mint Julup One quart water, 2 cups sugar, 1 pint claret wine, 1 cup strawberry juice, 1 cup orange juice, Ij^ cups boiling water and 12 sprigs fresh mint. Boil water and sugar twenty min- utes, add mint and let stand five minutes, strain, add fruit juices and cool. Pour into a punch bowl, add claret, and chill with a large piece of ice. Dilute with water and garnish with fresh mint leaves and whole strawberries. Mrs. Grace Bradwav. Pineapple Lemonade Make syrup by boiling 3 cups sugar and 1 quart water ten minutes. Add juice of 9 lemons and juice of 9 oranges, also 1 can of grated pineapple. Cool, strain, and add 5 quarts of ice water. Lillie Trodson, Worthy Matron. 168 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Boiled Coffee One cup coffee, 1 tgg, 1 cup cold water, 6 cups boiling* water. Beat egg slightly, dilute with one-half the cold water and mix with the coffee. Turn into a coffee pot, pour on boiling water, and stir thoroughly. Place on range and boil three minutes. Cover spout to prevent escape of fragrant aroma. Add remaining cold water, which perfects clearing. Mrs. Marie Keller. Iced Tea Three teaspoons tea, two cups boiling water. When cool, strain into glasses % full of cracked ice. Sweeten to taste and allow one slice of lemon to each glass of tea. The flavor is much finer by chilling the infusion quickly. Mrs. W. D. Owen. Breakfast Cocoa One and one-half tablespoons Bunte's cocoa, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 cups boiling water, 2 cups milk and a few grains salt. Scald milk. Mix cocoa, sugar and salt, dilute with }4 cup boiling water to make a smooth paste, add remaining water, and boil five minutes. Turn into scalded milk and beat two minutes, using egg beater. Mrs. Sid Golden. Unfermented Grape Juice Ten pounds of grapes, 1 cup of water, and 3 pounds sugar. Put grapes and water in granite pan. Heat until stones and pulp separate. Strain through a jelly bag, add sugar, heat to boiling-point and bottle. This will make 1 gallon. When served dilute one-half. Mrs. Elizabeth Degen. Sandwiches Egg Sandwiches Cut slices of bread thin, remove crusts and spread with creamed butter. Chop finely the whites of hard boiled eggs, force the yolks through a strainer or potato ricer. Mix yolks and whites, season with salt and pepper, and moisten with mayonnaise or cream salad dressing. Spread mixture be- tween the bread. A. R. Cheese and Anchovy Sandwiches Cream 2 tablespoons of butter, add ^ cup grated Ameri- can cheese and 1 teaspoon vinegar. Season with salt, paprika, mustard and anchovy sauce. Spread between thin slices of bread after crusts have been removed. E. P. Chicken Sandwiches Chop cold boiled chicken and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Spread between thin slices of bread. Lettuce Sandwiches Put between the slices of bread, lettuce with mayonnaise. A few chopped nuts may be added to mayonnaise before spreading. 170 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Some other soaps are very good soap^ but — RUB NO MORE SOAP is better! Larger bar, too — ask your grocer Oscar Mayer's Approved Meat Products Oscar Mayer Chicago A Policy Placed With The Masonic Mutual Life Association of Washington, D. C. D Thru Gil. Bergslien 1517 Masonic Temple Chicago, 111. will assure plenty of good things with which to cook when husband, son or brother have gone JOHN S. EDWARDS, Prn. Milwaukee and Armitaee Avq^.- LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 171 Pimento Sandwich One package Blue Ribbon cheese, 1 small can pimentoes, ^ cup shelled peanuts, chopped. Rub to a paste and spread be- tween thin slices of buttered bread. Elizabeth Degen. Cheese Sandwiches Grate any good cheese, rub into a paste with butter, se?.- son with salt and a little Worcestershire sauce and spread the bread. These sandwiches may be made fancy by cutting small designs from pimentoes, beets or peppers and arrang- ing on top of cheese. Use only one slice for this. Sophie Benjson. Sandwich Filling 1 : Grind 3>2 pound of cheese, add Yz pound of butter and one ground pepper. Work together with the hands. 2 : Smoke butt cooked and ground. Mrs. Betsy Whitely. Dates and nuts chopped together and moistened with cream or mayonnaise dressing makes very good filling for sand- wiches. A Friend. 172 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 173 "Household Hints" A spoonful of kerosene added to a kettle of very hot water will make windows, mirrors and picture glasses bright and clear. A piece of Chinese matting slipped between the sheet and mattress will be found decidedly cooling in summer. Lemon juice and salt will remove rust stains from linen or muslin without affecting white goods. Alcohol will remove grass stains from clothing. Soak for a little time, then wash in clear water. Cut hot bread and hot cake with a hot knife to prevent crumbling. Hot milk is better than hot water to remove fruit stains. Tough meat will be made tender if placed in vinegar water for a few^ minutes. A small quantity of green sage placed in the pantry will keep out red ants. Two apples placed in a cake-box will keep the cake moist. A small piece of charcoal placed in a vase with flowers, will keep them fresh for several days. Always cook vegetables grown above ground in salted water and those which grow below the surface in fresh water. This recipe for vinegar has been used in a family for gen- erations. It is simple to make and there is a large profit in it: Three gallons of water, 3 pounds dark brown sugar. Boil tv/enty minutes. Toast one slice of bread a nice brown, spread on it 2 cakes of compressed yeast. When water is lukewarm lay bread in it with yeast side down. Set in a moderately warm place to sour three weeks. No finer vinegar can be made. Washing Fluid One ounce turpentine, dry"; 2 ounces borax, dry; 2 ounces ammonia, dry ; 1 box Babbitt's potash, dry ; 3 gallons of water. Sift confectioners' sugar through a sieve to remove lumps. 174 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S: Table of Weights and Measures Butter — 2 solid cups equal 1 pound. Butter — 2 tablespoons equal 1 ounce. Butter — 4 tablespoons equal 2 ounces or ^ cup. Bread — 1 cup stale crumbs equals 2 ounces. Coffee — 4 cups equal one pound. Currants — 1 cup cleaned makes 6 ounces. Cornmeal — 1 cup makes 6 ounces. Dry and solid material — 8 tablespoons equal 1 cup. Eggs — 10 shelled equal 1 pound. Eggs — 8 with shells equal 1 pound. Extract — Yz ounce bottle makes 12 teaspoons. Flour- — 4 tablespoons equal 1 ounce. Flour — 4 cups equal 1 pound or 1 quart. Spice — 2 tablespoons -ground equal 1 ounce. Gills — 2 equal 1 cup. Gills — 1 wine glass equals ^ gill. Meat — 1 pint chopped equals 1 pound. Milk — 1 pint, or water, equals 1 pound. Pints — 2 (4 cups) equal 1 quart. Teaspoons — 3 make 1 tablespoon. Saltspoon — 4 makes 1 teaspoon. Sugar — 2 tablespoons equal 1 ounce. Sugar — 2 cups granulated equal 1 pound. Sugar — 2j4 cups powdered equal 1 pound. Liquid — 1 tablespoon equals Yz ounce. Liquid — 1 cup contains 16 tablespoons. Liquid — 4 teaspoons contain 1 tablespoon. Raisins — 1 cup stemmed equals 6 ounces. Rice — 1 cup makes J^ pound. All measurements are level unless otherwise stated in the recipe. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 175 Time Table of Cooking Baking, Bread — (Steamed) brown, 3 hours. Beans — Soaked and boiled, 3 to 4 hours. Bread — White loaf, 45 to 60 minutes. Bread — Graham, 35 to 45 minutes. Biscuits — Raised, 12 to 20 minutes. Baking powder, 12 to 15 minutes. Cake — Layer, 15 to 25 minutes. Loaf, 40 to 60 minutes. Sponge, 45 to 60 minutes. Plain, 30 to 40 minutes. Fruit, 2 to 3 hours. Cookies — 6 to 10 minutes. Custard — Baked in cups, 20 to 25 minutes. Gingerbread — 25 to 35 minutes. Graham Gems — 30 minutes. Pudding — Rice and bread, 45 to 60 minutes Rice and tapioca, 1 hour. Indian, 2 to 3 hours. Steamed, 1 to 3 hours. Pie Crust — About 30 minutes. Potatoes — 1 hour. 176 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. Meats — Baked, Roasted and Boiled. Bacon — Per pound, fried, 15 minutes. Beef — Sirloin or rib, rare, 5-lb. roast, 1 hour, 45 minutes. Sirloin or rib, fried, 5-lb. roast, 1 hour, 40 minutes. Rump, rare, 10-lb. roast, 1 hour, 35 minutes. Underdone, per lb., 9 to 10 minutes. Fillet of, 20 to 40 minutes. Simmered, per lb., boiled, 20 to 30 minutes. Chicken — 3 to 4 pounds, 1^4 to 2 hours. Corned Beef — Per pound, boiled, 25 to 30 minutes. Duck — Domestic, 1 to lj4 hours. Wild, 20 to 30 minutes. Fish — Thick, 3 to 4 pounds, 45 to 60 minutes. Small, 20 to 30 minutes. Long and thin, 6 to 8 pounds, 1 hour. Goose — 8 pounds, 3 hours. Grouse, Pigeons and other large birds — 30 minutes. Lamb Leg — Well done, 1^ to 2 hours. Liver — Baked or braised, 1 hour to IJ^ hours. Small Birds — 10 to 15 minutes. Smoked Tongue — 4 hours. Pork — Spare rib, per lb., 15 to 20 minutes. Loin or shoulder, per lb., 20 to 30 minutes. Mutton — Leg, per lb., 10 to 20 minutes. Stuffed, shoulder, 10 minutes. Veal — Leg, well done, per lb., 20 minutes. Loin of, plain, per lb., 15 to 18 minutes. Ham — 12 to 14 lbs., boiled, 4 to 5 hours. Piece boiled in cider or water, 15 to 20 minutes. Time for Broiling. Chicken — 20 to 30 minutes. Fish — Small and thin — 5 to 8 minutes. Thick — 15 to 25 minutes. Steak — One inch thick — 4 to 6 minutes. Two inches thick — 8 to 15 minutes. LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 177 Boiled — Summer Vegetables. Asparagus — 20 to 30 minutes. Boiled Potatoes — 1/3 hour. Beets — 45 to 60 minutes. Cabbage — 35 to 60 minutes. Carrots — 1 hour. Corn, green — 15 minutes. Rice in fast boil, water — 20 minutes. Onions — 45 to 60 minutes. Beans — 45 to 60 minutes. This applies to young and fresh vegetables. Winter Vegetables, Beans, shelled — 1 to 1^ hours. Baked sweet potatoes — 1 hour. Boiled sweet potatoes — ^ hour. Boiled potatoes — J4 hour. Beets — 3 to 4 hours. Cabbage — 1^ hours. Carrots — 1^ hours. Parsnips — 1 hour. Squash — 1 hour. Time Table for Frying. Croquettes, Fritters, Doughnuts, Smelts — 3 to 5 minutes. Time for Boiling. Eggs — Soft cooked, not boiling water — 4 to 6 minutes. Hard cooked, not boiling water — 35 to 45 minutes. 178 LOGAN SQUARE CHAPTER, No. 560, O. E. S. 'We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live v^ithout conscience, and live w^ithout heart; We may live w^ithout friends, we may live without books; But civilized man cannot live without cooks. We may live without books, what is knowledge but grieving? We may live without hope, what is hope but deceiving? We may live without love, what is love but repining? But where is the man that can live without dining?" A^x.^^^e^'^fL c^^-^<^-c--e--t^^->^ a^-^ 3 / - 3 ^ ' G^^ ^/> / / r> /^^T^v^X^^^Zut hxJLty^ /^^ A. y^S' />i^^^ ^-^ ^^^^Ir-^ r>*-^c-^ ^Ur^ iry^.^ . / _ jl^>>r^- U^e^^C^c-^ ^^iU.'-'^.^^ c^ j(t2^^,^^-^^^ /b=^-^'^-^'< / 'f c> UNIVERStTY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 060855324