LI B R.ARY OF THL U NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 630.7 U6b no. 676-700 AGRICULTURE NOTICE: Return of renew all Library (Material*! The Minimum Fee (or each Lost Book Is $50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons (or discipli- nary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN LI61 O-I096 _^ KITCHE for the C L AS UNITS SROOM MAY 1 8 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 693 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The material presented in this publication is based on a re- search study supported by a grant to the University of Illinois, Urbana, from the women of the Illinois Home Bureau Federation. The Department of Home Economics (College of Agricul- ture) and the Division of Home Economics Education (College of Education) conducted the study which was initiated by Letitia Walsh, professor of home economics education. Mildred Moore, former instructor in home economics education, set up the research plan. Helen E. McCullough, Associate Professor of Home Eco- nomics, directed the research procedure, design of test cabi- nets, evaluation of the data, and publication. Professor Leo C. Pigage of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engi- neering (College of Engineering) was consultant on motion-time records and on the recording, charting, and diagramming of these data. Acknowledgment is made of the work of Mary Bennett Farnham, assistant in home economics, and also of that of two former graduate assistants, Rachel Rutherford Paris and Martha Samelson Schoeppel, who compiled research reports. Readers of the manuscript included Dr. Janice M. Smith, head of the Department of Home Economics, in addition to persons actively associated with the project. Illustrations are by Carmen Mowry Gilman. Urbana, Illinois March, 1963 KITCHEN UNITS FOR THE CLASSROOM This study is concerned with functional standards for storage of equipment, use of space, and arrangement of work centers in kitchen units for four students within a high school foods laboratory. A classroom unit kitchen that is planned for efficient storage and use of equipment and food supplies will encourage students in high school homemaking classes to learn and use good management techniques in preparing food. Good management is a homemaking skill that can make a significant contribution to good family living. Since class periods are usu- ally only 50 or 60 minutes long, efficient management is also important in the classroom if students and teacher are to make the best use of the limited time. Orderliness and ease of work are of first consideration in efficient management. Well- designed work units save time and confusion by relieving congestion and reducing wasted steps and motions. The overall result is more effective teaching and a more satis- fying experience in food preparation. 1 The Classroom Unit Kitchen and the Home Kitchen Space requirements and the arrangement of a kitchen area are considerably influ- enced by the number using the area for example, the more people working in a kitchen, the more counter space is needed. Planning standards have already been established for home kitchens, but not all of these are applicable to classroom units. The home kitchen is ordinarily used by only one or two persons, whereas the classroom unit should permit as many as four students 2 to work at one time without congestion, interference, or cross- traffic. The classroom work pattern also differs from that of the home kitchen some- times all four students may prepare the same item of food ; at other times, each may pre- pare a different food as part of a complete meal. The classroom unit also differs from the home kitchen in equipment. Duplication of some utensils is necessary or desirable in the classroom kitchen because more people work in it at the same time. On the other hand, fewer types of utensils and food supplies are needed in the school unit because food preparation is not a three-times-a-day proposition as it is in the home. As a result, less storage space is needed in the classroom unit. (The duplication is not extensive enough to influence total storage requirements.) A four-burner range and a double-bowl sink are the only major items of equipment sug- gested for each of the classroom units. In the home kitchen the refrigerator is also a basic item of equipment within the work area proper. However, since the refrigerator serves a limited purpose in a teaching program, it is not included in the individual units. One or more refrigerators can be in the laboratory, easily accessible to all unit kitchens. If counter-top cooking-units are selected instead of ranges, separate ovens may be installed in the main area of the foods laboratory instead of within the unit kitchens. Fre- quent trips to the oven are unnecessary, so one oven can serve several units. Garbage disposals and dishwashers are not recommended for each unit because of use and maintenance problems. They can, however, be included in some of the unit kitchens for demonstration purposes. The floor plans shown in this publication can easily be adapted to accommodate this equipment. The question of whether the classroom kitchen should give the appearance of a labora- tory or of a home-like kitchen was not within the scope of this project. Either type can be developed from the standards given. '"Equipment That Equips for Teaching Management," Mildred Moore, Practical Home Economics, Vol. 30, No. 4 (April, 1952); "Functional Storage in the Unit Kitchen," Mildred Moore, Practical Home Economics, Vol. 30, No. 5 (May, 1952). " Four students are considered an effective number for each unit for the following reasons: 1) duties can be well distributed among four students; 2) each student can complete her share of the work within the classroom period; 3) each student gets sufficient individual experience; 4) the opportunity for cooper- ation is adequate; and 5) the group of four is equivalent, in number, to a typical family. (Adapted from Opinions of Home Economics Leaders Concerning Locating, Arranging and Equipping Homemaking Departments, Justine O'Reilly, master's thesis, Oregon State College, 1942.) RESEARCH PROCEDURE To establish functional standards for efficient kitchen units suitable for use by four high school homemaking students, the following information was needed : Utensils, foods, supplies (such as cleaning ma- terials), and equipment required to prepare indi- vidual food items and entire meals. The amount of space needed for the storage of the utensils, foods, and supplies. The counter space needed by each student in the preparation of individual foods and meals. The arrangements of equipment, and work and storage areas that make good work procedures possible. The total amount of floor space required. To obtain this information, 1) related literature was reviewed and evaluated ; 2) a pre- liminary motion-time study was made, using the homemaking facilities of the Urbana High School ; and 3) controlled motion-time studies were conducted in three experimental kitchen units set up in a University of Illinois home economics laboratory, and flow charts showing traffic patterns were made. The three experimental kitchens were L, U, and box-U in shape, with movable storage cabinets designed and built according to standards developed by Helen E. McCullough. (See pages 14 to 16 for floor plans of the kitchens.) For both the preliminary and the controlled studies, eight homemaking students in the ninth and tenth grades cooperated in preparing a family meal and an individual food item, and motion-time studies were made. The complete meal consisted of cubed steak, mashed potatoes, buttered carrots, tossed salad, ready-to-mix cupcakes, and fruit cocktail. Bread and butter were served but not prepared by the students. The individual food-preparation problem was a lemon meringue pie. These foods were selected because they involved the use of 1) the three work centers, 2) the various major food-preparation operations beating, stirring, rolling, and mixing, and 3) a representative number of utensils, food supplies, and equipment. A part of the test was to determine the adequacy of the equipment listed on the next two pages. Data on the use of serving facilities were not compiled because such facilities are not an integral part of the food-preparation units. Recommendations, based on this study and other kitchen research, are presented in this report as a guide for high school homemaking educators, school administrators, school board members, architects for schools, and manufacturers. Recorders tabulate mo- tion-time data during a meal-preparation assign- ment in the box-U ex- perimental kitchen unit. UTENSILS AND SUPPLIES A generally accepted list of utensils, tableware, linens, cleaning supplies, and food items needed to furnish an efficient kitchen for four students is given below. 1 The list does not include one-of- a-kind utensils, such as a food grinder, ordinarily kept at the distributing center in the main area of the food laboratory. Only basic food supplies are included, although other items will un- doubtedly be needed, varying with class assignments. To lessen confusion, it is suggested that food supplies not stored within the units for instance, refrigerated foods be placed in ad- vance on trays on the counters of the unit kitchens rather than be distributed at the supply center. Duplication of some of the most frequently used items of equipment is essential to elim- inate unnecessary steps and needless waiting and congestion. The items that should be dupli- cated are determined by 1) the number of places in the kitchen where the utensils are used first, and 2) the number of students who may wish to use the utensil at the same time. All items stored at the mix center should be fully du- plicated in kitchen units having the recommended two mix centers (pages 8 and 10). Some duplicate items measuring cups, for example are also desirable at the sink and the range centers. The cost of duplicating utensils is extremely small compared with the alternative cost of providing additional kitchen units as a means of relieving congestion and minimizing time loss. 1 List adapted from Space and Equipment for Homemaking Programs, Alta Lee, Federal Security Agency, Office of Educa- tion, Division of Vocational Education, Washington, D.C., Mis- cellaneous 9 (1950). Utensils for Each Classroom Unit Kitchen (Grouped according to general type and use) 2 double boilers upper, 2 quarts lower, 3 quarts 1 saucepan, 1 pint, with lid 1 saucepan, iy 2 pints or 1 quart, with lid 1 saucepan, 2 quarts, with lid 1 saucepan, 21/2 quarts, with lid 1 skillet, 9" or 10", with lid 1 pressure pan (different make for each unit) 1 chicken fryer or similar covered utensil 2 casseroles, iy 2 quarts, with pie-plate lids 1 coffee maker (different kind for each unit) 2 bread pans, 9" x 5" x 2^" 2 rolling pins 2 pastry canvases 2 biscuit cutters, iy 2 " 2 cookie cutters, 3^4" 2 muffin pans 2 cookie sheets, 10" x 14" 2 loaf cake pans, heatproof glass, 9" x 9" x 2i/ 2 " 2 layer cake pans, 8" 2 pie pans, 8" or 9" 2 cooling racks, ll"xll" 8 custard cups 3 mixing bowls, 1 quart 3 mixing bowls, 2 quarts 3 mixing bowls, 3 quarts 2 sifters, 21/4 to 2y 2 cups 2 pastry blenders (or 1 blender and 1 blend- ing fork) 2 rotary egg beaters 4 scoops for flour, sugar 1 measuring cup, 1 pint, glass 3 measuring cups, y 2 pint, glass 4 sets of 4 measuring cups, 1, l /2, Ys and y 4 cup 4 sets measuring spoons 3 wooden spoons 3 rubber scrapers 4 tablespoons 4 teaspoons 2 paring knives, 2y 2 " blade 2 paring knives, 4" blade 1 slicing knife, 8" blade 3 case forks 1 meat fork, long, 2-tined 2 spatulas, 4" blade 2 spatulas, 7" blade 1 spatula, wide 1 vegetable peeler 1 scissors 1 tongs 2 cutting boards, 9" to 12" wide 1 potato masher 1 strainer, 5" 2 refrigerator dishes 2 graters 2 lemon reamers 2 sets salt and pepper shakers Toothpicks or cake tester 1 can/bottle opener 2 trays, 12" x 15" x y 2 " 1 vegetable brush 1 sink strainer 2 rolls waxed paper Plastic storage bags, 3 sizes Tableware for Each Classroom Unit Kitchen China 6 dinner/luncheon plates 6 salad plates 6 bread-and-butter plates 6 cups and saucers 6 cereal dishes 1 platter 2 vegetable dishes 1 creamer and sugar bowl 1 set salt and pepper shakers 2 relish or jelly dishes Glass 12 tumblers 6 underliners 6 juice glasses 6 sherbets 1 pitcher Silver 6 knives 6 forks 12 teaspoons 6 salad forks 3 tablespoons 1 butter knife Linens and Similar Articles 2 dishcloths 6 dish towels 4 to 6 pan holders 12 place mats (two sets of 6) 6 cloth napkins 1 package paper napkins Cleaning Supplies for Each Unit 1 garbage container and liners 1 package paper towels 1 scouring pad 1 cake soap 1 box detergent 1 box cleanser 1 can drain powder Basic Food Supplies for Each Unit 1 to 10 pounds flour 1 to 5 pounds sugar 1 pound or less salt 1/2 pound or less cocoa 1 to 3 pounds shortening, if feasible 1 can baking powder 1 box pepper 3 to 5 cans spices 1 box soda 1 bottle vanilla extract Shallow drawers fitted with dividers mended for storage of small utensils. are recom- Heavy or large utensils are easily accessi- ble when filed in a deep drawer having vertical dividers. STORAGE PRINCIPLES 1 Utensils, foods, tableware, linens, and cleaning supplies should be stored nearest the place where they are most likely to be used first for instance, the strainer should be near the sink. When four students are working in a single kitchen unit, this principle of storage at the point of first use is highly important in saving time and steps. Recommended storage locations for the various items listed on pages 5 and 6 are included in the descriptions of the various work centers given on the following pages. The descrip- tions also include recommended dimensions for cabinets and counters. A second general principle of functional storage is that items should be placed so that they are easy to see, reach, and grasp. Some recommendations that will help to achieve this objective include: Stack articles only if they are the same size and shape. Store articles of different sizes and shapes one row deep and one stack high on shelves, and one layer deep in drawers. Store articles that are identical in size and shape, or those that are used only occasionally, two or more rows deep on shelves. Equip wall cabinets with adjustable shelves. The top shelf should not be higher than 72 inches from the floor. Use step-up shelves, racks, vertical dividers and files, and simi- lar accessories to make items easily accessible and to utilize space advantageously. Store the heaviest and most frequently used articles within comfortable reach. The need for functional storage in the classroom kitchen cannot be overemphasized. Such storage conserves time and energy by reducing needless reaching, stooping, and walking, as well as the rehandling of items. Specific recommendations for efficient storage in classroom kitchen units include: Store the most frequently used small utensils (measuring cups, mixing spoons, bowl scrapers, etc.) in the top drawers of base cabinets to reduce the amount of stooping and bending on the part of the students. Use vertical dividers for the top drawers of base cabinets to facilitate removal and replacing of items. Use vertical dividers in deep drawers for storage of baking equipment (at the mix center), top-of-stove cooking equipment (at the range center), and trays and cutting boards (at the sink center). Such file drawers eliminate the stacking of unlike items, making it easy for students to remove and replace equipment. Provide shallow drawers or trays for storage of dish towels and dishcloths, place mats, paper napkins, and table linen to avoid stacking unlike items. Assign each piece of equipment to an exact spot by means of labels within drawers and cabinets. Orderliness is particularly essential when equipment is used by several persons. In base cabinets, drawers are more functional than shelves. Pull-out or sliding shelves are more functional than stationary ones. Students can secure and replace items with fewer motions when drawers are provided. Space is also used to better advantage. If drawer storage is to be effective, however, the recommended dimensions, especially the inside height, must be used. "Adapted from Functional Kitchen Storage (1948) and Kitchen Cupboards That Simplify Storage (1947), Mary Koll Heiner and Helen E. McCullough, New York (Cornell University) Station Bulle- tins. WORK CENTERS As an aid to achieving workable designs, kitchens are planned in terms of work centers. Home economists have named these die "mix," "sink,'* and "range" centers, according to the major activity conducted in the area, or according to the piece of equipment ; storage cabinets and counters are planned. For efficiency, each kitchen unit designed for use by fc ir students should have: Two mix centers 1 One sink center with a double-bowl sink and One range center with a four-burner The mix center has the heaviest use. Congestion and interference result when four students try to secure mixing bowls, measuring cups, and othei "**T'^T from one storage area at the same time. Unnecessary cross-traffic and interference occur when four people try to work at the same counter. Two mix centeis, instead of one, will reduce this con- While congestion occasionally occurs at the sink center, tins can be lessened by pro- viding a mJnhnnm of 18 inches of counter on both sides of the double-bowl sink. The congestion at the sink is not sufficient to warrant the leconaiif inLttion of two sink centers. The range center receives the lightest use and little congestion should occur there. Not included in die work centers, but essential in die classroom foods laboratory, is a storage place for students* purses, books, notebooks and recipe files. It is recommended that each kitchen unit have a four-drawer cabinet for tins purpose, to reduce congestion and time loss at die beginning and end of a class period. The best location for tins cabinet is at die end of die D or L. The cabinet, 18 inches wide, provides additional counlei. Sec p8c 3 few ocpbmtioD oft why A ffcu"iU Jitoc is not mcuBdcd m ukc HIM ccoftcr o UK CBS&V* BOOK STORAGE 4 " , I T t ' j_ ~*~ : I Cabinets Factory-made cabinets are suitable for the unit kitchens if they meet recommended di- mension requirements and have the necessary drawers and pull-out counters. Wall cabinets should have adjustable shelving. (See illustrations, pages 10, 11, and 12 for dimensions and design of cabinets.) In installing cabinets, a clearance of 15 inches should be allowed between the top of the base cabinets (the counter) and the bottom of the wall cabinets. Standard over-all measurements for cabinets are : Depth (front-to-back dimension): Base cabinets, 24 inches; wall cab- inets, 12 inches. Height: Base cabinets, 36 inches; wall cabinets, 30 to 36 inches. Width: Since most schools have to conserve floor space, cabinet widths used in the unit kitchens are the minimum that efficiency of storage and work permits. The recommended widths are less than those rec- ommended for home kitchens since fewer items need to be stored. 1 Counters Adequate space must be provided at each center so that two students can work comfortably side by side. This space requirement is 60 inches, or 30 inches per student. 2 The counters on standard base cabinets are a sat- isfactory height (36 inches from the floor) for tall and average-height students, but short students need lower counters to enable them to work without fa- tigue. This lower work surface can be obtained by installing pull-out counter shelves in the base cabi- nets. Specific locations and heights of these are : Right-hand cabinet of the sink center : One pull- out counter, 32 inches from the floor. Each of the 24-inch base cabinets in the mix cen- ter: One pull-out counter, 30 inches from the floor. Apron Drawer Each unit kitchen should provide storage for aprons to lessen the confusion at beginning and end of class. A deep, ventilated drawer with rods for hanging the aprons is suggested for this purpose. The drawer can be incorporated into the 24-inch base cabinet of one of the two mix centers, preferably the center that is closest to the book cabinet. A ventilated drawer is superior to a shallow drawer where folded aprons could become badly wrinkled if put away damp. Drawer space for apron storage may be unneces- sary in foods laboratories where aprons are laun- dered after each wearing. 1 Cabinet Space for the Kitchen, Helen E. McCullough, Small Homes Council Circular C5.31, University of Illinois (1949). ' Dimension Standards for a High School Foods Labora- tory, Isabel D. Anderson, master's thesis, Oregon State College (1941). Mix Centers Each of the two mix centers to be used in the unit kitchen should be designed to permit two students to work with ease. This means that a minimum of 30 inches of counter space must be provided for each student, or a total of 60 inches for each mix center. Since only two base cabinets an 18-inch and a 24-inch are needed for storage purposes in each center, the additional counter can be obtained by using part of an adjacent counter. The two 18-inch base cabinets are identical. The 24-inch cabinets differ in the number of drawers one has four drawers for utensils ; the other, an apron drawer and two drawers for utensils. Each mix center has one 24-inch wall cabinet. -I Cabinets for Each Mix Center One 24" wall cabinet with adjustable shelving. One 18" base cabinet with: Shallow drawer for small utensils Storage for Hour and sugar File drawer for large utensils One 24" base cabinet with: Pull-out counter, 30" from floor Drawers one 24" cabinet should have four drawers ; the other, an apron drawer plus two drawers for utensils. Items Stored in Each Set of mixing bowls 2 sets of 4 measuring cups Glass measuring cup, Y 2 pint Paring knife Spatula, 4" Spatula, 7" 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoons 2 sets measuring spoons Casserole Layer cake pan Loaf cake pan, glass Muffin pan Biscuit cutter Rotary egg beater Pressure pan Mix Center Toothpicks or cake tester 4 custard cups Lemon reamer Grater Fork Sifter Wooden spoon Scoops Rubber scraper Cookie sheet Cookie cutter Pie tin Bread pan Rolling pin Pastry canvas Pastry blender Wax paper 10 Sink Center The sink center consists of a double-bowl sink mounted in a 36-inch base cabinet, two 18- inch base cabinets for storage, and two 18-inch wall cabinets. Towel rods (pull-out type) and disposal facilities for paper towels and garbage should be provided in the cabinet beneath the sink bowls. Utensils stored at the sink center are those first used with water. 6'-0" PULL-OUT BOARD Equipment and Cabinets for Sink Center One double-bowl sink mounted in a 36" base cabinet. One 18" base cabinet, at right of the sink, with: Pull-out counter 32" from floor Four drawers One 18" base cabinet, at left of the sink, with: Five drawers Two 18" wall cabinets installed over the right- and left-hand base cabinets. Items Stored at the Sink Center Cleaning supplies Vegetable brush Garbage can and liners Serving trays Sink strainer Cutting boards Tablespoon Slicing knife Scissors Vegetable peeler Bottle/can opener Rubber scraper Glass measuring cup, 1 pint Dish towels Dishcloths Paper towels Refrigerator bags Double boiler 2 paring knives Strainer Double boiler 2 saucepans Set of 3 mixing bowls Place mats Napkins Silverware Sauce pan Glassware Chinaware Coffee maker 11 Range Center A four-burner range and one 18-inch base cabinet are specified for the range center. A four-burner counter-top cooking unit can be substituted for the range. If this is done, the oven, which is separate from the counter unit, may be installed in the main part of the foods laboratory instead of in the unit kitchen. The utensils stored at the range center are those first used with heat. 000)00 18 3%" I FILE I 12'/,' Appliance and Cabinet for Range Center Four-burner range (or counter-top cooking unit) One 18" base cabinet with four drawers : Two shallow, divided drawers for small utensils and seasonings One medium drawer One deep file drawer Items Stored at the Glass measuring cup, Yz pint Wide spatula Meat fork Case fork Wooden spoon 2 teaspoons Tongs Lids Saucepan, 1^ pint Chicken fryer Range Center 2 tablespoons Potato masher Pan holders Matches Salt and pepper shakers Toothpicks or cake tester Skillet 2 cake-cooling racks 12 SPACE AND ARRANGEMENT STANDARDS FOR WORK CENTERS Motion-time records showed that the three classroom kitchen units tested L, U, and box-U are equally efficient for use by students. The actual shape of the kitchen has little appreciable effect on efficiency when these standards are met: 1) The various work centers should be complete in themselves. (They should contain the necessary utensils and supplies, stored so that they are easily available.) 2) Two mix centers should be included. 3) The distances between the major work points mix center, sink, and range should be kept to a minimum after storage and counter requirements are fulfilled. 4) The two mix centers should be as close to the sink center as possible. (The largest number of trips within the unit kitchen was shown to be between the mix centers and the sink.) 5) The two mix centers should not be adjacent. (They should be positioned as shown in the arrangement sequences on pages 14, 15, and 16.) From the teacher's standpoint, the U and box-U units (with wall cabinets and the sink in the central position) are more easily supervised. The teacher can observe the work of all students at the mix and range centers merely by walking past a series of such units. The teacher must enter the L kitchen in order to observe the work of students at one of the mix centers. This study did not include one-wall, corridor, or irregular kitchen arrangements, but the same principles of storage, duplication, distances, and sequence would apply. Passageway Widths The minimum width of the passageway between the fronts of work cabinets is set at 60 inches (5 feet). This width allows enough space for one person to walk between two stu- dents who are working at opposite centers. In the U and box-U plans (pages 14 and 16) passageway widths of 72 inches (6 feet) are specified in order that the needed counter at the sink can be included. Over-all Dimensions The floor area required for a unit kitchen depends on its shape. Dimensions of the various work centers are shown on pages 14, 15, and 16. A minimum distance of 5 feet be- tween the fronts of opposite cab- inets is needed. 13 U-SHAPED UNIT KITCHEN The U arrangement is the most compact, has the maximum of continuous coun- ters, and permits the teacher to observe the work of all students at the mix and range centers as she walks by a series of such unit kitchens without entering them. MIX DISHES 1 DISHES MIX 18" SINK 18" c/ 00 5 > - z o X UKITfUFNI ^ 5 -0 x O a 1 0' X 9' to in ** RANGE STORAGE 2 - - BOOKS 11 Floor Plan of U Arrangement L-SHAPED UNIT KITCHEN The L-shaped layout is not as compact as the U arrangement. The teacher must enter the L in order to observe students who are working at one of the mix centers. MIX RANGE STORAGE DISHES 18" SINK 36" DISHES 18" MIX (AND APRONS) 18" i 24" BOOKS 18" L KITCHEN 1 3' X 9' Floor Plan of L Arrangement 15 BOX-U UNIT KITCHEN The box-U arrangement was designed for this unit kitchen research project in order to make the range equally accessible to both of the mix centers and to reduce cross-traffic. The box-U, like the U-shaped unit, makes possible conven- ient supervision of the students. MIX DISHES 1 1 DISHES MIX 18" 36" 18" CO oo Z X BOX-U KITCHEN j < ' > S " t 1 0' X 1 1 ' o -^ K> Z *. VI 18" RANGE STORAGE 18" BOOKS Floor Plan of the Box-U Arrangement 16 SUMMARY To help students learn good management techniques in food preparation, the class- room unit kitchen must be planned for functional storage and use of all equipment and supplies. The unit kitchen should be designed to permit as many as four students to work effi- ciently at one time without undue congestion, interference, or cross-traffic. Storage Utensils, tableware, linens, cleaning supplies, and basic food items should be stored within the unit kitchen. To relieve confusion, it is suggested that refrigerated foods and special ingredients for the day's classroom assignment be placed on trays on the counters of each unit kitchen as required, rather than at the storage and distributing center in the main area of the foods laboratory. All equipment and supplies kept in each unit kitchen should be stored nearest the place where they are likely to be used first. This principle of "storage at the place of first use" is highly important in saving time and steps. All items should be stored so that they are easy to see, reach, and grasp. Assignment of each piece of equipment to an exact storage spot by labels within drawers and cabinets is essential if items are to be replaced correctly and rapidly. Duplication of the most frequently used items eliminates needless waiting and unnec- essary steps on the part of students. Work Centers If two mix centers are provided instead of one, it is possible to eliminate much of the confusion that results when four students try to work at one counter and storage area at the same time. Essential elements of each unit kitchen are two mix centers, one sink center with double-bowl sink, one range center with a four-burner range, and one special stor- age cabinet for students' books and personal belongings. Factory-made cabinets are suitable for use in unit kitchens if they are of recommended dimensions and have the specified pull-out counters and drawers. Pull-out counters in base cabinets of the mix and sink centers enable short students to work without fatigue. The pull-out counter in the mix center should be 30 inches from the floor; in the sink center, 32 inches. A minimum of 30 inches of counter space per person is recommended where students are to work side by side. At the mix center, where two students work at the same time, the minimum therefore is 60 inches. Arrangement of Unit Kitchens The recommended minimum width of the passageway between the fronts of cabinets is 60 inches. The actual shape of the kitchen unit U, L, or box-U has little effect on the effi- ciency of students if: 1) the various work centers contain the necessary equipment, utensils, and supplies, and all items are stored so that they are easily available; 2) two mix centers are included; 3) the distances between the three major work points mix center, sink, and range are kept to a minimum; 4) the two mix centers are as near the sink as possible ; and 5) the two mix centers are not adjacent. The U and box-U kitchens are more convenient to supervise than the L kitchen. The box-U kitchen has an additional advantage over the other arrangements because the range is equally accessible to each of the two mix centers. 17 RECOMMENDATIONS Maintaining a functional storage plan for the unit kitchen is a continuous process. Both teacher and student need to evaluate periodically the efficiency of the storage facilities and the arrangement of the unit. Changes may be advisable because of new equipment or new food products and processes. Recommendations for Further Research The study reported in this publication was limited to kitchen units within the foods laboratory. Further research concerned with the foods laboratory itself is needed. For example, more information is desirable on the following factors: 1) The relationship of the foods laboratory to the homemaking teaching area, with particular emphasis on arrangement and flexibility of use. 2) The relationship of the individual kitchen units to each other and to the main area of the foods laboratory. 3) Meal-serving facilities and the relationship of these to the kitchen units. 4) Major equipment needed for instance, the number of refrig- erators and the location of these items in the foods lab- oratory. 5) The arrangement, size, and location of the storage and distrib- uting center for, first, refrigerated and special food items, and, second, one-of-a-kind equipment used only occasionally and therefore not included within the units for example, a food grinder. 6) Planning factors affecting teacher-convenience in supervising the work of students within the units. 18 6M 3-63 78876 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA