I mm HHii LIBRARY OF THF. U N IVERSITY or 1LLI NOIS I£6t no. 6-\2 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161— O-1096 *b 37 O GROUP EFFECTIVENESS RESEARCH LABORATORY Department of Psychology University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois THE RELATION OF OPEN HEARTH FOREMEN'S INTERPERSONAL PERCEPTIONS TO STEEL PRODUCTION WALTER A. CLEVEN and FRED E. FIEDLER TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 11 A NOTE ON PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES RELATED TO THE SCORE ASSUMED SIMILARITY BETWEEN OPPOSITES (ASo) EILEEN F. GOLB and FRED E. FIEDLER TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 12 Studies performed under Contract N6-ori-07135 with the Office of Naval Research PROJECT ON SOCIAL PERCEPTION AND GROUP EFFECTIVENESS THE LIBRARY UF THE MAR y OCTOBER, 1955 N GROUF EFFECTIVENESS RESEARCH LABORATORY DEFARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS THE RELATION OF OPEN HEARTH FOREMEN'S INTERPERSONAL PERCEPTIONS TO STEEL PRODUCTION Walter A. Cleven and Fred E. Fiedler Technical Report No. 11 Study performed under Contract N6-ori-07135 with the Office of Naval Research Project on Social Perception and Group Effectiveness October, 1955 J M LIBRARY OF THE MAR 2 ? Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/relationofopenhe11clev S7© The Relation of Open-Hearth Foremen's Interpersonal Perceptions to Steel Production Walter A. Cleven and Fred E. Fiedler University of Illinois This investigation is one of a series of studies on the relationship of interpersonal perception and group effectiveness (2, 3), It was designed to test hypotheses which grew out of earlier studies on military aircraft and tank crews (3), The research was conducted in open-hearth shops of a large steel company in which the personnel, in contrast to military crews, is highly stable over time, and where carefully maintained production re- cords are available. Interpersonal perception is measured here by means of the score, Assumed .Similarity between Opposites, or ASo. This score reflects the extent to which the subject (S) differentiates between the man with whom he can work best, and the man with whom he can work least well. We infer that ASo is related to the psychological distance which S perceives between himself and his co-workers. Supervisors who perceive much similarity between their best- and least-liked co-workers (high ASo) are, by this interpretation of ASo, more accepting, approachable individuals, We are indebted to Messrs. J. H. Vohr, P. E. Thomas, E. C. Sorrells, H. W. Erler, and G. H. Warnock. of the Gary Steel Works; and to Mr. Dan Farrell and Mr. E. W. Kempton, of the United States Steel ^Corporation, for their cooperation and support of this study. We are also ^indebted to Drs. L. J. Cronbach, Eleanor P. Godfrey, Ross Stagner, and \C . F. Wrigley for their contributions to the design and administration of $he study, and to Mrs. Betty F. Mannheim who assisted with the analysis ^"of the data. i while supervisors who perceived little similarity between these workers (low ASo) are presumably more critical and analytic in their work re- lationships. Previous studies of informal teams (2) and of Air Force bomber crews and army tank crews (3) led to two hypotheses concerning the relation- ship between leader ASo and group effectiveness. Hypothesis I_. More effective groups have supervisors who tend to perceive larger differences in the personalities of their most and their least preferred co-workers (low ASo), than do supervisors of less effective groups. Hypothesis II. More effective groups have supervisors who maintain a moderate amount of psychological distance between themselves and their co-workers. This hypothesis consists, operationally, of two parts: Hypothesis Ha. More effective groups have supervisors with low ASo only when the supervisor is well-liked and when he in turn likes certain key personnel in the group. (As can be seen, Hypothesis Ha is a special case of Hypothesis I.) Hypothesis lib. More effective groups have supervisors with high ASo when the supervisor is well-liked but does not like certain key subordinates in the group. (This hypothesis limits the generality of Hypothesis I.) The two parts of the second hypothesis assume an interaction between supervisor ASo and supervisor preferences for important subordinates in the group. By this hypothesis, effective groups have either low ASo supervisors who sociometrically prefer their key subordinates, or high ASo supervisors who do not sociometrically choose their key subordinates. ^Hypotheses I and II are postulated as valid only for tasks which require "direction-giving leadership behavior" (3, p. 234). In contrast, the study of military aircraft groups suggested the hypothesis that more effective groups on tasks which require receptive leadership behavior have super- visors with high ASo, regardless of the supervisor's preferences for key subordinates. We had hoped to shed further light on this hypothesis in the present study using incidence of accidents to subordinates as a cri- terion, but this criterion proved unreliable. Hypothesis II in part overlaps with Hypothesis I. Our studies of in- formal groups, i.e., basketball and surveying teams, lead us to expect a negative correlation between the ASo of the group's informal leader and his group's effectiveness. Our studies of formal, military groups, as indicated by Hypothesis II, lead us to anticipate a more complex leader- follower interaction. Specifically, we found a negative correlation between the leader's ASo score and the criterion of effectiveness for groups in which the accepted leader chose his keyman, and a positive correlation between the two variables for groups in which the accepted leader did not choose his keyman. Both Hypotheses I and II were considered in this study of steel shops because our knowledge and understanding of group processes seemed insufficient to judge, a priori , which hypothesis would best fit the case of these relatively long-lived industrial work groups. Procedure Samp le. Management personnel in four open-hearth shops of a large steel company participated in the study. These four shops are engaged in similar operations, although equipment varies somewhat from shop to shop. Each shop is operated on a 24-hour, seven-day-week basis with each shift or "turn" working eight hours. Every turn has a full complement of first- and second-line supervisors and their crews. Since one turn is off duty in any one 24-hour period, each shop requires four turns. A total of 16 turns thus constitutes our sample. Four supervisors are in charge of each turn: one General Foreman, one Stock Foreman, one Fit Foreman, and one Senior Melter. The General Foreman, along with the Stock and Pit Foremen, directs the supporting operations of raw material assembly and final steel pouring. The Senior Melter is in charge of steel manufacture. Depending on the number and size of furnaces in the shop, the Senior Melter supervises one or two 3 All four turns within a shop are under the direction of a single shop superintendent and his assistant superintendent. These men were not tested, but only completed the performance ratings which are discussed below, • Junior Melters and their crews. In three of the four shops (or 12 of the 16 turns), the Senior Melter has two Junior Melters reporting to him. Test instruments . Two test instruments were administered to all available foremen and melters. The first requested each S to predict the responses of two men: (a) the man with whom he can work best, and (b) the man with whom he can work least well. These ratees could be anyone with whom S had ever worked; S was not asked to specify their names. The test consisted of 40 statements such as: "I tend to join many organizations ," "I am often bored with people," and "I am generally regarded as optimistic." Each item was answered on a six-point scale ranging from "definitely true" to "definitely untrue." The similarity of these two predictions, computed by the statistic D (1, 6), yields the index Assumed Similarity between Opposites (ASo). The second test was a sociometric questionnaire. Each S was asked to nominate in order of his preference three men for each supervisory posi- tion other than his own, These nominations could be made irrespective of the nominee's position or the shop in which he was employed at the time of testing. Nominations were made for three criterion situations: (a) "three men who you think would be best able to help you improve the turn's safety record," (b) "three men with whom you would want to work on a special job which needs to be done very quickly," and (c) "three men whom you like best personally." Criterion The index of group effectiveness is based on the time elapsed from one "tap" (pouring of molten metal from the furnace) to the next tap on a par- ticular furnace. For economic reasons, company officials regard short "tap-to-tap time" as the most important production gcal. The primary im- portance of this production goal is recognized and accepted by the foremen as well as their subordinates. The average tap-to-tap time is about ten hours; two turns are, therefore, involved in preparing each batch of steel, or "heat," for tapping. However, the tap-to-tap time scores are uniformly assigned to the Junior Melter and crew in charge of the furnace at the time the tap is made, regardless of the length of time the shift has actually worked on the heat. This seems justifiable because the last hours of the heat are regarded as more criti- cal in the manufacturing process than the first few hours. In addition, randomization takes place because the turns of Junior Melters and their crews do not systematically follow one another or use the same equipment. Using an analysis of variance of ranked data, we found significant dif- ferences between shops in tap-to-tap time. Since these differences can be attributed to different furnace capacities, the tap-to-tap time data were standardized within shops by means of T scores to permit intershop com- parison. Criterion reliability . The reliability of tap-to-tap scores was based on an analysis of 25,000 heats based on the three to 16 months period preced- ing testing. We excluded the summer months on recommendation of com- pany officials because of extensive personnel shifts due to vacation schedules, An even-month vs. odd-month split-half procedure was employed. The es- timated reliability of tap-to-tap time over the 16 turns is .82-, In order to minimize the effects of long-range changes, e.g„, in personnel or company policy, the criterion scores used below arc based on only a part of these data, namely the three- to ten-month period immediately preceding testing. Results Table 1 presents the correlations between the average turn tap-to-tap time and the ASo (Assumed Similarity betv/een Cpposites) of the General, Fit and Stock Foremen, and Senior Melters. As the table shows, the corre- lation between average turn tap-to-tap time and ASo is significant in the case of Senior Melters and Pit Foremen, The correlation falls short of an acceptable significance level for Stock Foremen, and is negligible for General Foremen. The average ASo of the foremen and Senior Melter on 4 each turn is also significantly related to average turn tap-to-tap time. 4 The ASo of Junior Melters was not significantly related to their individual tap-to-tap scores. No a priori hypothesis was formulated regarding this correlation, since the relationship of group effectiveness to ASo of group members other than the formal or informal leader has not been systemati- cally examined. TABLE 1 Correlations (Rho) between ASo of Various Supervisors and Average Turn Tap-to-Tap Time Supervisor ASo N Rho General Foreman Stock Foreman Pit Foreman Senior Melter Supervisor average 15 15 14 15 16 -.13 -.42 -.72 -.54 -.71 < .01 < .05