- x > ' ■ '■% - * * % OF THE U N IVER.5 ITY Of I LLI N O I S 017 M58ca 1881 supo2-3 CATALOGUE OF THE ) ' T MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY SECOND AND THIRD SUPPLEMENTS JAN. 1, 1883—APRIL 1, 1890. Compiled by MARY C. SPENCER, Assistant, Robert Smith & Co., State Printers and Binders. 1890. Call No. on tW Name CEIBERT Date JUN 5 Cards /[/ <^ 0 F| > irft. : A~ . ' 5 ?^' i A- ,. / ' _ \ , .„„/ / J ////• ' \/ 1 i f ^ y- 3 Y ^ d <^py\~J , L-21A Location (stamp) Holdings Other Cards ‘ V *\ . Authorities jg LC NUC STATE LIBRARIANS. tl5lu. ItSi i 1850 - 1890 . April 2, 1850-Jan. 27, 1851. Jan. 27, 1851-Jnly 1, 1853. July 1, 1853-Dec. 5, 1854. Dec. 5, 1854-Jan. 6, 1855. Jan. 6, 1855-Feb. 2, 1857. Feb. 2, 1857-Jan. 27, 1859. Jan. 27, 1859-April 5, 1869. April 5, 1869.- Henry Tisdale._ Charles J. Fox_ Charles P. Bush_ John James Bush_ DeWitt C. Leach_ George W. Swift_ J. Eugene Tenney_ Mrs. Harriet A. Tenney * ASSISTANTS. Mary Wood.._ Julia A. Robinson_ Elizabeth A. Parker. Mrs. Mary C. Spencer 1877-1878. 1879-1882. 1883-1884. 1885. - J? t 18 81 . THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO THE MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. EXTRACTS FROM THE LAWS OF THE STATE RELATIVE TO THE LIBRARY. Section 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact , That the State library shall be kept in the room in the capitol which it now occupies until some other provision shall be made in reference thereto. It shall consist of the books, pamphlets, pictures, maps, charts, and documents of every description now belonging to the same, together with all such others as it may acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, or otherwise. The members of both houses of the legislature and the executive and judicial officers of the State shall at all times have free excess thereto, under such rules and regulations as may be made for the governing of the library. The gov¬ ernor, the joint committee on the State library, and the State librarian shall make and execute, modify, and amend such rules and regulations, not conflicting with the statutes governing the library, as they may deem proper, and also rules prescribing penalties and fines for any violation thereof. Such rules and regulations when adopted, shall remain in force until modified or amended. Sec. 4. Before any member of the senate, or of the house of represent¬ atives, or of the convention to revise the constitution, or other officer or employe of the State who may be authoized by the rules of the State library to draw books therefrom, shall receive their pay in full, it shall be necessary for such member, officer, or employe to obtain and exhibit a certificate from the State librarian, stating that such member, officer, or employe has returned all books he may have drawn, if any, from the State library. It shall be the duty of all the State officers and heads of departments, before a final settlement with any employe in their respective departments, that may resign or be discharged, to require such employe to obtain and exhibit the certificate above referred to, to the officers in charge of their respective departments. Public Acts, 1881, No. 169. VI RULES OF THE MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE LIBRARY, ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNOR, JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE STATE LIBRARY, AND THE STATE LIBRARIAN. 9 RULE I. Tlie library shall be kept open every clay except Sundays and the legal holidays. During sessions of the Legislature, Supreme Court, and of Constitu¬ tional Conventions, the hours shall be from 8 o’clock A. M. to 9 P. M. At. other times, from 8 o’clock A. M. to 12 M., and from half past 1 to 5 P. M„ On Saturdays to 4 P. M. RULE II. The State Library is one of reference, and not a circulating library. RULE III. The Librarian and Assistant shall be constant in their attendance upon the Library during the hours it shall be directed to be kept open, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by law or l3y the rules and regulations governing the Library. RULE iv. All persons are permitted to visit the Library and examine and read the* books and magazines. RULE v. Members and officers of the Legislature; State officers and clerks in the several departments; Judges of the Supreme Court; resident members of the Board of Regents, and members of State Boards; the President of the- Agricultural College, and the Superintendent of the State Reform School,, and school for the Blind, who apply in person for books for their own especial use, shall be permitted to take from the Library any book or publication belonging thereto, excepting such as are books of reference, or on account of their value or rarity are by rule excluded from circu¬ lation. RULE VI. Any person wishing to obtain any book for perusal or reference in the general Library must make application at the desk of the Librarian. The books thus received must not be taken from the Library, but be returned to the Librarian’s desk, otherwise the person will remain responsible for the book. The Librarians will exercise a proper discrimination as to the delivery of such books as they may judge liable to be injured. Manu¬ scripts, rare and valuable books and plates are excluded from this rule; they will be shown oidy on special application to the Librarian, and under RULES OF THE MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Vll such regulations as the circumstances of each case may in his or her judg¬ ment require. RULE VII. No book can be taken from the Library, until its title and the name of the person taking it have been registered by the Librarian. A receipt must also be given by the person taking the book. RULE VIII. No book shall be taken from the seat of government, and no person shall take more than two books at the same time, or retain them from the Library for a longer period than two weeks. Duplicate copies of laws and documents kept in the Library for the use of the members of the Legislature, can be borrowed by the members for use during the session. RULE IX. The following books shall be deemed books of reference, to wit: All the books in the Law Department; and in the general Library, all law books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, manuals, directories, registers, etc., newspapers, maps and engravings, pamphlet volumes, unbound magazines, and books which are valuable on account of their cost, rarity or antiquity. RULE X. During the sessions of the Legislature or of the Supreme Court, the Governor, Attorney General, members of the Legislature, and Judges of the Supreme Court, may take to any room in the Capitol any law book or book of reference; and lawyers in attendance on the Supreme Court, in the Capitol, will be permitted to take such law books as they may wish into the Supreme Court room. But all books of reference must be returned within two days. RULE XI. No public officer or other person privileged to draw books, shall extend the privilege to others, or draw books from the Library for the purpose of loaning them to others. Any person violating this rule shall forfeit his own privilege to take books from the Library. RULE XII. Any person taking any book, map, or other publication from the Library, shall be liable for all damages done thereto while in his or her possession, which damages shall be assessed by the Librarian, and paid to him or her by the person taking such book, map, or other publication. Books must’ be handled with care. Leaves of books must not be turned down, and no marks, with ink, pencil, or anything, made on the margins. RULE XIII. No person except the Librarian or assistants shall be permitted to take from or replace in the case, any book, map, or other publication. Vlll RULES OF THE MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. RULE XIY. Any member of the Legislature having in his possession, any book, map, or other publication belonging to the Library, shall return the same four days before the adjournment of the Legislature. RULE xv. Three days before the adjournment of the Legislature, the Librarian shall report to the Senate and House of Representatives, the name of each member of the Legislature who has not returned all books, maps, or other publications taken out of the Library by such member, and settled and paid all accounts for fines, for injuring such books or otherwise. RULE XVI. Officers and clerks in the several departments, must return all books in their possession, before leaving their position as an officer or employe of the State. RULE XVII. If on notice to any person that the time for which any book or books have been drawn from the Library by such person has expired, or if any person shall have in his or her possession any book or other article belong¬ ing to the Library, and shall neglect to return such book or other article to the Library for more than three days after such notice, such person shall be liable to pay to the State a sum equal to the value of such book or other article, which value shall be estimated at the cost of replacing the same. RULE XVIII. No person shall be allowed access to the Library at any time except in the presence of the Librarian or assistants. RULE XIX. Any person violating the rules of the State Library may be prohibited by the State Librarian from the use and privileges of the Library. HARRIET A. TENNEY, State Librarian. R. F. DUNDASS, O. E. M. CUTCHEON, E. D. KINNE, C. W. GARFIELD, JAMES S. GORMAN, House Commitee. DAYID H. JEROME, Governor. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION. February 20, 1885. Resolved (the House concurring), That members taking books from the State Library when there is only one copy of the same work, be and they are hereby requested to return them the same day, or within twenty- four hours after receiving them from the State Librarian. The House concurred, Feb. 23, 1885. Approved June 9, 1881. THOMAS MORRISON, W. F. GOODWIN, JOHN WELCH, Senate Committee. CATALOGUE. Abbott, H. C. DeS. Chemical Basis of Plant Forms. Philadelphia, 1887, pam. Plant Analysis, as an applied Science. Philadelphia, 1887, pam. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Prussia, New York, n. d. Hortense, Queen of Holland. New York. n. d. Bomance of Spanish History. New York, 1869. About Books and Beading, (“Old North Studies”) n. p., n. d. pam. Academy Notes, English and Scotch. Liverpool, 1878-82. Acadia, Proof considered of Early Settlement of, by the Dutch. J. \Y. De Peyster. Poughkeepsie, 1858, pam. Accordancy of War with Christianity. J. Dymond, see pam. vol. 279. Acharmians of Aristophenes.—Drama, n. p., n. d. Acquisition of Louisiana, see Ind. Historical Society, pam. No. 3. Adam Bede. M. A. Evans. New York, n. d. Adams, A. Letters to her Husband, 1774 n. p. n. d. pam. Adams, Jr., C. F. A College Fetich. Boston, 1883, pam. Adams, C. K. Educational System in Germany. Lansing, 1882, pam. Manual of Historical Literature. 3d edition. New York, 1889. Adams, E. E. Government and Bebellion. Sermon. Phildelphia, 1871, pam. Adams, H. Life of John Bandolph. Boston, 1883. Adams, H. B. Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia. Wash¬ ington, 1888, see U. S. Bureau of Education. Adams, John, and the Declaration of Independence. D. Webster. (“Old South Leaflet.”) Messages to Congress relative to affairs of the United States with the French Bepublic, 1798-99. Philadelphia. Statesman of the American Bevolution. M. Chamberlain. Bos¬ ton, 1884. Adams, J. Q. Correspondence with Citizens of Mass., concerning charge of design to dissolve the Union, etc. Boston, 1829. Jubilee of the Constitution. New York, 1839. Adams, W. B. Study of History in American Colleges, see Education. Adams, W. D. Quipps and Quiddities. London, 1881. Adams, W. H. D. Celebrated Women Travelers of 19th century. London, 1883. Adams, S. Letter to John Adams on Bepublican Government, 1790. n. p. n. d. pam. Advantage of Protective Tariff to Labor and Industries. L. Heyl. New York, n. d. Afraja. T. Miigge. Tr. E. J. Morris. Philadelphia, n. d. 2 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Africa. Jones, C. H. Negroland. New York, 1881. Livingston, D. Missionary Travels in South Africa. New York, 1881. African Repository, Ang. 1866, March, 1867, June 1867-8. Wash¬ ington 1866-8. Agamemnon ancl Dramatic Idyls. R. Browning. Boston, 1886. Age of Fable. T. Bnlfinch. Boston, 1883. Aiken W. See Individual Biography. Alabama. “Alabama as it is.” Guide Book. Atlanta, 1888. Alexander, C. P. Reply to Circular No. 19, Railroad Commission¬ ers, Sept. 1881, pam. Brewton. Resources, etc. Decatur, 1888, pam. Decatur. Present and Prospective. New York, 1888, pam. Florence. Prospective of the “Land Mining and Manufacturing Company.” Nashville, 1887, pam. Geological Survey, 1881-82. Montgomery, 1883. Huntsville. History, etc. Birmingham, 1888, pam. Law Statute: Code, 1887, 2 vols. Nashville, 1887. Digests % Tomlinson, H. 1 vol. 1823. Cahawba, 1823. Aiken, J. G. 1 vol. 1833, 2d edition, Tuscaloosa, 1836. Laws. 1824-1826; 1829-1831; 1833-1835; 1861-1864; 1869- 70; 1882-1889. Cahawba, etc, 1825-89. Supreme Court Digests: Brickell, R. C. vol. 3, Supplement. Montgomery, 1888. Reports: Moore, G. F. Yol. 67. Shepherd, J. W., Tillman, J. P. vols. 68-79. Morrissett, E. P. Yol. 80. Hutcheson, W. J., Shepherd, J. W., vols. 81-87. Text Books: Clark, F. B. Manual of Law of Crimes and Criminal Practice in Alabama. Montgomery, 1878. Montgomery. Resources, etc. New York, 1888, pam. Northern Alabama. Historical and Statistical Mailing and Ship¬ ping Guides. New York, 1886, pam. Northern Alabama and Decatur. Resources, etc. Decatur, 1888, pam. O’Neal, Gov. E. A. Message, 1886. Montgomery, 1886, pam. Resources of Alabama, etc. Montgomery, 1869. Selma and Dallas County. Selma, 1888, pam. Sheffield., The Iron Manufacturing Center of the South, 1888, n. p. n. d., pam. Weather Service Report, 1885, n. p., n. d. pam. Weather Service Review, May 1888. Montgomery n. d., pam. Alden, L. P. Shady Side of Placing Out System, n. p., n. d., pam. Aldrich, T. B. Poems. Boston, 1882. Alexander A. Systematic Benevolence, n. p., n. d., pam. Alexander, F. Roadside Songs of Tuscany, ed. J. Ruskin. 2d edition. New York, 1888. CATALOGUE. 3 Alger, R. A. Eulogy on Gen. Philip Sheridan. Detroit, 1888. Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, see Individual Biography. Alison, A. Life of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. London, 1855, 2 vols. “All about it for 10 cents”—poem. C. L. Cummings. Harrisburg, n. d. Allen, A. Defence of Rhode Island System of Treatment of Indians. Providence, 1876. Allen, J. K. see Michigan Sanitary Convention. Allen L. F. American Cattle, History, etc. New York, 1883. Allen, W. F., Spencer, D. E. Higher Education in Wisconsin. Washing- ington, 1889. pam., see Education. Allen, Z, see Individual Biography. Ailing, R., etc., see Genealogy. Allston, W. Lectures on Art, and Poems of. New York, 1850. Almanac, American, 1881-1890. New York, 1881-90. Ay res Almanac, 1889, in 12 Languages. Lowell, 1888. Cobden Club, Financial Reform Almanac 1884. London, 1883. Farmer’s Almanac, 1845-49, 1852-54, 1856-64, 1867-69, 1879. Bos¬ ton, 1844-78, pams. Financial Reform Almanack, 1883, 1884. London, 1883-4. Michigan Almanac, 1883-1889. Detroit, 1882-9. Tribune Almanac, 1883-1890. New York, 1882-90. Altowan. Life and Adventures in Rocky Mountains. J. W. Webb. New Y T ork, 1846, 2 vols. Aluminium. H. Henderson. Philadelphia, 1888, pam. Pemberton J. Relative Value of, and its Alloys, in the Arts, n. p., n. d., pam. Amateur Photography in its Educational Relations. Philadelphia, 1889. Ambrose the Sculptor. Mrs. R. Cartwright. London, 1854. America, Catalogue of Books relating to. Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, 1883. America, Descriptive Vol. 1, No. 3, Aug. 1884 “Michigan.” New York, 1884, pam. America, Encyclopaedia. History and Biography. Chicago, 1883. America, Narrative and Critical History of. J. Winsor. 8 vols. Boston, 1886-9. America. Remarkable Events in History of, from Earliest Times to 1848. J. Frost. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1848. Tories and Loyalists in. T. B. Meyers, Albany, 1882. American Ancestry, see Genealogy. American Annual Cyclopaedia, see Encyclopaedia. American Antiquarian 1878-1884. 6 vols. Chicago, 1878-84. American Archaeologist and American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Reports, 1882-4. Cambridge, 1883-4. American Art Review, vol. 2, in 2 parts. Boston, 1881. American Association for Advancement of Science, Announcement of Sec¬ retaries, etc., n. p., n. d., pam. American Association for Instruction of the Blind, held at St. Louis, 1884. American Asylum at Hartford, Conn., for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb. Reports 1883, 1886. Hartford 1883, 1886. American Atlas. World’s Edition. Chicago, n. d. American Bar Association. “Dartmouth College Case, etc,” 1886. Phila¬ delphia 1886. Reports, 1882-1889, with Supplement, 1889. Philadelphia 1882-1889. 4 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. American Bastile. Illegal Arrest and imprisonment of American Citizens during late war. J. A. Marshall. 4th ed. Philadelphia, 1870. American Bible Society Reports, 1835, 1840, 1843, 1845, 1848, 1849, 1852, 1855, 1856, 1862, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1872. New York, 1835-72. American Board of Foreign Missions, Reports, 1825, 1842, 1845, 1851- 53, 1858, 1861, 1866, 1867. Boston 1825-67. Can the American Board of Foreign Missions be kept out of debt? Boston 1859, pam. Hymns for Annual Meetings. Boston, 1860, pam. Maps and Illustrations, n. p., n. d., pam. Proposed Union of American Board of Foreign Missions and Union Foreign Mission Society. Address on. Boston, 1856, pam. Special Committee on Expenditure and Finance. Report. Bos¬ ton, 1862. American Catalogue, 1876-1889. New York, 1876-90. American Caucus System. G. W. Lawton. New York, 1885. American Character and Influence. H. B Carpenter. Boston, 1883. American Christian Record, Statistics, etc. New York, 1860. American College and Education Society. Report, 1886. Boston, n. d. American Colonization Society. Report, L868. Washington, 1868. American Colonization Society, Sketch. American Congregational Association Report' 1879, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888-9. Boston 1879-89. American Congress, see United States. American Diet ionary of Commerce. Edited by L. D. Colange. Boston, 1881, 2 vols. American Diplomacy and Furtherance of Commerce. E. Schuyler. New York, 1886. American Educational Monthly, Jan., 1867, vol. 4, No. 1. New York, 1867. American Encyclopaedia of Printing. Philadelphia, 1871. American Equal Rights Association, Report, 1867. New York, 1867. American Express Company, Shipping Guide. New York, n. d. American Factories and their Female Operatives. London, 1845, pam. American Forestry Congress, Proceedings, April, August, 1882. Wash¬ ington, 1883, pam. American Freedman, The, May, July, Nov., Dec., 1866, Feb., April, 1867. New York, 1866-7. American Grape Growers’ Guide. W. Chorlton. New York, 1880. American Health Association, Report, Committee on Pollution of Water Supplies, 1888. Concord, 1889, pam. American Historical Association, Papers, vol. 1. New York, 1886. American History, Magazine of, vols. 10-22. New York, 1884-89. American Homeopathic Review, Oct., Nov., 1860. New York, 1860. American Humane Society, Report, 1886. Chicago, 1887, pam. American Indians, Report of Society for Propagating the Gospel among, 1843, 1858, 1869. Boston, 1843-69. American Institute Electrical Engineers, Catalogue, 1889. New York, 1889. American in Iceland. S. Kneeland. Boston, 1876. American Institute for Idiots, Proceedings 1876-77. Philadelphia, 1887, pam. CATALOGUE. 5 American Journal of Education, 1856-1880, edited by H Barnard. Hart¬ ford, 1856-80, 30 vols. American Journal of Forestry, 1882-3. Cincinnati, 1882-3. American Journal of Science and Arts, vols, 115-133. New York, 1878-87. Law Digests. American and English Cases, vol. 1, 1881. Jersey City, 1882. American and English Corporation Cases, vols. 1-10 inclusive. Northport, n. d. American and English Railroad Cases, vols. 1-20 inc. in 2 vols. Northport, n. d. American and English Railroad Cases, vbls. 1-35 inc. North- port, 1890. American Decisions, vols. 61-100 inclusive. San Francisco, 1888. American Reports, vols. 25-48 inclusive. Albany, 1885. Law Encyclopaedia. American and English Encyclopaedia of Law T , 9 vols. North- port, 1889. Law , Indexes and Tables of Cases. American Decisions, vols. 61-80 inclusive. Table of Cases re-reported, vols. 1-80 inclusive. San Francisco, . 1886. American Decisions, 160 vols. San Francisco, 1888. American Decisions and American' Reports, Table of Cases and Index to Notes. San Francisco, 1888. American Law Reports, vols. 1-38 inclusive. Indianapolis, 1883. Law Journals. American Jurist and Law Magazine, 1829-1843. Boston, 1829- 43, 28 vols. American Law Magazine, 1843-1845. Philadelphia, 1843-45, 5 vols. American Law Register, U. S., vols. 21-28, 1882-1887. Phila¬ delphia, 1883-9. American Law Review, vols. 16-23. St. Louis, 1883-9. Law Reports. American and English Corporation Cases. Northport, 1884- 1889, 23 vols. American and English Railroad Cases, vols. 7-38. Northport, n. d. American Corporation Cases, vols. 3-9. Chicago, 1880-84. American Criminal Reports, vols. 4^6. Chicago, 1885-7. American Decisions, vols. 39-100. San Francisco, 1882-88. American Insolvency Reports, vol. 1. R. M. Bruno, New York, 1883. American Probate Reports, vols. 2-6. New York, 1881^90. American Reports, vols. 41-60. Albany, 1883-8. American State Reports, vols. 1-12. San Francisco, 1888-9. American State Reports, Brief Digest to first 6 vols. San Fran¬ cisco, 1889. Law Text Bools. Desty, R. American Criminal Law. San Francisco, 1882. Desty, R. American Law of Taxation. St. Paul, 1884, 2 vols. Hare, J. J. C. American Constitutional Law. Boston, 1889, 2 vols. 6 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. American Laic Text Books : Reed, J. C. American Law Studies. Boston, 1882. Stinson, F. J. American Statute Law in Force, Jan. 1, 1886. Boston, 1886. First Supplement to, Jan. 1, 1888. Boston, 1888. Washburn, E. American Law of Real Property, 5th edition. Boston, 1881. Wharton, F. Commentaries on American Law. Philadelphia, 1884. American Library Association Papers, Reports, etc., 1883, 1885-1889. Boston, 1883-89. American McCall Record, vol. 1, No. 1, Oct. 1882. “France Evangelical Mission,” n. p., n. d. pam. American Manufacturers, History of, 1608-1860. J. L. Bishop. 2 vols. Philadelphia 1864. American Men of Letters, see Individual Biography. American Meteorological Journal, vols. 1-3, 1884-7. Detroit and Ann Arbor, n. d. American Missionary Magazine, May-Sept. 1861; June-Sept. 1865; Jan.-Sept. 1866; Dec.-June, 1867; Feb. 1869. New York, 1861-9. American Nation, The. Edited by J. H. Kennedy, 3 vols. Cleveland, n. d. American Nationality, Beginnings of, 1774-1789, A. W. Small. Balti¬ more, 1890. American Naturalist, vol. 17, 1883; vol. 19, 1885; vol. 20, 1886. Philadel¬ phia 1883-86. American Newspaper Annual, 1883. Philadelphia, 1883. American Party. History of Use, Progress and Destiny of. Philadel¬ phia, 1855. American Peace Society, Anniversaries, 1838-1853. Philadelphia, 1838 _ 1853, pams. American Pharmaceutical Association Proceedings, 1870, 1883, 1884, 1886-1889. Philadelphia 1870-1889. American Philatelic Association and the Adhesive Postage Stamp. P. Chalmers. London, 1887. American Philosophical Society. List of Surviving Members, 1886, n. p., n. d. pam. Proceedings 1744-1838, vol. 1. (Yol. 22, Pt. 3 of Series) Yols. 19-23, 1882-1886, n. p., n. d. Report of Committee appointed to assist Commission on Amended Orthography created by Pennsylvania Legislature. Rules and Regulations of Henry M. Phillips Prize Essay, Dec. Dec. 7, 1888, n. p., n. d. pam. Rules and Regulations of the Magellianic Premium, n. p., n. d., pam. Subject Register of Papers Published. Philadelphia 1889. Supplement to Report of Committee appointed to consider an International Language, n. p., n.d., pam. American Practical Brewer and Tanner. J. Coppinger. New York, York, 1815; pam, vol. 275. American Political Economy. NewYork, 1887. American Protestant Magazine. Feb.-Dee. 1847, 1848, Jan. Feb., 1849. New York 1847-49. CATALOGUE. 7 American Protectionists’ Manual. G. B. Stebbins. 4th edition. Detroit, 1886. American Protestant Society Reports, 1846,1848. New York, 1846-48, pams. American Public Health Association, Annual Meetings, vols. 8, 9, 10,1882- 84, 3 vols. Concord 1882-5. American Pure Salt Company n. p., n. d., pam. American Quarterly Church Review. (Church Review and Ecclesiastical Register.) Vols. 1-22; 1848- 1871. New Haven and Philadelphia, n. d., 1871. American Register, or Repository of History, Politics and Science, 7 vols., 1806-10. Philadelphia, 1807-11. American Register, or Summary Review of History, Politics and Liter¬ ature, vols. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1817. American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Report 1882-3. See United States Bureau of Education. American Seamans’ Friend Society, Report 1861, 1864. New York, 1861-64. American Statesmen, see Individual Biography. American Sunday School Union, Report, 1832, 1872. Philadelphia, 1832, n. d., pams. American System, American Materials, American Labor and American Market, speech by Hon. B. M. Cutcheon, 1884. n. p., n. d., pam. American Temperance Society, Report, 1827, 1833, 1836. Boston, 1833-36. American Temperance Union, Report, 1838. Philadelphia, 1838. American Tract Society, Reports, 1823, 1827, 1836, 1837, 1842, 1856, 1857, 1866, 1867 ; New York, 1836-67. Facts Illustrating Necessity and Method of Colportage. New York, 1846, pam. Summary of Colportage Society, 1847. New York, 1847, pam. American Woman’s Educational Association, Report, 1853. New York, 1853, pam. American Wool Interests. W. Lawrence, n. p., n. d., pam. Americanisms, Dictionary of. John R. Bartlett. Fourth edition. Boston, 1882. Amherst College, see Mass. Amicis, E. De, Holland and its People. New York, 1887. Spain. Tr. by W. W. Cady. New York, n. d. Ammen, D. American Isthmian Canal Route. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Ammen, D., Mahan, A. T. Atlantic Coast, Gulf and Inland Water, vols. 2, 3. New York, 1883. Ammidown, E. H. Protection, n. p., n. d. Anatomy, Necessity of Legalized Study of. Boston, 1829, pam. Anchor, see De Peyster, J. W. Ancient Philosophy. W. A. Butler. Philadelphia, 1887, 2 vols. Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. J. Bowring. London, 1842. Ancient Spanish Ballads and Romances. J. G. Lockhart. New York, 1824* Anderson, A. See Biography. Anderson, H. C. Poets Bazaar. Boston, n. d. Andover Review, vols. 3-12. Boston, 1884-89. Andreana, Trial, etc., and Matters Connected with History of Maj. J. Andre. Philadelphia, 1865. Andrew, John. See Individual Biography. 8 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Andrew, John A. Eve of War, 1861, n. p., n. d., pam. Words of Webster. n. p., n. d., pam. Andrews, E. A. Stoddard, S. Grammar of Latin Language, 64th edition. Boston, 1857. Anecdotes, Poetry and Incidents of the War. Comp. F. Moore. New York, 1882. Aneroid Barometer, etc. E. A. Gieseler. Philadelphia, 1889. Annals of Queens of Spain, from Conquest of Goths to Isabella II. New York, 1850. Anthony, H. B. See Individual Biography. Anthony, W. A. Electrical Measurement as Applied to Commercial Work, n. p., n. d., pam. Antediluvian World. J. Donnelly. New York, n. cl. Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. T. F. Dibdin. London, 1829, 3 vols. Antiquity of the Christian Church. J. Bingham. London, 1846, 2 vols. Anti-Slavery and Anti-Poverty. H. O. Pentic'ost. New York, 1887, pam. Appeal for Union. B. J. Walker, n. p., n. d., pam. Appelton, W. Original Sin and the Trinity. Boston, 1859. See Individual Biography. Appelton’s Journal, vols. 1-15. New York, 1870-76. Arab Moors, Conquest of. H. Copp6e. Cond&, J. A. Dominion of Arabs in Spain. London, 1854, 3 vols. Archseological Institute of America and American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Beport, 1883-84. Cambridge, 1884. Architecture. How to Build, Furnish and Decorate. New York, 1883. Shopped, B. W. Building Plans for Modern Low Cost Houses. New York, n. d. Modern Houses, vol. 1, Nos. 1-4. New York, 1886. See Scientific American Architect and Builders' Edition. Arden, H. See Banning, H. A. Argentine Bepublic. See South America. Arizona. Assembly Journal, 1883. Lincoln, 1883. Hamilton, P. Besources of Arizona, 3d ed. rev. San Francisco, 1884, pam. Hinton, B. J. Handbook of Arizona. San Francisco, 1878. Laws, 1883, 1885. Prescott and San Francisco, 1883-5. Bevised Statutes, 1887. Prescott, 1887. Sulphur Springs Yalley, Beport of Artesian Water in. J. A. Church, E. B. Gage, I. E. James. Prescott, 1883. pam. Supreme Court Reports. Dana, F, P. vol. 1. San Francisco, 1884. Tuttle, Gov. F. A., Message, 1883. Prescott, 1883. Beport, 1883. Washington, 1883. Zurlick, Gov. C. M. Message, 1887. n. p., n. d., pam. Arkansas Auditor’s Beport, 1881-2. Little Bock, 1882. Board of Health Beport, 1881-1882. Little Bock, 1883. Churchill, Gov. T. J. Message, Jan. 1883. Little Bock, 1883, pam. Commissioner of Land Office Beport, 1880-2. Little Bock, 1882, pam. CATALOGUE. 9 ArkdiisdiS Deaf Mute Institute Report, 1880-82. Little Rock 1882, pam. Eagle, Gov. J. P. Inaugural Address, Jan. 1889. Little Rock, 1889, pam. Gazetteer, 1884-5. St. Louis 1884. Geological Survey, 1888. Little Rock, 1888. Yol. 2. Mezoic. Yol. 3. Coal. Hughes, Gov. S. P. Messages, Jan. 1887, 1889. Little Rock, 2887—9 Industrial University, Report, 1886-1888. Little Rock, 1889. Journal of Senate, 1889. Little Rock, 1889. Law Statutes. Acts of General Assembly 1874, 1883, 1889. Little Rock, 1883- 1889. Digests. Digest to Statutes, 1884. Little Rock, 1884. Hopkins, R. D., Morgan, E. R. Yols. 1-44 inc, Des Moines, 1886. 2 vols. Reports. Turner, D. B. Yols. 37-48. Little Rock, 1882-7. Mansfield, W. W. Yols. 49-51. Little Rock, 1888-9. Public Documents 1887-8. Little Rock, 1888. School for Blind Report, 1880-82. Little Rock, 1883. Secretary of State, Report, 1880-82. Little Rock, 1882. Senate Committee to investigate Auditor’s and Treasurer’s Books. Report of Findings, May 20, 1882. Little Rock, 1882. State Treasurer’s Report, 1880-82. Little Rock, 1882. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Report, 1881-82. Little Rock, 1882. Army, Medical Staff, etc. W. Webster. Boston, 1865. Army of the Cumberland. J. B. Horn. Cincinnati, 1885, 3 vols. Army of Kakuanaland. O. E. Michaelis. Philadelphia, 1889. Army of the Potomac, Reports, etc., G. B. McClellan. New York, 1864. Arnold, J. M. See Collective Biography. Arnold, T. K. Introduction to Prose Composition. New York, 1844, also edition 1866. Art, Amateur. Yols. 1-16, 1886-1888. New York, n. d. Art, Fine. Academy Notes. Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, 1878-80. Glasgow, 1878-82. Liverpool, etc., 1878-82. 3 vols. Allston, W. Lectures on Art and Poems of. Edited by R. H. Dana, Jr. New York, 1850. American Art Review, vol. 2, 2 Parts. Boston, 1881. Art Amateur,, vols. 1-20, in 10 parts. New York, 1878-89. Art Directory and Year Book of the United States. Oct. 1882-Dec. 1883. S. R. Koehler, Comp. New York, 1884. Atkinson, J. B. Life of J. H. Overbeck. New York, 1882. Bacon, H. Parisian Art and Artists. Boston, 1889. Buxton, H. J., Poynter, E. J. German, Flemish and Dutch Painting. London, 1881. Cartwright, Mrs. R. Ambrose the Sculptor. London, 1854. 2 10 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Art, Fine. Clement, C. E., and Hutton, L. Artists of 19 th Century. Boston, 1883, 2 vols. Detroit Art Loan Catalogue, 1883, with supplement. C. A. Avery, Comp., 3d edition. Detroit, 1883. Duffield, Mrs. William. Art of Flower Painting, 16th edition. London, n. d. Eastlake, E. Life of J. Gibson, Sculptor. London, 1870. Eggleston, E. Christ in Art. New York, 1874. Emerson, W. A. Hand-book of Wood Engraving. Boston, 1881. Fowler, F. Drawing in Charcoal and Crayon. New York, n. d. Handbook of Oil Painting. New York, n. d. Havard, H. The Dutch School of Painting. Tr. G. Powell. London, 1885. Hopkins, A. A. Powers’ Fire Proof, Commercial and Fine Art Build¬ ings. Bochester, 1883. Ireland, J. and Nichols, J. William Hogarth, Life Works, etc. Edinburgh, 1883, 3 vols. James, J. T. Flemish and German Schools of Painting. London, 1822. Jameson, Anna. Memoirs of Early Italian Painters. London, 1858. Jerrold, B. Life of George Cruikshank, in two epochs. London, 1882, 2 vols. Kean, A. H. Early Teutonic, Italian and French Masters. Lon¬ don, 1880. Maberly, J. Print Collector, edited by B. Hoe. New York, 1880. Magazine of Art, vols. 8-11, 1885-1888. New York, 1885-8. Monkhouse, W. C. Studies of Sir Edwin Landseer. London, n. d. Ollier, E. Our British Portrait Painters. London, n. d. Otis, C. N. Sacred and Constructive Art. New York, 1869. Scott, W. B. Gems of German Art. London, 1873. Murillo and the Spanish School of Painting. London, n. d. Pictures by Italian Masters. London, n. d. Sime, J. Lessing, his Life and Writings. Boston, 1877, 2 vols. Solly, B. M. N. Memoirs of W. J. Muller. London, 1875. Stephens, F. G. Flemish and French Pictures. London, 1875. Strahan, E. Chefs D’Oevre D’Art, International and Other Exhi¬ bitions. Boston, n. d. Thompson, K. Handbook to Public Picture Galleries of Europe. London, 1880. Viardot, L., etc. Illustrated History of Painters of All Schools. London, 1877. Wauters, A. J. Flemish School of Painting. Tr. Mrs. H. Bossel. London, 1885. Zerffi, G. G. Manual of Historical Development of Art. London, 1876. Art, Industrial. Butterworth, B. Growth of Industrial Art. Washington, 1888. Carter, C. M. Outlines of eight years’ course of study for Primary and Grammar Schools in industrial Drawing, revised edition, n. p., n. d., pam. Combes, E. Technical Training, Drawing and Hand-work in Public Schools. Philadelphia, 1889. CATALOGUE. 11 Art, Industrial. Cook, C. What shall we do with our Walls? New York, 1880. Leland, C. C. Industrial Art in Schools. See U, S. Bureau of Education Circulars. Riano, J. F. Industrial Art in Spain. New York, 1879. Wright, C. D. Art in Industry. Boston, 1886. Artman, W. H., Hall, L. Y. Beauties and Achievements of the Blind. Rochester, 1872. Artvelde, J. and P. Yan. See Individual Biography. Ascham, R. Works of. London, 1865, 3 vols. in 4. Ashburnham, Comte D. Les Manuscripts par Leopold Delisle. Paris, 1883, (French.) Manuscripts of Earl of Ashburnham. Part 1. Report to Minister of public instruction and Fine Arts by L. Delisle. Part 2. Observations on Mss. of Libri Collection. L. Delisle, Tr., W. H. Wright. Philadelphia, 1884. Remarks of American Newspapers on Mss. Comp. H. Wright. Wilkes-Barre, 1884. (Bound in 1 vol.) Ashley, W. J. James and Philip Yan Artevelde. London, 1883. Ashwell, A. R. and Wilberforce, R. G. Life of Samuel Wilberforce. New York, 1883. Aspects of German Culture. S. H. Granville. Boston, n. d. Astrsea. O. W. Holmes. Utica, 1850. Astronomy. Bowen, E. A. Astronomy by Observation. New York, 1886. Hitchcock, E. Plurality of Worlds. Boston, 1885. Mattison, H. Astronomy. New York, 1859. Mitchell, O. M. Popular Astronomy. New York, 1876. Atkinson, J. B. See Individual Biography. Athenaeun, The, 1833-1884. London, 1833-84. Atkinson, W. B. Dynamics and Mechanics. Cambridge, 1866. Atlantic Monthly, vols. 51-64. Boston, 1883-89. Atlas, Maps. American Atlas, 1889. Cram’s World’s Edition. Chicago, n. d. Detroit. New York, 1885. Guthrie’s Geographical Grammar, n. p., n. d., pam. Isabella County, Mich. Philadelphia, 1879. Jackson County, Mich. Chicago 1874. Kalamazoo County, Mich. New York, 1873. Leelanaw County, Mich. Philadelphia, 1881. Livingston County, Mich. New York, 1875. Macomb County, Mich. Philadelphia, 1875. Missaukee County, Mich., Map (hand-drafted) 1884. Mitchell, S. A. General Atlas. Philadelphia, 1882. Monroe County, Mich., Map. Philadelphia, 1859. Montcalm County, Mich., Map. New York, 1875. Oceana County, Mich., Map. New York, 1876. Presque Isle County, Mich., Map, 1883. Railroad and Political Atlas of Michigan, 1886, n. p., n. d. Universal Atlas, 1889 (Cram’s). Chicago, n. d. Attractions of the World to come. H. Bryant. New York, 1889. 12 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Atwood, T. See Individual Biography. Auria, L. D. Newly Discovered Property of the Ellipse, n. p., n. d., pam. Ausgewahlte Prosa. J. W. You Goethe. New York, 1889. Austria. Cox, W. History of the House of Austria from Foundation of Monarchy of Bodolpli of Hapsburg, to Death of Leopold II, 1218-1792. 4th edition. London, 1882. 3 vols. Hartig, Count. History of House of Austria from Accession of Francis I to Revolution of 1848. London, 1881. International Exhibition. Paris, 1878. Vienna, 1873. New York, n. d. Autumn Hours. C. M. Kirkland. New York, n. d. Averill, J. P. Fort Meigs. Toledo, 1886, pam. Bach, J. S. Life. See Individual Biography. Bacon, H. Parisian Art and Artists. Boston, 1889. Bacon, L. E. Early Constitutional History of Connecticut. Hartford, 1843, pam. Bacon, T. R., Dexter, F. B. Oration, etc., 100th Anniversary of Settle¬ ment of New Haven, 1884. n. p., 1885. Bagenal, P. H. American-Irish and their influence on Irish Politics. Boston, 1882. Baird, C. W. Emigration of Huguenots to America. New York. n. d. 2 vols. Baird, H. M. Rise and Fall of the Huguenots. London, 1880. 2 vols. Baird, R. D. D’Aubigne and his Writings prior to Reformation. New York, 1846. Baird, S. F., etc. Water Birds of North America. Boston, 1884. 2 vols. Baker, H. B. Scientific and Collective Investigation of Disease. Chi¬ cago, 1887, pam. See Michigan Sanitary Convention. Baldwin. See Geneology. Baldwin, J. Story of Sigfried. New York, 1888. Ballard, D. P. Washington Territory and Far Northwest. Chicago, n. d. Balaustion’s Adventures, Aristophenes, etc. R. Browning. Boston, 1886. Ballot Box, The, vol. 1. Bancroft, A. Life of George Washington. Philadelphia, 1855. Bancroft, H. H. History of Pacific States of North America: Yols. 1-3. Central America, 1501-1887. • Yols. 4-9. Mexico 1516-1887. Yols. 10-11. North Mexican States and Texas, 1531-1889. Yol. 12. Arizona and New Mexico, 1530-1888. Yols. 13-18. California, 1542-1859. California Inter Pocula, 1848-1856. California Pastoral, 1769-1848. Yol. 20. Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming. 1540-1888. Yol. 21. Utah, 1540-1886. Yol. 22-23. Northwest Coast, 1543-1846. Yol. 24-25. Oregon, 1834-1888. Yol. 27. British Columbia 1792-1887. Yol. 28. Alaska, 1730-1885. Yols. 31-32. Popular Tribunals. San Francisco, 1882-90. Bancroft, H. H. Library of, as Material for History of Pacific States. San Francisco, 1883, pam. CATALOGUE. 13 Bancroft, T. See Ailing, Genealogy. Banclelier, A. F. Kin and Clan. Santa Fe, 1882, pam. Bank. Baker, H. F. Banks and Bankers in the United States. Boston. 1853. Bankers’ Almanac and Register, July, 1886. New York, 1886. Bankers’ Magazine, vols. 37-43. New York, 1882-89. Baptism, see Theology. Baptists in America, F. A. Cox, J. Hoby. New York, 1836. Barbstaedt, A., Dyar, F. Franco-German War. London, 1873. Baring-Gould, S. Story of Germany. New York, 1888. Barnard, H. Life and Services of Thomas Galludet. Hartford, 1852. Barnard, J. Life and Services of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1875. Barnes, W. E. Labor Problem. New York, 1886. Barneveld, John Van Olden. See Individual Biography. Barney, C. H. Country Boy’s First Three Months in the Army. See Pi. I. Soldiers and Sailors’ Historical Society. Barrett, J. H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Cincinnati, 1865. Barrett, M. William the Silent and Netherland War. Boston, n. d. Barrington, Sir J. See Individual Biography. Bartlett, J. Familiar Quotations, 5tli edition. Boston, 1888. Bartlett, J. B. Bibliography of Rhode Island. Providence, 1864. Dictionary of Americanisms, 4th edition. Boston, 1884. See Individual Biography. Bartlett, S. C. Life and Character of L. B. Olmstead. Chicago, 1862, pam. Barton, W. G. Pigeons and Pigeon Fancy, n. p., n. d., pam. Bascom, J. S. Problems in Philosophy. New York, 1882. Batavian Anthology. J. Bowring. London, 1824. Battle of Lake Erie. U. Parsons. Providence, 1852, pam. Battle of Roanoke Island and Elizabeth City. L. Travel*. See R. I. Soldiers and Sailors’ Historical Society. S. 1, No. 5. Baxley, W. W. Art Remains and Art Realities. New York, 1875, 2 vols. Baxter, J. P. Early Voyages to America. Providence, 1889, pam. Beach, W. M. Indian Miscellany. Albany, 1877. Beacon Lights of History. J. Lord. New York, 1884-5, 5 vols. Beauties of German Literature. London, n. d. Beebe, L. H. The Dense Water of the Ocean, etc. n. p., 1884, pam. Beecher, H. W. Fort Sumpter, n. p., n. d., pam. Beecher, T. K. “Let Another Man Praise Thee, etc.” n. p., n. d. pam. Beesley, A. H. Life of Sir John Franklin. New York, 1881. Belgium. Proems Verbeaux des Seances de la Societe Royale Malacologique, vol. 15. Bruxelles, n. d. Statutes de la Sociefe Royale Malacologique. Bruxelles, n. d. Belgram, H. The Iron Law of Wages, n. p., n. d., pam. Bell, W. Medical Eclecticism vs Regularism. n. p., n. d., pam. Belle Smith Abroad. L. K. Piatt. New York, 1855. Bellows, C. F. B., Hodgman, F. Manual of Land Surveying. Ann Arbor, 1886. Belt, W. Wool, Should it be Protected? New York, n. d., pam. Bench and Bar of South Carolina. B. O’Neal. Charleston, 1859, 2 vols. Benevolence. A. Alexander, n. p., n. d., pam. 14 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Ben Hur. Lew Wallace. New York, 1880. Benjamin, W. E. See Chalmers, M. D. Benson, J. S. Judical Record of Late Chief Justice Chase. New York _ 1882. Bent, S. H. Familiar Short Sayings of Great men. 6tli edition. Boston, n.d. Benton, J. H. Veto Power in United States. Boston, 1888. Berliner, E. The Gramophon. n. p., n. d., pam. Bertram, J. See Individual Biography. Besant, W. French Humorists, 12th to 19th Century. London, 1873. Betterment Law, The. Sigma, n. p., n. d., pam. Between the Gates. B. F. Taylor. 12th edition. Chicago, 1876. Bible. Denton, W. Common Sense Thoughts on the Bible. Boston, 1872. Borrow, G. Bible in Spain. New edition. London, 1888. Geike, C. Hours with the Bible. New York, 1882-4, 6 vols. Palmer, H. L. Home Life in the Bible. Boston, 1881. Smith W. Dictionary of the Bible. New York, 1872, 4 vols. Stackhouse, T. History of the Bible. Glasgow, n. d., 2 vols. Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. T. F. Dibdin. 2d edition. London, 1829. Bibliography. Boston Public Library Bulletins, 1883-1889. Boston, 1882-89. Brooklyn, New York Library Bulletin 1887. n. p., n. d., pam. Catalogues. Annual American 1886-1888. New York, 1887-9. Autographs, Engravings, Currency, etc., collected by J. B. Wiggins. Boston, 1876. Barron Library Catalogue. New Y T ork 1889. Books Relating to America, by Clarke and Company. Cincinnati, 1883. Choice Collection of Books. Boston, 1877, pam, Collection of Engravings. Property of G. A. Sumerly. Cam¬ bridge, 1869, pam. Groton, Mass. Public Library. Groton, 1885. Lansing Public Library 1886. Lansing, 1886. Supplement Nos. 1, 2. Lansing, 1887, pam. Library of H. M. Cable. Boston, 1882, pam. Library of C. Short. New York, 1887. Library of N. B. Shurtliff. Boston, 1882, pam. Library, E. Wilkinson. Boston, 1875, pam. Redwood Library and Athenaeum, Newport, R. I. 1887. Newport, 1887. Cushing, W. Initials and Pseudonyms. New York, 1885. Library Journal. Yols. 8-14, 1883-1889. New York, 1883-89. Literary World. Yols. 14-20, 1882-89. Maine Bibliography and other papers of interest, with Catalogue of works on bibliography and America, 1859, No. 3. New York 1859. Publishers’ Trade List Annual, 1883-1889. New York, 1883-9. Publishers’ Weekly, vols. 23-33, 1883-1889. New York, 1883-89. Stevens, B. F. Unpublished MSS. in Europe, relating to America, 1772-1884. London, n. d., pam. CATALOGUE. 15 Bibliography. United States Government Publications, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Wash¬ ington, 1885-89. Publications, 1774-1881. B. P.Poore, Comp. Washington, 1885. Bickersteth, E. H. Yesterday, Today and Forever. New York, 1877. Bida, A. See Eggleston, E. Bidwell Family. See Genealogy. Bigelow. M. M. See Odger, W. B. Bingham, D. Marriage of the. Bonapartes. 2d edition. London, 1882, 2 vols. Binney, H. Privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus, Under the Constitution. Philadelphia, 1865. Biography, Collective. Adams, W. H. D. Celebrated Women Travelers, 19th Century. London, 1883. Arnold, J. N., Hayne, T. Memorials. Chicago, 1886, pam. Barnes, A. S., etc. See Brevoort. Bartol, C. A. The Preacher, the Singer, the Doer. Dewey, Long¬ fellow, Bertram. Boston, 1882, pam. Beasant, W. French Humorists, 12tli to 19th Century. London, 1873. Bingham, S. D. Michigan Biographies. Lansing, 1888. Brevoort, J. C., Humphrey, U. B., Greenwood, J., Barnes, A. S. Memorials. Brooklyn, 1888, pam. Campbell, J. Lives of Lord Chancellors of England, 7th edition. Jersey City, 1885, 10 vols. Carlyle, T. Early Kings of Norway, and Essay on Portrait of John Knox. , New York, 1875. De Peyster, J. W. De Peyster, Watts, and Affiliated Families of Bed Hook Township, Dutchess County, New York. New York, 1881. Dewey, etc. See Bartol. Draper, L. C., and Jackson, M. M. Biographies. Madison, 1887. George, A. Queens of Spain. New York, 1850. Getchell, G. H. Our Nations Executives and their Administrations, 1775-1885. New York, 1885. Gostwick, J. G. German Poets. New York, n. d. Greenwood, J., etc. See Brevoort. Hamerton, P. Modern Frenchmen. Boston, 1878. Hanaford, P. A. Daughters of America, or Women of the Century. Augusta, n. d. Henry, L., etc. See Peck, L. B. Heintzelman, S. P., Hooker, J., Kiddo, J. B., Tibbitts, W. B. Obituary Notices. New York, 1881. Herringsliaw, T. W. Prominent Men and Women of the Day, Lives, etc., Presidential Candidates, 1888. Boston, 1888. Hooker, J., etc. See Heintzelman, S. P. Jameson, A. Early Italian Painters. London, 1858. Kavanagh, J. English Women of Letters. London, 1862, 2 vols. French Women of Letters. London, 1862, 2 vols. Kiddo, J. B., etc. See Heintzelman, S. P. Lanman, W. C. Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges. London, 1846. 16 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Biography, Collective. Longfellow, etc. See Bartol, C. A. Maccall, AY. Foreign Biographies. London, 1873, 2 vols. Markham, C. R. The Sea Fathers, Lives of Great Navigators. London, 1884. Mortimer, M. M. See Draper, L. C. North, R. Lives of Francis North, (Baron Guilford), Sir Dudley North, Rev. John North. New Edition. London, 1826, 3 vols. O’Flanagan, J. R. Lives of Lord Chancellors and Regents of Great Seal of Ireland. London, 1870, 2 vols. O’Neal, B. Bench and Bar of South Carolina. Charleston, 1859, 2 vols. Parsons, U. Sketches of Officers who were in Battle of Lake Erie. Albany, 1863, pam. Peck, L. B., and Henry L. Proceedings of Washington County Bar, (Vermont) in Relation to. Montpelier, 1867, pam. Phelps, E. S., etc. Our Famous Women. Hartford, 1884. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of Celebrated Women. Tr. H. W. Preston. Boston, 1880. Simmons, AY. J. Men of Mark. Cleveland, 1887. Tappan, H. P., etc. See AYatson, J. E. Viardot, L., etc. Illustrated History of Painters of all Schools. London, 1877. AYallace, Lew., etc. Living Leaders of the AYorld. Chicago, n. d. AYatson, J. E., Haven, O. E., AYilliams, G. P., Tappan, H. P. Memorial Addresses at Michigan University, Nov. 26, 1880. n. p. 1882. AATlliams, S. AY. Queenly AYomen, Crowned and Uncrowned. Cin¬ cinnati, n. d. Biography, Individual. Aiken, AY. In Memorian. n. p., n. d., pam. Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, etc. Biographical Sketch and Letters. “Helena.” New York, 1885. Allen, Z. Memorial, 1795-1882. A. Perry. Cambridge, 1883. Anderson, A. Memorial. B. J. Lossing. New York, 1872. Anthony, H. B. Memoirs. P. AY. Chandler. Boston, 1880. Arndt, E. M. Life and Adventures. London, 1879. Artevelde. James and Philip Van. AY. J. Ashley. London, 1883. Atwood, D. Biographical Sketch. R. G. Thwaites. Madison, 1887. Bach, J. Sebastian. Life. C. H. Bitten. Tr. J. E. Kay-Shuttle- worth. London, n. d. Life of. R. L. Poole. London, 1883. Barneveld. John Van Olden. Life and Death of. J. L. Motley. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Barrington, Sir Jonah. Personal Sketches of his own Times. Chi¬ cago, 1882. Bartlett, John R. Life and Services. AY. Gremmell. Providence, 1886, pam. Bertram J. Memorial. E. Atwood, Salem, 1884, pam. Blackburn, Sir Francis, Late Lord Chancellor of Ireland. Life. E. Blackburn. London, 1874. Blaine, James G. and Logan, John A. Lives of. H. J. Ramsdell and B. P. Poore. Detroit, 1884. CATALOGUE. 17 Biography, Individual. Bonaparte, Elizabeth Patterson. Life and Letters. E. L. Didier. New York, 1879. Bradford, William. Life of. Cotton Mather. Boston, n. d., pam. Brainard, Rev. David. Memoirs, chiefly from his diary. Jonathan Edwards, Compiler. New Haven, 1822. Bryant, William C. Biography. P. Godwin. New York, 1883, 2 vols. Buckingham, J. T. Memoirs of Editorial Life. Boston, 1852, 2 vols. Buckminster, Rev. J. S. Beview of Memoirs of. J. Buckminster. Cambridge, 1849, pam. Canning, George. Life. London, 1828, 2 vols. Carausius. The Dutch Augustus and Emperor of Britain. J. W. De Peyster. Poughkeepsie, 1858. Carlton, Oliver. Memoirs. L. Saltonstall. Salem, 1883, pam. Catharine II, Empress of Bussia. Life. W. Tooke. 1st American Edition. Philadelphia. 1802, 2 vols. Cecil, Rev. B. Life. IJtica, 1838. Champlain, Samuel De. H. H. Hurlbut. Chicago, 1886, pam. Charles The Bold. History of. J. E. Kirk. Philadelphia, 1864, 3 vols. Chase, S. P. Judicial Becord. J. S. Benson. New York, 1882. Churchill, John. Duke of Marlborough. Life of. A. Alison. Lon¬ don, 1855, 2 vols. Clay, Henry. Life. C. C. Colton. New York, 1855, 2 vols. Clemmer, Mary. Memorial. E. Hudson. Boston, 1886. Cleveland, Aaron. B. Band. Boston, 1888, pam. Cleveland, Grover. Life, etc. F. E. Goodrich. Boston, n. d. Cleveland, Grover, and Hendricks, Thomas A. Lives. W. Dor- sheimer and W. U. Hensel, Philadelphia, 1884. Cockburn, Henry. Memorials. Edinburgh, 1872. Colfax, Schuyler. Life. O. J. Hollister. Philadelphia, 1884. Cooper, James E. Life. T. B. Lounsbury. Boston, 1884. Cornell, Ezra. Biography. New York, 1884. Crapo, W. W. Life and Public Services. Boston, 1889, pam. Crittenden, J. J. Life of. Mrs. C. Colman. Philadelphia, 1871, 2 vols. Cruikshank, George. Life, in two epochs. B. Jerrold. London, 1882, 2 vols. Curran, John Philpot. Life and Speeches. W. H Curran. London, 1819. 3 vols. (vols. 1, 2, Life, vol 3 Speeches.) Becollections of Curran, and some of his Cotemporaries. C. Phillips. New York, 1818. Custer, Gen. George A. Life. P. Whittaker. New York, 1876. Davis, Jefferson. Life, with secret history of Southern Confed¬ eracy. E. A. Pollard. Philadelphia, 1869. Dearborns, The. D. Goodwin, Jr. Chicago, 1884. DeMusset. See Musset. Dillon, John P. Life and Services. See Indiana Historical Society, pamphlet, No. 2. Douglass, Frederick. Life and Times. Hartford, 1885. 3 18 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Boigraphy, Individual. Dunn, Michael. Biography. San Francisco, 1884, pam. Edgeworth, Maria. A Study of. G. A. Oliver. Boston, 1882. Elbert, Samuel, of Georgia. Life and Services. Cambridge, 1887. Eliot, George. See “ George Eliot.” Emerson, Balph Waldo. Life. 0. W. Holmes. 4th edition. Boston, 1885. Faraday, M. As a Discoverer. J. Tyndell. New York, 1882. Franklin, Benjamin. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1856. Franklin, Sir John. Life. A. H. Beesley. New York, 1881. Franklin, Sir John. Life. S. M. Smucker, New York, 1856. Frederica, Sophia Wilhemina. Memoirs. Edited by W. D. Howells. Boston, n. d., 2 vols. Frederick II, of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. History of. T. Carlyle. London, n. d., 10 vols. Frederick the Great and Seven Years’ War. F. W. Longman. New York, 1886. Frederick Willliam. Gleanings from Lives of Emperor and Empress. See “Two Boyal Lives.” D. Boberts. 7th edition. London, 1889. Frelinghuysen. T. F. Life. J. F. Hageman. Newark, 1886, pam. Fremont, John C. Life. S. M. Smucker. New York, 1856. Memoirs, etc. Chicago, 1887. Froebel, Frederick. Beminiscences of. B. Yon Marenholz-Bulow Tr. Mrs. H. Mann. Boston, 1887. Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli. Fulton, Bobert. Life, and history of Steam Navigation. T. W. Knox. New York, 1886. Galludet, Rev. Thomas H. Life and Services. H. Barnard. Hartford, 1852. Garfield, James A. Life and Public Services. E. E. Brown. Bos¬ ton, 1881. Memorial Services held on Steamship “ Scythia,” Sept. 26, 1881. 2d. edition. Boston, 1882. Papers Belating to Death of, 1881. Garrick, David. Memoirs. T. Davies. New edition. London, 1780, 2 vols. “ George Eliot.” Life as related in Letters. J. W. Cross. New York, 1883. Life, Writings, Philosophy. G. W. Cook. Boston, 1884. Gibson, John. Sculptor. Life. Lady E. Eastlake. London, 1870. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, Life. H. Duntzer. Tr. T. W. Lyster. Boston, 1884. Goldsmith, Oliver. Life. J. Collins. London, 1837, 2 vols. Life. J. Prior. London, 1837, 2 vols. Grant, U. S. Early Life and Military Career. J. K. Larke, and J. H. Patton. New York, 1885. Personal Memoirs. New York, 1886, 2 vols. Gratiot, H. A Pioneer of Wisconsin. E. B. Washburne. Chicago, 1884, pam. Gray, David. Work and Life. J. F. Gluck, n. p., n. d., pam. Greely, Horace. Life. L. M. Beaves. New York, 1872. Life and Public Career. W. M. Cornell. Boston, 1882. CATALOGUE. 19 Biography, Individual. Guizot, Francois P. G. In Private Life, 1787-1874. H. De Witt. Boston, 1882. Gutenberg and the Art of Printing. E. C. Pearson. 3d. edition. Boston, 1879. Guthrie, Dr. S. Memoirs of, and History of Discovery of Chloro¬ form. O. Guthrie. Chicago, 1887, pam. Hale, Capi. Nathan. J. W. Stewart. Hartford, 1856. Memoir. New Haven, 1844, pam. Hamilton, Alexander. Life. J. C. Hamilton. New York, 1840, vol. 2. Life and Epoch of. G. Shea. 3d edition, revised. Boston, 1881. Hallock, Girard. Life of. New Y r ork, 1869. Handel, George Frederick. Life. Mrs. J. Marshall. London, 1883. Life. W. L. Bockstre. London, 1883. Hare, Maria L. Memorials of a Quiet Life.. A. J. C. Hare. New York. n. d., 2 vols. in 1. Harriot, J. Struggle Through Life. 2d edition. London, 1808, 2 vols. Harrison, Benjamin, and Morton, Levi. Lives. Lew Wallace. Chicago, n. cl. Harvard, John. Address by G. E. Ellis, at LTnveiling of Statue, Harvard University, Oct. 15, 1884. Cambridge, 1884, pam. Haskins, R. W. Life. L. G. Sellstedt. n. p., n. d., pam. Hawthorne, N., and his wife. J. Hawthorne. 4th edition. Bos¬ ton, 1885, 2 vols. Hayden, Joseph. P. D. Townsend. London, 1883. Hayes, R. B. Life, Services, etc. J. Q. Howard. Cincinnati, 1876. Hazard, Hon. R. H. Life and Services. W. Gammell and E. G. Robinson. Providence, 1888, pam. Hogarth, William. Life, Pictures, etc. J. Ireland and J. Nichols. Edinburgh, 1883, 3 vols. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Life. W. S. Kennedy. Boston, 1883. Horner, Francis. Memoirs and Correspondence. London, 1843, 2 vols. Hortense, Queen of Holland. J. S. C. Abbott. New York, n. d. Houghton, Douglass. Memoir. A. Bradish. Detroit, 1889. Humphrey, Andrew A. Life. W. De Peyster. Lancaster, 1886. Jackson, Andrew. Biography. P. A. Goodwin. New Y"ork, 1833. Memoirs. S. P. Waldo. Hartford, 1819. Messages and Sketches of his Life. Concord, 1837. As a Public Man. W. G. Sumner. 7th edition. Boston, 1884. Jeffrey, Francis. Life. H. Cockburn. London, 1872, 2 vols. Johnson, Sir John. Life and Misfortunes of. J. W. De Peyster. New York, 1882. Jones, Agnes E. Memorial. See “ Una and her Paupers.” J. M. Higinbotham. American edition. New York, 1872. Jones, John Paul. Life. Philadelphia, 1869. Josephine, Empress. Secret Memoirs of. L. A. Le Normand. Tr. J. M. Howard. Philadelphia, n. d. LaFayette, Gen. Marie Jean P. De. Life and Services. J. A. Hill- house. New Haven, 1834, pam. Lamb, J. Life and Times. J. Q. Leake. Albany, 1857. 20 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Biography, Individual. Langworthy, Isaac P. Memorial, 1806-1888. Boston, 1889, pam. Lanier, Sidney. Life and Writings. C. N. West. Savannah, 1888. Larnard, Edward Channing. Memoir. Chicago, 1886. Lawrence, Abbott. Memoir. H. A. Hill. Cambridge, 1883. Lee, Arthur. Life of. R. M. Lee. Boston, 1829, 2 vols. Lemon, W. P. Fifty Years’ Biographical Reminiscences. London, 1863, 2 vols. Leo Tenth. Life and Pontificate of. W. Roscoe. London, 1883. Lincoln, Abraham. Life. J. H. Barrett. Cincinnati, 1865. Tributes to Memory of. Washington, 1885. Lockwood, Thomas W. Memorial. G. W. Prime. Detroit, 1866. Logan, J. A. Memorial Addresses. Washington, 1886. Logan, Sir William E. Life. B. J. Harrington. Montreal, 1883. Long, Enoch. Biographical Sketch. H. Reid. Chicago, 1884. Louisa, Queen of Prussia. Life and Times. E. H. Hudson. 2d edition. London, 1878, 2 vols. Lowell Jr ., John. Memoir. E. Everett. Boston, 1840. Luther, Martin. Life, written by himself, collected by J. Michelet. Tr. by W. Hazlett. 2d edition. London, 1884. McClellan’s Own Story. G. B. McClellan. New York, 1887. Macdonald, James H. Legislative Memorial Proceedings, 1889. Lansing, 1889. Macready, William C. Reminiscences. Edited by F. Polluck. . New York, 1875. Maimon, Solomon. Autobiography. Tr., J. C. Murray. Boston, 1888. Margaret of Anjou. Life and Times. M. A. Hookham. Loudon, 1872, 2 vols. Marlborough, Duke of. See Churchill. Martyn, Dev. Henry. Memoirs. J. Sergeant. 10th London edition, n. p., n. d. Maurice, F. D. Life. London, 1882, 2 vols. Mary, Queen of Scots. J. W. DePeyster. New York, 1882. Mendelssohn, Felix. W. S. Rockstro. 2d edition. London, 1888. Mendelssohn Family, The, 1729-1847. S. Hensel. 2d revised edition. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Metternich, Clemens Wenzel, Prince. Memoirs, 1773-1835. Edited Richard Metternich. Tr., Mrs. A. Napier. New York, 1881-2, 5 vols. Monroe, James. Life, 1776-1826. D. C. Gilman. 5th edition. Bos¬ ton, 1885. Morris, Gouverneur. Life. J. Sparks. Boston, 1832, vol, 1. Morton, Caroline Joy French. In Memory of. J. W. Woolworth. n. p., n. d. Mozart, Wolfgang. F. Gering. London, 1883. Muller, William J. Memoir. B. M. L. Solly. London, 1875. Musset, Alfred, De. Biography. H. W. Preston. Boston, 1877. Nez-Perce, Joseph. Account of Ancestors, Lands, etc. O. O. Howard. Boston, 1881. O’Keeffe, John. Recollections of Life of. London, 1826, 2 vols. Oliver, Henry K. Memorial. J. H. Jones. n. p., n. d. Olmstead, L. D. Life. S. C. Bartlett. Chicago, 1862, pam. CATALOGUE. 21 Biography, Individual. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. T. W. Higginson. 3d edition. Boston, 1885 Otis, James. Life. W. Tudor. Boston, 1823. Overbeck, J. H. Life. J. B. Atkinson. New York, 1882. Parsons, Sr., Theophilus. Memoir. T. Parsons, Jr. Boston, 1859. Parsons, Usher, of Providence, B. I., 1788-1868. Memoir. C. W. Parsons. Providence, 1870. Paine, R. T. Memoir. M. and M. Paine. New York, 1852. Peabody, George. Life. Pliebe A. Hanaford. Boston, 1882. Perkins, T. H. Memoir. T. C. Cary, Boston, 1854. Putnam, Israel. Life. D. Humphrey. Boston, 1818. Life. J. N. Tarbox. Boston, 1876. Purcell, Henry. W. H. Cummings. London, 1881. Randolph, John. H. Adams. Boston, 1883. Recamier, J. Memoirs, etc. Tr., J. M. Luyster. 9th edition. Bos¬ ton, 1878. Madame Recamier and her friends. M. Lenormant. Tr., J. M. Luyster. Boston, 1875. Ripley, George. O. B. Frothingham. Boston, 1883. Robbins, T. Diary, 1826-1854. Boston, 1887, 2 vols. Romillv, Sir Samuel. Memoirs. 3d edition. London, 1841, 2 vols. Rossini, Gioachino Antonio, and his School. H. S. Edwards. London, 1888. Rumford, Count. See Thompson, Sir Benjamin. Ryerson, Egerton. Story of My Life. Ed., J. G. Hodgins. Toronto, 1884. Schubert, Franz. H. F. Frost. 3d edition. London, 1888. Schumann, R. J. H. F. Maitland. London, 1884. Life and Works. A. Reismann. London, 1886. Scott, Gen. Winfield. E. D. Mansfield. New York, 1848. Seaton, William. Sketch. By his Daughter. Boston, 1871. Seldon, John. Memoirs. G. W. Johnson. London, 1852. Seymour, Horatio. Memorial. Utica, 1886, pam. Sheffield, Joseph E. Noah Porter, n. p., n. d., pam. Sheridan, P. H. Memoirs. B. M. Cutcheon. n. p., n. d. Personal Memoirs. New York, 1888, 2 vols. Sherman, W. T., and his Campaigns. S. M. Bowman, R. B. Irwin. New York, 1865. Story, A. Memorial. C. T. Brooks, n. p., n. d., pam. Sumner, Charles. I. and J. D. Chaplin. Boston, 1871. Swetchine, Sophia. Life and Letters. F. A. P. De Falleux. Tr., H. W. Preston. Boston, 1870. Tait, George. Autobiography of, etc. 10th edition, n. p., n. d., pam. Tappan, Arthur and Louis. C. W. Bowen, n. p., n. d., pam. Taylor, Bayard. Life and Letters. M. H. Taylor, and H. E. Scud- der. 4th edition. Boston, 1885, 2 vols. Thompson, Sir Benjamin, (Count Rumford). Memoir. E. Ellis. Boston, n. d. Thoreau, H. D. E. B. Sanborn. Boston, 1884. Tupper, Sir Charles. Biography. C. Thiabault. Montreal, 1883. Yan Dyke, James. Memorial. Detroit, 1856. 22 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Biography, Individual. Yan Schaack, Peter. Life. H. C. Yan Schaack. New York, 1842. Yerrazano, Giovanni Da. The Navigator, Notes on, and on a Plan¬ isphere of 1529, Illustrating American Yoyage of 1524. J. C. Brevoort. New York, 1874. Yoorheis, D. W. Speeches and Biographical Sketch. Cincinnati, 1875. Wagner, Bichard. F. Hueffer. 3d edition, revised and augmented. London, 1888. Life of. L. Nohl. Tr. G. P. Upton. Chicago, 1884. Washington, George. Life. A. Bancroft. Philadelphia, 1855. Wayne, Anthony. Life. W. De Peyster. Lancaster, 1886. Weber, Carl Maria Yon. J. Benedict. 2d edition. London, 1885. Webster, Daniel. Life and Public Services. J. Barnard. Boston, 1875. Beminiscences of. P. Harvey. Boston, 1882. Whitehead, William A. Life. S. J. Prime, n. p.,n. d., pam. Wilberforce, Samuel. Life. A. B. Ashwell and B. G. Wilberforce. New York, 1883. Willard, F. E. Glimpses of Fifty Years. Chicago, n. d. William, Emperor of Germany and his reign. E. Simon. 2d edi¬ tion. London, 1888, 2 vols. William I, and the German Empire. G. B. Smith. Chicago, 1888. William I, of Germany. A. Forbes. New York, n. d. William Prince of Orange. T. M. Merriman. Boston, n. d. William the Silent and Netherland War. M. Barrett. Boston, n. d. Wilson, Henry. Life and Public Services. E. Mason. Boston, 1881. Wirt, William. Memoirs. J. P. Kennedy. Philadelphia, 1852, 2 vols. Wren, Sir Christopher, and his own times. J. Elmes. London, < 1852. Wright, J. S. In Memoriam. A. W. Wright. Chicago, 1885, pam. Wright, Bebecca. “The Loyal Girl of Winchester.” n. p., n. d., pam. Zentmayer, J. Memoir, n. p., n. d., pam. Bird, F S. Land of Dykes and Windmills. London, 1882. Birkinbine, J. Iron Ores of United States, n. p., n. d., pam. Bishop, J. L. History of American Manufactures, 1608-1860. Philadelphia, 1864, 2 vols. Bissell, C. Yale Bevisited. New Haven, 1861. See pam. vol. 300. Bits of Travel. H. Hunt. Boston, 1884. Blackburn, E. Life of Sir F. Blackburn. London, 1874. Black Hawk. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kai-kiack, and Scenes in the West. Poem by a Western Tourist. New York, 1848. Black Phalanx, The. Negro Soldiers in Wars of 1775, 1812, 1861-5. J. G. Wilson. Harrisburg, 1886. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, vols. 37-43. New York, 1882-9. Index vols. 1-50. Blaine, J. G. 20 Years of Congress, 1861-1881. Norwich, 1884, 2 vols. Blaine, J. G., Logan, J. A. See Individual Biography. Blair, H. W. Woman Suffrage. Washington, 1886, pam. CATALOGUE. 23 Blindness and the Blind. L. W. Fox. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Bliss, G. Historical Memoir of Western Railroads. Springfield, 1863. Boardman, S. W. Log Book kept on board Privateer Oliver Goldsmith, during cruise from New London, Conn., to Charleston, S. C., 1778. Albany, 1885. Bobin, J. Private Secretary to Hon. G. Clarke, Secretary of New York Province. Letters, 1718-1730. Albany, 1872. Bohemia. Mears, J. W. Heroes of, Huss, Jerome and Zisca. Philadelphia, n. d. Bohn, H. G. Dictionary of Quotations from English Poets. 3d edition. London, 1882. Book Buyer, The. Yols. 1-4, 1884-1887. New York, n. d. Bonaparte, E. P. See Individual Biography. Book of Authors. W. C. Russel. New edition. London, n. d. Books Published under more than one title. See Modern Proteus. Boots and Saddle. E. B. Custer. New York, 1885. Borbstaedt, H., Dyer, F. Franco-German War. London, 1873. Border Land of Insanity. E. Greisson. n. p., n. d., pam. Borrow, G. Bible in Spain. New edition. London, 1888. Zincali. Gipsies of Spain. New edition. London, 1872. Boston, see Massachusetts. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, vols. 107-120. Boston, 1883-89. Botany. Abbott, H. C. DeS. Chemical Basis of Plant Form. Philadelphia, 1887, pam. Crozier, A. A. Modification of Plants by Climate. Ann Arbor, 1885. Gray, A. Botanical Text Book. Yol. 1, Structural Botany. Yol. 2, G. L. Goodale. Physiological Botany. 6th edition. New York, n. d. Meehan, T. Native Flowers and Ferns of United States. 2d series. Boston, n. d., 2 vols. Trimble, H. Botanical Text Book. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1886. Bothwell, Earl of. See Hepburn. Bourke, J. G. Use of Human Ordure and Urine in Religious Rites, etc. Washington, 1888. Boutwell, F. M. Old Highways and Landmarks of Groton, Mass. Groton, 1884, pam. Old Homesteads of Groton, Mass. Groton, 1883, pam. Boutwell, G. S. Progress of American Independence. New York, 1889, pam. Bowen, C. W. History of Woodstock, (Conn.) Academy, n. p., n. d., pam. Bowen, E. A. Astronomy by Observation. New York, 1886. Bowring, J. Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. London, 1824. Batavian Anthology. London, 1824. Cheskian Anthology. London, 1832. Matins and Yespers. 2d edition. London, 1824. Russian Poets. 2d edition. London, 1821-23, 2 vols. Servian Popular Poetry. London, 1827. Specimens of Polish Poets. London, 1827. Boyce, D. Holiday Rambles between Winnipeg and Yictoria. Winnipeg, 1880. 24 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Boyd, A. K. H. (Country Parson). Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. Boston, 1864-5, 2 vols. Leisure Hours in Town. Boston, 1863. Boyd, J. Annals and Family Records of Winchester, Conn. Albany, 1878. Brace, C. L. Industrial School Movement. New York, 1857, pam. Brace, Charles Loring. Home Life in Germany. New York, 1853. Bradburn, E. M. Paradise Lost, for Children. New York, 1841. Bradford, W. See Individual Biography. Bradish, A. Memoir of Douglass Houghton. Detroit, 1889. Bradley, J. M. Modern Manners and Social Forms. Chicago, 1889. Brady, F. See O’Donnell, M. Brant, Ccipt., and the Old King. The Tragedy of Wyoming. Buffalo, 1889, pam. Brainard, David. See Individual Biography. Braitliwaite, W. and J. Retrospect of Medicine and Surgery, 1840-1883. 83 vols. in 42. Index, 1840-57. 12th Am. Edition. New York, 1842-81. Quarterly Epitome, vols. 1-4. New York, 1880-83. Brearly Family. See Genealogy. Brearley, W. H. Recollections of East Tennessee Campaign. Detroit, 1871, pam. See Detroit, Michigan. Brevoort, J. C. Life of Carl Maria Yon Weber. 2d edition. London, 1883. Notes on Verrazano the Navigator, and on a Planisphere of 1529, illustrating an American Voyage, 1524. New York, 1874. Brewer, C. Political, Social and Literary History of Germany of the present Day. London, n. d. Ti pi n cyp v i) .VP (tphppIg ct v British Cicero, The. Vols?l, 3. T. Brown. Philadelphia, 1810. British Constitution, The. A. Dean. Chicago, 1883. British Invasion from the North. Journal of Lieut W. Digby, 1776-1777. Ed. J. P. Baxter. Albany, 1887. British Novelists and their Styles. D. Masson. Boston, 1859. British Portrait Painters. E. Ollier. London, n. d. Brock, K. Land and Individualism, etc. Philadelphia, 1887, pam. Brockett, L. P. Year of Battles, 1870-71. New York, 1871. Brockett, L. P. See Storke, E. G. Brooklyn. See New York. Bross, W. Illinois a.nd 13th Amendment to Constitution. Chicago, 1884, pam. Brown, E. E. Life of J. A. Garfield. Boston, 1881. Brown, J. C. Modern Forest Science and Economy, n. p., n. d., pam. Papers relating to British National School of Forestry, n. p., n. d., pam. Brown, J. R. American Family in Germany. New York, n. d. Brown, S. T. First Cruise of the Montauk. See R. I. Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, 2d S. No. 1. Brown, T. E. Studies in Modern Socialism. New York, 1886. Brownell, C. D. W. Indian Races of North and South America. Hart¬ ford, 1873. Browning, O. England and Napoleon in 1803. London, 1887. CATALOGUE. 25 Browning, R. Agamemnon and Dramatic Idyls. Boston, 1886. Balonstian’s Adventures, Aristoplienes and other Poems. Boston, 1886. Dramas. Boston, 1886. Dramatic Personae. Boston, 1886. Ferishtak’s Fancies. Boston, 1886. Fifine. Inn Album, etc. Boston, 1886. Men and Women. Sordello. Boston, 1886. Ring and the Book. Boston, 1886. Bryant, W. C. See Individual Biography. Bryce, D. Holiday Rambles between Winnipeg and Victoria. Winnipeg, 1880. _ Bryce, G. Manitoba. Infancy, Growth, present Condition. London, 1882. Buchanan, R. Hebrid Isles. New edition. London, 1883. Bucholz Family, The. J. Stinde. New York, 1887, 2 vols. Buck, J. S. Milwaukee under the Charter, 1847-53, vol. 3. Milwaukee, 1884. Buckheim, C. H. Deutcli Lyrik. 6th edition. London, 1886. (German.) Buckingham, J. T. Memoirs of Editorial Life. Boston, 1852, 2 vols. Buckminster J. S. See Individual Biography. Budd, H. See Sharswood, G. Buel, H. F. Ventilation of Buildings, n. p., n. d., pam. Buel, J. W. Sea and Land. Richmond, n. d. World’s Wonders. Chicago, n. d. Building Plans for Modern Low cost Houses. New York, n. d. Building Societies and other Monetary Institutions. N. S. Garland. Ottawa, 1882. Bullfinch, T. Age of Fable. Boston, 1883. Bull Run, Second Battle of. J. D. Cox. Cincinnati, 1882. Bulow. See Marenhotz—Bulow. Bulwer, E.—Lord Lytton. Dramatic Works. London, n. d. King Arthur. London, 1875. New Timon, St. Stephen, etc. London, 1875. Tales of Miletus. London, 1875. Bumstead, J. T. Spelling and Thinking Combined. Boston, 1864. Burgoyne, Lieut. Gen. J. Campaign of. W. L. Stone. Albany, 1877. Burke, E. Works, vol. 1. Boston, 1826. Burkinbine, J. J. Cerro de Mercado; Iron Mountain at Durango, Mexico, n. p., 1884, pam. Burns, R. Centuary of Birthday, 1859. Boston, 1859, pam. Burnside, A. E. Burnside Expedition. See R. I. Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, S. 2, No. 6. Bush, G. G. Education in Florida. See Education. Business View of the Question before us. Boston, 1860, pam. Butler, B. F., Record of. Boston, 1882. Relief to Labor. Washington, 1878, pam. Butterfield, C. W., Editor. See Heart’s Journal, etc. Butterworth, B. Growth of Industrial Art. Washington, 1888. Removals and Re-appointments by Presidents Garfield and Arthur, n. p., n. d., pam. 4 26 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Butterworth, H. Young Folk’s History of America. Boston, 1882. Buxton, H. G. Poynclexter, E. J. German, Flemish and Dutch Painting. London, 1881. Byles, J. B. Sophisms of Free Trade and Popular Political Economy examined. 1st Am. edition. Manchester, 1884. By Order of the King, (The Man who Laughs). Victor Hugo. London, 1886. Cable Telegraphy and Delany Line Adjuster. P. B. Delany. Philadel¬ phia, 1889, pam. Caldwell, S. L. Literature in Account with Life. Ann Arbor, 1885, pam. Calhoun Monument. See South Carolina. California. Assessed Value of Property and Financial Condition of State, Coun¬ ties, and Principal Cities, 1881. Sacramento, 1882. Bancroft, H. H. History of California, 1542-1859, 6 vols. See History of the Pacific States of America, vols. 13-18. San Francisco, 1884-1888. California Inter Pocula, 1848-1856. San Francisco, 1888. California Pastorals, 1759-1843. San Francisco, 1888. Bank Commissioner’s Report, 1880. Sacramento, 1880. Board of Equalization Report, 1880. Sacramento, 1880. College of California, statement in regard to. New York, 1855, pam. Cone, M. Two Years in California. Chicago, 1876. Contra Costa County. Climate, etc. San Francisco, 1887, pam. Cronise, T. F. Natural Wealth of California. San Francisco, 1888. pam. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, Report, 1880. Sacramento, 1880, pam. European Vines in California. Catalogue and Description. San Francisco, 1887. Frost, J. History of California. New York, 1881. Fruit Growers’ Convention, 1881. San Francisco, 1882. Fruit Growers in Council at San Jose, 1882. San Francisco, 1883. Garcy, T. A. Orange Culture in California, with Appendix on Grape Culture. San Francisco, 1882. Grand Army of the Republic. Department Register, 1886. San Francisco, 1886. Governmental Roster 1889. Sacramento, 1889. Hilgard, E. W. Report on Physical and Agricultural Features of California, n. p., n. d. Hittell, J. S. Resources of California. San Francisco, 1879. Humboldt County. Location, Climate, etc. n. p., n. d., pam. Journal of the Assembly, 1883,1884,1885,1887. Sacramento, 1883- 1887. Journal of the Senate, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1887. Sacramento, 1883- 1887. Laws , Statute: Amendatory Acts to Codes, 1880. Sacramento, 1880. Code, Extra Session 1884 and Session 1885. Sacramento, 1885. Codes and Statutes, 4 vols, 1885. Vol. 3, 1887-8—1880, Sup¬ plement. San Francisco, 1886-8. General Laws, 1864-1871. San Francisco, 1871. CATALOGUE. 27 California. Laws, yoL 1, 1850-1864. 2d edition. San Francisco, 1868. Statutes, 1880. Sacramento, 1880. Statutes and Amendments to Codes, 1887. Special Session 1886, and Regular Session 1889. Sacramento, 1887-9. Statutes passed at first Legislature, 1849-50. Sacramento, 1850. Supreme Court: Reports Smith, G. A. Yols. 59-62. San Francisco, 1883-84. Cope, W. W. Yols. 63-72. San Francisco, 1884-88. Pomeroy, C. P. Yols. 73-82. San Francisco, 1888-90. Analytical Index Digest. Yols. 1-6, inc. San Francisco, 1887. Merced County. Resources, etc. n. p., 1887, pam. Mining Bureau Report, 1885. Sacramento, 1885. Napa County. Resources. Napa, 1887, pam. Neumann, J. History of Discovery in California of a Native Silk Worm. San Francisco, 1887, pam. Norman, L. Popular History of California. 2d ed., rev. San Fran¬ cisco, 1883. Northern San Joaquin County. Resources, etc. Stockton, 1887, pam. • Oakland. Map and Statistics, n. p., n. d. Oakland Public Schools. Report, June, 1883. Oakland, 1883. Palfrey, Mr. Speech on Bill creating a Territorial Government for California, n. p., n. d., pam. Sciti Francisco * “ Chronicle,” The. Yol. 48, No. 170, Jan. 1, 1889. California History. Newspaper. Directory, 1885. San Francisco, 1885. Free Public Library, Report, 1883. San Francisco, 1883. Hittell, J. S. History of San Francisco and incidentally of California. San Francisco, 1878. Mercantile Library Reports, 1874, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1888. San Francisco, 1875-1889. Myrick, M. H. Probate Practice in County and City of San Francisco, 1872-9. San Francisco, 1880. Santa Clara County. No. 1, Sept. 1, 1887. San Francisco, 1887. Santa Clara Yalley. Resources, etc. San Jos&, 1873. Semi Tropical Livermore, Almeda County, 1887. Livermore, 1887. Solano County, Climate etc. n. p., n. d., pam. Sonoma County, Land Register, and Santa Rosa Business Directory, 1886. Santa Rosa, n. d. State Grange, Journal of Proceedings 1882, 1883, 1884. San Fran¬ cisco, 1882-4. State Library Catalogue, 1886. Sacramento, 1886. Report, 1886- 1888. Sacramento, 1888. Statistical Tables, 1880-1881. Sacramento, 1881, pam. Stockton Insane Asylum Report, 1879-1880. n. p., n. d. Surveyor General’s Report, 1875-1880. n. p., n. d. Taylor B. F. Between the Gates. 12th ed. Chicago, 1876. Tehama County, Resources, etc, Sacramento, 1887, pam. 28 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. California. University Register, 1886-1889. Berkeley, 1887-1889. Waterman, Gov. R. W. Message to Legislature, Jan. 7, 1889. Sacramento, 1889. Ynba and Snttee Counties. Resources, etc. San Francisco, 1887. Cairnes J. E. Leading Principles of Political Economy, newly expound¬ ed. New York, n. d. Calvert, Sir G. Baron of Baltimore. See Maryland Historical Society. Calvin, J. Institutes of the Christian Religion. New York, 1819. Camden, W. Remains concerning Britain (reprint). London, 1876. Campaigns of the Civil War: Army, 12 vols. in 6; Navy 4 vols. in 2. New York, 1882-86. Campbell, D. Historical Fallacies regarding Colonial New York. New York, 1879, pam. Campbell, G. Philosophy of Rhetoric. Revised edition. New York, 1851. Campbell, Lord J. Speeches. Edinburgh, 1842. Canada—Dominion. Acts of Canada and of the Provinces not repealed by Revised Stat¬ utes of 1887. Ottawa, 1887. Agricultural Colleges and Experimental Stations, Report by W. Saunders. Ottawa, 1886. Achive§, 1881-1888. In 8 vols. D. Brymner, archivist. Ottawa 1881- 1885.. Bryce D. Holiday Rambles between Winnepeg and Victoria. Winnepeg, 1888. Canadian Economics, 1884. Montreal, 1884. Census Reports, vols. 2-4, 1880-1881. Ottawa, 1888-5. Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886. n. p. 1887. Crop Bulletin, No. 17, 1886. n. p., n. d., pam. Dawson, G. M. Sketches of Past and Present Condition of Indians of Canada, n. p., n. d., pam. • Dominion Annual Register and Review, 1882-1886 in 7 vols. Toronto and Montreal 1883-7. Fisheries Question, Correspondence of Canadian Government rela¬ tive to, 1885-7. Ottawa, 1887. Foster, G. E. Budget Speech, 1889. Ottawa, 1889. Fraser, J. Shanty, Forest and River Life in the Backwoods of Can¬ ada. Toronto, 1878. French Canadian Missionary Society Report, Jan., 1864. Montreal 1864, pam. Garneau, F. N. Histoire de Canada, 2 vols., 4th ed. Montreal, 1882- 3. Geological and NaturaBHistory Survey, 1880-1888 N. S. with maps. Montreal, 1882-9. Canadian Plants, Catalogue pt. 2. Montreal, 1884. Johnson, G. Graphic Description of Canada, n. p., n. d. Journals of House of Commons, 1883-1889, Vols. 17-22. Appendices to vols. 18 and 22. Journal of the Senate, 1883-1889, vols. 17-23. Appendix to vol. 21. n. p., n. d. Kingsford, W. A Canadian Political Coin. A Monograph. Ottawa, 1874, pam. CATALOGUE. 29 Canada—Dominion. Canadian Canals. Their History and Cost. Toronto 1875. Mr. Kingsford and Sir H. Langerin, their Case Considered. Toronto, 1882. Law Reports: Supreme Court. Duval, G. vols. 6-14. Ottawa, 1882-1888. Statutory: Revised Statutes 1886, 2 vols. Ottawa, 1887. Statutes 1883-1889 in 7 vols. Ottawa, 1883-9. Text Books: For an, T. P. Criminal Law of Canada-Digest. Ottawa, 1887. Gormully, J. J. and Sinclair, R. Y. Banks and Banking and Mercantile Law of Canada. Ottawa, 1887. Local Government in Canada. See John Hopkins University Studies. Map of Canada Dominion, 1883. n. p., 1883. Minister of Public Works. General Report, 5tli s. 5, 6, 1867-82. Minister of Agriculture. Appendix 1 to Report of 1883. Ottawa, 1885. Museum Report, 1882-3-4, with Maps. Montreal, 1885. Parliamentary Companion, 1883-1889, in 4 vols. Ottawa, 1883-89. Royal Society, Proceedings, 1882-1888, 6 vols. Montreal, 1883-9. Session Papers. Departmental Report, 1, 2, 1888. Fourth Session 4th Parliament 1882-3. Session Papers, vol. 15, Nos. 1-10. 1882, Ten Volumes. Ottawa, n. d. First to 5th Session 5th Parliament. 1883-6. Sessional Papers Yol. 16, Nos. 1-12, 1883. Yol. 17, Nos. 1-11, 1884. Yol. 18, Nos. 1-13, 1885. Yol. 19, Nos. 1-13, 1886. Maps to vol. 19, Nos. 9 and 10. 51 vols. Ottawa, n. d. First to 3d Session, 6th Parliament. Sessional Papers, Yol. 20, Nos. 2-17, 1887. Yol. 21, Nos. 1-17, 1888. Yol. 22, Nos. 1-15, 1889. Maps to vol. 22., 49 vols. Ottawa, n. d. Statistical Abstract of Reports, 1886. Ottawa, 1889. Stewart, Jr., G. Canada under the Administration of the Earl of Dufferin. Toronto, 1878. Traill, C. R. Studies of Plant Life in Canada. Ottawa, 1885. Tupper, C. Budget Speeches in House of Commons, 1887-1888. “Fisheries Treaty” Speech in House of Commons, April 10, 1888. n. p., n. d., pam. Washburton, E. Conquest of Canada. 2 vols., New York, 1850. British Columbia. Lciw Reports * Irving, P.' A. E. Yol. 1, pt. 1, 1867-1881. Victoria, 1889. Vol. 2, pt. 2, 18844887. Victoria, 1884-7. 30 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Canada—Dominion. Manitoba. Agriculture, Statistics and Health Manual of 1884, 1885. Win- nepeg, 1884-5. Agriculture, Statistics and Health. Report of Department of 1882, 1883. Winnepeg, 1883-4. Bryce, G. Infancy, Growth and present Condition of Manitoba. London, 1882. Census Report, 1885-6. Ottawa, 1887. Crop Reports, 1883-1889, nos. 2-23. n. p., n. d., pam. Journal of Legislative Assembly, 1888. Winnepeg, 1888. Law , Statute: Consolidated Statutes 1880. n. p.,n. d. Statutes 1883-1887. Winnepeg, 1883-7. New Brunswick. Law , Statute: Acts of General Assembly 1854-1888. Fredrickton, 1855- 1889. Statutes 1854, 3 vols. Fredrickton, 1855-89. Statutes 1876-1853, in 5 vols. Fredrickton, 1837-1853. Yol. 1. Revised Statutes. Yol. 2. Public Statutes. Yol. 3. Local and Private Statutes. Supreme Court Reports: Berton, G. F. S. 1 vol., 2d ed. Toronto, 1882. * Allen, T. C. Yols. 5-6. Fredrickton, 1879. Hanney J. Yols. 1-2. St. John, 1878. Pugsley, W. Yols. 1-3. St. John, 1876-7. Pugsley, W., and Burbidge, G. W., 5 vols. Toronto and St. John, 1879-83. Pugsley, W. and Truman, A. J. 1 vol. Truman, A. J. 1 vol. Supreme Court Digest 1825-1879, 2d ed. Toronto, 1880. Stevens, J. G. 1 vol. Northwest Territory. Census of 3 Provisional Districts of, 1884-5. Ottawa, 1885. Map of Mounted Police Stations and Patrols. See map to vol. 22. Canada Session Papers, 1889. Nova Scotia. Green, S. A. Congregational Churches in Nova Scotia. Halifax Library Reports, 1883, 1886, 1887. Halifax, 1884-8. Historical Society Reports and Collections, vols. 3 and 4, 1882-8. Halifax, 1883-8. Hospital for Insane. Reports, 1880, 1881, 1884. Halifax, 1881-5. Law Reports: Admirality. Stewart, J. 1 vol. London, 1814. Young, W. 1 vol. Toronto, 1882. Equity. Russell, B. 1 vol. Halifax, 1883. CATALOGUE. 31 Canada—Dominion. Nova Scotia. Supreme Court: James, A. 1 vol. Halifax, 1855. Thompson, J. 6 vol., 1856-59. Halifax, 1860. Cochrane, F. 1 vol., 1859. Halifax, 1860. Nova Scotia Decisions. 3 vols. Halifax, 1880-1883. Oldbright, H. 2 vols. Halifax, 1870-1873. Russell, B. and Chesley, S. 3 vols. n. p., n. d. Russell, B. and Geldert, J. H. 8 vols. Halifax and Toronto, 1881, n. d. Thompson, J. 6 vol. Halifax, 1879. Law, Statute: Revised Statutes, 1873, 4th S. Halifax, 1873. Statutes, 1873-1887. Halifax, 1873-1887. Ontario, Province of. Blind Institution. Report 1879-80. Toronto 1880, pam. Board of Health. Weekly Bulletin, Nov. 24, 1883. Toronto, 1883. Bureau of Industries. Report, 1887. Toronto, 1888. Common Gaols, Prisons and Reformatories, Report 1886. Toronto, 1887. Gazetteer, 1884-5. Toronto, 1884. Indian Asylum Report, 1879-80. Kingston, 1879-80, pam. Institution for Deaf, Dumb and Blind, Report of Inspector of Prisons on, 1882. Toronto, 1882, pam. JOM7*7ZClT'S * Canadian Law Times. Yols. 1-10, 1881-90. Toronto, 1881 -90. Upper Canada Law Journal, Old Series. Yols. 1-10, 1855-1864. Toronto, 1855-64. New Series, Yols. 1-27, 1865-1890. Toronto, 1864-90. Law Reports: Chancery. Grant, A. Yol. 29. Toronto, 1883. Common Pleas. Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports, Yol. 32. To¬ ronto, 1883. Election Cases. Hodgins, T. 1 Yol. Toronto, 1883. Patrick, A. 1 Yol. 2d ed. Toronto, 1859. Muncipal Reports: Harrison, B. A. and Hodgin T., vol. 1. Toronto, 1863. Law Reports: Practice Reports, Yol. 9. Toronto, 1884. Queens Bench, Chancery and Common Pleas. Ontario Reports, Yols. 1-15. Toronto, 1882-8. Ontario Reports Digest 1882-84. Toronto, 1884. Law, Statute: Statutes, 1791-1831, rev. by J. Nickalls. Kingston, 1831. Statutes, 1832-1840, in 3 vols. York and Toronto, n. d. Statutes 1874, 1886-1889. Toronto, 1874-89. Revised Statutes 1887, 2 vols. Toronto, 1887. 32 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Canada—Dominion. Ontario, Province of. Law Text Books: Jones, H. C. Tlie Torrens System of Transfer of Land. Land Title Act, 1885, Ontario’s Peal Property Act, 1885 of Manitoba. Toronto, 1886. Mercier, M. Speech at Club National. Montreal, April 10, 1888. n. p., n. d., pam. Toronto, Public Library Catalogue. Circulating and Reference Library. Toronto, 1889. Prince Edwards Island. Acts of General Assembly, 1873-1868, 3 vols. Charlottetown, 1862-1868. Acts of General Assembly, 1869-1887. Charlottetown, 1870- 1887. Quebec, Province of. Annuare de lTnstitute Canadian de Quebec, 1879, Nos. 6 and 8. Quebec, 1879. Catalogue d’Ouvrages Historicpie et Litteraires sur le Canada. Quebec, n. d., pam. Commissioner of Railways. Report 1881-2. Quebec, 1882. Henry, J. J. Arnold’s Campaign against the City of Quebec, 1775. Albany, 1877. Journal of the Assembly, 1883-1888. Quebec, 1883-8. Journal of the Council, 1883-1888. Quebec, 1883-8. Law Journals: Legal News. Yols.1-11. Montreal 1878-88. Revue Critique. Vols. 1-3. Montreal, n. d. Revue de Legislation. Vols. 1-3. Montreal, n. d. Revue Legale. Vols. 3-12. Montreal, 1871-84. La Themis. Vols. 1-5. Montreal, 1879-83. Lower Canada Jurist. Vols. 27-31. Montreal, 1883-87. Law Report: Kings Bench. Pike, G. 1 vol. n. p., 1811. Stewart G. O. 1 vol. Quebec, 1831. Montreal Condensed Reports, 1853-4, 4th ed. Mon¬ treal, 1854. Perrault J. F. 2 vols. Quebec, 1824. Conseil Superreur de Quebec. Prevoste de Quebec. ( InppyiQ nPH^n Dorion, L.’ C. W. Vols. 1-4. Montreal, 1881-4. Quebec Law Digest: Stephens, C. H. Vols, 2-3, 1877-86. Montreal, 1882-6. Laiv, Statute: Civil Code of Lower Canada to Oct. 1888, 2 vols. Montreal, 1889. Ordinances, 1777-1792. Quebec, 1825. Ordinances of Special Council, 1839-1841, in 3 vols. Quebec, 1838-41. Statutes, 1793-1836. Vols. 1, 4, 8, 11, 12,13. Quebec, 1830-36. CATALOGUE. 33 Canada—Dominion. Quebec, Province of. * Law, Statute: Statutes, 1883-1889. Quebec, 1883-1889. Sessional Papers. Vols., 15-21, 1881-8. n. p., n. d. Canadian French in New England. Boston, 1882. Canals. Ammen, D. American Isthmian Canal Routes, n. p., n. d., pam. Coln6, C. Panama Interoceanic Canal, n. p., n. d., pam. Canary Islands, Discovery and Conquest of. D. Glas. London, 1874. Can Christians Fight with Carnal Weapons. H. G. Gunner. New Vienna, 1870, pam. Carbutt, J. Substitute for glass as a support for Gelatine Bromide of Silver for use in Photography, n. p., n. d., pam. Care of some Cases of Chronic Insane. H. P. Stearns. Hartford, 1881, pam. Carlyle, T. Early Kings of Norway, etc. New York, 1875. Fredrick 2nd of Prussia. London, n. d., 10 vols. Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell. New York, 1848-9. 2 vols. “Carmen Silva” See Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. Carnagie A. Triumphant Democracy. New York, 1886. Carpenter, H. Oration. 107th Anniversary American Independence. Boston, 1883. Carpenter, H. B. American Character and Influence. Boston, 1883. Carter, A. J. W. Reminiscences of Court and Bar of Cincinnati. Cincin¬ nati, 1880. Cartwright, Mrs. R. Ambrose the Sculptor. London, 1854. Cartwright, W. C. The Jesuits: their Constitution and Teaching. Lon¬ don, 1876. Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Poetical Works. Boston, 1882. Cary, H. C. Principles of Social Science. Philadelphia, 1883. 3 vols. Cary, T. C. See Biography. Catacombs of Rome. Philadelphia, n. d. Cattle, American. History, Breeding and Management. L. F. Allen, New York, 1883. Caulkins, F. M. History of Norwich, Conn., from Possession by Indians to 1866. n. p., n. d. Cayley, G. P. Bridle-Roads of Spain. London, 1856. Census. See United States. Century Magazine. Vols. 25-38. New York, 1882-9. Century of Roundels. A. C. Swinburne. New York, 1883. Cerro de Mercado. Iron Mountain at Durango, Mexico. J. J. Burkinbine. n. p., 1884, pam. Cerro de Mercado of Durango. F. Weidner. 2d ed. Chicago, 1882. See Mexico. Chalmers, P. The American Philotelic Association and the Adhesive Postage Stamp. London, 1887. Chamberlain, M. John Adams, the Statesman of the American Revolu¬ tion. Boston, 1884. * Chambers, W. The Scotch Church from Earliest Times to 1881. Lon¬ don, 1881. 5 34 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Chandler, J. R. Outlines of Penology. Philadelphia, 1875. Chandler, P. W. Memoir of Gov. J. A. Andrew. Boston, 1880. Chandler, S. History of Shirley, Mass., till 1882. Shirley, 1883. « Channing, W. H. History of Woman Suffrage, n. p., n. d., pam. Chapin Family. See Genealogy. Chaplin, J. Chips from the White House. Boston, 1881. Life of Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1876. Chaplin, J. and J. D. Life of Charles Sumner. Boston, 1874. Chapman, F. Pratt Family. See Genealogy. Chapman Family. See Genealogy. Character of Washington. R. C. Winthrop. n. p., n. d., pam. Charity. Alden, L. P. Shady Side of the placing out System, n. p., n. d. Diminution of Pauperism, n. p., n. d., pam. Hart, H. H. Placing out Children in the West. n. p., n. d., pam. Howard Association Report, 1879. London, n. d., pam. Kerlin, J. N., and Knight, G. H. Provisions for Idiotic and Feeble • minded Children, and the State’s Duty towards Epileptics, n. p., n. d., pam. Letchworth, W. P. Poorhouse Administration, n. p., n. d., pam. National Conference of Charities and Corrections, 1883,1885, 1889. Boston, 1883-9. State Charities Aid Association. No., 33, 1862. Suggestions for Use of Workers among the Poor. New York, n. d., pam. Charlevoix, P. F. X. History of Paraguay. Dublin, 1769. Chase, P. S. Battery “F” 1st R. I. Light Artillery. See R. I. Soldiers and Sailors’ Historical Society. S. 2, No. 3. Chatham, Lord. See Pitt, William. Checkered Life, A. J. A. Joyce. Chicago, 1883. Cheeney, W. F. Dedham, n. p., n. d., pam. Cheever, H. T. The Whale and his Captors. New York, 1850. Chemical Basis of Plant Forms. H. C. DeS Abbott. Philadelphia, 1887, pam. Cheskian Anthology. J. Bowring. London, 1832. Child’s Scripture Lesson Book. Philadelphia, 1853. Chili. See South America. Chips from the White House. J. Chaplin. Boston, 1881. Chorlton, W. American Grape Growers’ Guide. New York, 1880. Christ in Art. E. Eggleston. New York, 1874. Christ, Life and Words of. C. Geike. New York, 1883. Christ, Manliness of. T. Hughes. Boston, 1880. Christ of History. J. Young. New York, 1858. Christ or Buddha. Review of Arnold’s Light of Asia. Salem, 1881, pam. Christian Education. W. G. Farmington. Boston, 1883, pam. Christian Heroines. D. C. Eddy. Boston, 1881. Christian Ministry, Proper Functions of. A. Lee. New York, 1878, pam. Christian Moors of Spain. C. M. Yonge. London, 1882. Christian Singers of Germany. C. Winkwortli. Philadelphia, n. d. Christian Steward. An Annual, April, 1872. Hartford, 1872. Christian Thought of Life. H. Giles. Boston, 1840. Christian Unionist, March, April, Aug., Sept., 1865. Detroit, 1865. CATALOGUE. 35 Christian Word, The. Jan., July, 1861. New York, 1861. Cliristiancy, J. P. Speech at Centennial Celebration at Monroe Mich., July 4, 1884. Monroe, 1884, pam. Christianity and Natural Science. T. P. Prudden. Pam., vol. 274. Church, The, as it is, or the Forlorn Hope of Slavery. B. Pillsbury. 2d edition. Concord, 1885. Circulating Capital. Inquiry into the Fundamental Law of Money. London, 1885. City of the Magyars, or Hungary and her Institutions. London, 1840, 3 vols. City School System in the United States. J. D. Philbrick. Washington, 1885. Civil Government. See Political Science. Civil Liberty and Self Government. F. Lieber. 2d edition. Philadel¬ phia, 1888. Civil War. See War Rebellion. Civil War in America. Yols. 3, 4. Comte de Paris. Tr. L. F. Tasistro. Philadelphia, n. d. Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde. Clark, A. A. Memorial Day Oration at Flushing, Mich., May 30, 1887. Flushing, 1887, pam. See Michigan Sanitary Conventions. Clark, N. B. Water Line Defense and Gun Shields for Cruisers, n. p., 1884, pam. Classification and Compensation of Public Officers. W. R. Cox. Wash¬ ington, 1886. Classification of Books, L. P. Smith. Boston, 1882. “Clavers, Mary.” See Kirkland, C. Clement, C. E. Young Folks’ History of Egypt. Boston, 1886. Clement, C. E. and Hutton, L. Artists of the 19tli Century and their Works. Boston, 1883, 2 vols. Cleveland, E. L. See Theology, Sermons. Cleveland, G. Public Papers, 1885-1889. Washington, 1889. Cleveland, G. and Hendricks, T. A., Lives of. W. Dorsheimer and W. U. Hensel. Philadelphia, 1884. Clinton, H. L. So-called Saxton Reform Bill. n. p., n. d., pam. Clocks of Gnoster Town. E. R. Sill. New Haven, 1870. Pam., vol. 300. Coal Mines of Western Coast of United States. W. A. Goodyear. San Francisco, 1887. Cobb, J. T. Present Policy of Michigan in Caring for the Insane, n. p., n. d., pam. Cobbett, W. Parliamentary History of England, 1066-1803. London, 1806-20. 36 vols. Cockburn, H. Life of Francis Jeffrey. London, 1872. 2 vols. Coco and Chocolate, History of. Dorchester, 1886. Co-education in Public Schools of United States. See Education. Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’61, or Four Years’ Fighting. Boston, 1883. Coffin, H. History of Newbury, Newburyport and West Newbury, Mass., 1635-1845. Boston, 1845. Coin Collectors of United States. Guide No. 2, October, 1885. Phila¬ delphia, 1885, pam. Coleman, Mrs. C. Life of J. J. Crittenden. Philadelphia, 2871. 2 vols. 36 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. College, The, as an Element of the State. E. Washbnrne. New Haven, 1870. Pam., vol. 300. College Commencements during 1873 in Western and Southern States. See Education. College Fetich, A. C. F. Adams, Jr. Boston, 1883, pam. Collier, W. F. English Literature. New edition. London, 1884. Collins, J. Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs. London, 1823. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. London, 1837. 2 vols. Collins, J. W. Gill-nets in Cod Fishery. Washington, n. d., pam. Colloquies. Erasmus. London, 1878. 2 vols. Coln6, C. Panama Interoceanic Canal, n. p., n. d., pam. Colorado. Agricultual College Report, 1888. Denver, 1888. Agricultural Statistics, 1887. Denver, 1889, pam. Board of Agriculture, Report, 1881-1882. Denver, 1882. College Bulletin, 1880-1883. Colorado Springs, 1882. Cooper, Gov. J. A. Inaugural Address, 1887. Denver, 1887, pam. Development of Colorado. Report, 1881-1882. Denver, 1882. Education in Colorado, 1861-1885. Philadelphia, n. d. Gazetteer of Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming, 1884. Chicago, 1884. History of Colorado and Denver. Chicago, 1880. Idaho Springs, Information Concerning the Little Mattie Mine. By J. J. Elliot. Lawrence, 1882, pam. Journal of the House, 1879-1881. Denver, 1879-81. Journal of Senate, 1879-1881. Denver, 1879-81. Laic, Statute: General Laws, 1865. Denver, 1865. General Statutes, 1883. Denver, 1883. Private Acts, 1867. Central City, 1868. Session Laws, 1883-1889. Denver, 1883-9. Supreme Court Digest: Morrison, R. S. Yols. 1-9,. Denver, 1888. Reports * France, L. B. Yols. 6-11. Chicago, 1883-9. Beck, W. E. Yol. 12. Chicago, 1890. Pabor, W. E. Colorado as an Agricultural State. Pitkin, Gov. F. W. Message, Jan. 4, 1883. Denver, 1883, pam. Resources of Colorado. Report by J. A. Smith. Denver, 1883. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Report, 1888. Denver, 1889. Colton, C. C. Life of Henry Clay, New York, 1855. 2 vols. Columbus and Americus Yespuccius. Letters of. Boston, 1878, pam. Combes, E. Technical Training, Drawing and Hand Work in Public Schools. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Coming Age, The. L. Ray. New Haven, 1847. Coming Centennial, at Marietta, Ohio, April, 7, 1888. Marietta, n. d. Commerce. See Inter State Commerce. Commerce and Industries of Pacific Coast. San Francisco, 1882. Commercial and Legal Guide, (Spring) 1883. Chicago, 1883. Commercial Convention at Detroit, Mich. July, 11, 1865. Detroit, 1865. Common Wealfh of England from Commencement to Restoration of Charles II, vol. 1. W. Goodwin. London, 1824. CATALOGUE. 37 Communion of Saints. G. D. Gillespie. New York, 1887, pam. Complete History of Great American Rebellion. E. G. Storke, and L. P. Brockett. Auburn, n. d., 2 vols. Comstock, F. G. Practical Treatise on Culture of Silk. 2d edition. Hartford, 1839. Conant Family. See Genealogy. Conchology, Structural and Systematic. G. W. Try on, Jr. Philadelphia, 1882, 3 vols. in 1. Cond6, J. A. Dominion of Arabs in Spain. London, 1854, 2 vols. Cone, E. Two Years in California. Chicago, 1876. Confederate War Papers. G. W. Smith. 2d edition. New York, 1884. Confiscation Speech by Mr. Thomas, in 1852. n. p. 1852, pam. Conflicts of Capital and Labor. G. Howell. London, 1878. Congregational Association (American.) Report, 1884. Boston, 1884. Congregational Churches in Nova Scotia. S. A. Green. Congregational Churches of Massachusetts, Rights of. L. Beecher. Pam., vol. 278. Congregational Year Book, 1888-1885. Boston, 1880-85. Connecticut. Bank Commisioners’ Reports, 1883-1884. Hartford, 1883-4. Board of Agriculture. Reports, 1855, 1866, 1873, 1874. Hartford, 1855. Board of Agriculture and Experimental Station. Reports, 1882-1889. Hartford, 1882-89. Board of Charities. Report, 1884. Hartford, 1884. Board of Education. Reports, 1873-1886. New Haven, 1875-86. Bronson Library Fund. Report, 1886-1888. Waterbury, 1887-8, pam. Bulkley, Gov. M. G. Message, 1889. Hartford, 1889. Colonial Public Records, 1768-1775. Yols. 13-14. Hartford, 1885- 7. Confession of Faith. Connecticut Churches, 1708. Hartford, n. d. Doude, H. Re-union of Descendents at Madison, Sept. 2, 1885. New York, 1885, pam. Dwight, T., etc. Address to Emigrants from Connecticut and New England to New Settlements in the United States, 1816. Hart¬ ford, 1817, pam. Early Constitutional History of Connecticut. L. Bacon. Hart¬ ford, 1843. Early Puritan Settlers. Catalogue of Names, Time of Arrival, etc. Hartford, 1852. Fairfield, Old Burying Ground of. Account of Rebuilding of Tombs, 1881. R. E. Perry. Hartford, 1882. Franklin Congregational Church. 150th Anniversary Oct. 1868. New Haven, 1869. Genealogical Notes on Some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Hartford, 1856. General Assembly, Argument before. By Mr. Daggett, in Case of certain Justices of the Peace. New Haven, 1804, pam. Hartford. Address at Close of 2d Century of 1st Settlement of. J. Hawes. Hartford, 1835. 38 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Connecticut. Hartford. Board of School Visitors. Report, 1877. Hartford, 1877. Hartford and West Hartford. See Historical Notices of Connec¬ ticut No, 2. W. S. Porter. Hartford, 1842, pam. Hartford Seminary Publications. Vols. 9, 10, 11. n. p., 1890, pam. Hinman, R. R. Puritan Settlers of Connecticut. Hartford, 1852. Historical Society. Act of Incorporation and Constitution of. Hartford, 1825, pam. Celebration of 250th Anniversary of Adoption of Connecticut Constitution by Historical Society. Windsor, Hartford and Weathersfield. Hartford, 1889. History and Antiquitites of every Town in Connecticut. J. W. Barber. New Haven, n. d, Hopkins Grammar School. 200th Anniversary, 1860. Industrial School. Report, 1877-1881. Middleton, 1877-81. Insane, General Hospital for. Reports, 1868-1874. New Haven, 1868-74, pams. Hospital for, History and Description. Middleton, 1876, pam. Reports, 1875-1881-1884-1885. Middleton, 1876-86, pams. Retreat for Reports, 1881-1888. Hartford, 1883-8, pam. Journals of House, 1840, 1841, 1850, 1861, 1883-1887. Hartford and New Haven, 1841-1887. Journals of the Senate, 1837, 1838,1840,1848, 1883-1887. Hartford and New Haven, 1837-87. Law, Statute: General Statutes, 1887. Hartford, 1887. Index to General Statutes, 1875-1882. Hartford, 1873. Private Laws, 1789-1836. Hartford, 1837, 2 vols. Public Laws, 1828, 1830, 1832, 1834, 1883-1889. Hartford,. 1828-89. Special Acts, 1883-9. Hartford, 1883-9. Law, Supreme Court: Digest. Baldwin, S. E. Vol. 2. Boston, 1882. Deports * Hooker, J. Vols. 49-59. New York, 1883-90. Legislative Documents, 1883-1889. Hartford, 1883-9. Legislative Statistics, 1850-1865. Manual of General Assembly, 1883-90. Hartford, 1883-90. Letters from English Kings and Queens, to the Govenors of Con¬ necticut Colony, with Answers thereto. Comp, by R. R. Hin¬ man. Hartford, 1836. Litchfield County Centennial Celebration, 1851. Hartford, 1851, pam. Lounsbury, Gov. P. C. Message, 1887. Hartford, 1887. New Haven. Bacon T. R. and Drexel, F. B. Oration and Paper on City of New Haven. 100th Anniversary, 1884. n. p., 1885. Board of Education. Report, 1873, 1878-1879. New Haven, 1873-79. CATALOGUE. 39 Connecticut. New Haven. Colony Historical Society. Papers, 4 vols. 88 . New Haven, 1865- Colony, History of, to Absorption into Connecticut. New Haven, 1881. History of North Church in, 1742-1842. S. W. S. Dutton. New Haven, 1842. Inscriptions on Tombstones erected before 1800. n. p., 1882. Year Book, 1872-1878. Hartford, n. d. Newgate at Simsbury, now East Granby. History of. R. H. Phelps. Albany, 1860. Newington, History of the Church in. J. Brace. Hartford, 1855. Proceedings of Delegates from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Counties of Cheshire and Grafton, New Hampshire, and Windom County New York, at Hartford, 1814. Hartford, 1815, pam. Putnam Israel. History of Equestrian Statue of, at Brookline. Hartford, 1888. Reform School Report, 1881. Meriden, 1881. Register and State Calendar, 1849,1851, 1855,1857,1859, 1862,1870, 1873. Register and United States Calendar, 1812, 1816, 1826, 1827, 1832- 1834, 1849. State Prison Association. Report, 1880. Hartford, 1880, pam. State Prison Report, 1878,1883. Hartford, 1879, 83. Town Histories: Barber, J. W. History and Antiquities of every Town in Con¬ necticut. New Haven, n. d. Colchester, Extracts from records of. C. M. Taintor. Hartford, 1864. Guilford. History from 1639. R. D. Smith. Albany, 1877. Norwich to L866. F. M. Caulkins. n. p., n. d. Torrington. History, from 1787. C. M. Orcutt. Albany, 1878. Wallingford, 1670 to Present Time. Meriden to 1806. Cheshire, incorporated, 1780. C. H. S. Davis. Meriden, 1870. Winchester, Annals and Family Records of. J. Boyd. Albany, 1878. Wolcott County. History, 1731-1874. Waterbury, 1874. Woodstock Academy. History. C. W. Bowen, n. p., n. d., pam. Yale College: Addresses at Induction of Timothy Dwight as President, 1886. New York, 1886, pam. Addresses before Alumni. Astrsea, by Oliver W. Holmes, 1850. Boston, 1850. Historical Development of American Civilization. C. J. Stille, 1863. New Haven, 1863. Past and Present. S. B. Buggies, 1864. New York, •1864, pam. Lessons of our National Conflict. By J. M. Sturtevant, 1861. New Haven, 1861, pam. 40 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Connecticut. Yale College: Catalogues of Officers and Students, 1830-1889. New Haven, 1830-89. Church of Christ in Yale College, History of. Sermon by G. P. Fisher. New Haven, 1858. Class Histories, Anniversaries, Biographies etc. 1701-1745, 1802, 1817, 1848, 1850, 1855, 1857, 1860, 1862, 1865, 1868, 1869, 1887. New Haven and Springfield, 1852-87. Directory of Living Graduates. 2d and 3d edition. New Haven, 1881, 1886. . Greek and Homan Coins in Numismatic Collection. New Haven, 1880. Law School Catalogue, 1884-5. New Haven, 1885. Needs of the University, 1871. n. p., n. d., pam. Obituary Record of Yale College, 1860-1889. New Haven 1860- 89. Phi Beta Kappa Society. Addresses before— Andrews, J. W. Oration, 1850. New Haven, 1850. Bissell, C. “ Yale Revisited.” Poem, 1861. New Haven, 1861. Boise, C. A. and Daniels, J. L. Poem and Oration, 1860. New Haven, 1860. Dickerson, H. S. Oration, 1842. New Haven, 1842. Everett, E. Oration, 1833. New Haven, 1833. Hall, W. Address, 1844. New Haven, 1844. Holmes, O. W. “ Astrsea.” Poem, 1850. Utica, 1850. Kent, J. Address, 1831. New Haven, 1831. Lord, D. Extra Professional Influence of Pulpit and Bar, 1851. New York, 1851. North, S. Anglo Saxon Literature, 1847. Utica, 1847. Ray, L. The Coming Age. Poem, 1847. New Haven, 1847. Seward, W. H. Address, 1854. New Haven, 1854. Sill, E. “Clocks of Gnoster Town.” Poem, 1869. New Haven, 1870. Smith, Ashbel. Oration, 1849. New Haven, 1849. Thompson, J. B. How to Build a Nation, 1868. n. p., n. d. Tracey C. and Helmer, C. D. “ The True and False.” Oration. “ Stars and Stripes.” Poem, 1862. New Haven, 1862. Washburne, E. The College an Element of the State, 1869. New Haven, 1870. See Pam. Vol. 300. Sheffield Scientific School. Reports, 1865-1884. New Haven, 1866-1885. Yale College. Sub ect to the General Assembly. New Haven, 1784, pam. Conquest of Canada. E. Washburton. New York, 1850. Conquest of Spain by Arab Moors. H. Coppee. Boston, 1881, 2 vols. Constitutional History. See Political Science. Constitutional Meeting at FaneuilHall, Nov. 26, 1850. Boston, 1850, pam. Constitutional Power of Parliament under British North American Act, 1867. St. Johns, 1884. CATALOGUE. 41 Consumption, etc. It. It. Gregg. Canandaigua, 1859, pam. Contact Makers for Electric Clocks, n. p., n. d., pam. Continent, The. Yols. 3-6. Philadelphia and New York, 1883-5. Conventions of Govenors of thirteen Colonial States at Philadelphia, Sept. 1886, with proceedings of Constitutional Centennial Commission Dec. 1886. Philadelphia. 1886, pam. Cook, C. What shall we do with our Walls. New York, 1880. Cook, F. K. Journal of Military Expedition of Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, against the six Nations of Indians, 1776. Albany, 1887. Cook, G. W. George Eliot, Life, Writings, Philosophy. Boston, 1884. Cook, W. H. Trusts, etc. 2d edition. New York, 1888. Cooley, T. M. Michigan, a History of Government. Boston, 1885. Popular and Legal View T s of Railway Traffic Pooling. Chicago, 1884, pam. Cooper, P. Ideas for a Science of Good Government. New York, 1883. Co-operative Distribution in Great Britian. C. D. Wright. Boston, 1886. Co-operative Index to Periodicals, 1883-1889. New York, 1883-90. Coppee, H. Conquest of Spain by Arab Moors. Boston, 1881, 2 vols. Coppinger, J. American Practical Brewer and Tanner. New York, 1815, pam., vol. 275. Corfield, W. H. Water and Water Supply, n. p., 1875. Cornell, Gov. A. Public Papers. New York, 1880-82. Albany, 1882. Cornell, W. M. Life and Services of Horace Greely. Boston, 1882. Cornhill Magazine. Yols. 1-58. London, 1860-88. Cotton Plant, The. D. Gutierrez. Mexico. 1880, pam. Country Boy’s first three Months in the Army. C. H. Barney. See R. I. Soldiers and Sailors’ Historical Association. S. 2, No. 2. Country Living and Country Thinking. A. Dodge (Gail Hamilton). Boston, 1863. Court of Anna Carafa. Mrs. N. R. St. John. London, 1872. Court of Napoleon. F. B. Goodrich. New York, 1857. Cotton Fibre, The. T. Bray. Philadelphia, 1889. Cowley, C. Romance of History in the Black Country. Lowell, 1882, pam. Cox, F. A., Hoby, J. The Baptists in America. New York, 1836. Cox, S. H. Progress of the Church. Pam., vol. 277. Cox, S. S. Classification and Compensation of Public Officers. Wash¬ ington, 1886. Cradle of the Confederacy, etc. J. Hodgson. Mobile, 1876. Craven, J. J. Prison Life of Jefferson Davis. New York, 1866. Crawford, T. M. Mr. Isaacs. London, 1885. Cremony, J. C. Life among the Apachees. San Francisco, 1868 Crerar, John. Will of. Chicago, 1889. n. p., n. d., pam. Crime. Brockway, G. R. Prison Labor Competition. Chandler, J. R. Outlines of Penology, Philadelphia, 1875. (Re¬ print from Forum) 1888. Guillaume, Dr. Bulletin de La Commission P&nitentiare Interna¬ tionale, Fevrier, 1885. Rome, n. d. Howard Association. Report, 1879. London, n. d., pam. Nash, S. Crime and the Family. Cincinnati, 1876. 6 42 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. «> Crime. Nordisk Tidsskrift, Faengselsvaesen, ogovrige. Penitentiaere, 1882. Kobenhaven, n. d. Over crowding and Crime, n. p., n. d., pam. Pettinger, J. B. Responsibility of Society for Causes of Crime. New York, n. d. Prisons of Great Britian. County and Borough. London, 1880, pam. Putnam, E. C. Girls in Penal Institutions, n. p., n. d., pam. Reeve, C. H. True Theory of Reform, with Labor as a factor, n. p., n. d., pam. Seymour, H. The Tramp Nuisance, n. p., n. d., pam. Seymour, H. W. Prison of Infamy, n. p., n. d., pam. Thompson, W. H. Murder and the Death Penalty. Detroit, 1886. Wey, H. D. Industrial and Physicial Training of Criminals. New York, 1888. Willits, E. Relations of Intelligence to Crime, n. p., n. d., pam. Crimean Invasion. Origin and Progress, to death of Lord Raglan, vols. 5, 6. A. W. Kinglake. New York, 1888. Crisis, The, No. 1. T. Paine, n. p., n. d., pam. Critic. Yols. 3-10. New York, 1883-89. Crittenden, J. J. See Individual Biography. Cromwell, O. L. Letters and Speeches. T. Carlyle. New York, 1848-49, 2 vols. Cronise, T. F. Natural Wealth of California. San Francisco, 1848. Cross of Monteray and other Poems. R. E. White. San Francisco, 1882. Crotty, D. D. Four Years Campaigning in the Army of the Potomac. Grand Rapids, 1874. Cruikshank, G. See Individual Biography. Crystal Palace. London, 1851. History and Description. London, n. d., 3 vols. Cudmore, P. Poems and Songs, etc. 4th edition. Ottawa, n. d. Culture and Religion. J. C. Shairp. New York, 1872. Culture of Silk. T. G. Comstock. 2d edition. Hartford, 1839. Cummings, W. H. Life of H. Purcell. London, 1881. Curability of Insanity. P. Earle. Utica, 1877. Curran, W. H. Life and Speeches of. J. P. Curran. Yols. 1, 2, Life. Yol. 3, Speeches. London, 1819. Curry, J. L. M. Constitutional Goverment of Spain. New York, 1889. National Aid to Education. See Education. Curtis, W. E. Trade and Transportation between U. S. and Spanish America. Washington, 1889. Curzon, R. Yisit to Monasteries of the Levant. New York, 1852. Cushing, W. Initials and Pseudonyms. New York, 1885. Custer, E. B. Boots and Saddles. New York, 1885. Custer, G. A. Wild Life on the Plains. St. Louis, 1885. See Individual Biography. Cutcheon, B. M. American System. American Materials. American Labor. American Market, n. p., n. d., pam. Fitz John Porter, Speeches on. 1884-1886. n. p., n. d., pam. Pensions, etc. n. p., n. d., pam. Cutler, W. P. Ordinance of July 13th, 1787, for Goverment of North West Territory. 2d edition, n. p., n. d. CATALOGUE. 43 Cyclopaedia of Universal History. Cincinnati, n. d., 3 vols. Dairy Protection. T. W. Palmer. Washington, 1886, pam. Dakota. Bismarck and Madison Directory, 1884. Detroit, 1884. Church, Gov. L. K. Reports, 1887, 1888. Washington, 1887-8. Custer, E. B. Boots and Saddles. New York, 1885. Journal of the Council, 1885-1889. Bismarck, 1885-9. Journal of the House, 1885-1889. Bismarck, 1885-9. Legislative Hand Book, 1889. Bismarck, 1889. Laws , Statute: i Compiled Laws, 1887. Bismarck. Session Laws, 1883-1889. Bismarck, 1883-89. Law , Supreme Court: Smith, E. G. Yols. 2, 3. Yankton, 1882-87. Tripp, B. B. Yol. 5. St. Paul, 1889. Pierce, Gov. G. A. Message, 1887. Bismarck, 1887. Dalghren, M. Y. Etiquette of Social Life in Washington. 5th edition. Washington, 1881. Dalziel, D. Rip Yan Winkle’s Dream. New York, 1884. Dana, R. H. To Cuba and Back. Boston, 1859. Dangers in Gasoline. J. H. Kellogg, n. p., n. d., pam. Daniel Deronda. M. A. Evans. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Daniels, W. H. D. Moody and his Work. New edition. Hartford, 1877. Darling, C. W. New Amsterdam, New Orange. New York, n. p., n. d. Darwin, C. Descent of Man. New York, 1871, 2 vols. D’Aubigne, J. H. M. Germany. England. Scotland. New York, 1848. Davies, C. Elements of Algebra. New York, 1867. Geometry. Rev. edition, n. p., n. d. Logic and Utility of Mathematics, n. p., n. d. Davies, T. Memoirs of D. Garrick. New edition. London, 1780, 2 vols. Davis, C. W. S. Wallingford 1670 to present Time. Meriden to 1806. Cliesire to Incorporation, 1780. Meriden, 1870. Davis, Jefferson. See Individual Biography. Davis, W. T. Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth, Mass. Boston, 1883. Day, D. T. Iodine. Abstract from “Mineral Resources” of U. S. 1883-4. Washington, 1885, pam. Sulphur. Abstract from “ Mineral Resources” of U. S. 1883-4. Washington, 1885, pam. Day, H. From the Pyranees to the Pillars of Hercules. 2d edition. New York, 1884. Day, Susan. See Yilletard, E. Dead yet Living. O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1884, pam. Dean, A. The British Constitution. Chicago, 1883. Dearborns, The. See Individual Biography. Decoration Day. Clark, A. A. Oration at Flushing, May, 30, 1887. Flushing, 1887, pam. Duffield, G. Our Soldier Dead. n. p., n. d., pam. Holmes, O. W. Dead Yet Living. Boston, 1884, pam. Memorial Review held in Canton, Mass., 1880, by Grand Army of the Republic. Palmer, T. W. Oration, May 30, 1879. Detroit, n. d., pam. 44 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. De Costa, B. F. A few Observations on Prince Society’s edition of English Canaan. New York, 1883, pam., vol. 278. Dedham. See England. Deland, M. John Ward, Preacher. Boston, 1889. Delany, P. B. Cable Telegraphy and Cable Line Adjuster. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Delaware. College Catalogue, 1853. Philadelphia, 1853, pam. Gazetteer. Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia, 1884. Balti¬ more, 1884. Law, Chancery Reports: Bates, G. H. Vols. 3, 4. Philadelphia, 1883-4. Saulsbury, W. Vol. 5. Philadelphia, 1884. Laws , Statute: Laws, 1700-1813, 5 vols. 1821, 1824-1826, 1885, 1887, 1889. Wilmington and Dover, 1797-1889. Laic, Supreme Court: Deports. Houston, J. W. Vol. 5. Philadelphia, 1884. Minutes of Council, 1776-1792. Dover, 1886. Librarian, Deport, 1887-8. Dover, n. d., pam. Delisle, M. L. Les Manuscrits du Comte D’ Ashburnham. Paris, 1883. Manuscripts of the Eart of Ashburnham. (English.) Pt. 1. Deport of Minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts. Philadelphia, 1884. Pt. 2. Observations on the very Ancient Manuscript of Libri Collection. Philadelphia, 1884. (Bound together.) DeLong, G. W. Voyage of the Jeanette. Boston, 1884, 2 vols. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Quarterly. Vols. 1-2. New York, 1883-4. Demarest, D. D. The Huguenots on the Hackensack. New Brunswick, 1886, pam. Democracy in the United States. D. H. Gillett. New York, 1888. Democratic Party Decord, 1860-1865. n. p., n. d., pam. De Musset. See Musset, De., Individual Biography. Dennison, F. Shot and Shell, or 3d D. I. Heavy Artillery, 1861-65. Providence, 1879. Denton, W. Common Sense Thoughts on the Bible. Boston, 1872. Denny, J. T. Guide Book. Philadelphia, 1878. De Peyster, J. W. Carausius, the Dutch Augustus and Emperor of Britain. Poughkeepsie, 1858. From the Bapidan to Appomattox Court House. Philadelphia, 1883. Life and Misfortunes of Sir John Johnson. New Y 7 ork, 1882. Life of Andrew D. Humphrey. Lancaster, 1886. Life of Anthony Wayne. Lancaster, 1886. Major General Philip Schuyler and the Burgoyne Campaign, 1777. New York, 1877; pam. Mary, Queen of Scots, a Study. New York, 1882. Inquiry into career of, and Justification of Both well. New York, 1883. See Collective Biography. Miscellanies by an Officer, 1774-1813, with supplement. New York, 1888. CATALOGUE. 45 De Peyster, J. W. Secession in Switzerland and United States compared. Catskill, 1863, pam. State Sovereignty, n. p., n. d., pam. Vindication of James Hepburn, 4tli Earl of Bothwell, 3d husband of Mary, Queen of Scots. Philadelphia, 1852. Derby, J. C. Fifty Years among Authors, Books and Publishers. New York, 1886. Descent of Man. C. Darwin. New York, 1871, 2 vols. Destruction and Deconstruction. B. Taylor. New York, 1879. Deutsch Lyrik. C. H. Bucklieim. 6th edition (German). London, 1886. Devereux, G. H. Yriarte, Spanish Literary Fables. De Witt, H. Francois Guizot in Private Life. Boston, 1882. Dial, The. Vols., 4-10. Chicago, 1884-89. Dialogue, Between Nominal Christian and Horse Jockey, n. p., n. d., pam. Diamond with a Flaw. G. D. Gillespie, n. p., n. d., pam. Dibdin, T. F. Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. 2d edition. 3 vols., London, 1829. Dictionary. American Dictionary of Commerce. Boston, 1881, 2 vols. American Phonographic Dictionary. Cincinnati, 1882. Bartlett, J. B. Dictionary of Americanisms. 4tli edition. Boston, 1884. Century Dictionary, vols. 1-2. New York, 1889. Dictionary of Statistics. Comp., M. C. Mulliall. New Edition. London, 1886. Encyclopaedic Dictionary. B. Hunter, Comp. 2d edition. Lon¬ don, 1846, 14, vols. English and Dutch Languages. Comp., J. M. Calisch. Tiel, 1875 2 parts. Knight’s New American Mechanical Dictionary. Boston, 1884. Peoples’ Dictionary. W. B. Balch, Comp. Bevised edition. Phil¬ adelphia, n. d. Quain, B. Dictionary of Medicine. New York, 1883. Smith, W. Dictionary of the Bible. New York, 1872, 4 vols, Smith, H. P. Glossary of Terms and Phrases. New York, 1883. Worcester’s Dictionary. Gross Literary Fraud Belative to publi¬ cation of, in London. Boston, 1859, pam. Digby, Lieut W. Journal of British Invasion of the North, 1776-7. Edited by J. P. Baxter. Boston, 1872. Digestion and Assimilation of Fat in the Human Body. H. C. Bartlett. London, 1877, pam. Diffraction of Sound. W. L. C. Stevens. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Diminution of Pauperism, n. p., n. d., pam. Dinwiddie Papers, 1751-1758. See Va. Historical Society Collections. London, 1854. 3 vols. Diplomatic Beview. (England.) Book 2, vols. 3-6; Books 4, 5, 6, vols. 14-25. London, 1881-83. See Free Press. Directory. Alpena County, Michigan, 1883-4. Detroit, 1883. Antiquarian Booksellers, etc., in United States, 1888. Milwaukee, 1888. Authors and Writers for Literary Magazines. 1st and 2d editions. W. M. Grisw’old, Comp. Bangor, 1884-6. 46 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Directory. Bay City, West Bay City, Essexville, Michigan, 1884-5. Detroit, 1884. Big Bapids, etc., Mich., 1884. Detroit, n. d. Bismarck and Mandon, Dakota, 1884. Detroit, 1884. Booksellers and Dealers in second hand books in United States and Canada, 1877. New York, n. d. Boston Directory, 1885. Boston, n. d. Calhoun County, Michigan, 1883. Battle Creek, 1882. Colorado, etc., 1884-5. Detroit, n. d. Connecticut Business Directory, 1881. ' Boston, 1881. Detroit City, Mich., 1887. Detroit, 1887. Fort Wayne, Ind., 1885. Detroit, 1885. Indianopolis, Ind., 1885. Indianapolis, 1885. Jackson, Mich., City and County, 1884-5. Detroit, 1885. Kalamazoo, Mich., City and County. 1885-6. Detroit, 1885. Mandon, Dakota. See Bismarck. Medical and Surgical Directory of United States. Detroit, 1886. Michigan Gazetteer, 1889. Detroit, 1889. Missouri Gazetteer, 1885. Indianapolis, 1885. Muskegon County Michigan, 1884-1885-6. Detroit, 1884-5. New England Business Directory, 1885. Boston, 1885. New Haven Directory, 1848-9, 1862-3, 1874-5. New Haven, 1848- 75. New Jersey Gazetteer, 1885. Detroit, 1885. Newspaper and Bank Directory of the World, vol. 1, 1882. New Haven, 1882. New York City, 1873-1885. New York, 1873-85. New York State, 1882. Boston, n. d. Oregon, Washington, Idaho Gazetteer, 1884-5. Detroit, n. d. Railway Officials and Railway Directors, 1886. New YY>rk, n. d. Saginaw City, Michigan, 1884. Detroit, 1884. Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1885. Detroit, 1885. San Francisco, California, 1885. San Francisco, 1885. Texas Gazetteer, 1884-5. St. Louis, n. d. Toledo, Ohio, 1885-6. Detroit, 1885. Disease. See Public Health. Distributive Co-operation. C. D. Wright. Boston, 1885. District of Columbia. Laiv, Statute: Corporation Laws of Washington City, 1853. Washington, 1853. Laws of Washington City, 1868. Washington, 1868. Revised Code, 1857. Washington, 1857. Washington, Picturesque. J. W. Moore. Providence, 1884. Dix, J. A. Speeches and Occasional Addresses. New York, 1864, 2 vols. Dodge, A. Country Living. Boston, 1862. Gala Days. Boston, 1864. New Atmosphere. Boston, 1864. Our Common School System. Boston, 1880. Stumbling Blocks. Boston, 1864. Dodge, M. M. Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates. New York, 1881. Dominion of Arabs in Spain. J. A. Conde. London, 1854. 3 vols. Donaldson, T. The Public Domain, History, etc. Washington, 1884. CATALOGUE. 47 Donnell, E. J. Slavery and Protection. Historical Review and Appeal to Workshop and Farm. New York, 1882. Wages and Tariff. New Y r ork, 1884, pam. Donnelly, J. The Antediluvian World. New York, n. d. Dorr, J. C. R. Vermont.—Poem. Boston, 1877. Dorsheimer, AY., and Hensel, W. U. Lives of Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks. Philadelphia, 1884. Doude, H. Re-union of Descendants of, at Madison, Conn., Sept. 2, 1885. New York, 1886, pam. See Genealogy. Douglas, Dr. W. Notes on a copy of his Almanac for 1743, on subject of Medicine in Massachusetts before his time. S. A. Green. Cambridge, 1884. * Dowd, W. M. Descendants of Henry Doude. Hartford, 1885. Downward Draughts in Furnaces. C. A. Lozano, n. p., n. d., pam. Drainage. See Public Health. Drama. Acharmians of Atistophenes. Drama, n. p., n. d., pam. Browning, R. Dramas. Boston, 1886. Dramatis Personae. Boston, 1886. Bulwer, E, Dramatic Works. London, n. d. Moliere, J. B. P. Dramatic Works. Tr. H. Van Laun. New York, n. d. 3 vols. Trumbull, D. Death of Capi, Nathan Hale. Hartford, 1845, pam. Webster, J. Dramatic Works. London, 1857. 4 vols. Drawing in Charcoal and Crayon. F. Fowler. New York, n. d. Drayton, M. Complete Works. London, 1876. 3 vols. Drinks, Drinkers and Drinking. Laws and History of Intoxicating Liquors. R. V. Rogers, Jr. Albany, 1881. Dryden, J. Fables from Boccaccia and Chaucer. New York, n. d. Du Bois, H. M. Tests of Vehicle Wheels, n. p., n. d., pam. Dudley, C. B. Fuel Oil. n. p., n. d., pam. Dudley, T. H. Farmers and the Tariff, n. p., n. d., pam. Dufferin, Earl of. See Canada. Duffield, D. Detroit Newsboys’ Carriers’ Address, 1883. Detroit 1882, pam. Duffield, G. Our Soldier Dead. n. p., n. d., pam. Duffield, Mrs. W. Art of Flower Painting. 16th edition. London, n. d. Dunciad, etc. A. Pope. (Yol 3, of Works.) London, n. d. Dunn, Michael. See Individual Biography. Dutch and the Iroquois. C. H. Hall. New York, 1882. Dutch Reform Church of United States. Constitution, 1794-1815. New York, 1815. Dymond, J. Accordancy of War with Christianity. See pam., vol. 279. Earle, P. Curability of Insanity. Utica, 1877. Earle Family. See Genealogy. Early Factory Labor in New England. H. H. Robinson. Boston, 1889. Early Hanoverians. E. E. Morris. New York, 1886. Early History of Land Holding among the Germans. D. W. Ross. Bos¬ ton, 1883. Early History of the West. 0. H. Marshall. Albany, 1887. Early Italian Painters. A. Jameson. London, 1858. Early Kings of Norway, etc. T. Carlyle. New York, 1875. 48 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Early New England People. See Genealogy. Early Northwest. W. F. Poole. New York, 1889. Early Voyages to America. J. P. Baxter. See It. I. Historical Society. Earthquakes and other Earth Movements. J. Milne, n. p., n. d., pam. Eastlake, E. Life of J. Gibson, Sculptor. London, 1870. East Tennessee Campaign. W. H. Brearley. Detroit, 1871, pam. Eaton, A. Index to Geology of Northern States, Troy, 1820. Eaton, J. Illiteracy, its social, political and industrial effects. Burling¬ ton, 1882. Ecclesiastical History. Eusebius Pamphilius. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1834. Ecclesiastical History of United States. F. L. Hawks. New York, 1836-9, 2 vols. Echoes from Mist-Land. A. Woodward. (“Auber Forestier.”) 2nd edition. Chicago, 1889. Ecilaw, A. Romance of a German Court. London, 1886, 2 vols. Eclectic Magazine. Vols. 3, 4, 6, 12, 17, 19-22, 26, 30-36, 42, 44, 45, 49, 50, 54, 100-113. New York, 1844-89. Eddy, D. C. Christian Heroines. Boston, 1881. Edinburgh Review. Vols. 157-170. London, 1883-89. Edmonds, J. Reading Notes on Luther. Philadelphia, 1883, pam. Education. Adams, C. K. Educational System of Germany. Lansing, 1882. American Association for Advancement of Education. Proceedings, 1851, 1854, 1856. Philadelphia and Hartford, 1852-56. American Education Society. Annual Report, 1831-40. Boston, 1831-40. Proceedings, August, 1828. New York, 1828, pam. Proposed Union of American Education Society and Western College Society. New York, 1854, pam. American Educational Monthly, Jan., 1867. New York, 1867. American Journal of Education, 1856-80. Hartford, 1856-80, 30 vols. American Women’s Educational Association Reports, 1854, 1855. New York, 1854-5. Board of National Popular Education Report of Agents, 1848, 1851,1852, 1854. Brace, C. L. Industrial School Movement. New York, 1857, pam. Combes, E. Value of Technical Training, etc., in Public Schools. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Dodge, A. (Gail Hamilton.) Our Common School System. Bos¬ ton, 1880. Hawkins, D. A. Relations of Education to Wealth, Morality, Pau¬ perism and Crime. Bridgton, 1883. Pam. Hill, T. Integral Education. Boston, 1859, pam. Knight, G. W. History and Management of Land Grants for Edu¬ cation in Northwest Territory. New York, 1885. Ladies’ Society for Promotion of Education in the West. History. Boston, 1846, pam. Montague, F. B. Technical Education. London, n. d. National Convention of Friends of Public Education. Proceedings, 1851. Philadelphia, 1851. CATALOGUE. 49 Education. Palmer, T. W. Relation of Educated Men to tlie State, n. p., n. d., pam. Peabody Education Fund. Green, S. A. General Agent. Reports, 1886-1888. n. p., n. d., pam. Memorial of Trustees, Feb. 19, 1880. Cambridge, 1880, pam. National Educational Association. Proceedings. See U. S. Bureau of Education. Proceedings of Trustees, 1874-1888. Boston, 1881-88. Report of Institutes to Trustees, 1887, 1889. Nashville, 1887-9, pam. University of Nashville: Catalogue of Peabody Normal College, 1888-89. Nashville, 1889, pam. Payne, W. H., Inauguration of, as Chancellor of Nashville University, etc., Oct. 5, 1887. Cambridge, 1887, pam. Presentation of three portraits (E. H. Ewing, George Pea¬ body, P. Lindsley), to Peabody Normal College, Oct. 3, 1888. Cambridge, 1888, pam. Salomon, O. The Slojd in the Service of the School. New York, 1888. Schoenhof, J. Industrial Education in France. Washington, 1888. Society for promotion of Collegiate and Theological Education at the West. Reports, 1848-1867. New York, 1848-67. United States Bureau of Education. Circulars of Information. Account of College Commencements in Western and Southern States in 1873. No. 5, 1873. Adams, H. B. Editor. Contributions to American Educational History. Circulars No. 1-4, 1888; No. 1,1889. No. 2. Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia. Washington, 1888. No. 3. Smith, C. L. History of Education in North Car¬ olina. Washington, 1888. No. 4. Merriwether, C. History of Education in South Carolina. Washington, 1889. No. 5. Jones, C. E. Education in Georgia. Washington, 1889. No. 7. Allen, W. F. Spencer, D. E. Higher Education in Wisconsin. Washington, 1889. Bush, G. G. History of Education in Florida. No. 5, 1888. Circular respecting Exhibition of Education at World’s Indus¬ trial and Cotton Exhibition at New Orleans, Dec. 1, 1884. Co-education in Public Schools. No. 2, 1883. Curry, J. L. M. National Aid to Education. No. 3, 1884. Hartwell, E. M. Physical Training in American Colleges and Universities. No. 5, 1885. Hough, B. Universities and Colleges of United States. 1883. Legal Provisions respecting Examinations and Licensing of Teachers. No. 1, 1883. Leland, C. C. Industrial Arts in Schools. No. 4, 1882. Maternal Schools in France. No. 5, 1882. 7 50 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Education. Meeting International Prison Congress at Rome. No. 1, 1884. Philbrick, J. D. City School System in United States. No. 1. 1885. Proceedings Department of Superintendents of National Educa¬ tional Association at Washington Feb., 1883, 1884, 1888. No. 3, 1883. No. 4, 1884. No. 6, 1888. Recent School Law Decisions. No. 4, 1883. Rockwell, J. E. Teaching' Practice and Literature of Short¬ hand. No. 2, 1884. Rural Schools. Progress in the Past, etc. No. 6, 1884. Special Report on Educational Exhibits and Conventions at Word’s Industrial and Cotton Exhibition, New Orleans, 1884-5. 1885. Study of Music in the Public Schools. No. 1, 1886. Teachers’ Institutes. No. 2, 1885. Thompson, C. O. Review of Reports of British Royal Com¬ missioner of Technical Instruction. No. 3, 1885. Wead, C. K. Aims and Methods of Teaching Physics. No. 7, 1884. Wright, C. D. Study of Statistics in Colleges. Boston, 1885. Commissioner’s Reports, 1880-1889. Washington, 1880-89. Education in Italy and Greece. Washington, 1883, pam. Planting Trees in School Grounds. Washington, 1883, pam. Edwards, H. S. Antonio Giachino and his School. London, 1888. Edwards, J. Comp. Memoirs of Rev. David Brainard. New Haven, 1822. Edwards, N. Collection of Papers and Manuscripts of, Ed. by E. B. Washburne. Chicago, 1884. Effects upon Civilized World of increase in quantity of Money Metals. R. P. Haskins, n. p., n. d. Egerton Manuscript, 2395. Papers in. H. F. Waters, n. p., n. d., pam. Eggleston, E. Christ in Art. New York, 1874. Egypt, Young Folks History of. C. E. Clement. Boston, 1880. Selikovitsch, E. Dawn of Egyptian Civilization, n. p., n. d., pam. Eighteen Centuries of Church of England. A. H. Hore. London, 1881. Elbert, S. See Individual Biography. Electors’ Political Catechism. R. J. Wickstead. Ottawa, 1885. Electric Welding. C. J. N. Woodbury, n. p., n. p., pam. Electric Welding. E. Thompson, n. p., n. d., pam. Electrical Current Meter. G. Forbes, n. p., n. d., pam. Electrical Transmission and pure Research. M. B. Snyder, n. p., n. d., pam. Electricity. Anthony, W. A. Electrical Measurements, as Applied to Commer¬ cial Work. n. p., n. d., pam. Forbes, G. An Electrical Current Meter, n. p., n. d., pam. Houston, E. J. Forbes’ Electric Meters, n. p., n. d., pam. Pyro Magnetic Motors and Generators of Electricity, n. p., n. d., pam. Salom, P. G. The Julian System of Electrical Transmission, n. p., 1887, pam. Snyder, M. B. The Electrical Exhibition and Pure Research, n. p., n. d., pam. CATALOGUE. 51 Electricity. Spellier, L. H. Contact-Maker for Electric Clocks, n. p., n. cl., pam. Thompson, E. Electric Welding, n. p., n. d., pam. Thurston, It. H. The Great Brush Dynamo, n. p., n. d., pam. Woodbury, C. J. H. Electric Welding, n. p., n. d., pam. See International Electrical Exhibition. Elements of Economics. H. D. McLeod. New York, 1881, 2 vols. “Eliot, George.” See Evans, M. A. Elizabeth, Queen of Boumania, “Carmen Silva.” Pilgrim Sorrow. Tr. H. Zimmern. New York, 1884. Elliot, E. Old Court Life in France. New York, 1877. Elliot, J. J. The “Little Mattie” Mine of Idaho Springs, Colorado. Lawrence, 1882, pam. Ellis, G. E. Address at Unveiling of John Harvard Statue, Oct. 15, 1884. Cambridge, 1884, pam. Opening, Use and Future of our Domain in this Continent. New York, 1887, pam. Elmes, J. Christopher Wren and His Times. London, 1852. Elocution. % Dyer, J. H. Essay on Elocution. Albany, 1887. Fobes, W. K. Elocution Simplified. Boston, n. d. Griffiths, A. A. Lessons in Elocution. 6th edition. Chicago, 1889. Ely, A. Prisoner at Richmond, 1861. Journal. E. C. Lanman. New York, 1862. Emerson, W. A. Hand Book of Wood Engraving. Boston, 1881. Emery, C. E. Heating Cities by Steam, n. p., n. d., pam. Emigration of Huguenots to America. C. W. Baird. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Emperor William. See Individual Biography. Encyclopaedia. America. Encyclopaedia of History and Biography. S. M. New¬ man, Comp. 3d edition. Chicago, 1883. American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. J. H. Merrill, Comp. American Encyclopaedia of Printing. Philadelphia, 1871. Appleton’s Annual Cyclopaedia. N. S. Yols. 7-13, 1883-1889. New York 1883-89. Index to 12 vols. 1876-1888. New York, 1888. Britannica. Yols. 15-24. 9th edition. New York, 1883-88. Index. New York, 1889. Supplement to 9th edition. Philadelphia 1884-89, 4 vols. Encyclopaedia of Methodism. M. Simpson, ed. 4th edition. Phila¬ delphia, 1881. Encyclopaedic Dictionary. R. Hunter, Comp. 2d edition. Lon¬ don, 1884. 14 vols. Farmers’ Complete Cyclopaedia. Flint, 1882. Farrow, E. T. Military Encyclopaedia. New York, 1888, 3 vols. Illustrated Horse Doctor and Live Stock Encyclopaedia. Phila¬ delphia, n. d. Lippincott’s Pronouncing Biographical and Mythological Diction¬ ary. New edition, revised and enlarged. Philadelphia, 1889. New Peoples’ Cyclopaedia. 18th edition. New York, n. d., 4 vols. Political Science, Economy, and History of U. S. * Ed. J. J. Lalor, Chicago, 1882-83, 3 vols. 52 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Encyclopaedia. Young Folks’ Cyclopaedia of Common Things. New York, 1885. Young Folks’ Cyclopaedia of Persons and Places. 4th edition. New York, 1885. See Dictionary. Endean, J. R. What is the “Eternal Hope” of Canon Farrar? London, 1878. Engine. Forney, M. W. Evolution of the American Locomotive, n. p., n. d., pam. Hammer Blow in Locomotives, n. p., n. d., pam. Henderson, W. M. Description of an improved Triple-Expansion Engine, n. p., n. d., pam. Isherwood. Experiments to ascertain effect of using saturated steam alone, or with compressed hot air in a non-condensing Engine, n. p., n. d., pam. Thurston, R. H. Distribution of Internal Friction of Engines, n. p., n. d., pam. Philosophy of Multi-cylinder, or compound engine etc. Phil¬ adelphia, 1889. , Engineering. Clark, N. B. Water Line Defence and Gun Shields for Cruisers, n. p., 1884, pam. Haupt, L. M. Municipal Engineering. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Isherwood. Experiments to determine relative efficiency of Recip¬ rocating Pump, Rotary Pump, and Steam Siphon Pump, in raising Water to same height. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Sellers, C. Scientific Method in Mechanical Engineering. Phil¬ adelphia, 1885. England. Adams, W. H. D. English Party Leaders and English Parties. London, 1878, 2 vols. Beauties of the British Senate. Walpole and Pitt. London, 1876, 2 vols. British Almanac and Companion, 1833-1845. London, n. d. British Gazetteer, Political, etc. Vols 1-9. London, 1852. Brown, J. C. Papers relating to British School of Forestry, n. p., n. d., pam. Brown, T. The British Cicero. Yols. 1, 3. Philadelphia, 1810. Browning, O. England and Napoleon in 1803. London, 1887. Burke, E. Works. Yol. 1. Boston, 1826. Campbell, J. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of Great Seal. 7th edition. Jersey City, 1885, 10 vols. Cheney, W. F. Dedham. Paper read before Dedham Historical Society, Dec. 7, 1887. n. p., n. d., pam. Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde. Cobbett, W. Parliamentary History of England, 1066-1803. Lon¬ don, 1806-20, 36 vols. Companion to Almanac and Year Book of General Information, 1831-34; 1846-7. London, n. d. Correspondence of some of the Founders of the Royal Society with Gov. Winthrop, 1661-1672. Boston, 1878. Dean, A. The British Constitution. Chicago, 1883. CATALOGUE. 53 England. Diplomatic Fly-Sheets, Nos. 231-4, 1887, vol. 5. Nos. 239-240, 206, 1887. 1888. London, n. d., pam. Englishmen’s Rights to Trial by Jury. D. Robbins. Boston, 1883. English Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, 1880. London, " 1880. English Songs from Foreign Tongues. Tr. F. W. Ricord. Newark, " 1879. English Surnames. M. A. Lower. London, 1849. Fox, C. J. Speeches in English House of Commons. London, 1815, 6 vols. Gneist, R. English Parliament in its transformations through a thousand years. Tr. R. J. Shee. Boston, 1886. Godwin, W. Commonwealth of England from Commencement to Restoration of Charles II, vol. 1. London, 1824. Greenwich Observatory. Introduction to Observations, 1886. Lon¬ don, 1886. Guizot, F. P. H. England Under Victoria. Boston, 1882. Hale, Sir M. History of Common Law of England. 6th edition. London, 1820. Hore, A. H. Eighteen Centuries of Church of England. London, n. d. Hyde, E. Earl of Clarendon. Rebellion and Civil War in Eng , etc. Oxford, 1827. land Kavanagh, J. English Women of Letters, London, 1863, 2 vols. Law , Digests: Dale, C. W. M. Over-ruled Cases, 1756-1886, 2 vols. London, 1887. Harrison, R. T. House of Lords, etc., 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1846-1849. Jacob, E. A., Fisher, R. A. Common Law. etc., 9 vols. New York, 1881-1882. Law Journal and Law Journal Reports, 11 vols. 1822-1880. London, 1831-1880. Mews, J. Common Law, Bankruptcy, etc., 7 vols. London, 1884. Mews, J., Todd, A. H. Reported Decisions of all the Courts, 1881-1888. London, 1882-1889. Morrell, C. F. Bankruptcy under Act 1883, 1 vol. London, 1888. Simmons, J. Moak’s English Reports, vols. 16-30. Albany, 1883. Indexes: Chitty, E. Equity, etc., 8 vols. 4th edition. London, 1883-88. I jinn nnrrm hz * The Jurist O. S. 18 vols. in 30, 1837-1854. London 1838-55. The Jurist. N. S. 12 vols., in 18, 1855-1866. London, 1856- 1867. The Jurist, Quarterly. 3 vols., 1827-1832. London, 1827-32. Law Journal Reports. O. S. Vols. 1-9, 1822-1831. London, 1822-31. 54 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. England. Law , Journals: Law Journal Reports. N. S. Yols. 10-52, 1832-88. London, 1832-1888. Law Journal Reports, (Statutes.) O. S. 6 vols. in 3, 1823- 1832. London, 1823-32. Law Journal Reports, (Statutes.) N. S. 42 vols., 1848-1887. London, 1848-86. Law Journal, Notes of Cases. Yols. 20-23, 1885-1888. Lon¬ don, n. d. Law Magazine and Review. 105 vols., 1828-1889, Series 1-4. London, 1829-89. Law Reports and Law Times Reports. Yols. 1-59, 1859-1889. London, 1859-89. Law Times. 86 vols. 1843-1889. London, 1843-89. Admiralty: Spinks Prize Cases, 1854-1856. n. p., n. d. Pratt, E. T. Laws of Contraband of War. London, 1856. Appeal Cases. Yols. 7-14. London, 1882-1889. Bail Court: Willmore, Wollanston and Hodges. 1 vol., 1838-9. n. p., n. d. Bankruptcy and Insolvency. 1 vol. London, 1855. Deacon, E. E. 4 vols. London, 1837-41. DeGex, J. P. Yol 2, Part 1. n. p., n. d. Fonblanque, J. W. M. 1 vol. London, 1851. Insolvency Reports. 2 vols. in one, 1853-5. 2d edition. Lon¬ don, 1855. Macrae, D. C. Hertslet, C. J. B. 1 vol., 1847-1852. London, 1852. Chancery: Monroe C. Acta Concellariae. 1 vol., 1545-1602. London, 1847. Donnelly, R. 1 vol., 1836-37. London, 1837. Law Reports, Yols. 20-40. London, 1885-89. Vice Chancellors: Holt, W. 2 vols. London, n. d. Kay, E. E., Johnson, H. R. Y. 4 vols., 1854-1858. London, 1855-59. Johnson, H. R. Y. 1 vol., 1858-1860. London, 1860. Johnson, H. R. Y. and Hemming, G. W. 2 vols. 1859-1862. London, 1861-1863. Hemming, G. W., Miller, A. E. 2 vols., 1862-1865. London, 1864-6. Common Law Reports, 3 vols., 1853-1855. London, 1854-5. Common Pleas: Drinkwater, W. S. 1 vol., 1840-41. London, n. d. Arnold, J. E. 1 vol., 1889. n. p., n. d. Crown Cases: Lewin, G. A. 2 vols., 1822-1838. London, 1824-38. Temple, L., Mew, G. 1 vol. 1848-1851. London, 1852. nice] q /?cctl • Broderick, G. C., Fremantle, W. 1 vol., 1840-1865. London, 1865. CATALOGUE. 55 England. 777 /*/*#rtQTionl • Notes of Cases. 7 vols., 1841-50. London, 1843-50. Cripps, H. W. Church and Clergy Cases. 1 voh, 1846-50. London, 1849. Phillimore. 1 vol., 1867-1875. London, 1876. Election Ccises: Tomlin, T. E. Cases of Evidence. 1 vol., 1689-1795. London, 1796. O’Malley, E. L., Hardcastle, H. 3 vols., 1869-1880. London, 1881-3. Exchequer * Daniels, E. R. 1 vol., 1817-1820. London, 1824. Price, G. Notes of Cases. 1 vol., 1830-31. Horn, H. Hurlstone, E. T. 1 vol., 1839. n. p., n. d. In all the Courts: Common Law Reports. 3 vols. in 5. London, 1854-5. Equity Reports. 3 vols. in 5, 1853-5. London, 1854-5. Law Reports. 6 vols., 1863-1865. London, 1862-5. King's (or Queen's) Bench: Placita Anglo Normanica. 1 vol., 1066-1195. Boston, 1881. Rotuli Curiae Regis. 2 vols., 1194-1199. n. p., 1835. Year Book, Edward 1. 4 vols., 1292-1307. n. p., n. d. Year Book, Edward 3. 3 vols., 1337-1340. n. p., n. d. Pollexfen, H. 1 vol., 1699-1685. London, 1702. Shower, B. 2 vols., 1678-1694. 3d edition. London, 1834. Burrow, J. 5 vols., 1756-1772. London, 1812. Cowper, H. 2 vols., 1774-1778. 2d edition. London, 1880. Durnford, C., East, C. H. 8 vols., 1785-1800. London, 1794- 1802. Dowling, J., Ryland, A. 9 vols., 1822-1827. London, 1822-31. Arnold, F., Hodges, W. 1 vol., 1840-1841. n. p., n. d. Law Reports (Queen’s Bench). Yols. 8-23. London, 1885-6. Magistrate Cases: Caldecott, T. 1 vol. 1776-1785. Dublin, 1790. Cox, E. W. 15 vols., 1862-1889. London, 1862-89. Miscellaneous: Pigot vs. Hastie. Report of Case, March 21, 1883. Calcutta, 1884. Star Chamber Cases. Reprint from edition of 1630 or 1641. Boston, 1881. Nisi Brius: Holt, F. L. 1 vol., 1815-1817. London, 1818. Carrington, F. A, Payne, J. 9 vols., 1825-1841. London, 1825-41. Moody, N., Malkins, B. H. 1 vol., 1831. London, 1831. Carrington, F. A., Marshman, J. R. 1 vol., 1843. London, 1843. Cababe, M., Ellis, C. G. 1 vol. 1882-1885. London, 1885. Poor Law Cases: Bott, E. vol. 3, (Digest.) 5th edition. London, 1807. 56 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. England. Practice Cases: (Under Judicature Acts.) Bittleston, A. H. 1 vol, 1873-1875. London, 1876. Charley, W. T. 2 vols., 1876-1880. London, 1876-8. Privy Council: Moore, E. F. Indian Appeals, 14 vols., 1836-1872. Bangalore, n. d. Cowell, H. Supplement, Indian Appeals, 1 vol, 1872-1873. London, 1880. Cowell, H., Mac Plierson, W. Indian Appeals, 16 vols. 1873- 1889. London, 1874-89. Probate * Law Reports, vols. 7-13, 1822-1888. London* 1822-1888. Searle, R., Smith, J. C. 1 vol. 1859-60. n. p., n. d. Pailway and Caned: Bevan, E., Walford, S. 1 vol. 1846. London, 1847. Brown, J. H. B., Macnamera, W. H. Yols. 4-5, 1881-8. London, 1889. Real Property Cases. 2 vols., 1843-1848. London, 1846-48. Registration Appeal Cases: Coltman, F. T. 1 vol., 1879-1885. London, 1886. Ayf * Cook, J. T. Yols. 36-38. Albany, 1883-1884. Fortescue, J. Yol. 1. London, 1748. Moaks, N. C. Yols 31-34. Albany, 1883-84. Settlement Cases: Caldecott, T. 1 vol., 1776-1785. Dublin, n. d. State Trials. Yol 1, N. S., 1820-1823. London, 1888. Statute Law: Law Journal. Statutes, 1823-1884. London, 1823-84. Law' Reports. Statutes. Yols. 18-24, 1882-1887. London, 1882-7. Text Books: Blackstone, W. Commentaries on Law of England. 3rd revised edition. T. M. Cooley, 2 vols. Chicago, 1884. Bruce, G. and Gennett, C. F. Jurisdiction and Practice of English Courts. 2d edition. London, 1886. Hale, M. History of Common Law of England. 6th edition. London, 1820. MacQueen, J. Treatise of Practice, House of Lords and Privy Council. London, 1842. Piggott, J. T. Foreign Judgments. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1884. Pomeroy, C. P. Mercantile Law of England and United States. San Francisco, 1887. Riley, W. Pleadings in Parliament. London, 1661. Rollins, D. Englishmen’s Rights to Trial by Jury. Boston, 1883. Stephens, J. F. History of Criminal Law of England. 3 vols. London, 1883. Tithe Cases * Raynor, J. 3 vols. 1575-1772. London, 1783. Wood, H. 4 vols. 1650-1798. London, 1650-1798. CATALOGUE. 57 England. Lecky, W. E. H. England in 18tli Century. New York, 1887. London: Descriptive Account of Guildhall. London, 1886. Harleian Society, List of Members, etc., 1887. n. p., n. d., pam. Eoll of Fame, 1757-1884. London, 1884. Sharpe, R. R. Calendar of Letters from Mayor and Corpora¬ tion of City of London, 1350-1370. London, 1885. Oxford University Alumni, 1715-1886. London, 1887. Pitt, W. Speeches. 2d edition. London, 1808, 3 vols. Prisons of Great Britian, County and Borrough. London, 1880. Eaikes, G. A. History of Honorable Artillery Company. London, 1878-79, 2 vols. Historical Record of the 1st Regiment of Militia or 3d West York Light Artillery. London, 1876. Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope-Annals. Part 2. Vari¬ ation and Instrumental Adjustment of Cape Transit Circle. Results of Astronomical Observations, 1882-1886. n. p., n. d. Spectroscope and Photographic Observations, 1886-1887. Lon¬ don, 1888. Scherr, J. English Literature. London, 1888. Sheil, R. L. Speeches. 2d edition. London, 1853. Spillsbury, W. H. History of Lincoln’s Inn. London, 1850. Statesman’s Year Books, 1886-1888. London, 1886-88. Stephens, A. J. Rise and Progress of English Constitution. London, 1838, 2 vols. Thompson, R. Magna Charta of King John. Charters of Liberty and Confirmations of Henry III and Edward I. London, 1829. Townsend, W. C. Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges. London, 1846, 2 vols. Whitaker’s Almanac, 1872-1876. London, n. d. Englishmen’s Rights to Trial by Jury. D. Rollins. Boston, 1883. English Parliament in its Transformations through a Thousand Years. R. Gneist. Boston, 1886. English Reference Catalogue of Current Literature. London, 1880. English Surnames. M. A. Lower. London, 1849. Entertaining Anecdotes. Chicago, 1879. Epics and Romances of the Middle Ages. W. Wagner. 4th edition. London, 1887. Epinal Glossary, Latin and Old English, 8th Century. London, 1883. Equality of all Men before the Law. Speeches by E. Wright, etc. Bos¬ ton, 1865, pam. Erasmus, Colloquies. London, 1878, 2 vols. Praise of Folly, Life and Letters. Tr. T. More. London, 1876. Essays and Letters. T. R. Hazard. Philadelphia, 1883. Essays and Poems. A. H. Everett. Boston, 1845. Essex Institute Bulletins, vols. 13-20, 1881-1889. Salem, 1882-89. Eternal Hope. F. W. Farrar. New York, 1878. Eternity Realized. R. Philip. Boston, 1835. Ether, Oxygen, Lime Light. F. E. Ives. n. p., n. d., pam. Etherology and Phreno-Philosopliy of Mesmerism, etc. Boston, 1850. 8 58 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Etiquette of Social Life at Washington. M. V. Dahlgren. 5th edition. Philadelphia, 1881. Eusebins. See Pamphilus. Evans, A. S. Our Sister Republic, Trip Through Mexico, 1869-70. Hart¬ ford, 1880. Evans, M. A. (George Eliot.) Works. New York, n. d. Adam Bede. Daniel Deronda, 2 vols. Felix Holt. Middleinarch, 2 vols. Mill on the Floss. Romola. Scenes in Clerical Life. Theophrastus Such. Evans, O., and his Inventions. C. Sellars, Jr. n. p., n. d., pam. Eve of War. J. A. Andrews, 1861. n. p., n. d., pam. Everett, A. H. Essays and Poems. Boston, 1845. Everett, E. Battle of Gettysburg, n. p., n. d., pam. Memoirs of John Lowell, Jr. Boston, 1840. Prilgrim Fathers, etc. Boston, n. d., pam. Ewbanks, T. Hydraulics and Mechanics. 12th edition. New York, 1851. Ewing, T. Address at Marietta, Ohio, July 5, 1888. 2nd edition, n. p., n. d. (See Northwest Territory.) Excursions among the Poets. Richmond, n. d. Extra Professional Influence of Pulpit and Bar. New York, 1851. Fable. See Mythology. • Fables. John Gay. London, 1811. Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer. New York, n. d. Fair God, or the Last of the “Tzins.” L. Wallace. 16th edition. Boston, 1885. Fair Trade Unmasked. G. W. Medley. London, n. d. Faith of Devils. Philadelphia, n. d., pam. 'Familiar Quotations. J. Bartlett. 8th edition. Boston, 1888. Familiar Words. J. H. Eriswell, Comp. 5th edition. London, 1880. Fall River, Lowell and Lawrence. C. D. Wright. Boston, 1882. Fallacies of Free Trade. E. P. Miller. 3d edition. New York, 1887. Falloux, F. A. P. De. Writings of Madame Swetchine. Tr. H. W. Pres¬ ton. Boston, 1870. Family and the Church. C. Loyson (Pere Hyacinth). New York, 1870. Family and Slavery. Cincinnati, n. d., pam. Faraday, M., as a Discoverer. J. Tyndell. New York, 1882. Farmer, S. History of Detroit and Michigan. Detroit, 1884. Farmer’s Almanac, 1845-49, 1852-54, 1856-64, 1867-69, 1879. Boston, 1844-78, pams. Farmers and the Tariff. T. H. Dudley, n. p., n. d., pam. Farmer’s Complete Cyclopaedia, etc. Flint, 1882. Farmington, W. G. Christian Education. Boston, 1883, pam. Farnham, T. J. Mexico, its Geography and People. New York, 1846. Farrar, F. W. Eternal Hope. New York, 1878. Fatal Secret. Mrs. F. Gorton, (“Ida Glenwood”). Philadelphia, 1873. Father Tom and the Pope. Philadelphia, 1857. Faul, A. Leveling by Vertical Angles, etc. New York, 1886. CATALOGUE. 59 Faust, Erster Theil. J. AV. AYui Goethe. (German.) New York, 1888. Fay, T. S. The Three Germanies. Chicago, 1888, 2 vols. Felix Holt. M. A. Evans. New York. Felt, C. AY. Our Steam Railways and Suburban Travel. Boston, 1888. Female Prose AYriters of America. J. S. Hart. 5th edition. Phila¬ delphia, 1866. Fenian Conspiracy. J. Rutherford. London, 1877, 2 vols. Feristah’s Fancies. R. Browning. Boston, 1886. Ferrel, AY. Temperature of the Atmosphere and Earth’s Surface. AVash- ington, 1885. , Ferris, G. S. Great German Composers. New York, 1888. Great Italian and French Composers. New York, 1888. Great Singers. London, 1882, 2 vols. Great Violinists and Pianists. London, 1888. Feudge, F. Young Folks’ History of India. Boston, 1880. Fiction. •‘Carmen Silva.” See Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. Crawford, F. M. Mr. Isaacs. London, 1885. Deland, M. John AVard, Preacher. Boston, 1889. Devereux, G. H. Yriarte, Spanish Literary Fables. Boston, 1855. Dodge, M. M. Hans Brinker. London, 1885. Dryden, J. Fables From Boccaccio and Chaucer. New York, n. d. Ecilaw, A. Romance of a German Court. London, 1886, 2 vols. Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. Pilgrim Sorrow. Tr. H. Zim- mern. New York, 1884. Evins, M. A. (“George Eliot”). AVorks. New York, n. d. Adam Bede. Daniel Deronda. 2 vols. Felix Holt. Middlemarch. 2 vols. Mill an the Floss. Romola. Scenes in Clerical Life. Silas Marner. Theophrastus Such. Friswell, J. H. Spanish Legendary Tales. London, 1885. Gay, John. Fables. Gorton, Mrs. F. The Fatal Secret. Philadelphia, 1873. Grimm, AY. and J. L. Household Tales. Tr. M. Hunt. London, ♦ 1884, 2 vols. Hauff, AY. Tales. Tr. S. Mendel. London, 1889. Higginson, S. J. Princess of Java. Boston, 1887. Hoffman, E. T. AY. Serapion Brothers. Tr. H. Ewing. London, 1886. Hugo, Y. AYorks. London, 1886. By Order of the King. (The Man who Laughs.) History of a Crime. Les Miserables. Ninety-Three. Nortre Dame, or the Bell Ringers of Paris. Toilers of the Sea. Jackson, H. H. Ramona. Boston, 1884. Jay, C. AY. My New Home in Northern Michigan. Trenton, 1874. 60 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Fiction. Longfellow. H. W. Prose Works. Boston, 1886. Yol. 1. Outre Mer and Driftwood. Yol. 2. Hyperian and Kavanagh. Monteiro, M. Legends and Popular Tales of tlie Basque People. New York, 1887. Mtigge, T. Afraja. Philadelphia, n. d. New, J. Types from Spanish Story. New Y 7 ork, 1884. Simms, W., Works. 16 vols. in 10. New York, 1882. Beauchamp. Border Beagle. Charlemont. Confession, or the Blind Heart. Eutaw, Sequel to the Forager. Forager, The. Guy Rivers. Katharine Walton. Mellichampe. Partisan, The. Richard Hurdis. Scout, The. Yasconselos. Wigwam and Cabin. Woodcraft. Yghigss66 The Stinde, J. The Buchliolz Family. New York, 1887, 2 vols. Frau Wilhelmine. Tr. F. H. Powell. New York, 1887. Wallace, L. Ben-Hur. New York, 1880. Fair God. 16tli edition. Boston, 1886 Field, D. D. Brainard Family. New York, 1857. Fifine. R. Browning. Boston, 1886. Fifty Years among Authors, Books and Publishers. J. C. Derby. New York, 1880. Fine Art. See Art. Fire and the Hammer or Revivals and how to Promote them. O. Parker. Boston, 1877. First Cruise of the Montauk. S. T. Brown. See R. I. Soldiers and Sailors’ Historical Society No. 1. Fisher, G. P. History of Church of Christ in Yale College. New Haven, 1858. Five Points. See New York City. Flanders. Flemish and French Pictures. F. G. Stephens. London, 1875. Flemish School of Painting. A. J. Wauters, Tr. Mrs. H Rossell. London, 1885. Flanders, G. T. Christ or Buddha. Review of Arnold’s “Light of Asia.” Salem, 1881, pam. Flax, Shall it be protected. Boston, 1888. Flint’s Investigation of the Nicaraguan Woods. R. H. Thurston, n. p., n. d., pam. Florida. Barbour, G. M. Florida for Tourists, Invalids and Settlers. New York, 1883. ♦ CATALOGUE. 61 Florida. Bush, G. G. History of Education in Florida. See United States Bureau of Education. Cilcular No. 7, 1888. Journal of the Constitutional Convention, 1885. Tallahassee, 1885. Journal of the House, 1881, 1887, 1889. Tallahassee, 1881-9. Journal of the Senate, 1887, 1889. Tallahassee, 1887-9. Law, Statute: Acts, 1831, 1860, 1865,1868, and Extra Session 1872,1881,1885- 1889. Tallahassee, 1861-89. Digest of Laws, 1872, 1881. Tallahassee, 1872-81. Territorial Laws, Prior to 1840. Tallahassee, 1839. Supreme Court Digest: Choate, C. A. Yols. 1-24. St. Louis, 1889. Reports: Haney, G. P. Vol. 20. Tallahassee, 1885. Cooper, C. M. Yols. 21-24. Tallahassee, 1887-89. Perry, Gov. E. A. Message, 1887. Tallahassee, 1887. University Announcement, 1883. Tallahassee, 1883, pain. Flower. See Botany. Flower Painting. Mrs. AY. Duffield. 16th edition. London, n. d. Fobes, W. K. Elocution Simplified. Boston, n. d. Foods. See pam. vol. 288. For the Sake of What: can I be saved? Philadelphia, n. d., pam. Forbes, A. William of Germany. New York, n. d. Forbes, C. Comte De Montelambert. Monks of the West, St. Benedict to St. Bernard. Edinburgh 1861. 7 vols. Forbes’ Electric Meter. E. J. Houston, n. p., n. p., pam. Forbes, G. Electrical Current Meter, n. p., n. d., pam. Forbes, R. B. New Rig for Ships and other Yessels. Boston, 1849. Ford, R. Hand Book for Travelers in Spain. 7th edition. London, 1888. Foreign Railways of the World. Yol. 1. St. Louis, 1884. Foreign Review and Continental Miscellany, 1828-1830. London, 1828-30. Forestry. American Forestry Congress, Proceedings, April, Aug., 1882. Wash¬ ington, 1883, pam. American Journal of Forestry, 1882-3. Cincinnati, 1882-3. Brown, J. C. Treatise on Matters pertaining to Modern Forest Science and Economy, n. p., n. d., pam. Forestry in Europe, 1887. See U. S. Consular Reports. Washing¬ ton, 1887. Forney, M. N. Evolution of the American Locomotive, n. p., n. d., pam. Fort Sumpter. H. W. Beecher, n. p., n. d., pam. Forum, The. Yols. 1-7, 1886-1889. New York, n. d. Foster-Barham, A. J. (Tr.) Nibelungen Leid. London, 1887. Foster, M. H. Excursions among the Poets. Richmond, n. d. Foundation of Maryland. B. T. Johnson. See Md. Historical Society. Four Years’ Campaign in Army of Potomac. Grand Rapids, 1874. Fowler, F. Drawing in Charcoal and Crayon. New York, n. d. Halid Book of Oil Painting. New York, n. d. Fox, C. J. Speeches in English House of Commons. London, 1815, 6 vols. Fox, J. AY. Blindness and the Blind. Philadelphia, 1889. Framing the Federal Constitution. J. A. King. New York, 1888. 62 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. France. Bacon, H. Parisian Art and Artists. Boston, 1883. Baird, C. W. Emigration of Huguenots to America. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Baird, H. M. Bise of the Huguenots. London, 1870, 2 vols. Besant, W. French Humorists, 12th to 19th Century. London, 1873. Bingham, D. Marriage of the Bonapartes. 2d edition. London, 1882, 2 vols. Barbstaedt, A., Dwyer, F. Franco-German War to catastrophe of Sedan and fall of Strassburg. London, 1873. Brockett. L. P. Year of Battles, Franco-German War, 1870-71. New York, 1871. Dibdin, T. F. Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in Germany and France. 29th edition. London, 1829, 3 vols. Elliot, F. Old Court Life in France. New York, 1877. Ferris, G. F. Great Italian and French Composers. New York, 1888. French Home Life. Edinburgh, 1873. Freer, M. AY. Reign of Henry IY of France. London, 1860, 2 vols. Gammell, AY. Huguenots and Edict of Nantes. Providence, 1886, pam. Gardner, D. Quartre Bras, Ligny and AA T aterloo, 1815. New York, 1882. Gautier, T., Mirecourt, E. Famous French Authors. New York, 1879. Goodrich, F. B. Court of Napoleon. New York, 1857. Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen. Boston, 1878. Herisson, L. C. D. Journal of a Staff Officer in Paris, 1870-71. London, 1885. International Exhibition, Paris 1878, Yienna, 1873. New York, n. d. Jackson, C. C. French Court Life and Society. London, 1881. 2 vols. Old Paris, Court and Literary Salons. London, 1878, 2 vols. Old Regime, Court Salon, Theatre. London, 1880, 2 vols. Kirk, J. F. Charles the Bold. Philadelphia, 1864, 3 vols. Le Normand, L. A. Secret Memoirs of Empress Josephine. Tr. J. M. Howard. Philadelphia, n. d. Margaret of Anjou. See Biography. Martin, H. History of France. Yol. 3. Boston, 1882. Maternal Schools in France. See Education. Pardoe, J. Louis 14th and Court of France, 17th Century. New York 1855 2 vols. Paris. Centennial Exhibition, 1878. See LT. S. Exec. Docs., 47th Congress, 3d Session. Yols. 20-24. Perkins, J. B. France under Mazarin. Review of Administration of Richelieu. New Y r ork, 1886, 2 vols. Rich, E. Germany and France. Franco-Prussian AYar. London, 1884, 2 vols. in 1. Sainte Beuve, C. H. Celebrated AYomen. Tr. H. AY. Preston. Boston, 1880. Schoenhof, J. Industrial Education in France. See Education. Taine, H. French Revolution. New Y T ork, 1885, 3 vols. CATALOGUE. 63 F ranee. Trollope, T. A. Girlhood of Catharine De Medici. London, 1856. Washburne, E. B. Recollections of a Minister to France, 1869- 1887. New York, 1887,. 2 vols. Webster, J. Hugnenot Emigration to America. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Francis, J. History of Life Saving Appliances, with Supplement. New York, 1885. Tr 7 *q po-irPrm d 11 Av n v S!pp Wa v Franklin Institute Journal. Vois. 120-128. Philadelphia, 1885-88. Index, 1826-1885. Philadelphia, 1890. Freedmen. American Freedmen. May, July, Nov., Dec., 1866; Feb., April, 1867. New York, 1866-67. American Society for Colonizing the free people of Color of United States. Report. Washington, 1832. Freedmen’s Bulletin, Jan., Dec., 1865. Chicago, 1865. National Freedman, March, 1866. New York, 1866. Northwestern Freedmen’s Aid Commission, 1865. Report. Chicago, 1865, pam. Frau Wilhelmine. J. Stinde. New York, 1887. Frazer, J. Shanty, Forest and River Life in the Backwoods of Canada. Montreal, 1883. Frederica Sophia Willielmina. See Individual Biography. Frederick the Great and Seven Years War. New York, 1886. Free Press (England), vols. 7-13, 1859-60. n. p., 1859-60. Frelinghuysen, F. T. Specie Payment. Washington, 1874, pam. Speech on Louisiana. Washington, 1874, pam. Fremont, J. See Individual Biography. French Court and Society. C. Jackson. London, 1881. French Revolution. H. Taine. New York, 1885, 2 vols. French Home Life. Edinburgh, 1873. French Women of Letters. J. Kavanagh. London, 1863, 2 vols. Frey, A. R. Sobriquets and Nicknames. Boston, 1888. Friswell, J. H. Familiar Words. 5th edition. London, 1880. Spanish Legendary Tales. London, 1885. Froiseth, J. Women of Mormanism. Detroit, 1882. From City to Surf, via. Niagara, n. p., n. d. From Opitz to Lessing. T. S. Perry. Boston, 1885. From Pyranees to Pillar of Hercules. H. Day. 2d edition. New York, 1884. From the Rapidan to Appomattox Court House. J. W. De Peyster. Philadelphia, 1883, pam. Frost, J. Book of the Army. New York, 1846. California. New York, 1881. Remarkable events in History of America from earliest Tillies to 1848. Philadelphia, 1848, 2 vols. Frost, H. F. Franz Schubert. 3d edition. London, 1888. Frotliingham, O. B. Life of George Ripley. Boston, 1883. Frye, W. Protection against Free Trade, n. p., n. d., pam. Fuel Oil. C. B. Dudley. Halifax, 1887, pam. Fullerton, A. Wilkesbarre Letter on Theosophy, n. p., n. d., pam. 64 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Furber, D. L. Religion and Education in a Republic. See Theology. Sermons. Gala Days. A. Dodge. Boston, 1864. Galaxy, The. Yols. 1-24. New York, 1866-77. Galpin, H. D. Papers of James Madison. New York, 1841, 3 vols. Gammell, W. Hngnenots and the Edict of Nantes. Providence, 1886, pam. Gardner, A. B. The Rhode Island Line in the Continental Army, etc. Providence, 1886, pam. Gardner, D. Quartre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo, 1815 Now York, 1887. Garfield, J. A. Works of. Ed. B. A. Hinsdale. Boston, 1882-3, 2 vols. Garrison, J. L. Microscopic Structure of Iron and Steel, n. p., n. d., pam. Gautier, T., and De Mirecourt, E. Famous French Authors. New York, 1879. Gay, J. Fables. London, 1811. Geddes, J. Administration of John DeWitt, 1623-1654. New York, 1815. Geike, A. Text Book of Geology. 2d edition. London, 1886. Genealogy. Ailing, R. of New Haven, Conn., 1639. Gilbert Allen of Morris¬ town, New Jersey, 1736. T. Bancroft of Dedham, Mass., 1640. Sketches of J. K. Allen and C. Salter. Lansing, 1883, pam. American Ancestry. Name and Descent in male line of Americans whose Ancestors settled in United States previous to 1776. T. P. Huges, comp. Albany, 1887-8. Yol. 1. Albany, 1887. Yol. 2, 2 parts. Columbia County, New York, 1887. Yol. 3, vol. 4, Part 1. Lineages from whole of United States, 1888. American Genealogies and Pedigrees. D. S. Durrie. Alphabetical Index. 3d edition. Albany, 1886. Baldwin Family in America. C. C. Baldwin. Albany, 1884. Supplement. C. C. Baldwin. Cleveland, 1889. Bidwell Family in America. E. M. Bidwell. Albany, 1884. Brainerd Family in United States. D. D. Field. New York, 1857. Brearley Family, Chart. Bridger, C. Index to Printed Pedigrees in English County and Local Histories. London, 1867. Chapin Family. O. Chapin. Northampton, 1862. Chapman Family, or descendants of Robert Chapman, one of the first settlers of Saybrook, Conn. F. W. Chapman. Hartford, 1884. Conant Family History, 1520-1887. F. O. Conant. Portland, 1887. Connecticut Genealogy. See Genealogical Notes. Darling, C. W. Memorial of my honored Kindred. Utica, 1888. Doude, Henry who came from England, 1639, Descendants of. W. W. Dowd. Hartford, 1885. First Reunion of Descendants of, at Madison, Conn., Sept. 2, 1885. New York, 1886, pam. Earle Family. Ralph Earle and his Descendants. P. Earle, comp. Worcester, 1888. Early New England People. S. E. Titcomb. Boston, 1882. Genealogical Notes. First Settlers of Connecticut and Massa¬ chusetts. Hartford, 1856. CATALOGUE. 65 Genealogical Register. First Settlers of New England. J. Farmer. . Lancaster, 1829. Genealogy and Chronology of Sovereign Families of Europe. J. W. Babbitt, comp. n. p., n. d. Hakes Family. H. Hakes. Wilkesbarre, 1886. Same, 2d edition. Wilkesbarre, 1889. Hall Family. D. B. Hall. Albany, 1886. Halls of New England. D. B. Hall. Fair Haven, 1870. Hosmer Family. J. B. Hosmer. Hartford, 1861. Harleian Society, Report, 1886-7. n. p., n. d., pam. Huntington Family. Memoirs in this Country. E. B. Huntingdon, Stanford, 1863. Janes Family. F. Janes. New York, 1868. Kilbourne Family History. P. K. Kilbourne. New Haven, 1856. Leighton, Capt. W. of Kittery, Maine. Account of Descendants. T. F. Jordan. Albany, 1885. Marsh, John of Salem and his Descendants, 1633-1888. L. B. Marsh. Amherst, 1888. New England, Genealogical Register, 1881-1885, vols. 35-39. Bos¬ ton, 1881-1885. New England Historic and Genealogical Society, Proceedings, 1886-1889. Boston, 1886-89, pam. Op Dyck-Opdycke-Opdyke-Updike. American Descendants of the Wesel and Holland Families. C. W. Opdyke. New York, 1889.. Porter, Richard. Descendants of. J. W. Porter. Bangor, 1878. Pratt Family. F. W. Chapman. Hartford, 1864. Puritan Settlers of Connecticut. R. R. Hinman. Hartford, 1852. Rentoul-Rintoul-Rantoul, History of Name and Family. R. S. Rantoul. Salem, 1885. Rhode Island Genealogical Dictionary, three Generations before 1690. Albany, 1887. Savage, J. Genealogical Dictionary, General Cross Index to 4 vols. O. P. Dexter. New York, 1884. Notes and Errata. C. H. Dali. Lowell, n. d., pam. Townsend Family. Notes on. H. F. Waters. Salem, 1883. Weekes Family. Dorchester, Massachusetts, 1635-1650. R. D. Weeks, n. p., 1885. Whittlesey Family Memorial, n. p., 1855. Geography. Hall, M. L. Our World. Boston, 1873. Mitchell, J. A. New York, 1841. Olney, J. New York, 1835. White, E. E. Local Geography. Cleveland, 1860. Geology. Geike, A. Text Book of Geology. 2d edition. London, 1886. Hitchcock, E. Religion of Geology, etc. Boston, 1852. Miller, H. Old Red Sandstone. Boston, 1860. George, A. Annals of Queens of Spain from Conquest of Goths to Isabel II. London, 1856. “George Eliot” and Her Heroines. New York, 1886. See Individual Biography. 9 66 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. George, H. Protection vs. Free Trade. New York, 1886. Georgia. Comptroller General’s Report, 1882. Atlanta, 1882. Constitution, Ordinances and Rules of Convention, 1867-1868. Atlanta, 1868. Crop Report, July, August, 1884. Atlanta, 1884, pam. Derry, J. F. Guide to Cities and Towns. Philadelphia, 1878. Estill, J. H. The Old Lodge. Free Masonry in Georgia in Old Colony Times, 1735-1785. n. p., n. d., pam. Historical Society, Constitution, etc., 1883. Savannah, 1883, pam. Jones, C. E. Education in Georgia. See United States Bureau of Education Circular No. 4, 1888. Law, Statute: Acts. 1860-1862, 1864-5, 1870-1873, 1882-1889. Milledgeville and Atlanta, 1861-89. Code, 1882. 4th edition. Atlanta, 1882. Compiled Laws, 1800-1810, 1819-1829. Augusta and Milledge¬ ville, 1813-1831. Supreme Court: Jackson, H. and Lumpkin, J. H. Yol. 66. Atlanta, 1882. Lumpkin, J. H. Yols. 67-76. Atlanta, 1883-8. Peeples, H. C. Yols. 77-79. Atlanta, 1888-89. Peeples, H. C. and Stevens, G. W. Yols. 80-82. Atlanta, 1889-90. Gerard, J. W. Peace of Utrecht, 1713-14, and War of Spanish Succession. New York, 1882. Gerhard, W. P. House Drainage and Sanitary Plumbing. New York, 1884. Gering, F. Life of W. Mozart. London, 1883. German Life and Manners, etc. H. Mahew. London, 1864. German Life and Literature. A. H. Japp. London, n. d. German Literature. W. Menzel. Tr. C. C. Felton. Boston, 1840, 3 vols. German Literature. W. Scherer. New York, 1886, 2 vols. German Novelists. T. Roscoe. London, n. d. German Psychology of Today. T. H. Ribot. Tr. J. M. Baldwin. New York, 1886. German Seas. Scientific Examination of, 1879. Washington, 1882, pam. German Thought. From 7 years’ War to Goethe’s death. R. Hillebrand. New York, 1886. Germany. Adams, C. K. Educational System of Germany. Lansing, 1882, pam. Anderson, H. C. Poet’s Bazaar, Tour in Germany, Italy, Greece and the Orient. Boston, n. d. Arndt, E. M. Life and Adventures. London, 1879. Baldwin, J. Story of Siegfried. New York, 1888. Baring, Gould S. Germany, Present and Past. New Y r ork, 1882. Beauties of German Literature. London, n. d. Borbstadt, A., Dwyer, F. Franco-German War to Catastrophe of Sedan and Fall of Strassburg. London, 1873. Brace, C. L. Home Life in Germany. New York, 1853. Brewer, C. Political, Social and Literary History of Germany to present day. London, n. d. CATALOGUE. 67 Germany. Brockett, L. P. Year of Battles, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71. New York, 1871. Brown, J. B. American Family in Germany. New Y T ork, n. d. Bnckheim, C. H. Deutch Lyrik. 6tli edition. London, 1886. Bnxton, H. J., Poynter, E. A. German, Flemish and Dutch Paint¬ ing. London, 1881. Dibdin, T. F. Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. 2d edition. London, 1829, 3 vols. Fay, T. S. The Three Germanys. New Y^ork, n. d. Ferris, G. Great German Composers. New York, n. d. Forbes, A. William of Germany. Chicago, 1888. Foster-Barnham, A. G. The Nibelungen Lied. New York, 1887. Frederica Sophia, Wilhelmina. Memoirs. W. D. Howells, editor. Boston, n. d., 2 vols. Gardiner, S. Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648. New York, 1888. Gerard, J. W. Peace of Utrecht, 1713-14, and War of Spanish Succession. New York, 1885. German Emperors and their Contemporaries. E. Peake, Tr. Phila¬ delphia, 1874. Germany, Northern. Hand Book. 9th ed. Leipsic, 1886. Germany, Southern, Austria, Hungary and Transylvania. Hand Book. 6th edition. Leipsic, 1887. Goethe, J. W. Yon. Ausgewalilte Prosa. J. M. Hart, editor. New York, 1889. Faust. Erster Theil. New Y T ork, 1888, Herman and Dorothea. J. M. Hart, editor. 2d edition. New York, 1886. Wilhelm Meister. T. Carlyle, Tr. London, 1871, 2 vols. Gostwick, J. German Poets. New York, n. d. Gostwick, J., and Harrison, B. Outlines of German Literature. New Y T ork, n. d. Green, N., Tr. Tales from the German. Boston, 1837, 2 vols. Granville,'S. H. Aspects of German Culture. Boston, n. d. Green, S. G. Pictures from German Fatherland. London, n. d. Grimm, J. Teutonic Mythology. 4th edition. Tr. J. S. Stallybrass. London, 1882, 3 vols. Hatisser, L. Period of the Beformation, 1517-1648. Tr. Mrs. C. Sturge. New Y T ork, 1885. Hawthorne, J. Saxon Studies. Boston, 1883. Hedge, F. H. Hours with German Classics. 2d edition. Boston, . 1887. Heine, H. Travel Pictures, Tour in the Hartz, etc. Tr. F. Storr. London, 1887. Herford, C. E. Literary Belations of England and Germany, 16th Century. Hillebrand, B. German Thought, from seven years’ War to Goethe’s Death. New York, 1886. Hime, H. W. L. Wagnerism, a protest. London, 1882. Hosmer, J. K. Short History of German Literature. St. Louis, 1879. Howitt, W. Life in Germany. London, 1849. 68 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Germany. Hugo, Y. The Rhine. New York, 1845. Hurst, J. F. Life and Literature in the Fatherland. New York, 1875. Japp, A. H. German Life and Literature. London, n. d. Johnson, A. C. Peasant Life in Germany. 4th edition. New York, 1859. Kahnis, C. F. A. German Protestantism since middle of Last Century. Edinburgh, 1856. Kloden, K. F. Von. Self Made Man, Autobiography. Ed. M. Jahn. New York, 1839, 2 vols. Lewis, C. F. History of Germany from Earliest Times. New York, 1889. Longman, F. W. Frederick the Great and Seven Years’ War. New York, 1886. Luther, Martin. Life. Tr. W. Hazlett. 2d edition. London, 1884. Mac Callum, M. W. Studies in Low German and High German Literature. London, 1884. Mahew, H. German Life and Manners as seen in Saxony at the Present Hay. London, 1864. Maimon, S. Autobiography. Tr., J. C. Murrey. Boston, 1888. Marenliolz-Bulow, B. Von. Reminiscences of Fredrich Froebel. Tr., Mrs. H. Mann. Boston, 1887. Mears, J. W. Heroes of Bohemia; Huss, Jerome and Zisca. Phil¬ adelphia, n. d. Menzel, W. German Literature. Tr., C. C. Felton. Boston, 1840, 3 vols. History of Germany from Earliest Period. Tr., Mrs. G. Horrocks. London, 1882, 3 vols. Metternich, C. W. Memoirs, 1773-1835. Tr., Mrs. A. Napier, New York, 1881-2, 5 vols. • Morris, W. Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Nibelungs. 4tli edition. Boston, 1887. Nohl, L. Life of Wagner. Tr., G. P. Upton. Chicago, 1884. Parrey, E. L. Life Among the Germans. Boston, n. d. Pearson, E. C. Gutenburg and the Art of Printing. 3d edition. Boston, n. d. Reissman, A. Life and Works of Robert Schumann. Trans, from 3d German edition by H. L. Alger. London, 1886. Representative German Poems, Ballad and Lyrical. Edited by K. Knortz. New York, 1885. Ribot, T. H. German Psychology of Today. Tr., J. M. Baldwin. New York, 1886. Rich, E. Germany and France, the Franco-Prussian War. Lon- London, 1884, 2 vols. in 1. Roberts, H. Two Royal Lives: Emperor and Empress of Germany. 7th edition. London, 1889. Roscoe, T. (Editor). German Novelists. London, n. d. Ross, H. AY. Early Histoty of Land Holding among the Germans. Boston, 1883. Buggies, H. Germany seen without Spectacles. Boston, n. d. Saintine, X. B. Myths of the Rhine. Tr. S. De Ver. New York, 1875. CATALOGUE. 69 Germany. Scherer, W. History of German Literature. New York, 1886, 2 vols. Schiller, J. C. F. Von. Die Piccolomini. New York, 1888. Die Yungfrau von Orleans. Stuttgart, 1860. Scott, AY. B. Gems of German Art. London, 1873. Sime, J. History of Germany. New York, 1884. Simon, E. The Emperor William and his Reign. 2d edition. London, 1888. Steiler, K. Etc*. The Rhine from Source to the Sea. London, n. d. Stinde, J. Bucholz Family. Tr. L. D. Schmitz. New York, 1887. 2 vols. Frau Wilhelmine. Tr. H. F. Powell. New York, 1887. Taylor, B. School History of Germany to 1871. New York, 1887. Studies in German Literature. New York, 1888. Taylor, AY. Historic Survey of German Poetry. London, 1830, 3 vols. * Turner, S. Sketch of Germanic Constitution. New York, 1888. AYagner, AA r . Epics and Romances of Middle Ages. 4th edition. London, 1887. AYeidenmann, E. and Hauff, H. Reisen und Lander beschreibungen der Alteren und Neusten Zeit. Stuttgart, 1835. AYinkworth, C. Christian Singers of Germany. Philadelphia, n d. A\ 7 oodward, A. (“Auber Forestier.”) Echoes from Mist Land, or the Nibelungen Lay. 2d edition. Chicago, 1889. Zimmermann, W. Popular History of Germany. New York, n. d., 4 vols. Zincken, C. F. Progress of Geology of different Coals in Germany. Leipsic, 1878. (German.) Gerry, E. T. Report to New Y T ork Legislature on methods of carrying into effect the death sentence. Albany, 1888. Getchel, C. H. Our National Executives and their Administrations, 1775- 1885. New York, 1885. Gettysburg. See A\ 7 ar-Rebellion. Gibson, A. M. A Political Coin. New York, 1885. Gibson, J. See Individual Biography. Giddings, J. R. The Rebellion, its Authors and Causes. New l r ork, 1864. Gieseler, E. A. The Aneroid Barometer, etc. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Illumination of Maratime Coasts, n. p., n. d., pam. Standard Measures. Philadelphia, 1888. Tidal Theory, and Tidal Predictions, n. p., n. d., pam. Giles, H. Christian Thought of Life. Boston, 1840. Lectures and Essays. Boston, 1850, 2 vols. Gill Nets in Cod Fishery. J. AY. Collins. Washington, n. d.,pam. Gillespie, G. D. Communion of Saints. New York, 1887, pam. Diamond with a Flaw. n. p., n. d., pam. New Year’s Address to young Wards of Michigan, n. p., n. d., pam. Gillett, F. L., and Ziemann, H. White House Cook Book. Chicago, n. d. Gillett, R. H. Democracy in United States. New Y"ork, 1868. Gillis, J. M. Geography, etc., of Chili. AVashington, 1855, 2 vols. Gilman, D. C. Life of James Monroe. 5th edition. Boston, 1885. Gilpin, H. D. Papers of James Madison. New York, 1841, 3 vols. 70 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Gipsy. Borrow, G. Zincali. Gipsies of Spain. New edition. London, 1872. Girlhood of Catharine de Medici. T. A. Trollope. London, 1856. Girls in Penal Institutions, n. p., n. d., pam. Glas, T. Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands. London, 1874. Glass Making. C. H. Henderson, n. p., n. d., pam. Glazier, Capt. and His Lake. History of head waters of Mississippi. H. D. Harrison. New York, n. d. Gluck, J. F. Work and Life of David Gray. n. p., n. d., pam. Gneist, B. English Parliament in its Transformations through a thou¬ sand Years. Tr. R. J. Shee. Boston, 1886. God’s Purpose of Grace. H. Bonar. See Theology, Sermons. • Goethe, J. AY. Von. Ausgewahlte Prosa. New York, 1889. Faust. Erster Theil. New York, 1888. Hermann and Dorothea. 2d edition. New York, 1886. AVilhelm Meister. Tr. T. Carlyle. London, 1871, 2vols. Goodale, G. L. See Sprague, J. Goodrich, F. B. Court of Napoleon. New York, 1857. Goodrich, F. E. Life of Grover Cleveland. Boston, n. d. Goodwin, H. C. Pioneer History of Courtland Co., New York. New York. 1859. Goodwin, P. A. Life of Andrew Jackson. New York, 1883. Goodwin, Jr., D. The Dearbons. Chicago, 1884. Godwin, P. Biography of AY. C. Bryant. New York, 1883, 2 vols. Godwin, W. Commonwealth of England from commencement to Restor¬ ation of Charles II. London, 1824. vol. 1. Goodyear, AY. H. Coal Mines of Western Coast of United States. San Francisco, 1887. Gorton, Mrs. F. (“Ida Glenwood.”) The Fatal Secret. Philadelphia, 1873. Goss, N. S. Catalogue of Birds of Kansas. Topeka, 1883, pam. Gostwick, J. German Poets. Memoirs and Translations. New York, n d. Gostwick, J., and Harrison, R. Outlines of German Literature. New Y ork n d Gottschalk, L. M. Notes of a Pianist. Tr. R. E. Peterson, Philadelphia, 1881. Gough, J. B. Platform Echoes. Hartford, 1886. Government and Rebellion. E. E. Adams. Philadelphia, 1861, pam. See Theology, Sermons. Govermental Supervision in management of Insane. H. B. AYilbur. n. p., n. d., pam. Graham, J. Memory vindicated from charges against, by G. Bancroft. J. Quincy. Boston, 1846. Gramophone, The. Etching for the Human Voice. E. Berliner, n. p., n. d., pam. Grammar. See Language. Grand Army of the Republic. Decisions and opinions of Commander in Chief and Judge Advocate General. Indianapolis, 1884. Journals of National Encampment, 1880-1883, 1885-1889; Dayton, etc., 1880-1889. Granger, F. A. Plea and Plan for Church Unity. Buffalo, 1889. Grant, J. Metropolitan AYeekly and Provincial Press. London, n. d. Newspaper Press. Origin, Progress, etc. London, 1871, 2 vols. CATALOGUE. 7L Granville, S. H. Aspects of German Culture. Boston, n. d. Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. A. K. H. Boyd. Boston, 1864-5, 2 vols. Gray, W. H. History of Oregon. 1792-1849. Portland, 1870. Great American Rebellion. E. G. Storke and L. P. Brockett. Auburn, 1865. Great Brush Dynamo. R. H. Thurston, n. p., n. d., pam. Great Conspiracy. J. A. Logan. New York, 1886. Great Contest. W. C. Humphrey. Detroit, 1886. Great German Composers. G. Ferris. New York, n. d. Great Masters of Russian Literature. E. Du Puy. 9th edition. New York, n. d. Great Rebellion. J. T. Headley. Hartford, 1883-6, 2 vols. Greece. Anderson, H. C. Poet’s Bazaar, Picturesque Tour in Germany, Italy, Greece and the Orient. Boston, n. d. Education in Italy and Greece. See U. S. Bureau of Education. Greeley, H. Essays on Political Economy. Philadelphia, n. d. See Individual Biography. Green, C., Wells, S. J. Summary view of Millenial Church of the Qua¬ kers. Albany, 1823. Green, N. Tr. Tales from the German. Boston, 1837, 2 vols. Green, S. A. Congregational Churches in Nova Scotia. Early appearance of Northern Lights in New England. Epitaphs From Old Burying Grounds of Groton. Boston, 1878. Geography of Groton. Groton, 1886, pam. Groton in Witchcraft Times. Groton, 1883, pam. Notes on Copy of Dr. W. Douglass’ Almanac, 1743. Cambridge, 1884. Remarks on Benjamin Thompson’s elegy on John Woodmancy and Ezekiel Cheever. n. p., n. d., pam. Remarks on Hubbard’s Map of New England. Cambridge, 1888, pam. Remarks on Note Book kept by Capt. R. Keayne early settler of Boston. Cambridge, 1889. Remarks on Note Book kept by Rev. W. Brinsmead, first minister to Marlborough. Cambridge, 1887. Green, S. G. Pictures from German Fatherland. London, n. d. Gregg, R. R. Phthisis Pulmonalis or Consumption. Canandaigua, 1859, pam. Greenwood, J. See New York Historical Society. Gremmell, W. Life of John R. Bartlett. Providence, 1886, pam. Griffin, A. P. C. Discovery of the Mississippi, a bibliographical account. New York, 1883: Grimes, J. S. Etherology and Phreno-Philosophy of Mesmerism and Magic Eloquence. Boston, 1850. Griffith, A. A. Lessons in Elocution. 6th edition. Chicago, 1889. Grimm, AY. and J. L. Household Tales. London, 1884, 2 vols. Grimshaw, R. Industrial application of Cotton Seed Oil. n. p., n. d., pam. Grisson, E. Border Land of Insanity, n. p., n. d., pam. Guizot, F. P. G. See Individual Biography. Popular History of England under Victoria. Boston, 1882. 72 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Gunners, H. G. Can Christians fight with carnal weapons? New Vienna, 1870, pam. Gurowski, A. Diary from March 4, 1861, to Nov. 12, 1852. Boston, 1862. Gutenburg and the Art of Printing. E. C. Pearson. 3d edition. Boston, " 1879. Guthrie, M. Hebert Spencer’s Data of Ethics. London, 1884. Herbert Spencer’s Unification of Knowledge. London, 1882. Guthrie, O. Memoir of Dr. S. Guthrie, and discovery of Chloriform. Chicago, 1887, pam. Hadassah. O. T. Wisner. n. p., n. d., pam. Hadley, A. T. Railroad Transportation, History and Laws. New York, 1886. Hageman, J. F. See Individual Biography. Hager, G. W. What the World Believes. New York, n. d. Hakes Family. See Genealogy. Hale, E. E. Seven Spanish Cities. Boston, 1886. Hale, E. E. and S. Story of Spain. New York, 1887. Hale, Sir M. History of the Common Law of England. 6th edition. London, 1820. Hale, S. History of United States from first Settlement to close of War with Great Britain, 1815. New York, 1835. Hale, S. J. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. Philadelphia, 1883. Hall, C. H. Dutch and the Iroquois. New York, 1882. Hall, C. J. Vindication of Vol. 1, Vermont Historical Society Collections. Montpelier, 1871, pam. Hall Family. See Genealogy. Hall, M. L. Our World. Boston, 1873. Hall, W. W. Throat-ail, Bronchitis, Consumption. 6th edition. New York, 1851, pam. Hallock, G. See Individual Biography. Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen. Boston, 1878. Hamilton, A. Works, Correspondence, etc. Comp. J. C. Hamilton. New York, 1850-51, 7 vols. Hamilton, J. C. History of United States, as traced in writings of Alex¬ ander Hamilton. Philadelphia, 1868, 7 vols. Life of Alexander Hamilton, vol. 2. New York, 1840. Hamilton, L. Border States of Mexico. 3d edition. Chicago, 1882. Hamlin, M. C. W. Legends of Detroit. Detroit, 1884. Hammer Blow in Locomotives, n. p., n. d., pam. Hammond, C. and his relations to Henry Clay and J. Q. Adams. W. H. Smith. Chicago, 1885. Hanaford, P. A. Daughters of America. Augusta, n. d. Life of George Peabody. Boston, 1882. Hand Book for Travelers in Spain. R. Ford. 7th edition. London, 1888. Hand Book of Northern Germany and Austria. 9th edition. Leipsic, 1886. Hand Book of Oil Painting. F. Fowler. New York, n. d. Hand Book of Politics, 1878, 1882-1884. E. McPherson. 4th edition. Washington, 1878-84. Hand Book of Public Picture Galleries of Europe. K. Thompson. Lon¬ don, 1886. CATALOGUE. 73 Hand Book of Southern Germany, Austria, Hungary and Transylvania. 6th edition. Leipsic, 1887. Hand Book of Wood Engraving. W. A. Emerson. Boston, 1881. Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates. M. M. Dodge. New York, 1887. Haphazard Personalities. C. Lanman. Boston, 1886. Hardy, M. H. Preventable Diseases, etc. Cincinnati, 1888. Hare, A. J. C. Holland and Scandinavia. New York, n. d. Wanderings in Spain. New York, n. d. Harper’s Magazine. Yols. 66-79. New York, 1882-89. Index. Yols. 1-70, 1850-1885. New York, 1886. Harriman, D. G. Protection vs. Free Trade, 1763-1888. New York, n. d. Harrington, B. J. Life of Sir Wm. E. Logan. Montreal, 1883. Harriot, J. Struggles Through Life. 2d edition. London, 1808, 2 vols. Harris, J. Man Primeval. Boston, 1849. Patriarchy, or the Family, etc. Boston, 1858. Pre Adamite, Earth. Boston, 1847. Harrison, G. L. Legislation on Insanity. See Insanity. Harrison, H. C. Capi. Glazier and his Lake, etc. New York, n. d. Harrison, J. A. History of Spain. Boston, n. d. Hart, H. W. Placing out Children in the West. n. p., n. d., pam. Hart, J. S. Female Prose Writers of America. 5th edition. Philadel¬ phia, 1866. Harte, F. B. Poetical Works. Boston, 1885. Hartshorn, E. A. Wages, Living and Tariff. New York, n. d. Hartwell, C. H. Physical Training in American Colleges, etc. See Edu¬ cation. Harvard College. See Massachusetts. Harvard, J. See Harvard College. Harvey, P. Beminisces of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1882. Haskins, B. P. Effect upon Civilized World of Increase in quantity of Money Metals, n. p., n. d. Haskell Multicharge Gun. Testimony before Congress, 1886. n. p., n. d. Hausser, L. Period of the Beformation, 1517-1648. Tr. Mrs. C. Sturge. New York, 1885. Hauff, W. Tales. Tr. S. Mendel. London, 1889. Haupt, L. M. Harbor Bar Improvements, n. p., n. d., pam. Municipal Engineering. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Bapid Transit in Cities, n. p., n. d., pam. Havard, H. Dutch School of Painting. Tr. G. Powell. London, 1885. Heart of Holland. London, 1886. Haviland, L. S. Woman’s Life Work. Cincinnati, 1882. Hawes, L. W. Buffalo fifty years ago. Buffalo, 1886, pam. Hawkins, D. A. Delation of Education to Wealth and Morality, and Pauperism and Crime. Bridgton, 1883, pam, Hawks, F. L. Ecclesiastical History of United States. New York, 1836-39, 2 vols. Hawksworth, J. Yoyage of Discovery in Southern Hemisphere. London, 1773. Hawthorne, J. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife. 4th edition. Boston, 1885. Saxon Studies. Boston, 1883. Hayes, G. E. Geology of Buffalo. Buffalo, 1869, pam. 10 74 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Hayne, T. See Individual Biography. Hazard T. B. Miscellaneous Essays and Letters. Philadelphia, 1883. Headley, J. T. The Great Rebellion. Hartford, 1863-66, 2 vols. Washington and his Generals. New York, 1856, 2 vols. Heard, J. Y. D. History of the Sioux War, 1862-63. New York, 1863. Heat Photography. F. E. Ives. n. p., n. d., pain. Heating Cities by Steam. C. E. Emory, n. p., n. d., pam. Hebrides. Buchanan, R. Hebrid Isles, Wanderings in the land of Lome. New edition. London, 1883. Pennell, J. and E. R. Our Journey to the Hebrides. New York, 1889. Hedge, F. H. Hours with German Classics. 2d edition. Boston, 1887. Hegel’s Philosophy of the State, etc. G. S. Morris. Chicago, 1887. Heine, H. Poems and Ballads. Tr. E. Lazarus. New York, 1881. Prose Writings. Ed., H. Ellis. London, 1887. Travel Pictures. Tour in Hartz Mountains, etc. Tr. F. Storr. London, 1887. “Helena.” Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse. New York, 1885. Helmer, C. D. Stars and Stripes, Poem. See pam. vol. 300. Helper, H. R. Impending Crisis in the South. New York, 1860. Hemming, G. D. Advantages of Protective Tariff to Labor and Industries. New York, n. d. Henderson, C. H. Modification of Bessemer Steel Process, n. p., n. d., pam. Hendricks, T. A. See Cleveland, Grover. Henry, J. Addresses at Unveiling of Statue of, at Washington, April, 19, 1883. By M. R. Waite and N. Porter. Washington, 1884, pam. Henry, J. J. Arnold’s Campaign against Quebec, 1775. Albany, 1877. Hensel, W. U. See Dorsheimer, W. Hepburn, James, third husband of Mary Queen of Scotts. Vindication of. J. W. De Peyster. Philadelphia, 1882. Herbert, H. W. Horse and Horsemanship of United States. New York, 1857, 2 vols. Hereford, C. History of Spain. London, 1793, 3 vols. Herford, E. A. Literary Relations of England and Germany, 16th cen¬ tury. Cambridge, 1886. Herman and Dorothea. J. W. Yon Goethe. 2d edition. New York, 1886. (German.) Heroes of Bohemia: Huss, Jerome, Zinca. J. W. Mears. Philadelphia, n. d. Herrick, R. Hesperides and other Poems. London, 1867. Herringshaw, T. W. Prominent Men and Women of the Day, Lives and Services of Presdential Candidates, 1888. Boston, 1888. Herrisson, L. C. D. Journal of a Staff Officer in Paris, 1870-71. London, 1885. Hesperides and other Poems. R. Herrick. London, 1869, 2 vols. Heyl, L. United States Duties on Imports, 1882. Revised edition. Washington, 1882. Higginson, S. J. Princess of Java. Boston, 1887. Higginson, T. W. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 3d edition. Boston, 1885. Unsolved Problems of Woman Suffrage, n. p., n. d., pam. CATALOGUE. 75 Higinbotham, J. M. Memorial of Agnes E. Jones. American edition. New York, 1872. See Una and her Paupers. Hill, H. A. Memoir of Abbot Lawrence. Cambridge, 1883. Hill, T. Integral Education. Boston, 1889, pam. Hillebrand, B. German Thought, from Seven Years’ War, to Goethe’s Death. New York, 1886. Hillhouse, J. A. Life of Gen. M. J. P. De La Layette. New Haven, 1834, pam. Hime, H. W. Wagnerism—a protest. London, 1882. Hines, C. F. Amateur Photography, in its Educational Relations. Phila¬ delphia, 1889, pam. Hines G. Historical Condition and Prospect of Oregon. Buffalo, 1885. Hinman, B. R. Puritan Settlers of Connecticut. Hartford, 1852. Hinsdale, B. A. The Old Northwest. New York, 1888. Hinton, R. J. Hand book of Arizona. San Francisco, 1878. Historical Essay on Magna Charta of King John, etc. R. Thompson. London, 1829. Historical Evidence of Truth of Scripture Record. G. Rawlinson. Boston, 1860. Historical Illustrations of Old Testament. G. Rawlinson and H. B. Hack- ett. Chicago, 1880. Historical Register of United States, 1814, vol. 4. Philadelphia, 1814. Historical Scenes from the Old Jesuit Missions. W. I. Kip. New York, n. d. History of the Bible. F. Stackhouse. Glasgow, n. d., 2 vols. History of a Crime. Y. Hugo. London, 1886. History of Present Tariff, 1860-1882. F. W. Taussig. New York, 1885. History of Presidential Elections. E. Stanwood. Boston, 1884. Hitchcock, E. P. Plurality of Worlds. Boston. Religion of Geology, etc. Boston, 1852. Hittell, J. S. Commerce and Industries of Pacific Coast. Hand Book of Pacific Coast Travel. San Francisco, 1885. Resources of California. San Francisco, 1879. H. H. See H. Hunt and H. H. Jackson. Hodgins, J. G. See Ryerson, E. Hodgson, J. The Cradle of the Confederacy, etc. J. A. Quitman and W. Yancey. Mobile, 1876. Hoffman, E. T. W. Serapion Brothers. Tr. H. Ewing. 'London, 1886. Hogarth, W. Works, Life and anecdotal Description of His Pictures. J. Ireland and J. Nichols. Edinburgh, 1883, 3 vols. Holden, D. Journal kept during latter part of French and Indian War, 1760. Cambridge, 1889, pam. Holland. Abbott, J. S. C. Hortense, Queen of Holland. New York, n. d. Amicis, E. D. Holland and Its People. New York, 1887. Bird, F. S. Land of Dykes and Windmills. London, 1882. Davies, C. M. History of Holland and the Dutch. London, 1851, 3 vols. Dodge, M. M. Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates. New York, 1887 Geddes, J. Administration of John DeWitt, 1623-1654. New York, 1880. 76 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Holland. Hare, A. J. C. Sketches of Holland and Scandinavia. New York, n. d. Havard, H. Heart of Holland. London, 1880. Ireland, S. Picturesque Tour Through Holland, Brabant and part of France, 1787. London, 1796, 2 vols. Martyn, W. C. The Dutch Reformation, 16tli Century. New York, n. d. Merriman, T. M. William, Prince of Orange. Boston, n. d. Morris, E. E. Early Hanoverians. New York, 1886. Motley, J. L. Life and Death of John of Barnevald. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Neale, J. M. History of the so-called Jansenist Church. Oxford, 1858. Pontalis, M. A. L. John DeWitt, Grand Pensionary of Holland. Boston, 1885, 2 vols. Hollister, O. J., Life of Schuyler Colfax. Boston, 1886. Holmes, H. M. Incineration of the Dead. n. p., 1887, pam. Holmes, O. W. Astrsea. Boston, 1850. Dead Yet Living. Boston, 1884, pam. Life of R. AY. Emerson. 4th edition. Boston, 1885 k Poetical Works. New edition. Boston, n. d. See Individual Biography. Holst, H. Von. Constitutional History of United States, 1846-1857. Tr., J. J. Lalor, P. Storey. Chicago, 1881-5, 4 vols. Constitutional Law of United States. Tr. A. B. Mason. Chicago, 1881. Holiday Rambles between AYinnepeg and Victoria. D. Boyce. Winne- peg, 1880. Holidays Abroad. C. M. Kirkland. New York, n. d. Home Life in Germany. C. L. Brace. New Y"ork, 1853. Homeopathy. Sharp, AY. What is Homeopathy? 6th edition. New York, 1856, pam. Homer. Iliad. Tr. AY. Cowper. New York, 1855. Homes, H. A. Second Paper on Correct Arms of New Y r ork. Albany, 1882. Homicide and Suicide in Philadelphia, 1871-81. J. G. Lee. Philadelphia, 1883. Honorable Artillery Company. History. G. A. Raikes. London, 1878-9, 2 vols Hooker, R. AA^orks. Oxford, 1865. 5tli edition. 3 vols. Hookam, M. A. Life and Times of Margaret of Anjou. London, 1872, 2 vols. Hore, A. H. Eighteen Centuries of Church of England. London, 1881. Horner, F. See Individual Biography. Horse and Horsemanship of United States. AY. AY. Herbert. New York, 1857, 2 vols. Kennedy, B. J. Horse and his Diseases, rev. edition. Enosburgli Falls, 1884. Sidney, J. Book of the Horse. London, n. d. Hosforcl, E. M. Problems of the Northmen. Cambridge, 1889, pam. Hosford, M. G. Indian Legends and Other Poems. New York, 1855. CATALOGUE. 77 Hosmer Family. See Genealogy. Hosmer, J. K. German Literature. St. Louis, 1879. Hough, B. Universities and Colleges of United States. See Education. Hough, F. B. Thousand Isles of St. Lawrence River. Syracuse, 1880. Hours of Exercise in the Alps. J. Tyndell. New York, 1871. Hours with German Classics. 2d edition. Boston, 1887. Household Tales. AY. and J. L. Grimm. Tr. M. Hunt. London, 1884, 2 vols. Household AVords. 19 vols. London, 1850-59. Houston, E. H. Can the original Reis telephone transmit intelligible articulate speech, n. p., n. d., pam. Forbes’ Electric Meters, n. p., n. d., pam. AVas Reis the Inventor of the Articulating Telephone? n. p., n. d., pam. Pyro Magnetic Motors, etc. n. p., n. d., pam. How to Build a Nation. J. P. Thompson. See pam., vol. 800. How to Build, Furnish and Decorate. Shopped. New York, 1883. Howard, J. Q. Life of R. B. Hayes. Cincinnati, 1876. Howard, O. O. Nez Perce Joseph. Ancestors, Lands, etc. Boston, 1881. Howard, R. B. At Gettysburg, n. p., n. d., pam. Howell, C. B. Next Door, and other Poems. Detroit, 1888. Howell, G. Conflicts of Capital and Labor. London, 1878. Howells, AY. D. Memoirs of Fredrica Sophia AYilhelmina. Boston, n. d., 2 vols. Howitt, AY. Visits to Remarkable Places. Philadelphia, 1843, 2 vols. Hoyt, H. M. Protection vs. Free Trade. 3d edition. New York, 1886. Hoyt, J. R., AVard, A. L. Cyclopaedia of Pratical Quotations. 3d edition. New York, 1882. Hoyt, J. AY. AYoman Suffrage in AVyoming. n. p., n. d., pam. Hubbard, J. N. Sa-go-ye-what-ha, or Red Jacket and his people, 1700- 1830. Albany, 1886. Hudson, E. H. Life and Times of Louise, Queen of Prussia. 2d edition. London, 1878, 2 vols. Hudson, H. Historical inquiry concerning. J. M. Read, Jr. Albany, 1886. Hudson, J. F. Railways and the Republic. New York, 1886. Hueffer, F. Life of Richard AVagner. 3d editon. London, 1888. Hugo, A T . AVorks. N. Y., 1885-86. By Order of the King (Man AVho Laughs.) History of a Crime. Les Miserables. Ninety-three. Notre Dame. The Rhine. Toilers of the Sea. Huguenots and Edict of Nantes. AY. Gammell. See R. I. Historical Society. Demarest, D. D. Huguenots on the Hackensack. New Brunswick, 1886, pam. Emigration to Virginia. See Ya. Historical Society Collections, vol. 5. Humbler Poets. S. Thompson, comp. Chicago, 1886. Humphrey, D. Life of Israel Putnam. Boston, 1818. Humphrey, AY. C. The Great Contest. Detroit, 1886. 78 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Hungary. Pardoe, J. The City of the Magyars, etc. London, 1840, 3 vols. Hunt, H. H. Bits of Travel Abroad. Boston, 1884. See H. H. Jackson. Hunt, B. W. Manufacture of Bessemer Steel. Philadelphia, 1889. Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine. 43 vols., 1839-1860. New York, 1839-60. Huntington Family. See Genealogy. Hurlbut, H. H. Samuel de Champlain. Chicago, 1886, pam. Hurst, J. F. Life and Literature in the Fatherland. New Y r ork, 1875. Hutchinson, W. F. Life on the Texan Blockade. See B. I. Soldiers and Sailors’ Historical Society. S. 3, No. 1. Hyde, E., (Earl of Clarendon). Bebellion and Civil War in England. Oxford, 1827. Hygiene. See Michigan Sanitary Conventions. Hymns, Ancient and Modern. New York, n. d. Hymns and Songs of the Church. G. Wither. London, 1882. Hyperian and Kavanagh. H. W. Longfellow. Yol. 2 of prose works. Boston, 1886. “ Ida Glenwood.” See Gorton, Mrs. F. Idaho. Gazetteer 1881^85. See Oregon. Journal of Council, 1883. Boise City, 1883. Journal of House, 1883. Boise City, 1883. Laws, 1868-9, 1883, 1889. Boise City, 1869-89. Local and Special Laws, 1887. Boise City, 1887. O’Neal, Gov. J. C. Message, Dec. 11, 1882. Boise City, 1882, pam. Stevenson, Gov. E. A. Messages and Beports, 1886-1888. Boise City and Washington, 1886-8, pams. Ideas for a Science of Good Government. P. Cooper. New Y T ork, 1883. Illinois. Board of Health, Beport, 1882. Springfield, 1883. Board of Public Charities, Beport, 1878. Springfield, 1879. Bureau, County. Voters and Tax Payers. Chicago, 1877. Chicago Board of Health, Beport, 1888. Chicago, 1889. Chicago. Centennial Celebration of Washington’s Inauguration, April, 30, 1889. Chicago, 1889. Department of Public Works, Beport, 1886-8. Chicago, 1887- 9 . Historical Society Collections. Vol. 2. Sketch of Enoch Long. H. Beicl. Chicago, 1884. Vol. 3. Edwards’ Papers. N. W. Edwards. Chicago, 1884. Vol. 4. Early Chicago and Illinois. E. G. Mason. Chi¬ cago, 1890. Papers, etc. Bross, W. Illinois and 13th Amendment to the Con¬ stitution of U. S. Chicago, 1884, pam. Goodwin, Jr., D. The Dearborns. Chicago, 1884. Mac Vickar, J. H. The Theatre, its early days in Chi¬ cago. Chicago, 1884. Constitution and By-laws, 1883-1886. Chicago, 1883-6, pam. Quarterly Meetings, July-Oct., 1888. n. p., n. d. Leaflet. Beport, 1888. n. p., n. d., pam. CATALOGUE. 79 Illinois. Chicago. Home for the Friendless, Report, 1866. Chicago, 1866, pam. House of Correction, Report, 1880, 1883. Chicago, 1881-4, pams. Newberry Library, Report, July, 1887-Jan., 1889. Chicago, 1887-9, pam. Public Library Bulletins, Nos. 1-9,1888-1889. Chicago, 1888- 1889, pam. Catalogue, English Prose Fiction, etc. Chicago, 1889. Finding List, History and Biography. 7th edition. Chi¬ cago, 1889. Relief Committee, I. O. O. F. Final Report, 1871. Chicago, 1873. College of Illinois. Catalogue, 1865-66. Jacksonville, 1866, pam. Commissioner of Charities, Report, 1880. Springfield, 1880. Congregational Churches, Minutes of General Associations, 1863. Quincy, 1863, pam. Deaf and Dumb Institutions, Report, 1880. Jacksonville, 1881. De Kalb County, Portrait and Biographical Album. Chicago, 1885. Fifer, Gov. J. W. Inaugural Address, Jan., 1889. Springfield, 1889, pam. Galesburg Congregational Church. Confession of Faith, 1857. Galesburg, 1857, pam. Knox College Catalogue, 1864-66. Galesburg, 1865-6, pam. Curtis, H. Inaugural Address, 1858. Chicago, 1858, pam. Knox Female Seminary Catalogue, 1887-8. Galesburg, 1878. Lombard University Catalogue, 1865. Galesburg, 1865, pam. Public Schools Report, 1863, 1865. Galesburg, 1863-5, pam. General Assembly Reports, 1882-3, 3 vols.; 1887, 4 vols. Spring- field, 1883-7. Geological Survey, Yol. 7. Springfield, 1883. Idiots and Feeble Minded Children. Experimental School, Report, 1866. Springfield, 1866, pam. Illinois Teacher, Monthly, Feb., 1863. Insane, Draft of proposed Law for care of. Springfield, 1885, pam. Eastern Hospital for, Report, 1884. Springfield, 1884. Hospital for, Report, 1886. Springfield, 1886. Institution for Feeble Minded Children, Report, 1871. Spring- field, 1872. Journals of the House, 1883-1887. Springfield, 1883-7. Journals of the Senate, 1883-1887. Springfield, 1883-7. Kendall County, Biographical Directory. Chicago, 1876. Law Reports: A ininpll citp i*t • ~ 11 Bradwell, J. B. Yols. 6-20. Springfield, 1880-87. Smith, E. B. Yols. 21-24. Springfield, 1887-88. 1 Freeman, N. L. Yols. 103-128. Springfield, 1882-90. 80 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Illinois. Statute : Compilations: Starr and Curtis. Annotated Statutes. 3 vols., 1885- 1887. Chicago, 1885-7. Revised Statutes, 4th edition, 1883. Chicago, 1884. Digest of Laws, 1819-1887. Chicago, 1879-87. 6 vols. Laws, 1846, 1883-1889. Springfield, 1847-89. School Laws, 1865. Springfield, 1865. Statutes, 1818-1874. 2d edition, vol. 3. Springfield, 1874. Text Books: Cunningham, W. B. Illinois Law of Forcible Entry and Detainer. Chicago, n. d. Horner, H. C. Illinois County Court Practice. Chicago, 1881. Libraries of Illinois. Descriptions and Statistics, n. p., n. d., chart. Live Stock, Commissioners and Veterinarian’s Report, 1886. Springfield, 1887, pam. Monmouth College Catalogue, 1862-1866. Monmouth, 1862-66, pam. Oglesbv, Gov. R. C. Inaugural Address, Jan. 9,1889. Springfield, 1889. Penitentiary Report, 1880. Springfield, 1880. Presbyterian Church, Report Annual Meeting of Synod, 1865. St. Louis, 1866, pam. Pullman, Industrial, Social and Economic Condition of. Report, 1884. School Reports, 1880-1882. Springfield, 1883. Sons of Vermont, Illinois Association of. Report, 1880-81. Chicago, 1882. Sunday Schools of the State, Appeal in Behalf of. Chicago, 1867, pam. Thirty-Sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, History of. L. G. Bennett and W. M. Haigh. Aurora, 1876. Warren County, Past and Present. Chicago, 1877. Illiteracy, its Social, Political and Industrial Effects. J. Eaton. Bur¬ lington, 1882. Illiteracy in United States. See Education. Illumination of Maritime Coast. E. A. Gieseler. n. p., n. d., pam. Illustrated History of Painters of all Schools. Viradot, L., etc. London, 1877. Impending Crisis in the South. H. R. Helper. New York, 1860. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. M. A. Evans. New York, n. d. Incineration of the Dead. H. M. Holmes, n. p., 1887, pam. Increase of Insanity in United States. See Insanity. Indexes. Co-operative Index to Periodicals, 1883-1889. W. I. Fletcher, editor. New York, 1883-90. Franklin Institute Journal, 1826-1885. Philadelphia, 1890. Harper’s Monthly Magazine, Vols. 1-70, inclusive. C. Durfee, compiler. New York, 1886. Littell’s Living Age. Complete Index. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-19. Con¬ tents to first hundred vols., Art, Biography, Education, Fiction, Geography. E. Roth, compiler. Philadelphia, 1883-1889. CATALOGUE. 81 Indexes. Monthly Reference Lists, 1881-3, 1884. W. E. Foster, compiler. Providence and New York, 1881-84. Nation. Yols. 31-40. AY. M. Griswold, compiler. Bangor, 1885. North American Review. Yols. 92-134. AY. M. Griswold, compiler. Bangor, 1882. Poole, AY. F., Fletcher, AY. J. Index to Periodical Literature, first Supplement, Jan., 1882-Jan., 1887. Boston, 1888. Popular Science Monthly. 20 vols., 1872-1882. New York, 1883. Q. P. Annual Indexes, 1881. July, 1889. Bangor, 1882-89. British Reviews and Magazines, 1882-84. Bangor, 1885. Essays relating to History, Biography, etc., 1883. Bangor, 1883. Historischen Geitschriften, 1880-81. Bangor, 1882. Register des Deutchen Rundschau. Yols. 1-29. Bangor, 1882. Revue Des Deux Mondes, 1876-82. Bangor, 1883. India. Feudge, F. R. Young Folks’ History of Boston, 1880. Law. See England. Rousselet, L. India and its Native Princes. Revised and edited by Lieut. Col. Buckle. London, 1878. Indiana. Board of Agriculture, Report, 1888-9. Indianapolis, 1888-9. Board of Health, Report, 1888. Indianapolis, 1889. Clay and Owen County History. Chicago, 1884. Department of Statistics, Report, 1882, 1884, 1887-1888. Indian¬ apolis, 1884-8. Evansville Daily Journal. Souvenir edition. Encampment, 1888, n. p., n. d., pam. Fort AYayne, Directory and Gazetteer, 1884-5,1885-6. Detroit and Indianapolis, 1884-5. Grammar School. Address before Graduating Class, by A. P. Edgerton, 1882. Fort AYayne, 1882. General Assembly Reports, 1887. 4 vols. Indianapolis, 1887. Geologv and Natural Historv, Reports, 1882, 1883, 1886. Indian¬ apolis, 1882-6. Gray, Gov. J. P. Message, 1887, 1889. Indianapolis, 1887-9, pam. Historical Society Pamphlets: No. 1. Howde, D. AY. Laws and Courts of Northwest and Indiana Territory. Indianapolis, 1886. No. 2. Life and Services of John P. Dillon. Indianapolis, 1886. No. 3. Acquisition of Louisana. Indianapolis, 1887. No. 4. C. Martindale. Loughery’s Defeat and Pigeon Roost Massacre. Indianapolis, 1888. Hovey, Gov. A. P., and Chase, I. J. Lieut. Gov. Addresses, Jan., 1889. Indianapolis, 1889, pam. Indianapolis Directory, 1885. Indianapolis, 1885. Insane Asylum, Reports, 1857-1880. Indianapolis, 1857-80, pams. Journal of House, 1889. Indianapolis, 1889. Journal of Senate, 1889. Indianapolis, 1889. Law , Statute: Acts, 1831, 1879-89. Indianapolis, 1832-89. Local Laws, 1835,1837-1841,1848-1851. Indianapolis, 1831-51. 11 82 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Indiana. Law, Statute: Special Acts, 1830. Indianapolis, 1830. Manual of Election Laws. Indianapolis, 1889. Revisions: Elliot, W* F. Supplement to Revised Statutes, 1881. Indian¬ apolis, 1889. Law, Supreme Court: Indexes: Burns, H. 2 vols, 1st, Blackford to 100 inc. Indianapolis, 1882-5. Reports: Dice, F. M. Yols. 95-100. Indianapolis, 1884-5. Kern, J. W. Yols. 101-115. Indianapolis, 1885-9. Griffiths, J. L. Yols. 116-119. Indianapolis, 1889. Text Books: Works, J. P. Practice, Pleadings and Forms, under Code of Indiana. Cincinnati, 1882-3. Law Library, Catalogue, 1889. Indianapolis, 1889. Reformatory for Women and Girls, Report, 1875. Indianapolis, 1876, pam. Report of Committee Appointed to Investigate Hospital for Insane. Indianapolis, 1889. Rose Polytechnic Institute. Inaugural Address, March 1, 1883. C. O. Thompson. Terre Haute, 1883, pam. State Gazetteer, 1884-85. Indianapolis, n. d. State Library, Reports, 1883-1887. Indianapolis, 1881^88. State Officers’ Report, 1888. Indianapolis, 1888, 2 vols. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Report, 1888. Indianapolis, 1888. Indians. American Indians. Report of Society for propagating Gospel among, 1843, 1858, 1869. Boston, 1843-69. Beach, W. W. Indian Miscellany. Albany, 1877. Blackbird, A. History of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michi¬ gan, and Grammar of Language. Ypsilanti, 1887. Blackhawk. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiack, and Scenes in the West. Poem by a Western Tourist. New York, 1848. Brownwell, C. D. W. Indian Races of North and South America. Hartford, 1873. Cremony, J. C. Life among the Apaches. San Francisco, 1868. Dawson, G. M. Past and Present Condition of Indians of Canada, n. p., n. d., pam. Hall, C. H. Dutch and the Iroquois. New York, 1882. Hare, W. H. Reminiscences (Indian). Philadelphia, 1888, pam. Harrison, J. B. Latest Studies on Indian Reservations. Philadel¬ phia, 1887. Hosford, M. G. Indian Legends and other Poems. New York, 1855. Hubbard, J. Account of Sa-go-ye-what-ha, or Red Jacket and his People, 1756-1830. Albany, 1886. Indian Philology, Iroquois and Mohawk. Montreal, 1866. Indian Rights Association, Report, 1885. Philadelphia, 1886, pam. CATALOGUE. 83 Indians. Lake Mohawk Conference, Oct., 1886, Sept., 1887. Philadelphia, 1887. Mac Intosli, J. Origin of North American Indians. New York, 1853. Memorial of Society of Friends, regarding the Indian, n. p., n. d., pam. Minutes of 7tli Grand General Indian Council at Haggersville, Out., 1882. Haggersville, 1882, pam. Rhoads, J. E. Our Next Duty to the Indians. Philadelphia, 1887, pam. Schoolcraft, H. R. Myths of Hiawatha, etc. Philadelphia, 1856. Society for propagating the Gospel among the Indians, etc. His¬ tory, 1787-1887. n. p., 1887. Thacher, B. B. Indian Traits and Sketches, vol 2. New Y 7 ork, 1844. Try on, J. R. Surviving Remnant of Indian Race in United States, 1836. Philadelphia, 1836, pam. Welsh, H. Report of a visit to the Navajo, Pueblo, Hualapais Indians. Philadelphia, 1885, pam. Industrial and Physical Training of Criminals. H. D. Wey. New Y r ork, 1888. Industrial application of Cotton Seed Oil. R. Grimshaw, n. p., n. d., pam. Industrial Art. See Art. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration. C. D. Wright. Boston, 1881. Influence of Intemperance upon Crime. C. D. Wright. Boston, 1889. Industrial Education. See Education. Ingle, E. Capt. Richard Ingle, Maryland, Pirate and Rebel, 1642-1653. See Maryland Historical Society. Initials and Pseudonyms. W. Cushing. New York, 1885. Insanity. Cobb, J. T. Present Policy of Michigan in caring for the Insane, n. p., n. d., pam. Earle, P. Curability of Insanity. Utica, 1877. Grisson, E. Border Land of Insanity, n. p., n. d., pam. Harrison, G. L. Legislation on Insanity, a collection of all Lunacy Laws of United States, England, and Foreign Countries. Philadelphia, 1884. Pratt, F. Increase of Insanity in United States. Kalamazoo, 1883, pam. Shew, A. M. Glance at Past and Present of Insane, n. p., n. d., pam. Stearns, H. P. Care of some classes of Chronic Insane. Hartford, 1881, pam. Taylor, J. A. Exonerative Insanity. New York, 1882. Wilbur, H. B. Governmental Supervision in Management of Insane, n. p., n. d., pam. Scotch Asylum for insane, n. p., n. d., pam. Nee pam. vol. 296. Insects injurious to Fruit. W. Saunders. Philadelphia, 1883. Institutes of Christian Religion. J. Calvin. New York, 1819. International Congress at Rome, Oct. 1884. See U. S. Bureau of Educa¬ tion. International History of Association of Workingmen. E. Villetard. Tr. S. M. Day. New Haven, 1874, pam. 84 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Interstate Agricultural Convention at rooms of Illinois Department of Agriculture, 1880. Springfield, 1881, pam. Interstate Commerce. Act to Regulate Commerce, 1887. n. p., 1889, pam. Cooley, T. M. Interstate Commerce, Pooling, etc., which affect its operation, n. p., n. d., pam. First Annual Report, 1887. Washington, 1887. General Conference, Railroad Commissioners, 1889. Washington, _ 1889. Keith, C. W. vs. Ky. Central Railroad Company, 1887. n. p., n, d., pam. Revised Rules of Practice, 1889. Washington, 1889, pam. Railway Statistics of United States. Report to Commission, 1888. Washington, 1889. Webber, W. L. Interstate Commerce, n. p., n. d., pam. Intoxicating Liquors. See Temperance. Iodine. D. T. Day. Washington, 1885. Iowa. Agricultural College, Experimental Station, Bulletin No. 2, 1888. Des Moines, 1888. Agricultural Society, Reports, 1859-1873. Des Moines, 1863-1874. Benton County History. Chicago, 1878. Blackhawk County History. Chicago, 1878. Brooks, W. M. Story of Tabor College. Rochester, 1885. Bushnell, J. P. Iowa Resources and Industries. Des Moines, 1885. Cedar County History. Chicago, 1878. Census, Historical and Comparative, 1836-1880. Des Moines, 1883. Davenport Academy of Natural Science. Proceedings, 1879-1881. Yol. 3, Part 3. 1884-1889, vol. 1. Part 1. Davenport, 1883-9. Putnam, C. E. Elephant Pipes, etc., in Museum. Davenport, 1885. Delaware County History. Chicago, 1878. Des Moines Academy of Science. Bulletin No. 1. Des Moines, 1885. Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, living in Iowa, 1886. List. Des Moines, 1886. Fiftieth Anniversary of Settlement of Iow T a, Commemoration of. Held June, 1883. Burlington, 1883. Historical Record, 1885-1889. Quarterly. Iowa City, 1887-1889. Historical Society. Board of Curators’ Report, 1865-1871, 1875- 1887. Des Moines, 1866-87. Insane Hospital, Report, 1880-81. Des Moines, 1882. Jackson County History. Chicago, 1879. Jefferson County History. Chicago, 1878. Jones County History. Chicago, 1879. Journal of the House, 1856-1866, 1872, 1884-1888. Des Moines, 1858-1888. Journal of the Senate, 1856-1866, 1872, 1884-1888. Des Moines, 1858-1888. Laics, Statute: Acts, 1843-1846, 188L-1888. Des Moines, 1884-88. Annotated Statutes (McClain’s). 1884, 2 vols. Chicago, 1884. CATALOGUE. 85 Iowa. Law, Supreme Court: Hight, B. W. Yols. 57-58. New York, 1882-3. Ebersole, C. E. Yols. 59-77. Albany, New Y r ork, Columbus, 1882-1890. Digest. E. A. Stiles, 2 vols. Chicago, 1887. Index. Parts 1, 2. Chicago, 1887. Lee County, History. Chicago, 1879. Legislative Documents, 1859-60, 1864-5, 1882-1888. Des Moines, 1859-1888. Official Register, 1888. n. p., n. d. State Librarian, Report, 1885-1889. Des Moines, 1885-89. Wapello County History. Chicago, 1879. Ireland. Begnell, P. H. American Irish and their Influence on Irish Poli¬ tics. American edition. Boston, 1882. Law Digests: Finlay, J. 1 vol. Law and Equity, 1769-1771. Dublin, 1830. O’Donnell, M., and Brady, F. 1 vol. Decisions, Statutes and Orders, 1766-1838. Dublin, 1840. Law Indexes: Index to Irish Statutes, 1310-1800, 2 vols. Dublin, 1818. Index to Statutes at large, vols. 1-18, 1310-1801. Dublin, 1799- 1804. Oultons Index to Irish Statutes. 3 vols., 1310-1835. Dublin, 1836. Law Journals: The Jurist. Yols. 1-18. Dublin, 1849-66. The Law Times. Yols. 1-23. Dublin, 1868-88. Land Act Reports: Donnell, R. 1 vol. 1871-1876. Dublin, 1876. Law Reports: Irish Law Reports, vols. 9-22. Dublin, 1883-89. Law Statute: Irish Statutes, 1310-1800. 12 vols. Dublin, 1794-1801. Statutes at Large, 1310-1800. 20 vols. Dublin, 1786-1801. Register Appeal Cases: Griffen, W. Yol. 1. Dublin, n. d. Savage J. “98 and 48” Modern Revolutionary History of Ireland. 4th edition. Chicago, 1882. Picturesque Ireland. New York, n. d. Ireland, J. and Nichols, J. W. Life and Works of Hogarth. Edenburgh, 1883, 3 vols. Ireland, S. Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant and part of France, 1787. London, 1796, 2 vols. Italy. Alexander, F. Roadside Songs of Tuscany. Edited by J. Ruskin. 2d edition. New York, 1888. Anderson, H. C. Poet’s Bazaar, Picturesque tour in Germany, Italy, Greece, and the Orient. Boston, n. d. Ferris, G. F. Great Italian and French Composers. New Y r ork, 1888. 86 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Italy. Jameson, Anna. Memoirs of Early Italian Painters. New edition. London, 1858. Reumont, A. De. The Carafas of Maddalone: Naples under Spanish Dominion. London, 1854. Scott, W. B. Pictures by Italian Masters. London, n. d. St. John, Mrs. H. R. Court of Anna Carafa. London, 1872. Iron. Birkinbine, J. Iron Ores of United States. Garrison, J. L. Microscopic Structure of Iron and Steel, n. p., n. d., pam. Isherwood, J. Experiments to ascertain effect of using saturated steam alone, or with compressed hot air, in a non-condensing engine, n. p., n d., pam. Experiments to determine relative efficiency of reciprocating pump, rotary pump and steam siphon pump, in raising water to same height. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Ives, F. E. Ether Oxygen Lime Light, n. p., n. d., pam. Heat Photography, n. p., n. d., pam. Italian Masters, Pictures by. W. B. Scott. London, n. d. Italian Painters, Memoirs of the Early. Anna Jameson. New edition. London, 1858. Jackson, A. See Individual Biography. Jackson, C. C. French Court and Society. London, 1881, 2 vols. Old Paris: Court and Literary Salons. London, 1875, 2 vols. Old Regime. London, 1880, 2 vols. Jackson, H. H. Ramona. Boston, 1884. See Hunt, H. Jackson, H. R. Letter to ex-Senator A. G. Thurman. Atlanta, n. d., pam. Jameson, A. Early Italian Painters. London, 1858. Jameson, J. F. Introduction to study of Constitutional and Political His¬ tory of the States. Baltimore, 1886. (Johns Hopkins Univer¬ sity Studies.) Janes Family. See Genealogy. Jansenist Church of Holland. J. M. Neale. Oxford, 1858. Japan. Kaempfer, E. History of Japan. Tr., J. G. Scheuchzer. London, 1727. Japanese Magic Mirror, n. p., n. d., pam. Japp, A. H. German Life and Literature. London, n. d. Jay, C. W. My New Home in Northern Michigan. Trenton, 1874. Jay, John. The Great Issue. New York, 1864. New Plottings in aid of Rebel Doctrine of State Sovereignty. New York, 1864. Second Letter on Dawson’s Introduction to the Federalist. Lon¬ don, 1864. Jay, W. Reply to Remarks of Rev. Moses Stuart on John Jay, etc. New York, 1850, pam. Jefferson, T. and the University of Virginia. H. B. Adams. Washington, 1888. See U. S. Bureau of Education. CATALOGUE. 87 Jerrold, B. Life of George Cruikshank. London, 1882, 2 vols. Jesuits. Constitution and Teaching. W. C. Cartwright. London, 1876. John Ward Preacher. M. Deland. Boston, 1889. Johnson, A. C. Peasant Liie in Germany. 4th edition. New York, 1859. Johnson, B. T. Foundation of Maryland and origin of Act concerning Religion, 1649. See Maryland Historical Society. Johnson, D. Political Comedy of Europe. London, 1880. Johnson, G. W. Memoirs of John Seldon. London, 1852. Johnson, H. K. Our Familiar Songs and those who made them. New York, 188L Johnson, J., Jr. Rudimentary Society Among Boys. Baltimore, 1884. Jones, Agnes E. See Individual Biography. Jones, C. E. Education in Georgia. Washington, 1889. See Education. Jones, C. H. Negro Land or Light upon the dark Continent. New York, 1881. Jones, J. H. Memoirs of H. K. Oliver, n. p., n. d., pam. Jones, John Paul. See Individual Biography. Jordan, T. F. Capi. W. Leighton of Kittery, Maine. Albany, 1885. Jottings of a year’s sojourn in the South. A. D. P. Van Buren. Battle Creek, 1859. Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, 1835-37. S. Parker. 3d edition. Ithaca, 1842. Journals and Journalists of America, 1883. Chart of Representation. New York, 1883. Joyce, J. A. A Checkered Life. Chicago, 1883. Judicial Record of Late Chief Justice Chase. J. S. Benson. New York, 1882. Julian System of electrical Transmission, n. p., 1887, pam. Juvenet, J. Ramie, n. p., n. d., pam. Kahmis, C. F. A. German Protestantism since middle of last century. Edinburgh, 1856. Kansas. Academy of Science, meetings, 1885-88. Topeka, 1887-90. Bar Association, meetings, 1887-1888. Topeka, 1887-88. Board of Agriculture, Reports, 1883-84, 1885-86. Topeka, 1885-87. Board of Health, Reports, 1885, 1887. Topeka, 1886-88. Fisher, G. S. (“Cecil.”) Kansas and the Constitution. Boston, 1856, pam. Goss, N. S. Catalogue of Birds of Kansas. Topeka, 1883. Same, revised edition, 1886. Kansas, 1886. Historical Society Reports, 1887-1888. Topeka, 1889. Transactions and Collections. Yols. 1-3, 1875-1885. Topeka, 1881-86. Humphrey, Gov. L. U. Message, Jan., 1889. Topeka, 1889. Journal of the House, 1883-1887. Topeka, 1884-87. Journal of the Senate, 1883-1887. Topeka, 1884-87. Kansas and Nebraska Hand Book. Boston, 1857. Labor Bureau and Industrial Statistics Report, 1887-1889. Topeka, 1888-1889. Lawrence. Report of Society of Michigan, living in, in 1871. Law¬ rence, 1871, pam. 88 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Kansas. Law , Statute: Laws, 1884-1889. Topeka, 1884-89. Private Laws, 1861. Lawrence, 1861. Special Laws, 1868. Lawrence, 1868. Supreme Court Digest: C. P. W. Dassler. Yol. 1. Topeka, 1889. Randolph, A. M. F. Yols. 28-41. Topeka, 1883-90. Martin, Gov. J. A. Message, Jan. 1887. Topeka, 1887, pain. Penitentiary, Reports, 1879-1882. Topeka, 1880-82. Public Documents, 1881-84, 1887-88. Topeka, 1882-89. Railroad Commissioners’, Reports, 1885-1888. Topeka, 1885-88. Robinson, S. F. L. Kansas; its interior and exterior life. Boston, 1866. State Librarian’s Report, 1886. Topeka, 1886. Kant’s Ethics. N. Porter. Chicago, 1886. Kavanagh, J. English Women of Letters. London, 1863, 2 vols. French Women of Letters. London, 1863, 2 vols. Keane, A. H. Early Teutonic, Italian, and French Painters. London, 1880. Kedzie, R. C. See Michigan Sanitary Conventions. Kelley, W. D., Etc. Equality of all men before the Law. Boston, 1865, pam. Kellogg, J. H. See Michigan Sanitary Conventions. Kelly, M. Reminiscences of the King’s Theatre, London. New York, 1826. Kendall, B. J. The Horse and his Diseases. Rev* edition. Enosburgh Falls, 1884. Kennedy, J. P. Memoir of William Wirt. Philadelphia, 1852, 2 vols, Kennedy, W. S. Life of O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1883. Kent, W. Weighing Machines. Philadelphia, 1888, pam. Kentucky. Buckner, Gov. S. B. Message to General Assembly, Jan., 1888. Frankfort, 1888, pam. Eastern Kentucky Lunatic Asylum, Report, 1882. n. p., n. d., pam. Gazetteer, 1884-85. Detroit, 1884. Knott, Gov. J. P. Messages, 1883-1885. Frankfort, 1883-85. pams. Law , Statute: Acts, 1821, 1822, 1825, 1827, 1830, 1832, 1847-48,1869-70, 1871, 1873, 1879, vol. 2; 1881, 1883-4 1885-6. Frankfort, 1821-86. Code of Practice, 1859. Cincinnati, 1859. Digest of Statute Law to 1822. 2 vols. Frankfort, 1822. Digest of Statute Law since 1834. Yol. 3. Frankfort, 1842. Revised Statutes, 1851-2. Frankfort, 1852. Statutes, 1792-1816. 5 vols. Frankfort and Tallahassee, 1809-1819. General Statutes, 1888. Louisville, 1887. Law , Supreme Court and Court of Appeals: Digest. Barber, J. 1vol. (Supplement.) Louisville, 1884. Reports. Hughes, J. 1 vol., 1785-1801. Lexington, 1803. Bush, W. P. D. Yol. 77. Louisville, 1879. Rodman, J. Yols. 78-81. Frankfort, 1880-1884. Hines, E. W. Yols. 82-87. Frankfort, 1882. CATALOGUE. 89 Kentucky. Polytechnic Society, Report, 1883. Louisville, 1889, pam. State Library Catalogue, 1883. Frankfort, 1884. Story of a Monument; Memorial to the Unknown Confederate Dead. Hopkinsville, 1887. New York, 1888. Ker, H. Travels through western interior of Lhiited States. Elizabeth¬ town, 1816. Kerlin, J. N., Knight, G. H. Providing for Idiotic and Feeble Minded Children, etc. n. p., n. d., pam. Kerr, D. R. LTnited Presbyterian Church of North America. Pittsburg, I860, pam. Kilbourne Family. See Genealogy. Kin and Clan. C. F. Bandelier. Santa Fe, 1882, pam. King Arthur. E. Bulwer. London, 1875. King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevadas. 6th edition. Boston, 1886. King, J. A. Framing the Federal Constitution. New York, 1888. King, W. See Individual Biography. Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of Crimea, origin and progress to death of Lord Raglan. Yols. 5, 6. New Y r ork, 1888. Kingman, B. History of North Bridgewater, Mass. Boston, 1866. King’s Mountain, Affair at, Oct. 7, 1780. J. W. DePeyster. New York, 1880. Kingsley, J. S. Standard Natural History. Boston, 1884-5, 6 vols. Kinsley, W. Views on Vexed Questions. Philadelphia, 1881. Kirkland, C. M. (“Mary Clavers.”) A New Home, Who’ll Follow, or Autumn Hours. New York, n. d. Glimpse of Western Life. 4th edition. New York, 1850. Holidays Abroad. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Knight, G. W. History and management of Land Grants, for Education in Northwest Territory. New York, 1885. Knortz, K. Representative German Poets. New York, 1885. Knox, J. See Early Kings of Norway. Konig, W. Study of Shakespeare. Leipsig, 1873. (German.) Labor. Barnes, W. E. The Labor Problem. New York, 1886. Belgram, H. The Iron Law of Wages, n. p., n. d., pam. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, National Convention, 1886-1889. Des Moines, 1886-89. ' o Butler, B. F. Relief to Labor. Washington, 1878, pam. Howell, G. Conflicts of Capital and Labor. London, 1878. Phillips, W. A. Labor, Land and Law. New York, 1886. Rogers, J. E. T. Six Centuries of Work and Wages. New York, n. d. Scoresby, W. American Factories and their Female Operatives. London edition, 1845, pam. Scudder, M. L. Labor Value Fallacy. 3d edition. Chicago, 1887. Simonds, J. C., Etc. Story of Manual Labor. Chicago, 1886. Wright, C. D. Art in Industry. Boston, 1886. Co-operative Distribution in Great Britain. Boston, 1886. Fall River, Lowell and Lawrence. Boston, 1882. History of Wages and Prices in Massachusetts, 1752-1883. Boston, 1885. 12 90 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Labor. AYright, C. D. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration. Boston, 1881. Manual of Distributive Co-operation. Boston, 1885. Profit Sharing. 2d edition. Boston, 1886. Laborde, A. De. View of Spain. London, 1809. 5 vols. Lake Erie. Brief Sketches of Officers who were in the Battle of. U. Parsons. Albany, 1862. Lambie, AY. Life on the Farm. Poem. l T psilanti, 1883. Land and Individualism. Plea for Area Taxation. Philadelphia, 1887, pam. Land of Dykes and AYindmills. F. S. Bird. London, 1882. Land Question in United States. S. Sato. Baltimore, 1886. Landois, L., Stirling, AY. Text Book of Human Physiology. Phila¬ delphia, 1886. Landseer, Sir E., Studies of. AY. C. Monkhouse. London, n. d. Langley, S. P. Besearches on Solar Heat. ATashington, 1884. Language. Champlin, J. T. Greek Grammar. N. Y., 1857. Harkness, A. First Greek Book. New York, 1861. Latin Syntax. Introduction, n. p., n. d. Lee, M. Y., and Hadley, H. English Grammar. Chicago, 1875. Swinton, AY. New Language Lessons. New Y T ork, 1880. Stearns, E. H. Guide to English Pronunciation. Boston, 1858. Town, S. Analysis of derivative words in English Language. Cooperstown, 1845. Yalpy, B. Greek Grammar. 12th edition. New York, 1842. Lanman, C. Haphazard Personalities. Boston, 1886. Editor of Journal of Alfred Ely, prisoner of war in Bichmond, 1861. New York, 1862. La Plata. See South America. La Boque. Manuel de’Horticulture pratique et d’ Arboriculture fruitiere. 2d edition. Quebec, 1883. Latrobe, J. H. B. Maryland in Liberia. See Maryland Historical Society. Laus Veneris, etc. A. C. Swinburne. New York, 1887. Law Dictionary. Adams, H. C. A. Judicial Glossary. Albany, 1886. Anderson, AY. H. Dictionary of Law. Chicago, 1889. Bouvier, J. Law Dictionary. 15th edition. Philadelphia, 1883, 2 vols. Lawson, J. D. Concordance of AVords and Phrases, and Legal Definitions. St. Louis, 1883. Bapalje, S. and Lawrence, B. L. Dictionary of American and English Law. Jersey City, 1883, 2 vols. AATnfield, C. H. Adjudged AYords and Phrases. Jersey City, 1882. Encyclopedia. American and English Encyclopedia of Law. Comp., J. H. Merrill. Northport, 1887-8, 5 vols. Universal Cyclopedia of Law. Edited by AY. AY. Thurston. 2d edition. Northport, 1885, 2 vols. Law Digests and Indexes. Chalmers, M. D. Digest of Laws of Exchange, Notes and Checks. Chicago, 1881. CATALOGUE. 91 Law Digests and Indexes. Desty, R. Digest of Decisions of United States Circuit and Dis¬ trict Courts. Reported by Federal Reporter. Yols. 1-20. St. Paul, 1885. Finch, J. A. Digest of Insurance Cases, 1889. Indianapolis, 1889. Harris, G. E. Chronological Register of American Law and Equity Reports. Washington, 1883. Lacy, J. F. Digest of Railway Decisions. Yol. 2. Chicago, 1884. Littleton, H. A. Blatchford, J. S. Digest of Fire Insurance Decis¬ ions. 3d edition. By C. Bates. New York, 1883. Odger, W. B. Digest of Law of Libel and Slander. Boston, 1881. Simonds, W. E. Digest of Patent Cases, 1789-1888. New York, 1888. Welch, J. Index Digest to Reports of Ohio Cases. Cincinnati, 1887. Law Periodicals. Albany Law Journal, vols. 26-40. Albany, 1883-90. American Law Journal and Magazine, 1829-1843. Boston, 1829-43, 28 vols. American Law Journal, 1842-1852. Philadelphia, 1842-52, 7 vols. American Law Magazine, O. S., vol. 6. Philadelphia, 1846. American Law Register, N. S., vols. 21-28. Philadelphia, 1882-89. American Law Record, vols. 1-15. Cincinnati, 1873-87. American Law Review, vols. 16-23. Boston. St. Louis, 1882-89. Atlantic Reporter, vols. 1-18, 1885-1890. St. Louis, 1885-90. Canadian Law Journal, vols. 2-9. Toronto, n. d. Canadian Law Times, vols. 2-10. Toronto, 1882-90. Central Law Journal, vols. 14-28. St. Louis, 1882-89. Chicago Legal News, vol. 1, 1869, vols. 14-22, 1882-1890. Chicago, 1882-90. Cincinnati Weekly Law Bulletin and Ohio Law Journal, vols. 1-19. Cincinnati, n. d. Criminal Law Magazine, vols. 3-12. Jersey City, 1882-90. Eastern Reporter. Yols. 1-11. Albany, 1885-87. English Law Journals. See England. Federal Reporter. Yols. 1-40. St. Paul, 1880-90. Insurance Law Journal. Yols. 1-16, 1871-1887. New York, 1871-87. Law and Equity Reporter. Yols. 1-4, 1876-1877. New York, n. d. Law Intelligencer. Yols. 1-3. Providence and Philadelphia, 1029-31. Lower Canada Law Journals. See Lower Canada. New Library of Law and Equity. Yol. 1. July-Dee., 1845. Har¬ risburg, 1845. New York Legal Observer. Yols. 1-11, 1843-1853. New York, 1843-53. New York Weekly Digest. Yols. 1-18. New York, 1878-84. Northeastern Reporter. Yols. 1-23, 1885-90. St. Louis, 1885-90. Northwestern Reporter. Yols. 1-43, 1879-1890. St. Paul, 1879-90. Ohio Law Journal. Yols. 1-6. Columbus, 1880-86. Pacific Reporter. Yols. 1-22, 1884-1890. St. Paul, 1884-90. 92 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Law Periodicals. Pennsylvania Law Journal. Yols. 1-7, 1842-1847. Philadelphia, 1842-47. Southeastern Reporter. Yols. 1-10, 1887-90. St. Paul, 1887-90. Southern Law Review. Yols. 1-8, 1872-1883. Nashville, 1872-83. Southern Reporter. Yols. 1-6, 1887-90. St. Louis, 1887-90. Southwestern Reporter. Yols. 1-12, 1886-90. St. Paul, 1886-90. Supreme Court Reporter. Yols. 1-10. St. Paul, 1883-90. The Reporter. Yols. 14-24, 1878-88. Boston, 1878-88. Upper Canada Law Journals. See Upper Canada. Weekly Law Bulletin. Yols. 1-20, 1876-88. Cincinnati and Columbus, 1876-88. Western Jurist. Yols. 1-17, 1867-1883. Des Moines, 1867-83. Western Law Journal. Yols. 1-10. Cincinnati, 1843-53. Law Reports. American Reports See America. Canadian Reports. See Canada. English Reports. See England. Morrison, R. S. Mining Reports. Yols. 1-15. Chicago, 1883-89. Scotch Reports. See Scotland. For State Reports, see under each State. Law Text Books. Abbott, A. Brief for Trial of Civil Cases before a Jury. New York, 1889. Brief for Trial of Criminal Cases. New York, 1890. New Cases. See New York. Trial Brief on Facts. New York, 1890. Addison, C. G. Law of Contracts. Am. Notes by B. Y. Abbott. 4th Am. edition. Boston, 1883, 2 vols. Law of Contracts. Abbott & Wood’s, Am. notes from 8th Eng. edition. Philadelphia, 1889, 3 vols. Ames, J. B. Selected Cases on Bills and Notes. Boston, 1881, 2 vols. Angell, J. K., Ames, S. Law of Private Corporations. 11th edition. Boston, 1882. Angell, J. K., Durfee, T. Law of Highways. 3d edition. Boston, 1886. . Anglo Saxon Law. Essays. Boston, 1876. Anson, W. K. English Law of Contract. 2d Am. from 4th London edition. Chicago, 1887. Arnould, J. Law of Marine Insurance. 6th edition. London, 1887, 2 vols. Austin, H. Law of Farms, Farmers and Farm Laborers, in United States, with Game Laws of all the States. Boston, 1886. Bacon, F. H. Law of Benefit Societies and Life Insurance. St. Louis, 1888. Bailey, W. H. Conflict of Judicial Decisions. Baltimore, 1888. Onus Probandi, Preparation for Trial etc. New York, 1886. Baker, J. F. On the Law of Sales. Chicago, 1887. Ball, F. Q. Law of National Banks. Chicago, 1881. Bar, L. International Law, Private and Criminal. Boston, 1883. Barber, G. M. Guide for Notaries Public and Commissioners. Cleveland, 1888. CATALOGUE. 93 Law Text Books. Barber, W. Law d£ Insurance in Civil Code of California. San Francisco, 1887. Barbour, O. L. Criminal Law. 3d edition. Albany, 1883, 2 vols. On Law of Payment. New York, 1888. Summary of Law of Parties to Actions at Law and Suits in Equity. 2d edition. Albany, 1884. Barton, B. T. Pleadings and Practice in Courts of Chancery. Richmond, 1881-3. Bassett, J. Qriminal Pleading and Practice. 2d edition. Revised and enlarged. H. Binmore. Chicago, 1885. Bateman, J. W. Law of Auctions. 1st Am. edition, by H. N. Sheldon. Boston, 1883. Bates, C. Law of Limited Partnership. Boston, 1886. Law of Partnership. Chicago, 1888, 2 vols. Pleadings, Parties and Forms, under the Code of Ohio. Cin¬ cinnati, 1881-82, 2 vols. Baylies, E. New Trials and Appeals. Rochester, 1888. On Sureties and Guarantees. New York, 1884. On Trial Practice. Rochester, 1885. Beach, C. F. On Law of Contributory Negligence. Chicago, 1887. On Law of Receivers. New York, 1887. On Wills. San Franscisco, 1888. Benjamin, J. P. On Law of Sale of Personal Property. 4th Am. edition, by C. L. Corbin. Jersey City, 1883, 2 vols. On Sales. Am. notes by E. H. Bennett. Boston, 1888. Benjamin, W. E. Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Checks. 2d Am. edition. Chicago, 1889. Bennett, J. J. On Law of Lis Pendens. Chicago, 1887. Best, W. M. Principles of Law of Evidence. Am. edition by C. F. Chamberlyne. Boston, 1883. On Right to Begin and Reply in Trial by Jury, and other Pro¬ ceedings. Am. edition, annotated by J. J. Crandall. Bur¬ lington, 1880. Biddle, A. On Law of Warranties in Sale of Chattels. Phila¬ delphia, 1884. Biddle, A. and G. On Law of Stock Brokers. Philadelphia, 1882. Bigelow, M. M. Law of Bills, Notes, and Checks. 2d edition. Boston, 1880. Law of Estoppel. 4th and 5th editions. Boston, 1886-1890. Law of Fraud on its Civil Side. Boston, 1888. Law of Torts (Elementary). 2d edition. Boston, 1882. Over-ruled Cases, Supplement, 1873-1887, with Appendix from earliest period to 1873. Boston, 1887. Bingham, A. Law of Real Property. Yols. 1 and 3. Albany, 1868-80. Binney, H. Privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus, under the Con¬ stitution. Philadelphia, 1865. Bisbee, L. H., Simonds, J. C. On Boards of Trade and Produce Exchanges. Chicago, 1884. Bishop, J. P. On Criminal Law. 7th edition. Boston, 1882, 2 vols. On Law of Contracts. New and condensed method. Chicago, 1887. 94 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Law Text Books. Bishop, J. P. On Law of Statutory Crimes. 2d edition. Boston, 1883. On Non Contract Law, Rights and Torts. Chicago, 1889. On Written Laws for Civil Practice. Boston, 1882. Prosecution and Defense. Boston, 1885. Black, C. C. Proofs and Pleadings in Accident Cases. Jersey City, 1886. Black, H. C. On Constitutional Prohibitions against Legislation impairing Obligation of Contract. Boston, 1887. On Law of Tax Titles.. St. Louis, 1888. Blackburn, C. On Contract of Sale. First American from 2d Eng¬ lish edition, by J. C. Graham. Philadelphia, 1887. Blackstone, W. Commentaries on Law of England. 3d edition. Rev. by T. Cooley. Chicago, 1884, 2 vols. Blackwell, R. On Power to sell Land for non-payment of Taxes. 5th edition. Boston, 1889, 2 vols. Blickensderfer, L T . Review of Legal Studies for Law Students. Chicago, 1880, 3 vols. Bliss, P. On Sovereignty. Boston, 1885. Boese, C. Hand Book on Naturalization. New York, 1888. Bolles, A. S. Banks and their Depositors. New York, 1887. Boone, C. T. Manual of Law of Corporations. San Francisco, 1882. On Law of Mortgages of Real and Personal Property. San Francisco, 1884. On Law of Real Property. San Francisco, 1883. Bowker, R. R. Copyright, Its Law and Literature, with bibliogra¬ phy of Literary Property. By T. Solberg. New York, 1886. Brightley, F. C. Leading Cases on Elections in United States. Philadelphia, 1871. Brooks, F. A. Fiat Money, Review of Decisions of United States Supreme Court as to its Constitutionality. Boston, 1885. Brooks, W. K. Law of Heredity. 2d edition, rev. Baltimore, n. d. Brown, J. On Law of Domestic Relations, and of Employers and Employed. Boston, 1883. Brown, J. H. B. On Law of Carriers. New York, 1883. Browne, J. Law and Lawyers in Literature. Boston, 1883. National Bank Cases. Decisions of Federal and State Courts, 1878-80. Albany, 1880. Browne, W. H. Law of Divorce and Alimony. Philadelphia, 1890. Bruce, G., Gennett, C. F. Jurisdiction and Practice of English Courts. 2d edition. London, 1886. Burbridge, G. W. Criminal Law of Canada. Toronto, 1890. Burhaus, J. A. Law of Municipal Bonds. Chicago, 1889. Burrill, A. M. Law and Practice of Voluntary Assignments for benefit of Creditors. 4th and 5th editions, Edited by G. L. Stir¬ ling. New York, 1882-1887. Buswell, H. F. On Law of Insanity. Boston, 1885. On Statute of Limitations and Adverse Possession. Boston, 1889. Byles, J. B. On Law of Bills of Exchange. 7th America edition, by G. Charswood. Philadelphia, 1883. Cameron, M. G. On the Law of Dower. Toronto, 1882. CATALOGUE. 95 Law Text Books. Campbell, E. L. Science of Law According to American Theory of Government. Jersey City, 1887. Carlton, A. B. Law of Homicide, With Trial of Judge Wilkinson, Dr. Wilkinson and Mr. Murdaugh for murder. Cincinnati, 1882. Chalm%r, M. D. Digest of Law of Exchange, Notes and Checks. Revised by W. E. Benjamin. Chicago, 1881. Chase, S. P., Me Cullough H. Specific Contract Law. n. p., 1865, pam. Church, W. T. On Writ of Habeas Corpus. San Francisco, 1884. Clark, F. B. Manual of Law of Crimes and Criminal Practice in Alabama. Montgomery, 1878. Clarke, E. On Law of Extradition. 3d edition. London, 1888. Cohen, M. M. Admiralty Jurisdiction, Law and Practice. Boston, 1883 On the Growth of Law. Chicago, 1882. Colebrooke, W. On Law of Collateral Securities. Chicago, 1883. Cook, W. W. Law of Stock and Stockholders. 1st and 2d editions. New York, 1887-9. On Trusts. 2d edition. New York, 1888. Cooley, T. M. On Constitutional Limitations. 5th edition. Boston, 1883. On Law of Taxation. 2d edition, enlarged. Chicago, 1886. On Law of Torts. 2d edition. Chicago, 1888. Traffic Pooling. Chicago, 1884, pam. Copinger, W. A. Law of Copyright on Works of Literature and Art, together with International and Foreign Copyright. 2d edition. London, 1881. Copp, H. N. American Mining Code. 4th edition. Washington, 1889.. Public Land Laws, Decisions, Opinions and Instructions, 1875- 82. Washington, 1883, 2 vols. Cord, W. H. Rights of Married Women. 2d edition, revised. Philadelphia, 1885, 2 vols. Cox, R. Trade Mark Cases. Boston, 1881. Cox, W. S. Common Law Practice in Civil Courts. Washington, 1886. Exercises for Law Students. Washington, 1877. Questions for Law Students. Washington, 1890. Croswell, S. G. Laws Relating to Executors and Administrators. Boston, 1889. Cunyngham, H. On Laws of Electric Lighting. London, 1883. Cunyngham, W. B. On Law of Forcible Entry and Detainer in Illinois. Chicago, n. d. Curtis, F. B., Webster, W. H. Digest of U. S. Pension Laws, Decisions, etc. Washington, 1885. Curtis, G. T. Law of Patents. 4th edition. Boston, 1873. Dale, J. L. Legal Ritual. London, 1871. Dane, M. General Abridgment and Digest of American Law. Bos¬ ton, 1823-29, 9 vols. Daniels, J. W. On Law of Negotiable Instruments. 3d edition. New York, 1883, 2 vols. 96 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Law Text Books. Davis, H .F. A. Building Societies, Theory, Practice and Manage¬ ment. Boston, 1887. Davis, K. The Law in Shakespeare. 2d edition. St. Paul, 1884. Deering, J. H. The Law of Negligence. San Francisco, 1886. Desty, R. American Law of Taxation. St. Paul, 1884, 2 vols. Compendium of American Criminal Law. San Francisco, 1882. Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts. San Fran¬ cisco, 1888. Develin, R. T. On Law of Deeds. San Francisco, 1887, 2 vols. Dewey, T. H. On Contracts for Future Delivery, and Commercial Wagers. New York, 1886. Dicey, A. V. On Rules for Selection of Parties to an Action. 2d Am. edition, by W. Aldrich. Jersey City, 1886. Dickson, F. S. Analysis of Blackstone’s Commentaries. Phila¬ delphia, n. d. Analysis of Kent’s Commentaries. Philadelphia, 1875. Dillon, J. F. Removal of Causes from State to Federal Court. 4th edition. St. Louis, 1887. Dole, E. P. Talks about Law. Boston, 1887. Donovan, J. W. On Modern Jury Trial. 3d rev. edition. New York, 1885. On Fact in Court. 4th edition, rev. and enl. Rochester, 1891. On Trial Practice and Trial Lawyers. St. Louis, 1883. Drake, C. D. Law of Suits by Attachment in United States. 6th edition. Boston, 1885. Duryea, S. Assignments of Patent Rights. Baltimore, 1886. Edwards, J. On Bills of Exchange. 3d edition, ed. by Dudley, Dennison and Dudley. New York, 1882, 2 vols. Eggleston, W. Law of Damages. Indianapolis, 1885. Elmes, W. On Law of the Customs. Boston, 1887. Endlich, G. A. Commentaries on the Interpretation of Statutes. Jersey City, 1888. On Law of Affidavits of Defense in Pennsylvania. Jersey City, 1884. On Law of Building Associations. Jersey City, 1882. Everest, L. F., Strode, E. Law of Estoppel. London, 1884. Ewell, M. D. Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. Boston, 1887. Review of Blackstone’s Commentaries for Students. Boston, 1882-88, 3 vols. Fall, C. G. Employers’ Liability for Injury to Employes. Boston, 1889. Field, G. W. On Law of Infants, Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward. Rochester, 1888. On Lawyers’ Briefs. New York, 1884-86, 6 vols. Medico Legal Guide for Doctors and Lawyers. New York, 1887. Ultra Vires. Des Moines, 1881. Fiero, J. N. Practice in Special Proceedings in Courts of Record. Albany, 1887. Finch, J. A. Digest of Insurance Cases, 1889. Indianapolis, 1889. Ford, M. H. Students’ Legal Analysis, a Synopsis of Common Law. Chicago, 1887. CATALOGUE. 97 Law Text Books. Foster, K. Pleadings and Practice in Equity, United States Courts. Boston, 1890. Fox, Jr., F. T. On Warranty in Fire Insurance Contracts. Chicago, 1883. Freeman, A. C. On Co-tenancy and Partition. 2d edition. San Francisco, 1886. On Law of Executors in Civil Cases. 2d edition. San Fran¬ cisco, 1888. Freeman, A. C. On Void Execution, Judicial and Probate Sales, etc. St. Louis, 1877. Fry, E. On Specific Performance of Contracts. 3d American edi¬ tion. Albany, 1884. Fry, G. G. Questions and Answers on Municipal Law. New York, 1887. Game Laws. See Austin, H. Gear, H. L. Law of Landlord and Tenant. San Francisco, 1888. Giauque, F. Laws of Boads and Ditches, Bridges and Water Courses in Ohio. Cincinnati, 1886. Giauque, F., McClure, H. B. Dower and Curtesy Tables. Cin¬ cinnati, 1882. Gibbons, J. American Criminal Beports. Yols. 4-6. Chicago, 1885-7. Gillett, J. H. Criminal Law, Directions and Forms. Chicago, 1888. Godeve, T. M. Law of Letters Patent for Inventions. London, 1884. Godefroi, H. Law of Trusts and Trustees. London, 1879. Godefroi, H., Shortt, J. Law of Bailway Companies. London, 1888. Gormilly, J. G., Sinclair, B. Y. Banks, Banking and Mercantile Law of Canada. Ottawa, 1887. Gould, J. Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions. 5th edition, by F. F. Heard. Albany, 1887. Gould, J. M. On Law of Waters, including Biparian Bights and Public and Private Bights in Waters, Tidal and Inland. Chi¬ cago, 1883. Gould, J. M., Tucker, G. F. Notes on Be vised Statutes of United States, to July 1, 1889. Boston, 1889. Gray, J. C. Bestraints on Alienation of Property. Boston, n. d. Gray, J. C. Buie against Perpetuities. Boston, 1886. Gray, M. On Communication by Telegraph. Boston, 1885. Greenleaf, S. On Law of Evidence. 14th edition. Boston, 1883. 3 vols. Greenough, C. P. Digest of Beported Decisions relating to Bights and Liabilities of Gas Companies. Boston, 1883. Greenwood E. Doctrine of Public Policy in the Law of Contracts. Chicago, 1886. Hackett, F. W. Geneva Award Act, with votes and references to decisions of Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. Bos¬ ton, 1882. 13 98 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Law Text books. Haigh, H. A. Hand-book of Law, and Manual of Business Forms. Lansing, 1885. Haines, E. M. Power and Duties of Justices of the Peace. Chicago, 1887. < > Hale, M. History of Common Law of England. 6th edition. London, 1820. Hamilton, L. Mexican Law. San Francisco, 1882. Hare, J. J. C. On American Constitutional Law. Boston, 1889. 2 yoIs. On Law of Contracts. Boston, 1887. Harper, J. C. Law of Inter-state Commission. Cincinnati, 1887. Harris, G. E. Chronological Begister of American Law and Equity Beports. Washington, 1883. On Law of Contracts by Married Women. Albany, 1887. On Law of Subrogation. Albany, 1889. Harris, B. Before Trial; What should be done by Client, Solicitor and Lawyer, with Treatise on defense of Insanity. London, 1886. On Illustrations in Advocacy. Bev. edition. St. Louis, 1885. Harris, S. F. On Criminal Law. 13th edition, by C. M. Barnes. Boston, 1884. Harrison, G. L. Legislation on Insanity. Philadelphia, 1884. Hawes, H. Laws respecting Parties to Actions, Legal and Equit¬ able. San Francisco, 1884. Hawes, H. On Jurisdiction of Courts. San Franscisco, 1886. Hawkins, F. Y. On Contract of Wills. 2d American edition, by F. M. Leonard. Philadelphia, 1885. Heard, T. F. On Principles of Equity Pleadings. Boston, 1882,. Herman, H. M. On Law of Estoppel. Albany, 1880. On Law of Estoppel. Jersey City, 1886, 2 vols. Herrick, M. W., Doxsee, J. W. Probate Law and Practice, of Iowa and Dakota. Chicago, 1884. High, J. L. On Extraordinary Legal Bemedies, Madamus, Quo Warranto and Prohibition. 2d edition. Chicago, 1884. On Law of Injunctions. 2d edition. Chicago, 1880, 2 vols. On Law of Injunctions. 3d edition. Chicago, 1890, 2 vols. Hirschl, A. J. Law of Fraternities and Societies. St. Louis, 1883. Hirsh, H. Tabulated Digest of U. S. Divorce Laws. Brooklyn, n. d. Hocheimer, L. On Law relating to Custody of Infants. Baltimore, 1887. Holmes, Jr., O. W. The Common Law. Boston, 1881. Holst, H. Yon. Constitutional Law of United States. Chicago, 1887. Holt, G. C. Concurrent Jurisdiction of Federal and State Courts. New York, 1888. Horner, H. C. County Court Practice. Chicago, 1881. Horr, N. T., Bemis, A. A. Municipal Police Ordinances. Cin¬ cinnati, 1887. Houck, L. On Law of Navigable Bivers. Boston, 1868. Houston, J. On Stoppage in Transitu. London, 1860. Howson, H. On Law of Beissued Patents. Philadelphia, 1882. CATALOGUE. 99 Law Text Books. Indermauer, J. Law of Bills of Sale, Embrac ing Bills of Act, 1878-1882. London, 1882. Jacobs, M. W. On Law of Domicils. Boston, 1887. Jameson, J. A. On Constitutional Conventions. 4tli edition. Chicago, 1887. Jarmon, T. On Wills. 5th Am. edition, by J. F. Randolph and Wm. Talcott. Jersey City, 1881. Jenkins, J. S. New Clerks’ Assistant or Book of Forms. Albany, 1885. Jones, D. A. On Construction of Commercial and Trade Contracts. New York, 1886. Jones, E. K. Rules of Federal Practice. New York, 1884. Jones, H. C. The Torrens System of Transfer of Land, etc. Toronto, 1886. Jones, L. A. On Law of Corporate Bonds. 2d edition. New York, 1889. On Law of Forms in Conveyancing. Boston, 1886. On Law of Liens. Boston, 1888, 2 vols. On Law of Mortgages of Personal Property. 3d edition. Bos¬ ton, 1888. On Law of Pledges. Boston, 1883. On Law of Mortgages of Real Property. 4th edition. Boston, 1889, 2 vols. Jordan, J. R. Questions and Answers to Anson on Contracts. Cincinnati, 1890. Kelly, J. F. On Law of Contracts of Married Women. Jersey City, 1882. Kent, J. Commentaries on American Law. 13th edition, by C. M. Barnes. Boston, 1884, 4 vols. Knapp, C. D. On Law of Partition. New T York, 1887. Kneeland, S. F. On Mechanics’ Liens. 2d edition. New York, 1882. Knobbloch, A. F. Digest of Decisions in Criminal Cases. New Orleans, 1887. Lacy, J. F. Digest of Railway Decisions. Vol. 2. Chicago, 1884. Lawson, J. D. Adjudged Cases, Defenses to Crime. Yols. 2-5. San Francisco, 1886-7. Adjudged Cases on Insanity and Drunkeness as a defense to Crime. St. Louis, 1884. On Civil Remedy for Injuries from Sale or Gift of Intoxicating Liquors. St. Louis, 1877, pam. On Law of Building and Buildings. Boston, 1888. On Law of Expert and Opinion Evidence, reduced to Rules. San Francisco, n. d. Law of Presumptive Evidence. San Francisco, 1885. Law of Usages and Customs. St. Louis, 1881. Leading Cases Simplified (Common Law). St. Louis, 1882. Leading Cases Simplified (Criminal Law). St. Louis, 1884. Rights, Remedies and Practice. San Francisco, 1889-90. 4 vols. Leake, S. M. Elementary Digest of Law of Contracts. London, 1878. Digest of Law of Property in Land. London, 1874 4 vols. in 2. 100 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Law Text Books. Lewin, T. On Law of Trusts and Trustees. 1st American edition. J. H. Flint. Philadelphia, 1889, 2 vols. Lewis, J. On Law of Eminent Domain. Chicago, 1888. Lindley, N. On Law of Partnership. American Notes by S. Pap¬ al je. Jersey City, 1888, 2 vols. On Law of Partnership. 2d American edition. Notes by M. B. Ewell. Chicago, 1888, 2 vols. Lowell A. S. and F. C. On Law of Pledges. Boston, 1883. McAdam, D. On Landlord and Tenant. 2d edition. New York, 1882 McCall, H. S. Law of Peal Property. Albany, 1883. McConnell, G. W. Trustee Process at Law and in Equity in New England. Boston, 1886. MacFie, R. A. Copyright and Patents for Inventions. Edinburgh, 1879-1883, 2 vols. Mackeldy, F. Hand Book of Roman Law. Tr. M. A. Dropsie. Philadelphia, 1883, 2 vols. in 1. McKenney, W. M. Law of Fellow Servants. Northport, 1890. MacQueen, J. Treatise of Practice, House of Lords and Privy Council. London, 1842. Malone, W. H. Criminal Briefs. Baltimore, 1886. Peal Property Trials. Washington, 1883. Marsden, P. G. Law of Collisions at Sea. 2d edition. London, 1885. Rule against Perpetuities. London, 1883. Martindale, W. B. Law of Conveyancing. 1st and 2d editions by L. S. Metcalf. St. Louis, 1882-1889. Mathews, W. B. Guide for Settlers upon Public Lands, etc. Washington, 1889. Maxwell, S. On Criminal Proceedure. Chicago, 1887. Maxwell Brothers. Rights and Obligations of Marriage. New York, 1886. May, J. W. Law of Crimes. Boston, 1881. Merrill, S. Newspaper Libel. Boston, 1888. Merwin, H. C. Patentability of Inventions. Boston, 1883. Mielziner, M. Jewish Law of Marriage and Divorce in Ancient and Modern Times. Cincinnati, 1884. Moore, S. A. History and Law of Foreshore. London, 1888. Morawetz, Y. Law of Private Corporations. 2d edition. Boston, 1886, 2 vols. Morrill, W. W. Competency and Privilege of Witnesses, and their testimony under New York Codes. New York, 1886. Law and Practice in Action against Municipal Corporations for negligence in care of Highways. New York, 1887. Morris, P. Patents Conveyancing. London, 1887. Morse, A. P. On Citizenship by Birth and by Naturalization. Boston, 1881. Murfree, W. L. The Justice of the Peace: a compendium of the law relating to Justices of the Peace, their powers and duties, etc. St. Louis, 1886. Law of Official Bonds and other Penal Bonds. St. Louis, 1885. On Sheriffs and other Ministerial Officers. St. Louis, 1884. CATALOGUE. 101 Law Text Books. Myrick, M. H. Cases in Probate Court of San Francisco City and County, 1872-9. San Francisco, 1880. Newmark, N. Law of Bank Deposits. St. Louis, 1888. Niblack, W. C. Law of Voluntary Society and Mutual Benefit Associations. Chicago, 1888. Odger, W. B. Digest of Law of Libel and Slander. 1st American Edition. M. M. Bigelow. Boston, 1881. Overton, D. Y. On the Law of Liens, Common Law, Equity, Stat¬ utory and Maritime. Albany and New York, 1883. Paine, H. E. Law of Elections. Washington, 1888. Paine, W. S. New York Banking Laws. Albany, 1885. Parsons, F. M. Law of Costs in New York State. New York 1876. Parsons, T. Law of Contracts. 7th edition. Boston, 1883, 3 vols. Law of Marine Insurance. Boston, 1868, 2 vols. Patent Laws of all Nations. Washington, 1886. 2 vols. Patent Laws of the World. London, 1885. Patterson, C. S. United States and States under the Constitution. Philadelphia, 1888. Patterson, C. S. Bailway Accident Law. Philadelphia, 1886. Perry, J. W. Law of Trusts and Trustees. 4th edition, by F. Par¬ sons. Boston, 1889. 2 vols. Pierce, J. O. On Fraudulent Mortgages of Merchandise, a com¬ mentary on the American phases of Twyne’s Case. St.- Louis, 1884. Piggott, J. T. Foreign Judgments. 2d edition. London, 1884. Polluck, F. Law of Torts. London, 1887. Pomeroy, C. P. Mercantile Law of England and United States. San Francisco, 1887. Pomeroy, J. N. Equity Jurisprudence as administered in the United Stataes. San Francisco, 1881-82, 3 vols. Law of Biparian Bights. Bev. by H. C. Black. St. Paul, 1887 Introduction to Municipal Law. 2d edition. San Francisco, 1848 Poore, W. S. Law of Beferees, under New York Code. New York, 1888. Porter, J. B., Craies, W. F. Law of Insurance. 2d edition. Lon¬ don, 1887. Potter, P. W. Boad and Boadside. 2d edition. Boston, 1887. Preble, Jr., W. P. Collisions in the United States Waters. Boston, 1886. . . Puterbaugh, S. D. Common Law Pleading and Practice. 6th edition. Chicago, 1888. Bandolph, J. F. On Commercial Paper. Jersey City, 1885-88, 3 vols. Bapalje, S. On Contempts, Civil and Criminal. New York, 1884. On Criminal Procedure. San Francisco, 1889. On Law of Witnesses. New York, 1887. Bapalje, S., and Lawrence, B. L. Judicial Criticisms and Citations; a complete table of cases, cited, affirmed, overruled, etc., by American, English and Canadian Courts during 1881. Jersey City, 1882. 102 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Law Text Books. Rawle, W. H. On the Law of Covenants for Title. 5th edition. Boston, 1887. Bedfield, J. F. Law of Railways. 6th edition. J. K. Kinney. Boston, 1888, 2 vols. Law of Wills. 4th edition, vol. 1; 3d edition, vols. 2, 3. Bos¬ ton, 1876. Supplement, American Cases and Notes on Law of Wills. Boston, 1874. Reed, J. C. American Law Studies, or self preparation for Practice in United States. Boston, 1882. On Law of Statute of Fraud. Philadelphia, 1884, 3 vols. Reeve, T. On Domestic Relations. 4th edition. By J. W. Eaton. Albany, 1888. Rhone, D. L. Orphan’s Court Practice in Pennsylvania. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1885. Riddle, D. S. On Proceedings Supplementary to Execution. 2d edition. New York, 1882. Riley, W. Pleadings in Parliament. London, 1661. Rogers, F. N. Law of Elections. Edited by J. C. Carter. Yol. 1, 14th edition. Yol. 2, 15th edition. London, 1885-6, 2 vols. Rogers, H. W. Law of Expert Testimony. St. Louis, 1883. Rogers, Jr., R. Y. Drinks, Drinkers and Drinking. Law and History of Intoxicating Liquors. Albany, 1881. Law of the Road, rights and wrongs of Travelers. San Fran¬ cisco, 1884. Roe, E. T. Criminal Procedure of United States Courts. Chicago, 1887. Rorer, D. Law of Taxation. Chicago, 1884, 2 vols. Roscoe, H. On Evidence in Criminal Cases. 8th American edition. Philadelphia, 1888, 2 vols. Sackett, F. Instructions to Jurors. 2d edition. Chicago, 1888. Schouler, J. On Law of Bailments. 2d edition. Boston, 1887. On Law of Domestic Relations. 4th edition. Boston, 1889. Law of Executors and Administrators. 1st and 2d editions. Boston, 1883-89. Law of Husband and Wife. Boston, 1882. On Law of Personal Property. 2d edition. Boston, 1884, 2 vols. On Law of Wills. Boston, 1887. Scribner, C. H. On Law of Dower. Notes by A. J. Phillips. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1883, 2 vols. Sedgwick, A. G. and Wait, F. S. On Trial of Title to Land. New York, 1882. Seton, H. AY. Forms of Decrees, Judgments and Orders with notes. 1st American edition by F. F. Heard. New York, 1883. Sliarswood, v G., Budd, H. Leading Cases in Law of Real Property. Philadelphia, 1883-89, 4 vols. Shearman, T. G., Redfield. A. A. On Negligence. 4th edition. New York, 1888, 2 vols. Sheldon, H. N. On Law of Subrogation. Boston, 1882. Shirley, AY. S. Leading Cases in Common Law. 2d edition. Boston, 1883. CATALOGUE. 103 Law Text Books. Shortt, J. Extraordinary Remedies, etc. 1st American edition, by E. F. Heard. Philadelphia, 1889. Sichel, W. S. Practice relating to Witnesses. London, 1887. Simonds, W. E. Digest of Patent Cases, 1789-1888. New York, 1888. Sloan, W. H. Legal and Financial Register, July, 1884. Cincinnati, 1884. Smith, B. D. Power, Duties and Liabilities of Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables. Albany, 1883. Smith, C. M. Law of Master and Servant. American edition. Philadelphia, 1886. Smith, D. W. On Law of Chattels in Personal Property in New York State. Albany, 1886. Smith, G. H. Elements of Right, and of the Law. 2d edition. Chicago, 1887. ; Smith, J. W. Leading Cases on various branches of the Law, with notes. 8th Am. edition. Philadelphia, 1885, 2 vols. in 4. Manual of Common Law. 2d Am. edition. Washington, 1881. Smith, W. L. Probate Court Practice. 4th edition. Boston, 1884. Snell, E. H. T. Principles of Equity. 1st American edition. St. Louis, 1885. Snyder, W. L. Great Opinions by Great Judges. New York, 1883. Notaries’ and Commissioner’s Manual. 3d edition. New York, 1889. Soule, C. C. Lawyers’ Reference Manual of Law Books and Citeu- tions. Boston, 1883. Spear, S. T. On Law of Extradition. 3d edition. Albany, 1884. Speer, E. Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts. Bos¬ ton, 1888. Starkie, T. Law of Evidence. 10th American edition. Philadel¬ phia, 1876. Stephens, Sir J. F. Criminal Law of England. London, 1883, 3 vols. Digest of Law of Evidence. 2d American edition, by W. Reynolds. Chicago, 1888. Stewart, D. On Law of Husband and Wife in England and United States. San Francisco, 1885. On Law of marriage and Divorce in England and United States. San Francisco, 1884. Stimson, F. J. American Statute Law in force, Jan., 1 1886. Bos¬ ton, 1886. First Supplement to Jan., 1, 1888. Boston, 1888. Story, J. On Agency. 9th edition. Boston, 1882. On Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic. Boston, 1883. On Equity and Jurisprudence in United States and England. 13th edition. M. M. Bigelow. Boston, 1886, 2 vols. On Law of Partnership. 7th edition. W. F. Wharton. Bos¬ ton, 1881. Southerland, J. G. On Law of Damages. Chicago, 1882-83, 3 vols. Taylor, A. S. A. Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. 8th American edition. Philadelphia, 1880. 104 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Lwa Text Books. Taylor, H. O. On Law of Private Corporations having Capital Stock. Philadelphia, 1884. Taylor, J. A. On Exonerative Insanity. New York, 1882. Taylor, J. M. On Landlord and Tenant. 8th edition. Boston, 1887. Telegraph Laws, U. S. and Canada. New York, 1884. Terrell, T. Letters Patent for Inventions. London, 1889. Thomas, A. C. On Law of Mortgages of Beal Property in New York State. New York, 1887. Thompson, S. D. On Charging the Jury. St. Louis, 1880. Thompson, S. D., Merriam, E. G. On Organization, Custody and Conduct of Jurors. St. Louis, 1882. Tidy, C. M. Legal Medicine. London, 1883, 2 vols. Tiedeman, C. G. On American Law of Beal Property. St. Louis, 1884. On Law of Commercial Paper. St. Louis, 1889. Limitation of Police Power in United States. St. Louis, 1886. Tiffany, A. B. Criminal Law of Michigan. 4th edition. (3d edition of Howell’s.) Detroit, 1889. Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace in Michigan. Adrian, 1886. Thornton, W. W. Law of Lost Wills. Chicago, 1890. Trickett, W. Law of Assignments in Pennsylvania. Jersey City, 1888. Usher, E. P. On Law of Personal Property. Boston, 1886. “ Valmaer.” Lawyer’s Code of Ethics: a Satire. St. Louis, 1887. Vickers, B. H. Powers and Duties of Police Officers and Coroners. Chicago, 1889. Wade, W. P. On Law of Attachment and Garnishment. San Francisco, 1886, 2 vols. Wait, F. S. On Fruadulent Conveyances. 1st and 2d editions. New York, 188L-89. Insolvent Corporations. New York, 1888. Wait, W. Actions and Defenses. Vol. 8. Supplement by E. Bay- lies. Albany, 1888. Code of Civil Procedure. Vol. 7. Albany, 1880. Walker, A. H. Text Book of United States Patent Laws. 2d edition. New York, 1889. Walker, C. B. Digest of United States Law Governing Pensions. Washington, 1881. Walker, T. Introduction to American Law. 9th edition. Boston, 1887. Wallace, B. W. Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. Act of 1883. London, 1884. Wandell, S. H. Law of Inns, Hotels and Boarding Houses. Bochester, 1888. Waples, B. On Attachment and Garnishment. Chicago, 1885. Handbook of Parlimentary Practice. Chicago, 1883. Warville, G. W. On Abstracts of Examination of Title of Beal Property. Chicago, 1883. Washburn, E. American Law of Beal Property. 5th edition. Boston, 1887, 3 vols. CATALOGUE. 105 Law Text Books. Waterman, T. W. On Law of Corporations. New York, 1888, 2 vols. On Specific Performance of Contracts. New Y r ork, 1881. Webster, It. W. Law of Canals. London, 1885. Weeks, E. P. Law of Depositions. San Francisco, 1880. Welch, J. Index Digest to Ohio Reports. Cincinnati, 1887. Wells, J. C. On the Jurisdiction of Courts. Yol. 1, Parts 1 and 2. St. Paul, 1880. Wharton, F. Commentaries on American Law. Philadelphia, 1884. On Law of Contracts. Philadelphia, 1882, 2 vols. On Criminal Pleadings and Practice. 9th edition. Phila¬ delphia, 1889. On Evidence in Civil Issues. 3d edition. Philadelphia, 1888, 2 vols. On Law of Evidence in Criminal Issues. 8th and 9th editions. Philadelphia, 1880-84. Precedents of Indictments and Pleas. 4th edition. Phila¬ delphia, 1881, 2 vols. Wheeler, E. P. Modern Law of Carriers. New York, 1890. White, J. M. Land Law in California, etc. Philadelphia, 1839, 2 vols. Whittaker, W. W. On Law of Negligence. 1st American edition. St. Louis, 1886. Willard, J. Law of Real Estate. 2d edition. Albany, 1885. Williams, E. W. On Law of Executors and Administrators. 6th American edition. By J. C. Perkins. Philadelphia, 1877, 3 vols. Williams, J. Law of Real Property. 6th American edition. Phil¬ adelphia, 1886. Williamson, E. H. Book of Deeds. Philadelphia, 1881. Wiltsie, C. H. On Foreclosing Mortgages on Real Property. Roch¬ ester, 1889. Winfield, C. H. Adjudged Words and Phrases. Jersey City, 1882. Winn, H. On Mortgage Exemption and Taxation of Real Estate only. Boston, 1889. Winthrop, W. Military Law. Washington, 1886, 2 vols. Woerner, J. G. On American Law of Administration. Boston, 1889, 2 vols. Wood, H. G. On Law of Fire Insurance. 2d edition. New York, n. d., 2 vols. On Law of Landlord and Tenant. 2d edition. New York, 1888, 2 vols. On Law of Master and Servant. 2d edition. Albany, 1886. On Legal Remedies of Mandamus and Prohibition, Habeas Corpus, Certiorari and Quo Warranto. Albany, 1880. On Limitation of Actions. Boston, 1883. On Nuisances. 2d edition. Albany, 1883. On Statute of Fraud. New York, 1884. Wood, J. D. Interpretation of Mercantile Agreement. London, 18 86. Woodfall, W. Landlord and Tenant. 1st. American edition, by W. Webster. New York, 1890. 14 106 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Law Text Books. Works, J. D. Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts. Cincinnati, 1887. < Laus Veneris, etc. A. C. Swinburne. New York, 1887. Lawrence, Abbott. See Individual Biography. Lawrence, Amos. Extracts from Diary and Correspondence. Ed., W. R. Lawrence. Boston, 1855. Lawrence, W. American Wool Interest, n. p., n. d., pam. Lawrence, W. C. Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges. London, 1846, 2 vols. Lawton, G. W. American Caucus System. New York, 1885. Leake, J. Q. Life and Times of J. Lamb. Albany, 1857. Lee, A. Proper Functions of the Christian Ministry. New York, 1878, pam. Lee, J. G. Homicide and Suicide in City and County of Philadelphia. 1883, pam. Leeds, A. R. Purification of Water Supply of Cities, n. p., n. d., pam. Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People. M. Monteiro. New York, 1887. Legislative Control over Private Corporations. T. J. Frost, n. p., n. d., pam. Leighton, Capf. W. See Genealogy. Leisure Hours in Towm. A. K. H. Boyd. Boston, 1863. Leland, C. C. Industrial Art in Schools. See Education. Lemon, W. P. Fifty Years’ Biographical Reminiscences. London, 1863, 2 vols. Leo Tenth. See Individual Biography. Leonard, C. Present Condition of Tewksbury, Mass. Boston, 1883, pam. Les Miserables. V. Hugo. London, 1886. Lessing, Gotthold E. See Individual Biography. Letcliworth, W. P. Poorhouse Administration, n. p., n. p., pam. Leveling by Vertical Angles. A. Faul. New York, 1880. Levington, Rev. J. Scripture Baptism Defended, Etc, n. p., n. d. Lewis Art Gallery at Coldwater, Mich., Catalogue. Coldwater, 1875, pam. Lewis, C. History of Germany from Earliest Times. New York, 1889. Lewis, M. A. See Evans, M. A. Lewis, T. Lives of Friends and Cotemporaries of Lord Chancellor Clar¬ endon. London, 1852. Library Journal. Vols. 8-13. New York, 1883-89. Library Notes. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, June, 1886, March, 1887. Boston, n. d. Library of American Literature, from earliest settlement to present Time. E. C. Stedman and E. M. Hutchinson. New York, 1889, 10 vols. Library of Choice Literature. Ed. A. R. Spofford, C. Gibbon. Phila¬ delphia, 1882, 8 vols. Libri Collections. See Ashburnham, Earl of. Lieber, F. Civil Liberty and Self Government. Philadelphia, 1888. Manual of Political Ethics. 2d Edition. Philadelphia, 1888, 2 vols. Life among the Apaches. J. C. Cremony. San Francisco, 1868. Life among the Germans. E. L. Parrey. Boston, n. d. Life and Literature in the Fatherland. J. F. Hurst, New York, 1875. Life on the Farm. W. Lambie. Poem. Ypsilanti, 1883. Life on Texan Blockade. W. F. Hutchinson. See R. J. Soldiers and Sailors’ Hist. Society, s. 3, No. 1. CATALOGUE. 107 Life Saving Appliances, Military and Naval Constructions, etc. New York, 1885. Appendix and History. J. Francis, n. p., 1885, pam. Lincoln, A. Words, from first Inaugural, n. p., n. cl., pam. See Individual Biography. Lincoln’s Inn, England. History. W. H. Spillsbury. London, 1850. Lippincott’s Magazine, vols. 1-44. Philadelphia, 1868-89. Literary and Philosophical Repertory, vols. 1-2, 1812-1817. Middlebury, n. d. Literary Era, vols. 1-2. Philadelphia, 1883. Literary News, vols. 5-9, N. S. New York, 1884-89. Literary Relations of England and Germany, 16th Century. C. K. Her- ford. Cambridge, 1886. Literary AVorld, vols. 14-20. Boston, 1883-89. Literature. Beauties of German Literature. London, n. d. Bent, S. A. Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men. 6th edition. Boston, n. d. Brewer, C. E. Dictionary of Miracles. Philadelphia, 1884. Caldwell, S. L. Literature in Account with Life. Ann Arbor, 1885, pam. Camden, W. Remains concerning Britian (reprint). London, 1876. Collier, W. F. History of English Literature. New edition. London, 1884. Collins, J. Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs. London, 1823. Cooke, G. W. George Eliot: Life, Writings and Philosophy. Boston, 1884. Derby, J. C. Fifty Years among Authors, Books and Publishers. New York, 1886. Dodge, A. (Gail Hamilton.) Country Living, and Thinking. Boston, 1863. Gala Days. Boston, 1864. New Atmosphere. Boston, 1864. Stumbling Blocks. Boston, 1864. Dupuy, E. Great Masters of Russian Literature. 9tli edition. New York, n. d. Edwards, E. Words, Facts and Phrases. Philadelphia, n. d. Erasmus. Colloquies. London, 1878, 2 vols. Praise of Folly. Life. Letters to T. More. London, 1876. Falloux, F. A. P. D. Writings of Madame Swetchine. Tr. H. W. Preston. Boston, 1870. Fauriel, C. C. History of Provincial Poetry. Tr. G. J. Adler. New York, 1860. Frey, A. R. Sobriquets and Nicknames. Boston, 1888. Giles, H. Lectures and Essays. Boston, 1850, 2 vols. Gostwick, A. and Harrison, R. Outlines of German Literature. New York, n. d. Hedge, F. H. Hours with German Classics. 2d edition. Boston, 1887. Herford, C. K. Studies in Literary Relations of England and Germany in 16th Century. Cambridge, 1886. Hillebrand, R. German Thought, from Seven Years War to Goethe’s Death. New York, 1886. 108 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Literature. Horn, F. W. Literature of the Scandinavian North. Tr. B. B. Anderson. Chicago, 1884. Lowndes, W. T. Bibliographical Manual of English Literature. London, n. d., 4vols. MacCallum, M. W. Studies in Low German and High German Literature. London, 1884. Masson, D. British Novelists and their Styles. Boston, 1859. Menzel, W. German Literature. Boston, 1840, 3 vols. Newman, J. H. Historical Sketches. 6th edition. London 1886. 3 vols. Oxford Prize Essays. London, 1830-36. 5 vols. Perry, T. S. From Opitz to Lessing, Pseudo Classicism in Litera¬ ture. Boston, 1885. Boscoe, T. Spanish Novelists. London, n. d. Scherer, W. History of German Literature. New York, 1886,2 vols. Scherr, J. History of English Literature. London, 1882. Smith, Sidney. Wit and Wisdom of. New edition. London, n. d. Stedman, E. C., and Hutchinson, E. M. Library of American Literature, from earliest settlement to present time. New York, 1889, 10 vols. Horn, F. W. Literature of Scandinavian Worth. Tr. B. B. Ander¬ son. Chicago, 1884. Hosmer, J. K. Short History of German Literature. New York, 1845. ' Short Studies in German Literature. St Louis, 1879. Hurst, J. F. Life and Literature in the Fatherland. New York, 1875. Japp, A. H. German Life and Literature. London, n. d. Johnson, D. Political Comedy of Europe. London, 1880. Kinsley, W. W. Views on Vexed Questions. Philadelphia, 1881. Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish Ballads. New edition revised. New York, 1842. Longfellow, H. W. Prose Works, 2 vols. See Fiction. Lower, M. A. Essays on English Surnames. London, 1849. Swinburne, A. C. Miscellanies. New York, 1886. Study of Shakespeare. New York, 1887. Victor Hugo. New York, 1886. Taylor, B. Studies in German Literature. New York, 1888. Littell’s Living Age. Vols. 156-158. Boston, 1883-89. Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges. W. C. Townsend. London, 1846, 2 vols. Living Female Writers of the South. Mrs. M. T. Tardy. Philadelphia, 1872. Living Leaders of the World. Chicago, n. d. Livingston, D. Missionary Travels in South Africa. New York, 1858. Livingston, J., De Puyster, J. W. Property Owners and Tax Payers, in and around Tivoli and Mandolin. New York. n. p., n. d., pam. Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish Ballads. New edition. New York, 1842. Lockwood, T. B. See Individual Biography. Logan, J. A. The Great Conspiracy. New York, 1886. See Individual Biography. London. See England. Long. E. See Individual Biography. CATALOGUE. 109 Longfellow, H. Prose Works. Boston, 1886. Yol. 1. Outre Mer. Yol. 2. Hyperian, Kavanagh. Longley, E. Reporter’s Guide. New edition. Cincinnati, 1886. Longman, F. W. Frederick the Great and the Seven Years’ War. New York, 1886. Lomis, E. Elements of Algebra. Lord, A. Woman Suffrage. New York, 1889. Lord, D. Extra Professional Influence of Pulpit and Bar. See pam., vol. 300. Lord, J. Beacon Lights of History. New York, 1885, 5 vols. Loring, C. G. Reconstruction. Boston, 1866. Lossing, B. J. Our Country: Household History of United States. New York, 1888. Lossing, B. J. See Individual Biography. Louglirey’s Defeat and Pigeon Roost Massacre. G. Martindale. See Ind. Hist. Society. Pam, No. 4. Louisiana. Laic, Statute: Acts, 1816, 1818, 1819, 1821, 1824, 1825, 1828-1832, 1843, 1844, 1861, 1872, 1886, 1888. New Orleans and Baton Rouge, 1821-88. Civil Code, 1838. New Orleans, 1838. Code of Practice, 1839, 1825-1853. New Orleans, 1839-53. Constitution Adopted 1879, Amendments and Acts 1884. Baton Rouge, 1884. Digest of Laws, vol 1, 1842. New Orleans, 1842. Revised Statutes, 1852, 1870. 2d edition, 1876. Baton Rouge and New Orleans, 1852-84. Criminal Code: Livingston, E. System of Penal Law. Philadelphia, 1833. Supreme Court, Digests: Taylor, J. F. 1 vol., 1889. New Orleans, 1889. Reports: Denis, H. Yols. 34-40. New Orleans, 1883-88. Journal of the House, 1884-1888. Baton Rouge, 1886-88. Journal of the Senate, 1884-1888. Baton Rouge, 1886-88. McEnery, Gov. S. D. Message, 1886. Baton Rouge, 1886, pam. Nicholl, E. T. Inaugural Address, Jan., 1888. Baton Rouge, 1888, pam. Rules of the House, 1884. Baton Rouge, 1886. Rules of the Senate, 1884. Baton Rouge, 1886. Secretary of State Report, 1886, 1887-8. Baton Rouge, 1886- 88, pam. State Library Catalogue, 1886. New Orleans, 1886. Lounsbury, T. Life of James F. Cooper. Boston, 1884. Lowell, J. R. The Present Crisis, n. p., n. d., pam. Ode at Harvard Commencement, 1865. n. p., n. d., pam. Under the Old Elm. Poem. n. p., n. d., pam. Lower, M. A. English Surnames. London, 1849. Low German and High German Literature. M. W. MacCallum. London, 1884. 110 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Loyson, C. (Pere Hyacinth.) The Family and the Church. New York, 1870. Lozano, C. A., Erben, H. T. F. Downward Draught Furnaces, n. p., n. d., pam. Luthur, M. Reading Notes on. J. Edmonds. Philadelphia, 1883, pam. See Individual Biography. Lyman, T. Need of Independent Political Action in present Crisis, n. p., n. d., pam. Lyon, Gen. N., and Missouri in 1861. J. Peckham. New York, 1866. Maberly, J. The Print Collector. New York, 1880. Mac Callum, M. W. Low German and High German Literature. Lon¬ don, 1884. Maclay, W. Debates in United States Senate, 1789-91. Harrisburg, n. d. McClellan, G. B. McClellan’s Own Story. New York, 1887. Reports and Campaigns of Army of the Potomac. New York, 1864. McClintock, J. Sketches of Eminent Methodist Ministers. New York, 1854. McCracken, S. B. Michigan Political Manual, 1884. Detroit, 1884. Me Guire, T. Father Tom and the Pope. Philadelphia, 1851. Me Intosh, J. Origin of the North American Indians. New York, 1853. Me Keen, Rev. S. See Sermons. Mackeldy, F. Hand Book of Roman Law. Tr. M. A. Dropsie. Philadel¬ phia, 1883. Mackenzie, A. S. Spain Revisited. 2d edition. New York, 1836, 2 vols. Mackenzie, H. D. S. Young Folks’History of Switzerland. Boston, 1881. Macleod, H. D. Elements of Economics. New York, 1881, 2 vols. McPherson, E. Hand Book of Politics, 1878-1882,1884. 4th edition. Washington, 1878-84. Political History of United States during Rebellion. 4th edition. Washington, 1882. Political History of United States during Reconstruction. 3d edition. W ashington, 1880. Macready, W. C. Reminiscences and Selections from Diary and Letters. Ed. F. Polluck. New York, 1875. McVickar, J. Y. The Theatre: Early Days in Chicago. Chicago, 1884. Madison, J. Papers of, Correspondence, etc. New York, 1841. Magazine of American History. Yols. 9-22. New York, 1883-9. Magazine of Art. Yols. 8-11. New Y T ork, 1885-8. Magazine of Western History. Yols. 1-10, 1884-89. Cleveland, n. d. Magazines. See Periodicals. Magna Charta of King John. R. Thompson. London, 1829. See Political Science. Mahen, H. German Life and Manners, as seen in Saxony at the present day. London, 1864. Maid of Orleans. J. C. F. Schiller. (German.) Stuttgart, 1860. Maimon, S. See Individual Biography. Maine. Bibliography of. New Y"ork, 1859. Board of Agriculture, Reports, 1882-1889. Augusta, 1884-9. Board of Health, Report, 1887, 1888. Augusta, 1887-9. Bod well, Gov. J. R. Inaugural Address and Message, Jan., 1887. Augusta, 1887, pam. ' CATALOGUE 111 Maine. Bodwell, Gov. J. R. Memorial of. Augusta, 1888. Bureau of Industrial and Labor Statistics, Report, 1886-1888. Augusta, 1886-89. Historical and Genealogical Recorder. Yol. 1, No. 3, 1884. Port¬ land, 1884. Historical Society Collections. 2d S., vol. 3. “Trelawney Papers.” Portland, 1884. Yol. 9. Miscellaneous Papers. Portland, 1887. Insurance Commissioner’s, Reports, 1885-1888. Augusta, 1885-88. Jordon, T. F. Account of Descendants of Capt. William Leighton of Kittery. Albany, 1885. Journal of the House, 1883-1887. Augusta, 1883-1888. Journal of the Senate, 1883-1887. Augusta, 1883-1888. Law, Statute: Acts. 1823, 1826-1831, 1840, 1854, 1880, 1883-1889. Portland and Augusta, 1823-89. Private and Special Acts, 1824, 1830. Portland, 1824-30. Constitution adopted 1819, with subsequent amendments. Augusta, 1887. Laws, 1822-1831, inclusive. Yol. 3. Portland, 1831. Public Laws, 1842-1844. Hallo well, 1844. Revised Statutes, 1884. 4th revision. Portland, 1884. Stinivpmp C!nvvi Tfp'iinvt^x • 1 Spaulding, J. W. Yols. 74-80. Portland and Augusta, 1883-89. Hamlin, C. Yols. 81. Portland, 1889. Legislative Documents, 1883-1885. Augusta, 1883-1885. Maine Wills, 1640-1760. Portland, 1888. Present Condition of Maine, Agricultural, Financial, etc. Augusta, 1885, pam. Public Documents, 1882-1887. Augusta, 1882-1887. Register and Manual, 1885-6, 1888-90. Portland, 1888-9. State Prison Report, 1874-1880, 1887. Augusta, 1874-87, pains. Statistics, 1883-1884. 3d edition. Augusta, 1883-4. Superintendent of Schools, Reports, 1884, 1887. Augusta, 1885-8. ' YYar Book, 1886-1887. Portland, n. d. Maine, H. S. Popular Government. New York, 1886. Man, Primeval. J. Harris. Boston, 1849. Manhattan, The. Yols. 1-4. New York, 1883-4. Manifesto, The. Yosl. 14-25, 1884-89. Shaker Yillage, 1884-89. Mann, H. Letter on extension of slavery into California and New Mex¬ ico, 1850. n. p., n. d., pam. Mansfield, E. D. Life of Gen. W. Scott. New York, 1848. Manton, W. P, Taxidermy without a Teacher. 2d edition. Boston, n. d. Manual of Distributive Co-operation. C. D. Wright. Boston, 1888. Manual of Historical Development of Art. G. G. Zerffi. London, 1876. Manual of Political Economy. E. P. Smith. Philadelphia, 1877. Manual of Political Ethics. F. Lieber. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1888. 2 vols. Manuel d’ Horticulture pratique et d’ Aboriculture fruitiere, 1883. G. Laroque. Quebec, 1883. Map. See Atlas. 112 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Maren-Holz, B. Von. Reminiscences of F. Froebel. Tr. Mrs. H. Mann. Boston, 1887. Marine Artillery wtih Burnside Expedition. W. B. Avery. See R. I. Soldiers and Sailors’ Historical Society. S. 2., No. 4. Markham, C. R. The Sea Fathers, etc. London, 1884. Marriage of the Bonapartes. D. A. Bingham. 2d edition. London, 1882, 2 vols. Marsh, L. B. John Marsh of Salem, Massachusetts. Amherst, 1888. Marshall, Mrs. J. Lite of George F. Handel. London, 1883. Marshall, J. A. American Bastile. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1870. Marshall, O. H. Historical Writings relating to Early History of the West. Albany, 1887. Martin, H. Popular History of France, vol. 3. Boston, 1882. Martindale, C. Lougliery’s Defeat and Pigeon Roost Massacre. See Ind. Hist. Society. Pam, No. 4. Martyn, W. C. The Dutch Reformation. 16th Century. New York, n. d. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Inquiry into career and Character of, and Justification of Bothwell. J. W. De Peyster. New York, 1883. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. A Study. J. W. De Peyster. New York, 1882. See Hepburn, J. Mary Stuart. A Tragedy. A. C. Swinburne. New York, 1887. Maryland. Archives. Yols. 1-6, 1637-1757. Baltimore, 1884-1888. Baltimore. Jail, Report, 1870. Baltimore, 1871, pam. Mount Hope Retreat. Report, 1880. Baltimore, 1881, pam. Gazetteer, 1884. See Delaware. Historical Society: Ingle, E. Capt. Richard Ingle. “ Maryland Pirate and Rebel,” 1642-1653. Baltimore, 1883., Johnson, B. T. Foundation of Maryland and origin of Act concerning Religion, 1649. Baltimore, 1883. Latrobe, J. H. B. Maryland in Liberia, 1833-1853. Baltimore, 1885. Report, 1884-5. Baltimore, 1885. Wilhelm, L. W. Sir G. Calvert, Baron of Baltimore. Balti¬ more, 1884. House and Senate Documents, 1884-1888. Annapolis and Baltimore, 1884-88.. Johns Hopkins University Studies, 5-6. “Local Government in Canada.” Baltimore, 1887. Journals of House, 1884-1888. Annapolis and Baltimore, 1884-88. Journals of the Senate, 1884-1888. Annapolis and Baltimore, 1884- 1888. Law , Court of Appeals: Index to Decisions. Baltimore, 1886. Stockett, J. S. Y. Yols. 58-70. Baltimore, 1883-9. Law , Statute: Acts, 1637-1676. See Archives, vols. 1 and 2. Laws, 1759, 1787, 1824,1829, 1884-1888. Annapolis and Balti¬ more, 1759-1888. Prisoners’ Aid Association, Report, 1873-4. Baltimore, 1874, pam. Report of International Prison Congress, held in London, 1872, to Association. Baltimore, 1873. CATALOGUE. 113 Maryland. Sharpe, Gov. Horatio T. Correspondence. Yol. 1, 1753-1757. See Archives, vol. 6. Baltimore, 1888. Tax Commission, Report, 1886. Baltimore, 1888. Maryland in Liberia, 1833-53. J. H. B. Latrobe. See Maryland Histor¬ ical Society. Mason, D. H. Short Tariff History of United States. Part 1, 1783-1789. Chicago, 1884. Mason, J. Extracts from Diary of Journey from Boston to Savannah, 1804. Cambridge, 1885, pam. Massachusetts. Adams, J. Q. Correspondence with Citizens of Massachusetts con¬ cerning charge of design to dissolve the Union. Boston, 1829. Ames, Gov. O. Addresses to Legislature, Jan., 1887,1889. Boston, 1887-89, pams. Amherst College. Post Office addresses of Alumni, June, 1888. No. 2. Amherst, 1888, pam. Catalogues, 1821-1890. Amherst, 1881-90. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, Annual Record, 1723, 1883-1884. Boston, 1884. Andover Theological Seminary, Catalogue, 1866-1867. Andover, 1867, pam. Association of Banks for suppression of Counterfeiting, Reports, 1853, 1854, 1857, 1859-1865. Boston, 1854-65, pams. Benevolent Fraternity of Churches, Reports, Nos. 15, 16, 18, 20-22, 29-32, 34, 44, 48. Boston, 1849-82, pam. Report of Ministers at Large, 1836. Boston, 1836, pam. Huntington, F. D. Discourse in behalf of Ministry at Large, 1854. Boston, 1854. Bible Society, Report, 1882, 1889. Boston, 1882-89, pams. Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charities, Report, 1879-1885. Boston, 1879-85. Brooks, J. W. Testimony before Legislative Committee on Rail¬ roads, 1870. Boston, 1870, pam. Boston: Act to regulate the apppointment of Officers, and to extend and define the duties of Mayor of Boston, n. p., n. d. Adams Nervine Asylum, Reports, 1886,1887. Boston, 1886-87, pams. Anniversary Week, Meeting, 1885. Boston, n. d., pam. Associated Charities, Reports, 1884-1888. Boston, 1884-88. Asylum and Farm School for Indigent Boys, Report, 1877. Boston, 1877. Baldwin Place Home for Little Wanderers, Report, 1879,1884- 85. Boston, 1879, pams. Board of Health, Reports, 1873-1879. Boston, 1873-79. Board of Trade, Reports, 1883, 1887-1889. Boston, 1883-89. Boston, Health of, 1875. Boston, 1876. Boston and Providence Railroad Corporation, Report, 1879, 1880, 1882. Boston, 1879-82. pams. Boston and Suffolk, Board of Auditors, Report, 1868-1869,1875 -1878. Boston, 1868-78. 15 114 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Massachusetts. Boston. Boston Massacre, 1777. n. p., n. d., pam. Bostonian Society, Proceedings, 1884. Boston, 1884, pam. Channing Home, Reports, 1883, 1885-1889. Boston, 1883-89, pam. Charters and Ordinances, 1856. Boston, 1856. Chauncy Hall, Catalogue, 1883-4. Boston, 1884. Children’s Aid Society, Report, 1865. Boston, 1865. Children’s Hospital, Reports, 1875, 1879, 1882, 1884,1885-1889. Boston, J 873—89, pams. Associated Charities, Report, 1888-1889. Boston, 1889. Children’s Mission Home, Dedication, 1887. Boston, 1887, pam. Children’s Mission to Children of the Destitute, Report, 1860, 1863-1869, 1872, 1874, 1877-1880, 1884-1886. Boston, 1860-86, pams. City Auditor, Reports, 1878, 1884-1889. Boston, 1878-89. Children’s Protection Society, Report, 1879. Boston, n. d., pam. City Documents, Nos. 4, 1849; 8, 1849; 34, 44, 1850; 42, 1851; 14,1852. n. p., n. d., pam. City Hospital, Report, 1873. Boston, 1873. City Physician, Reports, 1856, 1857, 1865, 1866, 1883. Boston, 1865-83. City Register, Report, 1859. Boston, 1860. Clapp, O. Present Condition and Future Growth of Boston, 1859, pam. Commissioner of Investigation of Water Supply, Report, 1883. Boston, 1883. Committee of Government to Board of Overseers, Report, 1881-82. n. p., n. d., pam. Communication'to City of Boston, respecting a system of Fire Alarms, n. p., n. d., pam. Congregational House Dedication, 1873. Boston, 1873. Copeland, R. M. Essay and Plan for improvement of Boston. Boston, 1872, pam. Country Week, Report, 1880, 1882. Boston, 1881-83, pams. Discharged Soldiers’ Home, Report, 1864. Boston, 1864, pam. Dispensary for Skin Diseases, Report, 1873. Boston, 1873, pam. Dunlap Society. Prospectus, n. p., n. d., pam. English High School, Catalogue of Class of 1876. Boston, 1887. Festival of Sons of New Hampshire, celebrated in Boston, Nov. 7, 1849. Boston, 1850. General Hospital Report, 1884. Boston, 1884. Girls’ and Normal School, Catalogue of Collection of Busts for. New York, 1871, pam. Gwinne, Mrs. S. L. Memorial. See Boston Temporary Home for Destitute, Report, 1887. Hale, N. Remarks on Establishment of Railroad from Boston to Connecticut River. Boston, 1827. Hill, H. A. Information of Boston Commerce and Transporta¬ tion Interests. Boston, 1879, pam. CATALOGUE. 115 Massachusetts. Boston. Hill, H. A. Boston Trade and Commerce for 40 Years, 1844-1884. Boston, 1884. Home for Aged colored Women, Reports, 1863, 1882, 1883. Boston, 1863-84, pams. Home for Aged Men, Report, 1887. Boston, 1888, pam. Home for Aged Women, Report, 1884-1887. Boston, 1884-87, pam. House of Good Samaritan, Report, 1881. Boston, 1881 pam. Howard Benevolent Society, Report, 1881. Boston, 1881, pam. Independent Aid Society for prevention of Pauperism, Report, 1884. Cambridge, 1884, pam. Industrial Aid Society, Report, 1885. Cambridge, 1885, pam. Inspector of Yinegar, Report, 1883. Boston, 1883, pam. Kidder, F. History of Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770. Albany, 1872. Lying in Hospital, Report, 1881, 1885, 1887, 1889. Boston, 1881-89, pam. Laws applying to Boston Tenements, 1889. n. p., n. d., pam. Medical and Surgical Journal, vols. 111-122. Boston, 1884-90. Mercantile Library Association, Report, 1851-2. Boston, 1852, pam. Mt. Auburn Cemetery, By-Laws, Report, etc., 1875, 1878, 1886, 1887. Boston, 1875-1886, pam. Museum of Fine Arts, Reports, 1876-1889. Boston, 1876-89, pam. School of Drawing and Painting, Report, 1879. Boston, 1879, pam. Needlewoman’s Friend Society, Report, 1848. Boston, 1848, pam. New England Home for intemperate Women, Report, 1881. Boston, 1881, pam. North End Mission, Memorial, 1870. Boston, 1871, pam. Old North Church, 25th Anniversary of settlement of Rev. E. B. Wilson over, 1884. Salem, 1884. Old North Studies in History: About Books and Reading, n. p., n. d., pam. Old South Meeting House Leaflets: Series 1 No. 1. Mather, Cotton. Life of William Bradford. No. 2. Pilgrim Fathers, arrival in Cape Cod Har¬ bor. From Bradford’s Journal, n. p., n. d., pam. Series 2. No. 1. Phillips, W. Sir Henry Vane. (From Phi Beta Kappa Address, Harvard College, 1881.) No. 2. Mather, Cotton. Sal. Gentium. No. 3. Mather, Increase. Narrative of Miseries of New England. No. 4. Account of the Late Revolutions in New Eng¬ land. No. 5. Letter from Samuel Adams to John Adams on Republican Government, 1790. 116 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Massachusetts. Boston. Old South Meeting House Leaflets: Series 2. No. 6. Quincy, J. Extracts from Address on 200th anniversary of founding of City of Boston, 1830. No. 7. Andrew, J. Words of Webster. No. 8. Andrew, J. The Eve of War (1861). Series 3. No. 1. Lowell, J. R. The Present Crisis. No. 2. Beecher, H. W. Fort Sumpter. No. 3. The Monitor and the Merrimac (New York Tri¬ bune, March 10, 1862). No. 4. Everett, E. Battle of Gettysburg. No. 5. Sherman, P. Sherman’s March to the Sea. No. 6. Lowell, J. R. Ode at Harvard Commemora¬ tion, July, 21, 1865. No. 7. Lincoln, A. Words from 1st Inaugural Address. Series 4. No. 1. Henry, Patrick. Words of, 1775. No. 2. Chatham, Lord. Speech, 1775. No. 3. Webster, D. John Adams and Declaration of Independence. No. 4. Paine, T. The Crisis, No. 1. No. 5. Everett, E. Lafayette. No. 6. Adams, Abigail. Letters to her Husband, 1774. No. 7. Lowell, J. R. Under the Old Elm. No. 8. Whipple, E. P. Washington and the Principles of the Revolution, n. p., n. d., pam. List of Lectures of American History, by John Fisk, 1883-1884. Boston, 1883, pam. Philips, W. Oration delivered June 14,1876. Revised edition. Boston, 1884, pam. Prize Essay. Southwick, H. L. Policy of early Colonists of Massachusetts towards Quakers, etc. Boston, 1885, pam. Winthrop, R. C. Character of Washington. (Leaflet.) Overseers of the Poor. Reports 1882-1885. Boston, 1883-85. Port and Seaman’s Aid Society, Report, 1851-1853, 1880. Boston, 1851-80. Proceedings in relation to formation of Auxiliary Union for promoting observance of Sabbath 1828. Boston, 1828, pam. Public Documents, 1881, 5 vols. Boston, 1881. Provident Association, Reports, 1853, 1856, 1857, 1860-1865, 1869, 1883, 1884. Boston, 1853-84, pams. Public Institutes, Reports, 1882-1884. Boston, 1883-84. Public Library, Annual Reports, 1883-1886, 1888-1889. Bos¬ ton, 1883-9. Bulletins, vols. 5-8. Jan., 1882-8. Boston, 1883-9. Drawings of New Buildings in process of erection, 1889. Public Moneys. How the Democrats have spent. Boston, 1883, pam. CATALOGUE. 117 Massachusetts. Boston. Kecord Commissioners, Reports, 1700-1728. Boston, 1883. Boston Selectmen, Records, 1701-1715. Boston, 1884. Dorchester, Records, 1632-1648. Boston, 1883. Report on Union of Churches for benevolent Purposes, 1834. Boston, 1834. Review of Case of Free Bridge between Boston and Charles¬ town. Boston, 1827. Rogers, H. B. Remarks on project of supplying Boston with water, 1845. Boston, 1845, pam. St. Luke’s Home for Convalescents, Report, 1881-1882. Bos¬ ton, 1882, pam. School Committee, Reports, 1855-1866, 1876, 1878, 1880-1888. Boston, 1855-89. Society for propagating Gospel Among the Indians, Reports, 1846, 1851,1861. Boston, 1846-1862, pam. Society for Aiding discharged Convicts, Report, 1847-8. Bos¬ ton, 1847-8, pam. Society for prevention of Pauperism, Report, 1855. Boston, 1855, pam. Society for Relief of aged and indigent Clergymen, Report, 1882. Boston, 1882, pam. Society of Arts, abstract of Proceedings, 1883-4. Boston, 1884. Soldiers’ memorial Society, Reports, 1866. Boston, 1866, pam. South Boston Church Home for destitute Children, Report, 1884. Boston, 1884, pam. Steam Communication between Boston and New Orleans. Bos¬ ton, 1860, pam. Sunday School Society, Proceedings, 1832. Boston, 1832, pam. Statistics of Boston, Social, Commercial and Manufacturing, (from United States Census, 1880.) Boston, 1882. Temporary Home for destitute, 1853, 1869, 1882-1884, 1886- 1888. Boston, 1853-88, pams. Theological Library, Report, 1865, 1866, 1870, 1872. Boston, 1865-1872, pams. Union Club, Constitution and By-Laws. Boston, 1863, pam. Warren Street Chapel, meetings of association for support of, 1838-1846, 1847-1849, 1852, 1854, 1857, 1862, 1867-1869, 1875-1881. Boston, 1838-83, pams. Washington Home, Report, 1867, 1883, 1885-1887. Boston, 1868-1887, pams. West Church Commemoration, 50th Anniversary of present ministry, and 150th of foundation, 1737-1887. Boston, 1887. Wilkins, J. H. Remarks on supplying the City of Boston with pure water. Boston, 1845, pam. Whitmore, W. H. The Grave Yards of Boston, Cupps’ Hill Epitaphs. Albany, 1878. Young Men’s Christian Union, Report, 1855, 1876,1883. Bos¬ ton, 1856-1883, pams. Bunker Hill Monument Association, Proceedings, 1883. Boston, 1883. 118 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Massachusetts. Bunker, or Breed’s Hill. Particular account of Battle of June 17, 1776. 2d edition. Boston, 1825, pam. Webster, D. Address at laying of Corner Stone of Bunker Hill Monument. Boston, 1825, pam. Wheildon, W. W. New History of Battle of June 17, 1775. Boston, 1875. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Report, 1876-1888. Boston, 1871-88. Cambridge. Will of J. L. Sibley of. n. p., n. d., pam. Canton. Memorial Services held Commemoration Day, 1880, by G. A. R. Post, 94. Boston, 1880, pam. * Cary, T. G. Speech on using money of the State for Hoosic Tunnel. Boston, 1853, pam. Census, 1880, 1885. Boston, 1883-8. Census Compendium, 1875. Boston, 1877. Charitable Mechanic’s Association, instituted, 1795. Constitution, etc. Boston, 1849. Exhibition, 1874. Boston, 1874. Children’s Protective Society, Report, 1879. Boston, n. d., pam. Civilization Society, Report, 1862. Boston, 1862, pam. Civil Service Commission, Report, 1886,1889. Boston, 1886-1889. College of Pharmacy, Catalogue, 1883-84. Boston, 1883, pam. Commissioner of alien passengers and foreign paupers, Report, 1860. Boston, 1860, pam. Commissioner of Prisons, Report on reformatory prison for women, 1881, 1882. Boston, 1883. Commissioner on Revision of Statutes, Report, 1835. Part 1, 1856, 5 vols., 1881, 4 vols., and Supplement. Boston, 1835-81. Amendments to Reports, 1835, 1859. Boston, 1835-59. Journal of, 1835, 1859. Boston, 1835-59. Journal of Joint Special Committee, 1881. Boston, 1881. Concord: Rantoul, R. Oration on 75th anniversary of events of April 19, 1775. Boston, 1850, pam. Wheildon, W. W. New Chapter in History of Concord Fight. Groton minute men at North Bridge, April 19, 1775. Boston, 1885, pam. Congregational Charitable Society, Act of Incorporation, 1815. Boston, 1815. Congregational Churches in Massachusetts, Rights of, result of council held at Groton, July 17,1826. Rev. L. Beecher, Comp. Boston, 1827, pam. Constitutional Convention, Debates and Proceedings, 1788. Boston, 1856. Documents of, 1853. Boston, 1857. Journal of Debates, 1820. Boston, 1821. Constitutional Meeting at Faneuil Hall, Nov. 25,1850. Proceedings. Boston, 1850, pam. Dedham. Proceedings at celebration of 250th anniversary of Incorporation, Sept. 21, 1886. Cambridge, 1887. Dedham Standard, Sept. 21, 1886. Account of 250th anniversary of Incorporation of Dedham. Newspaper. CATALOGUE. 119 Massachusetts. Dickinson, It. Geographical and statistical view of Massachusetts Proper, 1812. Greenfield, 1815. Duxbury. Consecration of monument ground on Captain’s Hill, to Myles Standish, August 17, 1871. Boston, 1871. Eliot, C. W. Speech at Bay State Club, Oct. 12, 1889. n. p., n. d., pam. Essex County. McDaniel, B. E. Geology and Mineralogy in. n. p., n. d., pam. Essex Bar Association. Northern!, W. D. Address, Dec., 1885. Salem, 1885. Essex Institute. Bulletins. Yols. 13-21, 1881-89. Salem, 1881-89. Circular, July, 1886. n. p., n. d., pam. Orne, A. C. Popular errors regarding duration of life. n. p., n. d., pam. Morse, E. S. Notes on condition of Zoology fifty years ago and today, in connection with growth of Essex Institute. Salem, 1884. Priced Catalogue of publications, 1884. Salem, 1884, pam. Saltonstall, L. Memoir of Oliver Cromwell. Salem, 1883, pam. Evangelical Missionary Society, Constitution, 1818. Worcester, 1818, pam. Reports etc., 1808, 1812, 1815, 1823. Worcester, 1808-23, pam. Eye and Ear Infirmary, Reports, 1867-1875. Boston, 1869-75, pam. Statements, 1828. Boston, 1828. Pitchburg Railroad Company, Report, 1876. Boston, 1876, pam. French Relief Fund, Report, 1872. Boston, 1872. G. A. R. Proceedings at Annual Encampment, 1887-1889. n. p., n. d. General Hospital History. Boston, 1851. Report, 1885. Boston, 1886, pam. Gloucester. Outlines and history of Sawyer free Library, 1884. Gloucester, 1884. Goshen. Centennial anniversary of incorporation of, June 22d 1881. Reading, 1881. Groton. Babcock, J. M. L. Poem read at Centennial Celebration, July, 4, 1876. Boston, 1885, pam. Boutwell, F. M. Old Highways and Landmarks of Groton. Groton, 1884, pam. Old Homesteads of Groton. Groton, 1883, pam. Centennial Anniversary of Washington’s Inauguration. Pro¬ ceedings in 1st Parish Meeting House, April 30, 1889. Groton, 1889. Green, S. A. Epitaphs from Old Burying Ground in Groton. Boston, 1878. Geography of Groton. Groton, 1886, pam. Groton in Witchcraft Times. Groton, 1883, pam. Lawrence, Academy Catalogue, 1883, 1885. Ayer, n. d., pam. Public Library Supplements, No. 2, 3, Oct. 1888. n. p., n. d., pams. School Reports, 1885,1887-88. Groton and Ayer, n. d., pams. 120 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Massachusetts. Groton. Selectmen Overseers of Poor and Liquor Agents, Reports, 1860. Boston, n. d., pam. Hampden County. Truant School Report, 1886. Springfield, 1887, pam. Harvard College. Addresses at Inauguration of Thomas Hill as President, March, 4, 1863. Cambridge, 1863, pam. Catalogues, 1654-1874. Cambridge, 1654-74. Class Day, 1884. Exercises of Senior Class, June, 20. n. p., 1884, pam. Constitutional Articles and Legislative Enactments relative to Board of Overseers and Corporation of Harvard Univer¬ sity, etc. Cambridge, 1835, pam. Examinations for Women, 1874. Cambridge, 1873. Final Report of Building Committee and Treasurer of Harvard Memorial Fund, to Committee of 50, 1878. Cambridge, 1878, pam. Hasty Pudding Club, catalogue of Officers and Members. Bos¬ ton, 1874. Harvard, John. Memorial Statue. Ceremonies of Unveiling, Oct. 15, 1884. Address by G. E. Ellis. Cambridge, 1884, pam. Letter to President of Harvard College by a Member of the Corporation. Boston, 1849. Library, Bibliographical Contributions: No. 10. Haliwelliana, Bibliography of Writings of J. O. Halliwell-Phillips. Nos. 28, 33. List of Publications of Harvard Llniversitv and its Officers, etc., 1887-88. Cambridge, 1884-89, pams. ' Report of Librarian, 1864. Cambridge, 1865, pam. Opinion of Supreme Judicial Court on question of separating the Divinity School from Harvard College. Cambridge, 1856, pam. Phi Beta Kappa Society: Adams, Jr., C. E. “A College Fetich.” Address, June 28, 1883. Boston, 1883, pam. Catalogue of Massachusetts Chapter, 1853. Cambridge, 1853. Proceedings of Overseers of Harvard University relative to late disturbances in that Seminary, Aug. 25, 1834. Bos¬ ton, n. d. Quinquennial Catalogue, 1880. n. p., n. d., pam. Report and Resolutions of President and Fellows respecting introduction of voluntary system in studies of mathe¬ matics, Latin and Greek. Cambridge, 1841, pam. Report of Committee of association of Alumni appointed to take into consideration the state of College Library, 1857. Cambridge, 1858, pam. Report of Committee of Overseers appointed to visit Academical Department, 1878-79. n. p., n. cl. CATALOGUE. 121 Massachusetts. Harvard College. Report of Committee of Overseers, and memorial of Corpora¬ tion, on relations between Theological School and College. Boston, 1852, pam. Report of Committee of Overseers appointed to visit Library, 1850, 1859, 1860-1862, 1866-7. Cambridge, 1851-67. Report of Committee of Board of Overseers in relation to Theo¬ logical Department. Boston, 1846, pam. Report of President, 1828-9. Cambridge, 1830, pam. Report of Committee on Government to Board of Overseers, 1881-2. n. p., n. d., pam. Reports of President and Treasurer, 1870-71, 1882-83. Cam¬ bridge, 1872-82. Report of Trustees, 1882-3. Cambridge, 1882. Report on Rights and Duties of President and Fellows of Har¬ vard College in relation to Board of Overseers. Cambridge, 1856. Sever, Nicholas, Argument of, before Lt. Governor and Council, 1873, in support of his claim to a seat in the Corporation of Harvard College. Cambridge, 1878, pam. Treasurer’s Statement, 1868. n. p., n. d. Hill, B. D. and Nevins W. T. The North Shore of Massachusetts Bay. Guide Book. 7th edition, 1884. Salem, n. d. Hingham. 250th Anniversary of settlement, 1885. Hingham, 1885. Young, E. A. Address, 200th Anniversary of building of Meeting House at, 1881. “ Early Religious Customs of New England.” Cambridge, 1882, pam. Historical Society: Catalogue of Engravings, etc. Boston, 1885. Collections: Series 2. Yols. 5, 6, 10. (Reprinted.) Boston, 1843-1848. Series 3. Yol. 1, “ Hutchinson Papers,” etc. Boston, 1846. Yols. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. Cambridge and Boston, 1833-43. Series 4, vol 3. “Bradford’s History.” Boston, 1856. Yols. 4-10. Boston, 1858-1871. Series 5, vols. 9, 10. “Trumbull Papers.” Boston, 1885. Series 6, vols. 1, 2. “Sewall’s Letter Book.” Boston, 1886-88. Yol. 3. “ Winthrop Papers.” Part 5. Boston, 1889. Green, S. A. Remarks before Society, on Hubbard’s Map of New England, engraved probably by John Foster, first printer of Boston, 1677. Remarks on Benjamin Tompson’s Elegy on John Wood- mancy and Ezekiel Cheever. n. p., n. d., pam, Remarks on Note Book kept by Ccipt. Robert Keayne, early settler of Boston. Cambridge, 1889. Remarks on Note Book kept by Rev. William Brinsmead, first Minister to Marlborough. Cambridge, 1887, pam. Historical Society Index, vols. 1-20, 1791-1883. Boston, 1887. Proceedings, vol. 4, 1858-1860, vols. 19, 20, 1881-1883. Boston, 1860-84. Series 2, vols. 1-4, 1884-89. Boston, 1885-89. 16 122 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Massachusetts. Historical Society. Proceedings in Memory of Wm. H. Prescott, 1859. Boston, 1859, pam. Reports, 1884. Boston, 1885, pam; 1889. n. p., n. d., pam. Holden, Sergeant David. Journal kept during latter part of French and Indian Wars, Feb. 20, Nov. 29, 1760. Notes and Introduction by S. A. Green. Cambridge, 1889, pam. Horticultural Society: Harris, T. W. Discourse before, 1832. Cambridge, 1832, pam. Report, 1848. Boston, 1848. Humane Society, Report, 1885. Boston, 1885. Ichnology of New England, supplement, 1863. Boston, n. d. Idiotic and Feeble Minded Youth, Reports, 1882,1883. Boston, 1883, pam. Institute of Technology. Catalogue, 1871-72. Boston, 1872. Ipswich: Robinson, J. Opening of Shell heap at. n. p., n. d., pam. Journal of the House, 1808, 1864-1883. Boston, 1808-83. Journal of the Senate, 1868-83. Boston, 1868-83. Manual of House of Representatives and General Court, 1855,1857, 1858, 1860, 1862, 1874-1887. Boston, 1858-1887. Law: Acts, Laws and Resolves, 1806-1838, 1842, 1851, 1853, 1859, 1883-1889. Boston, 1806-1889. Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts Bay, 1757-1780, vols. 4-5. Boston, 1881-86. Charters and General Laws of Colony and Province of Masachu- setts Bay, 1628-1779. Boston, 1814. Charters Granted bv King William and Queen Mary, etc., 1692- 1753. Boston," 1742-53. Election Laws, 1884-1888. Boston, 1884-88. General Laws from Adoption of Constitution to 1831. Boston, 1823-32. General Statutes, Supplements, 1873-1881. Boston, n. d., 1882. Laws of Commonwealth, 1780-1807. Boston, 1807-1816, 4 vols. Perpetual Laws from Adoption of Constitution to 1788, 2 vols. yy or cester 1788 Perpetual Laws, Oct., 1780-March 1789. Boston, 1789. Perpetual Laws from Adoption of Constitution to 1807, 5 vols. Boston, 1801-1817. Private and Special Laws, 1780-1815, 1882-1886, vols. 3-8, 14, 15. Boston, 1805-1862, 1889. Public Statutes, Index. Boston, 1888. Public Statutes, Notes. Boston, 1882. Revised Statutes, supplement, 1836-1853, .vol. 1. Boston, 1883. School Laws, 1883. Boston, 1883. Law , Supreme Court: Digest, 1804-1886, 2 vols. Albany, 1887. Index Digest to Supreme Court Reports from Quincy to 137, inclusive. Boston, 1886. CATALOGUE. 123 Massachusetts. Law, Supreme Court: Marriage and Divorce Laws. L. S. Fairbanks, Comp. Boston, 1882. Reports: Lathrop, J. Yols. 132-145. Boston, 1883-88. Kellen, W. Y. Yols. 146-148. Boston, 1888-9. Legislative Committee, Report on Records, etc., in Secretary of State’s Department, 1885. Boston, 1885. Legislative Documents, House, 1851, 1858-1861, 1863-64, 1866-1869, ' 1871, 1873-1883. Boston, 1851-83. Senate Documents, 1850-1853, 1857-1866, 1868-1871, 1873-1883. Boston, 1850-83. Lexington. Loring, G. B. Oration at Lexington, April 19, 1871. 91st anniversary of battle. Boston, 1871. Phinney E. History of Battle of Lexington. Boston, 1825, pam. Lowell. Andrew, J. A. Address at Dedication of Monuments to Ladd and Whitney, July 17, 1865. Boston, 1865, pam. Old Residents’ Historical Association. Contributions. Yols. 2, 3; Yol. 4, No. 1, 1880-1888. Lowell, 1883-88. Lynn. Waters, H. F. The Newhall Family of Lynn. Salem, 1882. Manufacturers’ Statistics, 1886-1888. Boston, 1889. Maverick National Bank, Manual, 1887. Boston, 1887. Medical Society, By-Laws, 1856. n. p., n. d., pam. Digest of Acts relating to. Boston, 1861, pam. Medical Communications. Yol. 9, Nos. 4, 5, 1858-1859. Bos¬ ton, 1859. Papers and Officers, 1806. Title page wanting. Middlesex County. Receipts and Expenditures, 1868, 1883. Charleston, 1869, and n. p., n. d., pams. Middlesex Fells, Yoice of a Tree from. E. Wright. Boston, 1883, pam. Milton, Academy History, 1798-1879. Boston, 1879, pam. Thacher, P. Register of Milton Marriages, 1686-1727. Bos¬ ton, 1883, pam. Mission for Animals. Live Stock Trade, 1874. Boston, 1874, pam. Secretary’s Report, 1873. Boston, 1873, pam. Newbury, Newbury port and West Newbury: Coffin, J. History of, 1635-1845. Boston, 1845. Normal Art School Circular, 1886-1887. Boston, 1886, pam. North Bridgewater: Kingman, B. History of, from first Settlement till present Time. Boston, 1866. Official Report of Trial of H. K. Goodwin for murder of Albert D. Swan, 1885. Boston, 1885. Official Report of Trial of T. W. Piper, for murder of Mabel H. Young. Boston, 1887. Official Report of Trial of S. J. Robinson, for murder of Prince Arthur Freeman, 1886. Boston, 1888. 124 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Massachusetts. Old Colony Historical Society: Bristol County Republican containing, Report, 1887. n. p., n. d., pam. Old Colony Historical Collections. Taunton, 1885. No. 4. Early Voyages to America, etc. Taunton, 1889. Old State House, Re-dedication of July 11, 1882. Boston, 1882. Whitman, W. H. Old State House defended. Boston, 1886, pam. Parsons, Sr., T. Late Chief Justice of Massachusetts, Memoir of. Boston, 1859. Peace Society. Circular Letters, 1816, 1817. Boston, 1876-77. Sumner, B. Address before, 1831. Boston, 1831, pam. Perkins’ Institute and Massachusetts School for Blind, Report, 1878. Boston, 1879. Plymouth. Colony Records, 1620-1698, vol. 12, Deeds vol. 1. Bos¬ ton, 1861. Davis, W. T. Ancient Landmarks of. Boston, 1883. Public Documents, 1881-1887. Boston, 1882-88. Quincy, Sr., J. Speech before Massachusetts Whig Convention, 1854. Boston, 1854, pam. Robinson, G. L. Argument of, on petition of Alice R. Cook, before Legislature, 1889. Cambridge, 1889, pam. Robinson, Gov. G. D. Proclamation for day of Fasting and Prayer, 1884. n. p., 1884. Republican Platform, with addresses at State Convention, 1883. n. p., 1883, pam. Roxbury, Commissioner of Accounts, Report, Jan., 1849. Roxbury, 1849. Salem: Marsh, L. B. John Marsh of Salem and Descendants, 1633- 1888. Amherst, 1888. Plummer Hall, Its Libraries, etc. Salem, 1882. Record of Parish List of Deaths, 1785-1819. W. Bentley, comp. Salem, 1882. Sanitary Commission, Report, 1850. School Committee, Catalogue, 1854. Salem, 1854. Untirian Church, Art Loan Exhibition, 1885. n. p., 1885, pam. Secretary of Commonwealth, Documents of, to General Court, 1848, 1853, 1854, 1857. Boston, 1848-57. Shirley: Chandler, S. History of Town of, from settlement till 1882. Shirley, 1883. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Reports, 1878, 1879. n. p., 1878-9, pams. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Constitution, n. p., n. d., pam. Report, 1883. Boston, 1884. Soldiers’ Home, Reports, 1883-1886. Boston, 1884-86, pams. Special Agent of Sick, State Poor, Report, 1872,1874. Boston, 1873- 74, pams. CATALOGUE. 125 Massachusetts. Springfield: Annual Report of City Library Association, May 5, 1884. Springfield, 1884, pam. State Librarian’s Reports and Supplements to General Catalogue, 1882-1888. Boston, 1883-89. State Lunatic Asylum, Reports, 1864-1877. 2vols. Boston, 1865-77. State Reform School: Scott, Rev. N. “A Plea for the Bible in,” Sermon. Boston, 1862, pam. Suffolk County G. A. R. Palmer, A. Oration, May 30, 1883. Boston, 1883, pam. Sullivan, Gov. J. Correspondence with Col. Pickering 1808. Bos¬ ton, 1808, pam. Sunday School Union, Report, 1828-29. Boston, 1829, pam. Taunton Public Library, Reports, 1882-1888. Taunton, 1883-89, pam. Supplement to Catalogue, 1884. Taunton, 1884. Teacher’s Association. Programme, 1876. n. p., n. d., pam. Temperance Alliance, Reports, 1864, 1866 1868, 1874. Bostoo, 1865-74, pam. Society Report, 1835. Boston, 1835, pam. Tewksbury: Leonard, C. T. Present Condition of Tewksbury. Boston, 1883, pam. Unitarian Sunday School Society. Proceedings 1870. Cambridge, 1870, pam. Weeks Family Genealogy. Dorchester, 1635-1650. n. p., n. d., pam. Wellesley College. Calendar, 1882-83. n. p., n. d. Library Notes on New Classification and Catalogue, n. p., n. d., pam. Williams, G. F. Circular to Voters of Massachusetts, Aug., 9, 1884. Boston, 1884, pam. Williamston. Catalogue of Williams College, 1877-78. North Adams, 1877, pam. Winthrop, Descriptive History of, 1877. Boston, 1877, pam. Worcester and Nashua Railroad Company, Report, Jan., 1883. Worcester, 1883, pam. Worcester County Bar, Association Rules, 1828. n. p., n. d., pam. Worcester Sunday School Society, Reports, 1835-1836, 1853-1860, 1863-1869. Boston and Fitchburg, 1860-1864, pams. Webster, W. Address at inauguration of Worcester General Hos¬ pital, 1865. Boston, 1865. Wright, C. D. History of Wages and Prices in Massachusetts, 1752-1883. Comparative Wages and Prices in Massachusetts and Great Britain, 1860-1883. Boston, 1885. Report on Custody and Condition of Public Records of Parishes, Towns and Counties, 1885. Boston, 1889. Masson, D. British Novelists and their Styles. Boston, 1859. Maternal Schools in France. Washington, 1882. See Education. 126 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Mathematics * Davis, C. Elements of Algebra. New York, 1867. Geometry. Revised edition, n. p., n. d. Logic and Utility of Mathematics, n. p., n. d. Loomis, E. Elements of Algebra, rev. edition. New York, 1877. Olney, E. Complete School Algebra. New York, n. d. Elementary Geometry. New York, 1881. Mather, Cotton. Life of William Bradford, n. p., n. d., pam. Sal Gentium, n. p., n. d., pam. Mather, Increase. Narrative of Miseries of New England, etc. n. p., n. d., pam. Matins and Vespers, etc. J. Bowring. 2d edition. London, 1824. Mattison, H. Astronomy. New York, 1859. Maxwell, V. L. Mineral Coal. Wilkesbarre, 1869. Mears, J. W. Heroes of Bohemia: Huss, Jerome, Zisca. Philadelphia, n. d. Mechanics. Atkinson, W. B. Dynamics and Mechanics. Cambridge, 1866. Ewbanks, T. Hydraulics and Mechanics. 12th edition. New York, 1857. Faul, A. Leveling by Vertical Angles. New York, 1886. Lumbard. H. C. Hydraulic Influences and Prophylactics. Geneva, 1882, pam. Medical and Surgical History of the War of Rebellion. Vol. 2, part 3. G. A. Otis and D. L. Huntington. Washington, 1883. Medical Electicism vs. Regularism. W. Bell. n. p. n. d., pam. Medical Independent, Dec., 1856, March, Nov., 1857, Medical Journal and Independent, April, 1859, Feb., 1860. Detroit, 1857-60. Medical Reformer, Dec., 1845. Cincinnati, 1845. Medical Reporter (New Jersey), Nov., 1854, Sept, 1857, Feb., 1859. Bur¬ lington and Philadelphia, 1854-59. Medicine. Braithwaite, W. J. Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Vols. 1-83, 1840-1883. New York, 1842-83, 42 vols. Index, 1840-57. 1st American edition. New York, 1842-83. Quarterly Epitome of American Practical Medicine and Sur¬ gery. Vols. 1-4. New York, 1880-83. Quain, R. Dictionary of Medicine. New York, 1883. Medley, G. W. Fair Trade Unmasked. London, n. d. Memorial Day. See Decoration Day. Men and Women: Sordello. R. Browning. Boston, 1886. Men of Mark. W. J. Simmons. Cleveland, 1887. Menzel, W. German Literature. Tr., C. C. Felton. Boston, 1840. Meredith, Rev. R. R. Problems of State Life. See Theology, Sermons. Meriwether, C. Higher Education in South Carolina. See Education. Merriman, T. M. William, Prince of Orange. Boston, n. d. Meteorology. Abbe, C. Popular Errors in Meteorology, n. p., n. d., pam. Tatham, W. P. A Contribution to Meteorology. Mr. Espy, Dr. Hare, Tornadoes, Hailstorms. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Methodist Church. Catalogue of Books. New York, 1851. CATALOGUE. 127 Methodist Church. Clintock, J. M. Sketches of Eminent Methodist Min¬ isters. New York, 1854. Cyclopaedia of Methodism. Comp., M. Simpson. 4th edition. New Y T ork, 1854. Metropolitan Weekly and Provincial Press. London, n. d. Metternich, R. Memoirs of Prince Metternich. New York, 1881-2, 5 vols. Mexico. Bancroft, H. H. Mexico, 1516-1887, 6 vols. North Mexican States, 1531-1889, 2 vols. See History Pacific States. Yols. 4r-ll. San Francisco, 1883-9. Birkinbine, J. The Cerro de Mercado (Iron Mountain at Durango) Mexico, n. p., 1884, pam. Cerro de Provana. Sketch of Great Historical Mines of. n. p., n. d. Cubas, A. G. Sketch of United States of Mexico. Mexico, 1884, pam. The Republic of Mexico in 1876, Political, etc. G. E. Hender¬ son, Tr. Evans. A. S. Our Sister Republic, a trip through Mexico, 1869-70. Hartford, 1880. Farnham, T. E. Mexico, its Geography and People. New York, 1846. Griffin, S. B. Mexico of Today, 2 vols. New York, 1886. Gutierrez, D. The Cotton Plant. Mexico, 1885, pam. Hamilton, L. Border States of Mexico. 3d edition. Chicago, 1882. Mexican Law. San Francisco, 1882. Iron Mountain Company, Durango, n. p., n. d., pam. Iron Mountain Manufacturing Company, Durango, n. p., n. d., pam. Labato, J. G. Chemical Industrial Study of various products of the Mexican Agave (Century Plant). Mexico, 1884. Mexican Border Commission, sent in 1873, by Mexican Government to Frontier of Texas, Report, with Maps. New York, 1875. Ober, F. A. Y^oung Folks’ History of Mexico. Boston, 1883. Ramirez, S. Mineral Wealth of Mexico, Historical Account and Present State of Development. Segura, J. C. and Cordero, M. D. Notes on cultivation of certain plants which may be grown in Mexico. Mexico, 1884. Weidner, F. Cerro de Mucado of Durango, with geological Treatise. 2d edition. Chicago, 1882. Mew, J. Types from Spanish Story. New York, 1884. Meyers, T. B. Tories or Loyalists in America. Albany, 1882. Meylert, A. P. Notes on the Opium Habit. 3d edition, rev. New York, 1885. Michaelis, O. E. Army of Kukuanaland. Philadelphia, 1889. Michigan. Adjutant General’s Reports, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1883-88. Agricultural College, Bulletins, Nos. 1-4. n. p., n. d., pams. Catalogue, 1883-1886. Lansing, 1884-6. Albion College Catalogue, 1876-77. Albion, 1877. Albion College Year Book, 1887-8. n. p., n. d. Alger, Gov. R. A. Retiring Message, Jan., 1887, and Inaugural Message of Gov. C. G. Luce, in English and German. Lansing and Chicago, 1887, pam. 128 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Michigan. Almanacs, 1883-1890. Detroit, n. d. Alpena County. Bolton, W. Complete History of, to 1876. Alpena, 1876. Directory, 1883-4. Detroit, 1883. Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railroad Company, Report, 1888. n. p., n. d., pam. Associated County Agents and conventions of Board of Corrections and Charities, Report, 1886. Atlas, (Tackabury’s) 1884. Detroit, 1884. Attorney General’s Reports, 1884-1888. Lansing, 1884-88. Auditor General’s Reports, 1884-1888. Lansing, 1884-88. Baptist Annual, 1889. Detroit, n. d. Baptist Convention Minutes, 1883, 1886-1887. Detroit, 1883-1887. Shanafel, T. M. Fifty Years of Baptist Growth in Michigan. Detroit, 1886, pam. Barrett, O. S. Reminiscences of 4th Michigan Infantry, 1861-1864. Detroit, 1888. Bay City. Annual Statement of Finances, etc., 1884-1885. Bay " City, 1884-85. West Bay City, Dedication of Sage Public Library, 1884. n. p., n. d., pam. Directory, 1883-1885. Detroit, 1883-84. Tribune Special Edition, Nov., 1887. West Bay City. Sage Library Catalogue. West Bay City, 1886. Begole, Gov. J. AY. Message, Jan., 1885. Big Rapids and Mecosta County, etc., Directory, 1884. Detroit, 1883. Supplement to Big Rapids Current, 1889. “Century of Presidents, 1789-1889,” Big Rapids, 1887, newspaper. Bingham, S. D. Michigan Biographies, State Officers, etc., 1837- 1887. Lansing, 1888. Blackbird, A. J. History of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan, and Grammar of Language. Ypsilanti, 1887. Blind School, Reports, 1884-1888. Lansing, 1886-88, pam. Board of Agriculture, Reports, 1880-1887. Lansing, 1882-87. Board of Charities and Corrections, Reports, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1885-88, pams. Proceedings of Conference of County Agents of, 1883-1887. Lansing, 1884-7. Board of Health, Proceedings, 1886-1888. n. p., n. d., pams. Board of Health, Reports, 1884-1888. Lansing, 1884-89. Board of State Auditors, Reports, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1882-88. Bramhull, F. Facts and Figures about Michigan. Chicago, 1885. Bureau of Labor, Report, 1885, 1888-90. Lansing, 1888-90. Calhoun County Directory, 1882. Battle Creek, 1882. Census, 1874, 1884. Lansing, 1875-86. Centerville Union School. Examination Papers of Grades seven and eight, 1882. Mss. Coldwater. Lewis Art Gallery, Catalogue, 1875; with Supplement. Cold- water, 1883, pam. Commissioner of Banks and Banking, Report, 1889. Lansing, 1890. CATALOGUE. 129 Michigan. Commissioner of Immigration, Reports, 1881-1884. Lansing, 1883- 84, pams. Commissioner of Insurance, Reports, 1874, Part 1; 1882-1888. Lan¬ sing, 1882-89, pams. Commissioner of Land Office, Reports, 1882-1887. Lansing, 1883- 1888, pams. Commissioner of Railroads, Reports, 1873-1888. Lansing, 1873-89. Congregational Church Minutes, 1876-1877, 1880. Detroit, 1876-80. Constitutional Manual, 1850. Lansing, 1850. Constitution of State of Michigan. Lansing, 1883, pam. Cooley, T. M. Michigan: a History of Government. Boston, 1885. County Superintendents of the Poor. Abstracts of Annual Reports, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1882-88. Crop Reports, 1883-April, 1890, and State Weather Service Report, 1887-April, 1890. Lansing, n. d., pams. Crossman, D. L. Early French occupancy of Michigan, and ori¬ gin of Committee of the Whole. Lansing, 1889, pam. Crotty, D. G. Fours Years campaigning in the Army of the Poto¬ mac. Grand Rapids, 1874. Deaf and Dumb Institution. Reports, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1881- 88, pam. Descriptive America. Yol. 1. No. 3, Michigan. New York, 1884, pam. Detroit. Art Loan Catalogue 1883. 3d edition and Supplement. Detroit, 1883. Art Loan Record, Sept. 1, Nov. 4, 1883. Detroit, 1883. Brearley, W. H. Detroit Evening News Annual Excursion to the Sea 1879-1882. Detroit, 1879-82. Board of Education, Reports, 1879-1880, 1884-1885. Detroit, 1879-85. Report of High School Committee to June 28, 1883. Detroit, 1883, pam. Report of President, 1858. Detroit, 1858, pam. City Officers, Reports, 1883. Detroit, 1883. Carriers’ Address to Patrons of Advertiser and Tribune, Jan. 1, 1866. Detroit, 1866, pam. Carriers’ Address to Patrons of Free Press, Jan. 1, 1862. Detroit, 1862, pam. Charters, 1883, 1886. Detroit, 1883-86. Charter and Laws, 1867. Detroit, 1867. City Atlas. New York, 1885. City Controler’s Reports, 1885-1887. Detroit, 1885-87. City Directory, 1855-1887. Detroit, 1855-87. Common Council Journal, 1887. Detroit, 1888. Report of Special Committees on Taxation and Redemp¬ tion, Dec., 1888. Detroit, 1889, pam. Elmwood Cemetery, Report of Trustees, 1851. Detroit, 1851, pam. Rules and Regulations of, 1846, Detroit, 1846, pam. Evening News, 1882-1888. Detroit, 1882-88. 17 130 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Michigan. Detroit. Guide Books to Excursions, 1880-1882. Detroit, 1882-84. Farmer, S. History of Detroit and Michigan, Past and Present. Detroit, 1884. Free Press, 1882-89. Detroit, 1882-89. Hamlin, M. C. W. Legends of Detroit. Detroit, 1884. House of Correction, Beports, 1863-89. Detroit, 1863-90. Medical College Catalogues, 1878-79. Detroit, 1879, pam. Metropolitan Police, Report, 1881-83. Detroit, 1881-83. Moore, C. (Seymour.) Detroit as She is. Detroit, n. d. Newsboys’ Carriers’ Address, 1883. L. B. Duffield. Detroit, 1882, pam. Palmer, T. W. Oration delivered May 30, 1879. Detroit, n. d., pam. Post and Tribune, 1882-1889. Detroit, 1882-89. Preparatory School of Medicine. Commencement, 1866. Detroit, 1866, pam. Public Library, Catalogue, 1886. Detroit, 1886. Commissioners’ Report, 1887-1889. Detroit, 1887-90. History, Summary, and Annual Reports, 1863-1886. Detroit, 1887. Public School, Report, 1860. Detroit, 1860. Review of Medicine and Pharmacy, May, June, August, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1866, Feb., June, Aug., 1867, Jan., 1868. Detroit, 1866-68. Roberts, R. E. Sketches of City of the Straits and vicinity. Detroit, 1884. Tract Association, Report, 1848. Detroit, 1848, pam. Trade and Commerce of Detroit, 1859. Detroit, 1860, pam. Tribune’s Epitome of Base Ball. Detroit, n. d. Year Book of Detroit Journal, 1889. Detroit, n. d. Duffield, G. Our Soldier Dead. n. p., n. d., pam. East Saginaw and Saginaw Directory, 1883, 1884. Detroit, 1883-4. Hoyt Public Library, East Saginaw. Trust Deed from W. L. Webber. East Saginaw, 1883, pam. Eaton Rapids Public Library Catalogue. Eaton Rapids, 1883. Eclectic Medical and Surgical Society, Transactions, 1881-1884. Dowagiac, 1883-85, pams. Engineering Society, Reports, 1886-1887. n. p., n. d. Engineers’ Annual, 1889. Battle Creek, 1889. Everett, F. Memorials of Grand River Valley. Chicago, 1878. Farm Statistics, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1881-88. Firemen’s Association, Report of Conventions, 1883-1889. Chicago and Pentwater, 1883-89, pams. Fire Relief Commission, Report, 1882. Lansing, 1882, pam. Fish Commissioner, Reports, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1881-88, pam. Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad, Report, 1871. Detroit, 1872, pam. Forestry Commission, Report, 1887-8. Lansing, 1888. Freedman’s Aid Commission, Report, 1864. Detroit, 1864, pam. Game and Fish Warden, Reports, 1887-1888. Lansing, 1888. Gazetteer, 1885-1887, 1889-90. Detroit, 1885-90. CATALOGUE. 131 Michigan. Grand Army of the Republic, Proceedings, 1882-1888. Grand Rapids, 1882-88. Grand Rapids as it is, 2d edition, 1888. Chicago, 1888. Board of Education, Report, 1883-1889. Grand Rapids, 1883- 89. Directory of Grand Rapids and Kent County, 1884. Detroit, 1884. Fire Commissioner, Report, 1882-86. Grand Rapids, 1886. Proceedings at Opening of City Hall, Sept. 26,1888. n. p., n. d. St. Mark’s Home and Hospital, Manual. 1877. Grand Rapids, 1887. School Library, Report, 1887-9. n. p., n. d., pam. Gratiot County, Portrait and Biographical Album. Chicago, 1884. Harrington, E. B. 1st Chancery Reporter of Michigan. Photo¬ graph of. Hillsdale College, Catalogues, 1885-1886. Hillsdale, 1885-87. Hinchman, T. H. Banks and Banking in Michigan. Detroit, 1887. Hogaboam, J. J. The Bean Creek Talley, Early Settlement. Hud¬ son, 1876. Holland. Hope College Catalogue, 1882-3. Constantine, 1883, pam. Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons Directory, 1885. East Sag¬ inaw, n. d. Horticultural Society, 1882-1888. Lansing, 1884-88. House of Correction at Ionia, Report, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1882- 1888. Imlay City, Business History of. n. p., n. d., pam. Industrial Home for Girls, Reports, 1883-1888. Lansing, 1888, pam. See Reform School for Girls. Insane. Asylum at Kalamazoo, Reports, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1882- 1888, pams. Asylum for Insane Criminals at Ionia, Report, 1886. Lansing, 1886. Cobb, J. T. Present policy of the State in caring for the Insane. Lansing, 1883, pam. Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Idiotic and Epileptic, Statistical Informa¬ tion relative to, 1883-1888. Lansing, 1883-88. Eastern Michigan Asylum, Pontiac, Reports, 1878-1887. Lan¬ sing, 1879-1888. Northern Asylum at Traverse City, Reports, 1882-88. Lansing, 1882-88, pams. Report of Board of Commissioners appointed to select a site for an additional Asylum for the Insane, 1882. Lansing, 1882, pam. Inspector of Illuminating Oils, Reports, 1877-88. Lansing, 1877-89, pams. Inspector of Salt, Reports, 1882-86. Lansing, 1883-87, pams. Isabella County Atlas. Philadelphia, 1879. Jackson Baptist Association. Minutes of Meeting, 1889. Brooklyn, n. d. pam. Jackson City and County Directory, 1884, 1885-6. Detroit, 1884-5. Jackson City Directory, 1883. Detroit, 1883. 132 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Michigan. O * Jackson Comity Atlas. Chicago, 1874. Jails, Abstract of Sheriff’s Reports relating to, 1884-1888. Lansing,. 1886-9, pams. Kalamazoo. City and Comity Directory, 1885-6. Detroit, 1885. Comity Atlas. New York, 1873. Ransom, W. C. Historical Address, July 4, 1884. n. p., 1884, pam. Re-union of former pupils of Dr. J. A. B. and Mrs. L. H. Stone, 1885. Kalamazoo, 1885. Kendall, F. M. Michigan, Geography, etc. Grand Rapids, 1889. Lake Superior, Geological and Topographical Map of Mineral District. 2d edition, 1864. New York, 1864. Lansing: Lansing Aid Society, Report, 1886. n. p., n. d., pam. Capitol City Railroad Guide, 1884. Lansing, 1884, pam. City and Ingham County Directory, 1883-4, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1889. Detroit, n. d. City Map, 1888. Daily News, July, 1882-Dec., 1883. Lansing, 1882-83. Journal, 1882-1889. Lansing, 1882-89. Prudden, T. P. History of Plymouth Church, 1864-1884. Lansing, 1884, pam. Public Library Catalogue, 1882, 1886, with supplements, Nos. 1, 2. Lansing, 1886. “Republican” and State Republican, 1882-1889. Lansing, 1882-89. Carrier’s Address. 1888. n. p., n. d., pam. “IT. and I.” Club, Report Annual Meeting, 1888. n. p., n. d., pam. Woman’s Club, Meetings and Reports, 1883-1888. n. p., n. d., pams. Law , Statute: Act of Legislature and Order of Governor, 1872, relative to pay¬ ing Bounties to Volunteers. Lansing, 1884, pam. Acts of Territorial Council, 1805, 1833, 1835. Detroit, 1829— 1835. Acts of Territory, with Titles and Digest of Acts in Force, 1816. Detroit, 1816. Acts, Public and Local, 1883-1889. Lansing, 1883-89. Drain Law, 1887. Lansing, 1887. Fish and Game Laws, 1885. Lansing, 1885. Howell, A. Annotated Statutes of Michigan, 1882, 2 vols. Chicago, 1882-83. Laws, 1841, 1842. Detroit, 1841-42. Laws Governing Execution and recording Real Estate. Detroit, 1888. Laws of Highways and Bridges, 1885-1887. Lansing, 1885-87. Liquor Laws, 1881, 1883. Lansing, 1881-83, pams. Live Stock Sanitary Laws, 1889. Lansing, 1889, pam. Militia Laws of Michigan and United States Manual. W. Shakespeare, Comp. Lansing, 1883. CATALOGUE. 133 Michigan. Law, Statute. Manufacturing Companies, Laws relating to incorporation of. n. p., n. cl., pam. Mining Laws, 1877, Amendments, 1879, 1881. n. p., n. d., pam. Railroad Laws, 1890. Lansing, 1890. Railroad Laws of Michigan, and Digest of Supreme Court Decisions in Railroad Cases, to close of Oct. Term, 1885. W. C. Ransom, Comp. Lansing, 1886. School Laws 1885, with Amendments, 1887-1889. Lansing, 1885-89. Swamp Land Act, 1850 as Affecting Swamp Lands owned by Michigan. M. Taggart. Grand Rapids, 1888, pam. Tax Law 1885. Lansing, 1885. Law, Nisi Prius Cases : Howell, C. B. 1 vol., with Biographical Sketches of Judges of Michigan past and present. Detroit, 1884. Supreme Court Digests: Binmore, H. Index Digest to Michigan Reports. 2d edition, 1882. Detroit, 1882. Chaney, H. A., and Jacobs, A. P. Digest to Supreme Court Decisions, 1843-1888. Chancery, 1836-1845. United States Supreme Court Decisions relating to Michigan, vol. 1. Chicago, 1889. Jacobs, A. P. Digest vols. 43-52, vol. 2. Chicago, 1885. Supreme Court Deports: Post, H. Yols. 26-36. 2d edition, Annotated. Chicago and Detroit, 1882-85. Chaney, H. H. Yols. 48-59. Chicago, 1882-87. Fuller, W. D. Yols. 60-76. Chicago, 1887-90. Fitch, C. L. Michigan Citations to vol. 53, inclusive. Paw Paw, n. d. Post, H. Revised Rules of Supreme Court, Law and Chancery Rules of Circuit Court of Michigan, and Superior Court of Detroit. Text Books: Green, S. M. Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace in Michigan, 2 vols. 2d edition. Chicago, 1884. Treatise on Townships and Township Officers. 2d edition. Columbus, 1882. Supplement to Treatise on Townships and Township Officers, 1884-1888. Lansing, 1888. Puterbaugh, S. D. Chancery Pleadings and Practice. Peoria, 1882. Leach, M. L. History of Grand Traverse Region. Traverse City, 1883. -Legislature * Dakin, M. H. Investigation of Charges against, April 27, 1887. Lansing, 1887. Executive Journal of Senate, 1835-6. Detroit, 1837. House Bills, 1883-1889. n. p., n. d. Joint Documents, 1882-1886. Lansing, n. d. 134 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Michigan. Legislature; Joint Report on Michigan Mining School, 1887. Lansing r 1887, pam. Journal of House, 1883-1889. Lansing, 1883-89. Journal of Senate, 1883-1889. Lansing, 1883-89. Legislative Association, Reunions, 1886-1888. Detroit and Lansing, 1886-8. Legislative Proceedings, Memorial of J. H. Macdonald, Lieut. Gov. of Michigan, Jan. 21, 1889. Lansing, 1889, pam. Legislative Proceedings, Jan. 5, 1887. Memorial of Represent¬ ative 0. N. Case. Lansing, 1887, pam. Luce, Gov. C. G. Message, Jan., 1889. English, French, Ger¬ man., etc. Lansing, 1889. Proclamation, March 21, 1887, to Michigan Legislature,, announcing death of John Robertson, Adjutant Gen¬ eral of Michigan. Manual, 1847, 1848, 1883-4, 1885-6, 1887-8, 1889-90. Detroit and Lansing, 1847-1889. Senate Bills, 1883-89. n. p., n. d. Seymour, Hon, W. H. Remarks before Senate, 1887, on Bill for establishment of Prison of Infamy, n. p., n. d., pam. Sharp, Hon. J. C. Speech before Senate, April 15, 1887, on Swamp Land Bill. n. p., n. d., pam. Littlejohn, F. J. Legends of Michigan and the Old Northwest. Allegan, 1875. Livingston County Atlas. New York, 1875. Macomb County Atlas. Philadelphia, 1875. History. Chicago, 1882. Masons: Grand Lodge Transactions, .1826-1889. Detroit and Grand Rapids, 1826-89. Knights Templar, Annual Conclaves of Grand Commandry, 1888-1889. Grand Rapids, 1888-89. Pratt, Foster. Masonry in Michigan. Grand Rapids, 1884, pam. Royal Arch Masons, Transactions, 1888-1890. Grand Rapids, 1888-90. Medical and Surgical Society, Report, 1883-88. Dowagiac, 1883-89. Meteorological Conditions, 1877-1883. Lansing, 1877-83. Methodist Episcopal Church, Conferences, 1876,1883-1884. Detroit, Eaton Rapids, Buchanan, 1883-84. Catalogue of Books and Tracts. New York, n. d. Detroit Annual Conferences, 1876, 1879, 1881, 1884, 1885. Detroit, 1876-85. Michigan in the War. J. Robertson, Comp. 2d edition. Lansing, 1883. Michigan Republican Club, Proceedings, 1886-1888. Detroit, 1886- 1888. Michigan Society New York State Veterans, Roster No. 2, 1886. . n. p., n. d., pam. Mineral Resources, 1885-89. Lansing, 1886-89. Mineral Statistics, 1881-1888. Marquette and Lansing, 1881-89. CATALOGUE. 135 Michigan. Mining School, Calendar, 1886-7. n. p., n. d., pam. Report, 1886-8. Marquette, 1888- Missaukee County, Map, 1884. (chart.) Monroe Centennial Celebration, 1884. Speech of Hon. J. P. Chris- tiancy. Monroe, 1844, pam. Monroe County Atlas. New York, 1876. Map. Philadelphia, 1859. Montague. Address of A. F. Temple, May 30, 1878. n. p., n. d., pam. Montcalm County Map. New York, 1875. Muskegon County Directory, 1883, 1885-6. Detroit, 1883-1885. History. Chicago, 1882. Mutual Life Insurance Company, Mortuary Report, 1883. Detroit, 1883, pam. Oakland County: McCracken, S. B., Lake Gems of. Pontiac, 1886. Oceana County Map. New York, 1876. Official Canvas of Votes for Presidential Electors and State Officers, Nov. 8, 1888. n. p., n. d., pam. Olivet College, Cataloge, 1882-1889. n. p., 1882-89. Ostrander, R. C. Civil Government of United States and Michigan. Chicago, 1884. Palmer, T. W. Oration, May 30, 1879. Detroit, n. d., pam. Pioneer and Historical Society, Collections. Vols. 4-15. Lansing, 1883-89. “Pointe Aux Pins,” Summer Resort, Bois Blanc Island. Jackson, n. d., pam. Political Manual, 1884. S. B. McCracken, Comp. Detroit, 1884. Presbyterian Church, Synods, 1882-1885. Coldwater, 1882-85. Presque Isle County, Map, 1883. n. p., n. d., chart. Press Association, Proceedings, 1883-1889. Nashville, 1883-89, pam. Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Michigan. Journals, 1877- 1883, 1885. Detroit, 1877-85. Diocese of Western Michigan. Journals, 1874-1880,1881,1885, 1886. Grand Rapids, etc., 1874-1886. Quartermaster General, Reports, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1883-88. Railroad and Political Atlas of Michigan, 1886. n. p., n. d. Railroad Maps, 1882, 1883-4, 1885. Chicago, 1885. Reform School for Boys, Reports, 1881-1888. Lansing, 1881-88. Reform School for Girls, Reports, 1881-2. Lansing, 1882. See Industrial Home for Girls. Registration Reports, Vital Statistics, 1877-1888. Lansing, 1884-89. Saginaw Board of Trade, Report, 1884. East Saginaw, 1884, pam. Sanitary Conventions, Papers, etc: Allen, J. K. Cooperation between Citizens and Health Authorities necessary in preventing Disease. See pam. vol. 286. Drinking Water, etc. Lansing, 1882, pam. Personal Sanitary Responsibilities. See pam. vol. 286. Averill, P. Inspection of Illuminating Oils, Michigan. See pam. vol. 292. 136 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Michigan. Sanitary Conventions, Papers, etc.; Avery, J. Contagious and Infectious Diseases. See pam., vol. 293. Objects of Convention. See pam., vol. 286. Public Errors about Medicine. See pam., vol. 298. Public Health Service of Michigan. See pam., vol. 286. Baker. H. B. Attendance, etc., Department of Health, Ameri¬ can Social Science Association, 1876. See pam., vol. 287. Causation of Pneumonia. Lansing, 1888, pam. Glanders in Man and domestic Animals. See pam., vol. 293. Method of collecting Vital Statistics. See pam., vol. 299. Poisonous Cheese. See pam., vol. 288. Scientific and collective Investigation of Disease. Chi¬ cago, 1887, pam. Systematic Study of causes of sickness and death. See pam., vol. 285. Typhoid Fever and low water in Wells. See pam., vol. 287. Baxter, W. J. Sanitary Conditions of Michigan Jails. See pam., vol. 286. Brakey, W. F. Unsanitary Methods and results of school work. See pam., vol. 287. Brigham, C. H. Recreations with reference to Health. See pam., vol. 285. Cheever, N. Disposal of Excreta, hygiene of schools. See pam., vol. 287. Clark, A. A. Germs. Prevention of Consumption, n. p., n. d., pam. Meteorology and Disease, n. p., n. d., pam. Prevention of Consumption, n. p., n. d., pam. Clute, L. Relations of the Church to sanitary reform. See pam., vol. 286. Cogswell, B. Consumption: Is it a Contagious Disease? See pam., vol. 293. Communicable Diseases in Michigan, 1882-1883. See pam., 293. Connor, L. Brain Building. See pam., vol. 285. How can we preserve Eyesight and Hearing? See pam., vol. 285. Contributions to Study of cause of Typhoid Fever. See pam., vol. 289. Cooley, T. M. What can the Law do for the health of the people? See pam., vol. 286. Correspondence relative to Scarlet Fever. See pam., vol. 290. Crosby, A. Evils from administration of nostrums to Infants and Young Children. See pam., vol. 288. Distribution of Deaths reported from Diphtheria by Counties in Michigan, 1876-82. See pam., vol. 290. Duffield, G. Hygiene and the Clerical Profession. See pam., vol. 285. Ellis, L. S. How Diseases are contracted and communicated. See pam., vol. 293. CATALOGUE. 137 Michigan. Sanitary Conventions, Papers, etc.: Erysipelas and Puerpural Fever. See pam., vol. 293. Fairfield, M. W. High Pressure vs. Hygiene in our Public Schools, 1882. See pam., vol. 287. Fox, O. G. Sewerage of Greenville. See pam., vol. 283. Gillam, S. E. Effects on Public Health of overflowed lands on Maple Rive*r, 1882. See pam., vol. 283. Grabill, E. F. Relation of Newspapers to Sanitary Reform. See pam., vol. 286. Gundrum, F. Best Method of disposing of the Dead. See pam., vol. 292. Hall, J. Preventable Cause of Disease. See pam., vol. 285. Hall, W. W. Throat-ail, Bronchitis, etc., their Causes, Symp¬ toms and Cure. See pam., vol. 293. Harris, C. H. Sanitary Drainage and Sewerage. See pam., vol. 292. Hazelwood, A. Hints on Preparation of Food. See pam., vol. 288. Prevention and Restriction of Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever. See pam., vol. 290. Remarks on Infant Diet. See pam., vol. 288. Water and Water Supply in Michigan. See pam., vol. 283. Hitchcock, H. O. Epidemic, Endemic and Contagious Diseases, 1879. See Pam. Yol. 290. Privies and Water Closets at Railway Stations. See pam., vol. 292. Public Health subjects in Proceedings of American Med¬ ical Association. See pam., vol. 292. Relations of wood pavements and sidewalks to Public Health. See pam., vol. 292. Slaughter Houses, etc. See pam., vol. 292. Supposed causal Relations between cancerous disease and use of Tomatoes as food. See pam., vol. 288. Holt, H. H. Enforcement of Sanitary Regulations. See pam., vol. 286. Judkins, J. B. Personal Liberty vs Public Health Laws. See pam., vol. 285. Kedzie, R. C. Healthy Homes for Farmers. See pam., vol. 285. Historical Yiew of Legislation relative to Inspection of Illuminating Oils in Michigan. See pam., vol. 292. Illuminating Oils in Michigan. See pam., vol. 292. Influence of Sawdust on potable and culinary Water in Michigan. $eepam., vol. 283. Labeling Medicines. See pam., vol. 298. Lead Poisoning from use of glazed Ware. See pam., vol. 288. ^ Means of Escaping from public buildings in case of Fire. See pam., vol. 292. Persistence in efforts to resuscitate the Drowned. See pam., vol. 292. 18 138 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Michigan. Sanitary Conventions, Papers, etc.: Kedzie, R. C. Public Health Meetings. See pain., vol. 286. Relations of soil Water to Health. See pam., vol. 283. Water Supply of Michigan. See pam., vol. 283. Work of Michigan State Board of Health. See pam., vol. 299. Kellogg, J. H. Decomposing organic Matter. See pam., vol. 292. Relation of preventable Diseases to Taxation. See pam., vol. 285. Sanitary Associations. See pam., vol. 286. Kellogg, J. H., and Avery, J. Report concerning Diphtheria. See pam., vol. 290. Lam son, D. H. Sanitary Conditions of School buildings and Grounds. See pam., vol. 287. Long, O. R. Present and Future Water Supply of Ionia. See pam., vol. 283. Lundy. C. J. Hygiene in Relation to the Eye. See pam., vol. 285. Lyster, H. F. Baths and Bathing. See pam., vol. 285. Healthy Dwellings. See pam., vol. 285. Limitation and Prevention of Typhoid Fever. See pam.. vol. 289. Typhoid Fever among Adrian School Children, 1883. See pam., vol. 289. McLean, D. Muscular Hygiene. See pam., vol. 285. Marshall, O. Epidemic of scarlet Fever at North Lansing, 1875-6. See pam., vol. 290. Mulheron, J. J. Physical Culture. See pam., vol. 285. Water Supply of Greenville. See pam., vol. 283. Mulvany, J. Ozone in Nature. See pam., vol. 292. Nicholson, A. W. Atmospheric Ozone. See pam., vol. 292. Causation of Intermittent Fever. See pam., vol. 293. Oldbright, Wm. Exclusion of Sewer Gas from Houses. See pam., vol. 283. Parker, L. R. Coroners and Coroners’ Inquests. See pam., vol. 298. Meetings and Expenses of Township Boards of Health. See pam., vol. 299. Opinion relative to Duties and Compensation of a Health Officer. See pam., vol. 299. Powers and Duties of Local Boards of Health. See pam., vol. 299. Prevention of Casualties. See pam., vol. 292. Proceedings Health Department American Medical Science Association, 1877. See pam., vol. 292. Public Health. Subjects before American Social Science Association, 1882. See pam., vol. 298. Regulation of Practice of Medicine. See pam., vol. 298. Sanitary Work in Michigan, 1882. See pam., vol. 286. Tearing Down Placards of Diseases dangerous to Public Health. See pam., vol. 293. CATALOGUE. 139 Michigan. Sanitary Conventions, Papers, etc.; Patton. J. L. Obstacles to Sanitary Reform. See pam., vol. 286. Pengra, C. P. Purification of Water by Freezing. See pam., vol. 283. Perry, W. S. Hygiene of Study. See pam., vol. 287. Pratt, F. Sanitary Rules vs Medical Theories. See pam., vol. 286. Prescott, A. Food Adulteration. See pam., vol. 288. Nostrums in relation to Health. See pam., vol. 285. Prudden, T. B. Care of Health a Christian Duty. See pam.. vol. 286. Ranney, G. E. Health Service of a State. See pam., vol. 286. Romig, S. V. Disposal of Waste Matter. See pam., yol. 292. Smith, E. Influence of sewerage and water supply on Death Rate in Cities. See pam., vol. 283. Sewerage and Water Supply. See pam., vol. 283. State Board of Health, Reports, etc. Circular relative to Work of Health Officers. See pam., vol. 299. Communicable Diseases in Michigan, 1882-1883. See pam., vol. 293. Communicable and preventable Diseases. See pam., vol. 293. Contributions to Study of cause of Typhoid Fever. See pam., vol. 289. Contributions to Study of spread of Diphtheria. See pam., vol. 290. Examination of Plans for Public Buildings, 1884. See pam., vol. 291. Examination of Public Buildings, 1882-1884. See pam., vol. 291. Facts concerning Typhoid Fever. See pam., vol. 289. Immigration Inspection Service, 1882, 1883. See pam., vol. 291. Notices of Diseases which endanger Public Health. See pam., vol. 298. Regulations for examinations in Sanitary Science. See pam., vol. 298. Restriction and Prevention of Scarlet Fever. See pam., vol. 290. Report on Poisonous Explosives. See pam., vol. 288. Temperature and Diseases by Months in Michigan. See pam., vol. 292. Three Outbreaks of Diphtheria in Michigan. See pam., vol. 290. Trichiniasis in Michigan. See pam., vol. 288. Water Supply of Localities in Michigan, 1876-1877, 1879. See pam., vol. 283. Work in Office of Michigan State Board of Health. See pam., vol. 299. 110 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Michigan. Sanitary Conventions, Papers, etc.: State Board of Health Reports, etc.: Work of Health Officers and local boards of Health in Michigan. See pam., vol. 286. Yanghn, Y. Meats. See pam., vol. 288. Whelan, A. F. Water Supply of Hillsdale. See pam., vol. 283. Proceedings of Sanitary Conventions, Yicksburg, Pontiac, Lud- ington, 1889. Saginaw Board of Trade, Review, 1888. n. p., n. d. Sault Ste. Marie, and Ontario, Canada, Illustrated Atlas, 1888. Detroit, 1888. Second Michigan Infantry, Re-union, 1883. Lansing, 1883. Semi-Centennial Celebration of Admission of Michigan into the Union, Addresses. Detroit, 1886. Sheep Breeders’ Association, Register. Yol. 2. Kalamazoo, 1889. Soldiers’ Home, investigation by Legislative Committee, 1887. Lan¬ sing, 1887. Report, 1886-1888. Lansing, 1886-88. State Librarian, Reports, 1873-1889. Lansing, 1874-89. State Library, Catalogue, 1st supplement, Oct. 1, 1880-Sept. 30, 1882. Lansing, 1883. State Normal School Calendars, 1881-82, 1885-1888. Ypsilanti, 1881—88 Catalogue of Library, 1888. n. p., 1888. State Prison Reports, 1882-1888. Lansing, 1882-88. State Public Schools at Coldwater, Reports 1881-1888. Lansing, 1881-88. State Swamp Land Commissioner, Reports, 1881-84. Lansing, 1881- 85. State Treasurer Reports, 1883-1889. Lansing, 1883-89. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Report, 1883-1888. Lansing, 1882-89. University Calendars, 1883-1889. Ann Arbor, 1884-89. Chaney, H. A. Biographical Sketches of Class of 1869, Michi¬ gan University in 1887. Detroit, n. d., pam. Memorial Addresses. J. C. Watson, E. O. Haven, G. P. Williams, H. P. Tappan. Ann Arbor, 1882. Memorial of Board of Regents to Legislature, 1883, 1885, 1887. n. p., 1883-87, pams. President’s Report, 1881-82. Ann Arbor, 1882. Proceedings Adjourned Meeting Board of Regents, Jan. 23, 1883. n. p., 1883, pam. Proposed Laboratory of Hygiene. Detroit, n. d., pam. Public Exercises on completion of New Library Building, Dec., 1883. Ann Arbor, 1883, pam. Semi-Centennial celebration of Organization of University, June 26-30, 1887. Ann Arbor, 1888. University Founded, 1837. n. p., n. d., pam. Yeteran, The. Aug. 1883-July, 1884. Lansing, 1883-84. Washtenaw County Atlas. Philadelphia, 1874. History of. Chicago, 1881. CATALOGUE. 141 Michigan. Wayne County Medical Society, By-Laws. Detroit, 1849, pam. Webber, AY. L. Swamp Lands of Michigan, with supplement. East Saginaw, 1888. Middlemarch. M. A. Evans. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Microscopic Structure of Iron and Steel, n. p., n. d., pam. Midsummer Holiday. A. C. Swinburne. New York, 1884. Mill on the Floss. M. A. Evans. New Y r ork, n. d. Miller, E. P. Fallacies of Free Trade. 3d edition. New York, 1887. Miller, E. M. Cincinnati’s Beginnings. Cincinnati, 1840. Miller, H. Old Red Sandstone. Boston, 1860. Milne, J. Earthquakes and other earth Movements. New York, 1886. Mineral Coal. V. L. Maxwell. AVilkesbarre, 1869. Minnesota. Board of Corrections and Charities, Report, 1886-1888. St. Paul, 1886-88. Commissioner of Statistics, Report, 1881-1882. St. Paul, 1881-2. Executive Documents, 1882-1888. St. Paul, 1882-88. Geological and Natural History Survey, 1881-1887. Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1882-88. Bulletins Nos. 2, 3, 4. St. Paul, 1887. Historical Society Collections: Yol. 2, Part 4, Carver Centenary. Yol. 3, 1870-1880. St. Paul, 1880. Yol. 5, History of Ojibaw Nation. St. Paul, 1885. Library Catalogue, 1887-8, 2-vols. St. Paul, 1888. Reports, 1886-1888. St. Paid, 1887-89, pam. Insane Asylum Report. Insane, Hospital for, Report, 1879. St. Peter, 1881. Institute for Defectives, (Deaf, Blind, Feeble Minded.) Reports, 1886-1888. St. Paul, 1887-89. Journals of the House, 1883-1887. St. Paul, 1883-7. Journals of the Senate, 1883-1887. St. Paul, 1883-87. Law, Statute: Collated Statutes, 1853, and Supreme Court Decisions, 1853. St. Paul 1853. General Laws, 1860, 1877, 1881-1889. St. Paul, 1860-89. General Statutes, vol. 2. Supplement, 1879-1888. St. Paul, 1888 Special Laws, 1866-1870, 1881, 1883-1889. St. Paul, 1866-89. Territorial Laws, 1855-1857 (Extra Session). St. Paul, 1856-57. Supreme Court: Digest. Eller, H. C. Yols. 1-25; 2 vols. 2d edition. St, Paul, 1883. Reports. Young, G. B. Yols. 29-40. St. Paul, 1883-89. Legislative Manual, 1889. St. Paul, 1889. McGill, Gov. A. R. Inaugural Address, Jan., 1887. St. Paid, 1887, pam. Message, Jan. 1889. St. Paul, 1889. Merriam, Gov. AY. R, Inaugural Address, Jan. 1889. St. Paul, 1889, pam. 142 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Minnesota. Ramsey County Pioneer Association, Constitution, etc. St. Paul, 1886, pam. St. Paul Ice Palace and winter carnival, 1886. St. Paul, 1886, pam. State Librarian’s Report, 1884. St. Paul, 1884, pam. State Library, catalogue of Law Books in. Minneapolis, 1884. University Calendar, 1884. Minneapolis, 1884. Minority or Proportional Representation. S. Dutcher. New York, 1872-. Minty and the Cavalry. J. Yale. Harrisburg, 1886. Miscellanies by an Officer, 1774-1813. J. W. DePeyster. New York, 1888. Mississippi. Benevolent Institutions, Report, 1884-85. Jackson, 1886. Griffin, A. P. C. Biblographical Account of discovery of the Mississippi River. New York, 1883, pam. Journal of the House, 1884-1888. Jackson, 1884-88. Journal of the Senate, 1884-1888. Jackson, 1884-88. Law, Statute: Digest of Statutes, 1816. Natchez, 1816. Laws, 1824, 1825, 1827-1833, 1837, 1841, 1856, 1857, 1878, 1884- 1888. Jackson, 1824-88. Revised Code, 1823, 1857. Jackson, 1824-57. Supreme Court Reports: Brown, J. H., Hemingway, J. B. H. Yols. 59-65. Boston, 1882-89. Secretary of State, Reports, 1878,1881. Jackson, 1879-81. Missouri. Board of Charities, Report, 1833. n. p., n. d., pam. Drury College Catalogue, 1883-4. Springfield, 1884. Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1885. Indianapolis, 1885. Law , Statute: Revised Statutes, 1889. Jefferson City, 1889. Statutes, 1883-1885, 1889. Jefferson City, 1883-89. Court of Appeals, Reports: Berry, A. M. Yols. 6-16. St. Louis, 1880-86. Berry A. M., and Mister, J. F. Yols. 17-28. Columbia, 1886- 88 Lewis, E. A., and Mister, J. F. Yols. 29-32. Columbia, 1888- 89. Lewis E. A., and Guthrie, B. E. Yols. 33-35. Columbia, 1889. Supreme Court Digest: Stark, C. B. 3 vols, 1877-1886. St. Louis, 1887. Supreme Court Reports: Skinner, T. R. Yols. 75-79. Kansas City, 1883-84. Brown, F. M. Yols. 80-89. Kansas City and Columbia, 1885- 89. Goldsmith, D., Guthrie, B. E. Yol. 36. Columbia, 1890. Packham, J. Gen. N. Lyon and Missouri in 1861. New Y r ork, 1866. Mitchell, J. A. Geography. New York, 1841. Mitchell, O. M. Popular Astronomy. New York, 1876. Modern Forest Science and Economy, n. p., n. d., pam. Modern Frenchmen. P. Hamerton. Boston, 1878. CATALOGUE. 143 Modern Manners and Social Forms. J. M. Bradley. Chicago, 1889. Modern Proteus, List of Books published under more than one title. J. L. Whitney. New York, 1884. Modern Woodmen of America. History and proceedings of Head Camp, 1880-1886. Comp., J. C. Root. Danville, n. d. Modification of Bessemer Steel Process. C. H. Henderson, n. p., n. d., pam. Moliere, J. B. P. Dramatic Works. New York, n. d., 3 vols. Molina, A. J. I. Geographical, natural and civil History of Chili. Mid¬ dleton, 1808, 2 vols. Money. Circulating Capital. Inquiry into the fundamental Law of Money. London, 1885. Haskins, R. P. Effects upon the civilized World of increase in quantity of Money Metals, n. p., n. d. Stewart, W. M. Money answereth all Things. (Speech.) n. p., n. d., pam. Monitor and Merrimac. n. p., n. d., pam. Monkhouse, AY. C. Studies of Sir Edwin Landseer. London, n. d. Monks of the West. St. Benedict to St. Bernard. Charles Forbes (Comte De Montalambert). Edinburgh, 1861, 7 vols. Monograph, The. Essays. Yol. 1, Nos. 1-50. Bangor, 1883. Montague, F. C. Technical Education. London, n. d. Montana. Auditor and Treasurer, Report, 1883. Helena, 1884. Board of State Auditors, Report, 1882. Helena, 1883. Crosby, J. C. Gov. Message, Jan., 1883. Helena, 1883, pam. Historical Society Contributions, vol 1. Helena, 1876. Historical Society, Report, 1881-2. Helena, 1883. Journal of the Council, 1883. Helena, 1883. Journal of the House, 1883. Helena, 1883. Law Statute: Laws 1883, 1885, 1889. Helena, 1885-89. Supreme Court Reports: Hedges, C. Yols. 4-6. Chicago, 1884-87. Buck, H. R. Yols. 7-9. Chicago, 1887-89. Law Library Catalogue, 1882. Helena, 1882. Potts, Gov. J. C. Messages, Jan., 1881-1883. Helena, 1881-3, pam. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Report, 1881-1882. Hele¬ na, 1882-83. Monteiro, M. Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People. New York, 1887.' Monthly Reference List of books and periodicals, vol. 4. New York, 1854. Moody, D. and his AYork. W. H. D. Daniels. New edition. Hartford, 1877. Moody, L. Plain Statements to Honest Democrats. Boston, 1868, pam. Moore, F. Anecdotes, poetry, and incidents of the AA ar, North and South, 1860-65. New York, 1882. Moore, J. AY. Picturesque Washington. Providence, 1884. Mormonism, AYomen of. J. A. Froisath. Detroit, 1882. Morris, E. E. The Early Hanoverians. New York, 1886. 144 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Morris, G. See Individual Biography. Morris, G. S. Hegel’s Philosophy of the State, etc. Chicago, 1887. Morris, W. Story of Sigurd the Volsung and fall of the Nibelungs. 4th edition. Boston, 1887. Mortgage Exemption and Taxation of Beal Estate only. Boston, 1889. Morton, C. J. F. See Individual Biography. Motley, J. L. Life and Death of John of Barnevelde. New York, n. d., 2 vols. Mountaineering in Sierra Nevadas. C. King. 6th edition. Boston, 1886. Mulhall, M. C. Dictionory of Statistics. New edition. London, 1886. Mulock, D. M. Poems. Boston, 1880. Murder and the Death Penalty. W. H. Thompson. Detroit, 1886. Murillo and the Spanish School of Painting. W. B. Scott. London, n. d. Music. Barrett, W. A. English Church Composers. London, 1882 s Benedict, J. Life of Weber. 2d edition. London, 1885. Cummings, W. H. Life of Purcell. London, 1881. Edwards, H. S. Bossini and his School. 2d edition. London, 1888. Ferris, G. S. Great German Composers. New York, 1888. Great Italian and French Composers. New York, 1888. Great Singers, Malibran to Titian: Faustina Bordoni to Henri¬ etta Sontag. London, 1888, 2 vols. Great Yiolists and Pianists. London, 1888. Frost, H. F. Life of Schubert. 3d edition. London, 1888. Gering, F. Life of Mozart. London, 1888. Hine, H. W. Wagnerism: a protest. London, 1882. Hueffer, F. Bichard Wagner. 3d edition. London, 1888. Maitland, J. A. F. Life of Schumann. London, 1884. Marshall, Mrs. J. Life of Handel. London, 1883. Music in Public Schools. Washington, 1886. Poole, B. L. Life of Sebastian Bach. London, 1882. Beismann, A. Life and Works of Bobert Schumann. Tr., H. L. Alger. London, 1886. Bockstro, W. S. Life of Mendelssohn. 2d edition. London, 1888. Townsend, P. D. Life of Joseph Mendel Haydn. London, 1884. My New Home in Northern Michigan, C. W. Jay. Trenton, 1874. Mythology: Grimm, J. Teutonic Mythology. Tr. J. A. Stalybras. London, 1882-3, 4 vols. Napoleon, Court of. F. B. Goodrich. New York, 1857. Narrative of Miseries of New England. Increase Mather. n. p., n. d., pam. Nash, S. Crime and the Family. Cincinnati, 1876. Nash, W. Two T ears in Oregon. New York, 1882. Nashotah, A Missionary Brotherhood in the far West. London, n. d. Nason, E. Life and public services of Henry Wilson. Boston, 1881. Nation, The. Yols. 38-47. New York, 1884- 88. National Aids to Education. See Education. National Conference of Bepublicans and Independents, New Tork, July 22d, 1884. Address adopted. Boston, 1884, pam. National Convention of Charities and Corrections. See Charity. National Bevenues. A. Shaw. Chicago, 1888. CATALOGUE. 145 National Revenues, especially the American system. E. H. Roberts. 1st and 2d edition. Boston, 1884-8. National Tax Law, 1862. New York, n. d. Natural Philosophy. R. G. Parker, n. p., n. d. Nature and Power of Slave Trade. J. Quincy. Hartford, 1833, pam. Natural History. Baird, S. F., Etc. Water Birds of North America. Boston, 1884, 2 vols. Buel, J. VY. Sea and Land. Richmond, n. d. Gentry, T. G. Birds, Nests and Eggs of United States. Philadel¬ phia, 1882. Goss, N. S. Catalogue of Birds of Kansas. Topeka, 1883, pam. Kingsley, J. S. Standard Natural History. Boston, 1885, 6 vols. Webber, C. W. Romance of Natural History. London, 1853. Neale, J. M. History of so-called Jansenist Church of Holland. Oxford, 1858. Nebraska: Dawes, Gov. J. W. Message, Jan., 1887. Lincoln, 1887. Historical Society, Transactions, 1885. Lincoln, 1885. Journal of the House, 1885. Lincoln, 1885. Journal of the Senate, 1883, 1885. Omaha and Lincoln, 1883-85. Journal of the Senate and House, 1882. Extra Session. Law, Statute: Code, 1871. Omaha, 1871. Compiled Statutes, 1881. 3d edition. Amendments, 1882-1887. Omaha, 1887. Laws, 1883-1889. Lincoln and Omaha, 1883-89. Supreme Court Indexes: Brown, G. A. Index Digest to Reports, vols. 1-15. Lincoln, 1884. Index to hrst 12 vols., Law Reports, 1871-82. Omaha, 1882. Index Digest to Reports, vols. 1-20. Omaha, 1887. Index Digest to Reports, vols. 1-10, vol. 1. Lincoln, 1889. Reports: Brown, G. A. Yols. 13-25. Lincoln, 1883-89. Nebraska and Kansas Hand Book, 1857-58. Boston, 1857. State Officers, Reports, 1882-83. Lincoln, 1883. Thayer, Gov. J. M. Message, Jan., 1889. Omaha, 1889. Need of Independent Political action in present Crisis. T. Lyman, n. p., n. d., pam. Negro-Land. See Africa. Neill, E. D. Yirginia Carolorum. The Colony under reign of Charles 1st and 2d, 1625-1685. Albany, 1886. Netherlands: Barrett, M. William the Silent and the Netherland War. Phila¬ delphia, 1831. Gratton, T. A. History of the Netherlands. Philadelphia, 1831. Young, A. Young Folks’ History of the Netherlands. Boston, 1887. See Holland. Nevada. Adams, Gov. J. W. Message, Dec. 1886. n. p., n. d., pam. 19 146 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Nevada. Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly, 1883. Carson City, 1883. Gazetteer, 1884. See Colorado. Journal of the Assembly, 1883. Carson City, 1883. Journal of the Senate, 1883. Carson City, 1883. Law, Statute: Code of Procedure, 1871. Omaha, 1871. General Statutes, 1861-1885. Carson City, 1885. Land Laws and Rules of Land Office, n. p.,n. d., pam. Statutes, 1883-1889. Carson City, 1883-89. Supreme Court Reports: Bicknell, C. F., and Hawley, T. P. Yol. 17-19. Carson City* . 1883-88. State Librarian, Report, 1887-8. n. p., n. d., pam. Stevenson, Gov. C. C. Inaugural Address, Jan., 1887. n. p., n. d., pam. Message, Jan., 1889. n. p., n. d., pam. Surveyor General and Register of Land Office, Report, 1879-80, 1885-6. Carson City, 1881-6, pams. New, A. Types from Spanish Story. New York, 1884. New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York. n. p., n. d. New Atmosphere. A. Dodge. (Gail Hamilton.) Boston, 1864. New England. Account of Late Revolution in. n. p., n. d., pam. See Old South Leaflets. Branch of American Tract Society, Report, 1867. Boston, 1867, pam. Canadian French in. Boston, 1882. Catalogue of department of Manufacturers and Mechanics’ Institute. New York, 1883. De Costa, B. F. The Lost City of New England, n. p., n. d., pam. Green, S. A. Early appearance of Northern Lights in New Eng- land u p ]2 d Historical and Genealogical Register. Yols. 13-39, 1859-1885. Boston, 1881-85. Historic Genealogical Society, Proceedings, Jan. 2, 1889. Boston, 1889. Hospital for Women and Children, history and description, 1865- 1869. Boston, 1875-76, pam. Hubbard’s Map of New England. See Mass. Historical Society. Mather, Increase. Account of Miseries of New England, n. p., n. d., pam. See Old South Leaflets. Robbins, T. Historical Yiew of first Planters of New England. Hartford, 1843. Robinson, H. H. Early Factory Labor in New England. Boston, 1889. * Titcomb, S. E. Early New England People. Boston, 1882. Tract Society, Report, 1820. t. p. w., pam. New English Canaan, Observations on Prince Society’s edition. B F. De Costa. New York, 1883. New Hampshire. Amherst College. Catalogue, 1887-8. Amherst, 1887. CATALOGUE. 147 New Hampshire. Amherst College. Circular and Programme, 1887. Amherst, 1887, pam. Annual Reports, 1883-1888. Concord and Manchester, 1883-88. Brookline. Sawtelle, J. B. Oration Centennial Celebration, 1869. Fitch¬ burg, 1869, pam. Concord. Bouton, N. Semi-centennial discourse on growth and devel¬ opment of Concord, 1875. Concord, 1875, pam. Growth and development of Concord, 1875. Concord, 1875, pam. Goodell, Gov. D. H. Message to Legislature, June, 1889. Man¬ chester, 1889. Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1889. Manchester, 1889. Journal of the House, 1829, 1832, 1883-1887. Concord and Man¬ chester, 1829-1887. Index to House Journals, 1711-1775. Manchester, 1890. Journal of the Senate, 1814, 1844, 1883-1889. Concord and Man- cliGstcr 1814_1889 Holmes, O. W. Address, May 30, 1884, “Dead Yet Living.” Bos¬ ton, 1884, pam. Law, Statute: Laws, 1818, 1820, 1832-1834; 1883-1889. Concord and Man¬ chester, 1833-89. Index to Laws, 1679-1883. Manchester, 1886. Revised Statutes, 1842. Concord, 1851. Supreme Court Reports: Jenks, E. A. Yol. 58. Concord, 1883. Ladd, W. S. Yols. 59-64. Concord, 1884-88. Publication of Early State and Province Papers, Report of Com¬ mittee, 1887-1890. Concord, 1890. Sawyer, Gov. C. H. Message, Jan., 1887. Manchester, 1887, pam. Thompson, S. M. 13th Regiment, New Hampshire Yolunteers, 1861-65. New York, 1890. New Home, A.—Who’ll Follow? C. M. Kirkland (M. Clavers). 4th edition. New York, 1850. New Jersey. Abbett, Gov. L. Message, Jan., 1887. Trenton, 1887. Archives. Yols. 5-10, 1st Series, 1751-1767. Newark, 1882-85. General Index to first 10 vols. F. W. Ricord, Comp. Newark, 1888. Board of Trustees New Jersey College, By-Laws, 1881. Newark, n. d., pam. Centenary Collegiate Institute, Catalogue, 1875-76. Hackettstown, 1876. Demarest, D. D. Huguenots on the Hackensack. New Brunswick, 1886, pam. East Jersey. Proprietors’ Release of Quit Claim to Trustees of Bergen, Oct. 5, 1809 (copy). Newark, 1886, pam. Elizabeth. 1st Presbyterian Church, statement, 1888-89. n. p., n. d., pam. Elmer, L. Q. C. Constitution and Government of New Jersey. Newark, 1872. 148 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. New Jersey. Frelinghuysen, F. T. Speech before United States Senate, Jan., 13, 1874, on Specie Payment. Washington, 1874, pam. Speech before United States Senate, April 14, 1874, on Lousiana. Washington, 1874, pam. Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1885. Detroit, 1885. Geological Survey. Final Report State Geologist. Yol. 1. Trenton, 1888. Hageman, J. F. Life, character and services of F. T. Frelinghuy- sen. Newark, 1886, pam. Historical Collections: Yol. 1. 2d edition, revised and enlarged, n. p., 1875. Yol. 2. Duer, W. H. Life of Alexander, Earl of Stirling. n. p., 1847. • Yol. 4. Papers of Gov. Lewis Morris, 1738-1746. New York, 1882. Yols. 5, 6, 7. Newark, 1858-66. Constitution and By-Laws. Newark, 1870, pam. Proceedings. Yols. 3-10, 1848-66. Newark, 1849-66. Series 2, 10 vols., 1867-88. Newark, 1869-88. Index of House and Assembly Members, corrected, 1886. n. p., n. d. Jersey City. Weart, J. Untaxed Property in Jersey City. Jersey City, 1873, pam. Journal of the Assembly, 1882-88. Elizabeth, etc., 1882-88. Journal of the Senate, 1882-83. Newark, etc., 1882-88. Law, Statute: Law of Public Bridges, summary. Paterson, 1882. Laws, 1823, 1883-1888. Trenton and Camden, 1823-88. Supplement to Revised Statutes, 1877-1886. Jersey City, 1887. Reports, Digests: Law and Equity. Hartshorn, C. Law, vols. 1-45; Equity, vols. 1-37. Jersey City, 1885. Stewart, J. H. Law and Equity, 1876-1887, vol. 3. Jersey City, 1887. ■ Equity. Stewart, J. H. Yols. 35-44. Trenton, 1882-89. Supreme Court: Yroom, G. D. W. Yols. 44-50. Trenton, 1882-89. Text Books: Dickinson, S. M. Practice of Probate Courts of New Jersey. Jersey City, 1884. Legislative Committee appointed to investigate charges against H. C. Kelsey, 1878, Minority Report, n. p., n. d., pam. Legislative Documents, 1882-1888. Elizabeth, etc., 1882-88. Legislative Manuals, 1886-1889. Trenton, n. d. Light Artillery, 24th Independent Battery, records. Perry, 1870. McClellan, Gov. G. B. Message, Jan., 1881 (in German). Newark, 1881, pam. : Masons. Proceedings Grand Council Royal and Select Masters, 1885. Taunton, 1885, pam. CATALOGUE. 149 New Jersey. Medical Reporter, Nov., 1854, Sept., 1857, Feb. 12, 19, 20, 1859. Burlington and Philadelphia, 1854-59. Newark: Academy Catalogues, 1863-4, 1881-1885, 1887. Newark, n. d., pams. Aqueduct Board, Report, 1884-5. Newark, 1886. Childrens’ Aid Society and Boys’ Lodging House, synopsis of origin and work, 1868-1886. n. p., n. d., pam. Church Almanac, 1880. Newark, n. d., pam. Comptroller, Commissioner of Sinking Fund, and Treasurer, Reports, 1886. Newark, 1887. German Theological School, Catalogue, 1870,1882-1885. Bloom¬ field, 1885, pam. Haynes, Mayor J. E. Message to Common Council, Jan., 1889. Newark, 1889. Library Association, Report, 1888. Newark, 1888. Mount Pleasant Cemetery, incorporated 1844. Charter, etc. Newark, 1875, pam. Old Burying Ground, History, as contained in case of Attorney General of New Jersey, and Newark, 1888. Newark, 1888. Presbyterian Women’s Board of Foreign Missions, Report, 1887. Newark, 1887. Presbyterian Church. Brown, A. A. Historical Sketch of New Jersey Synod, 1888. Philadelphia, 1888. Prime, S. I. Sketch of life and character of William A. White- head. n. p., n. d., pam. Pym, H. B. History of 1st New Jersey Cavalry. Trenton, 1871. Reform School, Reports, 1877-1879. Trenton, 1877-79, pam. State Librarians, Reports, 1887-1888. Trenton, 1887-88. Trenton. Rutger Scientific School, Report, 1872,1880. Trenton, 1872-81. Westfield Church Case, Memorial, Petition, etc. Westfield, 1876, pam. Wickes, S. History of Medicine in New Jersey, and of its medical men. Newark, 1879. Newman, J. H. Historical Sketches. 6th edition. London, 1888, 3 vols. New Mausoleum, The. A secure sanitary sepulchre, n. p., n. d., pam. New Mexico. Bandelier, A. F. Kin and Clan. Santa Fe, 1882, pam. Gazetteer, 1884. See Colorado. Law, Statute: Acts, 1869-76, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1887. Santa Fe, 1885-87. Compiled Laws, 1884. Santa Fe, 1885. Local and Special Laws, 1884. Santa Fe, 1885. Supreme Court Reports: Gildersleeve, C. H. Yol. 2. Chicago, 1883. Historical Society: Bandelier, A. F. Kin and Clan. Santa Fe, 1882, pam. Ritch, W. G. Inaugural Address, charter, etc. of Society. Santa Fe, 1881, pam. 150 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. ^sgw Mexico. Journal of Council and House, 1882, 1884. Santa Fe, 1882-84. Rich, W. G. “Aztlan,” recources, etc., of New Mexico. 6th edition. Boston, 1885. Illustrated New Mexico. 4th edition, n. p., 1883. See Bancroft’s History of Pacific States, vol. 10. North Mexican States, vol. 1. New Princeton Review, 1886-1889. New York, n. d. New Process of casting Iron and other metals upon lace etc. E. Outer- bridge. n. p., n. d., pam. New Rig for Ships and other vessels etc. R. B. Forbes. Boston, 1849, pam. New South Investigated. D. A. Straker. Detroit, 1888. New Testament. Revised Edition. New York, 1881. New Timon etc. E. Bulwer. London, 1875. New York City. American Guardian Society, Report, 1859. New York, 1859, pam. Astor Library, Reports, 1882, 1885, 1887-1889. New York, 1882- 90. Barrow Library, Catalogue of Books in. Business Directory, 1885. New York, n. d. Board of Education, Reports, 1854-1856, 1867-1870, 1875, 1877^ 1878, 1882. New York, 1854-82. Children’s Aid Society, Reports, 1856, 1858, 1859,1879. New Y T ork, 1856-79. City Directory, 1885-6. New York, n. d. City Missions and Tract Society, Report, 1875. New York, 1875. Eclectic Medical College, address at 27th Commencement, 1888. New York, 1888. Catalogues, 1883-89. New York, 1883-89. Five Points House of Industry, Facts rebutting assaults upon. New York, 1854, pam. Old Brewery and new mission house of five points. New York, 1854. Outcast Poor, circular of Five Points House of Industry. New York, n. d., pam. Fourth Ward Industrial School Association, Reports, 1855-1857. New York, 1856-58, pams. German Society, Reports, 1883, 1885. New York, 1884-5. Juvenile Asylum, Report, 1856, 1860. New York, 1856-60. Law Reports: Court of Common Pleas. Daly, C. P. Yols. 10-14. New York, 1884-90. Superior Court. Jones, C., Spencer, J. C. Yols. 49-55. Albany, 1884-88. Maimonides Library, I. O. O. B., Report No. 1, 1888. New York, 1889, pam. Mercantile Library, Reports, 1883-4. New York, 1884. Methodist Church, report Ladies’ Home Missionary Society, 1860. New York, 1860, pam. Society for Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents. Union Theological Seminary, catalogues, 1853, 1855-6, 1860-6R 1865-67. New York, 1855-83. CATALOGUE. 151 New York City. University Catalogue, 1889-1890. n. p., n. d., pam. Wilson Industrial School for Girls, Report, 1855. New York, 1855, pam. Winthrop, R. C. Address at unveiling of statue of Daniel Webster, New York, Nov., 1876. Boston, 1876, pam. New York City and Brooklyn Bridge, opening ceremonies, May 24, 1883. Brooklyn, 1883. New York Review, vols. 1-10. New York, 1837-42. New York, State. Albany. Bi-Centennial, Historical Memoirs, 1686-1886. Albany, 1888, pam. Dudley Observatory. Address to citizens of Albany, July 13, 1858, on Recent Proceedings of Trustees. Albany, 1858. Defense of Dr. Gould by scientific council of Dudley Observatory. Albany, 1858. Pruyn, J. Y. L. Letter to Trustees of Dudley Observa¬ tory, Oct. 6, 1858. n. p., 1858. Albany Law Journal. Yols. 28-40. Albany, 1884-89. Young Men’s Association for mutual Improvement, Report, 1882. Albany, 1882, pam. Annual Register, 1830, 1833, 1836. Archives, New York in the Revolution, vol. 1. Albany, 1887. (Yol. 15, N. Y. Docs, relating to Colonial History.) Board of Charities, Reports, 1875-1887. Albany, 1875-87. Report, 1884, on Establishment of State Asylum for indigent Blind, n. p., n. d., pam. Report on County Poor Houses, 1883. n. p., n. d., pam. Report on Out Door Relief, n. p., n. d., pam. Bobin, J. Letters, 1718-1730. Albany, 1872. Boundaries of New York, vol. 2. D. J. Pratt, comp. Albany, 1884. Boundaries between New York and Pennsylvania. Albany, 1886. Brooklyn: Bible Society, Reports, 1883-1884. Brooklyn, 1883-84, pam. Library and Reading Rooms, Bulletins, Nos. 19, 22-26, 1884- 1888. n. p., n. d., pams. Library Reports, 1884-1889. Brooklyn, 1884-9, pam. Pratt Institute Record, vol. 1, No. 1, Oct., 1889. Brooklyn, n. d. Tappan, L. Letter to convention of Evangelical Branches of the Church in Brooklyn, 1866. New York, 1866, pam. Buffalo: General Hospital, By-Laws, 1855. Buffalo, 1856, pam. Historical Society: Certificate of Incorporation, etc. Buffalo, 1875, pam. Hawes, L. W. Buffalo Fifty Y T ears Ago. Buffalo, 1886, pam. Hayes, G. E. Geology of Buffalo. Buffalo, 1869, pam. Norton, C. D. The Old Ferry at the Black Rock. n. p., n. d., pam. Proceedings 1871. Buffalo, 1871, pam. * Publications vol. 2. Buffalo, 1880. Reports, 1885-1889. Buffalo, 1885-89. Semi-Centennial Celebration of Buffalo, 1832-1882. n. p. 1882. 152 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. New York State. Buffalo. Historical Society. Transactions vol. 3. Obsequies of Bed Jacket, Oct., 9,1884. Buffalo, 1885. Wilkeson, J. Manufacture of Iron in Buffalo. Buffalo, 1864, pam. Richmond, A. Free Canal, etc., address before Buffalo Board of Trade, 1878. Buffalo, 1878, pam. Tolls and Transportation. Buffalo, 1877, pam. Canandaigua, Announcement of Brigham Hall Hospital for Insane, 1860. Canandaigua, 1860, pam. Chamber of Commerce, Reports, 1870-1871, 1874-1878. New York, 1871-8. Civil List and Constitutional History of New York. E. A. Werner, 2d edition. Albany, 1888. Colonial History of New York, Documents relating to. Yols. 13, 14, 15. Albany, 1881-87. Columbia College, Circular of School of Library Economy, 1885-6. n. p., n. d., pam. Columbia County History. See American Ancestry. Local series, vol 2. Albany,^ 1887. Cornell, Gov. A. B. Public Papers, 1880-82. Albany, 1882. County Poor Houses, Report, 1882. n. p., n. d., pam. Courtland County: H. C. Goodwin. Pioneer History. New York, 1859. Eclectic College, Announcement and Catalogue, 1886-7. New Y ork, 1886, pam. Miller, C. W. Address, 25th Commencement, 1886. New Y'ork, 1886, pam. Essex County: Watson, YY. Military and Civil History of. Albany, 1869. French, J. H. Historical and Statistical Gazetteer, I860. Syracuse, 1860. Gazetteer, 1872. Albany, 1872. Geological Survey, Natural History: Albany, 1842-1888, Part 3. Part 6, vols. 1-4. Yol. 5, parts 1, 2, in 4 vols. Yols. 6 7. Gerry, E. T., etc. Report on methods of carrying into effect the sentence of death. Albany, 1888. Hill, Gov. D. B. Message, Jan., 1887. Albany, 1887, pam. Historical Society Collections, 1874-1882. New York, 1875-1883. Papers. Boutwell, G. S. Progress of American Independence. New York, 1889, pam. Ellis, G. E. The Opening, use and future of our Domain on this Continent. New York, 1887, pam. Welling, J. C. Land Politics of the United States. New York, 1888, pam. Hoffmann, C. F. Pioneers of New York, 1847. New York, 1848. Holmes, H. A. Correct Arms of New Y T ork State, as established, 1778. Albany, 1882, pam. CATALOGUE. 153 New York, State. Idiot Asylum, Report, 1881, 1884. Albany, 1881-5, pam. Insane Asylum, Report, 1880, 1881, 1886. Albany, 1881 -86. Institute for the Blind, Report, 1879. Albany, 1879, pam. Institute for Deaf Mutes, Report, 1886. Albany, 1887. Kings County. See Long Island. Kollock, H. History of New Y T ork State, Historical, Statistical, etc. New York, 1882. Law , Statute: Codes. Civil Code, 1865. Albany, 1865. Code of Procedure, 1849 and 1851. Albany, 1849-51. Code of Civil Procedure, 1850. Albany, 1850. Code of Civil Procedure, 1877. Albany, 1877. Election Code, 1885. Albany, 1885. Penal Code, 1865. Albany, 1865. Political Code, 1859. Albany, 1860. !Vl i qoa 11 o n pnn c ^ Fish and Game Laws, 1888. Troy, 1888. Laws Relating to Poor, Insane, etc. Rochester, 1881. Railroad Laws, 1882. Albany, 1882. Revisions. Manual of Revised Statutes, 1831. Glens Falls, 1831. Revised Statutes. 3d edition, 1846, 3 vols.; 4th edition, 1852,2 vols.; 7th edition, 1881, 4 vols.; 8th edition, 1889, 4 vols. Albany, 1846-89. Statutes at Large, 1875-80. Yol. 10. Albany, 1882. Law Reports: Digests Indexes Connoly, T. Citations and Table of Cases, 1794-1882. Albany, 1882. Danforth, H. G., Wickes, R. B. Court of Appeals, vols. 1-94. New Y T ork, 1884, 2 vols. Gould, W. Annual, 1882, 1883. Albany, 1883-84. Howard’s Practice, Reports, 1844-1884, 2 vols. Raplage, S. Annotation Pad., Supplements, 1882, 1883. New Y T ork, 1882-3. Wait, W. 3 vols. Albany, 1876-79. Civil Procedure. McCartv, G. H. Y ol. 1. New Y"ork, 1882. Brown, H. H. Yol. 2. New York, 1883. Court, of Appeals : Sickles, H. E. Yols. 88-116. Albany, 1883-90. Court of Common Pleas: See New York City. Practice * Abbott, A. New Cases. Yols. 7-23. New Y r ork, 1880-89. Howard’s Practice. N. S. by Stover, R. M. Yols. 65-67. Albany, 1883-84. Superior Court. See New Y r ork City. Supreme Court Reports: Hun, M. T. Yols. 34-61. Albany, 1882-90. 20 154 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. New York, State. Laic Reports. Surrogate: Demarest, T. F. C. Yols. 1-6. New York, 1883-88. Redfield, A. A. Y r ol. 5. New York, 1882. Connoly, T. Yol. 1. New York, 1890. Text Books: Morill, W. W. Competency and Privilege of AVitnesses under New YYrk Codes. New York, 1886. Legislative Documents: Assembly Documents, 1880-1889. Albany, 1881-89. Journal of Assembly, 1882-1889. Albany, 1882-89. Senate Documents, 1881-1889. Albany, 1881-89. Journal of the Senate, 1881-1889. Albany, 1881-89. Long Island. Bergen, T. G. Register in Alphabetical Order of Early Settlers of Kings County to 1700. New York, 1881. Historical Society. List of Officers and Life Members. Memoirs. Brooklyn, n. d., pam. Yol. 1. Dankers, J., Shryter, P. Journal of a Yoyage to New York, etc., 1679-80. Tr. and ed. by H. C. Murphy. Brooklyn, 1867. Yol. 2. Field, T. AY. Battle of Long Island. Brooklyn, 1869. Yol. 3. Johnston, H. P. Battle of 1776, around New York and Brooklyn. Brooklyn. 1878. Yol. 4. George AYashington and Mount Yernon. Brook¬ lyn, 1889, pam. Proceedings, 1883. Brooklyn, 1883, pam. Proceedings in Memory of J. C. Brevoort, Mrs. U. B. Humphrey, J. Greenwood, A. S. Barnes. Brooklyn,. 1888, pam. Thompson, B. F. History of Long Island from Discovery to Present Time. New Y T ork, 1839. Lord, A. AYoman Suffrage, Argument before Legislature, 1889. Museum of Natural History, Reports, 1879-1882, 1884-1888. Albany, 1879-88. Newton. See Queens County. New York Yeterans Society of Michigan, Roster, No. 2, 1886. n. p. r n. d., pam. New York Review, 1837-1842, 10 vols. New York, 1837-42. Oneida Historical Society. Campbell, D. Historical Fallacies regarding Colonial New York. New York, 1879, pam. Darling, C. AY. New Amsterdam. New Orange, New York, n. p., n. d. Publications No. 5. Tracy, AY., Address, Jan. 13, 1880. New York, 1880, pam. Transactions, 1885-6. Putnam, Gen. R. Journal Kept in Northern New Y r ork during four Campaigns of French and Indian AYar, 1757-1760. Albany, 1886. CATALOGUE. 155 New York, State. Prison Association 1844, 1869, 1872, 1885. New York, 1845. Queens County. Piker, J. Annals of Newton. New York, 1852. Reform School for Girls, Report, 1881-2. New York, 1882. State Charities. Association for Aiding the Poor in their Homes, No. 29, 1882. New York, n. d., pam. State Library Catalogues. Its Supplement to Subject Index, 1872-82. Albany,'1882. Subject Index, Law Library, 1882. Albany, 1883. Reports, 1883-1888. Albany, 1883-9. State Reformatory, Report, 1882-3, 1887. n. p., 1887. University Regents, Reports, 1838, 1881, 1883-1888. Albany, 18 Utica Semi-centennial Celebration, 1882. Utica, 1882. Westminster Park Association of the Thousand Islands. Syracuse, 1878, pam. Women’s Prison Association Report. New York, 1858, pam. Next Door, and other Poems. C. B. Howell. Detroit, 1888. Niagara and Beyond, n. p., 1887. Niagara Falls, Mackinac, etc., via. Michigan Central Railroad, n. p., n. d. Nibelungen Lied. A. G. Foster-Barham. London, 4887. Nineteenth Century. Yols. 1-12, 18-26, 1877-82, 1885-89. Philadelphia, n. d. Ninety-Three. Y. Hugo. London, 1886. Noble Mission of Humane Societies. D. Swing. Chicago, n. d., pam. Nohl, L. Life of Wagner. Tr., G. P. Upton. Chicago, 1884. North, R. Lives of F. North (Baron Guilford), Sir D. North, Rev. J. N. North. New edition. London, 1826, 3 vols. North American Review. Yols. 136-149. New York, 1883-9. North and South America. D. F. Sarmiento. See R. I. Hist. Society. North Carolina: Fowle, Gov. D. G. Inaugural Address, Jan., 1889. Raleigh, 1889, pam. Genth, F. A. Examination of North Carolina Uranium, n. p., n. d., pam. Minerals. Philadelphia, 1879, pam. Law, Statute: Code of 1883, 2 vols. New York, 1883. Laws, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889. Raleigh, 1883-89. Public Laws, 1861-65, and-one of 1859, in 1 vol. n. p., n. d. Supreme Court Reports: Kenan, T. S. Y©ls. 87-91. Raleigh, 1882-84. Davidson, T. F. Yols. 92-102. Raleigh, 1885-89. Orphan Asylum, Report, n. p., n. d., pam. Scales, Gov. A. M. Message, Jan., 1887. Raleigh, 1887. State Librarian, Reports, 1886, 1887. n. p., n. d. University: Historical Sketches, etc, 1789-1889. n. p., 1889. Philanthropic Society, Register of Members, 1795-1886. Raleigh, 1887. Y'oung Men’s Christian Association, Conventions, 1886-1887. Raleigh, 1887, pams. 156 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. North Carolina. Young Men’s Christian Association, Conventions. In North Caro¬ lina, 1857-1888. Ealeigh, 1888. Work of a Year. Ealeigh, 1888. North Mexican States. H. H. Bancroft. 1531-1800. San Francisco, 1883. Northwest Coast of America, 1543-1846. H. H. Bancroft. San Fran¬ cisco, 1884, 2 vols. Northwest Territory. Averill, J. P. Fort Meigs. Toledo, 1886, pam. Coming Centennial, The, 98th Anniversary of Settlement of Ohio and Northwest Territory, April 7, 1886. Marietta, n. d., pam. Commissioners’ Eeport of National Centennial Celebration of first, settlement of Territory Northwest of Ohio river. Marietta, 1888. Columbus, 1889. Cutler, W. P. Ordinance of July 13, 1787, for government of Ter¬ ritory Northwest of Ohio Eiver. Marietta, n. d. Ewing, T. Settlement of Northwest Territory. 2d edition, n. p., n. d., pam. Hinsdale, B. A. The Old Northwest. New York, 1888. Knight, G. W. History and management of Land Grants for Edu¬ cation in Northwest Territory. New York, 1885. Laws, 1791-1801. Philadelphia, Chillicothe and Cincinnati, 1792- 1802. Laws, 1798. Cincinnati, 1798, pam. Statutes, 1788-1833. Cincinnati, 1833-35, 3 vols. Poole, W. F. Early Northwest Territory. New York, 1889. Norton, A. T. Presbyterianism and Home Missions. Philadelphia, n. d., pam. Norton, C. D. Old Ferry at Black Eock. n. p., n. d., pam. Norway. Carlyle, T. Early Kings of Norway, etc. New York, 1875. Welcher, A. Komer, King of Norway, etc. Sacramento, 1885. Notes and Queries (American), vols. 1-5, May, 1888-Sept., 1890. Philadelphia, n. d. Notes and Queries (English), 6th Series. London, 1881-82. Indexes to 1st and 2d Series. London, 1856-62. Notes of a Pianist. G. Gottschalk. Tr. E. E. Peterson. Philadelphia, 1881. Notre Dame, or Bell Eingers of Paris. Victor Hugo. London, 1886. Ober, F. A. Young Folks’ History of Mexico. Boston, 1883. Ocean, waters of, its rivers and currents. L. H. Beebe, n. p., 1884, pam. O’Connell, D. Speeches and public Letters. Ed. M. F. Cusack. Dublin, 1875, 2 vols. Odd Fellows. Soverieign Grand Lodge. Proceedings of annual Communications, 1887. Trenton, 1887. Williams, J. F. Eeminiscences of thirty years membership, St. Paul Lodge, No. 2, I. O. O. F. St. Paul, 1886. O’Flanagan, J. E. Lives of Lord Chancellors and Eegents of Great Seal of Ireland. London, 1870, 2 vols. Ohio. Athens County. Memorial and History of Western Library Asso¬ ciation, 1882. Athens, 1882, pam. CATALOGUE. 157 Ohio. Auditor of State, Reports, 1882-1885. Columbus, 1882-85. Board of Agriculture, Reports, 1882, 1883-1885. Columbus, 1882-5. Board of Charities, Reports, 1884-1886. Columbus, 1885-87. Bolton Public School, Flag presentation, 1889. Cleveland, 1889, pam. V Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1882. Columbus 1882. Cincinnati: Board of Education, Report, 1882-83. Cincinnati, 1883. Carter, A. J. W. Reminiscences of Court and Bar of Cincin¬ nati. Cincinnati, 1880. Chamber of Commerce, Reports, 1882,1883. Cincinnati, 1882-3. Children’s Aid Society, Report, 1862. City Infirmary, Report, 1880. Columbus, 1881. House of Refuge, Reports, 1868, 1880, 1882. Cincinnati, 1868— 82, pams. Lane Theological Seminary, Catalogue, 1871-2, 1877-8. Cin¬ cinnati, 1872-78, pams. Miller, F. M. Cincinnati’s Beginnings. Cincinnati, 1886. Public Library Finding List. Cincinnati, 1884. Public Schools, Reports, 1885, 1887, 1888. Cincinnati, 1885-9. Cleveland. Adelbert College Catalogues, 1882-1884. Hartford, 1883, pam. Protestant Orphan Asylum, Report, 1882. Cleveland, 1883, pam. Workhouse, Report, 1879. Cleveland, 1880. Commissioner of Common Schools, Reports, 1882-1884, 1886. Columbus, 1883-88, pams. Commissioner of Railroads and Telegraphs, Report, 1882. Columbus, 1883. Denison University, Catalogue of Scientific Laboratory, 1885. Greenville, 1885. Eleventh Regiment Infantry, History. Dayton, 1866. Foraker, Gov. J. B., Message, Jan., 1889. Columbus, 1889, pam. On site of Ft. Stephenson, Aug. 1, 1885. n. p., n. d. Forestry Association Proceedings, 1884. Columbus, 1884. Reports, 1885-87. Columbus, 1886-8. Fremont. Proceedings at unveiling of Soldiers’ Monument. Geological Survey. Yols. 4, 5, 6. Columbus, 1882-88. Historical Society: Cutler, AY. P. Ordinance of July 13, 1787, for government of Territory west of Ohio River. Marietta, n. d. Insane Asylum (Longview), Reports, 1880-84, 1887. Cincinnati, 1880-87. Hospital for Insane, Report, 1885. Toledo, n. d., pam. Inspector of Mines, Report, 1883. Columbus, 1884. Institution for the Blind, Report, 1870, 1882. Columbus, 1870-82, pams. Institution for Feeble Minded Youth, Report, 1881. Columbus, [882 Journal of the House, 1883-1884, 1886-1888. Columbus, 1883-8. Journal of the Senate, 1883-1884, 1886-1888. Columbus, 1883-8. 158 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Ohio. Law, Statute: Code, 1853. Columbus, 1853. General and Local Laws, 1816,1819,1832,1833,1835,1883-1888. Columbus, 1820-88. Public Statutes, 1833-1860, 4 vols. Cincinnati, 1853-60. Railroad Laws, 1880. Columbus, 1880. Statutes, 1823. Columbus, 1824. Statutes of Ohio and Northwest Territory, 1788-1833, 3 vols. S. P. Chase, Comp. Cincinnati, 1833-34. State Reports: Citations and Digests. McVey, A. H. Yol. 3, 1873-1881. Supplement. Cleveland, 1882 Bates, C. Yol. 3, 1875-1882. Supplement. Cincinnati, 1883. Beebe, F. N., and Lincoln, A. 1 vol. Cincinnati, 1886. Welch, J. 1 vol. Cincinnati, 1887. State Reports * DeWitt, E. L. Yols. 38-42. Columbus and New York, 1883-5. Okey, G. B. Yols. 43-45. Cincinnati, 1886-88. Text Books : Pleadings, Parties and Forms under the Code. Cincinnati, 1881-82. Lebanon, National Normal University, Catalogue, 1885-7. Lebanon, 1886. National Normal Exponant, No. 9, 1886. Lebanon, 1886, pam. Legislative Manual, 1886-7. Columbus, 1887. Marietta. “The Coming Centennial.” Meeting of Citizens April 7, 1888, to arrange for centennial Celebration of settlement of Ohio and Northwest Territory. Marietta, n. d., pam. See Northwest Territory. Meteorological Bureau, Annual Report, 1887, 1888. Coltimbus, 1888-1889. Monthly Reports, Jan.-Sept., 1889. Columbus, 1889. Norwalk Township, Huron County. History, n. p., 1879. Ohio Soldiers’ Official Register, 1861-1866, vols. 2-5. Cincinnati and Akron, 1886-87. Reform School, Report, 1879. Columbus. 1880. State Library Catalogue, Supplement No. 1, 1875-1882. Columbus, 1882. Librarian’s Report, 1887. Columbus, 1888, pam. Statistics, 1882, 1883,1885-1887. Columbus, 1882-1887. Superintendent of Insurance, Report, 1884, 1887, 1888. Columbus, 1884-88. Toledo. Directory, 1885-86. Detroit, 1885. Public Library Catalogue, 1886. Toledo, 1886. Wayne County History from Pioneers to Present Time. Indian¬ apolis, 1878. White, A. D. Education of the Freedmen. Ithaca, 1882, pam. Plan of Western Reserve University. Ithaca, 1882. O’Keefe, J. See Individual Biography. Old Beacon. Poem. H. B. Carpenter. Boston, 1884. CATALOGUE. 159 Old Court Life in France. F. Elliott. New York, 1877. Old Northwest. B. A. Hinsdale. New York, 1888. Old Paris. C. C. Jackson. London, 1878, 2 vols. Old Red Sandstone. H. Miller. Boston, 1860. Old Regime. C. C. Jackson. London, 1880, 2 vols. Oldroyd, O. H. Lincoln Memorial Album. New York, 1883. Oliver, G. A.. Study of Maria Edgworth. Boston, 1882. Ollier, E. Our British Portrait Painters. London, n. d. Olney, J. M. Complete School Algebra. New York, n. d. Geography. New York, 1835. Opdyke. See Genealogy. O’Neal, B. Bench and Bar of South Carolina. Charleston, 1859, 2 vols. Opening, use and future of our Domain on this continent. G. E. Ellis. New York, 1887, pam. Opium Habit. A. P. Mylert. 3d edition. New York, 1885. Orcutt, S. History of New Milford and Bridgewater, Conn., 1703-1882. Hartford, 1882. Ordinance of July 13, 1787, for government of Territory northwest of Ohio River. W. P. Cutler. Marietta, n. d., pam. Oregon. Bancroft, H. H. History of Oregon, 1834-1888. See Bancroft’s History of Pacific States, vols. 24-25. San Fran¬ cisco, 1886-88, 2 vols. Gazetteer of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, 1884-85. Chicago, 1881. Gray, W. H. History of Oregon, 1792-1849. Portland, 1870. Hines, G. History, condition and prospects of Oregon. Buffalo, 1851. Law, Statute: Annotated Laws, 1887, 2 vols. San Francisco, 1887. Laws, 1882, 1887, 1889. Salem, 1882-89. Supreme Court Digests: Bunnell, G. W. 1 vol. San Francisco, 1888. Curtis, C. J., 1 vol. 1852-1883. Portland, 1883. Deports: Billings, C. B. Yols. 7-8. San Francisco, 1880. Odeneal, T. B. Yols. 9-11. San Francisco, 1881-85. Stratton, J. A. Yols. 12-14. San Francisco, 1886-87. Holmes, W. H. Yols. 15-17. San Francisco, 1888-89. Moody, Z. F. Message, 1886. Salem, 1886, pam. Medical Society, Reports, 1883-1885. Portland, 1883-85. Nash, W. Two Years in Oregon. New York, 1882. Penoyer, Gov. S. Inaugural Address, Jan., 1887. Salem, 1887, pam. Original Sin and the Trinity. N. Appleton. See pam., vol. 278. Oriskany, Aug. 6, 1777. Decisive collision of American Revolution. J. W. DePeyster. New York, 1878, pam. Orne, A. C. Popular errors regarding duration of human Life. n. p., n. d., pam. Orthography, elementary sounds, etc. W. R. Pattengill. Lansing, 1888. Oscar, late king of Sweden and Norway, and the penitentiary Question. London, 1878, pam. Osgood, J. R. The White Mountains. Boston, 1880. 160 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Ostrander, R. C. Civil Government of United States and Michigan. Chicago, 1884. Otis, C. N. Sacred and constructive Art. New York, 1869. Our British Portrait Painters. E. Ollier. London, n. d. Our Campaigns, 1861-64. E. M. Woodward. Philadelphia, 1865. Our Common School System. A. Dodge (Gail Hamilton). Boston, 1880. Our Country. Household history of United States. B. J. Lossing. New York, 1888, 2 vols. Our Familiar Songs and those who made them. H. K. Johnson. New York, 1881. Our Famous Women. E. S. Phelps, etc. Hartford, 1884. Our Journey to the Hebrides. J. and E. R. Pennell. New York, 1889. Our National Executives and their administrations, 1775-1885. New York, 1885. Our Sister Republic; a trip through Mexico, 1869-70. Hartford, 1880. Our Soldier Dead. G. Duffield. n. p., n. d., pam. Our World. M. H. Hall. Boston, 1873. Outerbridge, A. E. Process of casting iron and other metals upon lace r etc. n. p., n. d., pam. Outlines of German Literature. J. Gostwick and R. Harrison. New York, n. d. Outlines of Penology. J. R. Chandler. Philadelphia, 1875, pam. Outposts of large Armies. O. B. Wilcox, n. p., 1881, pam. Outre-mer and Drift wood. H. Longfellow, vol. 1, Prose Works. Boston,, 1886. Overbeck, J. H. See Individual Biography. Overcrowding and Crime, n. p., n. d., pam. Owen, J. J. Santa Clara Valley, resources and climate. San Jose, 1873. Oxford Prize Essays. Oxford, 1830-36, 5 vols. Pabor, W. E. Colorado as an agricultural state. New York, 1883. Pacific States of North America, History of. H. H. Bancroft. San Fran¬ cisco, 1882-90. Vols. 1-3. Central America, 1501-1787. Vols. 4-9. Mexico, 1516-1887. Vols. 10-11. North Mexican States and Texas, 1530-1888. Vol. 12. Arizona and New Mexico, 1530-1888. Vols. 13-18. California, 1542-1859. California Inter Pocula, 1848-1856. California Pastoral, 1769-1848. Vol. 20. Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, 1540-1888. Vol. 21. Utah, 1540-1886. Vols. 22-23. Northwest Coast, 1543-1846. Vols. 24-25. Oregon, 1834-1888. Vol. 27. British Columbia, 1792-1887. Vol. 28. Alaska, 1730-1885. Vols. 31-32. Popular Tribunals. Pacific Coast. Carr, E. S. Patrons of Husbandry on. n. p., n. d., pam. Poultry and Stock Book. Los Angeles, 1884. Rural Press, 1887. Vol. 24. San Francisco, 1887. Page, T. J. La Plata, Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay. New York, 1859. CATALOGUE. 161 Paine, Martin and Mary A. Memoirs of R. T. Paine. New York, 1852. Paine, T. The Crisis, No. 1. n. p., n. d., pam. Oration delivered 1799, commemorative of dissolution of treaties, etc., between France and United States. 2d edition. Boston, 1799, pam. Painters of all Schools. Yiardot, etc. London, 1877. Palmer, A. Oration before Suffolk county, Mass., association Grand Army of the Republic, May 30, 1883. Boston, 1883, pam. Palmer, N. L. Home Life in the Bible. Boston, 1881. Palmer, T. W. Dairy Protection. Washington, 1886, pam. Memorial Day Oration, May 30, 1879. Detroit, n. d., pam. Relation of educated men to the State, n. p., n. d., pam. Universal Suffrage. Washington, 1885, pam. Pamphilus Eusebius. Ecclesiastical History. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1834. Panama Interoceanic Canal. C. Colne, n. p.,n. d., pam. Paradise Lost, for Children. New York, 1841. Paraguay, History of. P. F. X. Charlevoix. Dublin, 1769. Pardoe, J. Citv of the Magyars, or Hungary and her institutions. Lon¬ don, 1840, 3 vols. Louis 14th. New York, 1855, 2 vols. Paris. See France. Paris, Comte de. Civil War in America. Tr. L. F. Tasistro. Yol. 3. Phil¬ adelphia, 1883. Parker, N. H. Kansas and Nebraska Hand Book, 1857-1858. Boston, 1857. Parker, O. T. Fire and Hammer, or Revivals, etc. Boston, 1877. Parker, R. G. Natural Philosophy, n. p., n. d. Parker, S. Journal of an exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains. Boston, 1877. Parkman, F. Some of the reasons against Woman Suffrage, n. p., n. d., pam. Parliamentary History of England, 1066-1803. W. Cobbett. London, 1806-20, 36 vols. See Political Science. Parrey, E. L. Life among the Germans. Boston, n. d. Parsons, C. W. Memoir of Usher Parsons of Providence, R. I., 1788-1868. Providence, 1870. Medical Topography and epidemic diseases of Rhode Island. Philadelphia, 1864, pam. Parsons, Jr., T. Memoirs of T. Parsons, Sr. Boston, 1859. Parsons, U. Battle of Lake Erie. Providence, 1853, pam. Sketches of Officers who were in Battle of Lake Erie. Albany, 1863. pam. Past and present condition of the Insane. A. M. Shew. n. p., n. d.,pam. Patentability of Inventions. H. C. Merwin. Boston, 1883. Patents re-issued. H. Howson, Sr. Philadelphia, 1882. See U. S. Patent Office. Patriarchy, or the Family. J. Harris. Boston, 1858. Pattengill, W. R. Manual of Orthography, etc. Lansing, 1888. Pausch, Capt. G. Journal during the Burgoyne Campaign, 1776. Tr. W. L. Stone. Albany, 1886. Peabody Education Fund. See Education. 21 162 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Peabody, George. See Individual Biography. Peace of Utrecht, 1713-14, and war of Spanish Succession. J. W. Gerard. New York, 1885. Pearson, E. C. Gutenberg and art of Printing. 3d edition. Boston, 1879. Peasant Life in Germany. C. Johnson. 4th edition. New York, 1859. Peckham, J. Gen. Lyon and Missouri in 1861. New York, 1866. Penology. See Crime. Pennell, J. and E. R. Our Journey to the Hebrides. New York, 1887. Pennsylvania. Adjutant General, Report, 1886. Harrisburg, 1886. Auditor General, Report, 1885-6. Harrisburg, 1887. Banks and Saving Institutions, Reports, 1886. New York, 1887. Beaver, Gov. J. H. Message, Jan., 1889. Harrisburg, n. d. Bible Society, Report, 1855. Philadelphia, 1855. Board of Agriculture, Report, 1886. Harrisburg, 1887. Board of Health, Report, No. 26. School Hygiene, n. p., n. d., pam. Board of Public Charities and Commissioner of Lunacy, Report, 1886. Harrisburg, 1887. Chambersburg, Burning of, July 30, 1864. 2d edition. Philadel¬ phia, 1864. College Reports, 1886-7. Harrisburg, 1887. College of Dental Surgery. McQuillen, J. H. Valedictory Address before Class of 1858. Philadelphia, 1859, pam. Common Schools of Pennsylvania, Annual Report of Superintendent, 1852-1853. Harrisburg, 1852-3, pam. Decisions of Superintendent, 1852. Harrisburg, 1853, pam. Controller of Public Schools, 1st district, Report, 1842. Philadel¬ phia, 1842. Convention to propose amendments to State Constitution, 1837. Proceedings and Debates, vols. 9, 10. Harrisburg, 1838. Directors of the Poor and Board of Public Charities, Proceedings, 1877, 1886-87. Lancaster and Pittsburg, 1887-1888, pams. Executive Documents, 1882-1885. Harrisburg, 1882-85. Fish Commissioner’s Report, 1885-6. Harrisburg, 1887. Franklin Institute: American Manufactures, exhibit, Oct.-Nov., 1874. Philadel¬ phia, 1874. Announcements of programme of lectures, 1886-1890. Annual report board of managers, 1887. n. p., n. d., pam. Bulletins. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 6,10, Jan., Sept., Dec., 1889, pams. Committee on Science and Arts, Reports, 1886-87. n. p., n. d., pams., viz: Bilgrim bevel gear cutter. Ives Process of Isochromatic Photography. Outerbridge method of carbonizing fabrics, etc. Phelp’s induction telegraph. Process and furnace for reduction of refractory ores. Ramsey’s car transfer apparatus. Constitution and regulations for government of Committee on Science and Arts. Philadelphia, 1882, pam. Fiftieth anniversary, commencement exercises, 1874. CATALOGUE. 163 Pennsylvania. Franklin Institute: International Electrical Exhibition, 1884. General report of Chairman of Committee on Exhibitions, Philadelphia, 1885. Official Catalogue. Philadelphia, n. d. Reports of Examiners: Philadelphia, 1885, pams. Sections 5, 6, 7. Electric Lamps, etc. Section 10. Steam Boilers. Section 11. Gas Engines. Section 19. Electric Telegraphs. Section 21. Fire and Burglar Alarms. Section 24. Electro-Dental Apparatus. Section 27. Applications of Electricity to Warfare. Section 30. Machinery and Mechanical Appliances. Subject Catalogue, Memorial Library, Sept-Oct. 1884. Philadelphia, 1885. Geology. Annual Reports, 1885. Harrisburg, 1886. Part 1, Pittsburg Coal Region. Part 2, Oil and Gas Region. Part 3, Anthracite Region. Harrisburg. 1887. Part 4, Paint, Iron Ore, etc. Harrisburg, 1888. Grand Atlas Division, 1, Part 1. County Geological Maps, Division 2, Parts 1 and 2. Anthracite Coal Fields, Parts 1 and 2; Division 3. Petroleum and Bituminous Fields, Coal. Division 4, Part 1, South Mountain and Great Valley Typo¬ graphical Maps. Division 5, Part 1. Central and South Eastern Pennsylvania, Maps. Second Geological Survey: A. A. Anthracite Region Reports 1, 2, Southern Anthracite Region, vol. 1, maps: Atlas of Western Middle Anthracite Field. A 2 . Special Report to Legislature on waste in Mining Anthracite, etc., 1881. A 1 , A 2 , B 1 , B 2 . Adams, Franklin, Cumberland County Maps. A. C. Coal Mining, with Atlas. C 3 . Geology of Lancaster County, 1877, 1878-9. C 4 . Geology of Chester County. C 6 . Geology of Philadelphia County and Southern part of Montgomery and Bucks, 1881. C 7 . Bucks and Montgomery Counties. D 8 . Vol. 1, Geology of Lehigh and Northampton Counties, with Atlas; vol. 2, part 1. Geology of South Mountain Belt of Berks County. G 2 . Lycoming and Sullivan Counties, 1877, 1878-89. G 3 . Potter County, 1876-79. G 4 . Part 1, Clinton County; part 2, Special Study of Carboni¬ ferous Strata along west branch of Susquehanna, with maps, 1878. G 5 . Susquehanna and Wayne Counties, with maps, 1880. G ,; . Geology of Pike and Monroe Counties, special survey of Delaware and Lehigh Water Gaps, 1882. .164 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Pennsylvania. Second Geological Survey: G 7 . Geology of the Susquehanna River Region. H 5 . Armstrong County, 1879. H 1 . Jefferson County with Maps, 1880. H 7 . Revision of bituminous coal measure of Clearfield Countv. %/ I \ Oil Regions of Warren, Venango, Clarion and Butler Counties, etc., 1875-79. I 4 . Geological Report of Warren County. K 4 . Report of Monongahela River Region. Part 1. M\ Report of progress in laboratory at Harrisburg, 1879-80. () 2 . Museum Catalogue, Part 2,1878-79-80. P. Description of Coal Flora in carboniferous formations in Pennsylvania and United States, 1880. Description of Coal Flora of Pennsylvania, vol. 3. P 4 Dictionary of Fossils, 1889. Vol. 1, A—M. Harrisburg, 1889. Q 4 Erie and Crawford Counties, 1879. R. McKean County, 1880. Maps and Charts. R. R. Part 2. Township Geology of Elk and Forest Counties. T. Blair County, with Atlas, 1875-77. T 2 Palaeontology of Perry County. T 4 Geology of Center County. V 2 Clarion County, 1879. X. Geological Hand Atlas of 67 Counties of Pennsylvania, 1874AL884. Z. Report of terminal Moraine in Pennsylvania and Western New York. Insane Hospital, Report, 1851-5, 1857. Philadelphia, 1856-8. Inspector of Mines, Report, 1885-1887. Harrisburg, 1885-8. Institute for the Blind, Annual Report, 1883. Harrisburg, 1884, pam. Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, Report 1881-1883. Philadelphia, 1882^. Insurance Commissioner, Report, 1886, 1887-1888. Harrisburg, 1887-8. Journal of the House, 1883-7. Harrisburg, 1883-87. Journal of the Senate, 1883-7. Harrisburg, 1883-87. Law, Statute 4 . Compilations, etc. Charters and Provincial Acts. Philadelphia, 1762, 2 vols. in 1. Purdon, J. Abridgement of Laws, 1700-1811. Phila¬ delphia, 1811. Digests, 1700-1840. 6th edition. G. M. Stroud. Philadelphia, 1841. Digest, 1700-1887. 8th-llth editions. F. C. Brightley. Philadelphia, 1853-87. Laws, 1816, 1847, 1879, 1883-1889. Harrisburg, 1816-89. Miscellaneous: Laws of Public Health, Compendium. Harrisburg, 1888. Laws relating to care of Insane, Compendium. Harrisburg, 1889. CATALOGUE. 165 Pennsylvania. Miscellaneous: School Laws, 1888. Harrisburg, 1888. Supreme Court Digests: Brightley, F. F. Yol. 3, 2 parts, 1877-1889. Philadelphia, 1889. Bawle, W. Yol. 5. Philadelphia, 1885. Reports: Norris, A. W. Yols. 94^96. Philadelphia, 1882-3. Outerbridge, A. A. Yols. 97-110. Philadelphia, New York, Albany, 1883-8. Ammerman, T. Yols. 111-115. New York, 1886-7. Crumrine, B. Yols. 116-127. New York, 1887-90. Text Books : Rhone, B. L. Orphans’ Court Practice. 2d edition. Phila¬ delphia, 1888. Legislative Documents, with Maps, 1882-1889. Harrisburg, 1882-9. Legislative Hand-book (Smull’s), 1879, 1887-1889. Harrisburg, 1879-89. Lunatic Asylum, Report, 1852-1880. Harrisburg, 1852-80. North Bethlehem, Catalogue of Bishopthorpe School, 1874^75. n. p., n. d., pam. Northern Home for Friendless Children, Reports, 1859, 1861, 1866. Philadelphia, 1859-66, pam. Penitentiary, Reports, 1880. Pittsburg, 1881. Philadelphia, Baptist Association, Minutes of 148th Anniversary, Oct., 1855. Philadelphia, 1855, pam. Banquet given by Learned Societies, 1887, in commemoration of signing U. S. Constitution. Philadelphia, 1888. Bible Society, Report, 1859. Philadelphia, 1859, pam. Clinton Street Boarding House, Report, 1878, 1883. Philadel¬ phia, 1878-83. College of Pharmacy, Proceedings Alumni Association, 1883, 1884, 1887, 1889. Philadelphia, 1883-1889. Electrical Conference. Washington, 1886. Free Reading Room, Association of Spring Garden, Report, 1857. Philadelphia, 1857, pam. Hering, R. Future Water Supply of Philadelphia, n. p., n. d., pam. Home for Destitute colored children, Report, 1857. Philadel¬ phia, 1857, pam. House of Refuge, Reports, 1852, 1888. Philadelphia, 1852-84, pams. Ladies’ Aid Society, semi-annual Report. Philadelphia, 1864. Philadelphia: Tjaw r\ prtni't s * Brown, H. C. Yols. 11-13. Philadelphia, 1881-83. Lee, J. G. Homicide and suicide in city and county of Phila¬ delphia, 1871-81. Philadelphia, 1883, pam. Libray Company of Philadelphia. Bulletins, Nos. 11-19, 1883- 1887. n. p., n. d., pams. Merchants’ Fund, anniversary, 1856. Philadelphia, 1856. 166 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Prison Discipline and Philanthropy of Philadelphia, journal, Jan., 1884. Philadelphia, 1884. Sabbath Association, report, 1853. Philadelphia, 1853, pam. South Street Bridge, west approach to. n. p., n. d., pam. Union Benevolent Association, reports, 1856, 1860. Philadel¬ phia, 1856-60, pams. Union School and Children’s Home, reports, 1851, 1853, 1858, 1859. Philadelphia, 1851-59, pams. Yaux, It. Notices of efforts to improve the discipline of Phila¬ delphia Prisons. Philadelphia, 1826. Woman’s Medical College, 25th annual commencement, 1884- 85. Philadelphia, 1884, pam. Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad Company, Report, 1856. Philadelphia, 1856, pam. Presbyterian Church, Minutes of Synod, 1852. Philadelphia, 1852, pam. Scharf, J. T., and Westcott, T. History of Philadelphia from 1609 to 1884. Philadelphia, 1884, 3 vols. Scranton Board of Trade, Report, 1886. Philadelphia, 1886. Secretary of Internal Affairs, Reports, 1886-87. Harrisburg, 1886-7- Soldier’s Home Report, 1886. Harrisburg, 1887. State Librarian’s, Report, 1887-8. Harrisburg, 1889. State Treasurer, Report, 1886. Harrisburg, 1886. State Weather Service, Reports, Oct., Nov., 1887, Jan., Feb., May,. 1888. n. p., n. d., pam. Superintendent of public printing and binding, Report, 1887-8- Harrisburg, 1888, pam. Training School for feeble minded Children, Reports, 1878, 1882,. 1886. West Chester, 1878-86, pam. Wyoming Historical Society. Circular of Inquiry respecting the old academy at Wilkesbarre 1883. Wilkesbarre, 1883, pam. Proceedings and Collections, vol. 1. Wilkesbarre, 1858-84. Yol. 2, Part 1, 1885. Wilkesbarre, 1885. Pensions: Who Entitled to the credit? B. M. Cutcheon. n. p.,n. d., pam. Period of Reformation, 1517-1648. L. Hausser. Tr., Mrs. G. Sturge- New edition. New York, 1885. Periodicals: American Antiquarian. Yols. 1-6, 1878-1884. American Journal of Science and Arts. Yols, 115-136. New Haven, 1878-89. American Meteorological Journal. ' Yols. 1-5, 1884-89. Detroit, n. d. American Naturalist. Yols. 17-22. Philadelphia, 1883-89. American Quarterly Church Review. Yols. 1-22. New York and Philadelphia, 1850-71. Andover Review. Yols. 1-12. Boston, 1884-89. Appleton’s Journal. Yols. 1-15. New York, 1870-76. Art Amateur. Yols. 1-16, 1886-88. New York, n. d. Athenaeum, The. 1833-1884. London, 1833-84. CATALOGUE. 167 Periodicals. Atlantic Monthly. Yols. 51-64. Boston, 1883-89. Ballot Box. Yol. 1. Banker’s Magazine. Yols. 37-43. New York, 1882-89. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. Yols. 1-145. Edinburgh, 1817- 1889. Index. Yols. 1-50. Book Buyer. Yols. 1-4, 1884-1887. New York, n. d. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Yols. 107-120. Boston, 1883-89. Braithwaite’s Retrospect, 1882-1883. New York, 1882-3. Quarterly Epitome. Yols. 1-4. New York, 1880-83. Century Magazine. Yols. 25-38. New York, 1882-89. Christian Unionist. March, April, Aug., Sept. 1865. Detroit, 1865. Christian Word, The. Jan., July, 1861. New York, 1861. Commercial and Financial Chronicle and Hunts’ Merchant’s Maga¬ zine. Yols. 36-49. New York, 1883-89. Continent, The. Yols. 3-6. Philadelphia and New Y r ork, 1883-85. Cornhill Magazine. Yols. 1-58. London, 1860-88. Critic, The. Yols. 3-15. New York, 1883-89. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Quarterly. Yols. 1-2. New York, 1883-4. Dial, The. Yols. 4-10. Chicago, 1884-89. Diplomatic Review (England.) Book 2, Yols. 3-6; Books 4, 5, 6, vols. 14-25. London, 1881-83. See Free Press. Eclectic Magazine. Yols. 3, 4, 6, 12, 17, 19-22, 26, 30-36, 42, 44, 45, 49, 50, 54,100-113. New York, 1844-89. Edinburgh Review. Yols. 157-170. London, 1883-89. Essex Institute Bulletins, vols. 13-20, 1881-1889. Salem, 1882-9. Foreign Review and Continental Miscellany, 1828-30. London, 1828-30, 5 vols. Forum, The. Yols. 1-7, 1886-1889. New York, n. d. Franklin Institute Journal, vols. 120-128. Philadelphia, 1885-88. Free Press, (England) vols. 7-13, 1859-60. n. p., 1859-60. See Diplomatic Review. Galaxy, The. Yols. 1-24. New York, 1866-77. Grand Army Review, vols. 1, 2, 1885-87. n. p., n. d. Harper’s Magazine, vols. 66-79. New York, 1882-89. Index, vols. 1-70, 1850-1885. New York, 1886. Household Words, 19 vols. London, 1850-59. Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine, 43 vols., 1839-1860. New York, 1839- 60. International Review, vol. 14. n. d., n. p. Knickerbocker Magazine, vols. 26-32. New York, 1845-48. Library Journal, vols. 8-13. New York, 1883-89. Library Notes, vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, June, 1886-March, 1887. Boston, n. d. Lippincott’s Magazine, vols. 1-44. Philadelphia, 1868-89. Literary and Philosophical Repertory, vols. 1, 2, 1812-1817. Mid- dlebury, n. d. Literary Era, vols. 1, 2. Philadelphia, 1883. Literary News, vols. 5-9. n. s. New York, 1884-9. Literary World, vols. 14-20. Boston, 1883-89. 168 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Periodicals Littell’s Living Age. Yols. 156-188. Boston, 1883-89. Index, Yol. 1 to Yols. 1-100. Philadelphia, 1884-1890. London Beview, Yol. 1. London, 1835. Magazine of American History. Yols. 9-22. New York, 1883-89. Magazine of Art. Yols. 8-11, 1885-1888. New York, 1885-8. Magazine of Western History. Yols. 1-10, 1884-1889. Cleveland, n. d. Manhattan. Yols 1-4. New York, 1883-84. Manifesto, The. Yols. 1L-20, 1884-90. Shaker Yillage, 1886. Medical Independent, Dec., 1856, March, Nov., 1857. Detroit, 1856-57. Medical Journal and Independent, April, 1859, Feb., 1860. Detroit, 1859-60. Medical Journal and Monthly Review of Buffalo, Dec., 1855. Buf¬ falo, 1855. Medical Reformer, Dec., 1845. Cincinnati, 1845. Medical Reporter of New Jersey, Nov., 1854, Sept., 1857, Feb., 1859. Burlington and Philadelphia, 1854-59. Monograph The. Essays, vol. 1, Nos. 1-50. Bangor, 1883. Monthly Reference List to Books and Periodicals, vol 4. New York, 1884. Nation, The, vols. 38-47. New York, 1884-88. New Princeton Review, 1886-1889. New York, n. d. New York Review, vols. 1-10. New Y r ork, 1837-42. Nineteenth Century, vols. 1-27, 1877-90 Philadelphia, n. d. North American Review, vols. 136-149. New York, 1883-89. Notes and Queries (American), vols. 1-5, May, 1888-Sept., 1890. Philadelphia, n. d. Notes and Queries (English), 6th Series. London, 1881-82. General Index, 1st and 2d Series. London, 1856-62, 2 vols. Political Science Quarterly, vols. 1-4. Boston, 1886-9. Polyclinic, The, vols. 4, 5, 1886-1888. Philadelphia, n. d. Popular Science Monthly, vols. 22-35. New York, 1883-89. Index, 1872-82. New York, 1883. Supplement, vols. 1-20 in 3 vols. New York, 1878. Potters’ American Monthly, vols. 18-19. Philadelphia, 1882. Princeton Review. 1883-84. New York, 1883-4. Public Opinion. Yols. 1-7, 1886-90. Washington, n. d. Publisher’s Weekly. Yols. 23-36. New York, 1883-89. Putnam’s Magazine. Yols. 1, 2, 6, 7, 10. New York, 1852-57. Quarterly Review. Yols. 1-168. London, 1809-89. Radical, The. Yols. 1-10, 1865-1872. Boston, 1865-72. Railroad and Engineering Journal. Yols. 61-63, 1887-89. New York, n. d. Republic, The. Yols. 6-9. Washington, 1882-89. Revolution, The. 1868-70, 6 vols. New York, 1868-70. Scientific American. Yols. 58-60, 1888-89. New Y r ork, n. d. Architect and Builders’ Edition. Yols. 1-8. Supplement. Yols. 1-27, 1877-89. Scribner’s Magazine. Yols. 1-6, 1887-89. New Y T ork, n. d. Sunday Magazine, 1865-1888. London, 1865-88. CATALOGUE. 169 Periodicals. Technic, The. 1889. O. S., No. 5; N. S., No. 2. n. p., n. d. Tinsley’s Magazine. Yols. 1-39, 1867-1886. London, n. d. United Service, The. Yols. 8-13, 1883-1885; N. S., Yols. 1, 2, 1889. Philadelphia, 1883-89. Yeteran, The. Yol. 1. Lansing, 1883-84. Westminster Review. Yols. 1-121. London, 1824-84. See Indexes. Permanent Exhibition of Manufactures and products of soil and mines of United States, to be opened at Rome, Italy, Nov. 1, 1885. Rome, n. d., pam. Perkins, J. B. France Under Mazarin. New York, 1886, 2 vols. Perry, A. Memorial of Zachariah Allen. Cambridge, 1883. Perry, K. A. Old Burying Ground at Fairfield, account of rebuilding of Tombs, 1881. Hartford, 1882. Pettinger, J. B. Responsibility of Society for causes of Crime. New York, n. d. Phelps, E. J. Life of S. Prentiss. Montpelier, 1883, pam. Phelps, E. S., Etc. Our Famous Women. Hartford, 1884. Phelps, R. H. History of Newgate at Simsbury, now East Granby, Albany, 1860. Philbrick, J. L>. City School System in United States. See Education. Phillip, R. Eternity Realized. 2d Am. edition. Boston, 1835. Phillips, C. Recollections of Curran and some of his Cotemporaries. New York, 1818. Phillips, W. Oration, delivered at “Old South Meeting House,” June 14, 1876, rev. edition. Boston, 1884, pam. Sir Henry Yane. n. p., n. d., pam. Phillips, W. A. Labor, Land and Law. New York, 1886. Philosophy. Bascomb, J. Problems in Philosophy. New York, 1882. Butler, W. A. Lectures on history of ancient Philosophy. Phila¬ delphia, 1857, 2 vols. Campbell, G. Philosophy of Rhetoric. Rev. edition. New York, 1881. Morris, G. S. Hegel’s Philosophy of the State, etc, Chicago, 1887. Porter, N. Kant’s Ethics. Chicago, 1886. Photography. Carbutt, J. Substitute for Glass as a support for Gelatine Bromide of Silver for use in Photography, n. p., n. d., pam. Hines, C. F. Amateur Photography in its educational relations. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Ives, F. E. Heat-Photography, n. p., n. d., pam. Physical Training in American Colleges and Universities. E. M. Hart¬ well. Washington. Physics. Parker, R. G. Natural Philosophy, n. p., n. d. Physiology. Landois, L., Stirling, W. Text Book of Human Physiology. Phila¬ delphia, 1886. Piatt, L. K. Belle Smith Abroad. New YY>rk, 1855. 22 170 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Piccolomini. J. C. F. Yon Schiller. New York, 1888. Pickings from the Picayune. Philadelphia, 1846. Pictorial Book of Anecdotes of American Rebellion. F. Kirkland. Hills¬ dale, 1887. Pictures by Italian Masters. W. B. Scott. London, n. d. Pictures from German Fatherland. S. G. Green. London, n. d. Picturesque Ireland. J. D. Savage. New York, n. d. Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant and part of France, 1789. S. Ireland. London, 1796, 2 vols. Picturesque Washington. J. W. Moore. Providence, 1884. Pigeons and the Pigeon Fancy. W. G. Barton, n. p., n. d., pam. Pilgrim Fathers’ arrival in Cape Cod Harbor, from Bradford’s Journal. E. Everett, n. p., n. d., pam. Pillsbury, B. The Church as it is or the forlorn hope of Slavery. 2d edition. Concord, 1885. Pioneers in settlement of America, Florida, 1510, California, 1849. W. A. Crafts. Cincinnati, n. d., 2 vols. Pitt, Wm. (Lord Chatham) Speech, 1775. n. p., n. d., pam. Placing Out Children in the West. H. H. Hart. n. p., n. d., pam. Platform Echoes. J. B. Gough. Hartford, 1886. Plea and Plan for Church Unity. F. A. Granger. Buffalo, 1889. Plurality of Worlds. E. Hitchcock. Boston, 1885. Poems and Ballads. H. Heine. Tr., E. Lazarus. New York, 1881. Poems and Ballads. A. C. Swinburne. New York, 1887. Poetical Quotations. S. J. Hale. Philadelphia, 1883. Poetical Quotations. J. T. Watson. Philadelphia, n. d. Poetry. Aldrich, T. B. Poems. Boston, 1882. Bickersteth, E. H. Yesterday, Today and Forever. New Y T ork, 1877. Bohn, H. G. Dictionary of Quotations from English Poets. 3d edition. London, 1882. Bowring, J. Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. London, 1824. Batavian Anthology; Specimens of Dutch Poets, etc., to end of 17th Century. London, 1824. Cheskian Anthology; Poetical Literature of Bohemia. Lon¬ don, 1832. Matins and Vespers, etc. 2d edition, rev. London, 1824. Servian Popular Poetry. London, 1827. Specimens of Polish Poets, with notes on literature of Poland. London, 1827. Specimens of Russian Poets. 2d edition. London, 1821-23, 2 vols. Browning, R. Works. Boston, 1886, 8 vols. Agamemnon, and Dramatic Idyls. Baloustian’s Adventures, Aristophenes, and other poems. Dramas. Dramatic Personae. Ferishtah’s Fancies. Fifine. Inn Album, etc. Men and Women, and Sordello. Ring and the Book. CATALOGUE. 171 Poetry. Bulwer, E. (Lord Lytton). Dramatic Works. London, n. d. King Arthur. London, 1875. New Timon, St. Stephens, etc. London, 1875. Tales of Miletus. London, 1875. Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Poetical Works. Boston, 1882. Cudmore, P. Poems and Songs, Satires and Political Bings. 4th edition. Ottawa, n. d. Deutsche Lyrik. Edited by C. A. Buchheim. 6th edition. London r 1886. Doit, J. C. B. Vermont. Boston, 1877. Drayton, M. Complete Works. London, 1876, 3 vols. Dry den, J. Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer, n. p., n. d. Familiar Quotations. J. Bartlett. 8th edition. Boston, 1888. Familiar Words. J. H. Friswell, Comp. 5th edition. London, 1880. Foster, M. H. Excursion among the Poets. Bichmond, n. d. Foster-Barham, A. G. Nibelungen Lied. London, 1887. Goethe, J. W. Von. Faust, Erster Theil. Edited by J. M. Hart. 2d German edition. New T York, 1888. Faust, Tr., B. Taylor. Boston, 1886, 2 vols. in 1. Hermann and Dorothea. Edited by J. M. Hart. 2d German edition. New York, 1886. Gostwick, J. German Poets, memoirs and translations. New York, n. d. Green Mountain Poets. Boston, n. d. Harte, F. B. Poetical Works. Boston, 1885. Heine, H. Poems and Ballads. Tr. E. Lazarus. New York, 1881. Herrick, B. Hesperides and other poems. London, 1869, 2 vols. Heywood, J. Proverbs, 1546. Edited by J. Sharmon. London. 1874. Holmes, O. W. Poetical Works. New edition. Boston, n. d. Howell, C. B. Next Door and other poems. Detroit, 1888. Humbler Poets, The. S. Thompson, Comp. Chicago, 1886. Hymns, Ancient and Modern. New York, n. d. Johnson, H. K. Our Familiar Songs and those who made them. New York, 1881. Lambie, W. Life on the Farm. Ypsilanti, 1883. Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish Ballads. New edition. New York, 1842. McCoy, K. C. Buds and Blossoms. Pontiac, 1886. Morris, W. Story of Sigurd the Volsung and Fall of the Niblungs. 4th edition. Boston, 1887. Mulock, D. M. Poems. Boston, 1880. Poetical Quotations. S. J. Hale. Philadelphia, 1883. Poetical Quotations. J. T. Watson. Philadelphia, n. d. Pope, A. Poetical Works, vols. 2, 3. London, n. d. Vol. 2, Bape of the Lock. Vol. 3, Dunciad. Essay on Man, etc. Procter, E. D. Poems. New York, 1867. Bepresentative German Poets, edited by K. Knortz. New York,. 1885. 172 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Poetry. Ricord, F. W. English Songs from Foreign Tongues. Newark, 1879. Shakespeare, W. Dramatic Works. Hartford, 1836, 2 vols. Swinburne, A. C. Century of Roundels. New York, 1883. Laus Yeneris, and other poems and ballads. New edition. New York, 1887. Mary Stuart, a Tragedy. New York, 1887. Midsummer Holiday. New York, 1884. Poems and Ballads. 2d series. New York, 1887. Studies in Song. New York, 1887. Tristram of Lyonesse, and other poems. London, 1882. White, R. Cross of Monterey. San Francisco, 1882. Wisner, O. T. Hadassah. n. d., n. p., pam. Wither, G. Hymns and Songs of the Church. London, 1832. Wordsworth, W. Poetical Works. Boston, n. d., 3 vols. Poets Bazaar. H. C. Anderson. Boston, n. d. Policy of Early Massachusetts Colonists towards Quakers, etc. H. L. Southwick. Boston, 1885, pam. Political Crime, A. History of a great Fraud. A. M. Gibson. New York, 1885. Political Economy: Ammidown. E. H. Protection, n. p., n. d., pam. Barns, W. E. Labor Problem. New York, 1886. Belt, W. Wool, should it be protected? New York, n. d., pam. Bowen, F. American Political Economy. New York, 1887. Brock, K. Land and Individualism, plea for area taxation. Phila¬ delphia, 1887, pam. Brown, T. E. Studies in Modern Socialism and labor problems. New York, 1886. Byles, J. B. Sophism of Free Trade and popular Political Economy examined. 1st American from 9th English edition. Man¬ chester, 1884. Cairnes, J. E. Leading Principles of Political Economy. Newly expounded. New York, n. d. Campbell, M. D. Evils of Free Trade, n. p., n. d., pam. Cary, H. C. Principles of Social Science. Philadelphia, 1883, 3 vols. Cook, W. H. Trusts, recent Combinatians in Trade. 2d. edition. New York, 1888. Donnell, E. Slavery and Protection. Historical review and appeal to workshop and farm. New York, 1882. Wages and Tariff. New York, 1834, pam. Dudley, T. H. Farmers and the Tariff, n. p., n. d., pam. Ely, R. T. Taxation in American States and Cities. New York, n. d. Flax: Shall it be protected? Boston, 1888. Frye, W. P. Protection against Free Trade, n. p., n. d., pam. Furber, H. W. Which, Protection, Free Trade, or Revenue Reform? Tecumseh, 1888. George, H. Protection, or Free Trade. New York, 1886. Greeley, H. Essays on Political Economy. Philadelphia, n. d. Harriman, G. D. Protection vs. Free Trade, 1783-1888. New York, n. d. CATALOGUE. 173 Political Economy. Hartshorn, E. A. Wages, Living, and Tariff. New York, n. d. Hemming, G. D. Advantages ot Protective Tariff to Labor and Industries. New York, n. d. Heyl, L. United States Duties on Imports, 1882. Revised and enlarged. Washington, 1882. Howell, G. Conflicts of Capital and Labor. London, 1878. Hoyt H. M. Protection vs. Free Trade. 3d edition, revised. New York, 1886. Internal Taxation, Report, n. p., n. d., pam. Lawrence, W. American Wool Interest, n. p., n. d., pam. Lieber, F. Civil Liberty and Self Government. 2d edition revised. Philadelphia, 1888. Manual of Political Ethics. 2d edition Revised. Philadelphia, 1888. Macleod, H. D. Elements of Economics. New York, 1881, 2 vols. Maine, H. S. Popular Government. New York, 1886. Mason, D. H. Short Tariff History of the United States from earliest to present time, vol. 1, 1783-1789. Chicago, 1884. Medley, G. W. Fair Trade Unmasked. London, n. d. Metropolitan Industrial League, general Tariff revision. New York, 1882 Miller, E. P. Fallacies of Free Trade. 3d edition. New York, 1887. Mulhall, M. C. Dictionary of Statistics. New edition. London, > 1886. Phillips, W. A. Labor, Land, and Law. New York, 1886. Roberts, E. H. Government Revenue, especially the American system. 1st and 2d editions. Boston, 1884-88. Scudder, M. L. The Labor Value Fallacy. 3d edition. Chicago, 1887. Shaw, A. The National Revenues. Chicago, 1888. Sherman, J. Speeches, etc., on Finance and Taxation. New York, 1879. Simons, J. C., etc. Story of Manual Labor in all Lands. Chicago, 1886, Smith, E. P. Manual of Political Economy. Philadelphia, 1877. Tariff of 1883 and Mills Bdl, Rates of Duty, etc. 2d edition. New York, 1888, pam. Taussig, F. W. History of Present Tariff, 1860-1883. New Y T ork, 1885. Thompson, R. C. Political Economy with reference to industrial History of Nations. Philadelphia, n. d. Protection to Home Industry. New York, 1885. Webber, W. L. The Tariff as a Political Question, n. p., n. d., pam. Wellings, J. C. Land Politics of the United States. New York, 1888. Wells, D. A. Primer of Tariff Reform. New Y'ork, 1885, pam. What is Tariff? Whom does it benefit? n. p., n. d., pam. White, G. Political Economy. Easton, 1888. (Reprint, Boston Morning Post, 1883-6.) Workingmen and the Tariff. New Y T ork, n. d., pam. Wright, C. D. Distributive Co-operation. Boston, 1885. 174 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Political History of United States During Rebellion. 3d edition. E. Me Pherson. Washington, 1880. Political History of United States During Reconstruction. 4th edition. E. Me Pherson. Washington, 1882. Political Science. Adams, J. Q. A. Correspondence with citizens of Massachusetts concerning charge of a design to dissolve the Union, etc. Bos¬ ton, 1829. Benton, J. H. Veto Power in the United States. Boston, 1888. Binney, H. Privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus, under the Con¬ stitution. Philadelphia, 1865. Blaine, J. G. Twenty Years of Congress. Norwich, 1886, 2 vols. Boutwell, G. S. Progress of American Independence. New York 1889. Buchanan, James. Messages of. Comp., J. B. Henry. New York, 1888. Business View of Question before us. Boston, 1860, pam. Butler, B. E. Record of. Boston, 1883. Relief to Labor. Washington, 1878, pam. Butterworth, B. Removals and reappointments by Presidents Garfield and Arthur, n. p., n. d., pam. Carnagie, A. Triumphant Democracy. New York, 1886. Carpenter, H. Oration on 107th anniversary of American Inde¬ pendence. Boston, 1883. Chalmers, P. Mr. John Francis of the Athenaeum on the plan of Sir Rowland Hilh London, 1889, pam. Submission of the Sir Rowland Hill Commission, with opinion of the Press on adhesive Postage Stamps. London, 1886. Chaplin, J. Chips from the White House. Boston, 1881. Cleveland, G. Public Papers, 1885-1889. Washington, 1889. Cobbett, W. Parliamentary History of England. 1066-1803. London, 1806-20, 36 vols. Constitutional Meeting at Faneuil Hall, Nov. 26, 1850. Boston 1850, pam. , Cox, S. S. Three Decades of Federal Legislation, 1855-1885. Tecumseh, 1885. Cox, W. R. Classification and compensation of Public Officers. Washington, 1886. Curran, W. H. (Comp.) Speeches of John P. Curran. London, 1819, vol. 3 of works. Clinton, H. L. So-called Saxton Ballot Reform Box, etc. n. p., n. d., pam. Cutcheon, B. M. American System, American Materials, American Labor, American Markets, n. d., n. p., pam. Fitz-John Porter. Speeches on, 1884-1886. Washington, 1884- 6, pams. Pensions, Who entitled to the credit? n. p., n. d., pam. Danfortli, T. Oration on Anniversary of American Independence, 1804. Boston, 1804, pam. Dean, A. British Constitution. Chicago, 1883. Democratic Party, Record, 1860-1865. n. p., n. d., pam. DePeyster, J. W. State Sovereignty, n. p., n. d., pam. CATALOGUE. 175 Political Science. Dix, J. A. Speeches and occasional addresses. New York, 1864, 2 vols. Dutcher, S. Minority or Proportional Representation. New York, 1872. Eliot, S. Speech at Bay State Club, Oct. 12, 1889. Boston, 1889, pam. Flower, F. A. History of the Republican Party. Springfield, 1884. Fox, C. J. Speeches in English House of Commons. London, 1815, 6 vols. Frost, T. G. Legislative control over private Corporations, n. p., n. d., pam. j Garfield, A. Works of. Edited by B. A. Hinsdale. Boston, 1882, 2 vols. Gibson, A. M. A Political Crime. New York, 1885. Gneist, R. English Parliament in its transformations through a thousand years. Tr., R. J. Shee. Boston, 1886. Hamilton, A. Works, Correspondence, etc. Comp., J. C. Hamil¬ ton. New York, 1850-51, 7 vols. Hamilton, J. C. History of United States as traced in writings of Alexander Hamilton. Philadelphia, 1868, 7 vols. Holst, H. Yon. Constutional History of United States, 1846-1859. Tr., J. J. Lalor and P. Shorey. Chicago, 1881-89, 4 vols. Constitutional Law of United States. Tr., A. B. Mason. Chicago, 1887. Inter-State Extradition Conference, 1887. Albany, 1887. Jameson, J. F. Introduction to study of constitutional and political History of the States^ (Johns Hopkins University Studies.) Baltimore, 1886. Jay, John. The great Issue. New York, 1864. Second Letter of, on Dawson’s Introduction to the Federalist. London, 1864. Kelley, W. D., etc. Equality of all men before the law. Boston, 1865, pam King, J. A. Framing the Federal Constitution. New York, 1888. Laboulaye, E. Upon whom rests the guilt of the War? New York, 1863, pam. Lawton, G. W. American Caucus System. New York, 1885. Logan, J. A. The Great Conspiracy. New York, 1886. Loring, C. G. . Reconstruction. Boston, 1866. Lyman, T. Need of independent political action in the present crisis, n. p., n. d., pam. Maclay, W. Sketches of Debate in U. S. Senate, 1789-91. Harris¬ burg, n. d. McPherson, E. Handbook of Politics, 1878,1882-1884. 4th edition. Washington, 1878-84. Political History of United States during Rebellion. 4th edition. Washington, 1882. Political History of United States during Reconstruction. 3d edition. Washington, 1880. * Moody, L. Plain statement to honest Democrats. Boston, 1868, pam. 176 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Political Science. Mortgage Exemption, and taxation of real estate only. H. Winn, Boston, 1889. National Tax Law, 1862. New York, n. d. Ostrander, It. C. Civil Government of United States and Michi¬ gan. Chicago, 1884. Paine, T. Oration delivered, 1799, in commemoration of dissolu¬ tion of Treaties, etc., between France and the United States. 2d edition. Boston, 1799, pam. Palmer, T. W. Dairy Protection. Washington, 1886, pam. Universal Suffrage. Washington, 1885, pam. Phillips, C. Recollections of Curran and some of his co-temporaries. New York, 1818. Platt, 0. H. Reorganization of Patent Office. Washington, 1884. Proceedings of Convention of Delegates from Mass., Conn., R. I., N. H., Yt. at Hartford, Dec. 15, 1814. Hartford, 1815. Question before us. (Slavery.) Boston, 1862, pam. Quincy, Josiah. Remarks on Letter of Hon. Rufus Choate to Whig State Convention of Maine, 1856. n. p., n. d., pam. Speech before Whig State Convention, 1854. Boston, 1854, pam. Quincy, Josiah. Whig Policy analyzed and illustrated. Boston, 1856, pam. Representative Rerform. London, n. d., pam. Richard, H. Papers on the reasonableness of international arbi¬ tration, etc. London, n. d. Sato, S. History of land question in United States. (Johns Hop¬ kins University Studies.) Baltimore, 1886. Schurz, C. Address at Brooklyn, Aug. 5, 1884. n. p., n. d., pam. Schuyler, E. American Diplomacy. New Y 7 ork, 1886. Shattuck, G. O. Argument against a bill to raise tax on premiums of insurance companies, 1882. Boston, 1882, pam. Sheil, R. L. Speeches, with memoir by T. Macnevin. 2d edition. Dublin, 1853. Sherman, J. Reply to President’s message, 1888. Washington, 1888, pam. “Sigma.” The Betterment Law. n. p., n. d., pam. Slocum, H. W. Fitz John Porter. Washington, 1884. pam. Sparks, J. Writings of George Washington. Boston, 1837, 12 vols. Stamwood, E. History of Presidential Elections. Boston, 1884. Stewart, W. M. Money answereth all things.. n. p., n. d., pam. Storrs, E. A. Political oratory of. Edited by J. E. Adams. Chicago, 1888. Stubbs, W. Select Charters, etc., of English Constitutional History. 6th edition. Oxford, 1884. Sumner, C. Letters of Marque and reprisal, n. p., n. d., pam. Our Foreign Relations. New York, 1863. Thomas, B. F. Address at Worcester, Mass., July 4,1876. Worcester, 1876. Thomas, Mr. Confiscation, n. p., n. d., pam. Thomson, R. Historical essay on Magna Charta of King John. London, 1829. Travis, J. Constitutional power of Parliament, etc., under British. North America, Act, 1867. St. John, 1884. CATALOGUE. 177 Political Science. United States Congress. Address to the States, 1782. Hartford, 1783. Walker, It. J. An Appeal for Union, n. p., n. d., pam. Warren, G. K. Findings in Court of Inquiry, etc., in case of. Washington, 1883. Washington, George. Last Official Address, 1783. Hartford, 1783, pam. Webster, D. Speech on the Compromise Bill. n. p., n. d., pam. Wickstead, It. J. Electors’ Political Catechism. Ottawa, 1885. Winthrop, It. C. Oration July 4, 1876, 100th Anniversary of Dec¬ laration of American Independence. Boston, 1876. Wolcott, O. Address on Beport of Committee of United States House of Representatives appointed to report whether moneys drawn from Treasury have been faithfully applied, etc., 1802. Hartford, 1802. Political Science Quarterly, vols. 1-4. Boston, 1886-9. Political, Social and Literary History of Germany to present Day. C. Brewer. London, n. d. Pollard, E. A. Life of Jefferson Davis, with secret history of Southern Confederacy. Philadelphia, 1869. Southern History of the War, 2 vols. in 1. New F ork, 1866. Southern History of the War, 2d and 3d years. New York, 1865, 2 vols. Pollock, F. Reminiscences of W. C. Macready. New York, 1875. Polyclinic, The. Vols. 4, 5, 1886-1888. Philadelphia, n. d. Poole, W. F. Early Northwest. New York, 1889. Poore, B. P. Reminiscences of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis. Philadelphia, n. d., 2 vols. Poorhouse Administration. W. P. Letch worth. n. p., n. d., pam. Pope, A. Poetical Works. London, n. d., 2 vols. Vol. 2. Rape of the Lock. Vol. 3. Duncaid, Essay on Man, etc. Popular Errors regarding duration of life. n. p., n. d.. pam. Popular Government. H. S. Maine. New York, 1886. Popular History of Germany. W. Zimmermann. New York, n. d., 4 vols. Popular Science Monthly, vols. 22-35. New York, 1883-9. Index, 1872-82. New York, 1883. Supplement, vols. 1-2 in 3 vols. New York, 1877-8. Porter, Fitz-John. Speech on. B. M. Cutcheon, 1884. n. p., n. d., pam. Porter, J. W. See Genealogy. Porter, M. Kant’s Ethics. Chicago, 1886. Porter, N. Life of J. E. Sheffield, n. p., n. d., pam. Porter, R. See Genealogy. Porter, R. B. The West, from U. S. Census, 1880. Chicago, 1882. Portraits of Celebrated Women of the Day, etc. C. A. St. Beuve. Tr., H. W. Preston. Boston, 1880. Potter’s American Monthly, vols. 18, 19. Philadelphia, 1882. Praise of Folly, etc. Erasmus. London, 1876. Pratt, F. Increase of Insanity in United States. Kalamazoo, 1883, pam. Pratt Family. See Genealogy. Pray, Jr., T. The Cotton Fibre. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. 23 178 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY Pre-Aclamite Earth. J. Harris. Boston, 1847. Pre-Historic Man. P. B. Perkins. San Francisco, 1883, pain. Prentiss, S. A. See Individual Biography. Presbyterian Church, Benevolent Work. New York, 1873, pam. Board of Education, annual Beports, 1872, 1875, 1878, 1879. Phila¬ delphia, 1872-79, pam. Board of Foreign Missions, Reports, 1875, 1880. New York, 1875- 1880. Board of Home Missions, Reports, 1863, pam., 1869, 1880. New York, 1863-80. Church Erection fund, Reports of Trustees, 1859, 1865, 1869, 1878. New York, 1859-78. General Assembly, action upon Foreign Missions, 1870. n. p., 1870, pam. Annual Reports, 1872, 1875, 1879, 1880. Philadelphia, 1872-80, pam. Publication Committee, annual Reports, 1856, 1858-59, 1861-2, 1865-1866, 1868, 1872, 1875, 1877, 1880. Philadelphia, 1856-80. Spirit and Work, Tract. Philadelphia, 1871. Two Presbyterian Assemblies, 1889. New York, n. d. Prescott, H. P. Strong Drink and Tobacco Smoke. London, 1869. Present Crisis, The. J. R. Lowell, n. p., n. d., pam. Presidential Counts of all the elections of Presidents and Vice-Presidents of United States. New York, 1877. Preston, H. W. Biography of A. De Musset. Boston, 1877. Price, E. K. Senator , and Temperance Executive Committee of Phila¬ delphia, Truth Vindicated. Philadelphia, 1854. See pam., vol. 284. Prime, G. W. Memorial to T. W. Lockwood. Detroit, 1866. Prime, S. J. Life of W. A. Whitehead, n. p., n. d., pam. Princess of Java. S. J. Higginson. Boston, 1887. Princeton Review, 1883-1884. New York, 1883-4. Principles of Social Science. H. C. Cary. Philadelphia, 1883, 3 vols. Print Collector. J. Maberly. New York, 1880. Printing. See Gutenberg. Prison Labor Competition. Z. R. Brockway. n. p., 1888. Prison Life of Jefferson Davis. C. J. Craven. New York, 1866. Prisons. Brockway, C. R. Prison Labor Competition, n. p., 1888. Bulletin de la Commission Penitentiare Internationale, No. 28, 1885. Rome, n. d., pam. Chandler, J. R. Outlines of Penology. Philadelphia, 1875, pam. International Prison Congress, meeting, 1884. See U. S. Bureau of Education. Report to Maryland Prisoners’ Aid Association, 1872. Balti¬ more, 1873, pam. Journal of Prison Dicipline and Philanthropy, 1875. Philadelphia, 1875. Prisons of Great Britain, County and Borough. London, 1880, pam. Seymour, H. W. Prison of Infamy, n. p., n. d., pam. Wines, Dr. Oscar 1, Late King of Sweden and Norway, and the Penitentiary Question. London, 1878, pam. CATALOGUE. 179 Privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus under tlie Constitution. H. Binney. Philadelphia, 1865. Problems in Philosophy. J. Bascomb. New York, 1882. Problems of the Northmen. E. N. Horsford. Cambridge, 1877, pam. Problems of State Life. R. R. Meredith. Sermon. Boston, 1883, pam. Procter, E. D. • Poems. New York, 1867. Progress of American Independence. G. S. Boutwell. New York, 1889. Progress of the Church. S. S. Cox. See pam., vol. 277. Prominent Men and Women of the Day. T. W. Herringshaw. Boston, 1888. Protection. E. H. Ammidown. n. p., n. d., pam. Protection against Free Trade. W. P. Frye. n. p., n. d., pam. Protection to Home Industry. R. E. Thompson. New York, 1885. Protection vs. Free Trade. H. George. New York, 1886. Protection vs. Free Trade, 1783-1888. D. G. Harriman. New Y ork, n. d. Protection vs. Free Trade. H. M. Hoyt. 3d edition, rev. New York, 1886. See Political Economy. Protestant Episcopal Church, Journals of General Conventions, 1829, 1844, 1847, 1850, 1857, 1860, 1880-1883. 1886. Philadelphia, and New York, 1829-86. Provision for idiotic and feeble minded children, etc. J. N. Kerlin. n. p., n. d., pam. Prudden, T. P. Christianity and Natural Science. See pam., vol. 279. Prussia. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Prussia. New York, n. d. Hudson, E. H. Life and Times of Louise, Queen of Prussia. 2 vols. 3d edition. London, 1878. Morris, E. E. The Early Hanoverians. New York, 1886. Tuttle, H. History of Prussia to accession of Frederick the Great, 1134-1740. 2d edition. Boston, 1884. History of Prussia under Frederick the Great, 1740-1750. 2 vols. Boston, 1888. Public Health. Butler, H. F. . Ventilation of Buildings, n. p., n. d., pam. Corfield, W. H. Water and Water Supply, n. p., 1875. Foods. See pam., vol. 288. Gerhard, W. P. House Drainage and Sanitary Plumbing. New' York, 1884. Gregg, R. R. Phthisis Pulmonalisor Consumption. Canandaigua, 1859, pam. Hardy, M. H. Preventable Diseases, etc. Cincinnati, 1888. Holmes, H. M. Incineration of the Dead. n. p., 1887, pam. Hygiene. See pam., vol. 288. International Sanitary Convention, Proceedings, 1881. Washing¬ ton, 1881. Leeds, A. R. Purification of Water Supply of Cities, n. p., n. d., pam. Lombard Prize Essay, 1885. 2d edition. Concord, 1886. Michigan Sanitary Conventions, etc. See Michigan. National Conference State Boards of Health, 1887. Columbus, 1888.' Opium and Alcohol. See pam., vol. 284. Overflowed Lands. See pam., vol. 283. ISO MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Public Health. Public Health Association, Papers and Reports, 1879-1885. Boston and Concord, 1880-86. Rafter, G. W. Mechanics of Ventilation. New York, 1878. Sanitary Conventions. See Michigan. Sewerage. See pam., vol. 283. Schumann, F. Heating and Ventilation. New York, 1886. Smith, I. F. Influence of sewerage and water supply on death rates in cities. Lansing, n. d., pam. Thomas, J. P. Cremation of sewerage. n. p., n. d., pam. Ventilation. See pam., vol. 283. Verona, A. D. Sewer Gases, etc. New York, 1882. Von Pettenkofer, M. Does Hygiene pay? Chicago, 1885, pam. Waring, G. E. Sanitary condition of city and country houses. New York, 1877. Water Supply. See pam., vol. 283. Western Sanitary Convention, report, 1863. St. Louis, 1863, pam. Wilkinson, G. Our social health. Boston, 1865, pam. See pam., vols. 283, 284, 285, 288. Public Opinion, vols. 1-8, 1886-90. Washington, n. d. Publishers’ Weekly, vols. 23-36. New York, 1883-9. Puritan Settlers of Connecticut. See Genealogy. Putnam, C. E. See Iowa. Putnam, E. C. Girls in penal institutions, n. p., n. d., pam. Putnam, Israel. History of equestrian statue of, at Brookline, Conn. Hartford, 1888. Putnam’s Magazine, vols, 1, 2, 6, 7, 10. New York, 1852-7. Quain, R. Dictionary of Medicine. New York, 1883. Quarterly Review, vols. 1-168. London, 1809-1889. Quartre Bras, Ligny and Waterloo, 1815. D. Gardner. New York, 1887. Queenly Women, crowned and uncrowned. S. W. Williams. Cincinnati, n. d. Question before us (Slavery). Boston, 1862, pam. Quicksilver. Abstracts from Mineral Resources of United States, 1883-84. Washington, 1885. Quincy, J. Address at 200tli Anniversary of Founding of Boston, 1830. n. p., n. d., pam. Dedication of statue of, Oct. 11, 1879. n. p., 1879. Memory of James Graham vindicated from charges preferred against him by George Bancroft. Boston, 1846. Nature and power of Slave Trade, etc. Hartford, 1833, pam. Remarks on Letter of Hon. R. Choate to Whig Convention, 1854. Boston, 1854, pam. Speech before Mass. Whig Convention, 1854. Boston, 1854, pam. Whig Policy analyzed and illustrated. Boston, 1856, pam. Quotations. Adams, W. D. Quips and Quidities. London, 1881. Bartlett, J. Familiar Quotations. 8th edition. Boston, 1888. Bent, S. H._ Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men. 0th edition. Boston, n. d. / • Bohn, H. G. Dictionary of Quotations from English Poets. 3d edition. London, 1882. CATALOGUE. 181 Quotations. Friswell, J. H. Familiar Words. 5th edition. London, 1880. Hale, S. J. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. Philadelphia, 1883. Handy Book, of Quotations, or Who wrote it? New York, 1881. Hoyt, J. B., Ward, A. L. Cyclopaedia of Practical Quotations. 3d edition. New Y T ork, 1882. Watson, J. T. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. Philadelphia, n. d. Q. P. Indexes. See Indexes. Radical, The. Yols. 1-10, 1865-1872. Boston, 1865-72. Rafter, G. W. Mechanics of Ventilation. New York, 1878. Raikes, G. A. Historical record, First Regiment of Militia or Third West York Light Infantry. London, 1876. History of Honorable Artillery Company of England. London, 1878-9, 2 vols. Railroads. Alexander E. P. Reply to circular No. 19 of Railroad Commission of Alabama. Louisville, 1881, pam. Ammen, D. Certainty of Nicaragua Canal contrasted with uncer¬ tainty of Eads Ship Railway. Washington, n. d., pam. Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company, reports, 1881, 1888. Boston, 1882-89, pam. Bliss, G. Historical Memoir Western Railroad. Springfield, 1863. Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad, report, 1886. Cam¬ bridge, n. d., pam. Cooley, T. M. Popular and Legal Views of Traffic Pooling. Chicago, 1884, pam. Corthell, E. L. Atlantic and Pacific Ship-Railway across the Isth¬ mus of Tehuantepec in Mexico, n. p., 1886. Directory of Railway Officials, 1886, etc. London, n. d. Felt C. W. Our Steam Railways and suburban travel. Boston, 1883, pam. Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation, History and Laws. New York, 1886. Hale, N. Remarks on establishing a Railroad from Boston to the Connecticut River. Boston, 1827, pam. Hudson, J. F. Railways and the Republic. New Y T ork, 1886. Manuals, 1883, 1886, 1889. H. V. Poore, comp. New Y T ork, n. d. Palmer, T. W. Governmental regulation of railroads. Washing¬ ton, 1886, pam. Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad, report, 1856. Philadelphia, 1856, pam. Railway Guide, Capital City of Michigan, 1884. Comp., G. A. Saunders. Lansing, 1884. Relations between Central Pacific Railroad Co., and IT. S. Govern¬ ment, etc. San Francisco, 1889. Union Pacific Railroad, report, 1883. New York, 1884. Wood’s Railroad Guide of Michigan, 1887-1890. n. p., n. d., pam. Worcester and Nashua Railroad, report, 1883. Worcester, n. d. Railroad and Engineering Journal. Vols. 61-63, 1887-89. New York, n. d. Rambaud. A History of Russia. Boston, 1880, 3 vols. Ramie, J. Juvenet. n. p., n. d., pam. Ramie, or China Grass in America. New York, 1884, para. 182 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Ramona. H. H. Jackson. Boston, 1884. Ramsclell, H. G., and Poore, B. P. Lives of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan. Detroit, 1884. Rand, B. Life of Aaron Cleveland. Boston, 1888, pam. Randolph, R. Sober thoughts on staple themes. Philadelphia, 1889. Windfalls. Rev. edition. Philadelphia, 1889. Random Recollections. H. B. Stanton. 2d edition. New York, 1886. Rape of the Lock. Poem. A. Pope. (Vol. 2 of Works.) London, n. d. Rantonl, R. S. History of name and family. See Genealogy. Note on authenticity of portrait of Gov. Endicott. n. p., n. d., pam. Rapid Transit in Cities. L. M. Haupt. n. p., n. d., pam. Rational illustration of Book of Common Prayer of Church of England. C. Wheatley. Oxford, 1846. Raule, W. B. With Gregg in the Gettysburg Campaign. Philadelphia,. 1884. Rawlinson, G. and Hackett, H. B. Historical illustrations of the Old Testament. Chicago, 1880. Rawlinson, H. Historic evidence of truth of Scripture Record. Boston, 1860. Raymond’s vacation excursion, South Mexico, California. Boston, n. d. Reade, Jr., J. M. Historical inquiry concerning Henry Hudson. Albany, 1866. Reavis, L. M. Life of Horace Greeley. New York, 1872. Rebellion and Civil War in England. Edward Hyde. Oxford, 1827. Reconstruction. C. B. Loring. Boston, 1886. Reeve, C. H, True theory of reform with labor as a factor, n. p., n. d., pam. Reformation. Haiisser, L., Period of 1517-1648. Tr., Mrs. C. Sturge. New York, 1885. Reid, H. Biographical Sketch of Enoch Long. Chicago, 1884. Reign of Henry 4th of France. M. W. Freer. London, 1860, 2 vols. Reign of Philip 2d and 3d Kings of Spain. R. Watson and W. Thompson. 1st Am. edition. New York, 1818, 2 vols. Reismann, A. Life and Works of Robert Schumann. London, 1886. Relation of Intelligence to crime. E. AYillits. n. p., n. d., pam. Relation of Educated Men to the State. T. W. Palmer, n. p., n. d., pam. Relation of Education to wealth and morality, pauperism and crime. D. A. Hawkins. Bridgton, 1883, pam. Relation of Intelligence to crime, n. p., n. d., pam. Relief to Labor. B. F. Butler. AYashington, 1878, pam. Religion. See Theology. Religion and Education in a Republic. D. L. Furber. Sermon. Boston, 1881. Religious Souvenir. L. H. Sigourney. New York, n. d. Remains Concerning Britain. AY. Camden (reprint). London, 1876. Remarkable Events in History of America from earliest times to L843. J. Frost. Philadelphia, 1848. Reminiscences of Fredrich Froebel. See Individual Biography. Removals and Appointments by Presidents Garfield and Arthur, n. p., n. d., pam. Remuset, C. E. J. Letters to Husband and Son, 1804-1813. Tr. Mrs. C. Hoey and J. Lillie. New York, 1881. CATALOGUE 183 Reorganization of Patent Office. Washington, 1884. Reporter’s Guide. E. Longley. New edition. Cincinnati, 1886. Representative German Poets. K. Knortz. New York, 1885. Republic, The. Yols. 6-9. Washington, 1882-9. Republican Party. History of. F. A. Flower. Springfield, 1884. Responsibility of Society for causes of Crime. J. B. Pettinger. New York, n. d. Revolution, The. Ed. by S. B. Anthony, and others, 1868-1870. New York, 1868-70, 6 vols. Rhetoric, Philosophy of. G. Campbell. New edition. New York, 1851. Rhine, The. Y. Hugo. New York, 1845. Rhine, The. From source to the Sea. K. *Steiler, and others. London, n. d. Rhode Island. Adjutant General’s, Report, 1862, 1864, 1877. Providence, 1862-77. Adjutant General, Quartermaster General, and Judge Advocate General’s, Reports, 1880-1883. Providence, 1881-84. Bibliography of Rhode Island. Providence, 1864. Board of Charities and Corrections, Report, 1882. Providence, 1883. Board of Health, Report, 1883-1886. Providence, 1885-87. Bourn, Gov. A. O. Message, 1884. Providence, 1884, pam. Census, 1885 (Advance Sheets), n. p., n. d. Commissioner of Inland Fisheries, Reports, 1872, 1873, 1876-1878, 1880-1886. Providence, 1872-84, pams. Commissioner of Insurance, Reports, 1883-4. Providence, 1884. Denison, F. Shot and Shell, or 3d Heavy Artillery Regiment, 1861- 65. Providence, 1879. Eleventh Regiment Yolunteers, History. R. W. Rock. Providence, 1884. Historical Society. Collections, vol. 67. Providence, 1867-85. Papers, Addresses, etc. Allen, G. Defense of Rhode Island System of treatment of Indians. Providence, 1876. Baxter, J. P. Early Yoyages to America. Providence, 1887, pam. Gammell, W. The Huguenots and the Edict of Nantes. Providence, 1886, pam. Gardner, A. B. The Rhode Island Line in the Conti¬ nental Army. Providence, 1886, pam. Parsons, IJ. Battle of Lake Erie. Providence, 1853, pam. Sarmiento, D. F. North and South America. Provi¬ dence, 1866, pam. Proceedings, 1871-79, 1882-1888. Providence, 1882-88. Law , Statute: Laws, 1819, 1822, 1825-27, 1827-28, 1829-31, 1831, 1835, 1837, 1839-40, 1849. Jan., May, June, Oct. Sessions, 1850, 1851, 1854, 1857-59, 1860. May Session, 1859-61, 1864, 1867, 1882-1889. Providence, 1883-89. Law, Supreme Court: Digests. Clapp, W. H. Index Digest, vols. 1-15. Providence, 1889. Reports. Green, A. Yols. 13-14. Boston, 1883-85. 184 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Rhode Island. Legislative Manuals, 1882-1886-7. Providence, 1882-1886. Littlefield, Gov . A. Messages, 1881, 1888. Providence, 1881-3. Newport Historical Society, Report, 1886. Newport, 1886, pam. Redwood Library and Athenaeum, Reports, 1884-88. Newport, 1884-88, pams. Paddleford, S. Gov. Messages, 1871-1873. Providence, 1871-73, pams. Parsons, C. W. Medical Topography and Epidemic Diseases of Rhode Island. Philadelphia, 1864. Providence. Proceedings at Dedication of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument 1871. Providence, 1871, pam. Public Library, Reports, 1882, 1883, 1885. Providence, 1883-6, pams. Monthly Reference List, 4 vols. Providence, 1881-84. Supplement to Finding List, 1882. Providence, 1882. Report of Commissioners on decorations and improvements of Providence County Court House, 1885. Providence, 1885. Report of Ministry at Large in Providence, 1859. Providence, 1859, pam. Public Schools, Reports, 1865, 1868, 1874, 1879-1883. Providence, 1866-84. Registration, Reports, 1856, 1857, 1861-1871, 1873-1877, 1881-1884, 1886. Providence, 1857-87. Second Regiment, History. A. Woodbury. Providence, 1875. Soldiers and Sailors’ Historical Society, personal reminiscences. Providence, 1882-3, pams. 2d Series, No. 1. Brown, S. T. First Cruise of the Montauk. No. 2. Barney, C. H. A Country Boy’s first three months in the Army. No. 3. Chase, P. S. Battery “F,” 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery. No. 4. Avery, W. B. Marine Artillery, with the Burn¬ side Expedition, etc. No. 5. Traver, L. The Battles of Roanoke Island and Elizabeth City. No. 6. Burnside, A. E. The Burnside Expedition. 3d Series, No. 1. Hutchinson, W. F. Life on the Texan Blockade. Third Heavy Artillery Regiment. See Denison, F. Wilson, E. B., Etc. Communication on death of Charles T. Brooks. Newport, 1885. Riano, J. F. Industrial Art in Spain. New York, 1879. Ribot, T. H. German Psychology of Today. Tr., J. M. Baldwin. New York, 1886. Rice, N. P. Trials of a Public Benefactor, as illustrated in discovery of Chloroform. Boston, 1888. Rich, E. Germany and France, Franco-Prussian War. London, 1884, 2 vols. in 1. I Richard, H. Reasonableness of International Arbitration. London, n. d. Richmond, A. Free Canal, etc. Buffalo, 1878, pam. Tolls and Transportation. Buffalo, 1877, pam. CATALOGUE 185 Bicord, F. W. English Songs from Foreign Tongues. Newark, 1879. Bidpath, J. C. Cyclopaedia of Universal History. Cincinnati, n. d., 3vols. Bip Van Winkle’s Dream. D. Dalziel. New York, 1884. Bise and Progress of English Constitution. A. J. Stephens. London, 1838, 2 vols. Bise of the Huguenots. H. M. Baird, London, 1870, 2 vols. Bitch, W. G. Illustrated New Mexico. 4th edition. Santa Fe, 1883. Bobbins, T. Diary of, 1796-1825. Boston, 1886. Boberts, D. Two Boyal Lives (Emperor and Empress of Germany). 7th edition. London, 1889. Boberts, B. E. Sketches of the City of the Straits and vicinity of Detroit, Mich. Detroit, 1884. Bobertson, J. Michigan in the War. 2d edition. Lansing, 1883. Bobinson, H. H. Early factory labor in New England. Boston, 1889. Bobinson, J. C., De Peyster, J. W. Obituary notices of Mctj. Gen. S. P. Heintzelman and Mctj. Gen. J. Hooker, etc. New York, 1881, pam. Bobinson, B. Opening of a newly discovered shell heap at Ipswich, Mass, n. d., n. p., pam. Bobinson, S. F. L. Kansas, its interior and exterior Life. Boston, 1866. Bockstro, W. S. Life of Felix Mendelssohn. 2d edition. London, 1888. Life of Handel. London, 1883. Bockwell, J. E. Teaching, Practice and Literature of Shorthand. Wash- ton, 1884. Bogers, Jr., B. Y. Drinks, Drinkers and Drinking. Albany, 1881. Boman Catholic : Key of Heaven. New York, n. d. Missal. New York, n. d. Yade Mecum. New York, n. d. Bomance of a German Court. Ary Ecilaw. London, 1886, 2 vols. Bomance of History in the Black Country, etc. C. Cowley. Lowell, 1882, pam. Bomance of History of Spain. D. T. Truebo. London, n. d. Bomance of Natural History. C. W. Webber. London, 1853. Bomance of Spanish History. J. S. C. Abbott. New^ York, 1869. Borne, Catacombs of, Philadelphia, n. d. Bomola, M. A. Evans. New York, n. d. Boscoe, T. German Novelists. London, n. d. Spanish Novelists. London, n. d. Boscoe, W. Life and Pontificate of Leo 10th. London, 1883. Boss, D. W. Early history of Land holding among the Germans. Bos¬ ton, 1883. Bousselet, L. India and its Native Princes. Bev. and ed., by Lieut. Col . Buckle. London, 1878. Budementary Society among Boys. J. Johnson, Jr. Baltimore, 1884. See Johns Hopkins’ University Studies. Buggies H. Germany seen without Spectacles. Boston, n. d. Buggies, S. B. “Past and Present,” Address to Alumni of Yale College. 1814. New York, 1864, pam. Bural Schools. Progress in the Past, etc. Washington, 1884, pam. See U. S. Bureau of Education. Bussell, W. C. Book of Authors. New edition. London, n. d. 24 186 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Russia. Dupuy, E. Great Masters of Russian Literature, 9th edition. New York, n. d. Noble, E. The Russian Revolt, causes, etc. Boston, 1865. Rambaud, A. History of Russia, from earliest times to 1882. Tr., L. B. Long. Boston, 1880, 3 vols. Tooke, W. Life of Catharine 2d Empress of all the Russias. 1st American edition. Philadelphia, 1802, 2 vols. Rutherford, J. Secret History of the Fenian Conspiracy. London, 1877, 2 vols. Ryerson, E. See Individual Biography. Sabbath Manual. J. Edwards. New York, n. d. Sacred and Constructive Art. C. N. Otis. New York, 1869. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of Celebrated Women. Tr., H. W. Pres¬ ton. Boston, 1880. Saint-John, Mrs. H. R. Court of Anna Carafa. London, 1872. Sal Gentium. Cotton Mather, n. p., n. d., pam. Salom, P. G. The Julian System of Electrical Transmission, n. p., 1887, pam. Saltonstall, L. Memoir of Oliver Cromwell. Salem, 1883, pam. Sanborn, E. B. Life of H. I). Thoreau. Boston, 1884. Sandwich Islands. Hawaiian Almanac and Annual, 1885-1887. Honolulu, 1885-87. Hawaiian Mission. Jubilee on arrival of Missionaries, 1857. Honolulu 1887. Honolulu Commercial Advertiser. Aug., 2, 1889, vol. 10, No. 28. Account of Insurrection. Honolulu 1889. Honolulu Observance of 4th of July in 1885. Honolulu, 1885, pam. Report of Proceedings of Coronation of King Kalakaua, Feb. 12, 1883, and unveiling of Statue of Kamehameha, Feb. 14, 1883. Honolulu, 1883. Sanitation. See Public Health, also Mich. Sanitary Conventions. Sarmiento, D. F. North and South America. Providence, 1866, pam. Sato, C. History of Land Question in United States. Baltimore, 1886. Saunders, W. Insects injurious to Fruits. Philadelphia, 1883. Savage, J. 98 and 48.” Modern Revolutionary History and Literature of Ireland. 4th edition. Chicago, 1882. Picturesque Ireland. New York, n. d. Saxony. Hawthorne, J. Saxon Studies. Boston, 1883. Scandinavia. Hare, A. J. C. Sketches of Holland and Scandinavia. New York, n. d. Horn, F. W. History of the Scandinavian North. Chicago, 1884. Scenes in Clerical Life, etc. M. A. Evans. New York, n. d. Scharf, J. T. and Wescott, T. History of Philadelphia, 1609-1884. Philadelphia, 1884, 3 vols. Scherr, J. History of English Literature. London, 1882. Scherer, W. History of Grerman Literature. New York, 1886, 2 vols. Schiller, J. C. F. Yon. Die Yungfrau Yon Orleans (German). Stuttgart, 1860. Die Piccolomini (German). New York, 1888. CATALOGUE. 187 Schneck, B. Burning of Chambersburg, Pa., July 30, 1864. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1864. School History of Germany. B. Taylor. New York, 1887. Schoolcraft, H. B. Myths of Hiawatha and Legends of North American Indians. Philadelphia, 1856. Schroeder, F. Shores of the Mediteranean, 1843-5. New York, 1846. Schumann, F. Heating and ventilation. New Y T ork, 1886. Schumann, B. See Individual Biography. Schurtz, C. Address at Brooklyn. April 5, 1884. n. p., n. d., pam. Schuyler, E. American Diplomacy. New York, 1886. Schuyler, Maj. Gen. Philip, and the Burgoyne Campaign, 1777. J. W. De Peyster. New Y r ork, 1877, pam. Scientific American, vols. 58-60, 1888-9. New Y r ork, n. d. Architect and Builders’ Edition, vols. 1-8. New Y^ork, n. d. Supplement, vols. 1-27, 1887-89. New York, n. d. “S. C. M.” Story of a Monument. Memorial to Unknown Confederate Dead, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, 1887. New York, 1888. Scoresby, W. American Factories, and their female operatives. London, 1845, pam. Scotland. Buchanan, B. The Hebrid Isles, wanderings in the land of Lome. New edition. London, 1883. Chambers, W. The Scotch Church from the earliest times to 1881. London, 1881. Law Journals: Journal of Jurisprudence, 33 vols. Edinburgh, 1887-1889. Law Chronicle. Yols. 1-4 in 2. Edinburgh, 1829-31. Law Chronicle and Sheriff Court Beporter, 3 vols in 1. Dundee, 1856-59. Scottish Jurist, 44 vols. Edinburgh, 1829-1872. Scottish Law Beview, 6 vols. Glasgow, 1885-1890. Solicitors’ Journal, 34 vols. Edinburgh, 1857-9. Weekly Beporter, 38 vols. London, 1852-90. Law Reports , Digests, and Indexes : Tait, W. and C. Index, 1 vol., Court of Sessions, 1540-1808. Edinburgh, 1823. ( See vol. 31, Dictionary of Decisions.) Kinnear, J. B. 1 vol., Digest, House of Lords Appeals, 1709- 1864. Edinburgh, 1865. Shaw’s Supreme Court Digest ( Bell A Lamond). 3 vols, 1726- 1868. Edinburgh, n. d. Henderson, A. E., etc. 2 vols., Supreme Court and House of Lords, 1867-1885. Edinburgh, 1878-86. Campbell, W. 1 vol., Begistration Appeal, 1868-1882. Edin¬ burgh, 1883. Law Reports : Admiralty: Frazer, A. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1814. Consistorial Court : Bell, B. 1 vol., 1811, Case of Legitimacy. Edinburgh, 1825. Fergusson, J. 1 vol., 1811-1817. Edinburgh, 1829. 188 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Scotland. Law Reports : Court of Sessions : Durie, A. 1 vol., 1621-1642. Edinburgh, 1690. Gilmour, J., and Falconer, 1). 1 vol., 1661-1686. Edin¬ burgh, 1813. Stair, J. 1 vol., 1661-1681. Edinburgh, 1683-87. Dirleton, J. 1 vol., 1665-1677. f°. Edinburgh, 1798. Fountainliall, J. 1 vol. 1678-1712. Edinburgh, 1761. Harcasse, It. 1 vol., 1681-91. f°. Edinburgh, 1792. Forbes, W. 1 vol., 1705 -1713. Edinburgh, 1714. Bruce, A. 1 vol., 1714-1715. Edinburgh, 1720. Kame. (Remarkable Cases) 1 vol. 1716-1752. f Edin¬ burgh, 1786. Edgar, J. 1 vol., 1724-1725. Edinburgh, 1791. Elchies. 2 vols., 1733-1754. Edinburgh. Falconer, D. 1 vol., 1744-1751. Edinburgh, 17. Kame, H. H. (Select Cases), 1 vol., 1752-1768. f Edin¬ burgh, 1786. Hailes, D. D. 2 vols., 1766-1791. Edinburgh, 1. Hume, D. 1 vol., 1781-1823. Edinburgh, 1839. Bell, S. S. 1 vol., 1790-1792. Edinburgh. 1794. Faculty Collections. 21 vols., 1752-1825 f°. Edinburgh, 1760-1825. Faculty Collections. 16 vols., 1825-1841 f°. Edinburgh, 1826-1841. Court of Session Cases. 1st series, 16 vols., 1821-1838. Edinburgh, 1822-38. Court of Session Cases. 2d series 24 vols., 1838-1862. Edinburgh, 1839-62. Court of Session Cases. 3d Series, 11 vols, 1382-1873. Edinburgh, 1863-73 Court of Session Cases. 4th Series, 16 vols, 1873-1889. Edinburgh, 1874-86, 1874-89. Court of Sessions. Collateral Series. Morrison’s Dictionary of Decisions. 21 vols., 1628- 1804. Edinburgh 1801-1804. Brown’s Supplement and Synopsis, 9 vols, 1620-1827. Edinburgh 1826-29. Deas and Anderson. 5 vols, 1829-1831. Edinburgh 1829-33. Stuart, Milne & Peddie 2 vols. 1851-1853. Edinburgh, 1851-53. Court of Tiend. Shaw, P. 1 vol. 1821-1831. Edinburgh, 1831. Criminal Cases. Pitcairn, R. 4 vols. 1488-1624. Edinburgh, 1833. Maclaurin. 1 vol. 1670-1774. Edinburgh, 1774. Buchanan, W. 1 vol. 1800-1813. Edinburgh, 1813. Green, C. J. Trials for High Treason, 3 vols., 1820. Edinburgh 1825. CATALOGUE. 180 Scotland. Lair Reports: Jury Court: Murray, J. 5 vols., 1815-1830. Edinburgh, 1818-1831. Mac Farlane, R. 1 vol., 1838-1839. Edinburgh, 1841. J 11 s / iciai -y Cases : Shaw, Patrick. 1 vol., 1819-1831. Syme, D. 1 vol., 1826-1829. Swinton, A. 2 vols., 1835-1841. Brown, A. 2 vols., 1842-1845. Arkley, P. 1 vol., 1846-1848. Shaw, John. 1 vol., 1848-1852. Irvine, A. J. 5 vols., 1852-1867. Couper, C. T. 5 vols., 1868-1S85. Edinburgh. White. 1 vol., 1885-1888. Edinburgh, 1888. Poor Laics: Hay, W. 1 vol., 1711-1864. Edinburgh, 1875. Reid, J. A. 1 vol., 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1887. Smith, John G. 1 vol., 3d edition. Edinburgh, 1878. Sheriff's Court: Guthrie. Select Cases. 1 vol., 1878. Edinburgh, 1879. Law. Statute : Acts of Parliament. 11 vols., 1124UL707. n. p., 1814-1875. General Index and Supplement. Yol. 12 of set. n. p., 1875. Public General Statutes affecting Scotland, 29 vols., 1707-1888. Edinburgh, 1876-1888. (JoIciti 011$ * Murray, T. Scott’s Acts, 3 vols., 1124-1707. Edinburgh, 1682-1707. Dufests : Alexander, AY. 1 vol., 1427-1707. Edinburgh, 1841. Pennell, J. & E. R>. Our Journey to the Hebrides. New York, 1889. Scott, N. Plea for the Bible in Mass. State Reform School. Sermon. Boston, 1862, pam. Scott, W. B. Murillo and the Spanish School of Painting. London, n. d. Pictures by Italian Masters. London, n. d. Scribner, F. L. Fungi Diseases of the Grape Yine. Washington, 1883. Scribner’s Magazine, vols. 1-6, 1887-1889. New York, n. d. Scripture Baptism Defended, etc. J. Leavington. n. p., n. d. Scudamore, T. F. France in the East. London, 1882. Scudder, M. L. The Labor Yalue Fallacy. 3d edition. Chicago, 1887. Sea and Land. J. AY. Buel. Richmond, n. d. Sea Fathers. Lives of Great Navigators. C. R. Markham. London, 1884. Secession in Switzerland and United States, compared. J. AV. De Peyster. Catskill, 1863, pam. Sellers, C. Scientific Method in Mechanical Engineering. Philadelphia 1888. Sellers, Jr., C. Oliver Evans and his Inventions, n. p., n. d., pam. Sellers or Franklin Institute system of Screw Threads, n. p., n. d., pam. Sellstedt, L. G. Life of R. AA 7 . Haskins, n. p., n. d., pam. 190 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Serapion Brothers. E. T. W. Hoffmann. Tr., H. Ewing. London, 1880. Serle, A. Horae Solitaria. New York, 1842. Sermons. See Theology. Servian Popular Poetry. J. Bowring. London, 1827. Seven Spanish Cities. E. E. Hale. Boston, 1886. Seward, W. H. Works of. Vols. 4, 5. Ed., G. E. Baker. Boston, 1884. Sewerage. See Public Health, Mich. Sanitary Convention. Seymour, H. The Tramp Nuisance, n. p., n. d., pam. Seymour, H. W. Prison of Infamy (Mich.), n. p., n. d., pam. Shady Side of Placing out System. L. P. Alden. n. p., n. d., pam. Shairp, J. C. Culture and Religion. New York, 1872. Shakers, Summary View of Millennial Church of. C. Green, S. J. Wells. Albany, 1823. Shakespeare, W. Dramatic Works of. Hartford, 1836, 2 vols. Study of (German). W. Konig. Leipsic, 1873. Shank, J. M. History of Iron in all Ages: In United States, 1585-1885. Philadelphia, 1884. Sharp. W. What is Homeopathy? 6tli edition. New Y T ork, 1856, pam. Sharpe, Gov. H. Correspondence of. See Mass. Historical Society. Sliattuck, G. O. Argument against Bill to raise Tax on premiums of Insurance Companies. Boston, 1882, pam. Shaw, A. The National Revenue. Chicago, 1888. Shea, G. Life and Epoch of Alexander Hamilton. 3d edition, rev. Bos¬ ton, 1881. Shea, J. G. Story of a Great Nation. New York, n. d. Sheldon, W. D. The 27th (Conn), a Regimental Historv. New Haven, 1866. Sherman, J. Reply to President’s Message, 1888. Washington, 1888, pam. Speeches on Finance and Taxation. New York, 1879. Sherman, Gen. W. T., and his Campaigns. S. M. Bowman and R. B. Irwin. New Y T ork. Sherman’s March to the Sea. W. T. Sherman, n. p., n. d., pam. Shew, A. M. Glance at Past and Present of Insane, n. p., n. d., pam. Shopped, R. AY. Building Plans for Modern Low Cost Houses. New York, n. d. Shores of the Mediterranean, 1843-45. F. Schroeder. New Y ork, 1846. Shorthand, Teaching, Practice and Literature of. J. E: Rockwell. A\ 7 asli- ington, 1884, pam. Short History of German Literature. J. K. Hosmer. St. Louis, 1879. Short Tariff History of United States, etc, D. H. Mason. Chicago, 1884. Sidney, S. Book of the Horse. London, n. d. Sights and Scenes in Europe. AY. Stevenson. Flint, 1882. Sigourney, L. H. Religious Souvenir, 1840. New Y r ork, n. d. Silas Marner. M. A. Evans. See Scenes of Clerical Life. Sill, E. Clocks of Gnoster Town. New Haven, 1870. See pam. vol. 300. Sime, A. Lessing, Life, etc. Boston, 1877, 2 vols. Sime, J. History of Germany. New Y"ork, 1884. Simms. See Fiction. Simon, E. AA r illiam, Emperor of Germany and his Reign. 2d edition. London, 1888, 2 vols. Simonds, J. C., Etc. Story of Manual Labor in all Lands. Chicago, 1886. Simpson, M. Encyclopedia of Methodism. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1881. CATALOGUE 191 Simson, W. History of Gipsies with Specimen of Language. 2d edition. New York, 1878. Sinclair, Sir John. See Washington, George. Sinclair, Peter, (of Edinburgh.) Testimonials in Favor of. Edinburgh, 1856, pam. Sioux War of 1862-1863. History of. J. Y. I). Heard. New York, 1863. Six Centuries of Work and Wages. J. E. T. Rogers. New York, n. d. Six Months on the Plains. E. B. Tuttle. Chicago, 1868. Sketch of Germanic Constitution. S. Turner. New York, 1888. Sketches of Officers who were in Battle of Lake Erie. IT. Parsons. Albany, 1863, pam. Slavery. American Colonization Society. Origin and progress. Notice of Slave Trade, etc. Hartford, 1833, pam. Birney, J. C. American Churches the Bulwarks of American Slavery. Concord, pam. Carey, H. C. Slave Trade, Domestic and Foreign. Philadelphia 1853. Connell, E. J. Slavery and Protection, etc. New York, 1882. Mann, H. Letters on Extension of Slavery into California and New Mexico, 1850. n. p., n. d., pam. Pillsbury, B. The Church as it is, or the Forlorn Hope of Slavery. Concord, 1885. Quincy, J. Nature and Power of Slave Trade, etc. Hartford, 1833, pam. Slocum, Slocumbs, Slocomb Family. See Genealogy. Slocum, H. W. Speech on Fitz John Porter. Washington, 1884, pam. Slojd in the Service of the School. O. Salomon. New York, 1888. Small, A. W. Beginning of American Nationality, 1774-1789. Baltimore, 1890. Smalls, Gen. R. See Romance of History in Black Country. Smith, C. L. History of Education in North Carolina. Washington, 1888. See Education. Smith, E. F. Peach Rot and Peach Blight, n. p., n. d., pam. Peach Yellows. Washington, 1888. See Mich. Sanitary Conventions. Smith, E. P. Manual of Political Economy. Philadelphia, 1877. Smith, G. B. William I and the German Empire. Chicago, 1888. Smith, G. W. Confederate War Papers. 2d edition. New York, 1884. Smith, H. Hydraulics. New York, 1886. Smith, J. A. Development and Resources of Colorado. Denver, 1883. Smith, L. P. Classification of Books. Boston, 1882. Smith, R. D. History of Guilford, Conn., from 1639. Albany, 1877. Smith, S. Wit and Wisdom of. New edition. London, n. d. Smith, W. Dictionary of the Bible. Rev. edition. New York, 1872. 4 vols. Smith, W. H. Charles Hammond and his relations to Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams, n. p., n. d. Smithmeyer, J. L. Suggestions on Library Architecture. Washington, 1883, pam. Smucker, S. M. Life of J. C. Fremont. New York. 1856. Life of Sir John Franklin. New York, 1856. 192 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Snyder, M. B. Electrical Exhibition and Pure Research, n. p., n. d., pam. Snyder, W. L. Great Opinions of Great Judges. New York, 1883. Sober Thoughts on Staple Themes. R. Randolph. Philadelphia, 1889. Sobriquets and Nicknames. A. R. Frey. Boston, 1888. Soldier in the Civil War. P. E. Mottelay. New York, 1884, 2 vols. Solly, B. M. N. Memoirs of W. J. Miller. London, 1875. Sophisms of Free Trade, etc. J. B. Byles. 1st Am. edition. Manchester, 1884. South America. Argentine Republic : Report on Public Debt, Banking Institutions and Mint of, etc., presented by P. Agote. Book 4. Official publication. Buenos Ayers, 1887. Oelman, M. J. Message as President of Argentine Republic, 1888. Buenos Ayers, n. d., pam. La Plata, Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay. T. J. Page. New York, 1859. Latzina, T. The Argentine Republic as a field for European Emigration. Buenos Ayers, 1888, pam. Chili: Geographical, Natural and Civil History. J. J. Molina. Middleton, 1808, 2 vols. Gilliss, J. M. Geography, Climate and Government. AYash- ington, 1855, 2 vols. . Paez, Don Ramon. AA r ild Scenes in South America. New York, 1862. South Carolina. Adjutant and Inspector General, Report, 1887-8. Columbia, 1888, pam. Attorney General, Report, 1887-8. Columbia, 1888, Board of Health, Report, 1887-8. Columbia, 1888. Calhoun Monument at Charleston. History of. Charleston, 1888. Comptroller General. Report, 1887-8. Columbia, 1888, pam. Cowley, C. Romance of History in the Black Country, etc. Lowell 1882. General Assembly Reports, 1884-1887. Columbia, 1884-88. Institute for Education of Deaf and Dumb, Report, 1888. Colum¬ bia, 1888, pam. Journal of the House, 1882, 1884-1887. Columbia, 1883-87. Journal of the Senate, 1882, 1884-1887. Columbia, 1883-87. Law , Statute: Acts, 1880, 1886-1888. Columbia, 1882-89. Public Laws, 1694-1790. t. p. w. Supreme Court: Digests. Rice, W. 1 vol, 1836. Charleston, 1838. Chisolm, J. B. and Hyde, S. Index Digest of Reports, 1783-1882. Charleston, 1882. Thomas, J. P. Digest. 1877-1885. Columbia, 1887. Reports. Shand, R. AY. Yols. 16-22. 24-28. Jersey City and Columbia, 1883-1888. Lunatic Asylum Report, 1887-8. Columbia, 1888. CATALOGUE. 193 South Carolina. Meriwether, C. History of Higher Education in South Carolina. See United States Bureau of Education. Circular, No. 4. Penitentiary Report. 1887-8. Columbia, 1888, pam. Richardson, Gov. J. P. Inaugural Address. Jan. 1888. Columbia 1888, pam. Messages 1887-1888. Columbia, 1887-88, pams. Statement of Pardons and Commutations, 1886-7. Columbia, 1887. Secretary of State, Report and Supplement, 1887-1888. Columbia, 1888, pams. Sinking Fund and Supplement, 1887-8. Columbia, 1888, pams. Treasurer, Report, 1887-1888. Columbia, 1888, pam. Winthrop Training School for Teachers, Columbia. Proceedings Memorial Day 1888. Columbia, n. d., pam. Southern Aid Society, Annual Report, 1860. New York, 1861, pam. Southern History of the War. 2d and 3d years. E. A. Pollard. New York, 1865, 2 vols. Southern History of the War. E. A. Pollard. New York, 1866, 2 vols. in 1. Southern Struggles for Pure Government. G. W. Cable. Boston, 1881. Southgate, Bishop. Reply to Missionaries at Constantinople. New York, 1845, pam. Southwick, H. L. Policy of early Massachusetts Colonists towards Quak¬ ers. Boston, 1885, pam. Spaiglit, A. W. Resources, soil and climate of Texas. Galveston, 1884. Spanish America. Trade and commerce between U. S. and. W. E. Cur¬ tis. Washington, 1889. Spanish Legendary Tales. J. S. Friswell. London, 1885. Spanish Novelists. T. Roscoe. London, n. d. Spain. Abbott, J. S. C. Romance of Spanish History. New York, 1869. Amicis, E. De. Spain. Tr. by W. W. Cady. New Y T ork, n. d. Baxley, W. W. Spain, Art Remains and Art Realities. New York, 1875, 2 vols. Borrow, G. Bible in Spain. New edition. London, 1888. Zincali, The. Account of the Gypsies of Spain. New edition. London, 1872. Bowring, J. Ancient Poetry and Romance of Spain. London, 1824. Cayley, G. P. Bridle Roads of Spain. 2d edition. London, 1856. Collins, J. Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs. London, 1823. Condi, J. H. Dominion of Arabs in Spain. London, 1854, 3 vols. Coppee, H. Conquest of Spain, by Arab Moors. Boston, 1881, 2 vols. Day, H. From the Pyranees to Pillar of Hercules. 2d edition. New Y T ork, 1884. Devereux, G. H. Yriarte, Literary Fables. Boston, 1855. Ford, R. Hand-book for Travellers in Spain. 7tli edition. Lon¬ don, 1888. Friswell, J. H. Spanish Legendary Tales. London, 1885. George, A. Annals of Queens of Spain, from conquest of Goths to Isabel 2d. London, 1850. 25 194 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Spain. Hale, E. E. Seven Spanish Cities and the Way to them. Boston, 1886. Hale, E. E. and S. Story of Spain. New York, 1887. Hare, J. C. Wanderings in Spain. New York, n. d. Harrison, J. A. History of Spain. Boston, n. d. Spain in Profile. Boston, 1879. Hereford, C. History of Spain, from establishment of colony of Gades to death of Ferdinand “The Sage.” London, 1793, 3 vols. La Borde, A. De. View of Spain. London, 1809. 5 vols. Mackenzie, A. S. Spain Re-visited. 2d edition. New York, 1836, 2 vols. Mew, J. Types from Spanish Story. New Y T ork, 1884. Monteiro, M. Legends and Popular Tales of the Basque People. New York, 1884. Riano, J. F. Industrial Art in Spain. New York, 1879. Roscoe, T. Spanish Novelists. London, n. d. Tourist in Spain: Grenada. London, 1835. Trueba, D. T. Romance of History: Spain. London, n. d. Urquhart, D. Pillars of Hercules, Travels in Spain, 1848. New York, 1855, 2 vols. Watson, R. and Thompson, AY. History of Reign of Philip 2d and 3d, Kings of Spain. 1st American edition. New York, 1818, 2 vols. Yonge, C. M. Story of the Christian Moors of Spain. London, 1882. Sparks, J. Life of Benjamin Franklin. Boston, 1856. Life of Gouverneur Morris, vol. 1. Boston, 1842. Writings of George Washington. Boston, 1837, 12 vols. Spaulding, H. G. Work and Wants of Unitarian Sunday Schools. Bos¬ ton, 1884, pam. Specimens of Polish Poets. J. Bowring. London, 1827. Specimens of Russian Poets. J. Bowring. 2d edition. London, 1821-23, 2 vols. Spellier, L. H. Contact Makers for electric Clocks, n. p., n. d., pam. Spilsburg, W. H. History of Lincoln’s Inn. London, 1850. Spofford, A. R., Gibbon, C. Library of Choice Literature. Philadelphia, 1882, 8 vols. Spotswoode, Alexander. Official Papers, 1710-1722. See Va. Historical Society Coll., vols. 1, 2. Sprague, J., Goodale, G. L. Wild Flowers of America. Boston, 1883. Stackhouse, T. History of the Bible. Glasgow, n. d., 2 vols. Standard Measures. E. A. Gieseler. Philadelphia, 1888. Standard Natural History. J. S. Kingsley. Boston, 1884-85, 6 vols. Stanton, H. B. Random Recollections. New York, 1886. Stars and Stripes, Origin of, and account of Washington Genealogy. E. W. Tuffiey. New York, 1883, pam. State Medicine. W. Wardner. St. Louis, 1880. State Sovereignty. J. W. De Peyster. n. p., n. d., pam. Stearns, H. P. Care of some classes of chronic Insane. Hartford, 1881, pam. Stedman, E. B., Hutchinson, E. M. Library of American Literature from earliest settlement to present time. New York, 1889, 10 vols. CATALOGUE. 195 Steel. Garrison, F. L. Microscopic Structure of Iron and Steel, n. p., n. d., pam. Hunt, R. W. Manufacture of Bessemer Steel. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Steiler, K., Etc. The Rhine from its source to the Sea. London, n. d. Stephens, A. J. Rise and Progress of the English Constitution. London, 1838, 2 vols. Stephens, F. G. Flemish and French Pictures. London, 1875. Stephens, J. F. History of Criminal Law of England. London, 1883, 3 vols. Stereoscope, The, and its Applications. C. F. Himes. Philadelphia, 1887, pam. Stevens, W. L. C. Defraction of Sound. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Stevenson, W. Sights and Scenes in Europe. Flint, 1882. Stewart, Jr., G. Canada under the administration of Earl of Dufferin. Toronto, 1878. Stewart, J. AY. Life of Capt. N. Hale. Hartford, 1856. Stewart, AY. M. Money Answereth all Things (Speech), n. p., n. d., pam. Stier, R. AYords of the Lord Jesus. Edinburgh, 1855-1858, 8 vols. Stille, C. J. Historical Development of American Civilization. New Haven, 1863, pam. Stinde, J. Buchholz Family. Tr. L. D. Schmitz. New York, 1887. Frau Whilhelmine. Tr. F. H. Powell. New York, 1887. Stone, AY. L. Campaigns of Gen. J. Burgoyne. Albany, 1877. Storke, E. H., Brockett, L. P. Complete History of American Rebellion. Auburn, 1865, 2 vols. Strong Drink and Tobacco Smoke. H. P. Prescott. London, 1869. Storrs, E., Political Oratory of. Ed. by J. E. Adams. Chicago, 1888. Story of Germany. H. Baring-Gould. New l T ork, 1888. Story of a Great Nation. J. G. Shea. New Y 7 ork, n. d. Story of Manual Labor in all Lands. J. C. Simonds. Chicago, 1886. Story of Sigfried. J. Baldwin. New York, 1888. Story of Sigurd the Volsung, and Fall of the Nibelungs. AY. Morris. 4th edition. Boston, 1888. Straker, D. A. New South Investigated. Detroit, 1888. Stubbs, AY. Select Charters, etc., of English Constitutional History. 5th edition. Oxford, 1884. Studies in German Literature. B. Taylor. New York, 1888. Studies in Literary Relations of England and Germany, 16tli Century. C. H. Herford. Cambridge, 1886. Studies in Low German and High German Literature. M. AY. Mac Cal- lum. London, 1884. Studies in Modern Socialism and Labor Problems. T. E. Brown. New Y T ork, 1886. Studies of Sir E. Landseer. AY. C. Monkhouse. London, n. d. Study of Shakespeare. A. C. Swinburne. New l"ork, 1886. Stumbling Blocks. A. Dodge. (Gail Hamilton.) Boston, 1864. Sturtevant, J. M. Lessons of Our National Conflict. New Haven, 1861, pam. Substitute for Glass, as a Support for Gelatine Bromide of Silver for use in Photography, n. p., n. d., pam. 196 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Sullivan, Gov. and Col. Pickering. Correspondence, Etc., 1808. Boston, 1808, pam. Sulphur. D. T. Day (Abstract from Mineral Resources, U. S. 1883-4). Washington, 1885. Sumner, C. Letters of Marque and Reprisal, n. p., n. d., pam. Our Foreign Relations. New York, 1863. See Individual Biography. Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson as a Public Man. 7th edition. Boston, 1884. Sunday Magazine, 1865-1888. London, 1865-8. Surveying. Bellows, C. F. B., Hodgman, F. Manual of Land Surveying. Ann Arbor, 1886. Sutro, T. Sutro Tunnel Co., etc., Report to Stockholders, 1887. New York, 1887. Sweden, High School for Girls in. See Education. Sweet, H. Epinal Glossary, Latin and Old English. 8th century. Lon¬ don, 1883. Swetchine, Madam. Writings of. Tr., H. AY. Preston. 1876. Swinburne, A. C. Century of Roundels. New York, 1883. Laus Veneris. New Edition. New Y T ork, 1887. Mary Stuart. New York, 1887. Midsummer Holiday. New York, 1884. Poems and Ballads. 2d Series. New Y T ork, 1887. Studies in Song. New York, 1887. Tristram of Lyonesse, etc., London, 1882. Swing, D. Noble Mission of Humane Society. Chicago, n. d., pam. Switzerland. De Peyster, J. W. Secession in Switzerland and United States compared. Catskill, 1863, pam. Mackenzie, H. D. Y T oung Folks’ History of Switzerland. Boston, 1881. Taine, H. French Revolution. New York, 1885, 4vols. Taintor, C. M. Extracts from Records of Colchester. Hartford, 1864. Tales of Miletus. E. Bulwer. London, 1875. Tallis, J., Strutt, J. G. History and Description of Crystal Palace at Lon¬ don, 1851. London, n. d., 3 vols. Tannin, Present and Future Sources. H. Trimple. n. p., n. d., pam. Tappan, L. Letter to Convention of Evangelical Branches of the Church in Brooklyn, New York, 1866. New York, 1866, pam. Tarbox, J. N. Life of Israel Putnam. Boston, 1876. Tardy, Mrs. M. T. Living Female Writers of the South. Philadelphia, 1872. Tariff as a Political Question. W. L. Webber. East Saginaw, 1884. Tariff of 1883, and Mills Bill, Etc. 2d edition. New York, 1888, pam. Tariff Revision by Metropolitan League. New York, 1882. See Political Economy. Taussig, F. W. History of Present Tariff, 1860-1883. New York, 1885. Taxation in American States and Cities. R. T. Ely. New York, n. d. See Political Economy. Taxidermy without a Teacher. Boston, n. d., 2d edition. Taylor, B. School History of Germany to 1871. New York, 1887. Taylor, B. F. Between the Gates. 12th edition. Chicago, 1876. CATALOGUE. 197 Taylor, J. D. Exonerative Insanity. New York, 1882. Taylor, M. H., Scudder, H. E. Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor. 4tli edition. Boston, 1885, 2 vols. Taylor, R. Destruction and Reconstruction. New York, 1879. Taylor, W. Historical Survey of German Poetry. London, 1830, 3 vols. Teachers. Legal Provisions respecting the Examination and Licensing of. See Education. Technic, The, 1889, O. S. No. 5, N. S. No. 2. n. p., n. d. Technical Education. F. C. Montague. London, n. d. Technical Instruction in France. See Education. Telegraphy. Delany, P. B. Cable Telegraphy and the Delany Line Adjuster. Philadelphia, 1889, pam. Williams. W. Manual of Telegraphy. London, 1885. Telephone. Houston, E. J. Can the original Reis Telephones transmit intel¬ ligible articulate speech? n. p., n. d., pam. Was Philip Reis the inventor of the Articulating Telephone? n. p., n. d., pam. Temperance. Civil Remedy for Injuries from Sale or Gift of Intoxicating Liquors. J. D. Lawson. St. Louis, 1877, pam., vol. 284. Daniels, W. H. D. Moody and his Work. New edition. Hart- ford, 1877. Gough, J. B. Platform Echoes. Hartford, 1886. Temperance Hymn Book. New York, 1869. Vandershoot, J. S. True Path or Murphy Movement, etc. Detroit, 1878. Temperature of the Atmosphere and the Earth’s Surface. W. Ferrel, Washington, 1885. Temple, A. F. Memorial Day Address at Montague, Mich., May 30, 1878. n. p., n. d., pam. T ennessee. Bate, Gov. W. B. Message. Jan. 1883-1887. Nashville, 1883-87, pams. Comptroller. Report. Jan. 1883. Nashville, 1883, pam. Handbook, 1882. Knoxville, 1882. Journal of the House, 1883-1889, with Appendixes. Nashwille, 1883-89. Journal of the Senate, 1883-1889, with Appendixes. Nashville, 1883-89. Law, Statute: Acts 1831; 1835-6; 1842,1845-6; 1849-50 ;1855-56; 1870, 1870- 71; 1883-1889. Knoxville and Nashville, 1846-89. Code,’1884. Nashville, 1884. Laws of Tennessee and those of South Carolina in Force in Tennessee 1715-1820. Knoxville, 1821, 2 vols. Supreme Court: Digests : King, H. C. 1796-1880. 2d edition. 3 vols. Chicago, 1880. Supplement, 1880-1888, vol. 4. 2d edition. Chicago, 1888. 198 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Tennessee. Supreme Court: Reports: Lea, B. J. vols. 76-84. Nashville, 1882-86. Pickle, G. W. vols. 85-87. Nashville, 1887-89. School Reports, 1883. Nashville, 1883. Taylor, Gov. R. L. Messages. Feb. 1887; Jan, 1889. Nashville, 1887-89, pams. Tests of vehicle wheels. H. M. DuBois. n. p., n. d., pam. Teutonic Mythology. J. Grimm. 4 th edition. Tr., J. S. Stallybrass. London, 1882. Texas. Austin Daily Statesman, Dec. 17, 1886 (Newspaper). Building Commissioners, Reports, 1883-1889. Austin, 1883-9. Gazetteer, 1884-85. St. Louis, 1884. Geology of Western Texas. (Partial Report.) Austin, 1886. Journal of House, 1889. Austin, 1889. Journal of Senate, 1889. Austin, 1889. Law, Statute: Laws, 1839-1844, 1850, part 4, 1851-52, 1861-1873, 1882, 1887- 1889. Houston, Austin, Galveston, 1832-89. Revisions etc * Oldham, W. S. and White, G. W. Digest of Laws. 1859. Austin, 1859. Paschal, G. W. Digest of Laws, 1866. Galveston, 1866. Reports: Commission Court: Posey, S. A. Unreported Cases, 1 vol., 1879, 1880, 1881. St. Louis, 1886. Digests: Myer, W. G. 2 vols., 1881-1883. St. Louis, 1881-83. Posey, S. A. Civil Digest, 1 vol. St. Louis, 1887. Criminal Digest, 1 vol., 1840-1886. St. Louis, 1886. Court of Appeals: Reports: Jackson, A. M., and A. M., Jr. Vols. 13-19, 21-27. Austin, 1883-89. White, J. P., and Wilson, T. A. Civil Cases, 2 vols. St. Louis, 1883. Wilson, S. A. Yol. 3, Civil Cases, 1886-9. St. Louis, 1886-9. Supreme Court: Reports: Terrell, A. W. Yols. 56-71. St. Louis and Austin, 1382- 89. Walker, A. S. vols. 72-73. Austin, 1889. Text Books :■ Hobby, E. Treatise on Land Laws. St. Louis, 1883. Legislative Manual, 1882-3. Austin, 1883. “ One Texas,” Report of Ceremonies of Laying of Corner Stone of New State Capitol at Austin, March 2, 1885. Austin, n. d., pam. Ross, Gov. L. S. Message. Jan. 1887, n. p., n. d. CATALOGUE. 199 Thacher, B. B. Indian Traits and Sketches. Vol. 2. New York, 1844. Thatcher, M. P. A Hundred Battles in the West, 1861-65. Detroit, 1884. Thayer, M. L. Poems. Cambridge, 1882. Theatre, The. Early Days of, in Chicago. J. H. McVicker. See Chicago Hist. Society. Theology. Appleton, N. Original Sin and the Trinity. See pam., vol. 278. Beecher, L. Bights of Congregational Churches of Massachusetts. See pam., vol. 278. Bible, The. Polyglot, n. p., n. d. Bourke, J. G. Use of Human Ordure and Urine in religious rites, etc. W ashington, 1888. Boyd, A. K. H. Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. Boston, 1864-5. 2 vols. Calvin, J. Institutes of Christian Beligion. New York, 1819. Cartwright, W. C. The Jesuits, Constitution and Teaching. Lon¬ don, 1876. Central Committee for Separation of Church and State. New York, n. d., pams. N o. 1. Appeal. No. 2. So called Freedom of Worship Bill. No. 3. Separation of Church and State indorsed by General Grant. No. 4. Boman Catholic Demands in civil affairs inconsistent with American Principles. No. 5. The Latest Papal Utterances contrasted with American Principles. Cox, F. A., Hovey, J. Baptists in America, New York, 1836. Cox, S. H. Progress of the Church. See pam., vol. 277. Cudworth, B. Criterion of Knowledge of Christ. Boston, 1835. Curzan, B. Visit to Monasteries in the Levant. New York, 1852. Dutch Beform Church of United States, Constitution of, 1779-1815. New York, 1815. Dymond, J. Accordancy of War with Christianity. See pam., vol. 279. Eddy, D. C. Christian Heroines; Lives and Sufferings of Female Missionaries in Heathen Lands. Boston, 1881. Edw^ards, J. Sabbath Manual. New T York, n. d. Endean, J. B. What is the “Eternal Hope” of Canon Farrar? London, 1878. Eusebius, See Pamphilus. Farrar, F. W. Eternal Hope. New York, 1878. Flanders, G. T. Christ or Buddha, review of Arnold’s “Light of Asia.” Salem, 1881, pam. Giles, H. Christian Thought of Life. Boston, 1840. Gillespie, G. D. Communion of Saints. New York, 1887, pam. Granger, F. A. Plea and Plan for Church Unity. Buffalo, 1889. Hager, G. W. What the World believes. New York, n. d. Harris, J. Man Primeval. Boston, 1849. Patriarchy or the Family, etc. Boston, 1858. Pre-Adamite Earth. Boston, 1847. 200 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Theology. Hawks, F. L. Ecclesiastical History of United States. New York, 1836-9. 2 vols. Hooker, R. Works of. 5tli edition. Oxford, 1865, 3 vols. Hore, A. H. Eighteen Centuries of the Church in England. Oxford, 1881. How Sinners are Accepted. Philadelphia, n. d., pam. Hughes, T. The Manliness of Christ. Boston, 1880. Kip, W. Ingraham. Historical Scenes from the old Jesuit Missions. New York, n. d. Levington, L. Scripture Baptism defended, etc. n. p., n. d. Loyson, C. (Pere Hyacinth). The Family and the Church. New York, 1870. Mahoney, S. J. Six Years in the Monasteries of Italy. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1836. Mellor, E. Baptismal Regeneration. London, 1871. Montalembert, C. De. Monks of the West. Edinburgh, 1861, 7 vols. Morton, H. Facts concerning persecution at Madeira, 1843, and J846. New York, 1849. Neale, J. M. History of so-called Jansenist Church of Holland. Oxford, 1858. New Testament, revised edition. New’ York, 1881. Palmer, H. L. Home Life in the Bible. Boston, 1881. Pampliilus Eusebius. Ecclesiastical History. 4th edition. Phila¬ delphia, 1834. Philip, R. Eternity Realized. 2d Am. edition. Boston, 1835. Presbyterian Church, Benevolent AVork. New r York, 1873. Board of Education, Annual Reports, 1872,1875,1878,1879. Board of Foreign Missions, Reports, 1875-1880. New 7 York, 1875-1880. Board of Home Missions, Reports, 1863, pam., 1869, 1880. New 7 York, 1863-80. Church Erection Fund, Reports of Trustees, 1859, 1865, 1869, 1878. New York, 1859-78. General Assembly, Action upon Foreign Missions, 1870. n. p., 1870, pam. Annual Reports, 1872, 1875, 1879,1880. Philadelphia, 1872- 80, pam. Publication Committee, Annual Reports, 1856, 1858-1859, 1861, 1862, 1865-1866, 1868-1872, 1877, 1880. Philadelpnia, 1856-80. Spirit and AVork Tract. Philadelphia, 1874. Protestant Episcopal Church. General Convention Journals, 1829, 1844, 1847, 1850, 1857, 1860, 1880-1883, 1886. Phil. & New York, 1829-86. Prudden, T. P. Christianity and Natural Science. See pam., vol. 279. Rawdinson, G. Historical Evidence of the Truth of Scripture Record. Boston, 1860. Rawdinson, G. Hackett, H. B. Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament. Chicago, 1880. CATALOGUE. 201 Theology. Roman Catholic. Key of Heaven. New York, n. d. Missal. New York, n. d. Yade Mecum. New York, n. d. Serle, A. Horae Solitariae. New York, 1842. Sermons: Adams, E. E. Government and Rebellion. See pam., vol., 280. Bartol, C. A. Andover Bottle’s Burst. See pam., vol. 278. Bonar, H. God’s Purpose of Grace. Philadelphia, n. d., pam. Butler, J. G. The Opened Door. See pam., vol. 280. Carpenter, H. B. Peace. See pam., vol. 280. Child, W. Sermon before Yt. General Assembly, Oct. 11, 1856. See pam., vol. 280. Clark, J. A. Clerical Association. See pam., vol. 280. Cleveland, E. L. Hay of National Prayer and Easting, 1861. n. p., 1861, pam. Cuming, F. H. Christian Resignation. See pam., vol. 280. Foxcroft, T. Hope and Strength of the Nation whose Wars are of God. See pam., vol. 294. Furber, H. L. Religion and Education in a Republic. See pam., vol. 294. Furneaux, P. Duty of Benevolence and Public Spirit, See pam., vol. 294. Gannett, E. S. Discourse on death of Hon. J. Quincy. Bos¬ ton, 1864, pam. Peace, not War. See pam., vol. 294. Gray. A. Baptism by Jesus, the Christ. See pam., vol. 294. Greenleaf, S. Life and Character of Hon. J. Story. Boston, 1845, pam. Hart, C. H. Discourse commemorative of W. B. Lawrence, 1881. Philadelphia, 1881, pam. Kimball, D. T. Funeral Sermon of Rev. J. Bramin. Boston, 1859, pam. Lamson, A. Congregationalism. See pam., vol. 281. Lee, H. W. Pastorial Yisiting. See pam., vol. 279. Lovering, J. E. “The Shields of the Earth belong unto God.” See pam., vol. 295. Lunt, W. P. Discourse at Interment of J. Q. Adams. Boston. 1848. McKeen, S. Civil Government a Divine Institution. See pam., vol. 294. MacKenzie, A. The One Law Giver. See pam., vol. 295. Manning, J. M. Soldier of Freedom. See pam., vol. 281. Meredith, R. R. Problems of State Life. See pam., vol. 294. Prudden, T. P. Twenty Years of History of Plymouth Church. See pam., vol. 294. Putnam, G. Discourse at Installation of Rev. D. Fosdick, 1846. See pam., vol. 281. Thomas, C. A. Sermon before before Yermont General Assembly, 1858. See pam., vol. 281. Thompson, J. Religion and Arms. See pam., vol. 281. 26 202 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Theology. Welch, 11. B. Hereditary Influence of the Reformed Church in Education. See pam.. vol. 281. Williams, J. Sermon Memorial of Mrs. Mary W. A. Mutter. See pam., vol. 281. Willson, E. B. Sermon on 25th Anniversary of settlement over North Church, Salem, Mass., 1884. See pam., vol. 281. Young, A. Discourse on death of Mrs. C. G. Prescott. Boston, 1852, pam. Shairp, J. C. Culture and Religion. New York, 1872. Smith, W. Dictionary of the Bible. New York, 1872, revised edition, 4 vols. Stackhouse, T. History of the Bible. Glasgow, n. d., 2 vols. Stier, R. Words of the Lord Jesus. Edinburgh, 1855-58. 8 vols. Titus, or Jerusalem Destroyed. Boston, n. d. Wheatley, C. Rational Illustrations of Book of Common Prayer of Church of England. Oxford, 1846. Whitman, B. Letters to Moses Stuart on Religious Liberty. Bos¬ ton, 1830. Young, J. The Christ of History. New York, 1858. Theophrastus Such. M. A. Evans. New York, n. d. Thibault, C. Biography of Sir Charles Tupper. Montreal, 1883. Thirty Years War, 1618-1648. S. Gardiner. New York, 1888. Thomas, —. Confiscation, n, p., n. d., pam. Thomas, J. P. Cremation of Sewerage, n. p., n. d., pam. Thomas, R. Historical Essay on Magna Charta of King John. London, 1829. Thompson, B. F. History of Long Island. New York, 1839. Thompson, C. O. Review of Report of British Royal Commissioner of Techinical Instruction, No. 3, 1885. Thompson, E. (Count Rumford) Complete Works. Boston, n. d., 4 vols. Electric Welding, n. p., n. d., pam. Thompson, J. P. How to Build a Nation, n. p., n. d., pam., vol. 300. Thompson, K. Handbook to Public Picture Galleries of Europe. London, 1880. Thompson, R. Historical Essay on Magna Charta of King John. etc. London, 1829. Thompson, R. C. Political Economy with reference to Industrial History of Nations. Philadelphia, n. d. Protection to Home Industry. New York, 1885. Thompson, W. D. Murder and the Death Penalty. Detroit, 1886. Thousand Islands of St. Lawrence River. F. B. Hough. Syracuse, 1880. West Minister Park Association of Thousand Islands. Syracuse, 1878, pam. Three Decades of Federal Legislation, 1855-1885. S. S. Cox. Tecumseh, 1885. Throat ail, Bronchitis, Consumption, Etc. C. H. Hall. New York, 1851. pam. Thurston, R. H. Distribution of Internal Friction of Engines, n. p., n. d., pam. Flint’s Investigation of Nicaraguan Woods, n. p., n. d., pam. Great Brush Dynamo, n. p., n. d., pam. Philosophy of multicylinder or compound Engines, n. p., n. d.,pam. CATALOGUE. 203 Thwaites, B. G. Biographical Sketch of D. Atwood. Madison, 1887. Tidal Theory and Tidal Predictions. E. A. Gieseler. n. p., n. d., pam. Tinsley’s Magazine, vols. 1-39. 1867-1886. London, n. d. Titcomb, S. E. Early New England People. Boston, 1882. To Cuba and Back. B. H. Dana. Boston, 1859. Tolls and Transportation. A. Bichmond. Buffalo, 1887. Tooke, W. Life of Catharine 2d of Bussia. Philadelphia 1802, 2 vols. Tories or Loyalists in America. T. B. Meyers. Albany, 1882. Tornado. Finley, J. Character of six hundred Tornadoes. Washington, 1885, pam. Map of Tornadoes of 1883, 1884 in U. S. Chicago, 1884. Tornado Studies. See U. S. Signal Service. Townsend, C. H. British Invasion of New Haven, 1779. New Haven, 1879. Townsend Family. See Genealogy. Townsend, P. D. Joseph Hayden. London, 1883. Townsend, T. F. Use of Oil for stilling waves, etc. n. p., n. d., pam. Townsend, W. C. Lives of twelve Eminent Judges. London, 1846, 2 vols. Tourist in Spain: Granada. S. Boscoe. London, 1835. Tracy, C. The True and the False. New Haven, 1862. See pam., vol. 300. Tracy, W. Address before Oneida Historical Society of Utica, New York, Jan. 30, 1880. Tramp Nuisance, The. H. Seymour, n. p., n. d., pam. Travels. Boyce, D. Holiday Bambles between Winnipeg and Victoria. Winnipeg, 1880. Dana, B. H. To Cuba and Back. Boston, 1859. From City to Surf, via Niagara, n. p., n. d. Heine, H. Travel Pictures. Tr. F. Storrs. London, 1887. Howitt, W. Visits to Bemarkable Places. Philadelphia, 1842, 2 vols. Hunt, H. Bits of Travel at Home and Abroad. Boston, 1884. Ireland, S. Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabant, and part of France, 1789. London, 1796, 2 vols. Ker, H. Travels through Western Interior of United States. Elizabethtown, 1816. Niagara Falls, Mackinac Island, etc. Via. Michigan Central Bail- road. n. p., n. d. Parker, S. Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Bocky Mountains. Boston, 1877. Piatt, L. K. Belle Smith Abroad. New York, 1855. Taylor, B. F. Between the Gates. 12th edition. Chicago, 1876. Traver, L. Battle of Boanoke Island and Elizabeth City. See B. I. Soldiers and Sailors’ Hist. Soc., S. 2., No. 5. Travis, J. Constitutional Power of Parliament and Local Legislatures under British North American Act, 1867. St. John, 1884. Trials of a Public Benefactor as Illustrated in Discovery of Chloroform. N. P. Bice. Boston, 1888. Trials of a Public Benefactor as Illustrated in Discovery of Etherization. N. B. Bice. New York, 1846. Tribune Almanac, 1883-1889. New York, 1883-S9. Trimble, H. Tannin, present and future Sources, n. p., n. d., pam. 204 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Tristram of Lyonesse, Etc. A. C. Swinburne. 2d edition. London, 1882, Triumphant Democracy. A. Carnagie. New York. 1886. Trollope, T. A. Girlhood of Catharine De Medici. London, 1856. Truax, W. B. Appeal to People of Illinois in Behalf of Sunday Schools of the State. Chicago, 1887, pam. True Path, or Murphy Movement etc, Detroit, 1878. True Theory of Reform with Labor as a Factor, n. p., n. d., pam. Trueba, D. T. Romance of History of Spain. London, n. d. Trumbull, D. Death of Capt. N. Hale. Drama. Hartford, 1845, pam. Trusts. Recent Combinations in Trade, etc, W. W. Cooke. 2d edition. New York, 1888. Try on, Jr., G. W. Structural and Systematic conchology. Phil., 1882. 3 vols., in 1. Tudor, W. Life of James Otis. Boston, 1823. Tuffley, E. W. Origin of Stars and Stripes and Account of the Washing¬ ton Genealogy. New York, 1883, pam. Washington Chart. New York, 1883. Tupper, Sir C. See Individual Biography. Turbines. J. P. Church, n. p., n. d., pam. Turkey. Cox, S. S, Diversions of a Diplomat in Turkey. New York, 1887. Turner, S. Sketches of Germanic Constitution. New York, 1888. Tuttle, E. B. Six Months on the Plains. Chicago, 1868, pam. Tuttle, H. History of Prussia to Accession of Frederick the Great, 1134- 1740. 2d edition. Boston, 1884. Prussia under Frederick the Great, 1740-1750. Boston, 1888, 2 vols. Twenty Years of Congress. J. G. Blaine. Norwich, 1884-6, 2 vols. Two Royal Lives: Emperor and Empress of Germany. D. Roberts. 7th edition. London, 1889. Two Years in California. M. Cone. Chicago, 1876. Tyndall, J. Discourse on Faraday. New York, 1882. Faraday as a Discoverer. New York, 1872. Hours of Exercise in the Alps. New York, 1871. Types from Spanish Story. J. Mew. New York, 1884. Una and her Paupers. See Jones, A. E. Under the Old Elm. Poem. n. p., n. d., pam. United Service, The. Yols. 8-13. 1883-1885, and N. S. vols. 1, 2, 1889. Philadelphia, 1883-89. United States. Baxter, J. P. British Invasion from the North. Journal of Lieut. William Digby, 1776-1777. Albany, 1887. Boardman, S. W. Log Book kept on board the Privateer. “Oliver Goldsmith,” during cruise from New London, Conn., to Charleston, S. C. and return, 1778. Albany, 1885. Columbns and Americus Vespucius, Letters of. Boston, 1878, pam. Commercial and Stastical Register, vols. 1-6, 1839-1842. Phila¬ delphia, 1840-42. United States, Congress. Journal of American Congress, Sept. 5, 1774-Nov. 1, 1778. Wash¬ ington, 1883, 4 vols. CATALOGUE. 205 United States Congress . 26 Congress, 1st Session, 1840-41: House Reports: 45tli and 46th Congress, 1879-80: House Miscellaneous Documents, Digest of Contested Elec¬ tion Cases, 1876-1880. 46th Congress, 2d Session, 1879-80: Senate Executive, vol. 7. Miscellaneous Documents, vol. 3. House Executive, vols. 2, 10, 14, 18-20. 3d Session, 1880-81: Senate Miscellaneous, 3 vols. Reports, 2 vols. House Miscellaneous, 1 vol. Reports, 2 vols. 47tli Congress, 1st Session, 1881-82: Senate Journal. Executive Documents, 7 vols. Miscellaneous Documents, 11 vols. Reports, 3 vols. House Journal. Executive Documents, 26 vols. Miscellaneous Documents, 27 vols. Reports, 6 vols. 2d Session, 1882-83. Senate Journal. Executive Documents, 5 vols. in 9. Miscellaneous Documents, 4 vols. Reports, 2 vols. House Journal. Executive Documents, 25 vols. Miscellaneous Documents, 1-15, 17, 19, vol., 13 in 22 parts. Reports, 2 vols. 48th Congress, 1st Session, 1883-84. Senate Journal: Executive Documents, 8 vols. Miscellaneous Documents, 3 vols. Reports, 7 vols. House Journal: Executive Documents, 32 vols. Miscellaneous Documents, vols., 1—17: 20-26: 28-34: 36-40. 2d Session, 1884-85: Senate Journal. Executive Documents, 2 vols. in 4. Miscellaneous Documents, vols. 1-5: 7, 8. Reports, 2 vols. House Journal. Executive Documents, vols, 1-34. Miscellaneous Documents, 17 vols. Reports, 4 vols. 206 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. United States Congress. 49th Congress, 1st Session, 1885-86. Senate Journal. Executive Documents, 8 vols. Miscellaneous Documents, 11 vols. Reports, 11 vols. House Journal. Executive Documents, vols, 1-4, 6-38. Miscellaneous Documents, vols. 1^, 8-27. 2d Session, 1886-87. Senate Journal. Executive Documents, vols. 1, 2. Miscellaneous Documents, vols. 1-4: 6. Reports, vols. 1-3. House Journal. Executive Documents, vols. 1, 23-26: 28. Miscellaneous Documents, vols. 1-5, 8, 9, 10-12. Reports, vols. 1-3. 50th Congress. 1st Session, 1887-88. Senate Journal. Executive Documents, vols., 1-8, 10, 12. Miscellaneous, vol., 1. Reports, vols. 1, 2, 9, 10. House Journal, 3 vols. Executive, vols., 1-11, 14-17, 19, 23, 24, 27, 32. Miscellaneous, vols. 3-18, 23, 27. 2d Session, 1888-9. House Executive, vols., 14, 23. Miscellaneous, vols., 5-18. Congressional Directory, 1882, 1884-1889. Washington, 1882-1889. Congressional Record, vol. 14 part 1-Yol. 21 part 6, 1883-1890. President’s Messages and Accompanying Documents 1849, vols. 2, 3; 1850; 1853-4, 3 vols; 1854-5, 2 vols. Washington, 1849-54. Adams, J. Message to Congress, relative to Affairs of United States with French Republic. Philadelphia, 1797-99. Washington, George. Message to Congress, Dec. 5, 1793, rela¬ tive to France and Great Britain. Philadelphia, 1795. Convention of Governors of 13 Colonial States at Philadelphia, Sept., 1886, with proceedings of Constitutional Centennial Commission, Dec., 1886. Philadelphia, 1886, pam. Crafts, W. A. Pioneers in the settlement of America, from Florida, 1510, to California, 1849. Cincinnati, n. d., 2 vols. Hale, S. History of the United States, from first Settlement to close of War with Great Britain, 1815. New York, 1835. Hamilton, J. W. United States History as traced in writings of Alexander Hamilton. Philadelphia, 1868, 7 vols. Harrison, H. D. Capt. Glazier and his Lake. History etc., of Head Waters of Mississippi. New Y ork, n. d. Hawks, F. L. Ecclesiastical History of United States. New Y^ork, 1836-9, 2 vols. CATALOGUE. ‘207 United States. Heartt, Capt. Jonathan. Journal of, on march from Connecticut to Fort Pitt, Penn., 1785, and Dickinson-Homer correspondence, 1784-5. Ed. C. W. Butterfield. Albany, 1885. Historical Register, vol. 4, 1814. Edited F. H. Palmer. Philadel¬ phia, 1816. Holst, H. Yon. Constitutional History of United States, 1846-1859. Tr. J. J. Lalor, P. Shorey. Chicago, 1881-89, 4 vols. United States Law. Digests of all the Courts: Complete Digest, 1887-89. New York, 1888-90, 6 vols. Danforth, H. G. Supreme Court, 1 vol. New York, 1885. Desty, R. Circuit and District Courts, vols., 1-39. St. Paul, 1885, 1 vol. Kinney, J. K. Supreme Court, 1790-1848, 2 vols. Boston, 1886. Lawyers Co-operative Company, General Digest Decisions of Principal Courts, 1886-90. Rochester, 1888-90, 5 vols. Indexed Digest, 1789-1886. Rochester, 1887, 3 vols. Official Opinions Attorney General, 1789-1881. Washington, 1881. Public Opinions. Rev. edition. Washington, 1877. Rapalje, S. Federal Decisions and Statutes. Jersey City, 1877. Thatcher, E. International Law. Washington,1886, 3 vols. Jurisdiction Pleadings etc., of District Courts. 2d edition. Boston, 1884, 3 vols. United States Digest, New Series, vols., 12-29. Boston, 1881-89. Reports: Circuit Court. Bissell, J. H. Yols. 10, 11. Chicago, 1882. Blatchford, S. Yols. 19-24. New York, 1883-88. Flippen, W. S. Yol. 2. Chicago, 1882. Hughes, R. AY. Yols. 4, 5. New York, 1883. McCrary, G. AY. Yols. 1-5. Chicago, 1881-84. Savage, L. S. B. Yols. 7-11. San Francisco, 1882-87. See also Patent Cases: Court of Claims. Nott, C. C. and Hopkins A. Yols. 15-17: 19-22. AYash- ington, 1886-87. Richardson, AY. A. A 7 ol. 18. AYashington, 1883. District of Columbia. Mac Arthur, A. A r ol, 3. AVasliington, 1883-84. Mackey, F. H. A r ols. 1, 2. AYashington, 1884. Federal Decisions. Myer, AY. G. Yols. 1-21; 25. St. Louis, 1884-86. Patent CcisGs Banning, H. A., Arden, H., 1874-1880, 5 vols. New York, 1882—3 Fisher, S. S., 1848-1874. Boston, 1883. Interstate Commerce Reports, 2 vols., 1881-1888. New York, 1881-89. Supreme Court. Otis, AY. T. Yols. 104-107. Boston, 1882-83. Davis, J. C. A T ols. 108-131. New York, 1884-1889. 208 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. United States. Statutes. Digests, Indexes. Burch, S. General Index to Laws, 1879-1827. Washing¬ ton, 1828. Dunlop, J. Digest of General Laws. Philadelphia, 1856. Gordon, T. F. Digest United States Laws. Philadelphia, 1827. Graydon, W. Abridgment of Laws. Harrisburg, 1803. Ingersoll, E. Digest of Laws, 1789-1820. Philadelphia, 1821. Laws 7th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions, 1802-3. Law r s 8tli Congress, 2d Session, 1804. Laws 9th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions, 1805-6. Laws 14th Congress, 2d Session, 1816-17. Laws 20th and 21st Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions, 1827-1831. Laws 22d Congress, 1st Session, 1831. Laws 24tli Congress, 1st Session, 1835-36. Statutes and recent Treatise, etc. 2d Session, 48th Congress to 2d Session 50tli Congress, 1884-1889. Washington, 1885- 89. Statutes at Large, vols., 21-25,1881-1889. Washington, 1881-89. See Northwest Territory. Miscellaneous : Existing Land Laws, 1880. Washington, 1884. Immigration Laws. Washington, 1887. Interior Department and Land Office Decisions, 1881-87. Washington, 1885-7, 5 vols. Interstate Commerce Law, 1887. n. p., n. d., pam. Import Duties and Digest of Tariff Laws, 1883. 6th edition. New York, 1883. Land Laws, 2 vols. Washington, 1884. Pension Laws, Decisions, Rulings, etc. Washington, 1885. Public Land Laws, 1810. Washington, 1810. Quarantine Laws. Washington, 1887. Text Books: Copp, H. H. Public Land Laws of United States, 1875-1882. Washington, 1883. Field, G. W. Constitution and Jurisdiction of Courts. Boston, 1884, 3 vols. Desty, R. Federal Constitution. 2d edition. San Francisco, 1884. Federal Procedure. 6th edition, rev. San Francisco, 1884. Morgan, S. T. Import Duties and Digest of Tariff Laws, 1883. 6th edition. New York, 1883. Walker, A. H. Patent Laws. New Y T ork, 1883. Williams, C. F. Tariff Laws, 1883. Boston, 1883. McPherson, E. Political History of United States Army during Rebellion. 4th edition. Washington, 1882. Political History of United States Army during Reconstruction. 3d edition. Washington, 1880. Mason, J. Extracts from diary of Journey from Boston, to Savan¬ nah, 1804. Cambridge, 1885, pam. CATALOGUE. 209 United States. Reports: Attorney General, Argument in Star Route Conspiracy, 1882 n. p., n. d., pam. Attorneys General, Official Opinions, vols. 15-16. Washington, 1880-81. Digest, 1789-1881. Washington, 1885. Digest, revised edition. Washington, 1887. Opinions on International Law, etc. Washington, 1877. Reports, 1883, 1888. Washington, 1883-88. Bureau of Education: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Report, 1882-3. Washington, 1883. Buffalini Prize, The. Washington, 1883. Circulars of Information: 1873, No. 5. Account of College commencements in Western and Southern States, 1873. 1882, No. 4. Industrial Arts in France. C. C. Leland. No. 5. Maternal Schools in France. 1883, No. 1. Legal Provisions respecting examination and licensing of Teachers. No. 2. Co-Education of the sexes in Public Schools of United States. No. 3. Proceedings of Department of Superin¬ tendence of National Educational Association, 1883. No. 4. Recent School law Decisions. 1884, No. 1. Meetings of International Prison Con¬ gress, 1884. No. 2. Teaching, Practice, and Literature of Shorthand. J. E. Rockwell. No. 3. Illiteracy in United States in 1870-1880. No. 4. Proceedings Department of Superin¬ tendence of National Educational Association, 1884. No. 5. Suggestions respecting International Exhibit at World’s Industrial and Cotton Exhibition. No. 6. Rural Schools, etc. No. 7. Aims and Methods of teaching Physics. 1885, No. 1. City School System in United States. No. 2. Teachers’ Institutes. No. 3. Review of Report of British Royal Com¬ missioners on Technical Instruction. No. 5. Physical Training in American Colleges. 1886, No. 1. Study of Music in Public Schools. No. 2. Proceedings of Department of Superin¬ tendence of National Educational Association, 1886. 1887, No. 2. Study of History in American Colleges and Universities. H. B. Adams. 1888, No. 5. Industral Education in the South. A. D. Mayo. 27 210 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. United States. Reports: Bureau of Education: Circulars of Information: 1889, No. 2. Proceedings of Department of Superin¬ tendence of National Educational Association, 1889. 1888, No. 1. Contributions to American Educational History No. 2, History. Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia. H. B. Adams. 1888, No. 2. Contributions, etc. No. 8. History of Education in North Carolina. C. L. Smith. No. 3. Contributions, etc. No. 4. History of Higher Education in South Carolina with Eree School System. E. Meriwether. No. 4. Contributions, etc. No. 5. Education in Georgia. C. E. Jones. No. 7. Contributions, etc. No. 6. History of Education in Florida. G. G. Bush. 1889, No. 1. Contributions, etc. No. 7. Higher Educa¬ tion in Wisconsin. W. E. Allen, L. E. Spencer. 1890, No. 1. Contributions, etc. No. 9. History of Federal and State Aid to Higher Education in United States. F. W. Blackmar. Commissioner’s Reports, 1880-1889. Washington, 1880-89. Education in Italy and Greece. Washington, 1883, pam. High Scools for Girls in Sweden. Washington, 1882, pam. Planting Trees in School Grounds. Washington, 1883, pam. Warren, C. Answers to Inquiries about Bureaus of Education. Bureau of Ethnology, Reports, 1880-1886. Washington, 1883-86. Publications 1879-1883. Washington, 1880-83, 4vols. Bureau of Labor, Reports: Convict Labor. Washington, 1886. Industrial Depressions. Washington, 1886. Marriage and Divorce in U. S. 1867-1886. Washington, Strikes and Lockouts. Washington, 1887. Working Women in Large Cities. Washington, 1888. Bureau of the Mint, Reports of Director, 1880-1889. Report on Production of Precious Metals, 1880-1887. Washington, 1881-89. Bureau of Navigation, Commissioner’s Reports, 1884-1888. Washington, 1884-88. Bureau of Refugees, Semi-annual report on Schools for Freed- men, 1868. Washington, 1868. CATALOGUE. 211 United States. Reports: Bureau, of Statistics, Report of Chief, on Commerce and Nav- gation of United States, 1881-1885. Washington, 1881-85. Report on Imported merchandise for consumption in the United States, 1887. Washington, 1887. Statistical Abstracts of United States, 1878, 1880, 1887, 1888, W ashington, 1881-9. Census Office. Mortality Statistics of 7th United States Census, 1850. Washington, 1855. Tenth United States Census, 1880. Washington, 1883-88. Yol. 1, Population. Yol. 2, Manufactures. Yol. 3, Agriculture. Yol. 4, Transportation. Yols. 5 and 6, Cotton Production, Parts 1, 2. Yol. 7. Yaluation, Taxation, Public Indebtedness. Yol. 8, Alaska, Fur-Seal Islands, etc. Yol. 9, Forest Trees of North America. Yol. 10, Production, Technology and uses of Petroleum, etc. Yol. 11, Mortality and Yital Statistics. Yol. 12, Fisheries and Fishery Industries of United States. Yol. 13, Precious Metals. Yol. 14, Mining Laws. Yol. 15, Mining Industries, excluding Precious Metals. Yols. 16, 17, Water Power, Parts 1, 2. Yols. 18, 19. Social Statistics of Cities, parts 1, 2. Yol. 20. Statistics of Wages, etc. Strikes and Lock¬ outs. Yol. 21. Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes. Yol. 22. Power and Machinery employed in manufact¬ ure of Ice. Civil Service Commission: Officers, Constitution and By- Laws. Boston, 1881. Reports, 1884-1886. Washington, 1884-86. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Reports, 1880-1887. Washington. 1882-89. Secular Yariation of Magnetic declination in LTnited States and at some foreign stations. 6th edition. Wash¬ ington, 1887. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Bulletins, vols. 1-6, 1881- 1886. Washington, 1882-1887. Gill Nets in Cod-fishery. Pam. Investigation of Commission for scientific examination of German Seas, 1882. Investigation of Fur-Seal and other Fisheries of Alaska, 1887. Washington, 1887. Reports, 1872-1884; 1880-1885. Washington, 1872-87. 212 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. United States. Reports: Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Report on condition of Service, Jnly, 1883. Washington, 1883. Comptroller of Currency, Reports, 1885-1888. Washington, 1885- 88 . Comptroller, Reports. See Department of Treasury. Consular Reports, Nos. 21-54, 1882-1885: 57-63, 1885-1886: 65-70, July-Oct., 1886: 74-115, Feb., 1887-April, 1890. Washington, 1882-90. Index to Consular Reports, Nos. 1-59, 1880-85. Washington, 1887. Cholera in Europe, 1884. Washington, 1885. Forestry in Europe. Washington, 1887. Labor in Foreign Countries, 1884. Washington, 1884, 3 vols. Maps Showing location of United States Diplomatic and Con¬ sular Offices, March 1,1888. Washington, 1888. Department of Agriculture: Album of Statistics. Washington, 1889. Botanical Division Bulletins: 1886, No. 11. Scribner, F. L. Report of Fungus Diseases of Grape-vine. Washington, 1886. 1888, No. 9. Smith, E. F. Peach Yellows. Washington, 1888. Section of Vegetable Pathology. Smith, E. F. Peach Rot, and Peach Blight. Reports of Commissioners, 1870-1875; 1880-1884. Department of Interior: Receipt and Distribution of Public Documents, 1884-1887. Washington, 1884-7, pam. Report of Secretary of Interior, 1883. Washington, 1883. Statistics of Public Libraries in United States, 1884-1885. Washington, 1886. Department of Justice. See Attorney General. Register of Department of Justice and Judicial Officers, 1885. 7th edition, 1886. Washington, 1885-86. “Star Route” Conspiracy. Second Trial. Washington, 1883, 4 vols. Department of the Post Office : Letter from Post-Master General on Report of Committee on transportation of Mails, March, 1883. Washington, 1883. Reports, 1879-1885. Washington, 1879-85. Table of Postal Statistics, 1774-1883. Washington, 1884, chart. Department of State. Commercial Relations of United States, 1869, 1880-88. Wash¬ ington, 1870-88. Foreign Relations of United States, 1870-1875; 1877-1879; 1881-1888. Washington, 1870-88. Letter from Secretary of State on “Commerce of the World and share of the United States therein.” Report of Eletrical Conference, at Philadelphia, 1884. Wash¬ ington, 1886. See Consular Reports. CATALOGUE. 213 United States. Department of the Treasury: Comptroller of Currency, Reports, 1884-1889. Washington, ] 885-9. First Comptroller, Decisions, 1880-1885. Washington, 1882- 85, 6 vols. Investigation of Office, 1881. Washington, 1885. Second Comptroller, Digest of Decisions, vol. 2, 1869-1884. Washington, 1885. Secretary of Treasury. Letter transmitting to Congress cor¬ respondence relating to Tariff Revision, March, 1886. Washington, 1886, pam. Reports on Commerce and Navigation, 1851, 1852; Finance, 1853-54, 1883, 1884; 1885, vol. 1, Finance, vol. 2, Collection of Duties; 1886, Finance, Collection of Duties, Revision of Tariff; 1887-1888, Finance. Wash¬ ington, 1851-88. Department of War: Additions to Library since 1884. Official Army Register, 1883. Washington, 1883. Secretary of War, Report, 1877. Washington, 1877. War of the Rebellion, Official Records, Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, vols. 6-29. Washington, 1882-90. Engineer’s Department. Chief of Engineers, Reports, 1882-1888, 1889. Washington, 1882-89; 4 vols. Exhibition of Industry of all Nations, held at London, 1851. Report of United States Central Committee. Washington, 1850, pam. Guarasci, C. Studies on Coast Defence, applied to coast of Gulf of Spezia. Washington, 1884, pam. Heap, D. P. Report on International exhibition of Electricity, Paris, 1881. Washington, 1884. Maguire, E. Professional Notes. Washington, 1884, pam. Newton, J. Fortifications of today. Washington, 1883. Professional Papers: No. 24. Primary Triangulation. No. 25. Towner, Z. B. Report on Practice in Europe with heavy rifled Guns. Washington, 1883. Table of Geographical Positions, etc., 1883. Washington, 1883. Whipple, A. W. Report on Public Works at St Clair Flats, Michigan. Washington, 1859. Ethnological Commission, Bulletin, No. 7: Packard, A. S. Insects injurious to Forest and Shade Trees. Washington, 1881. International Monetary Conference at Paris, Aug., 1878. Washing¬ ton, 1879. Geographical and Geological Survey of Rocky Mountain Region, vol. 5. Contributions to North American Ethnology. Geological Survey of the Territories: Yol. 3. Cope, E. D. Vertebrata of the West. Book 1. Wash¬ ington, 1883. Yol. 8. Lesquereux, L. Cretaceous and Tertiary Flora. Washington, 1883. 214 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. United States. Geological Survey of Territories: > Yol. 12. Leidy, J. Fresh Water Rhizopods of North America. Washington, 1879. Bulletin, vol. 6, 1882. Washington, 1882, No. 11, Quartenary and Recent Mollusca of Great Basin. Washington, 1884. Micellaneous Publications: No. 11, Coues, E. Birds of Colorado Valley. Part. 1. Washington, 1878. Map of Mineral Products of United States, 1882-1887. Government Hospital for Insane, Report, 1887. Washington, 1887. International Polar Expeditions: Greeley, A. W. Proceedings United States Expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grinnell Land. Washington, 1888, 2 vols. Interstate Commerce Commission: Act to regulate Commerce, in effect April 5, 1887, amended March 2, 1889. n. p., 1889, pam. Cooley, T. M. Interstate Commerce Act, Pooling and Combi¬ nations which affect its operations, n. p., n. d., pam. General Conference of Railroad Commissioners, March 5-7, 1889. Washington, 1889. Keith, C. W., Etc., vs. Kentucky Central Railroad Company, tried July 19, 1887. Report and opinion of Commission, n. p., n. d.. pam. Law Reports, 1881-1888. New York, 1881-89, 2 vols. Reports of Commission, 1887-1889. Washington, 1887-9. Revised and amended Rules of Practice, June 8, 1889. Wash¬ ington, 1889, pam. Statistics of Railways in United States, June, 1887-8. Wash¬ ington, 1889. Webber, W. L. Interstate Commerce Commission, its regula¬ tion by Congress, n. p., n. d., pam. Land Office. Commissioner of Land Office, Reports, 1878, 1879, 1881-1889. Washington, 1879-89. Donaldson, T. The Public Domain. Washington, 1884. Life Saving Service, Reports, 1882-1888. Washington, 1883-89. National Museum, Bulletins, Vols. 33-37. Washington, 1889. Naval Observatory, astronomical and meteorological Observations, 1881-1885. Washington, 1881-5. Catalogue of Stars observed, 1845-1847. 3d edition. Wash¬ ington, 1889. Instructions respecting signals to be used in connection with Transit of Venus, 1882. pam. Northern Boundary Commission: Survey of Boundary between U. S. and British Possessions from Lake of the Woods to sum¬ mit of Rocky Mountains. Washington, 1878. Patent Office: Allen, J. T. Digest of Plows, with attachment, patented in United States, 1789-1883, 2 vols. Washington, 1883. Supplement, July, 1881; June, 1884. Washington, 1884. Alphabetical List of Patentees and Inventors, 1882-1889. n. p., n. d. CATALOGUE. 215 United States. Patent Office * Catalogue of additions to Library, May 1, 1879-1883. Wash¬ ington, 1883. Commissioner of Patents, Decisions, 1869-1882. Washington, 1876-83, 10 vols. Reports, 1845, 1847, 1848, 1857; 1869, vol. 3; 1870, vol. 3; 1871, vols. 1, 2; 1883-1887. Washington, 1845-87. Commissioner of Patents Report on Agriculture, 1849-50, 1870, 1882, 1883. Washington, 1850-84. Index to Patents for Inventions granted in Italy, 1848-1882. Washington, 1885. Official Gazette, 1882-1889. Washington, 1882-89. Platt, O. H. Speech on Reorganization of Patent Office, March, 1884. Washington, 1884. Specifications and Drawings of Patents issued from United States Patent Office, Jan., 1883-Nov., 1889. Washington, 1883-89. Pension Office. Commissioner of Pensions. Report, 1886-1889. Washington, 1886-89. Pensioners of United States on the Roll, Jan. 1, 1883. Washington, 1883, 5 vols. Ordnance Department, Report of Chief, 1882-1888. Washington, 1882-88. Public Documents, Reports regarding publication and distribution of. J. G. Ames, A. R. Spoffard, S. F. Baird. Washington, 1882. Public Printer, Catalogue United States Government Publications, Sept., 1874-March, 1881. Washington, 1885. Sanitary Commission, Appeal for Supplies, July 4, 1862. New York, 1862, pam. * Reports of Medical Members of Commission, Amputation of Foot and at Ancle Joint. New York. 1862, pam. Dysentery. Philadelphia, 1862, pam. Continued Fevers. Boston, 1862, pam. Signal Service, Bulletins International Simultaneous Meteorological Observations, Nov., 1880, March, May Sept., 1881, Feb., May, June, Dec., 1882. Summary and Review of same, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1887. Daily Bulletins, Oct., Dec., 1872, March, June, 1873. Wash¬ ington, 1873-5. Monthly Weather Service Reports, 1873-1887. (volumes imper¬ fect.) Washington, 1873-87. Signal Service Notes. Blodgett, L. C. Climatic Condition of Summer of 1853. New York, 1853, pam. March, Jan., 1873. Washington, 1873. Coast Signal Service, Official Danger or Distress Signals. Washington, 1878. History of Signal Service Army and special Catalogue of Sig¬ nal Service Exhibit at International Exhibition of Electricity. Paris, 1881, pam. Memoranda of Useful Information for Ship-Masters. Wash¬ ington, 1883, pam. 216 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. United States. Signal Service Notes: Memoranda on Work accomplished by Signal Service. Wash¬ ington, 1881, pam. Necessity of a completed Organization for Signal Corps. Washington, 1884, pam. Official Dangers, Distress, and Storm Signal Codes. Wash¬ ington, 1883. Professional Papers: No. 2. Greeley, A. W. Isothermal Lines of United States, 1871-1880. Washington, 1881, pam. No. 7. Finley, J. P. Report on character of six hundred Tornadoes. Washington, 1884, pam. No. 13. Ferrel, W. Temperature of the Atmosphere and Earth’s Surface. Washington, 1884. No. 15. Langley, S. P. Researches on Solar Heat, etc. Washington, 1884. No. 16. Finley, J. P. Tornado Studies for 1884. Wash¬ ington, 1885. Rain and Dry Winds, to Jan. 1880, 1881. Washington, 1880- 81, pams. Notes: No. 13. Curtis, G. E. Relation between Northers and Magnetic Disturbances at Havana, Cuba. Washing¬ ton, 1885, pam. No. 15. Hazen, H. A. Danger Lines and River Floods, 1882. Washington, 1884, pam. No. 16. Curtis, G. E. Effect of Wind-currents on Rain¬ falls. Washington, 1881, pam. No. 17. Morrill, P. Report upon Atmospheric Electricity at Baltimore, 1883. Washington, 1884, pam. No. 18. Me Adie, A. The Aurora in its relation to Meteo¬ rology. Washington, 1885, pam. No. 19. Glenn, S. W. Report on Tornado of Aug. 28, 1884, near Huron Dakota. Washington, 1885, pam. No. 20. Hazen, H. A. Thunder Storms of May 1884. Washington, 1884, pam. No. 22. Russell, T. Corrections of Thermometors. Wash¬ ington, 1885, pam. No. 23. Woodruff, T. M. Cold Waves and their Prog¬ ress. Washington, 1885, pam. Reports Chief Signal Officer 1884-1886. Washington, 1884- 1886. Tornado Circular. No. 1. n. p., n. d., pam. Voluntary Observers Instructions. Washington, 1882, pam. Weekly Weather Chrorficle, 1874, 1875, 1876. (volumes imper¬ fect.) Washington, 1874-76. Smithsonian Institution: Blodget, L. B. Report on Climatic condition of summer of 1853. New York, 1853, pam. Contributions to Knowledge, vols. 24, 25. Washington, 1885. Meacliem, J. Report, 1853, on distribution of income of Smithsonian Institution. Washington, 1854, pam. CATALOGUE. 217 United States. Smithsonian Institution: Miscellaneous Collections, vols. 22-33. Washington, 1881-88. Additions and corrections to list of Foreign Correspond¬ ents, to Jan., 1883. Washington, 1883, pam. Reports, 1854-5, 1881-1885. Washington, 1854-85. Surgeon General’s Office: Medical and Surgical History of War ot Rebellion. Medical, Part 3; Surgical, Part 3. Washington, 1883-88. Report, Surgeon General, 1887. Washington, 1887. Shea, J. G. Story of a Great Nation. New York, n. d. Sullivan, Maj. Gen. John. Journal of Military Expedition against Six Nations of Indians, 1779, etc. Auburn, 1887. Tribunal of Arbitration: Alabama Claims, Case to be laid before the Tribunal at Geneva, under treaty of 1871. Washington, 1872. Universal Suffrage. T. W. Palmer. Washington, 1885, pam. Universal Suffrage and complete equality in Citizenship. H. W. Beecher, Etc. Boston, 1865, pam. Upham, C. W. Oration before New England Society, New York, Dec. 22, 1846. 2d edition. Boston, 1847. Upon whom rests the Guilt of the War? E. Laboulaye. New York, 1863, pam. Upton, G. P. Life of Richard Wagner. Chicago, 1884. Urquhart, D. Pillars of Hercules: Travels in Spain, 1848. New York, 1855, 2 vols. Use of Human Ordure and Urine in Religious Rites. J. G. Bourke. Wash¬ ington, 1888. Use of Oil for stilling Waves. T. F. Townsend, n. p., n. d., pam. [ i Bancroft, H. H. Utah, 1540-1886. See Bancroft’s History of Pacific States, vol. 21. San Francisco, 1889. Gazetteer, 1884. See Colorado. Law , Statute: Compiled Laws, 1876; 1888, 2 vols. Salt Lake City, 1876-1888. Laws, 1856-7,1862-3,1869,1880-1888. Salt Lake City, 1857-88. Supreme Court: Reports Hagen, A. Yol. 2. Chicago, 1881. Yale, J. Minty and the Cavalry. Harrisburg, 1886. Value of Technical Training, etc., in public schools. E. Combes. Phila¬ delphia, 1889, pam. Yane, Sir Henry. W. Philips, n. p., n. d., pam. Yan Buren, A. D. P. Jottings of a year’s soiourn in the South. Battle Creek, 1859. Yandersloot, J. S. True Path; Murphy Movement. Detroit, 1878. Yan Dyke, J. A. See Individual Biography. * Yan Schaack, H. E. Life of Peter Yan Schaack. New York, 1842. Yaux, R. Notices of efforts to improve the prison discipline of Phila¬ delphia. Philadelphia, 1826. V entilation. See Public Health. Yeri^azano, the Navigator. See Individual Biography. 28 218 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Vermont. Adjutant and Inspector General: General Order, No 1: Regulations for Military Districts, 1864. Montpelier, 1864, pam. No. 2: Regulations for raising three Regiments Militia. Montpelier, 1868, pam. No. 8: Regulations for Enrollment of Militia, 1865. Montpelier, 1865, pam. No. 12: Regulations for Cavalry and Light Artillery. Montpelier, 1865, pam. Agricultural Experimental Station, Report, 1887. Rutland, 1888. Agricultural, Reports, 1881-1888. Montpelier and Burlington, 1888. Bank Commissioner. Reports, 1860, 1862, 1863, 1865, 1867. Bur¬ lington, Montpelier, Rutland, 1860-67. Barstow, Gov. J. S. Messages, Oct. 1882, 1884. Montpelier and Burlington, 1882-84, pams. Benedict, G. G. Services of Vermont Troops. Montpelier, 1882. Vermont in the Civil War. Burlington, 1886-88, 2 vols. Biographical Encyclopaedia of Vermont in 19th Century. Board of Education, Report, 1860. Burlington, 1860. Board of Health, Report, 1886-7, 1887-8. Rutland, 1887-8. Centennial Anniversary of Independence of Vermont, Proceedings at Celebration Aug. 15, 16, 1877. Rutland, 1879. Childs, G. T., Edson, P. O. M. Addresses before Reunion Society of Vermont Officers, Nov., 1874. Burlington, 1874, pam. Childs, Rev. W. Election Sermon, 1856. Montpelier, 1856, pam. Commissioner of Railroads, Beports, 1864, 1875-76, 1877-78. St. Albans, Rutland, 1864-78. Dillingham, Gov. W. P. Message, 1888. Montpelier, 1888. Dorr, J. C. R. Vermont, A Centennial Poem. Boston, 1877. Fair Haven History, 3 Parts. A. N. Adams. Fairhaven, 1870. Farnham, Gov. R. Message, Oct., 1882. Montpelier, 1882. Fish Commissioner, Reports, 1881-1886. Montpelier, 1881-6. Governors’ Messages, 1859-1864: 1868-1870: 1876:1878: 1882. Bur¬ lington, 1859-82. Messages with Documents, 1864-1866. Montpelier, Burlington, 1864-67. Historical Society. Addresses, Oct., 16, 1866. Montpelier, 1866. Hall. H. Vindication of Vol. 1, of Collections. Montpelier, 1871, pam. Insane Asylum, Reports, 1852-1884. Brattleboro, 1852-84. Insurance Commissioner, Reports, 1867-1876: 1885-6, 1887. Mont¬ pelier, 1869-87. Journal of Constitutional Conventions, 1836, 1843,1857. St. Albans, Montpelier, Burlington, 1836-57. Journal of Council of Censors, 1855-6, 1862, 1869. Middlebury, Montpelier, 1857-69. Journal of the House, 1878; 1882-1886. Rutland and Montpelier. 1879-1886. Journal of the Senate, 1882-1886. Rutland, Montpelier, 1883-86. CATALOGUE. 219 Vermont. Laic , Statute. Laws, 1816, vol. 3; 1882-1888. Rutland, Springfield, ton, 1817-1889. Election Laws, Compilation. Rutland, 1885, pam. Insurance Laws, 1873. n. p., n. d., pam. Laws relating to Illegal Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. 1885. Burling- Rutland, Statutes relating to Grand List, 1855. Montpelier, 1855, pam. Supreme Court: Reports. Palmer, E. F. Vols. 54-60. Montpelier, Rutland, etc., 1882- 88 . Legislative. Directory, 1882-1888. Montpelier, Boston, Rutland, " 1882-88. Reports. Select Committee of the Senate, on Slavery, 1856. Burlington, 1856, pam. Sergeant at Arms, of House, 1858-9. Montpelier, 1859, pam. Special Committee on Amending the Constitution, 1869. Minority Report. Montpelier, 1869, pam. Special Joint Committee to investigate Vermont Central Railroad, 1872. St. Albans, 1872. McKeen, Rev. S. Sermon before General Assembly, Oct. 9, 1857. Montpelier, 1857, pam. Middletown, History. B. Frisbie. Rutland, 1867. Montpelier, Services at Dedication of Green Mount Cemetery, Sept. 15, 1855. Montpelier, 1855, pam. Monument at Gettysburg. Commissioners Report, 1888. Rutland, 1888. Natural History of Vermont. Preliminary Report. Burlington, 1856. Ormsbee, Gov. E. J. Message, Oct., 1886. Montpelier, 1886. Pingree, Gov. S. E. Message, Oct., 1884-1886. Montpelier, 1886. Reform School, Reports, 1865,1866-67, 1872. Montpelier, 1865-72. Acts of Legislature and By-laws of the School, 1866. Montpelier, 1866, pam. Registration, Reports. 1862, 1871, 1879-1886. Montpelier, Boston, " etc., 1865-1886. School Reports, 1881-82, 1884—1888. Montpelier, Boston, etc., 1882-8. State Library, Catalogue, 1858. Montpelier, 1858. State Officers, Reports, 1881-1886. Rutland, 1882-88. State Papers, 1779-1786. Middlebury, 1823. Supervisor of Insane, Report, 1887-8. Rutland, 1888, pam. Surgeon General, Report, 1865. Burlington, 1865, pam. Thomas, C. A. Sermon before General Assembly, Oct. 15, 1858. Montpelier, 1858, pam. University and Agricultural College, Catalogues, 1882-83. Burling¬ ton, 1882. Washington County Bar. Proceedings on the Death of Lucius B. Peck, and Luther Henry, 1867. Montpelier, 1867, pam. Verona, A. D. Sewer Gases, etc. New York, 1882. 220 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Veteran, The. Vol. 1. Lansing, 1883-84. Veto Power in Lhiited States. J. H. Benton. Boston, 1888. Viardot, L., etc. Illustrated Historical Painters of all Schools. London, 1877. Victor Hugo. A. C. Swinburne. New York, 1886. Views on Vexed Questions. W. Kinsley. Philadelphia, 1881. Villetard, E. History of the Internationals, an association of working¬ men. Tr. S. M. Hay. New Haven, 1874. Virginia. Augusta County History. L. J. Peyton. Staunton, 1882. Henry, W. W. Early Settlement of Virginia. See Historical Society Proceedings 1882. Richmond, 1882. Historical Society Collections. Richmond. 1882-89. Vols. 1 and 2, Official Letters of Alex. Spotswoode, 1710-1722. Vols. 3 and 4, Papers of Robert Dinwiddie, 1751-1748. Vol. 5, Documents relating to Huguenot Emigration. Vol. 6, Miscellaneous Papers. Vols. 7 and 8, Abstract of Proceedings of Virginia Company of London, vols. 1, 2, 1619-1624. Proceedings, 1882. Richmond, 1882. Journal of the House, 1883-88. Richmond, 1884-88. Journal of the Senate, 1883-88. Richmond, 1884-88. Law, Statute: Acts, 1727: 1792: 1819-1829: 1830-1833: 1836-1837: 1844-1846: 1861: 1881-1887. Williamsburg, Wheeling, Richmond, 1733-1887. Compilations: Code, 1887. Richmond, 1887. Mercer, J. Abridgment of Public Laws. Williamsburgh, 1737. Supreme Court Reports: Mathews, J. M. Vol. 75. Richmond, 1882. Hansbrough, G. W. Vols. 76-84. Richmond, 1883-88. Map of Country between Albemarle Sound and Lake Erie. Vir¬ ginia, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania, 1787. Neill, E. D. Virginia Carolorum; Colony under Charles First and Second, 1625-1685. Albany, 1886. Penitentiary, Report, 1877. Richmond, 1878, pam. Railroad Commissioner’s Report, 1883. Richmond, 1883. Reports of State Officers, etc., 1883-1888. Richmond, 1883-88. Richmond Free White Schools, n. p., n. d., pam. State Papers, Calendars, 1652-1795. Richmond, 1885-88, 7 vols. Visit to Monasteries in the Levant. R. Curzon. New Y r ork, 1852. Visit to Remarkable Places. W. Howitt. Philadelphia, 1842, 2 vols. Voice of a Tree, from Middlesex Eells. E. Wright. Boston, 1883. Volunteer Soldiers of America. J. A. Logan, Chicago, 1887. Voyages. Baxter, J. P. Early Voyages to America. Providence, 1889, pam. DeLong, G. W. Voyage of the Jeanette. Boston, 1884, 2 vols. Hawkswortli, J. Voyage of Discovery in Southern Hemisphere. London, 1773, 3 vols. Missionary Voyage to South Pacific, 1796-98. London, 1799. CATALOGUE. 221 Voyages. Nordekiold, A. E. Voyage of tlie Vega around Asia and Europe. New York, 1882. Wagner, W. Epics and Romances of Middle Ages, 4th edition. London, 1887. Wages and Prices in Mass., 1752-1883. Boston, 1885. Wages and Tariff. E. J. Donnell. New York, 1884, pam. Wages, Living, and Tariff. E. A. Hartshorn. New York, n. d. Wagner, R. Life. See Individual Biography. Wagnerism, a Protest. H. W. Hime. London, 1882. Waite, R., Porter, N. Addresses at Unveiling of Joseph Henry Statue at Washington, April 19, 1883. Washington, 1884, pam. Waldo, S. P. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. Hartford, 1819. Walker, R. J. Appeal for The Union, n. p., n. a., pam. Wallace, L. Lives of Benjamin Harrison and Levi Morton. Chicago, n. d. Ben Hur, a Tale of the Christ. New York, 1880. The Pair God, or Last of the Tzins. Boston, 1885. Wallcut, T. Journal, 1790. Cambridge, 1879, pam. Wallenstein. J. W. De Peyster. New York, 1889, pam. Wanderings in Spain. J. C. Hare. New York, n. d. War, 1812: Parsons, U. Battle of Lake Erie. Providence, 1853, pam. Officers who were in the Battle of Lake Erie. Albany, 1862, pam. War, Franco-German: Barbstaedt, A., Dyer, F. Franco-German War, to catastrophe of Sedan and fall of Strassburg. London, 1873. Brockett, L. P. Year of Battles, 1870-71. New York, 1871. Germany and France. London, 1884, 2 vols. in 1. Herrisson, L. C. D. Journal of a Staff Officer in Paris, 1870-71. London, 1885. War, French and Indian: Holden, David. Journal kept during latter part of French and Indian War, 1766. Notes and Introduction t by S. A. Green. Cambridge, 1889, pam. &r Indian * Heard, J. V. D. History of Sioux War of 1862, 1863. New York, 1863. War, Rebellion: Brooke-Rawle, W. With Gregg in Gettysburg Campaign. Phila¬ delphia, 1884, pam. Bowman, S. M., Irwin, R. B. Gen. W. T. Sherman and his cam¬ paigns. New York, 1865. Brearley, W. H. East Tennessee Campaign. Detroit, 1871, pam. Campaigns of the Civil War. Army, 12 vols. in 6; Navy, 4 vols. in 2. New York, 1882-86. Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’61. Boston, 1883. Cummings, C. L. “All about it for ten cents.” Harrisburg, n. d. De Peyster, J. W. From the Rapidan to Appomattox Court House. Philadelphia, 1883, pam. Duffield, H. M. Oration, 18th Reunion Army of Cumberland, Detroit, 1887. 222 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. War, Rebellion. Giddings, J. R. History of tlie Rebellion, its authors and causes. New York, 1864. Headley, J. T. The Great Rebellion. Hartford, 1863-66, 2 vols. Hodgson, J. Cradle of the Confederacy, etc. Mobile, 1876. Howard, R. B. At Gettysburg, n. p., n. d., pam. Humphrey, W. C. The Great Contest. Detroit, 1886. Johnson, R. U. Buel, C. C. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. „ New York, n. d., 4 vols. Kirkland, F. Pictorial Book of Anecdotes of American Rebellion. Hillsdale, 1887. Lewis, C. B. (M. Quad). Field, Fort, Fleet, 1861-1863. Detroit, 1885. Logan, J. A. The Volunteer Soldier of America. Chicago, 1887. McClellan, Gen. C. A. A. Humphrey, at Malvern Hill, etc. St. Paul, 1888, pam. Marshall, J. A. The American Bastile. 4th edition. Philadelphia, 1870. Mead, G. S. Gen. Mead’s Letter on Gettysburg. Philadelphia, 1886, pam. Medals of Honor, awarded for distinguished Services during Rebel¬ lion. Washington, 1886, pam. Mottelay, P. F. The Soldier in the Civil War, 1861-1865. New York, 1884, 2 vols. Official Record, Union and Confederate Armies. Series 1, vols. 6- 27. Washington, 1883-89. Paris, Comte De. History of Civil War in America, vols. 3, 4. Philadelphia, n. d. Peckham, J. Gen. N. Lyon and Mission Ridge, 1861. New Y T ork, 1866. Pictorial Battles of the Civil War. New York, 1885, 2 vols. Smifh, G. W. Confederate War Papers. 2d edition. New York, 1884. Storke, E. G., Brockett, L. P. History of American Rebellion. Auburn, n. d. Taylor, R. Destruction and Reconstruction. New York, 1879. Thatcher, M. P. A Hundred Battles in the West, 1861-65. Detroit, 1884. Vale, J. Minty and the Cavalry. Harrisburg, 1886. Van Horn, T. B. History of Army of the Cumberland. Cincin¬ nati, 1885, 3 vols. Wilson, J. T. The Black Phalanx. Negro Soldiers in wars of 1775, 1812, 1861-5. Hartford, 1886. See State Histories. War, Revolutionary. Pausch, Capt. G. Journal during the Burgoyne Campaign. Tr. W. L. Stone. Albany, 1886. Wheildon, W. W. Concord Fight. Boston, 1885, pam. Wardner, H. State Medicine. . St. Louis, 1880. Waring, G. E. Sanitary conditions of city and country houses. New York, 1877. Warren, C. Answer to Inquiries about United States Bureau of Educa¬ tion. See U. S. Bureau of Education. Illiteracy in United States, 1876-80. See U. S. Bureau of Educa¬ tion. CATALOGUE. 223 Warren, Maj. Gen. J. Iv. Findings of Court of Inquiry, etc., in case of. Washington, 1883. W as Philip Peis the inventor of the Articulating Telephone? E. J. Houston, n. p., n. d., pam. Washburn, E. The College an element of the State. New Haven, 1870, pam. vol, 300. Sketches of Judicial History of Massachusetts, 1636-1775. New York, 1850. Washburn, E. B. The Edwards papers, Letters etc., of Ninian Edwards. Chicago, 1884. Henry H. Gratiot, a pioneer of Wisconsin. Chicago, 1884, pam. Recollections of a Minister to France, 1869-1877. New York, 1887, 2 vols. Washburn, E. B., and Wentworth, J. Memorials of J. N. Arnold and Others. Chicago, 1884, pam. Washburton, E. Conquest of Canada. New York, 1850, 2 vols. Washington City. Catalogue of Norwood Institute, 1887-8. Washington, 1888, pam. Picturesque Washington. J. W. Moore. Providence, 1884. Washington Family, Genealogical Chart. E. W. Tuffley. New York, 1883. See “Stars and Stripes.” Washington, G., and his Generals. J. T. Headley. New York, 1856, 2 vols. Washington George, and the Principles of the Revolution, n. p., n. d., pam. Centenary celebrated at New YWrk, April 29, May 1, 1889. New Y"ork, n. d. Last Official Address, 1783. Hartford, 1873, pam. Letters to A. Young and Sir J. Sinclair on husbandry, 1786-97. Alexandria, 1803, pam., vol. 275. Life of. A. Bancroft. Philadelphia, 1855. Writings of. J. Sparks. Boston, 1837, vol. 12. Washington Territory. Ballard, D. P. Washington Territory and Far Northwest. Chicago, n. d. Gazetteer, 1884-85. See Oregon. Journal of the House, 1881. Olympia, 1881. Law, Statute: Index to Code and to Session Laws, 1881-1887. Olympia, 1888. Laws, 1864, 1865, 1883-1888. Olympia, 1865-88. Supreme Court Reports: Allen, J. B. Vol. 2. San Francisco, 1886. Struve, H. G. Vol. 3. San Francisco, 1889. Semple, Gov. E. Message, 1887-8. Olympia, 1886, pam. Squer, Gov. W. C. Report, 1887. Washington, 1887, pam. Woman Suffrage in. Leaflet. Water and Water Supply. See Public Health. Watson, J. C. See collective Biography. Watson, J. T. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. Philadelphia, n. d. Watson, R. and Thompson, W. Reign of Philip 2d and 3d of Spain. 1st Am. edition. New York, 1818. Wauters, A. J. Flemish School of Painting. Tr. Mrs. H. Rossel. Lon¬ don, 1885. Wead, C. K. Aims and Methods of teaching Physics. Washington, 1884, pam. See Education. 224 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Webber, C. W. Romance of Natural History. London, 1853. Webber, W. L. Interstate Commerce; its regulation by Congress. East Saginaw, 1883, pam. Tariff as a political Question, n. p., n. cl., pam. Webster, D. Address at laying of Corner Stone of Bunker Hill Monu¬ ment. Boston, 1825, pam. Compromise Bill, speech, n. p., n. d., pam. John Adams and Declaration of Independence, n. p., n. ci, pam. Words of. J. A. Andrew, n. p., n. cl. See Individual Biography. Webster, W. Army Medical Staff, etc. Boston, 1865. Weekes Family. See Genealogy. Weidner, F. Cerro de Mercado, of Durango, Mexico. 2d edition. Chi¬ cago, 1882, pam. Wellings, J. C. Land Politics of U. S. New York, 1888. Wells, D. A. Primer of Tariff Reform. New York, 1885, pam. AVells, AY. P. Argument in Case of C. J. Reiley, vs. AV. Jennison, before joint committee, Michigan Legislature, 1883. Detroit, 1883. AVest, The, from Census of 1880. R. B. Porter. Chicago, 1882. AA r est, C. N. Life and Writings of Sidney Lanier. Savannah, 1888. Westminster Review. Yols. 1-121. London, 1824-84. AVest Ahrginia. Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Asylum, Report, 1880. AA^heeling, 1881, pam. Eastern Lunatic Asylum, Report, 1884. Richmond, 1884, pam. Gazetteer, 1884, See Delaware. Law, Statute: Code of West Virginia. 2d edition, 1887. AVheeling, 1887. Laws, 1868. Wheeling, 1868. Supreme Court,: Digest. Bent, J. A. 1 vol., 1863-1879. Cincinnati, 1888. Reports AVatts, C. C. Yols. 19-23. AVheeling, 1882-84. Caldwell, A. Yols. 24-30. Charleston and Fairmont, 1885-89. \n Legislative Manual, 1889. Charleston, 1889. Penitentiary, Reports, 1874, 1876, 1884. AVheeling, 1876-84. Wilson, Gov. E. W. Messages, Jan., 1887, 1889. Charleston, 1887- 9. pams. AVetmore Family. See Genealogy. AVey, AY. D. Industrial and physical training of Criminals. New York, 1888. AVhale The, and his Captors. H. T. Cheever. New York, 1850. What can AVomen do? Mrs. M. L. Rayne. Detroit, 1884. AVhat is the Eternal Hope of Canon Farrar. J. K. Endean. London, 1878. AA r hat is Tariff, whom does it benefit? n. p., n. d., pam. A\ 7 hat the Village AVeathercock saw on Sunday Morning. Philadelphia, n. d. See pam., vol. 277, pam. AVhat the AVorld believes. G. AV. Hager. New York, n. d. AVheatley, C. Rational Illustration of Book of Common Prayer. Oxford, 1846. AVheildon, AA 7 . AA r . New Chapter in history of Concord Fight. Boston, 1885, pam. New History of Battle of Bunker Hill. Boston, 1875. CATALOGUE. 225 Which, Protection, Free Trade, or Revenue Reform? H. W. Furber. Tecumseh, 1888. Whig Party analyized and illustrated. J. Quincy. Boston, 1856, pam. Whipple, E. P. Washington and the Principles of the Revolution, n, p., n. d., pam. White, A. D. Education of the Freedmen. Ithaca, 1882, pam. Plan of Western Reserve University. Ithaca, 1882, pam. White, G. Political Economy. Easton, 1888. White, R. Cross of Monterey. Poem. San Francisco, 1882. Whitehead, W. A. Life and Character of S. I. Prime, n. p., n. d., pam. White House Cook Book. F. L. Gillett, and H. Ziemann. Chicago, n. d. White Mountains, Hand book for Travelers. J. R. Osgood. Boston, 1881. White Mountains, Summer vacation at, 1879. W. H. Brearley, Detroit, 1879. Whitmore, W H. Grave Yards of Boston; Cupp’s Hill, Epitaphs. Albany, 1878. Whitney, J. L. Modern Proteus, or list of books published under more than one Title. New York, 1884. Whittaker, F. Life of George A. Custer. New York, 1876. Whittlesey Family. See Genealogy. Wickes, S. History of Medicine in New Jersey, and of its medical men. Newark 1879. Wicksteed, R. J. Electors’ Political Catechism. Ottawa, 1885. Wilberforce, Rev. S. See Individual Biography. Wilbur, H. B. Governmental Supervision in management of the Insane, n. p., n. d., pam. Scotch Asylums for the Insane, n. p., n. d., pam. Wilcox, 0. B. Outposts of large Armies, n. p, 1881, pam. Wild Flowers of America. T. Sprague, G. L. Goodale. Boston, 1882. Wild Life on the Plains. G. A. Custer. St. Louis, 1885. Wilhelm, L. W. Sir George Calvert, Baron of Baltimore. See Md. Hist. Society. Wilhelm Meister. J. W. Von Goethe. Tr. T. Carlyle. London, 1871, 2 vols. Wilkesbarre Letters on Theosophy. A. Fullerton, n. p., n. d., pam. Wilkeson, J. Manufacture of Iron in Buffalo. Buffalo, 1864, pam. Willard, F. E. Glimpses of Fifty Years. Chicago, n. d. William I, and the German Empire. G. B. Smith. Chicago, 1888. See Individual Biography. Williams, C. F. Tariff Laws of United States, 1883. Boston, 1883. Williams, G. P. See Collective Biography. Williams, S. W. Queenly Women crowned and uncrowned. Cincinnati, n. d. Williams, W. Manual of Telegraphy. London, 1885. Willits, E. Relations of Intelligence to Crime, n. p., n. d., pam. Wilson, H. See Individual Biography. Wilson, J. H. The Black Phalanx; Negro Soldiers in Wars of 1775,1812, 1861-5. Hartford, 1886. Wilson, J. P. Short Letters to Boys of Belmont Factory, England. Lon¬ don, 1853. Short Letters to Men of Belmont Factory. London, 1853. Windfalls. R. Randolph. Rev. edition. Philadelphia, 1889. 29 226 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. Wines, Dr. Oscar I, late King of Norway and Sweden and the Peniten¬ tiary Question. London, 1878, pam. Winkworth C. Christian Singers of Germany. Philadelphia, n. d. Winsor, J Narrative and Critical History of America. Boston, 1886-7, 7 vols. Win thorp, B. C. Algernon Sidney. Boston, 1854, pam. Address at unveiling of statue of Dauiel Webster, New York, Nov., 1876. Boston, 1876, pam. Eulogy of George Peabody. Boston, 1870, pam. Wirt, W. See Individual Biography. Wisconsin. Academy of Sciences and Arts. Transactions of, vols. 4, 5, 1876-81. Madison, 1878-82. Agricultural Horticultural and Dairymen’s Association, Transactions, 1883. Madison, 1883. Agricultural Society, Transactions of vols. 12-20, 1873-82. Madi¬ son, 1874-84. Allen, W. F., Spencer, D. E. Higher Education in Wisconsin. See U. S. Bureau of Education Circulars. Bar Association, Proceedings, June 1881. Madison, 1883. Blue Book, 1880-83. Madison, 1880-83. Board of Charities and Reform, Reports, 1878-83. Madison, 1878- 83. Board of Health, Reports, 1877,1879, 1881. Madison, 1878-82. Board of Supervisors, Charitable, Reformatory and Penal Institu¬ tions, Reports, 1881-1886. Madison, 1882-87. Dairymen’s Association, Reports, 1878-82. Madison, 1878-82. Governors’ Messages and Accompanying Documents, 1883-1889. Madison, 1883-9. Historical Society, Annual Meetings, 1885-1890. Madison, 1885-90. Catalogue of Books, vols. 6, 7. Madison, 1885-88. Catalogue* of Books on War of the Rebellion and Slavery, 1887. Madison, 1887. Portrait Gallery, 1st Triennial Catalogue. Madison, 1889. Reports and Collections. Yols. 9-11,1880-85. Madison, 1882-88. Index to Yols. 1-10. Madison, 1888. Wood, L. N. Address, March, 16th, 1852. Madison, n. d., pam. Horticultural Society, Transactions, Yols. 7-12. Madison, 1877-82. Industrial Schools for Girls, Reports, 1880-1883. Milwaukee, 1881-3. Insane Asylum, Report, 1881. Madison, 1881. Insane. Circular relating to care of by Counties, 1881. Milwaukee, 1881. Hospital for, Reports, 1871, 1875, 1877. Madison, 1871-77. Journal of the Assembly, 1883-1887. Madison, 1885-7. Journal of the Senate, 1883-1887. Madison, 1885-7. LaFayette County History. Chicago, 1881. Law, Statute: Compilations, etc.: Annotated Statutes, 1889. Chicago, 1889, 2 vols. Revised Statutes, Supplement, 1879-1883. Chicago, 1883. Laws, 1836,1843-1847: 1852: 1883-1889. Madison, 1836-89. CATALOGUE. 227 W isconsin. Law, Supreme Court: Digests. Starr, M. Index Digest to Reports, 1883. Chicago, 1883. Supplement, vols. 55-73, 1 vol. Chicago, 1889. Reports Conover, O. M. Yols. 55-58. Chicago, 1883-84. Conover, F. K. Yols. 59-74. Chicago, 1884-90. Text Books. Bryant, E. C. Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction of Justices of Peace in Wisconsin. 2d edition. Chicago, 1885. Legislative Manual, 1878,1883. Madison, 1878-83. Milwaukee City Library, Report, 1882-1884, 1887-8. Milwaukee, 1882-8, pams. Milwaukee under the Charter, 1847-53, vol. 3. J. S. Buck. Milwaukee, 1884. Northern Wisconsin Agricultural and Mechanical Association, Transactions. Yols. 4-9, 1876-83. Rusk, Gov. J. M. Message, Jan., 1887. Madison, 1887, pam. Secretary of State and Commissioner of Public Buildings, Report, 1880. Madison, 1880. State Librarian, Report, 1882-1884. Madison, 1883-85. Territory, History, 1836-1848. M. M. Strong. Madison, 1885. Wisner, O. T. Hadassah. Poem. n. p., n. cl, pam. Wither, G. Hymns and Songs of the Church. London, 1832. Witt De, Madame F. P. G. Monsieur Guizot in Private Life, 1787-1874. Tr. M. C. M. Simpson. Boston, 1882. Woman Suffrage. Blair, H. W. Woman Suffrage. Washington, 1886, pam. Channing, W. PI. History of Woman Suffrage, n. p., n. d., pam. Equal Rights Association, Proceedings, 1st Anniversary, 1867. New York, 1867. Higginson, T. W. Unsolved Problems in Woman Suffrage, n. p., n. d., pam. Hoyt, J. W. Woman Suffrage in Wyoming, n. p., n. d., pam. Lord, A. Argument before New York Legislative Committee in behalf of Remonstrants against Municipal Suffrage for Women. Boston, 1889, pam. National Woman Suffrage Association. Report, 16th Annual Wash¬ ington Convention, 1884. Rochester, 1884. Palmer, T. W. Universal Suffrage. Washington, 1885, pam. Parkman, F. Some of the Reasons against Woman Suffrage, n. p., n. d., pam. Stanton, E. C., etc. History of Woman Suffrage. New York, 1881, 3 vols. Woman Suffrage in Washington Territory. Leaflet. Woman’s Life Work. L. S. Haviland. Cincinnati, 1882. Women. Abbott, J. S. C. Hortense, Queen of Holland. New York, n. cl. Adams, W. H. D. Celebrated Women Travelers of the 19th Cent¬ ury. London, 1883. Falloux, F. A. P. De. Writings of Madame Swetchine. Tr. H. W. Preston. Boston, 1870. 228 MICHIGAN STATE LIBRARY. W omen. George, A. Queens of Spain. New York, 1850. Haviland, L. S. Woman’s Life Work. Cincinnati, 1882. Phelps, E. S., etc. Our Famous Women. Hartford, 1884. Bemuset, C. E. J. Letters to her husband and son. 1804-1813. Tr. Mrs. C. Hoey and J. Lillie. New York, 1881. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of Celebrated Women. Tr. H. AY. Preston. Boston, 1880. AYilliams, S. AY. Queenly AYornen, crowned and uncrowned. Cincin¬ nati, n. d. AYoolson, A. G. George Eliot and her Heroines. New York, 1886. See Biography. AYoman Suffrage. AYolcott, B. Letter to Noah Porter, 1760. n. p., n. d., pam. AYood, D. Y. Moment of the Momentum in the case of Turbines. n. p.,* n. cl., pam. AYoodbury, L. Political, Judiciary and Literary Writings. Boston, 1852,. 3 vols. AYood Engraving. AY. A. Emerson. Boston, 1881. AYoodruff, H. Trotting Horse of America. 2d edition. Philadelphia, 1868. AYoodward, E. M. Our Campaign, 1861-4. Philadelphia, 1865. AYoodworth, A. (Auber Forestier.) Echoes from Mist-land, or Nibelun- gen Lay. 2d edition. Chicago, 1889. AYoodworth, J. AY. Memoir of Caroline J. French, n. p., n. ck, Woolson, A. G. George Eliot and her Heroines. New York, 1886. Words of the Lord Jesus. B. Stier. Tr., AY. B. Pope. Edinburgh, 1855- 58, 8 vols. Wordsworth, AY. Poetical AA^orks of. Boston, n. cl., 3 vols. AYork and AY ants of Unitarian Sunday Schools. H. G. Spaulding. Bos¬ ton, 1884. AYorkingmen and the Tariff. New York, n. ck, pam. AA^orld’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exhibition of Education at New Orleans, 1884. See Education. AYorlcl of Wisdom. Detroit, 1885. AYorld’s AA 7 onders. J. AY. Buel. Chicago, n. d. AYren, Sir Christopher, and his times. J. Elmes. London, 1852. Wright, C. D. Art in Industry. Boston, 1886. Canadian French in New England. Boston, 1882. Co-operative Distribution in Great Britain. Boston, 1886. Distributive Co-operation. Boston, 1885. Fall Biver, Lowell and Lawrence. Boston, 1882. Food Consumption, etc. Boston, 1886. Health statistics of Female College Graduates. Boston, 1885. Influence of Intemperance upon Crime. Boston, 1889. Problems of the Census. Boston, 1887. Profit Sharing. 2d edition. Boston, 1886. Social Commercial and Manufacturing Statistics of Boston, 188(L Boston, 1882. Strikes in Massachusetts, 1830-1880. Boston, 1889. Study of Statistics in Colleges. Boston, 1887. Sunday Labor. Boston, 1885. Uniform Hours of Labor. Boston, 1889. AYorking Girls of Boston. Boston, 1889. CATALOGUE. 229 Wright, E. Voice of a Tree from Middlesex Fells. Boston, 1883, pam. Wright, Rebecca. See Individual Biography. W yoming Territory: . Gazetteer, 1884. See Oregon. Hand-book and Guide to Black Hills and Big Horn Regions. Cheyenne, 1887. History, Soil, Resources of Wyoming. Laramie City, 1874. Hoyt, J. W. Woman Suffrage in Wyoming, 1882. n. p., n. d., pam. Journal of the Council, 1882, 1886. Cheyenne, 1882-86. Journal of the House, 1882, 1886. Cheyenne, 1882-86. Laiv, Statute : Compilations: Revised Statutes, 1887. Cheyenne, 1887. Laws, 1882-1888. Cheyenne, 1882-88. Supreme Court Reports: Riner, R. A. Vol. 2. New York, 1883. Moonlight, Gov. T. Report, 1887. Washington, 1887. Resources, 1889. Cheyenne, 1889. Warren, Gov. T. E. Report, 1885. Washington, 1885. Xenophon. Anabasis (Greek). Boise’s Notes. New York, 1858. Yale Revisited. C. Bissell. New Haven, 1861. Year of Battles. Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871. New York, 1871. Yesterday, To-Day, and Forever. Poem. E. H. Bickersteth. New York, 1877. Yonge, C. W. History of Christian Moors of Spain. London, 1882. Young, A. Young Folks’ History of the Netherlands. Boston, 1887. Young, J. Christ of History. New York, 1858. Young Folks’ History of America. H. Butterworth. Boston, 1882. Young Folks’ History of India. F. R. Fendge. Boston, n. d. Young Folks’ History of Netherlands. A. Young. Boston, 1887. Young Men’s Christian Association, 1st International Conference of R. R. Branch, Oct., 1877. New York, 1877, pam. Yriarte. Spanish Literary Fables. G. H. Devereaux. Boston, 1855. Yungfrau Von Orleans. J. C. F. Fou Schiller. Stuttgart, 1860. (German). Zadkiel’s Almanac, 1878. London, n. d. Zentmayer, J. Memoirs, n. p., n. d., pam. Zerffi, G. G. Historical Development of Art. London, 1876. Zimmerman, W. History of Germany. New r York, n. d., 4 vols. Zincali, The. Account of Gypsies of Spain. G. Borrow. New edition. London, 1888. Zincken, C. F. Progress of Geology of different coals of Germany. (German). Leipsig, 1878. . . ■ \ > . \ I * >