REFLECTIONS the normal School Bulletin Published Quarterly By The Eastern Illinois State Normal School [Printed by authority of the State of Illinois.] Entered March 5, 1902, as second-class matter, at the post office at Charleston, Illinois. Act of Congress, July 16, 1894. No. 62 CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS Oct. 1, 1918 Campus Reflections Eastern Illinois State Normal School Charleston OUR SCHOOL 1 For us arose thy walls and towers, Their beauty, strength and grace are ours; The hills and prairies at thy feet For us in lovely landscape meet. REFRAIN So must our hearts remember thee, So may our lives our tribute be, Strong, true, and beautiful, and brave, and free, So shall our hearts, our hearts remember thee. 2 For gift of friends, for lasting gain, For hard won joys that long remain, For strength of victory possessed, We thank the school we love the best. 3 Across the years thy spirit burns Across the land in love it yearns, Enkindled with the light of truth Made perfect in eternal youth. Isabel McKinney PEMBERTON HALL— THE WOMAN'S BUILDING A CORNER OF THE DINING ROOM— PEM BERTON HALL THE LIVING ROOM — PEMBERTON HALL ANOTHER CORNER OF THE LIVING ROOM AN OUTDOOR GAME THE GROVE AND A CORNER CF THE GYMNASIUM MANUAL TRAINING SHOP MECHANICAL DRAWING ROOM A JUNIOR PARTY PLAY— 1918 SCENE FROM A SENIOR CLASS PLAY ON THE CAMPUS RANDOM SHOTS 1917-18 BASKET BALL TEAM AN EXCITING FINISH AT A FIELD AND TRACK MEET A GIRLS' GYMNASIUM CLASS A CLASS IN PHYSICAL TRAINING It) w o D cc 0- If) 111 I H I > DC h (0 ID