ORDER OF EXERCISES # CORRECTED LISTS THIRTEENTH ANNUAL RECEPTION TENDERED BY The Calumet Club TO THE Old Settlers of Chicago, Who were Residents and of Age prior to the year Eighteen Hundred and Forty, Thursday, May 21, 1891, Michigan Avenue and Twentieth Street, Chicago. ORDER OF EXERCISES: 4:30 o'clock. - - . Reception of the Old Settlers. - - . First Floor. Music of tlic Olden Time, ------- Hand's Orchestra. 6 o'clock. - - Grace, The Rev. Stephen R. Beggs (1S31), - - Third Floor. Refreshments. 8 o'clock. - - - - Call to Order. _ - . Second Floor. "Legends"* --------- MoHRlNG. Prayer, ----- The Rev. Robert W. Patterson, D.D. (1S40). •'No Evil Shall Befall Thee," ------- CosTA. Address of Welcome, Hon. Moses J. Wentworth, President of the Calumet Club. "// Retorno" ........ LucANTONI-Falk. Address, ------- Mr.' Augustus H. Burlev (1837). "Stvanec River," ........ FoSTER-RooT. * Musical Numbers by PHILOMELA QUARTETTE: Miss Bessie C. Morse. Miss Jessie C. Mack. Miss Carrie E. Thrall. Miss Ella K. Slauson. OLD SETTLERS' COMMIHEE OF THE CALUMET CLUB: SILAS B. COBB, May, 1S33. HORATIO G. LOOMIS, May, 1834. ARTHUR G. BURLEV, May, 1S35. FRANKLIN D. GRAY, September, 1839. Names of Old Settlers Invited, Residents and of Age prior to i{ AcKLEY, Benjamin, 397 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Adams, Charles, Norwalk, Conn. Adsit, James M., 400 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago. Allen, Edward Richards, Aurora, III. Allen, Thos., Glencoe Flats, 345 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Ambrose, Rev. Joshua Eaton, LaGrange, 111. Ament, Edward G., Rogers Park, 111. Atzel, Tobias, Downer's Grove, III. Aylesworth, John, Nunda, McHenry County, 111. Bailey, Bancroft A., 655 Larrabee Street, Chicago. Bartlett, Chas. Herbert, Diamond Lake, Lake Co., 111. Bassett, George, 710 Austin Avenue, Chicago. Beggs, Rev. Stephen R., I'laintield, III Berg, Anton, 307 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. Berg, Joseph, 75 Honore Street, Chicago. Berry, Isaac Baldwin, Paw Paw, III. Bishop, James E. , 2626 Capital Avenue, Omaha, Neb. Black, Francis, Hampton, 111. Blake, Lucius Sawyer, Racine, Wis. Bliss, Seneca C, Morris, 111. Brackett, William W., 132 Nassau St., New York. Bradley, Asa Foster, Bradley, David, 63 North Desplaines Street, Chicago. Bradley, Sidney S., Sheldon, O'Brien County, Iowa. Brookes, Joshua, 3831 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Brookes, Samuel Marsden, San Francisco, Cal. Brown, Andrew Jesse, Evanston, 111. Brown, Charles Everts, Glencoe, Lake County, 111. Brown, Lemuel, Box 190, Leniont, III. Brown, Nathaniel Jenison, Lemont, 111. Brown, W. H., Lake City, Cal. BuEL, James Madison, 1923 S. Clark Street, Chicago. BuRLEY, Arthur Gilman, 1620 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Burley, Augustus Harris, 254 Dearborn Av., Chicago. BuRLEY, Charles, Exeter, N. II. Burroughs, Lester Morgan, Batavia, Kane Co., 111. Butler, John Harris, Park Ridge, III. Butler, William Moulton, Hobart, Ind. Carter, Thomas Butler, 55 Twentieth Street, Chicago. Caton, John Dean, 1900 Calumet Avenue, Chicago. Chamberlin, Rev. Jacob Sherril, Robin's Nest, Jube- lee, III. Clarke, Henry Wilcox, 113 Adams Street, Chicago. Clarke, Samuel Clarke, P.-O. Box 84, Marietta, Ga. Cleaver, Charles, 3942 Ellis Avenue, Chicago. Clement, Stephen, 281 Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Cliff, James, Racine, Wis. Cobb, Silas Bowman, 2017 Prairie Avenue, Chicago. COLVIN, Edwin, 1511 College Avenue, Racine, Wis. Couch, James, 2545 Indiana Avenue, Chicago. Crawford, James, 193 California Avenue, Chicago. Culver, John B., Glencoe, Cook County, 111. Curtis, Joseph, New Lisbon, Wis. Curtis, Robert, New Lisbon, Wis. Gushing, William Theodore, Irving Park, 111. Daniels, Charles W., Beaver Dam, Wis. Day, Gen. Hannibal, Morristown, New Jersey. DeWolf, Calvin, 4714 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago. Dexter, Albert Augustus, Union Stock Yds., Chicago. Dickey, Hugh Thompson, 473 Fifth Avenue, New York. Dickinson, George L., Crockery, via Nunica, Ottawa County, Mich. Dodge, Usel Stillman, Niles, Mich. Drury, Benjamin C, Rollins, Lake County, 111. DuRANT, James T., 180 Madison Street, Chicago. Dyer, George R., 809 Delaware St., Kansas City, Mo. Edbrooke, Robert James, 116 S. Broadway, Denver, Col. Eddy, Ira Button, 666 Fulton Street, Chicago. Edwards, Francis Myers, Desplaines, 111. Eells, Thomas S., Jacksonville, Florida. Fennimore, Richard, 494 West Monroe Street, Chicago. Fergus, Robert, 244 Illinois Street, Chicago. Filer, Alanson, South Evanston, III. Fish, Benjamin Franklin, Niles, Mich. Freer, Lemuel Covell Paine, 247 Mich. Av., Chicago. Gale, Stephen Francis, 55 South Peoria St., Chicago. Gaughan, Thomas, South Chicago, 111. Goodrich, Timothy Watson, Barclay St., Milwaukee. Goss, John, Geneseo, 111. Granger, Elihu, Scatterwood, Faulk Co., Dak. Grannis, Samuel Willis, 1033 W. Jackson St., Chicago. Graves, Henry, 3254 Graves Place, Chicago. Graves, Sheldon, 3819 Ellis Avenue, Chicago. Graves, Stephen Rensslaer, Jordan, N.Y. Gray, Franklin D., 2807 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Gray, George Morris, 3008 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Gray, Joseph Henry, Hyde Park, 111. Gross, Jacob, 74 Warren Ave., Chicago. Guild, Dr. E. C, Bartlett, Cook Co., 111. Gurnee, Walter Smith, 80 Broadway, New York. Haines, John Charles, 112 Quincy St., Chicago. Hall, Benjamin, Wheaton, 111. Hall, Phillip A., 4 Clark St., Chicago. Hali.am, Rev. Isaac Williams, Stonington, Conn. Hallock, Isaac P., Brayton, Audubon Co., Iowa. Harman, Daniel Hornberger, Waukegan, 111. Harmon, Edwin Ruthven, Rogers Park, 111. Harper, William, 2646 Calumet Avenue, Chicago. Hawley, John S., Aurora, 111. Heald, Darius, O'Fallon, St. Charles Co., Mo. Hilliard, Laurin Palmer, ii 04 Rookery, Chicago. Hinckley, Samuel Taylor, Elgin, III. liiNKSTON, Lorenzo, Waukegan, 111. Hitchcock, Rev. Luke, 57 Washington St., Chicago. Hoffman, Michael, 457 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. Hollinshead, William, Elkhorn, Wis. Howard, Phillip, Meridian, Bosque Co., Texas. Hubbard, Moses, Waukegan, 111. Hugunin, James Robert, 531 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. Humphrey, James Oscar, Willoughby, Ohio. Hunt, Bela T., St. Charles, 111. Hyatt, Henry Enos, P.-O. Box 2116, Denver, Col. Jackson, John William, 449 West Lake St., Chicago. Jefferson, Hiram, Desplaines, 111. Jones, Wilson, Grand Rapids, Mich. Kei.lev, James, Winnetka, III. Kimbell, Martin N,, care S. S. Kimbell, 301 Chamber of Commerce Building, Chicago. Kingston, John Tabor, Necedah, Juneau Co., Wis. Kinney, Captain Elijah, 200S E. Ninth Street, Kansas City, Mo. Knickerbocker, II. W., Naperville, III. KuHL, John, 464 West Chicago Ave., Chicago. Laflin, Matiikw, 6 Park Row, Chicago. Lami'man, Henry S., Litchfield, Hinsdale Co., Mich. Lane, James, 12 Lane Place, Chicago. Langk, Oscar Godfrey, 292 Irving Avenue, Chicago. LlNi), Sylvestf.r, Lake Forest, 111. Loo.Mis, HoRATro Gates, Burlington, Vermont. Magill, Julian, Munroe & Co., Rue Scribe, Paris. McCarthy, Owen, 192 South Sangamon St., Chicago. McDaniel, Ale.xander, Wilmelte, 111. McEldowney, John, Bloom, Cook County, 111. McMahon, Patrick, 3542 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Mills, John Rodney, Evanston, 111. Milne, Robert, Lockport, 111. Mitchell, Henry, Racine, Wis. Moloney, M.vniEW S., P.-O. Box 567, Belvidere, 111. Moore, Henry, Yorkville, Kendall Co., 111. Morgan, Patrick Richard, 705 Carroll Ave., Chicago. Morrison, Ezekiel, 125 Clark St., Chicago. Moss, Edward Everett, P.-O. Box 567, Belvidere, 111. Murray, Robert Nelson, Naperville, 111. Neei.y, Alexander, care J. C. Neely, Merchants National Bank, Chicago. NORTHAM, Robert Robeins, Aurora, 111. Norton, Nelson R., Alden, Minn. Parker, John, Hinsdale, 111. Parry, Samuel, South Bend, Ind. Patterson, Rev. Robert W., Evanston, 111. Payne, Thomas H., Fremont Centre, 111. Peck, Charles Edwin, 75 Lincoln Avenue, Chicago. Peters, George, 117 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J. Pierce, Smith Dyer, Belmond, lovifa. PiMBERTON, Joseph, Plum River, Jo Davies Co., 111. Plum, Willia.m V., Aurora, 111. Porter, Rev. Jeremiah, 613 Tacoma Building, Chicago. Post, Rev. John Clark, Wichita, Kansas. Pratt, John, 698 West VanBuren St., Chicago. Pratt, William, 413 West Harrison St., Chicago. Price, Cornelius, 1826 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Reader, Daniel L., Aurora, 111. Reid, John Adams, 160 Park Ave., Chicago. Reis, Jacob Nicholas, 403 State St., Chicago. Rockwell, James, Batavia, 111. Rue, John Campbell, Elgin, 111. Russell, Jacob, East Northfield, 111. Sackett, Joshua S., Garden Prairie, Boone Co., 111. Sackrider, Christian, 1977 Webster St., Oakland, Cal. Satterlee, Merrit Lawrence, 2704 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Sawyer, Dr. Sidney, 301 Ontario St., Chicago. Scott, Willard, Naperville, 111. Sears, Edward H., Sterling, 111. Selkirk, James, South Haven, Mich. Shapley, Morgan L., Meridian, Bosque Co., Texas. Sherman, Alson Smith, Waukegan, 111. Sherman, David Hobart, Waukegan, 111. Sherman, J. Sterling, East Northfield, 111. Sherhhn, Orin, 345 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Sl.\ter, George K., Aurora, 111. Smith, Christie, 756 Wood Street, Chicago. Smith, George, Reform Club, London. Smith, Israel G., Norwood Park, 111. Smith, John M., Dundee, 111. Smith, Joseph Flint, 83 Warren Ave., Chicago. Sollitt, John, 519 West Jackson St., Chicago. Spalding, S. F., Staunton, 111. Stevens, Rear-Admiral Thomas H., U.S.N., 1214 Con- necticut Ave., Washington, D. C. Stow, Henry M., 3S37 Vincennes Avenue, Chicago. Sturtevant, Austin Dwight, Oak Park, 111. Surdam, Samuel Johnson, 178 Lake St., Chicago. Tanner, William Augustus, Aurora, 111. Taylor, Edmund Dick, Mendota, 111. Taylor, William Hart, Brookline, Mass. Towner, Norman Kellogg, Ypsilanti, Mich. Tripp, Dr. Robin.son, 1408 Wabash Ave,, Chicago. TuLLER, Henry L., Prophetstown, 111. TULLER, W. G., A., T. & Santa Fe R.R., Chicago. Turner, John, Gross Park, Cook Co., 111. Turner, Leighton, Evanston, 111. TuTTLE, Perry Erie, 24S Pine St., Indianapolis, Ind. Tyler, C. J., Crystal Mill & Grain Co., Council Bluffs, la. Vandercook, Charles Raney, Austin, III. VanOsdel, John Mills, 134 VanBuren St., Chicago. Vincent, Aiken, 96 Artesian Ave., Chicago. Wait, Charles C, Yorkville, Racine Co., Wis. Waite, Geo. Washington, 375 Bowen Ave., Chicago. Walton, Nelson C, 174 Townsend St., SanFrancisco, Cal. Ward, George Fish, Waterloo, Black-Hawk Co., Iowa. Warner, Herman, 739 Lake Ave., Racine, Wis. Warner, Seth Porter, Vendome Hotel, Chicago. Warren, Julius M., Warrenville, III. Wayman, William, 445 Racine Ave., Lake View, 111. Weare, John, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Wentworth, George, Bay View, Milwaukee Co., Wis. Wheadon, Edward Dwight, iiio Ridge Ave., Evanston. Wheelock, Otis Leonard, P.-O. Box 662, .San Jose, Cal. Wilde, George W., Belvidere, 111. Willard, Alonzo Joseph, 124S Michigan Ave., Chicago. Willard, Elisha Wheeler, Newport, R. I. Wilson, Isaac Grant, Geneva, 111. Wood, Alonzo Church, 169 Washington St., Chicago. Wood, Henry, Waukegan, 111. Worthington, Daniel, Memphis, Tenn. Yates, Horace II., 19 South Peoria St., Chicago. Names of Ladies Invited, Residents Prior to the Year 1840, in addition to the Wives of the Old Sf:ttlers: Adams, Mrs. Hann'ah, widow of Joseph, South Evanston, 111. Adcock, Mls. Harriet (Berry), 73 Walnut Street, Chicago. Aldrich, Mrs. Jui.iA Rogers, wiJ. of Hor.\ce, Downer's Grove, 111. Allen, Mrs. Margaret Beattie, wid. of James Pierce, Geneva Lake, Wis. Atkinson, Mrs. Sarah Thomas Gray, widow of Hem;y, 321 State Street. Chicago. Bailey, Mrs. Ann Maria Willmers, widow of Henry, 355 West Jackson Street, Chicago. Balestier, Mrs. Caroline Starr Wolcott, widow of Joseih Neree, 167 W. Seventy-third Street. New York. Barnes, Mrs. Ann Maria Fitch, widow of Hamilton, SSS West Adams .Street, Chicago. Barnes, Mrs. Eliza Wilder, widow of Joseph Asa, care Mrs. C. Phillips, 6S19 Honore St., Chicago. Beecher, Mrs. Mary Warren, widow of Jerome, 241 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Bennett, Miss Eliz.\, LaSalle, 111. Bidwell, Mrs. Betsy M.\ri.\ Surd.\m, wid. of George Wm.. 3223 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Bishop, Mr.s. Sopiironia Julia Steele, widow of Dardanus. qio Sawyer or .Sanger Avenue, Chicago. Boone, Mrs. Louisa Matilda Smith, widow of Dr. Le\t Day, care Wni. Hansbroiigh, Blue Island, III. Botsford, Mrs. Frances Dolly, widow of Theodore Bennett, 2918 Vernon Avenue, Chicago. BowEN, Mr.s. Gertrude, widow of Henry, care Gilbert Rossiter, Lake F'orest, III. Brewster, Mrs. Charlotte Rhines, widow of John, New Lis- bon, Wis. Bridges, Mr.s. Emily Carpenier, widow of Thomas Ball, Oak Park, III. Brinkerhoff, Mrs. Septima S., widow of Dr. John, care T. B. Penton, 120 Broadway, New York. Brown, Mrs. Susan Lathrop, wid. of Joseph Eldred, 59 Aber- deen Street, Chicago. Burton, Mrs. Ann Wealthy Germain, widow of Stiles, 229 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Caldwell, Mrs. Mary Jane, widow of John, Bloom, III. Carpenter, Mrs. Sarah L. Warren, widow of Abel E., Aurora, 111. Caswell, Mrs. Anna M. Revell, widow of Sidney, 373S Langley Avenue, Chicago. Caton, Mrs. El.lzAiiETH Steele, wid. of Wm. Penn, 507 Oneida Street, Joliet, III. Chevill, Mrs. Mary Biddick, widow of Matthew, 421 Sedgwick Street, Chicago. Childs, Mrs. Eliza Woodpurn Aiken, widow of Shuhael Davis, care Index CUfice, Evanston, III. Church, Mrs. Rebecca Sherman (Priiyne), widow of Thomas, 331 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Church, Mrs. Roxanna Pike, widow of William Linn-fus, care Wm. L. Church, Hyde Park, III. Clyhourn, Mrs. Mary Galloway, widow of Archibald, 135 Seminary Avenue, Chicago. Coffin, Mrs. Maria 1). Rhines, widow of Frederick, Vandalia, 111. Collins, Mrs. Mary Louise Taylor, widow of George Con- stantine, P.-O. box 360, Niles, Mich. Cook, Mrs. Amanda S. Newton, widow of Charles W., ^241 Indiana Avenue, Chicago. Cook, Mrs. Mary <.)uinn, widow of Thomas, Western Spring.s, Cook County, III. Couch, Mrs. Caroline E., wid. of Ira, 4241 Grand Blvd., Chic.igo. Davis, Mrs. Eliza Swain (Wiggins), widow of John, 482 West Twelfth Street, Chicago. Davis, Mrs. Emma, widow of William H., Highland Park, III. Davis, Mr.s. Myra Delia, widow of George, 6S9 West Harrison Street, Chicago. Dewey, Mrs. Adeline S. Lincoln, wid. of Dennis S., Marion, la. Dimock, Mrs. Mary Ann Stow, widow of Edward, SS7 West Jackson Street, Chicago. Dorwin, Mrs. Arilla Betsey Cook, widow of Orrin Gunson, Berkshire, Tioga County, New York. Dotv, Mrs. Theodorus, 202 Thirty-first St., Chicago. Duck, Mrs. Clara G. Stevenson, wid. of Chas. Hill, Clifton, 111. DuNLAP, Mrs. Emei.ine, widow of Mathias Lane, Savoy, 111. Dyer, Mrs. Elizabeth Sebor DeKoven (Hubbard), widow of Thomas, Middletown, Conn. liLAM, Mrs. Rachel Ludby, wid. of William, 435 State St., Chicago Ei.sTON, Mrs. Blanche Maria Cull, widow of Daniel, care of Robert R. Clark, 1547 N. Halsted Street. Lake \iew. 111. Fay, Mrs. Isabella Kiel Kingston, widow of Harrison Kel- i.og, Milton, Umatilla Co., Oregon. FriTZ, Mrs. Jane P., wid. of Caleb D.. 354 W. Adams St., Chicago. FoLLANspEE, Mrs. Sallie M. Coeurn. widow of Charles, 225S Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Ga<;e, Mr,s. John, Vineland, N.J. Gates, Mrs. Abigail E., widow of Philetus Woodworth, 52 S. Canal .Street, Chicago. GiLMORK, Mrs. Margaret Sadler, wid. of William, 3564 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Goodrich, Mrs. Julia Atwater, wid. of Grant, 70 Astor Street. Gooi.D, Mrs. Betsey A. Blake, widow of Naihaniel, 2216 Prairie .Avenue, Chicago. Gray, Mrs. Mary Ann Haines, widow of Chas. M., 2556 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Green, Mrs. Caroline Hilliard, widow of Russell, ? Hadduck, Mrs. Louisa Graves, widow of Edward H., 2976 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Haight, Miss Eliza Helen, 2S25 Gilpin Street, Denver, Col. Harmon, Mrs. Isaac Dewey, 4331 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Harrison, Mrs. Jane E. Chapin, widow of Henry H., Salt Lake City, ijtah. Heald, Mrs. Naomi Pope, wid. of Alex. Hamilton, Oak Park, 111. HoLiiEN, Mrs. Frances Woodbury, widow of Chas. Newton, 681 W. Monroe St., Chicago. HoRTON, Mrs. Dennison, care Mrs.W. J. Bryson, 147 Pine St., Chicago Howe, Mrs. Rose Victor Bailly, widow of Francis, Porter Sta- tion, Indiana. HoYNE, Mrs. Leonora M. Temple, widow of Thomas, 267 Michi- gan Avenue, Chicago. Hubbard, Mrs. Anna Ballou, widow of Theodore, 3157 Forest Avenue, Chicago. Hubbard, Mrs. Julia Elvira Smith, widow of Henry George, care of Mrs. L. D. Boone, 3029 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Hubbard, Mrs. Mary Ann Hubbard, widow of Gurdon Salton- stall. The Marquette, 85 Rush Street, Chicago. Kennicott, Mrs. Caroline P. Chapman, widow of Wm. Henry, 90 Thirty Third Street, Chicago. Kercheval, Mrs. Felicitie Hotchkiss Pelletier, widow of GiiOLSON, St. Louis, Mo. KiNzlE, Mrs. Robert Allen, care Mrs. Parsons, Register's Depart- ment, Chicago Fost-Olfice. Kingsbury, Mrs. Jane Creed Stebbins, widow of Julius J. Backus, Old Syme, Conn. Lamb, Mrs. Minerva Wheeler, widow of Artemus, 3353 F'orest Ave., Chicago. Lanf, Mrs. Amanda M. Grannis, widow of Elish.\ Bacheller, 84 South Robey Street, Chicago. Larrabee, Mrs. Mary Margaret Haight, widow of Wm. M., 2S25 Gilpin Street, Denver, Col. Lock, Mrs. Hannah Busiinell, wid. of William, 1418 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. LovELL, Mrs. Medora IIugunin, Woodlawn Park, 111. Lyman, Mrs. Sarah Alexander, widow of Daniel, care F. Gifford, Mendota, 111. Manierre, Mrs. Ann Hamilton Reid, widow of George, 1928 Calumet Avenue, Chicago. Marshall, Mrs. Rosanna M. Shattuck, wid. of James Augus- tus, 2906 Indiana Avenue, Chicago. McClure, Mrs. Harriet Johnson, wid. of Josiah E., 2S22 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. McGlashan, Mrs. Jessie Guthrie, widow of John, 24 Sibley Street, Chicago. Miller, Mrs. Catherine Baumgarten, widow of Jacob, 62 Sigel Street, Chicago. MiSMER, Mrs. Aramesia Harmon (Powell), wife of Theodore, 610 Armitage Avenue, Chicago. Mitchell, Mrs. Charlotte Elizabeth Yard (Tallmadge), widow of John Berry, 298 Bissell Street, Chicago. Montgomery, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Loton W., 28 16 Cot- tage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Myrick, Mrs. Jane Anna Hill, widow of Willard F., 2967 Vernon Avenue, Chicago. O'DoNOHUE, Mrs. Margaret Maria Williams, widow of Patrick, 3623 Prairie Avenue, Chicago. OuTiiET, Mrs. Maria Sherman, wid. of John C, 399 W. Monroe St. Peck, Mrs. Mary Kent Wythe, widow of Phillip F, W., 2254 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Pierce. Mrs. Persis Abbott, widow of Asahel, 474 Bowen Ave. Rees, Mrs. Harriet F., widow of Jas. H., 2108 Prairie Avenue. Reis, Mrs. Elizabeth Baumgarten, widow of Peter, 403 State St. RiiiNEs, Mrs. Minerva, widow of Henry, care S. R. Jefferson, 275 S. Morgan Street, Chicago. RoFiNor, Mrs. Delaphine Miller, widow of Peter F., 3018 Emerald Avenue, Chicago. Rogers, Mrs. Mary B., widow of Edw. Kendall, 359 Ontario St. Sanger, Mrs. Catherine McKibben, widow of James Y., 5401 Cornell Avenue, Chicago. Sauter, Mrs. Annie Maria Schmidt, wid. of Jacob, 174 Indiana St. Sauter, Mrs. Maria Elizabeth Kantzer, widow of Charles, Shelby, Ind. Sayre, Mrs. Harriet Lovett, widow of William Ediom, Mont Clare, Cook County, 111. ScHALLER, Mrs. Victoria Sauter, widow of Andrew, Elgin, 111. Sheppard, Mrs. Semantha Dickinson, widow of Robert, 510 West Jackson Street, Chicago. Skinner, Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, wid. of Mark, 100 Rush St. Simons, Mrs. Laura Bronson Sprague, widow of Edward, Pacific, Cook County, III. Sinclair, Mrs. Lydia Ann Hicks, widow of James, care Sinclair Bros., 366 State Street, Chicago. Sinclair, Mrs. Jane, widow of Louis George, St. Charles, 111. Singer, Mrs. Ann Collins, widow of John V., Lemont, 111. Smith, Mrs. Rebecca Ann Dennis, widow of Dr. David Shep- pard, 1255 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. SoDEN, Mrs. Ruth Sheppard, wid. of William H., care of Jas. .\, Clybourn, 441 North Clark Street. Stearns, Mrs. Margaret, widow of Marcus Cicero, 313 Michi- gan Avenue, Chicago. Steel, Mrs. Asiibel, Maywood, 111. Steele, Mrs. Rebecca Allen, widow of Jonathan William, care W. G. Farrar, Highland Park, 111. Stein, Mrs. Maria A., widow of Charles, Blue Island, 111. Strausel, Mrs. Kathrina Berg, widow of Martin, Elgin, 111. Taylor, Mrs. Mary Olin, widow of Reuben, ? Thatcher, Mrs. Susanna Peacock, wid. of David Cunningham, River Forest, 111. Thompson, Mrs. Heartt, widow of Oliver H., 4544 Forrest- ville Avenue, Chicago. Trautman, Mrs. Catherine Malter Vogt, 515 North Clark St. Tuller, Mrs. Harriet Maria, widow of Jonathan Alden, Prophetstown, Whiteside County, 111. Tutti.e, Mrs. Mary Myers Bulkley (Norton), widow of Fred- erick, 2022 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Tyler, Mrs. Sarah M. STOUGHTON,wid. Elmer, 14 Woodland Park Updike, Mrs. Mary Trowbridge, widow of Peter Lewis, 2819 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Valentine, Mrs. Lucy Ann PEARSONS,Wyocena, Columbia Co., Wis. Walter, Mrs. Eliza Collins, widow of Ethan, West Northfield, Desplaines P.-O., 111. Wayman, Mrs. Mary Wayman Hoult, widow of James B., 734 Carroll Avenue, Chicago. Wells, Mrs. Harriet Julia Dorsey, wid. of Henry Gould, care of Mrs. Andrew J. Kelly, 1864 Pennsylvania Ave., Denver, Col. Weir, Mrs. Mary Catherine Perine, wid. of John Brinkley, 1 103 Washington Boulevard, Chicago. Wesencraft, Mrs. Jessie Churchill, wid. of Wm., Riverside, 111. Whitehead, Mrs. Elizabeth Jenkins, widow of Henry, 2S09 Indiana Avenue, Chicago. Wilson, Mrs. Agnes Spence, wid. of James D., care W. F. Wilson, 167 East Third Street, St. Paul, Minn. Woodruff, Mrs. Delia Gurley, wid. of Ralph, 1906 Prairie Ave. Woodworth, Mrs. Mary J. Houghton, widow of Hiram P., 804 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, 111. Wright, Mrs. Almira VanOsdel, wife of James G., 36 Groveland Park, Chicago. Wynkoop, Mrs. Hannah T. Lowe, widow of Henry A., 129 Winchester Avenue, Chicago. Yoe, Mrs. Catherine A. Gurnee, wife of Peter Lynch, 476 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago. Please send notice of any change in address to F. B. Tuttle, Secretary Old-Settlers' Committee, Calumet Club, Chicago. F Names of Old Settlers Deceased, Reported since May 15, 1890: NAMFS RESIDENCE DIED AGE AR f ^ Mrs. Mary Sullivan Duffy, widow of Michael Chicago Nov. 5,.,.i8SS .' v: Peter Ti mi-le Lexington, Mo .}V^. .': '^'833, Thomas Drummond Wheaton, 111 May is.jfkgjp.^.^-. . .80 1835, William IIarman The Dalles, Ore May 15, $, '..:.. '.85 1835, Charles Berdel Chicago June 10, 72 1839. Mrs. Ellen Keiioe, widow of Michael Chicago July 19, u 80 1839 Edward Maniekre. . . .(died at New London, Conn.) Chicago July 26, n '78 1835 Stephen Pennoyer Norwood Park, III July 28, n 78 l835 Rev. Flavel Bascom Princeton, 111 Aug. 8, 1, 86 1833 Ezra Batch eli.er. . . .(died at tirand Haven, Mich.) Chicago Aug. 18, n .' 69 1837. Mrs. Caroline W. Garnsev Bearusley, wid. of Dr. PIarrison IIovt. Chicago ; Aug. 26, ■ 81 183. Henry Huntington Wolcott . . ; :,:< ; . . ....... Brooklyn, N.Y .Sept. 28, n 74 1834, Joseph Hall .;'...; ]J/^. ., Ottawa, 111 .^L.Oct. 9, „ 74 1836. Mrs. John Marshall ;.!r^^»8fc»\ New Lisbon, Wis OcL 13, n 183. Houghton C. Walker .T/!....*;.%i;fi|J. .'.... .Belvidere, 111 Oct. 28, „ 75 1S36 Frederick Tutile ..,".... .".,".. ...•«( Chicago Nov. 10, i. 82 1836 Talbot C. Dousman ^/?-. \. . . . . . . .' Chicago Nov. 10, ,1 74 1833 Nathaniel Sawyer (died at Chicago) '.4 i Lake Eojest, 111 Nov, 13, n 67 1839 Elisha Strong Wadsworth fi.'. .:'....'.:'. Clifto^^S^ings, N.Y. . . .-. .Nov. 25, fi 76 1839. William Anson Baldwin \ Ch'ie^^Zy. Dec. 5, n 82 1836, Mis. Maria Theresa Ellis Kimberly, wid. Dr. Et^lti^ S i oughton . . BaTiiiv^ton, 111 Dec. 22, n 8r 1833 Mrs. Ann Cunningham, widow of Henry ". . . Chicago Dec. 22, n 78 1836. John Gage Vineland, N.J Dec. 29, n 89 1836. Caleb Draper Fittz Chicago Dec. 30, n 82 183. Mrs. Harriet N. Warren Dodson, wife of Christian ^a^SUU^^ : . Geneva, 111 Dec. 30, n 73 1833 Christian Bowman Dodson Geneva, 111 Jan. 3, 1891 81 1833 Mrs. Zelinda Hatch, widow of Heman (died at Tonawanda, N.Y Jan. n 81 183. Charles Bingley Hosmer Chicago Jan. 3, n 78 1839. Benjamin Smith Chicago Jan. 10, ,. 75 1837, Augustus Dickinson Chicago Jan. 14, n 74 1834. Polemus Draper Hamilton . . . .(died at Fort Worth, Texas) Chicago Mar. 3. n 77 1834. William Harvev Caster Niles, Mich Mar. 7, „ 78 1839. Mrs. Sarah Daly Beach, widow of John Chicago Mar. 10, ■. 84 183' James Grant (died at Oakland, Cal.) Davenport, Iowa Mar. 14, n 78 1834, Joel Clark Walter Chicago Mar. 14, ,1 80 1837, Jerome Beecher Chicago Mar. 17, 1. 73 1838 Michael L. Taplin Chicago Mar. 25, .. 82 1837, Samuel Wayman Chicago Mar. 25, 79 1833 Augustine Deod.\t Taylor Chicago Mar. 31, ,■ 94 1833, James Augustus Marshall Chicago Mar. 31, n Si 1832 Mrs. Abigail Fales Walker, widow of Doliver Oak Park, 111 Mar. 31 So 1839, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Manierre Snow, widow of George W Chicago April 1, .. So 183, Levi Grant Kenosha, Wis April 12, .. Si 1836, Andrew Lawrence Osborn LaPorte, Ind April 13, 76 1S3S Mrs. Minerva Kimball Botsford, widow of Jabez Kent Chicago April 16, u 78 1835, Alanson Sweet (died at Chicago) Evanston, 111 April iS, ti S7 183 David Sheppard Smith Chicago April 29, n 75 1831 Carleton Wadhams South Bend, Ind May 5, n 183 Mrs. Jerusha N. Hooker, widow of John W Chicago May 13, 86 1S36. Mrs. Elvira Bates Forbes, widow of Stephen VanRenslaer Austin, Te.sas May 18, 1 85 18