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Illinois Department of Conservation personnel re- sponsible for preparing the Request for Proposals and coordinating the work included John Schweg- man, contract liaison officer, and Dr. Edward Hoff- man, Dr. Robert Lee, Marlin Bowles, and Robert Schanzle. Published November 1978 Illinois Natural Areas Inventory, Urbana For additional Information Natural Areas Section Illinois Department of Conservation 605 Stratton Building Springfield, Illinois 62706 Dv\ '^^ Thf Illinois Natural Areas hwfutory u'os a 3-year project to find and describe natural areas for the Illinois Department of Consen'ation. The results of the inventory will be used to develop and implement a state natural area plan, to protect the diversity of natural features in Illinois. Methods for finding natural areas consisted oj compiling available information, examin- ing maps and aerial photos, aerial surveys, and on-site inspections. As many as 90 items of information were compiled for the sigtiificant sites. A computer-based system was de- veloped to store, retrieve, and analyze the information. The 1,089 sites identified as natural areas have a total of 1,730 significant features. Six hundred and ten natural areas were identified because of their high quality, relatively undisturbed communities of plants and animals. There are 269 areas with endangered species, 160 outstanding geologic areas, and 17 outstanding aquatic areas. Two hundred and fifty-one areas are nature preserves or school natural areas. The approximate acreages of high quality, relatively undisturbed areas of land and water identified by the Inventory are as follows: 13,500 acres of forests, 2,300 acres of prairies, 1,300 acres of savannas, 6,000 acres of wetlands, 2,000 acres of lakes and ponds, and 600 acres of rocky glades and similar communities. These relatively undisturbed areas include seven-hundredths of 1% of Illinois' total land and water area. The natural areas represent a wide diversity of natural features. Most geologic forma- tions, major soil associations, and topographic features occur in at least one site listed by the project. Natural areas were found in all but three counties, but they are concen- trated in hilly regions, along rivers, and near cities. About one-third of the natural areas are receiving some degree (f protection, but only one-fifth of the significant natural features can be considered permanently protected. Half of the areas are threatened with destruction from changes in the me of the land. Principal Investigator ROBERT B. RILEY Director: Surveys JOHN WHITE Director: Information System CALVIN C. CORBIN (1977-78) BRUCE HANNA (1975-77) Director: Administration JOHN NELSON (1975-77) Survey Personnel Natural Area Ecologists JOHN A. BACONE FRANCIS M. HARTY MAX D. HUTCHISON DONALD R. KURZ Senior Assistants MARILOU HINRICHS KATHRYN KERR Field Assistants DONALD COONS MARGARET M. FOSTER MICHAEL A. HOMOYA JULIAN J. LEWIS ROBBIN C. MORAN Technical Assistants JEFFREY ACKER THOMAS BROWN STEPHEN ENGLAND DONNA EVANS Information System Personnel JANET FININ MICHAEL GRADY Administrative Personnel JO POWELL Natural Land Institute GEORGE B. FELL GLADYS CAMPBELL MAX D. HUTCHISON RANDY W. NYBOER GERALD PAULSON DOUGLAS C. WALLACE L. KEITH WILSON MICHAEL H. MADANY WARREN NETHERTON THOMAS POST WILLIAM P. PUSATERI JOHN T. REEVES ERICA L. ROWE KATHLEEN FINNEY CAROL QUALKINBUSH DAVID STUDTMAN JERRY SCHLESINGER RIKKI WELSH CANDY WILLUT GERALD PAULSON DR. CHARLES J. SHEVIAK RICHARD H. THOM Consultants DR. FAKHRI A. BAZZAZ, University of Illinois: Urbana-Champaign DR. JOHN E. EBINGER, Eastern Illinois University DR. LAWRENCE M. PAGE, Illinois Natural History Survey DR. PHILIP W. SMITH, Illinois Natural History Survey DR. H. B. W'lLLMAN, Illinois Stale Geological Survey ILLINOIS NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY TECHNICAL REPORT VOLUME I SURVEY METHODS AND RESULTS John White lUinois Natural Areas Inventory Urbana November 1978 CONTENTS Part I. INTRODUCTION 1. Summary 3 2. Introduction 7 Purpose of the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory 7 Scope of this Report 7 Importance of Preserving Natural Areas 7 Need for a Comprehensive Natural Areas Inventory 8 3. Basic Organization of the Inventory 12 Inventory Requirements and Guidelines 12 Definition of a natural area 12 Sources of information 12 Some basic guidelines 13 Structure of the Inventory 13 Surveys 13 Offices and staff 14 Schedule 15 Basic Principles 15 Information Requirements 16 Basic information 16 Location 16 Natural characteristics 17 Legal status and use 17 Discussion of preservation values 18 Supplemental materials 18 Part II. CONCEPTS AND TERMS 4. Natural Area Categories 21 Introduction 21 Summary of Categories 21 Category I: High quality terrestrial or wetland natural communities 21 Category II: Habitats with endangered species .... 21 Category III: Habitats with relict species 22 Category IV: Outstanding geologic features 22 Category V: Nature preserves or lands that are managed and used for natural science studies .... 22 Category VI : Unique natural features 22 Category VII: Outstanding aquatic features 22 5. Natural Area Boundaries, Land Condition Classes, and Features 23 Introduction and Summary 23 111 5. Natural Area Boundaries, Land Condition Classes, and Features, continued Land Condition Classes 24 Natural land 24 Buffer land 24 Applicability of the land condition classification 24 Boundaries 24 Features 25 Significant features 25 Exceptional features 25 Notable features 27 Artificial disturbance features 27 Natural disturbance features 27 6. Natural Community Classification 29 Summary 29 7. Natural Quality 31 Summary 31 Part III. METHODS 8. Compiling Available Information 35 Purpose 35 Procedure 35 Gathering background material 35 Contacting people and agencies 35 General publicity 35 Literature review 36 Results 36 9. Examining Maps and Aerial Photographs 37 Introduction 37 Map Resources 37 Topographic maps 37 Highway maps 38 Presettlement Vegetation Atlas of Illinois 38 Soil maps 38 Geologic maps 38 Aerial Photographs and High-altitude Images 38 ASCS aerial photographs 39 Other aerial photographs 40 Landsat images 40 Procedure and Results 41 10. Aerial Survey 43 Purpose 43 Procedure and Results 43 General techniques 43 Examples of techniques 44 Effectiveness 46 11. Initial Ground Survey 47 Purpose 47 Procedure 47 Results 47 12. Final Field Survey 48 Main Data Form 48 Maps and Aerial Photographs 48 Vegetation Sampling 48 Species Lists 49 13. Information Collected about the Natural Areas 50 Main Data Form 50 Natural Area Files and Maps 56 Part IV. SURVEYS 14. Category I Survey: Main Survey 59 Summary 59 15. Category I Survey: Railroad Prairies 60 Summary 60 Introduction 60 Procedure 61 Preparation for the field survey 61 Aerial survey 62 Initial ground survey 63 Final field survey 65 Results 65 Natural areas 66 Disturbances 66 16. Category I Survey: Cemetery Prairies and Savannas 67 Summary 67 Introduction 67 Procedure 68 Office preparation 68 Pilot survey 68 Volunteer survey 68 Staff survey 69 Results 70 Natural areas 70 Notable areas 70 17. Category II Survey: Habitats with Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species 71 Definitions and Procedures 71 Introduction 71 People and organizations involved with endangered species 71 Determining the status of species 72 Significant features and exceptional features .... 73 17. Category II Survey: Habitats with Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species, continued Inventory procedures for animals 75 Inventory procedures for plants 76 Results 76 Number of significant features and exceptional features 77 Habitats and distribution 77 Newly discovered species 78 18. Category III Survey: Habitats with Relict Species 79 Definition 79 Procedure 79 Results 80 19. Category IV Survey: Geologic Areas 81 Definition and Procedure 81 Results 82 20. Category V Survey: Natural Study Areas 83 Definition 83 Procedure and Results 84 21. Category VI Survey: Unique Natural Areas 86 Definition and Procedure 86 Results 87 22. Category VII Survey: Aquatic Areas 88 Definition and Procedure 88 Results 88 23. Literature Survey 89 Purpose 89 Procedure 89 Natural Area Bibliography 90 Summary 90 References to geology 91 References to biology and ecology 91 Sources of publications 92 Dates of publications 93 Part V. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 24. Effectiveness of the Methods 99 Introduction 99 Finding Significant Features 99 Comparison of methods 99 Adequacy of available information 101 Screening Potential Natural Areas 102 Source: Available information 103 Source: Maps and aerial photos 103 Source: Aerial survey 104 Source: Ground survey 104 24. Effectiveness of the Methods, continued Importance of Experience 104 Completeness of the Inventory 105 Category I survey 105 Category II survey 107 Category III survey 107 Category IV survey 107 Category V survey 108 Category VI survey 108 Category VII survey 108 Summary 108 25. Summary of Natural Area Characteristics Ill Number and Distribution of Natural Areas and Significant Features Ill Number and distribution by county Ill Number and distribution by Natural Division and Section Ill A broad but uneven distribution of natural areas Ill Distribution in relation to human population 115 Natural Characteristics 116 Acreage 116 Diversity 116 Topography 116 Geologic formations 117 Soil associations 117 Natural communities 117 Plant communities 118 Forest cover types 118 Natural quality 119 Exceptional features 120 Ownership, Use, Management, and Protection 120 Type of ownership 120 Number of ownerships 122 Uses of natural areas 122 Use of surroiinding land 122 Management needs 122 Management agencies 123 Preservation status 124 Threats 124 26. Destruction and Preservation of Natural Areas 125 Past Destruction of Natural Land and Water 125 Plant communities 125 Fauna 125 Aquatic ecosystems 126 Present Destruction of Natural Areas 127 IVhy Natural Areas Exist 129 Introduction 129 Forests 130 Prairies 1^^ Savannas and barrens 1^'* 26. Destruction and Preservation of Natural Areas, continued Wetlands and ponds 135 Primary communities 135 Caves 135 Habitats with endangered plants 136 Habitats with endangered animals 136 Habitats with relict species 136 Geologic areas 136 School natural areas and nature preserves 136 Unique natural areas 137 Lakes and streams 137 Future trends 138 27. Future Needs 139 Adequacy of the Present System of Preserved Areas 139 Updating the Inventory 141 Monitoring natural areas 141 Updating the information 142 Preserving All of Our Natural Heritage 142 Part VI. REFERENCES CITED Part VII. APPENDICES 1. Number and Distribution of Natural Areas and Significant Features 163 2. Summaries of Natural Quality, Natural Communities, and Natural Divisions and Sections 168 3. Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species 178 4. Physiographic Units 197 5. Major Topographic Features 199 6. Individual Topographic Features 203 7. Geologic Formations 209 8. Soil Associations 212 9. Forest Cover Types 215 10. Stream Systems 217 11. Uses of Natural Areas 218 12. Management Needs 219 13. Management Agencies 222 14. Ownership, Preservation Status, and Threats 224 15. Why Natural Areas Exist 230 16. Determining Boundaries of Natural Areas, Significant Features, and Land Condition Classes 236 17. Main Data Form and Instructions 243 18. Examples of Natural Area Data 255 19. Presettlement Vegetation Atlas of Illinois 262 20. Some Procedures for Identifying Natural Communities 263 21. Some Procedures for Detecting Disturbances 267 22. Grading Natural Quality 280 23. Some Procedures for Finding Railroad Prairies 286 24. Selecting Cemeteries to be Surveyed for Prairie and Savanna Remnants 290 25. Criteria for Designating a Species as Rare, Threatened, or Endangered 292 26. Field Survey for Endangered Plants 296 27. Determining Preservation Priorities 298 28. Plant Communities 304 29. Species Lists 306 30. Classification of Natural Communities in Illinois 309 31. Monitoring Natural Areas 406 32. Scientific Names of Plants and Animals Mentioned by Common Name in the Text 408 33. List of Major Memoranda, Reports, Instructions, and Forms 414 TABLES 1. Natural area categories and significant features 21 2. Comparison of significant features, exceptional features, and notable features 26 3. Degree with which natural features are represented in preserved areas 140 4. Number of natural areas and significant features (by category) in each county 164 5. Number of natural areas and significant features (by category) in each Natural Division and Section 166 6. Summary of natural quality, natural communities, and Natural Divisions and Sections 170 7. Acreage of Grade A § B land and water identified by the Inventory in each Natural Division and Section 175 8. Acreage of Grade A 5 B land and water, by community class, identified by the Inventory in each county 176 9. Rare, threatened, and endangered fishes 180 10. Rare, threatened, and endangered amphibians and reptiles .... 181 11. Rare, threatened, and endangered birds 182 12. Rare, threatened, and endangered mammals 184 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants 185 14. Physiographic units 198 15. Major topographic features 201 16. Individual topographic features 204 17. Geologic formations 209 18. Soil associations 213 19. Society of American Foresters' forest cover types 216 20. Stream systems 217 21. Uses of natural areas 218 22. Summary of major management needs 221 23. Management agencies 223 24. Ownership type, according to natural area category 225 25. Ownership type for Category I natural areas, according to community class 225 26. Preservation status, according to natural area category .... 226 27. Preservation status of Category I natural areas, according to community class 226 28. Threat of destruction, according to natural area category . . . 227 29. Threat of destruction of Category I natural areas, according to community class 227 30. Threat of destruction, according to ownership type 228 31. Threat of destruction, compared with preservation status .... 228 32. Threats to significant features of natural areas 229 33. IVhy natural forests exist 231 34. Ifliy natural prairies exist 232 35. IVhy natural savannas and barrens exist 233 36. IVhy natural wetlands exist 234 37. IVhy habitats with endangered plants exist 235 38. Natural community classification 318 FIGURES 1. Number of references to natural areas published in each decade 95 2. Number of sigTiificant features (by category) in each county 112 3. Distribution of natural areas according to 15-minute topographic quadrangles 114 4. Relative acreage of land and water that was identified by the Inventory as undisturbed or nearly undisturbed in each county 121 5. Main Data Form 244 6. . Example of a computer printout and topographic map for a natural area 256 7. Example of a computer printout from a statistical program . . . 261 8. Natural Divisions of Illinois 312 PLATES 1. County map of Illinois xix 2. The Middle Fork of the Vermilion River 2 3. A canyon in Starved Rock State Park 20 4. A section of the Presettlement Vegetation Atlas of Illinois 34 5. An example of an aerial photo used to select potential natural areas 34 6. A bald cypress along the Cache River 58 7. A red squirrel along the Kankakee River 98 8. Prairie plants surrounding a gravestone 146 9. A cave in the Shawnee Hills 162 10. A calcareous seep community in the Morainal Section of the Northeastern Morainal Division 309 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are especially grateful to the hundreds of landowners who granted permission to visit their properties. The Inventory's natural area ecologists were responsible for the majority of work on this project. The ecologists were as follows: L. Keith Wilson, Francis M. Harty, and Gerald Paulson (northern Illi- nois); John A. Bacone (central Illinois); Douglas C. Wallace (western Illi- nois); Randy W. Nyboer (southwestern Illinois); and Max D. Hutchison and Donald R. Kurz (southern Illinois). Each of these people was responsible for all aspects of the survey work in a particular part of the state. The following people were field assistants: Erica L. Rowe, John T. Reeves, William P. Pusateri, Thomas Post, Warren Netherton, Robbin C. Moran, Julian J. Lewis, Michael A. Homoya, Margaret M. Foster, and Donald Coons . Technical assistance in the main office was provided by David Studtman, Carol Qualkinbush, Kathleen Finney, Donna Evans, Jeffrey Acker, Thomas Brown, and Stephen England. Three assistants had major, independent responsibilities that were at the same level as natural area ecologists but were more specialized: Michael H. Madany (field surveys, classification), Kathryn Kerr (Category II, IV, and V areas; caves), and Marilou Hinrichs (preparation and com- puterization of the natural area data) . Dr. Fakhri A. Bazzaz of the University of Illinois was always a will- ing advisor and friendly critic of inventory methods. The staff at the Natural Land Institute's main office in Rockford worked closely with the Inventory. George B. Fell provided advice and consultation throughout the project. Work was coordinated and shared with the Natural Land Institute's Endangered Species Project, directed by Richard H. Thorn and Dr. Charles J. Sheviak. Jean Sheviak compiled sum- maries of collection records for the Inventory, and Mark Ritke worked with the Inventory on endangered species as a student intern from Eastern Illinois University. Clerical and secretarial work was provided by Marilou Hinrichs, Candy Willut, Jo Powell, Celeste Conner, Ada Siler, Darlene Graves, and Gladys Campbell. Joyce Hipskind typed the final draft of this report. Marilou Hinrichs prepared the photographic prints, and John Richard- son supplied photographic assistance. Plate 1 is from the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service. Plates 2, 3, 7, and 8 are by Marilou Hinrichs. Plate 4 is redrawn from the unpublished Presettlement Vegetation Atlas of Illinois, by John IVhite. Plate 5 is from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. Plates 6 and 9 are by John White, and Plate 10 is by Marlin Bowles. Donna Evans and Jo Powell prepared the figures. John E. Schwegman of the Department of Conservation's Natural Areas Section served as project coordinator and contract liaison officer. Robert Schanzle and Marlin Bowles, also of the Natural Areas Section, helped define the Department of Conservation's information needs in rela- tion to the natural area survey. Many people outside the Inventory staff contributed to the project. These people gave freely of their time, skills, and knowledge as a con- tribution toward natural area preservation, without reimbursement and often at additional personal expense. The project benefited greatly from the ambitious efforts and diversity of interests of these volunteers. The contributions of several people deserve special mention. Dr. H. B. Willman of the Illinois State Geological Survey, in his typical style, provided an excellent compilation of geologic areas. Dr. Willman developed the classification systems for topographic features that were used by the Inventory. Dr. John E. Ebinger of Eastern Illinois University contributed hun- dreds of hours of enthusiastic fieldwork and herbarium work to the Inven- tory. Dr. Robert H. Mohlenbrock of Southern Illinois University generously shared his encyclopedic knowledge of vascular plants in Illinois, allowed us to use a prepublication draft of Distribution of Illinois Vascular Plants, and loaned his unpublished notebooks of information about natural areas in southern Illinois. Dr. Robert A. Evers of the Illinois Natural History Survey graciously made available the information he had compiled during a career of studying Illinois' natural areas and flora. Dr. Philip W. Smith and Dr. Lawrence M. Page of the Illinois Natural History Survey shared the Survey's information about endangered animals and compiled a list of outstanding aquatic areas. Michael A. Morris of the Natural History Survey, working through the Endangered Species Pro- ject, compiled distribution records of endangered animals for the Inven- tory. Dr. Robert F. Betz inspired and encouraged the survey of cemeteries by sharing his knowledge gained by evaluating over 800 cemeteries for prairie remnants in northern Illinois. Dr. Betz has pioneered in the study, restoration, and preservation of cemetery prairies. Dr. Jean W. Graber and Dr. Richard R. Graber of the Illinois Natural History Survey provided a wealth of information and many hours of discus- sions about endangered birds. Personnel at the Department of Conservation's deer hunter check sta- tions, coordinated by Forrest Loomis, distributed a questionnaire about endangered animals to deer hunters. Dr. Brooks M. Burr and students at Southern Illinois University con- ducted surveys of fishes in certain lakes and streams for the Inventory. Robert Walker and Donald Greene generously shared the results of an unpublished survey of outdoor classrooms by the Conservation Committee of the Illinois Chapter of the Soil Conservation Society of America. Don Roderick of the Illinois Office of Education assisted in mailing a questionnaire about use of natural areas to the elementary and second- ary schools in Illinois. Seventy people took responsibility for surveying cemeteries for prairie and savanna remnants. Other people who joined these 70 volun- teers to survey certain counties remained anonymous to the Inventory. Perhaps it is best not to attempt an incomplete listing of participants, but one person deserves special mention: Dr. Paul Shildneck surveyed cemeteries in all or part o£ 14 counties. The Inventory benefited from a series of workshops on endangered species, conducted by the Endangered Species Project. In addition to staff from the Inventory and the Endangered Species Project, the follow- ing people participated in the workshop on fishes: Dr. William Southern (Endangered Species Protection Board), Dr. Philip W. Smith (Illinois Nat- ural History Survey), Dr. Lawrence M. Page (Illinois Natural History Survey), Michael A. Morris (Illinois Natural History Survey), Dr. Larry John (Western Illinois University), Dr. Leonard Durham (Eastern Illinois University), Larry Dunham (Department of Conservation), and Dr. Brooks M. Burr (Southern Illinois University). The following attended the workshop on amphibians and reptiles: Harlan Walley (Northern Illinois University), Dr. Gordon Thurow (Western Illinois University), Dr. Philip W. Smith (Illinois Natural History Sur- vey), John E. Schwegman (Department of Conservation), Alan Resetan (Field Museum of Natural History) , John Murphy (Chicago Herpetological Society) , Michael A. Morris (Illinois Natural History Survey), Dr. Edward 0. Moll (Eastern Illinois University), Richard Funk (Illinois State University), Dr. Lauren E. Brown (Illinois State University), Dr. Ronald A. Brandon (Southern Illinois University), and Dr. Ralph W. Axtell (Southern Illi- nois University) . The mammals workshop was attended by: Harlan Walley (Northern Illinois University), Dr. Howard Stains (Southern Illinois University), Dr. Glen C. Sanderson (Illinois Natural History Survey), Dr. Donald F. Hoffmeister (University of Illinois), Dr. William G. George (Southern Illinois University), Dr. Dale E. Birkenholz (Illinois State University), and Dr. Richard D. Andrews (Eastern Illinois University). Participants in the workshop on endangered birds were: Dr. William E. Southern (Endangered Species Protection Board), Vernon Kleen (Depart- ment of Conservation), Dr. S. Charles Kendeigh (University of Illinois), Lee G. Johnson (Natural Land Institute), Dr. L. Barrie Hunt (Eastern Illinois University), Dr. Richard R. Graber (Illinois Natural History Survey), Dr. Jean W. Graber (Illinois Natural History Survey), Donald M. Elsing (U. S. Forest Service), Marlin Bowles (Department of Conservation), H. David Bohlen (Illinois State Museum), Dr. Richard G. Bjorklund (Bradley University), and Dr. Dale E. Birkenholz (Illinois State University). The workshop on endangered plants included: Gerould S. Wilhelm (The Morton Arboretum), Dr. Julius Swayne (Rend Lake Community College), Dr. Paul Shildneck, John E. Schwegman (Department of Conservation), Raymond Schulenberg (The Morton Arboretum), Dr. Kenneth R. Robertson (Illinois Natural History Survey), Jerry Nilsson (U. S. Forest Service), Dr. Lorin Nevling (Field Museum of Natural History), Dr. Robert H. Mohlenbrock (Southern Illinois University), Roger McMannis (U. S. Fish and Wild- life Service), Walter Matia (The Nature Conservancy), Dr. Alfred C. Koelling (Illinois State Museum), Dr. Almut Jones (University of Illi- nois), Dr. Robert D. Henry (Western Illinois University), Dr. John E. Ebinger (Eastern Illinois University), and Carter D. Christenson (Soil Conservation Service) . Participants in these workshops provided information to the Inven- tory not only at the workshops, but by sharing their personal knowledge and making available personal and institutional records and collections at other times. In addition to the people who participated in the endangered species workshops, the following people assisted the Inventory by providing in- formation about natural areas or by making facilities available to the project: Dr. John Warnock (Western Illinois University), Douglas Wade (Northern Illinois University), Floyd Swink (The Morton Arboretum), Doris Sublette (Illinois Natural History Survey Library), Dr. Paul D. Sorenson (Northern Illinois University), Dr. Peter Schramm (Knox College), Jean Ray (Morris Library, Southern Illinois University), Donald Pretzsch (Soil Conservation Service), Dr. W. D. Klimstra (Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory, Southern Illinois University), G. Tim Keller, Corliss I. Ingels, Dr. Stanley E. Harris, Jr. (Southern Illinois University), Dr. James Hardin (Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory, Southern Illinois University), Philip Hanson (Field Museum of Natural History), Neil Gaston (Illinois Chapter, The Nature Conservancy), Thomas Walkington (Illinois Chapter, The Nature Conservancy), Howard Fox (University of Illinois), Henry Eilers, Dr. Ben L. Dolbeare (Sangamon State University), Margaret Irene Cull, and David Cobb (University of Illinois Library). Many other people and agencies assisted the project. Conservation districts and forest preserve districts provided information about areas in their jurisdictions. The Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) of the U. S. Department of Agriculture provided work space for the Inventory staff to examine aerial photos in each county ASCS of- fice, loaned aerial photos, and provided information about potential natural areas. District Conservationists of the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation Service and District Foresters of the Illinois Department of Conservation provided information about many nat- ural areas. A skillful and enthusiastic group of pilots from flight services throughout Illinois contributed to the efficiency of the field- work. The Illinois Speleological Survey made its files on 300 caves available to the Inventory. This report should perhaps have at least a dozen authors, including each of the natural area ecologists. The staff members formed a dedi- cated and unselfish group, willing to work under continual deadlines and unwilling to produce less than their best possible efforts. They worked far longer than an 8-hour day on countless occasions and many continued to work for the project after they had left the payroll. The privilege of writing the final report fell to the survey director, but the field- workers continued to help. In a few instances, it was possible to share authorship of sections of this report with another staff member who wrote a part of the text. Ten former staff members reviewed the report and suggested many improvements. Francis M. Harty was especially adept and diligent in constructive criticism of the report. John IsTiite November 1978 Plate 1. County map of Illinois, PART I INTRODUCTION The basic goals and accomplishments of the Inventory are pre- sented in Part I. The values of natural areas are described, and the importance of an inventory is explained. Plate 2. The Middle Fork of the Vermilion River. This outstanding aquat- ic axea is the only knovm habitat for the bluebreast darter in Illinois. Four other natural areas were identified along this central Illinois stream. Section 1. SUMMARY An inventory of natural areas in Illinois was completed in 1978 by the University of Illinois and the Natural Land Institute under a con- tract with the Illinois Department of Conservation. The 3-year project consisted of surveys to find, evaluate, describe, and classify natural areas of statewide significance. A computer-based information system was developed to store, retrieve, and analyze the natural area data. The re- sults of the inventory will be used to develop and implement a plan to protect the natural features in Illinois. The inventory was a search for the following kinds of significant features : (1) Relatively undisturbed terrestrial or wetland natural communities (2) Habitats with endangered or threatened animals or plants (3) Habitats with relict species (4) Outstanding geologic features (5) Nature preserves or areas used for natural science studies (6) Areas with unique natural features (7) Outstanding aquatic areas The following classification systems were developed to aid in col- lecting and analyzing the information: (1) Categories and lists of significant features, which are the features that allow a site to qualify as a natural area (2) A classification of natural communities of plants and animals (3) A system of grades for describing the effects of disturbance to an area (4) A classification of topographic features (5) Other terms for describing and mapping an area's natural and cultur- al features The various kinds of natural areas were inventoried with separate surveys, based on different sources of information. Sites with relative- ly undisturbed terrestrial or wetland communities were found mainly with original searches. Sites with relict species were also found by field surveys. Habitats with endangered species were inventoried by re- lying mainly on available information, supplemented with fieldwork. The Illinois State Geological Survey compiled a list of outstanding geologic areas. The Illinois Natural History Survey recommended outstanding natu- ral lakes and streams. Nature preserves and school natural areas were found through publications and mailed questionnaires. The surveys were processes of selecting potential natural areas, ex- amining them, and rejecting the sites that did not qualify. Each stage of the survey relied on the previous stage and examined the remaining areas in more detail. The stages were as follows: Compiling available information Gathering background material Contacting people and agencies Reviewing literature Examining maps and aerial photographs Aerial survey Initial ground survey Final field survey Inventories of geologic areas, aquatic areas, and school natural areas were conducted almost solely by compiling available information. Many people and agencies contributed information about areas, espe- cially habitats with endangered species. The Natural Land Institute's Endangered Species Project shared the responsibility for compiling rec- ords of endangered species from people, organizations, publications, museums, and herbaria. Specialists provided information about the cur- rent distribution and population status of endangered species in a series of workshops. A literature review revealed over 1,400 references to areas identi- fied by the Inventory and about 1,700 other publications about the ecolo- gy or field biology of Illinois. The survey of relatively undisturbed natural communities relied largely on maps and aerial photos to eliminate disturbed areas and to select possible natural areas. All potential sites were surveyed in the field. Approximately 5,000 potential natural areas were considered in this part of the inventory. Surveying from an airplane proved effective and efficient for screening the sites. Special surveys were conducted to find prairie and savanna remnants on railroad rights-of-way and in cemeteries. All 11,000 miles of rail- road in Illinois with potential for prairie remnants were surveyed, as were 3,923 cemeteries in the prairie regions of the state. As many as 90 items of information were compiled for the natural areas. These included (1) basic information such as the area's name, boundaries, significant features, location, and acreage, (2) descriptions of natural characteristics such as natural communities, plant communities, degree of disturbance, geology, topography, and soils, (3) information about the area's use such as ownership, management, preservation status, and threats of destruction, (4) a discussion of preservation values, and (5) supplemental materials such as species lists, vegetation sampling data, and literature citations. A total of 1,089 natural areas were listed. Some natural areas have more than one significant feature. The number of significant feature oc- currences are as follows: 689 high quality terrestrial or wetland natural communities 521 habitats with endangered species 45 habitats with relict species 160 outstanding geologic features 266 nature preserves or school natural areas 30 unique natural features 17 outstanding lakes or streams In addition, many other exceptional features were found. Exceptional features are not important enough to be the reason for identifying a nat- ural area, but they were listed when they occurred at a site identified for some other, significant feature. For example, 910 occurrences of hab- itats with exceptional (rare or threatened) species were identified. The acreages of high quality natural communities identified by the Inventory are as follows: Forests 13,484 Prairies 2,352 Savannas 1,296 Wetlands 6,029 Lakes and ponds 1,960 Glades and similar communities 602 These relatively undisturbed areas include seven -hundredths of 1% of Illi- nois' land and water. The natural areas represent a wide variety of natural features. Most geologic formations, major soil associations, and topographic features in Illinois occur in at least one site listed by the Inventory. Natural areas were found in all but three counties, but they are concentrated in hilly regions, along rivers, and near cities. Slightly more than half of the natural areas are in private owner- ship, and are not protected by the owner; and half of the areas are threatened with destruction from changes in use of the land. About one- third of the natural areas are receiving informal or formal protection, but only one-fifth of the occurrences of significant natural features can be considered permanently protected. The project was as thorough as practical within limits of time and money and within the guidelines set by the Department of Conservation. The Inventory found that compiling available information must be supple- mented by original searches and fieldwork to assure accurate and uniform information. Section 2. INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory The Illinois Natural Areas Inventory was a systematic effort to find, evaluate, describe, and classify natural areas for the Illinois Department of Conservation. The purpose was to provide accurate and detailed infor- mation about the location and characteristics of natural areas of state- wide significance. Scope of this Report This report describes the methods and summarizes the results of the surveys. The Inventory's computer system is described in an accompanying report. The Illinois Department of Conservation and Illinois Nature Pre- serves Commission are using information compiled by the Inventory to de- velop and implement a plan to preserve natural areas in the state. Importance of Preserving Natural Areas A detailed discussion of the value of natural areas is beyond the scope of this report, but others have treated the subject ably. A report entitled The Preservation of Natural Diversity : A Survey and Reaorrmenda- tions by The Nature Conservancy (Humke, et al . , 1975) reviews the need for preserving natural diversity and emphasizes the vital role of natural ecosystems in maintaining a healthy environment. Complex natural ecosys- tems are stable and can restore themselves when disrupted, provided that the diversity of natural organisms is maintained. However, disruption and destruction of natural areas is so widespread and continual that it is now necessary to preserve and actively protect natural areas. A discussion of the need for preserving natural areas is in the Guidelines for the Illinois Nature Preserves System (Fell, et al . , 1972) These reasons are summarized in the Commission's Two-year Report (Illi- nois Nature Preserves Commission, 1973) as follows: In this day of tremendous technological advancement there can be no question of the value of basic scientific research. Natural areas are resource materials from which new knowledge can be derived. As scientists learn more about the world of nature, they are increas- ingly aware of the tremendous loss that will be suffered with the impending annihilation of natural communities all over the world. The loss in real wealth from the extinction of living forms is be- yond comprehension. Natural areas can serve as check areas in stud- ies relating to air, water, and soil pollution. Gaining a greater knowledge of wild communities and populations can lead to a better understanding of the growing problems of human society, urban envi- ronment, and population control, and serve valuable functions in research in many aspects of land management. Natural areas serve as outdoor classrooms for students of all levels, from grade school through college. They provide a teaching resource to fill the need of contact with the world of nature. Plants and animals have evolved into a bewildering diversity of forms, varying in infinite detail with their adaptation to varying climates, soils, and living conditions. Researchers find that the wild relatives of domesticated species are valuable sources of new genetic material. The plants and animals man uses are only a tiny fraction of the wild things that inhabit the earth. The potential usefulness of the others is unknown but doubtless enormous. We are constantly discovering new uses and products from wild plants and animals previously unexploited. Many forms of life will perish from the earth if we do not spare bits of their native habitats as havens from the flood of civiliza- tion. Simply to keep on earth the awe-inspiring myriad array of living things is our obligation to future generations. We should also recognize that these creatures have a right to a place on earth. Natural areas are sources of beauty and inspiration, both as scenery and in the more intimate sense of the form and color of individual groups of living things. Natural areas also serve as living museums --examples of the rich and diverse natural world from which the pioneers built this country. They are historic memorials that serve as living links with the primitive past in such a way as to enhance our understanding and perception of the world we live in. Need for a Comprehensive Natural Areas Inventory Many people and agencies own, manage, and use areas with outstanding natural values. Private landowners hold and personally protect many nat- ural areas, and interested citizens watch and manage nature preserves. Federal agencies such as the Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Army Corps of Engineers manage lands with significant natural area values. Local agencies, including forest preserve districts, conserva- tion districts, park districts, zoning boards, and planning commissions participate in the protection and use of natural areas. Schools at all levels own and use natural areas for teaching and research. Private preservation groups such as the Natural Land Institute and The Nature Conservancy are responsible for preserving many of Illinois' most out- standing natural areas. The State of Illinois is involved with natural areas through its various departments and commissions, especially the De- partment of Conservation and Nature Preserves Commission. Our natural heritage is assured increased protection when these concerned individuals and groups are aware of the location and significance of natural areas. More natural areas are destroyed through ignorance than are lost because people are aware of them and abuse them. The Department of Conservation protects natural areas by acquiring and managing certain areas, by analyzing proposals for publicly regulated development projects, and by distributing money to local governments for land acquisition. The Illinois Nature Preserves Commission and the De- partment are responsible for the Illinois Nature Preserves System, which provides for dedication and protection of nature preserves under State law. Accurate and detailed information about natural areas is needed to fulfill these protection goals. There might be some question about the need for a large-scale, de- tailed natural area survey, but the Department of Conservation foresaw the potential benefits. Now that it has been completed, the value of a comprehensive effort is even more apparent. One question is, "We already know of more natural areas than we can possibly save, so why look for more?" The answer is that, given limited resources for preserving areas, one should be certain that time and money are spent on the most important areas. Another argument is, "We already know the most important areas — they are obvious without a detailed inventory. " This did not prove to be the case in Illinois. Prior to the Natural Areas Inventory, information about natural areas had been compiled by the Nature Preserves Commission, Natu- ral History Survey, and Department of Conservation. So little is left of 10 Illinois' original natural communities that it might appear that the sig- nificant natural areas would have been readily apparent and would already have been found, but 61% of the 610 sites with high quality natural com- munities that were identified by the Inventory were previously unknown to the Department of Conservation and the Nature Preserves Commission. These new areas include not only small, obscure areas but large forests, wet- lands, and other communities. In terms of acreage, these newly discovered areas include 42% of the high quality natural communities identified by the Inventory. "But how many of these new areas oould have been found by just com- piling the available information and not doing original research?" The Inventory compiled information available from people, agencies, and the literature, as well as doing its own surveys, so it is possible to show how many significant natural features would have been found if the pro- ject had stopped after compiling existing information. The project would have been able to identify with certainty 29% of the areas with high qual- ity natural communities. Information that would have required further checks to substantiate would have been available for 14% of the areas, and 57% probably would have been overlooked. In addition to finding as many significant areas as possible, the Inventory acquired accurate and uniform basic information about the sites. The staff visited all areas with relatively undisturbed terrestrial or wetland communities, and they checked sites for endangered species if current and adequate information was not available. If the project had relied solely on information from secondary sources, the amount of data that could have been collected in a uniform manner for all areas would have been very limited, and nonqualifying areas would have been included by mistake. The Inventory had a trained and coordinated staff of ecolo- gists to collect and evaluate information, rather than relying on other sources such as publications that might be out-of-date. An analysis of how much accuracy and completeness would have been sacrificed by omitting fieldwork is presented in Section 24. An inventory brings information together into one information sys- tem, so that areas can be readily compared and evaluated. Requests for 11 information from planning agencies and for environmental impact analyses can be answered with less effort. The Department of Conservation reviews the potential impact of 10 or more proposals for development of water areas, highway corridors, and other sites in a typical week. Unneces- sary conflicts with developers are avoided by planning ahead. Less time is spent responding to emergencies, and the time that is saved can be used to protect areas. A comprehensive inventory provides information needed to determine which natural areas are most significant and needed to complete a nature preserves system. A plan based on a solid background of information is more likely to be accepted by the people of Illinois and by the owners and managers of natural areas. Time and money for a systematic invento- ry are well spent to assure that the right areas are given priority for preservation. It costs money to inventory a natural area, but it costs even more money to negotiate preservation or to acquire an area, and management costs continue indefinitely. Dedicating an area to preserva- tion as its highest and best use is a big commitment to the future, and public agencies have an obligation to make correct decisions about which areas should be preserved. The Illinois Natural Areas Inventory will continue to be updated. However, as much information as possible was collected in an initial ef- fort instead of relying on gradual accumulation of information as it be- comes available. Otherwise, doubt would continue about the relative value of areas because significant sites might have been overlooked. In the meantime, natural areas would continue to be destroyed. Threats of destruction were identified for half of the natural areas, and certainly more are threatened with disturbances unknown to the Inventory. The im- pact of development on the remaining natural areas is described in Sec- tion 26. 12 Section 3. BASIC ORGANIZATION OF THE INVENTORY Inventory Requirements and Guidelines Definition of a natural area A natural area was defined as a tract of land or water with a natu- ral configuration or sufficient buffer land to insure its potential for protection and proper management, that: (1) contains relatively undisturbed terrestrial or wetland natural com- munities, which have fauna and flora that reflect as nearly as possible the conditions at the time of settlement, (2) is a habitat with an endangered animal or plant, (3) is a habitat with relict species, (4) has an outstanding geologic feature, (5) is used and managed as a nature preserve or as a natural area by a school, (6) has a unique natural feature, or (7) is an outstanding natural aquatic area. The definition was refined and further defined in the natural area cate- gories discussed in Section 4. Sources of information As specified by the Department of Conservation, various kinds of nat- ural areas were surveyed in different manners. Information about areas with relatively undisturbed natural communities and with relict species was gathered from field surveys. The inventory of endangered species relied mainly on existing records, but species were checked in the field when necessary and practical. Many sites with endangered species were discovered through other phases of fieldwork. The inventory of geologic areas was compiled by the Illinois State Geological Survey. The inven- tory of lakes and streams relied on recommendations from the Illinois Natural History Survey. The survey of school natural areas was conducted by mailed questionnaires and review of publications. 13 Some basic guidelines Acreage standards. — Minimum size standards were defined for areas with high quality natural communities. Such areas were included if they were 20 acres or larger, with the following exceptions: (1) If a parti- cular type of natural community is not normally as large as 20 acres (such as seeps and glades), then the 20-acre minimum did not apply. (2) Natural prairie remnants as small as one-quarter acre were inventoried. (3) An area smaller than 20 acres was recognized if it was the least dis- turbed remnant of a particular kind of community. Minimum acreages were not defined for sites other than the ones with high quality communities. Geologic areas, habitats with endangered or relict species, and school natural areas could be any size that adequately represented the signif- icant feature and provided potential for protection of the area. Degree of disturbance. — Outstanding representatives of natural com- munities were selected on the basis of relative lack of disturbance, but disturbed areas could qualify in the other natural area categories. Al- though the term natural area was applied to any site listed by the Inven- tory, many are not undisturbed sites. Obmership and preservation status. — All of Illinois was surveyed, and areas were inventoried without regard to the type of ownership or whether an area was preserved. Information was collected about all natu- ral areas to provide a complete base of information. Structure of the Inventory The project consisted of two parts: (1) surveys to find and to col- lect information about natural areas, and (2) an information system to store, retrieve, and analyze the data. The information system consists of maps, files, and a computer system that is described in an accompany- ing report. Surveys Surveys of different categories were often conducted at the same time. Fieldwork was conducted in the following surveys: 14 Main Survey (for relatively undisturbed natural communities) Railroad Prairie Survey Cemetery Prairie and Savanna Survey Endangered Species Survey Relict Species Survey The surveys were usually conducted within individual counties, but it was sometimes more efficient to ignore county boundaries, as in the railroad prairie survey and searches for hill prairies along rivers. Each survey was a process of selecting potential natural areas, then determining which ones were significant. Each successive stage examined the remaining candidates in greater detail. The survey stages were as follows : Compiling available information Gathering background material Contacting people and agencies Reviewing literature Examining maps and aerial photographs Aerial survey Initial ground survey Final field survey The inventories of geologic areas, aquatic areas, and school natural areas relied on compiling available information, so the last four survey stages usually were not conducted for these areas. Offices and staff The main office at the University of Illinois in Urbana housed the project director and usually two senior assistants, a secretary, and technical assistants. The state was divided into five districts with one or two natural area ecologists in each district. Most of the ecologists had a Master's degree in botany, zoology, or forest ecology. Ten field assistants were employed during the summer of 1976, and there were eight summer assistants in 1977. Most of the field assistants had recently completed or were enrolled in graduate studies in a biological science. Additional part-time staff was provided as needed by the Natural Land Institute's office in Rockford. 15 Sohedule Pilot studies began in March 1975, and natural area ecologists were hired and began a 3-month training session in July. The first stages of the Main Survey (compiling available information, examining maps and aer- ial photos, aerial surveys, and initial ground surveys) began in Septem- ber 1975 and continued until June 1976. The final field survey of areas found during the first year's work was completed in the summer of 1976, and the Main Survey of the remainder of the state was completed during the following year. More training sessions and pilot studies were con- ducted as new parts of the project were started. The preliminary stages of the Railroad Prairie Survey were completed in late 1975, and the final field survey of railroad prairies was done in the summer of 1976. Ceme- ter:es were surveyed to find prairie and savanna remnants from August to October 1976. Most work on endangered and relict species was com- pleted in 1977. Basic Principles To the greatest extent possible within limitations of time and money and within the guidelines set by the Department of Conservation, the In- ventory conducted a thorough inventory of Illinois' natural areas. Making sure that areas were not overlooked was emphasized as much as describing and evaluating the significant sites. This project differed from many other natural area surveys in that the staff devoted much effort to searches for relatively undisturbed natural communities. Many techniques were developed for finding and evaluating high quality natural communities, and a large part of this re- port is devoted to these topics. This does not mean that information from existing sources was ignored or that the elements of natural diver- sity that occur in disturbed areas were slighted. A wealth of informa- tion was compiled from the work of others, including over 1,400 published references to biologically significant areas. Although the degree of disturbance was the criterion for identifying one category of natural area, 60% of the natural areas have significant features other than lack of disturbance. 16 Instead of choosing natural areas and then deciding why they were im- portant, the project developed a list o£ significant features and then found occurrences of these features. A further step was taken by drawing natural area boundaries around the significant features to include the natural diversity of the site and to provide potential for protection of the features. If one significant feature occurred with another, then both were included in the same natural area, but each significant feature kept its separate identity and remained an independent reason for recog- nizing the site. Information Requirements The Department of Conservation requested certain items of informa- tion about each area, which were refined into the following data items. A description of each item and the source of the data are described in Section 13 and Appendix 17. Not every item was appropriate or was col- lected for every category of natural area. Basio information County Name of area Significant feature. --The reason why a natural area is significant Exceptional feature. --A feature that adds to the value of a natural area Preservation value score Evaluator Date of evaluation Location Legal location. --Township, Range, Principal Meridian, section and quarter-quarter section Access Topographic quadrangle Stream system Specific stream drainage Legislative district Municipality Governor's Region 17 Natural oharacteristias Altitude. --Maximum and minimum Topography. --Physiographic unit, major topographic feature, and individual topographic feature Geologic formation Soil association. --Statewide classification and county classifica- tion Natural community classification. --Natural community, community class, and Natural Division and Section Rarity index. --For each natural community Diversity index Natural quality. --Acreage of each natural community in each natural quality grade; description of natural quality Total acreage of natural area Society of American Foresters' forest cover type. --For each natural community, where applicable Plant community. --For each natural community Legal status and use Ownership type Number of ownerships 0^vner or custodian Use of natural area Use of surrounding land Nearest Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) Distance to nearest SMSA Number of nearby universities and colleges Name of nearest university or college Number of nearby Department of Conservation facilities Land management facility Manageability Management problem description Zoning of area Zoning of surrounding land Regional planning commission Forest preserve district Conservation district 18 Legal status and use, cont. Preservation status Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation Threat of destruction Discussion of preservation values Supplemental materials Species lists Vegetation sampling data Topographic map with boundaries Aerial photo with overlays Additional notes and other materials Literature citations PART II CONCEPTS AND TERMS Part II explains the basic terminology of the Inventory. The categories of natural areas are described, as are the terms used to describe and classify natural areas. A clear under- standing of the concepts and terms in the following four sec- tions is necessary to understand the rest of this report. 20 Plate 3. k canyon in Starved Rook State Park. This area on the Illinois River qualified as a natural area under five categories. It has high quality natural communities ^ habitats with endangered and threatened spe- cieSj and assemblages of relict species. The park contains outstanding bedrock outcrops , and portions are dedicated as an Illinois Nature Pre- serve. 21 Section 4. NATURAL AREA CATEGORIES Introduction The Inventory recognized seven kinds of natural areas. The seven categories, each defined by its significant features, are in Table 1. The natural area categories are listed below, and they are further de- fined in Part IV. Table 1. Natural area categories and significant features. Natural area category Significant feature I. Ecological area High quality terrestrial or wetland natural community II. Endangered species habitat Habitat with endangered species III. Relict species habitat Habitat with relict species IV. Geologic area Outstanding geologic feature V. Natural study area Nature preserve or land that is managed and used for natural science studies VI. Unique natural area Unique natural feature VII. Aquatic area Outstanding aquatic feature Summary of Categories Category I: High quality terrestrial or wetland natural corrmunities These areas have natural communities that are relatively undisturbed, so that they reflect as nearly as possible the natural condition at the time of settlement in the early 1800' s. Areas in this category were cho- sen because of their high natural quality, as explained in Appendix 22. Category II: Habitats with endangered species These sites have vertebrate animals or vascular plants that are in danger of extirpation from Illinois. 22 Category III: Habitats with reliot species Sites were recognized as natural areas if they have outstanding as- semblages of plants that are relicts of a past climatic period. Category IV: Outstanding geologic features Localities that are outstanding representatives of the state's geo- logic diversity were listed as geologic areas. In addition to natural features, artificial sites such as abandoned quarries could qualify as geologic areas. Category V- Nature preserves or lands that are managed and used for natural science studies Lands that are specially managed and used as natural areas for teaching and research or as nature preserves were included in this cate- gory, even though the natural communities might have been disturbed. This category includes areas such as dedicated Illinois Nature Preserves and Federal Research Natural Areas, as well as areas maintained by schools. Category VI: Unique natural features A few significant natural areas did not fit into any of the above categories. These are sites of unique natural features, which are often small areas with unusual floristic, faunistic, or ecological features. Examples include (1) a cave with an outstanding invertebrate fauna, (2) a large bat hibernaculum, and (3) a cliff habitat that has an unusual as- semblage of plants that cannot be considered endangered or relict species. Category VII: Outstanding aquatic features Some streams and lakes were listed as natural areas because they are relatively unpolluted and natural habitats for native aquatic life. These areas are distinct from Category I wetlands because the water quality and the fauna were the bases for recognizing the area; in contrast, the undis- turbed character of the vegetation was the primary consideration in Cate- gory I wetlands. 23 Section 5. NATURAL AREA BOUNDARIES, LAND CONDITION CLASSES, AND FEATURES Introduction and Summary According to the Illinois Department of Conservation's definition, a natural area must be: (1) a tract of land or water, with a natural oonfiguration or sufficient buffer land to insure its potential for protection and proper management , that (2) meets one or more of the criteria (described in Section 4) for rec- ognition as a natural area, such as a relatively undisturbed natural community or an outstanding geologic feature. The first part of the definition states that a natural area should have a natural configuration. That is, the boundaries of a natural area should coincide with the boundaries of natural features such as the edge of a forest, which may or may not be the same as artificial lines or boundaries such as a road. To insure that it has potential for protec- tion and proper management, a natural area may include land that has little natural value but is needed as buffer. Accordingly, a natural area may be divided into two land condition classes: natural land and buffer land. The second part of the definition requires that a natural area must have at least one significant feature, which is the reason for recogniz- ing a natural area. Other important features besides the significant feature may be present in a natural area. In summary, a natural area can be described according to its land condition classes and features, outlined as follows: Land condition classes Natural land Buffer land Features Significant features Exceptional features Notable features 24 Artificial disturbance features Natural disturbance features The concept of natural quality and grades (Section 7) is important in the discussion that follows. Land Condition Classes Natural land The part of a natural area that is relatively undisturbed is termed natural land. It is defined according to natural quality, and it includes Grade A, B, and C natural communities. Although the boundaries of natu- ral land and the significant feature may coincide, natural land often ex- tends beyond the significant feature. IVhen natural land does extend beyond the significant feature, it consists of Grade C natural communi- ties or Grade A and B stands that are too small to qualify as significant features. Buffer land This consists of land within the natural area boundaries that is not natural land. Buffer land consists of Grade D or E natural communities that are included in the natural area to insure potential for protection of the significant feature. Applioahility of the land condition classification The land condition classes are mapping units based on natural quali- ty. The classes were mapped for Category I natural areas and Illinois Nature Preserves. For other kinds of natural areas, the only parts of the natural area that were mapped are the features described in the re- mainder of this section. Boundaries Guidelines for determining the boundaries of the natural area, natu- ral land, buffer land, and significant features are detailed in Appendix 16. The rules for determining the boundaries of a natural area are sum- marized as follows: (1) Boundaries should be conservative, but adequate to include the sig- nificant features and to provide potential for protection of the area. 25 (2) Natural area boundaries should follow the boundaries of natural fea- tures if possible. (3) Acquisition factors such as access and monetary value of the land should not be considered. (4) Boundaries should not be drawn arbitrarily. Features Any part or characteristic of a natural area is a feature. Although components such as topographic features and natural communities are also features of an area, this discussion is limited to the basic classes of features that were introduced above: significant features, exceptional features, notable features, artificial disturbance features, and natural disturbance features. Significant features A feature that allows a site to qualify as a natural area of state- wide significance is a significant feature. Table 1 lists the kind of significant feature for each natural area category, and Table 2 gives examples of significant features. A natural area must have at least one significant feature. The boundaries of a significant feature may coin- cide with the boundaries of a natural area, but the natural area often extends beyond the significant feature. For example, a tract may consist of a steep hillside with a mature second growth forest (not a significant feature) and a series of one-quarter to 2-acre Grade A hill prairies (the significant features). The mature second growth forest is designated as natural land; but, in the absence of the hill prairies, the hillside would not be outstanding and the tract would not qualify as a natural area. Exceptional features An exoe-ptional feature is a feature that increases the preservation value of a natural area but is not important enough to be the reason for identifying a natural area. After a site was recognized as a natural area because of a significant feature, then the presence of exceptional features on the tract was recorded. A summary of exceptional features is in Table 2. 26 ^ CTJ X) ^ ■ P ^ 4-* -rH (U OJ (U E 4-J 0) ^ O *j a> 3 :i *-> u *-* ^ O 3 t. *-» CD C U M rt w ■O 3 -■ m C <-> s C8 C O < in 3 — • O 3 27 Significant features and exceptional features are equivalent to ele- ments of natural diversity in the State Natural Heritage Programs of The Nature Conservancy. The Heritage Programs make a distinction between elements and element oaourrenoes : for example, the bald eagle is an ele- ment of our natural diversity, and an actual nesting site for bald eagles is an element occurrence (see Jenkins, 1978). Although the distinction between elements and element occurrences is important, the Illinois Natu- ral Areas Inventory usually applied the terms significant feature and exceptional feature to both the abstract concept and the real occurrence. The meaning is usually clear by the context in which the terms are used. Notable features A notable feature is any feature of a natural area that is less im- portant than a significant feature or an exceptional feature. A notable feature does not increase the preservation value of a natural area, and recording the presence of a notable feature was optional. The summary of notable features in Table 2 is incomplete because many features may be listed as notable. Artificial disturbance features Cultural features such as roads, trails, fences, buildings, and pow- er lines are artificial disturbance features. These are local disturban- ces, as opposed to broad disturbances that lower the natural quality of a natural community. For example, a narrow pipeline right-of-way is a disturbance feature, but a cultivated field is a Grade E area, not a lo- cal disturbance feature. Similarly, a drainage ditch in a marsh is a disturbance feature; but the entire wetland is not a disturbance feature, even though the ditch may lower the natural quality of the marsh. Natural disturbance features Examples of natural disturbance features are (1) a stand of trees killed or damaged by a windstorm, fire, insects, or disease, (2) an area flooded by a beaver dam, and (3) a stand of shrubs invading a prairie. These are considered natural disturbance features because they are the results of natural agents, even though the disturbances may be attributed indirectly to human activities. In the above examples, the fire may have been started by a person; the disease, insects, and beavers may have been 28 introduced by humans; and the woody invasion may be the result of unnatu- ral fire suppression. However, since the disturbances result from natu- ral processes instead of direct human activities, they are considered natural disturbance features. 29 Section 6. NATURAL COMMUNITY CLASSIFICATION Summary The Inventory's classification of natural communities was a basis for identifying Category I significant features, and it was used to clas- sify all natural areas. The classification system is detailed in Appen- dix 30 and is briefly reviewed in the following paragraphs. The natural community classification uses the concept of the Natural Divisions of Illinois (Schwegman, et al . , 1973), which recognizes regions of the state on the basis of topography, glacial history, bedrock, soils, and the distribution of native plants and animals. A map and a brief description of the Natural Divisions are in Appendix 30. The Inventory's classification further subdivides the Natural Divisions and Sections into nine community classes: Forest Prairie Savanna Wetland Lake and Pond Stream Primary Cave Cultural The smallest unit in the classification is the natural community, which is a subdivision of a community class. A natural community is a group of organisms interrelated with each other and their environment. Although a natural community might be defined at any scale, it was used as the smallest unit of land or water that could be mapped on large-scale (1:7,920) aerial photos. Natural communities were classified and named by considering a vari- ety of natural features and choosing the dominant features that distin- guish one community from the others. One or two important descriptive features are usually included as modifiers in the natural community name, as in dry sand savanna. 30 There are 93 different kinds of natural communities (Table 38), in- cluding eight cultural communities. Each Natural Division and Section has its own, distinct set of natural communities, and the name of the Natural Division and Section is part of the natural community name. For example, a dry-mesia prairie of the Springfield Section of the Grand Prairie Divi- sion is a community distinct from a dry-mesio prairie of the Western Sec- tion of the Grand Prairie Division. For practical reasons, the shortened name, dry-mesia prairie, is used unless a distinction needs to be made be- tween communities in different Natural Divisions or Sections. 31 Section 7. NATURAL QUALITY Summary Natural quality is defined as a measure of the evidence of distur- bance to a natural community. The Inventory used the relative lack of disturbance to identify Category I significant features, and described the degree of disturbance of all communities in all natural areas. A system of letter grades was developed to express degrees of natural qual- ity. The grading system is based on degree of disturbance, alone: other factors such as acreage and the presence of endangered species were not considered when determining natural quality. Although these other fac- tors are important for determining the overall preservation value of a natural area, they were kept separate so that natural quality described only the degree of disturbance. The grading system provides terms for describing the relative amount of successional instability or change in a community's natural diversity, species composition, and structure due to disturbance. The grades are summarized as follows: Grade A: Relatively stable or undisturbed communities. Example: Old growth, ungrazed forest. Grade B: Late successional or lightly disturbed communities. Example: Old growth forest that was selectively logged 5 years ago. Grade C: Mid-successional or moderately to heavily disturbed com- munities. Example: Young to mature second growth forest. Grade D: Early successional or severely disturbed communities. Example: Severely grazed forest of any age. Grade E: Very early successional or very severely disturbed com- munities. Example: Cropland. The natural quality grades are described in more detail in Appendix 22. Some procedures for evaluating and describing disturbances are in Appen- dix 21. PART III METHODS This part of the report describes the stages of the inventory and the items of information collected for each area. 34 Plate 4. A section of the Presettlement Vegetation Atlas of Illinois. The maps were used to select cemetevies to survey for prairie rermccnts. For example, the cemetery at A is more than a mile inside the forest, and has no potential for prairie vegetation. The cemetery labeled B is on prairie soil, one-half mile beyond the limits of the forest. The rear of this cemetery has a remnant of native prairie vegetation. Plate 5. An example of an aerial photo used to select potential natural areas. The tract labeled A shows evidence of grazing damage: the trees are widely scattered, and whitish livestock trails extend into the trees from a stock pond (B) and a bam (O . The timber stand labeled D has a dense, even canopy of large-crowned trees, indicating an old, undisturbed forest. 35 Section 8. COMPILING AVAILABLE INFORMATION Purpose Information was gathered from sources such as publications to (1) identify natural areas, (2) compile resources that would aid the search for areas, and (3) collect information that would help describe and eval- uate areas. Procedure Gathering background matevial This involved obtaining soil reports, maps, unpublished reports, and similar information, usually related to specific counties or areas. Much information was from the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, Department of Conservation, and Natural History Survey. Work in cooperation with the Illinois Endangered Species Project to find records of endangered species in herbaria and museum collections is described in Section 17. Contacting people and agencies As part of the survey of each county, the fieldworkers asked the following professionals for information about natural areas: district foresters for the Department of Conservation, district conservationists for the Soil Conservation Service, and county executive directors for the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. The staffs of for- est preserve districts and conservation districts were also contacted. Enquiries often led to other citizens who knew about natural areas in a particular region. Other people with known interests in natural areas were contacted, especially faculty members at colleges and universities. General publicity The Inventory was widely publicized to solicit information about natural areas. The Department of Conservation taped five interviews during various phases of the project and distributed the tapes to about 80 radio stations. There were two live radio programs, a television 36 presentation, four statewide news releases, and several articles in news- letters and local newspapers. The staff presented 27 talks, attended by an estimated total of 2,000 people, at conferences, universities, and meetings throughout Illinois. Schwegman (1977a, 1977&) and Madany (1977) wrote feature articles about the project. Literature review The literature review is listed here as a part of the process of com- piling available information, but it was such a large effort that it is discussed separately in Section 23. Results Compiling background information was a necessary preparation for the rest of the inventory, and it revealed some previously unrecognized natu- ral areas. Because many Inventory staff members were already familiar with the files of the Department of Conservation, Natural History Survey, and Nature Preserves Commission, the amount of new information gained from these files cannot be determined for certain. However, collecting and organizing these resources provided a sound background for further work. The amount of information gained from various conservation-related agencies varied according to the personal knowledge and interests of the individual contacted. Faculty members at colleges and universities and amateur naturalists were the most valuable sources of information about potential natural areas in many counties. General publicity efforts through the news media and presentations to groups yielded very little new information about significant natural areas, but it did make more people aware of the Illinois Nature Preserves System. The effectiveness of compiling existing information for finding and screening potential natural areas is discussed in relation to other stages of the inventory in Section 24. 37 Section 9. EXAMINING MAPS AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Introduction Maps and aerial photos of each county were systematically examined to (1) select potential natural areas, (2) determine what land had no significant potential for natural areas, and (3) map, describe, classify, and evaluate the identified natural areas. Topographic maps were the basic maps used by the Inventory. There are many useful sources of information about the use of topographic maps, including publications by the U. S. Geological Survey (1969), Beveridge, et al. (1957), Cote (1967), and the U. S. Department of the Army (1969). Atlases by DeBruin (1970) and Richason (1972) provide excellent illus- trations of representative geologic, vegetation, and cultural features on topographic maps. There are also many useful references about aerial photo interpre- tation. Books by Strandberg (1967), Avery (1968), and Way (1973) are among the best sources of information about using aerial photos; and Avery (1969) provided a practical discussion of interpreting aerial photos of forested land. The following atlases have examples and de- scriptions of geologic features, vegetation patterns, and cultural fea- tures that are relevant to Illinois: Ray (1960), Wanless (1969), Richa- son (1972), and Baker and Dill (1970, 1972). Map Resources Topographic maps The project used 7.S-minute U. S. Geological Survey quadrangles with forest overprint when available, but only the 15 -minute series is available for about 40% of Illinois. The 15-minute maps were studied in addition to the 7.S-minute maps when both were available, because many of the IS-minute maps date from 1910-1940 and they show old clearings, 38 homesites, roads, and other disturbances that may no longer be shov^m on the 7.5-minute series. Highway maps County highway maps produced by the Illinois Department of Trans- portation proved useful for general planning, summaries, and aerial navigation. The maps are available at the scale of 1 inch equals 2 miles, and a bound atlas of smaller-scale copies of these maps is commercially available. Presettlement Vegetat-ton Atlas of Itlinois A set of county maps showing presettlement vegetation based on the original Public Land Survey was used to find areas with potential for prairie vegetation. The atlas is described in Appendix 19. Soil maps The soils of almost every county have been mapped. The county soil maps vary in age, quality, and detail. The general soil association maps were most helpful for finding unusual kinds of soils. A small-scale state soil association map by Fehrenbacher, et al. (1967) was used for a uniform, statewide classification. Geologic maps The Geologic Map of Illinois by Willman and others (1967) was ef- fective at 1:500,000 scale for much of the work. Detailed surficial geologic maps for most areas of Illinois that have bedrock outcrops are available in Master's theses and Illinois State Geological Survey reports and files. Aerial Photographs and High-altitude Images The Inventory relied on relatively low-altitude, conventional black and white aerial photographs as one means to find, evaluate, describe, map, and classify natural areas. This section describes the aerial photos and briefly discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the various kinds of aerial photos and other remotely sensed images. All kinds of terrain imagery, from low-altitude aerial photos to satellite "images" (which are not photographs) are classified as remote sensing. 39 Sabins (1978) presented a comprehensive and recent analysis of remote sensing techniques. ASCS aerial photographs The Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) of the U. S. Department of Agriculture periodically produces aerial photo- graphs of every Illinois county. The land is photographed during the growing season on panchromatic black and white film, with a minus-blue filter. The negatives are 1:20,000 scale, and the photos overlap to allow stereo viewing. Contact prints from the most recent flights are on file at the state ASCS office in Springfield; the ASCS office in each county has a set of enlargements at the scale of 1:7,920 (8 inches equals 1 mile, or 1 square inch equals 10 acres). The ASCS enlargements are of good quality and were suitable for the Inventory's needs. Many vegetation and cultural features are easy to recognize, and resolution is adequate. Ground resolution is usually 2 to 3 feet (U. S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1969), and the smallest object that can be identified without some clue such as its relation to its environment is about five times the ground resolution (Strandberg, 1967). For example, cattle can sometimes be identified on ASCS photos as light-toned, rectangular features at feed bunks and watering tanks. Linear features and objects that contrast with their surroundings are most readily distinguishable. For example, the faint pattern of lines in a field plowed several years ago is often visi- ble, and the crown of a solitary tree is distinguishable. Under unusual circumstances even the painted center stripe on a highway or large elec- trical transmission cables can be seen. ASCS photographs are taken of each county about every 7 years, and the earliest photos of most counties were taken between 1938 and 1941. These earlier photos are valuable because they show how an area appeared in the past. The county ASCS offices keep enlargements from at least one previous flight, and university libraries receive the outdated con- tact prints. 40 Other aerial photographs Other kinds of aerial photos are available for parts of Illinois, but only ASCS aerial photos were used by the Inventory, mainly because the resolution of other photos is not fine enough or the photos are not widely available. Infrared color photos [also known as false-color infra- red) would have been preferred instead of ASCS panchromatic photos, be- cause the infrared film provides better contrast among vegetation types and better detection of wetlands. However, infrared photos are not easily obtained: they have been taken of only small parts of Illinois for specific projects by agencies such as the. U. S. Army Corps of Engi- neers. The state has been photographed from high-altitude military aircraft and spacecraft, but the coverage is incomplete, the scales vary, and ground resolution is much less than for low-altitude aerial photos. Other low-altitude black and white photos, similar to ASCS photos, are available from agencies such as the U. S. Geological Survey. However, coverage of the state is incomplete, the photos are not easily obtained, and most are winter photography, which greatly limits vegetation analysis. Landsat images Interest is developing in satellite imagery as a means of studying natural resources since the launching of the ERTS-1 satellite in 1972. Two more satellites (now named Landsat^ have been launched, and the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration has supported research to evaluate uses of Landsat imagery. Williams and Carter (1976) edited a collection of papers describing such Landsat research in many disci- plines, including vegetation mapping. Relatively nontechnical publica- tions that are helpful for learning about Landsat imagery are by Dickson (1977), Short, et al. (1976), and Lineback (1975). The Illinois Environ- mental Protection Agency (1978) presented a basic explanation of Landsat images and their use. Landsat has a low resolving power, which limits its usefulness for natural area inventories. Relatively small or narrow features with great contrast (such as highways) can sometimes be detected, but pro- cessed images usually have a ground resolution between 200 and 250 me- ters. The recently launched Landsat 3 reportedly has better resolving 41 power than the earlier satellites, but even these new images would not have been suitable because the Inventory workers needed to see thin graz- ing trails and the gaps in the forest canopy caused by the removal of single trees. In a test of ERTS-1 imagery, Fentress and Frye (1975) were able to map land in a Texas county with 10 land use or cover classes, portraying every fifth picture element (57 meters by 79 meters), with 82% accuracy. In contrast, the Inventory staff did not map large areas, but studied areas smaller than one picture element, recognized a practically unlimited number of land use and vegetation cover combinations, and strived for 100% accuracy. Landsat images are useful for regional surveys, broad classifica- tions, small-scale maps, and detection of large, faint surface features. They allow a quick, general overview of an area, but they cannot replace topographic maps and large-scale aerial photos for finding and describ- ing natural areas. The satellite images have a feature that might be used to an advan- tage: Landsat records the sunlight reflected from the earth in four spectral bands. Different kinds of earth, water, and vegetation reflect sunlight differently, so some features are more apparent on one spectral band than on another. By processing images in certain ways, certain vegetation t>'pes are most vividly portrayed. Despite problems with low resolution, Landsat images do have potential for determining unusual habitats and natural communities of limited extent. By choosing the cor- rect season, light wavelengths, and processing, it might be possible to find a unique spectral reflectance, or "signature" to identify prairies. Although there is much potential for study in this field, the Inventory found no need for detailed experimentation because standard map and aer- ial photo interpretation techniques worked well. Procedure and Results Examination of maps and aerial photos was conducted within individ- ual counties and proceeded by legal township and section. The procedures for detecting natural areas and disturbances on maps and photos are dis- cussed in Appendix 21. Areas that had potential as significant natural 42 areas were outlined and numbered on topographic maps. Brief notes about the potential natural areas as well as the disturbed areas were recorded on the maps and on forms . After the current ASCS enlargements were reviewed, the potential Category I natural areas were examined on the oldest available ASCS photos. The old photos (often as early as 1938) showed previous distur- bances not apparent on the newer photos, and they helped the investigator to interpret apparent disturbances detected on the newer photos. The 1:7,920 scale aerial photo enlargements available in ASCS offices were used for the main screening instead of contact prints because sig- nificant details can be overlooked on contact prints. Although the en- largements have no more detail than the contact prints, studying the enlargements is less tedious and causes less fatigue and eyestrain. Other advantages of using enlargements were: (1) the photos were the most recent available, (2) acreages of some tracts were marked by the ASCS on the photos, and (3) using the aerial photos in the county ASCS office provided an opportunity to talk to local people and to check areas during the examination procedure . The map and aerial photo examination required from 3 to 5 days for a typical county, and usually 20 to 40 potential natural areas were foiind. In a few counties the procedure required less than a day, and no areas were found. A few counties with many wetlands required 2 or 5 weeks of study and resulted in over 100 sites to be checked. 43 Section 10. AERIAL SURVEY Purpose The aerial survey was a means of (1) screening potential areas, (2) finding new areas, and (3) determining boundaries and characteristics of natural areas. The aerial survey was an extension of the map and aerial photo exam- ination stage. It provided a closer and more recent view than possible with maps and photos, and it allowed fieldworkers to reject many non- qualifying areas quickly, without completing the time-consuming initial ground survey. New areas were found and areas were studied in a detailed manner not possible with maps and photos. The aerial survey allowed a quick comparison and overview of many areas in a short time. Procedure and Results General techniques Cessna 172 aircraft were used, which are single-engine, four-seat airplanes with high wings. Areas were viewed generally by flying as slowly as practical and safe (80 to 90 miles per hour), at 500 to 800 feet above the ground. Between sites, the planes could cruise at 110 to 120 miles per hour. Before each flight, the sites to be checked were marked on a county highway map, and a flight plan was drawn on the map. Topographic maps with the sites outlined were also assembled, and Potential Natural Area Record Forms were put in order so that notes could be recorded for each area. The tracts usually were observed while circling each site from one to four times. Emphasis was placed on noting disturbances and spe- cial features, refining boundaries, and deciding whether the site still qualified as a potential natural area. Effective surveying from an air- plane came with practice. Efficiency was gained by studying areas from an airplane that were already well known to the investigator. Knowing 44 the actual size of certain objects on the ground helped the surveyor to make other size estimates from the air. Examples of teohniques Clues for identifying disturbances and natural communities are de- tailed in Appendices 20 and 21. Following are examples of how an air- plane was used for finding natural areas. Surveying from an airplane was useful for determining the boundaries of a natural area, which may differ from preliminary boundaries from aer- ial photos. The photos may not show some disturbances clearly, or the disturbances may have happened since the area was photographed. For instance, by circling 2,000 feet above a 1,000-acre swamp, fieldworkers were able to accurately and precisely map the extent of recent clearing and logging. In 14 minutes a task was accomplished that could not have been done as well on the ground, even with 2 days work by a two-person team. Although most forested natural areas were found by examining aerial photos, the aerial survey was sometimes helpful for determining the exact boundaries of the highest quality stands of timber in large tracts of mature forest. The exact boundaries of the oldest stands of trees cannot always be delimited precisely from aerial photos if the forest in general is mature and has a natural structure. For example, there are many square miles of forest along the lower Kaskaskia River--mostly logged at various times and to different degrees, but with large, well formed trees because the land is so productive. The most promising tracts along the Kaskaskia were outlined from aerial photos, but the extent of some of the tracts was uncertain because the largest-crowned trees seemed to in- tergrade with younger stands. Bur oaks are common in the floodplain, growing on all but the wettest soil, and any tract of old growth bottom- land timber in the region has large bur oaks. The task during the aerial survey was to select stands with large bur oaks, which are easy to dis- tinguish from an airplane in the winter because they have thick, grayish limbs and twigs. A technique similar to the preceding was developed during surveys over the Shawnee Hills. Old growth stands of dry upland forest could be 45 detected by spotting groups of very old post oaks. These trees have large crowns with gnarled, spreading limbs. They are easy to see from an airplane because the limbs are covered with greenish lichens. As with the bur oaks in the floodplain, the staff was able to find the old growth dry upland forests by searching for large, old post oaks after narrowing the possibilities by examining aerial photos. Hill prairies occur along major river valleys on dry, exposed slopes, and they are highly visible from an airplane. Although hill prairies can be found by studying maps and aerial photos, it was not necessary to find every potential prairie before the aerial survey. Instead, the ecolo- gists decided which sections of river valleys had potential for prairies, and flew along the bluffs marking the location of every hill prairie. The fieldworkers noted the ones that appeared to be relatively undis- turbed and had potential as natural areas. Along some stretches of river bluff, color slides were taken of the prairies as an aid for finding small prairie openings on the ground. Sand prairie remnants occur on plains along major rivers in central and northern Illinois. By examining aerial photos and soil maps it was possible to mark on topographic maps the uncultivated, grassy areas on sandy soil that were not obviously disturbed by grazing. The aerial sur- vey was a systematic search of sand areas, examining the sites chosen by the map and photo examination and looking for small remnants that were not apparent on the photos. The disturbed areas were rejected, and color photos were taken of the largest sand prairies to aid the ground survey. Natural seep communities occur along major rivers, so the aerial survey of seeps shared some basic techniques with the search for hill prairies. In the winter, seeps appear as prominent blackish patches, especially if the surrounding land is snow covered. (The ways in which snow enhances features observed from an airplane are discussed in Appen- dix 21.) Seeps sometimes are dark green because of horsetail colonies or emerald green because of water cress. By surveying after a light snow- fall, it was possible to find the seeps along the 200-mile length of the middle Illinois River and lower Sangamon River in less than 5 hours. 46 Effeativeness An average of 10 to 12 sites could be viewed in an hour from an air- plane, which is the number that could be visited in 2 to 4 long working days on the ground. The potential natural areas in most counties could be surveyed from the air in 1 to 3 hours, but some counties required as many as 8 hours. Between 50% and 90-6 of the areas in an average county were eliminated during the aerial survey. In some counties, several new sites were found from the air. Although the aerial survey accounted for less than 5% of the survey budget, surveying without an airplane would have required seven to 10 times as much time and seven to 10 times as much money for fieldwork, and it would not have been possible to accomp- lish some tasks and find certain areas. There were some difficulties with scheduling flights and with air- sickness. The weather was suitable for flying only about half the time. Flights were often scheduled a week in advance, so a cancellation caused inconvenience and lost time, particularly since other activities had to be scheduled around the flight. Planes and pilots were hired from sever- al different airports, and it took some effort to find pilots that pro- vided reliable and skillful service. Circling in an airplane and studying areas intensely can cause airsickness, but the problem could be avoided by flying on calm days, circling gently, and taking airsickness drugs. The fieldworkers became less prone to sickness with experience. In Lake, McHenry, and Cook counties, where there are many complexes of prairies and wetlands, an airplane was not as effective as desired because it was too fast. A helicopter was used for about 8 hours to sur- vey these areas. 47 Section 11. INITIAL GROUND SURVEY Purpose The purpose of the initial ground survey was to prepare for the fi- nal field survey by evaluating the sites selected during prior inventory stages. The initial ground survey also served to check the accuracy of the map and aerial photo examination and the aerial survey, and it was used to develop techniques for the final field survey. Procedure Initial ground surveys were conducted only for Category I areas. The surveys were completed during the dormant season so that the summer could be reserved for final field surveys. Other advantages to doing the initial ground survey in the late fall, the winter, and early spring were: (1) interspersing initial ground survey work with aerial surveys helped the fieldworkers develop their field evaluation techniques, (2) general surveys of forests were easiest when they were leafless, and (3) surveys of wetlands were quicker when they were frozen. Initial surveys were not made for potential endangered and relict species sites because these were usually small areas that required searching habitats during the spring and summer months . During the initial ground survey the fieldworkers determined whether a potential natural area was significant. If an area was not significant, it was investigated only enough to record the reasons why it did not qual- ify. Significant areas were surveyed in more detail, to define the bound- aries and locate features so that the final field survey could be planned. Results About two-thirds of the potential areas were rejected during the initial ground survey of a typical county. About IS°6 of the rejected sites were recorded as notable areas, of local significance. 48 Section 12. FINAL FIELD SURVEY Final evaluation, description, and classification of each natural area were completed during the final field survey. The information was recorded as described in the following paragraphs. Main Data Form Standard information was recorded on a Main Data Form, which is de- scribed in Section 13 and Appendix 17. If an area was not visited, then the Main Data Form was completed by using information available in the office. Some items on the Main Data Form (such as the legislative dis- trict) were not determined during the final field survey, but were com- pleted later in the office. Maps and Aerial Photographs The boundaries of the natural area were drav\m on a copy of a topo- graphic map. If an area was an Illinois Nature Preserve or had a Cate- gory I significant feature, then the natural communities, natural quality, land condition classes, and other features were mapped with over- lays on aerial photos. For other kinds of natural areas, topographic maps or sketch maps were used instead of aerial photos, and less detail was mapped. Vegetation Sampling Plant communities in Category I significant features were sampled to help determine the dominant species and to help assess the natural qual- ity of the communities. In herbaceous communities, species frequency data were gathered from 20 or 30 one-quarter square meter circular quad- rats in each plant community. Sampling techniques for forests were influenced by research by Lindsey, et al. (1958) and Ohmann (1973). Basal area was measured with a 3-basal area factor metric wedge prism (sec Avery, 1967; llovind and Rieck, 1970) at 20 points in each plant community. 49 Density of the overstory was recorded in 1-decimeter size classes in 0.025- hectare circular plots centered at each sampling point. Density of woody plants taller than 1 meter but less than 1 decimeter in diameter at 1.2 meters above the ground was recorded from a 0.001-hectare circular plot at every other sampling point. Absolute and relative values were calcu- lated for the data. Initially, sampling points and plots were random, but later a systematic grid pattern was used to give a more even distribution of sampling points and to simplify fieldwork. A total of 492 stands were sampled. Species Lists Checklists were completed for amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, ferns and fern allies, and woody plants. In addition to ecological samp- ling of herbaceous communities, the vascular plants in prairies, glades, and wetlands were listed. Some high quality communities that could not be sampled with standard techniques (such as cliffs) were described with detailed plant species lists. A total of 2,511 species lists were com- pleted. The relative abundance of each species was recorded as described in Appendix 29. 50 Section 13. INFORMATION COLLECTED ABOUT THE NATURAL AREAS Main Data Form The following numbered items appear on the Main Data Form, which was completed for each natural area. A Main Data Form and instructions for completing the form are in Appendix 17. A description and the source of each item are given below unless the meaning and source of the data can be understood from the instructions in Appendix 17. Not every item was collected for every area. For example, aerial photos with detailed overlays were completed only for areas with Category I significant features and for Illinois Nature Preserves. The boundaries and features of other kinds of natural areas usually were shown only with topographic maps and sketch maps. Data for all items except those designated by a prime mark (') were computerized. Items designated with two asterisks are numerical values that can be analyzed with the computer's statistical programs. Items marked with one asterisk are encoded for computer searches and retrievals, but univariant statistics do not apply directly to these items. The re- maining items are computerized as text, and they can be displayed but not analyzed by the computer. (1) Index number [*).--An index number was assigned to each natural area by the computer. The number is used in computer operations. (2) County (*) (3) Reference number. --This number, in combination with the name of the county, is a unique identifier for the area. Reference numbers were assigned by the fieldworkers to identify areas in each county. Because all potential natural areas were assigned reference numbers, there are usually gaps between reference numbers for natural areas in the same county. For example, the two natural areas in Piatt County are Piatt 6 and Piatt 9 because numbers 7 and 8 were assigned to potential natural areas that were rejected. 51 (4) Natural area name (5) Natural area categories and significant features (*).--See Section 4. (6) Exceptional features and notable features (*).--See Section 5. (7) Preservation value score (**).--This gives the evaluator's overall judgment of the value of preserving an area. The Department of Con- servation requested that no guidelines be developed for determining the preservation value score, but that the evaluator record an esti- mate of the site's value relative to other natural areas. The pres- ervation value score ranges from a low of 1 to a high of 5. (See Appendix 27. ) (8) Evaluator (8 ' ) Date of investigation (9) Legal location. — Location was recorded by section, Township, Range, and Principal Meridian. Each quarter-quarter section that included part of the site was recorded. The information was encoded for com- puterization, and the computer displays the information to the nearest quarter section. Also, the quarter-quarter section that includes the center of the area was encoded and computerized for a possible future computer mapping program. (9') Access (10) Topographic quadrangle (*) (11) Stream system (*).--This item was termed watershed on the Main Data Form. Each natural area was classified according to the stream sys- tems recognized by Smith (1971). The source for determining the stream system was a 1:500,000 scale base map of Illinois. (See Appendix 10.) (12) Specific stream. — Source: Topographic map. (13) Legislative district (*). --Source: Legislative district map. (14) Municipality. — Source: County highway map or topographic map. (15) Altitude (**). --Source: Topographic map. 52 (16) Topography (*).--The physiographic unit, major topographic feature, and individual topographic feature were recorded according to the classifications in Appendices 4, 5, and 6. (17) Geologic formation (*).--Dr. H. B. Willman of the Illinois State Geological Survey determined the geologic formation for most natu- ral areas from geologic maps. Geological Survey files, personal knowledge, and information recorded by the fieldworkers. Bedrock formations were recorded only if they were exposed. (See Appendix 7.) (18-19) Soil association (*).--To determine the soil associations in each natural area, the staff used the Soils of Illinois book and statewide map by Fehrenbacher, et al. (1967) and county soil asso- ciation maps available either in county soil reports or as separate maps. Both the county reports and the statewide reports were used because each had its own advantages that partly offset the disad- vantages of the other. The statewide treatment in Soils of Illi- nois (Appendix 8) provides the only complete map and uniform classification of soil associations in Illinois, but the classifi- cation is generalized (26 associations) and the map is small. The county soil association maps are more detailed (often 10 to 20 associations in one county), but the equivalent association is often given different names on either side of a county line. As a result, the county soil association maps were considered to be relatively detailed and descriptive, but not part of a uniform classification system. The more general state soil association map was used to provide a uniform system for classifying soils in natural areas statewide. (20) Natural community classification (*).--The term community -type on the Main Data Form was changed to community class in the final natural community classification system. (See Section 6 and Appen- dix 30.) 53 (21) Reality index (**].--This is an estimate by the fieldworker of the abundance of each natural community relative to its presettlement extent. The index ranges from 1 for abundant to 5 for vevy rare. (22) Diversity index (**).--This is a count of the number of natural communities in the natural area that have a natural quality of Grade A, B, or C. (23) Natural quality (a) Acreage of natural oommunities by grades (**).--If the natu- ral area was mapped with overlays and an aerial photo, then the acreage of each community in each grade was measured with an area measurement grid. If the acreages were not measured, then a "P" for "present" was entered, and the computer dis- plays the word "unknown" instead of an acreage figure. (b) Description of natural quality . -Source: Field observations, aerial photo interpretation, and other sources such as dis- cussions with landowners. (24) Total acreage (**). --Sources : Measured with a grid from an aerial photo or topographic map, or occasionally taken from a plat book. (25) Vegetation types (a) SAP cover type (*).--lVhen applicable, each plant community was classified according to the Society of American Foresters' (SAF) forest cover type (Society of American Foresters, 1967). The cover type was determined by field observations or vege- tation sampling, but the classification was difficult to apply to this inventory for four reasons: (1) The definitions of some cover types are not broad enough to accommodate some communities. (2) The cover types are sometimes biased toward trees of economic importance. (3) Secondary successional com- munities are sometimes in the same cover type with stable, un- disturbed communities. (For example, the red cedar — hardwood cover type is applicable to both abandoned farmland and sand- stone glades.) (4) The "predominant" species in a cover type are supposed to be determined by density, but density was found to be so misleading that dominance was substituted. A 54 key to SAF cover types in Illinois was prepared to aid the fieldworkers . The SAF cover type classification is being revised, but the Inventory used the current classification because it is widely used in other natural area information systems. (See Appendix 9.) (b) Plant oommunity (*). --Sources : Field observation, vegetation sampling, aerial photo interpretation, and published studies. (26) OhMership type (*). --Sources : Plat books or information gained by fieldworkers. (27) Number of owners (**). --Sources: Plat books or information gained by fieldworkers. (27') Oimer or custodian (28) Use of natural area. -Sources: Field observation, maps, and aerial photos. (See Appendix 11.) (29) Use of surrounding land (**).--Land use within 1 mile of the bound- aries of each natural area was estimated according to three categories : (a) Wildland (forest, natural aquatic areas, abandoned farmland) (b) Farmland (cropland, pastureland, orchards, farmsteads) (c) Developed land (towns, factories, quarries, reservoirs) Maps and aerial photos were the sources of the estimates. (30) Nearest SMSA (*). --Source: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA's) were drawn on a 1:500,000 scale map of Illinois. (31) Distance to the nearest SMSA (**). --Source: Same as item 30. (32) Number of nearby schools (**). --Source: The location of every aca- demic college or university was drawn on a 1:500,000 scale map of Illinois. (33) Nearest school (*) .--Source: Same as item 32. (34) Number of nearby DOC facilities (**). --Source: The location of every Department of Conservation (DOC) land management facility was marked on a 1:500,000 scale map of Illinois. 55 (35) Land management facility (*).--This is any agency that is an actual or potential manager of the natural area (Appendix 13). Sources: (1) Illinois Department of Revenue tax maps showing the boundaries of park districts, river conservancy districts, soil and water con- servation subdistricts, forest preserve districts, and conservation districts, (2) plat books, (3) other maps showing the holdings of major land management agencies such as the U. S. Forest Service, and (4) information obtained by fieldworkers . (36) Manageability (**). --Source : Field observation. (36') Management problem desaription. — Source: Field observation. The problem and the probable effort needed to correct or contain the problem were described. (See Appendix 12.) (37) Preservation status (*). --Source: Discussion with owner or custo- dian, or other means. (37") Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation. — Source: Dis- cussion with owner or custodian, or other means. (38) Threats (*). --Source: Discussion with owner or custodian, or other means. (39) Discussion of preservation values .- -Ihis is a brief, nontechnical description of the area's important natural values. (39') Additional notes (40) Species lists (*).--This is a record of the kinds of species lists that were compiled for the area. The actual species lists are not computerized. (41) Sampling forms (*).--Same as item 40. (41') Other materials. — Other materials such as significant feature forms were noted. (42) Publications (*).--This item was labeled literature citations on the Main Data Form. Four other items were collected for each natural area, but it was not necessary to record the information on the Main Data Form: 56 Governor's Region (*) Regional planning commission (*) Forest preserve district (*) Conservation district (*) Because the boundaries of these regions coincide with boundaries of coun- ties or groups of counties, the computer was programmed to retrieve the item by comparing the natural area's county with the proper value or de- scription for the above items. Zoning information was not computerized for the natural areas, but a partial set of county zoning maps was assem- bled for reference. Natural Area Files and Maps Each natural area has a file consisting of a computer printout. Main Data Form, and boundary maps. Other materials include species lists, vegetation sampling forms, aerial photos with overlays, unpub- lished reports, and photos. The natural areas were plotted on highway maps of each county, at a scale of 1 inch equals 2 miles. This set of maps was developed because they show at a glance the location of natural areas in each county. All natural areas were also marked with colored pins on a large-scale map of Illinois. PART IV SURVEYS The purposes, procedures, ancl results of the various surveys are described in the following pages. Each kind of signifi- cant feature, from Category I through Category VII, was in- ventoried as a separate survey, but the surveys of different categories often were conducted concurrently. 58 Plate 6. A hold cypress along the Cache River. A few dozen of these ancient trees survive in the swamps of extreme southern Illinois. 59 Section 14. CATEGORY I SURVEY MAIN SURVEY Summary The Main Survey was a search to find areas with relatively undis- turbed natural communities, except for (1) prairies and savannas along railroads and in cemeteries, which were inventoried in separate Category I surveys, and (2) lakes and streams, which were included in the Category VII survey. Although the Main Survey for Category I significant features was the largest effort of the Inventory, it is not detailed at this point because the standard techniques of compiling available information, examining maps and aerial photos, aerial surveys, and ground surveys are detailed in Part III and in appendices. The results of the entire Category I sur- vey are summarized in Part V. Special procedures were involved in surveying cemeteries and rail- roads, so these surveys were separate from the Main Survey and they are discussed in some detail in the following two sections. 60 Section 15. CATEGORY I SURVEY RAILROAD PRAIRIES Summary A systematic survey was conducted to find prairie remnants along railroads. An aerial survey, followed by brief checks on the ground, was conducted in the fall and early winter of 1975. The most significant prairie remnants were revisited to complete the final evaluations and de- scriptions in the summer of 1976. Sixty areas with a total of 125 acres of high to very high quality prairie communities were included in the inventory. Introduction Prairie remnants occur on railroad rights-of-way because many rail- roads were built before the prairies were cultivated. Prairies have persisted along railroads in the occasional places where they have es- caped heavy disturbance during construction and maintenance of the tracks. Factors that have favored the persistence of prairie vegetation include (1) burning and mowing of the right-of-way to reduce woody in- vasion, (2) a great distance from any source of seeds from trees and shrubs, and (3) dry embankments and wet depressions, which favor native vegetation over exotics. Although prairie plants grow along nearly every mile of railroad that crosses a prairie region, prairie of the highest natural quality is on land that has been least disturbed by construction and maintenance of the railroad. A large amount of literature demonstrates the importance of these remnants along railroads for scientific research and nature preserves. The value of remnant prairies along railroads was recognized by early plant ecologists such as Shimek (1925) in Iowa and Pepoon (1915, 1916, 1927i, 1928) and Vestal (1918) in Illinois. Botanists in Wisconsin have relied on railroad prairies for many studies; examples are by Gould (1941), Thomson (1940), Curtis and Greene (1949), and Wilson (1978). 61 Zoologists in Illinois also have frequently used railroad rights-of-way: examples of invertebrate studies are by Adams (1915) and Rapp (1946). Examples of vertebrate studies are by Hankinson (1915, 1917), Shackle- ford (1929), Koestner (1941), Goodnight and Koestner (1942), Long (1968), and Stupka, et al. (1972). Soil scientists use railroad prairies to study undisturbed soil profiles (see Douglas, et al., 1967). Prairie remnants are valuable natural preserves in other states as well, as is shown by articles and abstracts by Betz (1978) for Indiana; by Scharrer (1972), Thompson (1972), Kohring (1978), and Chapman and Pleznac (1978) for Michigan; and by Ramey (1978), Troutman (1978), and King (1978) for Ohio. Because of their value in Illinois, Vestal (1931) and Miller (1943) urged preservation of railroad prairies; Evers (1963), and Evers and Page (1977) described the natural values of railroad prairie remnants. Procedure The survey had four stages: (1) preparation for the field survey, (2) an aerial survey to find potential prairies, (3) an initial ground survey to determine the significant sites, and (4) a final field survey to describe and evaluate the significant prairies in detail. The first three stages were completed in the fall and early winter of 1975, and the final survey was conducted in the summer of 1976. Preparation for the field survey Preparation consisted of (1) learning and refining survey procedures, (2) compiling available information about railroad prairies, and (3) examining maps and aerial photos to determine which railroads have potential for prairie remnants. Pilot study and training session. — As part of the contract proposal, a 70-page plan for surveying railroad prairies was written. Later, during the earliest stages of the project, more railroad prairies were visited and people were contacted to (1) refine the estimates of the size of the survey, (2) learn more about evaluating prairies, and (3) further test and develop survey techniques. The staff ecologists participated in a 6-day training session that included instructions in an airplane and on 62 the ground, fieldwork as individuals and in teams, and discussions and reviews of techniques. Compiling available information. — Reports from the Illinois Depart- ment of Conservation, Natural History Survey, and Nature Preserves Com- mission were the main sources of existing information. The information consisted of locations and brief descriptions of stands of prairie vege- tation along railroads, and it was used to choose sites for testing the survey procedures . Examining maps and aerial photos. — Various maps and aerial photos were used to decide which railroads should be surveyed. A discussion of the factors that affect the potential for significant railroad prairies is in Appendix 23. Briefly, the stages were as follows: (1) A series of railroad maps was examined to find lines that were built so recently that the prairie would have been destroyed before the tracks were laid. Railroads built after 1891 were not selected for surveying unless they were on sandy or wet soil. Relatively few railroads were eliminated in this manner because the great majority were built by 1891. (2) Railroads were eliminated if they followed forested floodplains or crossed wooded hills. A presettlement vegetation atlas (Appendix 19) was used in this stage. (3) Examination of topographic maps and aerial photos revealed that some rights-of-way were so narrow that they could accommodate only the railroad roadbed, embankments, and ditches. These lines, which have hardly any undisturbed soil, were not surveyed. The product of this stage was a set of county maps and a state map with the railroads color-coded to show their potential for prairie rem- nants. Of the 11,000 miles of railroad track outside of urban areas, 7,000 miles needed to be flown. Aerial survey The aerial survey was conducted in the fall, when the prairie grasses are brightly colored and highly visible from the air. Surveying 63 from an airplane during the growing season is not effective because prairie cannot be distinguished from weeds and naturalized grasses when the vegetation is green. Before each flight, a flight plan was drawn on a 1:500,000 scale map of Illinois and on larger-scale (2 miles per inch) county highway maps. The rights-of-way were viewed from a Cessna 172 at 500 to 800 feet above the ground, and a few hundred feet horizontally from the tracks, at anywhere from 70 to 120 miles per hour depending on the amount of prairie. Potential prairies were marked on county highway maps, and observations were recorded on tape during the flight. Since most tracks are paralleled by utility poles, a typical observation would be, "Dense stand of big bluestem on south side of tracks in section 23, beginning four poles east of blacktop and extending 13 poles farther east." For some lengths of right-of-way, the only observation might be, "Right-of-way consists of brushy and weedy embankments with occasional clumps of prairie grass." After the flight, the tape-recorded observa- tions were transcribed onto the aerial survey section of a preliminary data form. Selection standards were kept relatively low to avoid overlooking significant sites. At first the fieldworkers were overly cautious and selected sites that later would have appeared obviously too small or degraded. A total of 667 potential prairies were selected during the aerial survey. Initial ground survey The sites selected during the aerial survey were given an initial ground survey during the fall and winter to briefly determine the natu- ral quality and characteristics of each area and to select the least disturbed remnants for detailed description and evaluation during the next summer. Degree of disturbance was the basis for evaluating the prairies. The most prominent indicators of disturbance of a railroad prairie are the soil and the vegetation. Soil. — Disturbance to the soil is the major reason prairies have been destroyed or degraded. The soil on rights-of-way has generally 64 been disturbed by (1) construction of cuts and fills to make an even grade for the roadbed, (2) ditching, (3) grading to remove brush and smooth the surface contours, (4) bulldozing to repair the roadbed, [5) excavations to obtain fill for the trackway or road crossings, (6) spreading of cinders and ballast, (7) service roads, (8) cultivation, (9) local disturbances such as derailments, and (10) changes in drainage patterns. Soil disturbances were detected and evaluated by (1) looking for unnatural surface contours such as ridges and depres- sions paralleling the tracks and abrupt changes in the surface contours, (2) studying soil profiles, and (3) examining the species composition of the vegetation. Vegetation. — This is one of the most complex and variable features of a prairie. The following features were noted when evaluating the species composition: (1) presence of characteristic prairie species, (2) presence of rare species with narrow ecological tolerances, which cannot tolerate disturbance, (3) presence and relative abundance of species that increase with disturbance, and (4) diversity of species. Natural quality. — This measure of the degree of disturbance is dis- cussed in more detail in Appendix 22. In relation to railroad prairies, the grading system was used with the following guidelines: Grade A: Natural prairie. — Species composition is natural or nearly so, with a full diversity of forbs and without an over- abundance of weedy species. Soil is undisturbed by earthmoving; or it may have been lightly disturbed but the vegetation appears natural . Grade B: Disturbed prairie. — Species composition is altered from the original natural condition. Some characteristic prairie plants are absent; others are overly abundant. There may be patches of native weeds and many exotic species. Soil is t>T3ical- ly lightly graded or otherwise disturbed. Grade C: Degraded prairie. — Species composition is unnatural. There may be only scattered clumps and irregular, discontinuous patches of grass, with a dominance of weedy vegetation. 65 Grade D. — Occasional prairie plants grow on soil that is either disturbed or undisturbed. Grade E. — Prairie plants are essentially absent because of distur- bance. Preliminary data collection. — Each of the sites visited was brief- ly described on a preliminary data form. The significant sites were described in more detail with an initial ground survey form, species checklists, and a sketch map. The initial ground survey form provided a means for recording (1) basic information such as the location of the prairie, (2) descriptions of the natural features, and (3) evaluations of the natural quality and preservation values of the prairie. Check- lists allowed notation of the presence and relative abundance of prairie plants, and sketch maps showed the general location, size, boundaries, and characteristics of the sites. The procedures for the initial ground survey are described in a report listed in Appendix 33. Final field survey Forty of the 104 prairies that passed the initial ground survey were found to not qualify as natural areas during the final field sur- vey because they had low diversity. This relatively high percentage of areas was eliminated because the staff was conservative while learning during the previous fall and winter, thinking that too many prairie species might be overlooked in the dormant season. In the following summer the staff learned that it would have been possible to adequate- ly judge a prairie's relative diversity in the winter, because the prairie remnants that appeared to have low diversity in the winter ac- tually did prove to lack many species when revisited in the summer. Results Of the 64 prairies that were not eliminated during the final field survey because of past disturbances, 60 were designated as natural areas; four had been plowed or bulldozed since they were visited the previous autumn. 66 Natural areas The 60 railroad prairies have 40.25 acres of Grade A and 82.45 acres of Grade B land in 11 natural communities: dry prairie, dry-mesic prairie, mesic prairie, wet-mesic prairie, wet prairie, dry sand prairie, dry-mesic sand prairie, mesic sand prairie, wet-mesic sand prairie, wet sand prairie, and dry gravel prairie. The railroad prairies are in 29 counties, along tracks owned by nine different companies. The railroad prairies are the only natural black-soil prairie remnants in 12 counties. Disturbances Since such small remnants were found along the railroads, a dis- cussion of the disturbances that have nearly eliminated the natural areas is pertinent. The major disturbances to railroad prairies have been grading of the soil during construction and maintenance of the tracks, cultivation, and herbicide spraying. Rights-of-way are usually only wide enough to accommodate the roadbed, embankments, and ditches; if the right-of-way is wider, then the extra land has usually been graded, which removes the topsoil and encourages weeds. If ungraded land has been left so that it could have supported prairie, it is al- most invariably cultivated. Prairie plants often grow on the most dis- turbed soil, where the land is too roughly graded to cultivate, or on excavations, dry cuts, and unnaturally wet areas where the native spe- cies can compete successfully with exotic plants. The third major disturbance, herbicide spraying, has recently damaged many prairies by either killing the native cover so that it is replaced by weeds or by eliminating the forbs and leaving only grasses. 67 Section 16. CATEGORY I SURVEY CEMETERY PRAIRIES AND SAVANNAS Summary This section discusses the procedures and results of a survey to find remnants of prairie and savanna vegetation in Illinois cemeteries. The survey, conducted from August to October 1976, relied heavily on volunteer help and previous surveys. Information was compiled for 3,923 cemeteries. Twenty-four sites were listed as natural areas be- cause of their relatively undisturbed vegetation and soil, and 111 other cemeteries have native vegetation with potential for recovery. Introduction Settlers of the Illinois prairie established cemeteries on land that had never been plowed or intensively grazed. Some of these early graveyards support native prairie and savanna vegetation in parts that have not been mowed frequently. Other cemeteries have savanna vegeta- tion because they are mowed or burned often enough to suppress woody plant succession, but they have not been so closely manicured that the native forbs have been replaced by other species. Dr. Robert F. Betz has pioneered in finding, preserving, and study- ing prairie remnants in cemeteries. He advised the project and contrib- uted knowledge gained from visiting over 800 cemeteries in nortliern Illinois. A few papers have been prepared about cemetery prairies in Illi- nois to stimulate interest in preservation of the remnants. These include articles and abstracts by Betz (1972, 1976), Betz and Lamp (1973), the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission (1977), and Keller (1978). 68 Procedure Procedures were developed for the cemetery survey in a 31 -page plan that was part of the contract proposal. Instructions to the fieldwork- ers are in two reports listed in Appendix 33. The basic stages of the survey are discussed below. Office preparation Preparation consisted of (1) finding cemeteries on maps and from other sources such as genealogists, and (2) deciding which ones should be checked in the field. All topographic maps and county highway maps for the state were reviewed, except for nine counties that had no prai- rie at the time of settlement. Both kinds of maps were checked because each kind had cemeteries that the other omitted. The Presetttement Vegetation Atlas (Appendix 19) and soil maps were used to decide which cemeteries had potential for prairie or savanna remnants. The result was a set of county highway maps with cemeteries color-coded to indi- cate which were to be field checked. The staff attempted to reduce the number of cemeteries to be sur- veyed by learning which ones were established after 1900, when almost all upland prairie would have been farmed. Use of the following sources was explored: old atlases. State agencies, genealogical soci- eties, historical societies, libraries, church organizations, morti- cians' organizations, and cemetery associations. These approaches were not productive because most cemeteries were established well before 1900, and the sources did not have exactly the information needed (Ap- pendix 24) . Pilot survey A staff member and a volunteer surveyed 73 cemeteries in four counties to test and develop the survey methods. Suggestions to volun- teers on equipment and procedures were based on this survey. Volunteer survey Individuals volunteered to do a county or counties, and the basic requirement was that one volunteer per team be able to identify prairie plants. The volunteers were given county highway maps with cemeteries 69 marked to show which ones needed to be checked, and they were given forms and instructions. The fieldworker did the following: (1) record- ed basic information such as the date and name of the investigator, (2) visited each cemetery and assigned it a number on the map and form, (3) noted whether the cemetery was on prairie, forest, or transitional soil, (4] made a list of prairie plants in the cemetery, (5) gave an opinion about whether the cemetery was a nonqualifying area, notable area, mar- ginal area, or natural area, and (6) recorded any other pertinent obser- vations. Staff survey The species lists that were completed by volunteers were studied by the staff, and a ranking system for prairie plants was used to help decide which cemeteries should be revisited. The prairie plants were placed in five groups: I. Weedy native plants, often present in prairies because of distur- bance, and common or abundant in non-prairie habitats. Examples: Whorled milkweed, frost aster, tall boneset, and tall goldenrod. II. Typical prairie plants that can withstand heavy disturbance or readily invade disturbed sites. Examples: Big bluestem, Cana- dian tick-trefoil, big-toothed sunflower, and pasture rose. III. Typical prairie plants, often eliminated by heavy disturbance, but not by light to moderate disturbance. Examples: Pale conef lower, downy sunflower, rosinweed, and Culver's root. IV. Prairie species similar to Group JII, but less likely to invade disturbed areas. Examples: IVhite wild indigo, prairie willow, and compass plant. V. Conservative prairie species, usually indicating lack of distur- bance. Examples: Lead plant, cream wild indigo, wood lily, and white prairie clover. The cemeteries were scored with a point system according to the number and kind of species present. Group I and II plants scored one point. Group III plants were given three points, and Group IV and V plants received five points. As a general guideline, cemeteries with 70 about 40 or more points were rechecked by the staff, although the volun- teer's description of the cemetery's potential as a prairie preserve and the degree of confidence in the volunteer's work were also considered. The staff noted whether the cemetery was: (1) a natural area; (2) a notable area with (a) high, (b) medivm, or (c) low potential for re- covery with management; or (3) a nonqualifying area. A brief form was completed for each cemetery visited, and the natural savanna or prairie remnants were surveyed with the standard Inventory forms and procedures. Results Natural oj'eas Twenty-four cemeteries were judged to have significant natural areas. These areas total 14.8 acres of Grade A and 26.6 acres of Grade B communities. Eight communities are represented: mesic prairie, dry- mesic prairie, dry-mesic sand prairie, loess hill prairie, glacial drift hill prairie, dry-mesic savanna, and dry sand savanna. The cemeteries contain the only black-soil prairie remnants in seven counties and the only dry-mesic savanna natural areas in Illinois. Notable areas One hundred and eleven notable areas of disturbed prairie or savanna, valuable for teaching or research, were identified. Thirty-five of these areas have high potential for recovery to high natural quality, probably with 5 years or less of management. Although it often is necessary to study the vegetation with several visits throughout the growing season to determine a remnant's potential for recovery, 33 cemeteries were tenta- tively classified as having medium potential and 43 cemeteries as having low potential for recovery with management. Work by Dr. Betz and others has shown that some mowed cemeteries do not show their true potential for recovery until they have been protected and managed for a few years. 71 Section 17. CATEGORY II SURVEY HABITATS WITH RARE, THREATENED, AND ENDANGERED SPECIES Definitions and Procedures Introduction The Category II survey included vertebrate animals and vascular plants that are rare, threatened, or endangered in Illinois. The term endangered is used in the following discussion as a general adjective, equivalent to rare, threatened, or endangered, unless the context of the discussion dictates otherwise. People and organizations involved with endangered species Many people and groups have studied, protected, and compiled lists of endangered species and their habitats in Illinois. The Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board is the official State agency con- cerned with endangered species. The Illinois Department of Conservation administers the Endangered Species Protection Act, protects certain en- dangered animals through fish and game laws, and manages some areas to maintain endangered species. The Illinois Nature Preserves Commission is involved with the acquisition and protection of habitats with endangered species and has been involved with determining the status of endangered animals and plants. The Illinois Natural History Survey has contributed much work and knowledge toward development of endangered species lists and conducts research and management work on endangered species. The Illinois State Museum has compiled information about endangered species and has contributed this knowledge to help determine the population sta- tus of Illinois" native flora and fauna. The Illinois Department of Transportation has published a summary of endangered species records, and the U. S. Forest Service has funded studies in the Shawnee National For- est. Many people have conducted research and contributed knowledge as individuals or as members of various museums, environmental organizations, and academic institutions. 72 The Natural Land Institute received a grant in 1977 from the Joyce Foundation to conduct a year-long Endangered Species Project. The pur- pose of the project was to compile information on the distribution, pop- ulation status, and habitats of vertebrate animals and vascular plants that are rare, threatened, or endangered in Illinois. With contributions from specialists, the Endangered Species Project is preparing a publica- tion that will cover the above points and make recommendations for pro- tection and management of species. The Natural Areas Inventory and the Endangered Species Project shared the tasks of compiling information from museum and herbarium searches, reviewing research files and literature, field surveying, and interviewing biologists. The Inventory concentrated its efforts on iden- tifying and describing specific sites for endangered species, and the Endangered Species Project was oriented toward determining the population status and management needs of endangered species. Consequently, the Endangered Species Project took the major responsibility for compiling distribution records and making a preliminary determination of each spe- cies' population status, and the Inventory concentrated on fieldwork. Determining the status of species The Inventory and the Endangered Species Project had the benefit of various endangered species publications and preliminary lists contributed by many cooperating individuals and agencies. The Inventory hosted a series of workshops conducted by the Endangered Species Project, at which specialists discussed fishes, amphibians and reptiles, birds, mammals, and vascular plants. Interim lists prepared by the Nature Preserves Com- mission and Department of Conservation served as the bases for discus- sions. For animals, the workshop participants designated each species as either: (1) recommended for state endangered status, (2) recommended for state threatened status, (3) assigned to rare, restricted, uncertain, or exploited status, or (4) deleted from the list because the species is either too common, probably extirpated, or of questionable occurrence in Illinois. Because of the large number of plants considered (about 500) the designations by the botany workshop were more general, and more effort was spent simply adding or deleting species. The status of each 73 species was determined by using the criteria outlined in Appendix 25 as guidelines, but in practice the workshop participants usually reached a consensus without lengthy analysis. This screening process was a practi- cal and expedient way to prepare for further work. As a result of the workshops, the Natural Land Institute's Endan- gered Species Project submitted to the Endangered Species Protection Board a list of plants and animals recommended for official designation as endangered and threatened species in Illinois. The Board invited com- ments from the public on its own preliminary list, and in December 1977, the Department of Conservation issued an administrative order listing the vertebrate species adopted by the Endangered Species Protection Board as endangered and threatened in Illinois. The Board adopted the following definitions : Federally endangered species. — Any species which is in danger of ex- tinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Federally threatened species. — Any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. State endangered species. — Any species which is in danger of extinc- tion as a breeding species in Illinois. State threatened species. — Any breeding species which is likely to become a state endangered species within the foreseeable future in Illinois. Significant features and exceptional features IVhen the Inventory began its survey for endangered species, a final list of endangered species based on sound information was not available. The Inventory did not attempt to make a final determination of each spe- cies' status, but used the concept of significant features and exception- al features instead of the terms endangered and threatened. Significant feature status was limited to species so rare in Illinois that they merit special preservation efforts. If a species was given significant feature status, then every known occurrence of the species in Illinois was a Category II natural area. 74 A plant species was considered a significant feature if currently known from three or fewer sites in Illinois. A plant would qualify as a significant feature if known from five or fewer stations on a vulnerable site such as a wetland, prairie, or mineable mineral. Exceptional fea- ture status was given to any plant species that was too common to qualify as a significant feature, but was rare enough to add exceptional value to an area. Because the Inventory lacked comprehensive knowledge about the relative abundance of these less-threatened species, an upper limit was not set for the number of sites from which a plant could be known and still be considered an exceptional feature. However, a plant usually was not listed as an exceptional feature if known from more than 15 sites. Animals were treated in a manner similar to plants, but species were not as readily assigned significant feature status. Most animals are mo- bile or secretive, so their numbers and distribution are not determined as readily as for plants. For example, several birds are listed as en- dangered by the Endangered Species Protection Board but few natural areas were included as habitat for endangered birds, for two reasons: (1) Par- ticularly for birds of prey, rarely could sites be identified where the species nests reliably from year to year. (2) In the case of marsh birds and waterfowl, the staff sometimes had reports of 10 to 15 possible nest- ing sites, but none was listed as a significant feature because the best breeding sites could not be determined. Most likely many of these secre- tive wetland inhabitants are more common than is readily apparent, and the Inventory could not confidently choose the sites most critical for the species' survival in Illinois. Although large areas were recognized for the river otter and greater prairie chicken, another problem is illustrated by the bobcat, which ranges so widely that it was not possible to identify specific areas as critical habitat. Fishes known only from Lake Michigan or from a few collections in the Mississippi or Illinois rivers were not listed in the inventory. During the endangered species workshops, the terms rare, restriated, or unaertain status were assigned to some species that appeared on ear- lier preliminary lists. The term rave was used in reference to species 75 that have low population levels but are not threatened or endangered with extirpation. Restriated status was assigned to species with very limited ranges in Illinois. Uncertain status was given to species for which in- sufficient information was available regarding population status. These terms are not used or defined in Illinois or Federal endangered species laws. Species in these categories were usually treated as exceptional features. Inventory procedures for animals The project relied largely on information from other people and agencies to identify habitats with endangered vertebrates. Gathering this information was a joint effort between the Inventory and the En- dangered Species Project. The main sources of locality records are de- scribed in the following paragraphs. Fishes. — The project relied on the computerized records of the Illi- nois Natural History Survey, which has data from its own long-standing collections as well as records of collections made by other investigators. Amphibians and reptiles. — The Natural History Survey compiled rec- ords of endangered amphibians and reptiles for the Endangered Species Project. The work involved gathering collection data from scientific organizations and herpetologists throughout the state. Birds. — A wealth of information was available from amateur birders, the Department of Conservation, Natural History Survey, other profession- al ornithologists, and the literature. Mammals. — Information from published sources and museum collections was used, but most knowledge of the current populations of endangered mammals came from fur trappers, wildlife biologists, and mammalogists at universities. The project sought information about bobcats, swamp rab- bits, and other conspicuous mammals by distributing questionnaires to hunters at deer check stations, but the information gained in this manner was of little value. Field searches. — Although special surveys to find new populations of endangered vertebrates were not a part of the inventory project, the staff did some fieldwork to verify reports of endangered animals and 76 searched for these species during other field surveys. The project pro- vided travel expenses for volunteers who checked specific sites and searched for certain species. Returns from these efforts were minimal, because surveys for vertebrates require more time and persistent effort than was exerted. Inventory procedures for plants The main sources of plant locations were herbaria, literature, per- sonal knowledge of botanists, and files of various agencies. The Endan- gered Species Project took responsibility for organizing this information, and the Inventory helped gather the records. The Endangered Species Project compiled lists of sites for each county, giving the pertinent collection data for each species. The Inventor>' staff chose sites from these lists with recent and precise enough locality data that there was some promise that the plant could be relocated. The collector was con- tacted when possible and necessary in an attempt to get current informa- tion and directions to the site. The effort expended in the field depended on how promising a site appeared once it was visited: some sites had been destroyed and other sites offered no clues about specific areas in which to concentrate the search. Between five and 20 sites were visited in a t>-pical day. Some sites were not visited, if enough current information was available about the species' population, location, and habitat. About 18% of the Category II plant significant features were foiond because of fieldwork unsupported by past collection records or observations. These were either species found by specially searching suitable habitats or species found during the Category I and III surveys. Appendix 26 details some of the survey procedures and relates some experiences that might help other endangered plant surveys. Results The animals and plants are listed in Appendix 5, with the following information for each species: (1) status according to the Endangered Species Protection Board (for animals), (2) status recommended by the Natural Land Institute's Endangered Species Project (for plants), (5) 77 number of sites identified as significant features, and (4) number of sites identified as exceptional features. Number of significant featvj^es and exoe-ptional features The number of significant feature (SF) and exceptional feature (EF) occurrences in natural areas are as follows: SB's EF's Fishes 7 44 Amphibians and reptiles 18 67 Birds 23 145 Mammals 11 25 Vascular plants 462 629 Habitats and distribution Endangered animals and plants occur in a wide variety of habitats throughout the state, but the greatest numbers are in wetlands in extreme northeastern and southern Illinois (Figure 2) . Wetland and prairie spe- cies are most often endangered because the habitat is endangered. Endangered plants were most often found in high to very high quality natural communities, as shown by the number of significant features in each natural quality grade: Grade A 146 Grade B 114 Grade C 161 Grade D 25 Grade E 16 Twenty- five of the Grade A habitats are cliffs and bluffs, but most are prairies and wetlands. Many endangered plants require early successional communities, but they are usually in naturally disturbed areas or primary successional communities rather than artificially disturbed sites. A few endangered plants were found in artificial sites, especially ponds and ditches. Endangered animals appear to be more tolerant of disturbances, as shown by this tabulation of significant and exceptional feature occurren- ces: 78 Grade A 3 Grade B 6 Grade C 34 Grade D 11 Grade E 5 Part of the reason that more animals are in disturbed communities is that many species are mobile and require rather large territories, and the only sizeable habitat remaining for them has been disturbed by hu- mans. The most extreme example of an artificial habitat is an abandoned underground limestone mine that has the only known hibernating colony of the endangered Indiana bat in Illinois. Newly discovered species Three aquatic plants were discovered for the first time in Illinois. Other plants that had not been seen in Illinois in many decades were re- located, and some species thought to be endangered were found in so many localities that they were deleted from the tentative endangered species list. Prior to the inventory, the red squirrel was thought to have been extirpated from Illinois by the early 1900's. The red squirrel is a small animal of northern forests, unlike its larger, reddish relative, the fox squirrel, which is common throughout the state. Although the red squirrel had not been listed as part of the current Illinois fauna, the staff found red squirrels in four northern Illinois counties in 1977. 79 Section 18. CATEGORY III SURVEY HABITATS WITH RELICT SPECIES Definition Category III significant features are habitats with relict species. A relict species is one that occurs in a small, disjunct population that is a survivor of a formerly more widespread population. The range of the relict species has disintegrated or retreated because of climatic changes, and the species remains in a local, specialized habitat that provides a suitable microclimate and allows it to survive competition from other species. An operating definition of a relict habitat--exactly what to include in the inventory- -required much study and discussion by the Inventory staff. Theories of the geographic origins and climatic changes that have affected the modern flora were debated. There were sometimes questions about whether a colony was an outlier of an expanding population or a relict of a contracting population. Some small, scattered populations might be relicts or they might be the result of a lack of suitable habi- tat at the edge of a species' range. The following guidelines were established: (1) A plant should be disjunct by at least 100 miles from its normal range. (2) Assemblages of more than one relict species, rather than sites with single species, were considered. (3) An open-ended list of possible relict or disjunct spe- cies was made, and two or more of these species had to be present on the same site because of approximately the same unusual habitat requirements in order for the site to be a relict habitat. Although animals, especial- ly invertebrates, are sometimes part of relict associations, analysis was limited to plants. Procedure The Category III survey used the same techniques of compiling back- ground information, contacting people, examining maps and aerial photos. 80 aerial surveys, and ground surveys as for the Category I survey. These survey stages were usually conducted at the same time as the search for Category I and II significant features. The survey was a search for hab- itats rather than individual species, so sites with unusual soil and topography that were known in general to have relict species were sur- veyed. These habitats include seeps, sand areas, moist cliffs, and ravines and bluffs along Lake Michigan. Some other communities, such as hill prairies, might be considered relict habitats, but they were simply considered as part of the Category I survey. Not all of the thousands of cliffs and seeps in Illinois could be searched for relict plants, and such a detailed search was not necessary because only the largest seeps and shaded cliffs are likely to maintain an adequate habitat for relicts. For example, the smaller bedrock out- crops are more likely to have been periodically covered by soil; also, they have relatively little effect on the microclimate and provide little area for colonization. Similarly, small seeps are likely to go dry periodi- cally or to lose species through local extinction. The approach was to check the largest first; if these largest sites had relicts, then smaller sites were visited. It was found that relict assemblages were nearly all restricted to the largest and most extreme sites. Results Thirty-nine sites with a total of 45 Category III significant fea- tures were listed. Twenty-five sites are cliff habitats, six are on bluffs or in associated ravines, five are seeps, and three are in sand prairie or barren communities. In northern Illinois, the relict sites are on cliffs, in seeps, or along the Lake Michigan bluffs. The most common relicts are white pine, Canada yew, and sullivantia. There were a few relict sites in sand areas and seeps in central Illinois, but no relict species can be named as par- ticularly frequent in these communities. In southern Illinois, the rel- ict assemblages occur on moist, shaded sandstone cliffs and in seeps. Cinnamon fern, hay-scented fern, clubmosses, and sphagnum moss are the most frequent relicts, but about 12 other species are relict associates. 81 Section 19. CATEGORY IV SURVEY GEOLOGIC AREAS Definition and Procedure Category IV significant features are outstanding representatives of the state's geologic diversity. This category includes areas that are outstanding because of stratigraphy and sedimentation, igneous rocks, geologic structures, topographic features, and fossil localities. Geo- logic areas differ from other categories of natural areas in the follow- ing respects: (1) Geologic features are in general not threatened because they are usually large, numerous, and not vulnerable to destruction. (2) Many significant geologic features extend over large regions, and it is not always easy to designate a small site to represent a large- scale feature. (3) Human disturbances such as roadcuts and mines are often important advantages to geologists, because the disturbances provide fresh rock exposures for study. Because of the above factors, geologic areas were inventoried in a dif- ferent manner. Unlike ecological areas, where the goal was to list every occurrence of a particular significant feature, only representative sites were chosen for geologic areas. Areas were selected to form a system that, taken as a whole, represents the geologic diversity of the state. The inventory of geologic areas was compiled by Dr. H. B. Willman of the Illinois State Geological Survey. In addition to the information re- corded for other kinds of natural areas, Dr. Willman described the nature of the exposure (streamcut, roadcut, etc.) and noted whether the site has a type stratigraphic section. Selecting geologic areas. — Because there were often several out- standing examples of the same geologic feature, preference was given to areas with the following characteristics: 82 (1) Natural exposures (2) Sites with a variety of geologic features (3) Sites where preservation might be practical (4) Sites with type geologic sections or published studies Determining boundaries. — Boundaries were drawn to adequately repre- sent the significant feature. For example, in some cases a small section of a cliff was chosen even though the same rocks are exposed for a mile or more along the valley wall. Some sites were mapped somewhat larger than needed to make an adequate example because the precise location of the most significant exposure could not be determined without a field examination. Results One hundred and sixty Category IV significant features were identi- fied. The following kinds of geologic features were represented (with the number of significant features selected) : Stratigraphy and sedimentation 106 Igneous rocks 2 Geologic structures 8 Topographic features 24 Fossil localities 20 Of the 106 stratigraphic areas, 53 are natural exposures and 16 are part- ly natural. One hundred and twenty of the 143 geologic formations in Illinois are in geologic areas. None of the geologic areas are in active quarries, pits, or mines, except for an outstanding crinoid locality that is in the inactive part of an active quarry. In listing geologic areas, many sites were considered and many dif- ficult choices were made. As a supplement to the sites listed as Category IV significant features, an annotated list of 119 major alternative sites and 10 historically important geologic areas was compiled. 83 Section 20. CATEGORY V SURVEY NATURAL STUDY AREAS Definition Natural study areas are sites managed and used as nature preserves or natural areas for teaching and research. A site qualified as a natu- ral study area if managed and used for natural science studies, even though it might have been disturbed and lacked any other significant fea- ture. This category of natural area includes two groups: (1) areas maintained and used by local groups and schools, and (2) areas protected as nature preserves. School natural areas. — The following guidelines were used to recog- nize these areas: (1) Protection. — If the area is owned by a school, then the school ad- ministration must have given the area some type of protected status. If the area is not owned by a school, then the school must have a lease or written agreement with the owner to maintain the tract as a natural area. (2) Permanence. — The area must have at least a 3-year program of use. That is, the area must have been used for at least 3 years, or it must be committed to a 3-year program if it has recently been estab- lished. (5) Use. — Research and education must be the main use of the area. Land that is primarily used for recreation or simply as a wildlife refuge does not qualify. Experimental areas (for example, mowed or plowed areas) do not qualify. A tract does not qualify if it has been set aside but is not studied. (4) Natural quality. — The area must be relatively undisturbed, or it must have recovered from disturbance so that the vegetation is domi- nated by native species and is not in the earliest stages of second- ary succession. In general, the area must have natural communities 84 that are Grade C or higher. However, abandoned fields may qualify if natural succession is being studied. Prairie restorations may qualify as natural study areas. Many areas used by schools did not fit well under these criteria, which is understandable because the schools did not establish areas under the Inventory's guidelines. The two most common problems were that the school set aside an area for nature study but never established exact boundaries, and that the area has other uses in addition to nature study. In such cases the boundaries were drawn for the inventory using the best available information to include only land that has nature study as its main use. Nature preserves. — The second group of natural study areas are sites that are specially protected as nature preserves or are part of a formal system of natural areas. This group includes Illinois Nature Preserves (Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, 1977), Federal Research Natural Areas (Federal Committee on Ecological Reserves, 1977), Registered Natu- ral Landmarks (Wieting, et al., 1977), Society of American Foresters' natural areas (Buckman and Quintus, 1972), and lands held by The Nature Conservancy, the Natural Land Institute, and similar land preservation organizations. Procedure and Results Elementary and secondary schools. — With help from the Illinois Office of Education, a questionnaire was sent to all 211 private second- ary schools and to all 1,030 public elementary and secondary school dis- tricts (representing 4,536 schools), asking whether they used an area for nature study. The schools were asked to return the questionnaire even if they did not use such an area. Of the 1,241 schools or dis- tricts surveyed, 642 (or 52%) replied, and 135 (or 11%) reported that they owned or used natural study areas. If a school responded positive- ly, a second questionnaire was sent, asking for more detailed informa- tion and asking for a map showing the boundaries of the area. Some of the positive responses were not included in the inventory, usually be- cause the area did not meet the project's criteria or because the school 85 gave insufficient information about the area. As a supplement to the questionnaire survey, Donald Greene and Robert Walker generously shared the results of an unpublished 1976-77 survey of outdoor classrooms in Illinois by the Illinois Chapter of the Soil Conservation Society of America. The final number of sites listed because of the survey of ele- mentary and secondary schools is 45 areas. Colleges and universities. — The 113 academic colleges and universi- ties that have biology or related curricula were surveyed in a manner similar to elementary and secondary schools, but the staff also relied on personal knowledge and contacts to supplement the mailed question- naire. Forty areas were listed as Category V areas because they are used or managed by colleges or universities. Some of these sites had been listed in a previous survey by the Illinois Board of Higher Educa- tion (1975), Nonaaademic organizations. — Forest preserve districts and conserva- tion districts were asked about land that the district specially main- tained as nature preserves or education areas. Thirteen of the 17 districts responded, with descriptions of 31 areas. The largest park districts were contacted, but the Inventory relied on the questionnaires that were sent to schools to learn about most park district areas. Other organizations involved in natural area preservation were contacted, such as the Natural Land Institute, The Nature Conservancy, the Parklands Foundation, and the Forest Park Foundation. Information was solicited in several statewide news releases and various newsletters, including a mailing to all the soil and water conservation districts in the state. As a result of the survey, 266 Category V significant features were listed in 251 areas, including 66 Illinois Nature Preserves, 16 Federal Research Natural Areas, and nine Registered Natural Landmarks. 86 Section 21. CATEGORY VI SURVEY UNIQUE NATURAL AREAS Definition and Procedure Some sites were recognized as natural areas because they have unique features: these are areas worthy of preservation efforts that do not fit well in the other natural area categories defined by the Department of Conservation. For example, two tracts were recognized because of their ancient bald cypresses and tupelos. The trees themselves--with their great age and their own plant and animal communities--are sufficient reason to pre- serve the swamps. (In both tracts with these trees, the swamps did ac- tually qualify as Category I significant features. Other significant features usually occur with Category VI features, and only five areas were simply Category VI.) Several caves were included as Category VI sites because of their outstanding invertebrate fauna. Otherwise, invertebrates were not used as significant features because our knowledge of invertebrates was too limited to avoid making arbitrary choices about areas. However, compre- hensive knowledge about the invertebrate fauna of Illinois caves has been summarized by Peck and Lewis (1978); and after some more fieldwork, it was possible to confidently list the caves with the most outstanding invertebrate faunas. Another relatively large group of unique features includes sites with unusual assemblages of plants. These are unusual habitats with dis- junct species, but they do not qualify as Category III sites under the Inventory's definition. However, scientists agree that such sites are valuable and should be listed in the inventory. An area might be considered "unique" if it is the only undisturbed' example of a particular natural community, but such areas were included 87 in the regular Category T survey rather than considering them as Category VI significant features. Results Thirty Category VI significant features were found in 29 areas. They can be summarized as follows, with the number of occurrences in each group : Unique ecological features 5 Unique floral assemblages 5 Outstanding invertebrate cave faunas . . 13 Large bat hibernacula 4 Other unique faunal assemblages 3 Section 22. CATEGORY VII SURVEY AQUATIC AREAS Definition and Procedure Aquatic areas include streams and lakes, which were not evaluated as part of the Category I survey. Vegetated ponds and natural wetland com- munities were evaluated by the Inventory staff and were included as Cate- gory I areas, but streams and lakes were inventoried as Category VII features. The Illinois Natural History Survey provided recommendations for listing outstanding streams and lakes, based on years of accumulated data and experience with the natural waters of the state. Smith (1971, 1973) and Evers and Page (1977) of the Natural History Survey summarized information about outstanding aquatic areas in Illinois and gave their criteria for recognizing significant sites. Dr. Philip W. Smith and Dr. Lawrence M. Page of the Illinois Natural History Survey compiled a list of candidates for outstanding natural aquatic areas. They listed 30 sites or groups of sites, almost all of which were included as Category VII sites or in other categories. Results Seventeen areas with outstanding lakes or streams were included in the inventory. The five lake areas include Illinois Beach State Park and glacial lakes in Lake County, as well as backwater lakes along the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. The 12 stream segments, totaling about 210 miles, range from the Rock River and Apple River in northwestern Illinois to Big Creek and Lusk Creek in the southeastern corner of the state. However, large parts of the state, particularly western Illinois and (except for the Embarras River) south-central Illinois, have no Cate- gory VII streams. 89 Section 23. LITERATURE SURVEY John White and Donna Evans Purpose A literature review was conducted to (1) find articles useful for developing survey procedures and classification systems, (2) learn about natural areas that were not previously known, and (3) compile a bibliog- raphy of literature pertaining to sites listed by the Inventory. The usefulness of the literature review proved to be as follows: (1) The survey of published works was an integral part of developing in- ventory techniques and classification systems. (2) Except for a few endangered species sites, no natural areas were identified solely as the result of the literature search: although many areas were cited in pub- lications, they were readily identified through other means. (3) Some publications provided information that was of immediate value to the In- ventory, but the bibliography should be more useful to future researchers than it was to the Inventory. The bibliography should help researchers choose sites and topics for further study. Scientific studies increase the preservation value of a natural area, and the studies themselves are more valuable if they are done in areas that have had previous studies. Procedure The literature review required about 1,000 hours of searching, con- ducted in the following stages. Selecting the literature sources. — Periodicals were chosen that would give a high return of articles from a wide variety of disciplines. About 25 journals were chosen for thorough review. Reviewing the publications. — It usually was most efficient to scan the table of contents of each volume, looking for key subject words. Using the table of contents was almost always faster and more accurate than using the subject index. Articles with promising titles in the 90 table of contents were searched for references to natural areas or other useful information. All articles about the ecology of Illinois or neigh- boring states were recorded. This method was more efficient and effec- tive than using indices such as Biological Abstracts. Computer search. — The computer services of the Library and Informa- tion Retrieval Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois was employed to find articles written after 1970. This computer retrieval service uses Biological Abstracts, Comprehensive Dissertation Abstracts, and Science Citation Index. Citations were retrieved by using a list of subjects (fauna, cave, glade, etc.) and a list of place names (Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, etc.); the computer retrieved articles with keywords that overlapped from both lists. This computer system had some shortcomings: (1) not all relevant keywords could be anticipated; (2) some keywords had more than one meaning, so irrelevant citations were retrieved; (3) many known articles were not retrieved, creating doubts about the completeness of the database and the effectiveness of the search; and (4) each promis- ing article had to be read individually instead of being read as part of the regular review of periodicals. The search service retrieved 2,152 citations; 56 pertained to natural areas, and all but 15 of these were also found by the regular literature review. Graduate theses. — Every academic unit that has a graduate degree program in biology, ecology, geology, or related subjects in Illinois was asked for a list of Master's and Ph.D. theses. Most departments did not respond or reported that they had no such list. Bibliographies and reference lists. — Several published bibliogra- phies were searched for references to natural areas . The most important general bibliographies for Illinois are by Vestal (1934), Isfort (1949), and Pemble, et al . (1975). The literature cited in many articles led to new references. Natural Area Bibliography Summary The bibliography of Illinois natural areas covers 1,484 titles. This includes 1,413 references to biology and ecology and 71 references 91 to geology. About half of the natural areas (527 out of 1,089) have pub- lished references. The 10 natural areas with more than 40 references are as follows (with the number of citations for each) : Trelease Woods (Champaign Co.) 213 Allerton Park (Piatt Co.) 164 Pine Hills--LaRue Swamp--Wolf Lake (Union Co.) ... . 143 Illinois Beach (Lake Co.) 97 Brownfield Woods (Champaign Co.) 79 Giant City (Union and Jackson cos.) 61 Starved Rock (LaSalle Co.) 59 Horseshoe Lake (Alexander Co.) 51 Heron Pond--Wildcat Bluff- -Little Black Slough (Johnson Co.) 48 Lusk Creek (Pope Co.) 43 In addition to citations for areas listed by the Inventory, approximately 3,500 other references about field biology, ecology, and inventory tech- niques were compiled. About 1,700 of these pertain to Illinois, and about 1,300 refer to other Midwestern states. References to geology Relatively few references to geology were selected for the bibliog- raphy because they were included only for geologic areas. Although each geologic area might have an average of five or more important articles, usually one reference that cites previous publications was included. Geologic references were not compiled for all natural areas because lit- erature about Illinois geology through 1965 has been indexed in a bibli- ography by Willman, et al. (1968). This bibliography includes about 4,400 publications by the staff of the Illinois State Geological Survey, and it lists about 400 graduate theses. References to biology and ecology The 1,413 references other than geology papers can be placed in the following groups: Detailed scientific references. — Describe a feature or features of one or more natural areas, giving detailed information about the site. Examples: Klimstra (1969), Lindsey (1962), and Park, et al. 92 (1953) . . . 563 articles. General soientific references. — Results of studies that relied on collections and observations in several sites, including one or more natural areas. Examples: Pepoon (1927a), Smith and Parmalee (1954), and Zetek (1918) . . . 430 articles. Incidental scientific references and brief notes. — Results of stud- ies that were based on observations or collections from a natural area, but that could probably have just as well been based on some other area; and brief notes about a feature in a natural area. Ex- amples: Hoffmeister and Grebner (1948), Lord (1959), Schanzle (1973), and Zar (1968) ... 174 articles. Preservation articles. — Promoting the preservation of areas, de- scribing preservation efforts, listing areas that are preserved, and lamenting the destruction of areas . . .113 articles. Popular articles. — Mostly about state parks. Examples: Malkovich (1962) and Mohlenbrock (1971) ... 102 articles. Publications relating to the use of areas. — Management and develop- ment plans, historical and archeological accounts, and visitor guidebooks ... 31 articles. Articles from newspapers and newsletters were included in the natural areas bibliography only if they had important information not available in other publications. Many important studies were excluded because the authors mentioned no specific natural areas. Some studies, especially old ones, were not included because the study area was not named or de- scribed well enough to be identified. Sources of publications The biology and ecology references came from the following sources (with the number of references from each source) : Scientific periodicals 774 Books, special publications, and reports .... 215 Newspapers, magazines, and periodicals of conservation groups 206 Master's theses 172 9:^ Ph.D. dissertations 36 Other graduate student research papers 10 The 774 articles in scientific periodicals came from 119 different series of periodicals. The following journals have the largest number and vari- ety of papers about the ecology or biology of natural areas: Transac- tions of the Illinois State Academy of Science (with 237 articles) , American Midland Naturalist (63 articles). Ecology, and Ecological Mono- graphs. Also, the Bulletins and Biological Notes of the Illinois Natural History Survey have 38 articles that mention natural areas. The most prolific sources of popular articles about natural areas are Illinois magazine (formerly Outdoor Illinois, with 78 articles), Illinois Audubon Bulletin (75 articles) , and Field Museum of Natural His- tory Bulletin (17 articles) . Although a broad representation of disciplines was sought, there were more articles about botany than any other subject referring to spe- cific natural areas. Papers on the botany of natural areas are most common in Rhodora, Botanical Gazette, American Fern Journal, Castanea, Bryologist , and Myoologia. There are many studies about birds in Wilson Bulletin and Auk, and several natural areas are included in breeding-bird censuses and winter bird-population studies in American Birds and Audubon Field Notes. Other papers about vertebrate zoology are most often found in Journal of Wildlife Management, Eerpetologica , and the Natural History Miscellanea of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Most papers about inver- tebrate zoology in natural areas appear in the Transactions of the Ameri- can Entomological Society and Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin. Dates of publications Early descriptions by non-scientists. — The earliest descriptions of Illinois' natural landscape do not often have recognizable place names. Unless the site was described in detail or is a prominent landmark, it is rarely possible to identify specific natural areas in the earliest writings. French explorers described sites along major rivers; but other than the notes of the Federal land surveyors, the earliest refer- ence that was found is the journal of Colbee C. Benton, who visited Indians in the Chain 0' Lakes region in 1833. He described landmarks now 94 known as Cedar Lake, Grass Lake, and Elizabeth Lake (Angle and Getz, 1957). Beginning in the 1830 's there were several booklets and articles in Eastern magazines that described the economic potential of the Illi- nois landscape. Examples include the booklet by the Illinois Central Rail-Road (1856) and others listed by McManis (1964), Poggi (1934), and Krohe (1978). Early publiaati-ons by naturalists. — The earliest known publication in which a naturalist described sites listed by the Inventory is a refer- ence to Bald Knob (Union Co.) and Equality Cave (Saline Co.) by Andrews (1860). There are earlier important publications, but they do not de- scribe specific natural areas. For example, Kennicott (1855, 1857) dis- cussed the animals of Illinois, and Short (1854) described the prairies. Engelmann (1863) described some natural communities of southern Illinois; and similar articles appeared in two series of books edited by A. H. Worthen, entitled the Geological Survey of Illinois and Economical Geol- ogy of Illinois, beginning with the first volume by Worthen (1866). Publications in this century. — Sixteen articles about natural areas are known from the 1800' s, but most are from this century. The Inventory found pertinent articles published in every year since 1901. Figure 1 shows the rapid increase in the literature about natural areas, which has coincided with the development of the science of ecology. The number of publications has roughly doubled every 20 years, apparently unaffected by economic conditions except for a decline during World War II. The rela- tively large number of publications listed for the last 20 years is in- fluenced by the current availability of special reports that will become scarce once they are out of print, but this hardly begins to account for the tremendous increase in natural areas literature beginning about 1960. Part of the increase can be attributed to the National Environmental Policy Act, which requires studies of the environmental impact of certain proposed development projects, but much literature is the result of an increase in environmental awareness and an increased understanding of the value of natural areas for research. Over 200 articles have been written about Illinois Nature Preserves since 1964, when the first nature pre- serve was dedicated. One hundred and five permits have been issued since 95 500- 400 - 300 - 200 - 100 - 1951- 1960 1961- 'l971 1970 1978 Figure 1. Number of references to natural areas published in each dec- ade. The graph shows the number of articles published in each 10-year period, not the cumulative total from previous decades. Geologic ref- erences are excluded from the figure. 96 1973 for research projects in Illinois Nature Preserves, including 40 per- mits in 1977 (Illinois Department of Conservation, 1978). PART V RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The results of the project are summarized in Part V. Survey methods are evaluated, and major characteristics of natural areas are described. Activities are suggested for using and updating the results of the inventory. 98 Plate 7. A red squirrel along the Kankakee River. This species, also known as the pine squirrel, was thought to have been eliminated from the state shortly after 1900. Investigations by the Inventory staff revealed that the red squirrel inhabits at least four northern Illinois counties. 99 Section 24. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE METHODS Introduction This section analyzes the effectiveness of various sources of infor- mation for identifying natural areas. Both compiling available informa- tion and conducting new surveys are necessary for an adequate inventory. Because a partial inventory can be done by compiling only the existing information, an estimate is made of the number of areas that would have been found if the project had stopped at this stage. The number of areas that may have been overlooked despite all efforts is also discussed. Finding Significant Features Compcwison of methods The next several paragraphs are based on a study of the way in which each Category I, II, and III significant feature was found. No useful comparisons can be made with Category IV, V, and VII features because the surveys of these sites relied almost solely on existing information. Too few Category VI sites were identified to allow a useful analysis. The following tabulation analyzes the number of areas that would have been found--or would have been missed--if the Inventory had relied solely on accumulating the existing information about natural areas, with- out new surveys (such as examining aerial photos, etc.): Cat. I Cat. II Cat. Ill A. Number of significant features that could have been found by compiling available information: 1. Number that could have been found only by compiling available information 2. Number that could have also been found by new surveys B. Number of significant features that could have been found only by conducting new surveys . . TOTAL significant features, found by all methods. 60 403 13 235 32 23 394 86 9 689 521 45 100 The above figures are broken down in the following three tabulations to show the actual or potential source of information for each area. For significant features that could have been found only by compil- ing available information (line A-1 above), the source was: Cat. I Cat. II Cat. Ill Contacts with people 27 156 8 Unpublished files, herbaria, etc 23 173 4 Review of literature 10 74 1 For significant features that could have been found either by compiling available information or conducting new surveys (line A-2 above) , the source could have been either: Cat. I Cat. II Cat. Ill Compiling available information: Contacts with people 27 14 20 Unpublished files, herbaria, etc. . 206 18 3 Reviev\f of literature 2 Or, conducting new surveys: Maps and aerial photos 193 3 16 Aerial survey 23 1 4 Ground survey 19 28 3 For significant features that could have been found only by conducting new surveys (line B above), the source was: Cat. I Cat. II Cat. Ill Maps and aerial photos 290 1 1 Aerial survey 81 3 4 Ground survey 23 82 4 In the above analysis, compiling available information was given priority over conducting new surveys. That is, if it would have been possible to find an area by compiling available information, then the area was counted as such- -even though the area may actually have been found by examining aerial photos or other means. The next tabulation shows how effective each method would have been if it were the only method used. Significant features that could have been found by either method are counted twice in this summary. 101 Cat. I Cat. II Cat. Ill Significant features that could have been found by: Relying on previous information only 295 435 36 Relying on new surveys only . • . 629 118 32 Adequacy of ava-itable information The information gained from available sources is often not adequate for determining whether an area is significant. The following analysis applies to significant features that could have been found by compiling existing information: Cat. I Cat. II Cat. Ill Would not have required fieldwork to check significance 200 381 23 Would have required fieldwork to check significance 95 54 12 This tabulation includes only significant features that were actually listed by the Inventory. If the project had relied solely on past work without checking sites to learn whether they were significant, then many sites would have been included that do not qualify as natural areas. Less than half of a list of 500 potential natural areas compiled from the files of researchers and natural resource agencies qualified as sites of statewide significance. If the Inventory had accepted this information without further investigation, about 260 areas would have been included that did not qualify in the inventory. The value of current information based on field surveys is illus- trated by the inventory of hill prairies. Dr. Robert Evers published Hill Prairies of Illinois (Evers, 1955), based mainly on fieldwork in 1950 and 1951. He described 61 hill prairies and limestone glades, most of which were relatively undisturbed. The Inventory recognized 16 of these 61 sites as natural areas, and added 102 more areas with natural hill prairies or limestone glades. Dr. Evers' classic, pioneering work was completed 25 years ago, and he found most sites by driving along river bluffs. The Inventory relied on maps, aerial photos, and aircraft, followed by ground checks. The Inventory staff discovered many more hill 102 prairies and learned that some that were significant in the 1950' s had succumbed to woody invasion and grazing. Published natural area studies do not necessarily include areas of statewide significance, because the studies use different criteria. Two recent county inventories (Wilhelm, 1978; Bell and Zales, 1977) included a total of 63 areas, but only 34 of these sites were listed by the Inven- tory. Without investigations beyond a literature review, the staff would not have knoivn whether some of the sites met the Inventory's criteria. Surveys of individual counties are likely to include areas that are not of statewide significance, but an inventory of nationally significant areas should not include any areas that are not of state significance. Shepard and Boggess (1971) and Goodwin and Niering (1975) compiled lists of sites in Illinois recommended for possible registration by the nation- al Natural Landmarks Program. They included 10 forests, prairies, and wetlands--by compiling information available from literature, people, and agencies. Three of these 10 sites did not meet the Inventory's criteria as ecological areas of statewide significance, and the Inventory found 50 additional sites that probably would have exceeded the minimum standards for the previous studies. Aside from the problems of overlooking significant areas and mis- takenly including areas that are not significant, an inventory that omits field surveys is limited by the uneven amount of information available for different areas. A bare minimum of information for all areas can be considered uniform as a basis for making comparisons. Screening Potential Natural Areas The previous tabulations dealt with the numbers of significant fea- tures that were actually identified by the Inventory. This revealed how effective each of the inventory methods was for producing the end results. The following tabulations consider the methods from a different point of view, by analyzing how effective each of the inventory methods was as a practical means of finding and screening potential natural areas. 103 The following analysis is based on 1,000 potential natural areas from 33 randomly selected counties. The figures in the tabulation have been divided by 10 and (usually) rounded to whole numbers so that the numbers can be read as percentages. Only areas with potential Category I significant features were considered, and the cemetery survey was ex- cluded because of its unusual methods. The inventory methods are con- densed into four stages: (1) compiling available information (reviewing literature, contacting people, etc.), (2) examining maps and aerial pho- tos, (3) aerial surveys, and (4) ground surveys (including initial ground survey and final field survey). Each of these four stages is treated in a separate tabulation as a source of potential natural areas, and the following figures are given for each: (1) total number of natural areas considered, (2) number of sites that qualified as natural areas, (3) num- ber of sites out of the total that were rejected by each of the inventory stages. Source: Available information Compiling available information had one of the highest rates of re- turn (38%) in terms of the number of natural areas identified for the number of potential natural areas considered. A high percentage of the areas identified from existing information consisted of Illinois Nature Preserves and other well known natural areas. Percent of areas considered 13 Natural areas identified 5 Potential natural areas rejected, by: Available information 1 Maps and aerial photos 1 Aerial survey 2 Ground survey 4 Source: Maps and aerial photos Examining maps and aerial photos produced 73% of the potential natu- ral areas, and 62% of these were quickly screened by the aerial survey. About one out of 15 of the potential natural areas selected during the map and aerial photo examination stage actually qualified as a signif- icant natural area. 104 Percent of areas considered 73 Natural areas identified 5 Potential natural areas rejected, by: Available information 1 Maps and aerial photos 5 Aerial survey 45 Ground survey 17 Source: Aerial survey About two-thirds of the potential natural areas selected by the aer- ial survey were potential railroad prairies. One out of 11 of the poten- tial railroad prairies qualified as a natural area. Most of the other sites found during the aerial survey were hill prairies. Percent of areas considered 13.5 Natural areas identified 1.4 Potential natural areas rejected, by: Available information Maps and aerial photos Aerial survey 0.1 Ground survey 12 Source: Ground survey Less than 1% of the potential Category I natural areas were found by ground surveys unsupported by previous investigations. Percent of areas considered 0.4 Natural areas identified 0.2 Potential natural areas rejected, by: Available information Maps and aerial photos Aerial survey 0.1 Ground survey 0.1 Importance of Experience Experience was an important factor in determining work efficiency. With practice, the fieldworkers became proficient at aerial surveys and at map and aerial photo examination techniques. Time was saved in two ways: (1) As the ecologists became familiar with procedures, they worked more quickly. (2) More importantly, in the early part of the survey fieldworkers chose potential areas of questionable value to avoid over- 105 looking significant sites. After the staff had checked enough sites on the ground, they learned how to increase selectiveness but still have a reasonable margin of safety. For example, during the second year of the Main Survey, a larger pro- portion of the forested areas were rejected by examining old aerial pho- tos. The staff had learned that if a forest had a long history of heavy grazing, it would not recover to a natural structure and composition even after 20 years of protection. If a forest had a natural -appearing canopy on a recent photo, but examining a series of photos from the 1930 's through the 1950' s revealed that the forest had been heavily damaged by grazing, then it was safe to reject the area. During the second season's aerial survey, it seemed more difficult to evaluate many forested tracts. Usually the evaluation was either in- stantaneous --the forest had recently been logged or cleared--or it was difficult to determine from an airplane whether the forest had been dis- turbed. The fieldworkers had become so proficient at studying aerial photos that it was difficult to see any more disturbance from an airplane unless the disturbance had occurred after the photo was taken. Increased proficiency at aerial surveying is demonstrated by the fact that many of the sites selected during the early part of the aerial survey of railroad prairies were obviously insignificant to the fieldworkers when they flew along the same tracks at a later time. Completeness of the Inventory Category I survey The staff was able to quickly screen potential areas and concentrate on describing and evaluating the most significant sites. All of Illinois was studied with maps and aerial photos. Every site found with signif- icant potential for undisturbed natural communities was examined in the field. For example, all river valleys were checked for hill prairies and seeps. All open land on sandy soil in prairie regions that was not ob- viously disturbed was checked for sand prairie. All railroads and all cemeteries that could be found in prairie regions were checked for prai- rie remnants. Every tract of timber of 20 acres or larger with a natural- 106 appearing structure was selected from aerial photos and checked in the field. All wetlands were studied on maps and photos, from an airplane, or on the ground. It is difficult to estimate what may have been missed. The field- workers eliminated the obviously disturbed areas and checked the remain- der. The relatively large number of potential natural areas that were eliminated during the screening process indicates that preliminary stan- dards were low enough that few significant sites were overlooked. Consid- ering that 88% of the potential natural areas did not qualify as natural areas, it is unlikely that many undisturbed areas were overlooked. The number of sites that would have been missed if the available information accumulated through the years about natural areas had been completely ignored gives some idea of the thoroughness of the Category I survey: 60 out of the 689 Category I significant features probably would have been missed. This includes 22 caves, 14 prairies, eight seeps, and two forests. The remaining 14 sites include barrens, fens, bluffs, over- hangs, and a pond. The high percentage of caves identified by existing sources is because there was little searching for caves beyond what was necessary to check the significance of ones that had already been identified as impor- tant. Although caves were considered to have Category I significant fea- tures just as any other kind of natural community, the Inventory relied on information for about 300 caves compiled by the Illinois Speleological Survey. Work by the Speleological Survey, by Bretz and Harris (1961), and by Peck and Lewis (1978) shows that the most outstanding cave ecosys- tems are usually the caves that are large and generally well known. Eight of the 29 seeps listed as significant features would not have been identified if available information had been ignored. This is a high ratio because many of the seeps are small (some less than one-tenth acre) and the small ones are not always evident on maps, aerial photos, or from an airplane. The Category I significant features that have been overlooked are most likely small natural coiiununities or remnants that cannot be found 107 by conventional map, aerial photo, and aerial survey techniques. In over a year since the survey to find Category I natural areas ended, informa- tion from others has added three more areas : two seeps and one eroding bluff. Two possibly significant prairies have also been reported. Only time will tell how many new areas will be discovered, but most of the areas that were missed probably will remain unkno\\Ti. In terms of total acreage of Grade A and B significant features, the inventory probably is close to complete. Category II survey Much work remains to be done with endangered species. Even though the Inventory listed 1,431 occurrences of the species considered in the Category II survey, no natural areas were identified for 18% of the ani- mals listed as endangered or threatened by the Endangered Species Protec- tion Board and 26% of the plants listed by the Endangered Species Project. The Inventory's contract with the Department of Conservation required only a compilation of available information for the endangered species survey, but field surveys were conducted when possible to add new sites and to confirm previous reports. The staff helped the Endangered Species Project organize information from other sources, but in some cases the Inventory did little more than identify large gaps in the knowledge about the state's flora and fauna. Category III survey The inventory of Category III significant features probably was thorough. Relatively few new sites met the Inventory's criteria. The significant ones were almost always in extreme sites that had already been investigated because they were so obvious. Many other sites that had less potential were searched to assure that initial selection stan- dards were liberal enough to avoid overlooking sites. Category IV survey The geologic areas were chosen to make a system of sites represent- ing the geologic features of Illinois. Some areas are obviously the best choices for representing certain features; but in many cases, any one of several sites could have been chosen. Depending on the emphasis given to 108 the different kinds of geologic features (rock outcrops, landforms, fos- sils, etc.) J other sites could have been listed. Category V survey The survey of school natural areas and nature preserves relied on compiling available information, especially a mailed questionnaire survey. A response was requested from every school, even if the school used no natural area, and a 52% response was received from elementary and second- ary schools--which is creditable by some standards but was not satisfac- tory for a survey that emphasized thoroughness. Persistence in contacting people allowed a nearly complete coverage of colleges and universities. However, at least 40 more areas are known that would probably qualify as Category V areas if enough information about them could be obtained. Category VI survey The Category VI significant features are unique features that did not fit in any of the other categories. Thirty such significant features were listed, and a few more may eventually be added. If the Department of Conservation decides to list areas outstanding because of their inver- tebrate fauna or nonvascular flora, then this natural area category could be greatly expanded or another category could be added. Category VII survey As described in Section 22, the Inventory listed only lakes and streams that were recommended by the staff of the Illinois Natural His- tory Survey. The Survey listed areas that, based on studies of aquatic fauna, are exceptionally outstanding and in need of preservation. Other lakes and streams of lesser significance could have been added, and new field surveys specifically to evaluate the natural quality of lakes and streams might reveal other significant sites. Summary All of the inventory methods were necessary to complete a comprehen- sive natural areas survey. Compiling available information was a basic step; but, except for most endangered species occurrences, this informa- tion was often too incomplete to determine whether a potential site qualified as a natural area. Examining maps and aerial photos revealed 109 most of the Category I significant features but revealed relatively few endangered species sites. Studying maps and photos assured that the search was systematic and thorough, and it provided a large number of potential natural areas at a low cost. Most of the candidate areas were screened with an aerial survey, which was quite effective: the aerial survey cost less than one-twentieth of the total survey budget, and screening sites without an airplane would have taken seven to 10 times as much time and money. Also, many significant natural areas could have been overlooked without the aerial survey. Almost no natural areas were discovered during ground surveys unsupported by the previous inventory stages such as examination of maps and aerial photos. Within the limita- tions set by the Department of Conservation's guidelines, the surveys were as thorough as practical. The most likely categories for finding new areas in the future are the kinds of areas for which the Inventory relied on available information. HI Section 25. SUMMARY OF NATURAL AREA CHARACTERISTICS Number and Distribution of Natural Areas and Significant Features Number and distribution by county Figure 2 shows the total number of significant features that occur in natural areas in each county. This information is summarized in Table 4. Sites were recognized in all but three of the 102 counties. Natural areas with high quality communities were found in all but eight counties. Sixty-one counties have endangered species sites, IS counties have relict species sites, and 56 counties have geologic areas. There are nature preserve and school natural areas in 76 counties, unique natural areas in 20 counties, and outstanding aquatic areas in 17 counties. The aver- age county has 10 or 11 natural areas. Eight counties have over 30 areas: Cook, Lake, Pope, Will, Winnebago, McHenry, Johnson, and Union. Number and distribution by Natural Division and Section Table 5 gives the number of natural areas and significant features in each Natural Division and Section. The factors that have influenced the number of natural areas in the different natural regions of the state are discussed below. A broad but uneven distribution of natural areas One of the best ways to see how natural areas are distributed is to study their location by topographic quadrangle, because the quadrangles form a regular grid, as opposed to the irregular sizes and shapes of counties. Two hundred and eighty-nine 15-minute topographic maps cover Illinois, including about 80 maps that cover only part of Illinois be- cause they extend into another state. There are natural areas in 226 (78%) of these quadrangles (Figure 3) . In general the sites are clustered, and large parts of the state are nearly devoid of natural land. The sites often occur in lines, such as several prairie remnants along the same railroad track--the only un- disturbed land in the county. Other prominent lines of natural areas 112 Figure 2. Number of significant features (by category) in each county 113 "^ 1 9 1 1 T } 5 ■^ ^ r^ ^ 1 . 8 c 1 H^ — r 3 ) 1 ~ t^ ■ — — ' e" 1^, V . ^ h -^ -^ ' 2 K ii^ L^ f^ ^ \t M^ -J^ 7 1 ^ aU^ ' ' ^ i 1 1 '^ ~\ S. L, 1 ' V-- ' I 2 1 1 I . I / 1 y/ i/ ■'-^ — < >:l^ i I Category IV S' 1 3 J VJ' ^. /^ ^^ r \ L 1 . 1 1 1 1 ; ^ ■k. \ r^ Y 1 -^ L >^ J n 1 f /T J f ^ r ^ i , 4 -, — K y_^ L^ ~h\ / >< Hm d. \U 1 1 1 ■ 1 Vrs. . L 1 V^ ' J' 1 J 1 _L_ ^ / ' — ^ ii' -^-S f >L^ i Category VI s 1 ; UJiJ ^ Figure 2. Number of significant features (by category) in each county, continued. 114 NUMBER OF AREAS Figure 3. Distribution of natural areas according to 15-minute topo- graphic quadrangles. 115 occur on river bluffs, especially in Pike and Monroe counties, where hill prairies are common atop the high, southwest-facing cliffs. Hill prai- ries arc also clustered in the steep side valleys that form where the Illinois and Embarras rivers cut through high glacial moraines. Natural areas of all kinds are clustered around cities, where public parks and preserves have protected and restored the natural landscape. On the broadest scale, natural areas are absent from the flat prairie land that is almost completely farmed. Over half (52%) of the natural areas occur within 15 miles of the boundaries of the state. One reason is that many undisturbed sites are on the rugged bluffs and undrained bottomlands along the rivers that form the western and southern boundaries of Illinois. Similarly, many geolog- ic areas were selected on these river bluffs and in the Coastal Plain sediments that barely enter southern Illinois. The large number of en- dangered species sites in extreme southern Illinois is partly fortuitous: if the state did not extend so far south, these southern species would not be in the state at all; and if Illinois extended much farther south, some of these animals and plants would be so common within the state's boundaries that they would not be considered endangered. The situation is similar in northern Illinois, where many plants that are common not much farther north barely extend into wetlands in the northern tier of counties. The limestone bluffs and ledges along the Mississippi River on the southwestern border of Illinois provide habitat for several western animals and plants that range no farther into the state. The distribu- tion of Category I natural areas is tied to land use patterns, as dis- cussed in Section 26. Distribution in relation to human population Natural areas are most concentrated in the counties with population extremes. The four most populous counties (Cook, DuPage, Lake, and Will) rank first, twenty-seventh, second, and fourth, respectively, in number of natural areas. Pope County, the least populated county, ranks third in number of natural areas. Illinois has nine Standard Metropolitan Sta- tistical Areas (SMSA's), which are counties or groups of counties with population centers of at least 50,000 people. (For example, Sangamon 116 County is the Springfield SMSA, and Winnebago and Boone counties form the Rockford SMSA.] There are 359 natural areas inside the SMSA's, which means that nearly one-third of the sites identified by the Inventory are in or very near major population centers. One hundred and seventy-one natural areas (11%) are wholly or partly within the corporate boundaries of cities, towns, or villages, and half of these natural areas have Cate- gory I significant features. Natural Characteristics Aoveage Natural areas average 184 acres and range from less than 0.1 acre to 13,100 acres. The smallest are sites with endangered or relict species, and the largest areas encompass cave systems and habitats of river otters and greater prairie chickens. There are about equal numbers of natural areas distributed among four size classes: 0.1 to 5.0 acres, 5.1 to 25 acres, 26 to 80 acres, and 81 to 13,100 acres. DiveTs-lty Diversity of a natural area is defined in this project as the number of natural communities that are at least Grade C quality. The average natural area has three such natural communities, but five sites have 10 or more communities: Illinois Beach Nature Preserve (16 communities), Illinois Beach North Tract (15), LaRue--Pine Hills Ecological Area (15), the Little Black Slough--Heron Pond--Wildcat Bluff area (13), and the Apple River Canyon area (10). Areas with great topographic relief gen- erally have high diversity: the 23 natural areas with 300 feet or more of relief have an average of six natural communities. Diversity of com- munities is related more to diversity of soils than to relief: Illinois Beach, the most diverse natural area in Illinois, has only 30 feet of relief and owes its diversity to the many small habitats created by al- ternating swales and ridges of sand. To^ogvaphy The topographic diversity of Illinois is well represented in sites identified by the Inventory. Natural areas were recognized in all 16 physiographic units (Appendix 4) defined by Leighton, et al. (1948). 117 Most of the 61 major topographic features in Illinois according to the classification by Dr. H. B. Willman (Appendix 5) are in natural areas, except for a few features distinguished from others on the basis of loess thickness. Nearly all of the 64 individual topographic features (Appen- dix 6) were found in one or more natural areas. Geolog-ia formations Appendix 7 lists the geologic formations in Illinois (Willman, et al., 1975), with the number of times each formation occurs at the sur- face in a natural area. One hundred and twenty-seven (or 89%) of the 143 named formations in Illinois occur in sites listed by the Inventory. The percentage is high because geologic areas were listed to include most of the formations in Illinois, but 68% of the formations occur in Cate- gory I areas alone. Soil associations Soil associations were recorded for 827 natural areas (Appendix 8) . The prairie soils have the fewest remaining natural areas. For example, the Joy--Tama--Muscatine--Ipava--Sable association, a prairie soil de- rived from loess on glacial drift, covers 13.2% of Illinois but includes only 2.4% of the natural areas. No undisturbed natural areas were found on one of the major prairie soil associations, and some other associa- tions were represented by only a few acres. Natural areas are most com- mon on floodplains, sandy soil, glacial outwash, and deep loess soil in the hill country bordering the major rivers in southern Illinois. Natural aorrmunities The Inventory developed a classification of 93 types of natural communities in Illinois (Appendix 30). Each of these types is a dis- tinct natural community when it occurs in a different one of the 34 Sec- tions of the Natural Divisions of Illinois. However, not all 93 types occur in all 34 Sections--for example, there are no forested bogs in the Southern Section of the Ozark Division. At least 900 natural communi- ties would have been recognized if an ecologist could have applied the classification system to Illinois 200 years ago. This figure undoubtedly does not count natural communities that existed in the 1700 's but which have been completely destroyed or have changed so much that they can no 118 longer be recognized. There may have been over 1,200 communities, but our knowledge is too scant to make a firm estimate of the original number of communities. The Inventory was able to find high quality examples of about 380 different natural communities, and the natural areas include disturbed examples of IbO other kinds of communities (Table 6) . Plant communities The Inventory used plant communities to describe natural areas; it did not classify natural areas according to plant communities. Natural communities were used instead of plant communities to classify natural areas. The distinction between plant communities and natural communities is detailed in Appendix 30. Plant communities were distinguished and named according to their dominant plants, and the order of the species names in the plant community name was determined by the order of domi- nance. For example, a white oak--red oak--shagbark hickory community is distinct from a red oak--white oak--shagbark hickory community. Because of this detail it is not practical to list all of the plant communities, but the species that were named most often dominants in plant communi- ties can be listed. In the series that follows, the top nine dominants are listed with the number of times the species was dominant in a plant community: White oak 365 Little bluestem 312 Red oak 254 Black oak 248 Sugar maple 182 Indian grass 146 Big bluestem 137 Post oak 129 Silver maple 100 Forest cover types Appendix 9 lists the 37 Society of American Foresters' cover types recorded in natural areas. The five most frequent cover types (with the relative frequency of each) are: white oak--northern red oak--hickory (25%), post oak--black oak (14%), white oak (14%), silver maple--American 119 elm '(9%), and northern red oak--basswood--white ash (7%). Natural qualitij Natural quality is a measure of the evidence o£ disturbance. A Grade A community shows very little or no effects of disturbance, and a Grade B community shows slight disturbance. The concept of natural qual- ity is introduced in Section 7 and is explained in Appendix 22. The Inventory attempted to find the highest quality examples of each natural community in the state. All Grade A and B natural communities were identified as significant features, except for (1) tracts that were too small to qualify, (2) most cliff and bluff communities, and (3) some streams. Since most cliffs and bluffs are relatively undistui'bed, only the ones with the most outstanding natural communities were chosen. Some small streams that would rate Grade A or B were not listed in the inven- tory because the project relied on recommendations from the Illinois Nat- ural History Survey to identify the few most outstanding streams in the state. If no Grade A or B examples of a particular natural community were found, a Grade C area would be included if the staff was sure that it was the least disturbed of its kind. It was rarely possible to iden- tify any one Grade C area as the best example, because the examples were usually so generally disturbed that none was particularly better than the next. Consequently, only 23 Grade C natural communities were listed as Category I significant features. The acreage and percentage of Grade A and B natural communities in each Natural Division and Section is detailed in Appendix 2. Illinois' natural landscape has been nearly completely altered. The acreage of Grade A and B land and water found by the Inventory is as follows: Forests 13,484 Prairies 2,352 Savannas 1,296 Wetlands 6,029 Lakes and ponds 1,960 Primary communities 602 TOTAL 25,723 120 The above total is seven-hundredths of 1% of Illinois' land and water area. About 118 acres of natural prairie remain for each million acres of the estimated presettlement extent of prairie in Illinois--and this ratio is exaggerated because many of the natural prairies remaining are hill prairies that were so small and insignificant in comparison to the flatland prairies that the original Federal surveyors of Illinois did not even note them. The presettlement acreage of forest in Illinois fsee King and Winters, 1952; Nixon, et al., 1978) probably was less than 14 million acres, and estimates seem to include savannas in the totals. There are an estimated 3.79 million acres of forest land in Illinois (Burde and Baumgartner, 1978). Based on this estimate, less than 1 acre of forest out of every 280 that remains is of high to very high natural quality. Figure 4 shows the fraction of each county that remains relatively un- disturbed. The fractions are expressed in millionths. Exceptional features Exceptional features add to the value of a natural area, but are not significant enough to be the reason for identifying an area. The follow- ing numbers of exceptional features were found in natural areas: Relatively undisturbed natural communities 300 Habitats with rare, threatened, or endangered species. 910 Habitats with relict species 26 Geologic exposures 237 Unique natural features 20 Archaeological and historical features 43 Aquatic features . . 805 Ownership, Use, Management, and Protection Type of ownership Ownership was determined as private, public, or unknown. One natu- ral area could have any or all of the three types of ownership (Appendix 14). Considering all 1,089 natural areas, 69% are wholly or partly in private ownership and 38% are wholly or partly in public ownership. Ownership was not determined for all or parts of 6% of the areas. The percentage of ownership types in the seven natural area categories does 121 Fraction of county, expressed in millionths Wa ^ m less than 1.0 1.0 to 9 10 to 99 100 to 999 1,000 to 9,999 10,000 to 15,000 Figure 4. Relative acreage of land and water that was identified by the Inventory as undisturbed or nearly undisturbed in each county. The relative acreage in each county is expressed as a fraction, computed by dividing the acreage of Grade A 5 B area in the county by the total acreage of the county. 122 not vary significantly, except that relatively many (76%) o£ the Category V areas are in public ownership. Among Category I areas, the only large departure from the average is the prairie community class, of which only 20% of the areas include public ownership compared with 30% for all Cate- gory I areas . Number of ownerships Over half (63%) of the areas are in only one ownership, but 10% have five or more ownerships. Nineteen percent have two to four ownerships. The number of ownerships could not be determined for 8% of the areas. Uses of natural areas Appendix 11 gives the percentage of natural areas in 19 use catego- ries. The most common uses are low-intensity recreation (34%) and re- search and education visits (23%) . Thirty-one percent of the areas have no apparent use. Use of surrounding land The percentage of land within 1 mile of each natural area was classi- fied according to three land use categories. These three categories, with the average value computed for all areas, are wildland (33%), devel- oped land (16%), and farmland (51%), The percentages are nearly the same when computed for Category I areas alone. Comparing the above figures with the Illinois Conservation Needs Inventory (Illinois Conservation Needs Committee, 1970) shows that natural areas are surrounded by signif- icantly more forest and wetland, but significantly less farmland, than the average for the state. Management needs Major management needs were noted at each natural area. The staff's analysis included a general description of the problem, a description of what part of the natural area was affected, and an estimate of the effort needed to correct or contain the problem. Management problems were iden- tified in 76% of the areas, and there are usually one or two major prob- lems in each area (Appendix 12). The two largest kinds of management needs, each accounting for about 27% of the problems, are: (1) control of woody vegetation and exotic species, and (2) control of overuse and abuse by people (including trampling, littering, vandalism, and theft of walnut trees) . 123 Most management problems (81%) affect the significant features of the natural areas, and most may be controlled with one effort or with continual management, but about 15% may be practically uncorrectable or uncontrollable. The fieldworkers judged five natural areas to have man- agement problems that may destroy the significant feature and may not be corrected with any practical measures. These sites include: (1) the only stand of native red pines in Illinois (five mature trees and one seedling on either side of a highway bridge, highly vulnerable to van- dals), (2) a timber stand suffering from oak wilt, (3) two areas being destroyed by severe erosion, and (4) a forest that is being killed be- cause of flooding from the Kaskaskia Barge Canal. Management agencies Because of the time and expenses involved, most active management of natural areas is by public agencies or private organizations that own or lease the tracts (Appendix 13). Two hundred and eighteen natural areas are known to be protected and managed (at least in part) by public agencies, and 92 areas are owned by railroad companies. There are 276 areas for which park districts, conservation districts, soil and water conservation subdistricts, river conservancy districts, and the Shawnee National Forest are potential managers: these tracts are within the jurisdiction of these agencies but are not owned or managed by them. The Illinois Department of Conservation is the largest owner of natural areas in Illinois, with 100 areas. In addition, 97% of all natural areas in Illinois are within 25 miles of a Department of Conservation land manage- ment facility such as a state park headquarters. Colleges and universi- ties own or manage 41 natural areas, and there is potential for schools to manage many more sites. Twenty-one percent of the natural areas have 10 or more colleges or universities within 40 miles, and the other natu- ral areas have an average of about four such schools within 40 miles. Besides direct ownership and management, sites can be protected through zoning and land use planning. About half the counties have zoning ordinances, as do several toimships and about one-third of the municipalities. Eighty-nine percent of the natural areas are in county or multi-county planning regions. 124 Preservation status A detailed tabulation of preservation status statistics is in Ap- pendix 14. A natural area could be in any number of seven preservation status categories. Most sites (52%) include private land, not pro- tected by the owner or lessee. The next largest category (with 15% of the areas) includes public land, not protected by the owner or lessee. The most apparent difference among the various natural area categories is that few Category IV areas are protected: 75% are on private, unpro- tected land. Threats A detailed statistical tabulation of threats to natural areas is in Appendix 14. Threats were identified in about half of the natural areas. Geologic areas are least likely to be threatened. Areas with unique nat- ural features are most likely to be threatened. The fieldworkers thought that no threat was likely for 40% of the Category I areas. Caves are the most likely Category I areas to be threatened. Public lands are about half as likely to be threatened as private lands. 125 Section 26. DESTRUCTION AND PRESERVATION OF NATURAL AREAS Past Destruction of Natural Land and Water Plant communities Natural areas are among the few places on the landscape where vege- tation has never been completely removed. Even most of these sites have been badly damaged. In contrast to the magnificent forests described by Ridgway (1872a, 1872&, 1882, 1894), with trees over 100 feet tall, there is hardly a tract of any size that has not been disturbed at one time or another. Most natural areas have been disturbed, but the diversity of natural species was not lost and the areas have been able to recover. Fauna The loss of Illinois' native fauna is in some ways greater than the loss of the flora. Many natural areas have a rich diversity of plants, but they are too small to support natural animal populations, and they are so isolated that there is no longer a source from which species can recolonize after they are eliminated from an area. The large mammals were mostly gone from Illinois by the turn of the century, as documented by Cory (1912) and Hoffmeister and Mohr (1957) . Native birds are sensi- tive to environmental deterioration, and they continue to decline, as publications by Graber and Graber (1963) and by Graber, et al . (for exam- ple, 1978) show. Some birds have been completely extirpated or are on the verge of disappearing from the state, as shown for prairie birds by Bowles, et al. (1978). The range maps and discussions in Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois by Smith (1961) show how poorly some of these ani- mals have fared. The Illinois Natural History Survey is cooperating with the Endangered Species Project to prepare a publication which will describe the current status of endangered vertebrates. Little knowledge has been accumulated about the function of most invertebrates in Illi- nois' natural ecosystems, and most likely many species are disappearing before they are studied. The insects that pollinate some native prairie plants may be almost gone from Illinois (see Betz and Lamp, 1978). 126 Aquatic ecosystems Abuse and deterioration of Illinois' ecosystems has not stopped at the riverbanks and lakeshores. The knowledge about the plankton, bottom fauna, and fishes of lakes and streams gathered by the Illinois Natural History Survey has not been widely studied by the naturalists of the state, and most people are unaware of the drastic changes that have taken place beneath the water's surface . Gunning (1963), Mills, et al. (1966), Starrett (1972), and Henderson (1977) reviewed the damaging uses that the state's waters have received, particularly the Illinois River. In 1900 the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal began pouring sewage into the Illinois River. Richardson (1921a, 1921fc, 1925a, 1925ii, 1928) documented the virtual extermination of the natural fauna that lived on the bottom of the Illinois River. The changes were drastic, immediate, and permanent. Rafts of dead snails floated down the river and piled up 1 to 2 feet deep at Peoria. Richard- son described a section of the upper Illinois River in 1911 as follows: Its oxygen is nearly all gone; its carbon dioxide rises to the maximum; its sediments become substantially like the sludge of a septic tank; its surface bubbles with the gases of decomposition escaping from sludge banks on its bottom; its odor is offensive, and its color is gray with suspended specks and larger clusters of sewage or- ganisms carried down from the stony floor of the polluted Des Plaines, or swept from their attachments along the banks of the Illinois. On its surface are also floating masses of decaying debris borne up by the gases develop- ing within them, and covered and fringed with the "sewage fungus" {Sphaerotilus natans) and the bell animalcule {Carchesium lachmanni) usually associated in these waters. The vegetation and drift at the edge of the stream are also everywhere slimy with these foul-water plants and minute filth- loving animals. The normal life of the stream practically disappears in the absence of oxygen; its fishes withdraw to neighbor- ing unpolluted waters; its mollusks, crustaceans, ordinary insect larvae and other more or less sedentary forms dis- appear to be replaced mainly by slime worms and Chironomus larvae in the sludge; and its chlorophyll -bearing plants linger only along the edges in shallow water. He reported 31 sludge worms (Tubificidae) per square meter on the bottom of Upper Peoria Lake in 1915, and 20,400 per square meter in 1922. 127 Pollution had declined by the 1960's, but an intensive survey of the up- per Illinois River in 1966 revealed no living mussels (Starrett, 1971); and sludge worms still provided 30% of the diet for carp in the upper river (Starrett, 1972). Introduction of carp has severely damaged the water quality, native fish fauna, aquatic vegetation, and waterfowl popu- lations that depend on Illinois' waters. Dredging and damming of major rivers, followed by barge traffic, have brought further changes. The backwater lakes in the Illinois River bottomland were once sand-bottomed and clear. Mills, et al. (1966) estimated that half of the original 400,000 acres of backwaters along the Illinois River had been drained. Most of the remainder are rapidly filling with mud, topped with a layer of flocculent ooze. Illinois' smaller streams have also been damaged. Sixty years of change in the fish fauna of Champaign County, which is at the headwaters of four rivers, is described by Larimore and Smith (1963). Smith (1971) listed the causes of extirpation and decimation of native Illinois fishes, in order of importance, as: (1) siltation, (2) drainage of wet- lands, (3) stream desiccation due to lowered water tables, (4) competi- tion and hybridization due to habitat changes and introduction of exotic species, (5) pollution, (6) dams and impoundments, (7) raising of water temperatures due to removal of streamside vegetation, and (8) unknown causes. Present Destruction of Natural Areas The following experiences of the Inventory staff show how natural areas are being affected by detrimental uses. During the railroad prairie survey, the fieldworkers saw three stands of prairie grass being bulldozed as they flew over them. Another 3-mile stretch appeared to have high potential for prairie, but 2 weeks later it had been plowed. A fifth site, visited the day after it was sighted from the air, was being bulldozed. Yet another was plowed the day after it was sighted. It is unlikely that all these areas were high quality prairies, but they were being disturbed by railroad maintenance or plowed faster than the Inventory could check them. 128 In Hamilton County there was a 20 square mile tract of timber in 1952, without any road. By 1971 the timber had been reduced to a few hundred acres. The staff examined 1971 aerial photos, chose two wood- lots, and checked them in 1975. One had been cleared. The other had not, probably because about two dozen oil wells were in it. After the oil wells are taken out, the remaining timber may be removed until none remains out of 20 square miles that persisted until 25 years ago. No un- disturbed areas were found in this county, and none to the east in IVhite County. In Wayne County, to the north, 20,000 acres of timber have been cleared in the past 20 years. An Inventory ecologist found a 32-acre wetland in the next county to the south, the only sizeable natural pond in this part of the state. The fieldworkers completed the survey of the area, but on a later flight they saw the wetland being drained and cleared. A recently completed barge canal removed one-third of the forest along the lower Kaskaskia River in St. Clair County--the largest continu- ous block of bottomland timber in Illinois. Some of the finest upland forests in Illinois have been maintained by farmers in St. Clair County, and large stands of bottomland forest are among the very few in Illinois that probably were never logged or grazed, but the barge canal removed much of the timber. The canal promises accelerated development of the upland natural areas. iVhen a staff member went to the county agricultur- al office for aerial photos of three woodlots, developers were asking for photos of the same three forests . In Brown and Schuyler counties, fieldworkers flew from woodlot to woodlot looking for natural areas. Timber in 15 out of 42 potential areas had been harvested recently. In Madison County, 34 out of 54 poten- tial areas had been logged. In Edwards County, a staff ecologist chose 19 forests and wetlands by examining maps and aerial photos. The aerial survey revealed that all had been cleared or disturbed by logging, clear- ing, or draining. The aerial survey was a discouraging exercise, but it proved that the aerial photo interpretation techniques were sound because the areas chosen for mature, well-structured forest were the same ones chosen by loggers . 129 Northeastern Illinois has the highest concentration of natural areas and the greatest pressure from development. An ecologist chose about 150 potential wetland natural areas in McHenry County by examining 1970 aer- ial photos. When he finished, 1974 aerial photos became available, so he rechecked the areas. Thirty-one of the 150 wetlands had been altered in the 4-year interval, mostly by filling for construction. By studying series of older aerial photos, a northern Illinois fieldworker discovered prairies that had been preserved in the backs of estates north of Chicago. The prairies, dominated by northern dropseed, had a characteristic tone, texture, and pattern on the photos. Examining old aerial photos showed that these prairies extended farther south along a highway, but new aerial photos showed a golf course instead. One of the greatest discoveries was a 60-acre tract on the Lake-Cook county line north of Chicago with mesic prairie, wet-mesic prairie, and sedge meadow. The area had been disturbed in the past, but there were 14 acres of high to very high quality prairie, with eastern massasauga rat- tlesnakes and hundreds of white lady's slipper orchids. One of the finest black-soil prairies in the state, it was previously unknown to naturalists. Negotiations were underway to preserve the area when the prairie sod was stripped away by a bulldozer on Labor Day weekend 1976. Since 1971, at least 500 acres of natural prairie and marsh have been destroyed for housing at the south edge of Chicago. Some of the prairies have been destroyed so recently that they are included in this report's summaries and statistics as if they still exist. Not all of the sites selected as potential natural areas that were recently developed would have been natural areas. Only about 12% of the areas first chosen were significant natural areas. But relatively undis- turbed land of any kind is being used for other purposes faster than it could be surveyed, faster than the significant sites can be preserved. l^fhy Natural Areas Exist Introduction Natural areas exist for several reasons (Appendix 15). Some have 130 been deliberately protected. Many cannot be economically exploited. Some have survived despite disturbances. Many have escaped development through accidents of land use patterns. Survival of a natural area often depends on the economics and the motivation of the landowner. Some peo- ple will not develop and profit from a natural area because they do not need the money, do not care to have the money, or do not have the money needed to exploit the area. Some people cannot afford to own a natural area without making an income from it. Others use money earned elsewhere to develop a natural area (such as a wetland) that by itself would not be economical to use. A relatively large part of the areas that are pro- tected are owned by elderly people. The factors that have allowed tracts to remain undisturbed or to re- cover from disturbance are to some extent the same factors that will con- tinue to conserve natural areas. One factor that has increased greatly in the last decade is deliberate protection of natural areas. Changes in economics and land use that work against preservation of natural areas have also increased greatly; and many areas that survived undisturbed un- t j 1 the 1960 's and 70' s would have been destroyed by now if they had not been intentionally protected. About one-third of the natural areas are protected, at least infor- mally. This rather high percentage may be taken either positively or negatively. It is good that so many areas are protected, but this may indicate that the chances of a natural area surviving without protection are not high. Forests Most undisturbed forests have been deliberately protected. A few survive because the sites are so steep or rocky that the timber has not been worth harvesting. Other factors involved in preservation of forests are listed in Table 33. The settlers on the Illinois prairie regarded their forests as a valuable resource. As a result, a higher percentage of forest remains undisturbed in the Grand Prairie counties than in the southern counties that had no prairie. Woodlots have been protected on small farms for 131 generations, and a few large forested tracts were preserved by people who farmed the rich central Illinois prairie. Many woodlots have been protected from logging but not from grazing. It is no longer worth the labor and investment for most farmers in cen- tral Illinois to keep livestock, so these woods are usually no longer grazed. However, little remains of the original natural community except for the old trees. The soil, animal life, understory, and herb layer have been so greatly changed by livestock that the original forest com- munity cannot recover. Timber cutters have protected forests both directly and indirectly. Owners of high quality timber are under heavy, continual pressure from timber buyers. Several landowners have not sold their timber because they feel that their enjoyment of the forest would be limited for years after the timber harvest. A few forests are protected only in the sense that the owner is waiting for a higher price before selling the timber. Some of the most outstanding forests are owned by sawmill operators who choose to spare their woods. Expensive suburban homes have led to protection of some forests in ravines. Since the homes have been built surrounding the forests, they have been protected as neighborhood showpieces. Several large forested tracts have been acquired by park districts and forest preserve districts around large cities. Most had been disturbed but have been protected for so long that they now qualify as natural areas. Many forests are being given the protection they need to mature and recover from past distur- bances in state parks. Prairies Most prairie remnants are on soil that is too sandy, rocky, wet, or steep to cultivate or pasture economically. The prairies that formed the deep, fertile soils are almost entirely farmed, but a few small remnants persist for the reasons listed in Table 34. The rocky or gravelly remnants have almost all been pastured, but the dryness of the soil allows the prairie to persist. Relatively few non-native plants can survive on extremely dry sites, so the prairie per- sists because nothing can replace it. 132 The great majority of hill prairies have been grazed, but they have a relatively high survival rate. Nyboer (1978) found that 13% of the hill prairies along the lower Illinois and lower Mississippi rivers qual- ified as natural areas. The ones most likely to survive are small open- ings in the forest isolated above high cliffs. At the other extreme, the large hill prairies on loess slopes that extend down to farmsteads have been used as pastures too long to be natural . Two prairies in western Illinois survive against seemingly impossi- ble odds in almost identical situations. They are on deep, fertile soils on moderately sloping land along small drainageways . Such areas are al- most always Kentucky bluegrass pastures or crop fields. However, each prairie is at the very south end of a rectangular property, and is sepa- rated from the rest of the property by a small intermittent stream. In both cases, the owner's access is from the north, although one prairie has a road along the south edge. Cattle grazing on the properties did not often venture across the creek, so the prairies have persisted, rela- tively undisturbed on land that all experience dictates would be ruined by grazing. Such prairies are so rare that the Inventory probably would not know about one of them today if a farmer had not mentioned the little rattlesnakes that kept venturing into his field, setting off a chain of conversations that led to the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission. The chance of a natural prairie persisting in Illinois is so slight that more than one factor working in combination has often been necessary for the prairie's continued existence. For example, a prairie might be both sandy and poorly drained, or it might be too sandy to cultivate and too distant from the stock barn to graze. An extreme example is a prai- rie in the Fox River bottomland, which may have five reasons why it is a natural area: (1) It is naturally wet, so it was not cultivated, and stock could not graze it severely, (2) It is divided by a railroad which impedes surface runoff and contributes to the wetness. (3) The railroad right-of-way probably also served as a refuge for prairie species when the prairie was being grazed, providing a seed source for prairie plants when the grazing was stopped. (4) The tract is remote from any farmstead, so it probably was not grazed intensively. (5) About 30 years ago, a 133 stripmine isolated the property from a road, and it has remained idle since that time, recovering from past disturbance. In this case, a rail- road and a stripmine contributed to the protection of a prairie--such circumstances are not unusual. Many prairie remnants, especially the ones on soil that could be cultivated, are accidents of economics and land use patterns. Sixty-two prairie remnants are on railroad rights-of-way or still persist after the tracks have been removed, and 17 are in the abandoned or unused parts of cemeteries. Seven prairies are on parts of public lands that are not in- tensively used, such as land at a former Army arsenal, at an airport, and along the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. Some of the largest natural prairies are in the Chicago metropolitan area, on land that was subdivided in the 1920' s. Lots were bought by speculators and prospective home-owners, but the economic depression of the 1930' s prevented the land from being developed. In some cases side- walks were built, but no sewer lines were laid, in part because of the sandy, wet, unstable soil. Cities grew up around the prairies, and local ordinances prevented people from building on the small lots. The largest of these tracts, at Markham, is being preserved through the efforts of many people, including the Gensburg family, who donated much of the prai- rie. The history and efforts to preserve another of these prairies in Cook County, along Wolf Road, was described by Hanson (1975). The Inventory found five prairies in Illinois that were deliberately protected in private ownership. All had suffered some disturbance (usual- ly grazing) but the Grade A and B acreage totals 32,3 acres. Four of the five prairies are now owned or are in the process of being transferred to agencies that will protect and manage them. The Illinois Central Railroad Company was given over 2.5 million acres of public land--mostly virgin prairie--in 1851 to finance construction of a railroad, and the main line of the Illinois Central was completed in 1856. The track extended the length of the state, from Cairo to Galena, with a branch from Centralia to Chicago. The railroad was built on a strip of land 200 feet wide and 705 miles long, a nearly double north-south cross-section of the state. A total of 3.2 acres of Grade A and B prairie was found along this 134 right-of-way, in three patches. One or two of these prairies may have been destroyed since they were last visited, which may leave one patch, 25 feet wide and 560 feet long. The only barrier separating the prairie from a crop field is a line of telegraph poles. Savannas and barrens Natural savanna and barren remnants persist in Illinois for the same reasons as prairies, although the savannas and barrens are fewer and con- sequently have fewer factors responsible for their existence (Table 35). Savannas occurred in bands between streamside forests and upland prairies, and there were extensive savannas on rolling hills and sandy plains in northern Illinois. The general appearance of the original sa- vannas is preserved to some degree in pastures with scattered, broad- crowned oaks, but the native grasses and forbs have been replaced by Kentucky bluegrass, which most scientists agree is not native to North America. If the savannas were not cleared for farmland or greatly changed by grazing, then they have grown into forests since the prairie fires stopped. This rapid phenomenon was recorded by observers such as Englemann (1863) and authors quoted by Curtis (1959). The Inventory found eight natural savanna remnants on fine -textured soils. The seven dry-mesic savanna remnants are in cemeteries, and they total 10.3 acres. One natural remnant of mesic savanna was found, a 2- acre stand isolated in a wetland. In contrast, 1,232 acres of natural sa- vanna were found on sandy soil. A relatively high percentage of sand savannas remain natural because (1) the sandy soil was not cultivated, (2) the native prairie plants could persist on droughty soil despite dis- turbance, (3) much of the land was grazed as open range rather than con- fined pastures, and (4) many of the savannas have been periodically burned. Early writers and present-day authors have applied the term barren, or barrens, to a variety of natural communities. The Inventory reserved the term for local inclusions of prairie and savanna species mixed with trees in forest openings. Natural barren remnants are very rare in Illi- nois: 13 barrens were identified as natural areas, with a total of 69 acres of medium to very high quality communities. They usually occur 135 where the soil is so thin and dry that trees have not been able to en- croach and cattle have not eliminated the native herbs. Wetlands and ponds Although ponds are in a community class separate from wetlands (Ap- pendix 30), they are included with wetlands in this discussion because they often occur together and have escaped destruction for the same rea- sons (Table 36) . Most of the remaining wetlands have survived despite past efforts to drain them. Almost all have been altered by attempts to exploit them. In some cases, a wetland probably has survived because the owners cannot agree to drain it, or the key landowner does not want to drain it. Many wetlands are not yet worth the effort to drain or fill, and some have been protected for hunting, fishing, and trapping. Most Category I wetlands either are (1) areas buffered by undevel- oped land, (2) remnants of formerly extensive marshes or swamps that can be drained no further, or (3) small seepage areas. Small ponds and marshes fed by runoff from farmland have almost all been ruined by silt- ation and chemical pollution. Primary cornmunities The Grade A and B primary communities are relatively undisturbed be- cause they are glades, bluffs, and cliffs that are too rocky or steep to exploit, but there are some exceptions. For example, five of the seven limestone glade natural areas in Hardin County--the largest concentration in Illinois--are near quarries, and several others have already been re- moved by mining. Caves The two greatest disturbances to caves are vandalism and pollution of the cave's water. A cave's features and its ecosystem are easily dam- aged, and they recover slowly, if at all (Mohr, 1972; White, 1973). Stitt (1977) describes 57 kinds of human impacts on caves. Vandalism is in direct proportion to the amount of visitation, so most caves in recre- ation areas are essentially ruined. Caves have been intersected by lime- stone mines, but quarry operators avoid caves as much as possible. The 136 overall most outstanding cave in Illinois was spared from a quarry that came within 15 feet of the cave, when the quarry operators were told of the value and exact location of the cave. Habitats with endangered plants Nearly three-quarters of the habitats with endangered plants are on land that is too steep, dry, rocky, gravelly, sandy, or wet to develop easily (Table 37), and about 40% of the total are wet areas. About one out of eight endangered plant habitats exists because the land has been preserved. Most of the other places with endangered plants are typical, unprotected forest or disturbed, artifical sites such as ditches. Habitats with endangered animals Most endangered animals require prairie habitats, or large tracts of wetland or forest, or clean water. Some species, such as the eastern spadefoot toad (which breeds in ditches and burrows beneath crop fields] , have adapted to human disturbance at least enough to avoid extirpation. Some animals, as well as plants, are considered endangered in Illinois only because their natural ranges barely extend into the state. Habitats with relict species Relict sites have survived because of unusual topographic or soil characteristics that have prevented the land from being developed. As detailed in Section 18, the relict sites are either steep bluffs and ra- vines, cliffs, sandy areas, or seeps. Geologic areas Although specific sites may be destroyed, and some unusual outcrops, landforms, and fossil beds may become endangered, in general the geologic features of Illinois are not threatened. Many of the sites chosen for the Inventory are artificial exposures. School natural areas and nature preserves Of the 251 areas with Category V significant features, the reasons for the protected status is as follows (with the number of areas for each reason) : 137 Land donated to a preservation agency 31 Land purchased, leased, or dedicated as a nature preserve or natural area 97 Land acquired by an agency (school, conservation district, etc.)j riot specifically for nature preservation, but subsequently designated as a natural area 95 Land protected for an unknovm reason 28 Most school natural areas and nature preserves are in northeastern Illinois, where there are the most schools and where the large numbers of people demand preservation of open space. However, there are small na- ture study areas maintained by local schools in many downstate counties. Such areas were the only sites listed as natural areas in three counties. Unique natural areas Most unique natural features are in caves, wetlands, or habitats that support endangered or relict species, so the above comments about these kinds of areas are pertinent here. Lakes and streams The lakes and streams listed by the Inventory were recommended by the Illinois Natural History Survey, mainly on the basis of the native fauna, which depends largely on the quality and diversity of habitats (Smith, 1971). Most of the outstanding lakes are glacial lakes that have not been heavily affected by dredging, filling, surrounding residential develop- ment, and recreational activities. Spring Lake, on the Illinois River, probably still has a relatively good assemblage of native lake-inhabiting fishes because it is fed by large springs and is protected from the pol- luted waters of the Illinois River by levees. Some of the outstanding streams have relatively small watersheds with little cropland, so they are not greatly affected by agricultural pollution. Some of the streams listed as natural areas drain large farm regions, and they probably have been able to maintain relatively natural faunas because they have a diversity of habitats, including gravel bars, riffles, and deep pools. Forbes (1928) estimated that there were 480 permanent streams in Illinois, totaling 11,912 miles, excluding the 138 Mississippi, Ohio, and Wabash rivers, but not many streams can be consid- ered outstanding: 12 stream segments were listed in the inventory, total- ing about 210 miles. Future Trends Many of the most outstanding natural areas in Illinois are already preserved. Within the next few years, many decisions will be made about whether a vulnerable natural area will be protected. If preservation ac- tions are deferred, the area will be used for some other purpose. Some areas have survived until recently because they have been pro- tected by the owners. In some instances, the persons who had protected the natural areas have died, and the sites are in jeopardy. Areas that have been safe until recently are being exploited because of changing economics. Hill prairies were once worth very little, but now they make sites for expensive blufftop homes. Limestone glades were formerly among the least vulnerable of natural communities, but some are being removed by quarries. Prairies along railroads that have not been touched since the tracks were laid 120 years ago are threatened by modern maintenance methods that involve herbicides and heavy machinery. Farmers, caught between low grain prices and high prices for land and equipment, farm land that was never previously cultivated. 139 Section 27. FUTURE NEEDS Adequacy of the Present System of Preserved Areas A plan for expanding the nature preserves system in Illinois is be- yond the scope of this report, but a summary in Table 3 shows how ade- quately the currently preserved areas protect Illinois' natural features. Cooperation from all kinds of landowners will be necessary to assure pro- tection of the state's natural diversity. One hundred and twenty-four areas in Illinois may be considered pre- serves that have active protection and an adequate assurance of perma- nence. These areas include 66 Illinois Nature Preserves, 16 Federal Research Natural Areas, nine Registered Natural Landmarks, and one U. S. Forest Service Ecological Area. Forty other tracts are considered to be preserved because the titles to the land (or easements) were acquired by the Department of Conservation, universities, or private preservation organizations specifically to preserve the areas. Table 3 lists some of the significant natural features and shows how many are represented in at least one preserved area. Protection of half to three-quarters of the features might seem sufficient from some points of view; but to protect the diversity of Illinois' natural heritage, each feature should be in at least one protected area. Every endangered spe- cies is important, and so little is left of the original natural communi- ties that every remnant is significant. For example, the 253 sites with natural prairie, totaling 2,352 acres, represent about one-hundredth of 1% of the prairie existing when the Prairie State was admitted to the Union. There is much potential for further contributions by the Federal Re- search Natural Areas program. All Research Natural Areas in Illinois are on land managed by the Fish and Wildlife Service, and 14 of the 16 Re- search Natural Areas are on a single national wildlife refuge. All Re- search Natural Areas were considered Category V significant features, but 140 Table 3. Degree with which natural features are represented in preserved areas. The left column gives the number of certain important features in Illinois. The middle column gives the number (and percent) of these fea- tures that occur in dedicated Illinois Nature Preserves. The right column gives the same kind of information for all preserved areas, including Illinois Nature Preserves. Natural feature Entire state Illinois Nature Preserves All preserved areas Occurrences of significant features High quality natural communities 689 Habitats with endangered animals 59 Habitats with endangered plants 462 Habitats with relict species 45 Outstanding geologic features 160 Unique natural features 30 Outstanding aquatic features 17 Relatively undisturbed natural communities (acres) Forests 13,484 Prairies 2,352 Savannas 1,296 Wetlands 6,029 Lakes and ponds 1,960 Glades and similar communities 602 Natural Divisions and Sections 34 Major topographic features 21 Geologic formations 143 Major soil associations 26 57 (8%) 86 (12%) 6 (10%) 12 (20%) 151 (33%) 172 (37%) 5 (11%) 9 (20%) 2 (1%) 8 (5%) 1 (3%) 2 (7%) 2 (12%) 2 (12%) 1,026 (8%) 2,589 (19%) 637 (27%) 737 (32%) 147 (11%) 148 (11%) 1,105 (18%) 2,366 (33%) 68 (3%) 141 (7%) 187 (31%) 187 (31%) 24 (71%) 30 (88%) 15 (71%) 16 (76%) 51 (36%) 61 (43%) 20 (77%) 22 (87%) 141 the Inventory identified only two other significant features in the 16 Research Natural Areas: one area with an endangered plant and one stand of Grade A forest. The existing Research Natural Areas generally are of low natural quality; aside from a 16-acre tract of timber and some bed- rock outcrops, the natural communities have mostly been heavily disturbed. For example, the following three areas are Federal Research Natural Areas: a 70-acre tract of farmland that was abandoned 25 years ago; a 40-acre tract designated because it has a 10-acre, 30-year old stand of black willow adjoining an artificial lake; and a 40-acre tract that includes about 12 acres of forest with 20 acres of an artificial lake and an ex- perimental chestnut plantation on 8 acres of former cropland. There are at least 160 significant features on 96 other tracts of Federally owned land in Illinois, and many of these tracts might qualify as Research Nat- ural Areas. Research Natural Areas could make a valuable contribution to a nature preserves system in Illinois if they included more significant features and were well distributed throughout the state. Updating the Inventory Monitoring natural areas Areas must be checked periodically for threats to their integrity. They can be monitored at several levels of exactness. Various alterna- tives are discussed in Appendix 31 . Aside from preserving each area and having a manager responsible for each tract, on-site inspections are one way to monitor areas. The land- owner is often the best steward of a natural area, and local residents might volunteer to watch and protect some areas. An aerial survey would be relatively quick and inexpensive. Features can be studied with a fair amount of detail, particularly if the observer is familiar with the area. An aerial survey is much quicker and more effective than a ground survey for detecting disturbances. The least expensive and quickest survey would use Landsat satellite images, but the least amount of information could be obtained from them. Even under ideal conditions, features narrower than 600 to 800 feet are 142 difficult to resolve. One advantage is that vegetation clearing or con- struction activities appear as bright, contrasting scars on the images. Updating the information The likelihood that new areas will be found is discussed in Section 24. A continuing effort will need to be maintained to check leads to more natural areas. The information system is designed to accept addi- tions, deletions, and corrections. It will need to be continually up- dated to be a most effective tool for preservation. Preserving All of Our Natural Heritage The Department of Conservation requested that the Inventory focus most of its efforts on sites with high quality terrestrial or wetland nat- ural communities, habitats with relict species, and habitats with endan- gered species. Less emphasis was given to geologic features and aquatic features, and the inventory of these features was based on available information rather than relying on new searches for areas. The results should meet the immediate needs for developing a system of natural areas, but it is recommended that more emphasis be placed on protecting the kinds of ecological features that were not studied in detail. These include invertebrate animals, nonvascular plants, and aquatic ecosystems. As a first step, we need to understand how well protection of non- vascular plants and invertebrates could be achieved in natural areas identified for other reasons. The volumes of information about inverte- brates compiled by the Illinois Natural History Survey could be used as a basis for understanding the size of the task and the approaches needed to protect these animals. Similarly, the biological and water quality infor- mation compiled by agencies in the Illinois Institute of Natural Resources could be used to address the needs of protecting natural lakes and streams. Special efforts to identify and protect these important features need to be supported and encouraged. The Inventory selected relatively small, specific sites that merit special efforts for immediate protection, but preserving these sites alone will not assure that natural diversity is protected. Large tracts of forest, wetland, and grassland need to be maintained. Many animals 143 rely on such large areas for feeding, breeding, and resting. These areas do not necessarily need to be removed from use by people. They can some- times have uses such as timber production, flood control, and recreation. Not all native plants can maintain their populations indefinitely in small, isolated sanctuaries without the benefit of corridors of natural land so that plant migrations can balance local extinctions. All aspects of our natural environment need to be protected. Unless soil erosion, air and water pollution, and transformation of wildland into farmland and urban areas are controlled, native animals and plants will become further endangered, and preserved areas will become little more than museum pieces. Preservation of the sites identified by the Inventory is an impor- tant part of conservation of natural resources. These natural areas are the best remaining examples of our natural heritage, and they are irre- placeable refuges for an abundance and diversity of natural features. They are valuable historical resources, and fhey are models and sources from which other areas can be restored. Preservation of these areas will be a key to successfully maintaining a healthy and productive environment. PART VI REFERENCES CITED References cited in this report are given on the following pages, except citations for the natural community classifica- tion, which are at the end of Appendix 30. 146 Plate 8. Prairie plants surrounding a gravestone. One of the last rem- nants of the Grand Frairie of central Illinois is protected in this pioneer cemetery. 147 REFERENCES CITED Adams, C. C. 1915. An ecological study of prairie and forest inverte- brates. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural His- tory 11:33-280. Adamus, P. R. and G. C. Clough. 1976. A preliminary listing of note- worthy natural features in Maine. Center for Natural Areas, South Gardiner, Maine. 397 p. Anderson, R. C. and M. R. Anderson. 1975. The presettlement vegetation of Williamson County, Illinois. Castanea 40:345-363. Andrews, E. 1860. A trip in southern Illinois. Prairie Farmer 22:51. Angle, P. M. and J. R. Getz, eds. 1957. A visit to Chicago in Indian days: Journal of the "Far-off West." [Edited manuscript of Colbee C. Benton's journal, 1833.] Caxton Club, Chicago. 121 p. Avery, T. E. 1967. Forest measurements. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 290 p. Avery, T. E. 1968. Interpretation of aerial photographs (second edi- tion). 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The Mollusca of Piatt, Champaign, and Vermilion coun- ties of Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 11:151-157. PART VII APPENDICES 162 Plate 9. A cave in the Shawnee Hills. Over one thousand gray bats, an endangered species, use this room in the cave as a nursery in the summer. The cave has a beetle and a millipede known from no other locality in the world. 163 Appendix 1. NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF NATURAL AREAS AND SIGNIFICANT FEATURES This appendix supplements the discussion in Section 25. Table 4 gives the number of natural areas and significant features (by category) in each county (see Figure 2). Table 5 gives the number of natural areas and significant features (by category) in each Natural Division and Sec- tion (Appendix 30) . 164 Table 4. Number of natural areas and significant features (by category) in each county. Significant features Total All Cat. Cat. Cat. Cat. Cat. Cat. Cat. County areas Cat. I II III IV V VI VII Adams 16 20 8 5 -- 4 2 1 Alexander .... 22 34 5 18 -- 7 3 -- 1 Bond 2 2 1 -- -- 1 Boone 3 3 1 -- -- -- 2 Brown 5 5 4 -- -- 1 Bureau 9 12 3 2 -- 2 S Calhoun 15 18 9 2 1 6 Carroll 15 25 5 9 1 4 4 1 1 Cass 8 9 5 3 -- 1 Champaign .... 7 13 3 -- -- -- 10 Christian .... 1 1 1 Clark 6 7 4 -- -- 1 1 1 Clay 3 3 2 -- -- -- -- 1 Clinton 3 3 2 1 Coles '.15 16 7 2 1 2 4 Cook 60 108 49 23 -- 3 31 2 Crawford 5 4 1 1 -- -- 2 Cumberland ■ ■ ■ ■ 2 3 -- 1 -- 1 -- -- 1 DeKalb 6 6 4 -- -- 1 1 DeWitt 1 1 1 Douglas 2 2 2 DuPage 14 17 5 2 -- 1 9 Edgar 2 3 1 -- -- -- 2 Edwards 1 1 -- -- -- -- 1 Effingham .... 6 6 1 -- -- 1 4 Fayette 13 13 7 -- -- 2 4 Ford 4 5 3 1 -- -- 1 Franklin 3 2 1 -- -- -- 1 Fulton 8 8 1 -- -- 7 Gallatin 4 7 4 1 1 1 Greene 4 5 4 1 Grundy 9 13 8 2 -- 2 1 Hamilton -- Hancock 10 16 5 1 -- 6 4 Hardin 23 35 17 7 - 4 2 4 1 Henderson .... 12 17 13 3 -- -- 1 Henry 6 7 6 1 Iroquois 7 14 10 3 -- -- -- -- 1 Jackson 34 49 9 19 6 6 8 1 Jasper 6 9 3 3 -- -- 2 -- 1 Jefferson .... 5 5 3 -- -- -- 2 Jersey 10 14 6 1 -- 4 2 1 Jo Daviess .... 14 30 2 16 1 9 -- -- 2 Johnson 32 60 27 17 4 4 4 4 Kane 19 30 17 7 1 2 3 Kankakee 20 23 15 3 -- 3 1 -- 1 Kendall 6 8 4 3 -- -- 1 Knox 5 5 3 -- -- 1 1 Lake 50 178 42 108 5 -- 19 1 3 LaSalle 18 33 9 7 5 8 3 1 Lawrence 5 6 4 -- -- 1 1 Lee 19 22 9 6 -- 5 2 Livingston .... 3 3 2 -- -- 1 Logan 5 4 1 -- -- -- 3 McDonough .... 4 4 4 McHenry 34 71 18 36 -- 3 12 1 1 McLean 7 10 2 -- -- 1 6 Macon 8 8 4 1 -- -- 3 Macoupin 11 12 7 1 -- 2 2 Madison 7 8 4 -- -- 2 2 165 Table 4. Number of natural areas and significant features (by category) in each county, continued. Significant features Total All Cat. Cat. Cat. Cat. Cat. Cat. Cat. County areas Cat. I II Ill IV V VI VII Marion 8 9 5 1 -- -- 3 - . Marshall. 5 5 4 -- .... 1 . - Mason . 27 40 20 13 2 14- - Massac 18 35 13 17 --2 2 1 Menard . 4 3 2 -- .... 1 . . Mercer 4 4 2 1 .... 1 . . Monroe 20 55 22 26 1 1 5 Montgomery 4 4 3 -- .... I . - Morgan 2 3 1 1 .... 1 . - Moultrie. 1 1 1 -- -. . Ogle . . 20 41 10 17 3 5 5- 1 Peoria 16 18 16 -- --11- . Perry. 7 7 5 1 .- -- 1 . - Piatt. . 2 5 2 -- -- -- 3 - . Pike . . 23 27 18 2 --6 1- . Pope . 47 88 23 44 11 3 6 - 1 Pulaski . 9 18 1 9 --5 2 1 Putnam 5 7 3 1 .... 3 . - Randolph . 12 20 4 14 2- . Richland. 2 2 -- -- .... 2 - . Rock Island 12 13 7 3 --2 1- . St. Clair 22 28 20 4 2 1 1 Saline 9 12 6 1 3 1 1 Sangamon. 4 4 2 -- .... 2 - . Schuyler. 3 3 2 -- 1 .. . - Scott. 1 1 -- -- .... 1 . . Shelby . -- -- -- -- .. . Stark. . 1 1 1 -- -. . Stephenson 6 8 3 2 --12- . Tazewell. 14 18 8 3 2 13- 1 Union. 23 49 17 19 --7 3 2 1 Vermilion 15 19 8 3 --2 3 1 2 Wabash 4 9 4 2 .... 3 . . Warren 3 3 3 -- .. - Washington 7 8 6 -- .... 2 - . Wayne . 3 3 3 -- .. . White. . -- -- -- -- .. . Whiteside 8 10 5 2 .... 3 . . Will . . 36 55 33 11 --6 5- . Williamson 14 15 -- 3 1 11 - . Winnebago 36 56 14 24 1 16 1 Woodford. 8 10 5 2 .... 2 - 1 Totals for entire state.* 1089 17:8 689 521 45 160 266 30 17 *The sum of the figures in each column does not equal the total for the entire state, because some natural areas and significant features occur in more than one county. In such instances, the areas and features are tabulated in each of the counties in which they occur. However, each natural area ana significant feature is counted only once in the totals for the entire state. 166 u o 0> (i> xn U) B 3 ■xi ^ c 03 C -O o •H 0) !/] 4-> o ^ ^ -- in I o I ^ ^ ^^^^~-^£)l >— '^O^-— "O^— ir^-OOfNi^CTiOOCTil^i— II ' ^ — ' ^ ^ r-n ^ 1 OCT)\OrO.-<.-.rg^D i-^ot-^ooooooocn--"0'-'rvj'-'i O in O ^ --< rg en I MD ^ ^ -^ , . ^H CTi 1^ o ^O -^ ' r^r-r^f^cTi-rro^co I ^ 00 vO Ci 1 , — • ui XI C til ly c . ^ ji: .^ ^ o o e *-» 4-» (U -H ^ O O — — E s tn t-. a. O ^H c/D c/i a. a. C O 0) *-> 4-t *J tJ o o o o 2: z 2: z: o O u w 2 o ^ q: a: ci o; 4-> ■M 1 i c c ^ (h c c 0) o a> o !-. t. u u ^ 13 •o -o o o a. CL ^ t^ t-* « u. O o o t4 u E s s Cl. a. C- s E c c H u5 x: x: x: -O -o -o -a -o o H s- 4-» 4-) c c C c c *-t ■M •o •a u t. o. C Tl •a ^ Xi XI u h ^ h o. D. d o a a a 2^ z u u u o u =) rj '-' •-* s S S is w c« 3 a 3 ^ u al c^ u o c c ■ '-«—« CD rt Z U t/5 S S nmnooj=j:oo oooj-awtocju vD sO t-^ r^ ClC^OOO^^— <| I 168 Appendix 2 . SUMMARIES OF NATURAL QUALITY, NATURAL COMMUNITIES, AND NATURAL DIVISIONS AND SECTIONS Explanation of Table 6 Table 6 summarizes the results of the inventory from the standpoint of natural communities and natural quality. The Natural Divisions and Sections {1 through 14b) form the boxhead labeling each column. The Divisions and Sections are named in Figure 8 in Appendix 30. The types of natural communities [xevio upland forest through aquat- ic cave community) identify the horizontal lines in the table. The in- tersection of each horizontal line with a column forms a box that is a possible occurrence of a natural community in a particular Section. The left side of each box gives the number of acres of Grade A land or water identified by the Inventory in each natural community. The right side of each box gives the Grade B acreage. If no Grade A or B examples of a natural community were found in a particular Section, but a Grade C example was included in a natural area, then a "C" appears in the center of the box for that natural community. If a Grade A or B example was included in a natural area but the acreage was not measured, then a "P" for "present" appears instead of an acreage figure. Acreages were not figured for very small or discontinu- ous Grade A or B areas that were not mapped and did not qualify as sig- nificant features. Acreages are not included in this table for stream, cliff, overhang, and cave communities. If there were no natural areas with Grade A, B, or C examples of a natural community in a Section, then the box has no figures or letters, but there is one of the following symbols: Blank: Natural community does occur, or did occur, in the Section. Light shading: Natural community may have occurred during pre- settlement times in the Section; or natural community may still 169 occur in the Section, but most likely is poorly developed or severe- ly disturbed. Dark shading: Natural community never occurred, or probably never occurred during presettlement times, in the Section. Annotating the natural communities with dark, light, or blank sym- bols was a difficult task that required many uncertain choices. Our knowledge about natural communities that may no longer exist in Illinois is scant. Although judgements about the possible occurrence of communi- ties were made on the basis of 3 years of experience with applying the classification system in the field, future work will no doubt result in changes in the annotations. Explanation of Tables 7 and 8 The Grade A and B acreages are as accurate and complete as could be made, but some figures might be misinterpreted if the method of tabulat- ing the acreages is not understood. As explained above for Table 6, all Grade A and B acreages that occurred in natural areas are tabulated, except for acreages of stream, cliff, overhang, and cave communities. Areas of Grade A and B forest, prairie, savanna, wetland, and pond com- munities that are too small to qualify as significant features are in- cluded in the tabulations only if they occurred in natural areas identi- fied for some other significant feature. For example, 0.3 acre of Grade B forest are listed for Brown County only because a 0.3- acre stand of high quality forest was found in association with a hill prairie signif- icant feature. There are many other very small stands of Grade B forest in Brown County, but they are not tabulated because they did not occur in natural areas. Similarly, most counties have at least some undisturbed cliff communities, but they are listed (under primary communities) only in counties where they occurred in natural areas. 170 171 172 II II d 1 d II 173 175 Table 7. Acreage of Grade A 5 B land and water identified by the Inven- tory in each Natural Division and Section. Natural Division/Section Total acreage of section Grade A 5 acreage 1. Wisconsin Driftless 371,000 2a. Rock River Hill Country/Freeport 1,316,000 2b. Rock River Hill Country/Oregon 142,000 3a. Northeastern Morainal/Morainal 1,641,000 3b. Northeastern Morainal/L. Mich. Dunes 17,000 3c. Northeastern Morainal/Chicago L. Plain 340,000 3d. Northeastern Morainal/Winnebago Drift 439,000 4a. Grand Prairie/Grand Prairie 9,531,000 4b. Grand Prairie/Springfield 2,041,000 4c. Grand Prairie/Western 602,000 4d. Grand Prairie/Green River Lowland 506,000 4e. Grand Prairie/Kankakee Sand Area.- 312,000 Sa. Upper Miss. R. 6 111. R. Bot./Ill. R 762,000 5b. Upper Miss. R. 5 111. R. Bot./Miss. R 609,000 6a. 111. 5 Miss. R. Sand Areas/Ill. R 282,000 6b. 111. S Miss. R. Sand Areas/Miss. R 89,000 7a. Western Forest- -Prairie/Galesburg 3,217,000 7b. Western Forest--Prairie/Carlinville 1,205,000 8a. Middle Mississippi Border/Glaciated 1,425,000 8b. Middle Mississippi Border/Driftless 205,000 9a. So. Till Plain/Effingham Plain 3,793,000 9b. So. Till Plain/Mt. Vernon Hill Country 3,453,000 10a. Wabash Border/Bottomlands 890,000 10b. Wabash Border/Southern Uplands 480,000 10c. Wabash Border/Vermilion River 247,000 11a. Ozark/Northern 172,000 lib. Ozark/Central 116,000 He. Ozark/Southern 103,000 12a. Lower Miss. R. Bottomlands/Northern 242,000 12b. Lower Miss. R. Bottomlands/Southern 146,000 13a. Shawnee Hills/Greater Shawnee Hills 535,000 13b. Shawnee Hills/Lesser Shawnee Hills 434,000 14a. Coastal Plain/Cretaceous Hills 162,000 14b. Coastal Plain/Bottoralands 271,000 3.6 186 24 4815 1769 503 47 2384 SIS 7.0 4.0 1402 140 3860 421 209 190 198 281 87 1449 1069 345 460 59 507 68 93 104 796 479 19 3227 176 Table 8. Acreage of Grade A § B land and water, by community class, identified by the Inventory in each county. County Forest Prairie Savanna Wetland Lake (, Pond Stream Primary Cave Total Adams 2480 Alexander 271 Bond Boone Brown 0.3 Bureau 114 Calhoun 213 Carroll Cass Champaign 148 Christian 17 Clark 147 Clay Clinton 46 Coles 57 Cook 357 Crawford 20 Cumberland DeKalh DeWitt 44 Douglas 28 DuPage 164 Edgar 44 Edwards Effingham Fayette. ...... 238 Ford Franklin P Fulton 35 Gallatin 4.0 Greene 20 Grundy Hancock P Hardin 148 Henderson 194 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 127 Jefferson 44 Jersey Jo Daviess Johnson 703 Kane 260 Kankakee 34 Kendall Knox 34 Lake 639 LaSalle 176 Lawrence 97 Lee Livingston Logan 149 McDonough McHenry McLean 439 Macon 161 Macoupin 93 Madison 67 3.0 5.0 2.0 4.9 1.3 20 52 44 3.1 391 1.0 20 3.1 6.4 1.0 165 12 -- -- 5.3 -- -- 1.9 5.5 -- 176 -. 302 9.7 -- -- 48 360 218 1.6 -- 40 51 -- -- 2.1 -- P -- -- 1667 5.1 -- 132 7.8 482 3.5 8.6 -- 4.5 0.5 0.7 -- 670 155 1645 1.3 1.0 P -- 94 8.8 -- 1.8 2.4 -- 6.0 12 9.2 -- 741 5.0 -- -- 8.5 __ 52 1.0 -- 30 2.0 50 3.5 109 P P 6.0 P P P 2492 323 22 2.0 5.2 115 259 52 53 -- 17 ■ - 147 ■ - 49 .- 47 .- 61 .- 945 - 20 P 7.5 -- 44 .- 29 .- 184 ■- 44 ._ 1.0 ■ - 244 .- 6.4 .- P ■ - 35 .- 44 p 32 .- 5.3 .- 7.4 p 193 .- 672 .- 9.7 .- 626 p 429 127 ■ - 48 p 63 - 2.1 p 2481 .- 427 p 531 .- 13 .- 35 .- 4220 .- 184 .- 191 .- 11 .- 2.4 - 149 - 18 - 850 - 444 - 196 - 178 - 161 177 Table 8. Acreage of Grade A 5 B land and water, by community class, identified by the Inventory in each county, continued. County Forest Marion 60 Marshall Mason 202 >1assac 486 Menard Mercer Monroe 100 Montgomery Morgan Moultrie 18 Ogle 74 Peoria 227 Perry 97 Piatt 624 Pike 554 Pope 148 Pulaski Putnam 16 Randolph 76 Richland Rock Island 89 St. Clair 968 Saline 359 Sangamon 209 Schuyler 39 Scott Stark 37 Stephenson Tazewell 51 Union 55 Vermilion 36 Wabash 406 Warren Washington 304 Wayne 32 Whiteside Will 353 Williamson Winnebago 80 Woodford Prairie Savanna Wet'and Lake 6 Pond Stream Primary Cave Total 2, .7 5, ,7 186 3. 6 1. 159 11 1. .3 10 5. ,6 3. .6 0. 1. ,1 1 1.0 4.1 21 206 2.3 1.5 2.6 8.4 -- 74 27 -- -- 33 7.5 -- -- -- -- 500 227 -- -- -- -- 713 -- -- -- -- 3.6 8.0 -- -- -- -- 9.0 1.8 P 78 P 339 2.1 11 18 1.9 -- P P -- 91 245 1.2 17 -- P -- 115 624 11 73 -- 0.3 P 660 93 -- P 49 P 319 173 -- P P P 173 36 -- -- -- -- 53 -- -- P 2.0 -- 88 46 _. ._ ._ 141 12 62 P 1.0 P 1047 -- -- -- 27 -- 386 -- -- -- -- -- 210 -- -- -- 4.0 -- 43 -- - -- P - 37 5.3 24 -- 80 67 83 P 5.0 P 213 8.2 -- P 9.5 -- 59 -- -- -- P -- 406 -- -- _- -- 5.4 -- -- -- -- 304 4.6 22 -- -- -- 59 -- -- -- -- -- 21 142 1.0 P P -- 803 -- -- -- P -- P 14 11 P P -- 155 6.3 -- P -- 11 178 Appendix 3. RARE, THREATENED, AND ENDANGERED SPECIES Aninals listed by the Endangered Species Protection Board as endan- gered or threatened are in Tables 9 to 12. Plants recommended by the Endangered Species Project for endangered or threatened status are in Table 13. Other species are listed if the Inventory identified signif- icant features or exceptional features for them. These additional ani- mals and plants can generally be termed rare, as explained in Section 17. The animals are listed alphabetically by common name, and the plants are listed alphabetically by scientific name. With few exceptions, sci- entific nomenclature follows Smith (1978) for fishes. Smith (1961) for amphibians and reptiles, Bohlen (1978) for birds, Jones, et al . (1975) for mammals, and Mohlenbrock (1975) for plants. The Inventory considered many more animals as significant features and exceptional features than the Endangered Species Protection Board listed as endangered or threatened. The Inventory listed waterfowl that have a very limited breeding range in Illinois, but these game species were not included on the State's official list. For plants, the Inventory's significant features generally coincide with the endangered category of the Natural Land Institute's Endangered Species Project (NLI) ; and the Inventory's exceptional features include many other species, including many that were considered too common by the NLI to be designated as threatened. There are occasional differences between the way in which the NLI classified a species and the way the Inventory treated it. For example, the white lady's slipper orchid was listed as endangered by the NLI, but it is known from so many locations that the Inventory considered it an exceptional feature and only listed it in the 14 areas where it occurs with other, significant features. Water featherfoil was deleted from the NLI's final list, but it was listed as a significant feature even though it is known from seven sites, because some of the populations are not likely to maintain themselves. 179 Sometimes one species is considered both a significant feature and an exceptional feature. For example, the rusty cotton grass is a signif- icant feature at the two sites where it is known to occur; and it was listed as an exceptional feature at a third site, where it may still oc- cur but has not been collected for 30 years. In this case, the cotton grass is not the significant feature--the reason for listing the site in the inventory- -but its possible presence is an exceptional feature that adds value to the area. 180 Table 9. Rare, threatened, and endangered fishes. For each species, the status according to the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board is given: state endangered (E) , state threatened (T) , or federally endan- gered (*) . The numbers of significant features (SF's) and exceptional features (EF's) recognized by the Inventory are also given. Common name Scientific name Status SF EF Alligator gar Banded killifish Banded pygmy sunfish Bantam sunfish Bigeye chub Bigeye shiner Blackchin shiner Blacknose shiner Blacktail shiner Bluebreast darter Lep-isosteus spatula Fundulus diaphanus Etassoma zonatwm Lepomis syntnetvicus Hybopsis amblops Notropis hoops Notropis heterodon Notropis heterolepis Notropis Venus tus Etheo stoma camurum Bluehead shiner Cisco Eastern sand darter Harlequin darter Ironcolor shiner Lake sturgeon Lake whitefish Least brook lamprey Long jaw cisco Longnose sucker Northern brook lamprey Northern madtom Pallid shiner Pugnose shiner River redhorse Spotted sunfish Spring cavefish Starhead topminnow Weed shiner Notropis sp. (undescribed) Coregonus artedii Ammocrypta pelluaida Etheostoma histrio Notropis chalybaeus Aoipenser fulvescens Coregonus clupeaformis Lampetra aepyptera Coregonus alpenae Catostomus oatostomus Ichthyomyson fossor Noturus stigmosus Notropis amnis Notropis anogenus Moxostoma carinatum Lepomis punctatus Chologaster agassizi Fundulus dispar Notropis texanus 181 Table 10. Rare, threatened, and endangered amphibians and reptiles. For each species, the status according to the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board is given: state endangered (E) , or state threatened (T) . The numbers of significant features (SF's) and exceptional features (EF's) recognized by the Inventory are also given. Common name (and scientific name) Status SF EF Blanding's turtle {Emydoidea blandingi) - - 8 Blue- spotted salamander (Ambystoma laterale) - - 4 Broad-banded water snake (Nerodia fasciata aonfluens) E - - Eastern coachwhip snake (Masticophis flagellum ftagettim) T 3 - Eastern massasauga (Sistrurus oatenatus catenatus) - - 4 Eastern narrow-mouthed toad {Gastrophryne oarolinensis) - - 3 Eastern ribbon snake {Thamnophis sauritus sauri-tus) X T. saurztus septentrionalis) E - - Eastern spadefoot toad (Saaphiopus holbrooki holbrooki) - - 1 Flat-headed snake {Tantilla graailis) - 4 - Four-toed salamander {Hemidaotylium scutatum) - - 2 Great Plains rat snake {Elaphe guttata emoryi) T 4 - Green treefrog [Hyla oinevea) - - 4 Green water snake (Nerodia ayctopion cyclopion) - 1 - Illinois chorus frog {Pseudaoris streckeri ilt-inoensis) T 4 1 Illinois mud turtle {Kinostemon flavesoens spooneri) E 2 - Mole salamander {Ambystoma talpoidewn) - - 4 Pickerel frog (Hana palustris) - - 4 Silvery salamander (Ambystoma platineum) E 1 - Slider {Chrysemys concinna hieroglyphiaa X C. floridana hoyi) E - - Spotted dusky salamander {Desmognathus fuscus oonanti) E 2 - Spotted turtle (Clenwys guttata) E - - Timber rattlesnake {CvotaZus horridus) - - 12 Western bird- voiced treefrog {Hyla avivooa avivooa) - - 5 Western hog-nosed snake {Eeterodon nasiaus gloydi) T - 6 Western mud snake {Faranoia abacura reinwardi) - - 5 Western slender glass lizard {Ophisaurus attenuatus attenuatus) - - 1 Wood frog {Rana sylvatica) - - 3 182 Table 11. Rare, threatened, and endangered birds. For each species, the status according to the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board is given: state endangered (E) , state threatened (T) , or federally endan- gered (*) . The numbers of significant features (SF's) and exceptional features (HP's) recognized by the Inventory are also given. Common name Scientific name Status SP American bittern Bachman's sparrow Bachman's warbler Bald eagle Barn owl Bewick's wren Black-crowned night heron Black duck Black rail Black tern Brewer's blackbird Broad-winged hawk Brown creeper Canvasback Common gallinule Common snipe Common tern Cooper's hawk Double-crested cormorant Eskimo curlew Forster's tern Great egret Greater prairie chicken Hens low's sparrow Herring gull Hooded merganser King rail Least bittern Least tern Little blue heron Loggerhead shrike Long-eared owl Marsh hawk Mississippi kite Mourning warbler Nashville warbler Northern shoveler Osprey Peregrine falcon Botaurus lentiginosus Aimophila aestivalis Vermivora baohmanii Haliaeetus leucoaephalus Tyto alba Thryomanes bewiakii Nyaticorax nyoticorax Anas pubripes Laterallus j amaicensis Chlidonias nigev Euphagus oyanoaephalus Buteo platypterus Cevthia familiaris Aythya valisinevia Gallinula ahloropus Capella gallinago Sterna hi-rundo Accipiter aooperii Phalaarooorax auritus Numenius bovealis Sterna forstevi Casmerodius albus Tympanuchus cupido Ammodramus henslowii Larus argentatus Lophodytes ouaullatus Rallus elegans Ixobryohus exilis Sterna albifrons Florida aaerulea Lanius ludovicianus Asia otus Circus oyaneus latinia mississippiensis Oporomis Philadelphia Vermivora rufioapilla Anas acuta Pandion haliaetus Falco peregrinus E - 5 E - - E* - - E 4 9 E - - T - - E - 5 - - 4 E - - E - 5 T _ 4 - - 1 E - 6 _ - 3 T - 3 - - 5 E 1 4 E - - E 1 - E* - E _ 3 E 5 1 E 2 - T - 5 - - 1 - - 2 - - 6 - - 7 E - - E 1 - T _ _ E - - E - 1 E 3 1 - - 2 - - 2 - - 4 E - - E* - 2 Table 11. Rare, threatened, and endangered birds, continued. 183 Common name Scientific name Status SF EF Pintail Piping plover Purple gallinule Red- shouldered hawk Ring-billed gull Short-eared owl Snowy egret Swainson's hawk Swainson's warbler Upland sandpiper Anas acuta - - 5 Charadrius melodus E - 3 Porphyrula martinica E 1 3 Buteo lineatus E - 5 Larus delawarensis - - 2 Asio flarmeus E - 2 Egretta thula E 1 - Buteo swainsoni E - - Lirmothlypis swains onii T - 4 Bartramia longicauda E - 8 Veery Catharus fuscesoens T Virginia rail Rallus timicola Wilson's phalarope Steganopus tricolor E Ye How- crowned night heron Nyctanassa violacea Yellow-headed blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus E Yellow rail Cotumicops noveboracensis E 184 Table 12. Rare, threatened, and endangered mammals. For each species, the status according to the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board is given: state endangered (E) , state threatened (T) , or federally en- dangered (*) . The numbers of significant features (SF's) and exceptional features (EF's) recognized by the Inventory are also given. Common name Scientific name Status SF EF Bobcat Felis rufus T Cotton mouse Peromysous gossypinus Eastern wood rat Neotoma floridana E Golden mouse Oohrotomys nuttalli T Gray bat Myotis grisesaens E* Indiana bat Myotis sodalis E* Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsoniaus Rice rat Oryzomys palustris T River otter Lutra canadensis T Southeastern bat Myotis austroriparius Southeastern big-eared bat Pleaotus rafinesquii Swamp rabbit Sylvilagus aquaticus White-tailed jackrabbit Lepus townsendii E 185 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants. For each species, the recommended status according to the Natural Land Institute's Endangered Species Project is given: recommended for state endangered status (E) , recommended for state threatened status (T) , or being consid- ered for federal listing (*). The numbers of significant features (SF's) and exceptional features (EF's) recognized by the Inventory are also given. Scientific name Common name Status SF EF Adoxa mosohatelI'Lna AesGulus discolor Agropyron subsecundim Aletris farinosa Alnus rugosa Amelanchier humil-ts Ametanahier inteviov Arrmoph'ita bveviligulata Amorpha nit ens Apios pviceana Avalia hispida Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Arenaria patula Aristida desmantha Aristida necopina Aristolochia serpentaria var. hastata Aristoloahia tomentosa Aronia melanocarpa Avonia pruni folia Artemisia draounculus Asalepias lanuginosa Asalepias meadii Asalepias ovalifolia Asalepias stenophylla Asplenium bradleyi Asplenium resiliens Aster furaatus Aster schreberi Aster undulatus Astragalus tennesseensis Baaopa aaiminata Baptisia tinatoria Bartonia paniaulata Bartonia virginiaa Beakmannia syzigachne Berberis canadensis Berohemia saandens Moschatel E _ - Red buckeye - - 2 Wheat grass E 1 - Colic root - - 9 Speckled alder . E 2 - Low shadbush - - 2 Shadbush E 2 1 Beach grass E 1 - Indigo E 1 - Price's potato bean E* 1 - Bristly sarsaparilla E _ 1 Bear-berry E 4 - Slender sandwort T - - Three-awn grass - - 1 Three-awn grass E - - Narrow- leaved snakeroot Dutchman's pipevine - - 2 Black chokeberry - - 17 Purple chokeberry - - 7 False tarragon T 3 - Woolly milkweed E 3 1 Mead's milkweed E* 2 - Oval-leaved milkweed E - - Narrow- leaved green milkweed T - 2 Bradley's spleenwort T - 4 Black spleenwort T - 2 Forked aster - - 5 Schreber's aster T - 2 Aster T - - Milk vetch E* 1 - Water hyssop E - - Yellow wild indigo E - - Screw-stem E 2 - Yellow bartonia - - 7 American slough grass E - - American barberry E 2 - Supple-jack 1 - 186 Table 13. Rare, threatened, ai id endangered vascular pi ants, com ttnuec i. Scientific name Common name Status SF EF Berula -pusilla Water parsnip - - 5 Betula lutea Yellow birch E 5 - Betula papyri feva Paper birch - - 6 Betula populifolia Gray b irch E 1 - Betula pumila Dwarf birch - - 15 Betula sandbergii Sandberg's birch - - 4 Bidens bea'kii Water marigold E - - Boltonia asteroides var . decurrens False aster _* - 2 Botrychium bitematum Grape fern E 1 - Botry chiton matriaariae folium Grape fern E 1 " Botrychium multifidim Northern grape fern T - 4 Botrychium simplex Grape fern E 2 - Bouteloua gracilis Blue grama - - 1 Buchnera americana Blue hearts - - 7 Bumelia lanuginosa Woolly buckthorn E 5 - Cacalia suaveolens Sweet Indian plantain - - 2 Cakile edentula Sea rocket T 2 - Calla palustris Water arum E 1 - Calopogon tuber osus Grass pink T - 10 Camassia angusta Wild hyacinth E 1 ~ Cardamine pratensis var. palustris Cuckoc flower E 4 - Car ex abdita Sedge - 1 - Carex alata Wingec sedge E 1 - Carex atherodes Sedge E - - Carex aurca Golder sedge E - - Carex austrina Sedge E 1 - Carex communis Sedge E - - Carex crawei Sedge E 1 - Carex ovmulata Sedge E - - Carex decomposita Sedge E 3 " Carex diandra Sedge - - 1 Carex disperma Sedge E 2 - Carex garberi Sedge E ~ ~ Carex gigantea Sedge E 1 ~ Carex intumescens Swollen sedge E - - Carex laevivaginata Sedge - - 1 Carex laxioulmis Sedge E - - Carex nigro-marginata Sedge E 1 - Carex oligosperma Sedge E 2 " Carex oxylepis Sedge E 1 ~ 187 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, oontinued. Scientific name Common name Status SF Cavex pallesoens Carex physorhynaha Carex plantaginea Carex prasina Carex reniformis Cavex richardsonii Cavex vostvata Cavex socialis Carex stvi'atula Cavex styloflexa Cavex tons a Cavex tvispevma Cavex vividula Cavex woodii Cavya aquatic a Cavya pallida Castanea dentata Castilleoa sessiliflora Ceanothus ovatus Chamaedaphne aalyaulata Chamaeliviwn lutewn Chamaesyae poly goni folia Chimaphila maculata Chimaphila umbellata Cimioifuga racemosa Cimiaifuga rubi folia Cinna lati folia Civaaea alpina Civsium cavolinianim Cladiwn mavisooides Cladrastis lutea Clematis arispa Clematis vioma Comptonia peregvina Conioselinum chinense Corallovhiza maaulata Corispevmum hyssopi folium Covnus canadensis Covydalis aurea Corydalis halei Sedge E - - Sedge E 3 - Plantain-leaved sedge E 1 - Sedge E 1 - Sedge E 1 - Sedge - 1 - Sedge E - - Sedge _* - 2 Sedge E - - Sedge E 1 - Sedge E 1 - Sedge E 3 - Sedge E 3 - Sedge E - - Water hickory - - 4 Pale hickory E 1 - American chestnut E - - Downy yellow painted cup E 7 - Red-root E 3 - Leatherleaf T - 7 Fairy wand - - 3 Seaside spurge E 2 - Spotted wintergreen E 2 - Pipsissewa E - 1 Black cohosh E 1 1 Black cohosh _* - 3 Drooping wood reed E - - Small enchanter's nightshade E 1 - Carolina thistle E 3 - Twig rush T - 6 Ye How -wood E* 1 - Blue jasmine E 1 - Leatherflower E 1 - Sweet-fern E 4 - Hemlock parsley E 1 - Spotted coralroot orchid T - 3 Common bugseed - 2 - Bunchberry E 5 1 Golden corydalis E - - Corydalis E - - 188 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, continued. Scientific name Common name Status SF EF Corydalis sempervirens Cyperus tanaastriensis Cypripedium acaule Cypvipedium X andrewsii Cypripedium calceolus var . parviflorum Cypripedium candidum Cypripedium veginae Daucus pusillus Delphinium aarolinianum Dennstaedtia punatitobula Desohampsia cespitosa Dioclea multi flora Diroa palustris Dodeaatheon conethystinum Dodecatheon frenchii Draba ounei folia Drosera intermedia Drosera rotundifolia Dryopteris celsa Duliahium arundinaoeum Echinodorus tenellus Eleooharis equisetoides Eleoaharis olivacea Eleooharis parvula Eleoaharis pauoiflora Eleoaharis rostellata Epilobiim striatum Equisetum palustre Equisetum pratense Equisetum traahyodon Eriophorwn angustifolum Eriophorum virginicwn Eriophorum viridi-aarinatum Eryngium prostratwv Euonymus ameriaanus Eupatorium incamatwn Euphorbia spathulata Filipendula rubra Fimbristylis baldwiniana Fibristylis vahlii Pink corydalis E 1 - Galingale E 3 - Pink lady's slipper E 2 - Lady's slipper - 1 - Small lady's slipper E 2 _ White lady's slipper E* - 14 Showy lady's slipper E 3 - Small wild carrot E - - Wild blue larkspur - - 3 Hay-scented fern T - 6 Tufted hairgrass _ - 8 Dioclea E 1 - Leatherwood - - 1 Jeweled shooting star E 2 1 French's shooting star _* - 8 Whitlow grass E 1 - Narrow-leaved sundew T 1 8 Round- leaved sundew E 4 - Log fern E 1 - Three-way sedge - - 5 Small burhead E 2 _ Horsetail spike rush E 1 - Spike rush E 1 - Dwarf spike rush E 2 - Spike rush E - - Beaked spike rush T 6 - Downy willow herb T - 6 Marsh horsetail E - - Meadow horsetail E 2 - Horsetail - - 1 Narrow- leaved cotton gras s- - 3 Rusty cotton grass E 5 1 Tall cotton grass E 1 - Eryngo E 2 - Strawberry-bush T - 3 Thoroughwort E 2 - Spurge E - - Queen-of- the -prairie T - 2 Sedge E 2 - Sedge E 1 - 189 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, continued. Scientific name v^ommon name Status SF EF Fuirena sairpoides Galium labradoricum Galium trifidum Galium virgatum Gaultheria proaumbens Gaylussaaia baacata Geranium bicknellii Gerardia pediaularia Geum rivale Glyaeria arkansana Glyceria borealis Glyaeria canadensis Gnaphalium macounii Gymnoaarpium dryopteris Gynmopogon ambiguus Eabenaria ailaris Habenaria clavellata Eabenaria flava var. Habenaria flava var. Habenaria hookeri Umbrella sedge Bog bedstraw Small bedstraw Dwarf bedstraw Wintergreen Black huckleberry Northern cranesbill False foxglove Purple avens Manna grass Northern manna grass Rattlesnake manna grass Western cudweed Oak fern Beargrass Yellow fringed orchid Wood orchid flava Tubercled orchid herbiola Tubercled orchid Hooker's orchid Habenaria hyperborea Habenaria leuoophaea Habenaria peramoena Habenaria psycodes Habenaria viridis var Haakelia americana Halesia Carolina Helianthus angustifolius Helianthus giganteus Heliotropium tenellum Green orchid White fringed orchid Purple fringeless orchid Purple fringed orchid bracteata Bracted orchid Stickseed Silverbell Narrow- leaved sunflower Tall sunflower Slender heliotrope Hepatica americana Heteranthera reniformis Hexalectris spicata Hibiscus palustris Hottonia inflata Hudsonia tomentosa Hydrastis canadensis Hydrocotyle Hydrolea uni flora Hymenopappus scabiosaeus Round-lobed hepatica Mud plantain Crested coralroot orchid Swamp rose mallow Water featherfoil Beach heath Goldenseal Water pennywort Hydrolea Hymenopappus Hymenoxys acaulis var. Hypericum adpressum Hypericimi boreale glabra Lakeside daisy Creeping St. John's wort Northern St. John's wort E - - 13 E - - - - 12 E - - E 1 - E 1 _ E - - E - - E 3 - E 1 - E 1 - E 4 - E* 2 1 T* - 4 E - - _ _ 9 E* 6 - _* - 7 E 4 - - - 3 E 1 2 E 5 - T - 3 E 1 - E 1 - _ _ 1 E 2 - E 5 - - 2 - - 7 - E 2 - T* - 9 E 1 - E 1 - - - 2 E 1 _ E 1 - 190 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, continued. Scientific name Common name Status 3F EF Hypericum canadense Canadian St . John ' s wort 4 Hyperiaum densiflonm St. John's wort E 1 - Hypericum kalmianum Kalm's St. John's wort E 5 - Hypericum pyramidatum Great St. John's wort - - 2 Iliamna remota Kankakee mallow E* 1 - Iresine rhizomatosa Bloodleaf E 2 _ Iris fulva Swamp red iris T - 3 Isotria medeoloides Small whorled pogonia E* 1 - Isotria vertioillata IVhorled pogonia E 1 - Juncus alpinus Rush E 2 - Juncus vaseyi Vasey's rush E _ 1 Juniperus communis Common juniper T - 6 Juniperus horizontalis Trailing juniper E 2 - Justicia ovata Water willow E - - Laotuca hirsuta Wild lettuce E - - Lactuca ludoviciccna Prairie lettuce E - - Larix laricina Tamarack T - 6 Lathyrus maritirms Beach pea E 1 - Lathyrus ochroleucus Pale vetchling T 3 - Lechea intermedia Pinweed E 2 - Leptochloa panicoides Salt meadow grass E _ _ Lespedeza leptostachya Prairie bush-clover E* 3 - Lesquerella ludoviciana Silvery bladder pod E 1 - Lilium superbum Superb lily E 3 - Limnosciadium digitatum Limnosciadium E 1 - Lipocarpha maculata Sedge E - - Lonicera dioica Red honeysuckle - - 2 Lonioera flava Yellow honeysuckle T - 6 Luzula acuminata Wood rush E - - Lycopodium clavatum Running pine E 2 - Lycopodium dendroideum Ground pine E 1 _ Lycopodium inundatum Bog clubmoss E - - Lycopodium lucidulum Shining clubmoss - - 1 Lycopus ojnplectens Sessile water horehound E - - Lysimachia fraseri Loosestrife E 2 - Lysimachia radicans Creeping loosestrife E 2 - Malus angustifolia Narrow- leaved crab apple E - - Malvastrum angustum Globe mallow - 1 - Matelea decipiens Climbing milkweed E 1 - Matelea obliqua Climbing milkweed T - 4 Medeola virginiana Indian cucumber root E 1 - Melampyrum lineay^e Cow-wheat E - - Melanthera nivea Melanthera E 2 - 191 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, continued. Scientific name Common name Status SF EF Melothria pendula Mentzelia oligosperma Menyanthes trifotiata Microseris Guspidata Mimulus glabratus Monotropa hypopithys Muhlenbergia oapillaris Muhlenbergia auspidata Oenothera perennis Onosmodium molle Opuntia fragilis Orobanche fasaicutata Orobanche tudoviaiana Oryzopsis vacemosa Oxalis grandis Panax quinquef alius Panicim boreale Panicum columbianum Paniaum hians Panicum joovi Panicum tongifotiim Panicum mattamuskeetense Panicum nitidum Panicum ravenelii Panicum stipitatum Panicum yadkinense Paspalum bushii Paspalum dissectum Paspalum lentifemm Penstemon arkansanus Penstemon grandiflorus Petalostemum foliosum Phacelia gilioides Philadelphus pubescens Phlox Carolina subsp. angusta Phlox pilosa subsp. sangamonensis Physostegia intermedia Pinus banksiana Pinus echinata Pinus resinosa Creeping cucumber E 2 - Stickleaf - - 5 Buckbean - - 9 Prairie dandelion E 4 - Yellow monkey flower E 3 - Pinesap - - 2 Hair grass - 2 1 Prairie satin grass - - 4 Small sundrops E 2 - Marbleseed E* - - Prickly pear _ _ 1 Clustered broomrape E 3 1 Broomrape E 2 - Rice grass T - 9 Large wood sorrel E 4 - Ginseng T* - 13 Northern panic grass E - - Panic grass E - - Panic grass E 1 - Panic grass E 1 - Panic grass E - - Panic grass E 1 - Panic grass E 2 - Ravenel's panic grass E 1 - Panic grass E 1 - Panic grass E 1 - Bead grass E 1 - Bead grass E - - Bead grass E 1 - Beard-tongue - 1 - Large-flowered beard- tongue E 3 - Leafy prairie clover E* 4 - Phacelia E - - Mock orange E 1 - Phlox E - - Phlox E _ _ False dragonhead E - - Jack pine E 1 - Shortleaf pine E 3 - Red pine E 1 - 192 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, continued. Scientific name Common name Status SF EF Pinus strobus Planera aquatiaa Plantago cor data Plantago heterophytta Poa alsodes Poa autwmalis Poa languida Poa wolf a Pogonia ophioglossoides Polanisia jamesii Poly gala inoamata Polygonatum pubescens Polygonum ari folium Polygonum careyi Polygonum longistylum Polypremum procumbens Populus balsamifera Potamogeton fviesii Potamogeton gramineus Potamogeton praelongus Potamogeton pulcher Potamogeton vobbinsii Potamogeton strictifolius Potamogeton vaseyi Potentilla anserina Potentilla fruticosa Potentilla millegrana Potentilla palustris Primula mistassinioa Prunus pumita Ptilimnium costatum Ptilinmium nuttallii Pucainellia pallida Pyonanthemwn albescens Pycnanthemum torrei Pyrola americana Pyrola secunda Quercus nuttallii Quercus phellos Quercus prinus White pine - - 6 Water elm T 5 - Heart-leaved plantain E* - 3 Small plantain E - - Woodland bluegrass E 3 - Bluegrass E 1 - Woodland bluegrass E 1 - Meadow bluegrass E - - Snake-mouth orchid E 3 - Clammy weed T - 3 Pink milkwort E 4 - Small Solomon's seal E - 1 Tear thumb E 1 - Carey's smartweed E - - Smartweed E 1 - Polypremum - 1 - Balsam poplar E 4 - Pondweed - - 1 Pondweed E - - Pondweed E - - Pondweed E _ - Pondweed E - 1 Pondweed E - - Pondweed E - - Silverweed - - 2 Shrubby cinque foil - - 9 Cinquefoil E - - Marsh cinquefoil - - 12 Bird's-eye primrose E* 1 - Sand cherry - - 5 Mock bishop's weed E - 3 Mock bishop's weed E - - Alkali grass E - - White mountain mint E 1 - Mountain mint E 1 - Wild lily-of-the-valley E - - One-sided shinleaf E - 1 Nuttall's oak E 2 - Willow oak T - 4 Rock chestnut oak T - 2 193 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, aontinued. Scientific name Common name Status SF EF Ranunculus ambigens Spearwort E . _ Ranunculus oymbalaria Seaside crowfoot E - - Ranunculus haweyi Harvey's buttercup - - 3 Ranunculus rhomboideus Prairie buttercup T - 2 Rharmus alnifolia Alder buckthorn E 1 1 Rhexia mariana Meadow beauty - - 1 Rhododendron prinophyllum Pink azalea - - 4 Rhus vevnix Poison sumac - - 8 Rhynchospora alba White beak-rush T 6 1 Rhynchospora capillacea Hair beak-rush - - 1 Rhynchospora globularis Small beak-rush ■ E - - Rhynchospora glomerata Beak-rush E 1 - Rhynchospora macros tachy a Beak-rush E - - Ribes hirtellum Northern gooseberry E 1 - Rorippa islandica subsp. hispida Marsh cress E - 1 Rorippa trunoata Yellow cress E - - Rubus enslenii Dewberry E 1 - Rubus odoratus Purple flowering raspberry E 2 - Rubus pubesoens Dwarf raspberry E - - Rubus setosus Bristly blackberry E - 1 Rudbeckia fulgida Orange coneflower - - 9 Rudbeckia missouriensis Missouri coneflower E 5 - Rumex hastatulus Sour dock E - - Sabatia campestris Prairie rose gentian E - - Sagittaria longirostra Arrowhead E 1 - Salix Candida Hoary willow - - 17 Salix lucida Shining willow - - 4 Salix pedicellaris Bog willow - - 12 Salix serissima Autumn willow E 2 - Salix syrticola Dune willow E 1 - Salvia azurea subsp. pitcheri Blue sage T - 3 Sambucus pubens Red-berried elder T - 3 Sanguisorba canadensis American burnet E 1 - Sarracenia purpurea Pitcher plant E 7 1 Saxifraga forbesii Forbes' saxifrage _* - 3 Saxifraga virginiensis Early saxifrage E 3 - Scheuohzeria palustris Arrow-grass E 1 - Schizachne purpurascens False melic grass E - - Scirpus oespitosus Bulrush E 3 - Scirpus hallii Bulrush E 1 - Scirpus hattorianus Bulrush E _ - Scirpus koilolepis Bulrush - 1 - Scirpus miorocarpus Bulrush E - - 194 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, continued. Scientific name Common name Status SF EF Scirpus paludosus Sairpus pediaellatus Scirpus polyphyllus Scirpus puTshianus Sairpus smithii Scirpus torreyi Scirpus verecundus Scteria reticularis Saleria vertiaillata Sedwn telephioides Sesbania exaltata Shepherdia canadensis Silene regia Sisyrinchium atlantioum Sisyrinchium montanum Smilax herhacea Solidago arguta Solidago remota Solidago soiaphila Sorbus americana Sparganium americanum Sparganium chloroaarpum Sphaeralaea angusta Spiraea tomentosa Spiranthes tucida Spiranthes romanzoffiana Spiranthes vemalis Stachys clingmanii Stellaria pubera Stenanthium gramineum Stylisma pickeringii Styrax americana Sty rax grandifotia Sullivantia reni folia Synandra hispidula Talinum calycinum Talinum parviflorum Talinum rugospermum Thalia dealbata Thelypteris noveboracensis Thelypteris phegopteris Thismia americana Thuja ocoidentalis Alkali bulrush E 1 Bulrush E - Leafy bulrush T - Weak bulrush E 1 Bulrush E - Bulrush E - Bulrush E 1 Netted nut rush E - Low nut rush - - American orpine - - Sesbania _ 1 Canadian buffalo-berry E 3 Royal catchfly E - Blue-eyed grass E 2 Mountain blue-eyed grass E - Carrion flower - 1 Goldenrod E 1 Goldenrod E 1 Cliff goldenrod T - Mountain ash E 1 Bur-reed E 1 Green-fruited bur-: reed E - Globe mallow E - Hardback - - Early ladies' tresses E 1 Hooded ladies' tresses E 1 Ladies' tresses E 2 Hedge-nettle E 1 Great chickweed E 1 Grass-leaved lily T - Patterson's bindwei sd T 4 Storax T - Big-leaf snowbell 1 bush E 1 Sullivantia T* 5 Synandra E* 4 Large flower-of-an -hour E 1 Small flower-of-an -hour - - Flameflower - - Thalia E 1 New York fern E 1 Long beech fern E 2 Thismia E* - Arbor vitae T - 195 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, continued. Scientific name Common name Status SF EF Tilia heterophylla Tofieldia glutinosa Tradescantia hraoteata Triadenum virginiaum Trichomanes bosahianum Trientalis bovealis Tri folium reflexum Triglochin maritima Triglochin patustris Trillium aemuum Trillium cuneatum Trillium ereotum Trillium viride Ulmus thomasi Urtiea chamaedrijoides Utricularia aornuta Utrioularia intermedia Utricularia minor Vaccinium angusti folium Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium macrocarpon Vaccinium myrtilloides Vaccinium stamineum Valeriana uliginosa Valerianella intermedia Valerianella umbilicata Veratrum woodii Veronica americana Veronica scutellata Viburnum molle Viola canadensis Viola conspersa Viola incognita Viola pallens Viola primuli folia Viola pubescens Viola viarum Waldsteinia fragarioides Woodsia ilvensis Woodwardia areolata White basswood False asphodel Prairie spiderwort Pink St. John's wort Filmy fern Star-flower Buffalo clover Arrow-grass Arrow- grass Nodding trillium Tri Hum Purple trillium Green trillium Rock elm Nettle Horned bladderwort Flat-leaved bladderwort Small bladderwort Early low blueberry High-bush blueberry American cranberry Canada blueberry Deerberry Valerian Com salad Com salad False hellebore American brooklime Marsh speedwell Arrowwood White violet Dog violet White violet Smooth white violet Primrose violet Downy yellow violet Violet Barren strawberry Rusty woodsia Netted chain fern E 3 - T 7 - E - - E - - _ - 6 T - 5 E 1 - E 7 - E 4 - E - - B _ - E - 1 T - - E 2 - E 1 - E 1 - E 3 - E - - - - 13 E 4 - E 5 _ - - 2 E 1 - E 1 - E - - E - - T* - 2 E - - T - - E 2 - E 1 _ T - 1 E 1 - - _ 6 E 2 - - - 1 E - - E 1 - E 3 - 196 Table 13. Rare, threatened, and endangered vascular plants, continued. Scientific name Common name Status SF EF Woodwardia vivginiaa Chain fern E - - Xyvis torta Twisted yellow-eyed grass - - 8 Zigadenus glauous White camass E 1 - Zizania aquatioa Wild rice - - 2 197 Appendix 4. PHYSIOGRAPHIC UNITS The Inventory classified natural areas according to the Physio- graphic Divisions of Illinois . The classification consists of divisions, provinces, and sections, outlined by Fenneman (1928). The subdivisions of sections are by Leighton, et al. (1948). All the units are individ- ually continuous, with no outliers or inliers, and a particular natural area was placed in only one physiographic unit. The physiographic unit was determined for 939 natural areas. Table 14 presents the physiographic unit classification and gives the percentage of natural areas in each physiographic unit. Because the classification is a hierarchy of successively smaller subdivisions of Illinois, the percentages are given only for the finest subdivisions. For example, 12% of the areas are in the IVheaton Morainal Country and 2% are in the Chicago Lake Plain: consequently, 14% are in the Great Lakes Section, although this figure is not in the table. 198 Table 14. Physiographic units. Percent of all Unit natural areas Interior Plains Division Central Lowland Province Wisconsin Driftless Section 2 Great Lakes Section IVheaton Morainal Country 12 Chicago Lake Plain 2 Till Plains Section Rock River Hill Country 8 Green River Lowland 1 Galesburg Plain 8 Kankakee Plain 5 Bloomington Ridged Plain 13 Springfield Plain 13 Mt. Vernon Hill Country 6 Dissected Till Plains Section 1 Interior Low Plateaus Province Shawnee Hills Section 14 Interior Highlands Division Ozark Plateaus Province Lincoln Hills Section 4 Salem Plateau Section 6 Atlantic Plain Division Coastal Plains Province East Gulf Coastal Plain Section 4 Mississippi Alluvial Plain Section 0.1 199 Appendix 5. MAJOR TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES Dr. H. B. Willman of the Illinois State Geological Survey developed a classification of maior topographic features specially for the Natural Areas Inventory. The major topographic features are large geographic areas, but they are smaller than the physiographic units described in Appendix 4. A physiographic unit has several major topographic features, and occasionally one natural area may have more than one major topograph- ic feature. Table 15 outlines the classification of major topographic features and gives the number of times each term was used to describe a site. (The major topographic feature was determined for 937 natural areas.) The figures in the frequency column give the number of times each term was actually used, not the number of times each term could have been used. The classification is a hierarchy, and the more general terms were used only when a finer subdivision was undesirable or unattainable. For example, 46 areas were described as a flat till plain (with thick, medium, or thin loess), but one additional area was simply described as a flat till plain without regard to the loess thickness. The classification describes the topographic situation of an area in broad terms (plains, hill country, lowlands, etc.) subdivided by genetic differences (till plains, dunic plains, sinkhole plains, etc.), and it includes the thickness of the loess. Because some areas identified by the Inventory are very small, it was necessary to include the larger in- dividual features of valleys (bottomland, terrace, and valley wall) in the classification. This made it possible, for instance, to describe a hill prairie as being on a valley wall, which is more informative than classifying it as part of a dissected till plain. The major subdivisions are defined as follows: Uplands. — Surfaces above and between major valleys; generally the highest surface in a region. Lowlands. — Surfaces below the uplands and above the alluvial plains of the major rivers; in effect, extensive terraces. 200 Valleys. — Floodplains, terraces, and valley walls and slopes of major rivers, and directly related areas dissected by tribu- tary ravines. The terms for till plains are defined as follows: Flat till plain. — Less than 5% valleys, hills, or ridges. Ridged till plain. — Less than 5% valleys, with 5 to 50% hills and ridges; intended for moraines and ground moraines. Slightly dissected till plain. — Between 5 and 10% valleys or ra- vines. Moderately dissected till plain. — Between 10 and 30% valleys. Strongly dissected till plain. — Between 30 and 75% valleys. Areas with more than 75% dissected till plain are termed hill country. Loess thickness is defined with three ranges, which divide the state into three approximately equal areas: Thick. — Greater than 12 feet. Medium. — Between 4 and 12 feet. Thin. — Less than 4 feet. 201 Table 15. Major topographic features, Frequency Feature Uplands Plains 1 Flat till plain 1 Flat till plain (thick loess) 20 Flat till plain (medium loess) 25 Flat till plain (thin loess) Ridged till plain Ridged till plain (thick loess) 5 Ridged till plain (medium loess) 11 Ridged till plain (thin loess) Slightly dissected till plain 3 Slightly dissected till plain (thick loess) 19 Slightly dissected till plain (medium loess) 6 Slightly dissected till plain (thin loess) Moderately dissected till plain 4 Moderately dissected till plain (thick loess) 21 Moderately dissected till plain (medium loess) 13 Moderately dissected till plain (thin loess) Strongly dissected till plain 23 Strongly dissected till plain (thick loess) 50 Strongly dissected till plain (medium loess) 29 Strongly dissected till plain (thin loess) 4 Erosional plain 2 Erosional plain (thick loess) 3 Erosional plain (medium loess) 4 Erosional plain (thin loess) Sinkhole plain 11 Sinkhole plain (thick loess) 1 Sinkhole plain (medium loess) Sinkhole plain (thin loess) Upland dunic plain 5 Upland dunic plain (thick loess) Upland dunic plain (medium loess) Upland dunic plain (thin loess) Upland outwash plain 1 Upland outwash plain (thick loess) Upland outwash plain (medium loess) 9 Upland outwash plain (thin loess) Hill country Glacial hills 1 Glacial hills (thick loess) 9 Glacial hills (medium loess) 51 Glacial hills (thin loess) 3 Eolian hills 4 Eolian hills (thick loess) Eolian hills (medium loess) 202 Table 15. Major topographic features, continued. Frequency Feature 4 Eolian hills (thin loess) 6 Erosional hills in bedrock 81 Erosional hills in bedrock (thick loess] 93 Erosional hills in bedrock (medium loess) 4 Erosional hills in bedrock (thin loess) Erosional hills in glacial drift 10 Erosional hills in glacial drift (thick loess) 20 Erosional hills in glacial drift (medium loess) 8 Erosional hills in glacial drift (thin loess) Erosional hills in nonglacial, unconsolidated materials 7 Erosional hills in nonglacial, unconsolidated materials (thick loess) 4 Erosional hills in nonglacial, unconsolidated materials (medium loess) 3 Erosional hills in nonglacial, unconsolidated materials (thin loess) Lowlands Lowland till plain Lowland till plain (thick loess) Lowland till plain (medium loess) Lowland till plain (thin loess) 34 Lake plain 1 Lake plain (thick loess) 6 Lake plain (medium loess) 36 Lake plain (thin loess) 1 Lowland dunic plain Lowland dunic plain (thick loess) 2 Lowland dunic plain (medium loess) 14 Lowland dunic plain (thin loess) Lowland outwash plain Lowland outwash plain (thick loess) 3 Lowland outwash plain (medium loess) 4 Lowland outwash plain (thin loess) 2 Valleys 181 Bottomland 25 Terrace Terrace (thick loess) 8 Terrace (medium loess) 28 Terrace (thin loess) 30 Valley wall 85 Valley wall (thick loess) 35 Valley wall (medium loess) 30 Valley wall (thin loess) 203 Appendix 6. INDIVIDUAL TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES Dr. H. B. Willman devised a classification of individual topographic features to accompany the major topographic features in Appendix 5. The individual features (Table 16) are classified according to origin, with a few general terms (such as depression and hill) for features that could be classified separately under several different origins. The classifi- cation attempts to provide the most information possible about an area with only a few terms. The definitions follow general usage in Illinois. Definitions of Terms H. B. Willman General features Bluff. — High, steep slope or cliff. Cliff. — Nearly vertical slope, generally in consolidated rocks, but in places sustained by a hard caprock overlying softer rocks. Depression. — Area completely surrounded by higher land. Escarpment. — Line of cliffs, generally developed in one rock unit and extending a long distance, even though interrupted by valleys. Hill. — Slope not as steep as a cliff; an isolated elevation or a segment of a valley wall. Knob. — Steep-sloped, isolated, more or less conical hill. Mound. — Isolated hill, gentle to steep-sloped and conical to elon- gate. Plain. — Relatively flat area which may be part of an upland, low- land, or former lake bottom. Ridge. — Elongated hill. Terrace. — Bench above the floodplain and below the upland; generally a segment of a former level of erosion or deposition in a val- ley. Depositional features Running water Alluvial fan. — Fan-shaped deposit made by a creek where it dis- charges from a valley and loses velocity as it spreads onto 204 Table 16. Individual topographic features, Feature Frequency General features Cliff 85 Depression 50 Escarpment 25 Hill 46 Knob 21 Mound 2 Plain 85 Ridge 37 Terrace 45 Depositional features Running water Alluvial fan 8 Crevasse ridge .... 3 Esker 3 Floodplain 206 Kame 6 Kame terrace Natural levee 4 Outwash plain 18 River bar 13 Valley train 34 Gravity Landslide 2 Slump 1 Talus 4 Colluvial Alluvial cone 1 Mudflow Lacustrine Beach 8 Delta 1 Lake bar 9 Ring mound 1 Spit 2 Glacial Drumlin End moraine 89 Ground moraine . . . .140 Interlobate moraine. . Kettle 5 Swale 3 Swell 2 Feature Frequency Eolian Barchan 2 Dune 52 Paha 2 Erosional features Running water Badland 3 Canyon 18 Channel 4 Col 1 Crevasse valley Diversion channel. ... 4 Divide Falls 1 Fault-line scarp .... 8 Gorge Gulley 22 Hogback 4 Meander 5 Ravine 288 Scour surface 10 Slip-off slope 2 Valley 22 Valley wall 242 Weathering Natural arch 1 Natural bridge 1 Eolian Blowout 20 Glacial Ice-shove mound 3 Lacustrine Beach 1 Bluff 6 Solutional features Sinkhole 26 205 Depositional features, cont. a floodplain, lake plain, or terrace; grades and intertongues with colluvial features--alluvial cones and mudflows--along the base of steep slopes. Crevasse ridge. — Nearly straight ridge of gravel and sand deposited in a crevasse in a glacier; a type of esker. Esker. — Ridge formed largely of gravel and sand deposited by melt- water in a channel on, in, or under a glacier. Floodplain. — Area of bottomland in a valley generally subject to an- nual or more frequent flooding and underlain by slackwater deposits. Kame. — Roughly conical hill formed largely by deposition of sand and gravel in nearly vertical tunnels in or at the margin of a gla- cier. Kame terrace. — Complex of kames roughly forming a bench along the former margin of an ice sheet. Natural levee. — Ridge on the edge of a floodplain bordering the river channel, resulting from deposition of relatively coarse material, mostly sand, when the river loses velocity as it overflows onto the floodplain. Outwash plain. — Relatively flat surface underlain by gravel and sand deposited by meltwater flowing from the front of a glacier. River bar. — Elongate, generally oval -shaped ridge, largely of sand deposited in the channel of a river or creek. Includes sand, gravel, and rubble bars. Valley train. — Long, narrow body of outwash confined within a valley. Gravity Landslide. — General term for earth materials displaced by gravity; commonly used for rough-surfaced area consisting of broken and jumbled blocks of rock that have fallen and slid from the upper part of steep slopes and bluffs. Slump. — Dislodged blocks or step-like segments of a steep slope that have moved slowly downhill by successive ruptures roughly par- allel to the slope. Talus. — Unsorted accumulation of rock fragments, generally lacking a soil cover, at the base of a cliff and resulting from intermit- tent dislodgement of the materials from the cliff by weathering and animal activities. Colluvial Alluvial cone. — Small, steep-sloped, roughly conical accumulation of poorly sorted colluvium at the mouth of a sharp galley in a steep slope. 206 Depositionat features, cont. Mudflow. — Colluvium deposited by a slurry-like mixture of water and earth material flowing from steep to low slopes onto a flat area; generally with lower surface gradients and smoother sur- face than alluvial fans. Lacustrine Beach. Linear, gently sloping surface smoothed by wave action along the shore of a lake; underlain by sand or pebbly sand. Delta. — Gently sloping, roughly fan-shaped surface along the shore of a lake; formed by deposition of sediments at the mouth of a stream or river. Lake bar. — Elongate, generally oval -shaped ridge, largely of sand deposited in a lake. Ring mound. — Small circular ridge, possibly a remnant of a glacial pingo, a dome-shaped layer of frozen ground which upon melting had a temporary central lake surrounded by material that now remains in a ridge. Found in Illinois only in an area at and near DeKalb. Spit. — Bar of sand and silt built by longshore currents from the shore of a lake across, or partly across, the mouth of a val- ley or any indentation in the shoreline. Glacial Drumlin. — Elongate, oval, steep-sided ridge of glacial drift, mostly till, oriented in the direction of ice movement, the steeper end facing the direction from which the glacier advanced. End moraine. — Rough-surfaced ridge of glacial drift distinguished by more and steeper-sloped knobs and swales than on the bordering ground moraine. Ground moraine. — Area of glacial drift with less surface relief than the bordering end moraine. Interlobate moraine. — End moraine topography formed at the junction of two glacial lobes. fettZe.— Steep-sided depression in glacial drift formed by melting of a block of ice surrounded by drift which is commonly sand and gravel. Swale. — Broad, shallow depression in a till plain. Sv)ell. — Broad, low hill in a till plain. Eolian Barchan. — Crescent-shaped dune, the points of which are drawn out in the direction of wind movement. Dune.— Will or ridge of wind-blown sand, generally characterized by a relatively steep slope on the downwind, advancing side of the dune. 207 Depositional features, cont. Paha. — Hill or ridge consisting largely of relatively coarse-grained, weakly bedded loess, but generally containing layers of wind- blown sand; generally oval and steep-sloped with the long axis parallel to the dominant wind direction. Evosional features Running water Badland. — Area intricately dissected by steep-sloped gulleys. Canyon. — Valley with nearly vertical walls and a narrow floor, gen- erally not as wide as the walls are high. Channel. — Generally smooth -surfaced depression with steep-sided mar- gins occupied, or formerly occupied, by a river or creek. Col. — Low area in a divide between two drainage lines; a small pass. Crevasse valley. — Linear, nearly straight depression in a till plain formed by erosion of a stream flowing in a glacial crevasse. Diversion channel. — Segment of a valley, generally steep-walled, re- sulting from diversion of a river, usually by a glacier but al- so by flooding across a divide. Divide. — Crest of a ridge separating two drainage basins. Falls. — Cliff in a river or creek where water descends vertically or nearly so. Fault-line scarp. — Cliff resulting from a fault that places a hard formation adjacent to a soft formation, followed by erosion that removes more of the soft formation. Gorge. — Steep-sided, narrow-bottomed segment of a valley, or a small narrow channel within a canyon. Gulley. — Small ravine, generally steep-sided, narrow-bottomed, and short. Hogback. — Asymmetrical ridge developed in dipping rocks, the steep face cutting across the bedding, and the gentle slope parallel- ing the bedding. Meander. — River or creek channel in the form of a loop. Ravine. — Steep-sloped, narrow-bottomed valley, less steeply walled than a canyon. Scour surface. — Rough, irregularly channeled surface produced by torrential currents. Slip-off slope. — Surface preserved in the inside of a meander as a result of progressive widening and deepening, and generally marked by parallel ridges of sand and gravel marking successive stages of growth of the meander. 208 Erosional features , cont . Valley. — Elongate depression excavated principally by running water and bounded by the tops of the valley walls. Also used as a general term to include the entire area drained by a river or creek. Valley wall. — The slope from the upland to the valley floor or bottomland. Weathering Natural arch. — Arch formed by weathering out a relatively soft area of rock face on a valley wall. Natural bridge. — Isolated arch or ledge of rock bridging a stream and resulting from weathering and stream erosion of less re- sistant surrounding rocks. Eolian Blowout. — Depression in a sandy area caused by wind removing sand. Glacial Ice-shove mound. — Hill composed of bedrock dislodged by a glacier. Lacustrine Beach. — Linear, gently sloping surface produced by wave action alonj the shore of a lake. Solutional features Sinkhole. — Depression, generally steep-sided and conical, formed by collapse of the roof of a cave or by solution of limestone or dolomite; or, in areas of thick loess, by flowage of the loess into open joints in the bedrock. 209 Appendix 7. GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS Table 17 lists the geologic formations in Illinois, according to Handbook of Illinois Stratigraphy by Willman, et al . (1975), and gives the number of times each formation was recognized in a natural area. Table 17. Geologic formations. Formation Frequency Formation Frequency Mt. Simon Sandstone Eau Claire Formation Galesville Sandstone Ironton Sandstone Cambrian System Franconia Formation Potosi Dolomite Eminence Formation Jordan Sandstone Ordovioian System Gunter Sandstone Oneota Dolomite 1 New Richmond Sandstone 2 Shakopee Dolomite 2 Everton Dolomite St. Peter Sandstone 22 Dutchtown Limestone Joachim Dolomite 2 Glenwood Formation 3 Pecatonica Formation 7 Mifflin Formation 6 Grand Detour Formation 11 Nachusa Formation 9 Quimbys Mill Formation 4 Spechts Ferry Formation 2 Kings Lake Formation Guttenberg Formation 5 Dunleith Formation 15 Wise Lake Formation 17 Dubuque Formation 2 Cape Limestone 1 Scales Shale 11 Fort Atkinson Limestone 3 Brainard Shale 7 Neda Formation 1 Girardeau Limestone 1 Silurian System Wilhelmi Formation 2 Elwood Formation 1 Kankakee Formation 7 Joliet Formation 12 Sugar Run Formation 9 Racine Formation 8 Mosalem Formation 6 Tete des Morts Formation 2 Blanding Formation 3 Sweeney Formation 3 Marcus Formation 3 Edgewood Formation 9 Sexton Creek Limestone 6 St. Clair Limestone 2 Moccasin Springs Formation -- 210 Table 17. Geologic formations, cont-inued. Formation Frequency Formation Frequency Bailey Limestone Grassy Knob Chert Backbone Limestone Clear Creek Chert Grand Tower Limestone Lingle Formation Alto Formation Sylamore Sandstone Glen Park Formation Hannibal Shale Chouteau Limestone Springville Shale Borden Siltstoiie Fort Payne Formation McCraney Limestone Prospect Hill Siltstone Starrs Cave Limestone Meppen Limestone Fern Glen Formation Burlington Limestone Keokuk Limestone Warsaw Shale Sonora Formation Ullin Limestone Salem Limestone St. Louis Limestone Ste. Genevieve Limestone Aux Vases Sandstone Devonian System Blocher Shale Sweetland Creek Shale Grassy Creek Shale Wapsipinicon Limestone Cedar Valley Limestone Saverton Shale Louisiana Limestone Mississippian System 5 1 12 5 3 3 Renault Limestone 13 26 Yankeetown Sandstone 9 10 Downeys Bluff Limestone 8 3 Bethel Sandstone 8 -- Ridenhower Formation 4 3 Cypress Sandstone 6 3 Beech Creek Limestone 3 1 Fraileys Shale 8 -- Haney Limestone 11 7 Hardinsburg Sandstone 11 5 Glen Dean Limestone 9 37 Tar Springs Sandstone 6 12 Vienna Limestone 2 13 Waltersburg Formation 2 3 Menard Limestone 4 4 Palestine Sandstone 3 24 Clore Formation 5 37 Degonia Sandstone 6 15 Kinkaid Limestone 24 9 Grove Church Shale 1 Caseyville Formation Abbott Formation Spoon Formation Carbondale Formation Pennsylvanian System 68 23 20 27 Modesto Formation Bond Formation Mattoon Formation 19 15 Tuscaloosa Formation McNairy Formation Cretaceous System Owl Creek Formation Baylis Formation Table 17. Geologic formations, continued. 211 Formation Frequency Formation Frequency Tertiary System Clayton Formation 1 Porters Creek Formation 2 Wilcox Formation 3 Mounds Gravel Grover Gravel Quaternary System Enion Formation 3 Henry Formation 97 Banner Formation 11 Wedron Formation 195 Glasford Formation 188 Morton Loess 2 Pearl Formation 3 Richland Loess 223 Petersburg Silt 1 Peoria Loess 474 Teneriffe Silt 1 Lake Michigan Formation 8 Loveland Silt 6 Cahokia Alluvium 231 Winnebago Formation 15 Parkland Sand 70 Roxana Silt 18 Grays lake Peat 46 Robein Silt 3 Lacon Formation — Peddicord Formation -- Peyton Colluvium 12 Equality Formation 78 212 Appendix 8. SOIL ASSOCIATIONS Soil associations were recorded for 827 natural areas, using the classification and map developed by Fehrenbacher, et al. (1967). The 26 soil associations are in Table 18, with the percentage of Illinois occu- pied by each association and the percentage of the 827 natural areas that have soils in each particular association. For example. Association A covers 13.2% of Illinois, and 2.4% of the natural areas have soils in Association A. The percentages for the natural area column total greater than 100, because many areas have more than one soil association. 213 Table 18. Soil associations, Percent Percent of all Soil association of state natural areas DARK-COLORED SOILS Developed primarily from loess A Joy--Tama--Muscatine--Ipava--Sable 13.2 2.4 B Sidell--Catlin--Flanagan--Druiiuner 7.2 1.5 C Wenona--Rutland--Streator 0.3 0.0 Harrison--Herrick--Virden 2.7 0.1 E Oconee-Cowden--Piasa 1.9 0.4 F Hoyleton--Cisne--Huey 5.0 1.0 Developed primarily from glacial drift G Warsaw--Carmi--Rodman 0.6 1.6 H Ringwood--Griswold--Durand 0.4 1.2 1 LaRose--Saybrook--Lisbon 2.5 1.0 J Elliott--Ashkum--Andres 3.7 1.8 K Swygert--Bryce--Clarence--Rowe 2.2 1.3 LIGHT-COLORED SOILS Developed primarily from loess L Seaton--Fayette--Stronghurst 5.8 9.2 M Birkbeck--Ward--Russell 2.4 4.5 N Clary--Clinton--Keomah 8.0 6.2 Stookey--Alford--Muren 1.8 8.0 P Hosmer--Stoy--Weir 5.9 11.0 Q Ava--Bluford--Wynoose 8.3 3.6 R Grantsburg--Robbs--Wellston 1.2 4.8 Developed primarily from glacial drift S Fox--Homer--Casco 0.3 1.3 T McHenry-- Lapeer- -Pecatonica 0.6 1.2 U Strawn--Miami 0.2 0.8 V Morley--Blount--Beecher--Eylar 1.8 6.0 DARK AND LIGHT-COLORED SOILS Developed primarily from mediidm and fine- textured outwash W Littleton- -Proctor- -Piano- -Camden- - Hurst--Ginat 12.1 12.1 Developed primarily from sandy material X Hagener--Ridgeville--Bloomfield--Alvin. . . 3.4 11.0 Developed primarily from medium-textured material on bedrock Y Channahon--Dodgeville--Dubuque--Derinda . . 1.5 3.6 214 Table 18. Soil associations, continued. Percent Percent of all Soil Association of state natural areas DARK AND LIGHT-COLORED SOILS, cont. Developed primarily from alluvium Z Lawson- -Beaucoup- -Darwin- -Haymond-- Belknap. 7.0 24.7 215 Appendix 9. FOREST COVER TYPES The forest cover type according to the Society of American Foresters (1967) classification was recorded for 996 plant communities. Table 19 lists the SAF cover types noted in natural areas, and gives the number of times each was found. 216 Table 19. Society of American Foresters' forest cover types, SAF cover type Frequency 14. Northern pin oak 13 20. IVhite pine--northern red oak--white ash 1 26. Sugar maple- -basswood 30 27. Sugar maple 21 37. Northern white cedar 1 38. Tamarack 4 39. Black ash--American elm--red maple 17 40. Post oak--black oak 141 41. Scarlet oak 1 42. Bur oak 20 44. Chestnut oak 1 46. Eastern redcedar 5 48. Eastern redcedar- -hardwood 20 50. Black locust 6 52. White oak--red oak--hickory 249 53. White oak 136 54. Northern red oak--basswood--white oak 65 55. Northern red oak 13 57. Yellow poplar 3 59. Yellow poplar--white oak--northern red oak 5 60. Beech--sugar maple 20 61. River birch--sycamore 5 62. Silver maple --American elm 89 63. Cottonwood 19 64. Sassafras--persimmon 5 65. Pin oak--sweetgum 33 76. Shortleaf pine--oak 1 87. Sweetgum- -yellow poplar 2 91. Swamp chestnut oak--cherrybark oak 13 92. Sweetgum--Nuttall ' s oak--willow oak 1 93. Sugarberry--American elm--green ash 3 94. Sycamore- -pecan- -American elm 6 95. Black willow 15 96. Overcup oak--water hickory 1 101. Baldcypress 9 102. Baldcypress-water tupelo 16 103. Water tupelo 3 217 Appendix 10. STREAM SYSTEMS Smith C1971) developed a classification of Illinois streams based on their fishes. The 33 stream systems recognized by Smith are listed in Table 20, with the percentage of the 1089 natural areas in each system. Table 20. Stream systems. Percent of all Stream system natural areas Galena River system 1 Apple River system 1 Plum River system 1 Rock River--Green River system 11 Edwards River system 1 Henderson Creek system 1 Bear Creek system 2 The Sny--Bay Creek system 3 Des Plaines River system 11 Fox River system 7 Little Vermilion (of the north) River system 0.2 Big Bureau Creek system 1 Kankakee River--Iroquois River system 4 Mazon Creek system 1 Vermilion (of the north) River system 2 Kickapoo Creek system 2 Spoon River system , 1 La Moine River system 2 Mackinaw River system 3 Sangamon River system 4 lndian--Sandy--Apple--Macoupin--Otter Creek system 3 Wood River--Cahokia Creek system 2 Kaskaskia River--Marys River system 6 Big Muddy River system 6 Clear Creek--Horseshoe Lake system 2 Cache River system 6 Massac--Bay--Lusk--Big Grand Pierre--Big Creek system 7 Saline River system 2 Little Wabash River system 2 Bonpas Creek system 0-4 Embarras River system 3 Tributaries of Wabash River in Crawford, Clark, and Edgar cos.. 1 Little Vermilion- -Vermilion River system 2 218 Appendix 11. USES OF NATURAL AREAS Table 21 lists 19 use categories, with the percentage of all areas, and the percentage of Category I areas, in each of the categories. Table 21. Uses of natural areas. Percent of all Percent of Use category natural areas Cat. I areas No apparent use 31 32 Low- intensity uses Low-intensity recreation (hiking, hunting, boating, etc.) 34 40 Research and education visits 23 17 Wildlife or fish management 3 3 Other low-intensity uses 0.4 0.7 Resource exploitation and high-intensity uses Logging (within the past year) 3 2 Grazing (within the past year) 10 8 Mining (within the past year) 1 2 Intensive agriculture (rowcrops, hayfields, orchards, etc.) 7 7 High-intensity recreation (playgrounds, campgrounds, motorcycle trails, etc.) . . 4 5 Other high-intensity uses 0.3 0.2 Intrusions Improved roads 10 8 Railroads 9 10 Artificial water impoundments 1 1 Buildings 7 7 Utility corridors (pipelines, powerlines, etc.) 3 5 Cemeteries 3 5 Dumps 1 0.2 Other intrusions 1 1 219 Appendix 12. MANAGEMENT NEEDS Table 22 sununarizes (IJ the kinds of major management needs identi- fied in the natural areas, (2) the part of the natural area affected by the management problem, and (3) the effort needed to correct or contain the problem. The management needs are listed in five categories: (1) Control of human overuse and abuse includes actions to stop or limit such activities as trampling, littering, vandalism, and theft of walnut trees. (2) Exam- ples of vegetation and animal management include control of woody invasion of prairies, control of competing organisms that threaten to eliminate an endangered species, and control of exotic species. (3) Inaompatibte uses on the natural area or adjacent land include grazing and trash dumping. (4) Removal of roads and buildings is often necessary because they are nuisances that encourage uses incompatible with maintaining the natural area. (5) Water levels sometimes must be restored to natural levels; and soil erosion, usually started or accelerated by people, is often a prob- lem. The impact of the management problem is described according to the land condition class affected: (1) The significant feature is the part of the natural area that includes the feature that is the reason for iden- tifying the natural area. (2) Natural land is any Grade A, B, or C land. (3) Buffer land is any Grade D or E land outside the significant feature. Fieldworkers estimated the effort required to correct a problem or to continually maintain an area where the problem cannot be eliminated. An example of management work that may correct a problem with one effort is removal of an old, abandoned trash dump. A use that is incompatible with an area's natural features (such as a road) may require a strong measure (a barricade) and continual vigilance (repair of the barricade), if the use is a long-standing tradition. Many problems with vandalism or trampling by visitors may be uncontrollable if the area is left open to the public. 220 The following table summarizes information from 100 randomly select- ed natural areas, and the percentages probably are representative of all natural areas identified by the Inventory. Management problems were noted in 76 of the 100 areas, and a total of 126 problems were identified in these 76 areas. The percentages in the impact section total more than 100%, because some management problems affect more than one of the three land condition classes. Table 22. Summary of major management needs. 221 Percent of Management problem natural areas'ion Control of human overuse and abuse 27 Vegetation and animal management 27 Elimination of incompatible uses on area or adjacent land . . 23 Removal of roads, buildings, and other structures 15 Control of erosion or restoration of altered water levels . . 8 Impact Buffer land 16 Natural land (other than significant feature) 48 Significant feature 81 Effort Problem may be corrected relatively easily, with one effort . 30 Problem may be controlled with continual management 55 Problem may be uncontrollable, even with a major effort or continual management 15 222 Appendix 13. MANAGEMENT AGENCIES Table 23 lists the number of natural areas that are known to be on land owned or managed by various groups. Inclusion in this table does not necessarily mean that an area is protected: 214 of the sites are owned by a public agency or a railroad company but are not managed as nat- ural areas by these agencies. Natural areas are not tabulated if they are Category V areas and the only significant feature is the fact that a college or university maintains the site for its own teaching and research activities. Four hundred and thirty-two areas are considered in the tab- ulation, but the sum of the areas in the right column is greater than 432 because some tracts are owned or managed by more than one agency. 223 Table 23. Management agencies. Natural areas owned or managed by public agencies, colleges, universities, railroad companies, and private preser- vation organizations. Number of Owner or manager natural areas U. S. Government U. S. Forest Service (Shawnee National Forest) 79 U. S. Fish 5 Wildlife Service (National Wildlife Refuges) ... 17 U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers 6 Joint Corps of Engineers and Fish d, Wildlife Service 7 Other Federal agencies 5 State of Illinois Illinois Department of Conservation 100 Illinois Department of Transportation 22 Other State agencies, or agency unknown 7 Other public agencies Conservation Districts 21 Forest Preserve Districts 50 Park Districts 16 Soil 5 Water Conservation District 3 Sanitary Districts, Airport Authority 5 Colleges and universities (public and private) 21 Railroad companies 92 Private preservation organizations The Nature Conservancy 17 Other preservation organizations 15 224 Appendix 14. OWNERSHIP, PRESERVATION STATUS, AND THREATS Ownership Types of ovmership are categorized as public, private, or unknovm. An area may have any or all of the three o\\mership types. Information about ownership is presented in Tables 24, 25, and 30. Preservation Status The categories for preservation status are as follows: Dedicated Illinois Nature Preserve Public land, formally designated as a natural area Public land, informally recognized as a natural area Public land, not recognized as a natural area Private land, protected by owner or lessee Private land, not protected by owner or lessee Preservation status unknown An area could be in any number of the above seven categories. Tables 26 j 27, and 31 summarize information about preservation status. Threats Threats to natural areas are categorized as follows: Threat of destruction within 1 year Threat of destruction known, but not immediate Threat likely to develop within 5 years No known threat, and none likely to develop within 5 years An area could have any number of the above kinds of threats. Tables 28 through 32 summarize information about threats. 225 ,_, in t—t rt ^~-^ (U > j-i 03 •p 03 r^ U f-H ^--' ,_^ V) )— 1 o3 > (U H 4-> rt rt u o^ (Nl ^-' ^_^ to 03 > (U >-i 4-1 03 n) u I— 1 LO (N '—' ,-^ W 03 > nj O) U vO (N "-^ ,-^ (/) 03 l-H (U fn +J o3 03 U O 1-1 vO ,_^ to U) 03 a 0) d) Vi u 03 o3 O^ .—1 00 cH o < (-H "-^ CL, ■H X to ^1 •—' o\° o\° o\° o\° o\= o\=> O) 00 \0 ,_, to 03 0) > ^^ o3 03 U O to ""-' ^ ^ to X 03 M V cd U 6 OS ■ H f^ ■D- Cu \D "-^ -a c r^"^ o m a. OS 0) oS- M 03 a> ^ O rt '^ hJ "" (O 13 03 C 0) o3 fH rH oS +-> (U 00 s ,-H r-4 ^-^ ,_, w 03 OS C 0) C u 03 03 > 03 LO CO to '~^ ^_^ to 0) o3 ■H (U U ^ •H 03 o3 f^ to a. LO (Nl ^-' ^-, (rt 03 ■p O to U a> o3 fn o 1—1 u. r^ 1—1 — ^ ,_^ 1/) tn OS oj (U o\° o\° o\= o\° o\° o\° o\° o\° o\° o\° o\° o\° o\° 226 e*P df> l-H ,4 00 o vO t-t 4) t^ > ^, . « 1 1 4-» a i~- TJ- u _ l-H .-H ^~^ ^ «^* tf^ c(P =\= df <((> tfP CO r-- rf r^ C3) 1^ t— 1 (l> 1^ > u •—^ ^— ' • rt 4-) 03 CT> •V U rsi *"' -. <«> tf<> <«■ *> of df o." (Q r- r-^ ^ o > s (N . ^1 •M a « u -. 00 O in -o *-^ 'Z; d^ <*p «p tfP i? OP # CO t ■£> (N in r^ > «p ►-( CO 00 to CO o l-H 4, *-* t-t ■ « 4-1 rt oi 1^ 1^ u to ^ - :? tfp dP tfP df *° HH nl ^ O •»r r- O ■^ M 1> • u <-> IS CO u o> a> r^ ■ in o to to CM •o '^ to ■» ^^ In # tfp <*o df <(P dP <(p CO h- 00 00 lO o> 1-1 (U in . ^1 *J (0 CO u o ^D CTl rr ^ ^ 00 r^ >o r-^ ^0 ,_< W CO d*» «^ <*P <«■ OP dP if CO a> •C •^ £ 4) (H ^ CO CO Ch 'D sO O TT >o in -H O •O t/1 vO >o >o to < ^ 01 K ^ CO T3 V CO 3 •o U ti 4-» 0> 4-» a> 3 CO 4-» O 3 ti 4-1 c o T3 V 4-* o. CO V V 4-> CO C 4-' 4-» o 4-> n CO o U M t/5 u g hi 0) o. 3 CO o. 4-) c 4-» E o o 4-1 o CO <« 4-» h o O CO CJ CO O 4-» •HO) -Ha; 'rt « XI CO jO CO X) 'H £ £ £0. ^ ^ ^^ d? tfp CO r^ -o 1-^ OJ > t- CO CO 1 1 ' ' to CO CN ^D ""' ^ - o\= *> tfp s? dP c*P X CO ^ 00 t~- (-1 a> 1^ CO h ^— ' * — ' •—^ e CO hi Kt Tt •>r to r-- r-- O. vO 1 ■a in tf«> <«= dP dP dP a- CO 00 r- 00 CD us h CO ^ r~- in T to 00 CN _] ^^ -^ o\" oV= ^ I*? cfP <.\° o\= ■T3 CO t l» ^ ^ CJ> to 00 C V CO 1- -H CO 4-1 4< 00 r-- CTi vD ■£) a rt vO CM "■^ "^ ^ *° <^» dP tfP dP dP CO CO ,— I C?> t r^ >o o> ■ CO in ^ to m ■o CM r^ in in to ,^ a> CO bs« o\" cN° dP c*P oN= cJP •H 0) vO 00 -0 hi hi r^ ■M CO ' — ' ' — ' CO hi CO ^O m to C3^ vO •0 vO CN t^ CN ^ ^^ 4-1 CO ri^ dP <(»■ # hi in CO to U vD C7> -^ sO ^ ^3- ^ 00 r^ >o 1^ < w I CO hi to •0 V c« 3 T3 « m hi 4-1 V *j 4> 3 CO 4-> 3 hi 4-1 C T3 4) 4-1 a. CO 0> 0) 4-1 CO C 4-) 4-1 4-1 V hi in hi i hi 0) D. 3 D. 4-1 c f 4-1 CO C4-1 4^ hi Z c c 0. c 4-1 C4-I ■H c CO > •iH lU a> § h4 L CO CJ CO u 4-1 4-J a> c lU • H ■ H CO CO •H u hi > > c a> X> CO ^ CO x> •H ^ hi Hi S .2 2 hi a. hi 5 227 W) o\= o\=> o\= o\<= t—i rt (M rO to to ^^ -^ ^^ '—' •M ni r^ rsi a-, •^ rt U - « o\= oX' oX" oN= rt »— < r~- LO [^ (U (N (NJ LO > ^^ '-' '-^ 4-J (fl CTl vC 00 ^ rj u rsi V) o\= o\= o\° o'-? a t^ o \D vO > "-^ ^-' ^-^ 00 4-> rt rt U (—4 OO ^0 ^ r~- LO rg (Nl rg ^^ in o\° oV= oX" oV° rt fO rj t-^ Ol > 1) ^ — ' v^ ^ — ' 00 '-' ^~^ ■J n) o Ln "S- (NI CM U \0 f VI S? o\=> o\= oX" HH rt LO to to CTi t—t a) ^ — ' r-H r^ vO '~l ^-' ^-^ ■-^ 4-1 ti Ol (N LO Ol r-- t_> 1^ og - o\= o\« o\= o\» t-~* rt OJ ■* LO o> t~-t (U f-H (N to to ^ w rt n) U CTl (N ■* ^ LO vD to sD CTi O (N ^^ W s? g- — o\° rt CTl ?o Tj- o 1— 1 OO CO < u n) ■H •o a> ■r-t O c •M c ■ H *-i • H 3 a o Hi > rj LO -a (b *-> nl o. ■ fH o (U 3 o 1/1 • H 4-> jO 4-t U ♦-> rt oj c +_) ■rt ., X ID rt n) T3 g X o 4> 1) ID )-> o .i; LO C J= c ■H o H '-' ^ J z Ul oX" s? ^ o\= n to c-^ r~- r^ a; lu ,— ) .— t ■£) ,—, > ^1 « CO o c rf L/1 O LO to (Nl ■■^ _ _ _ _ _ en o\= tf? oS= o\° X CO _> _ _ _ _ _ in oX" d? oN^ oX" T3 CO LO to O (Nl C !> r— 1 (Nl to n- CO (-. --^ CO +-» OJ OO 00 r^ LO o S r-H t— t (Nl to LO ^-^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^ ^_^ in o\o o\= OS'S o\» CO CO VO o r-^ •* C 1) (Nl (Nl to to C ^1 CO CO > CO LO (7> r^ to (Nl C/^ to r— 1 t— t '~' ,^ m m CO o\° o\° oN=> oX^ •H CD a, vO 00 •^ ^< (h to (Nl to •rt CO V ' » ' ^ — - CO U to ex LO to (Nl o r~- (NJ (Nl CTi r~- 00 "— ' ^^ in 4-* CO o\= o\= o\= oN" in lU (71 .—4 o O O !-i •— ^ .-H •* ■V U CO ^ — ' * — ' > — ' o tu ^ r~- LO 00 CTl Oi vD t~~ ^-^ ,_, M in . 10 o\= o\° !.\° o\° 4-> 01 (71 to Tt o CO u «-_^ (N to rf U CO ^— "— ' r-H O t— i rH LO (Nl r~ •— t < ^D LO 'T o ^ 1) (-> (0 ■r-t -o 1) c • 1-1 a. (Nl •rH o -o OJ 4-» 4) *J O > CO c (Li •T3 • H 4-* (J d) 3 O in •H 4-» J2 4-> u *-> CO CO c i-) ■H * X 4) CO CO T3 i 4) X (L) ^ R o M LO c ^ g c •rH o •"I X ^ z 228 w o\° o\= ':^ oX" C cfl 00 o .-H I~^ 3 O ^ — ' Csl t^ ^ O ^ ^ — ' ^ — / V / C cti -^ C "* LO K1 o o :^ vo t-H rq to ^~^ ^^ I/) , — \ ^ N ,. — ^ f ^ rt o\° o\'^ 55\0 c\o u o 'S- CTl O o •H ^H ^ — > rvi r^ -H OJ ^ / ^. / X3 D *— < Cu .— 1 ^ 00 ^ r- "* 1 — 1 hO CO oo " — ' (^ , , t/l , — ^ / — ^ ^ — ^ , — ^ ctJ o\= o\= o\o o\o ^ ^ — ' (^J to ^ oj 03 ^ — ' ^ — ' > •H -^ Jh LO r^ ■^ K) a^ o- r- LO o t-0 C-i '"' CNJ to ^ ^ t/i , s ,. ^ / — ^ ^ — ^ w rt o\o o\° o\° qO nJ '^ CD ^ *■ — ' (—1 CO LO f-i 03 v^ y o! CT> r-H 00 LO O CO ^ -H O o CT. CO 00 < -H r-H rN LO ■p 03 •H e c •H jC 4-> ■H 3 •H O CU ■(-> 08 c 0) Ph ■p o OJ 3 O C/l ■H •M XI ■M Jh ■M 03 03 c +-1 •H •N X (U 03 CD T3 c X ^ > o %o i-H o 00 LO •H ^< Ln LO ■* 00 ^1 a. rM Cu OT •» XI CO o\= o\° oN° o\= CU CD CU CNJ r^ LO t^ ■M 4-1 u * ' ,—1 xD CO o CO ^ — ' V — ' > a> ■rH *-> •* !h o ri CNl ^^ 00 to O. ^ rsl 00 ■*-» ^_^ O T3 c/) , — , ,. — ^ , s , — ^ c (1) CO o'^'^ o\= o\o o\= •!-> CU "a- to (T, 00 * O U r-1 «i ^ o CU CO ^-^ '• — ' ■ I-* f— 1 o O -O ^1 v£) i~~ ,-H C^J vO 3 a. r-4 CN] vO r^ tx ^ ^ Ci3 E ca , % !h > — f r—\ 3 c a. 0) ^ , — , , V ^— ^ , ^ /~^ 3 CU en =\= o\° o\° o\a •»-> > CO LO r^ O tfl !-< CU r-4 r— 4 00 Z CU m (U CO ^ ^ ,— 1 ^^ ■o to ,— « r^ to f— t D. ^o i-H LO 4-1 o c 4-1 CU 4-1 a, o CU > CU •a u to (LI X LO -CD 3 CO o •rH 4-> -Q • H 4J c 4-1 CO -13 •r^ c 4-1 •r4 »« ai XX CO 0) -o C E t-H 4-1 (U t4H g > ca c *-> u *-•£—« S cj Q u *j — < c 230 Appendix 15. IVHY NATURAL AREAS EXIST Tables 33 through 37 enumerate the reasons why there still are nat- ural forests, prairies, savannas, barrens, wetlands, and habitats with endangered plants in Illinois. The tables include educated guesses about some natural areas, but the overall totals probably are close to the actual situation. The field- workers sometimes chose not to ask the landowner why an area had been protected, for fear that this might endanger the area. Only the most important reasons were tabulated for each area- -rarely more than one principal reason, and sometimes one or two secondary rea- sons. 231 Table 33. l\fhy natural forests exist. The number of areas is given for which each reason is the principal cause, or a secondary cause, of the forest's protection. Reason Principal Secondary Forest is not eas'ity exploited. Dry, rocky soil with scrubby timber 8 1 Steep slope 1 2 Wet soil -- 1 Land isolated by a river or other barrier -- 4 Forest is not intentionally protected, but has survived because of land use. Hunting, fishing, or recreation area 9 1 Public land, not intensively used 1 Forest has been intentionally protected. Land protected by private individuals or families 54 Land in public ownership, on which the forest has been preserved or has recovered from disturbance 39 Land protected by private individuals or families, then acquired by a conservation or preservation agency 21 Forest apparently has been protected, for an unknown reason 42 232 Table 34. IVhy natural prairies exist. The number of areas is given for which each reason is the principal cause, or a secondary cause, of the prairie's protection. Reasons Principal Secondary Prairie is not easily exploited. Hill prairie (steep, dry soil; poor access). ... 86 2 Sandy, dry soil 16 2 Sandy, wet soil 13 6 Gravelly soil 12 1 Wet soil (not sandy) 11 1 Thin soil over bedrock (wet or dry) 10 3 Land isolated in a wetland 2 Prairie is not intentionally protected, but has survived because of land use patterns. Railroad right-of-way 62 Cemetery 17 Land subdivided or held by speculators 13 2 Odd tract of farmland, isolated from grazing, and not easily cultivated 7 10 Public land, not intensively used (Army arsenal, etc.) 6 1 Hunting area 2 Former livestock holding area in railroad yard 1 Former part of fairgrounds 1 Idle land adjoining railroad, colonized in part by prairie from railroad right-of-way -- 4 Abandoned pasture -- 2 Prairie has been intentionally protected or has been managed for the prairie. Land acquired by a conservation or preservation agency, on which prairie has been preserved or has recovered from disturbance 5 8 Land protected by private individuals or families 5 2 Cemetery managed to restore the prairie -- 13 233 Table 35. IVhy natural savannas and barrens exist. The number of areas is given for which each reason is the principal cause, or a secondary cause, of the savanna's or barren's protection. Reason Principal Secondary Savanna or barren is not easily exploited. Sandy, dry soil 15 3 Thin, dry soil on steep slopes or over bedrock 9 Land isolated in a wetland 1 Savanna or barren is not intentionally protected, but has survived because of land use. Cemetery 7 Land subdivided or held by speculators 2 Hunting area 1 1 Land has been intentionally preserved, or has been managed to protect the savanna or barren. Land acquired by a conservation or preser- vation agency, on which the savanna or barren has been preserved or has recovered from disturbance 2 4 Cemetery managed to restore the savanna or barren -- 1 234 Table 36. Why natural wetlands exist. The number of areas is given for which each reason is the principal cause, or a secondary cause, of the wetland' s protection. Reason Principal Secondary Wetland is not easily exploited. Poorly drained or undrained land Ill 4 Wetland is not intentionally protected, hut has survived because of land use. Hunting or fishing area 4 8 Land subdivided or held by speculators 4 1 Public land, not intensively used 1 1 Multiple ownership which probably prevents drainage efforts -- 4 Wetland has been intentionally protected. Land in public ownership on which the wetland has been preserved or has recovered from disturbance 11 4 Land protected by private individuals or families 7 2 Land protected by private individuals or families, then acquired by a conservation or preservation agency 2 1 235 Table 37. IVhy habitats with endangered plants exist. For each reason, the number of significant feature occurrences is given. Reason Occurrences Habitat is not easily exploited. Wet soil (sandy, peaty, alluvial, etc.) 172 Dry, sandy soil 59 Rocky soil (usually dry soil) 40 Cliff 29 Dry, exposed slope (hill prairies, narrow ridges) 22 Steep slope (bluffs, steep ravines) 17 Gravelly soil 10 Habitat persists because of the proteation or use of the land. Land that has been intentionally preserved 62 Typical upland forest that has not been intentionally preserved, but has not been severely disturbed 31 Typical bottomland forest that has not been intentionally preserved, but has not been severely disturbed 6 Odd tract of land (cemetery, railroad right-of-way, etc.) 20 Land subdivided or held by speculators 5 Habitat is a disturbed or artificial area 31 236 Appendix 16. DETERMINING BOUNDARIES OF NATURAL AREAS, SIGNIFICANT FEATURES, AND LAND CONDITION CLASSES Natural Area Boundaries Category I natural areas The boundaries of a Category I natural area are determined by the boundaries of the natural land and buffer land as discussed below. Fol- lowing are the general guidelines for determining natural area boundaries: (1) Natural area boundaries should follow the boundaries of natural features , which may or may not coincide with artificial lines or boundaries. Examples of the boundaries of natural features include the edges of woods and the limits of watersheds. Artificial lines or boundaries include roads, fences, and property lines. The bound- aries of a natural feature often coincide with artificial lines because of changes in land use along these lines. For instance, the edge of a forest may follow a property line because the forest on the opposite side of the property line has been cleared. If the edge of the natural land does not follow a straight artificial bound- ary such as a property line, the natural area boundary should not be extended to an artificial boundary unless the additional area is needed as buffer land. (2) Acquisition factors should not be considered when determining the boundaries of a natural area. These practical factors include (1) ownership boundaries, (2) monetary value of the land, (3) availabil- ity of the land, (4) access, and (5) the need for adjacent land for other uses such as nature interpretation and maintenance facilities. These considerations are beyond the scope of the Natural Areas In- ventory. (3) Natural area boundaries should be conservative. The natural area should have the minimum area needed to (1) include the significant feature, (2) include enough additional natural land to adequately represent the diversity of the area, and (3) insure potential for 237 the area's protection and management. Unnecessary land should not be included because this often introduces more management problems, causes extra work during the final field survey, and may lead to questions about the validity of the boundaries. The significant feature is the most important part of a natural area; additional natural land should be included only to the extent that it comple- ments and protects the significant feature. For example, if the significant feature is a band of old growth dry-mesic forest mid- slope on a forested bluff, the natural area boundaries should be extended vertically to include the dry blufftop and the mesic lower slope, but the boundaries should not extend laterally along the bluff far from the significant feature. If the significant feature occurs on one side of a deep, narrow ravine, then both sides of the ravine should be in the natural area; but if the significant fea- ture is on the side of a broad valley, then the natural area should be limited to one side. Designation of buffer land should be simi- larly restricted. It may be argued that no area is safe from out- side influences, even if the entire watershed is managed to preserve the area; however, buffer land should be restricted to the imme- diate area needed to protect the natural land from direct influences and to provide manageable boundaries. The need to include the natu- ral diversity of an area must be tempered with the need to have a manageable area with defendable boundaries. (4) {Natural area boimdaries should not be drawn arbitrarily. Three guidelines, listed in order of priority, should be used to deter- mine boundaries: (1) Sharp changes in natural quality should be used as first choice. (2) If there is no sharp break (for example, if a Grade C forest extends a great distance from the significant feature) , then watershed boundaries should be used as natural area boundaries. (3) Occasionally even watershed boundaries are unclear or unsuitable; in such a case, some other boundary may be used, pro- vided that the reason for choosing the boundary is recorded as an additional note on the Main Data Form. 238 Other categories of natural areas The guidelines also apply to natural areas other than Category I. However, the boundaries of other kinds of natural areas usually extend little if any beyond the significant feature boundaries, because in these cases, land is rarely added to the significant feature to add diversity. Category II and III natural areas are usually small, and the boundaries include only the habitat with the endangered or relict species, plus any land needed to protect that habitat. For natural areas that have only Category IV, V, VI, or VII significant features, the natural area bound- ary usually coincides with the significant feature boundary. Boundaries of Significant Features Category I significant features A Category I significant feature is an area of land or water that is relatively undisturbed. Two points of view are useful for determining the presence or boundaries of a Category I significant feature in the field. First, ask, "If all the land is the same natural quality as the part I am viewing, will the tract qualify as a natural area?" If the answer is yes, then the land is part of the significant feature, provided that the acreage is large enough. Second, ask, "Could the land I am view- ing qualify alone as a natural area if (a) all the natural land around it were cleared, but (b) sufficient buffer land were provided?" If the an- swer is yes, then the land is part of the significant feature, provided that the acreage is large enough. Other categories of significant features The boundaries for significant features other than Category I are drawn to include the feature that is the reason for recognizing the natu- ral area. The boundaries of a Category II significant feature include the population of the endangered plant or the breeding site of the endangered animal. A Category III significant feature coincides with the habitat of the relict plants. The boundaries of a Category V significant feature are the same as the boundaries of the area specifically dedicated to nat- ural studies or nature preservation. The boundaries of a Category IV, VI, or VII significant feature include the outstanding geologic feature. 239 unique natural feature, or aquatic feature. The significant feature's boundaries delimit only the most important part of a natural area, but additional land may be included in the natural area to provide a buffer to the significant feature. Boundaries of Natural Land and Buffer Land Natural land After the significant feature is delimited, one must decide how much more natural land should be in the natural area boundaries. Two factors should be considered: sufficient natural land should be added to (1) represent the natural diversity of the area, and to (2) help protect the significant feature: (1) For Category I natural areas, the focus is on the significant fea- ture, but the boundaries should include adjacent land sufficient to make the natural area a true natural system, rather than a single feature. The full diversity of natural communities directly asso- ciated with the significant feature should be included within the Category I natural area boundaries. For other categories of natural areas, the boundaries should be more conservative. (2) Natural land also serves to protect the significant feature, but in- cluding excessive natural land, far removed from the significant feature, can cause management problems. A Grade C natural community should not be included in the natural area boundaries if it (1) is distant from the significant feature, (2) does not serve to protect the significant feature, and (3) does not help provide manageable boundaries for the natural area. One must balance the importance of representing the natural diversity of the site against the need to avoid excessive land and more management problems. Buffer land Buffer land is disturbed land that would be excluded from the natu- ral area, except for these reasons: (1) the need to identify land with uses or conditions damaging to the natural land, and (2) the need for manageable boundaries. These two reasons are explained below: 240 (1) If the current use or condition of land adjoining the natural land is damaging to the natural land, then the land must be included as buffer. For instance, if runoff from a garbage dump is damaging the natural land, then the dump must be included in the natural area as buffer because its use must be changed to protect the natural land. Or, if the pastured heads of ravines above a natural forest are erod- ing and causing siltation in the natural land, then the heads of the ravines must be included as buffer land. The adjoining land must have a use or condition that has a significant impact on the natural land in order to be designated buffer. To determine whether the im- pact is significant, one should decide whether continuance of the incompatible use or condition will change the natural quality of the natural land. If the land use or condition is not causing rapid changes and has been long-standing, but the natural land still quali- fies for inclusion in a natural area, then one should seriously ques- tion whether the adjoining land should be designated as buffer land. Only the current use or condition of adjoining land should be consid- ered when designating buffer land: changes in land use should not be anticipated. For example, a woodlot may be surrounded by crop- land, and if it is not significantly affected by agricultural chem- icals and unnatural runoff, then it does not require buffer land. One should not designate a strip of cropland surrounding the woodlot as buffer land simply because the construction of apartments (a change in land use) next to the forest would have a significant im- pact on the area. (2) Natural land often surrounds or adjoins Grade D or E land that does not have current uses or conditions detrimental to the natural land, but which should be included as buffer land to provide manageable boundaries to the natural area. Three examples: (1) Grade E and D land (such as a cultivated or abandoned field) wholly within a com- plex of wetland and prairie should be included in the natural area to avoid an "inholding," but its disturbed quality should be recog- nized by designating it as buffer land. (2) A series of narrow, cleared ridgetops that extend into a Grade B forest should be in- cluded in the natural area boundaries as buffer land to give the 241 area manageable and defendable boundaries, even though the fields have no direct, damaging effect on the forest. (3) The natural area boundaries should be drawn around an entire woodlot, even though the edges and corners of the woodlot may be Grade D (re- growth) . These regrowth stands may not be critical to the continued maintenance of the area as a natural area, but they should be in- cluded as buffer land to give the natural area sensible boundaries. 243 Appendix 17. MAIN DATA FORM AND INSTRUCTIONS Figure 5 is a Main Data Form, which is the form for recording standard information about natural areas. The instructions for the form have been modified slightly by deleting references to some instruction supplements and substituting references to sections and appendices of this technical report. The substitutions are italicized. Instructions for Completing the Main Data Form The numbered items correspond to numbers on the Main Data Form. Items that are marked with an asterisk or with a prime mark are not com- puterized. Basic information (1) Index nvmhev. — This number is assigned when the information is com- puterized. (2) County. — Enter the name of the county. If the site is in more than one county, enter the name of the county that is combined with the reference number (item 3) , and list the other county or counties in parentheses after the first county name. (3) Reference number. — The reference number is a number or letter-number combination which distinguishes each site from other sites in the same county. The reference numbers need not be consecutive. If a reference number has not already been assigned, assign a reference number that has not been used in the county. (4) Natural area name. — Enter the name of the area. If an area has more than one name, give the other name in parentheses after the primary name. The name published in a report or on a map is pre- ferred unless another name is widely accepted and customarily used. If an area has no known name, suggest one based on the owner's name or a natural feature. Signifioanoe (5) Natural area categories and significant features (a) Category. — List the category or categories to which the natu-. ral area is assigned. The categories, listed below, are de- scribed in detail in Section 4. I. Ecological area II. Endangered species habitat 244 ILLINOIS NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY MAIN DATA FORM (3) Ref. no. BASIC INFORMATION (2) County (4) Natural area name SIGNIFICANCE (5] Natural area categories and significant features a. Cat Lgd b. Description of significant feature (6) Exceptional features and notable feature: a. Cat *Lgd E/N b. Description of feature (7) PV score LOCATION (9) Legal location: T. (8) Evaluator (8') Date P. M. , sec. (10) Topograph! (11) Watershed quadrangle (12) Specific stream (13) Legislative district NATURAL CHARACTERISTICS (15) Altitude; a. minimum (16) Topography: a. Physiographic unit (17) Geologic formation (14) Municipality maximum b. Major feature c. Individual feature (18) Soil association (State) (19) Soil association (County) Figure 5. Main Data Form. 245 ILLINOIS NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY--HAIN DATA FORM NATURAL CHARACTERISTICS , cont . (20) Natural community classification and (21] rarity index (RI) p. 2 *NC» a. Natural community name b. ND-S c. Community- type RI (22) Diversity index ( 2 3) Natural quali t y: (a) acreage of natural communities by grades, and [b) description NC# A B C D E Tot Description of natural quality (24] Total acreage of natural area Vege tation tyi 3es NC» a. SAP b. Plant community name LEGAL STATUS S USE (26) Ownership type: 1. Pv 2. Pc (27') Owner or custodian; (27) Number of owners Figure 5. Main Data Form, aontinued. 246 ILLINOIS NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY- -WMN DATA FORM LEGAL STATUS S USE , cont . (28) Use of natural area: a. Cat b. Description (29) Use of surrounding land: a. Wildland % b. Farmland _ (30) Nearest SMSA (32) Number of nearby schools (34) Number of nearby DOC facilities (36) Manageability: 1. Yes 2. No (56' ) Management problem description p. 3 c. Developed land % (31) Distance to nearest SMSA (33) Nearest school (35) Other land management facility Impact Effort (37) Preservation status Cat Description of preservation status (37') Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation (contacted? ): (38 ) Threats a. Cat SF b. Description of threat DISCUSSION OF PRESERVATION VALUES ADDITIONAL NOTES (39') Figure 5. Main Data Form, oontinued. 247 1 ILLINOIS NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY--MAIN DATA FORM p. 4 SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS (40) Species lists; (41) Sampling forms: 1. Woody plants 1. Tree basal area 2. Ferns and fern allies 2. Tree density 3. Summer birds 3. Sapling and shrub density 4. Aniphibians , reptiles, and mammals 4. Prairie frequency 5. Other species list 5. Other sampling form (41') Other materials: 1. Topographic map copy 2. Site map 3. Significant feature forms: I II III IV 4. Other materials (42) Literature citations: Items continued from preceding pages : figure 5. Main Data Form, continued. 248 III. Relict species habitat IV. Geologic area V. Natural study area VI. Unique natural area VII. Aquatic area (*) Legend. — Enter the lower-case letter corresponding to each sig- nificant feature that is on the site map. (b) Description of significant feature. — List the significant fea- ture that corresponds to each natural area category in the following manner: I. Give the grade and the natural community. Examples: Grade A marsh Grade A and B dry-mesic upland forest Grade A and B wet prairie, mesic prairie II. Name the endangered species, and give its habitat. Example: Indiana bat (Hibernaculum in abandoned limestone mine) III. Name the relict species, and give the habitat. Example : Pinus strobus and Taxus canadensis (North- facing sandstone cliff) IV. Name the geologic feature. Example: Outstanding exposure of Nebraskan outwash V. Name the institution managing or using the area for teaching or research; or give the status of the area. Examples: Western Illinois University natural area Federal Research Natural Area VI. Name the unique natural feature. Example: Outstanding invertebrate cave fauna VII. Name the aquatic feature. Example: Outstanding example of the glacial lakes and ponds of northern Illinois (6) Exceptional features and notable features (a) Category. — List the category of the exceptional or notable feature, equivalent to the category of the significant fea- ture {Table 2). (*) Legend. — Enter the lower-case letter that was assigned to each exceptional or notable feature that is on the site map. (*) Exceptional /Notable. — For each entry, note whether the feature is exceptional (E) or notable (N) . 249 (b) Desari-ption of feature, — Describe each feature with the format for significant features shown in item 5b. (7) Preservation value score. — Record the site's value relative to other natural areas on a scale of 1 to 5 (low to high) . The Department of Conservation specified that this estimate should be based on the evaluator's best judgement, without formal guidelines. (8) Evaluator. — Enter the name of the person who determined the preser- vation value score and the name of other people who conducted the final field survey. (8') Date. — Enter the date when the final field survey was completed, or (for sites that were not field-checked) when the preservation value score was determined. (9) Legal location. — Give the location by Township, Range, Principal Meridian, section, and quarter-quarter section. Note the quarter- quarter section that includes the center of the area. (9') Access. — If permission is required to visit the site, give as com- plete information as possible (name, address, and phone number of owner or custodian) . Give directions to the area if the best access is not obvious from reading a county highway map or a topographic map. For example, describe places suitable for parking a vehicle or crossing a stream if this is important. (10) Topographic quadrangle. — Name the USGS topographic quadrangle or quadrangles that cover the area. Include the series (7.5' or 15') in the name. List 7.5' maps instead of 15' maps if available. Give the index number of each quadrangle in parentheses after the quad- rangle name. (11) Watershed (changed to stream system) .--'Enter the number correspond- ing to the stream system, according to the Illinois Natural History Survey classification {^Appendix 10). (12) Specific stream. — Enter the name of the smallest stream tnat is named on the topographic map and that drains the entire natural area. (13) Legislative district. — Give the number of the legislative district that includes the natural area. (14) Municipality. — If the site is inside an incorporated area, enter the name of the municipality. Natural characteristics (15) Altitude (a) Minimum. — Give the minimum altitude of the site, to the nearest contour interval on the topographic map. (b) Maximum. — Give the maximum altitude as described in item 15a. (16) Topography (a) Physiographic unit. — Enter the number corresponding to the physiographic unit {Appendix 4) . 250 (b) Major feature. — For each physiographic unit, enter the number corresponding to the major feature or features [Appendix 5). (c) Individual feature. — Enter the number corresponding to any spe- cial or distinctive individual feature [Appendix 6) . (17) Geologic formation. — Enter the number corresponding to the geologic formation or formations in the natural area [Appendix 7) . (18) Soil association (State classification) .--Enter the name (a single letter) of the dominant soil association, according to the classifi- cation on the "General Soil Map of Illinois" [Appendix 8). (19) Soil association (County classification) . — Enter the name of the dom- inant soil association according to the classification on the county general soil map or similar map. (20) Natural community classification (Appendix SO) (*) Natural community number. — Number each natural community in sequence, corresponding to numbers on the overlays with the site map. (a) Natural community name. — Enter the name of the natural communi- ty. (b) Natural Division and Section. — For each natural community, enter the number and letter of the Natural Division and Section. (c) Community -type (changed to community class) .--For each natural community, enter the number and the name of the corresponding community class, according to the following list: 1. Forest 2. Prairie 3. Savanna 4. Wetland 5. Lake and Pond 6. Stream 7. Primary 8. Cave 9. Cultural (21) Rarity index. — Estimate the abundance of each natural community relative to its presettlement extent on a scale of 1 (abundant) to 5 (very rare) . (22) Diversity index. — Count and enter the number of natural communities that have Grade A, B, or C examples in the natural area. (23) Natural quality (*) Natural community number. — Number the communities as in item 20. (a) Acreage of natural communities by grades. — Enter the acreage of each grade for each community, or a "P" for "present," which- ever is applicable. (See Section 7 for a discussion of mapping and measuring acreages and grades.) Enter only one acreage fig- ure on a line, so that there will be space to describe the 251 natural quality on the same line in item 23b. Total the acreage for each community (across) , and for each grade (dovm) . (b) Description of natural quality. — For each grade in each commu- nity, briefly describe the natural quality, stressing distur- bances or indicators of disturbance. Examples: For a Grade A glade: Essentially undisturbed For a Grade B prairie: Conservative plants absent For a Grade C forest : Mature second growth For a Grade D forest: Regrowth (24) Total acreage of natural area. — If acreages of all communities were recorded, sum totals from the bottom line of this section for the grand total acreage. Cross-check the total acreage by summing the far-right column. For a natural area in which not all of the acre- ages in item 23 were measured and recorded, measure and enter the total acreage independent of natural community acreages. (25) Vegetation types (*) Natural community number. — Enter the same numbers as in item 20 for each natural community. (a) SAF cover type. — If appropriate, enter the number of the Society of American Foresters' Forest Cover Type for each plant communi- ty {Appendix 9) . (b) Plant community name. — For each natural community, enter the name of the plant community or communities, if appropriate. Use scientific names. Do not abbreviate scientific names. Naming plant communities is discussed in Appendix 28. Legal status and use (26) Ownership type. — Circle the appropriate numbers: (1) private, (2) public, or (3) unknown. A natural area may have any or all owner- ship types. For example, if a natural area is mostly a public park, but the type of ownership of part of the site is unknown, then both "2" and "3" would be circled. (27) Number of owners. — Give the number of ownerships (not the number of ownership types). If there are five or more owners, enter "5+" for "five or more." (27') Owner or custodian. — If known, give the name, address, phone number, or other pertinent information about the owner or custodian. (28) Use of natural area (a) Category. — List uses of the natural area according to the cate- gories in Appendix 11. (b) Description of use. — If an "other" use (category 2.3, 3.6, or 4.5) is listed, mark the category with an asterisk and briefly describe the use on the line provided. 252 (29) Use of surrounding Zand. — Estimate use, to the nearest 10%, of land within 1 mile of the boundaries of the natural area, in the follovv'- ing broad categories: (a) Wildland (forest, natural aquatic areas, abandoned farmland) (b) Farmland (cropland, pastureland, orchards, farmsteads) (c) Developed land (towns, factories, quarries, reservoirs) (30) Nearest SMSA. — Give the number corresponding to the nearest SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) . If the natural area is inside an SMSA, name this SMSA. (31) Distance to the nearest SMSA. — Give the straight-line distance, to the nearest mile, from the center of the natural area to the nearest boundary of the SMSA. If the natural area is inside an SMSA, enter "0" for the distance. (32) Number of nearby schools. — Count the number of colleges and univer- sities within 40 miles of the center of the natural area. If there are 10 or more colleges or universities within 40 miles, enter "10+" for "10 or more." (33) Nearest school. — Name the nearest university within 40 miles. If there is no university within 40 miles, name the nearest college instead. (34) Number of nearby DOC facilities. — Count the number of Department of Conservation land management facilities within 25 miles of the cen- ter of the natural area. (35) Other land management facility. — If a natural area falls within the jurisdiction of an agency other than the Department of Conservation which could manage or does manage the site, enter the number corre- sponding to the name of the agency on the master list of agencies. (36) Manageability. — Circle "1" for "Yes" or "2" for "No" to state wheth- er an area is ecologically manageable. An area is ecologically manageable unless "4" under "Effort" in item 36' is marked. (36') Management problem description. — Describe each management problem [Appendix 12) . Describe the problem according to the location of its impact: 1. Buffer land 2. Natural land (other than significant feature) 3. Significant feature Describe the anticipated effort which would be required to correct the management problem or for continua^l maintenance: 1. Problem can be corrected relatively easily, with one ini- tial effort. 2. Problem may be controlled with continual management. 3. Problem may be uncorrectable, even with a major initial effort or continual management. 4. Natural area is not manageable with ecological techniques. 253 (37) Preservation status Category. — Note the preservation status of the area, using the follow- ing categories. An area may have more than one preservation status category. 1. Dedicated Illinois Nature Preserve 2. Public land, formally designated as a natural area 3. Public land, informally recognized as a natural area 4. Public land, not recognized as a natural area 5. Private land, protected by owner or lessee 6. Private land, not protected by owner or lessee 7. Preservation status unknown (*) Percentage. — If parts of the area have different preservation statuses, give the approximate percentage in each status. (*) Description of preservation status. — If necessary for a clear understanding of the area's preservation status, explain the reasoning for the designation. (37') Attitude of owner or custodian toward preservation. — State whether the owner or manager was contacted. If known, describe the attitude of the owner or manager toward protection. Note whether the person might be receptive to dedicating the area as a Nature Preserve. Note whether the owner or manager is indifferent, or against the idea of preserving the area. (38) Threats (a) Category. — Note any threat of destruction of the area according to the following categories. An area may have more than one threat category if it is large, and parts have different stat- uses. 1. Threat of destruction within 1 year 2. Threat of destruction known, but not immediate 3. No known threat, but a likelihood that a threat will develop within 5 years 4. No known threat, and no likelihood that a threat will develop within 5 years (*) Significant feature. — If the threat would damage the signif- icant feature, mark this column. (b) Description of threat. — If the threat is category 1, 2, or 3, describe the threat. Discussion of preservation values (39) Summarize the preservation values of the natural area in a sentence or short paragraph. 254 Additionat notes (39') Explain how the natural area boundaries were determined if the rea- soning would not be apparent to another person reading the site map. In most cases, there is no need to explain. If the boundaries follow sharp breaks in natural quality or follow watershed boundaries, there is no need to explain. If the boundaries are seemingly arbitrary, then explain. If the reason for including a tract of buffer land would not be clear to another person, explain. If the basis for naming the natural area is not apparent, explain. Record other pertinent information that has not been entered else- where. Supplemental materials (40) Species lists. — Check the species lists that were completed. (41) Sampling forms. — Check the sampling forms that were completed. (41') Other materials. — Check the other materials that are in the natural area's file. Describe the kind of site map: if it is an ASCS aer- ial photo copy, give the year of the photo (e.g., "ASCS 1971"). If line 4 is checked, explain what kind of other materials are in the file. (42) Literature citations. — Cite publications and studies about the natu- ral area which are not in the natural area's file. (*) Items continued from preceding pages. — Use these lines to continue any items that could not be completed in the preceding pages. 255 Appendix 18. EXAMPLES OF NATURAL AREA DATA Figure 6 includes a computer printout and a topographic map for a natural area. The printout is complete, with all possible items printed, but the computer can also produce shorter printouts of any combination of items for each natural area. Most of the summaries in this report were produced by the Inventory's computer. Figure 7 is a section from a printout of a special statistical program that produced many of the acreage summaries for this report. Num- bers in the column on the left are code numbers for natural communities, and the other numbers are acreage figures for the various natural quality grades . 256 ILLINOIS NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY AREA It 375 COUNTY: Alexander REFERENCE NUMBER: 12 AREA NAME: Horseshoe Lake Nature Preserve NATURAL AREA CATEGORIES & SIGNIFICANT FEATURES: CAT. DESCRIPTION V National Natural Landmark V Illinois Nature Preserve I Grades A & B SwamD , , . „ I Grades A & B Wet rloodplain forest, Mesic floodplain forest II Quercus nuttallii (Wet bottomland forest) II Eupatorium incarnatum (Wet bottomland forest) EXCEPTIONAL FEATURES: CAT. DESCRIPTION II Quercus phellos (Wet bottomland forest) II Mole salamander (Wet bottomland forest and swamp) II Bald eagle (Vicinity is wintering site and potential breeding site) II Swainson's warbler (Wet bottomland forest) II Brown creeper (High potential for nesting in forest) II Purple gallinule (Lake has high potential for nesting) II Green treefrog (Breeds on area) II Bird-voiced treefrog (Wet forest and swamp) II Mud snake (May occur in bottomland forest) PRESERVATION VALUE SCORE: 5 EVALUATOR: Hutchison LEGAL LOCATION: SEQ SEC 9, SWQ SEC 10, WH SEC 15, EH SEC 16, T16S R2W 3PM TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE: Tamms 7.5 Cache 7.5 STREAM SYSTEM: Cache River system LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT: 59 MUNICIPALITY: None MINIMUM ALTITUDE: 325 MAXIMUM ALTITUDE: 3tO PHYSIOGRAPHIC UNIT: East Gulf Coastal Plain Section MAJOR TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURE: Bottomland INDIVIDUAL TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURE: Floodplain GEOLOGIC FORMATION: Cahokia Alluvium SOIL ASSOCIATION: W Littleton-Prootor-Plano-Camden-Hurst-Ginat NATURAL DIVISION AND SECTION: Bottomlands Section, Coastal Plain Division NATURAL COMMUNITY Wet floodplain forest NATURAL DIVISION AND SECTION: lib Figure 6. Example of a computer printout and topographic map for a natural area. 257 AREA It 375 COMMUNITY CLASS: Forest RARITY INDEX: Very rare NATURAL QUALITY: 56 acres of Grade A Essentially undisturbed 27 acres of Grade B Old second growth 27 acres of Grade C Mature second growth SAP COVER TYPE: Swamp chestnut oak — cherrybark oak Cottonwood PLANT COMMUNITY: Quercus michauxii — Quercus rubra — Liquidatnbar styraciflua swamp chestnut oak — red oak — sweetgum Populus deltoides Cottonwood NATURAL COMMUNITY Swamp NATURAL DIVISION AND SECTION: l4b COMMUNITY CLASS: Aquatic RARITY INDEX: Very rare NATURAL QUALITY: 17 acres of Grade A Essentially undisturbed ijg acres of Grade C Mature swamp forest in Horseshoe Lake SAP COVER TYPE: Bald cypress — water tupelo PLANT COMMUNITY: Taxodium distichum — Nyssa aquatica bald cypress — tupelo NATURAL COMMUNITY Mesic floodplain forest NATURAL DIVISION AND SECTION: lib COMMUNITY CLASS: Forest RARITY INDEX: Very rare NATURAL QUALITY: 26 acres of Grade A Essentially undisturbed 27 acres of Grade B Old second growh 37 acres of Grade C Mature second growth SAF COVER TYPE: Beech — sugar maple Northern red oak — basswood — white ash Pin oak — sweetgum PLANT COMMUNITY: Fagus grandifolia — Quercus michauxii — Acer saccharum Figure 6. Example of a computer printout and topographic map for a natural area, continued. :58 AREA # 375 PAGE 3 beech — swamp chestnut oak — sugar maple Quercus rubra — Carya spp. — Ulmus americana red oak — hickories — American elm Liquldambar styraciflua — Liriodendron tulipifera — Quercus spp. sweetgum — tulip tree — oaks Vitis spp. grapes NATURAL COMMUNITY Cropland NATURAL DIVISION AND SECTION: I4b COMMUNITY CLASS: Cultural RARITY INDEX: Not applicable NATURAL QUALITY: 26 acres of Grade E Cultivated field SAF COVER TYPE: Not collected PLANT COMMUNITY: Not collected DIVERSITY INDEX: 3 TOTAL ACREAGE: 292 OWNERSHIP TYPE: Public NUMBER OF OWNERSHIPS: 1 USE OF NATURAL AREA: No apparent use USE OF SURROUNDING LAND (J wildland): 60 USE OF SURROUNDING LAND (% farmland): 40 USE OF SURROUNDING LAND (% developed land): NEAREST SMSA: St. Louis (Madison and St. Clair counties) DISTANCE TO NEAREST SMSA: 79 NUMBER OF NEARBY SCHOOLS: 1 NEAREST SCHOOL: Shawnee Community College, Karnak NUMBER OF NEARBY DOC FACILITIES: 3 LAND MANAGEMENT FACILITY: Illinois Department of Conservation GOVERNOR'S REGION: 5 PLANNING COMNQSSION: Southern Five Regional Planning and Development Comm. FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT: None CONSERVATION DISTRICT: None MANAGEABILITY: Yes PRESERVATION STATUS: Figure 6. Example of a computer printout and topographic map for a natural area, continued. 259 AREA # 375 Page 4 PRESERVATION STATUS: Dedicated Illinois Nature Preserve THREATS: No known threat SPECIES LISTS: Woody plants Ferns and fern allies Summer birds Amphibians, reptiles, and mammals SAMPLING FORMS: Tree basal area Tree density Sapling and shrub density DISCUSSION OF PRESERVATION VALUES: Horseshoe Lake Nature Preserve is a dedicated Illinois Nature Preserve and a Registered Natural Landmark at Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area. This 292-acre preserve includes high and very high quality bottomland forest and swamp communities. It provides habitat for two endangered plants, and the area is the known habitat for four rare or threatened vertebrates. There is high potential for the occurrence of four other rare or endangered vertebrates on the site. PUBLICATIONS: NOTE: The Inventory found 53 literature references to Horseshoe Lake. Only part of the citations are given in this example to conserve space. Cavanaugh, J. A., G.T. Weaver, and P. A. Robertson. 197t. Distribution models for woody species in a southern Illinois bottomland forest. (Abstr.) Assoc. Southeastern Biol. Bull. 21:46 Coulter, S.M. 1903. An ecological comparison of some typical swamp areas. Rep. Missouri Bot. Garden 15:38-71 Elder, W.H. 1945. The spadefoot toad in Illinois. Copeia 1945:122. Evers, R.A. and L.M. Page. 1977. Some unusual natural areas of Illinois. 111. Natur. Hist. Surv. Biol. Notes 100. 47 p. Ferry, J.F. 1907. Winter bird notes from extreme southern Illinois. Auk 24:281-266. Gunning, G.E., and W.M. Lewis. 1956. Recent collections of some less common fishes in southern Illinois. Trans. 111. State Acad. Soi. 48:23-26. Huston. J.W. 1972. The vascular flora of Horseshoe Lake, Alexander County, Illinois. Master's thesis. Southern 111. Univ., Carbondale. Kendeigh, S.C. 1970. The brown creeper in Illinois. 111. Audubon Bull. 153:19. Minton. S.A., Jr., and J.E. Minton. 1948. Notes on a herpetological collection from the middle Mississippi valley. Amer. Midland Natur. 39:378-390. Smith, P.W. 1948. Noteworthy herpetological records from Illinois. Chicago Acad. Soi. Natur. Hist. Misc. 33. 4 p. Smith, P.W. 1971. Illinois streams: A classification based on their fishes and an analysis of factors responsible for disappearance of native species. 111. Natur. Hist. Surv. Biol. Notes N. 76. 14 p. Figure 6. Example of a computer printout and topographic map for a natural area, continued. 260 A r.niinty ALEXANDER No. _il Name of Area HORSESHOE LAKE NATURE PRESERVE Quadrangle TAMMS 7.5' CACHE 7.5' Location SEC 9> 10, 15, 16 T16S, R2W ILLINOIS NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY Figure 6. Example of a computer printout and topographic map for a natural area, continued. ACREAGES 261 it of areas considered: 125 Total # of values considered(not including MDC's) Community GfiADti A 1 2 313.5 i 26 30 5 566.5 6 56 I 164 9 2 12 16 13 15 2.5 Id 17 2 1 1.1 2 . 2 2.6 2 ? 1 2 122 2 . 5 2 6 8.5 2 7 2 b 179 2 9 2 12 63 2 ]i 2 2 15 12.7 2 16 47 2 11 2 2 19 2 21 2 22 .6 2 iJ 10 2 2 25 2 26 79 2 27 3 1 3 2 3 J 3 17 3 5 3 5 111 3 2 1 J 4 2 31 4 4 ^ 1.9 4 5 3.1 4 . 6 4 5 11 4 32.55 4 9 48 4 . 11 8.4 4 , 12 51 Figure '. Example of a CO GKADn B GfiADG C grade; d GRADE E 27 540.7 21 532 4984.7 453.3 131 345.7 241.5 504 3163 417 1045.5 41.6 311.5 1204.5 51 3.4 85 181.9 I, 21 191 .7 .7 1 .7 .5 93 312 46 ^% 6 190.5 I'.l 18.3 199 34.5 .5 3.6 37.5 5.5 29.4 215.7 187.5 30 57 29.5 7 532.63 13.16 22.7 552.8 8.9 6 5 18.5 20 , 15 3.. 3.8 3.1 39 2.5 4 25.2 2 1086 4 195 11.8 24 973 119 67.5 7.5 9.5 1 1.3 2.5 19 r 550.4 507.53 67.56 144 10 106.5 41.4 338.63 94.66 Example of a computer printout from a statistical program. 262 Appendix 19. PRESETTLEMENT VEGETATION ATLAS OF ILLINOIS The PresettZement Vegetation Atlas is an unpublished set of maps, at a scale of one-half inch per mile, which show the forests, prairies, and other natural features of Illinois at the time of the U. S. Public Land Survey in the early 1800' s. The maps were made by copying the boundaries of the forests, prairies, barrens, marshes, swamps, lakes, and other fea- tures onto county highway maps from microfilm of the original township plats. The township plats are maps of each legal township in Illinois, drawn from the surveyors' field notes. The atlas has a supplement ar- ranged by county that contains all notes about natural features that were written on the original tov>fnship plats. The atlas is the product of several hundreds of hours of hand- copying the forest-prairie border and the boundaries of other natural features in color from roughly 2,000 township plats. The supplement of notes transcribed from the original plats consists of about 285 type- written pages. The atlas was loaned to the Inventory by John White. Its main uses were to find cemeteries and railroads with potential for prairies, and to determine the presettlement vegetation of specific sites. Plate 4 has a section of one of the maps which illustrates its use. 263 Appendix 20. SOME PROCEDURES FOR IDENTIFYING NATURAL COMMUNITIES This appendix is a review of methods for recognizing natural communi- ties by interpreting maps and aerial photos and by aerial surveys. The discussion is not a complete treatment of procedures, and most natural communities (Appendix 30) are not specifically mentioned. Interpreting Maps and Aerial Photos The use of standard black and white ASCS aerial photos (Section 9) is discussed. Most techniques for using topographic maps and soil maps are straightforward and conventional, so these maps are discussed only in special or unusual examples. Forests Most kinds of forest communities in Illinois can be predicted with a high degree of confidence by reading topographic maps. The natural com- munities are mostly distinguished on the basis of topographic position and soil moisture class. The forest soils of Illinois are generally deep and permeable, so soil moisture can be predicted on the basis of topog- raphy. Aerial photos can aid in determining the exact boundaries between communities, and some tree species can be identified by an experienced interpreter if they occur in dense, monotypic stands. These species in- clude tupelo, bald cypress, chestnut oak, post oak, cottonwood, sandbar willow, and silver maple. Other species can be identified by their dis- tinctive growth form, foliage, or habitat. These species include red cedar, white cedar, and tamarack. Prairies It usually is not possible to distinguish between a natural prairie and any other grassland on an aerial photo, but sites with high potential for prairie can be selected with a variety of methods. Railroads and cemeteries (Sections 15 and 16) have high potential for prairie remnants. 264 Soil maps can be used to find sand prairies. Hill prairies are visible on aerial photos as openings on steep, south to west-facing forested slopes. Wet prairies often occur in association with wetlands. Natural black-soil prairie can sometimes be found by studying a series of older aerial photos of a suspected prairie. If the pattern of vegetation remains the same throughout the years, and there are no signs of disturbance, then the grassland may be a natural prairie. Some black- soil prairies have been found by comparing the characteristic tone, tex- ture, and pattern of a known prairie with nearby grasslands that are on the same soil type. Savannas Maps and aerial photos were used only to find sand savannas, because natural remnants of typical savannas on finer-textured soils are almost nonexistent. (Seven remnants totaling 12.3 acres are known in Illinois.) Many examples of mesic and dry-mesic savannas on loess and glacial till soils can be found on aerial photos, but they are invariably too damaged by grazing to qualify as natural areas. Barrens can rarely be detected with certainty on aerial photos, be- cause they usually have a nearly complete tree canopy or cannot be dis- tinguished from a disturbed forest community. The possible presence of barrens can be predicted by searching for narrow ridges and steep, ex- posed, south to west-facing slopes, particularly in areas where the gla- cial drift is thin over bedrock. Wetlands The 7.5-minute topographic maps are generally precise in depicting wetlands, but seeps are usually not shown. Fens and other seep communi- ties can be identified by several means: (1) A deep, steep-walled valley where a stream cuts through a glacial moraine has a high potential for seeps. (2) Wet soil is dark-toned on aerial photos. (3) Sedges that grow in fens have a characteristic, even gray tone on aerial photos. (4) Peat deposits shown on soil maps are often in seeps and fens. 265 (5) Any uncultivated, level area at the base of a hill that is surround- ed by cultivated land should be suspected as a seepage area. (6) If a ditch follows the base of a hill, it often was built to inter- cept water flowing from seeps on the hillside. Pvimary commun-ities Cliffs, eroding bluffs, and beaches are easily recognizable on maps and photos, but glades require more careful study. Glades are openings in the forest, almost always on south to west-facing slopes. The open- ings are light-toned compared with the surrounding forest, but they char- acteristically have many small trees and shrubs. Red cedars are almost always present, and these are very dark gray on aerial photos. Limestone glades are often triangular or crescent-shaped, on south or southwest-facing points of limestone bluffs. The few, small shale glades in Illinois are similar in appearance to limestone glades. Sand- stone glades are usually bands at the top edge of sandstone cliffs or along sandstone chutes (courses of intermittent streams across bare bed- rock) . The glades often have narrow, parallel bands of trees and shrubs that grow in zones of thin soil developed along weaker beds of rock. Aerial Survey Unless otherwise noted, the following discussion is limited to tech- niques that are applicable during the dormant season. Forests Forest communities can be identified from the air by using the same principles that apply to interpreting maps and aerial photos, but more species can be identified from an airplane. An experienced observer at a low altitude can identify most genera or species of trees. Prairies Most dormant prairie grasses have a red, yellow, or orange color that makes them prominent during the aerial survey. The grass stems be- come flattened against the ground by snow, and they fade as the winter progresses. Hill prairies are especially visible from the air because they are on prominent, exposed slopes and usually have red cedars. 266 Savannas Natural savannas on fine-textured soil are almost nonexistent, so the aerial survey did not apply to them. However, sand savannas are relatively common, and an airplane was used to survey extensive tracts of sand plains and dunes with savannas. The savannas are easily recog- nizable from an airplane, but only the most disturbed ones can be eliminated during the aerial survey. The species composition of the vegetation has to be evaluated with ground surveys. Barrens are difficult to recognize from an airplane unless they are exceptionally large and well developed. The herbaceous vegetation among the trees is important, but this is usually so sparse and obscured by trees and fallen leaves that it can hardly be seen from an airplane. Primary oommunities Glades are quite visible from an airplane because they are on prom- inent, exposed slopes, and they almost always have red cedars. The bed- rock of sandstone glades has a light blue-green cast from a cover of lichens. Limestone glades have brownish or grayish outcrops. The ground in the few shale glades in Illinois has a purplish cast from lichens and weathered shale. 267 Appendix 21 . SOME PROCEDURES FOR DETECTING DISTURBANCES This appendix reviews techniques for detecting artificial distur- bances to natural communities by examining aerial photos, by aerial sur- veys, and by ground surveys. Only forests and prairies are discussed, but many principles that apply to prairies can be used with wetlands and savannas. Examining Aerial Photos This discussion applies to ASCS aerial photos that were used by the Inventory staff (Section 9). Examples are limited to general principles that can be explained without actual aerial photos. Forests Woodlots that have been protected from disturbances often have straight boundaries and square corners that follow property lines. A disturbed stand usually has an irregular boundary that follows steep slopes and wet areas. This indicates that the landowner has cleared as much timber as is economical, and the remainder has very seldom been protected from logging or grazing. An old growth, undisturbed forest on soil that is not especially limiting to tree growth has a continuous, relatively even canopy with large-crowned trees. A canopy that is open, uneven, or composed of small-crowned trees usually indicates logging or grazing disturbances. A young to mature second growth stand has a dense, even canopy of small - crowned trees. A stand that has had recent, selective logging exhibits distinct, small gaps in the canopy. A stand that has recently been heavily logged has a ragged appearance. If such a stand has recovered for several years, it has a pebbly appearance, caused by shadows of old- er trees, which rise above a new canopy of young trees. Small trees and openings in the forest canopy are not necessarily results of disturbance when they coincide with soil types and topographic 268 situations that might support flatwoods, xeric upland forests, wet flood- plain forests, and similar communities. Rectilinear or sharp changes in the canopy within a stand usually are the boundaries of timber cutting. A stereoscope is useful for de- termining the relative height of trees and irregularities in the canopy. Stereoscopes are generally not needed, except when concentrating on a specific site, and they are difficult to use with ASCS enlargements. Grazing can be detected with the following clues and techniques: (1) Look for livestock trails (thin, whitish lines) that extend from a pasture or barnlot into a woodlot. Care must be taken to dis- tinguish intermittent streams and unimproved roads from stock trails, (2) If the pasture immediately adjoining a woodlot is trampled bare, then the livestock in the pasture are being fenced out of the for- est. (3) A pond in a woodlot is usually for watering livestock. (4) If there is an indistinct, uneven boundary between a woodlot and a pasture, then it is likely tliat the forest is grazed. (5) If a woodlot is fenced, but trees do not extend to the fence, then it is probably grazed. Otherwise trees and shrubs would have in- vaded the open area between the fence and the forest edge. (6) A forested slope between an upland pasture and a bottomland pasture is almost invariably grazed. (7) A forest with large gaps in its canopy and broad areas in which the ground is evident is probably grazed. Pva'tvies In contrast to forests, natural prairies often have irregular bound- aries. Straight boundaries usually indicate that the prairie is fenced and grazed. Undisturbed prairies often persist in irregularly shaped patches that coincide with soil that cannot be cultivated or grazed. If a prairie remnant (or woodlot) is isolated in cropland, with no water source, and there is no livestock lane leading to it, there is a rela- tively high probability that it has not been grazed. 269 Prairies have been nearly eliminated from Illinois, so remnants that can be detected on aerial photos merit examination in the field unless the photo shows that the prairie has been severely disturbed. Even though prairies must be examined from an airplane or on the ground, aer- ial photos are useful for learning about past disturbances. Parallel lines in a prairie may indicate past cultivation or mowing. The lines are caused by differences in vegetation along furrows or along ruts or gouges caused by mowing. The lines may persist for many years after the disturbance, and they do not necessarily indicate that the prairie is too disturbed to qualify as a natural area. Mowing may have little lasting effect on a prairie, but ruts from mowing in wet soil may persist for years. A prairie may recover from cultivation, especially if the soil is sand and there is an adjacent prairie remnant to serve as a source for colonizing the disturbed area. On aerial photos, currently cultivated or mowed areas in a prairie are clear, bright, whitish areas, usually with sharp, straight sides. The mowed or plowed areas have a light tone because they reflect sunlight better than undisturbed grass. Closely grazed grassland has an even gray tone. In contrast, an area with tall grasses or forbs has a coarser and more textured appear- ance, with greater variability in tones. Heavily grazed areas have whit- ish patches of bare soil or thin, light lines from livestock trails. Trampled areas are most prominent along fences, at gates, in fence cor- ners, and around areas that provide feed, water, or shelter. Examining old aerial photos Examining old aerial photos of specific sites is important for several reasons. Past disturbances such as clearing, cultivation, and timber harvests may be detected that are no longer apparent on newer photos. The contrast in vegetation between different communities is sometimes greater on old photos. This is particularly true with flat- woods, hill prairies, and glades which were once more open but are blend- ing with the surrounding forest because of woody plant succession. Examining a series of aerial photos from different years increases the chance that an especially clear or useful photo will be found. For 270 example. Saline County was photographed one year when the leaves on the rare chestnut oak had their autumn coloration but the surrounding forest was still green. The stands of chestnut oak appear on these photos as prominent light-toned patches in the otherwise dark-gray forest. Some of the earlier photos have finer resolution and greater contrast than some of the newer prints. Aerial Survey A practically limitless number of techniques and clues can be used to detect disturbances during the aerial survey. The procedures de- scribed below are a sampling of ones used by the Inventory staff when conducting aerial surveys (Section 10) . Forests The following clues can be used to evaluate logging disturbances from an airplane: (1) Look for direct evidence of logging: Stumps Tops from felled trees Logging roads Open, uneven canopy from removal of trees (2) Determine the age of the stand by noting the size and form of indi- vidual trees, and by studying the structure of the stand: With experience, it is possible to judge the overall age of a stand by studying the size and form of individual trees. Young second growth trees are relatively small and slender, and have an immature growth form, with many ascending branches. Old growth trees are large, with relatively few, large, spreading or ascending limbs. Trees that have sprouted from the stumps of cut trees are often multiple-trunked. (Grazing, burning, and clearing of the un- derstory can also injure saplings and result in multiple-stemmed trees. ) 271 Often the largest trees in a forest are poorly formed individ- uals that were never cut because they were unsuitable for lum- ber. Such trees are readily recognized from an airplane. If all of the largest trees are poorly formed, then the stand is probably second growth. Young oaks in cut-over stands often retain their leaves through- out the winter. They are highly visible indicators of distur- bance. Recently logged floodplain forests characteristically display dense stands of yellow grass in winter. Old growth stands of certain forest types have exceptionally large, well formed trees that are conspicuous from the air. For instance, outstanding floodplain forest along the lower Kaskaskia River invariably has huge bur oaks; and dry upland forest in the Shawnee Hills has massive post oaks if it is old growth. (3) Determine the length of time since logging by noting the following: Condition of stumps, which varies according to tree species and soil conditions. Size and approximate age of trees that are replacing ones that were removed. The following clues can be used to evaluate grazing disturbances from an airplane: (1) Look for damage to the understory. This is difficult unless the damage is severe, because the branches of the overstory trees ob- scure and confuse the condition of the understory. The following clues and techniques are helpful : It is possible to get a view of the understory from an airplane by looking into the edge of the forest at a low angle. Binocu- lars are useful for this. 272 A forest with a heavily damaged understory has a relatively clean appearance. This is especially apparent if the damage stops at a fence inside the woods and the grazed part can be compared with the rest of the forest. A stand with a long history of grazing has an open canopy and overstory trees with unnaturally low, spreading limbs that have replaced understory trees. Even if grazing has ceased, the lower limbs will persist for years until gradually replaced by new understory growth. (2) Look for other evidence of grazing: Livestock and stock trails. (Trails are especially prominent on steep hillsides and radiating from gates. They are also prominent on the inside corner of a fenced, L-shaped woodlot, because the livestock take the shortest path between the arms of the fenced area. Livestock tend to form paths on the short- est or easiest route, so the paths often follow ridgetops or barriers such as creeks.) Fences. (At least one side of the fence probably has been grazed at some time.] Hogsheds, stock ponds, and watering tanks. (Ponds are rarely constructed in forests unless they are for watering stock.) Trampled, bare earth (particularly along fences, in fence corners, and at gates). (3) Look for thorny or unpalatable trees and shrubs that increase with grazing. Most have a characteristic growth form, phenolog> , or color that allows quick recognition from an airplane. Common spe- cies include multiflora rose, Osage orange, honey locust, hawthorns, gooseberries, European buckthorn, and red cedar. (4) Look for indirect evidence of grazing or the lack of grazing: If a woods adjoins a pasture and is not fenced from the pas- ture, then it is grazed to some extent. 273 If a wooded slope has cleared pastureland above or below it, then the woods is almost invariably grazed. If a woodlot is isolated in cropland, then it probably is not grazed during the growing season, unless a fenced lane connects the woodlot with a barnlot. Prairies The second group of clues listed for detecting grazing disturbances to forests can also be applied to prairies. Livestock trails are espe- cially prominent at gates, salt blocks, and feed bunks. On hill prai- ries, the trails form parallel terraces on the slope. In the fall and winter, most prairie grasses are yellow, orange, or reddish-brown. Exotic cool-season grasses may be green, light yellow, brown, or whitish in winter. Thorny and unpalatable shrubs such as red cedar, multiflora rose, and hawthorns indicate grazing. If the lower branches of shrubs are ab- sent, this usually indicates that livestock are still grazing the prai- rie. Only heavily disturbed prairies can be rejected during the aerial survey, because species composition can be examined in detail only by ground surveys. Some apparent indicators of disturbance may actually be signs that a prairie has not been grazed recently and may have recovered to high natu- ral quality. For example, a sand prairie that has a pine plantation probably has not been grazed since the trees were planted. A gravel prairie or dolomite prairie that has a gravel pit or mine may not have been grazed since the quarry was started. Seasonal considerations The dormant season, from late October to April, has the most advan- tages for aerial surveys. The interior of the forest is not obscured by a leafy canopy. Native prairie grasses are brightly colored and highly conspicuous. Clear, cold days allow the smoothest flights. 274 The low angle of the sun in midwinter has advantages and disadvan- tages. The crowns of trees are highlighted, so it is easier to determine the size and age of trees; but long, dark shadows obscure the understory and forest floor. Especially in the afternoon, the sun's rays are red- dish, and the distinctive colors of bald cypresses and prairie grasses are enhanced. The observer has more problems with glare from the low angle of the sun, unless the sky is overcast. A brief period in early spring when leaves and flowers are appearing has the most advantages for surveys of forests. The expanding leaves form a thin veil that accents the crowns of individual trees and shrubs, but the canopy is not so dense that the ground is obscured. A person fa- miliar with the phenology of flowering plants can use this knowledge to much advantage. Many individual species can be identified by the color of their flowers. Shrubs often produce leaves before overstory trees, so the condition of the understory is more apparent in early spring. Aerial surveys of prairies during the summer were not found to be effective, because prairie grasses cannot be distinguished from other grasses. There is little advantage to flying while forbs are in flower, because few species can be identified with certainty unless they charac- teristically form large, dense colonies. Weedy forbs are easily mistaken for conservative prairie species from an airplane. Late summer and early autumn are best for aerial surveys of wetlands with herbaceous vegetation. Many forbs that are indicators of distur- bance are in flower in late summer, and they can be identified by an experienced observer. The contrast between species of graminoids is greatest in early autumn, when each dominant species has a different color and texture. Killing frosts occur early in low wetlands because of cold air drainage, and the color of individual species changes from week to week after the first frosts, so the aerial surveyor should become familiar with the current condition of the vegetation. Some ways that snow can aid aerial surveys are listed below to indi- cate the wide variety of techniques available to the aerial surveyor. 275 (1) A snow cover provides a white background against which forests can be examined. Without a snow cover, the form of individual trees is obscured by the surrounding trees, and the trees blend with the for- est floor. With a snow cover, trees stand out as individuals, and the branching patterns are more apparent. (2) Stumps are more easily seen in the snow, unless they are covered by a deep snow. As the snow melts, stumps are especially apparent be- cause a ring of snow melts away from each stump before the rest of the ground is exposed. (3) Large, old growth trees can be spotted more easily if snow clings to their large limbs after it has fallen from the branches of smaller trees. (4) The contrast between grazed and ungrazed parts of a forest is in- creased by snow, especially if the forest is observed along a fence that separates the two parts of the forest. The snow-covered ground on the grazed side of the fence has a clearer appearance because the snow is less obscured by herbaceous vegetation and shrubs. (5) A light, powdery snowfall causes grazing trails to stand out as white lines in a background of brown leaf litter. In deeper snow, active stock trails stand out as dark lines. (6) Removal of the groundcover and understory by grazing can sometimes be detected by studying snow drifts. If the drifts extend very far into the forest from the edge of the woodlot, then there probably is not enough understory remaining to blunt the force of the wind. (7) Livestock, fences, and livestock shelters can be detected more read- ily in the snow. (8) Snow can enhance the visibility of hill prairies. Snow-covered hill prairies stand out as white patches among dark trees. As the snow melts, hill prairies are again accented because the snow melts from the prairies first, causing them to be brown patches against a back- ground of snow. 276 (9) Snow persists on protected north and east-facing slopes after it has melted elsewhere. The persisting snow makes it possible to see every small ravine, which is an important aid in marking the loca- tion of small hill prairies in rugged topography. (10) Surveying for seep springs is ideal after a fresh snowfall, because the springs and spring runs appear dark against the snow. (11) Snow assists in the detection of small ponds and sloughs in forested land. If they are frozen, they appear as white patches, which makes them prominent in timber stands. If they are not frozen, they ap- pear as blackish patches among the snow. (12) Air escaping from the upper entrances of caves melts snow, which sometimes makes the mouths of caves more prominent. However, the white background from snow makes it impossible to detect caves from the air by looking for fog streaming from the entrances . Ground Surveys Introduction Determining the degree of disturbance to forests and prairies by on- site inspections relied mainly on an evaluation of the natural quality of the vegetation (Appendix 22) . Although all components of a natural com- munity are important, plant communities are the best indicators of the past history and present condition of a community. Disturbances are re- flected in the vegetation's structure (age, distribution, size, etc. of individuals) and species composition. Although the types and abundance of animals are good indicators of an area's natural quality (see King and Elfner, 1975), detailed surveys of animals were not needed to decide how a terrestrial or wetland natural community had been disturbed. The fauna is dependent on the plant communities, and an analysis of the vegetation provides information for predicting the kinds of animals that are proba- bly present but are not apparent during brief surveys. As described in Section 12, the vegetation was sampled or plant spe- cies lists were completed for high quality natural communities. These data were not used by themselves to determine the natural quality of an 277 area. Rather, the degree of disturbance was analyzed by studying the structure and composition of the vegetation, along with other indicators of disturbance such as unnatural changes in the soil or water. Some of the indicators that apply to forests and prairies are discussed in the remainder of this appendix. Forests A primary indicator of the history of a stand is the age of the overstory trees. The Inventory used the following classification to pro- vide uniform terms for describing the age of a forest: Age of stand Age of overstory trees Old growth Very old 120 yr. + Old second growth Old 90-120 yr. Mature second growth Mature 40-90 yr. Young second growth Young 20-40 yr. Regrowth Very young 10-20 yr. The age classes for the forest stand correspond with age classes for in- dividual trees. For example, an old growth stand has a predominance of very old (120 years or older) trees in the overstory. Sometimes a stand consists of a mixture of different ages, and must be described, for example, as "all-aged second growth," or "young to mature second growth with scattered very old trees." Assessment of damage from grazing is complicated by the different rates at which forests recover from grazing, but the basic terminology used to decribe current grazing damage was as follows: None. — There is no evidence of grazing, or almost no evidence. Light. — Some evidence of grazing damage is present. A browse line is developing, and natural understory reproduction has stopped. There is a small gap in the age of the understory, and an increase in thorny species. Moderate. — Evidence of grazing is obvious. There is a definite gap in the natural understory, and thorny species are well established. Grazing trails are well established. 278 Heavy. — Understory has been replaced by thorny shrubs. Gaps are beginning to develop in the overstory. Severe. — Large gaps have developed in the overstory, and thorny spe- cies are entering the canopy. The edges of the woods, along fences (and particularly in fence corners) may be without trees or shrubs, due to continual, prolonged trampling. Very severe. — Understory has been eliminated or is dying. Overstory trees are being killed. Soil is bare and eroding. Useful descriptions of the effects of grazing and the stages of recovery from grazing are in studies by Day and DenUyl (1932) and DenUyl, et al. (1938). Examples of clues for determining the history of disturbance of a forest are listed below: (1) In a typical, undisturbed, old growth forest, the overstory trees have tall, straight, clear trunks, with relatively few, large, ascending and spreading limbs in the canopy. On dry soil, the trees are smaller and the crowns may be more widely spreading. An experi- enced person can judge the' age of a tree with close accuracy by observing the site conditions and the size and form of the tree. The Inventory staff used increment borings when necessary to deter- mine the age of individual trees. (2) Forked trunks result from injuries such as fire and grazing. Multiple-trunked trees may be stump sprouts, the result of logging. (3) Trees with large lower limbs and broad crowns usually indicate a past history of grazing. This open-grown appearance is illustrated and discussed by Bennett (1977). Or, the stand may be a former savanna that has succeeded to a forest. (4) An unusually high or low density of trees within a size class in- dicates past disturbance, usually logging or grazing. The distur- bances have either removed a size class or suppressed growth or reproduction. After the disturbance, an unusually high density of young trees may result as the stand recovers. 279 (5) An abundance of certain species indicates grazing. These include thorny and unpalatable species such as multiflora rose, honey locust, Osage orange, poison ivy, hawthorns, prickly ash, gooseberries, and blackberries. Some understory species [such as musclewood and most viburnumsj are sensitive and decrease with grazing. Other species such as elms and sugar maple decrease under grazing pressure but may become abundant after the livestock are removed. (6) The age of trees in a stand may indicate the period of grazing. For example, if the oldest thorny invaders are 40 years old, then graz- ing probably began 40 years ago. If a formerly grazed upland forest has 10-year old hackberries, elms, and sycamores, then grazing proba- bly ceased 10 years ago. (7) Information from owners or local residents can help reconstruct the history of disturbance of a woodlot, but these sources often do not reliably recall past disturbances. Pvairies Vegetation characteristics that may indicate disturbances include: (1) Low densities of either forbs or grasses. (2) Clones and dense colonies of single species. (3) Abundance of species that increase with disturbance. (4) Absence of species that decrease with disturbance. Soil characteristics that indicate disturbance include: (1) A plow layer, of well-mixed soil (often with a loss of natural soil structure, and a compacted plow sole at the lower boundary of the plow layer) . (2) Removal of the A horizon by erosion or mechanical means (determined by comparing the depth of the A horizon in similar soil on adjacent land). 280 Appendix 22. GRADING NATURAL QUALITY Natural quality is defined as a measure of the effects of distur- bance to a natural community. The concept is introduced and summarized in Section 7. Natural quality is expressed by a system of grades, which are affected by both artificial and natural disturbances. Some proce- dures for detecting disturbances are in Appendix 21. Grading Artificial Disturbances The grading system provides terms for describing the relative amount of successional instability or change in a community's natural diversity, species composition, and structure due to disturbance. The grades are summarized as follows: Grade A: Relatively stable or undisturbed communities Grade B: Late successional or lightly disturbed communities Grade C: Mid-successional or moderately to heavily disturbed commu- nities Grade D: Early successional or severely disturbed communities Grade E: Very early successional or very severely disturbed commu- nities Grade A Belatively stable or undisturbed communities. — Ideally, a Grade A community has a structure and composition that has reached stability and does not show the effects of disturbance by humans. However, this grade does include a range of conditions: the community may be gradually changing, or it may have been lightly disturbed. Examples: (1) old growth, ungrazed forest, (2) prairie with undisturbed soil and natural plant species composition, (3) wetland with unpolluted water, unaltered water level, and natural vegetation. Grade B Late successional or lightly disturbed communities. — A Grade B com- munity is a former Grade A community that either (1) has recently been 281 lightly disturbed, or (2) has been moderately to heavily disturbed in the past, but has recovered significantly. If the community was recently disturbed, it was not disturbed so heavily that the original structure and composition was destroyed. If the community was disturbed in the past, it has reverted so that it is reaching stability and is no longer rapidly changing. Examples: (1) old growth forest that was selectively logged 5 years ago, (2) old second growth forest that had a moderate grazing effect, but now is in the late recovery stage, (3) prairie with somewhat weedy composition because the soil was graded 15 years ago, (4) wetland in which original water levels have been altered, which changed species composition locally, but did not destroy the structure and natu- ral diversity of the community. Grade C Mid-suacessional or moderately to heavily disturbed communities. — A Grade C community either (1) has been moderately to heavily disturbed (and may or may not be reverting), or (2) has been severely disturbed and has reverted significantly. The disturbance to a Grade C community has been so great that the original structure was destroyed, and often the composition has been changed significantly. This grade includes a broad range of degrees of disturbance and of recovery. Examples: (1) heavily grazed, old growth forest, (2) young to mature second growth forest, (3) prairie that has been grazed so long that many native species have been replaced by weeds, (4) wetland with artificial water level that has changed the structure and composition of the vegetation. Grade D Early suocessional or severely disturbed communities. — A Grade D community either (1) has been severely disturbed and has not recovered significantly, or (2) has been very severely disturbed but has begun to recover. A Grade D community has been so heavily disturbed that its structure (and usually composition) has been severely altered and is rapidly undergoing succession. (If the disturbance is constant, such as with continual grazing, the community may be stable--not succeeding.) Examples: (1) recently clearcut forest, (2) mature second growth, se- verely grazed forest, (3) railroad prairie remnant with graded soil. 282 dominated by weeds, with many native species missing, (4) wetland that has been artificially flooded or drained, greatly changing the vegeta- tion. Grade E Very early sucoessional or very severely disturbed communities. — A Grade E community has been so severely disturbed that the original commu- nity has been removed, and either (1) the site is going through the first stages of secondary succession, or (2) the natural biota is nearly gone. A Grade E community has very few or no higher plants or animals of the original community, and the land surface is often altered. Examples: (1) newly cleared land, (2) cropland, (3) improved pastureland, (4) rail- road embankment, (5) paved parking lot. Grading Natural Disturbances The concept of grading natural quality originally evolved to de- scribe the relative amount of change in a community due to direct, arti- ficial disturbance by humans. However, natural disturbances often affect a community in a manner similar to unnatural disturbances. Two examples: (1) An old growth, ungrazed upland forest is Grade A. If this forest is severely disturbed by a tornado, it may appear to have been clearcut by humans. Even though the forest has never been disturbed by peo- ple, an "A" grade is misleading because the trees are felled. How- ever, a "D" grade is also misleading, because the forest was not affected by people. (2) An open community of pioneer herbs and invertebrates on a river bluff of eroding glacial drift may be completely untouched by people because it is inaccessible and because erosion would remove any evi- dence of human disturbance. However, it would be misleading to give a naturally disturbed community such as this the same grade as a stable, undisturbed community. A classification of successional types provides a framework for grading naturally disturbed communities and distinguishing them from arti- ficially disturbed areas: 283 Relatively stable or undisturbed conuiiunities Secondary successional communities caused by artificial disturbance Secondary successional communities caused or maintained by natural disturbance Primary successional communities caused or maintained by natural disturbance Formerly stable communities now undergoing further primary succes- sion Relatively stable or undisturbed communities These are typical Grade A communities, described in the previous section. The type may be undergoing gradual changes. The community may be maintained by fire or unusual soil, but it is stable under natural conditions. Although this type is described as "undisturbed," it in- cludes communities that are lightly disturbed. Secondary successional communities caused by artificial disturbance A community may be disturbed and undergo secondary succession be- cause of natural disturbances such as windstorms, diseases, insect out- breaks, severe fires, and a temporary, unusually high water table. These disturbances are not continual: often they are one-time, catastrophic events, and they do not always maintain the community at an earlier stage of succession. An old growth forest damaged by wind would be graded as follows: Bn: Enough canopy trees removed to approximate heavy selective logging Cn: Most overstory trees downed, leaving only young to mature trees Dn: Forest leveled by windstorm, leaving only saplings and shrubs Communities affected by other natural disturbances are graded in a manner similar to the preceding example. For instance, the grade of a forest damaged by death of American elms from Dutch elm disease would depend on the percentage of the trees removed from the stand. Primary successional communities caused or maintained by natural distur- bance Some communities either are (1) created and undergo succession due to natural disturbance, or are (2) kept perpetually youthful by natural 284 disturbance. In the first group are riverbank forests, and in the second group are young tree and shrub communities on river bluffs of eroding glacial drift. The grade of these communities depends on the stage of succession. A riverbank forest would be graded as in the following ex- ample: Bn: Old silver maple forest: overstory trees are old to mature. The stand has reached stability because trees in the very old age class are removed by floodwaters. Cn: Mature to young silver maple forest: overstory trees are ma- ture to young. The stand usually is not stable: it may become older in time or floodwaters may keep the stand relatively young. Dn: Very young riverbank forest: trees are very young. Common trees are black willow, cottonwood, silver maple, and sycamore. En: River bar: exposed alluvium with no vegetation or only herba- ceous vegetation. Formerly stable communities now undergoing further succession Many prairie and savanna communities are undergoing succession that is changing the structure and composition of the community, or even elim- inating the community. These communities were originally maintained by fire. The absence of fires in these communities is a natural disturbance caused by humans. The natural quality of these communities depends on the degree of change from the condition that could have been expected if the pre-European settlement condition of frequent fires had continued. For example, a prairie would be graded as follows: Bn: Sparse or scattered woody invasion, which probably has not eliminated any prairie species. Cn: Heavy woody invasion, which probably has eliminated some prai- rie species, and which threatens to soon eliminate the prairie unless management is started. Dn: Former prairie, covered by brush or young trees, with only scattered prairie plants. 285 The presence in low numbers (or in small patches) of trees and shrubs that are normally found in prairies does not affect the grade. Small stands of woody invasion are natural disturbance features that do not lower the grade: the grade is lowered only if an area that is large enough to map has changed or i s changing because of recent woody inva- sion. Savannas that are becoming closed forests, and other communities that are undergoing similar succession started by people are graded according to the degree of change from presettlement conditions. Naturally Disturbed Communities as Significant Features A community graded En should be included as a significant feature in the same manner as a typical Grade B community. Because of natural dis- turbances, some floodplain communities are rarely if ever Grade A, and might not be included in a Category I natural area unless Grade Bn exam- ples qualify as significant features. The only Grade Cn communities that should qualify as significant features are ones that are the least dis- turbed or only remnants of a particular community. For example, Dutch elm disease has so heavily disturbed- some forest communities formerly dominated by American elms in the Northeastern Morainal Division that the remaining stands are Grade Cn. Even though the natural community is heavily disturbed, the largest and least disturbed remnants will qualify as significant features. Otherwise, Grade Cn communities should be treated as typical Grade C communities : they may be included in a natural area to add diversity to an already-identified natural area. Grade Dn and Grade En areas should also be included in natural areas because they are integral parts of the entire natural community that are important to include in a nature preserves system. 286 Appendix 23. SOME PROCEDURES FOR FINDING RAILROAD PRAIRIES This appendix supplements the discussion of the railroad prairie survey in Section 15 by giving more detail about procedures that should be of interest to others considering similar surveys. Preparation for the Field Survey Several factors that affect the potential for significant prairie remnants were used in deciding which lengths of railroad should be sur- veyed. The usefulness of these factors is discussed in the following paragraphs : (1] A railroad that crosses a former prairie region has greater potential for prairie remnants than a railroad through forest land. — The loca- tion of prairies at the time of settlement was determined by a pre- settlement vegetation atlas (Appendix 19). These maps were used to eliminate railroads that cross extensive forested areas. The atlas was ideally suited for this purpose because both the railroads and the boundaries of the prairies are shown on its large-scale maps. In the absence of the vegetation maps, county soil reports could have been used; however, the soil maps vary greatly in usefulness and are much more difficult to use. The assumption that railroad prairies are found on prairie soil is logical, but significant stands of prairie vegetation occur on soil that is transitional between prai- rie and forest. Much of the land mapped as timber by the Federal land surveyors was actually savanna. Maps by Anderson and Anderson (1975) show that about one-quarter of the land depicted as timber on the original survey plats of Williamson County was open forest with between 19 and 40 trees per acre. Consequently, one must be careful about eliminating railroad lines because they appear to cross for- ested land. Several researchers, such as Shimek (1913, 1925) and Thomson (1940), have noted that prairie plants spread along rail- roads and highways, but the Inventory found no examples of high 287 quality railroad prairies on forest soil. (2) A railroad may have a greater potential for prairie if the railroad is closely paralleled by a road, so that there is an exceptionally y)ide strip of idle land shared by the rights-of-way of the road and the railroad. — This assumption did not prove true. If the strip of land between the road and the railroad is exceptionally wide, then it is almost invariably cultivated if the soil is suitable. Also, disturbance to the soil between a road and a railroad is usually compounded because the land was disturbed by both road and railroad construction. (3) An exceptionally wide right-of-way has greater potential for prairie than a narrow one. — This assumption is true unless the right-of-way was made exceptionally wide to accommodate an extra roadbed, a large ditch, or some other feature. Also, if a right-of-way has an excep- tionally wide strip of land outside the embankments and ditches, it is nearly always cultivated if the soil has not been removed or the soil is not poorly drained. The width of a right-of-way can be mea- sured from aerial photos with a magnifying lens and reticle. How- ever, a better clue to the presence of excess land that could have prairie is the uniformity of the right-of-way's width: if examina- tion of aerial photos reveals that a right-of-way continually broad- ens as it crosses valleys and narrows as it crosses level uplands, then the right-of-way is only wide enough to accommodate the rail- road embankments . (4) The potential for significant prairie decreases with increasing dis- turbance of the right-of-way. — One can detect disturbances such as earthmoving, cultivation, and woody invasion by studying aerial pho- tos. However, these disturbances are usually so local or discontin- uous that no significant length of railroad could be eliminated because of such disturbances. (5) Railroad lines that were constructed relatively recently would have relatively little potential for prairie remnants. — A study of old maps reveals that most railroads in Illinois were built during a 288 relatively short time, so most railroads have about the same poten- tial for prairie. Prior to 1840, only 26 miles of railroad were operating in Illinois, although other lines were started (Tanner, 1840). Little more track had been laid by 1851, when work began on the Illinois Central Railroad, stimulated by a grant of 2.5 million acres of Illinois land (Illinois Central Rail-Road Company, 1856; Gates, 1934). By 1856 the main line of the Illinois Central had been completed, and several more railroads were under construction (Starr, 1929; Stover, 1975). Most of the railroads were built with- in the next few decades: little more than 1,000 miles (less than 10%) of the cross-country lines in Illinois were built after 1909 (see map by George F. Cram Company, 1909). Some of the lines built after 1909 cross wet and sandy soil, and still have prairie remnants. Consequently, relatively few miles of railroads were eliminated be- cause they were built recently. Using the factors listed above as guidelines, the Inventory prepared county highway maps showing which railroads needed to be surveyed. Early tests had wrongly indicated that finding prairie remnants from an air- plane was ineffective, so the staff began to prepare county maps to be used while checking railroads from crossings and from roads paralleling the tracks. Because such ground surveys are very time-consuming, the maps showed exactly which segments of each railroad needed to be checked. The railroads were color-coded to show: (1) where the tracks crossed (a) prairie soil and (b) forest soil, (2) where the right-of-way was excep- tionally wide, with room for undisturbed prairie, and (3) where a road paralleled the railroad. These detailed maps were discontinued and were not used as intended because further tests showed that an aerial survey was effective. Since whole lengths of railroad could be surveyed rapidly from an airplane, it was not necessary to know exactly which small seg- ments had no potential for prairie. Aerial Survey The aerial survey conducted during the fall proved very effective for finding undisturbed prairies. The high quality prairies generally 289 are obvious, dense sheets of red-orange grass. However, some large, dense stands of prairie grass grow on excavations where all the soil has been removed. Prairies that have not burned for years have a deep accu- mulation of duff, with few fruiting stalks, and these prairies are not so obvious from the air, but they have a characteristic color and texture that can be detected. The pattern of vegetation is an important clue to its natural quality: irregular, discontinuous patches and clumps of prairie grass scattered among weeds and Eurasian grass indicate reinva- sion of prairie after severe disturbance. Bands of prairie grass that do not extend to the edges of the right-of-way indicate that the prairie is in ditches. 290 Appendix 24. SELECTING CEMETERIES TO BE SURVEYED FOR PRAIRIE AND SAVANNA REMNANTS The following is presented in the interest of people who might con- duct a cemetery survey in other states. Finding Cemeteries The most productive way to find cemeteries in Illinois was to exam- ine topographic maps and county highway maps. The 15-minute USGS topo- graphic quadrangles are less likely to omit cemeteries than the newer 7.5-minute series. Topographic maps and highway maps each show cemeter- ies that the other kind of map does not show: in a sample of 143 ceme- teries in three counties, 22% were shown only on topographic maps, and 14% were shown only on county highway maps. A genealogical society that has completed a thorough inventory of burials in a county can often find twice as many gravesites as are shown on maps. The Inventory found that these additional cemeteries have al- most no potential for significant prairie or savanna remnants. Many of the gravesites are so small and obscure that they are very difficult to find. Usually they are only large enough for a few burials. Most are in forested areas or are overgrown with shrubs. Selecting Cemeteries The Inventory used the Vve settlement Vegetation Atlas of Illinois (Appendix 19) to determine whether a cemetery had potential for a signif- icant prairie or savanna remnant. This source was preferred to soil maps because (1) the atlas was a set of county highway maps with cemeteries on them, (2) the atlas was available for the entire state, and (3] it some- times was not possible to quickly determine whether a particular area had prairie soil or forest soil on a soil map. Savannas were usually mapped as forests by the Public Land Survey that was a basis for the presettle- ment vegetation atlas, so soil maps were used to find sand areas that could have supported savannas. 291 The staff attempted to reduce the number of cemeteries to be sur- veyed by learning which ones were established after about 1900 when al- most all upland prairie would have been farmed. The following sources were explored: Old atlases. — The atlases often were not accurate or complete re- garding cemeteries. The staff stopped testing atlases as soon as it was discovered that two cemeteries with outstanding prairie remnants were not in atlases. State agencies. — Despite persistent rumors and a lengthy and compli- cated search, the Inventory found no State agency that maintained the needed information. Genealogical societies, historical societies, and libraries. — About 90 genealogical and historical societies were contacted by mail, and information was requested in newsletters of several societies. Al- most all responses stressed the oldest cemeteries instead of listing the newer cemeteries as requested. Records in libraries and lists of cemeteries compiled by other groups did not have enough informa- tion useful to the Inventory's purpose to be worthwhile extracting. Custodians of cemeteries. — Form letters were sent to a test group of about 100 cemetery custodians. Responses almost always indicated that the cemetery was established before 1900. This method would not have been efficient for rejecting cemeteries. There would have been such a low return for the effort from any of the above methods that they were not used. 292 Appendix 25 . CRITERIA FOR DESIGNATING A SPECIES AS RARE, THREATENED, OR ENDANGERED Consideration of a Species' Population Status The following criteria were adapted for use in Illinois by Richard H. Thorn of the Illinois Endangered Species Project from the Maine Criti- cal Areas Program report (Adamus and Clough, 1976). They are factors to be considered when determining the desirability and suitability of pro- tecting and managing a species that may be rare, threatened, or endan- gered. The guidelines were used during the workshops conducted by the Endangered Species Project. (1) Relationship of the species' range in Illinois to its total range: (a) The periphery of the species' range occurs in Illinois. (b) Illinois is well within the species' range. (c) Illinois population is disjunct or relictual. (2) Spatial distribution in Illinois, the Midwest, and in its entire range (after Drury, 1974) : (a) A few individuals or groups occur at widely scattered locali- ties over a large geographic area of what appears to be suit- able habitat. (b) The species is found in very small numbers in each community where it occurs, but it occurs in many suitable areas over its geographic range. (c) The species is restricted to so few localities that it is con- sidered rare even though it may occur in relatively large numbers at each locality. (3) Endemicity : (a) Endemic to Illinois (b) Endemic to the Midwest (c) Not endemic to Illinois or to the Midwest 293 (4) Relative dbundanae in Illinois, in the Midwest, and in its entire range as estimated by probable site abundance: (a) Five or fewer sites in Illinois (b) Six to 15 sites in Illinois (c) More than 15 sites in Illinois (5) Probable change in population in Illinois and in the species' en- tire range during the past decade and century: (a) Status change in Illinois during the past 10 years: (1) decreasing (b) Status change in Illinois during the past 100 years: [1) decreasing (1) decreasing (1) decreasing (2) stable, or (3) increasing (2) stable, or (3) increasing (c) Status change in entire range during the past 10 years: (2) stable, or (3) increasing (d) Status change in entire range during the past 100 years: (2) stable, or (3) increasing (6) Relative habitat specialization in Illinois: (a) High degree of specialization: the species has very special requirements for at least some phases of its life cycle (b) Moderate degree of specialization (c) Low degree of specialization: the species can live in a great variety of habitatis, if necessary (7) Probable site persistence in Illinois. --This is the probability that a species (not necessarily the same individual) will occur in a given place or small area for a majority of years over a 25-year timespan, assuming there to be no human disturbance of habitat or other detrimental human intervention, and reproductive success is assumed to be close to normal for the species: (a) High site persistence: the species can be expected to remain in or return to the same small area year after year 294 (b) Moderate site persistence: the species cannot be expected to remain in or return to the same small area year after year, al- though they tend to do so (c) Low site persistence: there is little probability that the species will remain in or return to the same small area year after year (8) Seasonal mobility: (a) Migratory: most members of the species migrate across state boundaries between summer and winter seasons (b) Regionally mobile: most members of the species move shorter distances within the state or between neighboring states during the year (c) Locally mobile: many members of the species may move or wander distances ranging from one-half to 10 miles either as regular travelers over a home range of that size or irregularly in re- sponse to seasonal changes in their food supply and general environment (9) Probable response to protection of habitat. — Would the species de- rive a real benefit by having specific areas of its habitat protect- ed? Is scarcity of suitable habitat the limiting factor for the species' occurrence in Illinois? (a) High positive response to habitat protection (b) Moderate positive response to habitat protection (c) Low positive response to habitat protection (10) Area size needs. — This includes the area needed for all the life needs (breeding sites, territory, feeding grounds, etc.) during the breeding season: (a) Generally more than 300 acres (b) Generally 100 to 300 acres (c) Generally 10 to 100 acres (d) Generally 1 to 10 acres (e) Generally less than 1 acre 295 (11) Reasons for status change (12) Oacurrenae in Illinois. — Exact locations and presumed range Other Considerations At more than one of the endangered species workshops, the following question arose: Should a species that occurs at very few sites in Illi- nois be kept off the endangered species list if all these populations are already protected? A species was not excluded solely because its entire population in Illinois is protected: this would in effect ignore the significant feature of an area where the species occurs and would often deny the reason the area was protected. Also, a species with a very low population level, restricted range, or specialized habitat is so vulner- able to disturbances that it is usually endangered even if its habitat is managed with preservation in mind. Three other questions arose at the workshops: Should a species be excluded from the endangered species list to keep from drawing the attention of collectors? Should a species be excluded from the endangered species list so that biologists will not be restricted by law from collect- ing or studying the species? Should a species be listed so that money will be made available from, government programs to study the species? Most workshop participants agreed that the above questions are legitimate concerns; but they should be kept separate from determining whether a species is endangered on the basis of population characteristics. 296 Appendix 26. FIELD SURVEY FOR ENDANGERED PLANTS Donald R. Kurz Most fieldwork specifically for locating endangered plants was dur- ing the second field season, after information needed for a determination of each species' status was gathered. Without knowing which plants were endangered or threatened, the field survey and subsequent data gathering would not have been practical. The success rate at which species could be located was in the range of 15 to 40%. Although this was not nearly as successful as could be hoped for, it did provide up-to-date informa- tion on the condition of sites from which the species were once known to occur. Preparation prior to the field search often enabled the fieldworker to decide whether a search for a particular species site would be needed. Examination of recent aerial photos was important to confirm that the site still existed. Contacting the person that collected the plant in question sometimes revealed information that could not be derived from the herbarium label. The occurrence of one plant specimen in the herbar- ium for a particular county was sometimes misleading in regard to the general distribution of the species. Sometimes a botanist would collect a plant at one site for a county record but would fail to collect or record the occurrence of the plant at other localities in the same county. One plant that was known from three counties in the southeastern part of the state was being considered as a threatened species, but upon contacting the original collector of the three county records it was revealed that the plants occurred abundantly throughout the counties in suitable habi- tat. Contacting the original collector also provided more detailed and accurate information about the species and its location. One particular interview revealed that the collector had reversed the quarter-quarter sections in the legal descriptions on all of the herbarium labels. This often misplaced the plant's location by one-half mile. 297 Some of the earlier botanists used county and state road maps to describe the location for plants collected. As roads deteriorate, and new ones replace them, the route followed is not always the same. IVhen there was some question about the location of a site, it was often help- ful to use an older road map that would have been used by the collector. Searching for plants in the field met with varying success and often depended upon the condition of the plant. By studying the phenology or time when the flowers were at antheses, the success with finding a plant was greatly increased. Various plant species of concern with similar flowering dates could be sought on the same trip by planning the route and limiting time at each site. 298 Appendix 27. DETERMINING PRESERVATION PRIORITIES Introduction The most important part of a system for choosing potential nature preserves is a list of features that merit preservation. But once sites with significant features are found, the task is to set priorities for acquiring or negotiating preservation of these areas. The Department of Conservation specified that the Inventory should not rank natural areas according to their priority for preservation. In- stead, the Department intends to use certain of the data listed in Sec- tion 13 to rank areas with the aid of a computer program. The Inventory developed a computer program for the Department that has options for add- ing or deleting evaluation criteria and for varying the weights assigned to factors. This ranking system is in the early stages of use, and it may prove to be useful for making quick comparisons. It is one of sever- al aids for setting preservation priorities. Considerable effort has been devoted by preservationists to devel- oping schemes for priority ranking. Among these are numerical scoring systems developed by the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission (1969) , the Illinois Department of Conservation (1972), Tans (1972, 1974) for Wiscon- sin, Sargent and Brande (1975, 1976) for New England, and Gehlbach (1975) for Texas. Wright (1977) developed a ranking system for Great Britain and produced a helpful comparison and criticism of six other schemes. Fell, et al. (1972) discussed the criteria used for evaluating potential Illinois Nature Preserves, and Jenkins (1977) reviewed the criteria for selecting natural areas in The Nature Conservancy's Heritage Programs. A clear and thorough introductory discussion of the problems and approaches of choosing sites to preserve is in A Nature Conservation Review, edited by Ratcliffe (1977). 299 Evaluation Criteria Natural characteristics Characteristics such as natural quality, endangered species, diver- sity, and rarity of communities are in this group. Most natural charac- teristics are considered to be more important in priority ranking schemes than management, use, or acquisition factors. Management and use criteria The most important factors in this group appear to be the adequacy of buffer land and the potential for maintaining the area's significant features. Some authors have concluded that natural areas should be pro- tected without regard to factors such as educational value, scenery, access, and similar criteria--provided that the area is not so vulnerable to surrounding influences or irreversible deterioration that it cannot be preserved. (Five such areas were identified by the Inventory among 610 ecological areas.) Acquisition factors Two practical considerations are sometimes overriding influences in determining preservation priorities. These are availability and threats. Availability. — An area that is available through a willing seller, bargain sale, donation, or dedication may be preserved ahead of an area that is more valuable but is not available. Preserving an area that is less valuable but available may be justified, but it is important to con- sider future management needs and how well the area's significant fea- tures are represented in other preserves. Threats. — An area may be given priority for preservation if it is threatened with destruction. Such preservation efforts may be rational- ized by reasoning that all natural areas should be preserved and by hoping that later efforts will assure preservation of all areas. Some preservation programs may not proceed beyond reacting to crises, and often the money and interest needed to protect an area cannot be gener- ated until the area is slated for development. Sometimes preservation- ists are unaware of an area until plans for development are announced. It is difficult to work on preserving an area that is not threatened 300 while allowing another site to be lost, but responding to crises often results in protecting less land at greater cost than if preservation had been negotiated before the area was threatened. Numerical Ranking Systems Structure of ranking systems A typical numerical rating system has the following characteristics: Evaluation factors. — Factors are often placed in two major groups: (1) natural characteristics, and (2) protection and use characteristics. A third group of acquisition factors [availability and threats) is some- times separated from protection and use characteristics. Relative ratings.— '^'^'^'^s is a method of rating the value of each factor on a common scale: high, medium, or low; 1, 2, 3; etc. Weighted factors. — Factors are weighted to indicate their relative importance in determining the overall value of an area. For example, an important factor that rates high might score 15 points, and a less impor- tant factor that rates high might score 5 points. Factors are usually stated so that positive ratings are possible for all factors. For exam- ple, management problems (a negative attribute) are treated as manageabil- ity , which can be considered a positive attribute. Weighted scores. — The weighted score is computed for each factor by multiplying the relative rating by the weight assigned for that factor. For example, if a factor is rated medium (2 points) on a scale of 1 to 3, and each rating point has a value of 5, then the weighted score is 2 x 5 = 10. Some rating systems are simplified by having the weighted score already computed for each relative rating. In the above example, a weighted score of 10 points would be automatically assigned to a medium rating without the need to multiply 2x5. Total score. — Weighted scores for each factor are summed to compute a final, overall preservation value score. Problems with the design of ranking systems Deciding which factors to evaluate . —Most rating systems generally agree about the basic kinds of factors, but they differ because some 301 factors may be combined with others, and some factors may not be consid- ered. For example, scenio value and presence of hazardous situations may be listed as separate factors, or may be combined under one factor re- lated to public enjoyment , or may be omitted altogether. Interdependence of factors. — Often a negative factor varies in di- rect relation to a positive factor. For example, management problems usually increase with an area's sise and the presence of unique features. Accessibility may be considered a positive attribute because it allows more people to use an area, or it may be considered a negative attribute in relation to wilderness quality. Assigning weights. — The relative value assigned to each factor is one of the most important and most difficult steps in designing a priori- tization scheme. Problems with the use of ranking systems Interpretation of guidelines and criteria. — Although some factors can be quantified and all can be defined, the evaluator invariably has to make qualitative judgements of some factors. Interpretation by different evaluators will result in discrepancies in the evaluations. Independent ranking of the same area by two evaluators, followed by comparison of the results, is a good way to determine ambiguities and limitations of a ranking system. Comparison of dissimilar areas. — It is best to rank areas with dif- ferent categories of significant features (such as outstanding fossil sites and endangered species habitats) separately. Misleading simplification. — If the scoring system results in a single number as an overall evaluation, then it probably is best to use a large number of criteria (more than 20). In this way, errors in judgement about individual factors are less likely to affect the final score, pro- vided there is no consistent bias by the evaluator. Tans (1974) expressed an opposite viewpoint: he stated that the more factors involved in eval- uating an area, the more averaging there will be, masking an area's out- standing qualities and deficiencies. This is true if the area is ranked by a single numerical value based on all factors combined; the limitations 302 of this sort of rating system are so great that it is best not to use a numerical rating system as the only means for setting priorities. In- stead, the rating system is best used as a checklist for systematically evaluating an area and for recording observations in an orderly manner. In addition to recording a numerical rating, the evaluator should record the observations and reasoning that led to the rating of each factor. In this way, the rating system can be a learning tool, instead of an inade- quate final answer. Conclusion Numerical ranking systems of the kind described above do not seem to be the best means of detei'mining preservation priorities based on the sort of information collected by the Illinois inventory. The Inventory collected a relatively complete set of information about the location and characteristics of natural areas, but using a ranking system based on many, diverse criteria might confuse the priorities. The way to choose the most important sites to preserve is to first determine which areas will most effectively fulfill the goals of preserving natural quality and natural diversity. The most important sites are both the areas that have the rarest significant features and the areas that have the greatest di- versity and number of significant features. By listing the features in need of protection, then listing the sites that have these features, the needs can be matched with the resources. An example of this sort of approach is by Dyrness, et al. (1975). The next stage consists of practical considerations of preservation status, availability, and threats. These criteria are of great impor- tance in planning preservation strategies, but they must be kept separate from evaluating an area on the merits of its natural characteristics. However, it is necessary to recognize which areas are already protected, which ones are most available, and which ones are threatened with imme- diate destruction. These considerations will help determine the order in which areas are preserved and the amount of immediate effort that should be spent on each area. 303 Use values such as accessibility and potential for low-intensity recreation are seldom important enough to set priorities for preservation of natural areas. Two areas are rarely so similar that the most impor- tant area must be determined by considering such attributes. Protection and management factors are seldom important enough to determine the high- est priorities for preservation. Aside from the few areas that may not be practically protected and properly managed, a site that is valuable enough to be listed as a natural area should receive the management ef- forts needed to protect its significant features. Selection of the top priority areas is a matter of deciding which sites should be protected first to assure the preservation of the great- est number and diversity of significant features. Initial efforts must be determined by considering preservation status, availability, and threats. The most outstanding areas are usually apparent without recourse to a numerical ranking system, particularly if categories of similar areas (cemetery prairies, geologic areas, aquatic areas, etc.) are treated sep- arately. Beyond the strategy of matching unprotected features with known natural areas, the most important criteria for setting priorities seem to be: Number and type of significant features Relative rarity of significant features Acreage of Grade A and B natural communities Number and type of exceptional features Total acreage and number of natural communities 304 Appendix 28. PLANT COMMUNITIES Procedure for Naming Plant Communities Vegetation may be classified according to plant communities, which are groups of plants that share a common environment. Each community has certain species that are dominant, and each community has plants that are absent from or less common in other communities. Plant communities were named by the Inventory according to the dom- inant species. Dominance was measured by basal area in forests and by vegetative cover in other communities. Usually two or three species were used to name the plant community. The species were listed in descending order of dominance. Therefore, a white oak--red oak community is differ- ent from a red oak--white oak community. Species in the same life form were separated by a dash, and species in different life forms were separated by a solidus. Examples: Big bluestem-- Indian grass Black oak/little bluestem--porcupine grass Bald cypress/buttonbush/duckweed Plant Communities Distinguished from Natural Communities Although vegetation is frequently used to identify, name, and de- scribe natural communities, in the Inventory's classification system, plant communities are not synonymous with natural communities. A plant community is a feature of a natural community. A plant community name is based on vegetation, and a natural community is based on all of the natu- ral features, including vegetation. For example, a name of a natural community is dry-mesic upland forest ; the corresponding plant community name might be white oak — red oak — moakemut hickory or white oak — black oak. The Inventory did not use plant communities to classify natural areas. The plant community names were variable and described the actual 305 dominants of the vegetation. Natural communities, instead of plant com- munities, were used to classify natural areas. Plant communities were named on a stand-by-stand basis, so there were many different combinations of dominant species. For example, red oak was a dominant in 254 stands identified by the Inventory, and there were 91 different plant communities in these stands. Sixty-six of the 91 communities occurred only once. To illustrate the diversity of combina- tions in which red oak was dominant, the 10 commonest examples are given: White oak--red oak White oak--red oak--hickory Red oak--sugar maple White oak--red oak--sugar maple Red oak--sugar maple--basswood Sugar maple- -red oak Sugar maple--red oak--basswood White oak--red oak--black oak Red oak- -white ash Red oak--basswood 306 Appendix 29. SPECIES LISTS Types of Lists Species lists were used to note the presence or abundance of plants or animals. The following were standard lists: Amphibians, reptiles, and mammals Summer birds Ferns and fern allies Woody plants These four lists were completed for each natural area that was visited in the field. Other forms, such as plant checklists for various prairie com- munities, were also used. Annotations The following annotations were entered in the blank beside the name of each species: Presence. — The presence of a species was noted by a checkmark. Presence gives no indication of abundance. Absolute abundance. — This was the actual number of individuals observed. Absolute abundance was sometimes recorded for species that occurred in very small numbers. Relative abundance. — Relative abundance was rated according to the following scale: 1. Rave: very few individuals observed. 2. Occasional: infrequently observed. 3. Common: frequently observed. 4. Abundant: very frequently observed. 5. Very abundant: dominant nearly to the exclusion of other species. Although ratings were based on relative observations, without counts of individuals or measurements of density, the scale was as precise as 307 practical for a general field survey. Classes 1 and 5 were reserved for the very extremes . Distribution. — Some species were limited in distribution, and were annotated with an "L" for "local" or "locally." For instance, L4 means locally abundant, and L2 means occasional and local. A species was anno- tated as local if it had limited distribution within a natural community, but not simply because it had limited distribution within a natural area. Native, naturalized, and adventive species. — The number of plant spe- cies is a good index of the diversity of a natural area. However, natu- ralized and adventive species increase with disturbance. These non-native species were annotated as naturalized or adventive so that the species list could not be misinterpreted because of an inflated number of species. The terms naturalized and adventive were defined as follows: (1) A natu- ralized species is one that is not native to the natural area, but that is permanently established and reproducing in the area. Most naturalized species are exotics, not native to the Natural Division, or to the state, but some are native to other parts of Illinois. For instance, black lo- cust is native to the Ohio River bluffs in southern Illinois, but it is naturalized in other habitats throughout the state. (2) An adventive species is one that would not naturally occur in the natural area. It has invaded the area, usually in response to disturbance, and probably will not persist. Naturalized species were annotated with an "N," and adventives were noted with an "A." Appendix 30. CLASSIFICATION OF NATURAL COMMUNITIES IN ILLINOIS John White and Michael H. Madany Plate 10. A calcareous seep community in the Morainal Section of the Northeastern Morainal Division. This natural community is characterized by highly calcareous seeps and spring runs, tufa deposits and open marl flats 3 and six threatened or endangered plants. The large plant in flower is prairie dock. There are 15 acres of this unusual natural com- munity in Illinois. 311 CLASSIFICATION OF NATURAL COMMUNITIES IN ILLINOIS Introduction The Illinois Natural Areas Inventory's classification system uses the approach of the Natural Divisions of iZZinois by Schwegman, et al. (1973), which recognizes regions of the state on the basis of topography, glacial history, bedrock, soil, and distribution of native plants and animals. In the Inventory's classification, the Natural Divisions and Sections are subdivided into community classes and natural communities. The natural communities are classified by considering many natural fea- tures and choosing the dominant features to identify, name, and describe the communities. This appendix discusses the classification hierarchy, describes the natural communities, and lists references to publications that describe the communities. Natural Divisions and Sections The Natural Divisions of Illinois (Figure 8) was developed by Schwegman, et al . (1973) as a framework for identifying the significant natural features to be included in the Illinois Nature Preserves System. The Inventory's classification further subdivides the 14 Natural Divi- sions and their Sections into nine community classes and many natural communities. The following summary of the Natural Divisions is adopted from the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission's Two-year Report 1973-2974 (Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, 1975). Wisconsin Driftless Division This is part of an area extending from northwestern Illinois into Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota that apparently escaped Pleistocene gla- ciation. This division has rugged terrain that had forest, savanna, and prairie. It has the coldest climate in the state. It contains several plants with northern affinities and some possible relicts of the pregla- cial flora. The division contains lead deposits. 312 I 1 I Wisconsin Driftless Division I 2 I Rock River Hill Country Division a Freeport Section b Oregon Section I 3 I Northeastern Moroinol Division o Moroinol Section b Loke Michigan Dunes Section c Chicago Lake Ptoin Section d Winnebago Drift Section I 4 I Grand Prairie Division a Grand Proirie Section b Springfield Section c Western Section d Green River towlond Section e Kankakee Sand Area Section I 5 I Upper Mississippi River and lllinoi River Boltomlonds Division o Illinois River Section b Mississippi River Section I 6 I Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Areas Division o Illinois River Section b Mississippi River Section I 7 I Western Forest-Prairie Division o Golesburg Section b Corlinville Section I 8 I Middle Mississippi Border Division a Glaciated Section b Driftless Section I 9 I Southern Till Plain Division o Effingham Ploin Section b Mt Vernon Hill Country Section I 10 I Wabash Border Division a Bottomlonds Section b Southern Uplands Section c Vermilion River Section I 11 I Ozark Division o Northern Section b Central Section c Southern Section I 12 I Lower Mississippi River Bottomlands Di a Northern Section b Southern Section I 13 I Shawnee Hills Division a Greater Shawnee Hills Section b Lesser Shawnee Hills Section I 14 I Coastal Plain Division a Cretaceous Hills Section b Bottomlands Section Figure 8. Natural Divisions of Illinois. 313 Rook River Hill Country Division The Rock River drains this region of rolling topography. It has a thin mantle of glacial till. Prairie formerly occupied the larger ex- panses of level uplands, but forest was abundant along the water courses and on the more dissected uplands. Several distinctive plant species oc- cur in this division. The Freeport and Oregon sections are distinguished because of bedrock types and resultant floral differences. Northeastern Morainal Division The most recent glaciation in Illinois occurred in this region. Prominent glacial landforms are common features and are responsible for the rough topography over most of the area. Lakebed deposits and natural lakes are also frequent features. Unlike most of Illinois, the soils of this division are derived from glacial drift rather than loess. This division contains distinctive northern and eastern plants, including bog inhabitants. Several species of animals are known in Illinois only from this area. The sections are recognized because of differences in topog- raphy, soil, glacial history, flora, and fauna. Grand Prairie Division This is a vast plain formerly occupied primarily by tall-grass prai- rie. The soils were developed from recently deposited loess, lakebed sediments, and outwash. Natural drainage was poor, resulting in many marshes and prairie potholes. Forest bordered the rivers, and there were occasional groves on moraines and glacial hills. The sections of this division are differentiated on the basis of soils, topography, and glacial history. Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River Bottomlands Division This encompasses the bottomlands of the Mississippi River above its confluence with the Missouri River as well as the bottomlands of the Illinois River and its major tributaries south of LaSalle. Much of this division was originally forested, but prairie and marsh also occurred. The lower gradient of the Illinois River and its backwater lakes distin- guish the Illinois River Section from the Upper Mississippi River Sec- tion. 314 Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Areas Division This encompasses the sand areas and dimes in the bottomlands of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers and includes the "perched dunes" atop the bluffs near Hanover in Jo Daviess County. Forest, savanna, and sand prairie are the natural vegetation of this division. Several plant spe- cies found here are more typical of the short-grass prairies to the west of Illinois. Several relict western amphibians and reptiles are known only from these sand areas. The two sections are distinguished because of differences in flora and fauna. Western Forest — Prairie Division This is a strongly dissected glacial till plain of lllinoian and Kansan age. At the time of settlement, forest was the predominant vege- tation, but there was considerable prairie on the level uplands. The prairie soils were developed from loess. The two sections are geographi- cally separated by the Illinois River valley and also have some faunal differences. Middle Mississippi Border Division The Middle Mississippi Border Division consists of a relatively nar- row band of river bluffs and rugged terrain bordering the Mississippi River floodplain from Rock Island County to St. Clair County and border- ing the lower Illinois River. Limestone cliffs are common features. This division is best distinguished from the river bluffs to the north and south of it by the absence of certain plants and animals. The Drift- less Section is distinguished from the remainder of the division because it was never glaciated. Southern Till Plain Division The Southern Till Plain encompasses most of the area of dissected lllinoian glacial till plain south of the Shelbyville Moraine and the watersheds of the Sangamon River and Macoupin Creek. Both forest and prairie were present at the time of settlement. The soils are relative- ly infertile and frequently have a claypan or fragipan. Flatwoods are characteristic of the division. The two sections are distinguished be- cause of topographic differences. 315 Wabash Border' Division This includes the bottomlands of the Wabash River and its major trib- utaries, the loess-covered uplands bordering the Wabash River, and the ravine forests of the Vermilion River, Little Vermilion River, and Crab Apple Creek. This region has forests with beech, tuliptree, and other trees typical of the forest to the east of Illinois. The Wabash River drainage contains several distinctive fishes. The sections are distin- guished by differences in topography, glacial history, flora, and fauna. Ozark Division This consists of the Illinois part of the Salem Plateau of the Ozark uplift from St. Clair County southward and includes the glaciated sand- stone ravines in Randolph County. The area is mostly forested, but many hill prairies occur in the Northern Section. The division contains many Ozarkian, southern, and southwestern plants and animals that are rare or absent elsewhere in Illinois. The sections are based on differences in bedrock, topography, flora, and fauna. Lower Mississippi River Bottomlands Division This includes the Mississippi River and its floodplain from Alton to the Thebes Gorge. The Mississippi River is muddy here due to the silt load contributed by the Missouri River. Its fish fauna contains a dis- tinctive assemblage of silt-tolerant plains species. The Northern Sec- tion (including the American Bottom) originally contained prairies, marshes, and forests. The forests of this division contain a greater number of tree species than the forests of the upper Mississippi River, including some southern lowland species. Shaunee Hills Division The Shawnee Hills extend across the southern tip of the state from Fountain Bluff on the Mississippi River to the Shawneetown Hills near the mouth of the Wabash River. This unglaciated hill country has a series of east-west sandstone escarpments (the Greater Shawnee Hills) and a series of lower hills underlain by limestone and sandstone known as the Lesser Shawnee Hills. Originally this division was mostly forested, and consid- erable forest remains to the present time. The Lesser Shawnee Hills has fluorspar deposits. 316 Coastal Plain Division This is a region of swampy, forested bottomlands and low clay and gravel hills that is the northernmost extension of the Gulf Coastal Plain Province. Tupelo and bald cypress swamps are distinctive features of this division in Illinois, as are many southern animals and plants. The division encompasses the bottomlands of the Cache, Ohio, and Mississippi rivers, and hills capped by Cretaceous and Tertiary sand, gravel, and clay. It has a relatively mild climate, the warmest in the state. The two sections distinguish between uplands and bottomlands. Community Classes A community class is a broad group of natural communities that have important natural features in common. The nine community classes are as follows: Forest Prairie Savanna Wetland Lake and Pond Stream Primary Cave Cultural Natural Communities Definition A natural corrmunity is a group of organisms that are interrelated with each other and their environment. Although natural communities might be defined at any scale, from biome to microassociation, in this project the term natural community is used to identify the smallest units of land or water that can be mapped using Inventory techniques. Impor- tant characteristics for identifying natural communities include physi- ognomy, soil moisture, substrate, soil reaction, species composition, vegetation structure, and topographic position. Naming natural communities Each Natural Division and Section has its own distinct set of natu- ral communities, and the name of the Natural Division and Section is 317 part of the natural community name. For example, a loess hill prairie of the Northern Section of the Ozark Division is a community distinct from a loess hill prairie of the Glaciated Section of the Middle Mississippi Border Division. For practical reasons, the shortened name, loess hill prairie, is used unless it is necessary to distinguish between hill prai- ries in different Natural Divisions and Sections. The shortened names of natural communities are in Table 38. None of the Natural Divisions or Sections has all of the natural communities in Table 38; and, in fact, some of the natural community names are restricted to a single Section. Community subclasses, which are intermediate in the classification be- tween community classes and natural communities, are also shown in Table 38. Soil moisture classes Soil moisture is a basic characteristic for distinguishing natural communities. Many closely related communities are separated on the basis of soil moisture alone. The following seven soil moisture classes are adopted with changes from the soil -drainage classes in the USDA Soil Sur- vey Manual (Soil Survey Staff, 1953) . The classes are based on runoff, permeability, and internal drainage characteristics. Xeric. — Excessively drained: Water is removed from the soil very rapidly, because sloping bedrock or gravel is at or near the surface. A soil profile is commonly poorly developed or absent. Forest soils are commonly brownish, grayish, or reddish and free of mottling. Prairie soils, if developed, have thin A horizons. Dry. — Somewhat excessively drained: Water is removed from the soil rapidly. Many of these soils have little horizon differentiation. For- est soils are free of mottling and are brown, yellow, gray, or red. Prairie soils usually have relatively thin A horizons, brownish, yellow- ish, grayish, or reddish thin B horizons, and no mottling. Dry-mesic. — Well drained: Water is removed from the soil readily, but not rapidly. Well drained soils are commonly intermediate in tex- ture, although soils of other textural classes may also be well drained. Forest soils are free of mottling (except for fossil gley) , and horizons may be brownish, yellowish, grayish, or reddish. They may be mottled 318 Table 38. Natural community classification. Upland forest Xeric upland forest Dry upland forest Dry-mesic upland forest Mesic upland forest Wet-mesic upland forest Sand forest Dry sand forest Dry-mesic sand forest Mesic sand forest Floodplain forest Mesic floodplain forest Wet-mesic floodplain forest Wet floodplain forest Flatwoods Northern flatwoods Southern flatwoods Sand flatwoods Prairie Dry prairie Dry-mesic prairie Mesic prairie Wet-raesic prairie Wet prairie Sand prairie Dry sand prairie Dry-raesic sand prairie Mesic sand prairie Wet-mesic sand prairie Wet sand prairie Gravel prairie Dry gravel prairie Dry-mesic gravel prairie Mesic gravel prairie Dolomite prairie Dry dolomite prairie Dry-mesic dolomite prairie Mesic dolomite prairie Wet-raesic dolomite prairie Wet dolomite prairie Hill prairie Loess hill prairie Glacial drift hill prairie Gravel hill prairie Sand hill prairie Shrub prairie Shrub prairie Savanna Dry-mesic savanna Mesic savanna Sand savanna Dry sand savanna Dry-mesic sand savanna Barren Dry barren Dry-mesic barren Mesic barren Marsh Marsh Brackish marsh Swamp Swamp Shrub swamp Bog Graminoid bog Low shrub bog Tall shrub bog Forested bog Fen Calcareous floating mat Graminoid fen Low shrub fen Tall shrub fen Forested fen Sedge meadow Sedge meadow Panne Panne Seep 5 spring Seep Acid gravel seep Calcareous seep Sand seep Spring community LAKE 6 POND Pond Pond Lake Lake Great lake Creek Low-gradient creek Medium-gradient creek High-gradient creek River Low-gradient river Medium-gradient river Major river Glade Sandstone glade Limestone glade Shale glade Cliff Sandstone clitf community Limestone cliff community Dolomite cliff community Sandstone overhang community Eroding bluff community Lake shore Beach Foredune Cave Terrestrial cave community Aquatic cave community Cropland Pastureland Successional field Developed land Tree plantation Artificial pond Artificial lake Prairie restoration 319 deep in the C horizon or below depths of several feet. Prairie soils have thick, dark A horizons, reddish, brownish, or yellowish B horizons, and C horizons that may or may not be mottled. Well drained soils com- monly retain optimum amounts of moisture for plant growth after rains. Mesia. — Moderately well drained: Water is removed from the soil somewhat slowly, so that the profile is wet for a small but significant part of the time. Moderately well drained soils commonly have a slowly permeable layer within or immediately beneath the solum, a relatively high water table, additions of water through seepage, or some combination of these conditions. Forest soils have uniform colors in the A and upper B horizons, with mottling in the lower B and in the C horizons. Prairie soils have thick, dark A horizons and yellowish or grayish faintly mot- tled B horizons. Wet-mesic. — Imperfectly or somewhat poorly drained: Water is re- moved from the soil slowly enough to keep it wet for significant periods but not a large part of the time. They commonly have a slowly permeable layer within the profile, a high water table, additions through seepage, or a combination of these conditions. Forest soils are uniformly gray- ish, brownish, or yellowish in the upper A horizon and commonly have mot- tlings below 6 to 16 inches in the lower A and in the B and C horizons. Prairie soils have thick, dark A horizons, high in organic matter, and faint evidences of gleying immediately beneath the A horizon. Wet. — Poorly drained: Water is removed so slowly that the soil re- mains wet for a large part of the time. The water table is commonly at or near the surface during a considerable part of the year. Poorly drained conditions are due to a high water table, to a slowly permeable layer within the profile, to seepage, or to some combination of these conditions. Forest soils may be light gray from the surface downward, with or without mottlings. Prairie soils commonly have slightly thick- ened dark-colored surface layers. The large quantities of water that re- main in and on the poorly drained soils greatly affect the diversity and structure of the plant community. Hydnc. — Very poorly drained: Water is removed from the soil so slowly that the water table remains at or above the surface the greater 320 part of the time. Soils of this drainage class usually occupy level or depressed sites and are frequently ponded. Forest soils commonly have dark gray or black surface layers and are light gray, with or without mottlings, in the deeper parts of the profile. Non-forested soils com- monly have mucky or peaty surfaces with distinct evidences of gleying. Communities in combination Occasionally two or more of the names in Table 38 must be combined to make a new natural community name. This must be done in some aquatic communities and on sites where the soil or topography causes an unusual community. For example, sometimes more than one aquatic community occur as zones in the same body of water. The dominant feature- -the water- - ties all the zones together, and the whole wetland and water area func- tion as one system. The vegetation zones are often successional stages that will gradually replace each other, or the zones would shift in re- sponse to a change in water level. The most common example of aquatic communities in combination is the shrub swamp/pond community. Other natural communities with unusual names result from unusual soil or topographic conditions. For example, a forest on a strongly de- veloped sinkhole plain has dry forest on the narrow divides between the sinks, dry-mesic forest on the slopes, and mesic forest in the bottoms of the sinks. On a normal landscape, three kinds of forest (dry upland forest, dry-mesic upland forest, and mesic upland forest) would be recog- nized and mapped as separate natural communities. However, in this case, even if it were practical to map the bottom, slope, and rim of each sink- hole as different communities, this would be misleading because the whole sinkhole forest is a single community with a wide range of soil and for- est characteristics. This natural community would be named dry upland forest /dry-mesio upland forest/mesio upland forest. A second example occurs in some bottomlands, where slight rises al- ternate with low, wet areas. The wet areas have silver maple, and the rises have mesophytic species such as black walnut; but the whole area is one natural community with a relatively wide range of soil moisture: wet floodplain forest /wet-mesio floodplain forest. 321 Another combination conununity is the dry upland forest/limestone glade community, which names an unusual area where a forest on a dry lime- stone slope has many small but distinct glades, which are too small to consider separate communities but are characteristic of the forest com- munity. Community names should be used in combination only when needed to name an unusual community with a wider range of variability than normal. When community names are used in combination, each name should be given in full, separated by a solidus (/) . For example, wet to wet mesio floodplain forest or wet/wet-mesie floodplain forest should not be sub- stituted for wet floodplain forest /wet-mesic floodplain forest. Plant communities distinguished from natural communities Although vegetation is frequently used to identify, name, and de- scribe natural communities, in the Inventory's classification plant com- munities are not synonymous with natural communities. A plant community is a feature of a natural community. A plant community name is based on vegetation, and a natural community is based on all of the natural fea- tures, including vegetation. For example, a name of a natural community is dry-mesic upland forest; the corresponding plant community name might be Quercus alba — Quercus rubra — Carya tomentosa. There may be more than one plant community in a natural community, because plant communities are successional stages or different end- products of succession within a natural community. In the Inventory's classification, plant community names are variable and descriptive, while natural community names are part of a standard classification. For ex- ample, a natural community name for the Bottomlands Section of the Coast- al Plain Division is swamp. The corresponding plant community names might include (1) Taxodium distichum — Nyssa aquatioa, (2) Nyssa aquat- ica — Taxodium distichum, (3) Nyssa aquatioa, and (4) Taxodium distichum/ Cephalanthus occidentalis communities. Descriptions of Community Classes and Natural Communities This section defines each community class and describes the natural communities. The communities are not described in detail, but the 322 dominant features and means of recognizing the community are given. A general statement about geographic distribution is made for each communi- ty. For detailed information about distribution according to Natural Division and Section, see Table 6 in Appendix 1. Plants that usually dominate the plant community are listed when there are clear dominants. Other plants are listed as "characteristic" of the community: they are not termed "indicators" because few are re- stricted to one community. The order in which the species are listed im- plies no relative importance. Some vertebrates and a few invertebrates that characteristically breed in a particular community are listed. However, because the descrip- tions of topography, soil, water, and vegetation usually define the com- munity well, animals are listed only when naming the species gives a clearer picture of the community. Few vertebrates are restricted to a single community, so the animals listed are usually ones with specialized habitats and limited distribution in Illinois. With a few exceptions, nomenclature follows Smith (1978) for fishes. Smith (1961) for amphibians and reptiles, Bohlen (1978) for birds, Jones, et al. (1975) for mammals, and Mohlenbrock (1975) for plants. Forest The forest community class includes communities that are dominated by trees, with an average canopy cover of 80% or greater. There are three subclasses: upland forest and floodplain forest are distinguished by their topographic position, and flatwoods are caused by unusual soils. The simple distinction between upland forest and floodplain forest is that upland forests do not normally flood. Forests on terraces are con- sidered upland forests, because (by definition) terraces do not normally flood. Floodplain forests are separated from upland forests because periodic flooding greatly affects the soil, fauna, and flora in flood- plains. Flatwoods occur on uplands, bottomlands, and lake plains which intergrade between upland and floodplain, so topographic position is not important in flatwoods communities. Upland forest. — The upland forest communities are defined by soil moisture class, which ranges from xerio to wet-mesia. 323 Xevic upland forest. — The soil is extremely shallow over bedrock or gravel, and canopy trees are often so stunted and low-crowned that there is no understory. Shrubs and small trees may make impenetra- ble thickets. The groundcover is sparse, and grasses are usually not important. The xeric upland forest intergrades with two other communities: if the soil is deeper and the canopy is more open, a dry barren occurs; and if the soil is shallower or absent and the canopy is more open, a glade occurs. Distribution: Xeric upland forests are essentially limited to the Shawnee Hills and Cretaceous Hills, although very small stands may occur elsewhere on bedrock or gravel. Dominant plants: Queraus marilandioa, Querous stellata, Vaocinium arboreim. Characteristic plants: Polytriohum spp., Vaacinium vaoillans. Dry upland forest. — The soils are dry, excessively drained, and poorly developed because of steep, exposed slopes or because of bedrock, gravel, or sand at or near the surface. Trees make slow growth, but are not as stunted as in xeric upland forest, and there usually is a well developed understory and groundlayer. If the canopy is open and prairie plants are present, then the community is not a dry upland forest, but is a dry barren: in fact, many dry upland forests of today were most likely maintained as barrens by fire in the past. Distribution: Dry upland forests occur on steep ridges at the crests of river bluffs and at the edges of escarpments throughout Illinois, but are most common on bedrock outcrops along the Missis- sippi River and in the Shawnee Hills. Dominant plants: Quercus ellipsoidalis , Queraus maaroaarpa, Queraus marilandiaa, Quercus prinus , Queraus stellata, Queraus velutina. Characteristic plants: Carya glabra, Carya texana, Diaranum soo- parium, Leuaobryum glauaum. 324 Characteristic animals: Ground skink, five- lined skink, fence liz- ard, summer tanager. Dry-mesia upland forest. — This community is in an intermediate posi- tion along a soil moisture gradient. Trees make good growth, but the canopy is usually more open than in mesic forests. Distribution: This is the most prevalent forest community in Illi- nois. It occurs on slopes throughout the state. Dominant plants: Querous alba, Queraus rubra, Queraus velutina. Characteristic plants: Carya ovata, Carya tomentosa, Comus florida, Ostrya virginiana , Viburnum pruni folium. Characteristic animals: Broad-headed skink, white-footed mouse, chipmunk . Mesic upland forest. — Ideal soil moisture conditions result in a dense overstory and, in undisturbed stands, an understory of shade- tolerant species. Mesic forests occur on north-facing slopes, in ravines, and on level soil with moderately high available moisture. Distribution: Mesic upland forest may be found throughout the state ^ but it is most common in hilly regions where slopes are protected from excessive evaporation and from fire. Dominant plants: Acer saccharum, Fagus grandi folia , Quercus rubra, Tilia americana. Characteristic plants: Asimina triloba, Aesculus glabra, Carpinus caroliniana, Carya cordiformis , Morus rubra, Staphylea tri folia. Characteristic animals: Tiger salamander, four-toed salamander, wood frog, wood thrush. Wet-mesic upland forest. — This is an unusual community caused by poor drainage on level topography, along shallow drainageways, and in seepage areas. Distribution: Small stands of wet-mesic upland forest occur through- out the undissected upland forested regions of the state. 325 Characteristic plants: Ulmus ameriaana , Ulmus rubra, Celtis occi- dentalis , Quercus macrooarpa. Floodplain forest. — Floodplain forests are on the floodplain of streams. The communities are determined by the frequency and duration of flooding and by the permeability of the soil. The soil moisture classes range from mesic to wet: a hydric floodplain forest is termed a swamp, and is placed in the aquatic community class. Mesic floodplain forest. — This community is in the floodplain, but the soil is moderately well drained, because of either coarse tex- ture or relatively high elevation. Distribution: Mesic floodplain forest occurs throughout Illinois, although the stands are usually not extensive. Dominant plants: Acer saccharum, Quercus alba, Quercus maarocarpa, Ulmus americana, Ulmus rubra, Tilia americana. Characteristic plants: Juglans nigra, Fraxinus americana. Characteristic animal: In floodplains, the common mole is generally restricted to mesic soil, especially on natural levees. Wet-mesic floodplain forest. — This is the most common floodplain forest community. Species diversity is higher in the overstory, but lower in the groundlayer than in mesic floodplain forest. Distribution: This floodplain community occurs along rivers and creeks throughout the state. Dominant plants: The forest is usually a mixture of trees, with no clear dominants. Characteristic plants: Acer saocharinum, Celtis occidentalis , Liquid- ambar styraoiflua, Quercus falcata var. pagodae folia , Quercus mac- rooarpa, Quercus palustris , Ulmus americana, Lindera benzoin, Cax>ya laciniosa, Fraxinus pennsylvanica. Wet floodplain forest. — Flooding in this community is so frequent or prolonged that the diversity of trees is lowered. The understory and often the overstory are open. Nettles and vines are often prom- inent. 326 Distribution: Wet floodplain forest occurs along streams throughout the state. The most extensive tracts are on lake plains and behind natural levees of major rivers. Dominant plants: Any of the species listed below as characteristic plants may be locally dominant. Characteristic plants: Aoev saocharinum, Populus deltoides , Plata- nus ocaidentalis , Acer rubrum, Betula nigra, Salix nigra, Acer neg- undo. Characteristic animal: Swamp rabbit. Also, many amphibians inhabit wet floodplain forest and the adjacent wet-mesic forest and swamp. Sand forest. — This community subclass occupies portions of sand de- posits where natural firebreaks have greatly reduced burning frequency. The species composition of these communities is similar to that of sand savannas. Post-settlement fire exclusion has probably increased the acreage of sand forest at the expense of sand savanna. Dry sand forest. — The tops of dunes with the least humus and soil moisture support this community. Trees are often scrubby. Distribution: This community is limited to sand deposits. Dominant plant: Queraus velutina. Characteristic plants: Carya texana, Queraus marilandioa. Dry-mesia sand forest. — Areas with higher soil moisture levels sup- port this forest. Tree size and diversity are correspondingly greater than in dry sand forest. Distribution: Dry-mesic sand forest may occur with dry sand forest. Dominant plants: Queraus alba, Queraus velutina. Mesia sand forest. — Ravines and slopes that face north or east may support mesic sand forest. Distribution: This is a rare community, occurring mainly on the slopes of sandy river terraces. Dominant plants: Queraus rubra, Queraus alba, Acer saacharum. 327 Flatwoods. — Flatwoods occur on level or nearly level soil that has an impermeable or slowly permeable layer, which causes a shallow, perched water table. The plants and animals must adapt to seasonally wet condi- tions from the perched water table; and then they must withstand summer dry conditions because the hardpan stops replenishment of soil moisture from capillary action and restricts rooting and burrowing depth. Because soil moisture fluctuates so widely by the season, the moisture class is not in the natural community name. Plants typical of dry and dry-mesic soil grow on slight rises, and depressions contain ephemeral and seasonal ponds. Many flatwoods had savanna vegetation in presettlement times. Northern flatwoods. — Poorly drained uplands on the Valparaiso Mor- aine often have this community. Vernal ponds are characteristic. The abundance of sedge meadow and wet prairie species in modern rem- nants indicates that many northern flatwoods were once savanna. Distribution: Northern flatwoods are known from the Morainal Sec- tion of the Northeastern Morainal Division. Dominant plants: Queraus alha, Queraus bicotor, Queraus ellipsoid- alis , Ulmus americana. Characteristic plants: Carex muskingvonensis , Ilex vert'io-illata , Hdbenaria psyaodes. Characteristic animal: Blue-spotted salamander. Southern flatwoods. — This community is found on level areas with a well developed hardpan, usually on glacial till of Illinoian age. The unfavorable soil conditions commonly cause stunted trees. Distribution: This community occurs in the southern part of the state. Dominant plants: Queraus stellata, Queraus marilandioa, Queraus palustris , Queraus biaolor , Queraus alba, Queraus falaata var. falaata. Characteristic plant: Cinna arundinaaea. Characteristic animal: Northern crayfish frog. 328 Sand flatwoods. — This community develops on soils with two distinct layers: 1 meter or more of acid, peaty sand over clay. Where natu- ral firebreaks occur, sand flatwoods occur rather than shrub prairie or wet-mesic sand prairie. In the absence of fire, these prairie communities can succeed to sand flatwoods. Distribution: Sand flatwoods are restricted to sandy plains in northern Illinois. Dominant plants: Quercus palustris , Quercus alba, Nyssa sylvatiaa, Acer rubrum. Characteristic plants: Ilex verticillata, Maianthemum oanadense , Mitchella repens , Osmunda cinnamomea, Vaca-inium angusti folium. Prairie This community class includes communities dominated by grasses (or, locally, low shrubs) on mineral soil. Trees may be present, but less than 10% of the area has a tree canopy. Six subclasses are recognized: prairie, sand prairie, gravel prairie, dolomite prairie, hill prairie, and shrub prairie. Prairie. — This subclass is termed simply prairie, with no modifier, because it includes the typical, "black-soil" prairies. Soils are deep and fine-textured, usually silt loam or clay loam derived from loess or glacial till, although the prairies may occur on alluvium. Prairie com- munities in some other subclasses (for example, mesia sand prairie) may also have soils with deep, dark A horizons, so the term black soil is not applicable solely to this subclass. Soil moisture for these prai- ries ranges from dry to wet. Dry prairie. — This community occupies steep, exposed slopes that are somewhat excessively drained. Grasses are less than 1 meter tall. Distribution: This community is relatively rare, because the hilly topography necessary for its existence is usually forested. Dry prairie remnants are most prevalent in the hilly prairie regions of northern Illinois. 329 Dominant plants: Andropogon scopavius , Boutetoua curtipendula , Stipa sport ea. Dry-mesia prairie. — Moisture levels are intermediate between dry and mesic. Grass height approaches that of mesic prairie, and di- versity is greater than in dry prairie. Distribution: This community is distributed generally throughout the prairie regions. Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius , Sorghastnm nutans, Stipa spavtea. Characteristic plants: Amorpha canescens , Echinacea pallida, Lia- tris aspera, Potentilla arguta. Mesic prairie. — Favorable moisture conditions allow for maximum plant species diversity and maximum grass and forb height. The grass layer may be only 1 meter tall if Sporobolus heterolepis dominates, but it is sometimes 2 meters tall. Distribution: Mesic prairie was one of the most widespread and characteristic communities in Illinois. Dominant plants: Andropogon gerardi, Sorghastrum nutans, Sporobolus heterolepis. Characteristic plants: Baptisia leuoophaea, Dodeaatheon meadii , Eryngium yucoifolium, Liatris pyanostachya , Lithospermwn canescens, Petalostemum candidwn. Phlox pilosa, Silphium laciniatum, Silphium terebinthinaceum. Characteristic animals: There are many characteristic prairie ver- tebrates, but probably none are strictly limited to a single natural community. The following species are common in mesic prairie: plains garter snake, prairie kingsnake, dickcissel, grasshopper sparrow, prairie vole, and short-tailed shrew. Others such as the thirteen-lined ground squirrel and upland sandpiper may have been more abundant in drier prairies. Wet-mesic prairie. — Surface water is present after heavy rains, and the water table is near the surface. Grass composition is a mixture 330 of mesic prairie and wet prairie species. Wet-mesic prairie is much more diverse than wet prairie and nearly as diverse as mesic prairie, Distribution: Wet-mesic prairie is best developed on level areas be- tween wet prairie and mesic prairie. Dominant plants: Andropogon gerardi , Catamagvostis canadensis, Panioum virgatum, Sorghastrum nutans, Spartina peatinata. Characteristic plants: Lysimachia quadri flora , Oenothera piloselta. Phlox glaberrima, Senecio paupercaulus , Veroniaastrum virginicwn , Z-izia aurea. Characteristic animals: Eastern massasauga, bobolink. Wet prairie. — Surface water is present during the winter and spring, and the soil is nearly always saturated. Plant species diversity is lower than in other prairie communities. Distribution: Wet prairie was generally distributed throughout the prairie regions of Illinois. Dominant plants: Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex spp., Spartina pectinata. Characteristic plants: Caoalia tuberosa, Eupatoviwn perfoliatum. Iris virginica var. shrevei , Ly thrum alatum, Sium suave. Sand prairie. — Soils in this subclass are coarse-textured: sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam can support sand prairie. However, prairies on sandy loam are considered sand prairies only if they are acidic enough to have characteristic plants. Sand prairies are found on sandy outwash plains, lake plains, and valley trains, and the soil moisture varies from dry to wet. Dry sand prairie. — The soil lacks a dark A horizon, and grass is less than 1 meter tall. Dry sand prairies are rather rare because the prop,er topographic position for dry sand usually also reduces fire severity enough to allow a savanna to develop. Distribution: This community occurs on the crests of sand dunes. 331 Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius , Calamovilfa longi folia, Koeleria oristata, Stipa spartea. Characteristic plants: Arenavia striata, Artemisia aaudata, Calli- rhoe triangulata , Monarda punctata, Opuntia aompressa. Dry-mesio sand prairie. — This community has a dark A horizon, unlike the preceding community. The average height of grass and the spe- cies diversity approach that of mesic sand prairie. Distribution: Dry-mesic sand prairie may occur with any other sand prairie communities. Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius, Sorghastrum nutans, Stipa spartea. Characteristic plants: Aster linariif alius , Liatris aspera, Solidago speaiosa, Viola pedata. Characteristic animals: Sand prairies have several characteristic animals with western affinities, but probably no species is limited strictly to a single community. Characteristic animals of the sand prairies include the Illinois chorus frog, dusty hognosed snake, bullsnake, lark sparrow, savannah sparrow, vesper sparrow, and plains pocket gopher. Mesia sand prairie. — This community has a deep A horizon in acid sand. Mosses and low shrubs are common, although the shrubs are not dominant. Characteristic mesic prairie forbs such as Echinacea pallida, Ratibida pinnata, and Silphium laciniatum are rare or ab- sent. Distribution: Although this community might occur in any of the sand areas of the state, remnants are most common in northeastern Illinois. Dominant plants: Andropogon gerardi , Andropogon saoparius, Sorghas- trum nutans. Characteristic plants: Aletris farinosa, Aronia melanoaarpa, Aron- ia prunifolia. Aster umbellatus , Calopogon tuberosus , Helianthus mollis, Parthenium integri folium , Rubus hispidus, Scleria 332 triglomerata , Vaooinium angusti folium. Wet-mesic sand praiv-ie. — Surface water is present in this community for short periods, and a deep, acid, dark A horizon is present. The mixture of grasses is transitional between mesic sand prairie and wet sand prairie. Distribution: Small areas of wet-mesic sand prairie are commonly associated with mesic sand prairie. Dominant plants: Andropogon geravdi , Calamagrost-is canadensis, Carex spp., Sovghastrum nutans, Spartina pectinata. Characteristic plants; Osmunda cinnamomea, Osmunda vegatis , Pycnan- themum virginianum (mentioned to distinguish wet-mesic sand prairie from mesic sand prairie), Rhexia virginiaa, Viola lanaeolata, Xyris torta. Wet sand prairie. — Surface water is present in this community for as much as one-third of the year. Wet sand prairie is floristically very similar to wet prairie. Dominant plants: Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex spp., Spartina pectinata, Thelypteris palustris. Gravel prairie. — This subclass includes prairies on gravel or very gravelly soil. The soils are usually calcareous. Because the gravel provides rapid permeability, the soil moisture classes range from dry to mesic. Dry gravel prairie. — These prairies are on steep gravel slopes, and the grasses average less than 1 meter in height. Distribution: Dry gravel prairies occur on kames and eskers in the Northeastern Morainal Division and on the slopes of gravel terraces along major rivers. They may also have occurred on gravelly hills in extreme southern Illinois. Dominant plants: Andropogon scoparius , Bouteloua curtipendula . Characteristic plants: Anemone patens, Arenaria stricta, Asclepias lanuginosa, Linwn sulcatum, Lithospermum incisum. Ranunculus rhom- boides , Wulfenia bullii. 333 Dry-mesic gravel prairie. — This community has relatively high soil moisture because it occurs on lower slopes. The grass is interme- diate in height between dry gravel prairie and mesic gravel prairie. Distribution: Dry-mesic gravel prairie is associated with dry grav- el prairie. Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius , Sorghastnm nutans, Sporo- bolus heterolepi s , Stipa spartea. Characteristic plants: Aster ptarmicoides , Psoralea tenuiflora, Scutellaria parvula. Mesia gravel prairie. — Soil moisture is relatively high because of the low topographic position. The height of the grass and the di- versity of plant species approach that of mesic prairie. Calciphil- ic plants are common because the gravel is usually calcareous. Distribution: The few known remnants of mesic gravel prairie are on valley train deposits in the Northeastern Morainal Division. Dominant plants: Andropogon gerardi , Sorghastrum nutans, Sporobolus heterolepis . Characteristic plants: Satureja arkansana, Valeriana oitiata. Dolomite prairie. — Dolomite prairies occur where dolomite is less than 1.5 meters below the surface. Certain common prairie plants are ab- sent because of the shallow soils and high pH. Many other species are restricted to dolomite prairies, but some of these (such as Desmanthus illinoensis , Eleocharis compressa, and Satureja arkansana) are not re- stricted to specific natural communities. The natural communities range from dry to wet. Dry dolomite prairie. — The soil is extremely shallow to negligible in this community, and patches of dolomite pavement are common. The grass is less than 1 meter tall. Distribution: This community occurs in the Rock River Hill Country, and along the lower Des Plaines and Kankakee rivers. 334 Dominant plants: Andropogon sooparius , Bouteloua curtipendula. Characteristic plants: Blephilia ciliata, Kuhnia eupatovioides , Muhlenhergia cuspidata, Penstemon hirsutus. Dry-mesic dolomite prairie. — The soil is slightly deeper over bed- rock, and the topographic position is lower than in dry dolomite prairie. Also, grass height is taller and diversity is greater. Dominant plants: Andropogon sooparius , Sorghastrum nutans, Stipa spartea. Mesio dolomite prairie. — The soil depth is 15 or more centimeters over dolomite. As bedrock depth decreases, the natural community intergrades with mesic prairie, but deeply rooted forbs such as Baptisia leuoantha, Baptisia leucophaea, Silphium taciniatum, and Silphiwn terebinthinacewn are absent from mesic dolomite prairie. Dominant plants: Andropogon gerardi , Sorghastrum nutans, Sporobolus heterolepis . Distribution: This and the following dolomite prairies are found along the lower Des Plaines and Kankakee river valleys, but they may also have occurred elsewhere in northern Illinois. Characteristic plants: Galium boreale , Petalostemum foliosim. Wet-mesic dolomite prairie. — The soil depth to bedrock averages 0.3 meter. Surface water is present for short periods throughout the year. Fens can occur in close association with this type where the depth to bedrock becomes deeper along with the proper amount of seepage. Although there is a considerable overlap between a grami- noid fen and this community, some characteristic plants are re- stricted to wet-mesic dolomite prairie. Dominant plants: Andropogon sooparius, Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex spp., Desohampsia caespitosa, Sorghastrum nutans, Spartina peotinata. Characteristic plants: Solidagc ohioeyisis , Solidago riddetlii. 335 Wet dolomite prairie. — The soil is usually quite shallow over bed- rock and is frequently saturated, or surface water is present. This is a very rare community even in extensive dolomite areas because depressions usually have a deep enough soil layer to support a sedge meadow at this moisture level. Dominant plants: Carex lanuginosa (?) , Desohampsia aaespitosa, Spartina peatinata. Characteristic plant: Caoalia tuberosa. Rill prairie. — A hill prairie is a prairie opening on a forested slope, caused by a combination of factors which result in droughty, well drained or somewhat excessively drained soil. Hill prairies typically occur on steep, exposed, south to west-facing bluffs. The kind of sub- strate often contributes to the existence of hill prairies, and periodic fires have maintained many hill prairies. Because the soil moisture class is limited to dry or dry-mesic in hill prairies, the moisture class is not part of the natural community name. Instead, the substrate is the modifier: loess, glacial drift, gravel, or sand. Loess hill prairie. — This community is developed on deep loess, a windblown silt deposit. Loess hill prairies are the largest hill prairies in the state, frequently larger than 1 acre. Distribution: Loess hill prairies are essentially limited to the Mississippi River and Illinois River bluffs. Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius , Bouteloua curtipendula , Sorghastrum nutans. Characteristic plants: Asolepias viridiflora, Kuhnia eupatorioides , Linvm sulcatxm, Lithospermum inoisum, Penstemon pallidus , Psoralea tenui flora, Sisyrinchium campestre , magniaamporum. Characteristic animal: Six-lined racerunner. Glacial drift hill prairie. — These hill prairies occur on eroded glacial drift, especially where a river valley cuts through an end moraine and there are many deep, steep-sided tributary ravines. 336 Distribution: Most of the glacial drift hill prairies are along major rivers in the Grand Prairie Section. Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius , Boutetoua auvtipendula , Sovghastrim nutans. Gravel hill prairie. — This community is similar to a dry gravel prairie or dry-mesic gravel prairie, but the hill prairies occur as openings in a forest rather than as part of a continuous prairie. Distribution: Gravel hill prairies are restricted to northern Illi- nois and the major river valleys. Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius, Bouteloua curtipendula. Characteristic plants: Helianthemum canadense, Geum triflorum. Sand hill prairie. — These prairies are developed mostly on sand dunes atop river bluffs. Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius, Bouteloua curtipendula, Bouteloua hirsuta, Koeleria aristata. Characteristic plants: Chenopodium leptophyllum , Lechea villosa, Monarda punctata, Plantago purshii , Selaginella rupestris , Tephrosia virginiana. Shrub prairie. — This community subclass is dominated by shrubs and prairie grasses. Only one natural community, on mesic to wet-mesic, sandy soil, is recognized. Another kind of shrub prairie, namely hazel thickets and plum thickets, existed on fine-textured soils in presettlement times, but no natural remnants are known. Shrub prairie. — The only known natural remnants of shrub prairie are on acid, sandy soil. The community is dominated by a wide variety of shrubs and grasses, and there is a nearly continuous groundlayer of mosses. This community intergrades with mesic sand prairie and wet-mesic sand prairie. Distribution: This community is limited to northern Illinois, and it is most prevalent in the Kankakee Sand Area and the Chicago Lake Plain. 337 Dominant plants: Andropogon gerardi, Andropogon sooparius , Gaylus- saoia bacaata, Polytriahum commune, Rubus hispidus , Rubus setosus, Sovghastmon nutans, Spirea tomentosa var. rosea, Vaoc-inium angusti- fotium. Characteristic plants: Avonia melanocavpa, Avonia pvunifolia, Habenari-a flava. Sphagnum spp., Viola lanoeolata, Viola primulifolia. Savanna Savannas are communities with a grassy groundcover and an average tree canopy cover less than 80% but greater than 10%. A savanna may have shrubby areas, and the tree canopy may locally be greater or less than the above limits. Savannas have soils that are transitional between for- est and prairie, and they have distinctive plants and animals. These com- munities were maintained by fire in presettlement times. They were among the most widespread and characteristic communities in Illinois, but few high quality stands remain. Most remnants have obviously been changed. The least-disturbed remnants are on sandy land that still is frequently burned, and on the very driest slopes where woody encroachment has been slowest. Three savanna subclasses can be named in Illinois: savanna, sand savanna, and barren. Individual savanna communities are distin- guished by soil moisture class. Savanna. — The typical savanna community subclass occupies fine- textured soil on till plains and lowlands. Savannas occurred as an eco- tonal belt along streamside forests, as "islands" in prairie or forest, and on extensive areas of hilly land. Two natural communities based on soil moisture are recognized, Dry-mesic savanna. — In this community, soil moisture levels are ana- logous to dry-mesic upland forest. Grass height and the composition of the herbaceous vegetation are analogous to that of dry-mesic prairie. Distribution: This community occurred throughout the prairie re- gions of Illinois. Dominant plants: Quercus alba, Querous maorooarpa, Queraus stellata, Querous velutina, Andropogon sooparius, Sorghastrum nutans, Stipa sport ea. 338 Characteristic plants: Corylus amevicccna, Pavthenium integvi folium , Smilax las-ioneura , Silene stellata. Characteristic animals: Cavity-nesting birds such as the eastern bluebird, red-headed woodpecker, and common flicker are characteris- tic of savannas. Other savanna inhabitants include the field spar- row, white-eyed vireo, indigo bunting, deer mouse, and fox squirrel. Mesio savanna. — The moisture level in mesic savannas is the same as in mesic prairie, and the herbaceous vegetation is similar to mesic prairie. This community is found at the base of moraine ridges and (rarely) as islands in wetland vegetation. Dominant plants: Queraus alba, Querous maaroaarpa, Andropogon ger- avdi, Andropogon saoparius , Sorghastrum nutans. Characteristic plants: Heliopsis helianthoides (?) , Lathyrus veno- sus , Zizia aurea. Sand savanna. — The soils are very sandy, with little humus. Sand savannas are associated with dune and swale topography, either dunes or beach ridges. The undulating topography presumably limited the severity of fires and allowed a savanna to develop instead of a sand prairie. The herbaceous vegetation of a sand savanna is quite similar to that of sand prairies. Two sand savanna communities are distinguished by soil mois- ture. Dry sand savanna. — The crests of the highest dunes support this com- munity. There is little or no A horizon. Grasses are shorter than 1 meter, and plant species diversity is low. Distribution: This community occurs in the major sand regions of Illinois . Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius, Calamovilfa longifolia. Car ex pensylvaniaa , Koeleria cristata, Querous velutina, Stipa spartea'. Characteristic plants: Commelina erecta, Monarda punctata. Phlox bifida. 339 Dry-mesia sand savanna. — There is some development of an A horizon in this community, because it has a lower topographic position than the preceding community or because it occurs on north-facing or east- facing dune slopes. Distribution: Dry-mesic sand savanna may occur in the same area as dry sand savanna. Dominant plants: Andropogon sooparius , Cavex pensylvanica, Queraus velutina, Sorghastrum nutans, Stipa spartea. Characteristic plants: Aster linariif alius , Ceanothus amer-tcanus , Gerardia pediaularia, Lupinus perennis , Salix humilis , Vacainium angusti folium. Characteristic animals: Sand prairie species also inhabit the sa- vannas. The Illinois mud turtle lives in a shallow pond in a sand savanna, and the western kingbird nests in this community. Barren. — This term is applied to local inclusions of prairie flora, mixed with forest, in forested land mainly in southern and western Illi- nois and along major rivers. The term barren is ambiguous because it has been applied variously to treeless areas, shrubby areas, and forested areas with grassy groundcover. This ambiguity lends itself well to the kind of remnants that the Inventory termed barrens, because this communi- ty subclass includes a diversity of former communities, some of which have been heavily disturbed and have changed greatly since settlement. Three communities are separated in soil moisture classes. Dry barren. — The soil is shallow, over bedrock or on dry, exposed slopes. The tree layer has stunted xerophytic oaks, and the sparse grass layer is shorter than 1 meter. Distribution: Dry barrens occur in the Shawnee Hills and in widely separated areas along major stream valleys. Dominant plants: Andropogon sooparius, Carex pensylvanica, Dan- thonia spioata, Koeteria oristata, Queraus marilandioa , Quercus stellata, Quercus velutina, Vacainium arboreum. 340 Characteristic plants: Carya texana, Clitoria mariana, Liatris squarrosa. Dry-mesi-G barren. — The soil depth is greater and the moisture level is higher than in the preceding community, resulting in taller tree and grass layers. Distribution: Dry-mesic barrens occur in the Shawnee Hills, in widely separated areas along major river valleys, and on ravine crests. Dominant plants: Andropogon scoparius , Danthonia spiaata, Querous alba, Querous fatoata var. fataata, Querous vetutina, Sorghastrum nutans . Characteristic plants: Commandra riohardsiana , Helianthus mollis, Leohea -intermedia, Parthenium integri folium. Mesio barren. — This is an unusual community, and few remnants exist because the soils usually support forest vegetation. Distribution: The only known remnants are in the Cretaceous Hills. Dominant plants : Andropogon gerardi , Andropogon scoparius , Querous alba (?) , Querous faloata var. faloata (?) , Sorghastrum nutans. Zetland The wetland community class includes natural communities that are flooded or have hydric soils and that have a vegetative cover. The sub- classes (marsh, swamp, bog, fen, sedge meadow, panne, and seep and spring^ are recognized mainly by differences in the vegetation. Marsh. — Tall graminoid plants dominate marsh communities, which have water near or above the surface for most of the year. Soils may be peat, muck, or mineral. Two natural communities are distinguished. Marsh. — This class includes fresh-water communities in glacial pot- holes, in river valleys, and on lake plains. Marshes have a wide variety of plant communities. In general, the deeper the water, the lower the plant species diversity. Fluctuations in water levels, fire frequency, and muskrat population cycles are also important in determining species composition. 341 Distribution: Once very widespread, natural marshes are now common only in the Northeastern Morainal Division. Disturbed remnants of larger marshes exist in the Grand Prairie, and marshes fringe the navigation pools on the Illinois River. Dominant plants: Carex laoustris , Decodon vert-ioillatus , Phvagmites communis. Polygonum amphibium, Polygonum oocaineum, Scirpus fluviat- ilis , Scirpus validus , Typha angusti folia , Typha latifolia. Characteristic plants: Alisma spp., Boltonia latisquama, Proserpina- ca palustris , Sagittaria latifolia, Scutellaria epilohii folia. Characteristic animals: Muskrat, red-winged blackbird, yellow- headed blackbird, rails, bitterns, and many waterfowl. Brackish marsh. — This rare natural community is restricted to salty seepage areas. Distribution: Brackish marshes are known along a short segment of river bluff upstream from Starved Rock. Dominant plant: Spartina pectinata. Characteristic plants: Atriplex hastata. Hibiscus palustris, Scirpus paludosus. Swamp. — A swamp is a wetland dominated by woody plants. Two commun- ities are recognized on the basis of vegetation structure. Swamp. — A true swamp is a forested, permanent or semi -permanent body of water. Distribution: Swamps are limited to extreme southern Illinois, be- cause only southern tree species (except for Larix laricina) can live in permanent bodies of water. Dominant plants: Nyssa aquatioa, Taxodium distichum, Cephalanthus oooidentalis . Characteristic plants: Salix nigra, Fraxinus tomentosa, Rosa palus- tris, I tea virginica. Characteristic animals: Mole salamander, green treefrog, bird- voiced treefrog, bantam sunfish, prothonotary warbler, wood duck. 342 Shrub swamp. — A shrub swamp has at least 50% coverage by shrubs; a body of water with less coverage is termed a pond. A shrub swamp has less than 20% coverage by trees, or else it is classified simply as a swamp. Shrub swamps are often associated with ponds in wet floodplain forest. Occasionally, shrub swamps occur in glacial pot- holes, where they grade into the tall shrub bog comiriunity . Distribution: Shrub swamps are generally distributed throughout the state. Dominant plants: Cephalanthus oocidentalis , Comus stolonifera, Salix discolor, Salix interior, Alnus rugosa. Bog. — Low-nutrient, acid (at least in the uppermost layer) peat de- posits support a variety of bog communities. Bogs are nearly always in glacial depressions, and drainage is usually restricted. Bogs are often characterized by a "moat" along the periphery. This zone of open water, marsh, sedge meadow, or fen may be caused by a combination of fire and calcareous seepage from the mineral-rich till. A layer of Sphagnum (usually associated with Polytriohum) characterizes nearly all bog commu- nities. There are four natural communities in this community class, all restricted now to the Northeastern Morainal Division. Graminoid bog. — This community nearly always is floating. Sedges are codominant with Sphagnum, and low shrubs are uncommon. This community is closest to open water and can be viewed as first in successional order. Dominant plants: Carex hystriaina (?) , Carex lasioaarpa, Carex haydenii, Carex spp., Polytriohum aomnrune (?) , Sphagnum recurvum. Sphagnum spp. Characteristic plants: Drosera rotundi folia , Menyanthes trifoliata, Sarraoenia purpurea. Low shrub bog. — This community may or may not be floating. Two con- spicuous strata are present: one of low shrubs and a moss layer of Sphagnum and Polytriohum. Dominant plants: Betula pumila, Chamaedaphne aalyculata, Polytri- ohum aommune , Sphagnum spp . 343 Characteristic plants: Eriophorum virginioum , Vacoiniwn maovocar- pon. Forested bog. — This conmunity exists on fairly well consolidated peat. Hummocks (which tend to be more acid) and small, wet depres- sions are characteristic. Two distinct layers are significant: the tree layer (greater than 20% coverage) and a stratum of tall shrubs. This category includes both forested bogs with a markedly acid upper peat horizon and those with only scattered areas of acid- ity. The latter have been termed "half-bogs" or "forested fens" by some authorities. Dominant plants: Ilex vevticiltata , Larix lariaina, Rhamnus frangu- la (alien), Rhus vemix. Characteristic plants: Cypripedium aaaule , Lycopodium luoidulim, Osmunda oinnamomea , Tvientalis borealis , Vaccinium corymbosum. Tall shrub bog. — This community is regarded as the climax in Illi- nois bog succession, and it occupies the most consolidated peat. Its major difference from the preceding community is the lack of a tree layer. Dominant plants: Comus stolonifera. Ilex verticillata, Rhamnus frangula (alien), Rhus vemix. Fen. — Peat with calcareous seepage is necessary for all fen communi- ties. Most fen communities tend to have a rather pronounced slope. They are most closely correlated with calcareous (especially gravelly) mor- aines and occur in both lake basins and stream valleys. Fens are often in association with strongly calcareous spring runs as well as such natu- ral communities as calcareous seeps, sedge meadows, and marshes. The five fen communities are restricted to the northern third of Illinois, extending down the Illinois River valley. Calcareous floating mat. — This community always has a floating layer of sedge peat. This peat is quite calcareous, and Sphagnum is gen- erally absent. A moderately tall layer of sedges and grasses domi- nates the mat. 344 Distribution: The only remaining examples of this community are in the extreme northern part of the Northeastern Morainal Division. Dominant species: Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex aquatilis var. elatior , Carex tasiooarpa, Deaodon vertiaitlatus . Characteristic plants: Cardamine pratensis var. palustris , Menyan- thes trifoliata, Potentilla palustris, Salix Candida, Satix pedicel- laris. Graminoid fen. — Sloping peat is either at the edge of a moraine or, more rarely, is a raised island in a marsh or sedge meadow. In the latter case, this has been attributed to upwelling of groundwater. Dominants are either mesic prairie grasses in the most elevated peat or sod-forming sedges (but never tussock-forming sedges) . Although the peat is quite elevated, it resists decay due to the high level of calcium and magnesium carbonate. Diversity is quite high since both mesic prairie and wet prairie species can occur side by side in addition to numerous calciphilic and hydrophytic species. Dominant plants: Andropogon gerardi, Andropogon scoparius , Carex haydenii , Carex sterilis , Sorghastrum nutans, Sporobolus heterolepis . Characteristic plants: Caj'ex hystricina, Liatris spicata. Lobelia kalmii, Lysimaohia quadri flora, Muhlenbergia glomerata, Pamassia glauoa, Solidago ohioensis. Low shrub fen. — The site is usually identical to the graminoid fen, with one important exception: large poorly vegetated seepage areas with spring runs serve as fire breaks to permit dominance by low shrubs . Dominant plants: Carex spp., Carex sterilis, Potentilla fruticosa. Tall shrub fen. — Site conditions are similar to the low shrub fen. Dominants are tall shrubs with a mixture of fen and seep herbs in the groundlayer. Distribution: Apparently, this community is restricted to the edge of Upper Peoria Lake. Dominant plants: Comus stolonifera, Rhus vemix, Salix discolor. 345 Characteristic plants: Cypripedium reginae, Filipendula rubra, Solidago patula. Forested fen. — This community is on relatively steep slopes in peat, and the tree cover is greater than 20%. Natural fire breaks (as in shrub fens) are probably necessary for development of this community. Dominant plants: Fraxinus nigra, Larix larioina. Thuja oaaidentalis. Characteristic plants; Conioselinum chinense , Geum rivate , Habenaria hyperborea, Symplocarpus foetidus. Sedge meadow. — A sedge meadow is a wetland dominated by sedges {Carex'] on peat, muck, or wet sand. The sedge meadow is remarkably homo- geneous in composition and structure. Sedge meadow. — The soil moisture level is analogous to that of wet prairie, and there is some degree of floristic overlap between the two communities. Carex striata is the major dominant. Dominant plants: Carex lacustris , Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex lasiocarpa, Carex striata. Characteristic plants: Aster lucidulus , Chelone glabra, Epilobium leptophyltum, Eupatorium maaulatum, Triadenum virginiaum. Fanne. — This subclass (with one natural community) is restricted to wet and wet-mesic swales in calcareous sand within 1 mile of Lake Michi- gan. Fanne. — This community has considerable floristic overlap with the graminoid fen and the calcareous seep. Competition is not as in- tense as in fens, because panne's sod is not dense. Dominant plants: Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex spp., Cladium maris aoide s , Juncus balticus var. littoralis , Potentilta frutiaosa. Characteristic plants: Carex viridula, Eleoaharis olivacea, Linum medium var. texanum, Triglochin maritima, Trigtochin palustris , Utricularia aomuta. 346 Seep and spring. — This community subclass occurs where groundwater flows to the surface. A seep is an area with saturated soil caused by water flowing to the surface in a diffuse rather than concentrated flow. Seeps may have local areas of concentrated flow, and the water usually collects in spring runs. Seeps are usually smaller than 0.1 acre, and are most common along the lower slopes of glacial moraines, ravines, and terraces. A spring, as opposed to a seep, has a concentrated flow of groundwater from a definite orifice. The various communities in this subclass are separated on the basis of substrate and water characteris- tics. Seep. — This is the typical, common seep community with circumneutral water. A tree cover is often present. Distribution: Seeps occur throughout the state, although they are commonly too small to recognize as significant communities. Dominant plants: Carex spp., Comus altemi folia , Fraxinus nigra, Symplooarpus foetidus , Glyceria striata, Impatiens biflora, Pilea pumila. Characteristic plants: Angelica atropurp-urea , Caltha palustris , Conooephalus conicim, Pedicularis lanoeolata, Chelone glabra. Soli- dago patula, Epilohiwn ooloratum . Acid gravel seep. — This community has muck or peat deposits and a low pH, caused by water flowing through gravel. Distribution: Acid gravel seeps are restricted to a small area of the Cretaceous Hills Section. Characteristic plants: Athyrium filix-femina, Carex inoomperta, Osmunda cinnamomea, Osmunda regalis , Sphagnum spp., Bartonia paniou- lata, Woodwardia areolata. Calaareous seep. — Groundwater issuing forth is so highly calcareous that tufa deposits form. Many typical seeps are somewhat calcare- ous; but the distinction is drawn when tufa is present, forest cover is absent, and peat deposits (usually) adjoin the seep. Calcareous seeps usually occur in close association with various fen communities, 347 There is some floristic overlap with fens as well as with the panne. Distribution: Calcareous seeps are nearly restricted to the Wiscon- sinan till plain. Characteristic plants: Cladium mariscoides , Deschampsia oaespitosa, Eleoaharis rostellata, Juncus brachyoephalus , Potentilla fruticosa, Rhynahospova oapitlaoea, Rhynchospora alba, Scirpus aaespitosus , Saleria vertioillata, Silphium terehinthinaceim , Tofieldia glutinosa, Trigtoahin palustvis. Sand seep. — The usually acid seepage water flows through sand, usual- ly at the edge of dune or beach ridges. Some muck deposits can ac- cumulate. Distribution: This community is best developed in the Chicago Lake Plain and Kankakee Sand Area. Characteristic plants: Athyr-iim filix-femina, Glyoeria striata, Os- munda cinnamomea, Osmunda regalis , Physoaarpus opulif alius , Symplo- carpus foetidus , Dryopteris spinulosa. Spring community. — Occasionally, large springs flow across such a broad area that the spring merits recognition as a distinct natural community. (Usually springs are simply considered to be features of larger communities.) Vascular plant communities are not well devel- oped in this natural community. Distribution: Large spring natural communities are essentially lim- ited to the Ozark Hills and Shavmee Hills Division. Characteristic plants: Chora spp.. Nasturtium officinale (alien). Lake and Pond Lakes and ponds are bodies of open, standing water. They are sepa- rated from wetlands by the general lack of emergent woody or graminoid vegetation. There are two subclasses: pond and lake. Pond. — Only one pond natural community is recognized. All ponds in Illinois, even those associated with bogs, appear to be eutrophic, not dystrophic or oligotrophic. 348 Pond. — A pond is a small, still body of water, usually shallow enough to allow rooted aquatic plants across most of it. A pond is given natural community status only if it is permanent or semi- permanent, not seasonal or ephemeral. Distribution: Almost all bodies of water in Illinois, including many backwater sloughs connected to major rivers, are classified as pond communities rather than lakes. Characteristic plants: Nuphar advena, Nymphaea tuberosa, Potamoge- ton spp., Spirodela spp., Lemna spp.. Polygonum spp. Characteristic animals: Bullfrog, mud minnow, golden shiner, black bullhead, pugnose minnow, bantam sunfish, pigmy sunfish, slough dar- ter. Lake. — The distinction between a lake and a pond is difficult to make, but it can be made with natural characteristics rather than by size alone. A lake has an area of deep water sufficiently large to produce somewhere on its periphery a barren, wave-swept shore. A barren, wave- swept shore is distinguished by an absence of attached aquatic plants, an absence of finely divided organic matter on the bottom, an absence of air-breathing invertebrates, and the presence of only those invertebrates that maintain their position by burrowing. Thermal stratification is usually present in a lake, but not always present in ponds. Two lake natural communities are recognized: lake and great lake. Lake. — The natural lakes in Illinois can all be classified as eutro- phic. Distribution: Lakes formerly occurred on upland plains and in bot- tomlands throughout Illinois, but most have been drained. Backwater lakes are still present along the Illinois and Mississippi rivers, but their water levels have been altered. Most of the natural lakes remaining are in the Northeastern Morainal Division. Characteristic animals: Blackchin shiner, yellow perch, blacknose shiner, banded killifish. 349 Great take. — This is Lake Michigan, a deep, naturally oligotrophic body of water, which has suffered some eutrophication along the Illinois shore. Characteristic animals: Bloater, alewife (alien), lake chub, cisco, ninespine stickleback, longnose dace, longnose sucker. Stream Streams are flowing waters. Streams must be permanent, not intermit- tent or ephemeral (flowing only after rains) to be considered as distinct natural communities instead of features of another community. Although stream communities intergrade, two community classes are recognized on the basis of size: areek and river. Creek. — A creek is defined as a perennial stream with a watershed smaller than 200 square miles (520 square kilometers). Three creek com- munities are identified on the basis of their gradients. High-gradient creek. — This is a creek with a gradient of 10 or more feet per mile (1.9 or more meters per kilometer). Riffles, pools, and sand and gravel beds are characteristic of high-gradient creeks. Distribution: Headwater streams throughout much of Illinois are classified as high-gradient creeks. Characteristic plant: Dianthera amerieana. Characteristic animals: Banded sculpin, blackspotted topminnow, common stoneroller, southern redbelly dace, pickerel frog. Medium- gradient areek. — A medium-gradient creek has a fall of be- tween 1 and 10 feet per mile (0.2 to 1.9 meters per kilometer). Distribution: Medium-gradient creeks are generally distributed throughout Illinois. Characteristic animals: Longear sunfish, hornyhead chub, red shiner, suckermouth minnow. Low-gradient creek. — A low-gradient creek has a gradient of less than 1 foot per mile (0.2 meters per kilometer). The current is sluggish, there are no riffles, and the sediments are silt and organic matter. 350 Distribution: This community is characteristic of prairie uplands and the bottomlands of major rivers. Characteristic animals: Creek chubsucker, yellow bullhead, slough darter, creek chub, redfin shiner. River. — A river is a stream with a watershed of 200 square miles (520 square kilometers) or more. Three river communities (recognized by size and gradient) are identified. Low-gradient river. — The gradient of this community is less than 1 foot per mile (0.2 meters per kilometer). The channel is meandering, and the current is sluggish. There may be sand bars, but the sedi- ments are mainly silt. Distribution: Low-gradient rivers occur throughout the state. Ex- amples include the Big Muddy, Sangamon, and Green rivers. Characteristic animals: Flathead catfish, eastern spiny softshell. Medium- gradient river. — The gradient of this community is between 1 foot and 10 feet per mile (0.2 to 1.9 meters per kilometer). Gravel riffles and raceways and sand bars are characteristic of this commu- nity. Distribution: Medium-gradient rivers are probably somewhat less com- mon than low-gradient rivers. Examples include sections of the Rock, Kankakee, and Mackinaw rivers. Characteristic animals: River redhorse, largescale stoneroller, northern hog sucker, channel catfish, stonecat, smallmouth bass, smooth softshell. Major river. — A major river is one with a very wide and deep cliannel and a very large flow. All of the major rivers in Illinois are low- gradient streams. Distribution: The major rivers in Illinois are the Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio, and Wabash rivers. Characteristic animals: Paddlefish, shovelnose sturgeon, river shiner, blue catfish, bigmouth buffalo, black tern. 351 Pvmary This community class includes a wide variety of natural communities that share the following characteristics: (1) Soil is thin or absent, and the parent material is at or near the surface. (2) The communities are maintained indefinitely at an early stage of succession by the sub- strate or by natural disturbance. The natural communities in this commu- nity class can be loosely grouped as follows: glade, cliff, and lake shore. Glade. — A glade is an opening in the forest, caused by bedrock at or near the surface and (usually) a steep southern or western exposure. A glade is usually a mosaic of stunted trees, shrubs, patches of herbaceous vegetation, and open areas with little or no vegetation. The soil is thin or absent, and the site is either dry or xeric, so the soil moisture class is not part of the natural community name. Glades are defined by their rock type: sandstone, limestone, or shale. Sandstone glade. — This community occupies the tops of cliffs and the steep upper slopes of south-facing escarpments. Sandstone crops out, and soil is poorly developed. Trees are stunted and open grown, and shrubs are common. The overstory usually covers less than half of the area, and herbaceous vegetation is sparse. Sandstone glades often intergrade with a bordering zone of dry upland forest. Distribution: Sandstone glades are essentially limited to the Shaw- nee Hills. Dominant plants: Andropogon saoparius , Juniperus virginiana, Quer- cus marilandiaa, Querous stellata, Ulmus alata, Vacoiniwn arbor eum. Characteristic plants: Cheilanthes lanosa, Croton monanthogynus , Danthonia spiaata, Gerardia tenuifolia, Hypericum gentianoides , Se- dum pulchellum, Sporoholus vaginiflorus , Talinum parviflorum, Opun- tia aompressa. Characteristic animals: Fence lizard, six-lined racerunner. Limestone glade. — These glades are found on steep south and west- facing spurs and bluffs of limestone. The soil is deeper than in a sandstone glade, but it is rocky and usually clayey. Both the pH 352 and nutrient levels are higher, resulting in a fairly diverse commu- nity. Limestone glades sometimes occur with loess hill prairies, and there is a strong floristic overlap with hill prairies. The best distinguishing features are the presence of limestone outcrops, shallow soil, and [usually) relatively many trees, shrubs, and vines. Distribution: Limestone glades occur in the Shawnee Hills Division and on the Mississippi River and Illinois River bluffs. Dominant plants: Andvopogon saopanus , Boutetoua curtipenduta , Sor- ghastrum nutans. Characteristic plants: Agave virginiaa. Aster patens, Caoalia tubev- osa, Evyngiwn yuaaifotivon, Juniperus vivginiana, Kuhnia eupatovioides ., Lithospermum canesoens , Physostegia virginiana, Queraus muhlenbergii , Silphiu/n terebinthinaaeum , Smilax bona-nox, Echinacea pallida. Shale glade. — Shale does not normally form rocky slopes; but, in a few square miles of Illinois, a series of steep ridges is formed in thick shale outcrops. Natural openings occur on exposed slopes, and these are termed shale glades. Distribution: Shale glades are essentially limited to a small part of the Southern Section of the Ozark Division. Dominant plants: Quercus marilandica, Quercus stellata, Juniperus virginiana, Andropogon scoparius. Characteristic plant: Asclepias tuberosa. Cliff. — Vertical exposures of resistant bedrock as well as unconsoli- dated materials are included in this subclass. Soils are generally non- existent, and communities have been delimited on the basis of rock type. Aspect and degree of shading are also significant, but have not been used to separate communities due to practical considerations. Sandstone cliff community. — Aspect and specific rock characteristics are important determinants of species composition and abundance. In general, north and east-facing slopes support the most vegetation. Another important factor is the degree of shading from the adjacent forest. 353 Distribution: Sandstone cliffs large enough to be recognized as distinct communities are abundant in the Shawnee Hills Division, and are generally scattered throughout the rest of the state. Characteristic plants: Dryopteris marginalis , Heuohera parviflora, Cheilanthes lanosa. Characteristic animals: Turkey vultures and black vultures nest in protected sites on sandstone cliffs. Limestone oliff community. — The general discussion for sandstone cliffs also applies to limestone cliffs. The main differences be- tween the two communities is the usually lesser resistance to wea- thering and the higher pH of limestone cliffs. Distribution: Limestone cliffs occur throughout Illinois where bed- rock crops out, but they are most prominent along the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Characteristic plants: Cystopteris bulbifera, Pellaea atropurpurea , Pellaea glabella. Dolomite cliff community. — This community may be essentially the same as the limestone cliff community. Distribution: Dolomite cliffs are mostly limited to stream valleys in the northern part of the state. Characteristic plants: Cystopteris bulbifera, Physocarpus opulifo- lius , Aralia raaemosa. Campanula rotundi folia , Pelleae glabella. Characteristic animal: Cliff swallow. Sandstone overhang. — This is a small but distinct natural community which occurs when a sandstone cliff forms a shelter. The soil be- neath the overhang may consist of sandy residuum or unweathered loess. Light intensities are low, and soil moisture ranges from dry to wet. Distribution: Sandstone overhangs large enough to consider as dis- tinct natural communities are common in the Shawnee Hills, but are rare in the rest of the state. 354 Characteristic plants: Triohomanes hosohianum , Bodeoatheon frenahii. Characteristic animals: Eastern phoebe , antlion larvae (Myrmeleon- tidae] . Eroding bluff community. — This community consists of vertical expo- sures of eroded unconsolidated material (for example, glacial drift) or weak rock (such as shale). The steep slope is maintained by stream or lake erosion, and the biotic community is poorly developed because of continual slumping. Distribution: Eroding bluffs are especially common along major rivers in the glaciated part of Illinois. Characteristic plants: Danthonia spioata, Solidago nemoralis , Taeni- dia integerrima , Melilotus alba (alien). Characteristic animals: Kingfisher, bank swallow, rough-winged swallow. Lake shore. — Lake-deposited sands form the substrate for this commu- nity subclass. Depending on the age of the deposit and the successional development, two communities are formed. These communities are limited to the shoreline of Lake Michigan. Beach. — Soil development is minimal because the sand is recently deposited. Two basic subdivisions can be distinguished: the nearly bare zone of sand nearest the lake and the better-vegetated grass- land farther away. Dominant plants: Ammophila bveviligulata , Calamovilfa longifolia, Elymus canadensis. Characteristic plants: Cakile edentula, Corispermum hyssopi folium. Euphorbia poly goni folia. Characteristic animal: Piping plover. Foredune. — The next successional stage is characterized by the be- ginnings of soil development. A fairly dense cover of low shrubs and grasses is present. There is some overlap with dry sand prai- rie. 355 Dominant plants: Andropogon scoparius , Aratostaphylos uva-ursi, Juniperus horizontalis . Characteristic plants: Junipevus communis, Petalostemum puppureum. Cave A cave is a solution feature, collapse feature, or crevice under- ground. A cave is usually defined as being large enough to be enterable by a human being, and it usually has a part that is not penetrated by sunlight. Solution caves form in limestone or dolomite, but there is no significant difference between caves formed in the two kinds of rocks. Small caves form in sandstone, but these minor communities are not recog- nized in this classification. Two cave communities are distinguished: the tewestTidt oave oorrmunitij and the aquatic cave community. Terrestrial cave community. — This community consists of air-filled cavities in rock. Distribution: The largest cave systems are in the Northern Section of the Ozark Division, but caves are also common in the Shawnee Hills Division and along the Mississipp River and lower Illinois River. Characteristic animals: Little brown bat, big brown bat, eastern pipistrelle, cave salamander. Aquatic cave community. — Pools, streams, and waterfalls in caves comprise this community. These waters are part of the groundwater in a region, and the water may come to the surface in springs and seeps . Distribution: This community occurs with terrestrial cave communi- ties. Characteristic animals: There are many troglobitic (cave-adapted) aquatic invertebrates in Illinois. The spring cavefish inhabits some caves and springs. Cultural This community class includes communities that were created by human disturbance. In terms of natural quality, they are Grade D or E. All 356 Grade E communities are cultural communities, but not all Grade D conmiuni- ties are cultural. If land is Grade D because the original natural commu- nity has been destroyed by human activities and the land has recovered somewhat, then it is a cultural community. However, if the original natu- ral community was not removed, or if secondary succession has progressed to the stage where, for example, a young forest exists, then the land is not a cultural community. For example, a recently clearcut forest is a Grade D forest, not a cultural community, because the original community was not completely altered. The cultural communities are described brief- ly below. Cropland. — This includes row crops and forage crops. Pastureland. — This includes open, pastured land, but not pastured forest. Successional field. — The successional field community includes aban- doned fields and abandoned pastures. It also includes any formerly disturbed open land which cannot be properly termed abandoned fields, such as roadsides and vacant lots. Tree plantation. — Orchards, arboretums, and other tree plantations are in this artificial community. Developed land. — Any sort of land that has been highly modified or has structures is placed in this class. It includes stripmined land, roadways, buildings, and cemeteries. Artificial pond. — These are man-made bodies of water that have the characteristics of natural ponds. Artificial lake. — This class includes large, man-made reservoirs. Prairie restoration. — There are over 40 projects in Illinois to re- store or create prairie communities on former farmland. Bibliography of Natural Communities About 350 scientific references are listed below. These are publi- cations that provide descriptive information about natural communities in Illinois. The titles were selected from approximately 3,000 references 357 compiled by the Inventory regarding ecology, field biology, and natural areas in Illinois. Only studies that were completed in Illinois are in- cluded in the bibliography. Studies are not cited if they focused on individual species and did not describe a natural community or group of communities. No references to communities in the cultural community class are listed. Only a few Master's and Ph.D. theses are listed, in particular for natural communities that have received little attention from researchers. The winter bird-population studies and breeding-bird censuses in Auk and American Birds are not cited, and neither are the many valuable descriptions of the vegetation of Illinois in the Geologi- cal Survey of Illinois and Economical Geology of Illinois (see Worthen, 1866). The references do not form a complete bibliography of Illinois ecology: many important papers are not cited because they do not pro- vide information about specific natural communities or groups of communi- ties . The citations are listed in an outline form, in a framework provided by the community classes, community subclasses, and natural communities. Each citation is listed at the most specific level possible in the clas- sification hierarchy. For example, some papers are listed under the forest community class heading because they describe forest communities in general, but do not describe specific natural communities. Other papers are listed under the upland forest community subclass, because they have descriptive information about upland forests that is not re- ferable to specific natural communities. Under each community class, community subclass, and natural communi- ty heading, the references are grouped according to general subject cate- gories. Each citation gives the author or authors, date of publication, and Natural Division and Section (according to the code listed in Figure 8). Natural Divisions or Sections are not listed for the great lake natu- ral community: Lake Michigan probably should be placed in its own Natural Division rather than being considered a part of the adjacent Northeastern Morainal Division. The bibliography is preliminary. A refined version is under prepa- ration. 358 Annotated Outline of Bibliographic References FOREST community class Animal ecology: Auerbach (1951) 3a. Fauna: Hart and Gleason (1907) 6a, 6b. Flora: Mohlenbrock (1966) 13a; Ridgway (1873a) southern Illinois: Vestal (1919) 4a, 9a. Pre settlement vegetation: Anderson and Anderson (1975) 9b, 13a; Hanson (1978&) 3c; Kilburn (1959) 4a; Meyer (1952) 3c. Vegetation: Chapman and Miller (1924) entire state; Engelmann (1863) 9b; Hall and Ingall (1911) entire state; Hart and Gleason (1907) 6a, 6b; Hudnut (1952) 4a; Miller (1923) southern Illinois; Ridgway (1873a, 1873Z?, 1882, 1894) southern Illinois; Telford (1926) entire state; Woodward (1925) 4a, 10c. Upland forest community subclass Fauna: Adams (1915) 4a; Hankinson (1915) 4a. Flora: Fell and Fell (1957) 2a, 3d; Springer (1930) 4a; Turner (1936) 5a. Hydrology: Bell and Johnson (1974) 4a. Litter stratum: Bell and Sipp (1975) 4a. Presettlement vegetation: Hutchison (1976) 13a, 13b; King and Johnson (1977) 4b. Vegetation: Anderson and Adams (1978) central Illinois; Cowles (1901a, 1901&) 3a, 3c, 4a; DeForest (1921) 2a, 2b; Eikenberry (1912) 2a, 2b, 4a; Fuller and Strausbaugh (1919) 4a; Jackson and Petty (1971) 4a; Lindsey (1962) 10b; Miller (1919) 4a; Miller and Fuller (1922) lie, 13b, 14a; Montgomery (1931) 2a, 2b; Pepoon (1910, 1919) 1; Schmoll (1919) 3a; Simmons (1921) 3a, 3c; Voigt and Mohlenbrock (1954) southern Illinois. Xeric upland forest Flora: Mohlenbrock (1968) 13a. Dry upland forest Flora: Hopkins (1969) 13a; Mohlenbrock (1967) 9b; Mohlenbrock and Voigt (1965) lie; White (1971) 13b; Wiedman and Whiteside (1975) 10b. 359 Dry upland forest, cont. Vegetation: Ashby and Kelting (1963) lie; Fralish (1976) 13a; Ozment (1967) lie, 13b. Dry-mesic upland forest Animal ecology: Blem and Blem (1975) 4a; Cole (1946) 4a; Stroheck- er (1937) 3a; Talbot (1934) 3a; Uetz (1976) 4a. Disturbance: Helms and Jackson (1973) 10b. Flora: Mohlenbrock (1967) 9b; Mohlenbrock (1968) 13a; Taylor (1920) 3a; White (1971) 13b; Wiedman and IVhiteside (1975) 10b. Microclimate: Ashby (1976) 13a; McDougall (1920) 10c; M'nutt and Fuller (1912) 3a; Ranft and Kilburn (1969) 8a; Thone (1922) 4a; Ullrich (1915) 3a. Mineral cycling: Rolfe, et al . (1978) 13b. Plant ecology: Akhtar, et al . (1976) 13a. Soil: Bailey, et al. (1964) 4a; Kurz (1923) 1, 3a, 3c, 4a. Vegetation: Ashby (1968) 13a; Ashby and Kelting (1963) lie; Bell (1974a, 1974Z?) 4a; Bell and Sipp (1974) 4a; Blackmore and Ebinger (1967) 4a; Boggess and Geis (1967) 4a; Ebinger (1968, 1973) 4a; Ebinger and Parker (1969) 10b; Ebinger, et al. (1977) 4a; Fralish (1976) 13a; Hughes and Ebinger (1973) 10b; Johnson and Bell (1975) 4a; Kumler (1973) 8a; Kurz (1923) 1, 3a, 3c, 4a; Luvall and Weaver (1978) lie; McClain and Ebinger (1968) 4a; McDougall (1919) 10c; Root, et al. (1971) 4a; Schlesinger (1976) 13b; Slifer (1976) 3a; Weaver and Ashby (1971) 13b. Me sic upland forest Animal ecology: Blake (1931) 4a; Davidson (1930, 1932) 4a; Jones (1946) 4a; Lindenborg (1941) 4a; Rice (1946) 4a; Shelford (1912) 3c; Shelford (1951) 4a; Smith (1928) 4a; Strohecker (1937) 3a; Twomey (1945) 4a; Weese (1924) 4a; Wetzel (1958) 4a. Disturbance: McDougall (1925) 4a. Fauna: Calef (1953) 4a; Frankland (1977) 3a; Wortman (1977) 3a. Flora: Hus (1908) 8a; Taylor (1920) 3a; IVhite (1971) 13b; Wiedman and Whiteside (1975) 10b, Microclimate: Ashby (1976) 13a; McDougall (1920) 10c; Ullrich (1915) 3a. Plant ecology: Bazzaz and Bliss (1971) 4a; McDougall (1922) 4a; McDougall and Liebtag (1928) 4a. Soil: Bailey, et al. (1964) 4a; Geis and Boggess (1970) 4a; Geis, et al. (1970) 4a; Kurz (1923) 1. 360 Mesic upland forest, cont. Vegetation: Ashby (1968) 13a; Ashby and Kelting [1963) lie; Boggess (1964) 4a; Boggess and Bailey (1964) 4a; Boggess and Geis (1966) 4a; Cox, et al . (1972) 4a; Dunn and Jackson (1978) 10b, 10c; Ebinger and Parker (1969) 10b; Fralish (1976) 13a; Geis and Boggess (1970) 4a; Geis, et al. (1970) 4a; Hughes and Ebinger (1973) 10b; Kumler (1973) 8a; Kurz (1923) 1; McDougall (1919) 10c; Miceli, et al, (1977) 4a; Miller and Fuller (1922) lie; Ozment (1967) 11a, lie, 13b; Pelz and Rolfe (1977) 4a; Robertson and Pusateri (1976) lie; Slifer (1976) 3a. Wet-mesic upland forest Flora: Vestal (1919) 9a. Sand forest community subclass Fauna: Johnson (1970) 6a. Dry sand forest Fauna: Gates (1911) 6a. Dry-mesic sand forest Fauna: Gates (1911) 6a. Mesia sand forest Flora: Fell (1957) 3d. Floodplain forest community subclass Animal ecology: Fawver (1947) 4a; Uetz (1976) 4a; Wetzel (1958) 4a. Fauna: Adams (1915) 4a; Baker (1910) 3c; Garman (1888) 5b; Gates (1911) 5a; Hankinson (1915) 4a. Flooding: Turner (1929) 5a. Flora: Fell and Fell (1957) 2a, 3d; Mohlenbrock (1959) I2b; Mohlenbrock (1967) 9b; Springer (1930) 4a; Taylor (1920) 3a; Turner (1936) 5a. Hydrology: Bell and Johnson (1974) 4a. 361 Floodplain forest community subclass, cent. Litter stratum: Bell and Sipp (1975) 4a. Presettlement vegetation: Hutchison (1976) 13a, 13b; King and Johnson (1977) 4b. Vegetation: Bell (1974a) 4a; Cowles (1901a, 1901b) 3a, 3c, 4a; DeForest (1921) 2a, 2b; Franz (1971) 4a; Hosner and Minkler (1960) southern Illinois; Hosner and Minckler (1963) 9a, 9b, 12b, 13b, 14b; Lindsay (1962) 10a; Miller (1919) 4a; Nyboer and Ebinger (1976) 9a; Pepoon (1910) 5b; Pepoon (1919) 1; Ridgway (1882, 1894) 10a; Schmoll (1919) 3a; Voigt and Mohlenbrock (1954) southern Illi- nois. Mesio floodplain forest Flora: Hopkins (1969) 13a; Hus (1908) 12a; Mohlenbrock (1968) 13a; Mohlenbrock and Voigt (1965) 12b; White (1971) 14b. Microclimate: Ashby (1976) 13a. Vegetation: Ashby (1968) 13a; Ashby and Kelting (1963) 12b; jess and Geis (1966) 4a; Hughes and Ebinger (1973) 10b. Wet-mesic floodplain forest Animal ecology: Blem and Blem (1975) 4a. Flora: White (1971) 14b. Microclimate: Thone (1922) 4a. Soil: Kurz (1923) 3a, 3c, 4a. Vegetation: Ashby and Kelting (1963) 12b; Bell (1974a) 4a; Bell and Sipp (1974) 4a; Fuller and Strausbaugh (1919) 4a; Johnson and Bell (1975) 4a; Kumler (1973) 8a; Kurz (1923) 3a, 3c, 4a; McDougall (1919) 10c; Miller and Fuller (1922) lie, 12b, 14b; Root, et al. (1971) 4a; Slifer (1977) 3a; Thomson and Anderson (1976) 12b. Viet floodplain forest Disturbance: Yaeger (1949) 5a. Fauna: Goff (1952) 4a. Flora: Hus (1908) 12a; Mohlenbrock and Voigt (1965) 12b; White (1971) 14b. Microclimate: McDougall (1920) 10c. 362 Wet floodplain forest, cont. Vegetation: Ashby and Kelting (1963) 12b; Bell (1974) 4a; Coulter (1903) 12a; Crites and Ebinger (1969) 4a; Evans (1975) 12b; Fuller and Strausbaugh (1919) 4a; McDougall (1919) 10c; Miller and Fuller (1922) 12b, 14b; Phillippe and Ebinger (1973) 10a; Thomson and Anderson (1976) 12b; Yaeger (1949) 5a. Flatwoods community class Northern flatwoods Vegetation: Schmoll (1919) 3a; Simmons (1921) 3a; Waterman (1919) 3a. Southern flatwoods Vegetation: Borger (1968) 9b; Engelmann (1863) 9b; Vestal (1936) 9a, 9b. Sand flatwoods Soil: Isenbarger (1934) 3c; Kurz (1923) 3c. Vegetation: Cowles (1901a, 1901&) 3c; Isenbarger (1934, 1947) 3c; Kurz (1923) 3c. PRAIRIE community class Fauna: Ridgway (1873b) 9b. Flora: Bray (1957) entire state; Fuller (1925) 3c; Ridgway (1873a) southern Illinois; Short (1845) entire state; Turner (1934a) 5a. Natural areas inventory: Bacone and Harty (1978) entire state. Presettlement vegetation: Anderson (1970) entire state; Anderson and Anderson (1975) 9b, 13a; Hanson (1978a) 3c; Meyer (1952) 3c. Vegetation: Cowles (1901a, 1901&) 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a; Vestal (1936) 9a, 9b. Prairie community subclass Animal ecology: Shackleford (1929) 4a; Talbot (1934) 3c. Fauna: Adams (1915) 4a; Birkenholz (1973a, 19732?, 1975) 4a, 4e; Hankinson (1915) 4a; Long (1968) 4a. Flora: Thompson and Heineke (1977) 9b; Turner (1936) 5a; Zales (1971) 4a, 4e. 363 Prairie community subclass, cont. Natural areas inventory: Kerr and IVhite (1978) 2a, 4a, 4c, 4d, 7a. Presettlement vegetation: Kilbum (1959) 4a. Soil: Douglas, et al. (1967) 4a. Vegetation: Bacone and Harty (1978) 3a, 3d, 4a, 4b, 4d, 5b, 7a, 7b, 9a, 9b; Engelmann (1863) 9b; Hanson (1978a) 3c; Sampson (1921) entire state; Voigt and Mohlenbrock (1954) 9b. Dry prairie No references. Dry-mesio prairie No references. Mesia prairie Animal ecology: Auerbach (1951) 3a; Park, et al. (1949a, 1949b, 1953) 3a. Flora: Vestal (1914) 3a. Vegetation: Betz and Cole (1969) 3a; Betz and Lamp (1978) northern Illinois; Hanson (1975) 3c; Paintin (1928) 3a; Slifer (1977) 3a. Wet-mesic prairie No references. Wet prairie Fauna: Baker (1910) 3c; Gates (1911) 6a. Flora: Vestal (1914) 3a. Vegetation: Turner (1934fc) 5a, 6a. Sand prairie community subclass Fauna: Hart and Gleason (1907) 6a, 6b; Vestal (1913) 6a. Flora: Clute (1931) 4e; Gleason (1910) 3d, 4d, 4e, 6a, 6b; McDonald (1900) 6a; Pepoon (1909a) 6b; Vestal (1913) 6a. Natural areas inventory: Kerr and IVhite (1978) 4d. 364 Sand prairie community subclass, cont, Vegetation: Bacone and Harty (1978) 3d, 4e, 6a, 6b; Betz and Lamp (1978) northern Illinois; Gleason (1910) 3d, 4d, 4e, 6a, 6b; Hanson (1978a) 3c; Hart and Gleason (1907) 6a, 6b; Ross (1963) 3b; Sampson (1921) entire state. Dry sand pra-ivie Fauna: Gates (1911&) 6a. Animal ecology: Johnson (1970) 6a. Flora: Fell (1957) 3d. Soil: Baier, et al. (1972) 6a. Vegetation: Baier, et al . (1972) 6a; Gates (1912); Gleason (1909) 6b. Dry -me sic sand prairie Vegetation: Gates (1912) 3b; Hanson (1975) 3c. Mesio sand prairie Soil: Kurz (1923) 3c. Vegetation: Gates (1912) 3b; Kurz (1923) 3c. Wet-mesic sand prairie Flora: Fell (1957) 3d. Wet sand prairie Vegetation: Gates (1912) 3b. Gravel prairie community subclass Vegetation: Fell and Fell (1956) 2a. Dry gravel prairie No references. 365 Dry-mesio gravel pra-irie No references. Mesio gravel prairie No references. Dolomite prairie community subclass Dry dolomite prairie No references. Dry-mesia dolomite prairie No references. Mesio dolomite prairie No references. Wet-mesic dolomite prairie No references. Wet dolomite prairie No references. Hill prairie community subclass Flora: Evers (1955) 1, 2a, 2b, 4a, 4b, 6a, 8a, 8b, 11a, lie, 13a, Natural areas inventory: Kerr and White (1978) 4a, 4b. Loess hill prairie Disturbance: Nyboer (1978) 8a, 8b. 366 Loess hill prairie, cont. Fauna: Ozment (1967) 11a. Flora: Hus (1908) 8a; Mohlenbrock and Voigt (1965) lie. Mioroclimate: Ranft and Kilburn (1969) 8a. Soil: Bland and Kilburn (1966) 8a; Kilburn and Warren (1963) 8a. Vegetation: Bland and Kilburn (1966) 8a; Evers (1955) entire state; Kilburn and Ford (1963) 8a; Kilburn and Warren (1963) 8a; Ozment (1967) 11a, lie; Voigt and Mohlenbrock (1964) 11a, lie. Glacial drift hill prairie Vegetation: Reeves (1976) 4a; Vestal (1918) 4a. Gravel hill prairie No references. Sand hill prairie No references. Shrub prairie community subclass Shrub prairie Flora: Armstrong (1963) 3c; Fell (1957) 3d; Ridgway (1873a) southern Illinois. Vegetation: Armstrong (1963) 3c. SAVANNA community class Flora: Ridgway (1873a) southern Illinois. Presettlement vegetation: Anderson and Anderson (1975) 9b, 13a; Hanson (1978Z?) 3e; Meyer (1952) 3c. Vegetation: Engelmann (1963) 9b; Madany (1978) entire state; Vestal (1936) 9a, 9b. Savanna community subclass Natural areas inventory: Kerr and White (1978) 4a, 7a, 9a, 10c. Presettlement vegetation: Kilburn (1959) 4a. 367 Savanna community subclass, cont . Vegetation: Betz and Lamp (1978) northern Illinois; Eikenberry (1912) 2a, 2b, 4a; Fuller and Strausbaugh (1919) 4a. Dvy-mesia savanna No references. Mesio savanna No references. Sand savanna community subclass Animal eaology: Lowrie (1942) 3b, 4e. Fauna: Hart and Gleason (1907) 6a, 6b. Flora: Fell (1957) 3d; Gleason (1910) 3d, 4d, 4e, 6a, 6b. Natural areas inventory: Kerr and White (1978) 4e. Vegetation: Betz and Lamp (1978) northern Illinois; Gleason (1909) 6b; Gleason (1910) 3d, 4d, 4e, 6a, 6b; Hart and Gleason (1907) 6a, 6b. Dry sand savanna Fauna: Johnson (1970) 6a. Vegetation: Gates (1912) 3b. Dry-mesio sand savanna Flora: Armstrong (1963) 3c; Clute (1931) 4e. Soil: Kurz (1923) 3c. Vegetation: Armstrong (1963) 3c; Kurz (1923) 3c. Barren community subclass Presettlement vegetation: Hutchison (1976) 13b. Dry barren Flora: Rowe (1976) 8a. 368 Dry-mesic barren No references. Mesio barren Vegetation management: Anderson and Schwegman (1971) 14a. WETLAND community class Fauna: Beecher (1942) 3a; Fuller (1925) 3c. Fresettlement vegetation: Hanson (1978&) 3c; Meyer (1952) 3c. Soil: Hopkins, at al. (1912) central and northern Illinois. Vegetation: Cowles (1901a, 1901&) 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a. Marsh community subclass Marsh Fauna: Baker (1910) 3c; Frankland (1977) 3a; Gates (1911fe) 6a; Wortman (1977) 3a. Flora: Armstrong (1963) 3c; Peattie (1925) 3c. Vegetation: Armstrong (1963) 3c; Coulter (1903) 3c, 12a; Gates (1912) 3b; Hughes (1977) 3a. Brackish marsh Geology: Cady (1919) 4a. Swamp community subclass Swamp Flora: Wliite (1971) 14b. Mineral cycling: Dorge (1977c) 14b; Dorge and Mitsch (1977a) 14b. Plant ecology: Dorge and Mitsch (1977&) 14b; Hickey and Dorge (1977) 14b. Sediments: Dorge and Mitsch (1977c) 14b. Vegetation: Anderson and White (1970) 14b. Water: Wiemhoff (1977a, 1977&, 1977c) 14b. Water chemistry: Dorge (1977a, 1977i) , 14b. 369 Shrub swamp Fauna: Gates (1911&) 5a; Gunning and Lewis (1955) 12a. Flora: Mohlenbrock (1959) 12b; Mohlenbrock and Voigt (1965) 12b; Vlhite (1971) 14b. Vegetation: Ashby and Kelting (1963) 12b; Coulter (1903) 12a; Voigt and Mohlenbrock (1954) southern Illinois. Bog community subclass Fauna: Reichle (1969) 3a. Geology: McConas, et al . (1972) 3a. Hydrology: McConas, et al. (1972) 3a. Soil: Isenbarger (1934) 3a; Kurz (1928) 3a; McConas, et al . (1972) 3a. Vegetation: Isenbarger (1934) 3a; Kurz (1928) 3a; Reichle and Doyle (1965) 3a; Waterman (1921, 1923, 1926) 3a. Vegetation history: Artist (1936) 3a; Stiernberg (1971) 3a; Voss (1931) 3a. Graminoid hog Vegetation: Sheviak and Haney (1973) 3a. Low shrub bog Vegetation: Duerr (1967) 3a; Sheviak and Haney (1973) 3a. Tall shrub bog Vegetation: Sheviak and Haney (1973) 3a. Forested bog Vegetation: Sheviak and Haney (1973) 3a, Vegetation history: Voss (1931) 3a. Fen community subclass Paleontology: Leonard (1974) 4a. 370 Calcareous floating mat No references. Graminoid fen Vegetation: Moran (1978) 3a. Low shrub fen No references. Tall shrub fen No references. Forested fen No references. Sedge meadow community subclass Sedge meadow Fauna: Frankland (1976) 3a. Flora: Armstrong (1963) 3c; Clute (1931) 4e; Fell (1957) 3d. Vegetation: Armstrong (1963) 3c; Gates (1912) 3b; Hughes (1977) 3a. Panne community subclass Panne Vegetation: Gates (1912) 3b. Seep and spring community subclass Seep Flora: Gates (1911a) 6a; Mohlenbrock and Voigt (1959) 9b; Phipps and Speer (1958) 4a. Vegetation: Parker and Ebinger (1971) 4a; Phipps and Speer (1958) 4a. 371 Acid gravel seep Flora: Schwegman (1969) 14a. Vegetation: Schwegman (1969) 14a. Calcareous seep Tufa: Decker (1912) 10c. Sand seep No references. Spring community Fauna: Gunning and Lewis (1955) 12b; Weise (1957) 12b. Flora: Mohlenbrock (1959) 12b; Mohlenbrock and Voigt (1965) 12b. Vegetation: Hopkins (1969) 12b, 13a, 13b. V/atev: Hutchison (1976) 13b. LAKE AND POND community class Bibliography: Smith (1978) entire state. Fauna: Forbes and Richardson (1908) entire state; Parmalee (1967) entire state; Smith (1978) entire state. Pond community class Pond Animal ecology: Dorris (1958) 5b; Shelford (1911Zj) 3b. Disturbance: Mills, et al. (1966) 5a. Fauna: Baker (1910) 3c; Garman (1888) 5b; Gunning and Lewis (1955) 12a; Hart (1895) 5a; Hempel (1899) 5a; Krull and Hubert (1973) 12b; Mills, et al. (1966) 5a; Richardson (1921a, \92\b , 1928) 5a. Flora: Hus (1908) 12a; Mohlenbrock and Voigt (1965) 12b; White (1971) 14b. Palynology: Griffin (1951) 4a; Gruger (1972) 9a. Plankton: Eddy (1931) 13b; Eddy (1934) entire state; Kofoid (1903) 5a. 372 Pond, cont. Plant ecology: Mathis, et al. (1969) 5a. Vegetation: Ashby and Kelting (1963) 12b; Bellrose (1941) 5a; Coulter (1903) 12a; Cowles (1901a, IQOlfc) 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a; Gates (1912) 3b; Mohlenbrock (1959) 12b. Lake community subclass Lake Chemistry: Wang and Evans (1971) 5a. Community metabolism: Mathis and Meyers (1970) 5a. Disturbanoe: Mills, et al. (1966) 5a. Fauna: Garman (1888) 5b; Gunning (1955) 14b; Hart (1895) 5a; Hempel (1899) 5a; Mills, et al. (1966) 5a; Paloumpis and Starrett (1960) 5a; Richardson (1921a, 1921Z?, 1925a, 1928) 5a; Starrett and Fritz (1965) 5a. Flora: Peattie (1925) 3c; Wunderlin and Wunderlin (1962) 14b. Plankton: Eddy (1934) entire state; Ingle-Stroh (1977) 3a; Kofoid (1903) 5a. Vegetation: Bellrose (1941) 5a; Coulter (1903) 3c. Great lake Bibliography: Gannon (1969); Illinois Natural History Survey (1976); Van Oosten (1958). Disturbance: Illinois Natural History Survey (1976); Wells and McLain (1973); Woods (1970). Fauna: Baker (1929); Becker (1976); Illinois Natural History Survey (1976); Stimpson, et al. (1975) ; Wells and McLain (1973). Flora: Briggs (1872); Dailey (1938); Damann (1941, 1945); Skvort- zow (1937); Thomas and Chase (1887); Tarapchak and Stoermer (1976). Physical limnology: Mortimer and Csanady (1975). Plankton: Eddy (1927); Lackey (1944). Water chemistry: Torrey (1976). Water quality: Beer (1971). STREAM community class Animal ecology: Gersbacher (1937) 4a. Bibliography: Smith (1978) entire state. 373 STREAM community class, cont . Disturbance: Baker (1922) 4a, 10c; Smith (1968) 4a, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10c; Smith (1971) entire state. Fauna: Baker (1922) 4a, 10c; Baker (1927) 2a, 2b, 3d, 4a, 4d, 5b; Forbes and Richardson (1908) entire state; Parmalee (1967) entire state; Smith (1978) entire state. Flora: Lin, et al. (1973) 7a. Hydrology: Curtis (1969) entire state; Lara (1970) entire state; Mitchell (1950, 1954, 1957) entire state; Singh (1971) entire state; Singh and Stall (1973) entire state; Stall and Fok (1968) entire state; U. S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division (for example, 1978) entire state. Plankton: Eddy (1934) entire state. Water quality: Kothandaraman and Evans (1977a, 197 7i) 7a; Lin, et al. (1974) 7a; U. S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division (for example, 1978) entire state. Creek community subclass Disturbance: Larimore and Smith (1963) 4a, 10c. Fauna: Alexander (1924) 4a; Buth (1974) 4a; Hankinson (1910) 4a; Smith, et al. (1969) 7b, 8a. Water quality: Aubertin (1978) lie, 13a, 13b; Aubertin and Case (1978) 13a. Low-gradient creek Animal ecology: Shelford (1911a) 3a, 3b. Fauna: Baker (1910) 3c; Carman (1888) 5b; Hankinson (1913) 4a; Larimore and Smith (1963) 4a; Ross (1963) 3b; Stegman (1959) 12b: Thompson and Hunt (1930) 4a. Flora: Solheim and Penfound (1928) 4a; White (1971) 14b. Plankton: Kofoid (1903) 5a. Medium-gradient creek Animal ecology: Shelford (1911a) 3a. Fauna: Baker and Smith (1919) 4a, 10c; Drew and Wildrick (1974) 4a; Forbes and Richardson (1913) 3a; Hankinson (1913) 4a; Larimore and Smith (1963) 4a, 10c; Larimore, et al. (1952) 4a, 10c; Lewis (1957) 13b; Small (1973) 4a; Stegman (1959) 9b; Thompson and Hunt (1930) 4a, 10c. 374 Mediwv-grad'ient creek, cont. Flora: Solheim and Penfound (1928) 4a. High-gradient creek Animal ecology: Shelford (1911a) 3a. Fauna: Gunning and Lewis (1956) 13a; Hankinson (1913) 4a; Larimore and Smith (1963) 4a; Lewis (1957) 13b; Stegman (1959) 9b; Thompson and Hunt (1930) 4a; Putz and Thomerson (1972) 8a, 9a, 11a. Flora: Hopkins (1969) 13a; Mohlenbrock (1968) 13a. River community subclass Low-gradient river Disturbance: Larimore and Smith (1963) 4a. Fauna: Larimore and Smith (1963) 4a; Lewis (1954) 9b, 12b; Luce (1933) 4a, 9a, 9b; Putz and Thomerson (1972) 12a; Thompson and Hunt (1930) 4a. Flora: White (1971) 14b. Hydrology: Kendeigh (1973) 4a. Plankton: Eddy (19312?) 4a, 4b; Ingle-Stroh (1977) 3a. Water quality: Jewell (1920) 4a; Jewell (1922) 9b, 12b. Medium-gradient river Animal ecology: Nilsen and Larimore (1973) 4a. Fauna: Alexander (1924) 4a, 10c; Hankinson (1913) 4a; Strode (1892) 7a. Flora: Lipsey (1975) 3a. Major river Bibliography: Mills, et al . (1966) 4a, 5a. Disturbance: Bartow (1913) 4a, 5a; Forbes and Richardson (1919) 5a; Mills, et al. (1966) 4a, 5a; Starrett (1971, 1972) 4a, 5a. Fauna:' Baker (1903) 5b; Barnickol and Starrett (1951) 5b; Carlson (1968) 5b; Dorris (1956) 5b; Forbes and Richardson (1919) 5a; Gar- man (1888) 5b; Gates (1911Z?) 5a; Grier and Mueller (1922-1923) 5b, 12a, 12b; Hart (1895) 5a; Hempel (1899) 5a; Mills, et al . (1966) 4a, 5a; Richardson (1921a, 1921fc, 1925a, 1925&, 1928) 5a; Starrett (1971) 4a, 5a; Van der Schalie and Van der Schalie (1950) 5b, 12a. 375 Major river, cont. Flora: Evans (1978) 12b; Hus (1908) 12a; Kennedy and Mohlenbrock (1963) 14b. Plankton: Forbes and Richardson (1913) 4a, 5a; Kofoid (1903, 1908) 5a. Vegetation: Evans (1975) 12a, 12b. Water quality: Greenfield (1925) 4a, 5a; Kothandaraman and Sin- clair (1975) 5a. PRIMARY community class Pvesettlement vegetation: Hutchison (1976) 13b. Glade community subclass Sandstone glade Flora: Hatcher (1952) 13a; Hopkins (1969) 13a; Mohlenbrock (1966, 1968) 13a. Microclimate: Ashby (1976) 13a. Vegetation: Fralish (1976) 13a; Winterringer and Vestal (1956) 13a, 13b. Limestone glade Fauna: Ozment (1967) 11a. Flora: Evers (1955) 11a, 13b; White (1971) 13b. Plant ecology: Kurz (1978) 8a, 8b, 11a, lie, 13a, 13b, Vegetation: Ozment (1967) 11a, 13b. Shale glade No references. Cliff community subclass Sandstone cliff community Flora: Ebinger (1978) 10b; Fell and Fell (1949) 2b; Hatcher (1952) 13a; Hopkins (1969) 13a; IVhite (1971) 13b; Wiedman and IVhiteside (1975) 10b. 376 Sandstone cliff oommunity , cont. Mioroolimate: Ashby (1976) 13a; Thone (1923) 4a. Plant ecology: Steagal (1926) 13a. Vegetation: Cowles (1901a, 1901&) 4a; Eikenberry (1912) 2b. Limestone cliff covrmunity Flora: Hatcher (1952) lie; Hus (1908) 8a; Mohlenbrock and Voigt (1965) lie; Turner (1936) 5a. Plant ecology: Steagal (1926) lie, 13a. Vegetation: Ozment (1967) 11a, lie, 13b. Dolomite cliff community Flora: Fell and Fell (1949, 1957) 2a, 3d; Pepoon (1909a, 1909&, 1917) 1; Taylor (1920) 2a, 3a. Vegetation: Eikenberry (1912) 2a; Pepoon (1910) 1. Sandstone overhang community No references. Eroding bluff community Flora: Fuller (1925) 3a; Taylor (1920) 3a. Geology: Berg and Collinson (1976) 3a. Vegetation: Cowles (1901a, 1901Z?) 3a; Fuller and Strausbaugh (1919) 4a; Illinois Natural History Survey (1976) 3a; Sehmoll (1919) 3a; Simmons (1921) 3a. Lake shore community subclass Animal ecology: Lowrie (1942) 3b; Strohecker (1937) 3b. Flora: Fuller (1925) 3b. Vegetation: Atwell (1932) 3b; Cowles (1899) 3c; Gates (1910) 3b. Beach Fauna: Snow (1902) 3c. Geology: Needham (1929) 3b. 377 Beach, cont. Vegetation: Cowles (1901a, 1901&) 3b; Gates (1912) 3b; Ross (1963) 3b. Foredune Vegetation: Cowles (1901a, 1901Z?) 3b; Gates (1912) 3b; Ross (1963) 3b. CAVE community class Cave community subclass Bibliography: Peck and Lewis (1978) entire state. Geology: Bretz and Harris (1961) 1, 2a, 4a, 8a, 8b, 9b, 11a, 13a, 13b. Terrestrial cave community Fauna: Kerr (1973) 8a; Peck and Lewis (1978) entire state; Skaggs (1973) 8a; Whitaker (1977) 13a, 13b. Flora: Liang (1970) 8a. Geology: Bretz (1938) 1; Harris and Allen (1952) 13b. Aquatic cave community Fauna: Peck and Lewis (1978) entire state; Weise (1957) lie. Bibliography of Natural Community References Adams, C. C. 1915. An ecological study of prairie and forest inverte- brates. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History 11:33-280. Akhtar, M. A., G. L. Rolfe, and L. E. Arnold. 1976. Nutrient cycling in oak-hickory forests. I. Precipitation, throughfall and stem- flow. P. 347-361 in J, S. Fralish, G. T. Weaver, and R. C. Schle- singer, eds. Central Hardwood Conference, proceedings of the first meeting. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Alexander, C. P. 1924. An entomological survey of the Salt Fork of the Vermilion River in 1921, with a bibliography of aquatic insects. Bulletin of the Illinois State Natural History Survey 15:439-535. 378 Anderson, R. C. 1970. Prairies in the Prairie State. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 63:214-221. Anderson, R. C. and D. E. Adams. 1978. Species replacement patterns in central Illinois white oak forests. P. 284-301 in P. E. Pope, ed. Central Hardwood Forest Conference II proceedings. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Anderson, R. C. and M. R. Anderson. 1975. The presettlement vegetation of Williamson County. Illinois. Castanea 40:345-363. Anderson, R. C. and J. Schwegman. 1971. The response of southern Illi- nois barren vegetation to prescribed burning. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 64:287-291. Anderson, R. C. and J. White. 1970. A cypress swamp outlier in south- ern Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Sci- ence 63:6-13. Armstrong, A. C. 1963. The vegetation of Zanders Woods with emphasis on the sand pits. Master's thesis. Chicago State University. Artist, R. C. 1936. Stratigraphy and preliminary pollen analysis of a Lake County, Illinois bog. Butler University Botanical Studies 3:191-198. Ashby, W. C. 1968. Forest types of Lusk Creek in Pope County, Illi- nois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 61: 348-355. Ashby, W. C. 1976. Climatic features of vegetation types in south- eastern Illinois. P. 89-98 in J. S. Fralish, G. T. Weaver, and R. C. Schlesinger, eds . Central Hardwood Conference, proceedings of the first meeting. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Ashby, W. C. and R. W. Kelting. 1963. Vegetation of the Pine Hills Field Station in southwestern Illinois. Transactions of the Illi- nois State Academy of Science 56:188-201. Atwell, C. B. 1932. Three dune associations compared. Torreya 32:109- 115. Aubertin, G. M. 1978. Water quality from relatively undisturbed forest- ed areas in southern Illinois. P. 179-200 in P. E. Pope, ed. 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Bats of the caves and mines of the Shawnee National Forest, southern Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 70:301-313. White, J. 1971. Vascular flora of the Heron Pond and Wildcat Bluff Na- ture Preserve and environs. Master's thesis. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. 116 p. Wiedman, R. G. and W. Whiteside. 1975. The lichen flora of Rocky Branch Nature Preserve, Clark County, Illinois. Transactions of the Illi- nois Academy of Science 68:102-117. Wiemhoff, J. 1977a. A hydrology model for Heron Pond. P. 223-232 in W. J. Mitsch, C. L. Dorge, and J. R. Wiemhoff. Forested wetlands for water resource management in southern Illinois. University of Illinois Water Resource Center, Urbana. Wiemhoff, J. 1977^). Heron Pond annual water budget. P. 18-67 in W. J. Mitsch, C. L. Dorge, and J. R. Wiemhoff. Forested wetlands for water resource management in southern Illinois. University of Illinois Water Resource Center, Urbana. 404 Wiemhoff, J. 1977g. The role of Heron Pond and other wetlands in south- ern Illinois water management. P. 68-90 in W. J. Mitsch, C. L. Dorge, and J. R. Wiemhoff. Forested wetlands for water resource management in southern Illinois. University of Illinois Water Re- source Center, Urbana. Winterringer, G. S. and A. G. Vestal. 1956. Rock-ledge vegetation in southern Illinois. Ecological Monographs 26:105-130. Woods, L. P. 1970. The changing Great Lakes. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin 49:6-10, Woodward, J. 1925. Factors influencing the distribution of tree vege- tation in Champaign County, Illinois. Ecology 6:150-156. Wortman, M. 1977. Late summer bird populations in the Chain O'Lakes region. Lake County, Illinois. P. 52-63 in J. E. Ebinger, R. D. Andrews, and H. C. Nilsen, eds. Papers on the ecology of the Chain O'Lakes region, Illinois. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston. Wunderlin, F. F. and R. P. Wunderlin. 1962. A preliminary survey of the algae flora of Horseshoe Lake, Alexander County, Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 79:534-538. Yaeger, L. E. 1949. Effect of permanent flooding on a river-bottom timber area. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 25:33-66. Zales, W. M. 1971. Bryophytes of Goose Lake Prairie, Illinois. Trans- actions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 64:222-224. Acknowledgements The staff of the Natural Areas Inventory helped develop the classi- fication system and reviewed several drafts. Contributors included L. Keith Wilson, Douglas C. Wallace, Erica L. Rowe, Gerald Paulson, Randy W. Nyboer, Robbin C. Moran, Donald R. Kurz, Kathryn Kerr, Max D. Hutchison, Francis M. Harty, and John A. Bacone. John E. Schwegman and Richard H. Thorn of the Illinois Department of Conservation provided helpful criticisms. Donna Evans compiled most of the references that are cited in the bibliography. References Cited in the Text of this Appendix Bohlen, H. D. 1978. An annotated checklist of the birds of Illinois. Illinois State Museum Popular Science Series, Volume 9. 156 p. 405 Illinois Nature Preserves Commission. 1975. Illinois Nature Preserves two-year report, 1973-1974. Rockford. 76 p. Jones, J. K. , Jr., D. C. Carter, and H. H. Genoways. 1975. Revised checklist of North American mammals north of Mexico. Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech University 28. 14 p. Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1975. Guide to the vascular flora of Illinois. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. 494 p. Schwegman, J. E., G. B. Fell, M. Hutchison, G. Paulson, W. M. Shepherd, and J. White. 1973. Comprehensive plan for the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, Part 2--The Natural Divisions of Illinois. Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, Rockford. 32 p. + map. Smith, P. W. 1961. The amphibians and reptiles of Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 28:1-298. Smith, P. W. 1&78. The fishes of Illinois. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. 314 p. Soil Survey Staff. 1953. Soil survey manual. U. S. Department of Agri- culture Handbook 18. 503 p. Worthen, A. J., director. 1866. Geological survey of Illinois, Volume I, Geology. [Springfield.] 504 p. 406 Appendix 31 . MONITORING NATURAL AREAS Natural areas could be periodically inspected for threats to their integrity by ground surveys, by aerial surveys, or by interpreting satel- lite images. The following estimates of survey times and expenses are based on the Inventory's experience, and they could be readily refined after the actual work begins. Means of Monitoring Areas Ground surveys Perhaps three areas could be inspected thoroughly in a day with on- site visits. Travel might average 100 to 150 miles per day, and two overnight stays away from home might be expected in a week. The actual expenditures would vary considerably in different parts of the state, depending on the distribution and accessibility of areas. Aerial surveys All the natural areas in the state could probably be checked with 21 flights, originating from four different airports. The flights would average about 6.6 hours, and airplane and pilot fees of $36 to $4G per hour can be expected for Cessna 172 aircraft. A total of 1 day might be required to both prepare for each flight and process the information after the flight. Satellite images Landsat images could be used to monitor large-scale changes in land use in or near natural areas. All of Illinois is imaged every 18 days. Twelve images would be required for the entire state. Prints at the scale of 1:250,000 might be the most useful for interpretation work, but smaller transparencies could be examined with a light table and a magni- fying lens. Changes in land use would be most apparent by comparing images of the same area acquired on different dates. A set of 1977 images could be acquired, and newer images could periodically be compared with these. One set of images would cost about $600 for 1:250,000 scale prints 407 or $180 for 1:1,000,000 scale transparencies. Interpretation should re- quire one person less than a week. Conclusion Landsat images would allow only very general surveillance, because most disturbances would be overlooked and the ones that could be detected would often require field investigations to substantiate. Aerial surveys would provide adequate information at the lowest cost. Ground surveys are much more expensive and are not practical for thorough inspections of many areas. One minute's observation from an airplane can reveal changes on the natural area or adjacent land that might be overlooked by a full day's search on the ground. An airplane is very fast for traveling be- tween areas, and arrangements do not need to be made with landowners. The aerial survey would be most effective if it employed persons experi- enced with the natural areas and with aerial survey techniques. 408 Appendix 32. SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS MENTIONED BY COMMON NAME IN THE TEXT With few exceptions, nomenclature follows Smith (1978) for fishes, Smith (1961) for amphibians and reptiles, Bohlen (1978) for birds, Jones, et al. (1975) for mammals, and Mohlenbrock (1975) for plants. Plants Common name American elm Bald cypress Baldcypress Basswood Beech Big bluestem Big-toothed sunflower Black ash Blackberry Black locust Black oak Black willow Bur oak Buttonbush Canada yew Canadian tick-trefoil Cherrybark oak Chestnut Chestnut oak Cinnamon fern Clubmoss Compass plant Cottonwood Cream wild indigo Culver's root Downy sunflower Duckweed Eastern redcedar Elm European buckthorn Scientific name Utmus amevicana Taxodium distichim Taxodium distichim Tilia amevicana Fagus grandi folia Andropogon gerardi Helianthus grosseserratus Fraxinus nigra Rubus Robinia pseudoaaaoia Queraus vetutina Salix nigra Quercus maovocarpa Cephalanthus ocoidentalis Taxus canadensis Desmodium canadense Quercus falcata var. pagodae folia Castanea Quercus prinus Osmunda cinnamomea Lycopodiim Silphium laciniatwn Populus deltoides Baptisia teucophaea Veroniaastrum virginiawn Helianthus mollis Spirodela and Lenrna Juniperus virginiana Ulmus Rhamnus cathartica 409 Common name Gooseberry Green ash Frost aster Hackberry Hawthorn Hay- scented fern Hickory Honey locust Horsetail Indian grass Kentucky bluegrass Lead plant Little bluestem Mockernut hickory Multiflora rose Musclewood Northern dropseed Northern pin oak Northern red oak Northern white cedar Nuttall's oak Oak Osage orange Overcup oak Pale coneflower Pasture rose Pecan Persimmon Pine Pin oak Poison ivy Porcupine grass Post oak Prairie willow Prickly ash Red cedar Red maple Red oak Red pine River birch Rosinweed Sandbar willow Sassafras Scarlet oak Plants, cont. Scientific name Ribes Fraxinus pennsylvaniaa var. subintegerrima Aster pilosus Celtis occidentalis Crataegus Dennstaedtia punctilohula Carya Gieditsva triacanthos Equisetum Sorghastrum nutans Poa pratensis Amorpha oanescens Andropogon scoparius Carya tomentosa Rosa multiflora Carpinus aaroliniana Sporobolus heterolepis Quercus ellipsoiddlis Quercus rubra Thuja occidentalis Quercus nuttallii Quercus Madura pomifera Quercus lyrata Echinacea pallida Rosa Carolina Carya illinoiensis Diospyros virginiana Pinus Quercus palustris Rhus radicans Stipa spartea Quercus stellata Salix humilis Xanthoxylum amerioanum Juniperus virginiana Acer rubrum Quercus rubra Pinus resinosa Be tula nigra Silphivon integri folium Salix interior Sassafras albidum Quercus coccinea 410 Common name Sedge Shortleaf pine Silver maple Sphagnum moss Sugarberry Sugar maple Sullivantia Swamp chestnut oak Sweet gum Sycamore Tall boneset Tall goldenrod Tamarack Tuliptree Tupelo Viburnum Virginia cotton sedge Water cress Water featherfoil Water hickory Water tupelo White ash White cedar White lady's slipper White oak White pine White prairie clover White wild indigo Whorled milkweed Willow oak Wood lily Yellow poplar Plants, cent. Scientific name Carex Pinus eohinata Acer saaaharinum Sphagnum Celtis laevigata Acer saaoharum Sullivantia renifolia Queraus miahauxii Liquidambav styraciflua Platanus oooidentalis Eupatorium altissirmm Solidago oanadensis Larix laricina Liriodendron tulipifera Nyssa aquatiaa Viburnum Eriophorum virginioum Nasturtium officinale Hottonia in f lata Carya aquatiaa Nyssa aquatica Fraxinus americana Thuja occidentalis Cypripedium candidum Queraus alba Pinus strobus Petalostemum candidum Baptisia leuoantha Asclepias vertioillata Quercus phellos Lilium philadelphicvon Liriodendvon tulipifera Alewife Bald eagle Banded killifish Banded pygmy sunfish Banded sculpin Bank swallow Bantam sunfish Belted kingfisher Big brown bat Bigmouth buffalo Animals Alosa pseudoharengus Haliaeetus leucocephalus Fundulus diaphanus Elassoma zonatum Cottus oarolinae Riparia riparia Lepomis symmetricus Megaaeryle alcyon Eptesicus fusous Ictiobus ayprinellus 411 Animals, cont, Common name Scientific name Black bullhead Black vulture Blackchin shiner Blacknose shiner Blackspotted topminnow Black tern Bloater Blue catfish Bluebreast darter Bobcat Bobolink Broad-headed skink Bullsnake Carp Cave salamander Central mudminnow Channel catfish Cisco Common flicker Common mole Common stoneroller Creek chub Creek chubsucker Deer mouse Dickcissel Dusty hog-nosed snake Eastern bluebird Eastern chipmunk Eastern massasauga Eastern phoebe Eastern pipistrelle Eastern plains garter snake Eastern tiger salamander Eastern spadefoot toad Fathead minnow Field sparrow Five-lined skink Flathead catfish Four-toed salamander Fox squirrel Golden shiner Grasshopper sparrow Gray bat Greater prairie chicken Ictalurus me las Coragyps atratus Notropis heterodon Notropis heterolepis Fundulus olivaoeus Chlidonia nigra Coregonus hoyi Ictalurus furaatus Etheo stoma camuvum Felis rufus Dolichonyx oryzivorus Eimeaes laticeps Pituophis melanoleuGus sayi Cyprinus oarpio Euryoea luaifuga Umbra limi Ictalurus punctatus Coregonus artedii Colaptes auratus Scalopus aquaticus Campostoma ' anomalum Semotilus atromaculatus Erimyzon oblongus Peromyscus maniculatus Spiza americana Heterodon nasicus gloydi Sialia sialis Tamias striatus Sistrurus catenatus oatenatus Sayomis phoebe Pipistrellus subflavus Thamnophis radix radix Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum Scaphiopus holbrooki holbrooki Pimephales promelas Spizella pusilla Ewneoes fasciatus Pylodictis olivaris Hemidactylium soutatum Sciurus niger Notemigonus crysoleuaas Ammodramus savannanan Myotis grisescens Tympanuahus oupido 412 Common name Green sunfish Green tree frog Ground skink Homyhead chub Illinois chorus frog Illinois mud turtle Indiana bat Indigo bunting Lake chub Largescale stoneroller Lark sparrow Little brown bat Longear sunfish Longnose dace Longnose sucker Long-tailed salamander Mole salamander Musk rat Ninespine stickleback Northern crayfish frog Northern hog sucker Northern fence lizard Paddlefish Pine squirrel Piping plover Plains pocket gopher Prairie kingsnake Prairie vole Prothonotary warbler Red shiner Red squirrel Redfin shiner Red-headed woodpecker Red-winged blackbird River redhorse River otter River shiner Rough-winged swallow Savannah sparrow Short-tailed shrew Shovelnose sturgeon Six-lined racerunner Slough darter Smallmouth bass Animals, cont. Scientific name Lepomis oyanellus Hyla ainevea Sainoella taterale Nooomis biguttatus Pseudaaris streakeri ittinoiensis Kinostemum flavesaens spooneri Myotis sodalis Passerina cyanea Couesius plumheus Campostoma oligolepis Chondestes gvamnacus Myotis tuaifugus Lepomis megalotis Ehiniohthys aataractae Catastomus oatastomus Euryoea longioauda Amhystoma talpoidewn Ondatra zibithecus Pungitius pungitius Rana aveolata airoulosa Hypentetium nigricans Soetoporus undulatus hyaainthinus Polyodon spathula Tamiasciurus hudsonieus Charadrius melodus Geomys bursarius Lampropeltis oalligaster Micro tus ochrogaster Protonotaria citrea Notropis lutrensis Tamiasciurus hudsonieus Notropis imbratilis Melanerpes erythrocephalus Agelaius phoenieus Moxostoma carinatum Lutra canadensis Notropis blennius Stelgidopteryx ruficollis Passereulas sandwichensis Blarina brevioauda Scaphirhynohus platorynchus Cnemidophorus sexlineatus sexlineatus Etheostoma gracile Micropterus dolomieui 413 Common name Smooth softshell Southern redbelly dace Spiny softshell Spring cavefish Stonecat Suckermouth minnow Summer tanager Swamp rabbit Thirteen- lined ground s Turkey vulture Animals, cont. Scientific name Trionyx muticus muticus Phoxinus erythrogaster Trionyx spinifer Chologaster agassizi No turns flavus Phenacohius mirabi-lis Pirangea otivaaea Sytvttagus aquatious quirrel Spermophitus tridecemlineatus Cathartes aura Upland sandpiper Vesper sparrow Western bird-voiced treefrog Western kingbird White-eyed vireo White-footed mouse Wood duck Wood frog Wood thrush Yellow bullhead Yellow perch Yellow-headed blackbird Bartramia longicauda Pooeoetes gramineus Hyla avivoaa avivoca Tyrranus vert-ical'is Vireo griseus Peromysous leucopus Aix sponsa Rana sylvatroa Hylociohla mustelina lotaluj'us natalis Perca flavescens Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus 414 Appendix 33. LIST OF MAJOR MEMORANDA, REPORTS, INSTRUCTIONS, AND FORMS Memoranda, Reports, and Instructions The written materials are grouped according to the sections of this report. They are listed chronologically within each section. Section 1. Summary White, J. 1976. Illinois Natural Areas Inventory procedures and results: A general informational talk. (October. 11 p.) Text of a 1-hour slide presentation. Section 2. Introduction Illinois Department of Conservation. 1974. Request for proposals R-1 for an inventory of Illinois natural areas. (November 1. 24 p.) Section 3. Basic Organization of the Inventory White, J. 1975. Sections from "A proposal to conduct an inventory of natural areas in Illinois." (January 13. P. 5-6, 15-18, 23-66, 85-87, 91-97.) Description of proposed survey methods and classification systems. Section 4. Natural Area Categories White, J. 1975. Inventory methods. (December 29. 2 p.) General outline of natural area categories and procedures. White, J. 1976. Criteria for identifying natural areas. (January. 4 p.) White, J. 1976. Natural area categories and significant features. (May. 2 p.) White, J. 1976. Natural area categories. (July. 2 p.) Section 5. Natural Area Boundaries, Land Condition Classes, and Features White, J. 1976. Natural area boundaries and land condition class- ification. (January. 7 p.) White, J. 1976. Natural area boundaries, land condition classes, and features. (May. 8 p.) White, J. 1976. Natural area boundaries, land condition classes, and features. (July. 8 p.) 415 Section 5, cont. Vtfhite, J. 1977. Significant, exceptional, and notable features. [July 7. 4 p.) White, J. 1977. Category VII exceptional features. (July 27. 1 p.) Section 6. Natural Community Classification White, J. 1976. Natural environments and natural communities. (July 3. 9 p.) White, J. 1976. Classification--plant communities and natural communities. (December 4. 2 p.) White, J. 1977. Classification. (June 23. 15 p.) Madany, M. 1977. Savanna classification and grading. (June 28. 5 p.) White, J. 1977. Soil moisture classes. (July 2. 2 p.) White, J. 1977. Communitv-types and natural communities. (July 11. 3 p.) White, J. 1977. Classifying natural communities. (July 23. 17 Madany, M. 1977. Definitions of natural communities. (July 26. 18 p.) Madany, M. 1978. Natural community classification. (February 28. 16 p.) White, J. and M. Madany. 1978. Natural community classification. (March. 31 p.) Section 7. Natural Quality IVhite, J. 1975. Grading system for natural quality. (December 22. 2 p.) White, J. 1976. Natural quality description form. (May. 3 p.) Instructions. White, J. 1976. Grading natural quality. (May. 8 p.) White, J. 1976. Grading natural quality. (July 4. 3 p.) White, J. 1976. Grading natural quality. (July 5. 5 p.) White, J. 1976. Grading natural quality. (July 19. 5 p.) White, J. 1976. Rating the natural quality of prairies by species diversity and kind of species. (September 23. 9 p.) Wallace, D. 1976. Evaluating natural quality. (November. 9 p.) Wilson, K. 1976. Inventory techniques for prairies. (November. 4 p.) Bacone, J. 1976. Detection of past disturbance in a woodlot. (November 19. 5 p.) 416 Section 7, cont. White, J. 1976. Forest descriptive terms. (November 22. 1 p.) Clarification of terms. Wallace, D. 1976. Comments on grazing. (November 31. 2 p.) Hutchison, M. 1976. Comments about the technical reports. (Decem- ber 14. 3 p.) Evaluation techniques. Harty, F. 1977. Grazing disturbances to forests. (January 5. 13 p.) Hutchison, M. 1977. Technical reports--grazing disturbance. (January 20. 8 p.) Hutchison, M. 1977. Technical reports--grazing disturbance. (January 20. 4 p. ) Harty, F. 1977. Major tree responses to common cutting methods used in southern Illinois upland forests. (February. 12 p.) Wallace, D. 1977. Miscellaneous comments for the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory technical report. (March 8. 2 p.) Discusses disturbances and ways of evaluating natural quality. Madany, M. 1977. Savanna classification and grading. (June 28. 5 p.) White, J. 1977. Recognizing and grading minor natural communities, etc. (July 7. 4 p.) Section 8. Compiling Available Information White, J. 1975. Assistance from District Foresters. (August 22. 1 p.) White, J. 1975. Pilot study report: Preliminary stages of the Main Survey--Map and aerial photo examination, contacts with local people and agencies. (September 17. 22 p.) White, J. 1975. Checking information about natural areas from the general public. (November 20. 2 p.) White, J. 1975. Potential Natural Area Summary Form. (December 22. 3 p.) Instructions. White, J. 1975. Records and memoranda. (December 22. 1 p.) Instructions. White, J. 1976. Memoranda. (January 21. 2 p.) Instructions for record-keeping . White, J. 1976. Potential Natural Area Form, and Map and Aerial Photo Examination Form. (November 17. 5 p.) Instructions. Hutchison, M. 1976. Comments on Natural Areas Inventory procedure. (December 9. 7 p.) Discusses value of knowledge about the presettlement character of Illinois' natural communities. 417 Section 8, aont. Kerr, K. 1977. Dr. Robert Evers' files on natural areas. (Febru- ary 3. 12 p.) Kerr, K. 1977. Dr. Evers' files. (February 7. 18 p.) Wallace, D. 1977. Information from the Soil Conservation Service. (April 5. 2 p.) White, J. 1977. Potential Natural Area Summary Form. (April 6. 4 p.) White, J. 1977. Potential Natural Area Summary Form. (May 4. 2 p.) Revised instructions. Section 9. Examining Maps and Aerial Photographs IVhite, J. 1975. Aerial photo interpretation techniques. (Janu- ary 13. 3 p.) White, J. 1975. Description of the Pvesettlement Vegetation Atlas and its use. (January 13. 2 p.) White, J. 1975. Limitations of the Natural Divisions of Illinois map. (January 13. 2 p.) Hutchison, M. 1975. Suggested procedure for examining maps and aerial photographs as a part of the preparation for the initial field survey of natural areas. (July 21. 6 p.) IVhite, J. 1975. Pilot study report: Preliminary stages of the Main Survey- -Map and aerial photo examination, contacts with local people and agencies. (September 17. 22 p.) Nyboer, R. 1976. Map and aerial photo examination for hill prai- ries. (November 1. 3 p.) Bacone, J. 1976. Map and aerial photo examination procedures. (November 11. 17 p.) White, J. 1977. Map and aerial photo examination procedures. (January 9. 2 p.) Lists code letters for abbreviated note- taking. Hutchison, M. 1977. Remote sensing- -Comments on the use of high altitude photography and imagery to identify natural areas for the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory. (June 18. 3 p.) Section 10. Aerial Survey Hutchison, M. 1975. Information concerning airplanes, types and characteristics. (September 5. 1 p.) White, J. 1976. Pilot study report: Main Survey--Aerial survey,, initial ground survey. (January 1. 7 p.) IVhite, J. 1976. Evaluating logging disturbances from the air. (Apri 1 . 1 p . ) White, J. 1976. Evaluating grazing disturbances from the air. (April. 1 p.) 418 Section 10, oont . Hutchison, M. 1976. Aerial survey procedures. (October 13. 2 p.) Nyboer, R. 1976. Aerial survey procedures. (November 1. 5 p.) Bacone, J. 1976. Comments on aerial survey techniques. (November 15. 1 p.) Wallace, D. 1976. Comments on aerial survey grazing assessment. (December 7. 2 p.) Nyboer, R. 1976. Additional aerial survey comments. (December 17. 4 p.) White, J. 1977. Aerial survey. (January 4. 2 p.) Suggestions for preparing flight plan. White, J. 1977. Seep springs along the Illinois River and Sangamon River. (February 14. 7 p.) Section 11. Initial Ground Survey White, J. 1975. Initial ground survey; use of aerial photos. (December 29. 1 p.) White, J. 1976. Gaining access to land. (February 8. 2 p.) White, J. 1976. Pilot study report: Main survey- -Aerial survey, initial ground survey. (January 1. 7 p.) IVhite, J. 1976. Safety measures for fieldworkers . (June 24. 1 p.) Harty, F. 1976. Occupational hazards. (November 10. 2 p.) Bacone, J. 1976. Possible accidents. (November 15. 1 p.) Kerr, K. 1976. Safety. (November 15. 2 p.) Kurz, D. 1976. Special occupational hazards encountered while working. (November 15. 2 p.) Wallace, D. 1976. Job related hazards in fieldwork. (November 16. 1 p.) Hutchison, M. 1976. Note on hazards and safety precautions for field survey procedures of Inventory investigators. (November 22. 1 p.) Nyboer, J. 1976. Safety. (December 5. 1 p.) Section 12. Final Field Survey Main Data Form White, J-. 1976-77. Instructions for Main Data Form. (Last edi- tion, July 1977. 8 p.) The Main Data Form was named the Final Field Survey Form in early drafts. White, J. 1976. Field notes. (June 1. 1 p.) General instruc- tions for recording notes. 419 Section 12, cont. Main Data Form, cont. White, J. 1976. Revised final field survey form. (June 25. 2 p.) Discussion of revisions. White, J. 1976. Final field survey procedures. (June 29. 3 p.) Discussion of various procedural changes. White, J. 1976. Final field survey form. (July 14. 2 p.) Dis- cussion of revisions. IVhite, J. 1976. Final field survey form. (July 15. 2 p.) Dis- cussion of optional items. White, J. 1977. Comments about items on the Final Field Survey Form used in 1976. (February 10. 4 p.) White, J. 1977. Main Data Form. (June 13. 4 p.) Explanation of certain items. White, J. 1977. Category I significant/exceptional feature form. (June 22. 6 p.) Instructions. White, J. 1977. Main Data Form. (August 2. 3 p.) Discussion of various items. Maps and aerial photos White, J. 1976. Mapping and measuring land areas. (May. 4 p.) Maps and overlays. (May. 5 p.) Mapping and measuring areas. (July. 3 p.) Maps. (July. 6 p.) VVhite, J. 1976. Final data: Boundaries of natural areas. (Novem- ber 27. 2 p.) White, J. 1977. Boundaries on topographic maps. (May 31. 2 p.) White, J. 1977. Site maps. (July 1. 2 p.) Vegetation sampling White, J. 1976. Vegetation sampling techniques. (May. 1 p.) White, J. 1976. Woody plant name abbreviations. (June 22. 2 p.) Hutchison, M. 1977. Sampling of sandstone glades. (July 8. 1 p.) Kurz, D. 1977. Sampling sandstone glades. (July 11. 2 p.) White, J. 1977. Sampling sandstone glades. (July 13. 1 p.) Wallace, D. 1977. Choice of sampling methods. (May 23. 4 p.) Wallace, D. 1977. Recommended changes in sampling techniques for summer 1977. (May 24. 2 p.) Wallace, D. 1977. Sampling methodology. (May 25. 13 p.) ite. J. 1976. ite, J. 1976. ite. J. 1976. 420 Speoves lists White, J. 1976. Species lists. (May. 3 p.) Section 13. Information Collected about the Natural Areas Main Data Form: General simmaries of items White, J. 1976. Final data. (December 5. 6 p.) Annotated list of information items and sources. White, J. 1977. Final data. (January 30. 9 p.) Discussion of data items collected for natural areas. IVhite, J. 1977. Computer entry form. (February 8. 2 p.) Dis- cussion of data items compiled from information in the office. White, J. 1977. Final data. (May 16. 8 p.) Discussion of items to be computerized. White, J. 1977. Final data--a tabulation. (July 28. 4 p.) Anno- tated list of information items. Hinrichs, M. 1977. Instructions for preparing the Main Data Form for the computer. (August. 6 p.) IVhite, J. 1977. Final data. (August 1. 3 p.) Discusses which information items were collected for each category of natural area. Item 3: Reference number White, J. 1977. Numbering potential natural areas. (February 24. 2 p.) Item 7: Preservation value score Schwegman, J. 1976. Inventory data (soils and preservation values). (December 2. 2 p.) Wallace, D. 1976. Preservation values. (May 12. 3 p.) White, J 5 p White, J 3 p White, J 1977. Priority ranking of natural areas. (November 3. ) 1976. Final data: Preservation values. (November 21. ) 1977. Preservation value score. (November 25. 1 p.) Item 9: Legal location White, J. 1976. Describing the location of natural areas. (May. 2 p.) Hutchison, M. 1976. Land description information. (May 11. 6 p.) Discusses ambiguities and errors in legal land surveys. 421 Item 11: Stream system Schwegman, J. 1976. Data for inventory (distance to schools and watersheds). (November 30. 1 p.) VVhite, J. 1977. Watersheds. (January 13. 4 p.) Miite, J. 1976. Final data: Watersheds. (November 15. 2 p.) Items 18 & 19: Soil associations IVhite, J. 1976. Final data: Soil associations. (November 21. 1 p.) Schwegman, J. 1976. Inventory data (soils and preservation values). (December 2. 2 p.) White, J. 1976. Final data: Soil associations. (December 3. 1 p.) Item 21 : Rarity index Harty, F. 1977. Rarity index. (May 20. 2 p.) White, J. 1977. Rarity index. (November 26. 1 p.) Item 24: Total acreage IVhite, J. 1977. Acreage grids. (July 9. 2 p.) Item 25a: SAF cover type Madany, M. 1977. Classification of SAF forest cover types. (March 21. 6 p.) Madany, M. 1977. Revised SAF forest cover type key. (March 31. 7 p.) Item 2Sb: Plant community White, J. 1976. Plant communities. (May. 2 p.) White, J. 1976. Plant communities. (July. 2 p.) Item 27: Number of owners White, J. 1977. Final data: Ownership. (May 27. 1 p.) Item 28: Use of natural area White, J. 1976. Use categories. (May. 2 p.) White, J. 1977. Final data: Use categories. (February 3. 3 p.) Items 32 <§ 22: Number of nearby schools, and nearest school White, J. 1976. Final data: Distance to the nearest school. (November 18. 1 p.) Schwegman, J. 1976. Data for inventory (distance to schools and watersheds). (November 30. 1 p.) 422 Items 32 & 33: Nimber of nearby schools, and nearest school, oont. White, J. 1977. Final data: Schools. (January 18. 4 p.) White, J. 1977. Final data: Lists of agencies. (January 24. 9 p.) Item 34: NiMnber of nearby DOC facilities White, J. 1977. Final data: Department of Conservation land management facilities. (January 18. 3 p.) White, J. 1977. Final data: Lists of agencies. (January 24. 9 p.) Item 35: Land management facility White, J. 1977. Final data: Lists of agencies. (January 24. 9 p.) Item 36': Management problem description IVhite, J. 1976. Protection and management. (May. 2 p.) Harty, F. 1977. Protection and management. (May 18. 4 p.) Item 39: Discussion of preservation values Wliite, J. 1977. Instructions for writing the discussion of preser- vation values. (November 24. 4 p.) Unnumbered items: Regional planning commission, forest preserve district, conservation district, zoning Wl-iite, J. 1976. Final data: Zoning. (November 28. 1 p.) White, J. 1977. Final data: Lists of agencies. (January 24. 9 p.) White, J. 1977. Final data: Zoning. (May 30. 3 p.) Section 14. Category I Survey: Main Survey White, J. 1975. Estimates of the magnitude of the Main Survey to find natural areas other than railroad prairies and cemetery prairies. (January 13. 3 p.) White, J. 1976. Comparing newly discovered forests with known natural areas. (April. 1 p.) IVhite, J. 1976. Searching for Illinois prairies. (February 29. 5 p.) General, nontechnical discussion. Lewis, J. 1977. Report on biologically significant caves in Illi- nois. (March 17. 50 p.) White, J. 1977. "Best of their kind" Category I areas. (July 24. 5 p.) 423 Section 14. Category I Survey: Main Survey, cont. White, J. 1977. A discussion of potential cave natural areas by county. (November 25. 7 p.) IVhite, J. 1977. Choosing caves as significant natural communities. (November 26 . 3 p . ) White, J. 1977. Criteria for selecting significant cave natural areas. (November 27. 2 p.) Section 15. Category I Survey: Railroad Prairies White, J. 1974. Plan for an initial survey to find railroad prai- ries in Illinois. (November. 70 p.) White, J. 1975. Estimates of the size and expense of the railroad prairie survey. (January 13. 4 p.) White, J. 1975. Pilot study report: Railroad prairie survey-- Initial field survey. (November 1. 6 p.) White, J. 1975. Railroad prairie survey: Procedures for the ini- tial ground survey. (November 12. 40 p.) White, J. 1976. Final report: Railroad prairie survey preliminary stages--Preparation for the field survey, aerial survey, ini- tial ground survey. (February 29. 5 p.) Section 16. Category I Survey: Cemetery Prairies and Savannas White, J. 1974. Plan for an initial survey to find cemetery prai- ries in Illinois. (November. 31 p.) White, J. 1975. Estimates of the size and expense of the cemetery prairie survey. (January 13. 4 p.) White, J. 1976. Cemetery prairie survey procedures. (August. 7 p.) White, J. 1976. Instructions for cemetery prairie survey--Field survey form. (September. 5 p.) White, J. 1976. Final report: Cemetery prairie survey. (October 13. 7 p.) Section 17. Category II Survey: Habitats with Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species Kerr, K. 1977. Rare, endangered, highly vulnerable, and vulner- able birds. (March 8. 7 p.) Schwegman, J. 1977. Birds--Natural Areas Inventory. (March 29. 1 p.) Kerr, K. 1977. Endangered birds. (April 4. 2 p.) Kerr, K. 1977. Natural area size suggestions from Vernon Kleen. (May 18. 1 p.) White, J. 1977. Category II animal natural areas. (November 21. 1 p.) 424 Section 18. Category III Survey: Habitats with Relict Species Schwegman, J. 1976. Relic communities in Illinois. (January 8. 4 p.) Presents a proposed classification. Nyboer, R. 1977. Relict survey. (April 28. 5 p.) Bacone, J. and R. Nyboer. 1977. Relict plants in Illinois. (June 7. 17 p.) Paulson, G. 1977. Relict plants in Illinois. (June 24. 5 p.) Sheviak, C. 1977. Relict plants in Illinois. (June 24. 2 p.) Bacone, J. 1977. Relict plants in Illinois. (July 19. 11 p.) Section 19. Category IV Survey: Geologic Areas Willman, H. B. 1978. Participation of the Illinois State Geologi- cal Survey in the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory. (February 22. 3 p. + attachments.) Section 20. Category V Survey: Natural Study Areas Schwegman, J. 1976. Further clarification of the parameters for inclusion of the "school area" type of natural area in the inventory when they would not qualify on natural character alone. (March 19. 1 p.) Kerr, K. 1977. Category V natural areas. (Feburary 28. 2 p.) Bacone, J. 1977. Notes concerning Category V areas. (May 12. 1 p.) White, J. 1977. School natural areas. (October 5. 3 p.) White, J. 1977. School natural areas. (October 5. 2 p.) White, J. 1977. Category V areas. (December 9. 1 p.) Section 21. Category VI Survey: Unique Natural Areas Lewis, J. 1977. Report on biologically significant caves in Illi- nois. (March 17. 50 p.) Section 22. Category VII Survey: Aquatic Areas Smith, P. W. and L. M. Page. 1977. Some candidates for outstand- ing natural wetlands of Illinois. (February 18. 3 p.) Section 27. Future Needs Evans, D. 1978. Aerial inspection costs. (August 4. 3 p.) Hutchison, M. 1978. Time and cost estimates for monitoring natu- ral areas in southern Illinois by aerial survey. (July 31. 1 p.) Hutchison, M. 1978. Natural area monitoring by aerial survey, (October 24. 4 p.) 425 Forms Preliminary survey stages Natural area nomination form (for the general public) Map and aerial photo examination form (for systematically recording general notes by township and section) Potential natural area form (the permanent record for each potential natural area, with entries for recording actions and evalua- tions at each survey stage) Potential natural area summary form (for summarizing sites and evalu- ations by county) Aerial survey flight summary form Initial ground survey form (and special, shortened editions for hill prairies and for glades) Main Survey Main data form (includes all data items that are computerized) Category I significant/exceptional feature form (for recording de- tailed observations and text that is not computerized) Railroad Prairie Survey Preliminary data form Initial ground survey form Sketch map form Plant list for initial ground survey (edition for mesic prairie; and edition for wet, dry, or sand prairie) Cemetery Prairie and Savanna Survey Itinerary and summary form (for initial screening of cemeteries by volunteers) Field survey form (for final description and evaluation by staff) Plant list Relict and endangered species surveys Category II significant/exceptional feature form Catetory III significant/exceptional feature form Plant list for habitat with relict species 426 Maps and overlays Sketch map form Frosted acetate overlays (with title block, for use with aerial photos) Clear acetate overlays (with title block, for use with topographic maps) Vegetation sampling Forest sampling Forest sampling Forest sampling Tree basal area Tree density Sapling and shrub density Prairie sampling: Frequency (various editions for different prai- rie communities; adapted for use with other herbaceous commu- nities) Species lists Amphibians, reptiles, and mammals Summer birds Woody plants Ferns and fern allies Blank species list for natural communities (and special lists for specific communities such as sandstone glades) ILLINOIS NATURAL AREAS INVENTORY TECHNICAL REPORT VOLUME II INFORMATION SYSTEM Calvin C. Corbin Illinois Natural Areas Inventory Urbana November 1978 INTRODUCTION The Illinois Natural Areas Inventory Information System is a fully operative computer system for the storage, retrieval, processing, and analysis of the inventory data. The project contract requirements for computer system development include the following: As much of the inventory data as possible should be computerized. The possibility of storing inventory data on an existing computer system such as IRIS, The Nature Conservancy's system, and SELGEM must be evaluated, along with other existing computerized data retrieval systems for possible use. The system selected or produced must be operational on the State of Illinois IBM 370-168 VS system or must be accessible through a terminal located at the Department of Conservation. One of the main features of our project proposal was that the potential users of the information system were to be "full participants in designing and implementing a system uniquely suited to their needs." Three workshops were held, in late 1975 and early 1976, in which such potential users were consulted as to what they felt were the necessary components and requirements of the proposed system. These workshops were attended by conservationists and planners from the Illinois Depart- ment of Conservation, the Illinois Department of Transportation, Southern Illinois University, the University of Illinois, the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, the McLean County Regional Planning Commission, and the Greater Egypt Regional Planning and Development Commission. In addition to specifying their information needs, participants in the workshops developed the following requirements and goals for the system. The system should be "very" easy to use. The system should need minimal programmer support. The system should be interactive and conversational. The user should be able to perform "conditional" searching. The system should be able to provide report-like output geared to the Natural Areas data and user needs. The system should be capable of performing, at a minimum, univariant statistical analysis. The user should be able to "prioritize" the natural area sites, based on changeable weighting of a variety of data items, thereby producing a ranked list of natural areas. The system should allow the manipulation of textual data. The computer hardware should be reliable, and if a time sharing system, the impact of other users should be minimal. This report will present a review of the computer systems which were examined, will explain the decision to purchase and use a minicomputer, and will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the completed system. EVALUATION OF EXISTING COMPUTERIZED DATA RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS As required by the contract, the following existing computer systems were evaluated for their potential to fill the desired capabilities of the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory Information System. IRIS The IRIS system was created by the Center for Advanced Computation of the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. IRIS is a geographic information retrieval system which resides on a Burroughs B6700 computer and is written in ALGOL. It can be run in either interactive or batch mode, but is most commonly used interactively. IRIS has a conversational command language. Data is stored and accessed by a geographic unit (a quarter section, or a quarter-quarter section) called a tract. Various classes of data may be stored in each tract. The values of the attributes of each data class are encoded before storing in the database in order to optimize storage space. IRIS was envisioned as comprising a statewide database. It is currently being used by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission in Chicago. Their database, of a six-county area at the quarter-section level, consists of nearly 16,000 tracts. IRIS effeciently handles numeric data values and coded data values, but does not provide for textual data as the value of an attribute. In IRIS, the concept of a region was developed and implemented. A region is essentially a list of tracts which satisfy some user-specified condition. Once created, the region may subsequently be accessed by name. The IRIS command language allows the user to tabulate data by tracts, aggregate data upon a tract, and aggregate data over a region. Output may be generated to a terminal, to a file, or to a line printer. MONICA The MONICA system was created by the Center for Advanced Computation at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. MONICA is an inter- active statistical system which runs on a Burroughs B6700 computer. The MONICA system is written in ALGOL. MONICA may be operated in either interactive or batch mode, but nearly all use is interactive. MONICA editor commands allow the on-line creation and editing of alpha files, numerical vectors, and numerical matrices. Commands exist for documenting vectors and files, and for performing normal library maintenance. On-line help describing MONICA commands and their use is available through the use of a help file. MONICA allows the user to retrieve data from a set of vectors based on numerical or alpha conditions. It has standard statistical routines such as rank, regression, histogram, t-test, etc. Alpha files have a limit of six characters per entry. MONICA has its own programming language for the user, called MONGO. With MONGO, the user can perform data manipulation not available through normal MONICA routines. MONICA is currently being supported and used by the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission in Chicago, the Mayor's Office of Manpower in Chicago, and the Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation in Springfield. Output may be generated to the terminal, to a file, or to a line printer. SELGEM The SELGEM system was created by the Smithsonian Institution's Information Systems Division as a joint venture with the National Museum of Natural History. SELGEM is a general purpose information management system running on a Honeywell 2015 at the Smithsonian. It consists of about 25 programs written in COBOL. Approximately 100 users at 39 other institutions use SELGEM, on a variety of hardware: IBM 360, CDC 3100, CDC 6400, UNIVAC 1110, GE 635, as well as Burroughs and ICL computers . Although still under development, SELGEM is being used for informa- tion processing in the museum community. SELGEM is run in batch mode only. The system requires that the user define data on a Master File layout, based on a data card image. The formatted data is then transferred to tape or disk, where it is accessible to SELGEM. The data layout consists of 80 column card images, with the first 15 columns and the last column (80) reserved for record and category identifications. Thus, information may be entered in columns 16-79. A data record may contain up to 6,237 characters. A record will generally consist of various data categories designed to allow the user to access the data. The system requires a data manager and code book. The retrieval of data through SELGEM involves filling out a query formulation worksheet with instructions to test for a given data word in a particular category, thus turning on an indicator, and to consider indicators in conjunction with each other. Records for action requested may be printed, counted (tallied), or modified as to content. SELGEM does provide for textual searching of words, but not of phrases or expressions. There is no report generation or formatted output. Output may be directed to tape or printer. Natural Area Information System (NAIS) The Nature Conservancy of Arlington, Virginia, produced this system consisting of a combination of manually accessible and computerized data. NAIS is a subsystem of an ongoing natural area management program--the State Natural Heritage Program. NAIS software requires an IBM OS-360-65 with a PL- 1(F) and a Fortran IV compiler. NAIS provides for three types of data: boolean values (or yes/no data), unstructured textual data, and graphic coordinates. The system requires that the data attributes be specific NAIS data attributes; it is not a general information system. NAIS provides a system for encoding standardized descriptions of natural areas, storing these descriptions, and producing printouts of data as well as plotted maps of the area's location. NAIS operates in batch mode only. It is built around a single fixed length file structure of 15,603 characters. Within the file, logical records--natural area sites--may contain up to 44 categories of information. The specification of the data items in the file system is rigid and requires that a user have only the data items which are expected. Output is generated to a line printer or plotting device. Consistent System/JANUS The Consistent System (CS) was created by the Cambridge Project at Cambridge, Massachusetts. CS operates on a Honeywell 6180 and is written in PL-1. It is an extremely large environment which allows a massive number of statistically oriented routines and utilities to be invoked. JANUS is a subsystem of CS and serves primarily as a data manager. A way of using these systems is to input data into JANUS defining data relationships between data classes and between data attributes, thus providing for hierarchical processing and retrieval . When complex numerical analysis is required, one would extract from JANUS the necessary data, move it "up" to CS, perform the analysis, and store the resultant data back in JANUS, thereby creating a new attribute of some dataset . CS/ JANUS may be used in interactive or batch (background) mode. CS deals with numerical data. JANUS, besides dealing with numerical data, allows a restrictive number of alpha characters for data attribute values, much like MONICA. CS/JANUS is a very large, complex system, requiring a great deal of user exactitude. A user must read a number o£ volumes of documentation before using the systems well. At the CS level, the user is encouraged to programmatically provide for anything which is not there by using a set of subroutines described in a two volume programmer's handbook. CS was not designed for the beginning computer user. Because of the large environment which CS provides, it is expensive to use. Output from CS/JANUS may be directed to a terminal, to a file, or to a line printer. State of Illinois (TSO/Office of Management Information and Communication) The possibility of using the existing computing facilities of the State of Illinois at Springfield was examined: specifically, whether or not TSO (time sharing option) would efficiently support the kind of interactive computing desired by the user community. An operational cost projection of this possibility is presented later. Minicomputer The possibility of purchasing a minicomputer was also evaluated. The final decision to purchase a minicomputer is discussed below. SYSTEMS COMPARISON Three systems were analyzed in detail for cost and other considera- tions. Of the systems used for similar purposes elsewhere, MONICA was selected for .comparison because it was deemed the least expensive to operate and the easiest to use for the needs of the Inventory. The creation of a system using the State computing facilities in Springfield was considered because nearly all computing services at state level are currently provided through the Office of Management Information and Communication (OMIC) . A minicomputer was considered because it was deemed to have several characteristics, or advantages, not shared with existing systems and facilities. Each cost analysis assumed the existence of an appropriate data management system operating on the computer. User connect hours (time logged in) were estimated at 20 hours per month. Each configuration requires a terminal: in the case of OMIC and MONICA this is to allow editing and hard copy output; and in the case of the minicomputer this is to allow hard copy output. State of Illinois (TSO/OMIC) Processing costs were assumed to be $15/hour based on a benchmark relating to program development (processing costs would be expected to be higher during normal program usage), remote line costs of $90/month, disk/tape storage of $50/month, system maintenance of $600/month, a terminal with editor/recorder capabilities at $3,915 on a three year purchase, and a $50/month maintenance contract on the terminal. These figures provide a projection of $14,280/year. If projected over a five year span, the cost of using OMIC would be $71,400. MONICA Costs were assumed to be all computer usage at $7.50/hour, remote line of $100/month, system maintenance of $200/month, a terminal with editor/recorder capabilities at $3,915 on a three year purchase, and a $50/month maintenance contract on the terminal. These figures provide a project of $7,200/year. If projected over a five year span, the cost of using MONICA would be $36,000. Minicomputer Cost limitations restricted consideration of a minicomputer to systems using diskettes, rather than fixed disks with their larger capacity but higher cost. Investigation showed the most attractive and appropriate system available to be that manufactured by Wang Laborato- ries, of Boston, Massachusetts. The cost of purchasing a WANG 2200T CPU with three diskette drives, a drive controller, and an upper/lower case CRT, over a three year lease/purchase arrangement, was $20,000. A GENCOM 300Q terminal for hard copy output costs $3,515. With maintenance on the WANG and the terminal at $200/month, one can project a five year cost of $34,515. Costs incurred following the hardware purchase (year three) amount only to cost of the maintenance contract, approximately $2,400/year. Comparison Software costs--designing, programming, and debugging- -were consid- ered to be relatively fixed, regardless of machine selection. This assumption is not totally valid, since in the case of MONICA, much usable software exists; however, in all cases, a great deal of programming would have to be performed to create a system in accord with the objec- tives stated earlier. An attractive consideration, from a programmer's viewpoint, regarding a minicomputer is that it becomes a single user "hands on" operation and there is no interference from other users. Hardware and software considerations as they apply to TSO/OMIC, MONICA, and the WANG may be summarized as follows: TSO/OMIC--the cost of using this system would be more than twice the cost of using the WANG over a five year period. Every year after the fifth year, costs would be even more in favor of the WANG ($14,280 to $2,400). This system was consid- ered too expensive. Besides the higher operational cost of using the system, one can not really provide a good interactive program on this operating system: an excessive core require- ment is necessary to run interactively. MONICA--the cost of using MONICA compared to using the WANG would be about equal after five years. However, following that time period, the WANG system would save about $5,000/year. As mentioned earlier, some MONICA software could be used or adapted to the Natural Areas system; however, a great deal of new programming would be required. The machine cost of the 10 development of the new software would not be inconsequential. The computer on which MONICA resides supports interactive usage very well. The primary reason for deciding not to use MONICA as a framework for the natural areas system (besides the extra operational cost) was the real user benefits that could be shown by using the minicomputer and which would not be possible by using either MONICA or the TSO/OMIC system. Some of the more important benefits of using the minicomputer include: A computing system solely contained in the user's office should tend to promote use of the system beyond simply responding to a problem or a request for data. In a multi-user time-sharing environment, one often tends to use the system only as necessary to provide required data. In contrast, it was felt that with the system immediately available in the office the user would be encouraged to experiment with the system and data, thus doing much more real computing, and expanding the use and effectiveness of the entire project. The user has sole control of the operation of the system: one is not dependent on someone else's schedule of operation, or someone else's security provisions. Owning the hardware means that the user does not have to worry that the system will be replaced by another, causing reprogramming, or that it would disappear entirely, not to be replaced. The decision to purchase a WANG minicomputer and to program a system for handling the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory data was based, then, upon four considerations: cost, possibility of tailoring a new system to the particular data and the user requirements of the Inventory, independence granted to the user who has the computer residing in his or her office, and, finally, the likelihood that an "in-house" computing environment, by encouraging use and experimentation, would increase the usefulness of the Inventory. STRUCTURE OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEM The programs, produced on the WANG computer system, which comprise the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory Information System may be thought of as consisting of four logical modules: data entry, table generation, 11 data retrieval, and text editing. The data entry module is contained on one diskette. The programs are used to build the raw database, to enter data into the database with as much error checking as possible, and to allow editing of data which has been previously inserted in the database. Each diskette may hold up to 262,144 bytes of information--the diskettes contain 1,024 address- able 256-byte sectors. The natural areas raw database consists of 1,089 natural areas on six diskettes (room for 200 areas on each diskette) . Data for each natural area entered into the raw database is stored in a combination of fixed/ variable storage. Four sectors are allocated for each natural area. Should the data for the specific natural area exceed this fixed bound, overflow sectors are available for storage on the same diskette. The data is stored within the fixed four sector block in a continuous stream format. There is no data compression or encoding at this stage. Following the creation of the entire raw database a program is run which builds a "refined" database from the raw database. This program accepts as input the raw database, one diskette at a time, and produces as output a refined database which fits on two diskettes. One of these diskettes contains all Category I natural areas; the other diskette contains data for all Category II through Category VII natural areas. The program which builds the refined database does more than condense the raw database from six diskettes to two diskettes. It creates new data element values from existing data for the natural area and associ- ates these values with the natural area. The program also "restructures" the data into a hierarchical storage scheme. A hierarchical storage scheme is necessary to allow for conditional comparisons of data which belong to the same structure. For example, if one wanted to compare rarity index values, it would be desirable that one should have the option of deciding whether the natural community code should be taken into account," since the rarity index is essentially a further descrip- tion of the particular natural community. Each natural area may define more than one natural community; thus, it is necessary that those data elements which describe one natural community be differentiated from 12 those which describe a different natural community within the same natural area. The prioritization database is created programmatically from a select number of numeric data elements in the refined database. The program which accesses the prioritization database permits the user to rank natural areas, based upon a summation of the specific data elements for each natural area after a modification by a user-provided weight. The final sum is used to determine the comparative ranking of the natural areas examined. This database is created on a separate diskette. The table generation module of the information system is a series of programs which create symbol tables for decoding values, specifying data storage, and defining range and type of the data. The tables created are used by nearly all of the programs involved in data entry and data retrieval throughout the system. These programs reside on their own diskette; the tables which are produced are stored in various loca- tions to facilitate execution of the retrieval programs. The data retrieval module consists of programs on one diskette which access the refined database, the preservation database, and the prioritization database. These programs are written so that the user may invoke them from a "command" level called RETRIEVE. The programs provide for conditional searching of the data, displaying any portion of the data desired, prioritization of the data, and univariant statistics. An IRIS-like concept of regions was implemented, allowing the user to define a set of natural areas which have something in common as being one logical entity for purposes of further work. These regions only exist during the specific user session and need to be created again during a different session. The text editing (document production] module consists of a WMG software package. This package includes a normal set of editing routines. It performs library maintenance on files; thus, the user may create, name and remove files. Along with the hard copy printer, the text edit- ing module will allow document production. 13 CONCLUSION The information system fulfills all the goals listed earlier: it is easy to use, it will require minimal programmer support, it is inter- active and conversational, it provides report -like output geared to the natural areas data, it provides a statistical module, it allows the user to prioritize the natural areas, it has a text editing package, and the hardware is reliable. Based upon our experience during the project, we feel that while the system functions well, improvements could be made in two areas. The first is speed of processing. While this was considered only a minor factor when alternative systems were being considered, the slowness of the system in processing is such that it could conceivably discourage the constant hands-on experimentation which was considered a prime attraction of the in-house minicomputer. This improvement could be easily made by replacing the existing Central Processing Unit with a newer model, not available when the system was specified, at a cost of $2,000-$3,000. Brief use of the newer CPU during project development revealed speeds eight to twenty times faster than those using the exist- ing ijnit. We have recommended that the faster CPU be placed into the system. The second area for possible improvement is storage capacity. In the evaluation phase, it was not believed that the selection of a diskette-oriented minicomputer would seriously affect normal database storage and access routines. We found, however, that our large data- base (s) required a large amount of time to be spent in programming our way around the storage restrictions. The minicomputer is available in fixed disk form as an alternative to diskettes, but that configuration, considerably more expensive, was ruled out by the project budget. The existing system should be an extremely useful tool to the natural areas personnel by providing information and supporting future planning.