977.354 B625h IHistorical Program Commemo- jrating the One Hundredth inniversary of Tremont, I^-j, x-") laiNOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY ^liililil i!i 977.354 B625h One Hundredth Anniversary of Tremont ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY 1835 Historical Program Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of Tremont, Illinois Second County Seat of Tazewell County 1835 Celebrated Thursday, August 1, 1935 Edited and Compiled b\' Harold M. Blue 1935 1835 — TREMONT CENTENNIAL — 1935 o TJ o o 6 -*-* efl c o is O tU C o 1/1 p< 3 (1) o ^ (U 1) JS J3 H . d M a> >. 00 l4 c4 v ^ nt M P. c: cfl T3 0) 11) O -^ o ,£3 p. m ca._2 cfl .s s c ° i-< .a a) ts ^ "a, 3 ? o ^1 ■" §^ >, CO ^_i Cm" o t;* o ■" — ' di S " wers and duties of the Corporation and Board of Trustees (witii the above exceptions) be suspended — Subject to tiie future action of the Board of Trustees in connection with the Citizens of said Town of Tremont. On motion adjourned. H. R. BROWNE. Clerk. (Next Entry) Revival of the Corporation of Tremont, Aug. 4, 1863. The old Board of Trus- tees met agreeably to previous notice, for the purpose of taking measures to revive the corporation of Tremont .... C' '^t" meeting received a Petition signed by twenty- four legal voters requesting that an election l^e held to elect Trustees, which was done, and tlie Corporation revived.) Would it not be interestin.g to know, in all their ramifications, the stories lying back of these two laconic entries? Solely as a matter of record, it is noted that the second suspension occurred very shortly after Tremont had lost its place as County Seat to Pekin. —14— ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF PROGRESS Presidents of the Town and Village Board Although a pubhc election for the purpose of incorporating the town was held in 1835, and incorporation of the Town of Tremont decided upon, for some unknown reason, the actual incorporation was not made effective until June 8, 1841, when the trustees took office. On that date James L. Willson was elected President of the Board, and assumed his chair, which he retained until September 11, of the same year. In their order the foUoW'ing men were President of the Town Board (Dates shown are those of assumption of office) : James L. Willson— June 8, 1841 Palmer Jones— August 28, 1843 Littleton T. Garth— September 11, 1841 From January 25, 1844, until August 5, 1846, all operations of the Town Board were suspended — for what reason I cannot gather. H. R. Browne— August 10. 1846 L. D. Hamilton— August 17, 1848 James K. Kellogg— October 10, 1846 Mushi Thomas— August 19, 1850 From September, 1850, until August 4, 1863, all operations of the Town Board were suspended — because the citizens thought it "expedient." Dr. S. R. Saltonstall, August 31, 1863. Dr. S. R. Saltonstall— August 23, 1872 J. K. Kellogg— August 25, 1871 S. C. Hobart— August 18, 1875 By popular vote, initiated by a petition from thirty-one voters, the Town of Tremont was reorganized into the Village of Tremont on August 12, 1878. In their order, the following men were Presidents of the Village Board. (Dates shown are those of assumption of office) : A. J. Davis September 2. 1878 J. W. BarkdoU 1897 William Hayward 1880 Edward Pratt 1898 Alexander Wynd 1884 W. H. Harris 1899 Edward Pratt 1885 J. W. BarkdoU 1902 S. W. Carey 1886 William Noonen 1907 Edward Pratt 1887 C. S. Stegner 1911 A. J. Davis 1889 J. P. Becker 1913 Edward Pratt 1890 F. A. Blue 1915 A. J. Davis 1891 M. L. Cottingham 1917 Edward Pratt 1892 A. C. Schneider 1919 L. S. Rollings .1894 Charles Gerstner 1921 Dr. J. E. Mclntyre 1895 M. L. Cottingham 1923 J. W. Baylor 1895 Dr. J. E. Mclntyre 1925 —15— 1835 — TREMONT CENTENNIAL — 1935 Synopsis of the Pageant The Historical Pageant, deiiicting tlie History of Tremont, is presented under the auspices and the direction of the Tremont Woman's Club, the organization which suggested the commemoration of the town's hundredth anniversary, following their Historical Program last spring. The pageant is under the active direction of the following Directors, who have labored faithfully to produce a pageant which would be worthy of the traditions of the pioneers. Mrs. Eva Cullinan, Mrs. Genevieve Shepherdson, Mr. Harold Blue. Scene Brief Description with Director 1. Father Time takes us back to 1823. 2. The Spirit of the Wild — a symbolic dance by Frances Ulrich. 3. The passing of the Indians and Traders — Directed by Rev. Paul Meredith. 4. The Coming of the Whites — Mrs. Richard Cullinan. 5. The Original Settlement — Miss Julia Hayw-ard. 6. The First School — Mrs. Wm. Connell. 7. Peter Cartwright, Circuit Rider — as represented by Leonard Becker. 8. Political Rally, 1840— Mrs. Chas. Hofifman and Mrs. Don Gillan. 9. Dance, following the rally — in charge of Oscar Hazelman. 10. Court House Scene and Coming of Lincoln — Miss Marietta Morse. IL Female Seminary — Airs. Wm. Connell, Mrs. Marshal Jenks, Mrs. Delmar Studyvin. 12. Civil War Veterans — Harold Blue. 13. School of Ruth Fenner — Airs. Wm. Connell. Airs. Alarshal Jenks. Airs. Delmar Studyvin. 14. World War Group— Harold Blue. 15. Planting of Centennial Tree — led by Airs. Ida Rodecker, oldest living- resident of Tremont, and Gail Barton, fourth generation in lineal descent of one of the early settlers (William Sterling) — directed by Airs. L. E. Bennett. 16. Fanfare. 17. Progress. "Time goes ! Ah no — Time stays — we go !" Workers for The Centennial The following men, in active charge of the events of the day. are to be heartily commended for their earnest and sincere efforts in the face of what seemed at first insurmountable obstacles. In remembering this day, we ask that you also remember the hard work whicii these various men have done in order that this Centennial and Homecoming might be a success. Committees Executive — R. A. Cullinan. Chairman, Grounds & Concessions — John Waldon. Frank Sharp, lohn Waldon, Dr. J. Decorations — Ernest Graber. P. Blumenschein, L. E. Bennett, Ed- Lights — Hoer, Alosiman, Ralph Cot- win Koch, Secretary. tingham. Finance— L. E. Bennett. Contests— Publicity- Alichacl Beyer. Horseshoe— John Coddington. Advertising — Earl Cottingham. Races — Bill Getz. Program — Executive Conmiittee. Ball Game — Don Kinsey. Homecoming — George Hillman. Corn Game — Ben Carius. Parade— A. P. Schaefer. Stands— Frank Sharp, Earl Riley, Wm. Floats— Dr. Blumenschein, Ben Carius AIcQueen. F. A. Blue. —16— Guarantors of the Centennial To the following- public spirited men and firms of this community, who by their financial support have made this Centennial a success, we desire to express the thanks of a grateful community : Clark Barton Harold Becker J. P. Becker L. E. Bennett Aaron Bertsch Wm. Beutel Beyer Implement Co. F. A. Blue Dr. J. P. Blumenschein Ben H. Carius Wm. Council J. L. Cooney M. L. Cottingham R. A. Cullinan C. A. Davis First National Bank Hubert Foley Eli Ganger Geo. L. Gerstner & Son E. C. Getz W. F. Getz Glenn Gibson H. V. Giltner Ben Grubb Frank Harris Frank Helleman Ed Hermann G. F. Hillman Phil H. Hoffman Home Oil Co. Illinois Oil Co. Illinois Valley Telephone Co. Ed Kahler Ed Koch Larkin Co. Thomas Litwiler Dr. J. E. Mclntyre C. D. McMurray W. C. McQueen Moser & Bolliger Louis Moser E. P. Mullane Ernest Musselman E. G. Plotner M. H. Renter Dr. John A. Rusk Bert Russell Anton Schaefer Jesse Schurter F. O. Sharp Tazewell Service Co. Tremont Co-Op. Grain Co. Tremont Home Bakery Jacob and L. H. Velde John Waldon J. P. Woerner . dll