Second Month, 1913 No. 4 Y r 6’ Vol. V Guilford College Bulletin SOME VIEWS OF COLLEGE BUILDINGS Published quarterly by Guilford College, Guilford College, N. C. Entered at Guilford College, N. C., as second-class matter, under act of Congress of July 16, 1894. V- 5 ' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates FOUNDERS HALL Originally built in 1836. Renovated in interior in 1908. Dormitory for Young Women and Dining Hall. ARCHDALE HALL Erected in 1885. Dormitory for Young Men. Y. M. C. A. HALL Erected in 1891. Y. M. C. A. Room and Dormitory for Young Men. ■■ ^ • ,umW lii | l H.«nn . i»H iB Hi »l li """ rr-r-nn ..<« ^ r K : v \ mu 0 ^ 00001 ^ MEMORIAL HALL Erected in 1397. Auditorium, Offices of the President and Dean, Museum and Laboratories. Built by the Girls’ Aid Committee of North Carolina Yearly Meeting in 1907. Dormitory for Young Women. THE LIBRARY YEARLY MEETING HOUSE Erected in 1912. Used for religious meetings for College and Neighborhood. 12 105724972 COX HALL Built in 1912. Dormitory for Young Men.