9/-17/4Q g *•'; i "! • 41 -i r ; n * i A f r i i * r- DR. PIERCE'S HALF WA Y STOP You can get treatments at the INVALID’S HOTEL, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., equal to any of the electrical or therapeutic methods used in any modern sanitarium in this country or Europe. This Institute has a com¬ plete installation which enables our physicians to select that form of electrical treatment to meet the individual, requirement. In the elec¬ trical and general treatment room we have the mechanical vibratory stimulation, which im¬ proves nutrition, produces relaxation in the nervous and high-strung, and has a decidedly beneficial effect in many chronic ailments and in combination with electrical applications of the right kind brings about a decidedly bene¬ ficial effect in cases of neurasthenia, insomnia, hardening of the arteries, Bright’s disease, rheumatism, etc. In the electrical treatment room you will find the high frequency current, static elec¬ tricity, sinusoidal, the ultra-violet rays and the X-Rays. Many disorders are the result of failure to eliminate poisonous accumulation (waste products) that should be carried off with the excretions. The high frequency cur¬ rent, with the judicious use of medicines, with Turkish and electric light baths, is in most cases successful in bringing about a normal, healthy condition, preventing disease, and in cthose who are afflicted with such incurable diseases relief is obtained and life prolonged. By perfectly natural processes we assist nature to make you well. Send for booklet on any chronic disease. Visitors are welcome. Come and see for yourself. Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel BUFFALO, N. Y. I 162389 FIRST” You will find the most unique and fascinating store you ever visited Souvenir Goods Toys and Novelties Come here for the “Dif¬ ferent” kind of Souve¬ nirs of Niagara Falls and Buffalo—the kind you can't get elsewhere S. 0. Barnum & Son Co. 265-267 Main Street BUFFALO, N. Y. Founded 1845 $ BUFFALO’S BIGNESS TERSELY TOLD. • BOOST BUFFALO, MEANS BUSINESS. LARGEST BREAKWATER in the world. t LARGEST INTRA-CITY LOCK on earth. LARGEST COAL TRESTLE in the world. LARGEST ARMORY buildings in the world. 1 LARGEST LINSEED OIL center in the world. LARGEST MILITIA REGIMENT in the world. TERMINUS OF LONGEST CANAL in the world. OFFICE BLDGS, and BUSINESS BLOCKS—200. NATIONAL GUARD—One infantry and one artil¬ lery, in United States service. Also a troop of cavalry. LARGEST UNIT PUMPING STATION in the world. PASSENGER TRAINS—250 arrive at and depart from Buffalo daily. UNITED STATES ARMY—One post and fine bar¬ racks at Fort Porter. ELEVATORS—23, with a capacity of 28,250,000 bushels of grain. POLICE DEPARTMENT—Number of men, 860; stations, 14; harbor patrol steamer. HOMES — Buffalo’s private homes are numerous. Over 50 per cent, of the people own the houses they live in. HEALTH—The city is one of the most healthful i* the country, its monthly death rate being exceed¬ ingly low. HUMANE SOCIETIES—Two; one for the preven¬ tion of cruelty to children and one for the protec¬ tion of animals. » GRADE CROSSINGS—Over 90 per cent, of the rail¬ road tracks in Buffalo are so arranged as not to cross the city streets at grade. / FEDERAL BUILDINGS—Buffalo has one of the finest Federal buildings in the country. RAILROAD FREIGHT—If the freight cars that * leave from and arrive at Buffalo daily were put into one train it would reach from New York to Buffalo. 3 Tupper fi^nn ji f ptttp oomu Van Dyke Black and White Meter Cars Touring Cars by the Hour Black Cars for Funerals 32 EDWARD STREET BUFFALO, N. Y. ELECTRIC POWER — Niagara Falls tunnels are within 20 miles and power delivered in Buffalo one- third less than cost of horsepower from steam, with quantity unlimited. FIRE DEPARTMENT—588 men, 36 engine com¬ panies, 12 truck companies, 6 chemical companies and 3 fire boats, 2 water towers, with finest modern system of storage and signal boxes. ALBRIGHT ART GALLERY—The finest building | of its kind in the world, is built of marble and was V' donated to the city by J. J. Albright. It is located on the shores of Gala Water in Park Lake. STOCKYARDS—Second largest in the world, cover¬ ing 100 acres, largest sheepshed in the world. Daily capacity 50,000 sheep, 35,000 hogs, 15,000 cattle. Annual business exceeds $100,000,000. BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY—15,000 vol¬ umes and 20,000 pamphlets housed in finest society building in America, formerly New York State Building at the Pan-American Exposition, white marble and fireproof. STREET CARS—Lines tapping every locality in the city and connecting Buffalo with all the suburban section of the surrounding country. The Interna¬ tional Railway Company runs 800 cars and main¬ tains 400 miles of trackage. Universal transfers. PAVED STREETS—Greater and better than any other city in the world; 105 miles stone, 5 miles macadam, 335 miles asphalt, giving Buffalo more smooth pavement than Paris, Washington, New York, London or any other city on earth. PARKS—Buffalo has seven large parks and several smaller ones, comprising in all 1067 acres of land. Delaware Park has 365 acres, Humboldt Park 56 acres, The Front 48 acres, South Park 155 acres, Cazenovia Park 106 apres, Riverside 37 acres, and Bidwell, the Circle, Johnson Park, and many other smaller places, comprising an area of 74 acres. PUBLIC MONUMENTS—Soldiers’ Monument a*' Lafayette Square, McKinley Monument at Niagara.-' Square, William McMillan Drinking Fountain in Delaware Park, Gates Circle Fountain, Mozart bust in Delaware Park, monument to Red Jacket in For¬ est Lawn and G. A. R. Monument, also in Forest Lawn; Statue of David in Delaware Park, 13th Regiment Boulder at Fort Porter, and boulder to heroes of the War of 1812 in Park Meadow. 5 I Steam and Gas Fitting t&jt' Hot Water Heating General Repair Work a Specialty Bell, Tupper 1785-W. Before 8 a.m. and after 6 P. M. call Oxford 2454-W 935 W. FERRY ST. Near Main Street After 6 P. M. Home Address, 174 Waverly St. \ BUFFALO, N. Y. Buffalo’s population is increasing at the rate of 15,000 a year. It is now nearly 475,000. New industries are locating in Buffalo at the rate of 107 a year. Buffalo manufacturers emplay more than 60,000 hands. Buffalo workers make products valued at more than $250,000,000 annually. The capital invested in the Buffalo manufacturing plants is $243,250,000. Latest census figures show an increase in capital i« Buffalo plants of $50,000,000 over the previous cen¬ sus. The same authority shows an increase of $71,425,000 in annual output of products. More than $350,000,000 is invested in industrial plants on the Niagara Frontier. These plants are worth $250,000,000. Oi}t of 339 different lines of manufacture recognized by the United States Census Bureau, Buffalo has 200. Buffalo is one of the world’s 10 greatest ports. A total of 10,000 lake vessels arrive and depart from Buffalo annually. The annual tonnage of these boats is nearly 20,000,- 000 tons. City, state and nation are spending $150,000,000 on work directly or indirectly affecting Buffalo’s water terminal facilities. The Panama Canal is the biggest thing of its kind in the world. New York State’s barge canal comes next, and more tonnage will pass through it than now goes through the Suez Canal. The New York State barge canal is Buffalo’s water¬ way to the Atlantic seaboard. Erie County, with Buffalo as the county seat, is first in value of farm property in New York State, and fourth in value of farm products. The Buffalo district is the biggest lumber market in the world. Last year more than $126,000,000 of lum¬ ber were received here. Each working day last year $40,000 was spent in new buildings in Buffalo. For each working day during the last census period, covering five years, the products of Buffalo factories were increased by $40,000. These facts prove that Buffalo is growing. The Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, which is behind every movement for the betterment of the municipality, has been largely instrumental in promoting this growth. Every member may feel that he is helping. Are you a member? The last federal census shows that Buffalo made a percentage gain in value of manufactured products more than four times greater than the gains made by Pittsburg, and nearly three times that of Cincinnati. The last federal census shows that Pittsburg lost in the number of wage-earners, whereas Buffalo made a gain of 18 per cent. Buffalo is the ninth city in manufacturing in the United States. Previous to the last census it was eleventh. Buffalo people have $334,249,000 on deposit in Buf¬ falo banks. Buffalo’s postal receipts now total more than $2,000,- 000 annually. Buffalo does more than six-tenths of all the malting business in New York State. Buffalo manufactures nearly one-third of all the automobiles, bodies and parts in New York State. Buffalo factories make more than one-third o^ all the soap manufactured in this state. More than one-fourth of all the flour and gristmill products made in this state are manufactured in Buf¬ falo. Buffalo does one-fifth of all the slaughtering and 4 meat-packing of New York State. Thirteen industries of Buffalo do a business of from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 annually each. These are not the largest industries. Buffalo’s automobile industry exceeds that of New York City. Buffalo’s bicycle and motorcycle industry is six times larger than that of New York City. Buffalo does twice as much steam-car and general shop construction as New York City. Sixteen railroads have terminals in Buffalo, mak¬ ing this one of the big railroad centers of this country. Eight steamship lines offer shipping facilities for Buffalo manufacturers. Industrial Buffalo has a population of more than half a million. Buffalo’s Automobile Club is the largest in the world. It is larger than the entire membership of the Ohio State Automobile Association and is one-third of the entire membership of the New York State Automobile Association. ~ Sixty-seven thousand children attend Buffalo’s pub¬ lic schools, with 23,000 more in parochial schools. Buffalo real estate is assessed at more than $325,- 021,000. Practically all of it is home-owned. Buffalo’s customs receipts have doubled in the past year. 8 PLACES OF INTEREST. If your visit is only a few hours, and you do not care to go to a hotel, there are many good restaur¬ ants. Statler’s, in Ellicott Square, will serve you a nice meal, table-d’-hote, 40c. and 60c. They also serve a la carte. The Delmont, another good restaur¬ ant, at 17 W. Eagle Street. Having had something to eat, we will take a look around with a start from ELLICOTT SQUARE, which is practically the hub of our city, as it is the largest office building in the city. Leaving the ELLICOTT SQUARE from the Main Street exit, we turn to the right, which is north, cross¬ ing South Division Street. To the west before us is a panorama of buildings and streets, which we will notice in detail. Crossing Church Street within our view is the ERIE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK BUILDING—a monu¬ ment to people who never return. On the opposite side, corner N. Division and Main streets, is the Mau BANK OF BUFFALO. Looking down Ni¬ agara Street we catch a glimpse of the D. S. MOR¬ GAN BUILDING, from the top of which a splendid birdseye view of the city can be obtained. On the opposite side is the MASONIC TEMPLE. In the distance is the McKINLEY MONUMENT. Continuing our walk we pass the HOTEL IRO¬ QUOIS, one of the finest in the city, some of our large department stores, and arrive at LAFAYETTE SQUARE. This is the terminal of all interurban cars. LAFAYETTE SQUARE, bounded by Main, Clin¬ ton, Washington and Lafayette, is the most valuable small park in the city. The ground is valued at one million dollars. It contains the Soldiers’ and Sailors'' Monument. The whole credit of erecting this tribute to the dead heroes of our country is due to the efforts of Buffalo women. The manument is eighty-five feet high and cost $50,000. To the right is the BRISBANE BUILDING. Across the street is HOTEL LAFAYETTE, which is new and first-class in all its appointments. In the foreground is the BUFFALO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Our eye now reaches away out Broadway* On the corner of Broadwav, near Washington, is the OLYMPIC THEATER, the GERMAN INSUR¬ ANCE BUILDING, completing the square to Main Street. 9 On the left we notice the great music house of DENTON, COTTIER & DANIELS. They occupy the entire building at the corner of Pearl and Court, and it is one of the largest, handsomest and most practical music stores in America. This firm is the oldest piano house in the country, having been established in 1827—eighty-eight years in Buffalo. Here is the home of the Steinway and other pianos and the marvelous Pianola Pianos, Victrolas, sheet music and everything pertaining to the music trade or profession is carried, and every¬ thing of the highest grade. A short visit to this store is one of the delights of “Seeing Buffalo.” Reaching Genesee Street, to the right in the fore- ■ground is the ELECTRIC BUILDING—18 stories (300 feet) high, built of steel, with ornamental terra cotta facing, finished in mahogany, and has a promen¬ ade around the dome at the top, which affords a splen¬ did view of the city. THE BUFFALO SAVINGS BANK is also on the right. Nearly opposite the Bank is the NEW HIPPODROME. To the left is the HOTEL GENESEE, Following West Genesee Street we pass the new MAJESTIC and GAIETY THEATERS. On the opposite side is the YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRIS¬ TIAN ASSOCIATION and the STAR THEATER. We are now in front of the MEN’S HOTEL, which is a part of the magnificent Y. M. C. A. BUILDING one of the best equipped in the world. Take a walk through; you will be made welcome. Rooms 50c. and 75C. We are now at Niagara Square, in the center of which is the McKINLEY MONUMENT. Turning to the right we notice CASTLE INN, once the home of President Fillmore. DELAWARE AVENUE is the broad, shady street, with its foot on the river and its head stretching away to the Tonawandas. Studded on each side with beautiful homes, surrounded by well-kept grounds, it. is the most beautiful street in the city. Crossing NIAGARA STREET we reach Court Street. In the distance is ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, and is the center of our Italian colony. Crossing West Genesee is the TOWNSEND’S HALL, a part of the UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO.^ Con¬ tinuing our view, to the comer of Court and Niagara is the YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO¬ CIATION BUILDING. 10 Having made a complete circuit of the Square, we will continue our walk south on Delaware, and one block finds us at the CITY HALL. On the right are the CITY COURTS BUILDING and ERIE COUNTY JAIL. Ascending the broad steps of the City Hall we enter the grand court, in the center of which is a brass tablet marking the place where the body of our martyred President McKinley lay in state and was viewed by thousands of people. Making our exit through the opposite side, turning to Church street, we pass the IROQUOIS BUILDING and gaze with astonishment and delight at the beautiful building of THE NEW YORK TELEPHONE AND TELE¬ GRAPH CO. The building on the corner of Pearl Street is the PRUDENTIAL. Continuing on Franklin Street, we pass ST. JO¬ SEPH’S CATHEDRAL. One block east is the Dun building, the home office of R. G. Dun & Co., whose business it is to tell the world how rich you ain’t. Turning on Seneca Street, two blocks bring us to Main Street, on the four corners being the MARINE BANK, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, BANKERS TRUST CO and PEOPLE’S BANK. We are now in the vicinity of all the offices of the daily papers. One block north is Ellicott Square. We have now made a pretty good circuit of the downtown places of interest and we will take a few trips through the city; there are many ways of doing this. The “Seeing Buffalo” autos, fare $1.00, and takes in Main Street, Delaware, North Richmond, The Park, in fact a great deal of the nicer portion of our city. The STREET CAR is also a good way of visiting outside places of interest. Taking a Main Street car we will pass many places of interest. Covering some of the ground already described, we are at Genesee Street. At 663 Main Street is Pierce’s Invalid Hotel, which is fully de¬ scribed on page 1. One block further is the Teck Theatre and St. Louis’ Church. Ascending the grade to High Street, to the east is the University of Buf¬ falo, on the left is Holy Trinity English Lutheran Church and nearly opposite St. Peter’s French R. C. Church. We now pass in quick succession and in the order named, Sister’s Hospital, Main Street Grammer School No. 17 and Play Grounds, which II is noted for their success in athletics and genreal proficiency, Armory of Company I, Cavalry, Carnival Court,, Canisius College, St. Joseph's Academy, St. Vincent’s Church, Humboldt Parkway ( a beautiful drive extending nearly around the city), Providence Retreat and Insane Asylum, United States Marine Hospital, Deaf and Dumb Institute, Highland Park School, Central Presbyterian Church, Plighland Tem¬ ple F. & A. M., through the Central Park distirct to the City Line. The large buildings to the right are the Erie County Home and Hospital. The Country Club is also located nearby. If you are interested in a visit to the Zoo, change cars at Florence Avenue, and a short ride brings you there. Here is a large and rare collection of animals and birds. Again starting from Ellicott Square we take the Best Street car. We pass the Federal Building, through the Washington market, pass St. Michael’s R. C. Church and Canisius High School, Sacred Heart Academy, Buffalo General Hospital, Masten Park High School, 65th Regiment Armory, the Reservoirs, Home of the Good Shepherd to Humboldt Park, a beautiful park of 56 acres, with a lily and wading pond and playground. Opposite is Grammar School No. 24. Transferring to a Fillmore Avenue car we go east to Broadway. The Polish market is located near the corner of Fillmore and Broadway and is the center of the Polish district. Continuing east, transferring on Elk Street, you will pass over, under or through our railroad yards and Elk Street market and back again to Ellicott Square. Our next trip will be by Elmwood car r which will take you through the Elmwood Avenue district, past¬ ing on our way Elmwood Music Hall and many new churches, Buffalo State Insane Asylum and Delaware Park, Albright Art Gallery, Historical Building and many; manufacturing plants. If you are interested in the live stock market, take a trip out William Street, where you can visit the second largest live stock market in the world. If you care for flowers, take car No. 10 to the Botanical Gardens, passing over many of our laree viaducts. At the extreme end of the line is Our Lady of Victory Protectory (Father Baker’s) and is a last¬ ing monument to the energies of a good man. A con¬ tinuation of this trip will take you to the Lackaw anna steel plant. 12 Ten minutes from Main Street on Seneca (take car No. 7) is situated the factories and offices of Larkin Co., factory-to-family dealers in household supplies. A visit to Buffalo without seeing the Larkin Factories* is like going to Niagara without seeing the Fall*. Furnished with a competent guide you are allowed through department after department, until you stand bewildered by the wonderful machinery, the varied industries and above all the absolute cleanliness of everything. The Administration Building itself is one of the most completely equipped office buildings in the world. Over 1200 people are in plain sight of visitors. At the completion of the trip through the Adminis¬ tration Building you are shown in the Larkin Audi¬ torium where after being seated at tables and while being served some of the Larkin Products, you are again shown through parts of the plant in wonderful Motion Pictures, The Motion Picture entertainment ends with some of the most wonderful views of Niagara Falls ever shown. The factories and offices are open daily from 8 to 4 P. M. except Saturdays. SUBURBAN TROLLEY TRIPS. BUFFALO-NIAGARA FALLS—Niagara Falls is the most interesting place for the tourists in the vicinity of Buffalo, and, as might be expected, the trolley service between the two cities is highly effici¬ ent and reliable. The famous “Yellow Cars” of the International Railway Company leave the Buffalo Terminal at Main and Court Streets at intervals of every fifteen minutes or less, according to the de¬ mands of the traffic. These cars, which are speedy, spacious and comfortable, go down Court Street, past the McKinley Monument, and into Niagara Street, continuing out this thoroughfare along the Buffalo river-front to Tonawanda Street, to Amherst, and go over the old Military Road into the Twin Cities of Tonawanda. Leaving the Tonawanda* behind, the cars now traverse the actual shore of the Niagara River, af¬ fording a superb view of the majestic stream, placid and unbroken as yet for several miles above the Upper Rapids. It has been well said that to fully appreciate the tremendous cataract and the final plunge into Niagara’s chasm, one must see the river winding peacefully onward. 13 Arriving at Niagara Falls the car pulls into the International Railway Company’s large Terminal o* Riverway, where the tourist alights on the outskirts of Prospect Park, and within five hundred feet of the brink of the Falls. THE NIAGARA BELT LINE.—The wonderful scenic trip, known as the Niagara Belt Line, is the most thorough way of “doing y ’ Niagara Falls. No tourist who has taken this trip will ever hear it said: “Oh, you haven’t half seen the Falls. You must $o back there again.” For, in very truth it can be said that one who has been around the Niagara Belt Line has seen practically everything in and around Niagara Falls worth the seeing. The comfortable observation cars leave the Inter¬ national Railway Company Terminal on Riverway, Niagara Falls, New York, at frequent intervals, and, after skirting Prospect Park, cross the company’s magnificent New Steel Arch Bridge. From the center of the bridge itself, where the car comes to a stand¬ still, is obtained one of the most comprehensive views of the Falls and Upper Gorge. Having crossed the bridge, the car proceeds up the Canadian Shore to Table Rock, at the brink of the Horseshoe Falls, and the mighty grandeur of the spectacle at this defies adequate description. The Belt Line ticket permits a stop-over at Table Rock, as it does at all the other points of interest along the route, so that the tourist may alight and remain over, taking a later car. Resuming the trip, the tourist is now taken down the Canadian side through Niagara Falls, Ontario, opposite Suspension Bridge, N. Y., past the two mam¬ moth railway bridges at this point. High above the Whirlpool Rapids the car travels on, down past the Whirlpool itself, past the superbly wooded Niagara Glen to Queenston Heights, from where a splendid birdseye view of the lower Niagara is to be seen. The car now crosses the river again over the Lewis¬ ton connecting bridge, and the trip back up the river is made through the famous Niagara Gorge, close to the water’s edge. Here the swirl and turmoil of the Whirlpool Rapids are seen close at hand until the route takes a gradual ascent, and after a long, leisurely climb, the car is once more back in Niagara Falls, N. Y., at the Terminal. Round trip fare, $1.00. 14 LOCKPORT AND OLCOTT BEACH.—A most interesting and instructive trip is that from Buffalo to Lockport, a thriving industrial city of Western New York, where, among other notable features, is to be seen the lift lock for the one-thousand-ton Barge Canal, now under course of construction. This lock is a triumph of engineering skill rivalling the famous Gatum Dam of the Panama Canal. The trolley trip from Lockport to Olcott Beach, through the picturesque Niagara County fruit country, is a delightful one. Olcott Beach is on Lake Ontario, and here are to be found many attractions for the summer visitor, including a beautiful park and recre¬ ation ground, with ample opportunity for amusement. The Olcott Beach Hotel, open from Decoration Day to Labor Day, is large and commodious and affords its guests an agreeable combination of comfort and luxury. The round trip fare from Buffalo to Lockport is 50 cents, and from Buffalo to Olcott Beach during the summer excursion season, 75 cents, the regular round trip between these two points being $1.00. ■? - EXPLANATION. In this STREET GUIDE the names of the streets are set down in alphabetical order, giving the course in which they run and the NEAREST STREET CAR LINE. ALL HIGHWAYS having a width of 66 feet and over to roo feet are called avenues, 30 to 66 feet are called streets; less than 30 feet places. This does not apply to parks. ALL STREETS which intersect the same are num¬ bered in the order in which they occur. THE CITY is laid out on a general plan of streets converging toward the business center. STREETS starting from the lake or river are num¬ bered north or east therefrom. STREETS running east and west from Main street are numbered east and west from that street, with the exception of those which start from the river. All streets running north and south are numbered south to north. STREETS running from certain given points, where no intersecting streets follow, run but a short distance from the starting point. In describing the street the STARTING point and direction are given ; the last intersecting street named is the terminal. 15 Each number counts TEN feet along the street, so that 528 on any street is just 5280 feet, or one mile from the starting point. The word STREET is ALWAYS understood. The ABBREVIATIONS or NUMBERS on the right hand column indicate the STREET CAR SERVICE. THE NUMBER on the left hand of column indi¬ cates the number of street at intersecting street. The LETTER and NUMBER following the name is a Key to the Map. To find any location turn to street, find nearest NUMBER at INTERSECTING STREET and the ABBREVIATION or NUMBER will show the NEAREST STREET CAR. North by N; Northeast by N. E.; Northwest by N, W.; South by S.; Southeast by S. E.; Southwest by S. W.; East by E.; West by W.; Junction by June.; Avenue by Av.; Road by Rd.; Place by PI.; Boulevard by Boulv’d; Parkway by Pkwy. A dash (—) indicates that the street has not yet been cut through. KINDS OF PAVEMENT. The capital heavy-faced letters given first in con¬ nection with street nanres indicate what the street is paved with, as follows: A—Asphalt. B—Brick. C—Cement. S—Stone. M—Macadam. Where no letter is given, the street is unpaved. An X before an intersection indicates that the pave¬ ment ends. A change in the pavement or the beginning of a new kind of pavement is indicated at the intersection where it occurs, by the letter representing the kind of pavement. EXAMPLE: ALABAMA—M-8 W fr Buffalo river X 17 South . 10 B 133 O’Connell . “ A 255 Elk . 11 X 329 Perry . “ S 446 Exchange . 7 It has five kinds of pavement, as indicated by black¬ caps, and the abbreviations, 10, 11, 7, indicate the line of car service for each street. M-8, Key to Map. l6 ROUTES OF STREET CAR LINES. ABBOTT ROAD LINE-From Woodside, Abbott rd., Bailey, Seneca, Swan to Erie, returning Erie, So. Division, Chestnut, Swan. Seneca, A l>f Bailey, Abbott to Woodside. Car every io minutes. Last car leaves Erie and Pearl, 12:30 a. m. Last car leaves Woodside for Main, 11:59 p. m. Last car leaves Woodside for Seneca and Bailey, 1 :oo a. m. BEST—From Erie and Pearl, So. Division, Ellicott, Tupper, Elm, Best, Walden to Lathrop; re- TD„j. turning Walden, Best, Elm, Swan to Erie. Car every ten minutes. Last car leaves Lathrop street, 11:52 p. m. Last car leaves Erie street, 12:15 a. in. BROADWAY—From So, Division, Ellicott, No. Di- 4 vision, Washington, Broadway to City Line. Returning same route. Car every 5 minutes. Night car. CLINTON—From Erie and Pearl, So. Division, Ellicott, Eagle, Michigan, Clinton to City 2 Line. Returning Clinton, Emslie, Eagle, Michigan, No. Division, Washington, Swan to Erie. Car every 8 minutes. Night car. CONNECTICUT LINE—From Niagara, Connecti¬ cut, Normal, Jersey, Plymouth, _ Cottage, Day’s Park, Allen, Main to Virginia, retum- p nn ing Virginia, Elmwood, Allen, Wadsworth, v^UIl 14th, Normal, Connecticut to Niagara. Last car leaves Main and Virginia, 12:00 m. Last car leaves Connecticut and Niagara, 11 :46 p. m. EAST-UTICA—From Ferry, Kehr, French, Fillmore, E. Utica, Main, Seneca, Michigan to Erie t J and N. Y„ C. depots. Return Exchange to Main same route. Car every 6V2 minutes to Kehr and Ferry, 5:30 to 8:25 a. m., and from 2 :o5 to 7 130 p. m. Night car. ELMWOOD—From Erie and N. Y. C. Depots, Ex¬ change. Ellicott, Seneca, Franklin, Chippewa. E Elmwood to Hertel. Returning Elmwooa Chippewa, Franklin, Seneca, Michigan to Erie and N. Y. C. Depots. Car every 4 minutes. Night car. 17 13 EAST FERRY* ELK—From Delavan City Line, Bai¬ ley, Ferry, Main, Perry, Michigan, Elk to f i Seneca returning same route. ' ' Car every 6 minutes a. m. rush hours. Car every io minutes mid-day. Car every 5 minutes p. m. rush hours. Last' car leaving Main and Terrace for Delavan City Line, 1 :oo a. m. Last car leaving Delavan City Line for Seneca and Elk, 12130 a. m. Last car leaving Delavan City Line for Cold Spring Station, 1 140 a. m. Last car leaves Elk and Seneca, 12:39 a. m. KENSINGTON LINE—Route No. 13—From Bailey Ave. City Line, Kensington, Grider, Ferry, Main. W. Seneca, Pearl to Terrace, returning Main, Ferry, Grider, Kensington, Bailey to City Line. Car every 6 minutes a. m. rush hours. Car every 10 minutes mid-day. Car every 5 minutes p, m. rush hours. Last car leaves Main and Terrace, 1 130 a. m., via E. Ferry street. Last car leaves Bailey Ave. City Line, 12:52 a. m. Last car leaves Kensington and Bailey Ave, 12:50 a, m. for Main and Terrace. Last car Kensington and Bailey Ave. for Cold Spring Station, 2:08 a. m. GENESEE—From Perry, Washington, Genesee to Pine Hill, Returning same route. Car every G 4 minutes to Bailey avenue, every 8 minutes to Pine Hill. Night car. This car runs to Lehigh Valley and Lacka¬ wanna depots. GRANT—From Shelton Square, Niagara, Franklin, Chippewa, Elmwood, Tracy, West Avenue, 3 York, Plymouth, Hampshire, Grant, Military Road, Skillen to Vulcan. Returning same route to Pearl, Erie to Shelton Square. Car every 6 minutes. Night car. HOYT-SENECA—From Forest Ave., Hoyt, Ferry, Hampshire, Winter, Brayton, Vermont, 7 Seventeenth, Connecticut, Normal, Jersey, Plymouth, Cottage, Virginia, Elmwood, Chip¬ pewa, Franklin, Seneca to City Line, return¬ ing Seneca, Franklin, Chippewa, Elmwood, Allen, Wadsworth, Fourteenth, Rhode Island, Chenango, Baynes to Forest. 18 Car every 5 Vz minutes. Night car. Thu car runs within one block of N. Y. C. and Erie depots. JEFFERSON—From Main, Jefferson, Swan t« Emslie, returning same route. T/>f Car every 10 minutes to Smith and Abbott during a. m. and p. m. rush hours. Car every 7% minutes. Night car. MAIN—From Ohio, Main to City Line. Returning same route. 8 Car every 4 minutes. Night car. This line runs to Lehigh Valley, and Lackawanna depots. NIAGARA—From Shelton Square, Niagara, Hertei v Tonawanda, Grace, Vulcan, Riverside Park, 5 Grand Island Ferry. Returning over same route to Pearl, Erie, Shelton Square. Car every 8 minutes to City Line, every < minutes to Grace. Night car. This line runs to N. Y. C. and G. T. R depots at Black Rock. SYCAMORE—Swan, Washington, Huron, Sycamore, Walden to City Line. Returning, Walden, 6 Sycamore, Washington, South Division, Elii- cott to Swan. Car every 8 minutes. Night car. W. 10 UTICA AND S. PARK—From Ridge Road.S. Park, Triangle, Abbott Road, Elk, Michigan, Perry, Main, W. Utica, Chenango, Ferry to Niagara. Returning Ferry, Hampshire. Winter, Brayton, Utica and same route to Ridge Road. Car every 8 minutes. This line runs to Lehigh Valley, and Lack¬ awanna depots. WILLIAM—From Erie and Pearl, S. Division, Elli- cott, Eagle, Michigan, William to City Line. { Returning same route to N. Division, Wash¬ ington, Swan to Erie. Car every 6V2 minutes. ZOO-KENMORE—Main and Seneca, Main, Florence, Parkside, Hertel, Virgil, Kenmore Ave. to 9 Delaware Avenue. Returning, Kenmore, Virgil, Hertel, Parkside, Florence, Main,, Seneca, Michigan, Exchange, Main. 19 This line runs to Erie, N. Y. C. and Lehigh depots. Car every 10 minutes. Last car leaves N. Y. C. depot for Kenmore, 12:30 a. m. Last car leaves Kenmore for N. Y. C, depot, 11:48 p. m. Last car leaves Kenmore for Cold Spring Station, r: 10 a. m. FILLMORE-HERTEL—From Tonawanda St., Her- tel, Main, Fillmore, Smith to Abbott Road. Returning same route. Last car leaves Tonawanda and Hertel for *•*•*** Abbott Road, 12 m. Last car leaves Tonawanda and Hertel, Fillmore and Broadway, 12:20 a. m. Last car leaves Main and Fillmore for Abbott Road, 12:49 a. m. Last car leaves Main and Fillmore for Broadway, 1:20 a. m. Last car leaves Abbott Road for Tonawanda Street, 12:45 a. m. Last car leaves Abbott Road for Military Road, 11 :45 p. m. Last car leaves Main and Hertel for Tonawanda Street, 12 m. . Last car leaves Main and Hertel for Military Road, 12 :22 a. .m Last car leaves Abbott Road for Main and Fill¬ more, 12:15 a, m. Last car leaves Abbott Road for Broadway, 1123 a. m. Umbrellas Re-Covered and Repaired s .&cH Mm. y v - \a ^ u f a rT uf\ep -Of- 521 VtaincroM St 20 MICHIGAN-FOREST—Niagara and Forest. Forest. TWT-L Delaware, Delavan, Linwood, Balcom, Har- vard, Main, E. Ferry, Michigan, Exchange to Main. Returning as FOREST. 1 Or This car runs to Erie, N. Y. C. and Lehigh Valley depots. Last car leaves Main and Exchange for Niagara and Forest, i 105 a. m. Last car leaves Niagara Street for Main and Ex¬ change, 12 :2 5 m. Last car leaves Niagara Street for Cold Spring Station, i 145 a. m. Last car leaves Cold Spring for Niagara, 1 :2s a. m_ ALL-NIGHT CARS. BROADWAY—Leaving N. Division and Washington streets at 30 minutes past the hour, from 4 1:30 a. m. to 4:30 a. m. Leaving Broadway City Line on the hour, from 1 a. m. to 4 a. m,, 4: 30 to 5 a. m. CLINTON—Leaving Washington and North Division streets hourly at 35 minutes past the hour, y from 1:35 a. m. to 5:35 a. m. Leaving Clin- ** ton street and City Line hourly at 5 minute®* past the hour, from 1 :os a. m. to 5 105 a. m. EAST UTICA—Owl car leaving Terrace 3:00, 4:00 and Depot 5 :oo a. m. runs through to Kens 1 J ington and Bailey Ave., via East Utica, leav- ' ^ ing Kensington and Bailey Ave. 3:30 and 4:30 a. m. via East Utica. GENESEE —Owl car leaving Swan and Washington f\ streets every half hour from 1:30 a. m. to ^ 5130 a. m. Cars leave Pine Hill every hall hour from 1:00 a. m. to 5:30 a. m. GRANT—Owl car leaves Main and Terrace every O hour from 1 130 a. m. to 5 130 a. m. Leave* ^ Hertel Ave. every hour from 1:00 a. m. to 5 :oo a. m. HOYT-SENECA—Leaving Seneca City Line every H half hour, from 12:30 a. m. to 5 a. m. Leav- * ing Hoyt and Forest every half hour, from 12:35 a. m. to 5:05 a. m. MAIN—Leaving Main and Ohio streets every halt O hour at 1 :30 a. m. Leaving Main City Line ^ every half hour, from 1 a. m. to 5 a. m. 21 NIAGARA—Leaving Shelton Square every half hour 5 from 2 :o3 a. m. to 5 133 a. m. Leaving Vulcan street and City Line at 1 128 a. in., and then every half hour, from 2:03 a. m. to 5:03 a. m.^ SYCAMORE—Every half hour from 12:30 to 2:00, 6 hourly to 5:00; leaving City Line half hourly from 12 to 1:30 a. m., hourly to 4:30 a. m. WEST 10 UTICA—So. Park. Leaving Niagara and Ferry halt hourly, 12:30 to 1:30 a. m., hourly to 5:30 a. m. Leaving Ridge Road half hourly, 12:30 to 1:30, hourly 5:30 a. m. WILLIAM—Leaving Pearl and Erie half hourly f from 12:30 to 1 :30 a. m., hourly to 5:30 a. m. ' Leaving City Line half hourly 12 to 1 a. m. hourly to 5 a. m. Q ZOO KENMORE—Night car from Main and ^ Jefferson, meeting Main Street cars. INTERURBAN LINES: Interurban cars do not carry city passengers. BUFFALO, DEPEW AND LANCASTER—From Main and Clinton, 15 and 45 minutes after the hour to Broadway, to City Line, Depew and Lancaster every half hour. Last car leaves for Depew and Lancaster, 12 m. Last car leaves for Depew via. Lancaster, 12:52 a.m. BUFFALO SOUTHERN RAILWAY—Gardcnville and Ebenezer Div., connecting with Seneca St. line. HAMBURG AND ORCHARD PARK DIVISION— Main and Broadway, 6:20 a. m., and every 45 min¬ utes to 9:20 p. m. Leave Hamburg 5:30 a. m. and every 45 minutes to 9:15 p. m. Leave Orchard Park 5:40 a. m. and every 45 minutes to 9:20 p. m. City Line to Hamburg, 10 miles. Fare, 15c.; round trip, 25c. City Line to Orchard Park, 8*4 miles. Fare, 15c.; round trip, 25c. BUFFALO, LOCKPORT & ROCHESTER RAIL¬ WAY—Leaves Buffalo International Ry. Court St. Rochester and all intermediate points at 6 a. m., and on the hour. Last car 11:45 to Albion. BUFFALO & LAKE ERIE TRACTION CO.— Erie, Fredonia, Lackawanna, Buffalo and Intersect¬ ing Points. Terminal Sta., Clinton and Ellicott. 22 From Terminal, Clinton, Oak, Swan, Louisianna, Hamburg, Turnpike and Lake Road. ^ First car leaves at 5:01 a. m. and 5 minutes after the hour. Last car at 11:55 P* m. ABBOTT ROAD LINE—Same route to Ridge Road to Abbott Road. First car leaves at 4:55 a. m. and 20 minutes after the hour to 3:55 and 25 and 55 until 8:25 hourly. Last car at 11:25 P* m. HAMBURG LINE—Same route to Ridge Road. First car leaves Terminal at 5:05 a. m., half hourly, 5 and 35 minutes after the hour until 8 :o$ p. m., hourly. Last car, 12:05 a. m. BAY VIEW—Same route. Half hourly, 15 and 45 minutes after the hour. First car at 5:15 a. m. Last car at 11:45 a. m. BUFFALO AND WILLIAMSVILLE LINE—Con¬ nects with North Main Street line at city limits. Leaves Main Street at city limits 6:15,7:05,8 a.m.; then every 30 minutes to 10:30 p. m.; then 11:30 p. m. Saturdays until 12 midnight. Leave Williams- ville 5 :45, 6 :45, 7 :30 a. m.: then every 30 minutes to 11 p. m. Sundays, leave City Line every 20 minute* after 9 a. m. to 12 noon; 30 minutes to 2 p. m.; every 12 minutes to 9 p. m. Last car leaves Wil* liamsville 11 p. m. Fare, 5c. Distance, 11 miles. BUFFALO & DEPEW RAILWAY—Connects with Genesee Street line at city limits (Pine Hill). Leave Genesee at city limits 6 a. m.; then every 30 min¬ utes till 12 m. Leave Depew at 6 a. m.; then every 30 minutes till 11:30 p. m. Fare to Union Road (Chapel), 5c.; to Depew, 10c. Distance, 7 miles. BUFFALO AND GRAND ISLAND—From Niagara and Vulcan streets to Grand Island Ferry every 20 minutes. 7:20 a. m. to 6:40 p. m. KENMORE & TONAWANDA—From Terrace, Main, Florence, Parkside, Hertel, Virgil, Kenmore, Dela¬ ware; through Tonawandas to Gratwick. Car every 30 minutes. LOCKPORT AND OLCOTT—From Court, Main to Erie R. R., Tonawandas, Lockport and Olcott Beach. Car at 5 and 35 minutes after the hour. Fare, 60c. NIAGARA FALLS—From Main, Court, Niagara, Amherst, Military Road to Tonawandas, La Salle, Niagara Falls. Car every 15 minutes. Fare, round trip, 60c. 23 OPTOID LENSES A Glimpse Workshop you possibly had to wait two or three days w'hile a new lens was being ordered from a distant city. In the meantime you suffered all the vexa¬ tions and inconvenience occasioned by the delay. We have a complete workshop right on the premises. You’ll be surprised to learn how soon we can grind a new lens for you. We Examine Byes Failing Optical Company 1 66-168 Franklin St., Cor. Mohawk Opp. Y.M.C.A. BUFFALO. N. Y. fjk j* d Arrow Eyeglasses > * I ABBREVIATIONS FOR ST. RAILWAYS ARE: Abbott Road Line. Abt. Hoyt and Seneca . 7 Buffalo, Hamburg & Aurora.B. S. Buffalo & Lake Erie.B. L. E. Best. Bit, Broadway . 4 Clinton . a Connecticut . Con. East Ferry and Elk. ix Elmwood .•.. E» East Utica .. xa Fillmore and Hertel. | North .......... Her. Forest and Michigan { f™* Genesee . G. Jefferson . Jef. Kensington . 13 Main, Zoo & Kenmore . $ Buffalo, Depew & Lancaster. Lan. Lockport and Rochester. L. Main . 8 Niagara . 5 Buffalo & Niagara Falls.N. F. Sycamore . i West Utica, Abbott and S. Park. 1© Grant . 3 William . 1 Buffalo & Williamsville . Wmr, X are points reached by any of the following line©, viz.: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Bst., G., E., N. F. 2 “ Order as the Dessert of your next Sunday Dinner: Wheat’s Special Brick A house without foundation would be extremely novel, vet tn*i is the posi¬ tion of the business affairs of the many Ice Cream manufacturers who are forced to buy milk and cream in the open mar¬ ket. Uncertain quality and inconstancy of supply are the main objections to this policy, which, in trade parliance, is termed “hand to mouth system.” The Wheat’s Ice Cream Company has for many years owned its model creamery at Akron, New York, at which there is assembled daily the milk and cream from hundreds of dairy farms. See Instructions • • • Pages IS—27 Street Car A ST— i-io A E fr 1013 Fillmore ay to 128 Mills, Fil ABBOTTSFORD—O-S N fr 414 Bird av A 62 Forest ave Fst ABBOTT RD—N-9 S E fr 585 Elk 127 Harvey pi 10 153 Bolton pi <1 170 Euclid pi m 195 St Stephens m 223 Smith m 2 miles 250 Owahn pi 44 322 Prenatt 44 344 Lee 44 371 Buffalo Crk 44 533 Dyer 44 569 Abby 44 630 Bertha 44 637 Germania 44 679 Boone 44 7 11 Hopkins 44 732 Payson 44 745 Lilac 44 758 Burtis 44 769 Buffalo 44 3 miles 788 Bailey av Abt. 799 Triangle «« 845 Good av 0* 848 Huessy «< 874 Kimmel N 875 Alamo pi 44 907 Dash 44 934 Midland 44 95 i McKinley pky M 3^2 miles N4 O •-4 00 Mumford 44 1044 Robins 44 1070 Stevenson 44 1075 Lakewood 44 1105 Clio av 44 1106 Melrose 44 1131 Hubbell 44 1138 Rutland Abe 1157 Kenefick 4% 1170 Milford 44 Il8S Como 04 1200 Portland 41 12 11 Eaglewood 44 1230 Tamarack 44 1257 Strathmore 44 1260 Athol 44 1263 Columbus 44 1291 Edgewood m 1292 Salem n 1321 Alsace 44 1328 Meriden M 1347 Lorraine 40 1358 Cazenovia 44 14 I I Choate av 0m 00 <0 Tf M Cazenovia py tm Red Jacket pkwy #• M Cn 00 Potters Cor 44 Magnolia 4* Whitfield 44 1589 Oakhurst it 1590 Tuscarora 04 Peconic 04 1600 Sheffield 04 1622 Woodside av •4 1658 Minnetonka M 1696 Narragansett 44 1700 Shanandoah 04 1727 Hollywood 10 1760 Dundee 00 1788 Cushing pi 40 1820 Densmore 44 1864 Carlyle 00 S 1891 Downing 04 — Diamond 44 — Onyx 44 1992 Dqrrance 44 Ridge rd 44 5/4 miles ABBY—O-io N fr 594 Tifft A 35 Roland 10 64 Boiler av 04 59 Burrows 44 30 VICTOR & CO., Main and 95 Burt av 10 125 Savoy «< 155 Lehigh «« 185 Edmund* a 215 Bell av *t 247 Beacon it 275 Mystic t* 307 Baraga M 337 Lackawanna M 363 Amelia M 452 Abbott rd a ABEL AV— L-13 N fr Griswold to 339 Dingens, 1 ADA PL—G-8 A N fr 10 Elsie to Lyth av. XI ADAMS—K-9 N fr 642 Eagle S 40 Clinton 2 113 Howard “ 179 William 1 277 Peckham “ 371 Broadway 4 475 Beckwith 507 Sycamore 6 594 Brown ** 633 Genesee G ADDISON AL— K-9 E fr 215 Bond to Lord 2 ADEPTUS—C-ia E fr 3385 Bailey 68 Suffolk 13 174 Orleans “ 268 Eggert ADMIRAL RD—C-g N fr 1601 Hertel av “ 94 Tacoma Her 135 N. Drive 208 Starin “ AGASSIZ PL— B-S Junct Humboldt pky and Parkside, 8 FIGURE B-10, IS IN- DEX TO MAP. ALABAMA—M-8 N fr Buffalo river 17 South 10 B 83 Republic t* 133 O’Connell a 185 Mackinaw M 220 Miami XX A 255 Elk M 292 Fulton M B 329 Perry m 360 Otto M 369 Scott 7 429 Railroad H S 446 Exchange a 463 Carroll M 499 Seneca H ALAMO—O-n E fr 219 Triangle B 81 Abbott rd 10 ALASKA AL—J-7 S fr 43 E Chippewa Seward al X ALBANY—H-4 E fr Erie Canal S 48 Fargo 5 48 Niagara 106 West av 137 Plymouth 161 School ** 178 Barton w 185 Normal ** 216 Herkimer 229 Hampshire ALBEMARLE—A -4 N W fr 26 Doyle 91 N Park 165 Vulcan ALBERT AV—B-4 S E fr 271 Ontario B 69 Hunt 5 141 Rano ALBION—O-12 W fr S Park av to Midland 10 ALCONA—O-ia W fr S Park av to Midland 10 Genesee Sts., Buffaloes Favorite Store 31 ALDRICH PL— 0 -n E fr 27 S Park av A 222 McKinley pky 10 t ALEXANDER PL—G-* N fr 242 E Ferry A 24 Harlow 11 48 Elsie “ 111 Lyth , ALGONQUIN—C-7 A E fr 2221 Delaware Fairchild pi 9 ALLEGANY—P-n N fr 874 Tifft 86 Folger 10 ALLEN— 1-6 W fr 940 Main 26 N Pearl 8 58 Franklin “ 82 Virginia A 104 Delaware av 135 Irving pi 163 Park 7 191 Elmwood 221 Mariner 242 College ** 257 Wadsworth 262 Day’s pk " ALMA AV W fr 2654 Bailey a> — Olympic '11 ALMONT PL—O-12 Fr. 936 S. Park av to Midland Abt ALSACE AV—P-12 N E fr 558 McKinley pky 137 Abbott rd Abt ALTRURIA—P-11 W to 402 S Park av M 10 ALVIN AV—B-n (Changed to Higate) ALWIN PL—1-9 A E fr 33 Timon Bst AMBER—P-11 E fr 261 Hopkins 224 S Park av 10 AMELIA—O-io E fr 363 Abbey 0 00 00 00 Germania 10 AMHERST—D -4 E fr Erie canal S 14 Niagara h A 43 Dearborn 63 East II 118 Thompson II S 144 Gorton NF 172 Tonawanda « 228 Churchill 4 < 268 Kail 41 A 278 Military rd 41 372 Grant 3 416 Germain i 442 Peter 472 Howell M 498 Bush • 4 523 Yates N 536 Reservation #4 570 Bridgeman E 609 Nelson 44 697 Elmwood 94 967 Pk Lake av 44 988 Delaware 44 1302 Colvin 9 1430 Parkside 44 1487 Woodward #« 1525 Summit 44 1561 Crescent 44 i 59 i Greenfield 44 1610 Central Pk Sta *' 1620 Starin av 8 1643 Fairfield 44 1686 Vorhees 44 1758 Parker 44 1788 Main 44 AMITY—J-12 E fr 1 Peck 18 Quincy 4 50 Swinburne 44 82 Brownell 94 104 Deshler 32 VICTOR & CO., Main and AMOS PL—A-6 S fr 1554 Kenmorc av, 9 AMSTERDAM AV F-ix N fr 694 E Delavan av, 13 ANDERSON AL-K-g W fr Emslie to Grosvenor, 2 ANDERSON PL—G-6 E fr 355 Richmond av A 38 Norwood E 82 Ashland “ 125 Elmwood 247 Atlantic 10 AN GLE—A-10 N fr 95 Flower ?S Tyler 8 57 Merrimac “ 91 Heath “ ALTON— N fr 988 Hertel av to 60 Olive ANN-K-6 E fr Stevens to 200 Terrace X ANSTETH—A-5 E to «;oo Military rd, ‘ NF ANTWERP—G-12 E fr 2079 Bailey av B G APPENKEIMER AV— —F*io E fr if co Fillmore av. 11 ARCH PL—6-9 Fr 802 Parkside to Briercliff Her ARCHER AV—M-12 N ft 1570 Seneca 13 Littell 7 ARL M O RE—F-6 N fr 207 Baynes b Richmond av 7 ARGUS—A -4 N fr 268 Esser 21 Wyandotte 73 Roesch }. 149 Vulcan #4 ARGYLE PK—F-6 M N fr 631 Delavan av — Potomac Fst ARIZONA—B-5 E to 418 Military rd, NF ARKANSAS—G-4 F. fr 889 West av A 32 Plymouth 10 68 Barton • • 105 Herkimer H 135 Sherwood 4 * 185 Grant 187 Hampshire ?. ARLINGTON PL— 1-5 E fr College and N to North A 59 Wadsworth 7 86 North '* A RMBRUSTER—1-12 N to 1567 Broadway 114 Broadway 4 A PM IN PL—N-12 N E fr 1876 Seneca :6s End of st 7 ARNOLD—F -5 E fr 79 Grant A 53 Parkdale 2 87 Hoyt r * ARTHUR—C -3 E fr 2159 Niagara* 46 Niagara 5 50 East «« 70 Hartmann #4 96 Peoria i 5 2 Tonawanda •• THE LETTER AND FIGURE G-9, IS IN- DEX TO MAP. Genesee Sts., Buffalo’s Favorite Store 33 ARTJNDAL AV—C-g N fr N Drive — Standish Her — Taunton ** ASBURY AL—J -6 A, N fr 43 W Huron X ASH—J -7 N fr 272 Broadway S 73 Sycamore 6 145 Genesee G ASHLAND AV—H -6 N fr 273 Summer A 146 Bryant E 181 Hodge •* 232 Utica 10 267 Anderson E 302 Lexington << 330 Highland <4 381 W Ferry <« 435 Breckenridge 44 499 Auburn 44 557 Lafayette 44 612 Bidwell 44 617 Delavan 44 605 Bidwell pk .. 44 • 710 Potomac 44 77 8 Bird 44 836 Forest 44 ASHLEY—J-xx E fr 434 Curtiss A 21 Young 4 51 Mohr 44 83 Milburn 44 115 Person 44 145 Krupp 44 171 Peck 44 187 Quincy 44 213 Swinburne 44 241 Brownell 44 271 Deshler 44 ASHTON PL—Q-11 W fr 100 S Park av A to Zollers av 10 ATHENS—O-ii E fr 2685 Bailey av 11 ATHOL—O-12 N E fr 1260 Abbott 57 Cumberland Abt ATLANTIC—G-7 N fr 164 W Utica A 28 Anderson 62 Lexington AUBURN AV—F-5 E fr Niagara river A 19 Mason 42 Niagara 71 Gelston 96 West av 133 Dewitt 169 Barton 206 Herkimer 236 Congress 270 Grant 337 Parkdale 367 Hoyt 402 Baynes 433 Putnam 463 Livingston 502 Richmond 543 Norwood 560 Gill al 589 Ashland 600 Koch al 685 Elmwood 804 Cleveburn 864 Delaware 10 <« ft if 14 <4 ?. 44 44 7 . 44 44 E 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 AUCHINVOLE—F-s E fr 169 Herkimer A 36 Congress 67 Grant AUDUBON PL—C-7 At junc Virgil av Her AUGUSTA—Q-12 S fr 113 Downing 10 AURORA—N-6 W fr 475 Ohio 11 AUSTIN— D -4 E fr Niagara river A 18 Niagara 5 48 Dearborn 69 East “ 34 VICTOR & CO., Main and 99 .H. on man 108 Gurnsey 5 «< 122 Thompson II M 7 Gorton II 175 Tonawanda *1 206 Pacific II 253 Churchill NF 267 Kail II 291 Clay II 3 i 9 Glor II 332 Joslyn pi (1 360 Military II AVERY AV—A-7 W fr 2535 Delaware av, Her AVON PL—N-11 N E fr 1696 Seneca 7 AVONDALE PL—N-11 N E fr 1734 Seneca 7 B ST—L-10 S E fr 975 Fillmore av 64 Mills Fil BABCOCK—M-10 N fr 366 Prenatt S 75 Elk n 151 Perry 177 Imson 7 225 Seneca * 335 Dorothy “ A 451 Clinton 2 481 Oscar 508 Bergtold 534 Fleming 653 Howard 728 Hannah 1 790 Henricka 815 William “ BAHAMA—Q-11 N fr Mar ilia 10 BAILEY AV—12-12 N fr 790 Abbott rd A 75 Morse Abt 147 Oliver 212 Payson 315 Elk 393 Seneca 7 425 Littell av 623 Clinton a 77 9 Cherokee 821 Peru M 865 Dingens II 1118 William X 1147 Chauncey i* 1175 Dempster M 1205 Ludington 94 Henepin pk 44 1235 Hennepin U 1265 Bogardus 99 1297 Lovejoy 99 1329 Moreland 99 1357 Regent 4 1387 Stanley 99 Viaduct 94 1410 Trestle 94 1432 Jerome 49 1525 Stone 44 1557 Broadway 49 1632 Pullman 44 1708 West Shore 6 1772 Scheu pk 49 1849 Walden 49 1939 Hazel 44 1941 Rohe 44 2029 Doat G 2053 Moeller 49 2079 Antwerp 94 2127 Boehm 44 2133 Genesee 44 2206 Ferry II 2289 Kerns 44 2319 Navel 44 2349 Lang av 44 2362 Northland 44 2390 Barnett 44 2423 Wecker 44 2456 Kirkpatrick 49 2493 Delavan 44 2530 Kermit I I 2566 Langmeyer 44 2596 Schriek 44 2624 Dorris 44 2654 Alma 44 2 686 Manhart 44 2710 Decker 44 2743 Sugar 99 2748 Connelly 13 2780 Warwick 44 Genesee Sts., for FURNITURE 35 2891 Roosevelt 2900 Willow pl II 2947 Millicent II 2973 Thylis II 3001 Hastings 44 3029 Davidson 13 3046 Kensington «• 3060 Midway it 3076 Westminster H 3104 Thornton It 3134 Amherst It 3150 Georgetown It 3 160 Berea It 3171 Bowdoin 3206 Rutgers 13 3208 Stockbridge tt 3222 Hewett u 3244 E Hertel tt 3278 Shirley it 3307 Iowa tt 3308 La Salle it 3342 Minnesota tt 3343 Minneapolis it 3384 Lisbon H 3385 Adeptus It 34 T 4 Rounds It 3416 Higate 41 3450 Winspere It 3472 City Line 8 Main tt BAITZ AV—L-n N fr Dorothy av B 22 Dorothy 2 •A 87 Clinton it 165 Manitoba 11 227 End of st BAKER— L-6 W fr Stevens 26 Webb X 46 Erie canal BALCOM—F-7 W fr 1630 Main A 69 Oxford 8 104 Linwood “. (See E Balcom) BALTIC PL—L-g E fr 9 Bond 7 Bangor pl—a-7 E fr 2 Kasota av 9 BANK— W fr 875 Grant 3 BANK PL—M-11 B N W fr 56 Jordan pl 5 BARAGA AV—O-9 E fr S B RR Tracks 237 Abby 10 303 Germania “ 373 Hopkins ** BARCHER PL—A-11 N E fr 239 Engle¬ wood av 8 BARDOL—H-10 E fr 57 E Parade av B 30 Marshall G 66 Spiess BARKER— H-7 W fr 1210 Main A 48 Linwood 8 106 Delaware “ BARNARD—M-13 N fr Buffalo Creek B 132 Casimir 2 245 Clinton “ 355 Griswold " BARNETT PL—F-ia VV to 2415 Bailey av, 1 j BARRY PL—E-5 N fr 282 Bird av B 62 Forest av Fst BARTHEL—H-10 N fr 234 Walden av A 124 Genesee G 161 Fougeron ** 197 Urban " If you find any errors in this Guide, tell the Publisher by post card, and get a new Guide. 36 VICTOR & CO., Main and BARTON—G-5 N fr 178 Albany A 24 California 10 51 Arkansas “ 83 Ferry " 142 Breckenridge B 201 Auburn 3 260 Lafayette r * BAXTER—A-3 N fr 118 Esser ay A 49 Roesch < 119 Vulcan r ‘ BAYARD—M-11 E to Lester 57 Troupe 7 87 Milton 119 Harrison * 135 End of st BAYNES—F-s N fr 428 W Ferry A 47 Breckenridge 7 109 Auburn ** 167 Lafayette 44 207 Ardmore 44 239 Delavan 44 . 270 Dorchester 44 311 Potomac 44 347 Manchester ** 379 Bird M 455 Forest ** BEACON—O-9 E to 586 Hopkins 239 Abby 10 269 Germania “ 349 Hopkins 44 B E ALE—Q*i 3 N fr Densmore 10 — Cushing 44 — Dundee BS N fr 13 W Mohawk A 64 Huron X BEARD AV—C-10 E fr 31 Starin av M 55 Voorhees 8 127 Parker 44 195 Morris ** 214 Wesley 253 Depew '* 299 Woodbridge " 347 Huntington 44 419 Hertel av 44 500 End of st BEARDSLEY AV—G-13 N fr 480 Doat 6 BEATRICE AV-A-4 A N W fr 456 Ontario 5 BEAUMARIS PL—B-9 A fr Elmview pi to Woodette Her. BEAVER—L-6 N fr 38 Perry 8 43 Scott 44 BEAVER RD— N fr Military rd outside city line BECK—I-io N fr 1012 Broadway A 132 Stanislaus 4 BECKWITH—J-8 E fr 461 Sycamore B 21 Madison 6 47 Monroe 44 75 Adams 44 BEDFORD AV-D-6 Fr N Lincoln BJvd A 135 Elmwood E BEECH— 1-8 N fr 970 Virginia S 61 Carlton Jef BELL—O-9 E to 586 Hopkins 197 Abby :o 276 Germania 44 335 Hopkins 44 BELLEVUE AV—A-11 N fr 117 University 8 BELMONT—A-4 N W fr 60 Doyle av 25 N Park 5 99 Vulcan Genesee Sts., for RUGS 37 BENDERS AV—L-io S fr 1013 Clinton 2 BENNETT—K-7 N fr 146 William S 98 Broadway 1 See East and West BENNETT PK—K-7 A 273 Clinton cor Pine, 2 BENZINGER—J-13 N fr 1618 William A 89 Ludington 1 T- i t 1 77 Lovejoy << 275 Vanderbilt 4 369 Reimann u 459 King 14 BEREA—C-12 E fr 3122 Bailey av 21 Case pi 13 C,,£r^n, u 70 Suffolk 86 Westminster «< BERGTOLD—L-11 E fr 49 Laux 34 Babcock 2 BERKLEY PL—E-5 N fr 798 Bird av A 69 Forest av Fst The Park II BERKSHIRE—4-D • E fr Buckingham 13 i©6 Parkridge 14 220 Lenox II 326 Bailey • 4 BERLIN—J-8 N fr 460 High A 126 Best Bst B 199 Dodge 44 257 Northampton 44 BERRICK AL—K-7 A N fr 142 Seneca 7 BERTHA—N-10 Fr 630 Abbott rd to Buffalo Creek 10 BEST—H-7 E fr 1109 Main 56 Ellicott Bst 79 Oak «• 117 Elm 4* 150 Michigan 4 4 Masten pk 44 226 Masten 4 4 323 Peach 44 349 Grape 44 380 Jefferson 44 414 Earl pi 44 447 Berlin 44 479 Timon 44 510 Roehrer <4 529 Johnson 44 539 Wohlers 41 564 Norway pk 49 565 Sherman 44 599 Fox 44 600 Lindon pk 44 633 Herman 44 634 W Parade 44 665 Guilford 44 689 Rich 44 717 Sweeney 44 747 Myers 44 771 Fillmore 44 834 Genesee G BEVERLY RD—F-g A E fr 1685 Jefferson to Pleasant pi 8 BEYER—P-13 S E fr Cazenovia Pk 36 Helen 7 Wildwood " BICKFORD Fr Davidson A 53 Fennimore 13 76 Soffolk BIDWELL PKWY N. E fr Bidwell pi M 60 Delavan E 65 Ashland “ 104 Dorchester 123 Elmwood 168 Potomac '* 233 Soldiers’ pi READ PAGES 15 to 27 38 VICTOR & CO., Main and BIDWELL PL—F-6 Changed to Colonial BINGHAM—K-6 E fr Erie canal 8 Marshall X 17 Kelderhouse 4 < 35 Church 44 BIRCH PL. N fr 720 E Delevan 13 BIRD AV—E-5 E fr Erie canal A 26 Niagara 5 80 West av 44 116 Dewitt 44 130 Cordage al 44 181 Herkimer 3 247 Grant it ^82 Barry pi it 3 M Parkdale 7 348 Hoyt •« 379 Baynes H 414 Abbottsford «« 448 Tremont «« 480 Richmond E 5 15 Claremont 44 55 i Ashland 44 583 Elmwood 44 620 Granger 44 641 Soldiers’ pi 44 Lincoln pky 44 Bidwell pky 44 Chapin pky 44 727 Windsor 44 765 Clarendon Fst 799 Berkley 44 835 Delaware 44 BIRDSALL—L-6 N E fr 44 Mechanic X BISHOP PU- N fr Cayuga Creek — Seward 2 — Beer — Clinton BISMARCK— K-13 E fr 526 S Ogden 21 Cambria 1 39 City Line BISSELL AV—H-11 N fr 340 Walden av A 81 McKibbon G 185 Genesee “ 391 Ferry 11 BLAINE— F-9 E fr 1775 Jefferson B hi Meech 8 187 Oak Grove * 4 263 Delavan " B LAKE—G-i 3 E fr 1918 Genesee 93 End of st G BLANCHE PL—A-6 S fr 1660 Kenmore av, 0 25 Ramsdell r * BLANTYRE AV—C-9 N fr — Parkside — Standish Her — Taunton ** BLEEKER AV— A-4 S E to 211 Rano 127 Ontario 5 (Partly closed) BLESS AL—K-7 E fr 67 Oak Bst BLOCK—G-12 E fr D L & W Track* 31 Foreman G 57 Newburg “ 85 Theodore 115 Zelmer “ BLOOMFIELD—P-ia E fr South Park av A 83 Ithaca 10 181 McKinley pky " BLOSSOM—K-7 N fr 54 Broadway S 23 Hersee 4 67 Huron " BLUM AV—C -5 E fr 815 Military rd 47 Clayton NF Genesee Sts., for STOVES 39 BOEHM—G-i2 E fr 2127 Bailey G BOGARDUS—J -12 A E fr 1295 Bailey av 120 End of st. 1 BOLLER— P -10 W fr 72 Abby 10 BOLTON PL—M-9 N E fr St Stephens 56 Abbott rd 1® BOND—L-9 N fr 180 Seymour B 9 Baltiac pi 2 27 S Division “ 43 Meteor al " 57 N Division ** 77 Laban ** 92 Eagle “ 103 James. *' B 136 Clinton ** 151 Fritz ** A 168 Bristol ,183 San Domingo “ 199 Oneida M 214 Addison al “ 223 Howard ** BOONE—O-io N fr 30 Pembina 10 BOOTH AL—K-7 E fr 297 Washington A X BOSTON—G-9 E fr 108 Lonsdale rd 105 Wohlers 11 221 Humboldt ** BOWDOIN—C-13 E fr 3178 Bailey av 70 Suffolk 13 174 Orleans ** 190 Westminster ** BOX AV—G-10 E fr 1387 Fillmore A 87 E Parade • Fil 179 Kehr 12 314 Barthol G 394 Moselle " BOYD—G-5 E fr 127 Grant A 63 Parkdale 3 BRACE— F-4 E fr Erie canal 53 Niagara 5 BRADFORD—N-10 N fr 1156 Elk 59 Perry 11 Seneca “ BRADLEY— E-5 E fr 475 Dewitt B 25 Danforth Fst 60 Dart 92 Hawley " 121 Grant ** 158 Rees ** BRANTFORD PL—F-G N fr 671 W Delavan A 65 Potomac B BRAYTON—G-5 N fr 414 Vermont S 63 Utica 10 65 Rhode Island ** 129 Massachusetts ** BRECKEN RIDGE—F-4 E fr Erie canal 38 Mason 5 62 Niagara f* 90 Gelston • • 114 West av IO 150 Dewitt II 154 Plymouth II • 192 Barton II / 228 Herkimer II 294 Grant 3 360 Parkdale 10 392 Hoyt t« 423 Baynes «• 455 Putnam II 468 Maynard II 495 Livingston II 524 Richmond E 563 Norwood «* Gill al 1* 609 Ashland II Koch al It 651 Elmwood II 40 VICTOR & CO., Main and BREMEN—G-5 N fr 378 Vermont A 61 Rhode Island 7 BREWSTER—E-10 M E fr 73 Halbert to 2180 Fillmore Fil BRIDGE—D-4 E fr Erie canal S 10 Niagara 5 53 Dearborn * BRIERCLIFF RD—B-§ N fr Tacoma — N Drive Her — Taunton 44 BRIDGEMAN—C -5 N fr 580 Amherst A 28 Marion E 60 Grote 44 93 Chandler '* BRIGGS—B-3 E fr 2415 Niagara A hi Tonawanda 5 BRIGHTON AV—J-10 N to 1185 Broadway A 4 BRINKMAN—H-ia N fr 120 W Shore A 41 Scheu pky 6 125 Walden 210 Rohe 295 Doat 44 BRINTON—A-11 W fr 214 Englewood 150 Erie R R 8 BRISCO— H-13 N fr 898 Walden av 119 Doat 6 BRISTOL—K-8 E fr 205 Spring Jef A 61 Tefferson (Closed) S 199 Emslie 2 243 Bond 44 287' Lord •4 333 Smith 44 373 Montgomery 44 415 Clare 44 BROADWAY—J-7 E fr 447 Main X Lafayette Sq Washington 44 A 28 Ellicott 44 54 Blossom 44 69 Oak 4 hi Elm 155 Michigan 44 173 Potter ** 205 Milnor 44 242 Pine “ 271 Bennett 272 Ash 44 305 Cedar " 306 Spruce 44 33 5 Walnut 359 Lutheran 44 373 Hickory 395 Iroquois pi 44 1 mile to City Hall 410 Pratt 4 427 Caster al 445 Spring 468 Tousy * 480 Mortimer 536 Jefferson “ 568 Madison t€ 594 Monroe 624 Adams 44 647 Watson '* 660 Grey 44 679 Emslie 700 Johnston 707 Krettner 44 735 Sherman 44 763 Stanton ** 766 Fox 791 Shumway 800 Herman “ 817 Smith 832 Guilford 845 Coit 44 866 Reed 875 Detroit 901 Townsend 902 Strauss 932 Wilson 44 2 miles to City Hall Genesee Sts., for REFRIGERATORS 41 952 Fillmore 4 A 979 Gibson 11 Bwy Market «• 1009 Lombard •• 1012 Beck it 1028 Mills M 1035 Clark •« 1058 Woltz ar H 1059 Sears M 1083 Playter •« 1086 Loepere II 1113 Sweet av il 1136 Sobieski a ii 37 Warren n 1163 Houghton u 1164 Rother it 1185 Brighton it 1186 Kosciuszko it 1212 Lathrop it 1225 Curtiss H N Y Belt Line Sta it 1253 Young M 1258 Becker ii 1285 Mohr it 1310 Schmarbeck tl 1319 Milbuna 1334 Rommel it 1358 Person it 1386 Miller av It 1389 Krupp it 1406 Titus av II 1415 Peck II 1427 Quincy II 1432 Goodyear It 1455 Swinburne II 1458 Koons av II 1482 Liddell II 1483 Brownell It 3 miles to City Hall 1503 Deshler ti 1510 Wick *4 1560 Schutrum it 1566 Hirshbeck II 1567 Armbruster II 1594 Shepard II 1597 N Central II 1620 Gatchell 1* A 1648 Bailey II 1765 Greene 1821 Ideal 1851 Benzinger 1879 King 1889 Gold 1911 Davey 1966 N. Ogden 1995 Schiller 2025 Goethe 2045 City Line aVz miles to City Hall B State rd Depew Halstead 4 Harlem “ BRONSON—C-9 N fr 1508 Hertel Her BROOKLYN AV—G-g N fr 394 E Utica A 39 Glenwood 12 67 Winslow “ BROWN— 1-8 E ^ 735 Jefferson S 25 Madison Jef* 56 Monroe ** 88 Adams “ BROWNELL—J-11 S to 1483 Broadway A 1 Amity a 27 Ashley * hi Broadway " BRUCE—A-11 N fr 32 Flower 8 18 Tyler 39 Merrimac ** 69 Heath 97 Englewood " BRUNSWICK—G-9 E fr 1553 Jefferson Jef* A 21 Dupont a 40 Lonsdale 11 i 55 Wohlers 11 268 Humboldt it THE LETTER AND FIGURE B-10, IS IN¬ DEX TO MAP. I 4 §€ ft 44 #4 • 4 ft • 4 ff 44 42 VICTOR & CO., Main and BRYANT— H-6 W fr 1288 Main A 50 Linwood 8 105 Delaware " . 214 Oakland E 267 Elmwood “ 314 Ashland " 356 Norwood " 398 Richmond 1© BRYSON—J-10 N fr 194 Curtiss 39 Margaret 1 59 Lovejoy " BUCKINGHAM— Fr 322 E Amherst E 17 Berkshire 13 45 Stockbridge “ 72 End of St. u BUELL AV-F-9 E fr 526 Humboldt B 21 Rex 11 97 Fillmore Fil BUFFALO—O-ii N to 845 Abbott rd 1 Good av 1© 37 Verona " 85 Abbott rd ** BUFFUM—O-13 N fr 2215 Seneca A 39 Parkview 7 83 Galloway no Ind. Orchard “ 163 Fields av BUFFUM RD—O-13 A Fr 32 Fields av Hillery 7 Min Sp Rd BURCH N fr 2436 Seneca 7 BURGARD PL—H-ia N fr 562 Walden av A 100 Hazel pi 6 166 Doat “ 267 End of st READ PAGES 15 to 27 BURRELL—J-10 N fr 252 Curtiss 31 Lovejoy 4 75 Newton ** BURROWS—P-10 E fr 65 Abby 10 68 Germania 126 Hopkins " BURT AL— K-7 W fr Pearl A X BURT AV—O-io E fr R R Tracks A Abby 10 Germania “ Hopkins " BURTIS AV—N-10 N fr 758 Abbott rd 75 Morse 10 147 Oliver “ BURTON— 1-7 E fr 819 Main 8 S 19 Washington 29 Rochevot " 45 Ellicott 70 Morton “ 81 Oak Bst 108 Demond 119 Elm 139 Werrick 144 Ralph Mch 155 Michigan 181 Maple BURWELL PL—L-7 N fr 48 Perry 11 BUSH—D-5 N fr Scajaquada A Creek 3 64 Amherst 162 Grote BUSHNELL—L-n N fr Dorothy across Clinton 2 BUTLER PL— N fr 198 Seneca A 5 Genesee Sts., for PATHEPHONES 43 BUTLER AV—G-9 A E fr 62 Lonsdale rd 105 Wohlers n 221 Humboldt pky " C ST—I-io E fr 941 Fillmore av A 61 Mills Fil CABLE—M-13 A N fr Buffalo Creek A 135 Casimir 2 249 Clinton ** 359 Griswold ** CALAIS—N-13 S fr 357 Mineral Springs rd 7 CALDWELL AL—L-6 N fr 114 Wilkinson 5 CALIFORNIA—G-4 E fr 859 West av A 31 Plymouth 10 65 Barton ** 102 Herkimer ** CALUMET PL—C-3 N fr 124 Grace 29 Garfield 5 CAMBRIA AV—L-13 N fr 404 Dingens 119 Bismarck 1 252 City Line CAMBRIDGE AV—F-u N fr 1096 E Ferry 1 5 1 Northland 13 285 Delavan €i 457 Sussex 44 563 Warwick 44 579 Cambridge 44 CAMBRIDGE PL—D-11 E fr 631 Wyoming to Erie R R Cambridge Erie R R 13 CAMDEN AV—B-7 N fr 950 Hertel av Her CAMP—J-8 N fr 424 Sycamore S 93 Genesee G CANTON—E-10 S fr in Dewey av 8 CARL—G-11 N fr 976 E Ferry 161 Northland 13 275 Delavan “ CARLTON—1-7 E fr 899 Main 8 S 19 Washington '* 47 Ellicott 78 Oak 98 Codlin al 113 Elm 130 Neptune 133 Hammond 149 Michigan 175 Maple 201 Mulberry 227 Locust 253 Lemon 280 Orange 305 Peach 329 Grape 358 Rose 381 Beach 395 Jefferson 517 Grey 534 Genesee CARLYLE AV— Q-13 E fr 1857 Abbott rd 151 City Line BS CARMINE PL.—E-6 N fr. 448 Bird to A 62 Forest Fst, CAROLINA—J-5 N E fr Erie canal S 20 Fourth 5 39 Efner 59 Trenton 83 Front av 121 Seventh 164 Niagara “ 180 Fell 44 Bst 44 44 Mcb 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 4 49 it it 44 G 44 VICTOR & CO., Main and 5 It II ?. «« « 190 Prospect 222 Whitney pi 244 Tenth 247 Johnson pk 267 West av A 277 Tracy 292 Garden 321 Tupper CARROLL—K-7 E fr 205 Washington A 28 Ellicott 7 87 Wells '* S 141 Michigan ** 243 Chicago 7 339 Louisiana 448 Alabama 510 Hamburg 540 Jefferson *' 553 Red Jacket B 600 Larkin S 662 Van Rensse 728 Hydraulic " 773 Griffin “ CARTER— Q-10 E fr 19 Hopkins i« CARY—K-6 S W fr 210 Delaware 34 S Elmwood 3 72 End of st CASE PL—C-13 N fr Westminster 30 Berea CASIMIR— M-13 E to 176 S Ogden A 9 Gaorski 35 Wejss 59 Weimar 85 Cable 109 Barnard 135 Fenton 161 Holley 185 Willett 211 S Ogden CASSY—K-11 S fr 1039 William 40 End of st 13 (I II ft ft ft CASTER AL-K -8 N fr 298 William s , CASTLE PL—E -11 N fr 580 Kensington to Leroy av 13 CAYUGA—1-8 E fr 885 Jefferson A 113 Grey Jef CAZENOVIA— P-12 N E fr 1358 Abbott A 58 Cumberland 7 174 Glendhu 207 Peremont " 222 Seneca “ CECIL—B -7 N fr 117 Olive Her CEDAR—L -8 N fr 348 Swan A 23 S Division 53 N Division 85 Eagle 127 Clinton 199 William 313 Broadway CELTIC PL—G-9 N fr 510 E Utica A 40 Glenwood CEMENT— E fr Range Rock Ridge Quarry CENTRE—K -7 N fr 120 Seneca A 18 Douglas al 7 40 Swan ** CENTRAL AV—K-ia N fr 1398 William B 117 Lovejoy 1 314 End of st CHADDOCK AV-A -3 E fr 999 Tonawanda B to Ontario 5 50 Condon S 85 Oregon M 2 |i ft it I 4 IJ 8 •t Genesee Sts., for Baby Carriages 45 CHAIN AL-C-5 N fr 254 Amherst NF CHALMERS—A-n N fr Niag Blvd to University av 8 CHAMPLIN—J-8 ... N E fr 487 Spring 17 Tousey 4 39 Mortimer ** CHANDLER—C-5 E fr 235 Military rd A 85 Howell NF 147 Manton 223 Bridgeman ** 291 NYC CHAPIN PKWY-F-7 N W fr Gates Circle M 27 St James E 47 Delavan ** 87 Saybrook Fst 141 Potomac “ 189 Soldiers’ pi “ CHARLES—L-6 E fr Erie canal 54 Terrace X CHARLOTTE AV —D-10 E fr 2193 Fillmore A 107 Hplder Fil 195 Hill CHATHAM—D-6 E fr 1497 Elmwood A N Lincoln blvd E A 50 Monterey u CHAUNCEY—K-12 E fr 1 *77 Bailey av 24 End of st x CHELSEA PL—G-10 N fr 820 E Ferry Not open 1 5 1 Northland 13 253 Delavan 44 333 End of st 44 CHELTENHAM—B-7 Fr Delaware to Cam¬ den 9 A 47 Rhode Island 10 115 Massachusetts 4 « 168 Ferry M CHENANGO—G-5 A N W fr 451 W Utica CHEROKEE—L-12 S E fr 779 Bailey av 2 CHERRY—J-8 N E fr 727 Michigan A 31 Spruce Mcb 34 Maple A« 70 Mulberry G 89 Hickory 4 « §0 Goodell •« 104 Locust • « 140 Lemon 151 Spring 44 174 Orange <4 199 Mortimer 44 210 Peach 44 250 Grape ll 304 Virginia 44 CHESTER—G-8 N fr 180 Glenwood A 47 Woodlawn 12 97 Ferry 4 # 249 Northland 8 CHESTNUT—K-7 N fr 224 Swan A 25 S Division Jei 55 N Division 44 CHICAGO—M -6 N fr Buffalo river A 25 Ohio I 1 73 Mackinaw 44 Ii 5 Miami 44 157 Elk 4 # 186 Fulton 44 205 Hamlin al 44 222 Perry 44 248 Warren 44 266 Scott 4 « 275 Granger 44 34 i Exchange 44 369 Carroll 44 A 395 Seneca l 419 Myrtle 443 Swan 46 VICTOR & CO., Main and CHILDS—N-7 E fr 34 Hamburg Turnpike B & L E CHIPPEWA—J-6 E fr 587 Main A 19 Washington X 53 Ellicott 44 68 Genesee << See W Chippewa CHOATE AV—P-11 E fr 443 S Park ar A 83 Ithaca pi 10 205 McKinley Abt, 207 McClellen Cir ** 375 Abbott rd M CHURCH—K-6 W fr 312 Main X A 22 Pearl M 44 Franklin 44 83 Delaware <« S 97 Terrace «< 128 Birdsall <« 150 Bingham 44 157 Jackson 44 171 Genesee «< 183 Fourth «• 213 Erie canal 44 CHURCHILL—D-4 N fr 238 Amherst 63 Hamilton NF 133 Austin 44 CINCINNATI—L-7 S S fr 357 Ohio 11 18 Buffalo Creek CIRCLE— H-6 Junction North, Wads¬ worth, Fourteenth and Pennsylvania sts. and Porter and Richmond aves A 7 C L A RE—L-1o N fr 916 Eagle B 9 James 2 37 Clinton ** 57 Fritz 72 Bristol 2 90 San Domingo #• 101 Oneida 44 115 Steuben 4i 129 Olga pi *4 165 Howard a CLAREMONT AV— E-6 N fr 501 Delavan Bidwell pky 42 Dorchester rd and A 64 Potomac Fst 133 Bird 44 201 Forest 4 * CLAREMONT PL —G-13 N fr 1180 Walden to Doat 6 CLARENCE—D-10 N fr 842 Kensington 119 Hutchinson 13 200 Amherst M CLARENDON PL— E-5 N fr 765 Bird av A 69 Forest av Fst CLARKE—J-10 N fr 88 Curtiss Fil S 49 Peckham 44 A 116 Lovejoy •4 201 Kent •4 263 Broadway 4 CLAY—C -5 N fr 38 Military rd B 112 Austin NF CLAYTON— B -5 N fr 46 Race NF 98 Layer av «• 124 Kofier 44 150 Ruhl av • 4 186 Sheriff 44 206 Blum 4* 231 Ritt av 44 CLEMENT PL—E -9 E fr 89 Gillette Fi) CLEMO—L-n N fr 1100 Clinton 63 End of st 1 Genesee Sts., for JEWELRY 47 CLEVEBURN PI — G -7 N fr 171 Cleveland av to 685 Auburn CLEVELAND AV —F -6 W fr 1214 Delaware A 217 Elmwood CLIFF—L-12 N fr 1716 Clinton 42 End of st E CLIFFORD—M-o 1420 Hubbard 11 E fr 361 Smith 1454 haxon A 60 Selkirk Fil A 1525 Bailey av ft 1578 Olsen f« CLINTON—L-10 1637 Roberts av t* E fr 411 Main X 1663 Kelburn 44 A 19 Washington »< 1690 Glenn <4 51 Ellicott u 1716 Cliff if 8 7 Oak a 1751 Matejko U 1 23 Elm 44 1761 Spann 44 159 Michigan 44 1779 Kapernik 44 24? Union 44 1799 Fredro 4« 258 Picard al 44 1803 Gorski €9 273 Pine 44 1809 Krakow 44 Bennett pk 44 1832 Weiss * 302 W Bennett 44 1857 Weimar U Clinton mkt 44 1881 Cable 14 322 E Bennett 44 1907 Barnard 44 342 Cedar 44 1929 Fenton 41 3 73 Walnut 44 1930 Pulaski $4 390 Sylvan al 44 1954 Weaver 44 407 Hickory 44 1967 Holly 439 Pratt 44 1983 Willett > 471 Spring « 1 2009 S Ogden 5 ‘IS Jefferson 44 2040 Wheelock #4 573 Madison 44 2061 Cochrane if 603 Monroe 44 2071 City Line 44 629 Adams 44 — State rd to Ma - 6 $-7 Watson 44 rilla 2 685 Emslie 44 — Randolph •f 728 Bond 44 — Wagner 44 777 Lord 44 — McLaughlin 44 813 Smith 44 — Medina if 858 Montgomery 44 — Alaska 44 897 Clare 44 — Preston If A 945 Fillmore 44 — Hurley if 986 Bass 44 — Glidden 994 Metcalf 44 . — Harlem €» 1003 1048 1076 1100 1124 1212 Benders Jones Lewis Clemo Laux Babcock 1244 Bushnell 1274 Gilbert av 1305 Scoville av 1336 Baitz 1336 Kirkover 1380 Hobart 2 #4 It if • « 44 44 44 48 VICTOR & CO., Main and CLIO AV—O-ia N E fr 753 McKinley pkwy B 57 Abbott rd Abt CLOVER— B-6 W fr 2432 Delaware av, 9 CLYDE AV—D-11 N fr 828 Kensington av, 13 131 Hutchinson ** 203 Amherst ** COATSWORTH—L-7 E fr 17 Hayward 11 COBB AL—1-5 N E fr Jersey $ COCHRANE— L-13 N fr 2061 Clinton 102 Griswold a CODLIN AL— 1-6 N fr 665 Virginia S 8 COE PL—H-7 E fr 1215 Main B 56 Ellicott 8 COIT—K-9 N fr 292 Howard S 55 William 1 159 Peckham ** 223 Lovejoy " 315 Broadway 4 COIT SLIP—L-5 10 River st COLEMAN AL—K-7 S fr Vine Mich COLFAX AV—E-11 E fr 591 Grider 13 59 Deerfield ** 123 Wyoming “ COLGATE AV—Q-10 E fr 91 Hopkins 10 224 S Park av ** COLLATON—C-3 E fr 2 355 Niagara 36 Fuller s COLLEGE— 1-6 N fr 23 Cottage S 52 Maryland 7 A 88 Allen *' 150 Arlington '* 189 North " COLLEGE PL—J-6 N fr 35 Johnson prk A 3 COLONIAL CIRCLE —E-6 M June of Lafayette, Bid- well pkwy and Rich¬ mond av E COLORADO AV—G-11 N fr 1668 Genesee 50 Ferry 11 COLTON—1-4 W fr Erie canal to Lake Erie 5 COLUMBIA—M-7 N fr Buffalo river S 7 Ohio ix -CM1. «« 93 Perry 135 Scott ** COLUMBUS—O-ii Fr S Park av 130 McKinley pky 10 265 Abbott rd • Abt COLVIN—C-8 N fr 1302 Amherst 36 Tillinghast 0 70 Crescent 120 Linden ** 180 Saranac ** 246 Hertel 383 Tacoma 509 Taunton 541 Bangor 645 City Line READ PAGES 151027 Genesee Sts., for WATCHES 49 COMET—B-7 S N fr 769 Hertel Her COMMERCIAL—K-6 N E fr Buffalo River S 13 Prime X 22 Water <• A 60 Dante pi «« 92 Pearl «• 121 Terrace «< — Main •« COMO AV—O-ii E fr 629 S Park av A 99 McKinley pky 10 Abbot rd “ COMSTOCK AV—B-xx N fr 1002 Kensing¬ ton av 35 Hutchinson av 13 70 Midway 97 Thornton “ 127 Amherst M CONCORD—J-10 F fr 360 Curtiss B 55 Curtiss 4 CONDON AV—B-4 N fr 140 Crowley av A 21 Ross av 5 47 Laird * 73 Chadduck 44 101 Esser av 157 Roesch 44 233 Vulcan “ CONGRESS—F-5 N fr 39 Auchinvole A 21 Auburn 3 81 Lafayette 151 Delavan 44 223 Potomac 44 CONNECTICUT—H-5 N E fr 656 Front av A 93 Front av 5 126 Seventh Prospect pks 44 160 Niagara 44 197 Prospect 44 240 Fargo “ 276 West av Co* 312 Plymouth 347 Normal ** 384 Fourteenth 7 419 Fifteenth 14 454 Sixteenth 44 485 Seventeenth 44 516 Ripley pi 524 Richmond ** CONNELLY AV—B-ia E fr 260 Olympic to 2766 Bailey 13 COPELAND PL—B-3 N W fr 54 Hunt to 65 Ontario 5 COPESWOOD AV —D-ia S fr 1035 Kensington av. 13 CORDAGE PL—E-5 N fr 130 Bird av — Pooley pi 3 CORDOVIA AV—C-ij N to Higate 10 Shirley 8 18 La Salle 44 44 Minnesota 44 76 Libson 44 — Higate CORNELIA—L-9 N E fr 274 Seymour 5 Smith 7 61 N Division Fil 115 End of st CORNELL—B-10 NfrDL&WRR 4 Tyler 8 31 Merrimac “ 61 Heath 91 Englewood 44 CORNWALL AV—G-xi N fr 1126 E Ferry Not open to Delavan i 47 Northland 13 281 Delavan l< 449 Sussex «• 555 Warwick •4 50 VICTOR & CO., Main and CORONADA- O-n E to Triangle 59 Triangle ic COTTAGE— 1-6 N W fr 370 Virginia A 21 College 7 75 Maryland 109 Day’s Park '* 156 Hudson ** COUNTESS AV—G-13 N fr 424 Doat 6 to Hemingway COURT—J-5 W fr 428 Main X Terminal for Niagara Falls and Lockport cars. 23 Pearl II 53 Franklin II 78 Delaware II Niagara sq H 141 S Elmwood II 167 Staats 5 180 Terrace l< 209 Seventh II 217 Front av II 220 Court pi II 242 Wilkeson II 257 Trenton H 320 Fourth 5 339 Georgia. !• 369 Erie canal •4 COURTLAND—E-ia N fr 1348 E Delavan 229 Sugar 11 COURT PL—J-5 A S fr 220 Court X CRAIG PL— B-7 N fr Olive Her CRAINE—C-10 E fr 2032 Fillmore Fil Notify the Publisher of any errors and get a ww guide. CRESCENT AV—E-9 N W fr 116 Hum¬ boldt Pkwy A 53 Robie 8 115 Florence “ 181 Oakwood 241 Willowlawn 301 Jewett ** 335 Elam pi M 395 Russell 9 483 Amherst 534 Summit 44 577 Woodward ** 639 Parkside “ 817 Colvin " CROWLEY AV-B-3 E fr 2505 Niagara A qi Tonawanda £ 150 Condon 253 Ontario ** CRYSTAL AV—P-n E to 494 S Park av 10 CUMBERLAND AV —N-11 E fr 035 S Park av 109 Mumford is 135 Robins ** 161 Stevenson Abt 185 Portland *' 191 Melrose “ 221 Rutland “ A 253 Milford 317 Tamarack 347 Athol Abt 377 Salem M 711 Meriden M 447 Cazenosia ** CURTISS—K-10 N fr 771 William A 30 Gibson 1 — Polonia pk 62 Lombard ** 80 Clarke “ 117 Sears ** 138 Playter " 164 Margaret 184 Peckham 194 Byson ** Genesee Sts., for Easy Payments 51 232 Hilton 262 Burrell 303 Love joy 334 Newton 360 Concord 386 Geneva 410 Dover 437 Ashley 473 Broadway CUSHING PL— E fr 1791 Abbott — Beale — Onondaga CUSTER— B-11 W fr. 3132 Main A 119 End of st CUTTER PL—N-11 N W fr 106 Jordan pi 7 CYPRESS—K-7 N E fr 571 Mfehigan S 57 Pine Mich DAISY PL—F-9 N fr 358 Florida B 28 Viola pk 8 62 E Delavan Jef DAKOTA—C-7 E fr 2293 Delaware A 105 Fairchild Her DANFORTH—E-5 N fr 158 Forest av B 77 Bradley Fst DANN-D -4 N fr ft of Amherst 64 Hamilton 5. DANTE PL—K-6 N W fr 100 Main Cbet Main and Commercial is called Lake) I Hanover X 19 Lloyd 44 57 Commercial €4 62 Maiden Lane 44 84 State 44 00 Davenport 44 106 LeCouteulx 118 Evans 170 Erie DARIEN—A-6 S fr 1454 Kenmore av, 9 DARROW AL— K-7 S W fr Ellicott Bst DART—E-4 N fr 188 Forest av B 77 Bradley Fst 159 Letchworth “ 163 End of st ** DASH—O-ii N fr 30 Macamley B 27 Remoleno Abt 89 Abbott rd 4 ‘ DAVENPORT AL— K- 5 SE fr 100 Dante pi Fly X DAVEY—K-13 N fr 1704 William A 89 Ludington i 177 Lovejoy ** 275 Vanderbilt 4 369 Reimann “ 438 Broadway ** DAVIDSON— E fr 3029 Bailey 14 Bickford 13 80 Soffolk DAVIS—j-a N W fr 696 Jefferson A 75 Genesee G DAYTONA— N to 875 Exchange 7 DAY’S PARK— 1-6 A N E fr 109 and 127 Cottage to 262 Allen and 2 Wadsworth 7 THE LETTER AND FIGURE B-10, IS IN* DEX TO MAP. <4 44 4 <« II 44 44 44 rd Abt 41 8 44 52 VICTOR & CO., Main and Gene- DEARBORN—D-4 N fr 44 Tonawanda A 44 Wayne 4 119 Parish ** 145 Bridge 44 196 Amherst “ 264 Hamilton 44 335 Austin 44 402 Farmer " 446 Hertel av " DECKER— E-ia N fr 2710 Bailey a▼ Olympic 13 DEER—C-5 N fr 377 Hertel av 47 Gladstone Her DEERFIELD—F-11 N fr 812 E Delavan 85 Litchfield 13 161 Sussex 44 187 Gratiot 44 215 Maple ridge 44 241 Pembroke 44 269 Warwick 44 295 Colfax 44 323 Mendola 44 369 Kensington 44 DELAVAN—F-F See East and West DELAWARE AV—7-5 N fr 223 Terrace A 13 Church X City and County Hall 51 Eagle 89 Niagara Sq 119 Mohawk 173 Huron 8 202 Cary 229 Chippewa 44 274 Johnson pk 280 Johnson pk 314 Tracy ** — West av 349 Tupper 376 Trinity 419 Edward 457 Virginia 8 553 Allen M 661 North • 1 748 Summer if 829 Barker ft 907 Bryant C 4 942 Hodge av 10 994 Utica if 1064 Lexington if 1098 Highland if 1151 West Ferry 8 1214 Cleveland Ftt 1244 Auburn •f 1300 Lancaster ff 1337 Chapin pky ff — Gates Circle f f 1337 Lafayette av ff 1358 Delavan ff — Forest Lawn ff Cemetery ff 1398 Saybrook ff 1474 Potomac ff 1505 Inwood ff 1538 Bird av f f 1616 Forest av ff — The Park ff 1616 Rumsey rd ff 1899 Middlesex ff 2069 Amherst Her 2116 Great Arrow ff 2218 Algonquin ff 2256 Tioga ff 2293 Dakota ff 2333 Hertel ff — Wilbury PI ff — Shoreham blvd 44 — Cheltenham dr 44 — Stratford av ff 2430 Clover ff 2476 Tacoma ff — Floral Pkwy 2501 Knox av ?. — Cornet av ff 2543 Olive ff 2550 Avery av ff 2596 Maxwell ff 2624 Taunton ff 2656 Hinman ff 2673 Sessions 1 4 2686 Ramsdell ff see Sts., Credit Prices Same as Cash 53 2709 Villa av Her 2726 Kenmore <• — City Line K — Hazelton 44 B Tremaine 44 — La Salle 44 — Warren 44 — Mang 44 — Knowlton 44 — Lincoln 44 — Cornell 44 — E Delaware 44 — Common wealth 44 — Wabash 44 — Tremont 44 — Madison 44 — Washington 44 — Jefferson 44 Six miles to City Hall — Kinsey av 44 — Allegheny 44 — Williamson 44 — Cattaraugus 44 — Shepard 44 — Chautauqua 44 — Palmer 44 — Courier 44 — Girard blvd 44 — Perrin 44 ■ ■ Somerton 44 ... Kelso 44 — Prospect 44 — Enola 44 — Muller 44 — Elmlawn Cemetery • < — Mount Olivet • Cemetery 44 DEMOND PL—J-7 N fr 115 E Tupper S 67 Goodell Bat 108 Burton t* 153 Virginia M DEMPSTER—K-ia E fr 1177 Bailey ay B 117 End of st 1 DENSMORE—Q-13 E fr 1820 Abbott rd Abt DENVER—C-5 ... W fr 446 Military rd, NF DEPEW AV—C-9 E to 2814 Main M 1 Linden av 9 77 Wallace 153 Starin 217 Voorhees 2 279 Parker 339 Wesley 349 Beard 381 Main DEPOT—K-11 S fr 1067 William S 54 End of st 1 DE RUTTE— 1-6 B N fr 414 Virginia B DESERONTO AV—C-9 Changed to Wellington Road DESHLER—I-n N fr 104 Amity 10 Ashley 4 101 Broadway DETROIT—K-9 N fr 318 Howard S 55 William 1 159 Peckham “ 223 Lovejoy 4 323 Broadway * DEVEREAUX AV —B-11 E fr 169 Englewood 70 Montrose 8 DEVONSHIRE—Q-11 E fr 400 S Park av to McKinley Pkwy i« INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGES 15 to 27 54 VICTOR & CO., Main and Gene- DEWEY AV-D-9 E fr 2269 Main A hi Canton 8 146 Halbert N 180 Sanford 44 B 214 Fillmore Fil 439 Kensington <• DEWITT—F-5 N fr 160 Brecken ridge A 50 Auburn i 111 Lafayette 44 147 Helen II 181 Delavan II 217 Perkins 44 256 Potomac 44 291 Garner 44 324 Bird av 44 367 Pooley pi 44 39 i Forest av 44 475 Bradley 44 489 Fern wood 44 519 End of st 44 DEXTER PL—F-8 E fr 1505 Jefferson Jef DIAMOND AV—Q-13 E fr Abbott rd Onondaga Abt DICKENS—K-7 E fr 259 Washington S Y DILLON—L-9 N fr 29 Hardwood pi and W to Fillmore at 65 End of st Fil DINGENS— L-I3 E fr 865 Bailey av 189 Weiss 2. 309 Weaver * 339 Abel 340 Willett 363 S Ogden 371 New S Ogden 404 Cambria M 428 City Line ** READ PAGES 15 to 27 DISMONDA—O-13 B N W fr Hillside to Junior 7 DO AT—G-12 E fr 1621 Genesee A 9 Rustic G 40 Rapin pi II 105 May II 133 Goemble II 134 Rawlins II 161 Burgard M 187 Bailey av 44 217 Brinkman 44 247 Sumner pi 44 275 Keystone 44 308 Newburg 44 338 Theodore 44 368 Zelmer 44 394 Sattler 44 424 Countess 44 439 Poplar av* 6 458 Sprenger 44 480 Briscoe 44 515 Stewart 44 549 Claremont pi 44 550 Persia 44 566 Littlefield 44 578 Jehle 44 581 City Line 44 — Ridge rd 44 DOCK—L-6 N fr Buffalo river S 10 Water X DODGE—H-8 E fr 1177 Main A 56 Ellicott 8 134 Michigan Mch 207 Masten 44 364 Jefferson Jef 396 Gerhard II 430 Berlin II 462 Timon If 492 Roehrer Bst 520 Wohlers 4 4 539 Norway prk 44 577 Linden prk 44 613 W Parade 44 see Sts., Buffalo’s Homefumishers 55 DOLD PL—P-12 S fr 120 Whitfield av 23 Sheffield 10 53 Whitfield 4 4 114 Woodside 44 DOLE- —N-10 N E fr 1228 Elk 53 Perry 11 103 Seneca 7 DOMEDION AV—G-13 N fr 146 Heipingway 64 Tresselt G 132 Genesee 44 DORCHESTER RD _ W fr Bidwell Pkwy 38 Claremont E 74 Richmond “ 176 Baynes 7 DORLANB—N-13 Fr Mineral Spring rd, 7 DOROTHY—L-10 E fr 355 Babcock 22 Bushnell 2 48 Gilbert av 74 Scoville av 44 118 Bates " 148 Kirkover 44 178 Hobart " _ 204 Hubbard 44 DORRANCE— R-11 E fr 10 S Park av 204 McKinley pky 10 M McClellan Circle 44 280 Plancock 44 444 Abbott rd 44 — Onondaga 44 DORRIS—E-12 W fr 2624 Bailey Olympic xi DOUGLASS—K-7 E fr 71 Ellicott B 43 Center X DOVER—J-10 W fr 410 Curtisi 4 DOWNING—Q-12 E fr 95 S Park av 33 Hines 10 75 Sibley 113 Augusta 44 147 Julius 44 224 McKinley pky ** 300 Hancock Abt 463 Abbott “ — City Line DOYLE AV—A-4 E fr 165 Skillen 26 Albemarle NF 60 Belmont 44 94 Seabrook 124 City Line 5 DUNBAR—N-11 E fr Buffalo River to 26 Pomeroy 7 DUNDEE—O-12 E fr 1765 Abbott rd — Beale Abt — Onondaga — City Line DUERSTEIN—O-13 E fr 2330 Seneca B 40 Parkview 7 68 Hillside 98 Junior 44 118 City Line “ 154 Eschawa 44 172 Manhasso 44 DUNCAN—M-10 N fr 1264 Elk 11 DUNSMORE—Q-13 E fr 161 McKinley pky — Abbott rd Abt DUNSTON— E fr 82 Skillen to city line DUPONT—G-9 N fr 342 E Utica 37 Glenwood 12 7 1 Winslow 4 # 93 Woodlawn •4 126 E Ferry I I 193 Brunswick 44 56 .VICTOR & CO., Main and DURHAM AV—E-11 N fr 780 E Delavan 99 I itchfield 13 172 Sussex 41 DUTTON AV—G-10 N fr 906 E Ferry Not open 155 Northland 13 269 Delavan 44 DYER N to 555 Abbott rd Abt EAGLE—K-9 E fr 369 Main A 19 Washington X 53 Ellicott 2 89 Oak II 125 Elm if 149 Mead if 161 Michigan 4# 250 Union it 281 Pine if — Bennet pk ii 347 Cedar •i 382 Walnut ii 415 Hickory ii 448 Pratt ii 482 Spring it 565 Jefferson if 586 Madison it 614 Monroe •i 631 Grosvenor ii 642 Adams 2 670 Watson it A 696 Emslie ii 743 Bond it 789 Lord it 832 Smith if 874 Montgomery it 916 Clare ii 948 Fillmore it See West Eagle EAGLEWOOD AV —P-ia S W fr 1193 Abbott rd, Abt — McKinley pky 44 EARL PL—1-9 N fr 428 High Bst A 125 Best EAST AMHERST E 254 Manhattan 44 322 Buckingham 44 371 Clyde 44 401 Clarence 44 428 Park Ridge 44 457 Poultney 485 Elmer 44 515 Thatcher 44 542 Lenox 44 543 Comstock 4 642 Bailey 44 EAST—D-4 N W fr 68 Wayne B 60 Parish 5 119 Amherst 187 Hamilton 257 Austin 44 323 Farmdr 44 373 Hertel 44 409 Grace 44 445 Garfield 44 485 Arthur 44 EAST BALCOM—G-8 E fr 1677 Main A 47 Masten 8 EAST BENNETT—K-7 N fr 322 Clinton A 57 William 1 E DELAVAN AV—F-8 E fr 1855 Main A 81 Jefferson 8 196 Meech 197 Pleasant 44 241 Hager 270 Oak Grove 273 Pansy 44 302 Blaine Fil 311 Daisy pi 346 Humboldt pky 44 390 Gillette 476 Fillmore 44 515 Winchester 553 Hiram . “ 57« Longview 600 Harrison 627 Chelsea 13 655 Dutton Genesee Sts., Buffalo's Favorite Store 57 681 Sheridan 13 604 Amsterdam II 710 Bernhardt II 720 Birch II 750 Grider II 780 Durham II 781 Carl II 812 Deerfield II 814 Schuele II 844 Humber II 847 Stevens II 873 Moselle €4 878 Wyoming II 912 Cambridge II 944 Cornwall I I 976 Northumber II 1000 Norfolk II 1016 Olympic II 1164 Bailey II • 1191 Ericson II 1217 Roebling <1 1247 Texas II 1299 Newburgh II 1323 Hagan II 1348 Courtland II 1376 Hazelwood II 1378 Floss II 1407 Wilcox II 1411 Wilkes II 1437 Weber II 1440 Harriet II 1467 Freund II 1470 Edison II 1495 Fisher II 1502 Roma II 1523 Erb II 1555 East End II 1555 City Line II Ridge rd II EAST END AV—F- 13 N fr Genesee to 1555 Delavan 11 EAST FERRY—G -9 E fr 1531 Main COLD SPRING A 24 Otis pi 11 47 Michigan «« 96 Morley «< 124 Masten <« 150 Chester II 173 Waverly II 197 Purdy H 223 Verplanck •1 242 Alexander II 247 Welker •1 273 Jefferson ll 303 Dupont N 320 Lonsdale rd H 403 Roehrer H 433 Wohlers M 551 Humboldt pky II 671 Fillmore II 708 Winchester II 748 Hiram II 820 Chelsea •1 849 Dutton I* 857 Kehr ** 876 Sheridan II 942 Grider II 976 Carl II 1012 Schuele II 1040 Stevens av • 1 1045 Ernst II 1069 Moselle II 1087 Wyoming II 1098 Bissell av II 1112 Cambridge €• 1125 Goodyear H 1142 Cornwall •1 1151 Nevada II 1170 Northumber II 1177 Montana II 1202 Norfolk II 1205 Colorado II 1249 Leslie II 1273 Kilhoffer II 1301 Zenner II 1327 Wende II 1353 Bailey II E GLENWOOD— G-ii E to 308 Moselle A 22 Ernst n 50 Moselle M E HERTEL AV—C-ia Fr 3002 Main Not open 225 Range 8 Park Ridge 58 VICTOR & CO., Main and Lenox 525 Bailey «< EAST HURON—J-7 E fr 543 Main A 8 Genesee 15 Washington 39 Ellicott 59 Blossom 75 Oak E MARKET—L-7 < N fr 138 Elk S 37 Fulton 73 Perry no Scott 130 Hamburg play¬ ground E MOHAWK—J-7 E fr 487 Main A 19 Washington 55 Ellicott 13 X <« II II II I I II II II E fr 1037 Main 8 5 51 Ellicott II 74 Welmont «i 127 Elm Bst 164 Michigan Mch 189 Maple 14 215 Mulberry 14 236 Masten II 241 Locust II 267 Lemon II 293 Orange II 31 9 Peach Bst 343 Grape II 365 Rose Jef A 384 Jefferson 41 Closed 497 Timon Bst 536 Johnson 4< 568 Sherman M 602 Fox • 4 634 Herman •4 E PARADE CIRCLE —H-10 A At junct of E Parade, Walden & Genesee G E PARADE AV—H-x® N fr 1186 Genesee A 93 Bardol Fil B 118 N Parade 113 Northampton *' 174 Fougeron “ EAST E fr A 86 162 238 264 288 312 342 368 394 418 444 472 5io 548 590 712 UTICA—G-8 13.79 .Main Michigan Masten Purdy Verplanck Welker Jefferson DuDont Hauf Brooklyn Storz av Roehrer Wohlers Celtic pi Portage Humboldt pky Fillmore 12 #• 12 M II •I «4 II If •I II II II II it II E WINSLOW—G-11 A E to 336 Moselle 22 Ernst 11 50 Moselle " E WOODLAWN—G-11 A E to 336 Moselle 22 Ernst 11 50 Moselle “ EASTWOOD PL— F-g E fr 2033 Main 8 B 113 Humboldt pky " EATON—H-8 E fr 1287 Michigan A 69 Masten Mch 221 Jefferson Jef ECKHERT—A-4 N fr 206 Esser av A 24 Stephen 5 55 Roesch 129 Vulcan M EDEN AV—Q-11 E fr 100 S Park av 10 Genesee Sts., for LINOLEUM 59 EDGEWOOD AV—P-12 S W fr 1280 Abbott rd to 553 S Parkway Abt EDISON—E-13 N fr 1470 E Delavan 157 Sugar XI EDMUNDS—O-io E fr R R 193 Abby 257 Germania 327 Hopkins 10 •« <• EDNA PL—H-7 E fr 931 Ellicott A 80 Michigan 156 Masten Mch 4 * EDSON—O-13 E fr 2356 Seneca B 77 City Line 7 EDWARD—1-7 A W fr 778 Main 52 Franklin 8 92 Delaware E 138 S Elmwood 44 198 Virginia EDWIN PL—J-7 N fr 154 E Tupper S 67 Goodell Mch EFNER—J-5 N W fr 100 Georgia S 98 Carolina 5 197 Virginia 237 Maryland 4i 308 Hudson 44 EGGERT—B-13 N fr 388 Sugar at City Line 507 Kensington 13 520 Rutgers 44 608 Iowa 44 638 Minneapolis 44 668 Adelptus 44 694 Rounds 44 775 City line 44 READ PAGES 15 to 27 EHLE—1-12 E fr 89 Liddell to 88 Wick 4 EICKLE—D-12 fr 1000 Kensington 13 EIGHTEENTH—G-5 N W fr 444 Rhode A Island 10 61 Massachusetts 44 131 Hampshire ELAM PL—D-9 W fr 34 Greenfield A 42 Crescent 8 ELEY PL—A-11 N E fr 115 Engle¬ wood av 8 29 Montrose EIGAS—A-4 N fr Esser av 5 20 Wyandotte 53 Roe sc h 127 V ulcan ELiZABETH—L-10 Forms a T at the end of N Division 3 A Smith 7 103 ! nd of st l« ELK— M -8 E fr 68 Ohio A 8 Illinois I I S 31 Mississippi 44 58 Liberty 4 « A 72 Columbia 44 102 Michigan 44 120 W Market 44 138 E Market 44 i 53 Moore 44 172 Marvin 44 206 Chicago #4 Lanigan pk 4 300 Louisiana 44 340 Hayward 44 406 Alabama 44 470 Hamburg 44 597 Sidway 44 5 i 4 Red Jacket 44 00 VICTOR & CO., Main and 529 Katharine II 418 Chippewa Bst 561 Fitzgerald it Washington 587 Abbott rd 44 Market 44 630 Van Rensse 44 531 Tupper 44 769 Euclid pi 44 603 Goodell 8 809 Smith 44 643 Burton li 870 Selkirk 44 677 Virginia 44 933 Lee 44 743 Carlton 44 964 Peabody 44 809 High I* 990 Walter 44 845 Goodrich 44 1012 Maurice 44 879 North • 1 1047 Orlando 44 921 St Paul 44 i »77 Babcock 44 947 Best 44 1106 Gorham 44 981 Edna pi 4 4 H 34 Winona 44 1015 Dodge 41 11 56 Bradford 44 1044 Coe pi 44 1 [82 Keim 44 1049 Southampton 44 1208 Southard 44 1083 Northampton 49 122S Dole 44 1152 Riley 44 1264 1292 1300 Duncan Kellogg Keating 44 • 44 II ELLSWORTH—A-11 N fr 3410 Main 8 1387 [401 1402 1447 1490 Bailey Melvin Keppel Archer av Seneca 44 44 44 44 7 ELM—K-7 N fr 124 Swan S 23 S Division 54 N Division 81 Eagle 2 • • 44 G ii SLLER AV—G-13 N fr 174 Hemingway 64 Tresselt 148 Genesee CLLICOTT—H-7 N fr 60 Exchange 23 Carroll X 45 Seneca 44 7 i Douglass 44 101 Swan Bst Postoffice & Custom Hse 44 *33 S Division 44 161 N Divisio* 44 *93 Eagle 44 235 Clinton 44 267 Broadway 44 302 Mohawk 44 3 1 * Her see 44 355 Huron 44 397 Genesee 44 123 Clinton 157 Vine 195 Broadway 269 Sycamore 343 Genesee 411 Tupper 485 Goodell 524 Burton 574 Virginia 637 Carlton 699 High 732 Godrich 771 North 846 Best ELMER AV—D-11 N fr 940 Kensing¬ ton av 67 Hutchinson 155 Amherst 6 G Bst 44 II 44 • • II H II i? INSTRUCTIONS PAGES 15 to 27. ON Genesee Sts., for LACE CURTAINS 61 ELMORE—A-4 S fr Skillen NF ELMVIEW PL— A W fr 1540 Elmwood ay to Beaumoris pi E ELMWOOD AV— 1-6 N fr A 88 392 Virginia Allen E 190 North 44 279 Summer 44 432 Bryant 44 468 Hodge 44 520 Utica 44 554 Anderson pi 44 588 Lexington 44 622 Highland 44 66 7 Ferry 44 722 Breckenridge 44 7 45 Cleveland 44 787 Auburn 44 815 Lancaster 44 845 Lafayette 44 890 St James 44 916 Delavan 44 957 Bidwell 44 988 Potomac 44 1053 Bird av 44 1123 Forest 44 1195 1413 Penhurst pi Nottingham 44 A 1465 Middlesex rd E M 97 Chatham «« 1535 Fordham drv «« 1540 Elmview pi *4 i 57 i Bedford 44 1580 Woodette 44 1601 Amherst 44 1634 Marion 44 1660 Great Arrow 44 1695 Groat 4 1853 Hertel 44 2191 2213 Hinman Ramsdell ?. 2751 Kenmore 44 Notify the Publisher of any errors and get a new gfuide. ELSIE PL—G-8 E fr 235 Purdy 16 Ada “ A 37 Alexander n ELTON— A N fr 180 Florida 8 EMMA—B-4 S fr 91 Rano 5 EMERSON—A-10 Fr 276 Englewood Crosby 8 EMERSON PL—G-8 E fr 1457 Michigan A 69 Masten Mcb EMPIRE—I-i 1 B E fr 77 Miller 19 Titus 4 43 Goodyear 67 Koons av " EMSLIE—L-9 N fr 738 Seneca 7 S 26 Schuyler M 31 Seymour • • 46 Bass pi 44 57 S Division i« 7 1 Meteor »« 87 N Division 119 Eagle «* 135 James 94 163 Clinton 44 181 Fritz al 44 195 Bristol 44 213 San Domingo M 227 Oneida t 249 Howard 4-4 313 William 40 411 Peckham 44 477 Lovejoy 44 527 Broadway 4 ENGLEWOOD AV —A-10 N W fr 3276 Main M 65 Cornell pi 118 Bruce 119 Eley pi 8 M •• 62 VICTOR & CO., Main and 145 Evadene «l 172 Mildred 44 179 Devereaux 44 204 Brinton 44 205 Montcalm 44 240 Nicholson 44 247 Barcher 41 276 Emerson 44 277 Kenmore 44 ENSIGN—N-8 fr 149 Katharine II ERB—F-13 N fr 2336 Genesee ERICSON AV—F-12 N fr Lang av 71 Wecker 11 163 Delavan <« E RIE—L-6 S W fr 308 Main S 33 Pearl X 53 Swan 44 66 Franklin 44 78 Terrace 44 120 Seneca 44 128 Lock 44 158 Dante pi 44 170 Peacock 44 195 River 44 237 Jane 44 270 Water 44 ERNST—G-n N fr 20 E Glenwood 29 Winslow 11 49 Woodlawn 87 Ferry " ESSER AV—B-4 E fr 2525 Niagara Riverside pk A 85 Tonawanda 5 118 Baxter ** 143 Condon 5 174 Stephen . 179 Oregon " 204 Eckhert “ 225 Henrietta av ** 236 Ullman " 263 Beatrice 5 268 Argus “ 299 Philadelphia 333 Evelyn “ 363 Newfield " 393 Skillen “ ESSEX—G-5 N fr 530 Rhode A Isl 1 63 Massachusetts 44 EUCLID PL—N-9 B N fr 170 Abbott rd A 34 Prenatt 1» 70 Elk EUGENE—A-6 N to 1504 Kenmore 13 Hinman NF 43 Ramsdell 79 Kenmore EUREKA PL—J-7 N fr 338 Sycamore S 83 Genesee G EVADENE-A-n N E fr 137 Englewood B 39 Montrose av 8 EVANS— 1-6 N E fr 69 Water S 6 Norton X 23 Fly 46 Peacock 53 Dante pi 80 Terrace EVELYN—B-4 S W fr 333 Esser 95 Ontario 5 174 End of st “ EXCHANGE—L-8 E fr 177 Main A 23 Washington X 60 Ellicott N Y C Sta 122 weiis ;; 179 Michigan Erie Sta Genesee Sts., for HOME OUTFITS 63 281 Chicago 7 S 383 Louisiana II 490 Alabama II 557 Hamburg 44 598 Jefferson 44 609 Red Jacket 44 660 Larkin 44 727 Van Rensse 44 794 Hydraulic 44 837 Griffen 44 875 Daytona 44 916 Smith 44 1005 Selkirk K 1007 Seneca 44 EXETER— C-8 N fr 1286 Hertel av A 129 Tacoma Her 245 Taunton 44 EXPRESS—K-6 A W fr 220 Pearl 24 Franklin X FAIRCHILD PL—C-7 N fr Algonquin A 30 Tioga Her 48 Dakota 44 107 Hertel av 44 FAIRFIELD—D-10 N W fr 2435 Main A 20 Orchard p.l 8 80 Vernon 44 149 Amherst 44 FARMER—D-4 E fr Erie canal A 18 Niagara 5 48 Dearborn 44 72 East ** 112 Gurnsey 44 123 Thompson 150 Gorton 44 178 Tonawanda 44 FARNSWORTH AV— A -7 N fr 84 Knox av 79 Taunton 9 FARRAGUT— fr Winchester to Min¬ eral sp rd at city line 7 FAY—J-12 N to 569 Walden 11 W Shore av 4 135 Walden FAXON—L-11 N fr 1454 Clinton B 65 End of st 2 FEDERAL AV—D-11 N fr 734 Kensington 51 Shawnee 13 115 End of st 44 FELL AL—J-6 A N fr 180 Carolina 5 FAIRVIEW—P-13 N fr 2325 Seneca A 7 FARGO AV—1-5 N W fr 234 Hudson S 61 Pennsylvania 129 Jersey 5 197 Porter av 44 264 Connecticut 44 332 Vermont 5 400 Rhode Island 44 469 Massachusetts 44 538 Hampshire 44 580 School 44 643 Niagara 44 FERGUSON—E-5 E fr 107 Herkimer A 65 Grant FERNWOOD—E-5 N E fr 1411 West ave 64 Dewitt Fst 104 End of st 44 FENTON—M-13 N fr Buffalo river 125 Seward 2 221 Casimir 44 335 Clinton 44 FERRY—G-G See E and W Ferry 64 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR'S Way FIELDS AV—O-13 S E fr Zittel 61 Buffam 7 113 Indian Ch av '* FIFTEENTH—H -5 N W fr 135 York A 64 Connecticut 7 133 Vermont 203 Rhode Island 257 Utica “ 273 Massachusetts “ 344 Hampshire ** FILLMORE AV—10-10 N fr 898 Seneca Fil 3 Smith II $0 Hardw’d pi II 91 Dillon II 94 N Division II 110 S Divisiom II 176 Eagle II 194 James II 225 Clinton II 288 Oneida 44 300 Steuben if 328 Olga pi 14 367 Howard 44 427 William fi 437 Curtiss 44 532 Peckham 44 597 Lovejoy 44 683 Sienkiewicz 44 719 Broadway 44 8 77 Stanislaus 44 893 Sycamore 44 939 C st 44 975 B st 44 1007, A st 44 1025 Peterson 44 1056 Genesee 44 1107 Best 44 — Humboldt prk 44 1201 N Parade 44 1227 Northampton 44 1269 Fougeron 44 1270 Girard pi 44 1303 Riley 44 * 3©7 Urban 44 1328 Landon <« 1345 French Fa 1364 Utica #• 1377 Box av 44 1394 Woeppel 44 1401 Roeder 44 1415 Glenwood 44 1440 Winslow 44 1490 Woodlawn 44 1499 Ferry 44 1528 Inter Park 44 1558 Sidney v 1661 Northland 44 — Belt Line Sta 44 1708 Buell av 44 1736 Mohican 44 1761 Delavan 44 1809 Appenheimer 44 1967 Kensington 44 2023 Craine 44 2034 Van Gorden if 2053 Gesl 44 2105 Dewey 44 2163 Leroy 44 2183 Brewster 44 2193 Charlotte 44 2204 Jewett * 44 2223 Wakefield 44 2242 Phelps 41 2253 Victoria *4 2281 Rodney 44 2391 Main 44 FISHER—E -5 N fr 2196 Genesee G FISCHER—F-13 E fr 709 Grant to 196 Rees 3 FITZGERALD—M-8 N fr 262 0 ’Con*dl B 63 Mackinaw 11 141 Elk 4* FLEMING—K-io E fr 71 Metcalf 47 Jones 2 97 Clemo 44 127 Laux « 44 214 Babcock 44 READ PAGES 15 to 27 Main and Genesee Streets 65 FLETCHER—S -9 Continuation of Mar- ilia, 10 FLINT AL—J-6 S fr 130 W Mohawk to 108 Delaware X FLORENCE—E-g W fr 2242 Main M 33 Crescent o 75 Woodward “ 117 Parkside ** FLORIDA—F-8 A E fr 1796 Main 8 131 Jefferson ** 180 Elton ** 245 Pleasant ** 289 Hager ** 326 Pansy ** 367 Daisy ** 388 Regina ** 409 Humboldt Fil FLOSS AV—F-13 N fr 2088 Genesee 101 Lang G 235 Delavan " " FLOWER—B-10 W fr 78 Tyler 25 Bruce 8 95 Angle " hi End of »t " FLY—L -6 N W fr 8 Maiden Lane A 13 State X 28 Davenport ** 37 Le Couteulx 49 Evans " FOLGER—O-n S W fr 24 Triangle B to Tifft 10 FORD—A-n N fr Niag. Blvd to University av 8 FORDHAM DRIVE D-7 A E fr 1535 Elmwood N Lincoln blvd E PA A/f Atiforcrir 50 Monterery <« FOREST AV—E-6 E fr Erie canal A 31 Niagara 5 85 West ave Fst 122 Dewitt 1 # 158 Danforth II 188 Dart #4 222 Hawley 44 253 Grant 44 279 Barry pi 44 286 Rees 44 313 Parkdale 44 345 Hoyt 44 379 Baynes 44 411 Bessie pi 44 445 Tremont 44 475 Richmond 44 503 Claremont 44 537 Ashland 44 581 Elmwood 44 609 Granger 44 665 Lincoln pky 44 725 Windsor 44 768 Clarendon 44 797 Berkley 44 831 Delaware 44 8 Rumsey rd H FORMAN PL—F-13 W and N fr 32 New¬ burgh av to Block G FORT PORTER—1-4 At Vermont and Front ave 5 FOUGERON—H-10 E fr 1269 Fillmore 83 E Parade 1 J 133 173 Josephine If G 239 Louisen «i 313 Barthel i4 374 Genesee If READ PAGES 15 to 27 66 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way FOUNDRY—C-4 S N fr 348 Hertel ave 57 Gladstone 5 FOURTEENTH—H-5 N W fr 384 Penn¬ sylvania 7 S 38 Porter ave 61 Jersey “ 130 York 197 Connecticut “ 266 Vermont 11 333 Rhode Island " 403 Massachusetts ** 474 Hampshire FOURTH—J-4 N W fr W Genesee S 81 Wilkenson 5 133 Court 155 Georgia 230 Carolina 297 Virginia 368 Maryland 435 Hudson 465 Root 503 Pennsylvania 575 Jersey 643 Porter FOX— 1-9 N fr 766 Broadway S 137 Sycamore 6 A 280 Genesee G 312 High 380 North ** 448 Best Bst FRANK AV—N-X 3 S fr 303 Mineral Spring rd 7 a 5 Ryan ;; 33 Geary 57 Weyand 7 — Kamper — Norman ** — Zittle FIGURE G' 9 , IS IN- DEX TO MAP. FRANKLIN—9-3 N fr 63 Terrace A 19 Seneca X 39 Erie II 47 Swan II B 77 Church «l City & County Hall • 4 A 106 Eagle 04 11 3 Niagara X 123 Express 44 . 130 Court 44 159 Genesee 44 164 Mohawk 44 202 Huron 04 240 Chippewa 44 333 Tupper 04 385 Edward 04 419 Virginia E S 491 Allen 04 571 North 8 FREDERICK PL—H-10 W fr 20 Kehr G FREDRO—M-13 N to 1785 Clinton 40 Casimer 2 146 Clinton '* FRENCH—H-10 E fr 1345 Fillmore A 171 Kehr 12 388 Moselle “ FREUND—F-13 E fr 2164 Genesee . 60 Lang av ix 195 Delavan " FREEMAN—D-12 S fr 1060 Kensington to Willow pi 13 FRITZ AL— 1-8 E fr 181 Emslie to Clare 2 FRONT AV—1-5 N W fr 215 Court A 17 Wilkeson 5 88 Georgia “ Main and Genesee Streets 67 «« 158 Carolina 228 Virginia 304 Maryland 374 Hudson 446 Pennsylvania 516 Jersey 586 Porter av — The Front 5 656 Connecticut “ 726 Vermont “ — Fort Porter ** 795 Rhode Island " 865 Massachusetts “ 925 Seventh “ 963 Hampshire ** 990 Niagara ** FRONTENAC—B-10 Fr Lyndhurst A 86 Tacoma Her 169 N Drive " FULLER—C-3 N fr 74 Ontario 22 Collation — Briggs av FULTON—L-6 E fr 97 Michigan S 11 W Market 27 E Market 62 Marvin 94 Chicago — Lanigan prk 183 Louisiana 221 Hayward 286 Alabama 350 Hamburg 396 Red Jacket 512 VanRensselaer 692 Smith s I I €4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 GALENA—B-i 1 Changed to Northrup GALLATIN AV—B-4 S E fr 219 Ontario M 65 Hunt 5 188 Progressive GALLOWAY—O-13 S E fr 83 Buffam n «« ?. 99 44 44 GALVESTON— 1-8 B E fr 797 Jefferson Jeff GALVIN PL—A-6 S fr 1580 Kenmore § GANSON—M-6 N W fr 17 Hamburg Turnpike to opposite foot of Main 11 S 413 S Michigan GARDEN—J-6 N fr 292 Carolina to 293 Virginia GARFIELD—C-3 E fr 2131 Niagara 43 East 69 Hartman 95 Peoria 121 Calumet 149 Tonawanda GARNER AV—F-4 E fr 291 Dewitt A 62 Herkimer Fst 127 Grant 196 Parkdale GARVEY AV—P-10 E fr 401 Hopkins 10 GATCHELL—1-12 N fr 1620 Broadway B 72 Pullman 4 139 End of st “ GATES CIRCLE—F-7 A At junct of Chapin Pkwy, Delaware and Lafayette aves Fst GEARY—O-12 N E fr 2038 Seneca A 33 Frank 7 GELSTON—G -4 N fr 86 W Ferry A 60 Breckenridge 113 Auburn 165 Lafayette 44 44 f. «« 68 Itis Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way GENESEE—F-N N E fr 529 Main A 19 Huron X 39 Washington G 72 Ellicott 44 102 Chippewa 44 125 Oak 44 175 Elm 44 227 Michigan 44 257 Ash 44 291 Spruce 44 3 i 7 Walnut 44 347 Hickory G 1 mile to City Hall 379 Pratt 44 415 Spring 44 431 Eureka pi 44 462 Mortimer 44 495 Kane 44 519 Camp 44 545 Davis 44 595 Tefferson 44 657 Monroe 44 6S9 Adams 44 725 Grey 44 740 Carlton 44 769 Johnson 44 80s Sherman 44 841 Fox 44 881 Herman 44 2 miles to City Hall 882 High G 919 Guilford " 948 Rich 951 Reed 984 Sweeney ** 989 Strauss M 1014 Myers 1027 Wilson 14 1047 Fillmore M 1127 Mills — Humboldt pk 44 1132 Best ** 1139 Walden “ 1186 E. Parade ** 2V2, miles to City Hall 1202 Marshall 44 1229 Latour G 1240 Spiess 14 1261 Kiefer M 1268 Kehr II 1301 Rohr II 1339 Louisen 44 1339 Roetzer II Belt Line Sta II 1383 Wasmuth 41 1415 Barthel 44 * 1420 Northampton 41 1447 Ivy 3 miles to City Hall 44 1463 St. Louis G i486 Fougeron 44 1513 Moselle 44 1542 Bissell av 14 1572 Goodyear 44 1610 Nevada 44 1615 Koons av 44 1621 Doat 44 1642 Montana 44 1668 Colorado 44 1703 Rapin pi 44 1706 Leslie 44 1735 May 44 1738 Kilhoffer 44 1767 Rawlins 44 1774 Zenner 44 1804 Wende 44 1805 Burgard 44 1831 Bailey av 44 1869 Warring 44 1900 Haven 44 1930 Blake 44 1945 Forman 44 1964 Roslyn 4 miles to City Hall 44 1996 Newburgh G 1999 Theodore 44 2027 Zelmer 44 2110 Floss av 44 2113 Randle 44 2139 Sprenger 44 2140 Rogers av 44 2196 Freund 44 2207 Domedion 44 2228 Fisher 44 Main and Genesee Streets 69 2231 Eller av G 2260 Erb “ 2263 Humason " 2287 East End av 44 — City Line 2291 Alpine ** 2306 Barber 44 2319 Avery ** 2341 Olcott “ 2452 Andrews 44 2464 Long “ — Ridge rd 44 — Pine Hill 5 miles to City Hall B — State rd G — Buffalo & De¬ pew Ry GENEVA—J-10 W fr 386 Curtiss B — Houghton 4 GENOA—A -7 S fr 1472 Kenmore av. 9 GEORGE—J -8 E fr 205 Mortimer A 56 Jefferson x GEORGETOWN—C-ia E fr 3150 Bailey av 74 Suffolk 13 144 Westminster “* GEORGIA—J -5 E fr Lake Erie S 69 Court 5 86 Fourth 44 100 Efner 44 122 Trenton 44 146 Frorct av 44 183 Seventh 44 A 213 Niagara 44 251 Prospect 44 276 Whitney 44 277 W Chippewa 44 GERHARDT—H -9 N fr 396 Dodge Jef B 59 Northampton M GERMAIN—D -5 N fr Boulevard A 43 Amherst 183 Grote GERMANIA—O-io N fr 655 Tifft 23 Roland 10 53 Burrows ir 83 Burt 44 113 Savoy 44 143 Lehigh 44 173 Edmunds 44 203 Bell 44 233 Beacon 44 263 Mystic 44 293 Baraga 44 3 i 9 Pembina It 326 Lackawanna 44 380 Amelia 44 448 Abbott rd 44 GESL—E-i 0 W fr 2046 Fillmore 63 Pauline Fil GIBSON—J-10 N fr 30 Curtiss S 79 Peckham 4 A 145 Lovejoy ** 232 Sienkiewicz «« 275 Broadway «« 403 Stanislaus <« GILBERT—L-i 1 N fr 48 Dorothy 2 B 87 Clinton 49 165 Manitoba 44 189 Erie R. R 44 GILL AL—G-5 A N to 560 Auburn Breckenridge E End of st 44 GILLETTE AV—F-ix N fr 390 E Delavan A 90 Clement Fil 125 Oak Grove 44 GIRARD PL— H-o E fr 964 Humboldt A pkwy Fil 101 Fillmore <4 70 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way GITTERE—I-n N to 251 Walden 75 Walden 6 GLADSTONE—B-5 W fr 364 Military 24 Short NF 52 Deer “ 82 Foundry ** GLEN—M-ia N fr 1690 Clinton 2 GLENDALE PL—E-g A E fr 2073 Main 8 GLEN D HU—O-13 W fr 2or Cazeno- via 7 GLENWOOD AV—G-8 S E fr 1425 Main Not open bet Hum¬ boldt and Fillmore A 76 Michigan 8 152 Masten 12 180 Chester " 204 Waverly “ 228 Purdy M 252 Verplanck ** 278 Welker ** 301 Jefferson 330 Dupont ** 353 Hauf 379 Brooklyn 405 Storz av ** 431 Roehrer 459 Wohlers “ 499 Celtic pi 537 Portage 577 Humboldt 68f Fillmore ** 861 Kehr End of st See E Glenwood GLENWOOD PL.— N to 1716 Kenmore 9 GLOR—D-4 N fr 68 Military rd A 75 Austin NF 147 Junct R R “ GOEMBEL AV—H-xa N fr 535 Walden ave A 173 Doat 0 GOETHE—K-12 N fr 1780 William A 71 Ludington 1 161 Lovejoy ** 259 Vanderbilt " Closed 339 Reimann ** 485 Broadway " GOLD—1-13 N fr 1672 William A 89 Ludington X 1 77 Lovejoy M 275 Vanderbilt ft 37 i Reimann 479 Broadway ffff GOOD AV—O-io E fr 635 Hopkins B 46 Buffalo 10 B 109 Triangle ffff 155 Abbott rd ff« GOODELL—J -7 E fr 782 Main A 19 Washington 8 53 Ellicott i# 78 Morton II 89 Oak Iff 122 Demond Bst 135 Elm ffff 156 Werrick ffff 159 Edwin al Mch 171 Michigan • 4 197 Maple 224 Mulberry ffff 246 Cherry ffff GOODLIFFE—R-10 E fr 69 Hopkins 10 GOODRICH— 1-7 E fr 1005 Main A 51 Ellicott 8 127 Elm Bst 165 Michigan Mch INSTRUCTIONS PAGES 15 to 27. ON Main and Genesee Streets 71 2 44 5 44 44 44 GOODYEAR AV—H-ii N fr 1432 Broadway B 69 Empire 4 255 Sycamore 6 A 277 Walden ♦ ** 359 McKibben G 489 Genesee “ 668 E Ferry 11 GORHAM—M-10 N fr 1106 Elk to A 1171 Perry 11 GORSKI—M-13 N to 1803 Clinton B 63 Casimir 147 Clinton GORTON—D -5 N fr 144 Amherst A 62 Hamilton 133 Austin 199 Farmer 260 Hertel GOULDING—G -9 A E fr 26 Lonsdale rd 105 Wohlers 221 Humboldt GRACE—C -3 E fr 2107 Niagara B 43 East «> 72 Hartman * 98 Peoria 124 Calumet 149 Tonawanda *' GRAHAM AV—N-13 S fr 325 Mineral S Spring rd 7 GRAHLINGS AL— L-6 W fr Jackson to Bingham 5 GRANDVIEW—A-iz N fr Kenmore av near Niag Blvd — Maxwell — Ford — Chalmers GRANGER—L-7 E fr 287 Chicago S 11 44 44 4 44 GRANGER PL—F-6 N fr 620 Bird av to A 609 Forest av Fst GRANT—F-5 N fr 318 Hampshire A 4 Arkansas 3 48 Ferry r * 72 Ferguson ** 79 Arnold * 102 Breckenridge 127 Boyd " 141 Auchinvole 7 Broadway LONGNECKER—J-13 N fr 1570 William A 89 Ludington 1 175 Lovejoy ** 273 Vanderbilt 4 367 Reimann 419 King LONGVIEW AV—F-10 N to 579 E Delavan 57 Northland 11 157 Delavan ,r LONSDALE RD—F-9 N fr 320 Ferry A 26 Goulding 11 62 Butler •i 77 Brunswick II 108 Boston II 136 Oriole #4 162 Northland 44 LORD—L-9 N fr 230 Seymour A 24 Baltic 7 39 S Division I* 60 Meteor al • 4 70 N Division M 83 Laban al II 100 Eagle 2 117 James 11 145 Clinton 11 151 Fritz al n 178 Bristol 11 195 San Domingo • 4 209 Oneida 44 227 Pink 1 236 Addison 44 251 Howard 44 LORING AV—F-8 E fr 113 Meech av A 171 Humboldt 8 212 Shelbourne 44 283 Trinidad 44 90 VICTOR & CO., Main and LORRAINE AV—P-ii N fr 493 McKinley pky Abt 140 Abbott rd LOUISEN—H-10 N fr 1328 Genesee 35 Northampton G 73 Fougeron ** LOUISIANA—M-7 N fr Buffalo river A 47 St Clair 11 64 Ohio a 122 South «< 193 Republic <« 237 O’Connell M 302 Mackinaw 44 338 Miami 44 S 370 Elk U 0 406 Fulton 44 449 Perry 44 560 Exchange 7 586 Carroll 44 611 Seneca 14 LOVE AL—L-7 N fr Buffalo river to rear of 40 Illinois 11 LOVEJOY—J-13 E fr 477 Emslie A 21 Krettner 4 49 Sherman *4 75 Stanton 14 101 Shumway 44 127 Smith 44 153 Coit 44 177 Detroit 44 203 Townsend Fil 229 Wilson 44 S 249 Fillmore 44 284 Gibson 44 309 Lombard 44 333 Clarke 44 357 Sears <4 379 Playter 44 B 396 Sweet 4 438 Robert 44 463 Hilton 44 488 Burrell 44 505 Curtis 44 Closed fr 505 to 851 851 Trestle 897 Central A 922 Bailey 1049 Green 1074 Longnecker 1102 Ideal 1132 Benzinger 1166 Gold 1197 Davy 1235 N Ogden 1262 Schiller 1300 Goethe 1318 City Line LOVERING AV—B-S N fr 1214 Hrrtel ar A 129 Tacoma 9 254 Taunton r * LOWELL PL— G-5 N W fr 343 Vermont S 63 Rhode Island 10 LUDINGTON—J-12 E fr 1235 Bailey av A Henepin pk 117 Greene 1 143 Longnecker ** 175 Ideal 207 Benzinger ** 239 Gold ** 274 Davy " 306 N Ogden “ 340 Schiller ** 371 Goethe _ ** 390 City Line LUTHERAN AL—K-8 N fr 234 William A 205 Broadway 4 LYMAN—K-10 E fr 134 Metcalf B 57 Jones 1 62 Lewis ** LYNDALE— A-11 N fr University av — Maxwell — Ford — Chalmers 8 READ PAGES 15 to 27. 44 44 44 I 44 44 44 44 44 Genesee Sts., for REFRIGERATORS 91 LYNDHURST AV—C -9 E fr Wellington rd A to Park Side Her LYTH AV—G-8 E fr 301 Purdy A 15 Ada pi Jef 33 Alexander 4 < 65 Jefferson II MACAMLEY—O-ii E & W fr 157 Tri- A angle IO 30 Dash 44 45 Taylor pi 44 75 S Park av 44 MACKINAW E fr 238 Ohio I I 28 Chicago 44 S 115 Louisiana 44 141 Kentucky 44 167 Tennessee 44 193 Vincennes 44 225 Alabama 44 247 Vandalia 44 B 283 Hamburg 44 312 Sidway 44 343 Katharine 44 376 Fitzgerald 44 4 i 5 Erie tracks 44 MADISON—K -8 N fr 586 Eagle S 35 Clinton Jef IT ^ 97 Howard 44 167 William 44 265 Peckham 44 A 345 Broadway 44 459 Beckwith 44 469 Sycamore 44 551 Brown 44 • • MAGNOLIA—P -12 N E fr Oakhurst to 1580 Abbott rd io MAIDEN LANE— L -6 E fr 11 Water A 8 Fly X 37 Dante pi 11 READ PAGES 15 to 27. MAIN— S -13 N fr Buffalo river 3 Ohio 8 24 Prime ll 47 Perry II 97 Scott 44 104 Hanover 44 119 Quay 44 132 Llovd 44 156 Terrace 44 169 Exchange 44 225 Seneca 44 275 Swan 44 308 Erie 44 309 S Division 44 312 Church 44 Shelton sq ll 33 5 N Division 14 344 Niagara II 369 Eagle II 411 Clinton 44 428 Court 44 — Lafayette Sq 44 447 Broadway 44 487 Mohawk 44 529 Genesee 44 543 Huron 44 589 Chippewa 44 V2 mile to City Hall 707 Tupper 8 778 Edward 44 785 Goodell 44 819 Burton 44 841 Virginia II 905 Carlton 44 1 mile to city Hall 934 Allen 8 971 High 44 007 Goodrich 44 040 North 44 081 St Paul 44 119 Best 44 130 Summer 44 1 77 Dodge 44 210 Barker 44 21s Coe pi 44 • 1249 Northampton 1288 Bryant 92 VICTOR & CO., Main and 1321 Riley 8 1341 Laurel M 1378 Utica " 1425 Glenwood 2 miles to City Hall 1477 YVoodlawn 8 1532 Ferry COLD SPRING 1621 Michigan 8 1630 Balcom 1646 Harvard pi 1677 E Balcom 1727 Northland 44 1751 Masten 1769 Florida 1776 Lafayette 44 1850 Delavan 44 — Forest Lawn Cemetery — Carnival Ct “ 3 miles to City Hall 1975 Jefferson 8 2033 Eastwood 2078 Glendale 2095 Kensington 2100 Humboldt 44 2 178 Robie 2242 Florence 2269 Dewey av 2306 Oakwood ■2313 Oakwood 44 HIGHLAND PK 2341 DISTRICT Leroy av 8 2392 Willowlawn 44 2428 Jewett 44 2436 Greenfield 41 Belt Line Sta 44 4 miles to Hall 2495 Rodney City 44 2520 Fairfield 44 2556 Orchard 44 2551 Fillmore 44 2622 V emon 44 2656 Parker 44 2672 Amherst J CENTRAL PK DISTRICT 2757 2814 2854 2900 3002 30*5 3059 3089 3127 3132 3145 3166 3197 3206 3220 3250 3276 3322 3366 3375 3494 B — 4400 4420 4 Soo II 44 44 a 44 41 44 av Morris 8 Depew 44 Woodbridge “ Huntington 44 Hertel Erie R R Sra 44 5 miles to City Hall LaSalle Minnesota Lisbon Higate Custer Northrup Morton Winspere Merrimac Sutton Heath Englewood University N Falls Blvd 44 Homeworth Erie County Hospital 44 Kenmore 6 miles to City Hall State rd Springville Caldine Bailey av City Line Mainard Eggert rd Guide rd Amherst rd Chassen New Home rd 44 Washington Hiway Mt Vernon rd 44 7 miles to City Hall Harlem av 44 Williamsville 44 Wmv 44 44 44 44 MALTA PL— 1-6 N W fr 311 Mary¬ land A 62 .West av 3 Genesee Sts., for PATHEPHONES 93 ALSCH N fr 174 Esser av 9 MANCHESTER PL —F-6 A E from 347 Baynes to Richmond 7 MANDAN—C-6 N fr 53 Troost Her 75 Hertel av “ MANHART—E-12 E fr 195 Olympic to 2686 Bailey 11 MANHASSE N fr 172 Duerstein to Indian Ch 7 MANHATTAN AV —E-i 1 N fr 458 Leroy av 63 Shawnee 13 261 Amherst 44 MANITOBA—L-11 E to 73 Baitz av 15 Gilbert 2 47 Scoville 44 77 Baitz av 44 MANTON PL—C-6 N fr 148 Grote B — Chandler NF MAPLE—J-7 N fr 34 Cherry s 37 Goodell Mch 78 Burton 44 140 Virginia 44 204 Carlton 44 271 High 44 340 North 44 MARIEMONT AV —Q-11 E fr 337 S Park av 221 McKinley 10 MARIGOLD—D-11 N fr 428 Leroy av 53 Shawnee 13 128 End of st * r MARILLA—Q-10 E to 192 S Park av — Lehigh 10 — Bahama 10 A 208 Hopkins ** 346 Zollars " 437 S Park av MARINER-*-I-6 N fr 370 Virginia A 90 Allen 7 192 North ** MARION—D-6 E fr Reservation B 55 Bridgman '* 102 N Y C R R " 179 Elmwood MARK—K-7 N fr 22 William 1 MARKHAM PL—A^7 N fr 65 Sessions av 34 Villa av 9 MARSHALL—H-10 N fr 1202 Genesee A 58 Bardol G 100 Northampton “ MARSHALL AL— L-6 Fr Church toBing- ham X MAPLE RIDGE AV —E-i 1 E fr 511 Grider 59 Deerfield 13 123 Wyoming 4 THE LETTER AND FIGURE G-9, IS IN- DEX TO MAP. MARVIN—M -7 N fr 172 Elk A 31 Fulton 11 65 Perry " MARY—L -7 E fr 41 Indiana 21 Illinois 11 47 Mississippi 94 VICTOR & CO., Main and MARYLAND— 1-6 E fr Erie canal S 21 Fourth 5 46 Efner m 69 Trenton 44 95 Front a v 44 130 Seventh 44 A 164 Niagara 44 197 Prospect 44 226 Whitney 44 252 Tenth 3 276 West av 44 311 W Tupper 44 312 Malta 44 332 Cottage 7 302 College 44 MASON—G-4 N fr 38 Breckenridge 55 Auburn 5 MASSACHUSETTS AV N E A 26 58 93 129 166 202 237 274 293 310 346 363 397 402 421 447 476 5 11 555 -H -4 fr 865 Front av Seventh Niagara 2 Prospect 44 Fargo av 44 West av Plymouth ?. Normal Fourteenth 7 . Utica M Fifteenth 44 Lawrence 44 Shields av 44 Brayton 4 $ Winter 10 Eighteenth 44 Nineteenth 44 Chenango 44 Essex 44 Ferry 44 Richmond av 44 MASTEN—H-8 N fr 236 E North S 58 Best Mch 90 Edna pi 44 A 124 Dodge 44 160 Southampton 191 Northamptoa ** 224 Eaton Mch. 262 Riley 44 288 Laurel 44 322 E. Utica 44 368 Glenwood 44 396 Emerson pi 44 421 Woodlawn 44 472 Ferry 44 574 Balcom 8 623 Northland 651 Main 44 MATIJKO—M-12 A fr 1752 Clinton to Rejitan 2 MATTHEWS—K-8 E fr 227 Mortimer A 61 Jefferson Jef MAURICE—N-g N fr 310 Prenatt A 75 Elk 11 151 Perry 44 239 Seneca 7 MAY—H-12 N fr West Shore av A 139 Walden 6 250 Hazel 44 326 Doat G 381 Genesee 44 MAXWELL—A-i 1 Fr Niagara blvd to University av 8 MAYBACK PL— N-ia N W fr 80 Jordan pi 7 MAYER AV-B -4 S E fr 247 Ontario M 63 Hunt 5 117 Progressive 44 149 Rano 44 MAYWOOD—P -13 S E boundary of Cazenovia Park 7 If you find any errort in this Guide, tell the Publisher by post card, and get a new Guide. Genesee Sts., for Baby Carriages 95 McKIBBEN—H -11 E fr 87 Moselle 19 Bissell av G MECHANIC—L -6 E fr Erie canal A 21 Webb X 47 Goodyear 44 47 Stevens • 4 77 Koons ave 44 69 Terrace 44 MEAD AL-K -7 N fr 146 N Division B 2 McKinley pky—Q- ia N fr McClellan Circle I Dorrance 10 34 Aldrich 44 98 Downing 44 Brucella 44 — Eden 44 180 Marilla 44 251 Hollywood 44 260 Devonshire 44 332 Mariemont 44 362 Woodside 44 3 90 Sheffield 44 420 Whitfield 44 428 McMillen Cl 44 — Oakhurst 44 — Red Jacket pky 44 — Choat ] [i 482 Bloomfield 44 493 Lorraine 44 524 Richfield 44 519 Alsace 44 558 Tifft 44 543 Edgewood 44 588 Columbus 44 611 Strathmore 44 620 Olcott av 44 643 Eaglewood 44 668 Como 44 698 Kenefick 44 739 Hubbell 44 753 Clio av 44 762 Mesmer 44 785 Lakewod 44 841 Heacock pk 44 MEADOW VIEW PL —E-8 N W fr Agassiz pi 8 READ PAGES 15 to 27. MEDFORD PL—A -7 N fr 11 Sessions av 31 Villa av 9 MEECH AV—F -9 N fr 196 E Delavan B 23 Hedley 8 53 Blaine 83 Hughes ** 113 Loring “ MELBOURNE— F -6 N fr 804 Auburn A 33 Lancaster E MELICENT E fr 2947 Bailey av 14 Bickford 80 Suffolk MELROSE—O -12 N E fr 1106 Abbott rd Abt 57 Cumberland ** 232 Seneca 7 MELVIN PL—N -11 S fr 1401 Elk 57 Elk 11 MENDOLA—E -11 E fr 653 Kensington 43 Deerfield 13 76 Palos pi 109 Wyoming " MERIDEN—P -12 N E fr 1328 Abbott 57 Cumberland Abt MERRIMAC—B -11 W fr 3206 Main A 59 Cornell 8 109 Bruce ** 159 Mildred M 216 Angle ** MESMER AV—C -12 E fr 721 South Park B McKinley 10 96 VICTOR & CO., Main and METCALF—L-io N fr 994 Clinton S 71 Fleming 2 96 Thomas 44 101 Klaus 44 134 Lyman I 237 Howard 44 294 William 44 METEOR AL—L-9 E fr 71 Emslie 2 MIAMI—M-7 E fr 196 Ohio A 1 Moore II S 46 Chicago if 135 Louisiana 44 241 Alabama 44 305 Hamburg 44 MICHIGAN AV— ■H -7 A N fr Buffalo river 12 Ohio * 11 52 Elk if 97 Fulton if 128 Perry if 171 Scott Viaduct 44 S — Erie Depot Mch 235 Exchange 44 262 Carroll 44 282 Seneca 7 303 Myrtle if A 326 Swan Abt 350 S Division «« 375 N Division «« 402 Eagle 2 440 Clinton 2 461 William 1 475 Vine «« 478 Arsenal «« 530 Broadway 4 571 Cypress a 605 Sycamore 6 684 Genesee G 718 Tupper Mch 727 Cherry if 794 Goodell if A 832 Burton Mch 882 Virginia if S 942 Carlton if 1008 High 44 1042 Goodrich Mich 1072 North “ A 1129 Best ** 1154 Edna pi " 1188 Dodge ** 1225 Southampton 1257 Northampton ** 1287 Eaton ** 1326 Riley - 1349 Laurel " 1386 Utica 12 1424 Glenwood *' 1457 Emerson ** 1480 Woodlawn ** 1532 Ferry 11 1594 Main 8 COLD SPRING MIDLAND N fr 934 Abbott rd — Alcona 10 — Almont ** — Albion MIDWAY AV—D-ia E fr 69 Comstock av 11 67 Hutchinson ** 93 Bailey *' MIDDLESEX RD—D -7 E to 1465 Elmwood A 1 N Lincoln blvd E Amherst ** — Delaware Fst Montery “ Elmwood ** MILBURN—I-io N to 1319 Broadway B 47 Kent 4 101 Ashley 167 Broadway ** MILDRED—B-ix N fr 75 Tyler 39 Merrimac 8 59 Heath 89 Englewood MILFORD—O -12 N £ fr 1170 Abbott 57 Cumberland Abt Genesee Sts., for JEWELRY 97 MILITARY RD—B -5 N fr 278 Amherst A 8 Kail NF 38 Clay 44 84 Glor 04 153 Grant 44 168 Austin 94 192 Lansing 44 201 Grote 99 235 Chandler 44 NYC Belt Line 44 344 Hertel 44 364 Gladstone 44 392 Sayre 44 418 Arizona 44 434 Denver 44 472 Idaho 44 500 Ansteth 4 4 515 Race 44 623 Layer 44 647 Kofler av 44 675 Ruhl av 44 703 Hinman 44 790 Skillen 44 727 Blum av 44 733 Ritt ave 44 779 Kenmore 44 City Line — Hazelton 44 — Beaver rd 44 — Wabash 44 — Toisel 44 — Ontario 44 MILLICENT E fr Bailey . 300 Ulster 13 338 Arnold 370 Bedford << 390 City Line <4 MILLER—I-n B N fr 1384 Broadway 77 Empire 4 245 Sycamore 6 279 Walden 44 THE LETTER AND FIGURE G-9, IS IN¬ DEX TO MAP. MILLS—I-io 127 Stanislaus 6 171 Sycamore 44 192 C 44 226 B 258 A G 314 Peterson 44 351 Genesee 44 MILLS AL-K -7 A N E fr Oak to Elm Bst MILNOR—K -7 S 79 Broadway 4 A N fr 82 William MILTON—M -11 N fr 1228 Perry B 55 Seneca 7 109 Westcott 44 MINERAL SPRING RD —N -13 E fr 1932 Seneca A 135 Hayden 7 187 Frank av 44 217 Hillery av 258 Heisz 44 287 Wells av “ 308 S Ogden 44 317 Graham 44 347 Calais 44 365 City Line 44 — Farragut 41 MINNEAPOLIS—C-ia. E fr 3343 Bailey av 70 Suffolk 13 174 Orleans 44 268 Eggert 44 MINNESOTA AV—C-ia E fr 3081 Main 8 101 Cordova 44 207 Park Ridge 44 315 Lenox it 423 Bailey ** 492 Suffolk 44 607 Orleans 44 \ 695 Eggert 44 98 VICTOR & CO., Main and MINNETONKA RD Fr 1658 Abbott rd to Tuscarora Abt MINTON—M-9 E fr 383 Smith A 64 Selkirk 7 MISSISSIPPI—K-7 N to 95 Scott A 7 Ohio 11 S 15 Elk 85 Perry " 126 Scott ** MONTANA AV—G-11 N fr 1642 Genesee A 161 Ferry 11 MONTCALM—B-n N E fr 197 Engle¬ wood av 102 Montrose av 8 MONTCLAIR AV —D-11 W fr 400 Leroy av 63 Shawnee 13 127 End of st 44 MOBILE—C-6 W fr 926 Hertel av 126 Race Her — Stratford 44 189 Olive 14 MOELLER—G-12 E fr 2075 Bailey av 60 Warring G MOHAWK—J-6 See East and West MO HI GAN AV—G-9 E fr 509 Humboldt and 1736 Fillmore Fil MONTGOMERY—L-9 N fr 874 Eagle B 9 James 2 39 Clinton 44 50 Fritz al 44 73 Bristol 44 79 San Domingo 44 105 Oneida 44 144 Pink 44 167 Howard 44 MONTICELLO PL —E -9 E fr 262 Humboldt 21 Shelbourne A 67 Trinidad 8 MOHR-J-11 A N to 1285 Broadway 49 Grimes 113 Ashley 162 Broadway MONROE—J-9 N fr 614 Eagle S 37 Clinton 108 Howard 173 William 271 Peckham 359 Broadway 467 Beckwith 485 Sycamore A 575 Brown 613 Genesee 6 G II MONTROSE AV—A-11 N fr 68 Englewood 8 4 II A 19 Eley pi II M 46 Evadene II 72 Devereaux 44 102 Montcalm 44 128 Barcher II 2 148 Kenmore II 11 MOORE—M -7 I II N fr 214 Ohio S 15 Miami II 4 55 Elk MORELAND—K-12 E fr 1349 Bailey av ' 119 Greene 1 MONTACUTE—B-10 A Fr Staren to Wal¬ lace Her/ MORLEY PL—G-8 N fr 96 E Ferry A 11 Genesee Sts., for WATCHES gg MORRIS AV—C-io v W to 2750 Main M 1 Linden 8 47 Starin av 44 1 13 Voorhees 44 185 Parker 44 219 Beard av 44 261 Main 44 MORSE—O-io — E fr 23 45 Payson Burtiss Jef 53 Bailey av 44 85 Wightman 44 MORTIMER—K-8 N fr 332 William B 90 W Peckham 1 91 Peckham ** — Willert Park 122 Hollister 4 151 Broadway ** 183 Rey 205 George ** 214 Champlin 6 227 Matthews “ 257 Sycaviore ** 349 Genesee G 380 Cherry ** MORTON—B-11 W fr 3166 Main 8 MORTON PL—J-7 N fr 78 Goodell S 32 Burton Bst 71 Virginia ** MOSELLE—G-11 N fr 318 Walden av A 87 McKibben G 177 Genesee ** 204 Urban ** 244 French ** 276 Box av “ 308 Glenwood “ 336 Winslow 11 366 Woodlawn “ 396 Ferry “ 557 Northland ** 650 Delavan “ MT VERNON AV o , —Q-I3 A S fr 2384 Seneca to City Line 7 MULBERRY— 1-8 N fr 70 Cherry S 13 Goodell Mch 118 Virginia 44 183 Carlton 44 249 High 44 319 North 44 MUMFORD—O-ii N E fr 1018 Abbott 57 Cumberland Abt 95 End of st 44 MYERS—H-9 N fr 1014 Genesee A 62 Best G MYRON AV-A -7 N fr Villa av 9 Kenmore av 44 MYRTLE—L-6 E fr 303 Michigan A 15 Butler pi 7 59 Seneca pi 44 97 Chicago 44 203 S Cedar 44 313 Spring 44 390 Hamburg 44 401 Jefferson 44 MYSTIC—P-10 R R tracks to 616 Hopkins 10 A 215 Abby «< 279 Germania M 349 Hopkins •• NARRAGANSET—Q-X3 Fr 1696 Abbott rd — Niantic Abt — Tuscarora “ NAVAJO PKY—N-13 N to 134 Mineral Spring rd A 6 Pawnee prk 7 40 Seminole “ 68 Roanoak 100 VICTOR & CO., Main and NAVEL AV—F-xa E fr 2319 Bailey a▼ 77 Texas 11 125 Newburg ** NEBRASKA—A-7 S fr 1598 Kenmore av 9 NELSON—D-6 S fr 609 Amherst 93 Piatti E 120 Amherst “ NEPTUNE PL—1-7 N fr 130 Carlton S 60 High Mch NEVADA AVE—G-ix N fr no Genesee A 161 Ferry 11 NEW BABCOCK Fr Clinton 24 Oscar a 56 Bergtold «« 90 Fleming «« 128 Babcock «« NEWBURG AV— •G-13 N fr 1980 Genesee 74 Kerns II 104 Navel •• 132 Lang av II 281 Delavan II NEWBURG—G-13 N fr 308 Doat 32 Forman G 102 Block ** NEWELL— K-9 N fr 568 Howard 59 William 1 NEWFIELD—B-4 N W fr N Y C A 61 Ontario 3 91 Esser av 5 128 Wyandotte 196 N Park av " 251 Raisch 3 272 Vulcan * NEWMAN PL— P-X3 S fr 2351 Seneca B Maywood 7 133 Helen — Wildwood " NEW S OGDEN—K-13 N fr 371 Dingens 119 Bismarck 1 241 William NEWTON—J-ix E to 334 Curtiss B 71 Curtiss 4 NIAGARA—J -5 N W 24 fr 344 Main Pearl X 33 Eagle ll 53 Franklin •# 75 Niagara Sq M hi S Elmwooa 5 123 Mohawk II 134 Staats II 193 Huron •• 210 Georgia «• 274 Carolina • • Vz mile to City Hall 335 Virginia 5 398 Maryland #« 459 Hudson M 524 Pennsylvania «• 588 Jersey ft 648 Porter •C — Prospect pk II 710 Connecticut «• — 74th Regt 1 V2 miles to City Hall 772 Vermont 5 833 Rhode Island “ 895 Massachusetts " 957 Hampshire 979 Front av 995 School M 1017 Prospect 1085 Fargo av 1088 Albany M 1144 Gull —N Y C Belt Line Sta ** READ PAGES 15 to 27. Genesee Sts., for Easy Payments 101 1164 1225 1278 1319 1348 1363 1397 1414 1417 1531 1589 1638 1708 1770 1796 1852 1918 1984 2047 2079 2107 2131 2189 2261 2337 2 415 2443 2475 2505 2605 2687 2825 5 11 Ferry Breckenridge Auburn Lafayette Brace Penfield Delavan Sloan Potomac NYC Belt Line Sta Bird av 3 miles to City Hall Forest av Tonawanda Black Rock R R Sta Wayne Parish Bridge Internat’l Bridge R R Sta Amherst Hamilton Austin Farmer 4 miles to City Hall Hertel av Grace Garfield Arthur Ontario Collaton Briggs av Royal av Riverside Crowley Esser av Riverside pk Vulcan City Line 5 % miles to City Hall Hutter Roswell Riverside av Edgar Two Mile Ck II !• II 5 II 5 II II II h II II II II II II II II II II — Ferry to Grand Island " NIAG FALLS BLVD N fr 3322 Main 141 Kenmore 8 B State road — Maxwell ** — Ford — Chalmers " NIAGARA SQ—K-6 A At junct of Court W Genesee, Delaware av and Niagara 5 NIANTIC—Q-13 Fr 265 Potters rd — Tuscarora Abt — Narragansett ** — Shenandoah ** NICHOLS PL—L -7 S N fr 160 Seneca 7 NICHOLSON W fr 250 Englewood to 45 Crosby NINETEENTH— G -5 N fr 470 Rhode Island A 67 Massachusetts 10 132 Hampshire ** 132 Ferry ** NORFOLK AV—F-ix N fr 1186 E Ferry 151 Northland 13 281 Delavan ** 553 Warwick ** 746 Kensington ** NORMAL AV-H-5 N W fr 350 Pennsyl¬ vania S 59 Porter 7 69 Jersey “ 132 York ** 201 Connecticut A 264 Vermont M 331 Rhode Island *' S 399 Massachusetts “ A 469 Hampshire " 504 Albany ** 102 VICTOR & CO., Main and Gene- Her II NORMAN—O-12 N E fr 2105 Seneca A 7 NORRIS—C -5 N fr 766 Hertel A 70 Lawn 125 Race NORTH—H -7 W fr 1058 Main A 28 N Pearl 8 43 Linwood “ 60 Franklin 97 Delaware “ 152 Irving E 178 Park 210 Elmwood 236 Mariner 260 College 294 Arlington pi 7 317 The Circle (See E North) N CENTRAL AV—I-ii N to 1597 Broadway A 83 Broadway t N DIVISION—K-7 II II II II II E fr 333 Main A 19 Washington X 51 Ellicott 44 8 7 Oak 2 126 Elm II 162 Michigan II 217 Chestnut II 277 Pine 44 343 Cedar 44 409 Hickory II S 475 Spring l1 564 Jefferson II 625 Grosvenor 44 A 705 Emslie 44 749 Bond 44 X 795 Lord *1 839 Smith 44 869 Elizabeth 44 895 Cornelia 44 919 Fillmore 44 INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGES 15 to 27. II II I II II .1 N DRIVE—B-10 E fr — Sterling av , — Desseronto Her — Frontenac '* — Briercliff — Parkside — Admiral rd — Wallace — Starin N LINCOLN BLVD . —D -7 N fr 1 Nottingham Ter A 46 Middlesex E 88 Chatham “ 122 Fordham “ 156 Bedford 190 Amherst M N OGDEN—J-13 N fr 1746 William A 89 Ludington 179 Lovejoy 277 Vanderbilt 372 Reimann 491 Broadway N PARADE AV—H-10 S fr 669 Northampton A 92 Fillmore Fil 177 E Parade " N PEARL—1-7 1 N fr 522 Virginia S 90 Allen 195 North 8 N PARK AV—C-8 N fr 347 Lindon A 107 Hertel Her 245 Tacoma “ NORTH PINE—J-7 N fr 124 Sycamore A 6 NORTHAMPTON—H-8 E fr 1240 Main A 49 Ellicott 8 86 Holland 117 Michigan Mch 192 Masten H 345 Jefferson Jef 377 Gerhardt M see Sts., Credit Prices Same as Cash 103 413 Berlin Jef. 445 Timon “ 475 Roehrer M 503 Wohlers “ 596 W Parade av ** 624 Humboldt Fil 669 N Parade ay ** 745 Fillmore ** 838 E Parade ** 869 Marshall " 886 Josephine G B 925 Kehr ** 911 Rohr ** 986 Louisen M Genesee M NORTHLAND AV —F-xo E fr 1727 Main 14 Masten 8 4 i Chester #1 65 Waverly 44 87 Purdy 44 158 Jefferson Jef Lonsdale rd 44 — Wohlers 44 3 i 5 Hager €4 425 Humboldt Fil 480 Rex pi 44 511 Rickert 44 542 Fillmore 44 NYC Belt Line Sta 44 581 Winchester 44 623 Hiram m 651 Longview 44 675 Harrison 44 697 Chelsea 13 723 Dutton «« 749 Sheridan 4 1 813 Grider «« 847 Carl M 881 Schuele «« 913 Stevens M 937 Moselle «« 955 Wyoming «< 985 Cambridge M 1013 Cornwall •« X043 Northumber- •« 1075 Norfolk II 1124 Leslie «« 1x48 Kilhoffer 71 1300 Zenner ** 1327 Wende " 1353 Bailey ** NORTHUMBERLAND —F-i 2 N fr 1156 E Ferry 149 Northland 13 285 Delavan ** A 456 Sussex “ 561 Warwick " 743 Kensington '* NORTHRUP—B-11 E fr 3167 Main B 73 Winspear 8 NORTON—L-6 N fr 77 Water S 58 Peacock X NORWALK AV—C-9 N fr 309 Linden A 105 Hertel Her 241 Tacoma ** 365 Taunton M NORWAY PRK—H-9 E fr 566 Best B 60 Dodge Bst NORWOOD AV—H-6 N fr 323 Summer I46 Bryant 10 232 Utica 44 267 Anderson fi 301 Lexington 44 333 Highland av E 382 Ferry 44 437 Breckenridge 44 497 Auburn 44 557 Lafayette 44 NOTTINGHAM TER¬ RACE— D-7 E fr N Lincoln blvd A to 1413 Elmwood E THE LETTER AND FIGURE B-10, IS IN¬ DEX TO MAP. 104 VICTOR & CO., Main and Gene- 9 i i OAK— K -7 N fr 88 Swan A 21 S Division Bst 49 N Division 44 84 Eagle 44 123 Clinton 44 157 Vine 44 175 Broadway 44 198 Hersee al 44 238 Huron 44 239 Sycamore 44 304 Genesee 44 413 Tupper 44 A 487 Goodell 44 528 Burton 44 570 Virginia 49 6 33 Carlton 44 697 High 44 OAKDALE PL—M-io N to 1249 Seneca B 50 Seneca 7 OAK GROVE AV—F-g N fr 270 E Delavan A 24 Hedley pi 8 53 Blaine " 84 Hughes 91 Humboldt Fil 153 Gillette ** OAKHURST—P-12 Fr McClelland Circle to 1600 Abbott rd Abt OAKLAND PL—H-6 N fr 165 Summer A 145 Bryant E OAKWOOD—E -9 W fr 2304 Main M 35 Crescent 8 69 Summit p 103 Woodward 147 Parkside *' OAKWOOD—E-9 A E fr 2319 Main 8 OBERLIN—I-n N to 297 Walden av A 99 Sycamore 6 145 Walden M OHIO—M -7 S E fr 3 Main 8 S 21 Washington 44 48 Indiana 11 68 Elk 44 A 73 Illinois 44 92 Love 44 98 Mississippi ** 120 Liberty ** 131 Columbia n 164 Michigan M 196 Miami 44 214 Moore BLE 238 Mackinaw 44 257 Cincinnati M 300 Chicago «« — Wabash 44 — Ohio Basin 44 S 434 South 44 475 Aurora M 498 Louisiana 44 524 St Clair u 549 Hamburg a Turnpike 44 OKELL—Q-11 W fr 200 S Park av 10 OLCOTT AV—P-: 11 E fr 597 S Park av to 620 McKinley 10 OLGA PL—K-9 E fr 129 Clare B 42 Fil more Fil OLIVE—B-7 W fr Farnsworth 85 Delaware Her 189 Camden II 215 Cecil II 259 Comet 44 OLIVER—N-11 E fr 117 Payson av 24 Burtiss 11 54 Bailey 44 86 Wightman 49 If you find any error* in this Guide, tell the Publisher by post card, and get a new Guide. see Sts., Buffalo’s Homefurnishers 105 OLSEN—L-11 N fr 1578 Clinton 2 OLYMPIC AV—E-ia N fr 1092 E Delavan 28 Kermit IX 60 Langmeyer «« 109 Shreck a 151 Dorris 4 « 200 Schutz * 250 Manhart «• 275 Decker 44 301 Connelly 44 320 Warwick 44 ONEIDA—K-9 E fr 227 Emslie A 41 Bond 2 85 Lord i< 131 Smith 44 179 Montgomery 4$ 213 Clare Fil 265 Fillmore 44 O’CONNELL AV—N-8 E fr 237 Louisiana 2 Louisiana I J 30 Kentucky If 54 Tennessee 49 86 Vincennes 44 108 Alabama If 134 Vandalia 44 170 Hamburg 49 200 Sidway 44 230 Katharine 44 262 Fitzgerald 44 280 Reservation 44 455 Smith 44 ONTARIO—C-3 E fr 2361 Niagara A 74 Fuller 5 114 Lamont ti 172 Tonawanda 44 193 Copeland 44 219 Gallatin 44 228 Troy al a 244 Saratoga 44 245 Mayer av 44 271 Albert av 44 274 Royal av 4i 300 Riverside av 44 320 Crowley 44 323 Welland 44 349 Bleeker 44 364 Laird 44 392 Chadduck 44 422 Henrietta 49 456 Beatrice 44 490 Philadelphia 44 518 Evelyn 44 546 Newfield 44 ^90 Skillen 44 694 City Line 44 — Military rd NF ONYX—O -13 E fr Abbott rd to Onondaga Abt City Line ORANGE—1-8 N fr 174 Cherry S 64 Virginia G 133 Carlton 44 '203 High . Jef 273 North u O’NEIL—A-3 (Changed to Vulcan) ONONDAGA—Q-13 $ fr Durrence Abt — Onyx If — Diamond 44 — Carlyle 44 — Densmore 44 — Cushing 44 — Waldron 49 — Shenandoah 44 335 Potters rd 44 ORCHARD PL—D -10 N W fr 2534 Main 8 ORLEANS—C -13 N fr 1320 Kensing- ton *3 21 Tarkio al 1 % 31 Westminster 11 42 Bowdoin if 60 Rutgers 44 184 Iowa 44 220 Minneapolis 44 282 Adeptus 49 io6 VICTOR & CO., Main and 354 Rounds II City Line 44 OREGON— A-4 N to 179 Esser 5 ORIOLE—G-g E fr 136 Lonsdale rd 105 Wohlers 11 221 Humboldt «« ORLANDO— N-IO N fr 336 Prenatt A' 75 Elk ix 151 Perry 44 233 Seneca 7 ORMOND PL—B-6 W fr Datona 7 ORSON PL—A-6 S fr 1528 Kenmore ay 9 ORTON PL— 1-6 N fr 354 Hudson A 25 St John 64 Pennsylvania OSAGE—O-io E fr 531 Hopkins ?. 10 OSCHAWA S E fr 151 Indian Ch av to Duerstein 7 OTIS PL—G-8 N fr inner lot A 25 Woodlawn 8 77 Ferry ** OTTO—L-8 E fr 93 Hayward to 360 Alabama 11 OWAHN PL—N-g N E fr 250 Abbott rd B 51 Prenatt Abt OXFORD AV—G-8 N fr 936 W Ferry A 83 Balcom 8 189 Lafayette " 249 Delavan Fst PACIFIC—D -4 N fr 206 Austi* 129 Hertel 5 PAGE—B-5 N fr 624 Hertel ay 52 Holmes NF 84 Lawn av If 116 Whitlock If 141 Race to PALOS PL—E-11 N fr 78 Mendola 13 47 Kensington M PANSY—F-9 N fr 318 Florida A 24 Viola Park 8 59 Delavan 19 PARISH—D-4 E fr 1770 Niagara S 10 Niagara 42 Dearborn r. 61 East H 120 Thompson <« 170 Tonawanda NF PARK— 1-6 N fr 422 Virginia A 90 Allen E 190 North « PARKDALE AV—F-5 N fr 358 W Ferry B 22 Arnold 3 46 Breckenridge 49 74 Boyd 44 no Auburn 44 169 Lafayette M 241 Delavan 44 311 Potomac 44 346 Garner 44 381 Bird 44 445 Forest Fst PARK LAKE AV- -D -7 N fr 969 Amherst A * Great Arrow E PARKER AV—C-10 N fr 2600 Main M 29 Amherst 8 65 Beard If 113 Morris 49 157 Depew 4 2©i Woodbridge 8 247 Huntington Her 293 Hertel to Genesee Sts., Buffalo's Favorite Store 107 PARK RIDGE AV-3-D N fr 872 Kensington av 99 Hutchinson 13 185 Amherst • • — Berkshire 44 — Stockbridge (1 — Cement II — Hewett M — E Hertel M 353 Shirley II 385 La Salle 8 419 Minnesota it 439 Lisbon 44 Higate 44 495 Winspere 4 PARKSIDE AV—E-§ N W fr 36 Humboldt M 39 Robie 9 101 Florence 44 151 Oakwood 44 209 Jewett av 44 301 Russell 44 375 Amherst 44 434 Tillinghast 44 467 Crescent 44 490 Depew 44 515 Linden av 44 549 Woodbridge 44 597 Huntington 44 A 643 Hertel 44 678 Lyndhurst 44 768 Tacoma 44 802 Arch pi 44 826 N Drive 44 886 Blantyre 44 918 Starin 44 PARKVIEW AV—O-X3 N E fr 39 Zittel B 61 Buffam 7 103 Indian Ch av M 179 Duerstein ’* PATTERSON -M-13 W fr 18 S Odgen 40 Heisz 7 PAUL PLACE—O-ia A S fr 1887 Seneca 7 PAULINE— E-10 N fr 270 Kensing¬ ton av Fil A 77 Gesl 44 PAWNEE PKY— B -7 Fr Mineral Spring rd A 6 Navaho 7 96 Roanoke 44 PAYNE AV—P-10 E fr 425 Hopkins io PAYSON AV—O-ii N fr 730 Abbott rd 45 Morse Abt 117 Oliver 44 187 Bailey av “ PEABODY— M-10 N fr Buffalo river 37 Prenatt u A 119 Elk " 191 Perry 44 — Scatcherd 44 291 Seneca 7 PEACH—1-8 N fr 210 Cherry S 48 Virginia G 114 Carlton Tef 185 High 44 257 North 44 322 Best Bst PEACOCK—L-6 N W fr 46 Evans B 30 Norton X 50 Erie 44 PEARL—K-7 N fr 92 Commercial A 3 Commercial X 19 Terrace 44 72 Seneca X hi Swan 4 120 Erie 44 146 Church 44 178 Niagara ** 189 Eagle 44 220 Express 44 245 Court 44 293 Mohawk 4 306 Genesee 44 io8 -VICTOR & CO., Main and 348 Huron X 398 Chippewa 491 Tupper ** PEARL PL— 1-6 S fr 521 Virginia A E PECK SLIP—M-6 Ft of Main PECK—J-ii N to 1413 Broadway Amity .1' 4 Grimes 74 Ashley 44 144 Broadway 44 PECKHAM—K-8 E fr 465 Jefferson S 21 Madison I 51 Monroe 4 fl 79 Adams 44 107 Watson 44 137 Emslie 44 166 Krettner — Sperry Park 44 193 Sherman II 219 Stanton 44 250 Shumway 44 A 273 Smith 44 301 Coit 44 327 Detroit 44 356 Townsend 44 379* Wilson 44 402 Fillmore 44 434 Gibson 44 462 Lombard 44 482 Clarke 44 509 Sears 44 531 Playter 44 573 Curtiss Polonia Park 44 PECONIC—Q-13 Fr 75 Potters rd to Tuscarora Abt PEMBINA—O-io W fr 672 Hopkins R 30 Boone 10 53 Germania " PEMBROKE AV—E-11 E fr 537 Grider 60 Deerfield 13 123 Wyoming " PENFIELD—F-4 E fr 1363 Niagara to 1134 West av B 5 PENHURST PK—E-7 M N fr 608 Forest av E PENHURST PL— M E fr Elmwood to Penhurst E PENNSYLVANIA—1-5 E fr Erie canal S 22 Fourth 5 62 Lakeview *' 71 Trenton *' 105 Front ** 115 Osburn *' 131 Seventh ** 165 Niagara M A 200 Prospect ** 242 Fargo av ** 278 West av 3 313 Plymouth 7 345 Orton 350 Normal ** 386 Fourteenth “ 401 Wadsworth M 420 The Circle 14 PEORIA—C-3 N W fr 98 Grace B 29 Garfield $ 69 Arthur PEREMONT PL—-P-12 W fr 215 Cazenovia 7 PERKINS PL-F-5 E fr 217 Dewitt A 60 Herkimer 3 PERRY—L-8 fr 19 47 Main Washington II 38 Beaver • 4 41 Indiana 44 48 Burwell pi 44 67 Illinois 44 Genesee Sts., for LINOLEUM 109 95 124 137 165 183 195 231 263 350 398 464 526 572 681 872 931 1027 1055 1089 1116 1142 1171 1197 1223 1228 1247 1273 1308 Mississippi II Liberty II Columbia II Michigan II W Market II Elk St Mkt II E Market II Marvin 44 Chicago 44 Lanigan pk $4 Louisiana 44 Hayward 44 Alabama 44 Hamburg Red Jacket 44 44 Van Renselaer 44 Smith 44 Selkirk 44 Peabody 44 Walter 44 Maurice 44 Orlando 44 Babcock 44 Gorham 44 Winona 44 Bradford 44 ^ Milton 44 Keim •4 Southard 44 Dole 44 PERSIA—G-13 N fr 550 Doat 6 PERSON—I-ii F r 1358 Broadway A 37 Grimes 4 99 Ashley “ 163 Broadway 44 220 Schlenker ** 265 End of st " PERU—L-12 S E fr 821 Bailey a PETER—D-s N fr Creek A 55 Amherst 171 Groat NF PETERSON—H-10 E fr 1025 Fillmore B 76 Mills Fil PFAUDLER—F-n Changed to Birch pi PHELPS—D-10 E fr 113 Halbert to 2242 Fillmore Fii PHILADELPHIA AV —B -4 N to 299 Esser av A 109 Ontario 5 203 Esser av *' PIATTI—B-6 E fr 47 Yates - E 19 Kozlowski ** 65 Nelson •* PICARD AL—K-7 N fr 285 Clinton A 41 William 1 PINE—K-7 N fr 282 Swan Booth al 2 S 23 S Division ** 55 N Division ** 87 Eagle *' — Bennett pk M A 129 Clinton 4 ** 181 William 1 B 277 Broadway 4 318 Cypress “ 35S Sycamore 6 PINK E fr 227 Lord B 37 Smith 1 80 Montgomery ** PILLSBURY B Fr Scott PLAYTER—J-10 r N fr 138 Curtiss X 24 Peckham 4 A 90 Lovejoy ** 17 5 Grimes ** 247 Broadway ** i PLEASANT PL—-F-9 N fr 245 Florida 61 Delavan 8 no VICTOR & CO., Main and PLYMOUTH AV—G-5 N W fr 306 Hudson 5 63 Pennsylvania 3 132 Jersey 44 157 Porter 44 200 York 44 270 Connecticut 44 339 Vermont 44 409 Rhode Island 44 479 Massachusetts 44 548 Hampshire 44 591 School 44 A 614 Albany 44 645 California 44 673 Arkansas 44 699 Ferry 44 747 Breckenridge 44 POLISH PL—M-13 S fr 103 Seward 1 POMEROY—N-11 N E to 1663 Seneca 28 Dunbar 7 43 Seneca 44 POMONO PL—N-ia N E fr 1834 Seneca A 7 POOLEY PL—E-4 E fr 367 Dewitt B 125 Grant 3 POPLAR AV—F-X3 N fr 860 Walden B 125 Doat 6 PORTAGE—G-9 N fr 548 E Utica B — Glenwod 12 PORTER AV—1-5 E fr Lake Erie Buf Yacht Club — NYC Belt Line Sta 63 Erie Canal A hi Fourth 186 Front av 147 Lakeview 222 Seventh 239 Niagara — Prospect pks i M M M ?. 296 Prospect 5 337 Fargo 384 West 3 425 Plymouth " 463 Jersey 44 483 Normal av 7 523 Fourteenth 14 532 The Circle 44 PORTLAND—O-ia N E fr 1200 Abbott rd Abt P I 11m Knrl c 57 Cumberland •4 POTOMAC AV—F- ■5 E fr Erie canal A 21 Niagara 5 72 West av 3 112 Dewitt M 187 Herkimer 44 222 Congress 44 254 Grant 44 287 Greenwood 44 322 Parkdale 44 354 Hoyt 7 385 Baynes 44 486 Richmond 44 520 Claremont E 560 Ashland 40 596 Elmwood 44 660 Argyle pk 44 611 Bidwell pky 44 679 Brantford 44 721 Chapin pky 44 751 Windsor Fst 851 Delaware 44 POTTER—K-7 N fr 48 William A 34 Gay 1 74 Broadway 4 POTTER’S CORNERS RD—Q-13 S E fr 1458 Abbott 75 Peconic Abt 115 Cazenovia pk 44 183 Woodside 44 265 Niantic 44 — On vndaga 44 335 Shenandoah 44 Genesee Sts., for LACE CURTAINS in POULTNEY— N fr 937 Kensing¬ ton to Amherst 13 PRAIRIE— B-3 B W fr 808 Tonawanda 5 PRATT—K-8 N fr 448 Eagle S 35 Clinton A 131 William 269 Broadway 367 Sycamore 451 Genesee PRENATT—M-9 E fr Euclid pi A 54 Euclid pi 95 Smith — Prenatt al X 121 Owahm pi 220 Lee 310 Maurice 336 Orlando 366 Babcock 495 Buffalo Creek PRENATT AL—N-p S fr 322 Abbott rd Abt PRIES—O-ii N E fr 459 Hopkins a I 4 6 G II «« •« •« •< 44 44 44 44 44 B 197 Triangle 10 PRIME—M-6 N W fr 24 Main S 35 W Perry 8 55 Hanover 44 88 Lloyd M 107 Commercial §4 PRINCETON PL—O-ia S W fr 2106 Seneca B 7 PROGRESSIVE E fr 691 Tonawanda 100 Galatin 5 131 Mayer “ If you find any error* in this Guide, tell the Publisher by post cardj and get a new Guide. PROSPECT AV—1-5 N W fr 165 W A Huron 5 46 Georgia 114 Carolina 44 182 Virginia 44 252 Maryland H 322 Hudson 44 391 Pennsylvania 44 462 J ersey 44 531 Porter 44 — Prospect pka 44 602 Connecticut 44 670 Vermont 44 740 Rhode Island 44 S 809 Massachusetts 44 879 Hampshire 44 924 School 4 949 Niagara 44 PULASKI—L-13 N fr 1930 Clinton to 93 Griswold 2 PULLMAN AV—I-ia E fr 83 Schutrum 21 Hirschbeck 4 49 Shepard 41 75 Gatchell 44 103 Bailey 44 PURDY—G-8 N fr 148 Laurel A 31 Utica 12 75 Glenwood 44 129 Woodlawn 181 Ferry 209 Harlow ** 235 Elsie pi 44 254 Narrow walk B to Main 44 301 Lyth 44 332 Northland 8 PUTNAM—G -5 N fr 458 W Ferry — Breckenridge 10 56 Auburn 44 114 Lafayette 44 QUARRY—C-i a N fr 126 Cement 23 Hewett 43 E Hertel 11 8 44 112 VICTOR & CO., Main and QUAY—L-6 E fr 119 Main to A 138 Washington X QUEEN—K-13 N E fr 1762 William 20 Schiller 1 48 Goethe • !• QUINCY—I-n N fr 18 Amity 4 59 Ashley «« 135 Broadway #• RACE—B-s E fr 515 Military rd 15 Simon NF 22 Clayton 37 Page <« 81 Sunset «« 92 Grove «< 133 Greeley i* 159 Norris a 241 Elmwood H RAILROAD—L-8 E fr 429 Alabama 65 Hamburg 7 104 Red Jacket 44 159 Larkin “ 223 Van Rensselaer 44 288 Hydraulic 44 325 Griffin " RALPH PL— 1-8 N fr 144 Burton S 49 Virginia Bat RAMSDELL AV—A-7 W fr .2682 Delaware H2 Eugene E 229 Elmwood 44 365 Grove 44 RANDALL—K-8 N fr 20 Superior S 43 William 1 RANDLE—G-13 N fr 58 Hemming- way G 97 Genesee 44 t RANGE AV—C-12 N fr 1 Cement 29 Hewett 8 67 E Hertel 44 — Shirley 44 — La Salle 44 RANO-B-4 E fr 659 Tonawanda A 91 Emma 5 159 Mayer av 44 184 Albert av ** 214 Riverside 44 242 Welland 44 300 End of st 44 RAPIN PL— H-12 N fr 488 Walden av S 134 Hazel pi 6 187 Doat 44 233 Genesee G RAWLINS—G-13 N fr 133 Doat A 67 Genesee G READING—P-10 E fr 121 Hopkins — S Park av 10 RED JACKET PKWY —P-ia M Fr Cazenovia Park to Woodside Circle Abt RED JACKET—M-8 N fr 514 Elk I X A 29 Fulton • 1 68 Perry M 102 Scott II 167 Railroad • « 181 Exchange 7 199 Carroll II 236 Seneca ftf REED- - 1-9 N fr 866 Broadway A 153 Sycamore 6 3 i 3 Genesee G THE LETTER AND FIGURE B-10, IS IN¬ DEX TO MAP. READ PAGES 15 to 27. Genesee Sts., for HOME OUTFITS 113 REES—E-5 N fr 268 Forest av B 72 Bradley Fst 156 Letchworth a 196 Fischer 44 238 Jessemine 44 REGENT—J-12 * E fr 1377 Bailey 117 Greene i REGINA PL—F-g N fr 388 Florida 33 Mohican Fil REIMANN—1-13 E fr 367 Greene B 21 Longnecker 4 49 Ideal 83 Benzinger ** 151 Davey '* 117 Gold “ 183 N Ogden 213 Schiller “ 250 Goethe ** 267 City Line ** REJTAN—M-12 E to Weiss 2 A 13 Matjko u 45 Kopernek M 71 Kroka ** 99 Weiss ** REMINGTON AV-O-12 N to 1747 Seneca 7 REMOLENO—O-12 E fr 187 Triangle B 34 Dash 10 91 S Park av RENSEN PK—A-5 N W fr 790 Military road NF REPUBLIC—M-7 E fr 193 Louisiana A 22 Kentucky n 48 Tennesse ** 74 Vincennes “ 100 Albania ** 128 V r andalia ** 164 Hamburg ** RESERVATION—C-5 N fr 536 Amherst A 41 Marian E 84 Grote “ REVERE PL—C-9 N fr 343 Huntington M to 135 Wallace 8 REX PL—F-9 N fr 480 North¬ land av Fil 39 Buell REY—K-8 B E fr 183 Mortimer 4 REYNOLDS AL— 1-5 S E fr 189 Penn¬ sylvania 5 RHODE ISLAND—H-5 E fr 795 Front av A 38 Seventh 5 72 Niagara 109 Prospect 152 Fargo ** 187 West av 3 233 Plymouth 259 Normal 295 Fourteenth 331 Fifteenth 351 Lowell pi 378 Bremen 427 W Utica 435 Brayton 444 Eighteenth 470 Nineteenth 499 Chenango 530 Essex 549 Richmond 10 €4 RICH—H-9 N fr 948 Genesee A 96 Best G RICHFIELD AV—P-ix E fr 503 S. Park av B 83 Ithaca pi 10 153 McKinley ** Notify the Publisher of any errors and get • new guide. 114 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way u 10 RICHLAWN AV—D-ii N fr 500 Leroy av 63 Shawnee 13 129 End of st RICHMOND AV—H-6 N fr The Circle A 56 Jersey ; 89 Summer * 108 Sixteenth 140 York no Seventeenth 224 Connecticut 233 Bryant 306 Vermont 322 Utica 340 Landus 355 Anderson 395 Lexington 403 Rhode Island 429 Highland 474 Massachusetts 475 W Ferry 527 Breckenridge 592 Auburn 652 Bidwell Colonial cir 655 Ardmore 656 Lafayette 687 Delavan 723 Dorchester 759 Potomac 793 Manchester 827 Bird av 896 Forest av RICKERT—F-i® BS fr 511 Northland Fst l< av 13 RIDGE ROAD E fr Hamburg Turn¬ pike, Lackawanna — C street B&LE Laing av — D st — The Avenue — E st — Wasson — Lackawanna — Wilksbarry If II 8 II — Holland B.&L E. — Ingham — Lehigh — Viaduct — So Park av — Reed av — Rosary — Hancock — Abbott rd RILEY—H-8 E fr 1321 Main A 39 EHicott 69 Holland 102 Michigan Mch 178 Masten ** 328 Jefferson Jef 378 Willow pi 457 Roehrer ** 485 Wohlers 12 603 Humboldt pky “ 724 Fillmore Fil RIPLEY PL— U-5 N W fr 516 Con- A necticut 10 RITT AVE-A-5 W to 841 Military rd 60 Military rd NF RIVER—L-6 N W fr 195 Erie S 84 Lake X 146 W Genesee ** RIVERSIDE— B-3 E fr 2475 Niagara B 97 Tonawanda 5 237 Ontario 307 Hunt 369 Reno ** RIVER VIEW PL —N-u S to 1817 Seneca 129 Seneca 7 ROANOKE PKY—N-ia N fr 1700 Seneca 7 133 Pawnee * THE LETTER AND FIGURE B-10. IS IN¬ DEX TO MAP. Main and Genesee Streets H5 ROANOKE AV-B-7 N fr 1219 Hertel av A 129 Tacoma Her 257 Taunton “ ROBERTS AV—M-12 N to 1637 Clinton A 39 Roesser av 2 145 Clinton ** ROB IE—E-q W fr 2178 Main A 35 Crescent 8 75 Woodward 115 Parkside ** ROBINS—O-12 N E fr 1044 Abbott 57 Cumberland Abt 119 End of st “ ROCHELLE—A-11 N fr 3416 Main to 82 Kenmore 8 ROCHEVOT AL—J -7 N fr 28 Burton Mch ROCK—K-5 N W fr 343 W Genesee > 72 Wilkinson 5 ROCKLAND—D-ia E fr 3027 Bailey ar 13 RODNEY—D-10 E fr 2495 Main A 17 Halbert 8 75 Fillmore 44 191 Holden If 279 Hill 44 ROEBLING AV—P-X3 N fr Lang a t II 59 Wecker 44 125 Delavan 44 ROEDER— G-10 E fr 1401 Fillmore Ftt ROEHRER AV—H-9 N fr 508 Best A 60 Dodge Bst 126 Northampton l« 155 Kingsley Jcf 197 Riley 12 223 Landon 44 259 Utica 44 305 Glenwood 44 335 Winslow II 361 Woodlawn 44 39 i Ferry 44 ROESCH—A-3 E fr 1069 Tonawanda 25 Baxter 5 63 Condon 4 A 125 Eckhert 44 155 Ullman 185 Argus 215 Elgas 245 Rosedale “ 273 Newfield " 303 Skillen 335 Albemarle 367 Bellmont ** 399 Seabrook 431 Kenmore “ ROESSER—M-12 E fr Roberts to Kelboume 7 ROETZER—H-11 N fr 170 Walden av A 88 Genesee G ROGERS AV—G -13 N fr 2110 Genesee 85 End of st G ROHE— H-12 E fr 1959 Bailey 23 Brinkman 6 51 Sumner 44 ROHR—H-11 N fr 138 Walden B 73 Genesee G 129 Northampton 44 ROLAND AV—O-9 E fr S B R R tracks — Abby 10 — Germania 44 — Hopkins , — End of st “ ii6 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way ROMA—E-13 N fr 1500 E Delavan av B — End of st 11 ROMMEL—I-n N fr 1334 Broad- B way 4 5 Schlenker " ROOSEVELT— D -13 E fr 2891 Bailey av to Eggert 13 ROOT—J -4 E fr Erie canal 67 Trenton 5 ROSALIA—C-6 N to 943 Hertel av 58 Troost Her 129 Hertel av " ROSE— 1-8 S 77 Carlton Jef D 141 High 210 North ** ROSEDALE—A-4 N fr 52 Wyandotte A 52 Roesch 5 128 Vulcan ** ROSEVILLE—L-8 E fr 213 Larkin A 57 Van Rensselaer 121 Hydraulic 7 160 Griffin ROSLYN— G-13 N fr 1948 Genesee ROSS AV—B-4 E fr 945 Tonawanda 5 B 61 Condon 77 Bleeker ** ROTHER AV—I-io N fr 1164 Broad- A • way 95 Stanislaus 4 195 Sycamore 6 348 Walden *' ROUNDS AV—B-ia E fr 3414 Bailey av 13 ROYAL AV—B-3 E fr 2443 Niagara B 105 Tonawanda 5 266 Ontario " RUHL AV—B-5 E fr 750 Military rd to 150 Clayton NF RUHLAND AV—H-n N to 271 Walden av A 87 Sycamore 6 143 Walden RUMSEY RD—E-7 N W fr cor 1616 Delaware and Forest M 126 Windsor av Fst 172 Lincoln Pkwy “ RUSSELL—D-9 W to 301 Parkside A 37 Woodward 9 83 Summit 131 Crescent " 171 Greenfield RUSTIC— H -13 A Fr 10 Doat to Lans- dale G RUTGERS—C-12 E fr 3206 Bailey av 70 Suffolk 11 174 Orleans 270 Westminster 300 Eggert M RUTLAND—Q-12 N E fr 1138 Abbott 57 Cumberland Abt RYAN—N-12 N E fr Caz Crk B 175 Frank av 7 SAGAMORE TER¬ RACE— C-9 N fr Huntington to B 1820 Hertel av Her SAGE—N-12 B E fr 1802 Seneca 7 SAGINAW—M-7 E fr 67 Hamburg 11 Main and Genesee Streets II/ SALEM—0-12 N E fr 1290 Abbott 57 Cumberland Abt SAN DOMINGO—K-g E fr 213 Emslie 41 Bond 2 85 Lord “ 129 Smith 175 Montgomery 213 Clare SAVOY—O-io W fr S B R R tracks — Germania 10 — Abby. (1 — Hopkins «• SANFORD—E -10 N fr 180 Dewey A — Leroy Fil SARANAC AV—B-8 N fr 179 Colvin Her A 63 Hertel a 199 Tacoma «« SARATOGA—B-4 B N fr 236 Ontario 74 Tonawanda 5 SATTLER—G -13 N fr 394 Doat 6 SAYBROOK PL—F-7 M N and E fr Chapin pkwy to Delaware av Fst SAYRE— B-5 W to 392 Military hi Military NF SCATCHERD—M -10 B E fr 118 Peabody 7 SCHEU AV— W fr 1774 Bailey to Fay SCHEU PARK—H-ia E fr 1773 Bailey av — Brinkman 6 — Sumner ** READ PAGES 15 to 27- SCHILLER—J -13 N to 1995 Broadway B 1 Queen 1 83 Ludington 171 Lovejoy 269 Vanderbilt 4 365 Reiman * 493 Broadway SCHLENKER—I-n E fr 57 Schmarbeck 19 Rommel 4 43 Person “ SCHMARBECK—I-ii N fr 1310 Broadway A 57 Schlenker 4 SCHOOL— H-4 N E fr 995 Niagara S 21 Prospect 5 53 Fargo 93 West av M 126 Plymouth 3 149 Albany “ SCHRECK AV—C-12 W fr 2596 Bailey — Olympic u SCHUELE AV—G-ix « N fr 1012 E Ferry 153 Northland 11 291 Delavan 13 SCHUTRUM—1-12 N fr 1560 Broadway 83 Pullman 4 146 End of st “ SCHUTZ AV—E-12 Changed to Alma av SC9TIA— C-9 N fr 1560 Hertel SCHUYLER—L-9 E fr 11 Hagerman 21 Emslie 7 — Griffin 197 Fillmore " THE LETTER AND FIGURE G-o. IS IN¬ DEX TO MAP. ii8 It's Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way SCOTT—M-7 E fr 97 Main A 19 Washington 37 Beaver 49 Burwell 67 Illinois 93 Mississippi 117 Liberty 135 Columbia 161 Michigan 171 W Market — Elk St Market 181 E Market 250 Chicago Closed 449 Alabama 514 Hamburg 563 Red Jacket 618 Larkin 684 Van Rensse 746 Hydraulic 851 Smith IX 44 €4 II II II 44 44 44 SCOVILLE AV—L-ix N fr 80 Dorothy B 87 Clinton 2 165 Manitoba 225 End of st ** SEABROOK—B-4 N W fr 94 Doyle a▼ 25 N Park av 5 99 Vulcan SEA RS—J-i 0 N fr 117 Curtiss A 37 Peckham 1 S 101 Lovejoy 187 Grimes ** 253 Broadway ** SELKIRK—M-9 N fr 870 Elk A 67 Perry no Clifford 134 Minton 191 Exchange 197 Seneca SEMINOLE PKY N fr 1930 Seenca 1 Mineral Sp rd A 95 Navaho 11 7 w l SENECA—O-13 E fr 225 Main S 9 Webster al X 21 Washington II 60 Ellicott 7 110 Center it 121 Wells 44 142 Berrick al 44 160 Nichols pi 44 180 Michigan 44 mile to City Hall 198 Butler pi 44 244 Seneca pi 44 282 Chicago 44 375 Louisiana 44 386 S Cedar 44 One mile to City Hall 481 Alabama 44 490 Spring 44 543 Hamburg 44 579 Jefferson 44 591 Red Jacket 44 645 Larkin 44 709 Van Renssee 44 720 Swan 44 738 Emslie 44 783 Hydraulic 44 823 Griffin 44 824 Lord 44 898Fillmore 44 899 Smith 44 Two miles to City Hall 977 Selkirk 44 A 997 Exchange 44 1081 Peabody 44 1107 Walter 44 ii 33 Maurice 44 1171 Orlando 44 1166 Wasson 44 1191 Babcock 44 1224 Imson 44 1249 Oakdale 44 1254 Troupe 44 1286 Milton 44 1318 Harrison 44 1348 Lester 44 U 59 Dole m Main and Genesee Streets 119 1454 Hayes 7 — Cazenovia pk 7 1506 Bailey av <« 2330 Duerstein If 1523 Keppel n 2351 Newman if 3 miles to 2356 Edson If City Hall 2384 Mt Vernon If 1570 Archer av M 2412 Greymount If 1627 Elk M 2440 Burch • « 1643 Buffalo river 44 2460 City Line M 1663 Pomeroy 44 5^4 miles to 1670 Jordan pi 44 City Hall 1689 Vanduzer 44 B — State rd BS 1696 Avon pi 44 2462 Wildwood If 1722 Leamington 44 — Stevenson fl 1715 S Park av 44 — Benson If 1734 Avondale 44 — • Kleas If 1747 Remington 44 — Dirkson «« 1766 Tuniata 44 — Orchard pk rd If 1785 Unger 44 — Clark if 1802 Sage 44 — Flohr if 1817 River View 44 — Edgewood If 1834 Pomono pi 44 — Thornton If 1853 Hamer’dt 44 — Tindle 44 1876 Armin pi 44 — Center rd If 1787 Paul pi 1890 Roanoke Stevenson Seminole Mineral Spring rd Melrose Knoerl Hayden Ryan Geary Weyand Yale pi Kamper Norman 4 miles to City Hall Princeton Kingston Zittle Cazenovia Buffan Seneca pksd Teresa Indian Ch rd St. John’s prk Fairview av 1917 1930 1932 1952 1975 1988 2012 2038 2066 2067 2092 2105 2106 2133 2144 2190 2215 2231 2264 2316 2325 «( U 44 If If If If Cf If II II If II II If If If if SENECA PARKSIDE —P-13 A S fr 2231 Seneca 7 SENECA PL—L-7 A N fr 244 Seneca 7 SESSIONS—A-7 E fr 2633 Dela¬ ware av 9 11 Medford ** 33 Hoyer 65 Markham 44 93 Delaware ** SEVENTEENTH—G-5 N fr 150 Richmond 7 A 62 Connecticut 130 Vermont M SEVENTH—1-5 N W fr 209 Court A 39 Wilkenson 108 Georgia 176 Carolina 246 Virginia 316 Maryland 386 Hudson 120 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way 456 Pennsylvania 5 526 Jersey A 596 Porter av — Prospect parks “ 664 Connecticut ** 734 Vermont “ 804 Rhode Island ** 873 Massachusetts ** 925 Front av '* SEWARD—M-13 E fr 125 Barnard 21 Fenton 2 S 45 Holly 61 Willett 67 S Ogden “ 103 Polish pi 135 Stanislaus pi " 143 City Line “ — Bishop ** SEYMOUR—L-8 E fr 610 Swan A 47 Hagerman 7 80 Emslie * 126 Bond 192 Lord ** SHAWNEE—D-11 E fr 63 Richlawn av 13 23 Marigold 53 Manhattan “ 83 Montclair “ 115 Federal M 445 Liberty ** SHEFFIELD AV—P-ix E fr 387 S Park av 227 McKinley m 301 Hancock u 393 Abbott “ SHELBOURNE PL —E-9 N fr 212 Loring av A 21 Monticello pi 8 49 Kensington SHELTON SQ—K-6 At the junction of Main, Erie, Church A and Niagara sts X SHENANDOAH—Q-13 Fr Abbott rd Niantic Abt — Tuscarora “ — City Line " SHEPARD—1-12 ft fr 1594 Broadway B 74 Pullman 4. 143 End of st • SHERIDAN AV—F-10 N fr 932 E. Ferry Not open 155 Northland 11 263 E Delavan “ SHERIDAN TERRACE Through Ft Porter grounds 5 SHERMAN—K-9 N fr 188 Howard S 57 William I 165 Peckham «l 231 Love joy «< 283 Broadway II 425 Sycamore II A 57 i Genesee G 601 High a 672 North Bst 735 Best 11 SHERWOOD—G-5 E fr 260 Hampshire A 45 Arkansas 3 SHIELDS AV—G-5 N W fr 557 W Utica A 46 Massachusetts 10 SHIRLEY AV—C-11 E fr 9 Cordova 40 Range 15 114 Park Ridge ,r 269 Lenox 11 377 Bailey ** SHOREHAM BLVD —B-7 Fr Camden to Dela¬ ware Her SHORT— C -5 Fr 422 Hertel av NF w w A 4 Main and Genesee Streets 121 SHOSHONE—B-IO N fr 1920 Hertel av to Erie Ry 8 SHUMWAY—K-9 N fr 240 Howard S 57 William 1 159 Peckham ** 225 Lovejoy 4 303 Broadway * SIBLEY—Q-11 S fr 75 Downing — Hulbert 10 SIDNEY—G-10 A E fr 676 Humboldt 28 Lark 11 64 Rickert “ 91 Fillmore Fil SID WAY—M-8 N to 497 Elk 11 B 45 O’Connell “ 97 Mackinaw *' 175 Elk : 4 SIENKLEWICZ—I-io E fr 683 Fillmore A 25 Gibson 4 SILVERDALE AV —Q-13 S fr 51 Fields av to Silverdale pi 7 SILVERDALE PL —Q -13 E fr Zittel to Buffam 7 SIMON—B -5 N fr 14 Race 95 Layer NF SIRRETT—Q-11 E fr 607 Hopkins 12 Triangle 10 SIXTEENTH—G-5 N fr 96 Richmond A 45' York _ 7 116 Connecticut “ 183 Vermont ** SKILLEN—A-4 N E fr 790 Military rd — Ontario 3 A 27 Dunston ** 51 Wiley 76 Esser “ 85 Doyle 120 Wyandotte ** 182 Roesch “ 254 Vulcan “ SLOAN—F-4 W fr 1414 Niagara 24 Black Rock harbor 5 SMITH— L-q N fr Buffalo creek 18 O’Connell 11 A 78 St Stephens 44 137 Abbott rd 4 4 187 Prenatt Fil S 242 Elk It 278 Fulton II 3 i 5 Perry 44 358 Scott <1 361 Clifford 41 383 Minton II 43 i Exchange II A 467 Seneca II 500 Fillmore 41 512 Seymour <4 530 Cornelia 44 567 Elizabeth 44 576 S Division 44 586 Laban 44 595 N Division 41 b 33 Eagle 2 649 James 44 S 677 Clinton 44 695 Fritz al 14 709 Bristol 44 725 San Domingo 44 738 Oneida 44 769 Pink I 793 Howard 44 863 William 44 959 Peckham 44 1027 Lovejoy 4 1111 Broadway 44 122 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR'S Way SOBIESKI—1-16 N fr 1136 Broadway B 100 Stanislaus 4 191 Sycamore 6 329 Walden ** SOLDIERS’ PL— E-6 B At junct of Chapin, Bidwell and Lincoln pkwys and Bird av Fst SOUTH—N-7 N fr 434 Ohio 11 A 12 Louisiana 41 27 Kentucky 44 44 Tennessee 44 74 Vincennes 44 98 Alabama 44 106 Vandalia H 160 Hamburg 44 S CEDAR—L -7 N fr 386 Seneca A 18 Myrtle l 42 Swan S DIVISION—K -7 E fr 309 Main X A 21 Washington 44 61 Ellicott 44 — Postoffice and Custom house " 8 7 Oak Abt 125 Elm 44 161 Michigan Mch 219 Chestnut Abt 27 9 Pine 44 345 Cedar 44 411 Hickory 44 477 Spring 44 566 Jefferson 44 627 Grosvenor 44 713 Emslie 44 760 Bond 44 806 Lord 4 • 815 Smith 44 870 Elizabeth 44 887 Cornelia 44 914 Fillmore 44 READ PAGES 15 to 27. S ELMWOOD AV—K-fi N fr 11 139 W Eagle Genesee 44 45 Court «• 77 Niagara 44 IOI Mohawk 44 155 Huron E 183 Cary 44 209 Chippewa 44 257 Johnson pk 44 269 Johnson pk 44 295 West av 44 295 Tracy 44 33 i Tupper 44 355 Trinity 44 397 Edward 44 429 Virginia 44 S. MICHIGAN—M-6 S fr opposite foot S of Michigan 11 S. OGDEN—M-13 N fr 308 Mineral spring rd 2 18 Pattison 44 176 Seward •4 275 Casimir 44 386 Clinton 44 494 Griswold 44 602 Dingens #4 PARK AV— Q-11 N fr City Line 1 Dorrance IO 35 Aldrich #4 95 Downing 44 9 i Eden 44 92 Ashton 44 192 Marila 44 216 Okell 44 273 Devonshire 44 286 Colgate 44 316 Reading 44 337 Mariemont 44 344 Ladner 44 357 Woodside 44 387 Sheffield 44 402 Altruria 44 413 Whitfield 44 440 Lockwod 44 Main and Genesee Streets 123 443 Choate xo 460 Amber ** 473 Bloomfield « 494 Crystal <1 503 Richfield *4 552 Tifft «« 563 Columbus *4 597 Olcott av *4 629 Como 44 646 Triangle 44 661 Kenefick 44 691 Hubbell Abt 721 Mesmer 44 724 Josie 44 75 i Lakewood 44 786 Macamley 44 814 Remoleno 44 Heacock pk 44 864 Abbott rd 44 — Alcona 44 935 Cumberland 44 Almont 44 —Albion 44 Caz ck bridge 1019 Seneca 7 S PUTNAM—G -5 N fr 458 Ferry 455 Breckenridge 10 S SIDE PKWY—Q-12 Changed to McKinley Pkwy SOUTHAMPTON—H-8 E fr 1049 Ellicott A 65 Michigan Mich 141 Masten “ 294 Jefferson Jef SOUTHARD PL—M-10 N fr 1208 Elk 11 — Perry “ SPANN—M-12 S fr 32 Casimir 146 Clinton a SPAULDING—Q-11 E fr 581 Hopkins A 130 Triangle 10 SPENCER—K-11 S fr 1095 William SPIESS—H-10 B N fr 1240 Genesee SPRENGER— G -13 N fr 458 Doat G B 93 Hemingway u 247 Genesee “ SPRING—K-8 N fr 490 Seneca A 17 Myrtle av 7 39 Swan ** 69 S Division ** 99 N Division ** 131 Eagle 2 155 Vary “ 173 Clinton u 205 Bristol u 237 Superior 1 S 279 William ** — Willert pk 369 W Peckham ** 399 Hollister 4 427 Broadway “ 487 Champlin ** 529 Sycamore 619 Genesee G 651 Cherry " SPRUCE—J-8 S N W fr 306 Broadway 75 Sycamore 6 A T.53 Genesee G 183 Cherry “ STAATS—K-6 N fr 167 Court S — Niagara X STANDISH AV—B-10 Fr Arundal av to Blantyre Her STANISLAUS—I-io E fr 87 Fillmore 25 Gibson 6 47 Beck “ 64 Mills If you find any errors in this Guide, tell the Publisher by post, card, and get a new Guide. 124 It's Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way 92 Woltz av A 120 Loepere " 145 Sweet av “ 168 Sobieski ** 192 Rother “ 216 Kosciuszko ** 241 Lathrop ** STANLEY— J-ia E fr 1407 Bailey av 115 Greene 4 STANLEY PL—J-ia W fr 1387 Bailey 4 STANTON—J-9 N fr 214 Howard K 57 William 1 157 Peckham ** 223 Lovejoy 4 293 Broadway “ STARIN AV—C-10 N fr 1620 Amherst w 31 Beard av 8 32 Linden 44 77 Morris 44 121 Depew 44 163 Woodbridge Her 21 I Huntington <« 237 Taft « 257 Hertel «« Montacute 11 — Tacoma «i — N Drive <4 — Admiral rd 11 — Parkside 11 — Taunton 11 STATE— K -6 N E fr 37 Water A 14 Fly X 48 Dante pi 44 STATION AL—K-6 A N f r 20 W Mohawk STEPHEN PL— B-4 Changed to Melsch STERLING AV—C-9 N fr 273 Linden av A 107 Hertel Her 237 Tacoma “ STETSON—K-9 S fr 458 Ploward 1 STEUBEN—K-10 E fr 115 Clare 43 Fillmore 2 STEVENS—L-6 A S E fr Mechanic X STEVENS AV—G-11 N fr 1041 E Ferry Not open 153 Northland 11 285 Delavan ** STEVENSON—O-ia Fr 1017 Abbott 58 Cumberland 7 238 Seneca “ STEWART—F-13 N fr 936 Walden 113 Doat 6 STOCKBRIDGE AV —C-11 W to 3208 Bailey av 2 Buckingham 13 116 Park Ridge 44 230 Lenox av 44 330 Bailey av 44 STONE—1-12 E fr 1525 Bailey av 119 Greene 4 STORZ AVE-G-g N fr 418 E Utica B 37 Glenwood 12 67 Winslow ** STRATHMORE AV —O-xa Fr 611 McKinley to 1221 Abbott rd Abt STRAUSS—1-9 N fr 902 Broadway S 153 Sycamore 6 319 Genesee G ST CLAIR—N -7 N E fr 524 Ohio B 42 Kentucky 'BI.E 96 South ** Main and Genesee Streets 125 ST JAMES PL—F-7 W fr Chapin pky A 204 Elmwood av E ST. JOHN’S PARKSIDE A N to 2330 Seneca 7 ST JOHN’S PL— 1-6 W fr 63 Wadsworth A 52 Orton pi 7 STRATFORD—C-6 Fr Delaware — Camden Her — Mobile ST JOSEPH AV—H-ia N to 539 Walden B 28 W Shore av 6 137 Walden “ ST LOUIS AV—H-11 B N fr 280 Walden 157 Genesee G ST PAUL—H -7 E fr 1081 Main A 53 Ellicott 8 87 Welmont ** ST STANISLAUS PL —L-13 S fr 135 Seward 2 ST STEPHEN’S PL —M-9 N to 195 Abbott B 65 Abbott rd Abt SUFFOLK—C-12 N fr 1206 Kensington 10 Tarkio al 13 21 Westminster 44 33 Berea 44 61 Hobart 44 90 Bowdoin 44 121 Rutgers 44 244 Iowa 44 280 Minneapolis 44 342 Adeptus 44 414 Rounds 44 City Line 44 SUGAR—E-13 E fr 2743 Bailey 391 City Line Ridge rd • SUMMER— H-6 W fr 1130 Main A 43 Linwood 97 Delaware 155 Oakland 229 Elmwood 273 Ashland 313 Norwood B 352 Richmond 413 York 11 8 • 4 E 14 44 14 •4 7 SUMMIT AV—D-9 N W fr 69 Oakwood A 87 Jewett 8 177 Russell q 251 Amherst ** 301 Crescent " SUMNER PL—H-ia N fr 150 West Shore A 36 Scheu pk 6 125 Walden " 208 Rohe “ 307 Doat '* SUNNY SIDE AV—C-S N fr 550 Hertel av B 73 Holmes av Her SUNSET—C-5 N fr 652 Hertel 71 Lawn Her 129 Race M SUPERIOR—J-8 E fr 237 Spring S 20 Randall Je! 53 Jefferson #4 SUSSEX—E-n E fr 457 Grider B 25 Durham 13 .... „1 A •* 57 Deerfield 44 95 Humber 44 123 Wyoming 44 155 Cambridge 44 187 Cornwall 44 219 Northumberld 44 126 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way SUTTON LANE—B -13 E fr 3221 Main 8 SWAN—K-7 E fr 275 Main X A 19 Washington 44 52 Ellicott 44 — Postoffice and Customs house “ 88 Oak «< 101 Center Abt 124 Elm 44 165 Michigan M 224 Chestnut 44 267 Chicago 44 282 Pine 44 348 Cedar 44 377 S Cedar 44 414 Hickory 44 481 Spring 44 521 Hamburg 44 568 Jefferson «« 610 Seymour $4 688 Hagerman 44 713 Seneca 44 See West Swan SWEENEY—H-g N fr 984 Genesee A 77 Best G SWEET AV—I-io N fr 396 Lovejoy S 89 Kent 4 156 Broadway 44 A 271 Stanislaus 6 349 Sycamore 44 499 Walden 44 SWINBURNE—I-ia N fr 50 Amity B 44 Ashley 4 123 Broadway 44 SYCAMORE—J-8 E fr 239 Oak 6 B 37 Elm 44 1 82 Michigan 44 124 N Pine 44 125 Pine 44 152 Ash 44 187 Spruce 44 Walnut H ickory Pratt Spring Eureka pi Tousey Mortimer Kane Camp Jefferson Beckwith Madison Monroe Adams Grey Johnson Sherman Fox Herman Guilford Reed Strauss Wilson Fillmore Beck Mills Woltz av Loepere Sweet av Sobieski Rother av Kosciuszko Harmonia Lathrop Howlett Gittere Ruhland Oberlin Miller, av Titus av Goodyear Koons av Walden av Erie RR Sta SYLVAN AL—K-8 N fr .?oo Clinton S 77 William READ PAGES 15 to 27. 214 246 285 319 338 343 368 400 424 445 461 473 505 535 57 i 611 647 683 719 747 775 805 837 857 923 944 974 1003 1025 1053 1079 1107 1116 1133 1200 1217 1247 1279 1313 >339 1365 1395 1446 44 41 44 • 4 14 •4 44 44 44 6 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 Main and Genesee Streets 127 TACOMA AV—B-7 E fr 2457 Delaware 35 Tennyson 9 73 Homer *' 109 Virgil 145 Lovering 181 Roanoke 217 Exeter “ 255 Colvin Her 309 Saranac 341 North pk 379 Norwalk 400 Sterling 44 425 Wellington rd 44 — Briercliff rd 44 — Parkside 44 — Admiral rd 44 — Wallace av — Starin av — Shoshone 44 — Frontenac 44 TAFT—C-10 W fr 275 Voorhees M 56 Starin av Her TAMARACK—12 N E fr 1230 Abbott rd Abt 57 Cumberland TARKIO AL—C-12 N fr 1124 Kensing¬ ton 13 TAUNTON PL— B-8 E fr 2624 Delaware 21 Virgil av 9 57 Lovering 44 95 Roanoke 44 — Exeter av 44 — Colvin — Saranac “ — N Park av — Norwalk — Sterling 44 — Wellington 44 — Briercliff — Arundel 44 — Balantyre 44 — Starin 44 TAYLOR PL—O-xx N E fr Josie pi B 55 Macamley 11 TENNESSEE—M-S N fr 44 South B 65 Republic 11 109 O’Connell ** 161 Mackinaw 44 TENNYSON—B-7 N fr 104 Hertel av A — Tacoma pi Her TENTH— 1-6 N W fr 244 Caro- A lina , 3 62 Virginia 130 Maryland 44 197 Hudson 04 TERESA PL—O-13 A S fr 2250 Seneca TERRACE—K-6 N W fr 156 Main A 8 Commercial X 26 Pearl 14 63 Franklin M 82 Evans II 86 Lock M 118 Seneca U 128 Erie *4 160 Henry M 163 Swan $4 186 Charles 44 200 Ann 44 218 Mechanic 44 223 Delaware 44 240 Church €4 269 Eagle 44 278 Genesee 44 356 Court 44 TEXAS—E-12 S fr 1270 Delavan 14 Kerns XI 44 Navel M 72 Lang av THATCHER AV— N fr 970 Kensing¬ ton av 13 51 Hutchinson 44 139 Amherst M 128 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way THE BANK—1-4 At the junc of The Front and Massa¬ chusetts 5 THE CIRCLE— H-6 A At junc of Rich¬ mond av, Porter av, Pennsylvania Wadsworth, Four¬ teenth, and North 7 THEODORE—G-13 N to 2051 Genesee 1 Doat G 101 Block 179 Genesee 14 THIRD—J -4 N fr Pennsylvania 5 THOMAS—K-10 Fr 96 Metcalf A 75 Howard 1 157 William 44 THOMPSON—D-4 N w fr 120 Parish S 38 Amherst 105 Hamilton & 177 Austin M 244 Farmer 44 THORNTON—C-ia E fr Comstock av — Bailey av 13 THYLIS E fr 2973 Bailey 14 Bickford 15 80 Suffolk 44 TIFFANY PL—D-11 E fr Wyoming av 13 TIFT—Q-8 E fr 784 Hamburg turnpike 594 Abby 10 655 Germania 44 72 5 Hopkins 44 — Folger 44 — Alleghaney 44 ' 955 S Park av 44 1049 Ithaca pi 44 1099 McKinley 44 TILLINGHAST—C-8 W fr 434 Parkside TIMON—H-9 N fr 472 High 33 Alvin Bst 59 North 44 125 Best 44 193 Dodge 44 261 Northampton 44 TIOGA—C-7 E fr 2256 Delaware A — Fairchild Her TITUS N fr A 73 AV—1-11 1406 Broadway Empire 4 247 Sycamore 6 TOLEDO—A-6 S fr 1428 Kenmore av 9 TONAWANDA—C -3 N fr 1638 Niagara A 29 West av NF 44 Dearborn 44 98 Wayne 44 204 Parish 44 S 239 AmncTst 44 302 Hamilton 5 376 Austin 44 442 Farmer 44 505 Hertel av 44 541 Grace 44 577 Garfield 44 607 Arthur 44 659 Rano 44 691 Given 4 < 723 Hunt 4 767 Ontario 44 782 He ward #4 808 Prairie 44 838 Briggs av 44 866 Royal av 44 894 Riverside av 44 922 Crowley 44 945 Ross av 44 971 Laird av 44 999 Chadduck 44 Main and Genesee Streets 129 1019 Esser 1069 Roesch av — Riverside pk 1130 Vulcan. 1269 City Line TOUSEY— 1-8 N fr 468 Broadway A 52 Champlin 92 Sycamore TOWNSEND—K-xo N fr 716 William A 97 Peckham 161 Lovejoy 260 Broadway -TOWNSEND—J-4 W fr Erie canal opp — Hudson 5 TRACY— 1-6 W fr 314 Delaware A 88 Carolina 3 — West av ** TRENTON AV—K-6 N W fr 257 Court 62 Georgia 5 137 Carolina ” 210 Virginia ** 279 Maryland 349 Hudson ** 382 Root . " 419 Pensylvania ** TRESSELT—G-13 E fr 65 Domedion av to Eller G TRESTLE—J-xa E fr 1490 Bailey av 1 TRESTLE AL—J-xa N fr 815 Lovejoy 4 4 II 44 44 44 4 14 ,1 182 Spaulding 10 187 Roinoleno ** 208 Sirrett ** 219 Alamo pi ** 252 Good av M 288 Verona •* 301 Abbot rd ** TRINIDAD PL—E-g N to 167 Kensington av A 10 Loring 8 38 Monticello pi “ 93 Kensington ** TRINITY—J-6 W fr 376 Delaware A — Elmwood 118 Virginia •« TROOST— C-6 W fr 58 Rosalia 24 Ledger Her 56 Mandan li TROUPE—M-11 A N fr 1254 Seneca 7 TROWBRIDGE—O -11 E fr 479 Hopkins A 187 Triangle 10 TROY PL—B-4. N fr 228 Ontario 5 TUPPER—J -7 E fr 707 Main 8 A 19 Washington 4 « 53 Ellicott Bst 91 Oak ** 116 Demond <« 127 Elm « 154 Edwin pi «« 167 Michigan Mch See West Tupper TRIANGLE—O-ix N W fr 504 S Park 24 Coronada 10 76 Pries av «« 95 Josie pi M 102 Trowbridge «• 130 Koester «« 157 Macamley •« TUSCARORA—P-13 N W fr Shenandoah 78 Narragansett Abt 95 Niantic “ 142 Minnatonka “ 177 Woodside " 279 Peconic " 280 Abbott rd ** 130 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way TUXEDO PL—C -5 N fr 590 Hertel B to Holmes av Her TWAIN AL Fr Pratt to Iroquois al TYLER—B-10 E fr D L & W tracks 25 Angle S 56 Mildred “ 107 Bruce “ 125 Flower ** 158 Cornell M ULLMAN—A -4 N W fr 236 Esser ar 65 Roesch 5 139 Vulcan “ UNGER AV—N-ia B S fr 1741 Seneca 7 UNION— K -7 N fr 250 Eagle S 35 Clinton a 77 William X UNIVERSITY AV —A-xx N fr 3366 Main M 117 Bellevue av 8 162 Devereaux <1 208 City Line II — Maxwell M — Ford It — Chalmers II UNIVERSITY CIR- CLE—A-xi M 3366 Main 8 URBAN—H-10 E fr 1307 Fillmore A 133 Josephine 12 173 Kehr II 315 Barthel a 390 Moselle G UTICA See East and West FIGURE B-10, IS IN- DEX TO MAP. UTLEY AL-K -6 N W fr 144 Wilke- S son 5 V AND ALIA—M -7 N fr 26 South n A 59 Republic ** 107 O’Connell ** 159 Mackinaw “ VANDERBILT—J -3 E fr 271 Green 4 21 Longnecker *' 51 Ideal “ 83 Benzinger ** 115 Gold 14 149 Davey 14 183 N Ogden ** 21 7 Schiller * 4 VANDUZER—N-11 N E to 1689 Seneca VAN GORDER—E-10 E fr 2054 Fillmore Fil VAN RENSSELAER —M-8 N fr 630 Elk S 29 Fulton I I 65 Perry l« 100 Scott ll 133 Roseville 7 163 Railroad 44 185 Exchange 11 203 Carroll 44 245 Seneca #4 VARY—J -8 E fr 155 Spring B 73 Jefferson Jef VERMONT— H -5 E fr 726 Front ar A — Fort Porter 5 27 Seventh 62 Niagara " 100 Prospect 152 Fargo av “ 177 West 3 214 Plymouth 250 Normal 7 Main and Genesee Streets 131 VIOLA PARK—F-$ E fr 25 Pansy to B 28 Daisy pi 8 285 Fourteenth 7 322 Fifteenth 44 342 Lowell 44 357 Sixteenth 44 378 Bremen 44 396 Seventeenth 44 414 Brayton 10 429 Ripley 44 483 Richmond 44 VERNON PL—D-10 W fr 2588 Main A 91 Fairfield 8 VERONA—O-ii AN W fr 37 Buffalo to 288 Triangle 10 VERPLANCK—G-8 N fr 264 E Utica A 40 Glenwood 12 91 Woodlawn u 144 Ferry xi VIADUCT PL—M-g At junct of Abbott rd and Elk 11 VICTORIA—D-10 E fr 2253 Fillmore A 107 Holden 8 195 Hill VILLA—A-7 E fr 2709 Delaware M 45 Winthrop 9 124 Medford “ 152 Hoyer pi '* 178 Markham ** 208 Delaware 94 VINCENNES—M-7 E fr 74 South B 51 Republic BLE 109 O’Connell 161 Mackinaw M VINE AL—K-7 E fr 157 Oak A 29 Elm Mch 67 Michigan READ PAGES 15 to 27 VIRGIL AV—B-7 A N fr 1176 Hertel 9 VIRGINIA—1-7 N E fr Erie canal S 23 Fourth 5 47 Efner A 72 Trenton N 96 Front t i 129 Seventh II 164 Niagara II A 196 Prospect II 226 Whitney 3 252 Tenth «< 272 West 11 293 Garden u 317 Tupper <« 327 Trinity E 336 Keep al 11 357 Edward 11 S 370 Cottage 11 389 Mariner 11 392 Elmwood 11 407 S Elmwood 11 414 De Rutte 11 422 Park 11 450 Delaware 8 472 Virginia pi *4 492 Franklin 11 521 Pearl pi •1 522 N Pearl 11 552 Main 11 582 Washington 11 601 Rochevot 11 614 Ellicott 11 637 Morton •* 651 North Oak 11 Cadlin al Bst 675 Demond 44 687 Elm 708 Hammond 44 7 11 Ralph al Mch 725 Michigan 44 75 i Maple 44 779 Mulberry 44 807 Locust 44 8 33 Lemon 44 132 It’s Easy To Pay VICTOR’S Way 861 Orange Mich 887 Peach Jef 913 Grape 41 938 Rose 44 955 Cherry 44 970 Beech 44 998 Jefferson G VIRGINIA PL— 1-6 N fr 472 Virginia A 91 Allen 7 VOORHEES—C-10 N fr 1686 Amherst M 33 Beard av 8 77 Morris 44 121 Depew 44 171 Woodbridge 44 117 Huntington Her 235 Taft 44 265 Hertel av •1 292 Montacute 44 333 Tacoma H VULCAN—A-J E fr 2686 Niagara Riverside pk 5 B 117 Tonawanda 11 149 Baxter 04 179 Condon 44 185 Eckert 44 215 Ullman 44 255 Argus II 285 Elgas II 313 Rosedale 44 343 Newfield 3 365 Skillen 14 385 Albemarle 44 409 Belmont 44 431 Seabrook 04 460 Kenmore 44 495 City Line 44 WABASH—N-7 S N fr Ohio to Mack¬ inaw near Ohio Basin ix % Notify the Publisher of any errors and get s mew guide. WADSWORTH—1-5 N W fr 257 Allen and Day’s Park 7 A 28 Hudson u 63 St John’s •* 65 Arlington " 100 The Circle WAGNER PL—H-13 B N fr 730 Walden av 6 WAKEFIELD AV —D-10 E fr 2223 Fillmore A 107 Holden 8 193 Hill “ WALDEN AV H-: [i E fr 1139 Genesee A 15 Woltz av Bst 30 E Parade Cl 44 43 Loepere 44 7 1 Sweet av 44 74 Latour 44 9 i Sobieski 44 106 Kiefer 14 119 Rother 14 138 Rohr 44 145 Harmonia 44 165 Lathrop •4 170 Roetzer 44 208 Wasmuth av 44 221 Howlet 44 234 Barthel 44 251 Gittere 44 262 Ivy 6 271 Ruhland 44 280 St Louis 44 297 Oberlin 44 318 Moselle 44 327 Miller av 44 346 Bissell av 44 376 Goodyear 44 401 Koons av # * 14 449 Sycamore 44 — Erie R R Sta 44 00 CO Rapin pi 44 512 May 44 538 Goembel 44 539 St Joseph 44 562 Burgard 44 Main and Genesee Streets 133 569 Fay 601 Bailey av 634 Brinkman 664 Sumner 694 Keystone 725 Wood av 730 Wagner pi 741 Wex 860 Poplar 898 Briscoe 936 Stewart 956 Claremont 996 Littlefield 1013 City Line 1028 Euclid av 1040 Ridge rd 1050 Rugby 1122 Waverly 1200 Woodell 1220 Cushing av — Harlem av 5 4 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 • If 44 44 44 44 44 4 44 44 44 44 44 WALL—L-6 Opp ft of Main on lake shore to Turn¬ pike 8 WALLACE—C-9 N fr 99 Linden M 19 Depew av Her 63 Woodbridge •< 111 Pluntington «< 135 Revere pi n 157 Hertel t* A 199 Montacute « 250 Tacoma U WALNUT—J-7 N fr 382 Eagle S 37 Clinton 2 119 William 1 241 Broadway 4 329 Sycamore 6 409 Genesee G WALTER—M-9 N fr 990 Elk 11 A 67 Perry “ 163 Seneca 7 INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGES 15 to 27. WARREN AV—I-io N to 1137 Broadway A 45 Kent 4 119 Broadway WARRING AV—G-ia N fr 60 Moeller 22 Antwerp G 50 Boehm 93 Genesee 41 WARWICK AV—E-11 E fr 565 Grider 59 Deerfield 13 123 Wyoming 155 Cambridge 187 Cornwall 219 Northumbld 251 Norfolk ** 285 Olympic 409 Baile*' ** WASHINGTON—J-7 N fr Buffalo river 6 Ohio X 66 Perry 44 118 Scott 44 138 Quay 44 149 Green 44 169 Exchange 44 203 Carroll 44 237 Seneca 44 285 Swan 44 297 Booth al 44 309 S Division 44 339 N Division 44 37 i Eagle 44 405 Clinton 44 Lafayette Sq 44 436 Broadway 44 478 Mohawk 44 523 Pluron 4 543 Genesee 44 577 Chippewa 44 — Washington Market 44 703 Tupper 44 777 Goodell 94 823 Burton 44 851 Virginia 44 913 Carlton 44 979 High 44 VICTOR & CO., Main and *34 WASMUTH AV—H-n N fr 208 Walden av A 113 Genesee G WASSON—M-11 B N fr 1166 Seneca WATER—L-6 N W fr 22 Commer¬ cial S 11 Maiden Lane X 32 Dock “ 37 State 44 61 Le Couteulx 44 69 Evans 44 77 Norton 44 118 Tov 44 143 Erie WATSON—K -9 N fr 670 Eagle S 37 Clinton 2 119 Howard 44 185 William 1 285 Peckham 44 389 Broadway 4 WAVERLY—G -8 N fr 204 Glenwood A 47 Woodlawn 11 97 Ferry 44 1-63 Woodward's al “I 243 Northland WAYNE— D-4 E fr Erie canal 12 Niagara 5 49 Dearborn 68 East 96 Tonawanda 44 WEAVER—L-13 N fr 1954 Clinton A 103 Griswold 2 209 Dingens WEBB—L-6 N W fr 25 Baker — Mechanic X WEBER AV—F-13 N fr Genesee 11 — Lang 4 ; 120 Delavan WEBSTER AL—K -6 A S fr 9 Seneca X WECKER—F-13 E fr 10 Herbert 11 93 Bailey 44 123 Ericson 44 149 Roebling 44 . 175 Texas 44 WEIMER—M-13 S fr 10 Griswold B 134 Casimir 2 257 Clinton 41 367 Griswold 44 WEISS—M-12 N fr Buffalo River A 63 Casimir 2 179 Clinton M 287 Griswold II 393 Dingens «f WELKER—G -8 N fr 288 E Utica A 38 Glenwood 12 93 Woodlawn 11 144 Ferry II WELLAND—B -4 N W fr 242 Rano 99 Ontario 5 WELLINGTON RD.—C 9 N fr 229 Linden av A hi Hertel 9 250 Tacoma 44 — N Drive 360 Taunton 44 WELLS—L -7 N fr 122 Exchange A 25 Carroll X 45 Seneca 44 WELLS AV—N-13 S fr 287 Mineral Spring rd 7 WELMONT PL— H -8 N fr 91 E North- S 34 St Paul 8 60 Best 44 Genesee Sts., for FURNITURE 135 WENDE-G-12 N fr 1804 Genesee 70 Ferry u — Northland 44 WERRICK AL—I- 8 N fr 156 Goodell Mich S 1371 Forest av 3 1411 Fernwood 44 1509 Tonawanda ** W BENNETT—K-8 N fr 302 Clinton A 51 William 2 WESTCOTT—M-11 E fr Inner Lot 55 Troupe 7 85 Milton 14 117 Harrison 44 WESLEY AV—C-10 *N fr 214 Beard M 19 Depew 8 59 Woodbridge 44 105 Huntington 149 Hertel 44 WEST AVE-H-5 W fr 314 Delaware av Via Tracy S — S Elmwood E — Caroline 3 62 Virginia << 130 Maryland 11 1 77 Malta *« 189 Hudson 11 265 Pennsylvania 11 A 333 Jersey «i 389 Porter 11 399 York «i 468 Connecticut 11 535 Vermont 11 603 Rhode Island 11 67 1 Massachusetts 11 740 Hampshire 11 784 School •1 836 Albany 11 859 California 11 889 Arkansas *4 910 Ferry •1 978 Breckenridge 11 1036 Auburn 11 1091 Lafayette 11 1134 Pen field 11 1164 Delavan 11 1238 Potomac ii 1304 Bird av 11 W CHIPPEWA—J-6 W fr 590 Main E A 26 Pearl 42 Asbury al 56 Franklin . 44 98 Delaware ** 142 S Elmwood E 177 Whitney ** 186 Georgia 5 W DELAVAN—F-5 E fr Black Rock Harbor 5 26 Niagara 44 80 W r est av 44 116 Dewitt 44 181 Herkimer 44 215 Congress 3 247 Grant 44 281 Greenwood 44 3 i 5 Parkdale 44 347 Hoyt 7 379 Baynes 44 479 Richmond E 501 N Norwood 44 533 Bidwell pky «< 54 i Ashland av 44 599 Elmwood 44 620 Argyle pk 44 671 Brantford 44 785 Chapin pky Fst 855 Delaware 11 925 Linwood 11 959 Oxford ii 971 Horton pi M 993 Harvard II 1126 Main 8 Notify the Publisher of any errors and get a new guide. 136 VICTOR & CO., Main and W EAGLE—K-6 W fr 368 Main X s 31 Pearl •« A 5 2 Franklin li City and County Hall N 94 Delaware H 140 Morgan 44 139 Genesee *4 140 Terrace 44 W FERRY—G-5 E fr 58 Erie canal Niagara 10 86 Gelston 4 113 West ay 44 151 Plymouth 44 187 Barton 44 223 Herkimer 44 300 Grant 44 — Eighteenth 44 358 Parkdale 44 359 Nineteenth 44 373 Hampshire 44 394 Hoyt 44 419 Chenango 44 428 Baynes 44 458 Putnam 44 488 Livingston 44 503 Massachusetts 44 559 Richmond 44 5 i 9 Norwood 44 593 Ashland E 635 Elmwood 11 841 Delaware 8 903 Linwood it 936 Oxford u 972 Main M W GENESEE—K-6 S W fr 528 Main 29 Pearl X 57 Mohawk a 79 Franklin M 141 Delaware «4 167 Niagara Sq II 183 S Elmwood M 207 Eagle M 217 Terrace II 247 Jackson •1 274 Fourth II *92 Church X 329 River •• 343 Rock M 363 Lake Erie #• w HURON—K-6 W fr 544 Main A 22 Pearl E 53 Franklin 44 96 Delaware M 140 S Elmwood 5 165 Prospect 44 217 Niagara 44 W MARKET—L-7 N fr 120 Elk I 1 A 27 Fulton 44 66 Perry 04 112 Scott 131 Hamburg 4f play ground 44 W MOHAWK—K-6 W fr 488 Main A 24 Pearl X 36 Genesee 44 55 Franklin 44 97 Delaware 44 S 144 S Elmwood 5 A 161 Niagara 44 184 Staats 44 202 Wilkeson 44 W PARADE AV—H-10 N fr 634 Best A 69 Dodge Fil 114 Northamtpon W PECKHAM—J-8 E fr 360 Spring — Willert pk 4 S 37 Mortimer Jef 67 Jefferson “ W PERRY—L-6 W fr 48 Main A 8 READ INSTRUC¬ TIONS ON PAGES 15 TO 27. Genesee Sts., for RUGS 137 W SENECA—K-6 W fr 224 Main A 14 John X 26 Pearl *• 54 Franklin 4* 80 Terrace a 90 Erie u WEST SHORE AV —H*xa E fr May 6 30 St Joseph’s ** 60 Fay 89 Bailey av ** 120 Brinkman ** 150 Sumner ** , 182 Keystone 11 208 Wood av " 235 Wex av “ 272 Elmwood 10 323 Ashland “ 372 Norwood ** 4 23 Richmond 451 Chenango “ .514 Brayton " 521 Rhode Island *' 557 Shields ** 615 Fifteenth ** 640 Massachusetts “ WESTO AL-G-8 W fr 1296 Jefferson B — Purdy Jef WEX AV—H-13 S fr 741 Walden av 129 Walden av 6 — W Shore av WESTMINSTER—C-13 N E fr 3076 Bailey 77 Suffolk *.? 94 Berea 1 5 1 Hobart 44 188 Bowdoin if 190 Orleans H 251 Rutgers H SWAN—K-6 W fr 276 Main 26 Pearl X 47 Erie 44 64 Franklin 14 79 Terrace 44 WEYAND—N-13 N E fr 2066 Seneca A 171 Frank av 7 WHARTON—B -5 E fr 610 Military rd NF V/HEELOCK—L-13 N fr 2040 Clinton 102 Griswold 2 WHITFIELD AV—P-11 E fr 724 S Park av 405 McKinley 10 W TUPPER—J-6 W fr 706 Main A 24 Pearl 52 Franklin 92 Delaware — S Elmwood 168 Carolina 244 Virginia 287 Keep 354 Maryland W UTICA—G-6 W fr 1382 Main A 50 Linwood 103 Delaware 164 Atlantic 8 44 E 44 44 44 44 44 10 44 44 WHITLOCK—B-5 W fr 116 Page NF WHITNEY PL— 1-6 N W fr junc of 177 W Chippewa and 276 Georgia A 70 Carolina 3 140 Virginia 5 210 Maryland 279 Hudson “ WICK—1-12 N fr 1310 Broadway 88 Ehle 4 142 End of st 138 VICTOR & CO., Main and WIGHTMAN—O-n E to 86 Oliver 38 Morse 11 no Oliver “ WILBUR—O-io E fr 505 Hopkins 10 WILCOX—F-13 S fr 1407 E Delavan n WILDWOOD AV—P-13 N W fr Cazenovia B Park to City Line 7 WILEY AV E fr Crowley av A 1 Skillen 5 116 Kenmore “ WILKES AV—E-13 N fr 1407 E Dela¬ van av 11 WILKESON—K-6 E fr Erie canal A 23 Fourth 5 64 Court ** S 99 Front av “ 133 Seventh ** 148 Mohawk “ WILBURY PL—B-7 Fr Delaware to Camden Her WILLETT— L-13 N to 336 Dingens 129 Seward 2 233 Casimir “ 347 Clinton “ 357 Griswold ** 568 Dingens “ WILLIAM—K-K E fr 465 Michigan A 22 Mark 1 48 Potter " 82 Milnor 85 Union 99 Picard al “ 113 Pine 139 W Bennett — Clinton Mkt I 154 E Bennett 44 181 Cedar €4 215 Walnut 94 234 Lutheran 44 235 Sylvan al 44 250 Hickory 94 268 Iroquois al 44 282 Pratt 44 298 Castor al 44 316 Spring 44 332 Mortimer 44 34 i Randell 44 362 Jefferson 44 389 Madison 44 4 i 7 Monroe 44 445 Adams 44 473 Watson 44 502 Emslie 44 530 Krettner 44 557 Sherman 44 581 Stanton 44 608 Shumway 44 634 Smith 44 661 Coit 44 687 Detroit 44 716 Townsend 44 740 Wilson 44 761 Fillmore av 44 772 Curtiss 44 838 Clarke 44 Belt Line Sta 44 867 Thomas I 887 Metcalf 44 955 Newell 44 ion Lewis 44 1039 Cassy 44 1067 Depot 44 1095 Spencer 44 1122 Hannah 44 ii 53 Henricka 44 1163 Babcock 44 1398 Central 44 1428 Bailey av 44 1550 Greene 44 1570 Longnecker 99 1608 Ideal 44 1638 Benzinger 44 1672 Gold 44 1704 Davey 44 Genesee Sts., for STOVES 139 1 <« 1746 N Ogden 1762 Queen 1765 S Ogden 1772 Schiller 1780 Goethe 1821 New S Ogden 1825 City Line TOWN OF CHEEKTO- WAGA — Stanley — Cambria — Randolph — Curtis — Wagner — Griffith — McLaughlin — Medina — Alaska — Strawn — Mann — Preston — Celina — Hedley — Lehigh — Gliddon — Grattan — Harlem 44 WINEGAR PL E fr Burch 7 WILLOWLAWN—D-g W fr 2392 Main M — Crescent av 8 WILLOW PL-G-8 B N fr 24 Kingsley Jef WILLOW PL W fr 2900 Bailey a▼ to Freeman 13 WILSON—J-10 N fr 740 William A 97 Peckham 1 161 Lovejoy 4 S 277 Broadway ** 444 Sycamore 6 613 Genesee G READ PAGES 15 to 27. «« <« •« 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 WINCHESTER AV N fr 708 E Ferry Closed from 242 ft N of Ferry to N Y C tracks A 153 Northland 253 Delavan Fil WINDMERE PL—P-12 W fr 1439 Abbott rd — McKinley Abt WINDSOR AV—E-7 N fr 751 Potomac 28 Inwood Fst 61 Bird av ** 129 Forest ** — The Park WINONA—M-10 N fr 1134 Elk 69 Prenatt m 173 Elk .* 261 Perry ** WINSLOW AY—G-9 E fr 71 Dupont A 45 Brooklyn 11 71 Storz av 97 Roehrer av 123 Wohlers av 241 Plumboldt 365 Fillmore av 543 Kehr 625 End of st See E Winslow WINSPEAR—B-12 E fr 3197 Main A 73 Northrup 121 Park Ridge 233 Lenox 341 Bailey av — City Line 44 WINSTON RD N fr 1832 Hertel A 86 Tacoma Her WINTER—G-5 N W fr 400 Massa- A chusetts av 3 63 Hampshire ** 44 44 44 44 8 44 13 14 140 VICTOR & CO., Main and WINTHROP PL—A-7 N fr Villa av Her 19 Kenmore av WOEPPEL—G-10 E fr 856 Humboldt A Parkway 12 102 Fillmore ** WOHLERS AV-H-g N fr 538 Best Bst r~ r\ rv/'i rwr a ^ 59 Dodge « 126 Northampton 44 153 Kingsley Jef 195 Riley «< 223 Landon 12 259 Utica «« 305 Glenwood M 333 Winslow IX 359 Woodlawn <1 393 Ferry 44 419 Goulding 40 445 Butler *4 473 Brunswick 44 501 Boston 44 529 Oriole 44 555 Northland 44 WOLTZ AV—I-io N fr 1058 Broadway A 120 Stanislaus 6 184 Sycamore 94 354 Walden av 44 WOOD AV— H-I3 N fr 208 W Shore av 6 B 129 Walden 44 WCODBRIDGE AV —C-9 W fr 2854 Main M 33 Beard * 93 Wesley 94 145 Parker 44 217 Voorhees 44 >279 Starin Her 357 Wallace 44 433 Parkside 44 WOODLAWN AV—G -8 E fr 1477 Main A 30 Otis pi 8 62 Michigan 44 137 Masten I 1 165 Chester 44 189 Waverly 44 213 Purdy 44 240 Verplanck «< 265 Welker II 293 Jefferson 44 3 i 9 Dupont 44 421 Roehrer 44 447 Wohlers av 44 467 Humboldt pky 44 689 Fillmore 44 Not open 868 Kehr 44 892 End of st See 1 E Woodlawn WOODSIDE AV—P- 19 E fr 357 Park av A 116 Dold pi 10 204 McKinley i« 397 Abbott rd 11 WOODSIDE CIRCLE At junction of McKin¬ ley Pkwv and Red Jacket Pkwy WOODWARD AV-E-g N W fr Humboldt A 53 Robie 9 115 Florence 185 Oakwood pi 243 Tewett av 343 Russell 415 Amherst 495 Crescent av ** WORCESTER PL—E-ix N fr 606 Kensington 46 Leroy av 13 WRIGHT AV—E-13 N fr 1532 E Dela- van av 11 WOODETTE PL—B-9 A Fr 1580 Elmwood to Beaumaris E THE LETTER AND FIGURE G-9, IS IN¬ DEX TO MAP. Genesee Sts., for WATCHES 141 WYANDOTTE—A-4 E fr 21 Argus 23 Elgas NF 52 Rosedale 4 < 82 Newfield II III Skillen K WYOMING AV—Eix N fr 1088 E Ferry Not open to Delavan A 149 Northland 13 281 Delavan “ 378 Litchfield av 456 Sussex ** 482 Gratiot 0 510 Maple Ridge 536 Pembroke u 562 Warwick ** 590 Colfax av ** 616 Mendola “ 631 Cambridge pi “ 634 Kensington ** YALE PL—O-ia N E to 2067 Seneca B 62 Seneca 7 YATES—B -5 N to 523 Amherst 47 Piatti 3 - 77 Amherst “ Notify the Publisher of any errors and get a new guide. YORK—H-5 N E fr 399 West av A 36 Plymouth j 72 Normal av ** 107 Fourteenth ** 135 Fifteenth ** 148 Ketchum pi " 159 Summer M 182 Sixteenth ** 218 Seventeenth " 221 Richmond ** YOUNG—J-11 N to 1253 Broadway A 31 Grimes 4 93 Ashley " 137 Broadway M Z ELMER—G-13 N fr Doat G 71 Block M 165 Genesee ** ZENNER— G-13 N fr 1774 Genesee A 97 Ferry rx 101 Northland ** ZITTEL—O-13 E fr 2144 Seneca 39 Parkview 7 157 Fields av ** ZOLLARS—R-11 A N to 300 Marilla ix Save Time and Money & EAT AT My Lunch 33-35 Niagara St. tup? Qjsick Service Excellent Food Popular Prices Always Open AMUSEMENTS: THEATRES ACADEMY: V aud—F oto-play s. 245 Main. FAMILY: Vaud—Foto-plays. 441 Washington. GAIETY: Burlesque. Pearl and Huron. HIPODROME: Photo Plays. 182 Main. 399 Pearl. LYRIC: Vaud—Foto-plays. 449 Washington. OLYMPIC: V aud—Foto-plays. Lafayette Square. BASE BALL INTERNATIONAL: Ferry and Michigan. Mch.—Fst—8—11. r MAJESTIC: Regular. Genesee and Pearl. SHEAS: High-class Vaud. Court and Pearl. STAR: High-class Regular. Pearl, Genesee and Mo¬ hawk. TECK: High-class, Regular. Main and Edward. BROADWAY AUDI¬ TORIUM: Irregular Events. Broadway nr. Michigan. ELMWOOD MUSIC HALL: Irregular Events. Virginia and Elmwood. GROUNDS 143 V ARMORIES, FORTS AND MILITARY COMPANIES. t CAVALRY, Troop I, FIRST CAVALRY, N. G. N. Y.—Headquarters 999 Delavan. SEVENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT ARMORY—Oc¬ cupies block bounded by Niagara, Connecticut, Ver¬ mont Streets, and Prospect Avenue. Cost nearly half a million dollars. One of the most magnificent military structures in the United States. 5 SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT ARMORY, now 3rd ARTILLERY—Occupies block bounded by North, Masten and Best. It has a beautiful location, over¬ looking the city from every point. Its appoint¬ ments are of the best. Bst. or Mch. THIRD SEPARATE NAVAL DIVISION — Has headquarters at 74th Armory. This is a new com¬ pany and invites recruits. FORT PORTER—Front Ave., north of Porter Ave. The fort is a U. S. Army Post, and is beautifully situated, standing as it does on a hill overlooking Niagara River. A visit here at sunset, when a dress parade occurs, is always interesting. FOURTH BRIGADE —Headquarters German Insur¬ ance Building. G. A. R. AND W. R. C.—The headquarters of the Memorial and Executive Committee of the City of Buffalo are at G. A. R. Hall, located in the City Convention Hall, Virginia, cor. Elrnwood Ave. E. • 1 144 MICHAEL M. BORK Book Binder Loose Leaf and Blank Books Pamphlet and Leather Work Magazine and Catalogue Binding RULING Buy Photo Albums from the Manufacturer Swan and Ellicott Streets Buffalo, N. Y. ASSOCIATIONS. ALLIED PRINTING TRADES COUNCIL, Chapin Block AMALGAMATED ASSO’N OF ST. & ELEC. RY. EMPLOYEES, Brisbane Bldg. ASSOCIATED BUYERS INC. THE, Peoples’ Bank Bldg. ASSOCIATED MFRS. & MCHNTS, Iroquois Bldg. BAKERS’ UNION HDQRTRS, 573 Broadway. BARTENDERS’ INT. LEAGUE, LOCAL 175, 387 Washington. BLACK ROCK MANUFACTURERS ASSO’N, Elm¬ wood and Belt Line. BOY SCOUTS OF AMER, D. S. Morgan Bldg. BUFFALO ASSO’N FOR THE BLIND, 489 Elli- cott. BUFFALO ASSO’N OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS, Marine Nat. Bank Bldg. BUFFALO CLEARING HOUSE ASSO’N, People’s Bank Bldg. BUFFALO CREDIT/MEN’S ASSO’N, Mutual Life Bldg. BUFFALO AUTO CLUB, Lafayette Hotel. BUFFALO BASEBALL & AMUSEMENT CO., 75 E. Ferry. BUFFALO EMERGENT HOME CARE SO., INC., 1085 Elmwood Ave. BUFFALO GRAPHIC ARTS ASSO’N, Chamber of , Commerce. BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Delaware Pk. BUFFALO RESTAURANT ASS’N, 1 3% E. Swan. BUFFALO SANGERBUND, Teck Bldg. BUFFALO SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Buffalo Library. BUFFALO TURN VEREIN, High and Ellicott. CARPENTERS’ HEADQUARTERS, 13H E. Swan. CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY/BOYS' HOME. 361 Delaware Ave. CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY, 181 Franklin. 146 CIGAR MAKERS’ UNION No. 2, 271 Genesee. COLUMBIA TURN VEREIN, 1261 Genesee. CONSUMERS’ LEAGUE OF BUFFALO, 181 Franklin. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK ASSO’N, Live Stock Exchange, William St. EMPLOYERS’ ASSO’N OF BUFFALO, THE, Elli- cott Square. ERIE CO. S. P. C. A., 121 W. Tupper. EXEMPT VOLUNTEER FIREMEN’S ASSO’N, Goodell and Ellicott. FEDERATION OF CHURCHES, 181 Franklin. FIRE UNDERWRITERS’ ASSO’N OF BUFFALO, Marine Nat. Bank Bldg. FRATERNITY HALL ASSO’N, 971 Jefferson. GERMAN PARK ASSO’N THE, 1261 Fillmore. GREAT LAKES REGISTER, Prudential Bldg. INT’L AUTO LEAGUE, 728 Main. INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN’S ASSO’N, Brisbane Bldg. JOURNEYMAN PLUMBERS’ LOCAL No. 36, 35 E. Huron. LAKE CARRIERS’ ASSO’N, 61 Terrace. LAKE SEAMAN’S UNION, 55 Main. BUFFALO RETAIL GROCERS’ ASSO’N, 1481 Genesee. G. CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL, Brisbane Bldg. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAGUE, Iroquois Bldg. REAL ESTATE, C. of C. WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE HDQRS., Brisbane Bldg. MARINE ENGINEERS’ ASSO’N No. 1, 10 Ex- change. MARINE FIREMEN’S ASSO’N, 71 Main. MASTER PLUMBERS’ ASSO’N, Builders Exch. NORTH BFALO CATHOLIC ASSO’N & LIB., 195 Dearborn. PREVENTION CRUELTY ANIMALS, 121 W. Tupper. RED CROSS WAR RELIEF, 168 Franklin; Up¬ town, 776 Delaware. 147 BANKS. AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK, 215 Main. BANK OF BUFFALO, Main, cor. N. Division. BANKERS TRUST CO., Chamber of Commerce Building. COLD SPRING BRANCH, Main and Utica. CENTRAL BRANCH, 447 Main. DELAWARE BRANCH, 286 Delaware. BUFFALO SAVINGS BANK, Main, cor. Genesee. BUFFALO LOAN, TRUST & SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, German Insurance Bldg., 447 Main. CITIZENS’ BANK, 561 William. CITIZENS’ COMMERCIAL TRUST CO., Ellicott Sq. WILLIAM ST. BRANCH, William, cor. Sherman. BLACK ROCK BRANCH, Niagara and Tona- wanda. WEST SIDE BRANCH, Grant and Ferry. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Main and Swan. ERIE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, Main and Niagara. CITY TRUST COMPANY, Erie County Bank Bldg. GERMAN-AMERICAN BANK, 428 Main. MANUFACTURERS’ AND TRADERS’ BANK, 270 ■ Main. MARINE NATIONAL BANK, Main and Seneca. MARKET BANK, 585 Main, nr. Chippewa. PEOPLES’ BANK, Main and Seneca. UNION STOCK YARDS BANK OF BUFFALO, Broadway and Fillmore. * WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, 438 Main. BLACK ROCK BANK, 73 Forest Ave. COLD SPRING BANK, Main and Utica. LACKAWANNA NAT. BANK, Ridge Rd. and S. Park Av. 10 STATE BANK OF KENMORE, 2852 Delaware, q TELEPHONE-BRYANT 448 Barnwell Contracting Co. General Contractors 398 Fourteenth St. BUFFALO, N. Y. 148 CEMETERIES. BLACK ROCK GERMAN, Hertel Ave. N. F. BUFFALO CEMETERY ASSO’N, Pine Hill . G-n CONCORDIA, Walden Ave. 6 ELMLAWN, out Delaware, beyond Kenmore, Ken. EVANGELICAL, Pine Hill. G-n FOREST LAWN, main entrance Main, cor. Delavan Avenue. Jef-8 Delaware entrance, Delaware and Delavan. HOLY CROSS, Limestone Hill. n HOLY REST, Pine Hill. G-ii HOWARD FREE CEMETERY, Limestone Hill, io JEWISH CEMETERIES, Pine Hill. G-n LAKE SIDE, near Athol Springs. L. S. & M. S. MT. HOPE, Pine Hill. G-n MOUNT OLIVET, out Delaware. 9 RIDGE LAWN, Pine Hill. G-n ST. JOHN’S CHURCH, Pine Hill. G-n ST. STANISLAUS, Pine Hill. . G-u UNITED GERMAN AND FRENCH R. C., Pine Hill. G-i i ZION’S CHURCH, Pine Hill. G-n THE CREMATORY—The building of the Buffalo Cremation Company, Ltd., is located on West Dela¬ van, just opposite Forest Lawn. In addition to the necessary apparatus for cremation, the building contains a chapel, where funeral services may be conducted. Visitors welcome. Fst. HOLY SEPULCHER, Harlam Ave. Lan. ST. MATTHEW’S, Clinton St. at Gardenville. Gdvl. 149 WARNING! To all who have leaky roofs, call us and we will help you in your troubles. We repair all kinds of roofs— no job too large, none too small. Both Phones Cordes, Ayrault S' CO., Inc. 5 1 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. Tonawanda, N. Y. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Lockport, N. Y. Distributors of the National Roofing Co.’s Asphalt Products Tonawanda, N. Y. CHARITABLE SOCIETIES AND HOMES. BOYS’ HOME, 261 Delaware. 3-5 BFALO EYE & EAR INFIRMARY, 673 Michigan Ave. Mch. BFALO ORPHAN ASSLM., 1500 Elmwood Ave. E BILLY SUNDAY HOME FOR MEN, 2377 Dela- ware 9 CHARITY ORGANIZATION, 181 Franklin St. X CRIPPLED CHILDREN’S HOME, 485 Niagara. 5 DEACONESS HOME, 292 Niagara St. 5 DISTRICT NURSING ASSN., 181 Franklin St. X To supply free nursing among the sick poor. DEPT. OF POOR, 44 West Seneca St. X ERIE COUNTY HOME, 3399 Main St. 8 ERIE CO. LODGING HOUSE, 122 W. Eagle. FED. JEWISH CHARITIES, 465 Jefferson St. Jef. FRESH AIR MISSION, 181 Franklin St. X FITCH CRECHE, 159 Swan St. X FR. BAKER’S HOME FOR BOYS, Ridge Rd. 10 GUARD OF HONOR, 622 Washington St. X HOME FOR FRIENDLESS, 1500 Main. 8 KOLKE POLEK C. O., 1081 Broadway. 4 LEGAL AID BUREAU, 181 Franklin St. X LUTHERAN CHURCH HOME, 217 E. Delavan. 8 LUTHERAN CHURCH HOME, Forks, N. Y. Lan. MEN’S INDUSTRIAL HOME, 97 Seneca St. X PRISON GATE MISSION, 69 Cottage. 7 RESCUE HOME, 69 Cottage. 7 REMINGTON SETTLEMENT, Erie & Dante. X SEAMAN’S HOME, 29 Main. 8 ST. VINCENT ORPHAN ASYLUM, 1138 Ellicott 8 THE CATPIOLIC PROTECTORY, 485 Best. Bst. THE INGLESIDE HOME, 70 Harvard. 8 WATSON HOUSE, 282 Babcock St. 7 WESTMINSTER HOUSE, 424 Adams. 4 WELCOME HALL, 404 Seneca St. 7 WHEEL CHAIR HOME FOtf INCURABLES, 344 Hudson. WHITE LIGHT MISSION, 355 Ellicott. X Y. M. C. A., 40 West Mohawk St. X Y. W. C. A., 19 West Mohawk St. X 151 CHURCHES. BAPTIST. BETHEL—172 Johnson. 4 CAZENOVIA—2190 Seneca. 7 CEDAR ST.—South Division and Cedar. Jef. DEARBORN ST.—Dearborn and Hamilton. 5 DELAWARE—Delaware, nr. Utica. 10 DEL A VAN AV.—Delavan and Deerfield. 13 EMANUEL—259 Rhode Island. 3 FILLMORE—46 Fillmore Ave. Fil. FIRST BAPTIST—North, cor. Pearl. 8 FIRST FREE BAPTIST—Hudson, nr. Whitney. 5 FIRST GERMAN—41 Spruce. 4 FIRST ITALIAN—Edison, nr. Delavan. 11 FIRST POLISH—680 William. 6 GLENWOOD AVE.—Glenwood and Purdy. 12 HEDSTROM MEMORIAL—Sumner PI. 6 HUNGARIAN—204 Amherst. 5 HUNT AVE.—Hunt, nr. Gallatin. 5 LAFAYETTE AVE.—Lafayette and Parkdale. E. MAPLE ST.—140 Maple. Mch. MICHIGAN ST—(Colored—541 Michigan. Mch. PARKSIDE—Parker and Beard. 8 PROSPECT AVE.—Georgia and Prospect. 5 REID MEMORIAL—680 William. 1 SOUTH SIDE—Triangle and Good Ave. 1 BIRD GERMAN—Mulberrv, cor. High. Mch. TRENTON AVE—2io Trenton. 5 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. FIRST CIIURCTI OF CHRIST—212 North. E FIRST MARY G. EDDY—622 Elmwood Ave. E SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST—Ferry and Nor¬ wood. E CHRISTIAN ADVENT. KENMORE—Delaware Rd. 9 CHURCH OF CHRIST. CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST—Jefferson, nr. Utica. 12 FOREST AVE.—Forest and Danforth. Fst. GLENWOOD AVE.—Kehr and Glenwood. 12 RICHMOND AVE.—233 Richmond. E. RIVERSIDE—Ontario and Albert. 5 KENSINGTON CHURCH—364 Wyoming. 13 ENGLEWOOD—Englewood Ave. 8 152 ROMAN CATHOLIC. BLESSED TRINITY—317 Leroy. 13 CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS—Esser and Henrietta. 5 ALL SOULS—Germania St. 10 ANNUNCIATION-—216 Lafayette. 3 ASSUMPTION—435 Amherst. 3 CORPUS CRISTI— Clark and Kent. NATIVITY—216 Albany. 3 HOLY ANGELS—Porter and P'argo. 5 HOLY CROSS—Front Ave. ' 5 HOLY FAMILY—Tifft, cor. South Park. 10 HOLY MOTHER OF THE ROSARY—182 So- bieski. 6 HOLY NAME OF'JESUS—1930 Bailey. 6 HOLY SPIRIT— Hertel and Rosalia. Her. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION—146 Edward. E. MARY MAGDALENE—1307 Fillmore. 12 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL—Fly St. X. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP—no • O’Connell. 11 PRECIOUS BLOOD—Lewis and Lyman. 1 QUEEN OF THE HOLY ROSARY— Sycamore and Sweet 6 SACRED HEART—690 Seneca. 7 SANTA LUCIA-—266 Swan. Abt. SEVEN DOLORS—948 Genesee. G. ST. ADELBERT’S — Stanislaus and Rother. 4 ST. AGNES— Benzinger. 1 ST. ANN’S—Broadwav and Emslie. 4 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA—140 Court. X. ST. BONIFACE’S—Mulberry (130). Mcb. ST. BRIDGET’S—Louisiana & Fulton. 11 ST. BERNARD’S—1983 Clinton. 2 ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S—Grider St. 13 ST. COLUMBIA’S—429 Eagle. 2 ST. CASIMER’S—Clinton and Casimer. 2 ST. ELIZABETH’S—280 Amherst. N. F. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER—157 East. 5 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES—601 Humboldt. n ST. GERARD’S—Bailey and Delavan. 11 ST. JOACHIM—Miller and Empire. 4 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST—Hertel and East. 5 ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST—Indian Church Road. 7 ST. JOSEPH’S NEW CATHEDRAL—Delaware, cor. Utica. 10 ST. TOSEPH CATHEDRAL—48 Franklin. X. ST. JOSEPH’S—3221 Main St. 8 ST. JOHN KANTY— 1455 Broadway. > 4 153 ST. JOHN MARON—454 Seneca. 7 ST. LOUIS—Main and Edward. X. ST. LUKE’S—Sycamore and Miller. 7 ST. MARY’S —Broadway and Pine. 6 ST. MARGARET’S— N. Park and Hertel Her. ST. MATTHEW’S—1078 E .Ferry. 11 ST. MICHAEL’S—651 Washington. X. ST. MARK’S — Woodward and Amherst. 9 ST. MONICA’S—Orlando St. n ST. NICHOLAS—1430 Bailey. 4 ST. NICHOLAS—Utica and Welker. 12 ST. PETER & PAUL—Clinton and Smith. 2 ST. PATRICK’S—Emslie and Seymore. 2 ST. PETER’S—Main, cor. Best. 8 ST. STEPHEN’S—Elk, nr. Smith. 11 ST. STANISLAUS—Peckham and Wilson. 1 ST. TERESA’S—Seneca and Hayden. ? ST. VINCENT’S—2033 Main. £ THE VISITATION—Greene and Moreland. r TRANSFIGURATION—944 Sycamore. 6 CONGREGATIONAL. FITCH MEMORIAL—Clinton and Fenton. 2 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL—532 Elmwood Ave. E. PILGRIM—527 Richmond. E. PLYMOUTH—Military Rd. and Grote. N. F. EPISCOPAL. ALL SAINTS—Linwood and Ferry. 8 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION—43 North. 8 CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD—Jewett and Summit. 8 CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION—Hum¬ boldt, nr. Ferry. 11 CHAPEL OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS—804 Seventh. S CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY—Willett and Clinton. 2 GRACE CHURCH—Niagara and Penfield. 5 ST. ANDREW’S—Goodell, nr. Elm. Mch. ST. CLEMENT’S—Grider and Sussex. 1 ST. STEPHEN’S—Bailey and Roy. ST. SIMON'S—Glendhu and Cazenovia. ST. JAMES’—Spring and Swan. ST. JOHN’S—428 Lafayette Ave. E. ST. LUKE’S—Richmond and Summer. E. ST. JUDE’S—30 Macamley. 10 ST. MATTHEW’S—Babcock, nr. Seneca. 7 ST. PETER’S—1074 Lovejoy. 1 ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S—567 Howard. 1 ST. MARK'S—Dearborn, nr. Amherst. 5 154 VI ST. MARY’S-ON-THE-HILL—772 Niagara. 5 ST. PAUL’S—Erie and Pearl. X. ST. PHILIP’S—Elm, nr. N. Division. Bst. ST. THOMAS’—401 Elk. 11 TRINITY CHURCH—Delaware, nr. Tupper. 8 EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION. EMMANUEL—Humboldt and E. Utica. ia FIRST CHURCH—Spruce and Sycamore. 6 HUMBOLDT SQUARE—Best and Herman. G. MEMORIAL CHURCH—Utica and Wohlers. 12 ST. JAMES’—461 Rhode Island. 10 ST. PAUL’S—57 Grape. Jef. EVANGELICAL (GERMAN). BETHANY—148 Eaton. Mch. BETHLEHEM—Genesee and E. Parade. G. CHRIST US—Clinton and Bailey. a FIRST TRINITY—Michigan, nr. Genesee. G. FRIEDENS—614 Eagle. a IMMANUEL—Military and Glor. N. F. ST. JACOB’S—Jefferson, nr. High. Jef. ST. JOHN’S—43 Amherst. * ST. LUKE’S—Richmond and Utica. 10 ST. MATTHEW’S—Swan and Hagerman. 7 ST. PETER’S— Genesee and Hickory. G. ST. STEPHEN’S—Peckham and Adams. 1 ST. THOMAS’—2105 Fillmore. 8 SALEM—Calumet and Garfield. 5 TRINITY—Gold, nr. Lovejoy. 1 UNITED BETHANIA—Eaton, nr. Masten. Jeff. UNITED ST. MARK’S—395 Oak. Bst. UNITED ST. PAUL’S—496 Ellicott. Bst. GOLGOTHA—Fillmore and Dewey. Fil. ST. ANDREW’S—Genesee, nr. Domedion. G. ST. TAMES’—Tefferson, nr. High. Jeff. SENECA EVAN.—West Seneca. B. & L. E. EVANGELICAL (LUTHERAN). CHURCH OF THE ATONEMENT—560 Eagle. 2 CALVARY—Dodge and Ellicott. > 8 CHRIST—Broadway, nr. Fox. 4 CONCORDIA—Northampton, nr. Jefferson. Tef. EMMAUS — Southampton, nr. Jefferson. Jef. GETHSEMANAE—Goodyear, nr. Genesee. G. GRACE—Carlton and Rose. Jef. GERMAN LUTHERAN CONGREGATIONAL— 49 Kingsley. Jef. GERMAN LUTHERAN TRINITY—197 Goodell. Mch„ FIRST TRINITY—Michigan, nr. Genesee. Mch. 155 HOLY TRINITY— Main, nr. North. 8 IMMANUEL—270 Longnccker. 4 MISSION ASSOCIATION—63 Skillen. 5 PILGRIM—619 Best. Bst REDEEMER—Elmwood and W. Ferry E REFORMATION—Doat and Pine Ridge Rd. 4 REDEEMER—Doat, nr. Bailey Ave. G. ST. ANDREW—Sherman and Peckham. 1 ST. JOHN—Hickory, nr., Broadway. 4 ST. PAUL’S— 84 Scoville. 1 •TABOR—Leroy, nr. Fillmore. 8 ZION—Ferry and Nineteenth. 10 EVANGELICAL REFORMED. EMMANUEL—590 E. Utica. u SALEMS—413 Sherman. 4 ZIONS—Lemon, nr. Cherry. - G. ST. PAUL—5 Duerstein. 7 ZOAR’S—Genesee, cor. Rohr. G.' ST. TOHN’S MISSION—Good Ave. 10 CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION— Genesee and Doat. G. GRACE—Cazenovia and Glendhu. 7 FREE METHODIST. FIRST—Virginia and Tenth. 3 SECOND —175 Potomac Ave. ^ NORTH DELAWARE—Delaware, near Hertel f Her JEWISH. AHAVAS-SHOLEM—407 Jefferson. Jef. AHA VATHACHIM—Broadway. 4 ANSHE-LABAWIZ—Pratt. 4 BETH EL SYNAGOGUE—71 Elm. Bst BETH JACOB—Clinton and Walnut. 2 BRTTH SHALEM—181 Pine. 1 GUILD HOUSE—456 Jefferson. Jef HICKORY ST. SYNAGOGUE. t TEMPLE BETH ZION—Delaware Ave. 8 BETH ISRAEL—Hickory. ANSHI EWETH—Hickory and William 1 METHODIST EPISCOPAL. ASRTTRY—Pearl and Chippewa. „ X. CENTRAL PARK—Morris, nr. Main. 8 DELAWARE AVE.—Delaware, nr. Tupper. 8 EPWORTH MISSION—Grey and Cayuga. G. FIRST GERMAN —179 Mortimer. 4 FTRST—AFRICAN—Vine, nr., Oak. Mch. FIRST ITALIAN—Front and Wilkinson. . 5 GRACE—Michigan, nr. N. Division. Mch. HUMBOLDT PARKWAY—Woodlawn and Hum¬ boldt 11 156 KEN MO RE—Kenmore. 9 KENSINGTON—23 Shawnee. 12 LINWOOD AVE.—33 West Utica. 10 LOVEJOY—Lovejoy, nr. Bailey Ave. 1 NORMAL PARK—Albany and Barton. 3 NORTHAMPTON—192 Northampton. Mch. ONTARIO—Tonawanda and Ontario. > 5 PRIMITIVE—Niagara and Pennsylvania. 5 PLYMOUTH—Jersey and Plymouth. 7 RICHMOND—Richmond and Ferry. E. RIPLEY MEMORIAL—125 Farmer. 5 RIVERSIDE—Potomac and Baynes. 7 SECOND GERMAN—233 East. 5 SOUTH PARK —South Park Ave., cor. Ashton 10 SENTINEL—Howard and Monroe. 1 ST. MARK’S—Elk, nr. Hamburg. 11 SENECA ST.—Seneca and Imson. 7 SUMNER AVE.—Sumner, nr. Walden. 6 WOODSIDE—Abbott rd., nr. Cazenovia. 8 PRESBYTERIAN. BETHANY—Eifteenth, nr. Vermont. 7 BETHLEHEM—Hoyt and Bird. 7 CALVARY—Delaware, nr. Tupper. 8 CENTRAL PARK—Main and Jewett. 8 CH. OF THE COVENANT—1531 Michigan. Mch. FAST—qoo S. Division. 2 FIRST—The Circle. FIRST UNITED—89 Richmond Ave.. E. KENMORE—At Kenmore. 9 LAFAYETTE AVE.—845 Elmwood. E LEBANON—Northampton and Wohlers. 12 NORTH—Delaware and Utica. 10 SOUTH—Seneca and Juniata. 7 SLOAN—lialsted. Lan. WALDEN AVE.—Walden Ave. and May. 6 WEST AVE.—Ferry and West Ave. 10 WESTMINSTER—Delaware, nr. Summer. 8 MISCELLANEOUS. CATHOLIC APOS.—Bristol and Jefferson. Tel CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE—95 W. Genesee. G. EAGLE ST. ASSEMBLY HALL—366 Eagle. 2 LAFAYETTE AVE. REFORMED CHURCH— Lafayette Ave. and Herkimer. 3 MISSION CHURCH—27 Bremen. OAK GROVE—Oak Grove and Hedley. 8 PINE RIDGE—230 Winslow. 10 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS—Hedley PI. Jef. SWEDISH EVAN.—Jersey and Prospect. WILBOR AVE.—Seneca and Wilbor. 7 157 RUSSIAN. GREEK, ORTHODOX— Ideal and William. » THE GREEK CHURCH— Central and Lovejoy. i SWEDENBORGEAN. THE BUFFALO SOCIETY OF THE NEW JERUSALEM—Utica and Atlantic. to SWEDISH EV. LUTH. TRINITY CHURCH— Utica and Chenango. 10 UNITARIAN. FIRST UNITARIAN—Elmwood and Ferry. E. PARKSIDE—Amherst, nr. Main. 8 UNIVERSALIST. GRACE—Lafayette and Hoyt. . io CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH—236 North. 7 UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. ELMWOOD—Elmwood and Bird. E FIRST CHURCH—Laurel and Masten. Mch. GRACE—Olympic and Kermit. 11 WHITE MEMORIAL—Northrup, nr. Main. 8 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. FIRST CHURCH—North St., cor. Elmwood Ave. SECOND CHURCH—1445 Jefferson St., nr. Ferry. THIRD CHURCH—W. Ferry St., cor. Norwood. EVANGELICAL, ENGLISH. PILGRIM—Best and Herman. ST. JAMES—901 Jefferson.. COMMUNITY CHURCH—Hedley St. AMHERST COMMUNITY—College Hill. 8 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN FIRST—Richmond and Summer. E ONTARIO—Gallatin and Ontario. 5 SECOND—Woodlawn and Humboldt. 11 SOUTH PARK—S. Park Ave. and Altruria. 10 NORTH PARK—Hertel and Saranac. Her. COURTS. BANKRUPTCY COURT—411 Federal Bldg. CHILDREN’S COURT—73 W. Eagle. CIRCUIT COURT—City and County Hall. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION—742 Ellicott S<*. 158 CITY COURTS—City Court Bldg., Delaware and W. Eagle St. GENERAL TERM—City and County Hall. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION—Fourth floor Iroquois Bldg. SUPREME COURT—City and County Hall. SUPREME COURT CHAMBER—City and County Hall. SURROGATE’S COURT—City and County Hall. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT—Federal Bldg., Swan and Oak Sts. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. ALBRIGHT’S ART GALLERY. E BUFFALO FINE ARTS ACADEMY. BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY—Delaware Park. E. BUFFALO SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE (in Buffalo Library Bldg.)—421 Washington. CANISIUS COLLEGE—1999 Main. 8 DEAF MUTE INSTITUTE—2269 Main. 8 GERMAN THEOLOGICAL MARTIN LUTHER SEMINARY—152-156 Maple. Mch. D’YOUVILLE COLLEGE (Female)— 2 9 S Porter MOUNT ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY—2064 Main. 8 NICHOLS PREP. SCHOOL—Amherst & Colvin. 9 ST. AGNES’ TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS —3221 Main. 8 ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE- 1238 Main St. Rev. Brother Thomas, President. Academic, scientific, commercial and preparatory departments. Students take the Regents’ exam¬ inations. A limited number of boarders taken. Both ’phones. 8 SACRED HEART ACADEMY—749 Washington. 8 ST. VINCENT’S TECH. SCHOOL, for girls, —Main and Riley. 8 UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO: Medical Dept., 20 High St. 8 Dental Dept., 20 Goodrich. 8 Law Dept., Ellicott Square. IS 9 Finest Turkish Bath in Buffalo NUGENT’S New Russian-Turkish BATH Open Day and Night Bath and Room, 75 Private Rooms all night, $1.00 361 Washington St., Buffalo, N. Y. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief, B. J. McConnell. Headquarters, cor. Court and Staats streets. Fire Alarm Telegraph at Headquarters. Reserve Stable at Headquarters. Repair Shops at Headquarters. ENGINE COMPANIES No. 1— 41 South Division. 2— 306 Jersey. 3— 312 Spring. 4— 138 Spruce. 5— 197 Emslie. 6— 298 Smith. 7— 11, Franklin. 8— 133 Chicago. 9— 719 Washington. 10— 38 Perry. 11— 1197 Niagara. 12— 418 Chicago. 13— 8 Staats. 14— 1030 William. 15— 104 Amherst. 16— 1418 Main. 17— 512 Rhode Island. 18— 1030 Fillmore. 19— 209 Forest. 30— Fire boat W. S. Grattan, foot of Columbia St. 30 — 31— 32— 700 33— 280 34— 2855 35 — 36— South Park Ave. and Wheat field St. Bailey Ave. and Doat. Seneca St. Kehr. Main. Clinton and Bailey. Elmwood and Great Arrow. CHEMICAL ENGINES No. 1— 9 Franklin. 2— 416 Chicago. 3— 498 Pearl. 4— 146 High. 5— Cleveland Ave. 6— 528 Broadway. HOOK AND LADDER COMPANIES No. 21— 421 Best. It- 721 Washington. 22-1528 Broadway. 2 - 43 South Division. 23 — Fire boat J. M. 3 — 308 Spring. . Hutchinson, 4 — 1 195 Niagara. foot of Gen¬ 5 — 700 Seneca. esee St. 6— 423 Best. 24- 108 Leroy. 7 — 112 Leroy. 25—I719 Seneca. 8— Chicago, near 26- Tonawanda and Elk. Martin Sts. 9— 306 Jersey. 27— 33 Johnson. 10— South Park 28— Gold and Love- Avenue, near joy. Mesmer. 20— Fire boat G. R. 11— 636 Fillmore. Potter, ft. of 12— Amherst and Louisiana St. Grant. HOSPITALS. Ambulance Service— ERIE COUNTY HOSPITAL. Bell, Crescent 614; Frontier 57-122. EMERGENCY. Bell, Seneca 338; Frontier 21-254. GENERAL. Bell, Tupper 340; Frontier 24-453. GERMAN. Bell, Tupper 1590; Federal HOMEOPATHIC. Bell, North 2300; Fed. 41-316. WENDE, ERNEST. Fed. 21-057; Howard 525. ADAM, J. N., MEMORIAL, Perrysburg, N. Y. BFLO. CITY HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN, 850 Humboldt Parkway. - 12 8FLO. EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, 673 Mich¬ igan. Mch. BFLO. GENERAL HOSPITAL, 100 High. 8, 9, B. or Mch. BFLO. HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, Lafayette and Linwood. Fst. BFLO. MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL, 762 E. Ferry. 11 BFLO. SISTERS OF CHARITY, 1833 Main. 8 , 9 BFLO. STATE HOSPITAL, Forest Ave. Fst. or E. BFLO. WOMEN’S HOSPITAL, 191 Georgia. 5 CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, 219 Bryant. E. COLUMBUS HOSPITAL, 298 Niagara. 5 DUNHAM SANITARIUM, 1392 Amherst. 9 EMERGENCY HOSPITAL, Pine and Eagle. 2 ERIE COUNTY HOSPITAL, 3399 Main. 8 ERNEST WENDE (Contagious) CHILDREN, Broadway and Spring. 4 GERMAN DEACONESS, 563 Riley. 12 GERMAN HOSPITAL, 740 Tefferson. Jef. or G. INVALIDS’ HOTEL, 663 Main. 8 , 9 LAFAYETTE GENERAL, 113 Lafayette. 5 LUTHER. MARTIN, 941 Washington. Bst. MERCY HOSPITAL, 955 Tifft St. 10 MRS. MERCER’S, 116 N. Pearl. 8 MOSES TAYLOR, Ridge Rd., Lackawanna. B. L. E. PROVIDENCE RETREAT ASYLUM, 2175 Main. 8 ST. FRANCIS’ HOSPITAL, 337 Pine. 4 ST. JOSEPH’S, Indian Church Road. 7 ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL, 120 Edward. E., 8, 9 THE BUFFALO CITY, 450 Grider. 13 THE CHARITY EYE, EAR AND THROAT, 166 Broadway. 4 THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, 799 Niagara. 5 U. S. MARINE HOSPITAL, 2239 Main. 8 FRONTIER, 859 Humboldt. la 162 HOTELS OF BUFFALO: ARLINGTON: 96 Rooms—$1.00 up. Exchange and Wells. BAGGS: 100 Rooms—$1.00 up. 570 Main. E.P. BROEZEL: CITY: 50 Rooms—$ .75 up. AP—$2.00 up. Michigan and Exchange. FILLMORE: 41 Rooms—$ .50 up. Michigan and Carroll. 150 Rooms—$1.00 up. AP—$3.00 up. Seneca and Wells. BERKELEY: Johnson Park. E. BUCKINGHAM: 75 Rooms—$1.00 up. 221 Allen. E. CASTLE INN: 75 Rooms—$2.50 up. Niagara Square. CRANDALL: 965 William. 1 CHELTENHAM: 80 Rooms—$1.00 up. p AP—$2.00 up. *34 Franklin. X. GENESEE: 150 Rooms—$1.00 Main and Genesee. IROQUOIS: 400 Rooms—$2.00 Main and Eagle. KING EDWARD: 75 Rooms—$1.00 up. 44 Niagara. LAFAYETTE: 400 Rooms—$2.00 up. 132 North. E. Washington and Clinton. LENOX: 250 Rooms—$1.50 up. MARKEEN: 150 Rooms—$1.00. 1 163 W. H. Pilkey & Sons 1510 Michigan Ave. BUFFALO Both Phones SETTING MONUMENTS PIANO MOVING General Carting Business » LIBRARIES. BUFFALO LIBRARY (Free), 421 Washington. X. BUFFALO PUBLIC LIBRARY, J. P. Dudley Br., 503 S. Park Ave. 10 BUFFALO PUBLIC LIBRARY, Wm. Ives Br., 1079 Broadway. 4 BUFFALO PUBLIC LIBRARY, Utica St. Br., 306 E. Utica. 12 BUFFALO PUB. LIBRARY, S. V. R. Watson Br., 377 Elk. n BUFFALO PUBLIC LIBRARY, William St. Br., 356 William. 1 BUFFALO TURNVEREIN, 329 Ellicott. Bst. CATHOLIC INSTITUTE, 837 Main. X. ELLICOTT SQ. LAW, 303-323 Ellicott Sq. X. ERIE R. R. LIBRARY, Erie Station. X. FITCH INSTITUTE, 165 Swan. Xj. GROSVENOR LIBRARY, 385 Franklin. 8 GUARD OF HONOR, 602 Washington. X HARGUARI, 260 Genesee. G LAW LIBRARY, City and County Hall. X NORTH BUFFALO CATHOLIC INSTITUTE, 47 Amherst. 5 THE POLISH LIBRARY, Broadway and Sweet. 4 Y. M. C. A., Genesee and Pearl. X. MARKETS. BROADWAY, 979 Broadway, cor. Gibson. 4 CLINTON ST., 302 Clinton. i ELK ST., Perry and W. Market. io, 11 HORSE MARKET, at Stock Yards. 1 N. Y. C. STOCK YARDS, opp. 1067 William. 1 WASHINGTON, 579 Washington. % 165 CITY AND COUNTY OFFICES OUTSIDE OF CITY HALL. SCHOOL EXAMINERS, 608 Prudential Bldg. GRADE CROSSINGS, 436 Ellicott Sq. DEPT. OF POOR, 44 Seneca. CIVIL SERVICE, 556 Ellicott. BOARD OF ELECTIONS, 71 Eagle. EXAMINER STATIONARY ENGINEERS, 228 Prudential Bldg. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, 44 W. Seneca. SUPT. OF MARKETS, Washington Mkt. HARBOR MASTER, 288 14th St. EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMBERS, Municipal Bldg. TERMINAL STATION, 907 Chamber of Commerce. COM MIS I ONER OF CHARITIES, 505 Iroquois Bldg. CITY PROBATION OFFICER, 206 Law Exchange Bldg. MEDICAL EXAMINER, 241 Terrace. NEW YORK STATE OFFICES. EXCISE DEPT., 584 Ellicott Sq. STATE CANAL, Spaulding Exchange. DEPT. OF LABOR, 703 Morgan Bldg. U. S. IMMIGRATION BUREAU, Custom House, International Bridge. U. S. COMMISSIONERS, 1010 Morgan Bldg. WEATHER BUREAU, Telephone Bldg. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 219 Franklin. WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION COMMISSION, 3 Brisbane Bldg. BOARD OF CHARITIES, 1604 Marine Bank Bldg. ALIEN POOR, 241 Terrace. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, 731 White Bldg. AUTOMOBILE BUREAU, 760 Main. DEPT. ENGINEERING, 801 Chamber of Commerce. DEPT. OF HEALTH, 573 Ellicott Sq. GAME WARDEN, 142 Prospect. SUPT. ELECTIONS, 710 Brisbane Bldg. INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF MALIG¬ NANT DISEASES, 113 High. 166 Study in the Y.M.C.A. Gasoline Engines Including Cooling, Lubrication, Car- buretion, Ignition, Self-Starting,Gen¬ erating, Lighting. Transmission Elements Including Clutches, Gear-sets, Drive, Rear Axles, Etc. Running Gear Including Frames, Springs, Wheels, Tires. Controls Including Steering, Braking and En¬ gine Controls. Tools, Equipment and Taws Our Complete Courses Include all these, and besides, we take a personal interest in each stu¬ dent in The Y. M. C. A. Auto School Mohawk and Genesee Sts. BUFFALO, N.Y. NEWSPAPERS OF BUFFALO. I THE COURIER, daily and Sunday, 250 Main. THE EXPRESS, daily and Sunday, 179 Washington. Evening: THE COMMERCIAL, daily, N. Division and Wash¬ ington. DER DEMOKRAT (German), daily, 250 Main. THE ENQUIRER, 250 Main. THE NEWS, daily, 216 Main. THE TIMES, daily and Sunday, 193 Main. THE VOLKSFREUND, daily and Sunday, 48 Broadway. AURORA AND CHRISTLICHE WOCHE (German Weekly), 564 Dodge. Bst. POLWAK w AMERYCE, daily, 227 Lovejoy. THE CATHOLIC UNION AND TIMES, weekly, Erie and Franklin. SOCIALIST, Teck Theatre Bldg. 8, 9, 10 THE COLD SPRING ADVERTISER, 1724 Nia¬ gara. 5 DZIENNIK DIA WSZYTKICH, 928 Broadway. 4 EAST SIDE NEWS, 301 Broadway. 4 ECHO, 564 Dodge. Bst. EVERYBODY’S DAILY, 928 Broadway. 4 GAZETTA BUFFALO, 865 Fillmore. 4 INTERNATIONAL GAZETTE, 1724 Niagara. 5 WEST SIDE, 1724 Niagara. 5 NEWSPAPER CLIPPING BUREAU, 262 Main. RICK BELL MANTLES W o v W 01 0 STRONG! BRILLIANT! 637 MAIN STREET, OR DEALERS 168 OFFICE BUILDINGS. AUSTIN, no Franklin. BIRGE, S. E. cor. Main and Seneca. BOWEN, Pearl and Huron. BRISBANE, 411 Main, BUILDER’S Exchange, 245 Pearl. BYERS, 700 Main. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 240 Main. CHAPIN BLOCK, 25 Swan. COAL AND IRON EXCHANGE, 257 Washington. COLONIAL, 115 Franklin. CUNNEEN, 85 W. Eagle. CURTISS, Franklin and Huron. DUN BUILDING, 112 Pearl. ELECTRIC, Genesee and Huron. ELLICOTT SQUARE, 283 Main. ERIE COUNTY BANK, 344 Main. ERIE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS’N BLDG., 39 Erie. EXCHANGE, 202 Main. FARGO, N. E. cor. Niagara and Franklin. FIDELITY TRUST CO., Main and Swan. GERMAN-AMERICAN, Main and Court. GERMAN INSURANCE CO BLDG., Main and Broadway. HUTCHINSON, 71 W. Eagle. IROOUOIS GAS CO., Church and Franklin. LEWIS BLOCK, 19 Swan. LAW EXCHANGE, Eagle and Franklin. LIGGETT BLDG., 319 Main. LITTELL, Franklin and Huron. LOCKWOOD, Genesee and Franklin. MARINE BANK, N. E. cor. Main and Seneca. MASONIC TEMPLE, 43 Niagara. MORGAN, D. S., 26 Niagara. MUTUAL LIFE, 210 Pearl. NEW YORK TELEPHONE, Franklin and Church. NIAGARA BUILDING, Franklin and Mohawk. PALACE ARCADE, 615 Main. PEOPLE’S BANK BLDG., S'. W. cor. Seneca and Main. PRUDENTIAL, 146 Pearl. SENECA, 105 Seneca. STAFFORD, 156 Pearl. UTICA, 46 Niagara. UNDERWOOD, Pearl and Erie. VALENTINE BLOCK, 99 Niagara. WHITE FIREPROOF, 284 Main. 169 PUBLIC PARKS. BOTANICAL GARDENS, South Park. 10 BENNETT PARK, Clinton, cor. Pine. a CAZENOVIA PARK has 76 acres, and is located on Abbott Road and Cazenovia Street. 7 DELAWARE PARK, covers 362 acres and contain* the Zoo, Park Lake, Albright’s Art Gallery, Buf¬ falo Historical Society and the Mozart Monu¬ ment, McMillan Drinking Fountain and Golf Links. The Meadow occupies 133 acres and has an outside drive of 9,800 feet. There is also ground set apart for picnic purposes. Take Elmwood or Forest Avenue cars to Park Lake; Main and Jefferson cars to Zoo. DAY’S PARK, cor. Allen and Cottage. 7 HUMBOLDT PARK or THE PARADE, covering 56 acres, is located on Best, nr. Genesee. Bst., G. or Fil. RIVERSIDE PARK, on banks of Niagara River at northern boundary of the city. A beautiful park, covering 46 acres. 5 SOUTH PARK, covering 155 acres, is located at South Park Avenue and City Line, and contains the Botanical Gardens. 10 THE FRONT covers 47 acres and is adjacent to Fort Porter. This park overlooks Niagara River, the harbor and lake, and Canada in the distance. 5 PARK APPROACHES. BIDWELL PARKWAY, from Richmond to Soldiers Place, 200 feet wide. CHAPIN PARKWAY, from Delaware Ave. to Gates Circle, 200 feet wide. FILLMORE AVE., from Humboldt Parkway to Sen¬ eca Street, 100 feet wide. FRONT AVE., from The Terrace to The Front, 100 feet wide. HUMBOLDT PARKWAY, from The Park to Hum¬ boldt Park. 200 feet wide. JEWETT AVE., from Main to The Meadows, 70 feet wide. MASSACHUSETTS AVE., from Fort Porter to Richmond Ave., 70 feet wide. PORTER AVE., from The Front to The Circle, 100 feet wide. RED JACKET PARKWAY, from Cazenovia Park to McKinley, Parkway, 100 feet wide. RICHMOND AVE., from The Circle to Bidwell Parkway, 100 feet wide. 170 SCAJAQUADA PARKWAY, from Grant to The Park, 300 feet wide. McKINLEY PARKWAY, from Abbott Corner* Road to South Park, 100 feet wide. The various city playgrounds are known and located as follows: BIRD AVE., Bird Ave., cor. Grant St. 3 CLINTON ST., Clinton St., between Gorski and Weiss Sts. a COLLINS, Smith Selkirk, Perry and Clifford Sts. COLD SPRINGS, south side of Delavan Ave., near Main St. GLENWOOD AVE, Glenwood, Fillmore and East Parade Aves. ia JOPINSON ST., Johnson, Genesee and Sycamore Sts. G. LANIGAN PARK, Fulton, Louisiana and Chicago Sts. 10, 11 LINCOLN, Peck, Ashley and Grimes Sts. 4 SEVENTH ST. Seventh, Maryland and Hudson 5 SIDWAY ST., Sidway, Katharine, Elk and O’Con¬ nell Ave. 11 THE MEADOWS, Delaware Park, nr. the Zoo. 8 TERRACE PARK, Delaware Ave., Church, Eagle, Genesee and Court Sts. X. VERMONT ST., Vermont, Bremen Sts. WELCOME HALL, Seneca, cor. South Cedar. SMALL PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS. AGASSIZ PLACE, circle, Humboldt Parkway and Park. 8 BENNETT PLACE, Eagle and Pine. 2 COLONIAL CIRCLE, junction of Lafayette, Bid well Parkway and Richmond Ave. E. DAY’S PARK, Hudson and Wadsworth. 7 GATES CIRCLE, Delaware and Lafayette. Fst. HEACOCK PLACE, at junction of Abbott and White’s Corners Road. Abt. HENNEPIN PARK, Bailey and Ludington. 1 JOHNSON PLACE, 280 Delaware. E. LAFAYETTE SQUARE, two plots, Niagara and Amherst. 5 LANIGAN PARK, Elk and Fulton. 11 NIAGARA SQUARE, 75 Niagara. 5 PARK MEADOW, 18 Hole Public Gulf Course. 5 Base Ball Diamonds. 2 Football Courts. Bowling Green. 1 Cricket Ground. Lawn Tennis Courts. Turf Track for Equestrians. 171 PROSPECT PARK, two squares each, 648 Niagara. POLONIA PARK, south side of Curtis St. 4 SCHILLER PARK, from Genesee to City Line, following Scajaquada Creek. G. SOLDIERS’ PLACE, circle, Bidwell-Chapin-Lincoln Parkways. McKINLEY PARKWAY, South Park Ave. 11 SPERRY PARK, Peckham and Sherman. Jef. THE CIRCLE, North and Richmond. 7 THE BANK, at The Front. 5 WILLERT PARK, Spring and Peckham. 4 WADSWORTH PLACE, 63 Wadsworth. 7 McCLELLAN CIRCLE, McKinley Parkway at City Line. Established 1857 GEORGE R. FULLER COMPANY N. C. WINN, Mgr. Manufacturers and Expert Fitters of Artificial Limbs, Trusses, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Etc. 141 EIJicott St., BUFFALO, N. Y. Bell, Seneca 3873-L * 172 POLICE. Henry D. Girvin, Chief. HEADQUARTERS—Franklin and Seneca. POLICE COURT—City Courts Bldg., 4 2 Delaware. No. 1—Police Headquarters Bldg. X. 2— 500 S. Division. 7 3— 425 Pearl, nr. Chippewa. X. 4— Sycamore and Ash. 6 5— Greenwood and W. Delavan. 3 6— 1444 Main. 8 7— 355 Louisiana. 11 8— Fillmore, nr. Lovejoy. Fil. 9— Seneca and Babcock. 7 10—566 Niagara. 5 11 — Broadway and Bailey. 4 12— 1186 Genesee. G. 13— Austin and Joslyn. N. F. 14— 2855 Main. 8 POSTAL STATIONS. A— 790 William. 1 B—1399 West Avenue. 5 C— 11 East Utica. 8 D— 755 Seneca. 7 E—1101 East Genesee. G. F—1010 Lackawanna, Ridge Rd. B. L. E. G— 628 W. Utica. 10 TT— Parker and Vernon. 8 Market Station, 617 Main. PRISONS. CATHOLIC PROT. (Father Baker’s), West Sen¬ eca. 10 DETENTION HOME, 44 Breckenridge. ERIE COUNTY JAIL, 10 Delaware Ave. X. ERIE COUNTY PENITENTIARY, 408 Trenton, nr. Pennsylvania. 5 CATHOLIC PROT. (for Girls), 485 Best. Bst. INGLESIDE HOME FOR WOMEN, 70 Harvard. PRISON GATE MISSION AND RESCUE HOME, (Salvation Army), 69 Cottage. E. 173 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ALBRIGHT GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, The Park. BUFFALO LIBRARY, 421 Washington. BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY, The Park. CITY AND COUNTY HALL, Franklin, Church Delaware, Eagle. FIRST FLOOR. Room A—City Auditor. 1— Playground Comrs. 2— City Treasurer. 3— Comptroller. 4— City Clerk and Auditor. 5— Commissioner of Jurors. 6— Trustees and Supt. of Hall. 7— County Treasurer. 8— Sheriff. 9— County Clerk. 10—Surrogate. it—C ounty Treasurer. v SECOND FLOOR. Room 12—Mayor. 13— Park Commissioners.. 14— Supreme Court, Parts 4-5. 15— Assessors. 17— District Attorney. 18— Supreme Court, Special Term. 19— Supreme Court Chambers. 20— County Judge. 21— County Court. >2—Supreme Court, Part I. 23— Law Library. 24— Judges’ Private Consulting Room. 25— Library. 26— Grand and Petit Jurors. 27— Grand Jury. 28— Corporation Counsel. THIRD FLOOR. • Room 29—Board of Aldermen. 30— Court Juries. 31— Corporation Counsel. 32— Supreme Court, Part 3. 33— Justices. 34— Supreme Court, Part II. 35— Supervisors. 36— Clerk of Sunervisors. 37— County Auditor. 174 2 BROADWAY AUDITORIUM, Broadway, near Michigan. 4 ELMWOOD MUSIC HALL, Virginia and Elm¬ wood. E CITY COURTS BUILDING, 14 Delaware Ave. FIRST FLOOR. Chief Clerk. Warrants. Part V. and VI. (Domestic Relations.) SECOND FLOOR. Part III. (Criminal.) Part IV. (Civil.) THIRD FLOOR. Parts I. and II. (Civil.) ERIE COUNTY HOME, 3399 Main. 8 ERIE COUNTY JAIL, 10 Delaware Ave. X. ERIE COUNTY MORGUE, 241 Terrace. X. ERIE COUNTY PENITENTIARY, 418 Trenton. 5 FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS, 167 Court. 5 MUNICIPAL BUILDING, Church and Franklin Sts. BASEMENT. Room A—Bureau of Streets. B—Janitor. C—Examining of Plumbers. FIRST FLOOR. Room 1, 3, 4, s—Dept, of Public Works. 2—Bureau of Water. 6—Bureau of Buildings. SECOND FLOOR. Room 7—Bureau of Engineering. 8, 9, 10—Department of Health. 11—Department of Public Instruction. THIRD FLOOR. Room 12—Architect. 13— Exam. Stationary Engineers. Inspector of Steam Boilers. 14— School of Census Board. 15— Bureau of Plumbing. 16— Bureau of Bacteriology. 175 POSTOFFICE—Swan,* Ellicott, S. Division and Oak. X. FIRST FLOOR. Room 3—Superintendent City Division. 4— Superintendent of Mails. 5— Postmaster’s Secretary. 7—Postmaster. 9—Assistant Postmaster, io—Inquiry Division. 12—Cashier. SECOND FLOOR. Room 205—Ry. Mail Service. 207— Special Pension Examiners. 208— Civil Service Board. 214— Postoffice Inspector. 236—Custodian. 238—Inspector Steam Vessels. 215— U. S. Marine Rercruiting Office. 227— Board of Pension Surgeons. 228— Marine Hospital Service. 230—Pure Food Laboratory. 234—U. S. Secret Service. 245—Janitor. THIRD FLOOR. Room 302—Lighthouse Inspector. 306— Collector of Customs. 307— Dept, of Customs. 308— Clerk of Customs. 309— Customs Business Office. 312—Customs Inspector. 326—Superintendent Life Saving Station. 330—Internal Revenue Gauger. 333—Internal Revenue Business. 335— Department Internal Revenue. 336— Collector Internal Revenue. 316-318—Special Agent Treasury Dept. 328—Waterways Commission. 339— U. S. Navy Recruiting Station. 340— U. S. Hydrographic. FOURTH FLOOR. Room 401—U. S. Marshal Witness. 445—U. S. Marshal Office. 402—Clerk U. S. Circuit Court. 405—U. S. Attorney. 408—U. S. Judge Circuit Court. 410— U. S. Circuit Court Room. 411— Bankruptcy Court. 415—U. S. Pension Agent. 176 418—U. S. Pension Agent Clerk. 428—U. S. Grand Jury. 430—U. S. Petit Jury. 433—U. S. District Court Room. 435—U. S. District Court Judge. 438—U. S. District Court Clerk. FIFTH FLOOR. Room 504—U. S. Engineer’s Office. 537—Ch. Clerk, Lighthouse Dept, 522—R. M. S. Dormitory. 526— R. M. S. Lounging Room. 527— R. M. S. Slip Room. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION—Room 11, Municipal Bldg. X HIGH SCHOOLS. CANISIUS HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS—651 Washington. 8 HUTCHINSON CENTRAL, S. Elmwood and Chippewa. E, LAFAYETTE, Lafayette and Baynes. 7 MASTEN PARK HIGH SCHOOL, Best, Masten and North. Mch., Fst,, Bst. SO. PARK, McKinley Park and Josie. 10 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Jersey, cor. 14th. 7 TECHNICAL, Clinton, Cedar, Eagle. a TEACHERS’ TRAINING SCHOOL, 142 Dela¬ ware Ave. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1—Seventh, nr. Hudson. 2 — Terrace, nr. Genesee. 3— Perry, nr. Illinois. 4— Elk, nr. Louisiana. 5— r-Seneca, nr. Hydraulic. 6— 249 South Division. 7— Bailey Ave., cor. Clintom. 8— Utica, cor. Masten. 9— Bailey Ave., nr. Doat. 10—Delaware, nr. Mohawk. 12— Spruce, nr. Broadway. 13— Oak, nr. Sycamore. 14— Franklin, nr. Edward. 15— Oak, cor. Burton. t 6—Delaware, nr. Bryant. 17—Main, nr. Delavan. 177 X? 11 11 7 2 2 12 G. X. B. 8 <1 QO Ojfc 18— School, nr. Fargo Ave. 19— West Ave., cor. Delavan. 20 — Amherst, cor. East. 21 — Hertel Ave., nr. Delaware. 22 — Huntington, nr. Main. 23 — Delavan Ave., nr. Wyoming. 23 — Annex, Delavan and Roma. 24 — Best, cor. Fillmore Ave. 25— Lewis, nr. William. 26— Milton, nr. Seneca. 27 — Mineral Spring Rd., nr. Seneca. 28— Abbott Ra., cor. Triangle. 29— South Park, nr. Marilla. 30— Louisiana, nr. South. 31— Emslie, nr. William. 32— Cedar, nr. Clinton. 33— Elk, nr. Smith. 34— Hamburg, nr. O’Connell. 35— Swan, nr. Spring. 36— Cottage, nr. Day’s Park. 37— Carlton and Peach. 38— Vermont and Lowell PI. 39— High, nr. Jefferson. 40— Oneida, coi. Fillmore Ave. 41— 640 Jefferson. 42 — Germain,, N. of Amherst. 43— Lovejoy and Gold. 44— Broadway and Krupp. 45— Auburn Ave. and Baynes. 46— Edward and Virginia. 47— Hickorv. nr. Sycamore. 48— Edna Pi., nr. Masten. 49— Fargo, cor. Vermont. 50— Eagle, nr. Madison. 51— Hertel Ave. and Guernsey. 52— Barry PI., «r. Bird. 53— Winslow, cor. Wohlers. 54— Main, opp. Leroy. 55— Guilford, nr. Sycamore. 56— Delavan and Brantford. (New) 56—Elmwood Ave., nr. Ferry. 56— Annex, Delavan and Brantford. 57— Sears, nr. Broadway. 58— Rother Am., nr. Walden Ave. 59— Glenw«*4 Ave., nr. Fillmore. 60— Ontario, nr. Saratoga. 61— Kensington and Leroy. 62— Urban and Moselle. 63— Lisbon-Cordovia-Minnesota. 64— Case-Berea. 65— Weber-Lang. 3 3 3 H. 8 13 11 B. 1 7 / 10 ro 11 1 2 11 11 2 7 Mch. 2 6 3 4 4 6 Mch. 5 2 5 3 12 8 6 Fst. E. E. 4 6 12 5 13 12 8 13 11 178 School of Practice: Jersey, bet. Normal Ave. and Fourteenth. 7 Truant School: Dole and W. Perry. 11 Special Classes for Sub-Normal Pupils at Nos. 14, 41, 38. Open Air School: located at Main and Jewett. PUBLIC VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS. BLACK ROCK VOCATIONAL SCHOOL—Am- pAr poet e PECKHAM* VOCATIONAL SCHOOL—Peckham, cor. Townsend. 4 SENECA VOCATIONAL SCHOOL—Seneca, cor. Hydraulic. 7 VOCATIONAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS — 145 Franklin. 7 or EL VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF PRINTING—Elm, nr, Clinton, Bat. Manual Training in all Elementary School*. Cookery in all, except four Elementary Schools Sewing in all Schools. PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. Each Catholic church has a school. Lutheran churches each have a school. The Jewish have 5 schools. LUTHERAN SCHOOL. EMMAUS— 2 to Southampton. Jet. GETHSEMANE—Goodyear Ave. G. REDEEMER —222 Doat. G. ST. ANDREW’S—Sherman. 1 RAILROAD TICKET OFFICES. BUFFALO & LAKE ERIE TRACTION—Clinton, nr. Ellicott. BUFFALO/ LOCKPORT & ROCHESTER—Main and Court. CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R.—11 S. Division. INTERNATIONAL RY. CO.—Littell Bldg. INTERNATIONAL RY. TICKET OFFICE—Mam • nd Court. GENERAL R. R. TICKET OFFICE—Main and S. Division. 179 RAILROAD STATIONS. LACKAWANNA (D., L. & W.) R. R— Depot at foot of Main 8-io-n ERIE DEPOT. ERIE R. R.—Cor. Michigan and Exchange. NICKEL PLATE (N. Y., Ch. & St. L.) WABASH R. R. - Mch., 12, E., F»t LEHIGH VALLEY DEPOT. LEHIGH VALLEY—119 Washington. GRAND TRUNK. G., 8-9-*o-ii-h NEW YORK CENTRAL DEPOT. BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURG R k CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R MICHIGAN CENTRAL R R. NEW YORK CENTRAL. IORONTO, HAMILTON & BUFFALO. PENNSYLVANIA R. R. WEST SHORE R. R Mch., Fst, 12, E., 7 RAILROAD FREIGHT DEPOTS. B., R. & P.—Michigan and Ganson. B. & S. R. R.—Louisiana and Exchange. CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R.—Erie Depot, Exchange and Michigan; Parish St., Black Rock. D., L. & W, R R.—Parish St. (Black Rock), Colum bia, Miami and Louisiana, Main and Hertel, Wal den, Clinton, Queen, Abbott R., Delaware (Ken- more). ERIE R R. — Exchange and Louisiana, Ohio (lake freight), Fillmore and Howard, Babcock (car loads only). GRAND TRUNK (Black Rock Station)—Grand Trunk, Buffalo, Hamilton, Toronto, C. P. K, Michi¬ gan Central. L. S. & M. S. R, R—Louisiana, William. LEHIGH VALLEY R. R—Scott St. M C. R. R.—Foot of Erie St. :8c N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R.—Erie St., Coit Slip, Ex¬ change, Exchange, between Chicago and Michigan. Black Rock, Ohio opposite Moore. N. Y. C. & ST. L. R. R. (Nickel Plate)—Loui&iana (L. S. & M. S.) PENNSYLVANIA R. R.—Carroll and Louisiana. Fillmore and S. Division, Alabama, Babcodk, Bailej, Emslie. WABASH R. R.—Louisiana, Dearborn and Parish. WEST SHORE R. R.—Michigan and Carroll. ELLICOTT rau&RE BUFFALO/ BE/T REyTFVURftNT ReguldP 50660 Meals an 181 STEAMBOAT LINES AND DOCKS. CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO—St. City of Buf¬ falo; St. City of Erie; daily at 9 p. m. Michigan St. Bridge 10-11 CRYSTAL BEACH. TIME TABLE. Subject to change without notice. Docks foot of Commercial Street. STEAMER SCHEDULE—May 29th to June 20th. Leave Buffalo; Leave Crystal Beach: *5.45 A. M. *7.00 A. M. 10.15 A. M. ta.15 P. M. 5.15 P. M. 11.15 A. M. 3.30 P. M. 6.15 P. M. 8.00 P. M. *10.00 P. M. * Not on Sunday. *9.00 P. M. tn.15 P. M. t On Sunday 10.30 P. M. TWO STEAMER SCHEDULE, Commencing June 21 Leave Buffalo: *6.40 A. M. 10.15 A,. M. 12.15 P. M. 2.15 P. M. 3.15 P. M. 5.15 P. M. 6.13 P. M. ♦♦8.00 P. M. 8.30 P. M *10.00 P. M. Leave Crystal Beach *6.45 A. M. *7.45 A. M. 11.15 A. M. 1.15 P. M. 3.30 P. M. 4.45 P. M. 6.15 P. M. 7.15 P. M. *9.00 P- M. *10,15 P. M. tn.15 P. M. * Not on Sunday. t On Sunday 10.30 P. M. ** On Sunday, leaves Buffalo at 8 P. M. for grand three hour Lake Ride. Fare 25c. DETROIT AND BUFFALO—Str. Eastern States; St. Western States; daily at 4:30 p. m. DOCK—Foot of Main St. 8-10-1 i-G. WHARVES. ANCHOR LINE—Foot of Evans. CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO.— Cor. Ohio and Illinois. 8 EXCURSION STEAMERS—Foot of Commercial. 8 NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO.—Foot of Main. - RIVER BOATS—Foot of Ferry and Amherst Sta. 5 182 THE YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. GENERAL OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF DF RECTORS AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 45 WEST MOHAWK STREET. HUGH KENNEDY, President. A. H. WHITFORD, General Secretary, BRANCHES: CENTRAL—Cor. Mohawk, Pearl and Genesee St®. RED TRIANGLE ROOM, for Soldiers. GENESEE ST.—Cor. Genesee and Davia St®. WEST SIDE—325 W. Ferry St. MEN’S HOTEL—Cor. Pearl and Genesee St®. STUDENT—At University of Buffalo. INDUSTRIAL—Work in Buffalo and Lackawaxm* City. UNION TERMINAL R. R.—Cor. Michigan and Swan Sts. E. BUFFALO R. R.—Cor. Broadway and Bailey Are B., R. & P. R. R.—At Buffalo Creek Junction LACKAWANNA R. R.—Halstead Ave. WEST SIDE —Ferry, nr. Grant. FOREIGN—At Tokyo, Japan. 6,000 members; 10 buildings; 700 dormitory room*; 40 different educational classes; 3 gymnasium®, y swimming pools; employment bureau; unexcelled ojt* portunities for physical, mental, social and spiritual development. Residents and non-residents welcome. YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN. ASSOCIATION. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, 19 WEST MOHAWK STREET Information Bureau, Educational Classes, Gvt» nasium, Swimming Pool, Rest Room, Library, Cafeteria. Residence Home—10 Niagara Square. Travelers’ Lodge—138 Exchange Street. 183 TRAFFIC ORDINANCE Terms: “One-way traffic” is traffic restricted to one direc¬ tion. “Parking space” shall mean that part of any street designated by ordinance or regulation as a place for the standing of vehicles. “'Parallel parking” is the leaving of a vehicle on the right hand side of a street with its right wheels as near as practicable to, and not more than six inches from, the curb; except that on streets in which traffic is permitted to move in one direction only, it shall mean the leaving of a vehicle with the wheels on the side indicated as near as practicable to, and not more than six inches from, the curb desig¬ nated. “Perpendicular parking” is the leaving of a vehicle in such a position that its axis will form substantially a right angle with the curb, with the front or rear wheels as near as practicable to, and not more than six inches from, the curb. “Diagonal parking” is the leaving of a vehicle in such a position that its axis will form an angle of substantially forty-five degrees with the center line of the street. “Center parking” is diagonal parking with front and rear ends of vehicle equally distant from the curb, respectively, nearest thereto. “Reckless driving” for the purpose of this chapter shall include driving or using a vehicle or street car or any appliance or accessory thereof in a manner which unnecessarily interferes with the free and proper use of the highway, or unnecessarily en¬ dangers users of the highway. “Safety zones” shall mean such spaces within a street or public highway as shall be established for persons on foot. “Safety lane” shall mean such portion of a street extending from curb to curb as shall be established as a crossing for pedestrians. In turning to the RIGHT keep close to the curb. In turning to the LEFT do not turn until beyond the center of the street; use CAUTION. In passing around a Circle, keep to the RIGHT. In turning in the street always turn to the left. Don’t pass nearer than seven feet of a Street Car receiving or discharging passengers. Don’t pass on the LEFT side of a street car going in the same direction. : The U. S. Mail, Police, Fire Department, Fire Patrol, Bureau of Buildings, Emergency Trucks, Am¬ bulances, have the RIGHT OF WAY. Get out of the way. Don’t go through a procession. Don’t turn to the LEFT on Main between Seneca and Chippewa after 5 ; until 6.30 P. M. Don’t argue with a man that intersects you from your RIGHT. He has the right-of-way. Don’t argue with a Motorman. The Street Car HAS the right-of-way. Don’t drive on the left of the middle of the street. Don’t PASS on the right side of a vehicle going same way. Don’t drive through a Safety Zone. Don’t, use your “Cut out.’’ Don’t use a Gong or Sireine. Don't drive past a horse if signaled. STOP. Don’t turn to the right or left, or Stop, without warning those folllowing. Don’t drive reckless. Be careful, “Safety First.” Don’t drive faster thah 12 miles per hour on Main, south of Allen. Don’t drive faster than 15 miles per hour within the exterior lines of Porter avenue, North, E. North, Best, Fillmore, Smith, Buffalo River. Don’t drive faster than j 8 miles per hour on any other street. Don’t be carele’s at TRAFFIC points. Use cau¬ tion. Street Cars STOP. Don’t have any part of your load extend more than four feet without protecting by a Red Flag. Don’t ride your wheel on the Sidewalk.- Keep your hand on the handlebar. Don’t carry any person with you unless you have a seat, footrest and hand grips. Be sure you have a BELL or other warning device, lamps (bright light in front, red light in rear). DON'T let the cop get you. Safety zones are hereby established oil Main street, from the foot thereof to Hertel avenue. Broadway, from Washington street to Bailey avenue. Fillmore avenue, from Smith street to Genesee street. Niagara street, from Main street to Grace street, and on Genesee street, from Washington street to Oak street, on both sides of said streets, at each place where street cars are regularly stopped for the pur¬ pose of receiving or discharging passengers, as es¬ tablished by custom, or as indicated by “car stop” or other appropriate sign conspicuously placed. No person shall drive any vehicle used solely or principally for commercial or delivery purposes into, along, or through Delaware park, Humboldt park, The Front, South park, Cazenovia park, Riverside park, Lake View park, East or West Humboldt park¬ way, Lincoln parkway, Bidwell parkway, Chapin parkway, North or South Scajaquada parkway, Mc¬ Kinley parkway, Red Jacket parkway, Richmond ave¬ nue, Jewett avenue, or Heacock place. PARKING: TIME UNLIMITED. BROADWAY — From Washington to Ellicott streets, south side of street in front of Public Li¬ brary, perpendicular parking. CHURCH STREET—From the west side of Shel¬ ton Square to Franklin street, center parking. COMMERCIAL STREET—From Lower Terrace to a point ioo feet northeast of Canal Bridge, center parking. COURT STREET—From Niagara Square to South Elmwood avenue, south side of street, perpendicular parking. DELAWARE AVENUE—From Niagara Square to Church street east side of street, perpendicular park¬ ing. EAGLE STREET' (WEST) — From Franklin street to Delaware avenue, south side of street, per¬ pendicular parking. ERIE STREET—From Pearl street to Franklin street, north side of street, perpendicular parking. FRANKLIN STREET—From Church street to West Eagle street, east side of street, parallel park¬ ing, west side of street, between entrance and exit to circular drive in front of City and County Hall only, perpendicular parking. GENESEE STREET (WEST) — From Niagara Square to Tackson street, center parking. GENESEE STREET (WEST)..From Pearl street to Niagara Square, south side of street, perpendicu¬ lar parking. MAIN STREET’ — Between Seneca street and Chippewa street, no parking. NIAGARA SQUARE—Around McKinley Monu¬ ment, except in front of the Castle Inn Hotel and 186 PAT. TOAL’S Gasoline and Oil Stations . Supply The best for your car. . More miles to the gallon. More power when you need it. The best service always. No. 1 —736 Main St., near Tupper. No. 2—3216 Main St., near Niagara Falls Blvd. No. 3—64 Hamburg Turnpike, near Ganson St. No. 5—1458 Main St., near Glen- wood Ave. No. 6 —Fillmore Ave. and Best St. No. 7 —Pine and Portage Sts., Nia¬ gara Falls, N. Y. No. 8—Main Street and Fast Dela- van Ave. PAT. TOAL General Office : Liberty Bldg., 15 W. Swan St. BUFFALO, N.Y. Women's Union Building, perpendicular parking, at curb on side of street opposite to monument onl} T . PEARL STREET—From a point ioo feet south of Lower Terrace to a paint ioo feet north of Canal Bridge, center parking. SWAN STREET — Between Erie and Franklin streets, center parking. SWAN STREET—Between Franklin street and Upper Terrace, south side of street, perpendicular parking. TERRACE (UPPER)—South and west side of street, from Pearl to West Seneca street, parallel parking; and in Terrace Park, opposite Fire House in Franklin street, perpendicular parking. TERRACE (LOWER) — From Commercial to Court street, north and east of street, and Terrace Park opposite Lock street, perpendicular parking. WASHINGTON STREET—From Perry to Ohio street, center parking. PARKING: ONE HOUR ONLY. CHIPPEWA STREET—From Delaware avenue to Washington street, both sides of street, parallel parking. CHURCH STREET — From Shelton Square to Pearl street, center parking. EAGLE STREET—From Pearl street to Wash¬ ington street, both sides of street, parallel parking. ERIE STREET—From Pearl street to Main street, north side of street, perpendicular parking. GENESEE STREET (EAST) From Main street to Washington street, north side of street, perpen¬ dicular narking. GENESEE STREET (WEST)—From Pearl street to Main street, both sides of street, parallel parking. HURON STREET—From Pearl street to Main street, both sides of street, parallel parking. MAIN SAREET—From Chippewa street to 1 up¬ per street, both sides of street, parallel parking. MOHAWK STREET—From Pearl street to Wash¬ ington street, both sides of street, parallel narking. NIAGARA STREET—From Shelton Square to Pearl street, both sides of street, parallel parking. NORTH DIVISION STREET—From Main street to Ellicott street, vehicle headed west with the left hand side not more than six inches from the south curb. PEARL STREET—Frrom The Terrace to Chip¬ pewa street, both sides of street, parallel parking. 188 SENECA STREET — From Franklin street to Washington street, both sides of street, parallel parking. SOUTH DIVISION STREET — From Main to Washington street, vehicle headed east with the left hand side not more than six inches from the north curb. SWAN STREET—From Pearl street to Ellicott street, vehicle headed west with the left hand side not more than six inches from the south curb. WASHINGTON STREET—From Exchange street to Tupper street, both sides of street, parallel park¬ ing. “ONE WAY TRAFFIC” STREETS. The following streets are hereby designated as “One Way Traffic” streets: Swan street, from Pearl street to Ellicott street, west bound traffic only. South Division street, from Main street to Ellicott street, east bound traffic only. North Division street, from Main street to Ellicott street, west bound traffic only. Clinton street, from Main street to Ellicott street, east bound traffic only. Broadway, from Main street to Washington street, west bound traffic only. Business Printing 2JO-2I2 Broadway Buffalo THE HALE DECORATORS GEO. D. HALE ♦. Floral Decorator 138 ELMWOOD AVE. BUFFALO, N.Y. Palm Plants and Green Festooning Flowers and Vines Natural and Artificial Decorations for Church and House Wed- din gs. Luncheons, Banquets and all other occasions. Bell Phone Estimates Furnished Y --^ T)E it simple or elaborate, the decorations are -O incomplete without Hale’s Palms, Ferns, Flowers or Festooning. Otis Bed Mfg. Company The Most Complete Bedding Store in the City Full Line of Brass and Iron Beds, Mattresses, Pillows, Box Springs, etc. Renovating of Mattresses and Feathers. Refinishing of Brass and Iron Beds. Upholstering and Refinishing of Furniture. Satisfaction Guaranteed to All . Accounts Opened . From Factory Direct To You Salesroom, 818 MAIN STREET Factory and Offices, 168-178 FLORIDA STREET BUFFALO, N. Y. Y OU would not think of keeping money at home in a drawer or chest, and yet valuables are fre¬ quently deposited in some recept¬ acle about the house where they are liable to be stolen or destroyed. 4 .. V # ^ ■ We specialize in the safe-guarding of valuables and have seven vaults in which to care for our three de¬ partments, viz : Safe Deposit Boxes Cold Storage for Furs Silver Storage We respectfully invite you to in- % spect our plant and equipment. •T ’ L si???► V- Security Safe Deposit Co. EHicott Square