Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/illustrati n gf e w m 0 0 b ro w UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BOOKSTACKS ILLUSTRATING A FEW MACHINES o MADE BY BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK THOS. CROFTS 150 NASSAU STREET AGENCIES LONDON, W. C. J. COLLIS & SONS 42 REGENT SQUARE, GRAY’S INN ROAD CHICAGO CHAMPLIN TYPE & MACHINERY CO. 121 PLYMOUTH PLACE Then and Now 1882 25 YEARS 1907 Experience in the one specialty of manufacturing paper folding machinery. We have originated and placed on the market more up-to-date ideas than all others combined. We originated the Drop Roll Marginal Feed System. Our inventions have been imitated time and again, an acknowledgment of their superior^. Our machines are practical, economical in pro- duction and simple in construction. BROWN FOLDING MACHINE COMPANY The First Successful Drop Roll Feed Machine THE BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO. BUILDERS OF BOOK AND CATALOG FOLDERS NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL FOLDERS CIRCULAR FOLDERS SPECIAL FOLDERS MAGAZINE AND PAMPHLET FOLDERS ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA U. S. A. Makers BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA No. 132. TWO and THREE- FOLD CATALOG and BOOK FOLDER, 32 x 44 in size. Folds 8’s, 12’s, and 16’s. Automatic Registers at all Folds, Head Perforators, Sheet Retarders, Adjustable Packer, Mi- crometer Adjustments, and Hand Tape Tighteners. No. 131 . TWO and THREE- FOLD CATALOG and BOOK FOLDER, 25 x38 in size. Folds 8’s, 12’s, and 16’s. Automatic Gripper Register at first fold. Head Perfor- ator, Automatic Sheet Retarder, and Hand Tape Tighteners. No. 133 TWO, THREE, and FOUR-FOLD CATALOG and BOOK FOLDER, 32 x 44 in size. Folds 8’s, 12’s, 16’s, 24’s, and 32’s. Automatic Registers at all Folds, 16 and 32 Head Perforators, Sheet Retarders, Adjustable Packers, Micrometer Ad- justments, and Hand Tape Tighteners. BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA., Makers No. 134. TW o, THREE, and FOUR-FOLD CATALOG and BOOK FOLDER, 25 x 38 in size. Folds 8’s, 12’s, 16’s, 24’s, and 32’s. Automatic Registers at all Folds, 16- and 32-page Head Perforators, Sheet Retarders, Adjustable Packers, and Hand Tape Tighteners. No. 133. TWO, THREE, and FOUR-FOLD CATALOG and BOOK FOLDER, 33 x 45 in size. Folds 8’s, 12’s, 16’s, 24’s, and 32’s. Has Auto- matic Registers at all Folds, 16 and 32 Head Perforators, Micrometer Ad- justments, Adjustable Packers, Sheet Retarders, and Hand Tape Tighteners. No. 139. POINT FEED CATA- LOG and BOOK FOLDER, 32 x 44 in size. THREE and FOUR-FOLD. Has 16 and 32-page Head Perfor- ators, and Hand Tape Tighteners. Makers BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA The “ Frisco 99 two, three, and FOUR-FOLD CATALOG and BOOK FOLDER. Has Five Sets Folding Rolls, the first two sets being Parallel, 33 x44 in size. Does Regu- lar and Oblong work. Folds 8, 12, 16, 24, and 32 pages single or in “gangs.” Has Automatic Registers at all Folds, Micrometer Adjust- ments, 16-, 24-, and 32-page Head Perforators, Sheet Retarders, Adjust- able Packers, and Hand Tape Tight- eners. No. 322 • DOUBLE SIXTEEN BOOK FOLDER. It folds 16’s, 24’s, and 32’s, the latter by insetting. Has Automatic Registers and Automatic Head Perforators that overcome “ buckling.” Automatic Points are added when desired. No. 702. DOUBLE SIXTEEN and DOUBLE THIRTY-TWO CATALOG and BOOK FOLDER. Folds a single 16, double 16’s, a 24, also a single and double 32. Has Automatic Registers both Right and Left Hand at first fold also at third and fourth folds, 16 and 32 Head Perforators, Adjustable Packers, and Automatic Tape Tight- eners. BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA., Makers No. 706. QUADRUPLE SIX- TEEN and DOUBLE THIRTY-TWO BOOK FOLDER. Performs all its work at RIGHT ANGLES and over- comes all “buckling.” Automatic Points are added when desired. Has the largest range of any quadruple in the market. No. 505 . SPECIAL EDITION FOLDER. This machine performs the largest range of work of any folder made. It is used on million runs, and folds 8’s, 16’s, 24’s, and 32’s in “gangs.” Automatic Head Perforators overcome all “ buckling.” Automatic Points are added when required. No. 800. EDITION FOLDER. This machine is designed for long runs on 16’s, 24’s, and 32’s, where the folding is to be done in “gangs.” It is also suitable to the finest catalog work. Automatic Head Perforators overcome all “ buckling.” Makers BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA. No. 135 The “Togo” This Folder has Five Sets of folding rolls, the two first sets are parallel to each other, the remaining three sets being at right angles. The largest sheet it will fold is 33 x 45. It folds both Regular and Oblong work. It folds 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 24, and 32 pages in single sections or in “gangs.” It has Automatic Sheet Retarders, Automatic Side Registers at ALL FOLDS, Adjustable Hand Tape Tighteners with Side Adjustments, Micrometer Adjustments on end stops, 16-, 24-, and 32-page Head Perforators that overcome “ buckling,” and Adjustable Packers. BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA., Makers No. 136 Special Catalog This Folder has Six Sets of Folding Rolls. The two first sets are parallel to each other, then two sets at right angles, and two additional sets parallel to the third and fourth sets. The largest sheet it will fold is 32 x 44. It folds both Regular and Oblong work. It folds 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 32 pages in single sections or in “gangs.” It has Automatic Sheet Retarders, Automatic Side Registers at ALL FOLDS, Adjustable Hand Tape Tighteners with Side Adjustments, Micrometer Adjustments on end stops, 16-, 24-, and 32-page Head Perforators that overcome “buckling,” and Adjustable Packers. Makers BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, pa. No. 350 New Model Jobber This machine is designed for Periodical and Newspaper work, also for Pamphlets and Catalogs. It is made as a Two, Three, and Four-Fold Folder, and ranges in sizes from 36 x 48 up to 42 x 60. It has Automatic Side Registers at ALL FOLDS, Automatic Sheet Retarder, Adjustable Hand Tape Tighteners, and 16-, 24-, and 32-page Head Perforators when desired. Extra attachments are 8-page Pasters and Trimmers, 16-page Pasters and Trimmers, 2- and 4-page Insets, and 16-page Cover. Extra sets of folding rolls parallel to second and third sets can also be furnished. BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA., Makers I No. 360 All Around Periodical This machine is for a large range of Periodical and Newspaper work. It is a Three and Four-Fold Folder, 42 x 60 in size. It has Automatic Registers at all folds, Automatic Sheet Retarders for the main sheet and covers, Automatic Cover Cut-out that prevents cover being fed in absence of main sheet, and Automatic Head Perforators that overcome “buckling” on 16- and 32-page work. All tapes and guard rods are movable laterally. It will paste and trim 8, 16, and 20 pages; also paste 8, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, and 36 pages. Makers BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA No. 314. CIRCULAR FOLDER for small work. It has a wide range, and is a very valuable machine for this class of work. No. 315. CIRCULAR FOLDER. Has Four Sets Folding Rolls. The first three sets are at right angles to each other, the fourth set being par- allel to third set. Has Automatic Register, Adjustable Packer, Adjust- able Hand Tape Tighteners, and 8-page Paster, when desired. It has two feed tables. No. 315/13. CIRCULAR FOLDER. Has Four Sets Folding Rolls. The first three sets are at right angles to each other, the fourth set being par- allel to the third set. It has Auto- matic Register, Adjustable Packer, Adjustable Hand Tape Tighteners, and 8-page Paster, when desired. BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA., Makers No. 316. CIRCULAR FOLDER. Is a Two, Three, and Four-Fold Ma- chine. All Folds are at right angles. Has Automatic Gripper Side Register, Adjustable Hand Tape Tighteners, Adjustable Packers, and 8-page Paster, when desired. No. 317. CIRCULAR FOLDER. Has an unusual range. There are Four Sets Folding Rolls. The two first sets are parallel and the two remaining sets also parallel, but at right angles to the first. It folds Regular and Oblong. Has Automatic Gripper Side Register, Adjustable Hand Tape Tighteners, Adjustable Packer, and 8-page Paster, when desired. No. 318. TWO PARALLEL FOLD MACHINE. Folds Four, Six, and Eight-page work in “gangs.” Automatic Gripper Side Register, Adjustable Hand Tape Tighteners, and 8-page Paster, when desired. Is also provided with Cutters that cut the folded sheet in sections and pack separately. Makers BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA No. 50. TWO PARALLEL FOLDER. For small work in “ gangs.” Folds 4’s and 8’s. Has Cutters for separating work. No. 312. TWO and THREE FOLD PARALLEL FOLDER for small work in “gangs.” Has a wide range, folding in 8’s, 12’s, and 16’s. No. 401. TWO and THREE PARALLEL FOLD Machine. Has Automatic Registers at all Folds. Folds 8’s, 12’s, and 16’s. Has Cutters separating work, when desired. BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, PA., Makers TRIBUNE NEWSPAPER FOLDER. With 2- and 4-page Insert- ing Attachment. TRIBUNE NEWSPAPER FOLDER. Two and Three Fold, with 8-page Paster and Trimmer. COURIER NEWSPAPER FOLDER. With 2- and 4-page Insert- ing Attachment. COURIER NEWSPAPER FOLDER. Two and Three Fold, with 8-page Paster and Trimmer. Makers BROWN FOLDING MACHINE CO., ERIE, Pa “Quad” 16, Double 32. This machine is built upon entirely different lines than any other “ Quad ” on the market. It is the only quadruple machine that folds its work at right angles. It is the only quadruple machine having Head Perforators that overcome “buckling” on 16- and 32-page work. It has Automatic Side Registers, Adjustable Packing Boxes and Sheet Retarders. There are no tapes to cut or resew, no parts that require resetting, in changing from quadruple 16’s to double 32’s. This change can be made almost instantly. THE MATTHEWS-NORTHRUP WORKS. BUFFALO. CLEVEL' ), ANO NEW YORK