GRAND OPERA HOUSE HARRY L. HAMLIN. Mgr. FRED R HAMLIN. Bus. Men ■ H I !■'■ I N I - ' I i $20 HOUSES 1 ■" " ' "" ^ — ■ ^ — ^ — iM«M— ■ — — ^— CT»»MMM II ■——— —JBMW $20 Monthly Pays for a Home ON THE NORTH, SOUTH OR WEST SIDES. CALL OR WRITE •....for.... PI a n s an d Particulars S. E. GROSS, SIXTH FLOOR MASONIC TEMPLE Owner. MRS. FISKE Who will appear at this theatre next Monday, October 27, in Paul Heyse's historical and romantic drama, "MARY OF MAGDALA" Recognized Authority on Stylish MILLINERY I*' ^M?MH Prices always ■within the limits of common sense wssm mmmwrnm AFTER THEATRE VISIT THE Sherman House Restaurant NEW ENTRANCE ON RANDOLPH STREET New management High class cuisine Moderate prices SPECIAL AFTER-THEATRE MENU Our New German Restaurant Entrance Clark Street near Randolph MUSIC IN BOTH RESTAURANTS UNTIL 12:00 P. M. Grand Opera Rouse house: staff. FREDERICK W. ZEDDIES, Superintendent W. J. RAUCH, Treasurer CHARLES W. McDANIELS, Asst. Treasurer JAMES WINGFIELD, • Advertising Agent HAROLD H. HAYES, • - • - Doorkeeper EDWARD J. CONWAY, • • • Chief Usher C J. ENRIGHT, • - • • • Stage Door HIBBET V. WAGGONER, • • Electrician C J. GULLICKSON, • ■ • • Properties JOHN FOUST, • • • • Stage Carpenter ARMANDBUISSERET,' • Musical Director WALTER BURRIDGE, • • • Scenic Artist ♦•♦Mail orders for seats should be accompanied by check and ad- dressed to William Rauch, Treas- urer, Grand Opera House. ♦♦•Patrons wishing to recover arti- cles lost by them in this theatre should communicate personally or by letter with Mr. Frederick W. Zeddies, superintendent. Mr. Zeddies can be seen pers nally at the evening performances between the hours of nine and ten, and at the matinee performa ces between the hours of three and four. •^♦Patrons finding articles lost by others in the theatre will confer a favor upon the management by returning them to Mr. Zeddies personally at the hours specified above, or at his office in the theatre up to the hour of midnight. ♦**The Opera Glasses loaned to patrons are the personal property of Mr. Zeddies. Patrons will kindly assist the ushers in returning them at the conclusion of the perform- ance. HOW BIG IS THE MOON? How large does the full moon appear to you? As big as a Circus Ring? As big as a Hogshead? As big as Your Watch-Face? WE SELL 1011,000 k MONTH &\im £®[LILklia& SIXTY |«i/ A CENTS STYLES iJm /2 '2 EACH Wg£!££10N JACKSON & DEAR80RN. STATE a ADAMl WASHINGTON & DEARBORN. a AN EAR Never deaf to the wants of my customers — keen to the conception of new ideas — one that welcomes a complaint or a sugges- tion as it welcomes an order. The recipient of more orders and less complaints than 9 out of 10 tailors. Guess whose Ear? Why, of course, Mc Mil- ten's — everybody knows him. He's the original 09 Man QQ Adams 00 Cent letters in Name and Address Business Suits, $30 to $60 CARROLL S. McMILLEN, Tailor No. 33 Adams St. Street fjfj OH Dollar "Good J J Business" 00 ttff JUST TWICE 33 FEET WEST OF WHERE ADAMS AND WABASH MEET GOOD FORM CI«OSET SETS THE BEST— I SELIr THEM OmnOutnd. .AJiusC D^runXi^and, Elf FOUR POPULAR SHAPES MADE THE BEST WEAR THE BEST To enjoy life, wear Shirts, Collars and Cuffs Made in all the latest and popular styles by the INTERNATIONAL Shirt and Collar Co. THE SECRET OF BEAUTY which is held so dear by womankind, lies in the teeth. Without good teeth the most regular features will not be beauti- ful. Remember, that if you wish to keep young, the dentist is your best friend. Teeth Extracted Absolutely Wltho t Pah by an Application to the Gums or with bas Northwestern Dental Parlors, 182 State St. One Door North of Th'- Fajr The Smartest ClotHes in town The Smartest Custom tailored Full Dress Suit that ever hap- pened and "ready-to-wear." Exclusive tailors get $65 to $75 for its equal in appearance. It is silk lined throughout, fine soft material. "Swallow" or Tuxedo. Greatest ^^ r^ •"V on earth for (pOU Suit with the two coats $50 — less than usual price of this grade suit alone. Expressed anywhere on ap- proval without deposit. Sizes to 46 chest. THE MOSSIER SYSTEM. 121 Monroe St., near Clark St. Thomas Davies &*co. STOCK BROKERS 334-338 THE ROOKERY, Direct Private Wire to New York TELEPHONE HARRISON 1788 CAPSICUM VASELINE Put up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or any other Plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain -allaying and curative qualities of this article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve headache and sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all rheumatic, neuralgic and gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for It, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household. Many people say"Itis the best of all of your preparations." Price 15 cents, at all druggists or other dealers, or by sending- this amount to us in postage stamps we will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted by the public unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. Chesebrough Manufacturing Co., 17 State Street. NewYork City Established 1856 Mariner & Hoskins CHEMISTS, ASSAYERS, AND MINING ENGINEERS Top Floor, 81 South Clark Street. We have Superior Facilities for prompt and reliable work. Analyses of all kinds, such as Ores, Commercial Products, Food, Drinking- Water, etc. CHEMISTRY applied to Mining, Met- allurgy. Agriculture, Useful Arts, In- ventions, Medical L,egal, Commercial and Domestic Affairs. Business by Mail or Express will receive Prompt At ention. Hhone Central 330. Special facilities for chemical research Write us for booklet "How to finish hard- wood floors and how to keep them looking good. None Genuine Without this picture on the can THE AMERICAN VARNISH COM- PANY CHICAGO. This Space for Hannah & Hogg Family Purveyors & j& WATCH IT & .■■-■- .. ! ■ ■ . Mr. George Hamlin's eleventh popular Sun- day afternoon concert will be given at the Grand Opera House, Oct. 26 at 3:30 p. m. An unusually interesting- performance has been prepared for this occa- sion. Mr. Hamlin will appear with three artists all well and favorably known to Chicago music lovers. — Mrs. Sue Harrington Fur- beck, contralto, Mr. W. C. E. Seeboeck, pianist, and Mr. Jan Van Oordt, violinist. At the twelfth Con cert, Nov. 9, Mr. Ham- lin will sing an entire new program of lieder by Richard Strauss. Mile. Zelie de Lussan, the distinguished operatic prima donna, will appear Dec. 14. As% KUPPERT to show you &he PRINCE of PILZEN SHOE — it's the new last for Fall and Winter. Dressy people Will Wear it for protection; others Will Wear it because it's dressy. Lots of Quality and Style, and lots of jolly room for the toes. Jill leathers — $4.00 and $5.00. RUPPERT THE SHOESHOP, 80-82 Madison Street, (McVicker's Theatre) % ■■: :, / & • 1% :W Vz T*g«f ^®$F n Diamond Table showing exact size and correct weights of properly cut Diamonds A TIFFANY DIAMOND RING Is the proper thing now. We offer you an Elaborate Selection from the smallest to the largest stones on Small Weekly or Monthly Payments. Pay while wearing them. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. 113 to 121 EAST HARRISON, CORNER CLARK. On the Evening of Monday, October 27, MRS. FISKE Will produce for the first time at this theater an English version of Paul Heyse's famous drama, ii MARY OF MAGDALA." For this, the most important presentation of Mrs. Fiske's career, there has been provided an environment that promises to be a revelation to American play-goers in point of magnificence and artistic detail. The preparations have been under way for two years, and it is doubt- ful if any other production has had devoted to it more research and labor. In support of Mrs. Fiske there will be seen Mr. Tyrone Power, Miss Rose Eytinge, Mr. Max Figman, Mr. Henry Woodruff, Mr. Scott Craven and other well-known players. The Chicago engagement will be the virtual premiere of "Mary of Magdala," since only three per- formances will precede the first night here. m PERIN PERIN PALMIST AND PSYCHIC Great Northern Hotel Floor L Suite 22 to 25 HOURS From 11 to 5 Prices from $2 Upwards Engagements for Parties or Entertainments PERIN PERIN PERIN Has Read the Hands of the Following Personages Hon. Carter H. Harrison Pres. Wm. McKinley Pres. Theo. Roosevelt Pres. Grover Cleveland Admiral Dewey Gen. Nelson A. Miles Senator Foraker Senator Depew Archbishop Ireland Rudyard Kippling Mark Twain Lew Wallace Frank Daniels is making his annual tour this yeir with the same vehicle which he employed with such good fortune last season — "Miss Simplicity." At Mrs. Fiske's Manhattan Theatre in New York rehearsals are progressing daily for the forth- coming production of "Mary of Magdala" which is to be one of the distinct dramatic events of the decade. For more than two years the preparations for the presenta- tion of Paul Heyse's tragedy have been In one field or another, and now the whole is almost ready to submit to the public. It is un- doubtedly the most important of M's. Fiske's undertakings. Nearly 200 figurantes, super- numeraries and dancers, repre- senting Egyptian slave girls, are being drilled on the stage of the Manhattan. The principals are already perfect in their parfs. In the principal role Mrs. Fiske is said to have a character that allows the fullest scope to her talents. The first performance of ' Mary of Magdala ' will take place in the Pabst theatre, Milwaukee, on the evening of October 23, The three nights allowed the tragedy in Milwaukee will be used to perfect the production for its first impor- tant engagement which will begin it this theatre on Monday evening, October 27. Continued on next page. IDIAMONDS UEWELPY PEOPLE BEST PRICES Deposits Accepted On Purchases of Holiday Gift's BUY NOW J101AN 99EM ADI50^ SX OLD GOLD, SILVER, BROKEN JEWELRY BOUGHT PRIVATE ENTRANCE TO LOAN DEPARTMENT ,:;■■, ■:'... " .•^■;y-'/- ■--■^:: : :> '.,:' Compressed Air House Cleaning Co. Operating THURMAN Patents. Carpets Not Taken Up. Furniture, Cushions, Draperies, Mattresses, Tapestries, Walls, Htc. No Dust. Death to Moths of Illinois 1015 Marquette Bldg., 204 Dearborn St. Phone Central 2762 THE CARPET RENOVATOR All Dust is Collected in the Bag on top ol the Machine. Homes Cleaned in One D ay, Write or Telephone for Estimate. SELECTED REFERENCES: Union league Club Chicago Club Palmer House Normandie Hotel Powers' Theatre Marshall Field & Co. Lakota Hotel Auditorium Theatre Dearborn Theatre Private Residence reference on Application. you are cordially WeficivetheLatest Models 1NVITLD TO VISIT WB/^BVff^tw«#ttv?w^ from Paris on exhibition OPEN TO YOUR INSPECTION NOW Exclusive Fabrics and Styles Ladies' Tailor and Furrier 1720 Michigan Boulevard TELEPHONE 1312 SOUTH Continued from preceding page. Miss Henrietta Crosman's new play of the Stuart period, "The Sword of the King," has met with the approval of New York theatre- goers and seems destined for a long season on Broadway. The author, Ronald MacDonald, a young and well-known English writer, has drawn, for his story, upon the time when the move- ment to place the Prince of Orange upon the throne was at its height. The characters are the personag es who figured in the politics of the period. Miss Crosman is said to give a sti iking display of versatility in her portrayal of Phillipa Drayton. As a girl born to wealth and high station she is drawn into the thick of political conspiracies and ad- ventures in aid of the fortunes of her father and lover, who espouse the Prince's cause. She dons the garb of a boy, joins the soldiers, shares their barracks, saves the life of the Prince of Orange and that of her lover who is suspected of treason. The play is elaborately staged. Aubrey Bou cicault is Miss Crosman's principal support- ing actor. Continued on next page. An Electric Chafing Dish is the thing for Cold Winter Nights— for after theatre luncheons. No trouble, al- ways ready, uni- form heat. It is but one of many valuable acces- sories made pos- sible by using Electric Light in the home. If your residence is not wired for the use of Electric Light we will wire it for you at small cost. Particulars from Chicago Edison Company CONTRACTING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE MAIN 1280 139 ADAMS STREET MOKI HAIRDRESSER ^3= •E_F -\ Go to winterless California The luxurious California Limited will take you there in only 2^ days from Chicago. Finest dining car service in the world. All you could ask for in comfort, speed and scenery. Seventh season, new equipment. Hotel accommodations at principal resorts better than ever before. All about the Cali- fornia tour in our beautiful descriptive books. Mailed for stamps, on application to Gen. Agt. A.T. &S. F. R'y, 109 Adams St., Chicago. IlllJIUUauUlIJ Ctt pi lll^ij^cil iwovsiiu Santa Fe Continued from preceding page. THE GRAND CANYON OF ARIZONA. When the Grand Opera Houte management commissioned the noted artist, Walter W. Bur- ridge, to paint a new entr'acte curtain, only two stipulations were made: first, that no ex- pense was to be spared to make it a work of art ; second, that the subject must be American scen- ery. The latter item was partic- ularly insisted on in the belief that one need not go abroad for subjects when there is so much of interest in our own country. Mr. Burridge selected as his ther- the Grand Canyon of Ari- zena, incomparably the greatest scenb wonder of the world. He spent many weeks making sketch- es and color studies, and more weeks in working on the curtain itself. The result is b fore you,— on a canvas 43 feet wide and 41 feet deep, occupying the entire space within the proscenium. The perspective atmospheric tones, dis- tance, sky coloring and rock forms are artistically executed. Compe- tent critics'declare this Is the fin- est curtain on any American stage. A few words about the Grand Canyon Itself. This titan of chasms lies is Continued on next page. HOTEL BISMARCK —RESTAURANT— 178-186 Randolph St. CRicago. Most Typical German Restaurant in the United States. Renowned for Excellent Cooking and Choice Selection of Wines, Liquors and Imported Beers. Arrangements made for Theatre and Dinner Parties, Banquets, Ceubs, Etc., in our Elegant Club and Banquet Rooms. The Anatomical Eye-Glass Guard THE MOST IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT IN EYE-GLASSES EVER INVENTED It affords the wearer a delightful sense of comfort and security RflDCPU CHICAGO'S SCIENTIFIC DUnObn.. PRACTICAL OPTICIAN. 103 E. ADAMS STREET COPYRIGHT Our Fountain, Unlike Our Patrons, never gets dry, but is always ready to give out its delightful, invigor- ating and refreshing soda beverages. We haven't space for a list of our flavors and drinks, but suggest you come, try them all and decide which you like best. We don't believe you can. You'll like 'em, every one. Always something new in the way of Liquid Refreshments. Geo. R. DaKer DRUGGIST Corner CUrK and Randolph Open All Night. Hhe-northern -trust 1 COMPANYtttBANK CAPITAL.ONE MILLION DOLLARS SURPLUS, ONE MILLION DOLLARS SAVINGS DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARD ARE ALLOWED 3 PER CENT INTEREST ACCOUNTS SUBJECT TO CHECK RECEIVED AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON BALANCES TRAVELERS* LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD INCOME COLLECTED AND REMITTED AT MODERATE RATES FOR THE SERVICE RENDERED ESTATES MANAGED AS TRUSTEE COVERING ANY PERIOD OF TIME DESIRED WILLS EXECUTED, ESTATES SETTLED ACCURATE ACCOUNTS BEING FILED IN COURT SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES RENTED $3.00 A YEAR AND UPWARD. SILVERWARE STORED YOUR BUSINESS INVITED IN ALL THE DEPARTMENTS DIRECTORS A. C. EA R T L E T T H. N. HIGINBOTHAM J. HARLEY BRADLEY C.L.HUTCHINSON WILLIAM A. FULLER M AR VI N H U G H I T T MARTIN A. RYERSON .ALBERT A SPRAGUE BYRON L. SMITH, President La Salle and Adams Streets L J Continued from preceding page. northern Arizona, and is directly reached by daily trains of the At- chison, Topeka & Santa Fe rail- way. The Canyon proper is 217 miles long, 13 miles wide and more than a mile deep. The portion most frequented by tourists is known as the "granite gorge," extending from Grand View sixty miles west to Mystic Springs trail. Bright Angel trail is midway, and is the point from which the pano- rama depicted on the curtain is viewed. Here one may look up and down the mighty gorge for miles and miles. The profound depths, the marvelous forms, the brilliant colors by day and the soft witchery by night, the silence of it all — these play upon the emo- tions in a strenuous way. Stay there a month, and every hour of the day you have a new thrill; stay a year, and the charm still holds. It is the only scene on the globe that does not disappoint — the only one that comes up to its brag. Whether viewed from the rim, from the precipitous trail, or from the imprisoned river ; wheth- er seen at dawn, noon, twilight or under the serene stars — it is al- ways in truth the "greatest thing in the world/' It contains thousands of peaks and buttes, pinnacles and towers. Continued on page back of cast. The next drink you take of water drawn from the city's supply may contain the typhoid bacillus that you have escaped thus far by good luck rather than by good sense. You think of it every time you drink the stuff and every time you read a newspaper. Familiarity breeds carelessness if not con- tempt, and carelessness may cost you your life or a serious illness, which drinkers of Hydrox water are absolutely certain will not approach them. For Hydrox water is the very purest water known, having been double distilled, aerated and sealed in sterilized bottles, absolutely free from contamination, typhoid or any other germs, a drink that you can take a mouthful of with relish, re- freshment and satisfaction. It is just pure water for table use, that you can give the children without dread. And its cost is so small that all can afford it. A telephone to the Consumers Co., 35th and Butler Sts., telephone South 620, will secure information about this water, which will be delivered on your order, or can be obtained by the bottle at most drug stores throughout the city. TP»e ^-^ P*ANOi NOT EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. The John Church Co. 258-260 Wabash Avenue Btek's Patent Locked Screw EYE GLASSES «"•!? 22 Washington Do Not Get Shaky .Sopp. Marshall Field's Established 1882. Phone Main 2091 ANGEL & CO. Ostrich Feather Dressers. Every I description of Os- trich feather work. Tips or plumes made from old feathers. 126 STATE STREEf Suite 512 516, corner Madison Street WHiTEyiOLETS LATEST PARISIAN PERTUMK, For Sale by the leading Drug and Dty Goods Stores. 211 State St. Cloaks, Suits, Waists and Furs. vose PIANOS Established in 1851. Haifa century of scientific investi- gation has been devoted to THE VOSE TONE. Sold and Rented only by VOSE & SONS PIANO CO. 246 WABASH AVENUE WEBER PIANOS The designs of the latest Weber productions have the merit of originality and exclusiveness, a dis- tinction which adds con- siderably to their value. CRITICAL INSPECTION SOLICITED. WEBER PIANOS 266 Wabash Avenue Famous Confectionery 212 STATE STREET Serves the best cup of Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate in the city. Also Steaks, Chops, Salads, etc., to your liking. Delicious Ice Creams, Fruit Ices, Ice Cream Soda and fancy Egg Drinks. Take home a Box of our Celebrated Bon Bons and Chocolates; the Purest Made. _Qr^g evenjings after theatre. FIRST CAST PAGE * GRAND OPERA HOUSE * HARRY L. HAMLIN, - Manager FREDERICK R. HAMLIN, - Business Manager ONLY THEATRE WITH ELEVATORS TO SECOND BALCONY LAST WEEK, The Engagement Terminating October 25, 1902, SHAKESPEARE'S TRAGEDY "JULIUS CJESAR" PRODUCED BY fir. Richard flansfield with the following cast of CHARACTERS. Julius Csesar .- ...Mr, Arthur Green way Octavius Caesar Mr. Alfred Mansfield Marcus Antonius Mr. Arthur Forrest Caius Cassius Mr. Barry Johnstone Marcus Brutus Mr. Mansfield PROGRAMME CONTINUED ON 8ECOND CA8T PAGE FULL GORED STRAIGHT FRONT CORSETS W/mCOWPXOTKTCDClASPS T/iE KIND TflAT IMPROVES THE FIGURE. k'~~— —":::---— — ".r — ~ r.r~r7TV ,^£ %$uiw> One of the Oldest — and Best 248 Wabash Avenue CHICAGO PIANO is judged by those using it as a piano of HIGHEST MERITS because of a singly standard being maintained throughot^ its entire construction— that of EXCEL- LENCE. Nothing but the very best material used. In price — "it is considered the saf- est investment a conservative buyer can make." Many excellent bargains in pianos of various makes, slightly used, from $100 upwards. Old pianos taken in exchange. Pianos to rent at $3 per month. a STEQER & SONS PIANO CO. ,5 235 Wabash Ave., cor, Jackson Blvd. Albert Breitung La Venda Cigars Rookery Building Monadnock Building Ft. Dearborn Building LYON & HEALY'S ALTERATION AND NEW BUILDING PIANO SALE See the New Pianos Reduced to $125* $135; $150. Also unprecedented values in Steinway, Knabe and other High Grade Pianos. Easy Terms. LYON CEL HEALY, Wabash Avenue and Adams Street ••The Best, the Cheapest." Celebrated [-fats THE DUNLAP SILK UMBRELLA Palmer House, Ch'go. Styles and Qualities Always Progressive Established 1823 WILSON WHISKEY THE WILSON DISTILLING CO. Baltimore, Md. That's All! Caeca Mr. W. H. Denny Trebonius Mr. A. G. Andrews Metellus Cimber Mr. Henry Wen man Decimus Brutus Mr. Earnest C. Warde Legarius Mr. Edwin Fitzgerald Popilius Lena Mr. Edwin Holland Publius Mr. W.T. Simpson Cinna Mr. Wm. J. Sorelle Cicero Wr, Grant Mitchell Artemidorus Mr. Henri Laurent Servius Mr. B. L. Clark Lucilius Mr. M. C. Tilden Titenius Mr. A. G. Anson Messala Mr. Clarence Cochran Volumnius Mr. Hamilton Coleman Lucius Miss Mona Harrison Varro Mr. Phillip Stokes Clitus Mr. S. M. Hendricks Claudius Mr. J. E. Delmar Strato Mr. Octave Lozon Dardanius Mr. Frazer Smith Pindarus Mr. Clarence White First Citizen Mr. Paul Wiggins Second Citizen , Mr. Carl Ahrendt Third Citizen Mr. Frank Mason Fourth Citizen Mr. F. X. Baron Calpurnia Miss Maude Hoffman Porlia Miss Dorothy Hammond Senators, soldiers, citizens, runners, standard bearers, guards, attendants and others. PROGRAM CONTINUED ON FIRST 8YNOPSIS PAGE High Grade Opera Glasses to rent at stand in foyer and of the Ushers. Prices 25 and 50c. GEORGE HAMLIN, Tenor, Studio 615 Kimball Hall. Pianos used by the Grand Opera House are furnished from the Weber Piano Warerooms, 266 Wabash Avenue. Boxes of Finest Chocolates (bonbons) 10, 35, 65c. WE USE EXCLUSIVELY AND SERVE FREE TO PATRONS OF THIS THEATRE WAUKESHA HYQEIA WATER. AMERICAN WATER CO., Distributers of all Mineral and Spring Waters. 182 TO 140 N. JEFFER8ON 8T. Telephones: Monroe 1166-1168. A TALKING PARROT SINGING CANARY dQUARIUM^GOLDFISrf . Tor 3 Birthday Gift- LARGE VAP>ETY LOv ^ pR|CE S KAEMPFERS s b t'o b b e S8 STATE ST CHICAGO*^ u^yALEDlroR. FACE.5CALP i™;:* & hands. TIBIAL JAF^ ^xss$>^^ cgiciNAL&oNjy ^ji Oil. ^cthod of >sci^ Treatment ? ^%. GLADLY D€rtOJVSTRATeD | 1$ retail nn WABASH AVE. | s^« PARLOR,?. 7U "- 1 FOURTH FLOOR! ' *r Jt -£ *-% c#s s& 40 Sizes— 10c to 25c Each A. Santaclia & Co. ^orida Chicago Office, 55 Lake Street fe*L Only at tenor, who created Tr* -Tenon- roles in Pueeinis Manon Leaeo.uT, Massenet* Werther, Verdia FalsTa,!pn-| OOVOIHD J"oy pig MENNEN'S BO RAT ED TALCUM ^ TOILET POWDER Two Telephones, So\ltH 336 Of South 405 will bring a Hansom Cab to your door in five minutes at the same scale of rates. We have purchased the CO. Harz livery business and will continue his popular cab service, with complete equipment of new cabs, giving us the best outfit of carriages, broughams and cabs in the city. BANE BROS. LIVERY FRANK 0. GORMAN, Mgr. 2125-27-29 formerly with CO. Harz Livery INDIANA AVE. DO YOU WANT MONEY? Headquarters for Loans to Salaried People, Ladies or Gentlemen. NO PUBLICITY. If you borrow $20 you pay back $1.34 a week If you borrow $25 you pay back $1.67 a week If you borrow $30 you pay back $2.00 a week If you borrow $35 you pay back $2.34 a week If you borrow $40 you pay back $2.67 a week If you borrow $50 you pay back $3.00 a week Low rates and easy payments on large amounts. Call or address "THE MANAGER" ROOM 16, 3d FLOOR, 86 WASHINGTON STREET OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 7 P. M. MASHIN and HEWITT LADIES' TAILORS AND FURRIERS Telephone South 883. 1-450 Michigan Ave., Chicago European Model Garments now on Exhibition Exclusive Styles High Grade Fabrics Perfect Fitting Garments RIDING HABITS A SPECIAL FEATURE: Fur Garments to Order Prices Correct C. E. GREENAMYER, Prop. Typewriters ALL MAKES We Sell 'em, Rent 'em and Rebuild 'em ^ee me on the Typewriter ^aestion. I'll save you moa- ey and guarantee satisfaction Full Line of Ribbons and Carboi Papers Always on Hand TYPEWRITER Clearing House 6 PLYMOUTH PLACE One door south of Jackson blvd. bet. State and Dear- born, opposite Great North- ern Theatre NlCKELgA] JE. Three Daily Trains From Chicago to Cleveland/ Buffalo, New York and Boston "Meals in dining-cars on American Club Meal Plan, ranging in price from 35c. to $1 00; also a la carte." It will be to your interest to secure our rates before purchasing else- where. Depot: Grand Central Station 5TH AVENUE and HARRISON STREET CITY TICKET OFFIOE 111 Adams Street PHONE CENTRAL 2057 J. Y. GAL AH AN, General A*ent Continued from preceding page. flinchingly real, yet spectral as a dream." Among the most important announcements for this season at the Grand Opera House is that of the engagement, for ten perform- ances only, of Signora Duse, the Italian tragedienne, and her com- pany of Italian players. During this engagement, which will begin on the evening of Monday, Dec. 15, Signora Duse will presenl a notable repertoire, including D'An- nunzio's "La Giaconda," "Citta Morta," and "Franc sea da Ri- mini" with other successe s by other authors. For th : s tour, Sig- nora Duse will bring with her the scenery, the scenic effects and all the accessories that distinguished her presenta ion of the plays in the European capitals. Liebler & Company will direct Signora Duse's season which is limited to half a dozen Amerxan cities. Continued on next page Latest Novelties In Seal Sacques Fur Garments Neckwear, Etc. PLACE ORDER NOW AND SAVE SPECIAL DISCOUNT •SECOND FLOOR, MASONIC TEMPLE' ELECTRICITY IS LIFE Habich Over 30 years Chicago's only exclusive Medical Electrician Nervous Debility a Specialty SUITE 1 and 2 N. E. Corner Randolph and La Salle GO TO For KUNZE the be st o f everything; in the "pTJ T TJ'T r line. Novelties "rxUl A from every clime. 60 STATE STREET Telephones Central 1468 and 1461 A burglar al rm will watch over you while you sleep. A terror to sneak thieves, porch climbers window workers and burg- lars is an p utomatic Fa alarm. Don't wait I 1 until you are rob- bed. No need for a revolver when you have an ever C .j. ! ready burglar -/"""""ViL R alarm. No electric- / * \ ity or attachments / "i i\\ required. Weighs { : ' onlv S oz. A sure protection for mo- ill ney or valuables. v m If not satisfied money returned. ■<3^( PKTCE $1.00 ^~r\ Mailed to any address. Automatic Alarm Co. State and Michigan St. CHICAGO, ILL. m .USE % m 1 Stove Polish [worlds best W <^~" MQUID AND DRY— — W Ayll ng Bros., 14 Haddon Av., Chicago / m E MATTHEWS A A _J A -QK SON BOULEVARD 1 Harrison 223 / Telephone U CHICAGO IMPORTER and MAKER RICH FURS (Prime Pelts) ALASKA SEALSKIN COATS PERSIAN LAMB " BROADTAIL " SABLE SCARFS AND MUFFS SILVER FOX " " BLACK LYNX " " BLUE LYNX " " MINK, MARTEN, ERMINE AND ALL OTHER DEPENDABLE FURS. INSPECT OUR MDSE. MAN-TAILORED FROCKS, COATS RIDING HABITS FROM EXCLUSIVE FABRICS DESIGNS UNIQUE MadetoSpecial Measurement and Adapted to Individual Requirements LEARN OUR PRICES YOUR BEST INTEREST WILL BE SERVED The Greatest Singer in the World BUYS AN Adelina Patti APOLLO MASTER PIANO PLAYER for her own use and gives it the greatest testimonial ever written 'Pttt/* I s /\1 A TUT CkA a 1 e» awarded to the Apollo at the Pan-Ameri- 1WU VJOICI ITlCO-alO can and Charleston, S. C, Expositions The Qafr PIANO PLAYER SO HONORED A GREAT INSTRUMENT FOR THE MUSICAL HOME Manufactured Melville Clark Piano Co. 399-405 West Madison Street, CHICAGO Continued from Preceding Page MRS. FISKE'S ART. Easily the most notable feature of the past theatrical season was the extraordinary success- ful series of revivals by Mrs. Fiske at the Manhattan Theater, New York. Her welcome was a wonderfully cordial one, and the encomiums called forth by the re- production of "Tess," "Divor- cons" and "Little Italy" have not been duplicated of recent years, while her Ibsen matinees gained her greater praise than has been won by any other interpreter of the foreign dramatist's works. An interesting and instructive study of Mrs. Fiske's art ap- peared in the last issue of Har- per's Weekly; part of the article is worth reprinting, not alone on account of the text, but as an il- lustration of the fact that New York is not wholly given over to the worship of false dramatic gods. The appreciation is as fol- lows: Nothing could be more illumi- nating in contrasts than a com- parison of the methods of two distinguished actresses now play- ing in New York, Mrs. Fiske and Mrs. Leslie Carter. Each is pre- cisely what the other is not, and Continued on next page. ei/AStf^ OVERCOMES THE USUAL FAULTS AND COMBINES THE MERITS OF ALL OTHERS. GIVES A LARGER., AND CLEARER VISION. .O.BzKDit.OiPTiciAir we Will mai i_A list OF THE FINEST.... TO ANY ONE SENDING THEIR ADDRESS North Shore Apartments SENDING THEIR ADDRESS W. A. MERIGOLD & CO. I38 '4° £■»• st Phone 1827 Mai THis Theatre is Fitted witK Gas and Electric Fixtures By.. T.W.Wilmarth Company 261 WabasK Ave. J.H. DIMERY. T.W.GILMORE, President. Sec y and Treas, P. Pritikin ^§ Ladies' 1 ailor McVICKER'S BUILDING CHICAGO Special Announcement Every Lady in Chicago knows that Pritikin's Estab- lishment is most reliable. You are always sure to get double ' value for your money. I am ready for the Fall season with all the latest improvements to the trade. aai $142,500.00 ■bESf #o /lie persons whose estimates are nearest to the number of cigars on which S3.00 tax per thousand is paid during the month of December, 1902, as shown by the total sales of stamps made by the United States Internal Revenue Department during December, 1902. Distribution will be made as follows : To the....(l) person estimating the closest , $5,000.00 m casn To the 2 persons whose estimates are next closest ($2,500.00 each) 5.000.00 " To the .5 persons whose estimates are next closest ($1,000 00 each) 5 ,000.00 " To the ... 10 persons whose estimates are next closest ($500 . 00 each) 5,000.00 " To the 20 persons whose estimates are next closest ($250.00 each) 5,000.00 " To the 25 persons whose estimates are next closest ..($100.00 each) 2,500.00 " To the 50 persons whose estimates are next closest ($50. 00 each) 2,500.00 " To the. 100 persons whose estimates are next closest ($25.00 each) 2,500.00 " To the.. 2,000 persons whose estimates are next closest ($:0 00 each) 20,000.00 " To the .3,000 persons whose estimates are next closest . ($5.00 each) 15,000.00 " To the 30,000 persons whose estimates are next closest we will send to each one box of 50 '-' Cremo" Cigars (value $2.50 per box). 75,000.00 35.213 35,213 p rsons $142,500.00 Every 100 bands from the f cEIowlng cigars will entitle you to four estimates. Cubanola, - - 5c ■ "' — ' ' ^^ Z^T^ST l « /\ I Geo * W « Cbilds, 5c Cremo, - - - 5c S FLORODORA |A C I Premios, - - 5c Benefactor, - 5c j CIGARS, 3 for III I Exports, - - 5c Jackson Square, 5c B . ... ■ J . „, - , . . , . „ — , — ^-, — ~ ~ | Fontella, - - 5c (One "Fl^rodora " band count ng- as two hands from the 5 cent cigars mentioned; and no less than 100 bands will be received at any one time tor estimates.; Information which may be of value in making estimates: — the number of Cigars now bearing $3.00 Tax per thousand, for which Stamps were purchased, appears below : In December, ] 900, 467,' 92, -.08 Cigars. In March, 1902, 516,5£9,027 Cigars. " December, 1901, 479,3 2,170 '-' " April, 1902, 516,835,163 " " January, 1902, 496,983,7 7 " " May, 19*. 2, 523,035,907 " 11 February, 1902, 445,495,483 In case of a tie in estimates, the amount offered will be divided equally among those entitled to it. Distribution of the awards will be made as soon after January 1st, 1903, as the figures are obtainable from the Internal Revenue Department of the United States for December. Write your full name and Post Office Address plainly on packages containing bands. The Postage or Express charges on your package must be fully prepaid, in order for your estimate to participate. All estimates urder this offer must be forwarded before December 1st, 1902, to the FLORODORA TAG COMPANY, Jersey City, NJ. You do cot lose tha value of your bands. Receipts will be seat you for your bands, and these receipts will be just as good aa ihe bams themsihes ia securing Presents.- One band from "Florodora," or two bands from any of the othtr Cigais mentioned above, will count in securing Presents the same as one tag from "Star," "Hors* h< e, " "bpe*r head," "Standard Navy," "Old Peach and Honey," "J, T." "Master Workman," "Piper t eidsieck," "Jelly Tar," " Boot Jack," " O d Honesty," "Razor," or "Planet " lobtcc ; or one "Sweet Caporai " Cigarette Box Front. Send each estimate on a separa'e piec^ o i i aper, with your name and address plainly written on each. Blank lorn.s for estimates will be mailed upon application. Illustrated Catalogue of Presents forl903 and 1904 will be ready for distribution about October 1st, 1902, and will be mailed on receipt of ten cents, or ten tobacco tags, or twenty cigar bands. g Continued from preceding page. in their art, granting, for the sake of argument, that Mrs. Carter has art, they are wider than poles apart. That of Mrs. Fiske is in- tellectual. That of Mrs. Carter is physical. The one leads you sub- tly through the complications of the dramas she essays, while the other seems to drive you by sheer physical strength along the high- way of trouble she has marked out for your edification. The one is elevated, strong and finished. The ether is a quivering mass of vigorous raw material. A con- templation of the work of the one induces a sensation of pleasure that is wholly ©f the mind; the pleasure derived from watching the ebullience of the other is not dissimilar to that which comes from witnessing a railway colli- sion or a subway explosion. Just as the small boy observed upon looking at a vast caravansary of inflammable construction that he hoped it would never catch fire, but if it did he wished he might be there to see it burn, so of Mrs. Carter's work it may be said that if it has to be it is worth looking at; but in the art of Mrs. Fiske one finds no appeal to the primi- tive instincts, but only that which is sensed by one's cultivated ap- preciations. Contlwued on next page. If there is Aust on the Nickel of Your Stove, Burnishine] WILL TAKE IT OFF It will not injure] the hands. Cleans and polishesSilver- j ware, Brass, Cop-| per and all metals, lea vingthat "brand new" appearance | so desirable. Sold by all dealers. J. C. PAUL & CO. Mfrs., - Chicago] A.B.CHASE PIANOS SOLD ONLY BY ■ Grosvenor. Lapham & Co, FIFTH FLOORJHE FINE ARTS BLDG. 203 MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO FASHIONABLE GOWNS Made to Satisfy and Please Newest imports for fall wear. Latest Parisian designs. — Fit and workman- ship guaranteed 8UITS from $35.00 up. Walking or Driv- ing Suits and Long Coats our specialty Our personal atten- tion given to all. HURWITZ & SW1DLER ~* Ladles' Tailors and Furriers. « 507 Stewart Blag., %J£$* Opp. Marshall Field's. Phone Cent. 2S90 B WONT TELL TABLETS OR CHEWING gum Destroy the Odor of Liquor,0nions or Tobacco FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING BUFFETS, CIGAR STANDS. AND DRUG STORES Does not chap nor wrinkle the skin, but leaves it clearand pure. It is used bythemost prominent people in all walks of life. Actresses and sinsrers especially endorse it. Marcelfa Sembrlch and Adelina Patti use it constantly. For sale by leading Druggists, Department Stores and Hairdressers in ALL CITITS. 480 Acres ESTABLISHED 1856 Acclimated Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Ever- greens, Fruits and Herbaceous Plants COMPLETE STOCK Landscape Plans Made and Executed ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST FREE Peterson's Nursery 172 La Salle St., Chicago, III. FREE Stevens & Son Co. LEADING PHOTOGRAPHERS... McVicker's Theatre Bldg. MAKE THE FOLLOWING GREAT SPECIAL OFFER One Large Medallion Panel Photograph, Colored, and One Large London Panel will De included FREE in our special offer of Fifteen Cabinets, platinum finish, three styles for only $3.00 — former price, $5.00. Crayons, pastels and every style of picture know to the art, made at the lowet prices Wedding Groups and Children's Photos a Specialty^ LADIES* - HAIR - DRESSED OPEN SUNDAYS. — — AND DRAPING FREE Continued from precedleg page. The fact that Mrs. Carter finds it profitable to remain at a metro- politan theater the whole season through, while Mrs. Fiske gives us only a meager portion of her time at the beginning and at the end of the season, is not so muck a reflection upon New York's taste in things dramatic as an in- teresting side-light on human na- ture. More people will go to see a great conflagration, if it is close at hand, than can be induced to attend a lecture on Browning. It would be futile to say that be- cause of this the conflagration is therefore a finer type of fire than those which burned in the poet's soul, but there is no blinking the fact that it makes a more torren- tial appeal to the mass of men and women, who, in respect to many things in life, are not far from the nursery stage of their intellectual development. We could not imagine a finer exhibit by means of which a lecturer on dramatic art before a class of studemts could more adequately elucidate the differences between two diametrically opposed schools of acting than that which the sea- son has provided at the Criterion Theatre with Mrs. Carter as Mme. Du Barry, and the Manhat- tan Theatre with Mrs. Fiske in Continued on next page. Blood Poison Can Be Cured THE INTERNATIONAL SERUM TOXIN CO. Haa during the past 4 months worked wonders in this city and New York in the treatment of Locomotor Ataxia, Paralysis, and all Chronic Diseases resulting from Blood Poison. * * * A New York physician called at our office and said: "You are not effecting marvelous cures, you are -working miracles ," after we had cured one of his patients whom he had treated for 18 years without giving relief. The offices of the company in this city are at the Isabella building, 48 Van Buren street. We eradicate the poison from the blood, never to return; therefore, if afflicted, consult this office at once. Consulta- tion free. THE INTERNATIONAL SERUM TOXIN CO. |S£gtt 43 Van Buren Street* Chicago ^r:^^t>^Uy\ VsLt*- Founder of 8U S el, Cooper * Co. I LOOK TEN YEARS YOUNGER SINCE USING Mrs. Graham's Quick Hair Restorer Restores original color to gray hair in ten days, making the hair glossy and beautiful. For medium or dark brown and black hair not more than one-third gray. Clear as water. Guaranteed harm- less. Price $1.00. For sale by E. Burn- ham, 72-74 State St. , Marshall Field & Co., and by druggists and hairdressers gener- ally. Interesting book , ' ' About the Hair, ' * sent free. — — — — — — ^^— — — — — Mrs. Gervaise Graham, 1261 MTCHICAN AV., - Chicago Pianola Recital AT LYON & HEALY'S .... 3 P. M. DAILY You are cordially invited to hear the Pianola play. Favorite classic numbers will be played, and also selections from the following successes: THE MESSENGER BOY THE STROLLERS THE LITTLE DUCHESS MAID MARIAN MISS SIMPLICITY TLORODORA SILVER SLIPPER SAN TOY »««>*«>« KING DODO BURGO MASTER LIBERTY BELLES CASINO GIRL The Pianola enables anyone to play like a Paderewski, and on any piano. Try it for yourself. Pianolas are not expensive and are sold on easy terms. Persons attending the recitals are not solicited to purchase. There is but one Pianola and it is sold only by — ^ — First Floor, Wabash Ave. and Adams St. in P. S. -Bargains slightly used Piano las this week NOTE:-The business of Lyon & Healy largely exceeds in volume and value that of any other musical establishment in either Europe or America. Continued from preceding age. tht role of Tess, or of Nora in Ibsen's "A Doll's House." Mrs. Fiske's revival ei "Tess of the B'Urbervilles" was an in- teresting event in many ways, and elicited •ne «r two symptoms which are encouraging to th«se who have been inclined to de- spair «f public taste in matters theatrical. The fact that at the fag end «f the season, and at a time really when even the con- firmed theater-goer begins to weary «f the playhouse and seeks his diversien in #ther ways, s« meritorious a production should make such an appeal as warrant- ed the extension «f its time by an extra week is a very favorable in- dication, and fully bears out what we have several times ventured to say, that the responsibility for the anaemic tone «f the theaters this winter has lain not so much with the public as with the mis- taken n«ti»n ©f the managers as t« what the public really wants. Miss Crosman's wonderfully suc- cessful season with "As You Like It" evidenced this, and the public appreciation of Mrs. Fiske's revi- val of "Tess" proves it. The suc- cessful revival seems also to prove that the swash-buckling school, with therr ranting dramas of alleged history, popular as Continued on next page. mm FRENCH LICIi SPRINGS In the Indiana Highlands on the Monon Rovite Open all the year. All outside rooms. Complete in every detail. Pluto water cureth a multitude of ills. Write for booklet. FRANK J. REED, G. P. A., CHICAGO Something for Nothing. Shows Hot Blast Draft Burning the Gas-half of Soft Coal. Coles Original Hot Blast Stoves 2. SO Soft Coal equals 7.00 Hard Coal. Because they burn the gas half of soft coal wasted with other stoves. We guarantee Same Even Heat, Same Cleanliness. Fire Never Out day or night. They pay for themselves first winter. 9 Sizes. PR ^ ES $9.^? Avoid Imitations. Free Demonstrations every day in our range department. Majestic and Garland Steel Ranges, best in the market. Garland and Favorite Heaters, handsome, durable and efficient "Beauty" Oil Heaters, Just the thing for chilly weather. Doyle Gas Heaters. No Odor. Rochester Radiators Save and distribute heat in the upper rooms. Send for booklets and circulars of any of above. ORR & LOCKETT HARDWARE CO. 71 and 73 Randolph Street. PAID UP CAPITAL, $100,000.00 PARK FIRE PROOF „ l 51 ' 7 ™ STORAGE CO. ^^olcf™ opposite south end lincoln park Absolutely Fire Proof Storage of Furniture and Goods at Reasonable Rates Piano Floor Steam Heated Regulated as to Temperature and Dryness All Year safe ci^eax dry ask for estimates telephone north 1418 N. S. GROSS (0)J[G) IMPORTER and TAILOR Announces the arrival of Foreign Fabrics; also the completion of several novel crea- tions and invites an early inspection 70 East Adams Street, Chicago 1.1 1 1 .■ j chese have been, do not, with the tiusical vulgarities that have passed for comic opera lately, by iny means monopolize public fa- v^or. Mrs. Fiske has demonstrated rhat there is still in the lump of he theater-goers a leaven of ap- preciation for a serious portrayal if that kind of social life which is of the soil and of the sun, and not of the drawing-room and the limelight In affording us a real- ization of these encouraging symptoms Mrs. Fiske becomes mr creditor, and we trust that as cime goes on she will find that he public is not ungrateful or un- nindful of its debt As a man- iger she is trying to do for us what Sir Henry Irving did far Great Britain in his elevated and idealistic management of the Ly- ceum Theater, and we like to be- lieve that she will receive from he public that hearty co-operation which Irving was able to count lpon in London, by which supple- nentation alone can success be ittained. There is no question hat she has already aroused the keenest interest in the literary and irt circles of the community, and vith these as a nucleus it should lot be long before she has built tp a recognized clientele of such proportions that she will find it profitable to remain the season hroogh at her playhouse for the dification ef the New York ©ab- tc, aa4 as a re-enforcement of its (aims to the p isession of $3300 California, Oregon, Washington From Chicago Via the Chicago & North-Western Railway eVery day during October. Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars Chicago to San Francisco, Los A ngeles and Portland daily; double berth rate from Chicago only $6.00. 5 Personally Conducted Excursions Each Week. Round trip tickets are also on sale daily at reduced rates. Three through trains a day to San Francisco and two to Foitland. The only double-track railway to the Missouri R ; \er. TICKET OFFICES / til Chicago & North=Western Railway 212 Clark Street (Telephone Central 721) and Wells Street Station. ay ^ BARBER SHOP DO YOU ENTERTAIN? A NEW AND POPULAR GAME GIVE A MATCH PUZZLE! mm DELIGHTS EVERYONE Entirely original, and a most charming way to entertain. Flayed " v any number of per- 6ns. COMPLETE ARTY, consist! g of 2 playing sets, invita- tions. envelopes, score cards and book $2 50 up Write for descrip- tive leaflet. THE HINDOO CO. New York Life Bldg. Chicago, Ills. Champion Hot Water §r Combination Heaters THEY FIT ANY FURNACE One of these Heaters fitted in your present hot air furnace will heat those cold rooms and give you a splendid system of heating. Estimates given. Write for catalogue. Tel. Cent. 289 F. D. STOLZ, Manufacturer 115 Lake Street, Chicago AN EXCLUSIVE FUR STORE. Established 1893. Maker of the highest grades of FURS at 25 per cent less than State Street prices. Sealskin. Otter andPersianLamb garments a specialty. Workmanship and fit Guaranteed. High class lepairing and remodeling at moderate rates. 102 E. 22ND STREET Bet. Michigan and Indiana Aves. Open Evenings. CHICAGO Bab its tat Fie, doff this habit— shame to your estate An eyesore to our solemn, joyful feast; 60 to the Little Tailors Six- nay do not wait. They'll fit thee out unto the Queen's own taste. Suits and Overcoats Te Measurs $15.50 Trousers, $5.00 The combination of all that is best, Put together the best. SIX LITTLE TAILORS McVicker's Theatre Bldg. JULIUS CJESAR. After his defeat of Pompey, Julius Ca;sar was about to make a triumphal eutry into Rome. On the day appointed, the streets were crowded with people waiting to set the pageant. The Tri- bunes, Flavius and Mareellus, adherents of Pom- pey, were much displeased. As Caesar passed along, accompanied by a great train of Roman nobles and ladies, the shrill voice of a soothsayer was heard bidding him beware of the Ides of March. Brutus, esteemed a friend by Cflpsar, was with him, but took little part in the rejoicings. A great noise was heard, and Brutus said to Cas- sias, that he feared the populace was about to crown Ca'sar king, declaring that he (Brutus) did not wish it so. Thereupon, after being urged to disclose his secret thoughts. Cassius confided to Brutus his secret jealousy of the great conqueror, who, he said, was no greater or better man than Brutus hihfself. The latter, thus encouraged, ad- mitted that he had himself at times cherished similar thoughts 1 , and at this point the conversa- tion was interrupted. Meanwhile, at the games, a crown had been thrice offered to Cre>sar, who had each time put it from him with the back of his hand, his action calling forth cheers from the people. Cassius learned of this and resolved to use it as the means of fanning the dormant hat- red of Caesar, which he had discovered in Brutus' breast. A few days later he met Casca who told him that on the morrow the Senate would make Caesar king, with the right to wear his crown on sea and laud, except in Italy. "Then," said Cassius, " I will know where to wear this dag- ger." It required little argument to win over Ca »*UtttfSJ Illinois rVy=V OMAHA Council Bluffs Sioux City SW»»y jgy MINNEAPOLIS go ST.PAUL \#4 SIOUX FALLS S'OU CITY CTWWJIWWII S 8oE>arb trains, doable daily •err*oe, BofTet-Ltbrary-Gmokinj Cere a=d DinlDg, Sleeping, V ' Bond for free lino to Omaha. id for free copy Stores and Nc California — 2 Routes Personally conducted through Excamon Sleeping Osr» leave Chicago for \sj» Ajuelea and San Francisco every Wednesday morning ria Now Orleans and the Southern Rout*, every Friday evanuvg via Omaha and th« Soauio Boom To the South CRy Ticket Office. 99 Adams St Phone Centra! 2705 Ladies' Hair Dressing and Draping Free No Charge for resittings OPEN SUNDAYS Elevator Rus»h*£ 15 PHOTOS EXTRA 15 145 STATE STREET ADJOINING SCHLESINGER & MAYBK. LESTER W. STEVENS, Manager. - SPECIAL - - OFFER la Three Stvles for $3.00 Wedding Groups and Children's Photos a Specialty. -ra^on Pastels and Every Style of Pictures %Kdowd to the Art Made at lowest Prices. Fifteen genuine platinum pho- tographs in 3 styles for $3.00 Including one large London Panel in writer colors, and one large Oval Panel. Regular Price $6.00. 15 PHOTOS 15 In Three Styles for $3.00 We have One of the Finest Up-to-D*t» Studios in the City. We Make No Charge for Hair DreMim*. Draperies or Xeslttiiifs. C* — Wfi are open everv day in the year with elevatoi running — no stairs to climbs ?§ Y pilAS?Y G o u u' RANTEE iSS I45STATE STREET SffiS&'TW&S