II B RAR.Y OF THL U N I VERSITY OF ILLINOIS A6RICULTUK NOTICE: Return or renew all Library Materials! The Minimum Fee for each Lost Book is $50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for discipli- nary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN OCT l|41994 L161 0-1096 12,0502-4940343 3,7002-4940688 CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS Summary and analysis of long-time weather records By JOHN L. PAGE Associate Professor of Geography College of Liberal Arts and Sciences University of Illinois Bulletin 532 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station Urbana, April, 1949 FOREWORD THE NEED for revising or rewriting Experiment Station Bulletin 208, CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS, published in 1918, has been felt keenly for a number of years. It was during a conference in 1942 with Professor W. L. Burlison, Head of the Department of Agronomy, and other members of his staff, that the author agreed to undertake the work. Compilation of Appendix C (Precipitation During Growing Season) was begun almost immediately, but the work was soon interrupted by the pressure of the war years and had to be put aside until the fall of 1944. In preparing a bulletin such as this, one must of necessity obtain data from sources other than his own. Most of the data in this bulletin were obtained from the U. S. Weather Bureau. Acknowledgment is made to E. W. Holcomb, Chief Meteorologist at Springfield, for resolving certain discrepancies which ap- peared in the published data of the Weather Bureau; to Corporal (now civilian) Leon T. Stewart of Chanute Field for the data on which Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5 are based; to Miss Marjorie Pryor for her painstaking care in compiling some of the data in Appendix C; and to my wife, Jesza Page, for valued assistance in checking data. THE AUTHOR CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 97 CONTROLS OF CLIMATE 99 Latitude 99 Continental Location 1 00 Winds 1 00 Storms and Air Masses 1 00 Collective Effect of Controls 1 09 TEMPERATURE 1 09 Average Monthly Temperatures 113 Geographical variations 114 Yearly variations 1 20 Absolute Highest and Absolute Lowest Temperatures 122 Differences in Averages Compared With Differences in Extremes. .123 Temperature Has Fluctuated But Hasn't Changed 123 Frost and Growing Season 126 PRECIPITATION 1 29 Amount of Precipitation 130 Distribution Thruout the Year 131 Wettest months 139 Driest months of growing season 139 Dependability of Precipitation 1 39 Driest and wettest years 1 40 Wet and dry growing seasons 141 No long-time change in amount of precipitation 142 Snowfall 145 APPENDIX A: Detailed Temperature Data 149 APPENDIX B: Monthly and Annual Precipitation 199 APPENDIX C: Precipitation During Growing Season 295 LIST OF TABLES, MAPS, AND GRAPHS 364 96 CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS TEMPERATURE, pressure, winds, and moisture of the atmosphere all go together to make up climate. Of these four elements, temperature and moisture, or precipitation, are the most important. For this reason, and for the further reason that there is more information about them, they receive practically all the attention in this bulletin. An effort has been made to bring together in table form more data on the temperature and precipitation of Illinois than has previously appeared in one publication. Supplementing the tables are maps and graphs showing both seasonal and geograph- ical distribution of these two elements. Since temperature and moisture, as well as winds and pres- sure, can vary widely from time to time, records extending over a number of years are necessary for an accurate description of the climate at any given place. A period somewhat better than thirty years is desirable in a middle-latitude, continental area like Illinois. Within that length of time, most extremes of weather are likely to occur, if not repeat themselves. Many stations in Illinois have kept records of temperature and precipitation for more than thirty years; some records go back nearly a hundred years. Data from all these long-record stations have been used in preparing this bulletin. In addition to the long records, data from a number of short- record stations and from a few stations just outside the state have been used to fill out the description of Illinois climate. Each record, while portraying conditions at only one place, may, of course, be considered roughly representative of the surround- ing area. Used together, the records show seasonal and yearly variations in all parts of the state, and point up the diversity in climate which would naturally be expected in Illinois, with its area of 56,663 square miles, its north-south length of about 385 miles, and its maximum width of about 215 miles. Much more can be said about the climate of Illinois than is said in this bulletin. To treat all phases of the subject or to 97 98 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, IDENTIFICATION MAP Stations from which data were obtained. In addition to all long-record sta- tions still operating in Illinois, some short-record stations were included because of topography or distance from other stations. Data from some stations outside Illinois were used if location of the station or length of observation made the records helpful. U. S. Weather Bureau climatological divisions of the state are also shown. (Fig. 1) 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 99 touch upon all possible effects of climate on man and his activi- ties would require a publication much beyond the scope of this one. It is hoped, however, that in the future more detailed studies will grow out of the data presented here. CONTROLS OF CLIMATE In Illinois four principal controls are responsible for varia- tions in weather. They are (1) latitude or sun, (2) continental location, (3) winds, and (4) storms and their associated air masses. Altho winds are considered a part, or element, of climate, they also have an important effect on temperature and moisture and thus are often more important as a control than as an element. Latitude The difference in latitude between northern and southern Illinois is reflected in differences in length of day and in the sun's position. At East Dubuque or South Beloit, in the extreme northern part of the state, the longest day is about 15 hours and 15 minutes. At Cairo, at the southern tip of the state, the longest day is about 14 hours and 40 minutes. The shortest day is about 9 hours and 1 minute in the extreme north and 9 hours and 38 minutes in the extreme south. At noon suntime on June 21, normally the longest day in the year, the sun lacks 19 degrees of shining vertically at East Dubuque or South Beloit and 13% degrees at Cairo. On De- cember 22, generally the shortest day in the year, the noon sun at these places lacks 66 and 60% degrees respectively, of being directly overhead. On March 21 and September 22 the days and nights are of equal length thruout the state, but the noon sun is 5% degrees more direct at Cairo than at East Dubuque or South Beloit. It lacks 42% degrees of being vertical in the extreme north, and 37 degrees in the extreme south. The variations in length of day and directness of the sun's rays play a rather prominent role in temperature differences between summer and winter, and to some extent between northern and southern Illinois during both seasons. The lati- 100 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, tudinal location and extent of the state has a further important, tho indirect, effect on climate by determining the relation of the state to the paths of cyclonic storms. The effects of these storms, which cause masses of strikingly different air to invade the state from all directions, are discussed below. Continental Location The continental location of Illinois, together with the lati- tude, makes for hot summers and cool to cold winters. The severity of the winters is more peculiar to the area than is the summer heat. Hot summers occur both north and south of Illi- nois, but the winters are far less severe to the south than in this state. Continental location also assures that January will nor- mally be the coldest month and July the hottest, altho this is not true every year. Lake Michigan tempers the climate slightly, but its influence is often overemphasized. A body of water no larger than Lake Michigan can influence the temperature, at most, only a few miles away. However, the temperature of the water, which is warmer than the surrounding land in autumn and cooler in spring, does affect the paths taken by cyclonic storms when crossing the area of the Great Lakes. Winds Winds of Illinois come mostly from the southwest, west, and northwest, with southwest winds somewhat more common in the summer, and northwest in winter. A change in the direction of the wind will almost immediately affect the temperature as well as the moisture condition of the air. These effects of the wind are due to characteristics acquired at its place of origin, or to modifications resulting when the wind passes over different areas. Storms and Air Masses During much of the year cyclonic storms exercise the dom- inant control over the climate of Illinois. It is the inter- change of air masses, associated with fronts of cyclonic storms, that gives the weather of Illinois its great variety. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 101 A study of almost any daily weather map will show the rela- tion of weather to cyclonic storms, with their associated fronts and air masses. Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5 (pages 102 to 106) are similar to the daily maps put out by the United States Weather Bureau, but because of their scale are necessarily somewhat more simpli- fied. These particular maps were selected because they show cer- tain types of weather for the Middle West in general and for Illinois in particular. Fig. 2 shows the contrasts in weather which a cyclonic storm, with its associated fronts and air masses, may produce within the state. At this time (May 8, 1943) southern Illinois was hav- ing southerly winds, generally clear skies, and temperatures in the high sixties, while the central and northern parts of the state were having northeasterly winds, cloudy skies, steady rain, and temperatures in the forties and fifties. The precipitation was caused by the fact that the warm maritime (mTw) air was meeting the cooler (mPk) air at the warm front and was being forced to rise over it. This happened much as tho central and northern Illinois were a mountain with a very gentle slope to- ward the south and with the wind blowing up over it. This and somewhat similar situations (long, low pressure troughs extending from northeast to southwest, with cooler air to the north and warmer air to the south) are common during most of the cool periods of the year. They give Illinois its long- drawn-out cloudy and rainy spells, perhaps more characteristic of spring than of any other season. Sometimes the warm fronts may become stationary for two or three days, causing almost steady precipitation. This happened in central Illinois in May, 1943. Had the low pressure trough been along the Ohio river, southern and central Illinois, instead of central and northern Illinois, would have been getting the rain, and northern Illinois would have been having weather somewhat similar to that pre- vailing in central Wisconsin. Fig. 3 shows pressure, wind direction, and air-mass condi- tions producing hot, muggy weather in the eastern, central, and southern parts of the United States. Temperatures at this time (August 13, 1944) were in the nineties thruout much of these 102 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, te weather con- o ,d O 4* tc c -3 a3 _o m g a. a *$ 03 .a ll (D "o ft "d over Kansas and itheastern United md southwesterly s well as in much f Indian summer, 1 1 *= "oS ^ d .S M d 03 S o Detween tempera- 1 _d -d * T3 G cc 00 ^J 1 -u c "o K "o ^3 03 O3 m H _0 5 3 V T3 3 ra C3 Q> X K. 11 -fj -o " O *-* U9 j3 '-D -3 O3 O ^ -d * CQ >s ? ^H J^.* 03 -2 Ss^ o "rt '^ ^ u d js |s r'5 i +i _O3 03 g >^.a 'ft s .- t) s^ S" g CO Q la 'o d O " g( ^ -T? t^a d tj_j { "d (fl * V O *-! O p] ^ CD o3 03 HH p ;-' rt o bfl C 'ft~ a; CD ra _d t4 O .. ^> _^ .E, CH d maps on the next four pa is frequently found in Illi -d .d CJ d 6 -S co N _bi continuous rainy spells ty extending across southern I] ow temperatures in the nort ^gll s s - El"^ a ft >, a > ._ -rt bC 3 o -&J ^8 a l a ^ 03 o3 ^-"5 ^T3 ^ Jl-s* 3 ^ 03 '2 JH -^ ^3 -U 03 W J ^'g 2 .^ 3 03~ rf 03 _d % TO C _0 3 ly the most pleasant time < of precipitation within the of cloudiness; and striking o "S "d 'o ft ^ -o -O d 03 CD 43 cj C V ft a . . 4- -3 H '-3 C i i t"a d o O ^H -^ d .a^ z Q u 2 (/) 0^ D ^1- (0 <*) -J CM O VALUE IN MILES PER HOUR FOR NUMBERS ON BEAUFORT SCALE V O ^ 1 TO 3 \ \ 4TO 7 r^ o a a TO 12 ~ (VI <*> o o o P rrrr : V) UJ UJ ^ (/) O O WEATHER LJ CT TIME OF OBSERVATION JLP CQ (0 2 ^ I"" ^. \~ t- z u N CC Q M W Z 2 >- a (/) D o h- ^ U WIND FORCE ON BEAUFORT SCALE )IRECTION- NNE MOUNT OF SKY :RED WITH CLOUDS i t *t ^ 1 1 x J > 5 ^)22 UJuJ ^ d z z < o 5 - ui O < < S U o 2 2 i i 4 - COLD FRONT i. OCCLUDED FRONT r STATIONARY FRON UI u cr a. IX O U, CO _l CD INTERMITTENT LIGHT INTERMITTENT LIGHT CONTINUOUS LIGHT SHOWERS INTERMITTENT LIGHT DISTANT LIGHTNING THUNDERSTORMS :AREAS OF PREQPITAT - < > 4 d i > ^ . j > * v t iy:- Q 0-0.1- 3 4 \ > z o 022 5 4 4 f U) 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 103 C<1 60 H CO o s^ E rt 03 (L) 104 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, bo s H w O ^^ S a 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 105 ,0 O H 03 O N/ E a 4> 106 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, g i I 00 H w O >/ E d 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 107 sections of the country. In Illinois, such temperatures had pre- vailed in the afternoons since August 9. While variations from this general weather setup may produce hot spells in Illinois, the variations are, for the most part, in degree rather than in kind. As can be seen from this map, there was cooler weather, gen- erally in the seventies and eighties, in Minnesota and the Dakotas. The air mass (mPk) producing these lower tempera- tures, had its origin over the north Pacific ocean and was moving from northwest to southeast. It reached northern Illinois on August 16 and southern Illinois on August 17, giving the state a few days of respite from the heat. The decrease in temperature was associated with general rains thruout Illinois on those two days, varying in amount from .05 inch at Fairfield and Salem to 4.35 inches at La Harpe. Fig. 4 shows conditions typical of "Indian summer." Note that there was very little cloudiness and no precipitation within the United States and that there were several degrees' difference between temperature and dew point of the air. Days were warm and nights were cool. The "Indian summer" weather shown on this map had begun on October 16 and lasted thru October 20. This kind of weather occurs frequently enough in the autumn to be characteristic of Illinois climate. The cool air mass (cP) which produced this weather prob- ably had its origin in Alaska or northern Canada. It moved south over the Great Plains of Canada and the United States, circulating around a high pressure center or cell, and then, be- fore moving out over the Gulf of Mexico, swung back toward the northeast after having been warmed somewhat over the southern part of the country. Fig. 5 shows how suddenly the wind direction may change and how markedly different the temperatures may be within short horizontal distances when different air masses are sepa- rated by a cold front. For example, Chanute Field, with its maritime tropical air mass (mTk) from the Gulf of Mexico, had a temperature of 69 and a dew point of 58 on this day (November 8, 1945) ; Peoria with its continental polar air mass (cPk) had a temperature of 108 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, 41 and a dew point of 36. Temperature differences of about equal proportion occurred on the two sides of the cold front thru- out most of its extent. While this map sho'ws the conditions at 6:30 p. m., temperatures thruout the state decreased as the cold front moved eastward into Indiana. On the night of November 10 the temperature had dropped to the twenties in northern Illinois, to the thirties in central Illinois, and to the high thirties and low forties in southern Illinois. The storm center was too far north to cause much precipi- tation, except in the extreme north-central part of the United States and the south-central part of Canada. However, a few showers and thundershowers did occur along the cold front. These were caused by the cold air pushing in under the warm air and forcing it to rise rapidly. Such invasions of cold polar air, pro- ducing sharp drops in temperature, occasional thunderstorms, and, less often, tornadoes, are by no means rare in the central part of the United States, especially from late October thru April and sometimes May. Often the contrasts in weather are more striking than those shown on this map. In January a setup of this kind might easily cause the temperature to drop more than 40 degrees within a 24-hour period. This happened in much of Illinois from January 21 to 22, 1936. However, the lowest temperature does not occur immediately when the cold air comes in, but many hours later, after heat has been radiated upward thru the air. The types of weather shown on these four maps are char- acteristic of but not peculiar to Illinois. Many variations from these maps might be shown, but these indicate the important day-to-day effects of cyclonic storms and their associated air masses and fronts on Illinois weather. These effects are more pronounced during the cooler half of the year than during the warm months, because of the greater differences existing be- tween Canada and the southern United States in temperature and moisture conditions. Weather and in time, therefore, climate are affected by thunderstorms which may or may not be associated with fronts. Tropical hurricanes also at times affect Illinois weather, but indirectly rather than directly. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 109 Collective Effect of Controls When all these controls latitude, continental location, wind, and storms and their associated air masses are consid- ered collectively, Illinois has, on the average, hot summers, cool to cold winters, and rather abundant precipitation thruout the year with a rather high degree of reliability from year to year. The average, however, is made up of pronounced day-to-day differences in degree of temperature, wind direction and velocity, moisture conditions of the atmosphere, and precipitation. TEMPERATURE Any standard temperature reading represents the condition in an instrument shelter at a level of about 5% feet above the ground or above the roof of a building. The thermometer is so situated that it receives freely circulating wind regardless of the direction from which it comes. The position of the thermometer in the shelter, however, largely eliminates the effects of direct and reflected sunshine. This is why the official temperature is gen- erally different from the readings seen on some thermometers on the fronts of stores or incorrectly exposed at homes. Temperature averages are used more often than extremes in this bulletin. (Sometimes the term mean or normal is used inter- changeably with average.) Average temperatures are, for the most part, arrived at in the following way : The average temper- ature for January 1, 1940, for example, is the highest plus the lowest for that day divided by two. The average for the month of January, 1940, is the sum of the daily averages divided by 31, the number of days in the month. An average temperature for January over a period of years is obtained by averaging the averages of the Januarys in those years. The average for any other month is obtained in the same way. Naturally, the longer the period of observation, the nearer the true average will be approached. To obtain the average maximum temperature for January, 1940, the highest temperatures for all the days in the month are added and then divided by 31. The average January maximum for a number of years is the average of the average maximum tern- 110 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, CO H 3 s w i^ .8 -a " w ft S w H CO H- ( O & 3 1 0^0^0,0,^- I oooc:oa>oot~e-H05-H=oo~roooo 1 1-5 ~~.- IN ?) IN > ^=3 : g JU : : ?S :: " a =3 -^ s's t: j-g " _ : fe d^i lu llllPiJllii 8 c^ Tg 00 ^ c-2^2 ^^ -^-^">^ Q = S.s : : : a : : ft a =3 *o c -2 I'M PQOOQQWOffi 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 111 "3 3 OOMT).OOiOOO9t-000-.t-Wl00 us^ooocowt-ooo^TKONusrotow C SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS6 feg!5SSSS!g!5SgS a aassagaaagsjjis^ MMCOWMOTCOrocOTOCOCOCOWMCOW ^ r neCO^HlN CfN ^^t-3iOTjiOOiOcO>OiOt^>OOOir53 ________ S JoSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 888S35S58S8SSSSS8S * I 05(0o0f-t~f~ccooooootf50t-tocc rH^rtrtoe05!NOOOOOOMOO i e 4> *O rtNeONrHOb- 005050300t^OOOi0500CX)OOOOOOOOlOO . CO T3 1 A 8 - /y ;* o O "SSS^SSt2SS^{2SKf:S LINOIS KKSKKKt:K emperatu 81 ss S CO 1 o ssssssssssssssss ri gfcSSSSSSSSSSSSgiS cords of 1 B? CO "~ hH a ri ssssssssssssssss 3 H JogSSSSSSfeSSSSSSSSS s that re t-r- 3 H cooJ-H'oJoJdcsiMrtOisIiNddoJ'ei CO Ct-OiomcOIN^TtOO'O^aS^OTfJlO i K 3 . w o ^^^ .J- ________ >. "3 h 1 i-i 4) ^ rH 00 CO 00 M ffl -* 00 O CO C<5 00 tO 00. * cooocccorococococococcobcocccocccc he numb 1 Length of record Jai (years)* Ot^t^iOiOb-OOOOOOO^OOiOt^ COIOO l^-^ erages are based on 1 1 o Efj ::;:::::::: jiyiijiyiiiyii & a d o a :::::: i-ll'ggj JS : | 1 _'as|g j! ; : : isi"! 3 "" S* c'|-i '1 S's'l'^-S^ For each si 112 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Average temperatures, average extremes, and extremes for each month at seven long-record stations ( F.). Highest and lowest temperatures each month are the extremes regardless of year; average of highest and average of lowest are averages of monthly extremes for all years; average maximum and average min- imum for each month are the averages of daily extremes for all years. (Fig. 6) 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 113 peratures for the Januarys of those years. Average minimum temperature is arrived at in the same way. The average of the highest is used in a different sense than the average maximum. To get the average of the highest tem- perature for January over a number of years, only the one high- est temperature recorded in each January is used, and these temperatures are averaged. The average of the lowest is obtained in the same manner. Table 1 gives the long-time average temperature for each month, and also the annual average, at sixty-four stations in Illinois and adjoining states. Data from Beloit, Wisconsin; Davenport, Dubuque, and Keokuk, Iowa; Louisiana and St. Louis, Missouri; and Paducah, Kentucky, are included since no satisfactory records are available for nearby points in Illinois. In Appendix A (Tables 4 thru 8) more detailed data are given for seven long-record stations, including Dubuque and St. Louis. In Table 4 average temperatures are given for each month of each year and also for each year that records have been kept at the station. Table 5 gives the average maximum temper- atures month by month for each year and also year by year; Table 6, average minimum temperatures; Table 7, absolute highest temperatures; and Table 8, absolute lowest tempera- tures. Long-time averages of these data are also given for each month. (These tables will be found on pages 150 to 197.) Fig. 6 presents graphically the highlights of the material given in Appendix A. Month-to-month differences in average temperature may be seen at a glance, as well as the changes, from month to month, in average maximum and average mini- mum temperatures; in absolute highest and absolute lowest temperatures ; and in the averages of the absolute highest and of the absolute lowest. Average Monthly Temperatures The month-to-month march of average temperatures is simi- lar thruout Illinois (Fig. 6). January and February are not markedly different from each other, but from February to March there is a marked increase. Until June, temperatures then con- tinue to rise rapidly from one month to the next. During the 114 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, summer months the changes are slight, altho July, on the aver- age, is the warmest month. Temperatures take a sudden dip from August to September; and decided month-to-month de- creases continue until December, the average for December be- ing slightly higher than that for January. Altho seasonal changes follow approximately the same pat- tern thruout the state, the rate of change varies with geograph- ical location. In any one year, also, month-to-month changes in temperature may vary considerably from the long-time pattern. Geographical variations. Every month average tempera- tures decrease, in general, from south to north, but the rate of decrease varies markedly from month to month. This is shown in Figs. 7 to 18. The general east-to-west trend of the isotherms (lines of equal temperature) on these maps indicates that lati- tudinal extent is the most important cause of the geographical variations. That many of the isotherms run from northwest to southeast, rather than due east and west, reflects the operation of Hopkins' Bio-Climatic Law (page 127). At times, however, winds, storms, and air masses skew some of the isotherms so that they follow a northeast-southwest direction. The almost north- to-south direction of the isotherms around Lake Michigan in some months reflects the influence of the lake. This influence is, however, less direct than indirect. The lake has an effect on the paths of cyclonic storms but does not in itself affect land tem- peratures more than a few miles away. In central and northern Illinois the isotherms are slightly northeast to southwest in December, January, and February (Figs. 7, 8, and 9), but are more directly east to west in March (Fig. 10). From April thru August (Figs. 11 to 15) the iso- therms are somewhat northwest to southeast in almost all parts of the state. In September (Fig. 16) they are again more east to west except along Lake Michigan, where the direction is almost north and south. By October (Fig. 17) in the northeastern part of the state, the isotherms again have a northeast-southwest trend, which is even more pronounced in November (Fig. 18). The difference in average temperature between northern and southern Illinois is greater in winter than in summer. During January (normally the coldest month) Cairo averages 36.2, 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 115 s g r2 O O o . / >>.? 5 s ,q Oi tb . .a t > 02 u Q a 08 RJ -t? *^J If* fl O m "^ s|l d s S S-2 "5 . GD 9 r f. rt 1 P jj V _= "5 C 43 ^ +3 m *3 3 c/: -s d QJ . 6 9 | 9 en _c 0) 3 J 3 -u "3 _u a t C S Pk 5 3 1EL ri iC C c "^1 t-, O -a s^-. o < CJ -5 *-j ^^ h 'S d c 3 iW ' 53 F ~* 4A 'S 1 1 1 1 9 5 -r; o - ^ O 4 ^3 49 "c bb Q a: QQ c r- O i- ' P a 73 ^! 0) C E rf -+5 he isotherms i B i^ (M T! c3 'tf pronounced b S ^3 C ^s Ei 3* "o _c ^ P, 0) J3 fS < * ^^ o C i ( E B 1 9 35 tc 9 p. C s cc C ( i c K ffi -!-> C C3 a o P -3 CD SB s o o ^ 03 J=\ ~i b -a b 15 M aj O fe ^ T3 C O c c S T A E 4^ "o o M 3 ^ a .2 2 i i o L3 LE /. ! CJ 2 bb T: a c q g, d s E C w '5 -S a a 9 _c V 5 M H QJ 03 -O o P -G O .. >, II 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 117 bC S S^g S ^ 03 a CJ |H Si 5 g & S3 O So! ~ 43 J3 3 c3 ^ . fl 52 O P .S o 3 TJ< -S ell 13 -C ^ 3 2* o 03 __ T"J <-i a o S3 5J3 p. 2 ~ OJ >>_2 'M " a _ ., O OQ ' rt 118 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, (O 1 I bb 01 <& *-> .M 03 S -5 >> w tj O3 ^ o a 13 i-l S 2r TO o o Jr m o . s d g) (U O ^ a co O I. a Pt F JB H a '* 2 co fl 3 to 3 oS hH 0) O "fl fl O ^> -^ -a .. 6 2'> & w H ' -U if 8 3 g 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 119 and Paducah, Kentucky, 37. Dubuque, Iowa, and Freeport report average January temperatures of 19.6 and 19.7, re- spectively. Most of this difference results directly from the latitudinal extent of the state. Latitude has an indirect effect also; for northern Illinois gets more cold air masses from Can- ada than does the southern part of the state, while the region around Cairo gets more air masses from the Gulf of Mexico. The range between the north and the south is pretty much the same during the other two winter months as in January. At all four stations (Freeport, Dubuque, Cairo, and Paducah) Feb- ruary is about 2 l /2 degrees warmer than January. December is about 1 degree warmer than February at Dubuque and Free- port, and is about the same as February in Cairo and Paducah. The greatest temperature difference in July (usually the hottest month) is not between the extreme south and the north, but between Quincy, with an average temperature of 80.2, and Waukegan, with an average temperature of 72.3. As has already been noted, the isotherms at this time have a general north west- to-southeast trend, and Quincy gets some of the highest temper- atures in the state. The difference between Waukegan and Quincy is due primarily to the fact that the conditions at Wau- kegan are partially lake-controlled, whereas the conditions at Quincy are entirely land-controlled. Since the difference in temperature between the north and the south is smaller in summer than in winter, it follows that spring temperatures rise faster in the north. The rate of change in the different parts of the state may be seen by comparing Figs. 9 thru 12. In March the temperatures begin to rise rapidly all thru the state, but more rapidly in the north than in the south. Temperatures in southern Illinois are almost 10 degrees higher in March than in February, while in northern Illinois March is approximately 12 degrees warmer than February. From March to April a 10-degree increase occurs in southern Illinois and a 10- to 14-degree increase in northern Illinois. From April to May the average increase is 8 to 10 degrees in the south and 10 to 12 degrees in the north. The more rapid increase from month to month in northern Illinois than in southern Illinois results mostly from the difference in latitude. The farther away 120 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, an area is from the equator, the more rapidly the days lengthen. Also the air is somewhat drier in the northern part, making for faster heating of the ground and of the air. From May to June there is an increase of about 10 degrees in the north and 8 to 10 degrees in the south, while from June to July the increase is about 4 to 6 degrees in the north and 2 to 4 degrees in the south. From July to August there is about a 2-degree decrease thruout the state, the decrease being least in the southeastern part. With the coming of autumn, temperatures drop sharply in all parts of the state, but somewhat more sharply in the north than in the south. From August to September the decrease is from 6 to 8 degrees, with a slightly smaller decrease near Lake Mich- igan. From September to October the temperature drops 10 to 12 degrees thru most of the state and about 10 degrees in the extreme south, while from October to November all parts of the state experience a 10- to 14-degree drop. From November to December the decrease is about 12 degrees in the north and 8 to 10 degrees in the south. The decrease thruout the state con- tinues on to January. Northern Illinois, with monthly average temperatures in the summer almost as high as those in the south, but with winter temperatures considerably lower, has a greater annual range in temperature than does southern Illinois. Also, temperature ranges are slightly greater in the western part of the state than in the eastern part. For a more detailed picture of actual temperatures of the state see Table 1 (page 110) and Appendix A (pages 149 to 197). Yearly variations. Since Illinois climate is characteristically continental, July, on the average, is the warmest month, and January is the coldest (Table 1). During some years, however, June or August, or both, may be warmer than July. Likewise, December or February may sometimes be colder than January (Table 4, Appendix A, pages 150 to 159). Of a total of 535 Julys recorded at seven different stations (Table 4, Appendix A), only ten Julys had average temperatures the same as the long-time average. Of 530 Januarys, only three 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 121 were at the long-time average. This shows how seldom the monthly average in any year coincides with the average taken over a period of years. According to the data for the seven stations, a few more Julys have been cooler than average than have been warmer than average. The coldest July for the state as a whole was 1891, when the temperature at the seven stations averaged 70.9 V August was also cool that year, July and August combined being the coolest on record at most stations having records dating back that far. In the northern part of the state, July, 1915, was also cool. At almost all stations in Illinois, July, 1936, was the warmest month on record. With average temperatures in the middle eighties, the state as a whole was 7.1 degrees above normal. Quincy, with an average temperature of 88.0, was the warmest spot in the state. In commenting upon July, 1936, the U. S. Weather Bureau had this to say : This month was warmer than any month in the climatological history of Illinois, averaging 1.3 higher than July, 1901, and 2.0 above July, 1934. Temperature in the northern division averaged 0.4 higher than any previous month of record, the central 2.1 higher, and the southern 0.4 higher. Nearly all stations set new absolute maximum temperature records, excepting the extreme south, the extreme west-central, and along Lake Michigan, and the highest temperature ever recorded in the State, 115, was equalled. The heat wave began on the 4th and did not definitely end until the 29th, maxima daily equalling or exceeding 100 at most of the stations from the 4th to the 17th, and a number of stations had readings of 110 or slightly above on two to four successive days; this consituted by far the most per- sistent and severe heat wave ever officially recorded for the State as a whole. 2 The coldest months on record for representative sections of the state have been January, 1912, with an average temperature of 10.5, and January, 1918, with 11.5 for Chicago; January, 1912, with 3.8 and February, 1875, with 5.5 for Dubuque; January, 1918, with 10.4 and January, 1912, with 11.0 for Peoria; January, 1918, with 13.6 and January, 1940, with 14.5 1 That the temperatures at these seven stations are representative of the state as a whole is indicated by the fact that the July average for all sixty-four stations for all years of records (thru 1944) was 76.6, while the average for all the Julys on record at the seven stations was 76.5. 2 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau. Climatological Data, Illinois Section. July, 1936. p. 25. 122 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, for Springfield; January, 1918, with 11.6 and January, 1912, with 13.8 for Urbana; January, 1918, with 21.0, and January, 1940, with 22.0, for Cairo; January, 1940, with 17.2, and Jan- uary, 1918, with 18.8, for St. Louis. In general, the Januarys of 1912, 1918, and 1940 have been the state's coldest months (see Appendix A, Table 4). Noticeably warmer-than-average Janu- arys occurred in 1880 and 1933. Absolute Highest and Absolute Lowest Temperatures The absolute highest temperatures in July, 1936 (the warmest month on record) ranged from 105 at Cairo and Chicago to 115 at Greenville, with Bloomington, Quincy, Mt. Vernon, and Sparta each reporting 114 as the maximum. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Illinois was 35 on January 22, 1930, at Mt. Carroll. At other stations the abso- lute lowest temperatures have been recorded during December, January, and February, and during several different years. Some of the most severe December cold spells occurred in the following years: 1872, 1876, 1880, 1901, 1914, 1917, and 1924. Januarys that have had rather severe cold spells were in 1875, 1879, 1884, 1888, 1894, 1912, 1918, 1924, 1930, 1936, and 1940. Februarys having had severe weather were: 1856, 1862, 1866, 1875, 1885, 1886, 1888 (except in the southern part), 1893, 1895, 1899, 1903, 1905, 1917, 1918, 1923, 1929, 1933, and 1936. In winter, the lowest temperatures are farther below the average than the highest temperatures are above the average; but in summer the opposite is true. Also the greatest differ- ences in temperature within one month have occurred in winter. For example, at Chicago the February difference between the highest and lowest temperatures has been as great as 89 degrees, while in July the greatest difference has been 55 degrees; at Peoria, the differences have been 100 degrees and 67 degrees; at Springfield, 102 degrees and 61 degrees; at Urbana, 95 degrees and 74 degrees; at Cairo, 92 degrees and 50 degrees; and at St. Louis, 102 degrees and 55 degrees. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 123 Differences in Averages Compared With Differences in Extremes While the difference between the absolute highest and the absolute lowest is greater in winter than in summer, the differ- ence between the average maximum and the average minimum is greater in summer than in winter. The wide variations in winter are caused primarily by cy- clonic storms and the invasions of warm and cold air masses for relatively short periods of time. Unusually warm masses of air from southern and southwestern United States produce the highest temperatures; and the cold Canadian air masses from the north and northwest produce the lowest temperatures. In summer the climate is controlled more by the sun, which ac- counts for the steady day-to-day differences between the highest and lowest temperatures. There are no marked invasions of cold air and relatively few warm ones to cause extremely wide variations. Temperature Has Fluctuated But Hasn't Changed Many people, in Illinois as elsewhere, are convinced that climate has changed within the 'last thirty to fifty years. The "old-fashioned winter," they say, is a thing of the past. Their assertions, however, are based on memory and not on instru- mental records which have been kept very faithfully for almost a century in this state. Peoria has the longest uninterrupted weather record in Illi- nois, from 1856 to the present. This long record has been used in Fig. 19 (page 124) to show five-year sliding averages of tem- perature for the midmonth of each of the four seasons. The five- year sliding (or moving) average means simply the average of 1856 thru 1860 for the first point on the graph (1858), 1857 thru 1861 for the second point, etc. Use of the sliding average makes it possible to discount the effects of extreme year-to-year variations without eliminating periodic variations. One really cold January, for example, when averaged in with four others of about normal temperature, will 124 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, . 00 OS ni <-H h o> 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 125 cause no one period to stand out as conspicuously cold, but will cause a period of five years to appear graphically as a bit cool. It takes at least two or three cold Januarys during a five-year period to produce a marked drop in the graph line. The average January temperature in Peoria is 24.3, with about as many periods slightly above the average as slightly below. Only two periods departed very widely from normal. In the middle 1880's several cool Januarys (1883, 1884, 1885, 1887, and 1888) produced the downward trend; and several warm Januarys (1931, 1932, 1933, and 1938) produced the upward curve in the 1930's. April, with an average temperature of 50.8, shows less marked fluctuations than January, with Aprils above or below the normal showing no relationship to January conditions. In other words, a period of colder-than-usual Januarys has not necessarily been followed by Aprils that were either warmer or cooler than normal. There appears to have been no long-time increase or decrease in temperature for this month. July, with an average temperature of 75.7, shows less vari- ation from the normal than any other month. There have been two periods of cool and two of warm Julys. The cool periods occurred in the middle 1860's (all Julys except one were below normal), and from 1904 to 1912, when all Julys were below normal. The warm periods occurred in the late 1870's and the middle 1930's. In both of these periods every July was warmer than normal. About as many years were above normal before 1900 as have been since 1900. There appears, therefore, to have been no permanent increase or decrease in July temperatures in Peoria. October, with an average temperature of 53.3, likewise shows a fluctuation from one period of years to another, but no definite trend in one direction or the other. Also, the warm or cool October periods show no relation to cool or warm periods during any other month. In brief, when the long-time temperatures at Peoria are considered, both warmer-than-normal and cooler-than-normal periods can be found, but they do not occur at anything like regular intervals, nor have they been more or less pronounced 126 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, of late years. The same thing is true of other long-time stations in Illinois (Appendix A, Table 4). Many factors contribute to temperature, and a variation of any one may easily produce temperatures slightly above or below the normal. Frost and Growing Season Variations both in definition of frost and in actual occur- rence often make frost-distribution data more misleading than any other kind of climate data. Frost at some stations means the actual accumulation of hoar frost and at other stations a tem- perature of 32 in an instrument shelter a few feet above the ground or above the roof of a building. Moreover, there is perhaps no other climatic condition which varies so much locally. At times a valley or a low place no deeper than 5 to 30 feet may have a frost several days later than a nearby level place in the spring, and several days earlier in the autumn. There are not enough weather sta- tions in Illinois to present all the varia- tions in a region. Fig. 20 does show in a rather general way the varying length of frost-free periods thruout the state. To produce a "frost-free day" map of any great detail it would be necessary to have a network of sta- tions several times as Distribution of frost-free days. A general northwest- southeast trend is noticeable in the lines which divide the state according to number of frost-free days. (Fig. 20) I". '. | UNDER 160 160 TO 1.70 170 TO 180 180 TO 190 190 TO 200 OVER 200 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 127 dense as that in Illinois. It would also be well to have the sta- tions in the country rather than in cities and towns. Chicago, for example, has a frost-free period of 189 days. Since such a long period in that part of the state seems to reflect the influence of a city rather than conditions in general, Chicago is not indicated on the map. Hopkins' Bio-Climatic Law is reflected in the trend of the lines indicating the number of frost-free days in Fig. 20. Hop- kins' Law is that in the United States the spring advances, in general, from south to north at the rate of 4 days for 1 degree of latitude, from west to east at the rate of 4 days for 5 degrees of longitude, and from lowland to higher land at the rate of 4 days for 400 feet of altitude. The northwest-to-southeast trend of the lines reflects both latitude and longitude, while the curves in the lines show the effects of altitude. However, the fact that air drainage often causes more frosts in low places than in sur- rounding level areas, at times counteracts the general trend of Hopkins' Law. The result is a patchiness in the distribution of frosts and number of frost-free days. Table 2 (page 128) shows the average and extreme dates of the earliest and latest frosts at various stations thruout the state, as well as the number of frost-free days. Disregarding Chicago, with its urban conditions, the aver- age date of the last killing frost of the spring in northern Illinois varies from April 25 at Monmouth and Pontiac (April 19 at Dubuque, Iowa) to May 8 at Mount Carroll. Frost has, how- ever, on at least one occasion, occurred as late as June 8 at both Mount Carroll and Freeport. At Mount Carroll the average date for the first killing frost in autumn is October 5. Altho this is the earliest average date, frost has occurred as early as August 30 at Freeport. Outside Chicago, the average frost-free period in northern Illinois ranges in length from 150 days at Mount Car- roll to 173 days at Aledo and Pontiac (180 days at Dubuque). In central Illinois the average frost-free period is from 168 to 190 days long, extending from middle or late April to about the middle of October. Killing frosts have, however, occurred as late as the end of May and as early as mid-September. In southern Illinois the average frost-free period is from 185 to 213 days long. The average date of the last killing frost in spring ranges from March 30 at Cairo to April 17 at Flora, Table 2. ILLINOIS FROST DATA: Average and Extreme Dates of Earliest and Latest Frosts and Length of Frost-Free Periods at Sixty-Five Weather Stations Thru 1944 Length Average Average Latest Earliest Length of of date of date of date of date of frost-free Station and county record last killing first killing last killing first killing period (years) a frost in frost in frost in frost in (days) spring autumn spring autumn NORTHERN ILLINOIS Aledo, Mercer. ... 44 Apr. 26 Oct. 16 May 25 Sept. 20 173 Aurora, Kane ... 58 May 4 Oct. 10 Mav 31 Sept. 16 159 Beloit, Rock, Wis ... 70 Apr. 24 Oct. 15 May 25 Sept. 18 174 Chicago, Cook ... 74 Apr. 15 Oct. 21 May 25 Sept. 20 189 Davenport, Scott, la ... 73 Apr. 20 Oct. 16 May 22 Sept. 18 179 Dixon, Lee ... 52 May 1 Oct. 11 May 27 Sept. 14 163 Dubuque, Dubuque, la . .. ,71 Apr. 19 Oct. 16 May 21 Sept. 25 180 Freeport, Stephenson ... 36 May 6 Oct. 7 June 8 Aug. 30 154 Galva, Henry ... 52 Apr. 29 Oct. 14 May 31 Sept. 20 168 Henry, Marshall ... 45 Apr. 27 Oct. 15 May 25 Sept. 14 171 Joliet, Will ... 50 May 2 Oct. 11 May 26 Sept. 11 162 Kankakee, Kankakee ... 28 May 1 Oct. 14 May 26 Sept. 20 166 Marengo, McHenry ... 54 May 3 Oct. 12 May 28 Sept. 11 162 Minonk, Woodford ... 48 Apr. 29 Oct. 12 May 23 Sept. 14 166 Monmouth, Warren ... 51 Apr. 25 Oct. 14 May 25 Sept. 20 172 Morrison, Whiteside ... 42 May 1 Oct. 12 May 27 Sept. 11 164 Mt. Carroll, Carroll ... 47 May 8 Oct. 5 June 8 Sept. 12 150 Ottawa, LaSalle ... 52 Apr. 30 Oct. 12 May 26 Sept. 14 165 Pontiac, Livingston ... 42 Apr. 25 Oct. 15 May 25 Sept. 16 173 Rockford, Winnebago ... 51 May 6 Oct. 9 June 6 Sept. 14 156 Sycamore, DeKalb ... 48 May 7 Oct. 6 - May 27 Sept. 11 152 Walnut, Bureau ... 52 . Apr. 28 Oct. 13 May 25 Sept.*14 168 Waukegan, Lake ... 22 May 7 Oct. 17 May 30 Sept. 25 163 CENTRAL ILLINOIS Bloomington, McLean ... 48 Apr. 27 Oct. 16 May 26 Sept. 18 172 Carlinville, Macoupin ... 52 Apr. 22 Oct. 19 May 25 Sept. 18 180 Charleston, Coles ... 47 Apr. 24 Oct. 16 May 26 Sept. 14 175 Danville, Vermilion ... 40 Apr. 27 Oct. 15 May 26 Sept. 16 171 Decatur, Macon , . .. 51 Apr. 24 Oct. 18 May 25 Sept. 16 177 Effingham, Effingham ... 43 Apr. 21 Oct. 18 May 25 Sept. 16 180 Griggsville, Pike ... 51 Apr. 16 Oct. 21 May 25 Sept. 25 188 Havana, Mason ... 51 Apr. 17 Oct. 18 May 25 Sept. 26 184 Hillsboro, Montgomery ... 48 Apr. 21 Oct. 20 May 25 Sept. 24 182 Hoopeston, Vermilion 41 Apr. 30 Oct. 15 May 25 Sept. 16 168 Jacksonville, Morgan ... 49 Apr. 23 Oct. 14 May 25 Sept. 16 174 Keokuk, Lee, Iowa , ... 73 Apr. 12 Oct. 13 May 7 Sept. 18 184 La Harpe, Hancock , ... 50 Apr. 24 Oct. 12 May 25 Sept. 13 171 Lincoln, Logan ... 50 Apr. 28 Oct. 15 May 26 Sept. 18 170 Louisiana, Pike, Mo ... 47 Apr. 23 Oct. 11 May 25 Sept. 13 171 Palestine, Crawford ... 52 Apr. 19 Oct. 19 May 25 Sept. 19 183 Pana, Christian ... 45 Apr. 24 Oct. 20 May 25 Sept. 24 179 Paris, Edgar , . .. 51 Apr. 27 Oct. 21 May 26 Sept. 24 177 Peoria, Peoria , . . . 89 Apr. 15 Oct. 20 May 11 Sept. 26 188 Quincy, Adams ... 33 Apr. 13 Oct. 20 May 25 Sept. 22 190 Rushville, Schuyler ... 47 Apr. 20 Oct. 19 May 25 Sept. 22 182 Springfield, Sangamon ... 65 Apr. 15 Oct. 19 May 25 Sept. 25 187 Urbana, Champaign ... 42 Apr. 21 Oct. 19 May 25 Sept. 16 181 White Hall, Greene . . . . 48 Apr. 21 Oct. 19 May 25 Sept. 22 181 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Anna, Union ... 48 Apr. 9 Oct. 26 May 1 Sept. 28 200 Cairo, Alexander ... 74 Mar. 30 Oct. 29 Apr. 30 Sept. 30 213 Carbondale, Jackson ... 35 Apr. 13 Oct. 23 May 4 Sept. 24 193 Du Quoin, Perry 48 Apr. 16 Oct. 19 May 25 Sept. 24 186 Fairfield, Wayne . . . . 47 Apr. 13 Oct. 21 May 7 Sept. 19 191 Flora, Clay , ... 45 Apr. 17 Oct. 19 May 25 Sept. 15 185 Greenville, Bond ... 57 Apr. 16 Oct. 22 May 26 Sept. 24 189 Harrisburg, Saline ... 45 Apr. 13 Oct. 21 May 7 Sept. 24 191 Mascoutah, St. Clair , , . . . 46 Apr. 17 Oct. 21 May 25 Sept. 19 187 McLeansboro, Hamilton. ... . . . . 48 Apr. 16 Oct. 22 May 7 Sept. 19 189 Mt. Carmel, Wabash . . . . 40 Apr. 14 Oct. 23 May 25 Sept. 26 192 Mt. Vernon, Jefferson . . . . 50 Apr. 16 Oct. 22 May 14 Sept. 15 189 New Burnside, Johnson , , . . . 34 Apr. 17 Oct. 21 May 8 Sept. 24 187 Olney, Richland . . . . 48 Apr. 17 Oct. 20 May 25 Sept. 18 186 Paducah, McCracken, Ky.. . . . . . 16 Apr. 7 Oct. 24 Apr. 23 Oct. 7 200 St. Louis (no county), Mo.. . , . . . 72 Apr. 2 Oct. 30 May 22 Sept. 28 211 Sparta, Randolph ... 43 Apr. 13 Oct. 22 May 7 Sept. 14 192 Vincennes, Knox, Ind 51 Apr. 13 Oct. 23 May 25 Sept. 23 193 For each station the averages are based on the number of years that records of frosts had been kept thru 1944. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 129 Mascoutah, New Burnside, and Olney. In autumn the average date of the first frost is October 19 at Flora and Du Quoin and October 29 at Cairo. The last frost in the spring has been as late as April 30 at Cairo (April 23 at Paducah, Kentucky) and May 26 at Greenville, while the first killing frost in the autumn has occurred as early as September 14 at Sparta and September 30 at Cairo (October 7 at Paducah). During some years the first autumn frost may occur on the same day thruout the state because of an invasion of a mass of cold Canadian air. Similarly, in the spring a final invasion of cold air may cause the last frost to come at the same time all thru Illinois. PRECIPITATION Precipitation, as treated in this bulletin, includes rain and melted snow, sleet, and hail. However, snow makes up consid- erably less than 10 percent of the total precipitation, and the percentage due to sleet and hail is almost negligible. Precipitation results from the expansion and cooling of air which is forced to ascend. This is caused by (1) thermal con- vection (up-and-down movement of the air due to varying tem- perature) and (2) conflicting air masses associated with cyclonic storms. Precipitation caused by thermal convection usually oc- curs in late spring, summer, and early fall, while that due to conflicting air masses is commonest in the cool part of the year. Convection results when the surface air over a large area is heated to such a degree that it becomes lighter than the air above. The colder, heavier air above will then descend and force the warm surface air up, causing it to expand and cool. Convec- tion may also result when one area is heated more than sur- rounding areas. Both types of convection cause local showers, with a maximum of precipitation and a minimum of cloudiness. Cyclonic precipitation, or that caused by conflicting air masses (Figs. 2 and 5), often covers large continuous areas and is likely to produce steady precipitation lasting longer than that due to convection. Cyclonic precipitation is often associated with a complete cloud cover, which sometimes lasts for days. In considering the agricultural utility of a region, one is sure to ask three questions about precipitation : ( 1 ) How much does 130 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, the place receive? (2) How is the precipitation distributed thru the year? (3) How dependable is it from year to year? Amount of Precipitation Average annual precipitation in Illinois varies from 30.77 inches at Morris to 47.43 inches at Anna. However, in 1945 Carbondale had 74.50 inches and in 1887 Pontiac had only 16.15 inches. These are the greatest and the least annual amounts on record in the state. For geographic distribution of average annual precipitation see Fig. 21. An interval of only 2 inches of precipitation between the isohyets (lines of equal rainfall), as well as differences in the periods of observation at the various stations, may possibly account for some of the minor variations in the lines. However, the decrease in amount of precipitation from the Ozarks north- ward is natural. In general, the western part of the Illinois Ozarks has the most precipitation, and the northern part of the state the least amount. The greater winter precipitation in southern Illinois than in the north is most responsible for the an- nual difference. South- ern Illinois has more cyclonic activity in winter than does any other part of the state. Also, its greater prox- Distribution of average annual precipitation. There is an irregular but definite decrease in precipitation from south to north in Illi- nois. (Fig. 21) . UNDER 34IN. TO 36'IN. To 38 'N. ES3 38 TO 40 IN. 40 TO 42 IN. TO 44 IN. 44 TO 46 IN ,,.B3BOVE 46 IN. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 131 imity to the Gulf of Mexico, along with the cyclonic activity, makes for heavy spring rains. For detailed information on precipitation in Illinois see Ap- pendix B, Tables 9, 10, and 11, pages 199 to 294. Distribution Thruout the Year Fig. 22, page 132, shows graphically the amount of precipita- tion each month at fifteen representative Illinois stations. For monthly and seasonal distribution of precipitation thruout the state see Figs. 23 thru 38. These maps are based on data thru December 31, 1944. The conventional months of December, January, and February have been used for winter; March, April, and May, for spring; June, July, and August, for summer; and September, October, and November for autumn. The %-inch interval for isohyets on the monthly maps and the 1-inch in- terval used for the seasonal maps reveal minor local irregularities in amount of precipitation. The growing season (April to September) is the period of maximum precipitation in all of Illinois save a small area in the southern part (Fig. 39). Mount Carroll, with 66.9 percent of the precipitation during the growing season, and Cairo and Shaw- neetown, each with 49.2 percent, represent the extremes. In general, the northern part of the state gets a larger per- centage of its total precipitation during the growing season than does the southern part. This tends to make the annual precipita- tion in northern Illinois as effective agriculturally as the heavier annual amount in southern Illinois. That the total growing- season precipitation is much the same thruout the state is shown by the following data taken from six representative weather stations : Amount of precipitation Percentage of total during growing season precipitation during Station (inches) growing season Aledo 22.89 66.8 Morris 19.05 61.9 Clinton 23.77 61.1 Roberts 20.38 61.4 Anna 24.75 52.6 Cairo . 20.16 49.2 132 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, AVERAGE MONTHLY PRECIPITATION Average monthly precipitation, in inches, at fifteen representative stations in Illinois. While total precipitation is less in northern Illinois than in the southern part of the state, precipitation during the growing season is about the same. (Fig. 22) 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 133 bC 5 bO 1-5 S d .2 "33 f-i 03 1 V3 3 C o 0) 3 II a a o o 3 (-T * cr^ u 03 ^ 134 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Ml bC 52 o > g 3 .0 S ^43 J3 ft *= t: rJ{ S 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 137 to E hC E g g O CD a .2 CD CD CD O _CQ .9 Ill CD CD *Q oo w 2 -5-3 8 I 1*0 TJ O 2 s a s a. 2 CD >j s^i 3 P, 1 4, 3 CO -d 1.1 s 138 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, bC E 88 bb E "* .> d 3 \S d . CD &-d 5 00 <*< -, ^ 7J CO 7J <*. d 3 '-3 w 2 a IS-^li S fl | a s S -3.3- 'S & .2 hf - S.i= O (p fl flj *"* he ^ f K r ^_( -,^ LW i n ^ d r3 S fl 2 ft - 2 ^ ^ "E a oj S S| D J2 . a ^^ ^-i ^ H 03 fl O a ^.a d d o ni t 93 i2 & SHII .2 f> *. S O O ^ .& < .S "^ 05 y bC H |-g a'S g o gj p - | M |=. a? G 5 S 2 o a d cu o X S I s S w S S^5 I "^3 J^ JM ^.&Ji a =3 2 j-o 3 d 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 139 Wettest months. At most stations in Illinois the month of maximum precipitation is either June, May, or March, altho at a few scattered points September and April have the most rain- fall. In southern and southeastern Illinois (Fig. 40) March is the wettest month, with January, April, or June as second and one of the other two months third. In the major portion of the state May is usually the wettest; June, September, or April is second; and one of the other two months is third. In the west- central and northern part June is almost without exception the wettest month. Either May or September is second and the other of these two months is third. Driest months of growing season. At no place in Illinois is either May or June the driest month of the growing season. Each of the other four months, however, appears as the driest month with varying degrees of frequency. At twenty-four stations on and north of a line drawn from Keokuk, Iowa, to Chicago, April is the driest month of the growing season. April is also driest, by .01 inch, at Watseka to the south of the line, but north of the line there are Elgin, Joliet, La Salle, Oregon, and Pawpaw, where July is driest. At six stations in and to the northwest of the Illinois river valley, extending from Peoria to Griggsville, August is the driest month of the growing season. Also August is the driest month in Charleston and White Hall and (by .01 inch) in Hoopeston. In the extreme southern part such stations as Cairo, Golconda, and Paducah, Kentucky, as well as Du Quoin, Flora, Salem, and St. Louis, Missouri, have least precipitation in September. July is the driest month of the growing season at the other fifty-four stations, as well as at the five already mentioned (Elgin, Joliet, La Salle, Oregon, and Pawpaw). The general dry- ness of this month often reduces crop yields. Dependability of Precipitation As a whole, the precipitation of Illinois is quite dependable from year to year. To be sure, dry periods and dry years as well as wet periods and wet years occur, but the departures from normal are neither great nor frequent for a continental climate like that of Illinois. 140 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Driest and wettest years. In Appendix B (pages 199-294) the monthly and annual precipitation is given for 100 stations (90 in Illinois and 10 in adjoining states) for as long as records have been kept at these stations. The driest year on record at any of the 100 stations was 1887 at Pontiac. Precipitation was 49 percent of normal. At Pawpaw the driest year was 1922, when precipitation was 74 percent of the average annual amount. Driest years at other stations ranged between these two in percentage of normal precipitation, with the average precipitation of the driest years at all 100 stations averaging 65 percent of normal. Precipitation during the wettest years on record at any of these stations ranged from 127 percent of the annual average at Morris (1942), to 175 percent (1858) at St. Louis. Average precipitation for the wettest years at all stations was 149 percent of normal. The above averages of the driest years and the wettest years are of course made up of different years. For several reasons it would be quite misleading to select any one year as the driest or the wettest year in the state as a whole. For one thing, most stations whose records are used in this bulletin have interrupted records, thus not reporting during years when other stations might be reporting their wettest or driest year. In the second place, some of the records do not extend back very far. The shorter the period of years on record, in general, the smaller the variation in any climatic element. In the third place, a very heavy rainfall may occur during some summer day at one station but not at any of the surrounding ones. Thus one station might have an annual maximum one year, while nearby stations might have greater rainfall in other years. Despite the variations from station to station, a few general- izations can be made concerning driest and wettest years. In northern Illinois (for climatological divisions of state, see Fig. 1) 1902 was the wettest year on record at 12 of the 33 stations and the second wettest since 1900 at 5 others, while at 10 stations there were no reports for 1902. In central Illinois, with its 38 stations, 1927 was wettest at 19 stations and second wettest at 3 stations. At Watseka and at Burlington, Iowa, both near the northern margin of central Illinois, 1902 was wettest, placing 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 141 them within the northern Illinois group, while at Palestine, near the southeastern portion of central Illinois, 1945 was the wettest year. This places it within the southern Illinois group, for 1945 was the wettest year on record at 16 of the 29 stations in the southern third of the state, and was the wettest year of the present century at Golconda and Sparta. Four stations in south- ern Illinois reported 1945 as the second wettest year since 1900, and 5 stations as the third wettest. In general, 1902 was the wettest year on record in northern Illinois, 1927 in central Illi- nois, and 1945 in southern Illinois. Division of the state on the basis of driest years does not coincide quite so closely with the division given in Fig. 1. Should a line be drawn westward, beginning about midway between Kankakee and Watseka, passing south of Pontiac and Minonk but north of Peoria and Fairview, thence south, west of Havana, east of Jacksonville, west of White Hall, and east of Grafton, the area to the north and west would be generally found to have had its least annual precipitation in 1901. Naturally several exceptions occurred, but where 1901 was not driest, the differ- ence between that year and the driest reported was generally very small. Should another line be drawn westward from about midway between Casey and Palestine and between Effingham and New- ton, south of Greenville, and north of Edwardsville, the portion of Illinois to the south would be generally found to have had the least annual precipitation in 1936. At 18 of the 29 stations 1936 was either driest or second driest. In central Illinois, or that portion of the state between the lines described above, all sta- tions except Peoria reported 1914 as driest or as second or third driest. In general, 1901 was the driest year in northern Illinois, 1914 the driest in the central part of the state, and 1936 the driest in the south. Wet and dry growing seasons. In Appendix C (pages 295 to 363) growing season precipitation is given by 10-day inter- vals for 1921 thru 1946. Analysis of these data on a year-to-year basis reveals that (1) the precipitation was above average in about half of the years and below average during the other half 142 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, of the years; (2) the greatest positive departure was slightly larger than the greatest negative departure; and (3) the great- est departures each way were in southern Illinois. Precipitation during the driest growing seasons at the sixty- six stations during the 1921-1946 perio'd averaged 58 percent of normal. (This average is based on the one driest growing season on record at each station, regardless of year.) The wettest grow- ing seasons during the same period received 151 percent of the annual precipitation. The average precipitation during the wettest 10-day periods (including the wettest period for every year of the 26-year period at each station) varied only slightly in the different sections of the state. Averages were 1.74 inch in northern Illi- nois, 1.78 inch in central Illinois, and 1.75 inch in southern Illinois. Average precipitation in the driest 10-day periods varied a little more. In northern Illinois the average was .71 inch, in central Illinois .79 inch, and in southern Illinois, .77 inch. When the one wettest period on record at each station in northern Illinois is considered, the average for all the stations in the area is shown to be 7.01 inches. This average is made up of such differences as 9.39 inches between August 11 and 20, 1924, at Galva, and 5.33 inches between September 11 and 20, 1936, at Morris. In central Illinois the average was 8.45 inches, with extremes of 11.09 inches at Springfield between September 1 and 10, 1926, and 5.71 inches at Roberts from July 21 to 31, 1926 (11 days). In the southern part of the state the average was 8.74 inches, with Nashville reporting 16.55 inches between August 11 and 20, 1946, and Grand Chain reporting 6.33 inches between August 1 and 10, 1946. Since every station included in Appendix C had at least one 10-day period with no precipitation, the average for the driest 10-day periods was thruout the state. No long-time change in amount of precipitation. Not only are year-to-year variations from the average annual precipita- tion comparatively small, but they show no permanent increase or decrease in amount of precipitation. Fig. 41, for example, shows that in Peoria (where the average annual precipitation is 35.01 inches) there have been three periods of conspicuously 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS Peoria precipitation variations. For each year annual precipitation is given both as a total and as a five-year sliding average. Also five-year sliding averages are given for each season. (The five-year sliding average for 1858 is the average of the yearly precipitation for 1856 thru 1860; that for 1859 is the average of 1857 thru 1861, etc.) Note the fluctuations without a permanent > change. (Fig. 41) | > ! i i 3 1 i > * 1 e f s ? * 1 ? i j js j i! 5 < V 5 K 1 C ' Q. OV6I oeei oeei 0161 0061 0681 0891 Oi91 0991 > .... - x > \ < . \\ A M < c 5- YEAR SLIDING AVERAGE YEAR TO YEAR TOTAL *'.' 5 \ \ 1 \ ^! 5. PEORIA PRECIPITATION < 1 SEASONAL 5-YEAR SLIDING ' AVERAGES ce H 5 z 3 t- D 1 o: UJ 2 D U) Z cc CL U) 1 < 1 i' ( ' I ' ' / i ..-.' ^>- * \ M f \ \ J ' ] T V o- ,. | 1 1 i I/ f 1 < '""A /J / \ I /::;; > 'p-j S 5; 1 f i i ^ - c i ( 3 n :> u 3 U i < t 3 " T T 1 C r T ^^ >> < 1 < j r > K J ) C 3 U 1 C 5 U 1- n i < ) seipii) 144 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, O -Q 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 145 heavy precipitation. These were from the middle 1870's to the early 1880's; during the early 1900's; and during the late 1920's. Dry periods have also occurred, but these are less conspicuous than the wet periods. The lower part of the graph shows the seasons responsible for unusually heavy or light annual precipi- tation. For example, the peak of heavy annual precipitation in the early 1900's resulted from heavy summer rains, while summer and autumn precipitation produced the peak in the late 1020*8. Fig. 42 gives the same information for Cairo that Fig. 41 does for Peoria. A comparison of the two graphs shows that (1) fluctuation was greater in Cairo, (2) the early 1880's and the late 1920's were rainy periods at both places, (3) the early 1900's were dry at Cairo but wet at Peoria, and (4) there was no definite period of years between wet spells and dry spells at either place. After about 1933 there was a general decrease in precipitation at Cairo, but 1945 and 1946 precipitation was con- siderably above the annual average. Other long-record stations in and near Illinois, like Peoria and Cairo, show rather marked fluctuations, but no definite periodicity and no permanent change. Snowfall Snowfall gets into the precipitation records in two ways. First, the amount is measured in inches or fractions thereof, and is recorded to make up the total amount of snowfall per month or per year. Second, the snow is melted to determine its water equivalent. In its melted form it is included in the total pre- cipitation. Table 3 and Fig. 43, pages 146 to 148, are based on the rec- ords of snowfall in its unmelted form. They show the geographi- cal distribution of snowfall in Illinois. This distribution reflects the north-to-south extent of the state, the amount of snowfall in- creasing fairly uniformly from just less than 10 inches in the extreme south to slightly more than 35 inches in the north- western part (represented by Dubuque, Iowa). July and August are the only months in which snow has not been reported in some part of Illinois, altho only Aurora and 146 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, 3 1 003C<3iM'-lOCOCO-HTfiO'-l-HMT)OOO!'*nO t- O 'O i-f t 00 CO M M O5 d p4 | c c ^ d iNOrooiNOsooo^ooiotooJN^cot-cooicooo C^MOOW(N(N^iNC^lN(NCOt~(Ni-iO>OO^J'O>OTt e & Q o ^fflcOCDCOiO^iOTfiOiO^OCOCOiOOtO*-*-* (Nt^OOOO'-HINt-COWfNOtOCOWt^i-liOMCOOOt- ^OTfGOC<100T-3JOO 3 00 h ^ 4A (N(Nr-iNWM^NC(M^-clNTj(ioHOMWWCOC<5 C*3'-l'-IM'HEHC^C> 3 1-5 O C >-s % Kg B oHE-iE-ioHoo^E-iHof-iE-ioo-HoE-ioo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooooooo oE-iHooooooooooooooooo H H H H rn EH E-< - EH - H EI EH ^H EH EH EH EH EH EH H OIN'-iM'tOt^O^C^OJCOfiOb-CO'-KNC^OlNO EHOOOOO--IOOOO ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo HrnHHrthH^lHrt-H O-^MiO'Offq'-llt^lNM 1 "c3 OMU5Tj<-jtTjfcDTji'*^OU500CO'H-*OOOOOOO lrt< 'Ht^COWO(N'nt-'-l EC 1 *COCOCOC5C-iO!Ot^cOiOOOttCD!D O'-lrtO'*INt^OC^'ncD>noooooM ALL: Average Monthlj 1-5 "_" tSl'S ill QJ (-(>* H s O fe tOOOO>OOOOt~t-SOt^t^5Ot-OOOOt~tOOOt-!OOO TftooOiONoi^oO'-ioO'-'ooc'o-HcnfrjiMMe^iN TjiuScOiOWOrtiuJC^iOTjilOTtntSiCKN^ifOiOiM ^ w Oa jrfjH (fi MS o - . c .-s o o 2 C3J3 * vtp'S'C o! OH3 WUUQQW^OWEW 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS 147 u f o fc (-H d OtOOl-0-0-l-HOOW< 100500^(NM05^!0000010<00500 1.22 2.79 2.52 36.49 1907 . 3.97 .25 2.23 2.57 4.13 3.44 9.53 4.67 4.84 .51 1.41 .92 38.47 1908 . .85 3.82 3.34 2.74 9.89 2.90 2.85 4.94 1 'M .58 2.31 .66 36.14 1909 .1.66 3.91 1.06 5.94 3.14 3.09 1.83 3.09 41 2.09 5.24 4.37 37.83 1910 .1.86 1.07 .30 2.42 4.84 .69 1.34 4.12 4.81 .91 .60 1.16 24.12 1911... . 1.25 2.26 .78 3.66 2.60 4.56 3.11 5.64 7 80 2.90 3.76 1.95 40.27 1912 . .17 1.72 1.69 3.01 1.99 3.75 2.43 4.63 4.09 5.26 2.18 1.26 32.18 1913 .1.30 2.15 2.95 2.06 5.00 3.27 1.27 1.51 9! 0? 2.88 1.76 .39 26.56 1914 . 1.51 1.04 2.75 .65 5.24 5.57 1.61 .87 5 30 3.36 .14 1.88 29.92 1915 .1.85 2.75 1.10 .65 6.29 2.86 5.84 4.89 4.13 .44 3.18 .58 34.56 1916... . 5.25 .45 2.82 1.75 3.80 5.97 .65 2.45 ?, 87 5.11 1.86 1.66 34.64 1917 . .81 .37 1.92 3.40 3.05 .80 3.91 4.49 .13 .47 1918 . 2.13 1.88 .45 2.50 6.18 4.19 3.12 3.16 2.54 2.66 1.28 2.01 32.10 1919 . .39 2.06 2.81 3.52 4.64 4.13 1.28 2.43 6.79 3.45 2.52 .63 34.65 1920 . .90 .22 4.88 2.55 1.92 2.26 1.79 2.09 2.15 1.55 1.77 1921... .75 .32 5.28 5.19 2.03 2.79 1.28 8.50 9.22 2.88 1.91 2.89 43.04 1922 . 1.75 .65 4.07 2.52 3.77 .71 5.10 2.08 2.79 .66 2.35 .79 27.24 1923 . .78 .86 5.27 1.41 3.20 5.04 1.14 1.51 3.22 2.99 1.31 2.17 28.90 1924 . 1.29 1.53 1.53 1.26 7 . 44 3 . 62 6 . 65 3.28 .69 1.00 1.98 1925 . .61 1.96 1.38 3.60 1.06 5.06 1.88 1.79 6.75 2.64 2.11 1.55 30.39 1926... . .86 2.63 1.94 2.57 2.05 3.33 4.27 6.39 12.83 1.20 4.26 .82 43.15 1927 .1.16 2.09 2.47 5.84 4.80 3.90 1.27 3.90 5.16 4.52 1.77 1928 . .67 1.19 1.91 2.96 1.94 4.73 5.08 3.41 2.18 3.89 4.65 1.73 34.34 1929 . 3.86 .53 3.03 6.24 2.89 4.84 4.98 2.61 4.61 3.29 1.73 .81 39.42 1930 . 2.40 1.44 .72 3.92 1.87 3.73 1.97 1.88 4.46 2.84 1.36 .42 27.01 232 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 9. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Concluded) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual WALNUT, Bureau county, concluded 1931... .70 .22 2.10 2.34 3.98 3.82 2 65 3 47 6 71 7 63 4 gg 2 03 40 13 1932 1 56 1 43 3 10 1 23 3 38 4 65 3 51 6 41 1 30 3 47 53 3 04 33 61 1933 ... 2 . 54 1.09 2.96 2 68 6 41 1 12 2 07 2 33 3 20 1 90 58 81 27 69 1934.... . . . .97 .55 1.05 .91 .76 4.41 3 76 3 77 7 13 1 33 6 00 1 45 32 09 1935 2 41 1 47 2 59 1 58 6 17 7 20 3 45 5 53 3 64 1 45 4 68 1 16 41 33 1936. . . . 1.53 1.75 .49 1.95 2.22 1 70 66 4 54 12 10 2 34 1 07 2 62 32 97 1937.... . . . 2.96 1.45 1.81 5.18 6.78 2.29 2 32 6 09 1 66 2 32 1 46 73 35 05 1938 3 58 2 61 2 93 2 80 6 11 4 41 7 18 1 89 5 87 77 1 63 1 43 41 21 1939 . . . 2.25 1.41 2.20 3 06 2 77 5 01 4 59 4 90 1 02 2 91 44 T 30 56 1940 . . . 1.45 .79 1.53 2.15 3 81 2 65 65 4 20 99 3 14 1 99 1 45 24 80 1941 2 77 95 1 99 2 87 5 20 5 05 4 93 74 7 86 10 93 1 77 1 20 46 26 1942 . . 98 2.05 1 99 51 4 66 3 51 3 76 6 40 1 71 1 46 3 11 2 45 32 59 1943 . . . 1.44 1.27 2.05 5 44 5 44 1 99 3 54 2 94 1 49 1 66 1 69 26 29 21 1944.... . . . .67 1.97 5.31 3.26 4.10 2.55 1 25 2 48 4 47 1 00 1 97 1 19 30 22 1945 .69 1 12 2 52 4 67 7 12 6 74 39 5 21 6 40 67 1 99 2 14 39 66 1946 . . . 2 . 65 .61 3.11 .72 6 34 5 65 1 15 3 56 3 92 1 74 2 90 1 83 34 18 1 74 1 53 2 57 2 82 4 14 3 89 3 23 3 57 4 37 2 38 2 07 1 48 33 79 WAUKEGAN, Lake county 1923 86 61 1 77 1 39 1 15 3 66 1 58 5 30 5 22 4 77 1 00 1 79 29 10 1924 . . 1.27 1 13 2 65 2 23 3 61 6 59 3 23 8 66 3 39 11 1 67 1 91 36 45 1925 . . . .66 1.75 1.25 3 49 1 04 2 39 5 12 35 6 33 4 18 1 38 1 46 29 40 1926 98 2 82 2 38 1 64 3 10 4 08 3 58 2 19 9 50 2 49 3 80 69 37 25 1927 . . . .99 .65 1 69 4 69 3 54 2 34 3 96 1 13 4 69 3 33 3 40 1 81 32 22 1928.... . .. .78 .90 1.95 3 71 1 99 6 17 3 34 4 08 2 02 3 43 4 96 3 00 36 33 1929 3 05 27 2 01 5 52 3 16 4 24 1 22 1 11 1 89 2 94 91 1 14 27 46 1930 . . . 1 67 89 1 21 4 31 2 42 2 63 2 42 1 00 1 33 2 75 1 22 32 22 17 1931... .69 .20 2.86 1.48 4.38 4 13 1 08 3 76 4 63 3 17 3 49 2 39 32 26 1932 . . 2 57 1 27 2 13 83 3 98 2 09 6 45 96 92 5 47 1 89 2 5g 31 14 1933 . . . 1 12 75 2 57 3 78 7 76 2 49 2 06 1 46 2 95 2 60 1 16 59 29 29 1934 . . . .84 .31 .91 1 27 64 1 96 1 47 1 53 5 71 2 14 5 51 2 11 24 40 1935 1 55 1 31 1 60 2 01 5 88 3 23 3 07 3 46 2 72 1 73 4 68 1 33 33 78 1936 . . . . 1 . 66 1 61 .30 1 95 1 16 2 84 84 8 02 8 08 2 40 51 2 86 32 23 1937 . . . 2 . 58 .83 1.18 5 59 4 45 4 75 3 22 3 62 1 98 1 39 75 95 31 29 1938 3 07 2 47 3 51 1 38 3 09 6 74 6 77 2 68 5 54 1 00 1 35 76 38 36 1939. . . . 2.13 2 40 1 38 1 76 1 99 2 67 2 55 1 04 1 95 1 78 58 32 20 55 1940 . . . 2.12 1.43 1.70 2 07 4 29 5 21 3 04 9 65 29 2 06 2 63 1 70 36 19 1941 . 2 86 1 27 1 13 3 55 2 72 3 38 3 41 2 46 8 36 10 24 2 85 2 01 44 24 1942 . . . 1 . 58 1 50 2 62 76 4 82 3 41 1 58 2 83 4 30 2 26 3 10 1 42 30 18 1943 3 43 49 2 30 3 16 5 49 1 26 4 44 6 88 1 97 1 64 3 01 65 34 72 1944 . . . . 1 28 2 10 2 90 3 66 2 41 3 65 1 98 3 13 1 59 23 1 10 1 55 25 58 1945 . . . .68 1.35 2 01 4 30 8 13 5 21 1 26 3 54 10 62 1 09 4 02 1 53 43 74 1946 . 2 27 96 3 77 1 13 2 63 2 90 26 1 51 88 1 65 1 95 2 12 22 03 Aver.. . . 1.70 1.22 1.99 2.74 3.49 3.67 2.83 3.35 4.04 2.70 2.37 1.54 31.64 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 233 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Inches) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual BEARDSTOWN, Cass county 1916... .41 2.32 1.49 7.65 2.34 T 4.93 1.94 1.35 2.00 2.58 1917 . .87 .01 3.20 4.51 4.44 8.32 1.16 1.93 3.72 1.29 .04 .39 29.88 1918 .74 .32 5 . 60 6 . 80 5.06 2.83 2 . 29 3 . 52 3.41 2.99 2.44 1919 .27 1.68 4.20 1.90 5.39 3.61 .79 2.68 3.05 4.39 2.71 .30 30.97 1920 . .72 .21 5.15 5.66 6.44 .58 3.38 1.12 3.43 3.30 .81 1.24 32.04 1921... .1.52 .23 4.61 4.95 1.42 2.82 1.56 4.25 9.45 2.57 1.85 1.80 37.03 1922 .1.35 2.42 5.64 4.67 3.31 .77 2.99 2.32 2.09 .76 3.20 .88 30.40 1923 . .57 .68 3.28 1.42 3.66 4.06 1.79 5.05 4.14 3.78 1.46 2.31 32.20 1924 . 1.32 1.14 2.58 1.52 4.13 7.33 3.30 2.94 2.48 2.00 1.00 3.01 32.75 1925 . .40 1.97 1.91 2.72 1.81 3.44 4.91 5.96 3.17 3.86 2.81 1.13 34.09 1926 .1.55 2.03 2.92 3.89 2.21 5.42 4.85 5.90 10.49 4.11 4.46 1.31 49.14 1927 . 1.08 1.46 5.92 6 . 86 6 . 59 3.14 3.75 3.12 3.55 3.87 3.24 2.28 44.86 1928 . .29 1.27 .94 3.12 2.24 7.44 4.09 3 . 22 3 . 90 3.15 2.84 1.95 34.45 1929 . 3.94 .61 3.31 5.31 4.78 4.14 6.52 1.02 2.41 3.69 1.88 .89 38.50 1930 .3.63 2.17 1.75 1.98 1.87 2.28 .64 2.28 2.60 1.66 2.11 .34 23.31 1931 . .16 1.46 2.35 2.14 7.16 4.63 4.24 1.75 4.13 2.22 4.28 2.04 36.56 1932 . 2.24 1.03 1.79 .66 1.33 6.68 4.27 9.70 2.92 3.35 1.02 3.20 38.19 1933 . 3.00 .79 2.63 4.18 6.34 2.18 2.23 3.16 1.68 3.39 .30 1.41 31.29 1934 .1.18 1.11 2.97 .67 .41 2.38 1.03 3.97 10.33 2.10 4.38 1.61 32.14 1935 . 2.08 1.90 2.26 2.80 12.74 3.27 2.64 .64 2.13 2.57 5.97 .90 40.90 1936... . 1.43 1.33 .88 .99 3.01 2.12 1.64 1.06 7.34 2.14 3.27 2.24 27.45 1937 .4.73 .54 .75 3.97 1.99 4.05 4.42 1.97 2.88 2.13 1.27 2.07 30.77 1938 . 2.79 1.49 4.24 4.39 6.24 3.83 2.04 3.07 3.58 .78 1.91 1.78 35.14 1939 .2.17 2.76 3.87 4.75 2.48 5.20 4.35 5.28 .32 .75 .79 .96 33.68 1940 . .87 .60 2.46 3.06 2.13 3.13 .87 3.51 .05 2.04 2.77 1.36 22.85 1941... . 3.31 .62 1.11 5.34 3.55 4.85 2.45 2.61 7.12 11.21 1.95 1.11 45.23 1942 .1.22 4.58 2.09 3.77 4.80 5.94 7.38 1.12 3.01 1.43 6.43 3.36 45.13 1943 .1.12 .69 1.59 4.97 9.23 1.30 4.84 2.71 3.24 2.21 .88 1.56 34.34 1944 . .40 2.01 5.34 7.06 5.17 1.20 2.01 3.62 4.64 1.65 2.35 1.24 36.69 1945 . .88 1.11 5.81 4.27 4.25 8.33 1.02 .68 8.97 1.83 1.34 2.06 40.55 1946 . 2.31 1.10 2.61 3.65 5.27 3.91 2.14 3.46 2.47 7.58 7.51 1.74 43.75 Aver 1.63 1.30 2.93 3.62 4.48 3.99 2.91 3.14 4.02 2.92 2.57 1.66 35.17 BLOOMINGTON, McLean county 1892... 2.31 1.48 6.41 8.27 6.86 4.68 1.16 2.70 1.25 2.62 1.21 1893 . 1.36 3.13 3.11 8.34 5.40 .80 1.16 .15 2.70 .74 1.93 1.47 30.29 1894 . 2.32 1.93 3.37 2.53 3.21 1.89 1.34 .91 5.59 2.52 1.86 1895 . 1.26 .39 1.68 2.55 1.13 1.75 6.71 5.12 4.28 .61 3.74 7.62 36.84 1896 .82 2.55 2.11 2.02 6.79 3.90 6.68 4.75 5.40 .16 2.95 .53 38.66 1897 . 5.41 1.77 4.09 3.92 1.90 3.49 3.91 1.50 2.08 .48 5.00 2.00 35.55 1898 . 4.00 1.77 5.65 2.66 9.42 4.02 4.40 1.85 6.49 4.31 2.28 1.92 48.77 1899 .1.52 2.20 4.72 .82 4.06 4.05 1.92 2.15 1.98 2.69 1.67 2.15 29.93 1900 . 1.23 5.94 2.60 1.85 5.40 2.49 3.38 3 . 38 1 . 55 2.62 3.96 .65 35.05 1901... . 1.70 1.84 4.04 .94 2.09 4.79 1.96 1.07 1.87 2.14 1.11 3.08 26.63 1902 . .90 1.75 4.45 2.43 2.07 12.45 7.97 5.81 4.91 2.70 2.75 2.24 50.43 1903 . 1.31 3.32 3.24 5.76 4.01 3.25 4.63 2.04 2.75 1.48 1.47 2.49 35.75 1904 . 3.71 1.35 5.28 4.45 3.20 1.40 3.89 2.95 5.65 .52 .19 1.53 34.12 1905 .1.37 1.82 2.18 5.11 5.56 3.44 4.06 2.96 3.59 2.89 2.65 1.89 37.52 1906... .2.66 1.57 2.39 2.83 2.88 3.96 1.27 4.30 4.30 1.85 3.80 3.68 35.49 1907 . 5.18 .07 4.50 3.54 2.85 5.74 6.25 6.25 2.69 1.33 2.17 3.10 43.67 1908 . 1.20 3.80 3.12 7.78 10.17 1.53 2.10 1.17 .45 .50 2.48 1.47 35.77 1909 . 1.77 5.09 1.78 5.94 3 . 79 4.63 3.15 2.51 2.35 2.98 4.28 2.01 40.28 1910 .1.84 1.03 .61 3.84 5.31 1.70 2.91 .70 5.39 1.23 .64 1.29 26.49 1911... .1.67 1.51 2.34 2.71 1.73 1.66 2.80 2.46 10.25 2.58 3.71 2.66 36.08 1912 . .77 1.60 2.42 6.36 4.29 3.19 5.25 5.01 1.35 3.42 2.32 .85 36.83 1913 . 3.38 1.40 5.78 3.38 2.88 4.55 1.2.7 2.76 2.27 4.24 2.69 .80 35.40 1914 . 2.13 1.59 1.20 2 . 66 4 . 99 1.70 1.05 3.29 2.36 2.09 .25 2.26 25.57 1915 . 2.03 1.99 1.12 1.90 5.51 1.64 7.87 4.69 7.55 .87 1.24 2.17 38.58 1916... . 6.19 .70 2.12 1.65 8.13 4.57 .50 2.10 2.94 4.23 1.96 2.12 37.21 1917 .1.35 .61 3.35 3.54 3.25 8.76 1.18 2.00 1.49 1.62 .20 .69 28.04 1918 .2.50 1.85 1.08 4.81 3.14 5.01 2.79 3.77 2.61 3.07 3.25 2.46 36.34 1919 . .05 1.92 3.40 1.22 3.24 6.10 2.54 3.74 3.17 5.18 3.97 .26 34.79 1920 . .80 .16 7.43 7.43 2.67 .76 1.82 1.04 3.38 1.32 1.20 2.89 30.90 234 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual BLOOMINGTON, McLean county, concluded 1921... .2.20 .20 4.69 4.66 2.48 6.50 2.84 10.44 7.84 2.64 3.81 2.48 50.78 1922 .1.59 1.32 6.54 4.82 3.98 2.63 2.88 2.93 .98 2.52 3.53 .76 34.48 1923 .1.19 .98 5.02 1.80 7.13 3.00 1.50 5.45 3.85 5.03 1.53 3.92 40.40 1924 . 1.54 1.53 2.82 1.71 3.12 7.81 3.07 12.76 3.07 2.02 .94 3.90 44.29 1925 . .44 1.62 2.74 2.44 .59 2.31 3.41 3.19 6.32 2.28 2.73 1.25 29.32 1926 . 1.90 1.67 3.26 2.T& 2.37 4.76 2.21 2.73 13.50 5.80 5.50 1.32 47.80 1927 .1.74 2.05 3.88 6.59 6.81 5.27 3.94 2.79 9 . 38 2 . 49 4.64 4.06 53.64 1928 . .75 2.04 1.30 2.35 2.42 5.17 3.11 2.70 3.92 3.77 3.39 2.44 33.36 1929 .3.52 .69 2.71 3.91 4.46 2.80 9.28 4.36 1.68 3.07 1.65 1.55 39.68 1930 . 3.55 1.76 1.21 3.91 2.02 3.62 .51 1.49 1.93 1.66 3.27 .29 25.22 1931... .18 .94 1.81 3.57 5.53 2.36 3.78 1.61 5.87 3.35 4.17 2.17 35.34 1932 . 2.01 .83 1.62 1.64 1.19 3.70 2.05 4.17 2.59 4.40 1.26 3.49 28.95 1933 .3.28 1.36 4.52 4.58 3.61 2.02 .58 1.81 5.52 4.55 .58 .97 38.38 1934 .1.29 .62 2.09 1.13 .43 3.74 2.89 4.70 6.97 2.10 5.16 1.64 32.76 1935 . 2.37 2.48 3.93 3.32 8.21 7.38 3.24 1.20 2.99 1.11 6.41 1.44 44.08 1936... .1.22 2.06 1.66 1.80 5.93 .80 1.32 4.12 9.40 2.76 3.85 2.72 37.64 1937 .3.59 1.32 1.28 4.51 1.94 6.37 1.54 2.41 2.09 2.29 1.24 1.44 30.02 1938 .2.78 2.09 4.46 3.96 4.34 5.95 4.16 1.86 2.61 1.70 1.33 1.78 37.02 1939 . 4.31 2.70 3.97 5.06 2.11 4.19 4.79 2.94 .03 2.57 2.21 .87 35.75 1940 . 1.28 1.16 2.17 3.65 4.20 2.94 1.08 4.24 .94 1.90 2.86 1.41 27.83 1941... . 4.08 1.14 1.55 4.37 4.87 6.33 1.53 2.93 3.91 10.08 3.07 1.23 45.09 1942 . .61 3.18 3.83 3.24 3.98 3.69 3.42 4.06 2.96 2.34 7.37 2.29 40.97 1943 .1.19 .45 1.16 3.10 9.84 3.80 2.59 6.56 1.43 1.74 1.63 .59 34.08 1944 . .58 2.94 4.15 8.07 2.30 1 . 50 2 . 67 3.13 3.13 1.05 1.07 1.24 31.83 1945 . .52 1.64 3.52 4.42 5.55 7.78 3.94 5.45 7.16 .97 2.70 3.03 46.68 1946 . 1.41 1.96 4.03 1.85 6.84 7.10 .90 2.45 2.47 5.75 4.22 1.90 40.88 Aver 2.03 1.77 3.10 3.68 4.25 4.07 3.14 3.39 3.94 2.57 2.71 1.99 36.60 BURLINGTON, Des Moines county, Iowa 1876 . 3.60 1.56 4.55 4.22 4.28 3.68 7.32 3.03 10.54 1.73 2.33 .20 47.04 1877 . 1.01 .11 3.84 4.51 4.01 9.15 4.16 5.35 3.00 5.60 2.93 2.48 46.15 1878 . .11 2.54 2.26 1.44 4.81 6.39 1.44 9.15 1.30 3.71 .87 2.78 36.80 1879 . .97 .93 1.72 1.46 1.55 5.64 1.21 2.82 1 . 92 .87 2.84 1.76 23.69 1880 . 3.21 1.32 2.19 4.67 4.68 1.47 2.44 3.63 2 . 90 1.44 1.15 .82 29.92 1881... . .43 4.61 3.07 2.77 1.01 13.55 2.22 .38 2.64 6.17 2.64 1882 2.60 9.80 15.41 6.08 1897.. . 1.73 38 1.82 .61 1898 . 1.86 1.25 6.13 2.79 5.36 1899 .... 1.74 3 83 3 45 6 16 1 71 2 69 3 56 2 37 2 32 .93 1 76 1900 . 1.68 4.27 2.23 3.78 3.86 .... 2 . 87 3.70 2.88 .54 1901 . 1.84 1.66 3.30 1.86 2.10 4.95 2.15 .36 2.26 1.08 .77 .91 23.24 1902 . .89 1.16 2.52 3.21 3.17 11.65 7.27 10.62 2.77 3.79 2.37 2.13 51.55 1903 . .58 1.98 2.32 3.97 4.83 1 . 75 1 . 82 7.63 5.81 2.74 .84 .70 34.97 1904 . 3.10 .34 3.05 3.28 3.70 4.05 5.19 6.08 3.98 .43 .13 2.48 35.81 1905 . 1.00 2.40 1.82 3.68 3.07 7.67 3.30 6.61 2.90 3.03 2.09 1.35 38.92 1906... . 3.23 2.40 4.55 2.63 1.82 4.80 2.26 3.74 5.13 1.51 3.04 2.19 37.30 1907 . 5.30 .26 2.54 3.22 2.74 3.27 7.87 6.96 1 . 89 .64 1.53 1.38 37.60 1908 . .86 3 71 2.18 2.16 11.34 5.17 2.83 2.64 3.35 .77 2.45 .65 38.11 1909 .1.62 2.33 2.52 3.79 3.83 4.37 5.46 .87 4.47 2.65 4.53 4.39 40.83 1910 . 1.61 2.09 .91 4.86 4.73 3.07 4.15 .43 2.77 1.01 .97 1.39 27.99 1911... . 3.73 3.09 2.78 4.21 1.23 1.85 3.74 3.85 13.17 2.27 3.74 3.11 46.77 1912 . .65 1.45 2.88 2.10 2.15 1.87 3.85 2.36 2.56 4.09 1.94 .71 26.61 1913 .1.70 1.68 1.87 3.25 4.22 2.43 .18 2.41 1.54 3.13 .89 2.89 26.19 1914 . 1.61 1.68 2.52 2.00 1.73 1.53 1.51 .83 5.91 3.11 .38 1.57 24.38 1915 . 2.21 2.67 1.46 1.66 6.32 3.62 10.81 1.32 5.43 .76 2.93 .82 40.01 1916 .4.48 .45 2.63 1.69 10.44 4.13 .25 3.42 4.18 3.58 1.63 1.99 38.87 1917 . .61 .17 1.47 2.89 4.47 6.52 1.63 1.80 5.55 1.80 .08 .91 27.90 1918 .1.63 1.85 .30 3.41 6.96 3.47 3.33 4.52 2.36 3.21 2.64 1.92 35.60 1919 . .40 2.49 2.03 2.55 4.01 4.34 1.01 3.05 4.52 2.35 3.42 .20 30.37 1920 . .38 .33 4.45 4.89 5.49 4.83 2.99 .44 4.01 1.63 1.48 1.02 31.94 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 235 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual BURLINGTON, Des Moines county, Iowa, concluded 1921... . 1.89 .64 6.62 5.35 1.96 6.69 .90 4.08 5.20 2.54 .67 2.47 39.01 1922 .1.33 2.50 3.31 2.81 6.17 .69 5.14 1.05 2.14 .68 3.31 .64 29.77 1923 . 1.29 .66 4.65 1.31 5.62 3.75 2.05 2.17 3.60 1.13 1.11 1.43 28.77 1924 .1.86 2.00 3.06 2.42 1.74 13.91 6.96 4.07 2.85 1.80 .40 2.78 43.85 1925 . 1.23 3.69 .70 4.19 1.15 9.43 4.29 3.77 8.24 5.68 1.38 1.78 45.53 1926 . 1.49 1.34 2.54 1.92 2.79 8.64 3.04 3.76 14.30 2.58 2.87 1.21 46.48 1927 . .90 2.19 3.24 5.31 5.34 4.37 2.38 1.40 2.32 8.51 3.12 2.36 41.44 1928 . .58 1.75 2.10 2.78 2.31 5.27 5.07 6.09 4.94 4.68 5.86 1.69 43.12 1929 . 4.10 1.00 4.32 7.38 2.81 5.24 5.79 2.81 3.34 5.02 1.22 1.21 44.24 1930 .2.20 1.42 .77 2.43 2.39 6.20 .81 .88 3.42 3.00 2.42 .92 26.86 1931 . .56 .63 2.41 3.44 4.80 3.81 3.20 3.84 5.43 3.24 4.83 2.65 38.84 1932 . 1.22 .98 2.00 1.17 3.92 2.81 5.69 6.34 1.72 2.02 2.14 2.14 32.15 1933 .1.65 .34 3.62 1.50 10.46 6.49 1.78 2.64 4.25 1.12 .31 1.63 35.79 1934 . .65 .55 1.14 2.70 1.25 2.58 3.34 1.22 7.85 1.15 6.43 1.20 30.06 1935 .1.99 2.03 2.49 2.46 6.60 7.20 4.30 3.77 4.14 1.64 4.20 1.37 42.19 1936... . 1.99 1.81 1.13 1.73 2.07 1.67 .23 4.23 10.16 3.74 .97 2.11 31.84 1937 . 3.25 1.58 1.18 3.54 2.41 5.03 2.71 2.20 1.13 1.58 .87 1.20 26.68 1938 . 3.79 1.44 3.73 3.37 4.74 3.57 3.91 6.94 2.71 1.22 3.59 1.18 40.19 1939 .1.16 1.93 5.18 5.31 2.97 7.91 2.70 5.37 .18 1.39 1.07 .75 35.92 1940 . 1.45 1.22 2.59 3.48 2.34 3.70 1.62 5.15 .15 3.53 1.53 1.91 28.67 1941 . 2.95 .31 .40 3.51 5.10 4.57 4.63 1.32 6.27 15.10 1.05 1.93 47. 14 1942 . .57 2.57 1.86 2.09 3.51 4.80 4.30 1.80 4.85 .79 4.45 3.00 34.59 1943 . 1.25 1.09 1.34 4.55 5.35 4.68 3.81 2.89 1.03 3.27 1.43 .45 31.14 1944 . .63 1.49 5.20 6.68 4.74 3.38 3.41 6.25 3.24 2.86 2.74 1.21 41.83 1945 . .77 .95 5.15 4.11 5.46 6.11 .71 1.52 6.14 .56 2.15 2.03 35.66 1946 .2.45 .31 4.53 1.58 4.66 8.13 1.66 5.27 2.15 1.84 2.32 2.47 37.37 Aver .1.73 1.62 2.78 3.23 4.38 5.24 3 . 39 3 . 53 4.17 2.71 2.16 1.62 36 56 CARLINVILLE, Macoupin county 1891 1 93 2 39 2 08 2.56 3.48 1 . 27 5 . 34 .62 .94 5.25 1.08 1892 .1.52 3.77 2.42 9.34 9.90 5.72 4.13 1.91 2.23 1.78 4.42 1.69 48.83 1893 . .37 5.72 3.68 9.23 4.59 4.10 1.84 .51 2.57 1.69 1.37 1.45 37.12 1894 . 3.09 2.77 3.15 3.12 2.33 1.42 1.77 1.20 5.28 1.07 3.46 1.90 30.56 1895 . 1.08 1.02 1.60 2.08 1.42 3.16 5.58 2.14 3.43 .42 2.91 6.75 31.59 1896... . 1.28 2.76 1.51 2.48 8.11 6.60 6.53 4.63 3.87 1.35 2.01 .43 41.56 1897 . 3.91 1.62 6.72 5.85 2.66 3.91 3.33 1.65 T .21 5.06 2.89 37.81 1898 . 4.98 1.96 7.49 4.30 7.58 3.66 3.68 2.68 5.39 4.60 2.63 2.16 51.11 1899 .1.79 2.30 3.24 1.27 7.01 1.71 2.54 6.48 2.29 3.91 2.30 2.38 37.22 1900 . .61 4.70 1.72 1.36 4.85 4.88 5.99 1.42 5.03 2.42 2.43 .95 36.36 1901... .1.70 1.81 4.15 2.56 .86 3.65 .72 1.83 .83 2.63 1.49 4.54 26.77 1902 .1.14 .86 4.18 2.44 3.37 10.82 1.82 5.43 3.76 3.06 3.23 3.39 43.50 1903 . 1.57 3.76 2.18 5.62 3.17 3.75 3.89 3.38 3.69 1.50 .54 1.75 34.80 1904 .2.64 1.09 8.60 6.88 2.93 3.86 9.51 3.57 4.11 .43 .08 1.02 44.72 1905 .2.39 1.17 2.04 3.68 4.26 1.20 7.44 4.65 3.88 5.14 1.68 2.18 39.71 1906... . 3.12 3.06 4.20 2.60 2.33 2.17 7.73 5.86 4.96 1.97 3.94 2.57 44.51 1907 .5.57 .57 2.67 3.21 4.36 5.01 5 . 59 3.77 .63 1.52 1.78 2.45 37.13 1908 .1.56 4.81 2.41 5.11 9.08 3.42 2.36 1.35 2.28 .23 3.37 1.70 37.68 1909 .2.58 4.04 1.87 6.02 4.75 4.65 5.41 .47 4.76 3.15 3.76 1.99 43.45 1910 . 1.92 2.20 .15 4.89 6.52 3.73 5.89 1.37 7.48 2.57 .44 1.66 38.82 1911... . 1.80 2.14 1.75 4.93 2.49 .90 2.30 5.76 5.98 3.49 2.18 2.17 35.89 1912 . .92 1.27 5.05 8.60 3.22 1.65 2.84 2.50 1.98 2.66 3.06 .32 34.07 1913 . 3.86 1.09 6.06 3.31 1.23 1.01 1 . 84 1 . 97 3 . 80 2.86 4.02 .85 31.90 1914 .2.80 2.74 3.47 .73 1.43 1.49 2.94 2.99 4.40 .92 1.94 1915 . 2.05 1.99 .58 3.00 8.13 6.71 5.41 11.09 2.75 .79 2.01 3.52 48.03 1916... . 6.87 1.02 1.42 1.81 3.89 5.14 1.22 7.39 2.13 2.01 2.19 1.26 36.35 1917 .1.26 .65 3.21 4.66 4.93 2.48 2.57 3.17 2.40 1.73 1.02 .76 28.84 1918 . 1.60 1.74 .55 6.16 3.21 1.61 .95 1.30 5.53 2.86 2.38 2.31 30.20 1919 . .24 1.55 1.83 1.37 6.03 7.19 .94 2.95 5.26 8.81 2.60 .71 39.48 1920 . 1.12 1.28 3.72 3.22 5.21 2.53 4.37 4.19 2.24 1.88 .64 3.38 33.78 1921... .1.98 .63 6.21 5.78 2.00 3.57 1.69 4.00 5.83 1.33 4.55 2.71 40.28 1922 . 1.20 1.06 8.72 9.81 1.68 1.42 3.06 1.68 .86 1.37 2.78 3.12 36.76 1923 .1.50 1.42 4.74 2.86 2.63 3.96 3.13 4.15 6.44 6.32 1.35 4.22 42.72 1924 .1.59 1.72 2.58 1.15 5.04 5.83 2.87 3.15 3.91 1.45 1.87 4.87 36.03 1925 .53 2.03 3.02 1.17 1.54 5.56 4.81 4.07 4.32 4.73 3.24 2.44 37.46 236 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual CARLINVILLE, Macoupin county, concluded 1926... .1.85 3.02 3.39 3.27 2.12 4.65 1.76 4.04 12.26 4.91 4.25 1.73 47.25 1927 . 1.76 .87 5.08 8.96 9.24 3.52 6.29 5.30 4.02 3.75 7.19 2.55 58.53 1928 . 1.40 2.84 2.02 4.43 3.41 6.76 6.38 2.03 3.20 3.25 1.96 2.54 40.22 1929 . 3.62 .82 4.09 8.34 8.40 4.33 3.31 1.63 1.86 5.62 1.02 2.60 45.64 1930 . 4.92 2.09 1.53 2.35 1.85 3.19 .52 1.21 3.93 1.90 2.57 .55 26.61 1931... .42 1.91 2.40 2.79 3.64 3.23 1.58 2.81 3.90 3.16 5.68 3.27 34.79 1932 . 2.96 1.86 1.75 2.72 2.32 5.09 2.57 7.77 2.06 3.32 1.36 3.41 37.19 1933 . 4.58 1.45 3.87 3.06 8.41 .11 1.06 2.02 5.54 5.30 .85 1.25 37.50 1934 . 1.53 .76 3.31 1.86 .13 2.39 .89 3.98 6.95 2.23 3.85 1.60 29.48 1935 . 2.43 1.69 4.60 2.75 8.11 5.71 2.45 1.56 3.66 4.73 5.25 1.09 44.03 1936 . 1.98 1.68 1.17 2.63 2.36 2.63 .26 .51 5.31 4.20 3.86 3.33 29.92 1937 .5.53 1.65 1.03 4.81 4.60 8.04 3.86 1.96 2.05 2.93 2.01 2.73 41.20 1938 .1.57 2.82 7.78 3.54 6.31 7.55 3.31 3.22 1.04 4.31 2.79 2.62 46.86 1939 . 3.65 3.48 2.87 5.10 1.93 7.66 3.17 5.83 .43 1.17 1.87 1.68 38.84 1940 .1.67 1.36 3.79 3.08 3.54 4.04 .77 5.62 .16 1.57 3.36 2.47 31.43 1941 . 2.85 .49 .89 5.25 2.15 4.75 3.70 2.58 5.17 8.88 2.47 1.16 40.34 1942 . .78 4.59 2.24 2.53 4.13 9.95 11.59 2.38 2.08 3.33 6.90 3.35 53.85 1943 . .54 1.10 3.71 2.09 10.90 5.86 2.93 .58 2.71 2.82 2.31 1.65 37.20 1944 . .26 2.39 3.68 10.97 3.24 1.05 1.52 4.43 4.61 1.05 1.48 1.37 36.05 1945 . 1.87 2.78 8.45 6.71 4.00 10.86 1.49 2.23 9.79 1.68 2.32 1.90 54.08 1946 2 40 5 94 2 49 3 16 8 15 2.72 3.24 8 77 2 75 Aver . 2.19 2.07 3.40 4.20 4.31 4.21 3.38 3.39 3.70 2.87 2.84 2.23 38 79 CASEY, Clark county 1911... 3.57 2.88 1912 . 1.02 2.73 4.85 5.48 3.95 3.20 6.86 4.44 1.60 2.09 1.31 .43 37.96 1913 . 6.98 .99 6.95 2.42 .50 1.66 2.99 3.70 3.80 5.13 6.32 .34 41.78 1914 . 3.04 2.99 1.10 1.92 .79 2.32 1.70 3.27 2.55 4.43 1.35 2.42 27.88 1915 . 3.39 2.40 1.17 1.62 11.57 2.86 5.27 8.38 4.15 1.30 3.10 5.12 50.33 1916 .8.10 1 36 97 1 01 2 46 5 70 2 83 1.77 1.50 1.74 1.99 1917 . 2.25 .92 2.60 4.88 5.16 6.41 3.37 2.45 2.30 5.85 .05 .66 36.90 1918 . 2.04 2.84 1.09 7.09 2.30 4.57 2.82 5.77 5.95 2.07 2.34 5.21 44.09 1919 . .70 2.26 2.78 2.86 4.85 4.98 .81 1.88 1.66 11.01 3.40 .83 38.02 1920 . 1.52 2.21 3.95 5.00 5.17 .81 1.51 4.68 3.45 2.83 1.07 4.08 36.28 1921... . 1.74 .68 5.19 3.43 .60 4.27 1.35 6.66 7.95 3.05 4.51 3.54 42.97 1922 . 1.03 1.00 8.60 9.30 3.62 2.12 2.24 1.49 .90 1.95 4.46 1923 . 2.19 1.47 5.17 3.11 4.67 2.95 1.64 8.20 2.96 3.77 1.60 4.11 41.84 1924 2 39 2 02 3 23 5 55 4 89 1 04 3 91 3 63 .60 2.64 6.37 1925 . .49 1.02 3.57 2.05 .68 3.27 1.35 3.20 2.33 1.72 4.25 1.52 25.45 1926 . 2.58 3.20 3.00 2.68 1.83 1.88 1.87 2.58 11.53 3.23 2.41 1.49 38.28 1927 . 3.22 1.32 6.35 5.51 11.19 3.01 2.68 4.87 4.93 3.86 5.00 3.98 55.92 1928 . 2.17 4.69 2.15 2.20 6.24 7.18 3.95 4.06 1.70 4.86 1.99 2.54 43.73 1929 . 3.89 1.11 3.64 6.04 11.89 4.83 3.22 1.00 2.32 5.05 3.09 4.03 50.11 1930 . 7.33 2.25 .92 2.00 1.71 4.19 .40 2.69 3.91 2.32 2.01 .87 30.60 1931... .76 1.87 3.17 1.73 3.43 2.12 2.64 4.46 5.51 8.37 4.08 4.27 42.41 1932 . 4.02 1.29 1.25 1.93 2.18 6.88 2.37 3.73 4.69 3.15 3.23 3.54 38.26 1933 . 2.46 3.08 6.21 3.81 8.35 .11 1.67 6.11 4.47 2.83 .74 1.66 41.50 1934 . 1.48 .85 3.50 2.30 1.14 2.60 4.41 4.14 6.67 .71 6.07 2.16 36.03 1935 . 2.32 .53 4.30 1.76 7.81 3.98 2.63 1.30 3.04 1.68 3.69 1.36 34.40 1936 . 1.30 3.69 2.36 5.45 2.40 .83 2.64 1.93 5.76 3.78 4.21 3.50 37.85 1937 . 7.04 1.93 1.86 4.86 3.39 4.71 4.05 5.26 1.72 5.24 1.62 3.04 44.72 1938 .1.20 2.34 12.65 1.59 5.06 2.06 5.54 4.61 7.93 1.41 3.07 1.78 49.24 1939 . 4.09 3.80 3.07 5.84 1.60 4.87 3.70 6.62 .44 1.63 1.67 1.50 38.83 1940 . 1.47 1.96 2.52 6.22 5.61 2.12 2.18 3.17 2.78 2.72 4.17 2.92 37.84 1941... . 1.46 .71 .56 3.37 1.74 5.97 2.29 3.36 5.10 7.25 4.21 1.50 37.52 1942 . 1.20 3.38 3.97 2.60 4.83 8.56 5.45 2.45 3.12 2.54 5.68 1.51 45.29 1943 . .71 .54 2.57 2.15 13.08 1.86 2.89 T 1.96 2.80 2.55 2.17 33.28 1944 . .29 1.95 2.62 7.60 4.08 3.21 1.71 3.47 1.57 .81 3.32 1.36 31.99 1945 . .85 2.56 9.58 4.86 4.85 9.50 1.89 5.25 5.89 2.62 3.85 2.28 53.98 1946 . 1.86 3.60 1.37 1.65 8.83 3.62 3.83 2.81 1.63 2.39 5.02 2.17 38.78 Aver . 2.53 2.03 3.69 3.70 4.66 3.83 2.79 3.82 3.75 3.34 3.12 2.62 39.88 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 237 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual CHARLESTON, Coles county 1896... . 1.02 1.99 1.85 1.30 6.41 8.12 10.04 3.18 6.53 .49 3.82 1.08 45.83 1897 . 4.47 2.28 5.26 6.41 2.93 6.60 1.96 .39 1.67 .42 5.42 3.05 40.86 1898 . 4.44 1.38 8.90 3.59 4.79 2.79 1.93 3.14 4.46 4.14 1.66 1.80 43.02 1899 . 2.97 2.55 2.75 .67 6.86 2.56 .71 1.41 .89 4.13 2.95 2.90 31.35 1900 . .45 4.52 1.99 1.79 4.00 4.10 4.73 3.22 3.63 2.81 1.23 1901 . 1 39 2 30 3 82 2 87 1.62 3.17 1902 . .97 1.96 3.77 2.33 3.46 7.78 3.78 4.24 4.98 1.99 2.52 3.94 41.72 1903 .1.68 2.97 1.77 4.41 .63 5.55 5.32 5.57 1.94 2.68 1.47 2.04 36.03 1904 . 3.92 1.20 9.42 4.54 4.80 1.96 3.67 4.93 5.80 .80 .18 1.84 43.06 1905 . 1.82 1.49 1.80 3.00 4.29 1.78 7.19 1.53 2.31 5.53 1.85 2.36 34.95 1906... . 3.31 1.54 4.80 1.32 3.12 2.98 2.92 1.96 4.18 1.41 4.34 3.68 35.56 1907 . 4.72 .34 4.42 2.35 2.79 3.75 7.10 3.59 .72 2.19 2.60 3.42 37.99 1908 . 1.28 5.10 3.05 3.60 6.96 3.42 2 . 94 .85 1 . 10 .18 3.51 1.38 33.27 1909 . 2.21 4.59 2.05 7.83 3.24 4.04 9.05 1.12 3.35 2.80 3.14 2.63 46.05 1910 . 2.01 2.92 .40 2.09 3.84 2.43 7.37 3.75 3.81 4.53 3.42 1.14 37.71 1911... . 3.46 1.62 2.31 5.30 .52 1.74 1.47 3.19 10.25 3.54 2.84 1.77 38.01 1912 . 1.04 2.06 4.85 4.29 3.15 3.07 6.36 4.47 3.57 1.94 1.22 1.51 37.53 1913 . 4.93 1.42 7.21 2.65 .61 1.42 .75 4.63 3.89 .64 1914 . 2.41 2.35 1.17 2.47 .71 .82 1.54 6.16 1.05 4.02 1.10 1.60 25.40 1915 . 2.71 2.39 .90 1.39 7.88 4.11 7.11 6.77 2.40 1.06 1.72 4.24 42.68 1916 . 9.37 1.03 1.45 1.18 3.70 4.61 1.38 2.65 3.34 2.10 1.88 4.03 36.72 1917 . 1.71 1.04 2.85 3.46 7.76 6.60 7.10 4.36 1.15 3.76 .24 .86 40.89 1918 . 2.15 2.57 1.03 7.46 3.00 5.49 3.00 4.55 5.60 2.64 2.23 4.95 44.67 1919 . .71 2.92 3.81 2.01 4.03 5.91 2.06 3.99 2.81 8.89 4.21 .50 41.85 1920 . .88 1.91 3.76 3.91 6.12 1.08 2.96 1.88 4.05 3.42 .96 3.27 34.20 1921 . 1.38 .88 6.93 3.94 2.07 4.19 1.92 5.94 8.37 2.61 4.34 3.21 45.78 1922 . 1.06 .98 8.86 8.63 2.35 2.35 3.60 2.13 .51 3.55 2.15 4.17 40.34 1923 . 2.06 1.46 5.26 3.19 5.49 2.48 2.53 4.93 4.50 4.57 2.16 3.99 42.62 1924 . 2.86 1.59 2.90 4.03 5.68 4.80 2.00 6.15 4.39 .64 2.06 5.34 42.44 1925 . .69 1.03 6.06 1.44 .69 4.50 2.30 4.35 2.82 1.96 4.09 1.39 31.32 1926 . 2.24 2.76 2.17 2.77 3.91 2.90 4. IS 2.71 14.14 4.37 2.72 1.94 46.81 1927 .2.68 .95 6.45 7.93 8.73 2.93 3.04 5.49 4.53 5.14 4.93 3.23 56.03 1928 .1.67 3.32 1.20 2.70 4.53 8.08 2.44 2.84 2.98 2.99 2.05 3.00 37.80 1929 . 3.75 .66 3.80 7.25 9.05 3.37 8.17 1.17 1.39 3.67 1.92 5.07 49.27 1930 . 7.73 1.85 1.48 2.42 .90 4.31 .99 2.26 3.02 2.18 2.55 .44 30.13 1931 . .40 1.61 2.97 2.39 4.03 3.77 1.23 4.94 7.02 5.04 5.00 3.41 41.81 1932 . 3.29 1.48 1.53 1.03 2.04 4.81 1.64 3.39 3.09 3.70 2.84 4.37 33.21 1933 . . . . 2.28 2.07 4.17 4 53 10 41 2 81 1 87 3 07 3 11 1 53 2 17 1934 . 1.70 1.11 3.33 1.83 1.37 2.26 4.22 6.01 1.02 6.36 1.37 1935 . 1.52 .74 3.90 1.78 10.01 3.80 1.25 2.43 3.29 2.15 3.74 1.07 35.68 1936 .1.13 2.84 3.21 3.56 2.54 .66 2.26 2.87 4.37 3.22 2.26 2.86 31.78 1937 . 6.36 1.42 1.15 4.18 3.78 4.54 5.19 2.21 1.62 5.76 1.75 1.54 39.50 1938 . 1.26 1.48 9.00 2.44 5.36 2.66 0.21 3.73 4.87 1.70 2.15 2.62 46.48 1939 . 3.41 2.87 5.17 5.74 2.17 7.40 2.86 7.09 .66 1.58 1.49 1.36 41.80 1940 . 1.75 1.16 2.15 5.40 4.57 2.37 1.92 3.76 1.49 3.44 4.12 3.00 35.13 1941... . 2.04 .56 .67 4.35 2.66 4.81 2.48 2.64 3.70 7.53 3.82 1.19 36.45 1942 . 1.24 4.25 3.72 3.03 3.20 6.95 5.69 2.16 1.29 2.49 6.60 2.01 42.63 1943 . .70 .76 3.54 2.73 10.80 2.08 2.79 .52 2.59 2.74 3.25 1.91 34.41 1944 . .19 2.27 2.76 6.19 1.56 1945 . 1.14 3.59 10.63 4.81 6.40 9.98 1946 .1.70 2.69 1.08 1.61 8.63 3.62 4.44 3.79 1.82 2.88 5.73 2.03 40.02 Aver 2.40 2.02 3.72 3.58 4.40 3.98 3.74 3.52 3.58 3.10 2.88 2.47 39.39 CLINTON, De Witt county 1910 . 1.95 1.24 .29 2.93 5.50 1.51 3.75 2.41 3.66 2.29 1.89 1.47 28.89 1911... . 2.46 1.51 1.96 4.04 2.63 1.87 2.77 5.09 10.91 3.04 1.95 1912 . 1.18 1.47 3.72 8.49 4.84 1.48 5.44 2.36 1.96 4.34 4.00 1.00 40.28 1913 . 4.40 1.12 7.46 4.31 1.54 1.92 2.02 2.20 3.62 4.60 3.15 1.36 37.70 1914 . 2.16 2.25 1.49 3.53 1.75 2.95 2.52 2.03 2.11 2.36 .45 1.79 25.39 1915 . 1.49 2.20 1.03 2.16 6.00 3.35 10.38 7.54 6.95 .81 1.26 2.35 45.52 238 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual CLINTON, De Witt county, concluded 1916... . 5.09 1.08 1.76 1.74 5.54 2.80 1.20 2.57 2.65 3.02 2.47 1.71 31.63 1917 . 1.43 .57 3.87 4.39 5.23 6.71 1.65 2 . 29 3 . 20 1.83 .07 .91 32.15 1918 . 2.34 1.81 1.67 5.18 4.93 7.44 4.62 6.53 3.87 3.08 2.75 3.24 47.46 1919 43 1 05 5 14 7 95 1 63 8 12 3 25 5 03 3 96 19 1920 . . . . .80 .30 4.35 5.05 2 . 20 5 . 28 2 57 5 52 1 33 .84 3 68 1921... . 1.97 .56 4.76 3^97 1.82 6.44 1.75 4.06 6.01 2.76 4.66 2.25 41.01 1922 1 83 1 30 7 76 5 81 4 88 2 68 3 55 3 96 54 3 61 3 12 1923 1.19 5.83 2.09 6.35 2 . 04 2 . 74 5 99 5 05 5 13 1 66 4 13 1924 . 1.71 1.56 3.97 3.83 3.91 8.27 1.25 7.83 2.47 3.39 .92 6.77 45.88 1925 . .48 1.64 3.24 2.72 .26 2.52 2.28 4.27 5.32 4.13 2.20 2.11 31.17 1926... 1.98 2.03 5.32 2.32 6.75 4 31 3 05 15 27 7.46 6 41 81 1927 . 1.61 1.24 5.22 6.80 5.98 3.64 5.23 3.58 6.16 4.17 4.62 4.28 52.53 1928 . .92 2.34 1.78 3.26 2.32 5.09 4.23 1.52 3.89 5.59 3.01 2.08 36.03 1929 .4.59 .67 2.80 6.10 9.04 3.63 7.51 3.17 .99 4.48 1.43 1.58 45.99 1930 . 4.87 1.34 2.02 4.01 1.04 3.43 .83 3.56 2.96 1.93 2.78 .36 29.13 1931... .16 1.16 2.65 3.14 4.75 4.64 3.89 4.77 4.92 2.19 4.36 1.79 38.42 1932 . 2.01 .69 4 06 2 61 3 57 3 71 3 59 1 10 2 53 1933 . 3.62 1.08 7.64 2.87 7.13 .05 .59 1.42 3.50 5.05 .25 .91 34.11 1934 .1.23 .89 .65 3.30 4.39 4.23 6.29 2.73 6.08 1.58 1935 . .97 1.37 6.10 2.87 11.06 9.22 2.75 1.44 2.68 2.80 8.13 1.26 50.65 1936... . 1.21 2.72 1.99 4.82 1.40 1.39 3.31 4.22 4.37 2.93 2.10 3.32 33.78 1937 . 3.61 2.46 .52 4.32 2.96 6.37 2.70 2.29 4.21 3.29 1.22 1.68 35.63 1938 .1.60 1.98 4.57 3.67 6.41 5.65 5.47 3.19 2.10 1.82 1.18 2.57 40.21 1939 . 2.81 4.37 4.01 4.84 1.88 5.06 4.74 3.08 .26 2.79 .75 1.13 35.72 1940 .1.15 .92 2.97 4.44 3.84 2.30 .61 4.76 .43 2.89 3.12 .52 27.95 1941... . 1.90 .65 .66 4.37 2.66 4.35 3.53 3.09 5.95 11.74 3.30 1.66 43.86 1942 .1.57 3.90 3.23 2.55 3.31 6.56 6.97 1.51 5.77 3.09 6.80 1.94 47.20 1943 . 1.07 .92 2.86 3.80 10.04 3.47 2.45 3.21 1.76 2.70 2.12 .68 35.08 1944 . .65 3.20 3.33 9.08 3.23 1.68 1.46 3.45 2.82 1.21 1.20 1.11 32.42 1945 . .75 .69 4.53 4.56 5.53 5.13 2.12 3.60 7.87 1.61 2.55 1.60 40.54 1946 . 1.21 1.53 2.81 1.89 8.75 7.16 3.68 4.58 2.58 4.35 4.62 2.37 45.53 Aver . 1.92 1.55 3.38 4.09 4.43 4.19 3.41 3.71 4.20 3.49 2.79 1.96 39 12 DANVILLE, Vermilion county 1897 2.14 4.58 2.12 .74 .15 49 5 96 2.43 1898 .3.66 1.79 7.93 2.47 3.98 6.37 2.24 3.89 4.00 5.06 3.08 1.86 46.33 1899 .2.68 2.55 3.24 1.33 3.91 1 . 49 .57 2.54 3.36 2.46 1.95 1900 . .48 2.13 .99 1.02 5.45 1.17 7.25 4.77 1.80 2.01 3.56 .11 30.74 1901... . 1.36 .56 2.28 .93 3.04 2.00 T 2.05 .40 2.13 1.27 2.84 18.86 1902 . .98 27 2 60 1.88 2 60 .80 1 59 1903 . . . 2.22 6.37 4.75 2 65 1.19 1904 4.44 1.95 7.67 3.05 1.92 3.94 3.55 5.20 2.72 .90 .07 1.23 36.64 1910 .... 4.30 2.12 6.84 2.45 1.85 1.61 1911 . 2.68 1.67 1.93 3.67 .73 1 . 85 .97 3.73 5.91 3.54 3.36 1.76 31.80 1912 . 1.44 2.23 4.32 5.42 3.68 3.61 5.10 4.52 3.06 3.07 2.39 .79 39.63 1913 . 7.17 .96 7.72 2.87 .54 2.42 1.08 2.72 3.68 4.80 4.86 .88 39.70 1914 . 2.92 3.36 2.23 2.95 3.24 .90 1.28 2 . 59 1 . 86 2.49 1.18 2.35 27.35 1915 . 2.43 2.76 1.49 1.75 4.85 3.42 9.59 5.37 2.77 1.57 3.33 3.06 42.39 1916... . 7.98 .93 1.14 1.15 7.16 3.47 .95 2.53 2.52 2.24 2.51 3.53 36.11 1917 . 1.90 .76 4.22 4.48 5.74 7.56 5.32 6.14 1.08 4.04 .18 .85 42.27 1918 . 2.53 2.00 1.42 6.44 4.72 4.39 2.03 3.47 5.19 4.49 2.06 4.30 43.04 1919 . .63 2.66 3.78 1.64 3.93 4.15 2.54 2.25 2.53 6.34 3.36 .25 34.06 1920 . 1.44 .57 3.39 6.88 3.29 1.07 2.40 2.33 2.37 2.04 1.08 3.39 30.25 1921... . 1.98 .64 6.32 3.72 1.84 2.98 1.53 4.43 7.39 3.10 4.59 1.37 39.89 1922 . 1.85 1.55 7.63 8.11 3.02 3.13 .... 2.65 2.81 1923 . 2.30 1.76 2.75 5.38 1.48 2.42 5.81 1.71 3.75 1.82 5.28 1924 . 1.95 3.82 3.29 10.00 .85 6.65 4.34 .73 .94 5.94 1925 . .29 .50 4.99 1.64 .92 3.01 2.01 5.08 5.58 2.82 3.07 1.21 31.12 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 239 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual DANVILLE, Vermilion county, concluded 1926 2.29 2 82 2.03 4.69 2 88 3 55 3 82 5 72 12 01 3 02 1 48 1927 . 1.77 1.16 3.33 6.17 8.58 6.09 5.18 1.96 4.55 6.32 5.53 3.66 54.30 1928 . 2.69 2.09 .81 2.34 3.18 4.51 5.59 2.57 3.38 1.90 1.54 2.04 32.64 1929 37 2 56 3 56 6 44 2 81 5 23 4 06 66 3 46 1 80 4 92 1930 .4.49 1.60 1.16 4.59 1.02 2.90 1.88 1.33 2.82 1.39 .79 .15 24.12 1931... .13 .43 1.87 3.06 3.35 3.77 2.88 4.11 3.36 2.74 4.12 2.21 32.03 1932 . 2.54 1.99 1.77 1.00 1.55 2.85 3.23 2.47 3.12 3.52 2.52 4.44 31.00 1933 . 2.80 1.86 4.99 2.78 6.11 .50 1.54 1.65 3.13 2.63 .66 .88 29.53 1934 .1.24 .49 2.76 1.27 .20 2.69 1.80 4.73 7.09 .48 5.35 1.79 29.89 1935 . 1.97 .84 2.74 1.67 6.97 5.98 3.30 2.23 3.72 .95 4.45 1.03 35.85 1936 . 1.31 2.82 1.91 2.37 4.74 .25 1.06 3.99 6.20 5.79 4.27 2.99 37.70 1937 .5.94 1.31 1.35 6.89 1.90 4.62 4.43 .93 5.05 4.31 1.80 1.78 40.31 1938 .1.13 2.16 5.24 2.79 4.92 4.35 5.87 4.52 1.85 1.49 2.24 2.00 38.56 1939 . 3.67 4.55 4.83 5.87 1.18 8.18 4.48 3.66 .53 2.43 .62 1.94 41.94 1940 . 1.51 1.14 1.65 2.81 5.03 3.50 .49 3.55 .62 2.67 3.95 2.25 29.17 1941... . .89 .67 .81 2.88 3.46 5.68 3.81 3.26 2.21 8.62 3.33 1.06 36.68 1942 . 1.24 3.00 2.99 3.24 4.10 4.00 4.23 1.07 4.11 1.63 4.47 2.58 36.66 1943 . 1.36 .97 2.58 2.35 12.94 2.25 3.93 4.14 2.48 2.07 1.64 .98 37.69 1944 . .37 2.84 2.98 6.41 4.98 3.20 2.87 3.05 2.53 1.36 1.59 1.19 33.37 1945 . .35 1.16 6.51 3.95 5.29 6.17 2.97 4.50 7.27 2.46 2.89 2.87 46.39 1946 .1.22 2.38 2.77 1.74 6.14 8.77 .89 1.99 1.74 3.59 3.80 2.54 37.57 Aver . 2.24 1.66 3.30 3.37 3.98 3.77 3.00 3.35 3.50 2.95 2.66 2.22 3fi 00 DECATUR, Macon county 1894... . 1.83 2.39 2.79 3.06 1.90 2.23 2.33 1.64 2.94 .42 1.77 2.65 25.95 1895 . 1.19 .94 1.18 2.75 1.07 4.40 3.42 1.35 4.47 .55 3.12 6.47 30.91 1896... .97 2.91 1.44 1.56 4.75 4.00 7.12 3.00 5.80 .66 2.81 .32 35.34 1897 . 3.83 1.23 5.08 3.87 3.21 4.22 3.03 1.40 .41 .28 4.57 2.54 33.67 1898 . 5.18 2.71 9.85 3.36 5.74 2.39 1.07 2.16 5.47 5.34 2.96 1.68 47.91 1899 . 1.89 2.43 2.58 .59 7.01 2.11 1.02 2.56 1.50 4.20 2.01 2.37 30.27 1900 . .59 5.89 1.84 1.46 4.78 4.18 7.80 4.71 4.34 1.33 3.48 .92 41.32 1901 . . . . 1.78 1.17 3.23 1.98 2.00 5.33 .49 .86 1.27 3.18 1.54 4.43 27.26 1902 . 1.06 1.42 3.93 2.26 2.80 9.03 2.43 7.01 4.98 2.08 2.45 3.83 43.28 1903 . 1.60 4.13 2.48 4.84 3.66 2.61 4.57 5.16 2.67 4.07 1.74 2.16 39.69 1904 . 2.73 1.33 7.29 3.39 2.67 2.18 4.44 5.55 9.48 .18 .07 1.84 41.15 1905 . 2.02 1.72 1.56 3.11 4.54 1.69 3.82 1.44 3.05 4.76 1.70 1.90 31.31 1906... . 3.04 1.90 4.93 3.02 6.73 1.78 3.45 5.35 3.47 2.46 4.63 3.51 44.27 1907 . 7.47 .30 4.75 2.94 2.89 4.29 7.03 7.36 2.08 1.01 2.07 2.89 45.08 1908 . 1 . 64 4.29 3.87 4.54 10.23 3.81 2.25 1.25 1.27 .71 2.09 1.67 37.62 1909 . 2.43 4.31 1.27 5.58 5.30 3.14 6.18 2.20 2.79 3.59 3.13 2.40 42.32 1910 . 1.95 1.72 .58 3.00 7.16 3.27 3.23 3.81 3.94 2.20 2.84 1.98 35.68 1911... , . 2.67 1.50 1.83 5.11 3.60 2.44 1.45 4.08 12.00 2.59 3.31 1.41 41.99 1912 , ,. 1.34 1.64 4.60 6.80 3.25 3.41 2.67 4.12 1.50 3.22 2.09 .97 35.61 1913 . 5.19 1.28 6.87 3.55 1.12 2.90 1.40 2.18 3.74 3.65 3.68 1.62 37.18 1914 , . 2.69 3.03 1.00 3.85 .53 .61 2.50 2.86 3.26 1.74 .64 2.39 25.10 1915 . 1.91 2.34 1.34 2.77 6.80 3.08 8.30 5.27 3.48 .72 1.18 3.25 40.44 1916... . 6.17 1.16 1.59 1.53 5.28 2.72 .11 2.72 2.89 2.25 2.08 1.53 30.03 1917 . 1.19 .50 4.74 4.08 4.66 6.77 1.04 2.59 1.18 2.09 .23 .87 29.94 1918 . 2.16 2.04 .88 5.39 3.21 4.66 3 . 89 3 . 97 4.26 2.45 1.74 3.01 37.66 1919 . .31 1.43 2.43 1.30 4.04 7.46 1.31 2.23 2.15 6.97 3.00 .25 32.88 1920 . 1.03 .62 5.21 5.16 6.01 1.21 1.79 2.22 3.07 1.65 .65 3.64 32.26 1921 . 1.58 .91 7.71 4.33 1.06 2.85 2.75 5.66 5.62 2.02 4.69 2.48 41.66 1922 . . 1.33 .72 9.82 7.40 2.42 1.25 3.53 1.78 1.04 2.47 3.21 2.87 37.84 1923 . 1.33 1.38 5.45 2.51 3.28 3.16 4.64 3.51 5.00 5.72 1.79 5.15 42.92 1924 . . 2.05 1.43 3.41 2.63 3.49 5.81 1.35 3.75 2.04 2.32 1.39 5.85 35.52 1925 . .56 1.79 3.65 1.98 .63 2.87 2.54 4.62 5.40 3.11 2.36 1.25 30.76 1926... . . 1.88 3.12 2.67 5.16 3.98 4.98 2.23 7.47 16.56 6.18 3.09 1.36 58.68 1927 .. 2.18 1.11 4.34 7.74 7.86 5.25 6.14 5.70 6.83 5.14 5.37 2.92 60.58 1928 , . 1.65 2.60 1.74 3.87 2.92 4.88 3.95 2.01 3.55 3.86 2.41 2.96 36.40 1929 , . 3.46 .61 3.40 7.63 7.64 3.50 6.77 1.88 1.91 4.82 1.21 2.60 45.43 1930 . . 4.40 1.88 1.70 3.03 2.41 2.89 1.54 4.00 4.05 1.22 2.01 .21 29.34 240 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual DECATUR, Macon county, concluded 1931 . .20 1.30 2.70 3.04 3.55 2.25 2.41 1.98 3.42 2.27 3.32 2.22 28.66 1932 . 2.54 1.07 1.89 2.52 1.61 5.95 3.27 3.94 3.40 3.06 1.27 3.19 33.71 1933 . 2.57 1.54 3.21 3 . 50 9 . 97 .53 .28 1.95 4.88 4.12 .71 .95 34.21 1934 .1.34 .86 3.32 .94 .30 1.90 4.34 4.07 7.85 1.70 4.06 2.09 32.77 1935 . 1.88 1.51 2.08 2.58 7.53 4.29 4.15 2.04 3.55 2.10 4.74 1.25 37.70 1936... . 1.64 2.69 2.06 2-.62 2.11 .93 2.15 2.78 5.70 3.75 3.70 2.95 33.08 1937 . 5.97 1.63 .72 4.55 3.31 7.80 4.03 3.55 2.83 3.25 2.21 2.19 42.04 1938 .1.27 3.39 5.66 3.66 4.64 3.30 5.32 1.55 2.51 3.99 1.09 1.87 38.25 1939 . 3.58 5.59 4.13 4.48 1.52 4.26 2.12 5.10 .66 2.85 1.15 1.37 36.81 1940 . 1.31 .77 1.77 4.71 4.07 2.52 2.45 5.82 .17 2.13 2.88 1.92 30.52 1941... . 2.21 .53 1.03 4.25 3.96 2.80 2.76 5.00 4.04 10.64 3.52 1.30 42.04 1942 .1.35 3.45 2.85 2.80 3.69 6.46 5.34 .99 4.36 2.57 5.25 2.17 41.28 1943 . .61 .74 3.64 2.76 12.57 4.53 2.27 .22 2.90 2.51 2.28 1.64 36.67 1944 . .33 3.40 3.92 8.29 3.62 2.41 1.52 3.45 5.61 .99 1.97 1.49 37.00 1945 . .87 1.56 6.69 4.43 4.45 5.84 1.29 2.65 6.54 2.48 2.67 2.40 41.87 1946 .1.34 2.03 2.83 3.07 7.59 5.27 2.62 4.57 1.82 3.23 4.85 1.68 40.90 Aver 2.18 1.96 3.42 3.69 4.25 3.67 3.21 3.38 3.96 2.88 2.54 2.26 37.40 EFFINGHAM, Effingham county 1892... .49 .76 2.98 1.20 1893 .1.10 3.02 4.27 . 5.50 .60 1.70 1.20 2.25 1894 . 1.50 .30 3.40 3.27 2.72 4.39 .70 1.45 1.05 1895 . 1.05 .90 1.65 2.95 2.40 1.70 1.10 2.50 5.70 1896 1 65 2.20 2 . 40 .... 4 . 60 5.40 1.45 3.80 3.38 .52 1897 . 4.70 2.73 7.54 5.68 2.63 5.19 2.11 .56 .25 .42 4.76 3.14 39.71 1898 . 4.57 1.65 12.77 4.87 3.94 6.98 3.17 3.87 5.26 4.13 2.30 1.84 55.35 1899 . 3.03 2.47 2.97 1.32 5.49 2.30 2.43 2.35 .58 3.90 2.37 3.38 32.59 1900 . .55 3.97 1.90 .89 3.41 9.48 4.08 1.58 4.34 2.94 3.27 1.67 38.08 1901 .1.38 2.16 3.32 2.16 1.29 3.97 1.32 1.09 .40 1.20 1.80 3.00 23.09 1902 . .87 .40 1.30 3.45 4.02 6.71 2.61 4.98 3.44 2.03 2.81 3.40 36.02 1903 2 10 3.55 3 50 2 28 .68 4.57 1904 7.92 1.20 5.25 3.21 5.50 3.98 .27 .26 2.28 1905 2 10 2 09 2 67 3 62 3 77 2 59 3 89 2 89 * 1918 7 . 25 4 . 39 3 . 80 4.38 6.08 6.24 2.43 2.62 4.90 1919 .70 1.85 3.51 1.35 6.32 8.18 .69 2.52 2.67 9.60 3.80 .92 42.11 1920 . 1.71 1.84 3.63 3.26 7.90 1.62 3.72 4.42 2.80 3.08 .68 3.68 38.34 1921... . 1.81 .74 6.82 3.44 2.60 4.10 .33 4.95 5.88 .95 2.11 3.34 37.07 1922 . 1.21 1.17 8.80 8.91 2.65 2.21 4.56 2.85 .46 3.02 2.11 4.01 41.96 1923 . 2.51 1.29 4.48 4.09 4.65 4.31 5.11 5.91 3.64 3.07 1.83 4.13 45.02 1924 . 2.45 1.92 2.14 1.10 7.09 3.51 1.70 3.14 4.33 .68 2.45 4.14 34.65 1925 . .71 1.19 2.57 1.35 1.79 5.60 1.56 4.00 2.30 3.01 4.56 1.76 30.40 1926 . 1.72 2.46 3.26 2.93 1.89 2.59 1.31 3.01 5.89 4.16 1.87 1927 . 3.71 1.41 6.83 8.55 9.84 4.60 4.29 5.46 4.39 6.17 5.54 4.39 65.18 1928 . 2.34 4.14 1.55 2.57 4.04 8.15 3.24 7.13 1.51 3.75 2.07 3.61 44.10 1929 . 3.98 1.08 4.54 7.90 10.01 4.99 3.90 2.52 1.31 4.91 2.62 5.37 53.13 1930 . 8.32 2.78 1.42 2.40 2.14 3.17 1.21 1.27 4.94 2.35 2.00 .98 32.98 1931... .23 1.90 3.12 2.08 2.82 3.40 2.88 5.09 4.76 5.25 5.85 4.25 41.63 1932 .3.72 .92 1.91 1.73 1.12 5.65 3.17 6.49 4.41 2.76 3.53 4.25 39.66 1933 . 2.80 3.06 7.49 5.03 8.92 1.12 .87 3.48 2.29 2.64 .75 1.98 40.43 1934 . 1.89 1.07 3.46 2.08 .76 2.54 6.11 6.91 4.87 1.41 6.18 1.85 39.13 1935 . 2.58 .71 5.85 1.66 10.11 4.05 2.38 .41 3.46 2.94 5.16 1.26 40.57 1936... . 1.45 2.31 2.72 4.02 1.28 1.12 4.55 1.44 5.65 3.11 3.60 2.40 33.65 1937 . 5.62 1.80 1.63 4.64 2.32 7.34 2.56 3.29 2.43 4.40 1.65 1.84 39.52 1938 . 1.64 3.70 10.53 2.43 4.74 3.71 6.17 4.06 2.57 1.15 2.87 2.10 45.67 1939 . 5.28 5.34 2.96 5.25 1.30 5.33 1.82 6.71 .90 1.16 2.22 1.81 40.08 1940 . 1.96 1.45 2.15 6.22 4.00 4.16 1.54 1.59 .32 3.20 3.15 2.70 32.44 1941... . 1.53 .54 .58 3.70 2.21 5.77 1.28 3.41 3.77 8.83 3.62 .99 36.23 1942 . 1.37 2.99 3.51 2.63 3.86 10.78 5.35 5.07 1.30 2.78 5.50 1.72 46.86 1943 . .44 .74 2.35 3.85 12.89 4.56 5.71 .02 1.35 2.55 2.95 2.08 39.49 1944 . .10 1.69 2.45 5.55 3.57 .86 1.37 5.83 3.46 .48 2.29 1.74 29.39 1945 . .91 2.51 10.32 4.56 5.12 11.18 .74 4.53 6.15 2.84 3.13 1.78 53.77 1946 .1.60 3.04 2.70 2.76 12.52 3.62 3.16 5.40 2.19 3.33 6.23 2.27 48.72 Aver , 2.24 2.01 4.11 3.59 4.59 4.60 2.96 3.59 3.04 2.96 3.08 2.62 39.39 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 241 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual FAIRVIEW, Fulton county 1911... 2.44 1912 .17 1.10 1.66 5.07 2.63 1.09 4.28 1.90 4.22 4.29 1.79 .75 28.95 1913 . 1.57 3.03 2.97 2.70 2.13 2.12 .10 1.38 1.43 3.03 2.45 .82 23 . 73 1914 .1.19 1.41 3.05 1.80 1.71 2.24 .45 1.65 4.34 2.23 .16 1.62 21.85 1915 . 1.82 2.02 .61 1.58 6.10 2.96 7.47 2.79 4.99 1.05 2.98 1.19 35.56 1916 . 7.40 .36 2.44 2.48 6.93 4.29 .46 3.52 4.57 2.95 2.42 .78 38.60 1917 . 1.02 .21 2.64 4.01 2.64 8.53 1.53 2.89 2.42 2.44 .08 .48 28.89 1918 . .88 1.95 .74 3.80 5.00 6.55 3.91 6.46 1.72 3.63 1.99 2.16 38.79 1919 . .23 2.26 3.00 1.39 4.46 5.45 3.61 2.88 3.53 1.68 3.55 .27 32.31 1920 . .84 .31 4.80 5.16 3.67 2.33 1.56 1.55 .74 1.75 .93 1.67 25.31 1921 . 1.46 .22 4.31 5.17 1.70 3.72 1.17 3.04 4.09 2.68 1.89 1.71 31.16 1922 .1.17 2.04 4.27 3.12 4.53 1.71 4.45 1.02 3.27 1.06 4.08 1.04 31.76 1923 . 1.07 .77 3.30 1.00 2.97 2.49 3.43 2.32 3.17 2.94 1.39 1.88 26.73 1924 . 1.35 1.30 1.96 1.69 1.88 8.30 5.18 5.51 2.92 1.33 .73 2.48 34 . 63 1925 . .39 1.87 1.19 3.36 1.91 4.17 3.03 4.09 3.61 2.63 2.03 1.28 29.56 1926... . .96 1.84 2.17 2.26 2.30 8.83 4.70 3.76 12.98 2.68 3.95 1.01 47.44 1927 . 1.24 2.45 3.24 5.72 9.57 5.17 2.33 2.13 7.16 4.46 3.30 2.26 49.03 1928 . .20 1.14 .78 2.93 2.46 6.02 4.18 4.27 3.23 3.64 4.48 1.56 34.89 1929 . 3.49 .69 3.97 4.65 2.74 5.53 8.71 2.50 1.99 3.30 2.06 .94 40.57 1930 . 2.28 1.58 .90 3.67 2.39 1.96 1.38 1.45 2.18 2.99 2.98 .37 24.13 1931 . .40 .86 2.45 2.33 4.25 2.82 3.10 3.96 5.56 3.15 5.92 2.27 37.07 1932 . 1.63 1.24 2.01 1.37 4.01 4.28 3.82 5.17 1.89 3.51 1933 . 1.69 1.10 2.47 3.23 8.37 .94 1.89 3.63 4.40 1.98 .08 1.06 30.84 1934 . .60 .71 1.67 1.69 .85 3.64 4.11 3.58 5.69 1.63 4.94 1.09 30.20 1935 . 1.52 2.34 5.01 2.24 10.47 6.97 4.81 1.04 5. -15 1.63 4.37 1.53 47.08 1936 . 1.49 1.52 .93 1.40 2.75 .71 1.77 4.17 10.57 2.92 .92 2.74 31.89 1937 . 3.32 .85 .96 3.81 3.18 2.54 4.29 2.38 1.66 2.97 1.16 1.87 28.99 1938 . 5.02 1.96 4.51 4.05 3.42 5.65 3.85 2.88 2.54 1.26 1.93 1.41 38.48 1939 . 2.36 1.73 3.47 5.63 4.33 4.68 2.57 5.08 .25 3.92 .87 .61 35.50 1940 . 1.20 .93 2.08 3.07 3.51 1.47 1.77 4.88 T 2.45 2.17 1.60 25.13 1941... . 2.86 .69 1.06 3.44 4.40 4.28 3.26 3.38 7.16 9.81 1.94 1.35 43.63 1942 . .82 4.70 1.22 2.85 4.57 3.94 5.97 1.63 2.23 1.44 4.42 3.11 36.90 1943 . 1.48 .65 1.16 4.43 7.05 4.08 2.97 2.00 1.57 1.66 1.03 .72 28.80 1944 . .49 1.57 6.67 6.97 5.76 2.04 1.11 2.50 4.05 2.40 2.84 1.10 37.50 1945 . .62 1.05 4.03 5.16 5.76 7.62 1.44 .79 7.75 .94 1.54 2.07 38.77 1946 . 2.96 .53 3.34 1.52 5.41 9.35 1.00 3.19 1.73 3.30 4.64 2.31 39.28 Aver .1.63 1.42 2.60 3.28 4.17 4.24 3.13 3.01 3.85 2.71 2.41 1.53 33.98 GOLDEN, Adams county a 1856 .25 3.13 8.61 1.10 5.99 1.53 1.26 4.52 4.97 6.06 1857 .39 4.80 2.56 .89 2.03 3.70 1.45 4.10 2.72 2.32 2.43 1.36 28.75 1858 . 2.05 1.52 3.17 7.22 9.51 5.86 7.93 2.33 2.46 3.01 3.11 2.88 51.05 1859 . 3.88 3.63 4.39 3.35 7.81 6.78 1.22 5.43 3.72 1.80 1.79 1.08 44.88 1860 1861 . 1.68 2.94 3.63 3.96 3.89 4.99 1.37 1.57 2.31 .41 1.49 1862 .4.63 .64 1.80 6.68 1 44 6 35 7 61 1 46 2 09 6 32 1863 . 2.80 2.21 2.81 .27 2.62 2.46 3.43 3.08 .61 5.99 1864 . 1.58 .58 2.26 6.76 2.16 1.42 5.26 1.29 4.16 2.90 3.88 3.55 35.80 1865 . .15 2.81 4.02 5.77 .69 6.77 9.58 1.69 5.81 3.34 .12 1.25 42.00 1866 . 3.52 1.42 1.77 4.78 2.12 1.74 3.19 3.28 10.30 3.83 .51 2.88 39.34 1867 . 1.85 2.53 1.68 2.00 4.98 3.65 3.70 1.86 1.78 .99 1.33 1.30 27.65 1868 . .92 .79 5.62 5.36 7.03 2.05 5.42 4.36 4.29 1.75 5.01 2.57 45.17 1869 . 2.16 2.56 .95 4.48 5.18 8.13 7.77 6.57 1.82 2.19 3.42 2.07 47.30 1870 . 2.11 .12 5.61 .63 1.73 2.35 2.01 5.41 5.78 5.19 1.39 1.40 33.73 1871 . 4.49 1.59 3.85 3.05 2.60 4.70 2.81 6.48 1.55 5.62 2.76 1.31 40.81 1872 . .20 .85 3.06 2.93 3.33 4.96 6.27 2.72 2.56 .99 1.04 1.41 30.32 1873 . 3.93 1.24 '.84 7.41 3.74 1.41 6.23 .46 5.32 3.85 1.57 7.63 43.63 1874 . 2.88 1.12 1.57 2.00 6.61 3.42 4.95 2.18 .98 2.22 1.07 1875 . .32 2.00 2.83 1.76 6.09 5.59 14.04 1.30 6.64 2.35 .52 3.89 47.33 1876 . 1.89 1.57 3.24 4.35 4.47 4.06 4.97 7.98 10.67 2.40 1.78 .20 47.58 1877 . .82 .14 4.62 2.58 3.96 6.96 6.24 3.08 3.27 9.27 2.89 4.00 47.83 1878 .1.14 3.31 5.16 3.28 4.91 2.89 3.85 6.06 1.13 2.85 1.17 3.82 39.57 1879 . .73 .79 1.91 1 . 26 1 . 63 3.02 3.15 5.20 2.06 .19 3.97 1.51 25 . 42 1880 . 2.51 2.08 2.16 5.74 5 . 38 2.64 1.35 3.34 2.26 1.3S Data from 1856 thru 1880 are for Augusta, 9 miles northeast of Golden; and those from 1913 thru 1919 are for Camp Point, 5 miles southwest of Golden. 242 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual GOLDEN, Adams county, concluded * 1913 .. . 3.38 4.14 1.36 1.02 1.64 2.71 2.28 1.39 1914 .80 2.01 2.27 2.64 1.14 3.45 1.46 3.07 4.28 1.96 .06 2.25 25.39 1915 . 2.47 2.15 .62 2.08 6.57 8.50 7.73 1.31 6.12 .55 3.81 2.81 44.72 1916 . 6.09 .87 2.09 4.52 7.43 3.89 .74 5.17 1.86 2.30 1.97 1.86 35.79 1917 . 1.12 .37 3.84 4.87 4.20 8.37 1.64 2.23 4.62 1.54 .33 .96 34.09 1918 . 1.20 1.36 .41 4.34 7.58 2.55 1.49 4.42 3.06 4.45 2.08 1.91 34.85 1919 . .03 2.07 1.90 1.36 3.80 4.75 1.92 1920 .47 .20 4.93 5 . 89 2.38 3.42 1 . 04 3 . 06 1.49 .97 1921... . 1.50 .28 4.04 5.56 2.47 3.73 1.49 5.42 9.19 2.80 1.62 1.36 39.46 1922 . 1.29 1.42 5.20 4.16 2.74 .45 3.28 2.11 4.08 1.38 4.37 .63 31.11 1923 . .84 .44 3.43 1.98 2.67 3.24 2.31 3.63 5.33 2.06 1.53 1.75 29.21 1924 . 1.29 2.03 2.91 1.72 3.34 6.78 3.66 2.67 2.45 2.00 .49 2.94 32.28 1925 . .22 1.38 1.71 4.47 1.95 6.15 4.32 5.49 4.41 3.65 2.37 1.33 37.45 1926... .1.18 2.10 2.05 2.23 2.20 7.89 5.34 3.35 10.04 2.67 3.43 .87 43.35 1927 . 1.42 1.53 5.39 5.55 4.72 3.52 2.72 2.54 3.01 5.50 3.02 2.08 41.00 1928 . .35 1.18 1.79 2.43 2.83 5.33 5.99 1.60 4.29 4.16 3.00 1.37 34.32 1929 . 3.56 .77 7.00 3.90 7.42 5.09 8.96 1.30 2.12 4.06 1.70 .68 46.56 1930 2.16 1.19 3.06 1.87 3.65 .34 1 . 65 3 . 60 2.62 3.23 .47 1931... .36 1.44 2.49 2.20 6.55 5.88 3.29 1.63 4.45 3.41 5.05 2.48 39.23 1932 . 1.45 1.09 1.58 .45 4.26 5.27 3.47 8.51 2.41 2.98 1.08 4.53 37.08 1933 . 2.27 .52 3.04 2.02 6.65 3.64 3.00 3.02 2.41 2.06 .13 1.29 30.05 1934 . .79 .76 1.53 2.00 .77 2.51 .31 2.18 6.51 2.57 5.51 1.21 26.65 1935 . 1.60 1.63 2.46 2.48 12.67 5.50 5.64 1.06 3.66 1.83 4.24 .91 43.68 1936 . 1.29 2.65 .97 1.22 3.91 2.51 .60 .71 10.81 2.36 .95 2.35 30.33 1937 . 4.08 .46 .68 3.16 2.86 2.13 4.86 2.09 4.78 1.34 1.47 1.78 29.69 1938 . 3.97 1.49 5.99 4.08 5.06 4.21 3.30 3.45 3.42 1.69 3.21 2.40 42.27 1939 . 1.24 1.58 4.58 5.90 2.42 4.25 3.27 7.23 .26 1.17 1.20 .71 33.81 1940 . 1.32 .51 1.73 4.35 1.60 4.03 .62 5.33 .13 3.38 2.43 1.81 27.24 1941... . 3.29 .43 .66 3.51 1.82 4.75 2.39 3.32 7.17 9.14 1.59 1.50 39.57 1942 . .36 4.09 1.27 3.38 4.77 5.36 8.98 1.17 4.96 1.07 5.64 2.96 44.01 1943 . .93 .62 .88 3.72 8.18 2.76 5.57 1.84 1.44 2.57 .91 1.66 31.08 1944 . .30 1.82 5.35 8.78 4.00 2 gg 2.75 4.42 4.85 3.46 3.32 1.10 42.81 1945 . .96 1.09 5.97 4.52 4.32 7.71 .54 2.68 9.64 1.15 1.39 2.93 42.90 1946 . 2.80 .55 3.44 3.64 5.69 1.70 2.34 6.91 2.41 4.44 4.18 1.80 39.90 Aver . 1.77 1.49 2.85 3.65 4.25 4.25 3.83 3.35 4.21 2.78 2.28 2.20 36 91 GRAFTON, Jersey county 1894.. . 2.33 2.03 1.94 1.35 2.15 3.75 1.89 1.90 3.04 1895 . .38 .38 1.58 1.30 2.59 2.96 7.51 1.92 2.78 .53 4.61 7.23 33.77 1896 . 1.45 2.47 1.69 2.80 6.46 7.03 5.09 1.93 3.37 1.16 1.02 .50 34.97 1897 . 2.87 2.01 6.97 6.51 1.17 4.99 3.73 1.24 .11 .07 3.81 2.72 36.20 1898 . 5.90 1.30 8.01 3.18 9.03 3.49 5.08 2.03 4.53 4.35 2.31 1.34 50.55 1899 .1.12 2.52 3.73 2.91 8.02 2.58 2.27 3.31 1.46 4.75 2.17 2.36 37.20 1900 . .76 4.52 2.05 2.08 6.67 2.54 4.04 2.46 4.64 1.78 2.29 .96 34.79 1901... . 1.78 1.95 2.46 1.44 .38 1.52 2.10 1.08 .45 1.86 1.68 3.88 20.58 1902 . 1.03 .96 3.95 2.67 1.41 8.48 1.30 3.58 3.74 1.91 2.43 4.48 35.94 1903 .1.67 3.28 3.44 3.40 2.47 3.40 1.34 4.44 5.48 1.85 .53 1.64 32.94 1904 . 3.50 .43 6.17 5.16 3.33 5.99 5.34 4.58 4.18 1.35 .32 1.84 42.19 1905 . 1.40 .67 2.09 2.94 2.98 .49 5.09 4.21 4.46 8.17 1.54 2.19 36.23 1906... . 1.86 3.17 4.08 2.34 4.44 5.10 1.60 4.26 5.32 1.41 3.92 3.40 40.90 1907 . 5.52 1.42 2.38 3.14 2.62 5.54 6.74 3.83 .55 2.32 1.64 1.72 37.42 1908 . 2.04 3.86 2.78 6.75 4.20 2.86 5.46 .72 1.74 .54 2.08 1.44 34.47 1909 . 2.04 3.64 2.52 5.53 5.40 3.90 6.08 1.28 4.17 3.92 6.74 2.06 47.28 1910 . 3.48 3.88 .42 2.92 5.26 3.34 6.60 3.08 7.27 4.29 .68 1.70 42.92 1911... .70 2.79 2.46 4.77 1.50 2.08 2.17 3.47 5.49 3.10 3.10 2.37 34.00 1912 . 1.48 3.39 5.74 7.66 4.75 4.18 3.17 3.52 3.10 1.95 2.70 .42 42.06 1913 . 5.99 1.01 5.61 3.30 .56 3.04 1.92 .24 5.04 5.18 3.52 1.58 36.99 1914.. .. . 2.43 3.10 .93 3 53 43 .65 2 92 3 31 2 91 3 78 1 73 1915... 1.98 .66 1.67 8.05 6.00 4.28 8.32 3.03 .69 2.77 3.05 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 243 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual GRAFTON, Jersey county, concluded 1916... . 8.31 1.35 2.10 2.12 5.22 2.81 .08 8.36 4.59 2.46 2.65 1.06 41.11 1917 .1.58 .64 2.64 5.42 5.51 1.49 3.61 2.68 2.37 1.66 .28 .62 28.50 1918 . 1.67 .65 .57 6.99 4.65 2.56 1.08 2.69 5.41 3.97 2.72 1919 . .50 1.35 2.33 1.23 5.72 3.49 .88 3.58 5.98 6.59 2.89 .37 34.91 1920 . .72 .56 4.06 4.54 4.58 1.32 .81 7.83 4.61 2.32 .77 2.64 34.76 1921 . 1.88 1.37 6.51 6.49 4.10 6.03 .41 4.51 5.86 2.23 2.24 3.44 45.07 1922 . 1.12 .84 6.12 8.79 2.07 3.56 2.52 1.55 1.80 1.36 2.86 3.36 35.95 1923 . 1.08 2.62 4.55 3.60 3.74 5.84 1.72 8.22 6.73 4.48 1.94 5.26 49.78 1924 . 1.57 1.72 2.84 .77 5.69 7.62 4 . 33 4 . 54 3.19 1.14 2.59 1925 . .79 1.35 3.55 2.31 1.08 4.73 2.80 2.98 2.00 6.13 3.97 1.30 32.99 1926... . 1.50 3.51 3.56 2.69 2.04 4.00 2.01 7.55 7.35 5.17 3.50 1.71 44.59 1927 .1.10 .40 5.33 10.42 6.44 3.84 3.23 3.03 3.67 4.08 6.29 2.72 50.55 1928 1.31 1 99 1.46 4 50 2 23 3 07 2 88 2 26 4 07 1 85 1 92 1929 . 3.55 1.06 5.48 6.43 10.97 5.68 2.60 3.61 3.21 4.77 2.08 2.29 51.73 1930 . 6.60 1.84 1.21 1.21 1.66 2.71 1.32 .78 3.81 2.13 3.09 .75 27.11 1931... .55 2.21 2.63 2.63 4.63 1.44 3.10 4.79 3.35 4.40 3.67 2.58 35.98 1932 . 3.20 1.05 1.31 2.79 .78 5.63 2.96 5.49 1.29 2.95 1.66 3.05 32.16 1933 .3.26 1.88 5.89 3.74 9.62 .03 .47 1.29 3.47 3.18 .52 1.53 34.88 1934 . 1.31 1.06 3.28 1.50 .33 1.72 1.66 4.46 6.36 2.37 4.20 2.10 30.35 1935 . 2.33 1.26 4.73 2.40 9.08 5.69 2.89 .25 3.14 2.82 4.76 1.10 40.45 1936... .90 1.82 1.04 2.36 .99 1.63 .13 .94 5.45 3.50 3.87 2.99 25.62 1937 . 5.57 1.48 1.65 4.97 3.98 4.99 .45 .79 .86 2.87 1.58 2.53 31.72 1938 . 1.40 2.88 6.69 4.49 4.15 4.48 4.18 1.11 3.35 1.30 3.60 2.59 40.22 1939 . 3.39 3.63 1.91 6.01 1.12 4.41 4.21 6.76 .86 1.55 1.82 2.18 37.85 1940 . 1.61 1.48 2.81 2.34 3.35 3.27 .40 4.20 T 1.23 1.90 1.91 24.50 1941 . 3.69 .43 .89 5.90 2.76 2.43 1.87 2.92 4.91 8.48 3.38 .97 38.63 1942 . 1.45 2.88 1.63 2.84 4.23 10.97 11.98 3.07 1.46 3.78 7.35 4.28 55.92 1943 . .53 1.00 2.91 1.77 13.27 4.03 1.24 3.64 3.86 2.58 1.98 2.21 39.02 1944 . .46 2.45 3.62 8.82 3.63 2.87 2.81 4.20 3.45 1.26 1.48 1.64 36.69 1945 . 1.25 3.17 6.46 5.87 2.35 6.33 1.09 3.46 10.51 1.57 1.59 1.85 45.50 1946 . 1.76 2.54 2.77 1.66 5.77 3.45 4.34 13.79 1.50 4.26 9.25 2.16 53.25 Aver . 2.22 1.95 3.31 3.89 4.14 3.87 3.01 3.60 3.66 2.97 2.75 2.26 37 63 GRIGGSVILLE , Pike county 1882 .1.32 1.00 3.50 4.00 6.50 7.37 3.00 2.37 1.62 4.12 2.62 1.62 39.04 1883 . 1.00 5.50 1.50 4.00 3.37 6.87 2.25 1.75 .87 6.37 3.25 .75 37.48 1884 . . . . 1.25 2.37 2 50 4 37 5 25 2 37 3 12 3 24 4 25 1 87 2 50 1885 . 2.12 .87 .62 6.00 2.62 4.50 .87 2.62 5.75 2.75 1.50 1.75 31.97 1886... . 2.71 2.50 1.50 2.37 2.60 4.42 .20 3.08 6.36 .77 2.10 .66 29.27 1887 . 1.40 4.63 1.57 2.36 2.89 1.97 2.72 .61 4.36 .52 2.32 4.05 29.39 1888 . 3.11 2.40 3.84 1.25 7.83 9.77 6.81 2.86 4.00 1.88 4.30 2.47 50.52 1889 2.84 2.40 1 05 9 38 4 93 2 87 76 4 56 4 47 1 12 2 02 1890 . 3.31 1.43 2.75 2.85 3.31 5.32 1.47 1.85 2.47 1.48 1.40 .28 27.92 1891... .87 3.52 2.25 3.61 2.42 1.76 .98 1.75 1.53 2.11 4.15 .87 25.82 1892 . 2.05 3.73 2.67 6.97 8.93 1.85 5.94 .85 3.46 1.52 3.20 .92 42.09 1893 . .42 2.82 6.22 7.69 5.65 3.80 3.38 .35 1.37 .33 1.25 1.38 34.66 1894 . 2.06 2.36 2.15 2.85 2.30 2.97 .78 1.19 2.78 78 1.48 1.32 23.02 1895 . 1.36 .22 3.15 2.35 2.46 3.94 6.25 2.63 3.51 .35 2.95 6.21 35.38 1896... . 1.50 2.16 .56 3.05 8.10 3.29 8.10 2.72 9.32 1.60 1.65 .38 42.43 1897 . 6.74 1.39 4.20 4.25 2.91 5.45 4.50 2.16 .46 .25 3.38 2.34 38.03 1898 .4.46 2.19 5.78 4.95 8.30 4.94 3.56 4.49 6.83 3.01 3.66 .97 53.14 1899 . .42 1.54 3.81 1.80 13.10 1.97 3.16 4.43 3.79 3.33 2.16 1.27 40.78 1900 . 1.78 6.01 1.54 1.81 4.20 2.40 3.59 1.81 5.50 2.80 1.66 .45 33.55 1901... . 2.06 1.51 3.25 1.46 .46 3.55 2.74 .22 3.65 1.80 .77 2.82 24.29 1902 . .56 1.53 2.67 3.99 4.21 7.33 2.89 7.20 3.36 2.58 3.74 2.65 42.71 1903 .1.30 2.62 3.20 4.59 3.34 3.14 2.10 4.52 4.89 2.53 .68 1.05 33.96 1904 . 3.93 1.60 5.60 5.92 5.86 5.05 5.09 5.41 6.26 .50 .15 1.02 46.39 1905 . 1.60 1.50 1.45 2.85 2.67 1.60 2.95 4.67 5.25 4.27 1.95 1.69 32.45 1906 . 2.74 2.26 3.05 2.71 2.83 2.74 .85 4.40 6.56 1.98 2.70 2.65 35.47 1907 .5.38 .49 3.27 3.25 3.35 5.00 5.82 6.97 2.24 1.70 1.80 .52 39.79 1908 . 1.05 2.75 1.94 5.66 5.60 3.69 6.53 1.30 .88 .10 1.41 1.28 32.19 1909 . 1.81 2.25 1.53 4.47 7.50 3.27 4.11 .33 4.64 4.36 3.30 1.21 38.78 1910 1.07 .76 T 2.72 6.86 2.74 4.45 .85 4.57 1.65 1.36 .78 27.81 244 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual GRIGGSVTXLE , Pike county, concluded 1911... . 1.47 1.97 1.97 4.57 1.21 1.19 2.92 3.68 13.77 3.00 2.15 1.47 39.37 1912 . .25 1.18 2.75 4.45 4.17 5.26 2.36 3.43 4.29 5.10 1.45 .72 35.41 1913 . 2.26 2.19 4.65 3 . 56 1 . 22 4.54 .64 .35 3.10 3 87 .79 1914 .1.64 2.24 1.03 2.10 .37 .85 1.66 3.38 7.56 3.65 .36 2.06 26.90 1915 . 2.09 .56 2.93 5.94 14.77 6.52 6.87 8.89 .76 3.77 2.10 1916... . 6.11 .71 1.56 1.41 7.13 5.52 1.83 7.78 1.42 .92 2.09 1.46 37.94 1917 . .53 .19 3.28 5.84 4.41 7.44 3.72 2.00 3.63 1.30 .29 .49 33.12 1918 . 1.03 .74 .21 5.58 4.21 2.10 1.24 3.04 4.04 3.69 2.80 1.95 30.63 1919 . .06 1.80 2.81 1.97 6.66 1.74 1.25 3.22 3.14 7.33 2.66 .39 33.03 1920 . .86 .28 3.78 3.20 5.67 2.58 2.86 4.27 5.97 2.47 .60 1.30 33.84 1921 .1.12 .26 2.46 5.31 2.54 6.96 1.69 3.96 8.69 2.09 2.04 2.20 39.32 1922 . 1.45 .69 4.38 7.08 3.36 .61 2.06 1.64 2.39 1.11 4.76 1.13 30.66 1923 . .97 .94 3.24 2.04 3.68 4.14 2.70 7.67 3.31 3.40 1.82 3.01 36.92 1924 . 1.12 1.46 3.25 1.41 3.32 6.71 3.29 2 . 52 3 . 26 2.38 1.18 1925 . .49 5.00 5.03 3.74 4.11 3.34 1.06 1926... . 1.34 1.99 2.81 4.33 1.89 5.84 3.40 4.30 16.83 4.84 4.26 1.86 53.69 1927 . 1.67 1.00 7.98 5.47 5.43 4.76 2.58 3.83 5.56 2.49 4.16 2.31 47.24 1928 . .56 1.60 .94 3.74 3.04 6.00 4.10 2.99 4.24 5.07 3.78 1.85 37.91 1929 .4.12 .41 4.00 4.64 6.96 4.04 5.40 1.97 2.84 5.10 1.65 1.33 42.46 1930 . 5.50 1.91 .90 1.33 1.77 5.07 .51 1.86 3.70 2.31 2.35 .50 27.71 1931... .11 1.99 3.27 1.63 6.05 2.93 4.40 5.35 3.28 2.40 4.57 3.44 39.42 1932 .1.65 1.18 1.85 1.38 2.21 5.33 4.35 5.34 2.97 3.17 1.35 3.49 34.27 1933 . 2.49 .62 4.55 3.32 6.12 2.45 .89 2.61 3.79 2.17 .28 1.65 30.94 1934 .1.33 .90 2.55 1 . 60 .30 3.93 .09 1.70 7.70 1.75 5.34 2.04 29.23 1935 . 2.02 2.26 3.24 3.13 11.08 5.07 3.21 .97 2.75 3.55 4.36 .85 42.49 1936 . 1.48 1.19 .56 1.37 1.88 2.27 .49 .79 10.38 1.76 2.00 2.54 26.71 1937 . 5.06 1.77 .78 4.21 3.38 3.55 2.09 1.94 3.28 1.88 1.72 1.91 31.57 1938 . 3.47 2.38 4.57 5.56 3.69 5.47 3.05 3.38 1.04 1.29 2.55 2.90 39.35 1939 . 2.69 2.87 3.43 4.98 2.57 5.54 2.95 5.77 .24 2.11 1.46 1.71 36.32 1940 . 1.01 1.02 2.49 2.46 2.63 2.69 .24 3.40 .10 3.17 2.80 1.34 23.35 1941 . 3.63 .53 .91 5.05 2.91 3.54 4.06 1.61 6.86 12.70 2.43 1.09 45.32 1942 . .93 4.86 3.37 3.15 7.23 10.24 6.09 1.20 2.98 1.55 5.70 3.38 50.68 1943 . 1.48 .82 1.51 3.22 10.69 3.34 4.38 1.95 3.23 2.40 1.22 1' . 00 36.24 1944 . .41 1.99 4.88 8.09 2.62 1.48 1.17 4.08 2.89 2.10 3.23 1.82 34.76 1945 .1.55 1.41 6.82 5.98 3.09 9.24 1.27 2.61 9.35 1.74 .91 2.06 46.03 1946 . 2.30 1.80 2.42 1.95 7.39 4.11 1.40 7.99 2.06 4.74 7.74 1.58 45.48 Aver . 1.98 1.83' 2.77 3.66 4.54 4.41 3.02 3.10 4.42 2.73 2.45 1.71 36 62 HAVANA, Mason county 1871... . 4.28 1.60 4.25 2.05 1.00 3.05 5.25 2.15 . 3.05 1.95 2.45 1872 . .50 1.60 2.48 2.03 2.13 9.83 4.78 1.13 4.35 .84 2.02 1.61 33.30 1873 . 5.00 1.83 .99 6.20 5.58 1.24 5.50 .89 5.69 3.17 1.68 7.72 45.49 1874 . 2.61 1.87 1.22 2.96 2.42 2.71 2.33 6.48 2.42 1.27 3.20 .93 30.42 1875 . .37 2.54 4.14 2.44 4.74 4.83 8.57 1.30 5.84 2.80 .81 2.08 40.46 1876... .82 1.41 7.03 2.69 4.35 5.60 9.61 3.06 7.00 1.55 2.20 .20 45.52 1877 . .81 .10 5.29 3.01 2.65 9.13 2.17 2.92 2.20 6.90 4.70 4.45 44.33 1878 . 1.28 3.56 2.95 1892... . 1.65 1.98 1.34 4.84 7 69 3 02 2 29 3 01 98 3 25 1 42 1893 . .79 3.49 2.94 7.95 5.48 2.00 4.25 .73 2.34 .22 .76 2.06 33.01 1894 . 2.08 2.32 2.13 1.68 2.23 3.26 1.04 1.84 3.67 1.11 1.98 1.97 25.31 1895 . 1.36 .32 1.04 2.68 1.51 1.91 4.89 4.53 4.34 .41 3.80 6.03 32.82 1896... . 1.21 2.13 .98 3.15 4.31 3.25 4.87 3.36 5.30 .58 1.84 .33 31.31 1897 . 6.66 1.32 4.53 3.74 1.08 3.58 5.22 1.22 .51 .08 3.41 1.82 33.17 1898 . 4.64 2.08 4.84 2.90 7.63 4.58 2.49 2.78 6.92 2.55 2.24 1.45 45.10 1899 . .77 2.21 3.39 1.26 7.31 2.24 7.11 3.26 4.18 3.34 2.41 2.73 40.21 1900 . 1.88 5.54 .72 1.01 1.33 3.48 4.13 9.02 2.65 2.00 1.57 .40 33.73 1901... . 2.54 1.09 7.30 .89 .66 5.02 1.85 1.04 1.61 .66 .50 .73 23.89 1902 . .85 1.42 4.31 2.70 2.57 1903 2.55 3.02 5.48 5.66 2.18 .89 1.35 1904 . 3.11 1.46 4.32 4.03 4.19 3.40 4.50 2.50 3.02 .31 .17 1.26 32.27 1905 1.60 2.20 1.69 3.91 2.69 2.71 2.58 4.42 4.69 2.91 2.54 1.72 33.66 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 245 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual HAVANA, Mason county , concluded 1906... . 1.69 1.37 2.94 3.26 1.84 2.73 1.78 3.51 5.24 .85 2.37 1.53 29.11 1907 . 6.79 .22 2.54 3.11 2.54 3.89 6.23 6.73 1.53 .59 1.59 2.41 38.17 1908 . .55 4.35 1.06 4.33 8.73 4.45 2.94 1.67 .74 .53 2.01 1.17 32.53 1909 .1.55 3.85 1.80 5.39 4.64 5.68 4.84 1.95 5.68 3.13 3.61 2.13 44.25 1910 .1.88 1.15 .26 3.82 7.34 2.24 3.35 .58 6.60 1.51 1.19 .98 30.90 1911... . 2.06 2.31 2.11 3.47 1.51 2.99 1.91 1.86 13.14 2.07 2.01 2.06 37.50 1912 . .58 1.33 2.70 5.09 3.16 2.10 1.80 1.87 5.78 5.57 1.50 .81 32.29 1913 . 1.21 1.74 1.53 3.24 1.90 3.15 1.46 1 . 52 1 . 59 2.27 2.99 .70 23.30 1914 . .81 1.33 .65 1.85 1.48 2.24 3.25 3.27 4.10 1.91 .04 2.02 22.95 1915 . 2.23 1.79 .73 1.68 6.34 3.64 8.43 3.38 6.06 .53 3.47 1.52 39.80 1916... . 9.74 .75 2.61 1.57 7.65 2.02 .25 6.50 1.63 1.82 1.44 1.60 37.58 1917 . .50 .22 3.03 3.60 4.84 8.67 3.46 1.72 3.55 1.02 .09 .56 31.26 1918 .1.89 .96 .39 4.95 3.46 5.21 1.93 3.45 2.45 3.87 3.37 2.35 34.28 1919 . .02 1.51 3.12 1.43 5.36 3.14 1.00 2.40 2.92 3.98 2.53 .26 27.67 1920 . .78 .31 4.43 5.28 3.96 1.34 2.86 1.09 2.59 2.16 1.12 1.44 27.36 1921... .1.55 .15 4.17 5.83 1.67 3.49 4.73 3.52 4.60 2.68 2.01 2.41 36.81 1922 .1.89 1.46 5.89 4.07 3.00 .85 3.91 2.20 1.65 .77 4.48 .98 31.15 1923 . 1.00 .61 3.90 1.28 3.98 5.62 1.12 3.75 3.50 3.86 1.43 2.68 32.73 1924 .1.53 1.49 2.60 1.15 1.77 6.83 6.78 3.10 3.37 1.52 .54 3.65 34.33 1925 . .32 1.10 2.42 3.05 1.38 4.98 4.34 3.60 4.19 4.26 2.32 1.07 33.03 1926... .1.55 1.59 2.05 2.91 1.75 5.81 4.59 4.15 8.65 3.13 4.05 1.24 41.47 1927 . 1.26 2.29 5.01 6.64 5.57 3.69 4.41 4.08 5.12 3.99 2.99 2.64 47.69 1928 . .32 1.58 1.46 3.50 2.43 6.33 4.50 1.35 3.58 2.85 3.71 1.97 33.58 1929 . 3.86 .62 3.59 4.61 4.21 5.25 7.11 1.46 1.97 3.22 1.47 .99 38.36 1930 . 2.93 1.39 1.44 3.19 1.89 2.73 .62 2.29 1.64 2.35 2.75 .47 23.69 1931... .37 1.24 3.20 2.11 5.54 3.47 4.51 2.97 4.95 3.13 4.98 3.07 39.54 1932 . 2.21 1.10 1.97 1.57 1.96 6.26 4.19 5.34 2.40 3.26 .85 3.08 34.19 1933 . 2.24 .64 4.19 3.62 5.58 .40 1.57 2.99 2.80 2.87 .27 .99 28.16 1934 . .99 .73 2.15 .90 .39 2.58 3.31 3.83 7.38 2.02 4.13 1.37 29.78 1935 . 1.97 2.32 2.40 2.85 9.82 3.95 3.36 .52 2.96 1.95 4.77 1.02 37.89 1936... . 1.49 2.27 .47 .97 3.02 .85 .98 2.06 7.77 3.18 1.71 2.49 27.26 1937 . 3.21 .90 .82 4.39 3.08 3.44 10.95 1.18 4.19 2.11 1.39 1.86 37.52 1938 . 3.10 2.02 4.32 3.76 4.75 4 . 84 3.13 3.63 .84 .72 1.86 1.68 34.65 1939 . 3.03 2.95 4.26 4.81 2.76 5.49 5.49 5.85 .31 1.27 1.06 .92 38.20 1940 . .92 .81 2.30 3.19 4.25 3.41 .87 5.58 .07 2.46 2.16 1.60 27.62 1941... . 3.13 .63 1.48 5.24 3.35 4.43 2.42 3.83 6.75 12.22 1.95 1.44 46.87 1942 . 1.06 4.27 2.21 4.16 4.89 3.97 7.35 .82 4.29 1.62 6.78 2.96 44.38 1943 .1.30 .58 1.59 3.59 9.51 3.16 3.40 2.49 1.43 1.47 1.21 .96 30.69 1944 . .45 1.99 5.02 6.71 5.04 2.06 1.64 3.69 4.39 1.43 1.85 1.39 35.66 1945 . .64 1.26 4.92 4.43 6.25 7.38 .96 1.55 9.10 1.04 1.57 2.39 41.49 1946 . 2.34 .63 3.50 1.85 6.24 6.81 .82 4.63 1.68 4.88 5.59 1.86 40.83 Aver . 1.96 1.64 2.83 3.35 3.94 3.92 3.75 3.00 3.98 2.34 2.28 1.71 34.70 HILLSBORO , Montgomery county 1896... .73 2.43 1.23 1.98 6.62 3.14 4.15 2.08 4.80 1.74 2.58 .77 32.25 1897 . 4.02 2.02 6.04 4.07 1.59 3.93 5.16 1.16 T .25 5.80 2.82 36.86 1898 . 5.51 3.07 7.78 3.80 7.45 3.39 5.33 2.69 5.56 5.13 2.32 2.00 54.03 1899 . 1.83 2.51 3.54 1.29 7.28 2.84 2.18 7.49 1.59 3.67 2.45 3.48 40.15 1900 . .52 4.60 1.70 1.31 5.14 6.10 2.96 .42 3.27 3.02 2.78 .95 32.77 1901 . 1.92 1.98 3.05 2.15 1.46 2.54 1.93 4.26 1.03 2.31 1.72 3.66 28.01 1902 . .82 .89 4.95 2.79 3.31 8.93 1.39 5.71 5.32 2.52 3.34 4.00 43.97 1903 .1.19 3.16 2.22 3.57 2.83 4.26 2.56 5.63 1.87 1.78 .61 3.05 32.73 1904 . 3.15 .90 6.53 5.05 4.14 4.54 5.38 4.41 5.44 .62 .09 1.01 41.26 1905 . 2.98 .86 1.63 3.21 4.67 1.96 5.32 2.53 3.16 9.72 1.65 2.15 39.84 1906... . 3.56 2.42 4.47 2.08 3.15 4.85 .50 2.37 5.83 1.65 4.25 2.02 37 . 15 1907 . 4.89 .55 1.90 2.78 7.00 4.88 7.53 5.81 .96 3.90 1.77 3.36 45.33 1908 . 2.09 4.76 2.10 5.03 8.28 4.53 2.52 .78 1.54 .10 1.85 1.62 35.20 1909 . 2.30 4.85 2.78 7.81 4.33 3.79 6.25 1.04 6.45 3.79 6.23 2.16 51.78 1910 . 2.26 2.76 T 5.19 6.03 3.57 4.20 5.19 6.14 5.00 1.05 1.45 42.84 1911... .1.93 2.78 1.92 4.95 1.50 1.28 2.78 4.14 7.46 4.08 2.71 1.94 37.47 1912 . 1.01 2.19 5.24 7.64 3.24 3.03 3.67 2.00 1.51 1.75 1.85 .50 33.63 1913 . 6.84 1.40 7.97 2.80 1.27 3.18 1.96 1.87 7.22 3.33 4.59 .72 43.15 1914 .1.64 3.59 .50 2.97 .13 1.07 2.93 4.46 2.31 3.25 1.11 1.63 25.59 1915 . 2.56 2.03 .38 4.48 9.66 6.89 5.38 13.12 1.55 .43 1.33 3.16 50.97 246 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual HILLSBORO , Montgomery county, concluded 1916 . 7.98 .93 1.07 1.36 2.60 5.29 .73 6.58 2.47 2.22 1.93 1.93 35.09 1917 .1.58 .62 2.45 5.95 6.44 2.58 1.32 2.97 2.08 2.69 .58 .59 29.85 1918 .1.55 1.54 .45 5.24 3.60 1.42 2.08 4.44 6.86 2.92 2.74 2.67 35.51 1919 . .08 1.76 2.11 1.40 9.07 6.45 .34 2.54 4.45 7.69 3.16 .68 39.73 1920 . 1.01 1.56 5.35 2.18 6.66 2.27 2.47 4.34 3.63 1.21 .34 2.97 33.99 1921 .86 .71 6.56 5.81 1.88 3.70 1.80 4.46 4.23 1.76 4.30 3.21 39.28 1922 .1.18 .97 8.21 6.37 2.36 1.78 3.35 1.42 1.72 2.66 2.41 3.55 35.98 1923 . 1.54 1.08 5.63 2.66 4.00 5.75 3.04 3.09 7.32 4.32 2.02 4.12 44.57 1924 .2.37 1.13 2.41 .65 4.54 6.20 2.64 2.76 3.46 1.38 2.57 5.74 35.85 1925 . .41 1.48 3.47 2.92 1.36 5.55 3.46 1.85 2.02 5.33 3.20 1.41 32.46 1926 . 1.31 2.76 2.53 3.09 2.23 4.37 .83 3.88 9.07 4.37 3.49 1.44 39.37 1927 .2.66 .73 5.67 9.02 6.25 3.31 4.11 3.85 2.97 3.51 5.81 2.55 50.44 1928 . 1.56 2.94 1.93 3.89 1.19 7.86 5.08 3.16 3.00 3.41 1.83 2.57 38.42 1929 .3.20 .84 3.95 5.75 11.15 3.70 3.52 2.26 2.15 6.05 .92 3.53 47.02 1930 . 6.20 1.47 1.31 3.05 1.44 2.91 .52 1.12 3.47 1.80 1.83 .78 25.90 1931... .29 1.56 2.13 2.83 4.14 1.49 1.94 4.49 3.33 4.34 3.98 2.37 32.89 1932 . 2.92 1.75 1.72 2.57 .76 4.68 2.71 7.49 1.67 4.44 1.99 2.82 35.52 1933 .3.52 2.19 3.96 3.44 8.87 .18 1.01 2.81 3.60 3.90 1.17 1.27 35.92 1934 . 1.43 1.16 2.83 1.70 1.36 4.98 4.22 3.72 5.05 1.72 4.56 1.56 34.29 1935 . 2.40 1.38 5.92 3.02 9.78 3.79 6.64 1.15 4.86 2.70 3.66 .89 46.19 1936 . 1.42 2.00 2.20 3.04 1.73 3.12 1.08 1.34 5.84 3.57 2.70 2.25 30.29 1937 . 6.50 1.61 .99 6.36 3.05 5.26 3.06 1.09 2.62 4.56 1.94 2.41 39.45 1938 . 1.05 2.64 9.26 3.34 5.09 5.76 2.66 4.83 .94 .83 1.79 2.01 40.20 1939 . 4.28 4.07 3.08 4.38 1.30 5.46 3.08 9.45 .43 .87 1.94 1.29 39.63 1940 . 1.05 1.10 2.12 2.81 3.98 2.53 2.02 6.17 .11 1.87 3.05 2.75 29.56 1941... . 2.23 .51 .54 4.89 1.36 4.65 1.86 1.81 5.33 6.56 3.40 1.00 34.14 1942 . 1.55 3.28 2.24 2.33 3.93 7.49 5.07 2.18 2.20 2.39 6.19 3.36 42.21 1943 . .54 1.32 3.40 2.21 12.50 6.16 2.20 .40 2.04 2.14 1.45 1.6S 36.04 1944 . .09 2.25 3.05 9.83 4.29 .62 2.02 4.49 4.80 .69 2.29 1.61 36.03 1945 . .99 2.60 8.54 5.01 3.95 11.16 1.68 3.51 8.24 2.24 2.41 1.89 52.22 1946 .1.85 2.50 3.37 2.69 6.76 4.94 2.51 6.54 2.19 3.11 7.13 2.75 46.34 Aver . 2.30 2.00 3.42 3.82 4.44 4.20 3.00 3.67 3.63 3.04 2.68 2.20 38 40 HOOPESTON, Vermilion county 1902... 2.30 3.01 2.88 2.60 1903 . 1.94 3.03 .64 6.45 3.77 1.84 3.85 5.78 1.64 1.92 1.80 2.45 35.11 1904 . 5.20 2.16 7.36 2.61 2.35 1.87 4.36 2.81 3.91 .38 .08 1.35 34.44 1905 . 1.76 2.77 1.24 3.91 4.53 2.15 3.81 3.75 5.09 2.82 2.83 1.47 36.13 1906 . 2.52 1.52 4.46 1.84 3.58 1.57 2.34 7.87 2.31 1.50 5.55 3.57 38.63 1907 . 5.89 .22 4.26 2.90 3.28 5.34 6.48 2.08 5.09 .94 2.27 3.88 42.63 1908 . 1.41 6.23 3.64 4.45 8.07 .86 2.19 1.11 1.79 .33 2.81 1.61 34.50 1909 . 2.87 6.88 1.76 6.45 4.24 4.18 6.07 5.28 2.33 2.10 3.47 3.61 49.24 1910 . 2.99 1.86 .46 2.46 5.38 1.73 4.66 2.23 5.12 .85 2.07 1911... . 3.04 1.97 2.29 4.45 2.26 2.13 3.42 2.92 7.28 4.19 3.54 1.71 39.20 1912 . 1.71 2.11 3.25 5.77 3.88 3.56 6.62 5.50 2.13 1.80 2.97 .70 40.00 1913 . 6.21 1.46 6.96 2.51 1.99 3.28 2.58 5.14 2.44 3.71 3.31 1.24 40.83 1914 . 2.18 2.61 2.02 2.69 4.29 1.80 1.52 2.27 1.63 3.24 .62 2.56 27.43 1915 . 2.37 2.64 1.26 2.29 4.30 2.33 7.88 3.50 6.90 1.01 1.50 1.96 37.94 1916 . 6.55 .50 1.86 1.51 5.97 5.29 2.43 2.50 1.83 3.33 2.08 2.88 36.73 1917 . .97 .56 3.68 4.27 4.74 6.66 2.55 2.80 1.22 3.71 .34 .80 32.30 1918 . 2.65 2.10 1.21 5.60 4.02 7.11 2.34 3.87 4.19 4.14 1.91 4.59 43.73 1919 . .59 2.14 3.83 1.97 3.10 3.74 1.12 2.56 2.89 4.98 1920 . 1.27 .38 4.11 6.23 3.19 1.00 2.51 1.82 1921 . 2.17 .78 5.31 3.91 1.00 2.58 2.47 5.07 5.08 2.84 5.37 1.80 38.38 1922 1.85 6.23 5.68 3.10 .88 3.95 1.19 2.74 1.74 1923 . 1.65 1.17 4.34 2.21 7.30 2.54 3.53 3.76 3.84 4.75 1.81 5.45 42.35 1924 . 2.12 2.10 3.51 2.85 3.83 8.81 .97 6.85 3.33 .73 .72 6.25 42.07 1925 . .55 .90 4.42 1.78 .22 2.78 2.43 3.46 4.65 2.41 2.78 1.51 27.89 1926... . 2.64 2.66 2.83 3.88 3.77 1.86 3.31 8.81 12.08 6.02 2.18 1.14 51.18 1927 . 1.63 1.95 4.20 7.55 7.51 4.31 2.02 2.30 6.23 2.93 7.38 4.09 52.10 1928 . 1.78 1.97 .96 1.92 2.14 6.33 3.96 1.98 2.62 2.67 2.08 1.84 30.25 1929 . 3.07 .49 2.49 5.64 6.59 4.69 4.06 2.09 1.34 4.12 1.96 2.97 39.51 1930 . 5.43 1.59 1.60 4.57 2.12 2.13 1.99 2.41 2.66 1.64 2.81 .21 29.16 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 247 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual HOOPESTON, Vermilion county, concluded 1931... .37 .91 1.68 3.38 4.49 4.99 9.39 4.16 5.40 3.07 3.39 1.89 43.12 1932 . 2.34 2.10 1.88 1.45 1.21 2.87 3.26 5.67 3.25 3.81 3.04 3.84 34.72 1933 . 1.99 1.22 3.93 4.38 7.51 .74 .83 1.62 6.20 3.70 .86 1.53 34.51 1934 . 1.61 .60 3.30 1.60 .71 3.06 1.98 5.58 7.23 .94 5.93 1.89 34.43 1935 . 2.36 1.37 4.65 2.00 6.37 5.26 6.41 1.09 4.07 1.84 5.05 1.37 41.84 1936 . 1.25 2.16 1.32 3.20 2.90 .19 1.66 3.58 4.73 4.73 2.97 3.25 31.94 1937 . 5.22 1.50 .99 6.38 2.54 5.64 1.87 2.27 3.93 3.15 1.48 2.03 37.00 1938 .1.16 4.57 5.78 2.82 4.94 5.49 5.27 2.85 3.94 1.74 1.96 1.68 42.20 1939 . 2.87 3.16 4.34 6.52 2.63 7.09 7.08 2.69 .64 4.82 1.49 1.04 44.37 1940 . 1.30 1.31 2.62 4.14 6.12 4.87 .94 1.79 .61 1.85 4.45 2.11 32.11 1941... . 1.39 .77 1.35 3.26 3.18 3.25 5.25 3.27 1.45 9.21 2.81 1.46 36.65 1942 . 2.03 3.84 5.12 2.73 4.35 4.66 3.84 3.59 3.37 2.41 6.44 2.01 44.39 1943 .1.24 1.07 3.75 2.98 10.09 3.68 4.71 3.59 1.88 1.92 3.03 .59 38.53 1944 . .27 3.02 2.77 6.16 4.07 5.17 1.03 3.53 1.39 1.00 1.65 1.34 31.40 1945 . .51 1.36 5.90 3.51 5.23 3.30 1.25 2.97 6.58 2.76 2.39 2.44 38.20 1946 . 1.23 2.35 3.84 1.29 5.01 9.53 2.20 1.40 1.30 5.35 3.52 1.70 38.72 Aver . 2.33 2.00 3.26 3.73 4.13 3.71 3.46 3.45 3.69 2.91 2.77 2.24 37.68 JACKSONVILLE, Morgan county a 1896 .1.19 1.69 .82 2.49 4.27 4.63 7.50 .89 5.49 1.98 1.09 .22 32.26 1897 . 6.05 .83 4.42 4.35 3.39 4.52 2.41 2.20 .24 .33 3.50 2.42 34.66 1898 . 4.21 2.81 5.25 3.15 5.83 5.14 2.28 3.17 5.19 3.80 2.56 1.19 44.58 1899 . .96 2.19 2.05 1.18 9.15 1.91 1.84 3.92 4.29 3.07 2.31 1.48 34.35 1900 . 1.10 3.46 1.47 1.13 2.75 3.09 2.74 3.69 5.29 2.86 3.05 .24 30.87 1901... . 2.33 1.44 2.75 1.34 .70 2.23 1.44 2.84 1.54 2.00 .88 2.15 21.64 1902 . .70 .97 3.05 3.26 2.19 7.01 3.27 5.38 4.01 2.29 3.08 2.45 37.66 1903 . 1.07 2.93 2.67 3.67 3.42 5.20 3.54 2.90 3.57 2.12 .78 1.09 32.96 1904 . 1.74 1.40 4.51 5.26 3.56 4.90 3.74 3.84 3.86 .27 .05 .68 33.81 1905 . 2.67 .88 1.75 1.82 3.51 3.61 4.33 4.58 3.98 3.67 1.43 1.42 33.65 1906... .1.72 2.47 2.98 2.22 4.20 2.98 .89 5.03 3.23 .95 3.02 2.84 32.52 1907....'.. . 5.26 .26 4.23 2.53 2.38 2.94 8.57 7.78 1.09 1.55 1.25 2.58 40.43 1908 . 1.27 3.07 2.08 4.97 7.78 3.14 2.31 1.21 1.40 .22 1.81 1.29 30.55 1909 .2.10 3.81 1.03 4.19 6.14 2.24 6.11 .66 3.89 3.57 4.54 1.50 39.78 1910 . 1.49 .84 .04 2.69 5.25 3.13 2.56 3.62 5.78 1.72 1.14 .80 29.06 1911 .1.74 1.26 1.55 4.21 2.25 .47 1.91 3.58 12.22 2.03 2.47 1.84 35.53 1912 . .68 1.49 4.02 4.77 5.27 4.64 2.00 8.38 1.62 3.53 1.56 .53 38.49 1913 . 3.18 1.56 5.46 2.97 .66 3.49 1.08 1.79 3.04 3.07 3.60 .67 30.57 1914 . 1.84 1.59 1.70 2.47 1.27 1.74 1.14 3.58 3.91 3.63 .62 2.22 25.71 1915 . 2.13 2.16 .80 2.09 7.72 6.26 7.57 5.09 5.12 .97 2.22 2.80 44.93 1916 . 4.67 1.00 1.92 1.18 5.21 3.95 1.41 4.69 2.74 1.51 2.14 1.01 31.43 1917 . 1.28 .24 5.54 4.87 3.95 8.02 2.70 3.25 3.08 .83 .28 .51 34.55 1918 . 1.06 2.13 .66 5.68 6.81 3.08 2.21 2.77 5.10 4.18 2.46 2.41 38.55 1919 . .10 1.80 2.17 1.71 4.92 5.43 2.25 3.75 5.23 6.38 2.42 .35 36.51 1920 . .74 .31 5.62 3.81 7.41 1.81 2.82 4.14 3.05 3.36 .99 2.64 36.70 1921... . 1.72 .54 4.93 5.42 .78 3.97 3.25 4.02 6.85 2.76 2.72 3.03 39.99 1922 .1.60 .84 6.28 6.44 4.06 1.21 2.90 .43 1.24 1.77 2.83 1.18 30.78 1923 . .97 .95 4.19 1.88 4.35 3.77 1.03 5.75 6.75 5.05 1.80 3.46 39.95 1924 . 1.27 1.04 2.17 2.42 3.26 6.18 3.07 3.10 2.90 2.12 1.42 5.37 34.22 1925 . .35 1.49 2.78 3.13 1.59 4.18 4.93 4.93 4.43 2.97 2.60 1.24 34.62 1926... .1.65 2.79 3.53 4.75 2.05 6.11 1.99 5.53 15.94 5.93 4.19 .91 55.37 1927 . 2.06 1.12 5.98 6.71 5.52 3.72 3.39 4.06 5.01 3.48 5.53 2.03 48.61 1928 . .77 1.86 .65 3.95 4.87 7.31 6.31 2.41 6.05 4.27 2.35 1.71 42.51 1929 . 4.05 .52 2.90 4.18 6.60 3.19 4.18 1.95 2.61 4.30 1.37 1.28 37.13 1930 . 4.34 1.64 1.57 1.49 1.86 4.28 .60 2.22 2.69 1.84 2.38 .37 25.28 1931... .15 1.95 2.55 2.19 5.17 1.26 4.20 3.66 3.75 3.49 4.20 2.74 35.31 1932 .1.87 1.15 1.63 1.46 2.22 3.56 3.39 7.11 .92 3.14 1.29 3.36 31.10 1933 . 3.19 .83 3.48 3.08 7.62 2.05 .38 4.26 3.51 3.51 .23 .96 33.10 1934 .1.19 .76 2.54 1.18 .28 4.09 2.30 3.45 7.54 2.52 4.03 1.39 31.27 1935 . 2.11 1.47 3.29 2.62 12.26 4.97 .81 .39 2.84 2.45 5.96 .70 39.87 1936... . . 1.17 1.31 1.21 1.86 1.20 2.06 .64 .73 9.31 3.08 2.34 2.29 27.20 1937 . . 4.03 1.42 .67 4.81 2.90 7.22 3.67 2.60 2.20 2.50 1.87 1.85 35.74 1938 . . 2.45 1.69 4.34 3.99 5.33 5.68 2.11 2.27 1.04 1.60 1.78 2.04 34.32 1939 . 2.24 2.31 3.21 6.07 2.03 4.27 4.38 4.15 .30 2.80 1.26 1.06 34.08 1940 . 1.07 .56 2.17 2.87 2.87 4.86 .95 4.75 .10 1.71 2.49 1.38 25.78 Data from 1896 thru April 26, 1927, are for Alexander, 10 miles east of Jacksonville. 248 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual JACKSONVILLE, Morgan county, concluded 1941 . 2.95 .54 1.59 5.07 2.60 3.90 3.99 1.51 5.98 12.20 2.56 1.09 43.98 1942 . 1.08 4.09 2.20 2.61 5.68 4.39 7.82 1.12 4.13 2.20 6.21 3.77 45.30 1943 . 1.09 1.01 1.70 2.88 11.38 2.83 4.22 .42 3.09 2.11 1.52 1.93 34.18 1944 . .39 2.75 4.18 6.28 4.70 1.60 .76 5.25 3.75 2.05 1.45 2.14 35.30 1945 . 1.25 1.24 5.35 5.39 3.87 6.32 2.17 1.88 8.40 .93 1.50 2.23 40.53 1946 .1.39 1.83 1.89 l.<69 5.62 4.68 3.46 5.09 2.02 4.32 6.47 1.79 40.25 Aver . 1.92 1.57 2.85 3.38 4.33 3.98 3.05 3.45 4.14 2.84 2.38 1.74 35 63 KEOKUK, Lee county, Iowa 1871 .04 1.86 .84 5.22 2.89 1.46 1872 .07 .39 2.88 3.86 3.70 5.81 6.77 1.97 2.26 .42 .74 .50 29.37 1873 . 3.40 .53 .51 5.65 3.42 1.21 8.94 .54 3.37 4.69 1.43 8.56 42.25 1874 . 3.92 .88 1.14 2.40 1.65 4.01 4.61 3.87 7.92 1.94 2.17 1.26 35.77 1875 . .61 1.84 1.67 .89 6.70 8.33 12.70 3.83 4.62 2.71 .59 3.93 48.42 1876 . 3.68 1.45 3.45 3.99 5.28 6.73 6.79 4.03 11.08 2.12 2.82 .23 51.65 1877 . .84 .15 3.76 4.22 5.55 7.82 7.06 2.52 3.61 7.11 3.05 2.90 48.59 1878 . .17 2.95 3.78 2.31 3.47 3.93 2.37 5.27 1.36 2.31 1.93 1.95 31.80 1879 . .50 .53 1.71 1.56 2.27 2.63 1.98 4.57 1.12 .28 3.91 1.45 22.51 1880 . 3.91 1.94 '1.83 4.79 5.92 3.06 2.25 3.81 3.21 2.02 1.13 .67 34.54 1881 . . . .50 2.58 2.42 3.12 1.35 8.70 3.08 .86 4.10 8.01 2.59 1.70 39.01 1882 . 1.07 1.54 3.30 3.22 7.11 9.45 4.53 3.09 1.52 2.71 2.25 1.75 41.54 1883 . 1.24 6.13 1.07 2.97 4.87 5.88 3.15 1.32 1.76 6.95 2.09 1.20 38.63 1884 . .85 1.88 3.37 1.31 3.16 4.03 2.30 2.74 4.25 3.35 1.73 3.91 32.88 1885 . 2.44 1.14 .17 3.33 2.59 6.97 2.29 5.98 3.77 3.59 .88 1.96 35.11 1886 . 2.08 1.40 2.25 1.52 4.49 2.86 .65 5.90 3.95 2.38 1.15 1.03 29.66 1887 . 1.48 5.19 .76 1.84 2.54 1 . 55 1 . 57 2.38 3.13 1.98 1.18 2.73 26.33 1888 . 1.57 2.17 3.45 1.85 5.06 5.42 6.00 2.07 2.13 1.63 2.83 1.61 35.79 1889 . 1.89 .90 1.04 3.60 5.72 2.97 6.78 .95 5.14 2.88 1.80 1.08 34.75 1890 . 1.81 1.09 2.43 1.79 3.34 3.41 2.49 1.77 4.46 2.44 1.87 .03 26.93 1891 . 2.59 1.32 2.27 5.06 2.56 3.66 2.77 6.10 .49 1.49 3.60 1.33 33.24 1892 . 1.96 1.61 2.91 6.15 6.34 2.65 6.18 1.07 3.21 .71 3.16 1.50 37.45 1893 . .92 1.76 2.66 5.41 4.36 2.37 2.60 1.16 3.18 .33 2.29 .90 27.94 1894 . 2.24 1.46 2.52 2.75 3.06 2.85 .37 .51 4.86 1.28 2.24 1.06 25.20 1895 . 1.44 .19 1.05 3.38 3.15 2.61 5.46 2.68 2.67 .37 2.58 4.24 29.82 1896... .85 1.23 .88 2.35 4.40 2.18 8.01 3.90 9.44 1.71 1.01 .81 36.77 1897 . 4.90 .96 4.16 3.54 1.86 5.43 6.75 .65 .64 .24 2.17 1.84 33.14 1898 . 3.13 1.16 5.98 4.80 6.70 4.77 3.06 6.92 8.07 3.99 1.52 1.38 51.48 1899 . .49 1.65 2.66 3.28 11.47 2.78 5.39 4.01 4.32 2.06 1.19 1.67 40.97 1900 . 2.46 3.24 1.43 2.10 4.56 1.06 2.20 4.21 5.02 5.36 1.72 .25 33.61 1901 . . . . 1.41 .75 2.59 2.29 1.95 6.34 2.02 .15 2.14 .93 .80 1.17 22.54 1902 . .44 1.02 2.24 3.13 3.63 7.59 4.87 6.93 1.82 2.38 2.60 2.21 38.86 1903 . .77 1.42 3.03 4.91 3.56 1.40 1.27 4.80 7.16 3.23 .87 .86 33.28 1904 . 2.70 .70 3.46 5.11 3.94 3.62 4.48 4.63 8.33 .30 .21 1.45 38.93 1905 . .60 1.37 1.78 3.32 3.01 6.57 2.89 3.16 4.15 3.41 2.32 1.03 33.61 1906... . 2.40 2.50 2.82 2.16 1.83 1.48 1.46 2.87 2.94 .73 1.92 1.90 25.01 1907 . 5.07 .10 5.05 2.02 3.44 6.40 6.26 5.50 1.94 .47 1.17 1.38 38.80 1908 . .51 2.86 1.76 1.82 10.09 4.32 3.70 2.50 2.22 .87 3.05 .58 34.28 1909 . 1.26 2.44 1.84 4.99 3.03 5.11 5.46 .68 3.46 4.48 3.97 2.56 39.28 1910 . 1.61 .99 .53 2.91 6.87 1.34 2.74 .92 2.08 .81 .23 .79 21.82 1911... . 2.66 2.35 1.79 4.13 .42 .65 6.48 1.74 7.67 2.19 2.88 1.87 34.83 1912 . .18 .94 1.38 2.41 1.82 2.23 4.45 2.50 1.73 4.47 1.81 .50 24.42 1913 . 1.04 2.39 2.82 2.62 3.87 4.15 .09 1.63 1.42 1.43 2.22 1.35 25.03 1914 . 1.31 1.12 1.97 1.94 1.73 3.34 2.09 2.61 6.22 1.65 .41 1.55 25.94 1915 . .90 1.43 .90 1.27 5.79 9.99 6.34 1.43 6.16 .38 2.85 1.49 38.93 1916... . 5.18 .59 1.37 2.44 6.63 3.74 .10 4.71 3.41 2.75 1.75 .73 33.40 1917 . .56 .13 3.46 3.36 2.53 7.35 2.65 1.37 5.29 1.93 .01 .36 29.00 1918 . .70 1.15 .16 2.66 6.72 3.90 1.08 3.24 1.77 2.16 2.91 2.10 28.55 1919 . .01 1.57 1.49 1.94 4.24 2.38 2.47 3.85 4.69 1.68 2.53 .18 27.03 1920 . .38 .19 4.02 3.64 3.36 2.99 3.84 .88 2.65 1.00 .98 .61 24.54 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 249 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual KEOKUK, Lee county, Iowa, concluded 1921 . 1.92 .48 5.13 3.91 1.72 2.53 .55 5.34 7.48 2.56 1.12 2.25 34.99 1922 . . 1.04 1.56 3.58 2.97 2.44 1.08 6.35 3.37 2.92 .77 3.38 .63 30.09 1923 . . 1.13 .35 3.54 1.16 2.37 3.17 1.61 3.63 4.64 .82 1.26 1.79 25.47 1924 .. 1.31 .93 1.96 2.07 2.39 5.94 4.85 5.60 1.70 1.66 .50 2.19 31.10 1925 . . .35 1.71 .95 3.67 1.28 4.79 3.90 4.68 6.99 2.56 1.04 1.65 33.57 1926... . 1.03 1.14 1.92 1.85 3.14 7.57 2.77 3.39 12.56 3.41 3.11 1.45 43.34 1927 . . 1.10 1.38 3.48 2.95 4.55 6.61 1.38 3.10 2.91 4.16 3.61 2.07 37.30 1928 . . .41 1.75 1.39 2.79 2.55 5.15 2.93 2.67 4.18 5.91 5.18 1.85 36.76 1929 . . 3.14 .97 4.78 4.60 2.97 3.91 5.75 1.41 4.77 4.27 1.51 .69 38.77 1930 . . 2.51 1.01 .67 1.97 2.18 4.06 .30 2.11 2.97 2.00 3.63 .60 24.01 1931... .54 1.08 2.18 3.27 4.27 6.56 1.71 2.40 6.73 4.05 3.85 2.01 38.65 1932 . . 1.28 .98 1.56 1.20 2.50 5.51 4.53 8.93 1.43 2.96 1.78 4.00 36.66 1933 . . 1.87 .65 2.31 1.59 8.43 6.88 1.61 1.83 2.25 1.07 .33 1.74 30.56 1934 . . .81 .91 1.77 2.64 1.34 3.01 .95 2.66 6.40 1.93 4.86 .91 28.19 1935 . . 1.81 1.79 2.97 2.48 7.28 6.40 4.85 1.90 4.46 1.66 2.94 1.00 39.54 1936... . 1.74 1.89 1.01 1.57 2.76 1.26 .01 .78 7.59 1.80 .84 2.81 24.06 1937 ... 3.36 1.51 .81 3.90 2.85 2.14 5.34 3.88 1.47 1.08 1.92 1.90 30.16 1938 . 3.73 1.86 4.58 3.17 4.24 3.70 1.63 2.30 3.49 1.04 3.57 1.15 34.46 1939 . .92 1.48 3.69 4.96 5.80 4.42 2.37 4.81 .23 2.39 1.70 .34 33.07 1940 . . .91 .72 1.55 2.61 1.28 2.18 2.70 6.11 .04 3.14 1.70 1.84 24.78 1941... . 3.23 .46 .40 2.83 2.28 3.51 1.85 1.78 4.73 11.29 1.32 2.12 35.80 1942 . . .52 3.38 1.82 2.40 3.49 3.28 4.75 1.55 5.71 .69 4.14 3.11 34.84 1943 , . 1.04 .77 1.46 3.88 5.81 4.46 6.58 2.24 1.34 3.16 1.45 .94 33.13 1944 . .42 2.01 4.47 6.44 4.15 2.45 2.99 4.78 3.69 1.10 2.70 1.13 36.33 1945 . .88 .91 4.44 4.88 4.63 9.26 .04 1.63 6.99 .91 1.77 2.42 38.76 1946 . . 2.43 .37 2.84 2.21 3.33 3.35 1.92 4.63 2.59 2.94 2.17 2.88 31.66 Aver . 1.63 1.43 2.36 3.07 3.94 4.31 3.53 3.08 3.99 2.48 2.07 1.65 33 , 54 LA HARPE, Hancock county 1895 , 1.71 1.40 3.13 4.89 3.24 3.25 .34 3.40 5.65 1896... . 1.26 2.14 1.18 2.35 4.80 5.16 7.80 7.96 12.28 2.00 2.53 .99 50.45 1897 .10.38 1.83 6.22 5.85 2.41 5.80 3.87 1.86 1.39 .26 1.26 2.10 43.23 1898 , . 2.94 1.40 5.12 3.91 8.56 2.59 2.35 10.40 6.42 3.15 1.65 .42 48.91 1899 . .35 1.38 3.14 3.17 12.57 2.60 2.58 4.32 2.82 1.97 1.52 1.17 37.59 1900 . 2.15 4.26 1.55 1.52 3.50 .53 3.06 2.85 2.90 4.70 1.38 .25 28.65 1901... .1.17 1.65 2.24 1.30 2.10 5.10 5.15 .50 2.07 .85 1.08 .69 23.90 1902 . .65 1.30 3.40 2.95 3.00 9.70 6.75 9.05 2.50 2.65 2.90 2.04 46.89 1903 . 2.07 2.13 1.92 5.30 3.00 2.20 1.45 5.00 7.65 4.05 1.02 .88 36.67 1904 . 5.48 .90 5.17 2.85 4.60 4.00 6.45 4.20 8.15 .45 .50 1.92 44.67 1905 . 1.13 1.99 1.25 4.47 4.55 12.60 2.40 5.55 1.65 2.80 2.10 1.14 41.63 1906... . 3.35 2.50 4.19 1.70 3.70 3.35 4.25 2.15 4.10 1.00 1.15 2.20 33.64 1907 . 7.62 .30 6.40 2.60 2.75 4.45 6.70 5.10 1.95 .30 .90 1.26 40.33 1908 . 2.45 3.10 2.27 1.64 11.25 5.60 2.40 1.24 2.03 .70 2.34 .60 35.62 1909 . 1.35 3.32 2.09 3.52 4.87 7.15 6.18 3.31 4.68 3.52 3.61 2.92 46.52 1910 . .62 .60 .34 2.37 6.8'8 1.99 3.61 .38 2.74 .75 .11 .82 21.21 1911... . 4.17 1.87 1.90 2.94 1.53 1.68 7.17 1.44 11.84 2.06 1.88 2.07 40.55 1912 . .52 .90 1.14 2.20 2.71 2.17 4.36 2.55 1.70 3.97 2.06 .57 24.85 1913 . 1.14 2.26 2.74 2.82 3.53 3.54 .23 1.39 1.96 2.07 2.43 .94 25.05 1914 . .91 .56 1.92 2.08 2.27 1.59 .56 4.25 7.25 1.69 .29 1.97 25.34 1915 . 2.18 2.35 .47 .89 5.34 5.33 9.83 1.50 5.18 .58 2.72 1.56 37.93 1916... . 5.20 .38 2.75 2.59 7.98 4.66 .10 3.06 3.60 2.58 1.84 .84 35.58 1917 , . .53 .20 2.45 4.19 3.52 11.51 2.76 1.75 5.05 1.76 .08 1.00 34.80 1918 1.87 .50 3.54 8.22 4.60 1.49 2.45 2.06 4.23 2.42 2.85 1919 . .23 2.45 1.94 1.56 4.70 3.81 .31 4.07 5.52 1.58 3.09 .50 29.76 1920 . .70 .22 5.11 7.58 4.05 8.46 1.12 .75 2.17 1.65 1.47 .83 34.11 1921... . 1.65 .66 6.02 6.44 2.58 4.36 2.53 4.62 7.26 2.63 1.55 1.98 42.28 1922 2.16 3.67 3.64 4.96 1.32 7.02 3.14 3.84 .98 4.71 .79 1923 . 1.26 .60 4.08 .86 3.53 2.99 4.97 2.85 4.04 1.26 1.46 2.27 30.17 1924 . 1.80 2.11 2.18 1.23 1.90 10.75 8.51 3.84 1.99 1.69 .81 2.89 39.70 1925 , . .46 1.47 1.09 4.18 1.60 6.78 2.92 3.50 6.16 2.73 1.82 1.45 34.16 250 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual LA HARPE, Hancock county, concluded 1926 . 1.20 1.29 2.33 1.98 2.53 7.24 2.21 4.64 10.18 2.71 2.76 1.56 40.63 1927 .1.33 1.81 4.24 5.42 6.11 5.96 2.60 1.78 3.42 7.33 3.23 2.27 45.50 1928 . .49 1.82 1.17 3.43 3.36 4.81 3.32 2.64 5.70 3.64 5.67 1.82 37.87 1929 . 3.65 1.34 5.89 5.57 2.88 4.51 6.89 1.31 4.14 4.36 1.82 1.00 43.42 1930 . 3.19 1.17 1.08 2.07 2.56 3.63 .47 1.61 3.32 2.33 2.91 .56 24.90 1931 .59 1.17 3.25 3.15 4.21 3.82 3.79 4.42 6.30 2.47 4.26 2.74 40.17 1932 . 1.28 .72 2.19 .88 3.10 3.89 5.31 6.54 1.13 2.94 1.69 4.39 34.06 1933 . 2.41 .57 2.16 2.15 9.12 3.77 1.40 4.26 2.31 1.06 .61 1.82 31.64 1934 . .79 .69 1.89 2.92 1.22 3.08 2.51 1.67 7.24 1.41 6.69 1.15 31.26 1935 . 2.04 2.22 3.54 2.53 8.72 6.40 7.78 2.67 5.35 1.45 4.42 1.10 48.22 1936 . 1.60 1.99 1.23 2.06 2.79 1.22 .39 1.77 7.61 2.13 .70 2.65 26.14 1937 . 3.40 .95 .82 3.38 2.73 2.19 4.12 3.62 1.70 1.70 1.58 1.86 28.05 1938 . 3.98 1.90 4.17 4.37 6.56 6.87 4.37 2.83 2.99 1.24 3.54 1.51 44.33 1939 .1.15 1.52 4.46 5.73 2.47 4.79 3.21 6.23 .30 3.51 1.64 .93 35.94 1940 . 1.24 .97 2.08 3.71 1.92 2.77 2.43 3.48 .12 2.78 1.69 1.98 25.17 1941 . 3.31 .53 .57 3.51 2.82 7.06 1.79 2.60 7.65 13.61 1.53 2.23 47.21 1942 . .73 4.04 2.44 3.66 4.86 2.76 3.17 2.07 3.95 .92 5.23 3.70 37.53 1943 .1.18 .77 2.02 3.87 6.15 5.38 4.83 3.03 1.20 4.36 2.42 .85 36.06 1944 . .37 1.58 7.21 7.45 3.11 4.08 2.52 7.65 3.55 1.96 3.23 1.27 43.98 1945 . 1.03 1.06 5.63 4.65 6.39 7.07 .21 1.64 6.92 .92 2.34 2.09 40.55 1946 .1.14 1.77 3.67 1.62 6.53 6.11 3.45 2.70 1.49 5.50 3.89 2.22 40.09 Aver . 2.04 1.54 2.87 3.23 4.39 4.75 3.66 3.41 4.28 2.49 2.27 1.68 36.61 LINCOLN, Logan county a 1893 3.41 2.05 .35 2.25 1.11 1.64 1.30 1894 . 2.79 2.62 3.23 2.60 2.88 1.91 3.27 1.51 4.06 .81 1.50 2.43 29.61 1895 . 1.25 1.14 2.01 1.60 1.32 2.84 4.30 1.47 3.75 .31 2.67 7.42 30.08 1896 . 1.32 2.22 1.14 2.31 2.89 4.74 8.14 1.95 5.06 .43 1.95 .51 32.66 1897 . 5.19 1.50 3.82 2.98 1.47 4.17 3.10 1.42 1.21 .37 3.84 2.35 31.42 1898 . 4.78 2.20 9.90 2.47 5.04 3.71 .56 2.77 5.14 4.79 2.26 1.50 45.12 1899 . 1.21 2.13 2.86 .72 9.83 1.49 2.30 3.35 2.11 3.04 1.97 1.93 32.94 1900 . .31 5.27 1.22 1.19 2.66 3.96 5.76 6.88 4.24 2.96 4.04 .68 39.17 1901... . 1.96 1.36 3.68 1.36 2.24 7.76 1.67 1.17 2.60 1.98 1.07 2.47 29.32 1902 . .67 1.40 4.15 3.34 1.33 8.46 3.34 5.64 4.13 2.24 2.62 2.21 39.53 1903 .1.18 3.06 1.42 5.10 4.09 1.98 2.24 3.13 3.07 3.67 1.19 1.70 31.83 1904 . 2.74 1.00 5.53 5.61 2.81 3.44 2.22 4.32 8.73 .50 .02 1.03 37.95 1905 . 2.06 1.37 1.53 3.99 3.23 2.11 3.64 1.41 3.33 2.80 1.34 1.74 28.55 1906 2.10 2.90 2.45 2.30 2.12 .61 2.72 3.72 1.11 3.58 3.26 1907 . 5.99 .24 2.52 5.54 3.30 3.57 8.50 2.63 1.28 2.01 3.82 1908 .1.37 4.33 4.95 8.77 1.64 1.96 2.77 .49 1.44 1.69 1909 . 2.29 1.84 1.55 5.04 3.10 4.22 2.86 1910 . 2.71 1.08 .47 3.56 5.97 1.33 2.99 .79 4.41 1.40 1.12 1.18 27. 01 1911 . 2.45 1.91 2.32 3.76 1.79 2.43 1.57 2.97 14.31 2.49 1.59 2.31 39.90 1912 . .91 1.60 3.77 5.07 4.28 2.45 2.72 4.33 1.52 3.99 2.32 .63 33.59 1913 . 3.63 1.21 6.15 3.24 2.15 2.31 1.01 3.19 2.58 4.21 3.44 .83 33.95 1914 . 1.73 2.99 .80 2.67 6.03 2.82 1.80 2.49 1.98 1.78 .22 2.38 27.69 1915 . 1.97 2.34 .98 2.10 7.32 2.34 8.74 3.83 7.10 1.41 1.11 2.70 41.94 1916 . 5.57 .75 1.35 1.51 6.23 2.91 1.39 2.51 2.51 3.32 2.41 1.19 31.65 1917 .56 3.76 5.52 4.54 8.59 2.08 1.64 2.75 1.68 .08 .73 1918 . 1.39 1.55 1.60 5.21 4.23 5.47 2.99 3.68 4.32 3.39 2.07 2.33 38.23 1919 . .07 1.86 2.74 1.18 5.31 8.92 2.73 4.14 3.97 4.36 3.79 .28 39.35 1920 . .84 .34 6.09 5.74 5.09 1.68 2.69 2.32 2.15 1.28 1.01 2.85 32.08 1921 . 2.75 .53 4.11 4.90 1.02 4.30 2.00 5.02 5.02 2.15 3.52 2.26 37.58 1922 . 1.49 1.70 6.22 5.88 4.88 1.15 4.62 2.37 1.55 2.20 3.34 1.11 36.51 1923 . 1.20 1.10 4.58 1.76 5.63 2.30 2.43 3.23 4.77 4.49 1.49 3.73 36.71 1924 .1.65 1.58 3.02 2.66 3.46 8.12 3.51 5.26 2.76 2.63 .89 4.68 40.22 1925 . .32 1.67 2.58 2.64 1.08 3.55 3.02 4.85 8.37 4.47 2.67 1.38 36.60 1926 . 1.54 2.07 3.08 3.48 2.16 5.69 3.13 3.74 11.95 5.19 5.00 1.03 48.06 1927 . 1.37 1.45 4.88 7.42 6.42 3.95 4.27 3.52 7.78 2.63 4.09 3.06 50.84 1928 . .88 2.22 1.25 2.61 3.41 4.48 4.15 1.28 3.75 3.83 2.88 2.54 33.28 1929 .4.24 .66 2.67 3.85 7.21 3.78 8.51 2.14 1.77 3.57 1.56 1.62 41.58 1930 3.98 1.50 2.15 3.95 1.26 2.99 1.81 2.79 2.85 1.43 3.01 .59 28.31 Data from 1893 thru 1905 are for Mount Pulaski, 10 miles southeast of Lincoln. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 251 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual LINCOLN, Logan county, concluded 1931... .26 1.25 2.19 2.92 5.55 4.58 2.30 4.21 5.62 2.15 3.10 2.39 36.52 1932 . 1.87 1.09 2.14 2.32 2.28 4.34 3.93 5.62 2.53 4.33 1.19 4.54 36.18 1933 . 3.21 .97 5.02 3.90 8.75 .91 1.79 2.68 4.42 3.50 .02 1.49 36.66 1934 . 1.07 .96 3.32 .97 .74 2.31 3.80 4.34 7.22 2.01 4.51 1.73 32.98 1935 . 2.06 1.59 3.90 2.95 8.51 5.70 3.70 2.82 3.88 1.67 6.64 1.34 44.76 1936 . 1.70 1.85 1.84 1.61 1.19 .42 1.54 3.28 5.83 2.13 2.50 2.56 26.45 1937 .4.35 1.76 .72 3.83 2.81 5.86 2.95 1.80 2.48 2.76 1.54 2.00 32.86 1938 . 1.68 1.95 4.06 4.50 4.73 4.68 3.49 2.94 2.40 2.20 1.68 2.06 36.37 1939 . 2.25 2.82 4.48 4.32 2.19 5.99 5.30 3.40 .18 2.16 1.25 1.03 35.37 1940 . 1.32 .91 3.28 3.00 3.79 1.62 .54 3.19 .17 1.78 2.95 1.32 23.87 1941... .2.63 .59 1.36 4.51 5.09 2.83 2.73 2.74 5.22 11.07 2.55 1.35 42.67 1942 . 1.21 4.61 2.54 2.81 4.79 6.72 7.13 2.06 3.74 2.29 5.59 2.67 46.16 1943 .1.14 1.30 2.10 5.87 9.75 2.04 1.40 .31 1.63 2.71 1.66 1.06 30.97 1944 . .59 2.72 3.96 7.54 2.82 1.97 1.09 3.33 5.13 1.55 1.00 1.84 33.54 1945 . .89 1.35 4.67 4.19 5.19 4.85 .84 1.47 6.88 .86 1.88 3.23 36.30 1946 . .86 1.41 3.21 1.86 5.73 5.86 1.12 3.83 1.01 4.75 5.41 1.98 37.03 Aver . 2.02 1.73 3.10 3.47 4.23 3.76 3.03 3.08 4.09 2.61 2.38 2.05 35 55 LOUISIANA, Pike county, Missouri 1878... .1.32 3.15 4.52 3.04 6.01 1.05 3.40 1.65 1.00 2.15 1.40 2.55 31.24 1879 . .95 .35 1.18 3.40 .92 1.70 2.10 2.45 1.65 2.05 3.20 1.60 21.55 1880 . .80 1.45 1.72 1.24 6.37 5.50 1.10 2.85 1.45 .90 1.90 1.40 26.68 1881... 3.70 4.95 1.10 1.37 7.40 1.00 3.65 8.95 3.95 3.40 38.47 1882 .1.65 6.55 3.27 2.82 4.05 7.42 1.80 2.17 1.55 4.72 2.87 2.15 41.02 1883 . 1.65 5.75 1.35 1.60 4.27 9.75 2.75 1.35 .19 3.92 1.82 .61 35.01 1884 . 1.06 3.70 2.35 1.07 3.36 4.86 5.28 3.55 7.60 1.82 1.30 3.20 39.15 1885 . 2.88 1.00 .10 6.00 2.95 4.39 1.75 1.32 1.35 1.14 1886 .1.63 .31 .67 2.03 2.36 3.46 .02 5.04 7.24 .50 .85 .47 24.58 1887 . 1.41 2.97 1.45 2.70 3.15 1.97 1.37 1.28 3.17 .41 2.15 3.62 25.65 1888 . 1.76 1.37 3.09 .69 5.10 5.64 2.34 5.05 1.94 1.10 3.90 2.45 34.43 1889 3.44 6.30 2.84 2.23 1.05 4.23 2.52 2.74 1.33 1890 . 3.37 1.14 2.16 1.77 2.94 2.78 .48 1.67 2.36 3.07 1.45 .20 23.39 1891 .54 2.28 1.76 2.61 1.87 4.40 4.94 2.67 1.15 1.44 2.54 .64 26.84 1892 . 1.11 3.74 1.73 4.58 8.50 3.31 4.41 2.11 4.12 .32 2.79 1.57 38.29 1893 . 1.60 2.45 7.77 5.07 3.84 2.70 .35 1.55 .51 1.06 .13 27.03 1894 .1.69 2.08 2.30 2.17 5.08 2.83 .82 3.28 3.14 1.08 1.28 1.96 27.71 1895 . . . . 1.30 .60 2.27 1.73 3 76 2 82 9 22 5 03 3 14 74 1896... 1897 2 44 1898 . 3.85 1.82 4.91 4.38 7.83 7.15 4.66 1.34 4.66 2.41 3.19 1.58 47.78 1899 . .87 1.93 3.03 1.62 8.77 2.23 4.20 6.85 3.56 3.34 2.77 1.65 40.82 1900 . 1.83 5.45 1.51 1.64 4.24 2.56 2.72 2.53 4.32 4.08 1.53 .34 32.75 1901 . 2.25 1.49 3.73 2.15 1.16 3 58 1902 . 1.50 1.57 3.42 2.93 4.93 7.68 5.06 5.23 3.62 3.06 3.26 2.99 45.25 1903 . 1.97 3.91 3.91 3.83 3.34 3.61 2.47 4.02 5.99 1.73 1.09 .95 36.82 1904 . 3.91 1.59 4.63 6.04 4.91 4.14 3.42 6.23 5.37 .40 .28 1.04 41.96 1905 . 2.36 1.49 1.34 2.76 2.51 1.21 3.15 3.82 6.59 4.55 1.50 1.57 32.85 1906 . 3.09 3.08 3.24 2.72 3.33 3.61 .94 2.52 4.83 1.17 2.92 2.83 34.28 1907 .5.55 .70 4.04 2.74 3.81 4.03 6.34 5.40 .96 2.24 1.52 1.68 39.01 1908 . .81 3.45 2.48 2.82 5.36 3.49 5.42 3.31 2.08 .75 1.63 1.50 33.10 1909 . 3.33 4.83 2.20 5.13 6.59 2.22 4.62 .51 6.42 6.69 3.77 2.36 48.67 1910 . 1.97 1.56 .20 2.82 7.34 1.92 10.92 1.85 6.87 1.08 1.07 .84 38.44 1911... . 3.02 3.02 2.86 5.03 1.25 2.56 2.73 3.47 8.38 3.44 1.95 2.09 39.80 1912 . .56 1.99 6.47 5.91 7.81 4.94 2.75 8.70 3.97 4.29 2.06 .98 50.43 1913 . 3.17 3.70 6.24 3.03 .88 5.00 1.54 2.38 4.63 3.85 3.90 1.67 39.99 1914 . .70 1.90 4.07 3.60 1.48 .94 1.84 3.31 4.64 5.92 .45 1.89 30.74 1915 . 2.45 1.81 .90 2.56 8.41 7.15 7.69 6.71 4.76 1.62 3.85 1.65 49.56 252 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual LOUISIANA, Pike county, Missouri , concluded 1916... . 7.44 1.26 1 67 1.28 10.01 5.31 .28 14.86 3.12 1.82 1.91 1.65 50.61 1917 . 2.13 .21 5.72 4.28 5.94 3.01 2.89 4.01 2.55 1.59 .23 .66 33.22 1918 . 1.83 1.56 1.10 6.54 3.89 3.77 1.84 4.98 5.07 3.62 3.57 1.95 39.72 1919 . .05 2.74 1.95 2.03 4.67 3.76 1.31 5.71 5.63 8.20 2.93 .56 39.54 1920 . 1.03 .33 3.76 4.03 7.52 1.14 1.18 4.81 2.84 2.45 1.55 2.51 33.15 1921 . 1.65 1.08 4.14 7.31 4.36 7.28 1.67 5.45 8.14 2.31 3.75 2.49 49.63 1922 . 2.21 1.32 6.39 8.48" 2.22 1.16 3.52 2.22 3.10 2.25 4.27 .97 38.11 1923 . .77 .93 5.69 3.37 2.87 3.85 1.55 7.94 4.55 3.71 1.26 3.87 40.36 1924 . 1.18 2.33 4.31 2.42 5.34 5.20 4.65 5.07 2.07 2.94 2.07 3.71 41.29 1925 . .92 3.62 5.16 2.26 1.38 4.69 3.45 3.86 3.86 5.91 4.00 1.21 40.32 1926 . 1.85 3.44 5.08 3.89 2.45 5.96 5.57 8.34 14.36 4.21 4.85 1.99 61.99 1927 . 1.22 .84 7.05 8.94 7.24 4.57 4.48 3.79 2.61 4.76 5.21 1.93 52.64 1928 . .30 2.91 .81 1.90 1.40 3.23 4.53 3.50 1.79 1929 .53 4.41 5.10 8.80 6.55 9.10 2.08 3.92 5.60 1.70 1.60 1930 . 4.90 .60 .70 .83 2.27 4.77 .54 1.77 3.62 2.25 2.33 .57 25.15 1931... .25 2.68 3 3? 1,58 7.44 4.60 3.65 3.47 3.09 3.08 3.74 3.80 40.70 1932 . 1.45 1.03 1.11 2.98 1.98 7.15 5.27 9.79 1.20 3.15 1.05 4.06 40.22 1933 . 2.15 .37 5.22 2.88 7.27 .73 2.11 4.15 2.59 3.02 .75 1.66 32.90 1934 . 1.40 .49 1.87 3.05 .35 2.35 .05 3.66 5.33 1.74 5.42 1.55 27.26 1935 . 1.82 3.10 4.85 3.07 10.33 3.77 3.82 1.87 3.20 3.34 4.22 .70 44.09 1936 .72 .95 1.05 1.37 3.45 2.45 .85 .76 10.17 1.55 1.78 2.30 27.40 1937 . 3.92 .78 .86 5.18 5.40 3.45 1.35 1.69 1.55 1.75 2.06 2.45 30.44 1938 . 4.20 1.92 3.64 4.09 5.33 3.25 2.15 3.80 2.30 2.33 3.68 3.65 40.34 1939 . 1.77 3.35 2.74 3.92 3.04 6.02 4.09 6.41 .17 2.64 2.62 1.20 37.97 1940 . .53 .17 2.05 2.82 1.61 3.89 .09 5.80 .25 2.10 3.10 1.92 24.33 1941... . 3.75 .30 1.40 4.82 2.55 6.11 5.00 1.69 7.20 16.50 2.23 1.08 52.63 1942 . .90 2.05 1.79 2.84 6.26 7.62 4.27 2.42 4.84 1.52 5.44 3.78 43.73 1943 . .60 .72 1.33 1.88 13.63 7.48 2.66 2.93 4.00 3.15 2.00 1.58 41.96 1944 . .85 4.00 6.73 1.79 .65 1.11 4.30 3.00 1.95 1945 . .94 1.40 6.70 6.24 3.01 9.49 .87 1.53 9.35 .91 .96 1.69 43.09 1946 . 2.65 1.67 2.63 1.48 4.60 3.13 4.35 6.84 1.80 4.76 6.44 1.20 41.55 Aver .1.87 2.03 3.02 3.44 4.61 4.21 3.09 3.80 3.99 3.00 2.53 1.85 37 44 MACOMB, McDonough county 1911 3.09 1912 .11 1.24 1.44 3.90 2.57 1.48 . . 2.37 2.39 4 64 .62 76 1913 . 1.11 3.27 3.18 3.16 2.75 3.08 .16 1.08 1.89 2.20 2.71 1.72 26.31 1914 . 2.09 1.50 1.59 1.84 1.62 2.24 2.50 2.71 4.82 .23 1.55 1915 . 2.07 1.69 .58 1.85 7.35 6.29 11.31 1.27 4.58 .32 2.65 1.07 41.02 1916... . 7.22 2.35 7.37 3.04 .92 5.79 4.55 2.74 1.92 .94 1917 . .78 .23 3.57 3.32 4.58 11.58 1.77 3.00 4.06 2.08 .01 .87 35.85 1918 . 1.65 2.05 .87 2.24 6.01 5.93 1.26 2.51 2.36 4.78 1.84 2.45 33.95 1919 . T 2.31 2.31 1.22 5.06 5.66 6.67 2.44 4.46 1.30 3.01 .40 34.85 1920 . .74 .23 5.42 5.79 3.95 4.47 4.17 1.45 3.28 1.88 1.19 1.09 33.66 1921... . 1.85 .22 3.99 5.36 2.34 3.77 2.14 4.54 8.76 3.78 1.55 1.72 40.02 1922 . .94 1.87 4.06 4.50 3.53 1.91 6.36 2.24 3.91 1.19 4.65 .45 35.61 1923 .1.38 .65 2.96 .95 2.73 3.46 3.88 4.11 4.74 2.09 1.45 1.92 30.32 1924 . 1.66 1.70 2.19 1.80 2.72 9.12 8.11 4.03 3.18 1.79 1.60 2.22 40.12 1925 . .43 1.56 1.15 4.60 1.98 4.94 2.70 3.42 3.48 3.17 2.09 1.32 30.84 1926... . 1.20 1.49 2.07 2.32 1.84 6.36 5.49 1.97 9.96 3.04 4.30 .95 40.99 1927 . 1.45 2.31 3.74 4.68 5.65 4.33 3.75 2.82 4.19 6.25 3.29 2.13 44.59 1928 . .46 1.21 1.12 3.14 3.16 4.03 2.49 1.89 3.02 3.22 4.86 1.77 30.37 1929 . 3.78 .85 4.83 4.21 3.30 7.56 9.58 2.36 2.73 3.58 1.83 1.06 45.67 1930 . 2.77 1.09 1.16 2.52 1.41 4.09 .49 1.95 1.53 2.90 2.90 .42 23.23 1931... .57 1.42 3.34 2.36 4.30 3.44 3.19 3.32 6.53 3.44 4.05 2.47 38.43 1932 . 1.62 1.05 2.37 .64 5.06 2.84 4.81 6.27 1.94 2.81 1.02 3.70 34.13 1933 . 2.38 .94 2.81 2.20 7.18 1.74 3.57 5.11 3.85 1.63 .35 1.31 33.07 1934 . .67 .82 2.32 1.43 .65 3.78 1.40 1.89 8.92 1.46 6.68 1.17 31.19 1935 . 2.12 2.44 3.78 2.39 9.81 5.61 6.19 .82 6.56 2.15 3.70 1.23 46.80 1936... . 1.82 1.97 .93 1.82 2.23 1.47 .41 2.82 7.55 2.61 .65 2.47 26.75 1937 . 3.65 .72 1.12 3.69 3.36 5.84 5.75 2.64 3.32 1.90 1.70 1.67 35.36 1938 . 4.30 2.00 5.24 3.72 5.97 5.72 2.56 2.81 1.56 2.49 2.28 1.42 40.07 1939 .1.19 1.32 3.74 5.22 2.46 4.07 2.20 7.21 .30 2.85 .91 .85 32.32 1940 1.28 .81 1.74 3.01 2.18 2.24 2.28 2.88 .05 2.98 2.07 1.73 23.25 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 253 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual MACOMB, McDonough county, concluded 1941... . 2.91 .49 .64 3.58 2.85 5.73 1.02 3.60 6.68 10.04 1.40 1.42 40.36 1942 . .48 3.72 2.64 2.75 4.81 5.14 3.72 2.76 3.19 1.11 5.57 3.30 39.19 1943 . 1.40 .73 1.48 4.60 7.85 3.79 4.40 2.35 1.79 2.14 .72 .77 32.02 1944 . .37 1.97 5.63 7.97 4.65 2.03 1.87 5.96 4.45 4.26 2.85 1.30 43.31 1945 . 1.08 1.29 5.81 4.88 7.64 6.52 .47 .57 7.52 1 76 1.65 2.36 41.55 1946 . 2.90 .52 3.37 1.99 4.56 7.40 1.08 4.95 2.14 3.28 4.01 2.32 38.52 Aver .1.73 1.40 2.74 3.20 4.16 4.59 3.49 3.08 4.12 2.88 2.35 1.59 35 33 MORRISONVILLE, Christian county 1896 .43 1.41 1.25 1.98 5.04 3.65 5.98 3.07 4.44 1.19 2.59 .44 31.47 1897 . 3.53 1.20 6.02 5.27 4.09 4.99 3.60 1.36 .29 .12 5.29 2.78 38.54 1898 . 5.02 2.74 6.72 2.92 9.14 2.74 2.74 3.38 4.60 5.11 3.09 2.02 50.22 1899 . 1.94 2.42 2.96 2.25 5.66 1.84 .72 3.84 .98 3.75 2.11 2.23 30.70 1900 . .43 6.39 1.59 1.16 2.95 4.35 1.95 4.22 3.11 2.21 1.06 1901 . 1.52 1.66 2.26 2.57 1.98 5.53 .71 1.13 1.50 3.27 1.78 3.97 27.88 1902 . 1.00 .93 4.20 2.81 1.02 10.61 1.30 4.43 2.89 2.45 2.93 3.02 37.59 1903 . 1.47 3.25 2.35 2.72 1.70 3.15 4.59 4.36 3.25 1.73 .55 1.82 30.94 1904 . 2.33 1.14 8.67 5.10 2.89 4.05 6.78 3.19 4.62 .74 .07 1.20 40.78 1905 .2.26 .99 1.81 3.87 3.17 1.91 6.10 1.78 2.56 5.53 1.74 2.31 34.03 1906 . 3.44 2.60 3.65 2.41 2.77 1.45 1.87 3.34 2.90 1 17 3.92 2.47 31.99 1907 . 5.68 .19 2.03 2.60 3.28 4.37 6.88 5.12 1.02 1.62 2.08 2.63 37.50 1908 . 1.33 3.48 2.14 5.57 7.49 2.15 2.21 2.71 1.49 .11 2.91 1.48 33.07 1909 . 1.66 3.79 1.55 5.88 5.52 2.48 6.77 .40 3.39 3 37 2.74 1.47 39.02 1910 . 1.77 1.42 .04 3.43 8.65 3.77 5.05 2.19 4.78 2.44 1.66 1.49 36.69 1911... . 2.49 1.54 1.57 5.79 .67 3.18 1.59 5.77 8.99 2.32 2.74 1.89 38.54 1912 . .74 .97 4.62 5.70 3.64 1.78 2.00 2.56 1.18 1.88 1.73 .51 27.31 1913 . 4.84 1.34 6.07 3.55 1.02 1.97 3.60 1.38 3.66 4.00 4.21 .62 36.26 1914 . 2.05 2.25 .62 2.44 .31 1.37 1.85 2.81 2.83 1.84 1.11 1.62 21.10 1915 . 1.83 2.16 .70 1.33 8.76 7.48 4.14 10.09 2.05 .81 1.18 3.84 44.37 1916 . 7.42 1.15 1.26 3 . 38 7 . 86 1.24 2.45 2.36 2.05 1.95 1.48 1917 . 1.22 .53 3.07 3.78 4.72 6.05 2.56 7.59 4.10 2.91 .77 .67 37.97 1918 . 2.23 1.21 .86 7.12 5.06 1.58 3.69 4.69 5.37 2.68 1.96 2.39 38.84 1919 . -.40 1.45 2.12 1.30 4.88 9.33 .50 3.19 4.57 7 M 3.15 .49 38.61 1920 .1.15 .76 3.57 2.11 6.49 3.57 2.45 3.78 3.05 2.04 .89 2.55 32.41 1921 . 1.64 .81 5.90 4.80 1.67 3.22 8.10 5.11 5.60 2.02 4.27 2.42 45.56 1922 .81 9.78 8 48 3 68 90 1 95 1 05 1 29 2 20 2 69 2 64 1923 .1.61 1.35 5.25 2.72 4.73 2.20 1.32 3.26 7.06 4.76 2.21 4.28 40.75 1924 . 1.92 1.58 2.59 .88 3.19 7.12 3.00 1.93 3.44 1.42 1.19 4.96 33.22 1925 . .39 1.06 3.33 2.00 1.49 7.33 3.53 3.38 2.37 2.79 3.08 1.31 32.06 1926 .1.55 2.98 2.72 3.78 1.52 4.19 2.37 4.20 11.29 4.43 2.69 1.73 43.45 1927 . 2.07 1.10 4.68 7.59 10.96 4.33 3.92 4.23 3.57 4.50 5.66 1.92 54.53 1928 . 1.71 2.13 1.85 3.37 2.91 7.66 4.71 1.00 2.36 4.45 1.49 2.21 35.85 1929 . 2.98 .72 3.46 5.60 10.10 4.02 5.95 2.40 1.17 3.76 1.02 2.48 43.66 1930 . 5.02 1.50 1.45 1.38 1.08 3.26 2.84 1.49 2.71 1.23 1.78 .40 24.14 1931... .27 1.75 1.89 2.38 2.77 2.63 1.36 2.48 3.80 3.28 6.08 2.50 31.19 1932 . 2.55 2.41 1.21 2.28 4.15 2.43 9.30 1.33 3.23 1.26 2.90 1933 . 3.54 1.59 3.16 3.11 5.74 1.24 .90 2.84 3.74 3.97 1.33 .43 31.59 1934 . 1.06 .69 2.44 1.29 1.14 5.84 2.81 5.03 7.06 1.69 3.78 1.54 34.37 1935 . 1.83 1.35 3.30 2.32 7.07 2.73 4.25 .81 3.27 2.78 3.73 1.46 34.90 1936 .1.80 2.49 1.03 1.57 .78 1.88 .51 .51 6.01 3.31 3.18 2.27 25.34 1937 . 4.96 1.21 .53 4.49 3.94 5.16 3.69 1.95 2.16 3.42 1.59 2.03 35.13 1938 . 1.18 1.81 9.13 3.51 3.88 4.33 3.38 3.73 1.68 1.45 2.16 2.43 38.67 1939 . 2.77 3.16 3.10 4.45 1.20 5.28 1.42 11.31 .40 1.35 1.21 1.05 36.70 1940 .1.17 .76 1.89 2.33 4.67 1.47 .56 6.39 .27 1.44 1.90 1.67 24.52 1941 . 1.92 .65 .48 5.57 1.61 4.85 1.67 2.40 4.13 6.68 3.52 .82 34.30 1942 .1.22 2.70 2.14 1.74 4.47 6.96 5.55 1.48 2.53 2.33 4.59 2.11 37.82 1943 . .51 .76 2.80 2.59 8.59 6.98 2.01 .39 2.00 1.59 1.59 1.21 31.02 1944 . .11 1.84 3.22 8.48 4.56 .27 1.47 5.02 3.95 1.44 1.96 1.63 33.95 1945 . .85 2.16 7.43 4.61 2.93 6.73 2.62 2.91 7.26 1.96 1.85 1.81 43.12 1946 . 1.27 2.05 1.89 2.39 5.47 2.80 2.94 6.95 2.32 3.17 5.80 2.00 39.05 Aver . . 2.08 1.73 3.10 3.57 4.05 4.09 3.13 3.49 3.41 2.71 2.49 1.93 35.69 254 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual NEWTON, Jasper county 1912 . 1.28 2.47 4.36 5.02 4.16 2.67 4.65 4.53 2.10 2.44 1.25 .76 35.69 1913 . 6.56 .94 6.30 2.16 1.39 1.12 1 . 62 3.11 2.56 4.45 5.93 1.01 37.15 1914 .2.32 3.30 1.83 2.35 .28 3.96 2.66 6.08 2.12 2.98 1.22 2.66 31.76 1915 . 3.39 2.21 .68 .60 7.64 5.84 3.61 7.97 1.39 .43 2.95 4.73 41.44 1916 . 8.18 1.04 1.59 .81 2.40 5.61 .78 2.05 1.49 1.87 1.74 1.88 29.44 1917 . 2.81 .18 3.49 6.76 5.20 5.34 .24 1.92 2.88 1.00 1926 2 56 1 96 1927 . 3.11 1.08 7.34 5.62 10.17 2.12 4.07 4.71 3.39 4.01 5.54 3.60 54.76 1928 . 1.49 5.88 3.58 2.48 2.09 9.05 3.94 6.06 2.08 5.39 2.90 2.58 47.52 1929 . 4.56 1.41 3.41 6.62 10.26 5.45 4.84 1.90 3.03 4.27 2.23 4.07 52.05 1930 . 8.59 2.68 1.07 2.21 1.65 3.35 1.32 2.81 7.96 1.16 2.20 1.03 36.03 1931 .67 2.36 3.35 2.21 3.33 2.14 2.91 7.10 4.90 2.52 5.28 5.36 42.10 1932 . 5.10 1.15 1.95 1.75 2.50 3.96 3.19 4.85 6.88 3.48 3.16 4.52 42.49 1933 . 3.18 1.73 7.88 5.04 7.43 .98 .95 1.68 4.37 1.35 .55 1.25 36.39 1934 . 2.00 .82 3.84 3.02 1.40 2.43 7.38 4.79 6.02 .87 6.30 2.28 41.15 1935 . 2.77 .72 6.92 2.17 10.40 3.46 2.34 2.50 3.65 1.33 5.50 1.09 42.85 1936 . 1.34 2.63 2.50 1.96 1.14 1.97 2.89 2.03 2.33 4.93 4.47 2.78 30.97 1937 . 9.29 1.75 2.25 5.11 3.70 4.76 4.26 1.47 2.73 4.65 1.18 3.75 44.90 1938 . 1.06 1.99 8.22 2.13 4.56 4.78 4.40 4.41 1.71 1.63 2.63 1.96 39.48 1939 . 3.99 2.79 2.51 5.80 3.37 4.34 2.10 4.43 .91 1.09 1.91 1.78 35.02 1940 . 2.00 2.07 1.89 5.27 4.10 4.09 1.87 2.29 .69 2.72 3.59 3.07 33.65 1941... . 1.31 .56 .58 3.58 2.69 9.44 2.61 1.10 2.19 7.16 3.76 1.39 36.35 1942 . 1.67 3.56 3.99 3.02 5.02 9.68 3.00 4.24 2.30 1.57 5.62 2.06 45.73 1943 . .96 .68 2.56 3.78 13.46 3.39 3.64 .03 2.30 3.09 2.33 1.97 38.19 1944..... . . .42 2.75 2.71 6.49 3.48 1.17 .87 6.71 2.62 .44 1.48 1.12 30.26 1945 .1.54 3.64 8.70 6.71 4.50 8.78 2.64 2.99 6.51 1.82 3.06 2.09 52.98 1946 . 2.13 3.42 2.11 2.37 11.07 .99 5.02 3.55 1.24 4.36 3.97 3.02 43.25 Aver . 3.14 2.07 3.68 3.66 4.90 4.26 2.99 3.67 3.10 2.80 3.12 2.45 39 84 PALESTINE, Crawford county 1882 5.60 1.92 3.27 2.17 1.68 2.02 .3.88 1883 . 2.10 8.47 3.62 3.40 2.09 4.43 8.30 1.95 .35 7.58 7.65 4.10 54.04 1884 . 1.94 4.40 1.79 3.05 5.38 5.09 3.34 1.75 5.29 1.40 2.27 5.85 41.55 1885 . 3.25 1.65 .46 4.70 2.85 3.40 2.40 3.08 8.73 2.59 2.61 2.33 38.05 1886... . 2.88 1.70 2.55 5.36 3.56 6.15 3.69 3.21 2.21 .26 5.52 2.60 39.69 1887 . 1.01 4.83 4.18 3.84 5.30 1 . 30 1 . 59 2.60 2.44 .88 4.25 3.40 35.62 1888 . 1.75 1.47 4.72 2.08 2.40 2.30 4.50 .76 2.55 5.67 2.16 1889 .2.72 2.20 1.71 1.37 4.00 5.50 2.46 2.95 5.44 2.33 5.43 1.93 38.04 1890 . 9.20 4.96 5.65 4.07 4.31 2.58 2.35 3.56 5.38 2.97 2.74 1.90 49.67 1891 2 00 5 68 4 15 1 84 76 86 6 30 1 33 1 38 5 65 2.13 1892 .1.15 4.97 1.88 9.18 6.60 3.53 2.47 3.02 1.60 1.08 4.43 2.00 41.91 1893 . 2.00 4.39 3.40 9.12 3.70 4.60 .71 2.71 3.33 3.37 3.12 1.53 41.98 1894 . 2.21 5.01 1.97 2.88 5.60 2.68 1.85 3.92 2.94 2.15 1.05 2.22 34.48 1895 . 4.37 1.66 3.65 3.43 2.05 7.04 3.10 1.46 .57 4.85 3.69 1896... . 1.00 2.47 2.19 1.07 3.90 7.33 7.76 3.22 4.30 2.60 5.30 .54 41.68 1897 . 3.38 2.95 11.02 5.60 3.45 3.61 2.08 .01 1.60 1.09 6.33 3.18 44.30 1898 .5.33 1.56 11.45 3.82 3.15 4.06 2.80 4.29 7.42 4.61 3.15 2.33 53.97 1899 . 3.74 1.95 4.96 1.91 3.28 3.40 2.98 3.12 1.47 2.99 2.13 3.62 35.55 1900 . 1.95 4.55 4.02 1.47 3.86 6.77 11.96 2.00 4.43 1.59 4.06 2.64 49.30 1901... . 1.03 2.95 5.57 2.52 1.34 6.42 .97 2.75 1.38 2.79 2.00 5.34 35.06 1902 . 2.46 1.43 3.77 2.23 4.60 7.73 1.63 6.22 3.14 2.40 3.37 3.78 42.76 1903 .2.60 3.97 4.47 5.41 .52 2.51 4.51 6.83 .73 2.66 1.95 1.42 37.58 1904 . 4.10 2.30 9.76 1.95 3.16 2.22 3.81 2.78 5.45 .10 1.10 4.48 41.21 1905 . 2.00 1.45 2.82 3.36 3.67 1.46 6.28 2.94 2.44 8.54 1.80 2.61 39.37 1906... . 4.81 2.25 5.07 1.32 1.40 1.66 3.56 9.97 4.05 1.09 5.05 3.35 43.58 1907 . 6.55 .10 5.55 3.54 4.15 4.48 4.15 7.32 .60 2.70 2.90 3.34 45.38 1908 .1.60 5.89 4.13 4.64 9.58 1.96 2.48 .87 1.78 .10 3.23 1.40 37.66 1909 4.51 3.47 3.18 6.42 5.24 .73 1.83 3.11 3.70 3.61 1910 . 2.71 3.67 .19 2.53 3.37 2.27 11.11 .59 4.51 6.64 2.45 2.19 42.23 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 255 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual PALESTINE, Crawford county, concluded 1911... . . 2.95 2.56 2.33 5.18 1.42 4.35 2.26 1.78 11.52 4.19 2.26 2.94 43.74 1912..... . . 1.23 2.16 4.17 4.53 5.69 3.62 6.83 5.30 5.30 1.62 2.59 1.30 44.34 1913 . . 7.02 1.61 8.05 2.53 .79 2.36 3.44 4.36 3.23 3.08 5.35 1.15 42.97 1914 , . 2 . 63 2.48 2.18 3.34 .61 1.41 1.24 4.26 3.33 5.20 .56 3.26 30.50 1915 . . 3.99 1.28 1.64 .95 8.28 2.36 4 . 94 6 . 74 1.74 1.32 3.15 5.19 41.58 1916... . . 9.76 1.14 1.53 1.71 3.05 8.95 .80 3.19 2.05 1.96 1.62 2.13 37.89 1917 . . 4.23 .55 3.29 7.30 3.78 4.49 4.37 2.49 1.58 4.26 .62 1.38 38.34 1918 , . 2.74 1.32 1.56 6.77 7.98 5.10 3.53 6.56 5.36 2.92 2.77 9.53 56.14 1919 , . 1.77 1.27 4.15 2.37 5.49 5.68 2.77 2.21 1.77 10.95 3.16 .83 42.42 1920 ,. 2.13 1.32 5.10 3.27 6.49 .86 3.61 4.47 2.14 2.47 1.20 3.72 36.78 1921... . . 2 . 26 .98 6.35 2.53 1.22 2.01 1.51 7.78 6.13 2.70 4.27 3.84 41.58 1922 , . 1.09 1.67 7.77 5.75 8.77 2.65 2.47 2.98 .75 1.94 1.60 4.72 42.16 1923 . . 2.54 1.24 5.08 3.39 4.16 2.96 .48 5.87 2.27 3.41 1.88 4.22 37.50 1924 . . 2.37 1.78 2.41 1.30 4.16 3.34 1.36 2.74 5.39 .52 .78 4.12 30.27 1925 ,. .33 1.91 1.36 1.84 2.21 3.28 1.62 3.08 4.15 3.37 4.59 2.44 30.18 1926 . . 2 . 77 3.25 3.62 3.95 1.63 1.34 2 . 66 9 . 24 7.60 3.05 2.17 2.24 43.52 1927 3 99 1 49 5 90 5 87 11 23 2 49 2 41 1 86 1928 3 68 7 99 1.11 2.49 1 63 4 04 3 33 1929 . . 4.98 1.87 3.62 5.10 9.80 5.67 3.82 1.15 2.39 3.01 1.60 3.93 46.94 1930 5 88 2 42 3 30 1 11 3 34 02 2 16 4 73 1 13 98 1931... . . .73 1.58 3.26 2 . 20 2 . 63 1 76 3 68 2.05 2.95 2.91 5.65 1932 1.07 1.39 2 . 64 .93 3.82 1.88 6.41 7.33 3.96 3.08 4.39 1933 . . 3.47 1.78 5.83 4.70 11.73 .64 .83 2.16 4.11 2.92 .85 2.08 40.10 1934 . . 1.44 .93 2.89 1.52 1.73 3.51 5.43 2.75 6.72 .64 3.56 2.75 33.87 1935 . . 3.36 .41 6.84 2.14 9.57 6.24 1.48 3.01 3.72 5.59 4.26 1.04 47.66 1936... .1.15 1.90 2.29 3.61 1.09 1.39 2.40 1.53 3.78 5.04 3.98 2.60 30.76 1937 . . 9.97 1.59 1.62 5.52 4.10 3.96 3.16 3.74 2.04 7.30 .97 3.88 47.85 1938 . . 1.68 1.94 6.81 2.22 6.45 8.67 6.07 6.17 2.47 1.38 4.87 1.72 50.45 1939 . . 4.83 2.94 2.48 5.72 1.35 6.89 5.94 2.35 .83 1.92 1.40 1.70 38.35 1940 . . 1 . 53 2.44 1.47 5.45 3.62 3.46 1.68 2.27 1.33 1.34 3.50 2.55 30.64 1941... 88 .63 .65 2.74 2.56 5.15 2.58 1.35 3.11 5.47 3.39 2.72 31.23 1942 . 1.49 2.70 5.31 3.29 4.70 7.97 6.61 5.29 2.31 1.85 5.28 1.87 48.67 1943 . . 1.12 1.53 2.19 2.50 10.25 1.63 2.01 .24 4.23 1.61 2.56 2.15 33.02 1944 . . .55 3.18 2.87 8.31 2.03 2.71 .68 6.38 .94 1.87 2.39 1.43 33.34 1945 . . 1.48 3 70 10.06 6.28 4.21 10.23 3.31 3.70 8.38 1.55 3.35 2.64 58.89 1946 . . 1.99 3.12 1.32 2.49 8.92 4.32 2.25 4.49 1.95 3.57 5.79 3.10 43.31 Aver . . 2 . 95 2.47 3.95 3.68 4.22 4.06 3 . 29 3 . 60 3.40 2.87 3.24 2.87 40.60 PANA, Christian county 1882 3 68 15 2 00 2 75 1.50 1883 . 1.28 4.50 1.00 2.00 4.31 3.15 5.75 1.50 .75 8.00 3.72 .82 36.78 1884 . . 1.06 4.00 1.50 2.58 2.25 3.49 4.00 1.25 7.33 2.50 2.00 4.88 36.84 1885 . . 2.60 .88 .18 5.11 5.41 10.50 6.61 3.59 7.00 5.33 1.33 1.65 50.19 1886... . 1.68 2.35 2.28 3.07 5.50 5.58 1.50 7.16 8.74 .16 3.39 1.67 43.08 1887 . . .65 6.08 3.41 5.68 6.50 1.66 3.05 5.35 5.08 1.33 7.58 6.41 52.78 1888 . . 3.08 3.74 6.08 3.50 6.08 8.74 5.73 6.66 1.66 5.83 6.25 5.58 62.93 1889 . . 2.73 2.05 3.25 1.25 6.83 4.68 2.24 .08 4.57 2.75 8.16 4.33 42.92 1890 ..11.65 2.01 6.08 3.04 3.57 5.25 3.33 3.66 4.66 1.16 3.50 1.12 49.03 1891 . . .56 2.64 4.32 4.16 .66 6 25 6 50 1 00 2 26 10 09 1.79 1892 . . 2.11 5.61 3.32 11.99 8.57 2.76 6.49 6.07 3.25 1.57 7.25 4.33 63.32 1893 . . . . .48 4 60 3 77 1 60 2 99 2 49 30 2 74 28 * * * * * * * , , 1898... .... 6 . 49 2.31 2.34 3.17 3 90 4.85 2.48 1.33 1899 . . 2.00 1.91 3.44 1.38 6.84 4.01 1.44 2.44 1.35 3.97 1.72 3.00 33.50 1900 . . .51 5.31 1.66 1.32 2.30 6.17 5.49 1.98 3.36 2.00 3.63 1.21 34.94 1901... .1.64 1.92 3.71 2.19 3.61 3.94 1.08 2.66 1.73 2.64 1.70 3.16 29.98 1902 . . 1.47 .96 3.83 2.94 1.71 10.43 1.48 5.51 4.01 2.32 3.16 3.68 41.50 1903 . . 1.43 4.15 2.84 3.66 1.95 3.25 3.53 4.83 2.41 2.24 .42 1.99 32.70 1904 . . 2.85 1.19 7.86 4.48 2.00 3.50 6.39 4.20 4.26 .54 .10 1.34 38.71 1905 . . 2.16 1.17 1.49 2.31 3.65 2.29 6.88 1.66 3.32 5.45 1.95 2.27 33.60 256 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual PANA, Christian county, concluded 1906 . 2.78 2.33 4.75 3.94 2.46 3.87 .89 3.18 7.18 1.03 4.86 2.99 40.26 1907 . 6.18 .66 2.61 3.02 3.78 4.85 5.93 5.91 1.01 1.95 1.95 3.97 41.82 1908 . 1.97 5.87 2.37 5.42 10.21 2.38 2.48 1.60 1.05 .13 3.09 1.55 38.12 1909 . 2.72 5.05 1.68 6.25 3.96 3.71 8.82 1.74 3.73 3.20 4.48 2.53 47.87 1910 . 1.90 2.33 .40 3.49 6.06 2.52 4.30 6.71 5.95 2.11 1.96 1.05 38.78 1911 . 2.93 2.87 1.91 5.14> 1.12 4.63 1.55 4.65 10.87 2.61 2.59 2.03 42.90 1912 . 1.24 1.87 4.78 5.10 3.65 3.14 3.69 2.29 .80 2.84 1.85 .99 32.24 1913 1.46 6.46 79 1.94 1.48 4.19 4.40 .42 1914 . 2.15 .63 2.14 .70 1.21 2.34 2.37 3.73 2.46 1.16 2.02 1915 . 2.33 2.53 .77 3.01 8.20 6.80 4.58 11.23 2.12 .66 1.15 3.90 47.28 1916... . 8.36 1.12 1.22 1.44 3.14 6.47 1.58 1.62 2.13 2.66 2.13 2.59 34.46 1917 . 1.45 .95 2.36 3.97 5.77 6.23 1.83 6.07 2.81 3.52 .25 .86 36.07 1918 . 2.09 1.99 .46 6.23 6.86 3.75 2.81 5.80 6.74 3.86 2.03 3.04 45.66 1919 . .37 1.75 2.65 1.50 4.97 4.83 1.54 2.23 3.67 8.75 3.47 .60 36.33 1920 . 1.16 1.62 5.37 1.81 5.84 1.95 1.71 3.39 3.48 1.11 .50 2.65 30.59 1921... . 1.30 .79 5.73 4.47 1.95 4.89 3.41 6.98 1.88 4.58 2.87 1922 . 1.33 1.09 7.18 8.32 3.45 1.55 4.00 2.07 .55 2.45 2.49 3.72 38.20 1923 .1.55 1.22 5.33 2.89 3.34 3.09 2.17 3.47 5.43 4.08 1.99 4.94 39.50 1924 . 2.44 1.72 2.55 1.55 3.76 6 39 4.39 3.07 3.45 .98 1.50 4.81 36.61 1925 . .40 1.62 4.22 1.81 1 . 56 5.56 3.61 3.27 2.14 2.95 3.22 1.24 31.60 1926 . 1.39 2.88 2.48 2.80 1.99 4.06 1.57 2.18 10.69 5.70 2.91 1.45 40.10 1927 . 2.40 .77 5.06 7.90 10.71 3.83 3.05 4.46 5.25 5.04 6.21 2.60 57.28 1928 . 1.70 2.62 1.97 2.67 3.91 7.95 3 . 34 1 . 64 2.38 4.62 1.57 2.59 36.96 1929 . 3.17 .70 3.97 4.93 9.38 4.34 7.39 2.48 1.41 3.82 .86 3.62 46.07 1930 . 6.07 1.31 1.58 2.13 1.29 3.65 1 . 23 .93 2.39 1.90 2.14 .44 25.06 1931... .20 1.40 2.20 3.75 2.73 2.11 2.18 3.42 4.09 4.12 2.89 2.88 31.97 1932 . 3.28 2.35 .72 1.94 2.22 6.66 2.87 8.37 1.22 3.84 1.64 3.29 38.40 1933 . 2.43 1.23 3.03 3.48 10.27 1.69 .74 4.66 3.44 3.70 .65 1.28 36.60 1934 . 1.47 1.08 1.71 1.16 .64 2.59 2.96 6.55 4.97 1.59 3.55 1.81 30.08 1935 . 1.20 1.32 4.23 2.05 7.68 2.52 3.56 .45 3.87 2.55 3.54 1.31 34.28 1936 . 2.02 1.77 2.23 2.89 1.03 1.24 .39 3.45 4.77 3.38 2.78 3.13 29.08 1937 . 5.22 1.35 .91 4.60 2.77 5.40 4.98 2.89 2.86 5.61 1.97 1.91 40.47 1938 . 1.27 2.46 8.64 2.98 4.58 3.38 1.93 3.67 1.78 1.22 2.09 2.30 36.30 1939 . 3.70 3.69 2.98 4.35 1.17 4.89 1.37 11.72 .86 .62 1.58 1.62 38.55 1940 . .73 1.37 1.26 3.38 3.88 3.83 1.79 3.70 .11 1.21 2.62 2.24 26.12 1941... . 2.12 .80 .68 5.52 2.20 4.52 3.11 3.20 7.73 9.06 3.37 .98 43.29 1942 . 1.41 2.57 2.30 2.25 4.85 7.34 6.28 2.12 3.24 2.54 6.08 2.75 43.73 1943 . .66 .88 3.04 2.86 10,56 3.25 2.45 .55 1.70 1.78 1.89 1.21 30.83 1944 . .08 2.66 2.71 7.75 8.21 .97 2.57 4.18 3.51 .74 2.12 1.20 36.70 1945 . .50 2.01 7.51 4.47 3.84 7.88 1.03 5.38 7.86 2.07 2.84 2.28 47.67 1946 . 1.76 2.61 3.17 2.51 7.89 4.23 1.92 9.51 1.93 2.77 5.48 2.48 46.26 Aver .2.20 2.27 3.15 3.66 4.39 4.28 3.21 3.92 3.61 2.93 2.99 2.40 39 01 PARIS, Edgar county 1887 . 1.40 4.19 2.40 2.78 5.03 34 .81 3.40 3.74 .72 6.47 4.39 35.67 1888 . 2.75 2.10 3.52 2.52 4.35 4.62 2.94 4.09 2.44 2.66 4.78 2.32 39 09 1892 1 31 09 7 50 10 70 4 50 3 50 1893 6.26 4.70 4.24 1.19 .38 3.24 1.41 3.10 1.69 1894 . 2.95 2.64 3.80 2.17 3.31 1.78 1.74 2.00 3.78 .69 3.45 1.51 29.82 1895 . 1.71 1.12 .91 3.87 .88 2.21 2.95 1.65 2.46 .28 4.84 3.05 25.93 1896 1 28 5 92 5 45 8 39 5.41 5.94 1.96 1897 2.99 4.63 2.04 5.60 2.70 .53 .38 .25 6.41 2.93 1898 . 4.29 1.69 8.34 2.41 3.05 3.84 1.67 3.31 4.71 3.73 2.30 1.37 40.71 1899 . 2.97 2.22 2.73 .90 4.90 2.04 3.99 3.09 .92 3.59 2.83 1900 . .80 1.63 2.05 2.17 6.37 4.35 4.75 3.13 4.04 3.64 .98 1901... . 1.48 1.65 3.87 2.82 2.78 7.43 2.07 2.53 1.56 3.61 2.19 3.54 35.53 1902 . .87 1.20 2.93 1.56 4.97 9.04 4.26 4.71 3.31 2.11 4.22 3.89 43.07 1903 .1.10 2.45 2.73 4.54 1.21 1.10 3.43 3.48 .71 2.24 .56 .29 23.84 1904 . 1.25 2.97 3.58 2.32 1.57 3.20 4.64 1.01 .30 2.26 1905 . 1.26 2.03 1.98 3.75 4.91 .45 5.31 3.43 4.36 3.73 2.39 2.42 36.02 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 257 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual PARIS, Edgar county, concluded 1906 . 4.99 .65 5.30 1.57 1.03 2.54 2.95 3.27 3.93 .42 3.80 3.29 33.74 1907 5 26 .07 3.05 2.50 2.53 .... .70 2.79 3.47 3.10 1908 .1.53 5.11 4.64 5.57 9.27 2.48 2.75 .80 1.79 .20 3.05 1.12 38.31 1909 . 2.76 5.18 2.40 6.67 3.78 4.66 4.96 1.18 3.14 3.25 3.24 2.92 44.14 1910 . 2.60 2.82 .23 3.59 4.13 3.00 5.30 1.63 4.66 3.90 2.65 1.25 35.76 1911 . 3.50 2.16 2.41 5.74 1.45 3.93 1.79 2.28 11.43 2.57 3.00 1.90 42.16 1912 . 1.09 1.22 4.24 5.19 4.59 2.46 8.56 5.81 2.65 1.01 2.15 .68 39.65 1913 . 7.42 1.39 7.09 2.46 2.31 .95 2.92 2.06 3.62 4.33 4.03 1.49 40.07 1914 . 1.23 2.67 1.85 2.61 1.40 2.18 3.11 3.59 2.73 3.10 1.74 1.82 28.03 1915 .1.51 1.12 .78 1.13 6.38 1.75 6.89 6.62 4.71 1.87 2.84 1.66 37.26 1916 . 6.58 .63 2.54 1.15 5.19 7.21 3.04 2.18 1.72 1.36 1.77 3.52 36.89 1917 . .97 .87 3.73 3.08 7.96 6.77 3.58 3.18 3.73 5.67 .13 1.11 40.78 1918 . 3.22 .81 1.34 6.85 3.67 4.99 1.96 3.02 6.52 2.28 2.52 5.32 42.50 1919 . .72 1.80 7.01 1.69 5.41 3.71 .62 2.41 3.68 8.43 2.90 .14 38.52 1920 1.15 4 23 3 61 4.29 3 04 2 60 1.12 2 73 3 42 1 20 3 67 1921... . 2.42 .60 5.36 3.35 2.73 3.72 2.16 6.93 4.11 4.09 1922 . 1.02 1.02 9.62 9.93 1.95 4.47 1.38 1923 . 2.12 1.30 4.81 3.57 4.79 2.77 3.81 7.64 3.20 4.02 1.89 3.67 43.59 1924 .2.60 1.91 2.78 .... 5 . 49 1 . 94 .65 7.80 3.47 .54 1.55 6 42 1925 . .44 .92 5.89 1.02 .85 10.43 3.03 3.93 4.34 2.77 3.47 1.34 38.43 1926... . 1.92 3.56 2.31 3.53 3.64 2.17 2.22 2.88 9.87 3.94 2.18 1.33 39.55 1927 . 1.90 1.17 4.94 6.68 6.17 4.27 3.35 4.42 4.84 3.57 4.78 2.81 48.90 1928 .1.64 4.26 1.62 2.31 3.63 6.95 2.50 3.70 2.13 3.40 2.25 2.18 36.57 1929 . 3.52 .70 3.51 6.22 8.85 4.40 3.34 .59 2.96 3.76 2.76 4.25 44.86 1930 . 7.56 1.93 .99 2.80 1.10 2.71 1.10 2.31 4.20 1.95 1.87 .35 28.87 1931... . 1.08 1.69 2.99 2.72 3.59 4.08 2.27 4.22 9.54 3.98 4.19 3.32 43.67 1932 . 3.67 1.34 1.52 1.20 1.78 4.11 1.97 3.28 1.42 3.05 3.25 3.75 30.34 1933 . 2.94 1.99 4.56 2.92 8.63 .90 1.18 2.94 3.31 2.53 .74 2.23 34.87 1934 . 2.30 .92 3.65 2.09 .87 2.39 4.97 5.15 6.77 .63 6.36 2.05 38.15 1935 . 3.18 .59 3.24 1.43 9.63 4.29 3.24 2.90 2.65 1.84 3.79 1.57 38.35 1936 . 1.49 2.04 2.41 4.53 1.93 .36 3.49 .92 3.98 3.92 2.55 3.10 30.72 1937 . 6.94 1.74 1.88 4.72 2.83 5.96 2.88 1.95 2.73 6.47 1.76 2.42 42.28 1938 . 1.26 2.23 8.79 3.45 5.13 7.56 6.17 6.10 .89 1.17 2.23 1.85 46.83 1939 . 4.75 3.45 3.86 5.94 1.08 7.01 3.87 5.83 .80 2.30 1.39 1.24 41.52 1940 . 1.48 1.07 1.89 4.70 5.74 2.93 2.06 2.20 1.23 1.91 3.79 2.61 31.61 1941 . . . . 1.39 .81 .72 4.25 2.03 10.49 1.63 1.74 4.12 7.43 4.64 1.50 40.75 1942 . 1.01 3.70 3.67 2.83 4.69 7.06 5.02 .82 1.80 2.07 4.69 2.08 39.44 1943 . .98 .82 3.07 2.29 13.50 3.65 2.29 1.50 4.07 2.15 2.88 1.57 38.77 1944 . .32 2.31 3.02 7.24 5.95 1.51 1.82 3.82 2.20 .73 2.00 1.63 32.55 1945 . .67 2.02 7.41 4.20 4.11 8.75 1.41 4.21 5.87 2.71 3.37 1.37 46.13 1946 .1.83 3.61 1.37 1.50 9.06 3.82 1.71 2.68 2.04 2.44 3.93 2.36 36.35 Aver . 2 44 1.88 3.42 3.59 4.34 4.10 3.13 3.22 3.55 2.70 3.00 2.36 37.73 PEORIA, Peoria county 1856... .80 1.03 .25 .86 4.08 1.50 2.83 1.39 .78 1.66 4.00 6.13 25.31 1857 . .37 5.33 3.84 1.39 2.80 2.77 1.40 5.61 2.16 2.01 1.35 1.50 30.53 1858 . 1.48 1.95 3.28 6.25 10.64 5.95 5.75 3.24 2.96 3.24 4.85 3.67 53.26 1859 .1.50 1.42 5.83 2.60 3.17 2.18 .67 4.14 2.84 2.15 2.40 1.23 30.13 1860 . 1.86 2.40 1.13 1.64 2.00 4.95 8.87 2.39 2.11 .70 3.13 3.08 34.26 1861... . 1.25 2.46 3.96 4.95 2.19 2.31 2.31 2.78 3.72 2.33 1.09 .94 30.29 1862 . 4.27 .70 2.71 5.03 1.46 3.67 7.74 9.04 5.09 1.61 1.81 5.20 48.33 1863 . 2.83 3.20 2.60 1.52 2.97 .45 4.82 2.24 2.51 3.92 .71 4.49 32.26 1864 . 1.42 .41 2.20 4.81 1.88 2.55 2.92 1.56 4.71 1.53 3.82 3.06 30.87 1865 . .22 4.01 3.57 4.27 2.34 1.86 5.77 3.61 8.31 1.67 .31 1.06 37.00 1866... . 3.21 1.10 2.54 2.65 2.57 2.61 5.17 3.97 6.50 2.87 .51 2.05 35.75 1867 . 1.36 2.88 1.74 1.57 4.40 2.92 2.65 2.26 .60 1.10 1.93 1.21 24.62 1868 . .77 .75 5.38 3.18 7. 85 1.43 1.47 2.74 4.46 1.41 4.50 1.81 35.75 1869 . .99 2.62 1.71 3.59 6.09 8.35 7.35 3.39 .74 1.53 3.13 2.63 42.12 1870 . 2.05 .33 4.37 .45 1.62 .75 .68 3.26 3.56 4.27 1.21 1.12 23.67 1871... . 2.45 1.62 3.24 2.58 1.93 3.47 4.03 4.95 .65 3.37 2.09 2.04 32.42 1872 . .20 .69 2.53 2.95 2.38 9.76 7.80 4.54 4.13 .80 2.00 1.07 38.85 1873 . 3.47 1.29 1.30 4.76 4.78 2.96 4.25 1.25 3.65 2.26 1.46 7.15 38.58 1874 . 3.04 1.45 1.11 2.90 2.51 1.95 1.46 5.60 1.15 1.00 2.20 .67 25.04 1875 .32 2.20 2.05 2.00 4.23 3.00 8.28 1.02 9.61 3.46 .71 2.39 39.27 258 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual PEORIA, Peoria county, continued 1876 . 2.63 2.00 4.70 2.66 3.94 6.17 5.54 3.14 4.51 4.86 2.63 .28 43.06 1877 . .92 .06 3.32 2.86 2.57 9.43 3.01 2.04 2.83 5.68 3.65 3.45 39.82 1878 . .50 2.25 2.10 3 75 4.45 3.94 2.58 4.42 .97 3.96 .91 2.08 31.91 1879 . 1.05 .97 1.80 2.95 .93 3.23 3.42 1.88 3.72 2.17 4.93 1.92 28.97 1880 . 3.38 3.95 3.30 5.94 6.73 2.32 3.17 3.38 3.09 1.75 1.92 .96 39.89 1881 . . . .52 3.51 3.52 1.62 '3.60 7.20 2.43 1.38 4.05 5.56 4.26 3.50 41.15 1882 . 1.27 3.21 3.12 2.41 6.34 11.18 2.91 1.92 1.43 3.76 2.08 1.76 41.39 1883 . 1.31 4.14 .77 6.18 6.54 4.39 3.57 .57 2.93 3.57 4.19 1.37 39.53 1884 . .70 3.18 2.17 2.62 5.50 3.87 3.67 4.13 5.76 4.80 2.19 3.21 41.80 1885 . 2.63 2.24 .87 4.44 1.70 4.07 3.73 2.64 5.28 2.32 1.04 2.44 33.40 1886... . 2.41 1.86 2.25 2.75 2.90 3.67 .47 3.30 4.68 1.81 1.34 .89 28.33 1887 . 1.10 5.45 .94 1.53 1 . 24 1 . 53 2.85 2.72 2.53 2.14 1.62 3.65 27.30 1888 . 1.87 1.66 4.03 1.18 6.72 1.84 6.48 2.30 4.79 2.29 2.67 2.39 38.22 1889 .1.70 .84 1.50 2.79 3.92 6.48 7.64 1.23 2.61 2.28 2.91 1.33 35.23 1890 . 2.80 1.36 2.73 91 33 2.74 2.42 .72 2.39 2.12 3.45 1.79 .41 25.26 1891... . 1.69 1.90 2.68 3.64 1.97 3.31 2.82 5.71 2.00 .71 4.08 2.40 32.91 1892 .1.25 1.78 2.45 4.54 7.70 6.05 3.08 .73 2.35 1.20 2.72 1.75 35.60 1893 .1.15 2.92 3.01 7.86 4.65 1.82 2.48 .44 3. 02 .70 2.21 1.74 32.00 1894 .2.60 1.48 3.06 2.22 3.58 4.18 1.00 2.50 4.42 1.45 2.92 1.58 30.99 1895 . 1.32 .37 1.02 2.89 1.84 1.67 8.72 2.27 4.92 .67 4.17 5.86 35.72 1896 . 1.30 1.95 1.05 4.47 5.74 2.23 7.02 4.69 4.86 .23 2.20 .40 36.14 1897 . 5.39 1.19 4.70 2.87 1.29 2.11 4.65 1.02 .93 .04 3.48 1.16 28.83 1898 . 4.08 2.59 5.74 3.02 5.54 3.37 .47 3.26 6.05 3.00 2.03 .93 40.08 1899 . .72 1.96 2.97 1.36 6.03 2.60 1.69 1.27 5.24 2.78 2.25 2.12 30.99 1900 . 1.92 5.64 1.42 1.09 5.54 1.44 2.45 5.39 2.94 2.90 1.87 .39 32.99 1901... . 1.98 1.24 4.31 .81 1.50 4.32 3.97 1.29 2.64 .90 .80 2.26 26.02 1902 . .62 1.41 2.71 2.29 2.99 9.60 7.30 7.42 6.84 3.78 2.83 1.54 49.33 1903 . .89 1.70 3.66 5.15 4.22 2.39 4.91 7.22 5.78 2.13 .85 .95 39.85 1904 .1.87 1.29 4.42 3.48 4.06 2.44 5.58 4.13 6.67 .10 .12 1.33 35.49 1905 . 1.15 1.45 2.00 3.99 4.53 5.13 4.24 1.36 1.78 2.77 2.45 1.60 32.45 1906... . 1.70 1.85 2.55 2.77 2.88 3.24 2.48 1.59 4.92 1.00 2.42 1.65 29.05 1907 . 5.39 .14 2.34 2.82 2.08 3.99 4.89 6.60 2.94 .35 1.68 1.66 34.88 1908 . .59 3.98 2.50 4.08 7.76 4.09 3.94 2.78 .82 .71 1.89 .82 33.96 1909 . 1.55 3.67 1.81 7.17 3.72 3.56 4.57 .79 3.68 3.59 5.53 2.50 42.14 1910 . 1.97 1.10 .52 3.56 4.49 .78 3.23 .68 3.12 1.69 .79 1.25 23.18 1911... . 2.37 2.39 2.64 2.69 1.03 6.64 2.58 1.73 12.30 2.65 3.01 2.13 42.16 1912 . .35 1.21 2.03 6.88 4.39 1.86 5.04 1.67 3.54 4.03 1.56 1.13 33.69 1913 . 2.18 3.00 3.46 3.54 1.85 2.50 .46 2.87 2.58 3.11 2.77 .74 29.06 1914 . 1.93 1.36 1.60 2.10 2.28 2.45 .82 2.40 5.55 2.15 .20 1.81 24.65 1915 . 1.89 2.71 .67 1.60 11.49 2.08 6.91 4.78 4.88 .55 2.29 1.66 41.51 1916... . 5.95 .29 2.33 1.60 7.51 2.55 1.14 6.03 3.73 2.93 1.88 1.75 37.69 1917 .1.86 .27 2.26 4.54 2.40 7.43 1.92 3.36 3.14 2.23 .07 .63 30.11 1918 .1.58 1.64 .91 3.70 3.02 4.69 3.46 5.88 1.67 2.97 3.18 2.80 35.50 1919 . .07 2.32 4.52 2.35 3.79 3.96 3.09 4.73 3.48 2.12 2.91 .30 33.64 1920 . .93 .27 5.84 6.12 3.03 2.18 1.56 1.87 1.84 1.93 1.22 1.87 28.66 1921... . 1.39 .29 4.89 6.36 2.13 2.17 3.95 3.86 4.86 2.97 3.43 2.91 39.21 1922 .1.69 1.98 5.09 3.62 4.60 .99 3.06 .72 2.71 2.02 3.67 1.38 31.53 1923 .1.10 .83 4.08 1.95 5.15 2.09 1.35 2.84 5.28 3.85 1.37 2.21 32.10 1924 . 1.72 1.64 2.28 2.13 1.91 8.08 5.59 7.15 3.74 1.27 .52 2.40 38.43 1925 . .48 1.99 1.58 1.68 1.53 3.15 3.93 4.27 4.99 2.49 2.70 1.12 29.91 1926... . 1.39 2.42 2.35 2.60 2.18 5.63 5.94 6.79 11.55 2.62 5.41 1.12 50.00 1927 . 1.76 2.85 4.55 4.87 9.22 5.71 4.94 1.45 5.82 4.20 3.38 2.91 51.66 1928 . .36 1.73 .96 2.84 3.21 6.60 4.35 3.62 3.18 3.66 3.97 2.53 37.01 1929 . 3.98 .58 4.57 4.56 5.03 4.44 5.76 3.02 1.04 3.89 1.72 1.07 39.66 1930 . 2.81 2.10 1.55 3.58 1.07 2.53 1.02 1.56 1.31 3.14 3.07 .29 24.03 1931... .48 .83 2.50 2.23 5.14 2.29 5.91 2.49 4.92 3.15 5.55 2.26 37.75 1932 . 2.51 1.40 2.51 1.99 3.61 4.75 3.41 3.14 1.78 3.18 .94 4.46 33.68 1933 .1.69 1.33 4.70 3.05 7.97 1.15 1.93 2.66 5.92 2.23 .26 1.18 34.07 1934 . 1.05 .77 1.76 1.13 .47 2.82 5.44 2.30 6.57 1.97 4.81 1.34 30.43 1935 . 1.93 2.83 3.32 2.91 8.58 6.62 2.64 .98 3.33 1.59 4.03 1.39 40.15 1936... . . 1.79 1.63 1.80 1.64 1.72 .45 1.24 2.27 10.58 3.35 1.18 3.26 30.91 1937 . 2.86 2.46 1.02 4.42 3.22 4.87 2.32 1 . 55 1 . 14 2.69 1.28 2.06 29.89 1938 . 4.32 2.21 4.42 3.80 5.72 6.76 6.34 3.01 2.12 .84 1.65 1.43 42.62 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 259 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual PEORIA, Peoria county, concluded 1939 . 3.40 2.88 3.24 5.16 4.48 5.53 4.80 2.38 .85 3.80 1.14 .61 38.27 1940 . .84 .86 2.10 3.85 3.55 3.30 .50 3.29 1.16 3.13 1.89 1.67 24.16 1941 .3.56 1.01 1.86 4.40 5.64 3.16 1.89 2.07 4.87 10.53 2.02 1.38 42.39 1942 . 1.22 4.95 2.58 3.51 3.28 4.84 3.88 2.13 3.34 .96 4.72 2.45 37.86 1943 .1.84 .99 2.28 5.38 7.35 3.49 2.56 4.63 .88 1.60 1.23 .58 32.81 1944 . .57 1.74 5.92 8.32 4.12 2.72 1.73 2.86 4.49 1.23 1.33 .90 35.93 1945 . .49 1.24 3.90 5.58 4.90 5.66 .57 1.11 7.36 .74 2.19 2.39 36.13 1946 . 2.63 .58 4.22 1.55 5.06 7.41 .79 3.40 2.32 3.88 5.29 1.76 38.89 Aver . 1.81 1.91 2.79 3.34 4.02 3.84 3.63 3.06 3.81 2.46 2.38 1.96 35.01 QUINCY, Adams county 1906... .1.33 2.08 2.98 2.60 2.66 3.17 .43 6.30 4.10 .66 1.72 1.85 29.88 1907 . 5.11 .26 2.45 1.59 1.60 3.27 4.97 4.34 .84 .99 1.22 2.35 28.99 1908 . 1.03 4.23 .58 2.17 5.89 4.63 3.06 1.76 2.31 .76 3.82 .47 30.71 1909 .1.99 3.40 1.93 5.24 6.55 1.98 6.80 .07 3.72 2.98 1.57 3.38 39.61 1910 . 1.41 .47 .17 2.40 4.58 1.08 11.10 .75 5.17 1.25 .10 .22 28.70 1911 . 2.45 2.55 2.31 3.55 1.76 2.72 5.02 1.29 15.71 1.76 1.92 2.63 43.67 1912 . .29 1.70 2.13 3.88 3.44 2 . 53 .69 3.97 2.09 3.69 2.72 .60 27.73 1913 . 1.66 2.73 3.24 3.12 2.90 5.86 .79 1.35 1.85 1.94 1.94 1.60 28.98 1914 . .87 2.32 2.82 2.93 .90 1.36 2.19 3.99 5.15 2.54 T 1.88 26.95 1915 . 2.12 1.96 .98 1.43 6.17 8.56 8.51 4.78 7.78 .54 2.77 2.57 48.17 1916 . 6.56 .50 1.04 1.79 8.92 4.82 T 6.01 2.90 1.91 2.06 .98 37.49 1917 . .86 .05 3.04 4.96 4.25 9 . 23 1 . 68 1.55 3.21 .86 .06 .68 30.43 1918 . 1.22 1.14 .28 4.00 5.39 2.92 1.69 3.03 3.74 2.29 2.32 2.02 30.04 1919 . .28 1.98 1.44 2.10 9.50 5.09 2.21 3.65 3.70 2.31 2.98 .22 35.46 1920 . .85 .26 4.93 5.18 4.93 4.99 5.79 .56 4.77 1.10 1.21 .90 35.47 1921 . 1.76 .41 3.48 5.20 2.58 3.82 2.04 3.64 8.10 1.52 1.21 1.30 35.06 1922 . 1.32 1.41 4.49 3.75 2.92 .63 3.97 2.68 4.24 1.17 5.88 .51 32.97 1923 . .86 .48 4.08 1.87 3.25 4.56 1.22 3.59 6.24 2.81 1.34 1.90 32.20 1924 . 1.30 1.50 2.64 1.57 3.85 6.29 2.59 3.41 2.63 2.80 .65 2.78 32.01 1925 . .33 1.90 1.93 2.73 2.32 4.70 4.67 5.89 5.32 3.82 2.54 2.04 38.19 1926 .1.34 1.98 2.97 3.19 2.08 7.68 1.81 5.83 11.64 3.36 3.23 .91 46.02 1927 .1.58 1.25 4.29 6.28 4.50 4.83 3.50 1.52 2.98 4.34 2.56 2.95 40.58 1928 . .49 1.93 .88 3.58 2.10 5.44 1.08 4.54 3.22 4.14 5.62 1.50 34.52 1929 . 3.84 .80 5.19 6.98 5.73 5.42 6.14 3.58 3.00 3.93 1.60 .75 46.96 1930 . 3.31 1.02 1.46 .79 2.70 5.09 .39 1.06 1.85 2.65 4.43 .62 25.37 1931 . .35 1.55 3.28 1.95 5.08 7.88 4.28 3.06 7.51 5.16 3.37 1.94 45.41 1932 . 1.61 1.11 1.84 1 . 53 1 . 57 8.97 3.59 8.78 4.66 2.20 1.21 4.36 41.43 1933 . 2.68 1.04 2.42 2.56 6.94 3.24 1.72 2.85 2.07 1.25 .22 1.63 28.62 1934 . .85 1.34 2.40 1.69 1.42 1.87 .31 2.52 6.23 2.16 5.67 1.31 27.77 1935 . 2.14 1.62 2.68 4.24 13.70 5.71 5.96 1.73 2.86 1.17 4.97 .92 47.70 1936 . 1.52 3.18 .88 1 . 25 2 . 39 1.46 .45 .77 9.88 2.78 .99 2.09 27.64 1937 . 4.26 1.10 .59 3.33 2.54 2.09 5.48 3.91 1.68 1.46 1.18 1.88 29.50 1938 . 3.62 2.23 3.81 3.64 6.36 5.09 3.42 5.14 1.25 2.11 5.11 2.30 44.08 1939 . 1.40 1.75 3.29 5.31 2.72 5.24 2.01 10.76 .14 1.32 1.36 1.18 36.48 1940 . 1.81 1.23 2.56 2.99 1.25 3.89 .41 5.90 .34 3.48 2.44 1.41 27.71 1941 . 3.85 .54 .73 3.85 1.42 5.91 2.56 2.96 5.38 10.34 2.17 1.60 41.31 1942 . .53 3.47 1.80 5.23 4.42 6.53 3.35 5.71 3.80 .97 5.77 3.19 44.77 1943 . .89 .78 1.63 2.70 8.17 3.37 4.24 6.40 2.29 2.73 .80 2.01 36.01 1944 . .34 1.88 4.85 7.97 2.84 1.12 1.27 5.65 7.02 3.45 3.51 1.35 41.25 1945 . 1.27 1.14 6.32 4.88 4.24 8.55 .68 1.12 10.53 1.02 1.22 1.87 42.84 1946 . 2.59 .61 2.08 3.66 6.42 3.48 1.91 6.51 2.76 5.53 3.82 1.90 41.27 Aver .1.80 1.53 2.51 3.41 4.22 4.51 3.02 3.73 4.50 2.52 2.42 1.67 35.84 ROBERTS, Ford county 1911... 3 . 90 1 . 64 1 59 7 77 3.75 1 82 1912 .89 1.21 1.95 4.82 3.36 2.72 5.09 3.50 1.20 3.19 2.65 .76 31.34 1913 . 2.80 .93 6.47 2.55 2.65 2.49 1.66 2.18 1.79 3.06 2.29 .84 29.71 1914 . 1.41 1.89 1.64 2.23 4.47 1.89 .41 3.52 1.84 1.30 .55 2.30 23.45 1915 . 1.47 2.15 .79 2.43 5.19 3.06 8.68 2.99 5.28 .23 1.38 1.73 35.38 1916 . 4.98 .75 1.37 .92 8.80 3.94 1.45 2.52 2.50 2.33 2.06 2.36 33.98 1917 . 1.05 .36 2.37 4.91 2.82 7.55 3.09 5.48 1.87 2.41 .12 .81 32.84 1918 . 2.44 1.75 1.12 5.10 4.18 3.98 3.96 2.51 3.48 3.24 1.66 4.33 37.75 1919 . .14 1.91 2.47 1.66 3.42 3.74 2.41 2.58 1.99 3.18 2.82 .14 26.46 1920 .87 .19 3.28 6.59 2.49 .79 1.47 1.18 .95 1.44 1.05 2.81 23.11 260 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual ROBERTS, Ford county, concluded 1921... .. 2.10 .51 3.37 3.68 1.33 2.63 1.82 3.99 7.39 2.57 3.61 1.24 34.24 1922 . . 1 . 28 1.10 5.77 4.74 4.59 .85 2.65 1.04 1.01 4.17 3.23 1923 .. 1.36 .62 3.66 1.15 5.62 3.83 2.21 4.01 2.60 4.67 1.63 3.88 35 . 24 1924 .. .70 2.04 2.72 2.25 1.57 6.27 1.23 6.76 2.22 .93 .61 3.90 31.20 1925 .. .60 1.13 2.94 1.55 .30 2.68 4.83 1.03 5.09 2.89 2.36 .52 25.92 1926... .1.25 2.45 2.95 3.27 '3.69 2.14 8.12 4.56 12.01 5.91 3.75 1.42 51.52 1927 .. 1.41 2.08 3.73 7.13 8.44 2.99 3.02 2.02 5.45 3.25 5.77 3.94 49.23 1928 .. .81 1.40 1.32 2.30 1.31 3.68 5.98 3.52 3.38 3.92 3.15 2.16 32.93 1929 .. 2.54 .83 1.54 4.20 3.82 3.15 4.89 1.09 1.37 3.54 .96 1.79 29.72 1930 .. 2.57 1.14 2.47 4.26 2.30 2.13 .65 2.84 1.86 1.15 2.35 .26 23.98 1931... .36 .63 2.76 3.86 4.35 4.29 1.48 1.94 6.12 4.17 2.47 1.67 34.10 1932 .. 1.91 1.44 1.57 2.09 1.21 2.02 2.20 4.06 1.66 3.22 1.98 3.44 26.80 1933 .. 2.18 .64 5.38 3.53 6.51 .67 1.29 4.55 9.25 4.30 .30 .95 39.55 1934 .. .98 .31 2.70 .97 .46 1.94 2.54 3.22 4.89 2.26 5.42 1.57 27.26 1935 .. 2.09 1.97 2.80 2.69 7.39 5.60 3.71 1.58 3.00 1.07 5.19 .76 37.85 1936 . 1.51 2.18 2.50 3.02 3.54 .30 1.33 7.24 6.66 2.45 2.36 1.84 34.93 1937 .. 2.83 1.79 .56 4.93 3.28 3.50 2.37 3.31 1.78 3.10 1.25 1.39 30.09 1938 .. 1.37 3.38 6.27 2.87 4.91 6.48 6.64 3.33 1.80 1.29 1.28 1.42 41.04 1939 .. 1.91 5.09 2.81 5.22 2.81 5.15 4.91 3.50 .38 2.38 1.57 .87 36.60 1940 .. 1.07 .69 2.04 1.36 3.24 3.05 .27 1.71 .33 2.07 1.16 1.70 18.69 1941 . . . . 1.63 .59 1.03 4.90 2.54 5.15 2.05 3.64 2.77 9.16 2.73 1.15 37.34 1942 .. 1.07 3.48 5.11 2.14 3.97 2.08 2.28 4.93 2.79 1.56 4.55 1.88 35.84 1943 .. 1.69 1.08 2.63 4.94 9.35 2.66 2.47 5.87 2.49 1.58 1.40 .32 36.48 1944 .. .41 2.81 4.05 8.00 5.06 3.17 2.80 3.30 1.87 2.17 .69 1.11 35.44 1945 .. .63 1.46 4.40 4.90 6.66 5.66 .65 1.52 6.40 1.66 2.05 2.84 38.83 1946 .. 1.14 1.65 3.43 1.45 5.73 6.18 4.47 1.48 1.15 4.65 2.83 2.12 36.32 Aver 1.52 1.53 2.91 3.50 4.04 3.40 2.96 3.17 3.46 2.90 2.26 1.77 33.42 RUSHVILLE, Schuyler county 1889... . 1.70 1.86 .81 3.79 1.20 1890 .. 2.99 1.43 2.49 2.33 3.42 3.92 4.19 2.14 3.64 1.49 2.06 .25 30.35 1891 . 1.05 2.09 3.49 4.49 4.74 2.57 4.78 7.94 .61 2.34 4.93 2.13 41.16 1892 .. 2.07 2.90 2.49 7.68 7.58 2.60 5.95 .60 3.18 1.27 1.53 2.09 39.94 1893 .. 1.16 3.02 3.77 9.10 7.36 3.03 2.45 1.91 2.96 .22 1.72 .81 37.51 1894 . . 2.70 2.40 2.41 3.11 2.47 4.21 .67 2.06 8.32 1.12 2.92 1.70 34.09 1895 .. 1.75 .37 1.03 2.88 3.32 3.88 5.53 4.85 3.44 .53 4.72 5.90 38.20 1896 . 1.56 1.72 .78 4.45 4.31 3.72 9.61 1.77 5.85 1.59 1.35 .67 37.38 1897 . . 6.03 1898 1899 1900 .. 2.10 5.42 .96 3.76 1.48 .39 1901 .. 2.50 1.21 3.37 1.89 .69 1.07 1.75 1902 .. .67 1.47 4.67 2.76 2.72 8.34 4.38 6.45 4.32 2.86 2.00 2.67 43.31 1903 .. 1.08 1.50 2.45 5.63 4.41 2.26 3.13 4.26 3.99 1.98 .97 .95 32.61 1904 .. 3.07 .69 5.05 6.60 4.63 4.11 4.39 3.25 3.87 .22 .03 2.09 38.00 1905 .. .51 1.07 1.75 3.53 3.23 5.33 2.83 3.02 5.39 3.11 1.03 1.72 32.52 1906 .'. 1.75 1.90 3.49 3.30 1.73 3.84 2.52 3.83 4.82 .52 2.24 2.50 32.44 1907 .. 5.86 .25 2.83 3.99 3.66 4.26 6.82 5.94 .89 .84 1.30 2.00 38.64 1908 .. 1.30 3.60 .73 4.51 7.07 4.88 3.81 2.64 1.29 .40 3.05 .95 34.23 1909..... .. 2.02 2.70 1.02 5.16 5.56 3.51 3.99 .81 3.99 2.92 2.57 2.32 36.57 1910 .. 1.61 .71 .12 2.82 6.11 .61 2.86 2.04 4.21 1.19 .59 1.16 24.03 1911... .. 2.45 1.62 2.33 3.66 1.77 2.32 3.07 1.91 14.65 2.18 2.12 2.89 40.97 1912 .. .30 .84 2.61 4.92 3.41 1.79 1.51 2.04 4.09 3.28 2.12 .91 27.82 1913 .. .94 1.40 3.88 3.05 1.77 1.95 .58 .44 2.22 2.87 3.35 1.09 23.54 1914 .. 1.03 1.97 2.59 1.78 1.18 2.97 .94 2.43 4.82 2.24 T 2.67 24.62 1915 .. 2.51 2.06 .89 2.28 5.54 6.57 7.42 4.73 7.26 .64 2.22 2.67 44.79 1916 .. 5.48 .63 1.80 1.31 7.59 2.46 .51 4.36 1.75 1.63 1.39 1.08 29.99 1917 .. .82 .10 3.35 3.93 4.01 7.60 .71 3.05 4.27 1.84 T .62 30.30 1918 .. 1.30 .60 .32 5.54 7.55 2.77 1.92 4.01 2.42 2.77 2.84 1.89 33.93 1919 .. .05 1.92 2.13 2.56 5.42 .-, . ss 1.46 2.59 4.35 2.94 2.98 .10 32.38 1920 .. .78 .29 5.04 6.81 5.57 .76 4.08 1.45 3.48 1.80 1.12 .98 32.16 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 261 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual RUSHVILLE, Schuyler county, concluded 1921... . 1.82 .33 3.82 4.92 1.89 3.35 .87 5.93 7.77 2.02 1.40 1.81 35.93 1922 .1.70 1.39 7.26 4.68 3.10 .73 2.70 1.71 1.81 .67 4.87 1.29 31.91 1923 . .83 .70 4.98 1.36 3.77 2.32 1.67 6.27 6.46 2.99 1.41 2.32 35.08 1924 . 1.30 .88 2.46 2.48 2.94 6.11 3.71 2.70 2.42 1.40 1.11 3.05 30.56 1925 . .20 1.59 1.92 3.51 1.69 5.41 5.77 5.80 5.31 2.19 2.61 1.06 37.06 1926... . 1.11 2.57 2.50 2.57 2.74 5.58 4.63 5.78 11.82 2.46 3.68 1.41 46.85 1927 . 1.20 1.67 6.46 5.47 7.51 3.56 2.44 2.86 4.01 4.02 3.45 2.40 45.05 1928 . .23 1.31 1.24 2.61 2.68 7.21 5.30 1.68 4.72 3.74 3.69 1.50 35.91 1929 . 3.74 .72 3.85 3.59 4.64 6.26 8.57 1.57 2.09 2.85 1.77 .69 40.34 1930 2.33 1.57 1 . 56 2.37 2 99 .32 1931... .22 1.36 2.82 1.79 5.96 6.12 3.84 2.29 6.43 2.13 4.94 2.66 40.56 1932 . 1.87 1.37 1.44 .36 3.54 5.20 4.17 8.18 2.44 2.74 1.09 4.24 36.64 1933 . 2.19 .64 3.43 2.36 7.52 2.82 2.20 2.01 2.72 1.79 .29 1.60 29.57 1934 . .80 .66 1.65 1.25 .29 2.48 1.44 3.46 8.05 1.86 5.90 1.79 29.63 1935 . 1.54 1.69 2.92 2.65 12.06 6.99 3.53 1.59 2.99 2.23 4.68 .99 43.86 1936... . 1.40 1.69 1.35 1.22 3.52 1.70 .25 1.71 7.52 3.23 1.87 2.28 27.74 1937 . 4.34 .47 .57 3.68 2.83 3.29 4.68 2 . 55 1 . 64 2.73 1.52 1.93 30.23 1938 . 4.30 1.31 4.13 4.22 6.97 2.72 2.20 2.54 2.44 1.02 1.97 2.11 35.93 1939 . 1.98 1.87 3.58 5.54 2.98 6.28 6.03 7.51 .36 .50 .70 .84 38.17 1940 . 1.09 .95 3.01 3.36 3.29 2.34 2.56 8.56 .13 2.59 2.80 1.39 32.07 1941 . 3.08 .90 .90 6.64 2.44 3.80 1.45 3.70 6.85 8.96 1.83 1.26 41.81 1942 . .71 3.96 1.05 4.01 4.74 3.32 5.61 1.04 2.41 1.69 5.84 3.55 37.93 1943 . 1.23 67 1.17 3.32 9.61 4.44 4.33 1.63 1.61 1.99 .85 1.97 32.82 1944 . .36 1.73 4.93 8.39 4.42 2.21 2.23 3.86 5.21 1.54 3.41 1.31 39.60 1945 . 1.03 1.35 5.88 5.41 5.23 6.80 .41 1.61 9.05 1.18 1.13 2.43 41.51 1946 . 2.15 .64 2.72 3.55 5.32 2.84 1.45 4.50 3.87 5.84 5.79 1.97 40.64 Aver 1.81 1.50 2.66 3.71 4.31 3.85 3.31 3.30 4.23 2.18 2.35 1.75 34.96 SPRINGFIELD, Sangamon county 1879 1 52 3 82 84 1 25 5.12 2.88 1880 . 2.70 2.89 2.37 3.23 5.76 2.47 1.82 1.80 3.15 2.04 1.60 1.10 30.93 1881... .84 5.85 4.45 1.96 2.86 4.96 3.37 4.03 6.43 10.02 6.93 4.81 56.51 1882 . 2.48 7.92 4.92 3.85 10.59 12.71 1.89 3.13 1.21 3.76 2.60 3.15 58.21 1883 . 1.96 7.53 1.36 4.42 6.61 8.40 3.77 .95 1.06 6.08 3.48 3.17 48.79 1884 . 1.51 4.24 3.70 2.49 3.79 6.20 3.62 1.54 6.86 2.74 1.30 5.19 43.18 1885 . 2.81 .94 .17 6.36 2.78 4.18 1.82 4.82 4.47 6.30 1.44 2.52 38.61 1886... . 2.19 1 Rft 2.45 2.98 3.56 3.83 .05 4.19 7.24 .80 1.74 .80 31.69 1887 . 1.09 4.26 1.41 2.89 1.92 3.07 1.01 1.05 2.89 .85 1.36 3.35 25.15 1888 . 3.03 2.03 3.48 1.41 8.61 5.50 4.59 1.43 1.70 3.61 3.41 1.99 40.79 1889 . 2.13 1.64 1.97 .71 6.64 3.65 2.14 .78 4.74 2.86 4.05 2.00 33.31 1890 . 5.72 2.01 2.20 2.94 4.33 4.50 2.14 1.03 .96 1.30 1.29 .26 28.68 1891... .1.16 9! 59 3.21 2.81 1.96 2.11 4.44 4.65 1.38 1.88 5.49 1.59 33.27 1892 .1.14 3.41 2.69- 7.19 7.51 2.51 5.63 1.89 3.48 1.05 4.19 1.78 42.47 1893 . .65 3.47 4.19 10.23 7.41 1.99 1.60 .28 2.15 .16 1.57 1.03 34.73 1894 . 2.51 2.58 3.09 3.36 2.80 1.56 2.06 1.86 2.94 .85 1.63 3.10 28.34 1895 . 1.12 1.03 1.61 2.49 2.55 3.49 5.53 2.76 2.80 .27 3.28 8.08 35.01 1896... . 1.77 2.11 1.25 1.91 2.49 6.45 8.51 1.87 5.42 1.76 1.88 .31 35.73 1897 . 5.91 1.15 4.47 3.85 2.19 4.11 4.16 2.86 .35 .52 4.94 3.07 37.58 1898 . 5.81 2.70 9.65 3.76 5.12 4.76 2.34 4.40 6.82 6.15 2.94 1.83 56.28 1899 . 1.51 2.52 2.95 1.12 11.81 2.45 1.51 3.81 3.33 4.08 1.84 1.87 38.80 1900 . .88 4.85 1.50 1.06 2.49 1.45 2.89 4.44 5.15 2.63 2.61 .41 30.36 1901... . 1.80 1.31 2.96 1 . 23 1 . 88 5.34 .58 2.92 1.95 1.78 1.06 2.70 25.51 1902 . 1.01 1.01 3.73 3.03 1.80 10.10 1.41 5.12 2.30 2.15 2.82 2.23 36.71 1903 . 1.44 3.05 1.47 3.99 5.28 2.13 1.59 2.92 2.48 1.50 .98 1.50 28.33 1904 . 1.98 1.49 4.73 4.81 3.74 2.34 4.25 2.63 3.96 .11 .02 .57 30.63 1905 . 2.13 1.18 1.48 2.02 2.28 2.31 3.99 4.70 2.40 3.66 1.60 1.72 29.47 262 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual SPRINGFIELD, Sangamon county, concluded 1906 . 2.99 2.18 4.02 2.26 3.70 3.03 .93 4.88 3.77 1.46 3.13 3.14 35.49 1907 . 6.17 .30 4.81 2.80 2.94 3.29 6.70 7.13 .92 1.36 1.87 2.79 41.08 1908 . 1.77 4.28 2.21 4.48 7.27 1.38 1.37 2.62 1.22 .29 1.17 1.62 29.68 1909 . 2.03 4.34 1.10 5.34 5.91 4.11 6.47 1.62 3.67 2.76 3.70 1.47 42.52 1910 . 1.68 .94 .18 2.82 4.39 4.58 2.63 .78 5.34 1.74 1.57 .86 27.51 1911 . 2.34 1.73 1.86 4.40 1.18 3.44 4.87 3.37 10.68 2.00 3.10 1.86 40.83 1912 . 1.08 1.56 4.21 5.39 4.40 3.13 4.47 2.87 1.42 3.49 1.48 .31 33.81 1913 . 3.55 1.35 5.55 3.55 .96 1.84 1.66 2.88 3.41 3.61 4.49 .77 33 . 62 1914 . 2.13 2.53 1.01 2.99 1.11 1.69 1.39 3.32 1.82 2.08 .49 2.20 22.76 1915 . 2.11 2.28 .80 2.04 9.86 3.22 5.72 6.21 3.31 .73 1.60 2.91 40.79 1916 . 4.77 1.00 1.89 1.43 4.21 3.14 .31 4.34 3.35 1.97 2.26 1.22 29.89 1917 . 1.69 .47 5.17 3.77 3.93 10.77 3.86 2.35 1.61 .81 .25 .75 35.43 1918 . 1.88 1.71 .63 5.19 5.16 3.81 3.00 3.46 4.71 2.79 2.29 2.45 37.08 1919 . .09 2.15 2.26 1.26 3.87 5.46 1.25 1.85 2.74 5.63 3.10 .30 29.96 1920 . .79 .58 6.34 5.42 6.89 3.89 .92 4.60 3.08 1.49 .79 2.99 37.78 1921 . 1.68 .71 5.09 4.75 1.17 5.41 1.67 5.18 4.33 1.61 3.25 2.71 37.56 1922 . 1.83 .86 6.81 5.20 4.64 1.19 2.56 .55 1.00 1.95 2.53 1.59 30.71 1923 . 1.06 .79 5.23 1.72 3.46 2.74 1.31 5.35 5.66 4.53 1.44 3.40 36.69 1924 .1.23 1.96 2.79 2.18 3.83 5.47 1.71 3.10 2.02 3.02 1.74 4.72 33.77 1925 . .42 1.65 2.94 2.59 1.10 3.74 3.51 4.42 4.45 2.23 2.33 1.32 30.70 1926 .1.64 2.43 3.57 5.05 4.54 5.01 2.40 4.39 15.16 4.87 4.52 .90 54.48 1927 . 1.75 1.03 6.59 5.45 7.01 3.50 3.17 3.37 7.46 2.16 4.96 2.68 49.13 1928 . 1.02 2.42 1.14 2.88 4.61 5.06 3.09 .73 3.35 3.72 1.79 1.94 31.75 1929 . 2.58 .65 2.96 3.56 6.32 3.41 4.66 2.08 1.65 3.33 1.17 1.31 33.68 1930 . 3.80 2.76 1.17 1.55 1.65 2.40 1.33 2.68 2.71 1.44 2.51 .32 24.32 1931 .27 1.57 2.79 1.88 4.87 3.94 2.78 3.58 3.15 3.51 5.07 2.80 36.21 1932 . 2.16 .98 1.59 1.49 2.78 6.39 2.30 5.42 1.13 3.70 1.32 2.79 32.05 1933 . 2.85 1.19 6.50 2.57 8.69 3.29 .42 2.34 5.05 2.38 .28 .91 36.47 1934 . 1.33 .90 3.50 1.21 .32 4.55 6.11 3.62 5.24 1.64 5.38 1.88 35.68 1935 . 2.10 1.57 2.90 3.39 7.91 5.69 5.43 1.23 3.22 2.13 4.59 1.06 41.22 1936 . 1.77 1.74 3.61 2.20 1.88 1.14 1.36 1.61 6.06 2.54 2.30 2.71 28.92 1937 . 4.95 1.67 .69 3.64 2.42 4.72 6.70 .94 2.16 2.81 1.62 2.31 34.63 1938 . 1.53 2.12 4.45 3.32 7.34 4.23 2.83 2.49 1.98 3.36 1.48 1.85 36.98 1939 . 2.89 3.21 4.56 5.37 1.62 3.90 1.07 5.75 .14 1.99 1.46 1.09 33.05 1940 . 1.21 .80 2.80 3.68 3.37 1.53 1.31 2.47 .38 1.14 2.46 1.73 22.88 1941 . 2.67 .58 1.34 5.37 3.03 2.25 2.23 2.05 6.97 13.39 3.37 1.47 44.72 1942 .1.59 4.82 1.82 2.34 3.43 5.44 7.06 .91 4.45 3.07 5.82 2.61 43.36 1943 . 1.01 .72 2.37 3.44 10.60 2.78 3.03 .10 2.45 2.76 1.28 1.82 32.36 1944 . .38 2.76 3.72 8.53 4.26 .58 .81 4.11 3.84 1.22 1.37 1.71 33.28 1945 . 1.06 1.32 4.77 4.62 4.20 7.34 1.00 3.36 8.38 1.95 3.18 2.22 43.40 1946 . 1.22 1.80 2.57 2.54 5.59 5.27 4.15 3.17 3.06 3.65 5.33 1.55 39.91 Aver 2.06 2.18 3.10 3.43 4.41 4.03 2.91 2.98 3.60 2.68 2.59 2.06 36.03 TUSCOLA, Douglas county 1893... 3.20 8.73 . .95 .48 .50 1894 . 1.53 1.05 3.03 4.32 2.87 1.12 2.61 2.06 7.24 .71 1.97 1.40 29.91 1895 . .83 .68 1.09 2.19 .60 3.60 2.26 1.62 4.63 .25 2.92 4.66 25.33 1896... .91 2.22 1.46 1.30 4.79 3.46 6.85 3.85 5.69 .65 3.18 .75 35.11 1897 . 4.39 1.40 4.16 4.76 2.78 4.05 5.39 2.10 .71 .27 5.25 3.33 38.59 1898 . 4.49 1.63 8.86 3.74 5.71 3.93 3.78 2.61 4.82 4.44 2.60 2.78 49.39 1899 , . 1.90 1.74 3.29 1.22 4.39 2.25 3.71 1.95 .72 3.90 2.49 2.86 30.42 1900 . .29 5.20 2.07 1.13 5.46 9.23 4.28 7.66 3.41 2.99 3.46 1.53 46.71 1901... . 2.16 2.20 3.29 2.04 3.82 4.97 1.34 2.70 1.04 3.44 1.82 3.73 32.55 1902 , . 1.24 1.61 3.95 2.00 2.72 8.56 4.66 5.46 2.85 2.63 2.83 4.24 42.75 1903 . 1.71 3.20 1.71 4.48 2.07 2.60 3.97 4.46 1.48 1.74 .90 2.63 30.95 1904 . 2.69 1.21 7.43 4.73 2.41 2.70 2.07 5.95 4.35 1.42 .08 .87 35.91 1905 , . 2.37 1.34 1.26 3.62 4.18 1.27 6.01 2.85 2.94 4.70 1.94 1.85 34.33 1906... . . 2.96 1.83 5.43 1.85 1.85 3.73 4.09 4.68 3.89 1.42 3.94 3.58 39.25 1907 , . 5.87 .42 4.05 2.50 2.76 5.22 5.49 4.22 1.17 1.82 1.93 3.19 38.64 1908 , . 1 . 14 4.41 3.79 3.81 8.48 2.40 2.22 1.49 1.70 .27 2.63 1.88 34.22 1909 . . 3.10 4.51 1.25 7.94 3.88 3.70 4.42 2.29 3.10 3.28 2.89 2.74 43.10 1910 . . 2.68 2.48 .40 3.11 5.88 1.76 6.59 1.42 4.75 3.28 1.61 1.51 35.47 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 263 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual TUSCOLA, Douglas county, concluded 1911... . 2.38 1.81 2.07 4.80 .69 3.49 2.14 3.19 9.27 3.27 3.00 1.59 37.70 1912 . 2.25 3.78 1.72 1.27 1.96 .80 1913 . 6.75 1.24 6.15 2.12 .80 1.28 .73 .92 3.43 4.08 4.29 .41 32.20 1914 . 2.11 2.57 1.19 3.03 1.56 .80 1.28 3.75 1.53 3.66 1.05 2.37 24.90 1915 . 2.19 2.40 1.12 1.55 7.47 2.95 9.93 5.31 3.34 .63 1.64 3.24 41.77 1916... . 7.31 .83 1.47 1.03 4.37 2.94 2.88 2.32 2.44 2.34 1.75 3.37 33.05 1917 . 1.01 .53 4.51 4.20 5.31 6.38 5.44 4.22 3.71 4.20 .41 .73 40.65 1918 .1.58 1.74 1.41 6.73 5.33 5.76 2.64 2.62 6.56 3.20 2.16 1919 . .62 1.67 2.82 1 . 79 3 . 84 7.22 .57 1.92 2.00 5.68 2.87 .14 31.14 1920 .1.15 .79 3.51 4.56 5.09 1.16 1.72 3.09 2.43 .98 2.69 1921... .1.65 .49 5.93 4.19 2.27 2. .80 1.08 5.08 8.52 2.89 3.73 2.26 40.89 1922 . 1.44 .82 8.74 7.25 3.31 2.05 1.90 2.24 .80 2.41 2.15 2.07 35.18 1923 . 1.70 1.28 5.11 2.67 5.39 2.79 2.17 4.43 3.10 3.31 1.79 5.21 38.95 1924 . 2.40 1.50 2.95 4.30 3.20 6.35 1.45 6.44 3.07 1.14 1.13 6.82 40.75 1925 . .73 1.30 5.45 3.03 .64 5.68 2.02 4.78 3.39 2.40 3.33 .77 33.52 1926 . 1.51 2.52 5 . 79 3 . 25 3.09 3.19 4.81 14 05 3 77 2 85 94 1927 . 1.80 .88 4.39 5.45 10.87 5.26 3.49 4.43 5.00 5.00 5.66 2.82 55.05 1928 . 2.18 3.74 1.47 3.85 4.67 6.03 2.59 3.30 4.91 3.55 2.70 3.21 42.20 1929 . 3.95 .65 4.02 6.82 9.40 3.10 6.56 1.52 .97 3.85 1.60 3.56 46.00 1930 . 4.21 3.45 2.14 3.74 .21 3.15 1.68 3.58 3.10 1.62 2.06 .47 29.41 1931 . .86 2.48 .... 5.51 2.49 1.94 3.41 6.91 3.42 3.84 2.32 1932 . 2.62 2.16 1.52 1.24 1.47 6.46 2.69 2.37 1.90 3.68 2.21 3.43 31.75 1933 . 3.09 1.94 5.31 4.01 8.45 1.41 .87 8.56 3.97 2.72 .55 .94 41.82 1934 . 1.29 .77 3.21 .92 .46 2.45 4.25 9.45 6.87 .97 5.68 2.24 38.56 1935 . 1.76 .79 3.38 2.17 7.97 4.37 3.03 1.78 3.60 1.73 4.43 1.67 36.68 1936... . 1.02 2.67 3.74 2.47 1.85 1.41 3.02 1.28 5.90 5.93 3.55 3.11 35.95 1937 . 5.77 1.36 .80 5.79 2.48 7.79 4.24 3 . 39 4 . 74 5.82 1.76 2.02 45.96 1938 .1.15 2.14 5.09 3.95 7.30 6.33 6.04 5.68 2.03 2.22 1.77 2.65 46.35 1939 . 3.38 4.00 4.52 5.42 2.01 5.88 1.32 5.60 .89 3.49 1.28 1.01 38.80 1940 .1.34 .87 1.95 5.14 3.58 5.07 .89 4.22 .87 1.74 3.73 1.52 30.92 1941... . 1.51 .77 1.58 2.96 4.59 4.28 2.46 4.33 3.69 8.70 2.89 1.15 38.91 1942 . 1.03 2.41 3.04 3.42 3.25 7.23 5.42 1 . 95 4 . 06 2.57 5.88 2.47 42.73 1943 . .52 .85 2.74 3.36 11.39 5.14 3.17 2.14 1.97 1.12 2.49 1.37 36.26 1944 . T 2.10 4.26 7.47 3.53 1.74 1.21 4.33 5.93 .78 2.26 1.49 35.10 1945 . .46 1.28 8.80 4.18 5.12 5.40 1.77 3.47 6.41 2.39 3.40 2.26 44.94 1946 .1.67 2.68 2.14 1.71 7.43 3.45 4.89 4.04 1.02 3.98 4.68 3.24 40.93 Aver 2.20 1.83 3.42 3.74 4.21 3.94 3.25 3.60 3.76 2.81 2.64 2.31 37.71 URBANA, Champaign county 1889... . 1.48 2.08 1.61 .61 5.52 6.81 5.81 .60 2.74 1.42 4.38 1.82 34.88 1890 . 5.26 1.87 2.70 4.11 3.56 3.80 2.83 1.93 1.19 2.35 1.63 .05 31.28 1891... .99 2.60 3.55 3.54 .89 2.08 1.41 2.86 .41 1.29 5.58 1.53 26.73 1892 . .79 2.64 2.59 6.45 7.86 5.36 2.50 2.45 .93 .93 4.95 1.62 39.05 1893 . 1.05 4.48 3.20 7.68 4.83 1.55 .59 .06 3.62 1.14 2.98 1.09 32.37 1894 . 1.95 1.32 2.41 1.86 3.32 1.78 1.08 2.06 4.21 .51 2.77 1.44 24.72 1895 . 1.36 .52 .70 2.42 2.20 2.24 3.61 1.81 5.27 .21 3.07 5.71 29.12 1896... . 1.12 1.95 1.22 1.89 5.62 2.98 7.87 3.74 5.84 .42 2.87 .39 35.91 1897 . 4.53 1.17 4.10 3.69 1.81 5.16 4.68 .63 .31 .42 4.91 2.67 34.08 1898 .4.77 1.43 7.76 2.71 5.65 6.08 1.89 3.61 5.13 4.53 3.01 1.86 48.43 1899 . 1.97 2.33 1.78 .50 6.09 2.29 2.65 2.29 1.07 5.10 1.39 2.14 29.60 1900 . .17 3.59 1.79 .84 4.60 4.11 3.81 6.23 2.23 2.29 3.42 1.00 34.08 1901... . 1.55 1.41 3.14 .80 1.93 5.80 2.48 1.68 1.38 4.10 1.31 3.06 28.64 1902 . .62 1.48 1.69 2.11 2.60 11.73 4.02 9.80 4.90 2.10 2.43 2.94 46.41 1903 . 1.04 2.40 1.43 5.71 3.95 2.56 5.13 2.33 .99 2.70 2.06 2.18 32.48 1904 . 3.09 1.86 7.66 3.97 1.60 1.17 2.72 3.55 2.53 .81 T .83 29.79 1905 . 1.80 2.27 .75 2.95 4.24 1.30 5.40 2.14 2.88 3.11 1.45 1.31 29.60 1906... . 1.65 1.11 4.61 2.23 3.31 3.08 2.16 4.57 2.45 1.36 4.59 3.13 34.25 1907 . 6.09 .24 3.34 2.34 5.04 5.56 5.41 4.42 .94 1.51 1.99 3.32 40.20 1908 . 1.21 4.09 3.20 5.00 7.83 1.99 2.31 2.05 1.95 .21 1.99 1.44 33.27 1909 . 2.17 5.80 1.76 7.44 5.58 3.75 7.57 2.37 2.36 2.25 3.45 2.55 47.05 1910 2.23 1.79 .38 1.57 5.35 2.99 2.76 2.62 4.14 1.34 1.20 1.59 27.96 264 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual UKBANA, Champaign county, concluded 1911 . 2.27 1.19 1.85 3.59 2.44 .82 .62 3.35 8.90 3.10 2.83 1.35 32.31 1912 .1.36 2.28 3.42 5.60 4.16 1.89 3.68 2.06 1.76 2.95 1.77 .57 31.50 1913 . 5.38 1.10 5.99 2.19 .56 1.73 1.52 1.44 2.50 4.03 4.49 .77 31.70 1914 . 1.97 2.50 .89 2.87 1.94 2.40 1.44 2.66 2.11 2.85 .80 2.25 24.68 1915 . 1.81 2.33 1.12 1.59 5.11 2.98 7.30 4.90 2.58 .64 1.02 2.85 34.23 1916... . 6.02 .63 1.14 1.28 <5.70 3.88 .47 1.72 2.69 2.26 1.93 1.99 29.71 1917 . 1.07 .45 4.43 3.26 4.91 6.45 2.73 3.80 2.01 2.34 .18 .60 32.23 1918 . 1.74 1.86 1.57 6.78 4.70 5.43 2.51 5.15 4.91 2.82 1.73 3.99 43.19 1919 . .21 1.92 4.12 .75 3.29 6.90 2.04 4.47 2.47 5.59 3.37 .12 35.25 1920 . .83 .45 3.40 5.69 3.80 .94 3.08 3.19 1.79 2.02 1.29 2.81 29.29 1921... . 1.60 .49 5.82 5.25 5.26 1.68. 2.54 4.26 5.64 2.23 4.91 1.98 41.66 1922 . 1.23 1.60 8.35 7.64 3.70 1.03 2.51 2.82 .57 3.17 2.30 1.81 36.73 1923 .1.57 1.34 5.25 2.96 5.26 3.20 3.26 4.08 2.99 3.78 1.68 5.01 40.38 1924 . 1.70 1.93 2.74 3.61 2.69 8.68 .86 7.65 2.22 1.36 .83 6.13 40.40 1925 . .73 1.28 4.62 1.85 .22 2.28 1.12 3.44 5.24 4.60 2.81 1.19 29.38 1926... . 1.86 2.98 2.75 4.01 1.54 4.40 2.60 5.79 9.76 4.45 2.46 .93 43.53 1927 . 1.67 1.22 3.84 6.48 5.01 5.87 6.02 4.79 6.27 4.15 6.77 3.55 55.64 1928 . 2.18 2.28 1.45 3.16 2.48 4.65 3.59 2.77 3.65 2.34 1.88 2.53 32.96 1929 . 3.56 .53 2.92 6.40 7.80 2.71 6.46 4.77 .94 3.72 1.36 2.96 44.13 1930 . 4.81 1.77 1.87 4.07 1.53 2.23 .47 2.02 2.98 1.62 1.49 .22 25.08 1931... .47 1.26 2.62 4.43 3.97 4.33 4.26 2.90 5.41 2.29 2.54 2.00 36.46 1932 . 2.60 1.69 1.83 1.31 1.28 3.57 2.41 2.63 3.63 3.84 2.37 3.33 30.49 1933 . 1.96 1.40 5.38 3.35 5.84 1.19 .61 4.40 5.14 3.41 .67 1.12 34.47 1934 . 1.42 .76 3.60 1.03 .53 5.33 2.09 4.87 6.99 .87 5.44 2.22 35.15 1935 . 2.17 1.27 2.69 2.87 6.93 3.64 4.12 2.36 3.94 1.65 4.25 1.32 37.21 1936... . 1.28 2.81 1.55 3.00 3.94 .47 1.35 3.54 5.83 3.49 4.16 3.67 35.09 1937 . 5.97 1.49 .76 5.38 2.59 5.43 2.43 .80 5.34 3.92 1.49 2.05 37.65 1938 . 1.58 2.28 7.20 3.42 4.97 5.67 6.45 4.28 .88 2.50 1.57 1.97 42.77 1939 . 3.72 3.72 4.83 5.39 1.19 6.17 1.73 6.38 .32 2.54 1.13 .93 38.05 1940 . 1.43 1.10 2.07 3.96 4.53 5.04 .95 2.80 .48 1.93 3.83 2.48 30.60 1941... .1.34 .64 1.46 4.21 3.94 6.19 3.27 3.61 4.91 9.01 3.33 .96 42.87 1942 . 1.93 3.84 4.12 3.32 3.57 3.92 4.94 2.58 3.89 2.36 5.40 2.51 42.38 1943 . .62 1.09 3.80 3.47 11.20 2.43 1.42 3.94 2.12 2.00 2.17 1.28 35.54 1944 . .37 3.70 4.65 7.43 7.70 2.61 3.82 3.85 2.82 1.29 1.34 1.15 40.73 1945 . .36 1.49 6.18 4.37 5.09 7.33 3.27 5.09 7.27 2.45 2.62 2.49 48.01 1946 .1.55 2.46 3.29 1.45 6.85 5.77 2.74 2.11 1.15 2.65 3.90 1.54 35.46 Aver . 2.06 1.89 3.19 3.58 4.15 3.85 3.09 3.36 3.27 2.52 2.65 2.04 35 65 WATSEKA, Iroquois county* 1886... . 2.06 1.78 2.04 2.33 5.38 3.40 3.06 3.75 5.23 .62 1.49 1.42 32.56 1887 . 1.21 5.03 1.02 2.17 1.95 2.05 2.12 3.37 2.74 1.65 2.90 4.11 30.32 1888 . 2.82 1.50 2.53 2.11 4.96 4.43 2.49 .61 .50 2.36 3.20 1.92 29.43 1889 . 1.39 1.70 1.65 1.28 6.40 5.65 6.54 2.01 2.71 2.68 3.15 1.53 36.69 1890 . 4.79 1.77 3.28 3.86 5.37 5.78 1.57 2.70 2.08 3.73 1.56 * 1896... 3.25 4.42 7.02 3.62 5.50 .25 1.98 .13 33.24 1897 . 3.61 1.37 3.96 2.26 1.78 4.44 1.67 1.28 .29 .61 5.71 2.20 29.18 1898 . 3.44 1.90 4.38 1.98 5.66 2.65 1.11 4.03 5.77 4.36 2.81 1.80 39.89 1899 . 1.37 .89 2.14 .20 4.02 2.22 2.55 2.19 2.30 3.17 1.84 3.11 26.00 1900 . .74 4.56 3.52 1.31 4.22 2.33 4.34 5.10 2.09 1.82 5.78 .52 36.33 1901... . 1.55 1.30 4.06 1.37 2.19 4.76 1.85 3.15 1.82 2.90 1.10 3.10 29.15 1902 . .83 1.81 4.14 3.36 4.51 12.53 6.29 2.37 6.84 1.72 3.37 2.91 50.68 1903 . 1.29 2.00 1.28 7.18 4.67 3.33 4.34 3.88 2.40 2.54 .79 .29 33.99 1904 . 2.02 1.60 4.08 3.26 3.92 1.68 2.03 3.24 4.81 1.23 .09 1.85 29.81 1905 . .81 2.05 1.79 3.96 8.93 4.38 2.68 4.91 2.77 2.10 2.68 1.60 38.66 1906. . 3.26 1.77 3.54 2.03 4.25 3.17 6.02 7.19 4.59 1.80 3.25 3.40 44.27 1907 . 4.57 .20 5.23 2.56 2.86 4.04 5.65 6.62 4.17 .65 2.70 4.68 43.93 1908 . 1.75 4.05 2.79 4.30 9.95 1.65 1.24 2.86 2.60 .67 1.58 2.08 35.52 1909 . 2.30 4.39 2.00 4.90 2.95 4.27 2.45 7.31 3.82 3.35 5.53 4.10 47.37 1910 .2.55 1.07 .45 2.27 4.47 1.25 4.36 5.80 4.50 2.87 .26 1.16 31.01 Values from May, 1896, thru 1916 are for Martinton, 9 miles north of Watseka. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX 3 265 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual WATSEKA, Iroquois county, concluded 1911... . 1.43 1.06 1.50 4.12 5.79 1.90 .80 2.65 9.40 2.99 2.00 1.86 35.50 1912 . . .62 .97 2.03 3.87 6.58 4.98 2.31 4.51 1.92 2.70 2.15 .56 33.20 1913 . . 3.38 .96 5.22 3.35 5.79 1.87 2.19 3.49 2.22 4.00 2.40 1.22 36.09 1914 . . 1.89 1.01 1.86 2.38 4.72 1.56 1.47 2.62 3.26 .94 .33 1.85 23.89 1915 . 1.95 1.89 69 3.10 4.15 1.59 12.52 3.39 4.71 .92 1.32 1.45 37.68 1916 . . 5.13 .26 1.08 1.65 7.10 4.91 .61 1.47 2.07 * 1921... . 4.12 4.50 . 2.70 4.10 2 05 1922 . 1.69 .97 5.73 4.48 2.32 1.78 4.47 1.95 1.55 3.30 2.83 1.28 32.35 1923 . . 1.38 .62 4.70 2.63 4.78 1.68 1.50 4.93 4.72 4.90 1.73 3.83 37.40 1924 , . 1 . 82 2.23 2.44 3.57 2.59 9.11 2.16 5.95 2.31 .30 .90 3.54 36.92 1925 , . .51 .75 2.75 2.00 .48 3.53 2.18 .50 4.60 2.75 2.27 .92 23.24 1926... . 1.75 2.38 3.76 3.57 2.65 5.09 4.43 11.59 4.41 2.93 1.34 1927 . 1.59 2.98 3.11 4.90 6.34 5.35 3.32 2 . 77 3.60 6 46 4 84 1928 . 1.07 1.51 . 1.49 3.15 2.09 4.98 6.96 4.83 1.33 1.85 1.58 2.68 33.52 1929 2.24 4.44 4.99 7.33 3.72 1 . 50 1 . 27 4.24 .85 1930 , . 4.16 1.79 4.99 2.55 2.86 .45 1.59 3.23 2.46 .34 1931... .22 .74 2.20 3.22 5.87 4.00 5.50 2.65 3.76 3.84 3.48 1932 . 2.45 2.91 2.10 1.47 2.41 2.51 3.65 2.64 4.21 2.65 3.66 1933 2 25 .95 5 79 3 65 8.33 .74 .90 8 07 4 13 1 77 1934 .37 2.49 1.33 .33 1 . 90 1.14 4 . 09 7 . 52 1.64 4 37 2 04 1935 . 3.55 1.08 4.71 2.18 6.92 3.73 4.50 2.03 3.16 1.90 5.01 1.06 39.83 1936... .1.50 2.09 3.15 2.21 3.94 .09 .59 3.08 4.31 2.45 2.12 2.13 27.66 1937 . 3.09 1.10 .67 6.30 3.16 6.49 2.85 3.71 2.53 2.58 1.29 1.88 35.65 1938 ,. 1.21 3.78 5.90 2.32 3.62 6.63 4.10 3.31 2.82 1.68 1.51 1.47 38.35 1939 . 2.65 3.99 2.48 5.13 1.05 4.81 5.20 3 . 60 .24 2.51 1.41 .40 33.47 1940 .1.18 .76 1.77 4.53 5.11 3.17 .97 2.63 .76 1.95 2.77 1.93 27.53 1941... . 1.66 .74 1.26 3.75 4.45 4.56 3.60 2.67 2.74 8.83 2.39 1.32 37.97 1942 . 1.46 3.77 4.43 2.06 3.85 2.65 6.94 5.93 4.03 1.84 4.73 2.18 43.87 1943 , . 2.38 1.08 2.81 4.18 9.94 2 . 73 4 . 56 3.96 1.23 1.74 1.96 .41 36.98 1944 . . .45 2.34 3.51 5.96 6.77 2.72 1.65 3.76 1.71 1.82 1.17 1.53 33.39 1945 , . .68 1.43 4.58 3.47 6.72 3.02 1.50 5.13 5.62 1.82 2.25 2.81 39.03 1946 . 1.18 2.08 3.65 1.49 4.79 5.66 1.58 1 . 59 1.15 4.16 2.50 2.09 31.92 Aver . . 2.01 1.80 2.91 3.18 4.55 3.72 3.30 3.51 3.48 2.56 2.51 2.01 35 54 WHITE HALL, Greene county 1854 .... 1.01 3 . 30 5.28 1.02 1.19 1855 .13.53 1.56 2.91 3.97 6.43 2.00 3.52 2.06 2.76 2.55 2.82 3.92 48.03 1856... .1.10 4.69 1.55 1.23 4.32 1.93 2.11 2.11 1.11 2.46 3.43 4.98 31.02 1857 , . .85 6.91 2.62 .77 2.73 3.84 2.28 4.52 2.39 1.67 3.83 1.35 33.76 1858 . 2.35 1.67 2.05 3.65 9.20 7.60 6.52 2.18 4.59 4.29 2.86 2.45 49.41 1859 2.06 2.48 4.15 3.62 10.76 5.50 2.70 2.81 2.85 1.22 2.92 1.30 42.37 1861... . 1.33 2.29 6.19 2.18 3.37 4.52 1.59 1.52 2.83 2.27 .94 1.00 30.03 1862 .. 5.15 .72 2.66 7.05 2.56 2.32 5.34 1.70 4.69 1.77 2.30 3.57 39.83 1863 . 2.89 4.01 3.77 1.80 .89 3.73 1.97 2.79 3.93 1.77 3.36 1864 . 3.12 .87 2.05 4.34 2.01 1.12 2.02 1.87 2.42 1.97 3.67 1.94 27.40 1865 . .25 5.23 4.58 1.63 1866... . 3.74 4.03 3.11 4.16 4.95 1.22 4.01 2.89 7.08 5.98 .50 2.03 43.70 1867 . 1.60 6.34 1.95 .47 5.4.5 3.36 2.83 2.50 .50 1.42 1.60 1.01 29.03 1868 . 1.19 .19 6.81 5.60 5.59 3.22 1.70 3.02 3.89 1.43 3.12 2.25 38.01 1869 . 3.67 1.97 2.43 6.25 4.38 4.82 6.98 1.86 .94 1.67 2.89 2.87 40.73 1870 . 1.16 .35 4.61 1.95 1.59 2.60 4.55 5.22 2.61 2.43 1.65 2.30 31.02 1871... . 3.50 1.55 4.40 .95 2.48 1.95 1.40 .80 .08 3.10 3.05 2.70 25.96 1872 . .68 2.95 3.60 2.30 1.93 9.93 6.00 3.64 2.83 1.07 1.55 36.48 1873 5 01 2 50 1 80 5 25 7 26 3 05 2 85 1 81 3 89 2 83 3 15 1874 . 2.36 3.19 2.75 3.30 2.75 1 . 90 3 . 00 5.60 3.15 266 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual WHITE HALL, Greene county, concluded 1884 1.55 1885 1 65 .85 .20 5.10 3.00 8.87 1.90 1886 .1.35 .95 1.16 5.00 5.75 4.44 5.87 6.74 1.13 1.63 1.62 1887 . 1.45 3.75 1.28 3.05 4.41 1.07 1.37 2.65 .58 1.86 2.37 1888 . 2.86 2.10 3.35 .99 5.48 5.41 4.52 5.43 2.10 1.83 2.09 3.20 39.36 1889 . 2.12 2.10 2.51 1.09 10.63 3.87 4.07 1.04 4.22 3.34 4.08 .06 39.13 1890 . 6.70 2.55 2.12 2.09 3.02 3.81 2.09 1.63 2.04 1.05 .94 .43 28.47 1891 . 1.21 2.72 1.88 1.89 1.83 6.49 .92 2.54 2.02 1.39 4.69 .93 28.51 1892 . 1.75 4.09 2.30 6.29 9.20 2.59 6.16 .87 1.99 1.44 2.79 1.94 41.41 1893 .47 2.31 4.62 9.31 4.47 5.08 1.80 .36 1.21 1.30 1894 .40 2.37 2.02 2.32 1.90 3.76 .93 1.38 3.47 1895 . .62 .59 1.88 2.61 2.01 3.25 3.97 .52 2.27 6.70 34.50 1896... . 1.41 1.24 1.45 1.86 6.94 2.92 6.42 2.19 4.58 1.37 1.50 .50 32.38 1897 . 4.99 1.21 4.63 4.33 2.09 4.89 6.54 .01 .59 .31 5.00 1.94 36.53 1898 . 5.10 2.00 6.36 5.16 7.33 2.94 4.24 3.57 1.84 1.82 1899 . 1.35 2.01 2.75 1.30 8.01 1902 6.07 4.66 2.36 3.69 3.14 1903 3.27 3.11 3.57 2.33 4.73 1.39 .28 1.40 1904 . 2.30 .24 5.77 7.34 4.46 4.83 7.08 4.63 6.95 .50 .10 1.20 45.40 1905 . 2.20 1.40 2.26 2.51 6.92 3.82 8.05 5.95 6.02 4.90 2.20 1.85 48.08 1906 . 3.15 4.45 5.40 3.55 5.90 2.55 1.06 . 4.88 2.35 3.82 4.60 1907 . 5.32 .90 3.01 3.13 3.70 6.00 9.88 1.55 3.75 3.25 1908 2.80 5.48 1.90 .97 1.72 .25 2.44 i.64 1909 . 3.28 4.33 1.50 4.45 5.62 4.18 6.02 1.48 4.74 5.48 5.85 2.38 49.31 1910 .1.90 1.70 .05 3.34 7.18 1.80 4.26 1.12 7.29 1.89 .69 .83 32.05 1911... . 3.63 2.67 1.98 3.97 1.10 1.28 3.12 5.69 8.13 2.51 2.94 2.20 39.22 1912 . .60 4.20 5.87 4.31 4.35 1.48 4.58 2.78 4.11 1.58 .55 36.27 1913 .4.60 1.81 6.03 3.24 2.04 1.08 1.26 2.87 3.87 3.64 4.74 1.16 36.34 1914 . 2.50 2.26 1.89 2.92 .48 2.28 1.65 3.56 3.00 5.26 .64 2.15 28.59 1915 .2.66 1.75 .69 3.27 6.83 8.41 5.65 7.80 5.13 1.00 2.30 2.18 47.67 1916... . 4.86 1.38 1.59 1.79 4.91 4.37 .32 8.78 3.66 2.09 1.96 1.06 36.77 1917 . .92 .29 3.21 4.44 4.91 4.54 2.20 2.51 3.28 1.09 .47 .56 28.42 1918 . .73 1.66 .81 6.48 3.63 3.28 1.47 2.29 5.25 3.26 2.79 2.30 33.95 1919 . .15 2.10 2.10 1.82 5.13 2.91 2.99 2.33 4.66 8.27 2.91 .40 35.77 1920 . .45 .14 4.75 3.29 5.91 1.56 .96 4.09 4.47 3.55 .83 2.53 32.53 1921... .1.17 .77 4.06 5.70 2.01 3.04 2.69 5.76 7.67 1.73 2.87 2.87 40.34 1922 .2.30 .84 7.97 8.28 2.57 1.05 1.92 1.27 1.20 1.93 3.02 1.75 34.10 1923 . .95 .83 4.86 2.58 2.31 2.65 1.72 4.81 3.47 3.91 1.69 3.31 33.09 1924 .1.17 1.25 4.14 1.04 4.71 5.22 2.40 2.33 4.19 2.25 1.98 4.90 35.58 1925 . .43 1.39 2.52 1.98 1.80 5.36 4.53 2.73 2.89 5.21 2.99 .98 32.81 1926... . 1.59 2.51 2.71 4.56 .99 4.12 2.19 4.14 15.77 4.64 4.23 1.31 48.76 1927 . 1.49 .86 6.04 7.03 6.89 3.55 6.90 3.27 4.49 3.24 4.77 2.36 50.89 1928 1 32 1 65 71 3 92 2 24 7 26 2 46 1 96 1 31 5 04 2 23 1 63 31 73 1929 . 2.99 .56 4.20 4.63 9.62 2.99 4.02 2.21 2.18 4.56 1.22 .91 40.09 1930 . 2.66 1.12 1.04 1.27 1.05 2.88 .48 .50 4.92 1.47 2.68 .73 20.80 1931... .43 2.01 2.34 1.69 5.20 1.95 2.47 2.56 2.97 2.77 4.13 3.29 31.81 1932 , . 1.69 1.27 2.73 1.64 5.81 3.46 7.07 2.08 3.18 2.92 3.38 1933 . 3.02 1.79 3.97 4.30 7.58 .61 1.39 2.96 3.29 4.97 .52 1.01 35.41 1934 , . 1.26 .75 2.35 1.49 .37 1.43 .04 2.88 7.52 2.54 4.08 1.48 26.19 1935 . 2.30 1.68 3.99 3.03 8.59 6.02 2.47 .76 1.65 2.20 5.72 .84 39.25 1936... . 1.23 1.10 2.13 1.43 2.30 2.84 .42 .69 8.01 3.25 2.46 2.81 28.67 1937 , . 4.76 1.64 1.04 4.92 3.90 5.60 5.23 3.37 1.07 2.79 2.06 2.11 38.49 1938 , . 1.82 1.73 5.04 3.86 4.13 5.05 4.60 3.48 1.60 2.34 2.06 2.42 38.13 1939 . 1.97 2.50 3.61 5.26 1.49 6.14 3.78 4.72 .30 2.70 1.44 1.10 35.01 1940 , , . .77 .56 2.73 2.81 2.85 3.33 .38 4.36 T 1.25 2.60 2.01 23.65 1941 . . 3.35 .23 1.36 5.55 2.34 5.66 2.15 3.05 5.99 12.43 3.24 1.33 46.68 1942 .. 1.31 3.03 1.87 2.88 4.45 9.20 6.51 2.45 4.02 2.51 7.61 2.60 48.44 1943 . . .47 .84 3.16 1.49 11.15 4.18 3.64 .83 3.55 1.91 1.29 1.46 33.97 1944 . . .27 1.75 3.14 6.69 5.90 .95 1.43 5.12 3.43 1.67 1.46 1.38 33.19 1945 . . 1.08 1.76 5.60 5.59 3.50 12.35 .91 1.78 9.32 1.73 1.83 1.79 47.24 1946 . . 1.24 1.73 2.20 2.30 4.63 2.83 2.99 9.90 1.65 4.33 7.09 1.46 42.35 Aver . . 2.28 2.01 3.03 3.61 4.42 3.91 3.26 3.13 3.72 2.75 2.59 2.02 36.73 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 267 Table 10. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Concluded) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual WINDSOR, Shelby county 1885 11.02 6.69 4.19 1.70 3.80 1886... . 4.32 1.22 2.60 2.17 5.53 6.59 1.51 3.08 3.82 1.04 2.37 1.85 36.10 1887 . 1.49 3.38 2.66 2.34 4.25 1.01 2.87 2.13 2.79 .82 5.62 4.13 33.49 1888 . 2.70 2.47 3.37 2.17 5.34 7.09 2.36 3.56 1.28 2.60 3.20 2.34 38.48 1889 . 1.97 1.41 1.69 .71 7.36 6.53 5.70 1.93 4.26 2.06 4.47 1904... . 3.22 .91 7.18 3.42 3.23 1.43 4.10 4.56 4.13 .46 .09 1.23 33.96 1905 . 2.00 1.57 1.86 2.22 4.40 3.46 8.06 1.34 1.14 4.21 1.52 2.14 33.92 1906... . 2.88 1.80 4.90 2.23 2.64 2.88 1.34 3.41 4.09 1.58 3.50 3.11 34.36 1907 . 4.99 .48 3.88 2.22 3.82 4.40 5.63 4.60 1.57 1.30 1.92 3.22 38.03 1908 .1.38 5.32 2.54 5.91 13.26 3.51 2.40 2.62 2.00 .11 3.34 1.50 43.89 1909 . 2.42 4.16 1.94 9.23 5.49 3.95 6 . 80 1 . 20 2.94 2.76 3.73 2.25 46.87 1910 .1.73 2.84 .43 2.83 6.32 2.73 5 . 68 3 . 55 4.33 2.61 4.65 1.82 39.52 1911... . 2.22 1.91 1.87 4.50 4.46 1.49 1.92 4.18 14.76 3.78 2.80 1.56 45.45 1912 .1.26 2.15 5.08 7.71 2.57 3.62 6.98 5.04 1.27 1.92 1.57 .68 32.85 1913 . 4.86 1.86 6.87 2.46 .41 2.18 .92 2.12 3.20 4.26 4.28 .60 34.02 1914 . 2.05 3.02 1.51 2.77 .35 2.58 1.05 5.78 2.58 2.26 1.25 2.92 28.12 1915 . 2.11 1.87 .87 2.30 8.80 5.87 8.19 8.28 3.02 .81 2.19 3.97 48.28 1916 . . . 9.13 1.02 1.33 2 . 23 2 . 97 4.76 1.52 2.21 5.38 1.63 4.44 1917 1 35 1 13 3 59 3 70 6 96 6 68 2 74 4 04 3 64 02 1 04 1918 .2.19 2.59 1.29 7.75 4.81 4.86 4.51 3.55 7.03 2.98 2.48 3.76 47.80 1919 . .29 1.90 4.12 1.07 6.33 7.91 3.98 2.70 3.52 9.97 4.04 .51 46.34 1920 . 1.11 1.44 5.86 3.54 7.77 1.63 3.17 2.89 2.38 2.47 .93 2.90 36.09 1921 . 1.57 .96 6.37 4.00 1.85 7.47 2.89 5.22 7.39 1.31 3.57 3.29 45.89 1922 . 1.31 1.05 9.05 8.09 3.94 3.83 3.36 1.09 .51 1.89 2.89 2.93 39.94 1923 . 1.44 1.55 5.82 2.99 3.15 2.90 2.48 4.22 6.27 3.56 1.96 4.76 41.10 1924 . 2.93 1.94 3.26 2.91 4.73 5.65 1.87 6.46 3.91 .70 1.67 5.53 41.56 1925 .1.12 2.17 4.86 1.88 .98 3.69 2.22 3.60 1.91 2.58 3.58 1.80 30.39 1926... . 1.95 3.00 2.15 3.25 2.78 3.74 .55 1.57 13.66 5.07 1.75 1.77 41.24 1927 . 2.12 .58 4.76 6.20 9.92 4.08 4.15 5.76 7.25 2.94 5.70 2.66 56.12 1928 . 1.72 3.23 1.68 3.92 3.25 6.08 3.46 2.48 2.00 4.08 2.25 3.09 37.24 1929 . 3.15 .60 4.35 5.96 8.78 4.63 4.01 1.46 1.35 3.40 1.59 4.14 43.42 1930 . 6.44 1.83 2.00 3.08 .73 3.86 .73 2.48 2.54 2.07 1.41 .34 27.51 1931 .25 1.64 2.80 3.40 4.80 1.50 6.38 2.53 6.65 3.95 4.50 2.66 41.06 1932 . 2.88 1.95 1.53 2.18 1.72 4.70 1.75 5.35 2.06 3.35 2.08 3.83 33.38 1933 . 2.27 2.15 3.80 4.30 9.92 1.75 1.18 3.48 4.81 3.57 1.17 2.23 40.63 1934 . 2.03 1.61 3.12 1.79 1.26 2.50 4.70 8.64 5.70 1.21 5.79 2.29 40.64 1935 . 2.10 1.08 3.98 1.99 9.05 3.97 3.90 .82 4.89 2.24 4.06 1.10 39.19 1936 . 1.85 2.81 3.50 3.82 3.09 1.27 2.30 1.76 5.01 3.48 2.62 3.50 35.01 1937 . 6.35 2.07 1.37 4.71 2.20 7.08 3.85 1.24 1.89 6.41 1.80 2.55 41.52 1938 .1.65 3.18 9.73 3.23 4.75 3.34 5.67 2.90 2.32 1.84 1.58 2.74 42.93 1939 . 3.98 3.71 3.93 6.32 2.04 7.99 2.32 10.00 .86 1.56 1.63 1.74 in. ox 1940 . 1.73 1.72 1.95 6.18 5.10 2.25 2.58 3.74 .84 2.52 2.84 2.41 33.86 1941... . 2.09 .90 .87 3.61 3.30 4.38 1.01 1.98 4.75 10.39 3.83 1.39 38.50 1942 .1.19 3.55 4.24 2.82 3.76 9.30 6.10 2.30 2.90 2.19 7.18 3.48 49.01 1943 . .79 .76 3.11 2.94 10.33 3.37 2.86 .45 2.13 2.50 1.94 2.65 33.83 1944 T 2.57 3.03 9.05 4.04 3.59 1.86 4.70 2.89 1.22 2.38 1.84 37.17 1945 . .95 2.20 8.63 5.85 6.26 7.47 1.19 4.64 7.02 2.34 3.62 1.87 52.04 1946 . 1.64 2.75 2.25 1.83 8.75 4.22 4.12 4.13 1.39 2.77 5.40 2.70 41.95 Aver . 2.37 2.04 3.57 3.83 4.84 4.25 3.38 3.68 3.94 2.87 2.84 2.53 40.14 268 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Inches) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual ANNA , Union county 8 1875 . . .91 2.71 5.88 4.09 7.98 7.11 11.09 2.01 .38 2.09 5.25 1.51 51.01 1876... .13.25 2.48 8.82 4.48 5.01 7.76 4.46 9.41 3.14 1.40 2.02 .78 63.01 1877 , . 1.80 .70 3.87 4.75 4.45 7.12 1.64 3.47 5.95 5.33 4.58 4.78 48.44 1878 . 3.16 1.86 2.28 5.66 5.73 3.91 2.82 3.66 2.35 4.25 3.08 4.88 43.64 1879 . 1.70 2.10 2.39 1.48 2.65 7.02 4.46 12.51 1.40 5.75 4.93 5.59 51.98 1880 ,. 4.58 5.38 4.20 4.67 7.27 4.82 3.78 2.20 3.48 4.54 4.28 3.29 52.49 1881... . 2.79 5.34 1.99 2.29 2.57 5.35 .38 1.91 6.51 6.10 2.17 37.40 1882 . 4.39 8.17 4.52 4.09 9.77 3.04 3.09 4.19 3.47 2.06 6.04 2.97 55.80 1883 . 2.25 8.19 3.93 5.75 6.64 8.21 2.86 4.02 .51 7.21 6.85 5.14 61.56 1884 . 2.01 5.38 4.05 3.80 4.99 7.44 5.49 2.65 3.33 1.42 2.54 9.57 52.67 1885 . 4.64 1.23 1.43 2.69 2.24 6.89 2.19 4.13 4.54 3.43 1.80 2.92 38.13 1886 3.18 2.33 4.05 3.45 3.71 3.84 1.16 2.63 4.33 .74 6.65 3.25 39.32 1896 1.55 3.72 2.89 9.30 5.50 3.76 2.24 2.38 2.32 3.75 .89 1897 . 4.47 4.47 12.64 8.31 2.00 4.67 2.99 2.05 1.06 .77 5.13 5.15 53.71 1898 . 4.20 1.37 14.16 4.28 5.76 7.83 7.35 4.81 5.21 6.42 1.60 1.69 64.68 1899 . 5.76 3.52 4.04 4.17 6.06 4.26 4.23 1.42 2.44 4.65 1.91 4.17 46.63 1900 . 1.70 4.09 2.28 2.70 6.57 9.52 4.52 .51 2.55 2.20 4.00 2.90 43.54 1901 . 1.34 2.45 5.73 3.74 1.69 2.57 1.20 5.96 .77 1.97 1.28 5.68 34.38 1902 . 1.52 2.53 4.22 3.04 3.13 2.78 .82 4.45 3.42 .84 4.92 6.36 Us.iu 1903 . 2.26 4.76 5.87 3.54 3.16 2.25 3.22 1.85 1.31 3.59 2.22 2.82 36.85 1904 . 4.05 2.90 6.75 4.28 2.54 5.84 2.83 4.73 9.11 .90 .32 2.55 46.80 1905 . 3.45 2.10 3.03 4.83 4.34 2.10 9.55 2.85 2.94 6.46 2.24 3.50 47.39 1906 . 6.45 2.36 6.70 1.17 .67 4.77 3.80 5.07 8.72 1.67 7.75 5.50 54.63 1907 . 5.82 1.56 2.95 3.11 5.44 2.77 4.18 5.41 .79 4.22 5.17 3.10 44.52 1908 . 3.86 8.06 4.60 8.10 5.16 1.70 3.37 3.75 1.92 4.90 1.07 46.49 1909 . 2.25 8.26 5.39 9.08 4.33 1.75 10.93 1.39 9.17 .86 4.31 3.14 60.86 1910 . 2.43 10 6.19 3.66 4.29 10.82 1.89 2.10 11.43 .26 2.60 1911 . .65 3.27 2.22 12.07 1.31 3.59 1.60 6.52 6.13 2.11 4.34 2.96 46.77 1912 . 2.90 1.43 3.37 6.85 3.64 3.71 3.18 4.83 2.28 2.65 .79 1913 . 8.13 .85 7.94 3.19 1.91 .90 3.77 1.45 4.81 6.97 3.47 1.47 44.86 1914 . 2.43 4.68 3.47 1.21 2.05 .54 4.06 3.16 3.61 1.01 3.67 1915 . 4.46 2.49 .87 .73 5.07 3.58 3.80 8.81 3.33 .65 2.52 7.67 43.98 1916 . 9.54 1.78 1.06 2.62 4.29 7.80 .62 3.65 3.09 2.13 2.49 4.22 43.29 1917 . 4.54 1.67 3.68 7.67 3.78 2.89 3.27 6.26 .70 2.14 2.65 1.59 40.84 1918 . 4.32 .44 .75 6.06 9.42 3.10 .40 2.05 5.32 3.11 2.88 8.51 46.36 1919 . .94 1.69 4.97 2.82 3.84 2.73 .85 4.62 3.07 10.50 5.65 1.47 43.15 1920 . 4.08 1.29 7.16 2.98 9.65 2.63 2.51 3.68 .77 3.09 1.00 4.53 43.37 1921 . . . . 2.95 2.92 6.16 5.69 2.61 5.46 1.54 7.38 5.62 1.04 7.27 2.95 51.59 1922 .1.53 1.78 10.32 4.71 3.05 1 . 84 7 . 47 2.92 2.83 3.23 2.70 3.27 45.65 1923 . 5.80 4.17 4.42 4.51 5.84 2.31 1.33 8.63 4.26 3.62 2.97 6.81 54.67 1924 . 2.44 1.74 2.10 2.67 6.87 4.57 6.74 2.34 3.62 T 2.16 3.79 39.04 1925 . 1.52 2.61 2.95 3.27 .30 6.16 1.05 9.36 6.13 5.68 1926... . 3.83 1.97 2.93 2.37 1.39 1.08 . .93 4.50 3.05 3.62 5.07 1927 . 6.70 .76 6.87 9.52 8.43 5.72 5.65 1.36 4.95 2.71 5.64 6.62 64.93 1928 . 1.73 3.57 1.85 6.10 2.63 18.21 .52 4.64 T 8.19 6.00 3.32 56.76 1929 . 6.95 2.83 3.53 4.95 6.94 5.92 3.39 4.47 4.76 1.84 3.25 4.22 53.05 1930 . 8.57 2.74 2.36 1.13 1.87 2.05 .77 .57 6.75 1.87 2.58 1.49 32.75 1931... .1.10 2.81 4.57 4.59 7.29 1.71 .42 5.57 2.44 2.32 7.96 3.59 44.37 1932 . 5.48 2.79 3.72 3.91 1.96 2.40 4.05 8.46 6.26 6.05 2.11 7.89 55.08 1933 . 2.73 3.27 6.77 4.89 12.09 .25 4.81 2.60 3.80 3.11 1.32 2.46 48.10 1934 . .97 1.62 2.90 3.21 1.74 2.81 1.90 4.45 9.36 3.54 9.28 3.11 44.89 1935 . 4.20 1.62 10.94 2.61 7.22 11.11 3.77 1.83 2.71 4.37 3.69 1.70 55.77 1936... .92 2.63 3.50 3.84 1.10 1.82 2.07 .34 5.83 3.69 3.23 3.58 32.55 1937 .12.71 3.09 1.17 6.62 5.13 6.23 3.55 .88 4.86 6.11 1.79 2.49 54.63 1938 . 3.72 2.90 5.00 2.99 3.94 6.58 3.50 4.03 1.39 1.21 2.66 1.88 39.80 1939 . 5.54 7.35 5.67 7.58 4.14 4.70 2.91 2.38 1.07 3.68 1.71 1.57 48.30 1940 . 1.84 5.44 3.67 7.81 2.71 3.37 3.68 2.35 2.52 .46 5.09 4.36 43.30 Data from 1896 thru February, 1914, are for Cobden, 5 miles north of Anna. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 269 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. M !ar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. N ov. D ec. Annual j VNNA, Union county, concluded 1941... . 3.87 1.07 1, oo 3.03 2.93 .58 3.26 8.87 2.71 8.71 2 S4 4 77 44.30 1942 . . 4.08 4.98 4 (IS 4.41 4.98 8.88 2.69 8.06 1.43 3.38 8 42 3 (i!) 58.99 1943 . . .35 1.49 0. oo 3.32 10.24 4.95 2.28 3.56 5.55 1.95 2 . :{5 2 .92 45.56 1944 , . 1.35 4.45 4 xr> 6.54 6.75 1.92 2.31 4.04 3.07 .12 2 22 1 03 41.65 1945 ,. 2.72 8.47 13 oo 10.16 4.87 9.83 1.28 3.81 8.45 3.03 3 ,81 1 til 71.73 1946 , . 3.68 4.42 2, ,18 4.17 7.78 1.30 4.19 7.72 2.62 2.01 4 .tvt 3 .03 47.74 Aver 3.77 3.21 4, 61 4.60 4.69 4.62 3.39 4.03 3.70 3.42 3 .70 3 .60 47.43 BENTON, Franklin county 8 1912 66 1913 , . 8.17 1.20 9, os 2.99 2.42 1.23 1.79 2.74 3.88 4.76 3 ,3ft 1 .27 43.48 1914 . . 2.46 3.54 3, 87 1.66 .47 1.81 .22 5.06 4.47 4.05 55 3 >7 30.93 1915 . 4.74 2.39 81 .51 8.03 5.55 4.00 8.44 2.79 .76 2, 21 5 f.r> 45.28 1916 . . 9.36 1.38 1, 86 1.28 3.90 6.97 4.06 7.02 2.71 2.60 1 63 ?, r,: J , 45.40 1917 .. 5.21 .51 1, so 5.83 3.95 3.17 3.19 2.38 .57 2.28 2 ,06 ,96 31.90 1918 , . 4.14 .75 70 6.63 5.62 1.30 .31 4.90 2.28 2.47 3 0:1 5 21 37.43 1919 . 1.12 1.34 3 02 4.84 4.93 5.04 .60 3.32 1.43 11.26 4 63 1 OS 43.11 1920 . 2.82 4. B8 2.49 6.62 .79 2.82 1.70 1.57 2.42 1 ,36 4 .10 1921... . 1.98 1.64 4 80 4.10 1.87 1.92 2.04 5.95 7.81 1.00 A oo 3 56 42.81 1922 ,. 1.15 1.98 0, 64 4.53 1.86 1.09 1.39 1.96 .28 2.88 1 77 7 ,76 36.29 1923 , . 2.50 3.61 3.28 6.86 2.09 7.20 4.96 3.64 ft 48 5 41 1924 . 1.71 1.14 2, OS 2.79 4.55 10.15 2.81 1.46 2.94 .19 1 41 3 "4 34.47 1925 . 1.26 2.53 a. 14 2.66 2.48 4.23 .75 1.55 7.07 6.29 4 ,23 1 .27 36.46 1926 . 1.87 2.60 2 74 2.61 .86 1.01 1.32 6.40 4.77 6.36 3 96 1 96 36.46 1927 . . 5.87 .74 6. 20 10.44 7.55 4.29 3.49 2.06 4.14 2.33 5 ,38 1928 , . 1.60 2.35 1 33 3.17 1.46 9.79 3.01 5.97 .58 5.64 3 60 ?, 5S 40.98 1929 , . 5.42 2.45 a 36 3.43 7.08 5.02 2.52 2.49 4.27 1.88 2 44 6 Of 44.40 1930 3.78 i. 89 1.12 1.40 1.53 .49 .23 6.30 1.74 1, 64 1, 20 1931... .77 1.85 . 4.28 1.91 2.27 5.73 6.26 2.98 fl 31 4 73 1932 . . 4.92 1.16 1.71 2.41 3.03 4.39 5.49 4.37 (i .12 1933 .. 3.10 1.52 3 75 3.18 9.34 .54 4.96 .... 1.90 2.91 76 1934 , . 1.38 a (if) 3.07 3.57 1.92 2.95 8.45 1.28 7 78 2 01 1935 . 3.32 .75 8. 28 3.42 5.46 5.50 1.03 2.63 1.87 3.14 3, 98 1, 29 40.62 1936... .90 1.66 1 on 2.82 1.08 2.66 .27 .08 2.89 5.40 3 ,77 3 ,37 26.53 1937 ..11.91 1.77 1 ,03 5.30 3.13 4.23 1.77 1.00 4.12 4.77 1, 68 2 ,63 43.29 1938 . . 2.40 3.16 4 ss 1.83 5.86 4.22 3.51 2.75 2.30 .67 2 so 1 73 36.11 1939 , . 4.99 3.73 4 80 5.94 2.36 5.15 3.84 2.92 2.20 1.14 1, 68 2 03 40.28 1940 . . 1.44 4.21 1, 37 6.03 3.66 .93 2.24 1.45 .74 .26 3. 09 89 27.79 1941... . . 2.33 .78 1 ,u 2.04 2.97 4.03 1.97 2.59 2.96 10.11 2 ,87 2 ,90 36.20 1942 .. 2.45 3.64 3 ,42 2.18 3.93 4.77 3.80 3.88 1.08 2.23 4 .82 1 .74 37.44 1943 . . .45 .97 2, ,98 3.23 7.90 5.25 2.09 2.26 6.24 2.03 1 78 i ,88 37.06 1944 . . .48 2.81 3 .'i 4'.97 3.45 .96 1.99 8.78 1.09 1.08 1 ,26 1 ,97 32.10 1945 . . 1.39 6.43 11 30 8.41 4.67 9.97 1.21 7.31 7.81 2.56 3. 14 1, 52 65.78 1946 . . 2.63 3.93 1 ,03 3.11 8.89 1.77 2.86 15.80 1.93 2.21 4 ,00 2 ,53 50.69 Aver . . 3.22 2.25 3 .58 3.75 4.24 3.67 2.26 4.14 3.53 3.43 2 .96 2 .93 39.96 CAIRO, Alexander county 1871... . 5.97 2.22 2.34 3.81 2 .93 4 .56 1872 . . 1.44 2.26 2 or, 4.52 5.00 1.79 3.45 .19 2.56 1.16 ,67 1 .56 26.55 1873 . . 5.03 6.68 3 "7 5.54 5.07 4.45 1.68 2.48 4.09 5.28 3 04 I . L'.'l 50.86 1874 .. 3.11 7.38 B 68 7.57 1.55 2.20 .52 2.79 3.14 1.54 7 ,84 a .SI 47.63 1875 . . 3.21 2.17 6 ,78 3.01 3.11 8.41 9.88 3.32 .16 1.76 7 ,96 3 ,21 52.93 1876... . .15.05 2.34 9 XI 2.67 5.84 6.62 3.44 5.24 .73 2.14 ,96 ,73 55.60 1877 . . 1.93 .25 3 62 3.87 2.13 4.88 5.63 1.58 3.15 3.12 4 ,76 4, . .-,:, 39.47 1878 . . 3.05 1.94 2 07 5.61 4.41 4.61 2.81 3.45 2.99 2.59 3 .so 3 . :>;-, 41.76 1879 . . 2.81 2.03 1 96 3.03 2.79 8.70 1.37 7.05 .93 3.87 3 2.-, 6 . on 45.41 1880 , 4.56 5.01 4 . r>2 3.25 4.64 2.92 4.34 2.61 4.55 6.96 3 .98 2 .22 49.56 > Data prior to June, 1919, are for Ewing, 7 miles northeast of Benton. 270 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Jiy Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual CAIRO, Alexander county, continued 1881... . . 3.56 4.97 1.33 3.62 2.44 1.81 .18 .11 2.74 2.74 4.98 3.70 32.18 1882 . . 6.35 10.14 4.22 4.14 10.22 3.34 5.25 3.46 3.28 2.57 5.96 2.65 61.58 1883 . . 2.74 8.52 2.14 5.64 3.85 6.15 7.95 1.73 .34 6.97 4.36 2.18 52.57 1884 . . 2.32 5.58 4.20 3.65 4.57 2.95 7.34 2.74 5.02 1.89 2.41 8.99 51.66 1885 . . 3.49 1.48 1.08 1.43 3.21 4.63 .82 2.40 4.76 2.89 2.79 3.01 31.99 1886... . . 3.82 2.54 2.84 6'.64 2.98 4.87 1.01 2.84 2.52 .45 5.73 1.74 37.98 1887 . . 2.15 4.60 2.18 2.09 1.37 2.34 1.42 1.10 1.67 .38 3.33 4.12 26.75 1888 . . 2 . 80 2.51 4.91 3.08 3.58 5.48 3.32 5.45 .28 3.24 4.85 2.40 41.90 1889 . . 4.61 1.57 1.40 .97 1.91 8.07 5.15 1.10 3.82 2.81 5.56 .77 37.74 1890 . . 6.32 7.57 6.14 3.76 4.19 1.45 1.62 5.16 2.27 3.04 6.08 2.91 50.51 1891... . . 3.95 3.20 5.86 1.55 2.48 3.97 2.21 4.77 .29 .49 7.30 3.49 39.56 1892 . . 2.01 3.32 2.29 5.28 5.55 3.55 1.73 5.23 .90 .74 4.20 3.91 38.71 1893 , . 1 . 26 3.93 2.09 6.91 6.70 7.59 1.23 1.64 6.83 6.26 2.75 1.60 48.79 1894 ,. 2.18 4.77 4.14 2.54 2.79 1.04 1.92 1.68 2.69 1.47 1.42 3.87 30.51 1895 . 3.77 .39 2.76 2.75 1.48 4.86 5.97 .71 1.86 .50 5.27 3.25 33.57 1896... . 1.45 1.69 3.97 2.57 10.82 4.73 2.31 1.78 2.95 1.73 4.18 1.18 39.36 1897 . 3.89 3.95 7.50 6.49 1.12 6.87 2.76 .89 .53 .91 5.50 3.69 44.10 1898 . 6.26 1.18 9.20 2.13 5.36 1.73 5.67 3.56 6.11 4.64 1.55 1.27 48.66 1899 . . 5.46 2.51 3.59 2.33 5.27 5.74 3.90 1.06 2.25 3.42 3.05 3.84 42.42 1900 . 2.00 3.20 1.29 1.79 3.98 10.07 3.13 .27 2.40 1.70 4.63 2.43 36.89 1901... . 1.52 1.78 3.62 2.70 2.00 .91 4.57 3.83 1.56 3.40 1.77 4.02 31.68 1902 . . 3.42 1.37 2.12 3.36 2.13 2.47 .40 3.26 3.29 .79 3.51 6.95 33.07 1903 . 2.35 4.19 4.28 1.85 3.52 2.37 4.89 .81 .75 1.98 2.07 3.85 32.91 1904 . 4.05 1.70 4.60 2.98 2.03 3.61 4.20 2.59 1.91 1.20 .15 2.98 32.00 1905 . 3.41 1.98 2.84 2.19 4.11 6.00 4.43 3.79 .69 3.00 3.64 3.40 39.48 1906 . 6.17 1.42 6.07 1.29 .46 2.33 3.86 5.73 4.77 .44 7.88 6.50 46.92 1907 . . 7.77 3.58 3.39 3.81 6.78 2.95 3.92 2.43 1.14 2.90 4.43 2.48 45.58 1908 . 2.84 6.98 1.88 6.63 4.90 3.15 1.92 4.28 1.01 .02 3.32 1.54 38.47 1909 . 2.54 6.76 7.10 4.85 3.96 1.88 3.13 .01 5.66 .74 2.58 3.84 43.05 1910 . 2.63 3.29 1.39 6.78 2.86 2.05 7.59 2.90 .93 11.57 .55 3.39 45.93 1911... . 1.56 2.66 .77 5.77 .22 2.08 1.99 2.82 5.15 1.08 3.30 2.71 30.11 1912 . 4.13 2.41 5.29 5.91 2.51 4.69 1.90 2.28 2.33 3.64 .62 1.54 37.25 1913 .11.65 2.08 7.23 2.27 .87 1.07 4.19 1.54 2.22 5.50 3.14 .84 42.60 1914 . 1.64 3.85 3.31 2.64 2.66 .92 .35 2.52 3.73 2.45 .64 3.51 28.22 1915 . 4.85 2.90 .75 1.01 4.13 2.42 3.51 10.28 4.16 1.20 4.18 6.61 46.00 1916... . 8.11 .83 1.65 1.66 3.06 8.00 .21 2.28 2.07 1.29 1.70 4.46 35.32 1917 . 4.32 1.54 3.60 6.96 1.72 3.15 4.74 6.36 1.40 1.42 2.91 2.31 40.43 1918 . 3.47 1.03 1.56 6.18 5.15 3.33 .74 1.62 5.29 3.07 1.34 6.12 38.90 1919 .1.15 1.25 6.61 4.78 3.53 4.61 1.51 3.41 1.80 5.97 6.47 2.16 43.25 1920 . 3.48 1.68 3.94 3.35 5.02 2.10 2.82 2.48 2.19 2.09 .70 5.10 34.95 1921... . 2.27 3.72 4.26 3.67 1.68 1.83 .98 4.29 4.80 .82 11.18 3.02 42.52 1922 . 1.48 2.81 8.40 3.35 2.65 1.44 4.49 .98 1.41 2.54 1.98 3.27 34.80 1923 . 7.01 2.57 5.00 4.02 5.10 3.30 2.01 2.48 3.48 2.43 3.59 4.92 45.91 1924 . 2.67 1.47 1.28 2.49 5.64 4.78 3.73 2.84 2.84 .14 1.81 3.76 33.45 1925 . 1.21 2.82 2.19 1.66 .86 5.95 2.08 .60 6.21 10.53 4.59 .57 39.27 1926... . 3.50 1.78 2.79 3.02 2.26 .60 3.22 12.02 4.30 3.43 4.49 4.15 45.56 1927 . 8.16 1.36 8.07 9.59 10.18 5.89 2.63 1.57 7.33 2.18 4.52 2.66 64.14 1928 . 1.65 2.58 1.23 5.76 1.75 15.70 1.43 3.95 .14 5.13 3.30 3.26 45.88 1929 . 4.98 4.20 3.54 2.97 5.19 3.76 1.28 3.29 5.44 1.08 2.51 4.12 42.36 1930 . 9.44 2.53 2.54 .79 2.49 1.59 .04 .76 2.65 1.05 1.83 1.97 27.68 1931 . . . . 1.77 3.38 4.20 4.00 2.99 3.13 1.97 7.14 1.19 2.66 5.35 4.15 41.93 1932 . 7.02 4.43 4.19 3.28 .50 1.78 2.58 3.79 5.67 3.56 2.65 6.88 46.33 1933 . 3.78 3.77 6.39 3.68 9.02 .91 7.49 4.41 7.81 2.75 1.23 2.60 53.84 1934 . 1.28 2.01 3.86 1.69 1.59 .92 3.41 2.70 6.02 2.68 8.45 3.30 37.91 1935 . 4.74 1.34 12.00 3.69 4.83 7.51 1.86 5.99 1.23 5.00 1.70 1.99 51.88 1936... .95 2.01 4.04 3.79 1.72 2.18 2.64 .12 3.57 3.81 2.78 4.06 31.67 1937 .15.45 1.57 1.36 4.39 4.92 3.06 1.53 .42 3.18 4.47 1.99 3.04 45.38 1938 . 4.27 2.88 12.40 1.27 2.71 3.32 7.47 1.56 .99 1.16 3.25 1.35 42.63 1939 . 4.15 7.70 4.78 4.95 3.62 2.56 1.36 1.22 1.20 1.47 2.22 1.75 36.98 1940 . 2.64 3.51 3.25 7.92 1.92 3.17 1.39 .77 1.75 .73 4.09 2.92 34.06 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 271 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual CAIRO, Alexander county, concluded 1941 2 33 71 58 2 06 1 77 1 18 2 54 4 06 1 58 7 66 1 42 3 90 29 79 1942 . . 3 12 4 52 3 07 4 19 3 21 3 51 62 5 05 96 1 96 5 23 2 18 37 62 1943 . . . .33 1.11 5.06 3.24 6 11 2 69 2 08 1 48 4 26 1 61 1 17 2 56 31 70 1944 . . . .74 4.63 5.12 6.50 3 . 79 2 . 04 1 11 4 40 1 86 63 2 60 4.89 38.31 1945... .. 2.13 5.92 9.22 8.27 6.94 10.17 .84 3.28 6.30 1.97 5.12 1.82 61.98 1946 4.80 5.73 1.74 4.6111.15 3.01 2.68 5.25 1.27 2.69 6.01 3.54 52.47 Aver 3.91 3.23 4.11 3.91 3.79 3.89 3.00 3.00 2.86 2.75 3.61 3.33 41.39 CAPE GIRARDEAU, Cape Girardeau county, Missouri 1891 6 90 2 61 3 65 90 3 95 4 20 10 2 95 1 25 7 34 1.90 35.75 1892 1 50 2 97 3 50 4 00 3 89 1 50 2 10 3 95 35 2.80 3.32 2.00 31.88 1893 . .40 3 27 2 00 5 73 3 50 4.65 1 25 1 00 2.60 2.30 1.10 1.01 28.81 1894 1 50 1 00 1918 1919 .. 4.00 2 13 .42 2 01 1.35 5 60 6.06 2 05 11.17- 4 76 2.85 7 42 .29 50 7 10 4 [12 7.92 2.90 4.06 8.86 1.67 49.34 1920 3 44 98 4 71 2 26 5 89 3 22 3 01 3 21 2.07 3.03 .63 3.68 36.13 1921 . . 2.14 2 63 5 14 4 16 2 77 3 21 .41 4.87 4.63 .82 9.88 2.34 43.00 1922 . . 2.22 2.46 7.80 3.87 2 94 3.01 7.57 2.82 4.04 2.95 3.07 3.49 46.24 1923 . . 5.30 4.07 4.61 3.34 5.50 2.12 1.94 5.81 3.12 2.68 7.70 5.40 46.59 1924 . . 2 65 2 06 1 89 2 21 5 50 6 21 3 96 2.04 1.83 .15 1.75 3.88 34.13 1925 . . 1 . 34 2 88 2 50 2 80 .39 6 77 1.03 .68 8.76 7.76 5.95 .98 41.84 1926... . . 2.84 1.91 3.21 2.47 .76 2.94 1.41 5.05 2.79 3.30 4.02 3.54 34.24 1927 7 18 1 00 7 79 9 39 10 60 6 86 5 62 4 00 5.89 2.91 4.83 7.40 73.47 1928 .. 1.75 3 44 2 06 6 89 4 00 20 04 1.79 5.35 8.66 6.32 2.98 63.28 1929 . . 7 . 06 3.23 3 18 6 02 7 97 3.76 2.93 3.03 4.06 .90 2.57 4.22 48.93 1930 . 7 66 2 52 1 89 1 57 2 61 1 15 67 1.34 5.56 1.50 2.68 1.40 30.55 1931 . . .82 2 85 4 36 3 70 6 42 1 15 .66 8.17 2.76 2.29 6.52 4.09 43.79 1932 . . 5 . 98 2.85 3 96 3 77 .96 2.03 1.52 4.89 5.44 5.05 2.21 7.96 46.62 1933 3 02 3 04 5 09 6 27 10 50 22 4 31 1.81 5.86 2.58 .96 2.48 46.14 1934 . . . 1.51 1 47 3 19 2 65 1 82 1 22 1.78 4.00 8.23 2.94 7.64 2.26 38.71 1935 . . 4 . 02 1.37 10 74 2 02 5.18 6.74 1.64 1.97 4.17 4.95 2.38 1.60 46.78 1936... .94 2.07 2.17 4.55 1.54 .90 2.47 T 3.59 2.87 2.24 3.95 27.29 1937 12 32 1 62 1 14 5 86 6 01 6 35 1.82 .78 4.26 4.19 2.07 2.19 48.61 1938 . . 3 . 94 2 70 5 40 1 63 3 63 7.17 5.07 2.23 1.46 .97 2.36 1.98 38.54 1939 . . 5 . 24 5.60 4.93 6.51 2.64 3.05 2.68 2.86 1.14 2.77 1.37 1.33 40.12 1940 . 1 86 3 25 2 45 5 76 2 77 2 73 .82 3.52 .63 .16 3.89 2.87 30.71 1941... . . 3.16 .58 1 45 3 05 3 26 .67 .87 4.63 3.15 7.44 2.21 4.22 34.69 1942 . . 4.02 4.54 3.65 3.78 5.43 6.22 1.29 6.74 1.63 2.88 8.37 1.72 50.27 1943... T 1 06 6 23 2 58 9 89 3 33 1.24 4.91 4.74 1.59 2.09 1.61 39.27 1944 . . .58 3 79 3.53 6 53 4.03 2.23 1.78 5.88 2.52 .02 1.23 2.92 35.04 1945 1 72 7 09 12 75 9 63 4 47 9 11 2 23 8.27 10.76 3.17 3.23 1.15 73.58 1946 . . 3 18 4 94 1 75 4 38 8 81 1.30 3.97 6.55 1.45 1.92 5.49 3.04 46.78 3 40 2 68 4 18 4 26 4 80 4 20 2 15 3 88 3.60 3.06 3.82 3.13 43.16 CARBONDALE, Jackson county 1910.... 1911 55 3.47 2 79 .09 1 85 3.70 10 59 2! 81 1 47 8.58 2 24 8.58 2 60 2.11 8 01 5.60 5 70 10.27 3.69 .25 3.34 2.24 2.50 45.33 1912. . . . 3 16 2 84 6 10 6 38 3 04 4 69 2 64 4 68 5.62 2.76 1.90 .75 44.56 1913 . . . 7.70 .79 7 63 3 00 2.10 2 62 3.35 1.37 2.74 5.73 3.44 2.05 42.52 1914 2 41 5 09 2 60 2 42 1 52 34 2 09 1 84 3 04 4.41 .97 4.03 30.76 1915 . . . 4.53 2 17 92 77 8 19 7 91 4 42 10.96 3.58 .41 2.16 6.88 52.90 1916... 9 69 1 90 1 95 2 39 3 60 5.59 5.59 5.44 3.07 2.96 2.34 4.25 48.77 1917.... . . 4 24 .89 4 41 8 00 6.98 3.48 5.20 4.19 .92 2.87 3.12 1.54 45.84 1918 4 32 50 84 6 50 7 93 1 46 .64 4.71 5.04 2.98 2.54 4.63 42.09 1919... 87 1 52 4 28 3 56 7.73 3.41 2.33 2.87 3.72 10.11 5.63 .90 46.93 1920... . . 3.62 .86 5.93 4.37 8.89 1.59 6.13 3.44 1.81 2.98 1.26 4.30 45.18 272 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual CARBONDALE, Jackson county, concluded 1921... . . . 2 t> 2.55 2.90 2.93 1.80 6.93 3.16 .72 6.29 5.68 4.51 1.01 40.04 1926... .. 2 .54 2.23 3.03 2,98 1.83 .97 1.26 4.76 3.59 6.00 3.82 2.59 35.60 1927.... . . . 4 f .82 6.47 9.'63 8.09 2.98 6.02 2.24 6.80 2.47 5.96 4.70 60.60 1928 ... 1 86 3.48 1.32 4.61 3.11 15.72 1.89 6.69 .09 8.47 4.82 2.62 54.68 1929.... ... 5 26 2.48 2.77 5.56 7.19 6.41 5.24 3.57 5.90 2.00 2.94 5.57 54.89 1930.... ... 8 02 3.44 2.15 1.36 1.48 2.16 1.43 .36 7.26 1.42 1.94 1.05 32.07 1931... 78 2.97 3.38 4.36 6.28 .34 2.99 5.28 3.88 4.94 7.96 4.75 47.91 1932.... .. 5 ,30 1.80 2.90 3.36 1.02 2.49 4.00 11.18 5.47 5.89 1.85 7.07 52.33 1933.... . . . 4 to 2.46 4.93 5.01 10.29 .23 3.41 3.02 2.67 2.34 .84 1.95 41.55 1934.... . . . 1 66 1.67 3.55 3.09 2.62 2.88 2.33 4.30 6.57 2.21 7.65 1.78 40.31 1935.... ...3 13 1.51 9.52 4.14 7.07 15.95 2.28 2.08 3.19 3.52 3.34 1.03 56.75 1936... . !)ti 2.07 2.54 2.53 1.58 2.18 2.27 .35 6.77 6.79 2.55 3.05 33.64 1937.... ..13 02 1.64 1.04 4.66 4.44 7.86 4.64 1.28 4.11 4.27 2.44 2.93 52.33 1938.... ...3 20 2.77 4.69 2.43 4.06 6.70 3.95 4.55 1.57 .91 3.09 1.69 39.61 1939.... ...5 01 5.07 4.37 7.76 1.94 5.22 1.74 2.55 ' .77 .95 1.90 2.14 39.42 1940.... . . . 1 .46 3.98 2.55 5.86 3.53 2.60 2.07 2.24 .45 .54 3.98 2.92 32.17 1941... .. 2 45 .87 2.08 2.95 2.00 .76 1.02 2.78 2.72 8.45 3.72 3.46 33.26 1942.... ...2 97 4.72 4.59 3.47 5.21 4.42 2.81 3.60 1.25 2.81 6.47 1.40 43.72 1943.... 10 1.41 5.01 3.60 8.68 4.76 3.62 1.46 5.61 1.83 2.37 1.68 40.13 1944.... oi; 3.61 3.73 5.83 2.84 1.71 .69 5.24 1.97 1.06 1.99 2.61 31.84 1945.... ...2. (17 7.61 12.00 10.44 3.22 11.24 3.12 7.20 9.28 3.35 3.97 1.30 74.50 1946.... ... 3 35 3.95 1.75 3.90 6.91 1.19 3.09 7.72 3.02 2.06 5.22 2.72 44.88 Aver. . . . 8 47 2.60 3.90 4.53 4.52 4.37 3.10 4.21 4.01 3.67 3.42 2.97 44 77 CARMI, White county 1923 . . . 2.75 6.15 1924.... .. 2 ,07 .90 3.29 3.38 3.30 3.35 .56 4.72 .21 1.54 2.94 1925.... ... 1 .19 2.55 2.74 1.55 1.45 4.90 1.92 .95 7.02 6.19 5.33 1.07 36.86 1926.... .. 2 75 1.52 3.36 2.62 1.22 .96 2.37 6.02 5.29 5.07 2.71 2.67 36.56 1927.... ...5 .32 .94 6.19 8.10 9.50 3.08 5.02 2.87 10.49 1.76 4.69 4.67 62.63 1928 . . . 1 02 2.23 1.45 4.56 3.27 9.23 2.46 3.90 .58 7.59 2.29 1929.... ... 5 85 3.08 2.91 4.34 7.43 5.65 2.84 2.82 3.80 2.28 2.17 4.54 47.71 1930.... ...7 56 3.27 2.00 .64 .65 2.30 .54 3.00 5.59 1.78 1.90 1.48 30.71 1931... . <;.-> 2.30 3.90 3.13 2.21 3.51 1.16 7.45 5.37 2.72 5.71 4.59 42.70 1932.... .. 6 OS 1.42 2.92 3.44 1.38 1.03 3.66 7.71 7.35 5.55 2.75 4.93 48.22 1933.... . . . 4 ,91 2.32 5.24 3.42 10.81 T 3.97 3.45 2.11 4.24 .99 1.78 43.24 1934.... ... 1 ,20 1.23 3.13 2.87 2.90 3.72 6.79 4.27 8.68 .94 5.29 2.28 43.30 1935.... ...2 94 1.14 9.78 4.01 10.82 6.30 1.92 .97 2.53 1.68 3.14 1.68 46.91 1936... . 1 ,64 2.28 3.09 2.92 1.10 1.83 1.20 2.11 5.24 4.60 3.29 3.62 32.92 1937.... ...16 ,18 2.29 1.00 4.13 3.79 6.04 3.68 1.72 2.29 6.47 1.97 2.76 52.27 1938.... . . . 2 7:: 2.51 5.79 2.09 4.97 1.90 4.48 2.13 3.26 .58 3.91 1.38 35.73 1939.... ...4, 86 5.62 3.80 5.71 2.75 6.08 2.00 2.11 .75 1.69 1.66 2.52 39.54 1940.... .... 1. 97 4.72 1.13 5.80 2.57 2.18 2.19 1.33 1.15 .55 4.91 2.47 30.97 1941... .. 2 01 1.17 1.04 2.46 2.39 3.90 3.76 6.29 .99 7.82 2.00 3.99 37.82 1942.... ...2. 06 4.07 4.05 3.10 3.40 5.60 1.94 2.12 .69 1.46 5.50 2.65 36.64 1943.... 27 1.22 4.94 3.31 6.02 4.52 1.87 1.03 3.37 1.89 1.64 2.28 32.36 1944.... 72 3.00 4.48 6.48 3.18 .36 1.54 2.48 1.91 .30 2.17 2.76 29.38 1945.... ... 1. 56 6.98 12.08 7.24 2.77 7.58 1.77 10.14 5.78 2.11 3.65 1..93 63.59 1946.... ...2, 11 3.62 1.78 2.32 8.42 1.02 4.46 7.75 2.68 1.97 4.72 2.91 44.06 Aver. 8 12 2.63 3.95 3.81 4.19 3.70 2.82 3.62 3.98 3.02 3.23 2.93 41.31 CHESTER, Randolph county 1891... . 4.07 2.67 4.16 .76 1.01 6.26 1892.... . .. 1 ,86 3.98 1.22 7.37 8.77 2.91 3.53 2.34 1.75 2.14 6.05 1.64 43.55 1893.... 28 .94 2.49 4.27 4.13 2.26 2.75 .41 1894.... 1.59 2.84 4.57 1.87 1.91 1.62 4.21 3.30 .58 3.93 1895.... ... 3. 68 .70 3.51 2.23 2.07 3.99 5.93 2.87 3.38 .41 4.38 4.72 37.77 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 273 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual CHESTER, Randolph county, concluded 1896... . 1.79 1.93 3.91 2.25 7.59 7.08 4.27 2.52 2.58 1.90 .20 1897 .. 4.13 2.81 8.34 6.28 3.16 9.60 3.05 1.36 .75 .17 4.50 4.77 48.92 1898 . . 3.93 1.98 8.90 3.48 8.49 3.79 6.34 4.23 3.33 4.97 1.23 2.23 52.90 1899 . . 2.60 2.76 2.53 2.71 1.84 2.54 2.13 2.29 .80 3.36 1.75 2.48 27.79 1900 . . 1.01 3.94 1.97 3.43 4.45 7.62 3.03 1.91 3.17 1.53 5.21 1.65 38.92 1901... .. 1.00 1.60 3.39 2.99 1.56 1.72 .32 2.32 1.55 1.92 1.34 1.92 21.63 1902 . . 1.54 1.39 4.06 2.85 3.61 3.27 2.62 4.77 3.48 1.41 3.97 4.08 37.05 1903 . . 1.50 3.71 4.33 1.97 1.71 2.69 4.39 4.35 2.52 2.92 1.07 1.95 33.11 1904 . . 2.74 2.02 9.15 5.47 4 . 25 4 . 86 3.57 3.13 7.42 1.42 .86 2.20 47.09 1905 . . 3.05 2.19 3.34 4.20 3.99 1.87 13.56 2.34 9.26 4.72 2.18 2.78 53.48 1906... . . 5.85 .2.58 5.84 3.04 2.58 6.80 2.30 4.62 7.78 2.86 4.76 3.22 52.23 1907 , . 5.56 1.30 2.63 2.38 5.48 4.74 4.83 6.26 2.22 2.96 3.80 3.58 45.74 1908 .. 3.12 6.77 5.57 8.86 7.52 1.91 7.45 1.65 1.76 .10 2.87 .87 48.45 1909 . . 2.83 4.07 5.21 7.23 4.58 2.90 7.25 .09 8.78 1.58 3.76 3.18 51.46 1910 . 2.12 3.71 .04 3.02 3.35 4.91 9.04 4.46 4.03 5.72 .28 1.56 42.24 1911... .38 3.12 1.38 6.04 1.86 2.82 1.58 5.96 7.00 4.38 3.37 3.08 40.97 1912 . . 2.72 4.87 5.13 7.20 5.46 6.46 6.53 8.13 4.18 1.60 3.36 .74 56.38 1913 . . 9.78 1.54 7.68 3.63 2.20 2.80 3.33 .76 5.41 7.98 3.39 2.45 50.95 1914 .. 3.12 4.73 3.51 3.27 1.05 2.02 1.20 5.90 4.54 6.06 1.90 4.88 42.18" 1915 . 3.77 2.81 1.12 1.07 9.54 7.96 5.95 13.44 4.30 1.02 3.56 4.62 59.16 1916... ,.12.13 1.51 2.66 2.78 3.09 7.12 1.61 4.43 3.03 3.54 1.86 6.73 50.49 1917 . . 5.63 .43 2.89 7.56 5.00 2.75 2.69 4.82 .57 1.83 2.50 1.58 38.25 1918 . 2.86 .80 1.67 9.70 7.45 2.60 .25 5.56 3.65 3.51 2.36 4.08 44.49 1919 . 1.06 1.45 2.82 2.07 6.02 7.02 1.91 2.35 2.83 8.44 4.65 .55 41.17 1920 , . 3.29 .64 5.66 3.30 7.85 .67 2.03 3.58 2.91 1.65 .70 3.42 35.70 1921... . 1.75 1.41 6.12 4.86 2.38 3.54 .86 4.32 9.23 1.22 5.84 2.83 44.36 1922 ,. 1.11 1.55 7.33 5.00 2.64 3.76 1.64 1.39 1.20 2.75 2.32 4.88 35.57 1923 . . 2.60 3.49 4.73 3.08 6.58 4.07 1.24 6.07 1.44 3.86 1.95 4.72 43.83 1924 . . 1.46 1.42 3.37 2.47 4.68 3.51 5.03 3.48 2.18 .62 1.12 2.92 32.26 1925 , . 1.32 2.30 2.44 4.06 1.51 5.81 5.11 1.34 6.15 3.85 4.57 1.79 40.25 1926... . . 2.03 3.53 2.16 2.49 .82 1.52 .81 5.68 4.31 4.82 3.77 2.04 33.98 1927 . . 4.58 .65 6.23 10.40 4/46 5.82 4.14 1.76 1.46 2.38 5.39 3.22 50.49 1928 . . 1.39 1.69 2.21 3.87 3.50 12.71 1.10 6.34 .03 3.47 3.44 2.36 42.11 1929 . . 3.25 2.01 2.86 3.64 8.45 3.58 2.09 4.77 3.67 2.23 2.09 4.33 42.97 1930 . . 5.93 3.04 1.45 1.42 2.46 1.04 1.93 .10 3.78 1.98 1.19 .99 25.31 1931... .57 1.49 3.19 3.37 3.87 1.26 1.50 3.70 3.70 3.02 5.56 2.91 34.14 1932 . . 4.86 .92 2.23 2.23 .56 3.50 1.87 6.21 2.21 5.33 1.61 4.75 36.28 1933 . . 2.57 1.27 2.36 6.63 8.29 .23 2.03 8.17 2.46 3.58 1.11 2.11 40.81 1934 .. 1.55 1.57 2.91 4.67 2.41 .94 1.72 3.30 4.40 1.69 4.20 1.47 30.83 1935 . . 2.74 .74 7.44 2.44 5.76 8.29 2.43 2.59 2.85 2.08 3.62 .97 41.95 1936... . . .56 .97 1.17 2.74 .94 1.65 1.29 .13 3.81 4.39 2.34 2.21 22.20 1937 . . 9.36 .94 1.84 4.85 2.64 3.84 3.63 .88 .73 3.79 1.93 3.15 37.58 1938 . . 2.79 3.01 6.47 2.69 4.83 8.25 3.34 2.08 3.80 .89 1.69 2.18 42.02 1939 . . 3.83 3.51 3.38 5.70 2.31 5.87 3.67 4.50 1.13 1.11 1.86 1.70 38.57 1940 , . 1.68 1.88 1.34 4.29 1.84 1.75 .91 4.28 .71 1.47 3.93 2.91 26.99 1941... . . 2.58 .62 .32 2.44 1.42 3.36 .70 2.98 2.17 8.39 2.61 2.01 29.60 1942 . . 3.03 3.33 2.71 1.86 3.90 3.58 4.44 4.12 .21 .21 5.84 2.58 35.81 1943 .. T .76 2.39 4.04 8.99 6.31 4.78 3.37 3.44 2.75 1.14 2.25 40.22 1944 , . .43 3.15 2.90 3.87 4.56 .89 1.50 2.61 3.09 .29 1.65 2.19 27.13 1945 , . 1.26 5.54 8.26 7.62 4.46 5.74 1.45 1.57 7.10 3.64 2.31 .78 49.75 1946 . . 2.79 3.81 1.46 2.72 12.05 2.33 2.27 8.10 3.98 .85 5.41 2.04 47.81 Aver . . 2 . 95 2.31 3.67 4.13 4.36 4.05 3.21 3.69 3.40 2.82 2.98 2.69 40.26 DU QUOIN, Perry county" 1887... 4.11 3.29 . 2.40 .21 2.47 1888 1889 3.20 2 85 2.20 2 25 3.50 2.00 3.70 8.10 2.20 6.00 .70 2.60 4.60 2.50 ii.so 1890 1891 . . .46 4.25 2.22 4.16 1.10 2.09 1.54 4.19 .69 1.00 4.78 1.25 27.73 1892 . . 1.50 2.56 2.16 5.98 7.76 2.14 2.08 .56 2.74 3.53 1.35 35.20 1893 .. .40 2.93 3.69 9.81 3.74 4.66 1.16 1.58 2.79 2.58 3.20 1.28 37.82 1894 . . 1 . 86 3.56 3.91 2.62 3.62 3.40 1 . 37 1 . 69 2.66 2.91 1.59 2.74 31.93 1895 . . 2.07 1.05 2.94 2.12 2.50 2.84 5.07 2.04 2.59 .83 Data from 1891 thru October, 1908, are for St. John, 2 miles north of Du Quoin. 274 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual DU QUOIN, Perry county, concluded 1896 . 1.58 2.43 3.89 3.19 9.46 4.40 6.83 2.14 2.70 1.94 3.86 1.31 43.73 1897 . 3.17 2.46 11.55 4.55 2.45 4.52 1.91 .66 1.50 1.46 4.70 4.16 43.09 1898 . 4.07 1.32 9.98 3.53 6.06 3.15 7.52 2.86 3.60 3.06 1.17 2.87 49.19 1899 . 3.65 3.73 3.34 2.67 3.03 4.73 3.60 2.53 .84 4.08 2.76 2.08 37.04 1900 . 1.98 4.19 1.85 2.59 4.85 4.89 2.47 3.20 1.12 3.27 2.59 1901 . 1.38 1.83 4.59 2'.48 1.68 . 2.46 .45 2.71 1.03 3.24 1902 . 1.51 1.16 4.20 2.09 3.07 3.03 3.49 2.12 2.44 1.02 4.10 4.54 32.77 1903 . 1.49 3.64 3.22 2.25 1.89 1.37 2.04 2.39 1.33 2.29 1.12 2.05 25.08 1904 . 2.63 2.84 8.26 3.43 4.39 6.66 4.16 4.69 83 .65 2.96 45.52 1905 . 2.51 1.94 2.77 4.25 3.07 3.56 13.49 1.86 3.89 3.60 1.85 2.81 45.60 1906 . 4.30 3.65 4.38 1.33 .94 2.75 3.37 2.64 8.28 .85 6.40 5.66 44.55 1907 . 6.47 .82 2.64 2.50 5.08 8.18 3.18 7.48 1.65 1.96 3.66 3.53 47.15 1908 .2.28 5.55 3.67 7.31 6.21 1.41 4.72 2.16 .96 T 1.88 1.16 37.31 1909 . 5.80 4.63 4.90 5.43 3.86 1.34 8.72 .17 5.71 .84 3.13 3.71 48.24 1910 . 1.43 4.16 .08 3.23 2.99 3.41 3.68 2.59 2.41 7.17 .31 2.01 33.47 1911 .89 4.02 1.38 8.52 1.86 1.87 1.91 3.55 10.26 3.02 2.68 2.30 42.26 1912 .2.68 2.53 4.94 6.58 4.27 5.89 7.37 7.02 2.87 1.93 1.54 .44 48.06 1913 . 7.11 1.31 8.65 2.29 1.22 1.72 3.25 3.12 4.99 4.81 3.24 1.42 43.13 1914 . 2.11 4.21 4.48 1.98 .59 2.20 3.00 4.73 3.75 4.10 .87 3.62 35.64 1915 . 4.46 1.92 .53 1.18 9.42 9.42 3.40 11.78 1.46 73 1.96 4.61 50.87 1916... . 4.41 1.42 1.11 1.84 3.21 9.63 1.40 3.69 3.12 2.88 1.74 3.44 37.89 1917 .3.23 .71 3.45 7.37 3.94 2.44 3.23 3.26 1.78 2.15 2.73 1.23 35.52 1918 . 3.47 .91 1.67 8.05 6.37 1.82 .45 6.52 4.05 2.61 2.24 5.62 43.78 1919 . 1.03 1.60 3.37 2.65 5.23 5.63 1.10 4.63 2.71 9.44 6.05 .76 44.20 1920 . 3.09 .67 7.01 3.17 6.38 1.41 5.74 2.18 1.37 1.98 1.42 3.81 38.23 1921... . 1.93 1.14 4.83 3.52 2.51 4.63 3.64 5.57 8.53 .89 6.28 2.63 46.10 1922 . 1.37 1.81 8.86 3.73 2.45 1.02 1.37 1.44 .57 3.46 2.37 6.45 34.90 1923 . 2.93 3.13 5.10 4.46 7.63 1.99 2.01 7.22 3.21 3.17 2.46 4.31 47.62 1924 . 2.29 1.23 2.67 4.24 5.66 2.96 3.96 2.21 1.63 .19 1.27 3.27 31.58 1925 . .95 2.21 .2.21 2.84 2.25 5.29 1.91 3.07 6.16 5.31 4.34 1.59 38.13 1926... . 1.83 3.65 2.56 2.91 1.42 1.57 2.65 7.72 5.49 6.76 3.11 2.18 41.85 1927 . 5.31 .75 5.94 7.12 5.55 4.37 4.55 2.54 3.70 1.45 5.35 3.55 50.18 1928 . 1.54 2.86 1.04 3.05 2.24 10.29 2.04 3.80 .93 5.81 3.91 3.01 40.52 1929 .4.05 2.09 2.87 4.24 7.36 10.08 5.40 1.95 3.20 1.88 2.02 5.00 50.14 1930 . 7.26 3.10 1.43 1.17 1.11 1.94 1.09 .44 4.04 2.31 3.02 1.32 28.23 1931... .73 1.72 2.95 2.44 4.08 1.33 2.29 5.51 6.23 1 78 6.01 5.35 40.42 1932 .4.65 .85 2.76 1.92 1.95 2.97 4.10 8.43 4.72 5.19 1.56 5.70 44.80 1933 . 3.16 1.40 3.67 4.52 11.31 .09 4.07 4.42 3.03 2.70 .98 2.92 42.27 1934 .1.30 .95 2.96 3.47 2.61 1.13 1.58 2.92 8.70 2.25 6.90 1.66 36.43 1935 . 3.22 .86 8.50 3.13 5.95 7.82 2.25 2.94 2.60 3.57 4.61 1.06 46.51 1936 . .65 1.46 1.83 2.98 .69 2.77 2.26 .04 4.00 4.74 3.99 3.78 29.19 1937 .9.89 1.66 1.20 5.31 3.07 6.58 3.49 1.49 4.55 5.38 1.75 3.25 47.62 1938 . 2.77 3.02 6.59 1.83 4.96 6.31 2.66 2.99 3.42 .65 2.02 1.85 39.07 1939 . 4.84 3.51 4.08 6.29 1.25 5.42 2.91 3.88 .64 1.64 1.97 1.73 38.16 1940 . 1.58 2.98 .94 5.05 .97 1.06 3.21 .75 .36 .84 3.69 2.86 24.29 1941... . 2.58 .69 .99 3.37 1.80 4.02 1.79 1.98 2.45 9.16 3.64 2.40 34.87 1942 . 2.60 4.30 2.91 2.73 3.60 6.61 5.47 2.68 1.12 2.47 5.06 2.79 42.34 1943 . .31 1.15 2.86 4.14 8.04 6.68 .88 3.33 4.42 2.49 1.61 1.56 37.47 1944 . .43 3.87 2.78 5.76 5.43 1.50 1.36 2.95 1.66 1.35 2.06 2.34 31.49- 1945 . 1.33 6.97 13.94 7.95 4.40 6.97 1.33 3.72 8.17 4.32 2.04 1.49 62.63 1946 . 2.92 4.75 2.05 3.26 11.25 .81 5.74 10.16 1.63 2.47 4.25 3.37 52.66 Aver . 2.78 2.49 3.91 3.90 4.08 3.96 3.42 3.49 3.24 2.83 3.01 2.83 39 94 EDWARDSVTXLE, Madison county 1909... 2.25 1910 . 3.14 2.89 .13 3.71 5.56 4.45 5.06 2.42 7.05 4.42 .12 1.00 39.95 1911... . 1.33 2.27 2.31 6.58 .98 1.52 1.73 2.68 10.71 2.80 2.17 1.77 36.85 1912 . 1.27 3.03 4.08 8.07 3.66 4.82 8.84 5.18 1.86 2.33 1.82 .64 45.60 1913 . 4.90 1.09 8.22 3.20 1.84 4.86 3.95 4.56 5.17 4.21 1.87 44.67 1914 . 2.13 4.37 .81 2.22 .46 .47 2.51 8.11 4.67 6.14 1.83 1.79 35.51 1915 .2.78 1.77 .36 1.30 10.70 9.39 6.59 13.30 1.35 1.27 1.97 3.73 54.51 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 275 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual EDWARDSVILLE, Madison county , concluded 1916... . . 4.82 1.26 .95 1.68 2.22 3.13 3.28 9.50 1.77 1.64 2.05 2.47 34.77 1917 . . 1.57 .45 1.28 5.52 5.03 1.09 1.83 3.54 3.88 2.40 74* .77 28.10 1918 . . 1.87 .95 .44 7.43 4.38 1.65 .46 2.39 5.61 3.36 2.19 2.62 33.35 1919 ,. .09 1.43 1.95 1.74 6.37 4.43 1.48 1.80 5.05 8.89 2.37 1.14 36.7-J 1920 . 1.94 1.23 4.58 3.90 7.36 1.63 .85 5.13 3.35 1.70 .52 2.76 34.95 1921... . 1.05 1.04 7.26 6.66 2.88 2.50 2.36 4.08 3.96 1.31 4.12 2.93 40.15 1922 . .60 1.01 6.67 8.63 2.12 1.71 2.05 1.61 2.50 1.24 1.92 5.51 35.57 1923 1.44 3.80 4.02 6.17 3.45 4.88 5.68 6.46 3.76 2.71 1924 , . 2.20 1.47 2.62 1.10 6.47 7.04 3.52 3.25 3.15 .77 2.02 4.36 37.97 1925 , . .88 2.09 1.98 1.79 .85 7.07 3.09 6.27 2.96 1.69 1926... . 1.25 2.60 3.20 3.94 2.75 4.18 1.46 4.05 8.84 4.03 4.10 .59 40.99 1927 . 3.88 .97 5.49 7.92 8.00 2.63 1.85 4.12 3.86 3.93 6.18 2.60 51.43 1928 . 1 82 2.37 1.50 2 92 .94 7 61 1 73 4 19 1 03 3 65 1929 5.06 3.93 2.56 1.40 5.09 .96 2.94 1930 . 6.16 2.61 1.81 1 . 59 1 . 53 2.52 .92 .79 4.68 1.84 2.29 .64 27.38 1931 . .35 1.54 2.20 3.13 3.88 2.93 2.62 3.82 6.27 4.09 4.74 2.43 38.00 1932 . 2.66 1.44 1.61 2.63 1.40 3.95 5.75 6.12 2.13 3.73 1.92 2.57 35.91 1933 . 3.65 1.80 5.30 3.36 11.60 .39 2.09 .65 2.77 3.00 .78 1.11 36.50 1934 . 1.42 .91 3.04 1.91 .67 2.54 2.40 3.90 6.64 1.87 3.40 1.58 30.28 1935 . 2.87 1.32 5.78 2.54 9.46 4.88 4.71 '.42 4.51 2.99 3.61 1.56 44.65 1936... . 1.98 2.24 1.50 4.51 1.61 3.15 .29 1.64 4.70 3.16 2.38 2.12 29.28 1937 . 6.32 1.88 1.83 6.74 4.69 6.32 1.94 1.76 2.96 3.99 1.46 4.35 44.24 1938 . 1.22 3.61 9.67 3.38 7.94 5.19 5.34 2.52 1.93 1.13 3.92 1.89 47.74 1939 . 4.84 3.96 2.22 5.31 2.35 4.77 7.55 10.24 .95 1.95 2.22 1.81 48.17 1940 . 1.52 1.59 2.29 4.22 1.80 2.11 1.12 4.29 .14 2.27 2.88 3.86 28.09 1941... ,. 2.74 .76 .49 5.93 2.54 3.96 3.07 2.21 7.22 8.07 2.77 1.04 40.80 1942 . .84 3.52 2.42 2.31 4.74 6.65 6.32 3.03 1.69 1.02 8.33 3.74 44.61 1943 . . 1.57 .94 4.67 1.16 14.90 5.98 1.74 2.71 3.14 4.08 1.09 1.04 43.02 1944 . .72 2.55 3.37 10.56 5.91 1.61 1.72 5.60 3.36 1.01 1.72 .98 39.11 1945 . 1.04 2.89 10.87 5.95 4.84 7.42 1.86 1.82 8.89 2.02 2.83 1.31 51.74 1946 . 2.47 2.68 4.35 3.22 6.36 3.09 2.06 17.25 1.42 4.15 9.66 3.62 60.33 Aver . 2.28 1.94 3.36 4.19 4.58 3.95 3.05 4.35 4.01 3.26 2.80 2.20 39.97 FAIRFIELD, Wayne county 1908 5 30 8 02 1 21 2 59 2 61 35 3 21 1 02 1909 , . 3.02 6.83 3.91 6.18 3.17 3.95 5.35 1.05 4.10 1.86 3.60 2.34 45.36 1910 , . 2.40 3.87 .08 3.20 3.77 1.14 5.20 1.54 6.35 7.45 .96 1.91 37.87 1911... . 1.40 2.19 2.00 6.21 1.20 3.89 .84 2.53 6.80 2.01 2.64 2.91 34.62 1912 , . 1.85 3.09 4.45 5.42 3.20 8.05 7.41 4.87 3.53 .54 2.87 1.58 46.86 1913 ,.10.18 1.05 12.43 3.70 2.30 1.48 1.41 3.46 4.65 4.08 4.40 1.84 50.98 1914 , . 2.30 3.82 3.36 3.36 .12 1.14 1.46 7.15 3.58 3.86 .89 3.27 34.31 1915 , . 4.04 2.54 1.00 T 6.95 5.59 3.41 2.16 2.61 4.71 1916... . . 8.76 1.30 1.79 1.16 3.60 5.24 1.85 5.94 3.90 2.66 1.63 2.92 40.75 1917 , . 5.94 .56 2.67 7.40 3.03 4.94 3.26 2.58 .35 4.17 1.67 1.60 38.17 1918 ,. 3.61 1.16 .95 6.44 4.22 7.46 1.06 4.70 3.52 2.78 2.35 7.17 45.42 1919 . . .75 1.75 4.76 3.55 8.33 6.27 1.03 3.57 .75 16.00 4.40 1.77 52.93 1920 . . 2.81 1.42 2.35 8.27 2.09 3.47 5.33 4.04 2.35 1.62 3.52 1921... . . 2.12 1.10 5.47 3.22 1.00 4.74 1.81 5.26 5.25 1.44 5.45 4.03 40.89 1922 . . 1.13 1.83 9.08 4.94 2.76 3.95 1.66 1.25 .46 3.07 2.02 5.71 37.86 1923 . . 2.58 2.17 4.28 3.40 4.60 3.70 2.96 4.82 4.48 3.29 1.79 6.39 44.46 1924 . . 2.75 2.37 2.99 2.48 4.38 6.50 2.78 .94 1.63 .46 1.70 2.45 31.43 1925 . . .79 2.19 1.15 2.16 2.37 5.11 1.07 .95 6.20 4.59 4.43 1.55 32.56 1926... . . 2.35 3.61 2.61 10.32 4.18 3.05 1927 1.02 5.39 8.04 12.05 4.49 7.00 8.48 3.75 1.59 4.33 4.04 1928 . . 1.31 4.09 1.05 2 . 89 3.62 1.26 4.31 3.23 2.64 1929 . . 3.75 2.37 2.74 4.00 9.31 5.64 3.77 2.34 2.49 3.24 2.03 3.71 45.39 1930 . . 7.44 3.50 1.32 1.30 1.64 .21 2.03 5.29 2.56 1.76 1.37 30.31 1931... .57 1.06 2.36 3.47 3.62 1.16 2.20 6.61 7.23 2.63 5.16 4.53 40.60 1932 . . 5.70 1.02 2.31 2.67 1.43 1.76 1.80 5.77 6.08 5.72 1.97 5.66 41.89 1933 . . 2.75 1.62 5.51 3.70 9.06 .48 2.53 2.30 4.47 2.31 .92 3.07 38.72 1934 . . 1 . 59 1.29 3.32 2.05 2.16 1.10 5.15 3.06 6.18 .83 6.30 2.14 35.12 1935 . . 4.01 .64 6.63 3.84 9.46 5.50 2.76 2.69 3.35 2.27 5.64 1.40 48.19 276 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual FAIRFIELD, Wayne county, concluded 1936... . 1.20 2.01 2.68 3.18 .78 1.56 1.70 .76 4.28 3.72 4.44 3.56 29.87 1937 ..10.56 1.62 1.46 6.28 3.27 5.11 2.57 1.92 4.81 4.89 2.31 2.91 47.71 1938 . . 1.86 2.01 5.61 2.65 3.95 3.36 5.64 3.06 2.90 .70 3.21 1.76 36.71 1939 . . 4.88 3.33 3.70 6.90 2.39 4.59 2.74 4.07 .81 1.48 1.62 1.84 38.35 1940 . . 1.75 3.53 1.79 6.59 3.94 2.82 .92 2.45 .66 .88 3.30 3.07 31.70 1941... . 1.68 1.38 1.12 2.69 2.31 4.23 3.08 1.59 2.31 9.39 3.06 2.53 35.37 1942 . . 1.95 3.17 3.89 2.05 3.97 8.74 3.44 1.68 1.45 2.10 5.29 1.63 39.36 1943 . . .79 1.28 2.45 4.40 10.18 5.11 1.92 .18 4.15 2.89 2.52 2.14 38.01 1944 . . .66 3.29 3.84 6.55 2.74 .60 1.10 5.13 1.76 1.69 1.67 1.76 30.79 1945 . . 1.36 4.99 12.79 5.95 5.30 6.91 1.62 6.78 4.95 2.67 4.56 1.69 59.57 1946 .. 2.13 4.25 1.62 2.20 12.16 3.26 1.94 6.38 2.77 2.04 6.31 2.79 47.85 Aver 3.10 2.34 3.73 4.00 4.61 3.91 2.75 3.48 3.68 3.23 3.10 2.92 40.85 FLORA, Clay county 3 1869 . 10.90 5.10 6.40 6.10 2.70 4.30 3.00 5.70 3.80 1870 .. 4.90 1.30 3.30 2.50 3.00 4.30 6.30 5.10 1.30 3.50 1.80 2.60 39.90 1871... . . 3.30 5.20 3.50 .90 5.90 2.60 3.50 2.35 1.90 2.50 2.57 2.35 36.57 1872 . . 1.05 1.70 1.90 4.20 4.70 3.10 9.50 2.70 1.70 1.00 .50 1.70 33.75 1873 . . 3 . 70 2.60 4.31 4.30 5.20 3.00 6.40 2.30 3.60 3.00 1.40 9.59 49.40 1874 . . 3.20 4.60 6.30 6.10 3.60 3.40 6.20 9.80 1.50 2.20 3.80 4.30 55.00 1875 1 30 4 40 4.50 1.40 8.30 15.30 2.90 3.50 1.80 2.70 2.60 1876... .. 9.80 3.40 5.90 4.10 9.80 11.40 6.50 4.00 2.60 1.80 3.00 .30 62.60 1877 . . 1.70 1.20 3.15 4.60 6.40 6.40 2.40 4.50 1.60 4.60 3.60 3.00 43.15 1878 .. 3.00 3.70 1.80 4.80 5.80 3.20 6.50 2.90 1.10 3.40 2.30 6.30 44.80 1879 . . 5.10 1.40 5.10 2.60 2.10 1.20 2.30 5.50 1.00 2.90 5.00 3.20 37.40 1880 .. 4.50 2.20 2.70 2.50 5.40 3.90 2.50 4.50 7.70 3.20 1.80 2.50 43.40 1881 1.85 3.00 1.80 1.71 7.50 * 1886... 1.02 3.79 4^55 1.25 7.57 1.89 4.69 3.52 .73 6.75 3.03 1887 . 1.48 6.24 6.56 4.90 3.51 3.56 3.48 2.26 2.77 1.17 5.23 3.65 44.81 1888 . . 2.39 2.72 5.22 1.62 3.32 4.83 1.79 7.66 1.26 2.35 6.16 1 97 41.29 1889 .. 2.60 2.49 2.23 1.16 4.88 11.49 6.14 2.00 5.66 1.95 5.45 2.11 48.16 1890 . . 8.30 4.15 6.45 4.80 2.70 3.72 3.14 3.05 4.90 1.38 2.20 2.50 47.29 1891... . 1.50 5.15 3.25 1.87 2.00 5.00 .20 6.10 1.40 1.80 6.60 2.20 37.07 1892 . . 2.10 4.00 1.75 7.60 7.00 1.50 3.50 5.85 .50 .75 4.40 .75 39.70 1893 . . 1 . 25 3.20 4.20 10.85 4.95 2.75 .65 1.20 2.90 1.33 1894 . . 2.41 2.43 2.97 3.20 3.77 1.91 2.96 1.75 4.09 1.60 .68 3.00 30.77 1895 . . 3.46 .16 1.63 1.84 2.47 5.60 5.20 2.56 2.58 .46 4.34 3.77 34.07 1896 . 1.05 2.02 2.75 1.55 4.05 5.20 6.26 1.04 4.23 2.31 3.92 .31 34.69 1897 . . 3.93 2.29 9.42 6.00 2.31 4.28 2.95 .39 .24 .37 5.48 2.95 40.61 1898 . . 4 . 86 4.76 4.06 2.41 1.52 1899 . . 2.94 2.69 3.48 1.49 2.73 4.56 3.53 2.57 .60 4.54 1.71 2.65 33.49 1900 . . .76 3.17 1.91 1.36 4.95 8.28 5.61 1.28 4.26 2.24 3.04 1.94 38.80 1901... .86 2.19 3.46 3.07 2.04 3.91 2.09 2.80 .84 2.95 1.82 5.18 31.21 1902 . . 1 . 25 .94 2 64 2.35 1 55 4 63 2 53 3 13 3 37 1 01 2.85 1903 . . 2.04 2.02 3.57 4.79 1.75 2.18 3.89 5.62 2.51 1.81 .83 1.92 32.93 1904 . . 2.37 2.00 9.50 2.45 3.40 5.14 3.41 3.02 6.26 .37 .86 2.15 40.93 1905 . . 1.45 1.29 2.32 3.45 4.06 2.29 5.85 3.36 2.35 6.95 1.83 2.86 38.06 1906... 2.33 3.87 1.22 .69 2.52 2.17 4.76 6.78 2.29 5.71 3.33 1907 . . 7.59 .63 3.09 3.63 4.02 6.08 4.44 4.98 .95 1.89 2.92 3.33 43.55 1908 .. 1.50 5.43 3.18 5.16 7.82 1.08 3.22 .90 1.06 .10 2.80 .98 33.23 1909 . . 2.46 4.40 5.55 4.79 4.08 5.59 6.57 .09 5.79 4.50 4.28 2.45 50.55 1910 3.66 .24 3.93 3.17 3.23 5.03 1.60 5.03 7.17 .78 1.27 1911... 2.20 1.62 5.41 3.92 9.82 2.81 2.91 1.87 . 1912 . 1.42 2.21 4.08 4.92 4.63 3.25 9.53 3.53 2.61 2.28 2.10 .81 41.37 1913 .. 7.82 1.25 8.03 2.58 1.58 3.25 1.77 2.67 3.77 4.60 4.67 1.44 43.43 1914 . . 2.81 4.46 2.96 2.31 .21 2.22 1.19 4.36 5.20 3.11 1.10 1915 27 7.50 6.39 5.62 7.71 1.49 .26 2.55 1916... 1.28 4.26 2.48 1.13 1917 . . 4.77 .16 2.42 7.48 5.73 1.96 .92 1918 .. 3.76 1.55 .85 9.94 5.06 2.73 2.34 3.35 5.28 1.90 1.87 6.07 44.70 1919 . . 1.26 1.49 3.18 2.40 7.44 2.53 1.10 3.22 2.34 13.95 4.13 1.40 44.44 1920 2.54 1.13 5.16 3.46 7.39 3.20 8.37 5.48 3.69 1.42 1.22 3.64 46.70 Data from 1869 thru 1881, and from 1890 thru January, 1898, are for Louisville, 7 miles north of Flora. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 277 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual FLORA, Clay county, concluded 1921 . 2.14 1.09 7.56 3.67 2.01 5.31 1.69 5.58 6.49 1.53 6.22 4.39 47.68 1922 . 1.01 1.58 6.86 5.85 2.76 4.11 3.73 4.17 1.40 5.76 2.04 5.24 44.51 1923 . 2.87 1.82 4.29 4.70 5.93 3.05 1.05 4.58 3.50 4.25 2.07 5.51 43.68 1924 . 1.96 1.65 2.81 1.96 6.17 5.66 2.63 3.78 3.07 .32 1.10 3.86 34.97 1925 . .83 1.64 1.55 1.97 2.05 5.19 .87 3.70 3.04 4.25 4.65 1.79 31.53 1926 . 1.96 3.60 3.34 6.34 1.47 1.61 2.76 3.11 8.40 4.98 3.28 1.59 42.44 1927 . 3.59 1.11 5.03 5.42 7.12 2.55 3.66 4.52 3.38 1.89 4.55 3.99 46.81 1928 . 1.84 3.06 1.74 2.57 2.99 8.62 2.37 2.76 1.55 5.81 3.72 3.32 40.35 1929 . 3.92 2.95 3.64 5.88 7.99 6.20 2.52 6.41 3.19 2.62 3.60 3.15 52.07 1930 . 7.40 1.96 .82 2.23 1.78 1.91 T 2.99 4.36 1.88 2.79 1.33 29.45 1931... . 1.06 1.31 3.11 2.59 . 5.56 6.98 6.39 4.06 5.23 4.56 1932 . 6 04 1 02 2 30 2.37 .79 3 83 2 37 4 97 1933 . 3.75 1.53 4.81 3.65 9.71 1.00 2.18 2.10 3.16 2.84 1.00 1.93 37.66 1934 . 1.65 1.13 3.02 3.07 2.02 2.58 4.32 3.24 5.82 1.44 7.02 2.26 37.57 1935 . 3.31 .69 6.26 2.41 9.33 3.76 2.48 1.89 2.69 2.12 4.68 .83 40.45 1936... .1.17 2.12 2.03 2.10 .87 3.37 2.28 .87 3.28 3.63 3.54 2.27 27.53 1937 . 9.25 1.70 1.89 6.50 3.65 3.85 2.04 1.61 1.83 6.16 .87 4.12 43.47 1938 .1.40 2.11 9.74 3.32 5.40 2.39 5.67 3.09 1.87 .82 3.02 2.38 41.21 1939 . 5.39 4.25 2.98 6.84 2.10 7.25 2.81 4.84 .52 1.32 2.20 2.32 42.82 1940: . 1.93 3.01 2.24 6.14 2.80 2.33 .88 2.51 .15 2.30 4.11 3.61 32.01 1941... . 2.33 .86 .86 4.59 2.13 4.26 2.90 3.32 3.09 5.79 3.87 2.25 36.25 1942 . 2.01 4.40 5.49 3.12 3.33 9.35 4.22 3.27 .75 1.36 4.65 1.89 43.84 1943 . 1.38 1.15 2.88 4.29 12.47 2.83 2.87 .26 2.65 2.78 2.36 2.78 38.70 1944 . .12 4.95 3.56 10.08 2.64 .54 1.93 5.20 2.36 .20 2.14 1.35 35.07 1945 . 2.67 4.93 10.68 5.98 5.32 7.38 3.05 3.06 7.93 2.25 3.42 2.22 58.89 1946 . 2.52 5.27 1.45 2.53 9.45 2.42 1.27 6.18 1.47 4.37 5.07 3.03 45.03 Aver 3.00 2.51 3.81 3.95 4.30 4.21 3.72 3.57 3.25 2.79 3.22 2.79 41.12 GOLCONDA, Pope county" 1866... .50 1.20 5.88 2.05 3.33 3.32 1.67 7.83 .87 3.20 3.48 1867 . 1.90 6.20 4.50 .70 6.00 1.80 4.40 1.10 .60 .90 3.20 1.60 32.90 1868 . 2.20 .60 4.10 4.20 3.20 1.30 2.10 2.60 4.70 1.10 1.04 3.30 30.44 1869 . 1.40 1.20 9.40 4.20 2.20 4.00 2.00 1.00 .80 .60 1.10 2.76 30.66 1870 . 4.50 7.50 4.60 3.80 2.10 3.70 1.40 2.50 1.60 1878 5 66 1.12 2.96 3.74 4.80 4.73 1879 . 2.48 2.39 3.15 4.08 1.83 5.95 3.99 11.31 1.65 5.11 4.48 8.61 55.03 1880 . 5.67 5.51 4.27 3.74 7.50 3.57 6.07 2.65 4.53 6.71 4.37 1.67 56.26 1881... . 2.80 5.85 2.05 3.91 3.50 4.21 .61 .17 4.30 3.69 5.83 4.17 41.09 1882 . 6.05 10.19 4.72 3.85 10.24 4.00 5.90 11.58 3.83 2.81 5.64 2.43 71.24 1883 . 3.33 6.84 1.57 6.98 7.13 6.15 4.13 1.27 .71 6.67 8.66 3.66 57.10 1884 . 2.12 6.61 4.04 4.95 4.74 7.52 5.49 .49 5.02 3.46 2.07 8.15 54.66 1885 . 4.82 1.48 1.01 2.86 2.76 8.82 2.18 4.86 5.78 4.00 2.67 3.24 44.48 1886... . 3.05 3.01 3.19 4.42 4.05 3.81 1.35 3.89 2.69 .37 4.97 1.82 36.62 1887 . 2.14 5.32 2.39 2.89 2.00 2.66 1.11 1.71 5.19 .64 4.02 3.67 33.74 1888 . 3.75 1.14 6.59 2.36 2.99 7.00 1.65 4.48 .72 2.58 4.98 2.14 40.38 1889 . 4.54 1.15 1.58 .95 3.38 7.27 5.27 1.57 4.78 1.58 6.58 2.53 41.18 1890 . 7.35 7.47 9.21 4.79 4.70 2.17 .83 2.58 4.91 2.90 7.35 1.37 55.63 1891 . 4.58 3.50 6.62 1.64 3.05 4.84 1.85 6.33 .38 .75 7.94 3.84 45.32 1892 . 1.07 2.99 2.61 5.57 7.24 2.68 4.10 3.94 2.05 3.88 1.58 1893 . 2.04 4.11 2.43 8.82 4.92 3.78 3.04 2.50 2.62 4.63 3.32 2.45 44.66 1894 . 3.08 4.60 3.54 3.73 3.07 1.77 1.69 2.98 1.80 2.02 1.39 5.41 35.08 1895 . 3.79 .38 3.16 2.71 9.03 1.13 4.04 .77 7.20 3.46 1896... . 1.63 1.64 1.36 1.65 3.01 2.79 4.38 1.29 1897 . 4.49 5.13 11.44 7.65 1.70 3.58 3.84 1.01 .20 1.29 4.23 3.38 47.94 1898 . 7.03 1.25 8.93 4.03 5.17 2.33 6.00 1.56 7.68 3.90 2.31 1.84 52.03 1899 . 6.78 2.97 6.12 3.39 6.20 3.32 4.19 3.47 2.33 3.62 2.14 5.27 49.80 1900 2.17 4.17 1.76 2.62 5.97 10.14 2.73 1.73 2.68 1.41 6.52 2.05 43.95 Data from August, 1898, thru 1907 are for Raum, 7 miles north of Golconda. 278 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual GOLCONDA, Pope county, concluded 1901 . 1.66 1.54 4.10 3.98 1.51 .91 1.96 3.54 .70 5.45 1.94 4.33 32.39 1902 . . 3.56 1.80 2.82 3.50 3.33 2.16 1.66 4.20 2.83 1.70 4.96 7.16 39.68 1903 . . 2.63 5.22 5.90 2.65 3.34 1.60 2.76 2.35 1.94 2.83 1.81 3.71 36.74 1904 . . 4.87 2.67 8.47 4.01 2.70 4.01 3.82 3.35 6.49 1.47 .32 3.58 45.76 1905 . . 3.71 2.03 3.34 4.12 6.93 2.04 6.17 4.30 3.44 7.18 4.34 4.53 52.13 1906 . . 6.81 2.13 7.68 1.90 1.99 3.16 2,74 5.10 4.11 2.12 7.68 8.89 54.31 1907 . . 8.90 2.05 4.04 3.84 7.07 4.82 3.70 6.38 2.09 2.68 4.78 4.12 54.47 1908 . . 3.58 10.31 3.22 6.39 4.92 4.85 3.51 1.93 1.36 .11 4.16 1.54 45.88 1909 . . 2.78 9.94 5.89 7.05 4.23 3.93 4.09 .08 5.15 1.39 4.58 5.23 54.34 1910 . . 3.08 3.99 .30 6.40 3.58 3.67 10.75 3.58 1.69 15.46 1.50 3.52 57.52 1911 . . 2.66 2.62 2.13 8.60 .99 2.92 4.52 5.40 4.75 2.38 4.00 4.30 45.27 1912 . . 4.57 3.90 6.16 7.04 3.79 5.23 7.14 3.49 2.24 2.32 1.42 2.43 49.73 1913 . .12.66 2.92 10.77 3.60 1.73 3.07 3.69 2.94 3.96 2.67 4.77 1.83 54.61 1914 . . 1.15 7.23 3.96 3.65 1.96 1.96 1.78 4.54 3.81 3.11 .72 3.60 37.47 1915 . . 7.45 2.48 1.71 1.32 5.27 4.04 4.86 5.49 1.12 4.48 8.60 1916 10 45 2.20 2.34 3.21 4.33 5.18 .10 * 1923 4.90 1924 .. 3.16 2.25 2.51 3.04 4.54 6.22 4.73 1.86 3.30 .15 1.78 3.91 37.45 1925 . . 1.34 3.48 3.16 3.23 .75 6.50 2.86 .33 5.73 9.62 5.11 1.01 43.12 1926 . . 3.95 2.71 2.02 4.61 .55 .99 2.44 9.64 2.10 4.21 4.26 3.52 41.00 1927 . . 9.78 1.55 7.95 9.48 6.60 5.09 3.69 2.06 6.41 4.02 5.28 3.68 65.59 1928 . . 1.79 3.75 1.67 5.26 2.27 12.86 .52 2.44 .05 5.40 4.70 3.18 43.89 1929 . . 6.53 3.61 3.17 3.64 7.64 5.49 3.55 3.93 8.17 1.26 2.74 2.68 52.41 1930 . . 8.96 2.94 2.66 .98 1.64 2.27 1.09 1.60 3.26 1.22 1.79 1.83 30.25 1931 .72 3.20 4.51 4.74 2.66 2.12 1.09 4.04 3.46 2.53 5.96 4.25 39.28 1932 . . 7.59 3.22 4.65 3.18 1.76 2.49 2.01 5.42 9.73 3.27 3.02 7.48 53.82 1933 . . 3.52 4.01 7.09 5.05 4.65 .36 5.47 1.57 3.47 3.64 .99 3.45 43.27 1934 . . 1.07 2.10 3.43 2.56 .69 2.56 3.24 5.53 6.22 1.23 7.73 3.00 39.36 1935 . . 3.61 1.51 11.01 2.76 4.96 12.08 2.80 2.87 1.66 4.55 3.22 2.21 53.24 1936 .1.10 1.61 3.73 4.95 2.47 .61 1.81 1.53 5.13 3.84 3.81 3.68 34.27 1937 ..18.52 2.04 .95 4.24 4.19 3.84 3.30 3.62 2.36 5.51 1.81 2.81 53.19 1938 ,. 4.51 3.52 10.21 1.86 3.64 4.50 7.14 6.38 2.08 .88 3.34 1.66 49.72 1939 . 5.60 7.78 5.64 6.86 2.41 4.83 2.03 1.01 .96 2.45 1.63 1.67 42.87 1940 . . 3.04 4.95 2.50 7.34 2.39 2.27 .68 1.98 1.47 .49 5.77 2.66 35.54 1941 , . 2.19 .68 .53 1.89 3.06 1.91 3.88 3.69 1.61 5.58 2.18 3.22 30.42 1942 . 3.87 3.49 4.64 4.42 2.83 3.58 2.71 8.24 1.66 2.08 5.02 2.53 45.07 1943 ,. .08 1.36 6.11 4.53 7.01 2.27 6.70 2.87 3.01 1.51 1.34 1.97 38.76 1944 . .78 3.06 4.82 5.38 3.62 1.19 1.25 2.19 2.47 .67 1.78 3.88 31.09 1945 . 3.22 6.57 11.23 7.35 4.95 8.60 3.87 5.56 7.06 1.92 4.07 1.52 65.92 1946 , . 3.88 6.59 1.52 2.10 7.20 .40 4.09 7.69 1.22 1.85 4.92 2.52 43.98 Aver , ,. 4.16 3.69 4.53 4.18 3.89 4.02 3.46 3.39 3.38 2.94 3.88 3.49 45 01 GRAND CHAIN, Pulaski county 1923 6.97 2.98 2.51 3.47 5.86 1924 . 3.14 2.07 2.01 3.01 5.39 5.96 3.10 3.66 1.73 .03 1.91 3.22 35.23 1925 . 1.03 2.05 3.01 1.96 .81 4.45 .75 .29 8.45 7.87 6.06 .79 37.52 1926 . 3.55 2.26 2.77 3.54 1.36 2.28 1.41 7.70 2.32 4.62 4.38 3.84 40.03 1927 . 9.06 .95 5.84 8.08 7.89 6.67 3.95 4.49 4.34 2.15 5.27 4.21 62.90 1928 . 1.35 2.67 1.48 5.07 1.95 14.13 .60 3.37 T 5.35 4.78 3.43 44.18 1929 4.61 3.37 3.70 6.06 6.97 7.01 3.98 6.82 1.69 2.80 4.99 1930 .10.50 3.07 2.08 1.01 2.94 3.00 .33 2.61 2.23 1.26 2.08 1.78 32.89 1931... . 1.33 3.28 4.46 3.68 3.09 1.44 1.58 2.58 2.19 1.96 5.09 4.44 35.12 1932 . 7.41 3.04 4.70 4.80 1.36 2.35 3.89 5.53 7.98 3.86 2.88 7.53 55.33 1933 . 3.69 3.73 6.58 5.04 8.23 .84 7.50 1.59 6.15 3.11 1.39 2.35 50.20 1934 . 1.66 1.85 3.99 2.42 1.26 .70 2.10 4.12 9.06 2.38 9.25 3.07 41.86 1935 . 4.56 1.43 11.13 2.68 7.44 9.32 1.65 3.05 1.10 4.04 2.37 1.56 50.33 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 279 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual GRAND CHAIN, Pulaski county, concluded 1936... . 1.06 1.60 4.33 5.07 2.12 .84 2.46 .92 5.16 4.10 2.87 3.94 34.47 1937 ..17.89 1.85 1.27 4.61 5.97 3.26 3.59 .63 2.89 5.76 1.99 2.63 52.34 1938 . . 4 . 72 3.18 11.54 2.19 3.94 5.05 5.45 2.78 .53 1.20 3.67 1.66 45.91 1939 . . 5.10 8.33 6.04 4.65 1.95 4.15 1.46 1.70 1.35 2.07 2.03 2.10 40.93 1940 . 3.02 3.93 4.90 6.59 3.13 3.01 2.09 4.72 1.87 .66 5.38 2.92 42.22 1941... . 2.61 .54 .67 2.76 1.85 1.53 3.61 4.13 1.54 6.10 2.01 3.60 30.95 1942 . 3 . 56 4.27 3.92 5.45 4.33 3.64 1.09 7.58 1.53 2.30 6.05 1.72 45.44 1943 . .08 1.44 5.24 2.96 6.27 3.49 3.02 2.30 3.41 1.73 1.29 2.04 33.27 1944 , . .64 3.89 4.20 6.65 3.60 3.02 1.79 2.28 1.69 1.02 2.59 4.14 35.51 1945 . 2.44 6.34 8.68 8.73 5.85 8.62 3.00 6.60 6.78 2.04 5.40 1.75 66.23 1946 . 4.27 5.98 1.45 2.47 10.39 1.54 1.61 9.46 1.02 2.32 5.49 3.45 49.45 Aver , ,. 4.21 3.15 4.51 4.22 4.23 4.19 2.74 3.88 3.46 2.92 3.77 3.21 44.49 GREENVILLE, Bond county 1882... . 2.96 9.45 3.68 1883 . 1.00 4.50 3.66 5.05 6.25 4.21 7.50 3.52 .03 9.52 6.62 2.46 54.32 1884 . . 2 . 10 8.90 3.22 4.16 7.89 8.15 6.82 4.16 6.14 5.00 2.38 7.62 66.54 1885 . 2.80 1.87 .03 5.90 5.19 5.06 3.97 4.92 6.86 5.42 2.95 3.45 48.42 1886... . . 4.20 1.85 4.17 6.00 6.40 8.45 1.90 4.03 7.24 .37 2.80 3.30 50.71 1887 2.97 2.21 1.31 4.09 1.39 6.38 4.68 1888 , . 2.68 2.75 3.64 2.28 5.00 6.52 6.06 3.92 1.47 2.62 4.59 3.00 44.53 1889 . 2.65 2.04 1.81 1.70 7.10 4.43 3.45 .58 4.24 2.50 5.30 1.57 37.37 1890 . 9.61 4.50 4.21 4.62 2.58 2.49 1.17 2.60 2.89 1.00 2.06 1.64 39.37 1891... . 1.50 3.04 3.16 2.24 2.63 5.91 .93 4.37 .41 1.57 6.29 1.52 33.57 1892 . . 2.62 4.41 2.37 7.91 7.79 5.37 3.10 2.64 2.08 1.53 4.26 2.28 46.36 1893 , . .84 3.72 3.54 11.86 5.61 5.16 1.68 .19 3.73 .49 1.90 2.40 41.12 1894 . 2.45 2.45 3.53 3.52 3.31 1.51 2.69 2.31 4.75 .78 1.89 2.73 31.92 1895 . 1.93 .79 2.66 3.19 3.16 2.64 6.97 2.05 3.02 .77 4.56 5.45 37.19 1896 . 3.54 3.32 2.37 2.26 7.28 5.03 2.26 1.50 5.82 2.80 5.36 .82 42.36 1897 . . 4.97 3.25 7.50 3.90 .91 3.37 5.69 1.36 .18 .59 7.19 3.96 42.87 1898 , . 3.97 4.23 9.73 3.58 6.51 4.28 4.37 2.61 3.80 5.58 2.26 1.47 52.39 1899 , . 2.48 2.00 3.38 1.82 5.47 2.58 1.89 4.73 .84 2.98 2.13 3.90 34.20 1900 . 1.41 4.86 2.09 2.27 7.63 8.39 2.51 .51 4.27 2.04 4.05 1.20 41.23 1901 . 1.40 2.02 3.32 2.87 1.96 2.21 1.69 4.40 1.17 2.35 1.25 3.68 28.32 1902 .. .61 1.37 4.19 2.69 2.63 8.15 2.02 4.41 2.43 3.24 3.41 3.92 39.07 1903 . 1.29 3.48 3.34 4.07 1.71 2.41 2.29 2.84 1.84 2.51 1.10 1.80 28.68 1904 . 4 . 25 1.10 11.43 4.19 3.52 5.33 5.12 5.98 5.04 1.31 .20 1.84 49.31 1905 . 1.95 1.73 2.14 3.91 5.07 4.26 4.46 3.44 3.47 6.17 1.95 2.08 40.63 1906 . . 4.50 3.07 5.35 2.72 3.04 3.65 1.37 2.03 5.52 1.48 4.25 2.61 39.59 1907 ,. 6.18 .75 2.55 2.73 4.03 6.20 5.27 5.97 .79 3.28 1.82 3.63 43.20 1908 . . 1.46 5.68 3.93 5.35 8.73 5.29 4.94 2.25 .55 .02 2.72 .97 41.89 1909 . . 2.46 5.83 1.35 6.79 4.79 4.85 4.45 1.55 6.21 4.54 5.09 2.36 50.27 1910 . . 1.93 2.65 .07 2.55 3.76 4.17 8.01 3.35 6.47 5.05 .32 .94 39.27 1911 . . 2.55 3.05 1.91 5.18 .86 2.38 1.47 4.04 11.66 5.59 3.52 2.55 44.76 1912 . . .57 3.60 5.50 7.42 3.22 1.58 1.65 1.78 .52 1913 . . 5.01 .97 8.33 2.42 1.04 5.37 1.86 .72 3 . 52 4.55 5.48 1.26 40.53 1914 . . 2.06 4.10 .80 1.62 .54 1.37 1.87 5.31 5.64 3.35 1.18 2.32 30.16 1915 . . 2.84 2.66 .62 1.52 10.08 5.56 5.12 11.19 1.74 4.26 1916 . . 9.01 1.70 2.05 1.42 3.25 4.13 2.04 8.31 2.34 1.32 2.18 2.26 40.01 1917 . . 1.60 .41 1.71 5.00 5.52 1.93 3.69 1.28 2.01 2.71 .49 .89 27.24 1918 . . 2.09 1.33 .76 7.83 3.37 1.97 .98 4.82 6.78 3.19 2.93 3.11 39.16 1919 . . .32 1.26 8.37 6.61 .30 .62 2.49 10.58 2.38 .90 1920 . . 2.00 1.18 4.41 3.15 4.31 1.02 2.98 3.19 3.52 .92 .43 2.32 29.43 1921... . 1.01 .62 6.20 5.01 1.04 4.97 .65 2.66 3.89 1.34 3.96 2.63 33.98 1922 . . .77 .95 6.16 7.55 2.38 2.25 3.27 1.09 .44 3.27 1.98 5.04 35.15 1923 . . 1.64 .90 4.54 4.29 3.98 4.09 2.32 5.40 4.47 3.43 1.73 3.53 40.32 1924 .. 1.51 .82 1.27 1.21 5.11 6.20 2.32 3.18 2.85 .53 2.15 3.50 30.65 1925 . . .51 1.25 1.28 1.52 .94 3.95 1.46 1.87 4.26 4.72 2.76 1.63 26.15 1926... .86 2.13 2.18 1.85 1.25 2.38 3.18 5.86 9.04 3.62 3.05 .98 36.38 1927 . . 3.20 .52 4.89 7.95 4.89 3.07 4.12 2.97 2.81 4.27 5.72 2.74 47.15 1928 . . 1 . 54 2.30 1.28 3.54 2.90 7.75 4.13 2.47 1.70 4.21 1.78 2.14 35.74 1929 . . 2 . 50 .73 3.91 8.08 9.45 6.25 2.78 3.45 1.42 4.33 1.48 2.78 47.16 1930 . . 6.76 1.89 1.19 2.07 2.24 4.05 .65 .89 3.84 2.02 1.76 .35 27.71 280 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual GREENVILLE, Bond county, concluded 1931 .25 1.55 2.34 3.63 3.40 l.ll 1.59 4.75 3.71 3.01 4.60 3.22 33.16 1932 . . 3.60 1.29 1.28 2.39 1.84 3.20 5.02 9.64 3.38 3.12 1.60 4.10 40.46 1933 . . 3.06 1.57 5.78 3.76 10.27 .48 1.16 2.17 3.86 3.77 .83 1.96 38.67 1934 . . 2.40 .75 3.96 2.42 1.36 2.87 2.26 4.38 6.06 2.05 4.18 1.62 34.31 1935 . . 2.65 1.48 5.42 2.25 9.99 3.36 5.01 .75 5.19 2.38 4.49 1.45 44.42 1936 . 1.76 2.22 2.85 3. Q8 1.05 4.13 1.04 .66 4.60 3.67 2.65 2.87 31.48 1937 . . 7.06 1.71 2.64 6.46 2.62 5.42 5.21 1.65 2.01 7.12 2.08 3.68 47.66 1938 . . 1.53 3.40 11.23 4.83 5.51 2.83 3.53 3.73 1.92 1.00 2.30 2.18 43.99 1939 . . 4.78 3.16 2.58 6.58 1.67 4.76 4.76 8.05 .95 1.70 1.82 1.85 42.66 1940 . . 1.78 1.43 2.27 4.45 2.29 2.89 1.55 6.57 .28 2.50 2.83 2.10 30.94 1941 . . 2.95 .93 .55 4.61 3.40 4.73 3.68 1.58 5.26 7.46 3.45 2.03 40.63 1942 . . 1.95 3.85 2.99 2.92 4.45 12.23 3.98 2.61 2.31 3.68 4.51 3.31 48.79 1943 . . .67 .88 2.77 2.66 12.25 4.89 1.93 1.07 1.57 2.35 2.43 1.99 35.46 1944 . . .14 3.53 3.55 8.19 7.12 .67 2.04 3.50 .36 1.43 1945 . . 1.44 4.83 9.19 5.51 3.73 8.19 1.20 2.17 7.11 2.02 2.90 1.85 50.14 1946 . . 1.98 2.99 2.12 2.37 8.44 3.89 3.03 12.68 1.49 4.76 8.40 2.51 54.66 Aver . . 2 59 2.47 3.54 4.08 4.49 4.43 3.14 3.47 3.54 3.07 3.06 2.52 40 40 HARRISBURG, Saline county 1920 . . 4.54 1.06 5.61 3.90 8.08 .78 1.91 7.97 3.84 3.41 2.33 5.13 48.56 1921 . . 3.07 3.25 5.19 2.69 .82 2.60 2.29 5.20 3.73 1.82 9.71 3.58 43.95 1922 .. 1.11 2.59 10.41 4.56 3.65 3.74 4.90 1.50 2.20 4.76 1.82 5.31 46.55 1923 . . 4.74 4.53 3.62 4.63 6.39 3.34 2.75 7.98 3.82 2.52 3.12 7.18 54.62 1924 . . 2.05 1.77 2.02 2.52 4.63 5.74 3.03 2.09 3.18 .15 .89 3.49 31.56 1925 . . 1.70 2.82 2.62 2.79 1.70 5.69 3.49 .42 5.97 8.64 5.82 .86 42.52 1926 . . 3.32 1.76 2.82 3.29 .80 1.09 .91 5.77 1.71 3.74 3.78 2.53 31.52 1927 . . 6.27 1.25 6.64 8.82 7.61 5.81 4.86 1.66 6.07 2.11 5.30 4.62 61.02 1928 . . 1.80 2.71 1.25 5.88 2.80 13.95 3.5? 4.70 T 7.38 4.10 2.79 50.95 1929 . . 6.21 4.08 2.74 3.98 5.81 4.73 3.55 2.70 7.86 1.58 2.61 4.15 50.00 1930 . . 7.67 2.82 2.02 .82 .95 2.05 .40 .60 5.03 .47 1.55 .95 25.33 1931... .93 2.42 3.94 2.65 3.49 1.98 1.29 4.61- 2.92 1.68 6.09 3.90 35.90 1932 .. 5.80 2.39 2.42 1.05 2.01 3.03 7.09 7.39 5.30 2.23 6.77 1933 . . 3.23 3.27 4.37 3.40 9.11 .57 4.58 2.32 4.07 3.30 1.05 1.65 40.92 1934 . . 1.48 1.55 3.46 1.90 1.98 2.93 5.68 3.71 5.00 2.10 5.81 1.84 37.44 1935 . . 3.19 1.55 10.10 3.64 6.19 6.85 1.97 1.57 2.38 1.70 1.35 1.50 41.99 1936... .1.16 1.47 3.55 3.46 1.27 1.78 .57 .40 4.97 3.49 1.40 3.59 27.11 1937 . .15.13 1.75 .73 4.34 2.88 8.60 4.49 .17 2.47 4.96 1.77 2.99 50.28 1938 . . 3.33 2.13 3.75 2.02 3.18 4.43 5.44 1.43 1.65 .51 2.58 1.08 31.53 1939 . . 4.43 6.86 3.36 6.10 1.91 5.13 3.95 2.50 .72 2.11 2.03 1.45 40.55 1940 , . 2.28 5.08 4.00 6.44 3.34 1.99 1.48 1.72 1.01 .55 3.93 2.20 34.02 1941... . . 2.77 .60 .86 4.06 1.59 4.42 6.48 5.84 .81 8.09 2.60 2.48 40.60 1942 . 2.64 2.80 4.20 3.52 4.84 3.48 3.13 3.72 1.93 1.76 6.55 1.93 40.50 1943 . .07 1.26 7.04 2.87 6.76 2.92 4.44 1.34 4.27 1.43 1.78 2.47 36.65 1944 .. .85 3.17 3.83 5.93 5.30 1.13 .22 3.78 1.14 .21 2.03 2.80 30.39 1945 . 1.86 6.07 11.12 7.48 2.27 6.55 1.80 7.59 7.46 3.42 3.57 .86 60.05 1946 . 2.51 3.62 1.11 2.04 5.77 .41 4.46 9.20 1.27 1.95 4.90 2.60 39.80 Aver 3.49 2.76 4.24 3.93 3.86 3.88 3.14 3.61 3.44 2.93 3.36 2.99 41.63 MASCOUTAH, St. Clair county 1882 . 3.50 7.25 5.00 2.65 4.75 5.81 5.12 2.37 4.25 3.66 5.74 2.37 52.47 1883 , . 1.55 12.25 3.00 3.25 6.20 6.70 5.60 3.20 7.60 3.50 2.10 1884 . 1.42 6.70 5.60 5.30 7.70 5.50 1.40 1.60 3.80 1.60 3.40 6.90 50.92 1885 . 1.10 .71 .44 6.30 2.30 8.10 5.00 4.20 7.10 6.60 3.10 3.74 48.69 1886. . . . 3.51 2.59 3.81 6.80 5.90 4.90 1.20 2.90 6.90 .70 4.92 2.50 46.63 1887 , . 1.58 4.70 4.80 3.40 3.80 1.50 3.50 1.20 2.70 1.50 5.50 4.20 38.38 1888 . . 2.70 3.10 3.80 1.50 4.80 8.70 1.30 5.60 1.40 3.30 3.20 1889 . 2.65 .80 2.20 4.90 5.00 6.40 1.30 4.20 2.40 4.80 1.60 1890 .10.00 4.70 4.62 8.20 2.80 3.20 .30 1.90 5.30 2.60 1.30 1891 . 1.65 3.18 3.07 2.50 2.60 5.30 .70 7.40 1.90 1.30 6.40 1.40 37.40 1892 . 2.70 3.00 2.45 9.20 7.70 6.20 3.50 1.10 1.40 1.40 3.60 1.55 43.80 1893 . .74 2.43 3.50 10.20 4.20 2.80 2.50 1.30 5.70 3.00 1.60 .60 38.57 1894 .1.17 2.21 2.40 3.50 4.40 1.70 2.00 1.50 4.50 .80 .40 3.63 28.21 1895 3.36 1.76 2.19 1.60 3.20 2.10 4.80 1.70 1.90 .50 3.75 5.75 32.61 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 281 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual MASCOUTAH, St . Clair county, concluded 1896... .1.54 2.41 2.89 2.30 9.70 5.20 3.80 1.40 5.80 1.90 4.20 .10 41.24 1897 .. 4.71 3.59 9.91 3.64 2.27 4.83 3.27 .14 1.00 .40 4.68 2.73 41.17 1898 . . 4.03 2.89 11.33 4.21 6.84 5.62 4.84 5.57 3.80 4.42 2.43 1.48 57.46 1899 . . 2.70 3.45 2.88 1.95 5.56 3.59 1.94 2.12 .65 3.36 3.50 3.41 35.11 1900 . .40 3.99 3.40 1.80 5.50 5.17 2.65 1.47 3.32 1.99 3.84 1.44 34.97 1901 .. 1.61 2.55 3.10 2.81 4.19 3.10 .76 .73 1.80 2.76 1.44 3.53 28.38 1902 , . 1.36 .83 4.78 2.70 3.15 5.00 2.59 4.40 2.52 1.55 3.53 3.75 36.16 1903 . . 1.76 4.74 2.34 3.54 2.12 3.92 3.83 3.30 2.83 3.45 1.58 1.44 34.85 1904 .. 3.15 1.71 7.78 4.11 3.25 6.90 5.05 7.50 4.25 .88 .70 1.52 46.80 1905 . . 3.37 1.84 2.89 5.69 4.66 1.64 6.07 1.77 6.66 6.14 2.90 2.23 45.86 1906 . . 4.28 3.35 6.22 2.00 1.50 3.04 .90 2.33 5.12 1.85 . 1907..... 3.85 8.19 3.33 3.61 4.50 1.74 2.82 2.76 3.45 1908 . 1.84 5.44 3.30 5.91 10.67 3.85 4.73 2.70 .81 .11 3.28 .61 43.25 1909 . . 3.04 4.13 4.40 5.62 4.48 2.90 7.63 .07 4.16 3.22 4.56 2.68 46.89 1910 . . 2.33 3.68 .02 4.62 5.22 6.42 5.90 5.08 7.84 4.54 .17 1.51 47.33 1911 .76 2.89 2.24 6.41 1.68 1.82 1.58 3.70 5.85 3.51 2.68 2.00 35.12 1912 .-1.23 2.28 5.25 6.15 3.59 6.48 3.60 4.25 2.67 1.88 1.20 .35 38.93 1913 . . 5.10 8.81 2.86 1.26 1.92 2.13 1.98 2.97 5.15 3.90 1.60 1914 . . 2.07 4.15 1.43 1.73 .17 .70 1.17 6.52 5.50 5.58 1.41 2.78 33.21 1915 , . 2.42 2.43 .57 1.44 8.29 9.07 4.69 12.98 1.70 .81 2.95 3.17 50.52 1916 ,.10.46 1.33 1.46 1.36 4.05 4.34 1.32 11.45 1.54 2.50 2.55 2.98 45.34 1917 . . 3.04 .07 1.95 6.08 3.68 2.05 2.80 1.18 7.14 2.46 1.40 1.33 33.18 1918 , . 1.52 1.11 1.18 8.32 4.88 1.70 .42 5.52 4.59 3.25 3.08 3.55 39.12 1919 . . .22 1.88 2.20 2.51 5.15 3.40 .87 5.42 3.70 12.25 3.22 .93 41.75 1920 . . 2.58 1.18 4.28 3.13 7.56 1.96 2.02 6.39 5.77 1.66 .46 3.10 40.09 1921... .1.17 .78 6.32 5.84 3.58 3.74 .72 2.80 5.21 1.54 4.65 1.31 37.66 1922 . . .76 1.51 5.17 7.00 5.04 2.46 3.41 1.48 .76 3 71 3 62 1923 .. 3.15 1.85 3.87 3.94 4.77 3.03 2.36 1.24 3.61 1.95 3.74 1924 . . 1.40 1.32 3.01 1.57 5.14 6.20 3.42 3.83 3.35 .57 1.29 6.48 37.58 1925 . . 1.06 2.11 1.68 2.78 1.58 5.62 1.46 1.45 7.67 5.44 3.83 1.69 36.37 1926 . . . . 1 . 34 2.30 3.64 1.88 1.20 1.84 4.99 8 00 3.09 3 40 1.47 1927 . . 4.03 .97 6.26 10.98 7.41 2.70 2.52 3.68 2.89 3.15 5.77 2.94 53.30 1928 . . 2.10 2.82 1.87 4.39 1.63 6.33 3.36 3.06 1.10 2.90 3.04 2.58 35.18 1929 . . 2.23 1.38 2.64 6.08 9.98 2.30 3.81 2.58 1.64 3.16 2.01 4.55 42.36 1930 .. 6.71 2.83 1.13 1.78 2.12 4.17 1.98 .95 3.41 2.01 1.75 1.09 29.93 1931 .79 1.55 3.11 3.19 2.14 4.42 9.37 4.45 6.09 5.17 3.80 1932 . . 3.98 .84 1.57 3.34 1.52 4.42 4.26 5.45 1.10 2.23 2.89 1933 . . 2.47 1.27 3.13 4.17 7.97 .05 1.44 1.51 4.48 3.17 1.35 1.48 32.49 1934 . . 1.63 .92 3.80 3.43 1.03 4.50 1.56 3.57 7.19 1.80 3.84 2.05 35.32 1935 . . 2.74 .86 4.98 3.57 6.96 6.63 5.04 1.36 4.59 2.33 4.43 1.11 44.60 1936 . 1.95 2.78 1.21 2.03 1.10 11.41 2.86 .32 4.08 3.76 3.34 2.31 27.15 1937 . . 5.75 1.41 3.04 5.87 1.98 7.20 4.00 1.43 1.20 4.58 1.33 3.24 41.03 1938 . . 1.12 3 77 5.11 3.2a 5.57 4.99 5.04 2.27 3.39 .94 4.68 2.28 42.39 1939 . . 3.91 3.63 2.35 5.82 2.79 4.99 5.21 5.25 3.02 1.89 2.38 1.62 42.86 1940 . . 1.70 1.17 .93 6.00 2.00 1.53 1.53 5.52 .03 1.25 3.61 3.51 28.78 1941... . . 2.27 .71 .63 6.62 1.84 1.45 1.74 2.51 9.21 7.85 3.50 1.51 39.84 1942 . . 3.05 3 37 2.54 2.23 4.25 7.57 6.65 3.09 1.71 3.88 5.34 3.60 47.28 1943 . . 1.03 .7 2.81 2.49 10.64 5.81 1.54 4.37 3.09 2.16 1.69 1.64 38.05 1944 . . .26 3.03 2.32 4.44 4.41 2.05 3.06 4.91 2.84 .62 1.02 2.26 31.22 1945 . . 1.16 3.11 9.50 4.78 4.69 4.50 .81 1.59 9.49 2.98 2.45 1.95 46.99 1946 . . 2.19 3.15 2.38 2.97 5.89 2.96 1.39 19.01 2.26 2.19 6.02 1.27 51.68 Aver . . 2.55 2.69 3.52 4.22 4.49 4.24 3.03 3.69 3.78 2.98 3.10 2.46 40 75 McLEANSBORO, Hamilton county 1882 . . 2.99 4.97 3.22 2.86 6.27 3.93 3.06 7.85 3.99 2.82 2.77 2.60 47.33 1883 . . 2 . 30 8.27 3.32 3.19 5.20 9.13 3.14 2.54 9.28 6.64 3.50 56.51 1884 .. 2.15 3.87 2.55 2.96 2.80 5.27 1.78 2.70 3.80 1.92 1.88 8.24 39.92 1885 . . 4.20 1.10 .89 2.22 2.51 4.83 1.74 3.67 6.02 3.66 2.56 3.50 36.90 1886 . . 3.51 2.75 4.10 4.14 4.92 3.82 1.28 2.61 2.50 .70 6.69 2.69 39.71 1887 . . .98 3.94 3.10 3.43 3.35 3.45 3.05 .19 1.45 .77 3.08 3.29 30.08 1888 . . 2.81 1.57 4.77 1.48 2.79 5.83 2.18 7.76 1.06 2.28 4.88 2.47 39.88 1889 . . 3.20 2.36 1.95 .88 2.80 4.31 3.02 4.33 1.52 5.74 1.77 1890 .. 7.12 5.23 5.94 4.03 4.10 2.10 5.53 7.05 4.69 1.13 1.38 282 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual McLEANSBORO, Hamilton county, concluded 1891 2.08 1.92 3.59 1.29 8.51 .78 .55 5.20 2.35 1892 . 1.43 3.44 .93 7.50 6.92 2.30 1.85 3.97 2.11 4.25 .98 1893 .. 1.12 3.55 3.25 6.02 5.96 4.54 1.89 2.12 2.44 2.35 2.48 1.51 37.23 1894 2 35 o GO 3 01 3 38 5 33 1 12 .98 1895 2.22 1.99 7.62 7.11 2.03 3.00 .57 5.57 2.85 1896 . 1.47 2.24 4.51 2.06 7.06 4.55 4.38 1.29 3.91 1.73 2.39 .70 36.23 1897 .. 4.23 4.00 11.29 7.27 2.53 5.52 3.43 1.70 .63 .45 5.85 5.12 52.02 1898 .. 4.98 1.29 11.11 5.38 6.05 4.99 3.57 5.15 2.75 3.77 1.26 1.69 51.99 1899 .. 4.96 2.61 4.33 1.95 3.82 4.91 5.16 3.14 2.02 4.03 2.46 2.36 41.75 1900 1 24 3.52 2.08 5.34 6.13 4.45 .63 3.07 1.53 3.97 1.25 1901 .'. 1.41 2.10 3.79 2.73 1.06 2.39 2.87 2.65 .94 2.33 1.36 5.20 28.83 1902 .. 1.93 .96 3.83 2.18 3.30 2.68 2.21 2.71 2.44 .85 3.65 5.27 32.01 1903 .. 2.21 4.86 3.72 3.75 3.38 4.09 1.31 3.90 1.71 3.96 .98 2.20 35.07 1904 .. 3.78 3.49 8.89 3.93 3.32 4.67 5.48 2.12 10.11 .40 .94 3.17 50.30 1905 .. 2.61 1.55 2.61 4.25 3.49 1.81 7.39 3.30 3.03 4.01 2.66 3.46 40.17 1906 .. 6.20 2.74 5.38 1.46 .50 2.89 1.92 4.35 5.43 1.76 5.32 6.01 43.96 1907 .. 7.72 .91 2.97 2.16 3.61 2.89 1.62 5.80 1.03 1.96 3.83 4.12 38.62 1908 2 35 7.55 4.45 7.10 6.60 .65 2.83 2.17 ' .41 T 3.23 1.33 38.67 1909 . . 3.08 6 . 63 4.13 6.55 3.66 3.13 6.34 .31 3.72 1.52 3.44 3.58 46.09 1910 .. 3.09 3.09 T 2.45 2.96 3.13 3.57 2.57 5.03 7.84 .56 2.06 36.35 1911... .84 2.72 1.51 7.57 .86 2.71 1.62 3.17 6.19 1.87 3.07 2.48 34.61 1912 .. 2.92 2.75 5.40 6.45 3.10 4.68 6.76 4.48 4.88 1.49 2.65 .93 46.49 1913 .. 9.55 1.18 9.91 3.30 2.25 1.57 1.40 1.21 4.03 4.52 2.80 1.68 43.40 1914 3.77 .34 1.91 .68 2.70 2.94 3.06 .28 3.80 1915..... . . 4.49 2.63 .95 1.64 8.28 6.83 3.82 8.87 1.87 1.04 3.07 6.25 49.74 1916 . . 9.29 1.90 1.73 1.77 3.11 5.06 2.71 6.19 2.15 2.31 1.82 3.88 41.92 1917 .. 5.62 72 3.35 7.56 4.03 2.90 8.42 3.13 3.65 3.16 2.40 1.16 46.10 1918 .. 5.03 .80 1.04 7.11 7.33 4.40 .32 7.89 3.81 2.64 2.36 7.53 50.26 1919 .. 1.00 1.76 5.35 4.63 5.99 3.60 .45 3.55 .95 10.73 3.98 1.21 43.20 1920 . . 2 . 99 .51 6.43 1.97 7.55 1.51 2.96 2.85 3.26 2.77 1.73 4.47 39.00 1921 . 1.80 1 33 5.34 3.50 2.08 3.52 1.13 3.70 6.85 4.55 4.44 1922 .. 1.84 1.96 9.53 5.31 2.77 3.37 2.36 2.14 .71 3.15 1.79 7.02 41.95 1923 .. 2.48 3.72 5.03 3.99 5.71 5.06 .76 5.17 3.45 3.74 2.86 6.57 48.54 1924 .. 2.04 1.84 2.20 2.68 3.89 5.94 3.50 1.17 3.96 .26 1.62 2.80 31.90 1925 .. 1.32 3.08 1.62 2.35 2.92 3.97 1.18 .51 8.12 4.38 6.70 1.05 37.20 1926 .. 2.74 2 25 3.51 2.39 1.35 1.02 2.92 5.76 6.07 5.42 3.74 2.66 39.83 1927 .. 4.95 1.11 6.52 9.56 10.02 5.06 3.63 2.93 5.44 2.18 4.90 5.21 61.51 1928 .. 1.85 2.22 1.42 3.61 3.30 8.51 3.13 3.50 .48 6.32 4.77 2.85 41.96 1929 .. 6.63 2.44 2.96 3.96 .41 5.16 3.95 .67 3.36 2.25 3.09 5.08 45.96 1930 .. 8.26 3.74 2.93 .71 1.66 2.08 1.00 2.51 10.09 .74 2.00 1.39 37.11 1931 .77 1.99 3.12 3.38 4.59 1.32 3.48 7.34 5.99 2.59 5.13 5.04 44.74 1932 .. 5.96 1.66 3.36 4.26 1.14 1.51 2.13 6.85 7.63 5.41 2.22 8.13 50.26 1933 .. 5.95 1.67 4.75 4.08 11.25 T 3.55 1.47 1.28 3.27 .83 2.04 40.14 1934 .. 1.61 1.36 3.17 3.71 2.73 2.20 4.57 5.46 6.48 1.51 6.64 2.26 41.70 1935 .. 3.41 .90 8.96 4.54 7.93 7.79 2.84 3.04 2.72 2.24 3.64 1.43 49.44 1936... . 1.35 1.86 2.34 3.46 1.15 2.00 1.36 .53 3.39 3.94 3.61 3.62 28.61 1937 . .12.53 1.95 1.21 3.83 4.25 6.05 3.13 2.88 2.95 5.40 2.78 2.83 49.79 1938 .. 2.43 2.57 4.96 1.74 3.82 2.86 2.78 2.28 4.16 .48 4.34 1.80 34.22 1939 . . 5.15 4.28 3.90 4.34 2.25 5.04 2.56 2.67 .40 1.62 2.06 2.81 37.08 1940 .. 1.80 4.75 .84 6.39 1.92 1.74 2.28 1.25 .77 .37 4.08 3.09 29.28 1941... .. 2.19 1.33 1.29 3.58 2.79 3.70 4.47 3.22 .87 9.88 2.39 3.47 39.18 1942 .. 2.52 5.25 3.50 2.66 3.97 3.08 6.00 1.93 1.33 2.43 4.54 2.17 39.38 1943 . . .58 1.51 4.76 3.29 6.68 4.94 1.55 2.00 2.15 2 29 1944 .. .70 3.14 4.43 5.38 3.33 .28 .98 2.47 1.33 1.59 2.09 2.09 27.81 1945 .. 1.30 6.35 9.65 7.86 3.57 8.13 2.74 8.91 7.38 2.09 3.80 1.60 63.38 1946 .. 2.56 3.24 1.81 3.22 8.56 4.56 4.20 11.56 2.13 1.67 4.09 2.44 50.04 Aver 3.42 2.81 4.01 3.89 4.01 3.84 3.05 3.61 3.41 2.77 3.30 3.19 41.31 MOUNT CARMEL, Wabash county 1884... . 2.05 1.29 5.62 2.51 1.97 7.59 1885 .. 3. 8i 1.48 .95 2.71 2.85 4.38 2.38 5.16 8.57 2.96 4.28 2.20 41.73 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 283 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual MOUNT CARMEL , Wabash county, concluded 1886 . . 4.23 1.90 2.30 3.67 2.89 3.09 1.69 4.14 2.22 .47 5.84 2.61 35.05 1887 . . .87 4.53 3.96 4.52 4.29 .75 4.14 1.61 2.91 .91 4.42 2.80 35.71 1888 . . 3.46 1.66 5.94 1.99 2.50 3.81 3.19 7.15 .62 2.71 4.69 2.15 39.87 1889 , . 3 . 24 1.76 1.47 2.04 5.60 4.72 3.60 2.13 3.84 2.29 7.11 2.82 40.62 1890 . . 8.77 7.41 8.27 3.65 3.19 3.02 4.77 6.14 4.66 2.35 5.26 1.73 59.22 1891 , . 2.83 6.04 4.70 2.05 3.19 3.53 1.57 2.11 1.22 .48 5.48 3.25 36.45 1892 . . 2.40 4.58 2.41 6.40 4.94 3.85 2.93 4.11 1.80 1.28 4.26 1.25 40.21 1893 . . 2.61 4.81 4.00 7.93 4.56 5.84 1.41 1.44 3.43 3.18 2.62 2.02 43.85 1894 ,. 2.70 4.80 3.87 3.18 5.29 2.10 1.19 2.61 2.34 2.14 .44 4.48 35.14 1895 . . 5.84 .50 2.61 3.14 2.43 1.83 5.77 1.91 2.96 .42 5.75 3.55 36.71 1896... .94 2.40 5.49 2.25 9.23 4.69 3.96 2.52 4.15 2.04 3.34 .41 41.42 1897 . . 4.52 4.10 10.22 6.20 3.14 3.15 3.10 .59 .60 .58 6.69 4.88 47.77 1898 . . 6.53 1.79 11.35 4.42 5.82 8.16 3.57 3.28 3.64 3.53 2.54 2.21 56.84 1899 , . 4.93 4.01 5.16 1.15 3.35 5.65 3.47 1.39 2.03 4.89 1.82 3.33 41.18 1900 . . 2.01 4.41 2.13 1.11 4.09 7.91 4.17 1.09 3.63 1.61 4.32 2.09 38.57 1901... . 1.63 1.70 5.20 3.34 1.84 4.44 .32 1.46 2.14 4.43 1.74 6.07 34.31 1902 . 2.37 1.10 2.99 2.07 2.52 4.98 1.65 2.66 3.17 1.83 5.00 5.82 36.16 1903 . 3.58 5.46 4.44 5.82 2.05 6.22 3.46 2.71 1.38 3.96 1.89 3.44 44.41 1904 . 4.82 3.50 12.84 2.64 1.32 3.05 4.46 4.15 5.68 .60 .64 3.66 47.36 1905 , . 3.28 2.28 3.14 4.82 4.82 2.39 7.48 3.54 1.26 7.14 3.00 3.32 46.47 1906 . 5.85 2.52 6.50 2.16 .82 3.58 2.96 5.82 5.66 4.42 7.60 6.04 53.93 1907 . . 9.39 1.28 4.50 3.48 3.80 3.64 3.42 6.88 .64 2.02 4.72 4.92 48.69 1908 , . 1.44 8.86 4.62 5.96 6.22 1.16 1.96 1.00 2.04 .10 2.70 2.03 38.09 1909 , . 3.20 6.06 3.99 5.90 4.42 5.69 4.54 3.88 3.16 3 . 74 2.60 4.88 52.06 1910 . 3.44 4.04 .28 3.68 3.08 1.72 6.83 3.14 9.16 8.42 1.74 2.34 47.87 1911 . 2.26 3.02 1.82 7.10 2.00 4.34 .88 2.28 5.44 2.80 3.36 2.86 38.16 1912 . . 3.88 4.25 5.74 6.70 3.98 5.02 4.28 5.60 5.24 1.56 1.80 1.10 49.15 1913 . 9.76 1.16 12.13 3.86 2.06 2.58 1.84 1.28 2.88 3.45 4.60 2.54 48.14 1914 , . 1 . 95 3.82 3.63 3.02 .32 2.21 1.66 2.91 5.97 3.13 .68 3.95 33.25 1915 . 4.67 1.39 1.17 .63 6.33 4.74 2.31 7.28 1.70 1.02 3.34 3.94 38.52 1916... , . 6.42 1.64 2.17 2.20 3.20 8.15 2.84 5.58 2.07 2.33 2.47 4.48 43.55 1917 . . 5 . 34 .93 4.39 5.44 3.70 4.81 3.66 2.98 .75 3.99 2.00 1.93 39.92 1918 . . 4.38 .80 .77 5.83 6.53 3.34 4.29 3.47 4.21 2.57 2.41 7.93 46.53 1919 . . 1.35 1.51 4.88 3.05 6.15 5.02 1.23 1.89 1.86 11.13 3.34 2.28 43.69 1920 . 3.10 1.40 6.10 2.24 7.54 2.00 2.56 5.55 4.47 2.63 2.03 4.24 43.86 1921... .. 2.21 1.91 4.18 2.21 2.11 3.64 2.25 3.11 3.01 1.65 3.74 4.24 34.26 1922 . . 1.89 2.01 10.47 5.27 5.07 1.14 1.93 1.49 2.21 2.39 1.80 6.28 41.95 1923 , . 2.22 3.03 4.41 3.04 5.43 5.60 2.73 3.90 2.31 3.72 3.60 6.19 46.18 1924 . . 2.98 1.50 2.98 2.05 4.25 4.34 3.56 2.92 2.36 .24 2.15 3.76 33.09 1925 . . .85 2.82 2.73 2.50 1.23 5.57 2.75 2.45 4.11 5.75 5.68 1.41 37.85 1926... . . 2.92 3.67 3.05 2.52 .64 1.74 2.02 3.02 5.54 6.28 3.43 2.16 36.99 1927 . . 5.56 .87 5.40 8.91 9.57 3.31 6.10 4.98 6.35 1.51 4.71 5.53 62.80 1928 .. 2.16 2.62 1.63 4.12 3.67 10.04 .34 1.95 .42 5.84 5.76 2.60 41.15 1929 . . 6.83 3.46 2.93 4.79 8.19 4.45 3.17 3.32 3.27 3.06 2.35 3.02 48.84 1930 4.62 2.16 1.81 .69 1.82 2.59 5.08 2.21 2.16 1931 .55 1.95 4.10 3.58 2.99 2.53 2.05 7.83 6.65 5.74 6.88 5.52 50.37 1932 , . 7.13 1.79 3.55 5.11 1.00 2.85 1.79 4.07 6.87 4.98 4.36 6.50 50.00 1933 . . 6.27 1.72 5.77 5.08 10.83 3.72 5.28 2.79 6.18 4.61 .93 3.30 56.48 1934 .. 1.81 1.31 3.00 1.18 1.48 4.15 4.90 4.15 7.03 .53 4.09 2.91 36.54 1935 . . 4.22 .74 6.92 3.81 10.03 4.83 2.52 3.19 1.63 2.16 3.76 1.47 45.28 1936 . . 2.09 2.09 3.49 3.26 .89 2.83 2.54 1.03 2.64 3.93 4.09 4.11 32.99 1937 ..13.73 2.33 1.19 5.09 3.70 5.76 2.54 5.31 4.45 6.62 1.49 3.02 55.23 1938 . . 2.53 2.32 5.89 3.08 5.09 2.94 12.12 2.16 1.80 .60 5.16 1.64 45.33 1939 . . 5.28 5.14 4.14 8.23 1.86 5.88 3.80 4.17 1 . 03 1 . 34 2.11 2.01 44.99 1940 . . 2.01 4.02 1.07 7.74 3.15 2.95 .86 1.15 1.25 .46 4.16 2.34 31.16 1941 . 1.74 .85 .97 2.91 2.70 3.79 5.03 2.31 1.37 10.29 3.14 3.39 38.49 1942 . . 2.12 3.79 4.73 2.53 3.48 7.05 3.39 2.78 1 . 56 1 . 65 4.98 2.25 40.31 1943 . . .26 1.87 4.54 3.91 8.20 5.98 6.67 .75 2.98 2.07 1.83 2.18 41.24 1944 . . .51 3.62 4.05 7.58 5.02 1.65 .81 3.53 2.33 .28 2.45 2.34 34.17 1945 . . 1.89 6.77 13.46 7.29 4.14 9.27 4.25 7.52 7.68 1.17 3.83 3.07 70.34 1946 .. 2.21 3.07 1.47 1.90 9.86 5.05 5.11 8.71 1.78 1.73 4.47 2.62 47.98 Aver . . 3 . 67 2.95 4.43 3.97 4.12 4.17 3.29 3.40 3.41 2.97 3.52 3.38 43.28 284 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual MOUNT VERNON, Jefferson county 1895 2.21 1.94 5.94 3.15 3.13 .27 4.66 3.80 1896 . 1.77 1.95 4.05 1.67 7.64 3.37 3.30 3.06 6.19 1.86 3.10 .29 41.25 1897 . . 3.57 3.39 10.18 4.47 1.30 7.49 3.00 .77 .41 .56 4.00 1.89 41.03 1898 . . 5.86 1.60 11.94 3.54 5.86 5.28 6.43 3.18 4.54 4.41 2.14 2.12 56.90 1899 . . 3.26 3.38 2.90 2.27 4.19 1.94 4.98 2.40 .90 3.95 1.30 2.19 33.66 1900 . . 1.08 2.94 1.43 1.48, 5.37 8.35 3.72 1.81 4.07 1.56 3.49 1.67 36.97 1901 . 1.37 2.54 3.79 2.51 1.23 2.32 .69 3.29 1.53 2.25 1.79 4.05 27.36 1902 . . 1.45 .92 3.92 1.42 5.14 5.35 2.81 2.85 3.26 .28 4.47 4.91 36.78 1903 . . 1.66 3.37 3.15 3.66 2.54 4.89 .94 2.87 1.94 3.20 .84 2.68 31.74 1904 . . 3.33 2.58 10.01 3.79 5.50 5.17 5.66 3.99 4.22 .56 .81 3.10 48.72 1905 . . 2.42 1.44 3.18 4.92 3.55 2.14 7.97 2.75 4.24 5 X7 2.52 3.89 44.89 1906 . . 3.74 2.78 5.58 1.58 1.68 2.75 1.07 2.27 6.50 1.87 6.90 3.18 39.90 1907 .. 8.15 1.00 3.38 3.22 4.39 5.50 3.98 6.61 .97 3.49 3.64 3.50 47.83 1908 .. 2.16 6.63 5.42 6.18 6.23 1.41 3.87 1.83 .92 T 2.33 1.01 37.99 1909 . . 3.82 5.17 4.98 7.50 4.45 7.13 4.03 .30 3.72 1.55 3.23 2.81 48.69 1910 . . 2.27 5.71 .02 3.43 2.61 1.75 5.97 2.07 9.21 6.65 1.83 1.70 43.22 1911 . 1.23 2.80 1.59 6.25 1.06 2.08 1.44 3.68 7.51 2.62 2.63 3.10 35.99 1912 . . 1.38 4.25 3.94 3.81 4.67 5.64 5.98 4.68 3.60 .74 2.46 .69 41.84 1913 . . 8.76 1.05 8.84 2 . 94 1 . 89 4.57 1.44 .80 4.20 4.66 3.84 1.83 44.82 1914 . . 2.65 3.57 2.86 2.34 .35 1.54 .51 6.38 3.95 4.93 .20 3.40 32.68 1915 .. 4.16 2.48 .76 .92 7.61 4.60 2.73 9.87 1.68 .50 2.34 4.76 42.41 1916 . . 8.25 1.36 1.55 1.11 4.35 4.02 2.05 7.91 2.65 2.37 1.64 3.33 40.59 1917 5.11 .80 2.29 6.52 3.66 2.52 .44 2.95 1.40 2.20 1918 . . 2.56 1.47 .51 7.41 5.32 2.12 .70 4.17 4.41 2.34 2.67 5.47 39.15 1919 2.84 4.24 7.36 6.05 .53 3.66 2.16 13.91 2.63 .99 1920 . . 2.55 .75 6.32 4.33 6.36 5.54 2.97 3.46 3.60 1.62 1.13 3.57 42.20 1921 .. 2.04 1.38 6.59 3.52 2.67 4.11 .12 5.37 4.49 .95 5.82 4.45 41.51 1922 .. 1.11 2.02 7.87 4.80 1.14 5.00 4.58 1.81 .64 4.90 2.00 5.16 41.03 1923 . . 2.43 2.10 4.97 2.61 5.50 3.55 1.70 6.46 3.00 3.54 2.58 5.88 44.32 1924 . . 1.95 .66 2.64 1.97 4.56 5.46 3.33 1.67 3.52 .53 .66 3.39 30.34 1925 . . .83 2.60 1.82 2.08 3.46 6.42 .71 .55 3.51 5.56 4.19 1.75 33.48 1926 . . 2.03 4.13 3.16 3.02 1.31 1.60 1.97 6.30 6.50 7.42 2.98 2.03 42.45 1927 . . 3.98 .84 5.81 6.20 8.21 3.87 4.27 8.25 3.41 ?: 77 4.92 4.02 56.55 1928 . . 1.77 3.43 1.46 3.16 5.28 10.85 1.49 5.02 2.02 6.69 3.64 3.53 48.34 1929 . . 3.58 1.76 3.11 4.05 7.75 5.80 2.25 2.46 4.02 2.74 1.93 3.65 43.10 1930 . . 7.20 2.79 1.18 1.75 1.93 2.71 .53 4.11 9.95 2.06 2.27 1.29 37.77 1931 .48 1.44 3.20 3.11 4.05 1.82 2.04 5.59 5.34 4.85 5.44 4.54 41.90 1932 . . 5.28 1.00 2.71 3.08 1.87 3.92 2.71 6.93 4.59 5.14 2.12 4.90 44.25 1933 . . 2.78 1.17 5.28 5.12 10.78 .14 2.98 1.38 3.14 2.24 1.00 2.60 38.61 1934 . . 1.93 1.27 4.03 3 . 63 1 . 52 3.48 5.44 5.16 7.46 2.06 7.44 1.78 45.20 1935 . . 3.54 .81 6.94 4.77 6.35 6.64 5.64 2.11 4.16 2.73 7.02 1.42 52.13 1936... . 1.81 1.93 1.64 2.78 .93 2.54 .46 .76 3.05 4.36 3.94 3.12 27.32 1937 ..11.48 2.33 1.64 7.74 5.31 5.42 3.65 1.08 3.20 4.04 1.60 3.75 51.24 1938 . . 3.06 3.43 8.83 2.82 5.23 3.15 1.63 5.29 2.39 .52 2.01 1.59 39.95 1939 . . 5.74 5.87 2.90 7.95 2.84 3.96 2.85 3.19 .66 1.83 2.48 2.30 42.57 1940 . . 2.91 2.83 1.52 5.06 2.96 2.63 .78 2.04 .23 1.97 4.11 3.47 30.51 1941... . 3.30 1.63 1.28 3.39 1.93 4.02 2.28 1.53 1.84 8.25 3.58 1.55 34.58 1942 . . 1.82 2.98 4.73 3.69 4.87 5.24 5.02 2.57 .58 2.04 4.47 2.30 40.31 1943 . . .60 .92 3.23 3.67 8.67 7.48 1.14 .55 4.78 2.68 2.59 1.94 38.25 1944 . . .12 2.73 3.92 6.46 4.69 1.48 1.89 6.14 2.90 .78 2.03 2.60 35.74 1945 , . 2.24 5.80 12.04 6.69 4.64 7.27 .36 7.78-10.18 2.29 1.98 1.80 63.07 1946 . . 2.23 4.75 2.22 4.08 8.83 2.03 1.43 14.37 1.61 3.58 4.31 1.81 51.25 Aver .. 3.18 2.53 4.12 3.90 4.30 4.19 2.82 3.85 3.60 3.10 2.98 2.86 41.43 NASHVILLE , Washington county 1911... 2.18 1912 . . 1.43 2.24 4.60 5.60 3.34 4.08 4.73 3.76 2.72 2.66 1.66 .56 37.38 1913 , . 7.57 .88 7.17 3.03 1.78 1.86 1.32 2.02 2.87 6.25 3.98 1.76 40.49 1914 . 2.64 4.07 3.74 3.23 .35 1.13 .46 5.79 2.26 5.16 .90 3.29 33.02 1915 2.98 .39 .88 6.90 8.11 4.43 8.68 1.34 .66 2.60 3.61 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 285 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual NASHVILLE, Washington county, concluded 1916... .10.32 1.16 1.27 1.38 4.34 5.12 3.45 9.54 2.03 2.68 1.83 4.84 47.96 1917 . 3.59 .12 2.45 7.88 5.72 3.43 2.29 3.00 2.04 4.28 1.75 1.26 37.81 1918 .73 9.77 5.92 1.84 .57 3.03 5.34 2.45 2.27 4.53 1919 .90 1 91 4.68 2.45 4.68 9.97 1.27 8.07 2.10 14.04 4.65 .73 55.45 1920 . 2.66 .96 5.39 2.86 6.83 1.06 2.12 3.46 3.11 2.38 .52 3.52 34.87 1921... . . 2.67 1.98 7.08 5.09 2.30 4.40 .32 5.01 6.21 1.53 4.21 2.94 43.74 1922 . 1.11 1.45 6.08 5.36 2.58 1.88 3.74 3.52 1.16 4.99 2.05 4.81 38.73 1923 . 2.85 2.03 4.93 3.54 6.46 2.00 2.86 5.36 4.23 3.24 2.43 3.13 43.06 1924 . 1.54 1.31 2.78 1.56 3.78 5.57 3.27 2.72 2.50 .67 1.02 1925 . .68 1.68 2.50 .92 4.03 1.58 1.76 3.25 5.98 3.39 1.26 1926 . 1.67 2 25 2.56 2.49 1.52 2.30 5.37 5 49 3 06 3 03 1 50 1927 . . 3.98 1.15 6.41 8.45 7.96 2.66 4.34 6.05 3.50 2.48 5.87 3.14 55.99 1928 . 1.38 2.32 3.68 3.10 7.54 2.59 4.38 1.40 3.66 2.75 2.31 1929 . 3.55 1.80 2.94 4.44 8.35 4.49 1.67 1.97 2.68 3.15 2.44 1930 . 7.45 1.81 1.59 2.05 1.90 1.34 .87 4.29 2.55 2.02 1.24 1931 . .42 1.59 2.51 2.40 3.43 1.51 6.53 7.52 3.44 5.81 4.02 3.59 42.77 1932 2.17 2.87 1.84 3.21 2.22 4.88 1.97 4.12 3.41 1933 . 2.50 1.32 3.66 4.26 7.75 .19 2.58 1.50 2.56 3.49 86 1.49 32.16 1934 . 1.70 1.15 3.33 4.06 2.77 2.44 3.64 3.64 6.52 2.41 4.52 2.22 38.40 1935 . 2.54 .86 6.00 4.01 7.45 7.21 1.82 1.12 2.69 1.41 4.41 1.31 40.83 1936 . 1.40 1.75 1.18 2.23 .94 3.43 1.11 .18 4.36 3.45 2.77 2.66 25.46 1937 . 8.24 1.43 1.34 5.48 2.03 5.00 3.96 1.93 2.83 4.72 1.48 3.78 42.22 1938 . 1.50 3.50 6.44 1.72 4.91 5.43 1.82 4.89 2.97 .84 2.01 2.06 38.09 1939 . 3.91 3.07 3.18 6.50 2.74 4.17 5.97 3.50 2.12 1.83 1.64 1.48 40.11 1940 . 1.97 1 91 1.18 4.89 2.11 1.65 1.68 2.55 .83 2.83 4.12 3.00 28.72 1941... . 2.82 .75 .68 5.53 1.80 5.48 1.12 1.57 5.24 6.71 4.48 1.60 37.78 1942 . 2.28 3.14 3.25 2.17 4.44 7.44 3.74 1.30 .84 3.83 5.79 2.98 41.20 1943 . .73 .87 1.90 3.28 11.73 6.11 2.93 2.63 3.01 2.67 2.09 2.22 40.17 1944 . .29 2.73 3.16 5.39 4.48 1.41 2.80 2.82 1.78 1.12 1.52 1.63 29.13 1945 . 1.38 4 37 10.12 5.49 4.71 11.21 .62 3.48 7.71 2.26 3.60 1.48 56.33 1946 . 1.86 3.83 1.54 4.12 7.86 3.45 2.78 21.18 1.96 1.88 4.96 2.16 56.58 Aver 2.89 2.00 3.66 4.12 4.50 4.17 2.65 4.38 3.22 3.57 2.87 2.46 40.49 NEW BURNSIDE, Johnson county 1895 2.65 2.20 1.98 2.24 5.51 1.26 2.81 .60 7.03 2.05 1896 . 1.33 1.20 2.86 3.36 9.44 5.90 4.90 2.54 2.54 1.74 3.14 .68 39.63 1897 . . 2.70 3.35 10.97 5.82 1.10 4.15 5.81 .81 1.18 1.20 4.07 2.71 43.87 1898 . . 4.67 1.07 8.51 3.76 7.28 2.77 5.82 3.28 4.33 4.35 .99 2.24 49.07 1899 . . 5.36 2.63 4.91 4.04 5.37 2.22 4.72 1.42 1.53 5.18 1.86 3.78 43.02 1900 .. 1.84 3.36 1.89 2.08 3.90 9.08 3.43 .77 2.36 2.74 3.99 1.61 37.05 1901 . 1.01 2.14 3.72 3.63 1.63 1.34 .33 2.81 1.00 3.92 1.70 4.85 28.08 1902 . . 2.89 .77 3.08 3.49 3.20 3.40 2.04 4.33 5.07 5.71 6.03 1903 . . 1.01 4.90 6.21 2.76 3.06 3.13 1.43 2.13 .89 3.35 1.06 3.19 33.12 1904 . . 4.49 2 92 7.48 5.06 3.11 3.83 5.24 2.33 5.31 1.74 .51 3.20 45.22 1905 .. 2.61 1.72 2.72 5.25 5.59 2.31 10.39 3.00 2.96 6.44 2.74 3.58 49.31' 1906 . . 6.65 2.54 6.68 1.32 1.66 3.11 4.76 4.88 5.43 .86 8.33 8.31 54.53 1907 . . 9.97 2.11 3.77 2.84 4.85 5.26 4.72 5.56 1.28 3.10 4.30 3.16 50.92 1908 . . 2.84 7.67 3.18 6.52 5.31 1.94 3.74 3.13 1.31 T 4.85 .62 41.11 1909 .. 2.60 5.35 3.92 5.45 4.01 4.67 3.28 .15 5.47 .83 4.09 3.06 42.88 1910 . . 3.06 3.05 4.80 2.96 2.95 7.38 1.81 1.70 12.48 .23 2.93 43.35 1911... T 1.84 1.78 11.22 1.78 2.78 3.17 4.09 5.45 2.94 2.14 2.38 39.57 1912 .. 3.16 4.66 5.84 3.65 4.70 3.14 4.04 3.50 1.77 1.58 1.39 1913 . . 9.33 1.16 6.95 3.43 1.64 .66 5.55 1.09 4.01 6.43 4.19 1.61 46.05 1914 . . 2.06 5.75 3.18 2.49 1.50 1.53 1.97 1.82 3.83 4.20 .80 3.46 32.59 1915 . . 4.85 2.83 1.26 1.18 6.51 5.15 1.88 9.76 2.82 2.43 3.58 8.86 51.11 1916 ..10.38 1.69 2.17 3.87 2.12 5.90 1.69 6.22 2.11 2.16 2.02 4.97 45.30 1917 .. 5.13 1.65 4.15 7.81 4.63 3.54 2.49 4.56 1.53 2.43 2.23 2.11 42.26 1918 . . 5.53 .63 1.46 7.14 9.20 1.24 .71 5.38 5.09 2.32 2.96 7.22 48.88 1919 . . 1.41 1.68 6.61 3.43 6.50 3.47 1.32 2.95 2.06 10.41 6.46 1.81 48.11 1920 . . 4.46 1.25 7.88 3.06 9.25 .86 2.87 2.83 1.65 3.09 1.29 5.92 44.41 286 Table BULLETIN NO. 532 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly [April, and Annual Precipitation (Continued) , Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual NEW BURNSIDE, Johnson county, concluded 1921... . . 3.14 3.30 6.08 4.90 2.60 3.05 1.20 6.31 7.09 2.56 8.00 3.73 51.96 1922 . . 1 . 20 2.80 11.79 5.03 3.90 3.02 3.33 2.01 .77 3.31 2.18 4.82 44.16 1923 .. 5.41 3.91 4.15 5.12 6.89 3.84 .44 8.97 5.00 3.31 3.05 7.55 57.64 1924 . . 2.50 1.95 2.11 3.09 4.92 7.02 5.06 2.59 3.11 .17 1.55 3.69 37.76 1925 .. 1.71 3.25 2.91 3.15 1.01 6.01 2.62 .93 6.78 6.90 5.96 1.26 42.49 1926... . . 3.35 2.07 3.05 3.65 < 1.55 .77 1.46 8.12 2.92 4.66 4.59 3.26 39.45 1927 . . 7.37 1.44 7.54 9.60 7.28 6.20 6.83 1.58 5.24 4.02 5.63 5.96 68.69 1928 . . 2.02 2.97 1.62 7.13 3.00 16.15 2.31 2.96 .44 6.68 4.94 3.00 53.22 1929 . . 7.50 4.28 3.52 4.64 6.32 7.03 3.93 2.87 6.87 1.66 3.14 4.53 56.29 1930 .. 9.11 2.75 2.63 1.14 1.62 3.82 1.02 .84 5.25 2.64 2.41 1.39 34.62 1931... .1.16 2.77 4.55 4.15 4.13 1.50 1.86 5.63 2.25 1.47 6.48 4.13 40.08 1932 . . 7.04 2.92 5.46 3.45 .67 2.55 4.09 9.25 8.98 5.68 2.50 7.07 59.66 1933 . . 3.87 3.41 6.54 4.08 10.21 3.45 4.97 2.25 4.47 3.16 1.52 1.60 49.53 1934 . . 1.81 1 . 86 3 . 66 2.34 .90 4.06 2.51 4.62 8.76 2.02 9.62 2.42 44.58 1935 , . 3.99 1.37 9.98 2.57 5.89 13.28 1.67 2.38 2.30 3.12 3.01 1.93 51.49 1936 . 1.33 2.10 3.36 4.71 1.23 1.15 2.26 .31 7.59 3.40 4.03 4.18 35.65 1937 ..16.94 1.95 1.00 5.43 3.84 7.49 4.24 .52 3.55 5.80 2.30 3.40 56.46 1938 . . 4.38 2.73 5.49 1.66 4.03 4.78 4.42 2.39 2.43 .83 3.27 1.67 38.08 1939 . . 5.05 8.39 4.54 6.08 3.56 5.66 5.33 2.37 1.52 2.00 2.12 1.76 48.38 1940 , . 2.23 5.01 4.06 7.64 3.43 1.42 1.57 3.05 1.19 .60 5.03 2.97 38.20 1941 . . 2.83 1.09 .75 3.96 1.16 1.82 1.44 4.54 1.96 7.11 2.64 3.84 33.14 1942 . . 3.52 3.96 4.81 5.09 5.01 6.15 3.87 7.14 1.25 1.96 7.19 2.07 52.02 1943 . . .34 1.49 8.64 4.48 9.05 4.61 3.11 1.39 5.16 2.21 1.39 2.18 44.05 1944 . . .72 3.35 4.53 6.29 4.53 .96 .33 2.25 1.14 .87 2.04 4.09 31.10 1945 . . 2.12 7.39 11.75 11.87 2.97 10.10 1.81 7.23 7.52 2.97 4.14 1.47 71.34 1946 , . 3.58 4 . 50 1 . 62 2.96 8.59 .53 3.54 10.26 1.34 2.08 5.53 2.71 47.24 Aver . . 3.99 2.93 4.59 4.54 4.22 4.13 3.34 3.57 3.50 3.20 3.58 3.43 45 11 OLNEY, Richland county 1887... .1.16 . 6.00 5.44 4.44 2.51 1.82 2.80 .75 5.52 1888 . . 1.93 1.57 5.25 1.80 2.61 4.41 5.64 9.78 .91 2.82 7.06 2.65 46.43 1889 . . 2 . 73 2.66 1.91 1.23 4.70 5.71 7.59 3.32 5.09 2.71 4.66 3.96 46.27 1890 . 7.21 4.48 6.52 3.81 3.95 4.37 1.25 4.44 5.84 1.38 2.46 2.16 47.87 1891 , . 2.06 5.48 4.23 2.74 1.30 3.54 .56 4.41 1.33 1.45 6.71 2.37 36.18 1892 . . 1.35 4.15 1.56 7.85 5.11 2.07 4.14 3.26 .76 .82 3.39 1.03 35.49 1893 , . .64 3.73 4.05 10.44 4.14 5.38 .96 2.65 3.95 1.97 3.10 1.74 42.75 1894 , . 2 . 27 3.19 3.06 2.80 5.20 1.39 2.28 2.63 2.42 2.02 .47 3.34 31.07 1895 , . 4.25 .45 1.40 2.15 1.78 3.00 5.85 1.48 2.06 .13 4.40 3.47 30.42 1896 .89 2.21 3.07 1.52 6.13 3.82 8.67 .47 4.57 1.69 5.56 .46 39.06 1897 . 3.77 2.92 11.77 6.49 2.75 4.48 2.85 .40 .71 .52 6.57 3.86 47.09 1898 . . 5.22 1.93 10.97 5.00 4.38 1.10 4.76 3.58 4.41 3.06 2.14 1.89 48.44 1899 . 3.98 2.81 3.03 .99 2.93 3.95 2.82 2.92 .93 2.86 1.82 2.66 31.70 1900 . .93 2.99 2.37 1.21 3.14 6.29 4.15 1.36 3.67 1.58 2.54 1.67 31.90 1901 . . . . 1.00 2.88 4.24 2.58 3.09 2.56 .25 2.45 1.07 2.49 1.27 5.16 29.04 1902 . 1.41 .69 2.64 1.51 1.85 4.70 3.07 3.20 2.14 1.33 3.51 4.01 30.06 1903 . . 2.94 4.02 3.66 4.96 .94 3.57 4.46 2.49 .42 1.99 1.35 2.87 33.67 1904 . . 4.00 2.05 10.60 2.20 6.56 3.06 2.27 1.76 6.13 .53 .94 4.02 44.12 1905 . 2.89 1.29 2.61 3.74 3.11 2.09 4.13 4.40 2.07 8.70 1.65 2.41 39.09 1906... , . 3.37 2.33 4.84 1.93 1.29 3.21 3.97 3.77 7.75 2.98 5.55 4.19 45.18 1907 . 7.53 .52 4.50 3.92 6.38 5.77 7.08 6.37 1.35 2.43 3.57 3.52 52.94 1908 . 1.98 5.17 3.76 5.07 6.63 1.01 3.52 1.02 .83 .24 3.81 1.05 34.09 1909 . 2.77 6.42 3.80 3.44 3.52 5.57 5.03 .81 3.94 3.60 4.13 3.28 46.31 1910 . . 2.97 3.57 .27 3.79 5.18 3.07 4.30 2.10 6.72 6.55 2.32 1.78 42.62 1911... . 2.06 2.41 2.10 6.81 1.73 7.93 1.28 2.40 12.23 3.05 3.03 2.62 47.65 1912 . 1.75 2.08 4.56 4.50 5.84 2.32 4.64 1.31 1.09 1913 . 9.01 1.10 9 . 57 3.23 2.37 1.48 2.18 1.97 4.04 3.72 4.89 1.41 44.97 1914 . 2.77 3.60 2.75 3.73 .77 1.76 3.63 7.83 2.48 3.06 .89 2.79 36.06 1915 . . 3.63 2.91 1.11 1.21 6.65 5.53 5.76 8.82 1.58 .75 3.54 4.34 45.83 1916... .10.05 1.14 1.66 1.09 4.42 7.04 1.30 7.92 3.61 2.32 1.15 2.11 43.81 1917 . 4.92 .12 2.89 7.12 4.84 4.69 1.05 3.30 1.14 4.63 1.00 .79 36.49 1918 . 3.39 .99 1.95 7.30 6.58 3.84 2.25 3.62 4.97 2.97 2.15 4.83 44.84 1919 . 1.21 1.23 3.27 2.49 5.15 8.51 1.41 2.19 2.29 12.32 5.01 1.10 46.18 1920 . 2.02 1.07 5.09 2.07 5.20 2.01 4.67 4.61 3.73 1.99 1.10 3.19 36.75 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 287 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual OLNEY, Richland county, concluded 1921... . 2.58 .93 6.25 2.48 2.23 3.61 2.38 4.72 6.38 2.21 5.07 3.71 42.55 1922 . 1.14 1.82 7.93 5.85 2.63 1.03 1.56 2.09 .52 2.97 2.32 5.36 35.22 1923 , .2.67 1.81 4.94 3.44 5.77 3.38 .56 7.15 2.39 3.56 1.88 5.80 43.35 1924 . 2.75 1.74 2.45 1.89 5.45 5.38 3.77 6.07 3.40 .41 1.18 3.07 37.56 1925 . .82 2.23 2.21 1.99 3.44 4.88 1.67 3.25 3.85 4.25 4.91 2.00 35.50 1926... . 2.47 3.69 3.34 5.66 .87 1.86 2.90 8.89 10.99 5.22 2.62 1.75 50.26 1927 . 4.34 1.11 5.50 4.77 8.99 2.75 4.05 4.12 3.90 1.68 5.75 3.58 50.54 1928 .1.55 3.92 1.60 2.93 2.79 7.24 3.40 3.35 2.16 5.59 3.53 2.36 40.42 1929 . 5.08 2.39 3.20 5.11 7.41 4.07 2.35 2.24 4.01 2.13 2.07 4.18 44.24 1930 . 8.38 3.18 1.01 1.71 1.19 1.95 .38 2.62 3.83 1.93 2.45 1.39 30.02 1931... .63 1.55 3.15 3.16 3.97 .85 7.71 5.08 6.35 2.08 7.41 4.63 46.57 1932 . 7.20 1.37 2.33 2.41 1.15 3.62 1.93 4.90 7.11 4.05 3.27 5.58 44.92 1933 . 3.87 1.83 6.23 5.30 9.17 .99 5.35 1.51 2.59 2.19 .67 2.23 41.90 1934 . 1.51 1.26 3.27 2.76 2.17 3.19 8.39 5.73 6.75 .79 5.50 2.63 43.95 1935 . 3.52 .62 6.10 2.41 8.60 5.33 .95 .66 3.30 1.28 5.32 1.34 39.43 1936... .1.38 2.18 1.95 2.34 .78 1 . 55 .79 1.27 3.08 3.82 3.62 2.80 25.56 1937 .10.90 2.29 2.68 6.77 3.89 4.48 3.66 3.80 1.97 5.40 1.81 4.24 51.89 1938 . 1.44 2.08 9.39 4.44 6.34 3.14 8.77 3.75 1.73 .22 3.63 2.04 46.97 1939 . 4.40 3.50 3.55 6.04 2.19 6.38 2.51 3.39 .59 1.47 2.02 2.38 38.42 1940 . 1.74 3.13 1.70 5.73 4.45 1.96 .66 1.82 .32 1.67 5.45 2.92 31.55 1941... .1.55 .86 .83 3.86 3.02 6.53 3.01 1.83 2.70 6.84 3.68 2.20 36.91 1942 .1.60 3.31 4.51 2.96 4.30 5 . 55 3 . 26 3.75 .78 1.62 4.34 2.27 38.25 1943 .1.37 2.36 2.10 4.62 12.79 4.46 3.82 .39 3.37 2.41 2.64 2.21 42.54 1944 . .57 3.78 3.10 8.47 2.85 1.29 1.01 6.24 1.76 .40 1.41 1.33 32.21 1945 . 1.91 4.27 12.04 7.72 4.69 9.59 3.20 4.18 7.37 1.65 4.78 2.35 63.75 1946 .2.37 3.75 2.11 2.37 10.59 2.01 2.38 7.09 1.96 2.73 5.08 3.18 45.62 Aver . 3.13 2.46 4.08 3.83 4.27 3.84 3.34 3.62 3.41 2.68 3.35 2.80 40 81 PADUCAH , McCracken county, Kentucky 1882... . 2.01 4.26 4.90 4.37 10.31 3.26 7.88 7.59 1.28 1.89 4.34 2.58 54.67 1883 . 4.35 6.22 7.26 6.86 4.28 3.54 6.64 2.50 1.06 7.38 3.93 3.41 57.43 1884 . 2.31 4.40 3.70 4.89 4.62 5.11 5.01 3.24 5.03 3.21 .50 4.55 46.57 1885 .1.62 .75 2.52 1.52 3.05 8.68 1.34 2.52 2.61 1.65 2.55 3.15 31.96 1886... . 2.29 2.02 2.17 5.02 1.09 5.61 1.14 6.21 1.74 .28 4.07 1.71 33.35 1887 . 1.23 5.33 3.12 1.50 1.57 1.92 3.03 1.30 2.04 .51 4.13 2.01 27.69 1888 . 4.34 1.70 5.00 3.30 3.43 4.23 1.23 4.56 .10 1.54 5.44 .65 35.52 1889 . 3.64 1.61 1.92 1.34 4.48 5.19 4.91 .45 5.69 .72 5.46 .89 36.30 1890 . 6.82 8.35 5.23 4.62 4.42 .84 1.33 7.12 2.61 3.77 7.56 2.81 55.48 1891... . 4.08 6.59 8.10 1.91 1.88 3.63 3.59 6.07 .49 .31 6.42 5.00 48.07 1892 . .62 2.56 2.55 9.08 2.69 1.55 3.15 3.95 .04 .62 2.35 3.62 32.78 1893 . 3.00 4.37 2.08 5.11 7.53 4.80 .81 2.80 3.54 5.84 3.19 2.16 45.23 1894 . 2.94 5.56 3.86 3.70 3.95 1.59 1.48 2.50 3.05 1.12 .96 3.90 34.61 1895 . 5.28 1.00 3.22 3.99 1.57 3.49 6.32 2.29 2.54 1.04 7.01 3.36 41.11 1896 . 1.65 2.28 4.88 1.77 8.49 4.72 3.75 2.03 2.87 2.34 5.35 1.73 41.86 1897 . 3.21 4.39 8.65 9.23 2.60 5.68 4.11 1.22 T .59 5.74 3.66 49.08 1898 .9.30 .83 9.92 3.66 5.68 4.15 4.00 2.68 5.35 6.88 1.17 2.05 55.67 1899 . 7.90 2.83 5.42 3.38 5.72 1 . 82 5.19 3.98 1.51 3.06 2.00 5.11 47.92 1900 . 3.01 5.61 1.67 3.22 4.58 9.39 5.47 .21 2.72 2.06 6.53 2.51 46.98 1901... . 1.56 2.37 4.58 2.77 1.83 1.40 1.34 7.14 4.01 6.22 2.06 6.74 42.02 1902 . 4.16 1.63 3.65 2.62 2.63 2.69 1.94 4.02 6.18 2.91 5.90 9.20 47.53 1903 . 2.88 6.47 3.42 1.86 3.75 .47 2.63 1.42 .44 1.92 1.98 4.20 31.44 1904 . 4.48 2.38 7.22 2.80 1.66 3.32 6.38 .92 3.41 1.24 .20 3.74 37.75 1905 . 3.72 1.96 3.46 3.54 4.96 2.03 5.78 2.34 1.58 4.44 5.95 3.74 43.50 1906 . 5.20 2.76 7.02 1.28 .68 3.52 6.02 3.40 4.70 1.94 8.08 7.71 52.31 1907 .12.22 3.84 4.38 3.68 7.76 3.42 3.20 2.69 2.26 3.38 5.10 3.99 55.92 1908 . 1.78 8.44 3.76 7.14 3.74 3.60 3.44 4.46 .04 T 4.58 1.74 42.72 1909 .2.90 10.04 5.80 5.82 4.72 2.66 6.20 .84 4.36 1.50 4.50 4.56 53.90 1910 . 3.54 3.24 .88 6.90 3.20 2.92 11.94 2.20 1.20 9.22 2.02 4.03 51.29 1911 . 2.81 3.00 1.54 6.71 1.60 3.28 2.06 6.09 3.38 1.49 4.48 4.40 40.84 1912 . 4.88 2.93 6.20 8.92 3.28 6.07 4.76 1.50 1.76 3.00 1.24 2.12 46.66 1913 . 14 . 68 2.88 8.81 3.43 1.92 .40 5.78 6.03 2.65 3.88 2.22 1.61 54.29 1914 . 1.52 4.55 3.12 2.50 1.45 .46 T 6.59 4.04 3.56 .82 4.35 32.96 1915 . 4.49 2.44 1.26 .76 5.17 3.20 3.26 5.79 3.76 2.90 6.07 7.92 47.02 288 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual PADUCAH , McCracken county, Kentucky, concluded 1916... . 9.83 1.23 2.68 2.57 5.30 6.42 2.36 2.55 1.95 2.22 1.96 4.39 43.46 1917 . . 4.20 2.76 5.06 7.36 3.38 6.09 3.68 2.32 1.20 1.84 2.88 2.25 43.02 1918 . 4.72 1.05 2.07 4.64 4.88 4.29 .26 5.47 4.07 2.54 2.00 5.39 41.38 1919 . 3.16 1.69 7.29 3.52 6.53 6.34 .84 4.44 1.70 6.76 8.50 3.84 54.61 1920 . . 5.84 2.22 4.72 4.76 5.23 2.18 4.16 6.12 3.72 2.92 .98 5.74 48.59 1921 . 3.04 4.32 6.46 4.92' 1.95 4.40 .34 4.00 5.55 1.11 9.88 3.67 49.64 1922 . 2.20 3.06 10.62 6.98 2.80 3.63 3.08 .80 1.18 3.42 2.22 4.60 44.59 1923 . 6.54 3.76 5.06 5.54 7.30 2.60 1.67 7.35 5.34 2.66 4.72 5.31 57.85 1924 . 4.05 2.12 1.84 3.09 6.15 7.55 5.30 2.15 1.44 .18 1.86 4.74 40.47 1925 . 1.21 2.99 2.85 2.47 1.18 5.07 2.22 .37 4.54 10.81 5.04 .92 39.67 1926... . 3.50 1.88 2.44 4.03 1.01 3.19 .83 8.16 1.88 3.29 4.16 4.92 39.29 1927 . 7.51 1.69 9.18 13.25 11.05 4.37 3.72 3.15 5.83 4.23 5.04 3.33 72.35 1928 . 2.26 2.70 2.61 6.02 2.60 19.22 .92 3.61 5.16 5.06 3.01 53.17 1929 . 7.40 3.85 3.37 4.90 9.45 6.91 5.48 3.98 8.00 1.59 3.70 3.23 61.86 1930 .. 8.64 3.52 2.29 .95 1.55 3.10 .56 2.96 5.63 1.98 2.23 1.92 35.33 1931 .96 3.78 3.46 5.21 2.76 4.27 2.54 4.85 1.72 2.06 5.99 3.89 41.49 1932 . 8.00 5.02 3.62 3.35 .63 3.31 4.39 6.51 7.47 3.66 3.03 5.71 54.70 1933 . 3.81 5.80 7.35 4.86 5.49 .37 6.23 2.16 7.54 4.27 1.75 4.13 53.76 1934 . .72 2.89 6.13 2.22 1.14 2.67 3.98 10.99 2.34 8.90 1935 . 4.91 2.51 13.62 5.64 5.04 8.89 1.00 1.39 1.22 3.79 2.14 2.59 52.74 1936 . .. . 1.08 1.66 4.40 1.32 .41 3.75 .59 6.02 4.48 3.42 4.04 1937 .17.53 2.11 1.38 6.25 3.26 2.80 3.23 1.74 2.03 5.51 1.88 3.09 50.81 1938 . 3.78 3.47 7.98 2.11 3.13 1.64 8.68 4.11 1.56 1.31 3.59 1.75 43.11 1939 . 6.26 8.62 5.50 9.43 1.95 3.02 1.64 3.01 1.12 1.39 1.54 2.76 46.24 1940 . 2.74 5.58 4.37 5.38 2.75 4.71 1.43 2.36 .99 .68 5.18 3.72 39.89 1941 . 2.50 1.38 .70 2.19 2.74 2.84 2.28 3.92 1.09 6.99 2.29 2.73 31.65 1942 . . 5.70 3.80 4.33 4.87 3.11 2.30 3.92 5.00 1.34 2.97 4.35 3.08 44.77 1943 . .47 1.02 6.18 2.49 8.51 2.06 3.43 .83 4.33 1.25 1.54 2.47 34.58 1944 . 1.16 4.87 4.64 5.61 3.34 1.14 1.21 2.13 1.52 .88 3.03 3.58 33.11 1945 . 3.20 6.52 10.87 9.48 5.04 7.58 1.73 5.03 5.34 3.98 3.69 2.39 64.85 1946..... . 4.86 5.96 2.38 2.57 8.23 .28 4.12 4.61 .99 2.80 7.04 3.39 47.23 Aver . 4 . 34 3.59 4.72 4.47 3.99 3.90 3.43 3.51 3.01 2.95 3.90 3.62 45 43 ST. LOUIS, Missouri 3 1837... .70 1.08 3.43 1.40 3.13 2.77 4.07 3.10 2.88 1.15 1.60 1.70 27.01 1838 . 3.72 1.25 1.51 3.36 4.68 3.73 3.13 4.48 .06 3.06 2.09 .44 31.51 1839 . 2.21 2.50 2.59 5.46 7.93 7.26 5.71 2.89 2.45 3.96 2.48 2.00 47.44 1840 .1.80 1.38 2.10 3.31 4.58 6.27 2.36 7.15 3.96 6.30 1.73 .71 41.65 1841 .. .84 .88 4.99 3.85 2.38 1.67 3.09 5.63 3.22 6.81 5.44 3.93 42.73 1842 . .45 3.90 2.22 3.49 3.22 5.12 1.76 2.64 2.17 2.57 2.38 2.39 32.31 1843 . 2.34 1.90 3.49 4.87 4.15 3.95 2.49 1.32 2.19 1.55 4.82 1.72 34.79 1844 . 3.36 1.73 4.84 3.86 11.26 6.85 8.13 .45 .30 2.25 1.17 1.61 45.81 1845 . 1.83 1.07 3.18 2.28 4.42 10.01 4.75 6.23 1.03 1.16 1.10 .93 37.99 1846 . 2.98 1.27 1.27 4.84 3.75 5.21 .84 4.73 4.84 2.71 2.11 10.90 45.45 1847 . 2.12 3.58 2.28 3.98 4.36 8.61 5.37 .90 3.26 8.74 8.63 .89 52.72 1848 . 1.86 2.27 6.61 3.16 8.10 17.07 5.37 9.74 1.12 2.41 1.91 5.74 65.36 1849 . 4.18 .56 2.70 2.64 2.71 6.46 9.40 5.15 5.81 2.17 2.11 1.82 45.71 1850 . 1.94 4.10 5.63 7.68 7.47 1.47 4.83 2.10 3.74 2.71 6.24 2.59 50.50 1851 . .61 6.74 3.14 4.70 2.83 6.19 5.77 8.97 .49 1.51 1.99 3.90 46.84 1852 . .99 2.12 7.67 2.28 5.19 10.25 3.36 1.60 1.47 5.26 3.29 3.48 46.96 1853 . .52 1.67 .79 3.24 3.64 3.23 4.10 5.48 4.67 .96 1.51 1.08 30.89 1854 .1.18 3.11 7.49 7.60 6.30 3.21 .92 1.80 1.44 4.15 1.94 1.49 40.63 1855 . 4.66 .70 2.89 2.65 7.46 4.27 5.17 6.53 3.89 3.89 5.16 3.10 50.37 1856 . 1.03 3.64 1.06 6.35 3.03 1.24 4.61 6.82 3.51 2.10 4.90 4.29 42.58 1857 . .41 7.74 1.80 1.72 4.81 3.71 2.82 4.15 3.18 3.02 3.80 1.87 39.03 1858 . 3.42 2.12 3.96 6.07 10.64 6.69 8.03 2.87 3.86 7.73 4.92 8.52 68.83 1859 . 2.32 5.35 7.32 4.89 6.60 11.02 5.54 2.93 4.44 1.80 5.43 3.76 61.40 1860 . 1.80 2.60 1.16 2.03 2.29 6.58 2.97 2.96 2.11 1.58 1.63 2.08 29.79 1861 .1.16 2.01 7.38 3.18 4.39 4.96 2.04 3.44 4.14 2.85 1.39 1.09 38.03 1862 . 4.01 .80 4.11 4.82 2.51 2.85 3.61 1.32 6.27 3.73 3.59 6.38 44.00 1863 . 4.11 3.99 3.02 1.55 2.68 3.16 2.51 6.93 1.56 4.76 2.15 4.03 40.45 1864 . 2.74 .82 1.71 5.58 3.90 .41 3.60 4.91 2.82 3.15 5.25 2.72 37.61 1865 .87 3.75 8.61 3.31 5.66 5.21 7.94 1.96 2.60 3.33 3.63 46.87 Authorities: 1837, Medical Department, United States Army (St. Louis Arsenal); 1838 thru 1869, Dr. George Engelmann; 1870, St. Louis University; since 1871, the United States Weather Bureau. 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 289 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual ST. LOUIS, Missouri, continued 1866... . 4.16 2.24 2.80 1.56 2.24 5.59 3.67 5.16 10.53 2.01 1.37 1.87 43.20 1867 . 2.28 4.81 2.37 .53 8.26 5.64 3.71 2.29 .17 1.31 2.74 3.65 37.76 1868 . 1.71 .55 7.66 7.08 3.96 1.58 2.03 8.53 5.25 2.11 2.04 3.09 45.59 1869 . 2.02 2.49 4.24 4.61 3.60 6.25 2.49 5.51 1.70 3.42 7.48 3.16 46.97 1870 . 2.25 .28 2.76 2.39 2.05 1.46 1.81 6.05 1.07 3.40 1.87 1.69 27.08 1871... . 2.53 2.92 1.27 .49 3.15 2.51 1.64 3.55 .25 2.07 1.83 1.17 23.38 1872 . .64 1.15 2.43 2.77 6.04 4.28 4.59 .93 3.38 .55 2.01 1.70 30.47 1873 . 3.53 1.52 2.10 6.88 5.73 6.68 5.96 .07 3.02 3.27 1.64 5.10 45.50 1874 . 3.14 3.66 4.36 3.44 3.70 2.00 5.71 4.70 2.30 1.09 2.32 1.46 37.88 1875 . .54 2.59 4.08 2.53 5.48 10.84 9.50 2.66 .24 1.23 .89 2.42 43.00 1876 . 4.75 2.86 6.90 2.25 3.13 6.43 5.90 5.03 7.63 1.66 1.74 .18 48.46 1877 . 1.24 .88 3.41 3.03 3.11 8.69 2.88 2.61 3.56 4.92 3.76 3.34 41.43 1878 . 2.36 1.69 2.79 6.74 4.63 2.40 3.92 4.75 3.42 3.27 1.38 3.48 40.83 1879 . 1.64 1.48 1.92 2.31 .95 4.04 1.97 2.23 1.34 .68 4.30 2.84 25.70 1880 . 3.83 2.65 2.51 3.31 3.44 2.56 5.17 1.53 3.10 2.09 2.67 1.80 34.66 1881 .49 4.16 1.95 3.14 3.96 2.74 2.13 .31 3.14 7.21 6.74 1.40 37.37 1882 . 2.80 8.94 3.49 3.58 4.55 4.53 3.84 2.20 1.73 2.44 3.24 1.81 43.15 1883 . .94 5.88 2.29 3.31 2.89 5.04 4.31 3.34 .01 6.60 3.71 1.78 40.10 1884 . .79 4.43 3.00 4.15 2.68 4.52 2.86 1.21 6.04 2.48 2.30 6.18 40.64 1885 . 3.26 .87 .40 4.84 2.80 7.68 2.58 2.96 8.98 7.51 1.68 2.03 45.59 1886 . 3.11 1.71 3.04 2.10 7.84 7.09 .55 2.44 9.60 .85 3.36 2.65 44.34 1887 . .65 3.68 3.54 4.36 5.27 2.54 2.74 1.14 2.47 .76 4.61 3.54 35.30 1888 . 2.15 2.39 3.79 1.88 3.81 8.09 2.09 6.66 1.31 2.59 4.40 2.01 41.17 1889 . 3.04 4.78 1.62 1.68 3.80 4.72 2.02 .85 3.54 1.65 4.43 1.03 33.16 1890 . 7.47 2.86 5.99 4.05 5.81 3.18 .37 2.43 1.80 .86 1.55 1.32 37.69 1891 . 1.35 2.95 2.29 2.29 2.73 5.97 1.50 2.75 1.43 .65 5.30 1.32 30.53 1892 . 1.52 4.89 1.92 7.60 7.87 2.73 4.64 1.75 1.59 1.66 3.46 1.99 41.62 1893 . .33 2.98 5.10 10.84 5.42 3.49 2.49 .65 3.69 1.66 1.36 1.32 39.33 1894 . 2.56 2.88 2.69 2.68 3.61 1.12 1.35 1.66 3.11 1.56 1.49 2.73 27.44 1895 .1.65 .43 2.82 .46 3.16 2.46 7.26 2.08 2.01 .23 3.98 4.66 31.20 1896 . 1.43 2.81 2.03 2.43 9.12 4.57 4.67 2.12 2.42 1.20 3.70 1.05 37.55 1897 . 3.75 2.67 8.25 4.66 1.59 5.32 3.23 .66 .09 .31 6.21 3.43 40.17 1898 . 4.53 1.71 7.73 3.85 8.55 3.85 7.44 .87 3.23 4.34 2.07 1.03 49.20 1899 . 1.66 3.40 3.96 1.98 6.32 2.32 4.54 2.77 1.27 2.89 1.95 1.55 34.61 1900 . .65 5.09 1.45 1.83 4.47 2.62 3.85 1.30 2.68 2.07 3.10 .40 29.51 1901 .1.12 1.86 2.94 2.35 2.69 3.92 1.47 .76 .64 2.12 1.21 3.72 24.80 1902 .1.18 .83 4.50 2.49 3.04 7.86 2.34 5.20 1.98 2.00 3.20 3.81 38.43 1903 . 1.76 3.14 3.20 2.79 2.08 5.71 2.68 6.16 3.06 1.37 .61 1.25 33.81 1904 . 3.15 .84 7.87 3.25 2.88 4.64 3.09 2.62 2.97 .50 .54 1.36 33.71 1905 . 2.47 1.12 2.35 2.32 4.67 2.72 4.42 2.58 5.56 6.64 1.63 2.06 38.54 1906 . 3.57 2.92 4.53 1.98 2.61 2.80 .98 3.72 4.40 1.25 4.67 2.09 35.52 1907 . 7.35 1.12 2.39 3.65 5.57 4.96 3.32 4.36 1.57 3.15 1.89 2.06 41.39 1908 . 2.08 3.39 3.43 3.84 7.72 3.02 4.24 1.55 1.24 .21 2.83 .64 34.19 1909 . 3.20 3.94 3.69 6.18 5.99 2.63 7.34 .66 4.22 3.40 4.36 1.89 47.50 1910 . 2.73 3.22 .14 4.09 5.23 4.24 4.21 1.90 6.09 3.98 .30 1.18 37.31 1911... .85 3.02 2.22 7.46 2.26 1.34 .64 3.51 7.09 2.63 3.44 1.67 36.13 1912 . 1.31 2.80 5.85 7.84 4.29 6.93 5.29 2.65 2.84 2.61 1.76 .42 44.59 1913 . 4.34 1.20 7.97 3.57 1.53 1.55 3.61 1.59 4.50 4.08 3.12 1.62 38.68 1914 . 2.21 4.63 1.25 1.92 .69 .10 1.52 5.42 6.68 7.45 1.53 2.23 35.63 1915 . 2.83 2.30 .44 1.20 7.67 9.77 6.02 11.43 1.41 .90 1.97 3.34 49.28 1916 . 8.53 1.78 1.83 1.78 3.00 3.97 1.20 10.69 2.69 1.64 2.53 2.16 41.80 1917 .1.72 .35 1.80 4.64 3.78 .62 3.17 1.99 3.50 1.87 .78 .78 25.00 1918 . 1.31 2.09 .67 7.09 3.28 1.47 .60 5.26 5.09 3.63 2.73 2.69 35.91 1919 . .13 1.54 1.72 1.76 7.86 5.30 1.50 3.03 6.13 8.52 2.08 1.22 40.79 1920 . 1.85 .74 3.97 3.43 5.00 1.53 .73 4.16 4.79 2.36 .56 2.41 31.53 1921... .1.10 1.08 6.14 7.01 4.29 2.31 2.05 2.75 5.60 1.45 4.43 2.89 41.10 1922 . .74 1.52 4.84 7.40 1.26 .80 2.42 1.79 2.49 1.74 2.36 4.98 32.34 1923 . 2.08 1.50 4.26 3.20 5.85 4.33 1.83 6.19 3.51 3.74 1.90 3.30 41.69 1924 .1.15 1.29 3.24 1.90 6.18 6.80 3.62 3.90 1.97 .30 1.53 4.63 36.51 1925 . .53 2.19 1.50 2.70 1.48 4.84 1.78 2.75 4.59 4.32 4.09 1.46 32.23 290 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual ST. LOUIS, Missouri, concluded 1926 . 1.69 2.52 3.95 4.42 1.58 1.72 .54 1.83 7.40 3.84 2.71 1.15 33.35 1927 . 3.66 .56 7.67 6.30 9.21 2.59 2.79 2.60 2.93 4.65 5.56 2.31 50.83 1928 . 1.91 2.43 2.27 3.02 2.18 7.25 6.66 4.83 1.70 2.24 1.90 2.22 38.61 1929 . 2.11 .88 5.33 6.99 10.09 3.65 2.67 3.40 1.71 4.99 1.41 3.07 46.30 1930 . 5.70 2.35 .99 1.32 1.69 2.63 .25 .28 3.51 1.84 1.77 .90 23.23 1931 .40 1.77 2.39 3.23 '3.61 1.98 4.06 3.46 5.66 2.90 4.65 3.28 37.39 1932 . 2.50 1.59 1.33 3.19 2.09 2.45 5.30 8.68 2.15 4.28 2.08 2.37 38.01 1933 . 2.18 .96 4.91 3.84 8.59 .15 4.63 .60 2.60 2.97 1.64 1.70 34.77 1934 . 1.72 1.26 2.96 2.40 .54 3.25 1.22 3.14 5.86 2.23 2.66 1.95 29.19 1935 . 2.76 1.27 6.43 2.50 7.35 4.37 3.13 1.82 3.35 2.56 2.71 1.11 39.36 1936 . 1.32 1.97 1.67 2.80 .85 3.07 .60 .85 5.94 2.79 2.20 2.08 26.14 1937 . 5.21 1.52 1.75 6.03 2.65 5.84 .67 1.57 2.02 3.51 1.19 3.91 35.87 1938 .1.31 3.51 9.52 3.34 5.97 4.50 3.64 1.15 1.01 1.17 4.04 2.06 41.22 1939 . 4.08 3.22 3.35 5.85 2.64 3.24 2.07 10.06 1.01 .77 2.43 1.43 40.15 1940'. . 1.33 1.39 1.50 3.86 1.46 2.66 .78 4.11 .03 1.44 3.23 3.21 25.00 1941 . 2.38 .64 .60 4.47 1.91 2.52 1.68 2.63 3.58 7.46 3.05 1.20 32.12 1942 . 1.44 2.54 1.92 2.19 4.99 7.24 7.92 3.60 1.99 2.30 4.40 4.61 45.14 1943 . .74 1.13 3.19 1.87 10.20 5.87 1.31 1.85 2.40 2.22 .97 1.85 33.60 1944 . .30 2.72 2.49 8.82 4.15 1.34 3.45 2.46 4.37 .78 1.11 1.52 33.51 1945 . 1.02 3.57 8.27 5.40 4.31 7.42 1.00 4.38 10.01 1.08 1.68 1.68 49.82 1946 .1.59 3.11 3.08 2.85 5.58 3.46 1.45 20.45 1.52 3.45 7.63 2.95 57.12 Aver 2.23 2.43 3.51 3.78 4.48 4.42 3.41 3.59 3.24 2.83 2.84 2.47 39.23 SALEM , Marion county 1915 6.00 9.68 1.33 .48 1.83 4.01 1916... . 8.17 1.34 1.07 1.06 3.16 4.15 3.00 7.54 2.21 2.68 2.25 4.11 40.74 1917 . 3.47 .26 2.16 7.22 4.74 4.47 1.43 2.93 .49 4.29 1.64 .84 33.94 1918 .2.65 1.62 8.74 4.89 3.46 1.11 5.13 7.10 2.29 1.81 4.88 1919 . .71 1.86 3.39 2.40 6.61 5.44 1.69 2.56 1.66 14.08 4.04 1.33 45.77 1920 . 2.71 2.12 4.95 3.95 6.43 1.39 3.96 10.23 4.16 2.71 .52 3.70 46.83 1921... . 1.77 .99 6.63 3.62 2.38 3.83 1.97 4.62 5.33 1.59 4.46 3.61 40.80 1922 . 1.11 1.63 7.94 6.71 1.63 1.96 1.95 1.99 .48 6.09 1.89 5.08 38.46 1923 . 2.48 2.13 5.97 5.51 5.58 2.95 2.85 8.28 2.15 3.46 1.85 3.72 46.93 1924 . 1.87 1.26 3.44 1.96 5.57 7.03 3.85 2.07 2.61 .62 .97 4.67 35.92 1925 . .89 2.26 2.08 2.14 2.22 6.11 2.57 1.84 4.83 3.81 4.38 1.70 34.83 1926... . 1.81 3.12 3.23 6.85 1.55 1.39 3.65 5.03 9.25 4.41 3.13 1.99 45.41 1927 . 3.23 1.27 5.40 6.70 7.22 1.80 8.31 4.36 3.76 3.92 5.31 3.96 55.24 1928 .1.69 3.66 2.72 3.06 2.47 8.11 3.84 6.47 1.41 4.35 2.82 2.49 43.09 1929 . 4.36 1.79 3.14 5.53 9.55 5.71 2.65 2.46 .84 3.56 2.21 5.07 46.87 1930 . 8.33 2.53 1.70 1.57 2.48 2.64 .23 1.93 4.76 2.23 2.02 1.13 31.55 1931 .29 1.57 2.46 2.85 4.78 1.45 5.72 5.52 5.05 3.56 4.82 4.81 42.88 1932 . 4.99 .65 1.98 2.08 2.28 3.88 3.72 4.03 2.89 3.83 2.57 3.93 36.83 1933 . 3.36 1.61 4.60 4.47 7.83 .22 2.52 1.29 3.95 3.77 .92 1.55 36.09 1934 . 2.02 1.30 3.52 2.67 2.66 3.83 3.89 3.56 5.32 2.83 6.12 2.49 40.21 1935 . 3.15 .82 6.91 3.09 10.46 3.87 3.87 1.16 2.73 3.61 5.31 1.24 46.22 1936... .1.43 2.01 1.99 2.08 1.04 3.92 .62 1.58 3.23 3.44 3.34 3.13 27.81 1937 . 8.06 1.88 2.04 5.64 3.15 5.14 3.94 3.14 2.65 3.92 1.66 3.78 45.00 1938 . 1.50 2.45 8.19 2.17 6.04 2.34 5.25 2.45 2.84 1.31 2.74 2.12 39.40 1939 . 4.46 3.96 2.39 7.67 2.08 6.91 3.42 6.87 1.80 .88 1.78 1.69 43.91 1940 . 1.83 2.06 2.41 5.00 2.01 2.82 1.02 1.70 .66 3.10 3.60 2.80 29.01 1941... . 2.12 1.08 .80 5.14 1.53 5.05 2.16 2.54 1.97 6.42 3.74 1.57 34.12 1942 . 1.57 3.65 3.99 2.60 3.28 10.43 10.63 2.41 2.02 3.35 4.97 2.52 51.42 1943 . 1.38 .76 1.78 3.92 12.22 3.65 .23 .78 2.18 2.45 2.90 1.94 34.19 1944 . .18 3.56 2.96 6.69 3.48 1.43 2.81 5.13 1.98 .15 1.61 1.47 31.45 1945 . 1.33 3.94 10.91 6.57 5.20 10.14 .84 2.57 7.17 1.94 3.37 2.21 56.19 1946 . 1.79 3.92 1.39 3.13 6.15 2.98 2.99 8.70 1.93 3.00 5.20 2.82 44.00 Aver . 2.73 2.03 3.74 4.28 4.54 4.15 3.21 4.08 3.15 3.38 2.99 2.89 41.17 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 291 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual SHAWNEETOWN , Gallatin county 1892... . 1.11 1.67 2.45 5.10 3.80 1.82 2.30 2.96 2.30 2.02 4.22 1.36 31.11 1893 . 1.63 4.60 2.08 10.55 3.77 3.12 2.17 .34 1911... 3 37 1912 .3.69 2.60 6.16 6.94 2.67 3.97 3.67 6.91 3.60 2.16 1.23 1.70 45.30 1913 .11.35 1.80 9.44 3.90 1.02 1.93 1.96 .45 3.07 2.87 4.42 1.85 44.06 1914 .1.53 4.98 3.04 2.85 1.58 3.49 1.56 5 . 87 4 . 55 2.79 .50 4.64 37.38 1915 . 4.95 2.00 1.40 .53 8.69 6.34 3.88 7.39 4.11 2.14 3.38 8.99 53.80 1916 .11.23 1.61 2.31 3.10 2.86 5.92 2.74 6.29 2.07 2.32 1.81 4.56 46.82 1917 . 5.52 2.18 4.33 6.55 5.17 3.94 2.73 2.54 1.03 2.67 2.48 1.84 40.98 1918 . 4.62 .85 1.60 6.30 5.65 2.39 2.42 3.16 4.27 2.32 1.76 5.96 41.30 1919 . 1.57 1.68 7.01 2.47 7.09 3.17 1.00 2.48 1.16 7.27 7.70 2.54 45.14 1920 . 4.55 1.47 6.90 3.25 9.00 .74 4.22 5.15 2.05 2.20 1.34 5.33 46.20 1921... .3.17 4.42 5.06 4.70 1.84 2.36 1.90 6.10 4.26 2.35 10.50 4.64 51.30 1922 . 1.01 2.93 9.80 4.38 4.56 2.48 4.22 1.79 3.69 4.52 1.93 4.96 46.27 1923 . 4.88 5.42 3.82 4.92 5.45 5.15 3.02 7.00 1.89 2.48 3.71 7.23 54.97 1924 . 3.75 1.97 2.15 3.30 5.13 4.89 2.63 .73 7.03 .25 1.30 3.90 37.03 1925 . 1.61 2.74 3.05 2.45 1.07 6.97 3.48 .52 6.34 7.50 5.50 .86 42.09 1926... . 3.22 1.60 2.40 4.64 .80 1.10 1.33 8.88 2.01 4.98 3.35 3.59 37.90 1927 . 7.18 1.36 7.42 9.05 6.23 3.50 3.04 1.15 4 . 50 2.76 4.57 4.42 55.18 1928 . 1.49 2.44 2.06 5.36 3.09 11.69 1.27 2.34 .18 6.57 3.88 2.88 43.25 1929 . 5.44 3.60 2.58 3.93 9.69 3.68 2.06 4.88 7.26 1.74 2.83 3.20 50.89 1930 . 8.41 2.84 2.30 1.05 1.08 5.44 1.94 1.17 4.43 .79 1.22 1.47 32.14 1931... .42 2.10 3.86 3.54 2.11 3.01 1.50 4.17 2.75 1.53 6.32 3.25 34.56 1932 . 7.95 2.61 5.60 2.92 .54 1.23 2.90 6.17 11.37 3.67 3.05 7.53 55.54 1933 . 3.78 3.59 7.15 4.97 8.02 T 4.35 2.06 3.88 3.67 .90 2.23 44.60 1934 .1.15 1.72 2.83 2.32 1 . 74 1 . 77 4.84 3.49 5.55 1.55 7.00 2.65 36.61 1935 . 3.05 2.10 10.17 3.84 8.31 9.73 2.78 1.93 1.49 3.40 2.84 1.22 50.86 1936... .1.15 1.80 5.31 3.97 1 . 72 1 . 67 .75 1.09 3.25 4.53 5.03 2.59 32.86 1937 1.80 .85 4.82 3.66 3.90 6.97 3.91 1.66 5.04 1.37 2.93 1938 . 4.14 2.32 4.91 2.73 4.89 2.86 6.25 3.79 1.83 1.02 2.65 1.65 39.04 1939 .5.88 6.85 5.47 7.02 .97 4.03 4.84 3.37 .15 1.76 1.64 1.82 43.80 1940 . 2.41 4.18 1.90 7.81 4.02 4.17 .84 2.22 1.25 .62 5.71 1.90 37.03 1941... . 2.23 .72 .96 2.91 2.22 2.17 5.72 4.81 .43 6.65 2.69 4.19 35.70 1942 . 3.10 5.86 5.40 4.96 4.26 3.38 1.68 6.28 .52 1.30 6.59 3.05 46.38 1943 . .18 .78 11.25 3.74 6.18 5.63 1.63 .40 3.46 1.21 1.22 2.27 37.95 1944 . .94 3.55 4.69 7.07 3.12 2.00 .34 3.34 .78 .28 2.07 3.10 31.28 1945 . 2.50 6.85 12.26 7.81 3.16 8.10 1.71 6.22 10.32 1.95 4.42 1.63 66.93 1946 .2.90 4.97 1.87 2.96 6.79 .99 3.30 7.52 1.39 1.57 5.10 3.18 42.54 Aver 3.71 2.88 4.64 4.56 4.11 3.75 2.81 3.75 3.33 2.85 3.51 3.36 43.26 SPARTA, Randolph county" 1887.. . 1.65 4 62 2 66 4 49 2 27 1 93 88 2 97 2 28 7 09 3 41 1888 .2.17 3.27 5.18 1.82 2.79 7.23 1.30 10.22 2.26 3.55 4.48 2.49 46.76 1889 . . 3 55 2 35 1 68 3 68 8 11 3 41 3 59 2 27 1 51 5 15 1 66 1890 . 8.12 3.93 7.33 6.54 2 . 92 1 . 38 1.73 7.06 4.34 .62 2.38 1.59 47.94 1891... . 1.88 5.22 2.00 2.74 2.87 4.27 .65 3 . 43 .66 1.93 6.23 1.83 33.71 1892 .1.67 4.09 1.52 11.03 5.91 3.22 2.95 2.22 2.59 2.44 5.95 2.19 45.78 1893 . .28 1.77 2.74 9.23 4.09 4.14 2.64 2.39 3.07 6.55 1.68 1.23 39.81 1894 . 2.30 2.60 2.81 3.93 3.57 1.17 3.15 1.32 3.91 1.22 .77 2.84 29.59 1895 .1.50 .45 2.53 1.03 3.08 3.84 3.75 2.56 2.65 .41 4.30 5.45 31.55 1896... . 1.33 2.36 3.69 3.64 8.56 2.84 6.06 1.47 3.15 1.56 3.43 .22 38.31 1897 . 3.16 2.37 10.51 3.55 1.57 4.88 .93 .49 .27 1.13 4.54 4.13 37.53 1898 . 3.83 1.94 9.95 3.40 5.93 5.09 6.91 4.85 4.81 6.36 1.88 1.97 56.92 1899 . 2.16 2.91 2.27 1.30 3.04 2.72 5.79 1.64 .93 2.75 1.33 1.89 28.73 1900 . .63 3.05 1.25 2.37 2.79 6.66 3.48 1.50 3.22 2.20 3.38 1.19 31.72 1901... .99 1.96 3.03 2.11 2.32 1.37 1.33 1.05 2.37 2.28 2.40 3.59 24.80 1902 . .96 .76 4.47 2.04 4.70 2.82 2.71 4.15 3.79 1.42 4.09 4.33 36.24 1903 . .95 2.89 3.06 3.13 2.69 2.51 1.35 3.58 1.63 4.32 2.05 1.69 29.85 1904 . 2.39 1.83 8.66 4.62 3.14 5.18 2.23 5.33 6.47 .57 .86 1.66 42.94 1905 2.61 1.52 3.79 4.63 3.09 .26 11.34 3.20 5.19 3.91 2.02 2.92 44.48 8 Data from 1887 thru February, 1898, are for Jordans Grove, and those from March, 1898, thru April, 1910, are for Tilden, both about 6 miles north of Sparta. 292 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual SPARTA, Randolph county, concluded 1906 . . 4.51 2.64 4.36 1.77 2.80 2.98 1.72 4.42 7.42 1.52 5.70 3.23 43.07 1907 .. 6.13 1.16 2.66 3.73 5.40 4.41 2.60 5.11 3.99 3.01 3.17 4.05 45.42 1908 . . 2.03 5.61 3.94 7.02 7.08 2.30 5.26 2.74 1.32 .10 4.34 .72 42.46 1909 . . 2.95 4.27 3.96 7.53 3.97 3.76 6.14 .07 5.47 1.97 5.56 2.86 48.51 1910 . . 2.45 3.27 .03 3.23 5.46 2.90 5.16 4.06 4.47 4.62 1.19 1.58 38.42 1911 .1.17 2.52 2.08 7.98 .1.46 .91 1.67 3.92 6.74 3.71 2.71 2.72 37.59 1912 . . 1.96 2.25 5.18 5.88 4.38 3.95 3.41 4.50 3.22 3.01 1.01 .61 39.36 1913 ... . .10.69 1.38 3.05 2.60 2.76 3.32 1.87 4.21 8.52 2.86 1.59 1914 . . 3.02 3.61 2.43 2.58 .50 .95 1.03 6.39 3.08 6.27 1.07 3.72 34.65 1915 . . 3.64 2.48 .53 .53 8.43 10.81 4.22 9.68 1.09 .74 2.78 3.94 48.87 1916 ..11.89 1.76 1.47 1.73 3.29 7.03 .66 7.79 2.30 3.13 2.18 3.73 46.96 1917 . . 3.72 .38 2.14 7.76 4.63 1.98 3.40 3.69 1.42 3.35 1.62 1.47 35.56 1918 . . 2.98 1.61 1.31 10.05 8.06 2.36 .11 7.48 5.03 3.00 2.71 4.70 49.40 1919 . . .95 1.99 2.67 2.55 5.27 5.31 2.19 1.70 1.91 15.07 3.39 .42 43.42 1920 .. 2.91 .81 5.34 3.10 8.75 .25 3.75 5.22 1.95 1.77 .46 3.82 38.13 1921 . 1.66 1.32 6.10 5.97 3.37 4.37 3.16 4.18 6.45 1.41 4.67 3.39 46.05 1922 . . 1.53 1.40 5.95 5.97 2.54 2.49 2.56 1.42 1.35 3.97 1.85 6.51 37.54 1923 . . 2.76 2.19 4.95 4.13 5.37 2.51 2.39 13.22 1.99 3.98 2.23 3.78 49.50 1924 . . 1.45 1.49 3.13 3.11 6.10 5.61 5.80 2.89 3.71 .55 .95 3.75 38.54 1925 .. 1.17 2.73 1.91 3.57 1.45 5.38 3.49 3.92 4.89 4.83 3.72 1.42 38.48 1926 . 1.74 3.82 1.97 2.56 1.75* .81 3.01 7.80 8.24 5.71 4.02 1.80 43.23 1927 . . 3.52 .97 7.43 8.29 6.34 3.31 5.32 2.05 2.37 2.01 6.32 2.95 50.88 1928 . . 1.42 1.84 2.00 3.95 2.86 8.20 3.21 2.68 .24 3.15 2.72 2.34 34.61 1929 . . 3.76 1.89 2.65 4.88 8.96 4.79 3.88 3.64 2.16 3.17 1.62 3.53 44.93 1930 . . 6.25 1.91 1.60 .88 2.06 1.49 .74 .13 4.88 3.11 1.58 .99 25.62 1931 .44 1.58 2.49 2.60 3.05 1.73 1.66 4.34 4.00 2.72 4.70 3.71 33.02 1932 . . 4.38 .63 2.16 2.10 1.54 2.64 2.87 6.10 2.51 4.69 1.12 3.78 34.52 1933 .. 2.18 1.19 2.66 5.62 8.24 .40 2.01 2.97 1.66 3.14 .86 1.71 32.64 1934 . . 1.44 1.27 3.07 4.06 1.98 2.74 1.28 3.74 4.98 1.62 6.10 1.80 34.08 1935 . . 2.93 .74 6.99 2.92 6.63 6.46 3.31 1.10 3.30 2.61 5.72 1.22 43.93 1936 .81 1.25 1.03 3.25 1.34 1.61 1.13 .39 4.28 4.06 3.48 2.50 25.13 1937 . . 8.42 1.41 1.73 6.05 2.86 4.82 3.63 1.48 .71 5.36 1.67 3.34 41.48 1938 . . 2.19 2.94 7.80 3.39 5.79 6.39 2.25 3.27 3.40 1.25 1.77 2.24 42.68 1939 . . 3.68 3.52 2.82 7.90 3.09 5.76 6.10 4.61 2.26 .69 1.78 1.60 43.81 1940 .. 1.80 2.49 .90 5.11 2.83 1.83 2.89 3.11 .92 2.21 4.13 3.34 31.56 1941 . . 2.32 .53 .47 4.63 2.54 3.39 1.56 1.97 3.68 8.41 2.97 2.30 34.77 1942 . . 2.46 3.66 2.90 2.12 4.41 6.18 4.64 4.17 1.78 3.58 4.04 3.01 42.95 1943 . . .32 .71 1.77 3.02 9.61 6.66 1.89 1.78 4.96 3.02 1.42 1.75 36.91 1944 . . .25 2.39 2.99 4.31 3.57 2.60 1.59 2.60 2.27 .22 1.24 1.96 25.99 1945 . . 1.26 4.65 12.87 6.75 5.10 6.70 1.48 2.12 6.57 3.56 3.81 1.01 55.88 1946 . . 1.96 4.73 1.53 3.37 7.73 1.73 1.78 10.04 1.31 3.61 6.06 2.29 46.14 Aver . . 2.75 2.28 3.58 4.22 4.24 3.72 3.03 3.75 3.25 3.16 3.09 2.56 39 63 VINCENNES, Knox county, Indiana 1887 5.25 5.58 3.83 2 85 1 12 4 64 3 16 1888. ... . . 3.07 1.88 5.44 1.82 2 . 83 2 . 82 6.79 2.61 1889 . . 3.80 1.74 1.19 2.24 4.75 6.76 6.00 .88 7.34 2.71 7.72 2.89 48.02 1890 .. 9.44 7.19 6.89 4.11 3.47 2.55 1.47 6.34 3.84 2.14 4.15 2.06 53.65 1891... . . 2.38 6.74 4.87 2.23 1.16 6.26 1.36 6.77 1.51 1.05 7.21 3.45 44.99 1892 .. 1.91 4.29 2.01 5.35 5.64 1.51 4.42 3.24 2.39 1.06 4.50 .75 37.07 1893 . . 2 . 34 5.02 4.05 10.60 4.15 4.98 2.17 1.12 1894 3.39 5.22 2 51 1 31 3 76 2 29 2 73 .27 3 47 1895 . . 4.58 .50 1.96 3.63 1.85 1.42 8.27 1.69 2.75 5.22 3.27 1896 . . .55 2.84 3.81 .59 4.84 5.65 5.44 2.60 4.53 1.58 4.56 .38 37.37 1897 . . 2.69 2.57 13.22 6.93 2.31 3.48 4.59 .51 1.62 .44 8.45 1898 . . 6.13 3.03 10.59 3.85 4.21 2.55 2.87 3.84 3.79 3.24 4.00 1.27 49.37 1899 . . 3.78 2.00 3.70 1.10 4.35 4.91 3.60 4.08 .81 4.00 2.40 3.77 38.50 1900 . . 1.63 3.60 2.42 1.37 3.78 14.31 7.02 1.43 3.63 1.57 4.38 1.80 46.94 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX B 293 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Continued) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual VINCENNES, Knox county, Indiana , concluded 1901... .86 2.18 3.70 3.00 1.21 6.20 1.80 3 90 2.40 4.90 1.63 5.85 37.63 1902 . . 1.83 .98 2.99 1.85 2.20 6.00 2.84 4.68 2.80 2.15 4.40 4.55 37.27 1903 .. 3.18 4.59 4.49 6.23 1.97 2.28 3.34 4.36 1.30 3.81 2.29 2.62 40.46 1904 , . 5.52 2.26 10.74 1.96 4.39 4.30 2.16 4 11 4.39 .86 .71 3.78 45.18 1905 . . 2.09 1.84 3.10 4.15 3.76 4.71 8.96 4.77 1.60 8.92 2.76 2.82 49.48 1906 . . 3.62 2.04 6.47 1.74 2.51 4.33 3.28 4 59 5.23 1.95 5.62 4.74 46.12 1907 . . 8.21 .20 4.92 3.75 3.24 5.61 3.47 4 X6 .75 2.90 4.13 5.05 47.09 1908 . . 1.15 8.00 4.56 6.05 5.70 2.23 5.35 ?: 915 1.60 .15 3.20 1.45 41.69 1909 . . 3.05 5.95 3.28 5.25 4.00 5.00 5.85 70 3.35 4.10 3.65 4.95 49.13 1910 . . 3.50 3.51 .15 4.41 3.76 4.50 5.93 1.05 9.25 8.80 2.10 2.40 49.36 1911 .. 3.18 2.35 2.20 6.30 4.85 4.45 2.15 1 80 14.80 2.85 3.82 3.35 52.10 1912 . . 3.35 4.06 6.05 6.05 4.45 1.95 5.23 6.15 5.70 1.45 2.50 1.20 48.14 1913 ..11.35 1.50 12.95 4.30 1.70 1.50 3.25 ?, 05 4.40 3.55 6.10 2.50 55.15 1914 . . 1.60 5.00 2.95 3.75 .80 1.35 2.15 4 75 4.10 4.55 1.00 3.00 35.00 1915 . . 4.80 1.75 1.75 1.28 8.05 5.09 4.73 6.33 1.73 1.63 3.76 6.02 46.92 1916... ..10.60 1.83 2.58 2.08 4.60 10.75 2.45 5 00 4.03 2.27 2.43 3.52 52.14 1917 . . 7.37 .80 4.85 6.65 7.35 5.31 4.39 3.29 .42 4.62 .79 1.55 47.39 1918 . . 4.26 1.11 1.23 8.38 6.36 3.18 5.02 4.93 4.74 3.77 2.26 9.17 54.41 1919 . . 1.36 2.08 5.13 3.38 6.51 9.67 .56 3.04 2.39 12.92 3.89 1.40 52.33 1920 . . 3.09 1.17 6.53 3.14 5.41 .89 1.27 4.29 2 99 2.58 4.63 1921... . . 2.66 1.96 6.26 3.72 1.81 3.58 1.20 6.99 6.99 2.21 5.31 4.00 46.69 1922 . . 1.35 2.21 9.47 5.91 6.46 3.01 5.72 1.58 .88 3.79 2.15 6.13 48.66 1923 .. 3.19 2.35 5.74 4.02 6.66 5.22 4.70 7.76 2.61 3.72 2.45 7.71 56.13 1924 . . 2.67 1.32 2.59 1.93 5.36 4.74 2.26 2.18 3.99 .38 1.80 3.17 32.30 1925 .. .46 2.84 2.17 2.66 1.41 5.65 4.15 3.23 4.61 3.24 5.55 1.08 37.05 1926 . . 2.45 2.66 3.84 4.56 .77 4.17 1.42 3.49 6.30 5.46 2.86 2.23 40.21 1927 .. 5.00 1.14 5.21 5.34 10.10 4.21 5.26 4.82 5.18 1.14 6.60 4.43 58.43 1928 . . 1.78 3.15 1.07 4.58 3.78 5.90 1.11 3.77 1.47 5.30 4.15 2.34 38.40 1929 . . 6.26 2.57 3.13 5.09 8.08 4.29 2.00 2.98 3.39 3.04 2.12 4.13 47.08 1930 . . 8.84 3.98 1.30 2.16 1.05 3.28 .22 4.02 4.92 1.88 1.91 1.57 35.13 1931 .76 1.73 3.45 3.29 3.00 1.56 2.18- 4.47 5.82 3.22 5.48 4.70 39.66 1932 . . 7.20 1.49 2.85 3.15 .90 3.64 3.04 6.74 6.27 4.65 2.78 6.04 48.75 1933 . . 4.47 1.77 6.71 5.61 11.67 .85 3.16 2.41 2.53 2.59 1.05 3.57 46.39 1934 . . 1.62 1.21 3.10 .80 1.67 2.61 4.78 3.19 6.93 .34 3.45 2.87 32.57 1935 . . 3.37 .51 6.39 2.86 9.17 6.23 1.17 4.03 2.35 2.69 3.04 1.30 43.11 1936... . 1.82 2.17 2.72 3.01 .99 2.02 2.63 .90 2.53 4.32 4.66 4.15 31.92 1937 ..13.42 2.07 1.35 5.84 3.02 5.53 1.49 2.77 3.73 7.17 1.32 3.37 51.48 1938 . . 1.62 2.18 9.63 2.63 6.61 5.21 7.77 4.15 3.20 1.28 3.35 1.61 49.24 1939 .. 4.51 4.19 4.08 7.89 1.53 5.67 2.91 1.66 1.09 1.31 1.87 1.76 38.47 1940 . . 1.33 2.75 .87 6.86 4.20 1.83 1.73 2.26 1.04 .86 3.64 2.98 30.35 1941 . 1.07 .80 1.18 3.70 2.47 5.04 1.35 5.45 .61 7.21 3.47 3.08 35.43 1942 . . 1.45 2.63 4.34 2.92 3.13 8.44 6.12 1.28 .74 1.31 6.11 2.09 40.56 1943 . . 1 . 29 .77 3.78 3.53 10.50 1.35 2.60 .33 2.81 1.42 2.08 2.00 32.46 1944 . . .52 3.21 3.48 6.78 4.38 1.60 1.31 5.01 1.13 1.24 1.78 1.63 32.07 1945 . . 1.42 5.00 12.33 6.07 4.87 9.50 1.67 4.68 9.67 1.43 4.60 2.09 63.33 1946 . . 1.57 3.27 1.18 2.62 8.60 4.16 2.63 4.47 1.74 1.96 6.91 3.00 42.11 Aver . . 3.59 2.71 4.48 4.04 4.27 4.32 3.40 3.58 3.61 3.09 3.63 3.21 43.93 WATERLOO, Monroe county 1911 2.79 1.66 1912 . 1.73 2.07 4.19 6.87 3.28 4.37 1.74 4.35 2.52 2.08 1.44 .48 35.12 1913 . . 5.89 1.00 7.98 3.32 1.49 2.70 3.74 .30 5.12 5.19 2.55 1.42 40.70 1914 . . 1 . 53 3.45 1.49 2.11 .18 .80 .99 7.15 2.65 8.08 .75 3.07 32.25 1915 . . 2.71 2.16 .52 1.28 7.00 7.45 4.64 12.38 1.71 .71 2.50 3.02 46.08 1916... .. 9.72 1.94 1.23 1.77 3.67 6.89 3.52 6.52 3.31 2.26 2.31 3.26 46.40 1917 . . 2.49 .08 1.99 6.05 4.93 1.54 5.16 2.95 1.31 2.06 1.20 .92 30.68 1918 .. 1.86 1.52 1.12 8.83 5.94 1.29 2.04 4.33 4.52 4.00 3.06 3.69 42.20 1919 .. .34 2.20 1.59 2.60 5.40 3.31 5.77 3.28 1.25 11.79 3.21 .82 41.56 1920 .. 3.13 .93 3.72 3.45 8.89 1.56 1.11 5.10 3.20 2.72 .51 2.64 36.96 1921 . 1.60 .74 6.00 6.27 4.49 4.33 .78 3.89 5.46 1.84 4.99 2.09 42.48 1922 . . .85 1.57 5.89 7.96 2.26 2.08 2.97 1.30 1.02 3.43 2.13 4.81 36.27 1923 .. 3.00 1.58 3.92 3.83 4.91 4.69 1.51 8.68 2.45 4.64 2.02 3.93 45.16 1924 . . 1.09 1.42 3.25 2.16 6.51 5.43 4.51 3 . 57 3.93 .42 1.89 4.98 39.16 1925 .. .69 2.44 1.77 3.08 1.33 8.29 2.29 1.94 7.35 3.50 3.46 1.57 37.71 294 BULLETIN NO. 532 Table 11. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Monthly and Annual Precipitation (Concluded) Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual WATERLOO, Monroe county, concluded 1926 . 1 83 2 66 3.28 3.03 1.28 1.22 2 . 69 3 . 93 8.78 4.62 3.15 1.55 38.02 1927 .3.78 .93 5.53 8.85 7.60 3.32 3.42 3.48 1.42 2.99 7.15 2.66 51.13 1928 1 65 2 47 1 79 3 97 2 89 9.70 3 . 48 1 . 82 1.53 1.70 2.84 2.39 36 23 1929 3 02 1.23 2.61 2.59 1.26 4.69 11.05 .85 2.27 5.36 1.97 2.33 3.03 1.04 .19 3.00 4.86 4.83 2.72 1.46 1.98 4.16 1.02 46.75 27.25 1930 . 6.48 1931 40 1.97 2.62 3.58' 4.20 1.32 3 . 65 5 . 59 3.66 4.12 6.55 3.21 40.87 1932 . 3.48 1.14 1.80 2.68 .68 3.38 3.64 5.57 1.53 3.81 1.89 3.02 32.62 1933 1 65 1 28 2 94 4 47 8.33 .42 4.46 1 07 5.25 3.49 1.39 1.12 35.87 1934 . 1.60 1.24 1.28 1 74 3.99 5.63 1 09 4.19 1.53 3.14 8.89 2 . 42 1 . 28 3.38 6.53 2.56 .61 4.41 3.78 2.75 1 . 33 .90 8.10 5.65 4.48 1.85 2.25 4.02 3.83 5.78 3.77 2.51 1.32 2.68 37.24 49.79 27.56 1935 . . . . 2.79 1936 1 29 1937 . 6.23 1.53 4 93 1.89 7 38 6.34 2.05 2 78 6 13 5.41 8 49 1.74 2.08 1 85 2 60 1.53 2 05 5.03 1 11 1.83 6 15 4.08 2 86 39.74 48 41 1938 2 08 1939 3 67 3 74 2 08 4 82 1.83 5 97 6.92 8.81 1.07 1.17 2.82 1.56 44.46 1940 . 1.84 1.73 42 .89 50 4.48 2.15 4 52 1 90 3.12 2 68 1.69 4.68 1.30 5.08 .07 5 17 2.02 7.13 4.35 3 63 2.89 1.41 29.91 36.42 1941 2 68 1942 . 2 48 4.22 3.02 2 . 38 '4 . 19 8.69 6 . 50 2 . 25 2.23 4.27 5.45 4.41 50.09 1943 . .85 .87 2.87 2.71 9.40 7.21 2.29 2.24 3 .'91 2.61 1.44 1.45 37.85 1944 1945 . . . . .71 1 54 3.11 3 20 2.73 11.15 5.57 6.64 5.61 5.45 2.02 4.59 5.89 2.53 1 . 67 .55 2.31 8.52 .59 2.74 1.22 2.08 2.60 1.59 35.92 48.69 1946 1 85 3 07 2 83 2 67 7 45 1 36 3.01 8 31 1 62 1 95 6 17 2 00 42 29 Aver. . . . 2.53 1.96 3.21 4.10 4.50 4.10 2.97 3.93 3.50 3.36 3.05 2.47 39.68 APPENDIX C PRECIPITATION DURING GROWING SEASON The three following tables give precipitation by 10-day intervals during the growing season (April thru September). Records from 66 stations in northern, central, and southern Illinois are in- cluded. Most of the records are from 1921 thru 1946, altho some of the records are shorter, and one (Urbana) is for 1889 thru 1946. Measurements are in inches. Index to Weather Stations Page Marengo 303 Minonk 304 Monmouth 305 Morris . .306 Morrison 307 Mount Carroll.. ..308 Page Pawpaw 309 Pontiac 310 Rockford 311 Sycamore 312 Tiskilwa 313 Walnut.. ..314 Northern Illinois (Table 12) . Page Aledo 296 Aurora 297 Chicago 298 Dubuque 299 Galva 300 Kankakee 301 LaSalle 302 Central Illinois (Table 13) Beardstown 315 Grafton 324 Peoria 333 Bloomington 316 Griggsville 325 Quincy 334 Carlinville 317 Havana 326 Roberts 335 Casey 318 Hoopeston 327 Springfield 336 Charleston 319 Lincoln 328 Tuscola 337 Danville 320 Macomb 329 Urbana 338 Decatur 321 Morrisonville 330 White Hall 341 Effingham 322 Palestine 331 Windsor 342 Fairview.. ..323 Paris.. ..332 Southern Illinois (Table 14) Anna 343 Cairo 344 Carbondale . . . . 345 Golconda 350 Grand Chain 351 Greenville.. ..352 Nashville 357 New Burnside 358 Olney 359 Chester 346 Harrisburg 353 Salem 360 Du Quoin 347 Mascoutah 354 Shawneetown 361 Edwardsville 348 McLeansboro 355 Sparta 362 Fairfield . . . . 349 Mount Carmel . . . . 356 Waterloo 363 295 296 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -NORTHERN ILLINOIS : Precipitation During Growing Season (Inches) ALEDO, Mercer county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 1 .26 .98 .52 .11 .72 .65 .12 .01 .06 .06 .16 .86 .05 .12 .25 .84 .49 .57 .83 1.70 .77 .15 .89 .84 2.05 .19 .70 .44 1.81 2.46 .63 .02 .03 .61 2.20 .10 T 15.59 .44 .17 .52 .14 . 3.24 ' .88 2.98 .97 1.46 1.27 .40 .46 1.53 .17 .69 1.42 .62 2.00 19.36 l 2 2 6 2, 2 2 23 .18 ,58 60 .48 .17 .13 .39 .07 ,17 .54 56 ,26 .23 .02 ,41 ,35 89 ,38 ,41 .45 76 1.88 .08 .73 .11 3.39 .92 2.12 2.24 .43 1.15 .88 1.06 .70 .61 5.31 1.17 23.99 .80 .04 .49 1.06 .36 .40 .10 6.58 .61 1.23 T 2.02 3.98 3.26 .71 6.71 3.27 1.80 33.42 1.94 1.23 .81 .89 1.99 2.72 2.86 .31 .61 .23 .13 1.71 .01 1.07 .49 1.77 1.41 1.30 21.48 2.61 1.43 .55 .28 2.31 .14 .81 .89 3.37 2.78 2.17 .81 1.73 .64 2.03 .04 2.19 .12 24.90 .68 3.50 2.73 T 1.93 .28 1.21 3.12 .33 2.34 3.49 T 1.90 .04 .38 3.70 .88 .54 27.05 April 11-20 . . . . . . 1 April 21-30 . . . 3 May 1-10 1 May 11-20 . . 1 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 . 5 June 21-30 . . . . . 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 . . . 1 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 . . . 4 Aug. 11-20 . . . 2 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 . . . 3 Sept. 11-20 . . . 4 Sept. 21-30 . . . 1 Total . 34 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .93 .27 .67 .71 .43 .87 .19 .61 .40 T .27 .26 ,04 ,25 T .32 .43 .65 .78 1.87 .65 .70 2.99 .64 1.90 1.70 T 1.98 1.12 1.59 .28 .11 .42 2.57 .55 2.59 22.44 .53 .59 .50 2.01 .06 1.56 3.83 1.00 1.41 3.95 .80 1.53 1.10 1 1 3 2, 3 1 2. 19 .40 00 ,26 73 77 67 06 .50 ,47 ,34 16 63 21 52 65 .37 1.89 T .15 .06 .45 .87 1.46 .28 1.99 .72 5.09 .07 1.73 1.14 .37 5.29 2.33 1.53 25.42 .94 .94 .23 3.52 1.35 2.25 1.82 3.57 2.18 1.65 .12 1.43 .59 2.81 .19 2.07 .03 2.29 27.98 .71 .05 .54 .88 .33 .07 .38 T .28 .01 .02 .21 1.45 .46 1.86 2.63 4.60 3.18 17.66 1.43 .72 1.94 1.39 1.77 3.18 .85 1.75 .26 .17 2.24 .12 .75 .52 .17 .70 .04 .65 18.65 2.24 .65 .74 1.88 4.45 .89 3.22 2.99 1.43 3.43 .72 2.72 2.32 2.05 .24 .49 1.54 T 32.00 April 11-20 . . . 2 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 . . . 1 June 1-10 June 11-20 . 5 June 21-30 . . . 1 July 1-10 . . . 1 July 11-20 July 21-31 . . . Aug. 1-10 1 Aug. 11-20 . .. 7 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 Total . . . 24 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . 1 .34 .02 .46 .17 .17 .54 .80 .35 .77 .40 .17 .19 .22 ,82 .36 T 39 .21 .38 1.13 1.30 1.34 .08 .47 1.31 1.15 1.25 .46 .13 .46 2.00 1.29 2.55 .84 .97 T 16.73 1.79 3.07 .02 .73 1.85 1.19 2.38 1.31 1.95 1.42 .38 .53 .43 1.48 T 3.80 .22 1.78 24.33 1 1 1 3 2 1. 1 1 18, .72 T 44 .10 .84 69 .44 .46 .69 05 10 18 62 T 21 67 49 ,54 24 1.01 .22 4.15 1.35 4.37 .43 2.74 1.19 1.09 .91 1.33 .52 1.83 1.00 .62 .39 1.09 T 24.24 .82 1.84 4.24 1.50 .81 2.36 1.03 2.73 1.65 .16 .29 2.11 .14 1.23 2.23 T 2.13 .80 26.07 .43 2.12 1.54 3.26 3.09 .69 .58 1.34 1.97 .27 .20 .40 .36 .29 T .35 2.08 2.98 21.95 .28 .33 .21 2.39 1.62 .75 T 4.87 2.78 T 1.06 .98 2.15 2.00 T .44 .65 1.21 21.72 1.02 1.16 1.11 1.13 1.67 1.19 1.39 2.06 1.65 1.29 1.06 .98 1.47 1.56 .62 1.58 1.45 1.19 23.58 April 11-20 . . . 2 April 21-30 May 1-10 . . . 1 May 11-20 May 21-31 . 1 June 1-10 . . . 1 June 11-20 . . . 1 June 21-30 . .. 3 July 1-10 . . . 1 July 11-20 . . . 1 July 21-31 .... Aug. 1-10. . . . 3 Aug. 11-20 .. 2 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 Total ., . 23 1949] Table 12. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 297 -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) AURORA, Kane county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 38 ' 1.13 .64 .33 .66 .95 2.86 T .35 .13 1.15 1.23 1.17 .94 .45 .13 3.72 .40 16.24 .85 .52 .20 T 2.21 .77 1.81 .34 .71 1.64 .63 .85 .85 .96 .98 2.03 .62 .29 16.26 .27 .47 .65 1.44 .50 1.08 3.15 .18 3.21 .73 .15 1.80 4.22 2.08 .61 .74 1.62 .63 23.53 .50 1.33 1.76 .70 .87 T 1.45 2.28 2.33 1.15 .69 ,65 .13 .10 .15 1.35 2.11 .96 18.51 .87 T .53 .53 .92 .81 8.28 .48 2.09 T 1.33 .67 .93 .10 1.09 2.41 4.04 25.08 1.50 3.42 1.60 .56 .90 2.12 1.42 .31 .68 .46 .44 .23 .89 .90 .55 .26 2.74 2.72 21.70 2.29 .59 T .16 .57 .61 .42 1.54 2.51 2.10 1.69 1.11 1.60 .16 2.99 .28 .73 .01 19.36 2.18 3.33 .84 .10 1.23 1.12 .04 5.63 1.52 1.22 .33 2.01 1.44 .23 .13 .16 .14 2.71 24.36 April 1 1-20 . . . ... 2 . 32 April 21-30 ... 2.17 May 1-10 T May 11-20 .24 May 21-31 ... 2.14 June 1-10 80 June 11-20 .15 June 21-30 ... 2.27 July 1-10 .75 July 11-20 .20 July 21-31 T Aug 1-10 . . 1 49 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 . 85 Aug. 21-31 .16 Sept 1-10 . . 60 Sept. 11-20 ... 3 . 53 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 . 86 Total 20 91 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .50 .80 .70 .98 1.95 1.13 2.56 .60 2.86 .53 1.80 T .90 .07 .98 1.75 .87 1.50 20.48 .10 .27 .78 1.41 T 1.16 3.23 .45 1.08 2.74 .17 1.77 2.67 .76 .29 16.88 .52 1.43 1.23 3.74 2.04 1.03 .23 T 2.25 2.84 .73 .02 1.57 .09 .08 .08 .47 . 3.30 21.65 1.19 .02 .08 .05 .01 .50 1.48 1.43 2.53 1.12 .43 T 1.12 .50 .53 2.48 1.29 1.54 16.30 .24 1.59 .29 2.41 1.44 1.31 .49 1.52 1.88 1.64 .10 2.02 3.55 3.58 .45 1.21 .02 2.95 26.69 1.00 .13 .91 1.45 .98 .24 .30 .02 .35 .03 .33 .07 .66 2.11 2.42 1.25 6.67 2.31 21.23 1.11 1.20 2.16 .51 .96 1.07 .62 1.78 2.49 T .25 .16 .12 4.43 .40 1.44 .38 .37 19.45 1.45 .25 .24 .34 2.23 1.55 3.89 .55 2.34 1.02 1.09 2.15 .74 1.73 1.39 2.00 3.88 26.84 April 11-20 ... 2.71 April 21-30 .41 May 1-10 .64 May 11-20 .80 May 21-31 36 June 1-10 ... 2.15 June 11-20 ... 1 . 25 June 21-30 2 20 July 1-10 . . 1 14 July 11-20 July 21-31 .14 Aug. 1-10 .43 Aug. 11-20 ... 3.43 Aug. 21-31 .22 Sept 1-10 . . . ... 3 . 23 Sept. 11-20. . . . .05 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.26 Total . . . 20.42 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1.21 1.65 .91 .22 1.85 1.63 2.12 2.04 .98 2.08 .53 .03 .52 .89 2.49 2.51 .16 .18 20.79 .65 1.38 T 1.28 1.26 1.43 1.60 2.11 .33 .32 .45 2.44 .40 .94 .12 4.36 .09 2.85 22.01 .82 .12 .18 1.20 1.68 .44 1.37 .69 .02 1.46 .33 .97 4.74 T 1.75 2.66 .96 1.03 20.42 1.00 .51 1.45 1.74 4.64 1.39 .33 2.41 .39 .75 1.27 1.01 1.00 1.42 2.40 .13 .88 .14 22.86 .33 1.36 1.33 .85 1.88 1.12 1.56 1.33 .15 .06 1.65 .04 .48 1.58 .48 2.07 .44 16.71 1.14 1.62 1.32 3.01 3.04 .69 2.61 .30 2.35 .01 .22 .42 1.31 1.54 .70 2.42 3.36 3.50 29.56 .44 .28 .09 1.38 1.15 .93 .08 3.24 .20 .65 .15 .02 .87 2.39 .06 1.15 .02 .30 13.40 .90 1.11 .78 1.10 1.32 1.10 1.10 1.47 1.50 1.01 .53 .81 1.30 1.24 .95 1.35 1.39 1.39 20.56 April 11-20 . 1 62 April 21-30 .84 May 1-10 , 1.72 May 11-20 .32 May 21-31 .72 June 1-10 1.54 June 11-20 .... .56 June 21-30 ... 1.75 July 1-10 : .22 July 11-20 ... 1 . 14 July 21-31. .... .05 Aug. 1-10 1.43 Aug. 11-20. ... .33 Aug. 21-31 .64 Sept. 1-10... T Sept. 11-20 . . .18 Sept. 21-30 .87 Total 15 14 298 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) CHICAGO, Cook county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10. . . .23 2.98 .49 .23 .38 1.59 1.21 .02 .02 .08 .86 1.92 1.22 .34 .23 .88 2.88 1.49 16.82 .79 .29 .30 .23 3.23 T .43 .25 1.02 1.88 .12 .67 2.07 3.73 1.96 1.30 .96 .24 19.47 .17 .22 .45 1.31 .42 .57 2.76 .60 3.24 .76 1.95 .95 5.97 1.86 .29 .73 1.50 .91 24.66 .57 1.19 1.39 .66 .88 .05 .13 2.49 1.91 .66 .98 .83 .19 1.88 .02 1.31 1.48 .40 17.02 1.07 .02 .87 .15 1.48 1.10 .20 6.02 1.40 1.67 .02 1.52 .40 .32 .27 1.49 1.53 2.01 21.54 1.41 3.37 1.23 .88 1.14 2.38 1.26 .36 .93 2.24 .65 .05 2.09 .50 .58 T 3.11 3.61 25.79 1.63 1.65 .06 .17 1.13 .29 .35 3.32 3.30 2.02 .75 .18 2.73 .24 2.06 .30 1.53 .04 21.75 1.39 2.75 .65 .18 1.16 .95 T 3.81 1.15 .95 .83 .40 2.26 T 1.23 .35 .55 2.13 20.74 April 11-20 ... 2.78 April 21-30 ... 1.46 May 1-10 , .03 May 11-20 . . . .09 May 21-31 .68 June 1-10 .42 June 11-20 . . . .21 June 21-30 .... .94 July 1-10 1.79 July 11-20 .07 July 21-31 .01 Aug. 1-10 1.42 \ug 11-20 3 15 Aug 21-31 . . . .35 Sept. 1-10 1.30 Sept. 11-20 ... 2.40 Sept 21-30 . 2 02 Total ... 19.35 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .01 .62 .54 .59 2.11 2.33 .64 2.27 .41 2.10 .05 1.90 .73 1.26 2.82 1.59 2.63 .76 1.75 25.10 .11 .09 .38 1.90 .09 .90 2.39 .16 2.24 3.24 .03 1.40 1.52 T 1.56 T .57 .55 17.13 .67 1.33 .61 3.30 1.15 .58 .61 .02 2.81 1.96 .73 .03 1.06 .05 .03 .10 .68 3.00 18.72 1.06 .19 .07 .01 .01 .65 .19 .32 1.73 .19 .22 .01 .64 1.93 .84 1.52 .42 2.09 12.09 .38 1.05 .34 2.46 3.37 1.26 .55 3.17 1.31 1.42 T 1.63 1.66 1.57 .33 .90 .29 2.09 23.78 1.05 .43 1.06 1.43 .62 .03 .34 .07 .62 .04 .10 .08 .32 2.56 1.41 .76 6.45 1.76 19.13 .94 1.41 2.26 .41 .69 .54 1.44 2.10 1.48 .50 .78 .13 .02 2.66 .54 .56 .79 17.25 1.82 .21 .17 .19 2.57 1.22 3.52 .28 2.98 .62 1.06 2.22 .82 .55 .75 2.65 2.45 .19 24.27 April 1 1-20 ... 2.04 April 21-30 . 25 May 1-10 .64 May 11-20 ... 1.21 May 21-31 31 June 1-10 ... 1 . 22 June 11-20 .43 June 21-30 .84 July 1-10 .... . . 1 . 70 July 11-20 .04 July 21-31 .89 Aug. 1-10 ... 1 01 Aug. 11-20 .15 Aug. 21-31 .01 Sept. 1-10 1 17 Sept. 1 1-20 .06 Sept. 21-30 .06 Total 12 04 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1.29 2.01 .61 .55 2.36 .81 1.99 .19 .22 .90 .34 .45 .50 1.71 1.41 .83 .02 T .29 15.19 .62 1.97 .04 1.58 .71 1.13 1.52 1.66 .25 .09 .40 .61 .08 1.29 .79 3.87 .08 1.25 17.94 1.20 .39 T .84 1.82 1.84 .81 1.05 .01 1.62 .50 1.49 3.5.4 T 1.32 2.79 1.05 .98 21.25 .56 .95 1.37 2.49 3.67 1.02 .83 .67 .03 2.95 .53 .45 .69 1.53 2.95 .29 .70 .13 21.81 .51 1.54 1.02 .69 1.46 2.19 .96 3.01 1.10 .48 .34 .68 .01 1.05 1.21 .19 .81 .37 17.62 2.02 1.31 .93 3.81 3.12 .90 2.02 .49 1.26 .07 .09 .35 .71 .78 1.20 .81 1.21 4.15 25.23 .71 .26 .07 .75 1.82 1.04 .07 3.27 .02 1.21 .01 T 1.35 .70 .04 1.43 T .53 13.28 .99 1.10 .65 1.16 1.42 .99 1.08 1.34 1.34 1.18 .59 .67 1.31 1.23 .88 1.13 1.18 1.22 19.46 April 11-20 ... 1.47 April 21-30 46 May 1-10 ... 1 . 23 May 11-20 .25 May 21-31 ... 2 18 June 1-10 . 3.52 June 11-20 .40 June 21-30 ... 1 21 July 1-10. . . 1.44 July 11-20 .87 July 21-31 .43 Aug. 1-10. . .24 Aug. 11-20 . . . 92 Aug. 21-31 .31 Sept. 1-10... T Sept. 11-20 .02 Sept. 21-30 .47 Total . . . 16 71 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 299 Table 12. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) DUBUQUE, Dubuque county, Iowa 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10. .. ,93 04 .73 19 ,40 67 16 10 28 ,17 74 57 58 56 ,15 04 ,50 81 62 2 1 2. 2 1 1 1 2, 1 20 ,04 75 .10 48 ,46 85 08 .93 19 ,89 93 19 73 04 .22 13 ,27 T ,28 .75 .29 .44 .07 1.13 .66 1.06 .18 2.42 .68 .15 .84 1.76 .66 2.35 1.80 2.94 .30 18.48 .29 .10 .73 .47 .77 .92 2.01 1.01 2.35 1.32 1.21 1.58 2.56 3.37 1.12 1.26 .94 .24 22.25 .01 .44 1.72 .35 .49 .12 1.79 6.40 2.61 4.81 .93 2.19 1.74 .17 T 1.64 .49 2.03 27.93 .54 .32 1.38 .23 1.08 1.16 .80 2.73 .23 3.11 .09 2.69 .56 1.11 . .18 2.51 1.57 1.40 21.69 1.37 1.80 .78 3.85 1.27 2.79 .31 1.45 .55 .13 .03 .68 .02 .92 .53 5.72 2.69 2.29 27.18 .98 .71 .02 .12 .87 .56 .85 1.86 1.16 .58 2.32 .32 2.67 1.44 5.27 .35 .85 .07 21.00 1.06 .84 1.57 .22 .45 .72 T 3.11 1.58 .92 .35 .20 1.80 .03 T .26 .38 .91 14.40 April 11-20 2 April 21-30.. : . . . . . 1 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31. . . . . . . . 1. June 1-10 1 June 11-20 June 21-30. . . . . . . . 2, July 1-10 July 11-20. . . . 1. July 21-31. . . Aug. 1-10 1 Aug. 11-20. ... 1. Aug. 21-31 ... 1 Sept. 1-10 . . . 2. Sept. 11-20.. . . . . . . 4 Sept 21-30 1 Total . 25 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 . . . 16 96 ,22 98 58 77 70 56 95 ,21 T 73 ,80 T ,12 .08 08 36 ,26 1. 1 1 1 1 2 3 17 ,12 09 22 ,10 43 47 02 73 56 ,54 .91 ,12 ,55 T .47 .49 ,61 ,57 ,00 .94 .19 .68 .80 .40 1.82 1.02 2.37 .70 2.09 .06 .83 .70 2.43 1.71 T 16.74 .83 .20 .50 1.62 4.23 1.39 T 1.74 2.67 .28 .89 1.80 .52 T .35 1.31 1.62 19.95 .96 .07 T .27 .28 .21 1.03 .94 1.13 3.67 1.19 .62 1.22 1.49 .58 3.69 1.91 .94 20.20 .83 .59 .15 2.37 .88 .70 2.47 1.15 1.13 .84 .24 2.74 .81 3.76 .05 1.83 .25 .22 21.01 .52 .09 .23 .92 .04 .47 3.08 .46 .12 T .37 .34 .22 .67 3.79 1.23 2.68 1.19 16.42 .68 1.29 1.32 .94 1.78 1.49 1.14 4.84 T .45 1.05 .07 .51 1.12 T .72 .03 1.12 18.55 .55 .47 .99 1.50 1.92 3.48 1.31 3.78 2.56 1.93 .68 .35 2.68 3.40 .02 4.85 4.24 T 34.71 April 11-20 3, April 21-30 May 1-10 . . . . . . . 1 May 11-20. . . . May 21-31 1 June 1-10 . 2 June 11-20. . . 1, June 21-30. . . . July 1-10 July 11-20. . . . July 21-31. . . . Aug 1-10 . . . 1 Aug. 11-20. . . . Aug. 21-31. . . . Sept. 1-10 1 Sept 11-20 . . Sept. 21-30 1 Total 19 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . . .25 .85 .88 .93 .01 .50 .87 .55 ,75 .77 .20 ,33 .21 .64 .42 .14 ,10 .45 85 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 23, ,58 .53 .31 ,78 .30 .92 .92 ,07 .49 .11 .98 .62 .24 ,65 .83 ,56 02 .90 81 .97 2.21 T .38 .37 1.35 1.34 2.45 .63 .19 .45 .33 .12 .50 1.05 6.18 .54 2.22 21.28 .51 .07 2.38 2.30 1.03 2.56 2.09 2.23 1.64 1.04 1.83 .83 1.51 .17 1.12 1.61 1.51 .70 25.13 .47 .77 2.03 .49 1.55 .77 1.63 1.07 1.72 .75 .95 1.01 1.73 3.34 1.52 .64 .85 .37 21.66 .26 1.49 1.87 .33 2.43 1.92 1.52 5.19 4.16 2.85 .52 1.79 1.08 .92 2.52 .04 2.48 .68 32.05 1.00 2.15 .46 1.11 2.56 2.67 1.69 1.99 2.70 .33 .09 1.32 .42 1.64 1.20 1.91 1.76 3.67 28.67 .28 .03 .54 .85 .99 .28 .07 2.61 1.91 T .40 .13 .76 2.36 .06 5.12 .60 3.23 20.22 .73 .94 .82 .95 1.03 1.32 1.34 1.95 1.55 1.39 .80 .94 1.34 1.28 1.15 1.85 1.47 1.20 22.05 April 11-20.. . . . . . . 1 April 21-30 May 1-10 . . . May 11-20. . . . May 21-31 June 1-10 .... 2 June 11-20 June 21-30 . . . . . . . 1 July 1-10 . 3 July 11-20 ... 1 July 21-31. . . . Aug 1-10 . 2 Aug 11-20 . . . . . . 1 Aug. 21-31. . . . Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20.. . . Sept 21-30 Total . ... 19 300 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) ( SALVA, , Henry county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10... .45 1.35 .57 .11 .48 1.04 2.13 2.49 .56 April 11-20 ... 3.00 1.84 .13 .23 1.35 .14 2.63 1.07 2.84 April 2 1-30 ... 2.66 .28 .45 .95 2.57 1.73 2.27 :21 2.60 May 1-10 .19 .67 .12 1.65 .09 .60 2.46 .09 T May 11-20 .03 1.12 2.55 .38 1.22 .73 3.43 2.21 1.49 May 21-31 ... 1.01 2.70 .. .43 .97 .18 .99 2.50 .33 .18 June 1-10 1.79 .02 .88 2.21 .54 .07 1.67 .85 .65 June 11-20 .65 .46 .82 .82 1.05 4.65 .89 1.47 3.37 June 21-30 ... 1.21 T 2.66 5.39 .60 .51 1.37 3.65 .15 July 1-10 .16 .89 .55 .58 2.08 2.51 .28 4.09 3.63 July 11-20 ... 1.56 2.76 T .63 1.26 .09 .17 .39 1.35 July 21-31 .66 .53 .43 1.95 1.13 2.48 .95 .53 1.43 Aug. 1-10 . 2.97 1.36 3.91 .51 2.46 1.72 1.84 2.22 Aug. 11-20 ... 2.52 T .24 9.39 .94 1.74 .64 .40 .14 Aug. 21-31 .69 .94 1.03 .21 T 1.94 .66 .65 .16 Sept. 1-10 ... 1.16 2.66 .40 1.56 .76 5.82 3.94 .01 .93 Sept. 11-20 ... 3.87 .40 .43 .94 2.76 2.46 1.53 2.25 .90 Sept. 21-30 .92 2.35 .43 1.07 1.43 2.28 .35 .53 Total 25.50 16.62 15.40 32.31 18.59 31.39 31.52 22.88 23.13 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .58 .99 .31 .88 1.68 2.95 April 11-20 .39 1.29 1.35 .08 .19 .45 April 2 1-30 1.64 .88 .27 .85 2.69 .27 May 1-10. . . 1.21 2.79 2.83 3.71 1.19 1.11 1.36 May 11-20 1.94 .14 2.89 .08 .79 .60 1.04 3.93 May 21-31 1.48 4.10 1.60 .68 1.65 .21 .32 .90 June 1-10 1.89 1.92 2.47 T 1.28 1.50 .44 1.04 1.39 June 11-20 ... 1 . 12 .06 .80 .83 2.88 T 1.62 .88 June 21-30 .16 1.20 1.33 1.74 2.23 .53 .10 1.23 July 1-10. . , ... 1.20 .45 3.29 1.54 .90 3.46 .13 .14 3.37 July 11-20 .65 .35 2.37 .29 T 2.34 .93 July 21-31 .11 .08 .17 T 1.22 .29 .43 1.63 Aug. 1-10 .43 2.91 1.48 1.18 2.20 .84 .73 .22 .83 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 . 85 1.27 2.06 .59 .88 .43 1.05 .58 .29 Aug. 21-31 .09 .65 .27 .33 .14 .35 1.28 1.65 .42 Sept. 1-10 .42 3.13 .55 .09 4.46 1.44 1.32 .63 T Sept. 11-20 .28 .64 1.13 .73 2.40 T 4.39 .46 2.78 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 . 14 1.80 .12 3.58 1.04 .96 2.61 .35 Total 20.72 20.37 23.68 16.58 16.59 23.61 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 .31 1.01 2.50 .87 .61 .71 .71 .38 1.02 April 11-20 . .. 2.66 1.43 2.06 .41 .24 1.56 2.67 .30 1.23 April 21-30 .53 1.07 T .30 4.53 2.75 1.70 .35 1.37 May 1-10. . . .73 .35 .98 1.17 1.49 1.88 3.23 2.84 1.31 May 11-20 .27 .67 3.82 3.79 3.08 .73 3.61 1.89 1.70 May 21-31 ... 1 . 39 1.04 1.98 .42 .34 1.02 .66 1.06 1.13 June 1-10 ... 2.82 .39 1.95 2.08 2.70 .73 1.17 1.25 June 11-20 .70 1.96 1.81 2.86 1.19 3.28 1.22 6.11 1.60 June 21-30 ... 3.44 1.27 2.54 .47 .03 .23 1.38 .89 1.32 July 1-10. . . . .. 2.60 .13 1.22 3.29 1.36 T .12 .38 1.48 July 11-20 91 .45 .27 1.35 1.04 .41 .19 .20 .77 July 21-31 .10 2.21 3.30 .19 .10 1.60 .94 .78 .89 Aug. 1-10. . . . 2.41 .67 T 1.31 2.20 .21 1.01 1.36 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.24 2.15 1.80 1.75 .66 1.30 1.99 1.38 Aug. 21-31 .49 1.16 .01 1.64 .58 2.74 T .70 Sept. 1-10... .78 4.19 1.47 .28 .03 .61 1.46 1.47 Sept. 11-20 .18 .29 .38 .96 1.56 2.41 .56 1.33 Sept. 21-30 .18 .37 1.80 .60 1.00 3.25 .92 1.12 Total 20.96 17.11 30.52 22.60 22.48 20.89 25.38 21.12 22.43 1949] Table 12. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 301 -NORTHERN ILLINOIS : Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) KANKAKEE, Kankakee county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .43 90 .69 07 38 49 17 43 26 49 80 22 95 05 10 55 51 71 20 .54 2.93 .42 .60 1.90 3.13 .16 .74 .03 .11 1.51 .88 1.24 .03 .22 .65 1.19 16.28 5 1 1 1 2 18 .80 ,14 .33 .16 ,42 ,79 ,73 ,08 .30 .01 T ,65 ,39 ,82 70 71 ,89 13 ,05 .05 .41 1.09 .86 .57 .86 2.52 .08 3.59 .96 1.11 .54 6.37 .98 .31 1.4$ .73 .74 23.25 .32 .57 .81 .09 .25 T T 2.07 .48 .33 1.11 .64 .08 .58 .03 1.06 2.64 .50 11.56 1.12 .58 1.29 2.09 1.10 .49 .15 4.68 .39 1.37 .40 2.77 2.50 .94 .47 3.67 1.63 5.05 30.69 1.78 4.21 2.21 .77 2.09 2.30 2.53 .88 .49 1.14 2.63 .22 .72 1.00 .37 .11 .90 3.86 28.21 1.65 .55 .15 .37 .94 .22 .79 3.93 1.43 3.84 1.20 .85 .74 T 1.36 .64 1.41 .03 20.10 1.38 1.51 1.39 1.41 2.01 .85 .15 4.23 .29 3.40 .12 .27 1.25 .55 l.OS .40 .21 1.49 21.99 April 11-20 ... 1 April 21-30 ... 1 May 1-10 . May 11-20. . . . ... 1, May 21-31 June 1-10 1 June 11-20. . . . June 21-30 ... 1. July 1-10. . , July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10. . . . 2. Aug. 11-20 . 2 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 2 Sept. 21-30 .... ... 1 Total ... 20 , 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10... T 01 92 15 02 07 04 14 84 21 18 19 31 72 49 ,13 40 33 15 1.31 1.04 1.40 1.47 3.14 .67 2.35 .75 1.41 .18 1.69 T 1.19 1.08 1.54 .28 1.43 .93 21.86 L 2. 2 1, 2 14 ,12 ,05 25 91 20 ,21 ,87 71 39 .52 05 ,18 17 31 .11 .40 .59 .04 2.04 1.22 1.28 2.78 2.03 .25 .01 .19 .90 .19 .03 .10 2.77 .23 .35 .42 3.35 18.14 .87 .36 .12 .41 .11 .20 .92 1.59 1.00 .02 1.53 T 1.70 2.89 .30 4.04 .29 2.06 18.41 .42 .99 .98 3.72 .34 2.36 1.00 3.17 1.60 .32 .21 1.12 .69 1.11 .36 .96 1.24 20.59 .47 .30 2.47 1.12 .53 .67 .35 T .53 .58 .29 .01 .54 1.51 2.24 .86 1.85 3.48 17.80 2.31 .95 2.72 1.41 .94 1.04 1.20 2.38 1.45 .35 1.50 .77 .43 1.90 1.66 .53 .73 1.07 23.34 2.93 .89 .22 .08 2.98 2.05 3.05 .08 1.64 .95 .62 1.22 1.49 .42 1.13 .76 2.61 .03 23.15 April 11-20 . 3 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 ... 1. May 21-31 June 1-10 . 2. June 11-20 . . . 1. June 21-30 .... July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 Aug. 11-20 Aug. 21-31. . . . Sept. 1-10 ... 2 Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 . . . Total ... 14 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10.. . 61 95 49 .74 .15 ,01 62 06 74 88 84 83 02 75 54 01 12 28 .64 1.41 .77 2.05 2.52 .87 1.40 .55 2.35 1.45 .04 .50 .10 2.64 1.58 .22 .25 18.70 1 2 1 1 1 1, 2. i! i 2 18 .10 08 T .34 .23 .05 14 36 19 42 31 44 .29 .73 ,88 .24 .90 .70 2.62 .21 1.21 2.53 .07 2.14 2.01 .21 1.68 .33 .69 2.50 .15 5.58 .67 .20 1.32 24.12 .76 .90 3.79 2.10 5.39 .79 1.78 .70 .24 1.09 1.04 .59 1.65 .52 .57 1.27 .64 .10 23.92 1.01 3.43 2.04 1.34 .48 4.58 2.71 2.14 T .45 .97 1.93 .75 1.51 .35 .78 1.15 25.62 1.61 1.70 1.31 2.84 2.84 .53 .47 2.85 .55 .25 .51 .44 1.39 .90 .49 1.40 1.65 4.22 25.95 .37 .44 .57 2.19 1.56 .37 .69 3.21 1.38 1.11 .15 .21 .27 1.86 .02 .40 .02 .44 15.26 1.08 1.31 1.19 1.30 1.62 1.06 1.23 1.80 .95 .88 .81 .70 1.41 1.00 .93 .99 .91 1.36 20.53 April 11-20 . . . . 2. April 21-30.. . . . May 1-10 1 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10. . . . ... 1 . 1 June 11-20 . . . 2. June 21-30 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 . . . 2. Aug. 1-10. . . ... 1 Aug. 11-20 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20. . . . Sept 21-30 Total , ... 19 302 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) LA SALLE, La Salle county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .13 1.84 .73 .47 .54 1.23 3.37 T ' .55 .04 .15 .83 .22 2.09 .08 .78 3.28 2.23 18.43 .52 .24 .42 .09 1.94 1.34 .47 .72 1.59 .69 T .37 2.24 .17 .40 1.83 1.43 1.90 16.36 .37 .53 1.82 .31 .45 .98 3.56 .45 4.85 .66 1.16 3.01 5.94 1.82 1.29 1.04 2.47 .45 31.16 .67 .73 1.30 .16 1.10 T .52 2.63 .29 1.18 .20 .29 .32 .33 T .51 1.14 1.43 12.80 1.28 1.11 1.06 .43 .73 1.04 .17 3.56 .36 1.72 .10 2.55 1.85 1.02 .15 3.83 2.75 5.10 28.81 1.94 2.61 1.63 1.38 1.86 1.97 2.71 .62 .41 .23 .02 1.04 2.03 .38 .63 .83 .98 2.70 23.97 1.49 .67 .08 T 1.51 .24 .38 3.43 2.27 .74 1.61 1.16 .92 .18 3.35 .43 2.15 .06 20.67 2.08 2.23 .99 T 1.06 .17 .16 2.84 .23 4.29 .14 .38 2.22 T .17 .02 .15 1.44 18.57 April 1U20 2.28 April 21-30 ... 2.47 May 1-10 .35 May 11-20. .06 May 21-31. 2.55 June 1-10 . 2.70 June 11-20 39 June 21-30 .45 July 1-10 .04 July 11-20 .68 July 21-31. .09 Aug. 1-10 . 4.32 Aug. 11-20. .67 Aug. 21-31 .97 Sept 1-10 . . . 1.39 Sept. 11-20 3.97 Sept. 21-30 1.37 Total 24.88 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 T .53 .47 .87 1.02 2.38 .66 2.56 T 1.02 1.89 .46 .06 1.96 .83 1.08 2.30 1.26 1.91 21.26 .35 .23 1.06 1.50 .17 1.03 1.87 1.34 .34 2.33 .21 6.19 .30 .56 T .85 .22 18.55 2.36 .99 .84 2.75 1.71 1.42 T 1.07 1.53 .73 .12 2.47 .28 .22 .01 .38 2.89 19.77 .99 .08 .05 .26 .01 .48 .44 .15 1.82 .86 1.57 T .91 2.02 .40 4.03 1.11 1.09 16.27 .32 1.17 .36 3.47 .97 1.58 1.02 1 31 2.39 1.25 .33 .82 4.60 1.47 .37 1.26 T 1.75 24.44 .99 .03 .96 1.77 1.00 .28 .58 T .24 T .73 .14 1.24 .76 1.85 1.86 3.55 3.08 19.06 1.81 .95 2.29 1.51 .78 .78 1.22 1.95 .43 T 2.12 .31 T 2.54 1.48 .37 .08 .36 18.98 3.13 .56 .27 .86 2.97 1.27 2.90 .45 4.03 .88 .86 2.35 .26 .18 .10 2.07 1.86 T 25.00 April 11-20.. . . 3.31 April 21-30 86 May 1-10 .08 May 11-20. .98 May 21-31 . 18 June 1-10 ... 1.31 June 11-20 90 June 21-30 .83 July 1-10 .42 July 11-20 ... July 21-31 .03 Aug. 1-10 . . . 1 . 35 Aug. 11-20 .21 Aug. 21-31 .15 Sept. 1-10 ... 2.04 Sept. 11-20 .11 Sept 21-30 23 Total 12 99 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1.16 1.53 1.83 .12 1.26 .86 2.59 .14 1.01 1.47 .03 .48 1.17 .05 3.01 1.78 1.00 T .06 18.39 1.16 1.89 .02 .92 1.35 1.06 1.84 1.13 .10 1.23 .47 2.03 .20 1.83 .32 5.18 .06 2.82 23.61 1.89 .20 .23 1.36 .95 .46 1.14 .98 .06 2.33 2.45 2.16 2.32 T 1.43 2.06 .35 .62 20.99 .86 .51 4.45 1.81 4.72 .32 1.92 .46 .04 .88 .17 .81 3.50 .96 .91 .45 1.33 .04 24.14 .41 2.12 2.52 1.08 .87 1.93 .86 1.97 .32 T .01 .82 T .82 1.07 .22 1.37 .56 16.95 1.10 1.66 1.33 3.28 3.56 .43 1.93 .66 .71 T .06 .09 .71 2.37 .71 2.12 1.30 3.82 25.84 .34 .24 .31 3.16 1.03 .90 T 4.45 .41 .47 .13 .31 .39 1.10 .11 1.42 .19 .31 15.27 1.12 1.13 1.04 1.21 1.33 1.09 1.28 1.27 1.08 .99 .67 .80 1.91 .93 .80 1.52 1.20 1.34 20.71 April 11-20 1 97 April 21-30 20 May 1-10 2.10 May 11-20. .45 May 21-31.. . . ... 1 41 June 1-10 . 2.86 June 11-20 1 03 June 21-30. . ... 2 37 July 1-10. . . . 2.00 July 11-20 2 09 July 21-31 .14 Aug. 1-10. . . 1.70 Aug. 11-20. . 75 Aug. 21-31 .44 Sept 1-10 Sept 11-20 .22 Sept. 21-30 .67 Total . . . . 21 56 1949] Table 12. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 303 -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) MARENGO, McHenry county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .43 .72 1.02 .13 .64 .70 1.13 T .19 T 2.89 1.85 1.21 .34 .38 .05 2.46 .37 14.08 .95 .44 .57 .03 .99 T 2.77 .48 1.26 .81 .24 .85 1.03 1.64 3.19 1.72 2.48 .34 19.79 .44 .29 1.57 .60 .41 1.13 2.04 1.80 3.89 .53 T 1.77 2.41 2.28 .64 1.01 .97 .39 22.17 T .42 2.96 .80 1.04 T .62 2.68 1.39 2.10 1.00 .97 .43 .40 1.06 2.66 2.14 20.67 1.00 T .85 .45 .68 2.51 .24 4.20 .92 2.89 T 3.63 .73 3.79 .58 2.45 1.50 3.54 29.96 1.46 3.07 1.41 2.45 1.04 2.79 .56 .04 2.37 .57 .44 .10 .99 1.62 .14 .90 2.57 3.02 25.54 2.59 .80 T .06 .75 .65 .66 1.94 4.13 1.64 1.04 .05 1.38 .24 2.36 .55 1.46 T 20.30 1.48 3.19 .80 .10 2.56 .70 T 5.98 2.12 1.09 .22 1.38 1.60 .19 .06 .60 1.47 3.54 27.08 April 11-20 ... 1.23 April 21-30 4 11 May 1-10. . . . T May 11-20 .18 May 21-31. . 69 June 1-10 .65 June 11-20 1 25 June 21-30. . 3.01 July 1-10 ... 1 . 04 July 11-20 July 21-31. .16 34 Aug. 1-10 .95 Aug. 11-20 ... 2.27 Aug 21-31 60 Sept. 1-10 . . . . 3 93 Sept. 11-20 ... 2.95 Sept 21-30 2 28 Total . . 26 07 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 T .13 .83 .70 .92 1.57 .53 1.70 .33 2.05 1.09 2.65 .55 .37 .13 1.00 1.18 1.00 1.40 18.13 .28 .09 .32 1.14 .07 1.73 2.46 .65 .11 2.53 .09 .46 .27 1.63 1.10 .09 13.02 2.17 .10 .75 3.20 2.93 2.39 .16 T 2.52 2.69 .91 .61 1.47 .07 T .44 .79 1.07 22.27 1.02 T .04 .07 .06 .29 .68 .96 2.20 1.63 .44 T 1.15 .50 .06 2.82 1.00 2.45 15.37 T 1.56 .41 1.98 1.59 2.59 1.09 1.24 1.28 1.45 .05 1.51 2.11 1.21 .15 2.04 .06 .41 20.73 1.23 T .38 .35 .53 .50 3.07 .08 .18 T .19 .21 .52 1.99 4.46 2.32 5.18 2.21 23.40 .85 .73 2.21 .15 .44 2.38 .33 3.10 1.84 .11 .86 .33 .41 3.75 .51 1.19 .60 .26 20.05 .54 1.01 .26 .65 2.56 .74 1.89 .48 3.79 1.24 1.73 .87 1.54 1.47 1.31 5.79 2.10 27.97 April 11-20 ... 2.79 April 21-30 51 May 1-10 .66 May 11-20 26 May 21-31. 1 13 June 1-10 . . 1 . 52 June 11-20 64 June 21-30 69 July 1-10. . . . . 1 11 July 11-20 July 21-31 84 Aug. 1-10. . .76 Aug. 11-20 Aug 21-31 .27 1 10 Sept. 1-10 . . . ... 2 34 Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 2 85 Total . . 17.47 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 194S 1946 Aver. April 1-10 .51 1.02 1.15 .11 1.39 .89 1.51 T 2.33 2.57 .04 .84 2.10 .45 2.32 3.44 .31 .15 20.62 .68 1.86 T .89 .85 2.02 .67 .64 .03 .19 .82 1.36 1.16 2.02 1.41 5.26 .16 2.98 23.00 .34 .35 .12 1.88 1.84 1.35 1.63 2.47 .26 1.21 .33 1.17 3.72 .02 .83 2.94 1.15 .33 21.94 1.00 .44 1.91 .85 2.86 .41 .60 1.30 .44 1.94 1.61 .21 .75 1.78 2.77 .15 .64 .25 19.91 .40 1.50 1.40 .47 1.89 1.54 .53 1.36 1.42 .12 .93 1.01 .24 .91 1.24 .21 1.04 .19 16.40 .64 2.70 .98 2.64 2.83 1.48 .89 .25 2.00 .28 .02 .94 2.01 1.20 .92 2.08 1.08 3.01 25.85 .45 .14 .50 .79 .56 1.27 T 2.36 .43 .08 .01 .29 1.24 .70 .05 .63 .12 .57 10.19 .78 1.04 .89 .94 1.18 1.22 1.01 1.42 1.59 1.16 .71 .88 1.14 1.22 1.11 1.71 1.26 1.31 20.57 April 11-20 1 20 April 21-30 . . . .25 May 1-10 1 31 May 11-20 .59 May 21-31 .31 June 1-10 1 47 June 11-20. . . . ... 1.05 June 21-30 .47 July 1-10 . . 1 02 July 11-20 ... 2.19 July 21-31. 42 Aug. 1-10 1.42 Aug 1 1-20 36 Aug. 21-31. . . . .26 Sept. 1-10 .08 Sept. 11-20 .45 Sept. 21-30 .60 Total ... 13.95 304 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) MINONK, Woodford county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .25 .63 .88 .30 .29 .61 .45 .74 .06 .19 .93 ,72 44 .06 .78 .72 64 .91 .60 .79 1.24 .84 .71 1.82 1.71 .02 ' 1.41 .11 1.23 2.64 .24 .55 1.66 2.14 .35 17.46 .74 .07 .42 .09 2.67 .83 .23 .44 2.91 1.98 .54 2.18 .87 .91 1.03 .70 .95 17.56 .05 .53 2.37 .88 .38 .76 3.24 .36 6.26 .23 1.02 1.14 2.30 5.37 1.22 1.35 1.34 .68 29.48 3 1 1 3 42 ,16 49 39 .32 37 07 64 .81 1.00 1.05 .50 .44 .87 .06 2.99 .40 1.18 .13 4.34 1.76 .85 .24 7.34 1.94 2.65 28.55 1.44 4.48 1.65 .80 2.95 2.57 2.41 1.14 .51 .11 1.61 .49 .85 2.02 .55 .87 1.90 26.35 .63 .95 .15 .07 1.41 .36 .47 1.69 2.49 1.28 .65 .16 2.19 .11 1.72 .56 1.18 .48 16.55 1.32 2.00 1.21 .51 2.59 .21 .74 1.21 1.51 2.49 .88 .14 2.04 .15 1.17 .47 .30 .80 19.74 April 11-20 . 2 April 21-30 ... 2 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 . . . 2 June 1-10 ... 2 June 11-20 June 21-30 .... ... 3 July 1-10 July 11-20 . 1 July 21-31 Aug 1-10 2 Aug 11-20 1 Aug. 21-31 ... 1 Sept 1-10 2 Sept. 11-20 . . . 3 Sept. 21-30 . . . ... 2 Total ... 32 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .86 .21 .25 .82 .32 .20 .37 ,04 .46 .40 .37 .01 83 .23 .70 .39 .46 .88 .56 .76 1.81 2.91 .56 1.94 .03 .35 1.18 1.46 .30 2.70 .29 .81 1.68 1.80 1.10 21.12 .03 .40 .76 4.10 .18 .92 .45 .60 .84 3.13 .09 3.60 .59 2.50 T 1.46 .53 20.18 .65 .90 2.92 4.02 .53 .04 .36 .30 .57 .20 -.75 2.09 .14 .41 T .50 5.53 20.34 1 3 1 1 3 1 16 .44 .26 ,18 .03 T 44 .69 .58 01 .95 75 .09 .83 43 .18 .50 .09 .45 .52 1.20 .65 4.86 .55 1.21 .64 1.55 2.72 3.13 .03 1.67 1.62 1.06 .05 1.09 1.46 24.01 .54 .08 .67 2.16 .61 .03 .30 .22 .39 .38 .57 .22 .92 1.06 4.86 2.43 15.44 1.43 .56 1.90 1.24 .62 .99 .56 1.99 .98 1.42 .27 .60 .09 1.10 .35 .13 .29 14.52 2.86 .26 .68 2.42 .84 1.27 .53 2.05 2.89 .88 1.36 .28 .28 2.00 .05 1.29 19.94 April 11-20 ... 3 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 . . . May 21-31 June 1-10 1 June 11-20 ... 1 June 21-30 ... 1 July 1-10. . . July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10. . . Aug 11-20 . 3 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10.. . Sept 11-20 . Sept. 21-30 .... Total ... 15 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 .... ... 1 .67 .16 .40 .09 .98 .71 .77 .34 .81 .44 .15 .55 .15 .94 .05 .28 49 1.01 .71 .73 1.29 1.46 1.55 .04 1.12 .32 1.13 .14 1.02 3.23 1.60 .68 16.03 1.51 2.21 .95 1.64 .83 1.58 2.17 2.51 .26 .45 .84 '94 1.52 .15 2.08 2.80 22.44 1.39 .47 .10 1.54 1.31 .16 2.58 .74 .11 1.70 1.58 .53 3.54 1.80 .47 1.37 19.39 5 2 5 1 5 1. 25. .54 .77 .13 .76 .32 .52 ,86 .55 .13 .11 .03 22 76 03 16 13 86 03 91 1.07 3.02 3.54 1.48 .14 4.69 .90 1.05 .33 .02 2.50 1.76 2.71 1.66 1.08 25.95 .96 2.54 1.26 2.34 2.95 .46 .69 2.31 2.13 .48 .05 .16 1.31 .37 .91 1.75 4.16 24.83 .20 .03 .68 3.37 1.05 .44 5.37 .45 2.78 T .51 .87 .95 .04 .47 .18 .55 17.94 .84 1.26 1.08 1.41 1.52 .97 1.01 1.22 1.29 1.20 .83 .71 1.58 1.08 1.02 1.19 1.11 1.34 20.66 April 11-20 ... 2 April 21-30 . . . May 1-10 ... 1 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 1 June 11-20 1 June 21-30 July 1-10. . . 1 July 11-20. .... ... 1 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 3 Aug. 11-20 Aug 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 . . . Total ... 18 1949] Table 12. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 305 -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) MONMOUTH, Warren county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .... .51 39 00 02 64 ,23 12 ,84 11 10 22 32 ,14 12 07 36 ,89 08 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 18 .90 .59 .39 .17 .12 .61 .05 .77 .40 .00 .57 .22 T .03 .64 .33 .46 .25 .59 .34 .26 .13 2.47 .61 .58 .50 1.86 .70 .07 .41 2.73 .65 1.35 1.21 .80 2.87 18.13 .31 .07 .91 .53 .47 1.28 2.22 1.56 8.24 .42 1.10 2.83 2.71 1.15 2.61 .85 .68 .40 28.34 .32 .91 2.09 .23 .91 .11 1.14 1.65 2.08 2.58 .28 .77 1.29 1.62 .83 2.74 1.97 21.52 .95 .01 1.27 .55 .39 1.36 .03 7.32 .69 1.10 .67 .93 2.81 2.09 1.08 5.13 2.48 1.84 30.70 1.29 2.00 .70 1.76 1.66 1.78 2.17 2.35 .12 1.20 T 1.49 .06 .63 .84 .50 .57 1.86 20.98 2.35 .82 .22 .08 1.22 .05 1.18 2.07 3.23 1.71 .36 1.10 .82 .91 1.92 .09 2.48 .36 20.97 .41 3.08 3.03 .06 1.53 1.11 3.64 3.26 .09 3.25 7.52 .89 1.73 .20 .53 .95 1.64 .65 33.57 April 11-20 . 2, April 21-30 ... 2 May 1-10 ... 1 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 1 June 11-20 2 June 21-30 ... 2 July 1-10 July 11-20 . . ... 1 July 21-31 ... 1 Aug. 1-10 . 2 Aug 11-20 . . ... 2 Aug. 21-31 Sept 1-10 ... 3 Sept 11-20 ... 1 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 Total ... 26, 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 68 29 64 57 00 69 25 32 ,17 ,03 30 .91. 53 40 65 78 21 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 24 .75 .39 .58 .80 .34 .12 .12 .19 T .35 .88 .82 .49 .36 .42 .97 .90 .48 .31 .24 .45 1.97 .10 1.10 2.79 2.56 1.74 6.07 .80 1.23 5.34 .86 3.14 .30 29.00 .61 1.28 .55 1.56 4.25 2.57 3.34 1.10 .20 .26 1.40 .69 .33 T 1.60 2.78 22.52 1.90 .06 .50 .09 .40 .73 2.30 .25 1.46 .86 3.18 T 1.06 .53 .08 3.66 2.63 2.41 22.10 .88 1.10 .14 3.18 1.32 1.93 3.26 1.64 3.31 .67 .65 1.49 2.83 1.67 .09 2.39 .02 .94 27.51 .83 .05 .99 1.34 .19 .37 .66 .37 .10 .06 1.08 1.38 1.09 1.42 .76 3.80 4.37 18.86 1.46 .22 2.35 1.44 .87 1.01 1.21 1.33 .70 .55 2.43 .29 1.73 .82 .30 .42 .07 .81 18.01 2.60 .43 .70 1.78 2.76 1.35 3.33 .52 1.97 2.29 .99 3.32 2.78 .09 .46 1.21 1.62 T 28.20 April 11-20 ... 1. April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31. ... 1 June 1-10 June 11-20 . 2, June 21-30 . . . . . 1 July 1-10 ... 1 July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 Aug. 11-20 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept 11-20 Sept 21-30 . . . ... 1 Total ... 14 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 ... 1 ,09 37 17 ,89 ,29 79 .87 ,18 98 .03 .67 37 .33 .23 .45 .11 .28 .10 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 13 .19 .11 .49 .11 .55 .15 .39 .54 .66 .05 .43 .49 .53 .29 .62 .08 .06 .74 .58 1.32 T .57 1.84 4.35 2.90 1.57 2.10 1.69 .17 .60 2.01 T 4.05 .74 1.56 26.05 1.26 .32 .16 1.18 3.43 .65 4.09 1.91 1.13 3.03 1.81 .52 T .75 1.19 .53 .72 22.68 .45 .28 3.49 1.46 3.16 .48 4.18 1.24 1.57 1.66 .88 1.54 1.57 1.39 2.23 .18 .75 26.51 .65 1.75 3.53 1.18 1.71 2.51 1.26 1.75 .89 .28 .22 1.10 .16 .68 1.67 1.71 1.33 22.38 .35 2.36 1.74 2.98 3.27 .77 1.33 2.82 .51 1.13 .30 .49 .39 .88 T 1.12 1.82 3.29 25.55 .15 .70 .43 2.71 1.85 .80 8.40 1.10 .07 .37 .56 3.10 1.58 T 1.90 .62 .82 25.16 .95 1.07 1.14 1.26 1.55 1.33 1.74 2.07 1.83 1.35 1.06 .93 1.48 1.27 .74 1.37 1.31 1.35 23.80 April 11-20 ... 2 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 ... 1 June 1-10 June 11-20 . . 1 June 21-30 ... 3 July 1-10 . . 1 July 11-20 ... 1 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 . 2 Aug. 11-20. ... 2 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30.. . . , Total 21 306 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) MORRIS, Grundy county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .16 1.78 1.04 .52 .24 1.73 1.50 t .45 .03 .17 2.88 .67 .47 .15 .30 2.86 .36 15.15 .47 .27 .15 .09 2.54 1.01 .98 1.04 1.54 1.38 .18 .66 1.62 .11 1.29 1.52 1.61 .57 17.03 .30 .58 .53 .96 .42 .53 2.90 .15 3.81 .52 .46 1.88 3.73 1.24 1.19 1.21 1.91 1.17 23.49 .50 1.26 1.14 .27 1.22 .07 '.60 2.12 .16 .89 .32 .65 .28 .51 .97 1.28 .76 13.00 1.66 .65 1.44 .03 .90 1.54 .04 3.41 .12 2.04 .20 3.28 1.04 .35 .12 4.12 2.12 3.30 26.36 1.59 3.70 2.35 .50 1.34 2.06 3.20 .85 1.00 .30 .61 T 1.21 .26 1.15 .05 1.52 4.03 25.72 1.71 .56 .05 .20 1.50 .66 .67 2.75 .86 2.62 1.45 .93 1.70 .13 2.83 1.24 1.89 21.75 2.29 2.02 .72 .33 1.42 .28 .06 4.64 1.05 1.96 .19 .05 1.46 T .54 .22 .40 1.35 18.98 April 11-20 2 12 April 21-30 ... 2.35 May 1-10 .31 May 11-20 .13 May 21-31 . . 1.36 June 1-10 . 2.99 June 11-20 .05 June 21-30 .30 July 1-10 .79 July 11-20 .44 July 21-31 .04 Aug 1-10 . 3 92 Aug. 11-20 .... ... 1.43 Aug. 21-31 ... 1.42 Sept 1-10 1 06 Sept. 11-20 ... 3 . 68 Sept. 21-30 ... 2 . 20 Total 24 75 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 T .76 .64 .87 1.69 2.36 1.45 2.34 .45 2.44 .93 .41 .17 .55 .55 .82 1.32 .78 1.91 20.44 .19 .13 1.01 2.99 .06 .60 1.72 1.04 .34 2.44 .21 3.93 .14 1.54 1.20 .48 18.02 2.74 1.24 .89 2.25 1.61 .88 T .80 2.08 .26 .14 2.84 .24 .18 .02 .15 2.10 18.42 .55 .23 .13 .07 T .47 1.00 .08 2.34 .26 1.09 T 1.57 1.10 .35 2.55 .83 1.23 13.85 .14 1.33 .60 4.32 1.76 1.25 .57 1.54 1.87 .45 .34 .96 3.33 1.09 .14 1.25 1.91 22.85 1.03 .03 1.53 2.11 .44 .15 .42 T .49 .96 .07 .12 .41 1.84 1.37 .72 5.33 2.30 19.32 1.25 2.14 2.28 .66 .74 .55 .78 2.48 .61 T .44 .59 T 1.71 .40 .63 .05 .26 15.57 2.28 .40 .15 .14 3.19 2.59 2.23 .48 2.16 1.55 1.15 1.88 .18 .52 .40 1.77 2.35 23.42 April 11-20 ... 3.55 April 21-30 .83 May 1-10 98 May 11-20 1.42 May 21-31 .25 June 1-10 1.50 June 11-20 1 15 June 21-30. . . . ... 1 . 63 July 1-10 .40 July 11-20 July 21-31 .34 Aug. 1-10 .54 Aug 11-20 78 Aug 21-31 35 Sept. 1-10 . . . . 3.07 Sept. 11-20 .08 Sept 21-30 12 Total . . . . . . 16.99 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 30 1.66 .77 .55 1.14 .86 3.86 .72 .76 .71 .02 T .55 1.13 3.47 .38 .07 16.65 .86 1.64 .04 1.13 1.01 1.34 1.44 .90 .19 .49 .67 1.02 .33 1.65 .40 4.25 .15 2.36 19.87 2.13 .28 .25 1.18 1.01 .08 .95 .79 T 1.73 1.38 1.75 2.04 T 4.10 4.64 .67 1.12 24.10 1.02 .67 2.99 1.89 3.65 .57 2.14 .41 .14 T 1.09 .62 1.28 .62 1.10 .17 .86 .07 19.29 .42 2.75 2.60 1.17 .81 .38 1.04 2.18 .08 .04 .43 1.42 .01 .71 1.37 .19 1.49 .52 17.61 2.14 1.73 1.11 2.97 2.05 .33 .72 .85 .76 .22 T .80 .96 2.89 .33 1.50 1.55 5.09 26.00 .25 .11 .21 2.37 1.21 1.14 .02 3.32 .10 .64 .16 .18 .32 1.56 .17 .89 .02 .56 13.23 1.12 1.21 .99 1.19 1.31 .97 1.18 1.25 .97 .94 .64 .73 1.36 .80 1.00 1.41 1.17 1.30 19.54 April 11-20 . . . 1.64 April 21-30 .56 May 1-10 1.01 May 11-20. . . .66 May 21-31 .40 June 1-10 . 1 57 June 11-20 .59 June 21-30 ... 1.72 July 1-10 . 1.46 July 11-20 ... 2.31 July 21-31 .60 Aug. 1-10 ... 1.08 Aug 11-20 20 Aug. 21-31. .59 Sept. 1-10 Sept 1 1-20 10 Sept. 21-30. . . . .35 Total ... 16.14 1949] Table 12. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 307 -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) MORRISON, Whiteside county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 1.20 1.69 .76 .12 .74 1.89 4.06 .02 .63 .02 1.80 2.56 .55 1.14 T 1.43 1.68 .11 19.20 .73 .05 .52 .05 1.90 .45 1.59 1.15 2.80 .68 .40 .50 1.25 .25 .75 2.55 1.72 .83 18.17 .19 .09 1.67 .95 .40 .73 3.17 .98 4.11 1.18 .03 2.70 2.71 4.59 2.36 .68 1.13 .26 27.93 .25 1.16 1.63 .31 .60 .02 2.02 4.12 1.08 2.23 .21 .63 2.15 1.58 T 1.17 3.11 1.65 23.92 1.19 .24 .42 .51 1.40 1.05 .07 4.57 .40 4.25 .05 3.92 1.30 1.58 .43 3.38 2.59 1.68 29.03 1.39 2.27 1.13 .68 .98 3.02 .96 .20 1.11 .38 .05 .82 1.24 .31 .24 1.56 1.43 2.18 19.95 2.94 .58 .02 .17 .88 .40 .75 1.82 1.99 2.06 4.18 .33 .68 .06 .26 .42 .95 .10 18.59 .88 2.71 1.44 .17 .71 .89 .25 3.56 .36 2.14 1.46 .19 2.39 .01 T 1.82 .59 .84 20.41 April 11-20. . 2 22 April 21-30 ... 2 . 35 May 1-10 70 May 11-20. . .05 May 21-31 ... 1 . 10 June 1-10 97 June 11-20 . . 1 05 June 21-30 .99 July 1-10. . . .25 July 11-20. . . . 1 15 July 21-31 .65 Aug. 1-10 3 70 Aug. 11-20 . . . . 1 81 Aug. 21-31 .47 Sept. 1-10 1 32 Sept. 1 1-20 . . . 5.41 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.05 Total 26 44 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 . . . . . T .41 .67 .66 .94 2.03 .65 1.98 .29 .09 .21 1.55 T .21 .07 2.00 3.26 1.28 2.28 18.58 .18 .35 .50 2.48 .07 1.57 .62 1.62 .97 2.50 .04 .33 1.62 1.00 1.79 .40 .07 16.11 1.09 .43 .54 3.78 3.81 2.70 .07 1.49 1.36 .38 1.49 2.09 1.29 .03 .55 .71 1.36 23.17 .97 .04 .06 .17 .11 .74 1.36 .75 1.06 4.10 .93 .01 1.17 2.79 .43 2.72 2.69 .94 21.04 2.45 2.15 3.36 .15 .12 3.37 2.19 1.63 .21 2.62 .02 2.25 1.11 T .55 .37 .86 .26 4.23 .62 .22 .43 .18 .30 .72 4.44 2.27 4.94 1.75 23.25 1.07 .93 3.86 1.24 1.44 .86 .64 1.99 2.84 1.18 .14 1.12 2.09 2.42 1.41 .03 .54 23.80 1.18 1.24 .41 1.13 2.99 2.15 3.08 1.09 2.69 3.54 1.48 2.47 .06 2.97 .12 4.61 2.60 33.81 April 11-20 . ... 3 . 58 April 21-30 .45 May 1-10 50 May 11-20 .46 May 21-31 1 08 June 1-10 . . 1 85 June 11-20 ... 3 . 96 June 21-30 1 23 July 1-10 . . . . 35 July 11-20 July 21-31 .22 Aug. 1-10 69 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 . 23 Aug. 21-31 .17 Sept. 1-10 ... 1 70 Sept. 11-20 .04 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 . 39 Total ... 18.90 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 73 1.65 1.14 .55 .45 .86 .92 .46 1.22 2.04 T .28 .68 .74 3.11 1.35 1.05 .28 16.78 1.35 3.25 T 1.40 1.37 3.57 4.31 1.22 3.32 .38 .70 1.67 .17 .44 .07 6.15 .08 2.59 32.04 .43 .15 .23 1.74 2.32 .65 3.61 1.11 .08 1.41 2.02 .62 3.53 .49 1.41 1.40 .64 21.84 1.31 .44 2.47 .71 3.04 .55 .60 .43 .45 3.09 .86 1.11 .94 2.11 1.37 .35 1.04 .12 20.99 .72 1.26 2.30 1.46 1.85 2.29 .93 2.45 .85 .07 .55 .97 .05 1.83 .99 T 1.73 .24 20.54 .62 2.44 1.24 1.94 2.98 1.40 2.00 1.06 2.30 .38 .44 1.06 .50 2.60 .75 1.14 1.50 3.74 28.09 .48 .49 .34 2.17 1.36 1.50 .07 5.00 1.27 .39 1.42 .06 .87 4.34 .07 3.28 .62 .98 24.71 .95 1.13 .97 1.02 1.39 1.33 1.52 1.65 1.50 1.31 .98 .95 1.39 1.50 .89 1.81 1.40 1.09 22.78 April 11-20 . . . ... 1 . 83 April 21-30 .80 May 1-10 65 May 11-20 .46 May 21-31 56 June 1-10 1.50 June 11-20 57 June 21-30. . . . ... 1 . 60 July 1-10. . . 1.65 July 11-20 . . 2.96 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10. . .12 . 3 41 Aug. 11-20 .69 Aug. 21-31. . . 39 Sept. 1-10 .04 Sept. 11-20 .26 Sept. 21-30 .63 Total ... 18.85 308 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) MOUNT CARROLL, Carroll county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .60 1.67 .63 .37 .05 .97 1.37 1.20 .69 April 11-20 ... 1.67 1.09 .07 .41 2.12 .45 2.59 .62 3.25 April 2 1-30 ... 2.67 .13 .62 1.43 1.72 .15 1.92 .02 1.16 May 1-10. . . .63 .46 .05 .47 .58 .42 .77 .10 .07 May 11-20 .14 1.56 1.70 .46 .62 1.65 1.49 1.29 .76 May 21-31 ... 1 . 54 2.98 .49 .85 .10 1.65 3.69 .16 1.00 June 1-10 .93 1.26 2.31 1.41 .41 1.11 .68 .14 June 11-20 ... 1.11 .32 .30 1.93 4.09 7.47 .04 2.07 1.74 June 21-30 ... 1.00 .01 2.60 2.63 1.39 .10 1.69 2.34 1.50 July 1-10 .03 3.08 1.84 .60 1.08 .79 .04 1.15 .86 July 11-20 .91 .90 .05 .56 .63 .02 .04 1.59 .42 July 21-31 T 2.02 .83 1.94 .85 5.27 .45 .03 T Aug. 1-10 1.18 .78 1.63 1.97 1.41 1.24 1.93 2.66 2.95 Aug. 11-20 ... 2.59 .02 .99 5.08 .98 3.17 .14 .75 .09 Aug. 21-31 .50 .76 1.40 2.47 T 2.36 .08 2.62 .12 Sept. 1-10 2.62 1.62 .71 .66 2.89 4.66 .19 1.52 Sept. 11-20 .07 2.12 1.67 3.12 1.96 3.94 .76 .51 Sept. 21-30 .03 .58 .30 2.47 1.84 1.80 .07 1.41 Total 18.50 18.78 26.16 23.28 32.81 27.75 18.30 18.19 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 T .20 .29 .81 .73 .36 1.00 1.16 .70 April 11-20 ... 4.08 .88 .15 .36 .05 1.94 T 1.75 .55 April 21-30 .88 .53 .92 .79 T .04 .53 1.71 .63 May 1-10. . . ... 1.72 1.75 .66 4.25 .18 2.51 .49 .95 1.50 May 11-20 .36 2.16 .23 3.92 .27 1.05 .29 1.32 2.66 May 21-31 ... 1.12 .22 1.69 1.72 .40 2.22 .50 1.31 1.58 June 1-10 . 2.09 2.28 2.05 1.23 .88 2.26 4.35 .21 1.63 June 11-20 ... 4.80 .45 2.82 .22 1.18 .30 3.03 2.12 June 21-30 ... 1.24 1.26 .38 1.18 1.23 2.32 .16 5.33 3.68 July 1-10 .62 .10 1.99 3.19 2.70 .80 T .18 3.80 July 11-20 T 1.29 .12 .72 1.24 .54 .83 .58 2.30 July 21-31 .18 T .16 2.80 .07 3.13 .31 .18 1.97 Aug. 1-10 ... 4.13 1.38 1.49 1.10 .92 1.16 .23 .33 .81 Aug. 11-20 T .55 .74 .66 .64 .60 .78 2.40 5.66 Aug. 21-31 .21 .91 2.64 .05 .01 .15 3.94 .04 .31 Sept. 1-10 ... 1.24 1.98 T .51 2.34 2.08 1.96 .39 3.65 Sept. 11-20 .10 .46 .85 1.00 2.04 .23 3.93 .04 2.82 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.10 1.27 .09 1.56 1.64 1.17 1.45 .62 Total 23.87 17.67 17.27 25.85 15.56 23.74 21.05 21.53 36.37 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 .39 1.63 1.45 .40 1.75 .56 .54 .35 .77 April 11-20 ... 1.96 .89 1.60 .27 .23 1.53 1.97 .02 1.21 April 21-30 ... 1.88 .38 .02 .53 2.06 2.14 .85 .41 .93 May 1-10. . . .76 .61 .59 1.60 .65 1.83 1.74 1.24 1.02 May 11-20 .15 .90 1.22 2.09 3.59 1.48 3.46 .96 1.34 May 21-31 .90 .59 2.79 .81 .97 3.04 1.27 1.31 1.34 June 1-10 1.40 .03 3.39 2.36 2.31 1.26 2.54 .06 1.48 June 11-20 .99 2.75 1.40- 1.63 1.27 3.54 .92 4.62 1.97 June 21-30 ... 1.74 3.87 1.75 .22 .33 2.11 2.01 .68 1.64 July 1-10 1.05 .03 .38 .18 1.79 .62 .12 .01 1.04 July 11-20 ... 1.48 .42 .25 1.49 1.73 .57 .26 .95 .76 July 21-31 .27 2.18 2.86 1.01 1.12 1.70 .83 .06 1.16 Aug. 1-10 ... 2.28 .64 .06 1.75 2.03 .06 .31 .15 1.33 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.42 1.83 .93 .16 1.26 1.29 2.18 3.56 1.48 Aug. 21-31 .21 2.17 .57 1.31 1.24 1.27 .41 .13 1.00 Sept. 1-10 .01 .72 4.74 5.49 1.71 T .63 2.57 1.80 Sept. 11-20 .35 .06 .88 .91 .79 2.03 .88 .60 1.28 Sept. 21-30 .36 .69 3.01 .63 .17 .18 3.00 1.40 1.07 Total . , . 17.60 20.39 27.89 22.84 25.00 25.21 23.92 19.08 22.62 1949] Table 12. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 309 -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) PAWPAW, Lee county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 32 19 93 09 34 73 41 T 66 T ,64 04 22 .97 .49 13 36 57 ,09 .73 .27 .15 .94 1.63 1.82 .05 .36 T 2.10 1.80 .45 .25 T .10 3.17 .39 14.21 1 2, 1. 1, 1 1 4, 1 20 78 26 17 11 ,80 53 23 37 61 ,88 ,22 14 34 ,28 .77 40 ,52 ,84 25 .58 .13 .61 .92 .57 .62 2.29 1.19 4.42 .54 .29 2.13 2.90 2.81 .88 1.07 2.28 .37 24.60 .11 1.16 1.29 .25 .76 .02 .83 2.59 2.23 .49 .62 ,40 .45 .32 .10 1.60 2.16 1.42 16.80 1.10 .23 .48 .23 1.35 1.51 .03 3.09 .41 1.88 T 2.43 1.31 2.08 .22 2.64 1.94 2.97 23.90 1.70 3.23 1.63 1.21 .84 3.00 .52 .47 1.30 .75 .01 .24 1.74 .31 .52 .31 .89 3.59 22.26 1.83 .70 .03 .22 1.22 .19 .28 3.56 2.48 2.15 2.56 .44 1.19 .52 1.85 .94 1.51 .01 21.68 1.55 3.51 1.55 .15 1.16 .44 .24 5.10 .79 1.67 .50 .05 1.82 .02 .06 1.23 1.05 1.15 22.04 April 11-20 . 2, April 21-30 . . . . . . 2. May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 . . . 1 June 1-10 .. . 2, June 11-20 .... June 21-30 July 1-10 July 11-20 . . . July 21-31 Aug 1-10 . . 3 Aug 11-20 .... ... 1 Aug. 21-31 Sept 1-10 . . 1 Sept 11-20 . . . ... 4 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 Total ... 24 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 ,93 .59 ,29 .46 ,25 .95 .58 .45 ,88 ,47 .17 .59 .16 .90 .02 .43 .12 .37 .38 .66 1.22 1.50 1.96 2.47 .02 1.80 1.76 1.46 .10 1.05 .41 .75 2.37 1.04 1.50 20.82 2 1 1 1 1 1 14 .14 10 ,69 ,41 ,07 .45 .96 .34 .75 ,97 .12 ,36 .30 .58 .73 T .44 T .41 2.06 .89 .47 3.59 2.25 2.01 .03 2.05 1.40 .58 .16 1.76 .30 T .20 .44 2.28 20.47 1.15 .14 .11 T .02 .43 .56 1.56 2.27 1.75 .93 T .50 .94 .80 3.48 .71 1.10 16.45 .12 1.63 .35 1.78 1.58 1.79 .94 2.31 2.22 1.27 .11 .75 2.30 2.66 .08 1.90 .05 2.62 24.46 .80 .10 .82 1.37 1.78 .16 .33 T .19 .31 .21 .08 .14 2.60 2.85 2.34 5.35 1.42 20.85 1.64 .78 3.26 .84 .91 1.29 .95 1.71 3.12 1.20 .82 .11 1.89 .31 1.19 T .32 20.34 1.22 .64 .15 .88 3.37 1.74 4.51 1.16 5.40 2.14 1.45 .97 1.06 .73 .55 2.94 4.98 33.89 April 11-20 ... 3 April 21-30 May 1-10 . . . May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 June 21-30 . . 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 . Aug. 1-10 1 Aug. 11-20 ... 3 Aug 21-31 Sept. 1-10 .... 2 Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 .... ... 3 Total ... 21 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . . . . . 1, 04 1.69 .87 .31 1 66 .50 .83 .32 .90 April 11-20 . . . 2. 36 1.22 2.46 .44 60 1.12 1.89 .23 1.18 April 21-30 5? .24 .03 .08 2 23 2.12 1.36 .26 .88 May 1-10 . . . 2, 36 1.21 1.19 2.11 1 22 1.58 3.12 2.12 1.21 May 11-20 75 1.33 2.30 1.70 4, 64 1.58 3.08 1.74 1.49 May 21-31 87 1.68 1.10 .27 67 .78 .51 1.28 1.04 June 1-10 . . . 2, 47 .64 .80 2.76 ,38 .98 1.79 T 1.17 June 11-20. . . . 6"i 1.76 1.09 1.65 1 98 2.12 .65 3.33 1.52 June 21-30 . . . 2. IP 1.45 .87 .03 27 .09 3.02 .69 1.61 July 1-10. . . 69 T .43 .75 .13 .04 .02 1.00 July 11-20 1 1? .54 .29 .74 1 14 .08 .28 .68 July 21-31 10 .64 1.13 3.76 72 1.54 .09 .72 Aug. 1-10 ... 3 11 .23 1.39 2.91 .73 .26 1.29 Aug 11-20 9q 3.38 1.10 T 1 38 1.23 2.28 1.27 Aug. 21-31 47 3.11 .08 .90 ,78 1.16 1.32 .80 Sept 1-10 .56 4.88 2.40 .29 .22 1.76 Sept. 11-20 . . . 36 .05 .18 .32 1 ,08 2.23 1.43 Sept. 21-30 64 .07 2.76 1.53 ,22 .36 1.26 Total ... 19 PP 19.80 22.95 22.66 20 ,12 17.73 21.21 310 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) PONTIAC, Livingston county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 '.29 .15 .12 .02 .23 .64 .73 .55 .22 .43 .80 35 .17 .63 .01 .52 .89 .88 1.51 1.92 .76 .47 1.35 1.61 .02 ' .91 .05 .56 1.79 .12 .45 .28 1.00 1.03 .29 14.12 .51 .03 .33 .06 4.44 1.20 .30 .14 1.42 .06 .40 1.40 .28 1.24 1.33 .46 .56 14.16 .13 .80 1.97 .75 .51 .75 2.07 .45 4.24 .61 1.51 .65 2.50 1.43 .61 1.53 .88 1.15 22.54 1 1 1 1 10 .29 .22 95 .08 ,47 01 .13 .88 57 .75 .22 36 30 .15 .28 .29 88 83 .84 1.13 1.15 .62 .40 2.28 .01 2.86 .32 .69 .73 4.36 3.10 1.92 .31 5.49 1.13 4.33 31.67 2.19. 3.72 1.51 .79 2.86 2.18 1.85 1.08 .04 2.80 .74 .37 .63 .79 .60 .61 .15 5.57 28.48 1.43 .91 .37 .23 1.00 .34 .48 1.00 1.85 1.73 .24 1.17 .34 .69 .69 .21 .70 .19 13.57 1.68 1.87 .97 .87 1.82 .72 .44 2.82 1.70 3.00 .08 .30 1.80 .09 .02 .25 .38 .70 19.51 April 11-20 . 2 April 21-30 ... 2 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 ... 1 June 1-10 . 1 June 11-20 June 21-30 July 1-10 . . 1 July 11-20 .... July 21-31 Aug 1-10 . . 1 Aug 11-20 ... 1 Aug 21-31 Sept 1-10 . 1 Sept 11-20 ... 4 Sept 21-30 .... ... 1 Total ... 21 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .... .84 .43 .20 .82 .16 .90 .32 .19 .32 .16 56 24 .23 .68 .23 ,28 1.39 .66 .88 1.51 2.24 .80 1.42 .06 1.34 2.51 1.67 .09 2.64 .97 .61 .74 2.14 .94 22.61 .20 .12 .75 1.73 .13 .76 .87 .71 1.03 2.14 .45 3.17 .33 .11 .18 1.01 .82 14.51 2.56 1.37 .61 2.70 4.24 .53 .85 1.18 2.09 .55 .28 .05 2.03 .24 .23 .57 .64 6.69 27.41 2 2 4 I. 15 .76 .38 27 .07 13 25 ,58 37 70 ,12 15 06 ,86 62 ,28 07 23 27 ,17 .80 1.33 .72 5.36 .63 1.24 1.74 .71 1.95 2.74 .49 .05 1.28 1.09 :g 1.08 1.26 .36 .08 .25 .06 .25 .68 .49 .40 .48 2.78 .52 3.59 3.11 16.29 1.61 .87 2.72 1.25 .95 1.68 1.17 1.76 1.73 T 1.26 .18 .61 .42 .17 .37 T .25 17.00 1.68 .87 .25 .30 3.12 1.74 2.20 .42 2.17 1.40 .45 3.42 .42 1.19 .83 .64 2.85 23.95 April 11-20 ... 3 April 21-30 May 1-10 ... May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 . 2 June 21-30 . 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug 1-10 .... Aug. 11-20 ... 1 Aug 21-31 Sept 1-10 .... Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 Total ... 13 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . 1 76 1 33 1.33 3.21 .57 1.56 1.06 .44 1.14 April 11-20 . . . ... 2 3P 73 1.83 .20 1.00 2.98 2.18 .55 1.32 April 21-30 65 1 39 T .12 4.75 4.36 1.08 1.04 1.20 May 1-10 80 1 1? 1.39 1.68 3.09 1.12 2.38 3.59 1.29 May 11-20 13 1 05 1.46 2.07 5.10 .65 2.70 .86 1.52 May 21-31 81 1 65 .75 .06 .41 4.01 .39 1.08 1.03 June 1-10 ... 3 57 5? 1.51 3.64 1.54 .50 .21 .15 1.07 June 11-20 46 1 ?0 1.31 .69 1.14 1.94 1.68 6.77 1.36 June 21-30 ... 2 5? 39 .63 .27 T .31 .52 .46 1.05 July 1-10. . . . 2 00 n 1.12 1.93 .63 .75 2.84 1.14 July 11-20 . 2, 16 ?6 .74 1.04 .24 .49 .04 .30 .70 July 21-31 94 T .92 .48 .52 1.20 .11 .83 .78 Aug. 1-10 1 15 1 ?6 .07 1.64 6.64 1.02 .32 1.45 Aug. 11-20 4? 3 ?6 1.42 T .02 2.03 .31 1.14 .94 Aug 21-31 56 49 .74 3.96 .31 2.15 .21 .03 .72 Sept. 1-10 . 01 50 1.43 .78 1.60 .03 .60 .56 1.02 Sept 11-20 OT T .06 .68 .69 1 92 1 93 .11 1.01 Sept. 21-30 16 31 1.84 1.41 .01 1.24 4.57 .28 1.52 Total ... 20. 7? 15 46 18.55 23.86 28.26 26.49 21.74 21.35 20.26 1949] Table 12. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 311 -NORTHERN ILLINOIS : Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) ROCKFORD, Winnebago county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 1 27 .47 2.26 .08 .55 1.24 1.89 .09 .25 T 2.60 1.11 1.57 .21 T 1.34 .16 T 13.82 .70 .27 .41 .03 1.26 T 2.75 .49 1.52 .67 .47 .53 1.36 .93 1.79 1.55 1.19 .70 16.62 .42 .36 1.74 .19 .48 .80 2.13 1.14 3.52 .64 T 1.44 3.25 2.52 .92 .81 .97 .38 21.71 T .97 1.70 .64 .78 .03 .56 1.60 1.05 2.12 1.18 .98 2.75 .45 1.27 2.14 2.50 20.72 .30 1.00 1.01 .65 9.32 .67 3.27 T 3.63 .73 1.34 .90 2.34 1.60 1.67 1.94 3.41 1.77 .47 .74 3.57 .71 .06 1.11 .17 .57 T .74 .46 T 1.29 3.87 2.43 23.31 2.45 .94 T .05 .93 .24 .50 2.66 3.34 1.04 1.29 .02 2.00 1.07 1.51 .15 1.38 T 19.57 1.48 3.22 1.50 .10 1.49 1.11 T 2.82 2.18 .81 .36 1.60 .84 .46 .30 1.97 1.00 2.00 23.24 April 11-20 ... 1 16 April 21-30 ... 3 . 86 May 1-10 13 May 11-20 .08 May 21-31 ... 1.13 June 1-10 .64 June 11-20 ... 1 . 86 June 21-30 86 July 1-10. . .04 July 11-20 .63 July 21-31 .05 Aug. 1-10. . . . ... 1 . 28 Aug. 11-20 ... 2.61 Aug 21-31. . . .32 Sept. 1-10 .94 Sept 1 1-20 3 34 Sept 21-30 . . 1 . 99 Total ... 22.19 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 T .18 .62 1.09 1.78 1.75 .13 1.56 .01 2.00 .47 3.61 .02 1.37 .13 1.28 .97 1.55 2.02 20.54 .27 .05 .90 1.17 .13 .93 .93 1.62 .46 2.39 T .33 .84 1.34 1.06 .87 .12 13.41 .85 .34 .90 3.95 2.73 2.20 .02 2.32 3.69 1.75 .86 1.32 .06 T .41 1.50 1.15 24.05 1.60 T T .03 .20 .45 .43 .65 1.41 2.44 .88 .08 1.71 .37 .46 1.88 1.07 1.51 15.17 T 1.84 .37 1.80 1.15 3.00 1.29 3.30 2.18 5.17 .40 .76 3.49 2.49 .25 1.94 .44 .31 30.18 1.17 .13 .45 .22 .60 .24 3.55 .15 .12 T .26 .40 .84 2.92 6.97 1.92 4.41 1.53 25.88 1.17 .74 2.11 .86 .87 1.52 .13 3.99 2.28 .04 .01 T .25 2.52 .94 1.09 1.10 .32 19.94 .56 .91 .24 .87 1.85 1.64 2.24 1.16 2.49 2.79 1.86 .75 1.33 1.65 2.56 4.51 3.05 T 30.54 April 11-20 . . 2 . 64 April 21-30 .55 May 1-10 .79 May 11-20 . . .41 May 21-31 ... 1.27 June 1-10 1.59 June 11-20. . . . ... 1.73 June 21-30 .99 July 1-10 1.47 July 11-20 .59 July 21-31 .64 Aug 1-10 .74 Aug. 11-20 .16 Aug. 21-31 .18 Sept 1-10 . . 3.23 Sept. 11-20 .19 Sept 21-30 1.19 Total. ... 18 . 36 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 37 1.62 1.18 .85 1.00 .89 2.15 .60 4.61 4.26 1.10 3.46 .32 4.13 3.50 .19 .18 30.04 .79 1.90 .06 .85 1.31 1.95 2.32 1.78 1.98 .29 .80 2.14 .72 2.36 .25 6.85 .35 3.06 29.76 .50 .48 .08 1.58 1.34 1.76 1.75 2.54 .09 1.70 1.57 .73 6.45 .09 1.34 3.75 1.79 .50 28.04 1.45 1.08 1.69 .95 2.69 2.08 .98 .57 1.25 2.39 1.85 .76 1.87 2.72 2.29 .80 .54 .27 26.23 .64 1.65 1.71 1.15 1.86 2.19 1.19 1.95 1.60 .60 1.04 2.15 .20 2.02 3.38 2.37 .25 25.95 .63 2.48 1.22 2.10 3.48 2.09 1.55 .50 3.55 .10 .05 2.01 .18 1.60 1.63 2.38 1.10 5.10 31.75 .56 .35 .80 .35 2.04 .25 .05 .05 2.25 .05 .84 1.21 .98 .91 1.14 1.46 1.22 1.81 1.67 1.37 .89 .95 1.48 1.32 1.24 1.73 1.45 1.19 22.86 April 1 1-20 ... 1.55 April 21-30 .91 May 1-10 . . 1.41 May 11-20 .12 May 21-31 2 53 June 1-10 . 2.34 June 11-20 39 June 21-30. .59 July 1-10 43 July 11-20 . . 1 . 82 July 21-31. .04 Aug. 1-10 1.89 Aug. 11-20 Aug 21-31 . . 36 .12 Sept. 1-10 .64 Sept. 11-20 .33 Sept. 21-30. ... .68 Total 16.52 312 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -NORTHERN ILLINOIS : Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) SYCAMORE, DeKalb county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 . . . .62 .49 1.63 .12 .56 .79 2.43 .10 .21 .01 2.49 1.50 2.22 .62 .11 2.85 .62 16.75 .76 .32 .54 .10 1.34 .03 ' 3.11 .49 1.02 .77 .56 .69 1.51 1.71 1.76 2.46 1.17 .41 18.75 .46 .24 1.21 1.14 .27 .72 1.86 1.22 4.41 .54 3.21 5.19 2.28 .37 .80 1.34 .41 25.67 .01 .95 1.32 .84 1.01 .07 1.20 2.92 1.16 1.09 .98 1.94 .51 1.70 .91 2.53 1.38 20.52 1.38 .01 .70 .45 1.07 .48 .37 4.85 .50 2.30 .01 2.60 2.76 1.60 1.75 2.35 1.94 2.88 28.00 1.19 3.41 1.66 1.09 .73 3.27 1.04 .09 1.92 .22 .05 .02 1.06 .32 .26 .20 2.60 3.51 22.64 2.41 .77 .01 .17 .78 .56 .52 2.44 3.14 1.40 3.24 .51 1.08 .62 3.79 .35 1.79 .01 23.59 .30 2.90 1.69 .08 1.48 1.43 .06 4.64 .96 1.21 1.59 1.51 1.25 .29 .29 .60 .01 2.59 22.88 April 11-20 ... 2.16 April 21-30 . . 2 68 May 1-10 .02 May 11-20 .22 May 21-31 .99 June 1-10 .70 June 11-20 .73 June 21-30 . . 2.42 July 1-10 .47 July 11-20 .20 July 21-31 .09 Aug. 1-10 1.50 Aug. 11-20 . 2.85 Aug 21-31 .17 Sept 1-10 1.89 Sept 1 1-20 3 05 Sept 21-30 ... 1 . 07 Total ... 21.83 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .41 .05 1.04 .77 1.86 1.74 1.53 .16 2.87 2.62 .81 1.46 .07 1.43 1.92 .59 1.53 20.86 .01 .78 2.18 .10 1.11 3.79 .52 .88 2.56 .12 .98 .27 2.27 .64 1.83 .10 18.14 1.01 .83 1.12 2.95 2.49 1.37 .51 T 3.12 2.98 .10 1.08 .83 .04 .27 1.01 1.20 20.91 1.27 .04 .06 .02 .01 .56 .62 .46 .98 2.13 .79 1.72 1.13 .53 2.53 1.02 2.00 15.87 .95 .87 .20 1.79 1.36 2.38 .87 2.11 2.12 1.01 .02 1.26 .72 1.19 .27 1.66 .03 1.61 20.42 .64 .55 .72 1.31 .12 2.00 .12 .57 .26 .21 .48 5.84 4.62 1.96 6.95 1.38 27.73 1.12 1.45 1.90 .76 1.15 1.63 .21 4.18 1.89 T .67 .74 1.21 2.84 .39 2.19 1.70 .20 24.23 .68 .94 .17 .93 3.73 1.40 3.72 .27 3.53 1.07 1.33 1.44 1.31 1.88 1.03 2.16 2.57 28.16 April 11-20 . . 4.08 April 21-30 .21 May 1-10 1.07 May 11-20 .37 May 21-31 .45 June 1-10 1.19 June 11-20 .75 June 21-30 ... 1 . 20 July 1-10 49 July 11-20 .42 Jnly 21-31 .34 Aug. 1-10 .67 Aug. 11-20 .97 Aug 21-31 01 Sept. 1-10 . . . 2 90 Sept. 11-20 .04 Sept. 21-30 ... 3.10 Total ... 18 . 26 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 77 1.10 1.73 .14 1.36 1.05 2.02 .16 2.50 1.62 .33 .51 1.19 .33 5.11 3.59 .43 .13 23.30 .59 1.82 .04 .96 2.88 4.00 .89 .46 .64 .59 .92 2.28 1.08 .57 .76 5.84 .09 2.66 27.07 .24 .24 .05 2.08 1.90 .38 1.55 3.42 .15 .86 .38 1.13 6.27 .64 2.45 .94 .40 23.08 1.05 .26 1.83 1.16 3.82 .95 2.04 .87 .65 .95 3.49 .59 .94 1.16 3.15 .30 1.32 .15 24.68 .47 .90 1.80 .82 1.38 2.64 1.15 1.26 1.21 .04 .38 1.12 1.33 1.70 2.19 .38 18.77 .73 2.75 1.42 2.20 3.99 1.14 1.43 .86 2.78 .09 .43 1.33 .67 1.51 1.17 3.55 1.50 4.33 31.88 .46 T .44 1.11 .94 1.44 .04 3.95 .80 .23 .13 1.51 1.04 .18 .97 13.24 .74 1.14 .84 1.06 1.41 1.32 1.25 1.57 1.63 1.03 .76 .97 1.48 1.43 1.17 1.61 1.42 1.27 22.10 April 11-20 . . . ... 2.21 April 21-30 .24 May 1-10 ... 2 . 25 May 11-20 .53 May 21-31 . . 1 10 June 1-10 1.80 June 11-20. . . ... 1 34 June 21-30 ... 1.91 July 1-10 33 July 11-20 ... 1.13 July 21-31 .48 Aug. 1-10 . 2.64 Aug. 11-20 .16 Aug. 21-31 33 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 .43 22 Sept. 21-30 .68 Total 18 55 1949] Table 12. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 313 -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) TISKILWA, Bureau county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .15 1.49 .63 .55 .27 .73 1.59 .02 .86 .18 .32 2.83 .37 .86 .01 .75 2.96 .30 14.72 .36 .19 .93 .08 2.45 1.92 .87 1.01 3.03 .83 T .07 1.58 .11 .45 1.89 .73 1.66 18.16 .38 .39 1.66 .49 .43 1.16 2.87 .53 5.05 1.01 .97 2.09 2.78 6.08 1.48 1.08 2.07 .59 31.11 .57 .94 1.96 .15 1.28 .01 1.09 3.30 .54 1.35 .90 ,48 .41 .80 T .65 2.94 1.74 19.11 1.14 1.16 1.29 .60 .73 2.23 .66 3.80 .64 2.09 .15 3.61 2.24 1.32 .37 4.24 1.95 3.19 31.41 2.78 2.72 1.16 2.18 1.70 1.80 2.50 .83 . .96 .21 .18 .58 .82 1.10 .68 2.73 1.49 2.48 26.90 1.97 .77 .04 .10 .92 .34 .73 2.08 2.67 1.86 1.88 .90 1.12 .02 1.21 .16 1.07 .25 18.09 2.43 3.20 1.79 T 1.09 .69 .37 1.89 .55 8.48 .49 .52 2.11 T .49 .08 .28 1.37 25.83 April 11-20 ... 2.94 April 21-30 . . . ... 2.76 May 1-10 .04 May 11-20 . . .78 May 21-31 ... 2.81 June 1-10 . 2.35 June 11-20. . . . .03 June 21-30 .40 July 1-10 . . 65 July 11-20 .84 July 21-31 .27 Aug 1-10 . . 3.67 Aug. 11-20 .83 Aug. 21-31 ... 1.47 Sept 1-10 . 2.82 Sept 11-20 . . . ... 4.27 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.67 Total . . 28.75 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .52 .55 .90 1.62 1.75 1.55 1.87 .24 .13 .71 .99 .79 1.55 .72 1.52 2.47 .92 2.04 20.84 .08 .51 .47 2.61 .15 .67 .57 1.58 .60 2.81 .04 3.26 .71 1.06 .03 1.60 .10 16.85 1.48 1.00 .69 2.95 2.44 1.33 .91 1.38 2.52 .34 .18 2.29 .06 .22 T .42 2.59 20.80 .88 .10 .10 .04 .02 .96 1.39 .42 1.86 .30 2.76 T .96 2.18 .33 4.42 1.74 .94 19.40 .44 .92 .23 3.31 1.32 1.90 1.30 2.13 2.40 2.37 .68 1.38 2.25 1.11 .07 1.44 1.70 24.95 .93 .04 .75 1.51 .78 .16 .34 T .20 .07 .47 .18 1.06 .43 2.28 1.74 3.94 2.73 17.61 1.83 .79 2.42 1.87 .93 .82 1.09 1.71 .14 2.26 .68 .08 2.91 1.32 .46 .16 .32 19.79 3.14 .69 .18 .99 3.23 .68 2.87 .53 1.85 1.88 .96 2.41 .14 .31 .65 .46 .96 21.93 April 11-20 ... 3.29 April 21-30 . . . .82 May 1-10 .22 May 11-20 . 1.47 May 21-31 .22 June 1-10 .85 June 11-20 .41 June 21-30 ... 1 . 10 July 1-10. . . .37 July 11-20 July 21-31 .05 Aug 1-10 . . .98 Aug. 11-20 .30 Aug. 21-31 .03 Sept 1-10 .. 1.24 Sept. 11-20 .14 Sept. 21-30 2.91 Total . . . , . . . 14.40 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 31 .96 1.29 .35 1.19 .67 1.45 .02 1.77 1.18 .01 .42 .68 .30 2.22 2.91 .80 .13 16.35 1.63 2.11 .05 .85 1.83 1.63 2.65 1.22 1.76 .38 .50 1.21 .15 1.99 T 4.08 .11 2.04 24.19 1.37 .33 .14 2.17 1.49 .38 1.37 .95 .12 2.19 3.11 1.39 4.21 2.18 2.47 .35 .48 24.70 .70 .46 4.59 1.41 5.10 .32 .98 1.46 .59 .30 .16 .46 2.75 1.50 1.65 .40 1.32 .04 24.19 .35 2.40 2.64 1.30 .56 4.42 .90 1.42 1.75 .78 .52 1.77 .47 1.92 .68 21.88 1.00 2.11 1.47 3.16 3.23 .56 1.46 .56 1.19 .12 .84 1.43 1.17 .88 1.77 2.03 4.05 27.03 .26 T .40 2.24 1.11 .83 .05 6.24 T .35 .26 .40 .52 1.63 .05 1.08 .08 .90 16.40 1.08 1.21 1.10 1.31 1.42 1.25 1.28 1.37 1.25 1.33 .85 .80 1.58 1.11 .94 1.54 1.20 1.34 21.96 April 11-20 . . 1.85 April 21-30 ... .28 May 1-10 . 2.65 May 11-20. . . . .66 May 21-31. . . . . 1 . 99 June 1-10 . 3.33 June 11-20 .60 June 21-30. ... 2 . 29 July 1-10 . 3.47 July 11-20. . . . 92 July 21-31. ... 55 Aug. 1-10 . 3.46 Aug 11-20 .87 Aug. 21-31. . . . 53 Sept 1-10 Sept. 11-20 28 Sept. 21-30 23 Total , . . . 25.27 314 Table 12. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -NORTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Concluded) WALNUT, Bureau county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .28 1.39 1.01 .12 .47 .59 2.71 .01 .63 .07 3.12 1.72 .26 .75 T 1.33 2.60 .19 T 16.97 .78 .05 .58 .08 1.85 1.27 1.31 1.87 1.86 .85 .18 .11 .78 .29 .44 1.00 .74 1.48 15.52 .23 .14 1.16 .57 .30 .39 2.76 .69 3.99 1.02 .18 2.42 2.56 2.84 1.25 1.58 .96 .74 23.78 .19 1.50 1.91 .15 .89 .02 .84 3.10 1.12 .50 .36 1.02 .67 .91 .21 1.72 3.11 1.92 20.14 1.22 .85 .50 .28 .57 1.20 T 3.13 .20 .98 .09 3.20 2.40 2.92 1.07 6.98 4.01 J.84 31.44 2.03 2.16 1.65 1.67 .93 2.20 2.89 .57 .44 .39 .03 .85 2.25 1.20 .45 1.93 1.13 2.10 24.87 2.21 .74 .01 .11 1.17 .66 .49 2.28 1.96 2.21 2.19 .68 1.45 .33 1.63 .42 1.76 T 20.30 1.18 3.48 1.58 .01 1.56 1.32 .20 4.49 .15 3.90 1.08 T 2.46 .04 .11 '1.83 1.48 1.30 26.17 April 11-20 2 37 April 21-30 ... 2 . 54 May 1-10 .06 May 11-20 .36 May 21-31 . . . ... 1.61 June 1-10 1.53 June 11-20 .46 June 21-30 .80 July 1-10 T July 11-20 1.21 July 21-31 .07 Aug 1-10 . . 5.63 Aug. 11-20 ... 2.37 Aug 21-31 .50 Sept 1-10 1.81 Sept. 11-20 ... 6.01 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.40 Total . . 29.01 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 T .51 1.22 .61 .95 1.37 1.66 3.51 T .31 .03 2.53 .09 2.18 .64 .65 3.61 1.44 1.66 22.97 .30 .41 .52 2.49 .12 .77 .72 2.29 1.64 3.36 .15 4.32 .77 1.32 1.25 .05 20.48 .89 .79 1.00 2.20 2.37 1.84 .27 .85 1.40 .57 .10 2.11 .20 .02 .14 .79 2.27 17.81 .76 .08 .07 T T .76 .90 1.39 2.12 2.37 1.39 T .71 2.18 .88 3.89 1.26 1.98 20.74 .18 1.10 .30 2.07 2.53 1.57 1.73 3.63 1.84 2.17 .51 .77 3.31 1.87 .35 1.96 .09 1.59 27.57 .97 .02 .96 .87 1.11 .24 1.50 .20 .52 .14 .67 1.10 2.77 1.64 6.32 4.14 23.17 1.52 1.03 2.63 1.41 1.08 4.29 .26 1.33 .70 1.98 .34 .13 2.78 3.18 1.04 .08 .54 24.32 2.34 .38 .08 .52 3.27 2.32 1.95 .45 2.01 2.44 .48 4.26 .70 .64 .55 1.95 3.92 28.26 April 11-20 3.29 April 21-30 .63 May 1-10 .33 May 11-20 67 May 21-31 .87 June 1-10 1.18 June 11-20. ... 1.52 June 21-30 . . 1.03 July 1-10 1.78 July 11-20 July 21-31 .19 Aug 1-10 .89 Aug. 11-20 09 Aug 21-31 .02 Sept. 1-10 .... 1.40 Sept 11-20 04 Sept 21-30 . . 3 02 Total ... 16.95 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 .93 .90 .91 .34 .94 .80 2.07 .67 1.31 .67 T .25 .40 .35 1.49 2.36 .97 .02 14.45 1.00 1.86 .01 1.11 2.42 1.67 3.97 .75 .33 .74 .55 3.64 T .69 .05 5.89 .18 1.79 26.65 .25 .15 .11 1.53 2.63 .50 1.57 1.88 .06 1.71 1.56 .49 5.02 T 1.38 .87 .47 .37 20.55 1.12 .49 3.83 1.24 3.89 .31 1.12 .84 .03 2.01 .55 .98 .98 1.30 .66 .15 1.31 .03 20.84 .02 1.23 2.01 1.50 1.84 .76 .76 1.00 .79 T T 1.25 T 1.36 1.12 1.68 2.57 .22 18.11 .46 2.. 89 1.32 2.45 4.00 .67 2.04 1.26 3.44 .06 T .33 .43 3.64 1.14 1.49 1.00 3.91 30.53 .48 .08 .16 2.17 2.44 1.73 T 5.65 T .40 .55 .20 .62 1.89 1.05 2.03 .46 1.43 21.34 .85 1.14 .97 1.02 1.51 1.32 1.35 1.58 1.08 1.32 .77 .85 1.74 1.24 .95 1.87 1.58 1.32 22.46 April 1 1-20 . . . ... 1 . 49 April 21-30 64 May 1-10. 1.23 May 11-20 46 May 21-31 . . . 1.08 June 1-10 2 99 June 11-20 .47 June 21-30 ... 1.55 July 1-10 2 88 July 11-20. . . 1 . 57 July 21-31 .14 Aug. 1-10. . . . . . 3 96 Aug. 11-20 .66 Aug 21-31 .28 Sept. 1-10 T Sept 11-20 .58 Sept. 21-30 . . 44 Total .. . 21.35 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 315 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Inches) BEARDSTOWN, Cass county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .21 1.46 2.56 .65 .94 1.04 1.33 .58 .19 1.08 .66 1.25 .03 1.77 .52 1.46 .63 16.15 1.13 T .29 .03 2.22 1.41 .61 .45 3.00 .08 1.02 .69 3.77 1.00 .28 .87 .85 2.42 20.12 .41 .15 .96 1.96 . .38 1.79 3.10 .76 3.47 .59 1.50 1.21 .65 .79 1.50 .53 1.50 .45 21.70 1.16 .42 1.14 .10 .98 .73 .35 1.21 1.88 2.17 .36 2.38 1.91 3.86 .19 .73 .78 1.66 22.01 2.37 .17 1.35 .07 .31 1.83 .50 4.44 .48 1.41 3.44 1.27 2.98 1.65 6.02 2.49 1.98 32.76 3.13 3.62 .11 1.78 1.34 3.47 .79 1.98 .37 .10 .94 2.71 1.24 1.54 .34 1.15 .31 2.09 27.01 2.37 .66 .09 T 2.16 .08 2.82 .98 3.64 .27 .18 3.64 1.47 .87 .88 .08 2.73 1.09 24.01 1.60 1.66 2.05 1.33 3.22 .23 1.47 2.18 .49 2.09 4.39 .04 .75 .25 .02 .47 .94 1.00 24.18 April 11-20 ... 1 . 82 April 21-30 ... 2.92 May 1-10 .92 May 11-20 .15 May 21-31 .35 June 1-10 .23 June 11-20 .76 June 21-30 ... 1 . 83 July 1-10 .52 July 11-20 .86 July 21-31 .18 Aug 1-10 3 06 Aug 11-20 ... 1.12 Aug. 21-31 .07 Sept 1-10 . 4.10 Sept. 11-20 . . . ... 3.85 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 . 50 Total . . . 24.45 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 1.07 .17 .90 1.45 4.80 .91 1.70 .59 2.34 3.26 .96 .02 1.17 .01 .57 2.22 .75 1.16 24.05 .06 .16 .44 .83 .29 .21 4.04 2.03 .61 2.34 T 1.93 3.18 6.40 .12 .56 1.71 .65 25.56 2.14 1.35 .69 1.04 2.70 2.60 .68 .45 1.05 1.56 .67 2.74 T .42 .35 .17 1.16 19.77 .30 .07 .30 T .34 .07 .62 .58 1.18 .81 .22 .65 2.99 .33 5.65 2.36 2.32 18.79 1.12 1.32 .36 7.62 2.94 2.18 1.61 2.19 .47 .65 .17 1.82 .08 .29 .27 1.72 .41 25.22 .40 .08 .51 2.01 .42 .58 1.00 1.12 .39 1.22 .03 .36 .65 .05 .95 2.45 3.94 16.16 .83 .46 2.68 1.04 .24 .71 1.26 1.43 1.36 .32 3.08 1.02 .57 1.19 .21 1.66 .04 1.18 19.28 2.78 1.00 .61 .87 2.71 2.66 .97 1.96 .90 1.49 .55 T 1.35 .04 1.68 .65 1.93 22.15 April 11-20 ... 1.45 April 21-30 .53 May 1-10 1.12 May 11-20 .42 May 21-31 .33 June 1-10 .03 June 11-20 .76 June 21-30 .... ... 1.49 July 1-10. . . .32 July 11-20 .03 July 21-31 .29 Aug. 1-10 .53 Aug. 11-20 .77 Aug. 21-31 .98 Sept 1-10 .07 Sept. 11-20 . . . ... 2.33 Sept. 21-30 .20 Total ... 11.65 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 .30 1.04 .76 1.26 .39 .80 .94 1.44 1.16 .53 .86 .01 1.44 1.16 .91 T .05 12.75 2.32 3.02 T 1.56 1.49 .50 2.33 1.38 1.14 2.07 .16 .22 T 2.14 .47 4.09 .44 2.59 25.92 3.25 .40 .12 1.71 2.76 .33 3.93 1.03 .98 4.64 .83 1.91 .34 .20 .58 .81 .63 1.57 26.02 1.46 .63 2.88 2.58 6.41 .24 .79 .34 .17 1.77 1.60 1.47 2.15 .03 .53 1.91 1.15 .18 26.29 .52 3.87 2.67 2.56 .64 1.97 .12 .34 .74 T .10 1.91 .40 3.22 .05 1.56 3.03 23.70 .82 2.05 1.40 2.25 1.89 .11 4.81 1.64 1.88 .87 .15 T .04 .64 .86 3.69 4.42 27.52 .65 1.95 1.05 2.39 2.37 .51 .16 3.55 .20 .04 1.62 .48 2.20 .97 .29 1.40 .50 .57 20.90 1.27 1.29 1.02 1.45 1.66 1.09 1.39 1.37 1.27 1.11 .94 1.11 1.31 1.30 .63 1.44 1.30 1.38 22.33 April 11-20 . . . ... 3.78 April 21-30 .67 May 1-10 1.16 May 11-20 .13 May 21-31 . . . .. 1.19 June 1-10 .74 June 11-20 ... 2.90 June 21-30 ... 1.56 July 1-10 .80 July 11-20 ... 2 . 33 July 21-31 ... 1.22 Aug. 1-10 . 3.15 Aug 11-20 1.80 Aug 21-31 .33 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 .32 Total . 22.38 316 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) BLOOMINGTON, McLean county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 ... .29 2.06 1.76 1.00 .87 1.56 1.55 .30 .82 1.51 .41 .96 1.51 .64 .39 1.90 .71 .27 18.22 1.48 .02 .30 .09 5.92 1.12 .19 .42 2.39 .12 .03 1.35 4.54 .35 .56 2.20 .73 .92 22.73 .25 .07 1.39 1.35 .67 1.10 2.05 .62 5.14 .32 1.68 1.O7 3.65 6.61 2.50 1.54 .77 .76 31.54 .76 .24 1.44 .01 .53 .05 .09 1.10 1.12 2.51 .20 .70 .45 2.74 2.26 1.44 2.62 18.26 1.17 .67 .94 .69 .51 1.17 .16 4.32 .28 .42 T 1.79 .92 1.58 .23 8.99 .95 a. 56 28.35 2.30 3.60 .67 1.08 3.96 1.77 1.70 1.74 1.83 1.43 1.53 .98 1.30 1.06 .43 3.41 .21 5.76 34.76 1.32 .88 .15 .13 1.95 .34 2.19 .48 2.51 1.74 .25 1.12 .12 1.11 1.47 3.63 .29 19.68 2.37 .48 1.06 1.45 2.44 .57 1.03 1.24 .53 8.08 .90 .30 3.55 .54 .27 .18 .38 1.12 26.49 April 11-20 ... 1 . 76 April 21-30 . 2.61 May 1-10 .07 May 11-20 .08 May 21-31 ... 2.33 June 1-10 . 4.09 June 11-20 .75 June 21-30 ... 1.66 July 1-10 .59 July 11-20 . . 1.05 July 21-31 ... 1.20 Aug 1-10 . 2.26 Aug. 11-20 Aug 21-31 ... 5.09 ... 3.09 Sept 1-10 .... . 4.80 Sept 11-20 ... 1.11 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.93 Total ... 34 . 76 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 1.88 .68 1.01 2.29 2.52 .72 1.37 .99 1.26 2.52 .71 .78 .12 2.11 3.31 .45 22.72 .15 .29 1.20 .78 T .41 .68 2.87 .15 1.64 .41 2.38 .94 .85 2.01 .58 15.34 2.19 1.36 1.03 2.92 4.75 .94 T .20 1.82 .34 .04 .20 1.30 .02 .49 .30 .72 4.50 23.12 .62 .28 .23 T .23 .20 .75 1.82 1.17 2.89 T 1.47 2.96 .27 3.98 .51 2.48 19.86 .95 1.30 1.07 5.46 1.31 1.44 .72 4.90 1.76 T .18 3.06 .38 .81 .01 2.09 .90 26.34 .71 T 1.09 4.43 .63 .87 .50 .30 .47 .85 .06 2.72 1.34 1.47 3.56 4.37 23.37 1.54 .67 2.30 .84 .42 .68 2.32 1.65 2.40 .05 .59 .90 1.75 .50 .16 1.74 .13 .22 18.86 2.48 .62 .86 .25 2.29 1..80 3.00 .98 1.97 1.23 1.48 1.45 .37 .31 1.18 .50 2.11 22.88 April 11-20 ... 3.49 April 21-30 .42 May 1-10 .51 May 11-20 ... 1.31 May 21-31 .20 June 1-10 .14 June 11-20 ... 1.78 June 21-30 .... ... 1.70 July 1-10 .27 July 11-20- .03 July 21-31 .21 Aug. 1-10 .28 Aug 11-20 . 1.08 Aug 21-31. . . . .13 Sept. 1-10 .04 Sept 11-20 1.11 Sept 21-30 .78 Total .. . 13.48 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1.49 1.95 .91 .79 1.38 1.81 1.01 .19 2.63 .12 .74 .34 .70 2.82 .72 .87 .07 17.05 1.76 2.61 1.62 1.81 1.44 2.36 2.30 1.67 .85 .68 .79 1.58 .56 1.97 T 1.94 23.94 2.77 .31 .16 2.00 1.96 .02 1.48 1.73 .48 2.24 .77 .41 .73 3.33 1.02 .29 1.65 21.35 .34 .70 2.06 3.49 6.04 .31 2.99 .74 .07 .48 1.21 .90 6.30 .01 .25 .60 .83 27.32 1.35 3.11 3.61 1.37 .42 .51 .28 .53 .69 1.18 .05 1.44 .78 2.35 .26 1.37 1.50 20.80 1.14 2.04 1.24 2.44 3.03 .08 2.50 3.21 2.07 1.17 2.72 .05 3.28 2.14 .03 .58 2.42 4.16 34.20 .03 1.06 .76 3.70 1.36 1.78 .34 6.33 .43 .13 .10 .67 .55 1.89 .01 .92 .20 1.35 21.61 1.28 1.23 1.07 1.52 1.87 .89 1.31 1.30 1.38 1.13 .85 .84 1.55 2.54 .86 1.64 1.08 1.61 22.95 April 11-20. . . . ... 3.14 April 21-30 .43 May 1-10 .30 May 11-20 1 17 May 21-31 . . . .64 June 1-10 . 2.67 June 11-20 .53 June 21-30 .... .99 July 1-10 . 2.84 July 11-20 . . . 1.60 July 21-31 .35 Aug 1-10 1.73 Aug 11-20 . . . 1.15 Aug 21-31 .06 Sept 1-10 .... Sept. 11-20 T Sept 21-30 . . .03 Total . . . 19.12 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 317 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) CARLINVILLE, Macoupin county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .32 5.75 3.44 .62 .63 .25 .80 .52 .40 .50 .68 .30 2.08 .12 1.56 .84 .02 18.51 .80 1.45 .61 .15 2.01 .47 .36 1.76 1.84 2.44 .56 .13 2.03 .94 1.18 3.38 2.24 .82 23.17 .28 .10 .77 1.19 1.13 2.72 2.64 2.06 1.13 .23 1.02 1.62 1.53 .42 1.20 1.17 2.26 .48 21.95 .27 .17 .73 .53 .35 .66 .49 1.22 3.85 1.17 2.80 ,84 .26 3.81 .10 1.87 2.35 21.47 1.52 .39 1.36 .56 .60 .96 .41 3.67 .57 1.03 .32 .41 .20 2.54 1.30 5.39 2.30 4.57 28.10 5.48 3.45 .05 3.61 1.03 4.60 .44 2.69 .39 .18 1.26 4.85 1.89 3.33 .08 .41 .14 3.47 37.35 3.38 .66 .39 .04 3.17 .20 3.12 2.45 1.19 3.68 T 2.70 1.31 .12 .60 .02 2.34 .84 26.21 4.52 1.36 2.45 3.27 4.42 .71 1.52 1.98 .83 2.75 .56 T 1.55 .08 T .44 1.14 .28 27.86 April 11-20 ... 2.15 April 21-30 . . 3.31 May 1-10 1.26 May 11-20 .17 May 21-31 .... .57 June 1-10 .83 June 11 20 1.56 June 21-30 . . . 1.18 July 1-10 July 11-20 . . . 1.27 July 21-31. . . . .42 Aug 1-10 . 2.47 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.42 Aug 21-31 .11 Sept 1-10 . 2.36 Sept 11-20 1.17 Sept 21-30 ... 2 . 30 Total ... 22 . 87 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .02 .65 .79 1.35 1.59 1.27 .78 2.46 .14 .63 .12 .31 1.15 1.74 .37 .70 2.25 .06 1.59 17.95 .05 .86 1.81 1.42 .13 .77 2.68 1.79 .62 1.05 .11 1.41 3.05 3.65 1.07 .28 1.26 .52 22.53 1.07 1.36 .63 1.25 3.42 3.74 .11 T 1.06 1.25 T .77 .03 2.84 2.67 20.20 .88 .45 .53 T .13 T 1.43 .90 .06 .57 .32 1.35 1.98 .65 2.73 1.16 3.06 16.20 1.37 .53 .85 2.45 4.47 1.18 1.66 1.80 2.25 T 1.73 .72 .21 1.35 T 2.07 1.59 24.23 .61 T 2.02 .70 1.40 .26 1.07 .11 1.45 .15 .11 .21 .22 .08 1.12 T 4.19 13.70 .95 1.61 2.25 2.58 .81 1.21 3.42 2.62 2.00 2.39 .92 .55 1.48 .46 .02 1.39 .66 25.32 2.60 .28 .66 1.18 1.68 3.45 1.53 2.55 3.47 .37 1.86 1.08 .10 T 3.12 .03 1.01 24.97 April 11-20 1.86 April 21-30 .47 May 1-10 1.09 May 11-20 .61 May 21-31 . . . .15 June 1-10 .14 June 11-20 ... 1 . 19 June 21-30 ... 1 . 86 July 1-10 .35 July 11-20 .04 July 21-31 .... .13 Aug. 1-10 .75 Aug. 11-20 .23 Aug 21-31 . . . .23 Sept. 1-10 .75 Sept. 11-20 ... 2.62 Sept 21-30 . . . .56 Total . . . 13.05 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1.34 .84 .97 1.27 .62 1.59 1.33 .07 2.51 1.46 .77 1.43 1.41 2.78 .16 17.21 1.77 3.39 .09 1.08 .89 .18 2.44 .24 2.07 3.35 .35 .20 1.09 1.29 2.59 .09 2.49 23.60 2.41 .07 .05 1.11 2.92 .10 2.58 3.81 3.56 9.27 2.15 .17 1.67 .69 .02 1.25 .43 .40 32.66 .07 .83 1.19 3.31 6.88 .71 2.25 2.35 1.26 .51 1.75 .67 .46 .12 .66 1.82 .23 25.07 3.46 3.04 4.47 1.79 1.45 .20 T .85 .13 .51 .88 .29 4.14 .16 2.07 2.38 25.82 1.99 3.61 1.11 1.11 2.71 .18 7.33 2.75 .78 1.26 .23 .74 1.49 1.19 2.87 5.73 35.08 2.88 2.11 .95 .39 1.90 .20 .06 3.03 .07 3.77 4.14 .24 .47 .49 1.76 1.70 1.43 1.19 1.39 1.73 1.09 1.67 1.73 1.38 1.26 .80 .85 1.13 1.34 .84 1.20 1.16 1.67 23.56 April 11-20.. . . 2.98 April 21-30 .78 May 1-10 .81 May 11-20. .80 May 21-31 .32 June 1-10 . 3.42 June 11-20. .... 2.38 June 21-30 .... ... 1 . 86 July 1-10 .78 July 11-20. ... 1.83 July 21-31. ... .56 Aug 1-10 .65 Aug. 11-20. . . . 4.66 Aug 21-31 .52 Sept. 1-10 . . . T Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 . . 43 Total 24.12 318 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) CASEY, Clark county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .48 2.41 6.49 .40 1.15 .99 1.48 .29 .97 .86 1.26 .43 .55 .33 .24 .92 .14 .76 19.67 1.41 1.04 .66 .26 3.54 .87 .37 1.77 .81 .68 .67 .29 4.68 .65 2.87 .98 1.54 .44 23.53 .12 .63 2.48 1.03 .97 3.55 1.70 .20 2.99 T .50 .54 1.28 1.49 1.14 1.70 1.59 .34 22.25 .62 .92 .51 .26 .22 .20 T .98 2.29 .49 .03 .83 .02 3.18 T .52 .96 .85 12.88 1.86 .31 .51 .52 .33 .98 .36 1.01 .51 .73 .44 .70 .23 2.13 .22 7.84 .40 3.29 22.37 2.46 2.92 .12 1.73 2.40 7.06 1.09 .98 .94 .03 1.38 1.27 2.08 2.58 .21 1.92 .09 2.92 32.18 .56 .61 1.03 .76 4.95 .53 3.12 2.40 1.66 .49 1.73 1.73 .99 T 3.07 T .84 .86 25.33 3.78 .92 1.34 2.64 6.21 3.04 2.31 2.35 .17 2.84 .34 .04 .92 T .08 1.48 .18 .66 29.30 April 11-20 1 . 20 April 21-30.. . . 1.75 May 1-10 37 May 11-20 . . . .08 May 21-31. . . . 15 June 1-10 .51 June 11-20 . 1 24 June 21-30. . . . 2 . 52 July 1-10 .59 July 11-20. . . . 27 July 21-31 . . . 49 Aug. 1-10 1.76 Aug 1 1-20 2 33 Aug 21-31 2.57 Sept. 1-10 . 5.15 Sept. 11-20 . . . 42 Sept 21-30 2 38 Total . . . 24.26 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .... .18 .34 .13 1.26 1.68 1.11 .64 1.05 .47 .60 .27 1.63 .74 .84 .16 3.46 2.90 1.56 1.05 19.89 .15 .47 1.31 .35 .40 1.43 2.44 1.34 3.10 1.47 .90 1.66 2.02 .05 3.31 .11 1.27 21.78 1.46 1.59 .76 1.58 3.81 2.96 .11 T .67 T 1.00 5.33 .78 .94 .75 2.78 24.52 .98 .87 .45 .98 .08 .08 .67 1.20 .73 T 3.73 .68 1.24 2.15 .75 3.80 .44 2.43 21.26 .58 .58 .60 4.72 2.53 .56 .54 1.12 2.32 .11 .20 2.32 .20 1.10 T 1.39 1.65 20.52 1.55 3.90 .98 1.22 .20 .52 T .31 .25 .76 1.63 1.31 .05 .57 2.72 .22 2.82 19.01 1.65 .52 2.69 2.16 .40 .83 2.89 1.44 .38 .22 3.13 .70 2.66 1.83 .77 .77 .95 23.99 1.40 .19 T .05 1.82 3.19 .40 .61 1.05 3.10 1.00 1.44 2.59 1.02 1.00 3.11 4.82 26.79 April 11-20.. . . 1.24 April 21-30 .67 May 1-10. . . .74 May 11-20 .91 May 21-31 .06 June 1-10 . . .03 June 11-20. . . . ... 1 . 86 June 21-30 2 30 July 1-10 . 04 July 11-20 .13 July 21-31 .23 Aug 1-10 .30 Aug. 11-20 Aug. 21-31 ... 2.01 .38 Sept 1-10 . . 38 Sept. 11-20 . . . . . 2.84 Sept. 21-30 .69 Total 14 99 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 ... 1.51 1.37 3.14 1.71 2.35 1.96 1.30 .25 1.34 .53 1.89 .29 1.59 1.58 1.84 .94 22.08 2.55 .82 .92 .82 3.44 .36 2.17 .41 1.88 .20 .41 2.75 4.27 .83 21.83 2.27 .20 .13 3.01 1.78 .04 3.13 2.65 2.78 2.93 1.29 1.23 1.67 .08 .70 1.79 1.22 .11 27.01 .61 .79 .75 5.19 6.91 .98 .93 .57 .36 1.51 .77 .61 T .62 1.34 21.94 3.01 2.03 2.56 2.85 1.23 1.26 1.87 .08 .55 .32 .84 .41 3.06 .37 1.20 21.64 1.81 2.01 1.04 1.49 2.52 .81 3.55 4.67 1.28 .06 .16 1.67 2.15 2.53 .57 .35 1.38 4.16 32.21 .12 .73 .80 4.72 2.45 1.65 2.38 .83 .41 1.69 1.03 1.11 .89 1.92 .61 1.02 22.36 1.36 1.30 1.09 1.66 1.88 1.33 1.38 1.33 1.20 .82 .85 1.01 1.36 1.30 1.08 1.87 .84 1.31 22.97 April 11-20 3 42 April 21-30 .91 May 1-10 55 May 11-20 38 May 21-31 .67 June 1-10 2 45 June 11-20. . . . . 2 37 June 21-30 .05 July 1-10. . 90 July 11-20 .19 July 21-31. 2 61 Aug. 1-10 ... 2.08 Aug. 11-20 4 04 Aug. 21-31 50 Sept. 1-10... Sept. 11-20 . . 04 Sept. 21-30 .40 Total 23 07 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 319 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) CHARLESTON, Coles county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .... 88 98 08 29 27 51 82 72 65 43 76 73 97 15 82 37 06 94 43 2.55 5.66 .42 .77 .61 .97 .72 1.63 1.12 1.32 1.16 .34 T 1.79 .22 .29 19.57 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 23 .46 .19 .54 .12 .48 .89 .10 .41 .97 .83 .17 .53 .88 .72 .33 .85 .52 .13 .12 .19 .51 3.33 .64 .76 4.28 2.10 .11 2.59 .08 1'.09 .83 1.69 2.69 1.77 1.50 2.51 .38 27.05 .59 .29 .56 .22 .26 .21 T 2.07 2.43 1.32 .27 .71 .16 4.09 .10 .35 1.84 .63 16.10 1.51 .43 .83 .87 .79 2.25 .27 2.42 .21 .37 .42 3.39 .05 1.44 1.22 9.81 .54 3.79 30.61 3.59 4.16 .18 1.79 1.73 5.21 .62 1.51 .80 .25 1.08 1.71 2.84 2.49 .16 1.54 .15 2.84 32.65 1.38 .43 .89 .21 2.97 1.35 3.16 2.33 2.59 .35 1.26 .83 .89 1.95 .07 2.00 .91 23.57 4.74 .89 1.62 2.48 5.64 .93 1.68 1.53 .16 6.63 1.44 .10 .27 .20 .92 April 11-20 April 21-30 2 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31. . . . . . . 1. June 1-10 June 11-20 June 21-30 ... 2. July 1-10. . . July 11-20 . July 21-31 Aug 1-10 2 Aug 11-20 . . 1. Aug. 21-31 ... 1. Sept 1-10 3 Sept 1 1-20 ... 1. Sept. 21-30 . . . 3. Total 26 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 . . . 16 ,59 67 ,34 52 04 10 31 90 38 31 30 15 86 25 59 .81 62 ,90 .53 .31 1.55 1.90 1.22 .91 1.58 .96 1.23 .09 .93 .21 2.42 1.25 1.27 1.86 4.02 1.14 23.38 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 .04 .22 .77 .75 .21 .08 .34 .07 .40 .06 .08 .50 .49 .50 .40 .55 .47 .07 .00 1.21 1.90 1.42 1.78 5.69 2.94 1.47 T 1.34 .47 1.40 .28 .72 2.07 .32 1.17 .34 1.05 .07 .25 1.24 .92 .10 .55 3.59 .08 1.70 3.84 .47 .73 .55 .50 6.68 2.51 .82 .88 1.42 1.50 .79 .23 .23 1.28 .92 .23 1.77 1.52 22.56 1.24 .01 2.31 .50 1.50 .54 .43 .03 .20 .35 T 1.91 2.07 .16 .64 1.35 .07 2.95 16.26 1.27 .58 2.33 2.44 .65 .69 3.29 .88 .37 2.62 1.75 .82 1.00 .83 .38 .82 T .80 21.52 2.06 .24 .14 .45 1.69 3.22 .98 1.03 .65 2.79 2.70 3.72 1.63 1.14 .96 2.73 2.14 28.27 April 11-20 ... 1 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 1 June 21-30 ... 2, July 1-10. . . July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug 1-10 Aug. 11-20. . . . ... 1 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 . . . 1 Sept 21-30 Total ... . 13 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 32 96 2 73 2.74 1.09 1 90 1.17 .09 1.40 April 1 1-20 . . , . 3.70 3.52 1.62 .21 .90 1.71 2.46 .65 1.38 April 21-30 .72 .92 T .08 .74 2.58 1.18 .87 1.06 May 1-10 . .41 2.08 1.76 1.76 3.67 2.18 4.22 1.61 May 11-20 .11 1.08 .85 1.43 5 . 65 2.14 1.80 May 21-31. . 1 65 1.41 05 .01 1.48 .... 1.00 2.27 1.44 June 1-10 1.18 3.67 1.28 .99 4.16 2.01 1.46 June 11-20 2 89 .70 56 3 27 .76 .... 4.56 1.37 1.38 June 21-30 .49 .58 2.40 .33 1.26 .24 1.25 July 1-10 67 1 23 2.37 1.44 1.14 1.18 July 11-20. . . , .12 1.45 1.47 .93 2.68 1.00 July 21-31 2 07 47 1 25 1 85 .42 .... .62 1.08 Aug. 1-10 ... 1.55 .05 .31 1.27 .52 1.00 1.28 Aug 11-20 4 94 .97 .53 .48 T 2.77 1.54 Aug. 21-31. . . . 60 2.74 1.80 .41 T .02 .92 Sept. 1-10 .02 .21 2.91 .59 .51 .80 1.48 Sept. 11-20 . . , .14 .50 2.08 T 1.05 Sept. 21-30 .50 1.28 .79 .20 T 1.02 1.20 Total ... 25 . 92 19.51 20.64 22.32 21.51 23.91 23.51 320 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) DANVILLE, Vermilion county . 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 64 2.25 1.31 T .54 4.13 2.51 1.50 2.29 April 11-20 , ... 1.26 5.30 .89 1.03 .47 .14 3.12 .44 .44 April 21-30 . ... 1.82 .56 .55 2.79 .63 .42 .54 .40 .83 May 1-10 15 .94 .34 .95 .26 .60 3.24 .55 1.16 May 11-20 19 1.82 2.96 .78 .66 .80 1.60 2.51 4.52 May 21-31. ... 1.50 .26 2.08 1.56 1.48 3.74 .12 .76 June 1-10 .44 1.78 .48 4.66 T .03 1.11 2.44 1.11 June 11-20. 96 .45 .28 1.80 2.29 3.04 2.43 .77 1.24 June 21-30 .... 1.58 .90 .72 3.54 .72 .48 2.55 1.30 .46 July 1-10 .12 1.36 .47 1.50 1.63 .13 3.32 4.58 July 11-20 23 .03 .15 .37 .59 4.01 1.63 .24 July 21-31 ... 1.18 1.03 .23 .14 1.60 1.04 .64 .41 Aug. 1-10 1.69 4.63 3.78 .43 .56 .23 .43 2.34 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 . 54 .15 2.06 4.65 4.47 1.38 .59 .19 Aug. 21-31 . ... 1.20 1.03 .81 .69 .35 1.55 1.53 Sept. 1-10 .... 3.03 .48 2.48 1.25 8.48 1.33 .21 .02 Sept. 11-20 ... 2.76 1.15 1.62 3.31 .81 .09 2.69 .18 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.60 .08 .24 1.02 2.72 3.13 .48 .46 Total ... 21.89 19.55 28.95 18.24 32.67 32.53 21.57 22.76 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10... T 1.09 .07 .91 .09 .61 .61 2.15 2.51 April 11-20 . .. 3.47 .50 .07 1.07 .70 .49 .87 April 21-30 ... 1.12 1.47 .86 .80 .48 .57 1.76 3.87 .28 May 1-10. . . .22 1.87 1.37 1.07 4.31 1.99 .80 .38 May 11-20 .75 .75 .09 3.08 .06 1.89 1.80 .36 1.65 May 21-31 .05 .73 .09 1.96 .14 .77 .95 .74 2.89 June 1-10 .22 .73 1.00 1.21 .98 .21 3.20 .53 June 11-20 ... 1.30 .29 1.09 .05 .85 2.84 1.06 .62 June 21-30 ... 1.38 2.75 .76 .45 .63 2.16 .04 .36 3.20 July 1-10 1.38 .05 2.30 .06 .33 1.23 .07 .09 3.20 July 11-20 .11 2.34 .04 1.47 1.09 .48 3.79 1.06 July 21-31 .39 .49 .93 1.44 T .98 .51 .55 1.61 Aug. 1-10 .06 2.05 2.21 1.00 3.00 1.39 .96 .07 .69 Aug. 11-20 .37 .17 .12 .16 1.57 .73 .16 .86 1.15 Aug. 21-31 .90 1.89 .14 .49 .16 .11 2.87 2.68 Sept. 1-10 .42 .52 1.18 .53 3.55 1.94 .24 2.80 .45 Sept. 11-20 ... 1.02 2.05 1.23 .09 1.87 2.50 .60 1.40 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.38 .79 .71 2.51 1.67 1.00 3.46 1.65 Total 14.54 20.53 14.22 15.71 17.78 23.09 18.61 23.82 24.30 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10... 1.06 .78 1.99 2.76 .39 1.23 1.11 .13 1.26 April 11-20 ... 4.30 1.78 .89 .48 .39 2.63 1.20 .74 1.19 April 21-30 .51 .25 1.57 2.55 1.64 .87 1.03 May 1-10. . . .21 1.62 1.77 1.80 4.03 1.70 1.56 3.19 1.39 May 11-20 1.10 1.48 2.18 7.65 1.03 3.63 2.00 1.74 May 21-31 .97 2.31 .21 .12 1.26 2.25 .10 .95 1.08 June 1-10 . 3.94 1.81 3.15 1.25 .69 .10 1.25 .18 1.25 June 11-20 ... 2.10 1.25 1.73 2.05 1.49 2.53 4.04 6.39 1.65 June 21-30 ... 2.14 .44 .80 .70 .07 .57 .88 2.20 1.22 July 1-10. . . 1.62 2.51 1.80 2.46 .02 .42 .11 1.23 July 11-20 ... 2.21 .42 .68 2.43 .50 .81 .54 .77 1.04 July 21-31 .65 .07 .62 .97 2.04 2.01 .20 .79 Aug. 1-10. . . . 2.13 .03 .19 .18 3.80 2.40 .53 1.39 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.05 .87 1.94 .31 1.05 2.10 1.44 1.16 Aug. 21-31 .48 2.65 1.13 .58 .34 2.00 .02 .94 Sept. 1-10 .20 .62 1.61 1.85 .84 .10 .24 .55 1.40 Sept. 11-20 .12 1.41 1.54 .64 2.22 .01 1.17 Sept. 21-30 .21 .60 .85 .10 1.79 4.81 1.18 1.30 Total 23.90 16.00 21.30 20.75 28.09 23.04 30.15 21.46 22.23 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS; APPENDIX C' 321 -CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) DECATUR, Macon county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .40 2.27 4.68 .45 .43 1.00 .99 .05 .95 .25 1.01 1.22 1.30 T 1.78 .50 .54 17.42 1.43 .90 .18 .11 2.84 .33 .57 .43 2.16 .27 2.65 1.72 1.87 .70 .94 1.91 1.85 1.24 22.10 .34 .21 2.08 .24 .68 2.57 1.99 .15 3.67 .35 .28 .72 1.10 .49 2.16 1.08 .39 .57 19.07 .75 .26 .97 .11 .15 .37 .13 1.13 1.61 1.68 .58 .28 .48 3.16 ..98 .36 3.92 1.12 18.04 3.14 .98 1.04 .61 2.51 .86 .62 4.32 .04 .95 .38 .90 2.98 2.42 2.07 11.03 1.17 4.36 40.38 4.05 3.51 .18 2.04 1.50 4.32 1.22 2.21 1.82 1.07 2.46 2.61 1.73 2.99 .98 3.02 .17 3.64 39.52 2.74 .54 .59 .01 2.89 .02 2.05 1.14 1.69 1.85 .03 2.07 1.28 T .73 .08 2.52 .95 21.18 4.10 1.86 1.67 2.23 3.56 1.85 1.41 1.72 .72 4.96 1.14 .67 1.68 T .20 .51 .26 1.14 29.68 April 11-20 1 75 April 21-30 ... 2 18 May 1-10 .13 May 11-20 17 May 21-31 .76 June 1-10 .46 June 11-20 1 33 June 21-30 ... 1 . 06 July 1-10. . . 1.47 July 11-20. 53 July 21-31 .75 Aug 1-10 2 20 Aug 11-20 . 1 55 Aug. 21-31 . . . 1.91 Sept 1-10 2 63 Sept. 11-20 .72 Sept. 21-30 ... 2 . 27 Total . . . 22.27 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .85 .31 1.88 1.17 1.57 .81 .85 .02 1.38 1.25 1.15 .01 .69 .05 1.24 .66 2.05 .71 . 16.65 T .41 2.11 1.22 .11 .28 2.05 .93 2.97 1.90 .07 1.30 1.66 1.83 .45 1.01 1.26 1.13 20.69 1.29 1.64 .57 1.45 4.55 3.97 .06 .01 .46 .15 T .13 1.36 T .59 .31 .96 3.61 21.11 ,22 .26 .46 .08 .11 .11 1.06 .40 .44 .19 4.15 T .91 2.65 .51 3.64 1.30 2.91 19.40 1.09 .98 .51 3.63 2.87 1.03 1.02 2.22 1.05 .51 2.72 .92 .14 1.58 .32 2.14 1.41 24.14 .69 T 1.93 1.35 .07 .69 .65 .28 T .24 1.91 .68 1.26 .84 1.33 .27 4.10 16.29 1.31 .84 2.40 1.38 .38 1.55 4.11 3.09 .60 1.07 1.93 1.03 .09 3.18 .28 1.82 1.01 26.07 3.09 .14 .43 .26 1.76 2.62 1.74 .71 .85 1.67 2.40 1.25 .25 .18 1.12 1.72 .79 20.98 April 11-20 ... 1.74 April 21-30 ... 1 . 29 May 1-10 . . . . 92 May 11-20 ... 1 . 40 May 21-31 09 June 1-10. . . .39 June 11-20 .45 June 21-30 2 05 July 1-10 .... 47 July 11-20 .11 July 21-31 .96 Aug. 1-10 .56 Aug. 10-20 ... 1 . 65 Aug. 21-31 ... 1 . 79 Sept. 1-10 .... .02 Sept. 10-20 1 . 55 Sept. 21-30 2 48 Total ... 17.92 1939 1940 t 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 16 .85 1.27 2.59 1.08 1.86 1.13 .53 1.35 .64 2.14 .31 1.82 .91 3.09 T .17 19.74 1.76 2.49 1.41 1.86 .69 2.36 .24 .20 1.37 .06 1.33 .18 .63 4.19 2.48 .02 1.54 22.81 2.24 .41 .15 1.57 2.08 .04 .71 3.19 2.56 4.46 .79 .09 .20 .10 .69 .91 2.20 1.25 23.64 .39 .27 2.10 3.54 8.50 .53 2.90 1.23 .40 1.06 .54 .67 .14 T .08 .24 2.65 .01 25.25 1.44 3.84 3.01 1.16 T 2.46 .05 1.51 .85 .42 .46 .64 .86 2.59 .09 2.98 2.54 24.90 1.61 1.82 1.00 1.34 2.27 .84 2.36 3.29 .19 .78 T .51 1.96 .69 T .30 3.04 3.20 25.20 .70 1.25 1.12 4.20 2.20 1.19 .27 3.14 1.86 .82 1.52 .28 1.53 2.97 .07 .45 .18 1.19 24.94 1.46 1.34 1.22 1.24 1.81 1.19 1.21 1.42 1.17 1.19 1.08 .88 1.02 1.28 1.16 1.47 1.20 1.64 22.98 April 11-20 . . , ... 2 . 44 April 21-30 88 May 1-10. . . . .48 May 11-20 .22 May 21-31 . . . .82 June 1-10 1.83 June 11-20 1 73 June 21-30 .70 July 1-10 1 17 July 11-20. .50 July 21-31 .45 Aug. 1-10 .... ... 1.01 Aug 11-20 3 42 Aug. 21-31 .67 Sept. 1-10 .02 Sept. 11-20 .44 Sept. 21-30 ... .20 Total . 18 14 322 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) EFFINGHAM, Effingham county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .56 .13 .75 .27 .53 .80 .12 .96 .02 .07 T .26 .85 .76 .34 .52 .29 .07 .30 2.18 6.19 .54 1.20 1.17 .28 .16' 1.05 1.00 .96 .57 3.03 .76 .57 1.52 .46 21.64 1.24 2.16 .69 .13 4.04 .48 .07 1.71 2.53 1.71 1.12 2.28 4.89 .55 .47 1.57 1.64 .43 27.71 .14 .19 .77 1.25 1.84 4.00 1.81 .22 1.48 .30 .82 .58 1.10 .13 1.91 1.83 1.93 .57 20.87 .70 .26 .39 .88 .24 .67 T 2.41 3.19 .98 .04 .54 .06 3.76 .18 .21 1.36 - .73 16.60 1.42 .54 .97 .64 .74 .51 .77 .94 .88 .92 .07 .32 1.39 .77 .85 4.60 3.60 .35 1.82 3.09 4.93 .60 2.63 1.37 .52 1.10 2.67 2.70 2.56 .20 2.43 .12 1.84 37.13 1.09 .42 1.06 .15 3.45 .44 3.55 2.65 1.95 1.08 1.20 .96 5.15 .18 1.80 .02 .69 .80 26.64 4.82 1.04 2.04 4.89 4.86 .26 2.60 2.01 .38 2.05 1.74 .11 1.34 1.16 .02 .47 .29 .55 30.63 April 11-20 1 April 21-30 . . ... 1 May 1-10 ... 1 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 . 1 June 11-20 ... 1 June 21-30 ... 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 ... 1 Aug. 11-20 Aug 21-31 . . . . 2 Sept 1-10 .... ... 2 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 ... 3 Total . . 21 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 . . .40 .39 .61 .78 .30 .06 .82 .35 .75 .04 .42 .21 .99 .07 .80 .74 .40 .13 .40 .10 1.58 1.55 .89 .38 1.40 .24 1.76 .98 .58 1.32 .81 2.63 1.65 3.61 .25 .90 21,03 .05 .55 1.13 .38 .12 .62 2.95 1.05 1.65 1.52 .88 .77 1.80 4.51 .18 2.08 .10 2.23 22.57 1.06 2.62 1.35 1.78 4.20 2.94 .02 .40 .70 .58 .24 .05 2.88 .12 .48 .55 .41 1.33 21.71 .90 .75 .43 .32 .09 .35 1.26 .18 1.10 .49 4.39 1.23 2.63 4.00 .28 1.65 1.14 2.08 23.27 .75 .43 .48 4.84 3.03 2.24 .24 1.43 2.38 .30 T 2.08 .18 .23 1.68 1.78 22.07 2.27 1.75 .68 .60 T .55 .57 2.82 1.35 .38 1.13 .25 .06 2.76 T 2.89 18.06 1 2 1 5 1 1 3 22 ,37 .40 .87 .75 .15 .42 .74 .95 .65 .26 .30 .00 .02 .22 .05 .63 .90 .90 ,58 1.72 .36 .35 .75 .77 3.22 .72 1.52 1.47 2.85 2.76 .56 2.02 .61 1.43 .68 1.89 23.68 April 11-20 ... 1 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 . . 1 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 1 June 21-30 ... 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31. . . . Aug. 1-10 Aug. 11-20 Aug 21-31 Sept 1-10 Sept. 11-20 ... 2 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 Total . 15 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 .40 ,00 .85 .66 .05 .59 .42 .08 83 60 .59 .63 ,02 .05 .64 .05 .15 ,70 ,31 .97 4.10 1.15 1.65 .90 1.45 2.44 .82 .90 1.44 .10 .15 .36 1.08 .32 17.83 2.16 1.54 1.19 .93 .09 5.50 .07 .20 .51 T .77 .82 .24 2.35 2.78 .99 20.14 2.21 .24 .18 2.27 1.59 T 3.58 4.46 2.74 4.08 .17 1.10 3.48 .97 .62 .56 .60 .14 28.99 1.65 .82 1.38 6.25 5.56 1.08 3.32 .76 .48 3.29 1.53 .89 T T .02 .17 1.18 T 28.38 2.07 1.32 2.16 1.26 T 2.31 T .62 .24 .11 .33 .93 .73 .60 4.50 T 2.16 1.30 20.64 1.57 2.40 .59 1.32 3.19 .61 4.77 4.86 1.55 .08 .66 1.47 3.05 .01 .27 1.79 4.69 32.28 I. 6 3 1. 1 l! 1. 1, 1. 3, 1, 1, 29. 44 84 48 96 69 87 22 94 46 44 13 59 93 44 03 07 05 07 65 1.47 1.40 1.03 1.79 1.81 1.18 1.80 1.41 1.34 1.13 .90 .93 1.74 1.33 .84 1.14 .81 1.20 23.25 April 11-20 ... 3 April 21-30 . . May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 . 2 June 11-20 ... 1 June 21-30 ... 1 July 1-10. . . July 11-20. July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 3 Aug. 11-20. . . . . . 3 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 . . . Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 Total ... 21 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 323 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) FAIRVIEW, Fulton county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .35 1.42 .96 .74 1.38 1.26 1.89 .13 .98 .60 .13 3.58 .74 .14 .88 2.33 .94 18.10 .39 T .61 .07 2.39 .51 .43 .21 1.85 .25 1.08 2.10 .99 .53 .80 .80 .43 1.94 15.38 .11 .06 1.52 .39 .18 1.31 2.22 1.14 4.94 .22 1.42 3.54 1.73 1.26 2.52 1.16 1.30 .46 25.48 .66 .65 2.05 .09 1.75 .07 .16 2.56 1.45 1.42 .87 .74 1.31 2.78 .28 1.43 1.90 20.17 .83 .26 1.17 .32 .32 1.66 .20 7.38 1.25 .91 .05 3.74 2.35 .78 .63 9.39 1.80 1.79 34.83 I'.Sl 3.11 .80 1.68 4.37 3.52 2.47 1.95 .75 .48 .06 1.79 .79 .60 .74 4.59 .30 2.27 32.08 2.08 .68 .17 .02 2.31 .13 1.34 2.20 2.48 2.35 1.07 .76 2.27 .78 1.22 1.12 1.63 .48 23.09 1.22 1.53 1.90 .06 2.05 .63 1.87 3.51 .15 4.71 3.94 .06 1.95 .47 .08 .19 .79 1.01 26.12 April 11-20 2 25 April 21-30 2.57 May 1-10 53 May 11-20 .09 May 21-31. . . . . . . . 1 . 08 June 1-10 1.90 June 11-20 . .96 June 21-30. . . . 86 July 1-10 18 July 11-20 . .42 July 21-31. . . . 57 Aug 1-10 1 69 Aug. 11-20. . . . . 1 . 22 Aug. 21-31. . . . Sept 1-10 13 1 48 Sept. 11-20 . . 83 Sept. 21-30 1.78 Total 18 89 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 . . . .95 .61 .77 1.32 2.18 .75 2.30 .52 T 2.06 1.04 1.08 2.32 .56 1.61 2.22 1.73 22.02 .04 1.06 .27 2.30 .24 1.47 2.56 1.46 .26 3.41 .41 1.34 3.34 .49 .07 1.49 .33 20.54 2.00 .82 .41 4.66 1.92 1.79 .94 1.28 .61 2.18 .20 1.25 .29 1.77 2.34 22.46 1.32 .37 .17 .08 .60 1.94 1.02 .68 .16 3.95 T 1.36 1.89 .33 3.28 .84 1.57 19.56 1.07 .98 .19 6.09 2.05 2.33 1.02 4.35 1.60 .10 .44 4.27 .71 .24 .09 2.05 3.10 30.68 .53 .01 .86 1.37 1.00 .38 .37 .34 .21 1.56 .83 2.62 .72 1.13 6.26 3.18 21.37 1.00 1.03 1.78 1.42 .46 1.30 .89 1.17 .48 .06 3.50 .73 .28 1.70 .40 .88 T .78 17.86 2.98 .33 .74 1.04 1.37 1.01 2.60 .85 2.20 2.25 1.28 .32 1.50 .33 1.05 2.09 .45 22.39 April 11-20. . . . 3.37 April 21-30 30 May 1-10 .73 May 11-20. . . . 40 May 21-31. 1 26 June 1-10 .30 June 11-20 61 June 21-30. 1 05 July 1-10. . . 1.26 July 11-20 05 July 21-31. . . . 07 Aug. 1-10 07 Aug. 11-20 1 11 Aug. 21-31. . . . 27 Sept. 1-10 .02 Sept. 11-20 .69 Sept. 21-30 . . . 1.47 Total 13 03 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 194S 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1.23 1.06 .60 1.41 .52 .91 2.08 .26 .53 .68 T .97 .80 1.59 2.87 .42 T 14.70 1.23 2.21 T 1.12 1.65 1.63 2.77 .50 1.01 3.15 .02 .09 1.98 1.04 .36 4.77 .33 2.06 25.92 2.56 .09 .20 1.85 2.42 .30 .67 1.76 1.51 3.83 1.85 .29 .61 T 1.02 .69 .64 .90 21.19 .15 .55 3.73 2.16 4.26 .63 1.99 1.63 .46 1.96 .39 .62 .75 .42 .83 .76 .81 T 22.10 .96 1.87 4.14 3.09 .44 2.23 .34 .61 1.09 .05 1.06 1.05 1.45 .21 2.12 1.72 22.43 1.27 2.49 1.40 2.31 3.33 .12 2.49 3.39 1.74 1.28 .14 .02 .42 .37 .94 2.41 4.40 28.52 .16 .57 .79 2.88 2.05 .48 .19 8.53 .63 T .63 .37 2.21 .98 T .59 .52 .62 22.20 1.05 1.16 1.13 1.52 1.55 1.18 1.24 1.90 1.21 1.23 1.09 1.00 1.24 1.20 .65 1.57 1.15 1.39 22.46 April 11-20 4 00 April 21-30 .40 May 1-10 2 00 May 11-20 .75 May 21-31. . . . . . . . 1 . 58 June 1-10 84 June 11-20. . . . . . . 1 . 50 June 21-30. . . . . . . . 2 . 34 July 1-10. . . .40 July 11-20. . . . . . . . 1 . 40 July 21-31. .77 Aug. 1-10 2 08 Aug. 11-20 2.22 Aug. 21-31. . . . 78 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 . . . T Sept. 21-30 .25 Total . . . . 22.54 324 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) 1 GRAFTON, Jersey county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .66 4.04 3.91 .84 .44 .86 .77 2.98 ' .33 .25 .87 1.20 .45 .01 T 1.54 1.31 .49 20.29 1.17 1.40 1.03 .13 2.83 .78 1.23 3.09 1.52 1.11 T .61 5.38 2.52 .32 4.76 1.49 .48 29.85 .23 .14 .40 .92 1.35 3.42 2.99 2.32 2.31 .20 2.73 1.40 2.25 .39 1.90 .96 1.96 .27 26.14 .60 .96 .75 .54 .38 .16 .50 1.33 2.90 1.21 .30 1.29 .05 2.53 .40 .17 .48 1.35 15.90 .71 .68 1.30 .07 .83 1.14 .17 3.43 .40 1.94 .07 .32 3.33 3.90 3.15 1.03 3.17 25.64 5.45 4.92 .05 2.57 1.12 2.75 .29 2.85 .70 .82 1.35 1.06 1.17 1.84 .02 .08 .10 3.49 30.63 3.60 .50 .40 T 1.73 .50 1.12 1.43 .52 1.55 .25 1.08 .18 1.64 .44 2.12 2.11 2.20 4.53 6.38 .06 2.81 1.75 1.12 1.81 .78 .01 1.94 1.50 .17 1.28 1.02 .91 32.50 April 11-20 2.02 April 21-30 3.81 May 1-10. . . 1.04 May 11-20 ... 2 16 May 21-31. . . . 90 June 1-10 1.60 June 11-20 . . 1.71 June 21-30. . . . 2 . 72 July 1-10 .06 July 11-20. ... T July 21-31 . . . .35 Aug. 1-10 , 1.80 Aug. 11-20. .... . 2.71 Aug. 21-31 T Sept. 1-10 . . . 36 Sept. 11-20 1.93 Sept. 21-30 3.57 Total .. 27.40 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .10 .55 .04 2.04 1.74 1.73 1.16 1.12 .21 .11 .27 .87 1.96 2.46 1.57 .76 2.18 1.17 19.94 .10 .54 2.15 .26 .25 .27 4.05 .76 .82 1.04 1.92 2.49 2.95 .05 T .93 .36 18.94 1.79 1.48 .47 1.85 3.85 3.92 .03 .35 .12 .91 .38 .12 .98 2.37 18.62 .55 .31 .64 T .33 T 1.25 .17 .30 .30 .43 .93 .53 3.49 .44 2.40 1.53 2.43 16.03 .67 1.34 .39 4.21 3.85 1.02 1.57 2.29 1.83 1.54 1.35 T .25 T 1.65 1.49 23.45 1.48 .04 .84 .73 .26 T .63 T' 1.00 T .13 .18 .76 1.33 .03 4.09 11.50 1.11 .67 3.19 2.24 .71 1.03 4.23 .35 .41 T .22 .23 .27 .32 .20 T .65 .21 16.04 2.62 .78 1.09 2.18 .62 1.35 1.88 1.80 .80 .47 1.96 1.75 T .08 1.03 .03 3.32 21.76 April 11-20 61 April 21-30 50 May 1-10 . . . .89 May 11-20. ... 62 May 21-31 .15 June 1-10 .... .08 June 11-20 ... 1.46 June 21-30 ... 1.17 July 1-10 . . . .12 July 11-20 .02 July 21-31 ... 1.18 Aug 1-10 28 Aug. 11-20 . . . .48 Aug. 21-31 .02 Sept. 1-10 .74 Sept. 11-20 . . 2 63 Sept. 21-30 .44 Total 11 49 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 ... 1 . 50 .66 1.01 .67 1.04 1.81 .50 .14 1.79 1.34 .40 T 2.01 1.42 .77 T 13.56 1.05 4.85 1.61 .73 .42 1.21 .10 1.12 1.01 .38 .48 T .46 2.46 2.49 .13 2.29 20.79 2.79 T .05 1.63 2.28 .32 5.33 2.21 3.43 9.69 2.18 .11 2.02 1.05 T .67 .36 .43 34.55 .05 .88 .84 4.06 7.91 1.30 2.09 1.94 T .73 .22 .29 3.48 .16 1.25 2.53 .08 27.81 .37 4.03 4.42 2.38 .08 1.17 .05 .78 2.04 .67 1.44 .70 .03 .06 4.11 .12 1.24 2.09 25.78 2.24 2.92 .71 .73 1.32 .30 3.82 2.24 .27 .80 .29 .80 2.54 .12 1.05 3.42 6.04 29.61 .08 .61 .97 3.09 2.34 .34 .19 3.10 .16 2.47 .86 1.01 4.69 8.89 .21 .43 .37 .70 30.51 1.40 1.55 1.18 1.51 1.79 .93 1.63 1.52 1.15 1.06 .79 .76 1.34 1.71 .83 1.03 1.09 1.49 22.76 April 11-20 ... 3 . 67 April 21-30 .84 May 1-10 .43 May 11-20 .25 May 21-31 . . .44 June 1-10 .60 June 11-20 1 90 June 21-30 ... 1.91 July 1-10. . , .42 July 11-20. . . . ... 2 02 July 21-31 ... 1.77 Aug. 1-10 29 Aug. 11-20. ... 4 . 94 Aug. 21-31 ... 1 . 53 Sept. 1-10 T Sept. 11-20 T Sept. 21-30 . . . .86 Total ... 23.37 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 325 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) GRIGGSVILLE, Pike county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .... .31 3.49 2.87 .72 .84 1.23 1.29 T .35 .26 .56 .12 1.38 .44 1.20 1.70 .69 17.14 1.24 .36 .44 .07 2.93 .68 1.62 .16 2.36 .06 .65 1.99 4.00 3.16 .51 .70 1.45 1.16 23.54 .04 .33 1.04 .54 .43 . 2.35 2.15 1.95 2.61 .20 1.48 1.61 .57 .40 1.55 .58 1.96 .72 20.51 2.47 . 1.44 1.09 1.42 3.61 .33 1.47 1.94 2.81 .38 1.14 .29 .43 1.17 .17 4.35 1.32 1.37 2.03 .52 2.00 1.78 10.66 3.11 3.06 36.59 2.30 3.01 .16 2.24 .86 2.33 1.48 3.03 .25 .35 1.04 1.19 2.41 1.16 .26 1.65 .20 3.71 27.63 2.67 .75 .32 .02 2.83 .19 1.86 2.16 1.98 .63 .39 3.08 .23 1.28 1.48 .04 3.44 .76 24.11 1.21 1.17 2.26 1.95 4.02 .99 1.91 1.11 1.02 3.06 2.32 .02 1.84 T .13 .92 1.18 .74 25.85 April 11-20 ... 2.56 April 21-30 . . 2.44 May 1-10 1.59 May 11-20 40 May 21-31 . . . .55 June 1-10 . 2.09 June 11-20 .73 June 21-30 ... 4.14 July 1-10 1.21 July 11-20 July 21-31 .48 Aug. 1-10 . 2.09 Aug 11-20 1 85 Aug 21-31 .02 Sept. 1-10 . 2.14 Sept. 11-20 ... 4.72 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 . 83 Total . . . 29.15 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10... .51 .23 .89 .97 3.55 1.53 1.65 .34 .94 .50 1.70 2.20 3.21 2.00 .14 1.53 .40 1.35 23.64 .10 .43 .85 .70 .33 1.18 2.25 2.43 .65 1.87 2.48 3.50 1.54 .30 .39 2.36 .22 21.58 1.89 1.06 .37 1.07 3.43 1.62 .19 .43 1.83 .76 .03 .10 2.07 T .54 .01 .09 3.69 19.18 .74 .35 .51 .02 .28 T 2.31 1.01 .61 .02 .04 .03 .07 1.13 .50 2.45 2.37 2.88 15.32 1.81 .88 .44 4.83 3.41 2.84 1.43 1.72 1.92 .14 .36 2.71 .17 .75 .05 2.16 .59 26.21 .84 .03 .50 .96 .44 .48 .81 T 1.46 .09 .40 .44 .16 .19 1.52 2.42 6.44 17.18 .98 1.24 1.99 1.26 1.02 1.10 1.88 1.35 .32 .16 1.56 .37 1.47 .16 .31 1.52 1.76 18.45 3.18 .96 1.42 1.25 .81 1.63 1.86 1.59 2.02 1.61 .66 .78 .66 .51 2.21 .02 1.02 22.19 April 11-20 . . 1 . 20 April 21-30 .13 May 1-10 .99 May 11-20 .37 May 21-31 .41 June 1-10 T June 11-20 2 51 June 21-30 .... ... 2 . 56 July 1-10 .01 July 11-20 .14 July 21-31 .36 Aug. 1-10 .25 Aug 11-20 . . 1 . 12 Aug. 21-31 .49 Sept. 1-10 .84 Sept 11-20 ... 2.36 Sept. 21-30 .... .50 Total ... 14 . 24 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 ... 1.45 .66 .72 1.08 .44 1.23 .96 .84 .77 1.08 .16 .08 .80 1.82 .78 T .10 11.52 1.27 3.73 .05 1.27 .18 1.46 3.03 .13 .38 4.01 T .05 T .86 .75 3.16 .65 3.05 24.03 2.77 .13 .25 1.97 4.48 .78 .88 8.02 1.34 2.97 2.68 .44 .77 .09 .34 .32 . .83 1.83 30.89 1.21 .47 1.54 4.20 6.18 .31 2.23 .57 .54 1.29 .64 2.45 1.76 T .19 .91 1.65 .67 26.81 1.46 2.43 4.20 1.48 .11 1.03 .09 .74 .65 .27 .16 .74 .04 1.14 2.90 .66 2.23 20.33 1.28 3.31 1.39 1.22 1.87 T 5.84 2.49 .91 1.04 .23 T 1.56 .91 .14 .68 3.75 4.92 31.54 .31 .82 .82 4.05 3.00 .34 .17 3.84 .10 T 1.37 .03 4.53 3.02 .44 .72 .42 .92 24.90 1.38 1.32 1.01 1.43 1.76 1.04 1.54 1.78 1.28 .97 .71 1.05 1.38 1.23 .69 1.34 1.43 1.74 23.08 April 11-20 ... 3 . 25 April 21-30 .28 May 1-10 .... 1.63 May 11-20 .16 May 21-31. . . .78 June 1-10 1.88 June 11-20. . 2.83 June 21-30 .83 July 1-10. . . .58 July 11-20 ... 1 . 10 July 21-31. ... 1 . 27 Aug 1-10 . . 2.16 Aug. 11-20. . . . , . . . 2 . 90 Aug. 21-31. ... 71 Sept. 1-10 . . . T Sept. 11-20. . . . T Sept 21-30 24 Total . ... 22.05 326 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) HAVANA, Mason county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 . . . .08 .42 .33 .38 33 96 .90 33 .26 .95 .40 38 .17 .20 15 .66 ,82 .12 ,84 1.08 2.39 .60 .56 1.30 1.14 T .85 T .61 2.21 1.09 T .10 2.10 1.08 .57 T 15.68 .94 T .34 .12 3.26 .60 .77 .05 4.80 .62 .05 .45 2.52 1.00 .23 1.47 .82 1.21 19.25 .28 .10 .77 .43 .22 1.12 1.95 .71 4.17 .31 2.80 3.67 1.40 .98 .72 1.13 1.69 .55 23.00 .10 .77 2.18 .10 .90 .38 .32 2.21 2.45 1.86 1.58 .90 1.35 2.13 .12 1.19 2.03 .97 21.54 1 1 . 1 4 4 1 1 S 1 | 27 .45 .15 .31 .22 .11 .42 .65 .98 .18 .16 .11 .32 .39 .90 .86 .32 .22 .11 .86 2.54 3.94 .16 .89 2.05 2.63 1.44 1.90 .35 1.30 .87 2.24 1.22 2.46 .40 2.91 .21 2.00 29.51 2.51 .89 .10 T 2.22 .21 2.45 1.56 2.32 1.39 .96 2.15 .70 .15 .50 .47 2.53 .58 21.69 1.68 1.51 1.42 .99 2.92 .30 1.68 2.83 .74 4.02 3.06 .03 .80 .61 .05 .20 .79 .98 24.61 April 11-20 . 2 April 21-30 3 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 1 June 21-30 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 . . . 3 July 21-31 Aug 1-10 2 Aug. 11-20 . . . ... 1 Aug. 21-31 Sept 1-10 1 Sept. 11-20 . . 1 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 Total ... 23 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .54 .65 .37 .71 .81 .38 .51 .84 .37 .25 .28 .77 .24 .20 .14 .30 .36 .91 .12 1.08 1.80 3.16 .58 1.84 .38 1.25 2.24 2.22 .05 .14 2.01 .82 1.38 2.18 1.39 23.55 .01 .40 1.16 1.29 .34 .33 5.72 .33 .21 2.83 1.36 2.03 3.11 .20 .41 1.45 .54 21.72 1.31 1.41 .90 1.70 2.65 1.23 T .11 .29 .85 .07 .65 2.59 .08 .32 .40 .40 2.00 16.96 .54 T .36 .02 .25 .12 1.64 .24 .70 T 3.27 .04 1.01 2.24 .58 4.01 1.45 1.92 18.39 1 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 I 1 23 .67 .83 .35 .55 .26 .01 .64 .69 .62 .10 .57 .69 .16 .22 .14 .94 .02 .46 .42 .02 .53 2.02 .73 .27 .25 T .60 .18 .50 .30 .50 1.21 .35 .93 3.70 3.14 15.65 1.09 .65 2.65 1.19 .88 1.01 1.56 1.28 .60 .48 8.63 1.84 .10 .52 .56 3.16 .18 .85 27.23 2.72 .52 .52 .97 1.77 2.01 1.70 1.27 1.87 1.88 .65 .60 .74 .54 2.35 .21 .63 20.95 April 11-20 2 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 June 21-30 ... 1 July 1-10. . . July 11-20 July 21-31 .... Aug. 1-10 Aug 11-20 1 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 . Sept 1 1-20 1 Sept 21-30 Total . . 12 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10.. . .22 .77 .82 .53 .32 .91 .52 .25 .72 .14 .93 .42 .40 .05 .40 T .31 .71 .72 .69 1.78 .73 .84 2.68 .11 2.87 .43 .02 .41 .44 1.05 2.87 1.66 T .07 17.37 2.01 3.23 T 1.62 1.27 .46 3.46 .69 .28 1.90 .06 .46 .15 2.66 1.02 3.40 .52 2.83 26.02 3.50 .46 .20 1.99 2.62 .28 1.11 1.01 1.85 6.47 .70 .18 .22 .06 .54 1.74 .98 1.57 25.48 .26 .86 2.47 3.05 5.95 .51 1.66 1.44 .06 1.53 1.15 .72 2.15 .09 .25 .59 .81 .03 23.58 1 2 2 8 1 1 1 3 1 2 28 .59 .59 .53 .68 .34 .02 .17 .60 .29 .16 .20 .28 T .54 .15 .02 .99 .38 .53 1.08 1.40 .95 2.68 2.44 1.13 2.71 1.74 2.93 .31 .15 .50 .89 .66 .90 3.61 4.59 29.67 .16 .92 .77 2.60 2.81 .83 .25 6.32 .24 .03 .69 .10 2.96 1.53 .14 .75 .53 .40 22.03 1.07 1.33 1.07 1.40 1.64 .96 1.30 1.54 1.31 1.30 1.36 1.08 1.15 1.22 .72 1.36 1.20 1.26 22.27 April 11-20 3 April 21-30 May 1-10 1 May 11-20. . . . May 21-31 June 1-10. . June 11-20. . . . ... 3 June 21-30 ... 1 July 1-10. . . 2 July 11-20 July 21-31 ... 2 Aug. 1-10. . . . . 3 Aug. 11-20 Aug. 21-31. . ... 2 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 Total ... 24 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 327 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) HOOPESTON, Vermilion county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10... .60 1.71 1.55 .18 .35 2.05 3.34 .83 3.58 April 11-20 ... 1.35 3.49 .17 .58 .84 .80 2.81 .76 .94 April 21-30 ... 1.96 .48 .49 2.09 .59 1.03 1.40 .33 1.12 May 1-10 .16 .58 .13 1.64 .02 .14 1.19 .34 2.09 May 11-20 T .69 4.54 1.05 .20 1.05 4.39 1.44 3.75 May 21-31 .84 1.83 2.63 1.14 2.58 1.93 .36 .75 June 1-10 .43 T .15 3.36 T .12 .85 1.64 .93 June 11-20 ... 1.23 .36 .05 1.83 1.72 1.28 1.98 1.25 2.97 June 21-30 .92 .52 2.36 3.62 1.06 .46 1.48 3.44 .79 July 1-10 .05 .65 .40 .40 .62 .50 .05 3.11 3.25 July 11-20 ... 1 . 28 2.91 1.52 .33 1.48 1.52 1.64 .34 July 21-31 ... 1.14 .39 1.61 .24 .33 1.29 .33 .51 .81 Aug. 1-10. . . . 2.45 .28 1.99 1.01 .97 .50 .63 .68 1.48 Aug. 11-20 ... 2.02 T .19 4.22 2.49 8.03 1.15 .30 .15 Aug. 21-31 .60 .91 1.58 1.62 .28 .52 1.00 .46 Sept. 1-10... 1.56 1.68 2.24 1.32 8.27 .60 .20 .41 Sept. 11-20 ... 2.32 1.63 .74 1.83 .78 .49 1.70 .28 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 . 20 .53 .35 1.50 3.03 5.14 .72 .65 Total ... 20.11 23.20 26.64 15.32 33.71 29.92 18.95 24.41 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 1.31 .17 1.48 .71 .81 .56 2.73 2.26 April 11-20 ... 2.89 .29 .28 1.28 .70 .73 .10 .33 .18 April 2 1-30 ... 1.68 1.78 1.00 1.62 .19 .46 2.54 3.32 .38 May 1-10. . . .16 2.43 .97 1.56 3.57 2.21 .59 .28 May 11-20 ... 1.79 1.42 .07 5.14 .15 1.17 .38 .52 2.62 May 21-31 .17 .64 .17 .81 .56 1.63 .31 1.43 2.04 June 1-10 .65 1.97 1.11 .40 1.04 .61 .02 2.12 .63 June 11-20 .43 .98 1.44 .77 3.35 T 1.86 1.09 June 21-30 ... 1.05 2.04 ' .32 .34 1.25 1.30 .17 1.66 3.77 July 1-10. . . .47 3.36 1.43 .28 .33 1.80 .35 .21 2.36 July 11-20 6.01 .06 1.61 2.79 .90 1.08 1.89 July 21-31 ... 1.52 .02 1.83 .49 .04 1.82 .41 .58 1.02 Aug. 1-10. . . .30 2.27 5.08 1.07 .87 .58 .72 .14 .53 Aug. 11-20 .77 .83 .31 4.36 .36 .99 2.00 .84 Aug. 21-31 ... 1 . 34 1.06 .28 .55 .35 .15 1.87 .13 1.48 Sept. 1-10. . . .24 .48 .53 .40 3.96 2.48 .57 2.39 1.60 Sept. 11-20 ... 1.09 2.46 1.56 .95 1.61 1.20 .16 2.34 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.33 2.46 1.16 4.85 1.66 1.59 2.96 1.38 Total 15.88 31.81 17.71 21.28 20.16 25.20 16.26 22.63 25.31 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . 2.00 1.13 1.61 2.33 .32 1.34 1.37 .06 1.32 April 11-20 ... 3.96 1.47 1.65 .40 .63 2.75 1.07 .57 1.19 April 21-30 .56 1.54 2.03 2.07 1.07 .66 1.16 May 1-10 .31 2.84 1.83 1.80 2.66 1.58 2.19 2.63 1.30 May 11-20 T 1.71 .74 2.36 5.58 .74 2.79 1.83 1.77 May 21-31 ... 2.32 1.57 .61 .19 1.85 1.75 .25 .55 1.11 June 1-10 ... 4.96 2.72 1.80 2.88 1.76 .38 1.17 .26 1.23 June 11-20 .64 1.92 .84 1.63 1.40 4.43 1.42 8.64 1.67 June 21-30 ... 1.49 .23 .61 .15 .52 .36 .71 .63 1.20 July 1-10. . . . 2.70 2.51 1.50 1.30 .07 .24 .58 1.10 July 11-20 ... 4.03 .39 .58 .46 . 2.06 .38 .22 1.16 1.33 July 21-31 .35 .55 2.16 1.88 1.35 .58 .79 .46 .88 Aug. 1-10. . . 1.34 .10 .69 .31 3.28 1.33 .40 1.13 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.14 .72 1.27 .04 .11 1.66 1.58 .94 1.40 Aug. 21-31 .21 .97 1.31 3.24 .20 1.87 .06 .06 .87 Sept. 1-10. . . .19 .57 1.07 .86 1.01 .13 .08 .55 1.34 Sept. 11-20 .22 T .64 .81 .60 2.27 .02 1.03 Sept. 21-30 .23 .04 .38 1.87 .06 .66 4.23 .73 1.55 Total ... 26.65 18.47 19.66 22.54 26.93 21.35 22.84 20.73 22.57 328 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) LINCOLN, Logan county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10.. . .18 2.89 2.04 .95 .98 2.90 1.00, T .84 .31 2.41 1.53 .68 T .27 2.10 1.35 .20 20.45 1.06 .15 .55 .14 4.00 1.49 .24 .21 1.85 .54 .27 1.62 1.52 .89 .82 1.82 .80 2.15 20.12 .67 .07 1.92 1.08 .96 1.42 2.13 .44 5.55 .72 1.45 1.34 2.28 1.05 1.93 .80 1.04 .92 25.77 .68 .57 1.39 .03 .94 .11 .84 2.05 .66 2.04 .67 .31 .98 3.87 T 1.30 4.83 2.24 23.51 2.08 .30 1.10 .62 1.03 .51 .35 4.69 .65 .74 .49 1.90 .86 1.30 1.58 7.36 1.30 3.29 30.15 2.53 4.49 .40 1.32 2.06 3.04 1.21 2.19 .55 .63 1.76 1.88 1.45 1.74 .33 2.89 .26 4.63 33.36 1.58 .70 .33 .31 2.92 .18 1.99 1.16 1.33 2.34 .06 1.75 .14 .07 1.07 .05 3.01 .69 19.68 1.70 .93 1.22 2.07 4.01 1.13 1.58 1.84 .36 4.92 2.89 .70 1.59 .04 .51 .38 .67 .72 27.26 April 11-20 . 1.84 April 21-30 ... 2 . 88 May 1-10. . . .20 May 11-20 .03 May 21-31 .79 June 1-10 1.85 June 11-20 .97 June 21-30 . 1.48 July 1-10 . . . .02 July 11-20 ... 1.19 July 21-31 .79 Aug. 1-10 1.97 Aug. 11-20 ... 2 . 30 Aug. 21-31 .75 Sept. 1-10 1.62 Sept. 11-20 . . 1 . 53 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 . 87 Total ... 22 . 26 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10. .. 1.87 .22 .83 2.53 2.59 .43 2.20 T 2.38 .47 1.82 .01 3.12 .28 .81 1.06 3.82 .74 25.18 .02 .83 1.47 1.26 .51 .51 1.90 1.49 .95 2.69 1.24 1.82 3.62 .18 .26 1.99 .28 21.02 2.10 1.26 .54 2.18 3.20 3.37 .02 .10 .79 1.00 .14 .65 2.01 T .67 .05 .85 3.52 22.45 .28 .37 .32 .11 .30 .33 .99 .43 .8 .01 3.42 .37 1.37 2.76 .21 3.44 .83 2.95 19.38 1.10 .84 1.01 4.43 2.83 1.25 1.06 2.66 1.98 1.86 .60 1.24 .14 2.65 .03 2.55 1.33 27.56 .46 T 1.15 .83 .05 .31 .11 .31 .50 1.04 .51 1.52 1.25 .62 1.02 4.19 13.87 .89 .83 2.11 1.73 .21 .87 2.24 2.39 1.23 .29 2.04 .62 .17 1.05 .58 2.20 .28 19.73 3.12 1.07 .31 .66 1.61 2.46 2.01 .46 2.21 1.99 .51 .99 .63 .17 2.14 .12 2.28 22.74 April 11-20 . 3 33 April 21-30 . . . .62 May 1-10 May 11-20 .32 .79 May 21-31. . . .15 June 1-10 .17 June 11-20 .88 June 21-30 1 94 July 1-10 . . . . 1.54 July 11-20 .09 July 21-31 .18 Aug. 1-10 . 10 Aug. 11-20 ... 2.04 Aug. 21-31 .65 Sept. 1-10 .34 Sept 11-20 . . ... 1 91 Sept. 21-30 .60 Total 15 65 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . 1 51 .94 .61 1.45 1.16 1.43 1.20 .37 .55 .70 .39 .15 1.09 .90 1.20 T .17 12.31 2.02 2.49 1.51 2.79 .79 1.92 .19 .72 2.11 .04 . .58 .79 1.47 .48 2.90 T 2.32 23.12 2.63 .14 .04 2.84 1.90 .05 .43 2.99 3.30 4.35 1.98 .80 .01 .05 2.00 .61 .67 2.46 27.25 1.33 .47 4.07 3.27 6.08 .40 .61 1.07 .36 .83 .37 .20 .27 T .04 .91 .72 21.00 2.10 2.85 2.59 1.30 .02 1.50 .29 .47 1.21 .41 .68 .02 .58 2.73 .19 2.76 2.18 21.88 1.31 1.64 1.24 2.44 2.54 .21 2.03 1.87 .95 .50 .28 .06 .45 1.02 .04 2.61 4.23 23.42 .33 .79 .74 2.76 2.40 .57 .33 5.18 .35 .36 .64 .12 1.17 2.66 .58 .35 .08 19.41 1.36 1.20 1.14 1.41 1.89 .95 1.14 1.37 1.37 1.37 .94 .81 1.00 1.30 .86 1.29 1.29 1.62 22.31 April 11-20 ... 2.38 April 21-30 .43 May 1-10 .67 May 11-20 ... 1.01 May 21-31 .51 June 1-10 ... 2 . 79 June 11-20 .56 June 21-30 ... 2 64 July 1-10. . . . 3.23 July 11-20 ... 1.00 July 21-31 1 07 Aug. 1-10 ... 1 . 56 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.42 Aug. 21-31 .42 Sept. 1-10... T Sept. 11-20 .. . Sept. 21-30 .18 Total 21 38 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 329 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) MACOMB, McDonough county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 36 2.75 1.21 .54 .95 1.32 1.26 .09 1.78 .04 .18 5.50 .68 .08 .58 1.58 2.68 1.23 22.45 .51 T .44 .05 2.16 .52 1.07 .62 1.77 2.33 1.11 .44 3.13 .73 .25 1.07 .60 3.07 19.87 .35 .09 1.36 .71 .41 1.60 2.38 1.13 5.61 1.25 1.04 5.82 1.97 .85 1.21 1.53 1.25 .40 28.96 1.02 1.54 2.04 .09 1.67 .22 .49 3.02 1.43 1.34 .23 1 . 13 1.09 2.33 .42 1.71 1.35 21.12 1.13 .11 1.08 .47 .25 1.12 .45 5.10 .81 .80 .29 4.40 .74 .88 .35 6.62 1.34 2.00 27.94 .89 2.88 .91 1.45 2.13 2.07 1.52 2.64 .17 .96 .10 2.69 .52 1.64 .66 2.04 .46 1.69 25.42 2.18 .72 .24 .05 2.99 .12 1.43 1.05 1.55 .74 .22 1.53 .68 .07 1.14 .36 2.24 .42 17.73 .94 1.36 1/91 .25 2.55 .50 3.41 3.49 .66 3.40 4.09 2.09 .88 1.39 .09 .45 1.29 .99 29.74 \pril 11-20 . 2 29 April 21-30 . . . 2.71 May 1-10 61 May 11-20 69 May 21-31 ... 1 . 04 June 1-10 .18 June 11-20 1 69 June 21-30 ... 1 . 90 July 1-10 .27 July 11-20 .64 July 21-31 .... ... 1.23 Aug. 1-10 . 3.22 Aug. 11-20 .80 Aug 21-31 . . . .52 Sept. 1-10 . . . ... 5.63 Sept. 11-20 ... 1 . 28 Sept 21-30 1 85 Total . 26 91 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .99 .64 .73 1.25 2.09 .96 2.30 1.09 .05 1.48 .38 1.33 .08 1.44 1.80 1.79 3.27 1.47 23.14 .15 .25 .24 2.55 .26 2.25 .96 1.62 .26 3.47 1.34 2.28 3.69 .30 T 1.52 .42 21.56 .84 .99 .37 3.04 2.29 1.85 T T 1.74 1.78 .02 1.77 2.91 .28 1.92 .33 1.77 1.75 23.65 1.11 T .32 .16 .29 .20 1.62 1.50 .66 .32 1.08 T .49 .97 .43 5.26 1.81 1.85 18.07 1.15 1.06 .18 5.22 2.37 2.22 1.83 2.65 1.13 1.24 .57 4.38 .34 .48 T 2.80 3.76 31.38 .53 T 1.29 1.23 .77 .23 .44 T 1.03 .36 .05 1.09 1.59 .14 .75 2.99 3.81 16.30 .90 .38 2.41 1.32 .25 1.79 1.04 .92 3.88 .71 3.60 1.44 .46 1.53 .65 2.67 .03 .62 24.60 3.11 .12 .49 2.47 2.14 1.36 2.77 .53 2.42 1.48 .96 .12 1.54 .03 1.24 .83 .73 22.34 April 11-20 ... 2.26 April 21-30 26 May 1-10 .64 May 11-20 .36 May 21-31 41 June 1-10 28 June 11-20 ... 1.21 June 21-30 ... 2 . 60 July 1-10 38 July 11-20 T July 21-31 .11 Aug 1-10 42 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 . 37 Aug. 21-31 .16 Sept. 1-10 .01 Sept. 11-20 .93 Sept. 21-30 .59 Total 11 99 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . . ... 1.24 .83 .86 1.32 .26 .46 1.46 .50 1.24 .50 .79 1.49 .78 1.82 .28 .02 .03 12.64 1.49 2.02 .07 .89 .89 1.07 4.22 .56 .95 .84 .17 .01 T 2.86 .74 4.44 .90 1.34 23.46 2.29 .17 .29 1.50 2.75 .56 2.22 1.69 1.23 2.40 1.32 T .75 T 2.01 1.31 .99 .89 22.37 .61 .58 3.41 2.66 4.63 .56 2.47 .72 .60 1.43 1.63 1.34 1.74 .13 .48 1.25 .51 .03 24.78 1.24 2.33 4.40 2.40 1.29 .96 .35 .47 1.21 .02 .29 1.56 T 2.87 3.09 .05 1.56 2.84 26.93 .56 2.99 1.33 3.55 3.35 .74 3.65 2.44 .43 .42 .05 T .24 .33 T .54 2.40 4.58 27.60 .32 1.18 .49 2.75 1.40 .41 .04 6.32 1.04 .02 .92 .14 3.72 .58 .65 .91 .57 .66 22.12 1.06 1.12 1.14 1.43 1.56 1.02 1.42 1.71 1.37 1.06 .99 1.40 1.25 1.24 .80 1.68 1.21 1.41 22.87 April 11-20 ... 3.15 April 21-30 .83 May 1-10 . ... .66 May 11-20 .70 May 21-31 . . , ... 1.10 June 1-10 1.08 June 11-20 1.03 June 21-30 .... ... 1.96 July 1-10 .41 July 11-20 .49 July 21-31 ... 1.30 Aug 1-10 3 39 Aug 11-20. . . ... 3 . 08 Aug 21-31 74 Sept. 1-10 . . . Sept. 11-20 T Sept 21-30 .30 Total . . . . 21.46 330 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) MOKRISONVILLE, Christian county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .... .57 3.75 4.24 .49 .76 .39 2.53 .32'' .38 .20 .42 .49 1.04 T .33 .72 1.06 .23 17.35 .59 1.40 .73 .09 2.71 1.93 .19 .77 1.24 .78 .12 ' .42 2.11 .78 .37 3.74 1.98 1.34 21.29 .18 .05 .65 .61 .99 1.59 2.51 2.97 1.64 .09 1.38 1.53 .47 .36 1.10 .29 1.70 1.45 19.56 .98 .55 .47 .35 .42 .72 .09 4.13 3.11 1.28 .37 1.88 .74 2.48 .16 T .80 1.57 20.10 1.73 .69 1.36 .28 .67 .57 .14 3.82 .23 1.45 .24 .68 .31 2.25 1.64 6.35 1.28 3.66 27.35 4.27 3.25 .07 2.53 1.91 6.52 .72 3.11 .50 .03 1.21 2.68 2.12 1.92 .19 1.07 .14 2.36 34.60 2.37 .47 .53 .10 2.54 .27 2.59 2.35 2.72 1.73 .37 2.61 .68 .06 .26 .14 1.46 .76 22.01 2.22 .80 2.58 2.70 6.24 1.16 1.80 1.70 .52 2.89 3.00 .06 1.80 .46 .14 .56 .50 .11 29.24 April 11-20 . .. 1.56 April 21-30 . .. 2.67 May 1-10 .79 May 11-20 .02 May 21-31 86 June 1-10 22 June 11-20 . . . . . . 1.19 June 21-30 . . . 1 . 81 July 1-10 1.35 July 11-20 5 27 July 21-31 . . . 1 . 48 Aug. 1-10 . 2.70 Aug 11-20 2.20 Aug 21-31. . . . .21 Sept. 1-10 .... 1.58 Sept 11-20 51 Sept 21-30 3 51 Total . . . . 28.50 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 ... . .08 .07 .77 1.54 .78 .90 1.09 1.50 .06 1.07 .10 .80 .46 1.05 .46 .97 2.02 .49 1.29 15.42 1.45 .22 .61 1.43 1.56 1.16 1.65 .78 1.46 7.03 .81 .42 .51 .40 1.37 1.52 .22 1.06 2.72 1.96 1.10 .13 .01 .76 .14 1.35 .05 1.44 T .83 2.91 17.57 .39 .30 .60 .93 .09 .12 3.06 2.66 .12 .05 2.75 .01 1.86 2.79 .38 3.88 .38 2.80 23.17 1.02 .51 .79 2.85 3.53 .69 1.04 .90 .79 .40 3.29 .56 .09 .72 T 1.92 1.35 20.45 .41 T 1.16 .36 .14 .28 .97 .91 .37 .14 .29 .03 .19 1.90 .23 3.88 11.26 .89 .63 2.97 1.97 .57 1.40 3.09 1.72 .35 .36 1.68 1.65 .95 .65 .35 .78 .01 1.37 21.39 1.93 .83 .75 .36 1.23 2.29 1.30 2.11 .92 .81 1.67 .90 2.06 .22 1.45 T 1.68 20.51 April 11-20 .98 April 21-30 32 May 1-10 .42 May 11-20 .56 May 21-31 10 June 1-10 T June 11-20 ... 1 . 22 June 21-30 ... 2.04 July 1-10 .26 July 11-20. . . 06 July 21-31 ... 2 . 52 Aug. 1-10 Aug. 11-20 .14 1 03 Aug. 21-31 .32 Sept. 1-10.. . .63 Sept 11-20 1 59 Sept 21-30 .49 Total . . . 12.76 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 23 .37 .86 1.10 .91 1.92 1.84 .54 .46 .47 .56 T 1.18 1.45 3.76 T .27 15.69 2.06 3.51 T .81 .57 .23 3.47 .53 .85 1.50 .02 .15 .46 .66 1.28 2.14 .03 1.96 20.23 1.45 .22 .07 1.30 3.16 .01 2.46 2.72 1.78 4.10 1.26 .19 .88 .45 .15 .90 1.40 .23 22.73 1.02 .28 1.29 3.32 4.99 .28 4.47 1.92 .59 .37 .78 .86 .28 T .11 .44 1.49 .07 22.56 1.49 2.21 4.78 1.18 T 3.38 T .25 .02 .36 .67 .44 .19 4.83 .25 2.15 1.55 23.75 1.23 2.43 .95 .94 1.84 .12 4.21 2.08 .44 1.45 T 1.17 1.25 1.66 T .94 3.33 2.99 27.06 .12 .58 1.69 2.27 2.16 1.04 .63 1.44 .73 .31 2.12 .51 3.35 3.46 .14 1.43 .32 .57 22.87 1.27 1.25 1.14 1.15 1.56 1.23 1.54 1.62 .97 .89 1.12 .88 1.17 1.52 .83 1.25 .8'9 1.51 21.79 April 11-20 2 53 April 21-30 .69 May 1-10 69 May 11-20. . . . 10 May 21-31 .41 June 1-10 2 31 June 11-20. . . . ... 2 . 07 June 21-30 .90 July 1-10 69 July 11-20 .65 July 21-31 .08 Aug. 1-10 2 82 Aug. 11-20 ... 7.91 Aug. 21-31 .58 Sept. 1-10 . . T Sept. 11-20 .10 Sept. 21-30 30 Total . . . 24.06 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 331 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) PALESTINE, Crawford county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .... ,79 .63 .11 46 1. 3 85 .11 .79 1.22 1.49 .68 .24 3.45 .47 .61 1.43 .92 .15 .32 .01 3.90 .48 1.49 .19 .24 .87 .56 1.45 2.15 .2.50 T .84 .04 .93 .39 1.25 .83 .66 2.85 1.53 1.01 18.29 .88 .14 .82 1.38 .22 .61 .02 1.24 2.02 1.34 T .28 .20 2.88 .34 2.02 1.79 16.18 2.95 .42 .58 .23 .60 .51 4.36 3.79 1.09 3.45 1.67 2.48 2.47 2.09 1.31 2.70 1.38 7.15 .35 .83 1.31 1.39 1.02 .06 1.45 .35 .35 3.14 .19 4.21 2.27 1.51 .40 .36 .35 .33 .02 2.14 .17 .55 .91 2.85 .85 1.40 2.73 4.78 1.76 1.68 3.29 .70 2.80 1.02 1.29 .47 .63 April 11-20 April 21-30 . . . 1 May 1-10 May 11-20 >0 May 21-31 56 June 1-10 .27 ,78 96 .10 ,35 06 87 92 .99 ,17 25 71 IS 1 1 1 i! i .94 ,46 25 .41 ,02 04 40 44 14 T 75 June 11-20 June 21-30 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 1 Aug 1-10 ... 1 Aug. 11-20 ... 2 Aug 21-31 2 Sept 1-10 . : 3 Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 2 Total 21 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 ... 1 ,80 .22 28 ,21 90 T T ,66 68 T T ,02 .62 ,42 .12 .67 ,21 ,85 .66 1. 1. 1 2 1 2 15 ,54 ,23 43 ,69 09 ,85 .75 .85 16 .19 38 ,11 .13 ,75 .17 .06 ,43 .46 .27 .10 .08 2.46 .56 .12 .25 1.55 1.35 .92 1.53 T .35 3.78 2.62 .01 4.18 1.01 2.14 23.01 1.40 2.90 .40 2.84 3.42 4.47 .64 .24 .50 .09 1.90 .18 .08 T 2.15 1.96 23.17 .07 1.03 .42 .67 .76 .30 T 1.28 2.23 1.55 2.35 1.53 1.18 1.14 .43 3.14 1.05 2.53 21.66 .70 .50 .94 4.71 3.37 1.49 2.67 2.37 1.20 .48 .56 .44 1.73 .94 .34 1.52 2.20 26.16 2.26 T 1.35 .12 .51 .46 1.02 .37 .02 .35 2.03 1.08 .15 .30 1.99 .10 1.69 13.80 1.34 .84 3.34 2.70 .51 .89 2.18 1.68 .10 .41 1.32 1.43 2.22 .50 1.02 1.09 .95 22.52 2.15 .03 .04 .02 2.03 4.40 1.93 2.30 4.44 2.50 2.74 .83 4.37 1.12 .68 1.49 .98 T 32.05 April 11-20 1 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 . . June 1-10 June 11-20 1 June 21-30 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 . Aug. 1-10 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 Aug 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 . .. 3 Sept. 21-30 Total ... 14 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 .46 ,56 ,70 .74 .15 .46 .96 .39 ,54 .13 .56 .25 .89 .33 .13 .21 .10 .52 .08 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 .19 .94 .32 .15 .42 .05 .34 .87 .25 .66 .02 T .49 .78 .02 .31 .81 1.72 1.02 1.78 .75 .03 4.77 .35 .03 .04 2.54 .02 .55 .78 2.21 .44 .46 17.49 3.04 .23 .02 1.27 3.42 .01 1.65 2.74 3.58 3.36 2.04 1.21 2.67 1.69 .93 1.52 .77 .02 30.17 .57 1.08 .85 2.10 6.42 1.73 .50 .41 .72 1.04 .42 .55 .24 T 1.78 2.45 20.86 2.31 2.50 3.50 1.60 T .43 .90 1.32 .49 T .29 .39 .03 2.52 3.83 .03 .17 .74 21.05 1.79 3.48 1.01 1.23 2.50 .48 2.95 5.18 2.10 .22 .51 2.58 .92 2.48 .30 .08 1.56 6.74 36.11 .28 .98 1.23 4.04 3.99 .89 1.33 2.82 .17 .67' .65 .93 .77 3.72 .60 .02 1.33 24.42 1.44 1.30 1.03 1.45 1.92 1.30 1.55 1.44 1.14 .90 .79 .90 1.44 1.42 .83 1.45 .90 1.35 22.55 April 11-20 3 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 . May 21-31 June 1-10 4 June 11-20. . . . ... 1 June 21-30 July 1-10 . . 4 July 11-20 July 21-31. 1 Aug. 1-10 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 Aug. 21-31 Sept 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 Total . .. 23 332 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) PARIS, Edgar county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10... .72 2.90 2.01 .46 1.41 3.77 1.01 3.53 April 11-20 ... 1.11 6.25 .94 .08 1.33 2.68 .46 1.47 April 21-30 ... 1.52 .78 .62 .48 .79 .23 .84 1.22 May 1-10 T .80 .11 1.86 .48 1.60 1.26 .84 1.86 May 11-20 .57 .83 3.17 .16 .15 .62 1.03 1.63 5.68 May 21-31 ... 2.16 .32 1.51 3.47 .22 1.42 3.88 1.16 1.31 June 1-10 .43 .17 .91 .08 1.31 3.86 2.78 June 11-20 .50 1.31 .06 5.29 .91 .98 1.97 1.72 June 21-30 ... 2.79 1.29 .97 5.14 1.18 1.98 1.12 .40 July 1-10 .94 1.33 3.24 .15 1.97 .95 .10 1.11 3.24 July 11-20 .25 2.02 .42 .48 .70 .30 1.53 1.03 .02 July 21-31 .97 1.12 .15 .02 .36 .97 1.72 .36 .08 Aug. 1-10 . 2.44 4.52 2.60 .18 .34 2.37 1.53 .51 Aug. 11-20 .63 .42 2.86 3.65 .85 1.67 T T Aug. 21-31 ... 3.86 1.38 2.70 2.34 .10 1.69 .38 2.17 .08 Sept. 1-10 .95 1.87 .10 6.07 1.60 .17 1.96 Sept. 11-20 2.20 1.46 2.59 .67 .05 1.27 .10 Sept. 21-30 .05 .14 1.65 3.13 3.19 .69 .90 Total 25.78 23.60 24.31 29.73 21.22 26.86 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .03 .83 .14 .86 .33 .54 1.60 1.31 3.11 April 11-20 ... 1 . 66 .87 .26 1.61 1.37 .32 T .95 .16 April 21-30 ... 1.11 1.02 .80 .45 .39 .57 2.93 2.46 .18 May 1-10 .46 1.68 1.62 2.06 .72 6.41 .24 2.17 .40 May 11-20 .56 1.00 .16 3.74 .02 2.39 .76 .37 1.94 May 21-31 .08 .91 T 2.83 .13 .83 .93 .29 2.79 June 1-10 .03 1.72 1.87 T 1.17 1.02 .33 4.10 .94 June 11-20 .39 .63 .72 T 1.02 1.44 1.36 2.61 June 21-30 ... 2.29 1.73 1.52 .90 .20 1.83 .03 .50 4.01 July 1-10. . . .84 .80 .77 .28 .42 .42 1.33 .01 3.50 July 11-20 .10 1.47 2.93 .24 .68 2.17 1.03 July 21-31 .16 T 1.20 .90 1.62 2.58 1.48 .70 1.64 Aug. 1-10. . . .63 1.35 3.16 1.82 1.48 1.42 .72 .43 2.25 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.40 .80 .12 T 3.27 1.13 .05 1.52 .52 Aug. 21-31 .28 2.07 T 1.12 .40 .35 .15 T 3.33 Sept. 1-10... 1.16 1.80 .36 .88 2.50 1.10 .85 1.40 .12 Sept. 11-20 ... 2.04 6.75 .43 .52 1.16 .05 T .77 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.00 .99 .63 1.91 3.11 1.55 3.08 1.33 Total 14.22 26.42 13.76 19.88 22.24 24.14 15.21 21.07 29.30 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 ... 1.39 .94 3.45 2.68 1.00 3.01 1.72 1.55 April 11-20 ... 3.99 2.74 .80 .10 .74 1.65 1.68 .72 1.36 April 21-30. .56 1.02 .05 .55 2.58 .80 .78 .91 May 1-10. . . .90 2.88 .99 2.79 4.76 2.54 1.63 4.25 1.74 May 11-20 .02 1.56 .88 1.90 7.92 .27 2.07 2.47 1.61 May 21-31 .16 1.30 .16 T .82 3.14 .41 2.34 1.25 June 1-10 . .. 2.78 .36 6.40 1.87 2.25 .62 2.60 1.20 1.55 June 11-20 ... 2.68 1.24 1.59 3.56 .90 .89 4.22 2.23 1.53 June 21-30 ... 1.55 1.33 2.50 1.63 .50 T 1.93 .39 1.51 July 1-10. . . ... 2.59 .33 3.46 1.10 .15 .37 .79 1.16 July 11-20 .13 1.80 .89 1.19 .29 .05 .63 .78 July 21-31 ... 1.15 .26 1.30 .67 1.38 .99 .29 .85 Aug. 1-10. . . ... 1 . 15 T .28 .22 1.47 1.37 .96 1.28 Aug. 11-20 ... 4.33 .99 .66 .12 T .40 2.72 1.64 1.15 Aug. 21-31 .35 1.21 .80 .48 .03 3.42 .12 .08 1.11 Sept. 1-10 .44 .60 3.75 .67 2.34 .08 .50 .47 1.32 Sept. 11-20 T T .95 1.69 .47 1.97 .11 1.05 Sept. 21-30 .36 .63 .37 .18 .04 1.65 3.40 1.46 1.31 Total 24.53 18.86 24.26 22.22 27.30 22.54 28.55 20.81 23.02 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 333 -CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) PEORIA, Peoria county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10... .13 1.56 1.29 .77 .95 1.27 2.38 T .65 .34 .27 1.65 1.14 T T .72 2.14 .57 15.70 1.17 .04 .74 .09 3.06 2.00 .20 .57 1.32 .66 .10 .59 1.78 .56 .50 2.39 1.08 1.81 18.66 .18 .33 1.62 .63 .35 .93 1.61 .52 5.95 .19 2.95 2.45 3.09 2.83 1.23 1.40 1.91 .43 28.60 .18 .65 .85 .20 1.32 .01 .63 1.44 1.08 2.97 .15 .81 .57 3.70 .88 1.99 2.12 19.55 1.11 .28 1.21 1.04 .21 .93 .30 5.02 .31 1.88 .46 3.60 1.97 1.16 3.66 7.98 1.64 1.93 34.69 1.03 3.16 .68 1.24 5.73 2.25 3.18 2.22 .31 2.27 .57 2.10 .07 .79 .59 3.24 .21 2.37 32.01 1.89 .86 .09 .34 1.79 1.08 .98 2.24 3.38 2.43 .79 1.13 .70 1.62 1.30 .83 2.14 .21 23.80 1.85 1.49 1.22 .38 2.03 2.62 1.00 2.30 1.14 3.66 1.71 .39 2.50 .28 .24 .35 .48 .21 23.85 April 11-20 ... 2 54 April 21-30 ... 3 . 69 May 1-10 52 May 11-20 .02 May 21-31 ... 1 . 59 June 1-10 . . 1 22 June 11-20 .03 June 21-30 .92 July 1-10 32 July 11-20 ... 2 . 33 July 21-31 ... 1 . 30 Aug 1-10 . . 1 83 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 . 80 Aug. 21-31 .23 Sept 1-10 .... ... 1 90 Sept. 11-20 .. . 1 31 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 . 65 Total 23 33 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 1.11 . .69 .43 1.56 2.79 .79 1.92 .18 .19 3.96 1.95 T 1.25 .62 .62 1.25 2.32 1.35 22.98 .05 .77 1.17 2.54 .19 .88 3.46 .95 .34 2.85 .56 .95 1.74 .45 .08 1.41 .29 18.68 1.16 .97 .92 3.80 3.24 .93 T .33 .82 .93 .19 .81 1.47 .50 .69 .10 2.04 3.78 22.68 .81 .01 .31 .07 .05 .35 1.24 .27 1.31 .38 5.04 .02 1.40 .38 .52 3.39 1.35 1.83 18.73 1.68 .57 .66 6.02 .99 1.57 .78 3.02 2.82 .04 .77 1.83 .73 .18 .07 2.13 1.20 25.06 .65 .03 .96 1.01 .65 .06 .37 .08 T .34 .90 1.10 .91 .26 .81 4.94 4.83 17.90 1.23 1.22 1.97 .82 .53 1.87 1.49 2.96 .42 .12 1.76 .44 .03 1.24 .28 .70 .07 .37 17.52 3.36 .25 .19 1.07 2.37 2.28 2.03 .78 3.95 2.50 1.70 2.14 .85 .36 1.80 .20 1.92 27.75 April 11-20 ... 3.41 April 21-30 .17 May 1-10 , .40 May 11-20 .48 May 21-31 . . 19 June 1-10 .37 June 11-20 .55 June 21-30 . ... 1 61 July 1-10 .70 July 11-20 .03 July 21-31 .29 Aug. 1-10 .56 Aug. 11-20 .84 Aug 21-31 16 Sept. 1-10 , .10 Sept. 11-20 .88 Sept. 21-30 .33 Total ... 11.07 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . 1 37 .82 .91 2.12 .69 1.09 1.77 .11 2.99 .20 T .17 .33 1.06 1.88 .35 1.10 .06 15.65 1.99 2.41 T 1.67 2.65 1.32 1.85 .88 .43 .09 .21 1.59 .29 1.49 .29 2.18 .15 2.54 22.03 3.11 .17 .23 1.54 1.58 .16 2.42 .94 1.48 3.15 .71 .02 .64 T 1.49 1.29 .85 1.20 20.98 .20 1.05 4.13 2.64 4.31 .40 2.41 1.07 .01 1.49 .21 .86 4.00 T .63 .23 .65 T 24.29 1.63 1.47 5.22 1.56 .69 1.87 .38 .81 1.53 .07 1.66 .02 1.72 1.12 .24 3.12 1.13 24.24 1.17 2.99 1.42 2.65 2.14 .11 1.00 2.52 2.14 .49 .05 .03 .56 .55 T .76 1.94 4.66 25.18 .15 .91 .49 3.07 1.24 .75 .10 6.90 .41 .28 .51 1.02 1.81 .57 1.30 .34 .68 20.53 1.14 1.22 1.23 1.45 1.54 1.19 1.18 1.62 1.32 1.34 .97 .99 1.14 1.06 .70 1.42 1.29 1.37 22.17 April 11-20 ... 3.18 April 21-30 .61 May 1-10 . . . 1 30 May 11-20 ... 1 . 27 May 21-31 . 1 91 June 1-10. . . . 1 . 58 June 11-20 2.05 June 21-30 1 90 July 1-10 3.41 July 11-20. 1.11 July 21-31. . . . .28 Aug. 1-10. . . 1.30 Aug. 11-20. . . . .56 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 . .52 T Sept. 11-20.. . . 26 Sept. 21-30 .59 Total 23.20 334 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) QUINCY, Adams county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .84 .85 .51 .17 .00 .41 .42 .66 .74 .40 .30 .34 .37 .26 .01 .12 .64 34 .38 1.58 1.73 .44 .25 1.29 1.38 .id .32 .21 .43 2.25 1.29 1.48 1.20 2.85 1.39 T 18.19 1 2 3 2 1 4 20 .03 .02 .82 .1.3 .42 .70 .36 .97 .23 .33 .58 . .31 .11 .18 .30 .92 .89 .43 .73 .02 .15 1.40 .83 .25 2.77 1.92 1.52 2.85 .67 1.28 .64 2.05 .24 1.12 1.44 .76 .43 20.34 .76 .43 1.54 .17 1.65 .50 .17 1.61 2.92 3.57 .43 .67 .99 4.65 .25 1.02 1.35 2.95 25.63 1.90 .22 1.07 .19 .44 1.45 .70 6.39 .59 .79 .02 1.00 1.28 3.13 1.42 7.89 2.68 1.07 32.23 2.90 3.12 .26 1.66 .99 1.85 2.65 1.80 .38 .97 .48 2.05 .46 .95 .11 .93 .48 1.57 23.61 2.18 .65 .75 T 2.08 .02 1.57 2.46 1.41 .07 .42 .59 1.28 1.73 1.53 .34 2.15 .73 19.96 2.14 1.83 3.01 .88 3.49 1.36 1.96 2.90 .56 2.39 2.46 1.29 2.71 .73 .14 .63 1.85 .52 30.85 April 11-20 . ... 1 April 21-30... . . . . . 2 May 1-10 . 1 May 11-20. . 1 May 21-31. . . . June 1-10 June 11-20 . June 21-30. . . . ... 2 July 1-10. . . ... 1 July 11-20 July 21-31 . . . Aug. 1-10 , . . . 2 Aug. 11-20. . . . , . . . 1 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 . . . ... 2 Sept. 11-20 ... 3 Sept 21-30 2 Total . 25 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .53 .26 .43 .81 .46 .42 .33 .34 T .05 .34 46 .03 57 .19 66 ,88 .66 .05 1.24 .97 2.62 1.49 4.06 3.63 .19 .75 2.07 1.46 1.10 1.77 .19 3.69 1.08 2.74 29.76 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 4 3 3 29 .10 .32 .11 .10 .22 .25 .55 .33 .09 .23 T .36 .60 .98 .20 .15 .92 .59 .10 1.33 1.07 .16 1.71 2.20 3.03 .86 2.38 .71 .12 .89 2.40 T .45 .40 .66 1.01 19.38 1.29 .01 .39 .92 .37 .13 .63 .73 .51 .09 .10 .12 .01 2.29 .22 1.95 1.92 2.36 14.04 1.98 1.77 .49 ' 5.49 4.02 4.19 2.35 2.31 1.05 1.73 .09 4.14 .62 1.04 .07 2.03 .83 34.20 .38 .05 .82 1.88 .29 .22 .17 1.29 .33 T .12 .15 .58 .04 3.03 3.45 3.40 16.20 .68 .17 2.48 1.43 .67 .44 .27 1.13 .69 .08 4.63 .77 3.25 .16 .50 .39 .33 .96 19.03 2.69 .48 .47 1.92 .35 4.09 1.63 1.43 2.03 2.78 .57 .07 .96 .05 4.13 .12 1.13 24.90 April 11-20 April 21-30 May 1-10 1 May 11-20. . . . May 21-31. ... June 1-10 June 11-20. . . . 2 June 21-30 ... 2 July 1-10. . . July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 Aug 11-20 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 . Sept. 11-20 ... 1 Sept. 21-30 Total 11 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 .45 .90 96 ,57 T 15 ,62 70 92 76 15 10 59 01 16 14 18 .77 1.40 .82 .07 .64 .54 .89 1.89 1.11 .38 .03 3.39 2.07 .44 T .34 14.78 2 3 1 1 1, i! i. 3. I. 22. .95 .90 .88 .16 ,38 .43 31 17 06 96 54 28 03 65 11 70 57 08 3.05 .02 2.16 2.33 1.73 .36 2.42 1.99 2.12 1.09 2.04 .22 1.37 1.90 2.44 1.11 1.73 .96 29.04 .37 .34 1.99 2.21 5.24 .72 2.47 .90 T 2.67 1.10 .47 6.15 T .25 .79 .74 .76 27.17 .59 4.73 2.65 1.33 1.51 .28 .60 .24 .03 .29 .95 .87 1.03 3.75 4.34 2.68 25.87 .43 2.92 1.53 1.82 2.32 .10 4.01 2.65 1.89 .55 .12 .01 .37 .75 1.19 3.75 5.59 30.00 1.09 1.46 1.11 4.17 2.03 .22 .03 2.30 1.15 .05 1.72 .14 3.28 1.77 1.46 1.54 .59 .63 25.19 1.16 1.24 1.17 1.40 - 1.43 1.14 1.43 1.91 1.39 .94 .87 .84 1.81 1.53 .87 1.46 1.5S 1.48 23.65 April 11-20 ... 3 April 21-30 May 1-10 ... 1 May 11-20 May 21-31. . . . . . 1 June 1-10. ..... June 11-20 2 June 21-30. . . . . 1 July 1-10. . . July 11-20 July 21-31 ... 1 Aug. 1-10 Aug 11-20 ... 4. . 6 Aug. 21-31 Sept 1-10 Sept. 11-20 . . Sept. 21-30. .... Total ... 26. 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 335 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) ROBERTS, Ford county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 . .28 .72 3.42 .60 .96 1.39 2.24 T .48 .37 .72 1.68 .25 .37 .42 .25 .56 .45 14.88 .99 T .16 T 4.45 1.17 .46 1.69 1.68 .95 1.26 2.35 .50 1.16 .97 .86 .77 19.42 .02 .70 1.53 .52 .63 .42 2.49 .68 3.10 .12 .80 .31 3.10 2.68 .98 1.43 .32 .47 20.30 .65 .30 .60 T .30 T T 2.26 .42 1.81 2.38 .64 .22 .81 1.85 2.65 .59 15.48 1.42 .75 1.10 .64 1.55 1.50 .06 1.98 .10 1.71 .70 5.71 1.90 2.08 .58 5.43 1.35 5.23 33.79 2.58 3.40 1.15 1.37 5.15 1.92 1.08 1.16 .75 .25 2.52 .25 .56 .96 .50 1.05 .25 4.15 29.05 1.50 .56 .24 .19 .81 .31 .85 1.05 1.78 3.90 1.23 .85 .81 .11 2.60 .30 2.65 .43 20.17 2.25 .98 .97 1.00 2.22 .60 .60 1.85 .70 4.39 T .50 .95 .12 .02 .58 .07 .72 18.52 April 11-20.. . . 2.16 April 21-30 1 24 May 1-10 03 May 11-20 T May 21-31 1 30 June 1-10 . . 1 30 June 11-20 .33 June 21-30 1 00 July 1-10 T July 11-20 .46 July 21-31 ... 1 . 36 Aug 1-10 1 46 Aug 11-20 . . 2.18 Aug. 21-31 .35 Sept. 1-10 .40 Sept. 11-20 3 69 Sept. 21-30 ... 3 . 30 Total . . . 20.84 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 T 1.45 .84 1.57 1.83 1.87 .65 1.49 .35 2.45 1.03 .45 T 1.88 T .06 2.70 2.60 .82 22.04 .05 .16 1.88 1.17 .04 T .34 1.02 .66 2.00 .20 3.60 .16 .30 .14 1.14 .38 13.24 1.31 1.06 1.16 1.64 4.35 .52 .26 T .41 .49 T .80 4.00 T .55 .46 1.24 7.55 25.80 .26 .20 .51 T .16 .30 .67 .38 .89 T 1.56 .98 1.14 1.70 .38 3.39 .55 .95 14.02 .68 .86 1.15 4.75 .61 2.03 .81 2.55 2.24 .66 1.23 1.82 .82 .76 T - 1.95 1.05 23.97 .72 T 2.30 2.84 .58 .12 .18 T .12 .58 .56 .19 1.17 3.67 2.40 2.07 2.28 2.31 22.09 2.12 .49 2.32 .81 .52 1.95 1.43 1.02 1.05 T 1.90 .47 T .70 2.61 1.20 .12 .46 19.17 2.16 .53 .18 .02 2.24 2.65 2.80 .14 3.54 3.35 1.32 1.97 .95 .94 1.44 .13 1.67 26.03 April 11-20 . 3.63 April 21-30 .63 May 1-10 .87 May 11-20. . 1 31 May 21-31 :.. .12 June 1-10 .66 June 11-20 55 June 21-30 .92 July 1-10. . . .62 July 11-20 T July 21-31 .03 Aug. 1-10 .52 Aug. 11-20 1 67 Aug. 21-31 .65 Sept. 1-10 .04 Sept 11-20 1 15 Sept. 21-30 . . .67 Total . . . 14.04 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . 1 69 .70 .54 .12 1.05 .64 1.55 1.11 1.51 .43 T .27 .26 .90 .55 .27 .06 9.96 1.77 3.13 1.65 .20 .69 1.62 2.69 .84 .122 .40 .43 .67 1.82 1.15 1.55 T 1.22 21.05 2.14 T T 2.12 1.85 T 1.19 .81 .08 1.23 .66 .39 .68 4.25 .45 .38 1.96 18.19 .70 .70 3.54 3.46 5.31 .58 1.02 1.64 T .60 .73 1.14 5.52 .15 .20 1.71 .78 T 27.78 1.60 3.66 2.74 1.36 .74 2.96 .58 1.84 .75 .62 1.03 1.15 .06 1.14 2.10 .08 .89 .90 24.20 2.00 1.33 1.57 3.08 3.32 .26 .60 4.29 .77 .32 .02 .41 .37 1.15 .89 2.55 2.96 25.79 .03 1.10 .32 3.79 1.47 .53 .19 5.68 .31 3.60 .62 .25 .32 1.16 T .30 T .85 20.52 1.15 1.29 1.00 1.42 1.62 .96 .90 1.45 1.04 1.22 .89 .85 1.37 1.05 .89 1.15 1.07 1.46 20.78 April 1 1-20 ... 2 . 98 April 21-30 .55 May 1-10 . 1 69 May 11-20 .44 May 21-31 68 June 1-10 1.58 June 11-20 ... 1 . 77 June 21-30 . 1 80 July 1-10 1.60 July 11-20 ... 2.82 July 21-31 .49 Aug 1-10 2 02 Aug. 11-20 . . . 1 48 Aug. 21-31 T Sept. 1-10 T Sept. 11-20. . . . .20 Sept 21-30 18 Total . . 21 97 336 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) SPRINGFIELD, Sangamon county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 12 72 91 57 03 57 91 65 85 05 26 36 81 27 10 35 11 87 51 2.55 2.06 .59 1.22 1.21 2.21' .01 .59 .59 1.16 .30 1.10 T .55 .57 .43 15.14 .83 .58 .31 .12 2.47 .87 .49 .04 2.21 .06 .94 .31 4.26 .71 .38 1.59 1.30 2.77 20.24 .36 .18 1.64 .57 .68 2.58 2.02 .41 3.04 .09 .24 1.38 .30 1.05 1.75 .35 1.33 .34 18.31 .56 .67 1.36 .10 .59 .41 .37 1.82 1.55 2.71 .13 .67 1.44 2.93 .05 .29 1.86 2.30 19.81 3.35 .57 1.13 .64 1.55 1.50 .54 4.42 .05 1.89 T .51 .38 2.23 1.78 11.09 .29 3.78 35.70 1.08 4.29 .08 1.20 1.91 3.90 1.15 2.24 .11 .03 2.27 .87 .93 2.09 .35 1.97 .13 5.36 29.96 2. 4! 1 1 2, 2. 2 19 09 54 25 23 27 11 ,75 ,29 02 .40 ,46 23 .19 ,08 .46 .03 ,47 .85 ,72 1.60 .84 1.12 1.86 3.20 1.26 1.30 1.85 .26 2.19 1.87 .60 1.93 .09 .06 .20 .32 1.13 21.68 April 11-20 . . . 1. April 21-30 . . . 2. May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 .... ... 2. June 21-30 . . . 1. July 1-10 July 11-20 .... . . 1. July 21-31 Aug. 1-10. . . . 3. Aug 11-20 . . 1. Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 1. Sept 11-20 . 1. Sept 21-30 . . . ... 1 Total . . . 22. 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 . . . T 10 45 .49 93 ,23 .02 .99 39 .00 07 26 .02 ,29 37 .19 .25 .27 .32 .71 .65 .52 2.07 2.01 .79 .48 .18 3.28 .08 2.70 T 2.96 .08 .54 1.59 .87 .69 20.20 .05 .56 .88 1.67 .10 1.01 3.02 1.92 1.45 1.15 1.15 1.99 3.06 .37 T .87 .26 19.51 1.02 .94 .61 2.28 3.94 2.47 1.16 .84 1.29 .39 T .03 1.93 T .41 .04 1.35 3.66 22.36 .40 .38 .43 .01 .22 .09 1.22 .69 2.64 T 5.80 .31 1.18 2.05 .39 2.41 .26 2.57 21.05 1.89 .73 .77 3.20 2.50 2.21 1.28 2.63 1.78 1.55 2.14 1.74 .01 1.22 T 1.85 T 1.37 26.87 .81 T 1.39 .45 .03 1.40 .26 .88 1.13 .13 .39 .97 .25 .83 .90 4.33 14.15 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 20 .67 .80 .17 .02 .38 .02 .07 .64 .01 .82 .85 .03 .28 .28 .38 .72 T .44 .58 2.40 .37 .55 .93 2.65 3.76 2.23 .83 1.17 1.07 .88 .88 .21 1.56 .72 1.20 .78 T 22.19 April 11-20 1 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 June 21-30 ... 1 July 1-10 ... 1 July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 Aug. 11-20 1 Aug. 20-31 ... 1 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 2 Sept 21-30 . . Total , ... 12 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 ,16 .79 42 .89 .39 .34 .06 .93 .91 .48 .59 T .53 .78 .44 T ,14 .85 .87 .90 1.91 .32 1.35 1.70 .29 .73 .51 1.29 .02 .88 .41 1.18 T .38 12.74 2.18 3.19 T 1.44 1.11 .48 1.75 .17 .33 1.65 .19 .39 .31 .67 1.07 4.63 .28 2.06 21.90 2.17 .11 .06 1.25 2.18 T 2.83 2.11 .50 4.11 2.50 .45 .12 .03 .76 .98 .94 2.53 23.63 .68 .28 2.48 3.21 7.21 .18 1.09 1.19 .50 1.03 .21 1.79 .05 .03 .02 1.30 1.06 .09 22.40 4.14 1.01 3.38 .98 .01 3.27 .18 .38 .02 .15 .09 .57 .48 3.63 .03 2.33 1.48 22.13 1.58 2.15 .89 1.20 2.22 .78 3.23 2.68 1.43 .52 .06 .42 2.00 1.36 T .67 4.36 3.35 28.90 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 23 .42 .02 .10 .33 .60 .66 .99 .08 .20 54 .25 .36 71 .24 ,22 .63 .46 .97 .78 1.30 1.13 1.05 1.17 1.76 1.30 1.26 1.43 1.15 .93 1.20 .71 1.15 1.08 .66 1.40 1.00 1.65 21.33 April 11-20 ... 3 April 21-30 May 1-10 . . May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 , ... 2 June 11-20. . . . June 21-30 July 1-10 , July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug 1-10 2 Aug. 11-20 2 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 Total ... 17 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 337 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) TUSCOLA, Douglas county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .80 2.89 1 .58 .20 .82 3.34 2.93 2.56 3.65 April 11-20 I .22 3.79 1 .03 2.10 .95 1.16 2.42 .68 1.09 April 21-30 2 .17 .57 .06 2.00 1.26 1.29 .10 .61 2.08 May 1-10. . . .12 .56 .05 .60 .20 .40 2.50 .13 1.70 May 11-20 .11 1.19 2 .59 .82 .28 1.06 1.62 3.59 4.24 May 21-31 ... 2 .04 1.56 2 .75 1.78 .16 1.79 6.75 .95 3.46 June 1-10 .55 .17 ,37 2.51 .03 .28 1.30 3.38 1.46 June 11-20 ,11 .73 .17 2.12 2.88 2.62 2.99 1.17 1.53 June 21-30 ... 2, 14 1.15 2, 25 1.72 2.77 .19 .97 1.48 .11 July 1-10. . . .05 .42 73 .18 1.53 .19 .12 1.07 6.03 July 11-20 .27 .96 ,44 1.08 .28 .45 1.29 T .16 July 21-31 .76 .52 1 ,00 .19 .21 2.55 2.08 .58 .37 Aug. 1-10. . . . 2 .00 .16 3 .41 1.50 .36 .04 1.08 1.55 .71 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 53 .01 ,50 2.89 4.12 3.89 2.48 .67 Aug. 21-31 ... 1 ,55 2.07 52 2.05 .30 .88 .87 1.75 .14 Sept. 1-10... ... 4 95 .47 1 41 1.00 .68 8.80 1.11 .07 Sept. 11-20 .70 .33 1, 06 1.80 2.23 1.21 .14 3.25 .30 Sept. 21-30 ... 2 ,87 63 .27 .48 4.04 3.75 1.59 .67 Total 23 .94 17.55 20 ,55 24.81 19.54 34.18 34.50 24.41 28.37 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10... 03 .98 .11 1.00 .78 2.13 3.22 April 11-20 . 2. 51 37 1.77 .46 .74 1.60 .42 April 21-30 ... 1. VI3 84 1.26 .35 .43 1.69 2.06 .31 May 1-10 T 2.12 1 22 1.67 .18 4.38 .83 1.51 .49 May 11-20 15 2.45 15 3.67 .14 2.59 .90 .22 2.26 May 21-31 ,06 .94 ,10 3.11 .14 1.00 .12 .75 4.55 June 1-10 .54 1.51 2, 32 1.49 .89 1.29 3.74 1.27 June 11-20 09 .80 1. 87 .04 .60 1.81 2.20 1.58 June 21-30 ... 2, 52 .18 2. 27 1.37 .36 1.67 .12 1.85 3.48 July 1-10. . . ,73 .92 2, 05 .80 .11 1.04 .15 2.09 2.51 July 11-20 ,48 .90 T 4.14 1.32 .58 1.75 2.26 July 21-31 .47 .12 64 .07 .67 2.29 .40 1.27 Aug. 1-10 69 1.20 1. 74 6.83 1.36 .69 .39 1.45 3.14 Aug. 11-20 97 1.45 42 .18 7.85 1.04 .21 1.78 .36 Aug. 21-31 ... 1 92 .76 21 1.55 .24 .05 .68 .16 2.18 Sept. 1-10 .06 .62 .15 .49 3.20 2.31 2.17 2.57 1.31 Sept. 11-20 ... 2 ,18 5.45 80 .64 .99 T .77 .72 Sept. 21-30 ,86 .84 95 2.84 2.68 1.29 2.96 2.17 T Total ...15 46 16 .13 27.27 24.40 22.92 15.93 28.43 31.33 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 .22 .90 1 96 2.80 .51 .96 1.37 .52 1.43 April 11-20 ... 3 54 3.07 1, 00 .39 .69 2.27 1.72 .83 1.38 April 21-30 66 1.17 .23 2.16 4.24 1.09 .36 1.09 May 1-10. .. ,21 1.53 1, 75 1.15 4.76 .22 1.43 3.92 1.29 May 11-20 ... 1 35 1.08 1, 75 2.05 5.64 1.83 3.11 2.57 1.82 May 21-31 45 .97 1. 09 .05 .99 1.48 .58 .94 1.48 June 1-10 . 2 .13 2.25 2 25 1.75 2.40 1.10 2.70 .77 1.48 June 11-20 ... 2 92 2.07 73 3.42 2.43 .55 2.19 2.49 1.54 June 21-30 83 .75 1. 30 2.06 .31 .09 5.40 .19 1.44 July 1-10 ... 1 .07 1, 10 2.62 1.95 .35 1.16 1.62 1.18 July 11-20 ,09 .89 08 2.80 .22 .03 1.35 .84 July 21-31 16 T 1. 28 1.00 .86 .58 1.92 .77 Aug. 1-10. . . . 2 ,48 .05 31 .20 2.14 2.16 1.39 1.42 Aug. 11-20 ... 2 ,60 .52 02 .80 .80 1.31 2.59 1.50 Aug. 21-31 ,52 3.65 1. 26 .95 T 3.53 .06 1.07 Sept. 1-10 .11 .01 2 51 2.52 .73 .37 .11 .60 1.47 Sept. 11-20 .55 1.35 1.24 .95 2.65 .05 1.13 Sept. 21-30 .23 .86 1 18 .19 4.61 3.65 .37 1.54 Total .12 19.77 19 .57 25.33 27.17 24.21 31.24 22.54 23.87 338 BULLETIN NO. 532 Table 13. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing (Continued) [April, Season UKBANA, Champaign county 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 April 1-10. . . .05 1.10 1.40 1.61 .68 1.61 1.27 .40 3.40 .81 1.23 .79 1.07 .14 .72 .64 .18 .37 17.42 1.68 1.35 .51 .46 .43 .55 1.20 .33 .07 .51 .83 .03 2.61 .22 .35 .06 11.19 3.32 1.17 1.96 1.90 2.75 3.21 .30 3.05 2.01 1.37 .86 .27 2.35 .08 .55 .38 25.53 1.39 3.76 2.53 .36 .68 3.79 1.26 .25 .04 .05 .35 .19 .06 1.22 2.40 18.33 .67 1.03 .19 2.17 .02 1.15 .02 .53 1.23 .05 .30 .73 1.19 .53 .34 3.54 .50 .17 14.36 1.81 .13 .47 .19 1.98 .03 .01 .72 1.51 .45 2.37 .79 1.81 3.20 1.55 .52 17.54 .71 .60 .58 1.39 2.22 1.76 1.85 .88 .25 1.20 2.64 4.03 1.28 2.25 .21 2.48 .89 2.10 27.32 1.70 .54 1.98 .83 .61 .36 2.97 1.30 .41 .21 .28 .14 .31 April 11-20 .54 April 21-30 . . . .02 May 1-10 May 11-20 .38 May 21-31 ... 5.14 June 1-10 3 47 June 11-20 . 3.22 June 21-30 ... 1.31 July 1-10 .39 July 11-20 . . . . 2.76 July 21-31 ... 2 . 66 Aug 1-10 03 Aug 11-20 .57 Aug. 21-31. . . . . . Sept. 1-10 1.30 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 . . . ... 1.44 Total . . . 23.28 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 April 1-10 .33 .25 .25 .38 2.07 3.64 .93 .60 .76 .57 1.67 .41 1.59 .06 .64 .88 .17 .02 14.89 .74 .10 1.70 1.90 1.00 .69 .30 3.12 .18 2.53 1.10 .23 5.08 .92 .12 1.05 1.06 21.82 .32 .45 .03 1.10 .05 .78 1.23 1.79 2.78 2.40 .08 1.04 .64 .10 1.28 14.07 .31 1.80 2.03 .41 .16 1.81 3.23 5.94 .47 1.67 1.88 3.15 6.65 .83 .76 3.31 34.41 3.35 1.90 .46 .03 3.92 1.88 .30 .38 1.28 2.79 1.06 .48 .60 1.25 .09 .41 .49 20.67 1.42 2.55 .62 .32 .66 .30 .62 .25 2.12 .32 .28 .50 1.46 1.59 2.02 .51 15.54 .22 2.73 1.23 1.33 1.68 1.18 .06 .06 3.31 1.97 .12 2.14 2.56 .26 .06 18.91 1.75 .42 .06 1.01 1.04 1.26 1.95 1.13 .11 1.50 .55 .93 2.83 .81 .05 .12 2.28 17.80 April 11-20 .73 April 21-30 ... 1 . 63 May 1-10 .14 May 11-20 3 70 May 21-31 . . ... 1.81 June 1-10 . 2.79 June 11-20 75 June 21-30 2 54 July 1-10 , July 11-20 .85 July 21-31 ... 1.04 Aug 1-10 1.84 Aug. 11-20 .70 Aug 21-31 1 07 Sept 1-10 2 44 Sept. 11-20 .70 Sept. 21-30 ... 2.05 Total . 25.11 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 April 1-10 .54 1.72 .47 2.81 4.22 2.87 .74 .09 .76 1.14 .68 1.33 .30 1.95 .10 .48 1.47 21.13 2.40 2.81 2.23 1.88 .22 3.46 1.01 1.09 1.65 3.61 3.79 .17 .03 .01 2.33 .36 .16 1.84 29.05 .10 .72 .75 1.82 1.14 2.39 .24 2.75 .05 1.82 .89 .22 1.45 .95 2.45 .52 1.17 19.43 1.45 1.68 .46 .61 1.21 .62 .08 .06 .68 .36 .26 .54 2.81 3.45 1.65 3.80 19.72 1.28 2.12 2.20 .59 2.52 1.05 .38 1.51 1.22 2.46 .66 1.18 .22 .30 1.07 .39 19.15 1.52 .06 .61 .06 .50 1.67 .77 .12 .63 .06 1.16 .22 .01 2.07 .42 9.88 2.18 .08 .61 1.07 .82 .05 \95 .88 .57 .24 .86 .34 .50 .96 1.19 2.01 .06 .04 13.41 .82 .02 .75 1.93 .17 3.01 .13 2.21 .64 3.16 .44 3.70 1.06 2.97 .87 .16 1.96 .46 24.46 April 11-20 10 April 21-30 ... 1.70 May 1-10 85 May 11-20 . . . 1 15 May 21-31. 2 . 96 June 1-10 3 66 June 11-20. . . . June 21-30 1.90 July 1-10. . . 2 05 July 11-20. . . . ... 1 . 49 July 21-31 1 47 Aug. 1-10 ... 2.01 Aug 11-20 2 34 Aug. 21-31. . . . .07 Sept. 1-10 .41 Sept. 11-20 .04 Sept. 21-30 .49 Total . . . 23 23 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 339 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) URBANA, Champaign county, continued 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 April 1-10 .19 .76 .33 .80 .37 .53 .39 .38 .11 .07 .40 .26 .17 .27 .02 67 .02 .74 1.81 .47 .98 1.38 T 3.53 3.30 .7* 2.42 .07 .28 2.38 1.07 2.73 1.64 .02 .35 23.16 1.82 2.59 2.37 2.00 1.77 .93 .42 .05 4.96 2.44 .05 .02 .23 1.81 3.11 3.59 1.32 29.48 .14 .40 .21 1.87 .73 .69 1.55 2.01 3.34 .59 .65 .80 2.76 1.11 .60 1.02 1.45 19.92 1.50 3.46 .73 .05 3.75 T .62 .32 1.75 1.33 T .42 2.16 .61 .24 .87 .68 18.49 .96 1.87 2.42 .12 .36 4.78 .65 .23 .80 .34 .92 1.28 1.20 2.08 .98 2.90 1.19 1.55 24.63 1 5 2 "l 2 18 .95 .02 .67 .86 .63 .21 T .98 .05 .56 .20 .75 .38 .06 .38 .08 .49 .27 1.90 .61 .45 .20 2.93 2.13 .60 .23 2.37 .58 1.14 1.54 3.40 .28 .40 .85 1.48 .66 21.75 .05 1.11 2.45 .72 .68 1.29 4.30 .04 4.34 .34 .44 .08 1.87 3.92 1.86 .56 .72 .94 25.71 April 11-20 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 ... 2 May 21-31 ... 2 June 1-10 1 June 11-20 ... 1 June 21-30 ... 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 . . . Aug. 11-20 ... 1 Aug 21-31 Sept. 1-10 ... 1 Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 1 Total . . 15 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 April 1-10.. . .68 .42 .75 .06 ,16 T ,44 ,71 13 97 .01 ,14 ,25 97 22 51 51 22 ,15 2.75 .37 .89 .32 .18 1.04 1.04 2.78 .58 1.38 1.22 T 2.23 1.76 1.80 6.42 .48 2.86 28.10 3.28 2.79 .41 1.56 1.52 1.93 1.36 2.20 2.31 .45 4.77 .80 2.96 1.45 .38 1.25 .40 4.62 34.44 2.15 .65 .36 .16 1.87 .45 2.48 1.20 .97 3.02 .02 .55 1.29 .01 1.47 .20 2.84 .61 20.30 3.54 1.29 1.57 1.69 4.29 1.82 .95 1.29 .47 5.92 .14 .40 3.55 .36 .86 .13 .25 .56 29.08 T 3.53 .54 .24 1.25 .04 .48 .08 1.67 .27 .11 .09 .10 1.01 .91 .27 1.27 1.44 13.30 1 1 1 2 1 2 8 1 ,1 4 2* .07 .51 .85 .32 .86 .79 .12 .56 .65 .12 .84 .30 .51 .26 .13 .34 .54 .53 .30 .04 .45 .82 1.14 .13 .01 1.38 1.60 .59 1.58 T .83 2.06 .40 .17 .06 2.40 1.17 14.83 .70 1.62 1.03 .89 2.90 2.05 .10 1.09 .18 T .43 3.54 .21 .65 .69 .41 4.04 20.53 April 11-20 April 21-30 May 1-10. . . May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 . June 21-30 . . . 1 July 1-10 July 11-20. July 21-31 Aug 1-10 Aug. 11-20 .... ... 2 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 . . 1 Sept. 11-20 ... 3 Sept 21-30 Total 14 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 April 1-10... .36 44 23 T 27 26 .45 ,76 12 ,09 .86 14 .51 31 05 .39 .49 11 .84 1.10 1.03 .74 4.33 1.29 1.31 .32 1.87 1.45 1.72 1.38 1.02 1.30 1.00 .06 2.22 1.72 23.86 .43 .02 2.55 1.87 1.01 1.06 .35 T .12 .04 .47 .84 1.90 .72 .92 .77 1.40 3.66 18.13 2.24 1.13 2.01 1.36 .23 1.00 3.14 1.41 .88 .10 1.59 .74 .19 .55 .06 3.09 .03 2.22 21.97 2.92 .14 .36 .40 1.87 2.70 .78 1.46 3.43 1.46 2.43 2.56 1.77 .41 2.10 .09 .79 25.67 1.74 3.02 .63 .29 .51 .39 3.90 1.02 1.25 .99 .74 T 1.43 4.64 .31 .04 .11 .17 21.18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 .84 .93 .19 .56 .54 .43 .48 .95 .61 .80 .15 .60 .49 .71 .48 T .76 1.87 2.34 T 2.08 1.57 .29 2.76 1.51 1.92 1.81 .22 1.24 .30 1.73 1.58 3.40 T 1.51 26.13 2.91 .20 .21 1.27 2.23 .07 1.46 1.85 .61 3.38 .78 .78 .16 .67 1.75 .85 2.06 .98 22.22 April 11-20 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20. . May 21-31 June 1-10. . . 1 June 11-20 ... 2 June 21-30 1 July 1-10. . . July 11-20 1 July 21-31 Aug 1-10 1 Aug. 11-20. . 3 Aug 21-31 Sept. 1-10. . 3 Sept. 11-20 ... 1 Sept. 21-30 2 Total ... 20 340 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 13. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) UKBANA, Champaign county, concluded 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 .85 1.10 3.69 2.64 1.50 .51 5.69 .31 1.54 .76 .33 .90 2.59 1.20 2.65 .17 1 1.11 1.54 28.23 1.35 2.04 .98 1.78 2.44 .87 1.94 4.16 1.23 .63 1.27 1.37 1.53 3.56 .20 3.16 3.91 32.42 .18 - .52 .75 4.38 1.84 .63 .18 5.39 .20 .31 1.68 .75 .73 1.38 T .50 T .65 20.07 1.28 1.19 1.12 1.20 1.38 1.45 1.15 1.17 1.37 1.11 1.05 .82 1.10 1.37 .88 1.14 .92 1.15 20.85 April 11-20 47 April 21-30 2.15 May 1-10 . 3.32 May 11-20 , 7 12 May 21-31 76 June 1-10 , 1.55 June 11-20 51 June 21-30 . 37 July 1-10 .90 July 11-20 25 July 21-31 27 Aug. 1-10. . 3.68 Aug. 11-20 T Aug 21-31 .26 Sept. 1-10 . 1 . 08 Sept. 11-20 1.03 Sept. 21-30 01 Total . 24 58 1949] Table 13. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 341 CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) WHITE HALL, Greene county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 . . 13 4.44 2.97 .87 .79 1.24 .54 .16 .43 .46 .82 .40 .70 T T 1.27 .74 .46 16.29 .80 1.07 .71 .06 1.77 .48 .50 .74 1.41 .29 .08 1.35 3.21 .99 .61 .77 1.58 1.12 17.54 .09 .07 .88 1.72 .65 2.34 2.29 1.78 1.15 .10 1.18 1.12 .44 .64 1.25 1.11 2.80 .28 19.89 .63 .69 .66 .50 .44 .86 .38 .80 4.18 2.63 .27 1.63 .71 2.02 .35 .47 2.07 19.29 2.77 .52 1^27 "T .52 .47 .45 3.14 .53 2.07 .12 .28 2.03 1.83 8.23 1.56 5.98 31.77 1.85 4.96 .22 3.57 .46 2.86 .48 2.65 .42 1.13 3.01 2.76 1.77 1.16 .34 1.08 .10 3.31 32.13 3.01 .63 .28 .30 1.54 .40 1.97 2.57 2.72 .44 .02 2.00 .74 .62 .60 .26 .52 .53 19.15 1.52 1.60 1.51 2.58 4.74 2.30 1.33 1.28 .38 2.53 1.49 T 2.11 T .10 .54 1.17 .47 25.65 April 11-20 .... ... 2 . 33 April 21-30 ... 3.24 May 1-10 1.61 May 11-20 .17 May 21-31 .23 June 1-10 1.63 June 11-20 T June 21-30 ... 1.41 July 1-10 . . 1.38 July 11-20 .68 July 21-31 .63 Aug. 1-10 . . . 3.09 Aug. 11-20 ... 2.67 Aug. 21-31 T Sept. 1-10 . 2.43 Sept. 11-20 ... 1 . 70 Sept. 21-30 ... 3.54 Total ... . ... 26 87 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .45 .10 1.14 1.54 2.30 1.36 1.95 T T .10 .36 2.01 1.46 1.04 .06 1.29 .07 1.61 16.84 .23 .79 1.71 .50 .38 .76 2.08 2.52 1.21 1.62 1.84 2.96 3.63 .48 T 1.80 .38 22.89 2.51 .73 1.06 2.47 2.48 2.63 .60 .01 1.25 .14 1.84 .26 .86 1.39 1.90 20.13 .50 .45 .54 T .27 .10 .76 .55 .12 T T .04 .05 1.31 1.52 2.25 1.52 3.75 13.73 1.71 .59 .73 3.24 4.16 1.19 2.40 1.10 2.52 .35 1.52 .60 .25 .48 .03 1.62 .03 22.52 .61 .01 .81 .76 .33 1.21 1.07 1.77 .25 .17 .45 .15 .09 1.30 .27 6.44 15.69 .94 1.54 2.44 2.12 .95 .83 4.09 .55 .96 .39 3.73 1.11 1.55 .93 .89 .41 .66 24.09 2.96 .38 .52 1.27 1.27 1.59 1.22 1.36 2.47 .23 1.41 2.96 .23 T 3.25 T 1.60 22.72 April 11-20 .95 ' April 21-30 .32 May 1-10 .31 May 11-20 .12 May 21-31 . . . 62 June 1-10 T June 11-20 ... 1 . 20 June 21-30 . . 1 68 July 1-10 T July 11-20 July 21-31 .48 Aug. 1-10. ..... .35 Aug. 11-20 Aug. 21-31. . .05 . . 10 Sept. 1-10 .66 Sept. 11-20 ... 2 . 74 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 52 Total . . . 11.10 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10... 1.53 .67 .85 1.29 .94 1.26 .65 .94 1.16 1.23 .18 .20 .86 2.19 1.31 T 13.73 1.35 4.20 1.78 .32 .24 3.24 .38 2.04 2.15 T 1.76 1.29 2.51 .68 2.80 24.74 2.51 .17 .20 1.59 2.61 .25 3.25 4.22 1.73 3.63 2.45 .43 2.20 .17 .08 .36 1.61 2.05 29.51 .17 .42 .90 3.85 7.10 .20 2.99 .97 .22 .83 2.03 .78 .77 .03 .03 .75 2.30 .50 24.84 .68 2.48 3.53 2.74 T 3.16 T .60 .35 .81 T .62 .82 4.30 1.78 1.65 23.52 1.40 2.70 1.49 .89 2.54 .07 8.93 2.93 .49 .80 .09 .02 1.08 .39 .31 .71 3.43 5.12 33.39 .09 .88 1.33 2.84 1.29 .50 T 2.82 .01 2.53 .46 3.95 5.69 .26 .80 .48 .40 24.30 1.29 1.36 1.08 1.49 1.50 1.02 1.70 1.44 1.16 .94 .90 .90 1.23 1.22 .82 1.08 1.15 1.78 22.06 April 11-20 ... 3 32 April 21-30 .41 May 1-10 . 71 May 11-20. . . . 07 May 21-31 .71 June 1-10 ... 2 21 June 11-20. ... 3.14 June 21-30. . . 79 July 1-10. . , .96 July 11-20 1.67 July 21-31. . . . 1.15 Aug. 1-10. . . 1.56 Aug. 11-20. . . . 2 81 Aug. 21-31. . . . 35 Sept. 1-10 . . 04 Sept. 11-20.. . . Sept. 21-30 26 Total . . . . 21.69 342 Table 13. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Concluded) WINDSOR, Shelby county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 1.10 3.11 4.51 .47 1.35 1.10 1.49 .70 3.13 1.45 .97 .94 T .15 .94 .32 .19 20.82 1.29 1.28 .42 .18 2.50 .47 .23 .87 1.80 .80 .22 1.46 2.33 .74 1.15 2.73 2.14 .40 21.01 .40 .73 1.78 .70 1.07 2.96 2.66 .80 2.19 .10 .63 1.14 1.35 2.40 2.71 1.28 2.06 .57 25.53 .67 .59 .62 .25 .50 .23 .03 2.16 1.50 .98 .55 .69 .09 3.46 .05 .03 1.26 .62 14.28 1.60 .39 1.26 .19 .86 1.73 .08 3.28 .38 .35 .10 .10 .25 .78 .54 8.92 .96 3.78 25.55 2.91 3.29 T 2.41 1.28 6.23 .86 2.46 .76 .65 1.29 2.21 3.51 2.16 .09 2.16 .17 4.92 37.36 2.62 .63 .67 .25 2.81 .19 2.61 1.61 1.86 1.24 1.20 1.02 .62 T 1.86 T 1.18 .82 21.19 3.50 .83 1.63 2.60 5.26 .92 1.40 2.71 .12 3.20 .42 .39 1.28 .18 .58 .18 .59 25.79 April 11-20.. . . 67 April 21-30.. . . 2.23 May 1-10 .60 May 11-20. . . 44 May 21-31. . . . 81 June 1-10 . . .54 June 11-20 . . . 1.33 June 21-30. . . . 5.60 July 1-10. . . .62 July 11-20 . 1.44 July 21-31. . .83 Aug. 1-10 1.61 Aug 11-20 . 2.50 Aug 21-31. . . 1.11 Sept. 1-10 .... . 2.10 Sept. 11-20. . . . .87' Sept 21-30 .. 4.42 Total . . . . . . . 28.82 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .... .09 .49 .42 2.49 2.01 1.56 1.23 .62 T .88 .16 3.56 2.66 1.53 .35 .65 2.60 2.25 1.80 25.26 .03 .58 1.57 1.45 .07 .20 2.52 1.07 1.11 1.05 .70 3.20 .87 1.28 .87 .23 .96 17.76 1.68 1.64 .98 1.68 3.56 4.68 .07 1.68 .82 .36 2.51 .03 .94 .75 1.78 2.28 25.44 .43 .93 .43 .88 .05 .33 1.50 .45 .55 T 4.33 .37 3.24 5.01 .39 2.48 .82 2.40 24.59 .93 .68 .38 4.99 3.05 1.01 .78 1.11 2.08 2.91 .66 .33 .01 .58 .23 2.91 1.98 24.62 1.58 T 2.24 .91 1.77 .41 .79 .48 .59 .35 1.36 1.37 .12 .27 1.71. .14 3.16 17.25 1.37 .86 2.48 1.72 .22 .26 4.71 .79 1.58 .09 2.88 .88 .43 .77 .04 .53 1.36 20.97 2.25 .64 .34 .46 1.32 2.97 1.96 .67 .71 1.97 2.97 .73 1.38 .29 1.23 1.06 1.26 22.21 April 11-20.. . . 1.99 April 21-30 . 1.00 May 1-10 . . . .30 May 11-20. ... .39 May 21-31 04 June 1-10 .30 June 11-20. .94 June 21-30. . . . 2.62 July 1-10 T July 11-20 . . .05 July 21-31 .68 Aug. 1-10 .20 Aug 11-20 ... 2.00 Aug 21-31 .28 Sept. 1-10 .22 Sept 11-20 ... 1.74 Sept 21-30 .58 Total . . . 13.42 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 ... 1.37 .63 4.45 1.10 1.68 1.49 1.93 .79 .99 .47 1.87 .71 .44 .69 2.61 .55 .29 20.69 2.22 1.39 1.66 1.26 .38 2.63 .34 1.41 .96 .05 .08 .09 1.81 3.10 1.65 19.03 2.36 .27 .19 2.10 1.65 .01 2.74 3.48 3.08 5.08 .39 .63 1.38 .67 .25 1.17 1.52 .21 27.18 1.41 .44 1.09 3.86 5.97 .50 1.79 1.53 .05 1.23 .52 1.11 .45 T T 1.04 1.08 .01 22.08 2.89 2.65 3.51 2.15 T 1.89 .14 1.45 2.00 .70 .11 1.05 .05 .83 3.82 .02 1.18 1.69 26.13 1,32 2.26 2.27 1.29 3.03 1.94 3.43 3.78 .26 .47 T ,72 1.91 2.73 T 1.04 1.95 4.03 32.43 .06 .93 .84 4.67 2.72 1.36 1.65 1.98 .59 .90 2.32 .90 1.42 2.69 .02 .66 .17 .56 24.44 1.47 1.43 1.18 1.58 1.69 1.36 1.43 1.49 1.47 1.05 1.05 .89 1.27 1.43 .88 1.50 .90 1.52 23.59 April 11-20 . 4.18 April 21-30 .77 May 1-10. . . .85 May 11-20 .05 May 21-31 ... 1.14 June 1-10 . 2.36 June 11-20. . ... 4.19 June 21-30 ... 1.44 July 1-10 . 95 July 11-20 .35 July 21-31 ... 1.02 Aug. 1-10 . 2 . 34 Aug. 11-20 ... 7.04 Aug 21-31 .62 Sept. 1-10.. . .05 Sept 11-20 .36 Sept. 21-30 .45 Total 29 53 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 343 -SOUTHERN ILLINOIS : Precipitation During Growing Season (Inches) ANNA, Union county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .85 .97 1.65 2.09 1.21 .34 1.50 .13 1.49 .22 6.20 1.07 .20 .86 2.06 2.47 .36 22.82 2.32 1.35 .84 1.59 3.66 .59 .86 .73 .72 .44 .89 3.40 3.90 1.33 2.46 1.70 .10 26.88 .26 .12 2.29 1.74 2.29 2.84 1.66 1.22 1.69 .13 5.28 1.33 .90 .62 .82 1.05 1.97 .60 26.81 .64 1.33 1.30 .10 .20 T 3.40 2.76 .28 T .77 .35 3.95 5.06 1.40 .12 .85 .29 .90 .20 1.08 T T 1.99 1.77 .74 1.30 .16 1.59 2.99 5.37 1.16 3.52 .63 4.28 1.70 2.29 1.73 .55 3.06 2.04 .38 .91 .07 .67 4.28 35.63 1.95 .41 3.74 .31 1.67 .65 5.86 4.96 7.39 .52 T T 1.71 1.34 1.59 T T T 32.10 2.87 1.42 .66 2.80 2.97 1.17 2.34 2.21 1.37 1.56 1.21 .62 2.79 1.68 1.61 2.29 .86 30.43 April 11-20. . . , ... 1 . 85 April 21-30 ... 2 . 99 May 1-10 1.57 May 11-20 .52 May 21-31 .52 June 1-10 . . 35 June 11-20 ... 3.73 June 21-30 1 38 July 1-10 . .68 July 11-20. ... .77 July 21-31 .09 Aug. 1-10 . . . . 2.57 Aug. 11-20 ... 2.05 Aug. 21-31 ... 2.76 Sept. 1-10 . . ... 2.03 Sept. 11-20 .14 Sept 21-30 3 45 Total .. 28.30 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .29 2.14 .17 2.28 3.12 2.94 1.23 .96 .75 T .04 T .38 2.85 .80 1.92 1.71 .73 22.02 1.16 .66 2.09 .02 .54 1.40 .12 1.25 1.03 .42 1.23 2.40 2.87 3.70 1.89 2.95 1.25 2.06 27.04 .91 2.81 1.17 5.41 4.47 2.21 T .25 2.92 T 1.89 1.05 .60 .95 .69 1.11 2.00 28.44 .62 .50 2.09 .91 .83 1.36 .10 1.35 .90 1.00 T 2.55 .77 1.13 1.13 5.84 2.39 23.47 1.03 1.13 .45 4.83 1.52 .87 1.75 6.51 2.85 1.14 1.30 1.33 T 1.40 .43 1.05 1.66 29.25 2.90 .19 .75 .15 .95 .44 1.38 1.47 .60 .23 .11 2.81 .22 2.80 15.00 1.90 .63 4.09 3.07 2.00 .06 4.97 1.11 .15 1.35 2.20 T T .88 1.11 3.75 27.27 1.85 .16 .98 .57 .84 2.53 2.13 3.87 .58 .14 1.47 1.89 1.65 .65 1.73 .09 1.30 22.43 April 11-20 .80 April 21-30 .04 May 1-10 .80 May 11-20 87 May 21-31. . .20 June 1-10 T June 11-20 .57 June 21-30 ... 1 48 July 1-10. . . .21 July 11-20 .03 July 21-31 .53 Aug. 1-10 T Aug. 11-20 .57 Aug. 21-31. . . Sept. 1-10.. . 1.67 Sept. 11-20 3 34 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.74 Total 13 14 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . 2 40 1.13 5.50 1.18 1.23 .39 1.09 1.92 .83 .62 .28 1.89 1.51 .51 1.36 .48 .53 .02 1.97 22.44 1.30 1.70 .03 1.46 1.09 .38 .47 .04 .07 2.05 .12 1.09 .26 5.55 3.06 1.06 1.65 21.38 3.93 .09 .39 1.35 3.06 .57 f 1.12 5.01 2.75 2.26 .25 .18 4.93 .57 2.56 1.05 .32 .06 30.45 .42 1.39 1.51 2.76 6.12 1.36 2.17 .58 2.20 .94 .85 .49 3.44 .12 1.20 3.49 .86 29.90 1.79 3.45 1.30 3.09 .09 3.57 .09 .57 1.26 .02 .87 1.42 2.43 1.61 1.35 .39 1.33 24.63 2.89 6.15 1.12 2.65 .68 1.54 4.31 3.53 1.99 .66 .20 .42 .16 1.56 2.09 1.31 1.19 5.95 38.40 1.04 .93 2.20 3.10 1.25 3.43 .76 .21 .33 2.24 1.24 .71 4.56 3.14 .01 .83 .04 1.75 27.78 1.61 1.72 1.46 1.87 1.64 1.28 1.48 1.79 1.41 1.09 1.06 .85 1.59 1.47 1.17 1.25 1.12 1.83 25.69 April 11-20 ... 4 . 74 April 21-30 44 May 1-10. . . . ... 1.05 May 11-20 1 93 May 21-31. . . . . 1 16 June 1-10 ... 1.96 June 11-20 1 68 June 21-30 ... 1 . 04 July 1-10 25 July 11-20. . . . ... 1 . 54 July 21-31 1 12 Aug. 1-10. . .91 Aug. 11-20 45 Aug. 21-31. . . 1 02 Sept. 1-10.. . .01 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.06 Total . . . 22 76 344 Table 14. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) CAIRO, Alexander county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .22 1.22 .99 1.14 1.34 .14 1.17 .35 .97 .12 2.03 1.90 .56 T .02 .96 1.34 .07 14.32 2.04 1.42 .56 1.46 3.29 .35 1.23 1.22 .85 .16 .26 1.59 .92 .77 .79 1.73 1.27 .48 20.39 .27 .17 2.05 1.50 1.45 2.69 1.14 1.94 1.70 .26 2.30 1.17 1 .47 .91 .46 .61 1.65 .58 22.32 .07 .86 .73 .85 T .01 T 5.08 .87 1.26 .51 .31 .02 .58 .30 4.99 .92 17.36 1.97 .27 .78 .86 .72 .68 .47 T .13 1.77 .01 1.44 1.60 8.69 1.73 .52 1.69 2.09 25.42 3.32 4.28 1.99 3.93 1.47 4.78 1.94 2.74 1.21 .47 1.26 .90 .07 1.49 .01 1.41 T 5.92 37.19 2.18 2.08 1.50 .17 .63 .95 4.68 5.52 5.50 .02 .87 .54 1.11 .94 1.90 T .14 28.73 1.72 1.09 .16 3.08 1.69 .42 1.94 1.71 .11 .48 .77 .03 1.55 1.35 .39 2.07 2.96 3.41 24.93 April 11-20 ... 1.33 April 21-30 ... 2.12 May 1-10 1.35 May 11-20 .27 May 21-31 .06 June 1-10. .66 June 11-20 .72 June 21-30 .45 July 1-10 .26 July 11-20 .51 July 21-31 .21 Aug 1-10 . 2.52 \ ug H-20 ... 1 . 50 Aug 21-31 .27 Sept. 1-10 . 2.21 Sept 1 1-20 .41 Sept 21-30 ... 2.18 Total ... 17.25 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .47 1.02 .43 2.55 .58 1.72 .69 1.09 .04 2.00 .82 .50 .65 4.74 .95 1.45 1.04 .02 .13 20.42 1.08 .40 1.80 .27 T .23 .26 .48 1.04 1.50 .04 1.04 1.74 .39 1.66 2.05 2.03 1.59 17.60 1.85 1.45 .38 2.58 4.87 1.57 T .27 .64 2.42 .02 5.05 3.41 .19 .81 2.70 .19 4.92 33.32 .16 .13 1.40 1.27 .31 .01 .53 .28 .11 1.66 1.25 .50 .64 1.12 .94 .52 2.90 2.60 16.33 2.81 .42 .46 3.22 .70 .91 2.52 4.33 .66 .33 .89 .64 T 4.42 1.57 .35 .88 25.11 2.91 .26 .62 .22 1.50 .21 1.97 2.30 .16 .18 .08 .04 2.07 .13 1.37 14.02 2.00 .47 1.92 2.86 1.98 .08 2.68 .13 .25 .35 1.18 .27 T .15 2.22 .96 17.50 .65 .06 .56 .23 1.15 1.33 1.58 1.74 T T 2.35 5.12 .98 .32 .26 .43 .56 17.32 April 11-20 .27 April 21-30 .05 May 1-10 1.17 May 11-20 ... 1.27 May 21-31 .05 June 1-10 .26 June 11-20 ... 1.22 June 21-30 .11 July 1-10 July 11-20 T July 21-31 .04 Aug 1-10 .02 Aug 11-20. . . . .67 Aug 21-31 .07 Sept. 1-10 .26 Sept 11-20 ... 2.08 Sept 21-30 .31 Total ... 8.32 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . 1.92 .78 4.19 2.95 .09 .87 .96 .89 .73 1.55 .04 1.06 .29 .23 .39 .15 .04 T 1.71 16.92 .84 1.19 .03 .93 .84 T .92 .05 .21 2.35 .14 .05 1.00 1.62 1.44 .78 .16 .64 13.19 3.89 .02 .28 1.98 .83 .40 .94 2.13 .44 .45 .04 .13 1.30 .47 3.28 .30 .66 T 17.54 .28 1.54 1.42 3.89 1.26 .96 1.56 .92 .21 .56 .01 1.51 1.37 .11 1.42 2.74 .10 19.86 3.15 2.33 1.02 1.85 .15 1.79 .90 .93 .21 T .26 .85 2.66 1.74 .65 .59 .62 19.70 2.17 5.81 .29 4.86 .42 1.66 3.88 4.54 1.75 .50 .07 .27 .44 1.47 1.37 .92 .93 4.45 35.80 1.01 .53 3.07 2.17 1.75 7.23 .18 .04 2.79 2.03 .58 .07 4.26 .98 .01 .57 .01 .69 27.97 1.54 1.34 1.15 1.66 1.14 1.22 1.23 1.48 .98 .85 .70 .89 1.17 1.23 .85 1.02 1.00 1.46 20.91 April 11-20 ... 2.97 April 21-30 .06 May 1-10 .43 May 11-20 .35 May 21-31 ... 2 . 84 June 1-10 1.29 June 11-20 .76 June 21-30 .51 July 1-10 10 July 11-20. . ... 1 . 14 July 21-31 .12 Aug. 1-10 .57 Aug. 11-20 .06 Aug 21-31 .59 Sept. 1-10 T Sept 11-20 T Sept. 21-30 . . . ... 1 . 20 Total ... 14.91 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 345 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) CAKBONDALE, Jackson county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 . . . .66 .85 1.69 1.88 .80 .35 2.10 .18 .92 .88 1.25 .62 .18 .51 1.96 1.48 .25 15.90 1.71 1.36 .57 1.66 5.52 .23 .73 .64 .43 .15 .14 .19 3.27 2.80 .71 3.01 .97 .23 24.32 1.35 .13 1.26 1.19 1.59 2.21 .63 5.83 .99 .02 3.67 .30 .89 1.08 1.16 1.42 1.74 .72 26.18 .56 1.27 1.10 .87 T .93 .01 3.23 3.69 1.84 .1.32 .11 .61 .33 2.45 3.51 21.83 1.41 .83 .74 .29 .81 .73 .66 .25 .06 1.06 .20 .70 3.25 .81 .53 1.10 1.96 15.39 3.21 1.53 3.35 1.38 .70 .90 .42 2.50 3.10 .61 1.43 .20 .41 .01 6.38 1.49 .43 2.69 .43 1.79 .89 5.16 6.92 3.64 .41 1.07 .41 2.81 .95 2.93 T .09 32.11 3.27 1.45 .84 3.39 2.85 .95 2.94 2.67 .80 1.48 1.87 1.89 2.10 1.25 .22 1.91 2.97 1.02 33.87 April 11-20 ... 1 . 40 April 21-30 ... 2.53 May 1-10 . . 1.60 May 11-20 .27 May 21-31 .37 June 1-10. . . . .23 June 11-20 ... 1.13 June 21-30 1 65 July 1-10 .31 July 11-20 .76 July 21-31 . . .34 Aug. 1-10. . . . . 4.36 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.70 Aug 21-31. . . . . 4 67 Sept. 1-10 1.95 Sept. 11-20 .04 Sept. 21-30 6 52 Total . . . 30.49 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .38 2.39 .08 1.89 2.58 2.42 1.28 .26 .08 T 1.14 1.19 .66 1.58 2.20 1.50 3.05 .83 23.13 1.29 .64 1.43 .07 .17 .78 1.33 .35 .81 2.33 .80 .87 2.46 6.54 2.18 3.33 .62 1.52 27.52 .72 3.04 1.25 4.72 4.43 1.14 .23 2.03 .03 1.35 1.00 .27 1.75 .63 .21 1.83 24.63 .62 .49 1.98 .37 2.20 .05 .97 .31 1.60 1.33 .97 .03 3.37 .67 .26 1.33 2.46 2.78 21.79 1.89 1.73 .52 3.84 2.37 .86 3.49 4.83 7.63 .10 .90 1.28 .10 1.82 .16 1.42 1.77 34.71 1.92 .07 .54 .42 1.16 1.30 .88 1.04 1.23 .18 .01 .16 2.77 2.22 1.78 15.68 1.43 1.04 2.19 2.79 1.33 .32 3.55 3.75 .56 1.09 3.38 .17 T 1.00 .28 .93 .80 2.38 26.99 1.34 .16 .93 1.04 .89 2.13 1.12 5.38 .20 .74 2.12 1.09 1.94 .80 1.81 .04 1.53 23.26 April 11-20 89 April 21-30 .09 May 1-10 .75 May 11-20 .45 May 21-31 .28 June 1-10 June 11-20 . T 77 June 21-30 ... 1.39 July 1-10. . , .88 July 11-20 .04 July 21-31 .51 Aug 1-10 T Aug 11-20 . .32 Aug. 21-31 .04 Sept 1-10 2 01 Sept. 1 1-20 . . . . . 2.80 Sept. 21-30 ... 2.45 Total 14 05 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10... . 3.15 .79 4.70 .37 1.99 .72 .82 1.57 .38 .65 T 1.06 1.01 .75 .63 .86 .05 .40 16.75 1.93 1.02 T .54 .63 .83 .25 .02 .49 .82 .02 .18 .08 2.07 .63 1.92 .80 12.23 3.17. .04 .26 2.52 2.04 .65 .61 1.41 2.40 1.76 .30 .75 2.02 .71 .87 .96 .24 .05 20.76 1.33 1.23 1.04 5.10 3.05 .53 3.34 1.02 .40 .79 1.72 1.11 1.45 .01 T 1.23 3.23 1.15 27.73 2.96 .70 2.17 2.11 T .73 .01 1.22 .48 .14 .04 .51 .14 1.51 3.59 .44 .60 .93 18.28 1.87 6.55 1.72 1.28 .46 1.48 3.99 4.10 3.15 .92 .77 1.43 2.06 4.09 1.05 .96 1.08 7.24 44.20 .32 .77 2.81 3.54 1.82 1.55 .27 .27' .65 1.09 1.39 .61 3.24 4.47 .01 .92 .15 1.95 25.83 1.55 1.43 1.26 1.83 1.52 .99 1.39 1.86 1.36 .90 1.06 .78 1.41 1.57 1.10 1.27 .98 1.81 24.07 April 11-20 ... 3.95 April 21-30 . . . .66 May 1-10. . , .58 May 11-20 . . . .76 May 21-31 .60 June 1-10 2.28 June 11-20. . . . ... 2 . 24 June 21-30 .70 July 1-10 .14 July 11-20 July 21-31. . . .93 .67 Aug. 1-10 1.56 Aug. 11-20 .12 Aug. 21-31 .87 Sept. 1-10 07 Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 .70 Total ... 19 . 98 346 Table 14. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) CHESTER, Randolph county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .35 .86 .65 .56 .64 .18 .17 .23 .14 .75 .10 .01 .71 .62 99 .30 .15 .78 ,19 1.15 2.24 1.61 .75 1.27 .62, 1.40 2.14 .22 .60 .41 .63 .05 1.34 .91 .29 T 15.63 .87 2.02 .19 1.25 4.00 1.33 2.47 1.32 .28 .25 .86 .13 .58 2.49 3.00 1.03 .41 T 22.48 1.69 .09 .69 .95 1.17 2.56 .84 1.64 i.oa .05 3.72 1.26 .76 1.09 1.63 .32 .97 .89 21.35 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 23 .46 .36 .24 .79 .01 .71 .05 .32 .44 .19 .66 .26 .01 .33 .15 .12 .88 .98 .39 .63 1.47 .13 .32 .37 .97 .53 .02 .55 .26 1.53 3.01 1.14 1.40 .31 2.60 15.63 3.45 5.66 1.29 1.80 .47 2.19 1.85 3.97 .30 .98 2.86 1.00 .76 T .32 .01 1.13 28.04 2.13 .14 1.60 .37 1.63 1.50 4.82 5.02 2.87 .41 .44 .25 3.80 .86 1.68 .02 .01 27.55 2.39 .71 .54 4.04 3.84 .57 1.99 1.17 .42 .52 1.05 .52 2.61 2.16 T 1.05 2.10 .52 26.20 April 11-20 . . . April 21-30.. . . 3 May 1-10 May 11-20. . . . 1 May 21-31. June 1-10 . . 2 June 11-20 . . . June 21-30 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 . . July 21-31 Aug 1-10 1 Aug 1 1-20 . 1 Aug. 21-31 Sept 1-10 5 Sept 11-20 Sept 21-30 . . . ... 3 Total , ... 25 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .28 .91 23 .37 .93 16 .04 ,54 46 42 96 55 10 46 75 57 73 1.19 .47 1.71 1.50 .85 1.52 1.26 T .13 .42 .95 1.12 .87 1.71 3.25 .16 .29 17.40 1.01 .57 .65 .28 .01 .27 .82 2.36 .32 .99 .01 .87 .79 4.75 .67 1.42 .59 .20 16.58 .87 3.81 1.95 2.54 4.95 .80 .23 .82 .11 1.10 .77 6.66 .74 .43 .67 1.36 27.81 2.55 .41 1.71 .05 2.35 .01 .61 .33 T 1.17 .55 T 1.64 1.18 .48 .69 1.86 1.85 17.44 .78 1.06 .60 2.79 1.80 1.17 1.34 2.83 4.12 .71 .34 1.38 .83 1.58 .18 .59 2.26 24.36 1.74 .12 .88 .29 .59 .06 1.06 .59 .82 .47 .05 .06 .02 2.38 .47 .96 10.56 1.06 .39 3.40 1.80 .78 .06 2.92 .91 .01 1.01 2.61 .01 .23 .65 .12 T .61 16.57 1.52 .70 .47 .71 1.13 2.99 .93 6.26 1.06 .06 2.46 .82 .31 .35 1.42 .40 3.40 24.99 April 11-20 April 21-30 .... May 1-10 May 11-20 . . 1 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 June 21-30 July 1-10. . . July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 Aug 11-20 Aug 21-31. .... Sept. 1-10 1, Sept 1 1-20 1, Sept 21-30 . . . Total ... 10, 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . ... 2 ,26 99 45 18 69 44 51 27 09 11 41 15 80 56 14 18 37 58 18 .39 3.42 .48 1.14 .49 .21 .68 .73 .34 .67 .24 1.04 2.96 .28 .04 .67 13.78 1.67 .77 .96 .46 T 2.91 .32 .13 .31 .26 .13 .87 1.47 .64 .74 .91 .52 13.07 1.86 T T 1.33 1.56 1.01 .51 1.59 1.48 3.26 .63 .55 2.09 1.79 .24 .19 .02 18.11 1 1 2 5 2 3 1. 1. 1. 3, 2. 30. .91 45 .68 .80 80 39 .78 53 00 65 20 93 10 27 05 63 76 93 .58 1.27 2.02 1.65 .55 2.36 .25 .64 .12 T 1.38 1.82 .79 1.78 1.31 16.52 1.94 5.05 .63 1.04 .67 2.75 2.81 2.75 .18 .79 .66 .10 1.47 T 1.43 1.64 4.03 27.94 .38 .88 1.46 5.73 4.28 2.04 .85 .27 1.21 1.66 .58 .03 4.89 3.21 3.04 T .94 31.45 1.30 1.50 1.18 1.42 1.66 1.01 1.41 1.59 .97 .76 .88 .73 1.17 1.68 .76 1.03 .83 1.18 21.06 April 11-20 ... 2 April 21-30 May 1-10 ... 1 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20. . . 3, June 21-30 ... 2. July 1-10 . . July 11-20 . 2. July 21-31 ... 1. Aug. 1-10 Aug 11-20 1 Aug. 21-31 ... 2. Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 Total . 23 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 347 -SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) DU QUOIN, Perry county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 . .75 .73 1.14 1.86 .88 .77 .80 .05 .29 .68 .46 .28 .63 T .77 .67 .47 .10 10.58 1.65 1.90 .91 1.65 4.25 1.73 .33 1.42 .24 1.57 .44 3.61 2.29 1.32 2.03 .63 .55 26.52 2.41 .31 1.52 1.70 1.73 2.23 .34 1.78 .84 .25 3.35 .36 .62 .83 .76 .40 1.04 .19 20.66 .75 1.35 .74 1.05 T 1.20 T 2.13 3.16 .11 T 1.80 T 3.07 .25 3.41 2.50 21.52 1.43 .72 .76 .40 .50 .52 .38 1.06 .13 2.22 .24 .19 .84 3.75 3.13 .84 1.57 3.08 21.76 2.14 3.73 1.25 2.30 .60 2.65 1.26 2.84 .27 .43 2.20 1.92 .74 1.60 .20 1.12 .01 2.57 27.83 1.28 .19 1.58 .56 1.17 .51 4.52 4.31 1.46 .15 .59 1.30 1.67 .79 1.34 .01 .80 .12 22.35 2.29 1.11 .84' 3.43 3.15 .78 4.78 2.97 2.33 4.37 .03 1.00 1.47 T .48 .52 1.52 1.16 32.23 April 11-20 .76 April 21-30 2.01 May 1-10 . 2.32 May 11-20 .09 May 21-31. . . . .10 June 1-10 . 2.72 June 11-20 04 June 21-30. . . . . 1.87 July 1-10 1.42 July 11-20 ... 2.22 July 21-31 T Aug 1-10 3 01 Aug 1 1-20 1 40 Aug 21-31 ... 1.16 Sept. 1-10 . 3.68 Sept 11-20 .84 Sept. 21-30 .... ... 4.01 Total . . . 28.40 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .19 1.46 .18 .80 1.83 1.11 1.14 .82 .01 .50 1.17 .15 .97 3.88 1.19 .44 4.91 .72 .60 21.88 .41 .08 1.43 .05 .02 1.88 1.60 .63 .74 2.84 .12 1.14 .41 7.08 .94 2.68 .56 1.48 24.09 1.52 2.37 .63 5.12 5.62 .57 .09 3.02 1.05 1.87 .78 1.77 .67 1.13 1.23 27.44 1.11 .37 1.99 T 2.60 .01 .91 .21 .01 1.09 .49 T 1.90 .87 .15 1.66 4.62 2.42 20.41 1.41 1.07 .65 2.51 2.92 .52 1.15 3.87 2.80 .06 .87 1.32 .40 2.41 .13 .70 1.90 24.69 2.24 .01 .73 .16 .53 .96 1.81 .63 1.63 .02 .01 .01 3.21 .46 .33 12.74 1.48 .80 3.03 2.33 .40 .34 3.69 1.67 1.22 .83 2.65 .01 .16 1.19 .14 1.98 .98 22.90 1.26 .01 .56 1.03 .79 3.14 1.08 4.29 .94 .11 1.05 1.50 1.08 .35 1.56 3.42 22.17 April 11-20 .... .74 April 21-30 .24 May 1-10 .33 May 11-20 .69 May 21-31 09 June 1-10 .01 June 11-20 .90 June 21-30 1.03 July 1-10 T July 11-20 .03 July 21-31 .... 1.06 Aug. 1-10 T \ug 1 1-20 32 Aug 21-31 .12 Sept. 1-10 1.43 Sept 11-20 1 46 Sept. 21-30 . . . ... 1.15 Total ... 9.79 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . . ... 2.41 .67 3.87 .51 .22 .30 .45 .38 .18 .50 .50 1.82 .89 .19 .27 .29 T .36 11.40 2.13 1.24 1.01 .79 T 1.94 T 2.08 .42 .82 .55 .43 1.03 .52 1.22 .79 .44 15.41 2.36 .06 .31 1.03 2.19 .38 1.73 1.30 3.58 3.47 1.78 .22 1.92 .46 .30 .93 .07 .12 22.21 .63 1.71 1.80 2.15 5.73 .16 3.41 1.21 2.06 .36 .23 .29 3.33 T T .58 2.68 1.16 27.49 1.50 1.34 2.92 2.40 .23 2.80 .25 .69 .56 T .61 .75 1.34 1.61 .49 1.17 18.66 1.88 5.04 1.03 1.32 .89 2.19 2.56 2.35 2.06 T .56 .77 1.48 1.99 .25 2.00 .10 6.07 32.54 .48 .75 2.03 5.65 3.46 2.14 .08 .45 .28 2.68 2.26 .80 3.46 6.70 .48 .17 .98 32.85 1.41 1.32 1.17 1.62 1.57 1.03 1.44 1.44 1.21 1.03 1.04 .78 1.31 1.61 .70 1.22 1.03 1.35 22.28 April 11-20 ... 3.55 April 21-30 .33 May 1-10 .58 May 11-20 34 May 21-31 .33 June 1-10 2 53 June 11-20. . ... 2.78 June 21-30 .11 July 1-10 . 07 July 11-20 ... 1 . 53 July 21-31 1 31 Aug. 1-10 1.49 Aug 11-20 1 48 Aug. 21-31 .91 Sept 1-10 07 Sept. 11-20 . . . .12 Sept 21-30 45 Total . . . 20.39 348 Table 14. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) EDWARDSVILLE, Madison county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .60 2.70 5.03 .90 1.30 .47 .35. .30 1.04 .37 .37 1.35 .33 T T 1.61 2.33 .17 18.62 .88 1.87 1.27 .80 3.82 1.55 1.15 1.02 1.28 .50 .73 3.65 2 V 89 2.73 .06 2.77 2.17 1.52 30.66 .25 .05 .80 .39 2.28 3.80 1.84 2.95 2.25 .03 2.62 .87 .45 .80 2.00 1.35 .95 .85 24.53 .54 .83 .42 .35 .50 .35 2.55 4.17 1.80 .05 1.24 1.80 .70 1.44 .11 .96 1.68 .13 3.31 .74 1.46 T T T 1.14 2.91 2.59 1.44 '4.81 25.22 4.16 3.76 T 2.74 1.42 3.84 .70 .45 .70 2.00 2.12 .52 T 3.34 1.88 .30 .74 .23 .47 .24 1.94 4.71 .96 .36 T 1.37 1.57 .08 2.54 T .76 .27 18.42 3.21 1.11 .74 1.77 2.16 T 2.49 .05 .02 .22 .57 .61 April 11-20 ... 2.09 April 21-30 ... 3.97 May 1-10 1.64 May 11-20 .59 May 21-31 .65 June 1-10 .95 June 11-20 .22 June 21-30 ... 1.33 July 1-10 1.98 July 11-20 .38 July 21-31 T Aug. 1-10 1.86 Aug 11-20. . . . ... 1.38 Aug. 21-31 .84 Sept. 1-10 .13 Sept 11-20 .53 Sept 21-30 ... 3.30 Total 22.44 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .29 .72 .67 1.74 1.64 1.40 .84 1.63 .15 1.15 .13 .52 1.97 1.56 1.50 .76 4.58 .03 1.66 22.65 .09 .46 2.08 .54 T .86 1.83 1.08 1.04 .98 4.77 2.66 2.06 1.40 .19 .80 1.14 21.98 .70 2.06 .60 1.08 3.64 6.88 .39 1.01 .13 .95 .37 T .28 .07 .47 2.23 20.86 .58 .68 .65 .05 .20 .42 .82 1.27 .45 T 1.08 1.32 .52 3.09 .29 3.82 .84 1.98 18.06 .60 1.26 .68 4.35 4.08 1.03 1.02 2.28 1.58 .01 4.05 .65 .03 .36 .03 1.51 3.00 26.52 1.82 .08 2.61 .77 .84 T 1.29 1.86 .29 T .04 .94 .66 1.60 .22 2.88 15.90 1.45 1.59 3.70 2.97 .80 .92 4.85 1.26 .21 .32 1.10 .58 .53 1.13 .10 3.06 1.75 26.32 2.16 .80 .42 1.74 .85 5.35 .95 1.76 2.48 .11 3.61 1.62 1.29 .05 1.18 T 1.93 26.30 April 11-20 .99 April 21-30 .31 May 1-10 .68 May 11-20 .... .66 May 21-31 .19 June 1-10 .11 June 11-20 ... 1.21 June 21-30 ... 1.20 July 1-10 T July 11-20 .... .10 July 21-31 .82 Aug. 1-10 .46 Aug 1 1-20 .33 Aug 21-31 T Sept. 1-10 1.26 Sept 11-20 .. 3.06 Sept 21-30 .36 Total ... 12.03 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1.70 .79 1.40 2.03 .49 .89 .42 .11 .57 1.43 1.02 .10 2.50 .54 1.25 .14 13.68 1.73 4.03 .17 1.97 .40 .17 1.31 .54 2.11 2.69 .33 .05 T .65 1.56 2.98 .14 4.10 24.93 2.29 T .02 1.92 2.80 .02 2.10 1.47 3.08 5.10 .96 .26 1.87 1.16 .68 .65 .36 24.74 .02 .41 .73 4.10 10.57 .23 3.56 1.41 1.01 .06 1.34 .34 2.71 T T .37 2.68 .09 29.63 .44 3.88 6.24 2.61 3.30 T 1.46 .15 T .52 1.20 .44 5.16 1.63 1.73 28.76 1.07 3.31 1.57 .92 3.27 .65 3.04 3.91 .47 1.29 T .57 1.51 .31 T 2.32 3.15 3.42 30.78 .41 1.01 1.80 3.38 2.68 .30 1.03 1.97 .09 T 2.06 5.63 11.46 .16 .59 .19 .64 33.40 1.19 1.61 1.42 1.50 1.76 1.39 1.39 1.58 1.27 .80 1.16 .98 1.38 1.61 .95 1.32 .90 1.64 23.85 April 11-20 ... 3.02 April 21-30 .59 May 1-10 1.04 May 11-20 .36 May 21-31 .95 June 1-10 1.11 June 11-20 . 2.36 June 21-30 ... 1 . 30 July 1-10 .04 July 11-20 ... 5.43 July 21-31 ... 2.08 Aug 1-10 ... 1 . 59 Aug. 11-20 ... 7 . 82 Aug 21-31. . . . .83 Sept. 1-10 .04 Sept 11-20 . T Sept 21-30 .91 Total . . . 31.17 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 349 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) FAIRFIELD, Wayne county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 ... 1 .12 .67 43 .85 T 15 .47 99 28 .10 51 20 99 ,32 95 .84 22 .19 .28 1.08 3.06 .80 2.06 .67 .03 1.40 1.74 .81 .11 .58 .97 .15 .08 1.02 .42 .04 15.02 1.14 1.31 .95 .16 3.82 .62 1.12 1.10 1.48 T 2.67 .29 1.39 2.45 .98 2.76 1.72 T 23.96 1.34 .35 .79 1.40 .83 2.15 .89 .74 4.87 .08 1.64 1.06 .51 .21 .22 .30 .82 .51 18.71 .65 .86 .65 1.15 T 1.22 1.74 3.37 .05 1.02 .95 1.37 3.57 1.26 17.86 3 l! 5. 4' 35 16 10 73 20 68 30 35 67 2.38 3.66 2.00 4.71 .78 6.56 1.04 2.85 .60 .18 1.03 5.79 5.18 2.55 .75 .45 .50 2.80 43.81 .36 .73 1.80 1.69 .75 1.18 .88 .38 2.69 .81 .50 3.70 4.83 .78 2.11 2.66 .87 .92 2.79 .06 i:23 .79 .32 .52 1.21 .76 27.55 April 11-20 April 21-30 ... 1. May 1-10... May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 . . 3 June 21-30 July 1-10... July 11-20 ... 1. July 21-31 Aug 1-10 Aug. 11-20 Aug. 21-31 . . . 3, Sept 1-10 Sept. 11-20 1 Sept 21-30 3 Total 21 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .37 .59 .36 .42 ,81 ,07 .01 .82 .81 T T .21 .45 .55 .03 .22 .77 .30 .79 1.74 .78 .95 .71 1.37 1.54 1.13 T .03 .99 .19 1.02 1.98 1.75 2.88 6.42 T .81 24.29 .27 .06 2.34 .27 .65 .51 .59 .75 .42 1.00 .57 .23 2.77 2.78 .22 3.74 1.01 1.33 19.51 1.14 1.83 .73 3.89 3.73 1.44 .48 2.08 .18 .27 1.89 .02 .39 .74 1.11 2.62 22.54 .35 .48 1.22 .28 1.88 T .34 .32 .44 1.22 3.80 .13 2.46 .21 .39 2.08 1.22 2.88 19.70 1 1 3 3, 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 27 .77 .38 ,69 ,17 61 .68 .33 .86 ,31 .16 .85 75 ,05 .92 ,72 12 .23 .60 2.53 .02 .63 .06 .72 .71 .85 .72 .98 .61 T .15 2.68 .34 1.26 12.26 2.05 1.31 2.92 2.72 ..44 .11 3.65 1.46 T .75 .57 1.25 1.02 .04 .86 .99 .31 1.06 21.51 1.84 .18 .63 .20 .62 3.13 .84 1.95 .57 1.07 2.41 2.16 1.45 .79 .82 .09 2.81 21.56 April 11-20 April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 1 1-20 June 21-30 July 1-10. . . July 11-20 . . . July 21-31 Aug. 1-10. . . Aug. 11-20 . . . ... 1 Aug. 21-31 Sept 1-10 . 1 Sept. 11-20 .... ... 2 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 Total 11 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10... 1 97 .89 2.08 1.89 .68 1.55 1 40 .32 1.34 April 11-20 4 "> 4 71 61 T 1 59 1 55 1 56 67 1 40 April 21-30 68 .99 .16 2 13 3 45 99 1.21 1.16 May 1-10. . . 98 2.08 .96 2.26 2.91 1.89 1 10 6.13 1.84 May 11-20 T .91 1 26 1 69 6 99 33 a > 4 49 1 79 May 21-31 June 1-10 . . ... 1 ... 2 41 91 .95 32 .09 3 32 .02 1 89 .28 2 21 .52 05 i s 58 07 1.54 .84 1.13 1 27 June 11-20 ... 1 68 2.08 .91 2 67 1.57 .51 2 38 .24 1.46 June 21-30 42 T 4 18 1 33 04 1 26 2 18 1 11 July 1-10 ... 1 83 .02 1.78 2 50 1 05 .10 09 .20 .81 July 11-20 39 .90 .40 .66 .83 .05 53 .94 .99 July 21-31 5? 90 28 04 95 1 00 .80 84 Aug. 1-10 . 2 04 T T .59 .18 5? 1.56 1.13 Aug. 11-20 . . 1 68 1 77 .38 77 37 4 36 4 82 1 25 Aug 21-31 35 68 1 21 32 4 76 1 90 95 Sept. 1-10 . . 13 46 69 92 78 04 14 1.22 1 36 Sept. 11-20 45 1.33 .51 2.87 .23 61 .06 1.00 Sept. 21-30 .24 20 .29 02 50 1 49 4 20 1 49 1 36 Total ... 21 50 17.38 16.21 21.33 25 94 17.88 31 51 28.71 22.19 350 Table 14. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) GOLCONDA, Pope county 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 April 1-10 .52 .05 2.15 3.39 1.59 1.57 .77 1.01 .50 April 11-20.... 25 .98 1.63 4.38 1.28 1.34 .18 .33 .19 April 21-30 . ... 2.27 2.20 .83 1.71 2.39 .73 .03 3.40 2.49 May 1-10. . . 1.16 .55 .25 3.69 .06 3.08 .49 .25 .05 May 11-20 1 . 35 T .12 1.03 1.11 3.68 1.10 1.23 .05 May 21-31 , ... 2.03 .20 . .18 1.88 1.10 .88 .05 1.18 1.66 June 1-10 .74 .09 .50 1.65 4.07 3.46 .10 1.85 .59 June 11-20. 3.25 4.89 .49 2.31 4.85 1.61 1.09 T .29 June 21-30. , ... 2.23 1.52 T 1.13 3.94 .42 1.08 .27 1.61 July 1-10 .20 .14 .59 .39 .07 1.41 .21 .63 .65 July 11-20 ,... 4.11 .20 1.04 1.52 .03 .43 .76 .03 .99 July 21-31 42 2.52 .81 1.78 .42 1.71 .12 .43 .37 Aug. 1-10 1.03 .05 2.86 .62 .75 .89 .05 1.92 .38 Aug. 11-20 .63 .28 3.22 .84 .11 .79 1.55 .45 3.49 Aug. 21-31 20 T 3.56 .60 1.58 2.25 T 1.67 1.55 Sept. 1-10 .58 .22 .10 1.99 4.63 .68 .91 4.41 Sept. 11-20 ... 2.41 2.95 T .17 2.96 2.41 .51 2.43 Sept. 21-30 31 2.56 2.00 4.25 .05 .58 .17 2.04 2.89 Total 23.69 19.40 20.33 33.33 23.40 32.42 10.84 18.11 24.59 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 April 1-10... 1.80 .28 1.77 4.37 1.94 .98 2.06 .41 .77 April 11-20 . .. 1.99 .23 .71 .24 .10 .05 3.99 5.95 1.09 April 21-30 1.26 2.05 .28 .34 2.20 .83 .81 .98 .03 May 1-10; . . 1.40 .61 3.33 1.16 2.62 .49 .32 .82 1.60 May 11-20 ... 2.85 .08 .88 1.31 .91 .74 .48 .62 1.44 May 21-31 .40 T .75 .66 2.41 1.61 .95 .02 June 1-10 .67 1.35 .25 1.99 .51 2.54 .34 1.46 June 11-20 .11 7.33 1.42 3.39 2.11 1.31 .45 June 21-30 .36 1.78 3.40 .36 .43 .60 .18 .62 July 1-10... . 2.52 1.54 .55 1.25 .99 .12 .52 .01 2.38 July 11-20 1.58 .49 2.22 4.02 .67 .65 1.18 July 21-31 ... 2.95 .12 2.25 .07 .09 3.00 .84 .02 .32 Aug. 1-10 .64 3.70 .21 1.45 .20 4.20 .53 .38 .48 Aug. 11-20 .51 .16 2.34 T 3.28 1.25 .06 .97 2.72 Aug. 21-31 .42 1.67 .32 .08 .14 .93 .42 .63 .49 Sept. 1-10 .74 .65 1.13 2.32 .84 .02 .31 .68 1.55 Sept. 11-20 ... 1.35 2.84 .44 .14 2.06 T T Sept. 21-30 ... 1.38 2.73 .53 2.37 1.91 .65 .79 .06 Total 20.57 20.80 27.13 16.50 22.08 25.60 18.10 16.13 16.04 ) 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 4.12 .78 .77 2.39 .56 1.50 April 11-20 T 1.48 3.77 4.80 .85 1.56 April 21-30 .30 2.27 .84 .16 .69 1.26 May 1-10. . . 1.30 .50 2.37 4.24 1.71 1.39 May 11-20 .81 5.96 T .44 2.86 1.26 May 21-31 .72 .55 1.25 .27 2.63 .93 June 1-10 .91 .48 .33 4.09 .37 1.23 June 11-20 1.25 .33 .51 3.62 .03 1.77 June 21-30 1.42 1.46 .35 .89 T 1.05 July 1-10. . . 2.60 4.16 .02 .62 1.35 1.00 July 11-20 T .39 .34 .95 .07 .94 July 21-31 .11 2.15 .89 2.30 2.67 1.15 Aug. 1-10 3.30 2.85 .14 .27 2.70 1.29 Aug. 11-20 .19 .02 .99 4.82 4.93 1.46 Aug. 21-31 4.75 T 1.06 .47 .06 .99 Sept. 1-10 1.48 1.03 .20 .05 .07 1.07 Sept. 11-20 .18 1.45 .05 .99 T 1.01 Sept. 21-30 T .53 2.22 6.02 1.15 1.53 Total 23.44 26.39 16.10 37.39 22.70 22.39 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 351 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) GRAND CHAIN, Pulaski county 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 April 1-10 .17 .10 2.23 2.74 1.35 1.63 .54 .49 .88 April 11-20 .28 1.19 .74 3.83 .87 1.39 .32 .08 .55 April 21-30 . .. 2.56 .67 .57 1.51 2.85 .68 .15 3.11 3.37 May 1-10 ... 1.35 .73 .68 3.39 .05 2.97 1.43 .95 .20 May 11-20 ... 1 . 10 T .30 1.39 1.07 1.99 1.46 1.31 .17 May 21-31 ... 2.94 .08 .38 3.11 .83 1.10 .05 .83 .99 June 1-10 1.17 .12 1.52 2.14 5.44 2.53 .11 .90 1.02 June 11-20 ... 2.38 3.23 T 2.97 4.83 3.65 1.73 .02 .41 June 21-30 . .. 2.41 1.10 .76 1.56 3.86 .79 1.16 .52 .92 July 1-10 .20 .31 1.15 .35 .38 1.96 .71 .71 July 11-20 , ... 1.95 T T 2.66 .05 4.98 T .12 .78 July 21-31 .95 .44 .26 .94 .17 .07 .33 .75 2.40 Aug. 1-10 . 2.87 T 1.17 .42 1.23 2.76 .27 .74 2.18 Aug. 11-20 .34 .29 5.65 3.92 .28 1.04 2.31 .21 1.67 Aug. 21-31 .45 .88 .15 1.86 .18 .03 1.63 1.68 Sept. 1-10 .11 .17 .25 1.15 3.85 .81 1.05 4.81 Sept. 11-20 ... 1 . 14 5.34 .04 T 2.25 1.20 .25 1.44 Sept. 21-30 .48 2.94 2.03 3.19 T .72 .22 .89 1.73 Total 22.85 16.71 18.61 35.42 25.12 34.54 12.12 14.56 25.91 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 April 1-10... . 2.02 .19 1.54 4.33 1.69 1.02 1.98 .80 1.33 April 11-20 . .. 2.57 .28 .77 .11 .47 .28 2.22 4.66 1.43 April 21-30 .45 1.95 .37 .63 2.45 .89 .45 1.13 T May 1-10. . . ... 3.18 1.09 5.20 .21 3.35 .60 .66 1.02 .58 May 11-20 . ... 3.88 .17 1.09 1.91 2.56 1.52 .45 .86 1.22 May 21-31 ... 1.17 1.15 .06 1.82 .84 1.25 .05 June 1-10 ... . .32 1.27 .29 2.38 1.08 1.46 .55 1.18 June 11-20 .25 5.92 .49 3.97 2.23 .84 .35 June 21-30 .84 .13 2.13 .55 .39 T .46 1.62 T July 1-10 . 2.36 .74 .06 1.76 1.99 .04 .45 .04 3.29 July 11-20 T 1.32 .66 .52 1.60 3.85 .93 2.00 .19 July 21-31 ... 5.14 .04 .93 .18 1.56 .08 .05 .13 Aug. 1-10 .25 2.62 T .86 .13 .86 .67 3.92 .17 Aug. 11-20 .90 .28 2.76 1.02 .23 .45 2.73 Aug. 21-31 .44 1.22 .29 .06 .50 .90 .80 .35 1.23 Sept. 1-10 1.81 .70 .38 . 1.73 1.08 .09 T .22 .97 Sept. 11-20 ... 1.26 4.89 .78 .44 T .02 Sept. 21-30 ... 3.08 3.47 .72 2.65 .93 1.35 1.65 .55 Total 29.35 19.66 25.24 16.57 20.07 19.94 15.26 21.41 15.42 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10. . . . 4.98 .35 1.06 2.46 .44 1.49 April 11-20 .02 1.28 3.55 6.04 .74 1.46 April 21-30 .45 1.33 2.04 .23 1.29 1.27 May 1-10. . , . 2.26 1.26 2.35 4.39 2.45 1.75 May 11-20 . 1.32 4.34 .56 2.45 1.35 May 21-31 .75 .67 1.25 .90 5.49 1.12 June 1-10 1.38 1.49 .45 4.54 .44 1.38 June 11-20 1.64 1.49 1.58 2.67 T 1.77 June 21-30 .62 .51 .99 1.41 1.10 1.04 July 1-10... .66 1.27 T 1.56 .52 .89 July 11-20 1.32 .10 .83 .09 1.04 July 21-31 .43 .43 1.69 .61 1.00 .81 Aug. 1-10. . . 2.85 2.28 .18 6.33 1.42 Aug. 11-20 .37 .02 .44 3.74 3.13 1.38 Aug. 21-31 4.36 T 1.84 2.68 T .94 Sept. 1-10 1.25 1.00 .42 .06 .29 .97 Sept. 11-20 .28 2.01 .33 .85 .03 .98 Sept. 21-30 T .40 .94 5.87 .70 1.50 Total 23.62 21.45 19.03 39.58 26.49 22.56 352 Table 14. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) GREENVILLE, Bond county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 . . . . . 1 .55 ,85 61 .98 .06 T .37 .51 09 32 .33 .30 12 24 69 53 67 22 3.12 3.61 .82 1.36 .33 .69 .63 .50 1.12 .77 1.96 .54 .02 .31 .76 .30 .14 16.98 .75 1.63 1.91 .37 2.48 1.13 2.02 1.04 1.03 1.96 T .36 3.77 1.49 .14 3.12 .61 .74 24.55 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 20 .29 .18 .74 .17 .86 .08 .96 .07 .17 .07 .32 .93 .24 .19 .75 .66 .78 .41 .87 .26 .66 .60 .30 .54 .10 T 1.10 2.85 .62 .12 .72 .13 1.74 .27 2.39 1.60 14.00 .80 .56 .49 .03 .86 .36 .21 1.78 .39 3.18 T T T 2.82 3.04 1.79 1.06 6.19 23.56 4.44 3.51 T 1.14 1.01 2.74 .74 1.98 .35 .13 1.03 2.96 1.28 1.69 T .16 .77 1.88 25.81 2.76 .27 .51 .02 1.19 1.69 2.60 3.64 1.51 2.09 .29 1.75 .20 .28 1.99 .05 1.35 .30 22.49 5.00 .84 2.24 4.02 5.34 .09 2.55 3.10 .60 1.75 1.03 T 2.29 1.06 .10 .27 .29 1.86 32.43 April 11-20 April 21-30 . 2 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 ... 3 June 11-20 June 21-30 ... 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug 1-10 1 Aug 11-20 .... ... 1 Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept 11-20 Sept 21-30 ... 2, Total ... 18 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 ,27 51 29 98 10 16 11 22 72 T 65 24 65 ,07 40 37 74 .72 1.68 1.23 1.29 1.26 .85 1.01 .10 .14 .50 .95 2.37 1.38 1.00 2.55 .19 .97 18.19 .18 .46 1.75 .81 .04 .99 2.14 .50 .56 3.57 1.45 3.09 5.13 1.42 .55 1.15 1.68 25.47 2 2 3 4 1 1 1. 21 .72 .24 .80 .05 75 .47 ,48 .71 23 22 ,47 .70 .28 .67 91 ,70 .58 1.32 .52 1.00 .18 .18 1.45 1.15 .27 .08 1.13 1.05 1.45 2.11 .82 2.46 1.52 2.08 19.35 .99 .96 .30 4.35 3.87 1.77 .70 1.05 1.61 .44 3.42 1.15 T .70 .05 2.97 2.22 26.55, 1.60 T 2.38 .25 .80 T 2.28 1.85 .04 1.00 T .16 .21 .29 1.15 .03 3.42 15.46 1.37 1.94 3.15 1.25 .62 .75 4.09 .88 .45 .85 3.51 .85 .50 .85 .30 .39 2.08 23.83 2.83 1.25 .75 .95 .94 3.62 .76 1.80 .27 .03 3.01 .49 1.58 .47 1.68 .35 1.57 22.35 April 11-20 ... 1. April 21-30 May 1-10. . . May 11-20 . 1. May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 . . 1. June 21-30 . . 2. July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 Aug. 11-20 Aug 21-31. . .. Sept. 1-10 1 Sept. 11-20 . . . 2. Sept 21-30 Total . . . 13. 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1. 85 83 90 70 80 17 35 96 45 07 84 85 34 19 52 10 20 65 77 .93 1.85 1.67 .10 1.20 .99 .10 1.22 1.57 1.40 .15 1.57 1.70 3.30 .28 18.03 1.50 3.11 T 2.85 .50 .05 3.68 .50 .55 1.97 .76 .95 T T 1.58 3.01 2.25 23.26 2. 1 2 4. 4 3 2, 1 1. 28, 80 01 .11 92 50 03 68 19 36 40 74 ,84 89 67 05 73 37 21 50 .45 .87 1.34 5.00 6.85 .40 2.59 1.14 1.16 .27 1.30 .36 .99 .05 .03 T 1.56 .01 24.37 1.73 2.04 4.42 3.32 3.80 T .55 .12 .15 1.62 .27 1.39 3.20 .92 ..89 2.25 .59 4.16 2.88 1.15 .13 T 1.07 1.79 .38 T .39 2.36 4.36 27.91 .75 .84 2.30 1.10 1.33 .60 3.89 8.77 .02 .75 .49 .25 1.56 1.54 1.22 1.44 1.61 1.15 1.69 1.37 1.20 .90 1.11 .75 1.34 1.60 .75 1.04 .86 1.54 22.67 April 11-20 ... 3. April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 ... 1. June 11-20 ... 2. June 21-30. . . . July 1-10. .. 1. July 11-20 2 July 21-31 Aug 1-10 1 Aug. 11-20. . . 6. Aug. 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 Total ... 26. 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 353 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) HARRISBURG, Saline county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 43 21 05 04 26 52 41 50 69 61 65 03 91 74 55 45 03 25 33 .54 1.85 2.17 2.11 .22 1.32 1.27 1.74 .73 3.88 .32 .70 .04 T 1.46 1.88 .32 20.55 2.11 1.72 .80 .99 4.65 .75 1.42 .66 1.26 .19 1.83 .73 2.68 3.43 1.87 1.19 2.45 .18 28.91 .75 T 1.77 .91 1.81 1.91 .31 3.53 1.90 .05 2.51 .47 1.39 .33 .37 .50 2.35 .33 21.19 .72 1.27 .80 1.01 T .69 .07 2.58 3.04 .68 .85 1.96 .01 .41 .91 3.33 1.73 20.06 1.74 1.01 .54 .08 .47 .25 .22 .34 .53 .05 .86 .64 2.94 2.19 .04 .11 1.56 13.57 2.38 3182 2.62 3. 68 .63 3.30 .68 2.55 2.58 .51 2.31 2.04 .31 1.11 .24 2.02 T 4.05 34.83 1 3 1 2 6, 4. 3 2 I. 30. .55 .55 .78 .17 .70 .93 ,88 96 11 ,37 ,18 04 .55 ,66 49 T T 92 2.13 1.50 .35 2.72 2.65 .44 1.99 2.65 .09 1.81 1.19 .55 1.43 .02 1.25 4.22 2.39 1.25 28.63 April 11-20 April 21-30 ... 2. May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 . .. 1. June 21-30 . . July 1-10 ... 1. July 11-20 July 21-31 .... Aug. 1-10 . 2. Aug. 11-20 . . . 1. Aug 21-31 Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30 . . . ... 3. Total .. . 17. 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10... 38 44 T .24 59 12 01 08 96 14 T 26 01 59 64 76 63 85 1.77 T .88 1.50 1.70 .29 1.46 .06 .46 1.25 T .04 1.67 1.53 1.41 2.75 .17 16.94 .98 .02 1.42 T .33 .72 1.50 .46 .05 2.21 .51 .31 2.59 4.38 .12 3.86 1.40 2.13 22.99 .74 1.91 .75 3.83 3.44 1.84 .57 1.26 T 3.32 1.02 1.30 .59 .92 2.56 24.05 .28 .12 1.50 .33 1.62 .03 .63 .21 2.09 2.13 3.52 .03 2.30 1.05 .36 .92 2.17 1.91 21.20 2.12 1.37 .15 3.51 1.79 .89 1.50 3.16 2.19 .22 .97 .78 .17 1.40 T 1.09 1.29 22.60 2.77 .19 .50 .26 1.01 .49 1.29 .39 .18 .28 T .12 2.22 .73 2.02 12.45 1 2 2 5 2 1 2 .21 .27 .76 .31 .63 .24 .01 .80 ,78 ,02 .59 .90 T .10 .01 .06 .78 .42 .68 1.40 .07 .55 .21 .79 2.18 1.44 2.57 .42 .47 3.45 1.52 .25 .47 .71 T 1.65 18.15 April 11-20 . . April 21-30 May 1-10 May 11-20 May 21-31 June 1-10 June 11-20 ... 1. June 21-30 July 1-10 . . July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10 . . . Aug. 11-20 Aug 21-31 . Sept. 1-10 Sept. 11-20 1. Sept 21-30 . 2 Total ... 9. 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 2 .61 94 55 ,70 26 ,95 46 86 81 39 ,92 64 68 .20 62 ,72 .31 .53 4.54 1.37 1.72 .60 1.02 .14 .90 .95 1.29 .19 .26 1.14 .32 .21 .80 15.98 3.48 .58 .91 .68 .18 .30 3.94 1.69 2.42 2.37 .77 4.48 .59 .25 .56 23.20 3.49 T .03 3.10 1.38 .36 .68 1.42 1.38 2.55 .58 2.40 .13 1.19 1.91 .02 20.62 1.28 1.59 1.06 5.13 .57 1.36 1.20 .36 2.19 1.79 .46 1.34 T .72 2.11 1.44 22.60 2.09 2.94 .90 2.82 2.48 T .27 .86 T .10 .12 T 2.83 .95 .11 .02 1.01 17.50 2.74 4.37 .37 1.40 .44 .43 2.89 3.12 .54 .18 .90 .72 1.58 4.26 1.75 .80 1.13 5.53 33.15 1 3 1 1 1 2 1. 8 23 .04 .48 .52 .01 .52 .20 ,36 ,01 ,04 ,57 ,28 61 19 .01 T ,31 .03 ,93 .11 1.50 1.31 1.13 1.50 1.30 .89 1.12 1.65 1.23 1.09 1.27 .82 1.14 1.58 .73 1.09 .99 1.40 21.63 April 11-20 ... 2 April 21-30 May 1-10 . . . May 11-20 May 21-31. . June 1-10 ... 1 June 11-20 2 June 21-30 July 1-10 ... 2 July 11-20 July 21-31 Aug. 1-10. . . . . . 1. Aug. 11-20 Aug. 21-31. . . . Sept. 1-10 Sept 11-20 Sept. 21-30 Total 20 354 Table 14. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) MASCOUTAH, St. Clair county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 1.29 .98 1.04 .66 .63 4.48 3.27 3.69 April 11-20.... 85 4.59 2.25 .53 1.30 5.25 T 1.48 April 21-30 . ... 3.70 1.43 .65 .38 .85 1.25 1.12 .91 May 1-10. . . . 2.26 3.88 .56 .19 1.10 .42 1.78 .21 4.30 May 11-20 71 .61 3.71 1.34 .38 1.03 1.02 .79 5.57 May 21-31 61 .55. .50 3.61 .10 .43 4.61 .63 .11 June 1-10 .92 .42 .86 1.33 .03 .21 .46 2.16 .98 June 11-20 ... 1.71 .10 1.66 2.79 1.74 .60 2.03 3.12 .87 June 21-30. . . . 1.11 1.94 .51 2.08 3.85 .39 .21 1.05 .45 July 1-10. . . T 1.00 .15 .48 .68 .80 .30 .99 July 11-20 32 .15 2.56 .42 T .61 .40 1.10 July 21-31 40 1.21 .71 .56 1.16 1.11 2.66 1.72 Aug. 1-10 1.14 T 1.41 .52 .01 1.25 .71 2.30 Aug. 11-20 , ... 1.41 .26 1.68 .93 2.25 2.19 1.10 .28 Aug. 21-31 25 1.22 .74 2.73 .24 1.25 T Sept. 1-10 .72 1.11 .22 1.06 3.68 .90 Sept. 11-20 .04 .13 2.19 2.74 .95 .60 .86 Sept. 21-30 T .94 3.87 3.37 1.39 .24 Total 23.51 20.56 30.18 19.87 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .58 .72 .18 .83 .97 .64 1.71 1.26 1.79 April 11-20 90 .94 .13 2.16 1.34 1.57 .06 2.04 .90 April 21-30 30 1.45 3.03 1.18 1.12 1.36 .26 2.57 .54 May 1-10. . . .54 1.07 .10 1.05 .07 3.29 .72 1.01 .75 May 11-20 . .. 1.58 1.10 .06 4.40 .79 2.83 .38 .62 1.33 May 21-31 1.02 1.36 2.52 .17 .84 .35 3.49 June 1-10 .37 2.02 1.08 .56 .92 .46 4.49 .80 June 11-20 ... 1.76 T 2.09 T .57 1.60 .66 3.81 June 21-30 ... 2.04 .12 1.25 .05 3.37 4.11 .95 2.05 .38 July 1-10. . . .76 2.24 .72 T .12 .08 .32 .04 July 11-20 .01 .23 .21 .19 .30 3.70 2.78 3.02 4.24 July 21-31 ... 1.97 3.43 1.81 .53 1.26 1.22 .66 .76 Aug. 1-10. . . .80 4.14 1.94 .13 1.80 .06 .09 .71 .63 Aug. 11-20 .14 3.60 2.40 .35 1.18 1.14 .22 .62 .50 Aug. 21-31 .01 1.63 1.11 1.03 .59 .16 .01 .10 1.14 Sept. 1-10 1.03 2.39 .58 .16 1.76 2.47 2.30 1.49 2.30 Sept. 11-20 ... 2.15 .37 .51 2.17 2.70 .06 1.09 Sept. 21-30 .23 1.69 .01 2.15 2.73 2.12 1.72 1.46 Total 14.41 26.68 20.09 19.62 21.28 28.15 11.80 23.43 24.49 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10... ... 2.17 .76 1.91 2.16 .15 .98 .86 .32 1.36 April 11-20 ... 2.42 3.78 4.71 .03 .85 1.41 3.05 1.03 1.74 April 21-30 ... 1.23 1.46 .04 1.49 2.05 .87 1.62 1.23 May 1-10. . . .93 .45 1.38 2.36 3.09 2.30 1.14 2.18 1.43 May 11-20 ... 1.39 .60 .46 1.56 6.23 .09 2.74 2.73 1.69 May 21-31 .47 .95 T .33 1.32 2.02 .81 .98 1.07 June 1-10 ... 2.80 .18 .95 2.20 2.73 T 2.43 1.60 1.19 June 11-20 ... 1.50 .30 .03 1.70 1.81 .37 1.55 .74 1.27 June 21-30 .69 1.05 .47 3.67 1.27 1.68 .52 .62 1.38 July 1-10. . . 1.57 T 1.10 5.01 .36 .15 .62 .28 .71 July 11-20 ... 2.70 .74 . .10 1.47 .85 1.82 .03 .97 1.16 July 21-31 .94 .79 .54 .17 .33 1.09 .16 .14 1.01 Aug. 1-10 .67 2.64 T 1.77 4.37 .74 3.69 1.26 Aug. 11-20 ... 3.88 .90 1.19 .91 T 1.32 .73 15.30 1.78 Aug. 21-31 .70 1.98 1.32 .41 T 3.59 .12 .02 .81 Sept. 1-10 .49 4.93 .92 .20 .86 .64 1.26 Sept. 11-20 ... 1.91 2.76 .59 2.31 .88 3.20 .51 1.20 Sept. 21-30 .62 .03 1.52 .20 .58 1.96 5.41 1.11 1.39 Total 27.08 16.61 23.37 25.50 27.94 21.71 25.84 34.48 22.94 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 355 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) McLEANSBORO, Hamilton county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .87 1.01 2.91 1.39 1.72 .55 .50 .56 2.72 .09 .61 .96 .79 .22 1.92 .46 .25 16.66 1.48 1.37 1.14 .42 4.43 .86 1.24 2.78 1.04 .53 .23 2.31 1.60 1.26 2.21 .99 .25 24.14 1.63 .38 .67 1.47 .79 1.63 .72 3.37 1.85 T 2.58 .92 .71 .13 .33 .42 3.13 .41 21.14 .66 .70 .99 1.03 T 1.89 .03 1.87 2.07 .02 T 1.16 T .51 1.16 4.21 2.75 19.05 1.25 .56 .58 T .36 .99 .19 .75 .08 1.84 T 1.08 1.66 2.74 1.36 2.79 .51 2.77 19.51 2.01 5.09 2.46 3.70 1.03 5.29 .55 3.29 1.22 .89 1.66 1.08 1.25 1.54 .14 .16 5.28 36.64 .86 .84 2.21 .28 1.13 1.89 3.37 3.32 1.82 .93 2.20 1.48 1.43 .59 .35 .13 22.83 2.22 .85 .89 2.67 3.16 .58 1.18 3.62 .36 2.43 1.42 .10 .02 .50 .15 1.15 1.47 .74 23.51 April 11-20 . 1 02 April 21-30 ... 1.61 May 1-10 .67 May 11-20 .24 May 21-31 ... 1.17 June 1-10 63 June 11-20. . . 1 . 64 June 21-30 ... 1.25 July 1-10 T July 11-20 ... 1.13 July 21-31. ... Aug. 1-10 ... 1 60 Aug. 11-20 .30 Aug 21-31 1 80 Sept. 1-10 . . . 2 60 Sept. 11-20 Sept 21-30 4 25 Total . . 20.78 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10... April 11-20 .37 1.81 .05 1.52 .55 2.54 1.50 1.02 T .30 1.32 1.42 .74 3.95 1.43 1.96 4.96 .05 .98 26.10 1.29 T 2.97 .63 .20 .31 .43 .58 .50 1.13 1.00 T 2.65 2.19 2.01 4.50 1.27 1.86 23.52 1.28 2.21 .59 4.10 6.31 .84 T T T 2.40 1.15 .76 T .71 .44 .06 .78 21.63 1.30 .30 2.11 .61 1.97 .15 1.36 .69 .15 1.66 2.91 4.26 .69 .51 1.89 2.52 2.07 25.15 2.40 1.52 .62 3.07 3.51 1.35 1.06 3.68 3.05 1.01 1.22 .61 .27 2.46 .31 .67 2.05 28.86 2.89 .57 .27 .88 1.25 .75 T 1.36 .09 .24 .20 1.52 .82 1.05 11.89 1.39 .94 1.50 3.80 .45 4.87 1.05 .13 2.27 .44 .42 .18 2.68 .02 1.29 1.64 1.52 24.59 1.16 .03 .55 .74 .42 2.66 .59 2.17 .10 .04 1.82 .92 .79 .42 1.07 .16 4.00 17.64 April 21-30 .34 May 1-10 76 May 11-20. . .82 May 21-31 .08 June 1-10 02 June 11-20. . ... 1 . 22 June 21-30 .84 July 1-10 04 July 11-20 T July 21-31 .96 Aug. 1-10 . . 09 Aug. 11-20 ... 2 . 38 Aug 21-31 04 Sept. 1-10 ... 1.49 Sept. 11-20 ... 6 . 42 Sept. 21-30 ... 2 18 Total . . . 18.05 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . 1 27 .77 4.77 .85 .56 .83 .53 .38 1.08 .28 T 1.88 .40 .06 .74 .45 .23 .54 14.35 2.76 .82 T 1.28 1.38 .13 2.32 .21 1.17 2.32 .23 1.92 2.37 .85 .55 .01 .31 18.63 2.46 T .20 1.44 2.38 .15 .60 .80 1.68 3.24 2.46 .30 .68 T 1.25 .93 .40 18.97 1.73 1.56 .52 5.84 .32 2.32 1.02 1.60 1.55 1.05 2.01 2.32 2.29 .34 .70 T .28 .07 .35 .56 .09 .45 1.93 .22 1.11 13.77 1.57 4.94 1.35 1.17 1.87 .53 3.85 2.64 1.64 .12 2.28 .34 .97 7.21 .73 .90 .70 5.78 38.59 .73 .53 1.96 4.88 2.64 1.04 1.21 .10 3.25 .36 2.28 1.56 1.55 10.01 T .91 T 1.22 34.23 1.39 1.41 1.21 1.53 1.71 .99 1.27 1.57 .97 .93 1.22 .67 1.06 1.68 .77 1.26 1.16 1.54 22.34 April 11-20 . . . 2.60 April 21-30 47 May 1-10 1 13 May 11-20 36 May 21-31 .76 June 1-10 . 3.17 June 11-20. . . 1 87 June 21-30 July 1-10 .66 July 11-20 .49 July 21-31. . . . . 1 41 Aug. 1-10. . . .59 Aug. 11-20 1 56 Aug. 21-31 .52 Sept. 1-10 . T Sept. 11-20 .01 Sept. 21-30 39 Total ... 17.26 356 BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, Table 14. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) '< MOUNT CARMEL, Wabash county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10... .78 1.32 .74 .47 .66 1.06 3.26 .29 2.35 April 11-20 .52 2.60 1.44 .45 .88 .97 2.77 .74 1.42 April 21-30 .91 1.35 .86 1.13 .96 .49 2.88 3.09 1.02 May 1-10. . . .15 2.86 .09 .73 .66 .06 2.50 .11 4.00 May 11-20 .66 .49 3.60 1.21 .09 .58 1.12 2.98 3.73 May 21-31 . . 1 . 30 1.72* 1.74 2.31 .48 5.95 .58 .46 June 1-10 1.47 .22 1.50 1.52 .90 .87 1.10 3.70 1.52 June 11-20 . . .39 .72 1.99 .01 2.64 .56 1.57 2.32 2.58 June 21-30 .. 1.78 .20 2.11 2.81 2.03 .31 .64 4.02 .35 July 1-10. . . .12 .82 .31 .98 1.67 .17 2.32 July 11-20 .. 1.10 .29 2.13 2.26 1.76 .14 .85 July 21-31 .. 1.03 .82 .29 1.30 1.77 .35 4.34 .03 Aug. 1-10. . . 1.80 T 1.20 2.50 .18 .96 2.69 .13 1.00 Aug. 11-20 .05 .30 1.22 .23 2.27 1.69 2.27 .77 1.90 Aug. 21-31 . . 1.26 1.19 1.48 .19 .37 .02 1.05 .42 Sept. 1-10... .88 1.67 .14 .67 3.60 .67 .86 Sept. 11-20 .13 2.01 .64 1.57 1.60 , .15 .03 .11 1.05 Sept. 21-30 .. 2.00 .20 .65 1.84 1.79 5.65 .31 1.36 Total 16.33 17.11 23.01 19.48 18.61 15.48 39.22 20.54 27.19 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10... .55 1.66 1.04 2.39 .03 2.11 2.19 1.07 2.48 April 11-20 .65 .18 .20 2.50 .23 1.01 .08 .85 .04 April 21-30 .61 1.74 3.87 .19 .92 .69 .99 3.17 .56 May 1-10. . . .53 .63 .49 3.88 .33 3.16 .07 2.92 .23 May 11-20 .12 1.43 .06 5.34 1.08 3.37 .82 .61 .63 May 21-31 .04 .93 .45 1.61 .07 3.50 .17 4.23 June 1-10 .05 1.05 1.20 2.92 1.23 2.22 3.94 .34 June 11-20 . . 1.23 1.25 .55 .09 2.42 1.59 1.24 June 21-30 .54 .23 1.10 3.72 1.14 1.18 .61 .23 1.36 July 1-10. . . .04 1.19 2.77 1.24 .34 .02 .37 1.28 July 11-20 .62 .55 .06 3.49 2.47 1.80 8.97 July 21-31 1.39 .05 2.45 .17 2.18 .05 .37 1.87 Aug. 1-10. . . . .24 1.05 1.65 1.33 2.21 .08 .83 4.70 1.37 Aug. 11-20 .. 2.23 .63 2.04 1.14 1.73 1.73 .03 .12 .16 Aug. 21-31 .12 6.15 .38 .32 .21 1.38 .17 .49 .63 Sept. 1-10 .76 5.64 3.86 1.98 2.41 .54 1.03 2.29 Sept. 11-20 .. 3.02 .50 2.58 1.45 .84 1.80 Sept. 21-30 .. 1.30 1.01 2.51 1.62 3.17 1.09 .77 .54 Total 25.63 21.69 33.88 22.89 26.01 13.19 25.23 27.19 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1.77 .80 1.82 2.39 .72 1.25 2.63 .30 1.39 April 11-20 .. 5.72 5.72 1.09 T 1.44 2.54 3.67 .58 1.47 April 21-30 .74 1.22 .14 1.75 3.79 .99 1.02 1.35 May 1-10. . . .76 1.03 1.49 2.00 .94 2.55 1.43 5.19 1.49 May 11-20 .33 .81 1.21 1.33 6.51 2.09 3.44 1.68 May 21-31 .77 1.31 T .15 .75 2.47 .62 1.23 1.26 June 1-10 . 2.82 .63 2.00 2.48 2.48 .14 4.31 1.52 1.62 June 11-20 .. 2.77 1.34 1.17 1.71 2.25 1.41 4.76 1.28 1.46 June 21-30 .29 .78 .62 2.86 1.25 .10 .20 2.25 1.26 July 1-10. . . 1.27 .02 3.59 3.11 5.24 .03 .72 .81 1.14 July 11-20 .30 .84 .81 .23 .61 .23 .70 1.90 1.28 July 21-31. ...... .. 2.23 T .63 .05 .82 .55 2.83 2.40 1.04 Aug. 1-10 . 3.13 .06 .23 1.37 .54 .21 .92 1.07 1.21 Aug. 11-20 .97 .85 1.27 .87 .44 5.35 7.35 1.45 Aug. 21-31 .07 .24 .81 .54 .21 2.88 1.25 .29 .85 Sept. 1-10 .37 .75 1.10 1.34 .12 .35 .72 1.22 Sept. 11-20 .40 .61 .57 .46 1.46 .20 .95 .85 Sept. 21-30 .26 .64 .05 T .18 2.01 6.38 1.06 1.40 Total 24.97 16.90 18.11 20.79 28.49 20.92 40.15 32.41 23.42 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 357 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) NASHVILLE, , Washington county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .81 1.12 3.25 .99 .90 .88 .80 1.06 .28 .54 .72 .25 2.77 T 2.21 1.31 1.01 .15 18.24 1.35 1.72 .47 .58 5.29 .59 .51 .84 .65 .23 2.26 .37 2.49 2.02 .85 1.90 .61 1.72 24.45 .14 .45 .97 .68 .64 2.46 .77 4.02 .78 2.65 .62 1.00 .48 1.24 .40 1.90 .20 19.40 .50 .54 1.46 .48 T .44 .05 1.11 2.87 .96 .62 .10 1.66 T .11 1.02 2.12 14.04 1.12 .80 .57 .13 1.01 .38 1.28 T 1.02 .14 4.15 1.08 1.93 .49 3.07 3.89 3.86 .70 1.80 .74 5.42 .89 1.10 .67 .29 1.70 2.35 2.00 4.05 1.43 T 2.07 32.96 1.76 .39 1.53 .18 2.59 .33 3.59 3.05 .90 .54 1.25 .80 .83 .75 2.80 .09 1.11 .20 22.69 2.67 .98 .79 3.56 4.48 .31 2.11 1.74 .64 1.14 .33 .20 1.76 .21 T .25 .34 2.09 23.60 April 11-20 .64 April 21-30 3 64 May 1-10 1.47 May 11-20 .44 May 21-31 . .39 June 1-10. . . . 1.49 June 11-20 ... 1 . 17 June 21-30 . 1.74 July 1-10 .... July 11-20 .28 July 21-31 .04 Aug. 1-10 1.52 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.91 Aug. 21-31 ... 1.58 Sept 1-10 . . . . 2.51 Sept. 11-20 .08 Sept. 21-30 ... 3.62 Total . . . 23.33 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 . . . .36 .55 .15 1.70 1.31 .99 1.13 1.25 T .26 1.46 .44 4.63 2.08 3.69 1.75 2.07 .23 1.14 24.83 .26 .03 2.58 .03 .28 1.53 1.72 .44 1.05 1.55 .67 1.88 2.89 .11 1.27 .42 .28 16.99 .61 2.42 1.23 1.55 3.80 2.40 .09 .10 1.87 .10 .61 .15 .38 .97 .59 .72 1.25 18.84 1.61 1.09 1.36 1.55 1.22 1.18 .40 .86 2.21 .73 .70 2.13 1.01 .50 2.43 2.57 1.52 23.07 1.31 2.01 .69 3.72 3.11 .62 .84 2.94 3.43 T .47 1.35 .24 .88 1.22 1.47 24.30 1.06 .09 1.08 .87 .07 T 1.56 1.87 .80 .31 T .07 .05 .06 3.08 .31 .97 12.25 1.02 1.06 3.40 .95 .60 .48 3.81 .81 .38 .53 2.91 .52 .93 .02 .98 .55 .24 2.76 21.95 .09 .97 .66 .67 .77 3.47 1.17 3.85 .41 .10 1.51 .21 2.31 .36 2.22 .20 2.77 21.74 April 11-20 .94 April 21-30 .25 May 1-10 . . . .29 May 11-20 ... 1.47 May 21-31 .29 June 1-10 T June 11-20 .81 June 21-30 . . ... 1.09 July 1-10 July 11-20 .30 July 21-31. . . . ... 1.04 Aug. 1-10 T Aug. 11-20 .78 Aug. 21-31. . . . . . .09 Sept. 1-10 .85 Sept. 1 1-20 ... 2.50 Sept 21-30 .94 Total , ... 12.00 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 2 04 .64 2.24 2.01 .52 1.30 .29 1.04 .21 .40 .87 .81 1.01 .94 .60 .83 13.71 2.22 3.31 1.35 .28 .17 3.66 .19 1.63 .71 .20 .21 .33 1.24 2.70 .65 1.89 20.74 2.01 .02 .14 2.34 1.64 .46 3.12 1.34 2.98 2.39 .89 .46 .57 .73 T .68 .04 .12 19.93 .74 1.33 1.21 4.41 6.61 .71 3.51 .66 1.94 1.21 .78 .94 2.63 T T .53 2.12 .36 29.69 1.10 1.44 2.85 1.23 .05 3.20 .03 1.23 .15 .10 1.48 1.22 .98 1.84 .10 .12 1.56 18.68 .62 3.66 1.21 1.78 1.89 1.04 2.49 3.30 5.42 .22 .18 .22 .71 2.15 .62 .70 1.87 5.14 33.22 1.10 1.00 2.02 3.16 3.43 1.27 1.24 .86 1.35 .58 2.20 4.60 16.55 .03 1.31 .65 41.35 1.18 1.49 1.29 1.46 1.75 1.13 1.49 1.31 1.25 .75 .95 .97 1.14 1.98 .79 1.08 .83 1.41 22.25 April 11-20 ... 4.34 April 21-30 .12 May 1-10 . . 1 . 05 May 11-20. ... 1 . 23 May 21-31 46 June 1-10 1.44 June 11-20. ... ... 2.64 June 21-30 .09 July 1-10 .59 July 11-20 2 62 July 21-31. . . . , ... 2.76 Aug 1-10 56 Aug. 11-20 . . ... 2.35 Aug. 21-31. . . . 59 Sept. 1-10 . . .17 Sept. 11-20. . . . 1 . 37 Sept 21-30 .58 Total 25.00 358 Table 14. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) NEW BURNSIDE, Johnson county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 1.02 1.14 2.00 1.89 2.26 .62 1.02-- .51 2.32 .19 2.74 .22 .37 .06 1.95 .65 .12 T 18.06 2.49 2.09 .54 1.57 4.27 1.05 .61 2.32 .91 .10 .10 .24 2.86 4.08 2.03 2.22 2.78 T 30.26 .41 .27 2.41 .82 1.89 2.21 .91 4.25 1.86 .19 3.51 1.36 1.08 .72 .79 .64 2.08 .39 25.79 .10 1.38 1.67 .45 .20 .36 .12 3.76 2.13 T .89 1.73 .56 .37 T .78 2.01 3.99 20.50 1.97 1.18 .50 .81 .63 .11 .50 .20 .07 .81 T .65 1.87 5.02 1.23 1.34 .23 1.35 18.47 2.85 4.85 1.90 2.96 .81 3.51 1.76 1.70 2.74 .57 3.18 3.08 .69 .76 .13 .55 T 4.69 36.73 2.30 1.01 3.82 .10 1.49 1.41 4.47 5.82 5.86 .31 2.00 T 1.57 .49 .90 .01 .37 .06 31.99 2.45 1.37 .82 3.76 2.09 .47 4.47 2.29 .27 2.34 .54 1.05 .64 .80 1.43 3.34 2.47 1.06 31.66 April 11-20 1.70 April 21-30 . . . 2.18 May 1-10. . . .52 May 11-20. . ... 1 43 May 21-31 .65 June 1-10 .45 June 11-20 ... 1.11 June 21-30 ... 1.49 July 1-10 July 11-20 .02 1.17 July 21-31 .01 Aug. 1-10 . 3.12 Aug 11-20 1.72 Aug. 21-31 ... 1.47 Sept. 1-10 1.69 Sept 11-20 05 Sept. 21-30 ... 5.35 Total . . . 25.15 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10.. . .46 1.82 .02 2.31 .81 2.17 1.15 1.12 .01 .37 .69 .43 .74 1.57 1.83 2.23 1.64 T .61 19.52 .91 .29 2.25 .25 .16 .26 1.09 1.00 .46 .85 1.39 1.85 1.55 6.43 1.27 4.26 1.64 3.08 28.99 1.13 2.40 .55 3.74 4.63 1.84 T 3.45 2.78 .01 2.18 .97 .07 1.21 .80 2.30 1.37 29.43 .39 .30 1.65 .16 .72 .02 .85 .24 2.97 .72 1.79 T 2.99 .37 1.26 1.64 3.62 3.50 23.19 1.05 1.13 .39 3.04 1.55 1.30 1.21 5.22 6.85 .64 .02 1.01 .20 2.09 .09 .90 1.40 28.09 3.77 .16 .78 .36 .87 .63 .52 1.47 .75 .04 .17 .14 4.39 .53 2.67 17.25 1.64 .19 3.60 3.17 .62 .05 4.24 3.17 .08 1.04 3.17 .03 .16 .11 .25 .32 .55 1.10 23.49 .92 .10 .64 .47 .91 2.65 .49 4.13 .16 .93 1.86 1.63 .64 .67 1.08 .04 1.98 .41 19.71 April 11-20 .56 April 21-30 . . . .12 May 1-10. . . .57 May 11-20 .95 May 21-31 .10 June 1-10 .05 June 11-20 1 78 June 21-30. . ... 1 . 99 July 1-10. . . .08 July 11-20 55 July 21-31 .39 Aug. 1-10 .03 Aug 11-20 74 Aug. 21-31 .07 Sept. 1-10 .39 Sept 11-20 2 57 Sept. 21-30 2 29 Total ... 13 . 69 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . 2 67 .91 5.42 1.31 1.61 .54 1.28 .10 .72 .60 .01 1.41 .15 1.78 1.02 .25 .67 .52 18.30 2.06 1.89 .01 .74 .42 T .95 .30 .57 .57 .29 .58 .73 3.06 .75 1.19 .77 14.88 4.61 .01 .47 2.44 1.82 .75 2.31 1.47 2.37 3.66 .11 .10 2.93 1.31 2.90 1.11 .14 T 28.51 1.38 1.54 1.56 3.12 5.00 .93 2.50 .49 1.62 1.68 .50 .93 1.39 T 1.00 3.09 1.07 27.80 2.17 3.08 1.04 2.81 .62 1.10 .13 .43 .40 .03 .30 .02 .56 1.67 .05 .09 1.00 15.50 3.74 6.99 1.14 1.79 .52 .66 3.39 3.57 3.14 .43 .80 .58 .49 4.37 2.37 .64 .97 5.91 41.50 .29 :89 1.78 3.60 1.45 3.54 .23 .02 .28 1.19 1.44 .91 2.74 7.52 T .45 .02 .87 27.22 1.72 1.68 1.38 1.66 1.42 1.08 1.34 1.87 1.66 1.02 1.06 .81 1.22 1.71 1.02 1.18 1.08 1.71 24.62 April 11-20 . . . ... 2.79 April 21-30 .62 May 1-10 . . 1 . 20 May 11-20 .62 May 21-31 1 74 June 1-10 1.74 June 11-20 2 19 June 21-30 ... 1 73 July 1-10... . 2.63 July 11-20 . 1 51 July 21-31 ... 1.19 Aug. 1-10 .95 Aug. 11-20 .41 Aug. 21-31 ... 1.01 Sept. 1-10 .03 Sept. 11-20 .46 Sept. 21-30 ... 1.03 Total ... 24 . 52 1949] CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 359 Table 14. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) OLNEY, Richland county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 51 1.17 3.72 .96 1.50 1.10 .03 .39 .26 .38 .68 .27 .61 .05 .35 1.69 .18 .34 13.68 1.23 1.28 .93 .22 4.66 .89 .66 1.90 .82 .17 .29 .10 5.01 1.24 .90 1.63 .76 T 22.69 .36 .54 .99 .72 1.70 3.03 1.37 .10 3.91 .14 1.83 1.80 4.86 .37 .84 .83 2.09 .48 25.96 1.05 .24 .70 .56 .22 2.66 ill 1.83 2.94 1.06 T .61 T 2.87 .38 .59 1.87 1.39 19.08 4.26 .84 .56 .15 .64 .08 .67 1.00 .19 2.80 .10 T 4.86 3.98 .05 8.10 .40 2.49 31.17 1.72 2.07 .98 3.65 .82 4.52 .67 1.77 .31 .65 1.28 2.12 1.72 2.08 .32 .63 .02 3.25 28.58 .47 .86 1.60 .28 2.36 .15 3.23 2.77 1.24 .83 .66 1.91 .76 .73 1.86 .20 .72 1.24 21.87 3.05 .72 1.34 3.07 3.85 .49 .98 2.54 .55 .83 1.44 .08 1.18 .84 .22 2.96 .36 .69 25.19 April 11-20 .... .67 April 21-30 ... 1 . 30 May 1-10 .28 May 11-20 .86 May 21-31 1 09 June 1-10 . . 1 21 June 11-20 . . . 1.16 June 21-30 1 24 July 1-10 .... ... 1 03 July 11-20 .62 July 21-31 73 Aug. 1-10 . . 2.15 Aug. 11-20 .81 Aug. 21-31 ... 1.76 Sept. 1-10 . . . . 2.70 Sept. 11-20 ... 1 . 54 Sept 21-30 2 14 Total ... 21 80 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .78 .89 .46 1.81 1.14 1.28 1.55 .66 .13 .06 2.20 2.14 3.37 1.07 2.00 2.01 5.34 .08 .93 27.12 .14 .18 2.09 .40 .15 .60 1.84 .46 1.32 1.04 .77 .12 1.82 2.99 .09 3.90 .12 3.09 21.12 2.17 2.46 .67 4.07 3.55 1.55 T .12 .87 4.97 .06 .32 1.26 .05 .20 .06 1.26 1.27 24.91 .88 1.48 .40 .73 1.28 .16 .99 .16 2.04 2.55 4.20 1.64 2.87 2.57 .29 3.42 .77 2.56 28.99 .94 .82 .65 3.34 2.72 2.54 1.67 2.33 1.33 .34 T .61 .02 .36 .28 1.09 2.21 21.25 1.66 .07 .61 .28 .50 T .90 .65 .21 .32 .26 .90 .14 .23 2.19 .10 .79 9.81 2.05 1.57 3.15 2.76 .49 .64 2.63 1.70 .15 .77 2.23 .66 .86 .12- 2.82 1.63 1.02 25.25 3.41 .59 .44 .08 1.19 5.07 .45 1.84 .85 2.60 3.10 3.07 1.89 1.16 .70 .15 1.58 28.17 April 11-20 .52 April 21-30 .41 May 1-10 .34 May 11-20 .81 May 21-31. . . .04 June 1-10. . . . .01 June 11-20 .60 June 21-30 "1 34 July 1-10 .26 July 11-20 T July 21-31 . . . .12 Aug. 1-10 .11 Aug 1 1-20 2 51 Aug. 21-31 . . T Sept. 1-10 .94 Sept. 11-20 ... 1.47 Sept. 21-30 ... 1 42 Total ... 11.68 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 1 55 .97 4.13 .63 1.67 1.70 1.08 .73 .55 .68 .66 .26 .87 .69 .16 .16 14.94 2.02 1.84 1.19 1.07 .76 5.77 .20 .56 .76 .10 2.15 .05 .10 1.68 1.61 .62 .47 20.95 2.52 .32 .12 1.98 2.32 T .85 2.53 2.17 2.36 .15 .75 1.11 1.50 1.14 .58 .16 .04 20.60 1.44 1.35 1.83 2.89 8.26 1.64 3.24 .76 .46 2.50 .30 1.02 .39 T T .73 2.58 .06 29.45 2.33 1.89 4.25 1.96 .36 .53 .28 .90 .11 T .71 .30 .88 5.36 .05 .32 1.39 21.62 3.24 3.00 1.48 1.24 2.45 1.00 3.19 4.57 1.83 .04 1.15 2.01 1.04 2.71 .43 .36 1.25 5.76 36.75 .10 .83 1.44 5.93 3.60 1.06 .87 1.00 .14 .68 1.36 .34 1.73 5.22 .14 .71 .03 1.22 26.40 1.57 1.39 1.15 1.58 1.86 1.24 1.42 1.29 1.02 1.17 .93 1.00 1.44 1.46 .95 1.58 .71 1.32 23.08 April 11-20 ... 3.81 April 21-30 68 May 1-10 .72 May 11-20. . . . 49 May 21-31. . 98 June 1-10 ... 3 . 65 June 11-20 2 44 June 21-30 .29 July 1-10 .85 July 11-20 32 July 21-31. . . . ... 1 . 34 Aug 1-10 1 50 Aug. 11-20. . . . . 1 . 38 Aug 21-31 51 Sept. 1-10 . . .25 Sept. 11-20 .01 Sept. 21-30 .33 Total . . . . 21.10 360 Table 14. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, -SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) SALEM, Marion county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .41 1.02 4.50 1.19 .55 .81 .27 ' .74 .38 .84 .52 .17 1.26 .01 .01 1.97 .18 .30 14.72 1.24 2.17 2.10 .23 4.05 1.30 .40 1.46 1.09 1.67 .72 .46 2.75 2.58 2.95 .96 1.06 .13 27.32 .43 .78 .75 .90 1.81 2.86 1.93 .90 4.20 T 2.62 1.23 1.20 .47 .40 .47 1.81 .33 23.09 .66 .96 .52 .89 .34 .99 .01 2.09 4.01 1.49 .04 1.04 .02 1.78 .04 1.42 1.56 1.85 19.71 5.42 .85 .58 .14 .97 .44 .17 1.12 .10 1.20 .04 2.41 .86 2.52 1.65 4.75 .37 4.13 27.72 2.52 3.91 .27 2.17 .79 4.26 .19 1.08 .53 1.18 1.42 5.71 1.04 3.32 .58 .73 2.45 32.15 1.54 .35 1.17 .23 1.90 .34 3.30 3.66 1.15 2.67 .10 1.07 1.21 .75 4.51 .04 1.16 .21 25.36 2.96 .80 1.77 3.10 5.63 .82 1.66 3.31 .74 1.34 1.31 T 1.28 .43 .75 .16 .37 .31 26.74 April 11-20 .59 April 21-30 . . . ... 2 . 62 May 1-10 .97 May 11-20 .25 May 21-31 ... 1.16 June 1-10 1.32 June 11-20 .64 June 21-30. . . ... 1.87 July 1-10. . . 1.63 July 11-20 .04 July 21-31 .30 Aug. 1-10 .88 Aug. 11-20 ... 1.32 Aug 21-31 ... 2.42 Sept. 1-10 .64 Sept. 11-20 ... 1 . 22 Sept 21-30 . 3 47 Total . 21 75 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .95 .30 .51 2.04 2.00 1.40 1.38 .73 .04 .68 .04 1.49 4.19 1.77 1.05 2.70 3.42 .57 1.06 25.37 .15 .11 1.82 .61 .49 1.18 1.93 .71 1.24 2.31 .79 .62 1.50 2.46 .07 1.29 .40 1.20 18.88 .93 2.61 .93 3.19 3.11 1.53 T .22 1.84 .23 .45 .81 .09 .39 1.26 1.40 1.29 20.28 1.42 .47 .78 1.64 .93 .09 1.65 .20 1.98 1.97 1.51 .41 1.50 1.30 .76 2.00 1.69 1.63 21.93 1.03 1.36 .70 3.95 4.22 2.29 .58 1.26 2.03 .13 1.06 2.68 .03 .71 .42 .94 1.79 25.18 1.51 T .57 .64 .40 2.11 1.81 .06 .54 .02 .48 .43 .67 1.93 .24 1.06 12.47 1.04 2.50 2.10 1.58 .53 1.04 3.46 .95 .73 1.18 .19 2.57 1.21 .79 1.14 .85 .78 1.02 23.66 1.22 .34 .61 .81 .64 4.59 .78 1.17 .39 .53 2.66 2.06 1.31 .29 .85 1.60 1.24 21.09 April 11-20 50 April 21-30 .12 May 1-10 . . . 63 May 11-20. .... 1 . 63 May 21-31 22 June 1-10 .12 June 1 1-20 .57 June 21-30. .... ... 1.95 July 1-10 . . July 11-20 .02 July 21-31 .21 Aug 1-10 90 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 03 Aug. 21-31 T Sept 1-10 85 Sept 11-20 ... 3 . 38 Sept. 21-30 .53 Total 13 61 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 ... 1 . 85 1.16 3.27 .57 1.06 .65 .30 .35 1.47 1.00 .18 .81 .03 .33 .79 .58 T .66 13.21 2.09 3.05 1.24 .26 .03 4.61 .10 .34 1.11 .34 .71 .04 .41 2.09 .96 .35 .66 18.39 2.33 T .27 2.11 1.06 .11 3.35 2.68 4.40 7.57 1.44 1.62 .74 .59 1.08 1.85 .03 .14 31.37 .80 1.27 1.85 3.60 7.80 .82 1.90 .51 1.24 .08 .06 .09 .78 T T .23 1.92 .03 22.98 1.36 1.35 3.98 1.58 .20 1.70 .14 1.21 .08 .13 1.48 1.20 2.13 3.00 .02 .22 1.74 21.52 2.34 2.96 1.27 1.05 3.51 .64 3.29 3.25 3.60 .10 .21 .53 .63 1.40 .54 .34 1.14 5.69 32.49 .02 .73 2.38 2.61 2.03 1.51 1.13 1.36 .49 .52 2.26 .21 1.14 7.50 .06 1.28 .15 .50 25.88 1.41 1.57 1.23 1.47 1.78 1.17 1.48 1.32 1.42 1.19 .86 1.24 .92 1.50 1.14 1.11 .87 1.25 22.93 April 11-20 ... 4.92 April 21-30 90 May 1-10 .84 May 11-20 .77 May 21-31 47 June 1-10 ... 2 . 56 June 11-20 ... 4.19 June 21-30 .16 July 1-10. . . 1.48 July 11-20 .77 July 21-31 ... 1.17 Aug. 1-10. . . 1.44 Aug. 11-20 ... 4.81 Aug. 21-31 .62 Sept. 1-10 .80 Sept. 11-20 .51 Sept. 21-30 .49 Total ... 28.75 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 361 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) SHAWNEETOWN, Gallatin county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 1 10 1.21 1.33 1.84 2.72 .38 1.46 .37 2.11 T 3.10 .58 .54 T 1.79 1.75 1.84 .10 21.12 1.95 1.90 1.07 .65 2.92 1.88 .30 3.75 1.10 T 1.80 1.22 3.03 2.67 1.30 .53 1.36 27.43 .97 .30 2.03 1.43 1.25 2.45 1.32 .50 3.07 .05 2.43 .15 .15 .20 .38 2.00 4.48 .55 23.71 .07 1.09 1.29 .92 .02 .13 .22 3.32 3.43 T .10 3.38 .52 1.12 1.92 3.30 20.83 2.29 1.59 .76 .40 .33 .07 .72 .32 .06 .38 .28 .67 2.18 6.32 .38 .37 T 1.64 18.76 3.08 3.86 2.11 3.00 .63 2.63 .62 1.75 1.13 .30 .84 1.90 .14 .86 .15 .55 T 3.95 27.50 1.29 .72 3.35 .04 1.35 1.70 4.22 3.55 3.92 .10 .92 .25 .49 .43 1.42 .17 .01 23.93 1.58 1.64 .71 3.87 3.15 2.67 1.34 2.12 .22 .55 1.27 .24 .61 .17 4.10 4.18 2.05 1.03 31.50 April 1 1-20 .... ... 1 . 83 April 21-30 ... 1 . 77 May 1-10 47 May 11-20. . . . ... 1 . 26 May 21-31 .11 June 1-10 90 June 11-20 .68 June 21-30 .78 July 1-10 1 22 July 11-20 . . . .46 July 21-31 .22 Aug 1-10 1 87 Aug 11-20. . . . 2 42 Aug. 21-31 ... 1.81 Sept 1-10 2 48 Sept. 11-20 .16 Sept. 21-30 .... ... 1 . 62 Total ... 21.16 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 41 1.31 .15 2.08 .17 1.16 .78 1.79 1.22 T .48 1.02 .75 1.76 1.66 2.29 T .46 17.08 .68 2.24 T .17 .37 .57 .34 .32 1.38 .98 .54 .30 4.53 1.34 6.10 2.70 2.57 25.13 1.71 2.38 .88 2.32 4.28 1.42 T 1.17 .06 3.12 .62 .48 .96 .30 .84 2.74 23.28 .45 .34 1.53 .44 1.30 T .56 .27 .94 .1.00 3.81 .03 2.57 .52 .40 1.95 1.45 2.15 19.71 2.50 1.22 .12 5.46 1.92 .93 1.17 4.45 4.11 .35 2.32 .11 .16 1.04 .73 .91 .58 28.08 3.28 .20 .49 .37 1.35 .64 1.03 .07 .20 .48 .44 T .65 1.55 .68 1.02 12.45 1.63 .67 2.52 3.18 .48 2.85 1.05 2.11 4.59 .27 3.01 .52 .38 .78 .88 24.92 1.69 .37 .67 .35 .63 3.91 .32 2.23 .31 .05 5.12 1.08 2.93 .54 .32 .06 1.77 22.35 April 1 1-20 .... .57 April 21-30 .07 May 1-10 33 May 11-20 .62 May 21-31 .13 June 1-10 38 June 11-20 ... 1.13 June 21-30 ... 3.93 July 1-10 03 July 11-20 . . . ... 1.40 July 21-31 .51 Aug 1-10 T Aug. 11-20. . . . ... 1.12 Aug. 21-31 .05 Sept 1-10 86 Sept. 11-20 ... 2 . 92 Sept. 21-30 .65 Total 15 11 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 ... 2.16 .46 5.83 1.52 2.03 .51 1.48 2.39 1.12 .66 .63 .21 T 1.45 .77 .01 1.24 20.31 1.15 1.76 T 1.12 1.10 T 1.08 .41 .68 3.00 2.09 .63 .43 2.63 1.75 .43 T 18.26 4.73 .08 .15 2.10 1.26 .90 .34 1.00 2.04 1.68 T 2.25 1.43 2.60 .16 .36 21.08 .35 1.38 2.01 1.06 4.70 .42 1.98 3.38 .27 .45 1.12 .06 .40 .23 2.27 .96 21.04 1.73 4.26 1.08 1.97 T 1.15 T .44 1.56 T .18 .16 .03 1.85 1.46 T .01 .77 16.65 3.10 4.14 .57 1.97 .78 .41 2.91 4.38 .81 1.00 .36 .35 .88 3.18 2.16 .02 .89 9.41 37.32 .34 .63 1.99 3.20 2.01 1.58 .91 .05 .03 .08 1.43 1.79 1.97 5.55 .26 T 1.13 22.95 1.59 1.63 1.29 1.52 1.30 1.05 1.16 1.52 1.24 .79 1.30 .81 1.03 1.61 1.03 1.11 1.00 1.42 21.80 April 11-20 4.18 April 21-30 . . . .68 May 1-10 T May 11-20. .... ... .16 May 21-31 .81 June 1-10 . 2.22 June 11-20 . ... 1 07 June 21-30. . . . 74 July 1-10 2 45 July 11-20. . . . 25 July 21-31 2.14 Aug. 1-10 . ... 1.54 Aug. 11-20 ... 1 . 64 Aug. 21-31 .19 Sept. 1-10... Sept. 11-20 Sept. 21-30. . . .15 Total ... 20 . 38 362 Table 14. BULLETIN NO. 532 [April, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Continued) SPARTA, Randolph county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 .55 1.27 3.23 1.47 .42 1.44 .68 .01 1.77 .71 .49 .89 1.18 T .10 1.32 1.35 T 16.33 1.73 1.76 .64 .87 4.22 .28 1.38 .90 .23 .34 1.54" .51 7.61 4.75 .86 1.02 .33 .64 29.61 1.55 .45 1.11 .65 1.68 3.77 2.38 1.49 1.74 .03 4.64 1.13 .69 .95 1.25 .68 1.97 1.06 27.22 .43 1.63 1.51 .92 .04 .49 .16 2.04 3.18 2.12 .32 1.05 .15 3.77 T 1.01 1.27 2.61 22.70 .73 .83 1.00 .56 .58 .61 .27 .36 .18 1.31 1.70 1.68 4.24 1.88 1.68 2.46 4.10 24.17 3.31 3.35 1.63 2.55 .72 3.07 1.00 1.96 .35 .68 1.97 2.67 1.44 .54 .07. .02 .03 2.32 27.68 1.96 .19 1.80 .29 1.16 1.41 3.35 3.54 1.31 .78 .96 1.47 .53 1.07 1.08 T .11 .13 21.14 2.74 1.40 .74 3.61 5.00 .35 2.43 2.18 .18 .81 .13 2.94 2.32 1.32 T .46 1.02 .68 28.31 April 11-20 .88 April 21-30 ... 4 . 54 May 1-10 . 2.02 May 1 1-20 . . . .94 May 21-31 .41 June 1-10 . 2.20 June 11-20 . . . .84 June 21-30 . .. ' 1.33 July 1-10 T July 11-20 . . . ... 2.23 July 21-31 .93 Aug 1-10 1.40 Aug 11-20 ... 1.71 Aug. 21-31 ... 1.07 Sept 1-10 2 56 Sept 11-20 .63 Sept. 21-30 . . . ... 3 . 26 Total . . . 27.50 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10 .20 .65 .34 1.61 1.07 .97 1.01 1.67 T .06 T .29 1.37 1.66 2.00 .68 2.53 .26 1.21 17.38 .20 .21 1.69 .14 .03 1.37 .72 .68 1.24 .37 T 2.50 1.53 4.23 .34 1.16 .91 .44 17.76 .75 3.06 1.81 2.11 4.90 1.23 .40 1.33 .35 .33 .92 .95 1.10 .07 .57 1.02 20.90 1.71 .57 1.78 T 1.91 .07 1.05 .72 .97 .57 .61 .10 1.73 1.43 .58 1.17 1.31 2.50 18.78 1.15 1.38 .39 3.06 3.21 .36 .83 2.42 3.21 2.22 .34 .75 .12 .85 .13 1.55 1.75 23.72 2.22 .04 .99 1.22 .12 .58 1.03 .02 1.11 .03 .35 .01 2.68 .57 1.03 12.00 1.57 1.57 2.91 1.62 .19 1.05 3.52 .88 .42 1.98 1.43 .22 .13 1.22 .13 .20 .51 19.55 1.43 1.10 .86 1.03 1.27 3.49 .66 5.07 .66 .05 1.54 .66 .33 .08 2.86 .13 3.27 24.49 April 11-20 . . .55 April 21-30 .13 May 1-10 27 May 11-20 ... 1 . 35 May 21-31 .44 June 1-10 08 June 11-20 . . . ... 1 06 June 21-30 .35 July 1-10. . . .18 July 11-20 . . T July 21-31 .56 Aug. 1-10. . . T Aug 11-20 .09 Aug. 21-31 .04 Sept. 1-10 1.52 Sept 11-20 2 96 Sept. 21-30 . . . .40 Total . . . 10.18 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . 2 . 34 .62 2.83 1.66 .75 1.35 .73 .72 .26 .85 .24 .74 1.91 .88 1.65 .58 T .92 16.69 1.74 2.89 T 1.38 .94 .22 2.09 .04 1.26 .35 .69 .52 .53 .94 .50 .78 1.98 .92 17.77 1.98 .14 T - 1.94 1.49 .98 1.77 1.67 2.74 2.27 1.06 1.31 2.37 1.80 T 1.61 .03 .14 23.30 .29 1.61 1.12 3.34 5.53 .74 2.07 1.05 3.54 - .27 .75 .87 1.62 .16 T 2.37 2.28 .31 27.92 .77 1.46 2.08 2.09 .18 1.30 T .77 1.83 .03 .46 1.10 .85 1.75 .84 1.43 16.94 1.40 4.06 1.29 1.80 .84 2.46 2.61 3.34 .75 .42 T 1.06 .88 1.23 .01 .70 1.72 4.15 28.72 .70 .66 2.01 4.27 1.63 1.83 .62 .36 .75 .30 1.30 .18 4.03 5.97 .04 .45 .52 .35 25.97 1.31 1.58 1.36 1.51 1.64 1.13 1.28 1.43 1.15 .67 1.00 1.16 1.34 1.70 .64 .99 1.00 1.28 22.17 April 11-20 ... 4.91 April 21-30 65 May 1-10 1.26 May 11-20 83 May 21-31. 1 00 June 1-10 , 1.22 June 11-20 3 87 June 21-30 .... .67 July 1-10. . . .37 July 11-20 ... 2.52 July 21-31 ... 3.21 Aug. 1-10 2 21 Aug. 11-20 . . 1 . 95 Aug. 21-31 .45 Sept. 1-10 T Sept. 11-20 .85 Sept. 21-30 .... 1 41 Total , ... 29 . 72 1949] Table 14. CLIMATE OF ILLINOIS: APPENDIX C 363 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Precipitation During Growing Season (Concluded) WATERLOO, Monroe county 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 April 1-10 . 1 .24 .31 .72 .95 .74 .80 .24 .89 .20 T .14 .64 .64 .56 .69 .64 .98 .84 .22 2.47 3.95 1.54 .71 .58 .97 1.29 .35 .44 .42 1.46 1.09 .08 1.22 .87 .15 17.59 .93 1.98 .92 .67 3.58 .66 2.94 1.45 .30 .46 .96 .09 2.51 5.18 .99 1.39 .35 .71 26.07 1.36 .27 .53 .67 1.32 4.52 1.17 2.40 1.86 .12 3.80 .59 1.43 .86 1.28 .19 2.71 1.03 26.11 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 5 24 .71 .30 .07 .84 .31 .18 .51 .53 .25 .00 .19 .10 .14 .76 .04 .31 .80 .24 .28 1.64 .63 .76 T .90 .38 .26 .45 .51 2.32 T .37 1.32 1.45 1.16 4.20 1.24 3.34 20.93 4.69 3.24 .92 2.13 .45 5.02 1.52 1.45 .35 .93 .92 1.57 2.72 .76 T .50 .02 .90 28.09 2.27 .62 1.08 .05 1.62 1.22 3.87 4.08 1.75 .56 .98 1.94 .58 .40 .84 .08 1.26 .19 23.39 2.53 1.25 .91 5.00 5.86 .19 3.57 1.33 .46 1.09 .77 ..47 2.21 .82 T .50 1.14 1.36 29.46 April 11-20.. . . .... 1 April 21-30 . 3 May 1-10 .... 2 May 11-20. . . . May 21-31 . June 1-10 , 1 June 11-20 1 June 21-30. . 1 July 1-10 July 11-20 July 21-31 . Aug. 1-10 .... Aug. 11-20. . . . 2 Aug 21-31. . . Sept. 1-10 .... -1 Sept 11-20 Sept 21-30 . ... 2 Total .... 25 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 April 1-10... .28 .30 27 .52 .31 .44 T ,00 .97 T T 04 T .17 02 .07 67 12 .18 .95 .99 1.64 1.85 1.00 1.35 1.25 .07 .46 .18 3.01 .95 3.28 1.36 2.36 1.30 22.00 .29 .56 1.83 .15 .11 .42 1.34 1.37 .67 1.50 .09 2.05 1.72 3.71 .14 .18 1.19 .16 17.48 .73 2.64 1.10 .68 3.52 4.13 .42 2.14 .53 1.79 .16 T .91 .28 1.84 3.13 24.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 22 .29 .39 .51 .11 .37 .05 .65 .05 .68 .02 .11 .48 .79 .64 ,98 .81 ,36 .93 .22 .92 1.49 .73 3.25 5.11 .53 .78 2.20 3.55 .07 2.43 1.28 .23 2.03 .49 3.06 2.59 30.74 1.85 .24 .33 1.22 .06 1.36 1.20 T 1.33 .46 .35 .09 2.22 .16 2.10 12.97 2.17 1.57 2.60 1.49 .29 .27 4.38 .65 .38 .31 1.19 .24 1.53 T .55 .60 .93 19.15 1.66 .41 .71 1.11 1.43 3.59 1.19 6.70 .60 T 1.25 .60 1.42 .50 .68 .25 1.80 23.90 April 11-20 April 21-30 . . May 1-10. . . May 11-20 ,'.'.'. 1 May 21-31. . . . June 1-10 June 11-20 " ". 1 June 21-30. . . . July 1-10. .. July 11-20 . . . July 21-31 1 Aug. 1-10. . . Aug. 11-20 Aug. 21-31. . . . Sept. 1-10 . . .- 1 Sept. 11-20 . 2 Sept. 21-30 1. Total 11 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Aver. April 1-10 . . . . 1 .73 .46 63 .69 91 23 86 .81 30 .49 02 41 ,02 83 96 24 T 83 42 .71 2.23 1.54 .26 1.33 .56 .36 .70 2.06 .72 .97 2.34 .89 1.45 T .07 16.19 1.36 3.16 1.29 .59 .02 1.11 .03 1.54 .21 .34 .75 1.19 2.85 1.04 1.74 .97 2.46 20.65 2.20 .03 .15 1.78 1.25 1.16 1.58 2.89 4.22 4.87 1.21 .42 1.78 .46 .01 1.63 .36 .24 26.24 1 1 2 6 3 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 2 27. .29 12 .30 .46 11 83 26 47 48 66 T 63 00 24 T 17 49 25 76 .81 1.39 3.37 3.50 .30 2.84 .06 .46 1.50 .49 2.18 3.22 .33 2.20 T .71 1.60 24.96 1.42 3.38 .81 1.24 1.91 2.30 2.38 1.30 .91 1.18 T .49 .15 .39 .01 1.63 2.63 4.26 26.39 .33 .99 1.35 3.31 3.06 1.08 .96 .40 T .75 1.78 .48 5.12 2.94 .25 .95 .46 .21 24.42 1.42 1.50 1.20 1.46 1.73 1.30 1.53 1.42 1.41 .85 .98 1.07 1.28 1.52 .71 1.11 1.13 1.49 23.11 April 11-20.. . . . . . . 2 April 21-30 May 1-10 Mav 11-20. . . . May 21-31. . June 1-10 1 June 11-20 1 June 21-30. . . . . . . 2. July 1-10 2 July 11-20. . . ... 3 July 21-31 . . . . 1. Aug. 1-10 . . 1 Aug. 11-20. . . . . . . 5 Aug 21-31 1 Sept. 1-10 .... Sept 11-20 Sept. 21-30 . . Total 29. 364 BULLETIN NO. 532 LIST OF TABLES, MAPS, AND GRAPHS Tables Pages 1 Illinois temperatures: Average monthly and annual temperatures at 64 weather stations thru 1944 110-111 2 Illinois frost data: Average and extreme dates of earliest and latest frosts and length of frost-free periods at 65 weather stations thru 1944 128 3 Illinois snowfall: Average monthly and annual snowfall at 64 weather stations thru 1944 146-147 4-8 Appendix A: Detailed temperature data for seven stations, with index to stations 149-197 9-11 Appendix B: Monthly and annual precipitation at 100 stations in northern, central, and southern Illinois, with index to stations 199-294 12-14 Appendix C : Precipitation at 10-day intervals during growing season at 66 stations in northern, central, and southern Illinois, with index to stations 295-363 Figs. (Maps and Graphs) 1 Location of stations from which data were obtained 98 2-5 Typical weather maps in four different seasons 103-106 6 Temperatures at seven long-record stations 112 7-18 Distribution of temperatures each month, December thru November 115-118 19 Peoria temperature variations, 1856-1946 124 20 Distribution of frost-free days 126 21 Distribution of average annual precipitation .. 130 22 Average monthly precipitation at 15 representative stations 132 23-34 Distribution of precipitation each month, December thru November , 133-136 35-37 Winter, spring, and summer distribution of precipitation 137 38 Autumn distribution of precipitation 138 39 Percentage of annual precipitation during the growing season 138 40 Months of maximum precipitation 138 41 Peoria precipitation variations 1856-1946 143 42 Cairo precipitation variations 1872-1946 144 43 Average annual distribution of snowfall 148 C4050 4-49 39119 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA Q.630.7IL6B BULLETIN. URBANA 529-5401948-50 C002 30112019529350