Oak Street UNCLASSIFIED ?t: 'h ft- ifej?; & > ■ ^§d5||j 1 E. & A. MILLER, g j Boob-Binders, I ISjPIiACE D’ARMES HILL,| M MONTREAL. Q bni\.ei m. Library %?/ 7 V\ m * ©ESTT ®1F ffIE®S£ TTEESS ©ASJA&. ory\r,lLA©A\ ®B 8 TME' ' o ■ TOM.lT AMD TKESEiM'T STATE OF Tiff, ISJLAM) AlfB S $**. (SDTTV ©I J ' ^z'Z&vish's , ' ' "•©; 'rWti'e^l ' m Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/hochelagadepicta00bosw_0 HOCHELAGA DEPICTA : OR, A NEW PICTURE OF MONTREAL, EMBRACING THE EARLY HISTORY AND PRESENT STATE OF THE CITY AND ISLAND OF MONTREAL; illustrated br? gtumerffus ^trgrabtnus and f8ap$, EDITED BY NEWTON BOSWORTH, F. R. A. S- WITH AN ADDENDA, CONTAINING A DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE RECENT IMPROVEMENTS, A NEW MAP OF THE CITY, SEVERAL NEW ENGRAVINGS, AND A VARIETY OF USEFUL INFORMATION NOT GIVEN IN THE FORMER EDITION OF THE WORK. MONTREAL: PUBLISHED BY R. W. S. MACKAY, NOTRE DAME STREET. MDCCCXLVI. % / PREFACE TO THE ADDENDA. The numerous and rapid improvements which have taken place in the City since the first publication of “ The Picture of Montreal,” are such as to ren- der that work, as it was then issued, but a very im- prfect delineation of the present state and appear- ance of the Capital of British America. Such being the case, the Publisher of the present edition of the work was induced to collect and arrange a brief description of the various Public Buildings that have been since erected, or are now in progress, and also to add some valuable information in the shape of \> Tables and Guides, together with a New Map of the 6 City, all of which will be found very convenient by v strangers and visiters. The price of the work has also been reduced one- o^Jialf, and when to this it is added, that it may be com t sidered a perfect Picture of, and Guide to Montreal, the ^ Publisher ventures to hope that the work will meet with a liberal share of public patronage. Montreal , May , 1846. if) ?rO K7 \ ; ■«*fr f ADDENDA NEW WESLEYAN CHURCH, GREAT ST. JAMES STREET. This spacious and beautiful edifice, situated in one of the best streets, and in the very heart of the city, is justly considered one of the greatest architectural or- naments of Montreal, and is not surpassed on the North American Continent. It is vested in trustees for the use of the ministers in connection with, and appointed by, the British Con- ference of Wesleyan Methodists, and is a standing monument of the wealth and liberality of the society by whom it has been erected. The size of the church 6 NEW WESLEYAN CHURCH* is, in outside measurement, 1 1 1 4 feet by 73. The style throughout is of the florid Gothic architecture o the 14th century, and every part is in admirable keep- ing. The front presents a gable to the street, divided into three compartments, separated by massive but- tresses with water-tables and mouldings, the whole surmounted with two lofty pinnacles, terminating in beautifully carved finials. Three Gothic doors, sur- mounted with mouldings and finials, open into a spa- cious lobby, and a large window, twenty-eight feet high, with one on each side of smaller dimensions, complete the front of the building ; the mullions and tracery of the centre window being eminently beau- tiful. The arrangement of the interior is unique and novel. The gallery is a perfect but irregular oval ; the organ gallery, being the smallest part, occupies the space over the entrance lobby, so that the whole of the interior is available for the accommodation o f the congregation. The larger end of the gallery con- tains a tier of pews, thirteen in number ; and between the lower and upper floor of the gallery, at this end, three vestries are suspended, most conveniently acces- sible from the rear of the church. The lower part of the church is beautifully fitted up, the centre pews are uniformly lined with crimson damask, and nearly twice the usual width. The aisles and communion are carpeted with Brussels carpeting of a rich Gothic pattern. The pulpit de- serves special notice ; it is large and square, six feet by eight in size, and is made of the finest Spanish mahogany, beautifully carved in Gothic style, with projecting buttresses and carved finials of a very su- TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 7 perior character. From the pulpit a perfect view is obtained of every accessible corner of the entire building ; and underneath the pulpit is a convenient vestry or robing-room for the minister. In the basement story of the church is a spacious school-room, with five class-rooms or vestries adjoin- ing. The whole premises have been erected at a cost of not less than $50,000. The same trustees are erecting a new church in Griffintown (in lieu of the one lately destroyed by fire) from a design by the same architect, G. L. Dickinson, Esq. It is also in the Gothic style, surmounted by a tower, and is thought by many to be equal, if not su- perior to that we have described. They also have finished and opened, during the past year, one in the Grecian style of architecture, in the Quebec Suburbs ; the size of the two latter being 85 by 60 feet. The number of communicants in the Wesleyan So- ciety, in Montreal, is about 800, and the regular con- gregation not less than 3000. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL, ST. PAUL STREET. This very elegant Chapel, which was built at the sole expense of the late Major Christie, is in the Gothic style of architecture. Its size is 75 by 44 feet, and it is capable of seating about 800 persons. The interior is chastely and appropriately fitted up, and is generally much admired. The present incumbent is the Rev. Mark Willoughby, and the assistant Minister the Rev. D. B. Parnther. The Chapel was opened for Public Worship in 1840. 8 st. george’s episcopal chapel. ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL CHAPEL, ST. JOSEPH STREET. This is a very neat building, designed after the style prevalent in England in the 13th century, designated by Britton the sacred architecture of the second era. The interior is fitted up in a very chaste and elegant manner, the altar piece especially being generally considered peculiarly elegant and appropriate, as are also the Communion Table and chairs. The size of the Chapel is 100 feet by 56 feet, and it will seat over 1000 persons. The present Pastor is the Rev. W. T. Leach. It was opened in 1844, and was erected under the superintendence of W. Footner, Esq., Archi- tect, at a cost of about £2700. st. tiiomas’s episcopal chapel. 9 ST. ANN’S EPISCOPAL CHAPEL, GRIFFINTOWN, Is a design in the same style as St. George’s, but of less pretension, having no tower, the west entrance con- sists of a lofty gable flanked by buttresses and surmount- ed by an octagon turret, from which rises a spire 80 feet high. The interior is arranged in a very convenient manner, and the seats are partly free. The size is 100 feet by 55 feet, and it is calculated to seat about 1200 persons. The Church was erected under the superintendence of Mr. Footner, at a cost of about £1400, and was opened in 1845. ST. THOMAS’S EPISCOPAL CHAPEL, ST. MARY STREET. This building, which was designed in a Severe Greek Style, and which has been very much altered and add- ed to, is the property of Thomas Molson, Esquire, by whom it was erected and endowed. It is of very chaste character as regards the original, but the additional works, as the Galleries, Tower, and Spire, &c., have destroyed the simplicity of the design, and given to it an anomalous appearance at variance with good taste. The interior is well fitted up, there is a handsome Pulpit, the base of which forms the Altar Tablet, with the decalogue, &c., inscribed in gold. The old English writing on conspicuous parts of the Church is here very happily restored, and on all sides may be seen beautifully selected texts from the Bible, blend- ing very well with the chaste ornament of the Chapel. The Rev. Mr. Bancroft is the present officiating minister of this Chapel. 10 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. RADIGOND STREET. This Church, which is under the pastoral care of the Rev. H. Wilkes, is in the Anglo-Italian style of Architecture. The length, including the projection of the base of the tower, is 89 feet, and the width 65 feet. The tower, above the roof of the Church, is of an Octangular form, ornamented with eight Doric Columns, and its entire height is 160 feet. The Church is calculated to seat over 1000 persons, and was erected under the supervision of John Wells, Esq., Architect. It is expected to be opened for public ser- vice early in the present summer, 1846. UNITARIAN CHURCH. 11 SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, GOSFORD STREET. This Church, which was also erected from designs furnished by Mr. Wells, is in the pure Grecian style of Architecture. The length of the building, includ- ing the Portico, is 78 feet ; the width 50 feet, and the height from the pavement to the apex of the pediment opposite the centre of the front, is 50 feet. The Por- tico has six Ionic Columns 26 feet 6 inches in height. The Church is under the charge of the Rev. Doctor Carruthers, and is calculated to seat 900 persons. It was opened in 1845. UNITARIAN CHURCH, LAGAUCIIETIERE STREET. The length of this building is 56 feet, including a Portico of six Grecian Doric Columns, and the width is 48 feet. The height of the Columns is 18 feet 6 12 st. Patrick’s church. inches, and the entire height of the front from the pavement to the apex of the pediment is'43 feet. The Church will seat about 500 persons, and is under the pastoral care of the Rev. W. Cordner. It was opened in 1845. ST. PATRICK’S (IRISH ROMAN CATHOLIC) CHURCH. LAGAUCHETIERE STREET. This large and imposing edifice is built in the Gothic style of Architecture of the 15th century. It stands upon a very commanding site, and will, when finished, be one of the most striking objects visible upon approaching the city. THE NEW MARKET. 13 The extreme length is 240 feet, the breadth 90 feet, and the height of the spire will be 225 feet. The interior is to be fitted up in a very superior manner, and it is estimated that there will be sufficient room to seat about 7000 persons. It is expected to be opened for public worship during the present, or early in the ensuing year. THE NEW MARKET, ST. PAUL STREET. This magnificent pile of building, which is purely Grecian Doric in style, and built entirely of stone, is erected on the river bank, occupying the space between St. Paul and Commissioners Streets, upon which for- merly stood the Masonic Hall, Theatre, and some buildings of the early French times. Premiums hav~ ing been offered for designs for the work, numerous very handsome ones were submitted ; and the one from which the building has been erected, which is by Mr. Footner, was finally selected. After the contracts were entered into, and the excavations commenced, it was ascertained that the ground was not sufficient to support the intended structure. It was, therefore, on B THE NEW MARKET. 14 the recommendation of the architect, ordered that an artificial foundation of concrete should be prepared ; this the architect caused to be done in such a satisfac- tory manner that no settling down has been ob- served. The lower portion of the building, fronting on Com- missioners Street, will be appropriated for a Fruit and Vegetable Market, Pork Market, Poultry and Egg Market, Grain Market, and Skin Market. The second, or St. Paul Street floor, will be entirely appropriated to the Butcher’s or Meat Market, excepting the wings, which are to be used for the Police Establishment, and residence of the Clerk of the Market. The centre will be used as a vestibule, and approach by two grand staircases to a circular gallery, and from them to the halls, each of which with their ante-rooms are 230 feet long ; from the gallery there is a further ascent to a lofty circular hall and dome, forty-eight feet in diameter. The hall, lighted by 16 large circular-headed windows, will command one of the best views to be obtained in the city or its environs. Surmounting the dome is a circular temple or belvidere, raised on a stylobate, with eight Corinthian columns, with appropriate entablatures. The whole of the roof and dome is covered with fine tin. The two grand porticos, one on St. Paul and the other on Commissioners Street, are of fine proportions, from the Propylea at Athens : the indented or porticos in antis at the east and west ends, are from the same example. The whole of the columns are of cast- metal and fluted. Upon the whole, travellers will seek in vain for a more magnificent, chaste, substantial, and convenient Market, combining as it does all necessary requirements without useless ornament. PARLIAMENT HOUSE. 15 PARLIAMENT HOUSE, FORMERLY ST. Ann’s MARKET. Upon the removal of the seat of Government from Kingston to Montreal, it became necessary to provide a suitable building for the meetings of the Legislative Council and Assembly. The St. Ann’s Market being considered the most eligible edifice for that purpose then in existence, was accordingly leased by the cor- poration to the Government, and such alterations have been made as to render it, upon the whole, a tolerably commodious Parliament House. The lower story is occupied in the centre by a pub- lic hall, and corridors running the entire length of the building, and fifteen feet wide, upon each side of which are the offices of the various clerks to the Council and Assembly, and also the Committee and refreshment rooms. The next story is occupied in the centre by a lobby and refreshment rooms, and the rooms devoted to the post-office, and Sergeant at Arms. In the east wing is the Chamber of the Legislative Council, which is 66 by 45 feet, and is very handsomely fitted up. The space open to the public will seat from two to three hundred ladies, and about as many gentlemen can find room to stand. Immediately in rear of the Council Chamber are the rooms of the speaker, and clerk of the council, and also the wardrobe ; behind those, the extremity of this wing is devoted to the Library of the Council, which is 37 by 45 feet. In the west wing is the Chamber of the Legislative Assembly, the size of which is 90 by 45 teet. The galleries, which are open to the public, will seat about 500 persons ; and there is also a small space 10 CITY BANK. reserved exclusively for ladies, in front of that on the right side, the corresponding space on the left side being occupied by the reporters for the press. Be- hind the chair, on each side, are spaces reserved for members of the Council ; and the extreme west end of this wing is devoted to the rooms of the speaker and clerk, the wardrobe and the smoking room. The furniture and decorations of the Assembly Chamber are in very good taste, and it is now lighted up with the bude light, the same as the English House of Commons. The Library of the Assembly is in the third story, directly above the lobby and refreshment rooms. The alterations made in this building to render it suitable for its present use, were carried out under the directions of George Brown, Esq., architect, and it is generally admitted that they are all that could be ex- pected, considering the basis to which he was re- stricted. CITY BANK, PLACE D’ARMES. This convenient and elegant edifice, which was BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 17 erected under the superintendence of Messrs. M c f ar- iane and Brown, Architects, is in the Grecian style of architecture. The length fronting on the square is 70 feet, with two wing walls of 15 feet each. The depth of 50 feet, and the height of the front from the pavement, is 48 feet. Its erection has added very much to the appearance of the Place D’Armes, which will be still farther increased when the New Mon- treal Bank, which adjoins it, is completed. It was opened for public use in 1845. BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, GREAT ST. JAMES STREET. The front of this building consists of three divisions, or members in height ; a Rustic Basement, a central portion of one story faced with a series of eight f co- lumns of the Grecian Doric order — 12 feet 6 inches high, with bold Entablature. The central portion of the upper two stories is faced with a series of 4 Ionic j columns 24 feet high, with pilasters, and crowned with a bold entablature and pediment. The height is 18 COMMERCIAL BANK. 50 feet from the pavement ; the building is 72 feet front, 61 feet deep ; it was opened to the public in 1844. The architect who superintended the building, was Mr. G. L. Dickinson. BANK OF MONTREAL, PLACE D’ARMES. The order of architecture adopted for this Bank (which is now in course of erection), is the Corin- thian. The front will have a portico of 6 columns 40 feet in height, the entire height, from the pavement to the apex of the pediment of the portico, being 63 feet 6 inches. The length is 93 feet fronting on the Place D’Armes, and the depth 63 feet. The design was furnished by Mr. Wells, and the building is ex- pected to be completed in 1847. COMMERCIAL BANK, GREAT ST. JAMES STREET. This commodious and elegant building, which ad- joins the Odd Fellows’ Hall, is a good specimen ot the CANADA BAPTIST COLLEGE. 19 Grecian Doric style of architecture ; it was opened in 1845. MONTREAL INSURANCE COMPANY AND PROVIDENT AND SAVINGS’ RANK, GREAT ST. JAMES STREET. This building, which occupies the site of the old Wesleyan chapel, is in the Grecian style of architec- ture, with Doric fluted columns. The lower story fronting on Great St. James Street, is divided into two handsome shops, in rear of which are the apartments used for the Savings’ Bank. The upper stories are appropriated to the Insurance Company. It was opened in April, 1846. CANADA BAPTIST COLLEGE. The first stone of this building, which was designed by J. H. Springle, Esq., architect, was laid on the 7th of May, 1845, by John Try, Esq., (a liberal con- tributor towards its erection,) and it will be completed in the month of August, of the present year (1846) ; it 20 CANADA BAPTIST COLLEGE. is situated in the Western part of St. Antoine Suburb, on one of the most commanding sites in that vicinity, and will be seen to great advantage from all the South eastern parts of the city. The building is 120 feet long, and 57 feet wide, (exclusive of the portico which projects 13 feet, and is recessed into the build- ing 3 feet 6 inches,) it is 4 stories high, including the basement story. The principal front is finished with Ionic pilasters, 6 of which are insulated and form the portico. The windows and doors of the principal story are finished with pilasters, trusses, and cornices, and all the other windows with plain pilasters. On the principal floor is the College Hall, 52 x 25, and 14 feet 6 inches high, with Library, class rooms, and complete suites of apartments for the Principal of the College. The basement contains the College dining room, 36 x 20, with kitchens, laundries, bath rooms, and every other convenience of the most complete description. The second and third stories contain separate studies, and bed-rooms for 32 students, with additional bed-rooms for visitors. The whole cost of the building, exclusive of the ground, will be £7,000, and will be defrayed by voluntary contribution. This College is erected for the education of young men for the Christian ministry, in the Baptist Deno- mination, and for general education. Rev. J. M. Cramp, A. M., President, and Professor of Theology, Ecclesiastical History, and Moral Science. Rev. F. Bosworth, A. M., Professor of Oriental Languages, Classical Literature, and Natural Sci- ence. ODD FELLOWS HALL. 21 MONTREAL HIGH SCHOOL, LAGAUCHETIERE STREET. This edifice, which has been recently built under the direction of John Ostell, Esq., Architect, is another proof of the rapid strides of improvement in the City. The want of a school where the higher branches of education should be taught had been long felt and admitted, when about two years since, a number of gentlemen united their efforts to procure the establish- ment of such an institution. In carrying out their views they were fortunate enough to secure the services of the Rev. G. F. Simp- son, the Rector of the School, and several able assis- tants, and the result has been such as to meet the ex- pectations of its most sanguine friends. The length of the building (which is in the Domestic, approaching to the Tudor style of architecture) is 180 feet, and the depth 60 feet; the Lecture and Examination Hall is 60 feet square, and there are accommodations for between three and four hundred pupils. The session is divided into two terms, viz., from the third Monday in August to Christmas, and from Christmas to the second Satur- day in July. The yearly payments for pupils in the higher branches is £10, and for those in the prepara- tory branches £6. ODD FELLOWS’ HALL, GREAT ST. JAMES STREET. This building, which was erected from designs furnished by Messrs. M 4 Farlane and Brown, Architects, is in the Grecian style of architecture. The lower story fronting on Great St. James Street is divided into handsome shops. On the next floor is the Ball 22 DONEGANl’s NEW HOTEL* Room, which is 65 by 34 feet, and 15 feet high, and also two smaller rooms. The third story is divided into three supper rooms, and the upper one is appropriated for the Odd Fellows’ Hall, which is 65 by 25 feet, beautifully and appropriately fitted up. The building altogether is highly creditable to the Society whose name it bears, and may be justly considered an orna- ment to the City. It was opened in 1845. DONEGANI’S NEW HOTEL, CORNER OF NOTRE DAME AND BONSECOURS STREETS. This splendid building, which has just been opened by Mr. J. M. Donegani, is situated on the corner of Notre Dame and Bonsecours streets, one of the most pleasant and eligible sites in the city. Its accommo- dations are not surpassed by any Hotel upon the Ame- rican continent, and in point of extent, it is equal, if not superior, to the celebrated “ Astor House” in New York. daley’s hotel. 2:3 DALEY’S HOTEL, FORMERLY RASCO’S, ST. PAUL STREET. This house, which is so well known to the travelling public, has recently passed into the hands of Mr. J. H. Daley, who is favorably known as the host of the British North American Hotel, at Kingston. Mr. Daley has made, or is about making, many improve- ments in the house, which, when finished, will render it equal to any other establishment in the city. The other principal Hotels in the city are, Adelphi Hotel, (W. R. Orr,) Place D’Armes. Commercial Hotel, (W. C. Moore, Commissioners St. Exchange Coffee House, (M. J. Doolittle,) St. Paul St. Fellers’ Hotel, (E. Fellers,) 231 St. Paul Street. Gould’s Hotel, (Gould,) College Street. Grant’s Hotel, (John Grant,) St. Henry Street. King’s Arms, (John Mack,) St. Charles Street. Orr’s Hotel, (J. Orr,) 90 Notre Dame Street. Ottawa Hotel, (G. Hall,) Great St. James Street. Sword’s Hotel, (M. O’Neil,) 2 St. Vincent Street. Tetu’s Hotel, (Tetu,) Great St. James Street. Victoria Hotel, (S. L. Lynch,) Place D’Armes, TO HIS EXCELLENCY SIR JOHN COLBORNE, K.G.C. &c. &c. GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, TO WHOSE WISE, EQUITABLE, AND PROMPT ADMINISTRATION, IN A SEASON OF PECULIAR DANGER, THE PROVINCE OF LOWER CANADA IS UNDER GREAT AND LASTING OBLIGATIONS, €!)t$ Volume IS, WITH PERMISSION, MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY HIS OBLIGED AND OBEDIENT SERVANT , W. GREIG. Montreal , } Is* June , 1839. y PREFACE. In a conversation with my friend, the Publisher, on the former and present state of Canada, he suggested the idea of the following work, and requested me to under- take it. I did not then see the possibility of doing so ; but afterwards a temporary cessation of part of my ministerial duties, afforded me an increase of leisure, and enabled me to comply with his wish. Desirous of looking more particularly into the history of my adopted country, the researches I had occasion to make for this purpose were attended with much interest and gratifi- cation to me. I marked, as was natural, with more attention than when, at a distance from the spot, I read the accounts as matters of general information, the events and circumstances connected with the discovery, acqui- sition, and advancement of this important part of the British dominions. But in committing the result to writing, even on the limited scale which the plan of this work allows — rather, perhaps, the more so on account of that limitation, — I found more difficulty than I at first expected. The minor points of the history were in different accounts so discordant, that with my natural aversion to uncertainty, and perhaps a too fastidious desire to reconcile what will not admit of agreement, I was often longer, and more perplexed, in adjusting these PREFACE. points than those who have not employed themselves in similar pursuits would readily imagine. The main facts, however, are sufficiently well attested ; and of these I have endeavoured to embody as many as my range would allow in the slight sketch I have given of the introductory history. In obtaining the Topographical information, many hours were sometimes spent in seeking for that which a few minutes would suffice to put into writing ; not from any unwillingness on the part of those who had information to give, but from the very nature of the case. The gentlemen to whom enquiries were directed, are entitled to my own thanks, and those of the Publisher, for the courtesy and readiness with which those enquiries were answered. At first, it was intended to present to each a distinct acknowledgment; but the number has so increased, that it is hoped they will accept this general expression of obligation. It is natural for every man of ordinary curiosity and discernment, when he comes into a new country, and especially if he mean to reside in it, to desire to know something of its past and present state ; and a portion of his time may be lawfully employed in gratifying this desire. The knowledge thus obtained, is capable of being applied to various useful purposes ; and more so by the Christian than by any other person. He may often see the finger of God in controlling events, where others discern nothing but the operations of natural causes, or the developements of human agency and design. Montreal , June 1, 1839* N. B. PREFACE. The appearance of the work has been delayed beyond the time mentioned in the original prospectus, by causes over which the Publisher had no control ; but the delay has been rather serviceable than otherwise, by increasing the accuracy of the descriptions, and affording an op- portunity of sketching the history of the two Rebellions. In every first attempt of this kind, it is almost in- evitable that defects and inaccuracies should occur. Both the Editor and the Publisher will, therefore, be obliged by such hints as shall contribute to the improve- ment of the work in a new edition. CHAPTER I. Page Discoveries of Columbus and other Navigators — Arrival of Jacques Cartier at Hochelaga. CHAPTER II. Primitive Condition of Hochelaga — Name changed to ii Mount Royal”— Company of One Hundred Partners — Canada taken by the English , 1629 — Restored , 1632. CHAPTER III. Settlement of the Island of Montreal — Maissonneuve , Governor — Ville Marie founded — Canada becomes a Royal Govern- ment — Remarkable Earthquake — West India Company — Marriage encouraged. CHAPTER IV. Government settled — Contests between the French and English — Artifices of De Rat ( Kondearouk ) — Continued Hostilities — Successive Governors. CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. Page 57 Capture of Quebec by General Wolfe — Surrender of Montreal and all the Canadas — Montreal twice injured by fire — Bigot. CHAPTER VI. 71 Improvements in the Colony — Attack on Mr. Walker — Quebec Act — American War — Montreal taken — Extraordinary Phenomenon — Riot — Cholera — List of Governors . CHAPTER VII. 86 Topographical description — District — County — and City — Parish Church of Ville Marie , or Cathedral of Notre Dame — Christ Church — Bonsecours Church — Scotch Church , St. Gabriel Street. CHAPTER VIII. Ill Methodist Chapels — Jews’ Synagogue — American Presbyterian Church — Congregational Church — Scotch Secession Church — St. Andrew's Church — St. Paul's Church — Baptist Church. CHAPTER IX. 122 The Priests' Farm — The Bishop's Church — Recollet Church — General Hospital — St. Ann's Market — National School. CHAPTER X. 137 Grey Nunnery — Congregational Nunnery — Hotel Dieu Nun- nery — The Seminary — The College — British and Canadian School — Hotels — News Room — Theatre Royal — Nelson's Monument. CONTENTS. CHAPTER XT. Page 158 The Court House — Old Gaol — New Gaol — Barracks — Government House — Water Works — Champ de Mars — New Market — Banks — Custom House. CHAPTER XII. 168 Natural History Society — Montreal Library — M‘ Gill College — M i TavisKs House — View from the Haymarket — Hochelaga Chapel — St. Helen s Island — Ship Yard — Rope Manufac- tory — The Police Force. CHAPTER XIII. 182 Orphan Asylum — Ladies Benevolent Society — Bible Society — Tract Society — Sunday School Union — Temperance Society — Baptist Missionary Society — French Canadian Missionary Society — Mechanics' Institution — Gas Works — Trade and Commerce — Lachine Canal. CHAPTER XIV. 204 Education and Literature — Concluding Remarks on Improve- ments and Desiderata , Geology, Business, Agriculture, and the Cemeteries. APPENDIX. 223 Brief Account of the Rebellions in Lower Canada in 1837 — 8, and 1 839-— American Antiquities — Notes and Corrections. LIST OF PLATES. 1. View of the City from the Canal Frontispiece. 2. M‘Tavish’s Monument Vignette on Title Page. 3. Modern Plan of Montreal End of Volume. 4. Ancient Plan Opposite page 91 5. View of the City in 1803 92 6. Church of Notre Dame 95 7. Scotch Church. Bonsecours Church, English Episco- pal Church 101 8. Wesleyan Chapels and Jews’ Synagogue Ill 9. American Presbyterian Church, Congregational Chapel, and Scotch Secession Church 113 10. St. Paul’s Church, St. Andrew’s Church, Baptist Chapel 119 11. Priests’ Farm, Bishop’s Church, Recollet Church 122 12. General Hospital, St. Ann’s Market, National School 124 13. Grey Nunnery, Congregational Nunnery, Chapel of Hotel Dieu 137 14. The College, The Seminary, The British and Cana- dian School 146 15. Rasco’s Hotel, News Room, Theatre Royal 150 16. Nelson’s Monument and the New Market 153 17. Court House, New Gaol, Old Gaol 159 18. Barracks, Government House, Waterworks 162 19. Champ de Mars 164 20. Bank of Montreal, City Bank, New Custom House. 165 21. View from the Mountain 174 22. View from the Haymarket 175 23. View from St. Helen’s Island 176 HOCHELAGA DEPICTA. CHAPTER I. DISCOVERIES OF COLUMBUS, AND OTHER NAVIGATORS. ARRIVAL OF JACQUES CARTIER AT HOCHELAGA. There is in man a natural propensity to enquire into the origin of every thing with which he has any con- nection, — to trace the rise and progress of each discovery, art, and invention, by which the circle of knowledge is extended, or the happiness of nations and individuals increased. In accordance with this almost universal sentiment, the first of any series of events is usually an object of peculiar interest, and their gradual evolution, up to a certain point, scarcely less so. Thus, standing where we may, watching the tide of human affairs, while the onward prospect encourages hope and animates exertion, the retrospective view yields another kind of pleasure nearly as intense, and perhaps equally beneficial and satisfactory. Nor is this insatiable curiosity, on other grounds, a vain or useless feeling. The history of the past is often useful to illustrate the present, and regulate plans for the future. Even the failures which have attended the A 1 10 DISCOVERIES OF COLUMBUS, investigations and projects of men are so many beacons to warn us against danger and error, and guide with more safety our movements and enquiries. Whatever idea is formed of history, whether, with the late Mr. Fox, we consider it as simply “ telling the tale of other times,” or, in conformity with the more magnificent designation of earlier writers, view it as “ philosophy teaching by example,” the study of it is not less rational than entertaining, nor less instructive than delightful. That the discovery of the New World should have created an unusual sensation in the Old, is amongst the most natural of all consequences. Yet, after the first surprise and curiosity had subsided, and the extravagant expectations that prevailed had been disappointed, the interest of these distant regions was for a time so diminished in Europe as to occasion surprise to us, who know to what a degree of importance the Western World has arisen, and can observe the bearing of its interests upon the destinies of the other quarters of the globe. But little more than three centuries have elapsed since the spot on which we are now writing, and the City whose history we are about to describe, was totally unknown to the rest of the world. It was just in the situation, with respect to the Eastern hemisphere, which Virgil assigns to the now famed inhabitants of our “ father land,” in local reference to the shores of Italy : ET PENITUS TOTO DIVISOS ORBE BRITTANNOS.* As both the Parent State and the rising Colony have been in circumstances of equal obscurity in past, though * It is not improbable, as some critics have suggested, that the poet had in his eye the notion that Britain was once united to the Continent, and had been separated from it by some convulsion of nature ; but the fact of its compara- tive obscurity in ancient times is sufficiently prominent to justify the allusion in that sense of the expression. AND OTHER NAVIGATORS. 11 different ages, it may not be presumptuous, and it is certainly not unpatriotic, to indulge the hope that the latter may emulate the former in deeds of excellence and glory, and both long unite their energies for the benefit of the world. It has been affirmed that he who discovered America was not in quest of new lands, but only purposed to explore a new way to lands already known. To what extent both these ideas were entertained distinctly in the mind of Columbus, it is not easy now to determine with precision ; but that it was one main object of his pursuit to discover, by sailing westward, a shorter, or at least an easier and more uninterrupted, passage to the rich countries known by the name of the East Indies, will not admit of a doubt. The long and tedious journeys over land to the tropical regions rendered it very desirable, if it could be realized, to obtain a readier access to the trade which, even at that time, had enriched several of the commercial nations of Europe. Columbus was born about the middle of the fifteenth century, and entered early, as a navigator, into the service of the Portuguese, who were most actively engaged in mercantile and commercial pursuits. The spirit of discovery which had been some time in operation, led Columbus, during his frequent voyages, to reflect upon the possibility of reaching the Eastern W orld by a different route from any that had been taken, and, after many enquiries and much study, even to suppose that by sailing westerly he should more readily approach the farther boundary of the country which he sought, than by any other course. Filled with this idea, and desirous also of distinguishing himself by the discovery of other lands which his meditation and researches led him to expect in his passage, he applied for aid, in the first place, to the Senate of his own A 2 12 DISCOVERIES OP COLUMBUS, country, Genoa ; but without success. His next appli-* cation was to the court of Portugal, with no better result. On the part of the King it was followed by a breach of good faith ; for while he rejected the proposal of Columbus, he meanly endeavoured to supplant him in the object of it by sending out an expedition of his own, which, however, returned without making any discovery. His final resort was to Spain, then under the separate Government of Ferdinand of Arragon, and Isabella of Castile. The King refused to counten- ance the design, but Her Majesty, more wise and liberal, after several years delay, consented to patronize it, furnishing the means fox accomplishing the yoyage from her own treasury, and actually selling her jewels to supply the deficiency of the national resources ; thus associating her own name with that of Columbus in the imperishable glory of this memorable expedition. Our own country, however, has some claim to a share of this honour ; for Columbus having sent his brother Bartholomew to England, to interest the King, Henry VII., in favour of his plan, that sagacious monarch, having examined his proposal and approved it, entered into an agreement with Bartholomew, in 1488, to carry it into execution ; but Columbus himself was then in treaty with Isabella, and four years afterwards, when he was just upon the point of relinquishing all hopes from that quarter, and renewing his application to England, Isabella decided in his favour. On Friday, the 3d of August, 1492, Columbus sailed from Palos, a port of Andalusia in Spain ; and on the 12th of October, to his unspeakable gratification, he made his first discovery in the New World. This was one of the Bahama Islands, called by the natives Guanahaui, named by Columbus St. Salvador, and afterwards Cat Island by the English. He landed the AND OTHER NAVIGATORS. 13 same day, took possession of the island in the name of the Spanish Sovereigns, and assumed the titles of Admiral and Viceroy, which had been assigned to him before he sailed from Europe. Leaving the island after a few days examination, he passed on to another a few leagues distant, where he landed on the 16th, and named it Conception. On the 17th he reached another, which he called Ferdinanda: in modern maps it is named Exuma. Pursuing his voyage, he discovered the island called by the natives Samoet, by Columbus Isabella, and by more recent navigators Long Island. After cruising some time among the Bahamas, he discovered on the 24th of November the important island of Cuba, and, on the 5tli of December, Hispaniola or St. Domingo, now called Hayti. Here he built a fortress, and leaving thirty-nine men in possession of it, he sailed for Spain on the 4th of January, 1493 ; arrived, after a stormy and dangerous voyage, at the mouth of the Tagus on the 14th of March, and at mid-day on the 15 th, entered the harbour of Palos, whence he had sailed the preceding year ; “ having taken not quite seven months and a half to accomplish this most momentous of all maritime enterprizes.” He was received at Court, whither he was accompanied by six of the native Indians he had brought with him, with all the honour and admiration which such splendid discoveries naturally called forth ; and, what was still more gratifying to him, an order was immediately given for a second expedition on a larger scale than the former. On the 25th of September, 1493, he sailed from the bay of Cadiz, and steering- further south than in the former voyage, he fell in with what are now called the Caribbee or Leeward Islands. After visiting several of these, he spent some time in regulating affairs at the places he formerly discovered, and returned to Spain in 1496. A third and a fourth a 3 14 DISCOVERIES OF COLUMBUS, voyage were afterwards undertaken, in which Columbus made various other discoveries ; in the former the island of Trinidad, and the adjacent coast of South America, which he saw for the first time in 1498 ; and in the latter, which commenced in 1502, a considerable part of the northern coast of the same continent. It is remarkable that, from the commencement to the end of his illustrious career, Columbus tenaciously adhered to the opinion that the lands he had discovered were either parts of the Eastern World he was in pursuit of, or were in some way connected with it ; or that, by sailing among them and branching off as appearances might suggest, he should ultimately discover a passage to the object of a desire so long and so fondly cherished. So completely had this idea taken posses- sion of his mind, that no labours or disappointments were sufficient to dislodge it. Had it not been for this mistake, it is reasonable to believe he would have been even more successful than he was, and have left less for other navigators to accomplish. In consequence of this notion, the countries which he had found were called The Indies by Ferdinand and Isabella in their ratifica- tion of the powers granted to Columbus ; and though the error has been detected the name has been retained, and the appellation of West Indies continues to be given to the country, and that of Indians to its aboriginal inhabitants. The true passage to the East Indies by the Cape of Good Hope was ascertained, in 1498, by Vasco de Gama, in the service of the Portuguese. But although Columbus found not all he sought, the grandeur of his conceptions, and the skill and persever- ance he displayed in the execution of them, have placed him upon the highest pinnacle of nautical fame ; and though, intent upon nobler objects, he gave not his own name to the world he revealed to others, the gratitude AND OTHER NAVIGATORS. 15 and admiration of mankind will not suffer his true honour to be lost, but whenever they think upon America, will call to mind the name of its discoverer with feelings of reverence and affection. While the Spaniards were thus actively engaged in the research after new countries, the English were not inattentive to the progress of maritime discovery. Henry the Seventh, who, it has been stated, gave the first encouragement to the plans of Columbus, issued a commission to John Cabot and his son Sebastian, natives of Italy, to engage in the then favourite pursuit of a North-west passage to the East. The continent of North America was one of the fruits of this expedition. The adventurers discovered Newfoundland early in June, 1497, and, after exploring a part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, they took a westerly course, and then proceeded to coast the main land as far as latitude 67° 50' north. The following year they returned to England. The date usually assigned for the discovery of Canada is April 5, 1499- In 1502 Hugh Elliott and Thomas Ashurst, merchants of Bristol, obtained a patent from Henry to establish Colonies in the countries recently discovered by Cabot. In the following reign, Henry VIII. fitted out another expedition, which sailed in 1527, but was not attended with any important discoveries. About this period some individuals in France turned their attention to these new countries, and we have accounts of their fishing for Cod on the Banks of Newfoundland, and along the sea-coast of Canada, in the beginning of the century. About the year 1506, a Frenchman, named Jean Denys, drew a map of the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; and two years after, Thomas Aubert, a ship-master of Dieppe, carried over to France some of the natives of Canada. But it was not until 16 DISCOVERIES OF COLUMBUS. 1523, in the reign of Francis I., that any thing on an extensive scale was undertaken by this nation, or patronized by its Government. In that year the enter- prising monarch just named sent four ships under the command of Verazzano, a Florentine, to prosecute discoveries in this country. Of his first voyage no particulars are known. He undertook a second in the following year, with one ship only, in which he is said to have explored a great part of the coast of the present United States, and of British North America. A third expedition is spoken of by some historians, in which Verazzano is stated to have been massacred with all his crew by the natives ; but the greater probability is, that he left the service of the King of France when that monarch was a prisoner in the hands of his great rival Charles V., of Spain, and that he spent his latter years in his native land.* The success of the French having excited the jealousy of the Kings of Spain and Portugal, to whom the Pope, in acccordance with the ecclesiastical maxims of those days, had confirmed the possession of America* Francis, not acknowledging this right to exclude him from a share, and facetiously remarking that he “ would fain see the article in father Adam’s will, which bequeathes that vast inheritance to them,” resolved not to be deterred from prosecuting his discoveries. Verazzano had given to the countries he had visited the name of New France, La Nouvelle France , an * See the evidence on this paint in Hawkins’s Picture of Quebec . We take the opportunity of referring with pleasure to this well-written and meritor- ious work. The writer has taken great and laudable pains to investigate and compare authorities, and has often succeeded in his attempts to reconcile or correct the contradictory accounts that have descended to us of early voyages to theWestern World. If we might suggest what appears to us would be an improvement in this interesting volume, we would recommend a differ- ent arrangement, in some places, of excellent materials most skilfully and judiciously prepared. So much talent is but rarely shewn in works of this nature. ARRIVAL OF JACQUES CARTIER. 11 appellation which afterwards comprehended the Canadas. Philippe Chabot, Admiral of France, represented to the King the advantage of establishing a Colony in his new dominions, and introduced to him Jacques Quartier or Cartier, a native of St. Malo, who had been engaged in the cod fishery, as a person eminently qualified for this service. He sailed on the 20th of April, 1534, “ with two ships of three score tons a-piece burthen, and sixty-one well-appointed men in each.” He reached Newfoundland in twenty days, passed through the straits of Belleisle, traversed the Gulf of St. Lawrence* approached the continent at the Baye des Clialeurs , which he so called on account of the great heat of the summer, proceeded to Gaspe or Gachepe Bay, where he erected a cross with the Fleurs-de-Lys of France, to secure possession in the name of its King, and persuaded two of the natives to accompany him to France, where he arrived in September the same year. This celebrated navigator calls for more especial notice at our hands, inasmuch as he was the first who explored the shores of Canada to any considerable extent, and was the very first European who became acquainted with the existence of Hochelaga, and pushed his way through all obstacles till he discovered and entered the village which occupied the very spot where now stands the city we are about to describe. Through the influence of the Vice-Admiral of France Cartier obtained a new commission more extensive than the former, and sailed with three vessels, the Great Hermina , the Little Hermina , and the Hermerillon , on the 19th of May, 1535. The vessels having been separated by tempestuous weather, re-united on the 26th of July on the coast of Newfoundland. Proceed- ing to the Gulf and coasting along the north shore, they came, on the 10th of August, to “ a goodly great 18 ARRIVAL OF JACQUES CARTIER. Gulf, full of islands, passages, and entrances towards what wind soever you please to bend.” This day will ever be memorable* in the history of Canada ; for it being the festival of St. Lawrence in the Romish Church, Cartier gave that name to the bay in which he was sailing, and it was afterwards extended to the whole of the Gulf and the noble stream which flows into it. On the 15th he discovered an island to the south, which he named Assumption, in honour of the day : it is now known as Anticosti, agreeing somewhat in sound with its Indian name Natiscotec. Continuing his course, he examined the shores on both sides the river, and held communication with the inhabitants, in which he was assisted by the two natives whom he had taken to France on his previous voyage. He soon entered the river Saguenay, and a few days after made the Isle aux Coudres , so called from the excellent filberts which he found there. Feeling an increasing interest in his progress, he pursued it with unabated ardour, and soon reached an island, which, from its beauty and fertility, especially from the number of wild vines growing there, he named the Isle of Bacchus, now the Island of Orleans. Here he was visited by “ the Lord of Canada,” whose name was Donnacona ; and having afterwards found a safe harbour for his vessels, he moored them in the Port de St. Croix, in the river St. Charles, and was here again visited by Donnacona, who came with five hundred of his attend^ ants to welcome his arrival into the country. The residence of this chief was at Stadacona, which occupied a portion of the space on which Quebec now stands. * As it will be also, for a very different reason, in the history of the country of which Cartier was a native. On the 10th of August, 1792, the Parisian mob broke into the Palace, menaced the lives of the Royal Family, and murdered several of the Swiss guards ; the prelude to innumerable cruelties and much bloodshed. ARRIVAL OF JACQUES CARTIER. 19 The discoveries hitherto made by Cartier, numerous and surprising as they were, so far from satisfying his ambition, served only to excite his desire for still greater achievements. Stadacona, as it did not bound his curiosity, so neither did it limit his progress. Having learned, while here, that there existed a place of much greater importance, at a considerable distance up the Great River of Canada, he determined to advance in pursuit of it. Neither the lateness of the season, nor the representations of those about him, could divert him from his object, and he commenced his voyage in the Hermerillon , with two long boats, provisions, and ammunition. The scenery on both sides of the river delighted him with its beauty, and the natives cheerfully supplied him with what they could procure to supply his necessities. The chief of the district at Hochelai, now the Richlieu, paid him a visit, and presented to him a child of his own, about seven years of age. At Lake St. Peter, the party were obliged, by the shallowness of the water, and their ignorance of the deeper channel, to leave the pinnace, and betake themselves to their boats. On the second of October, 1535, they effected a landing about six miles from the town, below the current of St. Mary. Here they were met by more than a thousand of the natives, who received them with every demonstration of joy and hospitality. Cartier returned these civilities by distributing among the people such small presents as the taste or the fancy of these simple children of nature taught them to value. The next day, having obtained the services of three natives as his guides, Cartier, with a number of his own men, entered for the first time the Indian village of Hochelaga,* the germ or nucleus of the present city of • Part of the river was also distinguished by this name, — sometimes, and perhaps originally, spelled and pronounced Hoshelaga. 20 ARRIVAL OF JACQUES CARTIER. Montreal. After a short stay among these hospitable strangers, he returned to his boats, and proceeded on his passage back to winter at St. Croix. CHAPTER II. PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF HOCHELAGA NAME CHANG- ED TO “ MOUNT ROYAL” COMPANY OF ONE HUN- DRED PARTNERS CANADA TAKEN BY THE ENGLISH, 1629 RESTORED, 1632. The present inhabitants of this city would find it as difficult to recognise its “ local habitation” as its “ name” from the following description of its ancient state. The way to the village was through large fields of Indian corn. Its outline was circular ; and it was encompassed by three separate rows of palisades, or rather picket fences, one within the other, well secured and put together. A single entrance was left in this rude fortification, but was guarded with pikes and stakes, and every precaution taken against siege or attack. The cabins or lodges of the inhabitants, about fifty in number, were constructed in the form of a tunnel, each fifty feet in length by fifteen in breadth. They were formed of wood covered with bark. Above the doors of these houses, as well as along the outer rows of palisades, ran a gallery, ascended by ladders, where stones and other missiles were ranged in order for the defence of the place. Each house contained several chambers, and the whole were so arranged as to enclose an open court yard, where the fire was made. The inhabitants belonged to the Huron tribe, and appear to b 1 22 CARTIER. have been more civilised than their neighbours- Being devoted to husbandry and fishing, they seldom wandered from their station. They received the Frenchmen with courtesy, feasted them after the manner of their tribe, and presents were reciprocally exchanged. The sight of the Europeans struck them with astonishment : their fire-arms, their trumpets, their dress, their long beards (fashionable in that age), were all sources of wonder and conjecture to the natives. They constantly interro- gated their guests, who on their part were also desirous of learning all they could ; but as neither party could understand the language of the other, and as they could only converse through the medium of signs, very little information was received or imparted. Cartier appears to have been regarded by these simple people as a being of superior order, capable, at least, of curing diseases at his pleasure ; for, during his stay, he was surprised to see the chief of the village brought towards him, and who, pointing to his limbs, testified by signs that he suffered pain of some kind, and wished to be healed. The gesticulations of the chief were imitated by his attendants, and presently afterward a number of other persons were brought in, who were either ill, or decrepid from old age. Touched by this display of confiding simplicity, Cartier did what he could to soothe their minds, and, as the Catholic historians relate, filled with holy fervour, recited as devoutly as possible the opening passage of the Gospel according to St. John. He then made the sign of the cross upon the sick, distributed chaplets and images of the Agnus Dei amongst them, impressing them with the belief that these things had much healing virtue. By the same authority we are informed that, though he disclaimed the power they ascribed to him, he recited to them with a loud voice the sufferings of the Saviour, u MOUNT ROYAU. 3 23 though to what purpose we do not perceive, if they understood not his language* At all events, he prayed fervently with them, and for them, that the Almighty would not suffer these poor idolaters to remain under the power of error, and in the darkness of infidelity. We are told that the whole was listened to with respectful attention and great interest; and we can easily believe that a flourish of trumpets at the termina- tion of the ceremony “ delighted the savages beyond measure.” Having seen all that he deemed worthy of notice in the city, Cartier proceeded to examine the mountain in its vicinity. It was even then, according to his account, tilled all around, and remarkable for its fertility. He was particularly enchanted with the magnificent and beautiful view presented to him from the summit of its eastern promontory ; and so splendid a panorama of “ thirty leagues” radius must have given him a lofty and gratifying idea of the country he had been exploring. In honour of the King, his master, he gave to the elevation the name of Mount Royal, which, with a singular change in its terminational adjective, has been since extended to the city itself, and to the whole of the Island and District in which it is situated. When the change took place does not appear. It retained the original name at least till 1690, as it is termed Mount Royal by Major Walley in his official journal for that year.* By the view which he had from the mountain he was induced to consider the village below him as a favourable site for a French settlement ; but he lived not to see his idea realized, nor was it acted upon till about a century after he had formed it. A great multitude of the inhabitants accompanied him See the Journal in Smith’s History of Canada, vol. 1, pa, 96, B 2 24 CARTIER. to his boats, and even assisted such of his men as they perceived to be fatigued with their march, by carrying them upon their shoulders ; appearing to be grieved with the shortness of their stay, and following their course along the banks of the river. On the 11th of October they rejoined their companions at St. Croix, were again visited by Donnacona, and returned the visit at Stadacona, about three miles distant from their port. The inhabitants appeared docile and tractable, and their houses well stored with every thing necessary for the approaching season. Cartier and his companions, however, suffered much in their retreat, for, being unaccustomed to the rigours of a Canadian winter, and but scantily supplied with proper food and clothing, they were nearly all attacked by the scurvy, and twenty- five of their number died. Being advised to use a decoction of the spruce fir (Pinus Canadensis), since well-known as a powerful anti-scorbutic, they complied with the advice, and soon recovered their health. Cartier, beginning to entertain some suspicion of the Indians, by the arrival of some young hunters of the tribe, “ lusty and strong men’ 5 whom he had not seen before, seized Donnacona, the interpreters, and two of the chief inhabitants, whom, with a few other natives, he carried with him on his return to France the ensuing spring. Though the common people of France were but little elated with the result of this expedition, attaching but a slight value to a country which yielded no abundance of gold and silver, the representations of Cartier, supported and confirmed by the testimony of Donnacona, who had frequent interviews with the King, and aided by the good sense of several persons about the Court, had such an effect, that he determined upon . sending him out on a third voyage. Franjois de la ROBERVAL. 25 Roque, Lord of Roberval, a gentleman of Picardy, intent upon gain and discovery, was appointed to the command of the expedition, under the titles of Viceroy and Lieutenant of Canada, &c. ; and Cartier, as pilot, was placed second in command, with the title of Captain General. Roberval, who undertook to equip two additional ships at his own expense, not being ready at the time appointed, Cartier sailed without him on the 23d of May, 1541, with five vessels, and full powers to make discoveries and settlements in Canada. Roberval did not follow him till the next year, 1542, when he sailed from Rochelle on 16th of April, with three large vessels, having on board two hundred persons, as settlers, both men and women, among whom were several gentlemen of quality. This combined expedi- tion did not yield much either of knowledge or of success to the French in Canada. The accounts indeed of these voyages are inconsistent and unsatisfactory. It seems, however, pretty certain, that, though Cartier, on his return to St. Croix, was kindly received and appar- ently welcomed by the natives, he soon found reason to suspect that they were averse to any further intercourse with the French, and to their settlement in the country. This might arise, as it probably did, from their learning on enquiry that Donnacona was dead, and that the other natives would not return, and from their fear, not an unreasonable one, that others would in like manner be torn by force from their native soil. Feeling uncomfortable in his position, he removed a few leagues farther up the river St. Lawrence, where he laid up three of his ships, and sent the other two back to France, with letters to the King. He ordered two forts to be built, one at the bottom of the cliff, and the other on the point above : the latter he named Charlesbourg Royal. Leaving the Viscount de Beaupre in command, he B 3 26 CARTIER ROBERVAL. proceeded to visit the Saults or Rapids above Hochelaga. On his way he left two boys with his friend the chief of Hochelai, for the purpose of learning the language. The Saults, which are now called the Sault St. Louis, he was unable to pass in his boats. He found the inhabitants friendly, received from them provisions, and exchanged presents with them ; but could not divest himself of the fears and suspicions which had arisen in his mind, and for which he found afterwards additional reasons. He passed the winter at Cap Rouge, where he had erected the fort above named. As he had received no tidings of Roberval, he resolved to return to France ; and on his passage, putting into St. John’s, Newfoundland, he met the Viceroy with provisions and new settlers. He endeavoured in vain to persuade Cartier to remain in Canada. To avoid an open quarrel, the latter weighed anchor in the night and proceeded on his homeward voyage. This is to be regretted, as, with the assistance of Roberval, he might have strengthened his position in the country, and probably effected a permanent settlement. Cartier made no subsequent voyage to Canada ; but died soon after his return to France, having sacrificed his fortune in the cause of discovery. Roberval, notwithstanding his discouragements, proceeded to the station which Cartier had left, where he endeavoured to secure him- self and his new settlers by enlarging the fortifications. Having passed the winter here, he left thirty men in the fort, and proceeded to explore the province of Saguenay ; but the particulars of the expedition are not known. He returned to France in 1543, and for six years took no further interest in Canada, being engaged in the service of his patron Francis I., in his war with the Emperor Charles V. On the death of the French King, he resumed his former career, and associating DE LA ROCHE. 27 with himself his brother Achille, a brave warrior, named by Francis Le Gendarme d'Annibal , he embarked again for Canada in 1549? with a numerous train of enterprising young men. They were never heard of afterwards, the whole being supposed to have perished at sea. By this misfortune all hopes of supporting an establishment in Canada were for a time destroyed ; and during fifty years no measures were taken for succouring the descendants of the few French settlers who had remained in the country. Toward the end of that period, in 1598, the Marquis de la Roche, a native of Brittany, was appointed by Henry IV., of France, his Lieutenant General in Canada. His commission is the first that makes pro- vision for partitioning the discovered lands into Seigniories and Fiefs, to be held under the feudal tenure, and as a compensation, when required, for military service in the field. Having resolved to examine the country, before carrying out many settlers, he only brought with him about sixty persons, some of them of ruined fortunes, and others convicts taken from the prisons. He landed forty on Sable Island, a place then totally unfit for colonization. He next recon- noitered the neighbouring coast of Acadia, now called Nova Scotia, and having collected all the information he deemed necessary, he returned to France, being prevented by tempestuous weather from taking back the persons he left on Sable Island. Seven years of continued suffering had reduced the number of these poor creatures to twelve, when a vessel sent to their relief took them back to France just as they were resigning themselves to despair. The King had the curiosity to see them in their wild dress of skins as they landed, and presented each of them with fifty crowns and full pardon. The captain had robbed them of 28 CHAUVIN — DE CHATTE — DEMONTS. several valuable skins, which they recovered, by law, with damages. La Roche was not destined to repeat his voyage, for his private misfortunes detained him in France, where he fell a victim to disappointment and chagrin, soon after his return. In the year 1600 Henry granted to M. Chauvin, a naval officer, a commission for an exclusive trade with Canada, and other powers similar to those of La Roche. He was joined by Pontgrave, a skilful navigator and merchant of St. Malo. They made two profitable voyages to Tadoussac, near the mouth of the river Saguenay, where they carried on an extensive trade of furs with the Indians, who gladly bartered their most valuable skins for mere trifles. Chauvin died in 1603, and was succeeded by De Chatte or Chaste, Governor of Dieppe, who founded a company of merchants at Rouen, in order to establish the trade on a liberal and efficient scale. Dying soon afterwards, without having himself visited Canada, Pierre du Guast, Sieur Demonts, an officer in the court of France, was appointed to succeed him, with a commission of greater extent than had before been granted, entitling him to authority from Virginia to the Esquimaux River, or from latitude 40° to 54°, and empowering him to grant lands between latitude 40° and 46°. He was of the reformed religion, and was allowed the free exercise of it for himself and his friends, but prohibited from establishing any other than the Catholic worship among the native inhabitants. This gentleman and his predecessor De Chatte, though they had not opportunities of doing much for Canada, by their personal services, contributed very effectually to its future prosperity, by their successive appointment of the celebrated Samuel Champlain to a share in the enterprize. He was a native of Saintonge, and acquired, by three years service in the W est Indies, as a Captain CHAMPLAIN — FOUNDATION OF QUEBEC. 29 in the Navy, a reputation for bravery and skill. His personal qualities, his fine talents, his comprehensive views, animated by energy and patriotism, peculiarly fitted him for the office to which he was appointed ; and enabled him, after many years of ineffectual effort on the part of those who went before him, to place the affairs of the colony in a more prosperous condition than had been previously known. He first sailed with Pontgrave in 1603, and, leaving their vessels at Tadoussac, they ascended in a lighter boat as far as Sault St. Louis. The situation of Quebec even then appeared to him a most eligible site for a future colony ; but he did not visit the Indian settlement of Hochelaga, which appears to have dwindled from the comparative importance it possessed when visited by Cartier in 1535, to a place of no moment ; indeed, according to another account, “ the village of Hochelaga was now no more.’ 5 * Demonts returned to France in 1605 ; but was, in consequence of complaints and representations from persons concerned in the Fisheries, who stated that he interfered with their occupation, deprived of the com- mission which had been granted him for ten years. In 1607 it was renewed to him for one year, during which Pontgrave was despatched to Tadoussac, and Champlain, with a commission of Lieutenant under Demonts, sailed for the express purpose of establishing a settlement on the St. Lawrence, above Tadoussac. As he ascended the river, he carefully examined the shores, and at length fixed upon a spot near the Indian village, Stadacona, where, on the third day of July, 1608, he laid the foundation of the present city of Quebec, one year after the settlement of Jamestown in Virginia was * Jeflfery’a History of French Dominions in America. Fol. 1760. 30 CHAMPLAIN INDIAN TRIBES. founded by Captain Newport, and one hundred and sixteen years from the discovery of America by Columbus. Huts were soon erected, a store house built, lands cleared and sown with wheat and rye, and a few gardens made, to ascertain the quality of the soil, which proved to be excellent. In these wise and prudent measures Champlain had in view not merely the interests of a petty trade, but also the establishment of a prosperous colony and extensive empire in the Western World. In a subsequent measure, however, he acted not with his usual sagacity, and brought upon the country a large train of disastrous consequences. The infant establishment soon attracted the curiosity of various tribes of Indians. The Mountaineers, who inhabited the lower part of the St. Lawrence, — the Algonquins, who occupied its shores from Quebec to Montreal, — the Hurons, whose principal residence was on Lake Huron, — and other less considerable tribes, — who were all engaged in war with the Iroquois, solicited and obtained the assistance of the French. Champlain, without reflecting upon the mischief he was introducing, not only supplied them with fire-arms, and instructed them in their use, but even joined them in their wars against the powerful Iroquois or Five Nations. In this thoughtless manner began the ruinous contests between the French settlers and the Iroquois, who soon obtained the support of the English and Dutch colonists ; and continued their predatory and cruel warfare with little intermission, notwithstanding the conciliatory efforts of the Jesuits, for nearly a century, until the final subjugation of Canada by Great Britain, in the year 1760. Having passed the winter in his new settlement, Champlain ascended the river as early in the spring of 1609 as the weather would permit, for the purpose of PUR TRADE RECOLLETS. 31 exploring the interior of the country of which he had taken possession. He was both delighted and aston- ished with what he saw, as he advanced, of the beauty and fertility of the regions he visited : he discovered the beautiful Lake which has ever since borne his name ; he returned to Quebec in the autumn ; and, leaving the settlement under the command of Pierre Chauvin, he sailed for France, where he was well received by the king, who was pleased with the prospect of advantages to be expected from the new establishment. Canada was henceforth included in the general appellation of New France, which had already been given to the other French possessions in North America. The following year, 1610, he returned to Canada, accompanied by Portgrave, who was charged with the improvement of the Fur trade, while Champlain was to attend to the general affairs of the colony. As an example of very quick sailing, in the then imperfect state of navigation, it is recorded that he performed the voyage from Harfleur in France to Tadoussac, in the singularly short space of eighteen days. In 1612 Letters of Incorporation were obtained for certain merchants of St. Malo, Rouen, and Rochelle, who had formed themselves into a company for trading to Ca- nada. The ever vigilant Champlain not only pressed upon this Society the necessity of sending out more settlers, but stated also, in strong terms, the want of spiritual agency to instruct them in the principles of religion. By his representations four Recollets were prevailed upon to leave France for this country, and they were the first priests who settled here. He repeated his voyages to France to promote the interests of the rising colony, and in one of them brought out his family to reside with him. The Company was by no means active or efficient in seconding his efforts, either 32 DE CAENS— JESUITS COMPANY OF 100. by protecting the settlement from the attacks of the Indians, or supplying the wants of the settlers ; and was, on account of its negligence in these essential points, deprived of its charter, which was transferred to two brothers of the name of De Caen. Champlain having erected a temporary fort on the site of the Castle of St. Lewis, in 1621, rebuilt it of stone and fortified it in 1624 ; and, as soon as it was finished, again visited France to obtain succours. The Duke de Ventadour, Henry de Levi, having purchased the Viceroyalty from his uncle the Duke de Montmorenci, and being very desirous of converting the Indians to the Catholic faith, sent over with Champlain three Jesuits and two lay brothers, men of exemplary cha- racter, to accomplish this great object. They joined the Recollets, already at Quebec. The Caens directed their chief attention to the Fur trade, but being Hugue- nots, and therefore of a different religion from the Duke, and not likely to favour his measures, the Cardinal Richelieu, Prime Minister of Louis XIII., revoked the privileges that had been granted to them, and encou- raged the formation of a company to be composed of a great number of men of property and credit. A charter was granted to them in 1627, under the title of “ The Company of One Hundred Partners” or Asso- ciates. The Company engaged, first, to transport emigrants, artificers, and farmers to Canada, to the number of sixteen thousand, — to lodge and feed them during three years, and ultimately to locate them on farms cleared to a certain extent, and to furnish them with wheat for sowing ; secondly, that the emigrants should be native Frenchmen and Catholics, and that no stranger or heretic should be introduced into the country ; thirdly, to support three priests in each settlement during the first fifteen years of its existence. Richelieu’s scheme. 33 In return for these services the king made over to the Company the whole of New France and Florida, with power to appoint judges, build fortresses, cast cannon, confer titles, and take what steps they might think proper for the protection of the colony, and the fostering of commerce ; giving them at the same time the complete monopoly of the fur trade. The Company were allowed to import and export all lands of merchandise and other commodities, free of duty ; and gentlemen, both clergy and laity, were invited to a share in the concern, which they readily accepted, till the number of partners was completed. This was a favourite scheme of Richelieu’s ; and Charlevoix, who describes it at length, speaks of it in terms of great applause, as calculated, had it been strictly adhered to and wisely executed, to render New France the most powerful colony of America. The combination of clergy in this new association gave it decidedly a religious character ; and on this account it has been stated that the primary object of the Company was the conversion of the Indians to the Catholic faith, and the secondary an extension of the fur trade and of commerce generally, and the discovery of a passage to China. The plan of improvement, thus determined upon, met with a temporary interruption, and was threatened with utter destruction, by the breaking out of a war between France and England in 1628, which in the following year transferred the possession of Canada from the former to the latter power. Charles I. gave to David Kertk, a French refugee, a commission authorizing and commanding him to conquer Canada, in consequence of which, after some offensive operations at Tadoussac, he appeared with his squadron before Quebec, and summoned it to surrender ; but lie was answered in so spirited a manner, that he judged it c 1 34 CANADA TAKEN— DEATH OF CHAMPLAIN. prudent to retire. The following year, 1629, his two brothers, Louis and Thomas, with a superior armament, were more successful, and the capital of New France, with all its dependencies, fell into the hands of the English ; but so little value did they set upon their new acquisitions that they readily restored them to France at the peace of St. Germain en Laye on the 29th of March, 1632. Champlain had been taken prisoner and conveyed to France, but he returned to Canada, and resumed his government of it, in 1633. He continued to administer the affairs of the colony with singular prudence, resolution, and courage, until 1635, when he died, after a residence of nearly thirty years, in Quebec, leaving behind him a name highly honoured and res- pected by all parties. The French historians represent him as a man of superior talents, and of upright inten- tions ; active, enterprising, and vigilant ; and cherishing so warm a zeal for the propagation of religion, that it was a common saying with him, — “ that the salvation of one soul was of more value than the conquest of an empire.” With all the advantages, however, which France enjoyed for colonization, under the direction of so wise a man, so tardy was the progress of her affairs in this quarter of the world, that at the period of which we are writing, the whole of her available possessions in Canada consisted of the fort of Quebec, surrounded by some inconsiderable houses, and barracks for the soldiers, a few huts on the Island of Montreal, as many at Tadoussac, and at other places on the St. Lawrence used as trading and fishing posts, and a settlement, just commenced, at Three Rivers. CHAPTER III. SETTLEMENT OF THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL — MAI- SONNEUVE, GOVERNOR CANADA BECOMES A ROYAL GOVERNMENT REMARKABLE EARTHQUAKE WEST INDIA COMPANY. It has been stated, in the preceding Chapter, that several Priests from France had arrived, and were settled at Quebec, for the purpose of propagating the Roman Catholic religion among the Indians in the colony ; and though several of them returned to their native land on the cession of the country to the English, they came back to Canada when the French had regained possession of it, for the purpose of resuming their labours. By these first missionaries it was soon perceived that the occupation and defence of the Island of Montreal, was an object of the greatest importance, rendered indeed imperative, if they wished to retain their authority in the Island, by the wars of the Iroquois ; but the Company were unwilling to second their views in this respect. It fell, therefore, to the lot of private individuals to accomplish this design. Several persons in France, powerful from their connections and full of religious zeal, formed themselves into a Society consisting of thirty-five members, for the purpose of colonizing the Island. It was proposed that a French c 2 36 SITE CHOSEN. village should be established, and be well fortified to resist a sudden irruption of the natives ; that the poorer class of emigrants should there find an asylum and employment, and the rest of the Island be occupied by such friendly tribes of Indians as had embraced Christ- ianity, or wished to receive religious instruction ; and it was hoped that in time the sons of the forest might become accustomed to civilized life, and subsist by cultivating the earth. The greater part of the Island had been granted to Messrs. Charrier and Le Royer ; but whether disposed of by them, or forfeited, to the Crown does not appear from any official record that has been preserved.* The king, however, ceded the whole of it, in 1640, to the association, who took formal possession of it at the conclusion of a grand mass which was celebrated on the occasion in a tent. The following year M. de Maisonneuve, one. of the associates, brought out several families from France, and was appointed Governor of the Island. On the 17th of May, 1642, the spot destined for the city was consecrated by the Superior of the Jesuits, who also dedicated a small chapel, hastily constructed, in which he deposited the host. This ceremony had been preceded, three months before, by a similar one in Paris, where all ihe associates went together to the church of Notre Dame ; those of them who were priests officiated, and all of them supplicated the “ Queen of Angels” to take the Island under her protection. The ceremony, at Montreal, was celebrated on the 15th of August, the day observed by the Romish Church in honour of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary ; a great number both of French and Indians were present, and nothing was omitted which it was supposed would give to the natives * J3ouchette„ VILLE MARIE, OR MONTREAL, FOUNDED. 37 a lofty idea of the Christian religion. Thus, “ a few houses,” as Bouchette observes, “ built close together in the year 1640, on the site of the Indian village of Hochelaga, was the commencement of the city of Montreal, or, as it was first named, Ville Marie.” On the evening of this memorable day, Maisonneuve visited the Mountain. Two old Indians who accom- panied him, having conducted him to the summit, told him that they belonged to the nation which had formerly occupied the country he beheld. “ We were,” said they, “ a numerous people, and all the hills which you see to the East and to the South were peopled by us. The Hurons drove from thence our ancestors, some of whom took refuge with the Abenaquis, some with the Iroquois, and some remained with their conquerors.” The Governor urged the old men to invite their brethren to return to their hunting grounds, assuring them that they should want for nothing, and that he would protect them from every attack of their enemies. They promised to do so ; but it does not appear that they were successful. This incident, in conjunction with the prospect before and around him, might well awaken feelings of no ordinary interest in the bosom of the Governor. The unbounded tract that opened itself to his view, discovered to him dark, thick, and deep forests, whose height alone was a proof of their antiquity. Numberless large rivers came down from a considerable distance to water these immense regions. Every thing in this rude part of the New World appeared grand and sublime. Nature here displayed such luxuriancy and majesty as commanded veneration ; and a thousand wild graces far more striking than the artificial beauties of European climates. In the year 1644, the whole of this beautiful domain became the property of the St. Sulpicians at Paris, and c 3 38 TOWN FORTIFIED. was by them afterwards conveyed to the Seminary of the same order at Montreal, in whose possession it still remains. The circumstances attending the foundation of the new settlement were thus far encouraging ; and not- withstanding its exposure on all sides to the inroads of the bold, crafty, and revengeful Iroquois, it daily improved in commerce and magnitude ; and many years elapsed before any serious thoughts were entertained of fortifying it. The European inhabitants were so accustomed to place confidence in their own bravery and military skill, that it was difficult for them to be convinced of the necessity of enclosing the town with a strong and durable defence ; and their comparative poverty rendered them less able to erect a fortification than to display their courage in the field. The Iroquois, perceiving the defenceless state of the place, and, above all, envious of its growing importance, renewed their attacks with increasing vigour and frequency ; so that the new inhabitants of Montreal were at last persuaded of the necessity of guarding themselves against the often meditated surprises of their enemies. An order to enclose the town was therefore given by the Cheva- lier de Calliers, brother to the celebrated statesman of Ryswick. At first, and for nearly forty years afterwards, this barrier consisted of only slight palisades surmounted by a bastion, and a defective redoubt built on a little hill in the centre of the town, which served as a bulwark, and which was terminated by a small square. But so simple a defence, not promising to the town and its inhabitants that security which was so essential to their prosperity and happiness, it was afterwards encompassed with the more powerful safe- guard of a wall of masonry, not very substantial, however, but only sufficient to overawe the numerous FORTIFICATIONS FUR TRADE. 39 tribes of Indians whose jealous attention had been drawn towards the place, or to guard against any sudden attack which they might be disposed to make upon it. This wall was fifteen feet high, with battlements ; having six or seven gates, large and small. Being thus enclosed and defended, the inhabitants soon began to pursue their different avocations with a spirit, a confidence, and an alacrity which excited sanguine expectations of the future prosperity of the settlement. Nor were these expectations disappointed. The fur trade was the first which the Europeans carried on in Canada. It was begun and regularly established at the French colony at Tadoussac, a port situated thirty leagues below Quebec. The town of Three Rivers became a second mart for this traffic ; but in process of time the fur trade centered almost entirely in Montreal, to which place almost all the inhabitants carried their furs, and exchanged them for European merchandise. The skins were brought in canoes, which began their movements in June each year. The number of Indians who resorted to the city increased, as the reports of those who visited it extended the knowledge of what was doing there. The account of the reception they had met with, the sight of the things they had received in exchange for their goods, all contributed to increase this traffic; so that whenever they returned with a fresh supply of furs, a new nation or tribe generally came with them. Thus, by degrees, a kind of fair was opened, to which the several tribes of the continent resorted. The fair was held annually from the begin- ning of June till the latter end of August. Many solemnities were observed, at which the Governor assisted, and guards were placed to preserve good order among such a concourse of different savage nations, all of whom were extremely fond of spirituous liquors, and 40 PRICE OF COMMODITIES. when intoxicated committed great excesses. Whatever benefits, in the way of trade, these natives of the woods derived from their connection with Montreal, the introduction of the use of ardent spirits among them is an evil which they have had abundant reason to deplore. In a journal kept by the Jesuits, of the affairs of the colony, there is an account of the price of commodities, which affords some points of comparison that may be interesting to the reader. It is stated that wood for fuel was this year, 1647, publicly sold: the price was one shilling and three pence, Halifax currency, per cord. The price of bread was fixed at seven pence halfpenny for a loaf of six pounds weight. The price of labour was one shilling and three pence per day, exclusive of board and lodging. A servant’s wages were, by the year, four pounds three shillings and four pence, and a pair of shoes. Eels were sold in the market for one farthing per hundred : 40,000 had been taken that year from August to November. While the French settlements were improving in Canada, those of England on the eastern shores of America were also making progress; and a union seemed desirable to prevent that rivalry, or moderate the effects of it, which is almost sure to take place between nations so contiguously situated and engaged in a similar pursuit. The French Governor, M. de D’Aillebout, in 1648, proposed to the New England colonies an alliance between them and the French, one object of which was an engagement to assist each other, when necessary, in making war against the Five Nations. However desirous the English colonies might have been, on other accounts, to form such an alliance, the condition respecting the Indians was not acceptable to them, and the negotiation was broken off. Of what effects this union, had it taken place, would have been IMPROVEMENTS. 41 productive, it is impossible to conjecture ; but it is evident that the failure of the proposition must have had an important bearing upon the events which followed, first in the continued rivalry of the two nations, then in the frequent wars between them, and lastly in the subjugation of the whole country to the power of Britain. The prosperity of the City and Island of Montreal continued to increase. As early as the year 1657, a large part of this property, even at that period valuable, was cleared and settled, under the direction of the Abbe Quetus, who had arrived from France, with authority from the Seminary in Paris for that and other purposes essentially connected with the welfare of the Province. Among other important services, he founded the Seminary of St. Sulpice at Montreal for the conversion of the Indians, and for promoting the settlement of the whole domain. As soon as the members of the order residing here had taken possession of their property, they forwarded the design of establishing a hospital for the sick, in which they were assisted by munificent donations from several persons in France. In 1662, the Seminary was enlarged by further endowments, for the purpose of providing a sufficient number of young men for the priesthood, and of supplying the new parishes with cures. The Company of One Hundred Partners, though attentive to their own interests in rigidly guarding their monopoly and all its exclusive privileges, had been all along regardless of the general welfare of the colony. Applications to them in favour of public improvements were, for the most part, treated with neglect. At length, in 1663, the proceedings of the Company had become so obnoxious, that the king of France, Louis XIV., under the direction of the great Colbert, then his 42 EXTRAORDINARY EARTHQUAKE. Prime Minister, decided upon the immediate resumption of his rights, and erected Canada into a Royal govern- ment, with civil authority and jurisdiction, according to the laws and usages of the Mother Country. This change from an ecclesiastical mission to a temporal government was followed by the happiest effects in the civil regulation and military protection of the colony, and in the rapid extension of agriculture and commerce. This was an eventful year to Canada. In the early part of it an earthquake, attended with some extraordi- nary circumstances, is recorded to have happened here. Some of the accounts, indeed, are presented in a manner so exaggerated, as to give it the appearance of a supernatural phenomenon, and have naturally induced some persons to doubt the truth of the narration. The following description, though sufficiently singular and striking, is far less extravagant than some others yet extant. It is taken from a manuscript in the Jesuits’ College at Quebec. “ On the fifth of February, 1663, about half past five o’clock in the evening, a great rushing noise was heard throughout the whole extent of Canada. This noise caused the people to run out of their houses into the streets, as if their habitations had been on fire ; but instead of flames or smoke, they were surprised to see the walls reeling backwards and forwards, and the stones moving, as if they were detached from each other. The bells sounded by the repeated shocks. The roofs of the buildings bent down, first on one side and then on the other. The timbers, rafters, and planks, cracked. The earth trembled violently, and caused the stakes of the palisades and palings to dance, in a manner that would have been incredible had we not actually seen it in many places. It was at this moment every one ran out of doors. Then were to be seen EARTHQUAKE. 43 animals flying in every direction, children crying and screaming in the streets ; men and women, seized with affright, stood horror-struck with the dreadful scene before them, unable to move, and ignorant where to fly for refuge from the tottering walls and trembling earth, which threatened every instant to crush them to death, or sink them into a profound and unmeasurable abyss* Some threw themselves on their knees in the snow, crossing their breasts and calling on their saints to relieve them from the dangers with which they were surrounded. Others passed the rest of this dreadful night in prayer ; for the earthquake ceased not, but continued at short intervals, with a certain undulating impulse, resembling the waves of the ocean ; and the same qualmish sensations, or sickness at the stomach, was felt during the shocks, as is experienced in a vessel at sea. “ The violence of the earthquake was greatest in the forests, where it appeared as if there was a battle raging between the trees ; for not only their branches were destroyed, but even their trunks are said to have been detached from their places, and dashed against each other with inconceivable violence and confusion — so much so, that the Indians, in their figurative manner of speaking, declared that all the forests were drunk. The war also seemed to be carried on between the mountains, some of which were torn from their beds and thrown upon others, leaving immense chasms in the places from whence they had issued, and the very trees with which they were covered sunk down, leaving only their tops above the surface of the earth ; others were completely overturned, their branches buried in the earth, and the roots only remained above ground. During this general wreck of nature, the ice, upwards of six feet thick, was rent and thrown up in large 44 EARTHQUAKE* pieces, and from the openings, in many parts, there issued thick clouds of smoke, or fountains of dirt and sand, which spouted up to a very considerable height. The springs were either choked up, or impregnated with sulphur — many rivers were totally lost ; others were diverted from their course, and their waters entirely corrupted. Some of them became yellow, others red, and the great river of St. Lawrence appeared entirely white, as far down as Tadoussac. This extraordinary phenomenon must astonish those who know the size of the river, and the immense body of water in various parts, which must have required such an abundance of matter to whiten it. They write from Montreal, that, during the earthquake, they plainly saw the stakes of the picketing or palisades jump up as if they had been dancing ; and that of two doors in the same room, one opened and the other shut of their own accord ; that the chimneys and tops of the houses bent like branches of trees agitated with the wind ; that when they went to walk, they felt the earth following them, and rising at every step they took, sometimes sticking against the soles of their feet and other things in a very forcible and surprising manner. “ From Three Rivers they write, that the first shock was the most violent, and commenced with a noise resembling thunder. The houses were agitated in the same manner as the tops of trees during a tempest, with a noise as if fire was crackling in the garrets. The shock lasted half an hour, or rather better, though its greatest force was properly not more than a quarter of an hour ; and we believe there was not a single shock which did not cause the earth to open either more or less. “ As for the rest, we have remarked that, though this earthquake continued almost without intermission, yet EARTHQUAKE. 45 it was not always of an equal violence. Sometimes it was like the pitching of a large vessel which dragged heavily at her anchors ; and it was this motion which occasioned many to have a giddiness in their heads, and qualmishness at their stomachs. At other times the motion was hurried and irregular, creating sudden jerks, some of which were extremely violent ; but the most common was a slight tremulous motion, which occurred frequently with little noise. Many of the French inhabitants and Indians, who were eye-witnesses to the scene, state that a great way up the river of Trois Rivieres, about eighteen miles below Quebec, the hills which bordered the river on either side, and which were of a prodigious height, were torn from their foundations, and plunged into the river, causing it to change its course, and spread itself over a large tract of land recently cleared; the broken earth mixed with the waters, and for several months changed the colour of the great river St. Lawrence, into which that of Trois Rivieres disembogues itself. In the course of this violent convulsion of nature, lakes appeared where none ever existed before : mountains were overthrown, swallowed up by the gaping, or precipitated into adjacent rivers, leaving in their places frightful chasms or level plains ; fails and rapids were changed into gentle streams, and gentle streams into falls and rapids. Rivers in many parts of the country sought other beds, or totally disappeared. The earth and the mountains were entirely split and rent in innumerable places, creating chasms and precipices whose depths have never yet been ascertained. Such devastation was also occasioned in the woods, that more than a thousand acres in our neighbourhood were completely overturned ; and where but a short time before nothing met the eye but one immense forest of trees, now were to be seen d 1 46 EARTHQUAKE. extensive cleared lands, apparently cut up by the plough. “ At Tadoussac (about 150 miles below Quebec on the north side) the effect of the earthquake was not less violent than in other places ; and such a heavy shower of volcanic ashes fell in that neighbourhood, particularly in the river St. Lawrence, that the waters were as violently agitated as during a tempest. Near St. Paul’s bay (about 50 miles below Quebec on the north side), a mountain about a quarter of a league in circum- ference, situated on the shore of the St. Lawrence, was precipitated into the river, but, as if it had only made a plunge, it rose from the bottom and became a small island, forming with the shore a convenient harbour, well sheltered from all winds. Lower down the river, towards Point Alouettes, an entire forest of considerable extent was loosened from the main bank, and slid into the river St. Lawrence, where the trees took fresh root. “ There are three circumstances, however, which have rendered this extraordinary earthquake particularly remarkable : the first is its duration, it having continued from February to August, that is to say, more than six months almost without intermission ! It is true, the shocks were not always equally violent. In several places, as towards the mountains behind Quebec, the thundering noise and trembling motion continued successively for a considerable time. In others, as towards Tadoussac, the shock continued generally for two or three days at a time with much violence. “ The second circumstance relates to the extent of this earthquake, which we believe was universal throughout the whole of New France, for we learn that it was felt from L’lsle Persee and Gaspe, which are situated at the mouth of the St. Lawrence, to beyond Montreal, as also in New England, Acadia, and other places more WEST INDIA COMPANY. 47 remote. As far as it has come to our knowledge, this earthquake extended more than 600 miles in length, and about 300 in breadth. Hence 180,000 square miles of land were convulsed in the same day, and at the same moment. “ The third circumstance, which appears the most remarkable of all, regards the extraordinary protection of Divine Providence which has been extended to us and our habitations ; for we have seen near us the large openings and chasms which the earthquake occasioned, and the prodigious extent of country which has either been totally lost or hideously convulsed, without our losing either man, woman, or child, or even having a hair of their heads touched.”* Perhaps to the majority of readers the most singular part of this account may appear to be the unusual length of time during which the earthquake, with occasional interruptions, continued. Upon the whole, however, as here stated, it is not more incredible than many facts upon record in the history of the world, which, resting upon testimony not more complete, have been admitted without hesitation. Besides, there are geological phenomena, and appearances in the physical aspect of the country, which render it probable that such events have actually occurred. The affairs of the colony were, for a time, embar- rassed, and its prosperity checked, by its union, in 1664, to the other territories of the French West India Company, which thus became possessed of Canada, Acadia, and Newfoundland, conceded to them en Seigneurie , to be governed by the laws and ordinances * See Montgomery Martin’s History of the British Colonies, Vol. III. pa. 9 : a very valuable and instructive work, recently published in five large volumes, 8vo., full of interesting details respecting the British Colonial possessions in every part of the world. D 2 48 SEIGNIORIES. SUPPLY OF WIVES. of the empire. The Company held this territory for ten years, when, finding themselves unable to manage the complicated objects of their charter, they resigned it to the Crown. In the interim, however, some improve- ments were effected; for the Indians having made peace with the French in 1668, the inhabitants began to extend their settlements and cultivate their new lands. The officers and soldiers employed in the preceding wars had grants of land made to them : to the former were given Seigniories, according to their rank; and this will account for the French names which they bear to this day. A free trade had also been granted ; and from all these favourable circum- stances arose a great increase to the prosperity of the colony. The number of men, however, greatly ex- ceeded that of the women ; and the government took a method to supply the deficiency, at which some of our readers will smile. Several hundred females were sent from France to Canada ; and on their arrival, an advertisement was published to let the people of the country know that a supply had been sent over, and that “ such as had the means of supporting a wife should have their choice. The collection consisted of tail, short, fair, brown, fat, and lean. The notification had been made but a few days, when so great was the demand, that in less than fifteen days the whole of the females were disposed of. As soon as the marriage ceremony had taken place, the Governor General distributed oxen, cows, hogs, fowls, salted beef, and some money, to the married people.”* In order still further to encourage the settlement of the colony, and to promote marriage among the people, the king of France proposed certain bounties to be paid. On the * Smith’s History of Canada, vol. I. page 55* MARRIAGE ENCOURAGED. 49 marriage of males of the age of twenty and under, and females of the age of sixteen and under, the king ordered a present of twenty-five livres in each case ; and a pension of three hundred livres to be annually paid to parents having ten children born in wedlock, and four hundred livres to such as had twelve. To the same end, His Majesty directed that a pecuniary fine should be imposed upon such parents as did not marry their children before the ages above mentioned.* * lb, yol. I. page 59. D 3 CHAPTER IV. GOVERNMENT SETTLED CONTESTS BETWEEN THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH — PERFIDY OF LE RAT. As on the final resumption of the government of Canada, by the Crown of France, a Governor, Council, and Judges were established on a more permanent and effectual plan than heretofore, by the appointment and authority of the king himself, the affairs of the colony thence assumed a national character, and must be treated more in connection with political parties and events. The progress of colonization on the eastern shores of the continent, especially in New England and New York, naturally produced a collision in matters of trade, and not seldom occasioned political jealousy between the two powers most intimately concerned in them. The province of New York originally belonged to the Dutch, from whom it had received the names of New Holland and New Belgia. The English having acquired possession of it in 1664, were desirous of turning their acquisition to the best account, and with this view they sought and obtained by degrees a large portion of the fur trade. Many of the Indians brought their skins to New York, where they sold at a higher price than in the French colony; and the English, HOSTILITIES. 51 either afraid of the encroachments of the French, or desirous of extending their own territories, or more probably influenced by both these considerations, sought every opportunity of gaining the alliance of the Indians. After many attempts, and frequent disappointments and changes, they at length succeeded in gaining the Iro- quois or Five Nations to their interest. These restless and turbulent tribes were often made serviceable to the interests of the English, whom they assisted in repress- ing the incursions of the French, who had often shown a desire to weaken or expel them as rivals, and in extending their commerce. Between the English and the French colonies, contiguously situated as they were upon the same continent, and whose parent-states were often at war, it was inevitable that occasions of discord should arise, and that more active hostilities should often take place. During these contentions, prolonged through the greater part of a century, many deeds of valour were performed, many sufferings were endured, many cruelties were committed, and many incidents occurred, which, in an extended history of Canada, would require to be narrated at length, but which, in a topographical work like that now before the reader, can only be occasionally alluded to or described, as they bear upon the subject immediately in view. As the French settlement increased in extent and rose in power, it assumed offensive operations on the New England frontier. The jealousy of the British colonists was roused, and both parties, aided alternately or partially by the Indians, carried on a destructive and harassing border warfare. In 1674 the whole French population, including converted Indians, did not exceed eight thousand ; but, by the aid of their native allies, whom they were more expert in conciliating, they for many years maintained their position, and even gained 0. OF ILL US. 52 LE RAT (kONDEAROUK). upon their less skilful but persevering neighbours. The Hurons and other powerful tribes on this side the St* Lawrence were generally in alliance with the Canadians? as the French settlers now began to be called, and were often persuaded to take a part in their martial operations, whether offensive or defensive ; but sometimes they suffered from the jealousy or the treachery of these untamed and irregular allies? of which the following is an instance. The French had often made attacks upon the Iroquois, as allies of the English, and were in their turn often annoyed by them. At length, both parties desired peace, and a treaty was set on foot for this purpose, when an extraordinary character appeared among the Indians of the Huron tribe, possessing talents of no common order, and equally distinguished for cunning and perfidy. His name was Kondearouk, but was more familiarly known in the history of those times by the title of Le Rat. As chief of the Michillimakinac Hurons, he was dis- pleased that the French Governor- General, Denonville, should attempt to make peace with the Iroquois without consulting the Hurons his allies, and therefore deter- mined to put an end to the negotiation. With this view he marched with a chosen band towards Cataracuoy, now Kingston, where he learned that the Governor- General was waiting at Montreal for the ambassadors and hostages to conclude the treaty, and was told that it was the desire of the French that they might pass unmolested. Disregarding this wish, he lay in ambush for them, killed some of them, and made others prisoners. When charged with having violated good faith, by taking captive an ambassador, he affected surprise, and pretended that the French had authorized him to do 60. Then releasing all his prisoners, except one whom he kept, as he feigned, in lieu of one of his men who had LE RAT — CRUELTIES. 53 been killed* he proceeded with his prisoner to Michilli- makinac, where he so represented matters as to induce the French commandant to put the unhappy man to death. His next step was to set at liberty an old Iroquois, who had been some time a prisoner at that place, enjoining him to return to his own countrymen, and acquaint them that while the French were amusing the natives with sham negotiations, they were daily putting them to death. This master-piece of dissimu- lation had the desired effect, by furnishing the Iroquois with a plausible pretext for breaking off the treaty. Not satisfied with this result of his treachery, Le Rat urged his countrymen, and even stimulated the Iroquois to aid him in an attack upon Montreal: the colonists were taken by surprise, a thousand of them slain, and the houses, crops, and cattle on the Island destroyed. Such exercises of severity were not, however, in those turbulent times, confined to the people called “ savages,” but were occasionally resorted to even by the more civilized inhabitants of Canada. The French, having received reinforcements from Europe, sent a strong force in February, 1690, to Schenectaday, who massacred the greater part of the Indians residing there ; and are said to have perpetuated such cruelties upon those whom they took prisoners, as one is very unwilling to believe.* This massacre had the effect of inducing the Iroquois and other nations to become more closely attached to the English ; and the French were compelled to act on the defensive, and keep within then- own territory. They had, however, erected several forts on the St. Lawrence, and in other parts; and given various indications of a hostile design ; and the English at Albany were at first so much alarmed, that Colden, page 78, quoted in Martin, III. 18. 54 CONTINUED HOSTILITIES. they prepared to abandon the country. At this crisis the New England colonies came to a mutual under- standing, and formed a coalition for their self defence. Commissioners were sent to New York, and a mission to London, explaining their views, and soliciting aid. An expedition against Canada was accordingly under- taken in 1690, under Sir W. Phipps ; and Quebec was attacked both by land and sea, but not at the same time. The attempt was unsuccessful, the assailants being defeated by the Sieur de Frontenac, and compelled to retreat to Boston. Encouraged by this success Fron- tenac adopted the aggressive policy, and endeavoured, by means of the fur-traders and his own forces, to extend the dominion of France. He even meditated the conquest of New York ; but the peace of Ryswick, in 1697, put a stop, for a short period, to the ravages of war. The parent states having recommenced hostilities in 1702, America became again the scene of contest. Frontenac died in 1689, and was succeeded by the Marquis de Vaudreuil, who, in 1708, carried his opera- tions into the British frontier settlements, having persuaded the Iroquois to neutrality. The New Englanders prepared to attack Montreal, but the withdrawment of some troops into Europe induced them to desist from their purpose. The English, in 1709, reduced Acadia, now Nova Scotia. The peace of Utrecht took place in 1703, and Vandreuil availed himself of it to strengthen the fortifications of Quebec and Montreal. The population of the former city, in 1720, was 7,000, and that of Montreal 3,000. Ten years of peace very much improved the trade and resources of Canada: nineteen vessels cleared from Quebec in 1723, and six merchant ships and two men of war were built in the colony during this period. CONTESTS. 55 Vaudreuil died in October, 1725, and was succeeded the following year by the Marquis de Beauharnois, a natural son of Louis XIV. He was able and ambi- tious; and increased the jealousy of the English colonists against France. The war in 1745 led to the reduction of Cape Breton. At the treaty of Aix la Chapelle in 1748, commissioners were appointed to settle a boundary line between the British and French territories in North America ; but the Canadian government acted so arrogantly in this business, that the Indians, being also alarmed, united more vigorously with the English for the utter expulsion of French authority from this Continent. In 1752 the Marquis du Quesne de Menneville arrived as Governor of Canada. To restrain the British he built a fort on the Ohio, called after his own name; and in the vicinity of it the British erected another which they called Necessity, and placed under the command of the afterwards celebrated Washington. Meantime hostilities commenced between the two powers, in Europe ; and troops were sent from France to reinforce Quebec. Du Quesne resigned his govern- ment in 1755, and was succeeded by the Marquis de Vaudreuil de Cavagnal, the last French Governor in Canada. He defeated General Braddock in one of the defiles of the Alleghany Mountains. Washington, on whom the command devolved on the death of the General, succeeded in rescuing the remainder of the British army, who were afterwards joined by 6,000 provincials under Johnson and Shirley. This and the two following years the French arms continued to be successful. Fort St. George yielded to their attack, and the English prisoners, amounting to nearly 2,000, were brutally massacred on their march to Fort Edward, by the Indian allies of the French. This monstrous 56 CONTESTS. deed excited the strongest feeling both in England, and through British America, and contributed to hasten the downfal of the French dominion in Canada. CHAPTER V. CAPTURE OF QUEBEC BY GENERAL WOLFE SUR- RENDER OF MONTREAL AND ALL THE CANADAS— MONTREAL TWICE INJURED BY FIRE — BIGOT. The year 1759 is, and ever will be, memorable in the annals of this Colony. The French, perceiving that the English were in earnest in their designs upon Canada, sent strong reinforcements to their garrisons. The campaign opened with great vigour. Canada was to be invaded at three different points under Generals of high talent. The forces intended to act against Quebec were under the command of the heroic General Wolfe, who had taken Fort Louisburg and subdued the Island of Cape Breton the preceding year. W olfe’s army, amounting to about 8000 men, was conveyed to the vicinity of Quebec by a fleet of vessels of war and transports commanded by Admiral Saunders, and landed in two divisions on the Isle of Orleans the 27th of June. The French commander, Montcalm, made vigorous preparations for defence. He arranged his army of about 12,000 men, between the river of St. Charles and the Falls of Montmorenci, to oppose the landing of the British forces, which, in their attack upon his entrenchments, were repulsed. W olfe at first doubted from this failure whether any thing could be e 1 58 CAPTURE OF QUEBEC. effected in the present season ; but afterwards, rousing liis brave and ardent spirit, and calling a council of war, he resolved upon the bold and hazardous enterprise of ascending the heights of Abraham, and attacking the city in that direction. The plan was executed with admirable skill and determination. The result is well known : the chiefs on both sides fell, and left behind them honourable names. Wolfe died on the field of battle, in the arms of victory; and Montcalm in the city, to which he had been carried, thankful that he should not live to see the surrender of the place. The battle on the Plains of Abraham was fought on the 13th of September, 1759 ; and five days afterwards, on the 18th, Quebec surrendered to the British arms. The details of this memorable exploit belong to the history of that city,* but the glory of it will remain to distant ages, and every Briton especially, on looking back to the Ministry which projected and the General who achieved it, will reflect with delight “ That Chatham’s language was his mother tongue, And Wolfe’s great name compatriot with his own.” In the following spring the French army which had been collected in the neighbourhood of Montreal, under the command of the Chevalier de Levi, marched to Quebec for the purpose of attacking and regaining it ; but without success. A reinforcement from England arrived just in time to save the city ; and de Levi broke up his camp, and retired with precipitation towards Montreal. Vaudreuil, the Governor, finding the whole of the Canadas in danger, determined to take his last stand on behalf of French dominion, in this city ; and * The principal of these events are given with lively interest and effect, by the competent pen of Dr. Fisher, in Hawkins’ Picture of Quebec . SURRENDER OF MONTREAL. 59 hither he called in all his detachments, and concentrated his remaining strength. He enlarged the fortifications for the defence of the town, and converted sloops into armed vessels. Meantime General Murray, with as many troops as could be spared from Quebec, advanced towards the point of attack, notwithstanding the obstructions which the enemy threw in the way of his progress up the river ; and General Amherst with the army from Oswego, approached in an opposite direction : both armies took post near the city on the same day, September 6, 1760. Colonel Haviland, with a strong detachment, lay on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, opposite to Montreal. Vaudreuil, perceiving that defence was hopeless, on the morning of the 7th pro- posed terms of capitulation ; and on the 8th, the city surrendered, and was taken possession of by the British troops in the name of his Britannic Majesty. A few days afterwards, the French troops were sent down to Quebec, and thence to France, not to serve again during the war. Thus was the last, decisive act in the conquest of Canada performed without firing a gun, or shedding blood. The terms on which the city was surrendered to the British were expressed in fifty-five articles, of which the most important were the following : That immediately after signing the capitulation, the English troops should take possession of the gates of Montreal ; that the French should lay down their arms, and not serve during the war, but should go out by the gate of Quebec with all the honours of war ; that the militia should return to their homes without being molested ; that the Marquis Vaudreuil should not be obliged to leave the city before a certain day, and no person to lodge in his house . till he left it ; that the most convenient vessel that could be found should be appointed to carry the e 2 60 SURRENDER Marquis to France ; that two ships should carry the Chevalier de Levi, the principal officers, &c., provided the officers should faithfully deliver up all the charts and plans of the country ; that the free exercise of the Catholic and Roman Religion shall remain entire ; that the Chapter, Priests, Curates, and Missionaries should retain a perfect liberty to exercise the functions of their cures, in the parishes of the towns and countries ; that the communities of Nuns should be preserved in their constitution and privileges, should continue to observe their rules, be exempted from lodging any military, and not be interrupted in their religious exercises, for which purpose safeguards should be given them, if desired ; that all the communities and all the priests should preserve their moveables, the property and revenues of the seig- niories, and all other estates which they possessed in the Colony, of what nature soever they might be, and the same estates should be preserved in their privileges, rights, honours and exemptions ; that all classes should preserve the entire peaceable property and possession of their goods, moveable and immoveable, merchandizes, furs, and other effects ; that the archives of the Supreme Council of Quebec, and of the whole royal jurisdiction of the country, should remain in the Colony ; and that care should be taken that none of the Indians should insult any of the subjects of the French King. The form of taking possession was as follows. The capitulation having been signed at break of day, the troops marched into the town in the following order — 1st. A twelve pounder, with a flag, and a detachment of the Royal Artillery, commanded by Colonel Haldi- man ; 2. Grenadiers of the line, by Colonel Massey ; 3. Light Infantry, by Colonel Amherst ; each party preceded by a band of music. The eldest Ensign in General Amherst’s army attended to receive the colours OF MONTREAL. 61 of the French regiments. Having thus obtained peace- able possession of this important city, and brought the war in Canada to a happy termination, the General on the next day, the 9th of September, issued the following General Orders, which, as they formed the first public document promulgated in the name of Great Britain over her newly acquired territories, cannot fail to be perused with interest, and are worthy of being preserved in a sketch of Canadian history : — - “ Camp before Montreal, September 9? 1760. Parole , — King George, — and Canada. The General sees, with infinite pleasure, the success that has crowned the indefatigable efforts of His Majesty’s troops and faithful subjects in America. The Marquis de Vaudreuil has capitulated ; the troops of France in Canada have laid down their arms, and are not to serve during the war ; the whole country submits to the dominion of Great Britain. The three armies are entitled to the General’s thanks on tins occasion ; and he assures them that he will take the opportunity of acquainting His Majesty with the zeal and bravery which has always been exerted by the officers and soldiers of the regulars and provincial troops, and also by his faithful Indian allies. The General is confident, that when the troops are informed that the country is the King’s, they will not disgrace themselves by the least appearance of in- humanity, or by unsoldier-like behaviour, in taking any plunder, more especially as the Canadians become now good subjects, and will feel the good effect of His Majesty’s protection*” On a review of this expedition, which brought such an immense accession of territory and of power to e 3 62 SURRENDER Britain, it is singularly delightful to reflect upon the comparatively slight effusion of blood and destruction of life which attended its progress. Montreal, the last important post, we have seen surrendered without a blow. The humanity with which General Amherst treated the conquered, both French and Indians, added a high lustre to his conquest ; and Sir William Johnson deserves to be spoken of in terms of equal commendation, with reference to the scenes in which he was engaged. At the time of its surrender, Montreal was well peopled : it was of an oblong form, surrounded by a wall, flanked with eleven redoubts which served instead of bastions. The ditch was about eight feet deep, and of a proportionable breadth, but dry ; it had also a fort or citadel, the batteries of which commanded the streets of the town from one end to the other. The plan of the city, as it existed in 1758, while in possession of the French, and which we have copied and reduced from one published at the time, will shew these particulars very distinctly. It should be recollected, however, that Vaudreuil made some additions to the fortification in the prospect of an attack by the British forces. The town itself was divided into two parts, the upper and the lower. In the lower, the merchants and men of business generally resided ; and here also were the place of arms, the royal magazines, and the Nunnery Hospital. The principal buildings, however, were in the Upper Town, such as the palace of the Governor, the houses of the chief officers, the Convent of the Recollets, the Jesuits’ Church and Seminary, the Free School, and the Parish Church. The Recollets were numerous, and their buildings spacious. The house of the Jesuits was magnificent, and their church well-built, though their seminary was but small. Several private houses in Montreal, even at this time, made a noble OP MONTREAL. 63 appearance, and the Governor’s palace was a large fine building. The neighbourhood of the city contained many elegant villas ; and all the known vegetables of Europe were cultivated in the gardens attached to them. By the terms of capitulation, which, under all the circumstances, were favourable to the conquered, not only the city and Island of Montreal, but the whole of the French possessions on the North American continent were surrendered to the British crown. The war between the two nations continued till the year 1763, when, by the treaty of peace concluded at Paris on the 10th of February, all these territories were formally ceded to Great Britain, much to the immediate benefit of the French inhabitants, and the improvement of the Colony at large. While the negotiations, which issued in this treaty, were pending, an instance of malignant sagacity, which deserves to be recorded here, was displayed by the French minister, the Duke de Choiseul. The idea of relinquishing Canada was by no means palatable to the body of the people. The discontent at length rose to such a height that it reached the throne; and the political opponents of the Duke in the cabinet did not fail to press it upon the Royal attention. The King sent for his Minister to remonstrate with him on the subject. The wily statesman, who looked far below the surface, and well understood the principles of human action, addressed his Majesty to the following effect : — “ We have now, Sire, but the one province of Canada* on the whole continent of America ; and the charge of maintaining it against such powerful neighbours as the English will not only exceed its value to us, but will * The term was then used in a more extended sense than it is now. 64 choiseul’s sagacity. open a door of perpetual hostility with England ; whereas, ceding it at once to his Britannic Majesty will prevent these inconveniences, and find constant employ- ment for the British nation. For, give me leave to tell you, Sire, that if the English ministry had as much wisdom as they ought to have, they would almost pay your Majesty a subsidy to retain it. Their colonies are now all flourishing, and will speedily be all insolent. They want the protection of the Mother Country no longer than while Canada is ours. They have for several years manifested a strong inclination for independence, and will assert that independence the moment a foreign enemy is removed from their back. The provinces, particularly of New England, cherish a deep abhorrence to Monarchial government. My advice, therefore, Sire, most humbly is, that the English mastiffs may have full liberty to worry one another. So long as Canada belongs to your Majesty, so long the British colonies will be dutiful to their Sovereign, because they will stand in need of his protection. But remove the want of that protection, and you remove their obedience instantly; from powerful friends, you turn them into most formidable enemies, of England, and rescue all Europe from the dictation of that power.” The counsel was taken ; and how far the main part of the prediction has been verified, need not here be told. The interval between the capture ot Montreal, and the formal surrender of all the French possessions in America to the British crown, was employed by General Amherst in securing his conquests, and improving the condition of the inhabitants. He established a military government for the preservation of tranquillity, and divided the country into three districts, — Quebec, Three Rivers, and Montreal, placing General Gage at the head of the last. Within these districts he established ADDRESS ON DEATH OF GEORGE II. 65 several courts of justice, which were approved by the King, and remained in force till peace was restored and civil government established. If ever there was a people that had reason to rejoice in a change of masters, the French Canadians were that people. The conquest was a blessing to them. Under their former rulers — or rather owners, for they were despotically governed — they suffered much and enjoyed little. Peculation and fraud in the revenue enriched the few at the expense of the many. The feudal law was oppressive and degrading ; the criminal code was vague in its provi- sions, and capricious in its administration. Under the English Government some of these evils were at once removed or mitigated ; and the people in general were gratified with the change. To shew their sense of the benefits resulting from it, even at an early period, it may be sufficient to quote the address which was presented to the Governor on the death of George the Second, towards the close of the year 1760. All the French in Canada, of any distinction, went into mourning on the occasion. “ The Address of the Officers of the Militia, and the Merchants of Montreal, to GENE- RAL G AGE, Governor of that place. “ Cruel destiny then has cut short the glorious days of so great and magnanimous a Monarch. We are come to pour out our grief into the paternal bosom of your Excellency ; the sole tribute of gratitude of a people who will never cease to exult in the mildness and moderation of their new masters. The General who conquered us has treated us more like victors than vanquished ; and has left us a precious pledge [the meaning of Gage, in French] by name and deed of his 66 REGULATIONS. goodness to ns. What acknowledgments are we not bound to make for so many favours ! They shall be for ever engraved on our hearts in indelible characters. We entreat your Excellency to continue to us the honour of your protection. We will endeavour to deserve it by our zeal, and the earnest prayers we shall offer up to the Almighty Being for your health and preservation.” The cession of Canada by the treaty of Paris early in 1763, and the announcement of peace in the colonies in the spring of that year, were followed by a proclamation issued in October from His Britannic Majesty, erecting four new civil governments in the newly-acquired territories, viz., those of Quebec, East Florida, West Florida, and Granada ; and in November General Murray was appointed Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of Quebec, though the commis- sion was not received and published in the Colony till the month of August the following year. By these means His Majesty declared his intention to assimilate the laws and government of the whole Province to those of the other American colonies and provinces already under His Majesty’s Government, as far as could be done consistently with the conveyance and preservation of property. The liberties of the new subjects were thus far secured by the adoption, as far as practicable, of English laws, both civil and criminal : — and things remained in this state until the passing of the Quebec Act in 1774, when some changes took place in the former branch, or civil department of the laws, relative to the tenure and conveyance of property, in compliance with the wishes of the French inhabitants. Indeed, the anxiety of the British Government to promote the advantages of its new subjects, was so marked, that it is scarcely an exaggeration to affirm, as an able writer FIRE. 67 has done, that “ previous history affords no example of such forbearance and generosity on the part of the conquerors towards the conquered — forming such a new era in civilized warfare that an admiring world admitted the claim of Great Britain to the glory of conquering a people less from views of ambition, and the security of her other colonies, than from the hope of improving their situation, and endowing them with the privileges of free men.”* Both the city and the island of Montreal partook of the benefits to which a return of peace, and improved institutions, were directly favourable ; yet not without some checks and interruptions, On Saturday the 18th of May, 1765, a fire broke out in the city, which in a few hours destroyed 108 houses and reduced 215 families to the greatest distress. A very interesting pamphlet, drawn up by a benevolent individual, was printed in London on this occasion, and circulated freely in behalf of the sufferers. A considerable sum was raised in England, and forwarded towards their relief. The first title of the pamphlet is The Case of the Canadians at Montreal distressed by Fire ; and underneath it, in a Vignette, a neat portrait of His Majesty George III., who contributed £500. The second title is Motives for a Subscription towards the relief of the sufferers at Montreal in Canada by a dreadful fire , &c. &c. These motives are presented in a great variety of forms, and urged with much benevolent importunity. It appears from an account attested by His Excellency the Hon. James Murray, Governor of the Province, that the loss amounted to more than one hundred and sixteen thousand pounds currency, equal to £87,580 sterling, and comprehended the following particulars : * Political Annals of Canada : quoted in Martin. 68 FIRE. Value in buildings, from a survey made on oath by Masons and Carpenters £31980 0 0 In Merchandise 54718 5 9 In Furniture and Apparel 25261 12 6 In Cash, Plate, and Bills 4814 0 3 Currency £116773 18 6 Sterling £87580 8 10 The pamphlet states, as “ worthy of very honorable notice, that these people were so tender of what they evidenced on oath, that great numbers declared, some time after, that they found their loss to be considerably greater than the account they had sworn to.” The parts ravaged by the fire, and the extent of distress it occasioned, may be seen from the following statement : — In St. Francis Street were burnt out 54 families, St. Paul Street, separating the Upper Town from the Lower 87 In the Market Place 26 Hospital Street 1 St. Louis Street 15 St. Eloix Street # 6 St. Sacrament Street 6 St. Nicholas Street 1 St. Ann Street 1 St. Ann Suburbs 10 Grey Sisters’ Hospital, Suburbs and houses nearest. 8 In all 215 families. It was computed that, by this destructive fire, one fourth part of the city was consumed, and about one third part in value. The population of Montreal at this period was about seven thousand. The fire broke out in the house of one of the British inhabitants, named FIRE. 69 Levingston, and was occasioned by hot ashes carried into the garret to make soap. The want of engines and the prevalence of a very high wind were favourable to the spreading of the conflagration, which was only stopped at last by pulling down a part of the Hospital Les Soeurs in Notre Dame Street, and some houses near it. By inspecting the plan of the city as it stood before the conquest, it will be perceived that the Hospital General of the Grey Nuns was without the wall, and separated from it by a rivulet (now covered) ; yet the wind was so strong and the flames so fierce, that several houses near it were destroyed. “ Scarce was the sword well sheathed,” it is affectingly remarked, “ and the widow’s tears dried up, when this conflagration happened. Under their former Governors... these people had experienced numerous calamities... They dreaded the same hard fate from us, but they were agreeably surprised by a different rule of conduct.”* Thankful for the relief afforded to them in this season of distress, the inhabitants cheerfully exerted themselves to rebuild their houses and retrieve their fortunes ; but they had scarcely recovered from their difficulties when they were again assailed by the same terrible visitant. On the 11th of April, 1768, a fire broke out in the stable of one of the sufferers in the late conflagration, in the upper town ; it soon reached the adjoining houses, and raged with incredible fury over that part of the town till five o’clock the next morning, when it partially subsided, but not until it had consumed ninety houses, two churches, and a large charity school. The sufferers lost nearly the whole of their effects, either by the fire or by theft. The number thus * Cate of the Canadians, pa. 34. A copy of the third edition of this work is in the Library of the Natural History Society of Montreal ; and the compiler of this volume is indebted to the Society for the loan of it. F 1 70 BIGOT. reduced to poverty was very great, many of them having been burnt out at the last fire. Another circumstance which, for a time, had an unfavourable effect in checking the prosperity of Canada, u as the conduct of Bigot, the Intendant or financier of the King of France : the consequences resulting from it were for some years severely felt. Having the entire management of the finances of the Colony, he and his dependants had the opportunity, which they eagerly embraced, of plundering the colonists in every direction. The expenses of the civil and military establishments w r ere supported by a paper currency termed Card money. This was so faithfully redeemed during thirty years, that it enjoyed unlimited credit ; and not only enabled Bigot to carry on his system of extortion and peculation, but for a long time to conceal them from the Court. The French Monarch, by at length dishonouring the bills of exchange drawn by the Intendant to whom he had granted unlimited power, involved in ruin not only those who held this particular species of property, but also those who possessed any other paper currency, amounting, it is said, at the conquest, to four millions sterling. For this the unfortunate holders received only four per cent, of the original value. But better days were in reserve for Canada. CHAPTER VI. IMPROVEMENTS ATTACK ON MR. WALKER — QUEBEC ACT AMERICAN WAR MONTREAL TAKEN EX- TRAORDINARY PHENOMENON CHOLERA. The confirmation of Great Britain in the possession of Canada by the peace of 1763, gave an impulse to com- mercial enterprise ; and by the influx of British settlers and British capital, the Colony received an accession of wealth and energy, small indeed, at first, but which, gradually increasing, gave in time a new character to the population. Trade was encouraged, both domestic and with the Mother Country ; new lands were cleared, the capabilities of the country more extensively explored, and advances made in the improvement of political in- stitutions, particularly in the administration of justice in criminal cases. The Canadian inhabitants began to en- joy a liberty they had never tasted before ; and the British were careful to preserve here the liberty they had enjoyed at home. Montreal had its share in the general and increasing prosperity. On the 6th of December, 1764, an occurrence took place which not only created a great sensation here, but engaged the attention of the Government in Britain. Mr. Thomas Walker, a Justice of the Peace in this city, F 2 72 OUTRAGE ON MR. WALKER. having, in the discharge of his official duty, exposed him- self to the displeasure of an officer in the army who had been engaged in a dispute about lodgings, was violently attacked in his own house on the evening of that day. A party of persons in disguise entered the house ; and Mr. W alker, on rising from his chair, received a wound in his forehead from a broad-sword. Attempting to reach his bed-chamber, where his arms were deposited, he was attacked by five or six of the ruffians, and was so severely wounded and bruised that he sank down into a chair. On recovering himself a little, he struck at two of the party, but was soon overpowered by the rest, who not only attempted to throw him upon the fire, but wounded him severely on the head, which felled him to the ground ; and while he was in that situation one of the ruffians, kneeling down, cut off a part of his right ear, and endeavoured to cut his throat, which Mr. Walker prevented by his struggles. In consequence of this outrage the whole Province was thrown into the greatest possible alarm. The inhabitants of Montreal went armed in the streets, and “ never went to dinner or to their homes without pistols before them.” So lively was the apprehension of danger from the military, that whenever a soldier entered a shop to purchase an article, a pistol lying ready on the counter was present- ed at him, to prevent his committing outrage. As soon as this horrid assault was known in England, the King issued a proclamation, dated 29th March, 1765, offering a reward of one hundred guineas for the apprehension and conviction of any person concerned in the offence. The Governor of the Province, also, offered a reward of two hundred guineas, and Mr. Walker himself an additional one of one hundred guineas. Several per- sons were apprehended on suspicion of being concerned in this assault, truly called in the letter from the Secre- QUEBEC ACT. 73 tary of State to the Governor of the Province, “ such treatment as is a disgrace to all government;” some were tried and acquitted ; but none who were actually engaged in the transaction were apprehended, or, at least, convicted of the crime. At length, however, public confidence was restored, the pursuits of com- merce and industry were extended, and the general state of society improved. By a proclamation issued on the 7th of October, 1763, the King of England had declared that “ all the inhabi- tants of the Province, and all others resorting to it, might confide in his Royal protection for enjoying the benefit of the laws of England.” These were in gene- ral operation for some years, from that time ; but it was not till the year 1774, that the first Act of Parlia- ment was passed in relation to Canada. By this Act, among other matters, a provision was made for the better government of this part of the British dominions, and vesting the authority in a Governor, aided by a Council of not less than seventeen persons, and not exceeding twenty -three, who had power to frame ordi- nances, but not to levy taxes except for making public roads, and erecting a few local structures. By this Act the English criminal law was preserved, but it was ordained that in “ all matters of controversy relative to property and civil rights, resort should be had to the rule and decision of the laws of Canada,” except with regard to “ lands which had been or should be granted in free and common soccage.” The power of the Roman Catholic clergy to enforce the payment of tithes from the members of that church, was restored by this Act : from the time of the conquest it had been left optional. Nothing particularly affecting the city of Montreal occurred for several years : its inhabitants continued f 3 74 AMERICAN WAR. to increase and to prosper. At length the American revolutionary war broke out. The first general Con- gress of what are now the United States was held at Philadelphia on Monday the 5th of September, 1774. Having in vain endeavoured to prevail upon the Ca- nadians to join them in their opposition to the British Government, they determined to invade the country* After obtaining possession of Ticonderoga, Crown Point, and St. John’s, the Provincial forces advanced towards Montreal. A somewhat ridiculous attempt was made upon, or rather projected against, the city. An adventurer named Ethan Allen, who, without any Commission from Congress, had a principal share in the capture of the forts, was afterwards, under the assumed title of Colonel, desirous to signalize his prowess, and raise himself into importance, by surprising Mon- treal. He undertook this rash enterprise at the head of a small party, without the knowledge of the Com- mander-in- Chief, or the assistance which he might have procured from others. On the 25th of November, 1775, being met at some distance from the town by the Militia under the command of English Officers, and supported by the few regulars who were in the place, he was, as he might have foreseen, defeated and taken prisoner, with nearly forty of his party. Allen and his fellow-prisoners were sent to England, but were some time afterwards remanded back to America. Mont- gomery, however, the General appointed by the Con- gress, was more successful. He had a considerable force, while there were but few British troops in Cana- da, and the principal part of them had been engaged in the defence of St. John’s. General Carleton, with the force he was able to collect, had been repulsed at Longueuil, so that when Montgomery advanced upon Montreal, he had only to take possession of the city. PROSPERITY OF MONTREAL* 75 which he did on the 13th of November, the naval force in the river being surrendered into his hands, and General Prescott, with the volunteers and soldiers who had taken refuge on board, becoming prisoners of war. Montgomery having found plenty of woollen manufac- tures in Montreal, took the opportunity of new-clothing his troops, who had suffered excessively from the seve- rity of the climate, the badness of the roads, and the want of suitable clothing. Montgomery was after- wards killed in an unsuccessful attack upon Quebec. Iri the month of May the following year, 1776, reinforce- ments having arrived from Britain, under General Bur- goyne, the Provincial troops abandoned the city and island of Montreal, which remained without interruption during the remainder of the war. The tranquil state of Montreal for some years pre- vious to the peace with the United States in 1783, and the activity that prevailed afterwards, were favourable to the interest of the city, which from that period has been gradually increasing both in extent and importance. An interval of thirty-six years of security was well im- proved ; agriculture was extended ; trade, in all its departments, flourished with a rapidity before unexam- pled ; the Fur trade, especially, which always found its safest and most valuable depot in Montreal, was resum- ed with a spirit and enterprise of the most promising characters, and an influx of emigration to the city and the surrounding country, took place, which was truly astonishing. At the commencement of this period the whole population of Canada scarcely exceeded ninety thousand souls ; but within five years afterwards, about 1780, the amount was nearly double ; and the population of Montreal was augmented in at least an equal ratio. The King’s Proclamation after taking possession of Canada, and his Commission to the Governor, were for 76 VISIT OF PRINCE WILLIAM HENRY. several years the only guides for the political regula- tion of the Colony. The Quebec Act, as has been observed, was passed in 1774 : its object was declared to be 66 for making more effectual provision for the govern- ment of Quebec,” then including the whole of Canada. After several years trial, this Act was found to be, in many respects, inapplicable to the present state of the Province, and failed therefore to give satisfaction to the inhabitants. A plan better suited to existing circum- stances, and intended to be as nearly analogous to the British Constitution as the case would admit, engaged the attention of the Ministry at home, and issued in the Act of 1791) which has continued in operation ever since. By this Act the Colony was divided into the two Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and a Legislature established in each. In pursuance of the provisions of this Act, the first Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada met at Quebec on the 1 7th of Decem- ber, 1792, and sat till the 9th of May following. The House of Assembly then consisted of fifteen English and thirty-five Canadian Members. The session was distinguished by great decorum and moderation through the whole of the proceedings. The debate on the Quebec Bill in the English House of Commons was remarkable, as being the occasion on which a friendship of five and twenty years between Mr. Burke and Mr. Fox, was broken up by a difference of political senti- ment. His late Majesty King William IV. visited Canada in the year 1787. He was then in command of the Pegasus , 28 guns, one of the squadron under the com- mand of Commodore Sawyer. He landed at Quebec on the 14th of August ; and on the 8th of September made his entrance into Montreal, where, as Prince William Henry, he was received and entertained with WAR WITH THE STATES. 77 all the honours due to his illustrious rank. On his return, having landed and passed some time at Sorel, he sanctioned the alteration of the name of that village to his own, William Henry. On the 10th of October he sailed from Quebec in his own ship. In the year 1812, war was declared by the United States against Great Britain, and Canada was threatened with invasion. Several of the inhabitants of Quebec and Montreal were disposed to flee ; but being roused to action by the Governor, Sir George Prevost, and the people at large, a general stand was made in defence of the country. All classes acted nobly on the occasion. Montreal was twice in danger ; once in November, 1812, when the American General Wilkinson had brought his troops as far down as Prescott, with scarcely any British force to oppose him ; but having wasted some time in delay, the troops from above advanced upon him, and the militia from below were again ena- bled to assemble. In the following spring the same General, at the head of more than 3,000 men, entered Lower Canada, on the western shore of Lake Champ- lain ; but being repulsed at La Colle Mill, by Major Handcock, with an inferior force, he retired to the United States, and closed his military career. Had the city been taken, in either of these attempts, the whole of Canada would have been in danger. Peace was con- cluded on the 24th of December, 1814, and proclaimed at Washington and Quebec in February and March of the following year. The inhabitants of Montreal once more laid aside their martial implements and habits for the more congenial pursuits of industry and commerce. A remarkable natural phenomenon, attended with no small degree of terror to many, occurred at Montreal in the year 1819- The account of it attracted so much attention, even in Europe, as to be made the subject of 78 EXTRAORDINARY an elaborate Essay read before the Plinian Society of Edinburgh. On Sunday the 8th of November, dense black clouds were diffused over the atmosphere, and there fell from them a heavy shower of rain, which, after it had been allowed for some time to rest, was found to have deposited a substance, which to the eye, the taste, and the smell, presented the resemblance of com- mon soot. The sky, during the morning, occasionally displayed a slight greenish tint, and the sun, through the haze which surrounded it, appeared of an unusually bright pink colour. Before evening, the weather cleared up, and the next day was frosty. On Tuesday the 9th a weighty vapour descended from a thick stratum of clouds that seemed progressively to deepen in colour and density. This was an awful day : the superstitious were alarmed, and even the thoughtless were struck with a mixture of astonishment and terror, at an appear- ance for which no one could account. At sun-rise the clouds varied in colour, sometimes assuming a greenish hue ; at others, a dark and almost pitchy black. The sun, at that time, appeared of a dingy orange colour, which at moments varied to a blood red, and at others to a dark brown with but a slight degree of luminosity remaining. Towards noon the darkness was so great, that it was found necessary to have candles burning in the Court House, the Banks, and most of the public offices in the city. The gloom alternately increased or diminished, according to the ascendancy of the wind, which, during the day, was very fitful and change- able. The inhabitants began now to express their sur- prise, and indulge their speculations, as to the probable cause of so unusual an appearance. To some it appear- ed likely that a volcano had burst forth in the interior of the Province, and that its smoke, vapour, and ashes were now over the city. Even the Mountain near it, PHENOMENON. 79 by some travellers stated to be the extinct crater of a volcano, was by many of the credulous supposed to have resumed its operations ; and the city itself at its base appeared about to undergo the fate of Pompeii or Herculaneum. By some an Indian prophecy was quoted to the effect that the island of Montreal would, at some period, be destroyed by an earthquake, while the opposite shores and the surrounding country should remain unhurt. Others supposed that some immense woods and prairies had been set on fire, and that the ashes were borne on the same winds which fanned the devouring flames. The few animals that were to be seen, hurried with horrid cries to their respective places of shelter ; all species of cattle uttered mournful sounds, dogs particularly appeared to be restless, and all the prognostics of a coming storm were distinctly percepti- ble. Towards three o’clock a formidable body of clouds from the North East hurried over the town, and brought the obscurity to its climax. This was a moment of general awe — the crisis appeared now to have arrived. The stoutest held their breath, and became, like others, timid and fearful. One of the most vivid flashes of lightning that the oldest residents had ever beheld, was succeeded by a clap of thunder that was echoed and re- verberated for some minutes. This was followed by others equally loud, which to the affrighted citizens felt like an earthquake, as many persons fell, from the trem- bling of the floor under their feet. Rain again fell of the same dark, sooty appearance as on the preceding Sunday. A momentary brightness succeeded ; but the clouds again collected, and at four o’clock it was nearly as dark as ever. A flash of lightning was seen to strike the summit of the steeple of the Roman Catholic Parish Church ; it seemed to have touched the ball at the foot of the cross, and continued playing and whirling a short 80 DARK SUNDAY. time around it, when it descended to the earth by the rod. Suddenly the Tocsin or fire-alarm was sounded from every bell in the city, and the streets resounded with the cry of Fire ! The sky was completely veiled in gloom, the Place d’Armes was crowded and continu- ally swelling by the floods of people who poured in from all the adjacent streets ; while, towering over the heads of the immense throng, was to be seen the steeple of the church, with its ball blazing like a meteor, and throwing out from the foot of the cross with which it was surmounted, a radiation of sparks rendered lurid by the incumbent and surrounding haze : in the evening it appeared like a lighthouse seen out at sea. By great exertions the fire was extinguished : about a quarter of an hour previously, the iron cross fell on the pavement in front of the church with a tremendous crash, and there broke into many pieces. A small piece that had fallen before, lighted on the roof of the corner house in the square, partly penetrated the roof, and there re- mained. The rain which had fallen during the day had deposited larger quantities of soot than on Sunday, and as it flowed through the streets it carried on its surface a dense foam resembling soap suds. The evening again became darker ; and thus ended a day which may be classed among the dies atri of Montreal. The range of this phenomenon must have been very extensive, for several of its appearances were noticed at Quebec below, at Kingston above, and in many parts of the United States. A similar darkness is said to have occurred in Canada in the year 1781, and the time of it is still known by the name of the dark Sunday . The cause of it is still unexplained. The great distance of Montreal from the sea renders a visit of any marine animals, a matter of very rare oc- currence. About the middle of September, 1823, a WHALE RIOT. 81 large whale found its way up the river St. Lawrence, till nearly opposite the city, where it continued to play for several days, not being able, from the shallowness of the water, to navigate its way down the river. Having attracted the notice of the inhabitants, several enterpris- ing individuals put off in boats with some whale-fishing materials, in pursuit of it. At last, after nearly a week’s exertion, it was harpooned by Captain Brush of the Tow- Steam- Boat. It was immediately dragged on shore, and exhibited in a booth fitted up for the purpose, for the gratification of the inhabitants. It was found to measure 42 feet 8 inches in length, 6 feet across the back, and 7 feet deep. A serious riot occurred on the 21st of May, 1832, in consequence of political excitement in connection with the choice of a representative in the Provincial Parlia- ment, for the West Ward of this city. Indications of tumult and danger having shewn themselves, and the civil force being unable to restrain the mob from acts of violence, the military were called in. The Riot Act having been read in vain, and the populace having commenced an attack upon the military by stones and other missiles, the troops were ordered to advance ; but this having no effect, and the violence increasing, they were ordered to fire, which they did with fatal effect, three persons being killed, and several wounded. Although this measure put a stop to the progress of tumultuary outrage, it by no means allayed the ferment of the public mind. The Coroner’s inquest could not agree upon a verdict ; but a prosecution was instituted in the Court of King’s Bench against the Magistrates who called out the military, and the officers who com- manded. The Grand Jury, after a charge from the Chief Justice, and a patient investigation of the evidence, very properly ignored the bills. o 1 82 CHOLERA. The sensation which this unhappy event produced had by no means subsided, when it was followed by another still more terrible and alarming. The Asiatic Cholera, the most fearful form of pestilence in modern times, after extending its ravages from India through various parts of Europe, made its appearance in Canada in the early part of June this year. It first visited Quebec ; and very short] y afterwards, Montreal, diffus- ing consternation and dismay among all orders of the inhabitants. Many of them fled from the city, strangers were afraid to approach it, business was at a stand, and every one was either expecting his own death, or fearing to hear that his friends and relations had been seized by the destroyer. The following table of Weekly Returns of deaths by cholera in Montreal, will show the malignant character of the disease, as it prevailed here : Week ending June 16, 1832 — 23, - — 30, - July 7, - — 14, - — 21, - — 28, - Aug. 4, - — 11 , - — 18, - — 25, — Sept. 1, - — 8 , - — 15, - — 21, - Total 1904 Deaths . .. 261 .. 632 .. 166 .. 94 .. 61 .. 70 .. 131 136 .. 101 ,. 79 .. 68 .. 54 .. 32 .. 13 6 The greatest mortality was observed to occur about CHOLERA IMPRO YEMEN TS. 83 the middle of June ; on the 19th the burials amounted to the extraordinary number of 149. The whole number of cases to the last date in the table was 4420, so that considerably more than one-third of the seizures proved fatal : three out of seven will give nearly the ratio. After this period but few cases occurred, the pestilence gradually declined, and in the beginning of the following month totally disappeared. From a calculation made at the time, it was affirmed that a greater number of persons had been carried off by the Cholera in Lower Cariada with a population of half a million, in three months, than in Great Britain, with fifteen millions, in six months. Two years afterwards, in 1834, the same dreadful malady again visited the place. It did not commence so early as on the former occasion, nor was it either so violent in its character, so extensive in its ravages, or so productive of terror among the inhabitants at large. Some hundreds, however, fell victims to its stroke, during the fifty days of its continuance. When at length, by the merciful Providence of God, this awful and calamitous scourge was removed, the spirit of enterprise and improvement returned in all its previous vigour ; and the citizens of Montreal were by no means backward in their efforts to increase the accommodations and beauty of the city and its suburbs. A better style of building prevailed. Instead of the slight frame houses, or more substantial ones of rough stone, which were formerly erected, nearly all the recent structures, whether for private residence or mercantile stores, are formed of hewn stones in front, and many of them display considerable taste. Several lines of such erections adorn various parts of the city. The harbour has been improved, the streets are kept in better order, and an attention to convenience and comfort g 2 84 REBELLION GOVERNORS. has become far more general than at any former period. But every thing human is liable to change. A ma- lignant influence, more extensive in its range, and more permanent in its effects, than the visitations of pestilence, had been long at work in this Province, — menacing, in no dubious tone, the peace, prosperity, and institutions of the land, the confidence of social life, and the stability of British connection. Seditious meetings had been held during the summer of 1837, in various parts of the District of Montreal, and on the 6fch of November, a trifling skirmish between two rival political parties in the Place d’Armes, led the way to insurrections, and tumults, and at length to open rebellion. GOVERNORS AND ADMINISTRATORS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, SINCE THE ERECTION OF THE ROYAL GOVERNMENT IN 1663. French. Sieur deMesy May 1, 1663. Sieur de Courcelles..... . March 23, 1665. Sieur de Frontenac April 7, 1672. Sieur de Barre May 1, 1682. Sieur Marquis de Nonville April 15, 1684. Sieur de Frontenac May 15, 1689. Sieur Chevalier de Callieres April 20, 1699. The Marquis de Vaudreuil Aug. 1, 1703. The Marquis de Beauharnois Jan. 11, 1726. Sieur de la Jonquiere March 15, 1746. Sieur Compte de la Galissioniere June 19, 1747. The Marquis du Quesne de Menneville March 1, 1752, Sieur de Vaudreuil de Cavagnal Jan. 1, 1755. GOVERNORS. 86 English. James Murray Nov. 21, 1763. Paulus Emilus Irving, President June 30, 1766. Guy Carleton, Lt. Gov. and Commander in Chief. Sept. 24, 1766. Guy Carleton, Gov. in Chief. April 12, 1768. Hector T. Cramahe, President Aug. 9, 1770. Guy Carleton Oct. 11, 1774. Henry Hamilton, Lt. Gov. Commander in Chief. 1774. Henry Hope, Lt. Gov. 8f Commander in Chief... 1775. Lord Dorchester, Governor General 1776. Frederick Haldimand 1778. Alured Clarke, Lt. Gov. Commander in Chief 1791. Lord Dorchester Sept. 24, 1793. Robert Prescott 1 7 96. Sir Robert S. Milnes, Bart. Lieut. Governor July 31, 1799. Hon. Thomas Dunn, President..., July 31, 1805. Sir J. H. Craig, K. B. Governor General Oct. 24, 1807. Hon. Thomas Dunn, President June 19, 1811. Sir George Prevost, Bart. Governor General Sept. 14, 1811. Sir G. Drummond, G. C. B. Admin, in Chief ... April 4, 1815. John Wilson, Administrator May 22, 1816. Sir J. C. Sherbrooke, G. C. B. Gov. General... July 12, 1816. Duke of Richmond, K. C. B. Gov. General July 30, 1818. Hon. James Monk, President Sept. 20, 1819. Sir Peregrine Maitland . . 1820. Earl of Dalhousie, G. C. B. Governor General... June 18, 1820. Sir Frs. Nath. Burton, Lieut. Governor June 7, 1824. Earl of Dalhousie, G. C. B. Governor General... Sept. 23, 1825. Sir James Kempt, G. C. B. Administrator Sept. 8, 1828. Lord Aylmer, G. C. B. Governor General July 19, 1830. Lord Gosford Aug. 24, 1835. Sir John Colborne Feb. 27, 1838. Lord Durham May 29, 1838. Sir John Colborne Nov. 1, 1838. CHAPTER VII. TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION DISTRICT COUNTY AND CITY — ECCLESIASTICAL EDIFICES. The City of Montreal is the Capital of a district of the same name. The whole Province of Lower Canada is divided into five districts : three superior, Quebec, Three Rivers, and Montreal ; two inferior, St. Francis and Gaspe. These are the judicial divisions of the Province, having Courts of superior and inferior juris- diction. In the superior districts the jurisdiction of the Court of King’s Bench is unlimited ; but in the inferior it is circumscribed by the power of appeal in certain cases, — and all prosecutions for capital crimes must be carried on in the Courts of the superior districts. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. Its boundaries are as follow : East by the North East boundary of the fief Dusable or Nouvelle York on the North side of the St. Lawrence, — West by the County of St. Maurice, — South by the Counties of Yamaska, Drummond, and Sherbrooke* — West and Southwest by the Province of Upper Canada, the river Ottawa, and DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. 87 the western limits of the Province, — South by the Pro- vince line, lat. 45° N. from St. Regis to the river Connecticut, and thence by that river to its source in the high lands, thence by the North boundaries of the States of New York and Vermont. It is the richest and most populous district of the Province. The soil is in general excellent, in some parts well cultivated, and in others capable of great improvement. The settled parts are mostly low and level, but mountainous towards the south, and in the vicinity of Hemingford and Bolton. On the north of the Lake of T wo Mountains, a range of high lands traverses the district, striking west to the Grand Calumet on the Ottawa, and traversing that river. North of this ridge the country is more or less uneven and mountainous, and meets the range of high lands that divides the waters running into Hudson’s Bay from those that empty themselves into the St. Lawrence. This district contains the city and island of Montreal, the towns of William Henry (Sorel), Laprairie, and Dorchester, beside numerous flourishing villages. Bounded for more than three hundred miles by the Ottawa, it is well watered by that river, and by numerous other streams and lakes, of which the follow- ing are the principal: RIVERS, North of the St. Lawrence . Gatineau, Lievres, Petite Nation, Riviere Blanche, Riviere du Nord, Mascouche, Achigan, I/Assomption, Lachenaye, Berthier, Chaloupe, 3>u Chene. South of the St. Lmwrence. Richelieu, Sorel, Yamaska and its numerous branches, La Colle, Magog, Coaticook, Missiskoui, part of branches, Montreal, L. Chateauguay and its numerous 88 COUNTY AND ISLAND* LAKES. North. South . White Fish, Mempbramagog, Sables, Tomefobi, Kilarney, Missiskoui Bay, Temiscaming, Scaswavinepus, part o Lievres, Yamaska Bay, La Roque, St. Louis, Rochblave, Two Mountains, Pothier, St. Francis, Nimicachinque, Chaudiere, Papineau, Chats, Maskinonge. 9 Allumets. * COUNTY AND ISLAND OF MONTREAL. The County comprises the whole of the Island, together with all the nearest islands which, in whole or in part, lie in front of it. The Island is divided into ten parishes, and contains several Seigniories through them. It sends six members to the Provincial Parliament, two for the county and four for the city of Montreal. The Island of Montreal is the most considerable in the Province, and its superior fertility has acquired for it the appellation of the Garden of Canada. The general surface of the Island is level, with the exception of the mountain near the city : it is diversified, however, by those gentle ridges called Coteaux, which occur in various parts. The mountain, which is a very con- spicuous object, consists of two distinct hills, between which passes one of the leading avenues into the city. There are roads by which the circuit of either mountain may be easily made, and which, from the many charms of its scenery, is a very favourite drive. The slopes of the mountain are wooded nearly to the summit, but towards the base the forest-trees have been succeeded PARISHES. 89 by orchards that produce apples, pears, and plums of the choicest flavour ; and it is worthy of remark that, although the fruit of the Island is universally excellent, all other parts of it yield to the vicinity of the mountain in the luxuriance of the orchards, and the deliciousness of the fruits they produce. Parishes. — The Parish of the Town of Montreal comprehends the Cotes de la Visitation, St. Joseph, Notre Dame, des Neiges, and St. Pierre, together with parts of St. Paul and Ste. Catharine, the Isle St. Paul at the mouth of the river St. Pierre, and Isle au Heron lying off Cote des Argoulets. The road through Cote des Neiges is well settled, and many of the buildings present the appearance of an American village. There is a chapel on the north of the road. The Parish of St. Laurent contains the Cotes St* Michael and St. Laurent, with one half of two ranges of Notre Dame des Vertus. At some distance from Cote des Neiges is the pretty village of St. Laurent, containing a large Parish Church for Roman Catholics, The Parish of St. Genevieve is situated at the north- west extremity of the island, opposite to Isle Bizard. The Parish of Sauit au Recollet is handsomely situated on the borders of Riviere des Prairies : it con- tains a small village, a fine church and presbytery, and valuable corn and saw-mills. In front of the village of Sauit au Recollet are several small islands, which add to its picturesque beauty. The Parish of Pointe Claire extends from Cote de Ste. Anne to Cote St. Remi, and includes the lower part of Isle Perrot. The Parish of La Chine comprises 2| leagues along the St. Lawrence from Cote des Argoulets to Point Clare, part of Cote St. Paul, and half of two ranges in Cote de Notre Dame des Vertus. The Lachine Canal 90 PARISHES. is of vast utility in connecting the navigation above Sault St. Louis with the port of Montreal. The Parish of Point aux Trembles extends along the St. Lawrence from the upper end of Isle Therese to the boundary of the Parish of Longue Point, includ- ing the Cote de la Point aux Trembles and part of Cote de St. Leonard. Pointe aux Trembles is a small village, containing thirty or forty houses, on the main road to Quebec. It is much frequented as a place of recreation by the citizens of Montreal. The Parish of Longue Pointe includes part of Cote St. Martin north east, and extends north to the King’s high-way which runs through the centre of the island. The Parish of Riviere des Prairies contains only the Cote de St. Joseph, and extends two leagues along the Riviere des Prairies from the lower part of the island. The Parish of Ste. Anne , at the upper end of the island, contains the extent between the River de TOrme North, and the Cote de Point Clare South, and also the upper part of Isle Perrot, CITY OF MONTREAL. Montreal, the second city in political dignity, but the first in magnitude and commercial importance, in British America, is situated in Latitude 45° 3P North, and Longitude 73° 34' West. Including the suburbs it covers about 1020 acres, although within the fortifica- tions the area did not much exceed 100 acres. Its local advantages for the purposes of trade, give it a decided superiority over every other place in the Province, and its climate, though severe, is more genial than that of Quebec. On approaching it either on the river from below, or in descending from Laprairie, the tall and elegant steeple of the English Church, the massive L.es Treres Chevron L n GcneralUospitat^i AfoiOtml. PuMsfal By W (?nnp A/ul Pnymvetl By PPlnsAe from a Plan Pulhsl/ed By TBo'.Je/firys (Zxym/>Ber to PisPaval JfyBness tie Prince of Miles. Jan JTJa . CITY. 91 grandeur of the French Cathedral, the spires of other churches and chapels, the spreading mass of habitations in the suburbs, and the well-built and lofty stores in Commissioner Street, the stranger will be impressed with a very favourable idea of the city he is about to enter. If the entrance be by the Lachine road, a fine view of the city is presented just before descending the hill near the Tanneries, or the village of St. Henry; and another on coming along the road from Mile-end, north west of the city. In order to obtain an idea of the comparative magnitude of Montreal at the conquest and at the present time, the plan of the city as it then existed should be examined in connection with the modern map : the additional streets, stretching in every direction through the suburbs of St. Ann, St. Joseph, the Recollets, St. Antoine, St. Lawrence, and Quebec, will shew how the spirit of improvement has corres- ponded with the increasing prosperity of the city. In the commencement of towns and villages, when no specific plan has been previously arranged, houses and other buildings will be erected where land can be obtained or convenience may dictate, without much regard to regularity or order ; and hence, in towns of any considerable standing, we generally find that the earliest streets are crooked and irregular. This may be seen in St. Paul Street in this city, which, by its contiguity to the river, presents great facilities for trade, and, with the space between it and the wharf, would be occupied in preference by men of business. It contains many excellent houses, which would be seen to more advantage, had the street been wider. It reminds one of some of the central streets in London, but without their fog and smoke. From St. Paul Street, down- wards to the river, was formerly called the lower town, and the rest of the city the upper ; but though in some 92 CITY. of the cross streets there is an evident rising in the ground, in others it is scarcely perceptible. The principal streets are airy, and the new ones particularly of a commodious width; some of them running the whole length of the town, nearly parallel to the river, are intersected by others generally at right angles. An Englishman when he enters the city, and in his peram- bulations through nearly the extent of it, is struck with the French names by which nearly the whole formerly, and the greater part now, of the streets are distin- guished : the names of Catholic Saints, or eminent Frenchmen, will meet his eye in abundance. The Rue Notre Dame, extending from the Quebec to the Recollet Suburbs, is 1344 yards in length, and 30 feet broad. It is in general a handsome street, and contains many of the public buildings. St. James Street, Craig Street, and M‘Gill Street, are of still greater width, and when the yet empty spaces in each are filled up with elegant houses, they will be ornaments to the town. Should the first be extended in breadth in that part called Little St. James Street, so as to form a line with the other, it would be a noble street ; but should Craig Street be ever lined on both sides with houses like some few that are in it, a still superior street might be formed, in consequence of its more ample width. The spirit of local improvement has long been in active and efficient operation, and betrays no symptoms of languor or decline. Those who knew the city seven years ago, and have not seen it since, were they to visit it now, would be surprised at the change, and be scarcely able to recognise the places with which they were once familiar. Beside a multitude of new and elegant houses, in almost every part of the city and suburbs, large spaces and several streets have been considerably improved. The covering of the creek, or rather ditch, IMPROVEMENTS CLIMATE. 93 an offensive and dangerous nuisance, in Craig Street ; the levelling of M>Gill Street; the improvements in Dalhousie Place, in the French Square, and Notre Dame Street, and of that part of St. Ann Suburbs called Griffin Town, by which a large portion of swampy land has been raised and made available for building, may be adduced as specimens ; but the par- ticulars will be more fully noticed in their respective places in the following descriptive account. The recent houses are almost universally built of the greyish lime- stone which the vicinity of the mountain affords in abundance ; the fronts of the same material, hewn and squared ; even the new stores and warehouses are finished in the same manner, exhibiting an appearance far more agreeable than those which were constructed of the rough stones, made to fit as far as the mere placing of them could do it, and their interstices filled up with smaller stones and mortar. Many of the houses are large, handsome, and in modern style, and some of them display great taste in design. The prevalent feature is a union of chasteness and elegance in various proportions, with a commendable absence of all meretricious style and ornament. The best houses, and most of the churches, are co vered with plates of tin, a far better material for this purpose than the wooden shingles which are frequently used, and though more expensive in the first cost, are cheaper in the end, beside the advantage of safety from fire when burning flakes from neighbouring houses fall upon the roof. In comparing the climate with that of Quebec, it may be observed that in general the winter is shorter in Montreal, and the cold not so intense. Fahrenheits* thermometer in Quebec has sometimes descended to 31^ degrees below zero, = - 28^ Reaumur, while in Mon- treal it seldom falls more than 22 degrees below h 1 94 CLIMATE AND SITUATION. zero, = - 24 Reaumur. In the latter city also the snow' is seldom so deep, or remains so long, as in Quebec. As to the general state of the weather, it was observed, in the year 1831, that in Montreal there were 65 days of rain, 34 of snow, 168 of fine clear weather, and 98 of cloudy, and the same year at Quebec there were 160 days of rain, 56 of snow, 208 of dry weather, and 16 variable. The favourable situation of Montreal enables her to command the trade of a considerable portion of the lower Province, and the greater part of the upper. With the United States also, and with Great Britain, an extensive commerce is maintained. Her position, indeed, is such as always to ensure a profitable connec- tion with every part of the continent where business is to be done. By some persons it has been thought, how- ever favourable the situation of Montreal is at present, it would have been better had the city been founded a little lower down the river, so that the difficulty of ascending the Current St. Mary might have been avoided. Should the original design of the Lachine Canal ever be carried into effect, some advantage might result from unloading vessels below the current. The aid of steam navigation, however, by which ships of all burdens may easily be towed up to the city, renders this a consideration of much less importance than it was formerly. The civil government of Montreal is administered by Justices of the Peace, who are appointed by the Governor of the Province. They are at present forty-six in number, and have power to make certain assessments for defraying the necessary expenses of the city, and to enact and enforce such bye-laws for its regulation and advantage as are not inconsistent with the statutes of the realm. For a short period the municipal affairs of irmsueiHr ©atpihbjbirab. - sp&^sie ® 9 j\,m ECCLESIASTICAL EDIFICES. 95 the city were managed by a Mayor and Common Council. An Act passed the Provincial Legislature in 1832, forming Montreal into a Corporation, and trans- ferring the authority from the Magistrates to the corporate body ; but in 1836, the Act of Incorporation having expired, the Government again passed into the hands of the Justices of the Peace. The city is repre- sented in the Provincial Parliament by four Members, the East and West Wards into which it is divided, returning two each. The period of service in the House of Assembly is four years. Under the Corporation the city and suburbs were distributed into eight wards, for the more convenient arrangement and dispatch of business. These are East and West Wards, the Wards of St. Ann, St. Joseph, St. Antoine, St. Lawrence, St. Lewis, and St. Mary. Another division of the city may be called the Military, according to which the battalions of militia, which are six in number, are col- lected from the portions of the city or suburbs in which they reside. PARISH CHURCH OF VILLE MARIE ; OR, CATHEDRAL OF NOTRE DAME. The first ecclesiastics who visited the W estern world from Europe were two Jesuits, who were stationed as Missionaries at Port Royal in Acadia, now Nova Scotia, in 1611, under the direction of Pere Coton, and through the encouragement of the Marchioness of Guercheville, R 2 96 JESUIT MISSIONARIES — CHURCH a lady of the French Court, zealous to propagate the Catholic faith among the Indians of this continent. But the first who came to Canada were four Recollets, who were brought to Quebec by Champlain, in 1615, with the same design. They were, the Superior of the Mission, and the Fathers Joseph le Caron, Jean D’Olbeau, and Pacifique Duplessis. Three others, Jesuits, were sent out in 1625, by Henry de Levis, Duke of Ventadour, and three more were added in the following year. In 1636 there were fifteen Jesuit Missionaries in Canada. Those who settled in Quebec, assisted by the Queen of France, the Duchess of Aiguillon, and other benevolent individuals, formed several establishments in that city and the neighbouring country, for religious instruction, the relief of the miserable, especially the sick, and the tuition of the young. Montreal, which was founded in the year 1642, as related in the third chapter, soon became the scene of similar operations. The chapel, which was a slight and hasty structure of wood, was by degrees improved and enlarged as the wants of the population required, and was at length succeeded by a more substantial erection of stone, in 1672. This stood in what is now called the French Square, or Place d'Armes , and occupied the middle of Notre Dame Street, standing quite across, so as to divide it into two nearly equal parts, and requiring travellers to pass half round the church to proceed from one part to the other. The belfry and steeple now standing in the square are the only remains of the for- mer church. It was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, to whose protection, according to the usage of the Roman Catholic Church, the city was confided, and on this account received the appellation of Ville Marie. As the inhabitants increased in number, the church, even in its" enlarged state, became too small, and the church of OF NOTRE DAME. 97 Bonsecours was erected for their accommodation. The city continuing to prosper, especially after the Colony became British, further accommodation was needed ; and in the year 1824, the present magnificent Cathedral was commenced. On the third of September the cor- ner-stone was laid ; and it was so far completed as to admit of being opened for public worship on the fifteenth of July, 1829 ; when high mass was performed by the Bishop of Telmesse, and an oration delivered by the Rev. Mr. Quibler. The greater part of the Canadian Roman Catholic Clergy were present, and the solemnity was attended by Sir James Kempt, Administrator, the Staff, Corporations, and other public bodies, and upwards of eight thousand persons. The edifice is a chaste specimen of the perpendicular style of Gothic architecture in the middle ages. Of this class of buildings, it has no superior on the continent of North America ; and when the plan is completed by the intended terrace along St Joseph Street, and the two lofty towers by which those in the front are to be surmounted, there will be nothing in this part of the world to be compared with it in plain and simple gran- deur. Its only deficiency is an almost total destitution of ornament. The length of the church, from east to west, is 255 feet 6 inches, and its breadth from north to south, 134 feet 6 inches. The height of the flank is 61 feet from the flagging of the terrace to the eaves. There are six towers, so arranged that each flank pre- sents three, and the east and west ends two each. Those on the principal or west front are to be 220 feet high. The space between the front towers is 73 feet, by 120 in height, crowned with an embattled parapet. The flanks and east towers are each 115 feet in height. There are five public and three private entrances to the first floor, and four to the galleries, so that an audience H 3 98 CtttUtCH OF of* ten thousand persons, the number for which it is seat* ed, may assemble and disperse in a few minutes, with- out disagreeable pressure. The number of pews on the ground floor is 504, in the first gallery 373, and in the second 368 ; total number, 1244. The eastern window at the high altar is 64 feet in height, and 32 in breadth. It is separated by shafts into five compartments, and sub-divided by mullions into 36 divisions. The windows in the flanks consist of one yange, and those in the front are finished in the same style as the eastern window* The portal is formed by an arcade, consisting of three arches, each 19 feet by 49 in height. From this arcade are the entrances to the church ; and over it is placed another of the same form in relievo, which connects the towers and piers* Between these are trefoil canopy-headed niches, intended for marble statues. It was a part of the original design to have a promenade between the towers 76 feet by 20, elevated 120 feet above the surface of the Place d’Armes, from which the spectator will have a delight- ful and extensive view of the River St. Lawrence and the surrounding country. The front towers are intend- ed to contain clocks and bells, and to form observato- ries accessible by safe and easy flights of steps. The floor, from the front entrance to the chancel, is a gently inclined plane of three feet in the whole length. There are seven spacious aisles in the same direction, and two crossing them at right angles, one of which leads to the flank doors. The pews are raised six inches above the aisles. There are seven chapels, so placed that all are seen from the front entrance. The high altar is nearly at the extremity of the nave : it is elevated in the chancel 2 feet 6 inches above the floor of the church, and is encompassed on three sides by semi-circular seats for the clergy, &c. The front of NOTRE DAME. 99 the chancel is open, and is approached by an easy flight of five steps, in the form of a double semi-reverse. The eastern window, high altar, and choir, will be seen from the front door to great advantage, with a perspective view of the side windows, altars, galleries, and the groined ceiling, 80 feet in height. The vaults of the ceiling and galleries are supported in part by a double range of grouped columns, 3 feet 4 inches in diameter ; from these spring the groins of the ceiling. The pil- lars are of wood, and painted in imitation of clouded Italian or American marble. The hue accords with the ceiling ; but the effect, though time may improve it, is too glaring, and is evidently inferior to that which stone pillars would have produced. The facings of the gallery trusses, and the greatest portion of the carpen- ters 5 work, are painted in imitation of the oak finishings in the Gothic Cathedrals of Europe. The gallery screens are in moveable pannels, and painted a crimson colour : the railing, in front of them, imitates iron, and produces an agreeable effect. There are recesses in the piers, between the windows on the first floor, intended for family monuments, and in the recesses of the windows are placed the confessional screens. Suitable arrangements are made in the interior for all the monuments and paintings that may be wanted ; and at the sides of the high altar are places assigned for twelve large historical paintings, which will occupy an admirable light from their position. The organ is placed in the upper gallery over the front entrance ; the floor in this part is elastic, and the organ projects six feet beyond the line of galleries. The choir screen is finished in recessed seats for the clergy. The pulpit and canopy are attached to one of the pillars : the access to it is from the first gallery. It resembles in form that in the Gothic Cathedral at Strasburg, in Germany. The high 100 CHRIST CHURCH. altar is a little in the florid style, and resembles in part that of St. Peter’s at Rome. The Eastern window was intended to be filled with stained glass ; but the funds were insufficient. The effect of the present substitute for it is too glaring, and will never be fully corrected until the original design is executed. It was intended to warm the church with heated air, from furnaces placed in apartments under the floor. At present it is heated by stoves. The architect and superintendant was Mr. McDonald ; the master builders Messrs. Lamontagne and St. John, natives of Canada ; Messrs. Redpath and Mackay, masons and stone-cutters, natives of Scotland ; Messrs. Perry and W etherilt, plasterers, natives of England ; and Mr. Cox, carpenter, native of the State of New York. A near view of this edifice from the Place d’Armes, of which it forms the Eastern boundary, and more dis- tant views from different points of the ascent to the mountain in various directions, will convey to the observer a striking idea of its architectural character and imposing magnitude. CHRIST CHURCH: THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN NOTRE DAME STREET. After the cession of the Canadas to Britain, many of the soldiers, when the troops were disbanded, preferred remaining here, and others attracted by the hope of commercial advantage, came over to this country, so that in a few years a considerable number of British were found among the settlers. Many of these were of the Episcopal persuasion, and naturally desired to CHRIST'S CHURCH (EPISCOPAL^ CHRIST CHURCH. 101 procure clergymen from home to conduct public wor- ship according to the practice of the Church of England in which they had been educated. The greater portion of these had settled in the towns ; and expressions of their desire having been forwarded to England, three clergymen were sent out together, and appointed to Quebec, Three Rivers, and Montreal. The Rev. Mr. Delisle, a native of Switzerland, was the first Protestant Episcopal Minister who settled in this city. When he arrived, there was no place of worship, and the people were not sufficiently numerous or affluent to build one : they readily obtained, however, the use of the Recollet Church at such hours as the society had not occasion to use it. There was then no Protestant Bishop at Que- bec ; and in the year 1789? the Bishop of Nova Scotia came to Canada on a Diocesan visitation. The congre- gation, now much increased, applied to his Lordship for aid ; and soon afterwards obtained from Lord Dorches- ter, the Governor, the use of the church which formerly belonged to the Jesuits’ College, and stood near the site of the gaol. Having fitted it up with pews, they attended divine worship in it for the first time, on Sun- day the 20th of December, 1789* The Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada were erected into an Episcopal See in the year 1793 . Dr. Jacob Mountain was the first Bishop of Quebec, with power over the whole diocese. A fire broke out in an old building near the church, in the month of June, 1803 , which so far injured the church itself as to render it useless for the purposes of worship. A meeting of the congregation was held within a few days, when measures were resorted to which issued in the erection of the present handsome structure ; in the mean time the congregation were accommodated with the use of the Presbyterian Church in St. Gabriel Street. The 102 CHRIST CHURCH. Committee appointed were Dr. Mountain, the resident minister, son of the first Bishop of Quebec, — the Hon. James M‘Gill, the Hon. Judge Ogden, — J. Frobisher, David Ross, Stephen Sewell, and J. A. Gray, Esqrs. A new church being resolved upon in preference to re- pairing the old, means were taken to raise a fund by the sale of pews and by application to His Majesty, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the merchants in Lon- don who were interested in the trade of Canada. T wo spots of ground were then at liberty ; one the vacant piece which adjoined the gaol, and was occupied as a garden for the Government house ; the other that lot in Notre Dame Street on which the old French prison stood for- merly. The latter w r as preferred, being granted for the purpose by the then Lieutenant Governor, Sir Robert Shore Milnes. In addition to this lot the con- gregation purchased from Mr. Guy, for the sum of £500 currency, a strip of ground which ran along the rear of it, so as to admit of access to the church from Little St. James Street. A plan and specification by Mr. Berzey were selected, and a committee to direct the work immediately appointed. The contract was made in January 1805 with Messrs. Joseph Chevalier and Baptist Larochelle for the mason work, Messrs. Isaac Shey and D. Bent for the roof and covering, and Mr. Gilmore to superintend the building, and furnish the cut stone for it. The contractors began to prepare the materials, that the building might be commenced early in the spring. On the 21st day of June, the corner stone w as laid with the usual formalities, by the Lord Bishop of Quebec, who came to Montreal for the purpose. Thus, after much effort, some disappoint- ments, and many interruptions, an object of such interest to the Protestant Episcopalians of this place, was put into a train of accomplishment. CHRIST CHURCH. 103 On a plate which is imbedded in the stone, there is the following inscription : “ Glory be to God.” “ Of this sacred Edifice, raised upon Ground granted for that purpose by our most Gracious Sovereign George III. by the pious exertions of the Protestant inhabitants of this City, and dedicated to the service of Almighty God according to the establishment of the Church of England, this Corner Stone was laid by Jacob Lord Bishop of Quebec, on the 21st day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1805.” In a cavity formed in the stone to which the above Plate answers as a cover, there is a glass bottle hermet- ically sealed, and containing the following Coins and Medals, together with a roll of parchment, bearing an inscription, of which the undermentioned is a copy. In gold there is a Guinea of George III. bearing date 1792. A half Guinea, same reign, dated 1797. A third do. dated 1799- In silver there are a Shilling of George III. dated 1787. A Sixpence of the same reign, 1787. In copper there are One Penny George III. of 1797 ; a Halfpenny and a Farthing of the same King, dated 1799. Also a Halfpenny of George Prince of Wales, without date. Besides these there are two Medals, the one struck in commemoration of Lord Howe's victory of the 1st of June, 1794 ; and the other for Lord Nelson's defeat of the combined fleets of France and Spain, on the 5th of November, 1805. The inscription on the parchment roll, bears the names of the Building Committee, as follows : 44 This Building was erected under the direction of the following Gentlemen, being a Committee chosen by the Congregation for that purpose. The Rev. Dr. Mountain, Edward William Gray, Joseph Frobisher, Robert Cruickshanks, John Platt, David Ross, Stephen Sewell, Esqrs, and Frederick William Ermatinger, Esq. Treasurer.” 44 Montreal, 25th June, 1805.” 104 CHRIST CHURCH. The funds hitherto obtained were insufficient to do more than finish the walls and the roof ; and no further progress was made for some years. In 1808 the sum of £400 was received from merchants in England ; and in 1810 the Imperial Parliament voted a grant of £4000 “ towards finishing the Protestant Parish Church in Montreal” ; but this was not received till 1812, and then with a diminution of nearly £800 currency, owing to a difference in the rate of exchange during the delay. In the spring of that year the carpenter’s work of the inside and the plastering, were undertaken by contract, the former by Mr. John Try, and the latter by Mr. Thomas Phillips. On the 9th day of October, 1814, divine service was first performed in the new church. The organ was erected in 1816. It is a powerful and elegant instrument made by Mr. Thomas Elliot, of London. Its original cost was £1150 sterling, but with the expense of putting it up, and other charges, it cost nearly £1600 currency. The sum was raised by subscription. The following year Dr. Mountain died, and was succeeded by the Rev. John Leeds, who had previously acted as curate. In the year 1817, application was made to the Legis- lature for an Act of Incorporation, but it was rejected. The Prince Regent was then applied to on the subject ; and letters patent, bearing date the 12th of August, 1818, were issued, constituting this church a Parish Church and Rectory, and electing the Rector, Church- wardens, and other members for the time being, a body corporate for managing its temporal affairs. The side galleries were erected the following year, being rendered necessary from the number of applicants for seats, owing to the great increase of the Protestant population of the city. Hitherto the church had neither a steeple nor a spire. Liberal offers for their erection UHRIST CHURCH. 105 were made, and both were added the same year, together with a clock, the donation of John Shuter, Esq. The stone work of the steeple was executed by Messrs. Surties and Muckle, and the wood work by Messrs. Clarke and Appleton. The Church is 120 feet in length, by 80 in width, exclusive of the recess for the altar, which is 12 feet in depth by 40 in width. The windows are 14 feet in height, topped with a semi-circular arch with 3^ feet nave — and 7 feet wide. The side walls are about 30 feet high. It is entered by three doors corresponding with the three passages which run along the body of the church from the entrance to the altar at the opposite end. The building recedes from the street, and is separated from it by a dwarf stone wall, surmounted by a handsome iron railing, with three neatly ornamented gates. The front is ornamented with pilasters support- ing a cornice and pediment of the Doric order of architecture. The tower is of stone, square and lofty, and from the top of it rises an octagonal prismatic spire of wood covered with tin. The height of the whole from the ground to the top is 204 feet. Surrounding the base of the spire on the top of the tower is a neat iron railing, which forms the front of a gallery or bal- cony, from whence there is an extensive view over the whole city and circumjacent country. On the top is a handsome vane, with an iron rod tastefully formed in open work, and cross pieces indicating the four cardinal points. Of the interior, simplicity and neatness are the pre- vailing features, and where any ornament is introduced, it is in perfect unison with the style of architecture, and harmonizes with the rest. The pews are painted white, and capped with cherry wood — with the numbers neatly gilt on the doors. The side galleries are supported by i I 106 MONUMENTAL TABLETS the main columns, and the organ gallery at the end in which the choir sits, is supported by columns of the Corinthian order, very well executed. The pulpit is neat, and of a fanciful design, with a circular front : it is supported upon six columns of the Corinthian order, and ascended by two flights of circular stairs, meeting in a platform in the rear of it. The ceiling is divided into three compartments ; the centre one of which is a segment of a circle supported on three columns and two pilasters on each side, thirty-one feet in height. These are of the Corinthian order to correspond with the others, with their capitals and entablatures elegantly enriched — the capitals are cut in wood and the entabla- tures of stucco. In the circular ceiling are three handsome centre pieces of foliage work, 12 feet in diameter, each formed of stucco. The flat or level compartments of the ceilings on each side are supported by cross beams from column to column, and from these to the side walls this part is also relieved by pannels, and the soffits of these are supported on the side walls by rich freizes of elegant design and workmanship in stucco. The tout ensemble is, upon the whole, well adjusted, with every attention to durability, correctness in design, and elegance of execution. In the year 1818, the Rev. Mr. Leeds removed to Brockville, on exchanging with the Rev. John Bethune, D. D., who is the present Rector of Christ Church, having for his assistant the Rev. D. Robertson. The Rev. J. Ramsay is the minister of Hochelaga Chapel. MONUMENTAL TABLETS in Christ Church. To the Hon. Rechard Cartwright, Member of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada. Died 27tli July, 1815, aged 57. IN CHRIST CHURCH. 107 In Memory of the Hon. John Richardson, Merchant, Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of the Province ; a native of Portsoy, N. B., born 1775; Died in this country on the 18th of May, 1831. Erected by his Widow and Family. A wing of the General Hospital, bearing his name, has been erected to his memory, By his fellow-citizens and friends, both in Canada and Great Britain. To the Memory of the Rev. Brook Bridges Stevens, Chaplain to the Forces, and Evening Lecturer in the Episcopal Church. By his exertions the Protestant Episcopal Church at Lachine was erected. His remains are deposited beneath the Altar there. Died 13th May, 1834, aged 46. Erected by the Congregation of the Church. To Mary Grant, wife of John Forsyth, Esq. of Montreal, Merchant ; A native of Quebec. Died there 30th July, 1818, aged 41 years. Erected by her Husband. To Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon, Commanding First Battalion of the First Royal Scots Regiment of Foot. Died 24th Sept. 1814, by a wound received from the Enemy at Fort Erie, on 17th of the same month. Erected by the Officers of the Battalion. To Margaret Hatt, wife of John Jamieson, Esq. Died at Savannah, in Georgia, 16th January, 1835, aged 24. i 2 108 CHURCH OF NOTRE DAME DE BON-SECOURS. To Anne Guy, wife of Samuel Wentworth Monk, Esq. one of the Prothonotaries of the Court of King’s Bench, District of Montreal. Died 13th August, 1834, aged 35.. THE CHURCH OF NOTRE DAME DE BON-SECOURS, IN ST. PAUL STREET.. The foundation of this Church was laid, in 1658, by the celebrated Sceur Marguerite Bourgeois, who in- tended to found here the Nunnery of the Congregation \ but, meeting with some obstacles, she visited France, whence she returned the following year with several young persons to educate, and proceeded to establish the Nunnery where it now stands, in Notre Dame Street. Some years afterwards, she was induced By" the following circumstances to undertake the completion of the church. In her second visit to France in 1671, to obtain Letters patent for her institution, she was di- rected to the house of M. Pierre Chevrier, Baron de Fancamp, Priest, one of the first proprietors of the Island of Montreal, then resident in Paris. He had in his possession a small image of the Virgin, reputed to be endowed with miraculous virtue, brought by some other Priests, also associates of the company, from among the relics of their Chateau, where it had been preserved and honoured for at least a century. It was desired that this image should be removed to Montreal, and a chapel built for its reception. This, Sceur Bour- geois undertook to perform, and on her return, bringing with her the image, the inhabitants of Montreal with great zeal entered into her design. A solemn proces- sion was made on the 29th of June, 1673, to lay the THE SCOTCH CHURCH, ST. GABRIEL STREET. 109 principal stones of the edifice, which was finished in 1675, and mass performed on the day of Assumption, August 15th. This was the first church built of stone in the Island of Montreal, the new Parish Church, then in progress, not being quite finished, when the Church of Bon-secours was opened. In 1754, it was consumed by fire, and not rebuilt till 1771, when its re-erection was resumed, and completed on the 30th of June, 1773. It continued to belong to the Sisters of the Congre- gation, till it was disposed of, some years since, to the Fabrique of the parish ; and is now used in connection with the Roman Catholic establishment in this city. THE SCOTCH CHURCH, ST. GABRIEL STREET.. This Church and Congregation are connected with the Established Church of Scotland. When the Church was built, and for several years afterwards, it was the only one in this Province in connection with that Esta- blishment, there being no building then erected in Quebec for the Members of that Church residing there. It was, in consequence,, called the Scotch Church, the Protestant Presbyterian Church, or the Presbyterian Church of Montreal ; but for some time past, since two others have sprung up in this city, it is known by the name of the St. Gabriel Street Church.* Before it was built, the Congregation assembled in the Recollet Church. The ground on which it stands, was purchased from the late Mr. Hypolite Hertel, with the exception of * Extracted from the Church-book, by favour of the Committee; i a 110 THE SCOTCH CHURCH, ST. GABRIEL STREET. twelve feet in breadth, which was granted by Govern- ment from the Champ de Mars, in 1792. The Church was built the same year, by Messrs. Telfer and McIntosh, Masons. Its size is 60 feet by 48, and it will seat 750 persons. A part of it is assigned to the use of the troops, when any Scotch Regiments are quartered here. The bell in the steeple of this Church is said to be “ the first Protestant bell sounded in Canada.” On opening the Church, in 1792, the pulpit was occupied by the Rev. John Young, from Schenectady, the first Minister, who remained with the Congregation till 1802, when he was succeeded by the Rev. J. Somerville, who held the office twenty years, resigning it in 1822, on an annual allowance from the Church and Congregation. The Rev. Henry Esson became his assistant in 1817, and his successor when he retired. The Rev. Edward Black was chosen assistant to Mr. Esson, and remained in that office eleven years, when he left St. Gabriel Street, in 1833, and afterwards occupied the Church built for him in St. Helen Street. WESLYAX C^PEL G T ST'JAMES ST? CHAPTER VIII. ECCLESIASTICAL EDIFICES, CONTINUED METHODIST CHAPELS JEWS’ SYNAGOGUE AMERICAN PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH- CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH SCOTCH SECESSION CHURCH ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH — st. Paul’s church — baptist chapel. BRITISH WESLEYAN METHODISTS. The Wesleyan Methodists have three Chapels in Montreal. The first occupied by them was erected in 1809, and was situated in St. Joseph Street, with a house adjoining’ for the resident Minister. This build- ing is at present occupied as an Exchange, and News Room. The original Chapel being found too small, a lot of ground was purchased in St. James Street, on which the present elegant building was erected in 1821. It is of cut stone, and the architecture is of the Grecian Doric order, with a portico corresponding. It is galleried all round, and has a fine organ. The basement story is spacious, and is appropriated to the Sunday School. It is justly considered as one of the most beautiful edifices of the kind in the city, and has a convenient house adjoining, for the resident Minister, called the Mission House. The late Daniel Fisher, Esq. was a munificent contributor to the erection of the building, and the Trustees have placed a neat monument in the Chapel to his memory, and “ as a tribute of respect to departed 112 JEWS SYNAGOGUE. worth.” The Chapel will seat about 1000 persons, and the cost of the erection was £5,500. Another Chapel, built and occupied by the Wesleyan denomination, is situated in the St. Ann Suburbs. It is a neat stone building, erected in 1833, with a basement story for a School. It will seat 450 persons. The third Chapel occupied by the Wesleyans is situated in the Quebec Suburbs, and will seat about 300 persons. Connected with these Chapels are six Schools, in which from 500 to 600 children receive weekly in- struction. The resident Ministers at this time are, the Rev.. R. L. Lusher, and the Rev. J. P. Hetherington. JEWS’ SYNAGOGUE.. The Synagogue* situated at the upper end of Chen- neville Street, St. Lawrence Suburbs, is a fine specimen of the Egyptian style of architecture. The front is of cut stone, and adorned with a handsome portico with two columns. The interior of the building is remark- ably neat, fitted up with benches, which are occupied by the male part of the congregation^ The gallery is supported by four handsome pillars, and is assigned to the female part of the congregation v the whole taste- fully painted throughout. Opposite to this, also in the Egyptian style, is a very beautiful mahogany Ark, over which are placed the Ten Commandments, in Hebrew characters, cut in white marble. The expense of the building was raised by private subscription, principally amongst persons professing Judaism in this city. The largest donation was given- AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL. AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 113 by the late Mrs. Francis Michaels, of this city, amount- ing to £575 currency. This Synagogue is the only one in British North America. AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, JAMES STBEET, The American Presbyterian Congregation was or- ganised in December, 1822. The individuals who com- posed it were originally members of the St. Andrew’s Congregation. Feeling themselves aggrieved by cer- tain measures there pursued, they seceded, and formed themselves into a body, with a name significant of their national origin. For a considerable time, the Congre- gation thus formed was destitute of any house for public worship, and of course subject to great expense and inconvenience, in procuring temporary accommodations. After some delay, a piece of ground, advantageously situated, was procured, and the corner stone of the present edifice was laid in June, 1825. In the winter of 1826 the stated religious services of the Sabbath were commenced within the walls of the new building, although it was in a very unfinished state. While struggling with the expense incident to the erection of so large an edifice, the Congregation had procured the services of a young clergyman of great piety and talent, the Rev. Joseph S. Christmas. He remained with them until June, 1828, having been then Pastor four years. He was then compelled, by the state of his health, to resign his pastoral charge. After an interval of more than a year, the present Pastor, Rev. G. W. Perkins, commenced his services, and was regularly installed in the month of May, 1830., 114 CONGREGATIONAL, OR The Congregation, originally small and often dimin- ished by emigrations from the city, has yet greatly increased, and is now one of the largest Protestant Congregations in Montreal. For some years past, the Sabbath Schools connected with this Congregation, and taught by its members, have contained nearly 500 pupils. At present there is a Free School connected with this Church, which gives gratuitous instruction to a large number of children. It was sustained for two years at an expense of One Thousand Dollars, by members of the Congregation ; but now receives aid from Government. CONGREGATIONAL, or INDEPENDENT CHURCH, ST. MAURICE STREET. The Congregational cause began in this city in the year 1831. The Rev. Richard Miles, recently in connection with the London Missionary Society, in South Africa, arrived in Montreal from England in September of that year. He found several members jof this denomination without a Church or Minister of the order they preferred, and desirous of attempting the formation of a Church and Congregation in accordance with their principles. At their solicitation, he com- menced his public ministry on the first Sabbath of October, in a School-room hired for the purpose. Soon thereafter, a larger and more commodious Room in the Mansion House, College Street, was obtained and fitted up to accommodate an increasing Congregation. On the 6th July, 1832, fifteen individuals, including the Minister, the whole of whom had been members in INDEPENDENT CHURCH. 115 good standing of Congregational Churches, formed themselves into a Church of Christ, after unanimously and solemnly adopting the following Declarations as the basis of their union and fellowship : “1. We, regarding each other as brethren and sisters in the Lord, do hereby form ourselves into a Christian Church of the Congregational or Psedobaptist order, professing the doctrines of faith in unison with those contained in the Assembly’s Shorter Catechism, and usually denominated Calvinistic. “2. We do hereby resolve, in the strength of Divine grace, to walk with each other as a Christian Church in all the Command- ments and Ordinances of the Lord.” The need of a more suitable and permanent edifice for public worship was early felt, and measures were adopted to supply it. After much effort and self- denial on the part of the infant cause, a suitable piece of ground was purchased in St. Maurice Street, at a heavy expense, and arrangements were made to proceed with the work. The foundation stone was laid in the month of July, 1834, and the building was finished and opened for public worship on the second Sabbath of February, 1835. It is an exceedingly neat and well finished structure, having an elegant portico of the Doric order, and appropriate iron railing in front. The interior is at once comfortable and elegant, seating about 400, without galleries. There is a large School-room underneath, in which the usual Week Evening Services are held, and where a School of about 100 children assemble on the Lord’s Day. The whole building, above and be- low, is lighted with gas. The cost was £1700. In August, 1835, the Rev. R. Miles announced his intention to resign the pastoral charge of the Church, and to proceed to a Missionary station in the country. In October, the Rev. H. Wilkes, A. M., of Edinburgh, 116 SCOTCH SECESSION CHURCH* was invited to recross the Atlantic, and take the oversight of the Church. Early in the year 1836, the Colonial Missionary Society, in connection with the Congregational Union of England and Wales, was formed ; and, being desirous of obtaining the services of a competent individual to act as their Corresponding Agent in the Canadas, Mr. Wilkes accepted this ap- pointment, and also complied with the call of the Church. He arrived with his family in August, 1836 ; and having spent some time in a journey through Upper Canada, on the business of the Colonial Mission, he commenced his stated labours in Montreal on the first Sabbath in October, 1836. Mr. Wilkes is the present Clergyman. The Church is connected with the Congregational Union for Lower Canada, which consists at present of thirteen Churches and Ministers. The Congregational Union of Upper Canada consists of ten Churches and Ministers. These bodies are in correspondence with the several Congregational Unions in Great Britain. SCOTCH SECESSION CHURCH, IN LAGAUCHETTERE STREET, ST, LAWRENCE SUBURBS. Many of the Emigrants from Scotland, connected with the Secession Church in that country, when writing to their friends at home complained of the religious destitution in which they felt themselves here, and feeling still an attachment to the Church in which they had been educated, requested that some Ministers of that communion might be sent out. At length the United Associate Synod undertook a mission to the Canadas, and in 1832 sent out several Missionaries. All proceeded to Upper Canada, except SCOTCH SECESSION CHURCH. 117 the Rev. Mr. Robertson, who remained in Montreal, where he designed to form a church. His prospects of success were encouraging, but after a few months resi- dence he was suddenly cut off by cholera, to the general regret of his friends. In 1833, the Rev. Messrs. Murray and Taylor were sent out, and directed to form a church at Montreal, which they accomplished ; and soon afterwards the latter gentleman received an invitation to undertake the pas- toral charge. At that time the Congregation met in Mr. Bruce’s school room in M‘Gill Street. This was soon found too small ; and the temporary use of the American Presbyterian Church was requested, and freely and gratuitously granted, at such hours as it was not needed by its own congregation. In the following year the present building was com- menced. Many difficulties were encountered by the Society in its feeble state ; but by the help of God they were all surmounted. In addition to what was raised in the city, contributions were received from the parent Church, and from Christians in the United States. The Church is a plain, but substantial building. It was in- tended to be two stories high, but the return of the cholera that year occasioned the work to be hastily finished. Its appearance suffers by the diminution of height, but it is a commodious place of worship, and will seat conveniently about 480 persons. The Church con- sists of 200 members, and the usual audience is about 400. There is a Sabbath School connected with the Church, in which from 80 to 90 children are instructed by 16 or 17 teachers. A Library is attached to the School, and another to the Church for the use of the Congrega- tion, from which many advantages have already resulted. The site may in one respect be deemed unfavourable, as being at too great a distance from the city ; but it k 1 118 ST. ANDREW S CHURCH. was originally chosen from a regard to the destitution of the neighbourhood, many of the inhabitants of which have reason to rejoice in the selection. The Rev. W. Taylor is pastor of the Church. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH, IN ST. FETER SFREET. This Church, now in connection with the Established Church of Scotland, was commenced in the year 1805, and finished in April, 1807, at a cost of about £1500. It is a plain and substantial building of stone, 70 feet by 51 without, comfortably fitted up, and capable of containing with ease 760 persons. Galleries were erected in 1816, at an expense of £400. A Sabbath School is conducted in the Church, at which from 60 to 70 are generally in attendance ; and a Theological Library is established for the use of the Congregation. The Society was formed in the year 1804, and assembled for worship in a large private room, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Robert Easton, from Hawie, Roxburghshire, who continued in that office after the Church was built, until 1824, when he resigned his charge in consequence of the increasing infirmities of age and ill health : his declining days were made comfort- able by a liberal allowance from the church. Both Mr. Easton and the original congregation belonged to the Burgher Secession in Scotland, and considered them- selves to be in connection with the Associate Reformed Synod in that country ; but this connection not being formally acknowledged by the Synod, on the proposed resignation of Mr. Easton, the congregation resolved to procure a Minister of the Church of Scotland, “ and none else.” The Rev. John Burns, A. M., succeeded BAPTIST CHAPEL st. Paul’s church. 119 Mr. Easton, and the congregation from that time became connected with the Established Church of Scotland. Some of the members, not being satisfied with this change, withdrew, and built a separate place of worship, known as the American Presbyterian Church. Mr. Burns continued Minister of St. Andrew’s Church for nearly two years, when on succeeding to some landed property in Scotland, he returned to his native country. He was succeeded, in 1826, by the Rev. Dr. Mathieson, from Dumbarton, who is the present incumbent. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH, IN ST. HELEN STREET. This is also in connection with the Established Church of Scotland. The Congregation for whose use it was erected originally formed a part of that assembling in St. Gabriel Street. It is a chaste and elegant building of cut stone, and was erected by Mr. John Wells of this city, from a plan by Mr. Thompson, Architect, from London, who resided here some years. The Church is 71 feet in length by 53 in width. In the centre of the front, which is entirely Gothic, are two large octagonal buttresses, and small square ones at the ends. The but- tresses terminate with pinnacles ; the parapets* are em- battled, and the whole is surmounted by open Gothic balustrades. The flanks are pierced by five large win- dows on each side, fifteen feet high, by five wide. The interior of the building is Grecian ; and underneath is an extensive cellar, seven feet three inches high, with vaulted ceiling. The ground upon which it stands is a part of that which was formerly attached to the Jesuits’ College. The lateral parapets ore now removed. K % 120 BAPTIST CHAPEL. The whole expense of erection, including the purchase of the ground, as appears from the Committee books, was £3569 8 8 That of the adjoining School House.... 436 15 2 The funds were partly raised by voluntary contribu- tions, and partly borrowed. The trustees are, the Hon- P. M‘Gill, and J. Redpath, and Joseph Ross, Esquires. The Church was opened for Divine service on the 26th day of August, 1834, by the Rev. Dr. Black, the present incumbent. A meeting of the pew-holders was held in the Church on the 8th of April, 1835, when the first Temporal Committee was elected. Though not imposing by its magnitnde, the Scotch Church in St. Helen Street is richly entitled to commendation as one of the most beautiful and ornamental edifices in the city. BAPTIST CHAPEL, ST. HELEN STREET. The members of the Baptist denomination who suc- cessively took up their residence in this city, though differing from many other Christians only on the ordi- nance of Baptism, were naturally desirous of forming a religious Society, agreeably to their own views ; but no opportunity of doing this occurred till the year 1831. They had attended the ministry of Mr. Denham, for some months, in the years 1829 and 1830; and after- wards that of the Rev. John Gilmour, who, deeming it his duty to leave his charge in Aberdeen, Scotland, to preach the Gospel in Canada, arrived in Montreal, in the month of September. He succeeded Mr. Denham in the occupation of the school-room in which the con- gregation were in the habit of meeting. The few members of the Baptist denomination then BAPTIST CHAPEL. 121 in the place of course attended his ministry, and, aided by other Christian friends, resolved to build a chapel for the worship of God. In the spring of the following year, 1831, the building was begun ; and finished and ready for public worship in September of the same year. It was immediately occupied by the Congregation to which Mr. Gilmour was preaching, and now belongs to the members in fellowship, represented by trustees, authorised by an act of the Provincial Legislature to hold property on their account. The Chapel is built of cut stone ; it is a neat and comfortable place of worship, capable of seating 400 hearers, with provision for the erection of galleries when required. The cost of its erection was £1200, including the lot of land on which it is built. There is a Sunday School supported by the Church assembling here, held in the basement story of the building, which place is likewise used as a lecture room for the week-day services. The School averages in attendance of from 50 to 60 scholars. The Church is in connection with the Ottawa Bap- tist Association, which at present includes nine Churches and eight Ministers. CHAPTER IX. ECCLESIASTICAL AND OTHER EDIFICES. THE PRIESTS* FARM THE BISHOP’S CHURCH RECOLLET CHURCH GENERAL HOSPITAL ST. ANN*S MARKET NATIONAL SCHOOL. THE PRIESTS* FARM Is situated on the side of the Mountain, a little to the left of the road leading to Cote des Neiges and St. Laurent. It consists of extensive gardens and orchards, and several acres of land which are cultivated as a farm for the benefit of the Seminary, to which it belongs. The buildings are substantial and commodious, and occupy a position which commands a lovely view of the city, the River St. Lawrence, and the fine country in front. They are in summer the weekly resort of the professors and pupils of the Seminary and College ; and nothing can be better adapted for exercise, and recrea- tion from sedentary employment. They march to and from the place in regular order, and are generally accompanied by a band of music, formed from amateurs of their own body. The place was formerly known by the appellation of the Chateau des Seigneurs de Mont- real, but now frequently called La Maison des Pretres. RECOLLECT CHURCH. bishop’s CHURCH — RECOLLET CHURCH. 123 ST. JAMES’S, or the BISHOP’S CHURCH, IN ST. DENIS STREET. When the Rev. Jean Jacques Lartigue was conse- crated Suffragan of the Bishop of Quebec, under the title of Bishop of Telmesse, some difficulties arose as to the exercise of certain prerogatives. These difficulties induced the personal friends of M. Lartigue to unite with him in erecting a church as the locality of his See. The land for this purpose was granted by the Hon. D. B. Viger, and the expense of building the church and the adjoining residence and school-house, was ob- tained principally from the contributions of Roman Catholic inhabitants of Montreal and its vicinity. The church was erected in 1824, and is capable of containing 3000 persons. In 1836, Montreal was erected into a Bishopric. Bishop Lartigue is now Titular Bishop of Montreal. He took possession of his See on the 8th September, 1836, and St. James’s Church became his Cathedral. RECOLLET CHURCH, IN NOTRE DAME STREET. The property of the Recollets, on the extinction of that order in Canada, having come into the possession of the British Government, that part on which their monastery stood, and the adjoining land in the city of Montreal, was conveyed to the Hon. Mr. Grant, in exchange for the Island of St. Helen, which previously belonged to that gentleman. The number of Irish Catholics having much increased by emigration, and there being no separate place of worship of sufficient magnitude for their use, the Fabrique purchased of Mr. Grant the church and some adjoining buildings. The 124 GENERAL HOSPITAL. present front of the church was built of materials from the old Parish Church in the Place d’Armes, when it was taken down in 1830. In the Recollet Church the Irish Catholics assemble on the days of service appointed by authority, and form a numerous congregation. Ad- joining to the church on the north is an Orphan Asylum, and at the east end a School for the children of Roman Catholic parents. The Rev. Mr. Phelan is the officiating clergyman of this church. GENERAL HOSPITAL, IN DORCHESTER STREET. The various charitable institutions connected with the Roman Catholic establishments of this city, were several years since found inadequate to the increasing wants of the population, either from their own limits, the restric- tion of admission to particular cases, or the reluctance of the Protestant part of the inhabitants to enter them. On all these accounts a new establishment, of a more general and extensive character, became desirable. The increase of emigration, too, which, since the termination of the war in 1815, brought to our shores vast numbers of persons who were incapable of reaching their desti- nation, being overtaken by sickness on their passage, or detained by poverty on their arrival, and unable to pro- cure either support or medical attendance from any funds of their own, made an urgent appeal to the bene- volent inhabitants of our cities, and prompted them to devise means for the relief of these miserable exiles. An association of females in Montreal, designated as the Ladies' Benevolent Society , was formed expressly for the relief of the indigent emigrants, who were sought out and relieved with an assiduity which cannot be too NATIONAL. SCHOO: V''' GENERAL HOSPITAL. 125 highly commended. The concern for these objects soon became so general among the inhabitants, that, in 1818, a fund of £1200 was raised to relieve the wants of these sufferers and the poor of the city ; and a soup kitchen was opened, where these philanthropic ladies personally superintended the distribution. But more than this was needed ; and the ladies pressed upon the attention of the Committee entrusted with the disburse- ment of the money collected, the cases of the sick, who needed, but were not able to procure, medical aid. Dr. Blackwood, a young gentleman who had retired from the army in which he had been a surgeon, and some other medical gentlemen of the city, agreed to give their professional assistance, provided a house could be obtain- ed where the most necessitous cases of sick poor could be relieved. The late Isaac Winslow Clark, Esq., then Deputy Commissary General, and an active member of the Committee, obtained from the Governor, the Duke of Richmond, a quantity of condemned barrack bedding. A small building, of four apartments, in the St. Joseph Suburbs, was then hired, and called the House of Re- covery. Small as it was, and inadequate to meet the numerous cases that needed relief, it became the germ of that noble institution which redounds so greatly to the benefit and honour of the city of Montreal. The expenses of this miniature establishment enabled the managers of it to form a probable estimate of the sum requisite for an institution of such an extent as the wants of the poor required. They saw not, as yet, how to obtain it ; but from the spirit of active charity which had displayed itself, they were led to believe that, by a further appeal to the benevolent, through the medium of charity sermons, subscription lists sent round the city, and other means of raising donations, they would be enabled to establish and support a hospital on a more 126 GENERAL HOSPITAL. extended scale. The Protestant Clergymen of the city, in union with the most eminent medical practitioners and the Committee then existing, proceeded to hire a larger house in Craig Street. This was soon fitted up with the necessary articles of furniture, and an additional quantity of Barrack bedding was procured from the Governor. The building consisted of three wards, capable of receiving about twenty-four patients, and so arranged that a nearer appro«ach to classification could be made than in the former confined building. , A meeting of the citizens was called, a Committee was appointed, a house-keeper and other attendants engaged. A cer- tain number of directors or visiting members were chosen, two of whom took the duty of visiting the hospital weekly in rotation. The medical department was placed under the direction of four professional gentlemen, who attended monthly in rotation, and one of them, as house surgeon, attended daily in case of accidents. On the first of May, 1819, such patients as were in the House of Recovery, together with the little property belonging to that establishment, were removed into the new institution, which now assumed the title of the Montreal General Hospital, and for the more effectual management of which a code of rules was drawn up and brought into immediate operation. This was a most important step in the progress of benevolent effort in behalf of the poor in the city. The regularity and good order in which the institution was kept, and the interest excited in its favour from the numbers concerned in its management, soon made it an object of public consideration. The quarterly reports evinced the benefits which resulted from it, and induced many to become subscribers, while the confidence excited by its judicious management prevailed upon its support- ers to make greater exertions in its behalf. By many of GENERAL HOSPITAL. 127 them, indeed, it was considered only as an experiment, which, if it succeeded, might tend to something yet more permanent and effectual. About this time there was a piece of ground on sale, which belonged to Mr. Marshall, and was occupied by him as a nursery. With a liberality which deserves to be recorded to their honour, the Hon. John Richardson, the Hon. William M‘ Gillivray, and Samuel Gerrard, Esq., purchased this ground on their joint credit, and held it in trust for the purpose of erecting an hospital upon it. This purchase was made in August, 1820, and operated strongly as a stimulus to increased energy on the part of the inhabi- tants. At a meeting afterwards held, Mr. Thomas Phillips submitted a plan, which was approved, and which was so constructed as to admit of enlargement, if neces- sary, without destroying the symmetry of the erection. The estimate for the centre building, with its appurte- nances, was £2,200, of which £800 was immediately subscribed by individuals present at the meeting, and so much of the remainder was obtained by the beginning of the next year, that the Committee felt themselves justified in entering into contracts for the work in Janu- ary, 1821. The Hon. John Richardson, the Rev. John Bethune, Dr. William Robertson, John Molson, Sen., David Ross, John Try, and Alexander Skakel, Esquires, were a Committee appointed for this duty. Mr. Phillips was chosen to superintend the building, as architect, for which £50 were allowed him, but he relinquished it as his subscription to the general fund. On the 6th day of June, 1821, the foundation stone was laid with Masonic ceremonies. In a cavity formed in the stone, a crystal tube was deposited, hermetically sealed, and containing two written pieces of parchment, and several coins. 128 GENERAL HOSPITAL. First Parchment . MONTREAL GENERAL HOSPITAL. The centre part of this building, situate upon Dorchester Street, in the St. Lawrence Suburbs, of the city of Montreal, was erected in the year of our Lord Christ 1821, and in the 2d year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the 4th, (under the administration in this Province of His Excellency the Right Honorable George Earl of Dalhousie, Governor in Chief of the British North Ameri- can Provinces) by voluntary contributions, for the benevolent pur- pose of establishing an Hospital, to be called the Montreal General Hospital , for the reception and cure of diseased poor, and others who may not have the means or conveniency of being duly cared for when sick, at their own places of residence. The only institution of this kind, hitherto, has been the Hotel Dieu Nunnery, which, although highly useful, yet the accommoda- tions therein for the sick being very limited, and their rules exclud- ing certain diseases, it is found to be now inadequate to the growing population of this City and Suburbs, which is now estimated at about twenty thousand souls. An effort therefore to establish an Hospital upon a more extended and general plan as to residents, and embracing also the reception and cure of diseased poor emigrants from the mother country, on passing through Montreal, became indispensable, and happily has succeeded beyond expectation. The present building is so constructed, as to be capable hereafter of a threefold extension when needful, by adding thereto a wing at each end of equal capacity with the centre. The contributors up to the 5th day of June, 1821, when the corner stone of the centre building was laid with masonic ceremony ; and the amount of their respective subscriptions to this praiseworthy undertaking, are as follows, viz. : [ The List is here inserted , on the parchment.] The first Directors consist of George Auldjo, Robert Armour, Thomas Blackwood, William Blackwood, J. T. Barrett, I. Wins- low Clarke, Joseph Chapman, Henry Corse, Jacob Dewitt, David David, Fredk. Wm. Ermatinger, John Fisher, senior, Samuel Gerrard, George Garden, Benaiah Gibb, sen., Robert Gillespie, William Gray, James Leslie, William Lunn, James Millar, John Molson, sen., the Honble. William M‘Gillivray, Peter M‘Gill, GENERAL HOSPITAL. 129 John Molson, jun., Adam L. M‘Nider, Henry M‘Kenzie, ¥m. M, Porter, Thomas Phillips, the Hon. John Richardson, David Ross, Alexander Skakel, Michael Scott, John Try, Thomas Torrance, Andrew White, and Kenneth Walker. The Directors ex-officio are the Rev. John Bethune, Rector of the Parish of Montreal, the Rev. Mr. Somerville, Mr. Easton, Mr. Esson, Mr. Lusher. The Committee for carrying on the building are the Hon. John Richardson, David Ross, John Molson, the Rev. Mr. Bethune, Alexander Skakel, John Try, and Dr. Wm. Robertson. The Treasurer for the institution is Samuel Gerrard. The contractors for the Masonry are John Redpath and William Riley. The contractors for the Carpenter’s and Jomer’s work are Edward Barnett and Gordon Forbes. And the professional superintendant of the work is Thomas Phillips, who contributes his services in that respect, in lieu of a pecuniary subscription — such services being considered and accepted as equivalent to fifty pounds. Second Parchment, At Montreal, in the Province of Lower Canada, in the year of our Lord Christ 1821, and of Masonry 5821, — being the second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Fourth of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, His Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England, and the Right Hon. George, Earl of Dalhousie, Governor General of British North America. This Chief Corner Stone of the Montreal Hospital, was laid in due form by the Right Worshipful Sir John Johnston, Baronet, Past Provincial Grand Master of Canada, deputed by and acting as substitute for the Right Worshipful and Honorable Claude Dene- chaud, Present Provincial Grand Master under authority of the Grand Lodge aforesaid, attended and assisted by the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge, and the Masters, Wardens, and Brethren of the three Lodges held in this city, being Nos. 8, 12, and 20 in the Registry of the said Province, and in the presence of several visiting. Brethren of distinction in Free Masonry. L 1 ISO GENERAL HOSPITAL. COINS DEPOSITED UNDER THE STONE. A Half Crown of George IV. A Guinea, Sovereign, a Half Sovereign, a Third of a Guinea, Two Shillings, a Sixpence, a Farthing, of George III. A Shilling of Ann. An Irish Halfpenny of William and Mary, A Halfpenny of James II. In less than a year the building was finished, and on the first of May, 1822, it was opened for the reception of patients, when the whole of the former establishment was removed into it. The number of patients admitted the first year was 421, and of out-patients 397, making a total of 818 indigent human beings, who in sickness were carefully attended to, and every thing in the power of medical skill done for their recovery. In the session of 1823 the Provincial Legislature, on the recommen- dation of Lord Dalhousie, Governor in Chief, granted the sum of £850 Currency to defray the annual expenses of the Hospital ; and a further mark of favour and patronage was extended to it by granting it a Charter of Incorporation. The total cost of the central building and the land belonging to it, was £5856 8 0. The Secretary in his report at the end of the year, observes that “ though the Hospital has cost much more than the estimate, it is to be remembered that many additions have been made to the original plan, which were not, at first, contemplated ; and that that estimate was merely for the building itself, exclusive of any appendages. Those capable of judging, who have seen it, consider it to have been erected at a very cheap rate.” Not half the amount was raised during the year, but the defi- ciency was advanced in equal shares by the three gen- tlemen who purchased the ground. Shortly afterwards, at a meeting of the directors, the Hon. John Richard- son assured them that means had been found to cancel GENERAL HOSPITAL. 131 the debt, amounting to £4099 6 10, but that he was not at liberty to make any explanation as to the manner in which this most liberal deed had been accomplished. A legacy of £100 bequeathed by David David, Esq., enabled the directors to purchase a building adjacent to the hospital grounds, by which the premises were ren- dered more complete, and an addition made to its revenue. The first medical department consisted of Drs. Caldwell, Robertson, Holmes, Leodel, and Stephenson, the last of whom acted as House Surgeon. These, with an Apothecary, Matron, three Nurses, and the necessa- ry servants and attendants, constituted the effective force of the establishment. In the year ending the 1st May, 1824, there had been received 254 Protestants and 216 Roman Catholics ; out-patients 254 Protestants, and 110 Roman Catholics. Total number of cases from the commencement, 933, shewing an increase of 115. Within ten years from the first foundation of the hospital, a most important addition was made to it, in consequence of the following very interesting circum- stances. On the demise of the Hon. John Richardson, the first President of the institution, a voluntary sub- scription was entered into, for the purpose of erecting a cenotaph to his memory in the Episcopal Church. Large sums were obtained in this city, as well as in Quebec, York, and London. As the amount collected far exceeded what was required to carry this object into effect, and the demands for admission into the hospital exceeded its capacity, it was resolved to devote the money thus acquired to the enlargement of the building, by erecting a wing to be called the Richardson Wing , as the best means of combining honour to the dead with utility to the living. The corner stone was laid on the 16th September, 1831. A glass tube, hermetically sealed, and containing two parchments, was deposited in it, l 2 132 GENERAL HOSPITAL* .Their contents were as follow : First Parchment. This edifice is intended, under the Divine blessing, to commem- orate the public and private virtues of the late Honorable John Richardson, a Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of Lower Canada, distinguished diming a residence of near fifty years in this Province, by the rectitude and consistency of his con- duct, by his spirit of enterprise in promoting improvement, and by the most extensive benevolence. He was born at Portsoy, in the County of Banff, North Britain, emigrated to the late British Colonies in 1774, and came into Canada in 1787, where he attained great eminence as a Merchant, and displayed in his long career of ^public service, the variety of talent with which he was endowed. He departed this life on the 18th day of May last, in the 77th year of his age. The erection of a monument to this distinguished individual, was taken into immediate consideration by those who knew and justly appreciated his character ; and voluntary contributions were obtained for the purpose of placing a cenotaph to his memory in Christ Church of this city. Desirous, also,, of handing down to posterity a just sense of the important share which this their first President had in founding, incorporating, and supporting the Montreal General Hospital, the members of the Corporation raised a contribution for the purpose of placing w ithin its walls some memorial of so great a benefactor. This desire to honour the memory of one of the most distinguished of His Majesty’s subjects in British North America, was not confined to Montreal, but extended wherever his name and character were known. Contributions for the same pur- pose were made in Quebec, in York, and in other parts of both Provinces. The amount thus collected having exceeded the most sanguine expectations, it has been deemed expedient by the contri- butors to both monuments, and considered most congenial to the character of the deceased, to unite the funds, and enlarge that asylum for afflicted humanity, which, as its President, he to his last moments cherished with pastoral care, by erecting this building to be called “ The Richardson Wing of the Montreal General Hospital.” Second Parchment . Names of Officers of Grand and Provincial Lodges of Free Masons. GENERAL HOSPITAL. 133 The following Medals and Coins were enclosed in a box, and placed also in the corner stone : A Medal commemorative of the Reign and Demise of his late Majesty George III. A Medal commemorative of the Reign and Demise of his late Majesty, George IV. A Sovereign of George IV. A half do. do. A Crown do. A Shilling. A Sixpence. A Penny. A Halfpenny and Farthing. A Five Livre piece of Louis Phillipe I., King of France; coined 1831. i s “- Another tin box contained a copy of the Charters and By-Laws of the Corporation, First Annual Report, lists of the original contributors to the central building, an Almanac for the year 1831, and the papers of the day. This wing was opened for the reception of patients on the 7th of December, 1832. With this addition, the Hospital contains 13 wards, and 160 beds. On a marble tablet, in the front of this wing, is the following inscription : THE RICHARDSON WING OF THE MONTREAL GENERAL HOSPITAL. This Building was erected, a. d. 1832, To commemorate the public and private virtues of the fC^ott. jjofjn Ktcfjattrson, A distinguished Merchant of this city, and Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of the Province. He was the first President of this Hospital, And a liberal Contributor to its Foundation and Support. He was born at Portsoy, North Britain, and died 18th May, 1831 Aged 76 years. 134 GENERAL HOSPITAL. SCALE OF PATIENTS, FOR SEVERAL YEARS. Year ending May 1, 1826.... In door. ... 601 Out door . — — 1827.... ... 591 — — 1828.... ... 772 491 — — 1829.... ... 556 319 — — 1830.... ... 451 440 — — 1831.... ... 797 — — 1832.... ... 1830 , — .• — 1833.... — — 1834... ... 1296 — — 1835... ... 769 — . — 1836... ... 1029 „ — — 1837... ... 1152 1528 To Oct. 1, , 1838... ... 561 PRESENT RULES OF THE INSTITUTION. Every person who has contributed to the erection of the Hospital, or who shall hereafter contribute to its fund £25 Currency, and an Annual Subscription for life of £3 Currency, is constituted a Life Governor. Annual Governors are eligible on contributing a sum under £25, and not less than £10, and an annual payment thereto of £2 or more. There are at present forty-four Governors, includ- ing those annually elected : they meet every quarter for the trans- action of business. Two Governors are appointed weekly to visit the Hospital, and report upon its condition. The Committee of Management, elected from among the Gover- nors, meet weekly (on Friday) to audit, inspect, and approve of all accounts, in order to their liquidation, and report, through the Secretary of the Corporation, a statement of all their transactions, to each quarterly meeting of the Governors. They have charge of the property of the Corporation, and are empowered to enforce all necessary attention to economy, cleanliness, &c. The Medical Officers are eight in number, and visit the Hospital in rotation every two months ; — under ordinary circumstances, once a day. Their services are gratuitous. The Medical Officers form a Board, called the “ Medical Board of the Montreal General Hospital.” Its duty is to superintend the Medical Department, and examine and report upon the qualifications of individuals applying for the appointments of House Physician, House Surgeon, Apothe- cary, Clerks, Dressers, & c. GENERAL HOSPITAL. 135 Every Governor and Medical Officer of the Hospital, and the Clergymen belonging to the congregations of this city, may recom- mend patients for admission into the Hospital, subject to the approval of the attending Physician or Surgeon. Such persons as are unable to pay for their maintenance are received as paupers. Such as can afford it, pay a sum not less than five shillings per week : the persons recommending patients under these circumstances, are responsible for the payment. Women in advanced stages of pregnancy are inadmissible. Insane and incurable diseases are not admissible : all other com- plaints are. The out-door patients receive medicines and advice without refer- ence to the nature of their diseases. Students can attend the practice of the Hospital on the payment of two Guineas for one year. For a further sum of two Guineas the ticket is made perpetual. No Student is eligible to a dressership unless he has studied for 18 months with some medical practitioner, and attended the Hospital six months at least. He will require to be approved of by the Medical Board, before he can be admitted to that office. The Medical Board consists of— Wm. Robertson, M.D., A. F. Holmes, M.D., Physicians and Surgeons extraordinary ; J. Stephenson, M.D., T. Bruneau, M.D., A. Hall, M.D., G. W. Campbell, M.D., J. Crawford, M.D., and S. Sewell, M.D. Apothecary, J. R. Dick. Two marble tablets, one to the memory of Dr. Cald- well, and the other to that of Mr. Leodel, are in the vestibule of the Hospital. This building is one of the principal ornaments of the city. Seen from various points of view, it is a striking and elegant object, independently of the pleasing ideas which its design cannot fail to suggest to the benevolent mind. Its situation, too, is highly favourable ; and probably if all the ground in the vicinity had been vacant, a more eligible spot could not have been selected. Near enough to the crowded part of the city, to be easily accessible, it has yet the advantages of a rising ground, pure air, and pleasant prospects in every direction. 136 NATIONAL SCHOOL. NATIONAL SCHOOL, IN BONSECOUBS STREET. This institution is under the patronage of the Mont- real District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge . It was founded in the year 1816, and consists of two departments, the male and the female. There are separate Committees for the respec- tive departments. All who contribute 11s. 8d. annually to the funds of the District Committee are entitled to act as visitors. The building is plain, but neat and extensive, and well adapted to its purpose. In addition to the School and Committee rooms, there are apart- ments for the master and mistress : these offices are at present held by Mr. and Mrs. Rollet. The number of boys in the school is 36 French and 120 English — average attendance about 100 ; of girls 20 French and 84 English — average attendance about 70. $ * CHAPEL OF THE HOTEL DIEU NUNNERY. CHAPTER X, GRBY NUNNERY — CONGREGATIONAL NUNNERY HOTEL DIEU NUNNERY THE SEMINARY THE COLLEGE — BRITISH AND CANADIAN SCHOOL HOTELS NEWS ROOM — THEATRE ROYAL — NELSON’S MONUMENT. GREY NUNNERY; Or GENERAL HOSPITAL of the CHARITABLE 9ISTERS-. When Louis the Fourteenth, in 1692, had granted, by letters patent, to the Bishop of Quebec, the Gover- nor, and their successors, power to establish General Hospitals and other similar institutions, for the relief of the sick and aged poor in different parts of the country, several laymen, citizens of Montreal, at the head of whom was M. Charron, a native of Normandy, deter- mined to establish such an hospital in this city. They accordingly signified their intention to the proper autho- rities, and under letters patent especially granted to themselves in 1692, proceeded to found and endow a General Hospital in Montreal, upon the same plan as that which was then building in Quebec, and determined to devote their time and fortunes to this benevolent purpose. Their design was encouraged by the gentle- men of the Seminary, who made extensive donations en fief et en roture , and granted also, free of all charges, 138 GREY NUNNERY. rents, and seigniorial dues, that extensive lot near the town gate on which the hospital now stands, with only this proviso, that if, at any future time, the said hos- pital should cease to exist, the whole premises should then revert to the Ecclesiastics of the Seminary of Montreal. The citizens in general, whose circumstan- ces enabled them to render aid, contributed liberally to this purpose, and the hospital was soon erected and put into operation. The objects of this institution were to provide an assylum for lame, superannuated, and infirm persons, where they could be lodged and fed, and have all their wants supplied, and likewise a refuge for orphan chil- dren who were left in destitute circumstances, where they could be employed in work suitable to their ages, put in the way of learning some trade, and receive such an education as would enable them to become valuable members of the community. The direction of the hos- pital and the management of its revenues were vested in the founders and their successors, but under the superintendance of the administrators in chief, who were to have the right of selling and transferring any part of the fixed property. Under the wise and prudent direction of M. Charron, the first superior, the institution made rapid progress in prosperity and importance ; new powers were given to the managers of the establishment, under the title of the Freres Charrons, particularly one to erect within their precincts such manufactories as they might think needful for the employment of the poor ; and several purchases of real estate were made in the vicinity of Montreal, among which may be mentioned that at Pointe St. Charles, in 1693. The revenues arising from the estates were, however, at that time, very trifling, and the institution soon fell GREY NUNNERY. 139 into difficulties, and was obliged to restrict its admis- sions. After the death of M. Charron, his successor proved to be a man ill qualified to direct the affairs of the establishment, and many of the brotherhood with- drew from it, till only two or three friars were left. On examination, it was found that the hospital was more than two thousand pounds in debt. The whole was transferred, therefore, into the hands of the seigniors administrators, in 1747 ; and by them soon afterwards committed to the care of a Society of Ladies, under the superintendance of Madame Youville. This excellent lady was the daughter of Christopher Duffort, Esq., a native of Breton, and Captain of a troop of Cavalry in that Colony, and of Miss Gauthier of Varennes. Miss Duffort, who had married in early life a Canadian gen- tleman, M. Francis de Youville, was left a widow at 28 years of age. She retired from the world, and devoted herself to acts of charity and other religious duties. With a competent fortune from her patrimo- nial estate, she possessed also a dignity of person, a modesty of deportment, an accomplished taste, a lively wit tempered with great solidity of judgment, which gave her much influence among those who knew her, and enabled her to gratify extensively her benevolent desires. Meeting with some other ladies, whose minds were congenial with her own, they agreed, in 1737, to unite in works of charity, to live by their own industry, and place their revenues in one common fund. They procured a habitation in the city, where they all resided, taking with them six aged and infirm persons for whom they provided. Having adopted rules for their mutual government, they bound themselves by vows as religious recluses, and irrevocably devoted themselves to the service of the poor, Madame Youville being recognised as the Superior of the community. 140 GREY NUNNERY. On the surrender of the hospital by the Freres Char- rons, M. Louis de Normand, Vicar- General of the diocese of Quebec, Seignior of Montreal, and President of the Seminary, pointed out Madame Youville and her asso- ciates as very proper persons to take charge of the institution. The excellent conduct, and great benevo- lence of these ladies, had long been the theme of remark and admiration. To them the Seigniors and principal administrators of the hospital, had recourse, and imme- diately confided its management to their care. It was most readily, and even joyfully, undertaken, in the month of August, 1747, when they were only nine in number. Having taken an inventory of all the property belonging to the hospital, they took possession of it, accompanied by nine poor persons who had formerly been under their care, and four others whom they found there. The Freres, as has been stated, had left the hospital in debt. This debt Madame Youville engaged to dis- charge, either from her own private funds, or from such charitable donations as she might obtain, on condition that she should be judicially appointed manager of the institution. Her name, and those of her colleagues, were inserted in the deed passed between her and the administrators, and a copy of it transmitted to the Court of France. The king, in council, confirmed and enlarged these arrangements, by letters patent dated the 3d of June, 1753. By these Madame Youville and her asso- ciates were duly installed, and legally authorized to establish this community, with its internal regulations, under the surveillance of the Bishop of Quebec. It is not easy to conceive a situation more critical than that in which these ladies were placed. They had undertaken the charge of an institution almost destitute of revenue — burdened with debts — and the building in GREY NUNNERY. 141 so ruinous a condition as to require immediate and exten- sive repairs. But their zeal, industry, and rigid econo- my happily surmounted all these difficulties. Assisted by the generosity of the benevolent, who came liber- ally forward to aid them in this pious undertaking, instead of twelve poor and infirm old persons whom they had at first to support, the hospital was soon in a condition to extend its benefits to persons of all ages and stations of life. Its doors were freely thrown open for the reception of every unfortunate individual, and its charity and assistance extended to all who applied for them. A place was fitted up for the use of the sick and wounded. In the course of a short time no fewer than one hundred persons of these classes were receiving assistance and support from this institution, while the active benevolence of these excellent ladies made the requisite provision for them. In the year 1755 a farther extension was made in the plan of the hospital. One day in the preceding winter, as Madame Youville was going into town on business connected with the institution, she observed an infant in the ice on the “ Little River” — then uncovered. It was hard frozen, with a poignard sticking in its throat, and one of its little hands raised through the ice, as if in the attitude of demanding justice against the perpetrator of so atrocious a crime. Her benevolent feelings were dreadfully shocked at witnessing so horrid a spectacle ; and after consulting with her associates, who were all deeply affected at such an event, they came to the determination, notwithstanding the additional expense, of extending their charity and protection to orphans and foundlings. In the year 1765, a fire happened in their premises which consumed the greater part of the build- ing. By the fruits of their continued industry, aided by donations from the charitable, these ladies soon m 1 142 GREY NUNNERY, rebuilt the house upon a more extensive and commodious plan than before, A neat gateway has been recently erected in the wall in front of the chapel, bearing this inscription : Hopital General des Sceurs Grises Fonde en 1755. Mon Pere et ma mere m’ont abandonne, mais le Seigneur m’a recueilli. Ps. 26. A few years after the fire, Madame Youville pur- chased, from her own private funds, the small island of Chateauguay, w hich had at that time a farm upon it, as at present ; and a short time after wards the whole seigniory of Chateauguay was likewise bought for the institution, partly by Madame Youville and one of the other ladies. But this and other property in the neigh- bourhood of Montreal did not, till recently, yield much revenue to the support of the hospital. Grants from the legislature have enabled the Society to extend its bounty to a greater number of lunatics and foundlings. Yet notwithstanding the aid they have received, it de- serves to be recorded, to the honour of these benevo- lent ladies, that to their industry, economy, and good management, is to be ascribed the continued and increas- ing prosperity of an institution, which has been of incal- culable benefit, and has relieved the Province from a number of necessitous and infirm individuals, who, with- out such a refuge, must have been a burden on society, wdiile they dragged out their existence in a miserable condition. A yearly allowance was made by the French Govern- ment to this hospital, which was paid for many years after the colony became British ; but at the revolution it ceased, until the restoration of the Bourbon family to the throne, w r hen, on application to the Court, all arrears w r ere paid, both principal and interest. From this and CONGREGATIONAL NUNNERY. 143 other sources a sum has been obtained, by means of which very material additions have recently been made to the buildings of the institution. Of the scale on which this establishment is now con- ducted, some judgment may be formed from the fact, that at least one hundred and sixty individuals are resident within its walls, and maintained by its resources, besides servants and attendants whose wages amount to a considerable sum. BLACK NUNNERY; Or CONVENT OF LA CONGREGATION DE NOTRE DAME, Was founded by the celebrated Marguerite Bourgeois, who commenced the undertaking in the year 1659, with some young ladies she had brought from France. The front of the Nunnery is in Notre Dame Street, where it extends 234 feet, and its depth along St. John Baptist Street, is 433 feet. Beside the principal edifice for the residence of the members and pupils, the Nun- nery contains a chapel, numerous detached buildings, and a large garden. Recently, a high wall, which ran along Notre Dame Street, has been taken down, and a range of very elegant shops and houses, all of cut stone, and uniform design, has been erected. The Congrega- tion is composed of a Superior and sixty sisters. The object of the institution is female instruction in its differ- ent branches ; and the greater part of the members are employed in the work of tuition and training. Boarders are taken into the house on moderate terms, and receive a careful education. From this establishment some of the sisters are sent as missionaries to different parts of the district, for the purpose of opening and conducting schools in parishes remote from the convent, M 2 144 CONGREGATIONAL NUNNERY. The pious and benevolent foundress of this institution was born at Troyes, in France, on the 15th of April, 1620, and was brought to this country in September, 1653, by M. Maison-neuve, the Governor of the Island of Montreal, who had been revisiting France. On her arrival in this city, she commenced those labours for the instruction of young females, both of Indian and French origin, which she continued with much success for many years, and which, amidst many difficulties, enabled her to establish the Nunnery of the Congregation. Her design was approved by the priest of the parish, and by the Governor, who gave her the choice of any ground that was then unoccupied. She selected the spot on which the Church of Bonsecours now stands, and laid there the foundation of a chapel, in the year 1658 ; but the Abbe Quelus, who had come out to establish the Seminary of the Sulpicians, not being acquainted with her excellencies, and looking upon her design as an interference with his department and plan, he forbade her to proceed. Yielding instant obedience to him as her superior, she desisted, and returned to France for the purpose of obtaining the direction and authority of the Government. In this object she succeeded, and met also with much encouragement from the congregation to which she belonged, and other individuals, in France, In the following year she returned to Ville Marie, bringing with her, for instruction in her proposed Semin-* ary, several young females who had been entrusted to her care. Finding the timber and other materials which she had collected for the Chapel of Bonsecours, either removed or rendered useless, she sought for another spot on which to execute her design, now become more extensive from the encouragement she had received. An offer of some out-houses near the place where the Nunnery now stands, induced her to commence her HOTEL DIEU NUNNERY. 145 establishment there ; and in subsequent years, other grants, both of land and money, fresh arrivals of young females from France, the countenance of the authorities both there and in Canada, and lastly the issuing of Letters Patent from the King, placed the institution upon a solid basis, and secured at once both its perma- nency and its extension. The benevolent foundress had the pleasure, for many years, of witnessing its grow ing prosperity, and of contributing to that prosperity by her own unwearied exertions. At length, full of days and honours, she died on the 12th of January, 1700, in the 80th year of her age. The black dress worn by the sisters of the Congrega- tion has given to the establishment the colloquial title we have prefixed, while by many it is denominated the Congregational Nunnery, from the fact of its being conducted by the “ sisters,” for the benefit of the “ daughters” of the Congregation de Notre Dame. THE HOTEL DIEU NUNNERY, IN ST. JOSEPH, AND ST. PAUL STREETS. This was the first of the Religious houses formed in Montreal, and was commenced within two years after the first occupation of the city by the Sulpicians. It w'as founded in 1644, by Madame de Bouillon, for the reception of the sick and diseased poor of both sexes. It extends, in St. Paul Street 324 feet in front, and 468 feet in depth in St. Joseph Street. It is conducted by a Superior and thirty-six Nuns. Under the French Government, it was formerly supplied with medicines and many other necessaries ; the funds for maintaining the charity are principally derived from the rent of M 3 146 SEMINARY OF ST. SULPICE. lands, assisted occasionally by grants from the Provin- cial Parliament. The establishment includes a hospital, a convent, and a church, with a large garden, a cattle- yard, out-buildings, and a cemetery. It has furnished for many years a refuge for the miserable, and help for the sick, to whose comfort the sisters devote themselves with most praiseworthy benevolence. There is an air of neatness and convenience about all the buildings belonging to this charitable institution. Before the establishment of the Montreal General Hospital, in 1 822, this was the only place to which the afflicted poor of various descriptions could be sent for relief. The front of the church is in St. Paul Street : it is of stone, has four pilasters of the Tuscan order, surmounted by a triangular pediment and cross, as represented in the plate. SEMINARY OF ST. SULPICE, IN NOTRE DAME STREET. This establishment is one of the oldest connected with the Roman Catholic Church in Montreal. It was founded about the year 1657, by the Abbe Quelus, who had recently arrived from France with a commission from the St. Sulpicians at Paris, to superintend the settlement and cultivation of the island, and especially to found an institution on a plan similar to their own. The Seminary is the dwelling-house of those members of the Sulpician family who are occupied in parochial duties. The houses of this order in France are all Ecclesiastical Seminaries ; so that when some of the members came out to Montreal, the establishment here received the same name. The Seminary is a large and commodious building, adjoining the Parish Church. It BRITISH 8c CANADIAN 1 S CHOOL THE NEW COLLEGE. 147 occupies three sides of a square, 132 feet long by 90 deep, with spacious gardens and ground attached, extending 342 feet in Notre Dame Street, and 444 along St. Francois Xavier Street. Connected with it is a school for junior pupils on the opposite side of Notre Dame Street, which is conducted by Les Freres des ecoles Chretiennes , and contains about 300 children. The Seminary has also established a number of schools in different parts of the parish for a similar purpose. THE NEW COLLEGE, Or PETIT SEMINAIRE. This institution is situated in the Re collet Suburbs, not far from M‘Gill Street, and very near what was called the Little River, but which is now almost entirely arched over. The building was erected a few years ago, by the Seminary of St. Sulpice, at an expense of more than £10,000, for the purpose of rendering their plan of education as extensive as possible. The College is a handsome and capacious edifice : the body of it is 210 feet in length, by 45 broad, having at each end a wing that runs at right angles 1 86 feet by nearly 45. The arrangements have been made with every attention to convenience, utility, and salubrity, consisting of resi- dences for the principal, professors, and masters ; a chapel, airy dormitories, and apartments for the senior and junior classes, refectories, and every domestic office. The grounds attached to the College are ample, both for gardens and places of exercise ; and the whole is surrounded by a high wall, except the immediate front of the building, which is separated by palisades on a parapet from College Street. The director, M. Roque, and the chief professors, are distinguished for eminence in 148 THE BRITISH AND CANADIAN SCHOOL. literature, and skill and activity in the art of instruction. A moderate annual stipend is paid with each of the pupils. The College was originally built for 120 resi- dent pupils. Alterations were made about three years ago, which rendered it capable of receiving 160 pupils. The number of resident pupils now varies from 130 to 150, and of non-resident pupils from 100 to 130. They are received young ; as early as ten or eleven years of age : the regular course of study lasts eight years. Besides the principal, there are in the College four professors and eight tutors. THE BRITISH AND CANADIAN SCHOOL, IN LAGAUCHETIEEE STREET. The British and Canadian School Society was insti- tuted on the 21st of September, 1822, for the purpose of promoting the education of the labouring classes of the people of every religious persuasion. Its objects were, first, to maintain a School on an extensive scale to educate children, and, secondly, to train up and qualify young persons of both sexes to supply well- instructed teachers to such of the inhabitants of Canada as shall be desirous of establishing Schools on the British system. The success which attended the early efforts of the Society, the number of pupils admitted and pressing for admission, and the inadequacy of the rooms then occupied to afford them suitable accommodation, induced the managers to adopt measures for erecting a commodious school-house. The funds were obtained partly from voluntary contributions, and partly from grants of the Provincial Legislature. The foundation- stone was laid on the 17th of October, 1826, and the sT. Ann’s market. 149 building finished the next year, at an expense of £1510 Currency. The plan was furnished gratuitously by Mr. O’Donnell, the architect of the French Cathedral. The building, which is very neat and substantial, is of sufficient magnitude to contain 414 boys and 232 girls, together with room for the residence of the teacher. In the year 1 826, the number of children in attendance was Boys, Girls. Roman Catholics 97 38 Episcopal Church 9 Presbyterians , 21 Methodists 11 — — 196 79 Total.,..,..,...,, This number has been for several years pretty well kept up ; but at present it is not so great, as, since the troubles commenced, several of the Canadian children have not continued to attend. The contributions also, it is to be lamented, have in some measure fallen off. It is most desirable that this excellent institution should be encouraged, and enabled to extend its beneficial influence among the rising gene* ration. Mr. Minchall is the master of the boys’, and Mrs, Eendall the governess of the girls’ School, ST. ANN’S MARKET Owes its origin to the public spirit of several of our citizens owning property in the neighbourhood, who have invested capital to the amount of nearly £15,000 in its erection. Messrs. W ells and Thompson furnished the plan. It extends 342 feet in length, and is two stories high, 150 RASCo’s HOTEL. It is built entirely of cut stone, and is a very handsome edifice. In the centre, for about forty-six feet in length, the building is fifty-eight feet wide ; the remainder being only fifty feet. The stalls are arranged to the east and west of the centre building, with a passage direct from one end of the market to the other. Fifty feet are reserved at the eastern end for poultry and vegetables, and an equal space at the western end for fish. The remainder for butcher meat is divided into thirty-two commodious and distinct stalls. A fine large hall is in the second story, in the centre part of the building, forty-six feet in height, fifty-eight in width, and forty- six in length. Proper accommodation is afforded around the building to market gardeners and dealers in grain. The creek or “ Little River,” which runs under the market, exactly in the centre, has been tunnelled over ; and to the right and left of the tunnel, cellars have been constructed seven feet in height. The butchers’ stalls, we may add, are twelve feet high, and are elevated above the level of the street a few feet, to which elegant flights of steps afford an easy ascent. Porticoes have been erected at each end of the building, thus maintain- ing the truly chaste and architectural character of the design. RASCO’S HOTEL, IN ST. PAUL STREET. This is the largest Hotel in the city : it can accom- modate 150 guests. On its site formerly stood the palace of Mons. Vaudreuil, Governor- General. The hotel is formed of two large separate buildings erected at the expense of £9840 : the furniture in them cost £3300. It was opened on the first of May, 1 836* The THEATRE ROYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL, ETC. 151 enterprising conductor formerly occupied the splendid building next the Theatre Royal, known as the Masonic Hall, which was destroyed by fire on the 24th of April, 1833. The alarm was given while company were assembling for a Soiree Musicale , and in a few minutes the whole was in flames, producing a scene of awful grandeur and desolation scarcely paralleled in the history of Montreal. The celebrated Captain Back had been residing in the hotel, and had just sent forward the greater part of his baggage and scientific instruments, preparatory to his own removal to Lachine that evening, in his way to the Northern Regions ; so that, though most of the property in the house was consumed, he had chiefly to regret the loss of his only available barometer. The parts of the building that escaped the flames have remained a solitary ruin ever since. EXCHANGE HOTEL, IN ST. PAUL STREET, Formerly Goodenough’s, kept afterwards by Cady & Doolittle, has been established about forty years, and can furnish accommodation for seventy guests. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, IN ST. PAUL STREET, Kept by Mr. Baker, has been established thirty-five years, and will accommodate seventy guests. OTTAWA HOTEL, IN M C GILL STREET, Has been established about fifteen years, is conducted by Mr. Hall, and will accommodate forty guests. 152 ORR’s HOTEL NEWS ROOM THEATRE ROYAL. ORR’S HOTEL, IN NOTRE DAME STREET, Has been established six years, in the house formerly the residence of the Hon. J. Richardson. It contains accommodations for forty guests. There are several other hotels of a minor class, some of them very respectable, and well adapted for comfort. All of them are so constructed as to be able to accom- modate a greater number of guests in cases of urgency. NEWS ROOM, IN ST. JOSEPH STREET. The News Room and Exchange was established A. D. 1821, in a neat stone building, originally erected for, and used as, the Methodist Chapel, in St. Joseph Street. The spacious room on the ground floor, well lighted and conveniently furnished for the purpose, is abundantly supplied with newspapers from the United Kingdom — its Colonies — these Provinces — the United States, &c. &c. By the merchants in particular and the public generally, it is well supported by annual sub- scriptions. Strangers are admitted on the recommen- dation of subscribers. THEATRE ROYAL, IN ST. PAUL STREET. The Theatre, at the eastern extremity of this street, was built in 1825, by subscription, the late Hon. John Molson being the principal shareholder. The original cost was about £6000. The late Mr. Forbes was the nelson’s monument. 153 architect. It has a neat front, with a portico of the Doric order. The whole is now the property of John Molson, Esq. Not only dramatic entertainments are performed here, but other public exhibitions are made when a large audience is expected. NELSON’S MONUMENT, IN NOTRE DAME STREET. Intelligence of the death of this illustrious commander arrived in Montreal in the winter of 1805-6, and the inhabitants of the city, eager to testify their sense of his merit, immediately commenced a subscription for the erection of a monument to his memory. The required amount was speedily raised. A Committee of five was chosen among the subscribers, and these gentlemen, in conjunction with Sir Alexander M‘Kenzie, Thomas Forsyth, and John Gillespie, Esqrs., then in London, proceeded without delay to carry the measure into effect. The Magistrates of the city having obtained from the Governor-in- Chief, Sir J. Craig, a piece of ground for general improvement, granted a portion of it at the upper end of the New Market-place, as a site for the intended column. The foundation stone was laid on the 17th of August, 1809* In the first cut stone at the east corner of the base, a plate of lead was deposited, bearing the following inscription : ** In memory of the Right Honourable Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte, who terminated his career of naval glory in the memorable battle of Trafalgar, on the 21st of October, 1805, this Monumental Pillar was erected, by a subscription of the inhabi- tants of Montreal, whereof the Hon. Sir John Johnston, Knight and Baronet, the Hon. James Monk, Chief Justice of Montreal, John Richardson, John Ogilvie, and Louis Chaboillez, Esquires, were a N 1 154 nelson’s monument. Committee appointed for carrying it into execution, and the same was erected under the direction of William Gilmore, stone-cutter and mason, from designs obtained from Mitchell, an architect in London. — 17th August, 1809.” The monument is built of the best gray compact lime- stone, the Gemeiner Kalkstein of the German mineral- ogists, which is found in the neighbourhood, and possesses all the requisites for dressing well, and being exceedingly durable. The ornaments are of the artificial stone invented by Coade and Sealy of London, and were executed by them in a style most honourable to their skill. The base or pedestal is square, about six and a half feet broad on each side, and about ten and a half feet in height from the ground. From the top of this a circular shaft or column rises fifty feet in height, and about five in diameter. It is of the Doric order, and finished with mouldings of the same description of stone. On the top of the pillar a square tablet is placed, and the whole is surmounted with a statue of the hero whose death it commemorates, eight feet in height, but appearing to a spectator on the ground of the ordinary size. The likeness is well preserved, and the attitude judiciously chosen. The face is directed towards the west, and looks as if intently watching the termination of some great event. His left arm (the other w r as lost in defence of his country) is resting upon the stump of a broken mast, surrounded by tackles, blocks, &c., as they appear to have fallen from the rigging. He is dressed in his full uniform, and decorated with the insignia of the various orders of nobility w hich had been so deservedly conferred upon him. In this attitude he stood at the moment he received the fatal shot which terminated his brilliant career in the action off Trafalgar. The statue is formed of the same artificial stone as the rest of the ornaments. As it lay in the manufactory, in nelson’s monument. 155 London, a sailor who served under his Lordship found his way in, and, struck with the likeness of the figure, embraced it with great enthusiasm, sending forth ejacu- lations expressive of the love he had for his gallant commander. Turning round, he exclaimed, “ This is really a grand figure of the noble Admiral : I hope it is made of good stuff, and will be as lasting as the world.” “ I have nothing to fear on that score,” replied the artist, “ for his Lordship has been in a hot fire for a week without intermission.” “ Ah, Master !” said the tar, “ I find you know something of the character of Lord Nelson, for there never was a British officer that could stand fire better than he.” The ornaments are emblematical of the principal events in the professional life of the hero. Round the top of the pedestal, there is a cornice of the figure termed by artists “ eye and tongue and encircling the base of the pillar, where it issues from its pedestal, is a cincture in the form of the coil of a cable or rope. The principal ornaments are in pannels on the four sides of the pedes- tal. On the pannel facing the north, is a sea-piece representing shipping engaged, intended to designate the battle of the Nile, as appears from the inscription : “ On the first and second days of August, 1798, Rear Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, with a British fleet of 12 sail of the line and a ship of 50 guns, defeated in Aboukir Bay, a French fleet of 13 sail of the line and 4 frigates, without the loss of a British ship.” In the pannel on the east side, the figures represent the interview between Lord Nelson and the Prince Regent of Denmark, on the landing of the former after the engagement off Copenhagen. The inscription is : “ The Right Honourable Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte, after having, on the 2nd of April, 1801, with 10 sail of the line and 2 ships of 50 guns, sunk, taken, and destroyed the Danish line, moored for the defence of Copenhagen, consisting N 2 156 nelson’s monument. of 6 sail of the line, 11 ship batteries, &c., supported by the Crown and other batteries, displayed equal precision and fortitude in the subsequent arrangements and negotiation with the Danish Government ; whereby the effusion of human blood was spared, and the claims of his country established.” The south side of the pedestal represents another sea-fight, and is designed to commemorate the battle of Trafalgar, as appears from the inscription, which is as follows : “ On the 21st of October, 1805, the British fleet of 27 sail of the line, commanded by the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte, attacked, off Trafalgar, the combined fleets of France and Spain, of 33 sail of the line, commanded by Admirals Villeneuve and Gravina, when the latter were defeated, with the loss of 19 sail of the line captured or destroyed. In this memorable action, his country has to lament the loss of her greatest naval hero, but not a single ship.” On the front side which is toward the west, there is, on the plinth of the base, an elegant figure of a crocodile in bas-relief, emblematical of the battle of the Nile. The pannel on this side is peculiarly neat in the device, and workmanship. It is ornamented with cannon, anchors, and other appropriate naval trophies, with a circular laurel wreath, which surrounds the following inscription : In Memory of The Right Honourable Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount NELSON, Duke of Bronte, Who terminated his career of Naval glory in the memorable Battle of Trafalgar, On the 21st of October, 1805, After inculcating by Signal This Sentiment, Never to be forgotten by his Country, “ ENGLAND EXPECTS EVERY MAN WILL DO HIS DUTY,” This Monumental Column was erected by the Inhabitants of Montreal, In the year 1808. kelson’s monument. 157 The eight pieces of cannon to support the iron chain which was originally placed around the whole, were furnished by Sir Gordon Drummond, then Commander of the Forces in Canada. Although the care taken to preserve the figures from mutilation, has succeeded to a great extent, as far as human agency was concerned, several of them have been injured by the climate. The expense of this monument, when complete, was nearly £1300, of which the mason-work amounted to £523; the ornamental parts, £468 12; the design, esti- mates, and plans, £58 1 ; the iron railing, £66 18 11 ; and various contingencies the remainder of the sum. CHAPTER XI. COURT HOUSE OLD GAOL — NEW GAOL BARRACKS — * GOVERNMENT HOUSE WATER WORKS CHAMP DE MARS NEW MARKET — BANKS CUSTOM HOUSE. THE COURT HOUSE, IN NOTRE DAME STREET. The Court House was built in the year 1800, under a Provincial Statute, passed the 3d of June, 1799> by which the sum of £5000 was appropriated for its erec- tion. The ground upon which it stands was formerly the property of the late order of Jesuits, and was granted by the Government, into whose hands it had fallen, without any pecuniary indemnity. The Commissioners for building it, were Messrs. Davidson, Foucher, and Ross ; Treasurer, Mr. Richardson; builder, Mr. Fran- cois Xavier Davelin. The principal apartments in the Court House are the following : the Court Hall ; the Quarter Sessions Hall ; the Prothonotary’s Office ; the Offices of the Clerk of the Crown, and the Clerk of the Peace ; the Judges’ Chambers ; the Grand Jury room, and one room for the Petty Jury; the Magistrates’ room ; and the Law Library. Underneath are six vaults, where the notarials of deceased Notaries are deposited. THE OLD GAOL THE NEW GAOL. 159 THE ADVOCATES’ LIBRARY Was established in February, 1827, for the use of the gentlemen of the Bar, who, on becoming proprietors, have access to the books at all times for consultation, but are not at liberty to take them from the room. The members pay ten pounds for each share on becoming proprietors, and two pounds ten shillings per annum. The first or old members paid £30 each at the time of their admission. THE OLD GAOL, IN NOTRE DAME STREET. This edifice, standing near the Court House, was also built on ground belonging to the Jesuits. The first Gaol, built on the same spot, was destroyed by fire in 1803. The present building was erected in the year 1806, in virtue of a Provincial Statute passed on the 25th of March, 1805, by which also a sum of £9000 was voted for the purpose. Mr. Joseph Courcelles dit Chevalier was the builder. After the New Gaol was erected, the old prison was occupied for one year as the House of Industry; and on the 12th of May, 1838, possession was relinquished, and it was immediately occupied by the Government as Barracks. THE NEW GAOL, IN THE QUEBEC SUBURBS, On the road to Longue Point, was commenced in the year 1831, on ground purchased from the heirs of the late Sir John Johnston, but was not taken possession 160 THE NEW GAOL. of by the Sheriff till 1836. The expenses were pro- vided for by a vote of the House of Assembly. The plan was furnished by Mr. Blaeklock, of Quebec, and approved by the House of Assembly in 1825. Some alterations, however, suggested by Mr. Wells, the architect who superintended the erection, were adopted as the building proceeded. The whole plan was not carried out for want of funds, which were not granted, in consequence of some difficulties and opposition then existing in the House. As far as the building has pro- ceeded, the cost has been upwards of £26,000. The w ork was executed by Messrs. Lauder, Spier, & Co., Masons, and Mr. Robert Morton, Carpenter. The length of the Gaol is 255 feet ; the back wing extending at right angles from the centre of the building 82 feet. The basement story contains 32 cells for solitary confinement, each 12 feet by 8 inside ; also two large cooking kitchens, washing and bath rooms, pantries, &c. The first story, which is raised five feet above the level of the yard, contains the entrance hall, guard and receiving rooms, Magistrates’ or Grand Jury room, an instruction-room, and 64 cells, each 8 feet by 5 feet 6 inches. The second story contains the Gaoler’s apart- ments, a living room and two bed-rooms ; a large kitchen ; the matron’s living and bed-rooms ; three day- rooms for prisoners, each 24 feet 6 inches by 18 feet 9 inches ; and 50 cells the same size as those of the lower story. The cells in the back wings of each story are used for the female prisoners. All the cells and passages are arched with brick. The wdiole of the third story is occupied by the Debtors’ bed-rooms and day- rooms — 33 of the former, and 3 of the latter. The walls and ceilings of these rooms are all plastered, and the doors neatly panneled. The centre of the building is carried up a fourth story, which contains the chapel, THE BARRACKS. 161 the plan of which is so constructed, that five classes of prisoners can sit in view of the pulpit, and each class prevented from seeing the others : they enter by separate stairs. The garrets over each wing are floored, and used as drying rooms. At the extreme end of each is placed a cistern capable of holding 1077 gallons. From the three cisterns, which will contain 3231 gallons, every part of the Gaol is supplied with water. These cisterns can be filled in forty minutes by means of a forcing pump worked by ten of the prisoners, although fixed nearly 100 feet above the river. The pump is con- structed on an improved principle, and was manufactured by the Montreal Water- works Company, under the direction of Mr. Wells. The building is surrounded by a high wall, at such a distance as to enclose about 4 arpents, or nearly 4| acres, of land. The Commission- ers purchased twelve acres, from an idea that a Peni- tentiary might be established in addition to the prison. There is no Chaplain attached to this Gaol, nor, we are sorry to learn, is there any provision made for the moral and religious instruction of the prisoners. Vice and immorality, we are informed, prevail to an alarming extent, and call loudly for the benevolent services of all who feel it important to check the prevalence of these enormous evils, and to reclaim the sinner “ from the error of his way.” The present keeper of the Gaol is Mr. Charles Wand, THE BARRACKS, IN WATER STREET, From their situation, are frequently distinguished as the Quebec Gate Barracks. The original building formerly belonged to a Nunnery, while the country was in 162 GOVERNMENT HOUSE. possession of the French. Falling into the hands of Government when the English acquired Canada, they were afterwards converted into military barracks. They were considerably improved and enlarged about the year 1822, and are now capable of containing about 1000 troops. There are other, but not regular, barracks in different parts of the city and suburbs ; besides the per- manent barracks and store-house on the Island of St. Helen, and those in the Old Gaol. THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE, IN NOTRE DAME STREET. This house was erected by a company of Fur Traders while the country was in possession of the French. It fell into private hands, and after the conquest was pur- chased by the Government for the occasional residence of the Governor. About fifteen years ago, the interior w r as repaired and modernized partially, so as to be made more convenient, but by no means sufficiently so for the residence of a Governor, who, besides apartments for himself and family, will require state rooms for public purposes. About the year 1830, the Provincial Legislature voted £1700 for further improvements, and appointed Messrs. Grant, De Rocheblave, and Try, Commissioners to carry the design into effect. But these gentlemen, finding the sum inadequate, asked for a larger amount, which was declined, and nothing w as done. The house built by Mr. Bingham, at the corner of Notre Dame and Bonsecours streets, has been lately fitted up in a splendid manner for the residence of the Governor. WATER WORKS. 163 WATER WORKS, IN NOTRE DAME STREET. The city of Montreal, and the parts thereto adjacent, are supplied with water under an act of Parliament of the year 1801. The old company under the manage- ment of Thomas Scliiefelin and others, laid out a very large sum of money in order to supply the city by wooden pipes from a source in rear of the mountain, but owing to the scanty supply of water and the pipes bursting constantly, they could not proceed in their ope- rations. In the year 1819, the company sold its charter to the late Thomas Porteous, Esq-, and others, who took up all the wooden pipes, and relaid iron conduits of 4 inches bore, which lasted up to the year 1832. The works were then purchased by the present company of proprietors, who have laid out considerable sums of money in improving them. The main conduits now laid down through the principal parts of the city are of iron of 10 and 4 inches bore, and the other parts are laid down with lead and iron pipes of dimensions in pro- portion. There are now upwards of 1 1 miles of main conduits laid down. The water is forced by a steam engine of 14 horse power, from the river St. Lawrence up into two cisterns in a building in Notre Dame Street, containing a quarter of a million of gallons. Montreal is better supplied with water than any other city on this continent, with the exception of Philadelphia. From the commencement of these works up to the present time, the sum of nearly £70,000 has been ex- pended by the several companies. M. J. Hays, Esq., is the manager of the works. Those who have no wells, and are not supplied by the water-works, are served by water-carriers from the river. 164 CHAMP DE MARS NEW MARKET. THE CHAMP DE MARS W as originally a small field not well adapted for military exercise, and very slightly entitled to the name that was given to it. Within a few years it has been made level, and very much extended, so as to form a space of 227 yards by 114. It is now an excellent parade, as well as an agreeable promenade for the inhabitants of the city. From this spot there is a fine view of the well- cultivated grounds, beautiful orchards, and country- houses towards the mountain. Our view is taken in a different direction from near the N. W. angle. THE NEW MARKET. The old market-place, where the Custom-house now stands, being found too small, a new site was rendered indispensable. The present market, occupying the ground on which stood the College founded by Sieur Charron, but destroyed by fire many years back, is 36 yards wide, and reaches from Notre Dame Street to St. Paul Street. In the middle of the space are ranges of stalls for butchers, covered in by a roof supported on wooden pillars. Great care is taken to enforce the regulations to insure cleanliness, and the good condition of the meat offered for sale. On the two principal market days — Tuesday and Friday — in each week, the market is well supplied with every necessary and almost every luxury for the table, in great abundance, both animal and vegetable. On other days, too, articles can be procured, though the supply is not equally abundant. The produce of the upper part of the district is almost wholly brought hither for sale, and some from the United States, especially fish from Boston in the &WAWW ©m MA3S ^ \ CU S.T OM HOUSE . BANK OF MONTREAL — CITY BANK. 165 winter. At the upper end of this market is erected the monumental column in honour of Nelson, as described at page 153 ; and opposite to this is the military guard- room. At the lower end, near the river, is the Fish Market. BANK OF MONTREAL, IN ST. JAMES STREET, Was first chartered in 1817, with a capital of £250,000 ; and re-chartered in 1837? with a capital of £500,000. The building originally occupied by this company was destroyed by fire in 1820. The present edifice was erected at an expense of more than eleven thousand pounds. It is a large and elegant building of cut stone, ornamented in four compartments with emblematical devices of Agriculture, Manufactures, Arts, and Com- merce, executed in bas-relief. The portico is of the Doric order. The Hon. Peter M’Gill is President, and the Hon. Joseph Masson, Vice-President of this Institution. The days of discount are Tuesday and Friday. CITY BANK, ST. PAUL STREET. This Bank was opened on the 1st of November, 1833, with a capital of £200,000, and chartered in April, 1838. It occupies a handsome building near the south-west end of the street. A handsome portico, supported by fluted Tuscan pillars, has been added since our plate was engraved. The President is John Frothingham, Esq. ; and the Vice-President, Alexander Millar, Esq. Days of discount Monday and Thursday. o 166 people’s bank, etc. PEOPLE’S BANK, or BANQUE du PEUPLE, IN ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, Was opened on the 11th of July, 1835. The Presi- dent is L. M. Viger, Esq.; and the Vice-President J. DeWitt, Esq. Days of discount, Tuesday and Friday. BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. MONTREAL BRANCH, IN ST. JAMES STREET. This Bank was opened on the 8th of March, 1837, under the control of Austin Cuvillier, Albert Furniss, and James Ferrier, Esquires. Days of discount, Wednesday and Saturday. BANK OF UPPER CANADA, AGENCY OF, IN ST. JAMES STREET, Commenced on the 1st of September, 1838. It is conducted by Joseph Wenham, Esq., as manager for the Upper Canada Bank. CUSTOM HOUSE, BETWEEN ST. PAUL STREET AND THE RIVER. The business of the Customs was, till lately, transacted in a building situated in Capitol Street. This being found inconvenient, a new custom-house was erected on the site of the old market. It is of the Tuscan order, from a design by Mr. Ostell. The building was commenced in 1836, and opened for business in 1833. It has its CUSTOM HOUSE. 167 “ Long Room,” not yet occupied, excellent vaults, and every other requisite office, well fitted up, and adapted for a greater extent of business than the port at present supplies. Its size is 60 feet by 45, French ; and the expense of its erection was £4500. It is one of the few buildings that have been completed without exceed- ing the estimate. The hall below is ornamented with fluted Doric pillars, which support the floor of the next story. The east front, next the river, has a handsome portico, supported by four stone pillars, and is rusticated to half its height. Both fronts are surmounted by tri- angular pediments. When the buildings which inter- cept the view from Commissioner Street are removed, the Custom House will appear to great advantage. Some idea may be formed of the amount of business done here, in the Customs, from the following state** ment : — Pronin. Duties. Crown Duties. Years. Vessels. Tonnage. Currency. Sterling. 1831 80 19,085 £24,646 5 9 £4,492 19 3 1832 117 27,704 46,848 5 11 10,649 18 2 The amount of Duties will, of course, vary with circumstances each season : subsequent years have not been equally productive of revenue with 1832. o 2 CHAPTER XII. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY MONTREAL LIBRARY M‘GILL COLLEGE — M c TAVISH’s HOUSE VIEW FROM THE HAY MARKET HOCHELAGA CHAPEL ST. Helen’s island — ship yard — rope manufactory — THE POLICE FORCE. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, LITTLE ST. JAMES STREET. The origin and object of this laudable Society, which was founded in 1827, are thus clearly stated in the First Annual Report, delivered by the Committee of Manage- ment, on the 26th of May, 1 828 : “ It is now only twelve months since a few gentlemen, casually met together, proposed the establishment of this Society. They were not unaware of the difficulties they would have to encounter. In all communities, the persons who devote themselves to scientific pur- suits, are few. In communities such as this, where wealth is com- paratively little, where no opulent endowments take off the necessity of attention to securing a livelihood, and where in consequence the attention is directed into channels, very different from those of scientific research, not many could be expected to join in assisting the Society by their personal exertions, however pleased they might be to see it arise. Anticipating, therefore, but a small list of mem- bers, and aware also that at different times, associations had been formed for literary purposes, which had gradually been dissolved, the founders of the Society saw the necessity of a bond of union independent of the personal characters of the first members, — a NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. 169 visible sign of the existence and utility of the Institution, and around which the members might at all times rally. With a view, then, to afford this bond, to prevent the tendency to dissolution, the pro- posers of the Natural History Society resolved to found a Museum, an institution which experience has proved to have great power in calling the attention to scientific pursuits, and the want of which was forcibly felt by several members, who looked back upon the causes which in their younger days retarded their own improve- ment. But the mere collection of the productions of nature would leave the design of the Society imperfect without the possession of books, that treat of such objects. They are mutually dependent on each other. One without the other leaves the work half done, but both connected give the greatest facilities for instruction which can be afforded. In addition therefore to the possession of a Museum, it was one of the first objects of the Society to secure a library of books on Science in general. On these principles, and with these views, The Natural History Society was established.” Whatever serves innocently to occupy the mind is in itself a benefit, as it keeps the rational powers in healthy action, and may afford occasional relief from the severer pursuits of business or labour ; but when researches like those of Natural History, which discover so many evidences of the wisdom and goodness of the Almighty, occupy the leisure of any considerable portion of the community, greater advantages still may be expected to result from such an employment of the faculties. A laudable curiosity is gratified, an elegant pursuit en- couraged, useful knowledge increased, a habit of obser- vation and arrangement promoted, the social principle exercised, and fresh motives presented to admire the Creator in his wonderful works. The design met with general approbation among those who were most able to support it. Numbers of gentlemen desirous of exciting a taste for scientific pursuits and of promoting the extension of knowledge, enrolled their names as members of the Society, which speedily assumed a form likely to render it both permanent and efficient. Its o 3^ 170 NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. funds, derived originally from the subscriptions of the members, have been aided on several occasions by grants from the Legislature ; and in the year 1832, an Act of Incorporation, passed by the two Houses of Parliament and sanctioned by the Royal assent, was granted to the Society, by which its permanence is secured upon a solid basis. The Museum and Library, by successive pur- chases, and donations from scientific friends in various parts of the world, have become very valuable deposi- tories^ — the one of specimens of natural objects and the works of art, and the other of numerous important volumes on the subjects of Natural History and Philo- sophy. Its Mineralogical cabinet is extensive, and the specimens of the finest description. In that part of it containing the simple minerals, and not including those found in this country, the number in the catalogue amounts to upwards of 1600, exclusive of duplicates. In addition to these are the foreign and Canadian geo- logical collections, and the simple minerals of Canada. In the Botanical department there is found a consider- able collection of plants from Europe, from the United States, and from Canada. In Zoology, very consider- able success has attended the efforts of the Society. Of Shells, a large number of fine specimens are exhibited in the Museum, and the Society possesses also numerous cases of Insects, natives of Canada, and of the East and West Indies ; of Reptiles, the number is considerable ; but of Quadrupeds there is a deficiency. The chief attraction is the large number of Birds, prepared in the best manner, and exhibiting a striking representation of life : in the Ornithological collection, indeed, are con- tained nearly all the birds found in this part of the world ; also, a large number of the gorgeously decorated inhabitants of the torrid zone, both east and west, — and a large number of the birds of Britain. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. 171 In such a condition of society as that from which this country has not yet arisen, it cannot be expected that any great number of persons should take an active part in the pursuits of a Literary and Scientific Institution ; and the Society has not yet been able to present to the public a criterion of its respectability or usefulness by any published transactions of its own. Several papers of value are in possession of the Society, but not yet sufficient to form a volume. Premiums are offered every year for the best contributions that may be sent to the Society, on the various subjects which its design embraces ; but the judges of these compositions are empowered not only to ascertain the comparative merits of the pieces offered, but to determine whether any of them are worthy of the honorary medals of the Society : a judicious plan to secure to excellence the reward which otherwise mediocrity might claim. So readily were the early efforts of the Society encouraged, that the rooms first occupied were soon found too small to allow of the proper arrangement or exhibition of the specimens, and when a more com- modious situation had been occupied a few years, the same inconvenience ensued from the continued increase of the collections. The house at present belonging to the Society is well adapted to its purpose. It contains an excellent lecture room, well fitted up, in which the meetings of the Council are held, and lectures frequently delivered by the members during the winter half-year ; and good accommodations for the Museum and Library. In one of the late reports of this admirable institution it is judiciously remarked, that 44 the Society works more for posterity than for the present generation ; and therefore it is that it pays so much attention to laying up materials for instruction, ready for use whenever the state of society in this country shall be such as to seek 172 MONTREAL LIBRARY. for facilities in acquiring more advanced knowledge than that which is generally sought after at present. When that period shall arrive, the Society, though now acting in a humble capacity, will be found to have per- formed a most important work in having collected the treasures of nature, and made them accessible to the studious and enquiring.” Posterity, we doubt not, will confess the obligation. MONTREAL LIBRARY, LITTLE ST. JAMES STBEET. The Montreal Library was founded A. D. 1796. A joint stock association of 120 shares, at 50 dollars each, was formed to establish this Institution. It has never occupied a separate edifice. In May, 1837, the Library was removed from the old Methodist Chapel in St. Joseph Street (also partly occupied by the News-Room) to its present apartments, in the building of the Natural History Society. The collection contains about 200Q French and 6000 English works. The income, after paying current expenses, is laid out in the purchase of new and popular works. The recent additions are not equal in character and importance to those which consti- tute the basis of the Library. Upon that basis, by a judicious selection of the best works recently published in England, religious, historical, literary, and scientific, might be erected a noble repository of mental treasure, worthy of an enlightened community, gradually increas- ing in intelligence and wealth. The Library is open every day, except Sunday, from eleven till four. M‘GILL COLLEGE. 173 UNIVERSITY OF Mm sskAiMS SHIP YARD. 177 various parts of the river. Our view of the city was taken from a spot near the Officers* Barracks, which appear a little to the right of the centre. SHIP YARD, CURRENT ST. MARY. The first ships built in Montreal, were those con- structed by Mr. David Munn, who commenced his operations about the year 1806. Two or three years afterward he entered into partnership with Mr. Robert Hunter: the vessels they built were generally from 200 to 350 tons burthen ; one, the Earl of Bucking- hamshire, was 600 tons. J. Storrow & Co. built two vessels in 1808 and 1809* James Dunlop, Esq. in the three following years built several, of 330 to 350 tons burthen each. Mr. James E. Campbell was engaged in the work for several years : the vessels he constructed were generally of the same burthen. Messrs. McKenzie & Bethune, and James Millar & Co., built a number of vessels. Mr. Gould states that there were built in the Province, in 1825, 61 vessels ... 22,636 tons, in 1826, 59 - ... 17,823 - in 1827, 35 - ... 7,540 - in 1828, 30 - ... 7,272 - decreasing till 1831, when only 9 were built. The Canada Ship Building Company from London began to build in 1828, but finished only two vessels. In the year 1829, Messrs. Shay & Merritt took pos- session of the yard ; and the following steamers and sailing vessels were built there under the superintend- ance of Mr. E. D. Merritt. The steamboat British America , 170 feet long, 30 feet beam, 10 feet high, for Messrs. John Torrance & Co., as a trader between 178 SHIP YARD. Montreal and Quebec. In 1830, the steamer John Bull , for Messrs. John Molson & Co., also as a trader between this city and Quebec : 182 feet long, 32 feet beam, 12 feet high; has two engines, each 85 horse power. In the same year the steamboat St. George was built for John Torrance & Co. ; 160 feet long, 26 feet beam, and 11 feet high. The steamboat Canada was built in 1831, 175 feet in length, 26 feet beam, and 1 1 feet in the hold ; also the steamboat Eagle , for Mr. James Greenfield, 140 feet long, 24 feet beam, 9^ feet bold ; and the steamer Canadian Patriot , 130 feet Jong, 22 feet beam, and 8 feet hold, for a joint stock company. In 1833, the steamboat Britannia, for John Torrance & Co., 130 feet long, 24 beam, and 7^ bold ; in the same year, the Varennes , for Rasco & Co., 140 feet long, 23 beam, 7\ hold ; also the steamer Montreal, for Mr. James Wait, 96 feet long, 18 beam, 5 hold. In 1834, was built the ship Toronto of 345 tons, for Captain Collinson, running between this port and London ; also the Brilliant and Thalia, each 472 tons, for James Millar & Co., sent home for the Baltic trade. The ship Douglas , 348 tons, was built in 1835 for Captain Douglas ; the bark Glasgow , 347 tons, for Millar, Edmonstone & Co., sent home — and the bark Thistle , 260 tons, for the same firm, sent home for the West India Trade, — were built in 1836. In the following year, the John Knox , a bark of 347 tons, for the same company, sent home ; and in 1838, were built the following — the ship Gypsey, 572 tons, also for Millar & Co. ; the bark Colborne , 340 tons ; and the brig Wetherall, 252 tons, both for Capt. Collinson. The situation of this establishment is very favourable for the purposes of ship building of all descriptions, as the timber is hauled in at once from the St. Lawrence, and there is no reason to fear a deficiency of supply. ROPE MANUFACTORY. 179 The length of the yard is 200 feet ; and all convenien- ces are at hand for facilitating and completing the work in the most perfect manner. THE ROPE MANUFACTORY. This establishment belongs to Mr. J. A. Converse, and has been several years in constant and successful operation. These works were established in 1825, on a smaller scale than that on which they are conducted at present. Every description of cordage is manufac- tured here, on a patent method, by appropriate ma- chinery. The quantity of hemp consumed is from 150 to 250 tons annually, employing from thirty-six to fifty hands. The sale of the cordage manufactured, is gene- rally in Quebec and the Upper Province. The walk is 1 200 feet in length, the greater part (900 feet) two stories high, and another portion three stories. A new stone building has just been erected, to contain a steam- engine, giving motion to all the patent machinery for the manufacture of the different kinds of cordage, with additional apparatus for making ship blocks. The hemp used in these works is Russian, imported from England. Various attempts have been made to introduce and encourage the growth of hemp in the Canadas, but hitherto without success. The soil and climate, in the opinion of good judges, appear to be well adapted to the cultivation of this article. The failure has been attributed to the mode in which encourage- ment has been offered. Every farmer who has raised any quantity of hemp, whether small or large, has been left to prepare it himself for the market, and as this is a process to which the growers were unaccustomed, it p 2 180 THE POLICE FORCE. was scarcely ever performed well ; and so great a variety was found as to quality and dressing in the different parcels sold, that it was found impossible to work them together. It has been suggested, as a mode of over- coming this difficulty, that Government, or a company, should furnish seed to such of the farmers as would undertake to sow it, and, when raised, buy the hemp from them in the stalk ; that buildings should be erected in convenient places, to which the farmers might carry their produce, and in which the cleaning and dressing should be performed, so that the preparation should be uniform, and the article rendered fit for immediate manufacture in the Colony. The method formerly employed by Government was attended with great ex- pense, and productive of small benefit ; and even that lias ceased ; whereas the plan now proposed would not only ensure a saleable and uniform article, but would probably induce the farmer to devote a portion of his land every year to its cultivation. Mr. Bliss, in his work on the Trade , Industry , and Resources of Can- ada , observes, “ it has been for sometime a subject of regret that attempts to introduce the culture of hemp in Canada, were not made or prosecuted with better success;” and that by the repeal of a law by which Colonial hemp was admitted free into Britain, “ a net revenue of many thousands was abandoned,” while “ about one million yearly continues to be given to foreigners for what we might well begin to produce for ourselves.” THE POLICE FORCE. This Force was organized in consequence of an or- dinance issued during the administration of the Earl of Durham? on the 88th of June, 1838* It consists of THE POLICE FORCE. 181 102 privates, four mounted pat roles, six serjeants, and six corporals, under the command of four officers, viz., Capt. Alexander Comeau and Lieut. Worth, for divi- sion A, and Capt. William Brown and Lieut. William Suter, for division B. The superintendent is Mr. P. Leclere. The day duty commences at 7, A. M. and ends at 6, P. M. Every man is on duty every three hours in winter, and six hours in summer. Night duty commences at 6, P. M, and ends at 6, A. M. The time of relief in winter is governed by the weather, at the discretion of the officer on duty: in summer, every four hours duty relieves. The expense is borne by the Civil Home Government, and amounts to at least six thousand pounds per annum. A book of admirable Regulations has been published for the guidance of the police, and all its operations are scrupulously conducted in accordance with them. The jurisdiction of the police extends throughout the city, suburbs, harbour, and island of Montreal, together with the parishes of Laprairie de la Magdelaine, Lon- gueuil, Boucherville, Varennes, Repentigny, Lachenaie, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Martin, and Isle Perrot. The numerous apprehensions which the Police have effected shew the necessity of such a force, while it may be hoped that its future exercise, in conjunction with the efforts that are making to promote temperance and good morals, will contribute to the peace and good order of the city and its environs. CHAPTER XIII. ORPHAN ASYLUM LADIES 5 BENEVOLENT SOCIETY BIBLE SOCIETY TRACT SOCIETY SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION TEMPERANCE SOCIETY BAPTIST MISSION- ARY SOCIETY FRENCH CANADIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY — MECHANICS 5 INSTITUTION GAS WORKS TRADE AND COMMERCE LACHINE CANAL. THE PROTESTANT O R PH AN ASYLUM, IN ST. ANTOINE STREET. “ Upon the dissolution of the Female Benevolent Society, in February, 1822, the officers and members of that institution consigned their orphan j oroteges, and their flourishing little school, to the care and mainte- nance of the Protestant churches in this city. The Rector of the English Episcopal, and the Ministers of the two Presbyterian churches, accepted the charge. 55 * A house was taken in St. Louis Suburbs, and two rooms in it fitted up as school rooms, that the boys and girls might be taught separately. The officers of the Society consist of a first and second Directress, a Treasurer, Secretary, and Committee of management, Every From the Minute-Book of the Society. THE ORPHAN ASYLUM. 183 lady who contributes annually £1 5s. is eligible to office. A meeting of the officers is held at the house of the institution on the first Monday in every month, to receive applications for admission, and attend to the general concerns of the establishment. Two members of the Committee in rotation take the monthly superin- tendance ; they visit twice a week, and submit their report to the General Board of Directresses at each monthly meeting. Children of all Protestant denominations are admitted into the asylum, but are afterwards brought up in the principles of the Church of England, uniformly attend- ing the Episcopal place of worship and Sunday Schools. For ten years after its establishment, the wants of the community required that the asylum should receive both orphans and children whose surviving parent was unable to provide for them. But many disadvantages attended the arrangement ; and upon the establishment of a Ladies' Benevolent Society for the support of widows and fatherless children, the directresses were happy to limit their inmates to orphans solely. They previously found that the good intentions of the Society were frustrated by the improper interference of the parents ; and frequently after comfortable situations had been provided for the children, the ill -judging parents would insist on removing them, to the manifest injury of the Society who so placed them. At present each individual who selects a child from the asylum is required to sign a legal indenture in duplicate, by which he is bound to provide for the suitable maintenance, instruc- tion, &c. of the child, to inform the directresses once every year of the condition and welfare of the child, and at the expiration of the term of service to provide him or her with a new and proper suit of clothes, A certificate is also required from the clergyman, or some 184 THE ORPHAN ASYLUM. well-known individual, of the respectability and religious character of the person to whom the child is to be en- trusted. They are not suffered to leave the asylum before the age of eight or nine years, except in cases where they are to be adopted into respectable families, which frequently happens. The superintendant and matron instruct the orphans in the rudiments of a reli- gious and useful English education ; and the girls, in addition to plain needle work, are early taught to share in all the domestic duties of the establishment. The average income of the Society, derived from annual subscriptions, donations, legacies, and Legislative grants, is about £275. The expenditure, of course, will vary with the number of children, and other circumstances. The admissions for the first six years, viz., from 1822 to 1827 inclusive, were 110 ; in the following years, to 1838, they were, 3, 8, 17, 16, 42, 11, 26, 7, 14, 10, respectively. The highest numbers belong to the years of cholera — 1832 and 1834. In the Report for 1837, it is remarked that this “ charity has, by the munificence of the public, — yielded the comforts of a humble, but happy home, to 264 children, of whom 238 have been provided for, the greater proportion with respectable farmers in the coun- try, from whence the ladies frequently have the satis- faction of receiving favourable accounts, both of their spiritual and temporal welfare ; many are adopted into religious families ; and several restored to their friends.” Officers of the institution — Mrs. Duncan Fisher, 1st Directress; Mrs. J. Macdonnell, 2d Directress; Mrs. Ross, Treasurer; Mrs.M‘Cord, Secretary; Dr.Arnoldi, jun., attending Physician. There is something very consolatory and delightful to a benevolent mind in the thought, that the exertions of the Societies mentioned in this and the following ladies’ benevolent society. 185 article have been so well supported by the inhabitants of Montreal, so wisely made and sustained by the Ladies engaged in the management, and so beneficial to the unfortunate objects for whose sake these “ labours of love” were undertaken. LADIES’ BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. This institution originated in the year 1832, after the first visitation of cholera in this city, and had for its object the relief of the widows and orphans left destitute by that awful pestilence. The number of its inmates was increased by the re- turn of that malady in 1834. Since that period desti- tute widows and orphans have been received from time to time, as its funds would permit. These funds are derived from voluntary contributions, annual subscrip- tions, and occasional Legislative votes. The number of persons benefitted by this institution since its formation, up to the 2d of July, 1838, is as follows : — Persons admitted 600 Assisted out of doors... ., 320 Placed out..... 76 Restored to friends 208 Total...., 1204 Deaths 36 Great care is taken, and a judicious plan adopted, to place out the orphans when of sufficient age, as appren- tices, with respectable farmers in the country, or witli tradesmen in the towns. Their moral and religious training is a point never lost sight of in these engage* 186 MONTREAL BIBLE SOCIETY. ments. Many have thus been provided with comforta- ble homes, and the means of future settlement. The average annual receipts, for six years, amount to £601 9 If; and the expenditure to £559 14 8. Of the whole amount of the six years, viz., £3608 14 10|, the sum of £500 has been received from the Provincial Legislature, leaving a balance of £3108 14 10^, raised solely from the voluntary contributions of the charitable within the city of Montreal, to this object alone. The Government, under the Earl of Durham, having caused enquiry to be made relative to this excellent charity, it may be hoped that further aid may be extended to it, to enable it, in coming years, to enlarge the sphere of its benevolent operations. Our present kind-hearted Gov- ernor, we are persuaded, will not suffer this and other kindred institutions to languish for want of any support which he may have it in his power to render to them. Of this Society, Mrs. Richardson is the 1st Direc- tress ; Mrs. Ogden, the 2d ; Mrs. Stephenson, Treasu- rer ; Mrs. W. J. Coit, Secretary ; and Drs. Stephen- son and Hall, attending Physicians. MONTREAL BIBLE SOCIETY, AUXILIARY TO THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Among the various benevolent institutions of the present day, those which are engaged in the circulation of the Bible “ without note or comment,” are among the most useful and unexceptionable. Here is common ground, on.which all Christians may unite to promote the honour of God and the highest happiness of man : the very idea of such a union is delightful. The Montreal Society, Auxiliary to the Parent Soci- ety in London, was formed pn the 28th day of August, RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. 187 in the year 1820, by a few zealous friends of the gospel. Its commencement, though not splendid, was encourag- ing ; and by perseverance in the good work its support- ers had the pleasure of seeing it gradually increase in energy and usefulness. During the last year its issues and cash receipts have been greater than in any preced- ing period. After distributing the Scriptures, for many years, in the city, among the emigrants, in the immediate neighbourhood, and wherever application was made for them, the Committee resolved, “ with reliance on God, and in co-operation with other Christians, as speed- ily as possible, to place a copy of the Bible, by sale or gift, in every family in the Province willing to purchase or receive it.” This noble resolution was fully confirmed by the Society, and is now in the progress of accom- plishment. Several Branch Societies and Associations are in connection with this Auxiliary. RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, AUXILIARY TO THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY OF LONDON. A Society for the same object, and with the same title, was formed in Montreal several years since ; but not being adequately supported, it became extinct. In the year 1836, a small number of friends to this mode of doing good, associated for the purpose of establishing a new one. The design succeeded ; and the Society thus formed has been doubling its issues every year since its formation. Much good has already resulted from its efforts, which have been materially aided and extended by the Young Men’s Tract Society, a promising institution carried on with much zeal and pru- dence. The Loan Tract Society, more recently esta- blished, has the same object in view, but, superadded to 188 SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, ETC. it, a systematic attempt to excite generally throughout the city, a greater attention to the concerns of religion. SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. The objects of this association are to promote the establishment of Sabbath Schools, wherever it is deemed practicable throughout the Colony, and to encourage and strengthen those already in existence. The Society is composed of members of various denominations of Christians ; and with a desire to promote union and fellowship among the followers of Christ, it is agreed that the Committee shall consist of the ministers and members from each of the Evangelical Protestant deno- minations of the city. A Society very similar to this was in being some years since ; and during its existence was the cause of much good ; but through various circumstances it expired. The new Society has been actively engaged in pursuance of its laudable design ; an agent has been appointed who, after visiting various parts of the Province, went to the United States, and ultimately to England, from all which places he received encouraging aid. Many new schools have been opened in different settlements, and others have been enabled to extend their operations. Mr. James Court is the Treasurer of this Society ; and Mr. Henry Lyman and Mr. J. C. Becket, the Secretaries. TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. The increasing prevalence of drunkenness, and the awful consequences thence arising, have induced a general desire among the sober and the virtuous part temperance society. 189 of the community, to stay the progress of so fearful an evil. Temperance Societies have been formed, with this express view, both in Europe and America ; and have been productive of the happiest effects. Thousands of drunkards have been reclaimed from their destructive habits. A Society for the “ Promotion of Temperance” was formed in this city on the 9th of June, 1828, at the suggestion of the Rev. J. S. Christmas : the declaration was against the use of distilled spirits only. The Young MerCs Temperance Society was formed on the 29th November, 1831. The two were afterwards united. On the 27th of February, 1834, an executive Commit* tee was appointed by a convention then held, which continued to act till the formation of the Montreal Society for the Promotion of Temperance, on the 22d of October, 1835. This Society had the two pledges of — abstinence from ardent spirits, and total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors. On the 1st of September, 1837, the Society was re-modelled on the total abstinence principle alone, under the name of the Montreal Tem- perance Society . The Canada Temperance Advo- cate was first published on the 1st of May, 1835, and is now in its 5th volume. It is issued monthly, at the low rate of Is. ^ annum for each copy delivered in town, or Is. 8d., if sent by mail into the country. It is edited with ability, and contains in its successive numbers much important matter relative to the great reformation which it is the object of the Society to accomplish. Public meetings for the purpose of hearing addresses in its favour are held at least monthly. The Society has an Agent employed in circulating its publications ; calling attention to and explaining its object ; endeavouring to persuade those who are unhap- pily under the debilitating and demoralizing power of intemperate indulgence, to consider their danger, and Q 190 BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. renounce a habit so inconsistent with the dictates of reason, and so derogatory to the dignity of human nature ; and in any other way that may present itself to check the prevalence of so monstrous an evil as that against which the efforts of the Society are directed. The pledge subscribed by the members, is as follows : “ We, the undersigned, do agree, that we will not use intoxicating liquors as a beverage, nor traffic in them ; that we will not provide them as an article of entertainment, or for persons in our employ- ment ; and that in all suitable ways we will discountenance their use throughout the community/’ THE CANADA BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY W as formed to co-operate with a Society established in London in 1836, for the purpose of propagating the Gospel in the destitute parts of Canada. It is well known to all who have paid attention to the religious state of this Colony, that a want of the means of spiritual instruction prevails in many places, to a lamentable degree. To supply this want is the object of the Societies above mentioned : ministers and missionaries have been employed to as great an extent as the means of the Societies would allow ; and a Collegiate Institu- tion has been commenced, under the able superintendence of the Rev. Dr. Davies. Seven students have already entered, and are preparing for the work of the ministry in these Provinces. There can be no doubt that these institutions, if well supported, may have an important bearing upon the future welfare of Canada ; and it is, therefore, most earnestly to be desired that such effective support as they need may be afforded to them. The great success which has attended the efforts of FRENCH CANADIAN MISSIONARY" SOCIETY. 191 this denomination of Christians in the missions to the East and West Indies, and other parts of the world, gives encouragement to hope that similar efforts in this Colony will conduce equally to the spread of Christianity and civilization — and, in conjunction with those of other Christians, have a happy effect in raising the standard of moral feeling and action, as well as in answering the higher purposes for which the Gospel was revealed. The attention of the people generally appears to be increasingly alive to this interesting subject. Every one knows how common it is to read of dis- turbances in Ireland, and it deserves to be known, that, “ wherever our English missionaries have gone to preach the Gospel, and where Irish Scripture-readers have been employed, there has been no disturbance, when in other districts the soldiers have found great difficulty in quelling the riots.” This simple fact, even in the absence of higher considerations, is more than sufficient to justify the utmost activity in disseminating Christian knowledge. FRENCH CANADIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. From a conviction that the French Canadians are, at the present time, in a more favourable attitude for the reception of the Gospel than they have ever been, the founders and supporters of this Society have been desirous of taking advantage of this circumstance, for the purpose of making known the Gospel among them. It is ascertained that the desire of the French habitans for a liberal and Christian education is increasing daily, and that many of them are determined to secure the advantages of it for themselves and their families. The object of the Society, exclusively, is to provide means Q2 192 mechanics’ institution. for preaching and otherwise disseminating the truths of Christianity among the inhabitants of Canada using the French language. The plan embraces the employment of Ministers, Teachers, Book-venders, and Scripture readers, (whose native language is French) — the esta- blishment and support of schools and places of worship — and the distribution of the Holy Scriptures and other suitable books. The Constitution of the Society is liberal and truly catholic, embracing all classes of Evangelical Christians, and excluding all sectarian peculiarities. THE MECHANICS’ INSTITUTION. Associations of persons with a view to the benefit of the working classes, have, in many parts of Britain, been undertaken with spirit, and been productive of much good. Under proper management, they are well adapted to promote not only the mental improvement, but the moral benefit of those in whose behalf they are undertaken. By inducing those who would otherwise spend their earnings at the tavern, to pay some attention to the improvement of their minds, and by placing within their reach the means of becoming acquainted with the principles of their art, and of gaining otherwise useful knowledge, a great advantage is conferred upon them. The institute of this city was founded after the model of those at home ; the greater part of its mem- bers being artizans, by whom its affairs were chiefly conducted. It commenced in 1828, and for several years was carried on with much harmony and success. An interruption of its meetings occurred about three years since, and was followed by the two winters of insurrec- tion, which effectually precluded all other topics than those which related to self-defence. In addition to the GAS WORKS TRADE AND COMMERCE. 193 ordinary exercises allotted to the hours of meeting, lectures on the principles of Mechanics, and Natural Philosophy, were occasionally delivered by Mr. Skakel, whose valuable collection of apparatus, and familiar knowledge of the subject, enabled him to render them highly interesting and instructive. It were to be wished that, on the establishment of tranquillity amongst us, the operations of this useful Society may be resumed, as it is capable, in many respects, of being made con- ducive to the improvement of a valuable class of our citizens in habits and intelligence. Apparatus and books, to the value of one hundred and fifty pounds, remain, ready for use, in the care of its officers. THE GAS WORKS Are situated at the Cross, about one mile from the city. They were begun in 1836, and some shops were lighted on the 23d of November, 1837. The cost of building, works, pipes, &c., is about £15,000. Mr. Armstrong was the projector. The stock is in a few hands only, E. A. Furniss, Esq., being the principal holder and manager. The proprietors were incorporated by an Act of the Provincial Legislature*^ April, 1836. The service pipes and lamps have been ready for some time, and only wait for an advance of money from the city ta put them into effectual operation.. TRADE and COMMERCE. We have more than once alluded to the favourable situation of this city for the purposes of Trade, both foreign and domestic. It is to this circumstance that Q 3 194 TRADE AND COMMERCE. its growth and prosperity must be traced ; for as it is not the permanent seat of Government, and has but few extensive manufactories to support it, its continued increase must depend upon the trade it can command. Placed at the head of the navigation of the St. Lawrence for sea-going vessels, it has ever been, and must con- tinue, an important place of commerce. Even if the magnificent idea should ever be realized of forming a channel for ships up to Lake Huron, it must still secure a large share of commercial activity. There is an immense back country to be supplied with foreign productions through it, and should that territory, as is probable, become more thickly settled, and the state of agriculture be improved, an augmented demand of com- modities will arise from that quarter, and greater supplies of home produce be conveyed to the city. Montreal was once the emporium of the fur trade, which is now carried on directly between Red River settlement, Hudson’s Bay, and England. The delays and inconvenience of river navigation between this city and Quebec are now overcome by steamboats, which for the power of their engines, speed, and accommoda- tions for passengers, as well as their utility in towing large vessels, are scarcely to be surpassed. Formerly much time was lost by vessels from sea, and it was no unusual thing for them to be detained for weeks at the foot of the Current St. Mary, bv the want of a favour- able wind to bring them up to the town. A serious bar to the increase of shipping continues to exist in the intricacy and shallowness of the ship channel in Lake St. Peter. Were this removed — and means have been recently taken to ascertain the practicability of it by a Commission of Survey — and were the “ culling” of timber rendered easily practicable by some simple method, there can be no doubt that much of the timber TRADE AND COMMERCE. 195 trade of Quebec would be transferred to this port. Large quantities of timber pass down in rafts in front of the city, which could be more speedily, safely, and cheaply transported direct from this place in a ship’s hold, if no impediment to navigation remained in the Lake. The position of Montreal with regard to the United States is very favourable also to the extension of com- merce in that quarter. The facilities of transport to Laprairie, and thence on the railroad to St. John’s, and onward by water to New York, render the conveyance of goods both easy and expeditious, so that the produce of Canada may be disposed of in the States, and other articles needed here readily forwarded from that country. Thus an intercourse, mutually profitable, may be pre- served, and Montreal afford a convenient depot of merchandise for both parties. The spirit and enterprise of the principal merchants, and of the trading community generally, if aided by the Local Government, cannot fail to render this an increasingly prosperous and flourishing city. It is not many years since a New York traveller, on landing from a batteau which brought him from Laprairie, thus expressed himself : — “ The approach to Montreal conveyed no prepossessing idea of the enter- prise of its municipality ; ships, brigs, and steamboats lay on the margin of the river at the foot of a hill ; no long line of wharves, built of the substantial free stone of which there is abundance in the neighbourhood, affording security to vessels and profit to owners ; the commercial haven looked as ragged and as muddy as the shores of Nieu Nederlandt when the Guede Vrow first made her appearance off the battery.” Now, if he were to repeat his visit, he would be constrained to make a different report, and find himself able to step on shore without more trouble than in walking across a room. 196 TRADE AND COMMERCE. The “ island,” then nearly useless, is now united by an isthmus to the shore, and forms a most convenient landing place. The line of beautiful and substantial wharfs that now border the magnificent St. Lawrence in front of the town, was begun in 1832, when Montreal became a Port of Entry. The funds were granted by the Pro- vincial Parliament, and the works carried on under the direction of Commissioners appointed by Government, who rendered their services gratuitously in this and other measures for the improvement of the city. After a few years’ interruption, the works were resumed in the summer of last year, in consequence of additional grants by Government, and are now advancing towards the Lachine Canal, where they will terminate in that direction. When they are completed, the harbour of Montreal will be one of the best, if it be not indeed superior to every other, in North America. Commerce, then, in its various branches, has been, is, and must be, an object of primary attention to the inhabitants of this city ; and if the fostering care of the Home and Provincial Governments be extended to it, by the enactment of wholesome regulations, and the encouragement of useful public works, there will be every reason to expect a progressive advancement in the scale of importance and utility. The increase of population in the city, as nearly as can now be ascertained, will be shewn by the following statement : Population of the city in 1800 9000 — _ — 1825 22,000 — ~ — 1831 27,297 To these numbers must be added the inhabitants of the parish without the city. These, in 1831, amounted to 4486 Making the whole population .... .r. 31,783 TRADE AND COMMERCE. 197 No census has been taken since the year last men- tioned ; and that is thought not to have been made very correctly, being more probably under than above the actual number of residents in the city and parish. From a comparison of various accounts, and modes of estimat- ing, it is probable that the number at present is about thirty-five thousand. The state of commerce for some years back will appear from the following scale of Vessels and their Tonnage which arrived at Montreal : In 1832 arrived 117 Vessels with a Tonnage of 27,713 1833 137 30,864 1834 89 20,105 1835 108 22,729 1836 93 22,133 1837 91 22,668 1838 63 15,750 Of these vessels and their cargoes, by far the greater part were from England and Scotland. A few arrive every year from Halifax in Nova Scotia, and other British ports in North America, and sometimes cargoes of grain, &c. from other ports in Europe. A statement of the Imports in the year 1837, and of the Exports of the two preceding years, will give an idea of the nature and extent of the foreign commerce of this city : Declared value of Goods imported into the Port of Montreal, direct from Sea, in the year ending the 5th of January, 1837. Dry Goods, British manufacture and produce.. £1,211,391 12 1 From the United Kingdom. Refined Sugar British Spirits Playing Cards Salt 19,091 16 6 884 8 7 636 1 0 20 0 0 Total value of British manufacture £1,241,933 18 % 198 TRADE AND COMMERCE, Total value of British manufacture £1,241,933 18 2 Value of Foreign Dry Goods 64,054 6 3 Value of Liquors, Sugar, Tea, and other Gro- ceries, Foreign and Colonial 85,865 9 9 Total value of imports from the United Kingdom. £1,39 1,854 14 2 From British North American Colonies . Dry Goods and Colonial produce, except Gro- ceries £2,740 13 2 Liquors, Sugar, and other Groceries, &c., Foreign and Colonial production ... 25,222 14 4 £27,963 7 6 From the United States of America . Dry Goods £206 6 1 Tobacco, Sugar, Molasses, &c 5671 0 11 £5877 16 2 From other Foreign States . Dry Goods and Grain £6530 5 8 Liquors, Tea, and other Groceries 14,023 10 2 £20,543 15 10 Total value of imports (Sterling) £1,446,239 13 8 Statement qf the Principal Articles exported by Sea at the Port of Montreal , in the years 1835 and 1836. Ashes — Pot, brls Do Pearl, do Apples, do Biscuit, do Do bag's Do cwt Butter, kegs Do firkins Candles, boxes Furs and Skins, pkgs.. Flour, barrels Do half do Peas, minots Do casks Wheat, minots Oats, do 1835. 1836. 1835. 1836. 18,901 17,120 Lard, kegs 63 31 4,765 8,656 Beef, barrels 693 389 352 36 Do half do 165 20 223 201 Pork, barrels 1,003 174 104 6 Do half do 26 __ 15 — Oil — Seal, casks .... 79 387 51 193 Onions, barrels .... 16 1 12 — Oil Cake, pieces .... 1,649 — 239 42 Do. tons .... 18 84 56 25 Oars — Ash 2,422 2,178 20,918 26,107 Staves, puncheon .. 248,997 237,141 3 — Do Standard . . 164,065 171,424 4,170 144 Do Barrel 14,275 __ 61 6 Do Ends 9,360 55,255 49 Timber — Ash, tons . . 139 52 920 500 Do Birch, do.. 4* 67 TRADE AND COMMERCE, 199 Statement of the Principal Articles exported by Sea at the Port of Montreal , in the years 1835 and 1836. — continued. 1835. 1836. 1 1835. 1836. Timber, Elm, tons.. .. 858 576 Starch, boxes 100 Do Oak, do.. .. 792 569 Tobacco, Leaf, hhds . . 9 2 Do Pine, do.. .. 1,628 2,103 Wax, Bees’, barrels . . 3 Do Butter Nut, do 5 1 Brandy, Canada manu- Do Maple, do 16 — facture, pipes 52 — Do Hickory, do 40 — Do do hhds 75 100 Boards, pieces 2,965 — Do do quarter casks . . 12 Deals 19,277 49,993 Geneva do hhds 2 10 Do Ends 306 1,337 Whiskey, do. puns . . 19 Do Planks 4,126 — Brandy, foreign, hhds.. 6 Handspikes 7,034 5,737 Wine, pipes 47 Spars 12 2 Do hhd 1 Soap, boxes 90 — Do quarter casks . . 27 Ho half do.. .. .. .. 5 Do cases 24 By the Laehine Canal much business is done with Upper Canada, and some with the United States, as the following Table will shew : Statement of the Principal Articles imported into Montreal, by the Laehine Canal, in the years 1834, 1835, and 1836. 1834. Total 1834. 1835. 1 Total 1835. 1836. Total 1836. U. C. U. S. U. C. U. S. U. C. U. S. Ashes, barrels 9438 1731 11169 10004 4055* 14059 11668 2579 14247 Beef, „ 23 931 954 936 936 943 92 1035 Butter, kegs.. 1446 191 1637 1235 82 1317 1894 14 1908 Biscuit, bags.. 438 — 438 719 4 723 Do cwt.. 38 38 _ Barley, bushel 1956 — 1956 686 — 686, 12637 12637 Flour, barrels. 102017 20169 122186 97269 6807 104076 162726 7598 170324 Oats, bushels.. 672 — 672 1550 1550 Pork, barrels. 755 22519 23274 931 1232 12163 11978 1710 13688 Peas, bushels. 14551 — 14551 370 370 14725 14725 Starch, boxes. 175 175 558 558 657 . 657 Tobacco, hhds 353 353 536 8 544 1059 1059 Wheat, bushel 291726 333 292059 31572 31572 51810 51810 Whisky, pipes 2 — 2 1 — 1 52 52 Do puns . . 8 8 11 11 Do barrels 502 7 509 930 1 937 2153 2153 Do casks.. 32 32 22 22 142 142 Do hhds . . 2 2 1 1 63 63 Hams, tierces. 1 78 79 8 8 8 1 9 Do loose . — 355 365 508 508 Live Hogs.... 96 2852 2948 348 1377 1725 103 618 721 Indian Corn, bushels .... 793 659 1392 118 1 118 Lard, barrels. 491 491 62 63 69 69 Do kegs... — 1691 1691 155 151 306 223 ~ 1 224 Note.— U. C. denotes that from Upper Canada, and U. S. from the United States. 200 LACHINE CANAL. Great quantities of merchandise are sent from Mont- real to Upper Canada by the same Canal : the transport upwards amounted in the year 1835 to nearly 16,000 tons, and in 1836 to nearly 14,000. The opening of the navigation in the spring is a cir- cumstance of much importance here ; and after the severity of the winter is over, is looked forward to with much interest. The following table exhibits a statement of the different periods, in the last ten years, at which the ice broke up in front of the city, at which the first steamboat arrived in the harbour, and at which the first vessel from sea came into port. Years. Ice broke opposite Montreal. Steam-boat arrived in Harbour. 1st Vessel at Montreal from Sea. 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 8th April ... 1st April ... 30th March 16th April.. 2d April .... 30th March 8th April ... 23rd April.. 11th April.. 9th April... 9th April... 16th April.. 8th April ... 10th April.. 28th April.. 11th April.. 10th April.. 20th April.. 2nd May ... 23rd April.. 23rd April.. 16th April.. 15th May... 11th May... 26th April.. 11th May... 13th May... 9th May.... 13th May... 14th May... 4th May.... 3rd May.... 10th May... THE LACHINE CANAL. So early were some of the intelligent inhabitants of the province convinced of the numerous advantages that would result to internal navigation and commerce from a Canal that should unite Montreal with Lachiqe, that it became an object of desire even before the pass- ing of the Constitutional Act in 179L In the first LACHINE CANAL. 201 Provincial Parliament under that act, which commenced its session in December, 1792, a bill to effect that object was proposed by one of the Members for Montreal. The bill did not pass, because the undertaking was then considered beyond the pecuniary means of the province. The matter, therefore, slept for some years. In 1815, during the war with the United States, the expense of conveying the Government stores brought the subject under the consideration of the Governor, who sent a message to the Assembly in favour of the measure, and the sum of £25,000 was voted to assist in its execution, with an Act of the Legislature to give it effect. Peace soon following, nothing more was done except taking a few levels. In 1819? a petition from several persons in Montreal desirous of undertaking the work at their own expense, was presented to the Legislature, requesting aid and authority for that purpose. A bill was accordingly passed in April, authorizing subscriptions to the extent of £150,000 currency, at the rate of £50 a share, and erecting the subscribers into a joint stock company. This plan was afterwards aban- doned, and the work was undertaken by the Province, on the conditions that the subscribers should relinquish their rights on receiving back the money they had advanced on their shares, and that, on the contribution of £10,000 by the Government, all stores and effects belonging to His Majesty should pass through the canal free of toll. An act of the Legislature having passed to this effect in 1821, the work was commenced on the 17th of July in that year, and completed in 1825. The route originally proposed was along the beach of the St. Lawrence at Lachine till the commencement of the turnpike road, then by the foot of the Cote St. Paul, continuing till it arrived at a point between the St. Joseph and St. Antoine Suburbs, when the route was to R 202 LACHINB CANAL. fork out and diverge, one branch to cross the St. Law- rence and Quebec Suburbs, and enter the river below the King’s Naval Store at the foot of the Current St. Mary, while the other branch was to enter above the harbour near the Ship Yard. The former branch was for the present abandoned, from insufficiency of means ; and the latter route, owing to some difficulties, was altered so as to bring its mouth near the wind- mills. The Canal is 28 feet wide at the bottom, and 48 at the water line, with five feet depth of w ater throughout, and 18 inches from the water line to the level of the towing path There are in the whole six locks, each one hundred feet in length, and twenty feet of opening, with an entire fall of forty-tw r o feet, and a regulating lock at either end. The workmanship of these locks, and the various stone bridges along the route, are all of masonry of a superior and most substantial chaiacter, creditable to the builders, to the country, and to the whole undertaking : the bridges at the extremities are elegant as well as durable. This Canal, at the time of its formation, was greater as to breadth, depth of w r ater, and length and breadth of locks, than any similar work in Great Britain, with the exception of the Cale- donian and the Forth and Clyde canals. The stone of which the bridges and locks were built, was brought from the opposite shore, near the Indian village of Caughnawaga. In addition to its excellent qualities, the cheapness of its carriage, being conveyed entirely by w r ater, rendered it very eligible for the purpose. In forming the canal, the quantity of rock excavation was found very great, and presented an unexpected obstacle to the progress of the work ; but the increased labour, expense, and delay occasioned by it, were more than compensated by its durability: this part of the LACHINE CANAL. 203 canal can never need repair. Beside the stone bridges, several others of wood are thrown over the canal at suitable distances. The vast utility of this undertaking, obvious as it was at first sight, has been amply confirmed by the experi» ence of several years. Forming a line of junction, in effect, between the Upper Province and the Lower, it has facilitated the passage of goods, particularly of the heavier kinds, not only from the former, but also from many parts of the latter, which would otherwise have scarcely reached the emporium, or have been brought hither at an expense which would have been all but a prohibition. The same may be remarked of goods going upward from Montreal. The Tolls collected on this canal amounted in the year 1834, to £6531 2 10^ Currency. The Provincial statute, authorizing their collection, expired on the 30th of April, 1835. To that time there had been collected for that year— Downward £39 12 7£ Upward... ... 41 3 1 £80 15 8£ Had the Statute continued in force, the receipt of Tolls would that year have been £5497 19- CHAPTER XIV. EDUCATION AND LITERATURE — CONCLUDING REMARKS. EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. Whatever other circumstances are conducive to the prosperity and welfare of a people, there can be no doubt that Education is essential to the perfection and stability of the social state. Intelligence and virtue, founded on religious principle, are the strongest safe-- guard of individual character, and the best preservative of general utility. That much has been done in different parts of the Province for the advancement of education, it would be improper to deny ; but that the system is defective, both in the nature and extent of the instruction it provides, will scarcely admit of a question. The state of education, throughout the Province, it is hoped will undergo a strict and rigorous investigation, and such measures be resorted to as will render its benefits abso- lutely universal, and counteract the ignorance which is g 6 inimical to good feeling and rational exertion. In the city of Montreal there appear to be means in existence for imparting instruction, of a slighter or more solid kind, to a great proportion of the young persons EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. 205 resident within it ; but it is to be lamented that large numbers of children, especially those of Catholic parents, are suffered to grow up without availing themselves of its benefits. The British population are much more desirous of procuring instruction for their offspring, and hence they are in general more intelligent and enter- prising than others. Not that there is a want of capacity among the Canadian youth, for where they have been placed in favourable circumstances they have exhibited abundant proof of the contrary ; but the general insen- sibility of their parents to the value of education, and the almost total absence among them of any rational conception on the subject, render them indifferent to its advantages. Most ardently is it to be desired that means may be discovered to remove this grand obstacle to national improvement. Great numbers of children, however, in both communities, receive instruction in Montreal. In addition to the schools already noticed, there are several respectable academies in the City ; as, the Royal Grammar School, in Little St. James Street, conducted by A. Skakel, Esq.; the Rev. Dr. Black’s, adjoining St. Paul’s Church ; Rev. J. Ramsay’s, Main Street, St. Lawrence Suburbs ; Messrs. Howden & Taggart’s, Craig Street; Mr. Workman’s in Hospital Street; and Mr. Bruce’s in M‘Gill Street. There are also young ladies’ schools in high reputation ; as Miss Easton’s, in Bonaventure Street, — Miss Felton’s in St. Gabriel Street, — and Mrs. Fitzgerald’s, in Notre Dame Street. The total number of schools, it would be diffi- cult to assign. A few years since, two gentlemen of this city made personal enquiry throughout the place, with a view of determining the point : they found fifty- nine of different classes ; but it is probable not only that some were overlooked, but that the number is greater now than it was then. There is also much private r 3 206 EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. tuition in the families of the more wealthy inhabitants. It is no small consolation for persons about to settle here, to know that they can readily obtain instruction for their children in almost every department that they may desire. The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning was projected about the year 1801, and an act of the Legislature was passed in its favour. In 1818 it was incorporated by a Royal Charter. Its object is distinctly announced in its title ; and, for the purpose of attaining it, encouragement has been given to the establishment of schools in different parts of the Province, and support afforded in other instances to schools already formed. The Principal of the institution is the Lord Bishop of Quebec ; and the trustees consist of several official persons in both Provinces, with other gentlemen residing in the Lower. Grants have been made to the Royal Grammar School, and the National School in this city, and to the Royal Grammar School at Quebec. The Literature of a newly settled country is necessa- rily of slow growth, and generally very limited in extent. The persons who form the community are induced to colonize by motives not very congenial with a desire for reading and study. Nor are the other circumstances of a new or a rising colony often more favourable to mental cultivation. The physical necessities of our nature must first be supplied : Literature and refine- ment come afterward. The column must be raised, and probably be sometime in use, before the thought occurs of placing an ornamented capital upon it. But little temptation to authorship is presented in so rude a state of society. It appears that the art of printing was not known, at any rate not practised, in the colony, until after it came into the hands of the British. It was EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. 207 introduced in the year 1764, by William Brown and Thomas Gilmore, who issued the first number of the Quebec Gazette on the 21st of June. This paper was projected in Philadelphia the year before. Gilmore went to England to procure types, and Brown to Quebec, “ with a Prospectus of the Gazette , to obtain subscribers, and make the necessary arrangements for commencing business in the spring. The subscription list then amounted to about 150, half of whom were Canadians. The tardy establishment of the press in Canada, and the quarter from whence it was first intro- duced, are facts than which none can be more strongly illustrative of the genius of the government and people of Canada, and of the then British Colonies in North America. Canada had been longer settled than any of them : its population was then probably nearly as numerous as that of Pennsylvania, yet the first printing establishment for Canada was projected and carried into effect from that Colony.*” It has been observed that “ the newspaper is the Literature of Americaf.” The observation is nearly as true now as when it was first made ; since, whatever improvement in literary taste and the publication of books, may have taken place in the United States, this Colony can scarcely be said to have emerged from the condition implied in the remark. There have been at different times attempts made to establish periodicals of a more literary cast in this country, but none of them can be said to have completely succeeded. A very respectable monthly journal was commenced in 1823, under the title of The Canadian Magazine : it reached the twenty-fourth number, and was discontinued in 1825, for want of adequate support. Perhaps the plan was of * Smith’s Canada, Vol. II., pa. 8. f Ward’s Spring qf Life. 1834. 208 EDUCATION AND LITERATURE. rather too ambitious a character for the then state of the Province. Though some of the articles were trifling, many were of a high order ; the work was well edited, and certainly deserved more support than it received. The Canadian Review made its first appearance in July, 1824, and continued to be published at intervals till September 1826, when the fifth and last number appeared. Both works contain much information relative to Canada ; and to both, especially the former, the editor of this volume has been frequently indebted. Each number of the Magazine contained about 96 pages ; the numbers of the Review were more than twice as large, containing each 240 pages or more — a scale too exten- sive then for the wants of the reading public in Canada. Other periodicals of a smaller size, and more moderate pretensions, have since been attempted. The only monthly publications now issuing from the Montreal press, are The Literary Garland , in Royal 8vo, 48 pages — an agreeable melange to the lovers of light reading, very likely to remunerate the publisher ; — the Canada Baptist Magazine , a religious periodical of 24 pages each number ; — and the Temperance Advocate . The newspapers published in this city are, in general, edited with ability, and maintain with considerable point and pertinacity their distinguishing political views and sentiments. The Montreal Gazette is issued three times a week ; and, being published by the Queen’s printer, may be considered as the Government paper. It is distinguished by the copiousness of its intelligence, particularly on local and domestic subjects ; and is of a more literary cast than the others, which are almost exclusively devoted to business and politics. The Montreal Herald , of tory politics, is published daily from the 1st of May to the first of November ; and three times a week during the remainder of the year. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 209 There is also an edition for the country, in which most of the advertisements are omitted, published twice a week ; and a Weekly Abstract for Europe. The Morning Courier is also a daily paper to the same extent as the Herald , with an edition for the country, issued twice a week. It is the advocate of whig prin- ciples. V Ami du Peuple appears in French, twice a week. The Montreal Transcript is published three times a week. Beside the periodicals, a few separate volumes have made their appearance in Montreal, chiefly on poetical subjects. Some, however, are on Theology ; and several sermons and addresses have been printed within the last ten years. T wo treatises on Agriculture, by Mr. Evans, of Cote St. Paul, contain many valuable observations, which, if reduced to practice by the habitans generally, would conduce to the improved cultivation of the Lower Province. CONCLUDING REMARKS* The number and variety of objects which present themselves successively before the mind, while taking an excursive survey of any considerable place, have a tendency to dissipate or weaken the power of attention, and render it necessary for the writer to pause awhile, and then to lookback, and see what has been accomplished or attempted. In the course of enquiry undertaken for the compilation of this volume, it has happened that some topics have been brought to light which, had they been noticed sooner, would have had appropriate places assigned to them in the preceding chapters ; and others have claimed a passing notice, while yet they could not be dealt with as matters requiring separate description. Of such miscellaneous remarks as subjects of this nature 210 CONCLUDING REMARKS. have suggested, the conclusion of this chapter will be composed. The state of society, whether viewed in classes, or in the aggregate, or as composed of individuals, and whether it be considered in its social, its civil, or its moral characteristics, will always be regarded as worthy of serious attention. From the manner in which the country was at first settled, and in which the population of this city has since been formed, two things were naturally to be expected, first, that the majority of inhabitants would for a long time continue to be French and Roman Catholics, and in the second place, that the number of British would be continually increasing, so as gradually to bring the two races nearer to an equality. This is precisely the case at present, and is likely to be more so if such public measures be adopted as will call forth and reward the enterprise and energy ready to act and extend themselves wherever there is any promise of success. In every large community there must be a great diversity of talent and condition, restricting the intercourse, in a great degree, to particular classes, without much admixture with individuals of other classes. Whether the privileges of caste are more jealously maintained, and the lines of demarcation more distinctly drawn, in Montreal, than in other cities of equal magni-> tude, it may not be possible absolutely to determine, thougli suggestions have been made to the effect of shewing its probability. Certain it is, that the citizens of Montreal are distinguished by one feature which is highly honourable to them, standing out as it does in pleasing and strong relief — and that is, a habit of active benevolence. Perhaps there is no place where, in proportion to the number and wealth of the inhabitants, more has been done to relieve the wretched and support the weak by deeds of real charity, than in this city — and CONCLUDING REMARKS. 211 this, not by thoughtless and indiscriminate profusion, but in the exercise of calm, cautious, and pains-taking administration. Some illustrations of this fact the preceding pages will have exhibited ; and it may be right to mention here (no opportunity having occurred before) on the authority of Nathaniel Gould, Esq. of London, a warm and steady friend to Canada, that “ the Montreal Emigrant Society, during the last year (1832), forwarded to their destination, or otherwise relieved, 10,744 of these poor creatures, at an expense of £2,126 114. Too much praise cannot be bestowed on the exertions of those pure philanthropists, who, during a season of such distress and danger, gave up their time, money, and health to so worthy a purpose.” Sketch , pa. 5. That the principle is neither dormant, nor diminished in vigour, more recent and continued acts of h similar character most satisfactorily prove. Long may it be ere it shall decline — or rather, may it never cease to distinguish the inhabitants of Montreal till there shall be no misery that benevolence can relieve. From the testimony of those who knew the city fifteen or twenty years since, it appears that its moral condition has very much improved within that period : profane - ness, intoxication, and disturbance, were much more prevalent in the former part of it than afterward. The amendment, however, has not been uninterruptedly progressive ; for in the last year or two an evident relaxation in the public morals has taken place ; a counteracting influence has been opposing the tendency to improvement. The passions drawn forth by the rebellion have disturbed the repose of many ; and military habits and pursuits have not only diverted them from their regular course of action, but have introduced a martial and unsettled spirit which has operated unfavourably upon a large portion of the community. 212 CONCLUDING REMARKS. It is to be regretted that many of the regular troops are, from time to time, seen reeling in the streets, to the interruption of that good order, which their services in other respects are so efficient in promoting ; and that intemperance has increased among the volunteers since they have received pay. Both in Quebec and Montreal the windows in many of the old stores and shops are small, not larger than those of ordinary dwelling-houses, very little calculated for display, and not giving indications of the extensive depositories of goods that may be found within. The modern shops, however, are much better furnished with windows, giving every facility for the exposure of articles intended for sale. A very great number of the recent shops are elegantly, and some of them splendidly, fitted up. Perhaps there is scarcely in any part of the commercial world, either in Europe or America, a more superb or exquisitely finished room, for its size, than the shop of Mr. M‘Donald at the corner of Place d’Armes and Notre Dame Street. It forms the principal orna- ment in a block called Muir’s Buildings, a recent erection, which is itself an ornament to the spot on which it stands, in one of the most public places of the city. The iron shutters which were nearly universal when the houses were built of wood, and of which strangers were in the habit of complaining as giving to some parts of the city the gloom of a prison, have either been ex- changed for wooden ones in the new stone houses, or succeeded by pannelled shutters of a lighter and more elegant construction than the primitive ones. Liberty has also been given to many of the puddles which used to tarry in the streets, to make their way through drains prepared for their escape to a distance where their noxious qualities are either neutralized, or rendered CONCLUDING REMARKS. 213 harmless to the inhabitants. It is pleasing to witness the progress of reform in these matters, though more tardy in general than the wants and wishes of the public would require. Notwithstanding the great and numerous improvements which have long been going on, and are now proceeding, there still remain some things calling for an alteration, and susceptible of it. Among the evils yet unremedied, stands foremost the state of the streets and roads, which in dry weather are covered with dust, and in rainy with mud, to an enormous and very incon- venient degree. When the roads are dusty, and the wind blows briskly, — no unusual occurrence — the effect is distressingly annoying. So much pulverized lime-stone as is then necessarily swallowed, cannot fail to produce some injury to the general health, and the mortar that is formed in the eyes by the union of their moisture with the powdered lime, must be pernicious to those delicate organs. The difficulty is, to find, and apply, a remedy. The general and frequent application of water by machines constructed for the purpose of sprinkling the roads, as is done in London and other great cities, would palliate or lessen the evil. But some change might be made in the materials of the roads themselves. The amount of traffic in every direction through the city and suburbs, will necessarily produce and raise up large quantities of dust, whatever may be the materials of which the roads are made. But it is evident that the harder and less friable these materials are, the greater will be the freedom from annoyance. It may be worthy of consideration, then, whether some improvement might not be effected in this particular. The lime-stone ordinarily used in making roads here, is easily broken and pulverized, and will endure but little wear before it becomes offensive. There is a harder species per- haps more than one species — of granite, to be met with s 214 CONCLUDING REMARKS. in the neighbourhood of the city, which would probably answer much better for roads than the substance now employed. It would require more labour in its prepa- ration. Yet with the successive application of heat and cold water, the large stones might be split, and after- wards broken with hammers into pieces of a proper size ; and the longer duration of the material when laid down, by the removal in part of the pernicious evils which now prevail, would more than repay the additional labour and expense of preparing the harder stone. Another method of improving the roads has been sug- gested — that of paving them with wood ; an experiment which has been tried in some other places, and succeeded, even on carriage roads. The side walks which have been made of this material in some of the streets, are a decided improvement, and are hailed by the inhabitants as a great addition to their accommodation. Far superior w ill they prove to the rough and uncomfortable pavements, formed of stones of all sizes, shapes, and positions, which stretch their “ weary length” through some parts of the suburbs, and even of the city. Of really good stone pavements, so agreeable to pedestrians, the north side of Place d’Armes, and the walk in front of the Catholic Cathedral, are excellent specimens. If good pavements be essential to the convenience of a city, illumination by night is not less so. In this res- pect Montreal has, for the last three years, been lamentably deficient. Under the old system of lighting, the oil lamps, though not very brilliant, did yet suffice to shew the pathway to the observant traveller ; but now’ on every dark night, the danger of collision and of falling is imminent and perpetual. This danger has been increased by the very means which are intended ultimately to remove it : the opening of the ground in various places to lay down the mains and other pipes CONCLUDING REMARKS. 215 connected with the Gas-works, has occasioned much unevenness where the places are filled in again ; and generally some parts or other are left open in the progress of the work* The shops here and there illuminated by gas, do something towards guiding the steps of the traveller by night ; but when they are closed, all is darkness. Through some cause or other, the funds of the city are at present inadequate to meet the demands of the Company for a general lighting. It cannot be supposed that many more dark winters will elapse before some means will be found to replenish the treasury, and give to the inhabitants of this city a benefit with which many towns of inferior consequence have long been familiar. The hill on the west, in the rear of the city, though somewhat unaptly dignified with the title of The Moun- tain, is in reality a most interesting object. It is seen finely rising from the city, with its graceful and well defined outline. Its summit is almost entirely covered with trees, which, though not of large growth from the shallowness of the soil there, give a softened and cheerful appearance to the scene. The sides of it present numerous beautiful spots, several of which the wealthier citizens have selected as the sites of elegant and retired dwellings, from which the views of the city, and adjacent country on both sides the “ mighty river,” are exceedingly delightful ; while its base and more gentle risings are covered with farms, and gardens, and hundreds of acres of most productive orchards, abounding with trees which bear fruit of the finest quality. The eastern side of the mountain appears to be better adapted, both by soil and situation, for the growth and perfection of certain kinds of fruit than almost any other place in either Province. The apples, in particular, are of the s % 216 CONCLUDING REMARKS. choicest sorts and richest flavour : among them may be noticed, Pomme de Neige , Pomme Gris , Bourrassa , and Fameuse. The Geological character of the Province has not been by any means adequately investigated ; but from what is known, we may presume that a rich harvest of discovery is in reserve, to reward the talent and industry of some future explorer. For our knowledge of the geology of the Island of Montreal, we are indebted to Dr. Bigsby, of New York, from whose paper in the Annals of the New York Lyceum of Natural History , an abridged view is here presented. The environs of Montreal abound in geological facts of great value. The lowest rock is a trap, of a kind unique in the. Canadas. By its peculiar composition, which includes all the ingredients of granite, and by its associations, it illus- trates in a beautiful manner the affinity existing between the formation of which it is a member, and the primitive class in general. The nearest kindred rock is found in the mountain of Chambly, sixteen miles distant. The extended trappose ramifications which it has projected into the superincumbent horizontal layers of lime-stone, without injury or displacement accruing to them, are very remarkable. The lime-stone and its organic re- mains, numerous and sometimes new and rare, are unchanged, although in contact with, imbedded in, and even impregnating the trap. A very compound trap constitutes the largest part of Montreal Hill, and appears in great quantity in the plains on its south. The trap supports, and traverses in direct contact, a conchiferous lime-stone, which floors nearly the whole island : at a distance from the hill it probably rests on quartzose conglomerate, or sand-stone. The trap may be said to consist chiefly of crystalline hornblende, largely mixed with quartz, CONCLUDING REMARKS. 217 feldspar, mica, and augite. Except where it assumes the form of dykes or veins, as is common in the plain about the hill, it is massive and usually much weathered. On the summit of the hill, and sometimes elsewhere, it rises above the vegetation in naked flattish mounds, closely compacted, and seldom exceeding five yards in diameter. In the small ruinous ledges and cliffs, it is fissured perpendicularly, and rent by cold into large cuboid blocks. The varieties are very numerous, but may all be derived from four principal forms, running into each other without apparent order, and occupying indiscrim- inately all levels. The first consists of promiscuously aggregated, shining, black prisms of hornblende, from half an inch to three inches long, sometimes pure ; and so mutually compressed as almost to disappear ; but more frequently white or ferruginous masses of glassy feldspar and quartz, mixed in various proportions, are interposed, so as to give the whole a strong resemblance to sienite. Cubic iron pyrites is common, and spicular iron ore in confused crystallization, as a coating. This form is met with on the summit of the east division of the hill, above M‘Tavish’s tomb, on the middle of its north and west flanks, and the greater part of Mount Trafalgar, especially the lower. On the north east declivity, near the west road to St. Catharine, the crystals of hornblende arrange themselves in continuous lines or bands, from a sixth to half an inch thick, and sometimes several feet long ; with occasional cross rents. They are parted by a mixture of quartz and feldspar, forming, of course, similar bands, but white. This curious structure is more remarkable as occurring among rocks otherwise disorderly ; and seems to indicate that the mass has consolidated during motion. The second form exists in most parts of the hill, and in the route of s 3 218 CONCLUDING REMARKS. the Lachine Canal, and is well marked in the low cliff above M‘Tavish’s tomb. It is black, or brownish black, opaque, homogeneous, rather fine grained, with blunt edges. It yields a grey streak readily to steel. Its specific gravity is that of trap rocks generally. It is sometimes dotted with crystals of white glassy feldspar, which having increased to a good size, in one case con- verted the mass into a porphyry. The third kind very much resembles the black trap of the Sabine country near Rome, containing solitary crystals of augite. Among other localities this form occurs on the declivity overlooking the race course, and in greater quantity near the seat of Edward Gregory, Esq. It may be described as a confused assemblage of short needle- shaped black crystals, cemented together by a fine mixture of pink feldspar and white quartz. The fourth form abounds most near the lime-stone at the sides of the eastern divisions of the hill. It is much like the sienite of Peek Island, in Lake Superior ; and is a mixture, occasionally fine, of white or transparent feld- spar, white crystalline quartz, and a little copper-coloured mica. This form, by an augmentation of its hornblende, passes into perfect trap, or, on the other hand, loses its crystals. The white cement often contains carbonate of lime ; and when the black and white ingredients are distributed with some unformity, and in equal quantity, their strongly contrasting shades give great beauty. These four forms of trap, together with their numerous gradations, occur in the veins or dykes which form so singular a feature in the geology of the environs of Montreal. The second or homogeneous kind is most abundant. Near the north end of a lime-stone quarry, a few hundred yards north of the Race-course, there is a dyke of a composition not observed on the hill. It consists of a soft cement, passing into powder, white and CONCLUDING REMARKS. 219 green (each colour predominating in patches), which contains numerous finely marked crystals of basaltic hornblende, distributed confusedly, but equally, and not often confluent. The cement is principally calcareous ; the remainder being green earth, which frequently coats the crystals. The lime-stone overlying the trap, and receiving its ramifications, is a portion of the great basin of secondary rocks of North America. The particular form occurring in Montreal Island, and overspreading nearly the whole of it, extends into Lake Champlain and the Richelieu on the south, and downwards as far as Cape Tourment, thirty miles below Quebec. The lime-stone of Montreal hill is blueish black, or blueish brown, without lustre, fine grained passing into compact, easily scratched by steel, and of conchoidal fracture when free from shells. When exposed to the weather, it is divided into horizontal layers, from six to twenty-four inches thick, some of them containing silica, and others chertz. This form of the lime-stone is well seen at M 4 Tavish ? s tomb, and on the north of the hill at the base, every where full of the organic remains of the level country. The lime- stone varies in different parts of the island. The acci- dental minerals occurring in it, are in small quantity, and few in number — purple fluor, yellow blende, and iron and copper pyrites. The alluvial ridge which surrounds two-thirds of the island, may be considered as an ancient embankment, in one of those vast bodies of water which were left by the last deluge, and which in the lapse of ages have undergone repeated subsi- / dences, until they have assumed their present shapes and number. This deposite is universal along the St. Lawrence — in some places broken into as many as seven terraces — and continued downwards from Montreal towards the Atlantic in one or more of these platforms. 220 CONCLUDING REMARKS* In the immediate vicinity of the city, the deposite, including the ridge and the marshy flat at its base, is composed of different ingredients in different places — sand, clay, gravel, bowlders of primitive rocks, lime- stone, decayed vegetables, and fresh water shells. At St. Henry it consists of beds of sand resting upon clay. The quarries of excellent stone found near the Mountain, render it not less an object of interest to the citizens of Montreal for the purposes of building, than the facilities it offers for the investigation of its geology do to the naturalist for the purposes of study. The business of Montreal, though much of it is con- ducted as systematically as that of London, is more variable at different seasons of the year than is customary at home. In the winter, but little is doing, except by retail trading. At the opening of the river in the spring, vessels come in from Europe, and with their arrival, which is hailed with delight, commences the bustle and activity of the season. The merchants’ stores are re- plenished ; and both inhabitants of the town, and traders from a distance, make their purchases with avidity. This continues a few months, till all the spring cargoes have arrived, and been mostly disposed of, when another, though partial stagnation takes place, till the second arrival, in the “ fall,” gives again animation to the scene, to subside in like manner, after its brief, but busy, existence. The state of Agriculture, throughout the island generally, is far from what it ought to be, and might be. Some few cases there certainly are of successful cultivation ; but those are exceptions. There was, for many years, an Agricultural Society holding its meetings here ; but that exists no longer. There are others. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 221 however, in different parts of the District ; but there seems to be needed a more lively impulse to bring the state of tillage to that point of excellence which the soil now requires, and which it would well repay. For the purpose of improving the cultivation of flowers, fruits, and culinary vegetables, a Horticultural Society was established here, and conducted some time with much harmony and advantage*; but that also has been some years extinct. Those of the inhabitants who possess no gardens, are in the habit of supplying the want by keeping plants in their windows, both winter and sum- mer ; and this is done to an extent which imparts much liveliness to the streets at all seasons of the year. Many have succeeded to admiration, and shewn, by their ardour in the rearing of their favourites, with what zest they enjoy “ A peep at nature, when they can no more." The following account of the Cemeteries, from not having the materials then at hand, could not be prepared in time to be inserted in its proper place. It may, how- ever, not unaptly terminate this series of miscellaneous remarks. The original Burial Ground was attached to the first French Church in Ville Marie, and occupied the space where the Cathedral now stands, and other parts of the Place d’ Armes. Afterwards the Fabrique appropriated to this purpose the ground at the end of Cemeterie Street, in St. Antoine Suburbs. The Protestant inhabitants of this city, feeling the want of a place to “ bury their dead,” according to rites of their own preference, purchased a piece of land in Dorchester Street, in 1799. At a meeting held at the Court House on the 21st of June in that year, Messrs. 222 CONCLUDING REMARKS. Edward W. Gray, Isaac W. Clarke, Arthur Davidson, John Russell, and William Hunter, were chosen Trustees “ to receive a deed of the burying ground in trust for the Protestant inhabitants of Montreal and vicinity ; and during their lives to make rules and regu- lations for the good order thereof ; and in a vacancy of the Trustees, the remaining members to elect others.” The original cost of the ground was £550, with interest until the same was liquidated, which was done by instalments created as the lots were taken up. In 1824, a considerable addition was made to the Cemetery by the purchase of the ground in the street along its whole length, which is the part at present used. The cost was £1000 with interest : it is not yet paid off. The New Burial Ground was purchased in 1816, at the cost of £500. This amount has been paid off ; and the revenue derived from it at present is appropriated to the liquidation of the debt on the Old ground. The Trustees are the same for both. May every reader be prepared to descend with calmness to the tomb, and die with a hope “ full of IMMORTALITY.” APPENDIX. BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE TWO REBELLIONS IN LOWER CANADA, 1837 and 1838. To trace the recent insurrections to their source, and to explore the means and steps by which they gradually attained their fearful character, would be foreign from the design of this work, and greatly exceed its limits. It may be sufficient to observe, that discontent and opposition to the Government on the part of many of the French inhabitants of this Province, and particularly of those who were, or assumed to be, political leaders, had been displaying themselves, in various forms, for many years ; and, growing more intense and bitter, at length broke out into actual rebellion. In the summer, and towards the fall of the year 1837, public meetings were held in almost every parish and county in the Province, especially in the District of Montreal. At these meetings the people were ha- rangued, by the leading members of the Assembly, in the most inflammatory language, and resolutions were passed repudiating the authority of Parliament, denying the obligations of the laws, and enforcing a scheme of general organization and terrorism, which were evidently the preliminary symptoms of insurrection and revolt. 224 PRELIMINARY MOVEMENTS. About this time the tri-coloured flag was displayed for geveral days at St. Hyacinthe, and in the neighbourhood of St. Charles and St. Denis ; and at a meeting held in the latter village, an influential person present warned the people to be ready to arm themselves ; and some of the tavern-keepers substituted an eagle in place of their usual signs. Associations were formed, with a design of overthrowing the Government ; and the “ Central Committee of Montreal” were active in forwarding it. “ The Sons of Liberty,” as some of the associates called themselves, published in October an “ Address to the Young Men of the North American Colonies,” avowing sentiments of the most dangerous tendency. Every method was employed to circulate these sentiments, drilling took place in open day on Sundays and other holidays : armed bands paraded the streets of this city in the night time, the tri-coloured flag was hoisted, and the peaceable inhabitants felt themselves insecure if they ventured out unarmed, after the day had closed. A grand meeting of the “ Confederation of the Six Counties” took place at St. Charles, on the 23rd of October, when a fuller and unreserved avowal of treasonable designs was made. The Cap of Liberty was raised, and a solemn oath taken under it, to be faithful to the revolutionary principles of which it was emblem- atical. All allegiance, and every pretence to it, were at once discarded, and a determination evinced to take the management of affairs into their own hands. This meeting was attended by the Speaker (L. J. Papineau) and twelve Members of the House of Assembly, and no time was lost in carrying the treasonable part of the resolutions into effect. Bands of armed ruffians marched forth, spreading fear and consternation among the peaceable inhabitants of the country, threatening them with the loss of life and property if they did not PUBLIC MEETINGS. 225 immediately acquiesce in their views and projects. Justices of the Peace and Officers of Militia, were compelled to resign their commissions, and many took refuge in Montreal. On the same day a meeting of the loyal and consti- tutional inhabitants took place in this city, for the “ maintenance of good order, the protection of life and property, and the connection now happily existing between this Colony and the United Kindom, at present put in jeopardy by the machinations of a disorganizing and revolutionary faction within this Province.” Troops were sent for from Nova Scotia and from Upper Canada. The Attorney General arrived from Quebec for the purpose of directing measures, and for dealing according to law with certain foreign military officers who had been introduced into the Province for the purpose of giving aid to the insurgents. The Magistrates of Montreal having received infor- mation, on the 5th of November, that numerous bodies of men, of different parties, intended on the following day to parade the streets of the city, immediately issued a proclamation to prohibit such a measure. On Monday, the 6th, persons were anxiously enquiring as to the motions and intentions of the two parties ; and about two o’clock it was known that a considerable number of the “ Sons of Liberty” had assembled in an enclosed yard near St. James Street, although some of their leaders had pledged themselves to the Magistrates that no procession should take place. About three hundred of them sallied forth, armed with bludgeons, pistols, and other weapons, and made a furious and indiscriminate attack on all that fell in their way. For a time they had full possession of the street, breaking windows, and threatening other mischief. But the Constitutionalists were soon aroused, and dispersed the riotous assemblage, T 226 AFFRAY ON PLACE D’ARMES. but were far from satisfied with this success. About six o’clock the Riot Act was read, and the military were called out. A party of the Constitutionalists were encountered by the Royal Regiment in front of Papi- neau’s house ; but instead of offering any resistance, they heartily cheered the gallant regiment, and accompanied it to the Champ de Mars , where it was ordered to take post. A company of the Royals was posted near the Bishop’s Church : the officer in command received from the Loyalists a seven-barrelled gun, two other guns, a sword, and a banner of the “ Sons of Liberty,” which had been taken from a house in Dorchester Street, where they were in thp habit of meeting for drill. After this, all became quiet, and the Magistrates ordered the troops to their barracks. In proceeding thither, the Royals found a party attempting some injury to Papineau’s house ; but they desisted the moment the troops came upon them. In the course of the evening the office of the Vindicator , a seditious newspaper, was destroyed by some of the more zealous of the British party. The military patrolled the streets till day-light. No further violence was committed, no lives were lost, and no opposition offered to the soldiers. On the 10th of November, Sir John Colborne, as Commander of the Forces, removed his head quarters from Sorel to Montreal ; and on the same day, in con- sequence of intelligence from St. John’s, a detachment of the Montreal Volunteer Cavalry proceeded thither, as a corps of observation, under the command of Capt. Glasgow of the Royal Artillery. He found a large body of armed hahitans posted on the opposite bank of the Richelieu River. Attended by two of his men, he approached this party, and demanded the cause of their being met together at that place. They answered that, if he did not immediately retire, they would fire upon WARRANTS ISSUED. 227 him. The Cavalry were then ordered to take possession of the bridge, to prevent this armed body from crossing over to St. John’s, and carrying on, as they said they were resolved to do, their treasonable practices of inti- midation and coercion. The state of affairs throughout the district now became truly alarming ; and it was evident that a spirit of disaffection and contempt of the laws had spread itself far and wide among the people. On the 16th of November, warrants were issued, and rewards offered, for the apprehension of twenty-six individuals charged with High Treason, of whom all were of French origin, except one ; eight were Mem- bers of the Provincial Parliament, and the greater part of the whole number were in the higher classes of society. Eight of them were committed to prison at the time ; but all the others who resided in town made their escape. Two of them resided at St. John’s, and one at St. Athanase, and the warrants for their apprehension were entrusted to a peace officer, who, accompanied by a body of the Royal Montreal Cavalry, proceeded to execute them, by way of Longueuil and Chambly. Demaray and Davignon were arrested at St. John’s, and the party were returning to Montreal with them by the same route. When within about two miles of Longueuil, the Cavalry and peace officer in charge of the prisoners, were intercepted by a large body of armed peasantry, who fired upon them from their houses, from behind the fences, and from a barn which bordered the road, and compelled them to abandon their prisoners. Several of the Cavalry were wounded, and their horses injured, by the fire of the insurgents. These partial successes infused fresh vigour into the rebels, and led them to suppose that no force could withstand them. Notice of the rescue having been conveyed to Montreal, it was deemed advisable to. 228 GENERAL RISING. re-inforce the garrison at Chambly. Colonel Wetherall was, therefore, ordered with his battalion to that place, by way of Longueuil, accompanied by Major Jackson of the Artillery with two six pounders, a detachment of the Montreal Cavalry under Captain David, and civil officers to re-capture the prisoners. At Longueuil they found all the houses closed, but the inhabitants at home ; and for several miles beyond the case was the same. Several armed bands were met by Captain David and his party, but they fled on a nearer approach. Six individuals were apprehended with arms in their hands. About 300 men took a position about a mile from Chambly for the purpose of resisting the Cavalry ; but at the approach of the advanced guard of the Royals, they fled in all directions, and the Cavalry succeeded in capturing some of them. The whole country appeared to be in arms. On the 20th of November, intelligence was received that T. S. Brown had collected a large force at the village of St. Charles on the river Richelieu, which he was proceeding to fortify, and that Papineau, O’CaL laghan, and Wolfred Nelson were concerned in these measures. Warrants had been issued for their appre-* hension ; and the civil authorities applied to the Commander of the Forces for aid in securing them. On the 23d a body of troops under Colonel Gore embarked on board the steamer St. George for Sorel, where they landed in the evening. At ten o’clock they marched towards St. Denis, intending to attack the force at that place, and then move on rapidly to assist Colonel Wetherall of the Royal Regiment in his attack upon St. Charles. The march was a terrible one, in conse- quence of a heavy rain, and the muddiness of the roads. They did not reach St. Denis till after day-light. An attack was commenced ; several rebels were killed ; but DEFEAT OF REBELS AT ST. CHARLES. 229 finding it impossible to dislodge some of the rebels from a large stone house from which they were firing, and his men being exhausted by the fatigues of the pre- ceding night and day, the Colonel retreated upon Sorel, where, after much suffering, the party arrived on the morning of the 24th. Strong bodies of armed peasantry were seen in various places along the line of march. Colonel Wetherall had received orders to attack St. Charles at the same time that the other forces were to be engaged at St. Denis. For this purpose he left Chambly on the 22d, but the roads were so bad, that his troops were not able to reach the place till noon of the 25th. The houses along the route were deserted, the bridges broken down, barricades erected, and every precaution taken against an attack. Halting to recon- noitre, Colonel Wetherall observed that two guns commanded the road, and he therefore resolved to attack by deploying to the right. The troops were saluted with a loud cheer from the stockade, and a constant fire was kept up by the rebels from the opposite bank of the river. When he had approached within two hundred and fifty yards from the works, he took up a position with the hope that a display of his force would induce some change among the infatuated people. They, however, opened a heavy fire, which was returned. He then advanced nearer to the works, but finding the defenders obstinate, he stormed and carried them, burn- ing every building within the stockade, except Mr. Debartzch’s house which was extinguished, and occu- pied, by the troops. The affair occupied about an hour. The slaughter was great on the side of the rebels, but slight on that of the troops. Several prisoners were taken, from one of whom Colonel Wetherall learned that Brown had assumed the rank of General, and actually commanded, for a short time ; but that soon t 3 230 RETURN OF THE TROOPS. after the firing began, he galloped to the rear under pretence of bringing up re-inforcements, but was no more seen. Papin eau, Drolet, and others crossed the river to St. Marc, on the arrival of the troops before St. Charles. On the whole, the means and preparations of the rebels were more formidable than many persons had supposed ; and had not the rebellion been checked at this point, the consequences to the country would have been dreadful. Having thus captured St. Charles, and dispersed the insurgents, who are said to have amounted at this place to fifteen hundred fighting men, the Colonel determined to attack a considerable body of the rebels collected for the purpose of cutting off his retreat to Chambly ; and on the morning of the 28th, he discovered them in a well-chosen position, and under the protec- tion of an abattis. They fled, however, as soon as he had formed to attack, leaving their two guns behind them. On the 30th of November, Colonel Wetherall, and the whole of the troops under his command, landed from the steamboat Victoria from Laprairie, bringing with them twenty-five prisoners taken on the march to Chambly and at St. Charles, together with the pole and cap of liberty, which had been raised at the latter place. The troops, upon landing, were heartily and enthusias- tically cheered by the people on the wharf, who escorted them to their quarters with shouts of applause. During these operations on the Richelieu, and before authentic intelligence arrived respecting them, the state of the public mind in this city was such as cannot easily be described. Every heart was anxious, and every coun- tenance betrayed the emotion. The ordinary concerns of life were, now, minor considerations, and gave way to the all-engrossing topic. When the news arrived, on the afternoon of Sunday 26th of November, the joy with which it was welcomed, was extreme : there is no VOLUNTEERS ORGANIZED. 231 doubt that the lives and fortunes of thousands of the loyal inhabitants depended, in a great measure, on the success or failure of this solitary expedition. Happily* the result was favourable, and the rebellion in that quarter was so far crushed, as to set the minds of the loyal at rest for the present, and excite their hopes for the future. While these operations were going on, a laudable spirit of loyalty and zeal was displayed by many of the citizens of Quebec and Montreal, as well as by the inhabitants of the Townships and other parts of the Province, in the formation of volunteer corps, of various descriptions, for the purpose of putting down rebellious attempts to overturn the Government. At Montreal, three Brigades were formed and thoroughly organized* The first consists of the Royal Montreal Cavalry, having two troops within the city, and one at Lachine, a company of Artillery, and three (now five) companies of Rifles ; the second, of the three Battalions of Ward Associations ; and the third, of the Montreal Light Infantry, and the Queen’s troop of Light Dragoons ; amounting in all to about four thousand, rank and file* In other parts of the district, and in that of St. Francis, upwards of fifty corps of various descriptions were formed. Colonel Gore was ordered a second time to Sorel with a view of proceeding to another attack on St. Denis. Having reached that place, he entered it with- out opposition, the occupants having fled. An iron gun and a considerable quantity of arms and ammunition, were found in the place, and destroyed, as were the fortified houses, and all the defences which had been raised by the rebels. Marching on to St. Charles, the Colonel received information that some of the chiefs were probably at St. Hyacintbe. Thither he proceeded. 232 MURDER OP LIEUT. WEIR. but found them not. After enduring great hardships in their flight, most of them succeeded in reaching the United States. Colonel Gore leaving part of his force at St. Charles, and another part at St. Denis, returned to Montreal ; and thus that portion of the country was quieted for a time. Previously to these latter movements, a most tragical event had taken place, the particulars of which were hot known till some time after the horrible deed had been perpetrated. We allude to the murder of Lieut. Weir. This deserving and lamented young officer had been sent overland, on the 22d of November to Sorel, with ’a despatch to the officer in command there, directing him to prepare a force to accompany Colonel Gore, who was to leave Montreal in the afternoon by steamboat. The roads were so bad that he did not reach Sorel till half an hour after Colonel Gore and his division had marched on the route to St Denis. Taking a fresh caleche, he hastened to join the troops ; but mistaking the road, he passed the troops, and arrived at St. Denis before them. Here he was made a prisoner, closely pinioned, sent forward to St. Charles, and on the road was barbarously murdered by his brutal guardians. The fact, and the cruel circumstances ac- companying it, were “fully ascertained on the second expedition to St. Denis. The body, which was found in the Richelieu, was brought to Montreal for interment. The funeral took place on the 8th of December, with military honours ; and it may be said that Montreal never before witnessed so solemn and imposing a spectacle. A vast body of civilians of all ranks, and of military, both regulars and volunteers, attended on the occasion. The sympathy that was felt for the unfortu- nate sufferer, and the indignation excited against his cruel murderers, were strongly expressed by the MARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED. 233 assembled multitudes. So great was the concourse, that the road from the Quebec Suburbs to the burying ground, which is half a mile in length and of considera- ble breadth, was occupied by one living mass of men ; and no one could get admittance to the ground, except those who immediately followed the hearse. On the 29th of November, the Governor-in- Chief issued a monitory Proclamation to the insurgents, inviting them to return to their allegiance, and promis- ing them forgetfulness and immunity for the past, and a continuance of paternal protection and favour ; at the same time offering rewards for the apprehension of the leaders. Martial law was proclaimed in the district of Montreal on the 5th of December, and Sir John Colborne invested with authority to execute it. Many of the insurgents who had fled took refuge in the United States, and, as some had expected, met witli considerable support from a part of the inhabitants. A number of refugee rebels entered the Province from the State of Vermont ; but were met in the county of Mississquoi, by the loyal population of that county and the Shefford Volunteers. The number on each side was about two hundred ; the rebels were completely routed, and made a precipitate retreat into the United States, with great loss in prisoners, arms, and munitions, before they had penetrated a mile into the township of St. Armand. This brilliant affair took place near the residence of Mr. Hiram Moore, on a point popularly called Moore’s corner. This exploit enabled Sir John Colborne to withdraw several companies from St. John’s, and to make arrangements for suppressing the rebellion in other directions. While these movements were taking place on the South side of the St. Lawrence, preparations almost as extensive, and perhaps more vigorous, were making by 234 REBEL FORCE AT ST. EUSTACHE. the rebel party on the North, particularly in the county of the Lake of the Two Mountains, at St. Eustache, St. Benoit, and St. Scholastique. In that neighbour- hood, also, Magistrates and Officers of Militia were compelled to surrender their commissions, and many of the loyal and peaceable inhabitants were forced to take refuge in this city and other places, for the preservation of their lives, leaving their property of every description at the mercy of the insurgents. Bands of nocturnal marauders paraded the country, armed and disguised, threatening the lives and property of all who did not join them, with destruction ; firing into the houses of those who were obnoxious to them ; burning their barns and other out-houses ; maiming and disfiguring their cattle ; and finally carrying away, by force and violence, whatever they deemed essential to success in their treasonable projects. Here the insurgents were more fully prepared for resistance than in any other part of the district. They fortified themselves in various places, and were commanded by Girod, Chenier, Girouard and Dumouchelle, — .supposed to have been the most active and able leaders of the revolt. Their strong holds were, St. Eustache, and St. Benoit or Grand Brule. Accounts were frequently arriving in the city, some- times perhaps exaggerated, but upon the whole sufficiently well attested, of the formidable aspect of affairs in this quarter ; and produced an eager, and almost impatient, desire that troops might be sent immediately to disperse the rebel forces, and put an end to a state of things so truly painful and alarming. For the purpose of rendering Montreal as secure as possible against any sudden attacks of the disaffected, the principal entrances into the city were fortified by strong timber and heavy gates, with loop-holes on the sides to command the outer roads ; the subordinate MARCH TO ST. EUSTACHE. 235 streets were also strongly barricaded ; so that we had all the appearance of a town in expectation of a siege. Our excellent commander was by no means deficient in vigilance, but waited, with all the cool determination of an experienced soldier, for the most proper hour to commence his operations. As soon as a sufficient force was at his disposal, he lost no time in advancing to the scene of action. On the morning of Wednesday the 13th of December, the whole of the forces destined for this service marched out of Montreal, escorted by an immense number of the loyal inhabitants, cheering them in the most enthusiastic manner, and warmly wishing them success and safety. They formed two brigades, the first being under the command of Colonel Maitland of the 32d regiment, and consisting of that regiment commanded by Major Reid, and the 83d regiment commanded by Lieut. Colonel the Hon. Henry Dundas. The second brigade was under the command of Lieut. Colonel Wetherall, of the Royal Regiment, and consisted of the second battalion of that regiment and the Montreal Volunteer Rifles ; Globenski’s volunteers having joined this brigade at St. Martins, where they had been stationed some days, with Captain Birtwhistle’s company of the 32d regiment, Captain Tunstall’s company of the Montreal Volunteer Militia, and a detachment of Volunteer Cavalry under Captain Ermatinger, to protect Lachapelle’s bridge, and to maintain a communication with head quarters. The Artillery, consisting of six field pieces, was under the command of Major Jackson. About 2 o’clock of the same day the Commander of the Forces also took his departure from head quarters, with his staff, escorted by the Royal Montreal Cavalry and the Queen’s Light Dragoons. The whole party halted during the night at St. Martin, a village in the middle of Isle Jesus, on 236 DEFEAT OF THE REBELS. the direct route to St. Eustache, and about twelve miles from Montreal. Instructions had been forwarded to Major Townshend, to march on the following day from Carrillon, on the Ottawa, with a detachment of the 24th Regiment, and the Volunteers of St. Andrews, towards St. Benoit. On the following morning, Thursday the 14th of December, the forces marched forward to the scene of action, which they reached about noon, the greater part, with the Commander, crossing the northern branch of the Ottawa River, on the ice, about three miles below St. Eustache, while Captain Globensky’s company (mostly composed of loyalists driven from their home by the rebels) marched in the direct route to the village. The attack was completely successful, though necessarily attended with much destruction, both of life and property on the part of the rebels. The church, which was their strong hold, not yielding to the fire in front, was entered by the rear, and its occupants dislodged, many of them killed, and a still greater number secured as prisoners. That handsome edifice was then set on fire, as was the presbytere, and about sixty of the principal houses in the village. The loss on the part of the forces was very small, only one or two men being killed, and a few wounded ; that of the rebels is supposed to have been very great, and that nearly two hundred of them fell victims to their folly from the fire and charges of the troops, or were suffocated in the flames of the buildings destroyed. The blaze was distinctly seen on high ground in the neighbourhood of Montreal, a distance of twenty-one miles. Dr. Chenier, one of the leaders, was killed near the church ; and Girod, Peltier, and others, are reported to have made their escape imme- diately after the first fire from the troops, on pretence of going to the rear to bring up reinforcements. ST. BENOIT — RETURN OF TROOPS. 237 On the morning of the 15th, the main part of the forces marched forward to St. Benoit, twelve miles distant, where they arrived about noon. During the march, His Excellency was met by delegates, bearing a flag of truce from the rebels, and stating that they were prepared to lay down their arms unconditionally. On the line of march, similar tokens were exhibited in rags of something white from almost every house, and none of the inhabitants were at all molested. On arriving, the Commander fixed his head quarters at the house of Girouard, one of the insurgent chiefs, and opposite to it he found about two hundred and fifty of the rebels drawn up in line, suing for pardon, and stating that their leaders had deserted them. Their request was complied with, and they were dismissed to their homes and occupations. The intrenchments of the rebels at St. Benoit were destroyed, and several houses. After- wards the church, the Priest’s dwelling, and almost every house in the place were fired by the unrestrain- able zeal of the volunteers in the neighbourhood. The purpose of the expedition having been accomplished in the dispersion or submission of the rebel forces, the troops prepared to return to Montreal, except that the 32d Regi- ment, two field pieces, and a detachment of the Queen’s Light Dragoons, were sent forward to St. Scholastique to re-establish order in that quarter. On Saturday the 16th, His Excellency the Commander of the Forces, escorted by the Montreal Cavalry and the Light Dra- goons, returned to the city, as did the Montreal Rifles. The next day the Royals, under Colonel W etherall, marched in amidst the acclamations of the citizens, bringing with them 105 prisoners, among whom were three of their leaders. The Royal Artillery and 83rd Regiment also returned the same day, and were greeted with the cheers of the inhabitants, who went out to meet u 238 ALARM — BRAVERY OF VOLUNTEERS. their brave countrymen, for their services in putting down a rebellion which had done much mischief and threatened more. His Excellency Sir John Colborne, as Commander of the Forces, by his prudent foresight, his prompt sagacity on the one hand when danger sur- rounded us, and his clemency on the other, when submission allowed it, together with his readiness to make known important intelligence to the community, has entitled himself to the lasting esteem and gratitude of every loyal inhabitant of Canada. But not alone were the troops above mentioned engaged in the duties of this eventful season. During the absence of the expedition, the garrison duty of Montreal was entrusted to the companies of the 24th Regiment remaining in town, and the different volunteer corps of the city. Their courage and loyalty were soon put to the test. About ten o’clock on the night of the 13th December, intelligence bad reached the city that a large body of rebels were marching upon Lachine, for the purpose, it was supposed, of seizing the arms which had a short time previously been deposited there for the Beauharnois Volunteers, and then proceeding w ith them to attack Montreal in the absence of the regular troops. The report gaining ground, an alarm was sounded t hrough the city, and in an incredibly short space of time, the whole volunteer force mustered in arms, and pro- ceeded to meet the rebels in the direction in which they w ere expected — Colonel Maitland’s battalion marching to the Tanneries, three miles out of town — every man being resolved to do his duty. The alarm proved to be a false one, as far as regarded Montreal ; those rebels who had collected about Lachine having been disap- pointed of their object by the removal of the arms on board some batteaux in the river, and by the timely appearance of the Lachine Cavalry. The volunteers, SECOND REBELLION* 239 therefore, after being under arms most of the night, retired to their quarters. Their conduct, however, was such as to reflect the greatest credit both upon oflicers and men, all of whom evinced the best possible disposi- tion, and by their zeal, courage, and activity, afforded ample evidence that the city had been safe in their keeping. With the return of the troops from the County of the Lake of the Two Mountains, the military operations connected with the first rebellion in Lower Canada may be said to have terminated, except so far as it was necessary to keep different parties in motion to guard against surprise, and to check irruptions which were sometimes threatened, and at others attempted, from the United States, of refugee rebels and those who were inclined to join them. During the remainder of the winter, and the spring of 1838, various prisoners of greater or less distinction, who had been engaged in the insurrection, were from time to time apprehended and brought to Montreal. The transactions which took place in Upper Canada, during the period of which we have been treating, though of an equally important character, do not properly belong to our narrative. In the course of the summer and autumn of 1838, rumours were circulated!, and surmises formed, that another rising of the disaffected was in progress, or at least in agitation. An unusual run upon the banks, in the demand for cash on the part of the habitans who had notes in their possession, with various murmurings and other symptoms, gave sign that all was not at rest. The “ sympathy,” as it was termed, shewn to u 2 240 MURDER OF MR. WALKER. the insurgents by many of the inhabitants of the border States, kept alive the expectation. Early in October, if not before, many facts were in the knowledge of the Governor-in- Chief and the Commander of the Forces, w hich called for increasing vigilance, and justified active preparation. The lenient measures which had been adopted with regard to several of those who had been apprehended for their share in the first rebellion, instead of being followed by a grateful return of allegiance, were, in many instances, construed into fear, and abused to the purposes of renewed aggression and tumult. These seditious movements were, for the most part, con- fined to the south side of the St. Lawrence ; the country above St. Eustache and its neighbourhood remaining perfectly quiet, whatever might have been the hints or threats of individuals. On Friday the 2d of November information was received of a preliminary meeting of a few of the lead- ing rebels and refugees, to be held that evening at the residence of Gagnon, about six miles from St. John’s. A party of soldiers, with a magistrate, were sent to apprehend them. Seven were taken, and among them the son of Gagnon, but the father was not to be found. They were all armed. A few other arrests were made at St. John’s ; and all the prisoners afterwards brought to Montreal. On Saturday the 3d, at La Tortu, about eight miles above Laprairie, a number of rebels attacked the scattered loyalists in that quarter, and two respect- able farmers, named Walker and Vitrey, were so cruelly treated, that the former died of his wounds, and the other with difficulty survived. As many of the loyal inhabitants as were able made their escape to the city. A party of Hussars went off from Laprairie to attack the insurgents, who fled at their approach. The same day, a strong party mustered at St. Charles, with an BEAUHARNOIS— CAUGHNAWAGA. 241 intention to join with others lower down the Richelieu, in an attempt upon Sorel, which, however, was not made. In Beauharnois a more extensive rising took place on the same evening, when a large party succeeded in surprising the loyalists of the village, and made prisoners of Messrs. Ellice (son of the Seignieur), Brown, Ross, Norman, and Dr. Surveyor. During the day the steamer took over four pieces of Artillery to Laprairie, for St. John’s. At night an attempt was made to burn the boat, by conveying combustibles into the berths ; but no material damage was done. The detaining of the Artillery was probably the means of saving the boat, if not the village, as an attack was meditated. While the inhabitants of the Indian village of Caugh- nawaga were at worship on Sunday morning, the 4th, a party of rebels surrounded the church, upon which the Indians immediately turned out, and the Chief, setting an example promptly followed by all, raised the war- whoop, seized the rebel next him and wrested from him his musket. The others, being panic-struck, were made prisoners to the number of 64, and brought into Mont- real. Just after the conclusion of the morning service, the alarm became general throughout the city ; at least 2000 of the volunteers rushed to arms, though they had not met since the spring, and were so stationed as to guard all the passes into the town, none being allowed to proceed without giving a satisfactory answer to the challenge. On the same day a proclamation of martial law was made by the Administrator of the Government ; and so intent upon mischief did the various bodies of insurgents appear, that it was deemed advisable, for several weeks, to keep the city in the best possible state of defence, and to burn lights in the windows after the day had closed. Several persons residing in the city, who were suspected of treasonable or rebellious designs u3> 242 STEAMER HENRY BROUGHAM SEIZED. were taken up and imprisoned ; and for several days in succession many were apprehended in different parts of the district. The rebels appear to have congregated in the greatest number at the villages of Napier ville and Chateauguay. In the former place some thousands had collected, imprisoned the loyal inhabitants, quartered themselves at their houses, and made free with every thing they could find. In Chateauguay they indulged themselves freely in eating and drinking ; but the report of the war-whoop, and the expectation of the Indians from Caughnawaga, had very much disconcerted them. Colonel Cathcart with his dragoons, scoured the country to a considerable distance round Chambly, and cleared it of rebel forces : several villages were deserted, and the houses of the most noted rebels reduced to ashes. The country began to put on a most desolate appearance* through the folly of those who in wickedness had con- ceived a plan which in weakness they had undertaken to execute. The steamer Henry Brougham , on arriving at the wharf at Beauharnois, on the morning of the 4th, was taken possession of by the rebels, and all the passengers, twenty-one in number, secured. They were confined in the house of Mr. Quintal, the Cure, who was also a prisoner. The following Saturday, a force of regulars and volunteers arriving, they were set at liberty. The mail bag was on board the boat, but, by the good management of Captain Whipple, was kept out of sight, until the boat was regained for its owners. In the course of the week Sir John Colborne, with a sufficient body of forces, crossed the river to proceed to Napier- ville, for the purpose of dislodging the rebels, and delivering their captives ; but on entering the village on Saturday they found that the rebels, to the number REBELS DEFEATED. 243 of two thousand, had evacuated the place about two hours before, and that about the same number had previously gone off, many of them having thrown away their arms. A few days before this, Dr. Cote, with about 400 men, made an attack upon some loyalists at Lacolle Old Steam Mill, which ended in the complete route of the assailants, who lost their only six pounder, 250 stand of arms, eight prisoners, eleven killed and several wounded. The object of Cote was to open a commu- nication between the Lines and Napierville. Dr. Nelson, with a force of one thousand men, advanced upon Odelltown, where he attacked about 200 of the volunteers under the command of Colonel Taylor. This small force, from Odelltown church, and with the aid of the gun taken at Lacolle, kept up such a fire upon the rebels, that, after an action of about two hours and a half, they were obliged to retreat, leaving fifty dead, and carr ying off several wounded. This gallant behaviour of the volunteers obtained the highest praise from the Commanding Officer. On the 10th of November, part of the 71st Regiment, with upwards of one thousand Glengary men, took Beauharnois, and rescued all the prisoners, with the exception of those who had been removed, On Sunday the 11th, a pleasing sensation was created in town by the arrival of Mr. Ellice, and various other gentlemen who had been seized by the rebels. It appears that, after their capture at Beauharnois, they were, as was supposed here, conveyed to Chateauguay, where they were confined in a room, from which day-light was excluded, but they were allowed to have candles burn- ing. They were well treated by the Cure and the nuns, who were allowed to send them what they needed. On Saturday, they were placed in carts, for the purpose, as they believed, of being conveyed to Napierville, and 244 PRISONERS SECURED. had reached La Pigeonniere, in the Seigniory of St. George, when their escort, hearing of the evacuation of Napierville, left them and fled. They were allowed to proceed in the same carts to Laprairie, and were even advised which road to take, as the safest. They reached Laprairie about two o’clock in the morning, and Montreal about ten. This new rebellion being thus promptly suppressed in the short space of ten days, attention was now engaged with the numerous prisoners that were secured at the different posts of disturbance, and with vigilantly looking after suspected persons and places. Ninety-one prison- ers taken at Napierville were brought in on the 13 th, and on the same day twenty others from Lachine, having been taken in arms at Chateauguay — some of them persons in respectable life. Forty others were brought in from the direction of Laprairie, on the 15th. Meantime volunteers, in various quarters, were on the alert to detect the least suspicious movement in their respective neighbourhoods, and, in conjunction with the regulars, to maintain the peace thus far restored. Intel- ligence having been received of a descent upon Prescott in Upper Canada, by a party of about four hundred men from the States, Colonel Wetherall left town on the 14th, with a sufficient force to resist the unprovoked aggression. Among the prisoners taken at Odelltown, was a French officer, named Charles Hindenlang. This man, after his apprehension, put forth a document, in which he attemped to vindicate himself, and to cast imputations upon those who employed him. In some measure his statement was credited, and for a time divided the opin- ions of many as to the plans, and strength, and intentions of the rebels ; but his trial and subsequent conduct placed his character and professions in their true light. COURT MARTIAL APPOINTED. 245 A General Court Martial was appointed for the trial of the rebel prisoners. It met for the first time on Monday the 19th of November, in the Court House. The following Officers composed the Court : Major General John Clitherow, President. Lieut. -Col. Sir John R. Eustace, 2d Batt. Grenadier Guards. Lieut.-Col. Henry W. Barnard, do. do. Lieut.-Col. William Grierson, 15th Regiment. Lieut.-Col. James Crauford, 2d Batt. Grenadier Guards. Major Samuel Dilman Pritchard, Major of Brigade. Major Henry Townsend, 24th Regiment. Major Arthur W. Biggs, 7th Hussars, Captain William Thornton, 2d Batt. Grenadier Guards. Captain William B. Smith, 15th Regiment. Captain Robert March, 24th Regiment. Captain Henry A. Kerr, 2d Battalion, Royal Regiment. Captain Augustus Cox, 2d Battalion, Grenadier Guards. Captain the Hon. George Gadogan, Grenadier Guards. Captain Hugh A. R. Mitchell, do. do. “ All of whom, or the said Major General John Clitherow, President, together with any twelve or more of the said last men- tioned persons and officers, may constitute the said General Court Martial.” Captain Muller, of the Royal Regiment, was ap- pointed Deputy Judge Advocate, to be assisted by Professional Gentlemen. The Court Martial, thus constituted and appointed* immediately entered upon its arduous and responsible duties. The public expectation, however, from the ill effects of last year’s clemency, out-ran the proceedings of the court, and, after waiting awhile, the people began to be suspicious that nothing effectual would be done against those who had occasioned so much misery, and who would probably, if no severe check were given, repeat their deeds of violence. On the 20th of November orders were issued that, instead of burning lights in the windo.ws? as had been, 246 ARMS FOUND TRIALS. done since the first alarm on the 4th, “ every housekeeper in the town and suburbs, shall keep two candles ready to be lighted at the first signal of the sound of a drum or bell.” Meantime the ardour of the British inhabi- tants increased, for the maintenance of their loyalty and the preservation of their lives and privileges — the volunteer corps were augmented — and the whole of this force put upon full pay, and rendered as effective as possible, so that, notwithstanding the occasional drafts from among the regulars to repress the incursions from the United States into the Upper Province, the city, after the first moment of alarm, was felt to be in a complete state of defence. Large quantities of arms and ammunition, either taken from the rebels, or found secreted for their use, were brought in from time to time ; and there can be no doubt that these were obtained either by purchase from the neighbouring States, or by donation from persons residing there, ill-affected to the interests of Canada. On the 29th and 30th of Novem- ber nearly a hundred rebels from Napierville and Reauharnois were brought in as prisoners. The Hon. D. Mondelet, and Charles D. Day, Esq., having been appointed Judge Advocates in conjunction with Captain Muller, the Court Martial commenced the trial of the twelve following prisoners on Wednesday the 28th of November : — Joseph Narcisse Cardinal, Joseph Duquette, Joseph L’Ecuyer, Jean Louis Thibert, Jean Marie Thibert, Leandre Ducharme, Joseph Guimond, Louis Guerin, Edouard Therien, Antoine Cote, Maurice Lepailleur, Louis Lesiege. After a patient and impartial investigation, in which the prisoners had the benefit of able advocates, two of them, Edouard Therien and Louis Lesiege, were acquitted, the other ten were found guilty, and condemned to death, and two of them, J. N. Cardinal and J f Duquette were executed INCURSION FROM THE STATES. 247 on Friday the 21st of December. They were both implicated in the rebellion of last year, and derived but little wisdom from the lenity then shewn to them. The discontented inhabitants of Canada were not the only persons who disturbed its peace. Certain restless spirits beyond the lines, affecting to “ sympathize” with those who enjoyed as much liberty as themselves, but really bent upon cruelty or plunder, made incursions at their pleasure, but sometimes to their disappointment and sorrow. We have already referred to one invasion of this sort, chiefly, indeed, under Canadian leaders, and to others commanded by Americans : the following occurred on Sunday, Dec. 30th, at Beech Ridge on the Province line, Rouville. About two o’clock in the morning a band of American ruffians from Alburg, to the number of fifteen or twenty, armed with muskets and swords, came across the line about half a mile, and broke open the house of a loyalist of the name of Gibson. The terrified family awoke from their sleep, and saw the glare of their barn on fire. Gibson leaped from a window, and fled, without putting on his clothes. The wife, and family of five children, the oldest not thirteen and the youngest an infant, were ordered to depart. The poor woman prayed for time to throw some clothes on the children and herself ; but they were driven out with imprecations, and the house fired. The night had been tempestuous, and the thermometer ranged between ten and eighteen degrees below zero. The mother with her babe in her arms and her shivering little ones by her side, all without shoes and nearly without clothes, was compelled to drag herself through the snow, drifted as it was, three quarters of a mile before she could find a shelter. The unfeeling wretches then proceeded to the next house, occupied by Isaac Johnson, a loyalist, with two daughters, ordered the inmates to leave it, and 248 TRIAL OF REBELS. then set fire to it and the barns. They visited some other places which they served in like manner, and then made good their retreat to Vermont. The barns which contained the whole grain produce of the farmers, and all the other buildings, were a heap of smouldering ruins before sun-rise. In the course of the winter and spring other similar incursions were made upon the border by unprincipled men, so that a residence there became both precarious and painful, though not always attended with circumstances of so horrible a description. The trials still proceeded ; and on the 18th of January five other rebels were executed over the front gateway at the New Gaol ; viz. P. J. Decoigne, engaged at Napier ville, and Jacques Robert, two brothers of the name of Sanguinet, and P. Hamelin, concerned in the murder of Mr. Walker, at La Tortu. The gallows had been removed to a more public situation to convince the habitans of the reality of the executions, for on that point they appear to have been previously incredulous. Decoigne, who was a Notary, delivered an address on the scaffold before he suffered, to the effect that they were all convinced of the enormity of their crimes, the j ustice of their fate, and the folly of neglecting “ the good instructions that had been given them.” Last year several persons suspected of being engaged in the murder of Narcisse Chartrand, underwent their trial in the Criminal Court ; but, although the evidence against them was most clear and decisive, they were acquitted, in the face of it, by a Canadian jury. Two of them, Francois Nicolas and Amable Daunais, profited so little by their former escape as to engage in the second rebellion, and, being brought to trial and con- victed, were, with three others, executed at Montreal, on the 5 th of February. The first of these three, Charles Hindenlang, was a native of France, and had CONFESSION OF HINDENLANG AND NICOLAS. 249 been an officer in the French service. He was taken in the fight at Odelltown, where he had exercised com- mand over a part of the insurgents. After his committal, he made a confession tending to vindicate himself and criminate his associates, but to which he gave the lie in his speech on the scaffold. In his affidavit he had declared that the cause in which he had embarked was a bad one, and the men with whom he had been asso- ciated, villains ; adding that, if he were liberated, he would use every exertion to uphold the Government, and to bring under its power those with whom he had acted. Yet now, with his dying breath, he applauds the very revolt he had pretended to condemn — and says it was a good cause. He denied the right of the Government to put him to death, and concluded by exclaiming “ Vive la Liberte !” using the words in a sense which his previous remarks made but too evident. Nicolas, on the other hand, deprecated the cause in which he had been engaged, confessed that it was begun and maintained by the ardour of young men, to whom their parents had neglected to give instruction, or who, perhaps, had it not in their power to instruct them. He admitted that he had led a bad life, and had deserved long ago to die— declared the error of his ways, and exhorted his countrymen to avoid his end. In a written document, drawn up by himself in French, he says, — “ I recommend to all who have been blinded like me, either by promises or by hopes of gain, to look more closely to it, and to consider well that we have been the instru- ments of ambitious persons who had not the fear of God before their eyes. I entreat all to take warning from me. Although certainly I cannot do otherwise than say that we need reform in this country, yet must you wait until God lends his aid, and points out with his all-powerful finger, to those who are to accomplish v £50 REFLECTIONS. them, the time and the means. I have seen the time when I was proud to be a British subject, and I had great reason — and it is only since fanatic spirits have represented to me things in a different point of view that I have become disaffected towards my Government. Fathers and mothers, who bring up children... extinguish in their young hearts any possible animosity that may there exist against persons of a different country, or of a different creed.” Happy indeed would it be if such prudent counsel were universally received and acted upon by our deluded fellow-subjects. The other two who suffered on this occasion, Chevalier de Lorimier, and Pierre Remi Narbonne, were deeply engaged in the rebellion. These were the last executions that have taken place under the recent convictions ; our humane Governor having deemed it safe to gratify the kindness of his heart in tempering judgment with mercy, and to com- mute the sentences of death in other instances for punishments less severe. The sudden and violent extinction of human life, even for purposes of justice, and the conservation of the public peace, is a matter of such awful import, that every benevolent person will rejoice whenever it can safely be dispensed with. The danger in the present case is, that the act of clemency may be misunderstod and abused by those in whose favour it is exerted. Ignorant and uninstructed as the great mass of the French people unquestionably are, they are easily misled by designing men, and as easily persuaded to ascribe the exercise of mercy to motives just the opposite of those in which it originated. From the experience of the preceding year, it would seem that persons engaged in rebellion, possess not any very nice sense of honour, gratitude, or moral obligation in any shape. Some instances of the contrary may have CRUELTY AT CALDWELL’S MANOR. 251 appeared ; and had they been more numerous, and formed the rule instead of the exception, we should have contemplated with more unmingled satisfaction, the amnesty already indulged in, and even the extension of it to a much greater number. A deed of cruelty, as horrid as any that took place during the rebellion, was perpetrated on the night of Saturday the 2d of February. A party of about twenty came in from the American side, with blackened faces, and armed. They proceeded to the third concession in Caldwell’s Manor, which is a considerable distance from the boundary line, to the house of a man living there in peace with his family. They stabbed him through and through with a bayonet, and used such violence with the weapon, after the wounds were inflicted, that they wrenched the bayonet from off the musket to which it was attached. They also inflicted three bayonet wounds on the son? a flue young man, one through his thigh, one through his leg, and another through his body and shoulder blade. The father soon died of his wounds, and the son suffered dreadfully. The villains then deli- berately packed up the man’s furniture upon their sleighs, set fire to the buildings, and absconded. On first enter- ing the house, they locked up all the females of the family in a room by themselves ; and, after setting fire to the house, left them there to be burned to death. They were unable to release themselves, and it was not till the arrival of neighbours that they were rescued, and the fire extinguished. This border warfare is the most annoying, and, under all the circumstances, the most unjustifiable, of all the modes which the insurrection has assumed, or been connected with. On the 6th of May Benjamin Mott, of Alburgh, Vermont, was found guilty of Treason at Lacolle by the Court Martial, and sentenced to death. With this v 2 252 RELIEF TO SUFFERERS, ETC. trial the Court finished its labours, after a session of five months and a half, during which one hundred and ten prisoners had been tried ; — twelve executed, nine ac- quitted, and the remainder, now in gaol, under sentence of death. These eighty-nine will probably not suffer the extreme penalty of the law. As a relief to the painful details above given, it is matter of consolation to record that the case of the wives and families of those brave men who fell at Odelltown, Lacolle, and other places, in defence of their country, drew forth the sympathy of their companions in arms ; and numerous contributions were made, both among the regulars and the volunteers, to relieve their necessi- ties, and private individuals were also forward to mitigate, as far as possible, the sorrows of those whose friends had suffered in the common cause. Thus far have we been enabled to trace the progress and defeat of the second attempt to change the Govern- ment, and overturn the Constitution of this land, by means as unjustifiable as they were uncalled for. That grievances existed need not be denied ; but there were other and far better modes of removing them than the criminal ones which were resorted to. Whatever may in justice and equity be granted as to the ground of complaint, there is much truth in the following remarks of an American writer. They were written and pub^ fished several years ago ; and though the language of rebellion was not then distinctly uttered, the author saw that the elements of discord were in motion : — “ The CX-> nadians,” said he, “ by the original treaty of Quebec, and by subsequent laws, have secured to themselves greater privileges than the people of the United States possess, even in the government of their own creation and adoption ; and yet there is always a settled opposition to certain acts of the Government affecting local objects, FRENCH AND BRITISH INFLUENCE. 253 There is always a jealousy, a suspicion, and distrust of the Mother Country. Hence the judicious projects of the British Government for the benefit of Canada, meet opposition from the Colonial Legislature ; and such is the apprehension that their religion, language, laws, and ancient customs may be abrogated by the gradual en- croachments of British influence, that they are content to retrograde in civilization and the arts, rather than yield one atom of custom or power.” What has trans- pired, we have painfully witnessed. What the future will diselose, who can tell, or conjecture? When the Earl of Durham, soon after his arrival last year, with powers more ample than were ever granted to any previous Governor, issued his declaration of impartiality, and announced his intention to regard all classes without distinction, and adjust as far as possible their respective claims, many persons thought, at least they hoped, that rebellion and discontent would cease. Nor was this an unreasonable expectation ; but it was disappointed. The resignation and departure of his Lordship might have had some effect upon the malcon- tents, as well as others ; but it must have been slight in relation to the former; as the second outbreak had commenced before he could have proceeded many miles down the river — and must have been planned and arranged before he had thought of leaving Canada. The conclusion suggested by experience is, that, as honesty is the best policy, and the most direct way is generally the best, it will be no longer safe or wise to hide from ourselves the necessity, now more than ever imperative, that Canada must not only be, but appear to be, a decidedly British Colony. As it belongs to Britain, British influence must predominate ; but it must be exercised justly and kindly for the encouragement and benefit of all. v 3 254 AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. Should it please Providence to restore harmony to this long agitated country, and endow our “ Senators with wisdom 55 to enact such laws as are suited to its state, and place its various interests on a good founda- tion, we shall have every reason to look for not only a continuance, but an increase of prosperity. The amazing natural advantages of the country, if duly improved, would yield an ample return; and furnish not only to its present inhabitants, but to millions more, a comfortable home and subsistence ; and contribute largely to the diffusion of happiness through the empire* The parent state, kindly and wisely cherishing this part of her colonial family, would meet not only with a return of warm affection, but a large accession to her strength, dignity, and importance. Amid this general improve- ment, of which it is rational to indulge the hope, the city of Montreal will have its full share of benefit. Its admirable location, the spirit and enterprise of its inhabi- tants, the increase among them of intelligence and moral worth, unite in cherishing the expectation that Montreal may attain a yet higher station among the cities of the western world. AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. Under this or similar titles the attention of the public has of late been frequently called to the consideration of various objects, in different parts of this continent, which seem to indicate that it has been occupied by a race very different from any which are now known to inhabit it. In the opinion of some who have examined these matters, the tribes of Indians which were found here by Columbus and subsequent travellers, were preceded by a people far more advanced in civilization and science, ANTIQUE RUINS. 255 the remains of whose power and skill have from time to time been brought to light. The ruins of forts and cities, under the present surface of the country, mounds and tumuli above it, together with utensils and curiosi- ties of various kinds which have been dug up at different places, are supposed to shew that the arts were practised here, to a great extent, at periods antecedent to the generally supposed origin of American history. The idea has been plausibly supported that some parts, at least, of this continent were known to certain inhabitants of Europe, more particularly the Norwegians and the Danes, before they were discovered by the great navi- gator to whom the honour has for ages been assigned \ not, however, to the disparagement of Columbus, for it is admitted that, whatever might have been known formerly, in liis time the knowledge was lost, and the western hemisphere was again absolutely a terra incognita. Whatever portion of truth there may be in any or all of these conjectures, and whatever share fancy may have had in their formation, the enquiry has at length assumed a shape which entitles it, at least, to respectful con- sideration. About six years since, a volume appeared in the State of New York, with the following title — “ American Antiquities, and Discoveries in the West : being an Exhibition of the Evidence that an ancient population of partially civilized nations, differing entirely from those of the present Indians, peopled America many centuries before its discovery by Columbus ; and en- quiries into their origin ; with a copious description of many of their stupendous works, now in ruins,, with conjectures concerning what may have become of them* Compiled from Travels, authentic sources, and the researches of Antiquarian Societies. By Josiah 256 MONUMENTS OP ANTIQUITY. Priest.” The compiler has collected a multitude of papers, testimonies, and descriptions, which had been written at different places, through a series of years, both in the new and the old world, and has given many observations of his own ; though without much attention to order and method. Among a number of strange and fanciful conjectures, there are some statements which will be read with astonishment, if not with incredulity, by those who have never ventured to think it possble that a civilized being had ever set his foot upon this continent till nearly the close of the fifteenth century. In Mexico, in Peru, in some parts of Canada, in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Carolina, and others of the United States, monuments of antiquity appear to have been discovered, which have excited much attention among naturalists and historians. Drawings are given in the volume, of the most singular or important of these curiosities. Some years ago the Society of Geography in Paris offered a large premium for a voyage to Guatemala, and for a new survey of the antiquities of Yucatan and Chiapa. The ruins of a large stone-built city have been discovered, worthy of being compared to the Thebes of ancient Egypt. The following is M. C. F. Rafinesque’s account : “ From Palenque, the last town northward in the province of Ciudad Real de Chiapa , taking a south- westerly direction, and ascending a ridge of high land that divides the kingdom of Guatemala from Yucatan, at the distance of six miles is the little river Micol y whose waters flow in a westerly direction, and unite with the great river Tulija , which bends its course to- wards the province of Tabasco . Having passed Micol, the ascent begins ; and at half a league, or a mile and a half, the traveller crosses a little stream called Otolum ; from this point heaps of stone ruins are discovered, RUINS OF OTOLUM. 257 which render the roads very difficult for another half league, when you gain the height whereon the stone houses are situated, being still fourteen in number in one place, some more dilapidated than others, yet still having many of their apartments perfectly discernible. A rectangular area, three hundred yards in breadth by four hundred and fifty in length, which is a fraction over fifty-six rods wide, and eighty-four rods long, being, in the whole circuit, two hundred and eighty rods, which is three-fourths of a mile, and a trifle over. This area presents a plain at the base of the highest mountain forming the ridge. In the centre of this plain is situated the largest of the structures which has been as yet dis- covered among these ruins. It stands on a mound or pyramid twenty yards high, which is sixty feet, or nearly four rods in perpendicular altitude, which gives it a lofty and beautiful majesty, as if it were a temple suspended in the sky. This is surrounded by other edifices, namely, five to the northward, four to the southward, one to the southwest, and three to the eastward — fourteen in all. In all directions, the fragments of other fallen buildings are seen extending along the mountain that stretches east and west either way from these buildings, as if they were the great temple of worship, or their government house, around which they built their city, and where dwelt their kings and officers of state. At this place was found a subterranean stone acqueduct, of great solidity and durability, which in its course passes beneath the largest building. Let it be understood, this city of Otolum, the ruins of which are so immense, is in North, not South, America, in the same latitude with the island of Jamaica, which is about 18 degrees north of the equator, being on the highest ground between the northern end of the Caribbean sea Rnd the Pacific Ocean ? where the cor- 258 RUINS IN PENNSYLVANIA. tinent narrows towards the isthmus of Darien, and is about 800 miles south of New Orleans. The discovery of these ruins, and also of many others, equally wonderful, in the same country, are just com- mencing to arouse the attention of the schools of Europe, who hitherto have denied that America could boast of her antiquities. The neighbourhood of Brownville, or Redstone, in Pennsylvania, abounds with monuments of Antiquity. A fortified camp, of a very complete and curious kind, on the ramparts of which is timber of five feet in diameter, is found near the town of Brownville. This camp contains about thirteen acres, enclosed in a circle, the elevation of which is seven feet above the adjoining ground ; this was a Herculean work. Within the circle a pentagon is accurately described ; having its sides four feet high, and its angles uniformly three feet from the outside of the circle, thus leaving an unbroken com* munication all around. A pentagon is a figure, haying five angles or sides. Each side of the pentagon has a postern or small gateway, opening into the passage between it and the circle ; but the circle itself has only one grand gateway outward. Exactly in the centre stands a mound about thirty feet high, supposed to have been a place of observation. At a small distance from this place, was found a stone, eight feet by five, on which was accurately engraved a representation of the whole work, with the mound in the centre ; whereon was the likeness of a human head, which signified that the chief who presided there lay buried beneath it. The engraving on this stone, is evidence of the knowledge of 9tone cutting, as it was executed with a considerable degree of accuracy. On comparing the description of this circular monu- ment with a description of works of a similar character, MOUNDS, TUMULI, ETC. 259 found in Denmark, Sweden, and Iceland, the conclusion is drawn, that at some era of time the authors of this kind of monumental works, in either of those countries have been the same.” pp. 87 — 88. “ There are no parts of the kingdoms or countries of the old world, but have celebrated in poetry and sober history, the mighty relics and antiquities of ancient empires, as Rome, Babylon, Greece, Egypt, Hindostan, Tartary, Africa, China, Persia, Europe, Russia, and many of the islands of the sea. It yet remains for America to awake her story from its oblivious sleep, and tell the tale of her antiquities — the traits of nations, coeval, perhaps, with the eldest works of man this side the flood. This curious subject, although it is obscured beneath the gloom of past ages, of which but small record remains ; beside that which is written in the dust, in the form of mighty mounds, tumuli, strange skeletons, and aboriginal fortifications ; and in some few instances, the bodies of preserved persons, as sometimes found in the nitrous caves of Kentucky, and the west, yet affords abundant premises to prompt investigation and rational conjecture. The mounds and tumuli of the west, are to be ranked among the most wonderful antiquities of the world, on the account of their number, magnitude, and obscurity of origin. 4 They generally are found on fertile bottoms and near the rivers. Several hundreds have been discovered along the valley of the Mississippi ; the largest of which stands not far from Wheeling, on the Ohio. This mound is fifty rods in circumference, and ninety feet in perpendicular height.’ * This is found filled with thousands of human skeletons, and was doubtless a place of general deposite of the dead for ages ; which must have been contiguous to some 260 MOUNDS. large city, where the dead were placed in gradation, one layer above another, till it reached a natural climax, agreeing with the slope commenced at its base or foundation. It is not credible, that this mound was made by the ancestors of the modern Indians. Its magnitude, and the vast numbers of dead deposited there, denote a population too great to have been supported by mere fishing and hunting, as the manner of Indians has always been. A population sufficient to raise such a mound as this, of earth, by the gradual interment of the deceased inhabitants, would necessarily be too far spread, to make it convenient for the living to transport their dead to one single place of repository. The modern Indians have ever been known, since the acquaintance of white men With them, to live only in small towns; which refutes the idea of its having been made by any other people than such as differed exceedingly from the im- provident and indolent native ; and must, therefore, have been erected by a people more ancient than the Indian aborigines, or wandering tribes. Some of these mounds have been opened, when, not only vast quantities of human bones have been found, but also instruments of warfare, broken earthen vases, and trinkets. From the trees growing on them, it is supposed they have already existed at least six hundred years ; and whether these trees were the first, second, or third crop, is unknown ; if the second only, which, from the old and decayed timber, partly buried in the vegetable mould and leaves, seems to favour ; then it is all of twelve hundred years since they were aban- doned, if not more. Foreign travellers complain, that America presents nothing like ruins within her boundaries ; no ivy mantled towers, nor moss covered turrets, as in the other quarters MARIETTA. 261 of the earth. Old Fort Warren, on the Hudson, rearing its lofty decayed sides high above W est Point ; and the venerable remains of two wars, at Ticonderoga, upon Lake Champlain, they say, afford something of the kind. But what are mouldering castles, falling turrets, or crumbling abbeys, in comparison with those ancient and artificial aboriginal hills, which have outlived generations, and even all tradition ; the workmanship of altogether unknown hands? Place these monuments and secret repositories of the dead, together with the innumerable mounds and mon- strous fortifications, which are scattered over America, in England, and on the continent of Europe, how would their virtuosi examine, and their antiquarians fill volumes with their probable histories. How would their fame be conveyed from learned bodies, and through literary volumes, inquiring who were the builders, of what age of the world, whence came they, and their descendants ; if any, what has become of them ; these would be the themes of constant speculation and inquiry. At Marietta, a place not only celebrated as being the first settlement on the Ohio, but has also acquired much celebrity, from the existence of those extensive and supposed fortifications, which are situated near the town. They consist of walls and mounds of earth, running in straight lines, from six to ten feet high, and nearly forty broad at their base ; but originally must have been much higher. There is also, at this place, one fort of this ancient description, which encloses nearly fifty acres of land. There are openings in this fortification, which are supposed to have been, when thronged with its own busy multitude, 4 used as gateways, with a passage from one of them, formed by two parallel walls of earth, leading towards the river/ w 262 SANGUINARY BATTLE. This contrivance was undoubtedly for a defence against surprise by an enemy, while the inhabitants dwelling within should fetch water from the river, or descend thither to wash, as in the Ganges, among the Hindoos. Also the greatness of this fort is evidence, not only of the power of its builders, but also of those they feared. Who can tell but that they have, by intestine feuds and wars, exterminated themselves ? Such instances are not unfrequent among petty tribes of the earth. Witness the war between Benjamin and his brother tribes, when but a mere handful of their number remained to redeem them from complete annihilation. Many nations, on account of whom as once existing, is found on the page of history, now have not a trace left behind. More than sixty tribes which once traversed the woods of the west, and who were known to the first settlers of the New England states, are now extinct. The French of the Mississippi have an account, that an exterminating battle was fought in the beginning of the seventeenth century, about two hundred and thirty years ago, on the ground where Fort Harrison now stands ; between the Indians living on the Mississippi, and those of the Wabash. The bone of contention was, the lands lying between those rivers, which both parties claimed. There were about 1000 warriors on each side. The condition of the fight was, that the victors should possess the lands in dispute. The grandeur of the prize was peculiarly calculated to inflame the ardour of savage minds. The contest commenced about sun- rise. Both parties fought desperately. The Wabash warriors came off conquerors, having seven men left alive at sunset, and their adversaries, the Mississippians, but Jive . This battle was fought nearly fifty years before their acquaintance with white men.” — Webster's Gazetteer , 1817, p. 69* ANCIENT FORTIFICATIONS. 263 Also the ancient Eries , once inhabiting about Lake Erie, and gave name to that body of water, were exterminated by their enemies, another tribe of Indians — so far as that but one member of that nation, a warrior, remained. It is possible, whoever the authors of these great works were, or however long they may have lived on the continent, that they may have, in the same way, by intestine feuds and wars, weakened themselves, so that when the Tartars, Scythians, and descendants of the ten lost tribes, came across the straits of Bhering, that they fell an easy prey to those fierce and savage northern hordes. It is not likely that the vast warlike preparations which extend over the whole continent, south of certain places in Canada, were thrown up all of a sudden, on a first discovery of a strange enemy; for it might be inquired, how should they know such a mode of defence, unless they had acquired it in the course of ages, arising from necessity, and were constructed to defend against the invasions of each other ? — being of various origin and separate interests, as was much the situation of the ancient nations, in every part of the world. Petty tribes of the same origin, over the whole earth, have been found to wage perpetual war against each other, from motives of avarice, power, or hatred. In the most ancient eras of the history of man, little walled towns, which were raised for the security of a few families, under a chief, king, or patriarch, are known to have existed ; which is evidence of the disjointed and unharmonious state of human society ; out of which wars, rapine, and plunder arose. Such may have been the state of man in America, before the Indians found their way here ; the evidence of which is the innumerable fortifications, found every where in the western regions, w 2 264 MARIETTA. Within this fort, of which we have been speaking, found at Marietta, are elevated squares , situated at the corners, one hundred and eighty feet long, by one hundred and thirty broad, nine feet high, and level on the top. On these squares, erected at the corners of this great enclosure, were doubtless placed some modes of annoyance to a besieging enemy ; such as engines to sling stones with, or to throw the dart and spear, or wdiatever might have been their modes of defence. Outside of this fort, is a mound, differing in form from their general configuration : its shape is that of a sugar loaf, the base of which is more than a liundred feet in circumference ; its height thirty, encompassed by a ditch, and defended by a parapet, or wall beyond the ditch, about breast high, through which is a way toward the main fort. Human bones have been taken from many of these mounds, and charcoal , with fragments of pottery ; in one place, a skeleton of a man, buried east and west , after the manner of enlightened nations, was found, as if they understood the cardinal points of the compass. On the breast of this skeleton was found a quantity of isinglass, a substance considered sacred by the Mexicans, and adored as a deity.” pp. 40 — 44. In Washington Irving’s Life of Columbus , there is a reference to the supposed knowledge of this continent by Northern Islanders — “ The most plausible or credible account respecting those discoveries is given by Snoro Sturleson, or Sturloins, in his Saga , or Chronicle of King Olaus . According to this writer, one Biorn , of Iceland, voyaging to Greenland in search of his father, from whom he had been separated by a storm, was driven by tempestuous weather far to the southwest, until he came in sight of a low country, covered with woods, with an island in its vicinity. The weather becoming favourable, he turned to the northeast, without VOYAGES OF LIEF AND BIORN. 265 landing, and arrived safe at Greenland. His account of the country he had seen, it is said, excited the enterprise of Lief, son of Eric Rauda, (or red head,) the first settler of Greenland. A vessel was fitted out, and Lief and Biorn departed together in quest of this unknown land. They found a rocky and sterile island, to which they gave the name of Helluland ; also a low sandy country, covered with wood, to which they gave the name of Markiand ; and two days afterwards they observed a continuance of the coast, with an island to the north of it. This last they described as fertile, well wooded, producing agreeable fruits, and particularly grapes ; a fruit with which they were not acquainted ; but on being informed by one of their companions, a German, of its qualities and name, they called the country from it, Vinland. They ascended a river well stored with fish, particularly salmon, and came to a lake from which the river took its origin, where they passed the winter. It is very probable that this river was the St. Lawrence, as it abounded with salmon, and was the outlet of a lake, which it is likely, was Ontario. There is no other river capable of being navigated, very far from its mouth, with a sea vessel, and which comes from a lake, and empties into the sea, on that side of the coast, but the St. Lawrence. The climate appeared to them mild and pleasant, in comparison, being accustomed to the more rigorous seasons of the north. On the shortest day in the winter the sun was but eight hours above the hori- zon ; hence it has been concluded, that the country was about the 49th degree of north latitude, and was either Newfoundland, or some part of the coast of North America, about the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is said in those Chronicles of Sturloins, that the relatives of Lief made several voyages to Vinland ; that they traded with the natives for peltry and furs; and that in 1121, 714 w 3 266 VINLAND— ESTOTILAND. years ago, a bishop named Eric, went from Greenland to Vinland, to convert the inhabitants to Christianity. A knowledge of Christianity among the savage Britons, Caledonians, and the Welch, was introduced, as is supposed, by St. Paul, or some of his disciples, as early as A. D. 63, more than 1700 years since. c From this time, about 1121, we know nothing of Vinland,’ says Forrester, in his book of northern voyages, vol. 3, p. 36, as quoted by Irving. 4 There is every appearance that the tribe which still exists in the interior of Newfound- land, and who are so different from the other savages of North America, both in their appearance and mode of living, and as they are always in a state of warfare with the Indians of the northern coast, are deemed descend- ants of the ancient Normans, Scandinavians, or Danes.* In the chronicles of these northern nations, there is also an account of the voyages of four boat crews in the year 1354, which corroborates the foregoing relations. This little squadron of fishing boats being overtaken by a mighty tempest, were driven about the sea for many days, until a boat containing seven persons, was cast upon an island call Estotiland, about 1000 miles from Friesland. They were taken by the inhabitants and carried to a fair and populous city, where the king sent for many interpreters to converse with them, but none that could understand, until a man was found who likewise had been cast upon that coast some time before. They remained several days upon the island, which was rich and fruitful. The inhabitants were intelligent and acquainted with the mechanical arts of Europe. They cultivated grain, made beer, and lived in houses built of stone. There were Latin books in the king’s library, though the inhabitants had no knowledge of that language, and in manuscript, as the art of printing was hot yet discovered. They had many towns and castles. DROGEO. 267 and carried on a trade with Greenland for pitch, sulphur, and peltry. Though much given to navigation, they were ignorant of the use of the compass, and finding the Frieslanders acquainted with it, held them in great esteem, and the king sent' them, with twelve barks, to visit a country to the south called Drogeo. Drogeo is, most likely, a Norman name ; as we find Drogo was a leader of the Normans against the ancient baronies of Italy, about A. D. 787. Drogeo is supposed to have been the continent of America. This voyage of the fishing squadron, it appears, was in 1354, more than fifty years after the discovery of the magnetic needle, which was in 1300, A. D. They had nearly perished in this storm, but were cast away upon the coast of Drogeo. They found the people cannibals, and were upon the point of being killed and devoured (these were our Indians), but were spared on account of their great skill in fishing. Drogeo they found to be a country of vast extent, or rather a new world ; that the inhabitants were naked and barbarous, but that far to the southwest there was a more civilized region and temperate climate, where the inhabitants had a knowledge of gold and silver, lived in cities, erected splendid temples to idols, and sacrificed human victims to them. The same, it is likely, the ruins of which have been recently discovered and are now being ex- plored, an account of which we shall give in another part of this work. After the fisherman, who relates this account, had resided many years on the continent of Drogeo, during which time he had passed from the service of one chieftain to another, and traversed various parts of it, certain boats of Estotiland (now supposed to be New- foundland) arrived on the coast of Drogeo. The fisherman got on board of them, and acted as interpreter, 268 DROGEO. and followed the trade between the main land of Drogeo and the island of Estotiland, for some time, until he became very rich. He then fitted out a barque of his own, and with the assistance of some of the people of the island, made his way back across the intervening distance between Drogeo and his native country, Fries- land, in Germany. The account he gave of this country determined Zichmni, the Prince of Friesland, to send an expedition thither ; and Antonio Zeno, a Venetian, was to com- mand it. Just before starting, the fisherman, who was to have acted as pilot, died ; but certain mariners who accompanied him from Estotiland were taken in his place. The expedition sailed under command of Zichmni — the Venetian, Zeno, merely accompanied it. It was unsuccessful. After having discovered an island called Icaria , where they met with a rough reception from the inhabitants, and were obliged to withdraw ; the ships were driven by storm to Greenland. No record remains of any farther prosecution of the enter- prise. The countries mentioned in the account written by this Zeno, were laid down on a map originally on wood. The island Estotiland has been supposed by M. Malte-Brun to be Newfoundland. Its partially civilized inhabitants, the descendants of the Scandinavian colonists of Vinland, and the Latin books in manuscript, found in the king’s library, to have belonged to the remains of the library of the Greenland bishop who emigrated thither in 1121, 922 years ago. Drogeo, according to the same conjecture, was Nova Scotia and New England. The civilized people to the southwest, who sacrificed human beings in rich temples, he supposes to have been the Mexicans, or some ancient nations of Florida or Louisiana. A distinguished writer of Copenhagen was not long DANISH RECORDS. 269 since engaged in the composition of a work on the early voyages of discovery to this continent, as undertaken by the inhabitants of the north of Europe, more than eight hundred and thirty years ago. He has in his hands genuine ancient documents, the examination of which leads to curious and surprising results. They furnish various and unquestionable evidence, not only that the coast of North America was discovered soon after the discovery of Greenland by northern explorers, a part of whom remained there, and that it was again visited in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, but also that Christianity was introduced among the Indians of America. The documents of this writer furnished even a map, cut in wood, of the northern coast of America, and also an account of the sea coast south, as far down as the Carolinas, and that a principal station of these adven- turers was the mouth of the river St. Lawrence. He says that it was in the year 985 that America was first discovered by Baiske Her Juefser, but that he did not land ; and that in the year 1000 the coast was visited by a man named Lief, a son of Eric the Red , who colonized Greenland.” The celebrated traveller Humboldt observes : — “ Amidst the extensive plains of Upper Canada, in Florida, near the Gulf of Mexico, and in the deserts bordered by the Orinoco, in Colombia, dykes of a con- siderable length, weapons of brass, and sculptured stones, are found, which are the indications that those countries were formerly inhabited by industrious nations, which are now traversed only by tribes of savage hunters.” On the subject of these and similar remains, Mr. Keating very appositely remarks — “ The country about the Muskingum [river] appears to have been at a former period the seat of a very extensive aboriginal population. Every where do we observe in this valley, remains of 270 WORKS OF DEPARTED NATIONS. works which attest, at the same time, the number, the genius, and the perseverence of those departed nations. Their works have survived the lapse of ages ; but the spirit which prompted them has disappeared. We wander over the face of the country ; wherever we go, we mark the monuments which they have erected ; we would interrogate them as to the authors of these mighty works, but no voice replies to ours, save that of the echo. The mind seeks in vain for some clew to assist it in unravelling the mystery. Was their industry stimulated by the desire of protecting themselves against the inroads of invaders, or were they themselves the trespassers ? Did they emigrate to this spot ? And if so, whence came they ? Who were they ? Whither went they ? And wherefore came they here ? Their works have been torn open ; they have been searched into ; but all in vain. The mound is now levelled with the sod of the valley ; the accumulated earth, which was perhaps collected from a distance into one immense mass, to erect a monument deemed indestructible, over the remains of some western Pharoah, is now scattered over the ground, that its concealed treasure may be brought to light. Every bone is accurately examined, every ptece of metal or fragment of broken pottery is curiously studied, — still no light has as yet been thrown upon the name and date of the once populous nation which formerly flourished on the banks of the numerous tributary streams of the Ohio.” — Narrative of an Ex- pedition to the Source of St . Peter's River , fyc. 1823. Vol. I. pp. 39 — 40. More recently still, there has appeared a work in the capital of Denmark, which casts some light upon this matter. As the “ Northmen” have been supposed to have known something of America from a very early period, it is most fitting that their records should be PUBLICATION OF RECORDS. 271 inspected, and such of them as illustrate the history given to the public. Such a service has been performed by M. Rafn, and the Royal Society of Northern An- tiquarians, of which he is the Secretary. First, we are presented with Antiquitates Americana; sive Scrip - tores, Septentrionales rerum ante- Columbianar urn in America ; i. e. “ American Antiquities ; or Accounts from Northern Writers respecting America before the time of Columbus.” Copenhagen. 1837. And, secondly, S awling of de i Nor dens Oldscrifter indeholte Efter - retninger om de gamle Nordboers Opdagelsesriser til America , fra det 10 de til det 14 de Aarhundrede ; i. e. “ Collection of the Evidence contained in Old Writings respecting the Voyages of Discovery made to America by the Ancient Inhabitants of the North, from the 10th to the 14th Century.” Copenhagen. 1837. An epi- tome of contents in the English language is prefixed by M. Rafn; and the Foreign Quarterly Review, in exhibiting specimens and results of the evidence, has the following observations : “ The early discovery of America by the Northmen is not now made known for the first time ; but the evi- dence on which it rests has never hitherto been published in an ample and satisfactory manner. As early as 1570, Ortelius claimed for them the merit of being the first discoverers of the New World. A correct account of the early discoveries of the Scandinavians in the west, was given by Torfseus, in his 4 Historia Vinlandise Antiquse,’ published in 1705, and in his 4 Gronlandia Antiqua,’ which appeared in the following year. But these works soon became too scarce to forward the ends of their publication, and have been long reckoned, even in the North, among the choicest bibliographical rarities. The writings of Suhm and Schoning, Lindeborg and Schroder, in which similar 272 RECORDS BY NORTHMEN. information is to be obtained, being in the northern languages, and in many instances only to be found in periodical publications, never enjoyed an extensive European circulation. John Reinhold Foster, in his History of Voyages and Discoveries in the North, and some other writers chiefly following in his steps and familiar to the English reader, have asserted the Dis- covery of America by the Northmen, but without entering into any statement of circumstances or of evi- dence ; and their unexplained opinions consequently appear to be the offspring of predilection. The only mode of convincing the literary world of a fact, is to publish the documents which prove it. This task was undertaken in the present instance by M. Rafn alone, and he had advanced half way towards the completion of his work, when the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, of which he is the secretary, resolved to take the publication of it off his hands. We have here the original Icelandic text, with the various readings or even the different versions of the MSS., accompanied by translations in Danish and Latin ; in this part of his task the editor has had the invaluable assistance of the learned Icelanders, Finn Magnusen and Sweinbiorn Egilsson. He has himself added copious notes, with geographical and historical disquisitions. The learning and critical sagacity of Rafn, Finn Magnusen, and the other eminent scholars who have lent their aid in preparing this .volume of American Antiquities for the press, appear to us to have effectually prevented any objections that might be raised against the genuineness of the pieces entering into the collection ; and to confine the question respecting the early dis- covery of America simply to the discussion of the meaning and intrinsic merits of the evidence. Erik the Red, with whom our narrative begins, GREENLAND. 273 appears to have been conspicuous even among Northmen for turbulence of spirit and love of adventure. He was twice obliged to change his residence in Iceland owing to feuds with his neighbours, in which he committed homicide. In his new abode on the western shores of the island he was equally unfortunate, and became in- volved in disputes with a powerful individual named Thorgest ; in consequence of which, being arraigned before the Thing, or Assembly, convened at Thorsness, and knowing probably that his enemy’s adherents out- numbered his own, he felt that he had no chance of escape but in quitting the island. He lay some time in concealment, while his foes sought him on all the rocks along the shore, and, his preparations being completed, he embarked (in 983) with a few resolute followers, and stood out to sea from the SnsefeJlsyokel, a towering promontory pointing directly to the west. His friends Thorbiorn, Eyolf, and Styr, accompanied him beyond the rocks. In taking leave of them he announced his intention of looking for Gunbiorn’s rocks, as some islets were called which had been discovered in the western seas a short time before, and the situation of which geographers have never been able to conjecture : it is not improbable that they were the islands near the southern extremity of Greenland. The conspicuous feature of the first land made by him, was a glacier (Snaefellsyokel) to which he gave the name of Blaserk, or Blackrock : he then sailed southwards, until he at length arrived at a habitable shore where he spent the winter. During two summers he explored the newly discovered country, to which he gave the flattering name of Greenland, in order that its designation might en- courage men to settle in it ; and in the course of the third summer he returned to Iceland according to promise, to acquaint his friends with his success. He 274 biarne’s voyage. remained there but one winter, during which time, after a renewal of his quarrel with Thorgest, a reconciliation was effected between them ; and in the following sum* mer he returned to settle in Greenland. Of five and thirty vessels which set sail with him from Iceland, only fourteen reached their destination ; of the remainder some were lost, and others driven back by the winds. One of the companions of Erik was Heriulf, whose son, Biarne, at the time of the migration to Greenland, w as absent on a trading voyage to Norway. Surprised, on his return to Iceland, to find his family all gone, he determined at once to follow them, and, as he expressed it, to spend his winter, as he had been always used to do, at his father’s fire-side. In this he uttered the characteristic sentiments of the north, wdiere the length and severity of winter give double value to the comforts of home and social intimacy, and where domestic attachments seem to gain strength from the rigour of the season. He set sail accordingly, though unacquainted with the Greenland sea, and for many days was driven by tempestuous north winds, accompanied by thick fogs, he knew not whither. At length, wdien the weather cleared up, he saw a land moderately elevated and overgrown with wood. As this did not correspond with the description he had received of Greenland, he left it to larboard ; and standing out to sea, in two days more again descried land lower than the former, but like it covered with wood. He then continued his course with a south-west wind, and after three days descried an island, the lofty shores of which were beset by icebergs, or, as it should perhaps be understood, covered with glaciers. Bearing away from this island, and sailing for four days with fresh gales, he arrived at Heriulfsnes in Greenland, where his father was settled. There is no reason to doubt that the well-wooded land first lief’s voyage. 275 descried by Biarne was some, we shall not at present venture to describe what, part of the American conti- nent, which thus appears to have been discovered by the Northmen as early as 986. The discovery of the continent was, in fact, by a natural accident, made con- temporaneously with the colonization of Greenland. A few years later, when Erik, Earl of Norway, heard Biarne relate the incidents of his voyage, he expressed his surprise and dissatisfaction at the absence of any endeavour to examine the newly discovered country. The earl's comments, when carried to Greenland, did not fail to operate at once on the adventurous spirit of the colonists. Lief, the son of Erik the Red, bought Biarne’s vessel, and in the year 1000 proceeded on a voyage of discovery towards the south-west. He first came to the island of snow-clad mountains, formerly seen by Biarne, and went on shore with some of his companions to examine. There was no herbage of any kind upon it, but a bare and rugged plain of slate (hello ) extended from the feet of the glaciers down to the sea- side. Hence they gave to this country the name of Helluland. Continuing their voyage, they next arrived at a low coast thickly covered with wood, and having hillocks or banks of white sand near the shore. This country they called Markland , or Woodland. They then stood out to sea and sailed for two days before they again made land, when, passing between au island and the main, which here stretched out eastwards so as to form a long peninsula, they held their course westward along the shores of the latter, where they observed that a great extent of ground was left dry at ebb-tide. They explored in their small boat a river which issued from a lake, and being pleased with the appearance of the country, they brought their vessel up into the lake when the tide rose, and moored her in it^ x 2 276 LIEF’s-BOOTHS — VINLAND. They proceeded forthwith to erect themselves some temporary log-huts, which, as soon as they had made up their minds to winter in the place, they enlarged into comfortable houses, and called them Liefs-booths ; a name which recurs frequently in the Scandinavian history of the discovery of America. It happened one day that they missed one of their companions, a Suderman, that is, a Southern or German, named Tyrker, an old servant and favourite of Liefs. A party was immediately despatched into the woods in quest of him. After some time spent in search, he was seen staggering towards his friends with an air of ex- travagant joy, and having first accosted them in German, much to their surprise, he at length went on to acquaint them in staggering accents with the fact that he had been feasting on grapes. It must be confessed that the northern historian, in describing a German inebriated by eating wild grapes, drew too much on his imagina- tion ; yet the amount of fiction in this instance does not exceed what may be allowed for as the inevitable colouring of facts preserved by tradition ; and indeed the anecdote regarding Tyrker, if closely examined, will be found to furnish strong evidence of the genuine- ness of the narrative. The circumstance so carefully related, that the finder of the grapes was a Southern, in whose native country the vine abounded, and who was consequently well acquainted with that fruit, cannot fail to suggest to the reader how unlikely it is that such exotic productions should have presented themselves to the imagination of Icelanders in the twelfth century, or that grapes and vines should adorn regions in the fancy of that people who voluntarily settled on the frozen shores of Greenland. To the country in which the vines were discovered Lief gave the name of Vinland , and freighting his vessel with grapes and timber he returned thorwald’s voyage. 277 homeward in the following spring. When near the coast of Greenland he saw a party of shipwrecked people on a rock : they were fifteen in all, including Thorer, the chief, and his wife, Gudrida. Lief took them on board and conveyed them to Greenland, and from this circumstance he obtained the appellation of the Lucky or Fortunate. The account which Lief gave of his winter’s sojourn in Vinland was calculated to incite others to visit that country ; and his brother Thorwald borrowed his vessel for this purpose, under the engagement that he would first convey to Greenland the property which Thorer, when shipwrecked, had left upon the rock. This being effected, he sailed for Vinland, and arrived without accident at Liefs-booths. He spent the first winter in fishing. The following spring (1003) he sent a party southwards, to examine the coasts; they were absent for some months, and reported on their return, that the country explored by them was everywhere extremely beautiful, the woods extending down to within a short distance of the fine sandy beach which formed the shore. They saw no signs of human beings, except a wooden shed (literally in the language of the Icelandic historians, a corn-shed or granary) on one of the numerous islands near the coast. In the following year (1004) Thorwald sailed eastward from Liefs-booths, and then went northward past a remarkable headland which enclosed a bay, and was opposite to another headland. Here, driven by a tempest into shoal water, the vessel struck and injured her keel ; the damage was soon repaired, and Thorwald ordered the broken keel to be erected on the headland, which he named from the circumstance KialarneSy or Keel- Point. They came soon after to a promointory covered with wood, where, for the first time, they saw some of the natives. There were three x 3 278 KARLSEFNE. canoes drawn up on the shore, near each of which were three Skrsellings, as the northern writers call the Esquimaux. Of the nine natives they murdered eight, but found themselves in a short time surrounded by a great multitude, hastening from all sides to avenge the death of their fellows. The Northmen beat them off, but Thorwald received a mortal wound in the combat. His admiration of the woody promontory where he had expressed a wish to abide, then seemed to him prophetic ; and as he expired he told his companions to bury him on the shore of the headland, and planting a cross over his grave, to call the place Krossanes, or Cross Point. They returned to Greenland in 1005. In the spring of the following year, Thorstein, third son of Erik, accompanied by his wife Gudrida, set sail with the intention of bringing home his brother Thor- wald’s body ; but after being tossed about the whole summer by adverse winds, he regained Greenland at the beginning of winter, without having even seen Vinland, and died soon after. The circumstances of Thorstein’s death are related by the Icelandic historians at ample length, and with much simplicity and pathos. The year 1006 was rendered memorable in Green- land by the arrival of two vessels from Iceland, one of which was commanded by Thorfinn, better known by the auspicious designation of Karlsefne ; that is to say, having the materials of a man, or, promising great things. The chief person in the other vessel was Biarne, the son of Grimolf. Karlsefne was a rich and powerful man, of a distinguished family, and traced his descent from some who were in those days called kings, but must not be ranged in the same line with the crowned heads of modern times. We do not think there are many who will feel in- clined to dispute the truth of the history. It has HELLULAND — MARKLAND VINLAND. 279 throughout the substance and the colour of reality. Nothing can be more plain, natural, or vivid ; and it is even, in some respects, remarkably circumstantial. Lief ’s voyage offers us no nautical details. He went in search of the countries described by Biarne ; and retracing the course of the latter, he, as well as all those who followed him, found three lands which he named Helluland, Markland, and Vinland. The fact that those three lands, of slate, of wood, and of the vine, always occurred in succession to the explorers from Greenland who commenced their voyage in a southward course, leave us, we repeat, no room to doubt that the regions so designated were respectively the projecting lands of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and New Eng- land about Massachusetts. The nature and aspect of these countries are in perfect accordance with the des- criptions of those discovered by the Northmen. In Newfoundland we find the bare rocks and ice of Helluland ; and in the depressed, well- wooded shores of Nova Scotia, we have no difficulty in recognising the Markland of the Northmen. As to Vinland we are not called upon to acknowledge its identity with the coast of Massachusetts merely on the evidence of such general resemblance. The narrative of Thorwald’s voyage furnishes us with some particulars respecting it of a very unequivocal and cogent kind. His explora- tions of the coast from Liefs-booths appear to have been directed towards the east and west. He himself sailed eastwards, we are told, along the coast, and then turned northwards (at point Malabar) round the land which proved to be a peninsula (Nauset), enclosing a bay (Cape Cod Bay). Within this bay he anchored at the mouth of a river flowing from east to west (Pamot River). The point (Cape Cod) terminating the peninsula, and named by him Kialarnes, was opposite to another head- 280 NORTHMEN IN AMERICA. land on the main (Gurnet Point), which was covered with trees, and appeared to him eminently beautiful ; a description that suits well with the peninsula at Ply- mouth, as may be collected from the names of the places on its coast, High-Pines Ledge and Green-Harbour. The details of Thorwald’s voyage along the coast, east- wards and then northwards till he rounded a headland enclosing a bay and found a river running westwards, all square exactly with the coast of Cape Cod Peninsula, and with no other spot in the New World on which conjecture can plausibly fasten. In the same region also we find the Furthurstrand, that is, the Marvellous or Portentous Strand. How appositely this designation might be applied to the sandy plains near Cape Cod, will be evident from the descriptions of them by a modern writer, Hitchcock, on the Geology of Massa- chusetts. We must not be supposed to undervalue the Collec- tion of Northern Antiquities because we find in it some manifestations of an excessive antiquarian zeal. It contains enough to prove that the American continent was known to the Northmen at the beginning of the eleventh century ; and we frankly avow that it appears to us to contain much also, which, whatever be its pretensions, proves nothing at all. The discovery of Vinland, however, was not made in an obscure age. It may have been preceded by many remarkable voyages in the west, and we do not venture to deny positively that the stories of the Limerick merchants respecting the Northmen carried to Great Ireland and the Whiteman’s Land, may have had their foundation in some very early transatlantic discoveries. Still further it must be observed that the discovery of Vinland was not a transient event, no sooner past than forgotten. As it was thought likely to prove COLUMBUS IN ICELAND. 281 advantageous, the family of Erik the Red with whom it commenced, persevered in promoting it for some years. They had a share in all the voyages made to Vinland from the year 1000 to 1013, which must, there- fore, be considered as one series. The general verisimilitude of the Icelandic histories which relate to Vinland is extremely remarkable. The discovery of Vinland was immediately made known in Norway ; and in the latter half of the eleventh century Adam of Bremen heard of it from Swein king of Denmark. “ This discovery,” he emphatically ob- serves, “ is not a fable, but we know of it from the certain information of the Danes.” Columbus visited Iceland in 1567 ; and from his general appetence of knowledge it cannot be doubted that he heard of the early voyages of the Northmen and their discovery of Vinland. It has been urged, however, that the voyage to Vinland, made in a few days from Greenland, a country at that time supposed to be joined to Europe, had little in common with the speculations of Columbus, or calculated to encourage his bold thought of launching across the Atlantic in a tropical latitude. But what could be more to his pur- pose or better adapted to his views, than the fact that the Northmen, the boldest of navigators, had knowledge of a land in the west which they supposed to extend far southwards till it met Africa ? Or could not the intel- ligent Genoese find some suggestion in the following more accurate statement of an Icelandic geoprapher ? “ On the west of the great sea of Spain , which some call Ginnungagap, and leaning somewhat towards the north, the first land which occurs is the good Vinland.” It would add little to the merit of Columbus, to main- tain that he was incapable of benefiting by so good a hint, 282 REAL MERIT OF COLUMBUS. We dare say that there are many who will learn with no less chagrin than surprise, that the discovery of America was made five centuries before Columbus. The fame of a hero is held so sacred by the bulk of mankind, that but little popularity can be expected to attend the historical justice which threatens in anywise to obscure it. It manifests, however, a very imperfect comprehension of the merits of that great navigator to suppose that they are likely to be effaced in the slightest degree by the authentic proof and general acknowledg- ment of the prior discoveries of the Northmen. The soul and spirit which launched Columbus across the Atlantic were never in the remotest manner prefigured by the motives which actuated the roving Scandinavians. A broad distinction is thus established at once between the merits of their respective discoveries, by the different characters of the speculations and incidents which led to them. The voyages of the Northmen are replete with the ordinary interest of human events, in which the most important consequences are often seen to arise unexpect- edly : yet the series of lucky accidents which led those rovers in the course of years, from land to land, through a sea in which groups of islands at convenient distances encourage the mariner and tempt him onward in his first essays, till they at length reached the coast of America ; cannot emulate, but rather serves by compari- son to exalt the achievement of Columbus, who wdth long premeditation, succeeded in realizing so far the dreams of an enthusiastic imagination ; and apparently verified his predictions by a discovery which must ever be reckoned the most extraordinary on record. The discoveries of the Northmen, made without aim or object, awakened no zeal, and easily fell into oblivion ; that of Columbus kindled an ardour which continued to operate on society for ages.” — No. xli. Aprils 1838. NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. Page 12, line 13, read Voyage — 23 29 Cartier was induced — 41 12 Quelus, — 75 27 character, — 100 10 Mr. O ‘Donald; — 174 22 Physiology. — 92. View of the City in 1803. On the right is shewn the artificial hill which was thrown up for the defence of the city. It is distinguished by barracks and a flag. Its position was the open space in front of Dalhousie Square ; and it remained several years after the view was taken. — 97. The Bonsecours Church was not originally built for public accommodation, though afterwards allotted to it. The history of its erection will be found on pp. 108, 9. — 153. Nelsons Monument. The wooden building behind the Pedestal has been removed since the plate was engraved. — 176. View from the Haymarket. A wooden paling has been run across from the market to the rear of the Chapel since the view was taken. — 178. Ship Yard. The vessels enumerated in this article were not all built in the same yard, but in several. Mr. Munn's yard was on the south of the city toward the mouth of the Lachine Canal ; the ground is now occupied by warehouses and stores. Beyond the lower end of the city, near the Current St. Mary, there are three ship yards. The nearest is that belonging to Hart Logan, Esq., of London, and occupied by Mr. Johnson; and from which the steamer Lady Colborne was recently launched. The second is known as Young’s Ship Yard. It belongs to Forsyth & Co., and is occupied by Millar & Co. This is the yard of which Shay & Merritt “ took possession” in 284 NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. 1829, and in which Mr. M. built the vessels described in the paragraph. The third yard is still lower down the river, and was formerly occupied by Mr. Farring- don : it belongs to various individuals, being com- posed of the points of several farms which meet at that place. There is also a yard on the other side of the Lachine Canal, where barges and other small craft are built for the forwarders ; and one farther up the Canal, on this side, at Whipple & Co.’s store, for the same purpose. Page 216, 10. Dr. Bigsby, an English gentleman, was attached to the British Commission fof determining the bound- ary between the United States and the British possessions, in 1824. — 223, etc. In drawing up the Sketch of the First Rebellion, recourse was had to the summary which appeared originally in the Montreal Gazette. — 215. The River. A striking feature in this majestic stream, independently of its magnitude, has always been the theme of just admiration. The Ottawa joins the St. Lawrence at the Cascades, by the Isle Perrot, and henceforward they unite their streams. But though they flow in company, each preserves its indepen- dence, as though it scorned to merge its characteristic qualities in those of its companion. This distinction is maintained as low down as Three Rivers, ninety miles beyond Montreal. The line of distinction is very clearly marked throughout nearly the whole distance. At Lake St. Peter it becomes somewhat obscure, and is lost in the tide waters that approach the town of Three Rivers. At any of the opening! from Notre Dame Street in this city, or from any elevated part of the shore, the spectator may discern the beautiful green tinge of the St. Lawrence on the farther side, and the purpleish brown of the Ottawa on the half of the river nearest to him. PRINTED BY CAMPBELL AND BECKET. 3 0112 105386657 f"