A FISH STORY (In four parts) Part I. *1. “In the Trough of the Sea” 2. “The Sea Nymph” 3. “The Enchanted Mermaids, Fishes and Nymphs” 4. “The Hurricane” The running figures (groups of five) repre- sent the waves, the boat is rocking to and fro, while the fisherman is singing his song. He is eagerly waiting for a bite, presently there is a nibble, and then a big bite; the bob- bin on the line goes down, and the fisher- man pulls in a fish. There are other bobbins bobbing up and down, and more bites. He soon commences to sing again, while the boat rocks on, when suddenly his anchor breaks, and the boat floats away. In his excitement he drops his fishpoles, and his fish gasping, expires. Price 50 cents » E. E. HARDER, 175 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. LYON & HEALY CO: CHICAGO CARL FISCHER: NEW YORK I 2 PIANO A Fish Story. Part I. “in the Trough of the Sea,” Schaukeln zwischen den Wellen 1 (The Fisherman.) f Allegretto agitato Solo E. E. HARDER. Op 4. With lightness and smoothness. nif #r uJ / *>-,K "TT"' ^ lb,, -r O’-if j_m 1 Mart Copyright 1915, by E. E. Harder, Chicago, 111. In the Trough of the Sea 4 In the Trough of the Sea 4 5 First Ending may be Omitted. Second time jump from to -fo- /lit - 1 1 ID f=£=F r-h f' g — iTj r "?=l f , 9 f i m U=: W=^=piir ^=4 H’ u (\&A A > 1 r\ jf Lx -E- ' * tU ft • . J . > - — = ruJTfr Vb Lb ^ g~ J {JljLJ ff r = r] - Sfr- »r fc= =! >?• .rXj g I / ..^y; L... ^ ^ r J-' " k #cc< -Bffl f^l £=t= -f 'i. m / >tt-- > 77^ ~ cres. —f—f (i ~ Tmrror aDd£d, .tdft i), f ■ [ -^ l 1 i ■g * 1=1 aeeeL, m^d fiJ ' — - J \S ' ■ m •ft* r J g,-^; ti-A i rfT~r^ rP^n f H r creso Solo -j — iff- accel Fish gasping