LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-OHAMPAIGN blow- Cop'*/ below. Yoo^ i lofe « oLfl borro ^ed £* "-»-«-n 1 eOCh such that lim sup lf ] n V k > g(n) n -> oo y If lim ; ; = , g(n) ' n-»- oo^ then we say that f(n) < 0(g(n)) (instead of Landau's f(n) = 0(g(n))); on the other hand, if , . I f (n)l lim ) — [ — = oo , g(n) ' n -*co a we say that f(n) > 0(g(n)). 1 . 2 History of Previous Results 1.2.1 Polynomial Evaluation One of the simplest problems in the area of optimal algorithms is to determine the minimal number of multiplications needed to compute x for a specific n and arbitrary x. Starting with input x, the largest number obtainable with k multiplications is derived by squaring 2 k x, squaring the result, etc., that is x . Thus we must have hence 2 . n x > x k > log 2 n and so at least log^n multiplications are required to compute x . Proving that, in some sense, this minimum can be achieved is more difficult. The following theorem due to Brauer [4], is also proved in Knuth £30, § 4.6.3, Theorem DJ ; Val ' skii []67j] studied the problem indepen- dently, arriving at the same result. Theorem A: Let m(n) be the fewest number of multiplications required to compute x for given values of x, then p . m(n) , •vim . , __ _ , = 1 . n ■+ co [_log 2 nj This problem readily generalizes to: What is the minimal number of arithmetic operations needed to evaluate the n degree polynomial f(x) =a Q + a-jX + ... + a n x n a n ^ 0, (1) for given values of x? When it is known a priori that the values of x given will be equally spaced, a method using finite differences might be most convenient; however, we will assume that the x's will be arbitrary. The answer then usually given to this question is to use Horner's method: f A = a n f r+l = xf r + a n-r-l r = 0»l>-.-»n-l, which requires n additions and n multiplications. Can this be improved? One can easily find specific polynomials for which there is a better method; for example f(x) = 1 + x + 2x 2 + x 3 + x 4 which can be evaluated in two multiplications and two additions by proceeding as follows: x 2 , x 2 + 1, (x 2 +l) ((x 2 +l) + x) . However, we want a more general scheme, one which will work for all polynomials and for all values of x. To state the problems of optimality in a precise framework, we define a scheme as follows: Let o denote any of the arithmetic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. A scheme for the evaluation of the polynomial (1) will be defined as the sequence of operations p i = Q i° R i i = 1,2,... ,m (2) where each Q. and R. is either the variable x, or a, where < k < n, or a constant independent of x, a n ,a.,...,a , or p. where j < i ; and furthermore, P m = f (x) m for all x,a ,a, , . . . ,a . Clearly Horner's method is a valid scheme for polynomial evaluation, and in fact, Horner's method is optimal, in the sense that it requires the fewest operations necessary in this type of scheme, for we have: Theorem B : Any scheme of type (2) which evalu- ates all n degree polynomials has at least n additions/ subtractions and n multiplications/divisions. 8 In this theorem, the necessity of the n additions/subtractions was shown by Belaga [2], [3] (see Knuth £30, ^ 4.6.4, Theorem A]] ) while the necessity of the n multiplications/divisions is due to Pan Q45J . A different approach can be taken if a large number of values P(x) are required. Consider the following example, due to Todd Q65]] . We want to evaluate the poly- nomial P = x + Ax +Bx +Cx +Dx +EX+F. Define the following polynomials 2 P, = x + ax = x(a+x) P 2 = ( p i +x+b) ( p ! +c ) P 3 = (P 2 +d) ( p i +e ) and determine a,b,c,d,e, and f such that P = P_ + f . This can be done by the solution of linear equations and a single quadratic equation. Once these equations have been solved, P can be evaluated using only three multiplications and seven additions using the sequence P l' P 2' P 3' P = P 3 + f ' (3) a savings of three multiplications at the expense of one addition and some "preconditioning" of the coefficients. Since multiplication is usually much slower than addition and since we sometimes want the same polynomial evaluated at many arbitrarily spaced points, the above method can represent a significant improvement over Horner's method; for example Pan [42J gives preconditioned coefficients for polynomial approximations to standard functions which can be used in writing efficient submatrices for those functions. A scheme with preconditioning is formally defined as scheme (2) in which the Q. and R. are in addition allowed to be any real functions of the coefficients of the polynomial to be evaluated. The scheme above, (3), is an example of such preconditioning. The idea of precon- ditioning is due to Motzkin Q35] and he showed that if a scheme with preconditioning computes all n degree poly- nomials then it contains at least J_(n+l)/2 J multiplica- tions (see Knuth E30, S 4.6.4, Theorem M] ). Combining this result with the full strength of the result of Belaga mentioned above, we have Theorem C: Any scheme with preconditioning which evaluates all n degree polynomials has at least j_(n+l)/2| multiplications and at least n additions/ subtractions. Considerable work has been done to find a scheme with preconditioning which attains the lower bounds of Theorem C. Early papers by Motzkin F35] and Knuth \_29~\ gave methods which evaluate polynomials of degrees four, five, and six in |_(n+l)/2J + 1 multiplications and n + 1 additions; Pan ["41"] , [[44] has given similar methods for 10 n < 12. In each of these cases, the methods are applicable only for a particular value of n. Pan £41]] gives a method valid for n > 2 which requires J_(n+l)/2j + 1 multiplica- tions and n + 2 additions/subtractions and in £40]] he gives a method for n > 5 for which [_n/2j + 2 multiplica- tions and n + 1 additions/subtractions are needed. For n > 3, Knuth £29]] gives a method using n + 1 additions/ subtractions and the number of multiplications varies between I (n+l)/2j + 1 and approximately j n. Belaga £2^ proves that [_(n+l)/2J + 1 multiplications and n + 1 additions suffice to evaluate any n degree polynomial, but these operations may involve complex numbers. Finally, Eve £l0^] modified Knuth' s method to give a method requiring In/2 J + 2 multiplications and n additions/subtractions, all of which involve only real numbers. The best general algorithm for polynomial evalua- tion (Eve's) requires only the minimum number of additions/ subtractions, however it unfortunately requires one more than the minimum number of multiplications. It is known £30, & 4.6.4, exercise 33^] that when n is odd both of these lower bounds cannot be simultaneously achieved, and a similar result holds when n = 4 and n = 6 £30, § 4.6.4, exercises 3 5 and 36]]. There is no known general algorithm using |_n/2j + 1 multiplications when n > 8, although such methods are known for n = 4, 6, and 8, where the algorithms require one or two extra addition/subtraction operations 11 [30] , [42] . The above optimality theorems show that no one method will work for all polynomials of degree n unless it has a certain minimum number of operations, but there are some "special" polynomials which can be evaluated far more rapidly, for example, a«x requires only five multiplica- tions and no additions, instead of the minimums given by Theorems B and C. There are "few" such polynomials for Belaga [3] has shown Theorem D: The set of n degree polynomials which can be evaluated by schemes with preconditioning in fewer operations than specified in Theorem C has Lebesgue measure zero in the space of all n degree polynomials. Pan [43] has proved a similar result for schemes without preconditioning. Most of these results have been generalized to polynomials of many variables and to rational functions. In particular, such results are given in [2], [36], [39] , and [43] . Some of the results have also been obtained for the problem of simultaneously evaluating several poly- nomials in the same variable [45] and for the specific case of the simultaneous evaluation of a polynomial and its first derivative [30], [37] . 1.2.2 Linear Algebraic Problems By generalizing the notions in the above results to arbitrary fields, Winograd proved some very elegant 12 theorems, first announced in £71] and L"743, and finally published in L"75j]. Let F be a field and let x, ,x 2 ,...,x be a set of indeterminates (variables) . The question then becomes, what is the minimum number of field operations needed to compute the m field elements Y ± 6 F(x 1? ,x n ) i = 1, ,m. Winograd gave a very general definition of a scheme without preconditioning, and considered only the number of multipli- cations/divisions. He showed: Theorem E: Let $ be an m by n matrix whose ele- ments are in the field F, let

there is a constant c(e) and a multiplication algorithm such that the time required to multiply two n digit numbers is less than / s 1+ e c(e)n Schbnhage £50J devised a different algorithm which also required at most times c«n and he showed that his algorithm could be implemented in time proportional to n2 v//21 ° g2n (log 2 n) 3 / 2 . Cook [5] showed how to adopt Toom ' s method so that it could be implemented in time proportional to n2 ' g2 . A good discussion of all these results can be found in Knuth Q30, § 4.3.3]] . 18 Unfortunately, there is still a gap between the obvious lower bound for multiplication, time proportional to n, and the best known algorithms, time proportional to na P ° g n for appropriate a and {3. The only non-trivial minimality result is due to Cook and Aanderaa [6] where they prove Theorem L; On a bounded activity machine, a "super" Turing machine, multiplication cannot be performed in less than time proportional to = « • (log log n) Ofman [38] introduced the idea of studying the delay time of a circuit and the number of elements in a circuit which computes some given function, say addition. Toom £66 J extended this work to multiplication and Winograd [69], [70j and Spira [56], [57], [58], [59], [60], [61] derived lower bounds on the number of delays and elements required for various operations. Elementary discussions of some of this material appears in [l] and [72] . Most of this work is not germane to the present discussion since it deals with circuitry rather than computational schemes of a programable nature, and we will not pursue it further. 1.2.4 Sorting, Maximum and Median Problems of sorting a finite set, determining the maximum of a set, and in general determining the k element in a set of n > k elements arise in computer 19 science almost as much as problems involving the evaluation of polynomials. These problems have arisen in classical mathematics as problems in tournament elimination systems, where there are n contestants of unequal ability and the dominance relation between pairs of contestants is transi- tive. Here we are allowed only pairwise comparisons and the questions of interest are what is the minimal number of such comparisons required to completely rank the con- testants? To determine the best contestant? To determine the median contestant? What is the minimum expectation of the number of comparisons? Moon f34, § 16]] contains a discussion of some of these and other questions. Theorem M; Let M(n) denote the minimum number of comparisons needed to rank n objects according to some transitive relation. Then 1 + J_log 2 (ni)J < M(n) < 1 + n[log 2 nJ . The upper bound follows from some of the better algorithms for sorting, which usually require 1 + n|_log„nJ comparisons; this type of method was first devised by Steinhaus L"62]], in the form of the binary insertion sort, long before the advent of computer sorting. The lower bound is derived from the now well known information theoretic approach. This method appears to have been dis- covered independently by several authors, Steinhaus £63] first, then Ford and Johnson £15]], and finally Hoare [~18~]« There has been some refinement on the upper bound, 20 particularly by Ford and Johnson £15] ' they developed a method which requires 1 + |_log 2 (ni)J comparisons for n < 11 but requires extra comparisons beyond that. Steinhaus f63] has conjectured that the lower bound in Theorem M is always attainable; the first unsettled case is n = 12. Kislicyn £23], £24] took a somewhat different approach to the problem and he proved Theorem N: An asymptotic lower bound on the expected number of comparisons used to rank n elements is j^r (n-tn(n)-n) + n-F( " - - 1) + 0(ln(n)) where w * _ l-tn(l+x) 2£x-tn(2(l+x))] FU) " ln2) " 1+x (2) Suppose that there are n contestants and we want to know which is the k best in a ranking; Sobel £55] has termed this the "selection problem". On the other hand, if we wish to know the k best and their ranking, Sobel £54] calls this the "ordering problem". When k = 1 and k = 2, the ordering and selection problems coincide and a minimal solution for one is also a minimal solution for the other. The case k = 1 is trivial and a simple induction argument shows that n - 1 comparisons are re- quired. For k = 2, the problem of what the minimal number of comparisons was first posed by Steinhaus in 1929 and 21 it was solved by Schreier [^51^; later, a more elegant solution was given by Slupecki f52]. They showed that at least n - 1 + |_log 2 (n-l)J comparisons are required. Kislicyn £25[] then showed that the k best could always be found in at most n+1 k-1 n - 1 + T |_log 2 (n-i)J for k < i=l Summing this up, we have Theorem 0: Let V (n) denote the minimum number of comparisons needed to find the k largest element from a set of n different elements. Then k-1 - V (n) e(n) = > otherwise. 7 n A somewhat related problem is the discovery of the single counterfeit coin, either heavier or lighter, in a group of n coins; this problem is well known in the literature of recreational mathematics. One is usually allowed to use a balance scale and hence the comparisons are of linear functions, over {-1,0,1} , of the inputs rather than just pairwise comparisons. The only minimality 23 result known for this problem is due to Smith [^53^] and he has shown that when n = (3 -l)/2, k such comparisons are necessary and sufficient. 1.2.6 Integral Equations Emel'yanov and II 'in [_9~] approached an optimality question from a very unique point of view. The problem is to approximate the solution to a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind: y(P) = J K(P°Q)y(Q) dQ + f(P) D where D is an m dimensional region, and Emel'yanov and II 'in established a lower bound on the minimum number of operations required to approximate the solution to within a prescribed accuracy. They also showed that a known method operates within this bound. CHAPTER 2 New Results 2.1 The Model Algorithms are represented as finite trees, called tree programs, where every node of the tree has the form i) Replacement a <— b ii) Function a <— f(b,c) iii) Comparison a:b For deterministic algorithm, replacement and function nodes have degree one (only one subtree) , while compari- son nodes have degree either two (equal and not equal subtrees) or three (less than, equal, and greater than subtrees) ; in non-deterministic algorithms the degrees are arbitrary. Since this paper deals only with deter- ministic algorithms, the word "deterministic" is omitted throughout . For example, a tree program which determines whether two vectors x = (x, ,x 2 ) and y = (y ,y ? ) are equal might look like: ^\ x 2 :y2 \ NO YES N( 24 25 and a tree program which solves the quadratic equati 2 ax + bx + c = might be: on a:0 c:0 SOLUTION SOLUTION IS -c/b e— 4-a-c EVERY X IS A INCONSISTENT, NO SOLUTION TWO COMPLEX ROOTS -b±iy1d[ 2a d—d-e d:0 DOUBLE ROOT AT -b/(2a) TWO REAL ROOTS -b±Vd 2a This model has been chosen because it seems to capture the essentials of information flow, thus making it easy to get bounds on the number of comparisons by simply counting the total number of terminal nodes in the tree. The model also allows facts about the functions in type (ii) nodes to be used, while previously known informa- tion theoretic arguments [[15 J , l^D? and £63^] can easily be put into this framework by disallowing nodes of type (ii). 26 In general, there are two different types of function nodes: Those involving functions which can be used in comparisons, and those involving functions which are not allowed to be used in comparisons. For example, we may want to use multiplication in "bookkeeping" but not allow comparisons between products of the inputs. The reason for such a restriction is that some problems become much simpler, by orders of magnitude, when "complicated" functions of the inputs are permitted in comparisons. These ideas are made precise as follows: Let F = {f., f 2 , ..., f | be a set of functions, f . : R x R -*• R. Define F 1 = F and F k = l F k - 1 U {f(g( ) ,h( ))| f eF; g,h^F k X \ j then defi ne oo F = ,U. F . Thus F* is the set of all functions which k=l can be constructed from F using finitely many compositions. The set of tree programs over the sets of functions F and G, denoted T(F,G), is defined as all possible finite tree programs in which all of the function odes are functions from F U G and the comparison nodes consist only of com- parisons between actual inputs, constants, and functions from G applied to inputs and constants. Functions from F - G applied to inputs cannot be used in comparisons; furthermore, any substitutions or sequences of computations which effect such comparisons are also prohibited. A set of functions F will be called ignorant if max(a,b) ^ F ; that is, if the result of the comparison a:b cannot be deduced by using a finite number of 27 compositions of functions from F. For example, the set {+,-,•,/, sign} is not ignorant since max ( x (1 + sign (a-b))*a + (1 - sign (a-b) ) *b Va , D) — ~ ; while the set { +, -, •) ±s ignorant since every function in t+5 - ? *i must clearly be everywhere dif f erentiable in all variables, while max(x,y) is not dif f erentiable on the line x = y = z and hence max(a,b) ^ { +, -, • ] . In general when working with the tree programs in T(F,G) , we will want F U G to be ignorant so that "information theoretic arguments" will make sense. For example, if F were not ignorant, then the maximum of a set of numbers could be computed using no comparisons, which is intuitively wrong i Since we are usually interested in the case where F U G c { +, -, • , /, t } , we show: Theorem 1 : F = {+, -, •, /, t ) is ignorant. Proof : The proof is similar to the argument which shows that {+, -, •} is ignorant, but here we are bothered with discontinuities caused by "/" and the fact that with negative numbers and rational powers, "f" takes us into the complex plane. Consider the set 7 of the extensions of the functions in F to the complex plane, with the point at infinity. Clearly all functions in j are analytic, while no complex extension of z = max(x,y) could possibly be analytic since it is not dif f erentiable on the line x = y = z in the real numbers. Hence F is 28 ignorant. Q.E.D. Certain classes of tree programs are especially interesting, and will occur frequently enough in the dis- cussion to warrant giving them special names. We define = T({ + , -, *, /, t } , 0) = Simple tree programs, c£ = T(f +, -, • , /, t } , ( + ,-}) = Linear tree programs, ^ = T((+, -, •, /, t } , {+,-,•}) = Polynomial tree programs, ft, = T({ + , -,',/, \\ , {+,-,-,/}) = Rational tree programs, and & = T({ +,-,*,/, t] , l+, -,-,/, tl) = Exponential tree programs. We now introduce three functions T(F,G) -> N which in some sense measure the complexity of a tree program in T(F,G). Let t e T(F,G), then H(t) = height of the tree; that is, the length of the longest path from the root to a terminal node, C(t) = the largest number of comparisons found along any path from the root to a terminal node, and W(t) = the width of the tree; that is, the number of terminal nodes. We have the following relationship between H, C, and W: H(t) > C(t) > log-W(t) . (3) 29 Since the trees are finite, looping is precluded, and so a tree program can work only for a particular class of inputs, for example, only for vectors of dimension n, for a fixed value of n. The optimality results still have valid and useful interpretations for "real" programming languages, with loops, because given a particular input, we can "unfold" the resultant program to get a tree struc- ture allowed by the model. 2. 2 Set Equality and Related Problems In this section we consider some algorithms for testing vector equality, set equality, set containment, emptiness of intersection, and several similar problems. Some of these results were originally presented in a weaker form by the author in £48^ . Proposition: For any F and G, there is a tree program of height n, in T(F,G) which determines whether or not two n-dimensional vectors are equal; furthermore, that height is minimal. Proof : The algorithm is the obvious one, element by element comparison. Minimality is established by noting that at every node at most two of the inputs can be used in a computation, so if the tree had height n - 1, or less, the output could not be a function of all 2n inputs. Q.E.D. The optimality proof in the above proposition is very elementary. It merely asserts that the algorithm must look at each input before the correct output can be 30 given, a fact so obvious in this case it hardly needs mentioning. In general, however, the proofs will be nowhere near as trivial. Many of the proofs of minimal height will be given by showing that O(W)t)) = 0(f(n)) for an input of dimension n and hence using (3) we have 0(H(t)) > 0(log f(n)). Such proofs tell us nothing new about the height when 0(log f(n)) < 0(n) for as in the proof of the above proposition, when there are n inputs, we must have H(t) > n in order to "read" all the inputs. These arguments are still worthwhile in that they give lower bounds for W(t) and C(t) , each of which is a valid measure of the complexity of the algorithm. We will now consider the problem of determining whether two given sets are equal. Since, by assumption, the sets are finite sets of integers, the most obvious algorithm is to order the sets by using some sorting procedure and then to compare element by element; when the sorting procedure used is 0(n*log n) , and when the only operations allowed in comparisons are addition and subtraction, this method is optimal. Lemma: There is a linear tree program of height 0(n*log n) which sorts vectors of length n, for any given n. Proof : The treesort of Floyd Ql2[] requires 0(n«log n) operations. This algorithm can easily be put into the form of a tree program for any given n. Q.E.D. 31 Theorem 2 : Given two sets A and B, there is a linear tree program of height O(n«log n) , where n = max( I Al , I B I ) , which determines whether or not A = B; furthermore, the order of magnitude of that height is minimal in <& . Proof : Without loss of generality we can assume that I Al = I Bl since the dimensions are given in the input and it requires only one comparison to test and answer "no" if lAl ^ iBl . Moreover, we can consider A and B to be vectors x and y (respectively) and then the question "is A = B?" is equivalent to the question "is x a permutation of y?" This can be answered in O(n*log n) steps by sorting both x and y using an O(n*log n) sorting algorithm and then doing an element by element comparison. As to the minimality, we will actually show something much stronger than stated in the theorem, namely that the width is at least 0(n:); then using the inequality (1) and Stirling's formula we conclude that not only is the height at least O(n*log n) , but the number of compari- sons is also O(n*log n) . The minimality of O(nJ) as the width is proved by showing that each permutation must cause the algorithm to terminate at a different leaf of the tree. Suppose that P is a tree program which determines whether A = B, and further suppose that two different permutations ft , and 7f cause P to terminate at the same leaf of the tree. 32 That is, on input x = (1 , 2, 3 , . . . , n) (4) y = 7T {1, 2, 3, ... , n) the tree program terminates at the same leaf as on input x= (1 , 2, 3, •••) n ) (5) y'= W 2 (l, 2, 3, ... , n) and T* 1 ■£ 7T 2# Since 71 ^ Jf there are integers i and j such that TMi) ^ 7r 2 (i) and ^l^ ^ 7T 2^ ) ' Hence the P ath which P follows on inputs (4) and (5) cannot possibly con- tain any of the comparisons V^U) V a 7T 2 (i) V^Cj) or b j :a 7r 2 (j) < 6 > on an input a, b, because these comparisons give different answers on input (4) than on input (5) . Furthermore, if there is a sequence of comparisons x. :y . x. :y . ... x. :y . X l J l X 2 H X k Jk from which the result of any of the comparisons in (6) can be uniformly deduced (that is, in all cases, regardless of the values) , then that sequence could not have occurred, For example, suppose that x ^ : Y a x. :y. ... x. :y. =^> b.:a~ ,. x the results of the comparisons in the implicand are the 33 same for TT and 5T (or else the program would have ended on different terminal nodes for 2T and 2T ) , and hence the result implied for b. :a~ , .* must be the same for both 3T and 3T . Since the actual comparison for 3T, and ^ 2 yields different answers, the implication is wrong for one of 3T, or ^ 2 . Consider the input x = (k, 2k, 3k, ..., n*k) y = ^ 1 (t 1 , ..., t n ) ' I *k if t^i and l^j where tp = < u -L = i I = J (7) ''I v k, u, and v are variables. The sequence of comparisons made by P on the path followed on inputs (4) and (4) can be represented as t V c l f 1 :c 1 f 2 :c 2 where each f. is some linear functional of the inputs, and each c. is a constant. In the case of input (7) these reduce to a x u + P 1 v:c 1 + Y 1 k ... a^u + p^vic^ + Y^ (8) where a ■ , |3 . , and / . are constants determined by the linear functionals. The specific results of the compari- sons on inputs (4) and (5) give a sequence of linear inequalities which is consistent when k = 1 by the argu- ment in the previous paragraph. 34 If the area of solution of the inequalities (8) is infinite when k = 1, then clearly we have many positive integer solutions for u and v, of which only two are such that x is a permutation of y; yet P must, by construction, terminate at the same leaf of the tree on all of these, and hence P must make an error. The area defined by the inequalities (8) is non-zero when k = 1, because the two inputs, (4) and (5), give two solutions; thus if the area is finite, it consists of a convex polygon containing at least two different points. As k grows this polygon in- creases proportionately in area, and sooner or later for some k, this region of solution must contain at least three integer solutions for u and v, of which only two are such that x is a permutation of y; again, P must terminate at the same leaf of the tree in all cases and hence make an error. Contradiction; hence for every different permuta- tion, P must terminate at a different leaf, thus there are at least ni leaves in P and so P must have height at least O(log_n:) = O(n-log n) . Q.E.D. As a corollary to Theorem 2 we get a generaliza- tion of the well known result in Cl5|], E183, and £63]: Corollary: The optimal sorting algorithm in o£ requires O(n*log n) operations. Proof: If sorting could be done more quickly, then the question "is A = B?" could be answered in fewer than O(n-log n) operations, contradicting Theorem 2. Q.E.D. 35 Unfortunately, this method of proof does not ' generalize to tree programs from (r , iZ , or Q, . For example, the area defined by the inequalities y-x 2 >0-k=0 x > 2 k y < k is non-zero when k = 1 7 however, for k > 4, the area is zero. There are many instances in which we want to test the equality of two sets, but the members of the sets cannot be sorted, for example, if the members of the sets were sets, trees, geometric shapes, etc. In these cases it may be difficult (or impossible) to impose a linear ordering, a prerequisite to sorting, and thus we are interested in the case where tree programs are not allowed to sort. One interpretation of this is that comparisons are not allowed between two elements from the same set; since the operations { +, -} usually go with a linear ordering, we exclude them also. We have: Theorem 3 : If we restrict Theorem 2 to simple tree programs and we do not allow comparisons between two elements of A or between two elements of B, then the best 2 tree program has height 0(n ), where n = max (I A I , I B I ) . Proof : The proof will, in effect, construct an input for which any correct simple tree program will have to go through its longest path to reach the answer that 36 A = B, and we will see that the length of this path must be at least n(n+l)/2, thus proving the lemma. Let P be a tree program in which there are no comparisons of the form a.:a. or b. :b.. Now consider the following path through the tree program: a) On a comparison with a constant, take the branch where the constant is less than the other operand. b) On a comparison a.:b . , take the branch where a. > b., unless this branch gives an immedi- ate answer of A / B. If that happens, take the branch where a ■ = b . . Claim: The first place we reach a node where we must choose a. = b will be no higher than at the nth com- parison which involves either a, or b . F t s Proof of claim: When we reach that node, assume that we have compared only elements from the sets C = {a. , ..., a } C A = (a , ..., a } 1 1 x k L n and D = lb , ..., b. } C B = (b , ..., b } . J l J t L n We first show that -t > n - k. Suppose that -i < n - k, i.e. -t < n - k - 1. Then we might have each a. in C equal to one of the b. in B - D, and each a. in A - C equal to one of the b. in D. Hence we could not have been forced to make a t equal to b ; thus t > n - k. Secondly, we must have compared a. with every b. in D, and b with every a. I- J £s X 37 in C, or else a similar argument shows that we were not yet forced to make a. equal to b . Thus when we do reach a node where we must make a, equal to b , we must have made t s 7 a total of 1 + k > (n - k) +k=n comparisons. Q.E.D. claim. Let C(N) be the minimum number of comparisons between a. 's and b. 's for a simple tree program which correctly determines what we want. Notice that after dis- covering that a = b we have at least C(n-l) comparisons left, for we can set a, = b = constant through the pro- gram, thus changing at least n comparisons from type (b) to type (a) . We have left a program which works on sets each having one less element. Thus C(n) > n + C(n - 1) (9) and clearly C(l) > 1. (10) Together, (9) and (10) imply that C(n) > n(n+l)/2. Therefore P has height at least 0(n ). Q.E.D. Another interpretation of the no-sorting con- dition is to allow only equal and not equal comparisons, since without a linear ordering, greater than and less than make no sense. Theorem 4 : If we restrict Theorem 1 to simple tree programs and we allow only ( = , ^ ) comparisons and 38 do not allow (<, =, >) comparisons, then the best tree 2 program has height 0(n ), where n = max( I A I, I B I ) . Proof; Let P be a simple tree program which determines whether A = B, and in which all comparisons are ( = , ^). Define a new simple tree program, P', constructed from P as follows: At every node in P of the form a.:a. or b.:b. delete that node and its "=" subtree, leaving only the "-^" subtree. From the construction of P' it is clear that if no a. = a. and no b. = b. then P ! i J i J correctly determines whether A = B. Notice that Theorem 3 and its proof are also correct when the input sets A and B are not allowed to have repeated elements, that is a. =a. orb. =b. if and only if i = j . From this strengthened version of Theorem 2 3, we see that the height of F' is at least 0(n ) , and by construction, the height of P is greater than or equal to 2 the height of P ' . Thus the height of P is at least 0(n ). Q.E.D. From Theorems 3 and 4, we readily conclude that the algorithm which makes all possible n(n-l)/2 comparisons is the best we can do. We have the following corollaries to Theorems 2, 3, and 4 : Corollary 1 : (a) Given two sets A and B, there is a linear tree program of height O(n-log n) , where n = max (I A 1,1 Bl) , which determines whether or not A 9 B; 39 furthermore, the order of magnitude of that height is minimal for oC . (b) If we restrict (a) to simple tree programs, and either comparisons between members of the same set are prohibited or only ( = , ■£ ) comparisons are allowed, then the best tree program has height 0(1 Al- IBI). Proof : The algorithms are obvious. In all three cases, minimality of the order of magnitude is established by noting that we can test A = B by testing A c b and B £ A. Q.E.D. Corollary 2: (a) Given two sets A and B, there is a linear tree program of height 0(n # log n) , where n = max (I A I , I B I ) , which computes I A C\ B I ; furthermore, that height is minimal for ©C . (b) If we restrict (a) to simple tree programs, and either comparisons between members of the same set are prohibited or only (=, ^ ) comparisons are allowed, then the best tree program has height 0(1 A I • IBI ) . Proof : For both (a) and (b) the algorithms are obvious. Since I A OBI = IAI if and only if A = B, the orders of magnitude of the heights are minimal by Theorems 2, 3, and 4. Q.E.D. We want to ask how hard it is to "construct" a set. To this end we augment the possible nodes of tree programs with "output (t) " , a node of degree one which causes the value of the variable t to be recorded. We say that a tree program constructs a set S if at the end of 40 executing the tree program, exactly the members of S have been recorded by the executed output nodes. Corollary 3: (a) Given two sets A and B, there is a linear tree program of height 0(n*log n) , where n = max( I A I , I B I ) , which constructs A C\ B; furthermore, the order of magnitude of that height is minimal for <& . (b) If we restrict (a) to simple tree programs, and either comparisons between members of the same set are prohibited or only ( = , j4 ) comparisons are allowed, then the best tree program has height 0(|Al*IB|). Proof : The algorithm is again obvious. Given a tree program which constructs A n B, modify it to initially set a counter to zero and add one to that counter in place of every output node; then at the end, this counter contains I A HBl and minimality is established by Corollary 2. Q.E.D. Theorem 5 : (a) Given two sets A and B, there is a linear tree program of height 0(n*log n) , where n = max(! A | , I B I ) , which determines whether or not A riB=)2(; furthermore, the order of magnitude of that height is minimal for di . (b) If we restrict (a) to simple tree programs, and either comparisons between members of the same set are prohibited or only (=, ^ ) comparisons are allowed, then the best tree program has height 0(lAI*|BI). Proof : (a) The algorithm is the usual one of sorting both A and B and comparing them. We only outline 41 a proof that O(n«log n) is minimal. Given a set C where c. = c. if and only if i = j we use an algorithm which determines whether or not A O B = on the inputs C = { 10c i l c ± e C } c = {ioc. + lie. eel. Before deciding that C H C" = 0, the algorithm must know that c .' ^ c. for every pair i,j. The algorithm can be modified to know whether c.' < c'! or c.' > c'.' for every pair i,j without increasing its height; this means that at the time it decides that C AC" = 0, it must also have enough information to sort C, that is, to sort C. Thus, by a slightly stronger form of the corollary to Theorem 2, which is proved by observing that we can strengthen Theorem 2 by considering as inputs only sets A such that a . = a . if and only if i = j , we know that the height is at least O(n«log n) . (b) The proof is very similar to that of Theorems 3 and 4 and it will not be given. Q.E.D. The problems of "what is A - B?", "what is I A - Bl?", and "is A - B = 0?" are handled very much like those in the above theorems and corollaries. 2. 3 The Maximum and Median of a Set The following result considers the minimal width, W(t) , of a tree program instead of the number of comparisons (as in Theorem 0) or the number of storage locations (as in [46] ) : 42 Theorem 6 : Given a set of n integers A, any simple tree program which determines the i greatest element of A has width at least i-(.). Proof : The crux of the proof is that to find the i greatest element in A, we must know for every ele- ment in A whether it is greater than or less than the i element. In other words, the only permutations of the set of inputs {l, 2, ..., n} which can cause the tree program to terminate at the same node are those which separately permute the elements above the i and below the i , wi t hout i nt ermi xi ng . Suppose that on the input (1 , 2, . . . , n) the tree program terminated at the same node as on the input 3T(1, 2, . . . , n) , where '7T interchanges an element t, greater than the i element (n - i + 1) , with an element less than n - i + 1. Clearly, at the node at which the tree program terminated on these inputs, it cannot be known or deduced that t > n - i + 1; the most which can be known or deduced is that t is less than some numbers above n - i + 1 and is greater than some numbers below n - i + 1. Hence by inter- changing t and n - i + 1, we can cause the tree program to follow the same path and thus to make the error of choosing t as the i l element, instead of n - i + 1 . Hence 43 comparisons alone cannot give the i l element; since we are dealing with simple tree programs and { +, -, • , /, t } is ignorant, the i element cannot be calculated by function evaluations. Thus the only permutations which can terminate at a common node are those which do not inter- mix the "large" and "small" elements. There are (n - i)J(i - 1)1 permutations which separately permute the upper and lower elements. Thus, since there are a total of nj permutations and at most (n - i);(i - 1)1 can cause the tree program to terminate a single node, there must be at least (n - 1) HI - 1) 1 * v i different terminal nodes, so that W(t) > i*(.). Q.E.D. When i is a constant, then we have W(t) > i-(.) = 0(n ) and so computing the maximum requires 0(n ) width. On the other hand, in computing the median we have i = t: and hence = \i n W(t) > § n "n" 2 n, = 0(2") by Stirling's formula. Unfortunately, in each case 0(log W(t) ) is less than or equal to 0(n) and so the implied restriction on the height given by this theorem is also given by a far simpler argument (c.f. the proof of the proposition in the previous section) ; however, the result in Theorem 6 is of interest since it shows something non- 44 trivial about the width of the tree program. It seems unlikely that the lower bounds on the width given by Theorem 6 can be attained by simple or even linear tree programs. These lower bounds can be attained however, in the case of the maximum, by exponential tree programs, and, for the median, by polynomial tree programs: Theorem 7 : Over exponential tree programs the maximum of a set of n integers can be computed with width n; that is, by a tree program with C(t) = f 100 ^ n l * Proof : Let { x, , x~ , ••., x } be the input set and without loss of generality assume that n = 2 . Notice that (n + 1) 1 + ..- + (n + l) n/2 >(n + l) n/2+1 + • • • + (n + 1) n (11) if and only if the maximum occurs in { x, , . . . , x /~ } . This gives a binary algorithm for the maximum which re- quires a height proportional to n and a width of exactly n. Q.E.D. Notice that as stated and proved, Theorem 7 is restricted to sets of integers and not sets of real numbers, This result can be generalized to sets of real numbers if we assume that no element of a set is repeated, that is x. = x . if and only if i = j . Define d = 2 Y (x.-x.) 2 i>j ± j (x i -x j ) 2 45 and observe that d has the property — < -r;|x.-x.l for all i,i. d 2 1 j '- 1 /n/2 d X n/2 + l\ / *n + \2 n : 2 n + ... + 2 n instead of the comparison indicated in (11) , achieves the same purpose, thus extending Theorem 7. Theorem 8 ; Over polynomial tree programs the median of a set of n different real numbers can be com- puted by a tree program with C(t) < 2n. Proof: Let |x, , ••• 5 x } be the input and we have that x. = x. if and only if i = j . Compute p, = i I (x,-x.) for k = 1, 2, ..•, n. Notice that exactly one-half of the p, ' s will be negative and one-half will be positive. Since the median is x,- -, , the sign of ITI Pp -. is a function only of n, say f(n). Clearly then, if ' 2 ! sign (p ) ^ sign (p ) = f(n) x. cannot be the median. Since exactly half of the p, ' s 1 K. will differ in sign from p j we can eliminate half of n 2 the elements from possibly being the median by using n comparisons to find the signs of the p, 's. We now have I 2 elements left which might be the median and we can continue recursively. The number of comparisons made is 46 C(t) = n + n - +§+•'•+ ^T 1 < 2n - Q.E.D. v ' 2 4 log n - 2 2 Theorem 8 can be easily generalized so as to compute the ^n element instead of the median. Lemma 1 ; There do not exist ( £ Q , t q) and ( 4 , £ ) such that max{a..x + b 1 y + c, , . . . , ax + b y + c i occurs at a.x + b.y + c, for (x, y) = ( £ Q , £ Q ) and at a .x + b.y + c, for (x, y) = ( £ -p ^-j^), where i ^ j , if and only if a. = a. and b. = b. for all i and j . Proof: Elementary casing out of the signs and relative sizes of max£a.i, min{a, |, max(b. }, min£b. ], max{c. {, and mintc.} gives the result. Q.E.D. Lemma 2 : For any n, f(x, y) = max Ja, x + b, y + c, , . . . , ax + by + c \ is in 1 l a 1 7 ' n n n { +,-,",/, 1 J if and only if a. = a. and b. = b. for all i and j . Proof: If a. = a. and b . = b . for all i and j, then the maximum is f(x, y) = a,x + b,y + c, and hence f(x, y) ^ { +, -, • , /, t \ . Conversely, notice that for some i, the maximum must occur at a.x + b.y + c for ' i 1-* l infinitely many (x, y) ; furthermore, all such (x, y) lie in an infinite convex set, C. Suppose that f(x, y) e [ +, -, *, /, t ] , then f is clearly analytic for all (x, y) , and C obviously contains an infinite num- ber of distinct points and their limit point. Thus we can apply the identity theorem for analytic functions £28, page 87J and hence we have that f(x, y) = a.x + b.y + c, 47 contradicting Lemma 1, which says that the maximum can occur in other places. Hence f(x, y) ^ I +, -, *, /, f } • Q.E.D. Theorem 9 : Let P be a linear tree program which computes the maximum of a set of n numbers; if p is any path from the root of a leaf for which there is an input which causes P to follow p, then p contains at least n - 1 comparison nodes. Proof : Suppose p contained n - 2 or fewer com- parison nodes. These can be characterized as n Y~ a. .x. : b. i = 1, 2, .... n - 2. i^l 1 J J 1 Since by assumption there is a set { x, , x 2 , ..., x } for which p is followed, there must be some vector (e-p e 2 , ••-, ^ n _2^ such that n 21 a. .x. = b. + e, i = 1, 2, ..., n-2 (12) j=l J J x is a consistent set of linear equations. By standard results of linear algebra [11, Theorems 5.1 and 5.3^, we know that the solutions to the equations (12) form a subspace of dimension at least two, that is, constitute at least an entire plane. Clearly every solution to (12) will also cause P to follow p, since the results of the comparisons will be unchanged; hence there is at least an entire plane of points in n- dimensional space which cause P to follow p. 48 We can solve (12) for x_ , x„ , ..., x , in terms of x, and x 2 , and we get x. 2 = a i x i + ^jX? + c i i=l, 2, ...,n-2. By Lemma 1, max(x, , ..., x n ) = max(x, , x 2 , a i x i + ^n x t + c i ? .... a ~x, + b x + c ) can occur in at least two 7 n— Z 1 n-z z n— z different places, since the coefficients are not all the same. Thus at the end of the sequence of comparisons on p, it is impossible to determine the maximum unless the computations yielded the maximum. Let f(x., x~ , • ••> x ) be the culmination of all of the computation along p, so that f (x, , x 2 5 •••5 x n ) is the maximum. By definition of P, f is in { +, -, *, /, T } and by the above argument, I V X-i , X^, ..., X / — I- \ X-, , 9 1 11 10 1 ) ***? a n-2 X l + b n-2 x 2 + c n-2 } = g(x l' x 2> e * + ' "' * ' 7 > j } * > which contradicts Lemma 2. Thus p must contain at least n - 1 comparisons. Q.E.D. The bound of n - 1 for path length given in the above theorem is sharp, because the "usual" algorithm to find the maximum (by saving the largest element encountered as the set is searched) requires n - 1 comparisons along every path. Corollary: The optimal linear tree program which computes the maximum of a set of n numbers has width at least 2 n . Proof : Immediate from the theorem. Q.E.D. 49 2.4 Cycles and Connectivity in Graphs In this section we show that certain well known algorithms for detecting cycles and connectivity of graphs are optimal to within a multiplicative constant, when it is assumed that the graph is presented as a binary con- nection matrix. The results are due to Holt and the author and were originally presented in El9H . An n by n binary matrix M is said to contain a cycle if and only if there is a sequence of elements in M such that M(k 15 k 2 ) =M(k 2 ,k 3 ) = ••• =M(k m _ 1 ,k m ) =M(k m ,k 1 ) =1. Node i is said to be connected to node j in M if and only if there is a sequence of elements of M such that Md,^) =M(k 15 k 2 ) = ••• =M(k m _ 1 ,k m ) =M(k m ,j) = 1. Finally, M is said to be strongly connected if and only if for every pair of nodes i and j , node i is connected to node j . Marimont [_32~] gives an algorithm to test for the existence of cycles; when put into tree program form, this 2 algorithm has a height of 0(n ) for a graph with n nodes. This order of magnitude is minimal, for we have: Theorem 10: For all F and G, if a tree program in T(F,G) determines whether n by n binary matrices con- tain a cycle, then that tree program has height at least n(n - l)/2. Proof: Let P be a tree program which determines 50 whether n by n matrices contain a cycle, and let M be an n by n binary matrix which does not contain a cycle. Observe that there are (!?) = n(n - l)/2 unordered pairs (i, j) where 1 < i,j < n. Assume P has height less than n(n - l)/2. Then, P could not have "used" every one of the n inputs and hence there must be a pair (i, j) such that P used neither M(i, j) nor M( j , i) . Let M' be equal to xM except that M'(i, j) = M'(j, i) = 1; thus M' will contain a cycle. Clearly, P follows the same path on M' as on M and hence it must make an error on one or the other. Contradiction, so P must have height at least n(n - l)/2. Q.E.D. Notice that a slightly higher limit, n(n + l)/2, is easily obtained since any correct algorithm must also use all n diagonal elements of M before concluding that M contains no cycles. Theorem 11: For arbitrary F and G, if a tree program in T(F, G) determines whether node i is connected to node j in n by n binary matrices, then the tree program 2 has height at least (n - l)/4. Proof : Let P be a tree program which determines whether node i is connected to node j . The theorem will be proved by constructing a matrix which is "difficult" for P to analyze. Assume that n is even, a similar con- struction works when n is odd. We define M as: 51 M(k, 2) = 1 for k even, M(l, I) = 1 for I odd, L (13) M(k, j) =0 otherwise. J The graphical interpretation of (13) is illustrated below. a^^^JE) If any odd numbered node becomes connected to any even numbered node in M, then node 1 will become connected to node 2. There are n/2 odd numbered nodes and n/2 even numbered nodes, so the number of elements M(i, j) such 2 that i is odd and j is even is n /4. Assume P has height 2 less than n /4. In M as defined, node 1 is not connected to node 2, and this is what P must conclude; however, 2 since P used fewer than n /4 operations, there is an ordered pair (i, j) such that P did not use M(i, j), where i is odd and j is even. Let M' be equal to M except that M'(i, j) = 1, so that node 1 is connected to node 2. P will not look at M'(i, j), and so P must conclude that node 1 is not connected to node 2 exactly as it concluded for M. Contradiction; thus P has height at least 2 2 n /4 > (n - l)/4 operations to determine if node i is connected to node j. Q.E.D. 52 Dreyfus [8], Dijkstra [7J, and Pohl [47] give 2 0(n ) algorithms to find the shortest path between two nodes of a graph. Finding the shortest path requires determining whether or not such a path exists and thus 2 these 0(n ) shortest path algorithms are optimal in order of magnitude. 2 McCreight C33J gives an 0(n ) algorithm to determine whether a graph is separable, i.e. if it is not strongly connected. That this order of magnitude is optimal is seen by Theorem 12: For arbitrary F and G, if a tree program in T(F, G) determines whether an n by n binary matrix is strongly connected, then the tree program has 2 height at least (n - l)/4. Proof : The proof is the same as in the previous theorem, except that we define M as: M(l, 2) = 1 M(i, i+2)=M(i + 2, i) =1 for 1 2 n ' " for all n - n > 6; this is proved by an induction argument. Also by induction, one can prove that in k operations from {+, -, *, / } , the largest number which can be computed 9 k on input n is n z . Thus if F is computed in k such operations, we have n 2 > F n > 2 n/2 . 56 Solving this for k we obtain k > log 2 n - log 2 2 - log 2 log 2 n, and hence k > O(log n) . This establishes the minimality of O(log n) operations. F can in fact be computed within this bound by a binary algorithm given by Knuth C30, solution to problem 26 of 6 4.6,3]] . This algorithm is based on the facts that given (F k , F^) then (P k+1 , F fc ) = (F k + F^, F k ) and (F 2k> F 2k-1 } = (F k + 2 VW F k + F k-1 } - Q ' E - D - When the above size argument is applied to P , the n prime we find that the lower bound obtained is a constant, since P = O(n*log n) ; it is, of course, improbable that the two hundred billionth prime could be computed as quickly as the tenth. When this size argument is applied to nl , the lower bound derived is O(log n) , and again, it is hard to believe that ni could be computed that rapidly. Unfortunately, there are no other available techniques to handle this type of problem. 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