^ ED 1.7^/2: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20202- CB-90-23 October - November 1990 SUI^tlARY: (1) Cover letter for FISAP EditAerification Worksheet WITHDRAWN Dear Financial Aid Administrator: University of Illinois Library We have completed the data entry and edit of your 'institution's 1989-90 Fiscal Operations Report/1991-92 Application to Participate (FISAP) for the Perkins Loan, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant and/or College Work-Study ^^^^^' ...POSITCRr Enclosed is a printout that contains: OCT 1 f^ PTl 1. FISAP Submission Status Report; and jniversity of illiinois 2. EditAerification Worksheet ' "^"^ -'^paigm (Reproduced pages of data from your institution's FISAP) Your careful review of the enclosed data and the timely submission of any corrections to this data, along with the signature page are critical to the calculation of your institution's 1991-92 funding levels for these programs. Instructions for the proper review, correction and return of documents to the Department of Education are contained in the following pages. There are separate instructions for returning corrections electronically or by using the enclosed printout pages. It is requested that you address every one of the error messages listed at the end of the edit/verification worksheet, either by providing corrected data or an explanation to justify the original entry. After you have reviewed and verified the enclosed data, please respond within two weeks of receipt, if possible. However, at the latest we must receive your response postmarked no later than December 7, 1990. If you are sending corrected data electronically via a modan, the transmission must also be completed by December 7, 1990. All changes/corrections, whether submitted on diskette or paper, and signature page must be mailed to: FISAP Edit Data Transformation Corp. (DTC) Room 300 8121 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 The edit/verification worksheet signature page must be returned even vAien there are no corrections or changes being made. Page 2 - DFAA If you require assistance in the verification and correction of the enclosed data, please call the appropriate Campus-Based State Representative on our staff. Enclosed is a listing showing the Representative for each State. Skicerely, Ernest Canellos Deputy Assistant Secretary for Student Financial Assistance Enclosures UN'VEr '-^Z OF ILLI' yr i.iaRARY AT URr.nNM-CHAMPAIGN BCJKSTACKS Page 3 - DFAA CAMPOS-BASED PROGRAMS BRANCH STATE REPRESENTATIVES FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SECTION Allen, Regina Brown, Ilene Delane, Rhonda Donelson, Sandra Jones, C. Franklin Morris, Joe Payne, Alice Porter, Jim Proctor, Dorothy Short, Carolyn (Vacant) , for assistance (202) 708-7747 (202) 708-9184 (202) 708-9191 (202) 708-9751 (202) 708-9183 (202) 708-8745 (202) 708-9754 (202) 708-7752 (202) 708-7746 (202) 708-9756 call: (202) 708-9757 LA, ME, MD, MI, MA MN,MS,MO,NV,OH AR,DC,HI,TX,VA FL,GA,MT,TN,UT,WY,GU AL,AK,AZ,CO,CT,DE,KY,RI,VT ID,IL,IN,IA,KS CA NC,ND,OR,SD,WA,WV NY,OK,WI,Samoa,VI,Mic NE,NH,NJ,NM,PA,SC PR Page 4 - DFAA INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING FISAP CORRECTIONS USING ELECTRONIC FISAP PROCEDURES With few exceptions, Electronic FISAP users should not have to send in any corrections, unless they submitted their original Electronic FISAP with an outstanding (unresolved) edit(s). Of course, an applicant institution may voluntarily revise data by submitting any corrections to ED before the December 7. 1990 deadline. If changes need to be made to your institution's identifying information as listed on the cover page of the edit/verification worksheet, they must be done manually. These changes are not FISAP data changes and therefore they cannot be made by using Electronic FISAP procedures. Simply make the change to the name, address, serial or entity number etc. , on the cover page and return it along with the signature page; continue making Electronic FISAP data changes using the appropriate procedures. As an Electronic FISAP participant, you have the option of using one of two available methods for making any changes that you may wish to make to your FISAP data. You may use the same Electronic FISAP procedures that you used to submit your original data or you may file any changes on the edit/verification worksheet. If you have only a few changes, to make, you may just decide to enter those corrections on your edit/verification worksheet. However, there are at least 2 reasons for you to consider choosing the Electronic FISAP program instead, even if you intend to make only a few changes. They are: A. Any change to a line item may result in the generation of an additional error message; the Electronic FISAP program would immediately inform you of this occurrence, which would enable you to make the correction before submitting it to ED. If the same change were made on the edit/verification worksheet, the existence of the error would not be discovered until it was received by ED. This would necessitate your completing and mailing another edit/verification worksheet. B. If the required line item change (s) results in a recalculation, the Electronic FISAP program would perform any of those calculations automatically. Examples of such changes would be those that involved the Perkins Loan default rate, long column totals or line items that are used in other parts of the FISAP. Page 5 - DFAA Certainly, the chances that either or both of these possibilities would occur increases proportionally with the number of changes that you will be making. We recommend using the Electronic FISAP to make any FISAP revisions because, by so doing, you can ensure that your FISAP data is final (unless you wish to make a voluntary change later, before the deadline date) . Even though no corrections may be needed, you should verify each line item of the worksheet with each line item of your printed facsimile or with your computer screen. To revise your Electronic FISAP data, please use the same procedures that are detailed in your Electronic FISAP User Guide. In addition, please be aware of the following: 1. Access the Electronic FISAP program exactly as you did for your original submission. (If you are a hard disk user and you removed the Electronic FISAP program from your hard disk, you will need to re- install the program.) Proceed to the line item(s) you wish to change using the menus and command options that appear on the screens. To change any item, just position the cursor on the data item to be changed, type in your new entry and strike the Enter key. To move the cursor from the first line item on the screen to one positioned elsewhere on the screen, simply hit the Enter key. The Enter key accepts the entry into the data base and automatically moves the cursor to the next entry. 2. After you make a revision on a particular screen, hit the Enter key as many times as needed to proceed through the remaining line items on the screen. If a new edit message was generated by the new entry, the error message (s) will then appear on the screen. This process can be re-checked by returning to the Main Menu after all changes have been made; select the Validate option to be sure that all error messages have been eliminated. 3. If you need to make a written explanation for any line item, you may do so by accessing the screens at the end of the program (screen numbers 38,39 & 40). Be sure to identify the line item with each explanation. 4. If you have a printer, a facsimile of your entire FISAP with your new data changes should be made for your records. 5. The preferred way to submit data is to transmit it electronically using a modem. The procedures are the same as those described in your User Guide. Page 6 - DFAA 6. If you will be mailing your FISAP changes on a diskette, you must secure a blank, formatted diskette and a diskette mailer. With a felt pen, label the diskette "Edit Diskette", and include the institution's complete name and its campus-based serial number. This number is very important and should be verified by checking it against the serial number printed on your edit/verification worksheet. 7. In either case, you will need to submit the signature page to the address listed on the bottom of that page. For those that will be sending in a diskette, please mail the diskette (in its protective mailer) together with the signature page in one envelope. Page 7 - DFAA INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING FISAP CORRECTIONS USING THE PAPER EDITAERIFICATION WORKSHEET The following instructions are applicable if you will be sending corrected FISAP data on the enclosed edit/verification worksheets, rather than sending your corrections electronically: 1. Verify the accuracy of the institution's name, address, serial and entity numbers and make any necessary corrections in the spaces pro- vided. 2. You must also verify your institution's telephone numbers and make changes, if necessary. 3. Make all corrections in the "Correction" column. If you wish to eliminate any amount, put "0" (zero) in the "Correction" column. DO NOT put a "0" (zero) in the "Correction" column if the information is printed correctly. Indicate that no change is required by checking the "VER CHK" column. 4. Even though no corrections may be needed, you should verify each line item of the worksheet with each line itam of the paper FISAP that your institution submitted. 5. If you sent any corrections to the Department of Education before you received this worksheet, you must enter those corrections at this time. 6. EX) NOT report cents either on your FISAP or this worksheet, for example, the amount of $4,896.67 would read as $489,667 and the amount of $4,896.00 would read as $489,600 to our data entry opera- tors and would erroneously be entered as such. USE WHOLE DOLLAR AMOUNTS ONLY. 7. DO NOT report negative amounts on either your FISAP or this worksheet . 8. If the printout contains any error messages, you must address all of them. Submit all corrections, explanations, or any other changes you may have on the worksheet pages along with the signature page of this worksheet. Attach an extra sheet if you need more space for ex- planations. If any of your explanations pertain to incorrect data fran last year's FISAP, you must include the revised page(s) for last year's FISAP. 9. Whether or not there are any corrections, ALL institutions must return the signature page of this worksheet with both the signature and telephone number of the Financial Aid Administrator and the Chief Fiscal Officer, Page 8 - DFAA 10. Retain a copy of your entire verified and signed edit/verification package for your files. 11. Return only those pages containing corrections and/or the signature page within two weeks, or postmarked no later than i:)ecember 1 , 1990. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 101045828