s REVIEW OF THE CITY OF LAKE FOREST FINAL REPORT FOR THE 1994 BEACH AND NEARSHORE MONITORING PROGRAM, FOREST PARK BEACH, LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS C. Brian Trask and Michael J. Chrzastowski Illinois State Geological Survey Lakes, Streams, and Wetlands Unit 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 May 1995 Submitted to: Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Water Resources 310 South Michigan Avenue, Room 1606 Chicago, Illinois 60604 Final Report For IDOT Project No.: WR-09118/SRA-190 Illinois State Geological Survey Open File Series 1995-7 NOV 2 2 1995 tY LIBRARY 'K^jNO'S STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00006 9967 REVIEW OF THE CITY OF LAKE FOREST FINAL REPORT FOR THE 1994 BEACH AND NEARSHORE MONITORING PROGRAM, FOREST PARK BEACH, LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS C. Brian Trask and Michael J. Clirzastowski Illinois State Geological Survey Lakes, Streams, and Wetlands Unit 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-6964 May 1995 Submitted to: Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Water Resources 310 South Michigan Avenue, Room 1606 Chicago, Illinois 60604 Final Report For IDOT Project No.: WR-091 18/SRA-190 Illinois State Geological Survey Open File Series 1995-7 7 ?on A m/ NOV 2 2 1995 IL^:.. wEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/reviewofcityofla1995tras EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Beach and nearshore morphology was monitored at Forest Park Beach, Lake Forest, Illinois in the summer of 1994 as part of the fourth year of a planned 5-year monitoring program. The responsibility of annually collecting and presenting survey data for 5 years rests with the City of Lake Forest. The Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) indeF)endently collects and summarizes data to provide a check on the work by the City and to provide supplemental data and interpretation. The ISGS participation in this coastal monitoring program is partially supported under a contractual agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Water Resources (DWR). During the 1994 coastal monitoring, the ISGS collected profile data in June, July, and August, corresponding generally to the time of the City's profiling. A total of 28 profiles were run, including (1) the 15 long lines of the monitoring plan approved by the permitting agencies, (2) four lines added in 1992 at the discretion of the ISGS for additional areal coverage, and (3) nine beach-cell lines, comprising two lines in each of the four beach cells and one additional line in Beach Cell 4. Comparison of the ISGS profile data with the data collected by the City of Lake Forest verifies the reproducibility of the profile data. Comparison of 1993 and 1994 topographic and bathymetric data indicates that the dominant process during the 1993-1994 period was accretion. Accretion occurred in the updrift nearshore bar and in Beach Cell 1 , lakeward of Beach Cell 4, on the lakeward margin of Breakwaters I and II, and in the groin field south of the project. Erosion occurred mainly at the lakeward margins of Breakwaters III and IV and in the southern part of Beach Cell 4. The maximum thickness changes for accretion were on the order of 3 to 4 ft (0.9 to 1 .2 m), while those for erosion were 1 to 2 ft (0.3 to 0.6 m). Maximum thickness of accretion occurred in the southern part of Beach Cell 1, near a depression mapped in preceding years. Thick accretion also occurred lakeward of Beach Cell 4 in a depression that has slowed the development of a sand bypass mechanism at Forest Park Beach. The source of the sediment forming the accretion in the downdrift groin field is a combination of natural bypass of the project and nourishment supplied by the City following monitoring in 1993. The maximum thickness of erosion occurred on the lakeward side of Breakwater IV. Volumetric analyses of beach and lake-bottom accretion and erosion between 1993 and 1994 were conducted by the ISGS and by a consultant for the City (W.F. Baird & Associates, Ltd.) using a computer- assisted comparison of bathymetric data from these two years. There is some variation between the two analyses t^ecause some factors in the analyses differed (e.g., slightly different areal boundaries were used for the calculations). In general, however, agreement was relatively close, and thus the values reported by the consultant are considered a reasonable representation of net volumetric changes in the monitoring area between 1993 and 1994. For changes landward of the sand/clay interface (approximately the 12-ft contour for most of the monitoring area and the 15-ft contour for the area opposite Beach Cell 4 and Breakwaters I and II), the two analyses agree on a 1993-1994 net change of approximately 30,500 cu yd (23,300 cu m) of accretion (ISGS: 32,800 cu yd [25,100 cu m]; City: 28,300 cu yd [21,600 cu m]). This change uses a 0-ft threshold, which includes all accretion and erosion; this level of detail is possible because of the accuracy of the 1993 and 1994 total-station data. This calculation of volumetric change ignores the area lakeward of Breakwater I and lakeward of the southern revetment for which the City did not collect data prior to 1 994. For this area, ISGS data indicate that net accretion occurred in 1993-1994 (+6,400 cu yd [+4,900 cu m]). Thus, for the entire monitoring area, ISGS data indicate the 1993-1994 net change was approximately 39,200 cu yd (30,000 cu m) accretion. This is the largest single-year net accretion to be documented in the ongoing 5-year monitoring program. However, wide yearly fluctuations can occur in accretion and erosion. The long-term record is thus important. For the interval between 1987 and 1994, at a 1 -ft threshold (1987-1992) and a 0-ft threshold (1992-1994), the net change in the monitoring area has been accretion totaling 69,000 cu yd (52,800 cu m). i Accretion patterns, lake-bottom morphology, and location of the sand/clay interface are various indicators that an accumulation of sand continues to form on the lakeward margin of the project. This accretion is part of a process of building an accretionary wedge or "sand bridge" for natural bypass of littoral sediment around the facility. This accretionary wedge is essentially a southward (downdrift) continuation of the bar that has been present on the updrift end of the facility since the early post-construction history. As of the 1994 survey, the downdrift leading edge of this accretion was located opposite Breakwaters I and II. Extensive southward advance occurred between 1993 and 1994. Accretion continued infilling an area of depression on the lake floor having depths of 10 to 13 ft (3 to 4 m), which is somewhat shallower than 1993 batiiymetry data indicate. This area of depression is opposite Beach Cell 4 and Breakwaters I and II. The infilling has slowed the southward advance of this accretionary wedge. Evidence from the 1 994 monitoring suggests, however, that an apron of sand has formed across this depression and bypass has begun adjacent to Breakwater II. ii CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i INTRODUCTION 1 Units of Measure 5 Purpose and Scope 5 PART 1: DATA COLLECTION AND PRESENTATION 6 ISGS FIELD PROCEDURES 6 Fathometer Survey Procedures 6 Fathometer Survey Coverage 8 Prism-Pole Surveys 11 Field Schedule 11 ISGS DATA PROCESSING 15 REVIEW OF THE CITY OF LAKE FOREST PROFILING PROCEDURES AND SURVEY GRID .... 17 Beach Profiling 18 Nearshore Profiling 18 General Statement on City of lake Forest Profiling Procedures 18 COMPARISON OF ISGS AND CITY OF LAKE FOREST PROFILES 18 Comparison Summary 18 Spurious points 18 Profile vertical displacement 18 Profile discrepancies at revetments and breakwaters 21 Conclusion 21 AREAL AND VOLUMETRIC TRENDS IN ACCRETION AND EROSION 21 Bathymetric/Topographic Maps 21 Beach and Nearshore Change Map 26 Volumetric Changes 1993-1994 26 Volumetric Changes 1987-1994 32 PART 2: COASTAL PROCESSES 34 INDICATIONS OF LITTORAL SEDIMENT BYPASS 34 Sand/Clay Interface 34 Lake-Bottom Morphology 34 PART 3: SUMMARY 37 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE MONITORING AND REPORTING 37 CONCLUSIONS 38 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 41 REFERENCES 42 DISTRIBUTION LIST 43 APPENDICES A ISGS Fathometer Traces for June and July 1994 A 1 B ISGS June and July 1994 Long Profiles B1 C Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Beach and Nearshore (Short) Profiles CI D Calculations of Accretion and Erosion at Forest Park Beach D 1 E Tabular Data for ISGS 1994 Prism-Pole Surveys and Fathometer Surveys El ill { FIGURES 1 Illinois shore of Lake Michigan 2 2 Forest Park Beach and environs 3 3 Numerical designation used for the six breakwaters and the four beach cells at Forest Park Beach 4 4 ISGS survey boat with survey gear installed 7 5 ISGS transit set up on control point for the profile line 7 6 ISGS survey boat navigating toward the shore along a profile line 8 7 Location and designation of fathometer profile lines surveyed by the ISGS 9 8 Location and designation of profiles surveyed by the City of Lake Forest 10 9 Location and designation of 1 994 profiles surveyed by the City of Lake Forest and duplicated by the ISGS 12 1 0 ISGS prism-pole surveying operation 13 11 Survey control points used to establish profile locations and azimuths 14 12 City of Lake Forest profiling operations 19 1 3 City of Lake Forest small boat 19 14 City of Lake Forest loader grading the beach in Beach Cell 4 20 15 1993 nearshore bathymetry of the Forest Park Beach area 22 16 1994 nearshore bathymetry of the Forest Park Beach area 23 17 1 993 nearshore bathymetry and beach topography of Forest Park Beach 24 18 1 994 nearshore bathymetry and beach topography of Forest Park Beach 25 19 Beach and nearshore changes, 1993 to 1994 27 20 North end of Forest Park Beach 28 21 Zones of the monitoring area 29 22 Location of the interface of lake-bottom sand and glacial till 35 23 Location of 1 0-ft and 1 2-ft bathymetric contours in 1 993 and 1 994 36 TABLES 1 Abbreviations for U.S. Customary and metric units 5 2 1994 daily data collection by the Illinois State Geological Survey 15 3 Lake levels in feet above given datum at Calumet Harbor, Illinois, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin 16 4 Comparison of ISGS accretion and erosion calculations with those performed by the City of Lake Forest during the 1994 monitoring season 30 5 Comparison of ISGS accretion and erosion calculations with those performed by the City of Lake Forest during the 1994 monitoring season 31 6 Volumes of material accreted to or eroded from Forest Park Beach since 1987 33 PLATE 1 Nearshore bathymetry and beach topography pocket iv INTRODUCTION This report is the fourth in a series of five annual reports to be prepared by the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) concerning annual monitoring of beach and nearshore nnorphology at Forest Park Beach on the shore of Lake Michigan at Lake Forest, Illinois (fig. 1). Forest Park Beach is a lakeshore park and beach facility (fig. 2) built by the City of Lake Forest. Construction was completed in 1987. This 22-acre (8.9-hectare) facility consists of six rubble-mound breakv/aters, four beach cells, a boat-launch basin, parking, walkways, beach houses, and park land (figs. 2 and 3). Forest Park Beach was constructed primarily to provide shore defense and to stabilize the City's lakeshore park land, and secondarily to provide lakeshore recreation (Anglin et al. 1987). Permits for construction of Forest Park Beach were issued by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Water Resources (DWR) and by the Chicago District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. These permits required that, following completion of construction, a 3-year annual monitoring program be conducted to document any changes to the beach and nearshore caused by the project. Of primary concern was the potential entrapment of littoral sediment against the north (updrift) side of the project and the resulting deprivation of littoral sediment leading to possible erosion along the shore to the south (downdrift) of the project. One of the recommendations presented in the summary report for the 3-year monitoring program was to continue the monitoring for another 5 years (Lake Forest Shoreline Monitoring Committee 1990a). As part of this new monitoring program, IDOT-DWR contracted with the ISGS to evaluate the data collection and gather independent data for comparison and validation of the data collected by the City of Lake Forest and its consultants. All requirements fertile annual monitoring were defined by the Chicago District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The first year of this new annual monitoring program was 1 991 . Monitoring data were collected for the City of Lake Forest by a survey team from tiie Bellevue, Washington, offices of the consulting firm CH2M HILL. The technical report for the 1991 monitoring (CH2M HILL 1992) was reviewed and the data collection validated by the ISGS (Chrzastowski and Trask 1992). The second-year (1992) monitoring differed from the first year in that the City of Lake Forest did the majority of data collection and data processing for the annual monitoring. The engineering firm Manhard Consulting, Ltd. of Vernon Hills, Illinois, was contracted by the City to establish all horizontal control and collect data on offshore positioning. The firm Hydrographic Survey, Inc., of Chicago was contracted to provide diver-obtained data on the location of the sand/clay interface within the limits of the monitoring project and to determine if any lake-bottom erosion had occurred at 1 2 reference stakes set in 1 991 . The report summarizing the 1992 annual monitoring was completed by the City of Lake Forest in March 1993 (Magnus 1993a). A supplement to the final report, which provided volumetric calculations of 1988-1992 accretion and erosion, was completed in August 1993 (Baird & Associates 1993a). The technical report for the 1992 monitoring was reviewed and the data collection validated by the ISGS (Trask and Chrzastowski 1993). The third-year (1993) monitoring at Forest Park Beach was conducted in a similar manner as the second year, with the City of Lake Forest primarily doing the data collection and processing with assistance from the engineering firm Manhard Consulting, Ltd. (Magnus 1993b). Calculations of accretion and erosion were conducted fertile interval from 1992 to 1993 (Baird & Associates 1993b). The technical report for the 1993 monitoring was also reviewed and the data collection validated by the ISGS (Chrzastowski and Trask 1994). The fourth-year (1994) monitoring program at Forest Park Beach was conducted in a similar manner to the third year, except tiiat nourishment was not required nor emplaced. The City of Lake Forest performed the data collection and processing, and Manhard Consulting, Ltd. assisted. Diver survey tasks were carried out by Hydrographic Survey Company, while volumetric analysis of accretion and erosion was performed 1 I IL Zion'~, North Point Marina \ Illinois Beach State Park -« (north and south units) Waukegan :-' y Commonwealth Edison s f Waukegan Harbor Lake Bluff,' Lake Forest North Chicago y Harbor: Naval Training Center, Great Lakes FOREST PARK BEACH Lake Co Highland Park Cook Co Glencoe Winnetka Kenilworth -, ^ Wilmette Lake Michigan wilmette Harbor Northwestern University lakefill Montrose peninsula CfflCAGO ] Chicago Harbor complex IL In" 15 KM 10 ST MI Figure 1 Illinois shore of Lake Michigan showing the location of Forest Park Beach and other major engineered structures along the northern Illinois coast. 2 i Figure 3 Numerical designation used for the six breakwaters (Roman numerals; south to north) and the four beach cells (Arabic numerals; north to south) at Forest Park Beach. 4 by W.F. Baird & Associates, Ltd. The technical report for the 1 994 monitoring (Magnus et al. 1 994) is the subject of review and data validation of this report. Units of Measure Both U.S. Customary (i.e., English) and metric units are used in this report. Primary reference in the text is to U.S. Customary units, with metric equivalents given in parentheses. Abbreviations for units are used throughout the text. Table 1 gives the various units of measure and the abbreviations used in this report. Table 1 Abbreviations for U.S. Customary and metric units. Unit Abbreviation foot ft cubic yard cu yd mile mi meter m cubic meter cu m kilometer km Purpose and Scope The role of the ISGS in the coastal monitoring program at Forest Park Beach is that of a scientific and technical reviewer of the data collection, processing, and reporting of the City of Lake Forest. As part of this role as a scientific and technical reviewer, the ISGS is responsible for independently collecting monitoring data and making field observations within the monitoring area at Forest Park Beach for comparison with the data collected by the City and its consultants. For the Forest Park Beach monitoring program, the ISGS is under contractual obligation to IDOT-DWR, the state agency responsible for regulatory functions along the nearshore and offshore zone of the Illinois coast of Lake Michigan. As part of its program to assure proper coastal management and mitigation, IDOT- DWR has specific interest in the quality of the Forest Park Beach monitoring program. The scope of work for the ISGS has essentially been the same for each of the first 4 years of this 5-year program. The specific scope for 1994 was as follows. • Observe and document the 1994 data collection by the City of Lake Forest and independently repeat selected profile lines for comparison. • Review the adequacy of the annual report prepared by the City of Lake Forest for the 1994 monitoring and summarize this review in a report to IDOT-DWR. • Collect profile data along all 15 of the so-called "long-profile lines," which are profile lines extending to approximately 2,600 ft (800 m) offshore, as outlined in the initial monitoring requirements for the 5-year monitoring program. • Incorporate and archive all data collected by the ISGS into the existing ISGS database on coastal geology and geomorphology for the Illinois coast of Lake Michigan. Two aspects of this report for the 1994 coastal monitoring are worth noting. (1) During the 1994 monitoring, the City of Lake Forest surveyed four additional profiles, originally established and surveyed only by the ISGS, in order to monitor sand movement to tiie south beyond Breakwaters I and II. The City does not have data from this area for prior years, so determination of accretion and erosion in this area was again done solely by tiie ISGS. (2) A task included in the three previous reports (1 991 , 1 992, and 1 993)— to verify the 5 1 adequacy of nourishment sand placed at the south end of the project — is not included in this report because no nourishment was performed in 1994. The City completed the required nourishment program in 1993. PART 1: DATA COLLECTION AND PRESENTATION ISGS FIELD PROCEDURES Fathometer Survey Procedures Lake-bottom profiling by fathometer was conducted in the same manner as that done by the ISGS during the 1 991 , 1 992, and 1 993 monitoring. In addition, the same equipment was employed as was used in 1 991 , 1992, and 1993. Photocopies of the original fathometer traces are located in Appendix A. Collection of fathometer data required a three-person team — ^two persons in a survey boat and one person onshore. The boat was a 12.5-ft (3.8-m) "Zodiac-type" inflatable having a 9.9-horsepower outboard motor (fig. 4). The onboard fathometer was a Ross Model 803 Portable Survey Fathometer^ with a 1 00-kiloHertz (kHz) transducer. The transducer was mounted over the port side of the boat with a 0.5-ft (0.1 5-m) transducer depth. Transducer depth is not a factor in reading the fathometer traces because the Ross Model 803 fathometer has an adjustment that allows compensating for this depth. At the beginning of each survey day, calibration of the fathometer was verified with a bar check by lowering a steel grate below the transducer and producing a fathometer record at 1-ft (0.3-m) intervals from 2 to 12 ft (0.6 to 3.7 m); calibration was also verified by comparison with depths obtained by lowering a stadia rod to the lake floor and noting the level of the lake surface on the rod. Position control for the fathometer surveys was by a range/azimuth technique. The onshore field assistant used a surveyor's transit positioned over the control point for the profile line that had been surveyed and marked by the City of Lake Forest's consultant (fig. 5). The transit was oriented along the azimuth of the profile line. As the survey boat advanced toward shore (fig. 6), the transit operator gave radio calls or visual signals to the boat operator to keep the boat within one boat v\rtdth (5.6 ft [1.7 m]) of the profile line (i.e., the transit center line). Approximate boat speed during profiling ranged from 2 to 3 knots (3 to 5 ft/s [0.9 to 1 .5 m/s]). Offshore distance to the survey boat was measured using a Motorola Mini-Ranger III system. The Mini- Ranger measures distance in meters by calculating the travel time of a microwave signal between a transceiver and transponder. The transceiver and console were aboard the survey boat (figs. 4 and 6); the transponder was onshore (fig. 5), placed at a known location on the profile line, usually beneath the transit at the profile control point. The fathometer operator monitored the digital display of distance on the Mini- Ranger console and made an event mark on the fathometer trace at 10-m (32.8-ft) intervals. For reference, a bolder mark was made at 50-m (164-ft) intervals by slightly longer depression of the event button (see Appendix A). Profile start time was noted to permit water-level corrections during data processing. Profiles began offshore at a distance of 800 to 900 m (2,625 to 2,950 ft) and continued toward shore to a water depth of about 2 ft (0.6 m). In order to acquire a continuous onshore to offshore profile, beach and nearshore profiling with a total station and prism pole (see Prism-Pole Surveys) was conducted as a continuation for each of the fathometer lines and overiapped the fathometer lines for a distance of 8 to 1 1 7 ft (2.4 to 36 m). An exception occurs at some breakwaters or riprap, where it was not always possible to overlap the two data-collection procedures. The manufacturer states that the accuracy of the Mini-Ranger ill system is ±3 m (±9.8 ft). The system has a maximum range of 37 km (22 mO- The Mini-Ranger used in this study was capable of operating to a minimum distance of 10 m (32.8 ft) between the transponder and transceiver. Note: Use of specific product names in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the Illinois State Geological Survey. 6 Figure 4 ISGS survey boat with survey gear installed. Mini-Ranger transceiver is mounted on the mast below the flag and is connected to the console (blue box on board). The fathometer is located beneath the Mini-Ranger console, with the transducer on a hinged wing at the port (left) side, which permits lowering for survey and raising for transport and storage (photo date: June 16, 1994). Figure 5 ISGS transit set up on control point for the profile line. The transit is oriented along the profile line, and the transit operator is keeping the survey boat on line by communicating with a hand-held radio. The white box is the Mini-Ranger transponder (photo date: June 15, 1994). 7 Figure 6 ISGS survey boat navigating toward the shore along a profile line. The orange cone at water's edge fomns a range with the transit to permit the coxswain to nnaintain boat position along the profile line. The box on the mast is the Mini-Ranger transceiver (photo date: June 15,1 994). Fathometer Survey Coverage The 1994 fathometer surveys by the ISGS covered all of the so-called "long profiles" established in 1991 by CH2M HILL for this 5-year monitoring program. Fathometer data were also collected along each of two lines centered on each of the four beach cells. These fathometer profiles were gathered to enable comparison of these data with data from the City of Lake Forest along survey lines that extend lakeward of the breakwaters. Profile N6700 was also surveyed by the ISGS in 1 994 to be able to compare it with the City's data for this profile, which is critical in determining the degree of bypass of sand past the deeper bathymetry detected in 1993 (Chrzastowski and Trask 1994) at the mouth of Beach Cell 4. For consistency with the other fathometer profiles collected on the north and south sides of the project, these beach-cell fathometer lines were extended offshore to 800-900 m (2,625-2,950 ft). In the 1992 monitoring, the ISGS added four long lines to the survey scheme at 200-ft (61 -m) line spacing northward from line N5617. These four additional lines (N5817, N6017, N6217, and N6417) were added to provide lake-bottom data lakeward of Breakwater I at the boat-launch basin and lakeward of the riprap-defended shore south of this basin. Sand bypassing the facility eventually has to cross this section of lake bottom. These lines were run in 1992 and 1993 by the ISGS and were repeated in 1994 by both the ISGS and the City of Lake Forest. In total, fathometer data were collected by the ISGS along 28 profile lines. Figure 7 shows the locations and designations of these fathometer profiles. On the landward end of each of the fathometer profiles, there is overlap with profile data collected by wading in the nearshore with a prism pole, except for a few locations where overlap was not possible (such as on the lakeward margins of breakwaters). The City of Lake Forest surveyed a total of 70 profiles for a distance of 800 ft (244 m) lakeward of the E2000 baseline (fig. 8). During the 1994 monitoring, the City added the four new profiles at and south of Breakwaters I and II. Although profile N9430 was surveyed by the City, it was not reported, nor was it used for volume calculations (Magnus et al. 1994). However, data for this profile line were obtained from the City. 8 Figure 7 Location and designation of fathonneter profile lines surveyed by the ISGS during June, July, and August 1994. Heavier lines indicate profiles added by the ISGS (N6700) or the City of Lake Forest (N5817- N641 7) during 1994. 9 Lake Michigan Figure 8 Location and designation of profiles surveyed by the City of Lake Forest in 1994. Profiles are numbered from south to north using northings based on the local Forest Park Beach coordinate system. The baseline of E 2000 was used as the origin of all profiles within the limits of the Forest Park Beach facility. North and south of the facility, all profiles were extended west beyond the E 2000 baseline to origins established on the beach in 1991. 10 Figure 8 shows the locations and designations of profiles run by the City of Lake Forest. Figure 9 identifies the profiles of the City of Lake Forest duplicated by the data collection of the ISGS. Prism-Pole Surveys Prism-pole surveying refers to profiling across the beach and into the nearshore zone by two people — one holds a prism pole and advances in increments along the profile line, while the other shoots the position and elevation of the prism pole with a total station positioned at a bench mark in the project area to record position and elevation (fig. 10). Locations and elevations were referenced to a survey grid established by the City of Lake Forest during the 1991 monitoring (fig. 11). The total station used by the ISGS was a Lietz/Sokkisha Set 4A with a Lietz SDR20 Electronic Field Book. All position and elevation data were recorded in the electronic field book attached to the total station. The person with the prism pole maintained position along the profile line by the alignment of onshore stakes, cones, or flags. Elevation measurements were normally made at horizontal intervals of approximately 5 to 15 ft (1 .5 to 4.6 m). Smaller intervals were used to document notable changes in relief and bottom texture; longer intervals were used in areas with relatively continuous slope. The profiling was extended offshore to about a 5-fl (1 .5-m) deptii to permit overlap with the fathometer data. Use of a wet suit allowed prolonged stay in the water. A prism-pole survey was conducted on the landward part of every long line. Thus, 28 prism-pole survey lines were completed. The prism-pole surveys originated at some fixed upland feature such as a curb or crest of riprap, or where possible on the bluff slope along the west side of the project. Positions and elevations were taken across any upland features (e.g., riprap, beach, or breakwater stone) and were generally continued into the shallow nearshore to a maximum depth of about 5 ft (1 .5 m). An exception was at the outside edges of breakwaters where, for safety reasons, prism-pole surveying ended at the farthest lakeward point (usually a face stone) that could be reached while standing on the subaerial breakwater stones. Profiles resulting from the ISGS surveys, combining both fathometer and prism-pole data, are shown in Appendix B. Field Schedule The ISGS collected 1994 beach and nearshore profile data at Forest Park Beach on June 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, and 21, July 18, and August 3 (table 2). Fathometer data were collected on June 14, 15, 16, and 17, and July 18. Each of these days had calm water to minor wave activity. On June 14, no fathometer surveys were run during the afternoon because the calm morning conditions deteriorated to waves of 1 ft (0.3 m) or more. Waves on June 1 5 varied as the day progressed, ranging from calm in the morning to 0.5-1 ft (0.1 5-0.3 m) waves in the afternoon. On Thursday and Friday, June 16 and 17 and Monday, July 18, the lake was calm and glassy, permitting completion of all remaining fathometer profiles. Prism-pole surveys were conducted on June 15, 17, 20, and 21. Although wave height was as much as 1 ft (0.3 m) during the surveys, the prism pole provides a direct measurement of lake-bottom elevation independent of any water level fluctuations. Beach Cell 4 was resurveyed on July 18 because it was discovered that stakes set by the City had been set at an angle to the intended profile line. This problem was compensated for by tine City while running tiieir prism-pole surveys, but it was not detected by the ISGS while fatiiometer surveys were being performed in June. The prism-pole surveys for lines N5417, N5617, N5817, N6017, and N6217 at the south end also had to be repeated on August 3 because data were lost while transferring them from the total station electronic notebook. 11 Figure 9 Location and designation of 1 994 profiles surveyed by the City of Lake Forest and duplicated (heavy lines and numbers) by the ISGS. 12 I Figure 10 ISGS prism-pole surveying operation. The person in the wet suit holds the prism pole, which is placed at locations along the profile line. The total station operator (on breakwater) gathers information on location and elevation by sighting on the prism. Waving of an orange flag signals completion of the survey point (photo date: June 17, 1994). 13 I FOREST PART BEACH LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS Survey Control Net 1 . Brass cap in island. 8,000 N 2,000 E lOOftelev 2. Concrete nail in walk. 7,532.79 N 2,040.17 E 98.39 ft elev 3. Brass cap on hill. 7,124.16 N 1 ,856.39 E 108.15 ft elev 4. Concrete nail by dock. 6,524.89 N 1,980.31 E 98.63 ft elev 5. Brass cap at sewer building. 5,617.29 N 2,000 E 100.11 ft elev 6. Brass cap by flags. 6,536.61 N 2,216.15 E 99.93 ft elev 7. 5,587.466 N 1,998.631 E Figure 11 Survey control points used to establish profile locations and azimuths during the 1994 monitoring. This survey grid was first established for the 1991 monitoring and has been used in each successive year. 14 Table 2 1994 daily data collection by the Illinois State Geological Survey. Date Operation Lines surveyed June 14 Fathometer survey of long lines at south end. N4467, N4667 June 15 Fathometer survey of long lines from Beach Cell 4 south; prism-pole survey of southern two profiles. N4467, N4667, N4867, N5067, N5267, N5417, N5617, N5817, N6017, N6217, N6417, N6900, N7000 June 16 Fathometer survey of long lines from Beach Cell 3 to northern limit of monitoring area. N7350, N7450, N7750, N7850, N8030, N8200, N8230, N8300, N8430, N8630, N8830, N9030, N9230. N9430 June 17 Fathometer survey of Beach Cells 2 and 3; prism-pole survey from Beach Cell 2 to north limit of monitoring area. N7350, N7450, N7750, N7850, N8030, N8200. N8230, N8300, N8430, N8630, N8830, N9030, N9230, N9430 June 20 Prism-pole survey of south end. N4867, N5067, N5267, N5417, N5617, N5817, N6017, N6217 June 21 Prism-pole survey of Boat Harbor, Beach Cell 4, and south end. N4867, N5067, N5267, N6417, N6700, N6900, N7000 July 18 Fathometer and prism-pole resurvey of Beach Cell 4. N6700, N6900. N7000 August 3 Prism-pole resurvey of south end. N5417, N5617, N5817, N6017, N6217 ISGS DATA PROCESSING Depths on the fathometer traces were tabulated at 5-m (16-ft) horizontal increments (thus at each sequential 10-m vertical mark and midway between these marks). Additional depth/distance points were interpolated for prominent features occurring between these 5-m (16-ft) increments. Because of the swell and wave conditions during the survey operation, it was necessary to draw a smooth line through some of the fathometer traces from which to measure the depths. Photo-reduced reproductions of these fathometer traces are included in Appendix A. The distances were referenced to the coordinates of the profile control point (the Mini-Ranger station) and converted to both Illinois state plane coordinates and the local coordinates of the City of Lake Forest survey grid. All depths from the fathometer traces were first corrected to Lakes Michigan-Huron Low Water Datum (LWD). This correction involved a depth adjustment based on the average of hourly lake levels recorded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Ocean Service (NOS), at Calumet Harbor, Illinois (Gauge No. 7044) and Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Gauge No. 7057). The data were subsequentiy adjusted to Lake Forest Datum (LFD) by subtracting 2.06 ft (0.63 m) from the LWD depths. The profile data collected with a prism pole were measurements of lake-bottom elevations relative to the elevation of the brass cap or concrete nail to which the total station was referenced. These data were adjusted to LFD by subtracting the LFD elevation of the appropriate brass cap or chisel mark from the elevation of the surveyed points. 15 Table 3 shows hourly Calumet Harbor and Milwaukee lake-level elevations for the fathometer survey dates in June and July 1994. The mean correction to LFD (determined by averaging the water levels of the two gauges) is the correction factor that was subtracted from the raw fathometer depth data to reduce depths to LFD. For all five dates during the hours of fathometer operations, there was excellent agreement in lake level at the Calumet and Milwaukee gauges. The greatest difference was 0.52 ft (0.16 m) at 1 100 hours on June 14. The overall agreement between the two lake-level gauges attests to a lack of any lake level set-up, seiches, or regional fluctuations along this segment of the western lakeshore at the time of the sun/eys. However, the differences that do exist indicate how lake-level oscillations can cause dissimilarities in lake levels, as measured at these two separate sites. This can account for differences that may exist between profiles measured by the City with a total station and prism pole, measurements not effected by changes in lake level, and profiles measured by the iSGS with a fathometer, measurements that are dependent on lake level at the time of surveying. The X-Y-Z data of position and LFD-corrected depth were plotted as profiles using the ARC/INFO Geographic Information System (GIS). The profiles were drawn to the same scale, format, and vertical exaggeration (1 Ox) as the City of Lake Forest report to facilitate comparisons. The fathometer (long) profiles with their beach/nearshore prism-pole components are given in Appendix B. Table 3 Lake levels in feet above given datum at Calumet Harbor, Illinois, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin (lake-level data from NOAA-NOS). Hours CST Calumet Harbor, Illinois Milwaukee, Wisconsin Calumet/ Milwaukee Mean Correction Mean Correction LWD LFD LWD LFD Lake Level Difference to LWD to LFD June 14, 1994 0900 2.67 0.61 2.53 0.47 0.14 2.60 0.54 1000 2.37 0.31 2.80 0.74 0.43 2.58 0.52 1100 2.80 0.74 2.28 0.22 0.52 2.54 0.48 June 15, 1994 0700 2.53 0.47 2.52 0.46 0.01 2.53 0.47 0800 2.33 0.27 2.66 0.60 0.33 2.50 0.44 0900 2.35 0.29 2.48 0.42 0.13 2.42 0.36 1000 2.27 0.21 2.74 0.68 0.47 2.51 0.45 1100 2.57 0.51 2.52 0.46 0.05 2.55 0.49 1200 2.46 0.40 2.69 0.63 0.23 2.57 0.51 1300 2.50 0.44 2.49 0.43 0.01 2.50 0.44 16 Table 3 Lake levels In feet above given datum at Calumet Harbor, Illinois, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin (lake-level data from NOAA-NOS). Hours CST Calumet Harbor, Illinois Milwaukee, Wisconsin Calumet/ Milwaukee Mean Correction Mean Correction LWD LFD LWD LFD Lake Level Difference to LWD to LFD June 15, 1994 (continued) 1400 2.56 0.50 2.65 0.59 0.09 2.61 0.55 June 16, 1993 1000 2.17 0.11 2.58 0.52 0.41 2.37 0.31 1100 . 2.38 0.32 2.38 0.32 0.00 2.38 0.32 1200 2.40 0.34 2.54 0.48 0.14 2.47 0.41 1300 2.39 0.33 2.48 0.42 0.09 2.44 0.38 1400 2.52 0.46 2.59 0.53 0.07 2.56 0.50 1500 2.50 0.44 2.52 0.46 0.02 2.51 0.45 1600 2.41 0.35 2.57 0.51 0.16 2.49 0.43 1700 2.61 0.55 2.53 0.47 0.08 2.57 0.51 1800 2.55 0.49 2.51 0.45 0.04 2.53 0.47 July 18, 1994 1000 2.78 0.72 2.88 0.82 0.10 2.83 0.77 1100 2.73 0.67 2.80 0.74 0.07 2.77 0.71 REVIEW OF THE CITY OF LAKE FOREST PROFILING PROCEDURES AND SURVEY GRID During June 1 994, the ISGS monitored the City of Lake Forest field procedures and operations. Operations monitored included the surveying to establish horizontal control points onshore along the profile lines and the profiling across the beach and nearshore. Profile locations were established using the control points shown in figure 1 1 . The City followed all standard field procedures for such a survey. The City contracted with Manhard Consulting to perform the survey necessary to set up the profile lines and to operate the total station during profiling operations. All procedures followed accepted surveying practices. Locations of profiles surveyed by the ISGS were independently verified using a prism pole and total station. The X-Y-Z coordinates determined by Manhard Consulting for the City of Lake Forest were replicated by the ISGS. 17 Beach Profiling The 1 994 profiling conducted by the City of Lalce Forest was done entirely with a total station and prism pole in the same way that the City collected data in 1 992 and 1 993. The total station was set up at one of the established brass caps or chisel marks along the park property. The prism pole was moved along each of the profile lines. Data for X and Y (location) and Z (elevation) were recorded at each shot point in an electronic notebook attached to the total station. For profiling across the beach, over breakwaters, and into the water within several feet of the shoreline, a member of the survey team carried the prism pole. Nearshore Profiling The 1 994 nearshore profiling conducted by the City of Lake Forest involved two boats and a tether line that extended from the shore to the lakeward limit of surveying. This line was held by an anchor or a spike at its shore end and by a boat at the lakeward end. The boat was kept at idle speed in reverse gear to hold the line taut (fig. 12). Onshore range markers allowed the boat operator to keep the tether line positioned along the desired profile. A second boat was yoked to the tether line and a crew member pulled this boat along the tether, stopping at premarked 20-ft (6-m) intervals. At each stop a crew member of this second boat placed the foot of the prism pole on the lake bottom and signaled the total-station operator to make a shot (fig. 13). After recording the location and elevation, the total-station operator signaled the boat to move to the next shot point. Data collection could proceed with successive points being shot in either landward or lakeward direction. In order to work in water deeper than the maximum extension of a standard prism pole, the prism was mounted atop a 20-ft (6-m) telescoping surveyor's rod. General Statement on City of lake Forest Profiling Procedures The profiling procedure used by the City of Lake Forest is one of the most accurate ways of collecting profile data. The fathometer technique can provide an independent check on these data, but the prism- pole data are preferred because of greater accuracy in terms of location (X, Y data) and elevation (Z data). This comparison of prism-pole and fathometer techniques was discussed in detail in the ISGS report on the 1992 monitoring (Trask and Chrzastowski 1993). COMPARISON OF ISGS AND CITY OF LAKE FOREST PROFILES Twenty-one of the profiles surveyed by the City of Lake Forest were also surveyed by the ISGS. Nine of these profiles are from the beach cells, and the remaining 12 are the long profiles from north and south of the Forest Park Beach project. Comparison Summary Comparisons of profiles surveyed by the ISGS and the City of Lake Forest (Appendix C) generally show excellent agreement in spite of the differences in the methods of data collection. Differences occurring in the profile comparisons were assigned to three categories by Chrzastowski and Trask (1994): spurious points, • profile vertical displacement, and • profile discrepancies at revetments and breakwaters. Spurious points Spurious points refer to depth values that are anomalously high or low compared with adjacent points and are thus inconsistent with the overall surface trend determined by nearby points. No spurious points were detected in the comparison of 1 994 profiles. An apparent spurious point in ISGS data in profile N9430 at a local easting of about 1875 ft reflects the presence of a groin in the profile line. Profile vertical displacement Profile vertical displacement refers to a condition in which segments or a major part of the two profiles are symmetric, with equivalent hummocks and troughs and overall shape, butv*/ith a rather uniform vertical offeet, one above another. Such a vertical displacement occurs along the nearshore end of tiie fathometer sections of profiles N4667 and N8300, near the center of profiles N7000 and N8200, and throughout the fathometer section of profile N9430. In all cases, the ISGS profile line is about 1 .0 to 1 .3 ft (0.3 to 0.4 m) below the City of Lake Forest profile line, except for profile N4667 where the ISGS profile line lies above the City of Lake Forest profile line. 18 I 1 Figure 12 City of Lake Forest profiling operations. A tether line is anchored on shore along a profile line and pulled taught by a boat at the offshore end. Prism-pole measurements are made from a second boat that moves along the tether line (photo date: June 19, 1994). Figure 13 City of Lake Forest small boat; the person is holding the prism pole for elevation measurements at20-ft (6-m) intervals marked on the tether line. Note the tether line extending left and right over the bow and stern of the boat (photo date: June 19,1 994). 19 i The vertical displacement suggests a systematic error in one of the data sets. The prism-pole data collected by the City of Lake Forest are a direct measure of lake-bottom elevations, independent of any corrections for lake level or waves. Such corrections are necessary for the fathometer data. The profile vertical displacement is interpreted as resulting from the ISGS fathometer data being adjusted by a lake- level correction that did not accurately bring the data to the Lake Forest Datum. Because the ISGS data generally fall below the City of Lake Forest data, this condition could have arisen if there had been a localized and short-lived fall in lake level while these profile lines were being surveyed. The ISGS profile line that falls above the City of Lake Forest profile line indicates a short-lived rise in lake level. This is one of the potential problems in collection of fathometer data as opposed to prism-pole measurements. The symmetry of the two data sets confirms the reproducibility of the data collection by the City of Lake Forest. Another possible source of error in comparison of profiles in beach cells is change of beach profile by grading operations. Frequently in the morning prior to opening of the beach area, the City smooths the beach using a loader dragging a log (fig. 14). However, as shown by the comparisons of beach profiles (N6700, N6900, N7000, N7350, N7450, N7750, N7850, N8200, and N8300), this operation had little to no effect on overall profile character. This is because, as shown in figure 14, little sand is moved by this operation. Perhaps the difference of as much as 1 .3 ft (0.4 m) in profile N6700 on the landward side of the breakwater is a result of this grading. The sand in this area is finer and more easily moved. Figure 14 City of Lake Forest loader grading the beach in Beach Cell 4. The beaches are often graded in the morning by dragging the bucket of the loader and a log across the surface to smooth irregularities caused by the previous day's recreational activities or by high wave activity (photo date: June 17, 1994). 20 Profile discrepancies at revetments and breakwaters In comparing two sets of profile data along the same profile line, it is difficult to get agreement in profile data over the exposed parts of rubble-mound revetments and breakwaters because, unless the exact same points on the breakwater stones are surveyed, significant differences in elevation may occur. Discrepancies occur in the City of Lake Forest and ISGS data sets where profiles cross over breakwaters in profiles N4667, N5417, N5617, N5817, N6017, N6417, and N6700. These are the most substantial discrepancies occurring in any of the profile comparisons. The discrepandes are not errors, but differences in the number and location of survey points atop the breakwater stone. Although the profile data atop breakwaters do not apply to the concerns of sand accretion or erosion at the project, development of the best possible data set will require some additional effort by the City of Lake Forest to acquire more data points when crossing the breakwaters and riprap. In profiles N4667 and N6700, it can be seen that the greater number of points and more careful point selection in the ISGS profiles result in a more detailed documentation of elevation and slope across breakwaters and revetments. Discrepancies can also occur in the underwater part of profiles near breakwaters if a submerged rock is recorded in the points of one data set but not the other. An example occurs in profile N6417 at the local easting of about 2020 ft. The high elevations recorded by tiie ISGS are apparently atop a submerged stone or stones on the lakeward side of Breakwater I. A similar example is in profile N581 7 at an easting of about 2050 ft. This problem has an effect on the determination of erosion and accretion where interpolation between widely spaced sun/ey points may cause an apparent shallowing of bathymetry as in Profile N561 7 between eastings 2050 and 2100 ft. In making annual comparisons of profile change near the breakwaters and riprap, it is important to scrutinize tiie data to identify if submerged breakwater stones may be included one year but not another. If this does occur, interpretations of lake-bottom accretion or erosion should be carefully examined to ensure that such changes are not due to prism-pole placement. Conclusion Discrepancies occur in some common segments of the two profile data sets collected in 1994, but these can be explained by lake-level corrections or differences in the number and location of points across riprap or breakwater stones. Sufficient comparison data are available for us to conclude that the profile data collected in 1 994 by the City of Lake Forest are reproducible. Thus, the profile data are verified. These data can be compared with data from 1993, 1992, 1991, and earlier surveys, as well as with data to be collected during the remaining fifth year of the monitoring program. AREAL AND VOLUMETRIC TRENDS IN ACCRETION AND EROSION In this section, the bathymetric maps compiled from the 1 993 and 1 994 data are compared to determine accretion or erosion across the mapped area over the 1-year period since the 1993 monitoring was conducted. The ISGS used its GIS system (ARC/INFO) to perform this comparison. Bathymetric/Topographic Maps Maps of bathymetry and beach topography were consb^ucted from a combination of City of Lake Forest and ISGS data. Data collected by the City had precedence and were used for those areas where the City conducted prism-pole surveys. Only ISGS data were available for lakeward of these areas and for the boat basin. The bathymetric maps at a scale of 1:4,800 are shown in figures 15 (1993) and 16 (1994). Enlargements of the beach topography and nearshore bathymeti7 for the beach cells are shown at a scale of 1 :2,400 in figures 17 (1993) and 18 (1994). These larger scale maps are presented, as in past years, to provide detail of beach topography not shown on the smaller scale maps. Data collected by the City of Lake Forest were used to construct those parts of the maps from the concrete wall or otiier landward-most point at tiie head of tiie beach to a distance 800 ft (244 m) lakeward of the 21 I Figure 15 1993 nearshore bathymetry of the Forest Park Beach area contoured by the ISGS from profile data coliecled by the City of Lalce Forest in June, Juiy, and August 1993 and the ISGS in June 1993. FOREST PARK BEACH LAKE FOREST. ILLINOIS Nearshore Bathymetry Collected by City of Lake Forest June 1994 and Illinois State Geological Survey June, July, and August 1994 Lake Forest Datum (Zero-depth contour) Contours below Lake Forest Datum (On»-loot Interval) Cultural Features Balhymelric Profile Locations Forest Park Park Buildings 0 METERS 100 200 300 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Based on Standard Parallels 33 and 45 Illinois State Geological Survey Lakes, Streams, and Wetlands Unit inT,nVfQQ!f®^"fK '^■cTc'!^**!^'"^''^ '^^ ''^''^ ^^^"^ contoursd by the ISGS from profile data collected by the City of Lake Forest inJune 1994 and the ISGS in June, July, and August 1994. j r Lake Foresl Datum (Zero-depth contour) Contours below Lake Forest Datum (One-fool interval) Contours above Lake Forest Datu: (One-foot interval) Cultural Features Beach profile locations Extent of Beach Sand Above Lake Foreat Datum FOREST PARK BEACH LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS Nearshore Bathymetry and Beach Topography Collected by City of Lake Forest June, July, and August 1993 and Illinois State Geological Survey June 1993 500 FEET 0 50 100 150 METERS Lambert Conjormal Conic Projection Based on Standard ParaUtls 33 and 45 Illinois State Geological Survey Lakes, Streams, and Wetlands Unit Figure 17 1 993 nearshore bathymetr/ and beach topography of Forest Park Beach contoured by the ISGS from profile data collected by the City of Lake Forest in June, July, and August 1 993. This map differs from figure 1 5, In that it Is a larger scale and contains beach topography Figure 18 1994 nearshore bathymetiy and beach topography of Forest Park Beach contoured by the ISGS from profile data collected by the City of Lake Forest in June 1 994. This map differs from figure 16, in that it is a larger scale and contains beach topography. 2,000-ft baseline; this 800-ft distance is the lakeward linnit of the City's data. Outside this limit, ISGS long- profile data were used to construct the maps. Locally, ISGS wading profiles were used landward of the City's data to contour beach topography. The ISGS established and surveyed four additional lines between profile N5617 and the boat basin (profiles N5817 to N6417; see fig. 7) in 1992 and 1993 to provide data for this part of the project. In 1 994, the City of Lake Forest also surveyed these profiles. Thus, it was not necessary to use ISGS data in this area to map the nearshore bathymetry in 1994. In a pocket at the back of this report is a 1 994 bathymetric/beach-topography map (plate 1 ). It is at a scale of 1 :1 ,200 and shows all data points from the 1 994 surveys and the contours drawn at a 1 -ft interval using these data points. Only City of Lake Forest data are shown along profile segments where both ISGS and City data were collected. The 1-ft contours are the same as those presented in the page-size maps in figures 16 and 1 8. This 1 :1 ,200-scale map is provkJed as a base map for future data comparisons. A similar map was prepared by the ISGS for the 1992 data (Trask and Chrzastowski 1993) and the 1993 data (Chrzastowski and Trask 1994). Beach and Nearshore Change Map The 1993 and 1994 maps of beach topography and nearshore bathymetry were compared, using the triangulated irregular network (TIN) procedure, and a map was generated showing changes in beach topography and nearshore lake-bottom bathymetry that took place during this 1-year interval. The procedure is discussed by Trask and Chrzastowski (1993). Detailed procedures for working with TIN are provided in the ARC/INFO User's Guide for Surface Modeling with TIN (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. 1991). A modification to this procedure was made for the area of Breakwaters I, II, and III. As noted by Chrzastowski and Trask (1994), an area of deep bathymetry opposite Beach Cell 4 was preventing development of bypass in this area. During the 1994 monitoring in this area, the City of Lake Forest documented a lakeward excursion of the sand/clay interface to a depth of 1 5 ft; elsewhere, the 12-ft contour approximated the sand/clay interface. Therefore, rather than delete 1 ft or less accretion and erosion outside of the 12-ft depth, all accretion and erosion was documented here to a depth of 15 ft. The 1993-1994 beach and nearshore change map is shown in figure 19 at a scale of 1:4,800. This map shows only those areas where accretion or erosion is greater than 1 ft (0.3 m). This 1-ft datum or threshold for depicting areas of gain or loss thus focuses on the areas of major change and ignores any change of less than 1-ft. It is apparent from the map that accretion was the major change from 1993 to 1994. At the 1-ft threshold, accretion in the monitoring area was focused in four major zones. The largest patches of accretion were in the updrift bar, at the north side of Breakwater V (Beach Cell 1), offshore of Beach Cell 4, lakeward of Breakwater II, and in the groin field south of the project. The accretion in the nearshore bar and Beach Cell 1 can be seen in a low oblique aerial photograph (fig. 20). Accretion in the groin field is probably a result of both natural bypass of the project and nourishment emplaced by the City following the 1993 monitoring. Other patchy areas of accretion occur in the fillet beach and north side of Breakwater VI, at the north end of Breakwater IV (entrance to Beach Cell 2), at the north end and landward side of Breakwater III, in the southern part of Beach Cell 4, and in small areas lakeward of the breakwaters and riprap. Erosion occurred along the lakeward margin of Breakwaters III and IV and in the southern part of Beach Cell 4. Apparent erosion on the lakeward side of Breakwaters I and II may be a result of different toe and face stones surveyed during 1994, as compared with 1993. Volumetric Changes, 1993-1994 Volumeti-ic changes for the 1-year interval from 1993 to 1994 were computed for the City of Lake Forest by the firm W. F. Baird & Associates (1994). The ISGS also performed a volumetric analysis for comparison. The procedures used by Baird & Associates and the ISGS were similar, both using a TIN procedure to compare surfaces defined by the two data sets. Several differences occur in the two analyses. 1. Baird & Associates used Uie 1993 or 1994 sand/clay interface as a boundary in defining areas for volume calculations; the one selected was the one that was located the farthest east (lakeward). The ISGS used 26 1 FOREST PARK BEACH LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS BEACH AND NEARSHORE CHANGES 1993 TO 1994 Based on Balhymelric Data Collected by City of Lake Forest and Illinois Slate Geological Survey in June, July, and August 1993 and in June, July, and August 1994 Lake Forest Dalum (Z«ro-depth contour at Ihe Ume of the 1994 survey) Accretion Eroston 0 100 200 300 METERS Lambtrt Con/ormal Conic Proftctttm Bastd on Standard ParaUtU 33 and 45 Illinois Slate Geological Survey Lakes. Streams, and Wetlands Unit Figure 1 9 Beach and nearshore changes, from 1 993 to 1 994. Only those changes greater than 1 ft are shown. Figure 20 North end of Forest Park Beach, including Brealwaters V (left) and VI (right) and Beach Cells 1 (center) and 2 (far left). The fillet beach at the north (right) side of Breakwater VI has partially covered the shore-attached end of the breakwater. The nearshore bar and sand/clay interface can be seen lakeward of the fillet beach and Breakwater VI (photo date: June 21, 1994). the 1 994 1 5-ft contour as a boundary or the 1 2-ft contour where the interface was closer to shore. Within the monitoring area, these contours and the interface approximate each other. This was not, therefore, considered a significant difference in procedures. 2. Baird & Associates computed volumes of change lakeward of the sand/clay interface. The ISGS did not compute any changes lakeward of the 15-ft contour and attempted to confine all calculations to the area where the nearshore lake bottom is covered by sand. Placement of the prism pole on a boulder protruding as much as 1 ft (0.3 m) from the lake floor could imply significant accretion or erosion where none has occurred. 3. The ISGS used its 1993 data and the City's 1994 data to compute volume changes lakeward of the southern part of Forest Park Beach (between profiles N5617 and N6550). This area was not included in the analysis by Baird & Associates because the City did not collect data from this area in 1993. This will be an area of significant accretion when bypass occurs. 4. The ISGS contoured the data by hand prior to the TIN analysis. Baird & Associates performed the TIN on raw data. It is not known if these two different techniques contribute significantly different results to the analysis. The City of Lake Forest has divided Forest Park Beach into seven areas (fig. 21) for consideration of accretion and erosion (Baird & Associates 1994). In this report, the same five areas of Trask and Chrzastowski (1993) and Chrzastowski and Trask (1994) are used. The areas are the Updrift Zone (Lake Forest areas 1 and 5), the Beach Cells (Lake Forest area 2), the Lakeward Perimeter (Lake Forest areas 3 and 6), the Southern Lakeward Perimeter (not mapped by the City of Lake Forest), and the Downdrift 28 I Southern Lakeward Perimeter contour Sand/Clay Interface , , , (whichever farther lakeward) 0 400 ft Figure 21 Zones of the monitoring area, as defined by the ISGS and by W.F. Baird & Associates, for calculation of 1993-1994 volunnetric changes. 29 Zone (Lake Forest areas 4 and 7). For the 1993 monitoring, Lake Forest areas 5, 6, and 7 consisted of those portions of the ISGS zones that were lakeward of the 1 992 sand-clay interface (Baird & Associates 1993b). In 1994, the boundary was selected as the sand/clay interface fronn 1993 or 1994, whichever was farther east (Baird & Associates 1994). Table 4 shows the volumes of material accreted to or eroded from each of these five areas from 1 993 to 1994. In reports of the 1991 and 1992 monitoring, the ISGS used a 1 -ft threshold; all erosion or accretion less than 1 ft was considered to be v^hin the range of potential procedural error because the data were primarily from fathometer records, which are less accurate than prism-pole readings. The 1992-1993 comparison was of equivalent prism-pole data sets, and thus a zero threshold was considered appropriate (Chrzastowski and Trask 1994). Similarly, comparison of volume and erosion for the 1994 data set uses the 0-ft cutoff as does the City of Lake Forest (Magnus et al. 1 994). Table 4 Comparison of the ISGS accretion and erosion calculations vwth those performed by the City of Lake Forest during the 1994 monitoring season. All monitoring areas of the City are included. The threshold is 0 ft; units are cu yd. Calculations are rounded to the nearest 100 cu yd. Zone Accretion Erosion Net change ISGS City ISGS City ISGS City Updrift Zone^ 9,600 9,400 800 1,600 +8,800 +7,800 Beach Cells^ 6,100 3,000 1,500 1,700 +4,600 +1,300 Lakeward Perimeter^ 1 1 ,200 16,700 1,600 2,200 +9,600 +14,500 Southern Lakeward Perimeter^ 7,000 600 +6,400 Downdrift Zone* 10,400 17,700 600 900 +9,800 +16,800 Total' 37,300 46.800 4.500 6,400 +32,800 +40,400 ' Lake Forest areas 1 and 5. ^ Lake Forest area 2. ^ Lake Forest areas 3 and 6. * Not mapped by Lake Forest in 1993. * Lake Forest areas 4 and 7. ' Total does not include Southern Lakeward Perimeter. ISGS volume calculations for several different thresholds (0, 0.5, 1 .0, etc.) are included in Appendix D. Table 4 compares the ISGS calculations with the total volume calculations of the City of Lake Forest (prepared by W. F. Baird & Associates, 1 994). Comparison of the gross and net changes range from good (accretion in the Updrift Zone) to poor (net change in the Lakeward Perimeter and Downdrift Zone). However, areas 5, 6, and 7, for which the city computed accretion and erosion and which are included in table 4, are located lakeward of the sand-clay interface and lakeward of the ISGS zones. Calculations of accretion and erosion in this area consider changes in the clay-bottomed lake floor lakeward of the sand prism; such calculations may reflect differences in placement of the prism pole in this part of the monitoring 30 area and not actual accretion or erosion. As is also the case with placement of the survey point, placement of the prism pole on a boulder or series of boulders rather than the clay lake floor can cause measurement of apparent accretion lakeward of the sand/clay interface. Table 5 is an alternate comparison of ISGS calculations with those of the City of Lake Forest without inclusion of City areas 5, 6, and 7. Agreement between the two calculations is much better in this comparison than it is in the previous one. In the Beach Cells, however, ISGS calculations are 3,300 cu yd (2,500 cu m) higher than the net accretion calculated by the City. Also, the ISGS calculations for the Lakeward Perimeter are 1 ,900 cu yd (1 ,500 cu m) more than the net accretion calculated by the City. This may be a result of two differences in mapping: (1) location of the boundary between the two areas and (2) mapping performed prior to calculating accretion and erosion. Table 5 Comparison of the ISGS accretion and erosion calculations with those performed by the City of Lake Forest during the 1994 monitoring season. Data from Lake Forest areas 5, 6, and 7 are not included. The threshold is 0 ft; units are cu yd. Calculations are rounded to the nearest 100 cu yd. Zone Accretion Erosion Net change ISGS City ISGS City ISGS City Updrift Zone' 9,600 8,100 800 1,100 +8,800 +7,000 Beach Cells^ 6,100 3,000 1,500 1,700 +4,600 +1,300 Lakeward Perimeter^ 11,200 13,100 1,600 1,600 +9,600 +11,500 Southern Lakeward Perimeter* 7,000 600 +6,400 Downdrift Zone* 10,400 9,300 600 800 +9,800 +8,500 Total' 37,300 33,500 4,500 5,200 +32,800 +28,300 'Lake Forest area 1 . ^Lake Forest area 2. ^Lake Forest area 3. "Not mapped by Lake Forest in 1993. ^Lake Forest area 4. ^Total does not include Southern Lakeward Perimeter. The City used a boundary between the Beach Cells and the Lakeward Perimeter of the half-way point between the inside and the outside of the breakwaters, thus splitting the breakwaters in half, with one-half considered to be in tiie Beach Cells and the other half in the Lakeward Perimeter. The ISGS, on the other hand, drew a line along the outside of the breakwaters. Thus, part of the area considered by the City to be in the Lakeward Perimeter was included in the Beach Cells by the ISGS. The ISGS contoured the data by hand and removed any changes attributable to different survey points on the breakwaters and groins. The City calculated accretion and erosion from raw data (see Baird & Associates 1 994) and may have included apparent accretion or erosion due to surveying of different points 31 in transects across the breakwaters or groins. For example, computer interpolation of a surface from a point on the nonaccretionary south side of a groin to a point north of the accretionary wedge on the north side of the groin may eliminate the accretionary area on the north side of the groin from consideration. By contouring the data prior to performing accretion/erosion calculations, the ISGS attempted to provide a reasonable geologic interpretation of conditions at the facility, including the step between the north and south sides of groins. The ISGS then compared the interpretation with a similar interpretation for the previous year's data. Summarizing the comparison of table 5, the 1 993-1 994 net accretion and erosion in the Forest Park Beach monitoring area are as follows: Net Accretion: 37,300 cu yd (28,500 cu m) calculated by the ISGS and 33,500 cu yd (25,600 cu m) calculated by the City. This is a difference of 10%. The ISGS calculated an additional 7,000 cu yd (5,400 cu m) of accretion in the Southern Lakeward Perimeter. Net Erosion: 4,500 cu yd (3,400 cu m) calculated by the ISGS and 5,200 cu yd (4,000 cu m) calculated by the City. This is a difference of 16%. The ISGS calculated an additional 600 cu yd (500 cu m) of erosion in the Southern Lakeward Perimeter. Summation of the 1993-1994 total accretion and erosion for the City of Lake Forest areas 1 through 4 and comparable areas measured by the ISGS results in net accretion of 28,300 cu yd (21 ,600 cu m) as measured by the City and net accretion of 32,800 cu yd (25,100 cu m) as determined by the ISGS. This is a difference of 14%. In addition, the ISGS calculated net accretion of 6,400 cu yd (4,900 cu m) in the Southern Lakeward Perimeter. The objective of the ISGS volume calculations is to provide an independent check on the calculations reported by the City of Lake Forest. Differences occur for individual areas of evaluation, but there is overall agreement. The 1 993-1 994 net change across the beach and nearshore sand of the area required for volume calculations can be summarized as follows: 1. Excluding the Southern Lakeward Perimeter Zone and excluding changes lakeward of the sand/clay interface, the ISGS and the City are in agreement within 4,500 cu yd. Net accretion, if the two values are averaged, was approximately 30,500 cu yd (23,300 cu m). 2. If the Southern Lakeward Perimeter Zone is included and all lake-bottom landward of the 1 994 sand/clay interface is considered, ISGS calculations indicate the 1993-1994 net change is accretion totaling 39,200 cu yd (30,000 cu m). Volumetric Changes 1987-1994 Data gathered over the past 4 years can be combined with data gathered during the initial 3 years of monitoring to estimate the total accretion and erosion in the Forest Park Beach area since its construction (table 6). Using a 0-ft threshold (all accretion and erosion considered) for 1992-1994 and a 1-ft (0.3 m) threshold for 1987-1992 and using ISGS calculations, the net change in the project area has been accretion of 69,000 cu yd (52,800 cu m). This is an average accretion of 9,900 cu yd (7,600 cu m) per year overtiie 7-year period from 1987 to 1994. Prior to the 1994 monitoring year, net change ranged from an annual accretion of 7,500 cu yd (5,700 cu m) during the first year follov\rtng construction to erosion of 1 ,1 00 cu yd (800 cu m) during the 1992-1993 monitoring interval. The change in 1993-1994 was the greatest amount of net accretion to be documented in the project area during either of the monitoring programs and exceeded the accretion over the 4-year period from 1988 to 1992. Broken into the five monitoring areas, accretion and erosion for this 7-year period is as follows. 32 i Net Accretion: Updrift Zone Beacli Cells Lakeward Perimeter Southern Lakeward Perimeter Downdrift Zone Net Erosion: Updrift Zone Beach Cells Lakeward Perimeter Southern Lakeward Perimeter Downdrift Zone (+17,600 cu yd; +13,500 cu m) (+24,400 cu yd; +18,700 cu m) (+49,000 cu yd; +37,500 cu m) (+10,700 cu yd; + 8,200 cu m) (+16,000 cu yd; +12,200 cu m) (- 6,400 cu yd; - 4,900 cu m) (-12,100 cu yd; - 9,300 cu m) (- 6,500 cu yd; - 5,000 cu m) (-11,100 cu yd; - 8,500 cu m) (-12,600 cu yd; - 9,600 cu m) Table 6. Volumes of material accreted to or eroded from Forest Park Beach monitoring area since 1 987. Period Accretion (cu yd) Erosion (cu yd) Net change (cu yd) 1987-1988' 19,300 11,800 +7,500 1988-1992' 33,700 10,300 +23,400 1 992-1 993" 20,400 21 ,500 -1,100 1993-1994' 44,300 5,100 +39,200 summation 1 987-1994 117.700^ 48,700 +69.000 'One-foot threshold is used due to inaccuracies in data and less precise survey techniques earlier than 1992. 'Zero-foot threshold is used. 'Accretion may include a component of the beach nourishment supplied to the Downdrift Zone by the City of Lake Forest between 1991 and 1993. 33 PART 2: COASTAL PROCESSES INDICATIONS OF LITTORAL SEDIMENT BYPASS Sand/Clay Interface Figure 22 shows the location of the sand/clay interface as it was mapped in 1994. For reference, the location of the interface is also shown for 1986 and each year from 1988 to 1993. Prior to 1991, the interface was mapped on the basis of an examination of fathometer traces. Since 1 991 , the interface has been mapped by diver survey. Asuffident number of years of interface mapping has now been completed so that it is possible to identify the areas that are remaining consistent in location of the interface and the areas that are more active in terms of changes in location of the interface. Since 1991,tiiere has been no significant change in the location of the interface from the north limit of the monitoring area southward to opposite Beach Cell 3 (and the south end of Breakwater IV). Along this reach, the interface is essentially shore parallel and located about 180 ft (55 m) lakeward of Breakwater IV. Lakeward of the fillet beach at the north end, the interface had been mapped as having a double "v" pattern of offshore protrusion in 1992. The 1994 survey identified the north protrusion, but not the one to tiie south. This is apparently an area of complex and changing sand distribution, and it is an area difficult to map consistentiy. The annual presence or absence of this "v" pattern should not be interpreted as being a response to the Forest Park Beach facility. The area of significant change from 1993 to 1994, as well from 1991 to 1994, has been the reach from Beach Cell 3 to just south of the Forest Park Beach facility's south boundary. As compared with the location of the interface in 1993 and 1994, major change occurred lakeward of Breakwaters I, II, and III and Beach Cell 4. The interface shifted farther southward (downdrift) and also farther offshore in this area (fig. 22). The maximum downdrift change in position is about 450 ft (137 m). This downdrift change for 1993-1994 is about twice as much as occurred in this general area in 1 992-1 993. The downdrift shift is consistent v/ith the continuing development of a sand wedge around the lakeward perimeter of the facility. The wedge will be a pathway for sand bypass. The lakeward protrusion of the interface recorded in 1994 is consistent with a trend in the interface positions in 1993 and 1992 (and possibly 1991), in which there is a lakeward protrusion that begins opposite Beach Cell 3. Downdrift from tiie south end of Breakwater I, for both 1993 and 1994, the sand/clay interface is mapped as being much closer to shore. In 1994, the interface even came close to intercepting the shore at the south end of the south riprap. This area downdrift from the small-boat basin is being deprived of littoral sediment supply at the expense of sand accumulation occurring updrift. At the very south end of the facility, the interface shows a shift of as much as 260 ft (80 m) between 1 993 and 1 994. This shift may have to do with 1993 being the final year of beach nourishment. The 1993 beach nourishment was dumped in this area, and the 1 993 sand/clay interface was mapped after the time of nourishment. The most significant observation for the downdrift shore at the south limit of the monitoring area is that the 1994 data show that the interface location is positioned as it was first mapped in 1986. Although loss of lake-bottom sand cover can be identified near the south end of Forest Park Beach, the nearshore zone at the south end of the monitoring area has not been depleted of a sand cover. Lake-Bottom Morphology The configuration of bathymetric contours around the perimeter of the Forest Park Beach facility indicates accretion forming a "sand bridge" for natural sand bypass around the lakeward perimeter of the project. As noted in the ISGS reports for the 1 992 and 1 993 monitoring, annual comparisons of the position of the 10-ft (3-m) deptii contour provide a good reference for observing the southward advance of this accretion (fig. 23). 34 35 I 10-foot Contour 1 2-foot Contour Figure 23 Location of 1 0-ft and 1 2-ft bathymetric contours in 1 993 and 1 994. 36 The leading downdrift edge of this accretion wedge is in a broad area opposite Beach Cell 4 and Breakwaters I and II. In 1992 and 1993, the 1 0-ft contour intercepted Breakwaters I and II. In 1994, it shifted lakeward of these breakwaters (fig. 23) as accretion occurred along the lakeward margin of the breakwaters. The 12-ft contour shows the nature of infilling of the bathymetric depression opposite Beach Cell 4. In 1993, substantial accretion had occurred on the northward margin of this depression. As can be seen in figure 23, additional accretion occurred at the head of this depression during the 1993-1994 interval. PART 3: SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE MONITORING AND REPORTING Addition of Profile Lines Profile data should continue to be collected along the lines between Breakwater I and the south end of the riprap opposite the south parking area (i.e., between profiles N6550 and N5617). This is the site for development of an accretionary wedge from natural bypass of the project. Monitoring the development of and changes to this accretion will require profiles along this reach. In the 1992 and 1993 ISGS monitoring, additional lines were run along this reach at a 200-ft (61-m) line spacing. The City of Lake Forest voluntarily expanded their monitoring area in 1994 (year 4) to include profile data collection along this reach, using the profile lines originally surveyed by the ISGS. This monitoring should be continued in 1995. Preferred Data Collection Method The method used by the City of Lake Forest to collect nearshore profile data, using a total station and a prism pole held from a boat moving along the profile line, is one of the most accurate and precise means of collecting such data. This metiiod should be continued through the remainder of the monitoring program. Presentation of Profile Data Profile data gathered by the City of Lake Forest in the 1 995 monitoring should be presented in tables that show consecutive points for all onshore and offshore data for each profile and should be consistently ordered in either a shoreward or lakeward direction. Data sets for individual profiles should be separated from each other and labeled as was done in the City's 1994 report. In addition, miscellaneous data points of no value in constructing a profile line should be deleted from the data set. These unnecessary points include control points for establishing each line. Regional Littoral Transport Processes An overview of regional littoral transport processes will be included in the ISGS report for the fifth and final year of monitoring. In order to evaluate the accretional history at Forest Park Beach, it is necessary to consider beach and nearshore changes that have been occurring updrift of Lake Forest. For example, bypass of littoral sediment at Great Lakes Harbor is important, as is the dispersion of dredge spoil removed from Waukegan Harbor and dumped in the nearshore downdrift of the harbor. Insights related to the regional littoral processes will be gained from the ISGS contributions to the Interim IV Study sponsored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This study examines storm damage and coastal processes from Waukegan Harbor to Wilmette Harbor. The final report of the Interim IV Study is scheduled for completion in July 1996. Coastal Monitoring Beyond 1995 The final year of tiiis 5-year monitoring program will involve data collection in 1 995. Lake-bottom changes in the vicinity of Forest Park Beach will not have reached a dynamic equilibrium by that time. Continued monitoring, at least on a limited basis, will be required to determine the net impact of this facility on local and regional littoral transport. 37 I CONCLUSIONS The 1994 data collection at Forest Park Beach represents the fourth year in a proposed 5-year monitoring program that will span from 1991 to 1995. Final evaluation of the impact of this project on local littoral- transport processes and identification of any adverse effects will occur at the completion of the monitoring program. The role of the ISGS during the 1994 monitoring program was to act as an independent reviewer of the data collection and data presentation by the City of Lake Forest. The 1 993 ISGS data collection and data processing also provide supplemental information to complement the 1 994 work done by the City of Lake Forest. The following conclusions are drawn from this review and study: 1 . The metiiod used by the City of Lake Forest for acquisition of profile data is strongly recommended for use in the final year of the planned 5-year program. This data collection involves the use of a prism pole and total station. The data collected by tiie City of Lake Forest in 1 992, 1 993, and 1 994 are the most detailed data collected at Forest Park Beach since post-construction monitoring began in 1987. 2. Profile data collected by the City of Lake Forest in 1994 were verified by the ISGS as being accurate, reproducible, and valid for comparison against future monitoring data and against data sets collected in the past. 3. The City of Lake Forest added four profile lines (N581 7, N601 7. N621 7, and N641 7) in 1 994; they are located opposite the south riprap and Breakwater I. These additional profiles were added at the discretion of the City of Lake Forest. Although they are not part of the original monitoring program proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, it is strongly recommended that the City run them again in 1995. These profiles cover the most active area of ongoing lake-bottom change related to the southward advance of a "sand bridge" along the lakeward perimeter of the project. 4. No sand nourishment was conducted by the City in 1994; 1993 was the final year for which nourishment was required by tiie U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The lack of nourishment in 1994 may be responsible for the sand/clay interface reaching its most landward position, which was recorded on the extreme south end of the Forest Park Beach facility. 5. The major change in position of the sand/clay interface between 1993 and 1994 occurred lakeward of Beach Cell 4 and Breakwaters I and II. This was also the area of major change in 1992-1993. The interface recorded in 1994 for this area was shifted up to 450 ft (137 m) southward (downdrift) of tiie 1993 location. The interface also had advanced farther lakeward than had been previously mapped. The downdrift and lakeward advance of the interface is consistent with sand accretion that is occurring in this area and is related to the building of a "sand bridge" for natural bypass of the facility. 6. Comparisons of topographic and bathymetiic data collected in 1 993 and 1 994 indicate that beach and lake-bottom accretion occurred (1) in the updrift nearshore bar and at the mouth of Beach Cell 1; (2) offshore of Beach Cell 4, (3) lakeward of Breakwater II; and (4) in the privately owned groin field south of the project. Erosion greater than 1 ft in thickness occurred primarily along the lakeward margin of Breakwaters III and IV and in the southern part of Beach Cell 4. Maximum thicknesses of accretion ranged from 3 to 4 ft (0.9 to 1.2 m), while maximum thicknesses of erosion ranged from 1 to 2 ft (0.3 to 0.6 m). Maximum accretion occurred in Beach Cell 1 and lakeward of Beach Cell 4. Maximum erosion occurred on the lakeward side of Breakwater IV. 7. Accretion in the privately owned groin field south of the project is thought to be a combined result of natural bypass of sediment past the project breakwaters and nourishment placed by the City at the south end of the project following the 1993 monitoring. 38 8. Volumetric calculations of 1 993-1 994 accretion and erosion in the nnonitoring area were reported by the City of Lake Forest (work performed by W. F. Baird & Associates, Ltd.). Independent ISGS volume calculations result in relatively close agreement. When the common areas in the two analyses are compared, accretion was the net change throughout the monitoring area between 1993 and 1994. For a 0-ft threshold (i.e., all changes greater than 0 ft) and rounded to the nearest 100 cu yd (cu m), the 1993-1994 estimates of net accretion volume are as follows: ISGS: + 32,800 cu yd (25,100 cu m) City of Lake Forest: + 28,300 cu yd (21 ,700 cu m) The primary area of accretion was in the updrift bar and Beach Cell 1 and lakeward of Beach Cell 4. It is important to note that these figures do not include volume changes across the lake bottom from the north end of Breakwater I to the south end of the southern revetment (i.e., between profiles N6550 and N561 7). Prior to 1 994, the City did not collect data in this area. 9. Based on the 1 993-1 994 volumetric calculations by the ISGS using a 0-ft threshold and the 1 2-ft or 15-ft contour as a lakeward boundary, the volume changes (rounded to the nearest 100) are as follows: Net Accretion: Net Updrift Zone (+ 9,600 cu yd; +7,300 cu m) Beach Cells (+ 6,100 cu yd; +4,700 cu m) Lakeward Perimeter (+11,200 cu yd; +8,600 cu m) Southern Lakeward Perimeter (+ 7,000 cu yd; +5,400 cu m) Downdrift Zone (+10,400 cu yd; +8,000 cu m) ision: Updrift Zone (- 800 cu yd; - 600 cu m) Beach Cells (- 1,500 cu yd; -1,100 cu m) Lakeward Perimeter (- 1,600 cu yd; -1 ,200 cu m) Southern Lakeward Perimeter (- 600 cu yd; - 500 cu m) Downdrift Zone (- 600 cu yd; - 500 cu m) 10. The volumes computed by the ISGS include the area between profiles N6550 and N5617 (ISGS Southern Lakeward Perimeter); thus, the summation of these volumes provides a complete documentation of 1993-1994 net change in the entire monitoring area. ISGS data indicate that substantial net accretion occurred between 1993 and 1994 in all areas of the Forest Park Beach project The summation of net changes in Item 9 results in a net accretion of 39,200 cu yd (30,000 cu m) in 1993-1994. 11. The 1993-1994 net accretion of 39,200 cu yd (30,000 cu m) is the largest net accretion to occur in any 1 -year interval of the present monitoring program. This attests to the short-term fluctuation that can be expected in the supply and entrapment of littoral sediment caused by the interplay of a variety of factors, including lake-level changes, storm frequency and energy, and degree of updrift erosion and transport. 12. The long-term (1 987-1 994) lake-bottom change is net accretion of 69,000 cu yd (52,800 cu m). This level of accretion is primarily a result of the extensive accretion that occurred during the interval from 1993 to 1994. Widely varying annual changes demonstrate the importance of the long-term record. In considering the long-term record, it is important to note that this record uses volumes calculated with a 1-ft threshold because of some uncertainties in the early fathometer data. Annual volume changes since 1992 have been calculated using a 0-ft threshold because of improved primary data collection (e.g., using the prism pole and total station). 39 I 13. Based on ISGS volumetric calculations for the Interval 1987-1994 (the first 7 years following construction) and using a 1 -ft threshold (1987-1992) or a 0-ft threshold (1992-1994) for recording erosion or accretion changes, the following volumes are computed (rounded to the nearest 100): Net Accretion: Updrift Zone Beach Cells Lakeward Perimeter Southern Lakeward Perimeter Downdrift Zone (+1 7,600 cu yd; +1 3,500 cu m) (+24,400 cu yd; +1 8,700 cu m) (+49,000 cu yd; +37,500 cu m) (+10,700 cu yd; + 8,200 cu m) (+16,000 cu yd; +12,200 cum) Net Erosion: Updrift Zone Beach Cells Lakeward Perimeter Southern Lakeward Perimeter Downdrift Zone (- 6,400 cu yd; - 4,900 cu m) (-12,100 cu yd; -9,300 cum) (- 6,500 cu yd; - 5,000 cu m) (-1 1 ,1 00 cu yd; - 8,500 cu m) (-12,600 cu yd; -9,600 cum) The summation is net accretion of 69,000 cu yd (52,800 cu m). This volume has limited application at this time relative to determining how much littoral sediment the project has trapped since construction. Such a determination will be made at the conclusion of the ongoing 5-year monitoring program. 14. Several lines of evidence document the continuing development of an accretionary wedge that is located along the lakeward perimeter of the project and forms a sand bridge for natural bypass of the project. This evidence includes the lake-bottom morphology, trends in accretion and changes to the lake-bottom morphology, location of tiie sand/clay interface, and trends in changes to the location of the interface. As of the 1994 data collection, the leading edge of this accretionary wedge is opposite Beach Cell 4 (based on the 10- and 12-ft contours). Some southward advance occurred between 1 993 and 1 994, but advance during this time (and since at least 1 992) has been slowed by the infilling of a lake-bottom depression opposite Beach Cell 4 and Breakwaters I and II. 15. The localized lake-bottom depression opposite Beach Cell 4 will likely continue to slow the southward advance of the accretionary wedge on the lakeward perimeter of the facility. It is unlikely that a complete "sand bridge" will be in place around the entire facility by 1995, the end of the proposed 5-year monitoring program. 40 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This ISGS monitoring project at Forest Park Beach could not have been successfully completed without the cooperation and assistance of the City of Lake Forest Engineering Department, Police Department, and Department of Parks, Forestry and Public Works. The staff in charge of Forest Park Beach were particularly helpful in providing assistance for short-term storage of the ISGS boat and other equipment, and other logistics related to the ISGS field work. ISGS personnel assisting in the field studies at Forest Park Beach were Mark Hart and Robert Lambert. Matthew Alu assisted with the data processing and computer plotting of base maps, profiles, and profile comparisons, as well as preparation of graphics for the final report. Douglas Mulvey also assisted in preparation of report graphics. Christine Fucciolo assisted in preparation of plots of bathymetry and lake- bottom change and in performing the volumetric analysis for 1993-1994 accretion and erosion. This study was primarily funded by the Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Water Resources under IDOT Project No. WR-09118/SRA-190. Additional funding was provided by the Illinois State Geological Survey. 5 irM-t A f-»V/' 41 NOV 2 2 1995 REFERENCES Anglin, CD., Macintosh, A.M., Baird, W.F., and Werren, D.J., 1987, Artificial beach design, Lake Forest, Illinois: in Magoon, O.T., and four others (eds.), Coastal Zone '87, Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, Seattle, Washington, May 26-29, 1987, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, v. 1, p. 1121-1129. Baird, W.F., & Associates, 1993a, Data conversion and volumetric analysis, 1988 to 1992, Forest Park Beach: prepared for The City of Lake Forest, August 23, 1993: W.F. Baird & Associates, Ltd., Madison, Wisconsin, 18 p. Baird, W.F., & Associates, 1993b, Data conversion and volumetric analysis, 1992 to 1993, Forest Park Beach: prepared for The City of Lake Forest, December 7, 1 993: W. F. Baird & Associates, Ltd., Madison, Wisconsin, 4 p., 13 drawings. Baird, W.F., & Associates, 1994, 1994 beach and nearshore monitoring program, volumetric analysis, Forest Park Beach: prepared for the City of Lake Forest, December 1994: W. F. Baird & Associated, Ltd., Madison, Wisconsin, 3 p., 13 drawings. CH2M HILL, 1 992, Shoreline monitoring of Forest Park Beach, Lake Forest, Illinois, Volume 1 : CH2M HILL, Bellevue, Washington, 1 1 p. plus 2 tables, 8 figures, 4 appendices. Chrzastowski, M.J., and Trask, C.B., 1 992, Review of the final report for the 1 991 beach and nearshore monitoring program at Forest Park Beach, Lake Forest, Illinois: contract report submitted to Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Water Resources (Project WR-09118/SRA-1 90), Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, Illinois, 64 p. plus four appendices. Chrzastowski, M.J., and Trask, C.B., 1994, Review of the final report for the 1993 beach and nearshore monitoring program at Forest Park Beach, Lake Forest, Illinois: contract report submitted to Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Water Resources (Project WR-09118/SRA-190), Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, Illinois, 56 p. plus six appendices and one plate. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 1991, Surface modeling with TIN, ARC/INFO Users Guide Rev. 6.0: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), Redlands, California, 213 p. plus four appendices. Lake Forest Shoreline Monitoring Committee, 1 990a, A review of assessment of the shoreline monitoring program for the Forest Park shoreline development project. Lake Forest, Illinois, Executive Summary and Report (Part 1 of 2): The Lake Forest Shoreline Monitoring Committee, Lake Forest, Illinois, 74 p. Lake Forest Shoreline Monitoring Committee, 1 990b, A review of assessment of the shoreline monitoring program for the Forest Park shoreline development project. Lake Forest, Illinois, Appendices (Part 2 of 2): The Lake Forest Shoreline Monitoring Committee, Lake Forest, Illinois, 123 p. Magnus, K.M., 1993a, The City of Lake Forest 1992 Forest Park Beach monitoring program, volume 1:The City of Lake Forest, Illinois, 1 1 p. plus three appendices. Magnus, K.M., 1993b, The City of Lake Forest 1993 Forest Park Beach monitoring program, volume 1:The City of Lake Forest, Illinois, 1 1 p. plus four appendices. Magnus, K.M., Hammer, A., Mock, C, and Miller, P., 1994, The City of Lake Forest 1994 Forest Park Beach monitoring program, volume 1: The City of Lake Forest, Illinois, 12 p. plus three appendices. Trask, C.B. and Chrzastowski, M.J., 1993, Review of the final report for the 1992 beach and nearshore monitoring program. Forest Park Beach, Lake Forest, Illinois: contract report submitted to Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Division of Water Resources (IDOT Project No. WR- 091 1 8/SRA-1 90) Illinois State Geological Sun/ey, Open File Series 1993-1 1 , Champaign, Illinois, 78 p. plus 7 appendices, 1 map (scale 1:2400). 42 DISTRIBUTION LIST Bound copies of this report have been sent to the offices and libraries listed below. Copies of this report are available at the cost of reproduction from the ISGS. Offices Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Water Resources Chicago, Illinois The City of Lake Forest Lake Forest, Illinois U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District Chicago, Illinois Libraries (Local and State) City of Lake Forest Library Lake Forest, Illinois City of Chicago Library Harold Washington Center Chicago, Illinois Illinois State Geological Survey Library Champaign, Illinois Illinois State Water Survey Library Champaign, Illinois Illinois State Library Springfield, Illinois Libraries (Federal) U.S. Geological Survey Library Reston, Virginia U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District Library Chicago, Illinois U. S. Army Corps of Engineers North Central Division Library Chicago, Illinois U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Watenways Experiment Station CERC Library Vicksburg, Mississippi 43 ! APPENDIX A ISGS FATHOMETER TRACES FOR JUNE AND JULY 1 994 The following are photo-reduced copies of the ISGS fathometer strip-charts for a distance of 1 ,804 ft (550 m) from the profile control point (lines N8630 and N8030 go to 500 m). Vertical lines across each fathometer trace are event marks corresponding to 32.8-ft (10-m) increments as displayed on the console for the Motorola Mini-Ranger III. Depth is recorded in feet referenced to the lake level at the time of the survey. No transducer draft correction is needed because the fathometer trace already incorporates this correction. A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 A 7 A 8 A 9 I A 10 A 11 I A 12 A 13 1 APPENDIX B ISGS JUNE AND JULY 1994 LONG PROFILES Dates on profiles are for the fathometer profiling. The prism-pole profiling across the beach and shallow nearshore was done within 1 week, most within 1 day, after the fathometer profiling. Prism-pole profiling was repeated on Profiles N5417 through N6217 on August 3, approximately 1 Vz months after fathometer profiling. This was required because of the loss of profile data during transfer from the electronic notebook to a computer. Elevations are referenced to Lake Forest Datum (LFD). Vertical exaggeration for all profiles is 10x. N 9430 (Survey Data June 16. 1994) N 9030 (Survey Date- June 16, 1994) Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) B 1 N 8830 (Survey Data June 16. 1994) -r 10 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) B 2 N 8300 (Survey Data June 16, 1994) N 8200 (Survey Data June 16, 1994) Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) B 3 I N 8030 (Survey Data June 16, 1994) 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 370O 3800 3900 4000 4100 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) N 7850 (Survey Data June 16, 1994) 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 -30 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 N 7750 (Survey Data June 16. 1994) 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) B 4 N 7450 (Survey Data June 14. 1994) B 5 N 6900 (Survey Date July 18, 1994) T T -: T T T T T T T T W Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) N 6700 (Survey Data July 18, 1994) 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) N 6417 (Survey Data: June 15, 1994) 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 39°° 4000 4100 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) B 6 N 6217 (Survey Data June 15. 1994) N 5817 (Survey Data- June 15, 1994) Forest Park Beach Local Easting {ti) B N 5617 (Survey Data June 15, 1994) Forest Park Beach Local Eastine (ft^ N 5417 (Survey Date June 15, 1994) Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) N 5267 (Survey Data- June 15, 1994) Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) B N 5067 (Survey Data June 15, 1994) ; I \ , — 1 i i i i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i i i 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 10 -30 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) N 4867 (Survey Data June 15, 1994) 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) N 4667 (Survey Data- June 14, 1994) 2000 i 2200 2300 2400 2500 ^^^0 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 ^0 3400 3500 3600 ^^^0 3800 1^0 4000 41)0 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) B N 4467 (Survey Data June 14, 1994) 10 5 APPENDIX C COMPARISON OF ISGS AND CITY OF LAKE FOREST 1 994 BEACH AND NEARSHORE (SHORT) PROFILES These profiles compare the 1994 ISGS short profile data, which duplicated lines run by the City of Lake Forest. All City of Lake Forest data were collected with prism pole and total station. ISGS data were collected with prism pole and total station to a depth of about 5 ft LFD. Beyond this depth, ISGS data are from fathometer records. In terms of vertical accuracy, the City of Lake Forest prism-pole data take precedence over ISGS fathometer data. Elevations are referenced to Lake Forest Datum (LFD). Vertical exaggeration for all profiles is 10x. Q -J 9430 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 C 1 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) N 6900 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lakeforest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 3100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 C 3 N 6700 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2dOO Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 N 6417 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 N 6217 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles -15 -- -20 -- -25 r -30 1700 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2700 2800 C 4 N 6017 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles 10 T 0 - -5 - -10 - -15 20 - 25 — -30 -h- 1700 ISGS June 15 1994 City of Lake Forest 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 2600 2700 2800 N 5817 Comparisons of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 N 5617 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 C 5 I N 5267 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 N 5067 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 C 6 N 4867 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lakeforest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 N 4667 Comparison of ISGS and City of Lake Forest 1994 Short Profiles 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Forest Park Beach Local Easting (ft) 2600 2700 2800 C 7 APPENDIX D CALCULATIONS OF ACCRETION AND EROSION AT FOREST PARK BEACH The tables included In this appendix contain the individual calculations of volume of accretion and erosion by intervals from the lake-bottom change maps created using the TIN method. Data are compiled in half- foot increments from 0.0 to 3.0 ft. For example, when the threshold is 1 .0 ft, volumes given represent accretion and erosion of greater than 1.0 ft. Volumes are rounded to the nearest 100 ft. Table D1 Accretion and erosion at Forest Park Beach in the updrift zone, determined fronn lal 1 OQA u.u 1 U,'tUU ouu +y,ouu 0.5 1,600 0 +1,600 1.0 500 0 +500 1.5 0 0 0 w 2.0 0 0 0 2.5 0 0 0 3.0 0 0 0 I90/ lU 1 99*f n n u.u OA nnn ,uuu Ann oo,*fuu Q Ann — a,*fuu 0.5 4,100 19,600 -15,500 1.0 900 11,600 -10,700 1.5 100 5,100 -5,000 2.0 0 2,300 -2,300 2.5 0 700 -700 3.0 0 300 -300 APPENDIX E TABULAR DATA FOR ISGS 1994 PRISM-POLE SURVEYS AND FATHOMETER SURVEYS All data are referenced to Lake Forest Datum (LFD). These data extend offshore either to the first occun-ence of depth at 1 7.94 ft LFD (-20 ft Low Water Datum) or a distance of 550 m (1 ,800 ft) from the onshore Mini-Ranger station, whichever is greater. 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETOIC DATA Illinois State Geological Survey MK Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) LINE N9430 (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] June 16, 1994 245 2037377 638878 -13.0 -10.9 SUrt/End Tune: 1708/1715 CST 250 2037383 638893 -13.0 -10.9 255 2037389 638906 -133 -11.2 MinlRanger (MR) Easting: 260 2037395 638924 -13.0 -10.9 Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 1818.022 265 2037401 638939 -133 -11.4 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -236 270 2037407 638954 -133 -11.4 275 2037412 638970 -133 -11.4 280 2037418 638985 -13.9 -11.8 MR Northing Eastuig Elev. Depth 285 2037424 639000 -14.0 -11.9 DisL (ft) (") (") (ft) 290 2037430 639016 -14.0 -11.9 (m) [ILSPC] [IL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] 295 2037436 639031 -143 -12.4 300 2037441 639046 -143 -12.4 Prism Pole DaU 305 2037447 639062 -14.7 -12.6 2037090^82 638121.079 6.188 8.248 310 2037453 639077 -15.0 -12.9 2037092.172 o3«12b.491 5.185 7.245 315 2037459 639092 -153 -13.4 2037097.516 0^51 Jo. 141 5348 320 2037465 639106 -163 -14.4 2037102385 o3ol5Z-577 5.272 325 2037471 639123 -17.0 -14.9 2037105.963 0Jolo3.41U 4.653 330 2037476 639138 -173 -15.4 2037110.722 2.284 335 2037482 639154 -173 -15.4 2037113.028 — U-J17 1.743 340 2037488 639169 -18.0 -15.9 2037112.876 tiiQt in con 3.875 5.935 345 2037494 639184 -18.0 -15.9 2037112.165 OA 1 A£ o3o1oU.1Ud —3.220 -1.160 350 2037500 639200 -17.9 -15.8 2037120.075 o3ol90.141 —3.279 -1.219 355 2037505 639215 -183 -16.4 2037122.156 £.1Q'yf\A AQdL OJo2U4.4oO —3.518 -1.458 360 2037511 639230 -18.7 -16.6 2037128.450 —1 -1375 365 2037517 639246 -18.7 -16.6 2037D1.675 OjoZZ/. /UU —3.721 -1.661 370 2037523 639261 -18.7 -16.6 2037136.852 — 4o5j -2325 375 2037529 639276 -183 -16.4 380 2037535 639292 -183 -16.4 Fathometer Data 385 2037540 639307 -183 -16.4 17 2037112 u^oi /o — J _J -1.4 390 2037546 639322 -18.9 -16.8 20 2037116 638187 —3.5 -1.4 395 2037552 639338 -183 -16.4 25 2037121 638203 —4 0 -1.9 400 2037558 639353 -18.7 -16.6 30 2037127 638218 —4.1 -2.0 405 2037564 639368 -193 -17.2 35 2037 B3 638233 —4.7 -2.6 410 2037569 639384 -19.7 -17.6 40 2037139 638249 —5.5 -3.4 415 2037575 639399 -203 -18.4 45 2037145 638264 —6.5 -4.4 420 2037581 639414 -203 -18.4 50 2037150 638279 —7.1 -5.0 425 2037587 639430 -203 -18.4 55 2037 L56 -5.4 430 2037593 639445 -203 -18.4 60 2037162 638310 —8 0 -5.9 435 2037599 639460 -193 -17.4 65 2037168 638325 _g_5 -6.4 440 2037604 639476 -213 -19.4 70 2037174 -6.4 445 2037610 639491 -213 -19.4 75 2037180 638356 0 J -6.4 450 2037616 639506 -213 -19.4 80 2037185 638371 —8.5 -6.4 455 2037622 639522 -213 -19.4 85 2037191 -6.4 460 2037628 639537 -213 -19.4 90 2037197 —0 n -6.9 465 2037633 639552 -21.9 -19.8 95 2037203 638417 —9.0 -6.9 470 2037639 639568 -213 -19.4 100 2037209 -6.9 475 2037645 639583 -23.0 -20.9 105 2037214 638448 —9.0 -6.9 110 2037220 638463 —9.0 -6.9 115 2037226 —0 0 -6.9 120 2037232 — Q ft -6.9 125 2037238 638509 —0 ^ 7 .-J -7.4 130 2037244 —0 < -7.4 135 2037249 —0 ^ -7.4 140 2037255 638556 — 10.0 -7.9 145 2037261 638571 — 10.0 -7.9 1^ 2037267 638586 -103 -8.2 155 2037273 638602 -10.7 -8.6 160 2037279 638617 -10.8 -8.7 165 2037284 638632 -113 -9.4 170 2037290 638648 -113 -9.4 175 2037296 638663 -12.0 -9.9 180 2037302 638678 -11.7 -9.6 185 2037308 638694 -123 -10.4 190 2037313 638709 -12.0 -9.9 195 2037319 638724 -123 -10.4 200 2037325 638740 -133 -11.2 205 2037331 638755 -14.0 -11.9 210 2037337 638770 -13.8 -11.7 215 2037343 638786 -133 -11.4 220 2037348 638801 -14.0 -11.9 225 2037354 638816 -143 -12.4 230 2037360 638832 -133 -11.4 235 2037366 638847 -133 -11.4 240 2037372 638862 -13.0 -10.9 E 1 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA niinois State Geological Survey LINE N9230 June 16, 1994 Surt/End Tune 1724/1732 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easttog: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 1847,810 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2,55 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Dau 2036906.940 638201,269 7.866 9.9265 2036909,584 638208.177 5.856 7,9165 2036913.608 638219,110 3.894 5.9545 2036917.131 638228.186 1.787 3,8475 2036919383 638237.709 0334 23945 2036930.799 638258.735 -2.007 0.0535 2036938J98 638270.804 -2.504 -0.4435 2036937.474 638284.181 -2.515 -0.4545 2036941J18 638295.855 -3.049 -0.9885 2036945.458 638307391 -3.836 -1.7755 2036950,513 638319.022 -4.432 -23715 athometer Data 10 2036928 638256 -25 -0,4 15 2036933 638271 -3.0 -0.9 20 2036939 638286 -3.5 -1.4 25 2036945 638302 -43 -22 30 2036951 638317 -5.0 -2.9 35 2036957 638332 -5.5 -3.4 40 2036962 638348 -5.8 -3.7 45 2036968 638363 -6.5 -4.4 50 2036974 638378 -7.0 -4.9 55 2036980 638394 -7,5 -5.4 60 2036986 638409 -7S -5.4 65 2036992 638424 -7.7 -5.6 70 2036997 638440 -7.8 -5.7 75 2037003 638455 -7.7 -5.6 80 2037009 638470 -8.5 -6.4 85 2037015 638486 -8,5 -6.4 90 2037021 638501 -8,5 -6.4 95 2037026 638516 -8,5 -6.4 100 2037032 638532 -8,5 -6.4 105 2037038 638547 -8,5 -6.4 110 2037044 638562 -8.5 -6.4 115 2037050 638578 -8.7 -6.6 120 2037056 638593 -8.5 -6.4 125 2037061 638606 -8.7 -6.6 130 2037067 638624 -9.0 -6.9 135 2037073 638639 -9.0 -6.9 140 2037079 638654 -9.5 -7.4 145 2037065 638670 -9.5 -7.4 150 2037090 638685 -9.5 -7.4 155 2037096 638700 -10.5 -8.4 160 2037102 638716 -10.5 -8.4 165 2037108 638731 -11.0 -8.9 170 2037114 638746 -11.5 -9.4 175 2037120 638762 -123 -10.4 180 2037125 638777 -123 -10.2 185 2037131 638792 -12.5 -10.4 190 2037137 638808 -13.0 -10.9 195 2037143 638823 -12.8 -10.7 200 2037149 638838 -14.0 -11.9 205 2037154 638854 -13.5 -11.4 210 2037160 638869 -13.5 -11.4 215 2037166 638884 -14.0 -11.9 220 2037172 638900 -14.0 -11.9 225 2037178 638915 -14.7 -12.6 230 2037184 638930 -14.7 -12.6 235 2037189 638946 -14.5 -12.4 240 2037195 638961 -14.7 -12.6 245 2037201 638976 -15.5 -13.4 250 2037207 638992 -15,5 -13.4 MR Nnrthino Elev. Depth Dist. (m) [IL SPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] 255 2037213 639007 -15.8 -13.7 260 2037218 639022 -15.8 -13,7 265 2037224 639038 -16.0 -13.9 270 2037230 639053 -163 -14.4 275 2037236 639068 -16.8 -14.7 280 2037242 639084 -173 -152 285 2037248 639099 -17.0 -14.9 290 2037253 639114 -173 -15.4 295 2037259 639130 -173 -15.4 300 2037265 639145 -17.8 -15.7 305 2037271 639160 -173 -15.4 310 2037277 639176 -173 -15.4 315 2037282 639191 -173 -15.4 320 2037288 639206 -18.0 -15,9 325 2037294 639222 -183 -16.2 330 2037300 639237 -183 -16,4 335 2037306 639252 -18.0 -15,9 340 2037312 639268 -18.0 -15.9 345 2037317 639283 -183 -16.4 350 2037323 639298 -183 -16.4 355 2037329 639314 -18.0 -15.9 360 2037335 639329 -183 -16.4 365 2037341 639344 -19.0 -16,9 370 2037346 639360 -193 -17.4 375 2037352 639375 -183 -16.4 380 2037358 639391 -183 -16.4 385 2037364 639406 -19.0 -16.9 390 2037370 639421 -19.8 -17.7 395 2037376 639437 -203 -18.4 400 2037381 639452 -21.0 -18.9 405 2037387 639467 -21.0 -18,9 410 2037393 639483 -213 -19,2 415 2037399 639498 -203 -18.4 420 2037405 639513 -20.8 -18.7 425 2037411 639529 -213 -19.4 430 2037416 639544 -213 -19,4 435 2037422 639559 -213 -19,4 440 2037428 639575 -21.0 -18.9 445 2037434 639590 -213 -19.4 450 2037440 639605 -21.0 -18.9 455 2037445 639621 -21.0 -18.9 460 2037451 639636 -213 -19.4 465 2037457 639651 -223 -20.2 E 2 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA Illinois State Geological Survey LINE N9030 June 16. 1994 Start/End Time: 1740/1748 CST MiniRaoger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 1896.703 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.54 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] (O-SPC) [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Data 2036734.052 638310.045 9.695 11.7555 2036735.977 638315.133 7.434 9.4945 2036738.214 638319.886 4349 6.4095 2036740.800 638326.870 2.811 4.8715 2036744.240 638336.093 1.450 35105 2036747.092 638344.694 0357 2.4175 2036750392 638357.453 -0.686 13745 2036754.886 638371.165 -2.134 -0.0735 2036759.404 638382.037 -3.049 -0.9885 2036760J21 638385.901 -3.156 -1.0955 2036764383 638394555 -2.631 -05705 2036767.670 6384m.637 -2J53 -0.4925 2036771.891 638413.937 -3.146 -1.0855 2036776.707 638424.067 -3.755 -1.6945 2036781.787 638436.058 -4.257 -2.1965 2036786.618 638449305 -4.809 -2.7485 atbometer Data 7 2036754 638363 -1.7 03 10 2036758 638372 -33 -15 15 2036764 638388 -3.5 -15 20 2036769 638403 -3.0 -1.0 25 2036775 638418 -43 -23 30 2036781 638434 -5.0 -3.0 35 2036787 638449 -5J -35 40 2036793 638464 -63 -43 45 2036799 638480 -6.5 -45 50 2036804 638495 -6.7 -4.7 55 2036810 638510 -7.5 -55 60 2036816 638526 -7.5 -55 65 2036822 638541 -7.7 -5.7 70 2036828 638556 -7.8 -5.8 75 2036834 638572 -8.0 -6.0 80 2036839 638587 -8.0 -6.0 85 2036845 638602 -8.1 -6.1 90 2036851 638618 -8.5 -65 95 2036857 638633 -8.5 -65 100 2036863 638648 -8.5 -65 105 2036868 638664 -8.5 -65 110 2036874 638679 -8.5 -65 115 2036880 638694 -8.5 -65 120 2036886 638710 -9.0 -7.0 125 2036892 638725 -93 -73 130 2036898 638740 -9.5 -75 135 2036903 638756 -10 J -85 140 2036909 638771 -10.5 -85 145 2036915 638786 -11.5 -95 150 2036921 638802 -12.0 -10.0 155 2036927 638817 -12 J -105 160 2036932 638832 -12.6 -10.6 165 2036938 638848 -13.0 -11.0 170 2036944 638863 -13J -115 175 2036950 638878 -13.0 -11.0 180 2036956 638894 -13.0 -11.0 185 2036962 638909 -123 -103 190 2036967 638924 -12.5 -105 195 2036973 638940 -12.9 -10.9 200 2036979 638955 -13.5 -115 205 2036985 638970 -143 -123 210 2036991 638986 -14.0 -12.0 215 2036996 639001 -14.5 -125 220 2037002 639016 -14.5 -125 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (f«) (ft) (ft) (m\ [m) rii SPPI 1 LL^ \Jt fLFDl [LWD] 225 2037008 639032 -155 -135 230 2037014 639047 -16.0 — 14.0 235 2037020 639062 -17.0 -15.0 240 2037026 639078 -165 -145 245 2037031 639093 -165 -145 250 2037037 639108 -165 -145 255 2037M3 639124 -175 -155 260 2037M9 639139 -175 -155 265 2037QS5 639154 -17.0 -15.0 270 2037060 639170 -16.9 -14.9 275 2037066 639185 -17.1 -15.1 280 2037072 639200 -175 -155 285 2037078 639216 -18.0 -16.0 290 2037084 639231 -175 -155 295 2037090 639246 -18.0 -16.0 300 2037095 639262 -185 -165 305 2037101 639277 -18.0 -16.0 310 2037107 639292 -185 -165 315 2037113 639308 -19.0 -17.0 320 2037119 639323 -195 -175 325 2037124 639338 -195 -175 330 2037130 639354 -195 -175 335 2037136 639369 -18.0 -16.0 340 2037142 639384 -19.0 -17.0 345 2037148 639400 -195 -175 350 2037154 639415 —195 -175 355 2037159 639430 —20.7 -18.7 360 2037165 639446 -20.7 -18.7 365 2037171 639461 —20.0 —18.0 370 2037177 639476 -215 -195 375 2037183 639492 -21.0 -19.0 380 2037188 639507 -215 -195 385 2037194 639523 -215 -195 390 2037200 639538 -205 -185 395 2037206 639553 -205 -185 400 2037212 639569 -21.0 -19.0 405 2037218 639584 -212 -19.2 410 2037223 639599 -21.0 -19.0 415 2037229 6396 L5 -215 -195 420 2037235 639630 -215 -195 425 2037241 639645 -215 -195 430 2037247 639661 -215 -195 435 2037252 639676 -21.0 -19.0 440 2037258 639691 -205 -185 445 2037264 639707 -20.0 -18.0 450 2037270 639722 -20.0 -18.0 455 2037276 639737 -205 -185 460 2037282 639753 -21.0 -19.0 465 2037287 639768 -21.0 -19.0 470 2037293 639783 -215 -195 475 2037299 639799 -215 -195 480 2037305 639814 -215 -195 485 2037311 639829 -225 -205 E 3 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA lUinois State Geological Survey LINE N8830 June 16, 1994 Start/End Tune: 1756/1805 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 1923.994 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.53 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Dau 2036548.417 638383.925 5.764 7.8245 2036550.960 638391.090 5.141 7.2015 2036555.850 638403.460 4.467 63275 2036562.657 638420.630 3.274 53345 2036568.215 638435225 2.404 4.4645 2036571.145 638443375 1376 3.4365 2036573J18 638448.948 1.177 3.2375 2036574.820 638452.042 0.461 23215 2036580374 638469.183 -2.080 -0.0195 2036584361 638480.961 -3.166 -1.1055 2036587371 638488.487 -3.547 -1.4865 2036591.730 638501.052 -2.563 -03025 2036597354 638511.593 -2373 -03125 2036602.075 638523.255 -2.895 -0.8345 2036607.405 638535.162 -3.583 -13225 2036611.150 638546.951 -4.038 -1.9775 2036616.848 638557.174 -4.490 -2.4295 atbometer Data 10 2036581 638469 -2.7 -0.7 15 2036586 638484 -3.8 -13 20 2036592 638499 -23 -03 25 2036598 638515 -3.0 -1.0 30 2036604 638530 -3.8 -1.8 35 2036610 638545 -43 -23 40 2036615 638561 -53 -33 45 2036621 638576 -53 -33 50 2036627 638591 -6.1 -4.1 55 2036633 638607 -63 -43 60 2036639 638622 -6.7 -4.7 65 2036645 638637 -73 -53 70 2036650 638653 -73 -53 75 2036656 638668 -73 -53 80 2036662 638683 -7.7 -5.7 85 2036668 638699 -8.0 -6.0 90 2036674 638714 -8.0 -6.0 95 2036679 638729 -8.1 -6.1 100 2036685 638745 -83 -63 105 2036691 638760 -83 -63 110 2036697 638775 -83 -63 115 2036703 638791 -93 -73 120 2036709 638806 -93 -73 125 2036714 638821 -9.7 -7.7 130 2036720 638837 -10.0 -8.0 135 2036726 638852 -103 -83 140 2036732 638867 -103 -83 145 2036738 638883 -11.0 -9.0 150 2036743 638898 -113 -93 155 2036749 638913 -123 -103 160 2036755 638929 -11.7 -9.7 165 2036761 638944 -11.7 -9.7 170 2036767 638959 -11.7 -9.7 175 2036773 638975 -12.0 -10.0 180 2036778 638990 -13.0 -11.0 185 2036784 639005 -13.9 -11.9 190 2036790 639021 -14.0 -12.0 195 2036796 639036 -143 -123 200 2036802 639051 -153 -133 205 2036807 639067 -153 -133 210 2036813 639082 -153 -133 215 2036819 639097 -16.0 -14.0 220 2036825 639113 -163 -143 MR Nort hino pact inff Elev. Depth Dist cff ^ (m) [IL SPC] [IL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] 225 2036831 639128 -153 -133 230 2036837 639144 -16.7 -14.7 235 2036842 639159 -173 -153 240 2036848 639174 -173 -153 245 2036854 639190 -173 -153 250 2036860 639205 -17.0 -15.0 255 2036866 639220 -163 -143 260 2036872 639236 -16.8 -14.8 265 2036877 639251 -163 -143 270 2036883 639266 -163 -143 275 2036889 639282 -173 -153 280 2036895 639297 -16.9 -14.9 285 2036901 639312 -163 -143 290 2036906 639328 -173 -153 295 2036912 639343 -183 -163 300 2036918 639358 -183 -163 305 2036924 639374 -193 -173 310 2036930 639389 -193 -173 315 2036936 63940* -173 -153 320 2036941 639420 -183 -163 325 2036947 639435 -183 -163 330 2036953 639450 -19.0 -17.0 335 2036959 639466 -19.8 -17.8 340 2036965 639481 -203 -183 345 2036970 639496 -203 -183 350 2036976 639512 -19.9 -17.9 355 2036982 639527 -21.0 -19.0 360 2036988 639542 -213 -193 365 2036994 639558 -213 -193 370 2037000 639573 -213 -193 375 2037005 639588 -21.0 -19.0 380 2037011 63960* -203 -183 385 2037017 639619 -193 -173 390 2037023 639634 -193 -173 395 2037029 639650 -20.0 -18.0 400 2037034 639665 -21.0 -19.0 405 2037040 639680 -213 -193 410 20370*6 639696 -213 -193 415 2037052 639711 -223 -203 E 4 i 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA niioois State Geological Survey LINE N8630 Juoe 16. 1994 SUrt/End Time: 1810/1818 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 1962.678 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.53 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LED] [LWD] Prism Pole Data 2036375327 2036381397 3303 53635 2036389.779 3.175 5.2355 2036394.224 2.492 43525 2036396.103 638546:254 2.734 4.7945 2036398.863 638556362 1.400 3.4605 2036400.903 638560 431 1.615 3.6755 2036402.849 638565.802 0.480 23405 2036411.888 638586.057 -4.077 -2.0165 2036414.926 638590.064 -4.286 -2.2255 2036417.263 638603.674 -3.563 -13025 2036421.999 638615.138 -2.714 -0.6535 2036425.977 638626.288 -2.588 -03275 2036430.773 638640337 -3307 -1.2465 2036434J65 638652.774 -4.035 -1.9745 2036438.233 638663.659 -4.606 -23455 athometer Data 10 2036407 638576 -2.0 0.0 15 2036413 638591 -4.5 -23 20 2036419 638606 -3J -13 25 2036425 638622 -2.5 -03 30 2036431 638637 -3.5 -13 35 2036436 638652 -4.1 -2.1 40 2036442 638668 -4.7 -2.7 45 2036448 638683 -5.7 -3.7 SO 2036454 638698 -6J -43 55 2036460 638714 -6.7 -4.7 60 2036465 638729 -7.0 -5.0 65 2036471 638744 -7.5 -53 70 2036477 638760 -13 -53 75 2036483 638775 -7.7 -5.7 80 2036489 638791 -8.0 -6.0 85 2036495 638806 -8.0 -6.0 90 2036500 638821 -83 -63 95 2036506 638837 -85 -63 100 2036512 638852 -8.5 -63 105 2036518 638867 -9.0 -7.0 110 2036524 638883 -93 -73 115 2036529 638898 -9.5 -73 120 2036535 638913 -9J -73 125 2036541 638929 -9.5 -73 130 2036547 638944 -10.5 -83 135 2036553 638959 -10.9 -8.9 140 2036559 638975 -IIJ -93 145 2036564 638990 -11.5 -93 ISO 2036570 639005 -ns -93 1S5 2036576 639021 -11.7 -9.7 160 2036582 639036 -12.1 -10.1 165 2036588 639051 -13.5 -113 170 2036593 639067 -143 -123 175 2036599 639082 -14J; -123 180 2036605 639097 -14.7 -12.7 185 2036611 639113 -15.0 -13.0 190 2036617 639128 -14.7 -12.7 195 2036623 639143 -15 J -133 200 2036628 639159 -15.5 -133 205 2036634 639174 -14.5 -123 210 2036640 639189 -153 -133 215 2036646 639205 -153 -133 220 2036652 639220 -163 -143 225 2036658 639235 -153 -133 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) fm\ (m) 1 ii^ or x..! rii sppi 1 11^ or v^j n FDi [LWD] 230 2mfifi63 639251 -153 -133 235 639266 — 153 — 133 240 2036675 639281 -173 -153 245 2036681 639297 -173 -153 250 2036687 639312 — 16.0 — 14.0 255 2036692 639327 -173 -153 260 2036698 639343 -173 -153 265 639358 -173 -153 270 639373 — 183 -163 275 639389 -183 -163 ^ou 6394(M — 18.7 — 16.7 7JIS 639419 — 193 —173 290 639435 — 19.0 — 17.0 ■70 < 639450 —18.9 —16.9 300 639465 — 18.9 —16.9 305 2036751 639481 —183 —163 ^VJV tJ%J 639496 —193 —173 315 639511 —193 —173 320 2036768 639527 —19.0 -17.0 325 20'?6774 639542 — 193 -173 330 2036780 639557 -193 -173 335 2036786 639573 -193 -173 340 2036791 639588 -203 -183 345 2036797 639603 -203 -183 350 2036803 639619 -20.9 -18.9 355 2036809 639634 -213 -193 360 2036815 639649 -21.0 -19.0 365 2036820 639665 -21.0 -19.0 370 2036826 639680 -21.0 -19.0 375 2036832 639695 -223 -203 E 5 J 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA Dlioois State Geological Survey MP IVllS Northmg Eastuig dev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) LINE N8430 (m) [IL SPC) [IL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] June 16. 1994 230 2036510 639411 -163 -143 Suit/End Tune: 1342/tJ50CST 235 2036516 639426 -163 -143 240 2036522 639442 -17.0 -15.0 MiniRanger (MR) Easting: 245 2036528 639457 -173 -153 Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2058369 250 2036S34 639472 -173 -153 Low Water Datum FLWDl Correction feet -233 255 2036S39 639488 -17.0 -15.0 260 2036545 639503 -18.0 -16.0 ======= 265 2036551 639518 -18.7 -16.7 MR Northing la 9cttna Elev. Depth 270 2036557 639534 -183 -163 Dist. (ft) v."; (ft) 275 2036563 639549 -19.0 -17.0 (m) [IL SPC] [LWD] 280 2036568 639564 -20.0 -18.0 285 2036574 639580 -193 -173 Prism Pole Data 290 2036580 639595 -183 -163 2036193.123 638573.078 7326 93865 295 2036586 639610 -203 -183 2036195.150 638580.070 5.664 7.7245 300 2036592 639626 -20.9 -18.9 2036202.569 638599.620 4.437 6.4975 305 2036598 639641 -21.0 -19.0 2036210.443 (\'MU\'T1 41 S 2.752 4.8125 310 2036603 639656 -213 -193 2036221.071 2.025 — 10 ^ 203622S.638 fi-lfii^Tn 1 74 UJOU rU.l /*♦ 1.439 3.4995 320 2036615 639687 -21.8 -19.8 2036232.174 vjOv nf.'HJ 1 U.OOU 2.7465 325 2036621 639702 -22.0 -20.0 2036235.002 —0.266 1.7945 2036235.677 3.064 5.1245 2036238.644 6.677 8.7375 2036246.103 4.601 6.6615 2036248384 6-5*1721 777 3.759 5.8195 2036249.230 (.■XKTr/ con 0 920 2.9805 Fathometer Data 10 2036254 638736 —43 -23 15 2036260 638752 -5.8 -3.8 20 2036266 638767 -52 -3.2 25 2036272 638782 -43 -23 30 2036278 638798 -5.0 -3.0 35 2036283 638813 -53 -33 40 2036289 638828 —6.0 -4.0 45 2036295 638844 -73 -53 SO 2036301 6388S9 -7.7 -5.7 55 2036307 638874 -83 -63 60 2036312 638890 -83 -63 65 2036318 638905 -8.7 -6.7 70 2036324 638920 -9.0 -7.0 75 2036330 638936 -93 -73 80 2036336 638951 -93 -73 85 2036342 638966 -9.8 -7.8 90 2036347 638982 -103 -83 95 2036353 638997 -103 -83 100 2036359 639012 -103 -83 105 2036365 639028 -10.7 -8.7 110 2036371 639043 -10.8 -8.8 115 2036376 639058 -113 -93 120 2036382 639074 -113 -93 125 2036388 639089 -123 -103 130 2036394 6391M -13.0 -11.0 135 2036400 639120 -123 -103 140 2036406 639135 -123 -103 145 2036411 639150 -12.9 -10.9 ISO 2036417 639166 -13.0 -11.0 155 2036423 639181 -13.0 -11.0 160 2036429 639196 -133 -113 165 2036435 639212 -133 -113 170 2036440 639227 -14.0 -12.0 175 2036446 639242 -153 -133 180 2036452 639258 -153 -133 185 2036458 639273 -15.8 -13.8 190 2036464 639288 -15.7 -13.7 195 2036470 63930* -16.0 -14.0 200 2036475 639319 -153 -133 205 2036481 63933» -163 -143 210 2036487 639350 -173 -153 215 2036493 639365 -16.0 -14.0 220 2036499 639380 -16.7 -14.7 225 2036504 639396 -163 -143 E 6 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA niinois State Geological Survey LINE N8300 Juoe 16.1994 Start/End Tune: 1327/1334 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2000.000 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -250 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Dau 2036074.204 o3i$6Z7-3o5 5.898 7.9585 2036078.593 A10^A/\ HA 1 5.426 7.4865 2036084.150 4oU^ 030 Z3 2036090.277 2036096.238 2036101359 0 JO r UU^VZ 1011 1 OTK 2036104.044 ■3 ni fi< 2036106.409 /; "10714 1 in O Jo / 14. UU 2036107.133 OJo/ 1/.0UJ n aicn — U.JOU 1 "TfVK I.IWJ 2036107.693 O Jo / Jo a Kf\AK 2036112.676 AIR?'?© OR'? OJO /^.70^ — 1 081 n n'7o< 2036114.961 OJO /4i.*r^^ — n 07^< —yj.y /jj 2036119.754 OJO / JJ.O*»7 — 1 78d — J. / 2036124.771 UJO /OJ.UyU *t Jul 2036129360 OJO / J —4.561 2036133.268 UJO / O^.J 1 i —4.809 —2.7485 athometer Data 15 2036118 638743 —3.6 — 1 S 20 2036124 638758 —4.8 25 2036129 638774 —5.6 _3_5 30 2036135 638789 — S ft JM 35 2036141 6388CM —6 4 40 2036147 UJOO^U —6 6 45 2036153 638835 —5.6 50 2036159 638850 —4.6 —2.5 55 2036164 638866 —43 —2.2 60 2036170 U JOOOl —4.8 —2.7 65 2036176 —5.6 _3_5 70 2036182 638912 —6.6 _4_5 75 2036188 638927 —7.1 —5.0 80 2036193 638942 —7.9 —5.8 85 2036199 638958 —8.6 90 2036205 638973 —8.8 —6.7 95 2036211 638988 —9.6 _7_5 100 2036217 6390(M -9.6 -73 105 2036223 639019 -103 -8.2 110 2036228 639034 -10.1 -8.0 115 2036234 639050 -10.6 -8.5 120 2036240 639065 -10.6 -85 125 2036246 639081 -11.1 -9.0 130 2036252 6390% -11.6 -95 135 2036257 639111 -11.8 -9.7 140 2036263 639127 -12.1 -10.0 145 2036269 639142 -12.6 -105 150 2036275 639157 -13.1 -11.0 155 2036281 639173 -13.6 -115 160 2036287 639188 -13.8 -11.7 165 2036292 639203 -13.1 -11.0 170 2036298 639219 -13.1 -11.0 175 2036304 639234 -13.6 -115 180 2036310 639249 -132 -11.1 185 2036316 639265 -13.1 -11.0 190 2036321 639280 -13.1 -11.0 195 2036327 639295 -13.6 -115 200 2036333 639311 -14.6 -125 205 2036339 639326 -15.6 -135 210 2036345 639341 -15.6 -135 215 2036351 639357 -15.8 -13.7 220 2036356 639372 -16.6 -145 225 2036362 639387 -16.6 -145 230 2036368 63940S -16.6 -145 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [IL SPC] [IL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] 235 Zu3oj74 639418 — 16.8 — 14.7 240 2U3o3oU 639433 — 16.6 — 145 Z43 ZUjojoj 639449 — 18.0 — 15.9 ten ZUjo jV 1 03V4O4 — 18.4 — 163 tec zojojyv 639479 — 18.1 — 16.0 260 2U3o4U3 639495 — 17.6 — 155 265 Z03o409 639510 — 18.6 —165 270 2036415 639525 — 19.4 —173 275 2036420 639541 — 19.6 —175 280 2036426 639556 — 19.6 —175 285 2036432 639571 — 19.6 -175 290 2036438 639587 — 18.6 —165 295 2036444 639602 — 19.1 —17.0 300 2036449 639617 -19.2 -17.1 305 2036455 639633 -20.6 -185 310 2036461 639648 -21.1 -19.0 315 2036467 639663 -20.1 -18.0 320 2036473 639679 -20.6 -185 325 2036479 639694 -21.6 -195 330 2036484 639709 -21.6 -195 335 2036490 639725 -22.6 -205 E 7 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA lUioois State Geological Survey MR Nnrthi no F-fistmg Elev. Depth (") (") (") (") LINE N8230 (m) [ILSPC] [ELSPC] [LED] [LWD] June 16, 1994 220 2036291 639397 -16.6 -145 Start/Eod Time: 1310/D19CST 225 2036297 639412 -16.6 -145 230 2036303 639427 -17.4 -153 MiniRanger (MR) Eastiog: 235 2036308 639443 -18.1 -16.0 Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2000.000 240 2036314 639458 -17.6 -155 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.47 245 2036320 639473 -16.8 -14.7 250 2036326 639489 -16J5 -145 255 2036332 63950* -17.4 -153 MR Northing Easting 171 Air biev. Depth 260 2036337 639519 -17.6 -155 Dist. (ft) (ft) 265 2036343 639535 -18.6 -165 (m) [ILSPC] f n QPT^i n pr»i ILfUJ [LWD] 270 2036349 639550 -19.6 -175 275 2036355 639565 -19.6 -175 Prism Pole DaU 280 2036361 639581 -18.6 -165 2036008522 9.6805 285 2036367 6395% -19.1 -17.0 2036012.608 7 1*77 9.1875 290 2036372 639611 -19.6 -175 2036019.731 5.706 7.7665 295 2036378 639627 -20.6 -185 2036026509 Ojo /IjL.Ljo 1 071 6.0335 300 2036384 639642 -20.6 -185 2036033.698 vjo 1 Li ti jy 4.0035 305 2036390 639657 -20.6 -185 2036037.228 3.0955 310 2036396 639673 -20.6 -185 2036039.653 U.iUo 2.1685 315 2036402 639688 -21.1 -19.0 20360*0.848 ft'isi'j'tst fjJO / JOMJJ — n "xxfi 1.7245 320 2036407 639703 -2L1 -19.0 20360*3.654 O^O / *f*»^ i i — I A'il l.*tj / 0.6235 325 2036413 639719 -20.6 -185 20360*6.670 -03765 330 2036419 639734 -20.6 -185 2036051.090 -1.1595 335 2036425 639750 -21.6 -195 2036056520 D JO / /0-OV*» -13815 340 2036431 639765 -21.7 -19.6 2036062.035 OJO r yi. / JV —3509 -1.4485 345 2036436 639780 -20.6 -185 2036066.875 ft'lflSlOft <72 —3.839 -1.7785 350 2036442 639796 -20.6 -185 2036071.891 —4312 -2.2515 355 2036448 639811 -21.8 -19.7 2036075520 fi38X'V) 4/17 —4.638 -25775 360 2036454 639826 -20.6 -185 2036082.197 638846 KX9 —4.750 -2.6895 365 2036460 639842 -20.6 -185 370 2036466 639857 -21.9 -19.8 Fathometer Data 375 2036471 639872 -22.6 -205 7 20360*3 638743 —2.6 -05 10 2036047 638753 —3.1 -1.0 15 2036052 638768 —3.6 -15 20 2036058 638783 —3.9 -1.8 25 2036064 638799 —4.1 -2.0 30 2036070 638814 —4.6 -25 35 2036076 638829 -5.1 -3.0 40 20360S1 638845 —4.9 -2.8 45 2036087 638860 —4.6 -25 50 2036093 638875 -4.6 -25 55 2036099 638891 -4.4 -23 60 2036105 638906 -4.6 -25 65 2036111 638921 -5.6 -35 70 2036116 638937 -63 -4.2 75 2036122 638952 -6.6 -45 80 2036128 638967 -7.6 -55 85 2036134 638983 -8.6 -65 90 2036140 638993 -8.6 -65 95 2036145 639013 -9.1 -7.0 100 2036151 639029 -9.6 -75 105 2036157 639044 -9.9 -7.8 110 2036163 639059 -10.1 -8.0 115 2036169 639075 -10.6 -85 120 2036175 639090 -10.7 -8.6 125 2036180 639105 -11.1 -9.0 130 2036186 639121 -11.6 -95 135 2036192 639136 -11.8 -9.7 140 2036198 639151 -12.6 -105 145 2036204 639167 -12.7 -10.6 150 2036209 639182 -13.6 -115 155 2036215 639197 -12.6 -105 160 2036221 639213 -12.6 -105 165 2036227 639228 -12.6 -105 170 2036233 639243 -12.6 -105 175 2036239 639259 -12.6 -105 180 2036244 639274 -13.0 -10.9 185 2036250 639289 -13.6 -115 190 2036256 639305 -13.6 -115 195 2036262 639320 -14.9 -12.8 200 2036268 639335 -15.8 -13.7 205 2036273 639351 -15.4 -133 210 2036279 639366 -16.6 -145 215 2036285 639381 -16.6 -145 E 8 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA Illinois State Geological Survey MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) LINE N8200 (m) riLSPCi flLSPCl fLFDl [LWDl June 16, 1994 220 2036263 639407 -163 -143 StariyEnd Tune: 1256/B03 CST 225 2036269 639423 -16.9 -14.9 230 2036275 639438 -17.4 -15.4 MiniRanger (MR) Easting: 235 2036280 639453 -18.4 -16.4 Lake Forest Coordinates fLFCl feet 2000.000 240 2036286 639469 -17.8 -15.8 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.44 245 2036292 639484 -18.0 -16.0 250 2036298 639499 -17.9 -15.9 255 2036304 639515 -18.1 -16.1 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth 260 2036309 639530 -18.6 -16.6 Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 265 2036315 639545 -18.6 -16.6 (m) [VL SPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] 270 2036321 639561 -18.8 -16.8 275 2036327 639576 -18.8 -16.8 Prism Pole Data 280 2036333 639591 -19.1 -17.1 2035982^79 638668372 8.843 10.9035 285 2036339 639607 -19.8 -17.8 2035989.148 638686.211 7.410 9.4705 290 2036344 639622 -19.6 -17.6 2035996307 638705.641 5.190 7.2505 295 2036350 639637 -20.6 -18.6 2036002J10 638723.100 3.233 5.2935 300 2036356 639653 -20.6 -18.6 2036007.015 638737.229 1.601 3J»615 305 2036362 639668 -19.6 -17.6 2036009.649 638745308 1.254 33145 310 2036368 639683 -20.1 -18.1 2036011.899 638751379 0.299 23595 315 2036373 639699 -20.6 -18.6 2036014.000 638755.299 -0391 1.6695 320 2036379 639714 -20.6 -18.6 2036016.714 638760.913 -1369 0.6915 325 2036385 639729 -21.6 -19.6 2036018.973 638767379 -2.652 -03915 330 2036391 639745 -20.8 -18.8 2036022.629 638776.729 -3.531 -1.4705 335 2036397 639760 -19.6 -17.6 2036027.188 638790.778 —3.791 -1.7305 340 2036403 639775 -19.7 -17.7 2036032.151 638804.083 -3.883 -1.8225 345 2036408 639791 -21.6 -19.6 2036037J50 638820.424 —4.119 -2.0585 350 2036414 639806 -21.8 -19.8 20360*3.160 638831.491 —4.218 -2.1575 355 2036420 639821 -22.0 -20.0 2036048.069 638844.049 —4.436 -23755 2036052.755 635o5o.470 —4.552 -2.4915 2036057.681 —4343 -2.4825 Fathometer Data 10 2036018 1 A — J.O -1.6 15 2036024 030 / /V —4,1 -2.1 20 2036030 —4.x -2.2 25 2036036 —J < — 4_5 -23 30 2036042 —4.0 -2.6 35 2036M8 —4. / -2.7 40 2036053 — J.U -3.0 45 2036059 oioo /I —5.1 -3.1 50 2036065 C 1 —5.1 -3.1 55 2036071 — 5.4 -3.4 60 2036077 638917 —5.6 -3.6 65 2036082 638932 —5.6 -3.6 70 2036088 — 5JS -3.8 75 2036094 —6.8 -4.8 80 2036100 638978 —7.6 -5.6 85 2036106 —8.0 -6.0 90 2036112 —8.6 -6.6 95 2036117 —9.4 -7.4 100 2036123 —9.6 -7.6 105 2036129 639055 — 10.0 -8.0 110 2036135 OjyV/\j — 10.1 -8.1 115 2036141 — 10.6 -8.6 120 2036147 £-101 Al — ii.i -9.1 125 2036152 639116 -11.6 -9.6 130 2036 158 639131 -11.8 -9.8 135 2036164 639147 -12.0 -10.0 140 2036170 639162 -123 -103 145 2036176 639177 -12.6 -10.6 150 2036181 639193 -13.6 -11.6 155 2036187 639208 -13.6 -11.6 160 2036193 639223 -13.1 -11.1 165 2036199 639239 -12.6 -10.6 170 2036205 639251 -12.6 -10.6 175 2036211 639269 -13.6 -11.6 180 2036216 639285 -14.2 -12.2 185 2036222 639300 -14.1 -12.1 190 2036228 639315 -14.6 -12.6 195 2036234 639331 -15.6 -13.6 200 2036240 639346 -15.6 -13.6 205 2036245 639361 -15.1 -13.1 210 2036251 639377 -15.1 -13.1 215 2036257 639392 -16.1 -14.1 E 9 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA lUioois State Geological Survey LINE N8030 June 16. 1994 Start/End Time: 1238/1247 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feel 2238^ Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.44 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] fLFD] [LWD] Prism Pole DaU 2035816397 638709.742 10.052 12.1125 2035817.154 638711.456 9.694 11.7545 2035830.748 638746.808 8.918 10.9785 2035845.707 638757320 7.920 9.9805 2035855308 7. 4 JO 2035861.252 0 7COC 2035861375 £10 CM IQI A 1 £.0 o.loy Q 77CIC 2035867.947 Ojo<>*W./OJ 7 AnfiC 2035881.116 £-50070 oeo 1 All C AOIC 2035895.189 AlfiOIC IIQ Z300 4.4265 2035905.662 0 JOV^Z.VU / 1 CA1C 2035912.519 i.U.>0 \ AOAC 3.ifyo5 2035914.475 ojoyov. / to 7 C7fiC 2035915.731 UJOV /U J 7 CA7C 2035917383 0 JoV /4.UDfi CI 1 '>1 7 1 ftIC 2035919.463 — / 2035919.903 — 1.144 A 01 AC 2035921.991 OjoVVII.Ojj 1 111 l\ 7.47e U34/5 2035923312 —0.539 1.5215 2035923.607 A'2fiQQ7 son —40 /J — 7 "tl AC 2035924.750 401o A C78C 2035928.296 Ojyuw.450 8.5805 2035932.947 A'lOni < A(YX l.ljl 0 707C 2035936.509 D.O / i ft 711 C 2035938.920 ojyuiyovo A CA7 400 / A A77C 2035940397 7 CI 4 ^014 A C7AC 40 /4j 2035942.909 A'lonTi oil — 7 Rnji — n 7A7C 2035943.231 —A 070 —A 01 AC atbometer Data 8 2035941.725 Ojyiwu.i**^ 7 7ijt — C 7 10 2035944.052 —7 416 15 2035949.872 —8.116 O.i 20 2035955.691 A'ion'7A o<:^ —ft Xlfk —A 1 25 2035961.510 — ft i^lfi —A A 30 2035967330 fi'?0 107 6*^0 —9.116 -7.1 35 2035973.149 639122.967 -9.616 -7.6 40 2035978.968 639138304 -10.016 -8.0 45 2035984.787 639153.642 -10.116 -8.1 50 2035990.607 639168.979 -10.616 -8.6 55 2035996.426 639184316 -11.416 -9.4 60 2036002.245 639199.654 -12.016 -10.0 65 2036008.065 639214.991 -12.616 -10.6 70 2036013.884 639230328 -12.616 -10.6 75 2036019.703 639245.666 -12.816 -10.8 80 2036025.523 639261.003 -13.616 -11.6 85 2036031342 639276340 -13.616 -11.6 90 2036037.161 639291.677 -13.616 -11.6 95 2036042.980 639307.015 -13.616 -11.6 100 2036048.800 639322352 -13.616 -11.6 105 2036054.619 639337.689 -14.616 -12.6 110 2036060.438 639353.027 -14.816 -12.8 115 2036066258 639368364 -14.816 -12.8 120 2036072.077 639383.701 -14.616 -12.6 125 2036077.896 639399.039 -14.716 -12.7 130 2036083.716 639414376 -14.816 -12.8 135 2036089.535 639429.713 -15.616 -13.6 140 2036095354 639445.051 -15.616 -13.6 145 2036101.174 639460388 -15.816 -13.8 150 2036106.993 639475.725 -16.616 -14.6 155 2036112.812 639491.063 -17.116 -15.1 160 2036118.631 639506.400 -17.616 -15.6 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (f>) (ft) (f) (m) [ILSPC] [IL SPC] [LED] [LWD] 165 2036124.451 639521.737 -18.116 -16.1 170 2036130.270 639537.075 -17.616 -15.6 175 2036136.089 639552.412 -18.616 -16.6 180 2036141.909 639567.749 -18.016 -16.0 185 2036147.728 639583.087 -17.116 -15.1 190 2036153.547 639598.424 -17.116 -15.1 195 2036159367 639613.761 -16.416 -14.4 200 2036165.186 639629.099 -16.616 -14.6 205 2036171.005 639644.436 -19.116 -17.1 210 2036176.825 639659.773 -19.616 -17.6 215 2036182.644 639675.111 -18.616 -16.6 220 2036188.463 639690.448 -19.616 -17.6 225 2036194.282 639705.785 -20.116 -18.1 230 2036200.102 639721.122 -20.616 -18.6 235 2036205.921 639736.460 -21.016 -19.0 240 2036211.740 639751.797 -21.016 -19.0 245 2036217.560 639767.134 -21.116 -19.1 250 2036223379 639782.472 -20.116 -18.1 255 2036229.198 639797.809 -20.616 -18.6 260 2036235.018 639813.146 -21.116 -19.1 265 2036240.837 639828.484 -21.616 -19.6 270 2036246.656 639843.821 -21.616 -19.6 275 2036252.476 639859.158 -21.016 -19.0 280 2036258.295 639874.496 -21.616 -19.6 285 2036264.114 639889.833 -22.616 -20.6 E 10 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA Illinois State Geological Siuvey LINE N7850 June 16, 1994 Sun/End Time: 1219/1227 CST MiniRanger (Mr) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LPC] feet 2000.000 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.46 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole DaU 2035675.641 U JOO'VJ.O /o 6.716 8.7765 2035680.130 fi3}iS58J235 6.405 8.4^55 2035680.139 6.094 8.1545 2035685.586 5.205 7.2655 2035690.144 fi'^HHM 093 4.757 6.8175 2035690.886 638887 174 4.653 6.7135 2035599.634 638927 627 4.687 6.7475 2035698.142 638906.121 3.511 53715 2035704.978 638924.073 3.039 5.0995 2035710.816 638939.414 2340 4.4005 2035715.772 638951377 1.205 3.2655 2035718.155 638956.426 0.438 2.4985 2035719.055 638958.748 0.126 2.1865 2035720.476 638962.925 -0553 13075 2035722.727 638967.516 -1.207 03535 2035724.423 638973.243 -1.779 02815 2035729.737 638987.095 -2.969 -0.9085 2035734.574 638999.281 -3361 -13005 2035740.498 639012.994 -4.183 -2.1225 2035744.990 639025.035 -4.479 -2.4185 2035748381 639033.501 -4.831 -2.7705 athometer Data 37 2035723 638970 -2.1 0.0 40 2035726 638979 -2.6 -03 45 2035732 638995 -3.4 -13 50 2035738 639010 -4.4 -23 55 2035744 639025 -5.1 -3.0 60 2035749 639041 -5.6 -33 65 2035755 639056 -6.0 -3.9 70 2035761 639071 -6.0 -3.9 75 2035767 639087 -5.8 -3.7 80 2035773 639102 -6.0 -3.9 85 2035779 639117 -6.1 -4.0 90 2035784 639133 -6.6 -43 95 2035790 639148 -7.1 -5.0 100 2035796 639163 -7.6 -53 105 2035802 639179 -8.1 -6.0 110 2035808 639194 -8.6 -63 115 2035813 639209 -9.1 -7.0 120 2035819 639225 -9.6 -73 125 2035825 639240 -10.6 -83 130 2035831 639255 -11.1 -9.0 135 2035837 639271 -11.1 -9.0 140 2035843 639286 -11.6 -93 145 2035848 639301 -12.6 -103 150 2035854 639317 -13.1 -11.0 155 2035860 639332 -13.4 -113 160 2035866 639347 -12.6 -103 165 2035872 639363 -13.1 -11.0 170 2035877 639378 -13.6 -113 175 2035883 639394 -14.0 -11.9 180 2035889 639409 -13.6 -113 185 2035895 639424 -13.6 -113 190 2035901 639440 -13.6 -113 195 2035907 639455 -13.6 -113 200 2035912 639470 -13.6 -113 205 2035918 639486 -14.1 -12.0 210 2035924 639501 -14.4 -123 215 2035930 639516 -14.6 -123 220 2035936 639532 -14.6 -123 225 2035941 639547 -14.8 -12.7 Northio^ n.i€V. ucpio Dist. (") (") (") (") (m) [ILSPC] [IL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] 230 2035947 639562 -15.1 -13.0 235 2035953 639578 -15.8 -13.7 240 2035959 639593 -16.6 -143 245 2035%5 639606 -17.1 -15.0 250 2035971 639624 -18.1 -16.0 255 2035976 639639 -18.1 -16.0 260 2035982 639654 -18.6 -163 265 2035988 639670 -18.6 -163 270 2035994 639685 -17.6 -153 275 2036000 639700 -19.6 -173 280 2036005 639716 -19.6 -173 285 2036011 639731 -19.0 -16.9 290 2036017 639746 -17.1 -15.0 295 2036023 639762 -17.6 -153 300 2036029 639777 -19.6 -173 305 2036035 639792 -20.1 -18.0 310 2036040 639808 -20.6 -183 315 20360*6 639823 -20.6 -183 320 2036052 639838 -20.9 -183 325 2036058 639854 -20.9 -183 330 2036064 639869 -21.6 -193 335 2036069 639884 -21.6 -193 340 2036075 639900 -20.6 -183 345 2036081 639915 -21.1 -19.0 350 2036087 639930 -21.6 -193 355 2036093 639946 -22.1 -20.0 E 11 i 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA Illinois State Geological Survey LINE N7750 June 16. 1994 Stert/End Tune: 1158/1205 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2000.000 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.47 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Dau 2035586.083 638891.972 6.659 8.7195 2035586.050 638892.133 6.659 8.7195 2035589.246 638899.812 6.477 8.5375 2035590.216 6389U2.470 6.919 8.9795 2035590.637 03891D.431 5.679 7.7395 2035596.085 ujoyi/.oo4 7 11 K 2035600.417 A AOO 2035607.242 .>./il < 77K J.I 1 Vj 2035612.986 liXOAiiA 107 UJoVM.iy / 1 C7fl 2035618.789 A CQK 2035621.983 1 <1 1 1 ^71 < 2035624.612 D JOyf / .171 1 CUift l.UOO 1 17Jl< 2035626.154 OJVlA/l.D**** 7 AA7^ 2035628.402 —0.010 2.0505 2035628.897 1 704< 2035629.856 — 1.081 0.9795 2035631.870 ojyvJi / M fy 1 7^1 1. /*♦! n iiQ< 2035633342 —2.095 2035638322 OjyVJL,L^*t —1 lift J.l lO — 1 fl^7< 2035642.224 — 1 HAAK 2035646.114 vjyviy .**ou 2035649.702 ujy\jJo.j£,\j —A KQH —7 ^17^ athometer Data 40 2035633 ojyvLj —7 A — fl 1 45 2035638 639030 —3.2 — 1.1 50 2035644 Qjy\j*K> —A —7 ^ 55 2035650 ojyvvi. — ^ 1 —1 n 60 2035656 639076 —5.2 —3.1 65 2035662 639092 —5.6 —3.5 70 2035668 639107 —6.0 —3.9 75 2035673 639122 —6.4 —43 80 2035679 639138 —6.9 —4.8 85 2035685 639153 —7.6 —53 90 2035691 639168 —8.6 —63 95 2035697 639184 -8.6 -63 100 2035702 639199 -9.1 -7.0 105 2035708 639214 -9.2 -7.1 110 2035714 639230 -9.6 -73 115 2035720 639245 -9.6 -73 120 2035726 639260 -10.2 -8.1 125 2035732 639276 -10.6 -83 130 2035737 639291 -10.6 -83 135 2035743 639306 -11.0 -8.9 140 2035749 639322 -113 -9.2 145 2035755 639337 -11.6 -93 150 203.5761 639352 -12.1 -10.0 155 2035767 639368 -13.6 -113 160 2035772 639383 -13.6 -113 165 2035778 639398 -13.6 -113 170 2035784 639414 -13.6 -113 175 2035790 639429 -13.1 -11.0 180 2035796 639444 -13.1 -11.0 185 2035801 639460 -13.0 -10.9 190 2035807 639475 -13.0 -10.9 195 2035813 639490 -13.1 -11.0 200 2035819 639506 -13.1 -11.0 205 2035825 639521 -13.6 -113 210 2035831 639536 -13.6 -113 215 2035836 639552 -14.1 -12.0 220 2035842 639567 -14.6 -123 225 2035848 639582 -14.8 -12.7 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [IL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] 230 2035854 639598 -15.0 -12.9 235 2035860 639613 -16.1 -14.0 240 2035865 639628 — 16.6 -143 245 2035871 639644 — 16.6 — 143 250 2035877 639659 — 17.6 -153 255 te\i COD? 639674 — 17.8 —15.7 260 2U35i»y 639690 — 16.6 — 143 265 cone 639705 — 16.1 —14.0 270 20359U0 639720 — 16.6 -143 275 2035906 639736 — 17.6 —153 280 2035912 639751 —18.6 —163 285 2035918 639766 — 18.6 —163 290 7 C A^ /I 2035924 639782 — 18.9 —16.8 295 2035929 639797 — 19.6 -173 300 2035935 639812 —19.6 —173 305 2035941 639828 — 19.1 — 17.0 310 2035947 639843 —19.6 — 173 315 2035953 639858 — 19.4 —173 320 2035959 639874 -20.1 -18.0 325 2035%4 639889 -20.6 -183 330 1A? CfVTA 2035970 639904 —20.7 — 18.6 335 2035976 639920 —20.6 —183 340 2035982 639935 —20.6 —183 345 7A9 CAOO 2035988 639950 —20.8 — 18.7 350 7A^ CfWl? 2035993 639966 —20.6 — 183 355 2035999 039981 —20.6 — 183 360 2036005 639996 -20.1 -18.0 365 2036011 640012 -20.1 -18.0 370 2036017 640027 -19.9 -17.8 375 2036023 640042 -21.1 -19.0 380 2036028 640058 -21.4 -193 385 2036034 640073 -21.6 -193 390 2036040 640088 -21.6 -193 395 2036046 640104 -22.1 -20.0 E 12 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA niinois State Geological Survey LINE N7450 June 16, 1994 Stort/End Time: 1 134/1143 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2000.000 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.71 NfR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Data 2035301.780 638988305 6.617 8.6775 2035305382 638996.713 6.459 85195 2035305 J91 638997.418 6.036 8.0965 2035308.142 639005.203 5.844 7.9045 2035308.800 639007.130 5.727 7.7875 2035316394 639025.761 4.445 65055 2035322316 639040.728 3575 5.6355 2035323.082 639044.441 3.429 5.4895 2035326.843 639057.869 3.132 5.1925 2035335.415 639077.639 2.159 4.2195 2035339.071 639088.002 1.298 33585 2035342.087 639095.178 0.185 2.2455 2035342.246 639097.171 -0.009 2.0515 2035342.215 639097.806 -0.168 1.8925 2035345.161 639102.973 -0.796 1.2645 2035346.147 639106.965 -1.497 05635 2035353.838 639124574 -2.080 -0.0195 2035358.763 639142305 -2.499 -0.4385 2035364.012 639162345 -2.404 -03435 2035376.428 639184338 -2.109 -0.0485 2035379.676 639198.969 -2.725 -0.6645 2035386.716 639214.105 -3.460 -13995 2035391.892 639224.932 -4.168 -2.1075 2035393.673 639231.671 -4.829 -2.7685 athometer Data 65 2035381 639198 -2.9 -0.8 70 2035387 639213 -3.4 -13 75 2035393 639229 -4.4 -23 80 2035399 639244 -5.9 -3.8 85 2035405 639259 -6.4 -43 90 2035410 639275 -6.9 -4.8 95 2035416 639290 -7.4 -53 100 2035422 639305 -8.4 -63 105 2035428 639321 -9.4 -73 110 2035434 639336 -9.9 -7.8 115 2035439 639351 -10.9 -8.8 120 2035445 639367 -11.4 -93 125 2035451 639382 -11.4 -93 130 2035457 639397 -11.9 -9.8 135 2035463 639413 -12.4 -103 140 2035469 639428 -12.9 -10.8 145 2035474 639443 -12.9 -10.8 150 2035480 639459 -12.9 -10.8 155 2035486 639474 -12.6 -105 160 2035492 639489 -12.4 -103 165 2035498 639505 -125 -10.4 170 2035503 639530 -12.4 -103 175 2035509 639535 -13.4 -113 180 2035515 639551 -13.2 -11.1 185 2035521 639566 -13.4 -113 190 2035527 639581 -13.6 -115 195 2035533 639597 -14.4 -123 200 2035S38 639612 -14.9 -12.8 205 2035544 639627 -15.4 -133 210 2035550 639643 -15.9 -13.8 215 2035556 639658 -16.2 -14.1 220 2035562 639673 -15.9 -13.8 225 2035567 639689 -16.4 -143 230 2035573 6397M -16.2 -14.1 235 2035579 639719 -16.2 -14.1 240 2035585 639735 -16.4 -143 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (■ft) (■ft) (m) [ILSPC] [IL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] 245 2035591 639750 -16.4 -143 250 2035597 639765 -16.7 -14.6 255 2035602 639781 -17.4 -153 260 2035608 639796 -17.6 -155 265 2035614 639811 -18.4 -163 270 2035620 639827 -18.4 -163 275 2035626 639842 -18.4 -163 280 2035631 639857 -18.4 -163 285 2035637 639873 -18.6 -165 290 2035643 639888 -183 -16.2 295 2035649 639904 -18.4 -163 300 2035655 639919 -18.6 -165 305 2035661 639934 -19.4 -173 310 2035666 639950 -19.2 -17.1 315 2035672 639965 -19.4 -173 320 2035678 639980 -20.4 -183 325 2035684 639996 -19.9 -17.8 330 2035690 640011 -19.9 -17.8 335 2035696 640026 -19.9 -17.8 340 2035701 640042 -20.2 -18.1 345 2035707 640057 -20.4 -183 350 2035713 640072 —19.4 -173 355 2035719 640088 —20.4 —183 360 2035725 640103 -20.7 -18.6 365 2035730 640118 —19.9 -17.8 370 2035736 640134 -19.4 -173 375 2035742 640149 -20.7 -18.6 380 2035748 640164 -205 -18.4 385 2035754 640180 -20.9 -18.8 390 2035760 640195 -20.4 -183 395 2035765 640210 -20.4 -183 400 2035771 640226 -19.4 -173 405 2035777 640241 -18.4 -163 410 2035783 640256 -18.9 -16.8 415 2035789 640272 -19.6 -175 420 2035794 640287 -19.4 -173 425 2035800 640302 -195 -17.4 430 2035806 640318 -19.6 -175 435 2035812 640333 — 19.4 -173 440 2035818 640348 — 19.7 -17.6 445 2035824 640364 — 19.6 -175 450 2035829 640379 — 19.4 —173 455 2035835 640394 —19.9 — 17.8 460 2035841 640410 —20.4 —183 465 2035847 640425 -20.9 —18.8 470 2035853 640440 —20.9 —18.8 475 2035858 640456 -20.4 -183 480 2U3SS64 640471 —20.4 — 183 485 2035870 640486 -20.4 -183 490 2035876 640502 -19.9 -17.8 495 2035882 640517 -19.9 -17.8 500 2035888 640532 -19.9 -17.8 505 2035893 640548 -20.4 -183 510 2035899 640563 -20.4 -183 515 2035905 640578 -21.4 -193 520 2035911 640594 -22.4 -203 E 13 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA niinois State Geological Survey LINE N7350 June 16. 1994 Surt/End Tune: 1 1 16/1124 CST MiniRaoger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2000.000 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.41 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Data 2035199.496 639000.209 6.674 8.7345 2035202.857 639008.937 6.424 8.4845 2035203.481 639011373 6.893 8.9535 2035203.121 639012339 5.282 73425 2035206323 639018.660 5.042 7.1025 2035208.176 639023368 4.862 6.9225 2035211.293 639031.495 4319 63795 2035219.791 6390S3J27 3.645 5.7055 2035226.902 639072.058 3.548 5.6085 2035227.901 639075.666 3344 5.4045 2035229.431 639080.771 3.144 5.2045 2035235.966 639096327 1.781 3.8415 2035240.801 639109.427 0323 23835 2035242.030 639112.888 -0.104 1.9565 2035242.165 639113392 -0.205 1.8555 2035244.195 639118.401 -0.680 13805 2035249.080 639130.837 -1311 0.7495 2035254380 639144J83 -2.479 -0.4185 2035261.514 639162.120 -3.424 -13635 2035267.620 639179.788 -3.483 -1.4225 2035273.785 639196352 -3.671 -1.6105 2035279359 639209.480 -3.946 -1.8855 2035283.928 639221.157 -4744 -2.1835 2035288364 639234.197 -4.705 -2.6445 Fathometer Data 35 2035253 639141 -2.7 -0.6 40 2035259 639157 -3.7 -1.6 45 2035264 639172 -3.7 -1.6 50 2035270 639187 -3.9 -1.8 55 2035276 639203 -4.2 -2.1 60 2035282 639218 -4.7 -2.6 65 2035288 639233 -5.2 -3.1 70 2035294 639249 -5.6 -33 75 2035299 639264 -5.7 -3.6 80 2035305 639279 -5.7 -3.6 85 2035311 639295 -6.2 -4.1 90 2035317 639310 -6.7 -4.6 95 2035323 639325 -7.1 -5.0 100 2035329 639341 -7.7 -5.6 105 2035334 639356 -7.7 -5.6 110 2035340 639371 —7.7 -5.6 115 2035346 639387 -8.0 -5.9 120 2035352 639402 -8.0 -5.9 125 2035358 639418 -8.7 -6.6 130 2035363 639433 -9.1 -7.0 135 2035369 639448 -9.1 -7.0 140 2035375 6394M -103 -8.4 145 2035381 639479 -10.7 -8.6 150 2035387 639494 -10.9 -8.8 155 2035393 639510 -11.7 -9.6 160 2035398 639525 -12.7 -10.6 165 2035404 639540 -13.1 -11.0 170 2035410 639556 -13.7 -11.6 175 2035416 639571 -13.2 -11.1 180 2035422 639586 -13.1 -11.0 185 2035427 639602 -12.9 -10.8 190 2035433 639617 -12.9 -10.8 195 2035439 639632 -12.9 -10.8 200 2035445 639648 -12.7 -10.6 205 2035451 639663 -12.7 -10.6 210 2035457 639678 -12.7 -10.6 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [11- or\_,J [LFD] 71 ^ — 1 7 0 — ins 0J7 I\J7 — 1 1 ft 2035474 ^39724 — 13 9 — 118 230 639740 — 14 7 — 17 /; 639755 — 1^7 i J. / 240 203549 1 639770 — 163 — 14 4 245 2035497 639786 — 17.0 —14.9 639801 — 17 7 — 1 ^ 255 2035509 639816 — 17.7 — 15.6 260 2035515 639832 — 173 — 1^4 7/>S 639847 — 18 7 — 1/i 1 270 — 17.7 — 15.6 77 ^ 639878 — 183 — I^i 7 7Rn — 18 7 — ll\ 1 10. i 285 2035544 639908 — 18.7 — 16.6 70ft 639924 — 18 7 — 1/« A iO.O 70C — 18 7 lo./ — 1/i A 10.0 >w — 18 7 — 1 A 1 10.1 ^UJ^JO / 0 /u 1 ff 7 1A 1 — 10.1 JiU — 18.2 — 10.1 — 10 1 — 17 7 — 1 1 ^ i7n 0»KKJ10 — 10 7 1 7 A — 1 / .O 17< — 10 7 — 1 7 A — 1 / .O — 1 0 7 — 17 1 1 /.I JJJ — 18 7 — li* A — 10.0 340 6400 T7 — 10 7 — 17 1 — 1 / .1 345 640092 —20.7 — 18.6 350 640108 —20.2 —18.1 355 640123 —20.7 —18.6 360 640138 —20.2 —18.1 365 2035637 640154 —203 -18.4 370 640169 —71 n — 18 9 375 2035649 640184 —21.7 — 19.6 380 640200 —20.9 —18.8 385 70'3S(V>0 640215 —21.2 — 19.1 390 640230 —20.7 — 18.6 395 2035672 640246 —20.2 -18.1 400 ^U.^ / o — 20.2 — 18.1 405 2035683 640276 —20.7 -18.6 410 2035689 640292 —20.7 — 18.6 415 2035695 640307 —21.0 -18.9 420 2035701 640322 -21.7 -19.6 425 2035707 640338 -21.9 -19.8 430 2035713 640353 -21.7 -19.6 435 2035718 640368 -20.7 — 18.6 440 2035724 640384 -19.9 -17.8 445 2035730 640399 — 19.7 -17.6 450 2035736 640414 — 19.7 — 17.6 455 2035742 640430 — 18.7 —16.6 460 2035747 640445 — 19.2 — 17.1 465 640460 — 19.7 — 17.6 470 2035759 640476 —20.2 — 18.1 475 640491 — 7n x — 18 7 480 2035771 640506 —20.4 — 183 485 2035777 640522 —20.2 — 18.1 490 701^7X7 640537 —20.7 — 18.6 495 2035788 640552 —21.1 — 19.0 500 2035794 640568 —20.7 — 18.6 505 2035800 640583 —21.2 — 19.1 510 2035806 640598 —20.7 — 18.6 515 640614 —20.8 -18.7 520 640629 —21.2 — 19.1 525 2035823 640644 —21.7 -19.6 530 2035829 640660 —21.7 — 19.6 535 640675 —21.2 — 19.1 540 2035841 640691 -20.7 -18.6 545 2035846 640706 —20.7 -18.6 550 2035852 640721 -21.2 -19.1 555 2035858 640737 -21.7 -19.6 560 2035864 640752 -21.7 -19.6 565 2035870 640767 -20.7 -18.6 570 2035876 640783 -20.7 -18.6 575 2035881 640798 -20.7 -18.6 580 2035887 640813 -20.8 -18.7 585 2035893 640829 -21.7 -19.6 E 14 I 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA niinois State Geological Survey LINE N7000 July 18.1994 Start/End Tune: 1101/1112 CST MiniRaoger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 1995.950 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.77 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Dau 2034849.235 6.953 9.0135 2034849396 5.263 73235 2034854.423 fi-iqO'TS 07'? 5361 7.4215 2034862.228 5.293 73535 2034864.657 5312 73725 2034867.432 f,%q\ 12 086 V-J 7 1. ' /- -1 w ^1 1 5359 7.4195 2034873.062 4o — 17ft — 1^7 '>0< AAAAA1 — 1 fi fi — 1A 7 10. / JUU 7rtK71il 04lnJ /o — 1 fi ft 1 0 — 10. / 7ni^7*in 04UUy4 — 1 fi fi — LO.O — 1 7 — 10. / /^i4A1 AO 04U1W — 1 fi fi — lo.o — 1 A 7 — 10. / /^ilAl 74 04U1Z4 — 1 fi 1 1 A 0 — lO.Z 04U14U 1 fi 1 — Ifi 0 lO.Z — 1 ft fi .1 fi 7 10. / 7A1 <7A0 dLAfW 7A /U — 1 fi fi — lo.o — 1 fi 7 10. / 04UioO — 1 fi fi — 1 fi 7 — 10. / XAS\ /iAA7Al — 1 fi fi — io.o — 1 fi 7 — 10. / 04UZ1O — 1 O 1 — 17 7 — 1 /.Z 7AK707 Aj1A717 OA 1 — ZUO — 1 ft 0 — I0.Z JJJ 7rtK70ft A4A7A7 — 7A 1 — ZU-J — 1 ft 0 — I0.Z lAH jO\J 04UZOZ OA 1 — ZU-J 1 fi 0 — I0.Z ^Oj OAKIl A /i4A77fi 04UZ /o OA fi — ZU.O — 1 ft 7 — lo. / AAA701 — 7A 1 — 1 ft 7 — I0.Z ^ /D ZU3^ JZ 1 AAAIAfi 04UjUo 1 0 fi 17 7 — 1 /./ 04UJZ4 1 0 fi — 17 7 1 /./ ijt<; AAAIIO — 10 1 — 17 7 — 1 / .Z — 10 1 — 17 7 — 1 /.Z AAA17A — 1 0 fi — 17 7 — 1 /./ 400 — 10 R — 17^ — 17 7 — 1 0 fi — 17 7 — 1 /./ 7(11*; 1^7 ZUJ^ JOZ — 10 0 — 17.7 — 17 ft — 1 / .o 415 2035368 —203 — 18.2 701^174 ZUJjj/H — 7A fi — ZU.O —1ft 7 — lo./ 425 640462 —213 —19.2 7ni^ui^ 640477 —71 1 — 10 7 17.Z /k AAA 01 — 71 1 — 10 7 440 2035397 —213 —19.2 445 2035403 640523 —213 —19.2 450 2035409 640539 —21.8 — 19.7 455 2035414 640554 -21.8 -19.7 460 2035420 640569 -21.8 -19.7 465 2035426 640585 -21.8 -19.7 470 2035432 640600 -213 -19.2 475 2035438 640615 -21.1 -19.0 480 2035444 640631 -213 -19.2 485 2035449 640646 -21.8 -19.7 490 2035455 640661 -22.1 -20.0 E 15 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA Illinois State Geological Survey MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) LINE N6900 (m) [IL SPC] [IL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] July 18. 1994 230 2035QS9 639899 -162 -142 SUrt/End Tune: 1127/1137 CST 235 2035065 639915 -162 -142 240 2035071 639930 -162 -142 MiniRanger (MR) Easting: 245 2035077 639945 -162 -142 Lake Forest Coordinates fLFC] feet 2000.000 250 2035082 639961 -162 -142 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.83 255 2035088 639976 -162 -142 260 2035094 639991 -162 -142 : =_ = I ======= 265 2035100 640007 -172 -152 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth 270 2035106 640022 -172 -152 Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 275 2035111 640037 -162 -142 (m) [IL SPC] [XL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] 280 2035117 640053 -172 -152 285 2035123 640068 -182 -162 Prism Pole DaU 290 2035129 640083 -172 -152 2034747.415 639079.703 7.013 9.0735 295 2035135 640099 -182 -162 2034747.619 639079.916 5.051 7.1115 300 2035141 640114 -17.5 -15 J 2034754233 639096.723 4.657 6.7175 305 2035146 640129 -182 -162 2034763J43 639119.896 4.651 6.7115 310 2035152 640145 -182 -162 2034767327 639130.493 4.658 6.7185 315 2035158 640160 -18.4 -16.4 2034769.439 639135.995 4.555 6.6155 320 2035164 640175 -192 -172 2034779.907 639161.883 4.193 6.2535 325 2035170 640191 -192 -172 2034787.678 639182.948 4.218 6.2785 330 2035175 640206 -18.6 -16.6 2034791.464 639193.615 3.562 5.6225 335 2035181 640221 -192 -172 2034791.439 639193.745 3.589 5.6495 340 2035187 640237 -19.7 -17.7 2034796.924 639207.758 2.030 4.0905 345 2035193 640252 -19.7 -17.7 2034800.738 639217.988 0.648 2.7085 350 2035199 640267 -19.8 -17.8 2034810.257 639241.487 -2.542 -0.4815 355 2035205 640283 -19.7 -17.7 2034811.791 639Z47o3o —2.985 -0.9245 360 2035210 640298 -192 -172 2034813.800 039254.109 —3.478 -1.4175 365 2035216 6403 B -19.7 -17.7 2034815.629 039259.04 —3.740 -1.6795 370 2035222 640329 -19.7 -17.7 375 2035228 640344 -19.4 -17.4 Fathometer Data 380 2035234 640359 -19.4 -17.4 10 2034803 c\ 0 1.1 385 2035239 640375 -202 -182 15 2034809 — i.^ -0.2 390 2035245 640390 -202 -182 20 2034815 -1.2 395 2035251 640405 -202 -182 25 2034820 — 4 7 -2.2 400 2035257 640421 -20.7 -18.7 30 2034826 0^7^00 —J. 7 —*». / -2.7 405 2035263 640436 -192 -172 35 2034832 — ^ 7 -32 410 2035269 640451 -192 -172 40 2034838 -3.4 415 2035274 640467 -202 -182 45 2034844 Ojyj _ ^ ft -33 420 2035280 640482 -202 -182 50 2034850 0 -42 425 2035286 640497 -202 -182 55 2034855 ti'tCi'X.fSt 7 C\ -5.0 430 2035292 640513 -202 -182 60 2034861 /o — 7 7 -52 435 2035298 640528 -20.7 -18.7 65 2034867 —ft 7 -62 440 2035303 640543 -212 -192 70 2034873 —ft -63 445 2035309 640559 -212 -192 75 2034879 —0 7 -72 450 2035315 640574 -212 -192 80 2034884 ojy*»jy —0 7 — y. / -7.7 455 2035321 640589 -212 -192 85 2034890 _1 A 7 1U.Z -82 460 2035327 640605 -212 -192 90 2034896 OjV* /U — in .i. — lU.^ -8.4 465 2035333 640620 -212 -192 95 2034902 — 1 lU, -92 470 2035338 640635 -212 -192 100 2034908 11 O — 1Z.2 -102 475 2035344 640651 -212 -192 105 2034914 0 JVO 10 — 17 7 — 1Z.Z -102 480 2035350 640666 -212 -192 110 2034919 ojy^ji — 117 1 Jui -112 485 2035356 640681 -212 -192 115 2034925 0jV540 — li.Z -102 490 2035362 640697 -212 -192 120 2034931 0jV50^ — 17 7 — IZ. / -10.7 495 2035367 640712 -212 -192 125 2034937 0 jVj / / 17 4 -10.4 500 2035373 640727 -20.7 -18.7 130 2034943 A'^0<09 o^yjyz — 1 7 -112 505 2035379 640743 -20.7 -18.7 135 2034949 639606 -13.2 -112 510 2035385 640758 -212 -192 140 2034954 639623 -12.7 -10.7 515 2035391 640773 -212 -192 145 2034%0 639638 -12.2 -102 520 2035397 640789 -202 -182 150 2034966 639654 -11.7 -9.7 525 2035402 6408M -202 -182 155 2034972 639669 -11.7 -9.7 530 2035408 640819 -212 -192 160 2034978 639685 -11.7 -9.7 535 2035414 640835 -212 -192 165 2034983 639700 -12.2 -102 540 2035420 640850 -21.4 -19.4 170 2034989 639715 -12.2 -102 545 2035426 640865 -20.7 -18.7 175 2034995 639731 -12.2 -102 550 2035432 640881 -212 -192 180 2035001 639746 -12.6 -10.6 555 2035437 640896 -212 -192 185 2035007 639761 -12.6 -10.6 560 2035443 640911 -212 -192 190 2035013 639777 -13.2 -112 565 2035449 640927 -212 -192 195 2035018 639792 -13.4 -11.4 570 2035455 640942 -20.4 -18.4 200 2035024 639807 -13.7 -11.7 575 2035461 640958 -20.6 -18.6 205 2035030 639823 -14.4 -12.4 580 2035466 640973 -212 -192 210 2035036 639838 -15.2 -132 585 2035472 640988 -212 -192 215 2035(M2 639853 -16.2 -142 590 2035478 641004 -212 -192 220 2035(M7 639869 -16.2 -142 595 2035484 641019 -212 -192 225 2035053 639884 -16.2 -142 600 2035490 641034 -212 -192 E 16 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA Qlinois State Geological Survey LINE N6700 July 18, 1994 Start/End Tune: 1 155/1204 CST MiniRaager (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinate [LFC] feet 2191XS4 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2^9 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Data 2034584.421 639212.985 6.892 8.9525 2034584.663 639213.158 5.044 7.1045 2034597.260 639239.776 4335 63955 2034609.144 639267.936 3.4«0 5.5405 2034621.966 639314.169 2.030 4.0905 2034636.592 639351.174 2383 4.4435 2034645385 639373.238 1.573 3.6335 2034654.450 639394371 2.501 4.5615 2034661.235 639408.537 1.805 3.8655 2034661.822 639412.425 4.910 6.9705 2034661.460 639415.653 8.066 10.1265 2034664.588 6394243 Iv 9.108 11.1685 2034665.085 639425.206 6.710 8.7705 2034668.115 639432.405 6.852 8.9125 2034668.179 639432.814 8387 10.4475 2034668.805 639433.988 8382 10.4425 2034669.405 639434.647 9.598 11.6585 2034670.935 639438.458 9.487 113475 2034672.726 639443.491 7.681 9.7415 2034674.737 639448.063 6.993 9.0535 2034677.001 639452387 2.867 4.9275 2034678.472 639453.974 -2.283 —0.2225 2034681.491 639461338 —4.510 -2.4495 2034682.645 639462.459 —2.131 —0.0705 athometer Data 10 2034684 639474 —6.7 —4.6 15 2034690 639489 —7.7 —5.6 20 2034695 6395Q5 —8.2 —6.1 25 2034701 639520 —9.2 —7.1 30 2034707 639535 —9.7 —7.6 35 2034713 639551 — 10.2 —8.1 40 2034719 639566 -10.7 —8.6 45 2034725 639581 — 10.8 —8.7 50 2034730 639597 — 11.2 —9.1 55 2034TJ6 — no a A — y.4 60 2034742 639627 -12.6 -10.5 65 2034748 639643 -13.7 -11.6 70 2034754 639658 -12.7 -10.6 75 2034759 639673 -11.7 -9.6 80 2034765 639689 -11.2 -9.1 85 2034771 639704 -11.2 -9.1 90 2034777 639719 -11.2 -9.1 95 2034783 639735 -11.2 -9.1 100 2034789 639750 -11.2 -9.1 105 2034794 639765 -11.5 -9.4 110 2034800 639781 -11.7 -9.6 115 2034806 639796 -11.9 -9.8 120 2034812 639811 -12.2 -10.1 125 2034818 639827 -12.2 -10.1 130 2034823 639842 -12.2 -10.1 135 2034829 639857 -12.7 -10.6 140 2034835 639873 -12.7 -10.6 145 2034841 639888 -13.2 -11.1 150 2034847 639903 -13.2 -11.1 155 2034853 639919 -13^ -11.1 160 2034858 639934 -13.7 -11.6 165 2034864 639949 -14.2 -12.1 170 2034870 639965 -14.7 -12.6 175 2034876 639980 -15.2 -13.1 180 2034882 639995 -15.2 -13.1 185 2034887 640011 -16.2 -14.1 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. fft) fft) (m) [IL SPC] [IL SPC] [LFD] [LWD] 190 2034S93 640026 -17.2 -15.1 195 2034899 640041 -17.2 -15.1 200 2034905 640057 -17.2 -15.1 205 2034911 640072 -17.7 -15.6 210 2034917 640087 -17.2 -15.1 215 2034922 640103 -18.2 -16.1 220 2034928 640118 -18.7 -16.6 225 2034934 640133 -19.2 -17.1 230 2034940 640149 -19.2 -17.1 235 2034946 640164 -17.7 -15.6 240 2034951 640179 -17.7 -15.6 245 2034957 640195 -17.2 -15.1 250 2034963 640210 -18.2 -16.1 255 2034969 640225 -18.2 -16.1 260 2034975 640241 -17.7 -15.6 265 2034981 640256 -18.2 -16.1 270 2034986 640271 -18.7 -16.6 275 2034992 640287 -18.7 -16.6 280 2034998 640302 -19.2 -17.1 285 2035004 640317 -18.4 -163 290 2035010 640333 -19.2 -17.1 295 2035016 640348 -18.7 -16.6 300 2035021 640364 -18.7 -16.6 305 2035027 640379 -17.7 -15.6 310 2035033 640394 -18.2 -16.1 315 2035039 640410 -18.2 -16.1 320 2035045 640425 -18.2 -16.1 325 2035050 640440 -19.2 -17.1 330 2035056 640456 -18.4 -163 335 2035062 640471 -19.2 -17.1 340 2035068 640486 -19.7 -17.6 345 2035074 640502 -20.2 -18.1 350 2035060 640517 -20.7 -18.6 355 2035085 640532 -20.7 -18.6 360 2035091 640548 -21.2 -19.1 365 2035097 640563 -20.7 -18.6 370 2035103 640578 -21.2 -19.1 375 2035109 640594 -21.4 -193 380 2035114 640609 -21.2 -19.1 385 2035120 640624 -22.2 -20.1 E 17 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA niioois State Geological Survey LINE N6417 Junel5, 1994 SUrt/End Tune: 1405/1414 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2228.407 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.60 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Dau 2034322.526 639320.612 5.941 8.0015 2034324.874 639326327 5.854 7.9145 2034328.253 639334 j96 5.673 7.7335 2034334 .207 639347.175 5.470 75305 2034334.U73 tim^AQ f\AA Oiy34o.l>44 5.V77 8i)375 2034335.025 639348.232 -6.093 -4.0325 2034340^83 639357.402 -8.228 -6.1675 2034344.827 — ft 1 "7 A — S.l /4 —A 1 1 iti / 1 —"7 1R7 2034414.202 —X HXA — J.0j4 2034416.680 3369 2034418.659 5.956 8 0165 2034419 389 6.132 8.1925 2034420.558 U J7 JUU.O 17 10.051 17 11 IS 2034422.561 U^7i^ I^^JJ 9.551 11.6115 2034422.727 U J7 J / / .oo^ 8.675 10.7355 2034424362 UJ7 J0U.70*> 8.876 2034425.621 fi'?Q5JU 472 U J7>^<7T<'t / *r 6.583 8.6435 2034427310 639592.933 1.163 3.2235 2034429.494 63959^ 390 —2.672 —0.6115 2034430.946 639598.540 -3.007 -0.9465 ithometer Data 7 2034429 639600 -3.8 -1.7 12 2034435 639615 -4.7 -2.6 17 2034441 639631 -IS -5.4 22 2034446 639646 -10.7 -8.6 27 2034452 639661 -113 -9.4 32 2034458 639677 -12 J -10.4 37 2034464 639692 -12.7 -10.6 42 2034470 639707 -13.0 -10.9 47 2034476 639723 -133 -11.2 52 2034481 639738 -135 -11.4 57 2034487 639753 -13.5 -11.4 62 2034493 639769 -133 -11.4 67 2034499 639784 -135 -11.4 72 2034505 639799 -13.7 -11.6 77 2034510 639815 -135 -11.4 82 2034516 639830 -14.0 -11.9 87 2034522 639845 -135 -11.4 92 2034528 639861 -135 -11.4 97 2034534 639876 -135 -11.4 102 2034540 639891 -13.7 -11.6 107 2034545 639907 -145 -12.4 112 2034551 639922 -14.4 -123 117 2034557 639938 -145 -12.4 122 2034563 639953 -145 -12.4 127 2034569 639968 -145 -12.4 132 2034574 639984 -15.0 -12.9 137 2034580 639999 -14.7 -12.6 142 2034586 640014 -15.0 -12.9 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] 147 2034592 640030 -15.0 -12.9 152 2034598 640045 -14.9 -12.8 157 2034604 640060 -145 -12.4 162 2034609 640076 -155 -13.4 167 2034615 640091 -155 -13.4 172 2034621 640106 -15.8 -13.7 177 2034627 640122 -16.0 -13.9 182 2034633 640137 -15.9 -13.8 187 2034638 640152 -16.7 -14.6 192 2034644 640168 -16.0 -13.9 197 2034650 640183 -165 -14.4 202 2034656 640198 -165 -14.4 207 2034662 640214 -165 -14.4 212 2034668 640229 -17.0 -14.9 217 2034673 640244 -165 -14.4 222 2034679 640260 -165 -14.4 227 2034685 640275 -175 -15.4 232 2034691 640290 -175 -15.4 237 2034697 640306 -18.0 -15.9 242 2034702 640321 -185 -16.4 247 2034708 640336 -185 -16.4 252 2034714 640352 -18.0 -15.9 257 2034720 640367 -175 -15.4 262 2034726 640382 -18.0 -15.9 267 2034732 640398 -185 -16.4 272 2034737 640413 -185 -16.4 277 2034743 640428 -19.1 -17.0 282 2034749 640444 -19.0 -16.9 287 2034755 640459 -185 -16.4 292 2034761 640474 -185 -16.4 297 2034766 640490 -175 -15.4 302 2034772 640505 -183 -16.2 307 2034778 640520 -18.7 -16.6 312 2034784 640536 -18.9 -16.8 317 2034790 640551 -18.7 -16.6 322 2034796 640566 -18.9 -16.8 327 2034801 640582 -18.7 -16.6 332 2034807 640597 -19.0 -16.9 337 2034813 640612 -195 -17.4 342 2034819 640628 -19.0 -16.9 347 2034825 640643 -19.7 -17.6 352 2034831 640658 -20.0 -17.9 357 2034836 640674 -20.1 -18.0 362 2034842 640689 -205 -18.4 367 2034848 64070* -20.0 -17.9 372 2034854 640720 -203 -18.2 377 2034860 640735 -20.0 -17.9 382 2034865 640750 -205 -18.4 387 2034871 640766 -21.0 -18.9 392 2034877 640781 -205 -18.4 397 2034883 640796 -21.0 -18.9 402 2034889 640812 -205 -18.4 407 2034895 640827 -20.0 -17.9 412 2034900 640842 -215 -19.4 417 2034906 640858 -215 -19.4 422 2034912 640873 -21.0 -18.9 427 2034918 640888 -215 -19.4 432 2034924 6409M -22.0 -19.9 437 2034929 640919 -215 -19.4 442 2034935 64093* -21.7 -19.6 447 2034941 640950 -22.0 -19.9 452 2034947 640965 -225 -20.4 E 18 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA niioois State Geological Survey LINE N6217 June 15, 1994 Start/End Tune: 134«/1356 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2000^3 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.61 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Data 2034148323 639425.135 8.286 103465 2034152.474 639435.595 8.158 10.2185 2034152.632 639435342 9341 11.4015 2034153.024 639436.512 9341 11.4015 2034153.001 639436.797 7342 9.4025 2034157.616 639449.015 6.479 8.5395 2034160.646 639455.843 1.429 3.4895 2034160.661 639459.245 -0372 1.6885 atbometer Data 8 2034162 639461 -5.0 -2.9 10 2034165 639467 -5.2 -3.1 15 2034170 639483 -5.2 -3.1 20 2034176 639498 -6.0 -3.9 25 2034182 6395L3 -5.8 -3.7 30 2034188 639529 -6.0 -3.9 35 2034194 639544 -63 -4.2 40 2034200 639559 -6.7 -4.6 45 2034205 639575 -7.0 -4.9 50 2034211 639590 -7.5 -5.4 55 2034217 639605 -7.5 -5.4 60 2034223 639621 -7.5 -5.4 65 2034229 639636 -7.6 -5.5 70 2034234 639651 -8.0 -5.9 75 2034240 639667 -8.7 -6.6 80 2034246 639682 -9.5 -7.4 85 2034252 639697 -10.0 -7.9 90 2034258 639713 -11.0 -8.9 95 2034264 639728 -12.0 -9.9 100 2034269 639743 -12.5 -10.4 105 2034275 639759 -12.7 -10.6 110 2034281 639774 -13.0 -10.9 115 2034287 639789 -13.0 -10.9 120 2034293 639805 -13.1 -11.0 125 2034298 639820 -133 -11.2 130 2034304 639835 -13.5 -11.4 135 2034310 639851 -13.5 -11.4 140 2034316 639866 -13.0 -10.9 145 2034322 639881 -13J -11.4 150 2034328 639897 -13.5 -11.4 155 2034333 639912 -13.7 -11.6 160 2034339 639927 -13.8 -11.7 165 2034345 639943 -143 -12.2 170 2034351 639958 -14.5 -12.4 175 2034357 639973 -14.5 -12.4 180 2034362 639989 -143 -12.2 185 2034368 6400M -14.1 -12.0 190 2034374 640019 -143 -12.2 195 2034380 640035 -14.8 -12.7 200 2034386 640050 -14.9 -12.8 205 2034392 640065 -14.5 -12.4 210 2034397 640081 -14.5 -12.4 215 2034403 6400% -14.5 -12.4 220 2034409 640111 -14.7 -12.6 225 2034415 640127 -15.0 -12.9 230 2034421 640142 -IS-*; -13.4 235 2034427 640157 -15.7 -13.6 240 2034432 640173 -16.2 -14.1 245 2034438 640188 -15.5 -13.4 250 2034444 640203 -15.9 -13.8 255 2034450 640219 -16.5 -14.4 260 2034456 640234 -16.8 -14.7 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [IL SPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] 265 2034461 640249 -163 -14.4 270 2034467 640265 -16.0 -13.9 275 2034473 640280 -16.7 -14.6 280 2034479 640295 -16.7 -14.6 285 2034485 640311 -153 -13.4 290 2034491 640326 -153 -13.4 295 2034496 640341 -163 -14.4 300 2034502 640357 -163 -14.4 305 2034508 640372 -17.0 -14.9 310 2034514 640387 -17.0 -14.9 315 2034520 640403 -16.7 -14.6 320 2034525 640418 -17.1 -15.0 325 2034531 640433 -18.0 -15.9 330 2034537 640449 -183 -16.2 335 2034543 640464 -173 -15.4 340 2034549 640479 -173 -15.4 345 2034555 640495 -17.8 -15.7 350 2034560 640510 -173 -15.4 355 2034566 640525 -183 -16.4 360 2034572 640541 -183 -16.4 365 2034578 640556 -173 -15.4 370 2034584 640571 -183 -16.4 375 2034589 640587 -17.7 -15.6 380 2034595 640602 -183 -16.4 385 2034601 640617 -18.7 -16.6 390 2034607 640633 -19.0 -16.9 395 2034613 640648 -19.0 -16.9 400 2034619 640664 -193 -17.4 405 2034624 640679 -193 -17.4 410 2034630 640694 -20.0 -17.9 415 2034636 640710 -20.0 -17.9 420 2034642 640725 -193 -17.4 425 2034648 640740 -19.0 -16.9 430 2034653 640756 -18.7 -16.6 435 2034659 640771 -193 -17.4 440 2034665 640786 -193 -17.4 445 2034671 640802 -193 -17.4 450 2034677 640817 -193 -17.4 455 2034683 640832 -183 -16.4 460 2034688 640848 -19.0 -16.9 465 2034694 640863 -183 -16.4 470 2034700 640878 -18.9 -16.8 475 2034706 640894 -193 -17.4 480 2034712 640909 -193 -17.4 485 2034717 640924 -203 -18.2 490 2034723 640940 -20.0 -17.9 495 2034729 640955 -19.8 -17.7 500 2034735 640970 -20.0 -17.9 505 2034741 640986 -20.0 -17.9 510 2034747 641001 -203 -18.4 515 2034752 641016 -203 -18.4 520 2034758 641032 -213 -19.4 525 2034764 641047 -223 -20.4 E 19 I 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA Dlinois State Geological Survey LINE N6017 June 15. 1994 SUrt/End Time: 1329/1340 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2007.7S6 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2.76 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Pole Prism Data 2033%3.891 639502.855 8318 103785 2033968305 63950.207 8.085 10.1455 2033968.563 639513394 9.423 11.4835 2033968.720 639514.146 9.422 11.4825 2033968.788 639514335 7383 9.4435 2033975.845 639529.474 7.877 9.9375 2033978.802 639539.174 0.742 2.8025 2033979.023 639544.615 -1.980 0.0805 athometer Data 12 2033983 639551 -33 -1.2 15 2033986 639560 -53 -32 20 2033992 639576 -6.9 -4£ 25 2033998 639591 -7.2 -5.1 30 2034003 639606 -75 -5.4 35 2034009 639622 -7.8 -5.7 40 2034015 639637 -8.1 -6.0 45 2034021 639652 -85 -6.4 50 2034027 639668 -8.8 -6.7 55 2034033 639683 -93 -72 60 2034038 639698 -9.9 -IS 65 20340*4 639714 -105 -8.4 70 2034050 639729 -113 -9.2 75 2034056 639744 -115 -9.4 80 2034062 639760 -11.6 -95 85 2034067 639775 -11.4 -93 90 2034073 639790 -123 -10.2 95 2034079 639806 -12.1 -10.0 100 2034085 639821 -123 -10.2 105 2034091 639836 -12.6 -105 110 2034097 639852 -123 -10.2 115 2034102 639867 -12.8 -10.7 120 2034108 639882 -13.1 -11.0 125 2034114 639898 -133 -112 130 2034120 639913 -133 -11.2 135 2034126 639928 -13.1 -11.0 140 2034132 639944 -12.8 -10.7 145 2034137 639959 -123 -10.2 150 2034143 639974 -123 -10.2 155 2034149 639990 -12.6 -105 160 2034155 640005 -12.8 -10.7 165 2034161 640020 -133 -11.2 170 2034166 640036 -13.8 -11.7 175 2034172 640051 -143 -12.2 180 2034178 640066 -14.7 -12.6 185 2034184 640082 -143 -122 190 2034190 640097 -14.6 -125 195 2034196 640112 -145 -12.4 200 2034201 640128 -14.8 -12.7 205 2034207 640143 -143 -122 210 2034213 640158 -143 -122 215 2034219 640174 -143 -122 220 2034225 640189 -14.6 -125 225 2034230 64020» -15.1 -13.0 230 2034236 640220 -153 -132 235 2034242 640235 -15.6 -135 240 2034248 640250 -14.8 -12.7 245 2034254 640266 -14.8 -12.7 250 2034260 640281 -153 -132 255 2034265 640296 -153 -132 260 2034271 640312 -15.8 -13.7 265 2034277 640327 -16.6 -145 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) riL spci fIL SPCI 1 llji ^'l [LWD] 270 2034283 640342 -16.8 -14.7 275 2034289 640358 —16.6 -145 280 2034294 640373 -17.1 -15.0 285 2034300 640388 -173 -152 290 2034306 640404 -17.8 -15.7 295 2034312 640419 -173 -152 300 2034318 640434 -173 -152 305 2034324 640450 -17.8 -15.7 310 2034329 640465 -17.8 -15.7 315 2034335 640480 -173 -152 320 2034341 640496 -173 -152 325 2034347 640511 -163 -142 330 2034353 640526 -163 -142 335 2034358 640542 -175 -15.4 340 2034364 640557 -165 -14.4 345 2034370 640572 -16.8 -14.7 350 2034376 640588 -16.8 -14.7 355 2034382 640603 -173 -152 360 2034388 640618 -183 -16.2 365 2034393 640634 -19.1 -17.0 370 2034399 640649 -18.8 -16.7 375 2034405 640665 -193 -172 380 2034411 640680 -19.7 -17.6 385 2034417 640695 -193 -172 390 2034422 640711 -19.8 -17.7 395 2034428 640726 -20.1 -18.0 400 2034434 640741 -20.1 -18.0 405 2034440 640757 -193 -172 410 2034446 640772 -193 -172 415 2034452 640787 -203 -182 420 2034457 640803 -193 -17.2 425 2034463 640818 -193 -172 430 2034469 640833 -20.1 -18.0 435 2034475 640849 -20.1 -18.0 440 2034481 640864 -193 -172 445 2034486 640879 -193 -172 450 2034492 640895 -20.1 -18.0 455 2034498 640910 -203 -18.2 460 2034504 640925 -193 -172 465 2034510 640941 -203 -18.2 470 2034516 640956 -193 -172 475 2034521 640971 -19.8 -17.7 480 2034527 640987 -20.1 -18.0 485 2034533 641002 -19.8 -17.7 490 2034539 641017 -19.8 -17.7 495 2034545 641033 -19.7 -17.6 500 2034550 641048 -19.8 -17.7 505 2034556 641063 -20.1 -18.0 510 2034562 641079 -203 -182 515 2034568 641094 -193 -172 520 2034574 641109 -19.8 -17.7 525 2034580 641125 -20.8 -18.7 530 2034585 641140 -213 -192 535 2034591 641155 -213 -192 E 20 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA Dlinois Sute Geological Survey LINE N5817 June 15, 1994 SUrt/End Tune: 1030/1040 CST MiniRanger (MR) Easting: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2015.128 Low Water Datiun [LWD] Correction feet -2.53 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LED] [LWD] Pole Prism Data 2033780.147 639580.414 8.297 103575 2033783.840 639591.066 8.094 10.1545 2033784.115 639591.157 9.425 11.4855 2033784 J87 639591.970 9.431 11.4915 2033784.293 639592.149 7.402 9.4625 2033788.678 639602.802 8.630 10.6905 2033793.144 639614.753 0.982 3.0425 2033797300 639619J99 -1318 0.7425 athometer Data 12 2033798 639629 -0.8 1.2 15 2033802 639638 -2.5 -0.5 20 2033807 639653 -6.5 -4.5 25 2033813 639669 -7.5 -SS 30 2033819 639684 -8.1 -6.1 35 2033825 639699 -83 -6.5 40 2033831 639715 -8.7 -6.7 45 2033837 639730 -9.5 -7.5 50 2033842 639745 -10.4 -8.4 55 2033848 639761 -10.7 -8.7 60 2033854 639776 -10.9 -8.9 65 2033860 639791 -11.1 -9.1 70 2033866 639807 -11.1 -9.1 75 2033871 639822 -11.2 -9.2 80 2033877 639837 -IIJ -9J 85 2033883 639853 -11.5 -9.5 90 2033889 639868 -11.7 -9.7 95 2033895 639883 -12.2 -10.2 100 2033901 639899 -12.5 -10.5 105 2033906 639914 -12.7 -10.7 110 2033912 639929 -13.0 -11.0 115 2033918 639945 -13.1 -11.1 120 2033924 639960 -13.2 -11.2 125 2033930 639975 -13.4 -11.4 130 2033935 639991 -13.5 -115 135 2033941 640006 -13.2 -112 140 2033947 640021 -13.0 -11.0 145 2033953 640037 -13 J -11.5 150 2033959 640052 -13.8 -11.8 155 2033965 640068 -13.5 -11.5 160 2033970 640083 -143 -123 165 2033976 640098 -143 -123 170 2033982 640114 -143 -123 175 2033988 640129 -13.5 -11.5 180 2033994 640144 -13.5 -11.5 185 2034000 640160 -14.2 -12.2 190 2034005 640175 -14.2 -12.2 195 2034011 640190 -15.0 -13.0 200 2034017 640206 -14.7 -12.7 205 2034023 640221 -14.7 -12.7 210 2034029 640236 -14.5 -12.5 215 2034034 640252 -153 -133 220 2034M0 640267 -14 J -12.5 225 20340M 640282 -14.8 -12.8 230 2034052 640298 -14.8 -12.8 235 2034058 640313 -15.5 -13 J 240 2034064 640328 -15.5 -13.5 245 2034069 640344 -14.5 -12.5 250 2034075 640359 -14.5 -12J 255 2034081 640374 -15.0 -13.0 260 2034087 640390 -15.5 -13 J 265 2034093 640405 -173 -153 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist. (f) (fO (ft) (ft) [IL SPC] [ILSPC] FLFDl [LWD] 270 2034098 640420 -17.5 -155 275 2034104 640436 -17.9 -15.9 280 2034110 640451 -17.9 -15.9 285 2034116 640466 -17.5 -155 290 2034122 640482 -17.0 -15.0 295 2034128 640497 -17.0 -15.0 300 2034133 640512 -17.5 -155 305 2034139 640528 -183 -163 310 2034145 640543 -17.5 -155 315 2034151 640558 -18.0 -16.0 320 2034157 640574 -17.5 -155 325 2034162 640589 -18.5 -165 330 2034168 640604 -18.5 -165 335 2034174 640620 -18.0 -16.0 340 2034180 640635 -183 -163 345 2034186 640650 -17.7 -15.7 350 2034192 640666 -16.7 -14.7 355 2034197 640681 -173 -153 360 2034203 640696 -17.5 -155 365 2034209 640712 -19.0 -17.0 370 2034215 640727 -17.5 -155 375 2034221 640742 -18.0 -16.0 380 2034226 640758 -17.9 -15.9 385 2034232 640773 -17.9 -15.9 390 2034238 640788 -ISS -165 395 2034244 6408M -18.5 -165 400 2034250 640819 -193 -173 405 2034256 640834 -18.9 -16.9 410 2034261 640850 -19.0 -17.0 415 2034267 640865 -19.1 -17.1 420 2034273 640880 -19.5 -175 425 2034279 640896 -19.7 -17.7 430 2034285 640911 -20.5 -185 435 2034290 640926 -19.5 -175 440 2034296 640942 -195 -175 445 2034302 640957 -19.9 -17.9 450 2034308 640972 -205 -185 455 2034314 640988 -205 -185 460 2034320 641003 -19.7 -17.7 465 2034325 641018 -20.0 -18.0 470 2034331 641034 -19.6 -17.6 475 2034337 641049 -193 -173 480 2034343 641064 -193 -173 485 2034349 641080 -195 -175 490 2034354 641095 -19.7 -17.7 495 2034360 641110 -20.1 -18.1 500 2034366 641126 -205 -185 505 2034372 641141 -21.0 -19.0 510 2034378 641156 -20.7 -18.7 515 2034384 641172 -195 -175 520 2034389 641187 -195 -175 525 2034395 641202 -205 -185 530 2034401 641218 -215 -195 535 2034407 641233 -205 -185 540 2034413 641248 -21.1 -19.1 545 2034418 641264 -215 -195 550 2034424 641279 -22.0 -20.0 E 21 I 1994 FOREST PARK BEACH BATHYMETRIC DATA lUinois State Geological Survey LINE N5617 June IS. 1994 sun/End Tune: 1014/1023 CST MiniRaoger (MR) Eastiog: Lake Forest Coordinates [LFC] feet 2022J81 Low Water Datum [LWD] Correction feet -2S2 MR Northing Easting Elev. Depth Dist (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (m) [ILSPC] [ILSPC] [LFD] [LWD] Prism Pole Data 2033595.418 o3Vojo.U2o 8.267 103275 2033S99386 0.7VOOO./UO 2033599.710 A'iQAAO Q'70 1 1 43 y.4y6 2033340.432 0^V3^U. /oU 0 1 CO 2033344.152 O.V5A11/iT> — 1^0 114 — 1j.4 £yi) — ^K A ~ 1j.4 1 Q 0 '^Al'Jilfi.^ ZU330o4 #^/IAyt CA 1 C A — 1D.0 11c — 1 JO AAAim 04114/1 — ID.O lie — loo 04U4oO 117 — IJ./ 310 ACA? 1 A 1 — 14.0 315 o4U51/ 1 A 1 1 >4 A — 14.U 320 jT^AC-M 04U^jZ — ID.O 11 c J /ly AC/IS —10.4 14 1 — 14o ^1A 04UjOJ — 17 A ~1 /.4 — 1 < 1 — lOo ^'^< 04U^ /o — 14 7 — 14./ ZU33 00 04UjV4 _17 1 — 1 /.I — 1 < A >4j 'jfvx'xiA'y 04U0Uy — 17 ""l /.o — IJO (>AC\f,r>A 04UUZ4 — 17 "~1 / .O — IjO KC JJJ 04U04U 1 7 A — 1 /.O ICC — 150 ^OU ZU3> /OU 04l>0j^ — 17/; ■~i / .O — 1< C inin*;c 04U0 /U — 1 fi 1 •"lo.l — lit A — lO.U ^U^o / / 1 04U0o0 1 7 A — 1 /.O 1 < C — iDo J / / / 04U /Ul — 17 1 1 /.I — 1 < A — Ij.U Sol) A AT 1 A 04U / 10 17/1 — 1 /.4 1 C 1 toy 04U / o£. — 1 fi /I — 10.4 — lA 1 — lOo ion ZU^ J /VD 04U /4/ — 1 fi fi — lA 7 — 10. / jyj OAllftAA 04U / OZ — 10 A 1 /; 0 — lO.V 400 04U/ /o — iy.o 1 7 C — I/O 04U /V.> — 1 Q A — 17 C — 1 /O 410 04UOUB — 10 4 — 17 1 1 /O Ate 04UoZ4 1 0 l\ — IV.O — 1 7 C 4ZU AAAS10 044JoJV — 10/; — 17 < 1/0 04U0>» — 10 1 — 17 7 — 1 4JU ZUJ3041 04Uo /U — 10 ft — 17 7 — 1 /./ AK ^JJ fC^nofiC 04UOOJ — 10 (% — 17 C — 7rt 7 — 1ft A 10.0 ^AHILIA 04iiJU — 10 ^ — IVO — 17 4 — 1 / .4 <'>A 04H4O — 10 0 — 1 7 ft — 1 /.o jZj '7AHO<9 Kill 1 /ii 041101 — 1 0 /\ — IV.O — 1 7 C — 1/0 <1A '7AH0