H m 11, 743 W25a Vvlarren. Artistic andbmq of the human fere. ^■,.:.!i::t.i ARTISTIC ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN FIGURE. BY HENRY WARREN, HONOKARY PRESIDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OE PAINTERS IN WATER-COLOURS, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE PENNSYLVANIAN ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE SOCIETE BELGE DES AQUARELLISTES, PROFESSOR OF DRAWING AT QUEEN's COLLEGE, LONDON. With Twenty-Three Illustrations drawn on Wood by the Author. SIXTEENTH EDITION. LONDON: WIlSrSGR AND l^EWTON, 38, EATHBOlSrE PLACE, IHaixufacturmg ^rtigts' OTolourmm Special ^ppomtmmt lo ler iWajestH, anti 2i:fj£ir Eogal W^W^m tte ?|rmce anU iPrincesa of mdXz%. LONDON : Printed by A. Schulze, 13, Poland St-reet. 743 PREFACE. The Author has endeavoured to make this little work sufficiently comprehensive to be useful to the general student in the art of drawing the human figure. In reference to the Plates, it may be observed that to the same bones and the same muscles, wherever they may occur through each section, the same letters or numbers will apply. The direction of the lines of shading in the Plates is made to correspond to the direction of the muscular fibres ; the consideration of this being necessary to that dimpling and folding of the outer skin, which painters more than sculptors love to indicate, perhaps too freely. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/artisticanatomyoOOwarr_0 PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. The first object I had in view in producing the present little work, was, not only the desirableness of some concise Handbook of Anatomy, artistically explaining what is required to be known by all who draw the hu- man figure, but more particularly the necessity of such a work as might be perused by the fairer portion of Art Students. To them the mass of works on Anatomy, already before the public, were " sealed books." With this end in view, I set myself to the pleasant task ; and the fact of a great number of ladies, already possessing former editions of this little book, having vouchsafed me their favourable expressions in regard to it, leads me to hope that I have not altogether failed in my endeavour. But while I kept this peculiar object in view, I was 6 PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. not unmindful to make the book generally useful, as well to the student of one as of the other sex. The call for this seventh edition was, therefore, grati- fying to me— the more so as bearing out the many expressions of its usefulness, which I have, from time to time, been favoured with by my brother Artists ; and finding that some portions of the work were not suffi- ciently explained, the limits of it not then admitting of extension, I have since been allowed to carry them further, by the addition of descriptions of, and remarks upon the muscles of the extremities. In order, also, to miake the references to the Plates more easy and complete, additional letters and numerals have been given, but in all cases, the original system has been adhered to, of making the same letters, the same numerals, apply to the same muscles or bones throughout the work. HENRY WARREN. NOTES. The general construction of the human frame is as follows : — The osseous (bony) structure is first overspread, es- pecially at the joints, by a tough covering called periosteum. On this are placed the different layers of muscles, enclosed in thin sheaths, with their various aponeuroses, or semitendinous portions. The muscles are partly formed of fleshy fibres, taking various directions, according to their requirements, and partly of tendinous or sinewy portions. The whole is enwrapped by the adipose {fatty) mem- brane, vulgarly called the skin. Through this pliable and soft but thick clothing, the actions of the muscles are visible, more or less according to their powerful development or otherwise ; but it is at all times difiicult to detect their exact forms and directions, and it is a vulgar error to display them in exaggeration. The general sweeping lines of the figure 8 NOTES. are to be first and chiefly considered, the poise and pro- portion of the skeleton being the ground for this. An affectation of grace is a common stumbling-block to the student, while a rigid copying of the dead form, to represent the living and moving figure, is no less an error. The antique statues are always the best models ; and with such aids, and a little study of the anatomy of the human form, together with a knowledge and due con- sideration of its perspective changes, the difficulties of drawing the human figure will need but moderate prac- tice to overcome. INSTRUCTIONS IN ARTISTIC ANATOMY. PLATE I. THE SKELETON A. Os frontis — the frontal bone. A. The protuberances formed by the frontal sinuses. B. Os parietale. C. Os temporum. D. Ossa maxillaria superiora — bones of the upper jaw. E. Maxilla inferior — the lower jaw. F. The seven vertebrae of the neck. a. The vertebral column. H. The seven true and five false ribs. I. Os sacrum. K. Os ilium. L Os pubis. M. Os ischium. N. Sternum —breast bone. 0. Clavicula — collar bone. P. Scapula — shoulder blade. Q. Humerus or brachium — upper arm bone. E. Kadius. 10 THE SKELETON. S. Ulna. T. Bones of the carpus — wrist bones, y. Bones of the metacarpus. IT. Bones of the fingers. W. Femur — thigh bone. WW. The patella. X. Tibia. Y. Fibula. Z. Bones of the tarsus. AA. Bones of the metatarsus. BB. Bones of the toes. CO. Os calcis, or bone of the heel. DD. Trochanter Major. THE SKELETON. By the skeleton is to be understood the framework of the edifice, Man ; the beams and timbers, as it were, upon which the superstructure depends. The skeleton determines the size, power and capabilities of the animal, and is formed of a material sufficiently hard and solid for all the mechanical powers of sustension andretension, columnar and lateral support, encasement and leverage. The skeleton is a combination of two hundred bones, all of which it is, however, not essential to give in a little work like the present ; and, indeed, 4f we take into con- sideration the fact, that most of them are to be reckoned in pairs or clusters, our number will be considerably diminished, as far as nomenclature is concerned. 12 THE SKELETON. Of the forms of bones we have great variety, some are triangular in section, others quadrilateral, others again round ; and in some bones all these forms are combined, according to the uses and requirements of their different portions. So great indeed is the difference of form throughout the bony structure, that it were as useless as tedious to enlarge upon it here ; and I shall content myself with the general distinctions given them by anatomists, as long, broad, and short bones. The combined mass or structure is simply divided into the trunk and extremities. The former, the trunk, is composed of the head, the thorax, or ribs, with the sternum or breast bone, the bones of the hips and the great vertebral column or back bone ; the latter, the extremities, are designated as superior and inferior, and are the arms and the legs. The bones of the head, divided into the cranium and the face, will be given more at large further on. The bones composing the spine or vertebral column are twenty-four in number. Seven are given to the neck— ce7^vical, twelve to the back or rihs— dorsal, and five to the loins — lumbar. The combined column, with its intervening cartilages, measures on an average from two feet four inches to two feet eight inches, indepen- dently of its base the os sacrum and the terminating bones of the coccyx. It has, when viewed in profile, a THE SKELETON. 13 curved or serpentine form. In the neck it is slightly con- cave, in the back convex, and in the loins again concave ; approaching and united with the os sacrum, it again becomes convex. There is also a slight curvature as seen from behind or in front, its inclination being to- wards the left side. The intention of this deviation from the straight line is not satisfactorily explained. Each vertebra is supplied with transverse processes or projections articulating with the ribs, as well as others called oblique, which serve to connect the verte- brae with one another. The most prominent, however, and those which are most essential, as being most visi- ble to the artist, are the spinous processes, having various directions according to their various amounts or direc- tions of leverage in different vertebrae, and it will be well to note carefully the place of the seventh of the neck, called from its greater projection, Vertebra prominens. The fifth also of those of the loins is worthy of notice, as most easily distinguishable. The OS sacrum, forming the base of the vertebral column, is — in an advanced stage of life— but one bone, composed of five parts or vertebrae which have grown together. The whole column owes its flexibility to the discs of cartilage placed between each bone, and which are so elastic as to allow the column to move in all directions without injury to the spinal marrow which runs nearly through its whole length. The greatest 14 THE SKELETON. amount of movement takes place in those of the loins and neck. The bearing of the figure— more or less upright- is dependent on the curvature of the spinal column. To this column— against small smooth surfaces on the sides of the vertebrae, are attached the ribs ; twelve on each side ; partly bony, partly cartilaginous. The upper seven are called true ribs ; the lower five false ribs, as not being joined— like the upper seven — to the sternum or breast bone. Their direction and arched shape downwards, together with their increasing in- clination, will be best seen by the figure of the skeleton given at the head of this chapter ; and though the mass or basket of the ribs presents a form so opposite to that of the living figure when enveloped in its fleshy cover- ing, it should nevertheless be well considered as the foundation upon which must be built the true form of the principal part of the trunk. The sternum, or breast bone, forms at the centre and front of the chest — as the vertebral column does pos- teriorly—the bond of support for the seven true ribs, to which it is attached by cartilaginous articulations. In early youth, the sternum is composed of several bones; but in the adult it has acquired the solidity of a single bone, though its higher and chief point of original division may in most cases be traced by a change in its angle. The general direction of the sternum is forwards and downwards, its angle varying much according to THE SKELETON. 15 climate or race, or according to the habits or occupa- tions of individuals. The standard average angle for the sternum has been fixed at from twenty to twenty- five degrees. In the female the angle is greater than in the.man; and so, in proportion, is the direction of that portion of the vertebral column constituting the neck, more upright in a woman than in a man. ' To the upper end of the sternum are attached the pair of claviculae or collar bones, slightly curved out- wards at first and then inwards ; they are usually more prominent in a man than in a woman, in whom we find them thinner and straighter. At their junction with the sternum they leave the small hollow between them-usually termed the pit of the neck-which forms so useful a point for the adjustment of a true balance in the figure. The outward end of the clavicle is con- nected with the acromion and coracoid processes of the scapula, as will be further explained when we treat of the shoulder and arm. The pelvis comprehends the mass of large and strong bones forming the great cavity which occupies the middle of the human structure. Of these we may chiefly consider the os ilium which forms on each side the great projection of the hip. Spread out in a basin- like form, it presents a capacious curved wall of bone, projecting in a strong crest forward and downward ; and, extending around the form posteriorly, it is surmounted 1(5 THE SKELETON. by a powerful rounded edge or spine for the attachment of large and strong muscles. The figure of the skeleton will sufficiently describe the forms and positions of the other bones of this region. On the whole, the pelvis is larger and more capacious in the female than in the male; and it differs in form also, being comparatively less protuberant between the two crests of the ilia. The arm— which together with the wrist and hand, is designated, by anatomists, the superior extremity— is appended to the clavicle and scapula or blade bone, to which it is attached by strong ligaments. The bone of the upper arm, called the humerus or os brachii, is a long bone, round in part and somewhat twisted, en- larging at top into certain tuberosities and a rounded head, which, enveloped by the usual cartilage, rests against the glenoid cavity of the blade bone, fittingly hollowed out, and lined also with cartilage, to receive it. The lower end of the humerus becomes enlarged transversely, and by a peculiar joint of beautiful me- chanism is fitted to articulate with the two bones of the fore arm, called the radius and the ulna, in such a way as that the one— the radius-can be made to twist over the other in the act of turning the hand from back to front, or vice versa. This double action is called pro- nation and supination. To these are attached the numerous small bones of the carpus, or wrist, followed by those of the metacarpus THE SKELETON. 17 the space occupied by the back and the palm of the hand ;— to which succeed the bones of the fingers. The inferior extremity— so called from its relative po- sition— is comprised in a similar number and arrange- ment of bones. The longer, called the femur, or thigh bone, like the superior bone of the arm, is in part round and twisted on its axis. Like the humerus, too, it is fur- nished with a globular head, which fitting into a glenoid cavity forms a powerful ball and socket joint. It has fur- ther similarities to the before-named bone of the arm, in the tuberosities about its head and neck. The chief of these, called the trochanter major is of great importance in its position, as regards general form, as well as in the fact that it gives attachment to several powerful muscles. At the lower end the femur, like the humerus, widens into two projections or condyles, forming the hinge of attachment to the main bone of the leg, called the tibia : and as the bones of the carpus and metacarpus inter- vene between the fore arm and the fingers, so the bones of the tarsus and metatarsus, at the ankle and instep, are the media of junction between the bones of the leg and the toes. The forms and uses of these several bones of the ex- tremities, with others which make part of their structure, will be explained at large in their proper places, and the diff'erences existing in the male and female specimens pointed out. Suffice it here then to remark, that the same C 18 THE SKELETON. just proportion and balance of the figure is to be attended to in drawing the skeleton as in the living man, for all the different directions of limb and joint are adjusted in conformity with the intended erect and duly poised pos- ture of man in his state of natural dignity. PLATE II. THE HEAD AND NECK. The head is divided by anatomists into the cranium and the face ; but it will be perhaps more convenient to consider it here under one term-the head; the face being so intimately connected with the forehead, which, indeed, we shall consider as forming part of it. The skull, in its upper part, gives thaPOfeiplete form of that portion of the head : and if we takejp|p.ek bone, together with the lower jaw, we shall have a tolerably just notion of it as a whole, save that the ears and lower portion of the nose will be wanting. Of the skull- we take the European as the standard- two plates are here given, a front and a profile view, fio-ured in reference to the names of the several bones 4ich are, for the most part, separated by irregularly toothed or zigzag lines called sutures. A. Frontal hone— osfrontis. B. Parietal bone— os parietale. C. Temporal bone— o« temporum. 20 THE HEAD AND NECK. D. Malar, or cheek bone — os maltB. E. Upper jaw hone— maxilla superior. j V. Lower jaw — maxilla inferior. Gr. Occipital bone— os occipitis. H. Tlie protuberances formed by the frontal sinuses. I. The mammillary process. The ethnoid and sphenoid bones being deeply seated, it is not necessary to give them. In the forehead we find great variety, not only in different races, but in individuals of the same race. The length of the nose, however, in Europeans, has been given as the acknowledged standard of its height to the limits of the hairy scalp. The general spheroid form of the cranium is so little changed by its thin muscular and membranous covering, that it may be taken as the true form of that portion of the head. Not so, however, of the face ; for of all the muscles of the human structure, those perhaps of the face are the least satisfactory to the artist. So united are they together in their fasciculi, as to form but, as it were, a perplexing network of muscular fibre over the face. Adhering as they do to the bones, the aponeuroses, and the skin, their action is counter, generally speaking, to their forms, causing wrinkles or markings in an op- posite direction to their fibres. PLATES III & IV- It is nevertheless necessary that these muscles be THE HEA.D AND NECK. Studied, as a no less important matter than the expres- sion of the various passions is dependent on them. They PLATE III. will be given, therefore, in as simple a form as possible, divested in a great measure of their complexities, and 22 THE HEAD AND NEGK. kept as separate from each other as circumstances will allow. Before giving the names and uses of the muscles of the face, it may be as well to notice the many marked hony prominences which give so much character to the human countenance. The prominent eminence of the occiput, at the lower part of the head — so much larger in some than in others — is particularly remarkable in bald persons ; the mamil- lary processes of the temporal bones behind the ears giving attachment and powerful leverage to the pair of strong muscles belonging to the neck ; the frontal arched protuberances above the eyes, which, from their variety and form of projection, give so marked a character to individual foreheads, as also the curved temporal line at each side above the outer ends of the eyebrows ; the cheek bone more or less raised, and the coronoid pro- cess of the lower jaw bone at its greatest angle— all expressing more or less of mental or physical charac- teristics. Of the muscles of the face, the following will suffice as most important and most easily understood. The frontal muscle {a), musmlus frontalis^ originating at the inner half of the upper ridge of the orbit of the eye, runs upwards in an oblique direction, and becoming tendinous above the middle of the os frontis, unites into the galea aponeurotica capitis, which, covering the whole 23 THE HEAD AND NECK. skull, connects all its muscles. This muscle wrinkles the PLATE IV forehead by its action, and drawing up the inner angle of the eye, together with the eyebrows, gives to the face an expression of pain. The temporal muscle, musculus temporalis (b), arises from the parietal and frontal bones, and, passing under 24 THE HEAD AND NECK. the zygomatic arch, is inserted by a strong tendon into the coronoid process of the lower jaw, which it raises and compresses against the other in clenching the teeth. It is thus an auxiliary to The masseter (c), which takes its name from its use, chewing or masticating; it arises in the upper jaw and lower fore-part of the cheek bone. It is a mass of muscular fibres having place at the lower and inner part of the projecting cheek bone, which it descends along the outer side of the lower jaw and is attached to it all the way from the coronoid process to nearly the corner of the mouth. Its use has already been shown in conjunction with the temporal muscle. With the assistance of the temporal muscle, the masseter acts w4th amazing power, and then, as may be observed, it loses its flattened surface and becomes swollen. The two muscles, in fact, act simultaneously, becoming swollen or contracted at the same moment, at which time also the temporal artery becomes very visible. This happens in violent pain or passion, or during any great effort of the mind or body. The orbicular muscle of the eyelids, miisculus orbicu- laris palpebrarum (d), is a collection of fleshy fibres en- circling the eyes, which it closes and draws together. It is not attached to, but lies upon the bony margin all round the orbit of the eye, in the angle of which it has its origin, and — having completed the circle — its insertion. THE HEAD AND NECK. 25 The elevator muscle of the nostrils and upper lip, levator alee nasi lahiique superioris (g), originates in a double tendon at the nasal process of the upper jaw, and terminates by spreading its fibres into the wings of the nose and the upper lip, both of which it widens and draws up. It serves materially, but also in con- junction with other muscles, to produce the marked line, or furrow, between the cheek and nostrils. The compressor muscle of the nose, compressor na- rium (e), originating at the root of the nostrils, is first united with the last-mentioned muscle, but soon be- coming membranous, covers the whole ridge of the nose and terminates in the forehead. Its use is to compress the orifices of the nostrils, in the act of smelling. It has the power also of wrinkling the skin of the nose. The elevator muscle of the upper lip, levator labii superioris (h), commencing below the orbit of the eye, runs obliquely down to the upper lip, which it draws upwards and outward. It thus produces the swelling of the cheek in laughter and other passions, in concert with iinother muscle called the levator anguli oris, lying underneath it. The zygomaticus minor (i), acting in concert with the last muscle, has its place by its side, descending in a parallel direction from the cheek bone. The zygomaticus major (/), arises fleshy from the 26 THE HEAD AND NECK. cheek bone, and is inserted into the angle of the mouth. It draws the corner of the mouth and underlip towards the origin of the muscle, and makes the cheek pro- minent as in laughing. Of the several muscles which affect the action of the mouth, those which have been already noticed, have for the most part the pulling of that feature upwards. Those which have the opposite power are, first, the depressor of the corners of the mouth, depressor anguli oris (0, which has its origin at the bottom of the lower jaw, where it sets out broad, but becoming narrower upwards, has received also the name of musmlus jpyra- midalis. Running round the angles of the upper lip, it has the effect of drawing the corners of the mouth downward, as its name imports. The closing of the mouth is brought about by the mus- cle called orbicularis oris (p), but which, though its use — the shutting of the mouth by drawing both lips to- gether— is important, is scarcely to be considered a dis- tinct muscle, so intimately are its fibres blended with, and indeed a part of, other muscles in its vicinity. Its effects, however, are peculiar in the several movements effected by its varied action, as in constrained passion or deep meditation, when the lips are compressed either against each other or against the teeth ; as also in an- tagonism to some of the other muscles, in the suppres- sion of laughter. THE MUSCLES OF THE NECK. 27 The buccinator (o), or trumpeter, tells its use in its name, the contraction of the lips, as in blowing a trumpet or wind instrument. Before dismissing the muscles of the face, it may be useful to observe generally of them, that whilst in the expression of pleasurable feelings, they may be said to dilate or spread, they will be observed to contract or concentrate towards the middle of the face, in violent or powerful emotions. THE MUSCLES OF THE NECK Are, as will be seen, connected for the most part with those of the head and face, with which they are there- fore given in the Plate. The situation of the windpipe, aspera arteria, is too well known to need being pointed out. It may be observed here, that the two principal move- ments of the head— the forward, or bowing movement, and the rotatory movement— are chiefly dependent on two separate bones of the neck. The first, or bowing movement, is that which takes place principally at the articulation of the skull with the first vertebra, called from its bearing the globe of the head, atlas. The second, or rotatory movement, takes place at the articula- tion of the atlas and second vertebra, called the dentata, from a tooth-like process, which being inserted into the foramen, or hollow of the atlas, forms a kind of pivot 28 THE MUSCLES OF THE NECK. on which it turns. The movement of the head towards either shoulder is limited to a quarter of a circle in each direction. The other movements, whether lateral or oblique, are performed by the five other vertebrae, in conjunc- tion with the two already noticed. The neck is formed of the following muscles, en- closing the cervical vertehrce, and acting upon their several joints in many motions. They are all in pairs. The sterno-cleido mastoideus (k) is the powerful muscle so prominently conspicuous from its position and volume. Its front edge is rounded and prominent, while its hinder portion is somewhat flattened or hol- lowed. Its attachments are to the inner portion of the clavicle and to the upper front part of the sternum, whence rising obliquely towards the occipital and tem- poral bones, somewhat twisted in its fibres, it is in- serted into the mastoid process behind the ear. It assists in almost all the actions of the neck. In pulling the head towards the side, a wrinkling of the skin on that side takes place, while a consequent tension of the corresponding muscle occurs, on the opposite side, with a strong development of the tendinous portion at its junction with the sternum. In this action the promi- nence caused by the thyroid cartilage of the larynx, commonly called Adam's apple, becomes very evident. Reference in respect to this action may be made to THE MUSCLES OF THE NECK. 29 the magnificent throat of the Apollo Belvidere where the flatness or rather concavity produced by the space between the lower end of this muscle and the trapezius (m) is so broadly and finely treated, and where, too, the wrinkling of the skin in front or towards the other side is expressed with the delicacy always found in fine works of antique Greek sculpture. In old age, and in thin persons, this muscle becomes so strongly marked as to be unsightly; while in the throat of a beautiful female it is hardly visible, unless the head be turned, or some violent effort shall call it into energetic action. The trapezius (m), so called from its quadrilateral form-and sometimes cucullaris, from its resemblance ■ to a monk's cowl {cucullus)-\^ a broad flat muscle, consisting of a right and left half, covering the hinder part of the neck, and running down the back in a pomt, as women wear neck-handkerchiefs. Its attachments are, To the occipital bone ; To the ligament, which binds the spinous pro- cesses of the vertebrae of the neck ; To the last of these processes ; and To eight of those of the back. From this extended line of attachment, setting out tendinous, but soon becoming fleshy, its fibres are sent out in a radiated form ; obliquely downward from the 30 THE MUSCLES OF THE NECK. upper part, obliquel)^ upward from the lower, and laterally from the miiddle towards the shoulder, where it fills up the angle formed by the clavicle and the acromion process of the scapula with its .spine. Eventually it attaches itself to the clavicle as far as its middle, and to the superior angle and greater part of the spine of the scapula. With such a number of attachments, its actions— as may be supposed— are many ; the portions intervening between these attachments becoming swollen in pro- portion to the energy of its contractions in the several parts. So also the wrinkles or cavities at such attach- ments are, generally speaking, at right angles with its fibres, as seen on the outward surface of the skin. The forward edge of the muscle may be traced, from its adhesion at the occipital bone, downward to the collar bone. In pulling the head downward behind, many folds of the skin are produced; but the projections of the spines of the seventh, and mostly the sixth cervical vertebra, are nevertheless visible. It is this muscle which forms the beautifuly curved line of junction betw^een the neck and the shoulder. There are several muscles of the throat which lie under those already named, but which it will not be here necessary to describe. They are enwrapped, as well as the sterno-liyoideus (5), by THE SHOULDER JOINT. 31 The latissimus colli (n), which has attachments to the skin of the upper part of the chest below the clavicle, and is inserted into the lower jaw bone. A portion of it ascends towards the ear. It is a flat and broad muscle, as its name imports, and serves as a wrapper to those beneath it. It assists in drawing down the angle of the mouth and part of the cheek, and it has also the power of drawing obliquel}^ downward the skin of the neck. PLATE V. THE SHOULDER JOINT. One of the most important, as certainly not least diflScult, portions of the body, is the shoulder joint, requiring attentive study and keen observation, in respect to its manifold movements. It has been thought necessary to give several plates of the shoulder, as seen in various directions and positions. The first Plate represents the scapula^ or blade bone as seen in front, through the ribs, with. acromion (r), and coracoid processes (q), and its glenoid cavity, against which is placed the head of the humerus^ or upper arm bone. The clavicle (p ), or collar bone, is also given in its posi- tion with reference to the other bones, as seen when the arm is hanging down. The clavicle is attached to the acro- mion and coracoid processes by strong ligaments, form- Tlie Scapula, with its Spine as seen at tlie Back. THE SHOULDER JOINT. in. an arch under which the humerus is suspended: mg ail ciii. H wpre bv the several and the whole is enwrapped, as it weie, oy musck^ which hold all together. Tt^seapula (o) is free to move or slide over the pos- terior surface of the ribs ; and the clav^cle, by its at ach- menronthe shoulder, is made to follow .ts motions upward, downward, and forward. The socket joint of the humerus (s).at its head, gives it the power of moving in almost every ^u-tion, uide- pendentlyof, but almost always in conjunction w^^^M^^^^ movements of the other bones just named. Thus when le arm is 'raised, the scapula rises with it changing its angle. The outer end of the clavicle also rises, and l: flso changes its angle, the inner or sternum end, being its fulcrum. PLATE VI. Reference maybe made to this action in the raije^^ arm of the Laocoon, and in that also of the Fightmg ^ WheTihe arm is thrust forward, as in pushing, or pulling, or striking, the scapula is made to slide par- til ly r und the side of the ribs, and the clavicle makes an angle forward more or less according to the energy of the action. . The statue of the Supplicating Youth may be in- stanced as an example, where, as both arms are held 34 THE SHOULDER JOINT. forward, the space between the scapulce as seen behind is much augmented. In reference to the two actions of pulling and pushing, it must be borne in mind, that while in the first the PLATE VI. THE SHOULDER JOINT. 35 bones at their junctions are somewhat separated, giving increased length to the arm, they are in the second thrust close together, and the arm becomes proportion- ably shorter. This of course will be the case but in a slight degree. The muscle will be observed also to act and change correspondingly. When the arm is thrown back, as in the Fighting Gladiator, or the Discobolos at the British Museum, then the scapula slides back over the ribs. Were both arms tied or placed together behind, the two blade bones would approach each other so as nearly to touch. The Theseus of the Elgin collection is a beautiful illustration of the action of the scapula, where, in addi- tion to the backward motion, the act of leaning on the elbow forces the shoulder upward. PLATE VII, The varied angles of the scapula and clavicle in their several motions, cannot be too well studied ; nor can too much attention be paid to the place of the bony knob of the acromion on the top of the shoulder, but neither should it be too strongly marked. Almost all the antique statues may be referred to as examples, for in them we find no vulgar exaggeration of these bony prominences : yet are they marked, and always in their proper places. The muscles, portions of which, as has been said, en- wrap the bones which form the shoulder joint, are, first— D 2 THE SHOULDER JOINT. The deltoid (a) so named from its triangular form like the delta A or D of the Greek alphabet. It is composed of seven, but may be simplified into three, principal lobes or masses of fibres. PLATE VII. Its attachments are— In front, to about one-third from the shoulder end of the clavicle. In the middle, to the acromion process. At the back, >to the lower edge of the spine of the scapula. THE SHOULDER JOINT. 37 The whole of the three portions combine downwards into a point, and are inserted into the humerus or bone of the upper arm about its middle. PLATE VIII. The deltoid (a) is a powerful muscle, finely rounded about the head of the arm bone. By its threefold power, it PLATE VIII. raises the arm laterally, or forward, or backward, accord- ing as either portion of its fabric is more or less called into energy ; the active portion being always the most swollen, while its antagonistic portion becomes propor- tion ably flattened or extended. When in the act of lifting the arm up, it swells aromid 38 THE SHOULDER JOINT. the acromion process which then, though still marked, becomes a hollow in place of a projection. The circumstance of its hindermost lobe being at- tached to the sjnne of the scapula, and thus lower in position than in front, causes a difference of form as to height, when seen in profile, and a consequent flatness above the scapular spine. This is more evident when the arm is moved backwards, as then the rounded head of the arm bone being pressed forward causes a greater protuberance in front. A proof of this is to be seen in the colossal statue called the Farnese Hercules, which, though an exag- geration of muscular development, is— and perhaps by the very fact of such exaggeration— a most useful ex- ample in the studies of an artist. It may here he remarked, that when one arm is raised, the head is naturally thrown over toward the opposite shoulder, unless as in peculiar cases, the muscles of the neck are made to counteract such motion. In raising the arm too, it must not be forgotten, that, in order to keep up a just balance of the figure, the general line of the body is changed. It is well to observe this general direction, and to mark it in sketching-in the mesial line in front, or that of the spinal vertebrae behind. THE SHOULDER JOINT. 39 PLATE IX. In a woman, we mostly find the deltoid with a slight depression in the middle outwards, perhaps in conse- PLATE IX. 40 THE SHOULDER JOINT. quence of its continuing to be fleshy nearer to its inser- tion than in a man ; or it may be caused by a greater thickness in that part of the adipose membrane which covers the muscle. Sometimes, too, it happens that at the articulation of the outward end of the clavicle a too great elevation of the integument is observed. These delicate differences, however, are best appre- ciated through careful observation of the antique statues or of the beautiful in nature. The pectoral muscle, {£) forming the breast, has attachments — To the collar bone. To the inner half of the sternum, and To the cartilages of the second, third, fourth and fifth ribs, and to the body of the sixth rib. Its bundles of fibres produce in a man a broad flat, though slightly rounded, surface, and uniting together outwardly, form a triangle by insertion into the humerus immediately underneath the deltoid [a). Contributing to the forward actions of the shoulder joint, it pulls it towards the sternum either directly, or obliquely upward, or obliquely downward, according as the several portions of its fibres are made to contract. There is always to be noticed, more or less, a slight de- pression or fold in this muscle as it approaches the inser- tion, causing a secondary rise which is more observable and still more beautiful in the female form. There are THE TRUNK. 41 too, when the muscle is stretched by the extended up- lifting of the arm, certain little inequalities of fibre and aponeurotic portions observable in and through the ski-, or adipose membrane, which covers it. A deep hollow occurs under the arm when stretched up laterally or forwards, but it becomes less when the arm is raised still higher. In a woman, the hollow thus formed is not so deep. PLATE X. MUSCLES OF THE TRUNK. (feont view.) a. Deltoid: b. The sterno-cleido mastoideus. c. The pectorahs. d. The rectus. e. The trapezius. f. The serratus magnus. g. The obliquus descendens. PLATE XI. (back yiew.) a. Deltoid. b. The sterno-cleido mastoideus. e. The trapezius. f. The serratus magnus. 42 THE TRUNK. g. The obliquus descendens. h. The latissimus dorsi. i. The teres major, k. Grluteus medius. 1. Longissimus dorsi (an underlay er). m. Infra spinatus. THE T R U N X. The two sides exactly answering to one another ex- ternally, it will be sufficient to describe the set of muscles composing one half of the trunk. The mesial line, as it is called, divides the two halves, beginning at the hollow between the collar bones, pro- ceeding all down the surface of the sternum^ and through the whole of the trunk. The pectoral muscles having been already described it is merely necessary to say, that between them (and caused by their several prominences on either hand) is the sternal groove^ being the upper portion of the mesial line. At the bottom of the sternum is a lozenge-shaped hollow, caused by the projecting cartilage of the seventh rib on each side. In the antique statues generally, we find a broadly arched prominence, answering in some measure to the form of the ribs, and surrounding the pit of the stomach. It appears, indeed, to have been a convention of the THE TRUNK. 43 PLATE X. 44 THE TRUNK, ancient sculptors to exaggerate and widen this arched form. In some men, however, it is to be found much more nearly approaching the antique form than in the generality of persons, and it would be a bold measure, requiring the nicest discrimination, to depart from an acknowledged standard, such as the Greek antique. Immediately on each side of the sternal groove just named, are projections of the ribs, or their ster no-costal articulations, the upper two being generally the most prominent. In thin persons, these are, of course, more salient ; and, as in such case the body of the pectoralis (c) is flatter and thinner, so in proportion are these promi- nences more evident and more extensive. The nipple in a man is generally on a line with the fifth rib, or somewhat above it ; but this is dependent on the action of the muscle. From the bottom of the sternum the mesial line con- tinues dawn, as before stated, throughout the whole length of the trunk, separating the two bodies of muscle which form the abdomen longitudinally. The 7'ectus (c?), or straight muscle alluded to, is at- tached above to the sternum, and to the cartilages of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs ; and, running di- rectly down, is inserted into the os pubis at the low^er extremity of the body. The outline of this muscle, as seen in profile, varies so much in difi*erent individuals as well as in different THE TRUNK. 45 actions, that it will be best studied from the antique statues, where it is given in its greatest purity of form. In its action of pulling the upper part of the body downwards and forwards, it produces many folds in the outer skin which covers it, and this is further carried out by certain transverse bands, uniting at their outer ends with the tendinous expansion of its neighbour muscle These bands are tendinous on the surface, but not usually through the whole thickness of the muscle. They are generally three in number, and serve to divide the fore part of the body very symmetrically. As they are not quite alike, either in number or position, in all persons, the antique statues may, as before mentioned, be adduced as examples of the best form of this muscle. The ohliquus descendens (g) the great obliquely-des- cending muscle, adjoins the last named, and gives, at and above the crest of the z7tMm, that beautiful curved prominence, so elegantly defined in the antique statues. Its chief attachments are to the upper ridge of the ilium, and to seven, or sometimes eight of the lower ribs, in' regular obliquely-disposed serrations. The fibres constituting this muscle take such various directions, that it would occupy too much space to particularise them here. The depression or indent at the junction of this muscle with theilium is caused by the sudden fleshiness of its fibres, as compared with the aponeurotic attach- ment to the bone itself; thus the projection of bone iu 46 THE TRUNK. the skeleton becomes a groove or furrow in the living man, and the fuller and stronger the muscle, the deeper the groove. This rule— which applies generally to the muscles at their attachments to strong projections of bone in fleshy persons— will nevertheless be found to have its exceptions in emaciated forms. Thus too, it may be observed, that although, in a general way, the larger projections of the skeleton are those observable in the living being, it must not be supposed that outlines drawn immediately from point to point, or from one projection of bone to another, will give the drawing of the human form ; for in addition to the layers of muscles enwrapping the bones— in some places thinner, in others thicker— we have to take into account the binding and uniting aponeuroses^ and above them the thick adipose membrane, or skin — generally so called— which constitutes the outer covering. The serratus magnus (/), is the saw-like muscle seen on the side of the figure. It has tendinous attachments to the outer sides of the ten uppermost ribs ; its first digitation to the first two ; the other eight to the eight remaining ribs in succession, forming a course of zigzag serrations on a line obliquely backwards and down- wards, interlacing with those of the great obliquus muscle (g). From thence running obliquely upward and backward, it is attached to the scapula, which it draws forward and downward. When, however, the scapula is held firmly in posi- THE TRUNK. 47 tion, its power is that of raising or lifting the nbs out- ward, as in actions where violent respirations are re- quired When the arm is raised, this muscle is more apparent, as exemplified in the Fighting Gladiator, and also in the group known as Haemon and Antigone, as well as in many others. PLATE XI. The Utisshnus dorsi (h), large broad muscle of the back, wraps broadly over the portion below the blade bones. Its attachments are to the vertebrte from about the sixth of the back downwards, as well as to the lowermost four ribs, from whence it runs upwards in many fibres to the rough protuberance under the head of the humerus, where it is inserted by a long, thin, • but powerful tendon. This muscle draws the scapula and upper arm down- ward and backward, retaining the lower angle of the .capwk in its place, sufi^ering it, however, to play upon the ribs, and showing its form in its various changes of position. Like the last muscle, and in like manner it acts upon those ribs to which it is attached, when the raised arm is held firmly in position. When the body is bent forwards, and this muscle consequently stretched, the ribs make their appearance in projections seen beneath it. THE TRUNK. Beneath, and enwrapped by this broad muscle, we see the forms of the more fleshy and rounded long muscle of the back, longissimus dorsi (/), attached to the ilium and OS sacrum at its lower extremity, and to the angles of the ribs and the processes of all the vertebrfe. In bending the body backward, this muscle produces many transverse folds ; but in various positions of ex-^ tension there are certain peculiar characteristics of pro- tuberance or rotundity, or of edginess, according to circumstances of action, that can only be understood by reference to nature or fine antique statues. It may be remarked here that the greatest flexibility of the trunk is at the loins ; and the transverse folding of the skin on the one hand, and its tension on the other, according to the flexion or extension of the body, is therefore most observable in this region. The comparative width of the shoulders and the hips in the male and female form, has already been pointed out in treating of the skeleton. It is not necessary, therefore, to enlarge on the difference of proportion thus produced ; but it may be as well to remark that there is a slight diS'erence in the form of the ribs, which in woman are less curved. The difference of form, too, in the pectoral region of the female is too obvious to need more than a mention here. K 50 THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY, OR ARM. PLATE XII. THE SUPEEIOR EXTREMITY, OE AEM. The arm, together with the hand, is a most beautiful piece of complicated mechanism, giving to man powers no other animal is gifted with. There is no part of the exterior surface of the whole body that the hand cannot reach, nor are there any bounds to the variety and usefulness of its motions in combination with those of other parts of the body. The osseous structure of the arm, independently of the scapula and clavicle, consists, like the lower limb, of three bones— one belonging to the upper portion, two to the lower. Those of the wrist and hand are more numerous, as will readily be seen. It may, however, be noticed, that it is no uncommon error of the tyro, in drawing the arm, to omit altogether the consideration of the cluster of the carpal bones, as if the hand were immediately attached to the fore arm, without the intervention of those forming the wrist. Great as is the similarity in general arrangement of the upper and low^er extremities, there is nevertheless a marked difference in one peculiar action of the fore arm, in which the one bone, the radius^ is made to roll over and to cross the other. Its joint, therefore, with the bone of the upper arm is constructed suitably to this motion, and differently to that of the knee. a OF lu, L/a 52 THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY, OR ARM. PLATE XIII. AA^hen the bones are thus crossed, the thumb is turned inward and the palm of the hand backward. This act is called pronation: the hand being thus prone or ready for action. When the bones are side by side, the thumb is turned out- ward, and the palm of the hand is in front. This is called supination^ in antagonism to the other. The muscles pro- ducing these two motions are therefore called, pj^onators and . supinators. So also it may as well be borne in mind, that muscles, which bring about the flexion or bending of the arm, or any other part of a limb, are designated flexors, while those which cause the extension of a limb are called extensors; the first being for the most part in front, the others at the back. THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY, OR ARM. 53 It is necessary, however, to remark that in many cases, the flexors and extensors act together. So, for instance, when the flexor carpi radialis acts in conjunction with the extensor radialis^ the wrist is moved laterally to- w^ards the radius So, also, when the extensor carpi id- naris and the flexor ulnaris act together, the wrist and hand are moved sideways in the direction of the ulna. It will be observed that the joint of the arm is not a right angle with the direction of the shafts of the bones and that in the position referred to, as supination^ an angle like this will be produced by the varied direction of the upper and lower portions of the arm. In pronation^ however, the general direction of the whole arm is straighter when stretched out ; as will be readily observed in nature. In the setting on of the hand, it may be remarked that the greatest proportion is on the thumb side ; thus, if a line were drawn continuous with the arm at the wrist, it would take the direction of the outside of the hand along the edge of the little finger; whereas on the other side a similar line would run with the second finger leaving the thumb and forefinger beyond, or on the outside of the line. The hand as portrayed by the ancient Egyptians in their painted sculptures, will il- lustrate this in exaggeration. 54 THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY, OR ARM. PLATE XIV. The back of the human hand is arched transversely, while the interior is proportionately concave. Of the knuckles, or bony prominences of the metacarpal bones at their junction with the fingers, that of the middle finger is most prominent. In a fleshy female hand, or that of a child, they become hollows or dimples instead of prominences. To these are directed the fan-like tendons of the extensor muscles seen— particularly in a thin hand— through the integument. That of the thumb is the most distinct; and in addition to it, is also seen passing round over the radius, the tendon of another extensor of the thumb, between which and the former is thus formed a long triangular hollow. On the other side, the muscles proper to the little finger form a more fleshy mass. When the fingers bend inwards, the tendency of each is to incline towards the middle of the palm. The pecu- liar direction of the joints of the thumb and of each finger, as well as the angle, which the whole make in respect to their junction with the metacarpal bones, must be studied from the living hand to be properly understood. THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY, OR ARM. 55 The bony prominences on each side of the wrist are internally, the head of the cuhit or ulna; externally, the loAver end of the radius, this latter being somewhat low(*r in position than the other. At the elbow joint, the inner condyle of the humenfs forms the greatest projection, though even this in a fleshy female arm frequently becomes a dimple, or hollow. The projection of the olecranon or elbow itself must be considered, as it regards proportional length in tlie lower arm, which becomes greater when the arm is bent, on account of its continuing as a projection be- yond the lower end of the upper arm bone. AVhen the arm is straightened, this point or projection, iits into a groove between the condyles of the hiimern.% hollowed out to receive it. PLATE XV. It were a vain endeavour to describe by words tlic e56 THE ARM SEEN IN FRONT. infinite A^ariety of action and consequent change of form which occurs in the human arm. Suffice it, therefore, to give in a tabular form the names of the principal muscles, such names being sufficiently expressive of their functions. Some few remarks are, however, appended, The diagrams will point out their several attachments. PLATE XII. THE ARM SEEN IN FRONT. (supine.) 1. DeUoides. 2. Biceps brachii. 3. Triceps brachii. 4 Pronator radii teres. 5. Supinator radii longus. 6. Palmaris longus, 7. Flexor carpi nlnaris. 8. Flexor carpi radialis. 9. Sliort muscles of the tluimb. 10. Palmaris brevis. The deltoid has already been described at p. 53, as the chief muscular portion of the shoulder. Were the front of this muscle removed, the biceps would be seen with its two heads —whence its name ; the shorter of these heads, or tendons, Avould be observed attaching itself to the coracoid process of the scapula ; the longer en- tering the bicipital groove of the humerus, to be attached THE ARM SEEN FROM BEHIND. 57 to the upper margin of the glenoid cavity of the sca- pula. The combined mass becoming very fleshy, and then again tendinous, af- fixes itself to the bicipital tubercle of the radius, and gives off a fascia or sinewy membrane de-' scending the fore arm to the wrist. When strong action is manifest, this muscle con- tracts very much in its fleshy part, though a flat- ness is still more or less observable in front. The triceps hracliii is seen on either side of the biceps continuing round the back of the humerus. Its three heads, to which it owes its name, have in- duced some to consider it as three distinct muscles, and as such it is seen in THE ARM SEEN AT THE SIDE. the back view of the arm. AVhen acting together, they extend the fore arm. 14 7. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. plate xvi. the arm seel^ eeom behind. (supine.) . Deltoides. Ancoiiseus externus \ , . ^ Aiiconseiis lon2:us > , f X 'PS brachii. Anconseus mternus ^ Sapinator radii longus. Flexor carpi ulnaris. Kadialis externas longus. Eadialis externus brevis. Extensor digitorum communis. • Extensor muscles of thumb. Extensor carpi ulnaris. PLATE XVII. A ligament — purposely omitted in the illustrations — which binds together the va- rious tendons at the wrist is called the ligamentum carpi annulare. THE AEM SEEN AT THE SIDE. 1. Deltoides. 2. Biceps bracliii. 3. Triceps brachii. 4. Brachialis internus. 5. Supinator radii longus. 9. Tendons of muscles of thumb. 12. Eadialis externus longus. 14. Extensor digitorum communis. THE VEINS OF THE ARM. PLATE XVIII. The positions of the princi- pal veins are given at large. They may be shown or not, as occasion requires, but in all cases are to be introduced with judgment and sparingly. The antique statues will serve us as sure guides in this particular. In the female, the bony tube- rosities and muscular promi- nences are less marked. The muscles are less tendinous and more gently rounded in their fleshy masses, less divided by furrowed and annular divisions which become more evenly filled with soft integuments. The biceps in particular is less abrupt, and the deltoidhas a peculiarity of form, as best described in the Plate at page 39. In other respects, the general form and disposition are the same, unless indeed by the comparative narrowness of 60 THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. the shoulders, and greater expansion of the hips, we find a slight difference in the hanging down of the arm at the side. PLATE XIX. THE IJfEERIOR EXTREMITIES. The muscles of the lower extremities are for the most part united with each other in their several functions as well as fabric, and the limits of a little work like the present do not admit of so tedious and complicated a description as they might necessarily require. With the following remarks, therefore, the reader is referred to the tables of the muscles of the leg and thigh given in explanation of the plates, where their several forms and positions are made sufficiently evident. It has been thought necessary, however, to pay a little further attention to the knee joint, as a portion of the human form not less beautiful than important, and two views of tlie muscles as they appear w4ien the knee is bent are given at page 67. The numbers attached to the following descriptions, correspond with those given in the tables and the diagrams. The iliams interims (18), arising from the inner edge of the ilium, unites with another muscle, and inserts itself, in common with it, into the lesser trochanter. Its use is to bring the thigh forward. THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 61 The triceps (19), thoiigli so named, is said to consist of four distinct muscles : they, however, all unite to move the thigh inwards, with little differences of inclination. The pectinalis (20) pulls the thigh upwards, as does the gracilis (22) inwards. The sartorius (23) is said to have its name from the fact of its bringing the legs obliquely across in the way tailors are used to sit at work. It arises from the anterior part of the ilium — tendinous at first, but soon becoming fleshy — descends over the rectus^ and then inclining more inward, passes obliquely over the triceps and vastus internus^ between the tendon of which and the gracilis it descends — again tendinous— to its inser- tion into the fore part of the tibia. The rectus femoris (24) is an important muscle, con- stituting the front of the thigh. It arises partly fleshy, partly tendinous, from the lower part of the ilium, and running straight downwards— as its name implies — fixes itself, by a strong tendon, into the upper part of the patella. The patella, however, being moveable, there is necessarily, a very strong, thick ligament attached to its lower point, which ligament is firmly rooted into a tubercle on the fore and upper part of the tihia, or shin bone, and thus the extension of the leg is effected, as if the muscle itself were attached at this spot. The tubercle above mentioned— vulgarly called the hump of the tibia — is prominent, and should be well marked in the drawing of the leg. 62 THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. The tensor vagincp, femoris^ or memhranosus (25) is chiefly observable near its origin at the fore part of the spine of the ilium, where it is both fleshy and tendinous. It descends obliquely outwards, but soon spreading itself, and becoming wholly tendinous, it enwraps the last- named muscle, as w^ell as the vastus externus^ ^ndivastus internus ; for it will be observed that it has extended itself to the inside of the knee, which it envelopes ; and though properly it has its insertion in the head of the tibia, be- tween the tubercle lately named and the head of the fibula, it yet sends down an expansion to envelope the tibialis anticus, which^ however, it does not in any way hide. Its insertion between the bump of the tibia and the fibula is scarcely visible ; and, indeed, one of the beauties, artistically speaking, of this muscle, is the enwrapping and partially connecting into one beautiful mass, the many abrupt projections of bone and sinew necessary to the knee-joint. The vastus internus (26) has its origin betw^een the lesser trochanter and the front of ih.^ femur, and descend- ing, with oblique fibres, in a large fleshy mass, is in- serted tendinous, into the inner side of the patella, whence it throw^s off an aponeurosis to the muscles below the head of the tibia. There is a little fold shewn on the outer skin at this point, which is beautifully expressed in the antique statues; though in some, w^here the bent knee occurs, it is somewhat exaggerated. THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 63 The four last-named muscles, taken together, pro- duce at the knee-joint so many exquisite varieties of form, that it would be impertinent to attempt their des- cription. So many wonderful antique examples, how- ever—fortunately for the arts— exist, that such descrip- tion, if possible, would be needless. The Fighting Gladiator, the Laocoon, the Barberini Faun, the Illissus of the Elgin collection, the Crouching Venus, and many others might be quoted in reference. Descending, now, to the lower leg, we have the tibialis anticus (28), which, from its origin in the upper appen- dage of the tibia, runs down the outside of that bone somewhat obliquely, and passing under the common angular ligament which binds together the several muscles at the ancle, is inserted into the large wedge- shaped tarsal bone, adjoining the meta-tarsal of the great toe, which it acts upon by an additional small tendon. It bends the foot upwards. The mass of muscle known as the extensor magnus, is made up of four lobes, or heads, under the names of ^as- trocnemius externiis or gemellus, gastrocnemius internus or solceus. The gastrocnemius, taken as one portion, but having two distinct originations, takes its rise from the two protuberances of femur, at the back of the knee, and descending, dilates into two fleshy masses, vulgarly called the calf of the leg ; the innermost lobe being the longer and thicker. Joined together and 64 THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. united with the solceus (30), they make a broad and strong tendon called the tendo achillis. The portion called solceus (30), arising from the back parts of the tibia and Jibula, lies under and between the two lobes of the gastrocnemius, which two lobes appear to slide up over the solwus, and assume different forms of flatness and edginess, according to the powers be- longing to the different portions of their fibre. Obser- vation of nature is here the only guide. Where the strong tendon, common to these muscles, attaches itself to the os calcis, or heel bone, there is a marked protuberance which must not be omitted in drawing this part of the figure. It will be at once seen, that the enormous power of these combined masses of muscle and tendon is called into requisition by the actions of running, leaping, &c. It may be well to observe, that, in the fine antique statues, the calf of the leg is never large; it is a vulgarism of modern sculpture, and is surely indicative of decline in art. The peroneus (31) is a long fibrous muscle, running down the outer side of the leg, attaching itself in its w^ay, to the upper and external part of the fibula, and passing tendinous, through the channel at the outer ancle, it inserts itself into the upper part of the meta-tarsal bone belonging to the great toe. Its chief use is to move the foot outwards. THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 65 Extensor longus digitorum pedis (32) arises tendinous and fleshy from the upper and outer part of the head of the tibia and from the head of the fibula. It splits into round tendons and passing under the annular liga- ment (34) is inserted by a flat tendon v^io the root of the first joint of each of the four small toes, and is ex- panded over the upper side of the toes, as far as the root of the last joint. It extends all the joints of the four small toes. Abductor poinds pedis [?>?>) arises fleshy from the in- side of the root of the protuberance of the os calcis, where it forms the heel, and is inserted tendinous into the root of the first joint of the great toe. To pull the great toe from the rest. PLATES XX & XXI. The marked difference which exists in the knee of the woman as compared with that of the man, is chiefly dependent on the skeleton form. In the female, as the expansion of the hip bones is greater, so the in- clination of the femur bones towards each other at their lower extremities (in order to produce a just and beau- tiful equilibrium), produces a necessary difference of angle in the setting on of the bones of the lower leg, and a consequent greater protuberance inwards at the knee. F THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. .PLATE XIX. THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. In addition to this, the female knee is more abundantly clothed with adipose membrane^ and is thus propor- tionably larger than in the man. In hardly any action of the leg or arm does it occur that the greatest protuberance of muscle on one side, is answered by a corresponding opposite protuberance on the other. The architect, in his works, is regular as to contour ; the one side always answering the other for uniformity's sake. The Great Architect of man has constructed with more picturesqueness and certainly not less beauty. . This rule will be found to apply not only to the leg and arm, but pretty generally to the figure, taken either as a whole or in its several parts, if we except that bi- lateral symmetry which governs the whole figure. PLATE XX. F 2 68 MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. PLATE XXI. (See Plates 19 and 32.) When tlie knee is beiit, the patella or knee-cap re- cedes partially into the space formed by the separation of \\\'^. femur and tihia bones at the joint. PLATE XIX. MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. ■ SEEN ly EEOXT.) 18. Iliaciis interuus. 19. Triceps, or adductor longus. 20. Pectiiialis. 22. aracilis. 23. Sartoriiis. 24. Rectus foDioris, MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. PLATE XXII. MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 25. Tensor vaginse fern oris. 26. Vastus internus. 27. Yastus externus. 28. Tibialis anticus. 29. Grastrocnemius. 32. Extensor longus digitorum pedis. 33. Abductor pollicis pedis. PLATE XXII. MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. (seen at the side.) 32. Glutseus maximus. 35. Glutaeus medius. 21. Biceps femoris. 27. Vastus externus. 25. Tensor vaginae femoris. 29. Gastrocnemius. 28. Tibialis anticus. 24. Rectus femoris. PLATE XXIIL MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. (seen at the back.) 32. Gluta3us maximus. 2L Biceps femoris. MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. 19. Triceps, or adductor femoris. 33. Semimembranosus. 34. Semitendinosus. 22. Gracilis — part of. 23. Sartorius — edge of. 29. Grastrocnemius. 30. Soleus. 31. Peroneus. In drawing the foot, it may be remarked that the same rule ob- tains with respect to its setting on to the leg as the hand to the fore arm; that is to say, it is not placed immediately or directly under, but somewhat obliquely with the tibia bone ; so that the inner ancle is made to project more than the outer. Nor must it be forgotten that the tarsal cluster of bones have here their place. In fact, it should be observed that through- out the whole skeleton, the bones are so arranged with respect to each other that there shall not exist a right angle at their joints; and thus is avoided the chance of violent concussion in sudden 72 MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITIES. movements, as of jumping, striking, or the like. A sinuous or slightly undulating line is thus maintained throughout the structure, and it is this line which gives the grace and elasticity of appearance so observably beautiful in the human figure. END. LONDON : Printed by A. Schulze, 13, Poland Street. WINSOR & NEWTON'S List of COLOURS AND MATERIALS FOR ^ WATER COLOUR PAINTING, OIL COLOUR PAINTING, PENCIL DRAWING, &c. INCLUDING WATER AND OIL COLOURS, BRUSHES, PENCILS, DRAWING PAPERS AND STATIONERY, PREPARED CANVAS, STEEL WARE, JAPANNED WARE, CABINET WARE, ARTISTS' CHINA WARE, AND PUBLICATIONS ON THE FINE ARTS. TRADE WINSOR & NEWTON, Manufacturing Artists' Colourmen by Special Appointment to HER MAJESTY, ^nlJ Srteir ^aogal l^igtnesscs ti}c ^ximz anU ^rinc^ss of Males. 38, EATHBONE PLACE, LONDON. WINSOR & NEWTON'S WATER COLOURS. Previous to tlie establishment of tlie House of Winsor and Newton (in 1832), the evil repute of want of permanence attached to the Tf^ater Colours in ordinary use ; and the most beautiful productions of Water Colour Art were inevitably fugitive through the instability of the materials employed. Complaints on this head were borne out by facts almost incredible to artists of the present day, whose predecessors used Spanish Liquorice, Dutch and Eose Pinks, Eed Lead, Orpiment, Yerditer, Green Bice, and even washes of tobacco-juice. This deplorable state of so beautiful and purely English an art, urged Winsor and ]S"ewton to earnest inquiry and research, with a view of raising the character of the material employed. The high standard of excellence sought by Winsor and Newton entirely set aside all common 'recipes and pernicious compounds, and rendered indispensable the aid of Chemical Science. Therefore perfectly appomted Chemical Works were established by them in 1844, with steam apparatus and all the appHances auxiliary to modern Chemical Art. The advantageous results of the establishment of these Works were apparent in the production of colours totally different from those of all the other manufacturing colour houses. The old colours were improved and new ones introdaced. Madders, Lakes, Carmines, Chinese White, Genuine Ultramarines, Chromes, Lemon Yellows, Cadmium Yellows, Aureolin, Yiridian, &c., have attested by tlieir superior qualities to the skill bestowed upon'their production. The great advantages secured have been .—First, Increased powder and brilliancy; and Secondly, The improvement in permanence of colours previously bearing but a faulty reputation in this respect, and this may he said of nearly all the chemically made colours. Of Winsor & Newton's Watee Colours, therefore, it may be stated, that sound chemical knowledge and complete laboratory plant and apparatus,— powerful and specially adapted machinery,— and the matured experience of many years, ensure purity of Pigmenf, exquisite fineness, and a most ^perfect form of preparation for the Artisfs palette. 4 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON ! WINSOK & NEWTON'S FINELY PREPARED WATER COLOURS IN DET CAKES AND HALF CAKES. CAKE. HALr CAKE. Caees, Is, each. — Halp Cakes, 6d, each. Antwerp Blue Bistre Blue Black British Ink Bronze Brown Ochre Brown Pink Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Chinese White Chrome Yellow Cologne Earth Deep Chrome Dragon's Blood Emerald Grreen Flake White Gamboge Hooker's Grreen, No. 1. Hooker's Green, No. 2. Indian Red Indigo Italian Pink Ivory Black King's Yellow Lamp Black Light Red Naples Yellow Neutral Tint New Blue Ohve Green Orange Chrome Payne's Grey Prussian Blue Prussian Green Raw Sienna Raw Umber Roman Ochre Sap Green Terre Yerte Vandyke Brown Venetian Red Vermilion Yellow Lake Yellow Ochre AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 5 Cakes, Is. 6d, each. — Half Cakes, 9d. each. Black Lead Brown Madder Constant White Crimson Lake Indian Yellow Mars Yellow Neutral Orange Purple Lake Roman Sepia Eubens' Madder Scarlet Lake Scarlet YermiHon Sepia Warm Sepia Cakes, 2s, each. — Hale Cakes, 1*. each. Cobalt Blue Orange Yermilion Yiolet Carmine Cakes, 3^. each. — Hale Cakes, l^. 6d, each. Aureolin Burnt Carmine Cadmium Yellow, Pale Cadmium Yellow Cadmium Orange Carmine French Blue (or French Ultramarine) Grallstone Grreen Oxide Chromium Indian Purple Intense Blue Lemon Yellow Pink Madder Pure Scarlet Bose Madder (or Madder Lake) Yiridian Cakes, 5.9. each. — Hale Cakes, 2^. 6d. each. Field's Orange Yermilion Madder Carmine Mars Orange Purple Madder Smalt Ultramarine Ash Cakes, 21s. each. — Half Cakes, 10^. 6d. each. Quaeter Cakes, 5*. 6d. each. Grenuine Ultramarine. 6 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON: WINSOR & NEWTON'S WHOLE CAKE BOXES OF WATER COLOURS. I £ s. d. 6 Cake "Lid" Box, with bmslies, &c | 0 10 6 AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, Sec. 8 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON: "CADDY LID" BOXES. 12 Cake " Caddy Lid " Box, witli fuU fittings . 18 Ditto ditto ditto 24 Ditto ditto ditto £ s. d. 1 11 6 2 2 0 3 3 0 "CABINET LID" BOXES. 12 Cake " Cabinet Lid " Box, with, varied fittings 18 Ditto ditto ditto 24 Ditto ditto ditto £ s. d. 2 12 6 3 3 0 4 14 6 ARCHITECrS AND SURVEYOR'S BOX. Containing 16 Cake Colours, Indian Ink, Brushes, and complete fittings ........ £ s. d. 5 5 0 AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 9 "HANDSOME" boxes. 12 Cake " Handsome " Box, with first class fittings 18 Ditto ditto ditto 24 Ditto ditto ditto 36 Ditto ditto ditto 12 Cake " Extra Handsome" Box, with choice fittings 18 Ditto ditto ' ditto 24 Ditto ditto ditto 36 Ditto ditto ditto 50 Ditto ditto ditto 10 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON : WINSOR & NEWTON'S HALF CAKE BOXES OF WATER COLOURS. " LID " BOX. 6 Half Cake " Slide " Box, witli brushes. 12 Ditto ditto ditto .... 18 Ditto ditto ditto .... 24 Ditto ditto ditto .... s. d. 4 0 6 6 9 6 12 6 6 Half Cake " Lid " Box, with brushes .... s. d. 5 0 12 Half Cake " Lock " Box, with fittings .... 18 Ditto ditto ditto .... s. d. 9 0 12 0 j s. d. 12 Half Cake, "Lock and Drawee" Box, with fittings . | 12 0 18 Ditto ditto ditto ditto . . i 15 0 12 Half Cake "Comlete" Box, with fittings . 18 Ditto ditto ditto .... s. d. 14 0 18 0 12 Half Cake " Caddy Lid " Box, with full fittings . 18 Ditto ditto ditto s. d. 20 0 25 0 N.JB. — Whole Calce Water Colour Boxes^ manufactured of Spanish Mahogany, Rosetoood, I^hony, Walnut, and other choice Woods, in the first style of luofTcmanship, and variously fitted loith every requisite for Miniature, Figure, or Landscape Fainting, Engineering Sfc, from £30 to £100. Also Brass Bound Boxes for Lndia, Sfc. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. WINSOR & NEWTON'S MOIST WATER COLOURS m POUCELATN PANS. WiNSOE AKD Newton's Moist Water Colours are prepared after peculiar processes, and ly a system of treatment Tcnown only to the MaJcers. Their characteristic qualities of easy solubility and prompt readiness for use are retained, unimpaired, for an unlimited period of time ; so that a box of them, which may have been laid aside for two or three years, when required for use will be found no less serviceable than when first purchased. Climate also fails to affect these colours, which are found to be, and to remain, no less " Moist " in Tropical countries than in England ; accordingly, they are confidently recom- mended to persons who are going to India, and to all residents in the East. While having this valuable quality of solubility in their solid form, they possess another and all important one, in drying perfectly firm on the paper when in use. Their tints, too, are pure and luminous, and their washes clear and even. In Sketching from Nature, and, when representing transient and evanescent effects, the superiority of the Moist Colours is at once felt and appreciated. Ever ready for instant application, they enable the desired tint to be produced at once—Sb result unattainable by the old tedious method of rubbing dry cakes, which not unfrequently permits the effect, and with it the thought of the artist to vanish, before the material can be obtained. It was this quahty which, on their first introduction, secured for Winsor and Newton's Moist Colours the eminent popularity that they still enjoy with both professional and amateur artists. The Moist Colours are placed in pans (in their size resembling the ordinary dry-cakes) of thin porcelain, and they are afterwards enclosed in tin-foil for greater security. When required for use, the foil is removed. A surface of colour is then presented to the artist, which is obtainable in any quantity, simply by the application of a wet brush. 12 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON: WINSOR & NEWTON'S MOIST WATER COLOURS, WHOLE JLlsTHD H^IjIF' CJ^ICE IPOI^/GEXj^IIsr JOISTS. WHOLE CAKE PAN. HALF CAKE PAN. Whole Pans, 1^. each — Halp Pans, 6d, each. Antwerp Blue Bistre Blue Black Brown Ochre Brown Pink Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Chinese White Chrome Yellow Cologne Earth Deep Chrome Emerald Green Hooker's Grreen, No. 1. Hooker's Green, 'No. 2. Indian Red Indigo ItaHan Pink Ivory Black Lamp Black Light Red Naples Yellow Neutral Tint New Blue Olive Grreen Orange Chrome Payne's Grrey Prussian Blue Prussian Grreen Raw Sienna Raw Lumber Roman Ochre Sap Grreen Terre Yerte Yandyke Brown Yenetian Red Yermilion Yellow Lake Yellow^ Ochre AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 13 Whole Pans, Is, 6d. each.— Halp Pans, 9d. eacli. Brown Madder Crimson Lake Indian Yellow Leitch's Blue (or Cyanine Blue) Mars Yellow Neutral Orange Purple Lake Boman Sepia Bubens' Madder Scarlet Lake Scarlet Yermilion Sepia Warm Sepia Whole Pans, 2^. each— Halp Pans, I*, each. Cobalt Blue Orange Yermilion Yiolet Carmine Whole Pans, Ss. each — Halp Pans, 1^. 6d. each. Aureolin Burnt Carmine Cadmium Yellow, Pale Cadmium Yellow Cadmium Orange Carmine French Blue (or Erench Ultramarine) Gallstone G-reen Oxide Chromium Indian Purple Intense Blue Lemon Yellow Pink Madder Pure Scarlet Bose Madder (or Madder Lake) Yiridian Whole Pans, 5s. each. — Hale Pans, 2s. 6d. each. Mars Orange Purple Madder Smalt Ultramarine Ash 14 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON.- WINSOR & NEWTON'S PATENT- FLEXIBLE- DIVISION JAPANNED TIN BOXES OP MOIST WATER COLOURS. fSee illustration on opposite ^a^e J It has long been felt as a considerable inconvenience, that in ordinary Boxes of Moist Colours the pans cannot be removed (without breakage or damage), in consequence of their having to be fastened to the bottom of the box to prevent their falling out. Yirtually it is impossible for the purchaser to alter the arrangement of the colours, and generally nothing but the breakage of the empty pan, (and sometimes the division of the box as well,) will enable him to replace a spent colour. WiNSOR & Newton's Patent-Flexihle-Division Box obviates these annoyances, and permits of colours being inserted and taken out, or re-arranged at pleasure. — Winsor Sf Newton's Japanned Tin Boxes for Moist Water Colours are light and strong, with flaps of a dead white colour, serving as palettes. The Selections of Colours placed in them have heen made with much care, and after due study of the various lists of the first Water Colour Artists. N.B. — In all cases of Boxes of Moist Water Colours the prices q^uoted are for the Box and the Moist Colours contained therein only ; no general fittings heing included. 16 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON: WINSOR & NEWTON'S PATE NT- FLEXIBLE- DIVISION . JAPANNED TIN BOXES OF MOIST WATER COLOURS. (See illustration on previous page.) (Empty, 35. 6^^.) (Empty, 45.) 2 Cake Box. Fitted, 5^. 6 Brown Madder, Cobalt, Indigo, Brown Pmk, Vandyke Brown, Neutral Tint, and Sepia. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 17 (Empty, 9^.) 16 Cake Box. Fitted, £1 11^. Qd. Gramboge, Aureolin (J), Pale Cadmium Yellow (J), Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow (J), Cadmium Orange (i), Burnt Sienna, Eose Madder, Crimson Lake, Light Eed, Yermilion (|), Indian Ked (J), Brown Madder, Cobalt, Indigo, Emerald G-reen (J), Yiridian Q), Brown Pink, Yandyke Brown, and Neutral Tint. (Empty, 10^. M.) 18 Cake Box. Fitted, £1 15.?. Gamboge, Aureolin (J), Pale Cadmium Yellow (J), YeUow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow (.|), Cadmium Orange (J), Burnt Sienna, Eose Madder, Crimson Lake, Light Eed, Yermilion (J), Indian Eed (J), Brown Madder, Purple Lake, Cobalt, Indigo, Emerald Green (J), Yiridian (J), Brown Pink, Yandyke Brown, Neutral Tint, and Sepia. (Empty, 13^.) 20 Cake Box. Fitted, £2 2s. G-amboge, Aureolin, Eaw Sienna (i). Pale Cadmium Yellow (^), Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow (J), Cadmium Orange (|), Burnt Sienna, Eose Madder, Crimson Lake, Light Eed, Yermilion (^), Indian Eed (J), Brown Madder, Purple Lake, Cobalt, French Blue' Indigo, Emerald Green (i), Yiridian (|), Brown Pink, Yandyke Brown, Neutral Tint, and Sepia. (Empty, 155.) 24 Cake Box. Fitted, £2 12^. Qd. Gamboge, Aureolin, Lemon Yellow (i), Eaw Sienna (J), Yellow Ochre, Pale Cadmium Yellow (J), Cadmium Orange (J), Cadmium Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Eose Madder, Crimson Lake, Light Eed, Yermilion (J), Indian Eed (J), Brown Madder, Purple Lake, Cobalt, French Blue, Prussian Blue, Indigo, Yiridian (J), Emerald Green (^), Terre Yerte (^), Oxide of Chromium (i), Olive Green, Brown Pink, Yandyke Brown, Neutral Tint, and Sepia. (Empty, 185.) 30 Cake Box. Fitted, £4 4?. Gamboge, Pale Cadmium Yellow (J), Lemon Yellow (J), Aureolin, Eaw Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Mars Orange, Burnt Sienna, Eose Madder, Carmine, Crimson Lake, Light Eed, Orange YermiHon, Yermilion (J), Indian Eed (^), Brown Madder, Purple Madder, Burnt Carmine, Yiolet Carmine, Smalt (J), Intense Blue (J), Emerald Green (i), Yiridian (J), Ultramarine Ash, Cobalt, French Blue, Prussian Blue, Oxide of Chromium (J), Terre Yerte (J), Brown Pink, Yandyke Brown, Neutral Tint, and Sepia. 18 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON: WINSOR AND NEWTON'S JAPANNED TIN BOXES OF MOIST WATER COLOURS. JAPANNED TIN BOX OF MOIST WATER COLOURS, The Lists of Colours are the same as placed in the Patent-riexible- Division Boxes of Moist Water Colours, (Pages 16, and 17). WHOLE CAKE- Empty. 2 Cake 3 „ 4 „ 6 „ 8 „ 10 „ 12 „ Empty. s. d 3 3 3 Half Cake 4 0 6 4 6 8 5 0 10 5 6 12 „ Eittedwitk Colours. Empty. £ s. d. s. d. 0 5 6 6 9 14 Cake . « 0 6 6 7 6 16 „ . . 0 8 6 8 3 18 „ . . 0 10 6 9 0 20 „ . . 0 14 0 9 9 22 „ . . 0 18 0 10 6 24 „ . . 1 .1 0 13 6 30 „ . . HALF CAKE. Pitted witk Colours. Empty. £ s. d. s. d. 14 Half Cake 0 5 0 6 0 0 7 6 6 6 16 0 9 0 7 0 18 „ 0 10 6 7 6 20 „ 0 12 6 8 6 24 „ Eittedwith Colours. £ s. d. 15 0 1 11 6 1 15 0 2 2 0 2 5 0 2 12 6 4 4 0 Fitted with Colours. £ s. d. 0 15 0 0 18 0 110 15 0 1 11 6 AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 19 WINSOR & NEWTON'S THUMB-HOLE BOXES. Empty. s. d. 9 0 10 6 12 0 THUMB-HOLE BOX. 11 Cake Moist Water Colour Thumb-hole Box 17 „ ditto .... 21 ditto .... Fitted itli Colours. £ s. d. 15 0 1 15 0 2 5 0 WINSOR & NEWTON'S PALETTE-BOXES. Empty. s. d. 5 0 5 6 6 0 6 6 PALETTE BOX. 6 Half Cake Moist Water Colour Palette Box with Patent Flexible Divisions 8 Ditto ditto ditto . 10 Ditto ditto ditto . 12 Ditto ditto ditto . £ s. d. 0 8 6 0 10 6 0 12 6 0 15 0 20 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON: THE OVAL-POCKET-BOX. {Size of the box.) AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 21 WINSOE & NEWTON' kS REGISTERED JAPANNED TIN BOXES OP MOIST WATER COLOURS. THE OVAL-POCKET-BOX. EEaiSTBEED KO. 257,752. {As illustrated on o'p'posvte page.) Yery convenient for the pocket, both in shape and size. Contains twelve Colours, and has a division for brushes. Fitted with twelve Colours, Price 15^. THE LOCKET BOX. BEGISTEEED NO. 257,753. THE LOCKET EOX. {Size of the box.) A neat, light, bijou Box, that can be carried on a watch-guard or chain, and containing six Colours. Fitted loitk six Colours^ Frice Qs. 6d. 22 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON: WINSOR & NEWTON'S i^EG-iSTEi^EnD cr^i^j^isrisrED misr bonces oif MOIST WATEE COLOUES. ' CONTINUED. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 23 WINSOR & NEWTON'S MOIST WATER COLOURS I3Sr COXjXjJ^iFSIBXiEl TUBES. Moist Tube Colours, though somewhat wasteful and troublesome in use, are of assistance as furnishing quickly a quantity of colour, and affording facilities for power of touch and vigour of effect. They should, however, be used within reasonable time, as they do not keep so long or so well as the ordinary solid or "Pan " form of Moist Colour. Antwerp Blue Bistre Blue Black Brown Ochre Brown Pink Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Chinese White Chrome Yellow 1*. e Deep Chrome Emerald Green G-amboge Indian Red Indigo Italian Pink Ivory Black Lamp Black Light Red ach. Naples Yellow Neutral Tint New Blue Olive Green Orange Chrome Payne's Grey Prussian Blue Prussian Green Raw Sienna Raw Umber Roman Ochre Terre Verte Vandyke Brown Venetian Red Vermilion Yellow Lake Yellow Ochre Brown Madder Crimson Lake Indian Yellow Is. 6d. Leitch's Blue (or Cyanine Blue) Mars Yellow Neutral Orange each. Purple Lake Roman Sepia Scarlet Lake Scarlet Vermilion Sepia Warm Sepia 2^. each. Cobalt Blue | Orange Vermilion | Violet Carmine Aureolin Burnt Carmine Cadmium Yellow, Pale Cadmium Yellow 3s. e Cadmium Orange Carmine French Blue (or French Ultramarine) ich. Gallstone Green Oxide Chrom. Indian Purple Pink Madder Rose Madder (or Madder Lake) Viridian 5s. each. Mars Orange | Purple Madder | Ultramarine Ash j Smalt JAPANNED TIN BOXES OF MOIST TUBE WATER COLOURS, Containing 12 Moist Tubes £1 Is. ; 15 ditto, £1 11*. 6d. ; 20 ditto, £2 2*. ; 24 ditto, £2 12*. Gd. ; 30 ditto, £3 13*. ed. 24 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON: WINSOR & NEWTON'S GLASS-COVERED MOIST WATER COLOURS Illummation uxtH Jlissal J^amtins, Decorative and Ornamental Work, &c. {See illustration on opposite pa^e.) The complete separation effected by tlie Colours being contained in separate Grailipots, tlie protection afforded hj the glass lids, and the convenience of seeing tints through them, cause this form of colour to be most useful in all cases where it is of importance to avoid dust, dirt, and accidental admixture of tints. Winsor and Newton's Glass- Covered Moist Colours, being preserved clean and unsullied while in use, have been adopted generally, for Illumination, and all kindred arts. Colours and Prices same as those of Moist Water Colours in Fans. Pages 12 and 13. WINSOR & NEWTON'S FITTED BOXES OF GLASS'COVERED COLOURS AND MATERIALS FOR Elumtnation anU jltssal Pamtmg, DECOEATIYE AND OENAMENTAL WOEK, &C. Half Guinea Box. — Containing seven Half Colours in Pans, and fittings. Guinea Box. — Containing eight Grlass- covered Colours, and Materials. Guinea and a Half Box— Containing twelve ditto ditto. Two Guinea Box. — Containing sixteen ditto ditto. Three Guinea Box. — Containing twenty-one ditto ditto. Five Guinea Box. — Containing twenty-four ditto and complete Materials. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, Sec. 25 GLASS-CO VEILED MOIST WATER COLOUR. (See opposite page.) WINSOR & NEWTON'S JAPANNED TIN BOX OF COLOURS AND MATERIALS FOR PAINTING ON GLASS. Price £2 2s. WINSOR & NEWTON'S FRENCH POLISHED MAHOGANY CADDY LID BOX OF COLOURS AND MATERIALS FOR Price £3 3;?. INDIAN INK. " SUPER SUPER " INDIAN INK. — {SlZe of Stick.) Per stick. Per stick. s. d. .V. d. Good, small size 80 to the lb. 0 6 Best, larger, 40 to the lb. 1 6 Best, small size, „ „ 10 Best, larger, 32 „ 2 6 Very Choice "Super, Super" per stick 7 6 26 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON.- WINSOR & NEWTON'S PERMANENT CHINESE WHITE. WiKSOR AND Newton's Oxide of Zinc, sold under the name of C H I 3Sr DE S E -W H I T E . A peculiar ^preparation of White Oxide of Zinc, the only eligille White Pigment for Water Colour Painters, PRICE 1*. PER BOTTLE. It is now upwards of thirty-seven years since WiNSOR and Newton turned their attention to remedying a want that was much felt bj the Water Colour Painters of that day, viz. : of a White that should combine perfect permanency with good body in working. The invention and introduction of the pigment named by them " Chinese White " was the result, and its superior body and freedom of working immediately attracted the notice of the leading Water Colour Painters. The late Mr. J. D. Harding being particularly desirous of ascertaining its permanency, and by submitting it to the examination of one of the greatest Chemists in Europe (the late M. Faraday), having satisfied himself that it might be employed with perfect safety, strongly re- commended it in preference to all other white pigments. In his Principles and Practice of Art, he wrote : — "When this pigment, which is prepared by Winsor and Newton under the name of * Chinese White ' was first put into my hands, some years ago, I applied to one of my friends, whose name as a chemist and philosopher is amongst the most distinguished in our country, to analyze it for me, and to tell me if I might rely on its durability ; the reply was, that if it would in all other respects answer the purpose I required of it, I had nothing to fear on account of its durability." Ever since that time (1834) Winsor and Newton's Chinese White has been in use by all the Eminent Water Colour Artists, and it is a source of great satisfaction to Winsor and Newton that they are able to say, that in no instance has any ivorJc of art, in which their White has been used, suffered from its employment, while prior to its introduc- tion the complaints of Whites changing were of every day occurrence. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, Sec. 27 WINSOR & NEWTON'S WATER COLOUR LIQUIDS, MEDIUMS, &c. BOTTLE OF LIQUID COLOUE. (Size of the bottle J Liquid Indelible Brown Ink, for Outlines or for Sketching pei' ^^o^tle Liquid Prout's Brown )> Liquid Sepia a Liquid Asphaltum. (In bottles similar to illus- tration on opposite page) . . . . jj Liquid Carmine sj Liquid Indian Ink, for Architects, Surveyors, &c. „ Colourless Liquid Ox G-all . . . . }} Artist's prepared Gum Water ; pure, clear, and strong small bottles . „ Ditto ditto middle bottles ,, Ditto ditto large bottles . Water Colour Megilp j, Illuminating Body, for Illumination, Missal Painting, &c. „ Raising Preparation, for Illumination, Missal Painting, &c „ Water Mat Gold Size .... per gallipot Prepared Ox Gall „ | 0 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 0 1 0 0 6 0 9 1 0 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 28 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON: WINSOE & NEWTON'S FINEST BROWN OR RED SABLE BRUSHES i3sr q,tjixjILiS FOE WATER COLOUR PAINTING. Extra Small S^an. • Large Swan. WATER COLOUK, SABLES IN QUILLS. iSizes of the Brushes.) AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. WINSOE & NEWTON'S FINEST BEOWN OE EED SABLES IN QUILLS. % (See illustrations on opposite page.) Crow Dack . Goose . Extra Groose each 0 » 0 » 1 „ 1 Extra Small Swan Small „ Middle „ Large „ s. d. each 4 6 „ 6 6 „ 8 6 „ 10 6 FINE SIBERIAN HAIR beushes IN QUILLS. Crow Duck Goose each 0 2 „ 0 4 „ 0 6 Extra Small Swan Small 5, Middle „ Large „ each CAMEL HAIR beushes IN QUILLS. Crow Duck Goose each 0 1 „ 0 1 „ 0 2 s. d. Extra Small Swan . each 0 9 Small „ . „ 10 Middle „ . „ 16 Large „ . „ 2 0 30 WINSOR k NEWTON, LONDON: WINSOR & NEWTON'S FINEST BEOWN OR RED WATER COLOUR SABLES m ALBATA.— FLAT. No, 1 „ 2 » 3 „ 4 each 1 0 1 3 1 6 2 0 No. 5 » 6 » 7 each 2 6 „ 3 0 „ 4 0 N.B. — These Brushes have JEhony Handles, and are marked with three nerls on their Albata Ferrules. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, Sec. 31 32 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON: WmSOE & NEWTON'S FINEST BEOWN OR EED WATEE COLOUE SABLES IN ALBATA.— ROUND. DITTO-EXTRA LARGE SERIES. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. BROAD RED SABLE beushes IN ALBATA. BROAD EED SABLE IN ALBATA. (Size of the 1 inch BruskJ 2^, J, 1, IJ, 2, and 2^ inches wide. Price 5^. per inch. SKY OE WASH BRUSHES. WASH DYED SABLES IN ALBATA. (Sizes of the Brushes.J s. d. Siberians in Tin, Flat . each 1 6 Ditto in Quill, Round . . . . . .,,26 Wash Dved Sables in Tin, Flat or Round . . . „ 3 Ditto in Albata, Flat or Round . . . . „ 5 0 * FLAT CAMEL HAIR BRUSHES IN TIN. POLISHED CEDAE HANDLES. From J inch to 4 inches wide. Price \0d. per inch. 36 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON: ARTISTS^ DRAWING PAPERS. Messrs. Winsor & Newton pay particular attention to this department of their business, and keep constantly on hand a very large and varied stock of first class Drawing Papers, comprising every description needed for the Fine Arts. EXPLANATION OF SURFACES. — "Not" — or ordinary surface; having a slight grain. H.P. — " Hotpressed "—or perfectly smooth surface. H. — " Eough " — or very coarse surface ; of large and open grain. OEDINAEY DEAWIISrG PAPERS (WHATMAN'S). Per Sheet. Demy Medium Eoyal Imperial Double Elephant Antiquarian N. and HP. about 20 inches by 15J „ 22 „ 17i s. 0 d. 2 N. and HP. 0 3 N. and HP. » 24 „ 19J 0 4 N. HP. and R. 30f „ 22i 0 6 N. HP. and K 40 „ 27 0 9 N. . „ 52J „ dOi 4 0 AETISTS' SEAMLESS DRAWING PAPERS (WHATMAN'S). suEPACES. WEIGHT Per Sheet. s. d. Thick Imperial HP.andR. 90 lbs. to the ream 0 9 Extra Thick Imperial IS". HP. and R. 140 „ 13 Ex. Thick Dble. Elephant N. . .235 „ 2 6 GRIFFIN ANTIQUARIAN. A PTJBE, CHOICE, AND FIBST CLASS HAND MADE DRAWING- PAPER MANTTEACTITRED BY WHATMAN FOR WINSOR & NEWTON. Per sheet of about 53 inches by 31 ins., N. or R. . .75. N.B. — The initials of the Firm (W. & N.) are in the Water mark : and at the corner of every sheet is stamped their trade mark (Griffin). AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 37 OLD AND CHOICE DRAWING PAPERS. Messrs. Winsoe & Newton liave succeeded in getting together a choice stock of Whatman's Drawing Papers of mature age. PEICES, DOUBLE THOSE ON OPPOSITE PAGE. {The stock consists principally of extra tUcJc Imperial and Double 'Elephant Fapers.) Imitation Creswick's Drawing Papers. Stout Imperial 1^. per sheet. Stout Double Elephant 2s. per sheet. J. D. Harding's Drawing Papers. Imperial Qd. per sheet. Extra Thick Imperial Is, per sheet. Tinted Crayon Papers. (Machine made) . A great variety of Tints. Royal Zd. per sheet. Imperial ^d. per sheet. Double Elephant ^d. per sheet. {Fattern BooJcs on application^ Handmade Tinted Papers.— Stout Imperial Id. per sheet. Vellum Paper. (A highly finished and toned Paper, resembhng Yellum.) Extra Thick Royal 1*. per sheet. HollingWOrth or White Pencil Paper.— Demy Id. Medium 2d. Royal ^d. Imperial 4i. Double Elephant Qd. per sheet. Cartridge Papers.— Medium Id. Royal l^d. Thin Log 2d. Thick Log 2ld. Thin Engineers' M. Thick Engineers' M. per sheet. Cartoon, or Continuous Drawing Cartridge Paper, 4 ft. 6 in. wide. Thick White Is. per yard. Thin White 6^. per yard. Outsides, Drawing Papers, various. 141b. Parcels of variously assorted kinds and surfaces, each 12s. {These Outsides have to he taken as assorted in the parcels, and * cannot he specially selected^ Tracing Papers. Tracing Cloth. Transfer Papers, 38 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON: TURNBULL'S LONDON DRAWING BOARDS, Foolscap Demy Medium Royal 15 inches by 12 18 „ 14 20i „ 15^ 22 „ 17i 2 sheet. 3 sheet. 4 sheet. 6 sheet. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. each. 0 4 0 6 0 9 1 0 >> 0 6 0 9 1 0 1 6 0 9 1 2 1 6 2 3 » 1 0 1 6 2 0 3 0 TUENBULL'S MOUNTING BOARDS. Demy Half Imperial Eoyal Imperial . 18 inches by 14 20i „ 14 22 „ I7i 28 „ 20^ 3 sheet. 4 sheet. 6 sheet. s. d. s. d. each 0 5 0 6 0 8 0 6 0 8 0 10 0 7 0 9 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 9 SUPEEFINE MOUNTING BOARDS. Half Imperial Royal . Imperial Double Elephant . 21 J inches by 14 J each 23 „ 18i „ 28J „ 21i „ 38J „ 26 3 sheet, 4 sheet. 6 sheet. s. d. 5. s. d. 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 6 0 8 1 0 2 0 3 0 SUPERIOR PORTFOLIOS. CLOTH SIDES, EOAN BACKS AND CORNEES, AND SILK STEINGS. All sizes ; from 4to. Imperial to Double Elephant. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. EXTRA THICK SOLID BLOCKS. WITH OR WITHOUT COVERS. EXTKA THICK SOLID BLOCK WITH HALF BOUND COVER. MADE OF WHATMAN'S EXTRA THICK papers. Each containing 32 Surfaces. 16mo. Imperial . . 7 inches by 5 each „ Double Elephant 9 „ 6 „ 8vo. Imperial . .10 7 „ 6mo. Imperial . .14 „ 6| „ 8vo. Double Elephant 12 „ 9 „ 4to. Imperial . .14 10 „ 3mo. Imperial . .18 10 „ 4to. Double Elephant 18 „ 12 „ Half Imperial . . 20 „ 14 „ Solid Blocks with Half Bound Covers. 4 6 6 0 7 0 10 6 12 0 14 0 21 0 24 0 28 0 Solid Blocks without Covers. s. d. 3 4 5 7 9 10 15 18 21 40 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON : GRIFFIN ANTIQUARIAN SOLID BLOCKS WITH OR WITHOUT COVERS. MADE OT WINSOR & NEWTON'S GRIFFIN ANTIQUARIANi A pure, choice. 32mo. 24mo. 16mo. 8vo. 16mo. 8vo. 4to. 8vo. 4to. Half and first class Drawing Manufacture. Faper of Whatman's Each containing 16 Surfaces. Imperial . Imperial . . 7 Imperial . . 7 Imperial . . 10 Antiquarian . 12 . Double Elephant 12 Imperial . . 14 Antiquarian . 15 Double Elephant 18 Imperial . . 20 5 inches bj 3 J each H 5 7 9 10 12 12 14 Solid Blocks "oitli Half Bound Covers. s. d. 3 6 4 5 12 15 18 24 30 36 SoHd Blocks witliout Covers. 2 3 4 7 10 12 15 21 25 30 BLOCKED SKETCH BOOKS. These Sketch Books are made like Solid Blocks, but with one edge stitched and bound, and three- edges pasted only. When these latter are released by being cut round in the usual manner, the Book becomes a " Sketch Book" instead of a "Block." MADE OF WHATMAN'S THICK papers. 16mo. Royal „ Imperial 8vo. Royal „ Imperial 5 J inches by 4 J 7 „ 5 10 7 s. d. each 3 0 5J 3 6 f 3} 4 6 33 5 6 BlocJced SJcetch BooJcs made of Machine Tinted Papers are about one fourth less in jprice than the above. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 41 HALF BOUND SKETCH BOOKS. LEATHER BACKS AND ELASTIC BANDS. WINSOB 8- NEWTON HALT BOUND SKETCH BOOK. 32mo. Imperial . 24mo. Imperial . 16mo. Imperial . 8vo. Royal 12mo. Imperial 8vo. Imperial . 4to. Koyal 4to. Imperial . 5 inclies by 3 J each 7 J5 H 5) 7 5> 5 33 9 J5 5} 33 10 5J 4i 33 10 5) 7 33 14 J? 9 33 l^ 35 10 33 Made of Wliatman's Papers. s. d. Made of MacMne Tinted Crayon Papers. d. 1 6 1 6 2 0 2 0 2 6 2 6 3 6 3 0 4 0 3 6 4 6 4 0 6 0 4 6 8 0 6 6 SKETCHING FOLIOS, WITH JAPANNED TIN FRAMES. Half Bound, with Leather Flap, and FocTcet for containing Loose Sketches or Reserve of Fa]per. s. d. I s. d. Svo. Imperial. . eacli 5 0 4to. Imperial . each 7 6 4to. Royal . . „ 6 0 ' 4to. Double Elephant „ 12 0 6mo. Imperial. . „ 6 6 Half Imperial . „ 15 0 42 WINSOR 8c NEWTON, LONDON.- ajPl;^ It IB? WINSOE & NEWTON'S EXTRA CUMBERLAND LEAD ARTISTS' DRAWING PENCILS. These Drawing Pencils are manufactured of the finest Cumberland Lead, warranted pei-fectly free from grit. As they contain double the quantity of Lead usually placed in Pencils of this description, they give forth a good volume of colour, and when in use they work smoothly and evenly, and may be handled with perfect freedom. Hal iHU HHHH. Extremely hard (for Engineer' ing or Drawing on Wood) HHH. Very hard (for Architectural Drawing) HH. Hard (for fine Outline Draw- ing) H. Moderately hard (for light sketching) FF. Very firm (for light shading) F. Firm (for fine Drawing) HB. Hard and Black (for free sketching) B. Black (for ordinary shading) BB, Soft Black (for deep shading) EHB. Extra Hard and Black (for] very bold sketching) I BBB. Very Black (for extra deepf shading) J BBBB. Extra Soft and Black (for fuH,! rich, deep shading) | ORDINARY CUMBERLAND LEAD DRAWIi^a PENCILS. Each r 4 H to BB as above EHB and BBB . BBBB. 6d. 9d, Is. each 4}d, „ 8d, AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 43 WINSOE & NEWTON'S Ml llSifl IMPROVED POLISHED DRAWING PENCILS. These improved Drawing Pencils are strongly recommended for their richness of colour, variety of tint, evenness of texture, and strength of Lead. They combine freedom of handling with firmness of materiel (they can be cut to the finest point without fear of its being broken.) They are now in general use with Artists and Professors of eminence, on whose recommendation they have been adopted by the Schools of Art, Colleges, and large Drawing Academies. Each HHHH. HHH. HH. H. FF. F. HB. B. BB. EHB. BBB. BBBB. 6 B. Extremely hard (for Engineer' ing or Drawing on Wood) Very hard (for Architectural Drawing) Hard (for fine Outline DraW' ing) Moderately hard (for light sketching) Yery firm (for light shading) Firm (for fine Drawing) Hard and Black (for free sketching) Black (for ordinary shading) Soft Black (for deep shading) Extra Hard and Black (for very bold sketching) Yery Black (for extra deep shading) Extra Soft and Black (for full, rich, deep shading) Ditto with very broad Lead } 2d. Qd. 9d. ACCOUNT BOOK, EEPORTER'S, COMPASS, POCKET BOOK, PROGEAMME, COLOURED, AND CHALK PENCILS. 44 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON: J. D. HARDING'S DRAWING PENCILS. Hard, Medium, Soft, Extra Soft Case of 6 complete . each 0 6 3 0 J. D. HAEDING'S PATENT LEAD TABLETS Am) . PATENT STUMPS. WINSOR & NEWTON, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. By means of these Tajblets, tlie dry, ineffective drawing ordinarily produced, is exchanged for some- tliing more akta to painting in Black Lead, and effects can with them be obtained, which are not within the compass of the Lead Pencil. The Stump is constructed on a novel principle, being a slightly curved handle vrifh an elastic foot of whalebone covered with leather. This form admits of the stump being used with great freedom, its ap- plication ranging from a fine edge or line to the broad and even sweep of the full surface of the leather, the stump itself being free from the ridges which cause inequality in the working of the ordinary ones. IP IBICES. One, two, and three star, and extra hard Tablets Extra soft ditto Holders (with propellers) Stumps (two sizes, as described above) Box with file and pad complete Each. s. d. 0 6 0 9 1 6 0 8 2 6 Complete Woiikixg Set, comprising two each one, two, and three star Tablets ; three holders with propellers ; twostimips; box with file and pad ; and japanned box for containing the foregoing. Price 125. AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 45 CRAYONS, &c. Best Hard Pastel Crayons— Boxes containing 12, is. ; 18, is. ed. 24, 2^. ; 30, 2s. 6d. ; 36, 3^. ; 48, 4^. Soft French Crayons— Boxes containing 26, Ss. 6d.', 42, 6s.; 56, 7*. ed.; 62, 105. 6d. Conte Crayons —Square, per dozen, 6d. ; Eound, per dozen, 1^. ; Round aiazed, per dozen, 1^. 6d.; in Polished Cedar, per dozen, 2s. Chaecoal, Italian Chalk, White Chalk, Eed Chalk, LiTHO&EAPHic Chalk, STUMPiNa Chalk. LEATHERWORK, &c. Round Leather Pencil Cases, SmaU, dd. ? Middle, i^. ; Large, Is. 6d. Flat ditto, Lettered, Small, 2..; Middle, 2.. 6d.; Large, 3.. Folding Morocco Pouch Cases, Small, 4^. ; Large, 5^. Ditto, with Colour Box Pocket, Small, 7^. ; Large, 9^. Best Leather Stumps, from 2d. to 9d. each. Best White Paper ditto, 3^^. each. Sketching Bags. (Of light weighty hut strongly made; and complete with straps and spring swivel fasteners.) Designed to contain a Eox of Moist Water Colours, Water Bottle, Block, Sketch Book, Brushes and small Sundries. ^ £ s. d. 8vo. Imperial size, of waterproof russet brown or " Mail Bag," canvas ....••••11^ 4to. Imperial ditto ditto ditto . 1 11 6 8vo. Imperial size, of enamelled black leather . . . 1 11 6 4to. Imperial ditto ditto . . .220 46 WINSOR Sc NEWTON, LONDON: CHINAWARE. s. d. S. d. 6 inch. Oval or Oblong 3 Division Slant . each 0 6 Palettes. each 0 9 4 ditto . „ 0 9 7 ditto ditto „ 0 11 5 ditto . 1 0 8 ditto ditto . V 1 0 6 ditto . 1 3 9 ditto ditto 1 3 8 ditto . 1 6 10 ditto ditto 1 6 12 ditto . 2 0 6 inch Square plain flat Tiles . « 3, 0 9 8 ditto ditto . » 1 0 10 ditto ditto .,,16 3 Square divided flat Tiles . . 0 „ 0 6 6 ditto ditto .,,10 9 ditto ditto .,,16 12 ditto ditto .,,20 No. 1 Nests of Cabinet Saucers . . per No. 2 ditto No. 3 ditto No. 1 ditto (in morocco case) . No. 2 ditto ditto No. 3 ditto ditto set 1 , 1 ^ inches by 2^ Tiles (Bartholomew's) . ,,0 6 2 J inch Saucers (Wool- wich) . . . ,, 0 IJ Centre Slant Box or 3 Slant Well Slabs 5 Slant Well Slabs . No. 1 Ink and Colour Slabs No. 4 ditto ditto . No. 11 ditto ditto . No. llh ditto ditto . 0 9 0 6 1 6 1 inch Round Tinting Saucers . IJ ditto ditto 2 ditto ditto 2 J ditto ditto 3 ditto ditto 4 ditto ditto 0 9 1 0 Eound Slant and Basin (for Architects' Of- fices, &c.) . . each 3 6 each 0 1 0 1 0 li 0 l| 0 2 0 2 48 JVIXSOR X XEJVTOX, LOXDOX : BEST LOXDOX AJADE MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. rOUE GUIXEA BOX. ^rrs-EAS — Drawing Pens— Ordinary (Xo. 1) Irorv handle. Lift np nib CNo. 2) nj^-j " -n ^^^^^^ I^orv Handle, lift np nib (To 3 IhTiders — Brass, Steel Joint (So. 4) » Brass, Sector Joint ^Xo. 5) « EXectrmn, ditto (So. 6) >i Brass, Hair Points (^o. J) Electrnm ditto (So. 8) Compasses— Brass, Steel Joint; Half set (if o. 9) ' M Ditto slip shanks: ditto (?fo. 10) '. « Electrmn, Sector Joint, ^th bar: Half set "in Ca'^e FniTersal Compasses, Brass, in case [So. 12 >apier Compasses, Electrmn, „ 13 " Ditto, Complete set ditto u ' Klkr Compasses, ditto ^ ' Bltto with bars ditto T (^^o 16 ' Proportional Compasses, ditto (So m ' Tabular Compasses, with needles.. Zlectmm, in case (2f o k Bows-Brass, Pen or PencH (So. 19) ' Ditto, ditto round points (No. 20) iilectrum, ditto ditto (No =>1) ^ . donble jointed, needle points;in , Sjprmg, Set of three, in case (No. 23) Ditto, ditto ro hold needles (JN'o. C^: (Xo. 11) (No. 22) Each. *. rf. 3 6 4 6 5 6 2 6 4 6 6 6 7 6 10 6 5 6 7 6 31 6 7 6 18 0 31 6 31 6 42 0 4S 0 AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. METALLIC SUNDRIES. Fine Gold Shells, each, M., ed., 9d., and Is. „ Saucers, „ 9c?., 2s., and 45. „ Cakes, 5*. 6d. Aluminium Shells, „ ^d. Saucers, Is. ; Cakes, Is. Silver „ „ 3^?.; „ i^.; „ i^. Fine Gold Ink, per Bottle, l^. 6d. Gold Paint, Small Bottles, Is. 6d. ; Large ditto, 4^. Bronze, Gold Paper, Gold Leaf. Portcrayons— Brass, M. and 6d. ; Albata, 9d. each. Drawing Pins, Qd., is., is. 6d., 2s., and 2s. 6d. per dozen. VARIOUS SUNDRIES. Burnishers, Small size, l^. 6d. ; Large, 2^. 6d. Ivory Palette Knives, each, 9d., is. ed., 2s., and 2s. 6d. Ivory Tracers, Small, 9d. ; Large, Is. 6d. Ivory Brush Bests, Qd., is., and 2s. Prepared Ivories, from 8d. to 12^. Water Glasses— Ordinary, 9d.i Large "Artist's," Is. ed. Best Bottle and Patent Rubber, from sd. to 6d. per piece. Ink and Pencil Eraser, 6d. ; Indian Rubber Pencils, 4d. Sponge — Ordinary, from 3d. to 6d. ; Fine Cup, from 2^. to 3^. 6d. Indian Glue— in Sticks, 2d. ; Liquid G-lue, 3d., 6d., and 1^. Pens— Crow Quill, Is. per bundle ; Steel Lithographic, 2*. per card. Emery Paper, 2d. per sheet ; Glass Paper, Id. per sheet. Pencil Sticks, ^d. and 6d. per dozen. N.B.— The following will be found in the after portion of the Catalogue, viz., Drawing Boards (Page 94), Easels (Page 89), Sketching Stools and Seats (Page 91), Sketching Tent (Page 92), Sketching Umbrella (Page 92), Squares, Curves and Eules (Page 95), Erasers and Knives (Page 84). WINSOR 8c NEWTON, LONDON > PUBLICATIONS. WINSOR & HEWTON'S ONE SHILLIITG HANDBOOKS ON THE EINE AETS. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS, &c. For List see outside Wrapper page. WINSOE & NEWTON'S 2s. ed. BOUND HANDBOOKS ON THE PINE AETS. WITH IILTOTEATIOM, &o. Sketching from Nature.-Comprisir.g the Art of sv.f v , Nature, and Hints for StetcMng in Water C« jf f It^ landscape Painting in Water Colour? r Landscape Painting 1 Water ^P™"^g t^e Art of Colour Painting ^"'^ ^ ^^''''^ Water Artistic Xreaise on the H^an pfgu/ ^^^"^ ''^^""^S' ^ 3eptS?«~-^^^^^ on ■ rd5::;7thrrs' ^^^■^^^^^ ^-ing AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 51 J. D. Harding's Works. EDITED BY W. WALKEK. S. d. Lessons on Art— imperial 8vo. Bound in Cloth, or Six Parts complete . . . . 15 0 Each Part separately . . . . . . .26 Lessons on Trees.— Imperial 4to. Bound in Cloth, or Six Parts complete . . . . 15 0 Each Part separately 2 6 Elementary Art —Imperial 4to. . Bound in Cloth 25 0 Early Drawing Book —Imperial 8vo. Bound in Cloth ........ 10 6 Six Parts complete 9 0 Each Part . 16 Pencil Sketches by J. D. Harding. Nine Autotype fac-similes mounted and in Imperial Portfolio complete . . . • • • . 50 0 Lessons on Animals and Figures. As appHed to Landscapes. By W. Walker. Imperial 8vo. Bound in Cloth ..76 Field's Chromatography. Demy 8vo. A Treatise on Colours. T. Salter's Edition. Bound in Cloth 21 0 Mural or Monumental Decoration. By W. Cave Thomas. Demy 8vo. Bound in Cloth 16 0 Barnard's Trees, imperial Folio, 22 by 15. The Work, 30 Plates and letterpress complete , . 42 0 Half Bound, handsomely, in one Yol 52 6 Separate Parts of 10 Plates and letterpress . . . .14 0 The Art of Figure Drawing. By T. H. Maguire. Impl. 4to. Bound in Cloth, with 30 full plate illustrations 42 0 62 WINSOR & NEWTON, LONDON: TURNER'S 'LIBER STUDIORUM.' I— Mountain and Marine Subjects. . Ill pII f "'^'r'^ Historical Subjects. in.-Pastoral and Elegant Pastoral Subjects. howntidie: S;tfr,it"*°*^p« -u. Subscriber's Copy of tL WoS. "rth/'brr"'^^;^ « exc'eUentti^^for rStXt ^S^^ ^^^^ Handsomely bound in Clotb in Tbree VoWs, 4to. In^periaJ size.' Single Volumes . . \ £ s d The Work complete in Three Volumes * ' ^^""^ 2 2 0 • I 5 5 0 CLAUDE'S 'LIBER VERITATIS.' Exa4>Kf;4l£W-^ f^^^ cboicest Turner's 'Liber Studiorum ' ^"^^l^ # ^ Companion Series to Etchings by BiCHAED Eabmm Z- f^"'^ :^'^*°*yP« from the the Series has been divide^LT thSVcS: " 1^^^^^^^ I.—Marine Subjects. II- — I^andscapes. III.— Pastoral Subjects. Handsomely bound in Cloth in Three Yolume, 4to. Imperial size. Single Volumes . . I B s. a The Work complete in three Volumes' I ' ' ^^""^ M 2 6 AND LOCAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN, &c. 53 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. A Selection from the Works of Sir Joshua Eeynolds, from Proofs (by the most eminent Contemporary Engravers) in the British Museum. Mounted on Half Imperial tinted boards. This Section is invaluable to all who study Portraiture, and contains one hundred and fifty Autotype Prints in three volumes complete. Each Yolume (Half Imperial size) 3 Volumes complete £ s. d. 6 6 0 15 15 0 AN ARCHITECT'S NOTE-BOOK IN SPAIN. Principally Illustrating the Domestic Architecture of that Country, BY M. DIGBY WYATT, M.A., E.S.A,, &c., &c. A Series of one hundred admirable Sketches, which that accom- plished Architect, Sir Digby Wyatt, made in Spain, in 1869, from subjects as novel in character as they are important for the History of Architecture in that country. Each Sketch is accompanied by Critical Notices, in which Sir Digby explains the salient points of interest which he observed in the subjects selected for illustration. Post 4to,, with 100 Autotype Eeproductions of the | £ ^■ Author's Sketches . | 2 12 6 BRUSH-NOTES IN HOLLAND. BY ROBERT TAYLOR PRITCHETT, F.S.A. A Series of Nineteen Sketches, One Yolume, half imperial, handsomely bound, with Explanatory Text. These Sketches are admirable examples of facile execution, and are most faithfully rendered in Autotype. ' £ s. d. The Yolume complete | 5 5 0 WINSOR 8c NEWTON, LONDON. STUDIES THE GREAT MASTERS. In In.pl.) each containing Si. Studies, per Part 5, 0. Tl.e Work, bound complete (containing 48 plltes) £1 I Parts 1, 2, 3. studies of hands Part 4. STTTDIES Q-B FEET. After Drawings by Andrea del Sarto Tn^.i t .. Michael Angelo. EafFacUe. ' Part 5. STUDIES op chudeen akd xottths Parte. STUDIES OP HEADS AND CHIZDEEir. After Drawings by Andrea del Sarto, Bouchardon, Coypel, Zucchero. Part 7. STTOiEs op infants and touths After Drawings by Boulogne, Carlo Doici, Lebrun. Eaffaelle. Parts. STt'WES OP HEADS, CHILDEEN, roUTHS. After^D™g.by Boucber, Boucbardon, Correggio, Caracci, Lebrun, I UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 066318921