. LAWRENCE J. GUTTER Collection of Chicogoono THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The University Library " LAWRENCE J. GUTTER Collection of Chicogoono THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The University Library ~ * -.1 HICT.A. NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS e: t^l ]b f=? a cz: i rsr <^ 1245 OF THE BEST CLASS OF COUNTRY HOME PAPERS. 271 & 273 Franklin Street, k No. 10 Spruce Street (Second Floor), Cliicago, 111.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Madison, Wis.; Sioux City, Iowa; Indianapolis, Ind.; Fort Wayne, Ind. JOHN F. CRAMER, 1 QGfl CHAS. E. STRONG, President. 10*JU. General Manage, \ Facts for Advertisers. The amount of money spent in the newspapers by the leading advertisers of trie country is something enormous, running into the tens of millions annually. There are many large firms whose principal item of expense in running their business is advertising. If their advertising is not productive of good results, they must. do business at a loss. To ascertain, then, the best means of reaching consumers of the article advertised, for the money invested, must be the care and study of the judicious advertiser. As a general rule, wherever the advertiser has intelligently exercised this judgment he has been successful and prosperous, and -where he has failed to properly grasp the situation he has generally been a failure. How to reach the consumers of the articles advertised through such mediums as have the least waste — that is, papers that go to the family and are read in the home circle — is ever the study and aim of the judi- cious and successful advertiser. What class of papers have the most waste for the advertiser — that is, papers that are glanced over for a market report or a telegram, and then thrown away ? Most undoubt- edly the daily papers. Not so -with the home country paper. There is comparatively no waste to the advertiser in the country news- papers, for, -with the exception of the few exchanges, every copy printed goes into the homes of paid subscribers, and is some- times read over and over again during the week. A country weekly of one thousand circulation can do better service for an advertiser than a daily 'of five thousand circulation. The country weekly goes into the family, has less of its space devoted to unseemly display and unsightly cuts, is conservative and not sensa- tional. Every copy of it is read in the home, while the daily is thrown aside on the streets, in stores, around railroad depots, on the trains and street cars after the merest perusal of its columns. The adver- tiser, as a general rule, gets all he pays for in the country home paper. This is especially the case with advertisers in the co-operative papers, because there is rarely more than one and a half to two columns of advertising on the co-operative pages to confuse the reader and divide his interest. It is a well-known fact that the most /In yt.fi *v- ^ CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. enterprising and extensive as well as the most progressive and suc- cessful advertisers in America are regular patrons of the co-oper- atives, while those who have failed to make advertising a success rarely if ever patronized their columns. A glance at the advertise- ments of our patrons in our papers, and a perusal of the testimo- nials elsewhere in this catalogue, will convince the reader of the truth of this assertion. Again : The shrewd advertiser should take into consideration, when about to invest his money, the character of the readers of the different mediums presented to him for consideration. If the owner of a proprietary medicine, for instance, should desire to invest $100,000 in newspaper advertising, from -what class of mediums might he reasonably expect the best returns for his money ? Most undoubtedly from the home country weekly newspapers, and for the following reasons : Take a large city of a million people that would necessarily have to be reached by the advertiser through daily papers. Of this population a large per cent, are poor people, unable to pur- chase anything but the bare necessities of life, and consequently unable to respond to anything calling for an outlay of over a few cents. This class of people are reached, if, indeed, they can be reached at all, at heavy cost through the cheap penny daily papers. Another class of people in the large cities that are of little value for the consumption of proprietary medicines are the rich. They hardly ever purchase a bottle of patent medicine, but employ their family physician upon every occasion of complaint in a member of their family, no matter of how trivial a nature. This class is reached at great expense by the large daily papers. Taking these two great classes out of the population of a large city, and the advertiser would have to depend upon the remainder for custom to purchase his goods and make his advertising profitable. Now, how about the chances of this same advertiser in a population of a million people in the towns, villages, and farm homes of the country, reached and regu- larly visited by the local home papers ? No class too poor here to purchase a bottle of medicine or a box of pills when they need them. No class so aristocratic as to sneer at patent medicines, and employ only a pampered physician in time of illness at his own price. Nearly every one of this million people, reached by the local home papers, uses patent medicines in one -way or another, and has the means to purchase them. Surely the advertiser's field would be more profitable here than in the great city. This same argument holds good for other advertising as well as proprietary medicines. And now, a word upon the co-operative newspapers as they are to-day, in comparison with -what they -were in the early days of CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. their existence. THE CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION is the pio- neer in tne newspaper co-operative business, its Milwaukee list being established in 1864, the first co-operative list in this or any- other country. Like all new enterprises, the co-operative news- papers of the early days lacked many of the essentials needed to induce the better class of country newspapers to adopt the system. From a crude and small beginning a quarter of a century ago, the co-operative system has grown to be an enormous business, embrac- ing at the present time over 7,000 American newspapers. So perfect has the system been made, and so complete its methods for supply- ing the needs of country publishers, that its adoption by them has been the means of improving and elevating the standard and char- acter of American newspapers fully thirty per cent. The CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION has kept abreast of its competitors in improv- ing, perfecting and amplifying the system. We have now seven different publication houses, in various parts of the country, from which we furnish our patrons with papers iu the different States covered by our Lists. In this way we have localized the busi- ness, making the papers of local interest in the communities where they are read. In the early days the report of a national convention or some enterprise of national importance was about as near as the co-operative system came to be of local interest to its readers. All this is now changed. With our publica- tion houses located at convenient distances from one another, -we can give the details of State, Congressional, and County Conven- tions, as well as the reports of State and County Fairs and other important matters of local interest in each locality, thus making the co-operative sides of the papers of local as well as of general interest to the readers. In this "way we have, for the past few years especially, attracted to our lists a large number of the best country papers for- merly printed all at home, simply because their readers demanded such news as we were furnishing, and such news as they had to have in order to hold them as subscribers, and such news as the average country publisher could not get nor afford to print himself. "We have upon our lists papers attracted in this -way of from 1,600 to 2,000, and some as high as 3,000, circulation. Of course, while we have many papers of this kind, the greater number run from 500 to 1,000 copies per week. We refer to the larger circulation simply to show that onr co-operative papers are improving and increasing in circu- lation steadily, and are, therefore, of greater importance to adver- tisers than ever before. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION. (ESTABLISHED 1870.) THIS LIST CONTAINS 379 NEWSPAPERS, PUBLISHED IN ILLINOIS, IOWA, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN AND INDIANA. RATE! $2.50 PER AGATE LINE PER WEEK. ILLINOIS — 137 Papers. ARCOLA Record ARENZ VILLE Argus ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Herald ASHTON Press ASTORIA Argus ATHENS Free Press BARRINGTON Herald BEECHER Journal * BELVIDERE Northwestern BISHOP HILL News BLOOM Journal BLUE ISLAND Standard BRACEVILLE Herald BRADFORD Independent BRAIDWOOD Republican B RIMFIELD News BYRON Express CABER Y Enquirer CHEBANSE Herald * CHICAGO Argus * CHICAGO Conservator * CHICAGO Magnet * CHICAGO Mixed Drinks * CHICAGO Society News * CHICAGO South Side Advocate * CHICAGO Southwest Advertiser * CHICAGO Sunday News CHICAGO LAWN Record COAL CITY News COLCHESTER Independent COLCHESTER News COMPTON Record CRETE Journal DE KALB Chronicle DELAVAN Advertiser * DIXON Sun D WIGHT Herald ELMWOOD Messenger ERIE Independent EVANSTON Citizen FAIRBURY Local Record FARMER CITY Journal FARMER CITY Republican FERNWOOD Herald FORREST Rambler FORRESTON Herald FRANKLIN GROVE Reporter GANO Enterprise GENESEO News GIBSON CITY Enterprise GILMAN Star GOODENOW Journal GRAND CROSSING Enterprise GREEN VIEW Mail HAMILTON Press * HAVANA Democrat ' HEGEWISCH Journal HOMER Enterprise ILLIOPOLIS State Center JEFFERSON Herald *JOLIET Press *JOLIET Record * KANKAKEE Democrat KEITHSBURG Times KENSINGTON Enterprise KIRKWOOD Leader LANARK News LA SALLE Democrat-Press LEMONT Democrat LE ROY Journal LIBERTYVILLE .' Call CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. LOCKPORT Phoenix LODA Register MAROA Times MARSEILLES News MASON CITY .' Herald MASON CITY Independent MATTESON Journal McHENRY Plaindealer MENDOTA Bulletin * METAMORA Sentinel MILFORD Herald MILLEDGEVILLE Free Press MINONK News MOMENCE News MONEE Journal MORGAN PARK Standard •* MORRIS Herald * MOUNT CARROLL Herald NAPERVILLE Clarion NORMAL Advocate ORANGEVILLE Courier * OREGON Reporter PALATINE Enterprise PAW PAW Times * PAXTON Register PECATONICA News PERU Call PERU News-Herald PIPER CITY Advocate * PONTIAC ... Leader POTOMAC News * PRINCETON News PULLMAN Enterprise RARITAN Reporter ROSELAND Enterprise ROSS VILLE Press RUTLAND Courier SAVANNA Journal SAYBROOK Gazette SENECA ; Record SHANNON Express SHEFFIELD Times SHERIDAN Independent ST. CHARLES Chronicle STRONGHURST Graphic * SU LL1 VAN News .* TOLEDO Democrat * TOU LON „. . Sentinel TURNER Democrat TU RNER Independent * TUSCOLA Review U TIC A Gazette VARNA Herald WASHBURN Sentinel WASHINGTON News WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Journal *WATSEKA Times * WAUKEGAN Record WENONA Gazette WENON A Index * WH EATON Press WILMINGTON . « '. Review WINNEBAGO Reflector WOODLAWN Enterprise WYOMING Post-Herald YATES CITY Banner IOWA— 69 Papers. AMES Intelligencer * BEDFORD Democrat BLAIRSTO WN Press * BLOOMFIELD Democrat *RLOOMFIELD Greenback B RIGHTON Enterprise CLARKS VILLE Star CLEARFIELD Enterprise COLUMBUS JUNCTION Gazette CONRAD GROVE Journal *CORYDON Democrat * CORYDON Times-Republican CRESTON American CRESTON Commonwealth CROMWELL Herald CUSHING Paralyzer EDD YVILLE Tribune * ELKADER Register ELMA Sun FAIRBANK View FARMINGTON Herald GLADBROOK Northern * GRUNDY CENTER Herald HEDR ICK Journal HOPKINTON Leader HUBBARD Journal * INDEPENDENCE Advocate * INDEPENDENCE Conservative JESUP Critic KEOTA Eagle * LANSING Mirror LA PORTE CITY Progress MALVERN Leader * MAQUOKETA Record * MARENGO Democrat * MARION Pilot * M AR SH ALLTO WN Statesman MARTINSBURG Sentinel MARYSVILLE Independent MITCHELL Democrat MORNING SUN News * MOUNT PLEASANT Herald NASHUA Post NEW LONDON Eclipse NEW LONDON Sun * NORTH WOOD Index OELWEIN Journal * OTTUMWA World * RED OAK Express RICHLAND Bee SABULA Gazette SHELLSBURG Call SOUTH ENGLISH Herald STANTON Call STRAWBERRY POINT Press SUMNER Gazette TINGLEY Vindicator * TIPTON Conservative CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. TRAER Star-Clipper UNION Star VICTOR Index VILLISC A Review * VINTON Observer * WAVERLY Democrat * WAVERLY Republican WELDON Hornet WEST BRANCH Times * WEST UNION Union WOODWARD Enterprise MICHIGAN— 97 Papers. ALBION Mirror * ALLEGAN Record ALMA News ASHLEY Gleaner AUGUSTA Chronicle BANCROFT Advertiser BANGOR Democrat BEAR LAKE Beacon BELLEVUE Gazette BENTON HARBOR News * BESSEMER Pick and Axe * BIG RAPIDS Current * CADILLAC News and Express CALU MET News CAPAC , Journal * C ARO '. Democrat CARSON CITY Gazette * CASSOPOLIS Vigilant * CENTERVILLE Republican CHARLEVOIX Journal CHARLEVOIX Sentinel CHELSEA Standard CLARE .Press CLARKSVILLE Mirror * COLD WATER Republican CONSTANTINE Advertiser CONSTANTINE Herald DEERFIELD Record DOUGLAS Record EASTLAKE Herald EAST SAGINAW Sunday Review EAST TAWAS Gazette EATON RAPIDS Herald EAU CLAIRE Enterprise * FLINT Journal FLUSHING Observer FREMONT News * GRAND HAVEN Herald GRAND LEDGE Graphic GRAND LEDGE Independent * GRAND RAPIDS News * GRAYLING Avalanche * HASTINGS Democrat HESPERIA News HOLLAND City News HOMER Index * HOWELL Democrat HUDSON Post IMLAYCITY Optic * ION I A Express IRON MOUNTAIN Industrial Journal * IRON RIVER Reporter ISHPEMING Record JONES VILLE . . . . Gazette * KALKASKA Kalkaskaian * LAKE CITY Republican LAKE ODESSA Wave * LANSING Sentinel LAWRENCE Times LESLIE Local * LUDINGTON Record LUTHER Enterprise * MANISTEE Democrat * MANISTEE Times-Sentinel MARINE CITY Magnet * MARSHALL Statesman MIDDLETON News MIDDLEVILLE Republican MO RLEY Advance * MUSKEGON Monitor NEGAUNEE Iron Herald * NEWAYGO Tribune NILES Mirror NILES Republican OLIVET Optic ONEKAMA. Lake Breeze OSCODA Saturday Night OTSEGO Union * PAW PAW Free Press * PAW PAW True Northerner PETOSKEY Record PLAINWELL Independent QUINC Y Herald * SAGINAW News * SANILAC CENTER Republican SHELBY Independent SPRINGPORT Signal ST. JOSEPH Sun ST. LOUIS Leader ST. LOUIS Republican THREE OAKS Quill THREE RIVERS Herald THREE RIVERS News-Reporter VASSAR Times VERMONTVILLE. Echo WHITEHALL Forum YPSILANTI Sentinel WISCONSIN- 43 Papers. * BARABOO Times BERLIN . . . .Journal BLANCHARD VILLE Post BLUE MOUNDS Press BOSCOBEL Dial CASSVILLE Index CLINTONVILLE .Tribune COLUMBUS Democrat D ALEYVILLE Star * DARLINGTON Democrat * DARTFORD Breezes DE PERE News CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. * DODGEVILLE Chronicle *DODGEVILLE Rural Eye * DODGEVILLE Sun EVANSVILLE Review * FLORENCE News HOLLAND ALE Herald' * JANES VILLE Signal * KENOSHA Leader LAKE GENEVA Herald * MARINETTE Argus M ARKESAN Herald * MAUSTON Sun * MILWAUKEE Times * MONROE Journal MONTFORT Monitor MOUNT HOREB Sun NEW GLARUS Echo * OCONTO Lumberman PESHTIGO Argus PLAINFIELD Sun * PORT WASHINGTON Star PRINCETON Republic * SHEBOYGAN „ Telegram SHULLSBURG Pick and Gad SUN PRAIRIE Countryman TOMAHAWK Blade UNION GROVE Enterprise * WAUPACA Republican WESTFIELD Union WEST SUPERIOR Call WHITEWATER Register INDIANA — 29 Papers. * ALBION New Era AMO Reporter BLOOMINGDALE World * BLOOMINGTON Telephone * BRAZIL Democrat CLAYTON Claytonian CLO VERDALE Leader COATES VILLE !\Iail * COVINGTON People's Friend * C ROWN POINT Star DANA News EAST CHICAGO Journal ELNORA Enterprise FILLMO RE : Star * FOWLER Review GREENWOOD Graphic HOBART Tribune * KENTLAND Democrat *LA PORTE Sunday Plain Dealer LOWELL Tribune MICHIGAN CITY Dispatch MONTEZUMA Reporter NEW HARMONY Register ORLEANS Examiner * PLYMOUTH Republican * RENSSELAER Sentinel STILESVILLE Citizen WALKERTON Independent WORTHINGTON Clarion ELSEWHERE — 4 Papers. BLOOMDALE, Ohio Derrick BROWNSVILLE, Minn News CHATFIELD, Minn Democrat NORTH BALTIMORE, Ohio...... News The Country Paper. — The country paper is taken by the best citizens of the country towns. The class who have the most pride in sustaining a country paper are the best among whom to circulate your announcement. Construction of Advertisements. — If you have not done any general advertising, and are at a loss to know how to construct your advertisement, simply give us the points as to the article you wish advertised, the space you wish it to occupy, and we will get you up an advertisement most suitable to your wants, and submit it to you for your approval — free of all charge. We have made this a special feature of our business for years, and are very con- fident of our ability to please you in every way. How TO Reach Farmers. — Manufacturers and dealers in agricultural imple- ments, seedsmen, and other persons desirous of obtaining the farmers' trade, can do so by advertising in these papers. For what farmer (or farmer's family) is there but reads the local paper of his own town ? How eagerly its arrival is looked for, and how thoroughly it is read — locals, miscellaneous matter, news, advertisements and all — not a line passed over. It is read and re-read, and holds its sway over the household for the whole week, till the next issue is out, when the interest is renewed; and thus it is each week with these local country papers. They are the one sensible and economical way of reaching the farmer and his family, who believe what their own home paper publishes — both reading-matter and advertisements. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. STANDARD NEWSPAPER UNION. (ESTABLISHED 1880.) CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION, Proprietors. THIS LIST CONTAINS 100 NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED IN ILLINOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI AND KANSAS. RATE: 75 CENTS PER AGATE LINE PER WEEK. ILLINOIS— 67 Papers. ABINGDON Argus * ALEDO Democrat ALT A Telephone ARROWSMITH News ASHMORE Republican ^ASSUMPTION Herald AVON Sentinel BARRY Adage BUDA Plain Dealer * CAIRO Daily Argus * CAMBRIDGE Chronicle CANTON Republican CASEY Banner CENTRALIA , Daily Gazette CER RO GORDO Era CHANDLERVILLE Times COLFAX Leader D U NLAP Telephone * EFFINGHAM Republican ELM WOOD Gazette FAIRVIEW Bee FULTON Journal * GALESBURG Press and People GOOD HOPE Torpedo HOOPESTON Daily Chronicle HOOPESTON Weekly Chronicle HOPED ALE Review KNOXVILLE Republican LA HARPE. La Harper LE ROY Free Press * LEWISTO WN News LITTLE YORK Ensign MACON Signal MAQUON Times and Advertiser MAROA News MARSEILLES Daily News * MARSHALL Illinoisan MARTINSVILLE Enterprise MATTOON Daily Journal MECHANICSBURG Times MEREDOSIA Commercial MONICA Telephone * MONMOUTH Democrat NEW BERLIN Reporter NEWMAN Independent NIANTIC Observer ODELL Gazette *OQUAWKA Democrat PANA Gazette * PEORIA Home Advocate *PONTIAC Free Trader and Observer PRAIRIE CiTY News PRINCEVILLE Telephone *QUINCY Optic RIDGE FARM Times * ROBINSON Argus * SHELBYVILLE Daily Union * SHELBYVILLE Leader * SHELBYVILLE Weekly Union SHELDON Journal SIDELL Wayside * TOLEDO Express * TOULON News * TUSCOLA Republican VIRDEN Reporter * VIRGINIA Enquirer WILLIAMSVILLE Gazette io CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. IOWA— 9 Papers. * MILAN Republican ALLERTON News MOBERLY Daily Monitor DEEP RIVER Press * PRINCETON Telegraph * LEON Fact REA Times MILTON Herald SHELBINA Torchlight * MOUNT PLEASANT Dailv News SPICKARDSVILLE Gazette * MOUNT PLEASANT Independent * ST. JOSEPH , Star SEYMOUR Press * VINTON Semi-Weekly Eagle KANSAS— 3 Papers. WEST LIBERTY Index OSAGE CITY Free Press SCRANTON Times MISSOURI— 15 Papers. * TOPEKA Western Veteran BARING Record BROOKFIELD Argus OTHER STATES— 6 Papers. BROOKFELD Gazette BERLIN, Wis Daily Journal * FULTON Daily Globe * CHARLOTTE, Mich Tribune * FULTON Weekly Globe EATON RAPIDS, Mich Paper HARRIS Voice * GRAND HAVEN, Mich Daily Tribune LA BELLE Star . NEENAH, Wis Dailv News MAITLAND Herald ST. JOSEPH, Mich Daily Sun Estimates. — It affords us pleasure to give estimates of the cost of advertising in any of our lists, whether for one insertion or one year. It will cost you nothing to get our figures, and may save you money. Very few advertisers realize the fact that people in country towns have few facilities for purchasing their goods. For this reason, as a general rule, they resort to the advertising columns of their local paper, thereby making it what the daily paper of a large city is to its readers — their shopping guide; consequently, advertisers who are looking for this trade cannot find better mediums than the papers in this list. Legitimate Advertising. — It has long been conceded by experienced adver- tisers that Newspaper Advertising is the only legitimate mode of securing the general attention of the public. There are few families in this great country who do not receive regularly a newspaper, and in the smaller communities the local home paper is the first sought for. The present very low prices of subscription charged for the average weekly paper place it within every home, even the most humble, with scarcely a single exception. An Old Advertiser's Advice. — An old advertiser, who has expended much money in newspaper advertising and received satisfactory results therefrom, recently gave this advice to a new and inexperienced advertiser. Said he: "Legitimate newspaper advertising will pay you if you use space judiciously. First, make your announcement as brief as possible, and continue the same for a, length of time that will be sufficient to convince readers that you are established upon a firm basis. Second, do not promise what yoit cannot fulfill. If you deceive one purchaser, it will keep hundreds of others from coming to you." This is the secret of success in advertising. A small advertisement, neatly displayed and printed in a manner that will attract the attention of the reader, cannot fail to bring satisfactory results, if there is any merit in the article for which the advertiser desires to create a demand; and no newspapers are more valuable in this connection than those enumerated upon the pages of this Catalogue. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. ii FORT WAYNE NEWSPAPER UNION. (ESTABLISHED 1877.) CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION, Proprietors THIS LIST CONTAINS 156 NEWSPAPERS, PUBLISHED IN NOR THERN OHIO AND INDIANA; ALSO IN SOUTHERN MICHIGAN RATE." $1.00 PER AGATE LINE PER WEEK. INDIANA — 56. ALEXANDRIA Times ATTICA Democrat * AUBURN Courier AVILLA News BATES VILLE Ripley Independent * BLOOMINGTON Progress * BLUFFTON Saturday Bugle BOURBON Mirror BOYLESTON Agent BUTLER Review BUTLER Record CHRISNEY Sun CICERO New Era CLAY CITY Reporter * COLUMBIA CITY Commercial ■* CORYDON Democrat * DECATUR Journal DUBLIN Register FAIRMOUNT News * FORT WAYNE Dispatch *FORT WAYNE Saturday Sentinel FREMONT Star GARRETT Clipper GENEVA Herald * GOSHEN Saturday News HARLAN Independent * HARTFORD CITY Times * HUNTINGTON Saturday Herald JONESBORO People KEND ALLVILLE Standard * KNOX Starke Co. Republican '* LA GRANGE Standard * LA GRANGE Democrat LEESBU RG Standard LIGONIER Leader * MARTINSVILLE Gazette MONROEVILLE Breeze MENTONE Enterprise MIDDLEBURY Independent MILFORD Mail NEWBURGH Leader *NOBLESVILLE Democrat NORTH VERNON ; Sun PIERCETON Record * PORTLAND Commercial ROANN Clarion *ROCKVILLE Tribune ST. JOE News SOUTH WHITLEY News 'WARSAW National Union * WARSAW Hoosier Democrat WEST LEBANON Gazette * WINCHESTER Democrat * WINCHESTER Herald * WINCHESTER Journal WORTHINGTON Times OHIO— 74. ANTWERP Argus ARCHBOLD Herald BAIRDSTO WN. . Times BELLEVUE Local News BROADWAY Enterprise * CADIZ Flambeau CALEDONIA ...Argus CAREY Times * CHARDON Democratic Record * CIRCLEVILLE Saturday Dem. Herald COLUMBUS GROVE Vidette 12 CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. * DEFIANCE Express DE GRAFF Buckeye * DELAWARE Saturday Gazette DELPHOS Courant DELPHOS Herald DELTA Atlas DESHLER Flag EAST PALESTINE Reveille ELMORE Independent FAYETTE Record * FINDLAY Jeffersonian FORT RECOVERY News FOSTORIA Saturday Dispatch FOSTORIA Dispatch FOSTO RI A Democrat * FREMONT Saturday News GIBSONBURG Derrick GREENWICH Enterprise HICKS VILLE News HIRAM Bugle-Echo HUDSON Express HUNTSVILLE Gazette * LANCASTER Republican LA RUE News LIBERTY CENTRE Lib. Press * LOGAN Republican-Gazette LOUDONVILLE Democrat LOUISVILLE Herald * MANSFIELD Herald * McCONNELLS VILLE Herald McCOMB Herald MIDDLEFIELD Messenger MONTPELIER Enterprise MONTPELIER Republican * NAPOLEON Signal * NAPOLEON Jackson Democrat * NAPOLEON .' People's Advocate NELSON VILLE Register NEVADA Enterprise NEVADA Monitor NEW CARLISLE Sun NEW HOLLAND Plain Talk NORTH BALTIMORE Beacon OAKWOOD Sentinel ODERKIRK Industrial Fireside * PAULDING Republican PLYMOUTH Advertiser * PORT CLINTON Republican QUINCY Independent ST. MARY'S Dollar Sentinel ST. MARY'S Argus SPENCERVILLE Journal SHANES CROSSING Free Press SHERWOOD Sentinel STRYKER Advance THORN VILLE News * TOLEDO Reporter and Magnet * VAN WERT Republican * VAN WERT Saturday Bulletin VERSAILLES Policy * WAUSEON Tribune WILLSHIRE Gazette WOOSTER Herald MICHIGAN— 25. * BIG RAPIDS Pioneer *BOYNECITY Citizen BRONSON Journal BROOKLYN Exponent COLON Express CHASE Eclipse CONCORD Independent FENTON Courier * GLADWIN Record GRASS LAKE News * GRAYLING Northern Democrat HANOVER . , Times HO WARD CITY Record MANTON Tribune * MASON Democrat McBAIN Mail MENDON Globe MENDON ...St. Joe County News * MONROE Commercial NORTH BRANCH Gazette REED CITY Democrat ST. CHARLES Independent STURGIS Saturday Mail W A YL AN D Globe WHITE PIGEON Journal PENNSYLVANIA— 1. * MEADVILLE Saturday Night JUST What It Is. — We do not claim every paper upon this list to have a large circulation, but we do claim that the aggregate number of copies circulated by these eight hundred and fifty different publications is very large, and will prove it to the satisfaction of advertisers. Quick Returns. — If you have anything you wish to advertise and place be- fore the public at once, and at a nominal expense, you cannot do better, than by using the papers in their lists. Your advertisement can be inserted in the entire list of over 1,000 papers within one week of its receipt at our office, hence insuring you quick returns from your investment. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. *3 INDIANA NEWSPAPER UNION, INDIANAPOLIS IND. THIS LIST CONTAINS 90 NEWSPAPERS, PUBLISHED PRINCIPALLY IN INDIANA. RATE: 75 CENTS PER AGATE LINE PER WEEK. INDIANA— 77 Papers. ALBANY Journa * BLOOMFIELD News * BLOOMINGTON Courier * BOON VILLE Standard * BRAZIL Enterprise BRISTOL Banner BRINGHURST News BROAD RIPPLE Beacon BROWNSBURG Modern Era BUNKER HILL Press BURLINGTON News CAMPBELLSBURG Graphic CAMDEN Expositor * CANNELTON Enquirer CARTHAGE Record CARMEL Citizen CLINTON Argus * COVINGTON Spence's People's Paper CROTHERSVILLE Commercial * CROWN POINT .'..Register * DANVILLE Gazette DENVER Sun FLORA Fountain City Enterprise FORTVILLE Sun * FOWLER Republican * FRANKFORT Times * FRANKLIN Republican GOS PORT Enterprise GRAND VIE W Monitor * GREENFIELD Republican GREENVILLE Herald HARTSVILLE Enterprise HOPE News Journal * HUNTINGBURG Argus * INDIANAPOLIS Gazette * INDIANAPOLIS Freeman * INDIANAPOLIS Leader * INDIANAPOLIS Record * INDIANAPOLIS. . . .Temperance Evangelist * INDIANAPOLIS Journal of Commerce * INDIANAPOLIS Times JAMESTOWN Tribune KEWANNA Herald KIRKLIN Air Line News KNIGHTSTOWN Banner LAUREL Review *LOGANSPORT Times * LOOGOOTEE Tribune MAC Y Monitor McCORDSVILLE Mirror MORRISTOWN Sun M ULBERR Y News * NASHVILLE Democrat * NEW CASTLE Democrat *PAOLI News PENDLETON Republican PLAINFIELD Progress * PRINCETON Leader * RENSSELAER Republican * RICHMOND Democrat RIDGEVILLE News * ROCKPORT Indiana Pocket ROSSVILLE Journal SHERIDAN .Argus SHERIDAN Enterprise * SPENCER Journal SUMMITVILLE Times 14 CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. THORNTOWN Argus OAKLAND Ambraw Pilot WAVELAND Independent ST. JOSEPH Eagle WEST BADExN Times WINDSOR Gazette WESTFIELD Gazette WARRENSBURG Times WESTFIELD News WHITESTOWN Herald *WINAMAC Democrat KENTUCKY— 4. * WINAMAC Republican * FLEMINGSBURG Times-Democrat YO U NG AMERICA News * HAWESVILLE News World ZIONSVILLE Times LEWISPORT Post WHITESVILLE Kentucky Colonel ILLINOIS— 7. OHIO— 2. vTERY * MARSHALL Messenger GRAND RAPIDS Triumph DANVERS Dispatch MANSFIELD Express * FORT RECOVERY Times An Advertisement should appeal to the eye. An Advertisement should state facts and nothing but facts. An Advertisement should convince the reader of its true merits. An Advertisement should represent an element of superiority and novelty. An Advertisement should attract the understanding and convey a well-de- fined impression. An Advertisement should offer something that the people want but cannot get everywhere on equally good terms. OUR Lists represent the best weekly papers published in the Northwest, and in many .instances they cover exclusive territory. The Way to Reach Them. — The attention of the numerous readers of these Lists should be called to anything and everything that is generally offered for sale by the countless general storekeepers of the vast Northwest. Make It Attractive. — To be prominent in a crowd a person must have marked characteristics. So with an advertisement. In order to catch the eye of the reader quickly, and produce the best result, it must have an attractive feature and be clear, definite and fresh. An Advantage. — By using our Lists an advertiser can cover a certain section ot the country and know just where it is, whereas by using large weekly papers of gen- eral circulation he may offer., his goods in many communities where it would be impossible to create a demand for them. High Average. — The papers represented in this Catalogue have a high average circulation, for the reason that the co-operative side of the same is edited regardless of expense. Many papers have nearly doubled their circulation within the past year. Our editorial service is appreciated by the readers. Newspaper Advertising may be compared to a vigilant and watchful sales- man, who goes after business early and late; who accosts the manufacturer in his office, the professor in his study, the retired man of wealth at the family fireside, who can be in a thousand places at once, addressing millions of people each day, saying the right thing in the right place and at the right time. Particularly is this so of the newspapers represented in this Catalogue. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. 15 MILWAUKEE NEWSPAPER UNION, (ESTABLISHED 1864.) THIS LIST CONTAINS 87 NEWSPAPERS, PUBLISHED PRINCIPALLY IN WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA AND IOWA. RATE: 75 CENTS PER AGATE LINE PER WEEK. WISCONSIN — 73 Papers. AHN APEE Record * ANTIGO Republican ARTESIAN CITY Advocate BEAVER DAM Weekly BEAVER DAM Citizen BERLIN Satin day Courant BERLIN Weekly Courant BRANDON Times BURLINGTON Standard-Democrat CADOTT Record CED ARBURG News CENTRALIA Enterprise COLUMBUS Republican DELAVAN Enterprise DE PERE Democrat EAGLE News FIFIELD Advocate FORT HOWARD Sentinel * FRIENDSHIP Press HARTFORD Press HILLSBORO Sentry HORICON Reporter HU RLEY Tribune INDEPENDENCE Wave * JUNEAU Telephone KAUKAUNA Times * KEWAUNEE Enterprise * MADISON News-Advertiser * MANITOWOC Tribune * MANITOWOC Times * M AUSTON Argus MENOMINEE FALLS Times * MERRILL Lincoln County Advocate MERRILLAN Leader MILTON Telephone * MONROE r Sun MUKWONAGO Chief NECEDAH Republican *NEILLSVILLE Sat. Rep. and Press NEW LISBON News NEW RICHMOND Republican * OCONTO Reporter OCONOMOWOC Weekly News OMRrO Journal OSSEO ^ Blade PALMYRA Enterprise * PHILLIPS Times * PHILLIPS , Bee * PORTAGE Herald-Advertiser * PORT WASHINGTON Advertiser REESEVILLE Review * RHINELANDER Herald * RICHLAND CENTER Rep.-Observer RIPON Commonwealth * SHAWANO Advocate SOLDIER'S GROVE Transcript * SPARTA Herald SPENCER Tribune * STEVENS POINT Gazette STOUGHTON Hub * SUPERIOR Times THREE LAKES Echo TOMAHAWK The Tomahawk TOMAH Monitor TWO RIVERS Chronicle * VIROQUA Leader WATERLOO Democrat WATERTO WN Republican * WAU SAU Central Wisconsin WAUPUN Leader * WAU PACA Post WAU WATOS A World WONEWOC Reporter 16 CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. MINNESOTA— 5 Papers. HOUSTON Valley Signal KASSON Republican MAZEPPA Tribune ST. CHARLES Union * WINDOM .' Citizen IRON WOOD Times *LUDINGTON Appeal MICHIGAN— 5 Papers. GLADSTONE, Delta GLADSTONE Express IRONWOOD Record IOWA— 3 Papers. GARNER Siernal OLIN Recorder * WAUKON Standard MISSOURI— 1 Paper. MOBERLY Monitor The First. — The Milwaukee Newspaper Union, whose list is shown in this Catalogue, was the first to originate the system of co-operative advertising, in the year 1864; since which time it has established four brxnch offices in different sec- tions of the country. WISCONSIN PUBLISHERS' UNION, Madison, Wisconsin. ^ESTABLISHED 1877.) THIS LIST CONTAINS 75 NEWSPAPERS, PUBLISHED PRINCIPALLY IN WISCONSIN, ILLINOIS, MINNESOTA AND DAKOIA. RATE: 75 CENTS PER AGATE LINE PER WEEK. WISCONSIN— 57 Papers. ALBANY Vindicator ARCADIA Republican * ASHLAND Times BANGOR Independent * BARABOO News BARNEVELD Register BEAVER DAM Argus BELLEVILLE Recorder BLOOMER Advance BLOOMINGTON Record BRODHEAD Independent CAM B RIA News CAMBRIDGE '. News CHETEK Chetek Alert CLINTON Herald COLBY Phonograph * CRANDON Forest Leaves * CRANDON Republican * DARLINGTON Republican * DARTFO RD Reporter EAGLE RIVER Vindicator EDGERTON Index ELROY Statesman ELROY Tribune * GRAND RAPIDS Reporter * HUDSON True Republican INDEPENDENCE News LAKE MILLS Leader * LA CROSSE Independent CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. 17 MARSHFIELD Times IOWA— 6 Papers MAZOMANIE Sickle * ATr ,~ XTA ' fT ^ , *MEDFORD Star and News **Jf°* A Upper Des Moines MENASHA Press ?4 rnpA o ..Herald MILTON JUNCTION News i^XX^T ' Register MINERALPOINT Democrat ^™hn^ Butler County Press MINERAL POINT Tribune ™„r T R ,? CK • Weekly MONTICELLO News P( - >blViLLfc ' Review * MONROE Gazette MONDOVI. . . Herald ILLINOIS— 5 Papers. OMALASkX Days Doings C RESTON Times orfpAm ^ * OREGON Independent Democrat ° R T E SV" ;--;° bS T er ROCHELLE :. Herald povmJf^ Independent SOMONAUK Reveille S™ "••■ Press * WOODSTOCK Democrat * PORTAGE Democrat PRAIRIE D U SAC News RIDGEWAY Enterprise MINNESOTA— 4 Papers. RIO Reporter CARVER Free Press * SHAWANO Journal HUBBARD Independent * SPARTA Democrat LE ROY Independent SPRING GREEN News OSAGE Farmers' Voice STOUGHTON Courier THORP f Trempealeau::::::::.".'::::::;;;.*. uZZ south dakota-s p aP ers. *VIROQUA Censor CLIFTON. Watchman WAUTOMA Argus HAROLD Sentinel WEST SALEM Journal * PLANKINTON Beacon County Seats. — We desire to call the attention of advertisers to the large number of eounty seat papers represented by our Lists. Each town-marked thus [*] is a county seat. Testimonials. — The attention of advertisers is called to the testimonials of some of our old patrons, which will be found upon other pages of this catalogue. They speak for themselves, and are well worth perusal. Create a Demand. — Manufacturers of any article of merit can create a de- mand for the same, and compel wholesale and retail dealers to carry it in stock and sell it, by advertising in the Lists shown in this Catalogue. The True Theory of Advertising. — All advertising is based on the assumption of widely diffused wealth and intelligence ; in a word, that there are many persons in all communities who need many things, both useful and orna- mental, and who are able to pay for them, but do not know of whom to buy them on the most favorable terms. In this country especially, where inventions in useful articles are so numerous, the advertisement is frequently the most useful matter in the paper. Weekly Newspapers. — Our Lists are composed chiefly of weekly newspa- pers. These publications reach that large class of readers and consumers who cannot afford the luxury of a daily paper, and therefore content themselves with keeping up with the world's affairs through the information derived from their local weekly journal. Like the metropolitan daily, it is a link in the chain which energetic ad- vertisers find necessary to connect themselves with the purchasing and consuming public, and which they cannot afford to ignore when placing their orders. 18 CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. SIOUX CITY NEWSPAPER UNION, (ESTABLISHED 1884.) CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION, Proprietors. THIS LIST CONTAINS 180 NEWSPAPERS, PUBLISHED IN NORTHWESTERN IOWA, NORTHERN NEBRASKA, SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL DAKOTA. RATE: $1.50 PER AGATE LINE PER WEEK. IOWA— 47 Papers. AKRON Journal ALDEN Times ANITA Tribune ANTHON Monitor AURELIA Sentinel AVOCA Mail BRITT Tribune CHARTER OAK Times CLEAR LAKE Mirror EAGLE GROVE Times EARLVILLE Phoenix ESTHERVILLE Vindicator EVERLY News FONDA Times * FOREST CITY Independent HARTLEY Record HOLSTEIN Advance HULL ,. Index HULL Advance LAKE CITY Graphic LARCHWOOD Leader LEHIGH Echo * LE MARS Sunday Sun * LOGAN Observer * MASON CITY Gazette MANSON Journal * ONAWA Gazette * ORANGE CITY Herald PAULLINA Times PERRY Chief REINBECK Courier RENWICK Times ROLFE Reporter SCRANTON Journal SHEFFIELD Press SHELDON Mail * SIBLEY Tribune * SIOUX CITY Chronicle * SIOUX CITY Telegram * SIOUX CITY Weekly Times * SIOUX CITY League of the Cross * SIOUX CITY Record and Guardman * STORM LAKE Pilot SUTHERLAND Courier VAIL Observer * WEBSTER CITY Freeman WEST BEND Journal DAKOTA— 75 Papers. * ALEXANDRIA Journal ARLINGTON Sun ARMOUR Herald ARMOU R Tribune ASHLEY Herald AURORA Times BLOOMINGTON Courier BRIDGEWATER Times BUFFALO GAP Globe BUFFALO GAP News * CANTON Advocate * CANTON News CARTHAGE News CENTERVILLE Journal * CHAMBERLAIN Register * CLARK Democrat * CLARK Pilot-Review DELL RAPIDS Times CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. 19 DOLAND Times-Record EDEN Star EDGERTON News EGAN Express * ELK POINT .Courier * ELK POINT Leader FAULKTON Record FAULKTON Times FAULKTON Democrat *FLANDREAU Herald * GANN VALLEY Chief HARLEM Courier HENRY Independent HERMOSA Pilot HITCHCOCK News * HOT SPRINGS Star 'HOWARD Press HURLEY Herald IROQUOIS Chief KIMBALL Index LEAD CITY Daily Herald LEAD CITY Tribune LEBANON Blizzard LETCHER Blade * MADISON Leader MANCHESTER Times * MILLER Indicator * MITCHELL Mail MONTROSE Herald * NEW ROCKFORD New Era OELRICHS Times OELRICHS Advocate ONIDA Journal * PARKER Press PARKSTON Advance *PLANKINTON Herald *PLANKINTON Standard * RAPID CITY Union * REDFIELD Dispatch * SALEM Register SARGEANT Rustler *SIOUX FALLS Journal * SIOUX FALLS Mixture SPEARFISH Mail SPENCER Sun SPRINGFIELD Times ST. LAWRENCE Journal STU RGIS Advertiser *TYNDALL Register * VERMILLION Republican VOLGA Tribune * WATERTOWN Public Opinion * WESSINGTON SPRINGS Herald WILLOW LAKES Rustler * WOONSOCKET News *WOONSOCKET Times * YANKTON Telegram NEBRASKA— 45 Papers. * AINSWORTH Idea "AINSWORTH Star * AINSWORTH Journal ALMA Bee ALMA Times ATKINSON Bee BASSETT .....Herald BELVIDERE Era BIG SPRINGS Journal BROMFIELD News CARLETON Times * CENTRAL CITY Republican *CHADRON Advocate CLINTON Courier * COLERIDGE Sentinel CULBERTSON Reveille * DAKOTA CITY Eagle DANBURY News DODGE Advertiser DONIPHAN Leader EWING Democrat EWING Item GORDON Republican GREELEY CENTER Democrat * HASTINGS ...Nebraskan HAY SPRINGS Review HOMER Herald JACKSON Criterion MINNEOLA Sun NORDEN Borealis * NORFOLK Daily News * NORFOLK Weekly News OAKD ALB Pen and Plow * O'NEILL .Tribune * PONCA Journal RANDOLPH Times *RUSHVILLE Standard SHELTON Clipper * SIDNEY Democrat SOUTH SIOUX CITY Sun and News * SPRINGVIEW " Republican TOBIAS Index * VALENTINE Blade WALLACE Mail WISNER Chronicle WYOMING TER.-6 Papers. DOUGLAS Budget DOUGLAS Republican EVANSTON News GLENROCK Graphic LUSK Herald SHERIDAN Enterprise OTHER STATES— 7 Papers. * ALBANY, Mo Republican * CHALLIS, Idaho Messenger JASPER, Minn Journal JULESBURG, Col .Sentinel * LUVERNE, Minn Herald SPRINGFIELD, Minn Appeal * WORTHINGTON, Minn Globe 20 CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. SIOUX CITY PRINTING COMPANY, (ESTABLISHED 1884.) THIS LIST CONTAINS 178 NEWSPAPERS, PUBLISHED IN IOWA, DAKOTA, NEBRASKA AND MINNESOTA. RATE: $1.50 PER AGATE LINE PER WEEK. IOWA — 54 Papers. * ALGONA Courier ALTA Advertiser ASHTON Argus * AUDUBON Audubon Advocate BANCROFT Register-Review BOYDEN Citizen * CHEROKEE Cherokeean Democrat DANBU RY The Criterion DALLAS CENTER Times DELM AR Journal EARLY News * EMMETTSBURG Democrat EXIRA Audubon County Journal * FORT DODGE , Industrial Sun GEORGE News * HAMBURG ; .. Democrat * HAMBURG Saturday Democrat HARLAN Industrial-American H AWARDEN Independent IRETON Clipper LEWIS Independent LITTLE SIOUX Independent * LOGAN Harrison County Democrat MADRID Register MALCOM Tribune MANNING Press MARCUS News MO VILLE Mail NEWELL Mirror * ONAWA Sentinel OTO Lead e PETERSON Patriot * PRIMGHAR .Bell QUIMBY Herald REMSEN Bell ROCK VALLEY Register *ROCK RAPIDS Reporter * ROCK RAPIDS Review SANBORN Pioneer SCHALLER Gazette SERGEANTS BLUFFS News SHELDON ' Eagle * SIOUX CITY Harp *SIOUX CITY .....Stylus SIOUX RAPIDS Press SLOAN Star SMITHLAND Exponent * S PIRIT LAKE .Pilot * STORM LAKE Weekly Vidette VILLISCA Independent * WAPELLO , Record WASHTA Independent * WATERLOO Tribune WHITING Herald DAKOTA— 51 Papers. ARMOUR Chronicle ASHTON Spink County Leader BERESFORD News BIJOU HILLS Times BLUNT Advocate BRADLEY Globe BRIDGEWATER- Herald BRYANT Post * CASTLEWOOD Times ;: . CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. 21 CAVOUR Press CENTERVILLE Chronicle-Index * CHAMBERLAIN Democrat * CLARK Republican * CUSTER Chronicle DEAN Star * DE SMET News EDGELEY Mail FOREST CITY Press * FORMAN Independent GARDEN CITY .Phonograph * GARY Inter State * GROTON . . . Independent HARROLD Star *HIGHMORE Herald * HOWARD Advance * IPSWICH Gazette IROQUOIS Herald KIMBALL , Graphic LENNOX Independent * LEO N A Northwest * MILLER South Dakota Republican * MITCHELL Davison County Gazette OLDHAM Rustler PITRODIE Country Home * SALEM Special SENECA Sun SPEARFISH Register SPENCER Journal ST. THOMAS Times * TYNDALL Tribune * VERMILLION Plain Talk VILAS Farmer WATERBURY Messenger WENTWORTH Dakota Letter * WESSINGTON SPRINGS Republican WHITE LAKE Irrigator WHITE LAKE Times WILLOW LAKES News WINFRED Ledger WOLSEY Journal 'YANKTON Journal NEBRASKA— 60 Papers. * AINS WORTH News ANSLE Y Chronicle ARCADIA Courier ARLINGTON Defender BEEMER Times BERTRAND Phelps County Herald ' BLAIR Republican BLUE HILL Leader * BREWSTER Blaine County Democrat * BROKEN BOW Nebraska Statesman CERESCO Review 'CHAMBERS Pickings 'CHAMBERS Eagle CLARKS Messenger * CLAY CENTER Gazette-Democrat CLEAR WATER Message CRAWFORD Clipper * DAKOTA CITY North Nebraska Argus DUSTIN Dispatch EDGAR Times EMERSON Era *GANDY Logan County Star GRETNA Sarpy County Democrat HAIGLER Republican * HARTINGTON Herald * HARTINGTON Nonpareil * HAYS CENTER Times * HEMINGFORD Box Butte Rustler HILDRETH Telescope HOOPER Sentinel * HYANNIS Grant County Tribune MASON CITY Transcript * NEBRASKA CITY Times *NELIGH Tribune * NEWPORT Advocate * NIOBRARA Knox County Democrat NONPAREIL Heath's Grip OAKLAND Independent * O'NEILL Frontiei PALMYRA Pilot PETERSBU RG Press * PENDER Times 'PIERCE Times-Call PLAINVIEW Gazette * PONC A Mail POTTER Press *RUSHVILLE Sun SCRIBNER News SHICKLEY Herald 'TEKAMAH Burtonian ' THEDFO RD Herald WAKEFIELD Republican WAKEFIELD Nonpareil * WAYNE. Weekly Gazette * WEST POINT Progress * WEST POINT Advertiser WHITNEY Champion * WILBER Republican WYMORE Democrat WYMORE Reporter MINNESOTA— 11 Papers. BEAVER CREEK News-Letter * BRECKENRIDGE Echo ELLSWORTH News ' JACKSON Republic LAKE CRYSTAL Union * LUVERNE Rock County News * MANKATO Register * MONTEVIDEO Commercial PAYNES VILLE News SHERBURN Advance WELLS Advocate OTHER STATES— 2 Papers. NORC ATUR (Kas. ) Register PALOUSECITY (W. T.) News 22 CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. ADVERTISING RATES. Below we give the RATE PER AGATE LINE PER WEEK in each of our Lists (fourteen lines of agate type occupy one inch of advertising space; eight words of average length constitute a line) : CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LIST jyg Papers {page 5). $2.50 per Line. SIOUX CITY NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. 180 Papers {page 18). $1.25 per Line. SIOUX CITY PRINTING COMPANY LIST. ij8 Papers {page 20). $1.25 per Line. FORT WAYNE NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. 1 56 Papers {page 11). $1.25 per Line. STANDARD NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. 100 Papers {page 9). yjc. per Line. INDIANA NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. go Papers {page ij). yjc. per Line. MILWAUKEE NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. 87 Papers (page ij). yjc. per Line. WISCONSIN PUBLISHERS' UNION LIST. j 5 Papers (page 16). 73c. per Line. COMBINED RATE FOR THE SEVEN LISTS (1,245 Papers), $9.00 PER LINE. Reading-notices, set in minion type, 50 per cent, extra for space occupied. Special rates will be given on large or long-time advertisements. Complete files of these papers can be found at our offices, to Spruce Street, New York, and 27 1 and 2J3 Franklin Street, Chicago, III. Advertisers who intend to EXAMINE the files must do so WITHIN THREE MONTHS after the papers are issued, as we cannot guarantee to keep them a longer period. dMicrA&o Neiv^si^ai^e:!^ LJisticdn, 271 and 273 Franklin Street, CHICAGO, ILL. 10 Spruce Street, NEW YORK. JOHN F. CRAMER, CHAS. E. STRONG, President. General Manager. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. 23 THE CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION. 1 paper Number of Papers on each List for Week Ending r a ith the March 15, 1890. ertise- — hat we CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. ld files 417 Papers. $2.50 per agate line. and at SIOUX CITY NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. 194 Papers. $1.25 per agate line. SIOUX CITY PRINTING COMPANY LIST. 168 Papers. $1.25 per agate line. INDIANA NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. 109 Papers. 75c. per agate line. COUNTY-SEAT PAPERS. i take tion of ip our ltmost FORT WAYNE NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. 163 Papers. $1,25 per agate line. e f a STANDARD NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. ever y 106 Papers. 75c. per agate line. * as it tereo- t stay idver- MILWAUKEE NEWSPAPER UNION LIST. is, we 82 Papers. 75c. per agate line. r con . WISCONSIN PUBLISHERS' UNION LIST. 70 Papers . 75c. per agate line. Combined Rate for the Seven Lists (1,309 Papers), $9 per line. Reading Notices, set in Minion Type, 50 per cent, extra for space occupied, agate measurement. y our >wing It is The attention of advertisers is called to the large number of county-seat papers shown in our different Lists. Each town named before which appears an asterisk (*) is a county seat. M CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. ADVE Below we give the RATE Lists (fourteen lines of agate words of average length constit CHICAGO NI 379 P"l SIOUX CITY E 180 Pap SIOUX CITY F 178 Pap FORT WAYNE 156 Pap STANDARD N 100 INDIANA N] go Pap MILWAUKEE 87 Pap WISCONSIN F 75 p^ COMBINED RATE FOR THE Reading-notices, set in min Special rates will be given c Complete files of these pap New York, and 271 and 2J3 / Advertisers who intend to I MONTHS after the papers ai longer period. 271 and 273 Franklin Street, CHICAGO, ILL. 10 Spruce Street, NEW YORK. JOHN F. CRAMER, CHAS. E. STRONG, President. General Manager. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. 23 EVIDENCE OF CORRECT INSERTION. Advertisers will appreciate the fact that the sending of a copy of each paper re print every week to the different parties who patronize our columns would be a ery expensive undertaking, as the cost of 1,245 papers per week, together with the lailing and postage, would often exceed the amount received for a small advertise- lent. It is our intention, however, to satisfy the most skeptical advertiser that we *' Seerrtim u^n^j ^»<^e-«sz^ ; ' ««^^-£-e^ <^ ^*^£ ^^^§^r^ TEXR. J. H. SCHENCK & SOX, Proprietors of SCMENCPCS PULMONIC SYRUP. Seaweed. Tonic and Mandralce Pills, XJboU Box 1246. Philadelphia. August I7th. 1889 * The Chicago Newspaper Union, 10 Spruce St. New York. Gentlemen:- we Rave repeatedly used your lists with good results, both In advertising our Medicines and Dr. Schenck's Book on Diseases of the Lungs, Liver and Stomach, which we send FREE to all applicants^ Yours Respectfully, J. II. Schenck & Son. 3° CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. MEMORANDUM To New York. *^t&p/-fy isb^ from Radway & Co., rpO'3(*0 J»nuar>. 'dad 32 WARREN STREET 25/ *N c- r is£C-m*—^/L+ C^ *<*->*> * 32 CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. ifrwwe-. SJ2 & SJ4 J^fcu/A ? C^^ M ^ a/Vv ^ AnoUVL^LCtM^ id, sCKju, CWUs-caA^cvu* erf* (/J-&siS&l/ H/oc^ok^ CU\S COQs *0( cuyv^i^n^aL st^st***^ -tWA^ ^iz^c^^^coCeeC^ sl& ^&o~c 4 stud 'o*AS -s£o o£c^uJn~ ^4jx^ r OLsK&Q, Asia/ -^JccKjOLO^ CVxxriAjvKtiC - I 8^ J^ J~, i 36 CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. Q? $feijh~ d-VIA" >Wi^rw^<_ -X-^L^J/ -&^^L> ?t^€^~Z ^-^-^tXJ <2&^c 3* CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. OFFIOC OF G. & C Merriam & Co. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. PUBU8HER8 OF Webster's Dictionaries, Chitty's Pleadings. Etc, '0- M Baker and H. C. Rowtcv Aomittko to twf firm Maroh 31 '882 CX^^.Cy f^ 1^/88 T "i q^^kaJLsjlaajllkj . f&Jr ct_X^y-^-**«^ tco rV-<^LXo v/OZ— iA»/ / lo / Vvs-^-» jo ^1 3*4© . >W^v^cww K-^ CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS. TeLEPMOdS CONNCOTlON »*ORUJS*$£k£*CMlUtll Prize Medal, Paris 1878. Office of WILLIAM DREVDOPPEL SOUP, CANDLES STARCH, SODA, &c PROPHiETOU O' Dreydoppal's Borax Soap and Beeson's GTCedieinal Soap3 AGENT FOR MORGAN'S SAPOLIO.. No 208 North Front Street 1 ttetete-tftfita. . si&i-a,. •^-^--t^ai^y^ -£&—